jessieimproved: !advice
LRRbot: You passed it.
quasi79fu: yay more crows?
quasi79fu: karaPanic
jessieimproved: !findquote crow
LRRbot: Quote #8018: "Nobody be bad to crows. They will remember." —Heather [2022-03-27]
malfnord: True wisdom, that
quasi79fu: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Huevos Grande
quasi79fu: yay Eggs?
Earthenone: large eggs at that
quasi79fu: hai chat..i ready for spooops
spo8n: !snakkcsk
quasi79fu: was that english?
spo8n: nope
hieroglyphica: Hello chat! I am putting the finishing touches on my craft a long project and like always, it keeps having more finishing to do
matthaus_c: !advice
LRRbot: No washing feet in cake.
quasi79fu: but foot cake...sounds interesting ...maybe??
quasi79fu: what if the recipe calls for me to wash my feet in the cake?
spo8n: but washing feet in cake would just lead to feet covered in cake
malfnord: Pretty sure there's an OnlyFans for that if'n you want more detail.
quasi79fu: lol
Sarah_Serinde: Your recipe may have been created by AI, I suggest finding a better source :P
Mazrae: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Boxing Day
Earthenone: signal
quasi79fu: hai mod..Ill behave
DideRobot: LRR: It's a hot day in Victoria BC which means if Ben & Adam hear the sweet dulcent town of an Ice Cream Truck outside their buying some for all of chat* | *This is not legally binding | |
malfnord: gdqGroove
Mazrae: !advice
LRRbot: Be crank yankable.
Mazrae: !badadvice
LRRbot: Use your Meat Magic.
BusTed: lrrDILLY
KiloRomeo058: Ice cream??
djalternative: !birb
LRRbot: Tweet, twe-twe-tweet, tweet, squawk!
Mazrae: I feel like both of those have the same energy
SnackPak_: I'm excited for ice cream
djalternative: caw!
Mr_Horrible: coming in with a hot take to say let's yep, actually
arcaede_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, arcaede_! (Today's storm count: 34)
TehAmelie: lrrSIG ?
matthaus_c: lrrSIG !
saucemaster5000: ooh I have ice cream sandwiches
Sarah_Serinde: Yes lrrSIG
djalternative: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Blip2004: I'm tempted to get something from the local ice cream truck. And it looks like the Van with Free Candy painted on it. its that hot
KiloRomeo058: Let's Yep!
MWGNZ: hifunkSup seabatUseless meowdy y'all
quasi79fu: when offfered freee candy ..always say yes?
IronwoodWizard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IronwoodWizard! (Today's storm count: 35)
matthaus_c: !fart
LRRbot: Big flatulence!
dragonwarrior000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dragonwarrior000! (Today's storm count: 36)
Bengineering: benginNope
quasi79fu: Hai ben
NotCainNorAbel: I'm ready for Adam's Chat Stream this time with a co-host
ButButTheJesus: norp?
hatboozeparty: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
djalternative: I just saw the toot. Where's the ice cream?
cle0deen: Hi Ben
cle0deen: Hi Adam
Makrosian_Tay: Hey everyone
quasi79fu: Hai universe?
spo8n: will they make the three hour chat stream goal?
zeanith_helfire subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zeanith_helfire! (Today's storm count: 37)
Makrosian_Tay: I'm beat! I just biked around the city in 30° weather for kinda no personal gain whatsoever
Makrosian_Tay: Also, I've been completely submerged in a freezing bath for the past 15 minutes. AMA
BusTed: @Makrosian_Tay tqsFine
matthaus_c: one day they're just gonna start the stream on the game screen
BorealMage: @Makrosian_Tay Must've gotten some good exercise, though
djalternative: I hope there's a "Let's Nope" block in the subathon that's actually just a Ben and Adam podcast slot
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c april fool's joke for next year
Makrosian_Tay: @borealmage you bet your dodge rolls I did!
yourislove: Hi
SmithKurosaki: evening
Arthen_Undead: woot I’m here for that sweet dulcet “town” the notification promised lol
Makrosian_Tay: Hey, now that's a good idea. I should open an Elden Ring themed cafe, or patisserie. I'd call it Dodge Rolls
Makrosian_Tay: Who wants to go into business with me?
spo8n: @Makrosian_Tay something something JAR?
matthaus_c: I'll call Miyazaki about the license he is my uncle
Sarah_Serinde: I really need to get some ice cream, it's way too hot inside. At least I have freezies
quasi79fu: last i remembered of game is Ben wandering in circles in a basement messing with drills?
Orxolon: good evening
quasi79fu: or am I misremembering?
JoeLowe2: Here we go!!!
Makrosian_Tay: @spo8n it stands for Just Add Remorse
SnackPak_: lrrFINE
loufghyslaufey: go golf times
korvys: lrrSPOOP
Makrosian_Tay: LUL
squ3e: @quasi79fu key chasing mostly
Cheezmo: lrrBartleby_SG
matthaus_c: dw no one noticed the music
queercrafting_chonk: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
neisan2112: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
hieroglyphica: Hello!
Makrosian_Tay: HURRAY!!
ButButTheJesus: WHAR ICREAM?!
hesterbyrde: WOO!
quasi79fu: who are you?
circusofkirkus: time for lets yap
hatboozeparty: lrrSPOOP ?
NotCainNorAbel: booo erns
Orxolon: *the boys are back in town*
QuixoticScrivener: Hey look, handsome boys
spo8n: ahh!
korvys: I was saying Boourns
saucemaster5000: lke maijin buu
quasi79fu: Booooo
SnackPak_: woo!
VrolikSyndrome: Like "boo, you stink!"?
matthaus_c: who's on first
couchboyj: lrrSPOOPY
VrolikSyndrome: Like Buu!
saucemaster5000: buu
djalternative: (heckeling) Boo!
quasi79fu: Lu BU?
Mr_Horrible: because the ghost, y'know, he's scary, but he's also, like, booing you
Orxolon: majin buu
emberBecky: \ lrrSPOOP
RealGamerCow: I'm either too high or not high enough.
Makrosian_Tay subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months, currently on a 45 month streak!
Makrosian_Tay: Boos for BooBoos, 2024
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Makrosian_Tay! (Today's storm count: 38)
Mr_Horrible: *sobs* that's exactly correct
matthaus_c: twink pink guy
RatherLargeToad: Buu
RealGamerCow: don't get pink eye
SnackPak_: kid buu was the best
Darleysam: Chicken Boo, from Animaniacs
ButButTheJesus: and I mean a big big
neisan2112: lrrBartleby Pink guy?
BorealMage: Boo, pink eye
quasi79fu: pink guy has pink eye
raulghoulia: cause thats how you get it Bem
Orxolon: hahahaha
Makrosian_Tay: He thinks your eyesight is shitty Kappa
loufghyslaufey: "Crow SingsNote Croak on SingsNote Crowna ImTyping , Where the Crows perch over Ravens ImTyping SingsNote " SingsNote Oh Give Me An Oak, Where The Nests Grow Out Thorns SingsNote , & The Flocks Fly Cawing All Day SingsNote " SingsMic
QuixoticScrivener: I have only ever gotten pink eye from swimming pools
loufghyslaufey: kay, hi
quasi79fu: OMg
NotCainNorAbel: 'your' pillows
Makrosian_Tay: Like "fully"?
Mazrae: Pink eye is basically just an infection of the eye, I think
saucemaster5000: the trick is to fart then pull the cover over your partner's head
Nigouki: did you ever get pink eye from the Desert Bus chair? That's full of farts isn't it?
SnackPak_: now that's how you get pink eye
Orxolon: like Amber Heard fully¿?
Makrosian_Tay: And that's how I met your mother
Darleysam: "....baptised?"
Gizmoloid: Panthers?
Xafty: anything can be derogatory if you say it with enough derogatory
uchihab7: ben was curious if you saw the bidoof foot stool the pokemon company is coming out with @loadingreadyrun
quasi79fu: Oh noo
DudelidouX: Did you take note where which end was laying on your pillow?
itira subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
itira: seabatClap
JoeLowe2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, itira! (Today's storm count: 39)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JoeLowe2! (Today's storm count: 40)
Kramburger: Walmart has rollback netcode?
Mr_Horrible: the Go stores?
loufghyslaufey: Rollback? Since when?
iris_of_ether: Oh I know where this is going haha
loufghyslaufey: How ancient do you have to be to have heard of rollbacks?
Blip2004: it was supposed to be AI, it was not
quasi79fu: so they are allowing us to steal?
NimrodXIV: exactly
Mr_Horrible: and like most automation it turned out to be underpaid Bangladeshi people
kumatsu: they built one near me and it sat empty for 2 years
QuixoticScrivener: india call center
MWGNZ: it's always underpaid labour
malfnord: Yay! Evil!
ButButTheJesus: wtffffffff
Makrosian_Tay: Holy shit, hahahahahahaha
korvys: AI: An Indian
epsilon_vee: minimum viable product baybee
spo8n: people are really good at image recognition
loufghyslaufey: I did hear, unrelated; big(?) box & conventience stores are "rolling back" on self-checkouts or something.
neisan2112: Now they have weird hand scanners for payment at Whole Foods.
Makrosian_Tay: See, this is good news, ultimately. Just more proof that AI can't take our jobs
spo8n: what's a bird?
Gizmoloid: @korvys LUL
Blip2004: guess what, most AI is nonsense that people have to constantly fix
itira: @korvys oh my god LUL
Mr_Horrible: "I guess those grapes are actually 50 quid, brother"
Eggmojii: Watching people and making notes on them? Sounds good to me
DudelidouX: Ah good old capitalism...
NotCainNorAbel: There was a lot of Optical Reader Software was done the same way.
SnackPak_: hell yeah it goes back
BrowneePoints subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BrowneePoints! (Today's storm count: 41)
VrolikSyndrome: Shit's expensive, yo
quasi79fu: arent all vegetables organic?
RealGamerCow: Jokes on you, I just ring it up as non-organic at the self-checkout
spo8n: I just think about the sad man who left behind toilet paper to get beer
gualdhar: but chemicals make you big and strong
aerohydra: everything is chemicals
ButButTheJesus: @BrowneePoints Change The System ™
BrowneePoints: All food is organic
BorealMage: It's not even necessarily less chemicals, it's just a certification.
iris_of_ether: It's a standard, that's it
queercrafting_chonk: stricter regulations around what chemicals can be used on the crops
itira: Adam is correct
gualdhar: like H2O, that's a chemical you need to live, and it can also kill you!
rasterscan: Definitely never rang up organic veggies as regular veggies at the self checkouy
QuixoticScrivener: "organic" water
Eggmojii: I only eat inorganic food
rasterscan: >.>
Mr_Horrible: I tried buying carrots the other day and the label just said "crot" and I was too afraid to ask clarification
frank_the_great: If you're asking us if we fraudulently ring up organic vegetables as regular veggies, then I plead the fifth
aerohydra: salt is terrible for plants ben
Morrigan9: you're touching chemicals right now....
Talin06: if by special you mean poop
Makrosian_Tay: And they call it "the aristocrats"
Eggmojii: doesnt matter if i get organic or not, im stealing them
Juliamon: It's also used now as a term to signify it's non-GMO
hieroglyphica: Always wash your veggies folks
BrowneePoints: All food you can eat has Carbon which means by Chemistry standards it's all Organic
itira: they do not wash it at the grocery store
RealGamerCow: You know strawberries in the plastic containers? They put them directly into the container from the field.
loufghyslaufey: That's not how specialized water works; not even special water salespeople know how "special water" works?
hieroglyphica: I straight up use veggie wash and THEN put it in the fridge
BrowneePoints: "Organic" as far as the food industry goes is a dumbass buzz word meant to fleece people
Gizmoloid: I vaguely remember that some stuff can get labeled "organic" without being any cleaner. So that seems like a scam.
Dog_of_Myth: Can confirm. We do not wash fruit and veggies at the grocery store.
Eggmojii: chad move?
Stripe_dog: Grocery Gacha
hieroglyphica: Yeah organic can still be covered in dangerous amounts of copper etc
Juliamon: Even if the store washed them, they'd have to be washing them constantly because customers LOVE touching shit and putting it back
ButButTheJesus: unyn
Eggmojii: "probably"
spo8n: at costco they take apples out of the boxes to make the perfect box
Eggmojii: hahaha
queercrafting_chonk: @Gizmoloid yeah, in many cases it's become more of a marketing thing, unfortunately
saucemaster5000: be sure to lick the produce before you put it back so people know it's yours
Fr0Dough: hes back, he might not be in a good mood lol
Makrosian_Tay: Isn't that just what you pay him for? LUL
Kramburger: James is in a good mood? We can fix THAT
loufghyslaufey: That's an odd question of mine to mark
Sarah_Serinde: He started up that server *while he was on vacation*
Mr_Horrible: USURPED
iris_of_ether: Yup!
loufghyslaufey: kay
QuixoticScrivener: and Serge killed the drgon
itira: Serves him right :P
hieroglyphica: Oh god watching someone knock a veggie down and it roll over the floor and then they put it back :(
Sarah_Serinde: So that everyone other than him could get started
Mr_Horrible: a new crown sits the throne
loufghyslaufey: It would've been okay to watch
Gizmoloid: @juliamon well, yeah. How else will I find out that fruit is not actually ripe enough to be tasty?
Darleysam: wasps PogChamp
gualdhar: literally, new bats
circusofkirkus: armadillos
iris_of_ether: We stan Erika haha
SnackPak_: new bee AI
saucemaster5000: minecraft would be bettter with less cubes
matthaus_c: they added armadillos
korvys: Armadillos
loufghyslaufey: What?
djalternative: Nah. They added a new Ultra Hard Mode to minecraft
itira: last i heard armadillos
Tangsm: Someday they'll add a perfect sphere, and it's all over.
loufghyslaufey: Aw, hell no.
Darleysam: wasps was a lie, armadillos is true
Sarah_Serinde: (the wasps one was a joke)
UnkeptFlea: the bee ai is just 1000 people in India
DudelidouX: Big update got new dungeons so need terrain generation to get them
Makrosian_Tay: Oh, I've seen the 'dillos. they're hella cute
loufghyslaufey: No Wasps!
Nigouki: still haven't added copper tools :(
Juliamon: (technically they added armadillos in an earlier patch)
Dalrint: They added trial chambers. Like hard dungeons to run through
JoeLowe2: they should work on better resolution next
quasi79fu: hai juliamon
Orlantia: The bee movie update
Mazrae: Armadillos, different looking wolves and wolf armor
Sarah_Serinde: There's more variety in how wolves look now. New doggos
quasi79fu: You like Jazzz??
Makrosian_Tay: BEES! LIVE BEES!
shendaras: 2 colors!
korvys: More dogs, and dog armour
Dog_of_Myth: Ooo new dogs
MacbethSeemsSus: Autocrafter's pretty big
patrick_stonecrusher: You can use a brush on an armadillo to steal its scales and make dog armor
VrolikSyndrome: It's fucking SICK
RealGamerCow: You should see what people get excited about in Satisfactory patches.
Mr_Horrible: it's so important tho
Mr_Horrible: they have no idea
Juliamon: We can carve certain rocks now!
BrowneePoints: Tell a non League/Fighting Game play "BRAUM IS IN 2KXO" and they'll go "who fucking cares"
sneakiesttuna subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sneakiesttuna! (Today's storm count: 42)
Jigokuro: Platypus update when? benginDance
Seth_Erickson: Some PoE patches fall under that as well
Darleysam: dota players: oh pog dude, they nerfed Tinker's ult cooldown by 0.5 of a second!!
hesterbyrde: Yay birbs!
BrowneePoints: 30 bits
BrowneePoints: make emote big
matthaus_c: I missed my tuesdays
gualdhar: They added juggle physics to Marisa?
Sarah_Serinde: Twitch did some stuff
itira: welcome to new Twitch
Juliamon: it's... yeah
Dog_of_Myth: Yep
loufghyslaufey: eh
TheWriterAleph: BEEG EMOTE
quasi79fu: yes recent
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah a week or two ago Ben
Mr_Horrible: it's *extremely* funny to me that Crow Country has taken as much calendar time as AW2
BigUruz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BigUruz! (Today's storm count: 43)
Seth_Erickson: they spent 200 bits to make it big
GhostValv: amazonTasteTheRainbow
Kramburger: wwe2k24 just released an update that fixed an error the caused the Ai to drop weapons 👀
tehfewl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
BrowneePoints: it's part of that shitty rollout to annoy streamers
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tehfewl! (Today's storm count: 44)
Jigokuro: 200 bits*
Seth_Erickson: here at least
saucemaster5000: can you make them smaller
SnackPak_: emotes are too powerful now
Makrosian_Tay: WTF???
quasi79fu: and now regret
loufghyslaufey: Who know whom uses alot?
ButButTheJesus: huh, never seen that
Dog_of_Myth: Twitch rolled it out a few weeks ago
itira: thanks Twitch i hate it
Ranatoki subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
Ranatoki: tekniq6Tekdance tekniq6Hype tekniq6Hype
uneactrice subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ranatoki! (Today's storm count: 45)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, uneactrice! (Today's storm count: 46)
frank_the_great: I'm gonna miss Lunacid
Mr_Horrible: does it still shatter their mobile client?
Juliamon: Nobody is happy about the feature. It's not opt-outable.
quasi79fu: YOu were in basement
patrick_stonecrusher: Mobile cant see it!! <3
ButButTheJesus: I don't remember either!
Eggmojii: wish i had a crow to tell me what to do
quasi79fu: messing with drills
loufghyslaufey: You can't even use channel points for upsized emotes.
matthaus_c: promise?
itira: Yes Mr Adam
Simriel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
Simriel: 71 months? That's more than 10
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Simriel! (Today's storm count: 47)
kumatsu: Promise?
Driosenth: Surely this won't be abused lrrFINE
quasi79fu: karaPanic
Dog_of_Myth: Promise?
Jigokuro: I don't think any dogs are harmed, but other bad things happen mostly to humans.
bobokiddo: just don't touch my potatoes
itira: @Driosenth surely... D:
ButButTheJesus: my liiive beeees?
Sarah_Serinde: If the emotes do get abused, they'll just get very very expensive
Eggmojii: instagram reels are the best
couchboyj: lrrSPOOP_SG
djalternative: jesus that's sad
quasi79fu: Omg that sounds soooo cute
Tangsm: The slower one, probably.
Sarah_Serinde: gasp
Driosenth: Beagle
quasi79fu: Omg Wissssshboneee
MrSarkhan: Adam!
ShaneLeeAtk: A Jack Russell?
malfnord: D:
SnackPak_: finally someone calls out wishbone
YeomanAres: Jack Russell terrier
The_Timo: Adum no read
FarleyF: 2 lost puppies - so its indeed Lets Nope the game
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: Jack Russell Terrier
BrowneePoints: Jack Russell
QuixoticScrivener: Soccer was a great dog actor
Dog_of_Myth: Adam has beef with Wishbone
Simriel: Wait why do emotes cost things?
SnackPak_: wishbone has had it too good for too long
djalternative: Adam, noted 1984 supporter
TheWriterAleph: you can be all sorts of different doggos!
Eggmojii: Maria 😍
patrick_stonecrusher: He was also the dog on Frasier
djalternative: sorry, F451
Makrosian_Tay: lrrSPOOP
Sarah_Serinde: @Simriel Normal emotes don't cost things. It just costs bits if you want to make them big
Simriel: I remember that xD
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: I mean, emotes cost a sub or channel points, but still
The_Timo: Wishbone ass looking dog
matthaus_c: I can hear that in her voice
BrowneePoints: Wishbone's Actor was named Soccer!
QuixoticScrivener: RIP Soccer the dog
Mr_Horrible: shoulda wished harder
Simriel: lrrCAMERON_SQ
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
NoxStryx: Did this conversation come from talking about "Haunted Paws"? Cause if not that looks like a game for the boys to check out?
SnackPak_: nailed it
Driosenth: read the card
Simriel: Hehehehe tiny cam
MrSarkhan: sergeJustRight sergeJustRight
Dog_of_Myth: Pefect read
Orxolon: you are never dead as long as you are remembered
Dog_of_Myth: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Orxolon: XD
Kramburger: To quote Adam last week: "Oh shit, Let's Nope Express!"
Xenovita subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xenovita! (Today's storm count: 48)
Eggmojii: people something weird in the store
frank_the_great: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 18:40.
couchboyj: lrrSPOOP_SG
tehfewl: i used my prime
djalternative: wow. only ~20 min in tonight
protojman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, protojman! (Today's storm count: 49)
djalternative: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:11:32. lrrSPOT
FarleyF: 20 minutes in - did Graham/Paul wrap you on the knuckles
shendaras: Only 18m?
saucemaster5000: gotta go boobitboop the scoobityboo
quasi79fu: do i look young?
DMGlol: We need more waffles
frank_the_great: 18:40 is pretty quick
Orlantia: Did you know that wishbone only lasted 2 seasons?
