rarermonsters: @Macheya Flash S2 was mediocre but didn't piss me off. Arrow 4 was toiletcancer, but S5 is actually pretty cool. Legends of Tomorrow is amazing and I won't hear it slandered. S2 especially was the best thing they've done in the whole universe
Ukon_vasara: it was ratman
PMAvers: Bench this way! And it turns out the bench is a mimic.
Camail: you cant break it yet
Camail: you are being metrooid'd
RealGamerCow: no groundpound yet?
Macheya: Okay then.
lifecharacter: There's a lantern you can buy in the village i believe.
t3h_f1gm3nt: cannot get ye bench
Mowdownjoe: There is a ground pound, IIRC.
Paranundrox: !highlight get away!
LRRbot: Highlight added.
rarermonsters: @DapperGentlemancer They've torn holes in universes for dumber reason. And time traveled for dumber reasons. Also they've been collecting Tom Cavanaghs. They are not responsible at all and it's amazing
DapperGentlemancer: Ok, that gave me a heart attack
ProfessorSkippy: !game
LRRbot: Currently playing: Hollow Knight (rating 92%)
DapperGentlemancer: @rarermonsters Do you want Daemons? Because that's how you get Daemons
TXC2: wow I like away for one second, and suddenly GIANT PUFFERFISH
Alness49: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! You are being very aggressive, I'm going to need you to simmer down.
Camail: i hate those guys sooooo much
RealGamerCow: lrrSPOOP lrrFRUMP kstarkNope kstarkSir
DapperGentlemancer: Too many parts, too many parts
rarermonsters: @DapperGentlemancer Universe don't actually have a demon problem. We have learned, though, that time travel is dangerous because time is full of ghosts
DapperGentlemancer: @rarermonsters I was making a Warhammer 40k joke
rarermonsters: @DapperGentlemancer I know, but it's worth pointing out that Time is full of ghosts
DapperGentlemancer: @rarermonsters Oh, well *** that. I'm off to find someplace to live outside of time. I don't wanna live with no goddamn ghosts
Camail: panic all over that disco
t3h_f1gm3nt: do not want any of what you are selling, sir!
rarermonsters: Also because of an accident involving a dead speedster the Grim Reaper now has superspeed
GapFiller: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:57:53.
Ukon_vasara: so thats where "a swift death" comes from Wowee
DapperGentlemancer: @rarermonsters Good lord, is this some sort of insane distopia?
TXC2: rarermonsters did it not before?
Paranundrox: extra sould container?
Mowdownjoe: Heart Piece?
lifecharacter: It's health.
PMAvers: Piece of heart?
Camail: its like a heart upgrade
Paranundrox: so 1/4 heart piece?
drcthulu: it's essentially a piece of heart
Amentur: Heart piece
cairistiona13: heart?
t3h_f1gm3nt: lrrHERE
TXC2: this game has layers!
rarermonsters: @TXC2 Nope... which was why the Reverse Flash was able to outrun death
cheetoJack: rip?
TXC2: rarermonsters that's seems.....Complicated
rarermonsters: But yes, the Flarrowverse has built an internal mythology that every other superhero property is afraid to
rarermonsters: @TXC2 THis is before you bring in the Spear of Destiny (Jesus was real btw) which they use to recreate the world in the image of supervillains
Camail: it was your first time killing that, so your beastiary updated
lifecharacter: You can break that wall near the water.
TXC2: rarermonsters let me guess, the spear looks really cool and funky and not at all like a roman pila? :P
IndigoVitare: rarermonsters are you sure this isn't Jojo? This sounds like what I've heard of the new universe Jojo.
SniperPumpkin: oh yeah, that wall looks breakable
rarermonsters: @TXC2 You know it!
PsychoI3oy: bwuh?
lifecharacter: Get down in the water and go to the right.
PsychoI3oy: i refreshed the all games page and have the old twitch
SniperPumpkin: wall down in the water, the long one you jumped up. all the way to the right
rarermonsters: @TXC2 And pieces of it were hidden across time in King Arthur's historically innacurate court, on the moon, and with George Lucas
TXC2: rarermonsters man I'm not even a Christian and that kinda gets to me @P
hisroylfreshnes: what system are yall playing this on and can i get it for ps4?
