accountmadeforants: @beowuuf These fan animation of these are also fantastic:
beowuuf: @accountmadeforants lol, thank you and curse you :D
TehAmelie: are we enhypened, gang?
malfnord: Should we be? It is Watch+Play after all...
Metric_Furlong: we are prepared for Garbage Day
accountmadeforants: (And just in case YouTube doesn't recommend you the next ones: Here's 2: and 3: 2 is the most powerful, probably
jessicaengle: Hello chat!
Metric_Furlong: hello jessicaengle
beowuuf: escher3THUMBSUP
accountmadeforants: Hellooo!
richard_ermen: Is today Garbage Day?
Juliamon: Youtube only recc'd 3, it's trying to keep 2 a secret
accountmadeforants: 2 had to be reuploaded due to 2 seconds of copyrighted music, is probably why
beowuuf: seems like a re-upload that's broken the linking?
beowuuf: ah
beowuuf: despite how bad careless whisper was, it wasn't bad enough? :D
RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Potion of Healing!
RockPusher: Excellent, exactly what I need for this back pain *chugs potion*
TheAwkes: 🚮
Metric_Furlong: careful traveller
TehAmelie: well, i don't know about y'all but today i managed to do some minimal research, get to the electronics store, buy a monitor AND install it
MAPBoardgames: !advice
LRRbot: Lubricate your snake.
accountmadeforants: As opposed to a Potion of Heating or a Potion of Hæling
TheAwkes: Heeling. You become the bad guy.
accountmadeforants: @TehAmelie Heck yea
Earthenone: i managed to acheve balance by showing up half an hour early to an apoitnment that the doctor showed up half an hour late too
beowuuf: @TehAmelie seabatClap
Metric_Furlong: @Earthenone yay?
RockPusher appears and takes out TheAwkes with a steel chair!
TehAmelie: out of nowhere!
TehAmelie: wait, is this because the back pain had to go somewhere after you healed it?
beowuuf: woot!
DaxStrife: Watch and play or both at the same time?
richard_ermen: Let the gaaaaaamesssss begin!
PotatoWraiths: some plays will be watched
NovusUltimus: Get your bingo cards ready, folks
accountmadeforants: I installed a dishwasher a few days ago. Sliding doors are the best thing ever and every dishwasher should have them. Imagine actually being able to align your dish washer to the rest of your cabinet doors without perfect foresight and unfathomable amounts of luck.
TehAmelie: sweet
beowuuf: lrrWOW
Strebenherz: @accountmadeforants Okay that art's cute as heck
tidehollowcat: !bingo
LRRbot: Play along with your own Kamigawa Draft Bingo card! There is no prize, it's just fun.
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrGARBO lrrSIG
Manae: lrrSIG lrrGARBO lrrSIG lrrGARBO lrrSIG
PotatoWraiths: wee woo wee woo
Anaerin: !show
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
MAPBoardgames: lrrSIG lrrGARBO lrrSIG
MikoKisai subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MikoKisai! (Today's storm count: 1)
LostThePirate: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Anaerin: !show override off
margieargie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, margieargie! (Today's storm count: 2)
accountmadeforants: lrrSIG sajamVibe
Metric_Furlong: hello refresh my old friend
Blip2004 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
Blip2004: G-g-g-Garbage Day
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Blip2004! (Today's storm count: 3)
Strebenherz: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Anaerin: !show override watchandplay
Pteraspidomorphi: Three seconds after I loaded in and twitch *still* couldn't be bothered to autoplay
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrSIG lrrSPOOPY
Strebenherz: Refresh for garbage
Anaerin: !show override watchplay
richard_ermen: I'm soooo happy ^^
TXC2: refresh for stream
jordorowsky subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jordorowsky! (Today's storm count: 4)
Violet__Violence: fuck yeah garbage day
Earthenone: 2 refreshes needed today
Gizmoloid: Garbage Day!
northos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, northos! (Today's storm count: 5)
arcaneIllumination subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months, currently on a 98 month streak!
arcaneIllumination: it might be garbage day, but the day itself isn’t!
KirbySliver subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
KirbySliver: All Slivers are now Kirbys in addition to their other types!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, arcaneIllumination! (Today's storm count: 6)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KirbySliver! (Today's storm count: 7)
RynoLaw subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RynoLaw! (Today's storm count: 8)
accountmadeforants: Hm, in trying to auto complete lrrSIG by typing "sig", I found out that Twitch now has ForSigmar
Splash4Mirrodin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
Splash4Mirrodin: Garbago Dia lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Splash4Mirrodin! (Today's storm count: 9)
TXC2: so apparently 2 days on the trot is the best Twitch can do these days :p
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Garbage dayyyyy
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo! (Today's storm count: 10)
SpacePotato01 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months, currently on a 105 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SpacePotato01! (Today's storm count: 11)
OldUncleDan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OldUncleDan! (Today's storm count: 12)
Drasvin: Garbage day!
Shadowsoflife: <3
the_tutorial_boss: yay, i can see garbage day live today!
orangeceltic71 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, orangeceltic71! (Today's storm count: 13)
BITs19_: hell yea, on time!!
DigitalSeahorse: lrrGRAHAM lrrALEX lrrSHINE
TacitusVigil: Is it time for garbage day?
crazycommie87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months, currently on a 119 month streak!
crazycommie87: A mental health day for me. Mental health insanity for Alex.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, crazycommie87! (Today's storm count: 14)
richard_ermen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, richard_ermen! (Today's storm count: 15)
lirazel64: So, I joined at the 4:04 mark, and then the stream stuttered for a second... am I unfounded?
Fanklok: Has anyone else been getting those completely unhinged ads for "Giant lady tiny man" mobile games?
GreatWahooney subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
GreatWahooney: number go up!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GreatWahooney! (Today's storm count: 16)
TXC2: lirazel64 I may have had that, but my internet has been a bit wonky today anyway
beowuuf: @Fanklok all the time on youtube :(
tidehollowcat: @fanklok oh constantly
Fanklok: I blame Graham for them
BigDaddyBland87: @Fanklok yea I guess that's the new thing for the mobile style games now
crazycommie87: @Fanklok Are they the Hero Wars ones? If so yeah, I have seen a lot of them on Facebook
irenrose: Ah, perfect timing, friends just had to drop for the night so I get to enjoy G and A
Foxmar320: @Fanklok Yes, endlessly
KyranTheWalker: Trash day! Woo woo!
Diabore: !advice
LRRbot: If you walk in the middle of the road, you might get trampled by dinosaurs.
Strebenherz: @Fanklok Yeah, youtube ads are.. a thing recently
KidAmn: gaaaaarbage day
Megaparsec256 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Megaparsec256! (Today's storm count: 17)
Drasvin: !badadvice
LRRbot: Smoke Beej e'rry day.
TacitusVigil: Here comes 2!
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a live cat
tidehollowcat: anyone else gotten the ad with a calf trying to suck on the mother cow’s frozen teat?
Fanklok: Make sure the tempature is around 250F so Beej doesn't dry out
elkae: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrGARBO
beowuuf: o.0
Drasvin: !advice
kaboomjr26: Please tell me they’re playing some sort of terrible skibidi toilet game
crazycommie87: @tidehollowcat Unfortunately yes
TacitusVigil: @Fanklok Beej has creams for that.
TXC2: Here we GO!
wench_tacular: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrGARBO
Atarra: happy garbage day, one and all
richard_ermen: Yay for Gar-Bage!
Knitting_Goblin: Woo just in time!
BITs19_: garb! age! day!
Strebenherz: GARBAGE
MikeSmith subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months!
ClodiumSoride subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months, currently on a 76 month streak!
ClodiumSoride: Don't let it end like this. Tell them I subbed with something clever.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MikeSmith! (Today's storm count: 18)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ClodiumSoride! (Today's storm count: 19)
TXC2: Hello Graham and Alex
WearingCats_CwC: hoi
incredulouspasserby: garbage!
Shadowsoflife: o/
Foxmar320: Hello
Artificer_Evan: HYPE\
crazycommie87: What's up?!
elkae: oh I like Alex’s shirt!
jessicaengle: Hi Garbage Friends (the good kind)
accountmadeforants: Watch XOR Play
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby lrrPistachio lrrGibb
TehAmelie: hello Alex! and Graham!
TacitusVigil: Graham in command red.
JerryEris: Watch, but play
BITs19_: Alex drinking an invisibility potion?
the_tutorial_boss: hello Big G Money and A Train!
TXC2: insist them upon Alex
DaxStrife: Mmm, invisible cola for Alex
Drasvin: Alex has more ghost drink
RockPusher: Mmmmm, ghost beverage
Astra7525: Graham is a bit quiet compared to Alex
Metric_Furlong: Alex with the invisi-drink
jessicaengle: sergeBongo sergeCrimes
couchboyj: Disclaimer: Please do not eat the Internet
shamblingkrenshar: Cena Cola: You can't see it
elkae: lrrFINE
A_Catastrophic_Success subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
A_Catastrophic_Success: 69! That's the funny number! Because sex stuff!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, A_Catastrophic_Success! (Today's storm count: 20)
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: clear fluids only
Fanklok: Alex can't even play good games any more
Blip2004: you're both quiet
Shadowsoflife: I heard of eating the scenery but not drink it
DoodlestheGreat: Alex Stacey, real life Sunraku.
TheMandrew: isn't Graham just naturally quieter than Alex?
TehAmelie: but how will you enjoy the zero calories if you already aren't loading the calories thanks to the greenscreen?
irenrose: Did ben use that mic before you
littleunknownn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, littleunknownn! (Today's storm count: 21)
Akaiatana: Most of these games are perpetual WIPs to lash one with, anyway.
NightValien28: garbage day!!!
MAPBoardgames: Thanks for the bonus stream on Monday, Alex. I enjoyed it!
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Shadowsoflife: We did this
DideRobot: LRR: Time for toilets! It’s WATCH+PLAY! | (has image) |
Metric_Furlong: this is our fault!
wench_tacular: poopin's important
raulghoulia: ESPECIALLY poopin
TXC2: !ytmember
LRRbot: LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR:
Fanklok: Who else remembers Time Ramesside?
kristian_fischer: This trash brought to you by Patreon dot com slash loadingreadyrun
TacitusVigil: "I helped LRR poop" - New LRR bumper sticker
Metric_Furlong: @Fanklok always
RockPusher: I fully support the expenditure on the washlet
PuddleOfWeird subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
Metric_Furlong: Spiders happened
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PuddleOfWeird! (Today's storm count: 22)
TehAmelie: did Graham go quiet for one second there or was it my ears that stopped working?
ArcadeEngineer: the four different games called 'time rammesside'
shamblingkrenshar: Nobody knows what happened in it
Gizmoloid: it was
DoodlestheGreat: It happened.
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: It sure was
PotatoWraiths: spider faucet
MikoKisai: it was extant
Grothe406: many bontoons ago
Songar87: You have to specify what iteration.
Violet__Violence: it sure was
beowuuf: we could let bontoons pass and never forget it
TheAwkes: It's good for your poops!
Violet__Violence: it was some of the garbage we've seen
Strebenherz: If you two didn't see, the maker of Tomato way released a ifferent game some time back
CataclysmicReverb: A permanent memory is called "Trauma"
Mattmitchell45: @Fanklok 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷
crazycommie87: Time Rammeside was incomprehensible
Shadowsoflife: It was, a thing
SquareDotCube: One Day for Ched is up there just for the line
m1gr3nA: it was not for cardiac people
TXC2: Time Rameside happened and thats all anyone can or should remember
kilnfiendpotter: Hello hello! Happy Wednesday!
kristian_fischer: A horrify bouche?
WearingCats_CwC: Fireball goes in every slot
offbeatwitch: George.
kilnfiendpotter: I love a little amuse for my bouche!
irenrose: T shirt with "I helped LRR poop by buying this shirt"
TXC2: hello kilnfiendpotter welcome
Drasvin: The only thing I remember in Time Rammeside is the spider faucet
JadedCynic: Whee; I'm not too late!
DoodlestheGreat: At least the logo is nice.
halftrip subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
RockPusher: Seemingly functional settings menu
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, halftrip! (Today's storm count: 23)
TXC2: Ultra = 4x AA :p
ArcadeEngineer: there was a game last week that used the same ue demo project pickups as time ramesside
Fanklok: I hope all the effort in the developers intro card also went into the game
MenomeAlice subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
MenomeAlice: Six years of subbing. Still feels like yesterday I first saw Unskippable a decade ago now?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MenomeAlice! (Today's storm count: 24)
malsareus: it's aspirational Graham
MAPBoardgames: 600,000 people go missing EACH YEAR?
DoodlestheGreat: "You are lost." Don't try to define my emotional state, mister.
Foxmar320: It's so ultra
TheMerricat: "While out on a relaxing hike in the woods, George loses his bearing and finds himself lost in the mountains. He now has one goal. Finding a way back to civilization and safety, and escaping the dangers of these lands. "
RockPusher: foxmarFIRE
MAPBoardgames: mmm bacon
irenrose: I remember the highest poly model in TF2. It's a really simple snake
TXC2: MAPBoardgames so 1% of the UK population a year :p
Gizmoloid: LUL
KV1NN4: what'd i miss?
Fanklok: That can be arranged Alex
JadedCynic: hurricane lantern - they're a lot safer than they are being depicted :)
MAPBoardgames: nothing @KV1NN4
DigitalSeahorse: they just started
TehAmelie: can you imagine a RPG GM just telling you "you are lost"? seems off
lirazel64: I like kerosene lanterns.
TXC2: KV1NN4 nothing,we just started
RebekahWSD: My mother has a tea set made in Occupied Japan
Shadowsoflife: nothing @KV1NN4 we just started
TacitusVigil: Technically the FRG does still exist though...
KV1NN4: whew the time difference is kicking my butt
DigitalSeahorse: you missed the fire not hurting Alex
KV1NN4: thanks chat
geail: I have a sewing machine from 1957 West Germany
Shadowsoflife: <3
TXC2: "these are decadent, western tin snips!"
garion99 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, garion99! (Today's storm count: 25)
malsareus: I have a set of West German cooking pans, they're great
CouldntPickAUsername: all my stuff was just made in China. guess I'm basic
bjergmann101: Always fun to think about countries that are no longer there... Not so fun to think about how it happened
SquareDotCube: I have a... 1969 I think? Goode's atlas
Wangor: I hope you meet George Costanza.
nathaniel_616: ShowLove1000 Just got promoted at work and wanted to share the good fortune. Also happy ANZAC day!
Master_Gunner: Waiting For George
crazycommie87: I was about to say, this looks like a spooky walking simulator
iris_of_ether: Toilets Georg
couchboyj: Por que no pos dos?
TheMerricat: You are George.
ArcOfTheConclave: are we to curious?
Tom_Bruise: Are we sure we're not just in Georgia, not the state mind you
lightfut: Would that be a copse?
wench_tacular: three trees in a trenchcoat
the_tutorial_boss: not a bunny-rabbit, George?
TXC2: nathaniel_616 <3
couchboyj: All will be George
PandasAndPancakes: Are we sure it isn't gorge?
A_Dub888: what level of George are you on my dude?
crazycommie87: But who is George?
SalmirAeon: 3 trees or the irish 33?
lirazel64: Not a bad simulcrum trees.
Cptasparagus: the roots need to breathe
crazycommie87: George Carlin?
koristi_: Je suis George
crazycommie87: George Takei?
MenomeAlice: Gorgeous George simulator. 80s Pro-Wrestling in the dark.
DoodlestheGreat: "We asked local area trees how they felt."
CataclysmicReverb: Alright, going to make an audible and tick off the "Devoid of Gameplay" space on the bingo card
DigitalSeahorse: I'm glad for this show today cause I had a panic attack earlier
RockPusher: it is!
epsilon_vee: "the trees around here are modelled a bit better"
Songar87: Content!
RockPusher: It's why I am able to be here
Foxmar320: George is going to happen at us
arcanzaJenkins subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, arcanzaJenkins! (Today's storm count: 26)
DigitalSeahorse: Anzak?
crazycommie87: Boy George?
Dr_fragenstien: never thought I'd think "you should give the trees bones", but it's to deform them to match the hills
RockPusher: Us people!
TheMerricat: "Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders "who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations" and "the contribution and suffering of all those who have served"."
johnalogue: Oh wait my weekend is on Wednesdays I get to watchandpaly
Dalrint: I heard there was suffering going on in here?
ryancurtis2001: Heya!
JadedCynic: Australia, New Zealand Allied Command
A_Dub888: @foxmar320 everything everywhere all at George
manfred909: Army Core
KV1NN4: The NZ reps in Turkey lost their luggage (rather the airline did)..
JadedCynic: the military organization during ww2
RockPusher: "Australian and New Zealand Army Corps"
KV1NN4: so the band is stuffed
crazycommie87: Ah yes, the ANZAC corps.
kilnfiendpotter: I always thought it was just a really weird Britishy brand name
TacitusVigil: Turns out letting Churchill plan an invasion of Turkey...not so great.
Aenir798: The emus
Aarek: the emu war?
PotatoWraiths: the emus
RockPusher: cause we were generally deployed together
GazzyInferno: emus
Metric_Furlong: the emu war
TXC2: the emus
Splash4Mirrodin: Emus
Strebenherz: Emu war
firehawkzoa subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
firehawkzoa: Two years!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, firehawkzoa! (Today's storm count: 27)
johnalogue: Everyone in chat instantly replied
Strebenherz: Don't f*ck with emus
asthanius: how does ANZAC Day figure into the Aussie-Kiwi rivalry?
Cptasparagus: it will be awkward if they ever fight each other and have to commemorate both sides on the same day
kilnfiendpotter: Emu War?!
DigitalSeahorse: emu are strong
Wangor: Meanwhile, has anything happened in this game yet?
iris_of_ether: Emus give no ducks
RebekahWSD: Having seen an emu in person at a zoo recently, they are big boys
manfred909: that was only a war because of media. it wasn't a war
TehAmelie: maybe Scandinavia should have an armistice day instead of everyone just celebrating the anniversary of their freedom from Swedish rule
richard_ermen: To be fair Alex, have you tried fighting Emus? They're monsters!
Gizmoloid: the pig war?
Tom_Bruise: if only the emus had an organised military, then it'd actually be funny
Drasvin: From my understanding(as an american) ANZAC biscuits are based on the rations the ANZAC troops ate during WW1
MehallD: Glasgow just had ice cream wars
geail: the US has the sheep & cattle war
Tom_Bruise: *a* pig?
malsareus: it was a good pig bront
TacitusVigil: I mean, there's always the War of Jenkin's Ear.
raulghoulia: THE pig war
Splash4Mirrodin: Oversimplified covered both xD
KV1NN4: Piggy of Canada, did it launch a thousand breakfasts?
SquareDotCube: Alberta's stats against rats however
Fanklok: Emus are the reason Austrailia will be unscathed in any form of zombie apocalypse
ryancurtis2001: There was a war that was fought over a severed ear.
geail: The sheep side lost which is why we eat so much beef
TheMerricat: "The Pig War was a confrontation in 1859 between the United States and the United Kingdom over the British–U.S. border in the San Juan Islands, between Vancouver Island (present-day Canada) and the Washington Territory (present-day State of Washington). The Pig War, so called because it was triggered by the shooting of a pig, is also called the Pig Episode, the Pig and Potato War, the San Juan Boundary Dispute, and the Northwestern Boundary Dispute. "
TXC2: was it a good pig?
JadedCynic: Canadian soldiers? Oh you mean "why we had to make the Geneva Conventions"?
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: we had the war of Jenkin's ear
RockPusher: There is a wikipedia list of a-typical wars
nathaniel_616: @Drasvin Yes exactly
kilnfiendpotter: I think we're just walking around this dark forest. That's the game.
RockPusher: it is silly
A_Dub888: MVP (Most Valuble Pig)
kilnfiendpotter: It is scary.
asthanius: imagine if you’re going backwards
malsareus: @TXC2 good enough for a war
tidehollowcat: I mean, Canada is also currently losing a war to ‘Canadian Super Pigs’
Shadowsoflife: @geail When?
TacitusVigil: Do we have any equipment?
TXC2: malsareus touché
MenomeAlice: @txc2 It was the BEST pig 😭
DigitalSeahorse: flashlight doesn't go far
ArcadeEngineer: today we play 'find the game in the game'
johnalogue: False advertising: Trailer claimed game contained happeni-OH
DigitalSeahorse: eeeeee
tabbyphobos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
tabbyphobos: See y'all in the VOD!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tabbyphobos! (Today's storm count: 28)
wench_tacular: loud boys
CataclysmicReverb: Still more alone and in the dark than the game named thusly
Luminaire_p: spombies
Master_Gunner: @JadedCynic You mean the checklist used by the Canadian Airborne Regiment?
irenrose: The plan is to make the player walk far enough to run out the refund window
RebekahWSD: Ah, monsters, with all the subtlety of a brick
Simriel: Spiderzombie? Do they come out of the spider faucet?
malsareus: oh there's a health bar?
TehAmelie: learning to make a map that's just big enough to pace your game takes experience eh
OldUncleDan: Spider Zombie? I think I saw that episode of "What If..."
A_Dub888: Toast? I thought we were George
crazycommie87: Doom 2016 called, they want their skeleton men back
Tom_Bruise: "Oh, well, okay then..."
Boon_33: pathfinding is hard
Mangledpixel: they don't have spacebars
MAPBoardgames: nice looking models
johnalogue: They do whatever spider zombies do
epsilon_vee: oh its the profound sense of deja vu lantern
kilnfiendpotter: Oh that's very IRis Van Herpen
Fanklok: Are those fucking necromorphs?
TXC2: man dr Ock went WAAAAY down hill after leaving Peter's body :p
Songar87: sergePun
bjergmann101: That still scared me
DoodlestheGreat: Welp, that took place.
Metric_Furlong: that was gameplay™
geail: @Shadowsoflife spread between the 1870s & 1920s
Tom_Bruise: well, can't blame the game for making something happen when we were wanting for something to happen
DoodlestheGreat: It's truck-kun in it's natural habitat.
DaxStrife: Just slap some putty on it.
RebekahWSD: Pacific Drive was fun to watch!
A_Dub888: @txc2 so much for being superior
Astra7525: You bonk the toolkit against the broken thing at it fixes itself
TXC2: okie dokie
raxes8: How did they get mud *in* the engine?
DigitalSeahorse: there's no parts to fix this rig!
PandasAndPancakes: Suddenly Jalopy
Shadowsoflife: @geail interesting
wench_tacular: jlrrNo
DigitalSeahorse: xD
TXC2: A_Dub888 indeed
LordZarano: That was. ... end of sentence
TehAmelie: if this morphs into something like Spooky's House of Jumpscares now. . .
ValTheDrake: behold, the two monster assets I bought!
Drasvin: Other vehicles are a source of parts
DigitalSeahorse: with metal
Mangledpixel: tink tink tink
ryancurtis2001: Oh, please explode.
Tom_Bruise: yeah, that'll make it not explode
Boon_33: i reccomend fire
PotatoWraiths: OH NO
CouldntPickAUsername: I saw this episode of king of the hill
Songar87: tink tink tink
wench_tacular: how many arms do you have?????