The_Timo: Not young nor in my prime anymore. Useless old fuck lol
BrowneePoints: speaking of Primes, I cannot believe Overwatch is doing a Transformers crossover
Jigokuro subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
Jigokuro: I'm old and non-prime, sorry to disappoint. bitterTears
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jigokuro! (Today's storm count: 50)
SnackPak_: some chat makes it in
Simriel: @orlantia wait for real?
Orlantia: @simriel yup
josh___something: Dang, game already?!
snowyowlly: a good chunk makes in it
Kramburger: She leaves in the good stuff, so most of the chat gets cut
saucemaster5000: That's why I mute the stream when I watch
NoxStryx: The subwayverse is prominent in the express edits
shendaras: seabatClap
rasterscan: @Kramburger Jesus, Kram. X.X
ButButTheJesus: same here, one of my favs
uncleardata: It's my favorite
zeanith_helfire: You two are my favorite!
Seth_Erickson: We're helping you keep your job Adam
Eggmojii: It is the best show
frank_the_great: Let's Nope is easy top 100
Kramburger: You expose you CHILDREN to this?
loufghyslaufey: I see
TheWriterAleph: Congrats on being this age's Wheel of Fortune
JoeLowe2: Well, you're so wholesome
Kramburger: Noooo
hesterbyrde: Let's Nope is the first thing I started watching of LRR streamed stuff. Y'all were doing my fave, Silent Hill
kumatsu: this isn't a family stream, but it sure is a family stream
korvys: The Hosks
CypherRaze: I mean, I've been watching Amanda the Adventurer to just vibe
voren_chalco: Noted family programming, Let's Nope
zeanith_helfire: My polycule of 5 watch you
matthaus_c: do you think they bet on which chatters get timed out
BrowneePoints: what did that 2nd dog do to deserve being Halved
Seth_Erickson: not really
SnackPak_: as a family, watching Adam talking about taking a back-shot from Gumby
Xafty: other than the language
saucemaster5000: papa, it is time, let us partake of the evening meal and watch our regularly scheduled program
Eggmojii: Family Friendly for sure
djalternative: Wait. Where did the half kid, half dog come from, Adam?
The_Timo: Yeah... Wall of dicks so PG
Naesiir subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
Naesiir: Let's Nope and FFXIV a perfect pair
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Naesiir! (Today's storm count: 51)
couchboyj: TGIN, thank goodness its nope
CastleOtranto: We're relatively fuckin' PG.
Orlantia: @simriel 1994 had 40 episodes as a "season 1" and then 10 more episodes as a "season 2" between 1995 and 1997
JuneBlue58: "We're relatively PG". Immediately drops an f-bomb. XD
twistedsylvan: on one hand, you guys are crazy entertaining. On the other, why the hell do you show this to kids
MWGNZ: do the half dog and half kid combine together?
CypherRaze: "relatively PG - how the fuck do i...."
Makrosian_Tay: "I think we're PG" -- Immediately says "fuck" LUL
loufghyslaufey: PEGI > ESRB perhaps?
Azralorne: "I'm relatively PG" immediately says fuck
Kramburger: You think Adam "I"d take a shot in the mouth from Kirby" Savbidan is PG?
NoxStryx: Yeah easy one of the top 100 ACTIVE LRR streams
josh___something: "...we're PG. WHERE THE FU"
frank_the_great: Two words in between PG and Fuck
LostThePirate: My son is generally half paying attention, lol, but he's currently napping :P
I_Am_Clockwork: how much wood could a wood shop chop if a wood shop could chop wood
Eggmojii: perfect show for a family
itira: LOL
rasterscan: I feel like we need a swear jar for this stream do see just how PG it is
Eggmojii: "Daddy, whats a shot in the mouth?"
itira: nap gang
rasterscan: We're already at 2 nickles
ButButTheJesus: 32...months
Orxolon: aaaaawwwwwwww
frank_the_great: I will not ask if your son is single, but I will ask if they're baptized
LostThePirate: Nah, he's 4. I don't let him watch the violent ones, but he's oblivious to the spooky stuff.
Kramburger: 32 months is a toddler
saucemaster5000: science has proven babies are stupid
Orxolon: at what point you stop saying your baby's age in months?
DMGlol: What if it's a real big baby
Mr_Horrible: baby round-start DI's you
BrowneePoints: Dude, you can defeat a baby with a Mid Level Taco Bell Fart. I HOPE you win
matthaus_c: a baby could mix you so hard
Tangsm: Toddlers can really chuck things right at your face, though.
voren_chalco: They lack basic motor control, Ben!
itira: all they have to do is keep crying for 3 hours. now youre mentally unstable
couchboyj: Baby is a degenerate Bison main
saucemaster5000: does the baby have a knife?
Mr_Horrible: it means pride month is over
quasi79fu: shoot the fairies
Kramburger: est@Orxolon By university at the lat
Mr_Horrible: lock 'n load
NoxStryx: He doesnt even have object permanence as soon as the stream ends you cease to exist to him
Seth_Erickson: it means it's hidden in a fairy I assume
spo8n: how many babies could adam fight?
The_Timo: Soft skull is a pretty basic nerf
quasi79fu: where is Dim dimmerdale?
saucemaster5000: y'all are missing out
BrowneePoints: Literally a Baby's only defense is to appear cute enough that you get disarmed
Eggmojii: its never too late
cinnamoncyborg subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
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loufghyslaufey: @BrowneePoints But the baby will never let you forget it when they wake NotLikeThis ImTyping HSWP StinkyCheese MindManners
Mr_Horrible: it is in fact about the strength
ardn93: Even a baby can roll a 20.
Simriel: Yes uhhhhh I too have never been in a fight with a baby...
shendaras: baby known for their martial technique
The_Timo: David wasn't a fucking baby lol
VrolikSyndrome: The baby's gonna use your momentum and judo flip your ass.
Eggmojii: Goliath was an idiot
matthaus_c: a baby vs me is like me vs a black bear
SquareDotCube: Would you punt a baby if it charged at you
BrowneePoints: Wait Adam, I weigh as much as the Average Grizzly Bear, does that mean I'm even?
Eggmojii: get rock'd idiot
NoxStryx: Babies cant use slingshots
uncleardata: You could always trip over the baby
ghyllnox: Sure, if the baby had a gun
TheMandrew: size matters when your opponent's skull hasn't fully formed yet
raulghoulia: baby with a gun
JoeLowe2: baby brings a gun to Adam's fist fight
itira: how do you know Adam? youve never been in a fight :P
rick0chet008: Maggy Simpson used a gun...
Orxolon: by sheer weight they kill you XD
josh___something: God I wish that were me
DMGlol: Babies are tricky, they release a special chemical that makes you love them avngrEvil
BrowneePoints: No no, by Adam's logic i'm on even footing with a Grizzly Bear I like this
couchboyj: Omelet du fromage
gualdhar: that's Marissa logic right there
Eggmojii: bonus stream, adam fights penelope
I_Am_Clockwork: what if the baby has a really big stepladder
saucemaster5000: I bet I could take a cow
itira: because you play street fighter?
PhilanthropyLich: Use their weight against them, like a cheese omlette
Eggmojii: gets fucking wrecked
The_Color_Twelve: oh right its Tuesday. This week is already a mess for me.
iris_of_ether: Look up sumo versus football player. The latter does not win
The_Timo: What if it was baby Jesus?
Talin06: David basically used the equivalent of a gun for the time
Orxolon: @Eggmojii hahahaha
NoxStryx: Art of combat has a lot to do with DIs from what i hear
matthaus_c: Sun Tzu said "big one wins"
I_Am_Clockwork: taking someone who is bigger than you is what you need Training for. Babies, notably, lack training
UnkeptFlea: grabs are cheats
JoeLowe2: baby Jesus would smite the hell out of you
twistedsylvan: if both combatants are untrained, Adam is probably right
JuneBlue58: It's choreographed, but the Bruce Lee vs Kareem Abdul-Jabbar fight from Tower of Death is an interesting philosophical exploration of this question.
quasi79fu: how do we get back to the drills?
josh___something: "MY LOYAL FANS"
MWGNZ: i could fight a grizzly, i wouldnt win tho
lazermeow: You "can" take someone larger than you, you just need to know how to fight.
RealGamerCow: I watch enough sumo to say that bigger doesn't *always* win.
Orlantia: Dude, have you seen what slings do? Goliath took a hit straight to the dome by a 200g rock traveling at Mach Fuck.
thatguysteve2709: I think object permanence plays a big role in this hypothetical baby fight
ButButTheJesus: play em off, keyboard cat
loufghyslaufey: @The_Timo A random time traveler would just hold them for ransom or something?
Kramburger: I will say this once and once only: Adam is right
twistedsylvan: whoever knows how to fight better or has some martial arts training or something, they get a pretty significant advantage
matthaus_c: @thatguysteve2709 oh I'm so smoked
lazermeow: If you know some basic leg kicks and the fat dude knows nothing, you gotta shot.
MWGNZ: @Kramburger no he's on the left
BrowneePoints: what\
matthaus_c: what the hell did you just say
josh___something: Adam, more than one person plays a keyboard :)
BrowneePoints: Dancing Baby is the oldest
Morrigan9: ya i don't think os
ButButTheJesus: the Ur-meme
SquareDotCube: Dancing Baby was 1999
spo8n: a monkey weighs as much as two babies but is an equal fight to an adult human
Kramburger: @MWGNZ Stage right
RealGamerCow: I think that's older than All Your Base
BusTed: 96
SquareDotCube: Flying toasters do predate dancing baby, however
BrowneePoints: Ben and I were too busy playing Neopets and Gaia Online back then Adam
SquareDotCube: All Your Base was technically 1992-1993
BrowneePoints: we're Babies
onetrueseth: zero wing was like 91
I_Am_Clockwork: All your base was a Niel Ciceriga origional, wasn't it?
saucemaster5000: you know that baby is in heaven with wishbone
The_Timo: I can has
VrolikSyndrome: "I was there, Gandalf."
Naesiir: oh god your right. People will right theses on Meme in the future
QuixoticScrivener: know your meme
quasi79fu: ben and adam play browser game called Meme Party?
LostThePirate: Oh you mean my spouse? Lol
ghyllnox: They're cultural artifacts
ButButTheJesus: "I say, Charles, rememberest thou Dance of the Hamsters?"
Terr0rc0tta subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
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tehfewl: a fine vintage meme
Jigokuro: We're meme *anthropologists* thank you very much.
Dog_of_Myth: All your base is 16 February 2001 according to Wikipedia
Orxolon: "i am majoring in memeology"
Talin06: what do you thing an anthropologist is?
JuneBlue58: Know Your Meme says that the baby is 1996 and Peanut Butter is from 2002.
hesterbyrde: I've got a friend with a doctorate in rhetoric who studies internet culture and gaming history.
ghizmou: wait, I come in 30 minutes late and we're already in a game, what happened
SquareDotCube: Laugh about it, but if it makes a good salary...
saucemaster5000: remember when newgrounds ruled the internet?
starmute12: I distinctly recall my dad calling the entire family into the living room to see the dancing baby after he finished downloading it on dial up
emberBecky: pretty sure there is like legit university anthropologists that study memes. it's a kind of folk culture
BrowneePoints: meme history is basically cultural anthropology
Mr_Horrible: every one of my posts is modernist
NoxStryx: "Play" is a strong word for what you did in gaia online
QuixoticScrivener: I think that's jsut called antroplogy
Eggmojii: a bachelor of meme culture
Dog_of_Myth: I do @saucemaster5000
Mr_Horrible: I'm just making a "post modernist" pun
couchboyj: Anyone remember the Ha! Ha! guy meme from fark?
matthaus_c: I mostly do horny dada
SquareDotCube: what if dadaist Adam
Makrosian_Tay: Now you've made me think of postmodern jukebox
Jigokuro: All my art is contemporary.
Mr_Horrible: but the fact that you didn't get it makes it post-modernist
voren_chalco: That's the thing: nobody does
Mischievous_Catgeist subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
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Mr_Horrible: da-da-ist
Sarah_Serinde: !addquote (Adam) [now] I don't understand what that means but I'm going to assume that you're wrong.
LRRbot: New quote #9041: "I don't understand what that means but I'm going to assume that you're wrong." —Adam [2024-07-09]
ghizmou: daddiest?
saucemaster5000: I have it on good authority that Mr Horrible is Jean Beaudrillard
Kramburger: Dah-Dah
CastleOtranto: @couchboyj I'm that old, yes.
Makrosian_Tay: it's an actual thing
Mr_Horrible: literally yes
matthaus_c: literally comes from that
BrowneePoints: Dada-ist is an art movement about absurdism lampooning the Establishment of Art @LoadingReadyRun kinda like Gen Z/Alpha memes
Kramburger: It's absurdist theatre
NoxStryx: Yeah it comes from the baby aound
QuixoticScrivener: skatology is part of da-da ism
JuneBlue58: Dadaism was a movement in the interwar period that emphasised the absurd as a source of art and comedy.
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 ugh, French...
VrolikSyndrome: Fill a conceptual warehouse.
korvys: "How to fill a warehouse" is one of the things that goes in the warehouse, Ben
The_Timo: Write it down
itira: textbooks Ben
patrick_stonecrusher: The dadaists wanted to kill art
ardn93: Art that makes people go, "That's not art!" and thereby turns into cutlure (like the upsdie down urinal 'sculpture')
Makrosian_Tay: Well, conceptual things would conceptually go in the warehouse
Tangsm: He'd never be allowed in the warehouse, or he'd know the things in it, and the whole system would fall apart.
SnackPak_: gettem Ben
The_Color_Twelve: the warehouse is ALSO conceptual
josh___something: Mind Place
The_Timo: Ben doesn't understand how concepts can be recorded
Mr_Horrible: fire sale at Adam's Imaginary Warehouse
djalternative: I'm with Adam on this
Seth_Erickson: It's a thought experiment Adam, how does it the stuff get there.
TehAmelie: dada is a pretty inventive art movement. maybe the first deliberate effort t go meta
JuneBlue58: IIRC it grew out of a feeling of discontent and despair in the wake of WW1 and the subsequent economic and political depressions in Europe.
saucemaster5000: You know the talking furniture in pee-wee's playhouse eat people
spo8n: it's orbiting underground with the moonbase
SquareDotCube: trap btw
korvys: "How to put a thing a warehouse" is one of the things in the warehouse, as is the location of the warehouse
frank_the_great: Knowing how to put it in the warehouse, is now in the warehouse
Eggmojii: the warehouse directions are in the warehouse
shendaras: the warehouse is inside the warehouse
voren_chalco: Directions go in the warehouse
quasi79fu: im lost..
Tangsm: So the warehouse is part of the warehouse of things you don't know.
josh___something: Y'know... I think Ben might get beaten by a baby
NoxStryx: In Ben's warehouse is the information of where adams werehouse is
BrowneePoints: So as an example Adam the "Me and the Boys at 3 am lookin for BEANZ" meme is Dadaist. @LoadingReadyRun absurdity as art and intentionally defying convention/limitation
lamina5432: it's like warehouse 13
twistedsylvan: so the location of the warehouse is also in the warehouse
VrolikSyndrome: But what if I stumble across your warehouse.
iris_of_ether: Ben
quasi79fu: warehouse thirteeen
kumatsu: the warehouse is up in Nanaimo, and that's too far to bother going to
quasi79fu: hahahahahaa
Orxolon: is that a paradox?
quasi79fu: that timing
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL LUL
SnackPak_: I'm too stoned for this conversation lrrBEEJ
Pheonix888: Welcome to the highlights
CypherRaze: LOL
ButButTheJesus: LAWL
saucemaster5000: let's be honest -- Adam's "warehouse" is more of a broom closet
quasi79fu: clip that
Mr_Horrible: never seen karma pay off that fast before
twistedsylvan: I feel like this is an RPG plot waiting to happen
Eggmojii: wrecked by a baby, once again
Dog_of_Myth: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
SquareDotCube: I even told you
adept_nekomancer: Just start going to all the warehouses. Eventually you'll hit the right one.
JoeLowe2: It's really more of a wherehouse
saucemaster5000: laugh out loud
ButButTheJesus: hi, i'm an old
quasi79fu: Roflmao
tehfewl: theres a good reason for that
QuixoticScrivener: no one actually rolls on the floor though
The_Timo: Do do do do do
Darleysam: my roflcopter goes swish swish swish
gualdhar: nothing is funny enough to warrant roflmao these days
BrowneePoints: Roflmao DOO DOO ba DOO ba
NoxStryx: Roflolcopter
matthaus_c: roflcopter baby
itira: roflcopter
BrowneePoints: Roflamo DOOT DOO DOO DOO!
Mr_Horrible: nobody says "lol" anymore we say "10%
TheWriterAleph: omgwtfbbq
MaxTurkeyFlaps: I used to have a shirt that said “ROFL” and then had a picture of Chairman Mao
patrick_stonecrusher: OMGWTFBBQ
MWGNZ: return to our roots and bring back roflcoptor
raulghoulia: when was the last time you dabbed?
quasi79fu: i teeeheeee
hieroglyphica: It's true, we're too jaded
solarsheeptoken: rofl
saucemaster5000: you're more of a light sniff material
BrowneePoints: I think it's just that the world has gotten shitty enough it killed rofl
gualdhar: I'd need to be literally dying to roll on the floor at my age
Nigouki: we don't have the time or energy to clean the floor in this economy
Orlantia: Hey Adam, the did who played wishbone died in 2001.
Makrosian_Tay: Chortle is my favorite water Pokemon
iris_of_ether: Sensible Chuckle
VrolikSyndrome: I've exhaled air through my nose a few times before.
Orlantia: The doggo
matthaus_c: you only roll in the deep
CastleOtranto: I saw Serge ROFLMOA once
spethycakes: rofls have ridges
solarsheeptoken: i do
couchboyj: Rolfmao is shorthand for sensible chuckle
korvys: Haven't you seen Alex?
neisan2112: I do think there's been a few over the years.
Eggmojii: very rare thing to happen, but not out of the realm of possibility
dumbo3k: I don't ROFL anymore, cause the floor is filthy
hieroglyphica: Yeah I would need literal 10/10 comedy for that
Mr_Horrible: it's very looney tunes iconography
Draynus: No one has the apartment space to roll on the floor these days
quasi79fu: Rollling in the deeeep
ButButTheJesus: @spethycakes heh
itira: youre tellin me, youve never rolled on the floor while laughing Adam? are you really laughing them?
spo8n: talks abour roling but ignores the bbq
saucemaster5000: I do the windmill when laughing too hard
itira: then*
VrolikSyndrome: what
VrolikSyndrome: lol
Sarah_Serinde: You know what I miss? Keyboard smash being primarily from home row. Because it's done on mobile now so it's just a bunch of random letters rather than, like, alkjsdflksd
solarsheeptoken: adele rofl
TheWriterAleph: if i rofl now it throws my back out.
Pheonix888: would you prefer rocking on the floor laughing?
Sarah_Serinde: Since we're being old today :P
ButButTheJesus: omg I've never heard of that
djalternative: I have legitimately gotten someone to roll on the floor cry laughing from a script once and it's the height of my script writing so far
Orxolon: not that i am not enjoying Ben being lost and don't remembering how to play but do we know what are we playing next?
tehfewl: the ol' gator deathroll
Naesiir: how excited would Remy be??
Eggmojii: what happened to sksksksksk
CastleOtranto: These two don't even know about the Steamroller in cHustle
BrowneePoints: No no
ButButTheJesus: @Sarah_Serinde I do appreciate a good ad;jfskjfd;jak;df
BrowneePoints: First you hit them with the Dutch Oven, and then you Steamroll them while they're still Frame Trapped
Mr_Horrible: "Steamroller" "Y'know it's really weird how a body probably wouldn't get found out here" "...okay no steamroller"
Sarah_Serinde: @ButButTheJesus Anything with other characters in it just feels weird to me
iris_of_ether: See, we ladies ran sleepovers differently. Seances.
saucemaster5000: jordan nailed it on the recent highlight reel
gualdhar: Jordytnne murdered Wheeler and buried him in the backyard
uneactrice: It was *chefs kiss*
Naesiir: The roast went on longer than expected
loufghyslaufey: @Orxolon A haunted Fright Friends? Campaign?
quasi79fu: box is moving
bethy_kins24: it was pretty hilarious
loufghyslaufey: Box moves
loufghyslaufey: gawd
quasi79fu: thump thump
djalternative: Yeah. Jordynne sent Wheeler to the shadow realm
twistedsylvan: they DEMOLISHED Wheeler
Mr_Horrible: yeah, that's what we refer to as "an ethering"
BrowneePoints: Every ITYC all at once
BrowneePoints: sped up
JoeLowe2: I loved that highlight. Jordynne is awesome
ButButTheJesus: HA
ButterBall000: All of the clips were of Wheeler too
emberBecky: @iris_of_ether haha I was just gonna say. We didn't steam roller we tried to summon the dead XD
ardn93: I think Wheeler will take the latest Highlights as a challenge
ButButTheJesus: that's a rofl
Orxolon: @loufghyslaufey really¿?
tehfewl: but did you watch the Dog play baseball at SGDQ?
e_bloc: whatever she makes its not enough
TheManaLeek subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
DMGlol: lmao
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheManaLeek! (Today's storm count: 55)
itira: wait we can say WHATEVER we want?
