baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: blue whale cottage cheese
baltimore_667083: i have SEVERAL questions
Invitare: shhhh
Invitare: don't worry about it
baltimore_667083: too late
AngelicKnighthood: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: another box, and in that box is another box which I mailed to myself. And when it arrives, I'll SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!
AngelicKnighthood: Found Izma
AngelicKnighthood: *pulls the lever*
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
red_shoes_jeff: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Farwanderer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Farwanderer! (Today's storm count: 1)
pkj3st3r subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pkj3st3r! (Today's storm count: 2)
DideRobot: LRR: Time for AFK! Tonight we are making little ships go pewpew in Snap Ships Tactics! (has image) |
merchfan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, merchfan! (Today's storm count: 3)
Diabore: So is this gen z battleships?
kusinohki: meows
Diabore: Also very excited for subathon even though theres so much stuff i want to watch happening while im working, i cant neglect that as much as i can sleep
Dog_of_Myth: Made it just in time
Arnye1984 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Arnye1984! (Today's storm count: 4)
PharaohBender27: Pew pew pew!
Getter404: So is this what we're playing instead of X-Wing now
RockPusher: pew pew pew
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Despoiler98: foodvi2Mad foodvi2Mad foodvi2Mad forcefield forcefield
emberBecky: pew pew time
Despoiler98: I'
Despoiler98: I've seen this game it looks neat
QuixoticScrivener: space ships? SPACE SHIPS!
Getter404: It's like Aeronautica Imperialis, but with actual manufacturer support!
SaxPython: F-15s in Space.
thrythlind: I once explained to a newbie to RPGs at a convention that RPGs were like you playing makebelieve as a kid but with rules in place partially so the play doesn't get interrupted by people saying "uh uh you missed" "No I didn't, you missed!"
PigmyWurm subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PigmyWurm! (Today's storm count: 5)
thrythlind: so that intro was nostalgic
Diabore: Oh i know what the green table cloth is for, this will be great
CaptainEnder7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months, currently on a 128 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CaptainEnder7! (Today's storm count: 6)
thrythlind: then I added "And also occasionally you roll an arbitrarily good number and get to go 'ooooo'"
thrythlind: Later in the game she got a nat 20 and went "oooooo" and the table erupted into "one of us one of us"
bobokiddo: blood bowl when?
Getter404: Battletech with Alpha Strike rules is *somewhat* speedy
cmdrud87: cool tchnology!
Despoiler98: gandHmm gandHmm
PharaohBender27: :O
Juliamon: eyyyy!
airylan: ooo that's fancy
superdude097: OoOoOo!
Despoiler98: gandD gandD gandD gandD gandS gandS gandS YO WE"RE IN SPACE
TheAwkes: #ProductionValue
Dog_of_Myth: cool technology
spinebustertee: that RULES
ShaneLeeAtk: Sick!
Gekyouryuu: IMPORTANT NOTE: do not snap your ships. it will likely take much glue to fix, if possible
tehfewl: Hey thats pretty good .wav
AMuseOfFirebane: Tim Curry voice, SPAAACE
kusinohki: I will once again request space alert and Sentinels of the Multiverse. I honestly think the LRR crew would have a blast with either
iiieye: What was the ship based 40k called again?
kusinohki: battlefleet gothic??
iiieye: Yes thank you
Despoiler98: Dropfleet Commander is the spiritual successor to Battlefleet Gothic, developed by the same guy after he left
Dog_of_Myth: The Klaw!
Gekyouryuu: @kusinohki a friend of mine, the GM at my LGS, LOVES Sentinels, and will play it with people at any given opportunity. I always have a blast playing Absolute Zero
hiFunko: Roll 3+ to Punch it, Chewie
Laserbeaks_Fury: I'll GET YOU NEXT TIME, GADGET
QuixoticScrivener: Need more Vespeen Gas!
RatherLargeToad: Praise Cube
kusinohki: AZ is one of my faves from enhanced edition. very glad he got buffed a little for definiative
thrythlind: @Gekyouryuu @kusinohki I've suggested this a few times... I keep hoping that Definitive Edition will get a digital edition
RockPusher: Ramming Speed!