Metric_Furlong: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
DigitalSeahorse: lol
Tom_Bruise: that, or you've got four arms
richard_ermen: Oh nice, we have four arms
iris_of_ether: foxmarDANGER foxmarDANGER foxmarDANGER
Gizmoloid: LUL
TacitusVigil: Axe *IS* key
Strebenherz: And we've already broken physics
Shadowsoflife: Interesting
Alpha_Embereck: What this?
johnalogue: It would be rude to break the door!
malsareus: I was about to ask about how we're holding our light but that explains it
SocraticMethod: No, you are the real monster. And then alex was a zombie
MAPBoardgames: look right and down while swinging
malsareus: we're also a spider person it seems
TehAmelie: isn't that a firefighter axe by the way
MAPBoardgames: you have 3 arms
Drasvin: Wood clad steel door?
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp PrideLaugh
Tom_Bruise: those were your auxiliary balancing arms
OldUncleDan: I've seen some pipe wrenches that are much bigger.
TacitusVigil: So, I get that it's a game, but why wouldn't we just hole up here until morning?
iSmartMan1: That's the second biggest wrench I've ever seen
raxes8: Is this just the Phantasmaphobia cabin?
TXC2: they hand the camera to the performa
JoannaTastic: Gives a very different meaning to Hardcore Henry
johnalogue: I guess you can't just use a GoPro
SymphonicLolita: lrrGARBO
PotatoWraiths: OBJECTS
PotatoWraiths: jam em in
OldUncleDan: Wrenches for large Steam Pipes, specifically.
SymphonicLolita: cause european?
JadedCynic: That's a thing
Pteraspidomorphi: They do that in some countries
malsareus: so it's a college dorm
jessicaengle: All the plumbing in one room
Boon_33: think of the efficency
A_Dub888: Toilaundry room
ArcOfTheConclave: where's the drier?
Juliamon: All the water pipes go there
TheMerricat: clean when you clean!
Garfy400 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
DigitalSeahorse: basements often have that
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Garfy400! (Today's storm count: 29)
Tom_Bruise: It's the "Washroom" for all Washing purposes
kilnfiendpotter: They went shopping at the nearest Korean mart?
DaxStrife: Because studio apartment home?
MAPBoardgames: the only place they have the water
DoodlestheGreat: Keeps the plumbing in one room?
SocraticMethod: Not all of us can afford separate rooms, alex :<
irenrose: That's pretty standard for cabins up here
The_Voices: live fast
Dr_fragenstien: saves on piping the plumbing all over the house
GreatWahooney: not everyone can afford a separate laundry room, Alex
the_tutorial_boss: its not the WORST bathroom i've seen
SalmirAeon: send all that gray water the same way
EvilBadman: @johnalogue Nah I think a GoPro probably advanced that genre
jessicaengle: All the plumbing AND electrical in one room, for efficiency
TXC2: look, people will get what they can in this economy
onetrueseth: Tankless hot water?
Omthebox: What if you need toast while you're taking a dump? How else you going to do that
Wangor: It's all pipes, what;s the difference?
ButButTheJesus: dafuq?
ryancurtis2001: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: don't put your fuse box where steam can get to it
Blip2004: I've lived in a houses that had the laundry in the downstairs bathroom
manfred909: isn't that a water heater?
Kazman20a: instant on hot water heater?
RockPusher: gabyLul
Drasvin: I've seen houses with a combo room like that before.
MAPBoardgames: what Dafaq?
Gizmoloid: honestly? I've seen worse irl with my own eyes
Coloneljesus: I want thefunkman
PandasAndPancakes: Bath soap, laundry soap, basically the same
MikoKisai: The washing machine seems to have power
TehAmelie: looks like they were having a party with all the brightly colored objects in the house for entertainment
SymphonicLolita: good flush foley
kilnfiendpotter: I love how you're gently holding this axe, like it's the most sacred sceptre
DigitalSeahorse: that shampoo must give you lift
Tiber727: I've definitely seen washers/dryers in bathrooms.
KidAmn: that's a Silent Hill shitter if I ever saw one
crazycommie87: Watching this is making my girlfriend want to play House Flipper now XD
the_tutorial_boss: Ghost Face AntKilla
JadedCynic: if you give the player a fireman's axe, and want them to accept that they HAVE to get a key, you'd better make the doors, door locks and door frames out of reinforced steel
Tom_Bruise: I'm halfway expecting the Expurgated Version of Olsen's Standard Book of British Birds
MAPBoardgames: Is that the swimsuit edition of Macbeth Illustrated?
TXC2: these are from a pack right?
incredulouspasserby: I don't know if it's this game's dev that made these bottles & branding but whoever it was, props
Fanklok: Yeah the MacBeth manga is way better than the anime
jessicaengle: That was the Goat Face Killa
Hangedman: this person's got a hell of a shampoo budget
elkae: was there a use button when you hovered over the bathroom cabinet?
Boon_33: ant killa, it's got selenium
DigitalSeahorse: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
SymphonicLolita: aaaaa :V
irenrose: I would'nt put cleaning agents right next to my soap
raxes8: Whoever lived here has problem
DigitalSeahorse: wired
DaxStrife: She went to the rum tunnels?
johnalogue: she had a lot of coffee
SocraticMethod: that wife aint right
PotatoWraiths: this voice xD
TXC2: to be fair, weird is hard to spell
JadedCynic: P R O O F R E A D I N G *jazz hands*
crazycommie87: Weird ain't it?
the_tutorial_boss: so who's George then?
Tom_Bruise: I'm sure Jim's doing *just* fine
Pteraspidomorphi: That's just how Jim the character spells
ztghostie: "please hurry. also the note I wrote telling you to please hurry is going to be left on the coffee table.
bjergmann101: Was that an accent?
DigitalSeahorse: I before E except after C or when the word is weird
TehAmelie: i was out of high school and playing Final Fantasy 9 when i learned how to spell weird
Splash4Mirrodin: ooo
Songar87: sergeScience
johnalogue: Oooh.
DigitalSeahorse: hehehehhe
CataclysmicReverb: Another fusebox
TXC2: some bottle caps
PixelArtDragon: Slap some yellow paint on it
Grothe406: Crate
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: buy a crate
NightValien28: a set of colored key cards to go with it
DigitalSeahorse: I suggested that, the keys
Dr_fragenstien: do you have that 3d printed generic crate that was in the offi e?
raulghoulia: I want to see the horror movie where the protagonists repeatedly comment on how hokey and out of place all the effects and props are
Hangedman: both old and new keys
Simriel: A red key, a blue key and a yellow key
SquareDotCube: Tactical vest
Fanklok: You should keep it a create
Tom_Bruise: don't forget some colored key cards
Shadowsoflife: @bjergmann101 an accent
LordZarano: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: | Patreon: | Etsy: | Home stream: | Twitter: | More:
SocraticMethod: Bolt cutters tool, those are in vogue
ButButTheJesus: oh, like, a literal red barrel? I was trying to figure out what it would be
Piratical_tendancies: need a crate
TacitusVigil: Needs a pass card
Coloneljesus: are you planning on violating the geneva convention with the medical kit?
Fanklok: Crate
Drasvin: A barrel full of keys
TXC2: AA batterys
malsareus: how about a bobby pin?
raxes8: Something yellow? Just so you know to look at it.
iris_of_ether: I can't wait for Mail Time: Keypocalypse
SquareDotCube: Chainsaw
brieandbacon: I assume Red Barrel is not just a barrel what is red?
MAPBoardgames: Don't forget keycards
Tom_Bruise: I think it was Scandiwegian
TheOtherTrevor: You need keys of various colours
johnalogue: A fake gun that's glued to the top of the barrel you can't actually pick up?
OldUncleDan: Dear Graham... In a previous podcast back in the day, you and Kathleen turned me on to the Japanese Rap Duo I was wondering if either of you have been listening to their new stuff.
geail: sometimes it is easier to add a subsidiary junction box than completely redo your box
bjergmann101: For a second I thought it was eastern european
Coloneljesus: @brieandbacon I assume that's exactly what it is
Knitting_Goblin: Remember that game where there were like, a zillion keys in a room and you had to find the right one?
Strebenherz: What about 293 keys Alex?
irenrose: The tshirt closet of the Technical Difficulties
DigitalSeahorse: xD
SpacePotato01: detcord
DahudLefthanded: Ok but when was the last time you actually saw clothes in a video game closet? That's attention to detail right there
DoodlestheGreat: Heavy-duty time.
ANeMzero: 240v grandfather clock
DigitalSeahorse: and downstairs
TehAmelie: this is made by someone who "has" been in a house before, but has some vague memories of that time
Boon_33: and here i thought it was weight powered.....
DigitalSeahorse: jim hiding in the bathtub?
SquareDotCube: Not the treblement
WearingCats_CwC: I just wire my grandfather like that. It's the only thing keeping him going these days
Fanklok: Well what's left of Jim
MAPBoardgames: This is the same asset pack Phasmophobia uses
DigitalSeahorse: or in the washer
Mangledpixel: Alex, you could use a piece of transparent perspex to give the shrine a hovering "[E] Pick Up" prompt
JadedCynic: oh JIM - what a scamp he is! :D
Drasvin: Three-phase grandfather clock sounds excessively silly
Gizmoloid: Alex, ask people with old houses for their old keys. Loads of people consider them trash but just keep them for ages
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
Rexsplosion: Reading notes does often unlock doors, it's why ypi
DigitalSeahorse: beets
TXC2: hello Lysander_salamander welcome
Tom_Bruise: it's decorative garlic
SymphonicLolita: so reflective
DigitalSeahorse: pickles
Splash4Mirrodin: Gar-sleek?
Juliamon: that is some plastic garlic
Gizmoloid: wow waxed garlic
Anaerin: You mean you don't polish your garlic, Alex?
Anubis169: The same cicadas again and again
Robot_Bones: shiny happy garlic
RockPusher: Do… do you not polish your garlic?
TehAmelie: it's preserved garlic. preserved in lucite
MAPBoardgames: I think the garlic is ceramic decoration
Boon_33: the hands...
CouldntPickAUsername: the new yours
DigitalSeahorse: ehhehehhehehheh
ryancurtis2001: The cicadas are supposed to go ham IRL this year too.
Violet__Violence: wowwww
PotatoWraiths: HANDS
wench_tacular: more hands than expected
Tom_Bruise: Why are the arms going like that?!
Gizmoloid: LUL
SymphonicLolita: that's too many hands
raulghoulia: superman, away!
EikoandMog: I just got here. Oh, this is some GOOD trash.
Furrbahl: extra hand?
TXC2: is that extra a mirror image ?
DahudLefthanded: The player is also a spider guy?
Songar87: Normal hands, normal life!
the_tutorial_boss: getting handsy now
Pteraspidomorphi: Typical AI generate content
JadedCynic: YES
johnalogue: got a floating M4 sticking out of my head
SocraticMethod: Battlefield hardline
ZuNy77: alex please control your 3rd arm a little
Astra7525: It was Battlefield Hardline
Gizmoloid: In battlefield
DigitalSeahorse: give them arms for their arms digita435Octo digita435Octo digita435Octo
ButButTheJesus: The Darkness 3: Its All Gone Wrong
Astra7525: and it has multiple funny reloads
betweenmyself: RE8 had some weird weapon changing shenanigans
SidewinderSky subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SidewinderSky! (Today's storm count: 30)
Songar87: The diorama-in-a-gun for COD is a doozy!
WearingCats_CwC: Y'know. Fridge bread
LordShadner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months, currently on a 24 month streak!
LordShadner: so we're playing Goro?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordShadner! (Today's storm count: 31)
ryancurtis2001: Are those plums?
GazzyInferno: squapes!
Tom_Bruise: Are we sure those aren't pickled eggs?
GDwarble: Ah, the squapes
TXC2: the T-1000 does a 3 handed reload at one point
NightValien28: they pickling the ffxiv grapes!!!
DigitalSeahorse: General
incredulouspasserby: They're Nsberries!
Strebenherz: The best grapes
TacitusVigil: Wait...but where is cat?
iSmartMan1: Oh yeah, one of the hyper reloads
johnalogue: BUNNY canned food
Gizmoloid: pickled eggs?
PhilanthropyLich: Love me some polygonal grapes
DigitalSeahorse: Pears
margieargie: I should go visit the Old Kentucky General distillery sometime
BigDaddyBland87: So is Kentucky General better or worse than Kentucky Tavern?
Lysander_salamander: Would be cool if your character actually had like, six arms and nobody really said much about it.
TXC2: Bill Mar the science bar ?
CataclysmicReverb: Sol del Melodia... Sun of Depression?
ztghostie: wood in a box
KV1NN4: pocket bran...?
kalira77: reminds me of Scorn, where you had a backpack friend
Songar87: This is an amazing product simulator.
TacitusVigil: Wait, with no frosting?!
L0rdX33n: hello human friends
SymphonicLolita: you monster
rasterscan: No sugary frosting?!
Lysander_salamander: congrats!
cmdrud87: How much honey did you add?
the_tutorial_boss: am alex ok?
JadedCynic: you're a BIG boy now! :D
SocraticMethod: BF Hardline easter egg reloads
Dr_fragenstien: wheat is a tasty flavor
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Had to happen eventually
TacitusVigil: dear god
DoodlestheGreat: Uh oh. That means I was grown up at 10...
NimrodXIV: Condolences
Astra7525: Not gonna open the fridge?
VanAvant: The fuq
OldUncleDan: @LoadingReadyRun Dear Graham... In a previous podcast back in the day, you and Kathleen turned me on to the Japanese Rap Duo I was wondering if either of you have been listening to their new stuff.
malsareus: well it had to happen someday Alex
EikoandMog: Yeah, that shocked me a bit.
Coloneljesus: @the_tutorial_boss no, he's 42
GazzyInferno: of course alex is okay, he's regular
MrQBear: Ooh, can we trade the axe in fro the wrench?
DigitalSeahorse: 40s is the new 30s
Strebenherz: I would have guessed mid to late thirties at most?
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: :O :O
TehAmelie: it shocked my stream so bad it froze
ANeMzero: congrats on being the ultimate question?
A_Dub888: @txc2 Science Rules on each wrapper
brieandbacon: Eating bran flakes cos you wanna be shittin regular
jessicaengle: I eat oats uncooked like cereal, I actually love it.
Fanklok: Yay Alex, you now have 24 years of back taxes
Alness49: I still feel like I need to add dried fruits to the bran flakes
accountmadeforants: And this is probably the video Graham saw:
VanAvant: Who's your portrait dealer?
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: yeah that shocked me a bit
ztghostie: Listen, you may not appreciate it going down, but you sure will appreciate it coming out.
Boon_33: Alex has hit 3rd puberty, now the butt hair really grows in.
johnalogue: I was becoming aware of Alex's age but I have yet to comprehend it
Aenir798: can we read the letter again?
EikoandMog: I'm gonna be honest, I've always freaking loved raisin bran.
TXC2: A_Dub888 like a penguin bar
Lysander_salamander: a key to get access to a place that needs a different key. Nice
JadedCynic: my wife's 53 and she still has to have chocolate milk with her shredded wheat - to each your own :)
johnalogue: Also corn-based cereal is trash oats forever
jessicaengle: @EikoandMog Same
RockPusher: I mean, I too am in my early 40s and appreciated dietary fibre more than I used to…
DigitalSeahorse: boots
iris_of_ether: The only thing that shocks me is that you're not *that* much older than me haha
Dr_fragenstien: it'
DigitalSeahorse: das boots
Lysander_salamander: your character is pretty tall
Dr_fragenstien: it's the floor poking through
ButButTheJesus: @JadedCynic hm, perhaps I should try this
DigitalSeahorse: xD
iSmartMan1: @johnalogue What about Crispix? They're part corn
incredulouspasserby: god that gives me a weird amount of body horror for such a dumb funny mistake
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed SUCC
brieandbacon: It's a wooden door
dougma: but... we have an axe!!!!
betweenmyself: true grownups opt for the non-shredded wheat cereals riffYeti
Fanklok: Could always read the note again
brieandbacon: We have a universal key for wooden doors
Anaerin: Wooden door is locked. If only we had some kind of wooden chopping device...
DigitalSeahorse: we HAVE a key, an AXE!
JadedCynic: so the flagon with the dragon is has the potion that is pure?
MrQBear: can you read the note again?
Wolfstrike_NL: Hey G and Alex, since it's complete now, and I think this is the first time after airing were you're both here, that was an amazing season of Qwerpline <3
Boon_33: stickykeys?
The_Kraken19: 22 Jump Street
ztghostie: you could also Shining your way in with the axe
The_Kraken19: Channing Tatum's character
TacitusVigil: Not the Cheat
DahudLefthanded: Did someone get an email?
Songar87: @ztghostie "Heeeere's Jeffy!"
johnalogue: it's fantastic
johnalogue: @iSmartMan1 down with corn
Astra7525: I think there was another room adjacent to the kitchen
aerohydra: i was so happy for joy
DigitalSeahorse: oh I still need to get to the latter eps of that
raxes8: It's real good
Lysander_salamander: I've been trying to ration it out
EikoandMog: I loved the throughline of Dick Thurpston's reign of terror.
iSmartMan1: Maybe Jim is hiding from the stranger who keeps talking to himself and wildly swinging an axe
TXC2: the through line of Turpstone and the protest was chef kiss go
JadedCynic: oh yes, thank you SO much for that!
TXC2: *good
crazycommie87: Qwerpline was pure gold this season. Seriously, well done!
Hangedman: your foley work continues to improve a lot
irenrose: It's so very good
incredulouspasserby: It was amazingly well done, I loved every second.
InsaneVioletMage: Love Qwerpline
L0rdX33n: the coup and me howling with laughter
TheMerricat: @LoadingReadyRun I have a walkthrough open and know kinda where the key is if you decide you want to skip the easter egg hunt.
TacitusVigil: I'm just amazed that you predicted the movie Civil War years ago, apparently. :P
NathanLonghair: poor Alex the alderman
ExtraWubs: I appreciated the coup
Marvoleath subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months!
Marvoleath: wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Marvoleath! (Today's storm count: 32)
SmithKurosaki: I hope you leave more bloopers in next season
Gizmoloid: I very much enjoyed Qwerpline and it just kept getting better
JadedCynic: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
iSmartMan1: REALLY good season. Hopefully we'll see the adventures of mayor Hinkly at some point
johnalogue: Derek has been duckled!
SocraticMethod: I love the steam discussion of this game. First topic: "Will the sequel be called Derek?
margieargie: I was just happy to wish I could join the Topiary Club <_<
Lysander_salamander: it's great
iris_of_ether: Just a ripped young man
WearingCats_CwC: Who is everyones' favourite character to play?
Mangledpixel: disturbingly ripped
protojman: is this the phasmophobia house backwards
ExtraWubs: next we need more panalyists back kinesoIPeek
TacitusVigil: He's a very strong little boy.
Foxmar320: Thats a strong door
Fanklok: Don't forget Derek's inhuman rizz
johnalogue: Derek's canonical physique is very strange. I hear he got that strong because he "drank a lot of water"
A_Dub888: Derek’s a T H I C C boy
TXC2: In my head, Derick did while dead eyed staying at Dick
RealDarkAdamo: Best summer intern Ever!
Boon_33: it's keys all the way down
OldUncleDan: My favorite episode is till "Weed in the Rum Tunnels." Alex as Bertha Burpwinter is easily my favorite one-off characters in the series.
TehAmelie: so, we can call this game Phasmophiliaa?
MrQBear: he also eats a lot of N'sberries.
PixelArtDragon: If I had a locked basement, where would I keep the key?
JadedCynic: the key to the basement is probably in the shed :p
TXC2: "no, you WILL answer my hard hitting questions"
ValTheDrake: if only we had some implement designed to chop through wood...
Wolfstrike_NL: Derek does have the power of 2 people
MAPBoardgames: We need a key to unlock a key so we can get a key to unlock the shed
Gizmoloid: the note just said "I left the key"... left the key WHERE dude?
Firewhiskers: If "God's Wounds" became shortened to "Zounds!" would "God's Bones" be shortened to "Zones"?
NathanLonghair: my FAVOURITE ep is still the one where Dereks voice drops and everyone swoons
Lysander_salamander: from the sound of those doors, they're fake wood, possibly made of stone?
TehAmelie: or the BONE ZONE
iSmartMan1: Derek canonically does crossfit
Juliamon: Graham, TheMerricat has a walkthrough handy if you need it
Wangor: Have they revealed who George is yet?
johnalogue: @OldUncleDan One-off appearing, but she was foreshadowed for a long time!
jessicaengle: Can we just "hack" the floor with our axe, metaphorically or literally?
margieargie: Did you check under the welcome mat? :p
DigitalSeahorse: ideally it would be near the note
Foxmar320: Our extra hands are not helping
RockPusher: What do your four arms see
OldUncleDan: I was still expecting that Summer Intern Derek was going to somehow become Mayor.
Lysander_salamander: I used to have a coffee mill like that.
johnalogue: Because coffee is what makes life worth living
rasterscan: So, the next logical step of horror games from every door needs a key is to start making all the items need keys, right?
SocraticMethod: a conversational piece
TacitusVigil: Oooh, now I understand, the game creator misunderstood having "forearms" Kappa
baskwalla: Serge’s living room?
Fanklok: It's called Feng shui honey
crazycommie87: The extra arms is the closest thing to a jumpscare in this game, and I am okay with it XD
SocraticMethod: Those old coffee mills are about useless
A_Dub888: @olduncledan it’s because he had a ghost inside him
SocraticMethod: so they might be as well decor
JadedCynic: "oh! that's one of those old musicboxes, right? I'll put it in the living room"
DoodlestheGreat: "What is this engine hoist doing in the bathroom?"
TehAmelie: i maintain this was made by someone who HAS been in a house but only vaguely remembers what was in there
PixelArtDragon: Wait. Does that fireplace lead to a chimney?
DigitalSeahorse: no wood IN the fireplace
Amentur: Reminds me of Unpacking and players having problems identifying the gamecube
JadedCynic: @DoodlestheGreat it's the easiest room to clean up oil spills
Dr_fragenstien: do we still have the w+p bingo? has it been updated recently?
Fanklok: Reference is cheating
johnalogue: This house is strange but believeable
NovusUltimus: I like how the left hand keeps disappearing
Aenir798: Video game developer version of telephone
LordZarano: It's like trying to draw a bicycle from memory
TXC2: "ai"
iSmartMan1: To be fair, amateur architecture is really difficult
Firewhiskers: Ah yes, like the developers who don't read but just play other videogame stories
DigitalSeahorse: you can open the basement from there
Lysander_salamander: why do they use the axe-on-concrete sound effect for all surfaces? Laziness?
malfnord: Ah, so this is what Midjourney is doing with all that computing power
DigitalSeahorse: or the seller
DigitalSeahorse: cellar*
NojhLivic: Good afternoon
ANeMzero: It is those "I can't believe men live like this" meme of a guy with like a mattress on the floor and a TV on a crate and that is his home and then those guys decorating a whole room.
TXC2: hello NojhLivic welcome
johnalogue: I gotta say that for me, I don't know where things go in a room. If I build a house from scratch in the Sims 3/4...
MaelstronSolenor: yey for watch and play
PotatoWraiths: grass is now dog
Amentur: "AI" has taken away the shitty photoshop attempts
DigitalSeahorse: yeah
OldUncleDan: Is it weird that I kinda like that uncanny aspect of AI art?