Mr_Horrible: good response tbh
Orlantia: Adam has normie friends? Impressive
loufghyslaufey: a mailed stranger crate delivery
Sarah_Serinde: ಠ_ಠ
Mr_Horrible: Adam's comment oki is impeccable
matthaus_c: I'd never
bethy_kins24: ohhh
aerohydra: youre great
loufghyslaufey: Def not sus at all
CaptinOfBeez: love you guys
quasi79fu: welll we can say what we want within reason
VrolikSyndrome: but you know
dumbo3k: "I love you!"
VrolikSyndrome: sometimes
saucemaster5000: I can say WHATEVER?
quasi79fu: There are mods
itira: heres my hottake. watermelon. worst fruit.
saucemaster5000: uh... hi
Eggmojii: I've said too much
BrowneePoints: Yea like Adam and Ben are amazing people who are so Kind and Spread so much Light into the World browne26PearPride
Dog_of_Myth: You both are great and funny
Sarah_Serinde: Chat I'm busy with my DB craft, don't make me do work
raulghoulia: it's so hard to get shot
xantos69: Ben... you would look great wearing Jam as a hat.
JoeLowe2: Just because you can, doesn't mean you should
Mr_Horrible: the lawyer we met
couchboyj: The ten minute time out gun
djalternative: People can just say whatever they want to anybody. Working at a coffee shop I experience this every day
ButButTheJesus: @Sarah_Serinde ooh what crafting?
loufghyslaufey: its a trap!
Juliamon: Don't judge her for chilling in the trash
Korolan: Ben and Adam: You are both a Delight.
bethy_kins24: whats in the box!
Korolan: Wow, we really can say whatever we want!
FarleyF: you mean we can say things like you two show what it's like to be two best friends just chilling out
quasi79fu: ewww sweaty hands
malfnord: ew
Orxolon: idea pitch:"Let's Nope live" our boys go to a hunted place or some sh*t
itira: no one likes the wet paws
BrowneePoints: "No that was his name. Sum Gai"
Sarah_Serinde: @ButButTheJesus Slightly old photo now but the easiest one to grab
ButterBall000: As a sweaty hands haver, it's not fun on my end either
Scy_Anide: Not on your Top 10 Kidnappings list?
quasi79fu: have you seeen a fairy?
loufghyslaufey: @Orxolon hunting, eh? Can Alex go? StinkyCheese LUL FBtouchdown MindManners ImTyping
ardn93: @Orxolon I remember a LRRlive bit in a cron maze that was very fun
quasi79fu: we neeed to shoot a fairy in the head
Seth_Erickson: yes perfectly normal conversations in an otherwise perfectly normal game world
ButButTheJesus: @Sarah_Serinde ooh lovely
loufghyslaufey: Would Alex go?
saucemaster5000: when two sweaty hands high five does it make a different sound?
Mr_Horrible: @Sarah_Serinde lookin' stellar, in more than one sense of the word kanagoNoice
Orxolon: @loufghyslaufey anybody who wants!,let them join
korvys: Oh, the waifu crane
quasi79fu: hahahahahah
matthaus_c: mixed
Orxolon: @ardn93 that was fun,i cannot find the VOd
Sarah_Serinde: Haha thanks Mr_Horrible ButButTheJesus
Seth_Erickson: mixed
itira: fragile! must be italian
CypherRaze: I'll be honest. Those don't look like roots. They look like the green pipes from Mario
Seth_Erickson: You simply cannot contain their mix up potential
matthaus_c: it's funny af tho
loufghyslaufey: Now I wish that Julie crate was a mimic.
Mr_Horrible: if it were me I would simply be suspicious of the pickups because the game was being too nice Kappa
Seth_Erickson: my mans is blind
quasi79fu: i seee the purple
Mr_Horrible: can't believe this man beat SotE Kappa
The_Timo: Oh boy
matthaus_c: might be affected by the colourblindness
dumbo3k: I barely see that poison
The_Color_Twelve: Wow s
gualdhar: is this where we learn Adam is colorblind?
SquareDotCube: that's some big tunnel vision
Sarah_Serinde: I dunno that sounds like something Adam would do
WitchyTQ: did you know purple is not a real colour
WitchyTQ: our brains made it up
saucemaster5000: shit he said it so I'm blind now
Sarah_Serinde: I mean you've definitely gotten Ben killed before
Mr_Horrible: @WitchyTQ damn, our brains kinda goated
WitchyTQ: okay no so
The_Timo: Not rrally
Sarah_Serinde: Isn't that specifically magenta?
ButButTheJesus: @WitchyTQ I thought that was pink
josh___something: Math is a lie Kappa
HondoTrigger: you both are just a figment of my imagination
BrowneePoints: Magenta
Eggmojii: brain goated
WitchyTQ: purple, was created by our brain for the absence of green
iris_of_ether: I thought that was fuchsia?
saucemaster5000: I think you two are made up
patrick_stonecrusher: The Clapper
Excalibur_1867_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
Excalibur_1867_: doodGore doodBeamL doodBeam doodBeam lrrBartleby
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Excalibur_1867_! (Today's storm count: 56)
Orlantia: Magenta
matthaus_c: figment balls
solarsheeptoken: even twitch?
shendaras: dreamy, one might say
HondoTrigger: you balance out Adam, Ben
SerGarretCameron: Reality exists the way it does because of human experience halucination.
josh___something: The duality of man
wastetalent: light is spectrum from red to blue but we made up purple so we could put that straight line into a wheel
WitchyTQ: chat stop being know it alls and let me share a fun fact
WitchyTQ: put your "um actually"'s away
The_Timo: Misquoting things we heard once as fact
gualdhar: @WitchyTQ but... what else do I do with my chats?
ButButTheJesus: @WitchyTQ I'm sorry thank you for your fun facts
josh___something: Twitch chat, fun ruiner
WitchyTQ: so true
malfnord: I know I'm the figment of somebody's imagination. Kinda mad about that, tbh
raulghoulia: Adam "Danny Devito" Savidan
WitchyTQ: correct
TehAmelie: colors is definitely among the top 20 things our brains make up
patrick_stonecrusher: Throw Momma From The Train
saucemaster5000: Because some truths are too great to hide
BrowneePoints: Magenta does not exist
FarleyF: Adam dont sell yourself short - your our main antihero
Mathwyn: Adam is definitely the evil twin
kumatsu: you're both in my myspace top 8
WitchyTQ: no it doesn't. it's like how everything is actually upside down but our eyes flip it
Eggmojii: that dude on tiktok just finished the top 1000 things list
niccus: good thing we see the same magenta
BrowneePoints: Violet and Red exist at opposite ends of the spectrum, when shown both at the same intensity our Brain equalizes them into Magenta
LithelyUnshod: Magenta *light* doesn't exist.
MaxTurkeyFlaps: great movie.
quasi79fu: hahahahaha
saucemaster5000: did you all know they remade "Don't tell mom the babysitter's dead"?
BrowneePoints: but Magenta doesn't exist on the electromagnetic spectrum
Fr0Dough: I cant wait for the remake, Yeet grandma, sheeeeeesh
HondoTrigger: it's probably the second best film with train in its title, behind Planes Trains and Automobiles
HedgehogKnight: They want to throw her off the train
PawssumFable: Why would they remake that?
Eggmojii: shotgun?
WitchyTQ: is a hotdog a sandwhich?
The_Timo: Ah yes, I too watched Qi many years ago lol
Seth_Erickson: can you fill the water tank with acid?
matthaus_c: is a magic card a sandwich
PawssumFable: @Seth_Erickson Calm down, Satan
SquareDotCube: you've encountered resin before
ButButTheJesus: @WitchyTQ if the closed edge pops open, yes
dumbo3k: hahaha one handing the shotgun xD
Eggmojii: im out of ideas
djalternative: is there just a hammer or something?
itira: @WitchyTQ you get out of here with that
BusTed: swip swap
CypherRaze: what about that little red valve down below?
WitchyTQ: i will not
quasi79fu: water?
NotCainNorAbel: @WitchyTQ Yes. Is a vampire a mammal?
saucemaster5000: you know what's goated? Tango and Cash
raulghoulia: Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead
vetchable: yo whats good gang?
VrolikSyndrome: @matthaus_c If you fold it and put a slice of bologna in it.
WitchyTQ: @NotCainNorAbel OOOO thats a great question
LithelyUnshod: Magenta the colour exists when an object absorbs only green light.
vetchable: vetch is back
BrowneePoints: TrainSpotting
gualdhar: Trainspotting, checkmate
varmintx0: So, you're saying Money Train isn't that great?
circusofkirkus: amazing soundtrack
Fr0Dough: what about backdoor train 9
uneactrice: That's a cute one
quasi79fu: acid?
djalternative: Train-ing Day
HedgehogKnight: Bullet train
spethycakes: So Training Day doesn't make the list
ghizmou: train to busan is def above
BrowneePoints: Oh hey I went on a date with the director of that movie once
BrowneePoints: he's very nice
ButButTheJesus: Ben
VrolikSyndrome: ayo?
Mr_Horrible: now now, I'm pretty sure there's movies about running train on dragons
rainreign7: train to busan
ButButTheJesus: ADAM
Naesiir: ohmy
Makrosian_Tay: And that's the day we cancelled Ben
PawssumFable: FR though, How to Train Your Dragon as a whole series is good
ButterBall000: Plains, Trains, Dungeons, and Dragons
djalternative: Trent Resin-Or?
KinkerbellRose: Dragon. Nuts. Train. There's something here, but I ain't putting it together.
Lazy_F4: light it ON FIRE
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to WitchyTQ! They have given 1509 Gift Subs in the channel!
ranoras: Midnight Meat Train is right there
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WitchyTQ! (Today's storm count: 57)
TheWriterAleph: heheh fire is kewl
WitchyTQ: @Dog_of_Myth Thanks for the gift sub!
TehAmelie: like obviously colors exist, as a small part of the visible light part of the electromagnetic spectrum. but saying purple is made up is like saying taxes are made up
Eggmojii: hell yeah Midnight Meat Train
PawssumFable: First one good, second one, makes me cry repeatedly
quasi79fu: yay
MilkInBags: hello nopers
Mr_Horrible: you shot her head off, Adam
quasi79fu: we killed a fairy
JoeLowe2: 3:10 to Yuma is about a train. Does that count?
matthaus_c: she's just text
shendaras: It isn't in the warehouse
WitchyTQ: tqsWizard
josh___something: Someone made that statue, adam
Dog_of_Myth: @WitchyTQ You're quite welcome.
Mr_Horrible: Adam talking to those living statue performers "You don't have feelings"
itira: good story Adam
Sarah_Serinde: I mean Twitch chat does that all the time :P
Mr_Horrible: most people do
Makrosian_Tay: Add "have the courage to" at the beginning of any sentence to make it more epic, no matter the subject
JinaMahavira: Poor TQ out here ordering magic cards
saucemaster5000: I've never been wrong on the internet
BrowneePoints: @TehAmelie Magenta does not actually exist as part of the monochromatic electromagnetic spectrum
WitchyTQ: @JinaMahavira SHUT UP
MilkInBags: yes you do have tone
SquareDotCube: gotta save Mara again too
thatguysteve2709: Was it claiming to be a little goblin when you are clearly a bugbear?
Mr_Horrible: [sarcastic] Sure you do Kappa
itira: @WitchyTQ LOL
matthaus_c: we have /some/ tone
MilkInBags: when I say "hey adam you're cool :) " you have the tone
Eggmojii: there are tone indicators but i dont know how they work
JinaMahavira: @WitchyTQ LUL
itira: loooool
FarleyF: lrrBEEJ
WitchyTQ: shhhh
matthaus_c: hook line and sinker for Bloomburrow
shendaras: seabatClap
MilkInBags: it's ok she's ordering the new rareless packs
BrowneePoints: Bloomburrow fucking slaps
LithelyUnshod: Bloomburrow too powerful
BrowneePoints: taht's why
VrolikSyndrome: Do we need to call someone?
Mr_Horrible: they made Redwall cards
itira: they covered them in bunnies what d oyou expect
djalternative: Just imagine me sounding like the funniest standup comedian you can think of
PawssumFable: HAVE THE COURAGE TO drink more water.
BrowneePoints: THE ART IS SO GOOD
MilkInBags: first they got the warhammer 40k nerds, now the furries and the animal crossing nerds
Eggmojii: I'm finally putting together a Lorcana deck. Don't want to spend too much but it is quite fun.
WitchyTQ: i spent 200$
RatherLargeToad: So many good new frogs
quasi79fu: (sympathetic) we understand Adam..Do you want us to type out every emotion we want to express?
FarleyF: i mean Jacob was seen playing magic - so now we need a stream with TQ/Jacob/Beej and someone else
hesterbyrde: I'm so excited for Bloomburrow.
niccus: TQ NO
Makrosian_Tay: As the sun sets on Assassin's Creed...
Mr_Horrible: I need every food token of that set to be taken from RedwallFeastsBot
ButButTheJesus: magic bunbuns?
MilkInBags: @WitchyTQ gg no re
emberBecky: little aminals o.o
BrowneePoints: @WitchyTQ (i'm trading in a bunch of cards for 3 collector boxes and all 4 commander decks)
kumatsu: Successfully marketed at
gualdhar: TQ on Friday Nights when?
PawssumFable: We could use the Discord tag things.
WitchyTQ: when i do something, i DO something
Orxolon: collecting or are you gonna start playing¿?
djalternative: $200 at pre-order prices
BrowneePoints: or
BrowneePoints: HK 47
WitchyTQ: i got a prerelease box
aerohydra: remember to order from card kingdom using the affiliate link
VrolikSyndrome: (with heavy sarcasm) I love it here, please continue this bit.
RatherLargeToad: I’m going to need to build 4 new commander decks for the new frog legendaries
Eggmojii: as an autisic person, that sounds ideal
Tangsm: I still want to see Elcor Hamlet.
MilkInBags: adam and ben, you're very funny [threatening]
quasi79fu: confused.. i will try?
Mr_Horrible: [trepidatious flirtation] I'm not doing that, you b-b-bakas
saucemaster5000: {defiant} I'll do what I want
Makrosian_Tay: [Sarcastic] Like...fully?
WitchyTQ: WHAT
FarleyF: ok then - *Smile* *Laugh* *express happiness*
WitchyTQ: what ADAM
PawssumFable: [Amused] I guess we're doing this now
WitchyTQ: pretty much ye
MilkInBags: adam, june exists
itira: i mean
itira: yes
SquareDotCube: I don't think we ever got a full performance of Elcor Hamlet
matthaus_c: someone on twitter also told TQ about Everdell
Seth_Erickson: [Enthusiastically] As you wish my liege
LithelyUnshod: (We can't order sealed product from CK in Canada)
matthaus_c: she's never gonna recover
Mr_Horrible: "damn, they know my weakness"
WitchyTQ: i also have a second job where they're gonna pay to watch me open them soooo
Eggmojii: damn, i really like the emotion in square brackets [pleased]
QuixoticScrivener: Does Hello Kitty count as furries?
MilkInBags: yeah but ben...
itira: throw a mushroom on it and ill buy it
MilkInBags: TQ doesn't....
JinaMahavira: The commander deck I get, the prelrease box might not even have a rabbit in it
N30dude subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, N30dude! (Today's storm count: 58)
WitchyTQ: you have but i didnt wanna take the joy out of the person who told me on twitter
VrolikSyndrome: CSM fucks
saucemaster5000: @itira look up the board game "crossing"
PawssumFable: [Exhausted] Hello Kitty is not furry
Seth_Erickson: oh my gosh Adam
saucemaster5000: it's very cute
Orxolon: hahahaha
BusTed: that's bait
MilkInBags: we all told you but you kept saying it's not DBZ
UnkeptFlea: there's rabbits in chainsaw man?
Seth_Erickson: someone put this man on blast
Orxolon: we did
electric_claire: You almost got me
djalternative: I'm one of the few not into Chainsaw Man
MilkInBags: reel it in
SnackPak_: ignore the bully
Mr_Horrible: good long con
ButButTheJesus: uh oh
itira: @saucemaster5000 *eyeball emoji*
The_Color_Twelve: the weeks long pay off
twistedsylvan: That's bait
Eggmojii: [confused] is that sarcasm?
Seth_Erickson: When are you going to watch Jujutsu Kaisen Adam?
BrowneePoints: Dude you are Trevor Belmont
Makrosian_Tay: I'm confused, I thought the weeb community was mad at CSM for the kinda conversion it got?
BrowneePoints: you HAVE to watch it
saucemaster5000: castlevania is very adam
FarleyF: smash cut to bleached white skeleton
WitchyTQ: y'all how much do prerelease boosters usually cost solo? my friend is asking
VrolikSyndrome: Yeah but he's cool.
josh___something: STEVE FOX
itira: all the Trevors are crying
voren_chalco: What about Trev?
WitchyTQ: they got two of us with this set and i hate you all
Makrosian_Tay: Adam is hella Trevor
malfnord: Better'n Treyfor
twistedsylvan: how about Trefor?
JosephDeath: I love Castlevania, but holy heck does everyone in that show take forever to say a single sentence...
Eggmojii: Trevor is GTAV
PawssumFable: You forgot Kayleigh
BrowneePoints: Adam is 100% Trevor
saucemaster5000: trevor is the kid added to the story to make the main char cool
SquareDotCube: Fine, would you rather be Grant DeNasty?
UnkeptFlea: Tradam Bellmont has a ring to it
Makrosian_Tay: @witchytq average cost these days is $50 or so
MilkInBags: the main character of Dune is called Paul
itira: i know someone named Trafford so
niccus: invoker-ass carl?
djalternative: Actually, new this season that I think Adam would have fun with is Suicide Squad Isekai. 5 idiot DC super villains go to a fantasy world and fuck shit up
CypherRaze: The new First Descendant game has a guy named Kyle
WitchyTQ: @Makrosian_Tay for a single booster pack?
Seth_Erickson: @WitchyTQ booster packs are like 5-6 usd I think depending some are more ezpensive, prerelease events are 30-40 usd.
HedgehogKnight: Paul
WitchyTQ: @Seth_Erickson ah ok ok
Mr_Horrible: "An energy blast wait why can he do this he's wearing wrangler jeans"
saucemaster5000: AD, DC
thatguysteve2709: I heard the call
CypherRaze: Oh and the First Descendant has a bad guy named Greg
MilkInBags: Belial reincarnate, a demon returned to life thanks to the god of deceit, vs Keith
josh___something: Fuckin RAMLETHAL VALENTINE
Gaelan_Maestro: technically its Trefore not trevor
niccus: if you want the fancier art you're gonna have to shell out for collector boosties
quasi79fu: carrrrrrl
saucemaster5000: I know a Cosmo
LithelyUnshod: According to Twitter, TQ bought a prerelease kit and a Commander dexk
MilkInBags: who,s steve jobs
Gaelan_Maestro: or treffy
Seth_Erickson: I have a very good friend, named Steve
JinaMahavira: Steve Denglar
twistedsylvan: let's not forget the best Dune name - DUNCAN IDAHO
Driosenth: do you know an Earl?
Makrosian_Tay: @witchytq oh, heavens no. That's for a prerelease kit. For prerelease play. You get 6 boosties, one date stamped rare, and 1 themed d20
Lazy_F4: now I want the main character of Dune to roll up and just be like "Hello" ala Paul Saunders
thatguysteve2709: I'm steve
Mathwyn: Prove it, Adam. Name 4 Pauls
quasi79fu: always keeep a steve within reach?
SquareDotCube: I wonder what Jimmy's doing right now
josh___something: "U don't know me"
matthaus_c: Paul from the Bible
BrowneePoints: Pall Bearer
MilkInBags: Paul John
quasi79fu: Paul Blart
saucemaster5000: Paul Hollywood
FarleyF: @Mathwyn Paul and the Beardtones
MilkInBags: @BrowneePoints great band
The_Timo: Paul...a Abdul
Makrosian_Tay: Paul Bunyan
MaxTurkeyFlaps: St Louis Blues legend
VrolikSyndrome: @saucemaster5000 Throwback!
dumbo3k: Paul Saunders, Paul Saunders Clone 1, Paul Saunders Clone 2, Paul Saunders Clone 3
WitchyTQ: @Makrosian_Tay bascially my friend wants some single boosters, but doesnt wanna do the tourney. so someone said they'd sell them some but they wanna know if theyre being ripped off
SnackPak_: paul giamatti
quasi79fu: Ru Paul
MilkInBags: Paul Buscemi
djalternative: Bonny Paul
vinewood_og: Paul Wight, brother
Orxolon: Paul Cattermole
FarleyF: whiter shade of Paul
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: Paul “Crocodile Dundee” Hogan
ButterBall000: Paul, Brother of Peter
MilkInBags: yes :)
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
MilkInBags: pot meets kettle
josh___something: Paul Saunders is a multitude
saucemaster5000: @VrolikSyndrome LMao I was just thinking "now why did he come to mind so fast?"
