Simriel: GGGGGGGaaarbage daaaay
meaninglessMeg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, meaninglessMeg! (Today's storm count: 7)
MikeSmith subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 113 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MikeSmith! (Today's storm count: 8)
blip2004: Gimme the filth today
sethtriggs: Woohooo Garbage Day!
Simriel: It is Time for Trash
sethtriggs: ahahah also Garbage Day IRL for me on Wednesdays
Foxmar320: All the trash
DoodlestheGreat: Time to take out ze trash!
Viewers_Like_You: Oh good, pre-Bus trash day!
Sandboxgamer27: More Monke?
iris_of_ether: Garbage day! :o
arcaneIllumination: It's that time of day, garbage day!
TXC2: 1 Million dollars....and to think we'll probably hit 10 million lifetime this year :p
cgwonder: it's gggggarbage day!
TehAmelie: woo, got my snacks and made it home just in time
red_shoes_jeff: I was just listening to this one! jlrrCooltunes benginDance
mwlsn: Oh boy gonna be some bad games today
Pal_Friendpatine: Woooooo Garbage! lrrGARBO
Drasvin: Time to prep Studio A for Desert Bus by taking out the trash.
The_Twitching_Dead: A little over 24 hours until their "Desert Bus for Hope" event starts
ClodiumSoride: hey chat, the Desert Bus shirt for this year is now available. Order now to maybe have it in time for launch.
Juliamon: !db countdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Sat 11 Nov 02:00 PM PST (3d, 0:55 from now)
Foxmar320: !db
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope is a charity gaming marathon where people dance sing and be silly while playing the worst game of all time, Desert Bus. The marathon raises money for . An explanation video can be found here: . More information can be found at and
Metric_Furlong: The Bus is Coming
Qalten subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Qalten! (Today's storm count: 9)
Ladyrhea subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Ladyrhea: I love remembering to hit the button
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ladyrhea! (Today's storm count: 10)
TXC2: !venga
LRRbot: The National Weather Service in Las Vegas has issued a Severe Venga Bus Warning for Clark County in southern Nevada until 1159 PM PST. At 653 PM PDT, wheels of steel were located along a line extending from New York to San Francisco, moving southwest at 45 mph. HAZARD: Intercity Disco. SOURCE: Party indicated. IMPACT: Collision, Bright Lights, Dancing. Locations impacted include Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff.
TehAmelie: the garbage cans are enjoying garbage day
LordManiMani: Do they do W+P before bus as a marketing move? It can't be that easy given the shuffle. I'm thankful in any case lrrAWESOME 😅
Juliamon: yeah, 3d is a little over 24h LUL
red_shoes_jeff: This is certainly factually accurate.
GreatWahooney subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
GreatWahooney: number go up!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GreatWahooney! (Today's storm count: 11)
TXC2: who know a little meant 200%
PixelArtDragon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
PixelArtDragon: Time for GARBAGE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PixelArtDragon! (Today's storm count: 12)
The_Twitching_Dead: Sorry, lol, thought today was Thursday, and that the event started on Friday, lol
LordZarano: While we wait for the bad games why not get some good games from the Games For Gaza bundle raising money for Medical Aid For Palestinians? 256 items for $10 including 2 with Graham & Jacob in them (Arcade Spirits & its sequel) & NUTS (a game about photographing squirrels which is worth the bundle price on its own). Only 10 hours left
chaostreader: The desert bus is coming!
Gekyouryuu: Today: watch and play. Next week, during the appropriate shift: watch Andy play
udzmmu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, udzmmu! (Today's storm count: 13)
LordManiMani: @gekyouryuu LUL
Simriel: We ascend on wings of just the... Absolute worst videogames
TheNerdWonder subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheNerdWonder! (Today's storm count: 14)
Gekyouryuu: I keep seeing <link deleted> in chat. Are links actually borked or is it just my phone?
danbjorn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, danbjorn! (Today's storm count: 15)
margieargie: Watching a more extended version of that "GARBAGE DAY" scene now and... wow does it go even more places than I expected
Juliamon: Gekyouryuu It's a mobile bug
NewtyNewts: Let's Trash!
WetPaperSack subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WetPaperSack! (Today's storm count: 16)
Foxmar320: The Bus is Coming
Juliamon: well played online screen, going from DB6 to DB5
Gekyouryuu: @juliamon gotcha, ty
TXC2: somebody do something!
Simriel: Ask not for who the Bus cometh, it cometh for you.
Drasvin: Countdown the Desert Buses?
Juliamon: yeah, the links exist, the app just doesn't quite understand that they're valid links
TXC2: countdown to busfinity
malfnord: @margieargie Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 is a magical movie.
ShaneLeeAtk: DB2022 is flying by in front of my eyes at a breakneck pace!
DideRobot: LRR: Time for toilets, it’s WATCH+PLAY! | (has image) |
Metric_Furlong: here we go
TXC2: here we GO!
Simriel: @shaneleeatk Ajoni
TheMerricat: The fun part it is even 'deletes' links you type from the app...
shamblingkrenshar: Time for my favorite stream intro
cgwonder: let's goooooo
shamblingkrenshar: This one is a masterpiece.
kilnfiendpotter: Yessss I am excite!
transcass subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
transcass: lrrFINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, transcass! (Today's storm count: 17)
Sandboxgamer27: I can’t wait for my first desert bus that I will actually watch mostly live
Foxmar320: Ill never get over that beard G had lol
ClodiumSoride subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months, currently on a 71 month streak!
ClodiumSoride: The bus is coming. The bus is coming.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ClodiumSoride! (Today's storm count: 18)
NimrodXIV: Time for Trash!
StageMgrRob subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months, currently on a 71 month streak!
StageMgrRob: Glad to get a chance to see this live, even if I had to get sick to do so. Oh and Happy nearly Desert Bus, y'all
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StageMgrRob! (Today's storm count: 19)
TXC2: Hello Graham and Alex
Lysander_salamander: Hello everyone
TheAinMAP: Hello.
atinyspacemarine subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
atinyspacemarine: I can't believe I've been here for over a year already!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, atinyspacemarine! (Today's storm count: 20)
Metric_Furlong: Hello Alex and Graham
WearingCats_CwC: hoi
Simriel: Never redo that intro. It's perfect
Foxmar320: Hello Alex and Graham
Diabore: i hope this intro never changes, the crazy beard on G is so good
cgwonder: hi graham and alex!
kristian_fischer: Pants Against The Devil!
sethtriggs: Wonder if anyone would actually turn the setting of the W+P intro into some sort of game jam game.
GreatWahooney: oh yay it's these goofs
iris_of_ether: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrGARBO
Gekyouryuu: The bad parts of the internet, aka MOST of the internet
Foxmar320: Ohhhh steel!
udzmmu: hi grant hi allen
kilnfiendpotter: Alex is the sweetest and best of guinea pigs
TXC2: Steam uses Chrome, so yes it is bad
Anaerin: Shims!
elkae: what durable tokens you have
LordManiMani: Looool
cgwonder: alex's shirt has reminded me- LOVE this year's db shirt
sethtriggs: LOL
accountmadeforants subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months, currently on a 65 month streak!
accountmadeforants: Steel yourself
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, accountmadeforants! (Today's storm count: 21)
Foxmar320: Third from the top is the rare
vickysaurus_mystax: Metal: The Gathering
DigitalSeahorse: xD
NimrodXIV: weird draft
kilnfiendpotter: "Hello can I interest you in some steel in these trying times?"
SquareDotCube: well if it's iridium...
Alness49: All Artifact Tokens
lirazel64: Steel plus one.
Lysander_salamander: going to make a damascus stack?
arcaneIllumination: What?
shamblingkrenshar: Stainless Steel is definitely first pickable in the current manor.
loufghyslaufey: Weh?
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh voxlunCarp
CaffeinatedLemur subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CaffeinatedLemur! (Today's storm count: 22)
Invitare: oh so it's a re-gift
JadedCynic: oh NICE
Diabore: gotta get it ready for the rich
loufghyslaufey: Is that a feedback?
TXC2: osimium blade when? Kappa
TXC2: !patreon
SymphonicLolita: chippity choppity!
LRRbot: 4062 patrons for a total of $21,723.64 per month.
Sandboxgamer27: You got some welding coupons?
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
NewtyNewts: Actual Artifact Deck
mistbornhoid: Hi Alex and G
kilnfiendpotter: Alex we need bigger steel for our guillotine needs
TheMerricat: If you lose in the game, you LOSE YOUR HEAD!...
theymerLoviatar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
theymerLoviatar: Sweet 16 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theymerLoviatar! (Today's storm count: 23)
Foxmar320: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (which you must manually renew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
TXC2: !ytmember
LRRbot: LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR:
SquareDotCube: can't go wrong if they're all shiny
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Graham_LRR! They have given 46 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Graham_LRR! (Today's storm count: 24)
SocraticMethod: @BITs19_ Mild steel
betweenmyself: So apparently there is a super blatant rip off of Burnout on the Nintendo Switch online store called… Burnout. I would assume it will be removed from the shop once EA gets its lawyers on the case.
ThorSokar: here I thought it was one of those ultr-high-security keycards
atinyspacemarine: Never say no to scrap metal
Drasvin: Inviso can
elkae: I do NOT recommend the Xmas Bubly
loufghyslaufey: Where does guillotine live now? Chat?
NimrodXIV: ooo invisible drink
Shadowsoflife: o/
ryuhimora: Invisible soda
red_shoes_jeff: I was just about to say, those remind me of my throwing cards.
Charlie_Victor7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Charlie_Victor7: Four years of garbage!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Charlie_Victor7! (Today's storm count: 25)
GreatWahooney: I remember wanting to etch some myr tokens into steel but the more I read about it the more of a hassle it seemed to be
Anaerin: You just activated my AL-6061 trap card!
JessKay is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 62 in the channel!
DoodlestheGreat: Bubly is clear.
JessKay gifted a Tier 1 sub to AgntSmi7h007!
JessKay gifted a Tier 1 sub to margrave_of_smog!
JessKay gifted a Tier 1 sub to Martinkaca!
JessKay gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ostrage1!
JessKay gifted a Tier 1 sub to Goldenmonk7!
JessKay gifted a Tier 1 sub to javafoxy!
JessKay gifted a Tier 1 sub to MinusTimes_!
JessKay gifted a Tier 1 sub to azurvoid!
JessKay gifted a Tier 1 sub to kurn31!
JessKay gifted a Tier 1 sub to CyberColossus!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, JessKay! Welcome to AgntSmi7h007, margrave_of_smog, Martinkaca, Ostrage1, Goldenmonk7, javafoxy, MinusTimes_, azurvoid, kurn31, and CyberColossus! (Today's storm count: 35)
elkae: It's no bueno, and cranberry ginger ale is way better
Metric_Furlong: !panic
TXC2: JessKay lrrHEART
shamblingkrenshar: The Bus Approaches
JadedCynic: @TheMerricat There Can Be Only One
Foxmar320: !db
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope is a charity gaming marathon where people dance sing and be silly while playing the worst game of all time, Desert Bus. The marathon raises money for . An explanation video can be found here: . More information can be found at and
TXC2: !desertbus
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope is a charity gaming marathon where people dance sing and be silly while playing the worst game of all time, Desert Bus. The marathon raises money for . An explanation video can be found here: . More information can be found at and
kristian_fischer: DESERT BERBS!
krfsm: get you a laser cutter and make a deck of steel proxies, the MtG equivalent of T-posing for dominance
Viewers_Like_You: desert desert bus bus
cgwonder: b u s i s c o m i n g
HavenDragon: bus is coming
Diabore: the bus cometh
RayFK: Fuck no that's miles away
Simriel: B U S
vickysaurus_mystax: Hope Bus For Desert
sethtriggs: Woohoo!
Charlie_Victor7: lrrFINE
Foxmar320: Also the shirt is LIVE!!!!!!
TheAinMAP: It's a possible guillotine blade, and now Graham's fingerprints are on it.
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
RealLegitStreamer is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 245 in the channel!
TehAmelie: a charity "drive" if you will
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to LoremasterMonty!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to AmoriLinguae!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Angela0040!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Articerile!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to zshunter!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RealLegitStreamer! Welcome to LoremasterMonty, AmoriLinguae, Angela0040, Articerile, and zshunter! (Today's storm count: 40)
Viewers_Like_You: I [bus] BUS
Drasvin: Prepping the studio for Desert Bus by taking out the trash.
TheAinMAP: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Sat 11 Nov 02:00 PM PST (3d, 0:50 from now)
Diabore: oh right, happy last moonbase stream before bus
TXC2: RealLegitStreamer lrrHEART
Forgebold: only plan next week IS desert bus
DoodlestheGreat: I juast got my DB 2023 T-shirt ordered yesterday.
red_shoes_jeff: I took the whole week off!
johnalogue: Ohhh forgot I had autoplay off
Vaiess_: I took the week off for DB, I'm so excited!
Charlie_Victor7: My plans next week are Desert Bus
Shadowsoflife: THE BUS IS COMING !
korvys: Prizes no longer in Seattle?
Vaiess_ subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Vaiess_! (Today's storm count: 41)
shamblingkrenshar: Moonbase MK 6 gets its first Desert Bus!
ThorSokar: "explain it" the one thing no one can do easily
CodeIndigo: B U S gets S U B s
johnalogue: Wait no, autoplay was on technology has just failed me
Drasvin: I took off for Desert Bus as well.
Foxmar320: Monke!
raulghoulia: roll back the monke
L0rdX33n: Butt first?
theymerLoviatar: video games or video "games"
NimrodXIV: no more Monke
Metric_Furlong: good old Monke.exe
NewtyNewts: No more moke
Astra7525: Should you perhaps show the infamous cutscene?
iris_of_ether: @korvys Some prizes are at the Moonbase
Nigouki: differentiate your monke
TXC2: I have plans next week, and that plan is to mod DB :p
johnalogue: Monkeexe
Diabore: poor Monke
cgwonder: monke see monke don't
JadedCynic: monke dot exe
ThorSokar: I especially liked their completely unfinished rocks
MegaDosX: Licensed shovelware
jessieimproved: Rise of Kong was not good, but it was too good for W&P
shamblingkrenshar: Wait but King Kong is common domain
TheMerricat: Alex is drinking ether...
CaffeinatedLemur: @TXC2 funny that, so do I :P
EvilBadman: @korvys Primarily live auctions, for obvious reasons
Foxmar320: TXC2 I have the same plans. Thats wild!
red_shoes_jeff: Disregard Monke, return to Garb.
Mangledpixel: yeh I think we mined out that monke
TotallyDefiant subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TotallyDefiant! (Today's storm count: 42)
MegaDosX: Bargain tho
johnalogue: And yet we shall receive so much more entertainment
rubikdarkwill: Enjoying your green-screen drink Alex?
sethtriggs: Shovelware is the best thng!
malfnord: ooh big spender
DoodlestheGreat: Value!
GreatWahooney: value!
io_Otter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, io_Otter! (Today's storm count: 43)
Juliamon: shamblingkrenshar It was specifically the Kong: Skull Island IP
kilnfiendpotter: I'm glad my prize is a giveaway, because I nearly had a heart attack during the live auction last year
Simriel: I'm gonna miss the first 2 days of Bus this year, but I'm sure by day 3 it will still be comprehensible right? :p
kristian_fischer: Shoveled Licenseware.
vickysaurus_mystax: My loins remain ungirded
TXC2: CaffeinatedLemur Foxmar320 what a coincidence, small world
ShaneLeeAtk: So a quarter American
richard_ermen: Oh boy...
JadedCynic: Dangerous LANs?
shamblingkrenshar: @Juliamon Ah that makes more sense, thank you!
sethtriggs: uh oh
WetPaperSack: What like a Dark Depths?
richard_ermen: And we're in 1944
Anaerin: F1 for Controls.
korvys: "The game is called 'Girded loins'"
johnalogue: A 1911 is the literal first thing we see!
kristian_fischer: We got Stawping Powah!
iris_of_ether: @kilnfiendpotter High five Giveaway crew!
Metric_Furlong: Dangerous Lnads: some lands of danger
gibbousm: are these just reused assets?
Foxmar320: woah
AugmentingPath: rip
noSmokeFire: you might still be a waifu
TXC2: such textures
Juliamon: Oh BOY we're starting hot
LordManiMani: The wibblies!
GreatWahooney: do not the wobbly floor
TheAinMAP: That's a sentence.
raulghoulia: immediately
CaffeinatedLemur: haha
WearingCats_CwC: Dangerous lands with these dangerous hands
0x6772: Well, that land sure was dangerous.
epsilon_vee: lands: dangerous
Metric_Furlong: well, it *was* dangerous
Tangsm: The liquid sidewalk is the dangerous land.
baltimore_667083: walmart-brand earthquake
Lysander_salamander: Oh, I recognize the soundtrack too?
Foxmar320: Thats some deadly glitches
Anaerin: Oh, a wave shooter.
Ctabbe: i mean that land was dangerous
ryuhimora: DEATH SWAMP
Rhynerd: I recognize that hand and pistol
sethtriggs: Was the hitbox flashin?
shamblingkrenshar: I like this rich narrative that all these asset flips are just multiple games using the same set on some kind of scheduled rotaiton
AugmentingPath: arrow'd
Anaerin: And breaching the Geneva Convention.
JadedCynic: instead of 'the concrete jungle' it's the 'concrete swamp'?
LordManiMani: 👋
kumatsu: those arrows made a reload sound NotLikeThis
betweenmyself: Wobbly landscape denatured Alex into not existence pennyWhat
Inquisitor_Xian: this is the SAME game minus the wifu huh?
TehAmelie: the source engine is the only game making tool you need, right
richard_ermen: Oh, indonesian horro!
sethtriggs: Do headshots actually do any more damage?
richard_ermen: *horror
eric_christian_berg: Penhalgion?
Drasvin: That zombie model looks familiar as well.
gibbousm: that one japanese monster
Chichen: Indonesian I believe
kumatsu: Japanese vampire
Metric_Furlong: indonesian
Lysander_salamander: indonesia?
WearingCats_CwC: DreadOut
KV1NN4: Penagalan
eric_christian_berg: Probably spelled wrong, sorry.
DanielJennaGrouse: manananggal
Juliamon: Penanggalan or something
JessKay: well, at least these zambos aren't too bullet spongey, so it's got that over the last several wave shooters we've seen
kristian_fischer: That's the Indonesian head vampire.
korvys: Is it just me, or is this *super* dark
gibbousm: 15
TXC2: this is how Vale is making HL3, it's disubstituted across the dev collective unconscience
eric_christian_berg: Bold choice.
DoodlestheGreat: All of them?
Simriel: That's a wooden longbow
richard_ermen: The weapon sfx is WEAK.
betweenmyself: *non-existence
johnalogue: My second monitor doesn't have enough contrast for this darkness
gibbousm: an American amount of guns
raulghoulia: 93 CAD, you say
MegaDosX: Ah, Worms rules for health
Anaerin: Press F1 for controls, apparently. And yes, it's rather dark.
MenomeAlice: It's stolen from the bag in the wind from American Beauty
Chichen: yep Penanggalan. "Nocturnal Vampiric entity from Malay ghost myths."
WearingCats_CwC: Salamat pagi (sic)
BigDaddyBland87: Just got here. What's this called?
udzmmu: all over SEA yeah
Anaerin: As soon as Wave 1 finished, Wave 2 started.
Crad0k: i've only just joined, those are some half-life medkits there
Viewers_Like_You: Oh hi, I didn't see you spawn in there
AugmentingPath: Was that a Vizzerdrix?
Anaerin: @BigDaddyBland87 "Dangerous Lands"
TehAmelie: just little ones
Foxmar320: Swotd good good
JessKay: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This unknown soul was killed by a terrible beast.
noSmokeFire: what is this looney tunes bullshit
WetPaperSack: Where are you keeping all of these?
sethtriggs: The dev does not like light
CaffeinatedLemur: huh?
passwordlost_hereiam: We Dragonborn now
Metric_Furlong: "what weapons do I have?" "Yes"
Foxmar320: Gotta get every weapon from the asset pack in
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
SocraticMethod: More weapons more better
Orylen: every year all at once
ThorSokar: it's kinjizu o-clock!
kristian_fischer: No Chinese Worsord? I'm disappoint.
eric_christian_berg: Use all the assets!
Simriel: We back in Prayer Warriors now
richard_ermen: Is the game supposed to be this dark?
TXC2: damn those traps
TheMerricat: Chat, I can hardly see anything on the ground here. you think it's as dark for them?
SquareDotCube: if we have a bronze axe it's all the years
ZoBo_: sure is...eclectic?
AugmentingPath: KA-57
GreatWahooney: Ack! Ack!
SocraticMethod: AK AK AK
Crad0k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months, currently on a 96 month streak!
Crad0k: Thisis some number of years of subs, eek.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Crad0k! (Today's storm count: 44)
TehAmelie: they sure cleaned out the monster assets from the store
kilnfiendpotter: Given the lighting, are we sure this isn't a GoT spinoff?
Alness49: "We bought this weapon assets pack and we're using ALL of the weapon assets pack"
CodeIndigo: you can't spell ak-ak-ak without kaka!
sethtriggs: This is a standard loadout kit for the engine isn't it?
gibbousm: I like they formed an orderly line to attack you
MegaDosX: !card liliana's contract
LRRbot: Liliana's Contract [3BB] | Enchantment | When Liliana's Contract enters the battlefield, you draw four cards and you lose 4 life. / At the beginning of your upkeep, if you control four or more Demons with different names, you win the game.
Juliamon: 10/10 ragdoll
JadedCynic: BOOM. Headshot.
squidddo: the number of remaining went up??
MenomeAlice: @themerricat Normally it's a bit darker for them
passwordlost_hereiam: Move over Darktide, there's a new demon shooting sim in town
sethtriggs: Wheeeeeeeeeeee!
TranquilCalamity: hmm...wonder if i should use the broadsword or my m4 on these demons?
elkae: what's better than wibbly ragdolls? slow-mo wibbly ragdolls
JadedCynic: @squidddo new wave
tknomncr: Fine demon allsorts
danisfine: So glad I made it for Garbo Day, ello folks!
udzmmu: At least you won't have the Doom 3 problem of choosing flashlight OR gun
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
VeryBadLifeChoices subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, VeryBadLifeChoices! (Today's storm count: 45)
ThorSokar: I can't see anything
RynoLaw subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RynoLaw! (Today's storm count: 46)
kristian_fischer: It was FOUND in tents, G.
Simriel: @passwordlost_hereiam Hey there are no full daemons in Darktide... Yet. Only daemonhosts xD
JadedCynic: there's no 'grace period' between the end of one wave and the beginning of the next...
epsilon_vee: which truck did this music fall off the back of
TXC2: Katana and an M4 is a very Fallout New Vegas loadout :p
sethtriggs: I swear it feels like they're spawning directly behind your camera
DoodlestheGreat: Which free music package are they using for this thing?
Foxmar320: Just hip fire the sniper like I see people in pvp do.
Critterbot: The bolt working between ever weapon swap. NotLikeThis
MegaDosX: It's over Anakin
leroygardner81: whens db
gibbousm: slow mo on wave end
TXC2: DoodlestheGreat moody number 3 Kappa
sethtriggs: Of course there's bullet tie
Lysander_salamander: I think so?
WearingCats_CwC: Music looping is bad but it's no Slaughtering Grounds
JadedCynic: LUL
Simriel: @txc2 golfclub is the true way for New Vegas :p
Astra7525: Does the ammo pickup perhaps only refill the currently held weapon and if you hold a weapon that does not use ammo, you just lose the benefit?
Rhynerd: Did anyone hear the grenade explode?
kristian_fischer: They DOOM 3ed.
ThorSokar: dark enough that it actually hurts to look at
WetPaperSack: WTB duct tape mod
KharadBanar: @leroygardner81 Saturday at 2 pm pacific / 11 pm european
SocraticMethod: killing floor 3? much better game? surely you jest?
sethtriggs: What even is this geometry you're on? Is it pavement?
Lysander_salamander: then they made the duct tape mod
TehAmelie: they thought not being able to see shit would be scary. . .
raaabr: What’s darker? Vantablack, or this game
sethtriggs: Who's that Pokémon?
Foxmar320: I think this game
Anaerin: The mod that let you use the flashlight and gun at the same time in Doom 3 was literally called the "Duct Tape Mod"
passwordlost_hereiam: This area looks... get-outable
AugmentingPath: That thing probably wants to be some sort of vampiroid, but it's definitely a vizzerdrix to me
L0rdX33n: I never jest, and don’t call me Shirley
kristian_fischer: No slenade grauncher?
Angreed66: Is it just me or is the lighting Terrible?
JadedCynic: @TehAmelie 'the biggest fear is the unknown' :p
margieargie: I'm glad you get a katana -and- a sword and shield combo
TheMerricat: This is such a small map.
WetPaperSack: Half expected you to randomly pull out a rubber chicken
johnalogue: I want to know what kind of display this was developed on
Shadowsoflife: @raaabr At leans you could see vantablack from an angle
RetroGuernsey subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RetroGuernsey! (Today's storm count: 47)
JadedCynic: @kristian_fischer in THIS economy? We've seen a total of 2 grenades
LordManiMani: @wetpapersack with or without pulley in the middle?
EOstby subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
EOstby: Thank you for the many long months of presenting only the finest of garbage games.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EOstby! (Today's storm count: 48)
WetPaperSack: @LordManiMani Dealer's choice
accountmadeforants: Doom 3 was shortly followed by the Doom movie, featuring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. It sure was a time.
AugmentingPath: Plato's Heaven: Guns 'n' Ammo
Gekyouryuu: I imagine it's licensing issues, too
EvilBadman: Counter-Strike is where I think everyone gets their M4 love from
Simriel: U.S military might finally be replacing the M4, that's gonna be wild
CodeIndigo: the embodiment of elemental Gun
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo! (Today's storm count: 49)
banwidthraptor subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, banwidthraptor! (Today's storm count: 50)
vickysaurus_mystax: Domain
Inquisitor_Xian: "america" gun and "russia" gun
Knitting_Goblin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
Knitting_Goblin: Garbage day is the best day!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Knitting_Goblin! (Today's storm count: 51)
3cbb: domain
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: I almost missed garbage day!
shamblingkrenshar: We've graduated to Empire?
TehAmelie: the emprire of slime molds, eh
leroygardner81: my pp small, i like big guns!
sethtriggs: Well this would be the Drosera of video games
LordManiMani: Supertype Type Subtype
richard_ermen: If one wants realy weapon love, Tarkov is supposedly good for it.
raaabr: …so imperialism has reached Biology
TheMerricat: Chat, do I remember incorrectly but wasn't there a recent doom movie released? Like within five years?
3cbb: archaea, bacteria, prokaryota
TXC2: Simriel the M7 is so not a replacement IMO ;p
Anaerin: Gun (America), Gun (Russia), Gun (Europe), Gun (Asia)
Gizmoloid: choosing between being able to see or defend yourself worked quite well as a gameplay mechanic, but it was also just nonsensical
transcass: 5
betweenmyself: Unfortunately the KLOBB doesn’t get the respect it deserves
Simriel: Emperor? There is only one Emperor! The God-Emperor of mankind
CouldntPickAUsername: EGC: Every Game Carry
sethtriggs: Made of flubber!
WearingCats_CwC: Well that throws off my mnemonic completely
passwordlost_hereiam: AK, Glock, M4, RPG. What more do you want?
SquareDotCube: The SVDoubt
3cbb: *eukaryota
johnalogue: I have enabled my monitor's "black stablization" gamer feature
aggrocrow subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
aggrocrow: It's my favorite day of the week, GARBAGE DAY!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aggrocrow! (Today's storm count: 52)
TehAmelie: don't forget Colt
Viewers_Like_You: Didn't Magic recently change a bit of terminology? "Tribal" to "Typal" or some such?
LordManiMani: @passwordlost_hereiam deagle?
warpstonewarlock: Hello everyone! I'm late because of laptop issues. I see that Garbage Day started strong.
theymerLoviatar: @Viewers_Like_You "Kindred" is now official
Akaiatana: Think of the music not as a actual notes and more of trumpeteers on hanggliders on strafing runs
TXC2: Viewers_Like_You it's kindred now
ShaneLeeAtk: Give me dual Klobbs playing License to Kill!
Inquisitor_Xian: max payne 3 was and is still an all timer imo
sethtriggs: Oh I saw that spawn that is such fake difficulty!
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Hey G, have you guys been keeping up with everything going on with The Escapist? Started the week with a massive bombshell to my formative years.
Metric_Furlong: @TheMerricat there was, in 2019
Foxmar320: I liked the two Remedy Max Payne games
DoodlestheGreat: SkillUp says the remakes are on schedule. Hope they turn out well.
Mister_BlueSky: They're remaking them, aren't they?