TheMerricat: @LoadingReadyRun I have a walkthrough open and know kinda where the key is if you decide you want to skip the easter egg hunt.
Firewhiskers: Hey. Everyone. "Cellar door." The finest words Tolkien ever found.
Gizmoloid: clothes like to meld into skin
Blip2004: if anything fewer fingers is more of a sign that its a person
KV1NN4: i was on VCL when it was active - i have trouble telling machine generated nonsnsense and amature artist nonsense..... <XD
SquareDotCube: They get the JoJo hat going on
TXC2: best way now is too look at the backgrounds
Alness49: The AI videos that are detached from cause-and-effect are beautifully wierd
MaelstronSolenor subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
MaelstronSolenor: more accessories =P
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaelstronSolenor! (Today's storm count: 33)
Violet__Violence: algorithm generated non-art
Asolya: you're damn right Alex, not art
DigitalSeahorse: blue door is openable I think
Anaerin: There is no Intelligence in AI.
Coloneljesus: AI is whatever the current tech bros want it to be
JadedCynic: oh yes!
Dr_fragenstien: having to say "machine learning algothithm generated images" is too much of a mouthfull
TehAmelie: "that fight has sailed", i'm stealing that
damnitscraig subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 12 month streak!
Mangledpixel: ah yes, this one
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, damnitscraig! (Today's storm count: 34)
SymphonicLolita: yeah saw that post
PotatoWraiths: oh I heard this story
RockPusher: Art director proves prompters can't take direction
Juliamon: oh, I saw this one, yeah
The_Kraken19: Where are those hands coming from?
JadedCynic: the board hired techbros to be 'prompters'
The_Kraken19: Are we Doc Ock?
CataclysmicReverb: Shortening it to MLA doesn't really work though
iSmartMan1: It's generative AI, not adaptive AI
Astra7525: fridge?
PixelArtDragon: Oh right, this- none of the applicants could do the feedback, they even made it worse
DigitalSeahorse: xD
johnalogue: Oh I heard about this possibly
KidAmn: not just worthless, they got *further away* from the brief as they kept prompting
ButterBall000: Yeah, I saw that one
KV1NN4: muahahahhaa
NathanLonghair: @loadingreadyrun I WILL say though, I was just in a Russian non-nuclear submarine this weekend, and every INCH of it seemed like it was designed by AI. For a layman it was BONKERS
JeshuaWithAnE: It always bums me out that we decided to focus on using machine learning to create art, something every human wishes they had more time to do, rather than to take more of the menial tasks out of life, like doing my taxes.
PotatoWraiths: they just kept cranking out variants
Violet__Violence: bahahaha
Violet__Violence: that makes me happy
PixelArtDragon: "I want a shot without these people" "So, add people, got it"
KV1NN4: yeah i thoguht of that the minute they were saying they could do commissions... not.. at all understanding how some clients want something specific and want changes
TacitusVigil: @The_Kraken19 Mister Ock. We don't have a higher degree.
JadedCynic: the PEOPLE that were using the 'art AI tool' were DUMBER and LESS USEFUL than the tool itself :D
Coloneljesus: also like the image gen that REFUSED to make ramen without chopsticks and nerds without glasses
EikoandMog: As someone that has commissioned art, those tiny charges are SO COMMON.
Grothe406: Ah the good china
DigitalSeahorse: a dept store cabin
LordZarano: If you don't know the exact physical construction of a bicycle and try to draw one without reference you'll get it very very hilariously wrong
Juliamon: They do make ceramic reusable "to-go cups"
TXC2: that's what gets with the "art" even a minor change is SO different
Anaerin: They do make ceramic travel cups that look like that.
Gizmoloid: oooooo sick burn!
cmdrud87: also, Alex confirming he is the answer to life, universe and everything else
Fanklok: They do make ceramic coffee cups that look like take it cups
johnalogue: @JeshuaWithAnE Tax-doing software is being pursued by the IRS despite lobbying by Intuit (turbotax)
MAPBoardgames: I had one of those. It is a reuseable cup that looks disposable
Lysander_salamander: fake cabinets
DigitalSeahorse: fake cupboards
Strebenherz: Thank you Alex, that's reassuring.
eric_christian_berg: I mean, it's a grift. Like crypto.
korvys: “The first millionaires of the Gold Rush were not the diggers but those who sold them shovels and picks.”
richard_ermen: Is the Fal'Celf a art of the Fal'Cie?
TehAmelie: and in between they get sued by everyone who's ever held a pencil
Dr_fragenstien: wait did we point out the bottles in the ceiling?
TheMerricat: It didn't.
SocraticMethod: @JeshuaWithAnE Image generation was a toy problem for ML researchers. THey are trying to get symbolic generation to work and words-to-image is one of the easiest symbol transformations to demonstrate
Juliamon: TheMerricat Just tell us where the key is now
DigitalSeahorse: o.O
rasterscan: TheMerricat has the info on where they key is if you want it.
TXC2: "it's all grift?" "always has been"
CranstonSnord subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
Violet__Violence: huh
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CranstonSnord! (Today's storm count: 35)
Boon_33: spooky
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunFoam
Lysander_salamander: billionaires would prefer to spend huge amounts of money instead of admitting they're wrong
EikoandMog: I like it in the same way I like 3d printing. Rapid prototyping.
Songar87: I don't remember which game, but the double hands thing happened before.
TheMerricat: The key is in the dressser drawers upstairs
Foxmar320: Yeah the key could be on the roof
CataclysmicReverb: Okay I'm going to make a shot in the dark and ask if you've checked the entryway rug or above the doorframe
DigitalSeahorse: whomever drank those was hiiiiiiigh
Angnor33: Check ceiling for key.
kilnfiendpotter: There's a whole group of ceramic artists who do Trompe L'oeil stuff. Like it's a balloon! But it's made of porcelain
lirazel64: Testing?
BigDaddyBland87: it's under the floor...calling it now
iSmartMan1: On the other hand, I have seen people who use generated AI images and have the Photoshop skills to make specific simple changes like that
Marvoleath: "it looked good in the editor"
crazycommie87: Testing? Do you know how much testing costs?
JeremyDevoid: testing? thats for people who dont write perfect code
DigitalSeahorse: key!
accountmadeforants: I'm sure they tested one build and then skipped ahead to the next part, I'm sure nothing could have changed the first part
RockPusher: Sure we tested it, the game loaded didn't it
crazycommie87: oh!
PixelArtDragon: That key is *massive*
KV1NN4: that is the most subtle muck of of physicsi've ver seen in one of thes
TXC2: Lysander_salamander subset of the man will do anything but go the therapy :p
Dr_fragenstien: of course they tested it, they tested it themselves! It was easy for them to find the key they placed!
UnknownFriday: Is it sad I've watched enough lock related stuff on YouTube I immediately went "Oh, a Schlage"
crazycommie87: He's dead Jim...
johnalogue: @eric_christian_berg Generative imaging (and to a greater extent LLMs) *do* have uses, whereas crypto is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of human social systems. Also quantum computers are breaking AES
LordShadner: now we can look for the NEXT key!
eric_christian_berg: Swedish Jim! Noooo!
Aarek: one of the big tells I've seen with generative ai pictures is people without logos on their clothes
Redbassist subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
JadedCynic: "I reject your reality, and substitute my own!" - Dante Alighieri
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Redbassist! (Today's storm count: 36)
MAPBoardgames: Dante's Inferno: Self-insert fanfic smear piece.
raxes8: "and all the poets I think are cool love me"
MirandaDragon: delicious malort
sloth6942 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
Hangedman: Post Malort would be a hell of a rapper name
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sloth6942! (Today's storm count: 37)
Fanklok: When I die I want to fall into downward dog
Hangedman: gotta be from CHI go
TacitusVigil: Post Malort sounds like a Post Malone tribute singer
DahudLefthanded: "Post Malort" would be a great drag name
iris_of_ether: Oh do I get to mention "thick malort" again?
Boon_33: garlic = shiny , blood = matte
kilnfiendpotter: We all know Dante would've ended up writing screeds on Reddit
bosku: Who drinks a hangover worthy amount of Malört?!
WearingCats_CwC: I mean, I also wrote a story about how everyone I don't like gets tormented in hell for eternity, but according to my english teacher that's "weird"
ANeMzero: Errant Polygon is my Chris Franklin coverband?
Firewhiskers: AI and crypto are just reasons for NVIDIA to flood the market with substandard GPUs
GreatWahooney: healthy!
DahudLefthanded: YES
GazzyInferno: oooooh
DahudLefthanded: DO IT
PotatoWraiths: EX Hard Mode
Dr_fragenstien: used a key to get a key, there's another one on the bingo sheet!
onetrueseth: The genuine innovations in ML are underlying tech like the transformer itself. Spending gobs of someone else's money training models on other people's work isn't interesting, but does generate a lot of heat.
Firewhiskers: Drag queens can rollerderby!
SocraticMethod: @kilnfiendpotter Disagreed, he's such a theater kid he would have been all over tumblr
Fanklok: What's the difference?
crazycommie87: Wow, Do it!
DoodlestheGreat: Want us to work on that?
malfnord: Porque no los dos?
Lysander_salamander: I think they riff off of each other
ButterBall000: But how big is the overlap?
PotatoWraiths: lfg
kilnfiendpotter: @SocraticMethod You're so right
ExtraWubs: whens roller drag names
JoannaTastic: They pun on somewhat different subjects a lot of the time
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: I feel like there's a significant overlap in those
PixelArtDragon: I wonder whether there are any "both" and how many
ladyjessica: that would definitely be impossible
Hangedman: i feel like drag name vs soundcloud rapper might work
OldUncleDan: Seems like a Venn Circle to me.
eric_christian_berg: @johnalogue Yes, but the current fad is the same sort of pump and dump.
ladyjessica: or “both” for every one.
Dr_fragenstien: that's assuming they know how to scale up assets
kilnfiendpotter: I used to have a game I played called: "Startup or Pokémon"? Which doesn't work as well with this crowd, but is a great game for family parties.
PixelArtDragon: @ladyjessica The troll this-or-that!
iSmartMan1: They would have to be female roller derby names to have the right vibe
Boon_33: no label, mystery meal
DahudLefthanded: This or That: Drag Queen or Drag King
Angnor33: I know I haven't!
MrQBear: But alex, how are we supposed to gate the content for our game?
kilnfiendpotter: Key for key for key? What is this, a Zelda game?
Mangledpixel: well you see, Alex, this is a videogame
Dog_of_Myth: You have to get keys to learn that.
A_Dub888: no one’s keyed in
lightfut: Key: the sequel to key: the keyening
bjergmann101: Keys are the keys to keys
DigitalSeahorse: just stands there
arcanzaJenkins: these games are not made by people who learn things
TehAmelie: in this case we could even see the whole sequence of keys we needed to get before finding the first
PixelArtDragon: @kilnfiendpotter I kinda want to do "neural network library or Pokemon" because there's a library called ONNX
JadedCynic: but what's the alternative?
Fanklok: Everyone in this house is really into yoga
Boon_33: the ole 3 key questline
Songar87: At least they didn't make you go into the inventory to use the key...
Firewhiskers: @DahudLefthanded No because Drag Kings can be Drag Queens sometimes - look up Drew Campbell
erloas: maybe you were supposed to talk to them, rather than ax first, ask questions later
WiJohn: No one has learned anything, the Let's Nope story
johnalogue: @eric_christian_berg Oh yeah, also clear setup for textbook enshittification with all the services that are free/cheap "for now"
Gizmoloid: and not even obfuscated keys - just KEYS!
SquareDotCube: We're totally going to called an axe murderer
bosku: killing things and getting Keys, is this Doom?
Aenir798: but what if I lose my key to the shed?
kilnfiendpotter: The shed is for my keys, Graham.
bjergmann101: It is just helium
Fanklok: Ever forward always unlearning
DigitalSeahorse: that was RAD
johnalogue: The speedrun for that game too
DahudLefthanded: So the other day I realized that "keys unlocking keys" is basically the game loop of metroidvanias
TehAmelie: 370 keys or something
onetrueseth: Without sequential keys, what can you do? Restart two generators in two different basements?
RAICx: 293 keys, if I recall correctly
EikoandMog: I've heard a propane tank go off during a bushfire. Was WAY too spoopy.
offbeatwitch: oh yeah, You Have 293 Keys
Strebenherz: 293 keys. That Garbage+Games was amazing. Also had Tomato way
PotatoWraiths: LFG
Texan_Reverend: Shed...bed...they rhyme anyway.
DigitalSeahorse: woot!
RockPusher: Buggy time
PotatoWraiths: YESSSSS
jessicaengle: Wooooo!
Firewhiskers: DAY TON NAAAAA
NightValien28: LET'S GO
ryancurtis2001: Oh, let's GO!
KV1NN4: nyooom!
Critterbot: Sick!
Hangedman: oh they bought the vehicle asset
ThorSokar: Dune Buggys WHOHOO!!!
TehAmelie: ah yes, such luck that time
johnalogue: I'm surprised that worked
RockPusher: they were surprisingly sturdy
Coloneljesus: broom broom
jessicaengle: jlrrCoolgame
Lysander_salamander: wow, a stolen necoromorph reject
DigitalSeahorse: drag race drag queen car
OldUncleDan: Perfect game 5/7!
Strebenherz: I think we missed the horror of this horror game
Foxmar320: Amazing
Boon_33: car op
PotatoWraiths: get FUCKED lmao
CaptainCoriale: You Have 293 Keys is one of my favorite Watch+Play clips
iSmartMan1: What were those old Flash games with dozens of hidden keys?
Juliamon: Take that, tourists!
kilnfiendpotter: OMG this is GTA horror edition
ryancurtis2001: This is awesome!
crazycommie87: LMAO
DahudLefthanded: Oh those monsters are DENSE
wench_tacular: does our insurance cover this?
DoodlestheGreat: Wow, this Pacific Drive mod suuuuucks.
DigitalSeahorse: splat
lirazel64: Game suddenly awesome.
DigitalSeahorse: splej
alchemistsavant: this changed genres incredibly quickly
crazycommie87: They really are stolen necromorphs
Strebenherz: @CaptainCoriale Alex's slow realization of what he's supposed to do with the keys is amazing in that clip
Lysander_salamander: a bullet riccochet noise for crashing into a monster. Ok
MikoKisai: genuinely surprised they coded vehicle damage on the enemies
kilnfiendpotter: This game is now amazing and I want it
malfnord: Man, this Pacific Drive alpha is weird
CataclysmicReverb: Okay, decent payoff for the key misery
johnalogue: What are these monsters supposed to be again?
Anaerin: Where's the Halo announcer to call out the "Splatter"!
ValTheDrake: so how's this compare to Pacific Drive?
ButterBall000: PubG?
SocraticMethod: On the scale to Halo Warthog to ME Mako, how bad is it?
JadedCynic: @kilnfiendpotter let me tell you about a fine old travesty of "Carmageddon"...
bosku: What was the Zoo Race phrase?
onetrueseth: How does this compare to the M35 Mako?
ryancurtis2001: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! socpens2FAST
DigitalSeahorse: controls in night mode on mobile for Panic Room are horrible
Diabore: i still remember "walk forward is z!" "WHAT"
Firewhiskers: I always wanted to make a game called "Lemon" about driving shitty cars
johnalogue: Did they patch the ending?
DigitalSeahorse: oof
NullColaShip: It's looks like we're walking very fast with a car stuck to our face
Coloneljesus: that's just french @Diabore
Juliamon: This is definitely how it feels to drive in the boonies at night though
brieandbacon: Get some! Get some!
Boon_33: really puts the doom in doombuggy :)
Fanklok: But why is this forest full of necromorphs
rasterscan: If only they could patch out the horrendous crunch they put people through.
TXC2: Diabore good old AZRTY key bindings
Amentur: They did indeed change the driving physics
Astra7525: Did that zombie have tinier skulls inside his eyesockets?
UnknownFriday: I don't know why, but I'm getting real HL2 fanboat vibes from this.
EikoandMog: @Diabore That was because of Azerty, wasn't it?
JadedCynic: "What are you doing still alive?" *hits again*
Strebenherz: Very durable dune buggy
EikoandMog: @UnknownFriday I'm so glad it wasn't just me.
SquareDotCube: Still funny to launch Niko through a windshield or motorcycle at top speed
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon how many spider zombies have you run over
ztghostie: DOSH!
kilnfiendpotter: Playing the Rainbow Road theme over this would be epic
Juliamon: ButButTheJesus I don't have to answer that
rasterscan: What could they add to KF3 to really add to it?
johnalogue: @Firewhiskers Ooh. You definitely could, there are a solid few existing examples but also room for more.
Hangedman: KF was one of the best co-op experiences with pubs i'd ever seen
iSmartMan1: Ooh, KF3!
accountmadeforants: Pokeymon and Pokeymane
Mattmitchell45: Who owns Killing Floor?
Hangedman: for KF3 they could add a lack of microtransactions
SocraticMethod: Lets hope it won't get Payday 3 treatment
UnknownFriday: @EikoandMog It's no where near as good as HL2's fanboat levels, but it has that same feel to it.
Aenir798: Valve can't count to 3, Graham.
Strebenherz: Hit and run buggy, I choose you!
DigitalSeahorse: I have Killing Floor and 2
CataclysmicReverb: I knew Hellgate London was getting a revival, but I didn't know it was going to be London California
ztghostie: I played the hell out of KF1, once you get the hang of it and find a role its insanely fun
Juliamon: Remember Back 4 Blood?
TheMerricat: I mean the folk who made L4D left Valve to make Evolve.
iSmartMan1: I just wish I could find people to regularly play KF with
ggodopaste: Is Killing Floor 3 still an NFT thing, or was that not a thing?
FlynnRaccoon: @Hangedman Yeah, that'd be a great improvement
Foxmar320: Like Back 4 Blood?
OldUncleDan: Dear Graham... In a previous podcast back in the day, you and Kathleen turned me on to the Japanese Rap Duo I was wondering if either of you have been listening to their new stuff.
Anaerin: Look, the best we can hope for is "Left 4 Dead 2: Part 2"
alchemistsavant: I honestly loved Back 4 Blood.
MAPBoardgames: Back4Blood was decent
Trymantha: THe annacrusis was decent after it got patched a bunchj
PotatoWraiths: lmafao
aClonedPickle: back 4 blood was eventually good
Wicker_Guide: I just wish Valve would sell its IPs to someone who makes videogames
RebekahWSD: I miss playing the first Left 4 Dead at a LAN center that no longer exists
Dog_of_Myth: Nice Barrel Roll
EvilBadman: Back4Blood made it too complicated with skill cards/builds
elkae: I think you’re heading back to the cabin??
kilnfiendpotter: This describes how I feel about games made by Richard Garfield nowadays
Firewhiskers: Evolve had such a toxic palyer base :(
Blip2004: meanwhile Darktide just got a big new update and is still fun
jonnykefka subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months, currently on a 128 month streak!
jonnykefka: Goodness that's a number.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jonnykefka! (Today's storm count: 38)
ztghostie: Its entirely possible that Valve decided that you couldn't expand on the L4D formula much anymore and frankly, the cloens that have come out since then agree
TXC2: from a guy who was in the room at the time....
SocraticMethod: do the spagatt
Anaerin: A note...
Simriel: From the guy who mows Gabe Newells lawn
Splash4Mirrodin: 8.754 from the French judge
Fanklok: There's a note next to the door frame
rasterscan: There was a note at the door
ZuNy77: was the note on the door not readable?
EvilBadman: @ztghostie Valve is 3 allergic
JadedCynic: "From the people who brought you <famous game>" the dev team are former GameStop clerks
Firewhiskers: lol
EikoandMog: 10/10
Dog_of_Myth: hahah
ryancurtis2001: LUL
TXC2: are 1911's legal in Canada ?
Dr_fragenstien: as opposed to the recreational syringe
PixelArtDragon: Wow!
Astra7525: There was a note on the door
DigitalSeahorse: hehehe
Songar87: What is love?
erloas: I thought Back4Blood was decent, but I didn't play a lot, mostly because I didn't have anyone specific to play with
DigitalSeahorse: Baby don't hurt me
Simriel: Oh yeah get an M1911 for your Video game barrel
ButButTheJesus: ah, took me a second
Lysander_salamander: oh I need to watch that show
Foxmar320: I need to watch the Fallout show
KV1NN4: OH i just got the pun, ahahah yeah that WAS good
Songar87: @DigitalSeahorse Great minds! sergeJustRight
iSmartMan1: @jadedcynic To be fair, all dev teams are former Gamestop employees
epsilon_vee: "yeah we're just gonna run with the video game metaphysics here"
johnalogue: Haaah.
ztghostie: its like bacta star wars, it just works ok
iSmartMan1: Ooh, Fallout!
Lysander_salamander: Future scifi stuff
Wolfstrike_NL: Yea that was neet
NimrodXIV: Handwavium
jessieimproved: vibeo games
Angnor33: Oh yeah. Perfect, no notes.
BITs19_: they're allowed a certain amount of handwavium
RockPusher: The production designers nailed the Fallout world
mwlsn: I loved that
PotatoWraiths: I love how nothing is lampshaded
RebekahWSD: I am also 2 episodes in! I more
Simriel: How do Stimpacks work? Yes
PotatoWraiths: it's great
PixelArtDragon: From what I've heard, it's made by people who really like the world and want the show to feel naturally a part of it
Strebenherz: That's.. a lot better than I expecte
Greyah: I *love* that. I love it when media doesn't feel the need to overexplain every little thing.
Wicker_Guide: Walton Goggins is a national treasure
ANeMzero: L4D2 happened so fast because most of the people at Valve weren't able to work on 1 for logistical reasons so afterwards they just kinda... made a sequel with everyone who wanted to work on 1 able to work on 2.
cmdrud87: sso, no midiclorians, I take it
LostThePirate: I need to watch it, I'm a huge Fallout fan
Dog_of_Myth: Yeah, there has been a good streak of shows coming out right now.
Hangedman: my only issue with the Fallout show is that the absurd gore is a bit weirdly overtuned when translated to real life
Tehbeard: Ah, it'll buff out.
TheMerricat: btw we are on our own now. The video walkthrough I was watching ended once the car section started.
Lysander_salamander: I mean, the world before the nuking was far more advanced than the real world
Redbassist: Wut
iSmartMan1: The Fallout TV show definitely hit the right balance of grittiness and goofiness
DoodlestheGreat: How many arms does this guy have?
SocraticMethod: Try ADS with crouch?
TehAmelie: evolved gun kata
Simriel: @Hangedman I think the Ghoul has the bloody mess perk XD
crazycommie87: I can't even with the extra arms XD
DahudLefthanded: Fallout is so good that I have to wonder where the good came from. It sure as heck wasn't bethesda
EvilBadman: @Hangedman Gotta turn off bloody mess
SymphonicLolita: Uncle Tuck also a good drag name
UnknownFriday: Okay, seriously for a second here, you're beset by enemies/zombies and you're going to take the time to write down specifically your Uncle Tuck's "big balld ass"
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Crapshot idea?
malsareus: can we equip both our axe and our gun?
PotatoWraiths: some fuckin The Darkness quad weilding shit
BigDaddyBland87: That's a Crapshot
johnalogue: @DahudLefthanded Correct! They bought it.
bjergmann101: And that is crapshot
tidehollowcat: Dave's Spokesman teaches gun safety?
