thraximore: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry (Ian Builds and Plays a Membrane Clarinet) at Thu 05:00 PM PDT (41s ago).
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
r10pez10: actually a nelson/ian jazz duo would be pretty slick huh
iris_of_ether subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
iris_of_ether: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, iris_of_ether! (Today's storm count: 38)
Juliamon: I am concerned what a clamped peanut has to do with tonight
r10pez10: it's ian i trust him
LoadingReadyRun: @Juliamon lrrPAUL would you rather a loose peanut?
DideRobot: LRR: Time for Tinker Tailor Solder Fry! Get ready for ein kleine tinkermusik, tonight Ian is building a Membrane Clarinet! (has image) |
ladyjessica: ooo just in time :)
Molator: lrrIAN
SymphonicLolita: good evening ian
shurtal: Is this the episode where Ian becomes a mad scientist instead 9f just an eccentric one?
niccus: still more an engineer than a scientist
Arclight_Dynamo: Interesting plumbing in the background...
SmithKurosaki: Time to find out what the bus Ian is making this week
DrakoniteDev: sometimes it works, and sometimes it is a dreamcast
Arclight_Dynamo: I'm guessing "long kazoo."
SymphonicLolita: Big Doot
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
Arclight_Dynamo: Those also have reeds.
Nigouki: toob
DrakoniteDev: tubulum? wait, no, that is percussion
Arclight_Dynamo: Ah-ha.
SymphonicLolita: now that I think about it, at one point I had an "airhorn" that worked on this principle
DrakoniteDev: this is starting to look familiar
iris_of_ether: :D
gsyhiap: ka-chunk!
Arclight_Dynamo: Oh, god, resonance lengths... grade 12 physics is coming rushing back.
gsyhiap: Leaving a way to get in and replace/adjust the membrane would help with long-term maintenance
SymphonicLolita: double bass clarinet let's go
emberBecky: oh huh yeah I imagine this is a very precise thing, interesting
tehfewl: E
SketchyDetails: I ready the stream title as "Membrane Cabinet" and was very confused.
rubikdarkwill: 47mm is a very short ruler
SymphonicLolita: oboe has many levers as well
gsyhiap: The levers are mostly for convenience
SymphonicLolita: mostly to reach with your pinky
DrakoniteDev: strongly recommend cutting it long and then trimming/sanding at the end to tune it
gsyhiap: although with the larger variants your fingers won't be long enough to reach without the levers
gsyhiap: Instrument making is a delicate art
ghyllnox: You can use that drywall putty stuff too to fill in bits of the holes if you need to make it smaller, but it's not super durable (source: made a PVC flute in hs)
LadyAiluros: does ISA take it off?
DrakoniteDev: You can use two sizes of pvc to make a sliding section to adjust length/tune
ArdCollider: o7
DrakoniteDev: acetone wipes the text straight off
Arclight_Dynamo: Yeah, a quick Google says acetone works.
wedge_x: oh god I'm back at my parent's hardware store
wedge_x: so much pvc
SymphonicLolita: hwoooo
ghyllnox: I do not recommend sandpaper on the smooth outside of the PVC
Arclight_Dynamo: Look PVC is fine and all, but the sound of ABS is so much *warmer.* Kappa
DrakoniteDev: PVC is very easy to work with. I remember making a plumbing store instrument when I was in school. Pretty sure it was PVC. It was a long time ago but PVC would have been invented by then.
wedge_x: I was selling a whole lot of pvc pipe in South Florida in the 80's, so, yeah :D
wedge_x: a spalling
QuixoticScrivener: hooray microplastics!
DrakoniteDev: Ian has always struck me as a trombone player
Arclight_Dynamo: Euphonium, IIRC?
TheAwkes: #ChargeThoseEels
AMuseOfFirebane: Yeah did you bring a respirator for using the dremel? Or at least a mask?
ghyllnox: Yeah I was made to wear a dust mask when doing this sort of thing in high school, even just using sandpaper
r10pez10: PVC is pretty fun as a crafting material
1 raiders from ChillTheEffOut have joined!
TheWriterAleph: LUL
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
RockPusher: tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap
Arclight_Dynamo: Ah. It's called a clarinet because it sounds like one.
Nigouki: D:
Jillexie: Wow
Nigouki: that sure was a toot
ChillTheEffOut: we raided right at that sound lol
RatherLargeToad: First try!
SymphonicLolita: [dooooot]
tehfewl: fog horn
gsyhiap: Hey! That was surprisingly clarinet-like!
