serramarkov subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
serramarkov: 51! I'm getting closer to a nicer number!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, serramarkov! (Today's storm count: 18)
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TehAmelie: gasp! the signal came through
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrSIG
DideRobot: LRR: Cameron and Cori are gonna establish peaceful relations with several world leaders or get their teeth kicked in. Watch to find out which! |
Earthenone: i hear in the 6th civilization they go to space
theawesomeonev2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
theawesomeonev2: I got nothing this clever this month
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theawesomeonev2! (Today's storm count: 19)
SymphonicLolita: coffee hot
Thisbymaster: afternoon nap time?
goatprince: i'm intrigued
Nigouki: the fisting scene gif?
ElektroTal: civ 6?? can i call in to offer cultural commentary??
goatprince: i mean, Us Gays had to invent Polari
goatprince: secret languages is abit of that thing for us
ElektroTal: and by culture i mean phalanxes and by commentary i mean salting the ground with the blood of my enemies
Marvoleath: @goatprince was Polari a queer thing first, or just bohemian?
ElektroTal: Cam, come on my show again
goatprince: i thought it was just secret code for queers before we were deemed legal
Coloneljesus: god I feel you, Cam
Boon_33: get in the movie theatre shinji.
LurkerSpine: no need for it. Congratulations is the perfect ending
Luminaire_p: And a podcast about a Kamen Rider podcast 4Head
jacqui_lantern234: *kicks in door* which of you chimpanzee's are ready to be loved AGGRESSIVELY?!?!?!?!?! <3
Gekyouryuu: "Had" a kamen rider podcast? Past tense? Is greeedwatch over?
Brozard: Oh man, the beginning of Rebuild 1.0 with the pink water was a deliberate signal
Nigouki: Tomino
Gekyouryuu: Tomino?
Gekyouryuu: Merry Christmas!
jacqui_lantern234: fuckin let me into this convo on a discord call, i have WAY TOO MANY OPINIONS on colour association (dont actually do this for me)
Nigouki: look you order in some burgers and pop in the 0080 BDs
Earthenone: a podcast episode got it :P
TehAmelie: i think End of is essential to follow what happens n between episode 24 and 25 of the show, but that's just my theory
Earthenone: such a large hat in signs
Gekyouryuu: Oooooh, ok
Quaseymoto: Cameron and Cori's Chill Point with the undersetting threat of Global Thermonuclear War?
Boon_33: pogs explain most of the history of western europe.
jacqui_lantern234: also, my energy levels are JACKED today (in case that wasnt already a smack in the face), im safely trying a new way to take my ADHD meds, and HOLY SHIT
jacqui_lantern234: so feel free to tell me to chill out if im too much, chat
Marvoleath: are snorting them? D:
Quaseymoto: Think you can find that in the civilopedia on the top right?
Marvoleath: *you
jacqui_lantern234: @Marvoleath no, i did say safely
Marvoleath: touche
Gaz_L: it's almost the opposite of CK3 where any relevant stat or noun can open nested tooltip after tooltip
Nigouki: definitely getting to the wet zoo totday
goatprince: wet hot humans you say
TehAmelie: chat combined can only aspire to Jacqui's energy levels so it's hardly our place. . .
TheMerricat: "The origin of the term itself is apparently from Somalia or other war-torn parts of Africa. The NGOs operating over there had to pay the local warlords or leaders (who used those trucks) to keep them safe and this money is entered into their office accounts as “technical assistance”."
goatprince: once i got 1 or 2 pin mods installed, they were very smooth and nice to use
jacqui_lantern234: ive definitely had in depth conversations with my doctor about safety with adhd meds to reduce the risk of heart or lung issues
rasterscan: Have you tried any Civ 6 mods, Cam?
Astra7525: adjcent tile which has a river as the border between the two?
Gaz_L: i'd assume within the 3 tile radius?
goatprince: there's no tech debt
TimIAm: And then the barbarian horse archers arive.
KaleidoscopeMind: almost blank. there be monsters in the unexplored ocean
ArkhamArchivist: how feasible is rushing Great Bath?
goatprince: he have our own baths at home
jacqui_lantern234: @TehAmelie ive done a bunch of paintings for friends today, did some research on miniature painting, finished up a D&D tracker, tidied my office, cleaned my dishes, and did ALL my laundry. i got up at noon, and its now 5
goatprince: this is enrichment for Cam
Quaseymoto: Water may be close enough that you can build a harbor?
A_Dub888: Cameron "Enrichment Activities" Lauder
goatprince: it's like the joke of 'giving your boyfriend a map and leaving him alone for half an hour'
Luminaire_p: Citation needed
A_Dub888: !findquote money
LRRbot: Quote #5199: "Can we take a cab or something? I have a lot of money that doesn't belong to me but now does." —Kathleen, as Morra [2018-07-23]
RebekahWSD: I went to the zoo recently, and when there found out they have an amazon wishlist full of enrichment items
goatprince: it's a tumblr joke and also, yes, i went to school for geography,
TheAinMAP: !
plaidanddrpepper: No, this hoke applies to me as well
goatprince: tech debt has now been committed
Juliamon: speaking of, it's International Pallas's Cat day today
jacqui_lantern234: this sounds so fuckin wholesome, i love it
Gaz_L: who has more hours in Civ at LRR, Cam, Matt or Serge?
RebekahWSD: The animals were a lot more active now, instead of like when we went in January, which only the snow leopards were out then lmao
goatprince: did the cat have poophoria? sometimes that happens
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon its ALSO "Love And Value Juliamon Day"!!! GET LOVED, NERD!!! <3
Dog_of_Myth: Good afternoon all.
Chesul: Red Pandas are too good for this world, they're the best thing in existence.
goatprince: 'vent'
RebekahWSD: They had a lot of plushies. There is a red panda plushie on my bed currently
jacqui_lantern234: lrrCrab
iris_of_ether: lrrCrab
Gekyouryuu: In Japan, post-nut clarity is called "Philosopher's Time"
RebekahWSD: Hades 2 started a tech test
Gaz_L: Middle Earth
TS_Terrapin: ^^
goatprince: drinking mayonnaise, hades 2, the minecraft boys are playing Raft
AtomicAlchemical: Its... not great. Asmodee is getting Toys R Us'd
AutonomousTurtle: apparently asmodee is getting all the debt?
iris_of_ether: Yeah Embracer screwed over Asmodee
jacqui_lantern234: ngl, i very briefly mishear something lewd instead of "New Direction" :p
rasterscan: They got saddled with the Embracer Groups' debt.
jacqui_lantern234: misheard*
Marvoleath: friend of middle earth, small earth and large earth?
Earthenone: it sure would be awkward if earth highlighted forme wouldent it :P
goatprince: in personal gaming news, i watched an LP of System Shock 2. no other news at this time
iris_of_ether: The US Copyright Office had a hearing last week about extending an exception to make it easier to archive old games digitally. The ESA was very ESA about it
TheAwkes: I played D2 daily for a few years. Over 700 hours worth. I haven't touched it in just over 3 years, but keep it installed just in case I get the itch. I'm not feeling that itch yet.
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: tiltyhYAS
iris_of_ether: OMG
Gaz_L: wait... MINSC did it?
iris_of_ether: WHAT
iris_of_ether: OH NO
TwilightAvalon: I hear that name and I immediately think MENGSK, as in from Starcraft... Arcturus Mengsk
RebekahWSD: Damned barbarians
Gaz_L: yeah, you just have to spend turns just attritioning them and get so far behind
TehAmelie: i always respected the barbarians' commitment to their anti-civilization beliefs
KaleidoscopeMind: that's not true. we put down pins!
Gaz_L: isn't there a variant where you can ally with the barbarians?
Gaz_L: from one of the DLCs?
Quaseymoto: That is... uncomfortably close starting position for an early civ
TehAmelie: seems symbolic
TS_Terrapin: There's not a viable barbarian (ally) horde conquest victory? Sad
GateThief subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GateThief! (Today's storm count: 20)
TehAmelie: it's how the barbarians get you
TehAmelie: make you ruin your own civ
goatprince: the barbarians mode kind of boils down to 'another source of units i can buy' and choosing where you want the city states to be spawned, eventually
fiftymcnasty: Worked great for Rome
TheAwkes: As depicted in the German Netflix period drama Barbarians.
