beowuuf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months, currently on a 131 month streak!
beowuuf: Two pokemon enter the palindrome, one pokemon is eevee.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, beowuuf! (Today's storm count: 1)
beowuuf: sergeHi
beowuuf: ahead of tomorrow too :p
TXC2: I'm sure we'll do fine
beowuuf: lol, is there a pool on the amount of hours it will take? :p
beowuuf: (to reach cap)
Didero: Good evening!
TXC2: hello Didero welcome
beowuuf: sergeHi
Didero: I wonder how good Wheeler will be at card games if Angel isn't there to help him Kappa
TXC2: Wheeler's great at card games, it's tile games he needs help with Kappa
Fanklok: Tiles are thick cards
Didero: Good thing he doesn't have a stream called Is This Your Tile then :D
Fanklok: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Is This Your Card? (Join Wheeler and his every expanding list of card based video games! Game: Pokémon Trading Card Game 2: The Invasion of Team GR!) at Sun 10:00 AM PDT (0s from now).
TXC2: Fanklok lrrHORN
beowuuf: lrrHORN
DideRobot: LRR: | On ITYC a return to games with looooong names, Wheeler's got "Pokemon Trading Card Game 2: Invasion of Team GR!" |
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
BrowneePoints: good morning everyone, I hope you are having a gentle Sunday browne26PearPride
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
FadedOasis: Hot mic coughing
Jillexie: Cough cough
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART
BrowneePoints: wheeler cough jumpscare
beowuuf: might be harry if alex left them around :p
Didero: I thought I could finish watching something before opening the stream, but now I've missed Premium Content?!
beowuuf: hey wheeler!
HungryTanuki: Hey everyone !
FadedOasis: It's not ALL muted, aopparently
beowuuf: still live :(
Didero: I don't know either, but some mic is indeed hot
BrowneePoints: it most definitely am not
ipoddodd: this IS my card
beowuuf: i know, right??
beowuuf: very
TXC2: that mic was so hot it could have started a fusion reaction
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
FadedOasis: Hi Matt!
AttackCowboy: This mic? So hot.
ipoddodd: There is no freedom from chat
beowuuf: i mean use british slurs, no one understands those
beowuuf: and safe
FadedOasis: Fan sound went away, mic is muted
Didero: Now it seems quiet
HungryTanuki: Saabine PogChamp
Didero: Except for the music
Fanklok: All Quiet On the Western Mic
BrowneePoints: this has the exact same tempo as I want you by Savage Garden
beowuuf: perhaps some subathon set up messed up the normal set up
jacqui_lantern234: LISTEN UP YOU STINKY LITTLE CROTCH GREMLINS!!!!!! reminder that youre all wonderful and beautiful and that i love you all AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!!! <3
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
LoadingReadyRun: @jacqui_lantern234 please don't call me that
beowuuf: lrrHEART
BrowneePoints: and now I’ll never hear saabine without thinking of JoJo ever again
FadedOasis: This stream is going to make me want to play through this game again, isn't it.
zelukester subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 16 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zelukester! (Today's storm count: 2)
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun ok, but youre still loved
TXC2: FadedOasis that's how the system works yes Kappa
BrowneePoints: @fadedoasis you’ve already played through the fanslation?
FadedOasis: @BrowneePoints Yep, a couple of times. It's a great game.
beowuuf: hah, get lrrEFF ing loved on, lrr, straight wrekt
jacqui_lantern234: @BrowneePoints it was the car for Ian and Alex, how was it ever NOT associated with JoJo's? :p
goatprince: don't worry everyone, if wheeler messes up the audio any more i'll report him to james
BrowneePoints: Matt, that is gay on gay violence!
FadedOasis: Thanks, that will fix it. :-)
beowuuf: and serge!#
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW PikaRamen
TXC2: Here we GO!
vinopinguino: no one likes a snitch goat
beowuuf: cards!
Invitare: what?
TXC2: report him to Heather, that'll put the fear of God into him
vinopinguino: echooo
FadedOasis: Yes, but not on that mic
Tommadness: yes
beowuuf: morning wheeler, it's a little echo-y
midnightcurryjazz: Super echo
TXC2: Yes we can hear
niccus: not very well
FadedOasis: Fan noise
tehfewl: wheelerMute wheelerMute wheelerMute wheelerMute
MichaelSnowbird: no cant hear you
Tommadness: some kinda room mic
HungryTanuki: We can hear you !
SquareDotCube: wrong mic active
beowuuf: like it's the room mic not real one
TheAinMAP: Hello lrrWHEELER
DaSunao: Very hollow echo
midnightcurryjazz: yeah, wrong mic
Didero: It sounds like you're coming from a room mic or something
goatprince: you're coming in on the webcam mic i think
Invitare: mostly hear air flow
FadedOasis: No change
vinopinguino: still echo
niccus: it sounds like you're stuck inside a generator
Mattmitchell45: Trading Cave Game
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 also, i love how my behaviour is completely unphasing to you :p
Invitare: *was* disabled, maybe
beowuuf: definitely very airy
goatprince: i'm reporting you to james
BusTed: NotLikeThis
Aceviru: It peaked
DrChillbrain: I like this vibe it's very 2008 youtube
ztghostie: Cave audio LETSGOOOOO
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 we each have our love language lrrHEART
Didero: Nothing changed indeed, every ITYC contractually has to start with tech trouble :p
thecrownjules_: I get 7 adds and I come into wheeler sounding like he’s in a cave
Xerodin: thats a mic top out
Marvoleath: maybe the mic behind you wheelerKappa
vinopinguino: yeah you're still echoing
beowuuf: wheeler's job is to play cards, not be heard nor seen :p
RandomTrivia: It's like there's a whole load of gain but no level
TheMerricat: Echo and fan noice.
ztghostie: Nice to see Ben RPing as a Hiker for this run LUL
tomnar: hello lovely people <3
Invitare: next to the green trophy
Aceviru: "is this your mic"
TXC2: are there two mics on?
Didero: The joke is that there's a mic in the greenscreened image
Stormgod519 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
Stormgod519: I’m at work but it’s my 34th month, so I’m stopping by to say good morning!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stormgod519! (Today's storm count: 3)
goatprince: (i think it's actually picking up the wide cast mic for when it's larger groups in the room)
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 also, if im not the loudest person in the room then im tied for either Voxy or TappyToeClaws :p
Tommadness: Same
beowuuf: same
FadedOasis: No change in audio
Stormgod519: aight, now I gtg, take care chat
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 oh for sure
Wrexadecimal: oh man, I played this way back when. Excited to see your playthrough!
vinopinguino: you're muted now
ztghostie: Is there a ceiling mic?
FadedOasis: That muted the only mic
Invitare: now there are zero mics on
TheRyuho: now muted
Didero: Now it's muted
beowuuf: echo feels like room?
Aceviru: Now it's muted
beowuuf: oh, noise gone
hd_dabnado: wheelerMute
Marvoleath: wheelerMute
TXC2: so long Stormgod519 stay safe
Aceviru: Perfect
beowuuf: noise back
TheMerricat: NOW there were zero mics on. :D
Tommadness: There's a sneaky separate mic option in OBS's settings that's separate from Mic Sources
FadedOasis: Now you're unmuted
ButterBall000: walk and talk around the room and we'll tell you if you're getting warm to the mic
Didero: Now we hear you
vinopinguino: no we can hear you but still echo
vinopinguino: *now
FadedOasis: Still fan and echo-y
niccus: i'm actually impressed that the setup invented a completely new way to break
SquareDotCube: Headphone mic?
Invitare: no change
midnightcurryjazz: Nope, still another mic
LordZarano: !advice
LRRbot: Use counters.
FadedOasis: Try tapping mics to determine which one is on?
jacqui_lantern234: omg XD i suspect he might be trolling us (im happy to be wrong here)
Xerodin: start echo locating by coordinating with chat
beowuuf: is it the surveillance mic paul hides in the fan to make sure you all aren't being too.... you... on stream
zelukester: @goatprince bumping this
tehfewl: no more fan
hd_dabnado: no change
TheRyuho: go yell at mics and assign them a number, we tell where it gets loud :D
vinopinguino: nope
Aceviru: We should hot/cold it until we find the live mic
beowuuf: same
ztghostie: have you tried turning it off an back on again
TheMerricat: Still fan
FadedOasis: Still no change, fan noise still on
LordZarano: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?
vinopinguino: call IT
beowuuf: hey real life matt
Aceviru: Hi matt!!
jacqui_lantern234: HI MATT <3
Invitare: Oki Oki was two days ago
beowuuf: alex was in yesterday
Wrexadecimal: Matt! PogChamp
Invitare: Alex and Creepy Doll were last, I believe
SquareDotCube: check cables
vinopinguino: hahaha
ztghostie: thanks matt
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Wrexadecimal: lol ope
jacqui_lantern234: LUL OMG MATT
beowuuf: see, told you this was allharry's fault somehow
a_pidgeon: Hidden mic
ButterBall000: tap the mics?
vinopinguino: YES
hd_dabnado: YES
Didero: Crashed his car so hard he damaged the mic
FadedOasis: That Mic!
Tommadness: It's that!
bobokiddo: yes
TXC2: Ales is Blameless
ztghostie: YES
DeM0nFiRe: That sounded louder
Aceviru: Yes
Desruprot: limesPop limesPop limesPop
vinopinguino: THATS IT
Marvoleath: Alex needed some parts for the car
Invitare: you're closer to it
TheMerricat: THAT THAT!
beowuuf: louder!
TheRyuho: clearer
AttackCowboy: Yes!!!
jacqui_lantern234: YES
AttackCowboy: YOu found it!
bobokiddo: it's that mic
beowuuf: that that
Tommadness: We heard you handle the subathon!
Aceviru: HOTT
ElementalAlchemist: Oh, yeah, that's much louder
vinopinguino: IT WAS THAT ONE
ButterBall000: That!
thecrownjules_: YES
rosesmcgee: That was it
ElementalAlchemist: I think you found it
TXC2: IT sure is that
ztghostie: The subathon one had your voice really clear ben
Quarthian: That's the live mic
thecrownjules_: THAT ONE
Didero: That subathon mic is apparently it
Jillexie: Yes, that one
Xerodin: subathon mic
Aceviru: Scorching
beowuuf: yup
hd_dabnado: OW
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
FadedOasis: Peaking!
HungryTanuki: Loud D:
Tommadness: HOT AF
Didero: oh wow that's loud
TheMerricat: Super peeking
Tommadness: lmao
beowuuf: no idea *mawp*
beowuuf: muted
Tommadness: THERE WE GO
Koshindan: Good
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
hatboozeparty: seabatClap
superdude097: Good now
Tommadness: gaming
Invitare: All fixed
rosesmcgee: Got there
vinopinguino: PERFECT
beowuuf: YES!
itsr67: oml
ShaneLeeAtk: Nice
bobokiddo: better!
ztghostie: WE DID IT
Jillexie: Yay!
FadedOasis: MUCH BETTER!
HungryTanuki: Perfect !
TheRyuho: now its working
Quarthian: Fixed it
beowuuf: got there!
tehfewl: wheelerMute wheelerMute
thecrownjules_: LET’S GO
TheMerricat: FBtouchdown
ElCoggins: Perfect
vinopinguino: WE DID IT!
AttackCowboy: You have solved it!
ElementalAlchemist: fixified
ButterBall000: There we go
Wrexadecimal: yeeeee
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
jacqui_lantern234: FBtouchdown HE GOT THERE
beowuuf: escher3THUMBSUP
BusTed: PogChamp
Xerodin: did it
AttackCowboy: Good job inspectorbean
Marvoleath: lrrBartleby
matthaus_c: tech genius actually
beowuuf: ok, so good stream, retire champion
AllTheWeasels: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Didero: Now this sounds odd but that's probably my ears
Aceviru: How does he do it
jackulhaups: LETS GOOOO
ztghostie: Great effort, team
Sibwow: its because he shoots trouble
ElementalAlchemist: lrrGOAT
rosesmcgee: Now don't tell anyone you fucked with the subathon mic
vinopinguino: MUSTABEAN
hd_dabnado: musta bean
RandomTrivia: Paul/Ben planning ahead :D
beowuuf: @Didero lack of echo now. he's in our ears directly :p
ButterBall000: Bengenwheelering
Koshindan: "Find the Hidden Mic" sounds like a good game.
