jessicaengle: It's that time again
jessicaengle: Shenanigan O'Clock
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: enhanced skin awareness
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: !badadvice
seeweda: hello, is there a mine o clock this morning?
baltimore_667083: perhaps
malfnord: Once they wake up the hamsters, presumably
baltimore_667083: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Wandering Monster!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @seeweda Yes, unless you're in a timezone where it happens in the afternoon or evening.
TXC2: Hello everybody
seeweda: that would be weird the is clearly day time TV.
seeweda: *the show
TXC2: the movie, the game
seeweda: the franchise
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BoatyMcBoatfaceJr! (Today's storm count: 3)
Didero: The Experience ™
Didero: Good evening
JaggerGTV: yayy james
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
SymphonySolstice: we got mines! we got clocks! what more could you need!
Sarah_Serinde: No Serge or Uno? Sounds like it's time to punch a chunk :P
TXC2: Os, we got Os ?
TheWormbo: @Sarah_Serinde those stone tools won't break on their own, after all Kappa
LoadingReadyRun: I mean... that's an option Sarah
Sarah_Serinde: Wait actually then I'd probably have to track things in James's bot, I take it back :D
MTGRanger: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
KiloRomeo058: mine time 😎
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy Tuesday, Miners & Crafters!!! sergeScopeCreep jlrrPunch
jessicaengle: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
DideRobot: LRR: After 10,000 years James returns to Mine O'Clock. But both Serge and Uno aren't around. Some welcome back this is. Come by, say hi, and let James know how cool and awesome he is so he's not so sad. |
TXC2: hello Xed_Regulus welcome
seeweda: punch a chunk with tnt
TheShokara subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheShokara! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: Here we GO!
Knot_Greg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Knot_Greg! (Today's storm count: 5)
baltimore_667083: and it's go go go!
malfnord: Hey, after a full week of SGDQ digging a hole like it ain't no thing is a great cooldown.
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
Dread_Pirate_Westley: And Serge('s metaphorical presence, although he is not actually here this week)!
SymphonySolstice: morning james
TXC2: Hello James
Sarah_Serinde: Hi James
Tandtroll_OG: Something wicked this way comes?
baltimore_667083: morning james!
TheAinMAP: Hello.
jessicaengle: Ages! Ages! Ages!
TXC2: ^
Sarah_Serinde: Surer has!
ShaneLeeAtk: A hot minute even
Didero: im new here and this person seems both awesome and cool
TXC2: "it's been 70 years...."
Barb4rian: jlrrIronball sergeLurk
Dread_Pirate_Westley: lrrJAMES ?
pn55: lrrWOW
SymphonySolstice: dang
TXC2: Euro Europe land
SymphonySolstice: at LEAST third
Didero: Easily top 25
TheMerricat: Where is curing cancer on that list?
LordZarano: jlrrDang who are you again?
seeweda: should of called Adam and tried to get him to play again :)
nyxlux subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
Sarah_Serinde: I think it was one stream of Raft
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nyxlux! (Today's storm count: 6)
TheMerricat: Did they acutally manage to get to the end of Raft chat? I've forgotten.
Sarah_Serinde: They thought they could get it done in one stream but there was more game than Serge realized
TXC2: TheMerricat they did not
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Have you measured the girth?
pn55: Poll time?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: jlrrPunch
TheMerricat: Have they already done Trials on stream chat? gosh my memory is bad.
GhostValv: minecraft maybe?
Sarah_Serinde: Parkour and dropper maps are fun
TheShokara: acquire dogs
TheWormbo: asking chat? bold choice
jessicaengle: Poutine!
Didero: @zombie_claire Uno for prime minister!
Sarah_Serinde: @TheMerricat No
Tandtroll_OG: Minecraft bingo is fun
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah that's fair
Sarah_Serinde: They did one stream of 1.21 and they did not get set up enough for trial chambers
Tandtroll_OG: Speed runs are good stuff
ProcyonFlynn: #AdventureDay :p ?
Statist42: i keep hearing about them "trial"s and have no idea what they are about
Didero: 'good chunk of you' heh
SymphonySolstice: a friend
malfnord: Find a really big mountain and punch a chunk right down the middle of it!
Nigouki: oh hey James is back
Nigouki: hallo
Sarah_Serinde: @malfnord That would take a lot more time than we have in this stream
the_one_and_only_kim subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, the_one_and_only_kim! (Today's storm count: 7)
TheWormbo: Notably the second chunk to be punched on the server Kappa
ProcyonFlynn: ooh, Deepslate
Sarah_Serinde: That took a bit over 2 streams just to get there
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah 7 sounds about right
SymphonySolstice: punching a chunk the traditional way, like great grandpa turner used to do
Didero: A worrying amount of 'we' :p
Master_Gunner: The traditional chunks took like 6.5 hours to punch.
Master_Gunner: In competition, at least.
Sarah_Serinde: Just not as close to DB this time
TXC2: ^
ProcyonFlynn: !venga
LRRbot: The Venga Bus'll be coming 'round the mountain when it comes.
eshplode: Oh that explains why it doesn't feel like it was a whole year ago
Nigouki: D:
Nigouki: distributed subathon?
LordZarano: I'd recommend Sodium Extra, and Logical Zoom. To emulate optifine features for the interim (note Sodium Extra is not Sodium, it's extra stuff)
Sarah_Serinde: Is there any other 1.21 stuff that you'd want to explore or play with? Since you mostly just jumped into chunk punching
Nigouki: how many other people on this server?
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah that definitely makes sense
SymphonySolstice: find some carrots so you can start making some food?
DentedPockets: Army of armored wolves
Sarah_Serinde: I do feel like the other things wouldn't take up a stream to check out
SymphonySolstice: fair
Tandtroll_OG: I vote item speed runs or gearing up
Sarah_Serinde: Item speedrun for 1.21 stuff?
PsychoI3oy: Is there any Minecraft planned for the subathon?
Sarah_Serinde: Sure do
50keyz: last year's was amazing
TXC2: I think it was 24
50keyz: 24
Sarah_Serinde: I forget if it was 3 or 4 hour blocks but there were 4 of you and you each played twice, right?
TXC2: it was a lot, that's all we know
50keyz: 4 ppl 2 3 hour segments.
Sarah_Serinde: 3 hours x 4 people x 2 would be 24
50keyz: plus the review at the end. the overnight was the watchalongs
TXC2: Sarah_Serinde 4 people, James, Alex, Graham and Cori
50keyz: those watchalongs were also great.
Sarah_Serinde: @TXC2 Yeah I know, I said 4 people the whole time :D
TXC2: Sarah_Serinde ah, I miss read
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah there were a bunch of numbers in there
ShaneLeeAtk: Joe Kim is killing it
TheWormbo: with stone tools, no less
50keyz: yeah Joe Kim streamed last night and did so much lol
Sky_Kast: Good timezone Yall
Narcuru: Erika, the premier punch-a-chunk streamer
TXC2: hello Sky_Kast welcome
Sarah_Serinde: Also because I can only shoutout one person at a time
TXC2: Narcuru of the format
Didero: Where's the 'sea shanties' option?
