Beefpants: I'm still waiting for enough duckets to buy a vid card though
hiimpimento: oh man can you drive the tractor?
Foxmar320: lol
Mister_BlueSky: Would you WANT to?
MistahFixIt: Oh dear Cameron's driving.
DoodlestheGreat: There's also the M24 sniper rifle. which uses 7.62 ammo.
Voxlunch: @Taichanie I feel like to fix that stuff I should get someone to come visit irl to do tech support rather than try to interpret chat input
AdmiralMemo: Who is driving? CAM IS DRIVING!
hiimpimento: tractors are cool
LCPONY: Cam's got this
Foxmar320: I trust Cam to not kill the team
MrJWhit: 7/10 perfect game
TheMetalupis: I don't
dm818: does the tractor have any beams?
MistahFixIt: Oh my god Cam is driving! How can this be?!
All_mankind: top of the list of future features i'm sure
mtvcdm: I trust Cam not to kill himself.
MistahFixIt: </references>
Scud422: If tractors were drive able, then this would just be Tractor Wars
PsychoI3oy: you get in the tractor and start a game of spintires
Beefpants: Foot to the floor
Taichanie: Voxlunch I'd offer to do that but seriously how creepy would that be?
Aenir798: Does Cam have a driving license?
ObsceneSymphony: i don't want 100km/h in a car if i can't have 3km/h on a tractor
LathosTiran: ToS
AdmiralMemo: !highlight Naked stream?
LRRbot: Highlight added.
RogueLink: nailed it
Maddrius: Perfect
BusTed: Thread that needle.
Havok4: Cam is a responsible driver
t3h_f1gm3nt: TIGHT...PLAYS...
Carbonylcookie: @ObsceneSymphony I bought a jar of pickled onions in red wine sauce today... Oh msan I need second dinner now
LCPONY: nice
Beefpants: But... Jeep
Foxmar320: Just freeballin it in the car
lirelent: kate always gets into cars full of naked men
SnowB0und: Somehow, just a tanktop seems worse to me
ConchShell_VII: sick weave, lads
Voxlunch: V I L L A B O I S
LCPONY: cam drives nice and tight
Maddrius: Yes,
TheMadPunter: @SnowB0und Yeah....
JustAConspiracy: OH *** YES
Taichanie: Why do you need a Jeep you already have a jeej.
AdmiralMemo: lirelent I think the fact that one of them is her brother makes that better... or worse?
The_Ocean_who_Subbed: Sooooo excited
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: Wia
Kramburger: This is like that one scene from on the road
SnowB0und: Like, you've chosen to wear clothes AND expose yourself. It hasn't happened accidently.
Trippzen: SnowB0und It's the porky pig effect, wearing a shirt and no pants.
TheMetalupis: rip Vaudvillains
Maddrius: May 15th, next Monday
The_Ocean_who_Subbed: I want to watch mr rogers all day
PsychoI3oy: no, gotch got fired, Simon English is on his own
All_mankind: Bob Villa Villalobos
SharkHero08: Was Mr Rodgers ever in Canada?
silverthundr: Wait what
Drakion951: What is Mr Rogers?
zargreus99: A phrase I never thought I would hear. "Dacia all day "
Taichanie: 600 some odd.
Maddrius: I am not prepared for what Twitch chat will bring to Mr. Rodgers
JustAConspiracy: @Drakion951 ... wait really?
Ragephoenix: Aiden English* @PsychoI3oy
Feldheim_C: I'm so down.
rarermonsters: Mr Rodgers is stronger than Twitch chat
Voxlunch: @Taichanie I can probably just bother Beej
AdmiralMemo: !highlight I put on pants by accident
TStodden: Srsly? Twitch is just going through practically the major PBS hits?
LRRbot: Highlight added.
VmKid: Hopefully Twitch Chat will be nice to Mr Rogers
mtvcdm: Mr. Rogers was a PBS show for.... a lot of years.
LCPONY: 10/10 for the driving
Foxmar320: I may put Mr Rogers on my laptop just 24 hours a day
All_mankind: i have a hope Mr Rogers can actually have an effect on Twitch chatters
Drakion951: @JustAConspiracy I'm Australian, I've never heard of that
KarnEvil: oh sweet. Mr Rogers marathon. that is gonna be awesome
user_with_name17: remember when you were all murdered here.. those were the days
breathlessisthehunt: cam, pants plz
JameSkillalot: I love the style points in this game
rarermonsters: @TStodden We need to start reminding people how important PBS has been since conservatives are trying to destroy it
TheWanderingNomad: VmKid - I mean, they were civil for Bob Ross as far as I can tell. There are just some lines you don't cross
Foxmar320: Cams jacket matches his underwear
Voxlunch: Nyangant revolver
Jimrabbit: you guys ever just say 'Fuck it' and start eating an entire tub of feta cheese?