BorealMage: Oh, Ben's ship is just a Battlebot
thrythlind: I've been playing a lot of solo Sentinels and would love to play with my Australian friends
kusinohki: Handelabra (enhanced edition video game devs) have announced they're are going to do definiative edition, but I haven't seen anything resembling a timeline sadly
thrythlind: le sad
iiieye: @borealmage cpt shredderator
betweenmyself: Computer, locate Commander Ben! “Commander Ben is not aboard the Scarab KLAW Interceptor.” *dramatic music swells* TO BE CONTINUED…
definenull: wowee wawa what is this overlay?!?
Juliamon: the latest in Paul tech
Juliamon: or I guess Nifty Tech
117 raiders from benjamin_wheeler have joined!
RatherLargeToad: You have to move it move it
Dog_of_Myth: Heya Raiders
HiCallMeRusty: wheelerY wheelerH
Juliamon: Rodeo raiders! Welcome!
Sage0fMadness: wheelerOok wheelerOok wheelerOok wheelerOok
Sibwow: oh my god its in space
YeetTheRich_: wheelerBrat wheelerBrat wheelerBrat
PipeSmokingOwl: 🥕
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, raiders, and behold COOL TECHNOLOGY
Pywodwagon: this looks like x-wing
YeetTheRich_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YeetTheRich_! (Today's storm count: 7)
kusinohki: looking forward to the fire arcs used in the xwing game...
hd_dabnado subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hd_dabnado! (Today's storm count: 8)
BrowneePoints: Cam looks quite Dapper in that outfit. Like a More Suave, less evil Belloq!
tehfewl: wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat
Gekyouryuu: I heard "Thrus-" and my brain autocompleted that in a very different way.
Gekyouryuu: the internet has poisoned me. >.>
AttackCowboy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
AttackCowboy: wheelerY wheelerH
Phazon_Kiwi: Seeing this just makes me sad about X-Wing o7
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AttackCowboy! (Today's storm count: 9)
TheNerdWonder subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheNerdWonder! (Today's storm count: 10)
BorealMage: This game seems sweet
serramarkov: 167 stitches cast on, let me not drop a stitch and get this baby blanket knit!
betweenmyself: Cool background effect… So much for my expertly detailed fleet of lime green ships. *cries in the corner*
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL how's the music volume?
kusinohki: just call them 'stealth ships'
betweenmyself: @loadingreadyrun sounds fine to me
BorealMage: @betweenmyself They've got cloaking devices
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Whoa! 🤯. What's this play surface about?
Gekyouryuu: Itano
Getter404: Itano
BrowneePoints: Itano Circus ye
ElektroTal: Dude, Macross is literally my favorite anime
Gekyouryuu: *tips fedora* M'Robotech
Gekyouryuu: Kappa
putz12a: Macross Missile Massacre
BrowneePoints: that thing where the missiles go FASHOOO and the Ship/Mech narrowly avoids them
couchboyj: Entire ship is missile
LordZarano: The 0 gravity equivalent of chest high walls
ElektroTal: i will talk macross and robotech for unbelievably long stretches of time
PharaohBender27: Never seen Macross, but I know it has a banger theme song
Shadowsoflife: o/
BrowneePoints: Put THAT in your Chassis and smoke it!
Gekyouryuu: @PharaohBender27 I've actually seen very little Macross, but I HAVE seen the english dub of Macross+ where the main character is played by Brian Cranston
red_shoes_jeff: We do?
Meyari: it must be very quiet?
betweenmyself: it seemed more audible a minute ago when Paul asked, think it got to a quieter portion of the track?
ElektroTal: macross plus is phenomenal. the best short story in anime.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Is the play surface a green screen type effect, or is there an electronic surface in the studio?
hiFunko: Love the green screen table effect, that's classy
Dog_of_Myth: It is a green screen
James_LRR: we’re classy as fuck
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Ty
betweenmyself: @thedepthandbreadthofseth green screen, should be able to see it in the wide shot at the bottom of the screen
PharaohBender27: @Gekyouryuu Huh, never realized Cranston did anime dubs. TIL.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Ahh, ty @betweenmyself . Had to turn my phone. 😅
UWDJohn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
Gekyouryuu: @PharaohBender27 I don't know how many he's done, but he was Isamu in Macross+, Fei Long in an older Street Fighter animated movie, and did voice work for monsters in Power Rangers (it's why Billy, the Blue Ranger's last name is Cranston)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UWDJohn! (Today's storm count: 11)
thrythlind: it's really cool
hiFunko: Time to bust out those 90s Warhammer skills of surreptitiously holding the measuring tools up to the table to sight in the ranges
Gekyouryuu: @ElektroTal I can agree with this. for sure Sharon Apple has to have been influential to some degree, also, yes?
