Juliamon: lrrSIG
LordZarano: lrrSIG 🏮 lrrSIG
DideRobot: LRR: Time for Rhythm Cafe wherein Heather and Ian are checkin' out Twin Edge. https://twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun (has image) | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/112787327724339336
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART
nevermore913: Cafe is opening!
letfireraindown: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG yeah, i'm late
kusinohki: meows
Diabore: !subathon
kusinohki: hodukan! (too much delay to get the timing right)
Juliamon: I'll be honest, I'd love to make a !subathon but I don't really have anything useful to put in it yet.
kusinohki: start and end times? schedule website??
Juliamon: That's literally !schedule though
MTGRanger: @kusinohki emphasis that it's capped
MTGRanger: lrrBEEJ
nevermore913: I'm excited for subathon although I will be watching a fair amount of vods after because of life messing up timing
PharaohBender27: I'm glad I'll be able to make Kathleen and Jordynne's likely-Now Kiss-stream
Juliamon: We do still have the command from last year (which is why you probably got a mod-only message from LRRbot) and we'll fix it up and re-enable it when we have more info on the specific numbers this time around.
Juliamon: OH NO
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, lrrIAN lrrHEATHER
baltimore_667083: oh god Richter escaped!
PharaohBender27: RICHTER
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Rhythm Cafe IS a house of lies.
MTGRanger: GET TO THE QWOPTER! (And 99 other things you never want to hear)
iris_of_ether: Hooray talking!
RandomTrivia: Using the immense power of the money vacuum
Invitare: Loading Ready Something Else
MTGRanger: @PharaohBender27 oh good someone thought to clip it because I definitely forgot you could do that
MTGRanger: LoadingReadyCrashed
RandomTrivia: Any room containing a Heather and an Ian is automatically a cool room
iris_of_ether: tiltyhPLS
Invitare: Cam would appreciate that
fonkoncle: have Ian and Heather ever played "Dog of Bay" a full translation patch just dropped!!!
Sarah_Serinde: tiltyhPLS
adept_nekomancer: If you have a time machine, you can sell meat histories.
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Invitare: you need a cave for Cheddar, not a studio
MTGRanger: Oh I thought it was gonna be a stack of meats as well
Invitare: a nice cave, in a gorge
RealGamerCow: wheels of meat and stacks of cheese
PharaohBender27: My dream's always been to start my own beer orchard Kappa
Bellpei: Hewwo
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Well, yes, naturally. That's how beer trees spread their seeds.
adept_nekomancer: Camera also not sure how to react
kusinohki: I tried planting pennies to grow a money tree. sadly did not work
Bellpei: Get honeywell.
Invitare: someone heard your plans for aging meat and changed the temperature to avert them
RealGamerCow: artisinal fire
Gizmoloid: considering how wild some plants get, I think making the can is the only new thing for a tree to learn - they can already fill fruits with liquid under pressure
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Free range fire is generally considered a bad thing.
Bellpei: Tiptoeing is against my religion.
RealGamerCow: zeus was definitely a gmo, he took all those different forms
nevermore913: Gotta catch all them all
Bellpei: Eastern Orthodox Pokemon.
adept_nekomancer: If you're going to steal from the gods, I feel like you should steal from the deific equivalent mega-corporations rather than the local gods struggling to get by.
PharaohBender27: Might have to go back and later and make this a two-parter https://clips.twitch.tv/GiftedFrozenEggnogJebaited-CyC5YTUHwAPOBZjg
kusinohki: *whispers* the turtle moves...
nevermore913: Are Jesus and the devil the legendary ones
Juliamon: I guess Mewtwo is Jesus
goombalax: Jesus- "He's like a toad, but special"
Bellpei: The bible doom is so weird and kinda fun.
SerGarretCameron: @goombalax Jesus-captain toad confirmed?
RealGamerCow: X-ian Men
Bellpei: I was playing X-Men Legends earlier today on PS2.
kusinohki: thought jesus was an immortal, like in highlander
Bellpei: @kusinohki The animated series?
Gizmoloid: @bellpei bible doom? I only know bible Wolfenstein 🤔
fubargames: "Was Jesus a mutant" *is* a question that has been discussed in X-men comics.
Bellpei: Pistachio privacy.
Juliamon: A lot of games have mobile versions nowadays just for the expanded audience
DaxStrife: Everything can become mobile, once.
Juliamon: They're not all mobile backports.
adept_nekomancer: The computer is already moving in certain frames of reference.
