Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Destiny 2) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (0s from now).
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Head [fawn]
Mollylele: !updog
LRRbot: Not much. What's up with you, dog? lrrSPOT
iris_of_ether: !y
TheMerricat: You know in my mind one of the worst things about the fact that Muskrat bought Twitter is it's forever ruined X-Com for me....
Mollylele: as if he hadn't ruined enough things !
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
SnackPak_: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
2 raiders from Luminaire_p have joined!
DideRobot: LRR: Let's check back in on an old friend with Destiny 2 on this week's Talking Simulator! | |
TehAmelie: good morning team
Scarbble: @WitchyTQ it's SO CUTE right?
beowuuf: sergeHi hopefully you can see outof hours updog is still getting some use :)
PixelArtDragon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
PixelArtDragon: sergeOffByOne
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PixelArtDragon! (Today's storm count: 20)
Luminaire_p subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Luminaire_p! (Today's storm count: 21)
LoadingReadyRun: we're doing commerce one sec
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW unarmeClick
TehAmelie: commerce waits for no man nor fan
baltimore_667083: hi cori! hi cam!
TehAmelie: ohaio
QuixoticScrivener: Last time on Wizard Chores!
emberBecky: o/
TheAinMAP: Hello lrrCORI lrrCAMERON
TehAmelie: wait what is blue raspberry?
Mollylele: in space it is nice and cold
aerohydra: dat arm
richard_ermen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
richard_ermen: Are we in for another Destiny LOREpisode?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, richard_ermen! (Today's storm count: 22)
iris_of_ether: CurseLit
Luminaire_p: unarmeClick
TheAinMAP: HahaSweat
ProcyonFlynn: That's 25% farther than I woulda held the line. lrrSPOOP
RedGriffin42: Chonky game
iris_of_ether: I'm going to a supplier meeting in a t shirt because it's way too hot
TehAmelie: i did just run into this one screenshot i saved from Destiny 2. a game of fantastic vistas
wedge_x: it's cool, everything's different anyway
PixelArtDragon: Nine months
richard_ermen: I'm always happy to hear Cameron play about Bungie gaming lore xD
Scarbble: final shape is SO GOOD
GreatWahooney: hello folks! hope everyone's having a nice day
Dalrint: Uh huh. That's why I could totally go play WoW again with no negative repercussions............
TheMerricat: It's just like falling off a bicycle Cameron, very painful.
PixelArtDragon: That sounds so unsafe
accountmadeforants: Is the final shape a line or, like, a triangle?
iris_of_ether: Yike
Mollylele: should we also type in our credit card numbers or
DoodlestheGreat: Thaaaaaaat does not sound at all kosher, Cori.
iris_of_ether: Hunter2
SnackPak_: that;s the weird part?
Luminaire_p: Please send me iTunes gift card
TehAmelie: my country is what the Soviets called a "soft" country, where you can basically find anyone's Ss number at the town library
malfnord: Insert Bitcoin here please if you want your stream back. Thanks! :)
richard_ermen: Most CyberSecurity is Security Threatre, sadly and kinda pointless.
QuixoticScrivener: in case of AI video
MWGNZ: moral of the story: trust nothing
wedge_x: "There's water in the basement and the pilot light is out"
richard_ermen: I wish I had 5000 dollars.
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
TehAmelie: and their tax records
Laserbeaks_Fury: I have a password in the possible event my older self travels back in time,
Juliamon: I wish I was allowed to have 5000 dollars
accountmadeforants: Also, AI things. The police in my country literally recommend setting up some kinda identification when calling friends for suspicious situations (or calling them back on their real number)
iris_of_ether: There's a Doctorow post saying part of the reason that these attempts work is that we've been trained as to how dodgy the real places sound like
richard_ermen: We need Robot-Cori and Robot-Cameron. Just because.
PixelArtDragon: Pro tip: make sure you tell your IT person "it's really me, don't worry" when asking for help resetting passwords
TehAmelie: i wish i could install my old Win XP printer, but it just stopped registering on the computer since win 7
ProcyonFlynn: #moon
iris_of_ether: Meanwhile I need to figure out how to get my dad back into his Google because he's lost that phone number....
RuiFaleiro: unarmeHeart
richard_ermen: I have a warhammer army. That's more than six figures.
SnackPak_: woooow
NotCainNorAbel: sorry, misheard...6 fingers in the mail
RuiFaleiro: only if she's 5'3
Scarbble: i have way more than six figures, i got way into amiibo in the past
PixelArtDragon: Got it. Pay Cameron in 6 Space Marines.
TreeVor84: I have well over 6 Lego Mini figures, does that count?
TehAmelie: i still love Scott Pilgrim's joke about Envy as "the ultimate woman" with B, W and H scores all at 999
Mushbie: I use those lyrics to remember my height is 5'3" in imperial :p
iris_of_ether: lrrCIRCLE
SnackPak_: lrrCIRCLE
MWGNZ: it's orbin time
DoodlestheGreat: I do have six figures! Two of them are from Littlest Pet Shop, the rest are My Little Pony.
Laserbeaks_Fury: My 6 figures are Scrapper, Scavenger, Mixmaster, Bonecrusher, Long Haul, and Hook
richard_ermen: Out of curiosity, is this the moment when Bungie jumps the shark or is Destiny 2 still good?
PixelArtDragon: Destiny 2, or as I like to call it, rasterisation vs SDF
Laserbeaks_Fury: You keep firing staff, your game reall is going to reach it's Final Shape
TehAmelie: in my opinion they lost the plot back when they decided arbitrarily to disable planets here and there to keep the install size down
Scarbble: destiny 2 has been 'still good', but they are not immune from the things that people who run businesses do
richard_ermen: Someone recently mentioned how FromSoftware continues to make "acceptable games" because they don't constantly fire people and so many people got angry at this statement.
richard_ermen: Is Destiny 2 Marathon 4?
Lysander_salamander: the glaives are kind of neat
Statist42: oh yay d2 on talking sim FBtouchdown
Luminaire_p: It's such a GOOD feeling
Luminaire_p: There's rocket jumping now
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
aussie_rob_w subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months!
aussie_rob_w: lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aussie_rob_w! (Today's storm count: 23)
Luminaire_p: I'm in to help (but maybe not today)
Lysander_salamander: yeah
SnackPak_: the real destiny gameplay, grinding for weapons
PixelArtDragon: But Zavala, Freebird was playing!
Luminaire_p: Especially not with Song of Flame now, what a super
DoodlestheGreat: You may not deserve it, but you'll take it!