BrowneePoints: @WitchyTQ I'm not makin fun of ya at least. I grew up on the Redwall books and my heart is so full from this set seeing others get excited by it is my lil happiness atm
quasi79fu: i like being dum
Steelwolf171: Paul Atredies
Seth_Erickson: @WitchyTQ usually local game stores are pretty good at not increasing prices a lot just because of prerelease.
spethycakes: Paul of Peter, Paul, and Mary
quasi79fu: OH gahd the voice is back
WitchyTQ: @BrowneePoints oh i know <3
JoeLowe2: Yay, 'the voice'
Makrosian_Tay: @witchytq I work at a game store. Prices aren't best in town, but they'll give you a good idea what "average" is. Regular boosters are like $7 to $8 a piece
WitchyTQ: okay thank you chat!!!
couchboyj: Paul E Shore, buuuuuuddu
BrowneePoints: @WitchyTQ browne26PearPride
josh___something: Ben stop, someone gonna cu
quasi79fu: ewww
ButButTheJesus: You know Ben, I'm kinda into it?
quasi79fu: nonononoo
ButButTheJesus: I find it kinda calming
JinaMahavira: cheese
BrowneePoints: Pepperoni and Flies
itira: LOL
Makrosian_Tay: @witchytq Technically the cheapest option is to buy a full box. Proportionate per-pack price is the best, but it's like $220 nowadays
Mr_Horrible: yum yum plain pizza
quasi79fu: vanillla pizza?
adept_nekomancer: On a pizza?
josh___something: Vanilla pizza?!
hesterbyrde: It absolutely does
ButButTheJesus: Adam THANK YOU
FarleyF: with the blood like that it looks like you pooped your pants
BrowneePoints: well it's called missionary for one
The_Color_Twelve: nothing wrong with it, Ben
PawssumFable: Missionary sex is still sex
saucemaster5000: missionary sex means eye contact
nevermore913: What's wrong with missionary Pizza
Eggmojii: if i was a missionary, i would be too busy for sex
vinewood_og: Plain ass awkward eye contact pizza
Seth_Erickson: and you're correct I think
MilkInBags: you dont like mayonnaise?
Makrosian_Tay: Missionary sex only sucks if you're bad at sex
itira: @saucemaster5000 not if you cover your eyes!
Xafty: thats a shame
Mr_Horrible: my brother in caucasity
matthaus_c: that means... SO many things in certain communities
niccus: not even black pepper?
circusofkirkus: do you find ketchup spicy
djalternative: wait wait wait. hold the fuck on. vanilla pizza?!?!?!
BrowneePoints: It's okay, it can be your one problematic white guy thing
itira: @itira tqsShy
josh___something: Wait... Omega... ADAM NO
MilkInBags: LUL
raulghoulia: Which direction do ladders go again?
thatguysteve2709: Salt, brother the killer to the white guy pallet
Seth_Erickson: Tiger Claw
Mr_Horrible: bro's on that Cold Spicy
quasi79fu: jalapeno pepper ice cream?
MrSarkhan: LUL
VrolikSyndrome: Gonna get schwasted on the rum raisin.
Makrosian_Tay: O_o
Seth_Erickson: that shit puts you on blast
RatherLargeToad: Spicy is a crutch to cover for flavorless food
PawssumFable: Is this mayo jalepeno? Oh... no, it's regular.
vinewood_og: Sparkling water = spicy water?
MilkInBags: couldn't live on Arakis, too spicy
voren_chalco: "This steamed carrot is too spicy for me"
MaxTurkeyFlaps: I went to the Jamaican spot the other today and they have “white spicy” and “islander spicy”
HedgehogKnight: I don't care for spicy food
FarleyF: Adam is Robin from Teen Titans Go
GhostValv: cinnamon? no thanks I'm cutting back
Lobo_Apache: @josh___something Things are Heating up
Orxolon: i love spicy food
hesterbyrde: Is it just heat or do you not like stuff like garlic or cinnamon?
ghizmou: adam can't apply old spice to his underarm, cause it's too spicy
niccus: you do licorice so you're still off the basement
josh___something: Adam is an omega, got it :)
ChillTheEffOut: What the hell is in this, Flour?!
BusTed: Powerful
MilkInBags: you're a vanilla 3/3
raulghoulia: white man, threat. got it
BrowneePoints: You are not Jean Grey or Iceman
JoeLowe2: I'll have a cinnamon role. Hold the cinnamon
Seth_Erickson: He's a threat to spices everywhere
Eggmojii: White guy Adam
Makrosian_Tay: Magneto or Proteus, maybe
Mr_Horrible: he's on a government list to monitor his movements
matthaus_c: beyond sigma
voren_chalco: It means his white level has no upper bound
Eggmojii: one of my favourite tekken characters
BrowneePoints: Adam is MAYBE a Colossus
djalternative: Adam is a white guy who's whiteness has no upper bound by that definition
MilkInBags: it's even worse when that white guy comes from the prairies
PawssumFable: Adam emits light
Simriel: I don't do spicy food, but the spices in Rum are different
MilkInBags: iceman
VrolikSyndrome: Disruptor blast!
GhostValv: went past sigma directly to ligma
Orxolon: those levels represent the level of ability capabilities
shendaras: Gambit?
BrowneePoints: Elsa Bloodstone
BrowneePoints: Gambit
hatboozeparty: Iceman
djalternative: Bobby
quasi79fu: Gambit
BrowneePoints: Wiccan and Magik
MWGNZ: iceman pretty cool
raulghoulia: Magik is the GOAT
thatguysteve2709: Triage x
MrSarkhan: Magik is cool
MilkInBags: she has a cool sword
BrowneePoints: Elixir
Orxolon: Magik! ii love her
Gaelan_Maestro: phil coulson
VrolikSyndrome: Colossus' sister.
LithelyUnshod: Magneto *is* the coolest
quasi79fu: wow Adam
CypherRaze: Magik is super dope
Seth_Erickson: Never once heard of Magik
BrowneePoints: She's Colossus younger sister
Phaers: iceman is cool
Lazy_F4: Ben is so disappoint lol
chanterelleton: No Adam, I cannot. There are no others. You've really nailed it on the head with this one, and nobody will question or challenge it.
MilkInBags: she makes the game go to turn 7
djalternative: Colossus' Sister
Orxolon: the sister of Colossus
BrowneePoints: Ilyana Rasputin
MilkInBags: so the sword is the superhero
solarsheeptoken: wish that attractive magnetic?
MilkInBags: not her
raulghoulia: Darkchylde
saucemaster5000: got played by anya taylor joy in a bad movie
quasi79fu: Midnight SUns Game
FarleyF: !holes
LRRbot: James...!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: and she’s Colossus’s little sister
Seth_Erickson: that adam still has yet to watch
nevermore913: Gambit is pretty great
Eggmojii: claiming magneto is the best while wearing a magneto shirt? very bold
circusofkirkus: I watched Holes on my flight back from London
Fe1ix66: oh man, it's been so long since we thought about holes
Makrosian_Tay: Magneto, as a performance, is probably one of the most important experiences I had growing up. Someone find a clip of OG Animated Series Magneto monologue. That actor shoulda won AWARDS
itira: damn we talkin about Holes?
niccus: her backstory is so tragic you'll love it
voren_chalco: @MilkInBags She can also teleport
Gaelan_Maestro: i am a dwarf and im digging a hole
Mathwyn: I definitely know who all these characters are yup, no more questions
thatguysteve2709: No character is cooler than Triage X
JoeLowe2: Any holes enjoyers in the chat?
Orxolon: heard of Heroclix?
Eggmojii: I miss Heroclix
Makrosian_Tay: @joelowe2 You don't know what devils you've unleashed
Sarah_Serinde: I need to find a board game group or something, I'm not close enough to my friends to ever really play
Eggmojii: @Orxolon love u
DMGlol: i looooved hero clix
PawssumFable: I liked the minis, I used them for D&D
DMGlol: so fun
Orxolon: @Eggmojii no,u
nevermore913: @sarah_serinde same
Orxolon: @Eggmojii i loved Heroclix
BrowneePoints: I'm REALLY scared cuz the new Agatha series is putting Wiccan in, and I really hope they don't ruin him
thatguysteve2709: My 6 grade teacher got our entire class into heroclic
saucemaster5000: ben is tho
Simriel: I got so much Shatterpoint stuff, the star wars version of M:CP
LithelyUnshod: @pawssumfable same
TheManaLeek: I'd love to have more time to play my boardgames that I keep collecting hoping to have some time to play...
saucemaster5000: like, legit
matthaus_c: substitute teacher energy
thatguysteve2709: Heroclix
NotCainNorAbel: You really are very good
neisan2112: True
Makrosian_Tay: BASED
Nigouki: it's a skill and you've spent years honing it
nevermore913: You are definitely good at that
voren_chalco: He has mastered 'the teach'
Scy_Anide: You can ruin a boardgame with a bad explanation.
MilkInBags: AWAY
Cptasparagus: teaching people how to play board games is a real profession, DAD
Makrosian_Tay: I feel the same way when I hear someone try to teach someone to play Magic. YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY GET IT WRONG PEOPLE. Seek a professional!
JinaMahavira: My name is Mr. Ulmer, but you can call me Ben
Driosenth: Please explain the as-written rules of Monopoly.
quasi79fu: forty two
PawssumFable: @Makrosian_Tay Or read the instructions. Honestly, not that hard, just takes longer, and the book aint' gettin it wrong
Seth_Erickson: math
MilkInBags: talking of gas pressure *long fart*
FarleyF: quick chat start spawning numbers
BrowneePoints: Cobalt Chloride?
Seth_Erickson: Let's go his brain is expanding
BrowneePoints: OH
BrowneePoints: Phosgene gas!
quasi79fu: brain sometimes goes weird and does math
Eggmojii: monopoly is a decent game when you play it exactly as written
Lazy_F4: meanwhile that mixture of gas is pumping out chloroform somewhere. don't worry about that
MacbethSeemsSus: @BrowneePoints I love that band.
raulghoulia: The Spoopsmen
Mr_Horrible: Spuds 'N Buds
PawssumFable: My brother in law tried to explain this big board game once, all in one info dump, and he lost me like, in under a minute.
kumatsu: Loud Bois Inc
BusTed: bunch
Seth_Erickson: Bedam Gaming
quasi79fu: Lunch Ladies
BrowneePoints: The Lunch
CypherRaze: Subwayverse
FarleyF: with blackjack and hookers though
Lobo_Apache: Make your own company with blackjack and really nice people
BusTed: I wanna lunch
itira: LOL
Makrosian_Tay: And it'll be better than yours! It'll have hookers and blackjack!
matthaus_c: as opposed to the Breakfast Club
josh___something: Is that your final answer?
itira: Lunch Squad of the Subwayverse
bosqueofpines: shmoading shmeady shmun
Mr_Horrible: starting every stream with "you *CAN* sit with us"
Simriel: Not Bloading Bleady Blin?
nevermore913: Play lunch themed games
Simriel: blun*
josh___something: Yeah, ben?
Driosenth: Shlop of the week
Mr_Horrible: spinning gold off the dome
JoeLowe2: The Lunch Squad (tm)
PawssumFable: I think overwhelming people with the whole thing at once is the worst board game instruction-giver mistake
Fe1ix66: OK I have a weird question. Did any other americans grow up with the red green show?
shendaras: ,,,
josh___something: How viable is that as Vtuber lore?
Mr_Horrible: @Fe1ix66 extremely
BrowneePoints: weird
itira: was it a single room school Adam?
Seth_Erickson: all of my schools had cafeteria's
nevermore913: My high school definitely did
Mathwyn: Just become a vtuber, the two of you controlling a single vtuber at the same time
kumatsu: my school's cafeteria was replaced with the dance floor for ballet
Sarah_Serinde: In public school we ate in the gym. Jr high and high school we had cafs though
josh___something: 2 people as a single Vtuber XD
Mr_Horrible: @Sarah_Serinde same deal, yeah
BrowneePoints: The Lunch Crew's fighing game stream is called Turkey Tech-Razzini
Mr_Horrible: elementary, the gym doubled as cafeteria
WitchyTQ: we didnt have a lunch room, we had kids almost getting hit by cars jay walking to the shops across the raod
Lazy_F4: we're on a boat !
Seth_Erickson: James
bosqueofpines: My school had pizza available every day.
Eggmojii: I never went to a school with a cafeteria, but i dont even know if we have that in Australia
Mr_Horrible: everything after that they were separate
Orxolon: @WitchyTQ xD
quasi79fu: Tiamat?
Juliamon: Bydra
patrick_stonecrusher: She put on the capitans hat
Makrosian_Tay: @josh___something you're just talking about Fuwamoco now
Mr_Horrible: X can equal 1, Ben
Seth_Erickson: Something like Cho'gall would be very original
BrowneePoints: Wait. Make it a Dullahan. Someone is the head, someone is the body
tehfewl: Cerberus Vtuber
josh___something: Bi-dra
Lobo_Apache: Etin, a two headed giant
kumatsu: Adam out here yelling "WORDS WORDS WORDS, THE MASTER WANTS MURDER"
MilkInBags: horror
Seth_Erickson: he's cooking Adam
couchboyj: Adam's head could be gnawing on a bone
Drazoth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
queercrafting_chonk: sha sha sha
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Drazoth! (Today's storm count: 59)
Rumiir_the_Dragon: Each one uses only one hand
nevermore913: Which head would always tell the truth and which head would always lie?
Mr_Horrible: this is literally just outfit swaps, my guy
josh___something: Ben you have the power
JusticeJuice: Pj fresh ben & SniAdam
BrowneePoints: Adam is a house of Lies
djalternative: Kathleen played that dating game on Now Kiss
solarsheeptoken: the hydra squad
thatguysteve2709: @browneepoints I love the Dullahan what an amazing lore
solarsheeptoken: hail hydra squad
Orxolon: hahahah
Xafty: but you only have one question, usually
patrick_stonecrusher: Have you saved?
quasi79fu: welll is he dead?
adept_nekomancer: "Oh shit, he totally didn't just shoot my partner!"
Ferisar: what's up premier rellana doers of the format
PawssumFable: You don't have to murder either of 'em, you just do something objectively true and ask.
QuixoticScrivener: one guard stabs people who ask tricky questions
LostThePirate: "What's 2 plus 2?"
nevermore913: Or kill them both and not worry about it
AngelicKnighthood subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
AngelicKnighthood: Spooky! This game looks amazing.
saucemaster5000: the easy way is to make out with both of them
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AngelicKnighthood! (Today's storm count: 60)
Sarah_Serinde: "Am I alive?"
Mr_Horrible: the point isn't to find out which one lies, the point is you get 1 question to know which path is correct
ghyllnox: Usually you only get one question
Seth_Erickson: Am I alive is what I'd ask
Driosenth: traditionally you only get one question
gualdhar: the trick is you get only one question and it's supposed to include what direction to go
matthaus_c: Graphite
Seth_Erickson: fucking puice dude
Mr_Horrible: so you have to craft a question that points you down the correct road *regardless* of whether the answer is a lie or the truth
kumatsu: it's supposed to be just one question and you have to use it to figure out which way to go
Lazy_F4: usually the puzzle is you need to find the correct path or door or something, not just which is the liar
MilkInBags: PuiceChamp
couchboyj: Yeah, you only get 1 question or its trivial, murder or not
djalternative: Puice is a green iirc
quasi79fu: puke colored?
MaxTurkeyFlaps: greyish pink
Mr_Horrible: these motherfuckers never read a Raymond Smulyan book
kumatsu: puce is a faint blood red
korvys: Kinda grey-pink
BrowneePoints: it's like dull Pink.
The_Color_Twelve: beige pink
Enki1256: Pinkish-reddish-grey
DarthRagnar815: They just give you a hex code.
JusticeJuice: It's more of a feeling than a color.
Lazy_F4: point of no return ? ?
josh___something: I like the idea of a 2 headed ogre vtuber, but solo streams have the other head with a sleep hat and zzzs
quasi79fu: and we died
BrowneePoints: what a Moby Dick
Driosenth: puce is like a matte pink
Seth_Erickson: CURSE YOU BAYLE
Ferisar: curseee youuuu WHALEEEE
kumatsu: Puce comes from the French word for flea, as it's supposed to be the color left behind when you smash a flee on your bedsheet
Lazy_F4: fudgie's revenge
Mr_Horrible: from hell's heart etc etc
Mr_Horrible: correct
josh___something: Blanka?
gualdhar: rawr
matthaus_c: it does sound like blanka lmao
josh___something: You said you couldn't make blanka noises unprompted, adam
Seth_Erickson: it's all gold Adam
MilkInBags: amogus
CypherRaze: Since Adam likes cheese pizza, I wonder what his favorite cookie is
BrindleBoar: F
Mr_Horrible: dazeSus
matthaus_c: oatmeal raisin brother
The_Color_Twelve: oatmeal rasin?
JinaMahavira: Adam's inner blanka is coming out again
BrindleBoar: the hot takes continue
Mr_Horrible: damn, bro hates fun
Seth_Erickson: pie
josh___something: Cancel this man
BrowneePoints: I have a sweet spot for Snickerdoodles
Ferisar: grilled cheese cookie
itira: pardon
Mr_Horrible: bro *really* hates fun
ButButTheJesus: wut
CypherRaze: LOL
Makrosian_Tay: Ok, but what if they start hitting you with metaphors? "Your shirt is as black as the blackest night." or "Your shirt is as black as the darkness in men's souls"
Mr_Horrible: final answer, smartass?
solarsheeptoken: do you always block them?
Lazy_F4: the best dessert is living well
korvys: Is there seriously no way to tell if those are going to explode?
ButButTheJesus: i dun get it
raulghoulia: Ben and Adam each brother completely differently
MilkInBags: tiger stripe ice cream?
SnackPak_: p1p1 cookie
matthaus_c: tiramisu
hieroglyphica: My favorite my amount made is probably brown butter chocolate chip. First for novelty is molasses spice cookies
Sky_Kast: Nope time eh hi again
Seth_Erickson: I'll RIddle With Holes Your Rotten Hide!
Ferisar: behold, a true whale warrior, and i
Ferisar: igon
MilkInBags: apple pie with vanilla ice cream?
7gorobei: @korvys the color is red for the trap ones
Lazy_F4: oh that's... disturbing
PawssumFable: That doesn't look weird at all
Lazy_F4: just crack em in half
dumbo3k: Ooo, belly shotgun ammo
hieroglyphica: I make a mean cherry tapioca pie, been too long
Seth_Erickson: Ben have you been playing the Elden Ring dlc?
JoeLowe2: too spicy
BorealMage: I'm a sucker for a chocolate malt.
MilkInBags: ah yes delicious cheeze whiz on apple pie
quasi79fu: wait we saw that thing in a diagram
CypherRaze: cheese and apple pie is pretty good
SnackPak_: gottem
Ferisar: water too spicy
Ferisar: hoowee
Mr_Horrible: it's life changing because once you've had it, you've had cheese on apple pie
BrowneePoints: I have a soft spot for Butterscotch Pie
PawssumFable: Ice cream
Sky_Kast: Hmm
JoeLowe2: hahaha
ButButTheJesus: what kinda cheese, I've never tried it
NotCainNorAbel: I have been craving a blizzard; I have no idea why. I haven't had one in +20 years
BrowneePoints: @ButButTheJesus Cheddar
Ferisar: lmaoooo
BrowneePoints: It's supposed to be Sharp Cheddar and Apple Pie I think @ButButTheJesus
couchboyj: Better make it mild chedder juuuuust in case
CypherRaze: lol hoowee is such a funny thing to say
Ferisar: pie = pog
Mr_Horrible: yes, I do
Mr_Horrible: :)
quasi79fu: shrug?
Ferisar: any blueberry piers
matthaus_c: love a pie with our missionary
PawssumFable: @NotCainNorAbel You probably saw an ad in your peripheral vision where you weren't paying attention
Ferisar: pie-ers?
djalternative: yes. we do
MilkInBags: workshop that, ferisar
Mathwyn: I had a friend who thought bananas were spicy. (Turns out she was allergic to bananas)
Mr_Horrible: it's night time, clearly they're eepy
patrick_stonecrusher: Rhubarb?
KeytarCat: I just remember that the crow takes that battery,which you just said, so
PawssumFable: Subconciouses are wild
Ferisar: what's saskatoon berry pie
MilkInBags: @Mathwyn same with many nuts
quasi79fu: chocolate silk mousse pie?