Metric_Furlong: looks like a fish, moves like a fish, steers like a cow
PigmyWurm: you can do the flip from BSG
Gekyouryuu: @Metric_Furlong "she's built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro"
Chesul: Oh cool, just noticed that Cams missiles can't be fired if the enemy is too close.
thrythlind: the number of zero pilots that apparently mistook the Hellcat for its predecessor and got killed trying tricks that didn't work anymore
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL This overlay is not perfect system, but hopefully it will work for the stream tonight. If this becomes a regular thing, I have ideas for how it could be nicer :p
couchboyj: I assume this green screen tech will be useful for more than just this stream.
thrythlind: also the number of times apparently that Zero pilots decided to take their mostly unarmored armed stunt planes and go jousting with a flying tank
coggy9 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, coggy9! (Today's storm count: 12)
WitchyTQ: the way i wanna run in there and slam my tattoos down to see if they turn into space
BrowneePoints: Activate your WHAT
Gekyouryuu: hey, TQ
red_shoes_jeff: TOS?
NonUniqueGuy: I need an adult
PharaohBender27: @WitchyTQ tqsLOL
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @witchytq 🤣🤣
BrowneePoints: @WitchyTQ you're a child of stardust, so technically they already ARE space benginFingers
betweenmyself: Magic of Gathering rules, gotta tap that cockpit to activate it pennyWhat
thrythlind: @WitchyTQ go for it
WitchyTQ: @thrythlind absolutely not thats rude af
thrythlind: sorry, was trying to participate in the joke
Metric_Furlong: gotta be careful about someone getting fully behind active you've activated your cockpit
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I think that depends where said tattoo is located.
WitchyTQ: i was saying it more jokingly dont worry
thrythlind: althavThumbsup althavThumbsup
thrythlind: ugg... why two emojis?
DeM0nFiRe: lrrFINE
Gekyouryuu: @thrythlind it thinks you're The Fonz?
red_shoes_jeff: @thrythlind One for each hand?
PharaohBender27: Man, you can even see the contrail of those missiles in space! Kappa
hiFunko: oh you actually place missiles, that's wild
dumbo3k: Fire ze Missiles!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Only 4? Anything less than 400 is so mundane
thrythlind: "I'm gonna blow myself up! Don't blow yourself up! I'm gonna blow myself up! Don't blow yourself up! I'm gonna blow myself up! Don't blow yourself up! MISSILES!"
jedi_master_zll subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jedi_master_zll! (Today's storm count: 13)
Gekyouryuu: huh... it just occurred to me, the big symbols on the left of Ben and Cam's nameplates on the bottom of the screen look a bit like the eye parts of modern Kamen Rider masks. in particular, Cam's reminds me of Cross-Z:
BrowneePoints: Venting? Pretty Sus
Gekyouryuu: @dumbo3k "but I am le tired"
betweenmyself: good thing I don’t run streams like this, or the game would constantly be interrupted by clips of Darth Vader from the Star Wars VHS board game riffYeti
betweenmyself: projected onto the green screen backdrop of course
adept_nekomancer: If only those missiles knew where they weren't
betweenmyself: tactile nubbins are a key part of solid game design after all
PharaohBender27: Ah, the old' reacharound tactic Kappa
PharaohBender27: Reacharound cancelled
betweenmyself: telescoping stands. cool beans
dumbo3k: @LoadingReadyRun The top down view looks really good! lrrAWESOME
adept_nekomancer: Use the boost to get through!
betweenmyself: Do a Barrel Roll! riffHurrHurr
definenull: up the butt it goes!
LordZarano: It's a crazy Ivan
Twilight_Spark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
Twilight_Spark: 41 is a twin prime! 8)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Twilight_Spark! (Today's storm count: 14)
BorealMage: What happens if you accidentally move off the board?
letfireraindown: @dumbo3k I absolutely agree with the top down green screen working well
TehAmelie: is it just me who thinks "maneuver" should have an O in it?
Earthenone: that or manUwUver
Darleysam: manoueverboard
PharaohBender27: @TehAmelie I think the British spelling either has or had an o, maybe?
