Astral_Apache: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:26:22.
CaptainSpam: I'm guessing it's because "Oh beans" is a Griffin McElroy thing she picked up.
boristhewizard: What's the red circle on the map?
TheMoatman: Sniper attachments are pretty rare, and weirdly the SKS counts as a sniper
AdmiralMemo: boristhewizard Bomb zone
t3h_f1gm3nt: Halfway there!
Mavrande: Red circle is carpet bomb
MistahFixIt: @Boristhewizard - An area that randomly ends up mortared
oyleslyck: Plane
The Red Zone is the BONE ZONE!
Contiguouskittycat: Have yo set it to Wumbo>
Vanbael: !advice
LRRbot: Use absolute aggression.
Carbonylcookie: @AdmiralMemo BONED* ZONE
James driving?!
Aziraphalesshop: I love that Simpsons reference so hard]
Feltic: Who let James drive? #blamesJames
Kramburger: James pls no hit trees
Aziraphalesshop: H
Rivulatus_: Come on don't let james drive. #blame james
TheExactSame: H
Tarukai788: Put it in H
Contiguouskittycat: !blamejames
WetPaperSack: H
Tokkanada: Put it in H!
TStodden: G'Evening... Kate has turned the cast in PuBg-ists.
SomebodyNowhere: so is james trying the out of gas line on cameron
TacitusVigil: Speed holes make the car go faster.
Steel_zsar93: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: The Crapshoot at Fri 01:00 PM PDT (17:28 from now).
hiimpimento: crazy valclav's
Beefpants: hahah
MistahFixIt: We're all Pub-Guhs now
Beefpants: Those are speed holes
LoadingReadyRun: Tstodden, I did this to myself
Contiguouskittycat: We're all soldiers now.
NoxStryx: wouldn't it be something Cyrillic?
JKohdeer: the homer thing
Aziraphalesshop: How many rods to the hogshead can your car get?
JosephDeath: Am I the only one that closes doors in this game after I open them?
AdmiralMemo: JosephDeath Cam does
A_Slightly_Angrier_Krogan subscribed for 6 months in a row!
Thanks for subscribing, A_Slightly_Angrier_Krogan! (Today's storm count: 107)
JosephDeath: Go Cam
First-aid is a dead give-away
MistahFixIt: @JosephDeath - No but most don't b/c they're in a hurry
TwilightAvalon: nice SCAR L
TStodden: While there's some self control, there's always some amount of peer pressure that tends to drive these things. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing from time to time.
Vanbael: Watched all the vods of pubg and I laughed at work when the pan saved Grahams butt, literally
Feltic: Top 40
MistahFixIt: That's why the Buttpan is Clutch.
Hesk1el: Has Adam played this yet?
LoadingReadyRun: @tstodden I mean, Kate didn't get me into the game
ylegm: vanbael, buttpan has saved me many times already
TwilightAvalon: I really wish I could play this game, but Im still using a PC with Windows Vista and running on a 12 year old AMD Phenom II Quad-Core :'(
Dumori: Bunker soudns risky AF man
CaptainSpam: Woo top 40!
ylegm: eek, twilight that's a bummer
ObsceneSymphony: @TwilightAvalon how does it feel to be running history
MistahFixIt: I assume that's G on the LRR account?
Beefpants: @TwilightAvalon I feel your pain I just upraded from a Core 2 Duo a few months ago
like i cant play new games
Aziraphalesshop: The Dacia was the reasonably priced car for a while right?
AdmiralMemo: I mean, my computer's from 2008, so it's not QUITE as bad, but still...
Beefpants: I was running a 9600gt LOL
Felipe_Modesto: I'm anxious for the upcoming fog scenario modifier
Carbonylcookie: Bunker is risky but most people seem to avoid it so hard that it's a prostrat
Lord_Hosk: uhhhhh, first person while driving is making me quezee
Feltic: Dacia Sondero?
terminalvelocit3: @loadingreadyrun is that you g
Felipe_Modesto: That's a Lada right?
aWabbajack: like the Yugo?