SquareDotCube: Or just send them to their inevitable deaths against an enemy they won't win against
jumping_point: Hello Cori, Cameron and chat!
jumping_point: What did I miss?
Dog_of_Myth: Oh yeah, that whole thing. Oooof
iris_of_ether: benginTraitor
Invitare: imagine only being the ruler of half of humanity smg
virgil82: God I've blocked so many people and channels because of that.
Gaz_L: histoircally accurate to the 41st millenium
TheAwkes: Woah, man!
SquareDotCube: The eternal ultimate sausage party
Gaz_L: people use gaslighting to mean 'thing i don't want to be true' or just 'lies'
mexfire: hi
goatprince: they really need to read Death of the author, like, come on guys
Dog_of_Myth: Lot of people showing their ass online about it.
WalrusOntheCourt: Gaslighting - when you think you are out of gas, but you can really go another 30 miles?
rasterscan: All of that really goes under the heading of gatekeeping chuds and Gamergate round 2 at this point. There's so many trashfires like that ongoing right now.
Earthenone: i thought gaslighting was when you lit your own farts
SquareDotCube: No sense of what's meant to be serious and what's not
hd_dabnado: every human would believe they are the smartest person in the world if they thought they were the only person in the world
Talin06: what do they think the Sisters of Silence were?
mexfire: who they playing as
Invitare: can't say gaslighting without the syllable "lie"
Gaz_L: anyone who misuses it should be made to watch the movie of Gaslight
RebekahWSD: Gaslight is like, longterm and very on purpose, and lying is any lie?
WalrusOntheCourt: gaslighting can be recursive? Huh!
TheMerricat: Isn't denying the gaslighting itself gaslighting?
ghyllnox: Like if they genuinely think you're crazy?
hd_dabnado: yes
Nigouki: oh hey, Steam sent me an email that Civ6 is on sale again
TS_Terrapin: I could only see unintentional gaslighting in the context of 3 parties, one of which is being manipulated to unwitttingly JOIN the gaslighting.
Earthenone: !card cancel
LRRbot: Cancel [1UU] | Instant | Counter target spell.
TehAmelie: take that, barbarism
Gaz_L: we on Deity?
TS_Terrapin: Cancel culture = 'facing the consequences of my actions' for too many people.
goatprince: AND his bro code!
hd_dabnado: I always disable babylon and the maori
TheAwkes: Gaslighting: brought to you by a movie from 1944
A_Dub888: @goatprince his Brode
WalrusOntheCourt: Don't hate the player, just disrupt the way the game is played...
Marvoleath: "babylon is fucky" => basically reggae? :D
rasterscan: Is Babylon the one that steals tech when conquering?
Gaz_L: i enjoy Babylon because i like just tooling around and building stuff without too much fighting, but i'm also a scrub who rarely goes over King
TiagoToledo: Yuge!
SquareDotCube: Large tracts of tech boost
GhostValv subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
GhostValv: almost a year :O
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GhostValv! (Today's storm count: 21)
146 raiders from Seabats have joined!
BusTed: seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN seabatClap
Dog_of_Myth: Heya Raiders
Makrosian_Tae: Raid time wooo
Makrosian_Tae: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
jumping_point: Hi Raiders!
gualdhar: Fuck Babylon
ladyjessica: yay! Cam playing Civ!
gualdhar: All my homes hate Babylon
gualdhar: *homies
Gaz_L: powerful Magic
Rootpotato: do you have decks picked out already?
SquareDotCube: Honestly I feel like tech is something that always needed a complete rethink because it doesn't in any way consider how advancements can travel through trade
hd_dabnado: its an awesome format
TwilightAvalon: They'll plant 3 cities, shit out a bunch of fighters, and then trash talk you for being too close to them...when they moved to you
SquareDotCube: Also I do think worldgen has an awful start seed determination
ladyjessica: aristocrats?
Gaz_L: take 2 cards to deal with
Gaz_L: or puts you one up
ladyjessica: mono 2 for 1s
hd_dabnado: its not on arena unfort :(
TS_Terrapin: I feel like I've heard Cam use the phrase "Mono-grixis two for ones" and that's now what I'm expecting. We'll see in time if I'm right.
SquareDotCube: I wonder if this just a reroll
Nigouki: reroll, the most common Civ strategy
Gaz_L: if it were me, i would simply have stopped their expansion
rasterscan: I mean, it's just the difficulty resource bonuses, right?
Astra7525: I think Scythia is going to conquer you very soon
nalha subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
nalha: What a civilized stream
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nalha! (Today's storm count: 22)
rasterscan: Might as well try going for Neapolis before rerolling.
rasterscan: Oh, right. Loyalty?
rasterscan: oof.
rasterscan: Do you think the loyalty system hurts more than helps?
rasterscan: It always just feels like a hindrance.
hd_dabnado: @rasterscan I like the loyalty system, but I wish that revolted cities acted more like civs
Bearudite: nah you gotta play civ 4 with the STACK wars
rasterscan: @hd_dabnado That'd be cool.
futeran_: why multiplayer is bad?
goatprince: but i keep seeing people saying games like civ that came out recently have been disappointing!
Gaz_L: i almost think the better argument is that the higher difficulties are just unfun, but unfortunately if you play enough on the medium ones, the game is solvable
ladyjessica: millennia looks interesting.
SquareDotCube: Y'know I don't think Civ 3 or 4 was played on stream
Athatar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Athatar! (Today's storm count: 23)
MilkInBags: stellaris mentioned 👀
KaleidoscopeMind: it was only good when we were on sep continents. basically civ6 parallel play edition
hd_dabnado: @goatprince I found the card game version to be enjoyable simple because it is designed to be quick games
rasterscan: The Machine Age expansion for Stellaris is going to be so cool.
jabisbad: eu4 when
MrQBear: draw lightning bolt, go to the dome?
futeran_: you gotta play with friends lobby)
TheMerricat: Is it actually possible to finish a game of Stellaris? I feel it's much like Monopoly where you just keep playing until people walk away from the game.
Gaz_L: i dig my hole you build a wall
jumping_point: Has anyone here ever played Colonization? My Dad has big nostalgia for it.
Earthenone: remember to sunlane their face and end of turn
ladyjessica: the last few stellaris expansions haven’t been doing as well.
MilkInBags: well, astral planes was whatever
rasterscan: @TheMerricat It's possible! ...Not for me, mind you, but people seem to keep doing it.
mexfire: imagine playing CIV and DND at the same time as one game
MilkInBags: the machine age looks like a real good expansion
MilkInBags: there's a new one in the next expansion
rasterscan: Galactic Paragons was the last big expansion.
MilkInBags: yeah you have to set it to at least 5x for it to be relevant
Gaz_L: CK3 yes
goatprince: yeah, crusader kings
iris_of_ether: Yes, Crusader Kings
just__fitz: CK3 is good but repetitive
Bearudite: ya'll gonna do Manor Lord?
ChillTheEffOut: if you do stellaris on LRR, maybe turn off end game crisis? You have other players to deal with
MilkInBags: it is a dating sim
Gaz_L: basically, yeah, it's an RPG in strategy clothes
iris_of_ether: I managed to get a CK2 game going once. My sultan died on his pilgrimage lol
nalha: you dont have to game CK3 either, just do what you would want to and explore the systems that way
SquareDotCube: Manor Lords is in alpha
Khalahd: I always love crusader kings until my original ruler dies, and the kids slice up the kingdom. Very realistic, there.
Marvoleath: I got interested in Crusader Kings after seeing the Vampire the Masquerade mod for it :D
MilkInBags: I got like 1500 hours of CK2 and CK3 and it's not a great strategy game like civ is, but is a very fun RPG
rasterscan: Scythia has so so many cities.
Gaz_L: @Marvoleath i'm very surprised Paradox hasn't just made that official DLC
RebekahWSD: Manor Lords has been fun to watch
just__fitz: The CK3 persia expansion was interesting
MrQBear: what's it called?
goatprince: i wonder, have you played Nethack on stream? just as an interesting exhibition
SquareDotCube: I think Scythia is going the Hittite route: expand early but unable to sustain
Gaz_L: there's also the new Dorf Fort update?
rasterscan: I have bounced off of Qud 3 times. I feel weak. T_T
TheAwkes: Nethack seems unwatachable until your polypiling produces exactly the right or exactly the wrong thing.
ladyjessica: there was an interesting “3x” game called slipways that came out a while ago.