Darleysam: @PharaohBender27 google confirms 'manoeuvre' is the UK spelling which, even as a stickler for UK spellings, feels like a lot
thrythlind: hmm, will they come back with different ship designs?
TehAmelie: My name is Truce. Truce Bullet
annoyedandconfused subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
annoyedandconfused: howdy howdy! how goes the naval engagement?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, annoyedandconfused! (Today's storm count: 15)
Dog_of_Myth: @thrythlind Looking at their website, there are 4 other ships
TehAmelie: there's a joke about navel gazing in here
betweenmyself: @darleysam I assume it’s designed with additional vowels to carry the load in case one should suffer a catastrophic failure
thrythlind: @Dog_of_Myth neat
TehAmelie: did you know? US English spelling standards were based on saving newspapers ink
betweenmyself: @tehamelie and to think how much ink they could have saved by just inventing the internet several decades earlier BibleThump
TehAmelie: ain't nobody got money to print all them "U"s, they said
PharaohBender27: @TehAmelie Well that and Noah Webster wanting to make US English distinct
betweenmyself: RIP mewspapers
Darleysam: @betweenmyself always factor redundancy into your spelling
betweenmyself: *or newspapers, if that floats your boat
letfireraindown: lrrHERE lrrCAMERON
I_Am_Clockwork: Cheer10000 Yay I was able to catch some new mini goodness live :)
betweenmyself: @darleysam enough letters to prop up a sinking Titanic. “Hubris”? No my dear fellow, it’s now spelt “Heoabryys”
LoadingReadyRun: lrrAWESOME thanks for the bits @I_Am_Clockwork
TehAmelie: i always like a get out and push your spaceship joke
gualdhar: I missed the first bit, what's the lore on these ships? Is Ben a creepy crawler again?
Akaiatana: @gualdhar No lore, only fight
Akaiatana: (presented)
gualdhar: well, Mantis laser sounds an awful lot like insectoids, so it's brand-adjacent at least
thrythlind: I watching this as the chill music from Spirit City plays
Jillexie: Missile factory on board
Julian_Rogue: but I'm le tired
Athelgar: "Zen FIRE ZA MISSILES!"
mercano82: Too close for missiles, switching to guns. Talk to me, Goose
I_Am_Clockwork: "Luke, you've turned off your targeting computer... What's Wrong?"
Twilight_Spark: Big Lie bracket hours.
Julian_Rogue: Pull in the mirrors!
thrythlind: the fins had to maneuver in order to be used ^_^
Julian_Rogue: So is this on a TV or is it a green mat?
Dog_of_Myth: Green screen
red_shoes_jeff: Green mat
micalovits: Green mat, you can sorta see it on the buttom
Julian_Rogue: Oh yea I see what ya mean I just wasn't fully paying attention
micalovits: As always, Paul is an overlay wizard
Julian_Rogue: wouldn't this be an underlay Kappa
KeytarCat: That'sa why it required wizardry!
LoadingReadyRun: The moving stars in the background kind of mess it up, but it would be cool to take a screenshot of this vod after every move and make a timelapse of the ships maneuvering around eachother
Juliamon: if they were playing on a screen the camera would not treat it well, it'd look awful
niccus: is the background an exact loop? you might be able to lapse it still
Juliamon: see also: any time we've seen the life tracker ipads on screen
letfireraindown: The time lapse idea still sounds great
FITorion subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 113 months!
FITorion: blast em
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FITorion! (Today's storm count: 16)
Jillexie: Damn the torpedos full speed ahead.
Gascitygaming: love the slurpee bet
Gascitygaming: does it also cover frostees? :P
voslan: an X-Wingesk game without being X-Wing? hecken yeah
micalovits: Now kiss!
betweenmyself: *cue Babylon 5 dialogue about telling which side lost a ship by the color of the on-board atmosphere’s combustion*
FITorion: flies through the explosion
MacbethSeemsSus: And so Cameron gets the space parking spot.
Getter404: 2 v 2?
Lord_Hosk: If you want more things active you would love X-wing
LoadingReadyRun: @niccus the background *is* a ~15sec loop so doing the timelapse while keeping the background moving properly would be theoretically possible
red_shoes_jeff: jlrrBreak
Jobot180 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jobot180! (Today's storm count: 17)
couchboyj: DinoDance
Juliamon: subathon hype!
betweenmyself: Subathon part deux next week, eh?
Laserbeaks_Fury: So are the ships modular? Do they sell booster packs?