MichaelSnowbird: No, still cant hear you. Maybe if I turn on my speakers.
beowuuf: james and paul hate you
TheMerricat: :D
YeetTheRich_: this is what you get for preparing
vinopinguino: no respect i tell ya
Tommadness: James boobytrapped the studio
matthaus_c: oh you know why
Aceviru: Haha
Didero: @beowuuf Please do not apply Wheeler directly to ears
beowuuf: who can say why, aside form all the paul and james slander
jacqui_lantern234: uhh.... #BlameJames? Kappa
Fanklok: IDC Ben you definitely don't do it to yourself
Didero: Hi Wheeler!
ztghostie: You should trap someone's grandpa in a card and set up an elaborate card tournament on a tropical island as revenge for this disrespect
couchboyj: They're all jealous of your theme song
Y2A_Alkis: *somebody* doesn't like card games it seems...
jackulhaups: the “new” weekly stream
lightfut: Disrespected because you're still the new stream
Invitare: it's not the new one anymore, surely
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Invitare: I think Oki Oki is more new
MichaelSnowbird: hahahaha
Wrexadecimal: Also, no game audio. D:
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
beowuuf: @jacqui_lantern234 wheeler himself says we have the #thankJames due to computer building :D
Quarthian: Do you know what deck your going to be building this time around?
Sibwow: are we doing more egg shit
Wrexadecimal: ahh
FadedOasis: "intentional"
beowuuf: o7
Invitare: but TCG 1 had the best soundtrack
RandomTrivia: I really hope this game has a soundtrack that slaps as hard as the first one
lightfut: There will surely be jambling
vinopinguino: he'll do the game audio HIMSELF
rosesmcgee: "Thanks for having me. It's infuriating to be here."
Koshindan: I would imagine it becomes apparent when there's game audio.
bytecaster: This is some energy to come in on
jacqui_lantern234: @beowuuf but #BlameJames for everything else
a_pidgeon: Loving this energy
Fanklok: Mooom Ben is yelling at us again
beowuuf: will it be when there's supposed to be audio, or 13 mins later :p
AllTheWeasels: wheelerMuldr wheelerMuldr wheelerMuldr
Didero: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Marvoleath: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Sibwow: meeting potatoes
a_pidgeon: Channeling Gilbert Gottfried
Quarthian: Do you know what deck your going to be building this time around? 󠀀
beowuuf: @jacqui_lantern234 i mean we can #blameJames for the #thankJames overrule :p
couchboyj: Can you go for orphans in this game?
TXC2: sure am
AllTheWeasels: jorbsJam jorbsJam
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to sabotage! They have given 2448 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sabotage! (Today's storm count: 4)
bytecaster: Is that high quality 4 channel gameboy audio I am hearing?
Didero: Those sure are some bleeps and bloops
beowuuf: so beepy
Marvoleath: that's a lot of midi
TXC2: more?
AttackCowboy: Can we get the game audio pipe through the sub-a-thon mic? I miss sub-a-thon mic.
midnightcurryjazz: khaosp4Lick
BusTed: DinoDance
beowuuf: o7
HungryTanuki: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
DeM0nFiRe: pjdDance
lightfut: Very marchiful
TheMerricat: So.... should there be a barely translucent box in the lower right of the game screen?
Quarthian: @AttackCowboy Same
beowuuf: they're GRRRRR eat
RandomTrivia: Game does not disappoint
ElementalAlchemist: Patreon®: You, too, can fund sabotaging Wheeler's stream
hd_dabnado: some Princess Tomato in Salad Kingdom type beats
TXC2: oh yeah, that some pokemans music
RegornLoL: broekiHallo
TheMerricat: NVM, that's the green screen isn't it.
Didero: Yeah, the greenscreen corners aren't fully transparent
Tommadness: mmm yes missed this menu music
ElementalAlchemist: still love this music
IbunWest: This game rules.
RandomTrivia: And still has the amazing arranging style where 3 channels create the illusion of 4-6 at any given time
beowuuf: subathon continues to keep giving to wheeler :p
7_hearth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
7_hearth: happy card games!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 7_hearth! (Today's storm count: 5)
TXC2: team grrrr
jacqui_lantern234: Team Greatest Rare Kappa
a_pidgeon: Team Grocket
Didero: Team GRL
h3rsh3yb4r: oh shit are we here to Jamble?
RandomTrivia: BABY
FadedOasis: Awww
hd_dabnado: lrrSPOT
hatboozeparty: OH LORD
beowuuf: lol, hey!
MichaelSnowbird: puppy
Didero: that is a dog
RandomTrivia: HERSELF IS HERE!
vinopinguino: PUPPERS
Quarthian: Dog!
superdude097: PUPPY!!!
Invitare: oh no a dog
jacqui_lantern234: THE BABY!!!!!!!!!! <3
BusTed: Juniperrrr
TheMerricat: Chat, what kind of dog is that?
vinopinguino: JUNIPES!!
lightfut: Puppy!!
HungryTanuki: Juniper !
beowuuf: lrrSPOT
TXC2: Juniper!
Wrexadecimal: baby ;;
RandomTrivia: @TheMerricat Very good
TheMerricat: @RandomTrivia :D
caetzer: oh my god the mimes evolved?
ButterBall000: Greyhound or whippit?
TXC2: TheMerricat A whippet
ButterBall000: Ah
RandomTrivia: benginCry
TheMerricat: Thanks chat!
ButterBall000: I used to have one as a kit
Aceviru: Is a babyyyy
Mollylele: we have been blessed
h3rsh3yb4r: she hates twitch chat
jacqui_lantern234: i miss Juniper already
RegornLoL: This is a doggo stream now!
goatprince: she's a whoppet for those who are asking
FurthestChunk: this one has thoughtseize
Quarthian: Story is a strong word
jacqui_lantern234: @goatprince and shes beautiful
goatprince: you all are such flatterers
thatguysteve2709: Can we still get eggs Matthew? If not I am gone
SquareDotCube: most of the new ones are terrible. Mostly because they're coin flips.
jacqui_lantern234: @goatprince ill stop when she stops being flawless
FurthestChunk: @Quarthian less strong than for the first game to be fair
SquareDotCube: However there's some greats cards otherwise
TXC2: SquareDotCube so great for Wheeler then? :p
FadedOasis: and a lot more promos
FurthestChunk: they picked the most toxic card from gym heroes too it's hilarious
Invitare: Neon Genesis? Evangelion?
h3rsh3yb4r: which card from neogenisis
Fanklok: What's that toxic ass Rocket card that removes your opponents ability to play the game?
goatprince: A Woman? wow
BrowneePoints: and the one gym heroes card is that busted hand attack card LUL
tomnar: stahp, i can only handle this much hype
hd_dabnado: women??? in this economy?
FurthestChunk: @Fanklok like half of them, base-rocket is a hellscape
a_pidgeon: Back of the box feature
jacqui_lantern234: new feature: females
Koshindan: Progressive
ButterBall000: New gender who dis?
Croc64: Yoooo the new sets added E?? Hell yeah
FurthestChunk: dark vileplume and rocket sneak attack are the biggest offenders
rosesmcgee: OP BMs. Got it.
superdude097: @hd_dabnado Not women, woman singular. Gotta stay within budget
DeM0nFiRe: Actually they aren't called island in this, they are called water energy lrrBEEJ
vinopinguino: UH OH
Invitare: you can not
ztghostie: New games are for closers
RandomTrivia: Full rebind time?
paronomasiac042: sir. a second island has hit the pokemon tcg
Koshindan: Now it's time for Find the Hidden Keyboard.
jacqui_lantern234: OMG XD
FurthestChunk: i kinda want ben to Dark Vileplume someone exactly once
SquareDotCube: time to rebind!
accountmadeforants: okay but some of them should look happy when they’re losing and sad when they’re winning, come on
Invitare: at least the music is good
lightfut: Very scuffed stream today
ztghostie: So where is the subathon keyboard
Marvoleath: The subathon mic was structurally integral to the new game option
Didero: Tonight on AFK: Aggresively Fighting Keyboard
jacqui_lantern234: @Invitare YOURE GOOD!!! <3
vinopinguino: they set you up in a Saw style room.
RandomTrivia: What's bound to A?
niccus: are you cursed by any chance
rosesmcgee: Alright, gonna be one of those
bytecaster: Sabotage
RandomTrivia: Oh cool, it worked
FadedOasis: I think you had to press Start there
RandomTrivia: We take those
Grimnus: Dont question it, roll with it
hatboozeparty: seabatYIKES
FurthestChunk: imagine mashing the start button to start the game
ztghostie: wait you can be the same character from the first game? How does that work narratively?
TXC2: bind everything? game is whereing it's kink on it's shoulder
goatprince: you have to bind the pokemon in curses and wards to succeed
Quarthian: I wish choosing a gender was that easy
RandomTrivia: lrrFINE
Didero: And yet you persevere, inspiring
Aceviru: "Is this your keybind"
accountmadeforants: what color is your bandana
FadedOasis: You're going to want to bind Select to something, it's super useful for sorting your hand
a_pidgeon: Keybinds in dvorak instead of qwerty
AllTheWeasels: if the pokemon stream is cursed, does that mean we should build around some ghost types
SquareDotCube: nah, it likely lacks the config file for binding inputs
FadedOasis: Game Boy doesn't have L/R
RandomTrivia: Must be a GBA emulator
AttackCowboy gifted a Tier 1 sub to Croc64! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Croc64! (Today's storm count: 6)
FurthestChunk: @FadedOasis ben's game boy from his uncle at nintendo does
Fanklok: Go on, make a funny joke name
RandomTrivia: I hope we hit L at some point and get S T R E T C H Y
hatboozeparty: lrrIAN
caetzer: LUL
goatprince: you're not a girl, you're a lady
ElementalAlchemist: HIragana!
TXC2: it's the price we must pay for being fabulous
Invitare: naming the character is the hardest part
ElementalAlchemist: oh, hey, found our alphabet
midnightcurryjazz: JAMES is a girl. nice
Tommadness: Dammit, Jamet
RandomTrivia: The Jamest of them all
PhorrestGaze: I like Jamet
tehfewl: james, jamer, jamest
RandomTrivia: More James than anyone
itsr67: congrats
Didero: Jamest
goatprince: the Jam-est!
a_pidgeon: James T Girl
BakaNerd subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BakaNerd! (Today's storm count: 7)
BrowneePoints: James T took that E
TXC2: heckin transition goals
beowuuf: @tehfewl sergeJustRight
Fanklok: Should we tweet at James congratulating him on his transition?
PhorrestGaze: the Jamest of the collectors
Mollylele: james + t
FadedOasis: Recapping the story of the first game
FurthestChunk: "story"
accountmadeforants: jamest came to japan to collect pokemon cards
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
goatprince: damn, i thought i was the token hire
DrChillbrain: I do love that they make the female character look like the male character so they can say it was the same person
beowuuf: james will be hosting morning shows all week, you can roast him then :p
FurthestChunk: a blimp with a vacuum cleaner
vinopinguino: bowser's castle?!
Didero: It's garbage day
ElementalAlchemist: Did they just abduct the science club?
ztghostie: WTF is this Team Rocket or a UFO?
FadedOasis: Worse, they're kidnapping CARDS!
Grimnus: Stealing their pixels
AllTheWeasels: worse, stealing their cards
ElementalAlchemist: oh no
jacqui_lantern234: LUL OMFG james kinda does have lesbian energy
ButterBall000: Team Grr
DaSunao: Wait, is this pre-rainbow rocket?
