jessicaengle: Hello!
TXC2: Hello jessicaengle welcome
yalc321: Haaallllooooooo
yalc321: How are you today @TXC2 ?
jessicaengle: jlrrDance sergeModLove jlrrDance
yalc321: sergeModLove
TXC2: yalc321 cold :p how about you ?
yalc321: Eepy
TXC2: title change!
jessicaengle: Float O Clock
TXC2: Kevin time
jessicaengle: Is Kevin the name of our boat?
TXC2: Kevin is the shark's name
jessicaengle: Whats out boats name then?
TXC2: the boat is yet to be named, so that's chat's task today
Angreed66: The boat is named Kevin snack.
beowuuf: bruce, like the shark
malfnord: Bruce V Kevin: Dawn of Justice?
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Raft!? What is even happening with this show? Game: Raft) at Tue 10:00 AM PDT (0s from now).
TXC2: Manae nice
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrSIG lrrSIG
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LordZarano: !uno
LRRbot: RebelliousUno is streaming as well. Be sure to check out his view of the stream and give him a follow!
beowuuf: !dos
LRRbot: RebelliousUno también está transmitiendo. Asegúrate de revisar su vista de la secuencia y darle una continuación!
episvont subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, episvont! (Today's storm count: 1)
SymphonicLolita: I <3 Kevin
Angreed66: Time to see how James and Uno play without Serge in management mode.
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy Tuesday, Miners & Crafters!!! jlrrPunch sergeScopeCreep
TheMerricat: So... I know today's Raft day, but did anyone else see that Minecraft updated a couple of hours ago? :D
RebelliousUno: Place your bets, sink or swim
TXC2: hello Xed_Regulus welcome
TXC2: I bet on swink
mrsmacmanus: Howdy all 😀
a_serious_moose subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, a_serious_moose! (Today's storm count: 2)
TXC2: hello mrsmacmanus welcome
wordnerdify: @RebelliousUno porque no los dos?
TheShokara subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheShokara! (Today's storm count: 3)
TehAmelie: i'll be that we find a way to upset physics to a point where the water surface dissolves
Angreed66: raft isn't a watch and play game though
TXC2: we'll walk on water and sink on land
TehAmelie: turn water and air into a gradient
Mathwyn: I can't they already mined A clock through N clock already
anclag subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, anclag! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: TehAmelie that's what summer in Alabama is like :p
TehAmelie: i think it can happen in winds much stronger than we get on earth
Angreed66: I'm glad I live in a dry heat area
brieandbacon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
brieandbacon: Three baker years, les'go!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, brieandbacon! (Today's storm count: 5)
sephsays: If Serge isn't here today, can we call the shark different names? I'm personally fond of Archibald
Mathwyn: Bruce is a classic shark name
TXC2: Here we GO!
beowuuf: let's go!
NDCazzy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NDCazzy! (Today's storm count: 6)
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW sharkf11THINK
Alzran: It's TIME
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
TXC2: !uno
LRRbot: RebelliousUno is streaming as well. Be sure to check out his view of the stream and give him a follow!
beowuuf: and bruce!
SquirrelEarl: And Serge
brieandbacon: !dos
LRRbot: RebelliousUno también está transmitiendo. Asegúrate de revisar su vista de la secuencia y darle una continuación!
beowuuf: !tres
LRRbot: Anche RebelliousUno è in streaming. Assicurati di controllare la sua visione del flusso e dargli un seguito!
TheAinMAP: Hello.
TehAmelie: ohaio
beowuuf: sergeHi
Sarah_Serinde: Hi James
TXC2: !shi
LRRbot: RebelliousUno Sutorīmingu mo shite imasu. Ogawa no kare no kenkai o kakunin shite, kare ni shitagatte kudasai!
TXC2: hello James
DudelidouX: Is that the plan for today? lol
brieandbacon: !vagh
LRRbot: labtaH rebelIyuS'uno! much leghbogh ghaH 'e' yIbej ej' ghaH yItlha'!
TheAwkes: (minec)RAFT
PsychoI3oy: return to raftnica?
TXC2: Raft Raft Raft
beowuuf: raise the raft (roof)
brieandbacon: Teeth?
Angreed66: Raft won't be the next TEETH
Alzran: Raft Craft
NDCazzy: Raft
Mathwyn: Raft phtagn
CrazymattCaptain: teeth teeth raft
StreetRach: Raft O'Clock
SymphonicLolita: raft raft raft
mrsmacmanus: This is weird to watch in real time- me and my husband came all the way from Austalia to Victoria for the start of our honeymoon because we are massive LRR fans (not stalkers- we swear)
wordnerdify: sink sink sink sink?
DideRobot: LRR: James and Uno are Sergeless for our second outing of Raft on today's Mine O'Clock. What could go wrong? It's not like there's an ever present shark circling our boat just waiting for it's lunch. |
TehAmelie: without a chant, you'd be be-raft?
mrsmacmanus: Yup
Xed_Regulus: Congratulations on your nuptials!
Sarah_Serinde: It's me, I'm people :P
ReaperTitan152001: Raft sergeCrimes
Sarah_Serinde: Though also I came for the people
Mathwyn: Ia! Ia! Raft Phtagn!
Angreed66: TBF there's reasons other than taxes that a lot of film film there.
TXC2: LRR getting a kickback from tourism Canada
Alzran: Coffee with Surge is pretty handy
wildpeaks: yay more raft \o/
mrsmacmanus: Been here since Sunday, just enjoying downtown - visiting surges suggested coffee spots- following the start of road quest journey up to Nass Valley. First time in Canada! Loving it.
Mathwyn: For neeeeerds
Williams4jesus: !findquote coffee
LRRbot: Quote #6784: "Give me some more transparent coffee!" —Ian [2020-02-24]
pleonasticTautology subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months, currently on a 23 month streak!
pleonasticTautology: we're awake for mine o clock for once! woo! good morning everyone :]
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pleonasticTautology! (Today's storm count: 7)
mrsmacmanus: We are hoping to make it out to Hide and Seek in oak Bay too.. sorry for derailing the stream!
TXC2: hello pleonasticTautology welcome
Williams4jesus: Been rewatching Road Quest. It seems timeless.
Foxmar320: I want waffels
KodeMage: roadquest 2 when?
brieandbacon: I still need to watch RQ...
KodeMage: second tuesday of next week?
Chesul: So, RQ2 on the horizon?
pleonasticTautology: @TXC2 hi! really want to be consistent but it's so hard staying diurnal >_<
KodeMage: Where would you go?
KodeMage: Where would you want to go?
wotc_jordan: Go-kart quest
Yondaime233: time to go to deadhorse!
wotc_jordan: Do it again in go-karts
TXC2: pleonasticTautology no worries <3
Mathwyn: Railquest
Eklinaar: Canada is big
KodeMage: so in Canada or international?
mrsmacmanus: Canada is massive!
KodeMage: go to Europe or something
mrsmacmanus: The Australia of the north
Master_Gunner: There's a whole song about how big Canada is.
Sarah_Serinde: International would involve a lot more paperwork and probably fees
Alzran: You went from South to North, why not East Coast to West Coast? :D
StreetRach: Railquest would be cool; travel by train.
TheManaLeek: Trans-Canada Trail Quest 👀
SquirrelEarl: Road Quest 2. Feet in Atlantic
Chesul: just across Canada would be amazing, yeah.
LordZarano: Would be nice if you could get Tourism Canada funding this time
wotc_jordan: International is also EXPENSIVE
TXC2: even a quest to Seattle would be a lot
baskwalla: Drive to the Spike Feeders!