Mr_Horrible: a jury of my blueberry peers
Gaelan_Maestro: saskatoon berry pie is great when the berries are ripe
Ferisar: WATCH ME
MilkInBags: saskatoon berry pie is just a pie full of sand
MaxTurkeyFlaps: I have a Saskatoon berry tree in my yard! they’re so good.
saucemaster5000: "this was a mistake"
Ferisar: *sinks*
Sky_Kast: Pie is too rich for my blood
Gaelan_Maestro: >.> ive had one where it wasnt
Mathwyn: Blueberry huh? Put it on the train
MilkInBags: "if you make bad food, it's bad"
Gascitygaming: i thought we were supposed to put them on the train?
Seth_Erickson: blueberry pie is actually great when the pies are rotting
Seth_Erickson: Kappa
PawssumFable: What kind of pie are you eating that's rich?
quasi79fu: banana puddding pie
Gascitygaming: crab apple jelly :)
Ferisar: wtf
saucemaster5000: key lime pie doesn't get enough love
FarleyF: what if the pier was the colour of Blueberries
couchboyj: Edna Krabopoly?
quasi79fu: ice cream pie?
Athelgar: I've been calen them Krandle!
NonjaBiru: I think it's pronounced Krandel
quigonginnjuice: I make crabapple jelly every year and it's amazing
ButterBall000: Cheesecake tho
CypherRaze: I know what Adam's favorite dessert is
Athelgar: calling**
hesterbyrde: maybe too much butter? Which is not actually a thing but still
patrick_stonecrusher: Crab apple jelly indeed
Sky_Kast: Is on a diet that I should live on
bethy_kins24: same adam
Makrosian_Tay: WOAH WOAH WOAH
Ferisar: welp
itira: keylime is real good
ghizmou: you suck
Lazy_F4: indiana jones dart traps up in here
SnackPak_: true bestie
hieroglyphica: WOW
quasi79fu: how dare you Adam
MrSarkhan: Hold up now
CypherRaze: oh
NotCainNorAbel: what?
Scy_Anide: I made strawberry rhubarb pie last weekend and it was amazing.
neisan2112: BRUH
couchboyj: Key lime made with actual fresh key limes is the shit
Ferisar: it's been real
Mr_Horrible: [extremely loud incorrect buzzer]
BrindleBoar: wrong but valid
BrowneePoints: Welp it's been a fun 64 months subbed
Kramburger: HISSSSSSSS
MilkInBags: yeah cheese doesn't belong in desserts
djalternative: hard disagree
Seth_Erickson: cheesecake is just a little dense
MilkInBags: tell them
matthaus_c: that's a blazing take but I can respect it
whitebadgerwolf88: When the pie is all gone you cry blueberry tears lrrAWW
jessieimproved: Italian cheesecake though
varmintx0: Strawberry cheesecake is one of my favorites.
bethy_kins24: but key lime is nasty
gualdhar: I could eat an entire lemon maraingue
xVoxtric: cheesecake IS mid but it's also overrated so I understand
niccus: cheesecake portions are absurd
nevermore913: Eclairs are delicious though
KeytarCat: I want one bite of cheesecake. I want one bite of most cake, tbh
quasi79fu: karaRIOT
MilkInBags: you were all brainwashed by big cheese
hieroglyphica: Not even a burnt basque cheesecake? The true king of cheesecakes??
Seth_Erickson: says the plain pizza enjoyer
MacbethSeemsSus: Store cheesecake yes. Homemade is amazing
FarleyF: Get out both of you
seenoham: what style cheesecake? there are many
Morrigan9: pie is bad because crust isn't food
Juliamon: *most* cheesecake is bad because most people suck at making them
BrowneePoints: I will eat a mid cheesecake over a good Cake-cake anyday
Makrosian_Tay: *hand hovers over unsubscribe button* No....I mustn't....
FarleyF: Cheesecake is the bomb - especially Ricotta
circusofkirkus: where would you rank Creme Brulee
PawssumFable: I love French cheesecake
Ferisar: it's like regular cheesecake but it has an accent
Gascitygaming: it's cheesecake but you talk with your hands
CypherRaze: Adam's favorite dessert has gotta be banana bread at work
The_Timo: German cheesecake is best
Ferisar: mamma mia i'm a pie
SnackPak_: cheese-pilled all of you
BorealMage: The Cheesecake Factory got us
saucemaster5000: italian cheesecake is just cheesecake that says "mamma mia"
MrSarkhan: but have you had key lime cheesecake?
neisan2112: Its true, they give me free cheesecake
hieroglyphica: I can't even eat dairy and I still sometimes make a burnt basque cheesecake!
MilkInBags: the real best good food is always good
djalternative: there's a valley of difference between cheap cheesecake vs expensive cheesecake
7gorobei: on the take from Big Gouda
Seth_Erickson: except Pickles, always bad
BrowneePoints: Tequila Sunrises are my fucking Lifeline
MilkInBags: oh yeah alcohol it's like, night and day, good vodka does exist
Seth_Erickson: and alcohol also always not good imo
jessieimproved: Italian cheesecake has marscapone and is fluffy
djalternative: Tequila is great
nevermore913: Except coconut there is no good coconut
KeytarCat: My grandma used to send us a variety pack of tiny cheese cakes and they were great
Mr_Horrible: I need to try good tequila because I've only had the rancid shit
Scy_Anide: Anejo is p great
Eggmojii: tequila and cheesecake are both the best
Fe1ix66: suavacito or however it's spelled?
Mr_Horrible: and it colors my opinion of it
Orxolon: @Fe1ix66 suavecito
Scy_Anide: I had Don Fulano on the recommendation of another dude at a bar (who was clearly very drunk) and that was also great.
ButterBall000: I love getting margaritas because no bartender ever makes the same one
PawssumFable: No. Jaeger.
Lazy_F4: oopsie doopsie lol
CypherRaze: A good tequila is Casamigos
MilkInBags: because people drink it like water
Mr_Horrible: incorrect. Watermelon Schnapps
Lobo_Apache: vodka for me
BrowneePoints: I've never had a hangover
spethycakes: I have never been hungover after tequila, shockingly
saucemaster5000: I don't drink hard a but a really good sweet-ish whiskey is good
Gascitygaming: we had a guy come in still VERY drunk
Orxolon: all hail Beer!
Mr_Horrible: it was not a good idea
seenoham: worst hangover is cheap champaign schnapps
Fe1ix66: @Orxolon damn I was pretty close then
itira: watermelon in general is fuckin gross
quigonginnjuice: My worst was peppermint schnapps
hieroglyphica: Yeah Jaeger bussed me up bad
PawssumFable: Cherry isn't bad, you just associate it with medicine
Juliamon: The only good ones are strawberry and grape
Morrigan9: artificial popcorn....puke
MilkInBags: the worst I've had was pear vodka, took me more than 24 hours to recover
spethycakes: Malört has entered the chat
Makrosian_Tay: Cherry cough syrup ruined us all for cherry
djalternative: I'm with Ben here
Orxolon: @Fe1ix66 yup
Scy_Anide: Like cherry cordials. No thank you.
saucemaster5000: I'd put artifical banana at the bottom
queercrafting_chonk: my cousin absolutely fucked me up at my bachelorette party with a too strong tequila sunrise
CypherRaze: Grape is a bad artificial flavor
bethy_kins24: nah nah nah goldschlager will mess you up
hesterbyrde: I knew a guy who got sick-drunk off peppermint schnappes and had to get children's toothpaste because the taste of mint made him yak
Ferisar: @itira i'm about to get automodded again
Fe1ix66: it's good tequila
Mr_Horrible: oh was this after the naked bridge?
MacbethSeemsSus: A coworker came in hungover from Malort once. So he suffered twice.
itira: @Ferisar LOL
Gascitygaming: was that the bride story from road quest?
BrowneePoints: The worst I've ever had is Sriracha Vodka. Actual dogshit flavor
kumatsu: was it the naked port?
Scy_Anide: Damn dude
spethycakes: @MacbethSeemsSus the first shot is the deepest
quasi79fu: why were you drinking at a port and what port were you drinking at?
hieroglyphica: My partner's worse hangover is Rumplemintz, which like, fair
Lazy_F4: Adam didn't you stream once while pretty blasted ? I seem to recall : D
thatguysteve2709: I'm surprised you remember anything
CaptainCoriale: cucumber vodka. never again.
seenoham: Peppermint patty, peppermint schnapps and chocolate syrup. Never again
patrick_stonecrusher: A snifter of port on the holidays
Seth_Erickson: I've never had a hangover because I simply do not drink. It's a seabatBRAIN tactic.
Orxolon: hahahahhaha
MilkInBags: did you cross a bridge after the bottle of port
Dedwrekka subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 101 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dedwrekka! (Today's storm count: 61)
raulghoulia: Adam's in the public domain, got it
Orxolon: i would kill for a video of that night hahahha
itira: my god LUL
62MGcobra: drank a 26 of JD in 3 hours. did not have a saturday, went straight to sunday. do not recommend.
The_Timo: Oh my worst was the one night I had a bourbon....scotch... And a beer within an hour lol
kumatsu: Adam was TURNT that night
bethy_kins24: @captaincoriale that sounds foul
MilkInBags: was last time the time with the link glasses
Makrosian_Tay: Buy you a drank
BrowneePoints: depends on body chemistry
pipshardfour: there are some fantastic tequila bars in Vegas
itira: thats a long time Ben
n3ther: SIX
BrowneePoints: I've NEVER had a hangover
BrowneePoints: cuz of Body Chem
n3ther: that's a long time
djalternative: consume enough water and you should be fine without a hangover
hesterbyrde: I'm with you. Other than the occasional beer, I don't really drink at all anymore. It makes me feel too wretched after
CypherRaze: six years is a long time
Mr_Horrible: you'd probably have the presence of mind, being sober for that long, to moderate and drink a lotta water
Mr_Horrible: so probably not that bad a hangover
PawssumFable: You've never had a hangover because you drink enough water
MilkInBags: 30s are rough for drinking
PawssumFable: You're not special
patrick_stonecrusher: Playin a pig like an accordion
Mathwyn: Yeah some twitch chatters weren't even born six years ago!
saucemaster5000: jumps and claps his feet together when leaving the room
tehfewl: did karaoke last week was drinking whiskey gingers all night. I think i was more messed up by the fact that i was singing all ngith
hesterbyrde: I was vodka and gatorade throughout most of college
matthaus_c: hoooooly
Ferisar: KILL
Ferisar: lmaoooo
seenoham: @Mr_Horrible yep, now I just stop and drink water when I know i've had enough
Juliamon: I've also never been hungover, I think I inherited all the tolerance my mom never had, a glass of wine gives her a headache within an hour
Mister_Dee: Yeah, if its the right time, six years is just long enough to go from "whatever let's party!" to "THREE BEERS? Never again!"
bethy_kins24: only been hungover like twice
Seth_Erickson: But you're wrong
Mr_Horrible: and he'd say "YAAAAAP"
KeytarCat: i have often not had a hangover
Seth_Erickson: He literally is
MilkInBags: i used to tank 3-4 irish car bombs (sorry for the bad name, no idea what else it's called) and maaaaaan, i could never drink that much anymore
saucemaster5000: he'd Hup HUUUP your ass
BrowneePoints: I've never had a hangover and partially cuz I had a parent who was an alcoholic so I had inherited tolerance but go off fam @PawssumFable
Mr_Horrible: Tolman! laynaUppies
tergonis: link is provably special
djalternative: Oh. Has Adam heard about the new Zelda game
djalternative: Link fucks off
PawssumFable: They are making a Zelda game about Zelda
Seth_Erickson: that's the whole conceit of the games is that Link and Zelda are special
Orxolon: is Mario special?
protojman: is that what happened with the wind waker link? just sat down?
Makrosian_Tay: What does that MEAN exactly?
ButButTheJesus: I've never heard that one
JosephDeath: Down here it's always 'Gotta hole in your lip?'
bethy_kins24: yeah that one
Seth_Erickson: fuckin you know bud
saucemaster5000: I quite like them -- Adam
MacbethSeemsSus: Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time
spethycakes: If I liked the Aquabats in the 00s or so, will this new album ruin the nostalgia?
Juliamon: also I've never really pushed my limits, not really a party person, and my sister doesn't like alcohol except for pina coladas (she says they just don't taste right virgin) (she's also ace before you make those jokes)
PawssumFable: lrrSPOOP
Fe1ix66: they've made albums since the artist in the ambulance?
MilkInBags: "I swear the next Red Hot Chili Peppers will be a banger"
RealGamerCow: full hoser
n3ther: oh no
n3ther: their real accents
itira: LOL
n3ther: came out
JoeLowe2: Relatively PG - Ben Ulmer 2024
MilkInBags: masks off
ButButTheJesus: oi fackin
bethy_kins24: woooeww
vinewood_og: I'm not your buddy, guy
Mr_Horrible: you two are a Red Green sketch right now
n3ther: always knew
saucemaster5000: red hot chili peppers were never good
Fe1ix66: @Mr_Horrible 100%
SmithKurosaki: Best part - this accent is more common in like MN than it is in Canada
RealGamerCow: you seen the price of a pack of darts lately?
ChillTheEffOut: they ain't even no Sloan
MilkInBags: Tragically Hip? more like Tragically Overrated OpieOP
bethy_kins24: those accents
seenoham: Tragically hip is actually that good though, not even canadian\
The_Timo: Oh bud, there's a new uh.... Fuckin album by uh......
Gascitygaming: Can confirm
BrowneePoints: I think most bands put out consistently good albums but your tastes either change or doesn't change and that morphs how you receive their new stuff
PawssumFable: Where else they gonna be?
MilkInBags: nova scotia~
Ferisar: my experience of visting victoria is: "wow, they talk the same as where i am"
Ferisar: "that's crazy"
itira: my family from Sask is coming to visit this summer. its going to be a treat hearing their accents
varmintx0: I don't know any of these bands you are talking about.
MaxTurkeyFlaps: Uh oh, you might summon Kathleen…
Gascitygaming: not after the band, but Sloane is literally my niece's name
MilkInBags: ferisar do you live in washington
Rhynerd: I only know Sloan from the song "False Alarm"
Ferisar: @MilkInBags norcal
saucemaster5000: Ask a canadian "Tragically hip is overrated" ask an american "who's tragically hip?"
raulghoulia: "I'm from Canada. They say I'm slow, ehhhhh"
Mr_Horrible: they're mimicking human speech patterns sofieGiga
VrolikSyndrome: I'll never be able to place someone from Florida. We don't sound like anything.
Orxolon: talk like James,from Roadquest
bethy_kins24: Same
PawssumFable: @Mr_Horrible haaa
The_Timo: Oh man my first time encountering a Newfie.... I needed a translator
queercrafting_chonk: Ben, have you listened to the new charli xcx album?
KeytarCat: I like that they brought back the battery 2?
djalternative: wait. Victoria ISN'T a city of automotons?
xVoxtric: Don't tap the glass too hard now folks
vinewood_og: "I fell off the jungle gym, and when I woke up I was in here!"
Gascitygaming: "I hate Sloane" That's my niece's name ADAM! :P
itira: HAHA
Gascitygaming: hey
Gascitygaming: whoa
MilkInBags: LMAO
Eggmojii: ahbahahaha
Gascitygaming: yeah
MilkInBags: adam
MilkInBags: you cant say
Ferisar: lmao wtf
saucemaster5000: "like"
MilkInBags: that
itira: They sure do Adam
quasi79fu: Fernandddddo
itira: they sure do
RealGamerCow: fracking fumes
Mr_Horrible: whoppy machine broke
RealGamerCow: or farming fumes. One of those flatlander maladies
Gascitygaming: I blame the potash
62MGcobra: yup i hate it here
MilkInBags: i guess inhaling gas as a hobby isn't great
Gascitygaming: don't bother
itira: why would you WANT to go back
62MGcobra: sask is alabama
62MGcobra: saskatoon
saucemaster5000: they built a school in sask now!
TheManaLeek: My experience of Saskatchewan is watching Corner Gas...
MilkInBags: saskatoon got better because they have internet to pretend they live elsewhere
Gascitygaming: @TheManaLeek It's pretty accurate tbh
itira: LOL milk!
Gaelan_Maestro: i used to live in winnipeg on the street nicknamed "gangside"
62MGcobra: better than regina
The_Timo: Corner gas hahaha oh man I gotta watch some clips again
JoeLowe2: Saskatoon is a lovely town to come from
Mr_Horrible: but it rhymes with fun, Adam
matthaus_c: Regina's mighty shores bud
RealGamerCow: Have you been to Oshawa?
62MGcobra: PA?
Seth_Erickson: it's got an ass name too
Mathwyn: VPN but for real life
MilkInBags: ever went to iowa? OpieOP
JinaMahavira: Regina's shithole adjacent Kappa
Mr_Horrible: we've at least got culver's in iowa
couchboyj: Someone's never been to Gary Indiana
Gascitygaming: anyone know Hudson Bay Sask? :D
RealGamerCow: Oshawa is probably the worst city I've been in. Worse than Camden NJ
matthaus_c: @RealGamerCow pokémon fucking sounding ass town name
Gaelan_Maestro: i now live in Oil country XD
saucemaster5000: last time I was in iowa my waiter was genuinely confused as to why I would want to visit iowa
SurfDownstage: Gary isn't even that bad anymore, it's just empty
The_Timo: I used to go to the same coffee shop as Butt lol
MilkInBags: @saucemaster5000 LUL
bethy_kins24: @couchboyj drove through there and didn't stop
hyperialguard: Hey, how's it hangin'?
gualdhar: "Hey buddy, you're live on stream, still got that extra hole in your dick?"
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 common iowan response
Mr_Horrible: "oh you're *bored* bored"
VrolikSyndrome: WW2?
hyperialguard: Oh.
SnackPak_: yikes
Gascitygaming: aaaaahhh
Eggmojii: OH
squ3e: ahhhhhh
Mr_Horrible: oh one of those
queercrafting_chonk: uh oh
MrSarkhan: yikes
matthaus_c: oh no
Lazy_F4: interesting hobbies develop into having a murder room in the basement ?
Seth_Erickson: the bad history I reckon
djalternative: yikes
hyperialguard: Big costume apprecaitor
vinewood_og: so a nazi?
MaxTurkeyFlaps: Prince Albert supposed had one to strap to his boot along his thigh so he could ride a horse comfortably with his giant donger
tergonis: oh nooooo
JoeLowe2: When you're a kid???
PawssumFable: Yikes
RealGamerCow: world war 2 germany?
Fe1ix66: I hear nazi
malfnord: oh dear
Darleysam: watches a lotta WW2 documentaries
Gascitygaming: mid 20th century German history
squ3e: "I really like ww2"
Cinnabat: OH
quasi79fu: yikes
Lazy_F4: OHHH those kind of hobbies
xVoxtric: '39 to '45
itira: oh THAT history
Mr_Horrible: "No I just love Hugo Boss" "Sure, pal"
hyperialguard: Look, army surplas stores have useful stuff
josh___something: Y I K E S
Seth_Erickson: You can always ask the crow again
Kramburger: German... history? Knew a guy in high school like that
VrolikSyndrome: Does he like a lightning bolt that comes with a friend?
kumatsu: yeah I had one of those, I cut them off cold turkey in college and my life's been better for it
MilkInBags: has a volkswagen beetle
hyperialguard: These coats are just really comfy
Cptasparagus: wait, suspenders and into WWII? Alex?
PawssumFable: It's funny how we all knew this guy
Eggmojii: WHAT
Mr_Horrible: mizzOOF
The_Timo: Gotta erase that history lol
djalternative: I had to buy mine
itira: oohhhh here we go
Seth_Erickson: I only bought one year book in highschool and it was the last years
Mr_Horrible: I've got my senior yearbook lying around somewhere, I think, but can't recall any others
RealGamerCow: I'm *sure* that R-word was used a lot in my yearbook. Because it was the early 90s.
CaptinOfBeez: luckily mines just full of cringe, much more bearable
quasi79fu: oh yeah burn the gym down moment
PawssumFable: Why not just rip out the page, though? Better than losing the whole thing imo
Mr_Horrible: "I was going through the crucible" what like the play?