Viewers_Like_You: @theymerLoviatar Ah right, that's it. Thanks!
richard_ermen: Hosh Strife Hayes recently did a "does it hold up" on Max Payne 1. It's stilla great Noire story, but the gameplay hasn't aged that well
CodeIndigo: A ringing endorsement of your game is when the only people streaming it are talking about other, better games from at least 2 decades ago
Foxmar320: Alan Wake 2 is outstanding
johnalogue: @Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra He made a post on Mastodon
SocraticMethod: As someone who replayed Max payne couple years ago, they don't, uh, hold up that well. Bunch of 2000 jank
raaabr: kindred is what’s used for the tribal mechanic. Typal is used internally in place of tribal as a deck type
TheMerricat: @Metric_Furlong thanks!
theymerLoviatar: I can never get over how Sam Lake is such an Ameriboo that he goes by Sam Lake when he's Finnish.
SocraticMethod: Quantum Break
NightValien28 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NightValien28! (Today's storm count: 53)
vickysaurus_mystax: Originally three, Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes, but it turns out Eukaryotes nest within Archaea so you sometimes see just two domains
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Control is also amazing. Although the combat isn't quite there
NightValien28: nightv22Yay
sethtriggs: Why is each wave just 10?
SquareDotCube: Quantum Break was easily their worst
Astra7525: I was also recently reminded of Control with its amazing Brutalism aesthetic
Alness49: Even Quantum Break was technically well done, if conceptually muddled.
kristian_fischer: How many people do you think know that Sam Lake's real name isn't Sam Lake?
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : @johnalogue Thank you! I don't do much social media!
Simriel: I should finish Control...
richard_ermen: Daymare is amazing. Also bad.
raaabr: @thus_spooped_zarathustra what happened?
theymerLoviatar: @kristian_fischer everyone in Finland
NightValien28: still don't understand how did that game got a sequel
Metric_Furlong: Daymere is a classic Watch + Nope
shamblingkrenshar: Daymare would be a great Watch+Play fare
sethtriggs: Poing!
Foxmar320: Alan Wake 2 is the follow up to Control and Alan Wake.
Aenir798: It has too much production value
TehAmelie: i just saw the old Alan Wake stream where Graham comments Alan Wake is written as the writer who would write Max Payne
JessKay: you play Birdemic, they play Evil Dead
CodeIndigo: dollar-store VHS
sethtriggs: Boinngggggg
noSmokeFire: "He's going there....and then he'll BE there"
ComradeMik: Playable is a strong term for daymare
Critterbot: The slide is just magically locking back when reloading. NotLikeThis
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : @raaabr Parent company fired the editor in chief that had engineered a renaissance for the site. Literally every creator, Yahtzee included, walked in solidarity. They're forming their own group now.
raaabr: I see
Metric_Furlong: I mean, Watch + Play does get non-bad games sometimes
ThorSokar: OF COURSE
sethtriggs: How is there enough content for a sequel
Metric_Furlong: as a special treat
raaabr: Did stream crash
accountmadeforants: LRR doesn't do reviews, but it does put games in certain shows...
Diabore: F
WetPaperSack: If a game ever needed a sequel, it was that one
sethtriggs: Oh that font
sethtriggs: at least it's bright
Scarbble: mmm, chroma beverage
DigitalSeahorse: ssandSPOOKED panicBasket
Foxmar320: Oh this already looks amazing
raaabr: I guess it’s just my end
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: lrrFINE
Diabore: there we go
Foxmar320: That found the lights
couchboyj: 2 Dangerous 2 Lands
Viewers_Like_You: Wow, *wildly* different
richard_ermen: Already looks...weird.
steelfox13: All the questions from the first game will be answered right?
Anaerin: It's still working, pause and play if it hitched.
Foxmar320: hahahahahaaaaa
JadedCynic: OOF, get me a cervical collar and a heating pad...the whiplash!
TehAmelie: slayer queen
johnalogue: @Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra So they escaped
sethtriggs: That font was sure trying to be Comic Sans
Tom_Bruise: Well of course a sequel was in order, the original was just *brimming* with potential
DigitalSeahorse: lrrFINE_TK
ShaneLeeAtk: @raaabr My stream froze also
theymerLoviatar: @raaabr Twitch has been on the struggle bus lately
MegaDosX: Definitely a sequel
NightValien28: this is a choice of music
WearingCats_CwC: Stream crapped out for a sec, this looks very different to the first one
Crad0k: @raaabr mine stopped working too, i had to restart
shamblingkrenshar: Sequel... how?
Kumakaori: twitch, pls, no more twitching.
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe
johnalogue: Wait what
sethtriggs: It has more gamplay and MIDI
Brozard: Knack 2?
AugmentingPath: We have spells now?
TehAmelie: did they want to cash in on the strong brand name of whatever the game was caleld?
malfnord: Yes. That is perfectly logical.
SquareDotCube: this is very Deus Ex
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : @johnalogue Caught their Second Wind, one might say?
Diabore: like sequel sequel or same studio sequel?
3cbb: it's like final fantasy it has conceptual connecting thread
TheMerricat: Holy fuck chat, the dev for this has _242_ games listed on Steam.... 242.
johnalogue: A whole new generation of assets!
sethtriggs: What's with the music
TXC2: it what way is it a sequal ?
LordManiMani: I love the LoadingReadyRemix
leroygardner81: much needed features missing from the first game
Drasvin: From wave shooter to Souls-like?
passwordlost_hereiam: I can see what's happeneing. Already 100x better
DoodlestheGreat: At least the music is... better?
Mangledpixel: "Sequel" in that it was the dev's next project
CodeIndigo: oh, so this is when they could afford the game assets that were in color, huh
emberBecky: well I can see what's happening so that's an improvement
steelfox13: The third game is this ball.
JadedCynic: @SquareDotCube soundwise, maybe...
Akaiatana: Is your player model from Blood Bowl?
Lysander_salamander: wow
offbeatwitch: BRUTAL SWORD
elkae: tqsWTF
accountmadeforants: waynerGoOff
Foxmar320: I was not expecting this
JessKay: oh these animations were _absolutely_ not all built with the same character in mind
Raiz0k: @Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra And the reaction Penny Arcade could muster was lol@ their logo. Kind of eye opening.
Tom_Bruise: Euh, does the keyboard control layout ever, uhm... leave?
kristian_fischer: Die bastard, you don't belong in this world!
TheAinMAP: The sequel to the game you were playing a minute ago? That game?
betweenmyself: I pray to everything good in the universe that the controls remain on screen for the entirety of the game
TehAmelie: game is pretty loud
DanielJennaGrouse: the balance is bad
BillTheCat: not great
SocraticMethod: Music bit too loud
3cbb: it's a bit loud
TXC2: Music is VERY loud
kireawolf: So loud
ThorSokar: no,
Kumakaori: game loud
accountmadeforants: Yeah, your voices are fine
richard_ermen: Are there two songs playing at the same time?
sethtriggs: Oh this UI is grotesque
AugmentingPath: music is a little loud relative to you
0x6772: What, Graham? Can't hear you!
Anaerin: Wait, there's 2 songs playing at the same time here.
Tom_Bruise: Kinda, but not really
Alness49: It's quite loud
noSmokeFire: it's pretty loud, but not intolerable
Gekyouryuu: Fun fact, Graham: There's an anime airing this season whose premise is a dude explicitly seeks out games like this stream plays in order to search for GOOD garbage, and gets convinced to take a break by playing a good game, effectively Super WoW / FF26, and playing shitty games makes him godlike in the good one
Lysander_salamander: you're kind of quiet in comparison
BITs19_: is it two songs layered?
red_shoes_jeff: WHAT?
JadedCynic: you're audible, but the music is pretty loud
squidddo: music is a bit loud
Foxmar320: Did you say something Graham
PhilanthropyLich: Game is a touch load, but not terrible
NightValien28: music got very loud
elkae: WAT
GreatWahooney: music could be a tad lower but bearable
NewtyNewts: This music is... bad.
Kumakaori: much better
Mangledpixel: it's two tracks at once, I think
GreatWahooney: perfect thanks
TehAmelie: yay
Rhynerd: Maybe drop the music a bit
OldUncleDan: This music sounds like the theme to "Knight Rider."
elkae: which musics
TXC2: this is some Heroquest level UI :p
sethtriggs: Nice Moonwalking!
ghyllnox: Music is loud
elkae: there are so many
Rhynerd: Thanks
mwlsn: @JessKay I'm thinking Mixamo for the animations
johnalogue: There were two songs? I have War Thunder in my other monitor and the hangar music was overlaying on everything else
Inquisitor_Xian: so this uhh "Dev" is just doin asset flips huh?
JOZeldenrust: You have Heelies!
ShaneLeeAtk: Is their a clarinet tuning up in the background?
Viewers_Like_You: It's a sequel in that it's subsequent... and that's about it
sethtriggs: Aer you walking on butter?
offbeatwitch: your mans moonwalking
theymerLoviatar: simply add more lube to shoes
BillTheCat: very good ice skates
Tom_Bruise: yeah that's how speed works
AugmentingPath: that feller looked dark soulsy
JadedCynic: the music is NOT bad, but it IS not really appropriate for the game
TehAmelie: running decreases the friction of the world, just like in real life
3cbb: maybe h for help toggles them?
BraveOthello subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
BraveOthello: Garbage Day today, and I hear the bus a comin'! Good week
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BraveOthello! (Today's storm count: 54)
Foxmar320: Everyone knows having the controls on screen the entire time never gets old
JessKay: @mwlsn that or the asset store for whichever engine they used, yeah
JadedCynic: more like a 'skill fern'
sethtriggs: Didn't you play another game with the magic skill tree?
Rhynerd: !advice
LRRbot: Hide behind the penguin.
Bahumot: Fireball in every slot!!
jetpixi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
jetpixi: 😀
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jetpixi! (Today's storm count: 55)
Anaerin: Coins are literal "Money". Great.
TehAmelie: a skill shrubbery
sethtriggs: that was this bad but some sort of...thing where you climb trees
TLBlitz: Does H hide the controls?
AugmentingPath: Actually, are those the same skill icons from Spiper Venom?
elkae: @JadedCynic PrideLaugh
JessKay: actually yeah that _is_ the magic from the spiper game
DanielJennaGrouse: oh hey that was Dark Soulsman
theymerLoviatar: That enemy dropped coins the size of its head.
SquareDotCube: gold or uranium pellets
jetpixi: I wonder if WASD is how you move. Be cool if there was a way to see that.
TXC2: so you're Goku? Kappa
MehallD: Graham, please tell me this is a trilogy and the next game is a space fighter game
CodeIndigo: everyone gets shamed on the size of their balls, whether they be fire or not
Akaiatana: @LoadingReadyRun Everyone else has sick burns for you?
sethtriggs: Those potion bottles look so familiar, like that other game
TeamDarkBeginning: Reincarnated In Another World With The Worst Fireball
SquareDotCube: doing zippo tricks without the zippo
DanielJennaGrouse: Neverhood
GreatWahooney: hey remember Neverhood?
m1gr3nA: neverhood
DigitalSeahorse: I'd not mind that cause even smol fire can grow
maxthefourth: is it just me or is it spiper venom with less waifu
leroygardner81: journey
ZoBo_: oh neverhood!
accountmadeforants: This is Knack 3.
johnalogue: Are there...monkeys without skulls?
DigitalSeahorse: light some candles
AugmentingPath: JessKay I guess it must be a "build your rpg game" asset pack they both bought
Lysander_salamander: alchemical lance!
DigitalSeahorse: or light the fireplace
arcaneIllumination: This fireball does not go in every slot.
TheMerricat: So chat, the dev for this has a bundle for pretty much every game they have on Steam for the low low price of.... $255 USD! That's 85% off!!!!! What a bargain for 240+ asset flips!
Tom_Bruise: don't forget to spend your money points
sethtriggs: Yeah this is all an asset pack
Lysander_salamander: Dragonslave!
TXC2: such capitalism, very money
johnalogue: The symbol is clearly USD, this is post-apocalyptic America
CodeIndigo: which grade?
TehAmelie: i always liked when i was able to pull a strategic level up in WoW, but it seems much harder here
kaliuniqueusernamesaredum: the inventory looks a lot like that game where you had to take a health potion after every enemy
vickysaurus_mystax: I feel it's more of a B-
Viewers_Like_You: SMH inflation is out of control
elkae: @TheMerricat oh gawd
Drasvin: Slayer is probably the fighter class, hence why their fireball is so whimpy.
accountmadeforants: @TheMerricat Okay, there is no way one person made that many games by hand
YareNiDaze: Yeah, this game seems completely functional, but not "sell for money" good.
mistbornhoid: Graham you comfy hoodies game is always on point.
0x6772: "Quest"?
Foxmar320: Thats to many games
sethtriggs: 211 games wowwwwww
johnalogue: Sometimes I question Alex's grading scale, but if I understood school I would probably be doing something right now
LordManiMani: lrrSPOOP
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: 4062 patrons for a total of $21,723.64 per month.
DigitalSeahorse: lol nope
Rhynerd: That’s over a year of W+P for sure
betweenmyself: So like Action 52 for today’s landscape
DigitalSeahorse: they'd be too samey
Foxmar320: More tits
TXC2: how many of them are viruses? :P
DigitalSeahorse: samey tits
maxthefourth: butts
CanPlayGames: Tit Memory Puzzle
CodeIndigo: more bigger puzzles
ekimekim: memory puzzle game, butt, tits?
JessKay: make memory puzzle game but cocks, you cowards
kilnfiendpotter: Too many mammalian memory puzzle games
Simriel: Tits 2, electric boogaloo
Rhynerd: How many games does an episode of W+P typically cover in a year?
jetpixi: Lol
Tom_Bruise: oh you turned blue and cyan
CouldntPickAUsername: *subtly goes to look up bundle...*
L0rdX33n: The series really dropped off after memory hentai tits 7
Asolya: oh my tits
accountmadeforants: "Woman's body: For adults 3"
sethtriggs: Blue on death?
jetpixi: Oh no ded
JadedCynic: stuff that used to be stuck behind an age gate at like Newgrounds...
Koshindan: I like the low poly aesthetic.
TXC2: I think I played a flash game of that 15 years ago :p
sethtriggs: I swear this map seemed to be made for something with a smaller view.
johnalogue: Can you remember what boobs look like? The devs can't.
DoodlestheGreat: They didn't even have the gall to use pics of real boobs for them.
Gulleko subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
Gulleko: lrrGARBO lrrHORN
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gulleko! (Today's storm count: 56)
Tom_Bruise: oh so it's like 1408?
raulghoulia: puzzles for smart: VCats
richard_ermen: Sounds like an SCP game
vickysaurus_mystax: Good font
accountmadeforants: "Easy hentai puzzle", these titles are blowing my mind
Simriel: @l0rdx33n okay that cracked me up. Holy crap
jetpixi: 847-5309?
Earthenone: i missed the first 846 buildings, can i get a recap?
m1gr3nA: a building 847 huh?
Akaiatana: 847 will do a number on you
AugmentingPath: Is it going to be a problem that we didn't play the first 846 of these?
TehAmelie: is it a yakuza building?
Anaerin: Will I have to play the previous 846 games so I'm caught-up on the lore.
Crad0k: alt enter
richard_ermen: Is the entire left 25% the BEGIN-button??
malc: sneak peek of Moonbase Mk.847
Mangledpixel: alt+return
MehallD: Alt+Enter
LPS_97: alt+enter?
SquareDotCube: that's a lot to eat
Dumori: alt+enter
DigitalSeahorse: BOObs lrrSPOOP_SG lrrSPOOP_SG
Foxmar320: Why do I feel like ive seen this before
thetoastmonster: probably alt and enter
KharadBanar: many games have alt enter
sethtriggs: Alt+Enter
L0rdX33n: @simriel Yes!
Diabore: progress
accountmadeforants: "Good puzzle", and "Good puzzle: Music"
ButterBall000: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 25:29.
m1gr3nA: not even a "build"... a "building"
sethtriggs: Intented
m1gr3nA: oh
Rourke9: heeey
sethtriggs: Oh we're in GOOD HANDS
Raiz0k: @TXC2 I wanted to make a joke about that game being Pingu, but then I realized that would be significantly more than 15 years...
korvys: alt-enter
accountmadeforants: "We did not figure out how to implement saving"
Crad0k: someone couldn't make save games work!
Lysander_salamander: "Couldn't figure out how to save"
Anaerin: So making it Nintendo Hard.
JessKay: nyoom
accountmadeforants: It's a roguelike OpieOP
mwlsn: @Lysander_salamander 100%
Tom_Bruise: hey maybe it's only fourteen minutes long
betweenmyself: @loadingreadyrun there’s a Burnout ripoff on Switch called “Burnout” that’s like three bucks. Probably gonna get removed within the next week or so.
CodeIndigo: Gotcha, it's six minutes long, two of those being opening credits
LordManiMani: Is this Control at Home?
Tom_Bruise: here's hoping it's only fourteen minutes long
TehAmelie: it's basically like i'm inside Jacob's Ladder
jetpixi: Oh don’t like this angle
DigitalSeahorse: noise design for sure
TXC2: Raiz0k time keeps moving not matter how much we tell it not to :p
vickysaurus_mystax: Really rattles your bones
MegaDosX: What could possibly go wrong?
richard_ermen: Is there very small talking being done in the background???
munocard: g
Anaerin: Go down an ice chute face-first, on a tea tray.
sethtriggs: Is this game Brazilian
AugmentingPath: Buildin G847
TXC2: and then there's doubles Skeleton :p
sethtriggs: Oh word wrap
shamblingkrenshar: Buildin
SocraticMethod: that's 5 different names in credits. More than usual
Tom_Bruise: Buildin G847
raaabr: Graphic design is my passion
MegaDosX: Welp.
sethtriggs: You had one job!
DigitalSeahorse: F
jetpixi: “In the begin-ing.”
DigitalSeahorse: for flashlight
Akaiatana: It's called it as sduch because if your luge comes to a dead stop, your skeleton shoots out
TXC2: his Tater tots?
CodeIndigo: xavier can i have your toughts
sethtriggs: Poor light = spoopy
richard_ermen: Mason?
TheMerricat: Stream die for anyone else?
raulghoulia: harry masoin
Raiz0k: @TXC2 "Rage against the dying of the light may be closer than it appears."
teejayrivers: Harry Mason
richard_ermen: Harry Mason?
raaabr: Hey Graham, are you gonna do a video where you look at even more poor graphic design, ala the Olympic things?
MegaDosX: Genius, Watson
shamblingkrenshar: Is Silent Hill Ascension too terrible for Watch+Play (Well, you don't really play it)
richard_ermen: Wasn't Harry Mason a tv laywer?
Redbassist subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Redbassist! (Today's storm count: 57)
TXC2: TheMerricat it's done it twice for me
Simriel: When was the last time we accidentally discovered a true Good Game on Watch + Play that wasn't well known
BITs19_: E
noSmokeFire: toughts empty...
sethtriggs: HOW did that car crash with the perfectly intact sign behind it?
teejayrivers: (I only remember SH1's protagonist name because of Shattered Memories)
Gizmoloid: are car windows filled with static???
DigitalSeahorse: that pavement looks old
theymerLoviatar: @raaabr would you like to hazard a guess as to how I read "poor graphic"
JessKay: @Simriel Tomato Way, probably
DoodlestheGreat: Wait... the car's windshiels is a screen of TV static.
Foxmar320: A clue!
NightValien28: clue car
Juliamon: TheMerricat It's not on LRR's end
TheMerricat: @TXC2 Weeeee... Thanks!
Anaerin: Also, love the TV static on the "broken" windows
Sandboxgamer27: I know what’s wrong with it, it ain’t got no gas in it
raulghoulia: @richard_ermen That was Perry Mason
Simriel: @jesskay Have we not had any since then?
richard_ermen: Ohhhhh
Crad0k: obra dinn
emberBecky: Obra Dinn?
noSmokeFire: Obra Dinn
L0rdX33n: Mm, Xavierr. X names are the coolest names. I should know
CanPlayGames: HOLDING
Lysander_salamander: Vanishing of Ethan Carter?
ekimekim: wait is this a Vanishing of Ethan Carter thing
sethtriggs: Oh wow blessed visibility
Rhynerd: @simriel the one where we found a game that was receiver but you’re an android saving catgirls?
EricTheOrange: holding up
TXC2: ghost trick?
L0rdX33n: Disco Elysium?
MegaDosX: !card xavier sal
LRRbot: Xavier Sal, Infested Captain [BGU] | Legendary Creature — Human Fungus Pirate [3/3] | {T}, Remove a counter from another permanent you control: Populate. Activate only as a sorcery. / {T}, Sacrifice another creature: Proliferate. Activate only as a sorcery.
LordManiMani: ~The Doom~
KV1NN4: what did the people here do with their cars
Raiz0k: Obra Dinn?
raaabr: Also, random point, I was actually in an ad for an Olympic thing in Beijing. With the Fuwa. Well, the Fuwa were CGI’d in but they had us walk together
RealLegitStreamer: Murdered Soul Suspect?
emberBecky: ohhh
BITs19_: Obra Dinn, very good
Foxmar320: Murdered Soul Suspect
Earthenone: murderfed soul suspect?
SocraticMethod: Ghost trick?
Anaerin: Press X to Ethan?
BigDaddyBland87: Murdered: SOul Suspect
NightValien28: murdered soul suspect
Rhynerd: Murdered: Soul Suspect
LordManiMani: I knew a guy who worked on MSS
Simriel: @rhynerd Was that just like, Legit Good?
AugmentingPath: Cosmonaut? More like Cosmonerd!
sethtriggs: "SAA?"
3cbb: cosmic boner
johnalogue: I remember a flash game about solving your own murder
ryuhimora: Cosmoaner
HadesLeprechaun: I actually quite enjoyed Murdered: Soul Suspect, it was something different!
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: THATS SO MUCH MONEY
sethtriggs: 1986??!
NightValien28: sounds like america
Brozard: Ghost Trick?
L0rdX33n: I mean, yeah
raaabr: Murdered colon
teejayrivers: Trillions of dollars in 1986 NotLikeThis
Muddy: murdered [dry heave] soul suspect
TXC2: is it Trillions of Zimbabwean dollars ?
CodeIndigo: Dated 1986, shuttle was 21 years ago....
Raiz0k: Ohhhh
TheMerricat: Is the Division still living?
JadedCynic: @sethtriggs Italian's idea of US government agencies
elkae: Murdered Colon is what happens after W+P
Rhynerd: @simriel Eh, maybe more of a solid but very niche game.
Foxmar320: Division 1 and 2 were a lot of fun. Sucks they put a story in it
WearingCats_CwC: My colon got murdered once. Not eating there again
elkae: So much toilets
krfsm: 60% of profits proudly go to <something hidden by Graham's head>
TehAmelie: we did spend all of Soul Suspect joking about wishing it was Ghost Trick
Tom_Bruise: Now that there's no more money for schools and banks and streetlamps, riots abound in New Metrotron
DigitalSeahorse: poor teddy left on wet ground
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: I desperately want them to just do a sci-fi the division
JadedCynic: @TheMerricat ....define 'living'
Simriel: @rhynerd What was it's name again?
CodeIndigo: So the Space Shuttle Cosmoner disappeared in 1965, FOUR YEARS BEFORE THE MOON LANDING
Anaerin: Ooh, a flashlight!
ryuhimora: How do you spend a trillion dollars on a search effort
sethtriggs: Well the Crown Vic model is nice
Rhynerd: @simriel I’ll look it up!
sethtriggs: But that's a trillion in 1986 dollars!
jetpixi: It’s poopin’ time @elkae
AugmentingPath: Before they stopped making games that weren't live service games
richard_ermen: Wasn't there a really old game from the 90s directed by Davud Cage with music by David Bowie that did something similar with soul hopping and watching memories?
bytecaster: It's a good hoodie, Alex
Brozard: The Division was great, but had a bad definition of difficulty
Foxmar320: Division 2 had amazing gameplay but yeah everything Alex says is true
CodeIndigo: like the Space Shuttle wasn't even a THING until the mid 70s
Akaiatana: PUBG is a live service isn't it?
richard_ermen: *David Cage
elkae: @jetpixi 100%
Pal_Friendpatine: What was the name of this game again?
Diabore: can we take gun?
SquareDotCube: "They got Alex!"
johnalogue: That's pretty bad from a shooter perspective
elkae: also hiiiii :3c @jetpixi
Raiz0k: Murdered Colon Soul Suspect is one of the few Unskippables I could literally recall from memory, woken up at 3 in the morning.
TXC2: what the optics of the games would be
TehAmelie: "we think we have no politics or themes in our games"
DoodlestheGreat: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: "not political"
CodeIndigo: @Pal_Friendpatine BUILDIN G 8 $ &
Raiz0k: xD
SocraticMethod: Made by a team consisting of many cultures and beliefs
BigDaddyBland87: #NotPolitical
jetpixi: Hiiii 😃 @elkae
Rhynerd: @simriel got it! Red Dust
shamblingkrenshar: "Our game is about nothing, we promise"
bytecaster: There are only two kinds of games, you see, good games, and political games /s
richard_ermen: The Division, also gets wirse in game 2 because it gets more and more bonkers
YareNiDaze: "The Underground Railroad..."
Manae: Someone really needs to learn the word "partisan"
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Like fighting the Blackwater dudes at least doesn't feel problematic. Everybody else tho
ButterBall000: I'll never forget The Queue from The Division
Angreed66: Do you think that spokesman ever regrets saying that?
Raiz0k: As non-political as New Vegas.
HadesLeprechaun: The Division stumbled over some parts, but the core gameplay loop of that and Destiny were like the only live service shooters good enough to keep me playing for a good while
Alness49: Famously non-political Geopolitical Thriller Author Tom Clancy
L0rdX33n: Hey the president has a secret hit squad that acts extrajudicially. The most non political game
Foxmar320: Division 2 litterally has the president in it making deals with a PMC to take over the world. No politics at all :p
Anaerin: There's a flashlight, can you pick it up?
Pal_Friendpatine: @codeindigo thanks
rasterscan: Dumb question, what's the "TiefanyRocketboots" twitch tag for?
undecided44: and Detroit become human wasn't political either.
JadedCynic: it's a shame; the story was put in fairly well, but the actual game mechanics made it unplayable
accountmadeforants: Just like how Detroit: Become Human isn't about slavery
BigDaddyBland87: "Our game is (about) nothing"
sethtriggs: Yay we got aome gameplay!
accountmadeforants: @rasterscan That's from Heather's BG3 run
Juliamon: rasterscan Nobody bothered to remove it
sethtriggs: nice step van
LordManiMani: Man. Maybe it's time to replay Obra Dinn
rasterscan: @Juliamon Ohhh, got it.
DEATHlikescats: @yarenidaze Detroit become human?
Foxmar320: :D
Metric_Furlong: @rasterscan Heather's Baldur's Gate 3 stream, it's what the protagonist ended-up being named
GrassVortex: extraLUL
TehAmelie: @LordManiMani you mean. . .return to Obra Dinn?
SocraticMethod: @accountmadeforants I mean, Detroid is about robot racism. It wears racism as dress
OldUncleDan: "Art is NEVER political!" - Some Status Quo Warrior.
raaabr: It’s John wick. Baba Yaga
YareNiDaze: @DEATHlikescats Yes, I mixed up the two games because the meme still applies. It's hilarious how quickly it happened.
SocraticMethod: @SocraticMethod wears *slavery
LordManiMani: @tehamelie Return to Return of the Obra Dinn
Admiralmatt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 95 months!
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SixPairsOfFeet: they said "get on your knees" and i said "i am not your mother last night", and they took exception to that
Raiz0k: @accountmadeforants Of course. What it actually is about is Cam biting his lip in frustration upon hearing one of David Cage's choice quotes.
NightValien28: SixPairsOfFeet killed all of them but one
Ravensfest subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ravensfest! (Today's storm count: 59)
Foxmar320: Everything looks like charcoal
ThorSokar: someone went OVERBOARD with the Acid Wash
raaabr: Stone block texture
bytecaster: Okay, as every game is political in some sense, what are this games politics?
Crad0k: someone went overboard with the pressure washer?
Anaerin: They tend to polish the concrete, generally.
ButterBall000: The paint is highlighting the imperfections
CodeIndigo: they only look like this when they're very distressed
KharadBanar: @accountmadeforants That Cameron clip where his thesis that it's actually not that political is interrupted by Robot Lady talking about the underground railroad is maybe my favourite LRR clip of all time
TXC2: concrete is smooth normally
red_shoes_jeff: That's so you don't slip on the stairs.
richard_ermen: As can be seen in the former eastern block nations, concrete Brutalist Buildings also suprisingly strong in withstanding the elements.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: the roughness gives you extra grip because nobody was actually wearing nonslip shoes
raaabr: @bytecaster something about crime rates
nekobun: love wtyp
BigDaddyBland87: Doesn't wanna be rude
SocraticMethod: @Raiz0k David cage: What if blade runner, but the robots were symphatetic?