KodeMage: yeah, rail quest would be fun. Trans canada railway
NorthstarTex: And just got here with lunch, how goes it Rafters and Bru-Keven yeah Kevin
mattyraft44: Victoria to Halifax?
pleonasticTautology: @TXC2 yeah, those ferry prices... (we've looked, we want to day trip to victoria *so bad*)
jessicaengle: Friend Quest!
Met_kaf: Rail travel in Japan
Sarah_Serinde: That would take so long :D
Chesul: so, TraveLRR?
Monocerotis2010: Public Transit Quest
KodeMage: LRR goes on vacation, Graham has suggested such a project before.
LordZarano: Train Quest!
brieandbacon: I'm hoping Uno isn't feeling lonely 😛
omdorastrix subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
omdorastrix: 75 months on the raft on the wall...
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, omdorastrix! (Today's storm count: 8)
TheAwkes: Just don't do it in 5 days on a motorcycle like I did. I had a good reason, but it wasn't worth it.
KodeMage: The starks go to Japan is something I have rewatched at least twice.
pleonasticTautology: hi james!
Sarah_Serinde: Good thing Serge wasn't here for this one :P
TheAwkes: Still doesn't hold a candle to the Nope Bois rambling.
omdorastrix: Unos a bit quiet, could use a 20% boost
wotc_jordan: That's a wild thing to admit James
brieandbacon: Pistachio
jessicaengle: James "I've always wanted to fire someone" Turner
NDCazzy: Roadquest UK with Uno!
JadedCynic: I'll take a job at LRR just so you could fire me. :)
CatTreeDreamCar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
Cunobelenos: mine thirty.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CatTreeDreamCar! (Today's storm count: 9)
malfnord: Fired a man in Reno just to watch him cry
pleonasticTautology: also i will say that we really appreciate all the ways different lrr folks say our handle. waiting for someone (cough matt or alex) to shorten it in the most "i feel perceived" way :P
Foxmar320: Scorched earth
KodeMage: scorched earth
jessicaengle: Uno is Rebellious, he might just co-host anyway even after you fire him.
KodeMage: lol
pleonasticTautology: @Cunobelenos pffff
RebelliousUno: I probably would
brieandbacon: Raft raft raft, etc
omdorastrix: Minec(RAFT)
MooCowofDom: He's not.... around.... >_> <_<
hatboozeparty: You already know how to craft ropes, there was nothing left for him to show you.
Eklinaar: Serge will come back to a raft that is somehow simultaneously sunk and on fire.
Williams4jesus: !findquote nothing
LRRbot: Quote #3839: "Michael, you can't just turn into a lrrEFF ing jetplane like it's nothing!" —Graham [2017-01-11]
anclag: by the end of this stream, I have total confidence that your raft will look like the one on the title screen and Serge will be amazed.
brieandbacon: It's like Minecraft was, originally
Foxmar320: If you want hint's I can help. Ive played it before.
Williams4jesus: !findquote shark
LRRbot: Quote #2943: "Sharkticles! Shark! I am a *** shark! Get wrekt!" —Alex [2016-07-13]
Angreed66: I think you lost the discovery internalization due to Serge telling you what to do
Foxmar320: Only if you ask.
wildpeaks: not so much stumble as craft your way into plot
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah Serge probably shortcut a lot of discover
James_the_Dabbler: I mean, Minecraft is the same way
Sarah_Serinde: *discovery
omdorastrix: It really doesnt handhold you. Other than toast prompts for food/water
Master_Gunner: It does kind of just assume familiarity with the tropes of survival crafting games.
Chesul: Basically "Here's the basics of survival, now explore to find out more"
Foxmar320: The first time I played I went in knowing nothing and died several times. Until my mod pointed me in the correct direction.
345tom: Yeah at least terraria has the guide in game nowadays
NorthstarTex: so you get a space shark
anclag: is it a landshark?
Mathwyn: You can turn kevin off right?
NorthstarTex: or void shark
LordZarano: Very much looking forward to more freeform play so we can see you develop your own playstyle and buildstyle. Last episode felt very Serge's playstyle
KodeMage: On the entire opposite end of the spectrum is something like Dave the Diver where the entire game feels like a constant tutorial because it introduces new mechanics every chapter.
Mathwyn: Also I need to fire up void train again
Williams4jesus: !findquote kevin
LRRbot: Quote #6607: "I open my inner Kevin eyes." —Serge [2019-12-09]
TXC2: 1heychat
Chesul: he goes from a scary threat to an annoying chore.
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
Angreed66: It's also less busy if you are fine with dying
amative1: Foxmar's a Rafting expert =D
NorthstarTex: Oh I have no idea what I'm doing so I'm going to be guessing :3
jessicaengle: I believe in you.
omdorastrix: Yeah, using the heychat method.
amative1: He's died numerous times
KodeMage: can they save scum at all?
Mathwyn: Bote time
the_one_and_only_kim: I mean, we all know it is buttslol
Foxmar320: Im confident you will get there, but if you need direction amative1 and I can help
KodeMage: #teamkevin
TXC2: !addquote ( RebelliousUno and James) [now] 'We're nominally smart people.''...sure.'
LRRbot: New quote #8975: "'We're nominally smart people.''...sure.'" — RebelliousUno and James [2024-04-23]
TheAinMAP: sharkf11THINK
wildpeaks: at least there is little consequences to dying, so it's chill
omdorastrix: 5 cup water thing
KodeMage: 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈
jessicaengle: sergeIrene sergeBongo
wildpeaks: woohoo, boat trip \o/
brieandbacon: There's less flotsam today it seems
KodeMage: 🐟🐠💀
jessicaengle: I know where you can get a bunch of shark meat
TXC2: the shark is just chilling, menacingly
pleonasticTautology: @TXC2 ", menacingly" is i think the biggest effect spongebob has had on our vocabulary
Mathwyn: "They say we should sail today cap'n, the ping is high out"
KodeMage: are there anti-shark spikes or armour they could install?
Mathwyn: Shouldn't*
TXC2: pleonasticTautology it's a real word isn't it?
KodeMage: yes, in a menacing way
Angreed66: It's a real word just usage went up due to spongebob
NorthstarTex: what if its a boat made of a bridge?
brieandbacon: "Uno's log: still wet."
TXC2: ah, I never watched spongebob, I got it from Ventre bros :p
KodeMage: I mean, it's just a word... I've never seen spongebob
pleonasticTautology: @TXC2 oh, it is, but i mean specifically, "comma menacingly" as a, like, sentence suffix haha
NojhLivic: Kevin being Kevin
TXC2: pleonasticTautology fair enough
KodeMage: 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈
TXC2: I only know spongbob from memes
pleonasticTautology: @TXC2 oh yeah that too. our big things we got from venture bros are "with guys, mike." and "it's on! it's off. it's on! it's off."
Mathwyn: Never could've figured out how to make a table without that no sir
pleonasticTautology: also "opeeeee[...]eeen"
TheAinMAP: jlrrFishin
thegiftedgrifter: That is how it works irl
TXC2: pleonasticTautology i use "just bad news and weird news" often
pleonasticTautology: @TXC2 oh that's a good one
pleonasticTautology: we also need to put "mars, the bringer of war" back on our driving playlist
pleonasticTautology: because we do *that* to mars
Artificer_Evan: Hello
anclag: that island sucked anyway
TXC2: hello Artificer_Evan welcome
DudelidouX: always check those
Artificer_Evan: just tuned in. What did I miss?
Artificer_Evan: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 29:34.
amative1: yes, you can craft in a chest's inventory
TXC2: Artificer_Evan not much, we've had one shark attack
KodeMage: free loot, I would definitely over build those nets if I played this game. I always love a nice free resource generator. I guess you have to balance that vs shark attacks
Foxmar320: Sometimes just pointing the sail at the island is enough to stop the raft.