QuixoticScrivener: Oh not, sentient forest mana
RandomTrivia: Team Gruul, embodying the philosophy of "Not Gruul, then die"
Invitare: Team Great Rocket is a ridiculous name. Team Rocket are already Great
ztghostie: nobody liked those losers at the rock club anyways
ElementalAlchemist: You were protected from kidnapping by spinning around really fast and being really dizzy
Didero: I think Jamest is just on a merry-go-round and oblivous to the attack
accountmadeforants: wait this is that kid from deltarune but green
Koshindan: Imagine inventing a tractor beam and using it to steal printed cardboard.
TXC2: hears team GR with one of the 25 blimps left in the world
BrowneePoints: it old game
Invitare: surely you should notify the police
ztghostie: Oh this is like that Yugioh filler where the god cards get stolen at the beginning so Yugi is properly nerfed LUL
RandomTrivia: Oh hey, Ronald's theme is back!
ElementalAlchemist: OK Ronald
SquareDotCube: meanwhile nobody noticed the landing pad they built on the coast
a_pidgeon: Putting all those fire type pokes on a hydrogen-filled blimp seems like a bad move
Didero: If he really was our rival, he wouldn't have to (re)introduce himself
vinopinguino: smell ya later
accountmadeforants: team great rocket represents standard rotation
BrowneePoints: Team GRRRRR
FurthestChunk: Team GR, or Team Grocket Reat
FadedOasis: Listen, the translators only had so many pixels to work with
Chartle: that's an L for sure
DeM0nFiRe: Loading Ready Run (or LRR)
AllTheWeasels: it's a U with ambition
Didero: Yeah, why isn't the W just an upside-down M?
Pantsravaganza subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Pantsravaganza! (Today's storm count: 8)
Koshindan: They stole the cards! (And people, but think about the cards.)
Didero: @Koshindan People can be replaced, cards don't get reprinted
Earthenone: !pkmn dark gengar
LRRbot: Dark Gengar (N4 6) | Pokémon {Psychic} [70HP] — Stage 2 [evolves from: Dark Haunter] | [Pokémon Power] Deep Sleep: As long as any Dark Gengar are in play, a player flips 2 coins for each of his or her Pokémon that is Asleep at the end of each turn. If either of them is tails, that Pokémon is still Asleep. This power stops working if Dark Gengar is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed. / {PPP} Pull In (30): If your opponent has any Benched Pokémon, you may choose 1 of them…
goatprince: and you fall in hole and lie
ElementalAlchemist: what *if* you said "no"?
accountmadeforants: a real method actor
Didero: Choose 'No', speedrun the credits
Twilight_Spark: Don't you mean you're getting over a cold?
FurthestChunk: @Earthenone oh shit we have this?
FadedOasis: They stole everyone's cards, except for the bad ones!
TXC2: it was stolen by us!
FurthestChunk: we have a smartphone
accountmadeforants: even team gr thinks starter decks are worthless
ElementalAlchemist: oh, rad, email
RandomTrivia: I'm assuming the Legendary Cards are going to be put on a bus for this game, otherwise it's just the same final boss
FurthestChunk: btw it can only hold ten emails you need to check and delete emails often
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
AutumnGold: roubhaComrade
Mattmitchell45: The Deck Record Machines are crunching out the Meta
Invitare: it's a kidnapping situation. You need a negotiator
Koshindan: "Story" now go play pokemon tcg.
Mattmitchell45: Tech Matt
VrolikSyndrome: lmao
lightfut: Crouching medium
DrChillbrain: love that video sm
Quarthian: Jamest villain arc, she keeps all of the cards after defeating GR
Mattmitchell45: "Dr Mason, please watch me thrash this kid"
accountmadeforants: jamest retired champion and forgot everything
RandomTrivia: Wait, "Researcher" Sam?
mvt9: <message deleted>fyi, you can up the text speed in the options/settings
Didero: On the one hand, I missed the previous Pokemon TCG game streams, so I don't really know how this works. On the other hand, I survived the Mahjong streams while very lost :p
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
vinopinguino: got em
BusTed: gottem
TXC2: !backseat
LRRbot: Please refrain from backseat gaming unless the streamer asks for help or !heychat is active. The streamer wants to play the game the way they want. Feel free to discuss tactics in chat or with the mods.
jacqui_lantern234: gottem
AllTheWeasels: jorbsHype
Wrexadecimal: LUL
RandomTrivia: Wheeler has #Content to make
vinopinguino: he's on the clock chat
a_pidgeon: "Thanks, gonna read it slower now"
Didero: Eh, Heather frequently just makes up text :p
FurthestChunk: go off king
Sibwow: wheeler if you played with the original japanese text it would go faster
Mattmitchell45: Played by the Coin Flip
goatprince: you're doing what to that pokemon?
mvt9: <message deleted>(also this tutorial is optional)
FadedOasis: Dr. Mason backseating the hell out of you right now.
spurius: you do if you are a consulant
AttackCowboy: Time the game out for backseating
Fanklok: I don't even dt hat at my job
niccus: i can't believe this lad is getting paid
Didero: I don't even do MY job efficiently, I'm not gonna tell others how to
spurius: then charge them even more money
littleunknownn: pkmnEyes
RandomTrivia: benginBonk
Wrexadecimal: Got 'em wrexadCLAW
FurthestChunk: real karen hours
accountmadeforants: lmao
Haroldholmes25: o7
goatprince: mods? kiss this guy
h3rsh3yb4r: Drunk off power and ouzo
Earthenone: ban dr mason
Didero: That's it, ban the game
jacqui_lantern234: rip that person, i guess
vinopinguino: hahaha ban dr. whatever his name
niccus: rip to a brave one
ztghostie: Mods, faint that guy and claim a prize card
Invitare: Your options are egg or egg
Croc64: This stream is already and all timer
a_pidgeon: Are Mods a basic pokemon?
Fanklok: How much does a pidgey weigh?
Didero: How close to the physical cardgame is this?
Marvoleath: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
SquareDotCube: Ben-eveolent
goatprince: could you bench press a pidgey?
Sibwow: is that like a henweigh?
Twilight_Spark: I couldn't even bench a Pidgey, it's been years since I went to a gym.
RandomTrivia: @Sibwow HypeLUL
Mattmitchell45: Um actually, Pidgey is the more optimal pick over Diglett (Can never advance)
ztghostie: the japanese card back is GOATed
jacqui_lantern234: @goatprince bench press a pidgey, or 100 caterpies Kappa
Earthenone: !pkmn bill
LRRbot: Bill | Trainer — Supporter | You can play only one Supporter card each turn. When you play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon. When your turn ends, discard this card. / Draw 2 cards.
YeetTheRich_: that guys name? james t
FurthestChunk: @Fanklok 1.8kg
ButterBall000: Jeez, I need this game so bad
Haroldholmes25: something something "who do you think you are, I am"
Invitare: what is going on at the top of that text box...
RedArrogantKnight: I had no idea there was a sequel to the original game, it was one of my all-time favs
Didero: Ugh, '1 card(s)', that always annoys me, it's not hard to program it so it knows whether it's plural or not...
RedArrogantKnight: this rules
vinopinguino: what the heck is going on in the top left of that other menu?
RandomTrivia: VROOM
ButterBall000: Did they add a forfeit option to this game?
accountmadeforants: they must have amnesia because they forgot you’re him, you’ve been him, you’ll continue to be him, etc.
Invitare: Also fun fact: Mud Slap is the best move in the game
vinopinguino: hahahah
RandomTrivia: Bahahahaha
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
RandomTrivia: benginTry
jacqui_lantern234: lmfao dangit wheeler XD
Fanklok: Oh cool you can overstock your official Nintendo Gameboy Color (tm)?
Sibwow: dr mason is frontsteating you
goatprince: dr mason's hot enough to push us around
FurthestChunk: GRV, let's rewind
Earthenone: dr mason "did i stutter?"
Didero: If the game is forcing you to pick options, it's more frontseating than backseating
FadedOasis: Hey chat, some of the text boxes and menus have some weird stuff going on around them. It's a limit that the translators ran into in order to get all the card text in English.
Fanklok: Overclock
vinopinguino: you think you know better than a DOCTOR?!
Mattmitchell45: Now I'm remembering the Fighting is Rock is Ground's effect on Weaknesses
PhorrestGaze: he just rewinded time on you, that's more advanced backseating than we do
SquareDotCube: "Dr. Mason, why are you pushing me on a suboptimal play?"
couchboyj: He's a doctor, honey. A doctor!
a_pidgeon: Dr Mason has money on Sam
Didero: "Pick that card. Now play that card. Actually, never mind, give me back my starter deck, I'll do it myself"
jacqui_lantern234: becky lemme slash
FurthestChunk: oh! it used slash!
Earthenone: order lul
RandomTrivia: Oh is it the specific order?
Earthenone: :P
RandomTrivia: Bahahahah
Fanklok: Do it better
RandomTrivia: The game literally "orderlul"
goatprince: evolve first
Mattmitchell45: HAHAHA
Thisbymaster: Well Prof Oak is always around when I get out my bike
TXC2: gotta observe them orders of operation :p
vinopinguino: LOL
RandomTrivia: Wait what
Croc64: "Not my tempo" Dr. Mason
Earthenone: you need to use fighting energy
RandomTrivia: OH NO lrrHERE
jacqui_lantern234: WHAT THE HECK
Earthenone: *
FurthestChunk: man is so mad you're putting a grass energy on this mon
Mattmitchell45: Time to Screaming at the TCG
TXC2: game pls
Invitare: Tutorial is the hardest battle in the game
Aceviru: Haha
goatprince: lol, lmao,
brunothepig: Oh it's gonna be because it wants you to use Earthquake next
FurthestChunk: dr mason is so anti-weed dog
h3rsh3yb4r: Maybe you should turn the text speed down to read the instructions better Kappa
goatprince: he's lucky he's hot
Earthenone: dugtrio is weak to grass, of course you cant put grass energy on it
vinopinguino: hahaha
devilcultivator: code knows you need to use the grass later
Didero: Wouldn't surprise me if Dr Mason is the final boss too, if he's acting like this already
YeetTheRich_: classic ITYC tutorial
Thisbymaster: lol, Micromanagment
Fanklok: What makes this even funnier is that your character is canonically the champion
RandomTrivia: @Fanklok Right? :D
Invitare: there aren't enough eggs on this stream. My disappointment is immeasurable
Earthenone: have they made a nonbinary nido-mon yet?
niccus: happy 24th birthday, autotapper
RandomTrivia: Literally the worthy inheritor of the Legendary Pokemon Cards
SomeGrayBoi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
SomeGrayBoi: Huh, I've been here for a while I guess.....
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SomeGrayBoi! (Today's storm count: 9)
FadedOasis: Yeah, you won all the legendary cards, then they stole 'em all
TheMerricat: That's what the story said that you read to us.
Sibwow: good for her getting her hormones
Grimnus: Yeah direct sequel
ztghostie: hell yeah
TXC2: good for her
Mattmitchell45: Team GR bashed your head in with bricks
FurthestChunk: yeah the dude character is straight up the same sprite as last time
RandomTrivia: Transistions and immediately gets mansplained to :D
ButterBall000: Pokemon the Trading Card Game 2 says trans rights!
jacqui_lantern234: NidorinOwO
Didero: If Pokemon can evolve in this world, humans can evolve genders
ElementalAlchemist: RIP
niccus: y'know what, professor oak *should* ask if i'm a boy or a girl again at the end of a game
DeM0nFiRe: It would have been very funny if the professor scolded you for losing the flip
superdude097: Wasn't a die roll, that's why you lost the flip
a_pidgeon: *Loses flip* "You did not follow the directions..."
RandomTrivia: But it had you add the energy so clearly we're going to be evolving
devilcultivator: imagine if this flip wasn't locked in and the game just breaks cause you win 50% of the time
Earthenone: its a gateway gamba
RandomTrivia: Suddenly it's the upkeep Mystical Tutor all over again
FadedOasis: Random numbers are a myth.
superdude097: Was that a human leg?