Rhynerd: I just watched an episode of Well There’s Your Problem last week!
kristian_fischer: Is W+P the oldest LRR stream show at this point?
LordManiMani: @kharadbanar was that on a Talking Sim?
TXC2: KharadBanar it's the most viewed LRR clip
accountmadeforants: @KharadBanar For sure, that clip is iconic
JadedCynic: did they pour concrete or just hewed the building out of solid bedrock?
SixPairsOfFeet: @NightValien28 p***ed out like a b****h!
L0rdX33n: Or high as balls
KharadBanar: @LordManiMani yep
aquinas_0: that podcast reached some sort of simultaneous critical mass
DigitalSeahorse: got my booster on Monday, taking it easy to W&P ssandZEN ssandDOC
OldUncleDan: @kristian_fischer I think LRRMTG predates it.
bytecaster: Concmeal
accountmadeforants: "Also we'll put ceiling tiles on the floor and walls"
sethtriggs: Uugh this can't smell good
Magnifisquatch: awwww I'm sooooo late. ah well catch y'all on the VOD <3
aquinas_0: because I just listened to WtYP too
Raiz0k: @SocraticMethod Suddenly, I can taste iron.
Foxmar320: I think thats are name, Glurg Memphis
TXC2: a little guy from Memphis!
JessKay: Ghlurg, Memphis. Lovely city
Rhynerd: I’ll have to give the show more of a shot. Anybody know what episode involved a riverboat and a train?
YareNiDaze: The way it's laid out I thought his name was Glurgh Memphis.
TehAmelie: oh, maybe the building is made of that experimental pee concrete
kristian_fischer: Chrghlurg to you too.
jetpixi: When the walls fell or something
sethtriggs: I hope Ghlurg Memphis makes it into one of your Desert Bus skits
bytecaster: and I can [Mercy kill]
Tom_Bruise: You know you laugh, but Glurgh Memphis Tennesee is really *not* a place you wanna visit
Lysander_salamander: ok
KV1NN4: at least he seems to have decent trigger discipline?
DigitalSeahorse: Memphis
johnalogue: Moral choices!
JadedCynic: we coat the dangerous rough concrete with the oatmeal for protection.
CouldntPickAUsername: mercy kill
L0rdX33n: Just let me die already, I want out of this game
Crad0k: @SocraticMethod honestly probably my favourite lrr moment
Raiz0k: Ah yes, the friendly nod with a sidearm.
CaptainSpam: Aaaaand a zombie. That dude is totally a zombie now.
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
Anaerin: I mean, he can obviously lift his hand, he could shoot himself...
AugmentingPath: but why is leg
Bassios: M'leggy
Juliamon: "save a life" *walks away from dying man*
DigitalSeahorse: there was a dude up there?
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to GHLURG!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GHLURG! (Today's storm count: 60)
CodeIndigo: a dumpster blocking the stairs, how fitting
kristian_fischer: Is he proposing to stitch up the guy who's been BISECTED?
BillTheCat: inside hedge?
richard_ermen: Why is the flashlight....AGAIN so BAD?!
sethtriggs: If a guy gets rocketed through concrete I'd expect red mist
TehAmelie: i refuse to believe those are real plants
Akaiatana: The game's building to something
Akaiatana: or building 8 something, whatever
Angreed66: Honestly flashlights irl can be pretty bad
JessKay: (tips fedora) m'am
Asolya: I love making my games super dark so people can't notice how empty they are inside
CouldntPickAUsername: I have actually had cheap flashlights that flicker and fail a lot when their batteries get low
CaptainSpam: M'am.
johnalogue: Politely talk while that guy is bleeding out
SixPairsOfFeet: bessie my bestie
DigitalSeahorse: m'ma
SpacePotato01: Toronto Tom
Tom_Bruise: How nice of this world to find housing for cows
TehAmelie: m'am *tips fedoory*
LordManiMani: 🤠👉
johnalogue: Just conduct an interview with that man dying in the background
cgwonder: all the npcs are gonna be in masks or behind doors aren't they? no need for animation
sethtriggs: Quite violent and loud.
Rhynerd: “By the way, do you have a medkit?”
aprilmoxt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aprilmoxt! (Today's storm count: 61)
SixPairsOfFeet: nothing like W+P to give me hope i may make a game of my own some day
L0rdX33n: Was it like terror screaming or torture screaming?
LordManiMani: Yyyyyou're listening to Qwerpline!
AugmentingPath: cgwonder it works for Bloodborne...
betweenmyself: This flashlight needs some kinda choke to adjust the light output… This beam is *far* too illuminating for my tastes riffYeti
sethtriggs: Is there no model for Bessie?
Gizmoloid: was it like a screaming of eviscerated man down that corridor? M'am
Foxmar320: omg
richard_ermen: Just like in the 1930s if police bombs your building, they'll not tell you to evacuate.
bytecaster: Wait, what?
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
Akaiatana: All cops are bombers?
Asolya: uuuuuuuh
KharadBanar: Bessie, classic foreigner name
0x6772: Just get all the stereotypes in.
SixPairsOfFeet: "god damn foreigner" - "you mean the band, right?"
loufghyslaufey: Weh?
ButterBall000: Is Bessie from Britain by chance?
WearingCats_CwC: Do the police normally bomb apartment buildings?
richard_ermen: (For historical reference, police actual did bomb buildings in fighting unions during the 1930s)
YareNiDaze: I mean, accurate but weird in a game like this.
TehAmelie: "why wouldn't you trust the police" sounds like something a cop would say
CodeIndigo: #NotPolitical
MegaDosX: Subtlety
CaptainSpam: This woman's accent changing with her backstory is the perfect match.
jetpixi: No politics at all
KV1NN4: This sure is set in America
JessKay: so she saw it on TV but she also saw it firsthand
Crad0k: okay, wasn't expecting ACAB on garbage day, but i'll take it
loufghyslaufey: They boomed the stairs?
SocraticMethod: "grow as a person" jesus what a line
LordManiMani: @megadosx honestly, if I was playing a C or D grade game and realized the map was just Nakatomi I'd probably assess with more respect because that would be neat
AdamYMHMI: Tense situation? Try Backstory today!
SpacePotato01: I choose to believe they are talking *to the door*
bytecaster: Now that we cleared up the scream situation, tell me about yourself!
TXC2: Crad0k ACAB is everyday Kappa
KharadBanar: No! I need to know where Bessie is from!
4 raiders from Chamelenyan have joined!
TXC2: hello raiders
EricTheOrange: wait if police hate foreigners why did they hire you, a foreigner.
MegaDosX: @LordManiMani I just heard "explosion on the roof" and immediately thought of the helicopter scene from Die Hard
WearingCats_CwC: Bessie is from Old Country
A_Dub888: "There's a dude dying in the back and an explosion on the roof not to long ago, but tell me more of your life story"
Aenir798: Listen Graham, it's important to get all the details down while the memory is fresh.
Chamelenyan: Hi hi! How goes the garbage?
johnalogue: Just walk into the aftermath of a Payday 2 level and start looking around non-interactive doors
warpstonewarlock: @KharadBanar She's from old country
Raiz0k: @EricTheOrange Spite?
KharadBanar: @TXC2 ACABAAT? ACAB At All Times?
DigitalSeahorse: NPC to gibbs
JCBrokenLight: cakejuYello
Calyte: @EricTheOrange Plausible deniability.
TXC2: KharadBanar yes
YareNiDaze: @warpstonewarlock Which old country?
Drasvin: Just making strawberry jam.
warpstonewarlock: @YareNiDaze Mine!
JessKay: @YareNiDaze Mine!
Lysander_salamander: Just, waiting for these low-charisma folks to die
vickysaurus_mystax: To be fair, HP Lovecraft stories are generally pretty garbage too, as a fan of cosmic horror
Metric_Furlong: a little bit, yes
richard_ermen: Lovecrafts work is mostly "Oh, race mixing?!"
JadedCynic: No. That's pretty much Howard
SixPairsOfFeet: @JessKay Mine!
jessieimproved: It's actually very very fancy "oh a monster"
AugmentingPath: There's my wife!
MegaDosX: Cthulhu was an allegory for his ex-wife
TehAmelie: there's a lot of short stories that are pretty easily digestible, individually
bytecaster: Sometimes the monster his hard to look at!
SmithKurosaki: @drasvin I'm more a fan of the blackberry
Metric_Furlong: also a *lot* of racism, but that's its own topic
WearingCats_CwC: Yes, it's "Ooh, a monster! but the monster is actually a metaphor for race mixing"
johnalogue: Also sometimes fish and math
sethtriggs: You have to tell me you're a cop
Viewers_Like_You: "oh man, that cthulhu guy's scary" - HP Saucecraft
kilnfiendpotter: @richard_ermen Also: "Air conditioning?!! Oh god!!"
CodeIndigo: HP Lovecraft, famously afraid of fish, foreign people, and colors
Raiz0k: Ah yes, a "TikTok retelling" of The Outsider.
DigitalSeahorse: the worst part of it was the lackluster groans
RaklarLS: yeah... he got less bad with age but still pretty bad
richard_ermen: @kilnfiendpotter lol ^^
sethtriggs: @WearingCats_CwC Mmmmmmmhmmm
Akaiatana: "Oh, a monster!" explains Lovecraft succinctly. His works, on the other hand...
DeChunkandFriends: Favorite one to laugh at conceptually is the one where the unknowable evil is "air conditioning"
LordManiMani: The Astral Plane??
GhassanPL: The best Lovecraft is when he builds atmosphere, like Color Out of Space or Mountains of Madness
Pteraspidomorphi: It's so much cheaper to talk to doors than to NPCs
malfnord: We talk to doors because the developer couldn't afford more NPC models
CaptainSpam: Okay, Graham and Alex trading off voicing the player character works.
aggrocrow: Have yall seen "Skinamarink" yet?
Drasvin: Talking through doors means you don't have to animate people talking.
DigitalSeahorse: "mmmmrrrra-arrr"
Koshindan: Cheer200 You keep talking to door because they're the only ones that open up.
johnalogue: Air conditioning and living in an apartment
AdamYMHMI: The real discovery here is that this building is actually populated by... Sentient Doors.
ryuhimora: They couldn't figure out how to program NPCs. Everyone is just *behind the door*
shamblingkrenshar: Oh Kermit is here!
mwlsn: lrrSPOOPY
aggrocrow: I know that was the talk of the town for a while
Astra7525: Is this just a way shitty visual novel?
Tom_Bruise: between "A monster," "A monst that's my wife," and "Oh whoops I'm part non-WASP" yea that's all of Lovecraqft
satyropodobny: SCATTER
kilnfiendpotter: HP Lovecraft was also deemed too sensitive for math.
DigitalSeahorse: Kermit?
RaklarLS: @aggrocrow 10/10 would stare at walls again
betweenmyself: Animating non-mask wearing people having conversations is too hard… Hence, doors.
johnalogue: @AdamYMHMI I want that to be the twist
jetpixi: Who called it about the NPCs behind doors thing? You win 100 pts.
richard_ermen: Best Lovecraft story is "Call of Cthulhu" because in it Cthulhu tries to awaken and gets dumped by a 30m boat on the head and decides to go "eff it, back to a millenia sleeping" instead xD
Lysander_salamander: Is this a visual novel?
sethtriggs: They had a credit for another artist, the artist couldn't make some faces?
JadedCynic: he saw Telsa doing an electricity demo, and then created a 'dark skinned mystic from the unknowable east with eldritch magics'. Howie didn't handle future shock very well
L0rdX33n: Lovecraft was also big on Xenophobia and terrified that humans might not be the most important thing in the universe. He was kind of a shit
TehAmelie: i think it's a walking sim
SixPairsOfFeet: @ryuhimora fwiw the almost-dead guy even moved while talking
bytecaster: @Lysander_salamander I don't think it's visual enough for that?
AdamYMHMI: @Lysander_salamander Door Dating Simulator
AugmentingPath: Speaking of the Division...
kilnfiendpotter: @richard_ermen Worst case of the Mondays happen to Elder Gods too
shamblingkrenshar: @richard_ermen If someone dropped a 30m boat on me I'd also decide to go back to bed for a while
CodeIndigo: because it's 1986
richard_ermen: Oh, definitely
sethtriggs: 1986
satyropodobny: It's remarkable how this game engages the theatre of the mind
DigitalSeahorse: 1986
Metric_Furlong: @sethtriggs this is a bit of a modern misconception. Most of Lovecraft's work did not bother disguising the racism with metaphores
CodeIndigo: the newspaper
sethtriggs: Tenants can turn off the power for the whole building
TeamDarkBeginning: Newspaper said 1986
DigitalSeahorse: I donno I'm just repeating chat
CaptainSpam: "Urgh, how do I have this many spleens to rupture?"
MAPBoardgames: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 41:02.
JadedCynic: @L0rdX33n he grew out of it...but sadly that just meant he joined the rest of his generation in racist misogyny
richard_ermen: To be fair, people have no sense of money size.
Lysander_salamander: yay
bytecaster: A key! It is a horror game!
Foxmar320: wat
sethtriggs: Oh this is the best fetch quest
Angreed66: They must have blown inflation through the roof
DeChunkandFriends: The government spent trilions ON bananas, very different.
TehAmelie: easily missable
notthepenguins: the WEATHER PHENOMENA?
sethtriggs: Yeah okay!
NightValien28: excused you???
JessKay: "while you're here, mind if I exposition?"
Tom_Bruise: Oh yeah no worries, it's just the Shadow
Pteraspidomorphi: The famous worldwide 1979 black mist
TXC2: Look Regan was gonna make the star wars programme happen any way possible Kappa
kilnfiendpotter: @JadedCynic Don't forget the Anti-Semitism!
Lysander_salamander: The miasma
JadedCynic: "Oh, you mean Tuesday?"
Earthenone: casually talking about the weather
AugmentingPath: Let's use this key to turn the power back on, then we'll KNOW this is a horror game
MAPBoardgames: How could I forget?
johnalogue: Oh yeah, the faint black mist and multitrillion dollar government spending out of nowhere
ThorSokar: Um, Regan ran up 4 trillion in national debt in the 80s, it's not that out of order
Foxmar320: oh yeah the demon icor. That was a good time
notthepenguins: "We didn't think much of it"???
shamblingkrenshar: The GDP of Earth in 2023 is estimated to be 88 Trillion.
SixPairsOfFeet: oh that was the topic of hit video game Kid Ichorous
DigitalSeahorse: ick er
CaptainSpam: Yeah, we all remember that when it happened back in 1986.
Tom_Bruise: I still haven't seen my aunt after she got taken by the mist. Weird... anyway...
ShaneLeeAtk: Garlic Jr?
johnalogue: It was a coverup of *the global black mist*
CodeIndigo: and again, the dates are amazingly fouled up. 1979, famously the year of the Iranian Revolution and also Evil Mist Crap
Anaerin: The key opens a door in the basement that has the breaker box inside.
TXC2: was the demon icor before or after the murder clowns?
Alness49: Eh, I hear the Demon Ichor was made up, like Y2K
Frankenfruity subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months, currently on a 93 month streak!
Frankenfruity: Ichor Eyechor Ikoria!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Frankenfruity! (Today's storm count: 62)
betweenmyself: You remember that total eclipse of the sun about a week ago? (SHADOOP!)
L0rdX33n: Use it on the power door
Lysander_salamander: The black mist. A bunch of wrestlers joined forces
LordManiMani: Uh
Coloneljesus: hello lovlies!
CodeIndigo: I grew up near Love Cannal
malfnord: *shrug* I grew up Denver in the 80s. I dunno if we'd have notice the famous black mist for all the smog.
sethtriggs: Love Canal is near me! (1978)
BrindleBoar: do not put drums in your love canal
TXC2: hello Coloneljesus welcome
bytecaster: The 70s, decade of the demon ichor!
kilnfiendpotter: @CodeIndigo I remember writing a paper on the Evil Mist in college
ThorSokar: I mean, Nixon vetoed it the first time, they had to super-majority him
jessieimproved: Being horrible doesn't preclude you from doing a good
richard_ermen: Does the game not have ANY sound?
kilnfiendpotter: @bytecaster Is that what we're calling disco now?
richard_ermen: Oh, so its just not very loud
Astra7525: What coul dpossibly go wrong building a school over a toxic waste dump site
Raiz0k: @TXC2 Joke's on you, the murder clowns exist with the demon ichor in a state of commensalism.
DigitalSeahorse: wat
sethtriggs: Whaaaaaaaaaaaa
CodeIndigo: @kilnfiendpotter I did a few papers on Watergate and how it influenced the Daemonic Incursion in late 73
johnalogue: Is this detective-vision?
shamblingkrenshar: Environmental Storytelling could use some work here
TehAmelie: we turned game sound down a bit. probably not missing much
TXC2: Raiz0k oh no!
JadedCynic: OOF; everyone is afraid of nuclear stuff, when there's LOADS of non-nuclear stuff we create that's much worse, and treated far more cavalierly
Raiz0k: @TXC2 *honk* *splurt*
bytecaster: To be fair, we are kind expert about recognizing people falling into holes around here!
ClodiumSoride: maybe the walls are papier mache?
AugmentingPath: Xavier has extraordinary powers of deduction, but without the extra
vickysaurus_mystax: Gameplay!
Akaiatana: Everyone were inference at an early point in their lives
mwlsn: "assetry" is very good
baltimore_667083: this is what you get if you try to buy an scp off ebay
TXC2: Astra7525 a dump that was gonna be a canal :p
CodeIndigo: no, alex, you can actually SEE stuff in visual novels
EricTheOrange: so far this game has yet to be a horror game except for the lighting.
MegaDosX: Are those core samples?
malc: it's a can't
Coloneljesus: most paint cans are cans of texture
KV1NN4: i think its a can of rendering error XD
Viewers_Like_You: "[Dude] [fell from the huge hole in the ceiling]." "Well done. One fate correct. Too many remain."
Bassios: Always eat your texture, it tastes!
JessKay: kintsugi cans
TehAmelie: can of paint (artistic)
johnalogue: I thought it might be a jar of nails, but it's not
DigitalSeahorse: open this can for crackle nail polish in bulk
Gizmoloid: I'm guessing there was more to Lovecraft as a person than bigotry since his works are still around after his death largely thanks to efforts of his friend who was allegedly prominently gay
shamblingkrenshar: This flashlight is making me feel claustrophobic. But at least it doesn't have 30 second battery
Simriel: Wait how do we know for sure it's the 80s? Did we mainline a bunch of coke in game?
Alness49: Don't forget to preserve and can your textures before the winter
DrLigmaPhD: Wait. Have we checked that this game isn't named "monkee" or something
L0rdX33n: It’s a 1/19 scale model of my wang
DrLigmaPhD: ?
Raiz0k: Looks like a fungal colony?
sethtriggs: Of course they made all the lights uselessly red
Foxmar320: I hope for that every day in Florida
couchboyj: They've seen these other Watch and Play games where the textures don't load and they said NO, we are going to be ready for that shit!
BrindleBoar: give us this day our daily garbage
YareNiDaze: And that's what summons Demon Graham in the intro!
LordManiMani: @drligmaphd LUL
YareNiDaze: We found the lore!
DigitalSeahorse: this basement is made out of salt mines
MegaDosX: Red lights are everywhere, power must be on
TehAmelie: this game isn't clever enough to have a purposely funny executable
sethtriggs: I feel like those exit signs are wrong heh
Akaiatana: What a Joser
Bassios subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
Bassios: 10 months of giving you Breezy Jeff's money!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bassios! (Today's storm count: 63)
AugmentingPath: my black mist allergy acting up again
Foxmar320: oh he ded
EricTheOrange: F
JadedCynic: I mean there's ONE thing in this W+P candidate's favor: it's NOT a shooter...
TXC2: is this the same guy?
cgwonder: are these stairs made of syrup or something? you get very sticky as you go up
MAPBoardgames: You seem to get winded on those stairs pretty bad.
MAPBoardgames: That slowdown
richard_ermen: Woooow
YareNiDaze: Oh no...
DigitalSeahorse: xD
johnalogue: Yeah, I suspected it might be a case of "you can't actually save him, that's not a real quest"
DigitalSeahorse: wow
elkae: oh nooooo
JadedCynic: NO
cgwonder: whaaaaaaaaat?
EricTheOrange: waow
LurkerSpine: god I hope so
LordManiMani: My god
Raiz0k: xD
elkae: i mean yay?
Gaytanic_Panic: Nope.
sethtriggs: LOL
MegaDosX: It's a generational concept I guess
KV1NN4: Good
elkae: rip
TXC2: it's come full circle
CaptainSpam: "Hey, Detective? Again, I'm dying down here, and could really use your help in shooting me? Any time now."
DigitalSeahorse: nope
shamblingkrenshar: Its not gone exactly but its going
BigDaddyBland87: I feel old...happy but old
Chamelenyan: maybe the youth are alright lol
SpacePotato01: Now it's the whole teapot
jetpixi: SUCCESS
SixPairsOfFeet: the best games let you ragdoll at will
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: the crouch of respect!
SocraticMethod: @Gizmoloid THere is, but it's popular to dunk on him now because for past decades he used to be read uncritically and the racist parts unacknowledged
bytecaster: Do people think smurfing is actually turning into a smurf now?
Simriel: Teabagging happens in Destiny still
EricTheOrange: Was Teabaging a thing in Goldeneye 64 or did it start later?
Critterbot: If you know what teabagging really is then you've got every reason to be upset if someone does it to you.
Eklinaar: Millennials killed teabagging, what will they kill next?!
BrindleBoar: "the purpose of this ritual has been forgotten, but it's still performed in some remote communities"
YareNiDaze: Good that it's going away now, because ugh teabagging - but also oh god I'm old.
richard_ermen: Didn't it start in Counterstrike?
Gizmoloid: @SocraticMethod true true
JadedCynic: no we haven't, it's just WHY its being done is getting forgotten
Foxmar320: Was there more in the basement?
GreatWahooney: @Eklinaar loose leaf, probably?
kilnfiendpotter: @Eklinaar Look, we can't afford teabagging.
MegaDosX: You could crouch
TheDangerWaffle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
TheDangerWaffle: Wooo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheDangerWaffle! (Today's storm count: 64)
barringtonstabb subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, barringtonstabb! (Today's storm count: 65)
JadedCynic: yeah CS
MegaDosX: But you were down on one knee, so it didn't look like teabagging
bytecaster: It feels very Counter-Strike
drcanonball: It started with Halo i think
L0rdX33n: Halo?
NightValien28: I feel halo or counter strike
SquareDotCube: started in Halo I think
DigitalSeahorse: CS yup
johnalogue: @Eklinaar Millenials were the teabaggers, gen z killed teabagging
Simriel: It was Halo that popularized it
TheMerricat: :It likely began with Counter-Strike or Quake in 1999, as Kotaku suggests. However, gamers truly started embracing the fine art of teabagging with the 2001 release of Halo: Combat Evolved.:
YareNiDaze: No, Gen Z killed teabagging. We millennials know what it is, and I'm about as young as a millenial can be.
ThorSokar: You could do it in Unreal Tournament
Simriel: But counter strike source
Anaerin: Surely that should be "Millennials killed Teabagging, SMA" - Shaking My Ass.
MegaDosX: I'm fairly sure the first time it showed up was a game where crouching actually looked like you were putting your nuts in their face >_>
TXC2: Halo popularized it
ThorSokar: I say, having done it
CodeIndigo: the wall texture is some weird combination of gravel, concrete, and a matzo cracker
carbonoid12 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
carbonoid12: I should wait for DB, but it's okay.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, carbonoid12! (Today's storm count: 66)
ThorSokar: haha
Alness49: It's very much a thing done aftert the couch co-op era
betweenmyself: Halo had the achievement or something?
JessKay: Halo was definitely when it got big, but yeah I'm sure it's older
Drasvin: From what I've seen, crouching in Goldeneye was ...difficult.
MAPBoardgames: I recall it in CS
jetpixi: “Perfected”
Critterbot: Just look it up, once you know what teabagging I don't think you wilkl want to do it to anyone ever.
satyropodobny: to be fair, we have no physical proof of teabagging; future archeologists will not ponder its purpose
Raiz0k: Duke Nukem 3D?
MegaDosX: Crouching in GoldenEye was R + C-Down >_>
Foxmar320: That locker is a mood
MegaDosX: It did!
MegaDosX: Dukematch
Dumori: On PC yeah
BrindleBoar: the Dukes Nukem
JadedCynic: Duke Nuken 3D? OH HELL YEA
L0rdX33n: It totally did
Lysander_salamander: Doom had multiplayer
Raiz0k: Of course it did!
GreatWahooney: totes did
CaptainSpam: Duke Nukem 3D definitely had multiplayer.
Akaiatana: Duke Nukem 3D's multiplayer was *very good*
Raiz0k: Friggin' Doom had MP!
L0rdX33n: Happy memories
RaklarLS: D3D had fantastic multiplayer
DigitalSeahorse: queue for the salts of this saltmine basement
RaklarLS: even had coop
sethtriggs: And the acid kicked in
SquareDotCube: and it was rad
johnalogue: Another glowy-this room was FURNISHED!
rasterscan: A shame that the new Marathon... isn't Marathon much.
Simriel: Dual lever action shotguns is Rad, not bad.
ThorSokar: You could crouch in both multi-player quake and Unreal
shamblingkrenshar: That's really the ultimate argument for silly things: "Yeah it makes no sense but it ruled"
Gizmoloid: Doom had multiplayer, why would it be weird for Duke to have it?
JadedCynic: I used a null-modem cable to connect a laptop to my friends 386 desktop so we could play deathmatch
TheMerricat: "While Halo would become known as the real genesis of in-game teabagging, the act extended to other games that had crouch mechanics. In everything from World of Warcraft to Street Fighter II, quick and repeated couching came to signify the ultimate taunt. As a fun aside, the female character equivalent of this is known as “clam clamming,” Giant Bomb reports ."
Coloneljesus: is this game trying to do some obra dinn thing?
TXC2: a double barrel lever action? gimme!
sethtriggs: Everybody was kung-fu fighting
LordManiMani: "There was a firefiiight!!"
Koshindan: Duke Nukem with the shrinking and growing weapons were hilarious in multiplayer.
MAPBoardgames: Is this Tron? The orange one is evil.
Feminine_Desires: Been a while since I've seen a stream
GreatWahooney: oh right, I totally forgot Duke Nukem 3D had the shrink gun
DigitalSeahorse: so bright
Raiz0k: @Koshindan *step* *step* *step* *crunch*
MegaDosX: @Koshindan You just reminded me of the *ping* noise from the Expander in DN3D, like a microwave timer stopping benginLul
Foxmar320: Uhhhhh
YareNiDaze: That's when you add the elevator ding every time it hits the dude.
Anaerin: BOTH bootprints on that door.
cgwonder: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: laundry under the kitchen
sethtriggs: Yeah I like the elevator door eye effect
TehAmelie: we were a ghost all along!
Simriel: Why is there no destiny exotic that's twin pistols/twin smg
kilnfiendpotter: This wallpaper is very weird
L0rdX33n: Does Boondock Saints hold up?
JessKay: physically enter the counter
SquareDotCube: ghost counter
Raiz0k: Nice carpets!
CodeIndigo: "solid granite countertop" my ass
kilnfiendpotter: Also the carpet does not go with it, boo to the interior designers
MAPBoardgames: Did it have a blue pawprint on it? If no, not a clue.
DrLigmaPhD: Cool wallpaper
sethtriggs: There is so much going on with this wallpaper
SquareDotCube: kitchen's haunted
offbeatwitch: huh, do you usually have freezers on the top over there
shamblingkrenshar: Oh it is
Anaerin: It's worse, it's DIANETICS!
Lysander_salamander: ugh
Wolfstrike_NL: Sure is
ThorSokar: The book
shamblingkrenshar: No thats the cover of Deathly Hallows
MAPBoardgames: sure is
LurkerSpine: the book, yes
richard_ermen: Oh right, the first book
Foxmar320: Yeah it is
Kumakaori: yeah book 1
ThorSokar: 100% is
munocard: Yeah, that's the Deathly Hallows cover
sethtriggs: ooooooooof
AtomicAlchemical: Garbage day has come again LUL
cgwonder: yep
Critterbot: Yeah it is! Holt shit...
Spooky_Noises: @simriel this would be awesome
Feminine_Desires: Just 100%'d elephant collection and now I feel sad so I'm here for a pick-me-up
Viewers_Like_You: Yeah, that's Goblet of Fire
kilnfiendpotter: OMG it is
JadedCynic: @Koshindan I was a jerk - I'd drop a pile of pipebombs like breadcrumbs to lure someone into a trap and *boom*
Gekyouryuu: Deathly hallows
TXC2: yeap that potter
ButterBall000: Yeah, one of the later books
Raiz0k: Nope, the book.
