Metric_Furlong: okay, I've plugged in a noise
Metric_Furlong: now what
djalternative: honk shoo
TheMerricat: Now... WE PARTY!
TheMerricat: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
djalternative: i'm nappin
djalternative: home sick today
TheMerricat: Get well soon!
djalternative: I think I'm fine now but I was up all night trying to suppress a poo de tat
Metric_Furlong: that's an annoyingly good turn of phrase
djalternative: someone riffed on me in the discord late last night. I simply said my bowels were engaging in a coup
djalternative: and don't worry. being up all night gave me plenty of time to come up with several other euphemisms
Juliamon: lrrSIG
RubikDarkwill: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
GapFiller: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG NEU!
TheMerricat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months, currently on a 94 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheMerricat! (Today's storm count: 17)
DaSunao: lrrSIG
nightshadeqx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months, currently on a 29 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nightshadeqx! (Today's storm count: 18)
MahJunior17 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MahJunior17! (Today's storm count: 19)
GapFiller: quick back o the hand notes for this week: Game Pass price gouging, Sony Palworld, and the Esports World Cup
GapFiller: oh microtransactions seem atithetical to getting a good nights sleep imo
DideRobot: LRR: Time for Chillpoint! Hang out with Heather Beej and Paul and chat about gaming news. (has image) |
jacqui_lantern234: hey all ya lovely friends whomst i value and cherish beyond measure!!!!!!! <3
GapFiller: also also that World Cup Trophy looks like something cryptobros wd pump the brakes on
Juliamon: The number of people in the comments that rightly called it out as YGO as hell was great
TheMerricat: Straight from the heart of Maximilian Pegasus himself :D
GapFiller: nalvThink tho perhaps still less excessive than a building the length of NYC to Philly IN THE DESERT
TheMerricat: @GapFiller A pipe dream that'll never even get 25% of the way done and is just more ways to grease corrupt palms.
SocraticMethod: TBH considering how big e-sport scene LoL has, creating a trophy that is 90% salt generator would absolutely fit
DeM0nFiRe: 🎂
TheMerricat: Happy Birthday Cool Beej!
richard_ermen: Hypp Beejday!
Sibwow: birthday!
RecklawGaming: happy birthday beej!
jacqui_lantern234: :O HAPPY BEEJ DAY!!! ...wait
Leebo140: Happy Birthday Beej!
pyrelight: happy beejday!
GapFiller: nalvParty nalvParty nalvParty
EvilBadman: Happy 30th anniversary beej
TheMerricat: :D
richard_ermen: Wohooo
Coloneljesus: habby birf!
Juliamon: birthhday
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to happybirthday! They have given 2447 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, happybirthday! (Today's storm count: 20)
GapFiller: Beej plays video games Heather cmon
Sibwow: when sonic has a birthday its video games, why not beej?
baltimore_667083: happy beejday!
richard_ermen: It's Beej's 30ths Anniversary!
TheMerricat: He's a video game journalist. :D
DoodlestheGreat: Joyous natal anniversary felicitations, Beej!
GapFiller: also Beej hosts a veido game news show
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Happy Beej Day!
TheMerricat: Wow.
JayaLegends subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JayaLegends! (Today's storm count: 21)
GapFiller: or we can buy merch!
jacqui_lantern234: @TheMerricat """JOURNALIST"""
jacqui_lantern234: Kappa
GapFiller: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
GhostValv: the joke maker is also handsome and extremely humble
kusinohki: meows (lost track of time)
Juliamon: kusinohki don't worry, they started late!
DoodlestheGreat: The LRR battle pass comes with 10% more jocularity.
jacqui_lantern234: can confirm, Nelly is really funny
pyrelight: ahh, battery vampire
Coloneljesus: sleep data compromised
DoodlestheGreat: So the game is for lonely people. *sad*
Coloneljesus: pokemon sleep doesn't work with smart watches yet?
kusinohki: I made a joke yesterday about pokemon adding microtransactions so ppl could catch more pokemon, then I watched this story... I should have known better
DoodlestheGreat: I try to double check such things before commenting.
TheMerricat: For those on Android, Sleep as Android is the gold standard app for a sleep tracking.
Coloneljesus: nintendo playing 5d chess
KV1NN4: One of my Pokemon Sleep buddies has the Pokemon Puck...w hcih i think was previosuly a Pokemon Go device or something? I forget.
TheMerricat: Go Plus + is listed as a compatible device.