FurthestChunk: the kick animation rules
frozenstump: I don't like the realistic foot
ElementalAlchemist: it was a tentacle
Rourke9: cool!
vinopinguino: get wrecked sam
SmartAssX: i memer this game
thraximore: is this rigged
SmartAssX: i have a physical copy right here
ElementalAlchemist: final boss?
vinopinguino: dr mason said, you think you're hot shit now? fight me!
RandomTrivia: Secret boss I hope
FurthestChunk: this is the Even More Tutorial room
TheMerricat: 1 2 3 4
TXC2: good call whoever called final boss
Mattmitchell45: Jamest isn't read for real matches yet. Needs time to heal.
tehfewl: are you going for a "real" deck or meme deck
TXC2: SEAL team training ?
FurthestChunk: build dark vileplume exactly once just to show people how miserable it is
midnightcurryjazz: like the dark bad?
FurthestChunk: !pkmn Rocket's Sneak Attack
LRRbot: Rocket's Sneak Attack | Trainer | Look at your opponent's hand. If he or she has any Trainer cards, choose 1 of them. Your opponent shuffles that card into his or her deck.
Earthenone: !pkmn rockets sneak attack
LRRbot: Rocket's Sneak Attack | Trainer | Look at your opponent's hand. If he or she has any Trainer cards, choose 1 of them. Your opponent shuffles that card into his or her deck.
SquareDotCube: Goop Gas Attack?
FurthestChunk: love thoughtseize
adambomb625: free duress
FurthestChunk: well it's duress really but still
SquareDotCube: Does have the "better" Imposter Oak though
RandomTrivia: Thoughtseize in a game without mana, but in a game with free draw-7s
Mattmitchell45: Jamest, wait....I love you
Earthenone: !ygo the forceful sentry
ztghostie: AKA why Confiscation is banned in Yugioh
SquareDotCube: !pkmn Imposter Oak's Revenge
LRRbot: Imposter Oak's Revenge | Trainer | Discard a card from your hand in order to play this card. Your opponent shuffles his or her hand into his or her deck, then draws 4 cards.
FurthestChunk: they also put in the nastiest Gym Heroes card for no reason
vinopinguino: hot political take there
thraximore: topical
Didero: Is there also a Roll Club?
Invitare: that's only two letters from being the Rocket Club. Very suspicious
ElementalAlchemist: well, yeah, they're everywhere, Ronald
Mattmitchell45: Remembering the rude tude of Ronald
vinopinguino: lol what
ElementalAlchemist: Remember the IR port on the GBC?
RandomTrivia: Pffft, friends
tehfewl: card pop
ztghostie: "They're attacking the rock club!" (walks in, just sees a bunch people sitting at tables playing cards.)
lightfut: I don't card pop without protection
vinopinguino: dude i dont know you like that
Fanklok: Card popping in public? Ronald... i...
KidAmn: I get my friends to card pop me everywhere
Koshindan: Make sure to protect your cable when card popping with strangers.
Invitare: brooding
niccus: why does it... look like that
Y2A_Alkis: No thanks, I'm monogamous.
matthaus_c: slowbro giving fuck me eyes
devilcultivator: did you bring enough card pops for everyone in class?
h3rsh3yb4r: this is my favorite pokemon
Earthenone: remember when you card pop with someone you card pop with everyone they have card poped with
Didero: !pkmn dark slowbro
LRRbot: Did you mean: Dark Slowbro (LC); Dark Slowbro (TR); Dark Slowbro (TR 29)
Mattmitchell45: I wanna pop that Dark Slowbro
wiigamer1995: i thought this game was never translated into english how is he playing it ?
Earthenone: reel in is a draw 3!
ztghostie: Dark Pokemon are powerful but low HP IIRC
Didero: I don't know, LRRbot D:
TXC2: "when you Card pop with someone, you card pop with everyone they've ever card poped with"
ztghostie: a good example is dark charizard, I think it caps out at 70 HP
HungryTanuki: They got the Akuma treatment
SquareDotCube: and then GS brought in Light Pokemon. But the idea gets dropped
Earthenone: !pkmn dark slowbro TR
LRRbot: Dark Slowbro (TR 12) | Pokémon {Psychic} [60HP] — Stage 1 [evolves from: Slowpoke] | [Pokémon Power] Reel In: When you play Dark Slowbro from your hand, choose up to 3 Basic Pokémon and/or Evolution cards from your discard pile and put them into your hand. / {PP} Fickle Attack (40): Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. | weak: Psychic×2 | retreat: {2}
matthaus_c: it's good you've never lost a coin flip in your life
ztghostie: coward!
RandomTrivia: A stage 1 that deals an average of 20 damage per turn, and needs TWO energy to do so?
RandomTrivia: That's HORRENDOUS
Koshindan: Ronald seems like a decent rival.
Fanklok: Chat, play the super cut
ElementalAlchemist: this is cool
matthaus_c: I'm getting my ass kicked? D:
Invitare: you lost that one in the tutorial
AttackCowboy: How many colors is this??
Sibwow: is that a bar
Didero: GameBoy Color, emphasis on the Color
TXC2: PEAK 2001 graphics
FadedOasis: Email is in your phone
Durugai: ultra widescreen monitor
tehfewl: Deck Diagnosis: its terminal
Earthenone: yes!
accountmadeforants: that 300% layout
ztghostie: you can print decklists!
wiigamer1995: !card squirtle
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
SquareDotCube: GB Printer
ztghostie: YOOOOOO
adambomb625: Proxies!
Twilight_Spark: With the Gameboy printer
superdude097: Proxie your deck with the GBA printer!
ElementalAlchemist: ah, yes, the Game Boy printer
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, this game had GB Printer compatability
matthaus_c: ahead of its time
ztghostie: Actual proxie support letsgoooooo
Invitare: not legal in standard
Tommadness: GB Printer proxies
devilcultivator: deck diagnosis? "looks bleak for this deck, i'm sorry for you loss of all these trash cards"
ButterBall000: I had a friend who had a printer
FurthestChunk: email is in your minicom but you can only have like 10 at a time so you gotta delete emails zealously
tomnar: I still have the printer. It is so cool :D
ElementalAlchemist: "You got mail!" --AOL
Y2A_Alkis: I had the printer and the camera. Fun times.
FurthestChunk: also not every email has packs
RandomTrivia: @Fanklok You make a good point, so here's the groundwork :D
SquareDotCube: Could print out messages in Unowns with the printer in Gold/Silver
Earthenone: oak!
bytecaster: As it's a thermo printer, if you can get paper that fits it, the gameboy printer should often kinda still work
tehfewl: the premier booster pack of the format
ztghostie: and another oak
accountmadeforants: imagine if they’d made the proxies legal. they’d have sold so many gb printers
Didero: Wait, so Team GR only stole loose cards but not booster packs?
TheMerricat: - for the nogsatlgic.
Invitare: why does Agility do damage???
ztghostie: anime logic
Mattmitchell45: How many Pikachus does this game have?
FurthestChunk: but yeah make sure you delete emails ben
vinopinguino: they dont provide mana for free? booo
Didero: You said you're still jetlagged, you can use all the energy you can get :p
ztghostie: he signs with an emoji lmao that's cute
bytecaster: Now even video games are gonna make me read my email, come on
adambomb625: is this on vc or do you have to use an emulator
ztghostie: @adambomb625 emulator, also the game itself is a fan translation
superdude097: Bill is Pot of Greed, right?
RandomTrivia: It is
RandomTrivia: Whatever that does
TXC2: !pkmn bill
LRRbot: Bill | Trainer — Supporter | You can play only one Supporter card each turn. When you play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon. When your turn ends, discard this card. / Draw 2 cards.
Y2A_Alkis: @RandomTrivia It draws yout two cards from your deck!"
Mattmitchell45: @adambomb625 It's never been released outside of Japan in any real capacity :(
Koshindan: They take your name when they take your cards.
Mattmitchell45: *formal
vinopinguino: are you okay girl?
TXC2: I heard Grief is the problem card de jure now
Didero: "I'll show you why they call me the Rock Club master!" *bashes head in with a rock*
TheMerricat: So chat, I get why, but it seems really silly for the game to set you up canonically as the champion and then have most people treat you like you are a little kid just getting off the train.
devilcultivator: they should ban the ante cards from pokemon demonic attorney is too good
vinopinguino: acknowledge me!
Invitare: Team GR's fashion is an insult to their namesake.
FadedOasis: Is someone challenging you? Just remind them of your name! "But you see... I'm Gene!"
YeetTheRich_: yugioh ass dialogue
Fanklok: I Cato Sicarius
TXC2: (Bob Blucher voice) Gene
accountmadeforants: the outfit makes me think they’re team great rucola
TheMerricat: Complacent?
Rourke9: huh, I wonder what they would have said if we went somewhere else first
lightfut: Must resume bullying Matthew
RandomTrivia: This one is for you, backseater lrrBEEJ
Didero: I think they meant 'composed'
vinopinguino: where's hat kid?
HungryTanuki: Matthew !
ElementalAlchemist: Found him!
Grimnus: Matthew run!
TXC2: we need our eggs matthew!
Mattmitchell45: Hello there!
FurthestChunk: it's time for some eggs matthew
RandomTrivia: Bahahaha
RandomTrivia: lrrMATT
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
lightfut: Must bully Matthew
Croc64: HA
thraximore: LUL
matthaus_c: Jordynne!
RandomTrivia: And bonus Jordynne!
FadedOasis: Jordynne!
Didero: a wild Jordynne appears!
Aceviru: Hello!!!
RandomTrivia: It's Team Editors!
TXC2: Hello Jordynne
Sibwow: eggs jordynne
HungryTanuki: Jordynne !
adept_nekomancer: Hi Matt! Hi Jordynne!
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNE!!! <3
BusTed: Give Juniper more pets pls
matthaus_c: JUNIPER
ghyllnox: JUNIPER!!!
Wrexadecimal: I feel like that silly little dance would go well with the Imakuni music LUL
50keyz: pupper!
Sibwow: welcome to youth hour
Mangledpixel: JUNIPER!
HungryTanuki: The gang is here !
Mattmitchell45: Show Wheeler the Rough and Tumble Rock Club
beowuuf: lol
Tommadness: Matt! Jordynne! Juniper!
TXC2: the Yutes!
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
TheMerricat: Yet.
Rourke9: what’s a yute?
Marvoleath: LRR Kids
avjamethyst: rude
BrowneePoints: Jordynne those glasses are cuuuuuute!
Fanklok: Hey Jordynne, Ben definitely wasn't talking shit earlier
TXC2: 90's kids!
Tommadness: 90s kids let's gooooo
ButterBall000: Same Ben
matthaus_c: that's a lie
vinopinguino: YET
TXC2: ^
thraximore: woo
thraximore: AWWW
TXC2: it'll come for you too
thraximore: umbraWow
Sibwow: constantly
beowuuf: "ooh, i was born after beverley hills cop III Was released, oooh"
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAH
TheMerricat: :D
thatguysteve2709: Cute dog do they stream?
matthaus_c: the sound of a defeated man :p
TXC2: ah the bookends
thraximore: LUL
Didero: If you don't want to be in the highlight reel, stop being so entertaining
ypsilonkappa subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
ypsilonkappa: 31 months, wow so many, almost as many as there are Pokemon...
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ypsilonkappa! (Today's storm count: 10)
niccus: if you defeat matthew in the game, you defeat him irl
YeetTheRich_: dog on stream, of course thats a highlight
lonestarbl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lonestarbl! (Today's storm count: 11)
midnightcurryjazz: he's billin
Invitare: we're gaming now
FurthestChunk: we're so back
Didero: Somehow a Gameboy doesn't seem the ideal console to play a cardgame on...
matthaus_c: that Machop art is so unbelievably scuffed
50keyz: time for the Ginuwindup
bytecaster: @Didero Tell that to the 500 yu-gi-oh games for gameboy up to gameboy advance.