DrakoniteDev: very oboe-ish
RockPusher: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
malfnord: awooga
gsyhiap: (am a long time clarinet/sax player)
Jillexie: That sounds very much like a clarinet
Arclight_Dynamo: Air pressure inside the cap?
DrakoniteDev: need air release in the cap
Arclight_Dynamo: It's sealed.
TheWriterAleph: !y
TheAwkes: Could try drilling a small relief hole in the cap.
DrakoniteDev: drill hole in the cap
DudelidouX: Think the cap pulls it too tight?
SquareDotCube: If you have several of those I'd experiment with where to put the hole.
gsyhiap: I don't think that there is an equivalent word for wind instruments
gsyhiap: I'd just say clarinet-maker, or similar
Kraest: The term is actually just "reed maker"
gsyhiap: @Kraest Really? I'd interpret that to be the maker of the literal reeds, rather than the instruments themselves
RealGamerCow: how goes the giant kazoo?
DrakoniteDev: smells like cancer!
Texan_Reverend: Any air cleaner/purifiers on hand to help with that smell?
Arclight_Dynamo: A maker of oboes is called an o-boner (this is a lie).
gsyhiap: @Arclight_Dynamo miiliGiggle
Arclight_Dynamo: If you like bagpipes, I highly recommend looking up smallpipes on YouTube. Great Highland Bagpipes are big and loud; smallpipes are for nice music.
Texan_Reverend: Significant sanding ASMR.
Arclight_Dynamo: Chanters are also lovely instruments in their own right.
gsyhiap: @Arclight_Dynamo I'm quite a fan of Northumbrian pipes, much more subdued sound
Arclight_Dynamo: @gsyhiap Ah, I'm a Scottish smallpipes guy. :P
Too_Many_Knives subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Too_Many_Knives! (Today's storm count: 39)
MrTheWalrus: !y
Kraest: I made one of these last year and found it neat but ultimately ineffectual a a usable instrument because it was impossible to tune properly or reliably
TheAwkes: Increasing the amplitude of the wave changing the frequency in cool fucky ways.
Kraest: If this could be made with a hard membrane (like a reed) then it could possibly work better
gsyhiap: I wonder what happens if you try to play this with a brass embouchure
gsyhiap: That tone is great!
Kraest: The type of membrane also affects the usability of certain notes, once the holes are drilled
gsyhiap: Definitely getting flat as you overblow
Kraest: I made mine in the key of A minor, and the B note was really flubby with the rubber glove membrane, and the D was really weak with the plastic membrane
ghyllnox: Yeah, the membrane pushed out more would make the "pipe" length longer
r10pez10: slide whistle mechanism on the membrane when
AutumnGold subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months!
AutumnGold: roubhaLurk roubhaSpeen roubhaBajaBless
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AutumnGold! (Today's storm count: 40)
RealGamerCow: magic card protector?
RealGamerCow: sleeve, that's the word
DrakoniteDev: magic booster wrapper?
gsyhiap: The bag tone was more pleasant, but I can see the tape being mechanically easier to use
RealGamerCow: Fog horn!
7gorobei: mylar from a potato/corn chip bag?
gsyhiap: It's thicker, presumably
RealGamerCow: That sounded oboe-ish
Voldiren subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Voldiren! (Today's storm count: 41)
RealGamerCow: wax paper-ish
SymphonicLolita: doooot
ghyllnox: Theoretically if reeds are the peak material, the most reed-like material would be best
Arclight_Dynamo: The only thing I don't like about the tape is it means this thing is going to get packed with lint.
gsyhiap: low density polyethylene, I think?
TheAwkes: Low density polyethelyne
DrakoniteDev: low density polyethelyne
gsyhiap: Guess I was correct then LUL
Fruan: That's a real good doot
DrakoniteDev: @gsyhiap high five
NotCainNorAbel: should I not have those on the same slider?
SymphonicLolita: you can't tell me what to do! *turns it up louder*
DrakoniteDev: "microphone" protection
TheWriterAleph: always practice safe sax
LordZarano: Who knows, it might
gsyhiap: Aww, I was curious how the reservoir tip would work
ghyllnox: "Condoms. For protection!"
gsyhiap: @TheWriterAleph Accurate fingering is important
SymphonicLolita: that's just a sportscar
7gorobei: ribbed for your pressure
ghyllnox: I'd think this would be a poor membrane
Nigouki: getting the LRRmans OST ready
Kraest: we found awkward fart . wav
SquareDotCube: unsafe sounds
ghyllnox: And the stretchiest
TheWriterAleph: @gsyhiap and breath control Kappa
DrakoniteDev: I think you want high flexibility, but very low stretchability
gsyhiap: @TheWriterAleph Not forgetting mouth position and tonguing, of course đź‘€
MacbethSeemsSus: I think the key is the material vibrates but doesn't flex. There's a reason most strings are taught
ghyllnox: I wonder if a thin metal plate would work
niccus: an entire ceiling egg
DrakoniteDev: @ghyllnox aluminum foil!