KeytarCat: @Laserbeaks_Fury ...was that a pun?
Laserbeaks_Fury: I didn't walk away from it, no
spo8n: the table is green, not space?
Obos_TAB: Almost bought all the Star Wars Armada at my local store today
BigDaddyBland87: @spo8n right? I feel lied to
Heckhoundbolt: hold up, you can alter the physical models?!
Juliamon: That's the 'snap' part of the name.
Obos_TAB: Seeing how this game has progressed over time has been neat
Gekyouryuu: I imagine that's where the snap comes fro-
Gekyouryuu: yeah, that
spo8n: nails grow back!
KeytarCat: @Heckhoundbolt That's the unique selling point! This is such a cool game, I'm glad they're doing the build for round 2 on stream
Laserbeaks_Fury: Anyone remember Centurions?
Blakemcm: all missles then melee weapons. is how i try to build any ship or gundam
Gekyouryuu: so long as you have the base and the cards, who's to say that your star fighter is not, in fact, the Millenium Falcon, or an Mobile Suit Gundam?
QuixoticScrivener: I sthere a points system for custom builds?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Man, remember making busted as hell Mechs for Battletech?
mmmbop1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mmmbop1! (Today's storm count: 18)
LadyDesco subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LadyDesco! (Today's storm count: 19)
Laserbeaks_Fury: If they don't sell Greeble Pack,s they leaving money on the table
PharaohBender27: :D
aerohydra: isnt this supposed to happen next week?
Halinn: Stop talking and nobody bricksplodes
hiFunko: I think owning lego is what keeps James working there, gotta feed the habit
voren_chalco: How much would drafting parts from a shared pool break setup?
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
betweenmyself: building Snap Ship Tactics via walkie-talkie instructions from the other room riffThink
Halinn: @betweenmyself And then the two people who were relaying instructions on how to build have to play based on instructions via walkie-talkie
kodalith: So like. Does each part have a points cost or something?
raulghoulia: TBD Studio A Segment is my favorite LRR show.
BorealMage: How heavy are they?
Blakemcm: always a nice scifi touch
Laserbeaks_Fury: Zero Mass Torpedo
hiFunko: It's a sweaty world, and we just build in it
KeytarCat: @kodalith Looks like it's part requirements. Under the stats on the chasis card. Cam has 3 free spots
KeytarCat: *and three required parts
Juliamon: You can see better images of the cards here:
KeytarCat: ModLove
kodalith: @keytarcat ahhhh ok. I understand I think. Seems really neat!!
hiFunko: All the best ships have sideboards
kodalith: Kinda yeah!
kodalith: Or a White Star?
voslan: You should, BB5 first four seasons are amazing
thrythlind: I've been watching JenLRossman do their first watchthrough of it and live-tweet it
voslan: don't watch season 5
omdorastrix: Reebo and Zooty are my favourite
thrythlind: watching someone else experience it for the first time is amazing
KeytarCat: @voslan Oh good, that's when I fell off!
kodalith: Zoot zoot
KWardJenx: Yes, looks more like a White Star to me. One of the Rangers' ships.
thrythlind: Season 5 is fine
RatherLargeToad: Zooty! Zoot Zoot!
omdorastrix: I hear R&Z are planning to make a game... Wasteland Whitestar
betweenmyself: how does the Kumite episode rank? riffThink
omdorastrix: You have to get the whitestar between earth and minbar and the ship pulls to the right
Bruceski: It's a TV series with a planned 5-year arc that (almost) stuck to the plan and ended when it wanted to. They rushed season 4 thinking they were gonna get cancelled, then didn't.
thrythlind: it's just not as thoroughly tied in as the previous seasons because they were originally told they wouldn't get a 5th season and so they finished the story in season 4
thrythlind: but there's lots of good season 5 episodes
thrythlind: seasons 2-4 are top tier, season 1 and 5 are still better than most shows
QuixoticScrivener: like a speedo jammer, but with more scarab claws
RatherLargeToad: @bruceski They actually did get cancelled after season 4, but the show got rescued by a cable station so they had to come up with new plot for season 5
kodalith: It has a ton of setup for all the other in universe stuff. Novels etc
Laserbeaks_Fury: I'm telling you: Greeble Packs
Laserbeaks_Fury: Easy money
Athelgar: id bet that there could be some cool homebrew stuff made with a 3d printer
KeytarCat: strafing in space good
kodalith: Oooo yeah....