FurthestChunk: all the art in this game is incredible wdym
TXC2: Didero and yet here we are with card games on our phones
Koshindan: Was that a human leg on the kick animation?
accountmadeforants: that leg is amazing
Fanklok: Don't talk shit about Machop, it had the strength of 100 adults
Didero: @TXC2 Phones have screens with a far higher resolution than a GBC though
matthaus_c: Machop's left arm is basically a horse leg too
Invitare: it's too low, you can't see it
SquareDotCube: it's out of frame
Didero: @bytecaster People that play Yu-Gi-Oh are already used to being punished :p
tehfewl: wheelerRat wheelerRat
thraximore: wheelerRat
FurthestChunk: wheelerRat
vinopinguino: who up gustin they rat?
hd_dabnado: wheelerCrat
Invitare: Ratidash
YeetTheRich_: wheelerBrat wheelerBrat
tehfewl: wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat
accountmadeforants: wheelerRat wheelerCrat wheelerBrat
Sibwow: wheelerCrat wheelerCrat wheelerCrat wheelerCrat
FurthestChunk: that's what you get when you only release on the GBC
bytecaster: That is some serious rat value
thraximore: wheelerCrat
thraximore: wheelerBrat
TXC2: I would ask why Wheeler has those emotes, but I do not wish to be burdened with that knowledge
SquareDotCube: looks like an exclusive
ElementalAlchemist: Eat it, Matthew
Chartle: ratpidash
TXC2: EGGS Mathews all round!
Didero: I mean, most Level 33 Pokemon should be able to take out most Level 8 Pokemons, no? :p
Invitare: EG
FadedOasis: NICE!
RandomTrivia: E G G
HungryTanuki: E G G
ElementalAlchemist: CHANSEY!
Koshindan: EGG
vinopinguino: hot pulls!
ArrestedHouse: EGG!
ztghostie: E G G
matthaus_c: tamago
DeM0nFiRe: 🥚
tehfewl: wheelerFry wheelerFry wheelerFry
TriChronos: Egg!
FurthestChunk: final bass defeated
Durugai: Horse so OP; Cori can't evem draw ot
Twilight_Spark: Egg
DrChillbrain: Eggs Matthew baby
FurthestChunk: *boss
Didero: Double-Egg even
thecrownjules_: EGG
FurthestChunk: E G G
Whammsauce subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
bytecaster: If there is a premier pack, does this game also have value boosters?
Y2A_Alkis: 🥚
BusTed: tqsEgg tqsEgg tqsEgg
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Whammsauce! (Today's storm count: 12)
jacqui_lantern234: 🥚 E G G 🥚
littleunknownn: Egg!
matthaus_c: Chansey might be my favourite comp Pokémon of all time
TheAinMAP: rebell1Eggs
vinopinguino: why is it so yellow?
FurthestChunk: oh yeah that's not a good jynx
bytecaster: @vinopinguino We didn't have many colors back then
FurthestChunk: love that starmie art
TXC2: that $1000 yellow ink Jynx
matthaus_c: I've been good
Sibwow: chat is not good today
TheMerricat: So never.
thraximore: eh it was close
BusTed: Next time Rocket... next time...
Marvoleath: !chat
LRRbot: Always listen to chat, Never listen to chat.
Twilight_Spark: But we've been so naughty. You'll need to punish us.
vinopinguino: YESSS
TXC2: damn
vinopinguino: clip
BusTed: seabatClap
Fanklok: Your bargaining means nothing to me
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
thraximore: ok that was much better
FurthestChunk: now can we get quebecois dr claw
TruPhantomAngel: Oh, this is the Team Rocket sequel!?!
superdude097: Is the actual TCG deck size 60 cards? For some reason I thought it was lower
vinopinguino: do the levels mean anything?
thraximore: you really showed us
FurthestChunk: poor ratattathew
TXC2: TruPhantomAngel yes
BusTed: Need to have something to look forward to.
TheMerricat: TIL the OG voice of Dr. Claw was Megatron.
FurthestChunk: that's a good puppy!
TruPhantomAngel: OMG I didnt know there was a translated version out there.
FurthestChunk: oh the puppy is bad
couchboyj: Ddr Quebecio
BusTed: libtroNaur
FurthestChunk: the puppy has been cancelled
FurthestChunk: love the accidental BM
TXC2: Growleth kept dead naming celebrities
SquareDotCube: just style on Andrew
cobthegreat: Style points
SquareDotCube: oh shit
TheMerricat: So a Dark Ghastly implies a Light Ghastly and I'm not sure how that works....
TXC2: bad gastlys become good gengars
RandomTrivia: We'll call you if you need any heads sculpting
Mattmitchell45: Q Unknown
vinopinguino: sculpt yourself a W you nerd
FurthestChunk: ryan's a 3D earther
TruPhantomAngel: Isnt that just a plate....?
Paranundrox: Ryan as thoughts on Duraludon
ButterBall000: So a Groudon fan?
FurthestChunk: when the world is clearly 2D
TheMerricat: TBF, they live in a 2d world.
jacqui_lantern234: @FurthestChunk how about you 2Deez Nutz!!! :p
TXC2: FurthestChunk like in the book flatland ?
TXC2: gottem
FurthestChunk: god i love clicking oak
superdude097: But rapidash is a horse, not a goat
Durugai: the Goat? Thought it was a horse
Twilight_Spark: The pony is pumped
Didero: Video Games: "I'm just clickin' buttons here"
Chartle: yknow that makes sense
TXC2: I'm not a rat in a cage, I'm more a chinchilla in cage
FurthestChunk: that's a reasonable guess
TheMerricat: Chat, as a non Pokemon playing person.. these coin flips, do they exist in the RL version of the card game and if so... are there proscribed coins you have to use or was the idea that you just used whatever was in your pocket as a school kid?
Chartle: yes
TruPhantomAngel: Despite all your rage, you are still just a Rattata in deck.
Juliamon: There were actual coins for it, yes
vinopinguino: egg
FurthestChunk: there are proscribed coins but in events iirc you just use dice
FadedOasis: @TheMerricat The preconstructed decks came with cardboard coins
TruPhantomAngel: @Juliamon There still are too.
Koshindan: I remember the coins provided were quite good.
FurthestChunk: the coins are still dope
BrowneePoints: More importantly, the card draw, and tutor options are so powerful in Pokémon that the coin flips are a big part of the balancing
SquareDotCube: 0h right, guess what the Rocket set does come with!
h3rsh3yb4r: TNP
SquareDotCube: !pkmn Potion Energy
LRRbot: Potion Energy | Energy — Special | If you play this card from your hand, remove 1 damage counter from the Pokémon you attach it to, if it has any. Potion Energy provides Colorless energy. (Doesn't count as a basic Energy card.)
h3rsh3yb4r: thursday night pokemon
ztghostie: god I fucking loved the pokemon league
Twilight_Spark: F&M? Perverts.
ThisJosh2: i have all my badges
TheMerricat: You are a 90's kid, I'm a 70's kid, assume I know nothing :P
midnightcurryjazz: It did rule
50keyz: thats so cool
BrowneePoints: Yep. I had every single badge that they released through 2003.
midnightcurryjazz: ours was at a toys r us
BrowneePoints: I lost them when I moved in middle school
Didero: Disney Lorcana leagues also have pins as prizes, they look cool too
ztghostie: You had points cards and get real card rewards the more you went
vinopinguino: hahaha
FurthestChunk: if you're a fan of coins, you're going to love murdering Gene
ztghostie: LUL LUL LUL
Paranundrox: Ooh Legends. Hope we get a Karakas
caetzer: LUL
Aceviru: Buying the pins?
Fanklok: Man I played yugioh as a kid
thraximore: LUL
Aceviru: Hell yeah
vinopinguino: where is the ebay link
ztghostie: and then your ash cosplay jacket so you can pin them on the inside
TXC2: we need that crapshot now :p
caetzer: see you next week with all of them...
BrowneePoints: There you go chat
FadedOasis: Wow, I'm going through a divorce? I didn't even know I was married...
DrChillbrain: Which print run of Legends is this from
50keyz: ancient tomb + strip mine
TXC2: any one else do the hands when Wheeler said ancient tomb ?
matthaus_c: Lapras is prettier send tweet
Fanklok: Wait so you Hyper Beam and off load the recovery on the victim? Capitalism behaviour tbh
ztghostie: Do The Wave was my favorite deck as a kid
FurthestChunk: e g g
RandomTrivia: E G G
Koshindan: EGG
Durugai: eGg
tehfewl: egg
Invitare: Leggendary
jacqui_lantern234: egg
caetzer: egg!
ElementalAlchemist: 🥚
TheAinMAP: rebell1Eggs
RandomTrivia: Game good
TXC2: quick egg break
FurthestChunk: love the tentacool art in this
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Mangledpixel: cantweGG
FurthestChunk: genuinely, these two games do such an incredible job of translating the art from one medium to another
FurthestChunk: and combined with the GOAT soundtrack, this game is the perfect vibe
Earthenone: !pkmn dark vileplume
LRRbot: Did you mean: Dark Vileplume (TR 13); Dark Vileplume (TR 30)
FurthestChunk: don't you jumpscare me with that shit
BrowneePoints: But yeah, I played competitively for the first several years the card game, I unfortunately moved in with a different parent in middle school and lost them in the move, but I had every single reward you could get for the first five years from the league
FurthestChunk: put that heinous thing away
BrowneePoints: badge wise I had all through Sevii
Earthenone: !pkmn dark vileplume tr13
LRRbot: Dark Vileplume (TR 13) | Pokémon {Grass} [60HP] — Stage 2 [evolves from: Dark Gloom] | [Pokémon Power] Hay Fever: No Trainer cards can be played. This power stops working while Dark Vileplume is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed. / {GGG} Petal Whirlwind (30×): Flip a coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. If you get 2 or more heads, Dark Vileplume is now Confused (after doing damage). | weak: Fire×2 | retreat: {2}
SquareDotCube: Oh right, it's Erika's Exeggcute that's particularly fun because it brings in Exegguactor's signature attack at a slightly weaker effect
FurthestChunk: get outta here with that hay fever shit
FurthestChunk: inventing pokemon highlander entirely to put ten points on fucking dark vileplume
TruPhantomAngel: I remember creating a stale deck during the Johto era using the Promo Igglybuff card. Just kept my opponents waiting until I drew my stronger stuff and got it ready.
Didero: I had to let that 'E G G' clip loop a few times to get the ending right, and now I keep hearing Wheeler saying 'egg' in my head...
FurthestChunk: !pkmn Cleffa N1
LRRbot: Cleffa (N1 20) | Pokémon {Colorless} [30HP] — Baby | If this Baby Pokémon is your Active Pokémon and your opponent tries to attack, your opponent flips a coin (before doing anything required in order to use that attack). If tails, your opponent's turn ends without an attack. | {1} Eeeeeeek: Shuffle your hand into your deck, then draw 7 cards.
TXC2: Didero next we'll have Cori sample it into a song Kappa
TruPhantomAngel: @LRRbot Oh yeah, I used this Cleffa too!
Didero: @TXC2 That sounds awful/amazing
FurthestChunk: cleffa is one of the most important cards in base-neo and that's hilarious
TXC2: Didero that's the can't draw horse club way
LoadingReadyRun: we just need to ask Jordynne to do an egg supercut
LoadingReadyRun: tho they said the last one took 4 hours
Fanklok: I want a super cut of Wheeler dying in tutorials
TXC2: and we're back
TXC2: dread creeping in?
FadedOasis: Greenscreen's been like that for weeks.
Fanklok: Looks like a void where Jordynne was
DuelityGaming: Why are you drinking out of the Chicago flag?
Invitare: it's the Shadow Realm. It'll get bigger the more you lose
Didero: Weirdly, the smudge got smaller when you moved away from the camera
RandomTrivia: It's the spirit of Harry keeping you company onstream
DuelityGaming: They do have the best style of pizza
Fanklok: Man drinks Malort once
Sibwow: thats ok wheeler new york loves you anyway
DuelityGaming: Jersey??