ProcyonFlynn: Adventure Day penaddTobyhype
Didero: Punc-A-Chunk
DiscordianTokkan: "Punc-A-Chunk" :P
Barb4rian: I feel so torn... because jlrrPunch . But also gear sounds fund
50keyz: oooooh
Sky_Kast: gooder404
Crokoking subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Crokoking! (Today's storm count: 8)
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
Narcuru: mlg
Didero: ohjeez, don't do that to me
baltimore_667083: lrrWOW
Critterbot: Calculated! :D
Sky_Kast: Saved by the ladder
Nigouki: thought you planned and express trip to spawn
ShaneLeeAtk: MLG without the bucket of water
TXC2: to early to be MLGing this hard
TXC2: vote early, vote often
Nigouki: blame the keyboard
TXC2: Gear up wins
Narcuru: and it is what we are currently doing
beowuuf: punc seems like a malc superhero name
Boon_33: how novel
TheMerricat: I'm a bit worried about James' communication style if he's typing in punch multiple times a week. Kappa
TXC2: TheMerricat the only social media James uses is the app Punchr Kappa
TheMerricat: :D
Sarah_Serinde: nice
phoenixfeather14: can you use any items in the "James_LRR Memorial Welcome Pavilion" to gear up?
Nigouki: Hi Spawn
MungoDude: hi everybody
Didero: cool ravine
Barb4rian: Ravines are cool CoolCat
TXC2: hello MungoDude welcome
50keyz: beautiful landscape + giant death-hole
TXC2: Ravines are soooo innnnn
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I remember James_LRR.
Didero: Are you going to keep your MoC gear and your PaC gear completely separate for the whole season?
Eklinaar: This is a nice memorial, it's almost like James is still with us now.
LiamNeesonsKneesSon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LiamNeesonsKneesSon! (Today's storm count: 9)
Tandtroll_OG: Down?
MungoDude: when your armour has mending it's less important, but tool durability matters a lot for punching chunks
TXC2: gotta stake a claim early
LurkerSpine: Did Uno or Serge start a mine somewhere?
Tandtroll_OG: I think south is fairly untried?
Narcuru: lets find a shipwreck
beowuuf: beinf british and being a muffin, i'll let you work out which was which. the answer might surprise you. but probably not.
Narcuru: jlrrFall x2
DentedPockets: He wouldn't be wrong
Boon_33: bye joekim
JoeKim: woops. my bad
Natimus_Prime: To be fair, JoeKim thinks that because it's true
JoeKim: forgot it was tuesday
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Joe, bye Joe :D
baskwalla: I miss JoeKim
altis39: Enjoying James' dulcet tones as I paint my church office. It is certainly a day.
TXC2: JoeKim with the AbeSimpson.gif meme
Tandtroll_OG: Maybe he heard you
Sarah_Serinde: You're also allowed to inexplicably log on and off while James is streaming :P
Sarah_Serinde: lrr
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
Tandtroll_OG: I believe most people went to this water, at least Serge and Uno
Didero: You can take a single zombie
beowuuf: what better than a ravine? being forced to charge towardsa skeleton with your back to said ravine
Natimus_Prime: You should put a bridge over that ravine, for safety
TXC2: "but all of them were deceived, for everything was not fine"
beowuuf: @Natimus_Prime but no guard rails, for comedy
DentedPockets: "Light up spawn" should be added to a backlog
JoeKim: spawn is lit up
JoeKim: its the fact he walked away
Angreed66: You're only on fire because you fought zombies already burning to death
JoeKim: i have a new sadness farm to make apparently
SymphonySolstice: I haven't had a chance yet
TheMerricat: I just realized.... we are still using a texture pack aren't we. for some reason my brain assumed new version and no optifine meant using vanilla textures. :D
bekit_tavern: been having fun with crafters, but haven't hit a trial chamber yet
JoeKim: infestation XP farm is a wild concept
DentedPockets: Brew Crew server is still on 1.20.4. Hoping it'll be upgraded soon.
TXC2: danger hole right there
JoeKim: the autocrafter feels underbaked
wench_tacular: aren't bad ideas your thing?
JoeKim: setting up the crafter for specific crafts is a HUGE pain in the butt
wench_tacular: jlrrCreeper
JoeKim: and requires significant redstone knowledge
beowuuf: lrrWOW
TheMerricat: compared to what already exists in modded minecraft it does seem a bit underwhelming in function but I can see how vanilla players love it.
50keyz: how much do you miss light from offhand torch?
TheAinMAP: SSSsssplode
50keyz: thats an optifine thing right?
TXC2: are autocrafters the next step in redstone designs ?
JoeKim: have you looked at the redstone to automate autocrafters?
JoeKim: the footprint is MASSIVE
Sarah_Serinde: Factory
JoeKim: even doing simple things like iron ingots to blocks or dried kelp blocks
Sarah_Serinde: It is cool
bekit_tavern: The crafter is pretty on par with item filters in complexity, I feel. Not simple, but lots of variation you can do.
TheWormbo: yeah, "universal" auto-crafting is complicated, but simple compacting isn't that bad
JoeKim: requires so much more space than i want
Tehbeard: @JoeKim The footprint isn't that big, like 2x1x4 blocks for compacting.
bekit_tavern: For basic stuff, there's some nice one wide tileable designs
LordZarano: There's server-side mods for dynamic light using light blocks. Those will affect the game
malc: !addcount falls
Narcuru: !addcount falls 1
malc: :-)
Angreed66: The problem is to make a certain things like iron blocks means stopping the crafting of other recipes. That requires a lot more redstoning.
Narcuru: :)
Didero: Just boating around in Minecraft seems fun
Sarah_Serinde: malc Narcuru jlrrNo
malc: hehehe
JoeKim: @Angreed66 yeah this one
JoeKim: it's ANNOYING
TheMerricat: It always amuses me, in vanilla minecraft it seems like a good majority of players focus on setups that replicate mods, but requiring ten times the footprint and effort, the majority of modded players focus on setups that let them play in creative mode... only with huge footprints and effort to get there. While Creative players just make cool bases. :D
Didero: Didn't we come here during PaC?
ShaneLeeAtk: I believe we did
thebeaz2: the somewhat tricky part is pulsing the crafter at the moment the recipe what are trying to craft has the. raw materials. otherwise you’ll end up with slabs instead of furnaces
LordZarano: Serge raided a bunch of stuff down the west coast
Didero: Good to hear, because I don't entirely believe me :p
bekit_tavern: I've been collecting all the designs I find and throwing them into a creative world so I can pick what I need for different setups:
Scarletdemon_1: Currently having to type with one arm because my giant housecat has claimed my other
TheMerricat: I can't quite remember, doesn't f3 tell you how long a chunk has been loaded? if it's more than a minute, you've been here before. :D
Eklinaar: @TheMerricat I've always avoided mods where the end-game replicates creative mode. I prefer mods that add interesting functionality and progression that doesn't exist elsewhere, like magic mods.