Foxmar320: My PC is super old. might be from 07-08
oyleslyck: Romanian cold war era car
Beefpants: It has rear demisters so you can warm your hands while you push it
Dyllbert: Isn't soviet era the cold war era?
LoadingReadyRun: The Dacia 1300 was produced from 1969-2004
hiimpimento: dacias are romanian
Solomon_Kain: Dacia is an actual Car Company... Pretty good cheap cars.
Laserbeaks_Fury: So, is there an area within the circle that's statistically more likely to end up inside the next play area?
LoadingReadyRun: That's the one in the game
Felipe_Modesto: But isn't that Dacia just a re-branded Lada?
Beefpants: 1300cc? Thats like a whole sewing machine
Rivulatus_: It is a trap
Vanbael: team no pants yolo mode
agentchrisscogg: It's a Romanian Car Manufacturer. Very closely related to Renault.
Felipe_Modesto: Its a race boy
koshindan: How do arms work.
SomebodyNowhere: !ing
LRRbot: nginginginging...
Some of the have pants now tho
Mavrande: Camera plz
Abcxyq: Nice getaway
MrPhlip: That looks really comfortable
AdmiralMemo: Arms Plz
Mavrande: Kate plz
EikoandMog: Team No Rules.
Mavrande: Everyone and everything plz
amythist: that was not a healthy way for an arm to bend
Tarukai788: Jeej pls
Beefpants: Pants made of meat
Rivulatus_: Ahhhhh, cams old enimy, the camera
Tarukai788: stuck the landing though
mastershake29x: @Foxmar320 it's so sad
mercano82: Cam is Mr. Fantastic.
koshindan: Can you imagine the recoil in that position too?
F1SH0R: those evasive driving courses are paying off
Taichanie: Kate driver is great driver.
Darth_Wooper: Maybe camp the drop and shoot some peoples?
agentchrisscogg: The Dacia is basically a Renault.
Vanbael: did anyone do any barrelrolls this stream?
ylegm: bummer
Do not abandon car now.
Beefpants: Kate is a good shot
Lord_Hosk: Autozone
All_mankind: the world si closing in
man who isnt playing this game these days?
All_mankind: did you ever think
AdmiralMemo: Trymantha Me, but I want to
Dumori: heard gun fire and that jheep chased us off so I'm guessign some one git it
All_mankind: that we could be so close, like brothers
Beefpants: Dude you so need some plastic chrome spinners
Felipe_Modesto: you are sitting ducks there
Hesk1el: Well this is scenic
Let's DRIVE across!
MrPhlip: Did we remember to bring our picnic basket?
Trippzen: Just drive off the cliff, nothing can go wrong
Top Gear it across!
EikoandMog: I'm glad that Cameron "Negligent Discharge" Lauder hasn't struck just yet.
MrPhlip It was in the drop
aWabbajack: or the Grand Tour on Amazon Prime it*
Vanbael: serpentine
koshindan: I feel they always pick the least defensible positions.
Mavrande: This is a *** place
Mavrande: Why did you stop here
AdmiralMemo: That's NOT James though
Dumori: please call out when engagfing
Mavrande: Move east
lord_byron47 just subscribed with Twitch Prime. lord_byron47 subscribed for 7 months in a row!
Thanks for subscribing, lord_byron47! (Today's storm count: 108)
ObsceneSymphony: shoutout to deathdanish
KParrell: Dear Dr Cameron, are we gonna see another dawn of war 3 stream some time? it looked like you and graham were enjoying it.
Kramburger: Mabbe get prone
GSCeurope: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:37:23.
ylegm: lack iof scopage is a bummer
RealGamerCow: god damn, PUBG looks good on the streaming computer
CavemanKellen: someone give cam a scope!
oyleslyck: Cam should heal now
TwilightAvalon: who decided to stop in the OPEN with no escape route?
Solemn_storm: why do people feel the need to backseat everything
Lord_Hosk: MOVE
All_mankind: time to Simo Häyhä this BS
Vanbael: run along the coast
Feltic: Top30
Foxmar320: I can't see anyone
Mavrande: Because it's annoying to watch them do this stupid thing
EikoandMog: Bat country?