Garfy400 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Garfy400! (Today's storm count: 22)
djalternative: You USED to be able to have PoGo work with the apple watch. They removed that functionality
TheMerricat: "Can I link Pokémon Sleep with other sleep tracking devices? No, you cannot link Pokémon Sleep with other sleep tracking devices. You may link Pokémon Sleep with a Pokémon GO Plus + device."
Laserbeaks_Fury: The real money is in selling pokeballs
accountmadeforants subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months, currently on a 73 month streak!
accountmadeforants: I have altered the deal in your favour, pray I alter it further! -EA
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, accountmadeforants! (Today's storm count: 23)
SocraticMethod: This is version of carcinization, but instead of invertebrates becoming crabs it's MTX becoming Riot model
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah, when Battle Pass systems move away from self-sustaining (being able to buy the next pass with game currency earned from the last), that when I 100% check out
Juliamon: It's shrinkflation-flavoured enshittification
niccus: should i see a doctor for that
SocraticMethod: "Apex Legends has earned EA $3.4 billion" I think the devs are paid for, it's the poor c-suite that are starving
accountmadeforants: I play Arena but I haven't paid money for it in years. That's more of a function of me wanting to play magic and therefor playing magic.
Dalrint: In Diablo 4 you get 'some' currency from the premium battle pass, but you still need to buy about five dollars of premium currency to buy the next pass
accountmadeforants: Same with SF6 when I still played that a lot.
Juliamon: SocraticMethod How much of that actually went to the devs instead of c-suite tho
accountmadeforants: But fuck battle passes all the same
TheMerricat: The extra shitty part is the reduced the amount of the the pass lasts for so even if it is in theory the same amount of dollars that the old in game currency was worth, you are still effectively raising the price.
Laserbeaks_Fury: DBD has a battle pass system where you buy game currency, and you get a return on that investment if you finish the pass. After an initial buy in, I got over 15 Battle Passes with no additional buy in
SocraticMethod: @Juliamon Enough to cover their salaries, I imagine. I don't think Apex has issues self-sustaining themselves
Angreed66: Increasing the userbase only goes so far if no one ever actually pays real money
Darleysam: @Juliamon also, where are the figures coming from, and it's been out for 5 years now so...
Laserbeaks_Fury: You need the F2P to fill out the playerbase so you whales stay
SocraticMethod: Apex doesn't have freebies, you need to pay for battlepass at least once to get premium currency
Laserbeaks_Fury: But once you buy in, it was self-sustaining
accountmadeforants: Oh hell yeah I love getting [amounts] of Nouns!
accountmadeforants: Maybe the US ones are just worse
GhostValv: oh huh
Juliamon: yeah they're just Premium here, and the packaging is blue
lightfut: But I want a partridge in a pear tree too!
DoodlestheGreat: Premium saltines has been around for decades.
TheMerricat: "Premium (Premium Saltine Crackers) is a brand of soda cracker produced by Nabisco, which were first introduced in 1876. It is known as Premium Plus (Premium Plus Salted Tops) in Canada, under the Christie (formerly, Mr. Christie) banner. In the United States it is marketed as "Original Premium.""
Laserbeaks_Fury: *10 free level*
Juliamon: (also they are actually better than the other brands so I can't really make jokes about ironic names)
Laserbeaks_Fury: You buy to grind less
TwoBitSlim subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TwoBitSlim! (Today's storm count: 24)
GapFiller: common Community Notes W
emberBecky: I honestly don't think I ever noticed those saltines were called "premium". I think I just know them by the box
Coloneljesus: it's a wonder that feature of twitter still exists
accountmadeforants: Twitter community notes are still a fantastic idea and I'm amazed they still exist (and that there's no way for companies to pay to turn them off, though I'm sure if they really wanted to they could)
Laserbeaks_Fury: I didnt realize Premium was a brand name, I just thought it was Nabisco
ReynardWrecca subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months, currently on a 30 month streak!
ReynardWrecca: 88 is such a satisfying number.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ReynardWrecca! (Today's storm count: 25)
Juliamon: would love to see the community notes start popping up on Musk's own posts
Xooszi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Xooszi: 57 months! Happy stream, y'all!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xooszi! (Today's storm count: 26)
CanPlayGames: As a gamer, I hate Live Service games. As a Dev that wants to stay employed. I'm fine with it.
TheMerricat: Given how many time muskrat himself has been hoisted by his on petard courtesy of community notes...