SquareDotCube: DF did add adventure mode
jumping_point: I gotta go to be. Have fun everyone! Good night!
futeran_: strategy game AI is always a double edged sword, it's either too good or too stupid
gualdhar: I think you'd enjoy the new Rimworld DLC, so many fun horror tropes to subject your pawns to
Luminaire_p: Too cheaty
just__fitz: There is a 40K rimworld mod, and a 40K xcom mod I have seen other streamers play
drizztnailo: fighting games have a similar thing. its really easy to make an ai that cheats by reading your inputs or something but really hard to make one that genuinely plays well
hd_dabnado: very often you will expand in 1/2 directions away from your capital and other civs will crowd around your capital
ladyjessica: did this age seem short?
Gaz_L: the cassus belli system in Crusader Kings is actually quite interesting
just__fitz: That is my issue with Bannerlord, it just turns into forever wars
krorkle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, krorkle! (Today's storm count: 24)
Earthenone: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TheAinMAP: jlrrCooltunes
futeran_: i guess that civ AI is too cheaty but dumb, and because off it you have a very limited amount of playstiles available
KaleidoscopeMind: time for ~liberation~
ClericicalError: What's up gamers ?
Earthenone: some people like buying flood insurance and not getting flodded?
ladyjessica: the concept of a world congress where the civilizations don’t know each other is so weird.
raulghoulia: where ANYTHING is possible
wearehoshi: Did you play older versions? Do you have a favorite?
Nigouki: oh so this is like minecraft where you die to cure hungry
I_Am_Clockwork: “you can make no mistakes and still lose. that’s not failure, that’s life” is a great stat trek line, but sucks as a gameplay end state
MrQBear: I can only think of Alexander from Civ Rev, with his simlish speech
TehAmelie: not sure i like that toothy smile
ladyjessica: restarting means you can listen to Sean Bean talk about things :)
hd_dabnado: I feel like the best settle is in that river bend?
hd_dabnado: yeah
raulghoulia: playing as human shrek
Invitare: Sir is there something in your eye?
TehAmelie: sometimes you don't even have to make no mistakes to lose, you can know you're screwed before making any decisions
I_Am_Clockwork: his mouth says “Hail and Well Met” but his eyebrows say “how you doin’”
Trahas: hills
Invitare: he still has one raised eyebrow
Gekyouryuu: You know what they need to make for players like Cam? A game mode where you work out the best turn 1 you can, and then the game extrapolates when you'll lose, citing what turn you lose on, like the robot nerds in futurama playing chess with "mate in 147 moves"
Invitare: even in the diplomacy screen
MrQBear: Didn't it also say grasslands and plains? it was at the very end i thought
I_Am_Clockwork: the hills are alive
MrQBear: Ah i see, Biome + Feature. neato
TehAmelie: having AIs fight each other seems like the best way to make them evenly matched with the player
Trahas: @I_Am_Clockwork i had that movie on while cleaning today, thanks for resticking that song in my head again
Gekyouryuu: Kuzcotopia
chumpXL: Devil's Tower
TehAmelie: i mean, you'd be having the AI take over for you after one turn. but maybe that turn would make a difference
MrQBear: one turn to set up some instructions for the ai, then you immediately go on vacation forever. you come back to a burning hole in the ground and are shocked as to how this could have happened
Bearudite: if that is what preserves do what do jams or jellies do?
Makrosian_Tae: Oh, I heard about this, yeah
excalgold: me too Cam, me too
Bearudite: I am all for pissing off the chuds
Enki1256: Thankfully there finding out there Community, largely, is decent people.
excalgold: they used to have them but the models didnt sell, they'd sell now
graal_smith: I'm sorry, I know I just got here, but none of this talking feels simulated, this feels like talking authenticity.
Boon_33: is that not sisters of battle?
excalgold: i know i am considering Custodies now
TehAmelie: i'm in favor of more ladies everywhere
TS_Terrapin: And yet didn't they do it in the easily removable disney movie style of "heres single a momentary refrence you can easily overlook"
excalgold: no it is not sister of battle at all, Astartes and Sisters of battle are very different
Enki1256: Sisters of battle just havep power armor, there not modified like an Astartes is.
graal_smith: And the other % I wouldn't want to play with.
iris_of_ether: Yeah, there are already boutiques that do it. GW can capitalize
Boon_33: @Enki1256 weell that's silly i always assuemd they were/
comrade_cards: would there even be different heads? they are all bald anyway
chowaxt: hmm i get the sentiment but probably closer to a 30/70 split
excalgold: currently assmbleing shroud runners and i realized again that i shouldnt be doing Eldar....the parts are so tiny for my sausage fingers.
Enki1256: Bile or Cawl
NiceMrCaput: Honestly they should have done it with Primaris, if not before.
Earthenone: its always about the slanussy
Enki1256: Bile starts it, Cawl perfects it?
excalgold: it'll be Cawl, he'll have been doing it since he started the Primaris project and just forgot to tell Robbie
ChillTheEffOut: They could still do it with Primaris.
Makrosian_Tae: @Earthenone I curse you to never say that ever again
I_Am_Clockwork: I want them to bring back Sanguinius and Russ as trans fem and just dunk on people
excalgold: 'oh yea, uhh hang on here are a couple entire chapters for you' 'Cawl....' 'what? i forgot i had them!' 'Cawl why do i have daughters you didnt tell me about ?
Enki1256: I'll just return to painting my World Eaters now.
TheWooglie: I've only just got here, should there be game audio?
Gekyouryuu: I've had a cursed thought: propaganda of female space marines poses them in a "tits and fasc" pose
TS_Terrapin: I like the take i heard once (maybe from you cam?) of "space marine" can just be its own gender and they're all trans as a result, and anyone can become one.
TehAmelie: i'm open to commissions
excalgold: i loved that bit so much !
iris_of_ether: :D
TehAmelie: commissioned fanfic, probably a legal grey area, but who's going to prove anything
Makrosian_Tae: I'm sorry?
empyreon: Hundreds of Beavers is SO GOOD
Wolfstrike_NL: O yea, James also mentioned that movie yesterday
iris_of_ether: OMG
TehAmelie: every time i hear "you can't joke about anything these days" i'm like "have you heard of these LRR people"
MrQBear: it SOUNDS amazing
empyreon: Black & white, silent film style
A_Dub888: Cameron said "clip" and my fingers moved on their own
empyreon: with old Looney Tunes style slapstick
TS_Terrapin: @TehAmelie My ideal retort: "Maybe YOU can't. Other people are ACTUALLY funny"
iris_of_ether: I'm fairly sure the friends who liked Bubahotep also watched Velocipastor on principle
erloas: it would be hard to be worse
Nigouki: it just seems like misery porn and i really don't need that tbh
chowaxt: it was fine from what i recall
excalgold: its not a joker movie, its a movie about the horrible mental health system in the US....which is for some reason a batmanless batman movie? thats what i've heard any way
MrQBear: @iris_of_ether ...I haven't thought about bubbahotep in a while.
NiceMrCaput: there is a fine line between "Better than you'd think" and "not as bad as I feared"
TS_Terrapin: Joker suffers from association with the fans of the Joker.
EvilBadman: @excalgold It's this
Bearudite: I just have met a bunch of dingueses that traded fight club for the joker as their installed personality
TehAmelie: i know the Hangover movies were worse than i thought and i hear the Joker was what that guy made to protest against no one liking his jokes. . .
raulghoulia: all I remember is the edited for tv version
Gekyouryuu: on the topic of Joker, I've seen that apparently now that the sequel is happening, the director has said that version of Joker is bisexual, and someone else replying that they love the long con of letting chuds make Joker their whole personality for a few years, then pulling the rug out from under them
hyperpuppy64: Exorcist 3 the GOAT
excalgold: it would annoy me less if it was not forcibly associated with Baman? it would just be a movie i didnt watch that wasnt in my sphere but because its 'the joker' and some people love it reasons i cannot understand despite them explaining it to me numerous times
Bearudite: for some reason I want the Exorcist 2 to be the action movie version and change the name to Exorcists
CountSacula: Also whoever focused on the fabrics in the newer Smash Brothers games knocked it out of the park
I_Am_Clockwork: it’s been so long since a good Alien movie… :(
TehAmelie: who's going to make a good Alien movie? James Cameron?
hyperpuppy64: the new alien looks solid, Fede Alvarez knows how to make intense horror work
iris_of_ether: :o
I_Am_Clockwork: Cam and Alex’s rifftrax of Prometheus was one of the first LRR things I watched outside of some of the sketches on escapist
iris_of_ether: Whoever wins, we lose?