TheAwkes: @ghyllnox Aluminum foil it is, then!
ghyllnox: @DrakoniteDev @TheAwkes Great minds!
Juliamon: ooh Glurp AND Monikers next week
Kraest: I hope Ian has a reference for where the holes go. That's an incredibly specific science lol
ghyllnox: @Kraest He says he does, but it differs based on so many things that you'll need to tune it a bit anyways if you want it to be perfect
ghyllnox: We made like four or five of the flutes in hs and each one of them was a little different
miniMacGuru: Is this a new tune, or have I not been paying attention?
Juliamon: The latter
marshacado subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, marshacado! (Today's storm count: 42)
Kraest: yo this needing to sit through 14 ads shit is WILD and gross
Juliamon: there's two different Mojang Party remixes, this one comes up less frequently I think
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG
Arclight_Dynamo: Ouf.
SquareDotCube: not perfect
ghyllnox: Guess it's not flexible enough?
ghyllnox: Oh that sounds very nice
SquareDotCube: mylar's definitely the right tone though
Mnemonicman: So that's the browser tab making the noise.
Nigouki: Fs in chat?
gsyhiap: sergeJustRight
Shadowsoflife: F
KWardJenx: Nailed it
RockPusher: "Not Bad"
niccus: a perfectly tuned sleeve
Astrovore: that sounds really good!
gsyhiap: My own instruments are often less tuned than that LUL
Arclight_Dynamo: I am now contemplating building fifty of these, getting an air compressor, and hooking up valves to a keyboard. Pipe organ, yo.
recursioning: That sound completely spooked my cat
control_rig: And as a bonus you get to eat the KitKat
Astrovore: yesss
onecelt: Nope, that's exactly how I eat KitKats
RockPusher: No setting the KitKat on fire!
Juliamon: I go top-down, separate the layers
gsyhiap: It sure is tight!
control_rig: A bit too lose
Kraest: perfect
control_rig: I've produced that sound before
gsyhiap: LUL
Kraest: ship it
TheAinMAP: playfr3Honk
Astrovore: now it's a kazoo
control_rig: Oh there we go
RockPusher: fugiFrrt
MacbethSeemsSus: I'm disappointed in Kit Kat not thinking of this scenario
KWardJenx: This increasingly looks to be the stream that will finish off Ian.
SquareDotCube: from raspberry to raspy
Kraest: I wonder how saran wrap would sound
gsyhiap: @Kraest similar to the plastic bag he tried first, I suspect
niccus: crisp
gsyhiap: Not a great seal on that
control_rig: Oh neat
Kraest: it just sounded sad
gsyhiap: Huh
ghyllnox: LUL
control_rig: When Ian said "not get a hole in it" my mind went straight to "what would a condom sound like
Juliamon: control_rig Already tried, wasn't good
control_rig: Aw!
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
Lysander_salamander: What's this?
flyingelevator: tape?
Juliamon: A clarinet made from PVC pipe!
Arclight_Dynamo: Chips, yes.
Lysander_salamander: Some sort of high-grade kazoo?
Arclight_Dynamo: Chips was F, you like dthe tape tone.
gsyhiap: You liked the tape
Juliamon: Same principle as a kazoo, yeah
control_rig: Mawp
LordZarano: Tape was good yeah
emberBecky: that was closer to E. but that gives you more space when tuning?
emberBecky: maybe vacillating tho, hard to tell. i'm listening with piano app so not precise XD
control_rig: Oh God yeah
gsyhiap: Nice
TheAwkes: lrrEFF
Lysander_salamander: Is there a way to make this like a trombone?
bytecaster: The dooting startles me every time
Lysander_salamander: it's a good doot
emberBecky: wibbly E
Lysander_salamander: like an alpenhorn
LordZarano: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
Kraest: a baroque tuning E
gsyhiap: I think the tape would be better for consistent tuning
Arclight_Dynamo: Imperial was a mistake. :D
SymphonicLolita: Imperial: not even ounce
Arclight_Dynamo: @SymphonicLolita Oh, very nice.