CanPlayGames: The people at the bottom should be making 100mil/yr
Marvoleath: We need more money, or the people who do not care about the game or players will not be happy with us
SocraticMethod: Respawn
awildshen: which is owned by EA
Laserbeaks_Fury: Microsoft really wants to get rid of XBOX it feels like. I would not be shocked if there is not a next gen console
epsilon_vee: up until now game pass came across as an offer with an actual value proposition, like give us some money and we'll give you some games
epsilon_vee: whereas xbox gold always came across to me as "what if we just charge users a monthly fee to use the thing they already bought"
Darleysam: next up: Game Pass Peasant - this actively impedes you from playing games you already own, by playing full-screen adverts every 23 minutes
awildshen: I always compared xbox gold to a WoW subscription, it used to mostly for the online play
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah, the focus is definitely on PC over XBOX
CanPlayGames: I just wish that if you bought some kind of "battlepass" it didn't expire.
Darleysam: we used to get games day one, then they changed what day one was
wildpeaks: Oh Good
wildpeaks: considering nuking from orbit
dm818: That's what they plan on for free trials
Metric_Furlong: @Darleysam soon to be followed by: Game Pass Serf - actively prevents you from playing your games unless you've done 1 hour unpaid QA work for microsoft for every 2 hours game time
Juliamon: Companies are literally banking on you forgetting
Angreed66: Start from 0 then add after careful consideration.
Sarah_Serinde: My Hello Fresh subscription only reminds me to choose my recipes on weeks that I've already chosen to skip my delivery
PMAvers: that feels like it should be illegal, going from free to a paid service without your consent.
wildpeaks: never ever signup to a trial that requires a credit card, they hope you'll forget or may have cancellation fees
GapFiller: there was a period w/ loads of articles abt gaming that system to just chain eg free Prime trials
GapFiller: then ofc Amazon closed all those loopholes
Marvoleath: Remember - any "free trial" that asks for a card number up front - they are hoping you forget to cancel after the trial
Sarah_Serinde: Whenever I sign up for a free trial I set up a reminder several days before it ends so I can cancel it if I don't want it
Coloneljesus: @Sarah_Serinde this is the way
Coloneljesus: I also cancel all my twitch subs immediately (except LRR)
wildpeaks: online signup that can only be called using a byzantian phone call are another classic
wildpeaks: *only be cancelled
Marvoleath: @Coloneljesus Twitch just upped prices for EUR customers, at least in my region. But apparently it does not apply to continued subs (yet?)
Sarah_Serinde: Oh yeah I also try to check how easy it is to cancel the free trial and whether I can do it myself without contacting support
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's not even limited to entertainment. Rental leases typically slowly ratchet up the price hoping inertia will keep you from moving
Juliamon: Marvoleath US as well, basically most of the places that didn't get the increase earlier in the year
Sarah_Serinde: @Laserbeaks_Fury Lucky for me I have rent control, so it just stops me from moving somewhere better because those landlords can raise the price as much as they like when they list the property
wildpeaks: I worry it gives too much power to Microsoft to choose what gets funded or not if users get used to play only things on gamepass, training users to never buy games
KeytarCat: ah yes, art as an industry, my favorite human construction
Darleysam: I feel like what they're trying to do to solve that, is the game is 'free' on the subscription, but comes with DLC expansions and season passes
wildpeaks: nice
wildpeaks: their vision is augmented
richard_ermen: Great Scott, their coolness factor is OVER 9000!
korvys: "If I stop swimming, I'll drown"
GapFiller: it figures the ideal for these companies is yr pay the 100$ at purchase point and pay the 10$ a month subscription from then on AND the 10$ in microtransactions alongside that
KV1NN4: GlitchCat
korvys: Is that how merch sales works?
SocraticMethod: 10$ in MTX is way too low, at least 50$
wildpeaks: maybe one difference with gamepass is that Microsoft bought so many studios too
wildpeaks: I just hope the cost cutting doesn't end up being "just replace with AI"
GapFiller: jlrrFacepalm
SocraticMethod: The wildest thing I've read was what was supposed to be normal people in Resetera wishing for Sony to go harder into live service because "the single player games aren't profitable enough"
Marvoleath: live action Kappa
wildpeaks: a netflix anime could be fun
wildpeaks: oh we're doing science
Laserbeaks_Fury: I miss when you could play games cyclically. Like WoW, an expansion would drop, you'd play it, and when it was done, you could set it down till the next expansion.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Games now are so invested in microtransactions, they won't let you put the game down
zerragonoss: I think the biggest issue with palworld growing beyond what it is being offbrand Pokémon with fun mechanics that pokemon is not doing. While that works very well for a fun game what it is not a basis for being is own larger brand.
wildpeaks: yeah it became too profitable to monetize the heck out of it
GapFiller: Charizard and Blastoise for Red Blue yeh
korvys: Aspirational pokemon
SocraticMethod: Palworld has PEGI 12 rating according to Xbox store page.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Can I buy a LoL pillow with toxic chat printed on it? Kappa
GapFiller: srsly NFT bros wd look at this as a bit much
wildpeaks: coffee cup with an earth printed on it: world cup
korvys: Baseball's World Series contains only 2 countries
Laserbeaks_Fury: Using a hydraulic press to destroy a loser's remains really reads as the ultimate teabag.