PsychoI3oy: Ragephoenix yes, right, in my rush to get the wrestling reference i failed at the wrestling reference
TheMadPunter: I love how you start in underwear and just have to find clothes as part of the game; it's just funny
Tarukai788: that coat is fly as hell
mchen109: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 3:03:59.
AdmiralMemo: Jimrabbit No. Literally no.
rarermonsters: @TStodden And Mr Rodgers is amazing
VmKid: Jimrabbit:
ObsceneSymphony: i think i missed the Mr Rogers time period
JustAConspiracy: @Jimrabbit no, but i certainly ate three tins of pringles
AdmiralMemo: Mr. Rogers was my childhood.
TheMetalupis: @Jimrabbit yes
TheMadPunter: now Cam's in a poofy jacket; his character must be sweating balls
Foxmar320: TheMadPunter You can start with clothes they just choose not to.
silverthundr: Winter jacket and no pants. Alright.
Contiguouskittycat: Everyone was wearing findgerless gloves.
ConchShell_VII: shotgun and revolver? nice finds. I'd be cool with this.
VmKid: Literally not even 4Chan will cross Mr. Rogers.
blast__femur: Kate double can't lose
TStodden: It's spiritual successor, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood just doesn't have the same feels.
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: I mean. Not feta.
shurtal: Cam's avatar looks like the raddest Scandanavian stripper right now
Jimrabbit: Lupis, you get it, man
@Foxmar320 Even better!
caimheul: Ah, the Nagant revolver. I think the only revolver that CAN be suppressed?
Does that make an 8x scope?
Blargant just subscribed with a $4.99 sub. Blargant subscribed for 5 months in a row!
Blargant: I am a subscreb?
Thanks for subscribing, Blargant! (Today's storm count: 123)
CavemanKellen: is that a silenced magnum?
DandyGeek: Cam, your outfit reminds me of Shoreleave from Venture Bros a little
Christ... if they're showing ALL of Mr. Rogers, they're going to show the one where he explains the JFK assassination to kids.
Foxmar320: TheMadPunter Its not like clothes do anything anyway.
MrPhlip: I like that we got Camo fingerless gloves in an earlier game... it's a concept that intrigues me
Kaorti: Cam is clearly the best driver.
TheWanderingNomad: De plane de plane!
Foxmar320: MrPhlip you can't see my hands!
Voxlunch: Did they put the Nagant in this game just so it could fit a suppressor?
Jimrabbit: @AdmiralMemo and @JustAConspiracy you'll get there one day
Carbonylcookie: Cam that coat is so IN RIGHT NOW
Taichanie: Voxlunch If you ever want to try and be walked though it your more then welcome to ask. But ya someone who can help in person in real life is always best.
MrPhlip: Speaking of... right there
AdmiralMemo: Jimrabbit Nah. I don't like feta.
caimheul: @CavemanKellen Nagant revolver. the cartridges seal when it fires so it can be supressed
ObsceneSymphony: cam's model is looking FIERCS
MrPhlip: "Fingerless Gloves (Camo)"
TheMadPunter: I still don't get this inventory system
Foxmar320: Yas!
Tarukai788: fingerless gloves, can't lose
ObsceneSymphony: dammit, mechanical keyboard
fishmanfishfish: Mr Rogers is a man who made it his life's purpose to teach children how to be decent, happy, positive human beings. And he excelled at it.
ObsceneSymphony: with your large and spacious keys
silenceaux: Lookin' rad
Voxlunch: The inventory is actually not so bad
ConchShell_VII: cam don't forget to reload ya fool
prancerinflatablereindeer: load the pistol boy
PsychoI3oy: caimheul correct, the cylinder moves forward into the forcing cone to seal the chamber on firing -- also the nagant revolver in this game somehow takes the same "7.62" ammo that the AKM and SKS take
TheMadPunter: @fishmanfishfish Hear hear!
Tarukai788: also, that 1911 with a suppressor is pretty sweet
Taichanie: surpressed 1911? isn't that BS?
MistahFixIt: Mmmn Kar98k
Foxmar320: Cam has put together a nice outfit lol
Tiber727: @ObsceneSymphony Cam looks like the villain from Terminator 2.
All_mankind: what i want to see is Mr Rogers addressing the senate when they were going to cut the PBS budget and ended up increasing it instead
ObsceneSymphony: XD
fishmanfishfish Yep. Presbyterian minister. Does not use his show to preach.
