Compleatly: we could paint the zombies to Beejs and the knights to be banana coris
J4Y_4NDY: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams at Wed 06:00 PM PDT (41m from now).
GorillaDetector: !advice
LRRbot: Don't be a James.
TacitusVigil: Good advice, or Best Advice?
Trippzen: Watching the W&P VoD now and that Brazilian game has a really kickass soundtrack.
blacktiebartender: next!
The_Ocean_who_Subbed: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams at Wed 06:00 PM PDT (35m from now).
Steel_zsar93: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams at Wed 06:00 PM PDT (34m from now).
couldntpickausername: ok I've talked myself out of spending 20 bucks I can't afford right now but if that thing goes on sale...
DarkMorford: Hey chat
TStodden: G'Evening DarkMorford
couldntpickausername grabs couch cushion and charges
couldntpickausername: TOOOO BATTTTTLLLLLEEEEEE
All_mankind: from epic battle to battlegrounds
All_mankind: we doin a lot of war today
ArtofDaDress: wait, is PuBg on cts tonight? :o
ArtofDaDress: i love pubg
Juliamon: yes
Juliamon: !week
LRRbot: The schedule for LoadingReadyStreams is can be seen here and here
ArtofDaDress: Noice!
blackwlf: Wonder if Kate will be joimimg them. . . or hunting them. <_<
All_mankind: i'm sure they'll have time to mix it up
Earthenone: what kind of game is it?
Kidror: blackwlf As far as I know its Graham, James, Alex, and Kate so
Juliamon: It's a shootyman game
All_mankind: i'm not sure how big teams you can have
blackwlf: Excellent.
Kidror: All_mankind 4 is max
ArtofDaDress: @Earthenone h1zi but without zombies or cheaters
All_mankind: welp
ArtofDaDress: z1*
Phothrism: !next
ArtofDaDress: it has really realistic gunplay, too. shotguns actually have real life shotgun range, which is rare
All_mankind: really all it needs is tighter net code and less bugs
ArtofDaDress: mhm
All_mankind: to be the ultimate hide and seek simulator
ArtofDaDress: its really solid for an early access
Flea_Hastings: @ArtofDaDress It's based offa game that was based off a game that was based off a game that used the Arma engine.
Flea_Hastings: So everything should be accurate to life.
cuttlefishman: What the heck is this dragon / monster game they played
cuttlefishman: Is... strange
TorvakMOS: Dunno man
ArtofDaDress: i missed W+P cuz i had to mow the lawn and then work on college stuff
ArtofDaDress: but ima watch it now
All_mankind: have fun
cuttlefishman: It's... strange so far
TorvakMOS: The table battle was interesting
VAB0L0: Did the Archers/Soldiers get to defeat the Wildmans/Chickens?
TorvakMOS: NO
All_mankind: there was too many chikkinz
All_mankind: everyone underestimates the chickens
All_mankind: even after 10 000 chickens just barely failed to kill 50 t-rex
Juliamon: The wild mans were of equal strength to the archers but vastly greater in number, it was a massacre once they got past the tortoise wall
All_mankind: and the archers weren't positioned to do much while they were safe
VAB0L0: Ahh, RIP Turtwall :(
Juliamon: yeah, archers couldn't get a good angle on the ground
Juliamon: they pretty much just stood there and got bowling-pinned by catapult ammo
TacitusVigil: Neat stream. Wish I caught more than the tail end. I'll have to go back to the vod
All_mankind: the battle simulator is such a shallow, barely-a-game
All_mankind: but it's fun to play together
TorvakMOS: But it's so fun
Juliamon: It's all about playing commentator with a friend
All_mankind: i hope they make it a yearly event
Juliamon: I know my sister and I always liked setting Smash Bros games with all-CPU brackets and watching to see who'd win
All_mankind: it'll take much less planning than the UFC
BITs19_: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams at Wed 06:00 PM PDT (12m from now).