v_nome: You can pry that button from my cold, dead hands!
TXC2: Hello everybody
v_nome: @TXC2 o/
TXC2: hi v_nome
NewtyNewts: Oh no, my button!
TXC2: our precious DI buttons
NewtyNewts: Oh, our DI buttons? I thought it was my win-the-game button
hyperialguard: VoHiYo
NewtyNewts: lrrSIG
lightfut: Lariat? My homies hate lariat
LowUpsideCJ: I haven't played since last week's show and I'm ready to honest bronze it up
Lord_Byron47 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lord_Byron47! (Today's storm count: 2)
hyperialguard: Lariat does suck in whiffing opponents, yes
Blakemcm: gimme back that button!
NewtyNewts: stream windows sounds
TXC2: Oki first, then button
rosesmcgee: sound of a fight stick charging up like a ghostbuster proton pack
jordanimpact: LARIATO
lightfut: Idk if anyone saw the dog speed run at gdq, but.... Button!
lightfut: And.... Button!
thatguysteve2709: Hello everyone
TXC2: hello thatguysteve2709 welcome
TXC2: rosesmcgee imagine showing up at a tourny with that? you'd win jest from the psyc damage :p
178 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
ShaneLeeAtk: that is truly solid raid timing
Xed_Regulus: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
LilyOfTheVeil6666: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
PsychoI3oy: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
TXC2: Hello Raiders
Krat_Arona: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
v_nome: Welcome to Windows sounds ASMR
TheAinMAP: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
tomnar: :D
coachNelly: hey bare with us team everything is going to be fine for a minute here
wench_tacular: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
LordZarano: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
MilkInBags: Hacker: "I'm plugged in"
PsychoI3oy: from punchin chunks to punchin mans
brunothepig: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
TXC2: coachNelly no worries
LilyOfTheVeil6666: lrrFINE
LMAOkai_: lrrFINE
baskwalla: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
NewtyNewts: lrrFINE
SymphonySolstice: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
brunothepig: @v_nome Thank you, I was about to ask if that was my PC
momma_tatts: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
MungoDude: jlrrPunch
NimrodXIV: so many windows noises :D
tomnar: *windows noises intensify*
Darleysam: hell yeah I love EDM
Xed_Regulus: How's everybody doing this fine Friday?
Cunobelenos: Did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in?
TXC2: boy this BGC remix sure is different
Brozard: I feel like that's what they're doing
Darleysam: @TXC2 bit esoteric but I can vibe to it
TXC2: Here we GO!
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW RyuChamp
HungryTanuki: VoHiYo
lightfut: Who needs a mouse anyway
TXC2: Hello Adam and Nelson
BusTed: got there
MilkInBags: hand too strong
ShaneLeeAtk: From a 30-year IT professional here, IT is magic
MilkInBags: hey I'm the mug
AceGun_: Hello fighters!
Darleysam: "deuces" - the mouse
TXC2: Hello Jacob
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
LowUpsideCJ: Howdy gamers
baskwalla: Oh hi Jacob
MilkInBags: No problem!
Nyxshade: adam is shiny this friday
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
LMAOkai_: hello fighty lads
TXC2: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
MilkInBags: yung retweet
TXC2: young MC ?
ELD_Winterlight subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months!
ELD_Winterlight: Hi guys! Last I played vs Nelson I was Bronze 3. Today I just hit Plat 2!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ELD_Winterlight! (Today's storm count: 3)
LordZarano: Hello friendly person named Jacob Remotely
baskwalla: Yung punchies
BusTed: d'oh
HungryTanuki: Oh no !
MilkInBags: was the tent single
TXC2: get well soon Jacob
v_nome: oh no!
AceGun_: Oh no! Thumb injuries are the worst.
lochnessseammonster: morning gamers :)
NewtyNewts: fumb hurty, oh no
TXC2: MilkInBags no, it was being pegged
ShaneLeeAtk: I hurt my thumb.... today
MilkInBags: LUL
glenseay3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months, currently on a 66 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, glenseay3! (Today's storm count: 4)
BusTed: @TXC2 LUL
JacobBurgessVO: Hurt fumb
BusTed: 👎
JacobBurgessVO: No like. GOing to need to drill after I recover. It's not broken, BTW, just jammed the hell out of it cutting wood.
BorgarWithAShotgun subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 11 month streak!
BorgarWithAShotgun: what is going oaaaaan?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BorgarWithAShotgun! (Today's storm count: 5)
LowUpsideCJ: I burned my index lighting a candle but burn gel came through
JinaMahavira: Yay, fightmans on this, my 33rd b-day :)
JacobBurgessVO: Happy birthday @JinaMahavira !
BusTed: @JinaMahavira 🎂
Darleysam: hbd jina
LordZarano: And this is why accessibility is universally important, cause sometimes you hurt your fumb
JinaMahavira: ^.^ <3
TXC2: happy birthday JinaMahavira lrrHEART
Darleysam: @LordZarano should've just parried the bit of wood 4Head
MilkInBags: it is quiet
JinaMahavira: And I was a dummy and forgot to ask off work LUL
TheHaCoFo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheHaCoFo! (Today's storm count: 6)
LMAOkai_: @JinaMahavira happy birthday!!
measureofhope: Happier and with your mouth open
MilkInBags: i used to drive a lot, now i just fly everywhere
BorgarWithAShotgun: Both hands on the wheel, was what I learned
JinaMahavira: Thanks everyone :)
BusTed: haha
Nyxshade: my aunt used to do that
lochnessseammonster: it's terrifying PrideLaugh
ItsThugDimmadome: Feels good to be back
NewtyNewts: just kidsing
ghizmou: I need 2 hands to look and scroll on my phone /s
Master_Gunner: My brother drives with his knees, often while doing other things he shouldn't.
MilkInBags: my dad used to drive when he was 19 with a big 1L beer between his legs
lochnessseammonster: adam is clearly the responsible one here
BusTed: @MilkInBags at least that's legal drinking age
LowUpsideCJ: Instructions unclear, input fireball on my shifter
MilkInBags: yeah jacob, try dark souls!
TXC2: Adam is the adult here
NewtyNewts: I remember that, that was great!
ItsThugDimmadome: It's wild to me that swatbelts were only mandatory since the mid 80s in Canada
ItsThugDimmadome: Seatbelts
BorgarWithAShotgun: @LowUpsideCJ Initial -Fireboru
Darleysam: @ItsThugDimmadome seabats, but close
lochnessseammonster: too furious
Obos_TAB: Hey Fight Fam!
Obos_TAB: We're also cool with it
TXC2: hello Obos_TAB welcome
Nyxshade: @ItsThugDimmadome is that related to that "i'm a robot" PSA that i've seen?
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
tod_vom_himmel: MAPS
gualdhar: how many controllers are missing buttons now?
Izandai: Stocks
JacobBurgessVO: I do enjoy an Elden Ring
Metric_Furlong: okay, but what's a set? Kappa
JacobBurgessVO: The rest of the souls games can eat the whole of my tooshy.
NewtyNewts: I'll wait a bit before I join Nelly
MungoDude: a set is like 6 tennis games
TXC2: JacobBurgessVO don't threaten dark souls with a good time Kappa
NewtyNewts: @MungoDude Might even be up to 13
MungoDude: @NewtyNewts depends on the skill diff between opponents
Nyxshade: Good instincts!
JacobBurgessVO: @TXC2 Ha!
BorgarWithAShotgun: why am I now imagening a Toreador with Zangiefs body and attitude
JacobBurgessVO: @BorgarWithAShotgun *takes notes*
unstablucifer: fireball voicelines are such tasty echolalia
JacobBurgessVO: A Toredor bodybuilder... Oh.... I would love to find a way to make that work in the WoD lore.
Obos_TAB: Had some really fun GG matches last night against a Pot, Bridget, and ABA
MilkInBags: @JacobBurgessVO rival to a tzimisce with vicissitude who just cheats to spite the toreador
Obos_TAB: That new Pot rocket jump is hilarious
JacobBurgessVO: @MilkInBags Oh, I like that.
Mr_Horrible: brother is making borscht outta your drive gauge
Mr_Horrible: beat soup
Nyxshade: I'm just sad my two mains somehow havent made it into strive
Nyxshade: Jam and Venom
BorgarWithAShotgun: @JacobBurgessVO they actively participate in the vetting process, being known as one of the strictest judges in the biz
MilkInBags: are all of gief's scars by fighting a bear
Obos_TAB: @MilkInBags no form marisa
Nyxshade: @MilkInBags presumably. Bears of some sort
Mr_Horrible: if you're cold they're cold
Mr_Horrible: bring in the accidental qcf
Obos_TAB: Carring a fwd all over the con just in case
MilkInBags: *the dodge roll input you tried 3 seconds ago in elden ring* lmao wouldnt it be funny if i showed up now
rosesmcgee: Can't just leave inputs on the table, that's wasteful
JacobBurgessVO: @BorgarWithAShotgun Oh, now that's an interesting idea. A lick who weaseled their way into the committee for a nationally ranked competition.
TXC2: given how messed up bodybuilding judging is, a kindred sizing them up as actual blood bags might be a step up :p
MilkInBags: welcome to [500 hours play-time], have fun for the [1500] next hours to get better
BorgarWithAShotgun: also the image of a 200+ lbs truck of a man catching up to a car on foot is terrifying
Mr_Horrible: damn, learning a fighting game is like being a gifted kid?
Nyxshade: oh, you mean gifted kid sydrome?
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
MilkInBags: *after a 10-0 loss* nice you hit them twice!
Nyxshade: @Mr_Horrible spidermanpointingmeme.jpg
Obos_TAB: "I swear it gets better after S1"
LowUpsideCJ: First compliments are free to get you addicted
Izandai: They're a dying breed! They need the genetic diversity!
Mr_Horrible: @Nyxshade honored to share the brain cell kanagoSalute
Darleysam: "bro the way you hit start on that MKOne title screen? Sick, I've never seen that before"
Obos_TAB: nice
Nyxshade: we do need fresh blood before 2XKO eats all of them up
Mr_Horrible: *being super encouraging and helpful because you NEED an 8th for the draft pod*
Metric_Furlong: assembling figures *is* fun, though :p
measureofhope: I've had friends bounce off Exalted, feels bad. I know Jacob's feel
BorgarWithAShotgun: "it is only 200bucks"
Nyxshade: absolutely meterless behavour
JacobBurgessVO: @measureofhope Have you checked out Exalted Essence?
Metric_Furlong: (aside from some of Malifaux's, unless you're really into that kind of pain)
measureofhope: @JacobBurgessVO I just got my POD copy!
Obos_TAB: hell yeah
ItsThugDimmadome: GGs Nelson!
JacobBurgessVO: @measureofhope Faaaantastic. I did some writing in the Storytellers Guide for Essence. No idea if it's out yet.
lightfut: My homies love Patriots lariat
brunothepig: I do this to myself with new games. Like it feels great nailing stuff for the first time but keeping motivated can be a struggle once you're legit good and you've gotta really squeeze out the little edges to improve
MilkInBags: could be worse, you could say solar cream
Mr_Horrible: Vi is a zaun gf. *His* name is Gief.
Metric_Furlong: the real pro-move is just to not try to get anyone into something they aren't already motivated to try on their own Kappa
Izandai: mattlrLul
LowUpsideCJ: I know the struggle of trying to get someone to read the pathfinder srd website
1 raiders from DireOwlGames have joined!
TXC2: hello Raiders
BrowneePoints: and here I thought it was called Borscht
Darleysam: just do MKOne campaign
BorgarWithAShotgun: Look Len?
BorgarWithAShotgun: Ken*
BrowneePoints: have Nelly play the campaign
The_Ninjurai: Why is Blanka just chilling in the background?
JinaMahavira: @Mr_Horrible This is a very good joke
TXC2: The_Ninjurai it's his stage
Obos_TAB: @The_Ninjurai thats not blanka, thats blanka chan
penky152: Heyyo
lochnessseammonster: it's definitely gweelay
The_Ninjurai: Ah, that makes sense, TXC2
ItsThugDimmadome: @The_Ninjurai He's opn break
v_nome: He's hanging out with his mom
BrowneePoints: that’s also not him
brunothepig: The real question is what are we doing in his foreground
Mr_Horrible: Ryu, Couch Warrior
TXC2: hello penky152 welcome
The_Ninjurai: Ryu needs his own game called Couch Surfer
Obos_TAB: Thats gotta be Sakura right?