Juliamon: 18
RandomTrivia: Twelve
PharaohBender27: Three
Diabore: 13
DaxStrife: Green
adept_nekomancer: thirty-six?
GhostValv: thirteen
KeytarCat: Thirty Eight
Mischievous_Catgeist: sergeCounting
Dread_Pirate_Westley: pi squared
Diabore: XIII
Gizmoloid: Purple
Juliamon: Hey, I posted it before you said that
letfireraindown: project twenty-five zero one
Talin06: one hundred thirty seven
DaxStrife: Eleventy twelve!
Juliamon: It's nice of them to prove a scrollbar so you don't have to page-down 2jillion times
kusinohki: THX-1138
RandomTrivia: (This action does not use the stack)
KeytarCat: @adept_nekomancer 36 and 38 were my class number in grade school!
RandomTrivia: Ah, this is a table that hasn't formatted correctly :D
MTGRanger: @Invitare I mean... it could be?
Juliamon: I mean, they *will* let you know, but they *won't* make you read it.
adept_nekomancer: @Invitare A rhythm game crossed with a legal notice? Is this some sort of Phoenix Wright spinoff?
RandomTrivia: Oh yeah, look at those nice big buttons - this has to be a mobile game port
DaxStrife: F.D.LOL.JK
SquareDotCube: If we pass the judgement bar do we become lawyers?
kusinohki: judgement bar exam? or the drinking kind of bar??
RandomTrivia: The Presidential Accelerator
Juliamon: My brain already can't handle this.
PharaohBender27: Tutorial: "Figure it out, nerd"
adept_nekomancer: It's a very minimalist interface
Juliamon: The "Twin" aspect is definitely not for me.
MTGRanger: I'm deeply intrigued buy the pi chart with possibly related percentage at the bottom
kusinohki: center bar at the bottom - progress or health bar??
RandomTrivia: It's really jarring that this music is in 7 but the circle isn't any multiple of that number of beats
MTGRanger: I do not think the developers understand how to represent percentages on a pi chart
adept_nekomancer: Lower-right corner looks like accuracy up to this point (it both increases/decreases as you hit/miss notes)
MTGRanger: Is the pi chart completion and percentage is accuracy?
Juliamon: I don't know that the percentages are related to the pie chart
adept_nekomancer: The pie chart looks like progress
RandomTrivia: Is this for VR?
Bellpei: Oooof.
RandomTrivia: The distortion in the corners is wild
MTGRanger: @RandomTrivia I feel like this would be painful in VR
MTGRanger: sooo much glow
Juliamon: and yeah, there's clarification that the pie chart is a separate stat from the percentage
TheAwkes: DF? /jk
RandomTrivia: @MTGRanger I 100% agree
Juliamon: the corner aberration sure is a design choice they went with
adept_nekomancer: Using the pie chart to represent progress is an odd choice.
MTGRanger: @Juliamon it wouldn't be so bad if there weren't also elements in the corner
Juliamon: yeah
RandomTrivia: The percentage is accuracy, the circle is progression through the track
Juliamon: the pie chart is song duration, with accuracy next to it
MTGRanger: @RandomTrivia that's what I think as well
Juliamon: same hat
RandomTrivia: I really hate that the circle doesn't line up with any beats, it seems completely arbitrary
Juliamon: The judgment bar is a really cool thing, but I would *never* have a moment to look at it
PharaohBender27: Oh yeah I can barely see it now
Juliamon: I too like 'em funky
MTGRanger: Does the back and forth make it harder?
MTGRanger: the reverse direction, that is
Juliamon: I know what the vibe I'm getting is... I could see this as a touchscreen arcade game
MTGRanger: @Juliamon ohh yeah yeah
MTGRanger: maybe that's why the TOS mentioned mobile?
TheMerricat: Chat just woke up and joined.... Is Ian controlling both wheels at the same time? mattlrWoof
MTGRanger: @TheMerricat yes
kusinohki: wonder if they'll do anything crazy like have the lines jump circles in a figure 8 pattern or something...
CaptainCoriale: lanota?
kusinohki: had the weird fever dream band and something about crows...
MTGRanger: yeah this is a mobile game I checked
MTGRanger: it has good ratings
MTGRanger: or it is also a mobile game I should say
Bellpei: What would an Ian perfume be?
DaxStrife: I've never seen a mobile game with bad ratings, and that's why I can't trust them.
adept_nekomancer: Using angles around the circle to correspond to rhythms reminds me of "A dance of fire and ice".
nevermore913: I feel like this game lives on its music
MTGRanger: ohhh we've found hard mode..