DigitalSeahorse: harry potter books
richard_ermen: Barry trotter?
Admiralmatt: yeah thats book 7
betweenmyself: In case Graham is not up to the latest, our Guardian discovered the 15th Wish in the Destiny 2 storyline this week. pennyWhat
YareNiDaze: Yeah, that's literally Philosopher's Stone's kids cover.
BrindleBoar: Harskia Popovich?
EricTheOrange: they do knock off books too?
LurkerSpine: double bass whatever? that stars a girl I think?
Simriel: Dianetics by L Ron Fraudster?
3cbb: even more embarassing than porn
KV1NN4: wow this IS a bad game
johnalogue: People keep guessing different books in the series
YareNiDaze: Oh wait, it was Goblet. You right.
kristian_fischer: Yevgeniy Potterovich
LordManiMani: There seems to be some confusion! Kappa
warpstonewarlock: Deathly Hallows 100%
kilnfiendpotter: No, it's Deathly Hallows
cgwonder: uuuuuuh
Kumakaori: 3cbb yup!
emberBecky: I saw 7's cover I thought yeah
satyropodobny: that was the last one
TeamDarkBeginning: Yeah that's Deathly Hallows
CodeIndigo: was that a hockey puck with nuclear zits?
sethtriggs: Fire with no smoke
MegaDosX: Oh
SixPairsOfFeet: where did astronaut come from
MegaDosX: Oh no
JadedCynic: oh NO
Foxmar320: oh no
Simriel: @betweenmyself what was it?
DigitalSeahorse: why is room on fire?
Lysander_salamander: oh
TXC2: Noooooo!
sethtriggs: Uh oh
ThorSokar: OH NOOOOO
kristian_fischer: Oh, that was a bad idea.
BrindleBoar: F
warpstonewarlock: oh, we found the space ship?
EricTheOrange: WAOW
Sandboxgamer27: Don’t mind the alien
MegaDosX: That's horrifying
red_shoes_jeff: lrrJUDGE lrrSPOOP
Critterbot: Surstrømming boxes does tend to bulge sometimes. :D
Simriel: What does the 15th wish do chat xD
LordManiMani: Blue?
TehAmelie: it can't be moved, better to just move the house around it
cgwonder: did we find the missing shuttle?
L0rdX33n: We found it!
BrindleBoar: more of an effectmonaut, now
JessKay: we found the shuttle!
Anaerin: There was a missing Space Shuttle...
Raiz0k: Water. All of it.
SquareDotCube: first you dunk the cabin into a pool of water
Koshindan: Trillions of dollars and you found him as a minimum wage detective.
bytecaster: Maybe practice landing again?
johnalogue: We found the space shuttle!
NightValien28: case closed I say
AugmentingPath: I found the spaceship, $1 Trillion pls
Gizmoloid: @LoadingReadyRun Rusiian knockoff series was called Tanya Grotter. At least that the famous one
CodeIndigo: i think we found our missing space shuttle, kiddies
TXC2: surstromming is the shark food right?
sethtriggs: Is everything in this room made of asbestos?
GreatWahooney: Major Tom not doing so well
richard_ermen: "Tell us what you have seen, old Kosmokrat!!"
MegaDosX: Yeah there was that whole missing space shuttle remember? The Cosmoner
L0rdX33n: Thile spaceship was in us all along
Tom_Bruise: oh it's the aliens. They stole the Trillions!
TheAinMAP: katesSpace
shamblingkrenshar: @Koshindan Well really he found us when you think about it
Pharmacistjudge: Spaceman spaceman take me away And let's fly into the Milky Way
kusinohki: meows
KharadBanar: looks like someone put actual effort into those shaders
MAPBoardgames: Hey, Mr. Spaceman. Won't you please take me along (out of this game!). I won't do anything wrong. SingsNote
FlamingSpipernado subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
FlamingSpipernado: Spacemans vs. Bikers vs. Aliens! exactly what I expect from GARBAGE DAY! thisis223Lol
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FlamingSpipernado! (Today's storm count: 67)
Raiz0k: Ah CPR Outer Wilds dummy to be specific.
kilnfiendpotter: We found Major Tom
richard_ermen: Oh right, now that I see a Kosmonaut, there's a new Soviet Space-Game out called "The Invincible" based on a Stanislaw Lem-novel!
shamblingkrenshar: Maybe this is like Horror Express and he's now an alien body snatcher
betweenmyself: @simriel it was hidden in a few holes in Savathun’s wing… We also found an Ahamkara egg she was holding on to. The Wish that was found doesn’t currently work, but next Season has been confirmed as “Season of the Wish”
Critterbot: @TXC2 No, it's people food. Well, "food".
AtomicAlchemical: Wait... is this discount Obra Dinn?
Arazien: Got here late. What flavor (name) of trash is this
shamblingkrenshar: Check his brain. Is it perfectly smooth?
SixPairsOfFeet: stanislav lem, very good
CodeIndigo: oh, they're gonna nuke the buildin g
johnalogue: "nothing we can do" is a great thing to broadcast
TXC2: Critterbot oh you
TXC2: Arazien a horror game, allegedly
TehAmelie: watching frozen ghosts reminds me, did you see there's a sequel to Kona?
kilnfiendpotter: LOL, "Did I break the game, or was the game broken to begin with?"
Raiz0k: @richard_ermen Given that Stanisław Lem was Polish, you really want to call it "Soviet"?
MAPBoardgames: High 5!
johnalogue: It didn't sound like we had any reaction to the radio thing...
YT_GirlPainting: Hey Alex, did you know that they made an Anime, loosely based on you? Shangrela Anime about a guy who alwas plays Garbage Games ;-)
bytecaster: To be fair, I haven't been here from the beginning, but when does the horror start?
johnalogue: We need to warn the doors!
CodeIndigo: so, jose, bessie, and captain gut wound
Arazien: @TXC2 We love a good horror based trash
richard_ermen: @Raiz0k Okay, yes, sadly the eastern bloc-aesthetic is usually easiest identified as soviet
YareNiDaze: This game is the horror.
Foxmar320: Everybody ded
MegaDosX: Jose has gone to jeaven
johnalogue: Is this a Soviet aesthetic if we were talking about the space shuttle and trillions of dollars?
betweenmyself: @simriel all of this is learned by obtaining the final Minor Arcana available this week and completing the hidden fourth puzzle in the Imbaru Engine activity
SquareDotCube: hosea cannot see
jordorowsky subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jordorowsky! (Today's storm count: 68)
sethtriggs: I guess we'll never know what they looked like
Akaiatana: Love that for you, Besssie
Viewers_Like_You: It's dimly lit and you have a flashlight. That = horror.
sethtriggs: Maybe Bessie was actually a cow
MAPBoardgames: uhh..
JadedCynic: they already evacutated?
DigitalSeahorse: Jose has gone to No Way
offbeatwitch: the cans be floating
johnalogue: the worst time to buffer
embyrr_the_dragon: That is some loud wallpaper
richard_ermen: Is the washing machine in the kitchen?
LordManiMani: lrrSPOOP lrrHERE
TXC2: Hacky sack!
Hangedman subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Hangedman! (Today's storm count: 69)
JadedCynic: had time to clean off the shelves..
Foxmar320: :D
sethtriggs: I've lived where washing machine was in kitchen, it was an old house
Lysander_salamander: why
YareNiDaze: IT'S ART!
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
richard_ermen: Because it's nice!
johnalogue: Spoooky curtains!
SixPairsOfFeet: where else would she put it
Boon_33: :)
bytecaster: It's for looking at!
dee_dubs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months, currently on a 86 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dee_dubs! (Today's storm count: 70)
ghizmou: cottage chic
DigitalSeahorse: xD
CodeIndigo: she's a prepper
offbeatwitch: pallet storage
Coloneljesus: rustic core
GhassanPL: It's free lumber!
Rhynerd: Art
richard_ermen: I mean, where would you store a pallet?!
aprilmoxt: They are craftty!
sethtriggs: Because she lives in Pallet Town!
MAPBoardgames: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
leroygardner81: @richard_ermen if you aint washing your food like that its the devils lettuce
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
Gizmoloid: LUL LUL LUL
krfsm: it's shabby chic!
Raiz0k: @richard_ermen It's easier to type out, sure, but it pays dividends to be precise.
MrQBear: because it's eaier to grab from the top shelf than the floor?
JessKay: where do _you_ keep your pallets?
kilnfiendpotter: PrepperCore
AtomicAlchemical: warehouse chic
CodeIndigo: i never said she wasa GOOD prepper
Earthenone: she is excited for the pallet swap
LordManiMani: Modern interior design! Shiplap! Driftwood! Pallets!
johnalogue: A bludgeoning weapon!
NimrodXIV: where do you keep your pallets?
YareNiDaze: Alex, it's art!
TXC2: Pallets are important Alex Kappa
NathanJay_GA: Pallets and crates, crates and pallets
cgwonder: to be fair to bessie, delivery guys can be really shitty about taking the pallets away
AugmentingPath: I guess Alex found the decor unpalettable
Raiz0k: Well, that's just a foldable coffee table.
kilnfiendpotter: It's like a pop of color, but a palette?
kusinohki: how else are you going to use a forklift to move out??
JadedCynic: secret alcove, with everything but the red string, and hidden by a spooky curtain...
JessKay: Durk Bloodworth!
dmsink: She wants to check it with a geiger counter later
richard_ermen: @leroygardner81 xD
sethtriggs: Big McLargehuge!
SymphonicLolita: ARTS AND CRAFTS
Snowcookies: tfw you bought assets and need to use them
rubikdarkwill: Was their backspace culling on the bottom of the shelves?!
Astra7525: 147 PAGES??
Angreed66: You're supposed to return the pallets
Critterbot: "weaks"
TXC2: Durk BlurkWurth
aprilmoxt: Of the Stalingrad Bloodworths?
DoctorHutch: It's called "Environmental Storytelling" Alex.
johnalogue: Bessie was a spy!
Viewers_Like_You: SMH big pallet is forcing their branding everywhere
GreatWahooney: 2 weaks?
JadedCynic: oh no, not Roswell - New Mexico, right?
SquareDotCube: problem is you have to swap it out when things get harder
L0rdX33n: No one was alive then
sethtriggs: She said she was police
YareNiDaze: So she is actually from old country.
Tom_Bruise: well maybe if she had one of the trillions
L0rdX33n: Ferners
Juliamon: She's from Yugoslavia, wow
Foxmar320: Healthy!
Camthelion: They dont like the band Foreigner?
johnalogue: She was from old country police
TXC2: ah yes the famous sketch Four Rainers Kappa
cgwonder: rub bandages on him
richard_ermen: @Raiz0k I'm unsure because in that case we'd have to nationalize a whole slew of literature usually understood as "soviet sci-fi" and that's not commonly done.
Foxmar320: huh
LiveFaust: That's...Cold As Ice
johnalogue: Wait, what?!
DigitalSeahorse: Bessy must be old
sethtriggs: Gameplay mechanic?!!
AugmentingPath: Yugoslavia, oddly, was actually a pretty new country for being "the old country"
CaptainSpam: "FFS, detective, I thought I asked you very nicely to not rescue me and let me die. Dude, seriously."
Dergib: What do people have against foreigner? i am they aren't the best music but they aren't bad
sethtriggs: Oh that humming is taking me back
SixPairsOfFeet: take your snack with you
johnalogue: I thought that was a bit more time sensitive!
Juliamon: DigitalSeahorse She did say she was old
TXC2: AugmentingPath wasn't even 100 years old when it ended
CodeIndigo: if she was 24 in 1947, and it's 1986.... bessie is/was 63 years old
NimrodXIV: yeah "love" that ending
AugmentingPath: TXC2 exactly! Not a very old country at all
SixPairsOfFeet: @Dergib they gave us the perfect way to express when we don't know what love is and when we need someone to show us
TheMerricat: Friend of mine was so pissed t the ending of Mist but I loved it.
sethtriggs: Poof
MegaDosX: "I must go, my planet needs me" - that guy, probably
Foxmar320: Uhhhh
richard_ermen: Now follows the action game part.
sethtriggs: Run free!
ArcadeEngineer: you pressed the wrong butto and ate the guy
BrindleBoar: chk chk
Lysander_salamander: ok
NightValien28: we done investigating, now its time to shoot
MAPBoardgames: Wasn't that a crapshot?
johnalogue: So it's like the pump action crapshot but sillier
SocraticMethod: I've got 84 goddamn shells in this 4 round magazine!
krfsm: looter shooter!
YT_GirlPainting: suddenly DOOM
Foxmar320: ???
sethtriggs: The car was the trigger?
Aenir798: You did it!
johnalogue: We died?
Critterbot: Huh...
TXC2: the magic alakablam shotgun
cgwonder: huh?
JessKay: the end. no moral
WearingCats_CwC: uh...
NightValien28: YOU WIN
LordManiMani: lrrARROWS
CodeIndigo: yeah, they nuked the building
EricTheOrange: YAY?
rasterscan: ?
Rhynerd: Nuke?
SixPairsOfFeet: You Winned
ZoBo_: buh...?
sethtriggs: YOU"RE WINNER
A_Dub888: I....WAT
Amentur: Wha?
MegaDosX: Did they nuke the building?
DigitalSeahorse: uh
TXC2: is that game?
Gizmoloid: LUL LUL LUL
BrindleBoar: LUL
ClodiumSoride: Our work here is done.
They_Are_Alyx: ??????
johnalogue: Guess we didn't evacuate
Tom_Bruise: We did it! We solved the mystery of the 847 trillion buildingdollars
Crad0k: you either won or you broke it
richard_ermen: Congrulations! You are win!
Foxmar320: Did we win?
Rhynerd: Gun still works!
krfsm: you're free now!
DigitalSeahorse: bork
GhassanPL: You found out what happened!
shamblingkrenshar: YOUR WINNER
AugmentingPath: I blinked, what?
TXC2: ok
EricTheOrange: that was a game
Aenir798: You won!
Snowcookies: did we die?
Drasvin: Seems like nuke went off?
Boon_33: you found the bug-end
DoodlestheGreat: (•ิ_•ิ)?
HadesLeprechaun: did you get every achievement? lol
sethtriggs: You got the chievos!
MAPBoardgames: A winner is you!
Angreed66: Game decided new game
richard_ermen: And you only got....below 20% achievements??!?
MegaDosX: I think you got nuked
Raiz0k: @richard_ermen My point is challenging the entire label of "Soviet" for Lem. If you want to split those hairs, Lem was never a citizen of the Soviet Union, nor would he identify as such.
Bassios: Youm have winnered
ZoBo_: you saveded the man and got the shotgun...WIN!
TehAmelie: was it a bad end?
TXC2: right chat I'm off
ekimekim: there was a cheevo "finish the game by trying to leave in the car"
ekimekim: so i think that was a bad end
NightValien28: TXC2 hi off, I am dad, have a good day
CodeIndigo: yeah, so here's the story for it: Soviet shuttle disappeared in 66, returned in 86, the US bombed the building to cover it up
Dumori: Should have read all 147 pages
CaptainSpam: @TehAmelie That was *an* ending, and that's all that matters.
Boon_33: i think you might have been nuked too
fiftymcnasty: Should have mercy killed
A_Dub888: Did we find out WHY they bombed the building?
YT_GirlPainting: Graham and Alex, what would you say was the WORST game you EVER played on this show?
TXC2: Goodnight Everybody, and thanks for streaming Graham and Alex
accountmadeforants: Rolling around at the speed of sound?
richard_ermen: @Raiz0k Yes, okay, I can get behind that, but in that case I'd require that for most of the authors.
AugmentingPath: night TXC2
sethtriggs: I miss Beautycopter. That was a fun incomprehensible
MegaDosX: Is this a sequel to Escape from LA?
Foxmar320: Ive played that Sonic Adventure 2 level
BrindleBoar: Escape From New Smorsh
AugmentingPath: Follow me
SixPairsOfFeet: did anybody make the game from the intro video?
LurkerSpine: CryEngine???
Akaiatana: Escape from Snarkoff
CouldntPickAUsername: what are you trying to escape again
AugmentingPath: Set me free
Raiz0k: @TXC2 G'night!
AugmentingPath: trust me and we
TheMerricat: @A_Dub888 I suspect that the 'bomb' was the ship slamming into the top.
LurkerSpine: wow I thought that was dead
Tom_Bruise: Escape From City, starring Snake Johnson
sethtriggs: Oh, like Escape the Bronx?
Earthenone: yeah i think that was the joke end of a horror game where you just get in the car and leave
richard_ermen: That was AI art!
LordManiMani: "I really miss Toblerone"
Asolya: LMAO omg that logo
A_Dub888: @Foxmar320 Running around at the speed of sound
bytecaster: If this doesn't play "Escape from the City" from Sonic Adventure 2, I'll be disappointed!
Astra7525: is that City 17'?
SocraticMethod: Gnomes!
Dumori: Oh Gnome
cgwonder: that was a ride
ANeMzero: Yeah, Cryengine went free a long time back, around the same time Unreal did... but no one uses it because it's A Bit Shit
sethtriggs: Ohhhh this is gonna knock me sick
arcaneIllumination: It's a little gnome!
munocard: suddenly textures
MAPBoardgames: I think this shit just kicked in!
AugmentingPath: Astra7525 wake up, mr Freeman. Wake up and smell the assets
BrindleBoar: engine already crying
Coloneljesus: that's just the crysis shotgun
johnalogue: Haaah that pistol
Foxmar320: That sure is a gun
Asolya: gnomes, gnomes everywhere
EricTheOrange: C U B E G U N
LordManiMani: Chonk gun
offbeatwitch: aint that the doohickey that killed shinzo abe
Tom_Bruise: it's a bit... LEGO-y
DrLigmaPhD: What is that rail?!?!
Boon_33: this person only heard about guns in books
richard_ermen: Time to....shoot some gnomes.
SimplyLeggy: you even have legs
sethtriggs: Why do your hands look like turkey sausage
mwlsn: and their own leg
aquinas_0: oh no, not gnomes
SquareDotCube: chonky gun
CodeIndigo: david the gnome must DIE
kilnfiendpotter: Wait wait why did they put hairs on their hands
Asolya: no gnomes will be spared I guess
SpacePotato01: thicc gun
WearingCats_CwC: The H&K Chonker
MegaDosX: When you need your pistol to also pick up FM radio
kilnfiendpotter: I think that's supposed to be hand hair
Crad0k: it looks like a graphics card
johnalogue: That pistol model is...a genuine attempt.
Rhynerd: Is that blood on the aleeves?
Mangledpixel: it's a little gnome!
theymerLoviatar: Those hands look worse than my ankles, which I have eczema on
Pteraspidomorphi: So... Where's the city?
Amentur: What's that gun Kyle Katarn has?
Simriel: Longest possible barrel in a pistol there eh? :p
munocard: wideboi
betweenmyself: Ugly Xmas Sweater Shooter?
Drasvin: Does the grip of the gun have diamond plate?
YT_GirlPainting: @LoadingReadyRun , Graham and Alex, what would you say was the WORST game you EVER played on this show?
ButterBall000: Is the main character wearing a wwhite knit sweater covered in blood?
Asolya: bewteen this and the eat the gnome PRR deck
Gizmoloid: I'm in absolute awe of this firearm
Asolya: LRR is anti-gnome
Critterbot: Well, rectangual.
richard_ermen: What....the ....hell??
accountmadeforants: Looks like they figured out the subsurface scattering on the skin, at least
udzmmu: I think that's a sweater graham
sethtriggs: Is there even a lose condition?
Earthenone: !saveallgnomes
TehAmelie: square and seems to be made of aluminium grating?
johnalogue: Superlatives are a misery
AugmentingPath: Asolya they still haven't recovered from Spud
fiftymcnasty: How is the sight smaller than the rails?
AtomicAlchemical: Is that the gun that killed Shinzo Abe?
TheMerricat: The grip is square and appearently made out of diamond texture sheetmetal.
kilnfiendpotter: The Bible is one of the best worst game I've ever seen
CodeIndigo: "top"
kusinohki: I'm reminded of the guns in battlestar galactica... the one from the 70s...
shamblingkrenshar: Prayer Warriors was a psychological experience
offbeatwitch: prayer warriors is so bad it's good
lamina5432: I’m partial to spud
DrLigmaPhD: I'm involced with DIY Nerf shit. That's worse than ANY beginner blaster design
EricTheOrange: I mean some games are just un-functional
Simriel: It's a Little Gnome
richard_ermen: "The Bible" @kilnfiendpotter ?
YT_GirlPainting: great bad, meh bad and BAAAAAD
satyropodobny: The gun is but a vehicle for the sweater
kalira77: the tomten are here...
SquareDotCube: God, The Quickening.
GhassanPL: I miss Spud
Raiz0k: @richard_ermen Most of which authors?
CodeIndigo: @shamblingkrenshar i think you misspelled "psychotic episode"
rasterscan: I still remember Air Control. Remember that?
Izandai: And then there's the games that are, like, offensive.
DrLigmaPhD: involved*
Bassios: I'm gonna have to catch the VOD because I've got a stinker of a cold and need to go to bed. Have fun(?) folks!
arcaneIllumination: It literally led to the stream.
ThorSokar: The "pull the pin" scams
malc: head and shoulders above Myst.
bwk789: Loved that maze one with the 2 girls that had you finding 80 keys
GhassanPL: Oh hey! I had that rug!
LordManiMani: @rasterscan well now I remember the song from it
kilnfiendpotter: @richard_ermen I think it was "Exodus"? You played Moses, who could duck into a Souls like rolling when needed
sethtriggs: LOL
dmsink: Beauty Copter was a great day.
malc: LUL
Izandai: mattlrLul
Raiz0k: Oh, nice rug yet again!
bytecaster: Okay, you get points for that joke
AugmentingPath: I think my vote for the worst type of game is "generic wave shooter"
sethtriggs: I love this fire hazard house
sethtriggs: "Do Not Open" in front of that other door
CouldntPickAUsername: why is the door knob flat?
danisfine: Spud has a special place in my heart, i sorta miss it
accountmadeforants: Spud was shit, but it is still better than Myst
rasterscan: @LordManiMani Yeeeep.
kilnfiendpotter: LOL brave of you to assume it has hinges
johnalogue: load next level
sethtriggs: LOAD NEXT LEVEL
Rourke9: Doors are hard!!
krfsm: you could do dual hingeing
Snowcookies: "there are worst games than Spud" - Alex's review
ExachixKitsune: this sure is a building with things in it
AugmentingPath: very flat doorknobs
MegaDosX: And no sink
GhassanPL: Door handles are for suckers
sethtriggs: Wheres the SINK
bwk789: no book
bytecaster: Please wash your hands
krfsm: but it's ... not easy
MAPBoardgames: no sink
DigitalSeahorse: no plumbing
SixPairsOfFeet: who doesn't have a bath mat
kilnfiendpotter: You wash your hands in the tub?
ShaneLeeAtk: No plumbing
Raiz0k: The hanging text is great.
couchboyj: Wash your hands in the tub!
AugmentingPath: loooong sink
johnalogue: Just flush first
Tom_Bruise: that bathtub had no tap
Boon_33: sinks are capitalist
drcanonball: let it sink in
Crad0k: no drain in the bath
TehAmelie: my top pick is the one that makes you sit through slideshows with a narrator reading an extremely badly written story about what your squad is doing in between shooting dinosaurs
MAPBoardgames: no sink in kitchen
LordManiMani: Long sink
Hangedman: we use the three shells here
A_Dub888: There's not even a sink in the kitchen
AugmentingPath: marble fridge
sethtriggs: Oh that manky refrigerator
YT_GirlPainting: the bathtub didn´t evan had a HOLE
offbeatwitch: i love Load next level
kilnfiendpotter: This goes for $4k a month in San Francisco
Anaerin: Why is the fridge a solid chunk of marble?
MegaDosX: It's unsinkable
LordManiMani: @tehamelie The Dino Hunt? I think
KharadBanar: let that sink in
ANeMzero: I appreciate the door labeled Load Next Level so you know what it does.
LordManiMani: Also a fav
red_shoes_jeff: Gandalf yourself off that light every day.
MegaDosX: That was the Titanic of apartments
couchboyj: Game has everything but the kitchen sink
DoodlestheGreat: LOAD NEXT LEVEL
sethtriggs: Oh that's too fast
BigDaddyBland87: So do we get to Leave the Bronx?
TheMerricat: So I don't avocate going back to check but apparently there were multiple endings to Building 847. Though they all 'end' with you going to the car and being telported to the main menu.
DrLigmaPhD: The Shinkter
TotallyNotaBeholder: @kilnfiendpotter so you need 3 roommates?
DigitalSeahorse: everything but the kitchen sink, and other things
sethtriggs: NO DOORS
Angreed66: Secret sonic sink
TehAmelie: something involving dinosaurs and hunting, certainly
theymerLoviatar: some brakes on that tram!
Lysander_salamander: oh, they have public transport
malc: wow that deceleration
Simriel: Hey Dr Freeman
Boon_33: getting full value from the cry engine
AugmentingPath: pardon the load times, we need to use your GPU to mine dogecoin
MAPBoardgames: Is this a rail shooter?
Anaerin: So, no inertia in this world. Cool, cool.
munocard: Where's Breen?
MegaDosX: That way lies madness Graham
GhassanPL: This is very 2000s Poland-core
johnalogue: @TehAmelie Don't forget the silly intern girl who was just interning at the secret evil idea what their degree was supposed to be in
Astra7525: "Welcom... Welcome.. to City 17"
YT_GirlPainting: Morning Dr. Freeman
Aenir798: It's WORLD BUILDING, Graham!
kilnfiendpotter: @TotallyNotaBeholder On the lease, but let's be real you'll have at least 5 to make it work
LordManiMani: John Freeman, who was Gordon Freeman's brother
MAPBoardgames: Taht was a whole loading screen
sporkraptor: it's Immersive Worldbuilding
richard_ermen: @Raiz0k Good question! I tried thinking about it and I honestly can't remember most of what I'd think of as soviet-era scifi writers who weren't russian and couldn't really come up with any besides Lem...I'm sure there were others? But I'll bow to your mention.
Pteraspidomorphi: We had to see the city that we are escaping
MrQBear: that weapon is... interesting.
sethtriggs: Ohhhh that font
richard_ermen: Fallout 3.
notthepenguins: FO3 yeah
Gizmoloid: While I agree with most complaints about "rooms made by people who never been inside", the door being installed wrong is VERY realistic
sporkraptor: yeeeesssss
TotallyNotaBeholder: @kilnfiendpotter sounds about right
JadedCynic: Fallout 3 DLC
SixPairsOfFeet: "press enter to hide" this is now a horror game this is how you go into lockers and closets
DigitalSeahorse: trams digita435LOVE
richard_ermen: Because the Creation Engine is a "train wreck"
DoodlestheGreat: Tram on head? No problem.
sethtriggs: I do like the accurate oof structure
offbeatwitch: some classic bethesda jank
TheMerricat: It wasn't an NPC it was YOU.
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: That was fallout 3 I think
DigitalSeahorse: dang buffer
satyropodobny: Awaken and radiate Sir FreiMahn, awaken and radiate
JadedCynic: the Presidential Emergency Train
TheMerricat: You wore the "subway" hat.
TehAmelie: this game may have legs
Anaerin: Oh, I see we have our teflon pants on.
ZephyrousOne: It looks like your gun is bent.
Izandai: mattlrLul
TehAmelie: in jeans
sethtriggs: Containers indoors?
accountmadeforants: I hope you can get some real momentum, that slide could be fun
LordManiMani: Yeah lotta rough buffering today
richard_ermen: lol
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: These are all canned Cry Engine animations, I think
munocard: LMAO
theymerLoviatar: They built a light rail in my city a couple years ago, it took them ages to find enough people to wear the cars as hats
malc: they're from Australia
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
JadedCynic: at least it's *consistent*
MegaDosX: Is this where they stuck the Ark of the Covenant?
ANeMzero: So the Fallout 3 thing was that the tram is just a hat the player character wears and they forcibly move the player character to make the "tram" work
NimrodXIV: RIP that cargo
Mister_BlueSky: Games are often barely held together, it's kind of a miracle they get out the door half the time.
sethtriggs: This is MAGIC
offbeatwitch: bethesda is well known for technical jank like that though. always enjoyed the "morrowind regularly ran out of memory so it occasionally restarts your xbox"
Astra7525: "Branko was here"
bwk789: somebody call the stevadores, someones been bussing with the cans!!!
johnalogue: And they still keep shop inventories visible and unlocked in the level
TotallyNotaBeholder: Pork Futures warehouse?