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's funny, ships in Starfields are basically just a bunch of modules you slap together, and when you blow up an enemy ship, it just randomly breaks up the modules
Electrodyne subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Electrodyne: 57? That's almost 69! Not really but it's fun to think about
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Electrodyne! (Today's storm count: 20)
red_shoes_jeff: Catch the rest after work. See you in the VOD!
Laserbeaks_Fury: is it always 6 modules?
KeytarCat: have good work!
kodalith: So I assume the game is always 1 v 1?
thrythlind: @Laserbeaks_Fury so, like in FTL?
KeytarCat: @Laserbeaks_Fury At least one has 8
Laserbeaks_Fury: Would be multiplayer version be called a Wing Commander?
kodalith: @laserbeaks_fury gods I HOPE so lol
serramarkov: 2 rows done! So far, successful restart!
Laserbeaks_Fury: ohh Sideslipping
Juliamon: kodalith Apparently you can play with as many players as you have models
kodalith: @juliamon but 1 model per player?
KeytarCat: Long Game of one 6-player game
Juliamon: I assume you could run multiples but it would be annoying trying to keep track of everything.
kodalith: Fair enough
RassilonDND subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RassilonDND! (Today's storm count: 21)
Juliamon: Looking through the rulebook it does appear to be permitted to run multiple ships
Lord_Hosk: Ben, I highly recommend you do all the damage to Cameron's ship before he can do all the damage to you.
LoadingReadyRun: The rule book has scenarios and setups for multiple ships and AI controlled ships
Lord_Hosk: Cameron, I highly recommend you do all the damage to Ben's ship before he can do all the damage to you.
Juliamon: Questionable advice from Hosk as usual
Electrodyne: Sweet playmat
Lord_Hosk: Im helping
RockPusher: Lord_Hosk is a strategic genius!
josh___something: hello gamers!, wait Ben is VENTING?! Sus
KeytarCat: When I was playing my most recent space battler video game (Angels Fall First) I took mines and heavy missiles and played "defend the point". I got really good at finding good mine points
SoldieroFortune: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:59:49.
Electrodyne: I believe that when you open up with both barrels you must state "STAAAAND AND DELIVUH"
QuixoticScrivener: @Electrodyne I'm a firen' mah lazer!
KeytarCat: Oh, I thought we were talking at space scale, where an inch move in game is more like a mile
KeytarCat: bonk
jamesinor: Then you have to exchange insurance
I_Am_Clockwork: ass blasting
KeytarCat: Are the dice 0-8 and a crit?
serramarkov: Blassting.
thrythlind: did the missile get destroyed I may have missed it
LoadingReadyRun: @KeytarCat yes, d10 with 0 as miss and 9 as crit
KeytarCat: ty!
KeytarCat: Can you use a module on the same turn you repair it?
josh___something: Svengin impact
Twilight_Spark: I swear svengeance for what was done to my family.
Electrodyne: Would you like to svenge on a star, carry moonbeams home in a jar
serramarkov: I'm so happy to hear Ben speak positively about himself! I want to hear more people do that!! lrrAWESOME
kodalith: So are these meant to be like Fighters or Capital ships?
thrythlind: I believe in you Ben!
thrythlind: I believe in you Cam!
couchboyj: The ZTM Eleventy Three Heavy Missiles, put sone respect on the name
Gekyouryuu: @thrythlind now you're reminding me of a great pic I saw of someone in a shirt that says "I believe in you! I also believe in Bigfoot, so don't get too excited."
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL I've been playing Marvel Midnight Suns at home recently. The tactical combat and card actions in this kinda makes me want to play this as a video game
BorealMage: I've heard Midnight Suns is a pretty good SRPG
Gekyouryuu: Strategy RPG?
BorealMage: Yeh
Orxolon: good evening every1
Cptasparagus: Sous Vide
thrythlind: @Gekyouryuu I just reminded myself of a game of Illuminati where my sister and brother had a fierce bidding war over a group to influence and I was occasionally adding money to one side or the other... eventually my brother froze in the middle of placing another money unit, stared at the pile of money I'd poked him and our sister into spending... and said "Discordians"
Orxolon: WHAT IS THIS!?looks so cool
LoadingReadyRun: Cori did a Play it Forward of Midnight Suns a while ago
Dog_of_Myth: Snap Ship Tactics
BorealMage: Oh, I totally missed that! I'll have to check it out.
thrythlind: @LoadingReadyRun I need to watch that... I love Midnight Suns
Orxolon: somebody kindly enough to give me a quick "wtf is happening"?