MTGRanger: it kinda sounds to me like dominoes falling? vaguely?
MTGRanger: or some sort of toppling
Juliamon: ah, here we are, I found the arcade game this was making me think of: it's maimai but with two circles instead.
PharaohBender27: :D
MTGRanger: what better time to sneak a snack than when you're distracted by rhythm games?
aitsu100: the miss sound reminds me of Perry the Platypus but he gets cut off after 2 clicks
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
MTGRanger: @aitsu100 oh I hear it
MTGRanger: Hey @Lysander_salamander !
Lysander_salamander: oh is this a new game?
Lysander_salamander: throbbing menus and ui. Yay
MTGRanger: yes this is Twin Edge
Juliamon: it's 2022
MTGRanger: It's very... designed
Lysander_salamander: what type of music is this. Smooth Jazz?
adept_nekomancer: Game is very aggressive with taking health away and very stingy with giving it back.
Lysander_salamander: neat
iris_of_ether: lunarj1Fangs
gualdhar: imagine breast feeding baby fangs...
Lysander_salamander: I think the title of the episode was "But Your Brother was such a nice guy?"
Shadowsoflife: So cain isn't the first vamp?
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Fangs
RandomTrivia: Lil' toof good
Vector_Zero subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Vector_Zero! (Today's storm count: 21)
jubale1: HahaBall
RandomTrivia: hEHEHEHE
RandomTrivia: sergePun
SquareDotCube: all rye chips
Juliamon: SquareDotCube but that would be *good*
adept_nekomancer: What kind of difficulties are these?
RandomTrivia: The Anime Girl and Her Omni-Genre
SquareDotCube: which, you can just get a bag of rye chips
RandomTrivia: That's just Hatsune Miku lrrBEEJ
GDwarble: Featuring LaHee? Clearly this is a FF14 reference!
LordZarano: It's on iOS for free. If you want it on Android you have to find the somewhere to download the apk cause it's not in the store anymore.
RatherLargeToad: Difficulty level: Cinnamon
Juliamon: Difficulty level: Taupe
adept_nekomancer: @RatherLargeToad Danger Level: Dolphin
Lysander_salamander: I don't often hear vocaloid in masculine voices. Cool.
jubale1: sounds like a Cake Song imitation
Lysander_salamander: though I suppose it could be a person with a robot filter
Juliamon: Probably a filter, but I do agree that there should be more mask Vocaloids
Juliamon: masc*
LordZarano: There's also the Jam version free on itch io for Win Mac & Linux. Made in 72 hours https://qer24.itch.io/twin-edge
GhostValv: blue and red morality
adept_nekomancer: We need a "chaos goblin" difficulty level
Juliamon: I wish Cysmix had a different logo
Juliamon: I can't unsee EA
RandomTrivia: That's not very quote 7000 of you :D
Lysander_salamander: Normal game. Normallll gaaaame! Normalll Gaaaaaame!
Lysander_salamander: a star that is also scottish?
Bellpei: Don't make us lore dump Kingdom Hearts Ian. You're not prepared.
Juliamon: I'm not gonna say that's *wrong*
KeytarCat: Everyone has to be normal sometime, difficulty is pretty low effort normal
DaxStrife: "You nort a boy." Good ol' BDG.
GhostValv: that's just Anix talking
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Bellpei: They did give that shirt off a lot of importance.
Bellpei: Boyband Road Trip Simulator is fun.
Lysander_salamander: Is it tossed aside like a Yakuza jacket?
PharaohBender27: 15's the one with a parking sidequest
Bellpei: They are not an actual boyband they just function as one.
Lysander_salamander: Does Mickey have a sick back tattoo?
BrowneePoints: It's not BAD
adept_nekomancer: @PharaohBender27 And you discover so many recipes. And the boy band is very enthusiastic about this.
Xafty: its pretty good for a minigame
BrowneePoints: it's just kinda like...the Persona minigame
Bellpei: FF7 Rebirth rhythm game is.... really complex honestly.
BrowneePoints: Persona game*
TheThromborax: Can someone tell me what time the thing starts tomorros?
Xafty: noon pacific?
CaptainCoriale: Just once i'd like Yakuza to have a scene where someone has to awkwardly go find their jacket post-fight
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Xafty: yeah, subathon starts noon pacific time tomorrow
PharaohBender27: :O
Lysander_salamander: I would have expected that to have happened in Like a Dragon
RatherLargeToad: OSFrog
adept_nekomancer: I mean, we're not technically there, are we?