NightValien28: this is just a normal day in the brazilian rain forest
BrowneePoints: that’s a guy wearing the blanka Chan suit
Zaneysed: Sup fight-mans
saucemaster5000: I keep telling ryu he can have the couch, but he just keeps sleeping on the floor
TXC2: hello Zaneysed welcome
Obos_TAB: Everyone thinks Ryu is sos toic, but really that Waterfall had it coming for what it said about his mom
lochnessseammonster: wwhheeelay
TXC2: A Guile, Wrath of God
BrowneePoints: hwee lay loves horchata
LMAOkai_: play with your feet Jacob
LowUpsideCJ: Pronouncing Ed as Ee-dee
MilkInBags: plug a controller and pretend to play
Obos_TAB: Why can't Jacob play today?
TXC2: Obos_TAB damaged thumb
PsychoI3oy: I only know of Elden Ring beats with a dance pad
measureofhope: @JacobBurgessVO I haven't seen it yet, but will look out for it
MilkInBags: you had your lesson Jacob, don't spawn camp
NightValien28: someone beat elden ring on a thread mill, 14k steps
Obos_TAB: Which thumb? just 3d print a better fight stick
Alas_Babylon: They're still determining whether it's going to stay intact inside the body and that might not be going well
NightValien28: sorry, last boss of erdetree on a threadmill
JacobBurgessVO: @MilkInBags How did you know McFarland was with me?! We tried to keep it secret.
Obos_TAB: Kylo ren that shit
NewtyNewts: Guile, as in Ghillie suit
Obos_TAB: nice punishes
TXC2: guile, said gooley
lochnessseammonster: seabatBRAIN
Mr_Horrible: take Lily's advice
Mr_Horrible: "go forward!"
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Don't ever trust the pigeons.
saucemaster5000: the lil hamster is wearing out the bearings on his wheel
TXC2: do the pigeons also go forward ?
gualdhar: this is bird robot erasure right here
TXC2: it's always been odd to me that all characters have a grab
Camail: some have longer range, but juri isnt one of them
AceGun_: There are slight variations in throw ranges, but I think it is pretty small.
measureofhope: I just noticed big snek. Who big snek? He good? He chillin?
xVoxtric: big snek in tre
BrowneePoints: big snake has been there for 30 years
TXC2: big snek is vibing, in their lane, thriving
BrowneePoints: been a long time to not notice it Kappa
samuraitiger19 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 93 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, samuraitiger19! (Today's storm count: 7)
saucemaster5000: if you put in the konami code the snake turns around and reveals rykard
Nyxshade: I'm 33
Br0kuyasu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Br0kuyasu! (Today's storm count: 8)
BrowneePoints: They didn’t break the shackles, they broke their wrists
lochnessseammonster: you hydrating
ELD_Winterlight: I'm on Dee Jay
TXC2: BrowneePoints there is no greater shackles then the prison of flesh
Orxolon: good afternoon every1
TXC2: hello Orxolon welcome
Obos_TAB: Re: Throw Ranges, only 4 characters DON'T have a .8 throw range. Blanka, Marisa, and Honda are .9. Geif is 1.02
BrowneePoints: actually, Adam, if any of you all get into the 2XKO bet that could be a fun Oki stream if it’s not NDA
BrowneePoints: Beta*
thaigeprime: medieval luke be like : tally ho lads let us venture forth!
Obos_TAB: The throw Hurtboxes also vary
TXC2: Obos_TAB is that just because of "sprit" size, or something else
thaigeprime: I wanna get in so bad
BrowneePoints: Braum looks siiiick
Obos_TAB: Well a hurtbox is a hurtbox, regardless of sprites.
thaigeprime: braum illaoi duo
BrowneePoints: adam loves Susan
BrowneePoints: and illaoi
JinaMahavira: and Garen
Zaneysed: Excuse me
Naesiir: hop hop *shoots orb*
Zaneysed: shes a deer
Obos_TAB: I saw most of your Illaoi play
thaigeprime: um actually streamer its a deer
TXC2: BrowneePoints Adam would love my Mum :p
Helrumyc: if anyone of the hosts gets in, should at least one oki stream be 2XKO?
BrowneePoints: Wow, you came around on her
Izandai: I loved watching you play Illaoi.
PMAvers: oh my god Warmog's right now is freaking hilarious on tanks right now
JerryProbably: adam was the reason i mained illaoi for a season, a lot of fun
BrowneePoints: I want them to put Zoe in 2XK0 so bad
Orxolon: Leona is my main!
Obos_TAB: If one person gets in, youll get an invite for a friend
LowUpsideCJ: I just signed up
AceGun_: The alpha invite includes invites for friends, so hopefully someone will be nice!
RurouniGeo: two player training mode offline most likely
thaigeprime: mm tasty
Zaneysed: im hoping sett gets in
Mr_Horrible: welcome to my web, etc etc
thaigeprime: when your 15-0 but have 35 cs
BrowneePoints: sett has to make it in
BrowneePoints: and sure
BrowneePoints: udyr
brunothepig: Darius is my primary ban not because I fear what he'll do, but because I fear what my jungler will do
Zaneysed: He's like the primo grappler character desgin
Obos_TAB: y'all should practice for 2xKO by playing 2v2 dragon ball z
BrowneePoints: sett and udyr are both designed on street fighter
JerryProbably: well adam i finished that illaoi season silver, so i learned well from you then
lochnessseammonster: the trifecta
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
RurouniGeo: Lee sin in project L plz he's literally a martial arts guy
BrowneePoints: he looks sick too
Mr_Horrible: braum's confirmed, so there's a new "biggest pair of tits" in 2XKO
BrowneePoints: Lee sin will be the shoto
Invitare: even Teemo?
Zaneysed: Lee sin will have massive buttons but your screen will be blacked out
Mr_Horrible: spoken like a true Nasus player
Mr_Horrible: "all characters are interesting"
Greyah: Even whatever that hated cat was?
Obos_TAB: You see that Rooflmonger video about the cancelled League Smash Bros-like?
saucemaster5000: ngl if teemo is a setplay char they are my pick
BrowneePoints: the two I want mostly are Rek’sai and Zoe
lochnessseammonster: as is your right
BrowneePoints: Rek’sai would be siiiiick with her kit
brunothepig: Since the game has the pair thing going on maybe they will try to make Yuumi work with that
PMAvers: Yuumi is basically Abathur, I'm okay with them.
Zaneysed: Zed would probably get in too
Nyxshade: those were sweaty matches for me, gg nelson!
RurouniGeo: Teemo = MvC2 servebot but not completely bottom tier & useless
Zaneysed: Fight me Nelly (learning leverless still go east)
Mr_Horrible: he was literally the mascot for a fair while
TXC2: like in MtG, cool character, bad card
brunothepig: Camille would be cool
BrowneePoints: Rumble would be a neat wildcard too
LowUpsideCJ: My ego is cratered, queues into diamond
Greyah: Gosh, all the talking about Teemo is starting to feel weird.
Nyxshade: Nelson you really started to read me in the middle of those matches!
BrowneePoints: and Camille just makes too much sense
Mr_Horrible: rumble could be cool, yeah. Heat would make an interesting meter to manage
Obos_TAB: @Zaneysed i thought "go east" was a burn on east coast players for a second
ItsThugDimmadome: Damn, @NewtyNewts
BrowneePoints: Heat makes him unable to use specials but his normals do enhanced damage
Nyxshade: I want Azir in as a JP-type summoner
Nyxshade: It was 2-5
Zaneysed: @Obos_TAB lol just me incapable of typing
LowUpsideCJ: Sylas seems likely imo
BrowneePoints: Azir as a puppet character is too perfect
Obos_TAB: @Zaneysed You're gonna have real trouble on leverless then, friend :D
AceGun_: Is there any info to share on the OOFC tournament that is scheduled for the sub-a-thon next week?
Nyxshade: Sylas as the copy character like Seth
BrowneePoints: but I mostly want Zoe in because I have hundreds of hours on her and she’s more hated than teemo
Nyxshade: monster!
BrowneePoints: people HATE Zoe
Zaneysed: Oh already have been lol, just gotta take my lumps till I get it
JinaMahavira: Zoe wasnt even good, and it was still my perm ban
Obos_TAB: @Zaneysed I switched last year and its been a trip. I still can't get supers in GG down good.
ItsThugDimmadome: @NewtyNewts GGs!
NewtyNewts: GGs @ItsThugDimmadome
Obos_TAB: marisa's never stop
NewtyNewts: Mmmmmmightyfine Sand Blast!
lochnessseammonster: i just wanna make her outfits PrideUwu
Mr_Horrible: you can't ask someone that on twitch, Adamm
Nyxshade: Ryan!
BrowneePoints: so how about you, Nelson, what off-the-wall League of Legends character do you Hope makes it in 2XKO.
NewtyNewts: Oh no, it's Roo!
Nyxshade: Valorant is future earth
Nyxshade: like overwatch
PMAvers: I mean, we could have a Zeri/Neon situation again
Nyxshade: Oh i want ZAC so bad
BrowneePoints: nope! Zac would be fun
TXC2: I know I'm dyslexic, but my brain makes it 2K XO EVERY time :p
Mr_Horrible: Draven
brunothepig: Draven
PMAvers: Draaaaaaaaaven
xVoxtric: Jarvan IV.
Nyxshade: Darius is in, so maybe both brothers
Bearudite: league of draven
Mangledpixel: TXC2 two thousand executive officers!
JinaMahavira: I just want Thresh in
BrowneePoints: Kled as a stance character
Nyxshade: Oh warwick would be sick
BrowneePoints: Gnar with a rage mechanic
TXC2: Mangledpixel oh no!
JAndersonCAD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
JAndersonCAD: Heck yeah its the fight boys. Hope you all are having a wonderful day
Bearudite: when_im_draven. mp4
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JAndersonCAD! (Today's storm count: 9)
Nyxshade: just use SAbertooth's moveset
BorgarWithAShotgun: is Udyr in?
PMAvers: Put Kog'maw in to appeal to the Smash players' base instincts to spew vomit everywhere.
saucemaster5000: Put Amingo in 2XKO
AceGun_: Poggifers
BrowneePoints: Udyr is not confirmed but he should be in
Mr_Horrible: Warwick Pithington Smythe
Luminaire_p: Gros Michel
NewtyNewts: Mmmmm, yes Warwick, decant the '86
BrowneePoints: Udyrs rework and Sett were inspired by Street Fighter
TXC2: St John Smythe
Ukon_Cairns: i wanna see teemo keep the stealth passive, just standstill and let people misjudge ranges
BrowneePoints: so they should totally make it in
Nyxshade: He's not popular but if Vlad gets in then I will never stop playing
ravagingmarvel: I'd LIKE to see Sejuani, but I'll be happy with anyone who's not super predictable tbh
Mr_Horrible: "How's the Lore of LoL?" "I hope you like playing their card game"
BrowneePoints: the stories are good but it’s not presented in game
brunothepig: Very similar to MTG, lots of cool lore and character stuff but efforts to produce more than that have been messy
BrowneePoints: they are working on an mmo though Jacob
Mangledpixel: I don't know if the character is pronounced the same, but Warwick the place is pronounced 'Warrick'
PMAvers: I think they've been doing a decent job of unifying it, in prep for the MMO.
Obos_TAB: Wheres out transformers fighter
NewtyNewts: @Mangledpixel That's how I was pronouncing it in my head
Obos_TAB: I want to step on a minicon
Nyxshade: Necrit and TBSkyen do good rundowns of what makes the world fun
brunothepig: Also lots of the big skin lines are straight up their own lore
chrisvonclause: Jacob they made a JRPG style video game: Ruined King, that was pretty good and had some fun story beats if you're interested.
Obos_TAB: No doubt i could convert a hit into big damage in a transformers game
Mr_Horrible: speak for yourself, I'm very sympathetic to the void Kappa
Mr_Horrible: let Cho'gath eat! He's hungry!
BrowneePoints: oh yea Ruined King is very good rpg
Zaneysed: The lore is pretty good but very disconnected from the gameplay
xVoxtric: Oh actually I want Shyvana over J4
Nyxshade: Half a dozen kingdoms fight for control while half a dozen extradimensional threats lurk in the background
brunothepig: Like Star Guardian is their magical girl skin and has like 20 characters in it now with a whole backstory going on
BrowneePoints: probably will be Khazix or Belveth
Mr_Horrible: honestly that'd be funny. Give cho a permanent buff if he kills one of your 2 characters with his super
Obos_TAB: hahahha
JAndersonCAD: ruination was pretty good audio book jacob
Mr_Horrible: give me Nautilus as a Big Zam character
BrowneePoints: @jacobburgessvo the Song of the Freljord and Ruined King games are very good narrative games and they are working on an MMO
Mr_Horrible: just absurdly large like he's supposed to be
BrowneePoints: yes Ruined King
NewtyNewts: Just a LoL RPG?