Arclight_Dynamo: Also, the M1911 is, apparently, full auto in this game?
Voxlunch: What would happen if you fired 7.62mm with one hand
korvys: Reload your pistol, Cam
t3h_f1gm3nt: Cam playing the fashion PUBG
prancerinflatablereindeer: caaam, reload pistol
Voxlunch: Wait waht
Voxlunch: The 1911 doesnt autofire does it
MistahFixIt: @Voxlunch ...break your wrist?
damullet14: PsychoI3oy: In the alternate universe where constant 100-person deathmatches can happen on this one island, I don't think it's outrageous to assume all three of those guns were made with the same barrel specs
ObsceneSymphony: every team needs the diva
Foxmar320: We should really get DandyGeek to judge the fashion in this game
TheMadPunter: @Voxlunch Fair; I think it's just the learning curve for me
TwilightAvalon: time to move inside the circle!
Arclight_Dynamo: Voxlunch: Cam says it does.
Taichanie: Arclight_Dynamo its not.
Carbonylcookie: I don't understand how we got from greek myths to pickles but now I need another dinner
Hesk1el: @Voxlunch Pretty sure your wrist would disintegrate
caimheul: @PsychoI3oy I think all 7.62 got lumped together. The Nagant's unique cartridge design also has something to do with the supression
DandyGeek: Pants are an instant disqualification
Contiguouskittycat: What catering service should I hire for my sweet m16 party?
Arclight_Dynamo: Taichanie: But... Cam said it is.
ConchShell_VII: How long do they have until the Contraction?
Arclight_Dynamo: I guess I misunderstood.
Jimrabbit: @Voxlunch you'd likely have to learn to do a lot of things with only one hand for a time afterwards
Foxmar320: DandyGeek omg you were actually in chat
ObsceneSymphony: @Carbonylcookie i feel like that's a transition the greeks themselves made on more than one occasion
LCPONY: you know I'm having the equivalent of the "magic magic magic magic" but for guns
caimheul: @Jimrabbit Depends on how hot of a load.
Taichanie: Arclight_Dynamo ya i think he was mistaken.
Voxlunch: S K S I N N A W O O D S B O Y S
Arclight_Dynamo: Taichanie: Ah, that would explain it.
Jimrabbit: @caimheul is that a sex thing?
Carbonylcookie: @ObsceneSymphony Sounds like the greeks.... Sounds like Aristophanes tbh.
Tsnclrblk: snipesquad
DandyGeek: This time, @foxmar320. this time
Foxmar320: lol
MrWrann: UMP9 > All
Voxlunch: The pump shotgun is apparently crazy burst damage
silverthundr: There was 7.62 where you got your pistol
AdmiralMemo: Hi DandyGeek!
All_mankind: 7.62 full metal jacket?
caimheul: @Jimrabbit If you do it right.
PsychoI3oy: also wtf does the kar98 in this game take 7.62x39mm, it's literally never been chambered in that round by any country or military notable to wikipeida. it should be 8mm mauser
fishmanfishfish: next time, we won't be so lucky.
DandyGeek: Hihi
t3h_f1gm3nt: ohai Ben
Solomon_Kain: Micro Uzi is very good for CQB, great at defending a house
ConchShell_VII: Thank you for reloading ya fool
ObsceneSymphony: @Jimrabbit it is now.
hondor64: you dropped some when you find the pack cam
Why does the SKS in this game have plastic furniture?!
Mithgar: Might be time to bring that car back inside the circle
hondor64: 762 is in the building you found the 3x pack
silverthundr: There's no 8mm in the game is why, probably.
MistahFixIt: I am morally offended
DandyGeek: I'm mostly here to see RayFK ruin a car
Squiidd_pope: Sup guys
Voxlunch: you got 12 gwadge? Because that's how you get 12 gwadge
Tarukai788: @PsychoI3oy ease of ammo setup for guns
ObsceneSymphony: 12-gwaj
caimheul: Nagant fires 7.62x38mmR so they just lumped ALL 30 cal bullets together
Foxmar320: DandyGeek Fair lol
azninsect: "I dont know" GDI google!
ylegm: can someone please give cam ammo instead of vacuuming it up
Carbonylcookie: @DandyGeek you mean properly apply a car to the SKY
Voxlunch: You just force the bullets in so hard they compress
Maddrius: @DandyGeek there've been a few near misses so far, should only be a matter of time.
TheWanderingNomad: DandyGeek - Thoughts on PUBG clothing style? And when are you and Molly visting again?
Can someone Google "recursion" for me?
Graham stop breaking the game
MistahFixIt: I mean lead and brass are malleable/\] right? You can just force the bullets in there and it'll work out.