Chesul: James, it's Potato Potahto.
wildpeaks: Kevin's starting to have quite the collection of scars
Mathwyn: Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew
Artificer_Evan: @KodeMage eventually you can get to a point where you have reinforced the main section to the point where shark attacks don't do anything BUT you can't do the same to the collectors
Bassios: Oh hey I managed to catch a live Raft-O-Clock
amative1: @Artificer_Evan you can reinforce collectors
TXC2: hello Bassios welcome
omdorastrix: You can reinforce a collector just like a foundation iirc -
brieandbacon: Today's fish is trout a la crème, enjoy your meal
Foxmar320: Crops are super important
wildpeaks: oh I love old shoe, they're cute
Artificer_Evan: @amative1 hmm must not have gotten to that point in my playthrough
KodeMage: how expensive are the collectors? probably not cheap
amative1: it's a flowerpot
Mathwyn: The shoe is to add texture to your food obv
NorthstarTex: wait, my shoe! D:
TXC2: surely you need a pair to wear ?
James_the_Dabbler: It’s a planter I think l
omdorastrix: And you only need to reinforce the perimeter, you can have a central moonpool, kevin wont attack th inside hole.
Artificer_Evan: @omdorastrix useful for an anchor
Mathwyn: A beehive juicer you say
StreetRach: I mean... life finds a way.
Angreed66: an empty ocean is really bad for you
amative1: yup, bury the world in water, all the trash floats to the top, then skim it all away with rafting
KodeMage: so, just armor though, no spikes? I'm guessing there's better weapons too, right?
Foxmar320: Going to need a lot of metal ore to reinforce
omdorastrix: Its EXPENSIVE early game, ingots and nails for every one ypu want to reinforce
NorthstarTex: is it possible to befriend the shark, that's what I would try to do
wildpeaks: it is a bit silly that crop plots don't need dirt
omdorastrix: Dive for it at islands or in barrels for ore
Foxmar320: Ore then ingots, hope you like swimming
Artificer_Evan: @omdorastrix yup part of why I stopped playing never really made it to mid game I think
gualdhar: Is Serge there too? Haven't heard him in a while
TXC2: gualdhar no Serge this week
gualdhar: Ok cool
brieandbacon: Hoo ha ha
amative1: you need two of those fish. it can be two of one type or one of each
RivanDarkStar: you need to smelt the metal scraps to make ingots
Angreed66: you can also just feed kevin a different type of flesh
Foxmar320: Yeah it lists those two but any two fish will work
amative1: right
anclag: @brieandbacon I understood that reference
wildpeaks: Kevin is a picky eater ? :D
amative1: yeah you need either one more of those or a pomfret
brieandbacon: @anclag sometimes they hit right
amative1: (and then rope... you always need rope)
creasehearst: the collectors only catch stuff you sail through
creasehearst: you could try to steer the ship back into the debris streams with the sail?
brieandbacon: Can you sail in the "wrong" direction?
Foxmar320: If your sail is down maybe close it. Might let you drift into stuff
omdorastrix: Crafting a reusable anchor will help prevent you from using up supplies for every stop.
TXC2: turts!
NorthstarTex: big turt!
frnknstn: You can press E to close the sail and drift, they don't tooltip that
Foxmar320: Dead shark
amative1: GO GO GO
Foxmar320: Loot that body!
Chesul: you killed Kevin!
TXC2: killed a Kevin, a Kevin we be back shortly
pleonasticTautology: deadvin
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN
NorthstarTex: long live kevin II!!
brieandbacon: So, how's everyone's thalassophobia?
Foxmar320: No shark for a bit you can swim out and get stuff
Artificer_Evan: @Foxmar320 🎶Loot that body🎶
amative1: James, Foxmar and I need to hook you up with the shark naming mod... you can give the shark all sorts of fun names. Like the names of coworkers... or chat mods... or Twitch/Patreon supporters...
anclag: It looks like Serge was eaten by Kevin and the single shoe is all that remains
hermonthis: ooh ha ha
TXC2: hoo ha ha
StreetRach: hoo ha ha
amative1: thank you chat, that is the correct response
Foxmar320: If you point the sail at the island and grind into it, might not need to use the anchor
amative1: No shark, so definitely want to go underwater first, worry about "on island" later
StreetRach: hoo ha ha
JoeKim: Just fight the shark
Chesul: Ooh ha ha.
JoeKim: Constantly
amative1: But James, you have a water-melon
TheAinMAP: sharkf11THINK
creasehearst: drop the shark bait now that it's back?
JoeKim: How's rafting going
Foxmar320: Getting good at parrying the shark is my job when playing raft. We land at a island and my team just points me at the shark.
JoeKim: I think getting to the midgame of raft is the most annoying part
JoeKim: Afterwards it gets cool
wildpeaks: tbh I enjoy this game a lot more in "peaceful" mode, the shark gets in the way of fun for me
Steelwolf171 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Steelwolf171! (Today's storm count: 10)
TheManaLeek: Minecraft is much more "Lego-y" than most other survival games
DudelidouX: Minecraft as a big focus on creativity as well which most of the other game don't or it's way later.
erloas: Minecraft is pretty minimal on actual survival and isn't very resource limited
Artificer_Evan: @JoeKim What would you consider Mid game?
Chesul: yeah, Minecraft was really good because it was super open and completely basic in its normal mechanics, which is a thing that you can't replicate in a new and interesting way.
TheAinMAP: jlrrBreak
Chesul: so other survival crafting games try to do new things, which sadly don't normally hit well because the genre wants to be open and easy to get into.
James_the_Dabbler: I wonder if there would have been some value in asking what James and Uno like about Minecraft when determining the games for the swap over
JoeKim: I would say midgame for raft is probably getting their research rolling
Foxmar320: Need so much metal ore
TXC2: also keep in mind that Minecraft has been updated a lot in the decade it's been out, whereas other games haven't
JoeKim: Like. Post receiver moments
ChroniclerC: Slightly blue. Almost seems to look like glass, I think.
Artificer_Evan: @JoeKim Yeah, when you start moving to metal tool and reinforcing the raft.
JoeKim: Mhmm
Artificer_Evan: That's about where I stopped playing
JoeKim: Kinda like how astroneer you find out there are more planets
brieandbacon: He'll still nom nom, just on you
James_the_Dabbler: The focus really was on survival games but I don’t know that Minecraft is really a survival game in the normal sense, ya know
hermonthis: hold on, no Serge today?
amative1: no Serge today
TXC2: hermonthis yeap, No serge today
kainboa: "it goes in the square hole"
Chesul: @TXC2 true, but most of that has been adding new things to tinker with, not changes to the central game loop, which is the thing that makes Minecraft really different from things like Raft.
omdorastrix: Furnace also needsnplanks for fuel
Foxmar320: When the ore is done take the ingot to the research table
wildpeaks: good idea, there might me more things we could unlock
amative1: the smelt will take a min or two
Chesul: @James_the_Dabbler Yeah. I'd classify Minecraft as a first person building game with survival elements, not a survival crafting game.
jumping_point subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
jumping_point: Time sure flies on a raft this busy...
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jumping_point! (Today's storm count: 11)
Foxmar320: Death on the raft is not the worst
amative1: smelter is done
fiftymcnasty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
fiftymcnasty: Raft's looking a little bigger, nice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fiftymcnasty! (Today's storm count: 12)
JoeKim: Let's live our water world dreams and trade dirt as currency
Angreed66: imo I'd rather save planks than life at this point in the game
jumping_point: Good evening, everyone! Glad to be able to catch a stream live.
wildpeaks: nailed it :D
TXC2: hello jumping_point welcome
hermonthis: never played this game: is there a way to "win"?