Nyxshade: I think Jacob would like Pyke: ghost serial killer trying to get revenge on everyone who got him killed
BrowneePoints: Ruined King is an rpg
BrowneePoints: it’s by the Nightwar devs
NewtyNewts: Uh oh, they're taking their lessons from me.
Izandai: I think that's the most middle-aged dad thing I've ever heard out of Nelly. Using "Final Fantasy" as a generic term for any RPG video game.
chrisvonclause: It was made by Airship Syndicate. The same people that did the Battle Chasers RPG, using the same engine. It's a very tight and fun RPG.
Obos_TAB: Thaige with some real "i learned it form watching you" energy hahah
JacobBurgessVO: @Nyxshade I don't know why you might think that would appeal to me? >.> <.<
Izandai: Are you excited to be here playing Street Fighter on the Nintendo, Nelly? :p
LurkerSpine: Cheer100 Honest Low Tier Ryu
Nyxshade: @JacobBurgessVO he feels like a WoD character. He keeps killing yet more names keep appearing on "the list"
BrowneePoints: Pyke also has a sick bandana and is based on the Māori I think
JAndersonCAD: @JacobBurgessVO I think it got buried but Ruination audio book was really good for league. Kallista is a great character.
BrowneePoints: at the least Pyke does a Haka? I think?
Nyxshade: @BrowneePoints yeah that's his dance
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
AceGun_: nice DP
JAndersonCAD: Also thanks for getting me back into VTM
TXC2: playing a doom like
BrowneePoints: yea Illaoi and Pyke are both Polynesian
Nyxshade: the buhru people (Illaoi's people) are part Maori
Mr_Horrible: Nelson saying his favorite coke is dr pepper Kappa
NewtyNewts: I love playing the pokemons on my playstation colour
Obos_TAB: *plays a turn one goblin* "What pokemon is this?"
BrowneePoints: Jacob would LOVE Illaoi
JAndersonCAD: Illaoi is great
BrowneePoints: Big Polynesian High Priestess of an Eldritch Kraken God
JacobBurgessVO: @JAndersonCAD It is my absolute honor and joy
BrowneePoints: who beats the SHIT out of people to test their will
BrowneePoints: if you lived, you were worthy, if you died, may the waves take you
AceGun_: I also enjoy that Twitter account.
brunothepig: @BrowneePoints WITH a giant relic of her god
Obos_TAB: so deep
Nyxshade: League lore is really cool except for that part where it only gets developed to push new product. Not a unique problem but still
BrowneePoints: it’s not only to push new product, but it just unfortunately can’t really be presented in game cuz of how mobas work
BrowneePoints: it’s why I hope their mmo goes well
Zaneysed: ggs cj
Nyxshade: some characters are still in fictional limbo with basically no story beyond their intro
Nyxshade: Like Basiri in MTG
tod_vom_himmel: i was accused of delay teching once
BrowneePoints: gonna play a Noxian Yordle who serves under Kled
tod_vom_himmel: i was just like "naw my timing for teching is just bad"
Nyxshade: Adam living up to his name
LowUpsideCJ: @Zaneysed ggs I'm just happy to take a couple rounds. I should have jumped those wake up command grabs more
Nyxshade: He's from Amhonkhet
50keyz: nice
BrowneePoints: amonkhet
Nyxshade: he uses Oketra's arrow as a spear and that's it
BrowneePoints: he’s from the Egyptian plane. paladin of the (dead)Cat God
Nyxshade: he got his coreset card and then vanished
BrowneePoints: you said Kaladesh but we got ya
Obos_TAB: I thought Basri was post spark in lore anyway
Nyxshade: he only showd up after WAR, that's the bizzare thing!
Nyxshade: Not for everyone, just for me. I should be a god an noone else
Mr_Horrible: Bolas: "*DEMI*-god? Fuck you mean *DEMI*?!"
BrowneePoints: and my smarter twin brother
Obos_TAB: bolas buying up all the mcdonalds monopoly tickets
BrowneePoints: Ugin was the mastermind to bodying Bolas
Zaneysed: @LowUpsideCJ Any normal stuffs then tbh
BrowneePoints: tired of his brother’s shit
Saintnex: and then the multiverse parent was just like, if you don’t like those bad sparks, I’m gonna take it away
thaigeprime: ggs adam, whats a "delay tech" btw I havnt played in awhile is this something new
HungryTanuki: We can have a little sweat fest, as a treat
TXC2: !infil
LRRbot: The glossary of fighting game terms can be found here: https://glossary.infil.net
ManWithTheMask13: Nobody tell him, but LMAOkai doesn't put the cart back
Nyxshade: @thaigeprime it's just delaying a move to feint someone i think
LowUpsideCJ: @Zaneysed Good to know! I'm still learning a lot
tod_vom_himmel: it just means not teching right away on wakeup so if they meaty you it gest blocked instead of counter hitting the throw
tod_vom_himmel: but if they shimmy you you die
BrowneePoints: nah Multiverse Parent saw one evil kid running around with scissors ruining the pictures in the other classrooms and said ENOUGH! expelled that kid and opened all the schoolroom doors @saintnex
v_nome: All these talks about lore and various ttrpgs is not helping my resolve not to play them anymore. lol
tod_vom_himmel: you delay the tech by like 4ish frames on your wakeup to catch meaties
BrowneePoints: either way reading the Bloomburrow Planeswalkers Guide and the plane is actually metal AF
Nyxshade: the only valid measure of a good person or something
ManWithTheMask13: He's got fake ass foams, I'm out for that punk ass chump
ManWithTheMask13: We're swinging today
Ukon_Cairns: yeh there seem to be a lot more calamity beasts than i was expecting on bloomburrow
ManWithTheMask13: Let's go Adam btchinHYPE
Obos_TAB: Im so happy there are creature types besides the ones on the land cycle. I'm really hoping for a hedgehog
thatguysteve2709: Bloomburrow looks awesome I can not wait to see some of the new cards
BorgarWithAShotgun: I like that there is a cat that makes everything food
TXC2: BorgarWithAShotgun I can't decide if that cat is OP or not :p
hyperialguard: Ed is cool
F1SHOR subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
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thatguysteve2709: Ygra the cat looks fun
hyperialguard: Had taken a while to see that, but he's so strange. Glad to see that
F1SHOR: 4am fighty boys lets go!
TXC2: hello F1SHOR welcome
Obos_TAB: i will say there are a ot of mods out there
LowUpsideCJ: I want the third strike announcer voice
Ukon_Cairns: yeh, i def want to cast Ygra into a "destroy all artifacts (make 3/3s for each one)" at least once
xVoxtric: Quip-Packs
F1SHOR: smother us with lore between characters!
Obos_TAB: world tour is really clunky, but kinda cool
ItsThugDimmadome: I've heard World Tour described as "bad Yakuza" and honestly, it's still pretty solid for an open world.
Helrumyc: Soul Calibur VI lets you really do a lot of customization for making your own character
TXC2: Clunky, but cool is a good starting base
Obos_TAB: james chen and tasty steve are my favorite duo to turn on in this
HungryTanuki: I would immediatly downlaod the Oki Oki announcer pack :D
xVoxtric: SC6 with the tower of nightmares was great
as_ever_ellesandra subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
as_ever_ellesandra: three times prime
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, as_ever_ellesandra! (Today's storm count: 11)
ItsThugDimmadome: I'd be down for Yipes to get his own pack.
Helrumyc: I Made a few of my TTRPG characters in SCVI, it was a lot of fun
Zaneysed: As soon as your DI gets DI'd "im taking that button away from you"
tod_vom_himmel: i want an announcer pack tahts just yipes and sajam doing the sound effects
Obos_TAB: @tod_vom_himmel "sand blast"
tod_vom_himmel: "youl ike feet right?"
Zaneysed: Only if i get the character select singing
TXC2: voice pack that is just Adam making Blanka noises
Zaneysed: rawr
Mai_Andra: "pocket sand!"
tod_vom_himmel: rawr
Obos_TAB: nelson haveyou seen those clips at all?
ItsThugDimmadome: EVO highlight for sure.
saucemaster5000: the fact that sajam and yipes didn't realise the stream had sound for SO long was priceless
ItsThugDimmadome: Another one was whe nthey showed the AKI trailer. "I'm already seeing people in the chat say they can fix her- You can't. You can't."
Zaneysed: No dsync today
HungryTanuki: The DBFZ Cell yell getting cut just before it happened is also a good Evo moment
tod_vom_himmel: for any deejays in chat does drive rush 2hp link into 4hk on hit?
thaigeprime: uh oh
Obos_TAB: @'d you on twitter nelson
ItsThugDimmadome: Ngl, I'd cut off the Cell Yell for heat.
Zaneysed: There is a Desync combo with it nelly that gives like 80% of a super bar back, lots of drive and corner carry @nelly
as_ever_ellesandra: now that I have a better computer I should dust off SF6
Obos_TAB: What would you want from a SF6 Rainbow Edition? I want marisa air counter
Mr_Horrible: PREPARE
GrapeshotOnline: @tod_vom_himmel it does, yeah
saucemaster5000: they dropped 2 killers in a very short amount of time
ItsThugDimmadome: @Obos_TAB Gief gets Kim, JP and Dhalsim's teleport.
NewtyNewts: oh man
Obos_TAB: Rainbow Edition was a fan made alter of SF2.
Blakemcm: heavily modded game type. shoot fireballs out your feet and stuff
ItsThugDimmadome: Rainbow edit is Chaos SF2
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PandaByName: rainbow edition is a modded version that's like *wild*. like multiple fireballs or cancel into anyhting, claw just teleports
Obos_TAB: After SF2 came out in arcade, people wanted it to play faster, so they hacked the game and added a bunch of shit. Thats how we got Turbo
Obos_TAB: sort of
ItsThugDimmadome: Imagine playing a bullet hell inside a fighting game.
Zaneysed: LOL
HungryTanuki: That sounds wild
thaigeprime: This is just mvc3 Kappa
Mr_Horrible: honestly, real
Zaneysed: Check out this sick mix -> swaps to a grapller mid jump in
Obos_TAB: So SF2 Rainbow was a BIG impact. I highly recommend the Polygon Oral History of Street Fighter 2
Mr_Horrible: "I'm just out here waiting for the bus and this fuckers throwing hados in the corner"
BrowneePoints: and it gave us Turbo Edition (allegedly)
Mr_Horrible: having to dodge air tatsu while getting out my transit card
as_ever_ellesandra: idk why but I'm just thinking about the "Gay Esper Sentinel" clip again. so whenever SF Rainbow Edition is said I'm just imagining "It's me, Gay Akuma"
TXC2: play zoner and when they close in you switch to a grappler
AceGun_: I love playing LMAOkai because of this.
Obos_TAB: Stuff like the creator saying that "there's no way you could react fast enough to jump over ryu's fireball and punish him" and how wrong that turned out to be
Zaneysed: +frame character swaps to punish
thaigeprime: adam wishing he had me back just pressing buttons willy nilly Kappa
MaelstronSolenor: Here in Brazil, our SF arcade cabinets were famous for having bugs when playing the game... such as changing the character mid move.... so yoh hadouken with Ryu and turn into Blanka
BrowneePoints: I forgot Ed just has a “I win the fireball war” button
saucemaster5000: It's true every time I get hit into a lvl 2 juggle against ed I do kinda cross my fingers to see the combo
thaigeprime: nooooooo
thaigeprime: FG
Frizzlenill: hey folks, have a good stream! GPU is dying so it'll be a bit before I can play SF again RIP
TXC2: Frizzlenill lrrHEART
Mr_Horrible: @Frizzlenill oh noooo, hopefully not too much of a pain to replace
saucemaster5000: poke bowl
Mangledpixel: food
BrowneePoints: pho
thaigeprime: food probably
BrowneePoints: Curry
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Shwarma.
as_ever_ellesandra: Ogh, poke bowl
Obos_TAB: shoot now I want poke bowl
Zaneysed: Curry sounds so good right now
BrowneePoints: my answer is always pho
TXC2: !findquote food
LRRbot: Quote #8837: "All right, no one else likes food." —Erika [2023-11-17]
Obos_TAB: Our Poke Bros is choice
Naesiir: food mentioned, chat activated
Frizzlenill: @Mr_Horrible it's 10 years old so it's really earned a rest. Rough time to be buying a new one but I don't have my sights set very high.
BrowneePoints: cuz people should eat more pho
BorgarWithAShotgun: Döner?
thaigeprime: awww but I just opened the wikipedia article of every food ever
AceGun_: This is how LMAOkai always plays (affectionate).
Zaneysed: Yo can we have a mid stream bluey break?
Obos_TAB: they got a whole bunch of bluey mini-sodes now
Orxolon: does anyone here remembers Rainbow write?
Mr_Horrible: Blueish
Obos_TAB: Dog i'll never say no to bluey content
saucemaster5000: we are getting better and better at destroying our attention spans
LowUpsideCJ: Children never had attention spans
NorthstarTex: Nelly, even 2 seconds of bluey wholesomeness will make my day infinitely better
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 it's really the 1 thing we're good at innovating for
thaigeprime: yo one of my church friends as a kid got a strongbad email response and it made them the coolest kid at school for MONTHS
Obos_TAB: @thaigeprime WOAH
saucemaster5000: @thaigeprime that's pretty sick
LMAOkai_: ggs ggs
Obos_TAB: shake the hand of the kid who got a sbemail response
Zaneysed: Fight me
thaigeprime: nelly back in da ring
Obos_TAB: my preist met the pope and was like "shake the hand of someone who shook the hand of the pope" but sbemail is better
thaigeprime: ryu nelly ryu nelly what will he do
Mr_Horrible: Aki in the Grace Jones fit
Zaneysed: Is all good, just throwing together a deck for FNM
BrowneePoints: One of my friends reminded me that we actually watched some old loadingreadyrun videos back during the cast party for one of our middle school plays and I both had a memory unlock and aged to dust
Obos_TAB: he's gonna learn today
measureofhope: Oh she dance-fightey?
NewtyNewts: hadouken is your quarter circle
TXC2: he's a shoto, how hard can he be? Kappa
Mr_Horrible: it's the Fireball Envy manifesting from playing Marisa
Zaneysed: Isnt he supposed to be the fireball shoto?
TXC2: Zaneysed yeap
therepoman__: Hello gamers
TXC2: hello therepoman__ welcome
LMAOkai_: come back to Ed Adam
tod_vom_himmel: modern honda backup character :D
BrowneePoints: watch it be Mai or Elena
NewtyNewts: Ed would be more of a second primary than a secondary
Mr_Horrible: would you say that stick is unbelievable?
ItsThugDimmadome: Just play Gief Adam. You'll get it, trust me.
Zaneysed: Blanka arc?
Obos_TAB: Dude, my friend has a razor atrox, and its got a proprietary breakout cable that is irriplaceable. I can't believe it
tod_vom_himmel: marisas sorta getting power crept
Zaneysed: rawr
saucemaster5000: raaaawr
hyperialguard: Luke?
ItsThugDimmadome: Well, I tried LUL
thaigeprime: D:
Mr_Horrible: "I dislike his dumb face"
tod_vom_himmel: shes gettin g out damaged by newer characters that have better tools
coalfiber: Marisa and her disappointing Bi Son matchup.
hyperialguard: I recall you enjoying Luke
BrowneePoints: for chat if you’re wanting to pick up a starter stick the Qanba Drone 2 is a lot of bang for your buck! (Adam is on one of the bigger Qanbas right?)
Frizzlenill: honestly full-time committing to someone completely different might be what you actually need to regain motivation and come back fresh @LoadingReadyRun
Obos_TAB: You should play Sub Zero then
TXC2: negative frames on confidence
LMAOkai_: it's good to have a secondary to cover the bad marisa matchups
tod_vom_himmel: yea she needs something to set her apart from the other new high damage chars
BrowneePoints: her niche is being encroached on a bit
coalfiber: Oh, the Qanba has L3 and R3 buttons, that's cool.
JinaMahavira: yeah, where's fishboi
Kaaannaaa: coach's coach needs a coach
Frizzlenill: it's not that she's necessarily weak, it's that she doesn't have the gameplan-breadth and range of little things to improve that some other characters have. The Lily changes pushed her in that direction, marisa could use some of that too, maybe some power-neutral changes
BrowneePoints: Max also swears by the new Qanba line @coalfiber
v_nome: Who is Shoresy?
LowUpsideCJ: Oh shit season 3
VrolikSyndrome: It's the GOAT
coalfiber: @BrowneePoints Too bad it only became available in my country after I bought my mayflash, haha
Bearudite: its an alltimer
TXC2: v_nome Tv show character
Xed_Regulus: @v_nome Canadian TV character; hockey player\
Bearudite: yeah
as_ever_ellesandra: its like loading up an old Xbox 360 controller, they're just dilt bifferent
VrolikSyndrome: If I wasn't so adjusted to my leverless I'd still be on my TE 1.
Bearudite: they are sanwas
tod_vom_himmel: somebody on reddit yesterday asked what to upgrade their stick to from their old madcatz TE, and i was just like "dude, youve already got the best"
coalfiber: But I don't regret my stick purchase
BrowneePoints: is it that it’s that good, or that it feels like home?
CrossXhunteR: nice mouthfeel
coalfiber: I like that I'll be able to customise it when I get around to getting something printed.
Frizzlenill: sanwa buttons have a reputation for a reason
tod_vom_himmel: fair
Bearudite: you still need to get some new sanwas for the Femme Fatale stick
ItsThugDimmadome: I can't wait to get my hands on some Gamerfinger buttons
Simbionis: you can get adapeters right?
coalfiber: Basically no stick that costs a halfway reasonable amount of money is PS5-compatible.
Frizzlenill: yeah but you could just swap out the PCB and leave the actual hardware the same
coalfiber: Like, even the bare PCB that supports that is like a 100 bucks.
xVoxtric: i've been enjoying my cheap mayflash, but I do want to upgrade the buttons soon to something a little stiffer
Bearudite: new buttons so cheap and easy to install tho
Bearudite: so its no worries
BrowneePoints: drone 2 is $120ish and is customizable yea?(I honestly don’t know)
HungryTanuki: Wooow
thatjuantoo: LUL
Frizzlenill: @xVoxtric honestly the cost of changing buttons, as compared to the lever or pcb etc, is PRETTY manageable. Top of the line is like 3-4 bucks each? And you really only need your main 8 to be that quality.
saucemaster5000: I repect it
tod_vom_himmel: @saucemaster5000 MINORSPELLINGMISTAKE
NewtyNewts: I'll stick with my keyboard thanks
saucemaster5000: listen you
AceGun_: I have a Drone 2, and I just upgraded it as needed. Very easy.
hyperialguard: Keyboard is solid
Obos_TAB: get those KB buttons. I 3d printed my own buttons to go in them
Bearudite: I am loving my Haute42 T16
LurkerSpine: can't bring a keyboard to a local
hyperialguard: That's where I started. Worked fine
BrowneePoints: I tried pad and my brain craves the stick
BrowneePoints: chat don’t even
coalfiber: The biggest upside of the stick is that it's fun to wiggle the thing and it clicks when you activate a switch, hehe
Obos_TAB: You can get a spare kb, pop out the buttons and replace them
HungryTanuki: @BrowneePoints :)
yukimakingart: it's more about comfort. I love my leverless but I don't like playing on keyboard
Frizzlenill: as long as you have the right anti ghosting settings and stuff, keyboard is just leverless. And it lets you transition to leverless super easily to play on console. The only thing is to try to use the spacebar=up input rather than WASD
saucemaster5000: I love my stick. I love how it looks sitting on my desk over there
Bearudite: gotta get a brookes adapter lol
ItsThugDimmadome: Ngl, part of the reason I play on leverless is consumerism.
ItsThugDimmadome: NotLikeThis
Bearudite: I can't go back to stick
Blakemcm: if you use the shortcut its easier
coalfiber: @Frizzlenill I may be insane, but I like WEF for left/down/right on keyboard.
Obos_TAB: I needed leverless to solve my input problem, which it didn't do exactly, but i like it.
MWGNZ: i like the leverless i built
Bearudite: dps are so easy on leverless
Blakemcm: hold forward, press and release down punch
hyperialguard: Hard to learn but you adapt
tod_vom_himmel: @coalfiber no that looks good tbh
Zaneysed: My dp's are atrocious
tod_vom_himmel: and probably puts your hand at a more comfortable angle
yukimakingart: my problem is downback into dp
Bearudite: shortcut DPs are braindead easy
coalfiber: IIRC SF6 has a shortcut thingy?
Blakemcm: there are good shortcuts for leverless, i got one trying to to learn it for a couple weeks
AceGun_: Are DPs easy without the shortcut though? If you go back to an old game?
Frizzlenill: @coalfiber nah that's ergonomic, it matches the layout on actual leverless. Real spacing would be like 2-3-R, so a LITTLE more spaced out, but that's all
LurkerSpine: I still have problems with regular DP input on leverless, I use 6236 instead
tod_vom_himmel: @coalfiber tbh this is a GREAT idea the more i think about it, if i ever try keyboard ill definitley use this
Blakemcm: these are working dp's not shoot dp's
Izandai: You have to do a satanic ritual to do old DPs.
ItsThugDimmadome: Gottas have tight movement or a tight tension spring in your lever.
VrolikSyndrome: That's how I do it. Couldn't get used to the shortcut when it doesn't exist in other games.
Bearudite: the shortcut is in 3S and that is all I care about
Frizzlenill: @AceGun_ there are a couple of 'shortcuts' that use the controller SOCD rather than the game being generous. SOCD-DP are doable in any game and are more likely to be interpreted properly in an old game than a manual input
VrolikSyndrome: Yes, my AAs are ass, how did you know?
as_ever_ellesandra: but what would a worked shoot dp be :thonk:
TXC2: as_ever_ellesandra a tiger knee Kappa
saucemaster5000: then you can be me where my brain is just saying "please jump at me please jump at me pl-"
LowUpsideCJ: Hmm yes much to think about
AceGun_: I think I will have plenty of time, then Ghost Rider is suddenly air dashing at me with a twirling whip.
Bearudite: now, TIGER KNEE on a leverless is tough as hell
Naesiir: GGs Nelson!!
Naesiir: thanks for the games
VrolikSyndrome: 📝 "use... lows... on... Sauce..." got it
RurouniGeo: im going to the gym after this @.@
Naesiir: eventually I'll get the inputs
tod_vom_himmel: @VrolikSyndrome nono the trick is to jump at sauce
Naesiir: and anit-air
LowUpsideCJ: @Naesiir wanna hit a set when a slot opens up?
Naesiir: sure
drizztnailo: Nelly built different frfr
AceGun_: AKI anti-airs are tough, but they will come.
protojman: what time is it!
BusTed: adventure is better
tod_vom_himmel: i love you nelly
Greyah: I also heard adventure.
hyperialguard: Dee Jay casts Stomp. *Forward throws*
as_ever_ellesandra: who needs the corner when you just got them dead
saucemaster5000: who was it who was hearing "ass blaster?" Still thinking bout that
tod_vom_himmel: all of us
Naesiir: so many bounces on that super
TXC2: I like how Air slasher can be heard as both Ass blaster, and Adventure, cool language we have
saucemaster5000: I can confirm LMAOkai can do it, when he gets it I nod happy in defeat
tod_vom_himmel: hes real fun
Obos_TAB: god I miss DJ Drive Rush -> Roundabout meme
tod_vom_himmel: you can backsway 3 times in a row if youre cool enough
AceGun_: Your Drive Rush is from another dimension...
BrowneePoints: you get THE Drive Rush
Orxolon: great,now i cannot stop hearing ADVENTURE
Naesiir: @BrowneePoints the jump scare
tod_vom_himmel: some people have too much respect for the frames
Frizzlenill: yeah if a character has problems, they usually apply to the context of specifically a long single-day tournament or a more linear gameplan than other characters. No character is fully lacking tools, unable to compete, or inferior at most things
drizztnailo: sometimes you gotta say “fuck it we ball”
as_ever_ellesandra: now that doesn't sounds like the double stroke small pox adam /s
yukimakingart: oh no you gotta be annoying
PawssumFable subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PawssumFable! (Today's storm count: 13)
BrowneePoints: Game is in a pretty good place, *gestures to MK1*
hyperialguard: Damn, you are Canadian
hyperialguard: (compliment)
tod_vom_himmel: adam out here helping his opponent in the mental fight
Frizzlenill: but adam when you play that way, you don't ever force THEM to respect YOU, and they can learn to use fake stuff from that experience
Obos_TAB: adam just wants a beautiful game
drizztnailo: it’s like poker, if you always play the odds people will figure you out really quickly
RealGamerCow: Your skill level is high enough that other players will punish you if you're cheezing
NewtyNewts: That's totally me
TXC2: drizztnailo you gotta play the player, not the cards
LurkerSpine: I like getting "You mashed there?!?" out of people :D
NewtyNewts: Robbery "101" Mika
Izandai: The correct answer to "why are you mashing" is always "because you're letting it work"
measureofhope: Adam just be a bastard, you'll have more fun
Izandai: @NewtyNewts mattlrLul
Frizzlenill: counterpoint: if you know what you're doing, winning can LOOK like mashing. The accusations mean nothing - just look at the Umeshoryu
Mr_Horrible: tbh, trying to change the wordage you use to think about it might help
yukimakingart: I love playing friends on vc and hearing "you mashed on that??" and I'm like "I had the read yukima18Potatobridget "
tod_vom_himmel: im glad i never learned civility
Frizzlenill: if they lose to 'mashing' it's their fault for not planning around what they're claiming is a predictable and flawed strategy
tod_vom_himmel: i like being an ape
Mr_Horrible: like, even right there: "I'm not disrespectful enough" even though "respect" has nothing to do with it
Obos_TAB: He's just too good (natured)
Mr_Horrible: it can mess with your mental
hyperialguard: You'll find your way through :)
LMAOkai_: as Justin Wong said once upon a time, "Seabats, go ham"
saucemaster5000: have a candy cigarette
Mr_Horrible: get a candy cigarette
Izandai: Have an edible and a think?