LurkerSpine: one of the cleanest warehouses I've ever seen
Lysander_salamander: so neat, yet so wrong
AtomicAlchemical: Wow... someone's getting fired over this one
MAPBoardgames: upside down and inside out!
CodeIndigo: this was built by someone who knows neither cryengine nor gravity
krfsm: was the text mirrored?
LurkerSpine: I've worked in more than a few, usually they're dusty and dark
TheMerricat: Someone is so fired at this warehouse.
krfsm: (on the containers)
kilnfiendpotter: Oh hey, a pallet! I'll put that on my dresser.
Boon_33: the seacans, they're in distress
MegaDosX: I bet the Ark of the Covenant is in here somewhere
SocraticMethod: I hate how everyone picks on Tram hat because it's a prime example of dev ingenuity. They needed vehicle for one scene and didn't have to code and debug entire subsystem for one-off
accountmadeforants: No you see, before they ship things they put the containers upside down so people know they're empty. This is very convenient for logistics. Source: I made it all up.
SquareDotCube: ah the tuber futures
sethtriggs: Not crates but good as!
satyropodobny: you must earn your forklift certification
EricTheOrange: I'm guessing this game has no music.
Anaerin: A maze of upside-down seacans.
SquareDotCube: the most dangerous tram
NathanJay_GA: I wonder if the container asset is upside down by default as a trap to catch people who don't change them I any way
epsilon_vee: @krfsm yeah, maybe they also flipped the texture?
AugmentingPath: are they properly upside down or is the texture inside out?
ANeMzero: Oh wow, that is the default CryEngine shotgun from Crysis
sethtriggs: This floor is butter too
DoodlestheGreat: No greater proof the dev doesn't speak English.
YT_GirlPainting: strong narretive so far
cgwonder: uuuuh are you just like scooting along on your butt there?
munocard: gotta shoot the containers
NightValien28: ps1 level looking ass
Boon_33: and you brought atleast 2 guns
KharadBanar: not even upside down, vertically mirrored seacans
ANeMzero: Except they somehow made the shotgun from Crysis look worse.
CodeIndigo: you go to work at the nothing factory
ThorSokar: And apparently you have the exact Mirror's Edge slide?
Lysander_salamander: the sweater is a nice touch
FarleyF: welcome to the Belkan Experiment the game
L0rdX33n: Typical Tuesday so far
Tom_Bruise: You got a job with Shotgun Security. as part of your City Escape Plan
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh I like that slide move
sethtriggs: I do wonder about the stutters too and wonder about that aforementioned mining Dogecoin
Astra7525: Here are also your company uniform frictionless shoes and pants
munocard: Because Sonic said so
AugmentingPath: That guy's wearing grey and brown military shooter camo
fastlane250: I'm liking this other term for 'intermodal container' that I haven't heard before
Admiralmatt: and now you kill all the dockworkers?
sporkraptor: I love the idea that this is just your job
nekobun: because if you don't the GUN truck will run you over
NimrodXIV: cool door
Pteraspidomorphi: Sliding around at the speed of sound...
Izandai: OH MY GOD
Tom_Bruise: that's just a screwdriver door, nothing special
bytecaster: Do you need a giant screw driver to open that door?
Boon_33: what are we, a terrorist?
munocard: Rolling around at the speed of brown...
sethtriggs: Oh look at those baby steps
JadedCynic: @SocraticMethod yeah, it's brilliant - it gets used ONCE to take the player from the 'main world' to the DLC's added location
sporkraptor: it's a Phillips screw, obviously
BigDaddyBland87: Oh this is just a bad adaptation of Leave the Bronx (AKA Escape 2000)
BrindleBoar: that's a screw. What, you've never seen a screw before? Kappa
DrLigmaPhD: You may find yourself surrounded by strange seacans. You may find yourself heavily armed. And you may ask yourself "How did I get here?"
kilnfiendpotter: Do you like...screwdriver it open with a flathead?
MAPBoardgames: it's a Phillips doorknob
Aenir798: Have you seen this city Graham? Who wouldn't need to escape?
Gizmoloid: who installed those stairs!?
sporkraptor: doesn't everybody carry an Extra Huge Phillips Screwdriver?
SquareDotCube: just need a MASSIVE phillips screwdriver to open the door
Simriel: It's Resident Evil, you need to find the correctly shaped Key
zigboy22: Garmbage day
Viewers_Like_You: Yeah, a classic Phillips-head doorknob
Tangsm: I think it's a Philips head lock.
TheMerricat: Look Alex, they spent their budget on modeling a gun. They didn't have any money for knobs
ANeMzero: The story is that you're a blue hedgehog and you're being pursued by a giant truck in San Francisco
MegaDosX: Could you imagine the effort needed to open a door like that on a hinge?
CodeIndigo: "you must have this many eating disorders to climb these stairs"
sethtriggs: Are you wearing bloody gauze?
gnyrinn: I don't think this warehouse is well designed.
TehAmelie: regenerating health at least
undecided44: Screw at 300 % scaling = doorknob, obviously
ArcadeEngineer: it's like it was built by aliens based on heavily degraded sd tv
kilnfiendpotter: It's as if someone asked a bunch of aliens to make a shooter video game, and said aliens have never held a gun or been on earth.
munocard: bing bong
sethtriggs: Do they even take headshots?
Boon_33: imagine a breeze slamming a door that size
johnalogue: Maybe your blocky pistol is just super powerful
ravenlord_xix: that is a chunky and square gun grip
theymerLoviatar: ngl I would wear that sweater if the red was just dye
Raiz0k: @richard_ermen Thanks for seeing my point :).
sporkraptor: dingdong!
kilnfiendpotter: @ravenlord_xix Are we Lego men?
CodeIndigo: @sethtriggs it's my city escapin' sweater
FarleyF: ding dong avon calling
TehAmelie: aliens whose only reference to Earth buildings is videos of the quality normally associated with alien autopsies
Aenir798: Yeah I thought you had a phone app to unlock the door
AugmentingPath: at least there's not a horrible klaxon
Amentur: Bus is coming
Anaerin: Couldn't get them all fobs, huh?
ekimekim: what, they can't just use the app?
ANeMzero: I don't get why they used the default CryEngine shotgun but for the pistol they were like "I can do better than Crytek"
bytecaster: It's important to coordinate your chunky outfit with your chunky gun!
sethtriggs: Niiiiice ragdoll
JadedCynic: is this still the "SAA bankrupts America and riots happen so we do a P.I. thing
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: never seen a protagonist wear a knitted sweater
accountmadeforants: Full Plate
richard_ermen: In that case: "The Invincible", out since....yesterday, good polish sci-fi based on a Stanislaw Lem story!
kilnfiendpotter: It's a fashion statement
munocard: lmao
theymerLoviatar: It's casual Friday at work, protag is allowed to wear their comfy sweater
ravenlord_xix: Sandwich board plate carrier
Raiz0k: I mean, the entire gun looks like it's been lovingly machined in a CNC tutorial.
Tom_Bruise: that's why we're escaping from the city; to safe the grandma that knitted our cozy blocksweater
Amentur: It's a hand me down LUL
CouldntPickAUsername: he's wearing a backpack
sethtriggs: I remember backpacks like this in middle school
Hangedman: that's a tabard
sporkraptor: that's a very festive sweater for escaping the city
zigboy22: What day does DB start again, also SANDWICH man
Boon_33: supa arma
nekobun: Eat Lead At Joe's
FarleyF: bonus the plate could double as advertising
JadedCynic: did they think the plate carrier is supposed to cover the ENTIRE body???
CodeIndigo: he is his own weapons rack
richard_ermen: Maybe he's making a fashion statement?
Juliamon: !db countdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Sat 11 Nov 02:00 PM PST (2d, 23:50 from now)
Simriel: Was that made... From a Backpack Texture to make the plate carrier?
TheMerricat: @SocraticMethod So there are actually a bunch of cool stories about dev ingenuity like that. Like people not wanting to go through the effort of creating a one off model for something so they just piece it together by taking two unrelated models and embedding them in each other to make it look the way they wanted to.
arcaneIllumination: @zigboy22 Friday
Anaerin: A hand-me-down from what? An A1 ABRAMS?
SpacePotato01: Manhole brigade
CmdrMadMoe: Weighs only 40Kg
satyropodobny: They told me I could be anything, so I became a backpack
rubikdarkwill: I thought it was a backpack embedded in his body
zigboy22: @zigboy22 Sweet thanks
arcaneIllumination: @arcaneIllumination Oops, my mistake. Saturday
betweenmyself: In my head canon we’re playing as Clark Griswold from Christmas Vacation, angry at the size of his bonus check.
Rhynerd: I love how he didn’t engage you until after you called his armor a sandwich board
richard_ermen: But imagine the protectiveness!
ButterBall000: Race me Hannah!
SimplyLeggy: Imagine this person just running around wearing an ugly christmas sweater sliding up to you and chunking you with a shotgun
theymerLoviatar: @betweenmyself seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
TehAmelie: then he stumbles and his head comes off
Izandai: what
shadowmaster132: His arms looked like they were the camo pattern colour instead of wearing something
sethtriggs: The leg wiggle is grfeat
YT_GirlPainting: Have you guys covered Kong and Gollum already on the show?
Mister_BlueSky: Not ice bullets?
Simriel: Poisoned 50AE xD
sporkraptor: poison... bullets
KharadBanar: Lead *is* poisonous, you know
Angreed66: I really shouldn't be drinking while watching W&P
MAPBoardgames: Lead poisoning!
Anaerin: The poison is LEAD
MegaDosX: My lightsaber is coated in poison
Izandai: mattlrLul
LPS_97: What if they wanted to get Rasputin?
Lysander_salamander: I think I remember that comment from the movie, but I can't remember what movie it was from
SocraticMethod: @TheMerricat Yeah, and everyone pick on the tram because "it's bethesda jank" It's not, there are much better examples of bethesda jank to make fun out of.
Tom_Bruise: Quick, fetch the poison-tipped battering ram
Alness49: Greater Poison of Stoppin' Powah
Boon_33: the poison kills your progeny
MAPBoardgames: It was Jaws. Ithink I recall that scene
Viewers_Like_You: Ah yes, kinetic energy poison
ANeMzero: Poison Truck is my favorite Final Fight boss.
richard_ermen: Hitting people with trucks is suprisingly often a better alternative to many other, less advanced weapons.
cgwonder: @themerricat reminds me of when ashley and james were doing the rivendell build suring the subathon and the arms of the chairs were sausages.
Aenir798: LUL
Izandai: :olu
Raiz0k: Also, any poison that survives a gun firing...
MegaDosX: Goddamnit Graham
Izandai: mattlrLul
EvilBadman: Quick, get me the antidote, I'm not gonna make it
Amentur: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
sporkraptor: *dead*
Knittinglibrarian: Oh lord
sethtriggs: Well at last plutonium is heavy so you could lob it at someone
MAPBoardgames: Jaws 2
gnyrinn: The poison is for the forensic team that's investigating the murder
Asolya: WHEEZE
iris_of_ether: foxmarNOV benginRip
Raiz0k: xD
JadedCynic: why not hollow out your 40mm cannon rounds and fill them with poison while you're at it?
AugmentingPath: Beat him to death with my trusty blade, Drop And Run
richard_ermen: Also I wonder if The Hulk ever tried driving someone over instead of throwing the truck at them.
YT_GirlPainting: dos the truck BITE?
TehAmelie: +2 Constitution poison forklift
LordManiMani: My favorite Stephen King book
Kasran subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Kasran: why that's almost a year
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kasran! (Today's storm count: 71)
johnalogue: haaahh
couchboyj: Not to be confused with poisonous trucks
L0rdX33n: I really enjoyed Plane for it’s depiction of what a Barrett 50 cal does to a dude and the engine block he was hiding behind
aggrocrow: That's a Transformer. Toxitron
ThorSokar: I find that video game developers and movie people don't really understand how MUCH damage high caliber bullets and shotguns do
KharadBanar: and the crapshot *honk* is a truck horn
johnalogue: Poisonous trucks are only dangerous if you eat them!
Anaerin: Yup, the plate carriers are hand-me-downs from an A1 Abrams.
JadedCynic: and they DON"T WORK, you got THROUGH AND THROUGH with a SHOTGUN
Tom_Bruise: their fatigues are made out of dodgeballs
Inquisitor_Xian: they're like basketball textured lol
Raiz0k: @Anaerin xD
munocard: They just used industrial grade velcro
CodeIndigo: we ran out of molle, here's some skateboard grip tape
Lysander_salamander: so much chafing
SpacePotato01: These are just wearable ad signs covered in camo
JadedCynic: hag
theymerLoviatar: OH I just remembered, at a con last weekend I saw an indie TTRPG called "I Just Want To Enjoy My Peaceful Life In Another World But The Truck That Sent Me Here Has Developed A Taste For My Blood", it's a two-player game, one person plays the protag the other plays the truck
Snowcookies: are we sure that's clothes and not their skin?
MAPBoardgames: It's that foamrubber they put in preschools.
SaxPython: I saw it as transformers w/ Venomous Prime
Cptasparagus: anti-slip body armor
Boon_33: the greebles make them run faster
JadedCynic: ted raimi is in a suit
TehAmelie: it's to give them room to grow up into tanks
JadedCynic: that's ted's sweat
Viewers_Like_You: That camo would be perfect for my grandparents' house
sethtriggs: Ew
TotallyNotaBeholder: Incidentally the only place where you get venomous trucks is in australia
Angreed66: I think they textured it like that because before they did that it looked like plastic
CodeIndigo: @theymerLoviatar that one sounds freaking awesome, can you link it?
ZephyrousOne: I don't know if those helmets help at all, but they definitely impact their peripheral vision
adamsteelproducer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
adamsteelproducer: Woooo garble derp!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, adamsteelproducer! (Today's storm count: 72)
johnalogue: @Snowcookies genetically modified supersoldiers with camo patterns...who were designed for a different biome
remoskrone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
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sethtriggs: The headshots don't matter it seems!
JadedCynic: sam, bruce and bob tappert
sporkraptor: honestly I love Evil Dead 2, I need to see the director's cut
theymerLoviatar: @CodeIndigo not sure if I can post a link here but it's by kumada1 on itchio
betweenmyself: They can open stuck jars real easily
sporkraptor: it's basically my version of RHPS
MAPBoardgames: Froot! Froot!
munocard: These enemies have NO situational awareness
AugmentingPath: Shotgun Ventriliquist
sporkraptor: "A Farewell To Arms" *killed me*
SocraticMethod: Tarkov-level directional audio Kappa
Mangledpixel: trains rights
TheAinMAP: Looks like an EMD.
red_shoes_jeff: @theymerLoviatar That sounds like EXACTLY the kinda game I'd wanna play at Phantasm. Shame DB's going on at the same time this year.
Coloneljesus: u ever had a swiss train?
TehAmelie: Bruce Campbell calling his autobiography "If chins could talk" is my favorite thing about him
richard_ermen: Trains...suprisingly good for moving people and cargo
TheAinMAP: I like trains.
ravenlord_xix: I like trains (insert ASDF clip here)
L0rdX33n: Factorio has taught me trains are apex predators
LeFunSeeker: what are those fingers while reloading O_o
DigitalSeahorse: HypeBigfoot1 HypeUnicorn1 HypeUnicorn1 HypeUnicorn1 PrideTrans
Izandai: Something something grade-separated light rail.
shamblingkrenshar: I wish Americans would be less afraid of trains. I assume that's why we keep trying to make anything but a train
CodeIndigo: trains rights, damn right
sethtriggs: We used to have a lot in North America but ripped it up
malc: trains rights. love it
SquareDotCube: Empire Builder was *chef's kiss* when I rode it
JadedCynic: yes! the trans-express <3
cgwonder: that's good
Asolya: trains' rights are public rights?
TheMerricat: Are we tough? I feel like NA is too spread out to make trains really that worthwhile anymore.
red_shoes_jeff: TRAINS RIGHTS!
zigboy22: no remove the national parks and put in more superhighways
AugmentingPath: TransgenderPride choo choo TransgenderPride
Foxmar320: Jump Scare?!
Master_Gunner: c'mon, it's not like 80% of Canada's population lives in a relatively narrow corridor or anything.
iris_of_ether: I light railed back from the airport on Monday!
loufghyslaufey: Sometimes you just want more... "Tickets Two Rides"? Right?
Tom_Bruise: bwaargh
munocard: lmao
Snowcookies: So have we learned the story of this game yet?
baltimore_667083: heartland flyer is short but fun
SixPairsOfFeet: Kraf Twerk - Trans Europa Express
Tom_Bruise: Tank!
ThorSokar: The fact that we pioneered huge rail networks and never did ANY high speed rail really grinds my gears
sethtriggs: Oh that POPIN
munocard: What's behind the tank?
NightValien28: TANK
Lysander_salamander: Recently I learned about a horror story of a not-very-smart mayor that decided to smash together two steam locomotives for fun.
TotallyNotaBeholder: Everyone onto the Trains Rights for Trans Rights
CodeIndigo: i wonder if there's guys being that tank
richard_ermen: Is that an Abrams??
Astra7525: Where did that tank's tracks go?
CptMurphey: tank stuck
MegaDosX: Muffin button
johnalogue: Build more infrastructure. I want to drive without being terrorized by train-sized commuter vehicles
Drasvin: Load screen jumpscare
0x6772: The train!
Amentur: By train
Swamplor: Austin Powers parked that tank
Aenir798: Jump good
sethtriggs: Nice panelaks!
Izandai: Climbed over that wall.
Boon_33: nice tank bro
rasterscan: So, uh. Can we have an Austin Powers-
DrLigmaPhD: Bottoms, coke addicts, and transit enthusiasts want high speed rails
ravenlord_xix: oh, a tank
Raiz0k: Casually, an Abrams.
TehAmelie: behind an Austin Powersed tank
SquareDotCube: It doesn't even have tracks!
epsilon_vee: clonk
ANeMzero: I love the big tubs for 4 magazines
rasterscan: @Swamplor You beat me to it
JadedCynic: GIANT rode cases, and like 3 mags in each
CptMurphey: the text on your grenade was backwards
SpacePotato01: did they steal that tank's treads? This is one tough hood
Eulenmaedchen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
Eulenmaedchen: Happy Garbage Day, Chat, Graham and Alex!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Eulenmaedchen! (Today's storm count: 74)
SquareDotCube: a sweater made of nylon cord
aquinas_0: just build'em down the medians, we already have right of way on highways!!!
ZephyrousOne: You have to escape the city because the whole city is an eldritch horror.
Izandai: mattlrLul
munocard: wow...
BrindleBoar: LUL
aquinas_0 rages
YT_GirlPainting: something is WRONG with the hand
sethtriggs: What is that <: symbol on the tank?
betweenmyself: He got here by rail travel… Pay attention pennyWhat
DigitalSeahorse: the dad sweater
satyropodobny: Commentary!
GhassanPL: Is this that Saudi city, The Line?
TheMerricat: Chat do we remember what the name of this one is? I wasn't looking when Graham started it.
johnalogue: An empty briefcase with 5 magazines tightly piled in the middle
AugmentingPath: The asset has lore
Simriel: It's wild to me that America was fucking BUILT on railroads and then just "nah"
Anaerin: "Must've been the wind"
Juliamon: TheMerricat Escape From City
munocard: It's a cutting board
sethtriggs: Great colliders!
Astra7525: @sethtriggs THis side towards enemy :P
CodeIndigo: is he wearing two of them now?
richard_ermen: Is he wearing....a camo suitcase??
bytecaster: They all come with a complimentary playmat!
TotallyNotaBeholder: Got his armor from the nerf store
accountmadeforants: That's their laptop bag
johnalogue: @Simriel I think that might relate in part to reconstruction
bwk789: its a bodyboard, they're off to the beach later
DigitalSeahorse: diamond knit biege
BrindleBoar: Yes.
TehAmelie: are we in another human terrarium?
Ard_Rhys: These are impressively dumb enemies
Boon_33: more like 71tons if it has all the updates
CaptainSpam: I could swear kids had backpacks like that when I was in high school...
WearingCats_CwC: They're so boxy, it looks like early samurai armour
SocraticMethod: @sethtriggs Where the front is. Used for soldiers woking around the tank so they know where the driver has vision
Raiz0k: @Simriel Cor... "Lobbying" is a Hell of a drug.
MegaDosX: Why not?
JadedCynic: aw, man; the 'let's P.I. the evacuated zone and talk to people' game IS a shooter??? I man SO disappointed
sporkraptor: and now the ultimate question: how much did it cost?? >____<
accountmadeforants: I've seen that in real-life hotels
ShaneLeeAtk: Must be an Amazon warehouse
sethtriggs: That is the biggezt panelak in the world!
Foxmar320: All questions with no answers
offbeatwitch: infinite apartment block
richard_ermen: Balconies on ground Floor are actually a thing
CodeIndigo: that view from 3 inches up is amazing, graham
GrassVortex: Have you heard about "The Line"? :D
fiftymcnasty: fencedin patio
Izandai: At least the ragdolls are pretty good.
malfnord: It's CounterStrike: Backrooms
sethtriggs: @SocraticMethod Wow they did something accurate? That is cool!
johnalogue: Right before the Civil War all the Confederates left Congress so everyone else could finally pass infrastructure reforms.
Lysander_salamander: eugh
L0rdX33n: Tax credit for balconies
BrindleBoar: welcome to Costco, I love you
YT_GirlPainting: well graham , you see, evn the ground floor people deserve a balcony ! DUH
Alness49: This kind of mixed use zoning is illegal in the US
theymerLoviatar: My previous apartment had a balcony about three feet off the ground
miniMacGuru: It was easier to sink the building into the ground by 1 floor than to hide doorways?
gnyrinn: The enemies do get a decent death animation though.
richard_ermen: You can see many balconies on Ground Floor buildings all over eastern Europe.
GreatWahooney: do you not have ground floor balconies in Canada? smh
cgwonder: i'm guessing they're all 100B
DigitalSeahorse: look for 221B
munocard: lmao they got up?
Izandai: KOBE
betweenmyself: Balconies on the ground floor for improved stability
Simriel: @johnalogue really fucked a whole lot up during reconstruction huh.
sporkraptor: I love how all the cars are just kind of shoved into the middle of that open space
satyropodobny: Ok, but I literally live in a soviet block with balconies like that
Gizmoloid: and why is there no access to those balconies from inside?
JadedCynic: where in 80's New Mexico are we getting these clearly European compact cars?
LeFunSeeker: another 100B
munocard: car door physics!
Drasvin: Maybe it's like venice? It wasn't always the ground floor, but the city is sinking and they just built the road higher?
MAPBoardgames: Wait, all of the doors are 100B!
SocraticMethod: @sethtriggs I think it's a ripped model from 3rd party
Anaerin: Look, it's 100B. And their neighbours 100B!
accountmadeforants: Those are just Crysis (1) grenades I'm pretty sure
sethtriggs: Nooooooo not the Yugo!
arcaneIllumination: The car door has physics that react to gunshots. That's great.
johnalogue: @Simriel Our proud tradition of poor counterinsurgency and nation-building started somewhere
SquareDotCube: he knew what was coming
Sandboxgamer27: It looks like you can see the curvature of the earth
sethtriggs: That is a LOT of Trabants in te USA
munocard: welding mask?
Coloneljesus: graham's shirt kinda matches their color scheme
Boon_33: i think it's safe to say this DEV loves shotguns
Tom_Bruise: he looks like a Fallout 4 ghoul
Lysander_salamander: need hopsital
WearingCats_CwC: He's wearing the PUBG helmet
JadedCynic: @Drasvin made by italian devs, but canonically set in "a town in New Mexico"
MegaDosX: And now I taste time
krfsm: I can't help but notice that all the enemies are black
TheMerricat: Complete lore of this game: "You are just a normal worker, but suddenly, when you were planning on going to work as usual, the city was attacked. Prepare your gun and leave the city immediately. Fight your way past various enemies on different locations of the city and find your way out! Escape."
Amentur: "My brain tickles"
Boon_33: long block is looooong
YT_GirlPainting: how do you get INTO the buildings on the right?
DigitalSeahorse: allllllll of this building is 100B
Simriel: Where was the origin of "I want Hopsital"
TehAmelie: can we put this game in hopsital?
YT_GirlPainting: there are no doors
munocard: How many grenades do you have?
sethtriggs: It was a dud
TheDangerWaffle: LMAO
Simriel: Like where did I want Hopsital start
betweenmyself: “We ate the pot brownies and now I think we’re dead.”
SquareDotCube: sounds like a spell
JadedCynic: English-language localization wasn't 100%
Tom_Bruise: you got died to death I guess
LordManiMani: Jim Henson's FragGrenade
bytecaster: Can we do a Dark Souls and just run past them?
JadedCynic: just stand there
Akaiatana: You keep the FraGrenade in a Camel Case
MegaDosX: Foie grasnade
Kasran: fra grenad, that's latin for brother grenade
Snowcookies: grenade in french means pomegranate
mwlsn: Flagrant grenade
sethtriggs: I lov ethat ground floor balcony
sporkraptor: is the wall following you??
ArcadeEngineer: it's like 60s poland tried to make that saudi city concept that's just a line
Asolya: @Snowcookies it also means grenade lol
GreatWahooney: I thought it's pronounced Foie Gras
SquareDotCube: "I cast fragradanad" "What does that do?" "Make you explode if hit"
Raiz0k: Serves Alex right for using a defensive grenade on the offensive.
JadedCynic: watch your buddies get shot dead, but don't DO anything
satyropodobny: guns be so chunky cause they double as pasta dispensers
Drammses subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months, currently on a 96 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Drammses! (Today's storm count: 75)
butt_ghost: mmmm raspberry blood
LeFunSeeker: well the doors got physics
theymerLoviatar: @ArcadeEngineer having been to Poland recently, I feel like this is way too safely constructed to be 60's Poland
sethtriggs: Thank goodness everyone drives the same car asset!
Asolya: so if you say "attention à la grenade" you can't tell if it's a pomegranate or a grenade
TheMerricat: Ah the dev for this is a Ukrainian kid it looks like from their ArtStation page.
ravenlord_xix: the bullet pings sound like popcorn kernels pinging in a pan
Boon_33: lol
WearingCats_CwC: Just throw a grenade into some rando's flat
krfsm: north hollywood shootout budget reenactment
adambomb625: Spell components: Pomegranate, Bomb
TehAmelie: you can die very fast under fire, but you can just whittle down all opposition without risk by staying away and using cover. so that's engaging gameplay
CaptainSpam: "Brutalism Ultra", that has to be the design of this ludicrously long building.
Simriel: How much do they cost each?.
Simriel: Titanium ain't cheap right?
50keyz: I lrrHEART Alex's little trumpets
Raiz0k: @adambomb625 So a single-component spell, ez pz.
JadedCynic: the helmets are definitely a match for the italian "N.O.C.S." spec ops...the camo doesn't match up
LeFunSeeker subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
LeFunSeeker: Button! feineKnopf
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LeFunSeeker! (Today's storm count: 76)
sethtriggs: Yeah
Foxmar320: Oh yeah I can see that
richard_ermen: Like someone went and asked Chat-GPT?
accountmadeforants: Also yeah that shotgun is from the original Crysis, too (except the front sight is red instead of green for some reason). I guess they're free to use or the dev thought they were.
Raiz0k: Oh that's depressing.
GreatWahooney: oh heck we found the end of the building
DrLigmaPhD: Why does this "neighborhood" feel apocalyptically british?
GreatWahooney: and there's another building
BrindleBoar: "We're working on that technology!"
johnalogue: I don't have the ML W+P game vibes for this one specifically
richard_ermen: Preach it!
sporkraptor: Thank You
shamblingkrenshar: TRUTH GRAHAM
sethtriggs: Just algos
Rourke9: And it will never be AI!
butt_ghost: YESSS
Hangedman: it's just fuckin rounding a lot of numbers
johnalogue: It does not attempt cognition in literally any way
Boon_33: fully automated shovelware
sethtriggs: Generating lowest common denominator games
Kasran: someone already made a shitty angry birds clone with the help of machine learning iirc
AugmentingPath: ML is stealing jobs from our hardworking Garbage Devs!
MAPBoardgames: Wait, this is a second, straight road level?
Nigouki: my personal line is it's only AI once it get anxiety and imposter syndrome
NightValien28: give ubisoft six months, they will get there Kappa
sporkraptor: I wonder if you can get to the sub-ocean from this alley
johnalogue: Automated Imitation
betweenmyself: The building on the right only ends when necessary for gameplay riffYeti
MrTheWalrus: How would we know if we did, though?
AtomicAlchemical: AI: Algorithm Iteration
YT_GirlPainting: the IKEA one?
fiftymcnasty: Lets make a machine learning model only fed by W+P games
JadedCynic: @MAPBoardgames nah, it's an alley - look at all the garbage ;)
krfsm: ah, so Trabants
richard_ermen: Sewer Level!