TXC2: Scarletdemon_1 o7 your arm
TheMerricat: @Eklinaar I enjoy the ones that add more world generation and or dimensions. And then spend most of my time in one chunk trying to dig enough of a hole to build a home in. :D
Scarletdemon_1: @TXC2 it's the arm with my dominant hand too
Quaseymoto: Is music a litttle louder than normal or just me?
TXC2: Quaseymoto seems fine to me
Quaseymoto: I believe just me.
Didero: Music seems quiet to me, but it's also raining pretty heavily here
TXC2: is that a 2 or a ? in the moon there? :p
TheMerricat: Certainly a lot fewer Kansas level plains in the worlds I find these days.
Daedalus423: I love cherry blossom biomes. They're gorgeous
Splash4Mirrodin: ^
TheDevil_Risen: They just want to steal your blocks and give hugs :D
Eklinaar: The terrain generation looks really nice, I have disliked vanilla terrain generation for a while.
LordZarano: Yeah this seed has a lot
TheWormbo: Serge
TheWormbo: Yeah, he did the entire boss round, needed a place to cheese the wither, I guess :P
LordZarano: 10/10 dive
TheWormbo: (yes, Serge has a beacon and elytra)
Natimus_Prime: Serge also did quite a bit of endbusting, so there's probably an elytra waiting for you next MoC
Dread_Pirate_Westley: He also spent a surprising long time looking for a dripstone cave like this one.
TheMerricat: And James was never seen again....
Chaotically_Random: Is there a theme, or are we just playing Minecraft?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @TheMerricat Why do you think it's the James_LRR Memorial spawn pavilion?
Didero: Don't forget to bring all that copper :p
TheMerricat: :D
Tandtroll_OG: Iron lower middle class?
TXC2: Chaotically_Random we're building up gear for later streaing
TXC2: *streaming
Chaotically_Random: Roger Roger
Didero: Presumably you can't turn railway tracks back into iron?
JoeKim: maybe because i'm left handed
JoeKim: but i always put my torches to the left
JoeKim: its hard questing with serge lmao
TheWormbo: if you put them on the left you can find the "right" way back, I guess
Didero: It also makes sense because you're already holding the torches in your left hand
jessieimproved: I always put them on the right, then follow the left back. But I am also left-handed so ???
Revenant77x subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Revenant77x! (Today's storm count: 10)
JoeKim: simply do what i did and find a mansion to hollow out
JoeKim: i have more wood than i know what to do with
NimrodXIV: I put torches everywhere, But I put down two torches together for whichever way leads out of the cave
Didero: It seems kind of cool to turn a Mansion into a base, but that's probably harder than it seems
JoeKim: once the evoker is dead, it isn't bad
JoeKim: they dont respawn
JoeKim: nice to have defined walls though
Didero: Yeah, but y'all are also far better at making pretty buildings than I am :p
TheWormbo: eat the zombies
Didero: What were they even mining here?
JoeKim: sadness
TXC2: their own hubris
Didero: Have you tried asking the game nicely?
Nigouki: it pays to be polite (in minecraft)
Angreed66: Counterpoint you should
Didero: jlrrBreak
TXC2: is asking nicely really that hard?
Ard_Rhys subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ard_Rhys! (Today's storm count: 11)
Narcuru: jlrrBreak
Dread_Pirate_Westley: jlrrCreeper
50keyz: so rude
Splash4Mirrodin: Zombie: Yoink! My iron now lol
Nigouki: we all know a nugget thief
Didero: cool hole
Didero: lrrGREED
TXC2: for content
malfnord: Because it's there?
JoeKim: because you're a dummy?"
Dread_Pirate_Westley: jlrrWalldiamond
Angreed66: Soon you could be 64 iron short
50keyz: noooo
EJGRgunner: GG
baltimore_667083: @Angreed66 speak of the devil
TheDevil_Risen: sergeOffByOne
Narcuru: sniped!
Tandtroll_OG: Nooooooo
TheWormbo: @Angreed66 how about right now
Splash4Mirrodin: lrrAWW
JoeKim: someone mark the coords so i can steal those diamonds later
Ard_Rhys: 1054, -14, 800
Didero: It's ok, you just have to backtrack
Narcuru: 1054, -14, 800
Nigouki: death at 1054, -14. 800
BrightstormRising: Who saw that coming?
malfnord: @Angreed66 The prophecy is fulfilled.
SymphonySolstice: gdqRipUrn
noblevegas: *logs in* *James dies* Afternoon, All! LUL
TXC2: hello noblevegas welcome
Tandtroll_OG: Well at least now you can get more food
JoeKim: do you need a babysitter
beowuuf: jlrrFacepalm lrrFINE
ProcyonFlynn: As is Tradition lrrSPOOP
50keyz: oLUL
beowuuf: bed?
Narcuru: is that wool in that chest?
SymphonySolstice: bring a bed with you
Nigouki: coward hole
Alex_Frostfire: Night bunker.
TheWormbo: Erika's first starter stuff
NimrodXIV: nighttime hiding spot?
TXC2: what's this? what this? there's mine things everywhere
Revenant77x: That was Erika's starter hole
Nigouki: oh no, the CRA calling
BrightstormRising: I think that was Erica 's starter.
50keyz: giftcards will appease them
beowuuf: @TXC2 sergeJustRight
TXC2: beowuuf thanks
TXC2: me thinks this might be a real call
Didero: Sure, let's just watch some squid die
TXC2: so chair, how are you finding 1.21 ?
beowuuf: we will never know :(
wildpeaks: New Paul
Nigouki: do they want you to accept/reject the plumber based on looks? D:
TheMerricat: Don't worry James we won't tell Paul that you are trying to replace him...
TXC2: seems like I can
wildpeaks: this is how we end up with additional Paul clones
malc: I'm not a mod but here: 💈
Didero: Treasure hunt!
Nigouki: option 3: JoeKim babysits?
Splash4Mirrodin: @Nigouki I think its a safety thing. Make sure the person is legit part of the company
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @wildpeaks This is "one way" we end up with additional Paul clones.
Narcuru: @malc boooo.... *claps*
ProcyonFlynn: !vote2
Narcuru: oh that was snow. why snow
wildpeaks: @Dread_Pirate_Westley :D
Eklinaar: What happened to your stuff?
Didero: You know us so well
JoeKim: i can fly now. i can even babysit
SymphonySolstice: LUL
beowuuf: @Eklinaar don't even worry about it
Genie_M: almost 2000
wildpeaks: you know us so well
empyreon: HypeEvil
TXC2: James know's his audience Kappa
Alex_Frostfire: You basically asked chat to.
malfnord: Won't the stuff have despawned by the time you get back there?
50keyz: stuff has diamond
Monocerotis2010: You asked
JoeKim: widdle baby james
BrightstormRising: Sometimes, you can trust chat.
beowuuf: surprising amountof non-monsters
JoeKim: it only despawns if its loaded
TheMerricat: It's 90% more security theater than actual safety. But yes the stated point is so that someone can't impersonate your workers and then do horrible things to the client when they get inside.