Didero: Don't most New Yorkers hate New York too?
Earthenone: the seinfeild stance?
TXC2: Didero yes
FurthestChunk: gene's got so much fuckin' smoke up his ass, call him a koffing
Fanklok: Where's Jacob
HungryTanuki: DinoDance
Fanklok: This music slaps ass
TXC2: this is a fucking banger of a track so far
Sibwow: he hates the elitist, East Coast, alternative, intellectual, left-wing new york city
vinopinguino: damn gene is dripped out
Invitare: oh it looks like it's in pain
Earthenone: custom coins were so cool
TXC2: what the fuck is this Pablo Oynx shit?
0011110000110011: what happened to that onix
RandomTrivia: Glad to hear all the returning soundtracks, I hope the Rockets have their own themes
FurthestChunk: no no you can leave the volume at max
ElementalAlchemist: art*
Aceviru: :c
RandomTrivia: benginDance
MDK_Marshal: That Onix needs hopsital T__T
Didero: Wait, I thought his name was spelled 'Onyx'
accountmadeforants: understandable
Earthenone: they should have used water as the weakness for this art
brunothepig: He's on some The Scream shit
TXC2: what is this perspective on this art
paronomasiac042: iconyx
FadedOasis: @Didero The real stone is onyx, the Pokemon is Onix.
SquareDotCube: As bad as it was, several of the Rocket set cards just rock
ElementalAlchemist: @Didero The real stone is spelled that way; the Pokemon is "Onix"
TXC2: Didero Onyx is the name of the real thing, Onix is the pokemon
Didero: Ah, that explains it,thanks FadedOasis, ElementalAlchemist, and TXC2 !
FurthestChunk: we might have to play the cancelled dog
SquareDotCube: *Rocket set art
FadedOasis: Coins are a big thing in this game.
BrowneePoints: I think those were real things. I remember having one.
Didero: Custom coin is sus
Chartle: rigged custom coin
Fanklok: Gene must have studied your flipping technique
Didero: I want a cup of that coin's piss
FurthestChunk: i think he's got a two kabuto coin
Sevinon: @Didero Phrasing?
Earthenone: yeah they had custom coins that came with products, they were not exactly "balanced" but back then no one cared
BlaccLamb: is he winning chat
RandomTrivia: One hit down, seven more to go
TXC2: BlaccLamb to early to say
RandomTrivia: Wait, six more
frank_the_great: Just got here, that Onyx art is so sad
FurthestChunk: thinking about the one Gym Heroes card in this game
BrowneePoints: yep, looked it up. There was a metal Kabuto coin that I remember having.
FurthestChunk: !pkmn The Rocket's Trap
LRRbot: The Rocket's Trap | Trainer | Flip a coin. If heads, choose up to 3 cards at random from your opponent's hand (don't look at them). Your opponent shuffles those cards into his or her deck.
FurthestChunk: they picked one of the most toxic cards possible
FurthestChunk: coin flip mind twist for three, very normal card
FurthestChunk: no don't bill that means we're going to lose to decking
vinopinguino: gene is a damn cheater
vinopinguino: weighted coin
Paranundrox: like 4 in a row
Earthenone: is someone counting coin flips for this stream?
Larkonus: lrrJUDGE This leader's coin is clearly weighted.
frank_the_great: James T is a great name, lol
Invitare: this is why you can't use custom coins in a tournament
Didero: Coinflip Gods heard you say coinflipping isn't that bad :p
Paranundrox: drawing the potion is so rude
Earthenone: last time you were at full from a potion, wasent a double ko i think
ztghostie: predates gen 3, nice
NapalmSideburns: OH my god, what happened to that onix!?
RandomTrivia: Should have been called Tombstoney, smh
Paranundrox: those Blaine trivia deep cuts
TXC2: this is an Onix whose kids don't call them
BrowneePoints: @NapalmSideburns it’s caught in the rain
RandomTrivia: Oh my
TruPhantomAngel: When OTJ was coming out it led to us quoting Tombstone for like weeks. lol
FurthestChunk: oh hell yeah it seeks
Chartle: pokemon alchemy smh
Didero: How do you randomly pick from your deck in a physical game?
FurthestChunk: conjure a bill into your deck
FurthestChunk: @Didero this Marowak is exclusive to the GB games
FadedOasis: @Didero It's a Game Boy exclusive card
Didero: Ah, thanks
accountmadeforants: Didero presumably you just search and then select from the cards searched.
accountmadeforants: *randomly select
accountmadeforants: Or that
RandomTrivia: It's a digital-only card - and only 25 years later, the Magic Arena devs realised they could do that lrrBEEJ
adambomb625: But I don't want to play with Alchemy cards D:
FurthestChunk: gotta draw the gust now
TXC2: alchemy is conceptually fine
FurthestChunk: sad onix is a friend to birds
50keyz: hes gonna deck himself
Earthenone: infinite damage
vinopinguino: lol
Aceviru: Lol aw
FurthestChunk: it's just a little guy!
Koshindan: Grimace from a lower angle.
SquareDotCube: gene's gonna run out of cards this rate
FurthestChunk: went and looked up the card and it really is that purple in real life
DanTheMediocre: yooo more pokemon TCG GBC? flip yeah
accountmadeforants: the grinchmace, about to steal grinchmas
Invitare: it CAN flip tails
caetzer: GG
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
tomnar: not grindy at all xd
TXC2: !addquote (Wheeler) [now] Why does this look like if Grimace was Smeagól? | on Graverler
LRRbot: New quote #9042: "Why does this look like if Grimace was Smeagól?" —Wheeler, on Graverler [2024-07-14]
accountmadeforants: damn
RandomTrivia: Sick
accountmadeforants: take that, ante
vinopinguino: playing for pink slips
0011110000110011: PogChamp
Koshindan: Skins in my Gameboy game?!
Didero: Is... is he admitting to cheating?
RandomTrivia: Is it his actual coin? Because he flipped like 75% heads on that :D
Paranundrox: this man WAS playing with a weighted coin
accountmadeforants: lmao
FurthestChunk: my discord avatar is sourced from this game btw
FadedOasis: No, the coins are all evenly weighted
Earthenone: the physical coins were weighted
RandomTrivia: Surely must be flavour text
0011110000110011: your luck may change ;)
FurthestChunk: the psyduck coin in this game is such an incredible vibe
FadedOasis: This isn't Gene's deck, this is G.R. No. 1's deck.
accountmadeforants: “yeah, this is totally my full deck”
FadedOasis: Oh no, I'm wrong, sorry
TXC2: !modquote 9042 (Wheeler) [now] Why does this look like if Grimace was Sméagol? | on Graverler
LRRbot: Modified quote #9042: "Why does this look like if Grimace was Sméagol?" —Wheeler, on Graverler [2024-07-14]
SquareDotCube: no wonder it's crap
FadedOasis: It is the KO deck, not the one that he just played you with
FadedOasis: They took all our cards! Duel me!
FurthestChunk: ben make sure you delete emails regularly your phone only has like two kilobytes of memory
Invitare: didn't he just say they didn't have any cards???
ElementalAlchemist: OK, Michael. We'll take your cards.
accountmadeforants: how is he dueling when all their cards are gone
Paranundrox: and I'll give you some cards
Paranundrox: smells fishy
Earthenone: the club dosent have any cards, this is his personal collection
FurthestChunk: i've been hacked, all my cards, gone
CaptainSpam: He doesn't have cards, but he does have a deck. He's going to beat you with sick skateboard tricks.
SirPlumpy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SirPlumpy! (Today's storm count: 13)
FurthestChunk: michael's coin gotta be weighted
lightfut: Gusting makes me feel good
FurthestChunk: absolutely wild this music is coming out of a game boy
accountmadeforants: adorable
Y2A_Alkis: pls don't kill Machop. It needs to evolve into Mahjong!
BrowneePoints: 8 bit music theory or Charles Cornell did a breakdown video of the music in this game
RandomTrivia: I literally just went to grab this link
RandomTrivia: Such a good video
FurthestChunk: Machop causes great damage to the human spirit without any benefit
RandomTrivia: 8bitMusicTheory breaks it down very well
SirPlumpy: oh nice, we're dueling.
SirPlumpy: where's the blue eyes
BrowneePoints: yea 8bit MT has a great video
FurthestChunk: oh yeah i've seen the video but man i just like the music
FurthestChunk: EGG
Earthenone: egg!
RandomTrivia: E G G
Aceviru: Nice
Leonhart321 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
Leonhart321: Ah, my nostalgic childhood.
Didero: So he hada full deck AND a boosterpack, what's he been complaining about?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Leonhart321! (Today's storm count: 14)
Koshindan: EGG
ElementalAlchemist: Another Chansey?!
jacqui_lantern234: E G G
BrowneePoints: 3 audio channels but trucks your brain into a whole band
Leonhart321: E G G
fluchfux: egg egg egg egg!
Earthenone: its like the old campaign slogan, tamago to the polls
ashenveyll: Egg!
ElementalAlchemist: guess we'll be seeing a Chansey deck later
Invitare: in the last game the chicken came before the egg
FurthestChunk: god fuck that drowzee
ThatBenKidd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThatBenKidd! (Today's storm count: 15)
accountmadeforants: delete the messages for plausible deniability
ElementalAlchemist: lrrWOW
vinopinguino: haha
vinopinguino: isnt it cool to steal kids?
jacqui_lantern234: LMFAO XD
RandomTrivia: Oh hey, it's "Man in hat", the evolved form of Hat Kid
Aceviru: Yah it is
Earthenone: isent it cool to take things from people_wheeler
FurthestChunk: god imagine if we ran into a collaborator here
Earthenone: GR proxies?
0011110000110011: PROXIES D:
vinopinguino: wow proxy shame
RandomTrivia: Awww
BrowneePoints: chat
Leonhart321: I heard Team GR play +4 Wildcards on Skip Gos
BrowneePoints: they mean unique cards
IbunWest: "Cards that are available for everyone to use." Yet the entire first game is based around trying to win these super rare cards that nobody else hads.
fluchfux: lrrJUDGECALL
BrowneePoints: not “printed out a charizard”
TXC2: Mewtwo for a hitmonlee is a WILD trade to me :p
Earthenone: you wouldent download a charizard
FurthestChunk: i mean they did print a charizard, just a dark one
RandomTrivia: Oh so they're using custom cards without asking the other players if they're cool with it first? ?D
RandomTrivia: :D
Didero: If you can apparently just play with whatever cards you made yourself, why not just take an existing card and write a 0 after some attack damage?
FurthestChunk: this music bops
Invitare: god their uniform is such a downgrade from the real Rocket
RandomTrivia: Hot damn this slaps
Chartle: i wonder if they use grass pokemon
vinopinguino: jams
RixtonSnek: groovy
nessiah_aries: GR = Green and Rowdy
FurthestChunk: don't worry the outfits get better
jacqui_lantern234: DinoDance
vinopinguino: DinoDance DinoDance
HungryTanuki: DinoDance
SquareDotCube: what are the chances he's got a grass deck...
Quarthian: What deck are you building this time around?
Earthenone: i thought your theme was children laughing
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe seabatClap wheelerRat wheelerCrat wheelerBrat gdqGroove
RandomTrivia: Oh cool, it's Call for Family but worse
Koshindan: Cawblade, but Magnets.
Earthenone: he stratosed fro stratos?!
nessiah_aries: Wonder if they have some outlet store where you can shop for their merch.
h3rsh3yb4r: squadron hawk
ElementalAlchemist: It's Magnemites all the way down
TXC2: 2020 magic right there Kappa
RandomTrivia: Oh wait hold on what
nessiah_aries: "Yes, I want one of them GR Coins please."
RandomTrivia: I misunderstood, that's way better. I only got the coinflip
FurthestChunk: that voltorb is on fuckin' drugs
FurthestChunk: that voltorb is on them team rockets
TXC2: speedball? so it's taking heroine and meth at the same time ?