CaptainSpam: Top 30!
Solemn_storm: @Mavrande watchin something else
Backseating with a stream delay is extra fun
Solemn_storm Because they know better, of course!
Dyllbert: They need to move
oyleslyck: Wrong way cam
ThePov42: Gotta say, this is at least highly dramatic
SomebodyNowhere: oh no cam
Foxmar320: Run away!
All_mankind: we went down to the river, and into the river we fell. . .
EikoandMog: Cam no D:
Darth_Wooper: F
senshi5609: Woof
Carbonylcookie: f
jonlevir: F
ObsceneSymphony: are you safe underwater?
Beefpants: F
That was... terrible
ylegm: F.
underhill33: spectate so we can see
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: F
All_mankind: damn you Blazeitben
user_with_name17: F
AdmiralMemo: ObsceneSymphony Nope
Laserbeaks_Fury: The shot are coming from a van down by the river
Lord_Hosk: No way to run from that, they had the best sniper rifle and a long range scope
TwilightAvalon: who choose that completely death guaranteed position!
Lord_Hosk: they could be a KM away
oyleslyck: That ridge was a terrible spot. Moved to soon so they were surrounded
RougeLead: rip...
AintGotNoPantsOn: "Hey this ridge is gonna be good" yeah right
Xed_Regulus: Everything got quiet
NathanJay787: Shoulda gotten in the car and left
KParrell: is this game worth getting? i've heard its both really good and really bad
TacitusVigil: Not "in" the bush, "among" the bushes
Mavrande: Become one with the bush
Vanbael: the waterfront is too damn exposed
Mavrande: And maybe find some cover
Beefpants: James needs a mining pick to do some real damage in this game
TacitusVigil You're Australian aren't you?
Lysander_Gustav: Hello everyone!
Solemn_storm: i'm all for making fun of questionable choices, but it's like shouting at the screen in a horror movie
Carbonylcookie: Cam is your spooky ghost friend now
Trippzen: Vanbael pretty much anything that's not "in a building" is extremely exposed
t3h_f1gm3nt: top 10!
Tarukai788: rank 10 ain't bad
Vanbael: TOP 10!
F1SH0R: lol damnit
TacitusVigil: AdmiralMemo: Nope, but I do see current events, unfortunately.
Trippzen: or on a rooftop I guess
Mavrande: That's correct trippzen
apodionysus: TOP 10
Beefpants: Scrubs comes to mind
Lord_Hosk: !onemore
LRRbot: The traditional chant of the PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds (pubg) player at the end of the round. "One more?"
Djshire: Break time?
terminalvelocit3: The bulge is real
t3h_f1gm3nt: more?
djfranknbeans: #OneMore?
rarermonsters: It is amazing how quickly the squad goes from fine to dead
Beefpants: Turn up the package slider
Xed_Regulus: ARGH! My stream keeps freezing!
AdmiralMemo: #TeamBulge
TwilightAvalon: "lets hide amongst this rockface with no escape route or backup location" but y tho?
TStodden: Juan Morton?
Mavrande: Kate, asking the questions we're all thinking
Lord_Hosk: lol
Foxmar320: Nice
AintGotNoPantsOn: Nooice
Trippzen: !advice
LRRbot: Vent the gas!
Durugai: One... More... Turn...
Vanbael: !badadvice
LRRbot: Run in front of him, and impale him.
Trippzen: Spot on LRRbot
silverthundr: Are you all starting naked?
Djshire: Arclight_Dynamo someone should
Arclight_Dynamo It's call the Stream Highlights
rucdoc: just one more round
All_mankind: are you turning into a gas giant?
Djshire: brb, getting ice cream
LathosTiran: starcraft syndrome
All_mankind: or are you a wizard
SomebodyNowhere: cam played civilization he knows "one more turn"
MrPhlip: ℵ₀ more
apodionysus: I forgot sometimes that top 10 is a thing in most games, Magic has trained me to think in terms of Top 8
Darth_Wooper: One more of whatever unit the game is measured in. Round, day, level...