SnackPak_: every warlock has been there
TehAmelie: do they still love those low ceilings from Marathon eh
PixelArtDragon: Rip flawless
rraawwrrimabear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rraawwrrimabear! (Today's storm count: 24)
iris_of_ether: Oh no
Luminaire_p: Hello again, Russian Malware
PixelArtDragon: Russian malware? Don't mind if I do!
iris_of_ether: :D
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
MWGNZ: avert your eyes
DarthRagnar815: "Vengeance will be yours?"
Juliamon: Please do not look at Cameron's shame
iris_of_ether: Cori you NEVER look at your /played in an MMO!
TehAmelie: Paul only had to wipe the streaming computer from Russian malware ONCE
iris_of_ether: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
aerohydra: i have 2,000 hours in path of exile, could not explain to you how that game works
Lysander_salamander: I'm up to like 4000 hours with Warframe
Dalrint: I put 18000 hours into world of warcraft....
wedge_x: that's also the playtime on steam
LJ_Alkes: Hey, if you having fun, you are the best at this game! <3
wedge_x: not fromt he Before Times
richard_ermen: I think I had about 5k hours in Civ4....yikes.
wedge_x: or activision, yeah
iris_of_ether: We had *10* characters in WoW that my partner and I co-op'ed benginRip
PixelArtDragon: Definitely not currently doing the dishes because I spent 3 hours playing Civ 5 just now, no
Luminaire_p: I can send you a way to check your total time, Cameron :)
UltraVioletVodoo: ive got close to 12k hrs in POE
wedge_x: I'm just over 6000 hours on steam LMAO
TehAmelie: i've got about 1200 hours in Dark Souls. aand 2100 hours in the Remastered edition. and Steam doesn't count the time i spent in offline mode to escape invasions, or the Games for Windows Live period. . .
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
SquareDotCube: Remember how obnoxious milestones were in No Man's Sky
Luminaire_p: I think the grenade launcher was working on Mountaintop
richard_ermen: And now, the Story of DEstiny in 2 minutes?
SnackPak_: the witness stole our lotion
TheMerricat: Game super quiet compared to Cori and Cam
Laserbeaks_Fury: Just a heads up for folks who might not know, Zavala's VA passed
Scarbble: all three classes are super fun in final shape just for running around and doing low level stuff. titan is *real* good at Doing A Hit.
richard_ermen: Whenever they're taking about wielding the light, all I hear is "we weaponized radiation".
TheMerricat: @laserbeaks_fury Lance Reddick.
ArdCollider: Keith David is the new Zavala; an excellent choice. (He was friends with Lance Reddick.)
TehAmelie: having read most the the Broken Earth books in the past weeks, i'm now dubious about how the Traveler could just pop in without devastating the Earth with its gravitational influence
Lysander_salamander: reminds me slightly of the villain from Chronicles of Riddick. But then again, I have a small reference pool.
SnackPak_: that z-fighting is out of control
Bruceski: twin shenanigans. Twinanigans
Lysander_salamander: That's how we got in? I love how ridiculous they get with explaining how things work.
TehAmelie: hey, i remember that ledge kick
PixelArtDragon: The tip of the spear physically enters the Traveller
malfnord: So... Narnia is inside the Traveller?
Dalrint: Everything I know about destiny comes from memes but i thought the traveler like, exploded or something
Laserbeaks_Fury: Oh I know this place
Lysander_salamander: Just some guy
PixelArtDragon: Explicitly a nobody
TehAmelie: back in the Peter Dinklage age
ArdCollider: everytime I see someone with a "$1.50 Costco Hot Dog" Guardian name, I assume it's the last thing they saw when they died
Luminaire_p: we got out of the car and died by the roadside
Lysander_salamander: neat
TehAmelie: what IS the final shape? i'm thinking hexagon
Chesul: The Final Shape. the T pose.
SquareDotCube: Imagine dying in, say the 1700s and then be resurrected by a robot
Lysander_salamander: oh, cool, being able to see the city
SnackPak_: @ArdCollider excellent head canon
Luminaire_p: Guitar Eliksni!
PixelArtDragon: Love the Eliksni
Lysander_salamander: I hope we get to meet the guitar eliksni
Statist42: man, i just love seeing eliksni and humans living side by side
richard_ermen: Whenever we see normal People in Destiny, I wonder how they work around the insane people we call "Guardians"
Rumiir_the_Dragon: Pretty sure there is a guardian who was raised from the BCE times
TehAmelie: that apple looked nice
KV1NN4: That kid looks a bit like one of my nephews.
Luminaire_p: I'm sure nothing will happen to the apple
TehAmelie: it's still good
wedge_x: hope you like hands
KV1NN4: uh oh
TehAmelie: just a little disassembled
Juliamon: dangit, who invited Kozilek
Lysander_salamander: sheesh this villain is so full of themself
Luminaire_p: Turns out the final shape was hands the whole time
Laserbeaks_Fury: This is like every time I try to 3d print something
TehAmelie: Rubuk's Ball
Creideiki_SE: This AI-generated art with the weird limbs is getting a little out of hand.
malfnord: That'll buff out, probably
Rumiir_the_Dragon: He is just so proud he can draw hands he wants to show it off
Luminaire_p: Bungie uses "It" pronouns for the Witness
PixelArtDragon: @luminaire_p There's an AI joke in there somewhere
warpstonewarlock: Darn, I'm late. Hello everyone!
KV1NN4: so this was... a mutation event..?
TehAmelie: all better!
richard_ermen: I like how his eyes are black holes.
GreatWahooney: I don't know much about this game and have little interest in playing it, but it's _very_ pretty
Lysander_salamander: I do like how in this game, a good portion of defeating the enemies isn't just blasting them to smithereens, but also proving them wrong.
TheAinMAP: Tell the Witness "Mine O'Clock" was earlier today.
KV1NN4: Time to move to another galaxy!
ArdCollider: would've loved to see the Eliksni mom run up to the human mom like "is *yours* OK too?! omg"
TehAmelie: those eyes reminds me of the stories of how they tried to make Tom Hiddleston's eyes like Sandman's in the comic but it was not working in live action
RuiFaleiro: tom sturridge?
TehAmelie: oh yes, him
KV1NN4: Love to hear Keith David around :3
Luminaire_p: That was Holliday's
wedge_x: just W
SquareDotCube: Wads
Statist42: try mouse1
Luminaire_p: huh
TehAmelie: it's a good day when i can remember some nouns. . .