TehAmelie: now i'm only thinking about all the ways Pan's Labyrinth is like Aliens
Bearudite: I still find it funny that the guy who made Amile did Alien Resurrection
Nigouki: wait does Disney also have Predator after buying Fox? Is Predator a Disney Princess?
iris_of_ether: I only know about that movie because my college friend kept quoting "I diiiiied"
hyperpuppy64: I think Takashi Miike should direct every movie, going forward
public_key_reveal_party: And for that we can count our blessings
excalgold: what do folks think of the Fallout show ?
Bearudite: everyone I have seen says the same
yuan42: i literally jsut finished it, pretty good
TheAwkes: They even used some cool foley out of the games.
empyreon: It felt like a lotta love went into it
dumbo3k: The Ghoul looked fabulous
Luminaire_p: I'm still heartbroken we're only getting 5 seasons of Lower Decks
Metric_Furlong: the what?
iris_of_ether: wait wait
excalgold: i need the ghouls gun in games's a Sawed off/Mares Legged Revolver Gyrojet.....i NEED IT
IzlanntheLion: It's not a cheesy line ether.
excalgold: i wonder how angry and/or sad hearing Mr. Handy's made the Ghoul
TehAmelie: how much did he say Vault tec paid for that voice, 260 million or something?
I_Am_Clockwork: I appreciated “the first rule of the wasteland is you will imidiately be distracted by some kind of bullshit”
TehAmelie: so much inflation in the 2090s, i thought
excalgold: it was a couple grand at most
excalgold: i -do- remember that scene
raulghoulia: there are so many minor cameos that rock
Bearudite: ominous
excalgold: the Ghoul was the best part of that series
Bruceski: Cat's gaming
TheAwkes: Fred Armisen as every Fred Armisen character ever.
Coloneljesus: windows updates?
yuan42: steam maintenence
s0lesurviv0r: anyone else get overwhelmingly hyped at the drop of...THE LINE?
SquareDotCube: And mind you thousands of dollars in pre-war Fallout is chump change
iris_of_ether: benginO7
yuan42: every tuesday at 6
excalgold: it is tuesday
EvilBadman: Sure is Steam tuesday
erloas: I get that occasionally, maybe it just went to sleep?
Earthenone: did you remember your juice
excalgold: that means the Enterprise B should have everything installed finally
Luminaire_p: But for me, it was Tuesday
Earthenone: hence "rhythem tuesday" P
Makrosian_Tae: The false Beej, you say?
excalgold: Banana Cori making an appearance in that moment
I_Am_Clockwork: the Feej vs the Truej, if you will
ZombieHendrix: eugh, blood pee
Earthenone: the fake beejs have naturaly moist skin
Bearudite: plural pauls?
Luminaire_p: too many false Paulsitives
SquareDotCube: It's the Vaseline
tergonis: False Paul only says Goodbye
SpacePotato01: Stack things on the 'paul' 's head. If it falls off, it's a fake.
excalgold: i didnt even really LIKE Fallout but it was the best video game adaptation i've seen, it makes Halo look even worse which i didnt think was possible
spicyFerret_: Are beejes crafted by beejdrop true beejs?
jessieimproved: My Partner watched the Fallout show and liked it, hasn't played the games
iris_of_ether: I need to go finish New Vegas
Earthenone: im told it is enjoyable for people who dont fallout
TehAmelie: the cash register noise. . .
EvilBadman: I love we got Last of Us and Fallout as series and both are on opposite sides of the adaptation spectrum
Earthenone: also new vegas is the only fallout game i cared enough to finish :P
excalgold: just dont watch the first episode in the same room as your parents
SquareDotCube: New Vegas has a better narrative, just drags hard on the start
public_key_reveal_party: If you tell a new Vegas fan you haven't played it, that is their activation phrase. I say this as a new Vegas fan
yuan42: i cant wait for arcane season 2 this year
hyperpuppy64: my dad decided to sit down and hang out for a bit when i was in the middle of Ichi the Killer lol
hyperpuppy64: he got up shortly after
iris_of_ether: I've said it before but I watched Ninja Scroll hopped up on wisdom tooth pain meds with my mom and engineering college friends lol
SquareDotCube: Last of Us has a "perspective on humans" problem that's even more negative in the second game
EvilBadman: Sorry to elaborate, not saying TLOU was bad. Fallout is just 100% "this is literally fallout, look at all the set dressing" and TLOU is "Ah, I know this story."
Marvoleath: @yuan42 Arcane is in a weird spot, adaptation wise. They are adapting the game now, to better match the series :D
roastbeefsandwitch: I've installed Fallout 3 after nearly 100'ing Fallout NV. I'm not sure if that's a mistake or if I'll actually enjoy it.
TehAmelie: my grandparents would get uncomfortable at the "sex" scenes in The Naked Gun. me and my cousins might have even baited them sometimes
jaeren007: what are we watching
I_Am_Clockwork: I will never not be sad they took away mt of madness from Del Torro
Driosenth: If you want to talk about lrrEFF d up movie experiences with parents, I saw the extended cut of Apocalypse Now with my Dad when I was 6 or 7.
xantos69: Hey Kids! What are we playing as?
Earthenone: i had a friends mom walk in on a sex scene in scrubs it was very awkward
Laserbeaks_Fury: Have you seen the trailer for this new animated Transformers movie that reads more like Power Rangers than TF?
LilyOfTheVeil6666: @i_am_clockwork I will forever be salty about that
TehAmelie: do you like the movie Adaptation? :3
Earthenone: have they made a genderbent cinderFella yet? if not the name is right there
SquareDotCube: But which is the best Cinderella and why is it Enchanted?
iris_of_ether: My sister watched the end of Casino in theaters as a tween because our parents were in there and Toy Story was an hour shorter
public_key_reveal_party: I feel like the last of us is a game that I play and am like "wow I wish I felt like I was playing that game that everyone else who loves this was playing"
Laserbeaks_Fury: Was that friend Jacob?
jaeren007: what am i watching?
Makrosian_Tae: The IDW era was some of the best Transformers story there ever was
Nigouki: rename cbr to .rar and unarchive
Nigouki: same with cbz and .zip
Makrosian_Tae: Oh fuck that was AMAZING
Marvoleath: @Earthenone We did it as a play in school, does that count? (different language though, so the title was also different)
FarleyF: if you like you can use crunchy as an app
Metric_Furlong: Jerry Lewis?
Earthenone: ohh yeah i googled it its a musical thing from the 60's
electric_claire: Fire Island is a place on Long Island in New York
Metric_Furlong: my entire knowledge of Jerry Lewis is 'American entertainer (?) who was popular in France' and somehow that was enough to contribute to this conversation
electric_claire: Basically it's a gay beach town, not a resort.
Chesul: Is the BBC one the one with Colin Firth in a wet shirt?
iris_of_ether: Maple syrup: bigger than before
Marvoleath: was that donkey sponsored with donkey bits?
Metric_Furlong: remember the ABCs: Always Build Cities
Earthenone: so many delicious pips
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
Makrosian_Tae: Go wide, huh?
Marvoleath: (or is that just a horse icon? :P)
DoodlestheGreat: Hello, everyone.
Chesul: So, Troy.
TheAinMAP: City stacks.
spicyFerret_: Who are we?