EikoandMog: TOS, Cam, pls.
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: That advice. Is extremely on point surprisingly.
F1SH0R: if it's not one more then might as well give up right
TheMadPunter: Eh, sometimes you just gotta eject the warp core
koshindan: I recall a few times that drive plasma was ignited.
Beefpants: My cat is extra needy today
AdmiralMemo: Let's do for realsies
TheMadPunter: one more for realz
NathanJay787: For realsies, but better!
Lord_Hosk: This better james
Carbonylcookie: Tacticool at all times
Beefpants: She's on my arms
Lord_Hosk: !onemore
LRRbot: The traditional chant of the degenerate james at the end of any game ever forevers at the end of the round. "One more?"
aesir_blade: Have we done a fragout this stream yet?
Pharmacistjudge: go for realsies...until you get really bad drops
TwistedShout: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:42:40.
terminalvelocit3: Ribs on burger
Pharmacistjudge: then you just frag out
Darth_Wooper: For realsies until you're down to one or two people, maybe?
Vanbael: 'degenerate james' nice
lol Nice Hosk
terminalvelocit3: !schedule
Foxmar320: !fragout
LRRbot: Frag Out /frag out/ To deliberately die to end a round, often after your teammates have died. Typically involves running into enemies and attempting to get kills as you die.
Rivulatus_: REmember kids, 500 subs on the day and James wil 24hour strea,
Tokkanada: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 12:01:47.
apodionysus: Lord Hosk is the hero we deserve
TheBearBee: This would be so funny if Kate played this as her bad advice character.
Beefpants: Don't pee in the pool
Lol Hosk.
sag3error: Better to eject the warp core than self destruct
EikoandMog: !advice
LRRbot: Bounce the baseballs with your face.
terminalvelocit3: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 108 (new subscribers: 36, returning subscribers: 70, new patrons: 2), bits cheered: 4900, new followers: 38
Paranundrox: if one is offline, you might be able to
All_mankind: in the eighties once i read a comic positing several evolutionary niches people would develop in the future. one was a forehead growth in the form of a sign reading "one more" for alcoholics to keep them from having to say it all the time. don't know why i just remembered that
Xed_Regulus: How far could you swim before the map loads?
Taichanie: No. But you can do the family play thing. Or you could last time I tried it.
SomebodyNowhere: !quote cam
LRRbot: Quote #551: "They sent the BRUTE Squad? Not even musketmen? I'm insulted!" —Cameron [2015-07-29]
terminalvelocit3: !subscribe
Felipe_Modesto: I think this game syncs with steam servers to validate connection
terminalvelocit3: !quote Kate
Beefpants: Apply stream pressure
Solemn_storm: !quote r1
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Vanbael: !findquote blue
LRRbot: Quote #4149: "It feels soul crushing! ...That's blue." —Graham [2017-04-14]
ObsceneSymphony: o n e m o r e
Dyllbert: Those were the good old days when that ACTUALLY worked. My friend and I would log onto the same steam accounts to play Counter Strike: Source. This was probably 10 years ago
SomebodyNowhere: !badadvice
LRRbot: Stand in the fire.
amythist: yeah this does it's multiplayer via steam so if steam goes down you can't get into games
terminalvelocit3: !help
Kramburger: !findquote r1
Quote #2317: "That guy isn't actually that scary, you just stay behind him. You stay behind him and mash R1. Just like every other thing in these ing games. You just stay behind it and mash R1. And then you tell other people to git gud. That's how this game works. Stand behind it, mash R1, go to other people's chats, tell them to git gud. I think I've got it now." —Cameron [2016-04-13]
AdmiralMemo: !highlight Da ba de
Solomon_Kain: just loot waterworld, you are all alone
LRRbot: Highlight added.
Solemn_storm: tyty @Kramburger
koshindan: Is it possible to crash without opening the parachute?
Kramburger: np
Dyllbert: @koshindan no
koshindan: Aw.