Lysander_salamander: aaaa iron banner no
KV1NN4: Loved him as Dog-El in "DC League of Super-Pets" movie (yes, Krypo's dad)
Rumiir_the_Dragon: Good news, it now lasts two weeks
Luminaire_p: Tribute
Angnor33: Usually shoot the other guy.
ArdCollider: even I managed to reset and get the emblem and so on this weekend, so it's not *as* terrible.
TehAmelie: hands up who has seen any of the Iron Sky movies
DandyGeek: psh, Guardians can't read objectives, Cameron
wedge_x: there's no bounties anymore, it's basically just play
Chesul: *raises hand*
spo8n: doing things is for the other people, not me
Luminaire_p: I LOVE grandmasters
wedge_x: for Banner
Luminaire_p: Second favorite thing in the game
Lysander_salamander: going to the shop
Marvoleath: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
PixelArtDragon: *starts humming Little Ships*
TehAmelie: how many shinies will LRR compensate you for, i think is the main question
Luminaire_p: There's a super rad D&D collab that I went wild for
Lysander_salamander: fancy
betazed15 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months, currently on a 38 month streak!
betazed15: A D2 stream?! Be still my heart.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, betazed15! (Today's storm count: 25)
LordZarano: Very RGB
Lysander_salamander: fancy as heck
Luminaire_p: I wish you could see the hunter one
TehAmelie: i remember back before "vantablack", when we thought hyperblack would be used to make soldiers invisible
iconicshadow89 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, iconicshadow89! (Today's storm count: 26)
betazed15: @Luminaire_p The hunter set is so good.
Lysander_salamander: oh, pulse rifle nice
Luminaire_p: Red Death is wild now
Lysander_salamander: This game got me to appreciate burst-fire rifles
Luminaire_p: You do have the option
jaoinpc: selects after cutscene I think
betazed15: :O
jaoinpc: or right now
Luminaire_p: I liked Lightfall, but didn't like Neomuna
TehAmelie: WW2 guy in the moment between pulling the pin off a grenade still in his pocket and throwing himself out of the way of his buddies: "fix grenades pls"
betazed15: I always felt that the enemies there were a little harder to kill than they should have been, and hit me a lot harder than I was prepared for.
DappyGosling subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DappyGosling! (Today's storm count: 27)
Dalrint: Last year. I'm still in mourning.
Lysander_salamander: no spoilers
betazed15: No spoilers from chat
Luminaire_p: Keith David has been about as good a replacement as we could have hoped for
Dog_of_Myth: :)
TehAmelie: heck, i'm still not over Mako dying two seasons into ATLA
betazed15: Also, mad props to Cam going through the campaign on legendary for the first time. I tried.
Dalrint: I'm very curious what they're going to about lance in Horizon 3, since he motion capped the character as well as voiced him
Laserbeaks_Fury: I just can't not hear Anderson. That's not on him, it's just the two characters are very similar
Lysander_salamander: The devs are great at making alien vistas
TehAmelie: the landscapes is literally all i want out of this game
LordZarano: Are the lands between inside the traveller?
malfnord: Hey, is that a space shuttle in the floating junkyard in the distance?
Laserbeaks_Fury: We are so back
TehAmelie: walking simulator mode pls Bungie
Luminaire_p: and then some new ones!
Laserbeaks_Fury: I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess this is the mechanic that will be echoed all the way into the raid
Luminaire_p: This is actually a mechanic from the previous new raid
Luminaire_p: (sort of)
wedge_x: only balls
TehAmelie: i gave up on WoW after a pickup squad booted me for slowing down to see the dungeon we were in. silly multiplayer only games
theender92: I haven't played for like 8 months. Is there a reason to never not be using the dual class thing? I haven't seen anything on it yet
Lysander_salamander: darned wire rifles
Luminaire_p: Haven't unlocked yet
betazed15: Eff that guy
DoodlestheGreat: Yikes. It's 38 outside today.
betazed15: Extreme prejudice?
GapFiller: DoodlestheGreat fucking hell
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is this Devrim's church?
DoodlestheGreat: @GapFiller Welcome to L.A.
Lysander_salamander: oh hey it's Devram's church
TehAmelie: what is this, a Fromsoft game?
theender92: @Luminaire_p ah makes sense. it feels weird I have 2k hours and feel like a noob because I missed a few months
Luminaire_p: Invisible ceilings everywhere
Redbassist: lrrFINE
SnackPak_: lrrFINE
accountmadeforants: That's the real Legendary Mode
BusTed: rayfkWelp
DoodlestheGreat: Oopsie.
TehAmelie: those are names, huh
accountmadeforants: Something about this is giving me Half-Life 2 vibes
TehAmelie: imagine if we had a gravity gun
Laserbeaks_Fury: "You are already out of ammo."
accountmadeforants: @TehAmelie If Destiny 2 added a gravity gun it'd be on a 2 minute cooldown, which you could reduce to a 30 second cooldown by investing in a bunch of asinine equipment and stats
wedge_x: "That's why I use... the *bullet sponge.*"
Luminaire_p: Thank god primary ammo is infinite
accountmadeforants: This is where all the assets that got Vaulted went
TehAmelie: this game would be a pretty fun test for how much damage different items do with the gravity gun
TehAmelie: because the enemies sure won't go down to a sawblade
TheAinMAP: jlrrFall
RuiFaleiro: i pretty much only experience the story of destiny 2 watching cam play, but i am sad that the ghost i thought was named pulled pork was apparently renamed glint, a far inferior name
TehAmelie: so, err, is there a Mister Adventure?
Lysander_salamander: why so many kill feilds on logical surfaces, bungie?
accountmadeforants: @Lysander_salamander The kill field is the final shape
TehAmelie: don't want to leave your butt half finished
Luminaire_p: can we make raid banners free, too?
TheAinMAP: lrrHERE
TehAmelie: in case we see any dum-dums in here, what do campaign banners do?
offbeatwitch: the missile always knows where it is
Luminaire_p: banners give you full ammunition and abilities
Luminaire_p: Root of Nightmares
offbeatwitch: but not necessarily where the enemy is
kdefinition: The missile should know better, because it knows where it isn't
Mushbie: "the missile knows what it did, because it knows what it didn't"
kdefinition: @Mushbie this one
ph0enix__42: RoN
spicyFerret_: The missile is eepy
Luminaire_p: the one that we did the day 1 and got to the final boss and were all just too tired to finish as a group
Luminaire_p: (but has my favorite raid exotic)
Lysander_salamander: sword?