Metric_Furlong: 5 is the only the Civ game where you can get away with playing 'tall' and even then it's generally not optimal
Marvoleath: I mean, that's how many civilizations worked - build city on top of an old city
Earthenone: i vaugely remember going "tall" in 5, i think there was a civ who wanted them
Laserbeaks_Fury: Gotham is like what, 6 layers of city
Black_Blade725 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months, currently on a 117 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Black_Blade725! (Today's storm count: 25)
SquareDotCube: Shame we have no Venice
Bearudite: wow so just its all dazzle
Laserbeaks_Fury: New York is so disheartened the Louvre is in Paris they cede to France
SquareDotCube: All these neat mechanics and no desire to implement them in a practical manner
Blackaddicus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Blackaddicus! (Today's storm count: 26)
Earthenone: so like Fate? :P
Bearudite: Like Fate Kappa
excalgold: Bill and Teds Big time Brawl?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Have you seen Face the Music
raulghoulia: san dimas high school football rules!
spicyFerret_: @squaredotcube we gotta denounce firaxis for not letting us denounce venice
Metric_Furlong: Abraham Lincoln and Ghandi going to war in the bronze age
Earthenone: i imagine lincoln does better pre gunpowder :P
Lord_Durin: I had an Elenore game where my neighboor voted themself into that World Council thing where they got a bonus to growth but a penalty to loyalty. This triggered a cascade effect throughout there empire, city by city flipping to me.
spicyFerret_: nothing bad ever happens to the kennedies!
SquareDotCube: Could've went Ghengis Khan
DoodlestheGreat: THIS. IS. SPARTAAAAA!!!!
Bearudite: ok I like that lil shoulder shake she did
inconsideratehat: They totally did
jaeren007: it says loading ready run what does that mean?>
inconsideratehat: But it depends on when, tbf
SquareDotCube: Silk road's much older than you think
Juliamon: !lrr
LRRbot: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW Visit LoadingReadyRun:
DoodlestheGreat: Oh, so we're the Incas. ~/Inc-a dink-a do, a dink-a do, a dink-a do... /~
I_Am_Clockwork: silk, it does a body good
SquareDotCube: It just changed paths through the centuries
SquareDotCube: Copper from Cyprus, tin from Afghanistan
SquareDotCube: Lapis lazuli also came from Afghanistan
iris_of_ether: unarmeHmm
inconsideratehat: I was recently audiobooking The Silk Road; my memory for detail isn't great, but I'm pretty sure Alexander the Great gained access to those trade routes.
Gekyouryuu: Cam, now you're just reminding me of Fate/Grand Order, where one chapter's enemy was powered, specifically, by "Dark Jesuit Sorcery"
iris_of_ether: Fate's real weird haha
I_Am_Clockwork: I recently learned that buccaneers are called that because of their incredible love for local Caribbean bbq called Buccan
Gekyouryuu: tbf, it's not Hercules, it's Heracles. Fate's the kind of series that would nitpick the differences
SquareDotCube: I mean didn't it start off as an eroge
raaabr: Oh hey, is Cameron continuing the A-Z of winning with all the civs? :P
Gekyouryuu: @SquareDotCube technically. the sex scenes for most of the game were perfunctory, and only there because "you GOTTA be an eroge or you won't sell." was the style at the time
DoodlestheGreat: No, that's his personal stream. And even there he's shifted to random empires.
raaabr: @Gekyouryuu Which was the style, at the time
raaabr: A-C, Oops all Conquest
raaabr: I usually find conquest is most fun when you use it to basically steal resources out from other people and then you do literally any other victory condition aside from diplomatic
raaabr: Perfect clip there
drizztnailo: but big explosion tho
Marvoleath: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
SquareDotCube: Really says something when war is the frustrating part of the game at higher difficulties
BtEtta: I like to play the "I don't start wars, but I can sure finish them" approach.
I_Am_Clockwork: remember, a break for the streamer means a break for You!
Marvoleath: If you defeat all other civilizations you can finally play the game your way afterwards though
I_Am_Clockwork: drink water, smell the air, maybe look at the sky. idk I’m not your dad
Earthenone: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TehAmelie: it's good to look at something further away than a screen for a while
Earthenone: so a nature documentery was playing in annother room and 10 times within about 30 seconds they said octopusses instead of octopi it is a weird frustration i am feeling
TehAmelie: stretch your eyes, stretch your legs, stretch your back, stretch your meds no wait
serramarkov: Break broken.
Earthenone: i live in the usa, i am very used to streching meds
Nigouki: @Earthenone but soon enough it'll be octopeople
TehAmelie: they're all accepted plural forms. octopodes too
TehAmelie: octopus terminology is like. . .an octopus
serramarkov: Breaking a break is much preferable to breaking a brake. May we none of us have to deal with broken brakes.
Bruceski: The plural of octopus is hexidecapus
TehAmelie: hi again
MrTulip: certainly a face
empyreon: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
gsyhiap: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
niccus: 😬
Marvoleath: @Earthenone isn't it octopodes, based on the ethymology?
TehAmelie: interesting contrast with the face on his necklace
plaidanddrpepper: I feel this
iris_of_ether: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
xantos69: "Butters are you ready to stop making faces?"
I_Am_Clockwork: bepins
DoodlestheGreat: bepis?
SymphonicLolita: my genuine smile looks like I'm cringing, so I can sympathize
TehAmelie: pins for the wins?
Earthenone: personaly i would accept octopi or octopodes. just "octopusus" just seems lazy to me
DoodlestheGreat: Put-a da Inc-a on-a da bottom line.
BtEtta: I've just remembered a started a modded game of this a while back as Princess Daisy that I never got around to finishing…
inconsideratehat: LUL
DoodlestheGreat: Hooray for chaos!
TehAmelie: i've never gotten a comment on the way i smile, but i have been told i never make jokes
serramarkov: I love Butters!
iris_of_ether: lrrWOW
Earthenone: since you always seem to look for specific starts, i wonder if people have seed data avalible to like make sure you spawn in a good spot with the apropriate invisible recorces
DoodlestheGreat: I dunno, I think you're fine. Then again, that could mean the worst for both of us?
xantos69: They would likely say something very PC like "This is very publishable"
r10pez10: yo it's Civ time
waywardfrantz: alright that therapist line just drew me in from the front page lol
goombalax: we're on the front page?!
emberBecky: yeh i’d do the closed mouth smile and get that too
TehAmelie: my therapists and i agree i have all the tools that i need to manage my problems except for all the problems caused by being poor
I_Am_Clockwork: oh hey we’re on the front page again
Driosenth: Spite got me through an Associates, Bachelors, and Masters Degrees in Engineering
TS_Terrapin: I'm almost 40, and I STILL have no idea how to smile in a way that makes both me and others happy with how it looks in photos
Marvoleath: !lrr
LRRbot: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW Visit LoadingReadyRun:
DoodlestheGreat: @waywardfrantz Please stay. There's lots of nice people here.
SpacePotato01: When I smile I look twenty years older.
spicyFerret_: Hello front page!
Earthenone: i hope the front page gets some more "underground railroad" type content from us
I_Am_Clockwork: lrrAWESOME
serramarkov: The book I just started reading to my mother has a character who looks like he's in digestive distress when he tries to half smile.
waywardfrantz: "wow it's impressive how normal you're able to act"
Rourke9: oh front page!
Metric_Furlong: turn 1: it's number 1 with everyone
DoodlestheGreat: Cam has learned how to hide his mana from the demons.
Boon_33: turn 1 for fun
Metric_Furlong: dark jesuit magic?
MrTulip: idk if "your coping strategies are interesting" is a very nice compliment or the harshest burn I've ever heard
I_Am_Clockwork: this happened to Lets nope last week
TehAmelie: we're concpetual civilization artists, after seeing how the start plays out we leave it all in theory
SpacePotato01: Smiles. Smiling makes you more charismatic. Smile harder.
Nigouki: Twitch seems to do that on tuesdays? Let's Nope got Front Paged the past few weeks
MrTulip: possibly it's both
Rourke9: oh did i miss the Shogun convo??
waywardfrantz: bloody papists
Earthenone: im choosing to belive slanussy got us there
FarleyF: so your saying we need a crapshot of Beej Poledancing - Gotya lrrBEEJ
Metric_Furlong: Cam!
kireawolf: Are the cats your speical unit?
DoodlestheGreat: YES!
serramarkov: kind of
Rourke9: My family *always* calls them the Bene Jesuit
iris_of_ether: E G G
Driosenth: mayo is a barely passable sandwich lube
Earthenone: do you agree with the stardew valley decision to make mayo a beverage?
Metric_Furlong: love the eggy fatty slimey
DoodlestheGreat: Not me. Can't stand the stuff.