62MGcobra: ah yes the 8/64th
Juliamon: dealing with imperial measurements for body jewelry is *intensely* frustrating, let me tell you
Shadowsoflife: Imperial for jewelry sound rough
Kraest: the SECRET pipeman? perhaps?
bytecaster: Where in the world is J Lozano
gsyhiap: Google suggests that J Loazo is a Mexican football manager
gsyhiap: *Lozano
SymphonicLolita: *almost* there
DrakoniteDev: imperial measurements were not the US's fault, and the main reason the US still uses it for anything is retrofitting the entire transportation and construction industries would cost trillions
niccus: at worst you become a microtonal musician
TheAwkes: INB4 this thing needs a spit valve.
ghyllnox: Hole might be too big
jessieimproved: I literally opened the stream to this that was amazing
ghyllnox: If it's losing too much power
Arclight_Dynamo: Ah. Full octave hole.
DrakoniteDev: I decided to make curry tonight, to cheer myself up from having injured my leg. Said injured leg just caused my to stumble, resulting in most of said curry ending up on either my shirt or the floor :(
NotCainNorAbel: running a spectrogram of the stream sound is very interesting
Shadowsoflife: @DrakoniteDev oh noes
SquareDotCube: Ian, maybe cut off the thumb on the glove and use that instead of the whole glove
ghyllnox: @DrakoniteDev NotLikeThis
gsyhiap: That was making more of a semitone interval (E to F) rather than a whole tone (E to F#)
TheNerdWonder: I wonder how much a "proper" mouthpiece would restrict airflow and allow for longer play times
SymphonicLolita: getting better
Mazrae: Just tuned a little scared to find out what a membrane clarinet is
Arclight_Dynamo: @TheNerdWonder Actually, yes.
TheWriterAleph: braaappp
SymphonicLolita: frrrrt. dot wav
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT
Arclight_Dynamo: @Mazrae Now you know!
Fruan: I need that sound as my text notification
Mazrae: @arclight_dynamo still not sure what I'm looking at
iris_of_ether: PVP pipe + a plastic/rubber/whatever membrane
Juliamon: Mazrae PVC pipe with drilled holes (the 'clarinet') that uses a produce bag (the 'membrane') to create the sound
TheShameGranny subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
TheShameGranny: Ian! Ian Horner! I hear very strange noises coming from your room young man! I hope you are not shamefully fingering your pipe again, it upsets Mrs. Miggins!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheShameGranny! (Today's storm count: 43)
Juliamon: Mazrae Think of it like a fancy kazoo, if that helps
Mazrae: Ah okay I think I understand
WalrusOntheCourt: Let's see...tin foil, tubing... drill, is all so clear what it is...
Arclight_Dynamo: Studio with a SINK.
rubikdarkwill: Studio Workshop. Stushop
TheAwkes: @iris_of_ether This could be viable in the PVP meta.
iris_of_ether: @TheAwkes Oh jeez I missed my typo :D
WalrusOntheCourt: Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Pinkie? I think so brain, but where are we going to find enough kitcats for the membrane cabinet?
Juliamon: Other membranes tried tonight were chip bags, card sleeves, condoms, and aluminum foil
malfnord: WOW that's Scottish
Arclight_Dynamo: Ah. The Nickelodeon scale.
wedge_x: getting close to the Atari 2600 Pitfall music
RockPusher: End game here better be "Stranger on the Shore"
ladyjessica: good night everyone.
RockPusher: Viva la Centimetre!
WalrusOntheCourt: In the end, Ian plays and creates irresistible music that leads all the plumbers in Victoria to follow... and they are never heard or seen from again...
RockPusher: The Plumbed Piper of Victoria
RockPusher: gabyLewd sergeMoly
Arclight_Dynamo: The pentatonic scale *does* seem to be a fact of human psychology, at least. Bobby McFerrin has a great talk on it.
Kraest: western psychology
niccus: all notes aren't on the scale, due to the weird tensions between having notes and harmonic intervals
rubikdarkwill: tritones
RockPusher: The search for the elusive "brown note" lrrBEEJ
emberBecky: devil's interval is a tritone, halfway between a fourth and fifth, if that's what you're thinking
Arclight_Dynamo: @Kraest Maybe. It's been developed independently many times by many different civilizations. I'm not saying the Western scale is universal.
serramarkov: I just got back from playing Lorcana 2HG. We split, it was fun.