Invitare: or aspirational
niccus: the hydraulic press is a great idea... if this was battlebots/robot wars
zerragonoss: I assume the goal of Ms u
GapFiller: nalvCool
Laserbeaks_Fury: If you can't get an invitation in a bar of chocolate, I'm not interested
SocraticMethod: Getting to pick 3 enemy tokens is such a salt mine move
zerragonoss: Ms universe is to annoy the alien's into reviling themselves.
Marvoleath: That "World" part in the e-sports cup feels like a bait for ppl like Elon Musk, to pay them to organize it in US
SocraticMethod: "Drowned in Pools" is the term
wildpeaks: so Ms Universe contest is space instagram, got it
kusinohki: "didn't even participate trophy"
BusTed: Everyone put your keys in this bowl.
wildpeaks: oh my
Laserbeaks_Fury: Also, did anyone else get *huge* Abstergo vibes from those keys?
SocraticMethod: Taking their plane ticket and casting it in bronze
Marvoleath: take their jersey and reap it to shreds
BusTed: hahaa
GapFiller: something something Tonya Harding
kusinohki: maybe take their uniform or item required for the sport...
Shadowsoflife: @Laserbeaks_Fury Yeah
wildpeaks: trophy escape room
KeytarCat: @kusinohki Their qwert keys
SocraticMethod: The trophy is Apple of Eden?
Landgraft: Personally I would simply read the winds of when a loss is coming, go "to the bathroom" and simply not return
Landgraft: Good luck casting my absence in resin
KeytarCat: Classic Saudi sports experience
SocraticMethod: Nice YA novel Beej, when is the book out? lrrBEEJ
Laserbeaks_Fury: it just the E-SPorts version of the Sword Throne
Marvoleath: it does sound a bit medieval tourney
niccus: it's so much effort for something as historically ephemeral as specific video games as esports
BusTed: The destruction of the art
wildpeaks: oh wow, stripsearch is a name I haven't heard in a while
BusTed: Blended and drunk was pretty funny.
korvys: Oh yeah, the unplanned car conversations
RatherLargeToad: LEGO Masters does something like that with the trophy. Each team has custom minifigs of themselves, and they all get turned in and put in the trophy at the end
Doc_Layzah: That was my favorite episode
Darleysam: been recently rewatching it, and Mike getting very upset about having to destroy Lexi's cartoon
Doc_Layzah: It really made Mike and Jerry feel relatable and compassionate
wildpeaks: I would hope they knew
josh___something: ML is VERY popular
kusinohki: I miss camp wedonwancha....
josh___something: Sorry, ML:BB
Coloneljesus: euro here. never heard of it
wildpeaks: it is quite legendary
accountmadeforants: Yeah that's a made-up name you'd see in a TV series
Marvoleath: was that the one that started as LoL mobile rip-off, but got more popular than actual LoL in China?
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Of course SA has gendered eSports
accountmadeforants: "We have stopped giving fucks, so everyone fucks"
Metric_Furlong: aka that thing they've been doing since DA2 :p
DoodlestheGreat: They have to be open to sexing up cookware to be pansexual.
Laserbeaks_Fury: The question I have is, are the NPC relationships dynamic? Will they match up with different people on different playthroughs
ghyllnox: Pansexual doesn't necessarily mean they're into everyone though
ghyllnox: They just might have preferences other than gender
djalternative: so, why is paul the only one without sunglasses? It feels like Paul's under duress from secret agents
richard_ermen: But...but muh achievements!