Lord_Hosk: Kate stole the car again
DandyGeek: I actually want to see a carnado again - I saw a clip of one in PUBG and it was hilarious
Kramburger: Graham, please stick to interacting with objects on the material plane
You cant even do that with the Nagant Revolver, as it uses those rounds with the gas seals
MrWrann: Ctrl + Number allows you to changes seats if you didn't know
ObsceneSymphony: i don't recommend forcing bullets anywhere
Hesk1el: Seems dece. Although what would be scary would be finding the sub-ocean and then picking off everyone else FROM the sub-ocean
awwww....I just finished watching yesterday's Watch & Play (saw the CtS live). And now I need to go to sleep, but Cam is joining G*, Jordan & ace-driver-kate.
Foxmar320: DandyGeek That sounds amazing and I need to see this
Contiguouskittycat: @AdmiralMemo You almost made me starve to death at my computer.
@AdmiralMemo - Did you mean "recursion"?
Lord_Hosk: LOL
caimheul: @TwilightAvalon It CAN fire rounds without the seal, just then can't be supressed
ThatDangSkeleton: Cars are scary
Foxmar320: Nice parking
Carbonylcookie: Cam drives like it's an actual car
MistahFixIt Maybe?
DandyGeek: I haven't seen enough of the game's clothing yet, @thewanderingnomad (and I don't know when we'll be visiting LRR again, but it's on my short list)
I guess I'll watch this fun tomorrow after work - be the awesome people you are; g'nite!
Arclight_Dynamo: I'm hoping for another Ben & Molly TTSF. The leatherworking was great!
TwilightAvalon: They dont make 7,62x38mmR without the seal....its either that or your convert it to .32ACP
DandyGeek: Frying pan is A+ accessorizing
jadedcynic: yeah, cam - puffy winter parka is best
Foxmar320: Always need butt protection
hiimpimento: cam has achieved: toastywarm
AdmiralMemo: Seeeeeeee myyyyyyyyy VEST! See my vest! Made from real gorilla chest!
ObsceneSymphony: @DandyGeek Stacy and Clinton from What Not To Wear would agree
Kramburger: The nutt
DandyGeek: If I make it up for another TTSF, Ian and I will probably put together a Naomi GD-Rom -> TV kit
I'd love to visit the Moonbase, but I'd worry about being a super-awkward weeb IRL and my presence interfering with them working.
Foxmar320: DandyGeek I would love to see that
JustAConspiracy: !highlight get in nerd
Carbonylcookie: Frying pan is BEST
LRRbot: Highlight added.
All_mankind: Cameron has become Father Gascoine?
Kramburger: Gascan? Isn't he a boss in Bloodbourne?
RogueLink: OH SNAP
AdmiralMemo: MistahFixIt: Be aware that the Moonbase has been described as literally a clubhouse with a thin veneer of professionalism.
ObsceneSymphony: the frying pan gives you the fierce mom look, like a nurturer who will also cut you to ribbons
ConchShell_VII: Get in the Zone! The Twilight Zone!
JustAConspiracy: No one feeds cars like gascan
caimheul: Thank you someone for finally saying autozone
ObsceneSymphony: basically the mother coyote look. very in these days
JustAConspiracy: Lights fires like gascan
unseenacademical: @AdmiralMemo That is what I'm hoping for my visit.
Carbonylcookie: Them LRR boys!
DandyGeek Jeej does not disappoint
VmKid: <A-Team theme plays>
hiimpimento: stuntin'
hondor64: wow my stream is like a solid min behind.
Beefpants: Get in on this action Ben
TheWanderingNomad: DandyGeek - Ah well, its always a treat to see either of you, but I know how hard it is to schedule time. Hope you guys are doing well!
@AdmiralMemo - I mean, that SOUNDS like my jam, but I'm a poor judge of my own weebiness
ObsceneSymphony: no one blows up the evidence good like gascan
jonlevir: what does the red section mean?
Foxmar320: Yeah that Naomi kit was amazing
caimheul: @Jonlevir Artillery
MistahFixIt: Red Zone = Mortared. *** blows up
MistahFixIt: I didn't weeb out TOO much when I went to MAGfest and LRRcon.
DandyGeek: Ah, hell, that reminds me of another dumb kit I want to work on
Foxmar320: wow
mtvcdm: Top 50.
Kramburger: Pls RNGesus
Voxlunch: holy moly
VmKid: "Looks like them LRR boys got them into a world of hurt again."
MrJWhit: Can you steal a plane?
MistahFixIt: I mean the context of a Con kinda changes the Creator / Fan dynamic a bit imo
caimheul: 7.62 Full. Metal. Jacke.