Dog_of_Myth: Snap Ships Tactics @Orxolon
thrythlind: @Orxolon spaceship dogfights... Cam is rolling fire
Dog_of_Myth: Ship fights in space @Orxolon
Orxolon: great,thanks
BorealMage: Some Char Aznable shenanigans
MTGRanger: what currency is Ben spending to re-roll?
Orxolon: activate the wings!
thrythlind: @MTGRanger I think it has something to do with the missile module he added to his ship?
MTGRanger: @thrythlind interesting!
LoadingReadyRun: @MTGRanger it's a pasive ability of his cassis
thrythlind: last round Cam had a missile launcher that did 4 smaller missiles
Orxolon: i love this type of games,only know the star wars one
Orxolon: the stats at the bottom are victory points?
thrythlind: the fun thing is the ships are modular models... like lego builds... so you can take different loadouts and builds with each chassis depending on what modules you add
KeytarCat: Life and Evasion
Orxolon: cool,thanks
Orxolon: i think i'm catching up
Orxolon: he said XD
KeytarCat: The included tracker counts health and evasion with three disc trackers. I'm reading the manual, btw
thrythlind: interestingly, that's what Ben is trying to do @Orxolon
jacqui_lantern234: OH LOOK!!! its a stellar group of beautiful friends whomst i love and value beyond measure!!!!!!!!! <3
Orxolon: heeeyyoooo
KeytarCat: Hewwo!
Ohpea subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
Ohpea: the play field animation is bringing major joy!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ohpea! (Today's storm count: 22)
Orxolon: i LOVE the playing field
KeytarCat: So how is it, playing on a chroma-green table?
Orxolon: @KeytarCat looks like it?
jacqui_lantern234: @Ohpea please, Major Joy was my mother. just call me Nurse Kappa
Electrodyne: New playmat at store dot loadingreadyrun dot com
KeytarCat: Oh, I was asking how the players felt about their playmat
Orxolon: let's bring the Gundams XD
Orxolon: @KeytarCat oh,sorry if it came through as derogatory,i meant like:looks like it...question mark(cause idk)
KeytarCat: Gundam, but a la Gurren Laggan, so you just use two chasis (chases? Chasises?) and two loadouts
Orxolon: Drill!
KeytarCat: @Orxolon we cool 😊
Orxolon: @KeytarCat great!
Orxolon: they are checking with d12s?
KeytarCat: D10, from 0 to 9 (blank, 1-8, crit)
Orxolon: cool,thanks again
KeytarCat: yeh
KeytarCat: it's why I'm in chat :P
Orxolon: is it?
Orxolon: hahahaha
BorealMage: collision only cares about final position, yeah
KeytarCat: I'm a helper!
Orxolon: <3
Orxolon: !lurk
Halinn: Have a good night, folks
MacbethSeemsSus: Don't bring your autocannon on the first date.
KeytarCat: Night!
thrythlind: a like the thematic narrative of luring a missile into debris
jacqui_lantern234: @MacbethSeemsSus ask for consent before sharing your cockpit Kappa
Orxolon: Navigation deck:Allto stribor!
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL I feel like an astronaut in space saying "I think have miscalculated this" is a very bad situation
Orxolon: Shoot! Captain,we missed oh oh
Orxolon: @LoadingReadyRun exactly
thrythlind: stay behind him Ben!
Orxolon: talking about cannons,oops is another thing you don't want to hear XD
Orxolon: and i will send wave after wave of my men
QuixoticScrivener: Zap is referencing the Bistromath when piloting the ship in Futurama.
thrythlind: Activate the Deathblossom!
KeytarCat: @QuixoticScrivener That makes sense now that I know it
KeytarCat: thank
Orxolon: as you know the key of victory is the elemnt of surpise
Orxolon: surprise!