SnackPak_: oofa
MilkInBags: LUL
queercrafting_chonk: nooo
MilkInBags: natty fart
MrSarkhan: RIP
The_Timo: F
gualdhar: oh no
squ3e: F
definenull: Welp never going back there ever
ButButTheJesus: nuuuu
Seth_Erickson: a natty rip
Lazy_F4: this is like teenage puberty nightmare fuel lol
matthaus_c: oh NO
vinewood_og: ScaredyCat
Naesiir: o7
Mr_Horrible: damn, brother
Gascitygaming: if they aren't cool with it then not worth it anyway :P
CypherRaze: LMFAO
tehfewl: the Big Brotien farts
myknorman: I'm shaved-headed. my students are always bugging me to see pics of me with hair so I dingle those pictures over their heads like a carrot
MilkInBags: she has to like REAL men who fart
gualdhar: women. women don't fart
PawssumFable: God, gym farts are a thing
Makrosian_Tay: Fascists
Eggmojii: Constantly
Darleysam: she laughed? Is she single?
hyperialguard: Good sense of humor check
frank_the_great: I don't
CypherRaze: honestly, it's a green flag if you DO fart
djalternative: issue a biohazard warning
Fe1ix66: date someone who has farting contests with you
Lazy_F4: there's the slow mo zoom in on your face, the stomach gurgle noise and then BRRRRRRT
MilkInBags: last weekend, i trapped my gf in the shower and farted :)
Gascitygaming: in-di-ges-tion *clap clap clapclapclap*
tehfewl: did you call "Fire in the hole!"?
matthaus_c: it's your god given right brother
NorthstarTex: if you gotta fart, you gotta fart
itira: Adam, like i said, she knew what she was getting into being next to a sweaty man on stairs
CaptinOfBeez: its weird to hate farts, its a bodily function
vinewood_og subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vinewood_og! (Today's storm count: 62)
josh___something: I'm with adam
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: Conscious Fart Decision is my Air Supply punk cover band
UnkeptFlea: just stand up, yell "I NEED TO LEAVE", and walk out
djalternative: provide hazmat protection
Seth_Erickson: YEah Adam and I don't recall Sam ever letting a huge fart rip while on the journey with Frodo
RealGamerCow: ThreeTwoOnePantsOff very good
Lysander_salamander: well, that's a song I wasn't expecting to think about
pipshardfour: I love how you just combined lord of the rings and guns and roses
NorthstarTex: there is nothing wrong with a good fart
SnackPak_: just excuse yourself first
Ferisar: do the paul go to the bathroom mid-conversation and let it rip at 3am
Eggmojii: hobbits definitely fart a lot
Gascitygaming: pack it up and head on over to the washroom there bud
KeytarCat: Hot girl stomach issues
Mathwyn: @unkeptflea I must go my planet needs me
Kramburger: It's polite to do a controlled detonation
MilkInBags: if someone was interested in me and because of a fart she's out, I think I'd rather skip that
PawssumFable: If someone does a gym fart, I just go spend a minute somewhere else
vinewood_og: well, at least he's honest
PawssumFable: It's not that hard
pipshardfour: oops meatloaf
Mr_Horrible: whoever it is they've got bad aim, it seems
Lazy_F4: are they shooting at you or actually shooting you ?
KeytarCat: I'm guessing cops
Nigouki: you were literally agitating your guts, how are you supposed not to let it out?
djalternative: tbh, she'll probs forget in a week
ghyllnox: I am also a smell person, but I'm the kind where body smells are still leagues above the chemical smell of most perfumes and air fresheners
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: “I fart a lot. my body ain’t right.” - Ben Ulmer, July 9 2024
ghyllnox: So like, farting is not super great for my nose, but other people do worse things, like wear cologne
neisan2112: Oh yeah this
itira: LOL
josh___something: Ah FUCK, I missed the pride parade stream, didn't I
MilkInBags: LUL
itira: thankyou Ben
SmithKurosaki: @josh___something It was Sunday
SnackPak_: gottem again
Mr_Horrible: powerful
BrowneePoints: even better
Lazy_F4: Adam catching strays and he's not even there lol
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
BrowneePoints: and we WEREN'T PROMPTED
Seth_Erickson: great of you to participate in the pride parade Adam
Mr_Horrible: now Adam, I'll say, your arms are leagues better than Rex's
Kramburger: Where's the lie?
Mr_Horrible: but he does have you beat in the dumpy dept
BrowneePoints: Adam is Wallace Shawn if he had Rizz and Height
saucemaster5000: sniffing
Ferisar: hey adam
MilkInBags: assert dominance by pooping on the stairs and maintaining eye contact
Mr_Horrible: See you in hell you stupid fruit
patrick_stonecrusher: If youre farting out your nose, see a doctor
Mr_Horrible: it's the advert of the lady at the blender
josh___something: XD
KeytarCat: Fella spawned playing piano!
BrowneePoints: I just like the shot from Powerpuff Girls of the Clown dripping to Black and White
matthaus_c: that's the last thing I hear before I'm killed
Mr_Horrible: eedeyote
Ferisar: danave reminded me of it
Eggmojii: cold
Ferisar: consistent damage, consistently low damage
Gascitygaming: got the stagger
Lazy_F4: judge dredd up in here
Naesiir: this game has changed you, Ben
CypherRaze: fucking pieced his ass
Mr_Horrible: "the bigger they are... the harder they fall" *blows smoke away from gun*
saucemaster5000: oh no that guy
Ferisar: poor surv hunter
DaFhaye: Hello all
DaFhaye: Hope everyone is dowing well
MilkInBags: @Ferisar that got me
Mr_Horrible: oh this
Mr_Horrible: a gas of a tale
PawssumFable: Everything we do slowly changes us.
Mathwyn: "Should i call the police" lady this place is filled with literal monsters
MilkInBags: adam nooooooo don't own yourself online
Mathwyn: The police would fit right in
Mr_Horrible: "Why didn't you HELP?" "My brother in christ..."
Ferisar: me, questionmark pinging irl from bot
MilkInBags: the power of friendship*
JinaMahavira: I should ply league again
PawssumFable: no
EvilBadman: No stop don't
Mr_Horrible: My good fer friendisarr
PawssumFable: Once you stop playing league you're free
Ferisar: could be worse could be az coming to your lane and running away
Mr_Horrible: Az shows up, types "buff prot" in allchat, then leaves without ganking
BrowneePoints: Aurora looks sick
Mr_Horrible: DT goog
MilkInBags: rahab completed
josh___something: Happy dawntrail
VrolikSyndrome: I'm still in 6.2..
squ3e: It was the final fantasy, as stated
RealGamerCow: You got some time in FF14 during Train Game
Mr_Horrible: no it was intentional, I'm immune
tehfewl: Dawntrailing right now
JinaMahavira: CRINFE
Dalrint: I just finished it yesterday too! The last zone made me cry...
kumatsu: I'm in the "I don't trust Riot with root access" and full uninstalled league
Mr_Horrible: yeah, no further fantasies
quasi79fu: wattt u meen...weeeze spull rite? write?
Eggmojii: its so jover
Ferisar: mount joeverest
ButButTheJesus: is there an origin for jover
Mathwyn: "Surely this is the *final* fantasy"
PawssumFable: I'm in the "took enough abuse in my life already" uninstall camp.
Eggmojii: for real though, when will it end
Gascitygaming: you know what? build a bridge and get joever it
EvilBadman: Speak of Final fantasies, Shrek 5 announced let's go baybee
Ferisar: yepo
Mr_Horrible: "If Final Fantasy was so good, where's Final Fantasy 2?" "Ohhhh FU-"
MilkInBags: it's called Returnal because you return it at gamespot after an hour
Makrosian_Tay: Joseph Gordon Biden
cthulhudude23 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 124 months!
cthulhudude23: Been watching your bloodborne playthrough for the first time. Ben, I cheered so loud to an empty room when you beat martyr logarius.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cthulhudude23! (Today's storm count: 63)
squ3e: Gun solve many problem
MilkInBags: good, Ben, good
Naesiir: series X
quasi79fu: xs
JinaMahavira: X
Mr_Horrible: Xbox Irrelevancy
Gascitygaming: series X and S
Ferisar: xbox series x
itira: wait theres a new one?
KeytarCat: When you're main tool is gun, most of the puzzles include "shoot w gun"
Mr_Horrible: Xbox Paperweight
Lazy_F4: they just borked their naming scheme completely. there's no point
EvilBadman: The Series X / D
EvilBadman: S
Ferisar: xboxxxxxxxx
Lobo_Apache: I was thinking scorpion but that's not even close
Mr_Horrible: Xbox ThisExistsToPushGamepass
MilkInBags: xbox has no games
CypherRaze: Series X | S
Mr_Horrible: yeah no it's dogshit
Ferisar: xbox one was ps4 era
ButButTheJesus: "Series X" and "Series S" both released 2020
tehfewl: Xbox series, who cares?
quigonginnjuice: Not to be confused with xbox one x and s which are also a thing
Ferisar: series x is ps5 era
quasi79fu: ME
matthaus_c: it's like a pokemon generation
CypherRaze: Came out in late 2020
MilkInBags: I don't have X S money
saucemaster5000: I don't even know the name of the nintendo switch
RealGamerCow: xbox, when you want a shitty PC for $400
FoxBehindTheTree: me
neisan2112: One was PS4 era
thatguysteve2709: 2019 series x I do
ButterBall000: my roommate has one
djalternative: Violence is never the answer. Violence is the question. The answer is yes.
Lazy_F4: x box series "you bought the wrong one"
EvilBadman: Hi, it me
Mr_Horrible: Microsoft is actually cataclysmically bad at that shit
Xafty: wiggins indeed does
Eggmojii: Wiggins so would
The_Timo: Nobody really that's why lol
ButButTheJesus: it me, I have Series X
Gaelan_Maestro: i got a 360 laying around
bethy_kins24: I have an xbox one. was a wedding gift
gualdhar: nah Wiggins has a PS5
itira: true tho
HiCallMeRusty: I have an xbox one that I played a lot in college
MWGNZ: im currently loading games on to my 360...
MaxTurkeyFlaps: I do
quasi79fu: Hai is it me you are looking for?
PawssumFable: Yeah, what is the point of XBox at this point
Naesiir: I do. It was 150$ off when I was deciding to get one or a ps6
Xafty: @gualdhar he has both
HiCallMeRusty: now it just collects dust
TehAmelie: wadya mean, "current"? what does it do that no game consoles has done before?
quigonginnjuice: The best was the xbox one s all digital aka the xbox one sad
MilkInBags: dollarstore alienware
Mathwyn: @saucemaster5000 so you're the guard that lies!
PawssumFable: Like real question, what exclusives do they have?
matthaus_c: 360 is retro gaming by now
josh___something: Wait, braum is in 2XKO? YESSSSSD
Mr_Horrible: moshi mosh
Dalrint: I have a Series X. It's great for gamepass, but...not for much else.
saucemaster5000: man, remember xbla?
ButterBall000: Wait, is the TV the xbox startup?
saucemaster5000: we'll never get those days back
bethy_kins24: Alsonhave an OG Xbox and Xbox360 that both work
BrowneePoints: ahaha Ben said Peed
EvilBadman: An Xbox is less than a video card and I don't have to deal with random PC issues, so pretty good deal
Mr_Horrible: can't be drive reversal'd
VrolikSyndrome: Evolve into crab?
itira: Adam?
raulghoulia: is that...happening soon?
djalternative: become an octoped
quasi79fu: LIke a dog ? lol
Ferisar: quadrapeed
josh___something: Dave's spokesman?!
kumatsu: you're the dog now, man
Mr_Horrible: Other people might need them
MilkInBags: some people become quadrupeds in bed
definenull: Bloomburrow is coming up
Mathwyn: Mara too polite
saucemaster5000: I can't wait till I'm allowed in the big kid's store
Lazy_F4: lol leave the rest for other people? what other people
ButterBall000: Like a feral?
Dalrint: But considering they're raising the price of game pass to 20 dollars a month, it won't be worth it much longer..
Mr_Horrible: you can furryrun whenever you want, Adam
Ferisar: bloodborne 2? confirmed?
JoeLowe2: You OK brother?
Ferisar: adam?
shendaras: giraffe?
TehAmelie: i have a PS3 that is sometimes useful to play blue ray movies.i also have a PS4 that i now realize has no cords plugged into it
JinaMahavira: Blanka Adam
itira: oh dear me
itira: LOL
josh___something: Adam... You wanna be a furry?
RealGamerCow: capybara Adam
BrowneePoints: "HR?"
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Nigouki: oh hey it's Cave Johnson
Mr_Horrible: bro go that eyebrow ridge
thatguysteve2709: Adam taking his final form bugbear
CypherRaze: holy shit
MilkInBags: Taylor Swift and balding Serj Tankian
PhilanthropyLich: Ben can ride Adam to work
josh___something: Cave Johnson
MacbethSeemsSus: Adam "Not an Animorph" Savidan
Ferisar: my guiding moonlight
PawssumFable: You know, I was watching a thing the other day about how we've basically hit the max speed as humans, when running bipedal. And that the next speed records are gonna be by people running on all 4 limbs.
EvilBadman: Nick Cave looking ass
ghyllnox: @josh___something I think this is one of those things where wanting to be and being are the same thing
MilkInBags: ben
Lobo_Apache: kinky
Lysander_salamander: oh dear
matthaus_c: like sexually or?
ButterBall000: He's a Horse, now...
Ferisar: would you have a moonlight greatsword
Ferisar: would you be a hard bossfight
BrowneePoints: Adam would be a Percheron or a Clydesdale
tehfewl: Bronco Breaker Ben
TehAmelie: i'd let Ben OR Adam ride me
Mr_Horrible: Ben would brush your mane
jetpixi: a lil salt lick
VrolikSyndrome: Sugar cube?
itira: Ben will feed you oats
josh___something: Like... In a hot way?
BorealMage: The occasional sugar cube
Fe1ix66: horses can fart anywhere
quasi79fu: Mr Ed?
saucemaster5000: I'd bite everyone
Lazy_F4: indentured servant for treats that is... yeah that's basically a horse
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: because 78 9?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa! (Today's storm count: 64)
ghyllnox: Pony play live on stream???
MilkInBags: horses are very dumb
Eggmojii: What???
Mr_Horrible: Adam would actually probably be 500% less psychopathic than other horses
Mr_Horrible: no killing songbirds for *this* man
Fe1ix66: horses are at least smart enough not to poop where they eat, so > cows
Lobo_Apache: Look! it was chat
josh___something: Goblin DEEZ NUTS
MilkInBags: adam is not on screen, he doesn't exist anymore????
Mr_Horrible: Adam gonna go make some road apples
TehAmelie: the previous is not even a sex thing, by the way. i'm a lesbian and i'd still be ridden by Ben or Adam
josh___something: LUL
raulghoulia: a little horse is called a foal
Gascitygaming: Ben and Chair!
Ferisar: yet
bethy_kins24: neigh neigh
RealGamerCow: He has to go fart in the other room becasue you've made him conscious about his toots
JoeLowe2: good thing he wasn't on a stair machine or you'd have got a preview\
EvilBadman: They already rub peanut butter on [host]'s mouth to make it look like he's talking
ChillTheEffOut: now that Adam is gone, lets talk about how good Sloan is
saucemaster5000: Adward
raulghoulia: caractacus
MilkInBags: Prancy
itira: Adam SaviRAN
Makrosian_Tay: Burke
UnkeptFlea: like Trevor
jetpixi: Lil Pogger
Naesiir: Wake Up Super
ghyllnox: Socks
matthaus_c: Jimmy John
Gascitygaming: That's creepuly near my last name
MacbethSeemsSus: Trevor
Mr_Horrible: Charles
RealGamerCow: Horsebats
The_Timo: No that's a game
kumatsu: horses have a normal name and a Registered Name that's something weird
salamisuperstar: Low Rider
BusTed: Shinymane
bethy_kins24: Yes they have show names and barn names
VrolikSyndrome: Tall Glass
patrick_stonecrusher: Hoof Hearted
queercrafting_chonk: The Goat
gualdhar: Sunrise Lifter
Ferisar: mr four legs
Lazy_F4: Fancy Savidan
Scy_Anide: Seabats
djalternative: what would Adam's horse color be?
hesterbyrde: Like a race horse name or a My Little Pony name?
The_Timo: Adum is a horse name YMS
Gaelan_Maestro: Adam Man beast
Dreamlettuce: Thunder Horse.
KaiTerranova: Joystiq
PawssumFable: Seabats IS kind of a horse name
ranoras: Adamantine
ButterBall000: Horse Adam's racing name?
MilkInBags: John Saddle
pipshardfour: lightening suplex
Lysander_salamander: five guys
GreyThey: Mayo-neighs
PawssumFable: Seabatscuit
hesterbyrde: Elmer.
EvilBadman: Yeah that's inviting the jimmy John ceo to poach your horse
BrowneePoints: He'd be some Big Ass Draft horse name Baelobog or Caesar
JoeLowe2: Future Glue
Eggmojii: you better not
jetpixi: Meat AND glue?
matthaus_c: how much glue can we get out of Adam
gualdhar: you have to send Horse Adam to the glue factory eventually
Lobo_Apache: So Adam's meat is all for ben?
Ferisar: go on
Lysander_salamander: no
djalternative: $30
ghyllnox: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: Go on...
MilkInBags: lmao
Mr_Horrible: Ben you're broadcasting
josh___something: Yeah, ben?
NotCainNorAbel: obvioulsy
Mr_Horrible: think carefully
Fe1ix66: $400
quasi79fu: haunted chair
circusofkirkus: what about sold for glue
itira: it would never be good
NorthstarTex: Legit possible horse name (for registration): "Seabats Adam UWU"
EvilBadman: That old grey mare ain't what he used to be
Valbatross_: $45
lamina5432: there is a lot of meat there
SnackPak_: 1000?
ghyllnox: You'd have to ask Adam
ButterBall000: Someone please clop this
bethy_kins24: 200 bucks
MilkInBags: "how much is Adam worth once slaughtered" ok ben
Mathwyn: Enough to buy a new Adam?
raulghoulia: It's gonna be hard to start the Lunch Lads without him
MacbethSeemsSus: IOU
KeytarCat: at least 10k
dankmemeter: 20 gold pieces
BusTed: @ButterBall000 LUL
Dog_of_Myth: $25/lbs
PawssumFable: 200M
ButButTheJesus: @ButterBall000 lawl
JoeLowe2: $20 bucks is $20 bucks
shendaras: it's a tough economy out there
Mr_Horrible: depends on whether the horse that Adam became was still cognizant of himself as Adam
saucemaster5000: I mean, he's already been cursed to horsedom
DaFhaye: Yeah 45 is low. 50
Valbatross_: Sorry, $45 American
whitebadgerwolf88: Does horse Adam talk?
matthaus_c: I would expect /at least/ a down payment on a house
pipshardfour: $15 American
Lysander_salamander: You'd have to really market it, like gamer girl water but for horse
djalternative: I'll give you a pack of gum for horse Adam
FarleyF: enough to buy some tiger tail
BrowneePoints: This Ain't Delicious in Dungeon Ben
MilkInBags: how much we'd pay for adam's meat? mmm
saucemaster5000: this is getting elaborate
BrowneePoints: don't work like that
Makrosian_Tay: I hate this conversation
definenull: That's too far! That's too far!
EvilBadman: Buy the meat make an Adam centaur
Ferisar: hmmmm
BusTed: Then that would just be an unsound financial decision
RealGamerCow: have you been watching Dungeon Meshi?
Lazy_F4: it might be like a few hundred bucks ? possible 500
itira: and then you give all the money to Adam right?
josh___something: Ben, you aren't a necromancer
bethy_kins24: Meat Adam sounds scary
FarleyF: ooo funny enough that should be his horse name
Gascitygaming: what's that boat where they replace the wood? Is it still the same adam?
Ferisar: what's his human name
MilkInBags: pass
quasi79fu: 9218
PawssumFable: This is how Adam ends up a furry
matthaus_c: does he have feathers too
Dog_of_Myth: FrakenAdam?
SmithKurosaki: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
gualdhar: that's just cloning with extra steps
MilkInBags: @Ferisar LUL
saucemaster5000: I mean, gotta do something
NotCainNorAbel: have you read Frankenstein?
saucemaster5000: I guess
queercrafting_chonk: Ben's villain arc
Mr_Horrible: this is like the first 2/3rds of a horror film
JinaMahavira: 9218
Mr_Horrible: so I approve
salamisuperstar: If you were Frankenstein would you be Ben Stein?
SmithKurosaki: I can't clip right now, but I gope someone does
MilkInBags: does he retain his memory
JoeLowe2: I'm a little unclear on the Meat Adam premise
LostThePirate: If some cannibal wanted to eat Adam, how much would you sell him for? It's just as bad to sell horse-Adam to the meat farm.
NorthstarTex: so anthro horse Adam
quasi79fu: uhhhh
patrick_stonecrusher: 90218
squ3e: 90210?
Makrosian_Tay: Who?
quasi79fu: where did lady come from?
shendaras: benginTraitor
djalternative: UH......
quasi79fu: Ben??
Mathwyn: This is already Adam's origin story, how do think he got so tall?
FarleyF: 8675309 got it
quasi79fu: Lady?
queercrafting_chonk: Lady???
djalternative: when did the wife get here?