Luminaire_p: Machine Gun?
TehAmelie: a missile launcher, useless? how dare?
Lysander_salamander: nice, darci
Rumiir_the_Dragon: riskrunner maybe?
Jean_Jacques_EB subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jean_Jacques_EB! (Today's storm count: 28)
Luminaire_p: One nice part of the campaign, you don't have to increase anything's light level during it
Lysander_salamander: taken are so wiggly for headshots
matthaus_c: those sights are for photography, not combat
Luminaire_p: Why are psions the worst of every enemy type that they're part of?
Luminaire_p: An exploration by Lumi
CanPlayGames: shooting baddies.
matthaus_c: rip and tear
ArcOfTheConclave: at least the taken don't have the most annoying luminous hive mobs
Luminaire_p: Snipers are about to get a 50% flinch reduction in PvE
matthaus_c: it's like Sekiro, if they break your irl posture bar you get a migraine
Luminaire_p: unarmeGameplay
Lysander_salamander: jello shots
malfnord: It's delicious Jello
EvilBadman: @Luminaire_p Bungie was like "but what if we really goof up Jackal snipers, people loved those, right"
Luminaire_p: I HATE this melee
TehAmelie: the jello was the color of a raw bruise
Statist42: i think this is still the same checkpoint, dont get reckless
Lysander_salamander: too many hitpoints
ArcOfTheConclave: melee should oneshot just about any non boss monster.
TehAmelie: how do you pronounce melee again? mailΓ©e? m'lay?
Luminaire_p: She's having a rough one
Laserbeaks_Fury: And she died
Laserbeaks_Fury: once
EvilBadman: @TehAmelie Like your username Kappa
Rourke9: love 2 slam
matthaus_c: actively gaming
matthaus_c: this keyboard is my gun and I am a bullet
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's very Sentinel
TehAmelie: Amelee, the queen of France
Luminaire_p: Trinity Ghoul
Luminaire_p: New Arc Bow in the new raid with Voltshot
Lysander_salamander: I love that exotic bow that shoots lightning
matthaus_c: bows with holo sights are just so satisfying
LowUpsideCJ: Good afternnon destinites
betazed15: @Luminaire_p Wait, what??
Luminaire_p: like I said, new arc bow in raid that shoot lightning
TehAmelie: i like how we're just incidentally switching to bowyery and bowing bad guys harder than Rambo in Rambo 4
Luminaire_p: at least they don't heal in the bubbles in Destiny 2
Rourke9: what is barrier-piercing rn? I dont know how things have changed this expansion
EvilBadman: oh right new expac so blues exist again
TehAmelie: pointing the mouse cursor at bad guys' heads isn't gamin?
Luminaire_p: unarmeClick
kodalith: Eyes up Guardians.
Lysander_salamander: lewd
kodalith: This is on Legendary?
Luminaire_p: Yes
kodalith: Kewl
matthaus_c: Half-Life 2 did snipers you couldn't kill, so it MUST be a good idea
TehAmelie: liberals? in space? this is a dystopia
Laserbeaks_Fury: Will, Crushed Knight
LowUpsideCJ: Anyone know if iron banner is still going?
JohneyS: This mission looks fun but it could use more screebs flanking you.
Jethrain: DARCI my beloved
Rourke9: @JohneyS SO true
Luminaire_p: Rasputin's back, in DOG form
Lysander_salamander: I hate the scorn faction
kodalith: Banner runs for 2 weeks now
ineluki__: I think GCU has a rant about that
EvilBadman: mini skreebs forever
TehAmelie: [Boney M begins to play]
kodalith: But the mode changed to Tribute this week
Rourke9: anything you say queen o7
LowUpsideCJ: Thanks @kodalith
TehAmelie: hey, did we do all that solo? my griping about forced multiplayer may have been overstated
Luminaire_p: so brave for coming here as just a frame
Lysander_salamander: The enemies dropping glimmer here is weird for me. Even here in the heart of the traveler we can't escape capitalism.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Tell him...him Mom said it was my turn on the X-BOX
Lysander_salamander: woosh
Rourke9: Queen Mara Sov sounding *scared* is pretty terrifying ngl
Luminaire_p: This expansion is really good for not being made to play with others
accountmadeforants: "Tell him... tell him that I think I left the gas stove on" -"He knows (the dreaming city burned down)"
betazed15: ^^^ Loved that, tbh
Luminaire_p: Ca caw
matthaus_c: ca-caw
MilkInBags: oh no, nadu is in destiny 2?
accountmadeforants: I remember bird from the very beginning of the game!
Mushbie: Time to join the Threshold kids
EvilBadman: Is this (gestures) a metaphor
TheAinMAP: !birb
LRRbot: Stretch out your neck!
Rourke9: I love Hawthorne i want her to be doing stuff again
Lysander_salamander: oh, the bird from the red war. Too bad that doesn't exist anymore for new players to experience and get the reference
Luminaire_p: And then it WAS a vision
Luminaire_p: In the Hawkmoon mission
Lysander_salamander: I guess?
TehAmelie: Dragon Age Inquisition is still the weirdest, where you can find secret rooms inside dungeons which themselves have been sealed away for centuries and those rooms will have parts for your buddy's one of a kind crossbow and his romance novel
EvilBadman: Wanna buy whatever fragrance this is
TheAinMAP: The worst oil spill.
Lysander_salamander: like, a david bowie music video
betazed15: @Lysander_salamander There's so much missing. :( I started in Season of the Seraph and I often feel very lost
Luminaire_p: shiny
MilkInBags: I can't believe Elon Musk on Mars became the Last Airbender to fight big space oil
Luminaire_p: I still think thematically Crow should have been a new Speaker
Luminaire_p: This is Kingdom Hearts!
Lysander_salamander: the ghost breathes.
Lysander_salamander: yay
TehAmelie: Elon Musk definitely wouldn't believe the Avatar
Lysander_salamander: we are inside an eyeball?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Hear...Feel...Think...
accountmadeforants: What if the moment you hit the corrupted part it becomes jumping puzzles
Luminaire_p: This is one of my favorite effects
ArcOfTheConclave: is this Dark Bramble?
accountmadeforants: Oh, we're on my favourite planet from Outer Wilds
Lysander_salamander: neat
jemersonart: Nice noisy intersection mask in that shader fun.
TehAmelie: is Outer Wilds the one where you are a time traveling alien?