Coloneljesus: it's spreadable, spoonable, mixable....
comrade_cards: Preach. no more mayo
kireawolf: I like how they are just house cats and not like jungle cats lol
inconsideratehat: But it's thicc vinegar
TehAmelie: i've seen an ad for cool ranch oreos mayonnaise and now my eyes are dull to miracles
BtEtta: I loath every time I encounter sandwiches with mayonnaise as the moisture barrier.
iris_of_ether: I agree, but: honey mussie
spicyFerret_: I have been contemplating the sandwich spread, we sell it at work
xantos69: I hate mayonnaise so hard. It ruins everything it touches.
TS_Terrapin: It made no sense you could make a food and then not consume it SOMEHOW, but I'd have rather it be an ingreedient in a recipe personally.
Coloneljesus: thoughts on ranch, Cam?
serramarkov: Sorry, Miracle Whip is hideous. Cam, if we're ever eating in the same place, I will eat any mayo you don't want.
Nigouki: imagine if instead of the molasses floods we had mayo floods
iris_of_ether: You've seen the photo of "thick malort" yeah?
LiamRos: But but Kewpie Mayo is amazing
KaleidoscopeMind: did the label have the question mark on it
Earthenone: i love eggs. mayo is a crime done to a loved one
DoodlestheGreat: Salad Fingers, yes. Salad Dressing, no.
Sarah_Serinde: !addquote (Cameron) [now] If I had a time machine, I would prevent mayonaise.
emberBecky: literally mayonnaise tastes like artichoke to me because of a flavor association from childhood, but i’m weird
iris_of_ether: Malort with medical thickener added, served in a jar
goombalax: because of butter
TehAmelie: you know the joke about cool ranch flavor insulin?
Coloneljesus: it's to make asparagus edible
raaabr: Mayo is great
serramarkov: Cory, I'll save you from Hollendaise- I love the stuff.
raaabr: Fries with mayo are pretty good
SquareDotCube: but what of sweet and sour sauice
Nigouki: edible things should be be talked in the terms of "defeat"
goombalax: Hollandaise is just an excuse to eat pure butter
spicyFerret_: i will not take this slander against hollandaise as a personal insult, i will not
FarleyF: ok thats a quote
DoodlestheGreat: Happy Holindaise!
DoodlestheGreat: TOO LATE!
Coloneljesus: hello highlight reel
NiceMrCaput: I'm sorry it'll be just like that WHAT
SquareDotCube: drinking mayonnaise is so in right now
FarleyF: Hi Highlight Reel
MrTulip: cam, you're precious
Marvoleath: My-onaise? more like our-onaise!
niccus: only moderately thickened?
plaidanddrpepper: with this scintillating condiment discussion., no wonder you are on the front page! (for real)
raaabr: I feel like Mayonaise would still be invented and you'd just have butterfly effected the timeline
niccus: with full annotated fingerprint records
raaabr: Or is this about sending a message
TehAmelie: i heard a song that said mayo is Jesus' favorite food
DoodlestheGreat: Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
electric_claire: Imagine a world where mayonnaise never existed and aioli is the default sauce
Driosenth: you can make suspensions out of non-food oils as well
NiceMrCaput: I eat fries with mayo and vinegar. I have also done the franks thing and it works.
iris_of_ether: That's one step away from mayochup
Nigouki: history of food always messes me up, like who the FUCK decided to mix these things together and it somehow WORKED!?
serramarkov: No, spicy, my nemesis!
danielOut: please welcome to the stage Hot Aioli
electric_claire: That's not aioli!!!
goombalax: @iris_of_ether do not invoke mayochup
electric_claire: Aioli doesn't have eggs people
plaidanddrpepper: thoughts on mayochup?
emberBecky: fries with ranch is nice imo
Metric_Furlong: Chips + mayo is good, source: am from the European continent
raaabr: Oh so milkshake and fries are okay but mayo and fries is a bridge too far? (Joking)
DoodlestheGreat: I just read anarticle about how most of the majot olive oil brands are cutting their stuff with corn oil and other cheaper oils.
NiceMrCaput: thoughts on the Chip Butty?
drizztnailo: cam was not on board until milkshake then he was locked back in lol
raaabr: Peanut butter softens if it gets hot
empyreon: I use mayo instead of butter on the outside of my grilled cheeses and that is like the only application it has in this household
DoodlestheGreat: Dinner fries might work.
emberBecky: maybe peanut butter sauce
serramarkov: Maybe peanut butter frosting...
TehAmelie: crapshot idea: Cam goes back in time and assassinates the inventor of mayo. cut to a desolate Paul going "but i just made aioli"
goombalax: fries are often cooked in peanut oil so maybe?
Enki1256: Yeah, a peanut butter sauce, extra salt.
MWGNZ: ok but smooth or crunchy pb on the fries?
Earthenone: time to pivot into muckbang? :P
raaabr: Oooh village
NiceMrCaput: Fries in any curry adjacent sauce always works
serramarkov: smooth if it's frosting
niccus: like fun dippers, fry into frosty into peanut crumbles
DoodlestheGreat: I shall have to try this idea of peanut butter and fries. FOR SCIENCE!
raaabr: I wonder if fries would go well with a japanese curry
NiceMrCaput: It's a british classic
raaabr: Tonkatsu goes well with japanese curry
drizztnailo: that sounds like a banger
MrTulip: now THAT sounds like something
serramarkov: Yes! The Auld Shebeen does fries in curry sauce- All The Awesome!!!
TehAmelie: related idea: peanut fried french fries
raaabr: Surprise food stream
iris_of_ether: Hungry....
NiceMrCaput: India puts potatoes in curry sauce all the time
satyropodobny: that sounds like a type of sauce one would get with currywurst
Invitare: in the UK every chip shop has curry sauce, and it's common to get chips with an Indian takeout too
raaabr: Cornstarch fried paneer that you add in at the very end when you're serving
raaabr: Saganaki?
serramarkov: Halloumi is from Cyprus!
Invitare: Halloumi is very different to pameer
NiceMrCaput: I'd eat that
iris_of_ether: I've absolutely bought paneer bricks at Costco
TehAmelie: just chop up peanuts and let the crumbs stick to the french fries
Invitare: I've heard Halloumi is rare in NA, which is sad for you
SquareDotCube: tzatziki?
raaabr: Honestly I'd eat paneer more often if *all dairy didn't cost a ton of money ahhhh*
raaabr: So I stick with Tofu
xantos69: I can't wait for my sous vide ribs to finish. You are making me so hungry.
iris_of_ether: MercyWing1 unarmeHmm MercyWing2
Metric_Furlong: that's not controversial, that's just true Kappa
DoodlestheGreat: Hmmm... Can't argue with that one.
NiceMrCaput: What's wrong with Food Wars? I haven't seen it?
SirTrae: Is that controversial?
Fantusta: Chat, for some weird reason I'm getting really hungry
raaabr: For anyone who is vegan and loves spice, I would recommend Shiitake/mushroom Mapo Tofu
satyropodobny: Fair. The formula gets really stale fast.
Metric_Furlong: a lot of people like a lot of things
Earthenone: i love shonen to reveal my bias' but to me food wars is an ok shonen if you can get past the fanservice
spicyFerret_: I must consume chat
raaabr: I like food wars. It would be a way better anime without the anime nonsense
TS_Terrapin: Food wars goes too far on the pseudo lewd stuff for me
TehAmelie: i'm glad i had a big bowl of penne before this
SquareDotCube: Or just admit you like seeing naked people having orgasms
iris_of_ether: I used to get into food talk stuck in one hour rush hour traffic so I think I'm getting my karma served again
DoodlestheGreat: I prefer "Campfire Cooking In Another World With My Absurd Skill." Said skill being Amazon Prime.
SirTrae: That is the one where people enjoy the food a bit too much, right?
serramarkov: Bless you.
AtomicAlchemical: And you should!
TS_Terrapin: Now Yakitatke Japan, on the other hand!
TS_Terrapin: Exactly!
raaabr: Japan has harsher censorship laws iirc
iris_of_ether: Yakitate Japan: yes correct good
Metric_Furlong: or Goldam Kamuy, which is also a food anime (amongst other things)
DoodlestheGreat: I like this guy! Mali sound like real bros.