WraithianGaming: someone needs to drop him a magazine of 7.62...
AdmiralMemo: !highlight Best. Drop. Ever.
LRRbot: Highlight added.
Park under it
ObsceneSymphony: Guys, I want to embroider more. Got any LRR quotes that should be immortalized in cloth and embroidery floss?
koshindan: The crossfire.
MistahFixIt: Like, if you're at a con as a creator, it's sort of an unspoken agreement you're there to meet your fans. Meeting them outside of that context feels like... intruding?
Trippzen: !findquote butt
LRRbot: Quote #388: "They've already switched to butts language..." —Serge [2015-06-30]
WraithianGaming: M24 so goooooood
ObsceneSymphony Just the face of Cam belching.
VmKid: ObsceneSymphony "<chicken noises>" -Alex Steacy
urbanvagabond: hey any knife people in chat?
Hesk1el: @ObsceneSymphony "I don't believe you"
t3h_f1gm3nt: WE MAD MAX NOW!
ylegm: gdi
Carbonylcookie: @ObsceneSymphony just looks at quotes!
MistahFixIt has POWERFUL social anxiety btw
EikoandMog: WE DED
ObsceneSymphony: i enjoy the occasional knife
Under_5core: I hope the "subtitle" for this year's Desert Bus is "Desert's Eleven" (like Ocean's Eleven).
TheWanderingNomad: ObsceneSymphony - The entirety of Cam's quote about Dark Souls
unseenacademical: Aww. Cam died to flashbang.
EleventhOcean: @Under_5core I approve of this.
EikoandMog: Cam, I won't tell them that it was you if you don't.
It's like they went to a spot that was marked as "Good stuff here!"
mtvcdm: Going for the crate is like dropping at the military base.
All_mankind: dying to a flash grenade would be the worst. imagine your ears ringing forever
Trippzen: Wow, the flashbangs include ringing, that's pretty cool.
AdmiralMemo: unseenacademical Nah, it was a gun during the flashbang
MistahFixIt: That said, I did email Kathleen about volunteering for Desert Bus...
Arclight_Dynamo: MistahFixIt: Does it help that LRR have said "Yes, please approach us to chat in public"?
ObsceneSymphony: these quote ideas have been recorded
JustAConspiracy: was that his flashbang?
EikoandMog: That was indeed his flashbang.
JustAConspiracy: HAHAHAHA
JustAConspiracy: tell me someone highlighted that
Solemn_storm: cam got shot after dropping his flashbang
MistahFixIt: @Arclight_Dynamo - A little bit? But at the same time I'm always terrified I'm gonna end up being 'That Guy'
MistahFixIt "Touch your hands to our hands" is their motto.
Trippzen: I think Cam was shot while the flashbang was going off
unseenacademical: @Arclight_Dynamo I am still trying to believe such statements in order to be brave enough to show up at the Moonbase and go "um... hi?"
Foxmar320: Noooooo
ylegm: gorram campers
AdmiralMemo: MistahFixIt If anyone is "that guy" then I'm "that guy"
josh_le_crafter: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 3:16:29.
Lord_Hosk: Drop a Grenade in the car jeej
JustAConspiracy: @unseenacademical if you're going to do that, bring beer and cake.
Kthanid: I'm pretty sure drops are 99.99% traps.
MistahFixIt: (And yes I know the awareness of being 'That Guy' reduces the likelihood of actually BEING That Guy but ennnh)
JustAConspiracy: get in the car and drive like hell
Foxmar320: k Jeej you got this!
silenceaux: So really the trick is GTFOing after a drop
Arclight_Dynamo: MistahFixIt : I feel you - I'm the same way. But... being aware of that means you probably *won't* be "that guy."
DoktorLoy: #jeejout
Lord_Hosk: LOL
JustAConspiracy: AHAHAH
MistahFixIt: WOW
Tarukai788: #fragout
Foxmar320: WOW
Lord_Hosk: !onemore
LRRbot: The traditional chant of the degenerate james at the end of any game ever forevers at the end of the round. "One more?"