TheWooglie: @djalternative Paul's bodyguards
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andres_5062: <message deleted>you have been found protesting in the subreddit!!!! 這是須 我們將接管台灣 serious crime 以及世界其他地方 100 social credits have been deducted from your account
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GapFiller: djalternative Paul is too cool for sunglasses
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juancho_alvarezz: <message deleted>ANELE Transform your Twitch experience and make your stream go viral with bots from HostHub . vip PrimeMe
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djalternative: oh fun
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ghyllnox: Ooffff
tacytsim: <message deleted>SabaPing Revolutionize your streaming game with top-notch bots from HostHub . VIP! PowerUpL
Hackoold: <message deleted>KappaClaus Enhance your Twitch stream and grow your audience with bots from HostHub(dot)vip CarlSmile
drweg25: <message deleted>SabaPing Revolutionize your streaming game with top-notch bots from HostHub . VIP! PowerUpL
Sarah_Serinde: sigh
Sarah_Serinde pulls out the hammer
ThorOfKenya: LUL
ghyllnox: Thanks mods
richard_ermen: wow, bot-wave from china?
KeytarCat: Holy beans
MungoDude: ModLove
Metric_Furlong: holy botspam, batman
GapFiller: yikes ModLove jlrrIcream
josh___something: Ughhhh
OmnipotentTrevor: Mass Effect did something similar, with two of the party members hooking up if you don't hook up with either of them by the end.
TheWooglie: BOP time
kusinohki: hope you have enough hammers sarah
Shadowsoflife: oof ericbitMods
SocraticMethod: @Paul, it's officially called The Veilguard
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah Tali and Garrus
richard_ermen: I just want my party members to be happy, if that means they get together, more power to them!
niccus: technology long unused since harvest moon 64
Metric_Furlong: it's not, but bioware are really desperate these days Kappa
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I'm not sure if it was just some modded NPC's, but there were some NPC-NPC relationships in BG2.
richard_ermen: Is taking the top off bigger news than Cyberpunk 2077 SchlongSizeChoice?
GapFiller: fantastic
josh___something: LMAO
Sarah_Serinde: Okay chat if you notice follower-only is still on by the end of this stream or the start of next one, please remind a mod about it
Sarah_Serinde: Gonna leave it for a bit
richard_ermen: @Dread_Pirate_Westley Even in BG1. Khalid and Jaheira ^^
TheWooglie: thanks Sarah_Serinde
Darleysam: look, they can't just spoil the final cinematic like that
Laserbeaks_Fury: Honestly, if make the system let you matchmake your companions, they would sell so many games
Metric_Furlong: @Dread_Pirate_Westley Aerie and Haer-dalis had some content in good; it was planned to be more but it was cut during development iirc
SocraticMethod: DA:I had NPC-NPC romances too. Sera and Dagna, Dorian and The Iron Bull
Coloneljesus: you wish, beej :D
KeytarCat: Straight passing penetration 👀
Metric_Furlong: @SocraticMethod Isabella and Fenris could hook-up in DA2, iirc
richard_ermen: I remember the controversy around the Mass Effect 1 sex scene. It's still gonna be tame in any way.
Shadowsoflife: @SocraticMethod I didn't know about the Sera Danga romance
KeytarCat: Another?
Dalrint: There was a sonic rpg on DS
Metric_Furlong: speaking of bioware :p
Laserbeaks_Fury: Sonic the Hedgehog: The 1,000 Ring Portal
SocraticMethod: @Shadowsoflife I think it's shown in Trespasser DLC only
KV1NN4: I liked the DS rpg
Shadowsoflife: @SocraticMethod Oh neat.
Metric_Furlong: no Beej, never read chat
Angreed66: Chat is a mindhole
KeytarCat: I wonder if the DS one emulates well. iirc it used the touch screen decently
zerragonoss: Sonic SRPG with speed being a primary value like health.
KeytarCat: @zerragonoss Sonic Sonic Role Playing Game :P
josh___something: Uhhhh...
Marvoleath: lrrSPOOP
Laserbeaks_Fury: That last Sonic game with the sandbox overworld is kinda close to the action combat RPGs like the later FFs
niccus: oh no is it the chicken again
CaptainSpam: Dangit, Peggy!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: From Nintendo UK? PEGI 18?
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSPOOP
GapFiller: lrrSPOOP
SocraticMethod: The _game_ has rating of PEGI 18, which carries over to trailers
CaptainSpam: Ah, this was mentioned in the Discord a bit ago.
Shadowsoflife: ??
josh___something: ??????
DeM0nFiRe: I feel like they maybe should have put a LITTLE more, idk what I am supposed to be excited about lol
KV1NN4: That was creepy o.o;
richard_ermen: Is it one of those ghost photography games?