EvilBadman: We can remember numbers again now that we freed Wheelers reminder from our collective hivemind
Gaelan_Maestro: thats my crushes fav movie, so i bought it for them
quasi79fu: Ben????
josh___something: Anthro horse adam is cursed
quasi79fu: haahahahahaha
saucemaster5000: watched "totally killer" the other day. it's one of those
itira: LUL
BusTed: The Fear Street movies were good
jetpixi: lrrSPOOP
GhostValv: heh
Mr_Horrible: "We pay attention on Let's Nope" Kappa
jessieimproved: I had Lisa Frank blacklight posters in my room when I was a kid
BrowneePoints: Live Action Nami's Actress started on Fear Street
The_Timo: Nah, not real lol
patrick_stonecrusher: Lisa Frankenstine was legit the name on my first Bloodbore playthrough
ButButTheJesus: I mean yes, there's a ghost in your room too
EvilBadman: Ben Adam has been a horse for four years now
FarleyF: yeah its the ghost of horse adam
matthaus_c: I should watch Fear Street again. those were fun
Mr_Horrible: Fear Street goog
matthaus_c: still got the bread slicer scene knocking in the ol noggin
FarleyF: coming back to haunt you after you sold him for meat
Lobo_Apache: being all like "turn on your location, I just wanna talk"
BusTed: @matthaus_c NotLikeThis
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to horseadam! They have given 1510 Gift Subs in the channel!
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saucemaster5000: the bread slicer scene came out of nowhere
PawssumFable: Now I'm thinking of Adam as an AU Bojack and I can't un-think that.
Gaelan_Maestro: its a wonderful knife
saucemaster5000: happy death day 2 was really good too
Mr_Horrible: the only one I've watched recently was Immaculate, which is decidedly not a comedy
Mr_Horrible: but it's good
neisan2112: The second one was wild
BrowneePoints: Sneaky Backdoor is my new Drag Name
pipshardfour: there’s a new one coming out soon!
Orxolon: like Abigail?
EvilBadman: Bodies bodies bodies also good recent horror
Mr_Horrible: Arthur asking the important questions
FarleyF: Happy Death Day 2 U
pipshardfour: movie is Maxxxine
matthaus_c: 9218
squ3e: 9218
Lysander_salamander: it's nice that she tries to communicate with the creatures
Lazy_F4: !!!!
quasi79fu: YIkes
definenull: Mawp
Lazy_F4: new pants time
FarleyF: 8675309
Mr_Horrible: so fun fact: they give you that code as a shortcut, but the puzzle with the info on the projector also gives the answer
patrick_stonecrusher: Actual horror game
bethy_kins24: brown pants moment
ButButTheJesus: actual spoop occurring!
MilkInBags: gg i was the invader
quasi79fu: i neeed new undies..
squ3e: Gaming
matthaus_c: fucking hell milk
BrowneePoints: I still think we should have Adam play Alien Isolation some time
e_bloc: Corgo100 Corgo100 Corgo100 Corgo100 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1
WiJohn: You got a shotgun, and he ain't got one
MilkInBags: @matthaus_c LUL
kakmize subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
kakmize: Nice!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kakmize! (Today's storm count: 66)
patrick_stonecrusher: Gone forever
itira: hope it went well Adam
matthaus_c: hey Adam how much glue do you think we could make out of you
MilkInBags: hey Adam how much would you pay to buy your own meat if you were a horse? ben wants to know
saucemaster5000: oh look it's ben's horse meat golem
matthaus_c: LMAO
WiJohn: Just cut in half
Seth_Erickson: he's too spooked
Mr_Horrible: "Widowmaker Mode Activated"
BrowneePoints: It's okay you'll momentarily become a water feature
squ3e: Adam i feel you
Lazy_F4: the bidet is just gonna roto-rooter adam straight thru
BusTed: just cored out
ButterBall000: incidental enema
JoeLowe2: can you tell us again how you changed Horse Adam into Meat Adam?
Ferisar: one shot, one kill - bidet 2024
Mr_Horrible: you might not like *how*
patrick_stonecrusher: Adam gets blasted through the celing
Mr_Horrible: but you get there
MilkInBags: don't read my previous message :)
josh___something: Uhhh...
shendaras: Did we ask if he wants to be human again, though?
BrowneePoints: Adam can watch Delicious in Dungeon and then he'll find out how
circusofkirkus: you get sent to the glue factory
Lobo_Apache: Ben uses Adam's horse meat
Mr_Horrible: "all the way through" tag
Dog_of_Myth: That's the same code as my luggage
Lyropithic: Oh man
SmithKurosaki: UHOH was MY SHIT
Mr_Horrible: "Uh Oh" sounds like the perfect name for a kids' game show
jetpixi: the first time i used a bidet i sat there giggle for 5min first cuz i'm a mature adult...
Gaelan_Maestro: bits for the bestest of boys
jetpixi: giggling*(
The_Timo: I always got mad at that, "Why is he getting slimed because his teammate is dumb?!" lol
Mr_Horrible: but if you fed him an apple it could be Adam's Apple
MilkInBags: adam i named you Prancy
KeytarCat: PotOOOOOOOO
quigonginnjuice: Trot fudge sunday
Lyropithic: Or Poooooooo
Orxolon: or Charlie
SmithKurosaki: @Mr_Horrible It was a gameshow with 2 (or 3?) teams of kids doing stuff. Lots of slime was involved because peak late 90s/00s energy
BrowneePoints: He's be some big ass Draft Horse named Baelobog or Thor or Caesar
EvilBadman: I refer to our constant stream of products at work as the firehose because UHF
Lazy_F4: Brock Lesnar can ride you around
patrick_stonecrusher: Hoof Hearted
SnackPak_: sorry Adam
josh___something: $5
Naesiir: Clearly it should be Seabatscuit
SmithKurosaki: @EvilBadman DO I wanna know?
Mr_Horrible: @SmithKurosaki this tracks for what I know of YTV, considering it's a very Nickelodeon vibe
SmithKurosaki: @Naesiir Cursed. Ship It
MilkInBags: setting a price for adam's meat, classic let's nope
DaFhaye: Huh yeah why not Arby's
Makrosian_Tay: They're all meat
FarleyF: ok Jordynne can you please make this a part of Lets Nope Express - the Horse Story
EvilBadman: @smithkurosaki I launched almost a bundle a day last year
SmithKurosaki: @SmithKurosaki Yea, UhOh was basically knock off nickelodeon
noSmokeFire: isn't this the premise of Full Metal Alchemist?
ButterBall000: This is somehow more bonkers the second time around
SmithKurosaki: @EvilBadman oofa
patrick_stonecrusher: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Mr_Horrible: so you've saddled (heh) Adam with lifelong trauma for what is likely 200k profit
Lysander_salamander: like a lego kit, where you can make several different things with the same parts
ghyllnox: "If you're going to kill me, just kill me"
SmithKurosaki: @Lysander_salamander 3n1 kits are great
quasi79fu: use my meat lol
Lysander_salamander: an infinite meat hack
MilkInBags: at least make a profit off of adam, ben
BrowneePoints: I mean, I'd rather have you parasocially in my life
jetpixi: "use my meat"
itira: What did i say Ben. it will never be good.
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Orxolon: congratulations you are an undead now
MacbethSeemsSus: I'm picturing there being some leftover meat and Ben just going "oh well"
MilkInBags: @jetpixi you hear only what you want Kappa
Ferisar: adam the holy blade
SmithKurosaki: This sounds like existence with extra steps
rosesmcgee: Horse = twice the leg days
Ferisar: all i'm saying
KeytarCat: Not even horses want to be horses
Eggmojii: how about just dont sell him and give him a carrot
jetpixi: @MilkInBags LUL
Lobo_Apache: What about recreating that scene from Neverending Story?
josh___something: "I only use you in the summer"... Goals
couchboyj: So Jimmy Johns is like the league of villians in the Subway-verse?
SmithKurosaki: What if there's a freak accident and he comes back as a Centaur?
ghyllnox: We're getting into a very specific kink here
VrolikSyndrome: And you'd have the best theme in the game.
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
shendaras: which half?
MilkInBags: reverse centaur, top horse bottom human
matthaus_c: Chimera Falin Adam
quasi79fu: centaurs are hot
SmithKurosaki: @MilkInBags So, Bojack?
Eggmojii: Adam is already half way to centaur
josh___something: Uhhhhh....
queercrafting_chonk: I heard centaur and have been summoned
NorthstarTex: Centaurs are def hot
saucemaster5000: "joke's on you my dodge windows are impossible"
Seth_Erickson: Matthaus you think Adam has watched Dungeon Meshi
JoeLowe2: 2 rib cages -- too much to manage
Mr_Horrible: the "Bojack"
MilkInBags: it's bull
KeytarCat: Like a minotaur
BrowneePoints: an Equitar
djalternative: yeah. A Bojack
VrolikSyndrome: Oh he is just Bojack.
Lysander_salamander: like a reverse mermaid
patrick_stonecrusher: Bojack
Lysander_salamander: oh
josh___something: Wait... I have a video for this
lesbianpunkpyromancer22: so no head?
jetpixi: @Seth_Erickson i love that one
Lysander_salamander: that's bad
josh___something: No head?
SnackPak_: reverse cat dog
MilkInBags: how do you fart
NorthstarTex: my brain just settled on anthro horse adam
Transmuted_Elf: or a silent hill enemy
Ferisar: however you want @MilkInBags
saucemaster5000: this is how miyazaki does it
Orxolon: you have a mouth right?
Ferisar: multiple options
Eggmojii: we definitely could just turn ben and adam into a catdog
Gascitygaming: carefully
JoeLowe2: with wild abandaon
quasi79fu: how does catdog fart?
MilkInBags: it will bring her back
SmithKurosaki: I really hope this whole convo makes it to hilights lol
Lazy_F4: going down? she said down
Mr_Horrible: you could finally answer the question, tho, of "how would a centaur spoon?"
josh___something: Ben no
Orxolon: @quasi79fu mouth
itira: @MilkInBags the gym crush?
MilkInBags: LUL
Gascitygaming: catdog can only burp, but they are the WORSE smelling burps
saucemaster5000: huh friend just messaged me -- the cute guy at the gym farted and shrugged
MilkInBags: sauce LUL
josh___something: SAUCE
noSmokeFire: that's called jockeying
matthaus_c: how do centaurs even use beds
Gascitygaming: we call a small person being the big spoon 'backpacking'
BusTed: katoh
MilkInBags: gg i was the cute lady at the gym (i was the invader)
itira: @saucemaster5000 lolol
SmithKurosaki: I mean, I
Seth_Erickson: the same way horses do
Ferisar: on a pillow
NorthstarTex: *is legit watching a furry artist draw a 'taur character holding a body pillow*
DaFhaye: Sitting
Orxolon: closing their eyes
bethy_kins24: yes
BrowneePoints: they can lay down
SmithKurosaki: Ive found a series of YT shorts that attempt to answer the question of 'how centaurs live'
BrowneePoints: but not for super long
tehfewl: There is a very informative tumblr post about centuar sleep habits
Eggmojii: its up to them
NorthstarTex: on their sides
MilkInBags: they lay down in their bed, with their wife
Mathwyn: Can you just use a gun?
Orxolon: never seen a horse sleeping?
jetpixi: i think horses sleep like cows
Orxolon: they bend their legs and lay
saucemaster5000: horses dream of being bigger horses
Orxolon: @jetpixi yes
MilkInBags: just be good at puzzles :^)
Ferisar: AHHHHH
squ3e: Are we trying to get all of them down or just get across?
Mr_Horrible: oh there is
josh___something: Yes, ben
Mr_Horrible: Adam, please
MilkInBags: it will only cost 10 bullets to get 4 bullets
Makrosian_Tay: You're a god
jetpixi: arrooound
matthaus_c: god gamer
Orxolon: sure
shendaras: seabatClap
Gascitygaming: we don't ask questions
MilkInBags: you increased your scaducrow level
Lysander_salamander: weird
Mr_Horrible: it just gives you a pass once you've opened every avenue
Lazy_F4: ohhhh shit
quasi79fu: yeah the person behind you
josh___something: I wonder if you run out, it just lowers all the doors
Orxolon: chan chan chaaaaaannn
Ferisar: it was only a matter of time before he turned into the... undeadible
ButButTheJesus: nothin personnel kid
Mr_Horrible: fedposting
Mr_Horrible: psyop
quasi79fu: the Feds are coming
saucemaster5000: what about fed ex?
Orxolon: "the fed"
Gascitygaming: try thinking about baseball?
Valbatross_: The last time somebody said "feds" to me was when they were talking about sneaking into abandoned mines
ButButTheJesus: adam's eyebrows...
jetpixi: la la la
Ferisar: la hi
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Mathwyn: The suspense!
Lazy_F4: eaten by something in the vent
kumatsu: la HEE
jetpixi: La HEE
shendaras: la hee
Orxolon: oh oh
josh___something: LA HEE
jetpixi: found the FFXIV players
Lazy_F4: defintiely gonna get eaten
djalternative: am I misremembering something? Isn't Mara law enforcement?
Mr_Horrible: incredible
Mr_Horrible: mixed
quasi79fu: ahahhhahaha
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahahaha
BusTed: wow
Juliamon: DOINK
Lazy_F4: ok... not eaten but... yeah
matthaus_c: absolutely incredible
ghyllnox: LUL
Nigouki: perfection
Lyropithic: FBtouchdown
Mathwyn: *wilhelm scream*
Naesiir: peak storytelling
VrolikSyndrome: la HEE
ButButTheJesus: WHEEEE
Mr_Horrible: "Marvin was not blocking that shit"
JoeLowe2: perfection
Mr_Horrible: JULIE
Lysander_salamander: oh hi
Mr_Horrible: laynaUppies
EvilBadman: Yo Marvin vented
BusTed: Oh you just murdered that guy btw
Naesiir: damn Julie just stop climbing into everything
Mr_Horrible: they took her damn shoe
Rhynerd: Did Julie get shot?
BrowneePoints: I am just imagining this as being like Julie Julie
Gaelan_Maestro: dont stand in from of vents while monologueing
Mr_Horrible: Julie's great
BrowneePoints: like Desert Bus Julie
quasi79fu: shonk me around?
queercrafting_chonk: shonk
Lysander_salamander: I wonder if there's an alternate ending if you didn't kill any of the monsters
matthaus_c: what kind of thing? corpse disposal?
Mr_Horrible: Ford Fiesta brotherrrrrrrrr
jetpixi: LOL i had a white fiesta!
VrolikSyndrome: +2
The_Timo: LRR do a lot of coke?
Lysander_salamander: oh, it's going over the choices you made. I guess it is near the end
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Mathwyn: Mara is going for a walk, she may be some time
Mr_Horrible: she's finishing the fight *Halo 3 music*
quasi79fu: scoooby dooo
Mr_Horrible: fuck I love the music in this bit
Rhynerd: I mean, Emily's convinced she's here to kill Edward. mayhaps she's right?
MilkInBags: adam, would you rather be cut into meat or turned into glue
Gascitygaming: mayhaps....
VrolikSyndrome: Stillllllllllll in a dreaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
BrowneePoints: But FOR
BrowneePoints: YouuUUUUuuuuu
Dreamlettuce: But for subway?
djalternative: this seems like the boss battle
Mr_Horrible: the singer was in your chat, Adam
Mr_Horrible: and you don't know the words?
matthaus_c: it IS playing a song
Lyropithic: That's all you really need to know, lyrics-wise
MilkInBags: in elden ring, i see so many messages about snake in front of a ladder
MilkInBags: gg i was the snake eater singer
Darleysam: then you farted in front of her
ThorSokar: Suddenly I am reminded of Skies of Arcadia: Legends
BusTed: I think you just didn't notice them
jetpixi: i don't blame you
BusTed: ah
quasi79fu: how long is this laddder?
itira: Wow Adam
JoeLowe2: That's the 2nd longest ladder I've ever seen
jetpixi: oooo.
ButButTheJesus: how would you know
BrowneePoints: Adam's just got that Rizz
noSmokeFire: I'm the saxophonist for snake eater
matthaus_c: i was the invader :)
josh___something: XD
BrowneePoints: all the talented ladies flock to him
Mr_Horrible: honestly, that'd be a based af first-time chat
Orxolon: @quasi79fu 110 mts
BusTed: We looked it up later
MilkInBags: thank you ben
patrick_stonecrusher: Im the eater for Snake Eater
matthaus_c: purple is not a real colour--
Mr_Horrible: open yourself to life's beauty, Adam
jetpixi: i am a potato
Naesiir: that is not a safe bet, Ben
MilkInBags: btw ben I'm justin trudeau
BrowneePoints: Hey you're a kind and wonderful person who spreads joy and light into an uncaring world
BrowneePoints: BOOM roasted
quasi79fu: would you believe me if a said aliens existed in the ocean?
saucemaster5000: adam is planning a big secret party for you Ben
Pharmacistjudge: Call Ben. You know some of us enough to not believe.
Ferisar: i'm coming to gank ben
Mr_Horrible: damn, okay
Ferisar: be there soon
Lobo_Apache: I got some really cheap ocean front property to sell
itira: @MilkInBags id believe it
Lazy_F4: oh hair change
MilkInBags: that's a shitty hair colour
Orxolon: all staged?
Mega_man2: where do you find these fascinating games?
ghizmou: or it's actually acid pouring out of that shower
BrowneePoints: I have never Intentionally led Adam or Ben astray, but boy have I been wrong
neisan2112: I waas just thinking aout that too
MilkInBags: Steam
quasi79fu: Poool acccessss
RealGamerCow: This game is pretty popular
BusTed: Is Still Wakes the Deep on your list?
NoxStryx: People still use twitter?
BusTed: cool
bethy_kins24: Do you follow ManlyBadA**Hero streamer,
Mr_Horrible: this game had a fair amount of buzz leading up to release and got a lot of positive reception
Pharmacistjudge: where is Tina Turner for the Bunsen Burner?
Mega_man2: thank you for sharing
BrowneePoints: for Adam, Still Wakes the Deep is a horror game on an offshore Oil rig
Lazy_F4: safety first. or second. or whatever
BrowneePoints: oooooo spoopy
matthaus_c: if you want a steady feed of great game recs, can't recommend CaseyExplosion enough
Orxolon: has Dredge been considered?
MilkInBags: yeah most twitch streamers are bad Kappa
BrowneePoints: DOIG
BrowneePoints: SWIFT!
djalternative: oh. I know Shipwreck64 is a horror game that came out this year that's extremely horrific
quasi79fu: is that a walll of photos?
djalternative: DOIG SWIFT!!!!
KeytarCat: OH them!
NoxStryx: I saw one called "Haunted Paws" on my steam queue that looks like ben's kind of game
BusTed: I know them through Onsta
Kramburger: Oh I've seen them on drawfee streams
bethy_kins24: He does youtube only I think but he plays a LOT of random weird odd horror games. you should check out his channel
BrowneePoints: I know them from Onsta Drawfee and Rubber Ross
djalternative: yeah. Twitch chat can interact directly with Doig and Swift on screen using channel points and bits and such
Lazy_F4: sometimes the most obvious explanation is correct
Transmuted_Elf: can you get the ax?
djalternative: like physics objects interact
Matsunen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Matsunen: Art….
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Matsunen! (Today's storm count: 67)
Mr_Horrible: if you peep your inventory there's a nice lil accompaniment to that
squ3e: So who was elaine?
JoeLowe2: You're the smartest man alive!
Mr_Horrible: Elaine is the girl who got attacked by a guest
Mr_Horrible: and your ID
Lysander_salamander: what's the picture on the table?
SquareDotCube: the shower maybe
MilkInBags: infected with the fever of disco
Eggmojii: i was wondering why, at the start of the game, mara seemed unsure of her own name
Mr_Horrible: you had Harrison's police ID the whole time
KeytarCat: Because you always were infected?
Orxolon: maybe the shower was of toxic wastes XD
Gascitygaming: i think we endin here folks :)
MilkInBags: the spider i studied in the amazon before dying
queercrafting_chonk: and the SHRINE of the Silver Monkey!
Mr_Horrible: the acid is for melting the resin in the fairy's head
JoeLowe2: It's a nice little walk down memory lane
NoxStryx: Stay in your eLane
Mr_Horrible: but you can also do it with the flamethrower
jetpixi: 7 o clock on the dot
ashtonfpd: ya'll in the freezer? its hot in canada rn
Lyropithic: What if the real acid was the LSD we did along the way?
matthaus_c: "thank you so much for the vials! oh and, by the way, you didn't happen to... use that shower over there? right?"
bethy_kins24: road quest was my favorite
saucemaster5000: adam was a walkie talkie tester?
BusTed: did you have to end your sentences with 'over'?
Mr_Horrible: damn Mr Crow you look like shit
JoeLowe2: a real warehouse or your mind warehouse?
Mega_man2: US healthcare system at work
Gascitygaming: Does Crow know whether or not war ever changes?
bethy_kins24: Knock knock FBI open up Mr Crow
jetpixi: relatable
jetpixi: It was ME
MilkInBags: "the moon is flat"
Dreamlettuce: Did you try turning your body off and on again?