PsychoI3oy: refreshed again and back to new twitch
Camail: RIP
t3h_f1gm3nt: D'OH!
zatengo: why ahven't you called speedrunoneword "loadingreadyspeedrun"?
lifecharacter: Well, now you have to go back.
TXC2: rarermonsters OK I may have to start watching these shows now
antoinedi_art: you can walljump to the far left
antoinedi_art: you dont have to go all the way back?
lifecharacter: I think the wall to the left was too high.
DoktorLoy: !advice
LRRbot: Keep yourself in the Molotov Range.
Himyul: !listen
LRRbot: Always listen to chat, Never listen to chat.
Camail: welp it's been fun, progress was made. nice stream
rarermonsters: @TXC2 Ideal watch order is Arrow Season 2, Flash Season 1, Legends Season 1-2 if you want to watch the best stuff
Contiguouskittycat: !badadvice
LRRbot: Be ethically opposed to jumping.
rarermonsters: Otherwise watch everything for full chronology
rarermonsters: Warning: Arrow Season 4 is hypertoilets and will make you hate the whole universe, just skip it
lifecharacter: We saved a friend.
RealGamerCow: what do the grubs do?
Camail: no it auto-saves
TXC2: Yeay catapilla friend
O0LLI1770O: Progress is saved, you get sent back to the last bench
Camail: you will start at your latest bench but its all saved
CommandoJE: Got him
Camail: >_>
O0LLI1770O: Problem solved I guess
Paranundrox: !highlight problem solved
RealGamerCow: !fragout
LRRbot: Frag Out /frag out/ To deliberately die to end a round, often after your teammates have died. Typically involves running into enemies and attempting to get kills as you die.
GapFiller: thats one way to do it
LRRbot: Highlight added.
GapFiller: thanks for streaming guys
Riandisa: Thanks for the stream, guys!
bondeulv: good stream
lucha_libro: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (26m from now).
rarermonsters: Cool stream bros!
TXC2: thanks for streaming James and Paul
Bengineering: C O O L T E C H N O L O G Y
TXC2: CoolTechnology
Contiguouskittycat: I don't watch TS for talking! I watch it for simulated talking!
zatengo: CoolBenology
GapFiller: see you guys later for LRRMtG
Amentur: Cool Technology!
t3h_f1gm3nt: a 6 pack of dicks maybe?
rarermonsters: Later haters!
Saulens181: Stellaris?
GapFiller: Six Pack o Dick Hype
TXC2: #6PackofDicks
Darth_Wooper: Bye guys! o/
GapFiller: bye guys
TXC2: bye
GapFiller: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 3:05:57.
malsareus: All LRR technology is cool, also Ben beard is cool and helps him buy beer
af0z: I thought they were drafting Alex's cube
Cykouxis: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (25m from now).
TXC2: Goodnight everybody!
bondeulv: who will be drafting tomorrow?
bondeulv: alex is sick
t3h_f1gm3nt: night TXC2
malsareus: goodnight TXC2
Caleb_QDC: Six pack o' dick is my NSP cover band
Saulens181: Hey, what was that vaporwave skating game called again?
Saulens181: *skateboarding
Caleb_QDC: Grip tape backbone?
LordZarano: griptape backbone
Compleatly: GripBack TapeDonger.
Compleatly: Aesthetic Collector 2017.
Caleb_QDC: Mid-90's nostalgia starter pack
EikoandMog: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (19m from now).
Twinklebees: Chustle, you say?
Compleatly: Do we know what Ian is going to do with his weapon when he finishes?
cheetoJack: new cHustle
Compleatly: @Twinklebees what do you know of the chustle
Compleatly: I should go watch that
pseudomonkey23: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (15m from now).
duaiwe: Holy crap the way Paul’s lying at the start of cHustle looks violently uncomfortable.
SniperPumpkin: it does
Compleatly: it sure does
Compleatly: but it also looks funny
Compleatly: and we must suffer for our art.
Compleatly: or make others suffer for us, in Paul's case.
Compleatly: I guess the MacArthur grant explains how cH Paul afforded most of his crazy ***
ferretbadger84: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (12m from now).
ferretbadger84: !advice
LRRbot: Believe your Justice.
ferretbadger84: Did everyone see that charging badger is in the newest Magic Bracket voting?
SniperPumpkin: link?
ferretbadger84: It looks like I can't link to it...
ferretbadger84: You can find it at this tumblr, though: https://mtgbracket.tumblr.com/