Rhynerd: Maybe in a generation or two a game maker program will come with an “AI” assistant system
HorusFive: Open crate that you just can stand on top of?
Raiz0k: @krfsm Or Ladas.
Akaiatana: Drink More Glurp as a horror game?
0x6772: Get the lady from the last game: lots of pallets to preserve.
TheMerricat: So chat, there are seven levels according to the Steam page - Home, Factory, City, Canalization, Prom-zone, Airfield, and Forest --- I want to know what Prom-zone is.
NightValien28: sewer level?
NightValien28: sewer level!!!
Izandai: This could be sewers.
adambomb625: My favorite is SCP 914. Not creepy, just funny
bytecaster: Loooong loooong sewer
CodeIndigo: more like subway tunnell ish
Cephallope: Sewer adjacent
WearingCats_CwC: Sewer level!
Blade_Tiger: This is a very well lit sewer
TehAmelie: sewers finer than Moscow's subway
Anaerin: Where's Civvie 11's Sewer Count?
Tom_Bruise: holy shit
sethtriggs: Oh that extruded wall
Snowcookies: a very clean sewer
BrindleBoar: much less brown than I was expecting
JadedCynic: bravo!
sporkraptor: yeah that looks like it's probably supposed to be sewers
SquareDotCube: My favorite SCP is still the vending machine with keyboard that can produce almost any kind of liquid
krfsm: the Trabi *was* made from papier maiche, if memory serve
tknomncr: Very square sewers
sethtriggs: COntinuity! B oh boyyyyyyy
sporkraptor: it's not water, it's mercury
CaptainSpam: Good god, is this city like five hundred miles long and a single straight line?
Gizmoloid: holy crap that's a bright sewer!
SimplyLeggy: Why are these soldiers just chilling in the sewers
JadedCynic: now the devs need to go back and re-do the previous level transitions
butt_ghost: My God! It's full of pipe!
betweenmyself: Cleanest sewers ever
satyropodobny: That's a long swimming pool
Rhynerd: @themerricat this is canalization I assume, so prom-zone should be next
AtomicAlchemical: I can't believe we are hyped for a sewer level
richard_ermen: Listen graham, they had exactly 5m texture, and that had to fit the whole level"!
johnalogue: Wasn't the Trabant technically really impressive?
sporkraptor: I'm obsessed with how bizarre the water looks
kumatsu: is this a sewer or si this the chamber for the Large Hadron Collider
ClodiumSoride: @CaptainSpam A Year in the Linear City by Philip Jose Farmer
JadedCynic: @betweenmyself not even cobwebs near the top
sethtriggs: Sliding in the sewer
TehAmelie: it's like that Harlan Ellison story with the tunnel under the world
betweenmyself: And so well lit!
TehAmelie: i think called "The tunnel under the world"
cgwonder: suprised they implemented a ripple effect
shendaras: I appreciate the lights they put in the sewers every 3 feet
sethtriggs: Are the headshots actually doing extra damage?
ravenlord_xix: they even animated splashes, so there's some effort
Foxmar320: We slide for a loooonnng time
Simriel: Plates are Single Use items xD
ZephyrousOne: When your procedural generation software can't make turns
Boon_33: tell that to john wick
richard_ermen: Now imagine the in-game camera zooming out and behind us there's an ancient eldritch evil with an Ubisoft logo going "DOoyou feel the madness yet, little one?"
Asolya: interesting
johnalogue: In a universe where you can slide in a straight line for so long, maybe a long city makes sense
LordManiMani: The arms and vest race escalates
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: took 100 years but we are back to wearing Cuirass arent we
fiftymcnasty: oh yeah the plate swaping
Drasvin: Ceramics are good at absorbing kinetic impacts, but shatter when they do so.
ANeMzero: Warzone was Battle Royale. Warzone 2 does like Extraction Shooter / Tarkov stuff IIRC
Simriel: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn I mean Curiasses aren't just single use
Izandai: mattlrLul
MegaDosX: Amazing
kumatsu: I worked exactly one Warzone esports event and it was utterly incomprehesible to me
sethtriggs: I'm amazed that crate is providing cover
johnalogue: Modular and repairable armor
Rhynerd: I saw some gameplay of the latest MW game. Apparently the main healing system is swapping out plates like that. And all the levels are just shit out of Warzone.
Boon_33: it's plates all the way down
DoodlestheGreat: plate-plate-plate-teacup
fiftymcnasty: Its silly, but a good system for that game
rubikdarkwill: The problem with the water it it's completely smooth, but the reflections are rippled
Simriel: 338 rifle testing
Calyte: Repo-man?
ThorSokar: how MANY times has this guy been shot?
adambomb625: do we have more grenades?
johnalogue: Being shot in the back that much implies several other bad decisions
KharadBanar: the mall ninja manifesto
Raiz0k: r/MallNinja moment
Tom_Bruise: it's like that cybertruck, that's got bullet-resistant doors and windows, but no crumple zone
sorrow_of_aria: Alex have you ever watched surviving edged weapons?
Anaerin: No more partial pomegranates.
johnalogue: @Tom_Bruise The crumple zone is outside.
SquareDotCube: yeah some security guards get a little nutty with their paranoia/scenarios
Raiz0k: @Tom_Bruise The crumple zone is "borrowed".
TheMerricat: "I do not understand the “joke” or the “Rambo.” I am in a high-risk job. It is not the Mall of America, but Ill tell you what its no podunk mall either.I am a responsible citizen who has made the choice to carry at all times. I defend others. If something happens at the Mall then I would be the hero, not those of you who are making fun of me for no reason. Yes Im not a Green Beret but guess what neither are you and unlike you I have to face unruly shoppers..."
Foxmar320: The ragdolls are fun in this at least
SocraticMethod: @Tom_Bruise The _other_ car is the crumple zone
Izandai: Someone get the Brew Crew!
YT_GirlPainting: @LoadingReadyRun Graham and Alex, have you ever switched on the show? So that Alex choses the Game and Graham plays instead? ^^
red_shoes_jeff: "I don't care!"
ANeMzero: Oh hey, the Crysis patrol boat.
BrindleBoar: the boy who cried boat
TheAinMAP: sergeCanal
sethtriggs: The Cryboat!
sporkraptor: cryaboatit
sethtriggs: I'm Crying with laughter
butt_ghost: Cryboat: wait till you see the upkeep fees
Astra7525: Oh god, it IS aping Half life 2 bit for bit
sethtriggs: Your hand is only for gun
TheMerricat: Oh this is far longer copypasta.. I bail.
Foxmar320: uhhh
0x6772: Only tool you know is gun, so gun the boat.
MegaDosX: Imagine if shooting it made it go
TehAmelie: let's make the Half-Life 2 canal level! we can do it better probably
accountmadeforants: I do hope they also have Crysis's sharks which were just beyond these boats
johnalogue: @Raiz0k It has real-time dynamic safety features.
Rhynerd: To the prom-zone!
bytecaster: "Boating around at the speed of sound ...:"
Gizmoloid: I believe the "gun" is the only non-stock asset in this game LUL
YT_GirlPainting: suddenly half life 2?
sethtriggs: I'm impressed, actual vehicle use!
Izandai: mattlrLul
richard_ermen: Are we sure this isn't just Half-Life 2 but Alpha?
theymerLoviatar: btw Alex, in case you care: in Lapua the emphasis goes on the first syllable (as it does with all Finnish words)
GrassVortex: extraLUL
MegaDosX: benginLul
Astra7525: towards the sun
Tom_Bruise: yeah into the sunrise
sporkraptor: uuuuuuuhhhhhh
Foxmar320: Ok yeah we did a loop this is Sonic Adventure 2 now
cgwonder: why is the camera focussed on the metal frame and not... the world?
ravenlord_xix: Oh, I found the mall ninja thing you mentioned
GreatWahooney: what the shit
johnalogue: OHHHH NO
Foxmar320: :D
richard_ermen: ROFL
the_beardzilla subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months, currently on a 49 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, the_beardzilla! (Today's storm count: 77)
Juliamon: OH NO
BrindleBoar: LUL
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
offbeatwitch: HAHAHA
Izandai: mattlrLul mattlrLul mattlrLul
CaptainSpam: STUNT
miniwak: there's no oversized police-truck chasing you so i'm not sure if you are escaping a city
NimrodXIV: FBtouchdown
ANeMzero: Stunt Jump FAILED
Tempest2097: LUL OH MY GODS
LordManiMani: Ok that's great
TheDangerWaffle: LMAO what is thiiiiiiis
NightValien28: AHAHAHAHA
Amentur: HypeLUL
SimplyLeggy: flawless
sethtriggs: LOOOOOL
satyropodobny: Mistah FreiMahn
zigboy22: LUL you missed the stunt
Calyte: CLIP IT!
Tempest2097: 10/10
DoodlestheGreat: Well...
sethtriggs: 10/10 no notes
maxthefourth: today on BOAT
HorusFive: HyperParkour
baltimore_667083: 25/10 landing
MAPBoardgames: 10/10, no notes
Rhynerd: cinematic
Tom_Bruise: "Reset? No? Damnit"
Metric_Furlong: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
JadedCynic: I come back from the bathroom and wtf LUL
DoodlestheGreat: HOW 2 BOAT
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
Boon_33: FBtouchdown
johnalogue: The ramp would've been stupid if it WORKED
malfnord: Needs a slide whistle
Calyte: WHY was there a RAMP in the CANAL anyway?!?!
gnyrinn: At least there was no slide whistle.
johnalogue: We jumped over NOTHING
DEATHlikescats: 10/10 no notes
SquareDotCube: ruined four boats for that shot
sporkraptor: I bet you can jump into the subocean that way
Raiz0k: @johnalogue I recognize a professional tech company pitcher when I see one.
bytecaster: Why is every level just a long straight line
0x6772: This simulation of the LA river is awfully long.
YT_GirlPainting: whats the level?...BOAT....and?....just BOAT
GreatWahooney: reminds me of the helicopter scene in Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
JadedCynic: @Calyte for an epic jump with its own cutscene
sporkraptor: hit the ramp going off to the side, catapult yourself into the forest
Tempest2097: I also hope so we can go REAL slow.
shamblingkrenshar: We need it so that when Gordon Freeman goes down the river he can get sick hang time
TheMerricat: so chat, is our protag nearsighted? Is that why we can't see clearly more than 3 feet?
richard_ermen: And now zoom-out and we get the voice over from Blade Runner?
passwordlost_hereiam: I hope that's a brick wall
LordManiMani: Aaaaaa
Tom_Bruise: I'd love if actually jumping off that ramp was the trigger for the end credits and we just botched it
johnalogue: @Raiz0k please I beg you give me a job I can't write any more cover letters to part time office assistant listings
Foxmar320: DED
DEATHlikescats: Faaar to many trees
Tom_Bruise: ah damnit
krfsm: love the focus plane being at the windshield frame
MegaDosX: b o n k
LordManiMani: Now, Sewer Surfing
Izandai: And then we crashed and died.
sethtriggs: "You're not supposed to muff the ramp come on guyyyssss"
Shadowsoflife: the LA "river"
emberBecky: this many evergreens near LA river doesn't look right. and it's deeper
sethtriggs: Just one ramp!
JadedCynic: we're supposed to be in New Mexico, but it does resemble a smaller version of the L.A. Aquaduct
Raiz0k: I expected Train Simulator somewhere else in LRR.
richard_ermen: Welcome to Metal Forest.
ThorSokar: eyy kool-aid!
Izandai: Oh, we found the place they buried the nuclear waste.
TehAmelie: and that's how Osteotic Bypass happens
TheMerricat: Whelp I assume this is "prom-zone"
sethtriggs: Everything is so linear
richard_ermen: Brutalist Forest!
johnalogue: Armor piercing discarding skeleton
Boon_33: is this NEOM, the prefectly linear fake city?
richard_ermen: Oh my god!
theymerLoviatar: btw in case Alex cares: like all Finnish words, Lapua puts emphasis on the first syllable not the second
SimplyLeggy: what is this location supposed to be
bytecaster: Yeah, Dark Souls it!
Tangsm: It's where they put all their pillar budget.
DEATHlikescats: Liminal shooter
maxthefourth: is this not factory?
sethtriggs: Yeah headshots do nothing!
Anaerin: It's me. Hi. I'm the protag it's me...
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: this is someone's version of the matrix hotel lobby scene
DEATHlikescats: BackRooms PUBG
MAPBoardgames: The dev has mastered the extrude command
SodaPaints: "skin and muscle skeleton SABOT" is not a concept I wanted to think about...
butt_ghost: how baffling
Izandai: I'll tell you what it's not: A place of honor.
HorusFive: Where we keep the columns
sporkraptor: okay um. I notice the protatognist's skin is white. and alllll the opponents' skins are... dark. UM.
Rhynerd: If TheMerricat’s post is acurrate, this is level 5/7 the Prom-Zone
DEATHlikescats: Mausoleum?
JessKay: colonade is my least favourite soda
LordManiMani: Oh like in GoldenEye's Complex
johnalogue: The random piles of firewood are nice.
KharadBanar: Kolon-Aid
CaptainSpam: Long City is Long
Swamplor: A place with an exremely well supported ceiling
Chronomagistrate: It's an infinite runner
Rhynerd: So, this is Prom.
DoctorHutch: It's a canal, serge has been busy
JadedCynic: clearly outside "A Town In New Mexico" Graham :D
brutusq13: A pier? Maybe?
korvys: When life gives you columns, make columnade
TheMerricat: @LoadingReadyRun if last zone was Canalization, the level name is "Prom Zone" according to the store page.
Izandai: I'm telling you, this is the forbidding blocks.
HorusFive: Morlocsk?
SocraticMethod: @sporkraptor I don't think enemies have uncovered skin.
sethtriggs: You're playing an endless runner now
CodeIndigo: you don't go down to your city's colonnade just to hang out and see the columns?
Foxmar320: Got there
richard_ermen: rofl
Boon_33: NEOM
TehAmelie: i think the level designer went for size more than content, context or coherence
SimplyLeggy: speedrun strats
SajuukSjet: someone saw the Matrix lobby scene and took all the wrong lessons from it
BrindleBoar: FBtouchdown
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: mlg speedrun strat
YT_GirlPainting: speedrun strats
bytecaster: Plane!
Tom_Bruise: Run like a dickhead, shoot noone
HorusFive: All these levels suck. That one just sucked differently
Izandai: Okay surely we're escaping the city now.
SocraticMethod: @SocraticMethod Just gloves and full-face helmets
Foxmar320: I was thinking the same thing G
johnalogue: I skipped my prom, did I miss this much?
richard_ermen: I love this movie moment in goldeneye.
LordManiMani: Or the San Francisco "Room of Spikey Pole Things"
sporkraptor: @SocraticMethod he looked under the helmet earlier and the mannequin head inside had dark skin. :/
bytecaster: Why won't you let us fly?!
aWabbajack: HahaShrugLeft lrrALEX HahaShrugRight HahaShrugLeft lrrGRAHAM HahaShrugRight
JadedCynic: go find the keys?
theymerLoviatar: cockpit-tease
Raiz0k: @johnalogue The key is telling ~schmuks~ aspiring entrepreneurs how to make money through a set of pay-level-stratified online courses.
Anaerin: Cock(pit) Tease.
AugmentingPath: cockpit tease
butt_ghost: proptease morelike
TehAmelie: cockpit-teased
Metric_Furlong: *cockpit tease
ZephyrousOne: But what would the flying level be like?
Rhynerd: @themerricat what was the name of the last 2 levels again?
TheAwkes: There's a bunch of city drainage infrastructure that has big underground spaces like that.
richard_ermen: You have to understand G, Glass costs extra in CryEngine.
SquareDotCube: gotta love how close the hangars are to the runway
ZephyrousOne: Single corridoor in the sky
Boon_33: Alex spent more than 20 seconds on runway, the speedrun is ruined.
satyropodobny: noninteractive plane was foreshadowed by noninteractive ammo boxes
sethtriggs: Are their ears so plugged they can't hear the loud report of the gun?
Simriel: Is soviet Russia. Cannot afford glass
SocraticMethod: @sporkraptor I see
Dog_of_Myth: Prop-tease
Rhynerd: Speedrun strats
SimplyLeggy: Ah yes, the scenic sewer to air field route
Raiz0k: That looks like a Battlefield 4 level?
Izandai: Nice of this game to provide representation for the hard of hearing with these enemies.
JadedCynic: full of BRICK hangars ;)
Tempest2097: (Can Can just playing with that run cycle)
sethtriggs: Imagine how bad this would be with stamina bars
Dalrint: Does anyone know which crapshot has cameron singing about falling into the subocean?
Boon_33: atleast runways are supposed to be linear
LordManiMani: Alan Wake goes by in a beat up car
shamblingkrenshar: I think at this point we escaped the city
ZephyrousOne: You have escaped the city!
passwordlost_hereiam: This is officially not the city
sporkraptor: yeah you have *definitely* escaped the city
CodeIndigo: so is this like some kind of fever dream
Boon_33: the nade trick is knutso
MrTheWalrus: And now, the woods
KV1NN4: did you stargate to Vancouver?
L0rdX33n: City escaped
adambomb625: 1:13 till the day I die
Simriel: This has STALKER loading zones :p
voren_chalco: Flying scene cut for budget reasons
SquareDotCube: we've escaped the city, why are we still going
mythicraincloud: i think you may have escaped the city
Raiz0k: @Dalrint No, but please tell me which one when you find out!
Astra7525: aw man, we skipped Ravenholm :(
maxthefourth: is it not called the subocean or the ocean?
johnalogue: @Raiz0k I don't have enough capital
JadedCynic: a coniferous forest outside "a Town in New Mexico"?
DEATHlikescats: This has dream logic
Izandai: uh
Mangledpixel: uhhh
Foxmar320: Uhhhhh
butt_ghost: no!
cgwonder: ummmm
Metric_Furlong: uh-oh
Kumakaori: welp
LordManiMani: Uhhhhhh
v_nome: Is this still The City?
Tempest2097: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TehAmelie: we games too hard
Tom_Bruise: we shot reality!
sporkraptor: game over
DEATHlikescats: Oops?!
Anaerin: Nobody ever got this far before...
richard_ermen: Game Crash ?
GapFiller: jlrrFacepalm
Kasran: lrrFINE
Foxmar320: Game recovered!
richard_ermen: Oh wow, that was amazing
Izandai: That was bizzard.
NightValien28: oh dang it
MAPBoardgames: clip it!
Tempest2097: Okay okay we're still with it
zigboy22: THought hard chrash
bytecaster: It needed to think for second there
sethtriggs: Oh that was chunky
Inari_Kitsune: Well then...
cgwonder: lrrFINE
richard_ermen: ALso a really good screenshot
Camthelion: Oh keep meaning to ask, Alex have you played Generation Zero? (if asked before, apologies)
Izandai: *bizzare
Boon_33: FBtouchdown
kilnfiendpotter: Did we leave the city?
kumatsu: I'd say we've already escaped the city at this point
Juliamon: Wow, did not expect it to recover
TheDangerWaffle: Wowwwwww
GreatWahooney: I _hoped_ it crashed
SquareDotCube: had to calculate those physics
Simriel: @astra7525 Don't go to Ravenholm
ZephyrousOne: Recovery failed successfully
johnalogue: Watching for Unity Trees
Gizmoloid: loading the firefight
HorusFive: I'm astonished you're still playing too. But I guess that's just the conceit of the show
TheAinMAP: jlrrDang
maxthefourth: @dalrint Ep335 The Sub-Ocean
YT_GirlPainting: THAT was the loading screen you skipped
Foxmar320: Game is live updating
hd_dabnado: *enters combat* *game immediately crashes*
TheMerricat: Ok, so knowing that this dev is Ukranian, prom zone makes more sense using google. "The “prom zone” (short for Promyshlennaya Zona - or manufacturing zone) refers to the edge of Avdeyevka, a satellite town of Donetsk" - which is where a lot of the fighting was.
JadedCynic: push to prod!
RayFK: You know it doesn't feel right without Escape from the City playing on loop
Drasvin: The enemies were looking down at the truck, like they were expecting you to slide out from under it.
DEATHlikescats: Cry engin STRUGGLING
krfsm: gives a whole new meaning to "live service game"
SocraticMethod: a diff patch
kilnfiendpotter: This is what happens to me during D&D. "Um, let's do a snack break!" ::frantically starts writing a new level::
CodeIndigo: Dynamic loading! Completely seamless!
arcaneIllumination: Ah, delta as in "change"
richard_ermen: Good updates though are delta updates.
Anaerin: Yeah, it's sending diffs.
Simriel: I love the idea of a game being pushed Just As Watch+Play are playing it xD
Boon_33: only changes, delta
ANeMzero: Delta updating doesn't work well with a bunch of common compression techniques
offbeatwitch: steam generally does it for you
AugmentingPath: kilnfiendpotter relatable
Raiz0k: @TheMerricat False friends strike again.
offbeatwitch: depending on the engine
bytecaster: Delta is often used in maths and physics for a variable representing the change between two quantities. That's where it comes from.
Simriel: The game being updated as they play it to try and be better
DoctorHutch: Correct
johnalogue: @TheMerricat Is that why we keep fighting men in green with Russian helmets?
KharadBanar: Steam does it for everything by default, that's been the case for a few years now
Sogheim: props to them having fireflies
butt_ghost: On tonight's episode of ManTracker
BrindleBoar: enfillade and defilade? definitely spelled those wrong
ANeMzero: Like the way Unity handles cache files is basically completely incompatible with delta updates
The_Ninjurai: The Obi Wan variable
Rhynerd: @simriel wouldn’t be surprised if that happened once during the Time Ramesside days
A_Dub888: @RayFK To be fair, its not like we're running around at the speed of sound
richard_ermen: A term referring to Height mean..maybe "Height Advantage"?
hd_dabnado: grass turned up to 150%
Drasvin: Delta updates (I've also heard it called a binary difference update) are really neat when they can do.
Raiz0k: Archer? "OCELOT!"
TehAmelie: if it's just something uncomplicated a texture i figure the patch would still have to unpack and repack the game data
SajuukSjet: the problem with Delta being that textures and other objects get bundled in large asset pack files, so it doesn't save a lot of space if your game is built like that
JadedCynic: obiwan had the enfilade position...
johnalogue: I remember a looong time ago Star Citizen got a delta patcher, I assume it's still working
NewtyNewts: I'm guessing this is for mounted weaponry as opposed to held ones?
Akaiatana: Oh, it's like closing an alligator's mouth
Dumori: yeah is a thing for ships and tanks
Master_Gunner: Greyhound was a real good movie
AugmentingPath: JadedCynic in Episode 1 he does well from the defilade, too
ZephyrousOne: More than 10 degrees depressed? oryxSad
whitefirecomix: this feels like a crosscountry running simulator with occasional gunplay
DoctorHutch: Defilade is what we have, based of trench warfare, enfilade isnt the opposite though, that is when you are firing down the length of a formation
Master_Gunner: it is peak Boat Shit
TheMerricat: So chat, this was released in 2020, it would have been before Russia invaded the second time but the dev's page on Art Station gives every sign that they are a Ukrainian teen, this is probably supposed to be about Russia invading. @LoadingReadyRun
SquareDotCube: imagine, if you will, charging your soldiers into a crater despite having the height advantage only to get stuck and having to surrender.
Simriel: I miss Time Rammiside
Rhynerd: Greyhound is a good movie.
DigitalSeahorse: aww
LordManiMani: lrrAWW
richard_ermen: Wasn't Greyhound a Tom Hanks movie?
Mangledpixel: I imagine it was even more relevant in the age of cannon, where if you depressed the barrel too far the ball would roll out
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: they used to make two hours of crunchy entertainment on the regular decades ago
Rhynerd: Also, first time I watched the film it was with a group, and we placed bets on which boats would survive
Bahumot: How many times did Time Ramicide evolve into a new game?
Boon_33: that's why US carriers put strykers on the deck in case they need to defend against speedboats
Tempest2097: Every time
MAPBoardgames: I still say "fireball goes in every slot"
red_shoes_jeff: @Simriel I wonder if the spider faucet is still running?
whitefirecomix: Maybe in Time we will Rammiside again
sethtriggs: I wonder if there's a current version of it
Raiz0k: @TheMerricat Given where the fighting is, that's scarily on-point.
roadhog123: Is the steering wheel for the truck underneath it?
bytecaster: Time Ramesside: A part of W+P heritage
lamina5432: No news on that dev?
YT_GirlPainting: the hand looks like it has no bones when he reloads the shootgun
Simriel: I miss those wonderful days of watch + play where we just discovered unique new awful every week
johnalogue: It requires a certain level of incompetence and delusion to make a Jason Welge game
TheMerricat: @Rhynerd typing slow, but "Canalization" and "Prom-Zone"
AugmentingPath: Time Ramesside is apparently on sale for $0.49 right now
Simriel: Like I still love it these days, but those were Halcion Days of this program
Diabore: how is it possible we are still escaping the city? we're in the woods now
Anaerin: The road goes ever on and on...
Gekyouryuu: Hard cover artificial Christmas trees: aluminum foilage
richard_ermen: @bytecaster OH MY GOD! Can you imagine: "W+P HERITAGE Shorts"!
CodeIndigo: death road to jump cut
ZephyrousOne: The long road home
sethtriggs: I am actually impressed that the trees aren't floating.
Foxmar320: X17
DoodlestheGreat: Long road is long.
sethtriggs: X17
sporkraptor: oop
arcaneIllumination: x-17?
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: the road goes ever on and on
sethtriggs: with the naked alien
Rhynerd: @themerricat thanks!
maxthefourth: What was the game with the reindeers again?
TehAmelie: X-17, just like the thingy in Time Ramesside
Gizmoloid: @TheMerricat hmm interesting theory, unlikely since the game predates invasion. May be inspired by the previous 8 years though. "promzona" can refer to any industrial area.
sethtriggs: I'll always remember her pallid, grotesque flesh and booba.
LordManiMani: I want to go back to Interstellar Prime
bytecaster: Tomato Way!
A_Dub888: Is X17 the one where the protagonist went "Who writes this junk"
Simriel: I would love a watch + play "Where are they now" of some Devs
SymphonicLolita: beauticopter was primo
zigboy22: tomato way
Anaerin: What's up with those trees? Bushy on top, then sparse.
johnalogue: I think we've definitely hit some rich deposits of trash
red_shoes_jeff: Like THEANTS?
Tangsm: Hopsital.
ZephyrousOne: Imagine dying and having to restart at the begining of this level
sethtriggs: Beautycopter was wonderful
DoodlestheGreat: Sonic Suggests.
AugmentingPath: yeah, it's called the tree line
They_Are_Alyx: This person's idea of level design is just "long corridor"
Nenluen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nenluen! (Today's storm count: 78)
theymerLoviatar: Siri, what is "undergrowth"
Simriel: Remember Alex using a notice board to fly by Picking it Up
Stratavarius: Yeah, Beauticopter was a gem
NewtyNewts: Gotta be able to shoot at the enemies' ankles
Izandai: Surely. SURELY.
maestrith: easier to rake below them
Ristow: the SymeTree if you will
Foxmar320: Dev is still pushing an update to make the level longer
johnalogue: The end of this level will jumpscare us
DoodlestheGreat: Wait, the road's gone.
TheMerricat: This is last level according to the steam page.
Diabore: it was so good
betweenmyself: “All the trees are exactly the right height.”
TehAmelie: i mean, Time Ramesside went through several iterations that was just as different from each other as from X-17, i think of it less as a separate game and more a way to make people buy it again
DigitalSeahorse: sub ocean pls
zigboy22: squidila we are off echos through my mind
sethtriggs: Wowwwwwww
Chronomagistrate: That was beautiful
TheBattleOfHastings subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheBattleOfHastings! (Today's storm count: 79)
Izandai: Literal troll logic.
Bahumot: Making the Pigs Fly was almost as epic as the task board flight.
MAPBoardgames: Grass should be cut to 3/10" and trees down to 1 foot
LordZarano: Were we supposed to steal a car at some point in this level?
NewtyNewts: Lifted yourself up by your bootstraps
accountmadeforants: Oh yeaaaah. Squadalah! We are OFF!
Simriel: I fuckin Died when Alex did it and then just yelled "I'm a Genius!!!"
johnalogue: Oh right, you had a status that your legs were broken and you were dead in that game
FlamingSpipernado: bahahaha
ThorSokar: that was amazing
HorusFive: Escape!
Tempest2097: Oh yeah when you stood on the sign and jumped, pure troll physics
FlamingSpipernado: to infinity and beyond!
Anaerin: Running into the subocean.
offbeatwitch: that works in half-life 2 to be fair
Kasran: you finally escaped!