RandomTrivia: Orb go fast
SquareDotCube: I hope we get a Nightly Garbage Run
FurthestChunk: that voltorb forgot that you're her
Earthenone: i like the pokemon power in theory to help out the inherent disadvantage in a self destruct deck
Koshindan: I love the idea of this deck.
Sibwow: magnezone enjoyers in shambles
nessiah_aries: Why is magnemite floating in the void?
FurthestChunk: @nessiah_aries isn't that how we all spend our sundays
Obos_TAB: GBC?
Didero: this kills the wheeler
Koshindan: It's a shiny Kangaskhan!
RixtonSnek: welp
NapalmSideburns: What that dog do?
ElementalAlchemist: what is happening to that Kangaskhan?
TXC2: that is a heck of a KGK
vinopinguino: radiation kangaskhan
FurthestChunk: !card target minotaur
LRRbot: Target Minotaur [1R] | Creature — Minotaur Warrior [2/1] | Prowess (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.)
RandomTrivia: Look at the toof!
caetzer: these sprites LUL
matthaus_c: ohhhh buddy what happened to you
BrowneePoints: Irradiated kangaroo?
nessiah_aries: That's not a Kangaskahn, that's a Ditto that messed up using it's morph ability.
Earthenone: whats it do?
Koshindan: Shiny Kangaskhan does get some green bits.
FurthestChunk: the kanga is not that green in paper but the rest of the card is
matthaus_c: Comet Punch? Roll a 6 and you get to Punch twice?
TXC2: so that only has a 1/4 chance of working
SquareDotCube: Dark Dragonite does the same, but it's only one flip
SquareDotCube: for 70 damage
Trahas: Every time I see the Player name I can't help but read it as Jam Eastern Standard Time
ElementalAlchemist: oh HECK
RandomTrivia: Mana Confluence HypeLUL
BrowneePoints: I remember this card
BrowneePoints: Very fond memories of this
BrowneePoints: it also looked amazing in foil
Leonhart321: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR
FurthestChunk: haymaker but like, 7c
nessiah_aries: If you toss that orb a City of Brass will manifest itself upon impact.
adambomb625: wait, if you use this to provide fire for flamethrower, do you have to discard it or do you get to cheat that part?
Earthenone: dark flareon was so cool
YakkShakk221B: this cat gets Mad
HungryTanuki: Cool art too !
ButterBall000: burns fast but burns bright
Didero: Why is it phrased '30 damage plus 20 damage' instead of just '50 damage'? Does that have some gameplay reason?
Invitare: will Rear Kick have the animation, though?
SquareDotCube: it's one of the better dark Pokemon
Earthenone: rainbow :P
nessiah_aries: Wasn't there a hack of the first game that adds a ton of NEO cards to it?
Didero: He does look pretty mankey, yeah
MattIsAMage: @LoadingReadyRun ben, did you know that digimon now has a fan based online system? its relatively well made and looks good
RandomTrivia: It's to mess with all their Pokedex stacks :D
FadedOasis: Anti-Pokedex attack
adambomb625: are there even scry effects in this?
RandomTrivia: !pkmn Pokedex
LRRbot: Pokédex | Trainer — Item | Look at the top 5 cards of your deck and put them back in any order. / You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).
Earthenone: no murkrow?
FurthestChunk: watching my opponent use pokedex with my mankey in play
MattIsAMage: ratta looking like a goofy guy
Koshindan: That is a photogenic ratata.
superdude097: That magikarp plays soccer?
Earthenone: rapid evolution is so cool, but geting UUU on a magicarp is dangerous
nessiah_aries: Magikarps strongest ability: stop being Magikarp as quickly as possible.
0011110000110011: :]
adambomb625: comf raichu
FurthestChunk: oh! it's a little guy!
RandomTrivia: Good flavour for Team Rocket forcing Magikarp to evolve, needs to be a Red Gyarados
ElementalAlchemist: That Raichu looks silly and I love it
RandomTrivia: He sit!
TXC2: "this please the Raichu"
HungryTanuki: :]
ElementalAlchemist: oh, good
MattIsAMage: that must have bene the set i played, i rmembered all those cards from my childhood pile
ElementalAlchemist: we'll have to glue the GR coin together
the_brainfist: "and take this!' Rocket grunt then punches a child.
FadedOasis: Team GR is awfully helpful for being evil.
TXC2: evil, but they got manners and shit
adambomb625: There will be an x next to mini-com if you have new mail
Paranundrox: because of Oak
RixtonSnek: "Because of woke" I've actually laughed out loudly
DuelityGaming: Joe Biden I did that sticker
Earthenone: !pkmn Sleep!
LRRbot: Sleep! | Trainer — Rocket's Secret Machine | Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.
Didero: I can't be infuriated because I don't know what's going on :p (also i'm building Lego)
FadedOasis: Saves your decks.
SquareDotCube: It's so when you dismantle a deck you can reassemble without having to do it manually
ElementalAlchemist: AAB: Always Add Bill
ElementalAlchemist: goodbye あ
Didero: @ElementalAlchemist *sends an invoice*
h3rsh3yb4r: how many copies of jambler though?
Earthenone: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Earthenone: you need 3 more coin fragments to go to the island :P
itsr67: DinoDance
TXC2: and we're back
marmalade_pen: hello back
ElementalAlchemist: GR makes their own airports?
ElementalAlchemist: dang, they're rich
ElementalAlchemist: ah, the lightning club is still cool
PMAvers: You can tell they're *really* evil, they're a airline.
Mattmitchell45: Dream Small
Mattmitchell45: Traitor-pilled Isaac
ElementalAlchemist: lrrWOW
Mattmitchell45: Team GR has disrupted the Mail System!
Didero: who names their kid 'GR No 4'
thaigeprime: parents with asperations
BrowneePoints: Miss GR No 4 sounds like a drag name
ButterBall000: They redecorated fast
ElementalAlchemist: oh no
RandomTrivia: E G G
ElementalAlchemist: 🥚
Didero: degg
RandomTrivia: Boom egg?
BrowneePoints: hell yea dude puff puff pass
Mattmitchell45: Dark Weezing's Dark Carnival
Mind2Waste: just chansey indeed...
thaigeprime: Dark wheezing be like "I have a perfectly functioning respiritory system"
ElementalAlchemist: lol
RandomTrivia: Oof
RandomTrivia: Or oeuf, if you will
thaigeprime: Dodrio is my favorite pokemon Pog
RandomTrivia: Awwww, his little lrrAWW
Y2A_Alkis: more like try-hard attack
SquareDotCube: still got that Oak though
ElementalAlchemist: lrrFINE
RandomTrivia: 100% skill
Didero: And all it took was using the weighted coin :p
TXC2: like we ran over his dog
ButterBall000: Get wrecked Nicholas
RandomTrivia: Great job, Wheeler, you made a child sad
ElementalAlchemist: we demand cards
Carlioo: that's how you know they're jerks
Carlioo: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
accountmadeforants: this man looks like he came here just to laugh at us
RixtonSnek: "never lost a coinflip" loses a coinflip immidietly
nessiah_aries: Guy's like cyclops: he has to wear those shades or lightning bolts start coming out of his eyes.
Aceviru: Oh that's a big bird
SquareDotCube: a lot of flying pokemon in the electric club
00gogo00: this sure is a UI
RandomTrivia: They have ambitions towards being Zapdos
00gogo00: makes MTGO look good
Y2A_Alkis: Your opponent is Serge and he's only running 4 electric types.
TXC2: they're smart enough to have counters to ground types
Carlioo: so hard rn
nessiah_aries: Regular or Galarian Zapdos?
ztghostie: if only they didn't interrupt the evolution on their Lv 36 PIdgeotto LUL
SquareDotCube: rock blocked
TXC2: "your hardness, I've adapted to it"
Larkonus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months, currently on a 100 month streak!
Larkonus: 100 months for 100 card decks! This would be funnier if I did this during a CanLander stream.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Larkonus! (Today's storm count: 16)
Fanklok: Hehe harden
beowuuf: the one year!
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown One hundred! FBtouchdown
TXC2: the one year!
nessiah_aries: Geodude: Joke's on you bird, I've become one with the sun!
ztghostie: yep
Carlioo: yes
RandomTrivia: Welp
SquareDotCube: Spearows and Fearows are such dicks, you can just tell it from their design
Y2A_Alkis: yes, the first oak
RandomTrivia: You have a Dark Rapidash too, right?
RandomTrivia: Just a bird staring at a rock, for ten thousand years
Y2A_Alkis: at least it's not two Metapods
SquareDotCube: shoulda hardened until out of cards
nessiah_aries: He's brought a Bird to a Worm fight.
RandomTrivia: Pretty sure the CPU opponent would have retreated into the Fearow eventually
h3rsh3yb4r: the bird is level 36, you might need to grind in the tall grass
nessiah_aries: Fear, Ow!
SquareDotCube: and yet we do
TXC2: branding matters
SniHjen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
SniHjen: borbs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SniHjen! (Today's storm count: 17)
midnightcurryjazz: you sound jealous of their deck
RixtonSnek: "Birds and balls" is probably a furry novella
TXC2: are they still furries if they're birds? or are they....beak is?
TXC2: *beakies
Carlioo: aren't most of the dark pokemon kinda trash?
OmegaPlatinum: @TXC2 featheries?
nessiah_aries: Speaking of this era...I still vividly remember opening Dark Alakazam in a Booster and being unreasonably excited about it.
DuelityGaming: Wizards?
Didero: Once again it's WotC's fault
RandomTrivia: Oh, so another card that was made artificially super-scarce by WotC :D
FadedOasis: So it's GB because it didn't exist in JP at the time?
OmegaPlatinum: @DuelityGaming WotC used to publissh the game in the US
DuelityGaming: wacky
Carlioo: isaac is so mad
ztghostie: Did WotC also make the mechanics of the game or did they simply publish it?
nessiah_aries: Isaac and his Cards, lived together in a small LGS....
Juliamon: Just published
TXC2: ztghostie just published
RandomTrivia: The dialogue is so wonderfully anime
nessiah_aries: Derp.
RandomTrivia: :3
midnightcurryjazz: I have that coin!
ztghostie: :3
Carlioo: :)
Aceviru: exfauxHuh
Koshindan: Like the opposite of the meme.
Juliamon: that's shocked pikachu but happy
nessiah_aries: It is.
PMAvers: "yeah! money!"
TXC2: more smiling i'd say
SniHjen: and now you are the master of the lightning gym, congratulations on steady employment
ztghostie: surprised pikachu but somebody sharpied it to make it smile
Mattmitchell45: They made Pikachu have like a canine mouth
RixtonSnek: no cards for you sir
ElementalAlchemist: we need cards
Carlioo: "I don't care about saving you, gimme your cards!"
ztghostie: We need those sweet sweet boosties
Y2A_Alkis: streamer, you're addicted to cardboard.
Didero: With all the winning, seems like you don't need any more cards
ElementalAlchemist: um
littleunknownn: pkmnEyes
RedNightmare7: Wait, is that player character Red?
ElementalAlchemist: absolutely not
RandomTrivia: Really going hard on the stereotypical awkward nerd
ElementalAlchemist: because no one will give us cards
TruPhantomAngel: Shoot, how are they supposed to compete in the GP without the card they need?
Carlioo: GR took all the cards, duh
RixtonSnek: Well, Team GR *did* steal all the cards
Didero: ratta their tattas
ElementalAlchemist: Did that symbol mean that the mini-com has something new?
nessiah_aries: Theory: At the end of the game a WotC blimp will appear, steal all the cards from team GR and repackage/resell them as collector boosters.
phuznutz: BoooYaH! Finally made it to a ITYC stream. Feel like it's been a while. Hi Wheeler, hope you're doing well
TXC2: hello phuznutz welcome
accountmadeforants: i don’t like this stephanie portrait, her smugness mocks me
SquareDotCube: Oh right, I forgot that Dark Psyduck is one of the first few "splash" cards because it uses psychic despite being water
Didero: That's ok, I"m also confused
phuznutz: Hey TXC2. I think it's been a few months since I have caught one of these. Whenever Not Slay the Spire was the game. I think I missed the Majhong phase and I am pretty alright with that (:
RandomTrivia: The fact that you have to discard the energy even if you fail the confusion check is *brutal*
RandomTrivia: I'd forgotten just how mean they are
ElementalAlchemist: if only the IRL trading card game had such cool animations
Y2A_Alkis: the heck
ElementalAlchemist: oh heck
Aceviru: Ouphe
ElementalAlchemist: that's rad
Koshindan: Still no packs.