Rourke9: @TehAmelie yes
EvilBadman: @TehAmelie Kinda? Close enough
Lysander_salamander: I want a giant ghost
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
EvilBadman: Those maniacs they blew it up
Luminaire_p: Kaigan ore
MilkInBags: Honey, I shrunk the guardians
Lysander_salamander: oh, framing
Laserbeaks_Fury: Was that in the Speakers room?
Luminaire_p: That's from the Speaker's chambers
Rourke9: looks like some golden age stuff?
TehAmelie: i would take a remix of the game It Takes Two about the guardian and her ghost
Luminaire_p: in Destiny 1
wontedfive30282: D1 tower by the speaker
MilkInBags: all along, the heart of the traveler was saskatchewan
Lysander_salamander: I feel like I'm inside a Kung fu Panda movie
Luminaire_p: the Pale Heart is my favorite destination
kodalith: It used to be the speakers room. Lots of cool stuff to come
Cptasparagus: Cam did you see the copied Destiny icons in The First Descendant?
BusTed: ew
Lysander_salamander: nice
Angnor33: Skidmarks!
SnackPak_: got that soggy bottom
Laserbeaks_Fury: Pretty planet with cubes reminds me of Mercury when the Vex started taking over
Lysander_salamander: you're part snail
PMAvers: I mean, all that wax from the crayons has to go *somewhere*
betazed15: Cameron confirms that titans eat crayons?
warpstonewarlock: You didn't have to say it just because it's true
accountmadeforants: That's all liquified glue, the titan's body has adapted and only excretes the gross non-sticky part
Rourke9: flying monkeys!
wedge_x: gunbats
Luminaire_p: the Grim
Luminaire_p: they're something elese
Luminaire_p: *else
LowUpsideCJ: I'm a staunchly anti-prismatic hunter
Luminaire_p: I sort of want you to get hit by the close-range attack of these enemies
Rumiir_the_Dragon: Yeah, hunters can thundercrash 3 times in pvp with a blink instead of flying
wedge_x: "is that a monkey?" "he's got a gun!" "bang! Bang!"
kodalith: The scream?
Luminaire_p: Just to appreciate what they DIDN'T do with it
Luminaire_p: I'm SO glad they didn't add ringing to the tinnitus effect
Scarbble: i think it's more celestial nighthawk + the new golden gun sniper that's busted, but hunters definitely have good prismatic stuff.
kodalith: Its a menace in the crucible. But I think that was to be expected
BleedingToast: i just noticed there is a status effect called tinnitus
Rourke9: Dunk
Luminaire_p: I think the pickups are mostly saved for post-campaign
accountmadeforants: B
accountmadeforants: Oh dang, it worked PowerUpL wheelerMonkey PowerUpR
Luminaire_p: transcend again
Jethrain: you need to press the transcend button again
kodalith: Transcend
Jethrain: the wellspring was filling the pink bar below your super
matthaus_c: I'm at the taco bell, I'm at the wellspring
Luminaire_p: faster regen of all abilities is very nice
Luminaire_p: wonder what this is for unarmeHmm
Rourke9: rally banners famously mean nothing bad is going to happen
Luminaire_p: Or Crow
Luminaire_p: They've discovered pull
Rourke9: oooh these folks look cool
Lysander_salamander: yay hitscan
pyrehand: It's later in the campaign
Luminaire_p: Crow lead us here
Rumiir_the_Dragon: not vangard no
pyrehand: in the post mission quests
Rourke9: he works for the vanguard at least?
Statist42: vanguard scout is what the cutscene called him
Luminaire_p: cowards!
matthaus_c: is it still a yeet if you, yourself, are the projectile?
Luminaire_p: if you're the projectile, are you projecting?
DoodlestheGreat: I think we're all projecting at this point.
TheAinMAP: jlrrBreak
DoodlestheGreat: That works.
cory_standridge13: Hey
MDK_Marshal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months!
MDK_Marshal: [Witty Remark]
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MDK_Marshal! (Today's storm count: 29)
accountmadeforants: Yeeting yourself makes you a projector. Thundercrash: Cinematic projector. Jumping: Short-throw projector.
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG
gualdhar: Destiny nerds say Destiny is a fun game, more at 11
Luminaire_p: Since shooters existed
KV1NN4: Dance like nobody can shoot you
Nigouki: radiators, made of extremely thin stacked aluminium are extremely bulletproof
QuixoticScrivener: AC units, designed by americans
TehAmelie: what is Destiny's strengths compared to say Doom eternal?
Luminaire_p: :)
Gekyouryuu: I like how the objective is "Clear THE Obstacle" and then has "Obstacles" plural
theGuidingLark: you can play doom on a pregnancy test
TehAmelie: the latest news is you can play Doom on a Fleshlight
Luminaire_p: There are so many builds now
accountmadeforants: Many numbers to make Go Up
Laserbeaks_Fury: The best part is always the notion of Demonic Presence at "Unsafe Levels"
ArdCollider: utterly knobless behavior
accountmadeforants: I liked year 1
kodalith: And double Primary
Luminaire_p: This is a LONG checkpoint, btw
Luminaire_p: I'm sorry I'm your second obstacle
Nigouki: what do they even do with the bear asses? it seems like the least useful part of a bear unless you're doing some weird pillow
Luminaire_p: The little guys learned strand
theGuidingLark: yeah, the strand scion burst is fun at high health, bad at low health
accountmadeforants: The one thing that really keeps Destiny from reaching its full potential for me (specifically for me) is the cooldowns upon cooldowns upon cooldowns. And I realize these are there so you can twiddle knobs and make them go away, but I really can't be arsed to go collect Esoteric Nouns to through this season's Sphere Grid
Laserbeaks_Fury: unbothered. moisturized. happy. staying in our lane.
Luminaire_p: I would not say yum to green apple, personally
theGuidingLark: @Laserbeaks_Fury *strand grapples you over to the other lane*
accountmadeforants: That's very clever and I appreciate that
TehAmelie: that is a point, ants. i think i will always prefer Doom cause it has that immediacy of action while Destiny has the gradual stat building
Laserbeaks_Fury: The counter-mechanic is when you stick a Grunt and it panics straight into it buddies
TehAmelie: not that that's wrong if y'all like it
theGuidingLark: the difference between parkour and menus
Laserbeaks_Fury: Rip and/or Tear
Gekyouryuu: this is making me want to see you guys play Ultrakill
ForOhForError: oho, doing some titan?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Nope, Doom was fairly fluid all the way through
accountmadeforants: Oh hell, Ultrakill would be very fun
tyrsredritehand: All rip, All tear.