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeTrainn
Orxolon: and one falls when the sword is sheated
Gekyouryuu: fun fact: that scene of two swords crossing, a beat, and then a MASSIVE blood explosion was due to an sfx malfunction
Orxolon: @Gekyouryuu tell me more
KeytarCat: Now I want a samurai game where the objective is to get mutual destruction with the highest combo
Gekyouryuu: @Orxolon the person in charge accidentally overpumped the blood sprayer, worried it wouldn't show up well, but it backed up and was delayed on release, then released way too much. they thought for sure they'd failed and Kurosawa would be mad, but he just nodded in approval.
hiFunko: every game should have a ticking missile clock
Orxolon: @Gekyouryuu wooow,cool
Gekyouryuu: so a moment that is iconic and referenced in damn near everything was an accident salvaged by actors staying in character
Orxolon: true proffesionals
KeytarCat: @Gekyouryuu Love me a man who can recognize cool shit
micalovits: Helps that no one knew how much was supposed to come out, so it was totally all planned
Orxolon: @KeytarCat i didn't say Rad yet XD
Orxolon: @micalovits hahaha,right,i can imagine that,like:cool!it's a wrap
thrythlind: very cinematic
PharaohBender27: sharkf11CLAP
KeytarCat: That was really cool
Orxolon: gg
Twilight_Spark: How dare you imply America is less than honorable.
Gekyouryuu: @hiFunko that's just reminding me, I rewatched a review video of Endless Space 2 today, and a System Destroyer fires a massive shot into a sun to turn it into a red giant and destroy a system... but it takes several turns for the shot to get there, so you just see it slowly crossing the map
KeytarCat: @Twilight_Spark Yeah, it's time to be explicit about it! :P
Twilight_Spark: Fire zhe missiles!
Gekyouryuu: @Twilight_Spark but I am le tired
Twilight_Spark: Oh alright
KeytarCat: A system that makes it easy to look cool is fun
micalovits: But Cam, thats what 3d printing is for
compactdisco: 3d printing is your friend
I_Am_Clockwork: yes please
Twilight_Spark: What's the Long Game running anyway?
PharaohBender27: Cheer690
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (18:03 from now).
Orxolon: MH3?
Orxolon: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: an unlimited number of bones
KeytarCat: @Twilight_Spark The rumor is Ticket to Ride?
TheAinMAP: katesSteer
KeytarCat: !findquote bones
LRRbot: Quote #7967: "I'm not the Bone Lord, but I bet I could bone once or twice." —Wheeler [2022-02-13]
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Twilight_Spark: Smh degenerates who are into Mbison
Orxolon: i want Elena!
Orxolon: the post malone one?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Four rings to rule them all...
thrythlind: so cool
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Profs done it twice!
Orxolon: i think that if he plays his all other rings are exiled as well XD
Mattmitchell45: AWESOME!
Gekyouryuu: they had a Gameboy version of the TCG
Orxolon: very cool game
Orxolon: the gba
Mattmitchell45: This one never came to the US
Juliamon: This is the Game Boy Japan-only sequel
Mattmitchell45: yeeeee
PharaohBender27: sharkf11SHARK
Cptasparagus: When's the domathon?
Orxolon: subathon is next week?
PharaohBender27: There have been SO many suggestions :D
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Dog_of_Myth: lrrCrab
KeytarCat: lrrCrab
PharaohBender27: I just hope the MonikLRRs bit happens after I come back from work :p
KeytarCat: gdqCrab
TheAinMAP: lrrCrab
DeM0nFiRe: lrrCrab
KWardJenx: Thanks so much for this stream. Was a lot of fun.
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeBits guyjudgeBits guyjudgeBits
I_Am_Clockwork: I'm a helper
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE
Orxolon: thank YOU for the stream!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Orxolon: aaaaaawwwwwwwwww
ghyllnox: Bunnies!
ghyllnox: Aww :(
I_Am_Clockwork: ornery buns
gualdhar: lewd
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
KeytarCat: I am also irritable in the heat!
Juliamon: The baby buns next door to me grew up and left :(
Orxolon: g night
PharaohBender27: Today was slightly better in Portland, forecast to be better tomorrow
omdorastrix: In, flip, in, flip, in (USB is 4D)
ghyllnox: Angy bunnies are also cute tho
Juliamon: (my neighbors spend most of their time out of state so their yard grows wild, buns have started nesting in it)
Phailhammer: cya :)
PharaohBender27: Then again Portland temps have probably been "Oh FUCK no" temps for Victoria residents
I_Am_Clockwork: laters skaters
Electrodyne: Byeeee
Orxolon: row row your boat gently down the stream
Orxolon: merrily merrily merrily life is bout a dream