Mazrae: All this talk about scales and stuff makes me wish I could still read sheet music from when I used to be in highschool band
Juliamon: Mazrae same
TheWriterAleph: lrrHORN
Juliamon: oh, one of those is *very* off
Astrovore: That's not half bad!
Mazrae: And with you adding a mouth piece extended the length of the whole thing
onetrueseth: Almost a phrygian scale
Fruan: Play the Jurassic Park theme!
RockPusher: Honestly, not bad for a piece of pipe, a plastic bag and 90min
TheAwkes: Little Mando there.
Mazrae: So I think that it changed the tone of the whole thing
WalrusOntheCourt: I call it "Dirge to the Rubber Chicken"
TheNerdWonder: has anyone asked Cori what her opinion is on this new addition to her household?
TheMandrew: I KNEW that's what you were trying for!
Kraest: might want to check the placement of the mouthpiece after adjusting it
Astrovore: @Mazrae I don't know that the length of the mouthpiece matters since it's on the other side of the membrane
RockPusher: bag pipe, but not like that
TheAwkes: A Bagg'd Pipe
carsonjth: Don't we all love "bag" "pipes"
Mazrae: @astrovore that's fair, I just thought that making it a bit longer would change the tune, I'm going off from playing trombone in highschool
Nigouki: But Flat F Friday is tomorrow
gsyhiap: That was an impressively accurate adjustment
gsyhiap: On the recorder it's so you can get a semitone by covering one hole, or a whole tone with both
gsyhiap: Don't know about the flute though, never played that
Kraest: your air pressure might also affect the intonation. higher notes on most instruments require more pressure
inconsideratehat: *wanders in with a bowl of cereal*... "Oh this is different and cool"
Kraest: what kind of cereal
inconsideratehat: Kashi healthy stuff with added craisins
Juliamon: OW
SquareDotCube: mawp
Kraest: that’s the clarinet sound I’m used to
niccus: you almost have a cicada simulator
Mazrae: Rip headphone users, I'm on of them
TheWriterAleph: Mr. Whistling Sweets
Kraest: that’s an interesting dual tone though
SymphonicLolita: ah yes, The Squeak
Catcard: my cat is SO interested in this stream
inconsideratehat: Hmmm, yes, I turned off my music to watch this...
62MGcobra: a lot of these sounds sound like im messing with my sax
inconsideratehat: Womp womp
just__fitz: First time watching, I am extremely impressed so far
SymphonicLolita: that's pretty good
SymphonicLolita: you should leave the glove dangling out like that, for flavor
inconsideratehat: Let me play you - the LOVE GLOVE. *waggles eyebrows*
carsonjth: ~ya like glove-streched-over-a-pvc-pipe-clarinet jazz?~
Kraest: yeah when I made mine I bought multiple pipes because tuning these is nigh impossible
Mazrae: What if you used a larger piece of pipe and try and make it use a similar sized mouthpiece that you are using would you make a bass version??
Kraest: brown…for…wood. sure, wood.
SymphonicLolita: interesting doot
Giraldi657: It's always good to watch you streaming Ian
Mazrae: Bus horn??
Arclight_Dynamo: Wow. Awful.
Kraest: it’s like putting a mute on a violin, actually
TheAwkes: Pipe mute.
inconsideratehat: DinoDance
Kraest: it actually works fairly well with the plastic bag
jessicaengle: Hi Chat. Is this those new toots I keep hearing about?
Kraest: *squeal* “classic”
TheAwkes: Reins in the bag a bit in an interesting way.
emberBecky: cap lowered the pitch of notes a bit I think
SymphonicLolita: good doots were had
SymphonicLolita: thanks ian
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
jessicaengle: Cool doots. GlitchCat
RockPusher: TTSF — the Let's escher3DOOT show!
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club (Join Oki Oki Bois for some Street Fighter 6! Game: Street Fighter 6) at Fri 10:00 AM PDT (14:53 from now).
jessicaengle: Yay Live.
RockPusher: Something is gonna happen‽
iris_of_ether: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
RockPusher: EZ Pianeezy
TheAwkes: Loading Ready Lovin' It
iris_of_ether: oh my god
jessicaengle: @RockPusher sergeJustRight
RockPusher: Glurp!
Fruan: Glurp!
jessicaengle: Glurp!
jessicaengle: sergeBongo
iris_of_ether: benginO7
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN
emberBecky: honk
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
DrakoniteDev: therea48Wave
emberBecky: thanks for stream! that was fun lrrPistachio lrrHEART
ghyllnox: Thanks for the stream! o/