DahudLefthanded: @symphoniclolita OOF
RayFK: Was it Biz?
RayFK: Biz Marquee?
kusinohki: meows
DoodlestheGreat: Graham, that sounds like something out of an "Airplane!" sequel.
johnalogue: Wasteland 3 and Atom RPG are good successors to the original
kusinohki: that sounds like a crapshot - bracing a gun with extra hands
JadedCynic: Thank you SO much, Graham...I'd even forgotten, but it was STILL nagging at my subconscious
Sudobyte: @hangedman oh hey, how’s it going?
Songar87: sergeHi Hi Jordan!
TacitusVigil: So I take it our character no longer is trying to be "not lost"
Firewhiskers: Game starts playing "Truckin'"
Simriel: Show is great, big fan
Hangedman: @Sudobyte not too bad, in michigan, as one does
Foxmar320: I need to find time to watch Fallout. Ive heard nothing but good things.
TXC2: DoodlestheGreat they do it in the first naked gun movie, parodying ghost
GreatWahooney: Speaking of stimpacks, I just restarted Fallout 2 and holy heck are those expensive
RebekahWSD: I simply can't do binge drops for 1 hour episodic shows
Wicker_Guide: I feel like both sides of that debate strongly feel about it
Rourke9: yeah ive really enjoyed Shogun being weekly releases
RandomTrivia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 47 month streak!
RandomTrivia: 'tis rare that I get to catch Garbage Day live, what a pleasure
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RandomTrivia! (Today's storm count: 39)
the_tutorial_boss: 1 episode per day for me
ButterBall000: Some shows work better on the week to week
TheMerricat: I'm still amused that the biggest flak the show is getting is from the Fallout New Vegas lore nerds who are pissed that the show moved Shady Sands on the map. :D
Faulpyr: Binge drops really kill the community conversation
Simriel: @Foxmar320 It's making me consider playing Fallout 76]
tidehollowcat: Exhibit A: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 6
Rourke9: yeah absolutely
Mattmitchell45: I only watch TV in fits and spurts, so I like single drops
Foxmar320: Simriel 76 is free with Prime right now
Xafty: i think both ways are valid in their own rights. but i generally dont watch things "new" so it doesnt matter either way
KV1NN4: i like a mix - a hanfdul of episodes at a time or something
SocraticMethod: @TheMerricat Well, and the whole "nuked to the ground" situation
Khalahd: Some shows work for it, others don't. I've been doing 2 eps at a time for Fallout, and social media is a minefield
ztghostie: yep, look at what happened to JoJo's when they switched from weekly to big dump for the episodes. Nobody really talked about Part 6 compared to Part 5
JadedCynic: The Simpsons meme of the teen cuffing a kid in the back of the head, with The Ghoul's face on the teen, and the kid wearing a Spartan Helmet: "See? THAT is how you do a videogame tie-in show."
Bruceski: Both ways have upsides, I think, but we're definitely used to non-bingedrop formats
TXC2: I've been playing Fallout 1, boy that game sure is 25 years old :p
Lysander_salamander: it does make it difficult to have fandoms build up
Simriel: @Foxmar320 I grabbed it yeah, tempted
Firewhiskers: And then you get news articles spoiling the ending in headlines the same day the show came out
shendaras: I don't mind the release 2, then weekly, sort of thing, if they want to have more than one episode out there for folks to start with.
ANeMzero: Binge drops were a novelty and the novelty wore off
MehallD: Amazon seem to do season 1s as a full dump, and then go weekly for season 2s, so there's clearly some marketing decision
iSmartMan1: I just think binge drops are a bad business model since it doesn't give you a reason to stay subscribed
ButterBall000: Not the Limitary!
zerragonoss: Very good overall, but I don't really like the direction they took Vault-Tec but saying anymore is spoilers.
Sarah_Serinde: Neil Gaiman agrees. And apparently even though Sandman was all dropped at once, the numbers showed that people watched it slowly
RebekahWSD: Fallout 76 has Atlantic City in it now, which I really need to go see how fucked up that is
johnalogue: @TheMerricat New Vegas lore was the first complaint I saw yes
TehAmelie: i've been trying to drag out watches so as to not just have the whole story wash over me, and it seems good
rasterscan: Is FO76 actually fun solo these days?
Farwanderer: I'm the opposite way, if something comes out a week at a time I usually wait until it's all out.
OldUncleDan: Still could be Uncle Tuck!
EvilBadman: My annoyance with 76 is I'm deep into the xbox version and can't xfer anything to PC (currently)
Dog_of_Myth: He got the zoomies
RockPusher: Axe fight!
Foxmar320: Oh yeah Graham talk to me later. Rubik linked me a guide to unlocking the frame rate in 76.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: imagine if tv shows were still 25 to a season and we got all of them at once
TacitusVigil: Axe fight!
Critterbot: One of those new non reciprocating 1911's, I see.
kusinohki: what I find weird is when they bulk drop half a season then wait 2-3 months then bulk drop the rest...
lightfut: Need more clipozine
Firewhiskers: He's all tuckered out
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: I used to enjoy binge drops but have come around to weekly episodes because it gives me something to look forward to each week
Metric_Furlong: @Farwanderer same
Hangedman: well you see ammo scarcity is very important to horror and that's why you're hitting a man a hundred times with an axxe
UnknownFriday: He's been autopsied.
Rourke9: mirror match
ryancurtis2001: If you die, how far back do you think it sends you?
Anaerin: Puzzle boss?
Wicker_Guide: Souls it
Astra7525: I don't need hopsital. I AM hopsital now
Firewhiskers: Gotta tuck him into the grave
JadedCynic: @zerragonoss you haven't paid attention to the subtext of EVERY game in the series (except Fallout Tactics)
Fanklok: Ok the note called Uncle Tuck fat and this man is not fat. Beauty standards are fucked.
erloas: I'm sure there is marketing as to if someone is more likely to finish a series if they can watch it all at once vs coming back week after week
TehAmelie: did he start using a different attack the first time you dodged one?
QuixoticScrivener: dude is a walking autopsy scar
ButterBall000: Yeah, I noticed that too
KV1NN4: in the next Season of Qwerpline will Dick escape and try to kidnap Derek for his powerful youthful blood?
Strebenherz: Graham, are you and Alex over the health GUI?
MAPBoardgames: Looks like he's all TUCKerd out.
irenrose: @GreatWahooney Yeah tell me about it. We played a fallout based TTRPG, and two people rolled characters with a tag in medicine because we didn't want to get screwed by the price of medical supplies
johnalogue: A zombie who has normal anatomy but an axe vs. the spider zombies
ztghostie: oh shit, another key?!?!
lightfut: Speaking of clipping, is there any collision detection there? Just walk through the lad?
CataclysmicReverb: "Thank you for playing the early-Axes demo"
Foxmar320: @Simriel It's worth at least checking out for free.
zerragonoss: @JadedCynic evil is fine competent is just wrong.
ztghostie: LUL
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Simriel: Just gotta find some folks to play it with I guess XD
RandomTrivia: WHAT
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Amentur: LUL
ghizmou: spoopy
ryancurtis2001: Bink!
Redbassist: lrrSPOOP
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Firewhiskers: Where my head go
Foxmar320: Thats outstanding
DigitalSeahorse: nice
ztghostie: how does that even happen
Anaerin: Ah, LoD models.
Strebenherz: AMAZING
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
jessicaengle: render sergeCrimes
KV1NN4: aaamazing
niccus: death by LOD
BigDaddyBland87: beautiful
morgoth_bauglyr: the magic of LoDs
littleunknownn: Oh my
Coloneljesus: when LoD kills you
Tehbeard: Level of Decapitation.
baltimore_667083: lrrSPOOPY
Splash4Mirrodin: Look ma, no hands
aitsu100: love the pop in
Hangedman: they set up here to shoot at the mine
Melfina__: 10/10 LOD, no notes
johnalogue: @irenrose American medical expenses, American medical expenses never changes...
PotatoWraiths: LO Deez Nutz
elkae: the extra arms, the extra dudes… amazing
TheMerricat: That's what happens when you inject random drugs into your system chat. :D
ztghostie: Im. Im. Im. Im.
Firewhiskers: Hence
CataclysmicReverb: I've heard of pop-in, but not pop-out
omdorastrix: Thanks... I Just Arrived Here
GreyThey: An optical dissolution
omdorastrix: That note explains EVERYTHING
jessicaengle: And George
Aenir798: we also had Mary
tenthtechpriest: Is this Jojo?
Foxmar320: Where is JERF
Grothe406: His name is my name too
Wicker_Guide: 'murica
Simriel: Are these JoJos
Firewhiskers: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmitt
Dog_of_Myth: J Squad
BITs19_: can't forget George
TheMerricat: And you are George!
Notimagain subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Notimagain! (Today's storm count: 40)
JadedCynic: @RebekahWSD it's got the 'Watoga city of the future' style of architecture, and then just people being gangsters
crazycommie87: But still no George
bjergmann101: J, J, J, J and T
TXC2: we gonna get a J johna Jameason aren't we ?
lightfut: If you were only on lower res he'd still be alive
TacitusVigil: And of course, George
Robot_Bones: Uncle Jtuck
brieandbacon: Uncle Tuck is definitely a drag name
EvilBadman: Sounds like Jeff Jarrett is about to welcome you to HIS WORLD
irenrose: @johnalogue Yarp, New California really has their medical business working
TehAmelie: something improvised explosive detail something
Wicker_Guide: ray penbar
TacitusVigil: Sleeve McDichael
JadedCynic: so where's Jingleheimer Schmitt?
elkae: the lady was named Mary I think?
Firewhiskers: Bobsun Dugget
ryancurtis2001: Yeah!
jessicaengle: lol
ztghostie: I mean, a famous football player's name IS Justin Tuck
Foxmar320: omg that name
omdorastrix: Still better than Crimson Flow
Rourke9: its great
baltimore_667083: Glenallen Mixon
margieargie: Glenallen Mixon
Hangedman: Raul Chamgerlain
ryancurtis2001: Yes!
elkae: it’s so great
Mattmitchell45: Bobson Dugnutt
RockPusher: Meat Foreman
Koios7: succinHead
EvilBadman: Bobson gagnut
3PlayerPolitics: oh boyy
shendaras: art
tidehollowcat: And the ProZD narration of it
Angnor33: Art!
Lysander_salamander: I think I remember that list
DigitalSeahorse: who's named Sleeve?
BigDaddyBland87: Bob Johnson
lightfut: Bobson dugnutt lives!
TheMerricat: "Founded in 2020 by Adam Farrey, Mug Ugly Games is an independent video game developer based in Wisconsin, USA. The main goal of the developer is to bring quality, full length, independent video games to gamers all around the globe."
MrQBear: it's a poppy too. interesting... Choice?
Dog_of_Myth: Oh yeah. This list is amazing
kilnfiendpotter: my partner routinely grabs names from that for his D&D characters
baltimore_667083: Todd Bonzalez
SocraticMethod: It's a metaphor. Poppy for WW1
cmdrud87: isn't it matt truck?
Wicker_Guide: Scandanavia Peperoncino
Simriel: Japanese people attempt to create English names
musclewizzard123 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Rhynerd: Kelvin Drumsolo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, musclewizzard123! (Today's storm count: 41)
ANeMzero: It was Blaseball before Blaseball
ztghostie: Oh! That's a baseball!
Duffadash: Oh! Grim Fandago'd!
TXC2: american BASEBALL player names
Aarek: is this just the MST3k Slab Meatfist joke?
GDwarble: I love that someone worked out how that list was generated, they took an actual team name and changed them to avoid IP issues
OldUncleDan: Hey! I know Mike Truck! He's very driven!
johnalogue: 1600 people missing in the US wildlands?
ztghostie: Mike Truk!
Splash4Mirrodin: Todd Bonzalez
PotatoWraiths: the full list
korvys: Bobson Dugnutt
wench_tacular: totally normal names
ThorSokar: Baseball player names are insane enough, you don't really need to make them up
TehAmelie: we can just take a break to hear ProZD read it out huh
kilnfiendpotter: Tag yourself I'm Willie Dustice
UnknownFriday: Bobson Dugnutt
mwlsn: Mike Truk
ANeMzero: Not Orson, ONson, like a hotspring.
johnalogue: But who's on first?
betweenmyself: “Why is there a flower growing out of those guy’s eye?” Life, uh… Finds a way. pennyWhat
Wicker_Guide: absolutely
kilnfiendpotter: Todd Bonzales?!
malfnord: The ProZD video of him doing the sportscaster voice to that list is pro-click
TacitusVigil: Ivan Chekov
Dog_of_Myth: Tag yourself, I'm Bobson Dugnutt
ztghostie: Dwigt LUL
TXC2: and thing is, these are not that far off from real baseball player names
Marvoleath: Bobson Dugnutt xD
irenrose: Tag yourself, I'm Kevin Nogilny
Strebenherz: MIKE TRUK
EikoandMog: Tag yourself. I'm Scott Dourque.
littleunknownn: This is amazing
Wolfstrike_NL: We're on sub-reads already it sounds :D
Anaerin: Is Alex familiar with Prisencolinensinainciusol ?
ztghostie: Not dwight, dwigt Kappa
Marvoleath: this is AI generated before AI? :D
couchboyj: Dustice for Willie!
tidehollowcat: Mike Truk, not to be confused with Mike Trout
cmdrud87: did you show that sheet to Kathleen?
A_Dub888: Together, we can be Dustice!!
JadedCynic: Wait, didn't Mike Truk play for the Phillies in the 90s? :D
MrQBear: @EikoandMog I always felt a bit Bobson Dugnutt.
Wicker_Guide: In fairness, this isn't that much weirder than the actual credits on a movie with, say, a large vfx team
Furrbahl: not a "Joe" to be found?
mwlsn: @Anaerin everyone *should* be
Blip2004: having had to do a lot of admin on user accounts these aren't even that weird
bjergmann101: Mike Trout is a real baseball player, so not far off
CataclysmicReverb: 10/10 no notes
TacitusVigil: Todd Bonzalez covered one of the outdoor games. Beej used it I think.
Songar87: I found someone on IMDb last night named Mackintosh Muggleton.....
Foxmar320: I think ive seen someof these names in Destiny 2
Coloneljesus: it's perfect
LordZarano: Rortugal. The man.
Sudobyte: I went to college with a Karl dandleton
GazzyInferno: it was the summer games hosts
ButButTheJesus: See your doctor if you dwite your rortgl
BITs19_: it was a summer games, wasn't it?
Asolya: incredible
DigitalSeahorse: last two with a touch of spanish
ANeMzero: there is another screen of names too
QuixoticScrivener: don’t tell Serge, but I always felt like “Serge Jager” was a generic European antagonist.
crazycommie87: One of the LRL sports outings. I think Beej was Todd Bonzales
3PlayerPolitics: Alex is one of today's lucky 1000!! 🥳🎉
baltimore_667083: i think bobson dugnutt pitched a no-hitter for the twins in 87
betweenmyself: Today Bonzalez was the only actual name they could secure the rights to riffYeti
rentar42 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
rentar42: 32 months? How many babies is that?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rentar42! (Today's storm count: 42)
ztghostie: How does one describe Tim Allen
korvys: Those names are also used in the Death Note episode of the The Simpsons
EvilBadman: G, one of the indoor/outdoor games?
johnalogue: @Marvoleath It's only I generated. Not I as in me, I'm not taking credit/blame.
BooperOfHonks: the dev's website says it's a guy from Wisconsin though
Fanklok: *sounds of muffled gorilla violence*
JadedCynic: no, wait - it was Kruk
Rhynerd: @lordzarano rove that band!
betweenmyself: wow, autocorrect is really screwing my shit up today riffThink
TacitusVigil: New zombie, who dis?
BooperOfHonks: I don't think we can blame Russia for this
ztghostie: The first season of Home Improvement is just his stand up bit given form
Wicker_Guide: @BooperOfHonks still about 50% posibility of polish then
SocraticMethod: Left on seen. lrrAWW
Gizmoloid: I can only strive to come up with that grade of nonsense names LUL
MAPBoardgames: I'm so tired of zombies
jessicaengle: C
lightfut: More snorse
jessicaengle: C's get degrees
Firewhiskers: Hey zombies are cool in the Japanese cult film Wild Zero
TehAmelie: they got bit and then they turned into autopsied zombies with skull capes
Songar87: BOING
offbeatwitch: wheeeee
RandomTrivia: Wheeeeeee!
Dog_of_Myth: hahaha
TacitusVigil: So...what is the in-game explanation of why *we* are going into the mine? I thought we were just lost?
WiJohn: That much'=
rentar42: captain ragdol over there!
MikoKisai: that much
Redbassist: Goodbye
Wolfstrike_NL: Radoll perfection
margieargie: Almost as much health as ragdoll
EvilBadman: Speaking of Fallout
ryancurtis2001: Pew!
MAPBoardgames: Stoppin POWAH!
Redbassist: Lmao
elkae: bonesm’n had no bones
bosku: Can our protagnists/PCs start wearing hearing protection?
ThorSokar: games REALLY never think about how LOUD discharging a firearm is when you're inside
Simriel: I prefer the 10mm :P
Foxmar320: Gun's got air time
Anaerin: If he's not familiar, Alex needs to be introduced to Prisencolinensinainciusol - It was a song made by an Italian in the 60's to complain about how all the music sounded American - It's gibberish, but it sounds like English.
KV1NN4: that looks like me waking up from anasthesea yesterday
irenrose: They took some notes from SCORN it seems
sethtriggs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months, currently on a 27 month streak!
sethtriggs: Nice and dark, always encouraging.
DigitalSeahorse: all arms at the ready
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sethtriggs! (Today's storm count: 43)
johnalogue: @TacitusVigil To loot the former survivors for bigger gbuns?
alchemistsavant: Imagine if you could both shoot someone *and* use slappers in Goldeneye.
CAKHost: Hello everyone!
TehAmelie: i feel like we're about to invent the next level of Gun Kata
Boon_33: instructions unclear, stuck in crab battle.
TXC2: hello CAKHost welcome
JadedCynic: it BROKE their phone
ButButTheJesus: hwat
Fanklok: Full military outfit gets rolled by these zombies. Some guy who got lost in the woods, 100% fine kills them all.
Wicker_Guide: seems legic
DigitalSeahorse: bweh
Lysander_salamander: why though?
KV1NN4: oh god why
tenthtechpriest: also it knocked out their camera
EikoandMog: @irenrose Nah, they just found some fun assets.
TacitusVigil: @johnalogue But we left a perfectly good LFG outside!
Simriel: Wait, someone ACTUALLY made the Loudener?
crazycommie87: Why?
ButButTheJesus: why is a loudener
ztghostie: wtf is a loudener
Coloneljesus: laudencer
Omthebox: Clearly it needs to be louder
TXC2: a good muzzle will work as a loudener anyway :p
Aenir798: Sounds like what Graham? I couldn't hear you
kusinohki: remember wolfenstein zombies - normal arms carrying swords then a 3rd arm in the chest holding a pistol
irenrose: @EikoandMog I mean whoever made the assets but yeah
Tiber727: The Canyonero people got into firearms?
bjergmann101: But... Why?
Boon_33: you can use hands 3 and 4 to cover your ears.
GDwarble: That's an amazing name
DigitalSeahorse: uoh
CAKHost: D:
PotatoWraiths: oh this is good
Lysander_salamander: like when they put the opposite of mufflers on cars
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
ryancurtis2001: There's a difference between can you and should you.
ButButTheJesus: why is such a thing
RandomTrivia: Pardon?
TheMerricat: "The Loudener is a heavy-duty muzzle brake that is designed to increase the noise of a gun's muzzle blast. It is available for AK, .308, and 5.56 barrels. According to the company that makes it, Snake Hound Machine, the Loudener produces a muzzle blast that feels like a .50 cal blast."
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: The what?
OldUncleDan: Was his name "Sledgehammer?" And was he a TV cop in the 1980's?
PotatoWraiths: Eargesplitten Loudenboomer
feet2big subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Coloneljesus: of course there is
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, feet2big! (Today's storm count: 44)
sethtriggs: Extra intimidation stopping powarz
johnalogue: Oh right, I forgot that was another reason for electromagnetic accelerator weapons. I need to go to...probably just y'alls discord to ask about that
TXC2: how hot can we load
Simriel: Wildcat rounds, also known as Bubba Loads
JadedCynic: aka "Bubba's Pi$$ing Hot Loads"
Wicker_Guide: wildcat rounds are to bullets as shots of everclear are to drunk people
tod_vom_himmel: how much powder can we cram in this case
ButButTheJesus: yes i do
OldUncleDan: I'm pretty sure the "Loudener" was from the 80's cop show "Sledgehammer!".
rentar42: wait, that guy has too many jaws
Coloneljesus: too much powder, not enough bullet
sethtriggs: Wow I love the blood mist cloud through the character
Wicker_Guide: @SocraticMethod That isn't a bullet. that's an artillery shell
Tiber727: Now I need a "silencer" that makes the gun sound like the Star Spangled Banner.
Boon_33: that's a lotta powder for that size of bulle
PotatoWraiths: HEHEHE
lightfut: Sir! We're trying to talk about the laudenboomer!
sethtriggs: Wowwwww
TXC2: so someone fully reamed out a 30-06?
SocraticMethod: @Wicker_Guide Has a casing? Still a bullet
sethtriggs: It'll be hilarious if that ever misfires
malfnord: Okay that's not a bullet that's a stick of dynamite with a pointy thing stuck to the front
crazycommie87: That is a big cartridge
ztghostie: so its all payload
SkylerRingtail: Tangent: thank you for pulling up the image in-stream for the VOD watchers
johnalogue: By both volume and VOLUME
EikoandMog: that's a MAGNUM case shoving down a .22 LR.
ButButTheJesus: silly
RandomTrivia: This has some small amount of technical detail
EvilBadman: you vs. the bullet she told you not to worry about
TehAmelie: for some reason i remember that experiment where they set off a nuke in a tube with like a 6 ton steel lid on and the lid vanished from the face of the earth
Coloneljesus: it's a cartridge-sized particle accelerator
KV1NN4: (i am experiencing fear)
BITs19_: on second thought let's not fire the eargensplitten laudenboomer. 'Tis a silly cartridge
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: 40million feet per second
ztghostie: the what?
ryancurtis2001: WAT?
MikoKisai: on the what now
Blip2004: yeah, the easiest way to make it louder is increase compression in the barrel or make the projectile go supersonic
Leftotian: That's clearly based on an idea of antitank rifles from WWI. Very similarly silly looking rounds.
Lysander_salamander: oh like when people try to put 50 calibur rounds in flareguns
Coloneljesus: quotable
Wicker_Guide: seems legit
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: What a string of words Alex
KV1NN4: oh boy
DigitalSeahorse: what an honor!
Dr_fragenstien: i wonder if its big enough to unmake the bullet
ButButTheJesus: alex I love you
tenthtechpriest: there is a LOT to unload there
Foxmar320: :D
Dog_of_Myth: That's a sentence Alex just said
NimrodXIV: That was a sentence
SymphonicLolita: That is the sentence of all time
elkae: Alex never change lrrHEART
Bruceski: eyeballing volume is tricky, especially from a 2D shot, but I'd guess twice as much cartridge as a 30-06?