Kramburger: @koshindan nope, is autoopens
mastershake29x: @koshindan no, it will auto open
Xed_Regulus: Irrelevant?
ObsceneSymphony: lame
Rivulatus_: @koshindan nope, it auto deploys
amythist: koshindan nope, it auto opens when you get low enough, same as if you don't jump out of the plane, it will auto boot you out before you clear the island completely
PMAvers: Cam is now the Free Man.
ObsceneSymphony: if I want to kamikaze my opponents, l e t m e
Foxmar320: I want to see another fight over a car like late night on Kates stream.
Carbonylcookie: Cam, your character kind of looks like The Rock
ObsceneSymphony: @Carbonylcookie inb4 Baywatch
Beefpants: Put on some tunes
Papperslappen: Dragging is actually faster than right clicking since it does not play the pick up animation
Taichanie: Take the RV!
SomebodyNowhere: looks like them lrr folks are in a mess of trouble again
hiimpimento: get in the car runners, we're going scavenging
Beefpants: Does the car have a mp3 player or an aux?
koshindan: It's high noon.
Vanbael: clean getaway
Beefpants: Play some portishead
boristhewizard: AH, yes. The ol' sniping out of a moving car with a pistol. Classic.
sag3error: Has anyone killed someone with the care yet?
Kramburger: @Beefpants I doubt the car has a cd player
Carbonylcookie: @ObsceneSymphony With the booty shorts, it's already Baywatch
silverthundr: 7 shot revolver?
sag3error: er the car
PMAvers: I still think you should be able to mod the cars to add weapons platforms and stuff on them.
ObsceneSymphony: @Beefpants it's got an SD card input, like all the hip kids these days
Djshire: The car has an 8track player
Papperslappen: The Dacia does not have a stereo, you have to sing yourself
The car has a record player.
All_mankind: nailed the landing
TheBearBee: You Drive Like a Canadian!
Beefpants: The hipster kids have wax cylinders in their cars these days
Paranundrox: I love how you just teleport out of the car
hiimpimento: aww man, you scratched the paint
TStodden could see the 1812 Overature blaring out of the radio... just to troll people.
All_mankind: does anyone want to buy a gate?
Lord_Hosk: !fragout
LRRbot: Frag Out /frag out/ To deliberately die to end a round, often after your teammates have died. Typically involves running into enemies and attempting to get kills as you die.
TheExactSame: nice
Trippzen: Steal the jeep!
SergeYager: Gdi... do I have to get this game too?
Trippzen: yeeees
ObsceneSymphony: @Beefpants or perhaps cones of scented wax to melt over their wigs as the night wears on?
Steal the Jeej! I mean Jeep!
TheExactSame: that's a classy move
Arclight_Dynamo: Yes, Serge, yes...
Rivulatus_: Lol, stealing vehicles so rude
Vanbael: steam serge
amythist: possibly SergeYager
antoinedi_art: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:47:40.
mastershake29x: #powerserge absolutely
Foxmar320: lol James
TwilightAvalon: I love Nagant Revolvers....I remember when you used to be able to buy them in the States for $ theyre $250+ after the numerous gun scares and people trying to market them to people who play Video games and dont understand that because the gun is patterned in 1895, doesnt mean its FROM 1895, or even served in a war, or has even been fired outside of control rounds when it came out of the factory :v
Beefpants: The powder in the wigs is to curb the fleas from the op shop sweaters
RealGamerCow: Cam with the fragout strats
Lord_Hosk: LOL
Lord_Hosk: what does west mean?
meisbored: du west misch
SomebodyNowhere: !highlight west!
LRRbot: Highlight added.
Beefpants: #Westlife
All_mankind: weird, you'd think gamers would be all about the colt 1911
SoldieroFortune: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:48:56.
apodionysus: Cam help
Foxmar320: This is going to end well
gravity_pike: you shot him
RealGamerCow: This is a rat maze of stress
t3h_f1gm3nt: #JamesOUt
oyleslyck: Cam didn't stand a chance
Beefpants: Cam got stuck reloading his musket
Rivulatus_: You gun wasnt up to it cam
Vanbael: time to james out?