GapFiller: he does have a paper bag on his head tbf
Laserbeaks_Fury: Majora's Mask Remaster
Metric_Furlong: Bloob-igi's mansion
SocraticMethod: "#WhoIsEmio" tag in the description. Maybe they are prepping an ARG?
MungoDude: I like the top comment - ' "It's-a-me Emio!" - Emio '
Dalrint: Does nintendo own fatal frame? The last few have released on playstation...
MungoDude: also "笑み男" (emi o) = Smiling Man.
Darleysam: to coincide with the launch of the TV series
Darleysam: the British way of saying it would be to put your hands on your hips, sigh, and say "well it's not ideal, is it" whilst inwardly roiling in fury
EvilBadman: those also been some mod movement on "Van Buren" to be playable in Fallout 2 engine
SocraticMethod: Half life wasn't a mod, but it used heavily modified Quake 1 engine
KeytarCat: I just gave up on finding clues for Emio in Japanese Folk Horror because search engines are bad rn. I may come back to it
KeytarCat: Call them terraria
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Day Z was an Arma 3 mod that eventually became its own game
epsilon_vee: i feel like all of that stuff that the project encountered is just mod lyfe, albeit at a big scale all at once because of the ambitiousness of the mod
epsilon_vee: (and the nature of bethesda games and mods for them)
Invitare: what seems to be the final boss is like Act 1 of 5
accountmadeforants: @LilyOfTheVeil6666 Arma 2, even. I remember buying it just to play DayZ :p
KeytarCat: Wait, we talking Lost Sphear?
KeytarCat: Oh dear
Invitare: it's note like absurdly long or anything. It's just way longer than you expect
Invitare: Kamiya is a strange man
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
BusTed: damn
accountmadeforants: What if he includes himself in the weak team members
KeytarCat: @Invitare Ah, definitely not lost sphear (I caught that it's Okami)
Marvoleath: that's respectable at least
7gorobei: en veritas vino, naka sake honto des
KeytarCat: "If it holds up drunk and sober, it must be legit!"
goombalax: there used to be a belief that getting drunk was spiritual possession and you couldn't be held accountable
Gadora: I assume that's only in effect when it's what your boss does, not what you do.
GapFiller: fine start there
SocraticMethod: The pertinent question is: do they have to pay it back?
Angreed66: messed up currency conversions maybe?
Juliamon: Quick, draw straws
Dalrint: I guess that means they're going to try and take the money back from the people they paid incorrectly....
BusTed: oops whoops
MungoDude: "Eleventh" comes before "Sixth" alphabetically, so they get more cash, right?
GapFiller: woof
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Sarah_Serinde: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART lurkers
Sarah_Serinde: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Joecool190 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months, currently on a 11 month streak!
Joecool190: Hi folks!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Joecool190! (Today's storm count: 27)
djalternative: Brown Town!!!!!!!!
Shadwhawk: 'Second' tab *looks at tab bars reduced to cut-off favicons*
accountmadeforants: Nono color commander night
KeytarCat: *stream ends* Beej: "Eugh, I need a drink"
josh___something: "mono" color
djalternative: I'm curious whether Paul edits the intro to be black and white or tinted sepia
KeytarCat: Colorless is a sixth other thing
Shadowsoflife: @Shadwhawk is your tab count Yes?
TheAinMAP: PikaRamen
LordZarano: !rhythm
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Sarah_Serinde: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Shadwhawk: @Shadowsoflife You know how on mobile at some point the tab count just becomes : D ? I have that in two different desktop browsers.
djalternative: what about 4 36 hour days?
KV1NN4: is the sc hedule accurate this year or still cutting off the actual start time in some regions?
Sarah_Serinde: You'll get more specific times on the calendar, but you might need to look at the google calendar version to see the bits that get cut off by the LRR site
KV1NN4: *goes to double check the discord*
Juliamon: Use the Google Calendar schedule for the *full* schedule
Shadowsoflife: @Shadwhawk Fair
Sarah_Serinde: Excited for some GPLP
TheAinMAP: jlrrPunch
Sarah_Serinde: Haven't had a Punch-a-Chunk on the LRR channel in a little bit
EikoandMog: I loved the watch-a-longs :D
accountmadeforants: As an aside, Sarah_Serinde, I didn't see a "no longer in followers-only mode" message, but have no other way to check, so here's your requested reminder to turn that off if it's still on.
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks accountmadeforants
RubikDarkwill: I wonder how many gift subs happybirthday has...
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
accountmadeforants: Thanks for streaming!
GapFiller: thanks for streaming lrrPAUL lrrBEEEJ lrrHEATHER lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART