AngelicKnighthood: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a very glossy jpeg of a goat
AngelicKnighthood: *Goes to give Matt a gift*
Juliamon: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
AngelicKnighthood: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Snouut: DinoDance
EvilBadman: uh oh drafties
hurricanealpaca subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
hurricanealpaca: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hurricanealpaca! (Today's storm count: 1)
Gekyouryuu: Off topic, but I need to share with people who might appreciate it: I just pulled off 13 orphans in Mahjong Soul
FPNY41: Woo Drafts!
AngelicKnighthood: Nice
djalternative: woo drafts!
Juliamon: lrrBartleby
FPNY41 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
FPNY41: Looking forward to Bloomburrow!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FPNY41! (Today's storm count: 2)
AngelicKnighthood: Sound doko? or is it just me?
EvilBadman: @Gekyouryuu Yeah but what was your hand
ramonaviking subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ramonaviking! (Today's storm count: 3)
PrancingMad: Will LRR be doing a Bloomburrow PPR?
Juliamon: can't tell, a/c's running
Juliamon: PrancingMad No news yet
Gekyouryuu: @evilbadman all simples Kappa
Foxmar320: Hello
ExtraWubs: @AngelicKnighthood sound seems off
ExtraWubs: not playing here
Foxmar320: Yeah, no audio
Foxmar320: Im sure G will fix it
azndragon257 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, azndragon257! (Today's storm count: 4)
Foxmar320: There it is
djalternative: I think Kathleen mentioned a PPR last week on LRRMTG
Garfman314: yay! audio
LoadingReadyRun: lol
AngelicKnighthood: There we go.
RayFK: Uh ohhhhhh, draaaaaaaftiiiiieeeees
Foxmar320: I said he would fix it lol
paronomasiac042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, paronomasiac042! (Today's storm count: 5)
ConspiracyOfCartographers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ConspiracyOfCartographers! (Today's storm count: 6)
Foxmar320: Hey Graham hows it going
EvilBadman: @djalternative Like AEW I don't believe anything til I see a graphic Kappa
tsp397: What up lurmtuggers!
Snouut: hey graham, have you done the ungamer thing and touched the grass yet?
DideRobot: LRR: Graham is drafting MH3 all by his lonesome, join him won't you? It's LRRMTG! | |
korvys: It's this green stuff that grows outside, but that's not important right now
NornsFelidar: Hey hey!
djalternative: no. outside is where the hot is
djalternative: avoid the hot
Foxmar320: Buttons!
Flyingdelorion: Hello Graham and chat, greetings from the Netherlands!
gluonquark: Hi :) do you guys have a spoiler for bloomburrow?
RayFK: Elden Ring is grass
Snouut: managed to visit the mox boarding house in Seattle on the weekend and drafted, was a dope experience!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: So, now you've waved goodbye to the heat?
satyropodobny: the heat wave died, long live the heat wave
RecklawGaming: the planeswalker reskins for bloomburrow are really cute
laikagoat: wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey
gluonquark: Yay ppr!
couchboyj: The return of full fledged PPR! lrrSIG
Foxmar320: lol
niccus: oh god they're rotating
Brozard: What a carousel
CrossXhunteR: the colored D6s y'all use with the numbers on them look nice. are they anything special? was thinking about grabbing the bloomburrow starter kit and was thinking about grabbing some dice as well
Mishapp53: Very Rotaty
raulghoulia: that's praxis
sporkraptor: it's a carousel of cards!
Snouut: yayyy a carousel of magic sets!
RecklawGaming: oh rotation time! is this the first one since they changed the timeframe?
gluonquark: Very rotation! Much around
djalternative: Another question that came up in the discord that'd probably be best for G to answer out loud: "The PPR isn't the MTG part of the subathon, right?"
MichaelSnowbird: Glad wizards realized the value.
Foxmar320: Egg!
sporkraptor: eggggg
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Egg!
Foxmar320: foxmarEG
Snouut: oueuf
djalternative: starter decks
couchboyj: The LRR crew are my favorites anyway, so works for me!
Artificer_Evan: would love to see guests again
RecklawGaming: probably the new basic decks
korvys: The beginner decks
lightfut: Probably starter decks post rotating
Snouut: is this a communal mtg account or is this your personal account?
Garfman314: i'm currently working on felting my DB craft
NornsFelidar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NornsFelidar! (Today's storm count: 7)
RayFK: This deck bout to erupt
Snouut: how many wildcards does said business account have, thats a real flex
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Midweek Magic is a miserable pile of combos. I got half my wins today playing a deck of nothing but 1 & 2 mana artifact removal.
TimeToFry: Red black stuff and also Herigast is there
RayFK: I'm at 550 Common, 663 Uncommon, 50 Rare and 13 Mythic
djalternative: occasionally Serge uses it for gladiator and such, right?
Wiliart: You're a propper middle schooler now Graham with your consumption of a frikandelbroodje.
NornsFelidar: XY stuff is my favourite archetype
OldUncleDan: So my friends and I have been having a discussion about music. Is Rammstein generally considered an Industrial Metal band? Or do they just seem like an Industrial band because they are so aggressively German?
Snouut: the pixel secret lair lands are so sweet
Diabore: hello solo graham
seanmrwick: hey Graham, how's your thursday going? I finally got around to cracking open my assassin's creed packs
Spades_Slicc: wait, how does playsets get you gems from drafts?
Unas84: drafties!
seanmrwick: did you get the beyond packs and/or the bundle pack? I happened to grab both of them and got some of the cards I needed for limited and also one card for my commander deck
sporkraptor: ooo, conspiracy of cartographers, A+ Rosencrantz & Guildenstern reference!
djalternative: chaos goblin me wants you to cast breath your last on the scion token
Diabore: @Spades_Slicc rare is 20 gems, mythics are 40 gems
Diabore: if you already have 4
MilkInBags: if you're rich, you get richer
That1GuyBen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
That1GuyBen: resolving party thrasher and cranial ram seems pretty good
Diabore: ^
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, That1GuyBen! (Today's storm count: 8)
seanmrwick: btw, are the secret lair assassin's creed packs worth investing? asking as a collector
Wolfstrike_NL: #EatTheRich
undecided44: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 13:19.
Spades_Slicc: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:34:39. lrrSPOT
MilkInBags: nothing is worth investing, it's all a gamble, if you like the cards buy them, never expect to make money out of it
kristof162028 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
kristof162028: Good afternoon g how are you doing today
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kristof162028! (Today's storm count: 9)
Umandsf: Hello, everyone. Been away too long, but glad to see you keep on trucking on with what you do best.
Snouut: what's been your favourite part of MH3? I've gotta say the MDFC's are super sweet but Nadu is busted, especially in modern right now.
MilkInBags: there was another message graham
MilkInBags: all good
djalternative: we can our own rich world
sporkraptor: mazimixing playability
That1GuyBen: party thrasher is so deranged. still absolutely crushed by my sealed pool that went 4-0 that had it and laelia
OldUncleDan: I'm guessing this will be addressed in a near TTC episode; but is there going to be a "Bloomburrow" PPR?
djalternative: we can discuss cheese with or without graham
Juliamon: Addressed like 5 minutes ago, yes
That1GuyBen: did you know laelia doesn't care how cards are exiled from your library
ninja_theory_ashrams subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ninja_theory_ashrams! (Today's storm count: 10)
Diabore: !ppr
LRRbot: The Modern Horizons 3 PPR will be on 31 May 2024 at 10am PDT! More info:
seanmrwick: I think I may have found a way to maximize my Morksa, Undersea sleuth clues deck I'm nicknaming "mystery machine"
Juliamon: I haven't updated the command yet
Juliamon: again, it's been five minutes
TheWriterAleph subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
TheWriterAleph: nice+1
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheWriterAleph! (Today's storm count: 11)
Strebenherz: LRRbot had me very confused wondering "wait, is it may?" for a moment
Unas84: really enjoyed your story of getting a 'frikandelbroodje' at the Albert Heijn in Amsterdam from the podcast :D
Seth_Erickson: You can convoke still
Strebenherz: Brain is in msdos mode today
That1GuyBen: i think it's fine
Commander_Taz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months!
Commander_Taz: Hi Graham c:
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Commander_Taz! (Today's storm count: 12)
That1GuyBen: the thrasher is so good. also graham you look like you are slowly baking
Strebenherz: No not your fault. Thank you for stream
DAC169: it's Graham! aipOMG
Strebenherz: Also love the hippo icon
sporkraptor: perfect for doing an impromptu crack-a-pack of a German booster, eh? XD
Feriority subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Feriority: Eepy Graham stream
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Feriority! (Today's storm count: 13)
TurnedToFrog: Staying up late playing the Riven remake?
That1GuyBen: ooooooogh
djalternative: So, you watching any TV, Graham?
sporkraptor: "ve like it ven you mispronounce the vords"
That1GuyBen: depth defiler is such a beating
seanmrwick: also I was watching an older nicknames episode of TTC and I found a card that had a really good nickname. when you brought up the card "Appetite for the Unnatural" I came up with the nickname "appetite for destruction" in reference to Guns N Roses arguably best album
Spades_Slicc: !card depth def
LRRbot: Depth Defiler [3UU] | Creature — Eldrazi [3/5] | Devoid / Kicker {C} / When you cast this spell, choose one. If it was kicked, choose both instead. / • Return target creature to its owner's hand. / • Target player draws two cards, then discards a card.
mozes_rose_weary: tired Graham is my favourite character ☺️
Spades_Slicc: why didn't op bounce a token?
AngelicKnighthood: Will the Riven remake be a Play it Forward?
hammith: Iiiiit's Graham!
Snouut: if tired graham was a magic card, how much mana would it be?
bondeulv subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
bondeulv: evening! really enjoyed meeting you all in Amsterdam at the meet and greet and playing in the chaos event on saturday. Thanks for signing the cards for my boomer cube ^^
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bondeulv! (Today's storm count: 14)
renaissance_rat: hello graham how goes your thursday
sporkraptor: @Snouut and what color(s)
seanmrwick: I feel pretty proud of myself of thinking of the nickname as I was listening to the Kaladesh nicknames episode
Snouut: @sporkraptor can't forget the P/T as well?
renaissance_rat: anyone else joining the strim tonight or are you holding down the drafts tonight?
djalternative: Oh Graham, what are your and Paul's opinions on Golf games because I might have a suggestion for your undetermined Studio A stream
BorealMage: The DLC is very fun. Also, I kind of love/hate that the world map is not super useful.
EJGRgunner: I hope you don't mind a "are you making" question. But any chance you'll be making a rules video for Bloomburrow?
That1GuyBen: oh good lord
heropileofgifs: Graham you found any new music you've been enjoying lately?
hammith: Tired Graham - [1][G] - Creature - Human Comedian - Uncaffeinated (~ cannot attack or block unless has had caffeine this turn). [4][T]: Produce Comedy 1/1
Hansk_and_Boo: Bloomburrow is looking great! Any news on a potential release window for the inevitable Bloomburrow EDSC episode?
That1GuyBen: oh my GOD op please DIE
That1GuyBen: they refuse to stop playing spells
kristian_fischer: Don't you hate it when your opponent won't stop playing?
kristian_fischer: Hi G.
Snouut: what's been your favourite part of MH3? I've gotta say the MDFC's are super sweet but Nadu is busted, especially in modern right now.
Feriority: Wow, just swamped with lands
Garfman314: the offspring cards from bloomburrow are looking HORRIFYINGLY ADORABLE
TimeToFry: Which two cards?
Snouut: Nadu?
NornsFelidar: chrysalis
djalternative: which one's the other one
bondeulv: chrysalis and nadu?
Hansk_and_Boo: Are those cards Nadu and Writhing Chrysalis?
BrowneePoints: oh hey it’s that handsome guy with the big brain what makes the good funniez and puts a lot of kindness into the world browne26PearPride
bondeulv: I also dislike the random commander cards they threw in
renaissance_rat: nadu seems fine why do you say that Kappa
kristian_fischer: Stupid sexy Devourer of Destiny..
Diabore: gg both teams played hard
bondeulv: kalia, krrrik, etc
Snouut: nadu definitely not ruining the modern scene right now.
Bugberry: @bondeulv other than the legends, what are the other "commander cards"?
Hansk_and_Boo: CACAAWW
Snouut: apparently there's talks of making nadu and the one ring limited as in 1 card per deck.
hammith: You aren't at the pro tour, no one expects you to be 100% optimal.
hammith: Well no one we care about, anyway
AngelicKnighthood: Path of Annihilation seem like a good card in this format.
Sir_Louis: get temporarily shrunk!
seanmrwick: I was "at the pro tour" as an observer during Magic Con Chicago which by the way was my first pro tour I saw live
MilkInBags: gg shake my eldrazi tentacle
BrowneePoints: also gotta say Graham, so far Bloomburrow limited wise is shaping up to look like OG eldraine and giving Lorwyn vibes overall and I’m SO EXCITED
kdefinition subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kdefinition! (Today's storm count: 15)
bondeulv: @Bugberry I was thinking of the legends yeah
renaissance_rat: im big excited for dimir rats
hammith: Bloomburrow looks neat.
bondeulv: PPR next week, right?
Diabore: i hope ur is good, i love playing izzet
BorealMage: I'm excited for all the new toys for my Rat EDH deck
Diabore: @bondeulv oh god thats so soon
bondeulv: tried finding the graphic, but couldn't find it yet
FPNY41: I don't love the Offspring mechanic, I think there's too much potential for confusion (P/T, Mana Cost, not having the tokens you need during draft/sealed)
Hansk_and_Boo: New rat commanders, lots of squirrels... Only wish there were hamsters
nova_phanatic: Is there gonna be a PPR for BLB?
Garfman314: he said yes
kristian_fischer: All according to Keikaku
BrowneePoints: they will announce when they good and ready
renaissance_rat: BLB Drizzyy
Diabore: subathon things
BorealMage: It's a secwet
ninja_theory_ashrams: Soon™
kristian_fischer: Hopathon
korvys: Soon™
Foxmar320: Subathon?! First im hearing of this!
Hansk_and_Boo: Wild hamsters are hardcore AF, if you need some proof, go Google "Korenwolf"
djalternative: So you're saying it's going to start at like 5 in the morning?
EvilBadman: I loved Cameron's tweet, "Bloomburrow removal spells are going to land like a Voight-Kampff test"
bondeulv: subathon and ppr the same week?
zelukester: seems good to me
bennybartez: yeah. i'm fed up with piles also
kristian_fischer: You ever just think about Zoa?
bennybartez: wrong chat lol
DigitalSeahorse: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (27m ago).
djalternative: okay. I've got to hop on a last-minute call about a short film. promise to not lose while I'm gone?
Spades_Slicc: couldn't you have discarded herigast and victimized it back?
BorealMage: Speaking of gifts, I'm looking forward to that new BLB mechanic. "Here, have a Fish"
Garfman314: "hey, this fish is tapped!"
BorealMage: :)
seanmrwick: were you able to see any coverage of the Pro Tour while at MC Chicago?
Diabore: i dont think we want to discard our hand
Spades_Slicc: play mountain, spector, emerge from condor
bennybartez: ooh! imporved flashbag marauder?! i did not knwo that card
Spades_Slicc: Good Turn!
drewm1022: Your opp can't sac a token...but nor can you.
NovaTiempo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NovaTiempo! (Today's storm count: 16)
BorealMage: Pulls out the wooden cane
bondeulv: get condor and skoa?
Bugberry: You can just go face
DAC169: Skoa to face?
Mr_Horrible: Sko face? SMOrc
Mr_Horrible: a new twist on an old classic
bennybartez: victimize put 2 crts onto the battlefield for 3 mana?WOW
NovaTiempTwo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
NovaTiempTwo: Bonus brother's prime \o/
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NovaTiempTwo! (Today's storm count: 17)
drewm1022: They heard you.
Mr_Horrible: we all need goals, Graham
Phaers: you get to choose when the order of the two would resolve
Mr_Horrible: gotta stay hungry
Thisbymaster: win more card doesn't get cast if you win before
bondeulv: huh, questing phelddagriff as the victory graphic?
sporkraptor: I will never be able to hear "skoa" again without thinking of Cori's "what skoan on with you?" and that *expression* she made at Adam XD
drewm1022 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drewm1022! (Today's storm count: 18)
Pywodwagon: so you have skoa resolve first
Pywodwagon: so its target is dead before they choose what to sac
Diabore: @bondeulv its because thats our avatar
Feriority: You choose for marauder on resolution not when it goes on the stack
bondeulv: @Diabore that makes sense
NovaTiempo: Judge?
DAC169: Graham's Guide on Winning MH3 Draft: get Bloodsoaked Insight into your hand
ToddOnATangent subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
Pywodwagon: now, with auto order triggers on, if arena lets you do that is another story
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ToddOnATangent! (Today's storm count: 19)
Phaers: you did make me doubt what I said though
Wolfstrike_NL: You're Wrong? On The Internet?!?
Diabore: the eldrazi doing shennanigans on cast confuses
TimeToFry: Tired Graham is an entertaining Graham
Spades_Slicc: Graham is locking in
sporkraptor: the stakes have never been
renaissance_rat: they could also dome you
renaissance_rat: doink
Spades_Slicc: If it izzent generatorium i'm not sure what it izz(et)
ghizmou: they can make the car a creature too
renaissance_rat: come on and ram lets do the jam
Anubis169: Hellooooooooo G-Money
ghizmou: you have to get in some way or another
Bugberry: they got an engine for their enginge
MarkovDescendant: Man these Bloomburrow spoilers have been so amazing.
Bugberry: Rebirth is also an instant, so it can help as surprise removal.
Gekyouryuu: Question, if you're allowed to say: was anyone from LRR involved with creative text for bloomburrow?
renaissance_rat: call that marauder a christian cause its about to be reborn
MoxCubitZirconium subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
MoxCubitZirconium: Just got two new job offers and trying to be the best LSV I can be. Value! Cheers!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MoxCubitZirconium! (Today's storm count: 20)
aussz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 115 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aussz! (Today's storm count: 21)
renaissance_rat: i love genku so much hes my new eggs commander
Anubis169: as it so happens, i am literally 'darning it' right now, sock repairs :P
renaissance_rat: they wanted to pay more so they could draw
That1GuyBen: oh my computer overheated what'd i miss
MoxCubitZirconium: More $, longer commute… or a little less $$ but in town… torn. lrrAWESOME
renaissance_rat: remember they can instant speed pump for one with genku
Diabore: @MoxCubitZirconium will you make more with the far one than you will spend in gas?
MilkInBags: warmup
Anubis169: we'll fix it in post
renaissance_rat: genku do have a lot of words
Strebenherz: Fingers crossed
tsp397: I don't think we were winning that anyway
That1GuyBen: i'd rather be anything but warmed up in this weather but sure graham
Ukon_Cairns: genku, like most cards now, had more text apparently PrideShrug
That1GuyBen: chat i think mr streamer man is lying to me
Foxmar320: Graham is crushing it...
renaissance_rat: garbagest rare
bondeulv: which charge?
That1GuyBen: nothing! It does nothing
MilkInBags: it reads "2 mana, do nothing in limited"
That1GuyBen: i'm a fan of the kite or discharge
drewm1022: No. It doesn't do anything.
That1GuyBen: that kite kills people
bondeulv: conscription looks like fun
Strebenherz: That rare seems like something great for being very annoying in commander
Juliamon: disruptor escher3DOOT
radio414yesthatone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, radio414yesthatone! (Today's storm count: 22)
That1GuyBen: mythic common
MoxCubitZirconium: @renaissance_rat Tank of gas a week takes a sizable chunk out of it… yeah I’m staying in town
renaissance_rat: its christ angel!
ghizmou: which problem are we going to be today
That1GuyBen: but what if you open aether revolt graham
Anubis169: if we're being the problem, is that a solution?
NornsFelidar: Chris is just good. even on a splash
That1GuyBen: aether revolt is such a stupidly fun card
That1GuyBen: i had a deck with tamiyo, ral, and aether revolt with 2 generatoriums
Bugberry: Aether Revolt goes well with Spawn
bondeulv: assault
That1GuyBen: that deck went uhhhh 7-0
TimeToFry: !Card Commander Mustard
LRRbot: Commander Mustard [3RW] | Legendary Creature — Human Soldier [5/5] | Vigilance / Other Soldiers you control have vigilance, trample, and haste. / {2}{R}{W}: Until end of turn, Soldiers you control gain "Whenever this creature attacks, it deals 1 damage to defending player."
ghizmou: battlemage so good too
Anubis169: Nice 👌
Gekyouryuu: Dreadmask reminds me: Graham, have you seen the uncommon elk that's just Dreadmaw on performance enhancing substances?
That1GuyBen: graham as a bastion of reason and intelligence should i brave 103 degree weather to get a slurpee and possibly other various cold drinks from 7-11
That1GuyBen: windbreaker moose or something like that?
bondeulv: yeah
ghizmou: flash+vigilance+trample, it's like a wild elk on the highway at night
BrowneePoints: Gustwind Moose
Gekyouryuu: Thankfully it's uncommon, but still
Diabore: how far is the 7-11?
RatherLargeToad: No, pretty sure it’s Colossal Dreadmoose now
BrowneePoints: and the boar is also gross
bondeulv: I read it and was like, Skysnare Spider with two additional keywords? damn
renaissance_rat: yeah they seem to be doing a three key word uncommon cycle the red one isa lso good
That1GuyBen: OH GOD IT'S 7/11 I FORGOT
Foxmar320: I wish we had 7-11 here
That1GuyBen: 10 minutes by car
Chaotically_Random: Imagine the Line though....
Anubis169: does your car have aircon?
Strebenherz: holy bus galewind moose is a 6/6 flash vigilance reach trample
MrPipboy3000: Deos the car have air conditioning?
That1GuyBen: given that i live in california yes
Umandsf: closest to me is 6min by car but 36min by foot. :(
couchboyj: I am still waiting for a lieral Big Donkey, Wizards.
Wolfstrike_NL: Is the car pre-heated, or still cool?
Diabore: seems like a coin flip with available info
renaissance_rat: its not gerat
renaissance_rat: great
ghizmou: this can exile aether revolt
walkeroftales: It naturalizes!
bondeulv: skyclave apparition-ish
Diabore: not get in the bag, creatures get in the bag and that misses creatures
renaissance_rat: i've never seen it actually hit
Marvoleath: !ppr
LRRbot: Information on the Bloomburrow PPR is still forthcoming. Stay tuned!
That1GuyBen: i describe where i live as 10-20 minutes by car everywhere i need to go, but a 30-40 minute walk from the nearest bus stop
Diabore: its not great
Ukon_Cairns: thought knot seer* for things they already paid for
Anubis169: so an artifact-killer?
Sir_Louis: a bit less flexible than youd hope
Diabore: @Anubis169 or enchantment
That1GuyBen: oh it's bad aluren
Pywodwagon: The first thing I had in the states after living in NZ for a year was a slurpee at the airport I had a layover in. It was so much sweeter than anything I'd had for a year it almost killed me. It was the greatest thing I had ever tasted.
walkeroftales: So it hits Artifact/Enchantment/Planeswalker/Battle
bondeulv: landscape here I think
That1GuyBen: so just aluren.
bondeulv: yes
Ukon_Cairns: correct
frozenphoenix7: Yes, 1 Energy
Pywodwagon: its aluren
ghizmou: just the 1
Bugberry: The only Green energy card in the set.
Marvoleath: yes, so couple uses on its own
Diabore: @That1GuyBen one sided, op doesnt get the ability
That1GuyBen: why is mandibular kite still there
That1GuyBen: kite kills people very dead
That1GuyBen: i've literally gone t1 kite t2 hexgold slith and killed people on turn 5
AngelicKnighthood: How did Blue Moon go around the table?
BrowneePoints: Speaking of kite, did you see that kite man from the Harley Quinn? Animated series is getting a spinoff series?
Marvoleath: @AngelicKnighthood kinda does nothing in limited
AngelicKnighthood: Fair
flobenzo: 4 mana for situational ramp isn’t my favorite
Diabore: cmon and slam, and welcome to the jam
renaissance_rat: golden tail mentor
That1GuyBen: oh golden tail mentor yeah
Diabore: golden tail
That1GuyBen: oh you're opponent is very dead
That1GuyBen: tusking time
ghizmou: I missed the modified keyword once and made a very embarassing attack
Diabore: i had a bonkers deck like that but my best curve out was with watchdog and attacking as a 7/7
That1GuyBen: michael spawn
flobenzo: mycospawn much better ramp than primal prayers
xantos69: Hey G. How goes the drafting?
That1GuyBen: resistance is such a BEATING
Diabore: unsealing for the wombo with ravager?
That1GuyBen: oh man phyrexian ironworks
That1GuyBen: list of cards that are not ok
renaissance_rat: uh yeah i sure hope they do
walkeroftales: yeah, of course Kozilek's Un-ceiling, have you SEEN how tall that guy is?
drewm1022: Let the boys be boys!
That1GuyBen: you can turn your spawn into 3/3s
bytecaster: But Slam is on brand!
lightfut: How many signature slams can you really have before your bit gets thin
Diabore: i think i prefer priest here
That1GuyBen: that token art is so unnerving
lightfut: Even the rock really could only manage like two
That1GuyBen: and i love owls
renaissance_rat: people dont like kgiving ops fliers
ghizmou: it s very frustatring in brawl
bennybartez: isnt that like Swan song? ooh i dont know this set at all lol
flobenzo: it’s very good in edh decks that have 3/3 flyers
Bugberry: Doesn't do well with Eldrazi cast triggers however.
That1GuyBen: also man bloomburrow finally gonna get me to build my own birds of war edh deck
Marvoleath: @bennybartez it's literally swan song but flipped on types
flobenzo: brawl* I haven’t played strix in edh
bondeulv: @bennybartez yeah, just for three other card types
flobenzo: staple in brawl
MaybeTara subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months!
MaybeTara: We creep every closer to the full 10 years! It was wonderful getting to meet you in Amsterdam, hope the journey home was smooth!
Diabore: that end? heralded
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaybeTara! (Today's storm count: 23)
bennybartez: thanks chat :) youre great confirmed :)
That1GuyBen: not mace to the face?
renaissance_rat: NULLY D
That1GuyBen: nullyd
bytecaster: Are we drifting?
ghizmou: oh wow, a colorless eldrazi
SolarBlitz1: Thinking of slams, has Graham been asked he believes in Joe Hendry?
That1GuyBen: i hope that siege smash wheels
Marvoleath: the handsome ooze is also neat
Diabore: slice
That1GuyBen: oh my god monstrous vortex
Gekyouryuu: Oozewagg?
ghizmou: slice is very impressive
Gekyouryuu: Nvm, too late
renaissance_rat: dryad and it that heralds plus spawn should make it castable
Diabore: yup, its very close to better lightning bolt
That1GuyBen: i need to find a cut for my maelstrom wanderer edh deck for that card
Feriority: It's like sunlance, goes to dome EOT
Bugberry: I like that both Devoid burn spells answer the 4 toughness Hexproof from colors Eldrazi.
Diabore: @That1GuyBen the 7th one in the 4th collumn
Diabore: and a witness anyway
That1GuyBen: @Feriority that's dating yourself in the mtg community but i also understand so same tbh
YFiddler subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YFiddler! (Today's storm count: 24)
garion99 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, garion99! (Today's storm count: 25)
bytecaster: For a gatekeeper, they are being very aggressive, I feel like
That1GuyBen: you already have one
Anubis169: Happy 3 years YFiddler!
That1GuyBen: if you look closely chat, you can see the graham begin to submerge into the chair as he melts
Bugberry: She does fix lands
ghizmou: tower is in this?
flobenzo: i had breya and the fabricate nonsense card in the same draft
That1GuyBen: you don't knoa about skoa
Feriority: @That1GuyBen To be honest I know it because LRR's referenced it, not from having seen it originally
Ukon_Cairns: dont knowa bout skoa
That1GuyBen: wait how did evo witness wheel
Feriority: This feels like some difficult cuts
Diabore: 4's not a terrible number for vortex
bondeulv: three colourless sources for it that heralds?
Anubis169: it's a skill
Diabore: wrapped around the base?
BorealMage: We saw nothing
BusTed: am graham ok
LurkerSpine: Are you OK? - Terry Bogard
Juliamon: lrrFINE
bondeulv: oh, and chrysalis spawns
Strebenherz: Cat aggro?
bytecaster: "Do you make spawn?" "Only with help"
Marvoleath: the forbidden bacon makes spawn too, yea
flobenzo: I’d personally cut the 3 energy cards (not discharge obvi)
bondeulv: they get flash
Feriority: How much energy generation do you have? That and Ironworks? (And discharge but it wants to use its energy)
tsp397: I'm not sure it's worth a card
bytecaster: But many of our creatures are so big
Feriority: Oh, yeah, thriclaw
bondeulv: I'd cut skoa
Diabore: if we're not doing energy things ironworks feels too slow to me
LurkerSpine: it's wild to me that the skyclaw is a mid card in limited
renaissance_rat: i think your other threes are stronger than ironworks
Diabore: id put cave in too
bytecaster: It's a waste
DoomBringerIL: any new Elder dragon social club coming? and the new bionic trousers videos will b for this year? @LoadingReadyRun
renaissance_rat: riddlekeeper over skoa maybe?
Diabore: another colourless source and another sac for precursors
Ukon_Cairns: cave technically is a colorless source that finds your island
bytecaster: That week is stacked
DoomBringerIL: yeah the friday nights vids
DoomBringerIL: NICE
MaybeTara: Actual Tara is only in person :P
Diabore: id kill it now
JoannaTastic: @MaybeTara In-person is when the wavefunction collapses
Diabore: death touch menace pog
Anubis169: i really wanted to go to Twitchcon EU lrrAWW
DoomBringerIL: did u blog ur amsterdam trip? i know those take a long time to edit.. just hoped u filmed europe
Diabore: rip that counter
Anubis169: no money though after a buncha shiz stacked at the start of the year
MaybeTara: @DoomBringerIL I'm certain I saw Graham with a camera several times
renaissance_rat: op cleaning up the board
That1GuyBen: well that turn was horrific
Anubis169: Twitchcon 2024 blog, coming 2026/7
Anubis169: Kappa
DoomBringerIL: narration is a bitch
Feriority: Player removal is the best creature removal
That1GuyBen: oh man this is gonna be brutal
DoomBringerIL: more content = GOOD
Jasoman: nice
Diabore: nice
That1GuyBen: not quite lava axe but it'll do
Barb4rian: gas gas gas
Diabore: i mean same thing probably happens
matthaus_c: omg the skoa draft?
djalternative: overload it to assert dominance
flobenzo: @diabore but we don’t have to use the removal
MegaDosX: Spiderman pointing meme!
That1GuyBen: annnnd they died
MegaDosX: Also picked the wrong thing to Skoa turns out
Diabore: i think we should have attacked the turn before, they were dead to not having anything
matthaus_c: gg i was the gatekeeper
Marvoleath: forbidden bacon, too spicy
duke_dice: Howdy all.
That1GuyBen: gatekeeper hit em with the "get a load of this guy"
bytecaster: We successfully gatekept them
flobenzo: did you consider holding skoa for a turn as a removal spell?
walkeroftales: Do you think the Gatekeeper's least favorite MTG card is Gates Ablaze?
Bugberry: @walkeroftales probably Gatebreaker Ram
zedelielincoln: can’t believe I never knew that the host of fail haus plays mtg
Diabore: @walkeroftales "i SWEAR the gates were fine before i left!"
bytecaster: Uuuuh foreshadowing
djalternative: are you mumbling about cheese?
matthaus_c: that is a banger 1st time chat
Brozard: sergeJustRight
DoomBringerIL: did u check out the assasin's creed basic lands? they look so good @LoadingReadyRun
Diabore: id just cast it tbh, gives us ravager next turn
xantos69: Holy crap! The guy who wore a pumpkin on his head on the internet plays MTG.
zedelielincoln: GriddyGoose glad to be here
Anubis169: Welcome zedelielincoln!
Brozard: That guy that nunchuck'd his nuts on a skateboard plays MTG
Anubis169: when was phailhaus?
That1GuyBen: oh has chat seen the new wolverine from bloomburrow
Sibwow: sub of thon
Anubis169: 2013?
That1GuyBen: aka the BEEEEESverine
djalternative: are there a list of candidates for movie night?
matthaus_c: the number of non mtg players in LRR is ever dwindling
walkeroftales: oh my god that guy who did qwerpline plays MTG
DoomBringerIL: okay... i;m over 30.. can someone plz explain to me what is a subathon?
MarkovDescendant: Are we still waiting on a Bloomburrow PPR announcement? Or did I miss it?
Anubis169: !subathon
LRRbot: Thanks to your generosity, we capped the Sub-A-Thon less than 30 hours in, but now we have a stretch goal! James has promised the crew 1 single Dilly Bar to share at the finale, but he will bring an additional Dilly Bar for every 150 subs or 52,500 bits! You can track our progress with the Dilly Bar counter on the sub notifier on the top right of the stream.
bondeulv: they stream as long as people sub
Marvoleath: @That1GuyBen they are sadly wasps
EvilBadman: @Anubis169 wiki says 08-11
Anubis169: we need to change that
matthaus_c: lmao
Diabore: @MarkovDescendant it is coming, no announcement on date
djalternative: @DoomBringerIL a telethon for subscribers
That1GuyBen: @Marvoleath oh sorry it's the waspverine then
Arboille: your dryad has deathtouch
That1GuyBen: my apology
MarkovDescendant: @Diabore Thank you
kilnfiendpotter: Hail and well met, friends!
Phaers: I like the ass slam G
kilnfiendpotter: Gods I have not played Magic in forever, it's so nice to see
matthaus_c: Michelle!
iris_of_ether: benginHey
DoomBringerIL: @djalternative okay but what's the terms? i googled and just got a bunch of techncal stuff
djalternative: Hail and well met, artisan
That1GuyBen: you gotta kill the drone right
kilnfiendpotter: My daughter is desperately trying to grab your signature slam
BrowneePoints: I’m manifesting a Michelle led Bloomburrow Dice Friends into the world
Anubis169: lol... miss pusscat is batting at the screen trying to catch your cards :D
MaybeTara: MagicCon Amsterdam, and specifically Callander has given me such a drive to play magic again, I'm even playing modern for the first time in like 7 years
Brozard: @BrowneePoints omg
Diabore: but i hardly knower
zedelielincoln: where is the death touch+assault interaction explained? it says does damage equal to
kilnfiendpotter: Humblewood does exist!
matthaus_c: stone raining them with gift in hand mmmm
raulghoulia: something about saying annihilator in such a happy intonation
djalternative: @DoomBringerIL they'll be streaming 24 hours a day for 5 days or until the subscribers stop coming in. whichever comes first. they've got special programming too
matthaus_c: very tasty
BrowneePoints: yea! I got one of their setting books with the misprint sale!
Diabore: @zedelielincoln as the creature is doing the damage, deathtouch applies
Malkmaven1176: Just read the planned schedule for next week's capped subathon, and I can't wait to see the gang playing some Star Wars Unlimited next week
That1GuyBen: yeesh
bondeulv: @zedelielincoln the creature does the damage, yes
That1GuyBen: graham about to make many problems for op
That1GuyBen: to shreds, you say
bytecaster: fair and balanced
Feriority: @DoomBringerIL We'll learn the exact terms when it starts, but subs and bits add time to the stream until it hits the cap, at which point there will be some kind of bonus thing that isn't yet specified
Khalstrom: Eww
Diabore: whats the gameplan op?
MegaDosX: Opponent making some brave choices here
walkeroftales: AND not only is it messed up, it's not kicker OR horsemanship
ghizmou: poor op on 3 lands, having to choose which children to save
iris_of_ether: I am extremely curious to find out what Ian's forklift show could even be
matthaus_c: they might think they can kill us
BrowneePoints: but yea I’m gonna be so mad if WotC doesn’t release a Bloomburrow setting guide for D&D within the next 18 months. it’s too perfect a fit
Feriority: @Feriority There's a big post explaining it in #lrr-announcements on the Discord
DoomBringerIL: @djalternative wait.. 24hrs LIVE? thats nuts! or is it with re-runs/VODS?
BrowneePoints: live with shifts
djalternative: Hey Graham, can you explain what a subathon is and what we might see?
EvilBadman: @DoomBringerIL vods overnight
That1GuyBen: i think they had legion leadership
MurphEP subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MurphEP! (Today's storm count: 26)
MegaDosX: !card legion leadership
LRRbot: Legion Leadership [1{R/W}] (back: Legion Stronghold) | Instant | Until end of turn, double target creature's power and it gains first strike.
1y1e: it's about a 7
zedelielincoln: fair enough, the first time I saw dryad death touch someone with assault it really felt like wizards chess haha
TheWooglie: 4 hours of past content from 2:00AM-6:00AM local time
MarkovDescendant: I hope they bring back the morning show with Graham, Ben and James. That was the highlight of the last Subathon for me.
djalternative: 26.5 inches
Jasoman: steam shit the bed FYI
EvilBadman: @MarkovDescendant There's s schedule on the discord and maybe on the site now
Sibwow: stark family trip sounds so much less fun than im sure it was
DoomBringerIL: oh oh chat shut up! VLOG update incoming
TheWooglie: oh wow
BorealMage: Wowee
Brozard: @Jasoman Probably just you, refresh your stream
MurphEP: lrrSPOOP
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
matthaus_c: oh boy
Marvoleath: @zedelielincoln yea, deathtouch not only works with combat, which is relevant. Same with lifelink, or infect
DoomBringerIL: longer = more content = GOOOOOD
Rebbers: Hell yeah
bartimus_thundercask: Exciting
ToppHat: damn
Foxmar320: oh nice, love the longer vlogs.
bytecaster: Road Quest 2
matthaus_c: that's a season of television
MaybeTara: woah! That's dope
micalovits: Oh, so almost road quest!
Diabore: #content
raulghoulia: wow new Road Quest dropping
TheWriterAleph: yay
Jasoman: @Brozard steam not stream, no typo
matthaus_c: cycle your legs, stretch your fluids, edit your VODs
Brozard: @Jasoman Ah, my mistake
Marvoleath: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
DoomBringerIL: @EvilBadman k... still hardcore but much more reasonable... cool!
Jasoman: @Brozard Honest mistake.
Juliamon: The whole subathon schedule (roughly) is in !schedule
TheWooglie: yeah I always get steam deck and stream deck confused
MarkovDescendant: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Juliamon: Highly recommend the Google Calendar link in this case
EvilBadman: Yeah the on page calendar is missing the 6am Morning shows heh
Juliamon: the site itself hides a chunk of time because *usually* there's no streams during that time
zedelielincoln: @marvoleath at least it isn’t as confusing as mentor
djalternative: What would really be funny to me is if the overnight slot had a specially filmed half hour infomercial like they used to have in the dead of night on TV when all of the programming was over
zedelielincoln: the 2 checks is what surprises folks
djalternative: with the live studio audience and everything
Diabore: im so morbidly curious about "star in a reasonably priced forklift"
Marvoleath: @zedelielincoln yea, makes stacking them correctly often impossible
iris_of_ether: Same with forklift
djalternative: I think everyone's curious about what Ian's getting up to
djalternative: I'm betting it's an RC toy forklift
djalternative: much more reasonably priced than a full sized one
iris_of_ether: After Shenmue he does have forklift affinity....
Marvoleath: @djalternative RC - yes, toy? not necessarily Kappa
iris_of_ether: Oh rad, Beej is playing Fallout again
djalternative: I hope James gets some graphics for his morning show
zedelielincoln: I mean what is a reasonable for a forklift?
GapFiller: nalvLUL on the schedule TTSF in its regular brown shade in the middle of a sea of Bonus Stream grey
Xaunaught: Huzzah
Anubis169: He is risen!
GapFiller: thats fantastic
BorealMage: @djalternative This is such a good idea
kilnfiendpotter: Hip hip huzzah!
That1GuyBen: no it was 3 days
Xaunaught: What beer is on the menu today?
Xiff_: Oh hey, it's Graham
iris_of_ether: You know we don't have object permanence
kilnfiendpotter: 3 days for a mayfly, maybe?
Xaunaught: ah yes, classic beer
That1GuyBen: also i may be heading out for that promised slurpee soon
Anubis169: blackberry bubbly? o.O
Umandsf: I’ve had that beer
That1GuyBen: let me see how this game goes and then i'll be out and back
Diabore: graham wake up, the subathon is starting
Jasoman: wait did they do a monster and make a adult drink?
DoomBringerIL: #NotSponsered
iris_of_ether: I too have a blackberry Bubly
Anubis169: graham wake up, it's time for your DB driver shift
Diabore: right it has cycling
BorealMage: Is Coke actually sweeter now? Weird.
matthaus_c: we might not have time to cast the big boy in this matchup
renaissance_rat: cycle that ravager like you did your fluids
Jasoman: or too close to their roots
That1GuyBen: oh that thing has to perish
djalternative: @BorealMage it is after a bitter sparkling water
DoomBringerIL: that card is sooo sticky... was very good in my pre-rls
BorealMage: @djalternative Fair
GredGredmansson: i love Nyxborn hydra
GredGredmansson: make big dumb idiots into even BIGGER dumb idiots
kilnfiendpotter: Yesterday was your birthday? Happy birthday!
Gekyouryuu: happy birthmas!
djalternative: birthday was last month for graham
Chaotically_Random: Graham's Birthday is in June
matthaus_c: happy extrusion day!
Coloneljesus: habby birf
djalternative: june 6, right?
kilnfiendpotter: Oh, I see!
theamc2000: as in very sour?
Chaotically_Random: You share a Birthday with my sisters XD
Chaotically_Random: Thats how I know
Juliamon: Remember, Ben and Serge went to eat pork in his garage
djalternative: I'm honestly surprised I remembered G's birthday
DoomBringerIL: happy one month and 6 days
theamc2000: was the sour very sour or very alchohol
Anubis169: A beerlated happy birthday Kappa
matthaus_c: porkday :O
BrowneePoints: jorbs
djalternative: It's not your birthday? Happy unbirthday, Graham!!!
Diabore: so many allergies
Xaunaught: ah yes, passive cat death
CrossXhunteR: im going to make some pork tomorrow
EvilBadman: Ah, the "ol' garage pork to avoid incidental death"
DoomBringerIL: what? cats kill them? what?
iris_of_ether: Allergies
bytecaster: Isn't that "and"
Juliamon: (Ben and Serge are super allergic to animals)
Chaotically_Random: I still remember Ben on Road Quest and the hey ride.... Poor Ben....
Anubis169: ouch... beer's a heavy hitter
zedelielincoln: gotta keep your cats safe, you don’t want to flip ajani
Chaotically_Random: also poor Surge and the horses
kilnfiendpotter: I was nearly smothered by Baxter. It would have been a good death.
rosesmcgee: Aw, I thought maybe the cats hunted them for sport
BartholemewTheKitten: I'd just assumed the cats are secretly super predators
EvilBadman: people without allergies struggle with cats of such beasthood
jessieimproved: I am also super allergic to cats, but developed it as an adult :-(
BrowneePoints: sounds like a skill issue for Serge he needs to level up his body
BrowneePoints: gain those resistances
matthaus_c: Danderous sounds like the adjective of a Fallen London character
ghyllnox: And here I thought Norwegian Forest Cats were supposed to be pretty mild as far as allergies
Diabore: what is with it that half the population seems to be allergic to cats
Juliamon: They're not Norwegians, they're Maine Coons
kilnfiendpotter: @matthaus_c Also like a Souls character
iris_of_ether: They are Maine Coon cats
Sir_Louis: The blight town of cats
BrowneePoints: They have Maine Coons
That1GuyBen: oh op absolutely has something nefearious
Chaotically_Random: Graham's cats are like Dragon Lvl Cats....
ghyllnox: Ohhh Maine Coons, gotcha
MarkovDescendant: I use Allerpet-C shampoo on my cats to help my friends with cat allergies. It has been massively helpful.
kilnfiendpotter: Maine Coons are about the size of a small toddler
Rebbers: Remember when someone turned the Histamax sketch into YouTube ads? This conversation made me think about that.
DoomBringerIL: if u can b super allergic can u also b super-immune? a Mr. Glass situation? @LoadingReadyRun
That1GuyBen: wellt his won't work the way op wants it to if you so choose
Foxmar320: Baxter's tail is the size of most toddlers
That1GuyBen: by god that's KOGLA'S music
theguardianotter: Just got home, I miss anything good so far? Gonna watch the vod later
matthaus_c: we love 2 for 1s
BartholemewTheKitten: welcome time?
iris_of_ether: I have a friend with Maine Coon cats and they are BIG
matthaus_c: Nully D :O
That1GuyBen: oh i think op is pretty hosed here
arkhamrefugee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
arkhamrefugee: Bloomburrow PPR or Nah? Also, wurd up G?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, arkhamrefugee! (Today's storm count: 27)
bytecaster: @BartholemewTheKitten time is never welcome in this house
matthaus_c: Bloompprrow
That1GuyBen: ja no ja?
ThatDangSkeleton: Gruul seems like it's really the deck to beat in this format, huh?
BartholemewTheKitten: @bytecaster Yet it keeps getting in
BrowneePoints: Speaking of Maine coon, and we are moving into a woodland creature setting with raccoons, for folks outside of the states please don’t shorten raccoon to the second half of that word/cat breed. It is a slur. this has surprised some European magic folks who did not know
Marvoleath: !ppr
LRRbot: Information on the Bloomburrow PPR is still forthcoming. Stay tuned!
Phrawger: blumbruh
theguardianotter: Blurmbrow!
arkhamrefugee: WOOT LOVE ME A PPR
BorealMage: BlmbrRr
MegaDosX: Emragerd, Blurmberr
iris_of_ether: Blurmburroe
GredGredmansson: saw Cruelclaw today he looks fun
ThatDangSkeleton: Like, I knew the GR eldrazi guy was bad
kilnfiendpotter: I keep wanting to say "Broomburrow"
Gekyouryuu: apologies if you answered this earlier and I missed it, but a question, if you're allowed to say: did anyone in LRR have any involvement in Bloomburrow creative text?
arkhamrefugee: I cannot wait to submit my card nickname for a BB card they showed yesterday.
kilnfiendpotter: "Boomboombow"
That1GuyBen: Bloomburrow seems, and this is no offense to anyone, a little out of y'alls wheelhouses
Bugberry: A lot of the Black decks are good, they just require a bit more synergy to be as good.
EvilBadman: A man and his cave
theguardianotter: Oh, do we have a chrysalis in the deck?
That1GuyBen: maybe more in Cameron's actually but
arkhamrefugee: Moose with flash = CANADIAN AMBUSH
BrowneePoints: I saw a couple magic folks on Twitter point out how this is quite likely to be a new foundational set for a new generation much like Ravnica
jamesinor: I haven't been this excited for a magic set in a long time
matthaus_c: MH formats are such banger Limited environments. everything is busted and all the references make them very Cube-like
BrowneePoints: and that has me excited
djalternative: The thing about the question is they're always allowed to tell you when the answer is no
kilnfiendpotter: "Bwoombuwwow?" - My Toddler
bytecaster: I like the draw third card deck
Tinasaurus_Rex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
Tinasaurus_Rex: My last resub for a while due to financial reasons, but I am always happy to support LRR when I can lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tinasaurus_Rex! (Today's storm count: 28)
Gekyouryuu: ok. was curious, because the flavor text on Starseer Mentor felt like it might've been one of you guys:
matthaus_c: Saw In Half is still my favourite
BrowneePoints: You’re also very good writers
BrowneePoints: You aren’t just a good comedic writers, you are just good writers
theguardianotter: Do eet
That1GuyBen: mawionette appwentice is gownna be a pwoblem
Bugberry: maybe Tusker to get Culler out early?
EvilBadman: @Gekyouryuu that text rules
jamesinor: "Mr. Toad's Wilder Ride: He got his License Back" is picking up a lot of new frogs, and I'm stoked
That1GuyBen: i'm definitely finally building Birds of War in bloomburrow
MegaDosX: Apprentice
MarkovDescendant: @jamesinor What's the decklist like for that? Love the name, miss the ride.
That1GuyBen: i do need to actually finish building Morophon Lord of Lords first though(changelings and lords)
Sethalidos subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sethalidos! (Today's storm count: 29)
hammith: I just finished the first draft of a D&D map... a 110mb, 24inch by 36inch, 300dpi, MONSTER of a region map.... now to ~proofread~.
EvilBadman: I'd kill the apprenctice, but I hate that thing
Painfully_Dyslexic: It's interesting to see how excited people are for Bloomburrow, I'm not one of those people guess I'm just not the target audience
Marvoleath: @That1GuyBen Omo seems like a neat addition to that archetype
That1GuyBen: oh she is
theguardianotter: Leave it
theguardianotter: We can skoa
That1GuyBen: i need to get a copy of her so i can turn my random lords into changelings
jamesinor: @MarkovDescendant I'm still working on it, but I'll DM you the EDHRec list I brewed up
Diabore: ah aristocrat math
MegaDosX: Aristocrats maths can be like that
Dromos_GHG subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
Dromos_GHG: Hey G, just finished the MagiCon TTC, glad to hear you got to see your sister.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dromos_GHG! (Today's storm count: 30)
MarkovDescendant: @jamesinor That'd be cool.
Sethalidos: auspicious
matthaus_c: Aristomath
Sethalidos: no you got it
That1GuyBen: get skoa'd
That1GuyBen: idk not much
LurkerSpine: Happens to all of us. I had a friend who unfortunately lost not realizing he had DOBs on LSV for like, 4 turns, he lost, and LSV was recording those matches for youtube
MegaDosX: Hey look a thing to kill
That1GuyBen: this is horrific
That1GuyBen: slice AND dice
MegaDosX: "Opponent you thought" - Graham, probably
That1GuyBen: you could even say they were julienned
Phrawger: bah gawd
theguardianotter: And doof
matthaus_c: just activating Transmog here is so good for us
That1GuyBen: wait that's michael spawn!
theguardianotter: Definitely one of their red soirces
xantos69: G, I've been running a D&D campaign where the combat system is Magic the gathering. Players earn Xp which they use to buy new cards from a random pull list. Figured this might be a concept LRR might be into.
theguardianotter: Did that land just caw?
That1GuyBen: oh you're so unreasonably dead
matthaus_c: it was good knowing you G
theguardianotter: Oh butts
Diabore: recurring nightmare, still good
theguardianotter: or the condor
BrowneePoints: Speaking of, I saw Voxy's preview card today and Cruelclaw is a seriously messed up Ii'l Stab Weasel
That1GuyBen: this is a thawk player with how much condor spire we have here
matthaus_c: I like their play here. having a beefier board to set up to go nuts next turn
kilnfiendpotter: @xantos69 I've heard of similar stuff! Do you have pre-determined spell effects etc..? How do you determine which cards fall into the action economy?
theguardianotter: Bonk for 8?
That1GuyBen: take 8?
That1GuyBen: def play gatekeeper first then oh man
MarkovDescendant: Sac the cave too?
matthaus_c: they are gonna gain a million life
MarkovDescendant: Oh n/m
That1GuyBen: wait you can sac the cave next turn too
xantos69: @kilnfiendpotter I've developed a pricing system for players to spend XP on new cards. As the DM I have to have a deck ready to go ahead of time for the encounters they will run into. I use the Archenemy cards as a player count balancing mechanic. (along with a few other tricks)
theguardianotter: Harold, no!
Marvoleath: it heralded its own end?
kilnfiendpotter: @xantos69 Super interesting!
BartholemewTheKitten: Mary's back
MegaDosX: Opponent drafted something gross
That1GuyBen: show us nulldrifter
That1GuyBen: oh that's
That1GuyBen: a good draw.
MarkovDescendant: Ladee Danger is now a WOTC employee?! That's awesome for her!
MegaDosX: That's extremely good yeah
theguardianotter: Very nice
GredGredmansson: that's 2 hits for gatekeeper
MegaDosX: I like this plan
That1GuyBen: do you leave gatekeeper back...?
theguardianotter: Hold back the gatekeeper?
That1GuyBen: i'm too tired and warm to do the math
That1GuyBen: wait
That1GuyBen: they have to block everything
theguardianotter: Oh trye
That1GuyBen: because of the menace
MegaDosX: !card marionette apprentice
LRRbot: Marionette Apprentice [1B] | Creature — Human Artificer [1/2] | Fabricate 1 / Whenever another creature or artifact you control is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, each opponent loses 1 life.
theguardianotter: Doesn't the other guy have menace too?
theguardianotter: Beeg servo
GredGredmansson: nothing the opponent has has menace, and menace does nothing on blocks
Phrawger: i love it when you call me big servo SingsNote
matthaus_c: welp
MegaDosX: Oh wow
MegaDosX: Yeah that ain't gonna do it opponent
That1GuyBen: so op has chosen death
matthaus_c: they have chosen poorly
That1GuyBen: a bold choice
Jin_Gitaxias_Core_Augur: draw 7
Marvoleath: they should nightmare a bunch, would be better than that
MegaDosX: Should've attacked with the 0/1s, send a message benginLul
CrossXhunteR: is the black Flare sorcery or instant?
MegaDosX: !card flare of malice
LRRbot: Flare of Malice [2BB] | Instant | You may sacrifice a nontoken black creature rather than pay this spell's mana cost. / Each opponent sacrifices a creature or planeswalker with the greatest mana value among creatures and planeswalkers they control.
Lord_Hosk: I believe the flares go "WOOOOOOO!"
MegaDosX: The blue, red, black, and white ones are all instants
MegaDosX: The green one is a sorcery
matthaus_c: the way Arena does priority makes it very obvious when people have free spells
GredGredmansson: Green Flare is the only one that is a sorcery
MegaDosX: matthaus is right though, it'd be easy to tell if they have it
GredGredmansson: Hi Liliana
GredGredmansson: you're a squirrel
bondeulv: sneep
BrowneePoints: Chat I did a culver's, I haz cheese curds and a pretzel burger with pickled red onions on it and I'm watching a lovely Fella play awesome Magic
BrowneePoints: Today is a good day browne26PearPride
Dog_of_Myth: Good call on the Culver's
iris_of_ether: A++ I should get cheese curds soon. (There's a place near me that is allergy friendly)
BartholemewTheKitten: @BrowneePoints For it did not require an AK?
matthaus_c: it's good that the opponent agreed to only start taking game actions on 3
CrossXhunteR: i just ate a cheesesteak and fries, as my first takeout food since i got all of my wisdom teeth out last week
Jin_Gitaxias_Core_Augur: @CrossXhunteR I'm happy for you
That1GuyBen: @CrossXhunteR oh as someone who had their wisdom teeth removed years ago i'm happy you're free of soft food hell
Spades_Slicc: @CrossXhunteR did you keep your teeth?
Jin_Gitaxias_Core_Augur: cave for forest?
MegaDosX: Are we about to see the other combotastic energy enchantment?
Sir_Louis: a true believer in green energy
That1GuyBen: just make a 4/5?
CrossXhunteR: @Spades_Slicc wasn't even presented to me as an option. i think it might have been too destructive of a removal for that. in other words, they exiled my teeth
Jin_Gitaxias_Core_Augur: cave to the cave
That1GuyBen: malding even
That1GuyBen: oh no they're mountainous
matthaus_c: it's good that the landscape seethes, does it also cope and mald?
Phrawger: seething and landscaping
Spades_Slicc: rip to your teeth
Raspberrytoby: if you make a 4/5, next turn you can attack with a 10 power trample
Lord_Hosk: @CrossXhunteR The way the twitch arrow was covering that I just saw Cheese(covered) and fries... and I was like Cheesecake and fries... weird choice but you do you.
Painfully_Dyslexic: Thanks for the chill stream I had a run of bad luck over the last few weeks and this is a nice distraction
Anubis169: mine never came through, kinda worried they'll start growing inside
BrowneePoints: i still have mine
Jin_Gitaxias_Core_Augur: I had all wisdoms and a filling in one day, 1 grand down and no mouth control
Sibwow: dudes rock
iris_of_ether: Uh
Anubis169: LOL
That1GuyBen: every time you describe the nurses from your treatment it sounds like they are the funniest people alive
Phrawger: doctor analogies. outstanding
GredGredmansson: in the sense that you can't then
That1GuyBen: and given that my step mom was a nurse practioner i'm inclined to agree
Sibwow: my bottom wisdom teeth never existed so I had to get my top ones out for balance
Jasoman: Gotah be closer than that?!
YeomanAres: Which is worse?
LurkerSpine: I think they're slightly closer than roast beef and a tank
betweenmyself: when I had mine out I regained lucidity halfway back home, then they sat me down in front of the tv with Little Shop of Horrors playing while my head was still all kinds of fuzzy
CrossXhunteR: my dental surgeon started talking about a good quesadilla he ate the day before right as they were beginning to remove my teeth, and i kinda want to go back and ask him about the quesadilla
LurkerSpine: maybe roast beef and a beef roast?
Sethalidos: what about a tank made of roast beef though?
Juliamon: I will never have the wisdom teeth experience, thankfully
GredGredmansson: love Nyxborn Hydra
lightfut: Mmmmmm ok hear me out ... Tank made of roast beef
Anubis169: you got an IV?
Anubis169: those are AWESOME
BusTed: haha
GredGredmansson: I cast an X=6 one on that big 7/7 Vigilance Eldrazi
BrowneePoints: My mom was a nurse. She was the funniest person alive. this is an accurate supposition
ghyllnox: I'm not sure which would be worse, tank teeth or roast beef teeth
GredGredmansson: that was schnasty
ThatDangSkeleton: glad I'm a mutant that doesn't have wisdom teeth
Lord_Hosk: The lower ones, your jaw has weird nerves tight together, the upper is just in your skull
TehTpyoKing: Top ones can possibly penetrate your sinuses though.
Dog_of_Myth: Had all of mine taken out in one go. Had to be knocked out for that as well.
Foxmar320: I still have mine. Need them out badly.
Mythallian: but did kathleen tape it anyways?
MegaDosX: Did Kathleen take video and not put it online though?
CrossXhunteR: i was completely conscious the entire time. barely loopy at all. i do remember them at one point saying to administer more ketamine
Diabore: those were glorious pops
Sibwow: they had to jiggle them to remove the top ones
GredGredmansson: !card fangs of kalonia
LRRbot: Fangs of Kalonia [1G] | Sorcery | Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control, then double the number of +1/+1 counters on each creature that had a +1/+1 counter put on it this way. / Overload {4}{G}{G}
MegaDosX: Talking about wisdom teeth, then talking about overloading fangs
MegaDosX: Seems appropriate
Anubis169: first time I had an IV, I came around and brain was fantastic.. got up and -crash- legs did not respond when I told them to
That1GuyBen: shlice
matthaus_c: overloading fangs next turn is gonna be wild tho
SolarBlitz1: I had teeth removed to make space, but then my Wisdom teeth were like "SWEET! Free real estate" and came in to ruin that plan
Jin_Gitaxias_Core_Augur: weird to think that all your teeth are attached to your brain
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out at once and it turned out I was super resistant to the nos, so I did have to get an IV. I hate needles so much that I snapped out of whatever haze the gas had me on and scared the tech with how hard I was fighting back
Bugberry: When I got all 4 of mine out at once, it made my jaw pop for a long time when yawning.
matthaus_c: Hydra is gonna be what, a 12/12?
KeytarCat: Overload the fangs? Nah, yer man just swangs
GredGredmansson: oh, Fangs doesn't work while Hydra is an aura
KaiTerranova: is it a US/Canadian thing to be under general anaesthesia for taking teeth out? in UK it's way more common to go under local anaesthetic
Phrawger: give 'em the fangs, boss
matthaus_c: nooooo
MegaDosX: Opponent miscounted benginLul
GredGredmansson: math, their one weakness
micalovits: Or missclicked
BrowneePoints: I still have my wisdom teeth but they are causing a crossbite. I'm supposed to get them removed and get braces but lol, I ain't got that kind of money
Juliamon: KaiTerranova It's situational
GredGredmansson: 1 + 3 = 5
matthaus_c: you hate to see it
1y1e: that face was a shared experience
MegaDosX: F
Anubis169: KaiTerranova: UK here and it depends on the surgery to be done. For some shiz in UK they will put you under
betweenmyself: my lower wisdoms were just barely breaking through the gum-line, so they had to cut the gums open, manually shatter the teeth and painstakingly pick out all the tooth shards riffYeti
That1GuyBen: oh i know where you are
KeytarCat: Must be before 11 for OP
Sibwow: the elden ring dentist said that comparing top and bottom wisdom teeth was like comparing roast beef and a tank
MarkovDescendant: WODSWORTH: One plus two plus two plus one (1+2+2+1).
Gekyouryuu: fun fact I've learned about recently: there's apparently TWO different projects working on making it possible for people to regrow teeth. one involves packing cavities with stem cells. the other is that humans apparently have it in our DNA to just KEEP making teeth like sharks. it's not that they need to turn that back on. they need to turn OFF the code in our DNA that STOPS us growing more teeth.
matthaus_c: hang in there skeleton
EvilBadman: snake, snake? always get the appraisal from me
iris_of_ether: My wisdom teeth got removed during our normal game night. We decided to put on an anime recommended as an influence in the Exalted rulebook. Anyway that's why I watched _Ninja Scroll_ while zonked, in mixed company, and with my mother.
Diabore: theres chris
Sir_Louis: fort, night!
BrowneePoints: @iris_of_ether Jesus christ no!
Anubis169: hahahahaha
Diabore: LUL
BusTed: lrrCOW
That1GuyBen: oh yeah i know EXACTLY where you were
Dog_of_Myth: @iris_of_ether Wow
BorealMage: That's fantastic
TheWriterAleph: hahaha
EvilBadman: I think I know at least one place that would be
Feriority: "I prepared explosive runes this morning"
GredGredmansson: @Feriority I was JUST about to
SolarBlitz1: Just that perfect beat
BrowneePoints: Dark Souls, Lethal Company and fall Guys have the PERFECT game comedic timing
BrowneePoints: NOTHING matches them
SmashTCG: i mean, thats a skit waiting to happen
Phrawger: fromsoft games are a master course in comedic timing
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: when the message system works, it WORKS
matthaus_c: like that clip of the guy on a skateboard demonstrating momentum when his wheels hit a cable
That1GuyBen: hi opponent! You are about to Die.
EvilBadman: @BrowneePoints How quickly we forget tears of the Kingdom's reign
KeytarCat: G's the problem, it he
BrowneePoints: Honestly Graham, I'm surprised y'all have never done a Crapshot riff on Dark Souls Messages
Phrawger: wumpus time
Jin_Gitaxias_Core_Augur: Night night, don't forget to draw 7 eot
That1GuyBen: cycle tusker?
Lord_Hosk: @Gekyouryuu Apparently people who have lost a large number of teeth in their youth its not unheard of for a third set to grow in. Its somewhat common in young drug abusers who clean up their act in their early 20s (according to my dentist)
Anubis169: mum always said to eat more greens
That1GuyBen: true
micalovits: You could attack with the gatekeeper and maybe skoa the 6/6?
KaiTerranova: can't witness get back tusker anyway?
matthaus_c: they're not gonna block but hey, free damage
matthaus_c: opponent don't
ThatDangSkeleton: Gaslight, Gatekeep, Gob-Boss
That1GuyBen: oh also you have a 4/5 reach now
micalovits: "Just"
That1GuyBen: oh that's Bad.
matthaus_c: if they draw their own Chrysalis we're in tah-rouble
SmashTCG: its just 7 mana in spawn
Sir_Louis: #spawngang
That1GuyBen: no attacks?
KeytarCat: !card collective resistance
LRRbot: Collective Resistance [1G] | Instant | Escalate {G} / Choose one or more — / • Destroy target artifact. / • Destroy target enchantment. / • Target creature gains hexproof and indestructible until end of turn.
ThatDangSkeleton: counting our lucky stars there's no Craterhoof in this format
BrowneePoints: oh jesus 50% refund on Commander activations
SmashTCG: thats a LOT of spawn
Sir_Louis: oh that might not be fine at all
Bugberry: 4 color Eldrazi? interesting
matthaus_c: 4 colour Eldrazi is such a Kenji deck
Lord_Hosk: @BrowneePoints That sounds like a convention center manager complaining about a terrible turn of events that could break their quarterly bonus.
BartholemewTheKitten subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
BartholemewTheKitten: In honour of all the Qwerpline I've been bingeing:"Brought to you by wicca stickered ichor liquor - the only bodily fluid-based alcohol endorsed by the witches council of America. Wicca stickered ichor liquor: our new formula is thicker"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BartholemewTheKitten! (Today's storm count: 31)
micalovits: Naaaa
Badchop: oh god
Anubis169: that's a damn fine ad
matthaus_c: very well done
That1GuyBen: i feel like
lightfut: Those tongue twisters always get me
That1GuyBen: op should be shooting you for 4
Badchop: Please let that be from a Qwerpline ad perspective and not a LRRmerch perspective
EldritchProwler: he almost has you dead to processor triggers
SmashTCG: they can sac 2 spawn a turn
That1GuyBen: turn cycle at that
Lord_Hosk: Opponent is clearly reading the cards to explain the cards
That1GuyBen: send the drones upstairs op
matthaus_c: opponent no you don't need to be proactive
matthaus_c: yeah this is extremely aggressive
GredGredmansson: NO.
Bugberry: Kozi Command?
Bugberry: other big spell
GredGredmansson: oh i thought they had the triple colorless ecnhantment
micalovits: Rude
korvys: Oh hey, new Checkpoint
Marvoleath: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
kilnfiendpotter: Sorry, had to step away for Rappscallion's bedtime routine. I have asked her not to do too many screms. Hopefully she will accede to my request.
jamesinor: Cracking the lands would also make more spawn, wouldn't it?
matthaus_c: it is pretty joever
GredGredmansson: no that creature is dead
korvys: Huh... has CheckPoint always been stylized with CamelCase?
KeytarCat: "I think they have the mana to dome me out with spawn gang", Rando out my window: " lrrEFF "
matthaus_c: first game we saw Chrysalis and we lost, card sucks
jamesinor: I just went up against a deck with three of those chrysalis... Yeah, I got destroyed
Postmythos: I let my opponent play out their combo in Brawl. They put 1820 triggers on the stack and the game was a draw.
Bruceski: @Postmythos Does the game stall out at some number of triggers or did it draw for other reasons?
KeytarCat: That's a lot of triggers
BartholemewTheKitten: Dang it now I can only hear "Tuskies!" the same way you heard "Trussies!"
korvys: Didn't we do that once?
GredGredmansson: the White Mythic Season just got revealed
Postmythos: Doppelgang for 10 targeting Omnath and a bunch of lands
Diabore: you definitely have, it was in a yearly highlight vid
GredGredmansson: Season of the Burrow, 3WW Sorcery, modal spell w/ paws
BaronVonPoppinOff subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BaronVonPoppinOff! (Today's storm count: 32)
GredGredmansson: P: 1/1 Rabbit token PP: exile nonland permanent, owner draws a card PPP: reanimate creature with 3 or less with indestrutible counter
BrowneePoints: Also, the art for the new card Stargaze may be one of my new absolute favorites. It's SO good
Diabore: it was you and james, and james read something about legal and said "oh no are we gonna get sued?"
matthaus_c: the one I remember wasn't a full client crash, it was the unexpected match complete with something about legal actions
EvilBadman: Ah yeah Anointed Procession that'd do it.
Jasoman: fair
Jasoman: it be like that
KaiTerranova: !posture
korvys: !card Annoited Procession
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
MegaDosX: Arena doesn't handle exponents well
Juliamon: *cori voice* POSTURE CHECK
matthaus_c: shrimp it!
Xaunaught: comfort mode activated
korvys: !card Anointed Procession
LRRbot: Anointed Procession [3W] | Enchantment | If an effect would create one or more tokens under your control, it creates twice that many of those tokens instead.
Jasoman: !posture
MegaDosX: I've heard of someone crashing Arena because they gave Mondrak a Helm of the Host
BusTed: 🖥️ 🦐
matthaus_c: ah, the Adam stance
Mythallian: SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc
micalovits: !goblins should be a command
Mythallian: CLOSE ENUFF
BrowneePoints: Well you're a bunch of goblins who should be CARING about your SPINES!!! *Mother Hen Poses at you*
BartholemewTheKitten: I vote for !stance
KeytarCat: When you're sitting in such a way that you can guarantee a win: Posture Checkmate
Juliamon: !goblins seems too useful a command to waste on posture checks
EvilBadman: @MegaDosX I did that with an Gideon
couchboyj: jimdGoblinToken jimdGoblinToken jimdGoblinToken
SolarBlitz1: Looking at that clip, it's interesting to see how they've made the phases much smaller and honestly a little less clear, and how they used to do P/T in the middle
Phrawger: discounted ghostfire! nifty
MegaDosX: I hear reading the card explains the card
matthaus_c: we couldn't possibly kill the second ever black border Wombat
BrowneePoints: For chat that doesn't know what i'm talking about, this card. Just... Serena Malyon is KILLIN it with the Bloomburrow art This piece is UNBELIEVABLE and I kind of want to pick up a print
MegaDosX: The Bloomburrow art is so great
kilnfiendpotter: @BrowneePoints Serena keeps killing it and I will never be able to afford her art
MegaDosX: Oh no they did think
matthaus_c: I remember the days of centered P/T
matthaus_c: those were dark days
Spades_Slicc: I like that the bloomburrow commander has gay frog nissa and that she's bald again
Feriority: I think you cut all the other energy cards?