Firewhiskers: Wheeeeeeeeee
sethtriggs: Nice ragdoll!
johnalogue: How could you not be woke with such loud gunshots going off?
Songar87: I also love the tank cannon silencer.
KV1NN4: gross <XD
Strebenherz: WHAT
Foxmar320: Pardon
johnalogue: Damn heavy sleepers.
littleunknownn: pkmnEyes
RandomTrivia: Excuse?!
Sacrenos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sacrenos! (Today's storm count: 45)
ztghostie: are... are we still talking about bullets?
Wicker_Guide: tall tale hero
A_Dub888: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This is a Twitch (or Discord) channel, not the woods.
ANeMzero: Fill the whole thing with powder, as god intended.
Coloneljesus: a "little"
Simriel: I love when "Bubba" makes guns
rentar42: okay ... why do we see our shoulders sometimes? from below ...
sethtriggs: LOL
JadedCynic: where's that video of the shotgun shell handloaded? :D
Splosion: That's just....A gun destroyer
GazzyInferno: that seems like a good way to lose your hand
ztghostie: One of the sentences of all time
Boon_33: didn't a youtube get wounded firing reloaded .50 cal?
GazzyInferno: that is a dril tweet, yeah
Wangor: What I'm getting here is that Revolver Ocelot wasn't too far off the reality of gun nuts.
CataclysmicReverb: so no oxygen to react with?
PixelArtDragon: Let's play: gun or pipe bomb!
ThorSokar: "A little higher than spec" is underselling it DRAMATICALLY more accurate would be "will just BARELY not make your gun explode, maybe"
EikoandMog: Please quote that, mods.
UnknownFriday: Would that even have the oxygen to burn to actually detonate?
Coloneljesus: make that a quote PLEASE
OldUncleDan: I was right! It was from "Sledge Hammer!"
SocraticMethod: @ANeMzero Aperture science style. 60% more powder per powder!
accountmadeforants: "for being woke or something" makes it even more delightfully ambiguous
Redbassist: Good quote
TXC2: Boon_33 yeap, it blew up
sethtriggs: Opa!
Dalrint: Someone did an addquote on that right?
Simriel: Open Bolt Gun, Bubba Loads :P
Wicker_Guide: jlrrFacepalm
ButButTheJesus: it sounds like a regular contributer to Darwin Awards
Songar87: @Boon_33 Was that Kentucky Ballistics?
JadedCynic: you can only buy them if you sign a waiver :D
Coloneljesus: don't breathe this
GazzyInferno: how to turn a gun into a grenade
Astra7525: It's a firearms booster-pack
johnalogue: @ANeMzero Like those empty bags of potato chips! Fill it all the way!
Boon_33: @Songar87 think so
Anaerin: Loaded while watching Nascar? So the round only turns left?
JadedCynic: "banana"
vinewood_og subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vinewood_og! (Today's storm count: 46)
TXC2: Songar87 either him or Brandon Harrea
SocraticMethod: Remids me of that one guy that was firing single shot 50 cal until his rifle disintegrated
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: The cartoons are real???
johnalogue: @UnknownFriday Doesn't gunpowder include oxidizer?
Coloneljesus: how much powder until the gun itself becomes a lethal projectile?
Simriel: I've seen that image in the woeld xD
TehAmelie: just like the cartoons!
betweenmyself: like in the cartoons
Lysander_salamander: Oh, I totally forgot about the Sledgehammer series
Aarek: yeah that thing that happens in cartoons can happen irl
rentar42: but one thing's for sure: something's going to happen ... 'cause that cartridge is live
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: it can...
3PlayerPolitics: dammit G actu spittake LOL
TacitusVigil: Feels like they should be using military time.
UnknownFriday: @johnalogue I don't know, hence why I asked.
SocraticMethod: @johnalogue Gunpowder includes oxidizer, that's why is works
Boon_33: @SocraticMethod yeah, that was reloaded ammo, spicey reoladed ammo.
bjergmann101: That was from Joffrey
EikoandMog: Can't you shoot 50BMG out of a 12 guage (but really shouldn't)?
sethtriggs: Gotta find a key! Maybe to find a key?
Shadowsoflife: LRRHAM
TXC2: EikoandMog kinda
Anaerin: A dozen laquered sandbags.
JadedCynic: "Say again - say again; words twice, words twice"
MrQBear: is there something in that corpse's hand/
lightfut: Just random trombone music there?
Firewhiskers: "Shoot on sight!"
johnalogue: @SocraticMethod Mixing fuel and air to create an explosion is a different thing
TacitusVigil: locks on the crates? This is Roarke's Drift all over again!
sethtriggs: Less sandbags and more frosting bags
TehAmelie: i think we're Groot. except the only words we can say are "Locked! I need to find a key!"
BooperOfHonks: @LoadingReadyRun Their website says they're from Wisconsin though
TheMerricat: I actually looked it up Graham, the developer is an American living in Wisconsin they are not ESL
tod_vom_himmel: helldivers 2 real good
Coloneljesus: I should play it
Boon_33: @EikoandMog you can... once.
rentar42: it's so fun that they added that in what is otherwise a frantic action shooter ...
maxlethebeast: What bugs me about this is why has the military apparently struggled with these monsters, but random bloke with a pistol is just strolling through here.
Dog_of_Myth: hahaha
Firewhiskers: At least we don't have the Trespasser method of counting rounds left in the mag
Foxmar320: Fun
TimIAm: But how does it compare to Time Rameside?
TimIAm: A game with an equal quantity of bugs
EikoandMog: I kinda love that the Helldivers guns are realistically disposable.
sethtriggs: Love when they do the Running Man
raxes8: The Automatons are out of control at the mo'
Simriel: Helldivers teaches good mag discipline XD
MAPBoardgames: The new content drops for Helldivers are great
TimIAm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TimIAm! (Today's storm count: 47)
OldUncleDan: @BooperOfHonks To be fair, Wisconsin is kinda like Eastern Europe.
margieargie: Wisconsin Oblast
KV1NN4: Are they from Wiscounsin and they're aping Eastern block cheap games?
TehAmelie: Wisconsin, Georgia?
ThorSokar: I feel like they MIGHT be fibbing about being in Wisconsin
richard_ermen: Classic Wisc-Austria
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: like that one tiny island nation that something like 80% of all boats are registered in
sethtriggs: I could imagine there's a lot of people with that accent in Wisconsin. considering
ANeMzero: Wiscaustria, not to be mistaken with Wiscaustralia
johnalogue: @TheMerricat American-born English-speakers have no incentive to learn English
Firewhiskers: lol
RockPusher: gabyLul
RandomTrivia: WAT
Foxmar320: LOL
Aenir798: HAHAAHA
CataclysmicReverb: Anyone can find voice clips on the Unity store
Splash4Mirrodin: LOL
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
Dog_of_Myth: hahaha
PotatoWraiths: OH NO
ztghostie: LUL
sethtriggs: Spawn camped death
Dr_fragenstien: well then
GazzyInferno: yeaaaaaah
margieargie: tqsLOL tqsLOL
Songar87: AMAZING
Juliamon: Next!
Gizmoloid: LUL
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
Lysander_salamander: it autosaved on your death?
DigitalSeahorse: lol
wench_tacular: jlrrCool
Dr_fragenstien: ok then!
offbeatwitch: LOL?
Foxmar320: What was that
Drasvin: LUL
elkae: lrrFINE
ExtraWubs: @olduncledan northern wisconsin maybe.
Firewhiskers: Where did he come from where do he go
BooperOfHonks: @OldUncleDan As someone not from US I gotta ask: in what way xD
accountmadeforants: I went and clipped that Facebook page interaction:
arcaneIllumination: what happened?
Wicker_Guide: returned to his usual pathing
CouldntPickAUsername: "you have more health than you did when you died" generally how health work Graham
JadedCynic: @ExtraWubs like what - Thunder Bay? ;)
RandomTrivia: oh no
KV1NN4: woooow
RandomTrivia: lrrHERE
ButButTheJesus: @accountmadeforants thank you
accountmadeforants: Very good
elkae: maybe they’re afraid of non reanimated dead people
Astra7525: If only you could take that SMG from the entrace of the cave
ztghostie: bricked
ryancurtis2001: No.
PotatoWraiths: oh no
sethtriggs: 10/10 no notes
Foxmar320: Yeah
TXC2: wow
rentar42: Wait, so this is deathloop after all
Juliamon: I think it's time to move on.
Drago_Cuven: hello
MAPBoardgames: lrrHERE
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Astra7525: *LMG
OldUncleDan: @BooperOfHonks Sorry... I'm in Minnesota. Neighbor State Rivalry joke.
GazzyInferno: cool game
JadedCynic: o7
elkae: iiiiit’s garbaaaaage lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrGARBO
ryancurtis2001: GG
Strebenherz: New garbage?
offbeatwitch: the truth of the J
TXC2: hello Drago_Cuven welcome
BigDaddyBland87: wonderful
Firewhiskers: Well played
TehAmelie: who knew this game would have needed stagger saving
epsilon_vee: the softlock jumpscare
KV1NN4: lrrWOW
crazycommie87: RIP
TacitusVigil: And then there's George!
WiJohn: Oh no, we missed the sub ocean!
bjergmann101: 10 out 10 game
CataclysmicReverb: His name is my name too?
Fanklok: Oh no, how will we go on
Firewhiskers: Better than the game deserved
SymphonicLolita: jimbothy jombothy
TacitusVigil: That's just a tank
TXC2: like in Deadpool
bosku: Zombie janitor
SymphonicLolita: gross. thank you
KidAmn: did my internet brick or did the stream?
Wicker_Guide: you mean the Plants v Zombies monster?
niccus: they almost had that in plants vs zombies
UnknownFriday: Oh, so a zamboni with a transmission leak.
Splosion: The is always red after the Zomboni comes through.
Splosion: ice*
maestrith: Is there a link to the reddit for the "bubba's" bullet thing, I tried a google search but got a lot of spicy video links.
ExtraWubs: one of the better things to come out of wisconsin
Firewhiskers: Peter Jackson's magnum opus
ameliette: zam-blood-ni
Drago_Cuven: nice to meet you guys @LoadingReadyRun
Lysander_salamander: I think so?
TehAmelie: it held the record for most fake blood in a movie for a lot of years
korvys: Yes
ztghostie: deadpool
sethtriggs: That would be cool
Dog_of_Myth: Yes
Lysander_salamander: James Bond?
korvys: Deadpool, yeah
tod_vom_himmel: deadpool
irenrose: Deadpool
Grothe406: Nearly had one in Deadpool
PixelArtDragon: Deadpool 1
TXC2: Deadpool makes a joke about it
DaxStrife: Deadpool, technically?
Dog_of_Myth: Deadpool
ThorSokar: Deadpool 1
cmdrud87: deadpool
ExtraWubs: plants vs zombies clearly
Wicker_Guide: So, according to the developer notes in Plants vs Zombies, the Zamboni company does not want their brand associated with zombies
bjergmann101: James bond hit a guy
Firewhiskers: There's a zamboni on fire famously on some Seattle tv show
BooperOfHonks: @OldUncleDan oh nw I got that it was a joke but uhhh now I'm going to assume people Wisconsin squat a lot and consume vast amounts of sunflower seeds. No going back xD
bjergmann101: James Bond in For your eyes only
ztghostie: congratulations to him!
Splash4Mirrodin: Nice
DigitalSeahorse: cool
ryancurtis2001: the8bitClappers the8bitClappers
johnalogue: He fixed all the ice!
SymphonicLolita: thanks mr. zamboni
TehAmelie: it's about tme?
gawag_: and that he doesnt know how to skate
cmdrud87: yes, you taked about t in FRWL
OldUncleDan: Dear Graham... In a podcast back in the day, you and Kathleen turned me on to the Japanese Rap Duo and I was wondering if either of you have listened to their newest stuff.
bjergmann101: He hit him, didn't drive over him
TXC2: right chat I'm off
TacitusVigil: Is that the reference Austin Powers is making in that one movie?
geail: It doesn't taste like blood
brieandbacon: Austin Powers uses a similarly slow vehicle in the first film, I think
Boon_33: @TXC2 byeee
SocraticMethod: Red fluid easy to see
JadedCynic: nah, just bumped into a guy and pushed him into the net
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Graham and Alex
niccus: transmission fluid can't help itself
RockPusher: Premium garbage
Firewhiskers: Fantasy Starr Onlyne
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to TXC2! They have given 1466 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TXC2! (Today's storm count: 48)
AniLunchbox: it's not a zamboni in Bond, it's a snow blower on the mountain one of the skier thugs falls into I believe
DoodlestheGreat: There's a Huell Howser video where he visits the company that makes the Zamboni.
sethtriggs: I don't think I've ever bought a 64 cent game.
ztghostie: what a menu
sethtriggs: Oh that font is not a great choice
TXC2: thanks Dog_of_Myth lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: Oh dear
Juliamon: OldUncleDan This may not be the right stream to try asking unrelated questions, just because of the volume of chatter.
malfnord: oh dear
GDwarble: Ow
Fanklok: Uh oh
Foxmar320: oh wat
ryancurtis2001: Ooooh...
Firewhiskers: White Krampus
Violet__Violence: ow
GazzyInferno: BLOOOOM
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: what's the most expensive game you've ever bought for Watch+Play?
ztghostie: does this game come with dark mode?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: is that a warframe
Boon_33: gamma
DoodlestheGreat: Heroes of Agora Hills, CA.
crazycommie87: What even?
sethtriggs: Oh this is quite ugly
Lysander_salamander: way too much bloom
SymphonicLolita: why is he white 255
lightfut: Aieeeeee
EvilBadman: Bond hits someone with a Zamboni in Your Eyes Only, and they slide into a net
DigitalSeahorse: bbye santa
JadedCynic: deadpool was chasing a crawling goon with a zamboni and taunting him - the death happens off-screen, and he wasn't a zombie
OldUncleDan: @BooperOfHonks Accurate, but instead of sunflower seed, it's more Beer and Cheese.
GreatWahooney: big yikes
GazzyInferno: PS3 ass game
TehAmelie: someone looked at Jason Welge's games and thought "I can do this"
Akaiatana: Is there a Jace?
Sudobyte: that was Jace!
RandomTrivia: Everyone has dazzle camouflage apparently
lamina5432: love seeing paragon models
notthepenguins: A gun
Wicker_Guide: Fortnite?
SocraticMethod: default dance ass
AniLunchbox: well that's unique character models lol
sethtriggs: Let the bodies hit the floor!
niccus: oh yeah that's paragon
crazycommie87: It's like if Time Rammeside and a PS1 were sent through a waffle press
Firewhiskers: Someone went on a spending spree at the old asset shop
Fanklok: Why is everyone so shiny
Lysander_salamander: Is this a moba?
UnknownFriday: Crunch, the hockey fighter
rentar42: Are assetpacks a net positive or a net negative for hobby gamer devs? Discuss ...
Greyah: Sorry are his fists mounted on jet engines?
johnalogue: @TehAmelie be fair, I couldn't imagine how one would do that intentionally.
TacitusVigil: Thinos
Dog_of_Myth: Jace?
Firewhiskers: Well what is it
sethtriggs: Cool he can clip his sword through the ground!
Foxmar320: That chin
CataclysmicReverb: Garren...
johnalogue: Can we get a guest appearance by Crimson Flow?
tidehollowcat: A buff Skaven
lightfut: Gruul smash
JadedCynic: Chad McSwordnBoard
RockPusher: nya
OldUncleDan: @Juliamon That's fair. Unfortuantely, with my current work schedule, this is one of the few times, I have a chance to ask. I'll try again later when the opporunity rises.
margieargie: :3
DigitalSeahorse: nya
Fanklok: Yes man with sword that has a shield for use with spear
sethtriggs: The menu might as well have been in Comic Sans
Simriel: How Catgirl fight
Lysander_salamander: the lighting is awful
lamina5432: wow thy're just using the names from paragon
Firewhiskers: Kamadam-nya-cy
DigitalSeahorse: mew
Wicker_Guide: fish-gymnast
accountmadeforants: Wow, a cross-over with the game Ian was playing OpieOP
sethtriggs: WHY the grass though
roseofloki: Hey wait, I recognize these character models! These are recycled assets from Canceled 3D MOBA Paragon!
Lysander_salamander: I've seen these models in other games
alchemistsavant: Oh, these are models and animations from Paragon. I think Epic released them for free so that makes sense.
KV1NN4: fish fella was kind of interesting
EvilBadman: some Donkey Kong ass idle
ztghostie: jesus christ
EikoandMog: All the ladies are waifu.
Wicker_Guide: Spawn
ThorSokar: I think the bloom filter might be turned up just a TOUCH too high
accountmadeforants: War McFrame
AniLunchbox: looked like Sebolba from Phantom Menace but swole
Firewhiskers: Mah gun
TehAmelie: do you see some pattern in the lady body types or is it just me?
RayFK: That's Gunji
JadedCynic: WHAT? I can't hear you over the high-pitched whine of all these overhead lights
Hangedman: discount Warframe
RandomTrivia: Half-t Punk
sethtriggs: Nice rotation!
EvilBadman: they guy from Crysis
ButButTheJesus: Bloom +2000%
Rhynerd: gunji
KV1NN4: the serious ninja waifu
Amentur: coxExcite waifu?!
rentar42: I feel like I half-know half of these characters from some epic game ... there was some 3d dota-like that I vaguely remember playing on there.
Aarek: Genji 76
accountmadeforants: Ah, we're Mortal Kombat now
TehAmelie: Kilena
accountmadeforants: Very slightly different ninjas
lightfut: Stock waifu #512
Wicker_Guide: Geralt Do-Urden
GazzyInferno: seems op
sethtriggs: Is that a default rotation like they're on a Hero Forge plinth?
SocraticMethod: @rentar42 Paragon
Firewhiskers: Voting for Death
Simriel: Why does Death have an AXE?
ztghostie: the last two just don't have animations, must've run out of presets LUL
johnalogue: Cats. Cats are nice.
TacitusVigil: Death probably OP
Juliamon: This is Paragon's legacy
Lysander_salamander: big robot with a robo-codpiece
RandomTrivia: Yeah that seems about right
Boon_33: RIP
mwlsn: @Wicker_Guide LUL
Fanklok: Good they have generic anime sword boy
SkylerRingtail: Hello refund!
Strebenherz: Rip
crazycommie87: Multiplayer only. What brick
accountmadeforants: Dang Graham, I guess you'll have to buy another copy
Earthenone: is it time for audiance participation? :P
ztghostie: you mean this stunning game doesn't have a vibrant online community?!?!
Firewhiskers: Graham - buy another copy and get on another computer
sethtriggs: Aw it's all multi?
Critterbot: Well then...
Lysander_salamander: bummer
RandomTrivia: Welp
ButButTheJesus: huh
EightBitArcher: ah foo
Dr_fragenstien: no local multiplayer either
RandomTrivia: Cool character designs
Astra7525: What a clever way to force at least two sales
DoodlestheGreat: Sometimes it happens.
bjergmann101: Characters all always the thing that are made well
rentar42: @SocraticMethod that's the one!
TehAmelie: you couldn't even host a game with no opponents?
Lysander_salamander: I miss the online Jane Austen mmo
sethtriggs: @SocraticMethod Ohhhhhhhh that explains it
EightBitArcher: so no jet-engine punch bot vs christmas-tron :(
LordShadner: 40K Santa is a choice
SkylerRingtail: Kill Stealing Turbo Goblin
JadedCynic: thyat's a consulting form
Dog_of_Myth: I would like to buy a vowel
betweenmyself: Kill Seven Tall Goats
Boon_33: I would like to buy a vowel
JadedCynic: *firm
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
lightfut: Would you like some vowels with that?
Firewhiskers: Upkilted
wench_tacular: rude
ztghostie: oh we've seen this exact model before
BITs19_: nice buns
raxes8: lewd
Fanklok: TOS
Undersol: Check the grundle
EikoandMog: Grundle view.
GreatWahooney: Knight Souls?
johnalogue: @Simriel 21st century nutrition is a lot better than when the scythe was conceptualized. People are bigger now.
DigitalSeahorse: Knight Souls the Guard
CataclysmicReverb: Knight Wanna Be the Guy?
Gulleko: knight saves the girl?
crazycommie87: Sir, Sir. Your greaves are showing
sethtriggs: Cool kilt
tru_boredom: Knight shift the gatherin?
Aarek: is that John Dark Souls?
ztghostie: Krad Souls The Game
EvilBadman: "What...what do I do with my hands"
RandomTrivia: That is very practical-looking armour
PotatoWraiths: what is that pose
lightfut: Knight Souls the grundle
PotatoWraiths: lmao
BITs19_: knight Shane the Good?
chaostreader: knight souls the gathering.
richard_ermen: The most important thing about realistic armour is ....can you roll in it? If not, it's not realistic.
TSSaloic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months, currently on a 85 month streak!
TSSaloic: Garbo! Garbo! GARBO!
Lysander_salamander: nice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TSSaloic! (Today's storm count: 49)
Simriel: @johnalogue DIscworld Death would have Things to Say
PotatoWraiths: JAMP
Juliamon: GOOD JUMP
irenrose: It's kind of patchwork
Firewhiskers: Tony Hawk
Strebenherz: BOING
lightfut: Yeet!
SymphonicLolita: wheeeee
wench_tacular: 10/10, no notes
ztghostie: Armor clearly weightless
sethtriggs: CRATES
Omthebox: Get this Knight a Skateboard
Critterbot: Jumping like Sora. :D
Fanklok: Knight has uppies
accountmadeforants: I've got high hopes already
CouldntPickAUsername: I'm picturing a knight in armor on a skateboard
SocraticMethod: That's some Tony Hawk Pro Skater Jumps
RandomTrivia: Crates HypeLUL
Astra7525: Titanium armor. Durable, but also light
bosku: I'ld play Spider Knight
KV1NN4: A balloon pretending to be a human knight
EightBitArcher: Knight Bandicoot!
Anaerin: Jumping that high wearing full plate?!
Earthenone: start to crate sub one minute
DigitalSeahorse: 0-crates
TehAmelie: this is how a human being can beat a horse in unarmed combat
Gizmoloid: Crate!
MAPBoardgames: 0 to Crate, very strong
Violet__Violence: start to crate ratio is fucked lol
Greyah: Oh, my old friend. The crate.
Redbassist: lrrSPOOP
Undersol: I can't even jump that high without a ton of heavy armor on
NimrodXIV: Good...good
Simriel: 0 to crate REAL quick in this game
Dog_of_Myth: Armor is holding him back
DanTheMediocre: syr Par of Coeur
Juliamon: I'm glad we couldn't play the last game because we might not have gotten to THIS one
Zatengo: helium filled fur collar, clearly
RandomTrivia: Bahahahahaha
offbeatwitch: THE STANCE
Strebenherz: AMAZING
SymphonicLolita: aaaaand SQUAT
Dog_of_Myth: lrrCrab
CouldntPickAUsername: jump on the single crate and jump over
accountmadeforants: This is incredible
Gizmoloid: is that a crouch tutorial?
lightfut: You see, you're not pushing off the earth, instead you're just pulling your legs further into the AIR
RockPusher: you try crouching in armour
ButButTheJesus: that's a fencing pose
Redbassist: lrrCrab
AniLunchbox: doesn't effect W+P, but the two hour refund policy will no longer count if it's before the game's official launch day
Firewhiskers: Squat walk
tidehollowcat: Are you... a JoJo villain?