Tandtroll_OG: We love and appreciate you James
JoeKim: he's too far for it to load
Chaotically_Random: I mean, I think Chat can Baby Sit James....
beowuuf: 3:1 monster / not monster ration
MungoDude: did someone clip the death?
TXC2: BrightstormRising the paradox of chat, you can trust them to be untrustworthy
Ard_Rhys: 1054, -14, 800
TheAinMAP: jlrrBaby
PenguiShark: 1054 -14 800
JoeKim: 1054, -14, 800
Narcuru: 1054, -14, 800
wildpeaks: just a happy little stroll with bonus stuff at the end
Genie_M: Y is -14
Bowlsrus2000: 1054 -14 800
Monocerotis2010: Or was it -800 .....
JoeKim: mineshaft
malc: sure, it's *our* fault
TheWormbo: boat
JoeKim: you delved too deep
JoeKim: and too greedily
Didero: You should know by now that you should never give Chat options, we'll always pick the worst one
PenguiShark: but in the end.....
TXC2: speaking of too deep
TheMerricat: @Monocerotis2010 not negative.
JoeKim: lmaoooo
wench_tacular: we're all going to die
Genie_M: pretty snow texture
MTGRanger: death comes for us all, James
Nigouki: i forget, does the chunk load vertically all the way? is James going to get there and then spend more than 5 min getting down?
Didero: If we make it
Bowlsrus2000: only negative is the y level
JoeKim: nah. he'll be fine
TheMerricat: And then die to another skeleton.
Monocerotis2010: To be clear I was joking about the neg
beowuuf: a plan with no drawbacks but one skeleton
MungoDude: wasn't there dripstone spikes to fall onto though? I mean yes, let's dig straight down
Didero: Ever?
JoeKim: who gets paid the 100 dollars
JoeKim: pay me
beowuuf: same one? bet taken!
EJGRgunner: what if you die to the SAME skeleton?
Angreed66: Yeah this time it'll be a creeper
TheMerricat: I'm fairly ceratain the original one will have despawned by now.
BrightstormRising: He'll die to a creeper instead
TheWormbo: in before it's *the same* skeleton
50keyz: he's going to die to fall danage thank you very much
Chaotically_Random: Now Falling damage might be differnt
JoeKim: hold on gonna rename my character
wildpeaks: DB starts early apparently
TXC2: James will die from gravity in the next 10 mins Kappa
Narcuru: it's going to 100% be jlrrFall damage that kills him
Monocerotis2010: Who has the odds on which mob kills James next
MTGRanger: @beowuuf I see the skeleton as more of an upside, who doesn't like the undead?
beowuuf: another skeleton / original skeleton / creeper / fall
wench_tacular: lrrFINE
JoeKim: that was
JoeKim: close
Narcuru: dang it James
beowuuf: @MTGRanger good aligned clerics, those killjoys
wench_tacular: jlrrFacepalm
50keyz: LUL
pn55: James!
JoeKim: a butt clencher
wildpeaks: Totally As Planned
beowuuf: lrrFINE
ShaneLeeAtk: I heard the butt pocket
TXC2: who knew James was into Tombstoning
ShaneLeeAtk: Pucker
Narcuru: you aren't 18 anymore James
beowuuf: !hubris
wildpeaks: savidan guarantee
beowuuf: !HUBRIS
Tandtroll_OG: sergeHubris
TheWormbo: Serge-level of hubris right there
Luthien_frejya: And we 100% believe you
malc: wait those weren't the terms
TXC2: James DMing hubris at this point
MTGRanger: if you die do you owe us Ice Cream?
Chaotically_Random: Insight Check....
Angreed66: James will just hit the end stream button when in danger then
MTGRanger: lrrBEEJ
wildpeaks: James will survive the the heat death of the universe
JoeKim: joe kim PC charity fund
Ms_LadyMix: What if it's friendly fire
malc: the Ice Cream for James's Mods charity
Chaotically_Random: Ok, but whose charity there are alot of us here....
Tandtroll_OG: That's so much money
beowuuf: @malc the impartial chatter has a great idea!
50keyz: @Chaotically_Random desert bus?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Does that include ANY death? Including by other players?
TXC2: each of chat will get 40 cents
TXC2: Kappa
Splash4Mirrodin: How about a November charity? :3
50keyz: @Dread_Pirate_Westley good thinking
mjiig: @TXC2 I'll be very upset if my charity gets shortchanged by 3 cents like that
JoeKim: lmfaoooo
MTGRanger: @TXC2 is that cad or usd?
beowuuf: ask joe to babysit first Kappa
TheMerricat: Chat, semi-real talk. I half know why minecraft labels it's coordinates the way it does vs how we are normally use the labels. do you think that this will spawn a new generation of engineers who have to deal with the 'imperial vs metric' problem but with people who use minecraft's "Y is up and down" and the older school "Z is up and down"?
TXC2: MTGRanger Norwegian Krona Kappa
NimrodXIV: snort
Chaotically_Random: Sounds like James is grumpy does he need a nappy?
MTGRanger: @TXC2 the only currency of value
Angreed66: How many unique death messages will James accumulate this stream?
beowuuf: jlrrDance jlrrBaby jlrrDance3
DiscordianTokkan: lol
wildpeaks: the hunt started
beowuuf: LOL
TheAinMAP: jlrrNo
50keyz: mostdangerousgame.exe
Ms_LadyMix: Joe's going to just menacingly observe from a distance
TXC2: TheMerricat yes
beowuuf: @50keyz mostdangerousjames
rogerivany: What are we doing?
50keyz: @beowuuf nice
Boon_33: james is: the pest
brunothepig: @TheMerricat My understanding is that this problem already occurs in game dev depending on the engine
rogerivany: Joekim hunting James for sport?
MTGRanger: @rogerivany we're playing the most dangerous James
Tandtroll_OG: Not much of a hunt when James has his coordinates on the screen
MTGRanger: @Tandtroll_OG are you suggesting Joekim would stream snipe?
Narcuru: good food if nothing else
50keyz: JoeKim could just break all your torches and interfere that way
wench_tacular: no the hay was outside
Genie_M: things!
Tandtroll_OG: jlrrPongchamp jlrrPongchamp
JoeKim: tbh i'm just loading my farms
beowuuf: @TheMerricat intersting fact, the creeper exists because the co-ordinates for a pig were put in wrongly :p the model just got repurposed :D
JoeKim: i wouldn't actively mess with james during a stream
Monocerotis2010: What if we offered a bit bounty on him...
Alex_Frostfire: Your farms don't happen to be at 1000 800, do they?
Boon_33: you say that but you also lay traps
Narcuru: 1054, , 800
Ard_Rhys: 1054, -14, 800
JoeKim: if you pay me 10k bits
JoeKim: i will kill james
Splash4Mirrodin: 1054 -14 800
TheMerricat: @beowuuf It's wild to me that he hand coded his models, he didn't create them in a modeling program he just graphed them out and then typed in the coordinates. :D
Bowlsrus2000: 1054 -14 800
mathmaticalknight: @TheMerricat no because all of the professor's are pre minecraft, and all of the schooling for engineering is z coordinates up down, also often times you set up your coordinate system so it works best for you as they are technically arbitrary
Boon_33: selling hits? are we the darknet now?