MWGNZ: speaking of killing to heal, anyone else excited for space marine 2?
Laserbeaks_Fury: If anything, it got more mobile as a build got focused and you were less vulnerable
LowUpsideCJ: I am big time
wedge_x: I'll always love that we're in the deep future and shotgun shells are still shitty red plastic
accountmadeforants: @wedge_x I'd headcanon that as people trying to replicate Golden Age technology without fully understanding it. The red *might* make it go faster, best not mess around with a proven technology too much.
TehAmelie: in the grim darkness of the far future, we will still laboriously load shotgun shells one at a time
Luminaire_p: sign/signifier
LowUpsideCJ: If anything they'd get shittier. That's capitalism baby
Lysander_salamander: maybe they just look that way because the guardians are really nostalgic
Gekyouryuu: all guns are shotguns after they've been used
Lysander_salamander: like, they think the shotguns look quaint
ArkhamArchivist: What Signify Shotgun? What Shotgun Signify?
Orlantia subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months!
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Juliamon: We perceive them that way, but perhaps they aren't actually.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I like to think we are so far in the future, things dont need a fixed shape: it's all skeuomorphs
pyrehand: In many ways destiny isn't *that* far in the future. The Golden Age didn't last terribly long and we didn't really have technological advancement in the Dark Age post collapse
accountmadeforants: Yeah, Mass Effect 2 added disposable heatsinks which are basically ammo
Lysander_salamander: The guardians are historical re-enactors
accountmadeforants: Vanguard was so much fun
ArkhamArchivist: Vangod, my belovod
theGuidingLark: yeesh, I remember when d2 didn't have infinite primary ammo
Rumiir_the_Dragon: Helldivers does it great. your weapons with heatsinks cool down, but you can swap out a heat sink so you can shoot more.
Lysander_salamander: guardians larp, and their damage weapons just look like guns and bows
TehAmelie: i'm still sad about ME2 here they apparently "wanted" the cooldown with the "addition" of being able to switch heaatsinks but they were not able to make it work so they went for jsut spawning ammo on the map when you got low
Laserbeaks_Fury: Drawback: Warping through solid objects does make you sterile
pyrehand: Oh yeah biotic charge the wrong thing and you are toast
Orlantia: Shotgun shells started as paper, then were brass. The plastic ones are the new/modern thing
Lysander_salamander: they could easily just finger-gun and cause damage, but the guns are like magic wands.
Jethrain: DARCI is just adorable with its three-digit power level display
theGuidingLark: thats a really cool use of amplified speed boost'
accountmadeforants: I'm just amazed that they managed to design a bunch of boring movement and levels and then built a class that said "but what if you could skip large parts of the level". That takes guts.
TheWooglie: I lucked into Vanguard and just charged and shotgunned all day (until I chose the wrong target)
wedge_x: also there's a single giant room somewhere deep in the tower that's just full of spent brass casings that just get transmatted to guardians in the feild so they can have the nice tinkling sound from any weapon, energy or otherwise
ButterBall000: That description also works for a few barbarians I've played with
GhostValv: through the mountain..
Lysander_salamander: aw
TheAinMAP: jlrrFall
Lysander_salamander: danged boop enemies
ForOhForError: I think that checkpoints thankfully
ForOhForError: hm, nope
Luminaire_p: OH, you're at 1/2
Rumiir_the_Dragon: Fuck taken ogres.
accountmadeforants: Hilarious, truly
RatherLargeToad: Super Smash Guardians
theGuidingLark: "play lame win games" applies to both sides of the conflict
LowUpsideCJ: It's funny when done to my friends in multiplayer and an absolute travesty to keep in single player
Luminaire_p: relatedly, I want an exotic that deals damage to guardians who intersect with my model
Gekyouryuu: tbf, it's called MAY lay, not WILL lay
QuixoticScrivener: It's 2024, have we admitted bisexual is the norm yet?
ForOhForError: charge *and* jump
HadesLeprechaun: sometimes I wonder if they playtest single player at all, or just assume you're in a fireteam so falling deaths arent as punishing
ForOhForError: thunderclap is pretty good though
Luminaire_p: I feel like Cameron would enjoy Thunderclap
ForOhForError: the indicator for shoulder charge is definitely pretty bad
LowUpsideCJ: Hunter triple jump > everything
JohneyS: I also did this mission solo and had a similar experience.
Luminaire_p: Can I suggest giving Trinity Ghoul a go?
Gekyouryuu: man, I remember the old LRR destiny cartoons with the loot cave and all
Laserbeaks_Fury: You didnt like having 5 people wait while 1 person skyrimd up geometry
Orlantia: Oh I get it. This section is like grinding for materials/weapons/etc, but without all of the, what're they called... REWARDS! That's it
Lysander_salamander: really loved using Trinity Ghoul when I played destiny 2
theGuidingLark: yee, you get arc kills and then no longer need to aim the bow
Luminaire_p: It feels very good in legendary campaign
wedge_x: SAW, my darling
Luminaire_p: That SAW is going to be nice, too
Jethrain: any arc kill loads your next arrow with a lightning bolt
Laserbeaks_Fury: I still have a recording of my 5 minute Bladedancer super in Destiny 1
Luminaire_p: anytime you get an arc kill, you get a lightning arrow
Luminaire_p: They're a lot closer than they used to be
ForOhForError: people are pretty low on tripwire canary, I think
wedge_x: or your lmg
Scarbble: kill with arc -> chain lightning shot (which likely gets another arc kill) is the loop
ForOhForError: or your melee. theoretically. assuming it works.
theGuidingLark: yee, it gets zappy and chain lightnings
Luminaire_p: now, Non-Denoument on the other hand, RIPS
ForOhForError: there is a bow in the game with voltshot now
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is Bad juju still kicking around?
pyrehand: Bad juju's not really a thing right now
Luminaire_p: The enemies aren't having as much fun
Luminaire_p: I got killed by Bad Juju in crucible last night
ForOhForError: super is mostly achieved through means other than bad juju
LowUpsideCJ: LMGs feel very strong in the heavy slot
ForOhForError: mainly because they printed some really messed up kinetics
Luminaire_p: I don't mind, no
Luminaire_p: SeemsGood
LowUpsideCJ: My pve build since returning for this expansion has been monte carlo plus strand hunter melee and its very fun. Idk if it's good but it's fun
Luminaire_p: Pulse Rifle
wedge_x: pulse and smg
pyrehand: shield piercing is smg
pyrehand: and pulse rifle
Jethrain: if only armour pierce went through vandal shields
ForOhForError: pulse and smg yeah
Luminaire_p: pulse rifle is REALLY good
ForOhForError: pulses got BEEFY
accountmadeforants: Are SMGs actually usable nowadays?