SamanthaVess: SCARL! That kills people!
SomebodyNowhere: poor james
koshindan: Should've pressed E and thrown a stun grenade.
Beefpants: Thats it James think positive
Rivulatus_: You got this James
oyleslyck: Frag out
SomebodyNowhere: !quote james
LRRbot: Quote #1216: "Explain why James is losing? Because James is a scrub lord." —James [2015-12-03]
Carbonylcookie: Rambo it
TheMadPunter: It's the voice of GHOOOST KATE! *gasp*
Guns don't kill people. The SCARL kills people.
Abcxyq: Maybe they got scared off?
Vanbael: self frag?
SomebodyNowhere: how did he not hear that
All_mankind: long live the kingl
user_with_name17: not like this
Beefpants: No pressure James
oh James is ed
PMAvers: Skarl doesn't kill people, Kled kills people.
korvys: Shouldn't have stolen their Jeep, James.
Beefpants: Its all riding on you
Djshire: I thought Adam was the scrub lord?
Dumori: #James out my dude
ylegm: too true figm3nt
Carbonylcookie: James got this
Foxmar320: !jamesout
LRRbot: James Out /james out/ To deliberately run away, often after your teammates have died. Typically involves running away from enemies and getting shot in the back.
t3h_f1gm3nt: RED ZONE
Felipe_Modesto: SKS?
WraithianGaming: clean shot, swing and a miss
SomebodyNowhere: no sight no aim
Rivulatus_: Hahahaha, James out.....
James, this isn't Minecraft.
ylegm: inb4 killed from behind
oyleslyck: Not sure if spectate delay or James being James with aim
Beefpants: Nice
TStodden: In the Red... soon, everybody will be DEAD (if not well covered)
Beefpants: Finish him!
Beefpants: Jameality
Kronopticon: oh, how very James of you
Vanbael: nice
Beefpants: aw
TwilightAvalon: one ever praised Russian weapons for their accuracy
Beefpants: F
Vanbael: F
Ta_Panda: F
F1SH0R: not a big fan of shooters bit this looks rad
Darth_Wooper: F
WraithianGaming: F
aWabbajack: f
Foxmar320: Just stay in cover maybe the red zone will kill them
deinonychus24: There was one kill Cam in that game
Kill Cam is what the other team did.
Vanbael: one more?
TheExactSame: Jeep steal was woth it
All_mankind: vengeance!
@deinonychus24 ba-dum tish
Beefpants: Does Jeej throw the scope at them?
Papperslappen: The red zone does not kill anyone
Rivulatus_: And now they are looking for there jeep
ObsceneSymphony: this is a good chat, not too flooded
silverthundr: Would have been better with actual weapons, eh?
RealGamerCow: I think one of the maps should be a city map
Lord_Hosk: Jeej punches with the scope
My stream keeps fraggin' out.
Carbonylcookie: LRRchat is good chat
All_mankind: ever thought Ghost Rider sould be working middle management and ride a segway?
user_with_name17: you won the moral victory
Rivulatus_: @ObsceneSymphony the LRR chat is typicically a good chat
Djshire: ObsceneSymphony and we're not assholes....well, the rest chat isn't...
RealGamerCow: more buildings, more CQC
Carbonylcookie: Cam, your character looks like The Rock in Baywatch
ObsceneSymphony: Yeah! I like it here!
LRR Chat Best Chat
Xed_Regulus: I also enjoyed Kate's drive down the mountain yesterday
Lord_Hosk: LOL
Djshire: I'm questionable.
Foxmar320: lol
Solomon_Kain: You guys can come back to this island if you get a boat, its pretty safe and has good loot
ObsceneSymphony: I'm actually pretty new to the fanbase
rarermonsters: I think I've just realized why PUBG is so fun despite being so generic... it's a mod with no game
Tarukai788: 30 clipazines
amythist: yeah the handguns tend to be pretty useless in this
chrono2x: ROF is king
All_mankind: was The Rock in Baywatch? it wouldn't surprise me
Lord_Hosk: Stay warm
Foxmar320: Was it yesterday Kate got in the car with another team?