TheMerricat: oh he's going to drown.
Boon_33: in minecraft*
wench_tacular: lrrHERE
TheWormbo: punch-a-hold
Didero: Didn't you die in a massive cave?
Tandtroll_OG: Exciting
beowuuf: !hubris
creasehearst: lava incoming in 3... 2... 1...
TheAinMAP: jlrrPunch
wildpeaks: well this seems safe
eshplode: I look forward to someone falling down this hole later
mjiig: @mathmaticalknight I have bad news about the age of minecraft and/or professors
Nigouki: boooo
Nigouki: coward
Splash4Mirrodin: Odds of lava pond?
Monocerotis2010: 🐔
TXC2: digging straight down? bold move cotten
wench_tacular: you can
Quaseymoto: bed for spawn?
Chaotically_Random: COME ON LAVA
beowuuf: wow, i never realised james was both a baby and a coward
TheMerricat: :D
TheWormbo: don't think that bed counts
wench_tacular: jlrrDang
TheWormbo: it'S obstructed
PenguiShark: boat in case of drop?
Quaseymoto: I'll go back to lurking.
Quaseymoto: my work here is done.
TXC2: like assassins creed
TheWormbo: will there be a dripstone
Didero: Wait, haybales prevent fall damage?
wildpeaks: woohoo
Genie_M: quite assassings creed of you
MTGRanger: HEYY!
Sarah_Serinde: Good work James
eshplode: seabatClap
TheDevil_Risen: gg
baltimore_667083: WOO
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
Nigouki: FBtouchdown
TXC2: success
pn55: seabatClap
PsychoI3oy: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
MTGRanger: alright now GETTEM
beowuuf: never bet against james!
Sarah_Serinde: !genius
LRRbot: Oh no!
wench_tacular: jlrrBaby
Splash4Mirrodin: lrrGOAT
LordZarano: PrideRise
TheAinMAP: jlrrBaby
Monocerotis2010: Impressive
beowuuf: a genius without a bed ...
wildpeaks: and then JoeKim appears :D
Didero: You didn't get all your stuff, since your inventory is full Kappa
TheMerricat: D:
TXC2: Gods if that had killed him
PsychoI3oy: there was something on the ground next to the pillar
MehallD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
Boon_33: not to rescue the bed
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MehallD! (Today's storm count: 12)
TheMerricat: Leaving those diamons? :D
beowuuf: lrrHORN
50keyz: not going for the diamonds?
Nigouki: diamonds near: 1022,-11,796 and 1048,-17,809
beowuuf: now a genius with a bed!
50keyz: ahhhhh
TheMerricat: two beds
wench_tacular: bunk beds
MehallD: ol Jamesy 2 beds
wildpeaks: do bed stacks ?
Didero: You need to replace the bed you stole from spawn
SnackPak_: two beds Turner
Narcuru: they call him James two beds Turner
PsychoI3oy: you have a pick
PsychoI3oy: top ri... nevermind
beowuuf: triron
TheDevil_Risen: unarmeHeart unarmeHeart unarmeHeart
Narcuru: maybe set a bed near the diamonds?
rogerivany: Luckily Serge and Uno aren't here to make fun of you.
SymphonySolstice: set a spawn james
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Dread_Pirate_Westley: That's more than 3.
beowuuf: FBtouchdown
TheDevil_Risen: lrrGibb
JoeKim: i did open my dashboard
PsychoI3oy: lrrHERE
JoeKim: in case someone did pay me the 10k bits to kill you
Tandtroll_OG: Three tall for bed?
wildpeaks: home sweet home
50keyz: tinyhome
SymphonySolstice: home sweet hole
Tandtroll_OG: Home sweet Home
polaris415 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months, currently on a 72 month streak!
polaris415: something something sub time
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, polaris415! (Today's storm count: 13)
TheDevil_Risen: James is a Dwarf and he's digging a hole, diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole, :) <3
Didero: Next step, water elevator back to the surface?
SnackPak_: candy gram!
TXC2: never leave the hole
wildpeaks: we leive here now
rogerivany: Did I see a mine shaft? We can burn wood.
TheDevil_Risen: sup @TXC2
Angreed66: Shield time?
MTGRanger: lrrHERE
Genie_M: ez-pz
SnackPak_: never didn't have it
TXC2: hello TheDevil_Risen
beowuuf: o7
TheWormbo: James is being awfully hostile towards charity right now Kappa
TXC2: Sierra hotel india echo lime delta
ProcyonFlynn: Lower Shield and Smaller Consumables are almost a must for me now. It's jarring to see the regular minecraft.
MungoDude: an axe?
Bowlsrus2000: buckets
TheMerricat: Chat, protip... when using those cheap "press down a lever" rice cookers and bending over to look to see how the water is boiling, be aware of where the steam hole is. :D
TheDevil_Risen: James has become Iron Steve :)
TXC2: TheMerricat good advice
IaCthulhuFthagn: 7 hp, feeling good.
Didero: James, eat something
Angreed66: Being careful around hot things is always good advice
Didero: Thanks :)
Didero: Looks like a bossfight arena
rogerivany: If we had a bucket of lava we wouldn't need coal for our furnace.
beowuuf: boss is ames
malc: !hubris
Didero: Wait, a water block can just overwrite a lava block?
beowuuf: til
TheAinMAP: escher3THUMBSUP
weekendjedi42: Diamonds are in the lava, at the bottom
IaCthulhuFthagn: You can place most things in a space occupied by a liquid.
weekendjedi42 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, weekendjedi42! (Today's storm count: 14)
malc: including more of the liquid
BrightstormRising: Mods might want to just set up the "which charity will James donate to" poll now.
Angreed66: Come on over skellies
IaCthulhuFthagn: Right.
malc: $100 to a charity though
IaCthulhuFthagn: Come over here witches.
beowuuf: @malc oh right, how we bucket lava in pac...
EJGRgunner: we're cheering for charity
MTGRanger: but your death is $100 to charity! It's only a mini desert bus!
BrightstormRising: We're cheering for charity
Didero: We're just in favour of charities
TXC2: it IS for charity...
malc: beowuuf: that suddenly clicked in my head :)
Splash4Mirrodin: We're cheering for charity
Narcuru: im cheering for a charity donation from one of my favorite streamers
Splash4Mirrodin: Kappa
brunothepig: Come on James, does that sound like something twitch chat would do
LurkerSpine: I'm always on #teamJames
malc: that's not how it works, James
Narcuru: you aren't a charity James
MTGRanger: I can do 100 Norwegian Krone
JoeKim: i'm a charity
JoeKim: money pleaseeeeee
beowuuf: @MTGRanger what's that in Norwe... never mind... :p
malc: I work for a charity, so you can give me a raise :p
Didero: You could make charcoal
phrystileno1fan: yo wsg my man
MTGRanger: you know coal is *like* diamonds
TXC2: "who needs coal when you have Lava?" the motto of Iceland there Kappa
Didero: Isn't it around where you died, 1054, -14, 800?