BrowneePoints: @kilnfiendpotter I followed her on the Tweetors cuz of some of her art from Le Tumblr days RIGHT before she started doing Magic pieces. One of my current faves alongside Eli Minaya, Dom Mayer and the Guays
matthaus_c: successfully fogged
MegaDosX: I like Tusker
MegaDosX: You can Culler next turn
EvilBadman: electrozoa taps to no energy, yeah?
MegaDosX: !card electrozoa
LRRbot: Electrozoa [2U] | Creature — Jellyfish [3/1] | Flash / Flying / When Electrozoa enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / At the beginning of your precombat main phase, tap Electrozoa unless you pay {E}.
duke_dice: @LoadingReadyRun just saw the checkpoint with the sadai esports story. are they ok? :P
micalovits: Might even draw a land for max culler value
kilnfiendpotter: @BrowneePoints I'm currently in the same online art school she's an alumnus of (SmArt school, which was co-founded by Rebecca Guay). Her work gives me hope for some epic leveling up.
CAKHost: Bloomburrow is giving me big "Hey Root is a pretty popular board game" energy
MegaDosX: Opponent has the double natural Sultai
MegaDosX: Oh dear
BrowneePoints: Redwall is SO GOOD
BrowneePoints: and Mouse Guard
duke_dice: i feel like they legit trying to make themselves the bad guy in the series.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: as a redwall kid from the 90s onward, I am very much there for Bloomburrow
BrowneePoints: Redwall being a critically acclaimed YA fantasy series and Mouse Guard being a critically acclaimed Comic is a Big Thing
MegaDosX: Love the sound effects
Painfully_Dyslexic: Before Bloomburrow I had never heard of Redwall
BrowneePoints: Also chat if you've never read Mouse Guard it is *extremely* good
GredGredmansson: when bloomburrow comes out i want to make the worst frog deck
matthaus_c: when's the Return To Bloomburrow where it turns from Redwall to Watership Down
kilnfiendpotter: I'm currently in "Child Lit" mode, and I swear every book I read to my child would fit in Bloomburrow
BrowneePoints: Jokes on you Matthaus
BrowneePoints: Redwall is darker than Watership Down on the average
EvilBadman: I think also cute animal childhood set after a bunch of bigger beats is pretty smart, like eldraine was.
MegaDosX: matthaus no
BusTed: yeah, I remember those books getting kinda dark
Cyborg_Huey subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
Cyborg_Huey: Happy Thursday everyone!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cyborg_Huey! (Today's storm count: 33)
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Redwall and Watership Down are about equally as violent as each other lol
matthaus_c: X to Doubt that Bloomburrow is gonna get very dark at all reading the story
GredGredmansson: if you read today's Planeswalker's Guide they talk about the history of Bloomburrow and it was pretty wild
kilnfiendpotter: I think we'd be getting Rats of Nimh before Watership Down
Bugberry: @EvilBadman and right before Duskmourne goes hard on horror aesthetics.
IgorApp subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
IgorApp: 27 months, almost 1 year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IgorApp! (Today's storm count: 34)
EvilBadman: Yee
GredGredmansson: @kilnfiendpotter the rats in this set seem to be Rats of Nimh Lite
BrowneePoints: Frisby/Nimh is also quite dark
MegaDosX: Ah, la problema
kilnfiendpotter: I'm woefully behind on lore
Gekyouryuu: here's a question I've been wondering for a while: are nickname episodes just done forever, or merely on hiatus?
BrowneePoints: Also yes chat, her name is Mrs Frisby in the book, Frisbee threatened to sue, so they had to change it to Brisby
TheAwkes: I saw Nymh young enough that the freaky elements were totally lost on me.
BrowneePoints: for the movie*
IgorApp: getting in just now, is there going to be a PPR for Bloomburrow?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I will always defend the book over the travesty of a movie it got
GredGredmansson: thanks
matthaus_c: go back to the days of staying up until 3 am writing nicknames for draft commons :p
EvilBadman: Just add it to the n100 set reviews Kappa
BrowneePoints: @IgorApp not officially announced yet
samu_btdp1985: IS sidewalk slam done?
IgorApp: nice
BrowneePoints: IS Graham doing okay? Cuz you're appreciated and loved browne26PearPride
IgorApp: @BrowneePoints thanks
LurkerSpine: new youtube short idea: 10 best nicknames from mtg set
GredGredmansson: !card fangs of kalonia
LRRbot: Fangs of Kalonia [1G] | Sorcery | Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control, then double the number of +1/+1 counters on each creature that had a +1/+1 counter put on it this way. / Overload {4}{G}{G}
MegaDosX: You make your board extra thicc this way
Cyborg_Huey: I was so sad that LCI didn't have a nickname episode of TTC, because it was the first time I thought I had a good one of my own to submit
renaissance_rat: get down with the thickness
matthaus_c: opponent is holding your bladder hostage
MegaDosX: No pass, only hold
DoomBringerIL: just don't think about waterfalls
Gekyouryuu: understandable. hoping they return someday, because even when I fail, I enjoy submitting my ideas. I *still* find myself wishing I could've submitted my nickname for Loxodon Eavesdropper: Horton Hears a Clue.
BartholemewTheKitten: I understand the nicknames perspective but i do wish a few of my Karloiv Manor names got to see the light of day
Gekyouryuu: @BartholemewTheKitten same
MegaDosX: Graham hurry!
matthaus_c: uh oh, deathtrample
samu_btdp1985: G deathtouch trample watch out @LoadingReadyRun
GredGredmansson: deathtramplene
Cyborg_Huey: <sonic drowning noises>
QuixoticScrivener: it looks like graham is salt roping.
GrayDayCook: *chuckles* OP doesn't know.
matthaus_c: we're getting plague winded and put to 1?
Sevinon: Don't think Graham getting back will save this
Sevinon: 4
samu_btdp1985: 4
matthaus_c: you've gotta lose 4 creatures
theamc2000: 4
DoomBringerIL: 4
Cyborg_Huey: gotta lose 3 right?
GrayDayCook: Three. Creatures
QuixoticScrivener: 4
samu_btdp1985: yep
MegaDosX: Graham I think you're dead.
renaissance_rat: i think we're just dead here
GredGredmansson: lethal damage is 1
BrowneePoints: Chat 11-3 is 8
micalovits: I think we might just lose here
djalternative: We were trying to pair every detective with an actual fictional detective for possible MKM nicknames
GredGredmansson: @Cyborg_Huey and then die? sure
Sevinon: Opponent could've just, ya know, killed us
GredGredmansson: @djalternative you know i don't think i ever tried that after all my chatting
matthaus_c: on our own terms!
GredGredmansson: yes they played that last turn graham
EvilBadman: Nude broodescale?
Cyborg_Huey: @GredGredmansson 4 includes 3
micalovits: Skoa yourself! Our own terms!
SmashTCG: skoa our own faaaace
djalternative: @GredGredmansson well, by that point it became clear it would be fruitless
MegaDosX: They also might think you roped them because you were afk >_>
DoomBringerIL: "greened out"????
SmashTCG: heres hopeing?
matthaus_c: maybe their phone falls in the toilet
GredGredmansson: @Cyborg_Huey 11 power, 3 to each creature, remaining 8 to life, dead
DoomBringerIL: i'll urban dictionary that
theamc2000: play to your outs
SmashTCG: Maybe lucky?
KeytarCat: @DoomBringerIL cannabis high
Juliamon: a greenout is when you smoke too much weed
Foxmar320: Maybe they had to get their hotpockets?
Juliamon: like a blackout, but green bc weed
DAC169: win by reverse-roping? aipOMG
renaissance_rat: a greenout is a blackout with weed
MegaDosX: This is why I give people the benefit of the doubt if they take a while to make a decision
theamc2000: phone game on subway opponent?
Feriority: Oh, is that how green removal works? lrrBEEJ
renaissance_rat: not fun at all
MegaDosX: Who knows what's going on on their end
betweenmyself: pennyWhat
GredGredmansson: opponent we were joking
Cyborg_Huey: @GredGredmansson I know, I mathed wrong but I was trying to be cute with saying 4 includes 3, meaning that if G blcoked with 4 creatures he would have to have also blocked with 3.
djalternative: if that's how you win you gotta take it
DoomBringerIL: @KeytarCat i mean i'll add it to there cuz it;s good
matthaus_c: I would love to be a fly on the wall next to our opponent
SmashTCG: coooooome on
MegaDosX: Graham if you win this, I swear
DAC169: rooKek
matthaus_c: this is going to be so funny
samu_btdp1985: opponent struck by meteor
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: maybe they also had to pee
betweenmyself: only seventeen timeouts left riffYeti
DAC169: I've done this before too rooKek
SmashTCG: opponenet out to lunch
matthaus_c: ayyyyy
SmashTCG: aww
EvilBadman: Some sort of signature slam
matthaus_c: lmao
MegaDosX: Opponent punch him
djalternative: oh. I think they might be DCing
GredGredmansson: ITS NOT THAT HARD
matthaus_c: is this what edging is
GredGredmansson: DO IT
theamc2000: say good game
samu_btdp1985: sonic drowning theme
GredGredmansson: HIT ME
betweenmyself: sorry, time to go back for MORE PEEING
Foxmar320: Their cat played that card for them
korvys: So G, how's FridayNights production going?
Mythallian: Is this a fucking Nadu player? Holy Hells
MegaDosX: What is happening
raulghoulia: both teams tried hard
EvilBadman: the countdown was at 59
Lord_Hosk: Opponent times out and you win
definenull: Sweet release
MegaDosX: I do wonder if they got upset because you took a while to act
DoomBringerIL: that was looooong
GredGredmansson: No, we did not have fun
SmashTCG: An add cut in for me just as the game ended
djalternative: James canceled his bonus thing, right?
SmashTCG: what happend
raulghoulia: Pacific drive
matthaus_c: the vod watchers are looking so attractrive today
arkham1981: alex doin a drive
SmashTCG: did op hit the attack button
Juliamon: Alex stole James' spot
YeomanAres: It said James secret steam at one point
Juliamon: it's a highway robbery
Bugberry: you can cycle at least
GapFiller: it figures James has got enough going on prepping for nxt week anyway
matthaus_c: the secret was that James is Alex
djalternative: the secret James thing is that James is secretly Alex in disguise
BartholemewTheKitten: @matthaus_c They're vodelling AND modelling
SquareDotCube: I bet the James thing was going to be him DJing again, which I imagine he's moved into the subathon
Gaelan_Maestro: Cheer100
Gekyouryuu: just looked at the schedule on the website, and it find it really amusing that the whole week of subathon is grey except for a TINY brown patch for TTSF
GapFiller: matthaus_c is Ales the neu Beej lrrBEEJ
Juliamon: his DJ streams are always on his own channel
GapFiller: Gekyouryuu RIGHT!?
GapFiller: Ian is just special yknw
Gaelan_Maestro: your content makes this freaking heat wave in Manitoba bearable
Gaelan_Maestro: its 40c with humidity
BrowneePoints: Heat Wave Broke? Man the economy really IS in shambles
kilnfiendpotter: Our heat wave is here for another week, it's disgusting
OldManJohnsonMB: I work in Winnipeg in an un-air conditioned building. It is hell
Gekyouryuu: you might if you draw a onedrop
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: speaking of upcoming streams, the icon for MTG Battlegrounds on the desktop view keeps taunting me every time I see it
Spades_Slicc: leave up blue for fun
SmashTCG: best case, just null drift?
DoomBringerIL: leave a spawn
matthaus_c: leave up blue for the mind games
Spades_Slicc: leave up blue, hit full control, mess with op
MegaDosX: It didn't matter anyway lmao
KeytarCat: Oh, nulldrifter is a cute name
MegaDosX: All that precision for nothing
Feriority: Aww, annihilator was going to do so much work with them off lands
matthaus_c: I'm so happy that Nully D made a Stiflenought deck in Modern
SmashTCG: i forgot adapt isnt Outlast
SmashTCG: and thus isnt sorcery speed
matthaus_c: all these years and the Adapt sound effect is, well, still disgusting
SmashTCG: it IS draw 2 though
Anubis169: I have some news G... as of the latest load of laundry, my YRR of LRR backers tshirt has now completely worn itself out. That was a good run.
SmashTCG: @LoadingReadyRun gross combo, Just evoke the nulldrifter, and then keep open Fight for another buyback
SmashTCG: signiture slam would have been lethal
SmashTCG: instead of assault
SmashTCG: yeah
definenull: Nice comeback from 5
matthaus_c: ok the data is 50/50 on this chrysalis card, really could go either way
djalternative: Juan, more game!
Anubis169: 10 :)
kilnfiendpotter: @Anubis169 ::plays taps::
Juliamon: RIF (Rest In Fabric)
SmashTCG: good thing theres only like 3 elves in this format
djalternative: You know, if Arena's going to do all this summer stuff, they should make a board that's a beach volleyball court
matthaus_c: not sure I bolt this bird here
Anubis169: I could repair it tbh, but it's probably better put in the drawer as a real good memory <3
theamc2000: next turn it may tap for 3
sporkraptor: @Anubis169 /salute, honors to a veteran in good standing
SmashTCG: kill it
definenull: Oh.
matthaus_c: oh boy
matthaus_c: now we murder
djalternative: yeah. kill it now
SmashTCG: jail, instantly
Mythallian: are we in danger?
MegaDosX: @djalternative No that's the Space Opera set
matthaus_c: show us the third?
SmashTCG: watch them play third PoT
matthaus_c: when the eldrazi comes along, you must kick it
Diabore: we can mycospawn, grab a forest, and kill priest
djalternative: (beastie boys voice) Kick It!
MegaDosX: (the space opera set's internal dev codename is Volleyball)
MacSquizzy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MacSquizzy! (Today's storm count: 35)
MegaDosX: Bron Breakker?
DoomBringerIL: leave a colorless land @LoadingReadyRun
djalternative: it's all forrests
Diabore: i think grabbing forest and killing priest was better tbh
definenull: Dorks dot dec
theamc2000: that is only a dryad
matthaus_c: I still haven't experienced Mycospawn fetching Tolarian Academy, but it's only a matter of time
duke_dice: @MegaDosX if it was bron breaker there would been a overhead shot first.
DoomBringerIL: so this card basically ramps u 2 turns ahead of op?
MegaDosX: @duke_dice You know, you're not wrong
MegaDosX: !card collective resistance
LRRbot: Collective Resistance [1G] | Instant | Escalate {G} / Choose one or more — / • Destroy target artifact. / • Destroy target enchantment. / • Target creature gains hexproof and indestructible until end of turn.
matthaus_c: @DoomBringerIL it is a pretty great resource delta, but also 6 mana for the full thing
SmashTCG: dorksNorks
Bugberry: All they need now is Rosheen
MegaDosX: Did opponent draft mono-green Tron without the Tron?
matthaus_c: they do have Karn Liberated in their hand
definenull: Wowee
Diabore: op built a constructed ramp deck
MegaDosX: Fanatic of Rhonas is pretty crazy for a mana dork
MegaDosX: I think I'd kill it now when they can't activate it
DoomBringerIL: attack with Chris
definenull: Deck please
matthaus_c: we can't anymore
matthaus_c: we could before the Mask
DoomBringerIL: lol that was last turn... damn lag
theamc2000: does it get trampled?
definenull: There's their second colourless source
matthaus_c: is this a scam
DoomBringerIL: sus block but i would still do it
duke_dice: lol
DoomBringerIL: NICEE
MegaDosX: Hey you called it
Diabore: thats a lot of counters
matthaus_c: we're in business
theamc2000: shoot the elf?
definenull: Was thinking what would happen if you sacced some spawn first
theamc2000: no
Voidhawk42: Yu get in for 8
Voidhawk42: *you
Diabore: even if they only block scions they go to 3
matthaus_c: they block chris, mycospawn, and processor pretty cleanly
matthaus_c: precursor that is
macintose: I think they end up taking 8
DoomBringerIL: attack with scions and meance dude..
Voidhawk42: Only 8 gets through, and they swing back for 18 :(
Diabore: just put a second fangs in deck and draw it, ez
Feriority: They eat both 5/5s, chump chrysalis, and then you don't have enough damage? They do lose both scions but
Khalstrom: No trample hurts fangs as an overrun
MegaDosX: I almost don't hate blowing up one of their scions so they can't cast their Eldrazi next turn
DoomBringerIL: they gotta block and then kill one of the 6/8
Voidhawk42: !card breaker of creation
LRRbot: Breaker of Creation [6CC] | Creature — Eldrazi [8/4] | When you cast this spell, you gain 1 life for each colorless permanent you control. / Hexproof from each color / Annihilator 2
matthaus_c: trading 2 for 1 for a 6/8 doesn't seem very good
DoomBringerIL: they can't even attack next turn
definenull: Oh nvm
matthaus_c: that's a good start
definenull: Here comes beaker
DoomBringerIL: hm... deadlock
raulghoulia: Graham when are you going to start writing YA science fiction?
matthaus_c: they are very large
Voidhawk42: This set is all Tall Lads
MegaDosX: WotC heard people complaining about the titans not having reach
MegaDosX: So now they made more Eldrazi have reach
raulghoulia: check point was very funny
theamc2000: they unattacked
matthaus_c: this is the most Limited board to ever Limited
Serioavion: Just joining in, I'm assuming any bloomburrow pre-pre release information has already been talked about?
MegaDosX: Oh shit
MegaDosX: And draw six cards
CammyC22 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
theamc2000: you can mill them out now
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CammyC22! (Today's storm count: 36)
MegaDosX: Also now they can do this
Xiff_: Maybe they deck themselves?
MegaDosX: Opponent what did you draw
MegaDosX: draft*
matthaus_c: second Disciple, draw 14 :p
duke_dice: draw also works.
DoomBringerIL: niceeeee
DoomBringerIL: just mill them..
DoomBringerIL: deadlock
MegaDosX: What the fuck
MegaDosX: What was their pod doing
DoomBringerIL: crap
theamc2000: the only target
matthaus_c: that is so funny
DoomBringerIL: un-crap
matthaus_c: basically swords to plowshares
DoomBringerIL: we can't with the trample on a stick
theamc2000: they also have a lot of mana
definenull: Oh.
matthaus_c: where were you my gatekeeper
Diabore: so, how do we win this game at this point?
matthaus_c: @Diabore they deck much faster than we do
matthaus_c: welp
MegaDosX: Deathtrample, yo
MegaDosX: Opponent drafted something absurd
matthaus_c: 2/9 games lost to Deathtrample
Anubis169: 6 minutes is plenty of time to quad-queue in
MegaDosX: I counted four or five rares and mythics
MegaDosX: And all on theme
DoomBringerIL: i was there gandalf... i was there
Marvoleath: Yay, gem positive, Graham does not have to fire you ;)
matthaus_c: the new pack opening animation is cute, I haven't played this game in years but that's very cool
v_nome: UwUlamog?
KeytarCat: Ulamowog
Anubis169: !cardkingdom
LRRbot: Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
zedelielincoln: GriddyGoose GriddyGoose GriddyGoose
Anubis169: ^ this awesome lot
djalternative: Hey G, quick Q: what would you say if I told you a short film that's ~4 pages long would cost $25k USD at the cheapest?
Foxmar320: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
kilnfiendpotter: Great to see y'all! Thanks for the Magic and the Friendship.
Foxmar320: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Anubis169: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Lord_Hosk: Thanks for sharing your time and talents with us Graham
Foxmar320: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
Anubis169 huggles Lord_Hosk
Foxmar320: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Anubis169: Right bye youtube
matthaus_c: frogs are gone
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Play it Forward (Alex is going on a road trip on Play it Forward! Game: Pacific Drive) at Thu 05:00 PM PDT (1m from now).
MegaDosX: Thanks for stream!
Anubis169: later tayters! lrrAWESOME
Anubis169: and many thanks
Lord_Hosk: Wait... Im here live! As proof, I offer this huggle I just received
duke_dice: ggs all around.
TheAinMAP: Title change.
DigitalSeahorse: katesPog
TheAinMAP: Signal.
Juliamon: lrrSIG
DigitalSeahorse: katesShake aww the wibbly cat is gone again but I got this one
Thefluffiestguineapig: Let's drive!!!
DigitalSeahorse: katesBelt katesBelt katesSteer
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang
DigitalSeahorse: hehe
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do I need to reload or is everyone seeing the offline screen?
DigitalSeahorse: yes
DigitalSeahorse: I had to reload to see timer
Juliamon: We are live, refresh
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyCheer lrrSIG
Thefluffiestguineapig: Thanks! Jamming that RQ music
DigitalSeahorse: wish my nose would quit being full of histamine
DigitalSeahorse: love this intro
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW guyjudgeSteer
Thefluffiestguineapig: Back the adventures of legally not the Ghostbuster's vehicle
Gaelan_Maestro: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
TheDangerWaffle: He took a trip
TheAinMAP: Hello.
Juliamon: Oh dear
BusTed: concerning
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPride vicksyCheer katesFlower henlo
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
Nigouki: vacation?
an_archist2: first time catching this live!
RealGamerCow: lrrGibb lrrBartleby blame these two
DideRobot: LRR: We're on the highway to... Somewhere? | Play it Forward || Pacific Drive | (has image) |
BartholemewTheKitten: Streams going from G-Money to A-Train
Saintnex: the anomalies have reached the moon base
BorealMage: Save room for Harry
TheDangerWaffle: pffffffft
QuixoticScrivener: I love a good neopolitan content stick
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPanic vicksyCope lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR creepy doll being missing is even more scary than their presence
Saintnex: about 2/3rds maybe a bit lore
DigitalSeahorse: did you look in prop room?
TheDangerWaffle: @QuixoticScrivener a good way to cool off on summer days like these
Saintnex: oh btw Alex, would you like some info about the engines?
ANeMzero: I love that the new engine comes pre-rusted.
DigitalSeahorse: yay engine! vicksyTap vicksyHappy
RealGamerCow: that thang got a hemi?
DigitalSeahorse: counts
BartholemewTheKitten: Forgot to say Kobe
DigitalSeahorse: if it was small enough it would have been no rim all basket
ANeMzero: so, to clarify, the player character is a fucking robot right? throwing around engines like basket balls?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
Saintnex: So the game unlock tree kinda treats the amp engine as after the turbolight, but it’s about the same level with both requiring midzone items, but the amp engine is all electric
KilrenKrae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 97 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KilrenKrae! (Today's storm count: 37)
Juliamon: My theory is we're a more motile Tourist