Taichanie: Clipazeen.
terminalvelocit3: Speaking of real guns, are the guns y'all use in your videos real?
MistahFixIt: "Why the fire."
AnotherEli: I really love that Cam goes to meditate on the beach while waiting for the next match to start.
Beefpants: There's cream for that Cam
Sjakies: nice and warm
Djshire: All_mankind the movie coming out he is
mtvcdm: For the record: noting that Graham was doing this as well earlier, I'm compiling a list of ideas for potential future emotes, those of myself, the chat, and the crew. I'll put up a list of what I have in a sec; if you have anything to add to it, please whisper me so as not to clutter the chat itself.
aWabbajack: sotp drop and roll!
TheMadPunter: "uhh, I think they're called "magazines", Cam"
Vn497: Wouldn't that be a 30 mags?
100 Since this is in place of Talking Sim, any comment on PUBG's fixation with Russian militarism and / or agency of survivalist violence?
EikoandMog: Can we get that as a quote please? "Why the fire?"
All_mankind: of course
TStodden: LRR community is one of the rare beacons of decency.
silverthundr: Punching with a scope? Sounds like Bang!
Djshire: Cam, you're really hot
mtvcdm: Emote ideas compiled so far: [Desert Bus]; [crew as global emotes]; Good Enough; Kobe; Mystery Box; Ever Forward; Safety Third; The Blender; Womp womp; Moonbase; Sub train; Subocean; Cool Technology. I'm looking for stuff other than that.
30 Magazines? You'll never find the time to read all that!
TheMadPunter: this just a good looking crew right here
MrPhlip: !addquote (Cameron) [now] Why? Why the fire? | disappointed
LRRbot: New quote #4197: "Why? Why the fire?" —Cameron, disappointed [2017-05-11]
meisbored: Beacons of Decency is a rad band name
All_mankind: i love it
TheBearBee: Such a Canadian response. Ask them why the fire before lying down in the fire.
Beefpants: Can you go bunting on a barrel of nuclear waste?
All_mankind: a real Missiles of October feel
Thank you Phlip
Beefpants: A romantic glow at night
All_mankind: without ripping off directly
AdmiralMemo: mtvcdm I like the Sub Train, Kobe, Womp Womp, and Mystery Box. Seem generic enough to be used in many situations.
Trippzen: Is it possible to drop into the tower at the nuclear plant and...presumably...get stuck? Or just die?
Taichanie: Snatch and grab.
Rivulatus_: You got this crew, just win.
Papperslappen: mtvcdm I want a Punt emote and that lrrbot to have an auto timeout on anyone who uses it.
EikoandMog: I believe in you, team!
Paranundrox: jesus
RealGamerCow: dats a lot of peeps
Rivulatus_: Grab a gun, and gitgud
Djshire: LOL
Carbonylcookie: Oh noooooo
Solemn_storm: @Papperslappen i like you
TheExactSame: time for punhing
aWabbajack: going to be crazy
CaptainSpam: Get the gun, and peace right on out.
mtvcdm: If you have an emote suggestion that I didn't list, whisper me with it.
Lord_Hosk: SYCLE PAN
fantusta: frag ouuuut
RealGamerCow: !fragout
LRRbot: Frag Out /frag out/ To deliberately die to end a round, often after your teammates have died. Typically involves running into enemies and attempting to get kills as you die.
Carbonylcookie: James is going to enjoy that Brutalist architecture until his blood is all over it
Trippzen: mtvcdm suggestions: a butt
silverthundr: Aww yeah pan time
Foxmar320: James run away
Trippzen: suggestion*
Tokkanada: I have a Pan. I have a Sickle. UNH. Pansickle.
All_mankind: Always Be Fraggin
EikoandMog: NOW WE KNOW
Beefpants: Now we know
Splatoonjacob: Yeeeeeeeeeah BOIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!
WraithianGaming: now we will see...*gets insta 1shot*
Vanbael: stopping power!
oyleslyck: It does
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