MungoDude: wasn't it right by those coords where you died last time?
Angreed66: You can always die to find it real quick Kappa
rogerivany: Have you died already though?
TXC2: diamonds go burn the same way coal does
Dread_Pirate_Westley: jlrrFall
bethjch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months, currently on a 76 month streak!
bethjch: no dying. way to much paperwork!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bethjch! (Today's storm count: 15)
MTGRanger: diamonds and coal form like everything else: Thousands of years of heat and pressure
malc: lmao
Didero: We're not, YOU are :p
Nigouki: loooool
beowuuf: "we"?
Angreed66: you are we aren't
TXC2: Charity gonna get paid!!!
wench_tacular: you might be, we're fine
JosVanTongeren: Good morning all! Hope you had a save trip back James? What kind of something something minecrafte are we doing?
TheAinMAP: Just take a very long break. :)
TXC2: hello JosVanTongeren today we are working building gear for the server
beowuuf: @JosVanTongeren gearing up, engaging in hubris
LordZarano: At least it's not hardcore
JosVanTongeren: Thanks Guys :)
Darleysam: time to Let's Nope it, lean back in the chair, and ask chat weird questions
Monocerotis2010: Rule edit - Can take breaks but can't pause
MTGRanger: a charity is desperate for 1060.99 norwegian Krone, James!
Angreed66: That would be like starting with 21 health
Nigouki: up is not where the mines are
bekit_tavern: Lava buckets for fuel?
bekit_tavern: Oh, for torches too, nvm
IaCthulhuFthagn: Lava buckets can be used for lighting caves too, it's just space inefficient.
IaCthulhuFthagn: Iron is free, but inventory space is at a premium.
LurkerSpine: ooo iron
malc: karaBlind
Didero: All the better to see the sudden lava flows
weekendjedi42: Sky lava?
bethjch: what could possibly go wrong
Tandtroll_OG: Three blind mice, if Twitch chat were two mice
ThorSokar: place bets on digging in to a zombie spawner here!
TheWormbo: oh, aren't there either meadows or rivers around here?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @ThorSokar A mineshaft with three cave spider spawner next to each other.
IaCthulhuFthagn: -s*
MTGRanger: is there a simulator?
Didero: Some sort of talking simulator
TXC2: James talks, we message
KingTaltia: We are, in fact, text messages, and therefore cannot talk.
ThorSokar: @IaCthulhuFthagn composKEKSlide
JoeKim: correct
TheWormbo: ghast tears
Sarah_Serinde: ^
JoeKim: they're not that hard to make
Angreed66: Ghast tears are the big hurdle
BrightstormRising: Ghast tears and eyes of ender
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Good idea. Let's go to the nether.
Darleysam: you also need a wizened elderly figure to cackle and go "dragons? Hah, dragons haven't been seen in this land for centuries"
Didero: Can you turn up the gamma?
Narcuru: Maybe you did but couldnt see it
LurkerSpine: well, unless you're in a mountain you're almost out
Tandtroll_OG: ^
IaCthulhuFthagn: The Nether seems like a plan. Preferably within the next hour and a quarter.
Splash4Mirrodin: lol
Boon_33: black gold
Didero: Now you're flooding the whole cave :p
Angreed66: time to drwn while mining
TXC2: texas tea
BrightstormRising: Doors
bethjch: you didn’t ask for dry coal
ThorSokar: this feels like "the coal we have at home"
brunothepig: Alright I'm off to bed. Good luck fighting your fate James
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
TXC2: so long brunothepig sleep well
UnknownFriday: Just take a lesson from Magic: Life is a resource.
MTGRanger: @TXC2 Hey Lysander!
TXC2: Hello Lysander_salamander welcome
weekendjedi42: Coal is always one block away from where you stop looking
Boon_33: underwater cave coal miner sounds like a dangerous job
LurkerSpine: just make a door?
brunothepig: @TXC2 <3
Alex_Frostfire: I mean, you don't have to worry about a spark lighting it.
BrightstormRising: NGL, I've not used coal as a fuel since 1.18. charcoal is just the easier option now
Narcuru: You dont have a lot of wood anyways right? And you want to make torches
TXC2: Alex_Frostfire if only that where true IRl
Alex_Frostfire: Can... Is there even oxygen for it to be a problem underwater irl?
Dalrint subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Dalrint: 51 months! wait...A solo James who isn't digging a hole? This feels weird.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dalrint! (Today's storm count: 16)
TXC2: Alex_Frostfire there's oxygen in water, that's what fish are breathing
TheWormbo: yeah, blame us
Didero: @Dalrint If it helps, he spent quite a while trying to dig himself out of a hole
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I voted for Punc-a-Chunk.
Dalrint: @Didero That does help, thank you.
TXC2: I voted for Kodos
MTGRanger: I didn't vote
MTGRanger: I think I was tabbed out at the time
MTGRanger: or I missed that part
Alex_Frostfire: Well, then on an actual bright side, you don't have to worry as much about breathing the coal dust because you should already be using an oxygen tank. ;)
MTGRanger: alas
Didero: bob and weave!
AtLeast17Grapes: Ahoy! Is this a new world?
TXC2: hello AtLeast17Grapes yes its the 1.21 world
Dread_Pirate_Westley: jlrrBreak
TheAinMAP: jlrrBreak
AtLeast17Grapes: Oh yeah! I forgot there was an update
Nathade: I voted punc-a-chunk hoping it would be different from punch-a-chunk
Didero: Bring some more food down with you?
IaCthulhuFthagn: The pace of this mining operation makes me want to play TerraFirmaCraft.
Didero: Can you grow food underground, or does it always need sunlight?
Tandtroll_OG: Can you hopper bamboo to automate charcoal in vanilla?
Angreed66: Unless you avoid using coal on principal
AtLeast17Grapes: Food needs light, but that includes torch light
AtLeast17Grapes: You can automate bamboo fully but trees are trickier to automate as a player needs to place the sapling at some point
TheAinMAP: lrrHAM
Tandtroll_OG: Thank you
beowuuf: i wish they'd make coal stairs, etc to make the coal block itself
Dalrint: Coal stairs would be filthy though
Tandtroll_OG: Do we have enough wood?
Dalrint: No optifine yet?
AtLeast17Grapes: You need to build a door at the top to stop the water getting in
TheWormbo: most of the replacement mods are up-to-date, which is a big advantage of maintaining modular, single-purpose mods
bekit_tavern: Mind a suggested alternative to optifine since you are already dabbling with fabric & sodium?
AtLeast17Grapes: Are you not a fan of big chests?
AtLeast17Grapes: Nevermind...
NorthstarTex: how goes everyone, feels good to catch a lrr stream after a week in the woods with little signal
Dalrint: But can you use any of this stuff in the PaC tomomorrow?
TXC2: hello NorthstarTex welcome
Wicker_Guide: hullo hullo? No Uno?
QuixoticScrivener: light shield on fire, best of both worlds
Narcuru: solo today
AtLeast17Grapes: I don't think I've ever used a shield in minecraft. Just don't get hit lol
TheWormbo: but what's better? shield or spending $100?