BrowneePoints: give this man some meditation and a Banana
elusus: are you guys going to evo?
drizztnailo: I’m the opposite, I think how I play is fun but I have been told it’s annoying at times. I don’t know if that means I need to change or do it more often
Mr_Horrible: pretty messed up
Izandai: So fucked up.
BusTed: bubble gum and powder
BusTed: We still have Big League Chew
TXC2: where baseball cards came from
Saintnex: munch on a pocky stick?
measureofhope: I remember the candy cigarettes
Mr_Horrible: they were right to jail Joe Camel, I thought his ass was the bomb dot com
ManWithTheMask13: Hilariously messed up
BrowneePoints: big league chee
BrowneePoints: chew
rosesmcgee: Well you see, smoking is cool so you need to consider that
BrowneePoints: lol big league chee XD
Frizzlenill: they still sell them, they just don't have a coloured end that's supposed to look like a filter anymore
Obos_TAB: How many subathon subs do y'all need to send folks to EVO
as_ever_ellesandra: tbh I think I need to just get like, a fake cig. I don't want to be a smoker in the slightest, but I do like the oral stim
Obos_TAB: put it on the board
LurkerSpine: have they made big league chew that keeps its flavor for more than 10 seconds
PawssumFable: never
Izandai: @as_ever_ellesandra Why not lollipops?
as_ever_ellesandra: @Izandai I don't want sweets either
Izandai: Fair
PawssumFable: Xylitol lollipops
Obos_TAB: nice
as_ever_ellesandra: I literally just want a stick that is safe to sit in my mouth but not chew on
Frizzlenill: @as_ever_ellesandra strong recommend chewelry - silicone stuff that's meant for that purpose. Munchables is a small business out of vancouver that sells a lot of em with free shipping in canada. Love their stuff for stimming. A lot of the designs are aimed at kids but some of em are just fantastic, the full-size Oreo necklace and the d20s are just great
Mr_Horrible: Poke Poke Bite Club
Zaneysed: you bring enough the share Mr. Jacob?
elusus: you just gotta beat the other guy, thats all
Obos_TAB: poke and pokes, at Oki oki Fight Club
saucemaster5000: goddamn it I suggested the poke bowl and now I want one.... but I have leftovers....
hyperialguard: I feel like I'm only now trying to whiff punish because my autopilot can anti-air okay
NewtyNewts: Combos don't end. They just drop
BrowneePoints: jojo ass deejay super lol
hyperialguard: Takes up lots of mental RAM
Juliamon: max-hardness chewthpicks might work
Zaneysed: Winterlight has some good patience
Zaneysed: Kicked my ass lol
PawssumFable: Chew a meat stick
GrapeshotOnline: yup
GrapeshotOnline: its plus
Frizzlenill: great walk and block there nelson, it was the right approach
tod_vom_himmel: its not an overhead
ItsMeRST subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
ItsMeRST: 5 years, lets go!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ItsMeRST! (Today's storm count: 14)
tod_vom_himmel: its like 18 frame startup
GrapeshotOnline: +1 or possibly +2 on crouchers
TXC2: chewing? without drive rush?
ELD_Winterlight: Thanks for the games!
PawssumFable: oh no no I'm just sleepy and still talking about Adam having a think and not smoking lol
Zaneysed: Fight me Nelly
PawssumFable: Could have a chomps
PawssumFable: a meat stick
NewtyNewts: Guess you pressed the 'join P1' at the same time they did, before it could update to 'request fight'
ELD_Winterlight: tbe wheelkick is plus but it's not an overhead, despite looking like it
GrapeshotOnline: it is however a hilarious way to catch jumpers lol
ELD_Winterlight: @GrapeshotOnline YES
LMAOkai_: #bringbackseason1luke
GrapeshotOnline: i imagine the hate partly comes from sfv luke heh
Wormsbane: anyone that has a bounce off an invisible wall i'm in on
drizztnailo: @LMAOkai_ idk about that one brother
saucemaster5000: it was more just seeing 50% luke in every tournament got old to watch
GrapeshotOnline: he's easily still one of the 15 top 5 characters in the game
LMAOkai_: luke was way overtuned
LurkerSpine: Eh Capcom has done a really good job of balancing SF6
v_nome: Ok, but give Luke green hand.
ItsMeRST: I'm a balance expert, I've done a super before, hire me Capcom
TXC2: part of the point of balancing is that the top 5 keeps changing
saucemaster5000: It's more a "who's the top pack" and "who needs a bit more work to play"
NewtyNewts: The tier list at this level is 'do you like playing this character'
tod_vom_himmel: can confirm, am gorilla
tod_vom_himmel: youve seen me play
LMAOkai_: Manon on the other hand.....
PawssumFable: ook ook fight club
GrapeshotOnline: tierlists affect what characters i play :)
ItsMeRST: I should qualify, I was trying to do a dragon punch at the time
ELD_Winterlight: Give DJ a cancelable low cowards
Izandai: Obviously Capcom should hire fans.
Blakemcm: its pretty ding dang close
BrowneePoints: it’s just like when Sakurai said that pretty much every matchup in Smash is a 50% based on internal data and he laughs at tierlists
nessiah_aries: Can't think of a single Fighting Game that is perfectly balanced.
BusTed: I can make it perfectly balanced if I cut the roster to one character.
saucemaster5000: Look I complain a lot but that's on me, manon is fine
tod_vom_himmel: @nessiah_aries footsies
LurkerSpine: ^
tod_vom_himmel: checkmate
drizztnailo: killer instict balanced, gods perfect fighting game
BrowneePoints: Max has a great rant about balanced fighting games
Wormsbane: divekick
nessiah_aries: Vergil in Marveil 3...
Izandai: @nessiah_aries YOMIHustle
TXC2: if a game was perfectly balanced, they'd be no point to playing it
LMAOkai_: @drizztnailo i've played against your Thunder, I disagrere :)
AceGun_: ARIA still top tier, so KI is balanced
saucemaster5000: I love that I went into marvel 2 being like "oh yeah I'm totally gonna main that servbot guy"
drizztnailo: unironically its fairly well balanced
ItsMeRST: Hell, I think you'd have a hard time getting people to agree what "balanced" MEANS in a fighting game
ItsMeRST: is it all characters same tier?
ItsMeRST: is it the tiers are never more than +1/2%
BrowneePoints: wasn’t fulgore like…really really good pre patch?
Izandai: @TXC2 That's definitely not true, unless you make some wild assumptions about what "perfectly balanced" means and what would be necessary to achieve that.
Blakemcm: just pallet swaps
Blakemcm: all ryu
PawssumFable: You can't have balance AND cool unique moves
GrapeshotOnline: a fighting game is balanced when my character (who takes skill) gets to beat my opponents character (who relies on gimmicks)
LMAOkai_: preach
drizztnailo: MAAAAAAAAAN...
tod_vom_himmel: the players too,
BrowneePoints: yea that was Max’s rant “balanced” fighting games are boring
tod_vom_himmel: gulag
saucemaster5000: Put gief in the hippo room
ItsMeRST: See opponent que up modern Gief
BrowneePoints: there’s no highs and no lows
ItsMeRST: and you just go to lunch
hyperialguard: Gief's fine, says the Lily player
Izandai: Is MvC the most unbalanced series in fighting games?
drizztnailo: i still hear "palm breaker" in my mind
ItsThugDimmadome: if anything Gief needs more buffs. If people wanna complain, give them something to REALLY complain about Kappa
BrowneePoints: you should bring it on Oki Oki when Max’s Fan Mod is finished Adam!
LurkerSpine: I'm tempted to learn Dhalsim just to bury Giefs
hyperialguard: Get wind, spire, SPD. That'll be $20
saucemaster5000: lmao
ItsMeRST: I have it on good authority they've done a super before
hyperialguard: Gotta keep out the cheapskates
ItsMeRST: they've earned that 20 bucks
TXC2: right chat I have to go walk some dogs, so I'm off
saucemaster5000: say hi to doggies
PawssumFable: Enjoy your walk
JinaMahavira: doggos
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Adam, Nelson and Jacob
drizztnailo: the flame pillar killing me after the penance stare was maybe one of the funniest things i've seen in a fighting game
ItsThugDimmadome: Yeah that's fair.
thatjuantoo: @TXC2 HeyGuys
ItsThugDimmadome: No Sailor Moon Fighter then?
drizztnailo: thor smited for his crimes
BrowneePoints: yea hence why I said wait for Max’s Mod to come out. ride that Zeitgeist baby!
ItsMeRST: God put mustard on that lightning bolt
Mai_Andra: Imagine showing up to week 50 of Judo club and asking when we're gonna start karate. xivMorbol
ItsMeRST: just for Thor
saucemaster5000: that sailor moon fighter is pretty fun, ngl
Zaneysed: Let me in damn it nelly lol
themostjoast: sailor moon s mentioned?!?!?
Frizzlenill: crouching HP works and you were doing it earlier
Naesiir: gg's LowUpsideCJ !!
themostjoast: best fighting game not close
LowUpsideCJ: ggs ggs @Naesiir that was a good one
Naesiir: LowUpsideCJ we were really trading those CAs
hyperialguard: Wheel of Kusoge is wild
themostjoast: chibi moon main for life <3
hyperialguard: Pluto has the staff
LurkerSpine: pluto?
Naesiir: Sailor Pluto
themostjoast: pluto yeah
hyperialguard: Unlike honest Jupiter. No notes
LowUpsideCJ: @Naesiir Your magnum opus
ItsMeRST: Sailor Staff
saucemaster5000: jupiter was fun...
ItsMeRST: obviously
Mai_Andra: What color skirt/hair? (assuming default colors...)
drizztnailo: thunder may have a teleport
Naesiir: @LowUpsideCJ the only thing I can do consistently is panic input level 3
ItsThugDimmadome: Idk man. Maybe let Gief try it before jumping to conclusions.
saucemaster5000: just give me a char with dash command grab. faster the dash the better
Saintnex: uhhh
themostjoast: lmao none 9of them are white
ItsThugDimmadome: Japanese, but close
BrowneePoints: as yes white woman Usagi
BrowneePoints: and Makoto
Mai_Andra: well yes, but they where different colors. That's the difference. xivCactuar
LowUpsideCJ: @Naesiir I need to learn to drive rush, your combos were looking nice
Mai_Andra: *wear (brain, please...)
Izandai: And have different hair, and I think they're all different heights.
AceGun_: I played one with a whip or something?
hyperialguard: Sailor Venus had the heart whip
AceGun_: Yeah, that one.
BrowneePoints: Mercury is Blue, Mars is red, Jupiter is Green
BrowneePoints: and Jupiter would totally be a grappler
Ukon_Cairns: yeh, kinda hard not to have seen some elden ring recently
saucemaster5000: lmao I still haven't finished the dlc. been busy
Naesiir: LowUpsideCJ I've been drilling the beginning of the Aki combos. I can get the double crouching lights into heavy whip, but I can't link it to the next part using drive rush yet
GrapeshotOnline: oh yeah! that vid was cool
violetblight: oh yeah the baseball vid
therepoman__: Oh that video slaps
GrapeshotOnline: the daz one right?
gualdhar: Someone got a link?
Frizzlenill: sent that to a baseball friend of mine and he was like, considering the creator wasnt a baseball person, the sources they used and info they used was really on point
nessiah_aries: Speaking of Soulslikes: Can't wait what Wizard of Oz game by the Lies of P guys is gonna look like. Especially if they take a lot of inspiration from Return to Oz.
therepoman__: Street Fighter 6 is Baseball: https://youtu.be/bNsTrmmPwCk?si=HEy2rcw_0ZmUBIIR
Naesiir: LowUpsideCJ you were working me over with that charged dash
NewtyNewts: It was amazing
LowUpsideCJ: @Naesiir Yeah I could tell you had that one down
Frizzlenill: separately they mentioned that a current trend in pitching is a thing called 'tunneling', which is using similar pitches at the edge of the strike zone that either break INTO it or break OUT of it. It's literally just a grappler jump.
hyperialguard: Pitchers gotta have good mixups
LowUpsideCJ: @Naesiir I need to learn to get more off it than I was
Zaneysed: Brother let me in lol
Zaneysed: ggs
Frizzlenill: like, there are major fighting game similarities in baseball that the video didnt even cover, there are THAT MANY
BusTed: nelly we're going to lose the sponsor
Ukon_Cairns: at least its not sierra mist
NewtyNewts: Never tasted it
AceGun_: Love a Mr. Pibb
therepoman__: I much prefer fountain soda vs canned/bottled soda in general
saucemaster5000: I did a blind taste test between 7-up and sprite 2 weeks ago. Chose sprite
Mai_Andra: "make Seven - Up yours!" xivGoob
saucemaster5000: that's cause at the fountain you can mix the drinks DarkMode
AceGun_: Glass bottle Coke is good.
ItsMeRST: I represent Dr. Pepper, but only the bottled and canned variety
therepoman__: It's so bad!
Zaneysed: Nelly doesnt mash butons and has his anti airs make me need to grab. All the ways I know it get in get stuffed lol. Need to do some more learning.
themostjoast: adam is true
Marvoleath: glass bottle hits better though
gualdhar: Fountain soda is watered down
hyperialguard: High fructose corn syrup?
saucemaster5000: jaritos slap tho
therepoman__: It hits very different
Zaneysed: *I know to get in
BusTed: Fountain can be hit or miss. It really depends on their mix.
rosesmcgee: Syrup ratios are different, plus the ice factor
MWGNZ: crab cola?
themostjoast: lmao nelson
BrowneePoints: Did someone mention BBQ Water?
TheMerricat: Are there actually craft colas out there?
MrSarkhan: fountain > can > glass > plastic bottle
uneactrice: Fountain Drinks require the correct ice
violetblight: LOL
Frizzlenill: glass bottle and can are both good. Fountain is literally mixed right there from syrup
hyperialguard: Ranch cola is rancid
Zaneysed: Kraft diner soda
hyperialguard: And I like ranch
Moansters: we have "Fritz Cola" in Germany and its the goat
BusTed: a suspension
BusTed: of mac
gualdhar: Awww Mello Yello takes me back
ItsThugDimmadome: For a bit, yeah
BrowneePoints: I’m have an 18pack of mello yellow in my fridge
Naesiir: Introducing Kraft Soda. The only soda you can chew!!!
Frizzlenill: @Moansters had it when I visited. Fritz, especially the cola-lemonade mix, was AMAZING
BrowneePoints: right now
ItsThugDimmadome: I'm still a big Dr Pepper guy.
PawssumFable: it still exists
saucemaster5000: fountain cherry coke top tier
Mai_Andra: Yeah, it was the coke brand Mt Dew
Mai_Andra: Also, there was Surge for a while.
PawssumFable: You guys didn't have to talk about mellow yellow in past tense lol
Moansters: @Frizzlenill oh yeah, that one's really good too
Frizzlenill: also mezzo mix is just exclusive to germany for some reason (it's cola and orange crush 1:1)
AceGun_: Any Peach Nehi enjoyers?
chrisvonclause: Fentiman's curiosity cola is very good
BusTed: LUL
nessiah_aries: Fentimans is amazing.
LowUpsideCJ: Any cactus cooler enjoyers in the chat
LurkerSpine: Gotta get em like, a Cream Soda or a sarsaparilla
Naesiir: truly a life-changing cola
drizztnailo: i love root beer
uneactrice: Sunkist!
elusus: you guys know your sodas
hyperialguard: Hell yeah, root beer
ItsThugDimmadome: Sarsi enjoyers? Sarsi enjoyers in the house?
Mai_Andra: I like "proper" Cherry Coke, but most places now only have the Coke Mix thing where they add flavour. They don't have the real thing anymore...
LurkerSpine: Birch beer > root beer
violetblight: yeah fountain root beer hits
Moansters: Root Beer at work, dude?
saucemaster5000: a nice fresh fountain root beer is up there yeah
hyperialguard: As a teatotaler, root bear is king
chrisvonclause: We have Moxie up here in Maine. Strap in because it tastes like cough syrup and I love it.
CaptainSpam: Root beer's good stuff.
Mangledpixel: Fentimans is a British brand - my formative years were fueled by Fentimans Ginger Beer
Juliamon: the worst part about my Brazil vacation back in the day was that they didn't know what root beer was
Frizzlenill: again mezzo mix is a must-try, orange crush + coke sounds weird but it works so well
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Anything carbonated is unpleasant. Anything.
CaptainSpam: Moxie... I swear, any time I'm in the New England area I try it, and every time I just can't. Sorry, just something about it.
Zaneysed: Nelly's defense game is pretty good, get this boy some more offense and it's over lol
Moansters: inbefore next friday night is just a stream of taste tasting various drinks
drizztnailo: i only know sasperilla because of new vegas
Juliamon: (but they had Antarctica Guarana which almost made up for it)
BusTed: beverages in the mail is dicey
hyperialguard: Hell yeah, drizzt
uneactrice: YES
BrowneePoints: shipping bottles is hard
ItsThugDimmadome: I'm more of a pho guy.
QuixoticZ: I didnt care for moxie initially, but I tried a diet one and that hit wonderfully
LowUpsideCJ: I'm generally out on soda but I got all in on an arnold palmer
Naesiir: ^^^
Orxolon: as a person with alchohol experience,the cure for hangover is a LITTLE can of beer
Moansters: we could just put a bunch of drinks in zip lock bags and ship em to the lrr headquarters
saucemaster5000: arnold palmers are good tho
elusus: lmao am
LurkerSpine: they are delicious
saucemaster5000: my local farmer's market makes a based arnold palmer
Zaneysed: God I love arnold palmers
Orxolon: you leave the supermaket cart in the parking lot
QuixoticScrivener: @Zaneysed beat me to it
LowUpsideCJ: I hit the back 9, head home to my wife, then grab some sets in the oki oki
PawssumFable: In bed at 6 AM
gualdhar: Is a hard arnold palmer sacrilegious?
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: this is a fully lived in character huh
QuixoticScrivener: also a good shandy or radler
PawssumFable: PM
CaptainSpam: Ale-8-One is also quite good, though I found myself getting headaches after drinking it more often than I considered coincidence. Kinda a shame, I liked the taste.
Izandai: mattlrLul
hyperialguard: Spittin'
Moansters: arnold palmer drinkers probably wear socks with sandals
drizztnailo: i like arnold palmers
Izandai: 100%
ManWithTheMask13: I'm getting better right, Drizzt
LurkerSpine: Adam just brainstorming new crapshots
violetblight: adam, you say this yet youre a full adult older than people here
ManWithTheMask13: I need the runback
drizztnailo: @ManWithTheMask13 for sure
Orxolon: what does he/she/they listen to?
saucemaster5000: arnold palmer enjoyers pay for groceries in exact change
PawssumFable: I return other shopping carts while I get mine
Simonark: Old and therefore evil is over 35, right? That's the cutoff?
LowUpsideCJ: What if I told you I just like the taste of tea and lemonade
QuixoticScrivener: Adam, you might be a Xennial
LurkerSpine: I had a midlife crisis at 25. I have felt old for a long time lol
ItsThugDimmadome: Adam's back and knees: "Sounds like a challenge."
measureofhope: I'm 36 and I feel 50. My joints ache and I don't understand the youth.
Scarbble: arnold palmers are top tier
frameshifty: as a certified 40-something, I think it's normal that we kind of feel like we stop mentally aging around 25-30
BrowneePoints: I envy you cuz I’m 32 and feel 70
saucemaster5000: yeah after 30 I feel pretty set, for better or worse
saucemaster5000: last 8 years pretty much the same
LurkerSpine: Every time I hear "skibidi" I turn into dust
Mangledpixel: I'm 37 and in some ways feel like I'm still in my 20s, but a lot of that is due to my transition feeling like a reset
PawssumFable: I'm trying to rack up enough nice points to live in Canada. My spouse is from uhhhh... one of the smaller towns near Vancouver I forget.
Marvoleath: @frameshifty I mean, brain develops up until 27 y.o., statistically at least
LowUpsideCJ: I just got some free weights for the first time
bullseye3265 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
bullseye3265: greet!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bullseye3265! (Today's storm count: 15)
ItsThugDimmadome: @LowUpsideCJ Hell yeah
Mai_Andra: I felt "over-the-hill" at 19, and it just never went away...
measureofhope: Yeah, I need to exercise more. But you see, my joints ache.
Orxolon: my God,i'm getting my ass BEATED today in MTGA
MWGNZ: @Mangledpixel i hear this tends to happen a lot
PawssumFable: So I gotta take back two carts LUL
Izandai: No pain no gain, brother.
measureofhope: Yeah I'm very sedentary
Orxolon: hey,Adam,what is the Arnold Palmers drinker's name?
AceGun_: I want to make the gym put this stream on the TV for everyone to watch.
Izandai: @Orxolon Josiah
elusus: is it actually possible to reaction to drive impact if im pushing 40?
ItsThugDimmadome: Make em put on TNS or EVO for the day.
elusus: react*
Orxolon: @Izandai Hemmet?
LowUpsideCJ: I need it to not be in the high 90s F so I can get back to running
Izandai: Sure
Naesiir: @LowUpsideCJ summer is truly the worst
BrowneePoints: I’d rather watch you at a bar than a freakin Sports game
saucemaster5000: hiking is great
ItsThugDimmadome: Just walk/run outside of Wet Bulb Hours.
MWGNZ: gotta start schmooving
HungryTanuki: Walk or hiking are really good
Saintnex: I was enjoying going outside for walks/jogs but allergies have forced me back to the gym unfortunately :p
violetblight: lmao
BrowneePoints: anyways my “32 feel 70” is on a spiritual level not physical
measureofhope: I've known I need to get in shape for a long time, but I can't seem to get started. I don't have a dog, alas. Can my dr prescribe one?
MWGNZ: even walking and a treat is better than not walking
NorthstarTex: Just get yourself a collar and leash, and go for walks, don't ask who is getting walked
ItsThugDimmadome: Same.
Zaneysed: I gotta finish the plate
Zaneysed: I hate it
MWGNZ: buy smaller plates
uneactrice: 100%
saucemaster5000: I'm a habitual snacker, which means I never finish my actual meals. Had to switch to vegetable/fruit snacking
Scarbble: smaller plates is def the cheat code
Moansters: this stage is kinda weird
Simonark: 80 minutes a day, every day. I can't do the gym. It's not great when it's been 35 degrees for two weeks, but it has to get done.
LowUpsideCJ: I always eat 2/3s and then go "what am I gonna save just 1/3?" and then overeat
Moansters: why is the mime watching two guys beat the living crap out of each other?
Simonark: Walking's the only option, it's what you take.
PawssumFable: I actually bought BIGGER plates so I don't want seconds
PawssumFable: Second serving is way worse
MWGNZ: @PawssumFable cheatcode still works in reverse
BrowneePoints: also, more importantly, stop moralizing food. It will make you feel better about your body, even if you are not where you want to be
Zaneysed: God that describes me playing league
Mai_Andra: Why is this ice cream truck driving through the apartment complex right now... NotLikeThis
Simonark: I'm dyspraxic, my coordination for things I'm not looking directly at is so bad it's legitimately dangerous. The gym's not a good idea. Can't run, really, either. Walking wins.
thatjuantoo: @Mai_Andra It knows NotLikeThis
violetblight: i started going to the gym with a couple friends at uni and only did it like a few times, but it helped way more than i thought. def gonna make it a routine next semester
ItsThugDimmadome: That'll do it.
chrisvonclause: You can also walk with increasing weights. I used to walk to work with 45 lb. weight plates in a ruck sack designed for it. My cardio was insane.
ManWithTheMask13: @drizztnailo I was holding back help
Moansters: I could never give up drinking my beloved fritz cola
LowUpsideCJ: Body release chemicals? Chemicals good
AceGun_: I probably need to give a workout routine another shot now that I'm on better meds.
ItsThugDimmadome: I just tell myself "Are ya gonna drink and eat like trash either way? Then GO." LUL
Moansters: yeah just walking instead of taking the care everywhere ist great tho
NorthstarTex: my partner do workouts at home, and the challenge for me (since I'm more fit) is to double his reps, and that makes him want to do more reps out of spite
chrisvonclause: It's also really good for your posture and joints. You'd be suprised.
ItsThugDimmadome: @AceGun_ There's an app I use called Boostcamp that has preprogrammed stuff too.
AceGun_: Send it my way, that would be great!
MWGNZ: wait do we really want heef to be stronger? Kappa
gualdhar: Dude I'd sign up for the Adam Savidan workout mailer
PawssumFable: lol me and thug on the same page
drizztnailo: i gotta find some kind of program to do for sure
AceGun_: I'm just going to start mashing my workouts.
LowUpsideCJ: For anyone who wants to run, the Nike Run Club app has great beginner guided runs for free
PawssumFable: Cheetos don't stop me going to the gym
ItsThugDimmadome: @PawssumFable I'm on the PHUL one right now with some tweaks. You?
ManWithTheMask13: Ryan Humus
ItsThugDimmadome: @PawssumFable Oh I thought you meant the app LUL
Simonark: As much as I enjoy the stream, it's genuinely time to for a walk. Keep pressing the best buttons!
PawssumFable: no idea
Saintnex: @drizztnailo so I started with the body weight fitness subreddit’s minimalist workout routine and I found it pretty helpful to start
saucemaster5000: it's still fucking great to me that the author who wrote "the power" also wrote the story for the "zombies run" app
PawssumFable: My gym has a circuit and I just do it
BrowneePoints: but yeah, as someone who literally does work as a plus size model and body positivity having to be a big part of my job, the biggest thing is trying to reframe your mindset. Body dysphoria and dysmorphia is a powerful thing
MWGNZ: no shame in starting with an empty bar
Saintnex: it’s just 4 exercises and most are just bodyweight
ManWithTheMask13: Turns out, Gief mirror is still goated
ItsThugDimmadome: My gorilla brain want number go up
drizztnailo: @ManWithTheMask13 one of the mirrors of all time
ItsThugDimmadome: When I flex my back I feel like I got meat now
ManWithTheMask13: Lesgo Nelly, what a confirm
Saintnex: @mwgnz right?? I just started with bar weight squats today and after the minor ego hit, I felt great
BrowneePoints: I think it’s six weeks to form a habit, right?
HungryTanuki: Building discipline for exercising is not an easy task but you can get there
MWGNZ: @Saintnex much better for learning good form and avoiding injury later too
LowUpsideCJ: I also really enjoy the Chloe Ting summer 2020 workout routine playlist on youtube
Izandai: Jesus
Blakemcm: rubber match
BrowneePoints: I was a 10 1/2 half pound baby and my mom never let me live it down
Moansters: wow
PawssumFable: I'm trying to get where I can do a 5k a day. I'm slow as hell at it rn.
drizztnailo: my brother was huge, he was like 11 or 12 pounds
PawssumFable: I wanna do it in about an hour
ManWithTheMask13: I popped out with a Glock in my rarri
Moansters: reminds me of that snl oil baron sketch
saucemaster5000: I was a massive head baby
Moansters: with Adam Driver
saucemaster5000: melon on a toothpick etc etc
ManWithTheMask13: On my mama
drewm1022: HEAD! PANTS! NOW!
gualdhar: Being born was the last time I was on time for anything
MWGNZ: big droolies
dumbo3k: o7 Sleep droolers roll over!
ItsThugDimmadome: Yup.
ManWithTheMask13: I drool now all the time
NorthstarTex: apparently I wanted to come out feet first
ManWithTheMask13: I LOVE drooling
PawssumFable: No just sleep sweater
therepoman__: I'm a sleep drooler but not when I sleep in bed weirdly only when I nap on the couch or something
ManWithTheMask13: Any residentDroolers in chat
LowUpsideCJ: I can't tell if I sleep drool because of how much I sleep sweat
saucemaster5000: I sleep drool during naps but not at night
NorthstarTex: I am a sleep drooler
BrowneePoints: in fomo we trust
Moansters: plastic pillow case
PawssumFable: Wake up soaked if my room isn't cold af
therepoman__: LMFAOOOO
HungryTanuki: Evo is exciting, looking forward to some good as T8
Blakemcm: Great games Nelson!
Blakemcm: ty for playing me
drizztnailo: "I will allow the FOMO to pass over me and through me. And when the FOMO is gone, only i will remain"
ManWithTheMask13: Sleep drooling on the couch
Izandai: Couches are for sitting on. You don't buy them to clean them.
hyperialguard: DOOOOM
LurkerSpine: Doom got a new name, eh?
Blakemcm: you are so good at being defensive and countering
saucemaster5000: Doom changed their name, don't be fooled
gualdhar: I'd rather sit on comfy dirt than sit on a plastic cover like a serial killer victim
hyperialguard: Agreed. Missed ya Doom
Bearudite: TRUUUUU
therepoman__: true.gif
Tom_Bruise: turns out he's not only sleepdrooling, he's also spittin'
saucemaster5000: Can I get a FALSE?
drizztnailo: i didnt recognize it was doom until i saw the reversal level 2 and then i immediately knew it was them
saucemaster5000: hearing that stick churn
hyperialguard: The churning!
Blakemcm: ill play anytime ya want Nelson i think were pretty ding dang close
therepoman__: *CLICK CLICK*
Moansters: best I can do is an "incorrect"
thatjuantoo: LUL
hyperialguard: He'd be great starting a fire with a stick
saucemaster5000: silence, silence, "CLAKITYCLACK"
BrowneePoints: Zangief and Goldlewis players can make butter innately
Bearudite: sorta?
Saintnex: Gamewise, kinda
ItsThugDimmadome: I guess? I don't know if there's a comp scene
drizztnailo: its an arena fighter i guess?
pointproven214: No
Tom_Bruise: I don't think they play like anything, they just... procede
Tom_Bruise: and have a character creator
GrapeshotOnline: modern wwe games seem to sorta autopilot a bit
ItsThugDimmadome: Wrestle night would be sick. Everyone makes a character and lets the AI duke it out.
pointproven214: And they never did either
Saintnex: there’s a star rating system that actually incentivizes back and forth, reversals, etc. it’s kinda weird to explain
GrapeshotOnline: but something like wrestling empire? jank as hell but does have definitive moves
ItsThugDimmadome: @Saintnex Gotata send the crowd home happy
Tom_Bruise: From the creators of Oki Oki Fight Club, now presenting; The Blunderbowl! All Stupid Wrestling, All the time
Orxolon: Adam,i don't know if i asked you this,but,have you played King of fighters?
BrowneePoints: @itsthugdimmadome LRR has done that multiple times. look up Autumnal Rumble on YouTube
Ukon_Cairns: surely the next autumnal rumble gotta have a oki oki division
subspacenova: City of the Wolves hypeeee
thatjuantoo: Almost LUL
Blakemcm: i dont like the non dedicated throw input and the hops
Orxolon: my main is Joe Higashi
Saintnex: @itsthugdimmadome definitely, but it feels kinda weird when winning isn’t pre-determined and so you also just want to remain in control and dominate, but then the game says you had a terrible match lol
Orxolon: yeah
ItsThugDimmadome: @BrowneePoints Hell yeah I love those.
saucemaster5000: I'm kinda excited for terry. get us another bruiser
subspacenova: @Orxolon Preecha hype? Preecha hype.
LurkerSpine: I mean, you can try 98 or 02 and get a pretty good idea of KoF
Bearudite: I like Marco
ItsThugDimmadome: @Saintnex Never thought I'd see a co-op fighting game lol
BrowneePoints: I think Vox Reaper plays like Kevin
Orxolon: i did
saucemaster5000: lmao you could see that super buffer
drizztnailo: i played a really small amount of 15, was very fun
LurkerSpine: I fuck around with it, but play would be a stretch
ItsThugDimmadome: King of Dinosaurs is RAD AF
BrowneePoints: King of Dinosaurs
LurkerSpine: Tizoc better
Tom_Bruise: in fairness, dinosaurs are pretty rad
baskwalla: Sauron
saucemaster5000: no I played drizzt's tizoc fuck that char
ItsThugDimmadome: Has the Dinosaur been announced for Tekken yet?
therepoman__: I'm realizing that the thing that's going to get me back into playing SF6 is a change of character so I'm going to give Ed a whirl
BrowneePoints: @loadingreadyrun King of Dinosaurs is Tizoc’s Heel Persona
BusTed: aw, dangit
hyperialguard: Hell yeah. Ed is cool
hyperialguard: Embrace the Orb
Naesiir: I've never seen a DI tie before TTours
subspacenova: @therepoman__ Pog
Saintnex: @itsthugdimmadome honestly wrestling games are so weird but they can be really fun to watch and play sometimes, like I’ve seen matches between two ppl actively trying to win and it was honestly better than a lot of actual wrestling matches I’ve seen :D
saucemaster5000: Ed is very cool
therepoman__: I like the fact that he has a lot of execution checks
BrowneePoints: Ed is wild cuz they made a boxer a controller
ItsThugDimmadome: @Saintnex I can see those getting cutthroat real fast. Wrestling for me's not hitting right now but I know I'll be back eventually.
Naesiir: the drive gauge damage Gief does in season 2 is absurd
Saintnex: speaking of fighting games, does anyone else miss the old EA fight night boxing games?
MWGNZ: hifunkSickest hifunkSickest
AceGun_: seabatClap
NewtyNewts: Hell yeah, a double!
ManWithTheMask13: Ggs GGs GGs
ItsThugDimmadome: I'm surprised they haven't remade Def Jam for the modern age just for fun.
LurkerSpine: Juan is/was a Ken player
saucemaster5000: lmaoooo
Bearudite: I can't remember who the G player was
AceGun_: Juan is an honest grounded footsies player.
BusTed: LUL
hyperialguard: Mixed
Bearudite: was it mazda?
JinaMahavira: Anyone else excited for the League Vampire Survivors event that starts on Wed?
DoomBringerIL: hey chat... whats on paper fight club tonight?
Bearudite: Mein was rocking Vega(Claw)
Bearudite: I miss mein
lightfut: The mono -brown showdown
Bearudite: I hope they are well
NewtyNewts: Oh no...
DoomBringerIL: nice!! any Zuladek??
Orxolon: 0!?i mean,devoid?
hyperialguard: Chansey, Porygon, Ursaring, Deoxys, probably
HungryTanuki: @JinaMahavira Didn't heard of it but that sounds fun ! What's the goal ?
Naesiir: @hyperialguard arklNotes
LowUpsideCJ: hell yeah omarthis
ManWithTheMask13: Zulaport Cutthroat? The goat?
AceGun_: the mouse was the last straw
Bearudite: go home be family man
Bearudite: FamilyMan
BusTed: @Bearudite FamilyMan
JinaMahavira: @HungryTanuki beat the waves/bosses
tod_vom_himmel: adam one person still counts as a family
saucemaster5000: fit? Does Nelly live in the lalafel house?
Naesiir: will Adam become an Au Pair now?
Izandai: mattlrLul
Bearudite: stacks players are zoners
ManWithTheMask13: I'm getting blasted
Moansters: what is the equivalent of button mashing in magic?
ManWithTheMask13: My Zendikar banger uncommon
hyperialguard: Trading health for advantage? Hmmm
Blakemcm: i wore you out with my mediocre ED!!!
Blakemcm: that was the plan
Bearudite: @Moansters 5 color good stuff
LurkerSpine: disagree. Mono Red involves a LOT of math
AceGun_: 5-color "this is what I drafted" deck.
ItsThugDimmadome: @Moansters Playing burn, running out of spells and dying cuz you drew 12 lands.
Moansters: @ItsThugDimmadome lol
BrowneePoints: Mono White is the lazy players mono red
gualdhar: So is JP the Esper Control character?
ManWithTheMask13: JP is the Oloro player
DoomBringerIL: can u tell a little about the BAD aspects of ur day? playing games all day and chatting and all that is very entertaining for us and prob for u as well... so jelly... whats the downside if there r any? @LoadingReadyRun
Izandai: Monowhite is aggro for sophisticated nerds.
tod_vom_himmel: you were too plus
ItsThugDimmadome: @Izandai Sounds like a strat for weenies Kappa
ManWithTheMask13: @tod_vom_himmel mfw I'm +2
Izandai: @ItsThugDimmadome demipyroCool
AceGun_: You have to be "on" at all times.
BrowneePoints: @izandai loud and incorrect buzzer
Helrumyc: being On for 3 hours straight is hard
Bearudite: the eyes
Naesiir: Being on camera all day seems like it would suck
saucemaster5000: Gief player complaining about being plus smh
Moansters: you can't pick your nose...
BrowneePoints: You have to be in performance mode for hours
Bearudite: have to hold in the farts
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 gohunt1Pea
measureofhope: Emotional labour is tiring fr
LowUpsideCJ: Man I had anxiety just having my name be visible in the oki oki room I certainly could not be on camera being perceived
BrowneePoints: Imagine having to carry an entire play by yourself for 3+ hours a day
Marvoleath: Can't really have a bad day, that gotta be the hardest part of streaming, imo.