Foxmar320: big fish
TXC2: beeg feeesh
hatboozeparty: lrrHAM
Foxmar320: hermonthis yep! It has a story and everything
Artificer_Evan: @hermonthis 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
wildpeaks: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Mushrooms of Energy Bolt Throwing
jumping_point: Hey TXC2! How are you doing?
hermonthis: oh cool @Foxmar320 !
NorthstarTex: big get
TXC2: jumping_point not too bad, how about you?
NorthstarTex: Kevin III got a corner
amative1: gotta keep repairing
Foxmar320: Yep! The streamer is very important
Angreed66: the raft is the only health bar that matters
StreetRach: Kevin, if you need more fiber in your diet, you should see a doctor.
gualdhar: Is there a stream, if there's no streamer?
fiftymcnasty: hold right mouse for your options
Foxmar320: R click
amative1: Right-click to change your hammer's "mode"
TXC2: gualdhar according to Twitch, no
Foxmar320: Hell bird spotted
wildpeaks: yess, big island
jumping_point: @TXC2 Have been better, but it could be worse. And the stream is helping.
MaelstronSolenor: make the bow and arrow
TheAinMAP: !birb
LRRbot: Wark, wark!
NorthstarTex: ! y
oneiropticon: Devil bird!
TXC2: jumping_point well that's something at least <3
anclag: can we make birdbait?
NorthstarTex: !findquote bird
LRRbot: Quote #4224: "I finally found my people: trash birds!" —Ben [2017-05-27]
ElektroTal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
ElektroTal: 88! what?!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ElektroTal! (Today's storm count: 13)
Foxmar320: We are the bird bait
StreetRach: Is this game procedurally-generated?
TXC2: StreetRach seems like it
MacSquizzy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
NorthstarTex: glhf with the bird
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MacSquizzy! (Today's storm count: 14)
ElektroTal: @StreetRach it's generated more or less like minecraft is
Artificer_Evan: @StreetRach mostly there are some fixed island as part of the story
omdorastrix: If you want protection from the roc bird you can build a roof thats atleast 4 tiles big on the boat
TheAinMAP: PizzaTime
jumping_point: @TXC2 Definitely!
Foxmar320: Big pig is no joke
Krillin_fan: Boars are dangerous
A_Dub888: Hi friends, where we Raftin?
TheAinMAP: jlrrPiggie
wildpeaks: only inventory that you carry, no ?
TXC2: Hello A_Dub888 welcome
JuneBlue58: Of course, you tried to hunt a wild boar with a sharp stick.
Foxmar320: Run Uno!
Foxmar320: I heard the bird as well
amative1: His corpse is right where you dropped it lrrBEEJ
anclag: So exactly how busy is Serge...just asking
Foxmar320: Yeah the items are gone
amative1: You lose a random 2/3rds
Sarah_Serinde: Dying is part of the experience
NojhLivic: Oh no what happened? Was it Kevin?
omdorastrix: Aside from story islands, theres only a handful of maps, youll learn the layout quick.
amative1: @NojhLivic boar
omdorastrix: James got Boared
RealGamerCow: looks like some sort of tree?
malfnord: Mmm, that's some Dwarf Fortress-grade Fun[tm] right there.
amative1: So the lesson to learn from this is to not take stuff ashore if you don't need it in inventory
wildpeaks: it encourages to store things and only take what's needed with you
StreetRach: I shall henceforth refer to the pig as Graham.
A_Dub888: POV: Yup that's me, you're probably wondering how I got into this situation
hermonthis: was making toast, and oh no!
amative1: @StreetRach I mean, you CAN name animals with nametags...
TXC2: hermonthis wild boar happened
amative1: big enough for a Roc to fly above
omdorastrix: The risk reward balance is skewed towards not taking risks in this game...
Petaaaaaaaaaaaa: Big island for a big bird
Foxmar320: Yeah during my first run of raft we had about five named animals.
Angreed66: for instance you don't need your hammer or rod
spanky3535: Let the voar charge. It gets stunned when it misses
Foxmar320: Trading Post
spanky3535: It charges in a straight line
amative1: =D
Foxmar320: amative1 Graham, James, Paul, Adam and GoatPrince
StreetRach: What did you expect? You come onto his property uninvited, you're going to get the tusks.
jumping_point: Very good.
TXC2: Pumba no!
jumping_point: Victory!
A_Dub888: Boar no moar
StreetRach: RIP GraHam.
Foxmar320: Shovel for dirt
Artificer_Evan: I'm still partial to Ilharg
amative1: there's a few recipes that require mushrooms, nothing you need to worry about right now
MaelstronSolenor: time to build the shovel
brieandbacon: Can you not eat the shroom?
Foxmar320: Yeah amative did the cooking on our first run so I never saw what mushrooms were for
Foxmar320: Hell bird is reloading
Foxmar320: Chicken!
amative1: @Foxmar320 two or three plated recipes, which require the stew pot, so multiple steps away from where they are right now
wildpeaks: traces of civilisation
Foxmar320: Chicken AND a lama
L0rdX33n: how goes the kevining?
TXC2: only freesat
Rootpotato: hey i thought this game was about living on a raft, thats an island not a raft!
Foxmar320: Lama and chickens drop nothing
Chesul: crap, they've found where Serge is taking his vacation from the stream!
amative1: don't kill the llama!
Artificer_Evan: @L0rdX33n they killed him once
L0rdX33n: llama friend is for nets, not spears
omdorastrix: Llamas and chickens can be speared, you need to get a net to catch them and then can harvest wool/eggs
TXC2: Rootpotato what is an island if not a raft on magma? Kappa
omdorastrix: *cant
TXC2: hello L0rdX33n welcome
undecided44: I bet they watch the whole f1 race through Max's onboard... [press your red button]
Foxmar320: Goats, Chickens and Lamas drop nothing when killed so just ignore them for now
anclag: Uno just having a snooze under some leaves
Noy2222: This is why we don't chase the birb!
undecided44: Oh, wow, just realized how much buffer lag I had.... that last joke was in response to Uno asking whether SkySports was available on the island.
StreetRach: Are we in salt water or fresh water?
Foxmar320: salt
TXC2: it's all salt water isn't it ?
episvont: Def go with the anchor
Foxmar320: The reuseable anchor is really good, also really big
wildpeaks: yeah the anchor would be more useful
pleonasticTautology: does the water thing like. is the glass to make the water evaporate, then go up the glass into the other basin, desalinating it?
mercano82: all the drinking water needs to go through the desalinizer
omdorastrix: Build once, so you can stop wasting rope and planks for each stop
hermonthis: @pleonasticTautology think so!
pleonasticTautology: @hermonthis neat!
episvont: Before the shovel, you won't really have a use for the shovel for a bit
Petaaaaaaaaaaaa: Plop crots
mercano82: sun evaporates salt water, steam condensates on the glass, runs down to the bottom for collection
omdorastrix: You can cook 3x small things on the big grill
amative1: you can probably put away the two small cooktops now that you have a grill
Foxmar320: Yeah big grill can fit like three small items at once
Foxmar320: That size planter can do watermelon seeds
Artificer_Evan: And soon seagulls
episvont: If you plant your stuff in both plots. First you only need to water at once.
Foxmar320: Also pineapple
omdorastrix: Seagulls
NorthstarTex: that moment I stepped away and I actually come back to something cool, agricuture!
Jogela: Going from scavengers to farmers Pjorg
mercano82: now that you’re not paying for fresh water with wood, farming is cheap
undecided44: BIG CHEST
undecided44: sorry, it's just been a day.
wildpeaks: by the time Serge is back, we'll have our own sushi restaurant at this rate :D
Jogela: @wildpeaks Dave the Diver this game Kappa
wildpeaks: exactly :D
mercano82: Alt+F4 will fix it
DudelidouX: It seem to be when more then one tries to interact with it
TXC2: I wonder if this bug kicks in after a certen amount of time ?
omdorastrix: So... Big chest + lag
omdorastrix: It was working ok earlier
brieandbacon: Can the BBQ cook multiple things at once? Looks big enough
mercano82: 3 small food or one big fish
DudelidouX: Now it's working...really makes me think it's when they open it at the same time
omdorastrix: @brieandbacon yes, 3x small things
episvont: Cause it was raining at auto watered.
hermonthis: melons! drink and fruit!
jessicaengle: Ahoy maties!
Foxmar320: Seagull
episvont: That's squawking means your crops are in trouble.
TXC2: Fuckin' gulls!
Foxmar320: Ok so the big anchor need a hole in the raft
anclag: Mine!
episvont: You have to cut a hole in the middle of your ship.
omdorastrix: 3x3 with a hole in the middle
hermonthis: you mean, we'll need a bigger boat??
amative1: or make a 3x3 donut on one side
mercano82: or build a bigger ship
Foxmar320: Move the beds
jessicaengle: Holes! sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
Angreed66: just build more tiles is easier
amative1: that's a 1x1
Foxmar320: Thats 1
episvont: That is a one by one
omdorastrix: Thats a 1
wildpeaks: 3x3 space, but a single tile hole in the center
amative1: YUP
NorthstarTex: James you should know a lot about holes
episvont: Yup
ChroniclerC: Time to expand.
Wybrowtab: hi
Foxmar320: Yeah the anchor is huge
brieandbacon: That's monstrous
Wybrowtab: loll
wildpeaks: ow ow ow
TXC2: James why?!
episvont: Make sure you build up around that so that the shark doesn't eat your foundation
amative1: You can survive 2-3 shark bites from full health
Angreed66: honestly you might want more tiles around those as a kevin buffer
omdorastrix: You WIL want to build a walk around it, so kevin eats only the edge.
TXC2: "we got beets!"
Foxmar320: James playing this game like me now
wildpeaks: you mean you "dropped the beet"
Foxmar320: Just jumping in with the shark
Foxmar320: Correct
Foxmar320: Or fortify
amative1: and/or reinforce those floors
anclag: yeah that's what Serge said
ChroniclerC: Sick beet.
Foxmar320: You should be able to now
Foxmar320: You can fortify with the building hammer
Angreed66: Honestly I think Serge will be impressed when he comes back at this rate.
cindyneroprra: <message deleted>hey, try using the comma key, its just a tip
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
jessicaengle: Seagull is on the menu next -.-
Chesul: yeah, tacking really needs a keel, or other way to direct yourself strongly in one direction.
jessicaengle: I feel certain it tastes like chicken
Foxmar320: Fortify/reinforce is also on the top row of the building hammer menu
DudelidouX: Can't you move one from somewhere else on your boat?
amative1: yes
Foxmar320: Yes
omdorastrix: Yes
amative1: (it's an exposed-to-outside edge)
SquirrelEarl: Kevin is diabolical
brieandbacon: If it can go wrong, it will go wrong
ChroniclerC: Never underestimate Kevin.
MrOrderlyChaos subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrOrderlyChaos! (Today's storm count: 15)
TXC2: now that you've said it, yes Kevin will go for it
brieandbacon: Case in point
omdorastrix: Note, that other than thst panel, the ones exposed from the anchor hole are safe
omdorastrix: Kevin only attacks the perimeter panels
Angreed66: Kevin doesn't understand inviltration
hermonthis: !lurk feel a heading coming on hermon6Ded critroleHeart
Foxmar320: Thats not far
brieandbacon: It's only a short swim...
TXC2: "it's only a short swim, how much could Kevin possibly need to kill us?"
TXC2: *much time
Foxmar320: Be sure to research the feather
NorthstarTex: death to sky rats!
jumping_point: oh drumsticks. ^^
wildpeaks: yess feathers
SymphonicLolita: killing a birb? jail 1000 years
Trahas: No Serge today? or is he quiet?
Foxmar320: No Serge today
TXC2: no Serge
NorthstarTex: James and Uno are doing this all on their own, with chat helping
brieandbacon: @northstartex "helping"
amative1: The bigger the island the better the loot... but also the more dangerous it is
LordZarano: !advice
LRRbot: Never trust a ladybug.
NorthstarTex: !badadvice
LRRbot: chaos?
jessicaengle: I'm definitely not helping.
hermonthis: maybe he'll finally get that poutine with someone
pleonasticTautology: is serge back in town? :o
NorthstarTex: !chat
LRRbot: Seriously, just never listen to chat.
pleonasticTautology: oh cool :D
ChroniclerC: Yes, Serge has moved back.
goatprince: i can hear serge crushing the competition right now.,,,,,,
pleonasticTautology: matt griffiths :o
amative1: The Serge is back in town, the Serge is back in town SingsNote
jumping_point: Oh, hey Matt!
ChroniclerC: Heh. Glad I wasn't the only one thinking it.
StreetRach: It's character building.
brieandbacon: How much does it weigh, Uno?
TXC2: goatprince but how is he doing in the game? Kappa
Foxmar320: Research the glass
LordZarano: It's possible to literally jump the shark, if your timing's good
amative1: you needed glass for the water collector
ChroniclerC: Research it?
amative1: so you should have that researched already
sephsays: Time to research windows!
mercano82: they’ve already researched glass if they have the big water purifier.
jessicaengle: Sick beet.
amative1: yup
omdorastrix: In minecraft terms, youve just sexured iron armor and tools
TXC2: what I'm learning is we need an ablative outer layer
PsychoI3oy: does it need a metronome?
pleonasticTautology: @TXC2 oh like in the voyager finale
TXC2: pleonasticTautology exactly
amative1: yeah, you lose stuff "inside" of equipment if/when you pick up the equipment
brieandbacon: @txc2 the team learns from Voyager?
omdorastrix: @txc2 essentially, until they are rich enough to reinforce
mercano82: rule one of Raft: you can always use a bigger boat. (At least, until <redacted>)
pleonasticTautology: i'm SO glad that the first thought a bunch of us had regarding the word "ablative" was voyager
omdorastrix: @mercano82 the tile limit isnt THAT bad
mercano82: rope, wood, and nails, I think
ChroniclerC: I think I've seen people make big ol' wing shapes for their collector arraays.
pleonasticTautology: @ChroniclerC bussar collectors...
pleonasticTautology: *bussard
pleonasticTautology: what
Foxmar320: Ghost Shark
ChroniclerC: Was that turdles?
wildpeaks: you're a wizard, Kevin
NorthstarTex: kevin III confirmed wizard shark
TXC2: we need to build a big catamaran, then put everything on a suspended bridge in the middle
omdorastrix: @chroniclerc my raft looks like a tugboat stapled on top of an electric razor, with rhe collector out front of the boat
TXC2: "you do not, in fact, gotta hand it to entropy"
Angreed66: How else does kevin keep coming back if he's not a wizard with clone?
ChroniclerC: Yeah, turdles!
asteranx: If you miss a hook throw you can right click to instantly recall the hook.
omdorastrix: @txc2 foundatuon tiles must be connected, so you *could* have an upside down tower thing with just a single foundatuon
brieandbacon: !birb
LRRbot: Wark, wark!