Earthenone: i mean im ace, so to me fanservice is like comercials. some large company put them in to sell the thing to a larger audiance
drcthulu: It's a cultural issue
goombalax: I think fanservice is both unabashed porn and a very specific fetish
empyreon: carbohydrates, the ultimate enemy
Earthenone: a man made of bread is the yeast of our worries
AtomicAlchemical: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
serramarkov: Were you trying for a 4 food mountain?
spicyFerret_: Is food wars the one with the uncomfortable chicken nugget eating gif
TS_Terrapin: In a similar vein of "overly shonen fighting sytled anime that ISN'T shonen fighting anime," Hikaru No Go is old but good.
raaabr: From what I recall, Yakitate Japan does go off the deep end with its food research a bit earlier than Food Wars did, with stuff that would *definitely not work*
Reduce_Sanity: what letter is cam on today?
TS_Terrapin: Where 'good' means 'fun'
raaabr: Like the blackened Croissaint
raaabr: Yakitate has a great rice cooker bread
I_Am_Clockwork: now I want a croissant
serramarkov: I have accidentally made a blackened Croissant- it was unfortunate.
niccus: venba
iris_of_ether: Mmmmmm
TS_Terrapin: Venba
goombalax: oooh that is cool
Rourke9: i was heartbroken when I learned that Senshi lied to me and you cannot fry with sesame oil
Rourke9: venba is very cool!
goombalax: I wish I had a flame stove
Metric_Furlong: Yakitake Japan was also the show that confirmed that 'characters who look a bit like Gendo Ikari' was just going to be one of Fumiiko 'played Gendo Ikari' Tachiki's 'things' going forward
raaabr: @Rourke9 Sesame oil can absolutely be used to fry
raaabr: It just isn't the stuff you use for seasoning
raaabr: It's like how you don't use extra virgin olive oil to deep fry
TS_Terrapin: Maybe a colab tinker tailor episode where you try making those Venba recipes could be fun.
raaabr: Untoasted sesame oil can be used to deep fry just fine
Metric_Furlong: *Fumihiko
I_Am_Clockwork: uuuuugh now I want Indian… there’s no good Indian places near me… I miss good naan
SquareDotCube: I like sunflower oil, it's expensive though
raaabr: Generally speaking, the more aromatic the oil, the less you want to use it to deep fry
Marvoleath: @I_Am_Clockwork I feel you, I had a great place just around the corner, on the way to my LGS. Recently they closed :(
raaabr: Because if it is aromatic it probably has stuff in it that will burn faster and you're just wasting it
TehAmelie: is de-flavored peanut butter a thing or was that a nightmare i had?
goombalax: Soaking fries in sugar water before frying in peanut oil is the absolute best it gets
Rourke9: @raaabr in the show they deepy fry with it, which you cant do is my understanding
raaabr: @Rourke9 Do they specify it it's toasted or untoasted sesame oil?
iris_of_ether: Isn't veggie oil just a blend that includes canola, anyway?
serramarkov: New Zealand is one of the top exporters of Canola oil.
goombalax: yeah there was that whole thing where they busted the Italian Mafia for a giant olive oil conspiracy, they were shipping impure oil as extra virgin.
waywardfrantz: maybe someone in town decided to take a bath in canola oil
Earthenone: a quick google says you can get 48oz of vegible oil for ~3 usd near me
satyropodobny: woah u just described poland
TheAwkes: Canola: the corn of Canada
SquareDotCube: endless fields of canola being a problem in itself...
iris_of_ether: Maybe just a local shortage then
Marvoleath: you can probably order veggie oil on Amazon Kappa
satyropodobny: Also y'all are sleeping on sunflower seed oil
iris_of_ether: Mmmm mmm computer chips
SquareDotCube: can't eat a TV though
Marvoleath: sand is often smuggled, Cam
Earthenone: speaking of amazon
Earthenone: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
raaabr: :P
Earthenone: sunflower seeds are my go to since developing a peanut allergy
iris_of_ether: unarmeHmm
TehAmelie: over 40% of all fossil fuels are spent on shipping fossil fuels. that's clearly where the money is, everything else is just luxuries
DoodlestheGreat: That sounds more like a forum thread on Something Awful.
goombalax: lmao
MrTulip: posting truly is god's work
I_Am_Clockwork: I feel like this is survivorship bias, but don’t feel like doing a proof for it
epsilon_vee: pardon me, what was that? i didn't hear, i was too busy posting
raaabr: Virulently mad?
Boiler_bot: rly?
DoodlestheGreat: Oh, I can imagine. And if it had that reaction, then keep at it. It's more fun that way.
Earthenone: i always choose atheism, i support you adding an r/
raaabr: Well let's hope we don't get murdered by war carts
Reduce_Sanity: Girugamesh
DoodlestheGreat: Chillgamesh!
plaidanddrpepper: its the best bro!
I_Am_Clockwork: chill gamesh
Rourke9: speaking of antipathy, finished Consider Phlebas yesterday! I loved it
Gekyouryuu: silly thought: a religion where all the deities are nonbinary. call it They-theism
raaabr: You've gotta immediately make friends with the guy
MrTulip: i mean, he's right there
BtEtta: Greg!
Gekyouryuu: "ally"
KaleidoscopeMind: "ally"
AtomicAlchemical: And they were roommates
Gekyouryuu: Darmok
Reduce_Sanity: All of me and my homies hate humbaba
Metric_Furlong: "and they were allies"
Metric_Furlong: honestly, the epic of gilgamesh isn't actually that long a read, despite the name
TehAmelie: i've read the comic The Unwritten, it probably covers the best parts
satyropodobny: Only true way to immortality is pissing off enough people, remember Ea-nāṣir the copper merchant
Gekyouryuu: if you're truly too lazy, just watch the Overly Sarcastic Productions video on it
raaabr: An epic is just "A long poem" usually with a historical element
TehAmelie: "well behaved copper merchants rarely make history" they say
Marvoleath: isn't epic just not lyrical form?
Metric_Furlong: like, it's probably long by the standards of "things you had to write on a clay tablet"
iris_of_ether: That's what the "Bros" translation of Beowulf is for
LordZarano: @satyropodobny I think that was more a factor of writing everything on clay tablets and then having their house burn down
raaabr: Those are pet cats, not dogs, right?
Jillexie: He tasks me!
Boiler_bot: Nah they're just super 80s.
xantos69: "I've Hurt You."
Gekyouryuu: speaking of Wrath of Khan I LOVE the Robot Chicken bit where they turn it into a LITERAL Space Opera, in italian and everything
SquareDotCube: What a shame World War 3 didn't happen in 1997 :p
raaabr: Didn't that take take forever to get
TehAmelie: i wonder how big Disco Elysium would be if you wrote the dialogue on clay tablets. . .
PixelArtDragon: So you're saying he needed to con Khan?
Jillexie: "I'm laughing at the superior intellect"
Gekyouryuu: it's been two years?!
Marvoleath: Is "put it on clay tablets" the new "the floppy disk version"? :D
TehAmelie: funny story maybe, i started a full Empathy run and so far today i've failed to punch Cuno but destroyed Measurehead
Sarah_Serinde: I would be perfectly happy for Disco Elysium playthroughs to be a regular thing on this show
PixelArtDragon: Self-correcting roads?!
MrTulip: I don't need any of that smoke
satyropodobny: @LordZarano That's why we know of him, but we remember him because he was a douche
Boiler_bot: Avoidant road behaviour
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul that is fair
mercano82: I think the gods have made it pretty clear they don’t like whatever’s happening in that tile
PixelArtDragon: Choosing all the racist options in DE but shaking your head to show you disagree with them
raaabr: Shame what happened with the writers
Boiler_bot: It's the problem with playing the Bad Guy path in almost any CRPG. You're just so unlikeable.
WizOuphe subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
WizOuphe: Yippeeeee
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Reduce_Sanity: KYUUNO
Rourke9: they changed cuno??
iris_of_ether: It's like playing certain evil runs of Planescape Torment. Can't do it benginCry
Gekyouryuu: Cun-old vs New-no
Metric_Furlong: apparently it's the same actor both times, which is the weird thing
Marvoleath: have you played Tyranny CRPG maybe?
iris_of_ether: You're sociopathic, it hurts so bad
Marvoleath: you start as the "bad guys"
KWardJenx: It can be a challenge suppressing those fascist tendencies. Good demonstration of personal growth. lol
TehAmelie: i think the original doesn't have a whole lot of lines so he could put the whole, uh, Cuno into the Cuno
NiceMrCaput: Serious question: Is there such a thing as a non-fascist playthrough of 40k?