MilkInBags: barbie's soundtrack
Mr_Horrible: Sports, by Huey Louis
matthaus_c: Carly Rae Jepsen
Lazy_F4: steamboat willy
spethycakes: "I'm just KEN!"
VrolikSyndrome: For ambiance.
ashtonfpd: dua lipa you right
josh___something: Caramelldansesn
EvilBadman: Foghat
Singenmeister: I mean, he’s the guy at the end in the throne room
Mathwyn: Mama mia by ABBA
satyropodobny: darude sandstorm
JoeLowe2: The Eurythmics
Mr_Horrible: he's playing Galaxy News Radio
NotCainNorAbel: richard cheese
MilkInBags: Richard Cheese?
korvys: Richard Cheese
Lyropithic: Ye olde Disturbed
Rhynerd: Ben, you almost sounded like you were gonna start singing Butcher Pete
SmithKurosaki: There I ruined it?
jetpixi: I think Richard Queso
SnackPak_: dick cheesee
bethy_kins24: richard cheese
inconsideratehat: Rick cheese
ashtonfpd: post modern jukebox?
Lysander_salamander: Postmodern Jukebox?
MilkInBags: adam
MilkInBags: it slaps
jetpixi: I love post modern jukebox
Lysander_salamander: oh
jetpixi: I saw him in a parking lot in Vegas once. Was great.
bethy_kins24: The Dawn of the Dead by Zac Synder he did that song
MilkInBags: noted
saucemaster5000: hands slap
MacbethSeemsSus: I think it was also part of a Weird Al polka
brainbosh subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, brainbosh! (Today's storm count: 68)
Mega_man2: Sinatra sings "Get down with the sickness"
Juliamon: the "Get ready to diiiiiiie" bit is VERY good
brainbosh: Yeah they literally did that in the Day of the Dead remake
brainbosh: *Dawn
raulghoulia: Richard Cheese NIN Closer is a BANGER
satyropodobny: we call this miracle cure "bullet"
jetpixi: i feel like yes lol
MilkInBags: "oh no we found salmonella 2"
Darleysam: "...bring the hammer"
quasi79fu: you gotta come see this
Grinnin_Gin: In a new jersey accident adam? "Hey woah, I'm discovering bacteria over here!"
Lazy_F4: you never want to be the patient in the hospital where one doctor calls over the other doctors to look
djalternative: Look buddy, we know what covid is
I_Am_Clockwork: thats like half of all major discoveries
neisan2112: Almost definitely
Cptasparagus: I found an object in my own pee that looked like a hamster under microscope once
gamercat88: bad stuff 2.0
Mr_Horrible: you never want your scientist to peep the microscope, then stand up and go out for a smoke
I_Am_Clockwork: "holy crap... what the heck happened here?"
ButButTheJesus: I bet something like that happened around the end of 2019
Mega_man2: *Macho Man voice*
Lysander_salamander: oh, Five Guys
MilkInBags: why can you only make 5
JuneBlue58: So this guy with no established qualifications in biology or medicine engineered a cure in his basement? Maybe if he'd provided stuff to, I don't know, the CDC or something they might have developed a cure in less than two years.
BusTed: The Lazarus Pit
Mr_Horrible: @JuneBlue58 to be fair, there is literally a biochem degree in his office
Pharmacistjudge: we only have so many MP3. WE can only spread The Cure to 5 people.
quasi79fu: oh no
JuneBlue58: @Mr_Horrible Alright, I'll grant that because I didn't see it. But still one guy in his basement.
Lysander_salamander: so this is like, stargate?
Mr_Horrible: @JuneBlue58 yeah, it's basically the exact amount of lip service I want in outlandish horror fantasy, personally LUL
Lysander_salamander: and the folks had a transporter accident like in Star Trek the Motion Picture?
MilkInBags: on the other side lies Bloodborne on PC
Mr_Horrible: but it's a "to taste" matter
quasi79fu: oh noo not the Nunya
Mr_Horrible: I mean, literal Mind Goblins have been emerging from the pool,, Ben
darkhalcyon: Nunya Dez Nut... wait what
Darleysam: it's a magical land on the other side of a wardrobe
ghyllnox: So you cut the antennas on the stargate and that gave the visitors infections?
MilkInBags: @ghyllnox from Stargate to Scabgate
patrick_stonecrusher: Pull... my finger...
Mr_Horrible: "Maybe I'll get magnet powers, tho"
Singenmeister: Are we sure Crow doesn’t sound like the Murder Party announcer?
MacbethSeemsSus: Is he holding blood wine?
Lazy_F4: mutated into the mongo boss monster you have to fight...
Lysander_salamander: but
Lazy_F4: 100% chance of re-emerging
Sarah_Serinde: Oh well I'm sure that won't happen, it'll be fine
BusTed: 🙂
spurius: what are the chances that happen
Mr_Horrible: YEET
Dreamlettuce: Mutated chair!
Rhynerd: where'd the record player go?
BusTed: grody
BrowneePoints: oh hey it's Pizza Tower
I_Am_Clockwork: "Let me just dump my assisted suicide on you, teenager I've already caused harm to. I am a very smart capitalist"
MilkInBags: hi my name is johnny knoxville, welcome to jackass
Mr_Horrible: mf taking orders from The Gromble
VrolikSyndrome: What's the paper say?
BusTed: hanging out with Ickus
gamercat88: and a little nigel thornberry
aceofroses_: its the spoopy bois live!
Makrosian_Tay: Damn this shit is nasty
MacbethSeemsSus: huh, his bad plan didn't work
Makrosian_Tay: Music good tho
Mr_Horrible: so I'll say, check your inventory before you're done this fight
raulghoulia: Do not cite the old words to me
raulghoulia: I was there when they were written
Lysander_salamander: yay
MilkInBags: gg shake my tentacle
Mr_Horrible: I haven't actually tried this without ammo
UnkeptFlea: wait this is just Ludwig
Mr_Horrible: to see if they let you still win
BusTed: it's super cool elaine
Mr_Horrible: but I rec checking your inventory
Lazy_F4: hey what'd that piece of paper say ... ?
BusTed: damn
I_Am_Clockwork: LlllllllIBERATED
MilkInBags: sike
Man_of_Answers: SET ME FREE.
Mr_Horrible: LUL
Lyropithic: Old yeller his ass
SquareDotCube: burn?
quasi79fu: owww
Darleysam: Mad World and credits
MilkInBags: you beat chapter 1
josh___something: Cmoooon
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Mr_Horrible: that's the beauty of it
BusTed: delicious
quasi79fu: and they alll died
Singenmeister: lrrFINE
Gascitygaming: and that's how mountain dew was invented!
Mr_Horrible: some of these folks can die, yeah, but no more than this
ghyllnox: "Here I found this green science stuff in the basement, have a sip"
Mr_Horrible: if you don't save them when you meet them
MilkInBags: Art
tehfewl: "Good End"
Lysander_salamander: well, that was cool
BusTed: Nifty
KeytarCat: Thaty was the save point text!
JoeLowe2: Hope and dread? That's the same thing I feel every morning when I head into work!
Mr_Horrible: there aren't really different endings
Darleysam: camera pulls back further, to the left there's another sign pointing to Crow Country 2 PogChamp
Sarah_Serinde: We never read that paper
frank_the_great: We could check youtube?
Man_of_Answers: yeah...
Lazy_F4: so ... the lake went where? should read that paper
josh___something: They were a cop though, so....
MilkInBags: the paper said "who's steve jobs"
quasi79fu: it was
Mr_Horrible: I can tell you, if you want, or you can also just load a save
Man_of_Answers: paper says "BUY BITCOIN"
whitebadgerwolf88: I mean...only so many people could even fit in the car...
Mr_Horrible: it's a broken message detailing that the guests were coming from 2106, because the world was uninhabitable
itira: Adam was there
Lazy_F4: having the hint bird was a _very_ smart move for design
aceofroses_: So did you killed the king crow? I didnt watch the all thing
Man_of_Answers: 2106 is fucked. apparently current year was the only way to fix it something along those lines?
BrowneePoints: It felt like RE1 Proper. Right amount of dumb, but sincere
saucemaster5000: B's get degrees but no applebees
MilkInBags: 2106 is too late for that, try 2056
Man_of_Answers: so...potentially living in a doomed timeline.
Mr_Horrible: a very good self-contained lil story
The_Timo: @MilkInBags Psst, one happens after the other lol
RealGamerCow: aint nobody got time for that
Mr_Horrible: the writing is also surprisingly tight
Mr_Horrible: it's a melee weapon, yeah
Lazy_F4: if it's not a bar where crows hang out and get drinks I will be disappointed
Mr_Horrible: you can finally not spend a bullet on crates
BusTed: 👊
MilkInBags: *5 minutes later* "melee SUCKS"
RealGamerCow: what the dog doin?
Makrosian_Tay: What that dog game doing tho
Gascitygaming: Can I play that dawg game?!
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
KeytarCat: Offhand whacker
BusTed: dual wield
hesterbyrde: I'd love to see y'all run Still Wakes the Deep. It would only be 2-3 streams.
Lazy_F4: that range looks ... bad
josh___something: Got that dog (game) in him
BusTed: it's a crow head on a bar
Mr_Horrible: playing through it a second time, I was surprised at how much of Mara's inner dialogue hints that she knows she's going to die
BrowneePoints: Haunted Paws?
itira: LOL
gamercat88: lmao
Mr_Horrible: owned
matthaus_c: lmao
jetpixi: LUL
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
neisan2112: Yup lol
josh___something: Lmao
ghyllnox: LUL
spethycakes: rofl
patrick_stonecrusher: Gotteeem
MilkInBags: yoink
bethy_kins24: roftlcoptor
ButButTheJesus: roflmao
queercrafting_chonk: great game, boys
neisan2112: Its got at least one prying part
GhostValv: Oil rig horror game on the radar?
Mr_Horrible: this has been one of my favorite games of this year so far, yeah
itira: time to buy some games ill never play
jetpixi: awwww
Lazy_F4: is it 2 player ???
Mr_Horrible: oh this looks good
hesterbyrde: I would love to see the oil rig game, Still Wakes the Deep I think it's called?
jetpixi: can you pet each other?
jetpixi: wait
josh___something: 2 dogs, being friends!
djalternative: Shipwreck64 is real scary if you're looking for something
SquareDotCube: Hear me out: might be time for another Games for Babies
satyropodobny: no flash deals, summer sale is very meh this year
Gaelan_Maestro: but is there cats?
voren_chalco: One of those is a cat, Adam
Naesiir: this game looks very Paul and Heather coded
RealGamerCow: what breed of dog are Ben and Adam?
saucemaster5000: never look up how many animals died making "milo and otis"
Mr_Horrible: presumably this killed fewer animals than Milo & Otis
itira: oh hell no
Lazy_F4: OHH big spider
jetpixi: oh noooo
Lazy_F4: biiiiig spider
BrowneePoints: Still Wakes the Deep is the other big one right?
Lysander_salamander: oh a split screen?
Singenmeister: spoopy puppers!
Blip2004: Paul and Heather lets play with Adam and Ben commentary?
aceofroses_: wich dog is wich host ?
jetpixi: i'm just gonna be so worries for the dogs.
bethy_kins24: cute
jetpixi: worried*
Scy_Anide: This reminds me of Little Nightmares
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah Still Wakes the Deep is super good
Mr_Horrible: Still Wakes the Deep just came out, and it seems pretty solid, yeah
Mathwyn: Knowing some dogs there could be an open door a meter to the left and those dogs were just morons
ButButTheJesus: its on gamepass
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: cheer100
Mr_Horrible: Shit Goes Wrong on a deep sea rig
quasi79fu: still wakes the deep is a shortish game
Sarah_Serinde: And I think it'd be good for Let's Nope too
gibbousm: I've heard it's mixed
NimrodXIV: Still Wakes the Deep is a good one
josh___something: Oh THIS ONE
Lazy_F4: the pol iss ?
Zoso_Wolf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
matthaus_c: Slay The Princess is great, but might be too talky for this stream
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zoso_Wolf! (Today's storm count: 69)
BrowneePoints: Oh shit Chinese Room!
satyropodobny: You truly know it's an indie horror game when you see the Big Spider
Darleysam: it's also fairly short
niccus: are you ready to get belfast
josh___something: It's nice
Scy_Anide: Hell yeah this game
Laserbeaks_Fury: this is 100% a Lets Nope game
Lysander_salamander: one of those cinematic experiences
neisan2112: Oh its Chinese Room?!? Hell yes
josh___something: Oh hi @darleysam
Darleysam: premium scottish swearing
BrowneePoints: If this is Chinese Room good chance it'll be good
Sarah_Serinde: Honestly the writing and graphics and everything seem really well done
quasi79fu: i beat this game in like two days
Darleysam: @josh___something meowdy
kumatsu: oh yeah I watched someone else paly this one it sure is weird
Mr_Horrible: I'm medium on The Chinese Room, but everything I've seen about this makes it seem like they're reigning in their worse impulses
tehfewl: oh boy, time for underwater escort missions
KeytarCat: Gregor? We gonna turn into a bug?
gualdhar: oh this is an oil man's wet dream isn't it
Darleysam: an oil platform
josh___something: I also watched someone play this, it's sweet
Enki1256: I know Zoochosis put out some more trailers to.
Lazy_F4: so uncharted style horror... ?
ghyllnox: Looks like an oil rig
SquareDotCube: it's an oil rig.
JoeLowe2: looks pretty cool
Makrosian_Tay: Still the Deep wakes
korvys: What about Bloodborn Kart?
BrowneePoints: Chinese Room is above average
niccus: oil rigs are sometimes boats
hesterbyrde: It's Amnesia meets Dead Space minus the actual... space aspect
gibbousm: Oil rig with tentacle monsters
Scy_Anide: I watched a bit of that one and it was terrific
BrowneePoints: so chances are it should be a fun romp
Rhynerd: @gualdhar to have your rig attacked by eldritch body horror monsters?
matthaus_c: magical girl transformation
Nigouki: movie trailers are completley ruined at this point, giving away the whole damn movie
Mr_Horrible: I think they're good a specific kind of game, Brownee, but they stumble hard when they try to shoehorn outside of that
BrowneePoints: it was right there
I_Am_Clockwork: at least its not like modern movie trailers that just spoil the movie in the trailer
kumatsu: I looked it up, the wings are a teleport
LordZarano: If we're suggesting games I'm gonna throw in Indigo Park Chapter 1. It's short, probably 1 stream's worth
Lysander_salamander: have a good evening! Thanks for playing
hesterbyrde: Thank you so much for the awesome stream y'all!
queercrafting_chonk: thanks for a great stream
voren_chalco: Have tried being better at the game?
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
thebuzzstreams: good to be back, good to have you back
Rhynerd: @BrowneePoints is Rocrow launcher better or worse?
Mr_Horrible: lookin' forward to it, lads
Lyropithic: Did the plague devolve everyone into Crowmagnons?
queercrafting_chonk: does the subathon start next week?
KeytarCat: Thanks for stream!
satyropodobny: the boys are back in town
I_Am_Clockwork: thanks for the stream lads
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Sarah_Serinde: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits!
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: And yes the subathon starts on the 15th
Pharmacistjudge: Thank her or she will have your vengeance in the clips
Mr_Horrible: damn, already?
neisan2112: @LordZarano I was sadly very medium on Indigo Park. I like the characters but the rest felt ehhh
Rhynerd: Thanks for the stream!
Mr_Horrible: OSFrog
The_Color_Twelve subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months, currently on a 54 month streak!
thatguysteve2709: You get my real money
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, The_Color_Twelve! (Today's storm count: 70)
Lazy_F4: lrrBEN + lrrADAM spoop boys forever
Makrosian_Tay: WOO
Mr_Horrible: no more OSFrog
jetpixi: time to start the We Hate Frogs meeting
matthaus_c: nerds
lamina5432: did you see wheeler get destroyed in the recent highlights?
I_Am_Clockwork: I lookforard
KeytarCat: Lego x-wing board game
KeytarCat: sorta?
Mr_Horrible: it's like those old zoids models
I_Am_Clockwork: look forward*
Mr_Horrible: playing video games
NotCainNorAbel: working out
Mr_Horrible: SF2 turbo
vinewood_og: WutFace
Makrosian_Tay: Oh boy
Juliamon: Team G-Rocket
Mr_Horrible: finally I can learn if this is my card
saucemaster5000: I've heard it's hard to find the G-Rocket
matthaus_c: new subathon who dis
Sarah_Serinde: Ah they took out all the streams from the schedule for that week
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
neisan2112: OH god that's already coming up damn
Mr_Horrible: I'm gonna need to request more "Adam and Wheeler go insane playing DS3 at 2am" for the subathon
Gascitygaming: joke'
EvilBadman: Uh oh subbies
Gascitygaming: joke's on you i get 3 pay periods this month! muahahaha!
itira: yeah Ben
Mr_Horrible: LUL
jetpixi: Oh no. I've been saying it wrong tooooo :( @itira
Mr_Horrible: lookit Adam, stealing valor OpieOP
tehfewl: it actually its TUH
josh___something: XD
Juliamon: Oh oops, we gotta poke Paul about the YT mods
itira: @jetpixi its ok, Adam only found out a couple months ago
ghyllnox: "The opposite side of the world to Victoria is Port-aux-Français, Kerguelen, French Southern Territories."
matthaus_c: is this a good time to say it's not pronounced matt house
Mr_Horrible: @tehfewl tehTUHl? Strange, but okay OpieOP
jetpixi: @itira lrrHEART
Juliamon: This is a soft announcement that Simriel and SmithKurosaki have joined the mod team for YT
Sarah_Serinde: @matthaus_c How *is* it pronounced? Because I want to know even if I'm only ever saying it in my head
SmithKurosaki: Hi :)
KWardJenx: Thanks so much for the stream.
Mr_Horrible: hell yeah
thebuzzstreams: aaand the bits
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHORN
Dog_of_Myth: Congrats
Mr_Horrible: Adam starting fights in comments
Sarah_Serinde: Adam I bet you don't have mod powers on YouTube
SmithKurosaki: @Juliamon Thanks for the shoutout :)
Sarah_Serinde: We can just ban you
Mr_Horrible: "Turn on your location"
VrolikSyndrome: lews ASCII art, EVERYWHERE
Mr_Horrible: Adam posting Le Toucan
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
ButButTheJesus: byeeeee
ghyllnox: acai-y
itira: Thanks for the stream! Have a good night everyone!
jetpixi: gross
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, lads. Was a treat to watch you play this
itira: im with you Ben
VrolikSyndrome: "heat" How hot could it be?
MrSarkhan: agree summer sucks
Lyropithic: Ben is right
SnackPak_: summer is the best season
Rhynerd: Have a good one!
Mathwyn: Summer bad
KWardJenx: With you Ben. Fuck summer
BorealMage: snow snow snow snow
TomatoKigu: Ben is very based rn.
itira: its fkn 42c here so
josh___something: HELL YEAH BEN
Sarah_Serinde: It is 27C in my apartment, the summer can go away
matthaus_c: @Sarah_Serinde it's pretty much just matthews but replace the E sound with an Ah
Rhynerd: I can't prime any models in this weather.
Mr_Horrible: my A/C is less than 2 feet from me, I'm chilling with the power of science
Sarah_Serinde: @matthaus_c Thanks!
Makrosian_Tay: Thanks for the stream guys. You're awesome and I love watching your stuff!!!
Sarah_Serinde: Portable AC units are $$$ and I cannot do a window unit in this basement apartment window well :(
Mr_Horrible: Yeah, I def recognize I was lucky to get the one I've got. A carpool mate back when I was still working needed to get rid of his old one
Juliamon: Not everyone can be blessed by Honeywell
Mr_Horrible: but hopefully the PNW finally starts wising up and building units with central air and HVAC
Sarah_Serinde: I mention it to my landlord occasionally and he seems to think it's reasonable but then I don't poke him for a while and nothing happens
Sarah_Serinde: I should probably poke him more
Mr_Horrible: "Bro I'm dying fr"
Mr_Horrible: but like actually tho
Sarah_Serinde: Or see if the city actually decides to mandate that rental units have to maintain a reasonable temperature to live in, but that seems unlikely
Mr_Horrible: so much of northern architecture in NA is built to trap heat, it's miserable in the summers now
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah and because of the nature of my apartment I can't really get a cross breeze or anything
SmithKurosaki: oofa
Sarah_Serinde: This place takes a good long time to heat up but once it does it holds the heat way too well
Mr_Horrible: yeah, air flow in my place is actually miserable if I'm trying to rely on natural wind or fan setups or whatnot
SmithKurosaki: @Sarah_Serinde Hamilton recently passed some legislation around that
Sarah_Serinde: @SmithKurosaki good
SmithKurosaki: Hope you get some relief tho Sarah
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks
Mr_Horrible: yeah, keeping fingers crossed sofieBless