Helrumyc: Oh, and because we live in a capitalist society, the value of entertainment is horribly undervalued so the pay is rough
DoomBringerIL: like a lot of mental pressure... hmm y'all handle that amazingly well! GG @LoadingReadyRun
Bearudite: no time off
Izandai: Statistically speaking, almost nobody makes money on Twitch.
tod_vom_himmel: every time you try a new character people ask you if youve given up previous character
tod_vom_himmel: also applicable to games
Chronomagistrate: Parasocialism is, yeah, real oof
drewm1022: Hey I follow both of your twitch channels. :D
ItsThugDimmadome: I'm way too private to be in on-screen entertainment.
JinaMahavira: very shaky financial situtation
drizztnailo: adam actually really hates kevin off camera
BrowneePoints: You’re also monetizing part of your hobby, which makes it more difficult to interact with in a leisure way
Naesiir: that would certainly be an interesting start of a stream
BrowneePoints: on the plus side eventually you get silly lil pictures that make people happy browne26PearPride
Naesiir: memorable at least
Marvoleath: "here is the fight I just got with my wife, it's topical, because we are playing fightning games"
LowUpsideCJ: Off camera adam knows nothing about frame data, he is just excellent at memorizing his lines before the stream
Bearudite: off the dome
Helrumyc: That got deep in the last few minutes
DoomBringerIL: thanks! sorry if that question was out of place i was genuignly curious cuz yall present it in an amazingly positive and enetertaining way @Blakemcm
Izandai: There are no easy jobs.
Bearudite: oh yeah if your ISP hates you they can sabatoge your job
BrowneePoints: YEP
Chronomagistrate: oh yeah
BrowneePoints: *glares at my property manager* @bearudite
saucemaster5000: The way I put it -- no matter how much you like your job, there's always a deveining shrimp day
Blakemcm: @DoomBringerIL dont bring me into this! =P
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 That rarely happens at my job, I don't think.
Bearudite: TRUUUUUU
saucemaster5000: weird arce
saucemaster5000: ace
subspacenova: @saucemaster5000 That's why I'm applying to be a vampire
Helrumyc: dang, we had an issue with our antenna and they sent someone out to put in a new one, no charge. granted we're using a local ISP, not one of the oligarchs
drewm1022: Heh. My chef is gone for the weekend. Dude hasn't taken a night off in like 10 years. Should be an interesting weekend at the restaurant. :D
measureofhope: It's like using your favourite song as your alarm. Guaranteed to ruin it.
NewtyNewts: Good luck with the networking
Bearudite: @saucemaster5000 that is update approvals day
LowUpsideCJ: Man I want a job so bad lmao
Naesiir: We all can come together in our shared resentment of having to participate in capitalism
saucemaster5000: @drewm1022 Lmao. Good luck chef
Bearudite: its who you know and your rep
TheMerricat: Wasn't prozd originally a part timer or did I misunderstand how he started out?
BusTed: @TheMerricat He started out on like Tumblr
drewm1022: @saucemaster5000 Thanks! I'm the foh guy, I just get to deal with the guests. :P
ItsThugDimmadome: @TheMerricat I wanna say he did some earlier abridged series
BrowneePoints: a lot of the legacy hires are also now Voice Directors themselves
NewtyNewts: oh no
thatjuantoo: LUL
Naesiir: time to absorb the Aki knowledge arklNotes
Zaneysed: True, the aki is suffocating lol
Kieselalge: @LoadingReadyRun is there going to be a pre pre release ? :'(
LowUpsideCJ: @Naesiir oh no
NewtyNewts: all good nelly
Marvoleath: !ppr
LRRbot: Information on the Bloomburrow PPR is still forthcoming. Stay tuned!
BrowneePoints: G said yes yesterday but not officially announced
Invitare: Graham leaked it, it's fine
BusTed: Graham has said that it is extant
AceGun_: broski4Akicool
QuixoticScrivener: anything for the Assassin's Creed cards?
BrowneePoints: He did not tell us the day
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Graham said yesterday there would be one. I'm not sure "Sunday" was known.
BrowneePoints: He just said it was coming
AceGun_: We have all already forgotten.
Bearudite: withhold his mouse like he withholds info
HungryTanuki: We heard nothin' :D
BrowneePoints: I’m not shaming you!
Bearudite: sieze the means of rpoduction
LowUpsideCJ: This is what happens when you run one more set
DanTheMediocre: subathon probably also has hidden it as TCG day instead of the PPR as regular
thatjuantoo: LUL
DanTheMediocre: I was curious too, since it would overlap
Blakemcm: lotta agression thrown around out there
Blakemcm: can be misread
Bearudite: there is some real "welp time to feed myself into the woodchipper" energy
BrowneePoints: they’re not following the flow chart that you think you know
BrowneePoints: it takes zero energy to be kind
saucemaster5000: they're not random, they're just hitting scissor kick five times in a row cause you ain't doing anything about it
BrowneePoints: simple as that
Blakemcm: its over quick with Gief
AceGun_: Gief players know what they are signing up for.
Bearudite: yeah Doom catches too many bullets for the geif matchup
LowUpsideCJ: @saucemaster5000 That's baseball baby
drizztnailo: i think the baseball analogy fits especially well with grapplers, it feels like just guessing but theres a lot more under the surface when you practice it alot
Zaneysed: Newt cross up is so good
Naesiir: related, I'm still shocked by how far away Aki's command grab reaches
AceGun_: If you guess right, and know how to punish, yes.
LurkerSpine: ggs mask
LurkerSpine: also I hate the wheel kick buff
ManWithTheMask13: ggs ggs Lurker
ManWithTheMask13: Yeah we didn't deserve that
LurkerSpine: that shit should be -50
ManWithTheMask13: Gief didn't deserve a lot about S2 but here I am
drizztnailo: week one king was insane (he's still pretty good)
thatjuantoo: @drizztnailo He got better PogChamp
Bearudite: but Dhalsim always ends up where he needs to be
drizztnailo: i gotta learn how to do the wavedash consistently
BrowneePoints: he is
tergonis: king is comfortably top tier
drizztnailo: he's high tier i think
Zaneysed: Just give King a few more moves, he doesnt have enough options
BrowneePoints: he’s top 10 still I think
drizztnailo: he's not like dragonov or anything but he's very solid
Bearudite: no one likes watching a cutscene
LowUpsideCJ: Just one more move will fix this, cmon bro just one more move
Bearudite: they wanna press buttons
saucemaster5000: the knee is wild
LurkerSpine: No, fuck wheel kick
zergsalad: what'd they do to his knee?
saucemaster5000: You basically have to play at a new range
NewtyNewts: Ggs Nelly
BrowneePoints: Like dude Kuma is a legit competitive pick in Tekken 8. that game is wild
DoomBringerIL: aren't all characters supposed to have the same power level? i haven't played since SF2... @LoadingReadyRun
LurkerSpine: I couldn't punish it with Drive Rush standing medium, that's fucking stupid
zergsalad: oooh got it ty
ManWithTheMask13: GIEF NUMO 4 gohunt1Torch gohunt1Torch gohunt1Torch
BrowneePoints: @doombringeril you missed a much longer Convo about an hour ago but no, no fighting game is balanced
NewtyNewts: You started dialing in on me that last match, just a bit unfortunate with spacing on that last hit
Bearudite: @DoomBringerIL that is the ideal but balance is very hard
zergsalad: time to pick gief back up XD
LurkerSpine: the downplaying
LurkerSpine: He's easily top 5 convo
drizztnailo: its a 14 frame move tho (its very egregious but i dont want capcom to take my new toys lol)
LurkerSpine: he just has a bad matchup spread
ManWithTheMask13: Gief is up there for sure
zergsalad: @LurkerSpine cap
Bearudite: its a universal mechanic
drizztnailo: i think he's high tier. not top tier but very strong atm
AceGun_: Non-grappler players aren't going to switch to him, but Gief players are eating good.
HungryTanuki: Itazan !
ManWithTheMask13: And Japan has the best Gief players
GrapeshotOnline: you know what's funny, japan says literally the same thing about us lmao
ManWithTheMask13: Itazan and Kobayan are different beasts
drizztnailo: japan thought gio was top 2 for a while in guilty gear cause one cracked gio player beat everyone
ManWithTheMask13: We couldn't combo into lvl3 until Ed came out
saucemaster5000: Give manon another plus button in neutral and people would riot
Naesiir: thanks for the games and the stream!!
Zaneysed: Ggs
Saintnex: thanks for the stream!
ManWithTheMask13: ggs ggs to all
LMAOkai_: thanks for the games everyone!
Marvoleath: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Marvoleath: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Zaneysed: Wake them up
zergsalad: thanks for the stream!
drizztnailo: yell real lud to wake them real quick
ManWithTheMask13: I hear them croaking
Naesiir: that counts, the algorithm counts that
therepoman__: OSFrog FROGS ARE GONE OSFrog
NewtyNewts: Honshu Honshu Snooze Club
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (48m from now).
ylegm: Nelson isn't not wrong
HungryTanuki: Thanks for the stream eveyrone !
Marvoleath: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
ManWithTheMask13: FROGS ARE GONEEER gohunt1Torch gohunt1Torch gohunt1Torch
ylegm: Nelson *isn't wrong
NewtyNewts: Ooh, he's playing the PTCG sequel! That'll be interesting to watch
Naesiir: sub-a-thon hype!!! arklRave
HungryTanuki: Subathon tiiime !
Twilight_Spark: Do there exist more than 4 hours of content?
NewtyNewts: Mixed content, I believe
Marvoleath: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Marvoleath: has more dets
Ravynn: James plays Sekiro?
Saskquatchewan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Saskquatchewan! (Today's storm count: 16)
AceGun_: OOFC tournament is on the schedule, right?
Juliamon: There's gonna be a tourney, yes
ylegm: neat
Dread_Pirate_Westley: James said on his stream there will be a Subathon preview video at the start of FNPF tonight.
jimber_jam: I'm sorting my cards from the new SWU set so I'm really looking forward to that draft
GapFiller: eyyy TTSF is still brown not grey!
Naesiir: oooo OOFC tournament?!
GapFiller: truly Ian is just that special
Juliamon: Get ready to steal Heef's belt if you can
Zaneysed: An in office ones sounds sweet
Bearudite: Heef is at Evo
saucemaster5000: Oh an extreme battle tourney would be great
Bearudite: so its open season
lochnessseammonster: thanks for the stream :)
therepoman__: Extreme Battle is funny as hell
tod_vom_himmel: you take that back, thats how street fighter is meant to be played
ManWithTheMask13: If Drizzt and I meet in finals we're playing rock paper scissors
AceGun_: All the serious gamers are at Evo, so the casuals will reign supreme.
Orxolon: thx for the stream
RurouniGeo: im a casual going to evo Kapp
NewtyNewts: Good stream all!
LowUpsideCJ: ggs all
Juliamon: (we are thinking of treating the VIP prize as a champ belt, moving it to the new winner)
Blakemcm: great stream thanks again for the set nelson
thatjuantoo: inobunMelonjam
MungoDude: ah good ol windows noise
Ravynn: Beep boop
Bearudite: I hear a mouse being stolen
MrSarkhan: love that usb unplug noise
MungoDude: prolly a fightstick
Bearudite: probs yeah
Juliamon: such an iconic noise... imagine the outrage if it ever changes
GapFiller: didnt they bandy that idea abt on a recent ChillPoint? just changing all the sys noises for lulz
dumbo3k: I would only accept changing it to the Thwonk noise
Juliamon: would love to swap the plug-in/plug-out soundfiles
dumbo3k: OR was it Thwump? The Mario enemy
Juliamon: benginUrgh
dumbo3k: Yes, that one!
GapFiller: nalvThink whatif the stream is just left live all the way till ChillPoint start time
GapFiller: just imagine Pauls face in this scenario
Juliamon: then everyone lurking gets free points I guess
GapFiller: its good getting everyone ready for nxt week at least
Orxolon: are we watching something or are we all seeing the "going offline"?
Juliamon: they left it live, don't worry about it
GapFiller: just waiting for ChillPoint Kappa
Juliamon: it happens
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (29m from now).
toady0s: brother, they took away that go offline from you
LoadingReadyRun: Hey all, just a quick heads up! ChillPoint is gonna be a bit late starting today! Should be online between 1:00PM-1:30PM!
Juliamon: Cool, can you turn the stream off then?
Juliamon: OOFC left it on
Juliamon: also I think you may have your times off by an hour
Juliamon: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 1:38 PM
LoadingReadyRun: Hey all, just a quick heads up! ChillPoint is gonna be a bit late starting today! Should be online between 2:00PM-2:30PM!
Juliamon: plugin noise