TXC2: Wicker_Guide no Uno or Serge today
Barb4rian: @QuixoticScrivener Galaxy brain right there
Angreed66: Dripstone is friends with chat
Narcuru: iron vein?
malc: ooh, irony
Nigouki: one hour to get as much iron as you'll ever need
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Serge has an iron vein near his base.
TXC2: so vascular
rogerivany: If you find a raw iron block it's definitely one.
TheWormbo: doesn' look quite iron veiny
TheWormbo: tuff is too uniform
AtLeast17Grapes: No love for gold? Think of the Powered rails!
Didero: Best wait until Serge and Uno are back and make them do the stripmining :p
TXC2: "strip mining is boring" says the chunk puncher
Angreed66: or even a clock!
QuixoticScrivener: is that like mining where you take off your gear?
Dalrint: It just needs a better name. Like 'Bed Blasting' isn't really less boring than strip mining, but it SOUNDS cooler.
AtLeast17Grapes: Strip mining is the sexy version of spleef
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Didero: Not anywhere? But I gotta pee :(
Angreed66: obey your bladder
Wicker_Guide subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
Wicker_Guide: (to the tune of Red Wine) Strip Strip mi-i-ine, until we see-e-e, Di-i-iamonds, revealed to me-e-e
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Wicker_Guide! (Today's storm count: 17)
Wicker_Guide: oh
Dalrint: I wish I could draw. I would draw a really radical OBEY YOUR BLADDER image like the OBEY YOUR THIRST sprike logos
TheAinMAP: HahaReindeer
SymphonySolstice: welp
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Are you saying you're "Killing" the stream?
SnackPak_: showering is overrated lrrBEEJ
Wicker_Guide: become clean
malc: $50 consolation prize to a charity :P
QuixoticScrivener: baby wipes or bust
Darleysam: no shower needed, just play Caillou jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo
malc: lol
TheWormbo: your relog may have eaten the scheduled block update event
Nigouki: follow the light
malc: down here is a charity donation :P
TXC2: ^
DudelidouX: Well there's something that for me is worth more then
wordnerdify subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wordnerdify! (Today's storm count: 18)
wordnerdify: how was your trip?
QuixoticScrivener: strip mining: every time you find a diamond, take off a piece of gear
malc: hah
wordnerdify: Great!
Genie_M: Yurp
Alchemistmerlin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alchemistmerlin! (Today's storm count: 19)
Genie_M: choose different 3-4 countries next time though
Dalrint: That's so many months.
malc: can recommend Scandinavia
Darleysam: I'm very envious of Serge's going to Iceland
MTGRanger: Germany is great
Alchemistmerlin: lrrSHINE
Genie_M: there's lots of Germany left, true
MTGRanger: Switzerland is beautiful
wordnerdify: I can recommend Italy
MTGRanger: oh you went to Frankfurt?
malc: maybe give it a few years so they can fix their train network
QuixoticScrivener: did you hear excessive vuvuzella?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: jlrrBreak
wordnerdify: Lovely
malc: Lauterbrunnen ;)
Schmoopy42: I live in switzerland right now, but down in Lausanne
Bowlsrus2000: recommend Wales anytime
QuixoticScrivener: @Bowlsrus2000 Ok, Russel T. Davies...
wordnerdify: I used to live in Florence
brax565: <message deleted>can you follow brax565 on twitch
Bowlsrus2000: yes
wordnerdify: Me too
Schmoopy42: I was unemployed in switzerland for the first 6 months I lived here... Imagine the panic
malc: quixoticscrivener: sigh, my former housemate is in Cardiff right now and sending me photos of everything Doctor Who / Torchwood :P
Angreed66: Tuff luck James
TheWormbo: probably to your left
QuixoticScrivener: @malc to be fair, the Ianto shrine is on my bucket list.
TheWormbo: (15 seconds ago)
Bowlsrus2000: I live near the beach where Robby died in harry potter
SymphonySolstice: you get One
Angreed66: It is in a cave
Genie_M: asking nicely? what a weird concept
TheWormbo: to be fair, you only gave one life
Didero: Should've asked nicely-er
malc: this seems like an unhealthy relationship
Dread_Pirate_Westley: After asking nicely, you should be thankful, otherwise the game might not think you're sincere.
NorthstarTex: should say "thank you sir may I have another"
rogerivany: At least you don't have fortune 3 and only get 1 diamond.
TheAinMAP: You asked where all the diamonds were, got one diamond. Therefore, that was the last diamond in the game.
Didero: James is accidentally gonna jump into lava like 6 minutes before the stream ends, isn't he?
wordnerdify: waiting...
Bowlsrus2000: do an Oliver Twist it and ask for more
Tehbeard: ooo, red diamonds
malc: ah, red diamonds
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeWaiting
TheWormbo: red diamonds, it's a miracle!
TXC2: red diamonds, the 2nd rarest diamond
Bowlsrus2000: rubies
Angreed66: Well there are no minecraft gods
Sarah_Serinde: I still haven't heard the word "please"
malc: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: Better :D
noblevegas: *Minecraft Gods laugh in Redstone*
wordnerdify: Perhaps you need an offering
TXC2: Angreed66 we killed them, much easier that way
Nigouki: you'll definitely find lots of diamonds if you dig at this level all the way back to spawn
Didero: And us Kappa
Barb4rian: What did you call me?!
TXC2: wow I have friend?
noblevegas: Never didn't have it
wordnerdify: wooh, diamonds!
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Angreed66: only though
malc: how does one get good
Tandtroll_OG: Maybe the real diamonds were the friends you made along the way?
Didero: So you're saying that the reason it took you so long to find diamonds is skill issues?
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
TXC2: good lord
SnackPak_: thanks, minecraft
Nigouki: see, you asked properly
Genie_M: so you were asking?
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
pn55: seabatClap
wordnerdify: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance seabatClap
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
TStodden: 8! Do I see 9?
Narcuru: wasnt there one more there?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: What do we say to Minecraft when we get what we asked for?
Genie_M: please thank the gods
Ard_Rhys: lrrSACK lrrSACK lrrSACK
TXC2: when it does, highlight reel
Sarah_Serinde: (remember if you clip him finding diamonds without any context of him asking for or calling them, it's not gonna make much sense in the highlights)
LurkerSpine: nah, it just becomes meaningless, doesn't it?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Be careful speaking about the highlight reel. Jordynne can be particular.
TheWormbo: just don't Wheeler it with Jordynne
wordnerdify: it was epic
Sarah_Serinde: So did I
dougma: that was soooo good
TXC2: destroyed/ gave him what he wanted
Sarah_Serinde: I was kind of disappointed she only used all the approved clips for the year, rather than just every clip everyone made :P
Dalrint: History suggests you should go...left.
malc: when minecraft whispers in your ear, check your audio settings.