Foxmar320: The void calls to us
ClodiumSoride: that is a legit speedrun strat in Amnesia: Rebirth
johnalogue: You were dead but the game didn't have anything for that
SpacePotato01: perfect ending for this kind of game.
whitefirecomix: give it 20 minutes - they're making it now
ShaneLeeAtk: The shore of the Sub Ocean
Pteraspidomorphi: You were there the whole time!
rubikdarkwill: Ah yes, that old speedrun strat
Aenir798: We escaped the city!
SymphonicLolita: my gawd, game's run out
shamblingkrenshar: We escaped not just the city, but the planet. Time to fall into the sub-ocean
Rhynerd: You pulled a map off the wall of an Inn, got it out the building, and made a flying machine
CodeIndigo: now you need a horse with no name
Juliamon: You Can (Not) Escape the City
Viewers_Like_You: I guess the dev couldn't copy/paste terrain fast enough any more
butt_ghost: give em a minute
MegaDosX: Alex unlocked the secret to unaided human flight and didn't share it with anyone? smh
YT_GirlPainting: so the flat IS earth!
Tempest2097: Sub Ocean We're a comin!
ZephyrousOne: You have successfully escaped the city! And the forest!
theymerLoviatar: Ah, the return of Desert Truck for Nope
sethtriggs: Uh oh
KV1NN4: the devs fell asleep from exhaustion
Snowcookies: maybe this is where the subocean is
DoodlestheGreat: On a quest for the sub-ocean.
Akaiatana: The assault flats
Izandai: mattlrLul
bytecaster: A different texture
Foxmar320: Yesssss
FlamingSpipernado please no invisibile walls, please no invisible walls
sethtriggs: Nice tile
NewtyNewts: Ooh, tile
Tempest2097: Okay yeah yeah okay
SymphonicLolita: omg
TheMerricat: This _is_ the last level. So this may just be... it?
DigitalSeahorse: hehehe
WearingCats_CwC: Oh no
Critterbot: Huh...
LordManiMani: Verde Station!
Izandai: Awesome
zigboy22: mmm asset
MAPBoardgames: can it be?
Bahumot: This feels like subocean :)
johnalogue: I think we escaped the city.
AussieBrainDoc: ah the tiled forest
Izandai: So good.
sethtriggs: Are we playing Sonic?
Boon_33: welcome to the desert, bus is coming
SquareDotCube: ayy devtex
DoodlestheGreat: Endless parquet flooring
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
CodeIndigo: you really DID run out of game
Astra7525: Are weapon racks going to drop on us any minute now?
Anaerin: Is that the dev texture?
MAPBoardgames: The promised land?
brutusq13: Maybe because you ran past those enemies?
GreatWahooney: whuh
Tangsm: The bathroom tile desert.
VeryBadLifeChoices: time to play chess instead
ClodiumSoride: an infinite tiled floor is somehow more upsetting than the edge of the world
red_shoes_jeff: The Man in the Sweater fled across the desert, and the Gunslinger followed...
Drasvin: Development texture?
FlamingSpipernado: they're on a chess board!
Akaiatana: The game got tiled
adambomb625: anyone have a link to the flying thing?
Stratavarius: Game purgatory
TehAmelie: if this takes a Verde Station turn i'll die of surprise
Astra7525: Did we enter The Construct from Matrix?
Tempest2097: Into the Tiled infinity!
SymphonicLolita: default texture?
AugmentingPath: shine on you crazy diamond floor
Simriel: This is the Default Texture space
Izandai: Unfortunately this probably means this goes on forever.
AussieBrainDoc: Alex to Knight 4
AtomicAlchemical: what is this truman show shit?
MAPBoardgames: This looks promising!
Alness49: We're escaping the city, and also Reality
maxthefourth: The Kitchen!
omdorastrix: is that the PS transparent checkerboard?
maxlethebeast: The devs never thought anyone would make it this far to notice.
richard_ermen: Wasn't that The Game Room?
ZephyrousOne: How big did they make this level? You should hit an invisible wall at some point, right?
MegaDosX: I'd say you've escaped the city at this point
NewtyNewts: Ah, so Frog Fractions: Horror Edition?
Crokoking: maybe you were supposed to kill those last guys
Boon_33: to infinity
accountmadeforants: Incidentally if someone remembers what game/W+P the notice board flight was from because I need to see it again
Lysander_salamander: I kind of want to see a Nihei-style comic, but set in a procedurally-generated game
sethtriggs: The map is unbounded
CouldntPickAUsername: can you go back? are you trapped in the infinite tile now?
betweenmyself: We call it “the Expanse”
richard_ermen: About the relationship of Artist and Art and Game and Viewer
Izandai: Yeah, the geodude mascot is great.
GreatWahooney: is this where the game turns into Truman Show?
0x6772: Was there a city back there somewhere?
Foxmar320: This reminds of a time I got out of the map in Fallout 4 and it turned into this
johnalogue: No, just made by one of these devs with too much power!
Raiz0k: It sounds like that xkcd comic about simulating the universe with rocks.
sethtriggs: Well this is another thing you can invoice for doing these "devs'" QA
JeshuaWithAnE: Awww yah, that is at the edge of my yard too, miles and miles of linoleum.
ekimekim: The Stanley Parable is a bit like that
johnalogue: oh my gosh
sethtriggs: LOL
JadedCynic: GDI
Boon_33: we've been Truman show'd
JadedCynic: chef kiss
shamblingkrenshar: Its a really good joke
johnalogue: The checkerboard oh
KV1NN4: wait Geodude isn't just into ska fashin?
Simriel: It's the whole "You talk to the Muppet" thing
Lysander_salamander: where we got ninjas from
richard_ermen: D'awww
sethtriggs: lol nice
johnalogue: Incredible.
whitefirecomix: need those pants
korvys: Got them John Cena legs
Asolya: that's amazing
red_shoes_jeff: I want one.
Simriel: You treat Kermit like he's a serious actor not a puppet
richard_ermen: I think we missed the Teleport Window
SimplyLeggy: "right way"
NewtyNewts: There's also the ubiquitous pink-checkerboard 'texture missing' in Source
GapFiller: doesnt the classic ninja costume come outta Bunraku stagehand attire?
bytecaster: Maybe that's the Cryengine default?
Gekyouryuu: Regular stage hands wear that in Japanese theater, too. They're called Kuroko
brutusq13: I think it is because you didn't kill the last guys
CouldntPickAUsername: the "right" way
red_shoes_jeff: It'd go great next to my Gengar kigurumi.
DigitalSeahorse: is horizon getting nearer?
Boon_33: where'd we park?
epsilon_vee: "the right way"
kilnfiendpotter: I looked away and I came back and oh god what happened
EvilBadman: Is this the new Desert Bus?
Kasran: surely you'd start seeing floating point errors if you go far enough
OldUncleDan: As someone who played Shadowrun (and a certain module;) Renraku holds a very different context for me.
HorusFive: The road goes ever on and on SingsNote
Rhynerd: @gapfiller I think it was another theater’s stagehand attire.
The_Ninjurai: Maybe you just need to walk into the light
Izandai: I think at this point you have escaped the city.
Simriel: @olduncledan Which one...
Kasran: if anyone wants to read more
CouldntPickAUsername: can you see the curvature of the earth
DEATHlikescats: The itchy lot
accountmadeforants: I remember when Crysis had a map editor as a precursor to CryEngine becoming generally available and the starting map size was like 40x40 km
red_shoes_jeff: @EvilBadman Sweater Tile for Hope.
YT_GirlPainting: it looks like you missed the level exit somehow
shamblingkrenshar: Domain Expansion: Infinite Textureless Void
sethtriggs: The road was really just the friends we made along the way
Gekyouryuu: Now, THIS is an SCP
johnalogue: The hypothetical "escape the bad game and realize it's a simulation" scenario, it shouldn't be from demons or ghosts. It should just be a bad game dev. Controlling your world.
SymphonicLolita: google says this may be infinite
richard_ermen: Searching for parking space....welcome to Final Fantasy 15.
OldUncleDan: @Simriel The Renraku Archology.
NewtyNewts: Mundane Horror
Ard_Rhys: How long before floating point errors kick in?
Simriel: @olduncledan What did you find in there?
SCHLORMPH: SCP parking lot
LordManiMani: Ah,? Grown Up Horror
DigitalSeahorse: I hope it isn't procedure generated
ButterBall000: I remember some older games would loop you to the otherside of the map if you hit the edge
Mister_BlueSky: Chilla's Art does a lot of real-world creepy stuff
Lysander_salamander: Remember the Deserbus Gamejam where one of us made a Desertbus Without Bus, where you had to walk to Tuscon?
Rhynerd: Because Bunraku is puppet theater and I think the Ninjas were for one of the theaters without puppets
johnalogue: Horror often starts with a situation you'd generally avoid.
bytecaster: @Ard_Rhys If we are not falling and constantly accelerating, I don't think we'll get those.
v_nome: The Park starts as trying to find your kid that ran back into an amusement park
DoodlestheGreat: I've got to ask, have either of you gentlemen heard about the new anime series "Shangria La Frontier?" The main character plays games like this as a hobby.
brutusq13: Do you need to go kill the guys you passed?
Anaerin: You have escaped the city.
red_shoes_jeff: "I AM THE LIZARD QUEEN!"
Tom_Bruise: well, at least this void's got nice tiling
CodeIndigo: the snub-ocean
Raiz0k: @Simriel On a modern system? We'll be here all year.
AugmentingPath: I think David Cage cornered the market on "find your kid"
FarleyF: i wonder if this is a little like the holosuite where your running in one place
betweenmyself: At some point the computer just maths so hard that it collapses in on itself.
Boon_33: this portion of the game was made when the dev got a girlfriend.
Rhynerd: I wish I had my friend who’s a nerd about japanese theater handy
DEATHlikescats: This must be why the level glitched cus it’s so BIG
whitefirecomix: save your child from being trapped in an awkward conversation with a conspiracy theorist tweaking
kumatsu: Disneyland parking lot is actually very navigable now. It's 2nd (?) biggest parking structure in the world
krfsm: I was at an industrial music festival this spring where I saw a kid about 6-8 years of age
Izandai: It's fine, we Escaped the City.
Gekyouryuu: Sports arena parking lots are an SCP, honestly
ZephyrousOne: I think you won. You escaped the city
lirazel64: Looks like the end of Death Stranding with less art.
NewtyNewts: I've got this new game called Sugar Rush. You have to make sure your kid doesn't eat the treats, or they turn into a monster
krfsm: had good ear protection and such though, so that's good
MAPBoardgames: Quick someone look up of cryengine goes on forever
passwordlost_hereiam: "I can't connect with my own child" horror is a great subset. Babadook, We Need to Talk About Kevin, Changeling, etc.
Rhynerd: We live in harmony with the endless tiles now.
richard_ermen: Woho
HorusFive: Escaped the level texture
Asolya: we just skipped the ending screen
TheDangerWaffle: lmao
DoodlestheGreat: Es cap-ed.
richard_ermen: Bible Game time?
Ivalenz_: Onnne Mooooreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
ANeMzero: Angry Zen Master: Escape your MIND
krfsm: looked like they were having fun
TheMerricat: Chat that was actually a subtle message from the dev, you _can never_ escape the city... no matter how far you run. Kappa
Tempest2097: Oh this sounds spicy
voren_chalco: You escaped reality
fastlane250: oh hey it's the wumpty shirt
NewtyNewts: @TheMerricat Trust in me.
Izandai: Oh boy
Foxmar320: EPIC
Blade_Tiger: EPIC
sporkraptor: DARK URENAL
EricTheOrange: I mean lets nope is often watch and nope
KenKopin: Dark Urinal?
ZephyrousOne: "If it loads" would be a good name for a horror game.
offbeatwitch: evil unreal engine
richard_ermen: Now imagine, it's just unreal but without any light sources.
TehAmelie: Unreal After Dark
KV1NN4: I read that as DARK URINAL
Kasran: dark unreal...
korvys: Are we sure this isn't Dark Unity lrrBEEJ
geail: What are Alex's top 3 fonts?
Tempest2097: Oh wow
Alness49: Okay, I'm glad Alex read that one out loud because I did NOT read that right
sethtriggs: Voyta?
Foxmar320: Oh good
TheWriterAleph: wtf was that
SimplyLeggy: oh its a dark souls
bytecaster: This seems familiar
mountaindudepdx: nope! hahaha
Raiz0k: @KV1NN4 Want a cookie?
Hangedman: ah, dark unreal
sethtriggs: Nice loincloth!
Tom_Bruise: why are we playing the Malediction Prophecy?
HorusFive: Biff Throbstein
cgwonder: you're a beefy lad
johnalogue: @ZephyrousOne Imagine a character falling into a sleep until they load, fearing they will never wake
TehAmelie: we have a Megaman arm?
Lysander_salamander: I remember this asset character?
Anaerin: Is that one of the guys from Corridor Digital?
Simriel: We have seen this asset before right?
sethtriggs: Bolt Vanderhuge
GhassanPL: Can you get more Default Unreal Everything?
JadedCynic: oh the uruk-hai cleaver sword?
TheWriterAleph: W A R
shamblingkrenshar: Oh its a duel disc!
lirazel64: Russian bro is Russian.
AugmentingPath: oh boy stamina bar
KV1NN4: @Raiz0k Ooh what kind of cookie?
lamina5432: A paragon assets
Lysander_salamander: like a Necromonger armor
cgwonder: just wide weapon arcs
AussieBrainDoc: That guy never changes
Gekyouryuu: Is a Soulslikelike
theymerLoviatar: god, the clash between the graphics and the UI...
TehAmelie: war, huh
HorusFive: War never changes....
SajuukSjet: stance isn't wide enough
ashteranic: sounds like war's going to get multiple chances
SocraticMethod: I think it's trying to be darksiders-like
AugmentingPath: just wait ten minutes
sethtriggs: The trails really mark this as a Gilson-like
shamblingkrenshar: I think its supposed to stand for "Warrior"
TheMerricat: War, War never changes.
Mangledpixel: war, war never changes
0x6772: Wasn't this supposed to be *dark*?
johnalogue: You survived the war!
Pharmacistjudge: how did war lose health? it never changes
richard_ermen: Oh gods, this is something you'd see Iron Pineapple suffer through
GreatWahooney: oh hey there's multiple wars
Rhynerd: The shield stops being a shield if you hold it up and look at it.
loufghyslaufey: Congrats, Watch+Play! You could even Escape from Tarkov like James has tried. So many times...
Anaerin: What is it good for?
arcaneIllumination: What is it good for?
Raiz0k: @KV1NN4 A urinal cookie, of course.
NewtyNewts: War... riors?
bytecaster: It all the things! Sord, SP, roll, and ork!
Foxmar320: Can we outrun War
Gekyouryuu: Or a soulslikelikelike
SpoonfullOfSugar: War, War never changes
MehallD: War. War never despawns
arcaneIllumination: @Anaerin Just beat me to it!
FarleyF: i guess you could say your in a Warzone Kappa
Izandai: jesus
MegaDosX: You can't escape the war
EvilBadman: Whoa, he's hanging huge dong
TheAwkes: Wrong animation for the skeleton and it doesn't have backshading when you move it?
Aenir798: Shouldn't we kill the concept of War?
loufghyslaufey: Seems like a r t
Akaiatana: Just hold your ground. War never charges.
sethtriggs: Oh no they have a dood faucet
NightValien28: war found ya
johnalogue: War is a strange game, the only winning move is not to play
Amentur: So much war
TehAmelie: we can outrun war on legs
Anaerin: TRAIN!
betweenmyself: The shield is opening it’s wing covers in order to take flight
Drasvin: A souls-like with regenerating health
LordManiMani: It's a new Card Type Wizards is experimenting with
Tangsm: War. War never changes.
BrindleBoar: WutFace
JadedCynic: "Interesting game, Mr. Steacy - the only winning move is to not play."
iDangero: War has a posse
red_shoes_jeff: There's always another war... *lights cigarette*
Foxmar320: I hope they didn't program anything
DigitalSeahorse: sso many war
richard_ermen: I don't think you're supposed to have made it here
Foxmar320: YES
Izandai: mattlrLul
KV1NN4: @Raiz0k might improve the flavour of this game
sethtriggs: This IS a Gilsonlike
Amentur: PrideLaugh
Juliamon: War 40k
Stratavarius: Do a flip
TheWriterAleph: FBtouchdown
ZephyrousOne: Escape the desert!
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahah
shamblingkrenshar: EXCELLENT
NightValien28: HAHHHAHA
FlamingSpipernado: hahaha
Lysander_salamander: whoop
fastlane250: LUL LUL LUL
DigitalSeahorse: many war WOW
DoodlestheGreat: LUL
AugmentingPath: good grief
johnalogue: It is! And there was a killfield!
MAPBoardgames: Waht is war good for?
Chronomagistrate: LOL
VeryBadLifeChoices: ahahaha
cgwonder: FBtouchdown
CodeIndigo: did he die from banana peel?
Raiz0k: @KV1NN4 More zest?
Tempest2097: Soul cave?
JessKay: soul cave means ass
VeryBadLifeChoices: slipped on a banana peel
mountaindudepdx: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Kasran: hey bby, let me take you back to my soul cave
Boon_33: I think that might be the whole game
EricTheOrange: reminds me of Doom levels I made as a kid where I'd just make a big box and fill it with enemies.
johnalogue: Ew
sethtriggs: I love that gibberish
betweenmyself: War… War never changes
SCHLORMPH: slipped on a banana and ate shit LUL LUL LUL
ashteranic: Ah, the classic level design pattern of "Forgetting to put an off-axis ambient light source"
passwordlost_hereiam: My soul cave is what I call the shower when I turn off the lights and cry
YT_GirlPainting: girlpaDIE
RaklarLS: oh no, War appears to follow you everywhere you go.
Hangedman: til i petit mort
TehAmelie: do you think you can two hand the sword? for increased slugging
MAPBoardgames: goodbye
AugmentingPath: so you don't trip on the rocks
Tom_Bruise: she banished my soul cave till I did a death flip
johnalogue: You died inside of dead
JadedCynic: for lighting
Forgebold: this is what happens when the secondary market price of Cavern of Souls goes down
HorusFive: Need something to light the place up
SpoonfullOfSugar: soul tubes
NewtyNewts: It's how they made the lighting engine work
DoctorHutch: At least you kept your XP
Sandboxgamer27: !card cavern of souls
LRRbot: Cavern of Souls | Land | As Cavern of Souls enters the battlefield, choose a creature type. / {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell of the chosen type, and that spell can't be countered.
OldUncleDan: Her "Soul Cave"... *Wink* *Wink*
FlamingSpipernado: their luminesscent soul tubes!
Earthenone: because gamers need lighting effects to tell them where to go
Lysander_salamander: It's a Chronicles of Riddick Game?
shamblingkrenshar: Look, you can decorate your soul cave how you want. Don't question this person's decor.
lirazel64: Glo lights keeping the plants alive.
KV1NN4: @Raiz0k To say the least
SquareDotCube: you know, the medieval rave happened here last night
bytecaster: There are not winners in war.
loufghyslaufey: You broke the timeline just by booting the game, maybe...
Blade_Tiger: Ah yes, the horsemen of the apocalypse: War, Grux, Spider...
JeshuaWithAnE: Maybe they expected you to level up?
sethtriggs: Gilson B. Pontes has to be a contributor to this
ashteranic: Also love the "can't walk up a 2 inch step without jumping" aesthetic
Kasran: i love the health bars that aren't quite billboarding property
RaklarLS: they're fairies in a tube, obviously.
TheBattleOfHastings: Health regen though!
Kasran: *properly
Greyah: Depends. Experience seems to keep on death. Does damage on the enemies stay when you die?
loufghyslaufey: Is it like a vacuum of thinned out subocean like in No Man's Sky? That last game?
LordZarano: Steam is very confused as to weather this is called Dark Unreal or Dark Cave
TheWriterAleph: this is truly the darkest of souls
SymphonicLolita: Birdu? from mario?
sethtriggs: Spoopy spooder!
SajuukSjet: i mean, possibly, you kept your exp after death, it could be a miserable level up grind
johnalogue: Did we keep XP from before we died?
Rhynerd: Spider Grux
TehAmelie: at least it's telling a story
sethtriggs: I'm surprised there's not a Spider Head guy
gualdhar: I'm assuming we're not playing an American, since we're running away from war?
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
TheWriterAleph: when comes Denial?
Inari_Kitsune: We made it
lirazel64: Therapy!
mountaindudepdx: welp
emberBecky: oh it's the stages of grief?
johnalogue: Anger management at THIS CASTLE
JadedCynic: wait... denial, anger...phases of grief?
YT_GirlPainting: girlpaDIE
sethtriggs: SUBOCEAN
bytecaster: I think we have been to this level, right?
sporkraptor: I love the death somersaults
johnalogue: The rebar castle!!!
ArcadeEngineer: we've seen this environment before
geail: Don't accept death, just run. Don't accept anger, just run.
TheAinMAP: mattlrDed
ClodiumSoride: we've seen this castle in W+P before
NewtyNewts: We found A sub-ocean
ashteranic: Something tells me you were supposed to gain some experience in previous levels
sethtriggs: Yeah I remember this castle!
Inquisitor_Xian: we've deeeeeeeeefinetly been to this castle before huh?
Tom_Bruise: Damn, Grux
Mangledpixel: oh hey, I've used these environment assets before
brutusq13: lost all your xp too
Alness49: Oh, this game is a Metaphor for Grief. Or depression. One of the two.
TheMerricat: mattlrBlush
CodeIndigo: wait, level one was denial, level two is anger....
ZephyrousOne: You didn't end up back in the soul cave
Ivalenz_: An interesting game. The only winning move is not to play.
richard_ermen: You've not levelup enough to fight effectively
MAPBoardgames: We've been here before! In another game
loufghyslaufey: No Man's Sky is just a pocket of subocean, right?
johnalogue: I definitely hate this castle environment in particular.
TehAmelie: are we gonna go through the five stages of grief for our own life?
lamina5432: It’s my boy grux
SocraticMethod: I think you are supposed to be higher level by now
Tempest2097: I think the idea is it's so hard you never actually finish
MAPBoardgames: I'm sure. This exact ruins
Tom_Bruise: Gruxes are no trifling matters
ClodiumSoride: also, level 3 will be Fear, 4 will be Bargaining, etc.
Izandai: You are probably underleveled at this point, but yeah.
Raiz0k: Oh, the HP bar of the *enemies* is persistent.
ZephyrousOne: Well you hve to grind war to level up.
someone_evil: Oh, hey. this map again
ashteranic: You skipped a *lot* of xp grinding
JadedCynic: alpha functional, but needs a beta pass to balance game mechanics
bytecaster: Yeah, it has the steel reinforcement in the castle walls, we have been here!
NightValien28: you do keep your exp after you die, maybe they want you to grind
TheAwkes: Looks like grinding levels is the way.
Drasvin: Presumably, the game expected you to get EXP in the previous area?
BrindleBoar: yeah enemies look persistent
Pteraspidomorphi: Oh I remember this place
Greyah: Enemies don’t heal when you die, so you can just zerg em.
lirazel64: The art is... moderately OK?
Juliamon: It's definitely the same rebar castle as a past game
TheMerricat: And not in god mode.
UxCryptic: We’ve been here before
loufghyslaufey: Then they've played Roblox!?
Crokoking: there is exp - so maybe you were supposed to level up on the easier enemies earlier
johnalogue: @lirazel64 Well, they're all free assets.
Tom_Bruise: We gotta find out how we can dodge that first Grux
ryuhimora: You died while still having one hp
SymphonicLolita: wait...yeah we've 100% seen this environment before
ashteranic: And try to break it occasionally
NewtyNewts: Maybe there's some secret thing the dev knows that we don't... like, Press X to kill everything
JeshuaWithAnE: Wait, we’ve been in this level before
NightValien28: mario maker rules, test your game
accountmadeforants: Alright, I found "Squiddalah, we are off!" The game was Frontiers
LurkerSpine: I will say the assets look nice, clearly not the work of the dev
johnalogue: The rebar castle
cgwonder: yeah this map is very familiar
MAPBoardgames: Play it yourself. and get someone who you are not related to to play it too
Bahumot: I very much played shipped games that clearly were never playtested.
JadedCynic: kinda reminds me of god of war?
ashteranic: because, you know, i highly doubt running past all the enemies was in their set of test cases.
CrazyZonie: Running the gauntlet?
embyrr_the_dragon: Dark Souls is good because it's hard, right?
satyropodobny: So War is a really popular ork name, huh?
ashteranic: based on how impossible it got
offbeatwitch: try rolling, that's a good trick
TehAmelie: oh yeah, another super hard game with an archer with a very bendy waist
Camthelion: "every game should be impossible, if not its for babies"
Gekyouryuu: Could God design a Kaizo game so difficult even He can't complete a playthrough?
Witchy_Diana: wait that first enemy didn't respawn lamo
lirazel64: Brief tour of the subocean, let's GO!
udzmmu: Wait, we've seen- yeah what graham said
sethtriggs: I loooooooove fake difficulty
Sandboxgamer27: The enemy’s keep the damage
Juliamon: I love that the death screen lets you see OOB
Raiz0k: @satyropodobny Short for Warsenslav.
sporkraptor: it's a skip
CodeIndigo: imagine trying to endure this in vr
DoctorHutch: See what happens when you level up?
RaklarLS: i mean, if it's a student project that they just want to monetize for little to no consequence, they don't care.
SquareDotCube: more a suggestion
DanielJennaGrouse: the enemies keep their damage in between respawns
TheMerricat: What are you expecing, we are are wering a small car on our back
bytecaster: @Gekyouryuu The unstoppable shell jump vs the immovable kaizo blocK?
BrindleBoar: Witchy_Diana enemies are persistent, so it's still injured and wandering around
ClodiumSoride: the previous game that used this same environment was much better, and for W+P that's saying something
GreatWahooney: a brief hover even
BigDaddyBland87: Crisscross!
TehAmelie: maybe you were supposed to kill everything in your path to get here at like level 30
Witchy_Diana: @BrindleBoar I didn't see it that last life whoops
Inari_Kitsune: The grux has the same damage. So do they not respawn?
EvilBadman: This game seems more unfair than a Souls game
udzmmu: I'm pretty sure it was even another soulslike attempt?
Gizmoloid: Yeah we've seen these pieces of architecture before. More than once I think!
CrazyZonie: Slap a deck under your feek while jumping, and you have a good old fasioned grind.
Raiz0k: Again, the *enemy* damage appears to be persistent.
DaSunao subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
DaSunao: Ooh, I haven't caught garbage day live in a while!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DaSunao! (Today's storm count: 80)
sethtriggs: No I-frames for you!
RaklarLS: oh, yeah. enemies don't regen. I guess you die until you get to kill them
cadesguy: level and XP too
ChargingFurret: oh you just dodge roll?
Tom_Bruise: HA! Now the Gruxes are powerless!
voren_chalco: Do a flip!
DigitalSeahorse: level select a thing?
GreatWahooney: I think this level appeared in a previous W+P game folks
TheAinMAP: foxmarFALL
bytecaster: War has power over me no longer!
Raiz0k: Well, it is a Soulslike...
SimplyLeggy: futurama
voren_chalco: Futurama
BrindleBoar: Futurama
DrLigmaPhD: Futurama
Amentur: Futurama
YT_GirlPainting: Have you tryed JUMPING?
HorusFive: Futurama and other things
Hangedman: i'm gruxing?
ClodiumSoride: @GreatWahooney yes, we've seen it before
LordManiMani: @greatwahooney yeah i'm remembering..
DrLigmaPhD: Hermes is gonna commit suicide
sethtriggs: This is so pretentious
Anaerin: Futurama - It's Bender, shouting up to Hermes when he's threatening to jump off the building.
udzmmu: I love that twist when he dies
Foxmar320: Ok yeah we have seen these levels
KV1NN4: The Stages of Grief FOR MEN
korvys: Yes, the first stage of grief is Death
Tempest2097: Handling mental health stuff SO WELL
Bahumot: I remember this level!
bytecaster: Yeah, in the same game, I believe
Gizmoloid: oh yeah!
Foxmar320: It's the exact map
hd_dabnado: I feel like we were a waifu last time
loufghyslaufey: Spider-Man: Homecoming?
elkae: It was the one with the rebar
herph: Futurama
TehAmelie: no Graham! we were done with anger!
ClodiumSoride: oh, it's a woman in impractical armor
Bahumot: OMG the statue is the same
passwordlost_hereiam: Made of skyrim-ass looking objects
Astra7525: Was this the one with the plate-bikini paladin?
Spacecarl: 100%
Mangledpixel: that was the game that 'Crimson Flow' was from
Raiz0k: *A*N*G*E*R*
sethtriggs: How much does this level pack cost?
betweenmyself: Do a barrel roll! riffHurrHurr
MAPBoardgames: Bargaining huh? What will it take to get out of this game?
Inquisitor_Xian: oooooo wasn't this the one where when you died you exploded like a million times
loufghyslaufey: That's the only time I heard that 'flip' line.