JustAConspiracy: !highlight fragged out
AdmiralMemo: !highlight Fragged Out
LRRbot: Highlight added.
koshindan: geegee
Arclight_Dynamo: unseenacademical: Yeah, I get you. Really.
t3h_f1gm3nt: #FraggedOut
azninsect: welp
Trippzen: Kthanid Drops are 100% traps. Best case scenario is you get the drop and they shoot at you while you're escaping
EleventhOcean: #fragginout
mastershake29x: rekt
unseenacademical: @JustAConspiracy Beer absolutely. Cake? I thought that Hi-Chew was more appreciated.
rucdoc: always more
Foxmar320: Always 1 more
2rrr_mirror_breaker: !onemore
LRRbot: The traditional chant of the degenerate james at the end of any game ever forevers at the end of the round. "One more?"
prancerinflatablereindeer: always one more
AdmiralMemo: I can't 1 more, personally. Later Chat and LRR.
apodionysus: !onemkre
TheWanderingNomad: "You're being fragged out." *EXPLOSION*
Foxmar320: Later Memo
TStodden: G'night Memo
ObsceneSymphony: seeya admiral
Juliamon: Night Memo
caimheul: Ah, memory leaks
josh_le_crafter: !onemore
terribleplan subscribed for 10 months in a row!
terribleplan: One more
Thanks for subscribing, terribleplan! (Today's storm count: 124)
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: Good night memo
Tarukai788: Later Memo!
AdmiralMemo: I'll go off to enjoy my 35th birthday... with sleep
ObsceneSymphony: happy birthday
unseenacademical: Night Memo!
JustAConspiracy: @unseenacademical I mean, both really.
TheWanderingNomad: Night AdmiralMemo o7 And have a Happy Birthday!
Hesk1el: Night Memo
caimheul: Happby BBirthday Memo!
Bye Memo! Happy birthday!
t3h_f1gm3nt: Night Memo. and Happy Birthday again!
silverthundr: One... More.... Round....
Carbonylcookie: Birthday Memo!
unseenacademical: @JustAConspiracy Okay, so next question: where to buy a cake in Victoria?
MistahFixIt: Kathleen did email me back about DB and it wasn't a 'No' so... ᖍ(ツ)ᖌ
MrPhlip: >_>
Lord_Hosk: !onemore
LRRbot: The traditional chant of the degenerate james at the end of any game ever forevers at the end of the round. "One more?"
chrono2x: The simultaneous movement of each avatar is quite creepy
All_mankind: how did the time go from 21:30 to 6:20? ...oh, my wall clock stopped
2rrr_mirror_breaker: !onemore
LRRbot: The traditional chant of the degenerate james at the end of any game ever forevers at the end of the round. "One more?"
zargreus99: More round one!
caimheul: The importance of being accurate at work depends greatly on the nature of that work... Sniper? Rather important....
One more?
ObsceneSymphony: *to the tun eof Les Mis* ONE ROUND MORE
JustAConspiracy: @unseenacademical Ask James, he had to buy one last week.
Alexare_: @caimheul Surgeon? Meh, probably not
Contiguouskittycat: I just siphon other people's memory leaks.
AdmiralMemo: !highlight Types of RAM
LRRbot: Highlight added.
cfpreston: torrenting ram
Dumori: I got my GFX off piratebay
t3h_f1gm3nt dies to "Vegan RAM"
TwistedShout: cam is of course the connoisseur of such things.
Hesk1el: @ObsceneSymphony "Can you hear the people sing, singing a song of bulging bois..."
TwilightAvalon: Bison > Ram
azninsect: get dat artisan ram
cfpreston: organic ram
Kthanid: 100km locally sourced Video RAM is really good.
caimheul: Ugh, I prefer the high glutun ram
Artisinal, hand-compiled RAM?
Comrade09: are we still talking about Ram?
EleventhOcean: I prefer gluten-free RAM
Talin06: isnt this how nuromancer starts?
underhill33: Make sure its not undercooked
Trippzen: I prefer paleo RAM
silenceaux: Okay, but what are your thoughts on Free-Range RAM
TheExactSame: The dodge ram I bought DID not fit
ObsceneSymphony: @Hesk1el "it is the music of the people who just must be bulged again!"
Carbonylcookie: GMO RAM is FINE there's nothing wrong with it!
LCPONY: lactose free RAM
unseenacademical: I really appreciate hand-fed RAM. The bits just make it so much tastier.
Kthanid: Is your RAM gluten Free?
Dascylus: Cam, you shouldn't ingest RAM.
WraithianGaming: when you play the joke till it isn't funny, and then keep playing it so far that it gets funny again
Comrade09: Is ram the new lingo for something odd?
Samwhite7777: A RAM sandwich?
NathanJay787: RAM as a service
Flea_Hastings: What's the nastiest RAM you've ever had? Just the most disgusting, shameful RAM.
EleventhOcean: I buy bulk ram. It's cheaper.
senshi5609: Did you guys morph from Computer to Food?
Texan_Reverend: Did somebody say they wanted delivery?
Trippzen: Samwhite7777 RAMen noodles are also great
JustAConspiracy: This is veering into food as cubes territory.
solahwin_tampramain: !highlight ram tipes
LRRbot: Highlight added.