Scarbble: next week i believe they're adding anti barrier sniper
Luminaire_p: Nothing currently
ForOhForError: outbreak is, I hear, pretty good
pyrehand: Nothing on bow this time around
Luminaire_p: but I'm hoping we could see Overload on bows in Act 3
pyrehand: it is and outbreak perfected now is craftable with some fun perks
ForOhForError: oh everything got crept hard enough that it's hardly an inconvenience, really
Luminaire_p: NICE
pyrehand: ah, thought this was legendary
Luminaire_p: GG, shake my hand
pyrehand: nicely done
Luminaire_p: Let me solo him
LowUpsideCJ: Watch The Solo Throne
Luminaire_p: I'm sure this will have no consequences
Laserbeaks_Fury: You got your Light in my Darkness
RatherLargeToad: Too much pink energy is dangerous!
malfnord: You got your Darkness in my Light!
epsilon_vee: fused light and dark into pink and purple lighting
wedge_x: prismatic says trans rights
ForOhForError: Live Dul Incaru Reaction: πŸ§™β€β™€οΈπŸ’’
LowUpsideCJ: I stood in the goo and let it infuse me
BusTed: πŸ€”
accountmadeforants: You're the only person alive to have mapped their Interact button, that's what makes you special, Guardian.
malfnord: Reach heaven through violence
Luminaire_p: Kinetic weapons are good for Prismatic
Luminaire_p: if you have something with kinetic tremors, especially
pyrehand: You unlock more abilities through the campaign
pyrehand: and a couple of missions after the campaign
TheMandrew: you start with only a handful of stuff, and unlock more as you play
Luminaire_p: I'd go with the strand melee
LowUpsideCJ: I love hitting my jump shots
Luminaire_p: Titan strand melee is really strong with a couple of the abilities
Jethrain: i didn't care much for grapple, but my warlock's endless threadling prismatic build is fun
Luminaire_p: Important thing: shooting targets with the pink shield give you a LOT of energy for your transcendence
UnwoundAutomaton: having 3 consecration slams is fun
Scarbble: you should be getting a *very* good strand weapon soon
pyrehand: Kinetic fills both transcendance bars at a lower rate
pyrehand: but spills over to adding just to one if you only have one side maxed
Gekyouryuu: barely tangentially related to stream, I saw this image and for some reason that transformed into me imagining a Guardian playing the song on loop when they're out doing stuff:
Gekyouryuu: why am I this way?
Luminaire_p: I spent the whole campaign with Luna's Howl glued to my hand
Luminaire_p: naan?
pyrehand: The Call is really good and should show up soon
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Luminaire_p: I'd be like "okay"
Luminaire_p: The fact that power is going up to years I've been alive is unacceptable
Luminaire_p: "I'm 1999 power"
pyrehand subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
pyrehand: Really wish there was an option to auto-renew prime subs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pyrehand! (Today's storm count: 32)
ForOhForError: looks like you probably played this titan in seraph? HoiL was big back then
ForOhForError: nerfed pretty badly since, sadly :(
Gekyouryuu: @Luminaire_p "Say, say, 2000-00, party over Oops, out of time So tonight I'm gonna party with some 1999s"
accountmadeforants: Weeeeeeeee
Luminaire_p: This super is so fun, though
pyrehand: Well that's your darkness energy full
ForOhForError: bladefury *rips*
ForOhForError: *and* tears!
accountmadeforants: Nobody messes with Zoidberg
Luminaire_p: Ready for a new thing?
LowUpsideCJ: Fortnite lookin ass
jamesinor subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months, currently on a 100 month streak!
jamesinor: It's been 100 months... I don't even remember what I was doing that long ago!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jamesinor! (Today's storm count: 33)
xantos69: Can anybody give me a lore dump on why we are here, what we are doing, who we are fighting, and why. Keep in mind I have never played this game.
Gekyouryuu: oh, I saw the PERFECT tumblr post for this:
LowUpsideCJ: @xantos69 Moon's haunted
Luminaire_p: I think you need to put a status on the enemies to get one
accountmadeforants: @xantos69 We love Orb, Orb grants us strength. We're now inside orb (metaphysically maybe) to fight things that hate Orb.
Brozard: Evil dodgeball
Gekyouryuu: ball is life
ForOhForError: @xantos69 okay so we're inside a big sphere which is kind of like god but not, and the sphere is good but the bad triangle man is trying to make it destroy the universe
Brozard: ball is dunk
LowUpsideCJ: Love me an old sterling
Luminaire_p: final is shape
accountmadeforants: @Gekyouryuu Omfg
Gekyouryuu: ball is dunk, final is shape, baba is you
xantos69: I don't know what kind of answers I was expecting... but this "helps". Thanks
LowUpsideCJ: @Gekyouryuu lmao
TheMandrew: his tiny little head
pyrehand: Click on his head Guardian!
ForOhForError: all you need is 'orb good triangle bad'
Luminaire_p: good call on keeping transcendent
Brozard: bomb > sword
LowUpsideCJ: If you think about it fps is just a captcha that says "click all the images that look like a head"
Luminaire_p: suspend + arc damage
Brozard: IIRC the Titan transcendent grenade is...not great?
Scarbble: it's not bad
ForOhForError: titan transcendent nade is bad on bosses
ForOhForError: because it's mostly cc that they're immune to
Brozard: Do you have a good Forebarence?
Luminaire_p: Won't work on the boss, but I'd use it
ForOhForError: titan can do some busted stuff but it's all pretty specific, and mostly post-campaign for when you get consecration
Luminaire_p: If you have something strand, you deal more damage to these enemies with matching damage
Laserbeaks_Fury: Oh this will be convenient, we can check our mail after the fight
TheMandrew: chat, refresh my memory this boss is a Subjugator right? And thus is weak to whatever damage it deals?