TheWormbo: "Diamonds this way" is almost always correct at negative Y-level – the question just is, how far away
TheWormbo: way better odds for charity
Angreed66: Part of me wants Joekim to just follow you and break all your torches behind you
wench_tacular: it not perfect system
wordnerdify: The downside of caves, I guess
TrickJarrett: There are some gnarly caves on the server. I've had to mine my way out of caving like 3 or 4 times.
JoeKim: @Angreed66 shhh
TrickJarrett: hi hi hi
Genie_M: time to dig up?
TXC2: hello TrickJarrett welcome
JoeKim: you know you can look those up on chunkbase now
dougma: sergeHubris sergeHubris sergeHubris
rogerivany: Yup. I've seen denser ones though.
Nathade: Stalagmites provide an exit out of a cave LUL
Dalrint: Are there other types of veins?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Copper.
dougma: surface iron is tasty iron
JoeKim: they're by granite
JoeKim: ooo ancient city
wench_tacular: excellent
TXC2: now here's how James dies
JoeKim: here comes the fall death
TheThromborax: Wazzat?
Ard_Rhys: well this got interesting
Didero: Not to what? I can't see anything
Beleqwaya: That'ss onne way tto get equiipmennt
Barb4rian: Dollrrs on warden death
TrickJarrett: Always
TheThromborax: Door?
Nathade: Look, another way to get out of the cave
TheThromborax: Not door
wench_tacular: Diamonds or dead
Didero: Thanks
TheThromborax: Please don't accidentally use the door instead of the bucket
TheMerricat: Is our spawn still set in our little cave base?
Angreed66: Does Chat know if Serge has sneak or the trims yet?
WitchyTQ: James they're making cute animal magic cards and i feel like im being bullied
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @Angreed66 I don't think Serge has been into an ancient city.
TXC2: hello WitchyTQ welcome
Sarah_Serinde: Ah like the LotR set bullied me :P
Sarah_Serinde: But also I'm so here for this one
malc: have they made a Bear of Bad News yet?
wench_tacular: as a treat
rogerivany: We found an ancient city. Wow.
Dalrint: Personally, I'd run away.
TheWormbo: 3 strikes, IIRC
noblevegas: @malc next Un-set...
Xed_Regulus: The Doctor Who set bullied me lol
SymphonySolstice: GAMING
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW lrrSACK
wench_tacular: lrrSACK
TheWormbo: bussing lucksack
Ard_Rhys: lrrSACK lrrSACK lrrSACK
wordnerdify: dude
yourislove: Hi
Beleqwaya: Ya ok.
Sarah_Serinde: Didn't even set anything off opening the chest
TheAinMAP: lrrSACK
Alchemistmerlin: Pure skill
Didero: And now time for lrrGREED
pn55: seabatClap
TXC2: if this was a movie, this would be the foreshadowing of James' death :p
Master_Gunner: diamond mending hoe? Score!
yourislove: Yes
yourislove: SeemsGood
wench_tacular: he knows when to hold em, and when to fold em
Didero: Time to start a Hoe Store
Barb4rian: Fortune 4 hoe, lets go
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Maybe you could take that hoe into the PaC.
Didero: 1054, -14, 800
Didero: Please don't drown
TheWormbo: well, iron vein
PsychoI3oy: jlrrCoolgame
yourislove: If you press f5 you can see the diamond block
JoeKim: no no it's alt-f4
Genie_M: Still veining the iron
TheMerricat: "We've got to go home now" - proceeds to jump into an underwater river and plunge into another unexplored cave system :D
Sarah_Serinde: @JoeKim Yeah that's the kind of advice I was expecting there
JoeKim: lololol
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Please don't abuse Beej's mail hole.
yourislove: Lol
Angnor33: Dig up.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Up.
50keyz: take lethal damage?
Didero: Just follow the torches? :p
yourislove: Up
Angreed66: no really
Dread_Pirate_Westley: That is also up.
yourislove: Y
TheMerricat: So you've moved a lot since we got here but I think you've forgotten you legit jumped into a hole to get to this part of the cave system. You may need to pillar or actually dig up to get out
Didero: Yeah, at -14
yourislove: PopNemo
Didero: woo
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Sarah_Serinde: what a gamer
WitchyTQ: james if you get one of the bunny cards can i has it?
TXC2: hole sweet hole
50keyz: nice
WitchyTQ: yes im still on this
WitchyTQ: i cant stop thinking about them
TXC2: bunny and mouse and otters and frogs and bats
MTGRanger: @WitchyTQ YESSS
Angreed66: yeah bunny is one of the two colour pairs
rogerivany: And zero humans.
WitchyTQ: i dont know how to play
YeomanAres: There's a possum
Sarah_Serinde: Hey you can be a collector without being a player if that's what you want
UnknownFriday: Tons of people do it for Lorcana.
sephsays: TW on LRRMTG videos when?
Xed_Regulus: @WitchyTQ Lucky for you, there is a whole bunch of friends locally who want to teach you! lol
sephsays: TQ, not TW, dangit
SerGarretCameron: Even better, you can just buy prints of the art from the artists.
yourislove: Nooooooo
beowuuf: i think if you have the bunny card you win
WitchyTQ: @SerGarretCameron ooooo
yourislove: No
Sarah_Serinde: Good work James
malc: !hubris
WitchyTQ: welp
wench_tacular: what was that
SnackPak_: really tempting fate there
Dread_Pirate_Westley: You didn't what?
TXC2: just had to get that last bit of hubris in there
Didero: Grats!
yourislove: stay
YeomanAres: James hates charity
pn55: HypeLUL
yourislove: Please
Sarah_Serinde: It's almost like you're not as bad at this game as people stereotype you
wordnerdify: Thanks, James!
beowuuf: who knew james could last 90 mins in this game! MiniK
malc: fine I'll donate to charity :P
50keyz: thanks for the stream. :)
yourislove: No sly please
Dalrint: Is there going to be that minecraft relay agtain this year?
rogerivany: That creeper blows James up immediately tomorrow.
Genie_M: Irregularly scheduled program incoming
Sarah_Serinde: @Dalrint There will be Minecraft in some form but not as much of it as last year
Sarah_Serinde: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
malc: ~whichcord
DideRobot: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Bruceski: Okay that was absurd. I was playing a lockdown deck that kept bouncing/countering anything I played except lands. When that finally stopped I got a case out that let me play off the top of my deck, and look at all these lands! I think they still had the win but they just got tired of me continuously playing cards and dealing with their effects to get more lands.
Bruceski: *playing against a lockdown deck
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Destiny 2) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (54m from now).
SymphonySolstice: thanks james
SnackPak_: gotta stop those shapes
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
50keyz: :D yay
Dread_Pirate_Westley: But haven't you retired champion?
Dalrint: That does not sound like a real game
Didero: Nobody knows what 'Wheeler' means
Dread_Pirate_Westley: GR is short for Gruul.
Didero: Thanks for the stream!
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
WitchyTQ: chat i preordered bloomburrow stuff
WitchyTQ: i hate it here
TXC2: one of us, one if us
beowuuf: ^
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
beowuuf: night txc2!
Didero: G'night!
beowuuf: and happy cardboard bunny ownage tq when it happens!
beowuuf: money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cardboard arts that bring happiness.