RandomTrivia: It's absolutely absurd
ElementalAlchemist: or awful, if it's your opponent's
accountmadeforants: jesus that’s some synergy
ElementalAlchemist: pls gib cards
TXC2: are there packs in our e-mails ?
00gogo00: having played a little bit of the modern tcg it's funny how much the bar for "busted" has shifted
nessiah_aries: His spoon is mind controlling him.
ElementalAlchemist: There was before we entered this room
Chartle: there was something next to the minicom
Carlioo: what's the relentless rats of pokemon
accountmadeforants: did people back then realise how busted that was, or is it something people came around to more recently?
Carlioo: time for big stall
midnightcurryjazz: khaosp4Lick
nessiah_aries: Tanky af.
Aceviru: 90?!
RandomTrivia: The hard-hitting ones have 70
Chartle: thiccitung
RandomTrivia: The tanky ones get to have more
RandomTrivia: It still has the health to tank two Jabs or Low Kicks
nessiah_aries: Wasn't there a Mewtwo Deck back in the day that played 4 Mewtwo + 56 Energy Cards?
SquareDotCube: Normal types can be very weak or very tanky. Lickitung, Chansey, Snorlax, even Tauros
50keyz: that sounds backbreaking
TXC2: so a meme deck there
TXC2: *then
ztghostie: which mewtwo? The baseset one or the movie one?
superdude097: Random question: Does a Double Colorless Energy card count as 1 or 2 for retreat costs?
TXC2: the lore
nessiah_aries: I just remember reading about it in a Pojo's magazine back in the day, when I was like...10?
accountmadeforants: probably pressed alt+z
RandomTrivia: quick(A)ttack
Sibwow: quick Attack
0011110000110011: quick attack ratatta
Chartle: should have been feqr
RandomTrivia: Because FEQR doesn't quite roll of the tongue unless you pronounce it rudely :D
SniHjen: quick rattack atatta
BorgarWithAShotgun: Fucking evil annoying Rodent?
ztghostie: according to the most reliable source wikipedia, FEAR was originally "F***ing Evil Annoying Rodent"
ztghostie: ^the reliable here is sarcasm
RandomTrivia: Cool, for hitting those Psychic types that resist Psychic#
TXC2: ztghostie wikipedia might be more reliable then anything google spits out these days :p
SquareDotCube: Nah, Rocket Slowpoke is asleep in a boat. It's a cute art
ztghostie: @TXC2 that's fair, to be honest LUL
SniHjen: ah, the quickprod, interesting pokemon
RandomTrivia: The eternal tale of Mew Under the Truck
Sibwow: you gotta use strength on the ss anne truck
phuznutz: So is this the actual card game, but in video game form? Like the physical cards and game play? I played a ton of Red and Blue back in the day, and now yellow on a handheld emulator.
nessiah_aries: Which is one of the reasons why the discovery of Missingno. was such a big deal back in the day
TXC2: like the tapping B helps capture pokemon in the game is a rumour that has never gone away
SniHjen: ""chansey took no damage to resistance""
00gogo00: to be fair, FEAR rattata is the kind of thing that if you showed it to someone who had only ever played the main campaign, they might think it's unbeatable
nessiah_aries: Even though it's a glitch.
SniHjen: we are seeing coinflip
RandomTrivia: Huh
TXC2: phuznutz yes, this is a version that was only released in Japan
RandomTrivia: Oh the flip is on OURt tunr
RandomTrivia: *turn
ztghostie: LUL
nessiah_aries: "Quick, Kadabra, pick up that knife and stab the opponents pokemon."
RandomTrivia: It does mean that poison or other side-effects still get through
nessiah_aries: All he's missing at this point is a fork.
Aceviru: Nice
SniHjen: psywave why save
RandomTrivia: D'aww
TXC2: man the sad portraits are great
nessiah_aries: :D
Invitare: you really are the... dark horse in this competition
RandomTrivia: @Invitare sergePun
ElementalAlchemist: and never even lost one
RandomTrivia: Oh the chromakey is working SO hard
the_brainfist: As the premier coin flip winner of the format...
Didero: Because the greenscreen is kind of wonky at the edges
SniHjen: it DOES look werid
Y2A_Alkis: cellshading hand
Carlioo: that's NOT your real hand
niccus: you're entering the game
Testosteros: thumbnail right there
ElementalAlchemist: It has an outline, which is interesting
TXC2: CGId in
aitsu100: it looked almost digital
ElementalAlchemist: lrrFINE
RandomTrivia: lrrFINE
ElementalAlchemist: oh, *that*'s where Bill was
RandomTrivia: Never didn't have it
RandomTrivia: *zooooop*
Twilight_Spark: Released from the shadow realm by a children's card game.
TXC2: cards! finally
00gogo00: what the hell is going on in this plot
Mr_Horrible: "Oh nooo, I was being mind controlled, that's why I was a dick to you"
nessiah_aries: Murray: ...*threateningly reaches into his silverware drawer*
Twilight_Spark: o__o
BorgarWithAShotgun: that kinda looks like you got Alakazam on the loo
ElementalAlchemist: COME ON RONALD
TXC2: darn, I spoke too soon
Aceviru: Deal
TXC2: !pobox
LRRbot: LRR has a PO box! Bionic Trousers Media Inc., PO BOX 8132 Victoria Main, Victoria, BC V8W 3R8, Canada. If received, your mail may be featured in a Mail Time. Please ship responsibly.
nessiah_aries: What if it's a pack of Homelands?
n3ther: Ben rager moment
Larkonus: I'd be much more likely to read junk mail if it contained booster packs.
Mr_Horrible: Wheeler receives a jury summons and a pack of Homelands
SniHjen: they gave you a entire deck
Carlioo: DinoDance
n3ther: wow those dance moves
superdude097: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
n3ther: I'm impressed
n3ther: DinoDance
TXC2: Balatro Joker ass portrait here
Tarbage_Goilets subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tarbage_Goilets! (Today's storm count: 18)
nessiah_aries: Sir? Your third eye is in the wrong position.
Aceviru: Splash damage. I like it
nessiah_aries: That Seadra's art looks like the kind that would end up on a Special Illustration rare these days.
ElementalAlchemist: shwoopsie
RandomTrivia: oh dear
SniHjen: I blinked what did he do?
TXC2: we saved right?
Aceviru: Go, our trusty rat!
RandomTrivia: OUCH
Carlioo: these GRs are kinda serious huh
ButterBall000: So many horses but can't draw any of them
ztghostie: WTF
SquareDotCube: out of water energy though
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
SquareDotCube: they were only able to draw two
h3rsh3yb4r: he's ramping, watch out
ElementalAlchemist: RIP Ratatta
RandomTrivia: Time to sacrifice the rat the
RandomTrivia: *then
ztghostie: LUL such a great animation
ElementalAlchemist: LOL
nessiah_aries: Gored.
Koshindan: I pinch
SirPlumpy: P I N C H
RandomTrivia: Ok that animation was sick
Carlioo: so I missed the start of the stream; is the deck idea eggs and horses?
Aceviru: F
RandomTrivia: Leetle peench
TXC2: lrrCrab
RandomTrivia: lrrCrab
accountmadeforants: lrrCrab
SniHjen: he brought a fire deck to a water/psycic fight
ElementalAlchemist: dang
Twilight_Spark: I like horses.
00gogo00: seahorses aren't horses
nessiah_aries: Glastrier and Spectrier unfortunately too new.
Carlioo: sounds like a stable deck
aitsu100: cant draw horses deck
TXC2: would Tauros count ?
KeytarCat: hehehe, can't draw horses means something else now!
ztghostie: Excuse me, but the word Horse is right there *hands on hips*
SniHjen: or a 'farm animals' deck.
Carlioo: since that's water and fire, you could call it the steam stable deck
TXC2: lets GO!
Aceviru: 1st try
ElementalAlchemist: lrrGOAT lrrHORN
RandomTrivia: benginTry
accountmadeforants: seabatClap wheelerBrat
Koshindan: Egg
RandomTrivia: The Aww-nix
Aceviru: Aww
Twilight_Spark: Eldritch Chansey.
RandomTrivia: E G G !
ElementalAlchemist: pffffft
HyruleGirl9: That Chansey is delightful
RandomTrivia: Look at their happy face!
TheAinMAP: rebell1Eggs
TXC2: so much egg this stream
BorgarWithAShotgun: finally a booster
accountmadeforants: chansey is amazing
00gogo00: this seems bad
Koshindan: Wait, Chansey is supposed to be an axolotl? I never realized until that art.
accountmadeforants: that seems awesome
Aceviru: Opening must be brutal
nessiah_aries: Impostor Oak looks like Guzma's long lost brother.
aitsu100: oh wow they made a hymn for pokemon
Y2A_Alkis: @Koshindan eggsolotl
Quarthian: Poison is rude
RandomTrivia: What a good doggo!
ElementalAlchemist: rad
SniHjen: doggo under table ameroxAww
SniHjen: heads I win, tails you lose
ElementalAlchemist: Twiddle seems neat
accountmadeforants: twiddle seems strong yeah
Didero: Thanks for the stream!
Larkonus: Thank you for the stream!
TXC2: thanks for streaming Wheeler
ghyllnox: They keep an airship on retainer just in case someone gets all four pieces?
FadedOasis: Thanks for the stream!
salamisuperstar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months!
ElementalAlchemist: Thanks for having us; this was fun ^_^
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, salamisuperstar! (Today's storm count: 19)
50keyz: thankls for a great stream
Aceviru: It was a good one
nessiah_aries: Thank you for the stream.
TXC2: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
phuznutz: Thanks Wheeler!
Mr_Horrible: streaming is illegal next week
aitsu100: the art for Bloomburrow is so good
Sibwow: bring a blueberry muffin
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TXC2: damn :p
HungryTanuki: Thank you for streaming Ben !
Aceviru: Best wishes to the sis
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
salamisuperstar: On this, that day of my sister's wedding?
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
ghyllnox: <message deleted>Divorced? Does your husband know? Kappa
Sibwow: mods send this man to new jersey
Sibwow: thank you mods
Y2A_Alkis: subathon!
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Twin Edge) at Sun 04:00 PM PDT (2:51 from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
phuznutz: @Sibwow Nah, send him to CubeCon on Madison, WI in October!
RandomTrivia: Presumably
RandomTrivia: It's hooked into the calendar after all :D
Carlioo: if you edge one twin, does the other twin feel it
RandomTrivia: I don't want to fall out with Beej, Beej is great
Invitare: oh is that a Dark Souls-alike? Kappa
Marvoleath: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
salamisuperstar: Not playing with Adam this time?
aitsu100: mmmm oki oki tourney 2
GedankenPalast_: Soo I missed the stream and twitch does not show me the vod. Will this be available later?
ButterBall000 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ButterBall000! (Today's storm count: 20)
TXC2: GedankenPalast_ it'll be up on YT eventually
DiamondMX: I really thought doing the subs the old fashioned way was going to be "thanks for all the subs and bits. Peace out." *end steam*
AttackCowboy: It's not in chat but you should call out Croc for that in discord
TXC2: GedankenPalast_ this should be the vod
RandomTrivia: Thanks for the stream, Wheeler! lrrSHINE
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TXC2: bye
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
superdude097: TY 4 Stream!
HungryTanuki: DinoDance
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
bsudo: <3 <3 <3 <3
Larkonus: lrrSHINE
HungryTanuki: :D
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
RandomTrivia: Night TXC2! sergeModLove