TXC2: omdorastrix ah, booray I guess :p
omdorastrix: The fact that the anchor is off-center kinda bugs me, but its early days
mercano82: Never happens when there's an island nearby
NojhLivic: Can you drown?
pleonasticTautology: [dark souls font] kevin slain
TXC2: NojhLivic yeap
wildpeaks: yes you can drown
omdorastrix: Yes
ChroniclerC: Can you hunt those turdles? Like, if you're a monster?
asteranx: @omdorastrix Just a nitpick.
omdorastrix: No turetles are jist atmosphere
Foxmar320: The anchor on my first raft was off center for most of my run. Only moved it to the center later.
PsychoI3oy: is the anchor still down?
amative1: it doesn't
pleonasticTautology: just sent james a "kevin slain" dark souls 3 thing on mastodon haha
amative1: collector direction is purely asthetic
Foxmar320: A big arm would be great but you would need to reinforce each one
amative1: oh yeah, a big arm on each side to "sweep" would be fun
omdorastrix: That *might* be a story island
asteranx: The garbage stream has a fixed width, so a long row perpendicular to the stream will catch more stuff but need emptying more frequently.
wildpeaks: one day I'll try creative mode to make a big boat with fancy stairs, but I'll wait until I finish the game once, hadn't played since last year and merely restarted last week
amative1: Fox, remind me to do that on our raft
Foxmar320: amative we still need to pick a "front" for our raft
amative1: fair
wildpeaks: the game's a lot of fun though
Wolfstrike_NL: :D
Chesul: Ooh ha ha.
Foxmar320: James IS the bait
amative1: @Foxmar320 collectors each direction? make a 4-pointed star?
mercano82: I was hoping they'd get a little harvest time before Kevin Jr. showed up.
wildpeaks: famous youtuber James Sharkbait
Foxmar320: @amative1 works for me!
TXC2: anchor away
jumping_point: Collecting windmill style. xD
Foxmar320: Good sized island. Hell birds and big pids maybe?
Foxmar320: pigs*
wildpeaks: oh, wasn't
wildpeaks: oh wasn't Uno attacking a big piggy earlier ? did we collect anything from it ?
Angreed66: this might be the <redacted> island
Foxmar320: The boar droped meat and it's head
wildpeaks: ohh neat
pleonasticTautology: shark repellant... makes me think of the batman 66 movie
Foxmar320: Crate under the trading post
TXC2: who is running this store?
wildpeaks: big bird, surely
mercano82: Spoilers
Foxmar320: Trash Cube is a future problem
omdorastrix: You get trash cubes from a machine you build later on
amative1: you're a ways away from trash cubes
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN
Foxmar320: You can't make them yet
wildpeaks: it's an "advence further in plot" problem
TXC2: it's one of the non english Big Birds
Foxmar320: Deforest the island
TheAinMAP: jlrrPiggie
hermonthis: a pumbaa?
Foxmar320: Shovel for the cave dirt
pleonasticTautology: lmao
Foxmar320: Bird is made of no clip magic
amative1: SingsNote He's a big pig. You could be a big pig too. Oy! SingsNote
mercano82: Mushrooms are harvestable by hand
brieandbacon: Are you achin'? For some bacon?
Foxmar320: Goat, Lama and Chickens have no drops
jumping_point: What is the "recipe" for a shovel in this game again?
Wolfstrike_NL: !bird
jessicaengle: Are we haunted?
mercano82: It's some wood and iron, if I recall
Foxmar320: The passive animals are for farming later
jumping_point: I love that lama animation btw.
Piratical_tendancies: !advice
LRRbot: Never hit F11.
jumping_point: @mercano82 thanks!
jessicaengle: @jumping_point llamanimation?
Foxmar320: Nope no story yet
Foxmar320: Finding story with (REDACTED) would be impressive
Foxmar320: without*
omdorastrix: Its a late game store
jumping_point: @jessicaengle yess!
asteranx: Story is something you have to pursue. You won't just randomly bump into it.
Foxmar320: Correct trading posts have stuff to loot at least
amative1: I don't think you can encounter story until you make a specific set of items
jessicaengle: Cool raft/
wildpeaks: it's frustrating the start of the story requires randomly getting blueprints from a barrel (or at least that's how I got it afaik)
Foxmar320: Yeah for now you should be focusing on expanding the raft and improving survival stuff. Story will happen in time.
hermonthis: like... sharkbait?
asteranx: Big islands have a lot of underwater loot, too, and they're big enough that if you go to the opposite side while the shark is near your raft it won't come after you.
brieandbacon: At least he waited til you were home
omdorastrix: Yeah, story will gappen and will be readily apparent and different from these random islands
amative1: @brieandbacon He should only attack if you're near the raft. If you're ashore on the far side of an island it should skip the sharkbite trigger
Foxmar320: Yeah story islands are very clearly story islands
wildpeaks: can you stumble on the story island without crafting you-know-what though ?
Foxmar320: I don't think so
jessicaengle: Mmmm cronch that rind
doctor_spacheman: lrrADAM_SG lrrADAM_SG lrrADAM_SG
wildpeaks: omnomnom
omdorastrix: @wildpeaks i think you can, but its unlikely. And later ones are tech gated
brieandbacon: Hoo ha ha
pleonasticTautology: i need to abscond, it's time for a shower and my estrogen shot
wildpeaks: in this week's episode of Man versus Bird
omdorastrix: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TheAinMAP: jlrrFishin jlrrBreak
amative1: hoo ha ha
pleonasticTautology: glad i made a mine o'clock for the first time in a while :] see you all later!
omdorastrix: Ooh I forgot that was a command here
StreetRach: Not clever, just trained well.
TXC2: it's Pavlovian at this point
Foxmar320: metal ore and copper
jumping_point: Wait is "sharkbait" what they call Nemo as a nickname?
StreetRach: yes
TXC2: jumping_point yeap
jumping_point: I only know the german version.
amative1: if you've got the wood to spare, smelt everything you can.
StreetRach: Sharkbait, hoo ha ha!
jumping_point: Cool! til. ^^
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Foxmar320: You will be needing copper before story can happen
LordZarano: !badadvice
LRRbot: Lick the room.
TXC2: jumping_point does it not translate to sharkbait in the German version ?
wildpeaks: did we research copper already or only smelted ?
Foxmar320: I don't know if they ever smelted any
StreetRach: But what if the room has lickable wallpaper, LRRbot?
ExachixKitsune: why hallo
amative1: New Crapshot if you need to kill 40 seconds or so
ExachixKitsune: how am do be an raft?
jumping_point: In german they say "Haihappen" and I kinda doubt that's the proper term for shark bait. It's more like "shark snack".
TheMerricat: So chat, I've been missing a lot of the morning streams. What are their plans currently? I noticed that Minecraft released an update today but I'm assuming they plan on dipping their toes a bit longer into Raft?
wildpeaks: oh right it was regular metal they smelted earlier
amative1: I think they're holding on Minecraft until the next major update
TXC2: jumping_point close enough
jumping_point: @TXC2 see my last post. I'm not an expert though.
LordZarano: @TheMerricat Yup
jumping_point: @TXC2 true. But it also sounds cuter. ^^
TXC2: TheMerricat the plan has been to explore other games in the genre of minecraft until the next big update (which is expected in the summer)
TheMerricat: Thanks!
LordZarano: MC 1.20.5 is not really a big enough update to start a whole new world/series on. ...unless you really like dogs
TheMerricat: But what about the armadillo!!?