Dumori: Diced ram is used by speed runners gives favourable RNG... *sees self out*
unseenacademical: @JustAConspiracy A burrito is a cube!
ObsceneSymphony: @Samwhite7777 my computer is a fried RAM and cheese sandwich from france
VmKid: PROTIP: Some RAM goes REALLY well with a nice spread of all-natural thermal compound.
Beefpants: Who knows cam maybe those extra limbs will come in handy
DandyGeek: This is gonna result in someone mailing a sheep to the Moonbase
t3h_f1gm3nt: Texan NO! BAD! (not really though, but someone did beat you to delivering to the moonbase today)
Carbonylcookie: GMO RAM is not the bad guy, capitalism is.
MistahFixIt: This is nice... now we're gonna ruin it by shooting each other
Hesk1el: @ObsceneSymphony and there's a random soprano at the front singing a chorus of "One more"
EleventhOcean: Cam is starting a Survivor tribe
Kramburger: #BeachSquat
Carbonylcookie: Cam setting trends in beach meditation
HatsWearCats: As someone who owns a farm and breeds Ram's, fee them alfalfa
MrJWhit: Can you get to that tiny island on the top right?
100 Buy yourself a fresh bag 'o' ram
Tiber727: What is LRR's opinion on canned RAM? I know a lot of people don't like it, but you can do a lot with it on a budget.
I heard you seeking delivery, and you can't take it back now.
ObsceneSymphony: "When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of your bulge..."
MistahFixIt: I mean if you prepare it properly you can't even tell Canned RAM from the fresh stuff
TheWanderingNomad: Well that just makes that song...'obscene'
Foxmar320: !chair
GT Omega Racing has provided LRR with this sweet new gaming chair! Visit and use the affiliate code "LRR" and LRR will receive a portion of the profits!
EleventhOcean: I like dried RAM. It's great for when you want RAM, but don't want to go through all the hassle of dealing with fresh.
mtvcdm: I looked up ram recipes on GIS and it came up with a lot of Nigerian and Indian cuisine.
Kramburger: welp
EikoandMog: I only use SRAM. I know people really hate canned RAM but it actually works quite well!
caimheul: TWO cars?
Kramburger: RIP Kate
JustAConspiracy: fight him in the air
JustAConspiracy: go cut his chute
TheExactSame: Battle of the Buldge indeed
Foxmar320: Get car run over people
Contiguouskittycat: @Texan_Reverend If your bulge beats for more than 4 hours, acquire an old priest and a young priest.
Hesk1el: @ObsceneSymphony "there will be delicious chicken when tomorrow comes"
GreatGoogley: punch him in the air
Samwhite7777: RAM them to death
JustAConspiracy: WHYD YOU GET OUT
Beefpants: PistolShotgun
ObsceneSymphony: people need to remember that remote communities don't always have access to fresh organic RAM and stop shaming them for using the processed kind
Kramburger: Jeej has no sense of adventure
JustAConspiracy: !highlight STRANGER DANGER
caimheul: Kate with the backup car
TheWanderingNomad: GTA
LRRbot: Highlight added.
AdmiralMemo: !highlight Why'd you get out?
DandyGeek: lol at that failed carjack
Jeej should have stayed with them till the end
Abcxyq: all according to keikaku
Tiber727: Cameron is now Gordon Freeman. Chicken is guaranteed.
Lord_Hosk: that kidnaping made for great TV on kates stream last night
ObsceneSymphony: @Hesk1el i think we're ready to take this show on the road
TheAinMAP: Who jumped in a car with a bunch of enemies last night?
samlarson1227: its hard to watch you guys playing something that isn't magic
josh_le_crafter: Who's playing with cam???
ObsceneSymphony: play it in crosswalks like the theatre cast of beauty and the beast
caimheul: @Lord_Hosk I have a stream I now need to watch
PsychoI3oy: OG blue dacia
Foxmar320: Clearly we got the better car
Foxmar320: lol
Texan_Reverend: @Contiguouskittycat I'd rather not exorcise anybody's nethers.
All_mankind: nice synchronized shooting there
JustAConspiracy: !highlight nobody got hurt
LRRbot: Highlight added.
Foxmar320: Cam, Jordan, Kate and Graham
silenceaux: How did that not kill Jeej
JameSkillalot: What's up with driving in this game?
caimheul: Kate is trying to knock down trees
Asterysk_Mike: HOW? How did no one get hurt?
Beefpants: "I'm doing great" *smash*
ObsceneSymphony: those are some interestingly shaped boobs
MrJWhit: Who is Jordan btw?