Gizmoloid: LUL
Lysander_salamander: I've seen some videos about people doing acrobatics in full armor. But this is a little more than I was expecting.
the_tutorial_boss: on a crab note
elkae: the stretchiest armour
KV1NN4: Five Helium Balloons on a trenchcoat/plattemail
DoodlestheGreat: 🦀
sethtriggs: "Sau hello to my little friend!"
Redbassist: Mentlegen
ztghostie: "sup"
Lysander_salamander: that's great
Rhynerd: you can make this knight do the duck walk!
Scarbble: sup G, Alex, happy garbage day
richard_ermen: I'm ded xD
Dr_fragenstien: the little turn is what makes it
elkae: lrrCrab
brieandbacon: lrrCrab lrrCrab
Pal_Friendpatine: I missed. What are we playing now?
irenrose: THis is real Mentelgen hours
johnalogue: @Simriel I really need to read the rest of that series. After I get my Kobo library off DR-I legit thought Graham was in the game just now
RandomTrivia: lrrCRAB
tidehollowcat: Is this Silver Chariot from JoJo's?
EikoandMog: G, do you need ibuprofen for your back?
DanTheMediocre: dab on them
RandomTrivia: lrrCrab
EvilBadman: How you can tell this night is under 35
elkae: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
Astra7525: ahh... ye olde tea-bagging
Fanklok: This explains why our knight can jump so good
sethtriggs: Colliders are just a suggestion
SocraticMethod: Knight crouching: "ゴゴゴゴ"
RayFK: Good joke G
TacitusVigil: Are just beating up leprosy victims?
RandomTrivia: WHAT
Dog_of_Myth: hahahaha
Juliamon: Pal_Friendpatine KSTG or something like that
accountmadeforants: LUL
Rourke9: armor does seem like it would work pretty well against zombies!
far2muchsarcasm: the flail king
Songar87: So what do the other letter stand for?
ztghostie: This is definitely someone cosplaying as a knight
ryancurtis2001: I love it!!
sethtriggs: Well at least we know it's not a Gilson-like!
Dr_fragenstien: why is a mideval knight fighting zombies in hospital gowns?
RandomTrivia: That sword sure came with a lot of Nouns
Lysander_salamander: was this originally motion controls?
SymphonicLolita: thwap thwap
gawag_: why are the zombies in hospital garb
raulghoulia: GOTY
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
YFiddler: Very good
incredulouspasserby: Everything about this is amazing.
Strebenherz: Dark souls remake is looking good
offbeatwitch: this knight is trained in the sword arts
BITs19_: why are these medieval zombies in hospital gowns!?
theworldsmith1: Oh! This is that "going to the store" video from desert bus!
Simriel: This seems somehow like the Wrongest Way to use a Sword
rentar42: so is this qwop for sword fighting?
BigDaddyBland87 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
BigDaddyBland87: But on a crab note
bjergmann101: Yes swing like a human... Yes Human
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BigDaddyBland87! (Today's storm count: 50)
EvilBadman: Chaos Zweihander but actually chaotic
sethtriggs: Wow that would suck to be an animate training dummy
lirazel64: This game doesn't have everything... it has All the Things
OldUncleDan: Everything is a Training Dummy if you believe in yourself!
ButButTheJesus: okay we're gonna plug a sword swing into this AI animator
Overman27: Dragons Dogshit...
elkae: wait what’s the actual title tho
accountmadeforants: Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 gdqSword
Texan_Reverend: He's a good DJ, except he spins nothing but knightcore.
EikoandMog: I don't think I saw this technique in Flos Duellatorum...
Tiber727: I want to see the doctor's comment/workman comp claim for "squatting like a knight in a shovelware game."
MrQBear: 'Supplies, West Food Inc'
DanTheMediocre: it animation cancels over itself
richard_ermen: Is a human arm meant to work like that?
RandomTrivia: @Texan_Reverend seabatClap
CataclysmicReverb: @Texan_Reverend LUL
maestrith: looks like me when there is a wasp buzzing around
DanTheMediocre: and you just flail startup frames
accountmadeforants: OctoKnight! Nobody suspects a thing!
maxlethebeast: Taking animation inspiration from QWOP.
sethtriggs: Whaaa
TehAmelie: Dragon's Dogma by Lars von Trier here
undecided44: Secret ape-s*** technique
Dog_of_Myth: Horse Club
wench_tacular: good to know
OldUncleDan: And she was into it!
Wicker_Guide: not the worst joke, game maker
Redbassist: Westley
Firewhiskers: Most people smell like horses when they use horses every day
LordZarano: "KSTG (KnightSavesTheGirl) - an adventure action game about a knight, made in 3D graphics."
Hangedman: is the stink cloud them signifiying an interactable
Furrbahl: "the girl" is in another castle
Lysander_salamander: good old "parody" defense
johnalogue: Bad? Humor? Bad with the excuse that it's humor?
Dr_fragenstien: trouble I'd like to get to know
accountmadeforants: I believe that this is intentional, that name is too good
johnalogue: Or just bad humor?
EightBitArcher: are... we the aggressive man who smelt like a horse? our starting proximity can't rule it out...
elkae: lrrWOW
lightfut: This knight is the best at leg lifts of anyone I've ever seen
sethtriggs: Ahahah her pal just doesn't care
DaxStrife: How are they less reactive than the training dummies?
SymphonicLolita: omg
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Fanklok: But is it "lol this will be so funny" or "look upon my comedic genius"
Splash4Mirrodin: This LotR fanfic is pretty dope Kappa
Lysander_salamander: hot mouth of sauron look. If only we could talk out our differences
Songar87: It’s goooood!
Wicker_Guide: ah so this must be Blood Raven in the Diablo II remake
johnalogue: I don't get it
sethtriggs: Oh I see this is WACKY
lightfut: The application of ragdoll here is very strange
rentar42: despite their looks they are not as dangerous as the training dummies
ryancurtis2001: Everything is flying when it dies today. lol
bjergmann101: The troupe of male and female armor is still alive
accountmadeforants: Knight Save The (Not You) Girl
GreatWahooney: wow the swordfighting mechanic in Drink More Glurp is looking dope
AniLunchbox: enemies not fighting back is interesting
TehAmelie: noo i don't want to see Hot Mouth of Sauron
Mattmitchell45: Are you implying that the Witch King isn't always serving?
wench_tacular: maybe they're just spring cleaning
sethtriggs: I wonder where I can get this asset pack
EvilBadman: this is everyone's Valheimer server after return to work started
YFiddler: They kind of look like Moriok
EvilBadman: valheim*
rentar42: but their barrels have really high friction or are bolted to the ground
Firewhiskers: Knight Saves the Girl $5 CDN at the local grocery store
ztghostie: ok goodbye
crazycommie87: Wonder when we get to test Water: Impassable or death?
Dr_fragenstien: are the zombies fighting the...big dudes?
SocraticMethod: But seriously, that jump looks like he's trying to do an Ollie wihtout skateboard
ValTheDrake: does this have sub-ocean potential?
sethtriggs: Throw a crate at ;em!
johnalogue: ooh i figured out the correct combination of settings to run this game without it disappearing when I use my second monitor! Linux powers forever y'all.
rentar42: for some reason I know want to play a game where an enemy is just a health bar and it's got a health bar of its own
sethtriggs: Your skeleton has left the chat
ztghostie: LUL
CataclysmicReverb: Set entity speed -100% versus character speed 120%
TehAmelie: at least our sword is still erect
EightBitArcher: Skeletal poke of doom
Boon_33: clearly the dark souls of games.
josh___something: Am healthbar gone?
aggrocrow: Ah Brian, one of the 4 types of Husband
Firewhiskers: "Message for you, sir."
bo_brinkman: They killed your health bar?
sethtriggs: I wish I could get stabbed and be able to not care
the_tutorial_boss: "weee" that guy, pobably
johnalogue: @rentar42 When it dies, is it a rigid rectangle or does it ragdoll?
EvilBadman: "It is Wednesday, my dude, sigh"
lamina5432: second game in a row with grux in it
LordShadner: Trapt
rentar42: @johnalogue it ragdolls in really uncomfortable ways that it was never meant to bend, of course
OldUncleDan: Orcs must Die!
Mattmitchell45: There is that Japanese series
sethtriggs: 1 day wait timers
Wicker_Guide: pops up occassionally in indie space
TehAmelie: Evil Genius had a subgame of that but i never figured it out
Coloneljesus: they also resurrected Evil Genius :(
erloas: Techmo's Deception and iterations
offbeatwitch: orcs must die is the obvious one yea
Leftotian: there was evil genius
SocraticMethod: Evil Genius got a sequel couple years ago
ggodopaste: There were some PS1 era Japanese attempt
ztghostie: dungeon keeper mobile released in 2014
offbeatwitch: there's a board game called Keep the Heroes Out! of a similar vibe
ThorSokar: It was SO insulting GOG made Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2 free for 2 weeks
cmdrud87: nanananana nananananan nananaaaa
CouldntPickAUsername: the thing is, dungeon keeper actually seems like a game a touchscreen could work for but no they had to fuck it up
PotatoWraiths: kablooey
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby
CouldntPickAUsername: busting made you feel good
GreatWahooney: YEYAA
Redbassist: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
crazycommie87: 10/10
Dr_fragenstien: open world!
TehAmelie: hmm does our sword disintegrate everything it cuts?
Redbassist: lrrCOW
Fanklok: Has science ever considered that some dude with a sword killed the dinosaurs?
sarsum33: hate to be that guy but dungeon keeper mobile was 10 years ago.
Astra7525: it did
GreatWahooney: does that mean this is a metroidvania
EightBitArcher: our little knightboi's shuffle keeps making me hear take on me by Aha...
johnalogue: I heard/saw the new Evil Genius wasn't great
cmdrud87: yeah, like 2022 or 2023
ExtraWubs: there was meet your maker but thatis basically dead
sethtriggs: The stacked crates mystify and amaze me
MrQBear: Ah yes the RTS about being a bond villain
korvys: It was dungeon keeper with a 60's James Bond theme
TimIAm: That feels like a good idea for a tower defense riff
SocraticMethod: Evil Genius is a Bond Villain Lair management simulator
irenrose: Dungeon Trapper Simulator
Drasvin: Evil Genius is like Dungeon Keeper, but themed on 60s Bond Villains.
DoctorHutch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
DoctorHutch: Now I wanna replay Orcs Must Die
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DoctorHutch! (Today's storm count: 51)
Scarbble: a trap version of that disease sim web game?
lannersong: We are due for the return of Tecmo Deception
RockPusher: Evil Genius would make for a good bonus episode of From Rewatch With Love lrrBEEJ
irenrose: Stuff like the construction sims
sethtriggs: Wow look at those trees are you out in a gale?
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Ooh Besieged but for trap making could be fun
Astra7525: Aren't you just describing the game loop of a tower defense game?
PMAvers: Basically you're playing a Bond Villain building out their secret lair with troops and traps while they work on advancing their world domination plot.
KV1NN4: depends on the setting
CataclysmicReverb: Ah like all those potion making games but with a splash of contraption maker
brieandbacon: Deakin?
RaidenFirewing: Kobolds are obviously superiour
A_Dub888: Gobolds
ThorSokar: so, the Tower Defense genre?
aitsu100: Kobolds for sure elfKobold
GazzyInferno: dog-style kobolds or lizard-style kobolds?
ggodopaste: DECEPTION! That was the name of the old Tecmo games!
Dr_fragenstien: a game with a physics based building system like beseiged, but you make traps instead
MrTulip: Kobolds best in caves, obv
Tiber727: I had a weird idea for a game where you're a general in the Demon King's Army and you want to secretly train the hero to kill your boss. So you want to make your base strong enough to max XP without killing him.
lannersong: @ggodopaste yep!
SquareDotCube: The first one was fine, the second Evil Genius has issues
Duffadash: Tucker's Kobolds
lirazel64: Good water splashy sound...
L0rdX33n: Your best selling trap is “The decapitator” because it hits human height targets in the junk
DoctorHutch: Huh, no sub notification?
sethtriggs: At least there's no fall damage
johnalogue: @Tiber727 good game concept
EikoandMog: @Tiber727 That game sounds rad, honestly.
TimIAm: The color of this sword is a certain vibe
Drasvin: Kobolds are known for building intricate, trap-filled lairs.
Firewhiskers: @ggodopaste Tecmo has modern Deception games! With waifus!
PMAvers: Of course your lair has a front corporation being a casino that you can use to distract agents.
RandomTrivia: Who said anything about willingly?
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Goblins on the other hand
johnalogue: Kobolds would then have to invent non-themselves ammo
OldUncleDan: I could see with WoW Kobolds.
GreatWahooney: wait, wasn't there a Fable spinoff with asymetrical multiplayer where one person filled a dungeon with traps and monsters and the rest went through it as a party of murderhobos? or did I halucinate that
Fanklok: Then the kobold doesn't know fun
Marvoleath: is it not being smart? or just a kink?
rentar42: I mean if you can convince them that it's for science ... maybe?
cmdrud87: "they are still here? the cockroach may have finally met its match!"
ThorSokar: T-Pose: The House
Violet__Violence: i knew someone whose kobold character would have done that
aitsu100: goblin grenade is my fav MtG card
ThorSokar: hahaha
lannersong: @Firewhiskers more recent than the 2013 vita game?
ztghostie: OG Siege Gang Commander is the best art, hands down
Violet__Violence: like she was a chaos gremlin lol
notthepenguins: But is that lack of intelligence or a lack of self preservation
tru_boredom: But thats because they are cowards not because they are smart
gawag_: the goblins also have incredible hats with spikes
EikoandMog: @GreatWahooney There was a trailer but it's vapourware.
TehAmelie: the best part of Evil Genius i think is your order-shouting second who's just Frau Farbissina from Austin Powers
sethtriggs: Hope there's no stamina meter
gawag_: maybe goblins are nihilists
Firewhiskers: @lannersong Deception IV: Blood Ties?
GreatWahooney: @EikoandMog I was certain I saw actual gameplay on TotalBiscuit's channel back in the day
Redbassist: Just a normal man
theworldsmith1: do you even have health anymore
Marvoleath: is there a health bar?
lannersong: @Firewhiskers ya
RandomTrivia: Marvoleath One appeared while we were fighting the training dummies
brieandbacon: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This is a restricted area.
Astra7525: @TehAmelie I think she becomes a playable evil genius in the second game
EikoandMog: @GreatWahooney I vaguely remember this too but yeah, never released.
GirlPainting: Am Herc OK?
johnalogue: @tru_boredom Laziness and cowardice are key to invention
Firewhiskers: @lannersong Yeah that's it
cmdrud87: there was before you died the first time
Gizmoloid: Are we immortal now?
Strebenherz: Mr burns no
Fanklok: What if the goblin are like the Nac Mac Feagle and think their current existence is the afterlife?
Mangledpixel: cannot be vinced
Aenir798: uh oh, no longer invincible
Drasvin: Zombie knight
Dr_fragenstien: were you at negatives?
ztghostie: So I'm I *title card*
TehAmelie: you cannot kill what is already dead. . .
Scarbble: i think you have become vincible
rentar42: You're a lich now, Harry!
tidehollowcat: That's not the first time being dead has resulted in being immortal on W+P
ValTheDrake: at least you were unkillable before the healthbar popped back
incredulouspasserby: Wait. You healed earlier having taken no damage. Did you overheal and wrap back around?
Strebenherz: I realize you meant this siege gang not the other one
sethtriggs: Ruminate on that I guess
aitsu100: fart
SymphonicLolita: the Stank
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Both
sethtriggs: SBD
cmdrud87: that's just taco tuesday
EikoandMog: Sorry, that was me.
ztghostie: my bathroom after eating taco bell:
brieandbacon: Wow, yellow paint is out of control
GirlPainting: A fart so bad, you can SEE it
TehAmelie: the peasoup had a lot of peas
RockPusher: unarmeHmm hifunkFart
Giraldi657: Y'all need a button that plays a sound clip of Beej saying Neat
lannersong: Leave time for the punchlines, game!
Boon_33: was that healing you?
rentar42: I don't get that one ...
ritchards subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
ritchards: Watching? And Playing??
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ritchards! (Today's storm count: 52)
ExtraWubs: parappa the barappa
OldUncleDan: Someone has extreme Sulfur Belches?
irenrose: Hey wait we just saw these guys
RockPusher: hmmmm, hmmmmm, hmmmm, *frrrrrrt* oh ho, that was me
Dr_fragenstien: yeah, the BMX community
rentar42: disregard emenies, acquire bad door jokes!
Redbassist: The shimmy!
GirlPainting: is that dark souls 4?
sethtriggs: The identicate enemies are using strategy and tactics!
CmdrMadMoe: HEY! It's the fishman from the other game!
SocraticMethod: Okay, yeah, the writer is from Easter Europe. "That happened historically" is a local idiom used in punchlines
tidehollowcat: is that enemy the same asset as one of the characters in the previous game?
dragonwarrior000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dragonwarrior000! (Today's storm count: 53)
LordShadner: hey those look like the fish-man from the fighting game!
Aenir798: time for audio silliness
TehAmelie: we seem to be married to the dragon whatsit covenant of the sword
sethtriggs: Opa!
Firewhiskers: A game that starts with giving you Excalibur but the best weapon in the game is actually the lead pipe
tidehollowcat: I think that enemy IS from the last game
irenrose: The big guys are defo the same model
sethtriggs: Hey so we do actually get to see them in action
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Had to step away right after we got started. Elden ring DLC just drop?🤣
ztghostie: homerun!
Songar87: Home run!
EikoandMog: NYOOM
rentar42: yeah, I'm reasonably sure that tlots of those are paragon assets
ryancurtis2001: Home Run!
TehAmelie: we mostly forgot that game
offbeatwitch: AAAAAAAND GONE
Rourke9: huh, health is gone again
margieargie: Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off agaaaain!
TehAmelie: from 10 minutes ago
tidehollowcat: That launch angle and exit velocity though
ValTheDrake: the other "game"
Dr_fragenstien: wow, neither of these games devs made their own assets?
irenrose: @Dr_fragenstien Are we really surprised
lamina5432: yeah the spiky crown is also an alt costume for one of those characters oo
Foxmar320: Around the same time as Final Shape.
Aenir798: Is Penelope going to tell you how to play, Graham?
rentar42: @Dr_fragenstien someone would do something like that? Reuse assets on the internet?
OldUncleDan: Poor June... What did she do to deserve that?
EikoandMog: Week before FF14's expansion. Yoshi-P was nice enough to give us a week.
Firewhiskers: To access it, beat Mohg
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Seriously though, always happy to be here for Watch and Play☺️
notthepenguins: And Radahn for some reason
irenrose: And that's the robot
irenrose: From Paragon aswell
Dr_fragenstien: and doom slayer is already swol!
Gizmoloid: Doom slayer stung by bees?
irenrose: Yes they are
lamina5432: free
ThorSokar: Oh, is the Doom Slayer on selling MLM Protein Shakes now?
tidehollowcat: I'm currently attempting to progress through Elden Ring, and discovering I am *very* bad at it and that if I'm lucky I'll get to the DLC by June 2025.
sethtriggs: I think the link earlier said they're free
lannersong: Unreal engine by default yeah
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Yeah, they made the entire games assets free to use
miniMacGuru: The Unreal store has some/all of the paragon assets for free.
SocraticMethod: Yeah, Epic made Paragon Assets free
TheMerricat: So I didn't mention this since the previous game wasn't even playable, but the reviews for this game indicate that it is indeed an asset flip from a company known to do asset flips and use Russian bots for review farming.
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: I wish paragon had been good
rentar42: I think epic released the assets for free when they shut it down
EikoandMog: Yes. Daisy.
irenrose: Epic dropped all of them
KV1NN4: his poor lil bunny
Mangledpixel: in the first game, yes
TheAwkes: Like someone got hit by FEV while still wearing their space armour.
notthepenguins: Depends on the Doom
crazycommie87: Yep, that was the little spark that made him truly rip and tear
lannersong: Shame cuz Paragon was kinda good at first
Firewhiskers: So FromSoft could either aim their DLC at the 20 million players who picked up Elden Ring for fun, or they could aim it at the 3 million who played DS3. Guess which they will aim it at.
RandomTrivia: Uhhhh
raxes8: Kill Demons
RandomTrivia: Naptime
notthepenguins: Eternal had some actual backstory
PMAvers: Nah, it was a Epic Games game.
Simriel: Started that way, how he just fucking hated demons
offbeatwitch: LMAO
3PlayerPolitics: u r ded
Wicker_Guide: death caught up to you
Lysander_salamander: ok
rentar42: you ded
malfnord: um
Violet__Violence: ummmm
raxes8: Oh no
sethtriggs: Whaaaa
KV1NN4: waht..?
lirazel64: I kind of dozed off and didn't realize we'd switched to a new game... just figured we had passed through a Spooky Door in a wardrobe or something m
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
SymphonicLolita: death drop
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
GirlPainting: girlpaDIE
NojhLivic: Doom 2016, he had no cares. Doom eternal tried to build a mythology tying all the dooms, and it got kinda ugh.
wench_tacular: lrrBartleby
LostThePirate: uh
EvilBadman: sleepy go byebye toggle
lamina5432: fortnite killed paragon
Akaiatana: Keystrokes are normal
Lysander_salamander: tqsRIP
Rourke9: we were out of health for a whiiile
ExtraWubs: ragdoll moment
cmdrud87: stroked to dath
Wolfstrike_NL: wait, is that why he got shipped with the animal crossing bunny?
Redbassist: The strompfk key?
TehAmelie: in Doom 4 i feel his motivation is "you're mining HELL ENERGY? lrrEFF all of that"
rentar42: it's the narcolepsy key
SymphonicLolita: insta nappies?
ztghostie: LUL
Simriel: Doom 2016 is one of the best game narratives ever, because the story exists and your character POWERFULLY does not give a fuck
sethtriggs: Well looks like you got another invoice to send to a dev for QA
wench_tacular: press X to die
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh PrideLaugh PrideLaugh
rentar42: x gon give it to you
Rourke9: oh my god
RandomTrivia: X for eX-parrot
malfnord: Press X to FUCKING DIE
Furrbahl: needs nap
SocraticMethod: Here's the monster in epic assets store:
QuietJay: x to play dead
EikoandMog: @Wolfstrike_NL Nah, that was because DOOM Eternal and Animal Crossing New Horizons had the same release date.
RockPusher: I too become listless when interacting with X
ztghostie: more games should have ragdoll buttons
Dr_fragenstien: @Wolfstrike_NL no, that's because doom eternal and animal crossing new horizons came out on the same day
RandomTrivia: Ragdoll time!
Scarbble: X-pire
HavenDragon: is it X for eXpire?
Fanklok: @wolfstrike_nl no that was because they released the same day
Ravensfest subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
RandomTrivia: YEET
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ravensfest! (Today's storm count: 54)
raxes8: Yes!
EvilBadman: time to enact the best part of Saint's Row - Insurance Fruad
nekobun: @Wolfstrike_NL Isabel is a dog, they just get shipped because she is clearly out for blood.
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
crazycommie87: Getting flashbacks to One Day with Ched with the ragdoll button
Kumakaori: and Ragdoll is GO!
GirlPainting: girlpaDIE girlpaDIE girlpaDIE girlpaDIE
sethtriggs: Thats so great
nathaniel_616: @Wolfstrike_NL Isobel is a dog. That was just because the games came out on the same day and were funnily contrasting
UnknownFriday: I really should go find the dismount games and suggest them to W&P
kilnfiendpotter: SAIL
ztghostie: unironically more games should have a ragdoll function
GirlPainting: was that a Krootox from 40K?
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh voxlunBabhed
TristalMTG: Dismount and Blade
TehAmelie: you know Doomguy prefers to play Animal Crossing and vice versa
sethtriggs: What are those, flying roof tiles?
GreatWahooney: which mount?
SocraticMethod: @LoadingReadyRun did you already play Sauna Dismount?
Astra7525: Is that the model of the punch-guy you picked last game?
EightBitArcher: it's the jetfist robots!
GirlPainting: now the iron giants
irenrose: That's also the bot from the previous
ztghostie: I only buy free range robot men eggs
sethtriggs: There's no health bar
EikoandMog: I did and HUUUUURF
Dr_fragenstien: I've played the Binding of Issac, I've got an idea
brieandbacon: Why, Alex? Why?
sethtriggs: PING
Firewhiskers: Whar's the health bar
cmdrud87: and even if it were...
Shadowsoflife: o7
Rourke9: what do i want it to be?
RandomTrivia: That's the character we tried to play in the previous game, isn't it
sadclowndabear: is that crunch from Predecessor?
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Jusssttttt a bit outsideeeee
irenrose: That's cruch
jessieimproved: cw: medical grossness
sadclowndabear: thats 100% crunch
EightBitArcher: they really do hve the same assets from the previous game, those robots have the jet engines for arms ^^
SocraticMethod: @LoadingReadyRun
TehAmelie: the fight has sailed for these guys
DigitalSeahorse: how doth one dismount a sauna?
sethtriggs: Let's look out for the pair of waifus!
Firewhiskers: Are we having fun yet
brieandbacon: It's a jidoon!
sethtriggs: Making the dummy noise
GirlPainting: that looked like a mix of a super mutant and a power armor from fallout
Dr_fragenstien: to be fair I would think the same thing if someone cut me with a sword!
niccus: i have yet to see a modern day stream of Racing Pitch
wench_tacular: This is what Skyrim giants see when they launch you into orbit
Firewhiskers: Emergent gameplay
TehAmelie: gasp
sethtriggs: Propane cylinders?
raulghoulia: does it go snicker snack?
johnalogue: A sword that makes vorp noises when you swing it like a lightsaber
Bassios: Aw dangit, I missed so much garbage
lightfut: Do you have the 8 mana to make them lose the game?
EvilBadman: Are we specced for dual wield Kappa
Simriel: Can you dual wield?
GreatWahooney: less damage but maybe has other advantages?
kalira77: raulghoulia was literally typing that
Gizmoloid: try it anyway? Maybe it has funny effects?
wench_tacular: why is he mincing?
sethtriggs: Nice magnetic sword
TehAmelie: you know what vorpal swords usually do
Marvoleath: you're a witcher now?
ThorSokar: Super Ghouls and Ghosts is especially bad because you "beat" the game only for the princess to tell you "hey you need a specific item to win" and then you have to do the ENTIRE game again but it's harder so you can defeat the final boss an actually win
EvilBadman: Oh we can swap like Gerald
sethtriggs: waaaaaaaaaa
ANeMzero: Why is the Vorpal sword weaker than the Tough Steel sword.
Firewhiskers: Y'all are frabjous
raulghoulia: your back sword is upside down
lirazel64: Ah, poetry.
Fanklok: What are the chances this dev knows the properties of a vorpal weapon?
TehAmelie: the sword handle is through our head
DigitalSeahorse: I'd try combine the swords onto one hand
irenrose: The handle seems to be a bit stuck
Fanklok: She shudder on my wok till I snicker her snack
rentar42: "we placed some enemies there for your convenience, if you wish"
Firewhiskers: Ragdoll through?
DigitalSeahorse: no no you're climbing the wrong way
TehAmelie: they made a map and put enemies on it, but things like "designing an enemy encounter" is not really the level this game aims for
Inari_Kitsune: There's a choir arrangement of The Jabberwocky that we sang in highschool.
Chesul: that, or to teach you that a bow and a ledge can cheese most enemies.
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Fromsoft is just so amazing. They did a similar version in Armored Core 6
Firewhiskers: Ludwig
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Except instead of "come back to this later" it's "you're using the wrong load out"
Dr_fragenstien: i love how they did that and people still complained about it being too hard
sethtriggs: This kind of game design, do they just put the entire map in some sort of tray and form it that way?
fiftymcnasty: Draconic Tree Sentinal
RayFK: Draconic Tree Sentinel
SacrificialToast: look, I already learned how to fight big horse guy with spear in Sekiro
Firewhiskers: Oh yeah them
EikoandMog: Oh, I know the one Draconic Tree Sentinel.
RandomTrivia: @Inari_Kitsune Do you recall whose setting that was? That sounds neat
Amentur: Draconic Tree Sentinal in front of Leyndel coxNod
Rexsplosion: farum azula draconic tree sentinel, yeah
sethtriggs: Amazing
TehAmelie: Radahn i'd call the "small horse guy"
RayFK: Weird that you loaded cs_surf
rentar42: I appreciate that on this stream when there's a progress gate the question isn't "how are we meant to solve that?" but "how can we cheese this?" ...
wench_tacular: lrrHERE
aitsu100: found the hlaf pipe
RandomTrivia: lrrHERE
CaptainSpam: I know there's games that teach you that you should only really fight things if you don't have a choice, as the monsters may be easy on their own, but they don't drop anything and pose a serious risk if there's more than a few of them.
Simriel: The one in Farum Azula is brutal
Foxmar320: oh my
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Bassios: He's presenting!
Aarek: old school CS surfing
3PlayerPolitics: butt
sethtriggs: That's amazing
Kumakaori: F
MikoKisai: welp lrrHERE
Nenluen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nenluen! (Today's storm count: 55)
TheWriterAleph: FDAU
Dr_fragenstien: just died in a ditch
DoodlestheGreat: "I'll just lie down here."
Mangledpixel: preeeesent!
satyropodobny: lrrHERE
SocraticMethod: biiiiig stretch
irenrose: Try fingers - but whole
Dr_fragenstien: the what tragedy?
JoannaTastic: Impressive flexibility
Strebenherz: Masterpiece
KV1NN4: wait has his sword been right thru him this whole time?
lightfut: Knight save the girl from the ditch
SacrificialToast: what if you spam the ragdoll button
RockPusher: Gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em
TehAmelie: the most dreadful enemy, geometry
Wicker_Guide: Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry.
satyropodobny: so how's the rent on that hole
sethtriggs: It's a six-foot high pit
Firewhiskers: Jump around! Jump around! Get up get up and get down!
RandomTrivia: We found a hole to die in, good work
Rhynerd: Rest in peace fair knight, who dared traverse the ditch and was felled
Boon_33: this game is very historical, many knights die stuck in the mud.
QuantumTwitch: Best game
asthanius: oh hell yeah
Inari_Kitsune: @randomtrivia I think I still have the music for it. It's in my storage unit. I'll have to dig it out. It was pretty fun. We also sang an ee cummings poem.
Astra7525: What was the pricetag on this... masterpice?
asthanius: loving this season
CAKHost: At last we found our hole!
asthanius: team positive vibes
Coloneljesus: u watchin lil aggy?
ThorSokar: Super Mario Sunshine runners play the same game, very entertaining
Oreo1369: You guys should do more 4 player elden ring
Dr_fragenstien: bingo challenges are always fun to watch
GirlPainting: @LoadingReadyRun In the Krog videos, you have Krog inventing mainly Internet related stuff, Torg food items like Buzz feed and Popcorn, and Merc Pyramid scemes and scams. Have you thought about a Charackter inventing Video Games related stuff?
3PlayerPolitics: bhopal??
rentar42: Apparently some company used the Paragon assets for a "real" game and shows them all ... and they were all in that game
MTGRanger subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MTGRanger! (Today's storm count: 56)
Lysander_salamander: oh dear
RandomTrivia: That can only be excellent
Firewhiskers: An auspicious asset filled start
DoodlestheGreat: 'ere, 'av a lom.
irenrose: Oh boy, unreal, time to see more Paragon assets
RandomTrivia: OH NO
Lysander_salamander: oh my
sethtriggs: Duuuude
TehAmelie: Merlin be like "Avalom, that's the one the man at the store said you wanted right?"
DaxStrife: Dave Grohl?!
Foxmar320: Good start
Rexsplosion: why is it Moistcrikal?
Simriel: Is that Dave Hrohl?
Firewhiskers: It's a gamedev?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Legally Distinct Corvo
brieandbacon: Crimson Flow? After all this time?
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: It's morbin time on garbage day, less go
MAPBoardgames: Remember: all points into poise
sethtriggs: She reminds me of that lady from Battle of Angels
satyropodobny: Unfortunately we have Aragorn at home
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: If you're too crappy to sue, everything is allowable
DigitalSeahorse: she looks like your BS emote girl
notthepenguins: Think drow is copyrighted yeah
crazycommie87: If Aragorn was about to do Morbin time
DigitalSeahorse: but with dark hair
The_Voices: wall of text!!!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Oh god, it *is* Aragorn
Lysander_salamander: woot amnesia
sethtriggs: Ugh I hate when there's walls of text of fonts like this
TacitusVigil: Wait, 1230 in what calendar? That means nothing in this context
Diabore: is this new vegas?
RandomTrivia: "A lot of things happened to you! Anyway..."
aerohydra: show dont tell
CaptainSpam: There are a distressing amount of creatures and races many consider to be universal that are owned by TSR (et al). Drow and beholders come to mind.
Firewhiskers: Graham and Alex did ask for something with plot
MehallD: There are some Drow in the 5e SRD, which is in Creative COmmons
RandomTrivia: oh no
Simriel: How do you remember the rumours if you don't have Memories?
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
TehAmelie: Someagorn, son of Anygorn, son of Anagorn, son of Aragorn
NimrodXIV: Too much
ztghostie: *mashes skip button*
CouldntPickAUsername: yo dawg we heard you like lore...
A_Dub888: wait, if we lost our memory, how do remember the goblin attack?
ztghostie: Are you saying that this is... Unskippable?!?!
Foxmar320: Game pls
fuzzy_died: You did ask for story
aerohydra: kathleen box text, is that you
Lysander_salamander: oh no
rentar42: are you saying it's .... unskippable?
DigitalSeahorse: that is one long paragraph
Aenir798: "No, you can't save against box text."
arcaneIllumination: You pressed play too quickly. The game was angry.
sethtriggs: Oh wowwww I guess the text lagged it
Laserbeaks_Fury: Character Creator in a fully text based CYOA would be astounding
RandomTrivia: Is this the most verbose text-adventure ever made?
sethtriggs: Yay love how it's unreadable when you select it
Firewhiskers: Please tell me this is a dating sim
TacitusVigil: Oh I get it, these are the Old Papers. Not the Elder Scrolls.
Bruceski: "Our initial load time is horrid, we need to distract the player." "Don't worry, I got this."
ztghostie: Somebody fucking loves text
Lysander_salamander: oh this font is terrible
3PlayerPolitics: r e ad i n m g
QuantumTwitch: Wall of text is the best
rentar42: @Firewhiskers it's a visual novel
DigitalSeahorse: oh boy, too much text
Metric_Furlong: well it seems ambitious
Shadowsoflife: all of the text
sethtriggs: Text Quest
wench_tacular: war and peace is shorter
Foxmar320: Oh thats a lot
SocraticMethod: Is this a German game? Because this feels like German RPG jank
malfnord: Rules Game
margieargie: Oh good
DigitalSeahorse: gritty
TehAmelie: there's front loading your game with text, and there's front loading unreadable iron walls of text
johnalogue: This game is a font of poor design choices
BigDaddyBland87: @Metric_Furlong overly so
Splash4Mirrodin: So I herd you like reading
MAPBoardgames: Crunchy, but it goes soggy in milk
Aenir798: It's actually a text adventure
irenrose: I play a lot of cruncy ttrpgs, and this is a lot
sethtriggs: This is a game that could've been an e-mail
QuantumTwitch: look its a book
Firewhiskers: Alex, tutorials are hard to write okay
RandomTrivia: Oh there's a literal GM to read box text out loud...
Foxmar320: Just dumping everything on us in a text screen. Great forget all that and go mash buttons
accountmadeforants: This is just them ensuring that the game is compatible with D&D 3.5e, so they can use Drow
SymphonicLolita: l o r e
MehallD: Showings over rated Alex
SocraticMethod: Also, that 7th gen desaturated öppl
ztghostie: at the very least they piece meal it out so as to not overwhelm the player
Metric_Furlong: how is that different from a God?
SocraticMethod: look*
Anaerin: Land M-ass
sarsum33: You dont say
SacrificialToast: this reminds me of those filtered screenshots people made to "fix" Diablo 3
alchemistsavant: This sounds very AI generated.
elkae: good gravy
EikoandMog: i ain't reading all that. i'm happy for u tho. or sorry that happened
Ravensfest: Dev-vast-tay-ted
sethtriggs: Wha...what's happening to the screen
Strebenherz: Dark souls does story well by not text dumping.
Lysander_salamander: I remember some games back in the day having humongous manuals packaged with the game
Dr_fragenstien: loves the lore enough to want to shove it down your throat, not enough to voice it themselves
Mattmitchell45: Liverpuddlian Text-to-Speech
Firewhiskers: Rollin rollin rollin
QuantumTwitch: Yes but why not use it for the first wall of texts
sethtriggs: This excessive bloom trend must stop
Strebenherz: Heroic magic brand
ArcadeEngineer: the postprocessing is giving 'imminent migraine'
rentar42: oh ... an orb ... did you ponder it?
Metric_Furlong: but what *is* the difference between a 'god' and 'an immortal being of primordial power' in this context?
elkae: game has failed to make us care. seems like a sleep aid
CAKHost: Why is there aliasing on the model?!
CataclysmicReverb: I think this game has too many filters
Firewhiskers: It's Dude Chris Pine
satyropodobny: If the creator doesn't even care for the text enough to read it themselves why should we
accountmadeforants: Boost that contrast
elkae: we have Strider at home
RandomTrivia: This game has too many lots of things
TheMerricat: Chat, I had to answer the door, what's the name of the new game?
rentar42: a tactical doesn't need a sword!
mwlsn: @Lysander_salamander The Civ II manual was a brick
sethtriggs: Oh I see, someone hit him with L.5 Old
incredulouspasserby: Now see, I like menus and stats and lore. This hurts me.
MikoKisai: @TheMerricat Avalom: Ancestral Heroes
TehAmelie: they could have several different orders of primordial beings, like in the Inheritance trilogy. don't know why i'm trying to make excuses for this game
TheMerricat: @mikokisai thanks!
Foxmar320: Sure is a big empty map
Strebenherz: Dark souls drips it at you, aside from the intro
Firewhiskers: Where's the loathesome Dung Eater?
AtomicAlchemical subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
AtomicAlchemical: Trashday Yay!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AtomicAlchemical! (Today's storm count: 57)
LordShadner: why does the inventory have the Steam Logo?
miniMacGuru: Are history books just giant collections of government change patch notes?
DigitalSeahorse: yeah, that much text right away makes me curl back and want to hit exit
rentar42: "prove you're serious about playing this by studying this lore!"
MAPBoardgames: But the wall of Nouns works in Skyrim!
GirlPainting: Dark Souls even throws you into a boss battle, without a tutorial ^^
Wicker_Guide: Dark souls is not subtle at all. There are literal notes on the floor
rentar42: Mostly it teaches you if you did someting wrong, as far as I underand.
josh___something: Omg, you were roommates with a blacksmith?!
notthepenguins: Dark souls has direct floor messages telling you commands
CataclysmicReverb: @MAPBoardgames Okay but you're not supposed to try to read the word walls
TehAmelie: it's not just that it was MUCH text, but they put like half of it in a single paragraph
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Todd Howard has a unique gift for making you tolerate bullshit
rentar42: @josh___something they were just good buddies
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Cause so some how it all comes together
sethtriggs: You ran, you ran so far away
Crad0k: it's a good way to tell good from bad incremental/web games; if there's a thousand windows and tabs and bits of info right from the start, it's bad; if there's one button to press and nothing else, it might be good
DigitalSeahorse: I love yellow ledges
Wicker_Guide: why is it floating?
The_Voices: now... thats a view...
sethtriggs: It's just stuck on snow
DigitalSeahorse: or orange
Laserbeaks_Fury: "This is the first sword I ever crafted...It was so riddled with flaws it was returned 4 times."
RandomTrivia: It sure does look like a 2D background
crazycommie87: Woah
SocraticMethod: Reminds me of how X series dumped you in the world and told "good luck"
johnalogue: @miniMacGuru No, because history has non-government related events and history books are opinionated. Perhaps they are more like patch reviews.
DigitalSeahorse: or brighter green
WearingCats_CwC: It's only a model
alchemistsavant: The people who complain about yellow painted ledges are the same people that don't read tutorials and get frustrated that the game isn't spelling things out for them.
brieandbacon: Oh, I made a joke earlier about yellow paint, and I was being profoundly unserious
sethtriggs: Those trees in the background why are they so huge
TheMerricat: So since I missed the introduction of this game, Graham may have already mentioned this but this game is actually based on a book written by the developer.... Expect a lot of lore dump
SocraticMethod: @alchemistsavant That's hurtfult
accountmadeforants: Yeah, those unsubtle things are usually a result of lots of playtests, which is probably a good thing. But there's also beauty in being surprised and exploring
johnalogue: This yellow ledge was made for me!
CAKHost: Wat road
CaptainSpam: Gamers don't like being told something is their fault.
Foxmar320: :D
DigitalSeahorse: hehehehhehe
wench_tacular: the shade
sethtriggs: LOL
malfnord: *applause*
Foxmar320: Penelope knows whats up
Crad0k: excuse me?! 8!!??
korvys: 8!? Oh no... time has progressed...
Tiber727: I don't think they're complaining about the signposting. They're complaining about the signposting looking out of place.
A_Dub888: she’s EIGHT??
DigitalSeahorse: Penelope is smart
Crad0k: fair
Metric_Furlong: angry gamerbros less perceptive than an 8-year-old, apparently :p
BITs19_: My *only* problem with the yellow ledges is Why are they *all* yellow?
Dr_fragenstien: my beef isn't that they make things obvious, it's that it's all yellow paint all the time. A little originality would go a long way.
RayFK: Goddamn that's 8 DB's
ThorSokar: composOld Where are my back pills
rentar42: Good for her, but ... oh my god.
TheWooglie: the tall thing is definitely your fault though Graham
sethtriggs: A deer!
CataclysmicReverb: Without the yellow it's il-ledge-able
lirazel64: Graham, my son is 44...
johnalogue: neurodivergences are heritable
Metric_Furlong: @BITs19_ same reason all the pipes and ramps in Mirror's Edge are red
Laserbeaks_Fury: Horizon is the first thing I think of
Firewhiskers: Horizon Zero Dawn I think>?
The_Voices: that girl is growing like a weed... bet she likes green decks
Wicker_Guide: yeah the options are either a) clearly mark out the traversable space or b) commit to massive scope creep making all space traversable or c) letting players be lost
CaptainSpam: @Tiber727 True, but things that are out of place tend to stand out, and are thus noticeable. It's a delicate balance.
Crad0k: horizon, maybe?
Lysander_salamander: Mirror's Edge?
sethtriggs: Prance with no reason
rasterscan: I think Horizon yeah
MAPBoardgames: Older games used white ledges
Songar87: @CataclysmicReverb sergePun sergeCrimes
TehAmelie: WoW was groundbreaking in highlighting, certainly
BrassWingman: Drake's Fortune?
kilnfiendpotter: My child is now over 1 and I say to P the same thing I say to her: "Stop getting older. STOP IT."
Foxmar320: Uncharted did it way back on PS3
notthepenguins: I first saw it in horizon zero dawn but it may have predated
AtomicAlchemical: Res Evil was the first place I noticed
Dalrint: Tomb raider
rentar42: @Lysander_salamander I think that used red
Coloneljesus: tomb raider?
SocraticMethod: I would like to point out that FF7R-2 yellow ledges aren't a good way to signpost. They looks complete out of the way and the climbing section is linear
GirlPainting: Oh no....soon she gets a boyfriend and gets married and has 2.5 children and starts her own buisness .....they grow up so fast!
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Horizon did it diagetic, cause the tribes coated the ledhes with yellow paint
BITs19_: @Metric_Furlong Yellow does typically stand out in every environment, I suppose...
MAPBoardgames: One of the tombraiders
Dr_fragenstien: uncharted is where my mind first goes
Wolfstrike_NL: I wanna say the newer tomb raider games
HavenDragon: tomb raider had white ledges
WearingCats_CwC: Uncharted 2? The first one definitely didn't have them and the clibing mechanics were garbage
accountmadeforants: My real issue with the yellow ledges is that I wish I could just climb, like SotC and BotW. (Even though I know that's not how climbing works. But... video games)
sethtriggs: I wonder what kind of mighty convoy you've amassed now
Drasvin: Doom(2016) used green lights
DanTheMediocre: Doom 2016 did a good job with green light indicator
ThorSokar: Uncharted or Tomb Raider was first
alchemistsavant: I don't know the actual science behind it, but perhaps yellow is less easy to miss for someone with colorblindness?
kilnfiendpotter: This is what I call a loping stride
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah, Tomb Raider had the poop ledges
Wicker_Guide: the mordern style of highlight is from assassin's creed. yellow specifically I don't know
kilnfiendpotter: Puppy!
Piratical_tendancies: a far cry?
lirazel64: Seikiro had white paint...
TehAmelie: we're literally Strider
sethtriggs: Those trees are really buging me
Gizmoloid: I remember getting very irritated at Castlevania Lords Of Shadow when in one level you had a telepathic girl guiding you and at one point I decided to run back to check if I missed anyhting and she kept telling me what to do next.
DigitalSeahorse: xD
SocraticMethod: Like, they could have greebled the rock walls less but no, have to put in more greebles in the rock wall
Firewhiskers: So Dragon's Dogma distances?
Saunabath: This is Desert Knight
niccus: there's probably a market for that. The True Lord of the Rings Experience
CataclysmicReverb: Oh, there were "WoW-killers" with that realistic distances thought process
rentar42: That's what they call "the heroes journey", right?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Shadow of the Colossus, but you skip where you get Argo
elkae: Dollarama Strider
DanTheMediocre: We're endurance hunting the plot down
L0rdX33n: lol
johnalogue: I mean, a game could probably be made of such a long journey through mostly unoccupied lands
mizzytastic: this has real elden wrong vibes
RynoLaw: Probably been said, but God of War 2018 & Ragnarok have the best use of the yellow markers, where there is an in-game explanation for them
TehAmelie: put that one in the bank
The_Voices: free crapshot!!!
accountmadeforants: "It's dangerous to go alone take thi- oh he's gone"
A_Dub888: did death leave a message?
Foxmar320: Thats cool and all... how do we fight?