RebelliousUno: I don't even think that world updated to 1.20.4
Foxmar320: Welcome back
TXC2: and we're back
RebelliousUno: so we're not going to dive into 1.20.5
NorthstarTex: But diving off a raft is nice though
TheMerricat: Tarkov :P
LordZarano: 1.20.5 is a massive update technologically, replacing NBT data with Components
asteranx: Lrrmitcraft
mercano82: Oh, man, mods are going to take a while to update to 1.20.5.
RebelliousUno: mods will probably just wait till 1.21
RebelliousUno: since that will probably ALSO break things
RebelliousUno: plus modding is in a weird place atm
Obos_TAB: bravo btw
Obos_TAB: Is RAFT still early access?
amative1: not since December 2022
kalira77: literally just finished rewatching the whole Collect All the Things series of VODs before stream today, haha. It was really fun both watching live and rewatching
Obos_TAB: So...last year?
Foxmar320: Netlauncher is needed for animals
LordZarano: @mercano82 Even datapacks are gonna take a while. Vanilla Tweaks hasn't updated yet, they're still working on converting everything over
amative1: *June 2022
Obos_TAB: Wow last June huh
Obos_TAB: *pants*
amative1: two Junes ago
brieandbacon: Hoo ha ha
ExachixKitsune: Sharkbait, oooh ha ha
wildpeaks: I see we have one goo in storage, but did Serge do it or was it a random drop ? I suspect we don't know how to craft that yet
Angreed66: symmetry is really the opposite of what you want for collection nets since the paths overlap
Foxmar320: Goo is from Kelp
Foxmar320: Smelt the kelp
brieandbacon: I think he cooked kelp
jumping_point: I think Serge has mentioned it, yeah.
amative1: Fairly certain James got the goo from a crate
azureHaights: "Symmetry is important" -- James "the Kid" Turner
Foxmar320: metal ore and copper ore are mostly on the sides of rock walls
Foxmar320: Puffer Fish
Angreed66: pefferfish
asteranx: loot around big islands is in patches. So there'll be empty areas and full areas.
Foxmar320: Try farther out by the kelp
amative1: hook?
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: mess with the puff, had enough...
amative1: (i don't remember)
Foxmar320: Seaweed yes
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: i'll work on that
amative1: Fox is the diving expert on our raft, I normally don't do it as much
Foxmar320: You can just collect it no tool needed. Half way up tall kelp will be a glowing section
Foxmar320: Spear it James
amative1: they drop a cool head tho
TheAinMAP: Two pufferfish!
azureHaights: 👁👄👁
jumping_point: They really are creepy.
TXC2: they look like they're from a webcomic :p
amative1: bye James
Marvoleath: are those kamikaze fish? D:
brieandbacon: o7
Tangsm: Danger balloons
Foxmar320: Was that shark and two pufferfish?
amative1: at least you died on land and not halfway submerged
jumping_point: @Marvoleath seems like it.
TheAinMAP: katesDed
amative1: yes, pufferfish are kamikaze
Foxmar320: Game really wanted James dead
azureHaights: A B ch
Foxmar320: To hunt pufferfish I normally use a bow but you can spear them and swim backwards
TheMerricat: the waves are washing you out
NorthstarTex: All we see is sand
jumping_point: How long would it take to drive the raft around. *thinking*
TXC2: Uno's shadow looks like a crab
Xed_Regulus: @TXC2 I thought that too
kalira77: lrrCrab ?
7gorobei: all roads lead to crab
amative1: @jumping_point sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. i've definitely done that once before
TXC2: a roof ?
asteranx: Second floor on the raft
fiftymcnasty: Second story?
wildpeaks: smelting copper might trigger the story
NojhLivic: Basement?
Angreed66: A shovel is a nice step
kalira77: captain's quarters
Tripleyew subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 124 months, currently on a 124 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tripleyew! (Today's storm count: 16)
TXC2: a poop deck?
sephsays: An anti-shark automated gun would probably impress him
TheAinMAP: sergeCanal
ExachixKitsune: @TXC2 "impress" not "concern"
Foxmar320: Expanding the raft and reinforcing the perimeter
Tripleyew: ‘afternoon, all
TheMerricat: completely sharkproofed raft
Foxmar320: Building Hammer
amative1: it's a hammer thing
iserguy: its on your building hammer
TXC2: ExachixKitsune can't we do both? Kappa
wildpeaks: oh, of course, a canal :D
TXC2: Hello Tripleyew welcome
ExachixKitsune: @TXC2 :D
Foxmar320: Need a lot more metal ore
amative1: if you fortify the entire perimeter, the shark can't destroy the raft anymore
kalira77: wildpeaks yes! canal through the middle of the raft, filled with nets
amative1: and nails, which require tons of scrap
amative1: it's something to work towards tho
Foxmar320: Net collectors are a good start for armor they have low health
fiftymcnasty: yeah my rafts have like 4 stories before i do that
kalira77: stairs on outside might be vulnerable to Kevin
amative1: now can James figure out how floors work
NorthstarTex: oh we are expanding up? hell yes
Foxmar320: Fun with floors!
Angreed66: the plastic for the foundation is to float
Foxmar320: Gettign warmer
NorthstarTex: I think I see the route :)
amative1: "cannot be built in thin air"
Foxmar320: Wall or pillar
fiftymcnasty: or pillar
wildpeaks: we might need a pillar
wildpeaks: perfect
amative1: (pillars are cheaper)
creasehearst: walls or pillars
Foxmar320: Or pillars and crossbeams
asteranx: Horizontal support beams help
NorthstarTex: pillars allow for movement
Foxmar320: The floor above it goes away
Foxmar320: Also James, press R to rotate crossbeams
iserguy: gosh, I'm always blown away by how quickly wood disappears in this game when you start building
brieandbacon: James has plastic
Angreed66: yeah building without wood automation is expensive
brieandbacon: Dying, James
Foxmar320: He sure will
jumping_point: But it's a place to sleep at least.
ExachixKitsune: Unless he's floored immediatly, he'll stair at it for a while... then he'll hit the roof.
wildpeaks: a room ith a view
wildpeaks: seafront property
TheAwkes: "Loft style"
Foxmar320: Nope
wildpeaks: not everything back
TXC2: like a bunk bed
iserguy: you get half back...
asteranx: You don't get a full refund
iserguy: it's so brutal
epsilon_vee: rolling out of bed directly into the jaws of kevin
jumping_point: @ExachixKitsune oh wow...
Foxmar320: Half back if lucky
ExachixKitsune: @jumping_point :D Glad you enjoyed
iserguy: it makes me not want to experiment with buildling in this game because I feel like I'm wasting materials
jumping_point: @ExachixKitsune Also, that was fast as all heck. xD
mrsmacmanus: Raft be looking good 👍
ChroniclerC: No flower in the shoe?
brieandbacon: Did you research shoe?
TXC2: brieandbacon we fished it
NorthstarTex: this is one of those times where Uno could Quote Pirates of the Caribbean and nobody would know
Foxmar320: Raft is having a good time
TXC2: looking at that was like being on a boat for real :p
wildpeaks: onward to adventure
Foxmar320: Fun fact, you can remove all the foundation on a multilevel raft and the game will still act like you have one.
LordZarano: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Pit Trap!
Foxmar320: We had a raft floating like 10 feet above the water
jumping_point: @Foxmar320 Excuse me? xD
Foxmar320: @jumping_point It's a silly game lol
epsilon_vee: what direction is the flag pointing?
TXC2: game physics are really odd sometimes
Foxmar320: @amative1 Maybe?
Xerodin: anchor up?
jumping_point: Maybe because of the current? I don't know.
amative1: nah, they're definitely moving, so not the same bug
azureHaights: James: "yoink" Raft police: *siren*
Foxmar320: Smelt the copper
Foxmar320: Be sure to research the copper ingot you get. It's how you get story stuff
mrsmacmanus: For the record, Hide and Seek in Oak Bay's biscoff latte 110% slaps
wildpeaks: nice
azureHaights: Cool technology!