KharadBanar: We skipped right over Depression
Tom_Bruise: Well here's hoping our Grux-tech works on dragons
Rhynerd: The same game that reused these assets was quite the trip too, right?
sethtriggs: The dragon is on a spinner
JadedCynic: "I'll give you this board if you can do a kick-flip"
DoctorHutch: Maybe you get way better by leveling up
udzmmu: Oh yeah, this must be a lvel pack on the unity store or something
fastlane250: Devin Fo
Tom_Bruise: I'm still hung up on the whole Grux thing. What the fuck is a Grux?!
sethtriggs: They're even faster than you
MAPBoardgames: Game's done. Ship it!
sporkraptor: loooool
shamblingkrenshar: Alex seems to be on pace for WR Pacifist Run of this game
FlamingSpipernado: I wonder if the dev console is accessible
richard_ermen: I think the game means for you to defeat enemies and collect EXP to become stronger but you know...its clearly shit
johnalogue: Well, TIL the consequences of playing with unstable branch drivers
sporkraptor: did you dodge roll past the death wall
Akaiatana: You will get lost in the devert
SCHLORMPH: is "do a flip" like that from futrama as yelled by bender?
SymphonicLolita: so the morla of this game is run away from your feelings
BrindleBoar: it's like Dark Souls 2, you kill them until they don't respawn
YT_GirlPainting: yay, we fund the void again
AugmentingPath: let's go diamond floor?
Tempest2097: I don't think they put the tracks down this far
Anaerin: Unreal store, I believe.
TheMerricat: Whelp we win again. :D
Foxmar320: Did we escape again?
sethtriggs: But it's all the same asset
DaSunao: Whoever they bought/stole the asset from
chaostreader: It seemed that enemies that died stayed dead.
Rhynerd: Back to the endless?
GrumblingMoblin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GrumblingMoblin! (Today's storm count: 81)
sporkraptor: yeah you dodge rolled past the death wall
richard_ermen: Are we sure the dragon wasn't our teleport trigger?
ZephyrousOne: You have to go bargain with the dragon? or is this acceptance?
CouldntPickAUsername: @Tom_Bruise not much, what's grux with you?
SymphonicLolita: freedom!
shamblingkrenshar: To the Sub Ocean!
FarleyF: this game is 40 hours of gameplay - thats because it takes about 10 hours to recharge your health after being attacked
Juliamon: escape the flatbread flats
zdtsd1: XP stays when you die so I bet you're supposed to grind to be able to beat the levels
mwlsn: Ozymandias
NewtyNewts: As long as it isn't just a mirage
DanielJennaGrouse: now we're gonna run through the desert for several hours until we ACCEPT our death
Foxmar320: Freedom?
Foxmar320: YES\
SymphonicLolita: FBtouchdown
RaklarLS: he look so tired
sethtriggs: YESSS
They_Are_Alyx: FBtouchdown
warpstonewarlock: We escaped the city! Again!
GreatWahooney: YEAS
Lysander_salamander: aw
loufghyslaufey: They buried Michaelangelo, or his statue?
TheAinMAP: HyperGravity
sethtriggs: And you plank in midair
udzmmu: busted angel statuary is pretty good
ChargingFurret: steps are actual geometry?
ArcOfTheConclave: yeah kill plane!
AugmentingPath: enfilade!
Boon_33: we have the high ground!
DaSunao: Holy fuck those are the worst stairs I've ever seen
margieargie: I think you have to kill the dragon?
Lysander_salamander: urgh
johnalogue: You accepted your death!
Anaerin: Kill the dragon? Also, there's a button for that.
Amentur: Kill the dragon?
shamblingkrenshar: I'm guessing you kill the dragon
NewtyNewts: Kill dargon?
Tangsm: All the padlocked chains wrapped around the door, and connected to nothing else.
voren_chalco: kite them to the stairs
Bahumot: Poor Ian
loufghyslaufey: This jump sucks, game
hd_dabnado: you might have just missed the track, or you need to kill the dragon
TehAmelie: we might be able to level up real fast?
johnalogue: Game won!
Foxmar320: Do they want you to kill the dragon?
TheAinMAP: mattlrBalls
MAPBoardgames: death spam the baddies. They don't respawn
BrindleBoar: gotta be the dragon
Critterbot: Kill the dragon, maybe?
Stratavarius: Our hero, Mr. Belvedere
bo_brinkman: Ian's royalty situation ...
cadesguy: i think you were supposed to grind XP from the other levels and kill the dragon
Tempest2097: I don't think they laid t hat much track
A_Dub888: Ian, that wizard
JadedCynic: horrendeously unbalanced in gameplay, but decent modelling
ZephyrousOne: You gotta go back to the stairs where they can't hit you.
CodeIndigo: with his mighty vertical leap of two
passwordlost_hereiam: Tjis dessert looks like it's made of Tortilla
Tempest2097: I think they planned on players never making it this far
Greyah: I think you’re just supposed to death grind all the guys. But that’s stupid.
Simriel: Did Ian sit on his balls? Oh no
johnalogue: If this game is accepting your death, quitting is a canon way to win
DigitalSeahorse: beat dragon?
Boon_33: giving this game to a child should be a crime
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: IanSound.wav
JeshuaWithAnE: Kill dragon by leveling up slowly?
StreetRach: Gotta Skyrim up there
emberBecky: I mean. Dragon looks like final boss.
udzmmu: go hug the dragon
sethtriggs: Ain't happening in that tight space
Tom_Bruise: well there is an EXP bar, so maybe we were supposed to fight things...
FlamingSpipernado: seems to call for godmode thisis223Lol
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Tom_Bruise: but why fight when roll
LurkerSpine: DisableAllScreenMessages to suppress
SocraticMethod: I mean, you did run past all the XP sources so ...
BrindleBoar: the wrong debbil
Aenir798: Imagine Penelope is next to you saying "go fight that".
JeshuaWithAnE: But like, health persists after death, you could probably eventually beat it…
Mai_Andra: blackness void
Bahumot: Goat There
TheMerricat: so one kill got you 60% of your EXP... I have a feeling the idea was by the time you've ground through this you would be powered up enough to fight the dragon.
johnalogue: I mean, we definitely wouldn't grind for THIS
sethtriggs: Reminds me of Invisible Mind
DigitalSeahorse: mmmmmmmm
KharadBanar: @Aenir798 "Let me solo it"
betweenmyself: Sixty percent EXP riffGasp
Lobo_Apache: Bread Bread
ZephyrousOne: The desert of Naan!
james_missingtriggers: so hungry now
Mai_Andra: angle or debil
DoodlestheGreat: Vindaloo for all!
Juliamon: I called it "flatbread flats" as you ran for the horizon
NewtyNewts: Naan bread left War
Lysander_salamander: delicious fajita
SquareDotCube: was about to say it looked like tortilla...
MAPBoardgames: Great, now I can't unsee the naan
Texan_Reverend: Tortilla Desert
Tom_Bruise: great, now *I'm* hungry
JadedCynic: stop making me hungry alex
DigitalSeahorse: yummy
A_Dub888: This game is Naansense
voren_chalco: Naan shall pass
CodeIndigo: "what texture are you using?" naan "you mean it's invisible?" no, you can see it "what texture?" naan
baltimore_667083: tortilla desert on a horse with no name
Alness49: Desert Naan for Hope
Inquisitor_Xian: a curry oasis in a desert of naan
DoodlestheGreat: Tortilla Flats!
Foxmar320: oh yessss
sethtriggs: Infinite clipping plane!
Tangsm: You are now a burrito.
fastlane250: nice seam
Juliamon: Hells yeah
emberBecky: oh I remember this level in Journey
ChargingFurret: under the geometry!
malc: given the code quality of this game I think it's NaN bread
GhassanPL: The subdesert
BrindleBoar: the sub desert
richard_ermen: Subocean!
Foxmar320: :D
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
GreatWahooney: imagine being 60% experienced. couldn't be me
DigitalSeahorse: nice
adambomb625: Subnaan
GhassanPL: Sister to the subocean
Raiz0k: I mean, you'd sink to your ankles every step...
SymphonicLolita: subdesert???
sethtriggs: LOOOOOOLLL
voren_chalco: He ate his way out
Tempest2097: We went to the underdunes and have returned
Raiz0k: Ah, the Naanocean.
hackingducks: the subdesert - the flaky layers in the middle of the naan
Tom_Bruise: The naan simply excreted you out of its nonexistence
AugmentingPath: A dessert naan, like a peshwari naan or something?
accountmadeforants: Popped out to get to the load trigger for the raid boss
WearingCats_CwC: There's a Nepalese restaurant near me and their keema naan is so good. Just bread with slices of lamb on it
ZephyrousOne: No you just need a ranged weapon
loufghyslaufey: Destiny launched the game this way!?
Mangledpixel: the local curry place we used to go to at uni offered 'The Notorious Naan', which was the size of a table, you typically ordered one for a group
ANeMzero: I just noticed the error message above the health bar.
johnalogue: The bread absorbs the noise like snow
GrizzmastahFlex: do you think the naan desert has oases of hummus?
MAPBoardgames: naan for desert (dessert)
loufghyslaufey: Is, is that true?
Witchy_Diana: the game's audio is real quiet, could barely hear the sound that apparently sounded like poor Ian
YT_GirlPainting: shiver me timbers!
Foxmar320: hahahaaa
DigitalSeahorse: xD
NimrodXIV: of course
hackingducks: LUL
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
fastlane250: LUL
NewtyNewts: Nice Facade!
Raiz0k: @GrizzmastahFlex Garlic?
DigitalSeahorse: ahahhahhhah
sethtriggs: It's only a model!
Mai_Andra: if it is all sand, why not simply dig through the hills? xivCactuar
EricTheOrange: Yeah I put on some music cuz the game is so quiet
Tom_Bruise: "Reflection caputers need to be rebuilt (1 inbuilt)" fucken' what?!
WetPaperSack: It's only a model
Tempest2097: Welp
zigboy22: real fake walls
shamblingkrenshar: LUL
kalira77: "it's just a model"
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
sporkraptor: XD *chefkiss*
DoodlestheGreat: Welcome to Universal Studios!
TheMerricat: I have yet to have ever had naan but everything I've ever seen/heard of it makes me really want some.
SocraticMethod: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
MAPBoardgames: This tower is just PAINTED on!
Dr_fragenstien: oh god is this a monster hunter ripoff? or darksouls?
johnalogue: Real fake castles, etc.
TheMerricat: This is the skybox, isn't it?
Mangledpixel: the literal facade
shamblingkrenshar: Real Fake Geometry
Foxmar320: Real fake everything
margieargie: The Truman Game
adambomb625: Good ol python castle
DigitalSeahorse: not even colider
Inari_Kitsune: It's like universal Studios. Only a kinda tower
KV1NN4: Pay no mind to the dev behind the facade!
A_Dub888: Real fake ruins
CodeIndigo: i take back everything bad i said about this
GreatWahooney: of course it's a potemkin tower
Juliamon: ANeMzero Oh no, I hadn't seen it either
loufghyslaufey: Like a... A out of the box LEGO set today(!?)
Kumakaori: I'll take: non existant collision for $400 Alex
sethtriggs: LOL
Raiz0k: @TheMerricat Go order it! It's alright as a side.
DigitalSeahorse: I'd play that game
Lysander_salamander: that would be an amazing comic.
Aenir798: Sounds like a crapshot
DEATHlikescats: New crapshoot idea
geail: Alex writing a crapshot
johnalogue: "This hitbox is way too big, not up to code"
ZephyrousOne: Is there falling damage?
BrindleBoar: nope
NewtyNewts: Sounds like a LRR old-style sketch
shamblingkrenshar: We won!
GapFiller: if these can be phased thru the subocean is absolutely somewhere round here
MAPBoardgames: You got two textures on the same wall. that's a violation.
SquareDotCube: "this scaffolding is absolutely' not up to code"
johnalogue: Bones?
Tom_Bruise: it's a spiderbones?
red_shoes_jeff: Can't wait for that Crapshot.
Foxmar320: :D
Juliamon: asset storage tower
ArcOfTheConclave: video game osha!
Rhynerd: Looked like boned
Alness49: "I've not seen a hitbox like this since Duke Nukem!"
johnalogue: "Up to code" takes on a new meaning
butt_ghost: I saw the greatest minds of my generation spaghettified
emberBecky: ohh woops were we supposed to level up before..
SixPairsOfFeet: oh you can click as fast as you like to attack
Raiz0k: Famous last words.
fastlane250: 5 whole level
loufghyslaufey: There's the display set, & then there's the facade of the interactable building set of the brick structure.
sethtriggs: Hit it in the cloaca!
JadedCynic: "game is very entertaining, but not in any way that the developers intended"
Tom_Bruise: Oh Mighty Kalameet, stop spinning!
Foxmar320: Best boss ever
Boon_33: ah yes, just like darksouls
TheWriterAleph: that dragon juicin
TheMerricat: We went negative SP chat! Exploits!
mountaindudepdx: This dragon is buff like a kangaroo
johnalogue: We all assumed this would be unbeatable because they didn't grind!
sethtriggs: The dragon is wearing heelies too
fastlane250: You had -1 stam for a sec
Fruan: Sp briefly went negative. wtf
Raiz0k: Oh, and the HP regens.
geail: dragon can also noclip
AugmentingPath: level locked?
shamblingkrenshar: The Dragon knows about noclip
NewtyNewts: Before you were in grief
DigitalSeahorse: xD
GapFiller: nalvIsfine
cgwonder: yessss
JadedCynic: Toro! Toro!
Rhynerd: what was the fantasy game made by time ramesside/x17 guy?
betweenmyself: “Reflection captures need to be rebuilt”… what? (Between level and hp)
Foxmar320: hahaaa
ValTheDrake: health is also slowly regeneratiing
Dumori: lvled into ok attack speed
TehAmelie: The Sacred Stone
johnalogue: It might not trigger the event, but that's beside the-NOOOOO
DigitalSeahorse: chicken!
GapFiller: have we ever been chased into the subocean?
BrindleBoar: de-draggro'd
johnalogue: Coward dragon
SocraticMethod: @betweenmyself Dev debug info, should not be there
Anaerin: Will it reset the health too?
JadedCynic: Dragons are an ancient and wise species
BITs19_: he's on a leash?
Shadowsoflife: @betweenmyself dev notes
loufghyslaufey: From soft/Souls devs don't get enough credit for their Souls games, I'm betting?
shamblingkrenshar: Not enough whelps though
Rhynerd: @tehamelie thank you!
DigitalSeahorse: hope his health doesn't
johnalogue: Anger management level!!
Spolin: more dots
JessKay: more dots
SajuukSjet: yeah... it looks like it's meant to be a game where you slowly slaughter your way through every enemy on screen to build your level up
Rhynerd: So, we will not need dots?
Scarbble: a health refresh is 50 dkp minus
Raiz0k: Aggro was probably a default at this point.
adambomb625: stop dots
margieargie: Health doesn't even refresh when you die, it's fine
Foxmar320: LOL
NewtyNewts: Level Inspector said we're overusing parallel universes, gotta cut down on our buttons.
DigitalSeahorse: you win
TheMerricat: :D
ChargingFurret: OK
Foxmar320: You Win
BrindleBoar: LUL LUL LUL
cadesguy: u did it
sethtriggs: Slidy corpse
NimrodXIV: congratulation
emberBecky: ssssslide
accountmadeforants: Good jorb
Fruan: W H A T
TheWriterAleph: lrrHORN WOOO
Lysander_salamander: wow
Tangsm: You win
AugmentingPath: you win, g'bye
cgwonder: FBtouchdown
Boon_33: the end
Kumakaori: u ween
SymphonicLolita: FBtouchdown
Amentur: You Win
richard_ermen: What a fitting end
sporkraptor: await
Aenir798: You did the grief!
fastlane250: YOU'RE WINNER
MAPBoardgames: I don't think any of the enemies reset health even after deaths
mountaindudepdx: YOU WIN!
ValTheDrake: ya did it
LeonisCo: finish
Foxmar320: Alex You Win
ClodiumSoride: no acceptance for you!
zigboy22: LUL
Scarbble: you wiN!
sporkraptor: what
johnalogue: @SajuukSjet Except that we only needed to kill a few mobs at the very end to defeat the boss from lvl 1
They_Are_Alyx: LMAO
Blackaddicus: kek
Hangedman: thend
hackingducks: might be a bad idea to chuck him off... knowing this game it'd be a soft lock
DoodlestheGreat: WINNAR IS YUO
sethtriggs: A WINNER IS YOU
jet_almighty: Congratulation!
NightValien28: YOU WIN
DEATHlikescats: Congratulations !
EricTheOrange: yay....
malfnord: A WINNER IS YOU
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
Wolfstrike_NL: That's the game!
Forgebold: tada.wav
Gizmoloid: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
shamblingkrenshar: PERFECT ENDING. 10/10 NO NOTES
Inari_Kitsune: Yay!
lirazel64: Wow. Just... wow.
richard_ermen: CONGRULATIONS
GapFiller: THATS IT!?
voren_chalco: Ta-da!
WearingCats_CwC: Exceptional
kdefinition: A WINNER IS YOU
TheAinMAP: FallWinning
A_Dub888: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Rhynerd: Victoly
ArcadeEngineer: cangratulation. just the one
korvys: That was the Acceptance level
sporkraptor: o___O
Mai_Andra: FBtouchdown
zigboy22: LUL LUL LUL LUL
Drasvin: FBtouchdown
KV1NN4: lrrWOW
kdefinition: CONGRATIONS
Sogheim: YOU WIN
Gizmoloid: LUL LUL LUL
TehAmelie: 'twas i who lrrEFF the dragon
loufghyslaufey: Huh.
HorusFive: mattlrDed
CaptainSpam: You won, Alex. I thought that was perfectly simple and clear.
GhassanPL: @LoadingReadyRun Look at the copyright notyicer
lamina5432: We gamin today.
offbeatwitch: we beat the game!
Pteraspidomorphi: We're felling better now
Riandisa: Good work!
ThorSokar: FBtouchdown PERFECT GAME, NO NOTES FBtouchdown
Lysander_salamander: ok
Tom_Bruise: Denial Bargaining Acceptance Dragon
cgwonder: Wark wark!
johnalogue: We defeated death by stabbing it to death
offbeatwitch: speedrun strats
YT_GirlPainting: you win!
HorusFive: PrideDragon
krfsm: what a capstone to this evening!
DoodlestheGreat: PRO STRATS
SimplyLeggy: wow after all that 7th grade philosophy just "you win"
saintguard: "Copiright"
AugmentingPath: This dragon metaphorically represents grief: slay it!
Akaiatana: Wait, is this That Dragon Cancer???
Rhynerd: man just shrugged off death and killed a drafon
Stratavarius: The shortcut to grief is just stay angry
richard_ermen: I mean, wasn't that the logic? "This Dragon, Dragon"?
Sandboxgamer27: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
gnyrinn: Better than winter squash
Alness49: Wait, we didn't accept anything! That was the opposite of Acceptance!
TheAinMAP: Learning so much today.
Sogheim: did you have fun? would you call this fun?
TehAmelie: okay the game HAD a story but they forgot an ending
Raiz0k: "If we could get him to the edge we could 100% chuck him off" is certainly a W&P quote.
NewtyNewts: Copiright.
DigitalSeahorse: you managed your anger dragon
NathanJay_GA: Great place to end it!
Wolfstrike_NL: Sure was something unreal
TwitchTVsFrank: Lol
KV1NN4: i'm light-headed
lamina5432: Clipping is in there
raulghoulia: honestly that sounds like a crapshot
DEATHlikescats: You win grief
udzmmu: Was the dragon Birdu?
KenKopin: Gries speedrun
JadedCynic: copright
mountaindudepdx: beautiful
voren_chalco: That's the bargaining: kill the dragon in exchange for skipping stages.
dm818: dark urinal
cadesguy: copright
Pharmacistjudge: don't forget War
Aenir798: Where does the Winter Squash come in?
Foxmar320: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Pharmacistjudge: lots of War
KV1NN4: Dark Urinal was deifnitely right
saintguard: Omg, not just "copiright", "Copiright...All right reserved".
Rhynerd: “I ain’t dead, I’m walking out of here.” - Man about to kill a dragon
CodeIndigo: I would if it had a watch & play logo on it
Raiz0k: Do it cowards!
ZephyrousOne: I almost choked on "main menu"
Foxmar320: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: | Alex: | Ben Ulmer: | Cameron: | Cori and Ian: | Heather: | James: | Kathleen: | Matt Wiggins: | Nelson: | Serge: , | Wheeler:
JadedCynic: I'm totally using that as a prompt for my next game of T-KO
sethtriggs: THanks for great stream!
SCHLORMPH: I'd wear that shirt
DigitalSeahorse: digita435LOVE digita435LOVE digita435LOVE
mountaindudepdx: thanks!
Witchy_Diana subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
Witchy_Diana: Take care!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Witchy_Diana! (Today's storm count: 82)
shamblingkrenshar: What a great note to end on
Astra7525: Don't say that... It COULD be a good W&P shirt
kilnfiendpotter: Thank you for...all of that!
Asolya: I'll tell my therapist at my next appointment
CAKHost: Thanks for the stream!
korvys: Also, you can just skip most of the steps if you run fast enough
MAPBoardgames: !next
elkae: thank you for the garbage, happy bussing
DigitalSeahorse: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: | Patreon: | Etsy: | Home stream: | Twitter:
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (which you must manually renew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! Game: Root) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (2:00 from now).
Asolya: they got it all wrong
lamina5432: Gnight
NightValien28: BUS BUS BUS
ThorSokar: Bus IS Coming!
rubikdarkwill: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Lysander_salamander: have a good afternoon, everyone!
Orestes290 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Orestes290! (Today's storm count: 83)
Simriel: I would buy, and wear that shirt.
TehAmelie: we sure came to terms with our grief
Shadowsoflife: BUS
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
loufghyslaufey: Is that we're supposed to play Wilds of Eldraine?
saintguard: Thank you for the stream!
HorusFive subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
HorusFive: I only caught the last 30m and that was the high point of the day
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HorusFive! (Today's storm count: 84)
LRRbot: 4062 patrons for a total of $21,723.64 per month.
MAPBoardgames: !venga
LRRbot: I feel the Venga Bus move under my feet, I feel the party tumbling down.
AugmentingPath: bye frogs
WearingCats_CwC: bai
TehAmelie: thansk for the stream!
Foxmar320: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
johnalogue: @ZephyrousOne You're supposed to eat the food, not the menu!
Inari_Kitsune: Bye!
DoodlestheGreat: So, according to the schedule, the first stream you guys are doing after DB is... WATCH & PLAY! :tf:
cgwonder: !venga
LRRbot: Turn down for BUS!
Metric_Furlong: Root
danisfine: lrrHEART
Juliamon: DoodlestheGreat No? It's ITYC
passwordlost_hereiam: Oh shoot yeah DB is soon huh?
JadedCynic: "Stages of Grief: 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Dragon" <3
Foxmar320: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: | Patreon: | Etsy: | Home stream: | Twitter:
Simriel: Give us this shirt Graham
Gekyouryuu: Studio C -> Studio Sea (of sand)
Foxmar320: !db
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope is a charity gaming marathon where people dance sing and be silly while playing the worst game of all time, Desert Bus. The marathon raises money for . An explanation video can be found here: . More information can be found at and
ZethRuss: bus is coming ?
Juliamon: !db countdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Sat 11 Nov 02:00 PM PST (2d, 22:59 from now)
MAPBoardgames: !venga
LRRbot: Turn down for BUS!
Aenir798: The bus is coming
Lysander_salamander: good luck with deserbus!
cgwonder: join the bus!
fastlane250: As usual, I'm not prepared for bus
DoodlestheGreat: @Juliamon Must've been added since I last checked.
JadedCynic: tyvm for the fun!
DEATHlikescats: Denial >Anger > Bargaining >Dragon >Exit to Main Menu
fastlane250: no one ever is
danisfine: looking forward to it champs!
RAICx: Bus. Is. Coming.
red_shoes_jeff: Cheer100
KenKopin: I should check if my donor account is linked to my Twitch account.
LurkerSpine: Cheer100 Grief Dragon
Astra7525: Last I checked Fangamer still offered some of the reprint classic DB shirts, one of which Alex is wearing today
chaostreader: I presume there will be a db tech test Friday?
lordgrond subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lordgrond! (Today's storm count: 85)
Pinary subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Pinary! (Today's storm count: 86)
zeanith_helfire subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zeanith_helfire! (Today's storm count: 87)
lirazel64: Cheer200
A_Dub888 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, A_Dub888! (Today's storm count: 88)
Inari_Kitsune: Get on the bus that's gonna take you back to the
Spacecarl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Spacecarl! (Today's storm count: 89)
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Octo
ClodiumSoride: wow, so many other people started their subs the same month I did
roadhog123 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
roadhog123: W&P is a deserving stream for my pre-DB sub. :D
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, roadhog123! (Today's storm count: 90)
TehAmelie: alternately, the stages of grief are deinal, anger, bargaining and getting distracted
DigitalSeahorse: digita435LOVE
SoldieroFortune subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months!
SoldieroFortune: Slow that muffin!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SoldieroFortune! (Today's storm count: 91)
loufghyslaufey: Ants are no joke, I heard.
loufghyslaufey: I've seen a glimpse of ants as a Class-Two civilization, maybe...(??)
TehAmelie: five stages of grief: 1. denial 2. anger 3. bargaining 4. start a new project
ZephyrousOne subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
ZephyrousOne: And me!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ZephyrousOne! (Today's storm count: 92)
FarleyF: so i wonder what the sub roll will look like at the first stream back after DB
currentlyfsu: Happy Wednesday:)
LordZarano: 8 hours left on the Games For Gaza bundle for Medical Aid For Palestinians on itch. It's got Graham & Jacob in it! (In Arcade Spirits and its sequel) along with 254 other things!
Sudobyte: @hangedman oh hey, how goes?
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
gnyrinn: I think Hastings (the way Alex pronounced it) is what Harold said.
GapFiller: Cheer100 One More Pre DB Bit Snipe For The Road!
Texan_Reverend: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to alexsteacy! They have given 185 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, alexsteacy! (Today's storm count: 93)
Foxmar320: lrrSHINE
FarleyF: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: | Patreon: | Etsy: | Home stream: | Twitter:
Catcard: godspeed!
cgwonder: desert buuuuuus
Foxmar320: Byeeee
DoodlestheGreat: BYE
cgwonder: byeee
empyreon: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
FarleyF: Bye
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Lobo_Apache: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! Game: Root) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (1:55 from now).
CanPlayGames: Is Desert Bus a food?
red_shoes_jeff: Buy!
DigitalSeahorse: HypeUnicorn1 HypeUnicorn1 HypeUnicorn1
Crad0k: byeee!
Astra7525: Can't wait to get totally bussed up next week
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming. Good luck with Desert Bus!
MAPBoardgames: @CanPlayGames no, but it is a sandwich
FarleyF: @CanPlayGames is Desert Bus a hotdog
red_shoes_jeff: @CanPlayGames Sometimes!
Gekyouryuu: Buy gold! Byyyyyye!
GapFiller: CanPlayGames Kate did hide a club in that cake the one time
Astra7525: @FarleyF No, it's a bunless charity marathon
DigitalSeahorse: wooot ads! 2020Pajamas 2020Party
johnalogue: Got an apple watch ad, going to go experience militant Pebble mourning for a few minutes
Juliamon: rip Pebble, taken from us too soon
margieargie: @CanPlayGames Only if it's for a bit, from what I understand
johnalogue: Give me e-ink and buttons you monsters
johnalogue: Someday I will be strong enough to defeat the consumer electronics industry and save the world
LordZarano: Pebble was Sharp Memory LCD, like the Playdate iirc
lirazel64: Shirt get, btw.
Juliamon: hell yeah
DigitalSeahorse: fangamer shirts and Alex's merch shirts
johnalogue: @LordZarano Yeah, I have a P2 that definitely uses that. I think the color ones at least were e-ink though
DigitalSeahorse: and LRR shirts on their way but stuck at the international post point according to UPS tracking
DigitalSeahorse: *shrugs*
johnalogue: e-ink tech has also improved since then I think, and...I'm going to go make coffee and hope I forget halfway through
accountmadeforants: @LordZarano They're both Memory LCDs yeah, but the Pebble's was transflective (i.e., it can be backlit as well as front-lit) while the Playdate's is just reflective.
johnalogue: There is no contemporary iteration on the device. I love using mine but it has flaws that could be improved and it also won't last forever...
accountmadeforants: Memory LCDs are pretty neat for black-and-white stuff like that, because you only need to store 1 bit per pixel, rather than 18-30 for full colour.
johnalogue: Still wish there was a color e-ink variant of the Pebble 2 instead of only the 1st gen