Contiguouskittycat: @Texan_Reverend No no no, you get a different priest.
josh_le_crafter: Kate? At the wheel? That's bad.
Foxmar320: Jordan is RayFK
Asterysk_Mike: That looked like a guillotine via tree
TheAinMAP: Kate, Kate, Kate of the island. Watch out for that tree!
koshindan: I feel she always intentionally takes out the fence.
solahwin_tampramain: think that hilight should be "sorry cam
ObsceneSymphony: pfft
Foxmar320: Jordan goes by many names
silverthundr: Yeah, kill fences!
Solomon_Kain: the guard Towers each have 2 Spawn Points, above and below
ylegm: hey , it's the arbalest!
WraithianGaming: that's the gun he had last time they were in the containers
caimheul: Cam with the Belguim revolver again..
Carbonylcookie: GO UP FOR GUNS. THey are on conatiners
Hesk1el: I concur, this would definitely work @ObsceneSymphony "Les Gonflements" (Not sure if that would be the most accurate translation for bulge off the top of my head)
user_with_name17: Cam, this place, that pistol.... deja vu
aesir_blade: Chat, it's 12:30 AM. Should I get ice cream or not?
Arclight_Dynamo: Ice cream is a yes.
JustAConspiracy: @aesir_blade absolutely
WraithianGaming: inb4 guys from the west
Foxmar320: Ice Cream!
Rivulatus_: @aesir_blade always et icecream
josh_le_crafter: Yes
JameSkillalot: On top of the containers is decent. Personally I don't care for this area
mtvcdm: Lemme ask LRRbot.
mtvcdm: !quote
LRRbot: Quote #2566: "I'm getting got! Penelope, I'm gonna get got here." —Graham [2016-05-19]
cfpreston: i wonder about the system of stting these out, like do they hire people to do this?
JustAConspiracy: !quote
LRRbot: Quote #3182: "I found the mushrooms! They're under the clock!" —Heather [2016-08-10]
lordkinkade: always yes to ice cream
caimheul: You could die in Zarkey
ObsceneSymphony: @Hesk1el Les Gonflements sounds perfect
josh_le_crafter: Also the flashbang that happened from kate's stream!!!cperfect
Jimrabbit: what about an LL Bean?
Solomon_Kain: Northface is utter dogshit
aspiring_jester: currently downloading a copy of windows cause you guys made this look so good
JustAConspiracy: !highlight Cam is athletic
LathosTiran: !next
LRRbot: Highlight added.
caimheul: @Lord_Hosk Thanks!
Foxmar320: nice
Beefpants: I did not know they piled *** that high
koshindan: Everyone is losing their speakness.
TheMetalupis: Geeg
Foxmar320: Yes Grant Stork
NathanJay787: Theyre good guns, Grant
Lord_Hosk: So we are learning that names are hard
cfpreston: words
ObsceneSymphony: @Beefpants yes, good joke
silenceaux: They're good snipes, Gront
Lancer873: Graham Freeman
Blargant: Is simple, Ivan: If use rifle cartridge in pistol, recoil not dare of break your hand because nobody of dare messing with guy one-handing 7.62!
mtvcdm: They're good snipes, George.
Beefpants: Quite!
Hesk1el: Time to snipe Mr. Freeman
Beefpants: *monacle*
josh_le_crafter: Snifer riple?
ObsceneSymphony: good show good sir
@loadingreadyrun> Cameron, Graham, Kate and Jordan are still rocking @PUBATTLEGROUNDS on this evenings stream.
ObsceneSymphony: tally ho!
JustAConspiracy: cam is so athletic
Dumori: Glass rain!
Beefpants: Dude someone should request a monacle
Foxmar320: It was Turner
caimheul: @Blargant it's 7.62x38mmR, not that bad of a kick. Also, Obrez
Rivulatus_: !panic
Lancer873: Single to burrrst!
PsychoI3oy: ump ump ump ump ump
Blargant: @caimheul secret is of not tellings recoil this
josh_le_crafter: !panic
ObsceneSymphony: ah yes, i love the Large Legos
hiimpimento: ras al goul?
ylegm: I often drop in zharki
silenceaux: Secret Hi-tops
Jimrabbit: !highlight blue sigh shoes
t3h_f1gm3nt: finally a real gun for cam!
LRRbot: Highlight added.
mtvcdm: Top 50.
t3h_f1gm3nt: well, real rifle
zargreus99: Break them...
caimheul: @Blargant That is what Obrez is for, comrade. Mosin Nagant barrel only serve to slow bullet down and make smaller fireball. Obrez!
josh_le_crafter: Fragging out now?
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