Luminaire_p: frankly, how dare OSHA nearly get you killed
Lysander_salamander: yay
Laserbeaks_Fury: Do you think this version of the Tower also has the thousands of craters at the base from all the Guardians who have dove off over the yeras
Lysander_salamander: oh you got strand
accountmadeforants: But consider, if you'd hit with one of them it might've done a dumb popup congratulating you.
pyrehand: @TheMandrew to my knowledge they don't have a specific elemental weakness
Luminaire_p: They take more damage from the matching element, yes
TheMandrew: thought so, thanks Lumi
Jethrain: @pyrehand Their body resists everything that isn't the matching element, that's why they have red damage numbers half the time
Brozard: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Luminaire_p: FBtouchdown
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Lysander_salamander: so relaxing
FarleyF: so confirmed Cameron will not be appearing on Checkpoint lrrBEEJ
pyrehand: Ah, that makes since I'm usually running precisions for them
accountmadeforants: sajamShoot sajamSmoked
Brozard: unarmeClick unarmeClick unarmeClick unarmeClick unarmeClick
Luminaire_p: I think there's one more add wave
theGuidingLark: so 30 hits
accountmadeforants: Did it just raise its eyebrows as you aimed at it?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Taint no thing
Luminaire_p: Traveler is doing great
Luminaire_p: Nice work!
ForOhForError: traveler got a tummyache
Luminaire_p: Ready to find out who got here first?
xantos69: Given what I have been told so far... does this mean the Triangle man is no more and the sphere is safe now?
accountmadeforants: That's [distant music], ghost
Lysander_salamander: I miss rasputin
Luminaire_p: Used to be three characters
LowUpsideCJ: I always forget the player character can talk
Brozard: Yep
pyrehand: The did
TheMandrew: yea
Luminaire_p: Someone had fun throwing harmonicas
Jethrain: ayup
Scarbble: yes
theGuidingLark: yeeee
wedge_x: the harmonica noise when it flies through the air kills me
ForOhForError: They sure did
Luminaire_p: I don't want to spoil anything, but I think the use of Cayde-6 was perfect
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Lysander_salamander: give ghost a mullet
wedge_x: TFS is the best Cayde's ever been written, imo
ForOhForError: ghost shells are basically just harcuts
accountmadeforants: Or maybe Crow just doesn't want to switch hairdressers
accountmadeforants: So he tolerates Crow's haircut
Lysander_salamander: Cayde pulled a Gandalf?
Luminaire_p: very Ahamkara-like tentacles
Lysander_salamander: funky
Brozard: *roll credits*
Luminaire_p: jorbsHype
RatherLargeToad: Rhombus
LowUpsideCJ: We held an infinite team tournament and at the end of it all TRIANGLE was crowned the final shape
Nigouki: the final shape is that Cool S you drew in school
Jethrain: Whatever it is, it goes in the square hole
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's The Final Sha-Ape
KV1NN4: this music makes me think of Invader Zim for some reason
accountmadeforants: We got to dodecahedron and the one after that's gonna be the final shape, we can't keep coming up with names for shapes.
KV1NN4: asusming i'm not lagged as heck
Lysander_salamander: who did they get the wish from? I remember something about gathering eggs in previous seasons? Did they hatch a new dragon?
wedge_x: did you get to read Exordia, Cam?
wedge_x: Exordia is *great*
Scarbble: @Lysander_salamander ahamkara sort of hang out after dying a bit. so they talked to riven's spirit
Luminaire_p: Ghost is the destination vendor, and I've never been happier
Nigouki: nice to get complimented on our CRI
Luminaire_p: There's your artifact
Lysander_salamander: oh, starhorse
Luminaire_p: I'd really give a shot to Red Death with anti-barrier
Luminaire_p: wild gun
Luminaire_p: the lore just unlocks
Jethrain: I think those are just auto unlocked?
Lysander_salamander: I wish I could have done the season of the space pirates
pyrehand: Pretty sure it auto unlocks
Lysander_salamander: I dislike the season-only activities that go away.
Luminaire_p: still available
Luminaire_p: There's a way to do it
Luminaire_p: Also: Xur is selling full sets sometimes
theGuidingLark: he also now uses strange coins for everything
pyrehand: The exotic class item is in an exclusively two player mission
pyrehand: it's engaging though
Luminaire_p: I'm into helping with the class item
Luminaire_p: Crota's End raid exotic quest
pyrehand: @Luminaire_p same
theGuidingLark: "moon's gun" *cocks haunted*
Lysander_salamander: fomo is weird once it has passed. They show you all the things you missed out on. Like, what am I supposed to do with that.
Luminaire_p: But Cameron, reuse bad was what I was told
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Crow Country) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (44m from now).
Luminaire_p: Play with me, Cameron :)
pyrehand: The campaign also has a *lot* of dungeon mechanics worked through it
Luminaire_p: Cabal: with orange energy
pyrehand: and there's a special multiplayer campaign difficulty with *more* mechanics
Luminaire_p: Best thing in the game
Luminaire_p: Warlord's Ruin almost broke me
Luminaire_p: ALMOST
Luminaire_p: you can just hold interact on the main collection's screen
Luminaire_p: Hahahaha
TheMandrew: iron banner was last week i thought?
Lysander_salamander: :D
Luminaire_p: Iron Banner is two weeks long now
pyrehand: It's two weeks now
TheMandrew: oh that's neat
pyrehand: Good to have you back
Luminaire_p: That's not true, you're perfectly fine at it
gualdhar: there are worse relapses
FarleyF: so does this mean more Destiny 2 on your home stream maybe
Luminaire_p: I hope that Destiny 2's next step is a narrative threat step down
FarleyF: to be fair im reinstalling because of this
pyrehand: I actually lured a couple friends into this expansion
LowUpsideCJ: I think there's a selling point to a "complete" experience now
Luminaire_p: Best story in Destiny
pyrehand: Oh Allison was awesome, I had to write fan mail
Luminaire_p: lumina1000
theGuidingLark: it is so good
LowUpsideCJ: Like if you combined light and dark
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits
Luminaire_p: "If life doesn't last forever and be perfect, is it worth living" The Witness is so very deep
PBlackcoat: Lol, right on time for the end of the stream. Oops
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS unarmeHeart
MWGNZ: oooh battlefleet gothic
iris_of_ether: Big big ship
RebekahWSD: Ah yes
I_Am_Clockwork: can’t wait for snapship
iris_of_ether: Whoa
LowUpsideCJ: Good week this week dang
kragmabutch: hoping someone brings graaz, that deck is sweet
theGuidingLark: g-rocket
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS lunarj1Heart
I_Am_Clockwork: thanks for the strem!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
wedge_x: o/
I_Am_Clockwork: lrrFINE
Juliamon: lrrFINE
iris_of_ether: lrrFINE
Marvoleath: the claw?!
FarleyF: lrrFINE
xantos69: Is there an official start time for the sub-a-thon?
xantos69: Woo. Thanks