Foxmar320: Now you can start making story stuff
mrsmacmanus: We finally made it, went past Abhkazi Garden
wildpeaks: now that would impress Serge
Foxmar320: Try making a circuit board and then researching it
wildpeaks: oh so you do have the blueprint for the antenna
Foxmar320: But now you are on the path to plot
wildpeaks: you can craft stuffs without worrying about advancing plot
Xerodin: should you build another smelter?
Foxmar320: Bird nest is a good way to get more feathers
Foxmar320: You need a lot of stuff before you can get wool
Foxmar320: Wool is from Lamas
wildpeaks: I wouldn't worry about wool yet
ChroniclerC: Wool seems like an animal husbandry kind of thing.
shurtal: FBtouchdown
NorthstarTex: totally clipping it
TStodden: Kevin is coming around to visit again?
Rootpotato: can we juice kevin
azureHaights: sprinkLRR
TStodden: Karen might show up if we juice Kevin...
TXC2: now there's some progress
omdorastrix: Note: for organizational purposes: you can hang chests on the walls to clear floorspace
wildpeaks: Serge has been replaced by a scarecrow
Wolfstrike_NL: O Serge is here
ChroniclerC: sergeSnerge
NorthstarTex: I second that Scarecrow = Serge
TXC2: forget copper wire and PCBs, we got scarecrow!
amative1: you can totally steal barrels/crates from off of someone else's hook, but I think the netcode/lag between the two of you will make it difficult
Foxmar320: Nice hook
MungoDude: sick beet
asteranx: cooked mackerel is kind of amazing as food.
Xed_Regulus: Kayak
TStodden: Kevin's back...
ExachixKitsune: screamcrow
SymphonicLolita: oh thats the kayak commercial I think
TXC2: Human scarecrows was a real thing
Foxmar320: Need the shovel to get dirt
Angreed66: shovel is the path to renewable wood
ChroniclerC: Salud.
sephsays: I love the concept of researching circuit boards before researching dirt
MooCowofDom: Haven't unlocked dirt LUL
brieandbacon: You can't just call him thay, Uno...
amative1: It's a shame the larger chests are misbehaving, cause like 6-8 of them would set you up nicely for early game
TXC2: sephsays it's very Civ game of us
Foxmar320: Dirt is in caves
wildpeaks: and only on large enough island
asteranx: There are like two small islands that have dirt, I think? This isn't one of them.
iserguy: he went for the scarecrow
amative1: there's a few dozen different types of each size of islands, procedurally generated
Foxmar320: It is a big crate
amative1: and yeah, the bird went for the scarecrow
TheMerricat: O
amative1: jump in and kill him!
TheMerricat: I'm sorta disappointed that the islands aren't procedurally generated.
Foxmar320: Amative thats my job lol
amative1: You've got full health, you can soak a few shark bites
Marvoleath: that's not how a scare crow should work, is it? :P
TheAinMAP: I think it just knocked the arm off.
amative1: WHAT DID I SAY
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Foxmar320: Ok James here is how to deal with the shark. When it comes at you stab and it will turn away
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
NojhLivic: GG
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
ExachixKitsune: wow james
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
wildpeaks: niice
Angnor33: lrrGOAT
Foxmar320: Or that
jumping_point: Wohoo!
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
TXC2: some MLGing there
jumping_point: Dive time dive time...
wildpeaks: time enough at last
Foxmar320: This is a abd island for diving lol
amative1: Someone clip that, and name it "AMATIVE F*****G CALLED IT"
Foxmar320: bad*
TStodden: Might need to move quick before Karen shows up asking about Kevin...
Foxmar320: Get some seaweed as well
Foxmar320: Half way up the vine
Angreed66: middle of it
asteranx: Interactive things will have white shimmers around the edges. They're easier to see at night.
Foxmar320: Keep an eye out for pufferfish
wildpeaks: might as well pick everything we can while Kevin is away
NojhLivic: Where's a break bits when you need them?
NorthstarTex: get as much as you can
Foxmar320: A lot of stuff down there
TStodden: Just a light drowning... lrrFINE
Foxmar320: Vine goo is a important item, you will need a lot of it
ChroniclerC: A little drowning never hurt anyone. Builds character.
jumping_point: Awwww...It was so fun, though!
TXC2: cute little raft
wildpeaks: you can make really cool rafts
TheAinMAP: It has a globe.
TheMerricat: Save the cheerleader, save the world!
amative1: I like Potatie's
ChroniclerC: Oh cool, these are actual rafts submitted by players?
TXC2: globe notably all blue :p
jumping_point: Thanks for the stream, James and Uno!
TXC2: thanks for streaming James and Uno
Foxmar320: Progress was made!
omdorastrix: Progress good!
ChroniclerC: Bed"room".
kalira77: 1 bed, all bath
amative1: Yes. Very yes more storage.
wildpeaks: tbh it was cool discovering things without sometimes a bit too many hints from Serge
DudelidouX: So far seems to bug when more then one person opens it
wildpeaks: great progress
Foxmar320: Yeah you should make like 6-7 big chests honestly lol
jumping_point: Good day, everyone!
wildpeaks: baii, thanks for the stream
NojhLivic: Thank you for the stream
mercano82: I think my solo rafts have 12 or 15 chests in the storage room.
amative1: Ring the Thing!
asteranx: bippie the pippie
MungoDude: peace
TehAmelie: i think "bingo bongo" works as a good abbreviation of that old formal expression
TXC2: !next
pipshardfour: bop the spo4
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Civilization 6) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (32m from now).
Foxmar320: Also chat here is a clip of my raft with no foundation floating 10 feet above the water.
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
jumping_point: Are they starting new with Civ or did they start in another stream?
Wolfstrike_NL: Garbage day \o/ lrrGARBO
kalira77: @Foxmar320 hilarious. does your Kevin still try to eat your nonexistent first floor?
pipshardfour: so excited to watch you play SWU!!
amative1: @kalira77 iirc no
Foxmar320: @kalira77 Nope, nothing to eat
Artificer_Evan: @Foxmar320 that is impressive
Chesul: Love it when Jacob joins you guys.
Juliamon: plaper
ThePixelSavage: but James ... isnt your secret that you are always disappointed? duggerMmhmm
TXC2: !secret
LRRbot: That's my secret, I'm always a realist who possesses a hungry spirit.
Xed_Regulus: FamJam style?
pipshardfour: that is fun
LathosTiran: Wotc tourny old style
mercano82: So a LAN party
ThePixelSavage: its called LAN James
Rootpotato: do not quote the deep magic to him
Monocerotis2010: Back when they first invented computers...
MrSarkhan: LUL
Chesul: sounds like a LAN party to me.
TXC2: LAN partys happen at night time chat Kappa
PsychoI3oy: a tarp?
NorthstarTex: "Worst LAN Party of all time" quintessential LAN Party experience
Wolfstrike_NL: so thre won't be 100's of redbull and last for 3 days, smh
ThePixelSavage: there are still card games left for Wheeler to play ? duggerHuh
mercano82: Maybe it's a LAN soiree
TXC2: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: | Alex: | Ben Ulmer: | Cameron: | Cori and Ian: | Heather: | James: | Kathleen: | Matt Wiggins: | Nelson: | Serge: , | Wheeler:
brieandbacon: jlrrPillow jlrrIronball jlrrPillow
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
TXC2: !contact
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sadclowndabear subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sadclowndabear! (Today's storm count: 17)
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
TXC2: to the crapshot!