DoodlestheGreat: @Metric_Furlong Just like "Spice and Wolf" is doing.
FarleyF: Tyranny is such a good game with such a lame ending
SquareDotCube: and then you have the whole Jedi/Sith thing with the KOTOR series
BtEtta: You could do a Detroit: Become Human run with different choices instead.
mercano82: Orks just wanna fight
Blackaddicus: votann just want money
AtomicAlchemical: Athoritarian frog commies?
TheMandrew: tyrannids are just hungry little boys
Gekyouryuu: silly thought: a run of Disco where you're an awful person who cares about all the clothes: Fasc-in' Cop
KWardJenx: Orks, decidedly not fascist
MWGNZ: bugs just want a snack
FarleyF: @Gekyouryuu *badoom tish*
MWGNZ: orks just want a fite
DoodlestheGreat: Oh, David Cage is good for that.
Rourke9: could do Torment: Tides of Numenera
iris_of_ether: lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: Well that's a nice change
Rourke9: In case anyone hasnt seen that clip
FarleyF: i do love that clip
Rourke9: I have it pinned to my homepage
TheAwkes: At least with 40k you don't have to represent the politics of a faction in the playing of it. Everyone's just trying to do their best to pave the other team.
FarleyF: its up there with the Sharahazad Clip
DoodlestheGreat: LUL
Rourke9: look, every so often i need to show someone
satyropodobny: Who keeps giving David Cage scripts to write
Driosenth: shar definately
BtEtta: This is it. Your legacy.
MrTulip: tappy is a gem
niccus: the french government and its arts fund
FarleyF: i mean to be fair Adams is the Watermelon
iris_of_ether: I love pocket bacon
emberBecky: I think it comes up in the clip? maybe talked over a bit
Nigouki: @satyropodobny probably the same person that keeps all the harassment in the studio under wraps
satyropodobny: I'm sorry, the real question was who keeps giving him money
Wolfstrike_NL: My pinned clip is Adam (,Ben and Cori) listening to "We like to party" first take
PixelArtDragon: The line "what if Blade Runner, but you sympathized with the Replicants" is so wildly out of touch
TehAmelie: so much production value goes into David Cage and becomes nothing. . .
TheAwkes: I forgot how hard that menu background bodied you.
TehAmelie: that really happened. he really said that
Rourke9: the most reading of bladerunner of all time
Earthenone: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 4:20 PM
goombalax: ah, they went to highschool english lit
SquareDotCube: like Armageddon! :p
TehAmelie: i hear people say good things about the New Testament
Rourke9: hell, GILGAMESH dies
Rourke9: spoilers
DoodlestheGreat: Tolstoy would like a word...
raaabr: Axiomatic rules of storytelling already tend to be pretty painfully awkward
Rourke9: for the epic of gilgameth
raaabr: That is an extra bad one
mercano82: Gladiator
spicyFerret_: Oops, guess halo reach is bad?
I_Am_Clockwork: always kill your protagonists
KWardJenx: Like the Bible?
goombalax: Deep Rock Galactic?
Earthenone: even the bible killed their protag for a bit
Marvoleath: what if the movie is about the protagonist dying? Like, Into the Wild?
Metric_Furlong: yes, all the time
iris_of_ether: Constant Gardener
Geldaran: I'm sorry, defenders of Armageddon... but that movie is sooo bad.
raulghoulia: "He's got space dementia!"
FarleyF: The Movie the Hunt was a good one for that where it killed off a lot of people that seemed like the protagonist
Sarah_Serinde: I sure do feel that one, Cori
satyropodobny: @Geldaran You first mistake was watching it sober
SquareDotCube: oh yeah I should see about the Interstellar anniversary showings
NiceMrCaput: people clearly agree though. A lot of movies are just the story of jesus but he doesn't literally die.
Rourke9: the what
Nigouki: while her dad's singing
Geldaran: They launched a moon rover with a CHAINGUN?!
TehAmelie: there's so many great things about Armageddon
DoodlestheGreat: Forget "Armageddon." Try "They Live" instead.
LordZarano: Armageddon has an INCREDIBLE soundtrack
TehAmelie: none of them make sense, but they're great
SweedChef: I preferred Deep Impact
KilrenKrae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 94 months!
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Earthenone: the "protagionist cant die or its a bad movie" guy is probobly who the infinite sequels are for
Sarah_Serinde: There's a difference between "I would like a story where this person lives" and "any story where the main character dies is bad by default"
Xed_Regulus: Speaking about "killing the protagonist" there is a 45th Anniversary theatre re-release of Alien this weekend.
goombalax: basically just that character ya
TehAmelie: heh. come to think of it, the protagonist dies in every Bond movie
xantos69: "Man goes in the cage. Cage goes in the water.... Sharks in the water."
TheMandrew: the entire third act of the movie is amazing
iris_of_ether: OH NO
Rourke9: oh
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp
Boiler_bot: @TehAmelie Do they?
TehAmelie: see cause Bond is a reactive hero and the villain is the one who makes the plot go, aka the protgonist
raaabr: Ah, Saladin is getting curb stomped by war carts
Nigouki: i do like that story of a bunch of Dunkirk vets complaining Nolan's movie was louder than the actual bombs
iris_of_ether: Fun fact: the theater release of Butterfly Effect had a different ending than the director's cut, which we discovered *while showing a friend*
Bugberry subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
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TehAmelie: Waltz could be Bond
TehAmelie: i mean, he can do anything
GirlPainting: Bond! You have to quit eating white bread and drink martinis all day!.....ok i will cut back on the bread!
NiceMrCaput: bloefeld as personally motivated to go after bond from before day 1 jsut makes him small.
LordZarano: Deep Impact was just so awful. So much of humans irrationally not acting like humans for the sake of plot. "Yes, let's just fly our essential space mission through the tail of the asteroid and have it get pelted with rocks for no reason because we did no planning and put no thought into this mission at all"
CasualKing21: I just got here lol
xantos69: Cheer50 bits!
Sarah_Serinde: I enjoyed it!
SkipIives: Always fun to listen you both - bye!
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Content Warning) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (32m from now).
Marvoleath: !next
Rourke9: good stream, as always!
DoodlestheGreat: Ben and Adam are tghe perfect players for this.
DoodlestheGreat: GARBAGE DAY!
iris_of_ether: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrGARBO
SquareDotCube: Fascists?
Wolfstrike_NL: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrGARBO
Marvoleath: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Sarah_Serinde: I think just Alex (theatrically)
DigitalSeahorse: lrrGRAHAM lrrALEX
Sarah_Serinde: Graham is the one who gets to torture Alex with bad games
DoodlestheGreat: "Watch & Play" is RL "Shangri-La Frontier."
Xed_Regulus: James solo
Wolfstrike_NL: Just James, according to James
iris_of_ether: seabatYIKES
Rourke9: many thoughts
NiceMrCaput: well now I'm interested
TehAmelie: maybe a blog post?
Sarah_Serinde: gabyFacepalm
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed voxlunBabhed voxlunBabhed
DoodlestheGreat: LOL
satyropodobny: HE IS RISEN
DoodlestheGreat: Membrane Christ.
DoodlestheGreat: I'm on ibuprofen!
DoodlestheGreat: LRL!
DoodlestheGreat: Live things will be happening.
Rourke9: did wheeler finish stacklands? seems like a one stream game
Gekyouryuu: "live this weekend. what will happen? who knows! I mean, we do, because it's prerecorded, and be sure not to tell the audience that, but..."
Gekyouryuu: I kid
Marvoleath: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Juliamon: he didn't "finish" so much as only scheduled the one week
iris_of_ether: He said he'd revisit Stacklands for later one off games
empyreon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
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Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Marvoleath: !patreon
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empyreon: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
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Gekyouryuu: later
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
emberBecky: o/
TehAmelie: thanks for the stream!
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Content Warning) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (24m from now).