DigitalSeahorse: lrrHERE
BigDaddyBland87: Between this and four-arm gun grip...this is a secret Crapshoot stream
Lysander_salamander: like, NPCs reactions to a speedrunner?
sethtriggs: Graphic design is the dev's passio
GirlPainting: girlpaDIE girlpaDIE
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP death cult
RandomTrivia: Why does that person have a laser longbow?!
LordZarano: "Based on the RPG book, set in a huge open world, Avalom: Ancestral Heroes presents a rewarding action combat experience."
niccus: there *should* be a death-stranding-like where you hike the journey of the ring
UnkeptFlea: the skip is good!
Laserbeaks_Fury: "What a terrible dream..."
raulghoulia: drag a comb across your head
TristalMTG: not much, what's upstairs with you?
kilnfiendpotter: "Ah you've returned! Here's the dune bug - oh, you're running away.'
betweenmyself: my nephew was confused he had to hold B to run playing SMB1, I guess because he was too used to games with analogue sticks and just being able to “push further” to move faster riffThink
RandomTrivia: The VOID
Reece42: Not much, what's upstairs with you?
DaxStrife: Woke up, rolled out of bed, dragged a comb across my head... SingsNote
brieandbacon: Not much, what's up with you?
Diabore: not much whats upstairs with you
DanTheMediocre: not much, what's upstairs with you
ThorSokar: Time for the 2nd speedrun crapshot?
kilnfiendpotter: Part of the sketch has to be the hero constantly returning to the blacksmith
Tiber727: @CaptainSpam I know. It's a weird aspect of game design. As graphics get more high end, interactibles look exactly like uninteractibles. Yellow paint lives in a weird middle ground where it's not obviously a UI element but at the same time makes no sense in the world.
brieandbacon: Chat has one braincell
rentar42: this is just a fake door to confuse the player
WearingCats_CwC: Upstairs is: Mike Patton
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: God I love happy souls
Coloneljesus: happy souls is so good
Coloneljesus: "right down the road?"
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: "is this too...easy for you"
control_rig: Happy Souls is SO good
kumatsu: a GUUUUUY
notthepenguins: Happy Souls is so good
Coloneljesus: right.. .down... good bye
control_rig: "Right down the road"
Greyah: Right down the road!
accountmadeforants: Right down the roaaaad~
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: causeiBossWeapons
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
TehAmelie: one day devs will figure out photorealistic graphics is not the ultimate art form
Chesul: DS2 is a fine game, if you look at it as not a Dark Souls game.
zerragonoss: DS2 still the best one
Greyah: Every now and then I find myself humming that tune to myself and feel compelled to rewatch it.
RayFK: I think the first time I saw that was at a Youtube watch party at Moonbase 4
SocraticMethod: Very funny. Now make some space!
alchemistsavant: DS2 is my favorite because that's where it finally 'clicked' for me.
RandomTrivia: oh no
ThorSokar: Don't DS2 is still so bad and holds up even worse
sethtriggs: Oh noooooooo
TehAmelie: speedrun the dialogues
RandomTrivia: Turn the box text into cube text, into hypercube text
sethtriggs: Why does the dev hate us so visually
notthepenguins: I like DS2 and find it weird there's such a fight over it
johnalogue: Be not afraid!
ZackTheCatKing subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
ZackTheCatKing: 39 months, it's hard to believe COVID was last year.
LordZarano: IS there a horse?
Rourke9: do you think we can manage to die in dialogue in this one
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ZackTheCatKing! (Today's storm count: 58)
Aenir798: How many narratives are you on my dude?
Strebenherz: Oh my god it's literally ten wolf furs
control_rig: YES 10 Bear Gallbladders GET
MAPBoardgames: Get those bear asses!
rentar42: ten wolf furs is my steppenwolf cover band
QuantumTwitch: whats with the focus
Metric_Furlong: Bear Ass quest 2024!
Wicker_Guide: DS2 is, user convenience-wise, a significant improvement over 1 and in many ways 3. But it's nowhere near as narratively cohesive or tuned
DanTheMediocre: the screen blur is the ongoing migraine our character has from this setting
DigitalSeahorse: story blur
3PlayerPolitics: 10, wuluf
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Discovering that Pate sounds like Peter Serafinowicz cause he is, is very funny
gualdhar: oh god why do the graphics have to blur
sethtriggs: What even is that oh my goodness
lightfut: The constant focus and unfocus of the screen is disorienting
Foxmar320: omg they are!
Akaiatana: See, I'm old and read DS2 as Dungeon Siege 2.
accountmadeforants: Graham, did you know this game has microtransactions on the Steam page? You can buy an Abyssal Pegasus for like 4 bucks!
Greyah: Dark Souls 2 is the worst Dark Souls. Which means it's still good, but just the worst of the three.
sethtriggs: Those free assets are making their way through the pipeline!
Fanklok: Oh wait is this not KSTG anymore?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Remember the checkerboard tiling
CaptainSpam: Y'know what I'd like to see? A game where you're given an early quest to find ten bear asses or whatnot, but the process of getting them turns out to be far more involved than expected and ends up being the actual main quest.
lannersong: DS2 is muffled a lot
sethtriggs: @Fanklok This is as good as
Mattmitchell45: I just like the shrine area
control_rig: Agreed. DS1's level design was a master-class
Aenir798: @Fanklok new game
SacrificialToast: DS2's levels are very hit and miss. The best of it is as good as anything, but there's a lot of dreck
accountmadeforants: @Akaiatana That was me for a while, too. But at this point I've played Dark Souls 2 more than Dungeon Siege so my brain's adjusted.
PMAvers: Honestly, I've realized that I like the idea of FromSoft games, but I actively HATE playing them.
accountmadeforants: (man, I miss GPG)
lannersong: DS2 art design is a sine wave
lannersong: of quality
DaxStrife: I am so old, I thought you were talking about Dead Space 2 for a sec.
alchemistsavant: A lot of its problems are due to the troubled development, I think
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's almost like they had 5 different tems making areas ans they just patchworked it together
DigitalSeahorse: the trees
CataclysmicReverb: Ah yes good old PS1 looking Earthen Peak
Simriel: I like DS2 but Earthen Peak is very unattractive
control_rig: Artistic Direction was uneven for sure
Diabore: how do those chickens stay in that pen?
ranoras: I'm just thankful it had the gender change coffin
notthepenguins: I mean that's also demons souls and ds3 though
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: DS2 was my first. Still good but wow what a difference
Dog_of_Myth: @Diabore I was just about to ask that.
alchemistsavant: I completely forgot about the transifier coffin
Firewhiskers: @ranoras ELden Ring has the gender change mirror
Greyah: Yup, checks out.
betweenmyself: it’d be nice if the King’s Field games were easier to access these days
Chesul: There are a couple area ideas in DS2 that are great, but aren't well done. like, I love the tower of flame (I think? area that's a bunch of platforms and towers in a lake), I think it could have been a breathtaking area, but it just missed the mark a little.
Strebenherz: That's a good way to put it.
Simriel: DS3 is gorgeous.
Rourke9: i can totally see that
Strebenherz: Too video gamey, not enough dark soulsy
AtomicAlchemical: Yeah.... yeah you're dead on
Laserbeaks_Fury: Water Temple
ZackTheCatKing: I don't know this game, but the Vignetting on the edges of the screen is quite a choice....
Simriel: DS2 still has good lore and story tho
ranoras: @firewhiskers I love the mirror but there's something about not knowing it would happen and then just poof. You're changed
lannersong: The spokes are very isolated
betweenmyself: the transitions aren’t great
Wicker_Guide: The environmental storytelling and cohesive sense of place isn't there
Chesul: @Simriel Honestly, I found the story of 2 very predictable and boringly implemented.
lannersong: DS2 has you go underground to volcano lake.
Tiber727: I think the complaint is valid, but relatively minor.
notthepenguins: I agree that that's clunky, but it's something that DS3 does too, it just has a handwave for it
notthepenguins: DS3 is even textually "a bunch of places mashed together"
ThorSokar: 5, the 6th is broken (was cut content)
bisaflau: Up an elevator at the top of a windmill and arriving in a lava fortress
Simriel: Put DS2 and this on a scale :P
ZackTheCatKing: Is it my eyes, why is it so dark? **old person here**
LordZarano: This game was 20.49 CAD
Reece42: Didn't it say you already had a sword and some gold coins or something?
Chesul: @notthepenguins fair, though DS3 has direct lore reasons for it, and the people directly address and worry about it.
roseofloki: Nah, I dig the Dream Logic connections in DS2
GirlPainting: maybe fire DS2 up instead as a bad game to talk about ^^
accountmadeforants: You just haven't spent enough on microtransactions! Maybe buying the Angel Wings will speed things up! :D
PMAvers: I think the weird pocket dimension-ness of DS2 worked for me at least.
Wicker_Guide: yeah but DS3 has more consistent art direction, and I'm speaking as someone who doesn't particularly like DS3
Blip2004: the DS2 lore for why everything is stitched together is lame too, oh its the end of time and everything is melded together randomly and also you are slowly going crazy
notthepenguins: I dunno, I don't want to derail with a Ds2 discussion take [however many], it's just weird to me that it always turns into a debate
korvys: He drops a sweet katana
bwk789 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
bwk789: the half year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bwk789! (Today's storm count: 59)
MAPBoardgames: I think you can buy a sword, you've got 300gp`
arcaneIllumination: I think you could buy stuff? Still sucks.
Alchemistmerlin: the vignette filter is so aggressive
MAPBoardgames: or the merchant has 300gp, hard to tell
Wicker_Guide: and at the top you fight a naga
SquareDotCube: Sprinkled spawn points like salt in a shaker
Akaiatana: I will say this of the current game: It's a neat podcast background
Mattmitchell45: People seemed to like Scholar of the First Sin's new enemy staging
inconsideratehat: Yeah that would bug me too
Simriel: DS2 DLC is much more interestingly designed
PMAvers: Bloodborne's still my least favorite one
Akaiatana: Graham's favourite is, obviously, DS9
Wicker_Guide: Elden ring I think makes this entire conversation easier because it's actually just better than any of the 3
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
GirlPainting: maybe give the controlls to graham and let him play DS2 ^^
Chesul: DS9 is pretty amazing.
notthepenguins: DS2 DLC is real good in places but they also beat you over the head with huge resistances for Reasons
RandomTrivia: Title screen is strong
sethtriggs: At least it's a different font!
Firewhiskers: @Wicker_Guide The people were angry that you spoke the truth
SquareDotCube: Ok. And?
RockPusher: tqsFists
DigitalSeahorse: bricks!
sethtriggs: PRES
korvys: Throbbers
betweenmyself: riffGator vs riffHurrHurr … FIGHT!
Firewhiskers: Pres
BITs19_: pres
CAKHost: Monke!
emberBecky: =[
Pteraspidomorphi: Is this Brutal, paws of furry?
inconsideratehat: Literal gang beasts ripoff, I'm calling it
baltimore_667083: pres
Anaerin: And circular ones like that are "Annular Throbbers"
Wicker_Guide: @Firewhiskers Sekiro still best
Laserbeaks_Fury: An ape in lederhosen
sethtriggs: Oh this is making me think of Piccled Ricc
notthepenguins: Elden Ring is better in places and worse in others, tbh. I think they've all got strong points and weak points that the others don't really share.
Bassios: President E. Button wants YOU! ... to play this game
Firewhiskers: @Wicker_Guide Not for coop
CAKHost: That's some shiny fur
ArcadeEngineer: chimp appears to be made of pvc
Marvoleath: Ah yes, Edward Button, my favourite US President
DigitalSeahorse: animal zoo race wants to fight this game
sethtriggs: Nice draws
Dog_of_Myth: Adam vs YouTube
Anaerin: Graham: Circular throbbers like that are called "Annular Throbber"s
TehAmelie: the pants are very cute
elkae: next oki oki strim?
rentar42: I need someone who understands chimp anatomy to explain to me why exactly a chimp can't do a roundhouse kick light this
brieandbacon: Frogm'n in y-fronts
Akaiatana: "I chimp block."
Mattmitchell45: Sekiro is 50% on Steam right now
betweenmyself: YOU WON! (Training Room)
DigitalSeahorse: kitty
MAPBoardgames: Oki Oki Watch and Play
sethtriggs: For the frog they're more like fly-fronts
GreatWahooney: @Mattmitchell45 where's the other 50%
offbeatwitch: pants!
CaptainSpam: Ah, President R Button and President E Button.
Greyah: Now I wanna see some honest neutral here.
Wicker_Guide: as opposed to chaps
RandomTrivia: As a short-hand for "underpants"
sethtriggs: Oh goodness that body is not right
CAKHost: They nekke!
DigitalSeahorse: meow
brieandbacon: Nah, we can hear the accent, so we know
EvilBadman: Impossible Sekiro is never on sale
korvys: Oh my god, Alex, it has been *forever* since I heard reference to Monkey vs Robot
Mattmitchell45: @GreatWahooney Listen, I need more caffeine
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: katesLurk katesLurk katesLurk
Reecer6: why is that cat plantigrade
sethtriggs: Reminds me of Legend of Kay!
ArcadeEngineer: this game may not last the remaining five minutes
DigitalSeahorse: nekke neko
DoodlestheGreat: "We've got Bloody Roar at home..."
Foxmar320: I think this is the entire game lol
EvilBadman: You wanted a quickie, heh
Aenir798: walrus?
sethtriggs: Or a dino
betweenmyself: riffGator
Earthenone: okioki fight club is early this week
Laserbeaks_Fury: Captain K Rool
sethtriggs: Oh noooooooooooo
BigDaddyBland87: King K Rool
Wicker_Guide: OOOH. It's Krang and Donkey Kong
fonkoncle: donkey kong country remake
DigitalSeahorse: tail
RockPusher: gabyLul
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Foxmar320: :D
CAKHost: That Tail! o.o
sethtriggs: Kick 'em in the boxer briefs!
josh___something: Wait, WHERE?
DigitalSeahorse: and he got a stiffy
elkae: I don’t go in that section of the server :3
betweenmyself: why not a gator wearing a smart cap? riffImpressions
johnalogue: I really do need to engage with the community more
ArcadeEngineer: this is 44p on steam, roughly 50p too much
EikoandMog: How much was this game?!
EikoandMog: Oh.
EikoandMog: Yeah, that's fair.
Foxmar320: I think you won
TehAmelie: that's like 1 cent per second
RandomTrivia: Honestly it feels appropriately priced
Foxmar320: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: | Patreon: | Etsy: | Home stream: | Twitter: | More:
sethtriggs: 64 cents and it works better than the other games
sethtriggs: His tail is happy to see us
DoodlestheGreat: Yeah, whaddaya want for your half a buck?
josh___something: Which channel, alex D:
Firewhiskers: Defeat King K Rool
CAKHost: What happens if you lose?
Pteraspidomorphi: It's still proportionally way more expensive than some indie gems I've played
Anaerin: "We have Primal Rage at home"
offbeatwitch: you lose!
EvilBadman: Fighting gets that lizard's tale fully erect
CAKHost: Ah
CataclysmicReverb: King K Rool's early years
EvilBadman: tail*
RandomTrivia: WHAT
LostThePirate: XD
notthepenguins: o.o
alchemistsavant: neuron activation
MikoKisai: oh noooo
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed
CAKHost: o.O
malfnord: oh that ain't right
BrindleBoar: can't walk and chew gum
johnalogue: Hey, at least they programmed a lose screen. That's like the whole assignment in Java 101!
sethtriggs: Oh no it's like Dingo Pictures' animation!
JusticeJuice: Gives the option to quit.
EvilBadman: It's the Widowmaker glitch all over again!
LordZarano: "Animals Fight is an entertaining fighting game. In this game you will find beautiful battles and duels in which you can fight with animals. Engage in intense melee combat in Animals Fight and become the king of the martial arts!"
CaptainSpam: I mean, technically an animal slapfight is a KIND of animal fight...
MidgardSerpent: I think the other door in the training area says press R?
RandomTrivia: It's not called "Human fight" is it
betweenmyself: this fight needs Gang Plank Gallion playingg in the background
rentar42: now to find the subocean
DigitalSeahorse: or one where we get to be the kitty
alchemistsavant: Oh it was. Her butt would get bigger when she aimed down the scope.
notthepenguins: the widowmaker glitch changed her butt size when she aimed I think
sethtriggs: Oh wow those pants are just painted on
SocraticMethod: Widowmaker's butt gets bigger when she ults
CAKHost: I take it there is no jump?
Pteraspidomorphi: LordZarano: That's pretty shameless of them
MidgardSerpent: Just wasn't sure if R and E do different things.
Anaerin: This is knock-off Primal Rage
BasilHunter: can you get to the otherside of the opponent?
josh___something: Sick
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
control_rig: *foomp*
RandomTrivia: WHAT?!
Firewhiskers: "Girl I think my butt's gettin' big!"
sethtriggs: Oh how does a game like this even have screen tearing?!
wildpeaks: not a bug, it's a feature
accountmadeforants: Buttbreathing
betweenmyself: making boomboom in the pants pennyWhat
EvilBadman: that was Eight years ago.
notthepenguins: that's oooold
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: oof
RandomTrivia: That would be described as a game-breaking nerf
BrindleBoar: check the date on that tweet, yeah
control_rig: You beat the game
Fanklok: Like when people got mad when they put fur on His Majesty
Firewhiskers: Does Widowmaker's hitbox also get bigger?
Shadowsoflife: those were games
Laserbeaks_Fury: Does that make Widowmaker an Assassassin?
DoodlestheGreat: Thanks for strem.
TheWriterAleph: i wish i knew how to quit you, game
TehAmelie: she puts her whole ass in the assassination
Foxmar320: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
CAKHost: Thanks for this, I guess?! (But seriously thank you for the stream, Graham and Alex! XD)
3PlayerPolitics: thank 4 strim
rentar42: i like to watch you play
Foxmar320: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
irenrose: Thx 4 strm
Foxmar320: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
vinewood_og: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Shadowsoflife: thanks for the strim
rentar42: I've been chat
DigitalSeahorse: !Alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: | Patreon: | Etsy: | Home stream: | Twitter: | More:
Songar87: lrrHEART sergeHi
RockPusher: lrrGARBO voxlunGeiger escher3SAFETY
Firewhiskers: Thank you Graham and thank you Alex and thanks to all the mods
Giraldi657: ciao
Strebenherz: Thank you for the Garbage!
Foxmar320: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
WearingCats_CwC: bai
elkae: lrrGRAHAM lrrGARBO lrrALEX
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
LordZarano: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! Game: Star Wars: Unlimited) at Wed 05:00 PM PDT (1:59 from now).
Anaerin: !show override off
Foxmar320: Star Wars: Unlimited
Wicker_Guide: A war for a star
Earthenone: limitless wars in the stars
Charlie_Victor7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Charlie_Victor7! (Today's storm count: 60)
elkae: thanks muchly for strim
Splash4Mirrodin: A singular war
Aenir798: I prefer the limiteed format though
3PlayerPolitics: I prefer Star Wars Unhinged
rentar42: wait why IS "star" singular and "wars" plural ... shouldn't it be "stars war"?
DigitalSeahorse: digita435LOVE digita435LOVE digita435LOVE
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
RockPusher: nice
korvys: Do you think James could make the sub crawl into a Star Wars intro crawl between now and the end of AFK?
RandomTrivia: Nice
korvys: *paul, rather
RockPusher: also nice
RandomTrivia: Nice again
Wicker_Guide: it's not a real star war until the emperor's clone throws a black hole at luke's clone's girlfriend that gets blocked by original luke and eats the mk2 death star
BrowneePoints: It's about Multiple Wars among the Stars
BrowneePoints: so why isn't it Stars Wars
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSHINE katesSus_SG voxlunBean digita435LOVE lrrGRAHAM lrrALEX
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: cheer69
MostCallMe__Tim subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
MostCallMe__Tim: hi
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MostCallMe__Tim! (Today's storm count: 61)
SomebodyNowhere subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
SomebodyNowhere: oh look its a button
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SomebodyNowhere! (Today's storm count: 62)
Earthenone: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
vinewood_og: He said the thing!
sethtriggs: Woot!
margieargie: Ah, this was a great W+P, now to go watch this vlog about MagicCon Chicago some guy uploaded today <_<
RockPusher: tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap
SymphonicLolita: dabits
Texan_Reverend: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
EikoandMog: nice
SomebodyNowhere: nice
LordZarano: nice
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeBits
RandomTrivia: Thanks for the stream, Graham and Alex! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Shadowsoflife: nice
TheWriterAleph: tis a good gvlog bront
CaptainSpam: HOCKEY!
Firewhiskers: I'm glad you have your voice back, Graham
Coloneljesus: watched that just before this stream. it's good!
rentar42: spoilers, sweety!
korvys: Americans have hockey too? lrrBEEJ
vinewood_og: Thanks G Money and A Train. Always love garbage day, and ooooh new GVlog? Twist my arm!
SomebodyNowhere: oof
kristian_fischer: And you were out in a snowstorm.
MAPBoardgames: The was nice of her
shea_wolfe: I laughed at Wheeler calling the weather weak follwed by a cut 5 minutes later to snow
DigitalSeahorse: katesSus_SG
RockPusher: voxlunBean lrrSHINE voxlunBean lrrSHINE
Shadowsoflife: @korvys We do?
BrowneePoints: Da Heckin Wimdy City
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
DigitalSeahorse: digita435LOVE
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Children, eh?
Earthenone: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: | Patreon: | Etsy: | Home stream: | Twitter: | More:
emberBecky: lrrSHINE
CaptainSpam: @korvys Well... Chicago TECHNICALLY has hockey, at least this season...
BigDaddyBland87: Only Canadians would go to Chicago to watch Hockey...AND NOTHING ELSE (don't fact check me)
cuttlefishman subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
margieargie: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cuttlefishman! (Today's storm count: 63)
TehAmelie: byee
johnalogue: I still don't understand why people are on Twitter
BrowneePoints: yall
josh___something: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! Game: Star Wars: Unlimited) at Wed 05:00 PM PDT (1:54 from now).
Phailhammer: Cya :)
Texan_Reverend: Catch y'all in a few hours, chat.
BrowneePoints: chicago is literally in THE zone of the US that has hockey
CaptainSpam: One of the Original Six, Chicago is.
BrowneePoints: Yarr. Most of the Midwest had Winter Ice Hockey leagues beforehand cuz gets cold here in the winter lol
Juliamon: Sometimes I'm mentally like "it hasn't been THAT long since I visited Montreal" and then I remember I went to an Expos game when I did
loufghyslaufey: Watch+Already Gone? lrrCrab
loufghyslaufey: Or "Crabs."
Juliamon: yes, it's a 2-hour show
accountmadeforants: @loufghyslaufey Here's a key bit information from the stream:
LordZarano: Watch+Played
TehAmelie: we went through a bunch of games that made everybody think of better games
TehAmelie: good times
johnalogue: All the talk of being inspired to make better games reminded me of an unrelated game I'd like to make so maybe I'll work on that this weekend possibly
TehAmelie: just imagine, that one game for Alex to go "Dark Souls 2 is better than this"
TehAmelie: making stuff is nice. i'm gonna draw some comics as soon as i sleep for 8 hours
Juliamon: I miss making stuff. I still have dreams about it sometimes.