Lysander_salamander: Or Infinite Wealth
Geldaran: Nah, I'm a meat popsicle.
Gizmoloid: beep boop
CaptainCoriale: @Lysander_salamander That would track for Ichiban
TheThromborax: Experience The Awkwardness is the name of my Blur blue-grass cover band
Juliamon: We found it!
Lysander_salamander: yay
RandomTrivia: J
Lysander_salamander: jaeh
Juliamon: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
saintguard: J
DaxStrife: Oh this needs to be clipped.
Xafty: F J
ghizmou: Why is Ian laughing in spanish?
Lysander_salamander: :D
TheThromborax: LMAO
Lysander_salamander: yay
TheThromborax: jAAAAAAAAAAAy
Juliamon: Ding!
TheThromborax: FUCKING ROFL
Lysander_salamander: the ding was a nice touch
ghizmou: but you soap only once
Xafty: 2 showers is worth it occasionally
iris_of_ether: 2 showers has been a necessity after outside labor and room painting
Juliamon: I'm dealing with the same hair-too-long problem. Fortunately I have an appointment this week for that.
Lysander_salamander: small indoor pool
NotCainNorAbel: I'd be a bath person if it was larger
Caffine1138: a bath that fits a 6' plus person please. one that doesn't required selling a kidney
gualdhar: shin high tensei V?
TheThromborax: @LoadingReadyRun does this game feel like being a DJ in a movie?
TheThromborax: That's what it looks like to me
GDwarble: Ah yes, Hideaki Anno's next movie: Shin High Tubs
Lysander_salamander: I would prefer if there were rain at regular times per day, so I could just stand outside
Xafty: i dont have bad enough joints to need one, but one of those tubs that has a door to get into it would be sweet
Bellpei: Has Rhythm cafe ever done DJ Hero?
TheThromborax: No, not REAL DJing. BAD DJing like you see in Movies
Juliamon: I was excited when my mom said we were getting a deep soaking tub. Then she said it had to have sliding glass doors. I've taken like three baths in it in the last 5 years because it's SO AWKWARD.
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
TheThromborax: Good DJing is hard. Garbo DJing is Free. I'm doing it right now
GhostValv: wait James has been in movies?
Lysander_salamander: I should try to visit the Moog Museum someday
KeytarCat: I need underlight on my kitchen cabinets
PharaohBender27: Oh that's actually clever
Juliamon: Interesting gradient
Lysander_salamander: Is there a train-conductor rhythm game?
MTGRanger: I would love to see the moonbase react to Ian just... appearing as a Japanese train conductor
PharaohBender27: What if the superconductor shows up?
RatherLargeToad: Will he also have a monkey hand puppet?
Lysander_salamander: wow
GDwarble: Thought that sentence was gonna be that you found a shop that sold building-sized googly eyes
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
MTGRanger: @GDwarble that might be a bit *too* niche
PharaohBender27: Ah, 2016 Graham
Bellpei: This song sounds like an anime opening.
PharaohBender27: Yeah, I see that
LordZarano: I always bring an umbrella unless the forecast says 0 rain
RandomTrivia: Enjoying derp cats like it's 2010 internet
Juliamon: I bet you can customize it
RandomTrivia: "only mid-tier deeds are commemerated here"
KeytarCat: Ooh, nuclear semiotics!
Juliamon: My fellow chat...
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Bellpei: Mr. Beast has said he wants to run so... Probably.
Juliamon: The real question is how politely they phrase it
TheMerricat: At what point in our history will be in a twitch streamer not be detrimental to a political career?
PharaohBender27: Oh *that's* where the "Politicians should thank their subs" post came from
RandomTrivia: Given that politicians read their speeches off autocues or printed notes, unlikely
MTGRanger: I'd vote for serge
MTGRanger: but I'm not Canadian so ehh?
Gadora: I don't think I'd wish that on Serge.
KeytarCat: @MTGRanger I see what you did there
RandomTrivia: I like that as an alternative to the NASCAR race suits logos
MTGRanger: :lrrBEEJ:
Juliamon: Serge has worldly knowledge and expertise, makes a number of comical faux pas, is a good manager. In theory he'd be a great politician. But he'd get chewed up.
MTGRanger: nooo it didn't work agg
MTGRanger: @Juliamon he's just too nice
RandomTrivia: @MTGRanger You should be able to type it without the colons
MTGRanger: @RandomTrivia really? That's cool
RandomTrivia: Twitch Chat parses everything for emotes
MTGRanger: @KeytarCat lrrBEEJ
RandomTrivia: That's why people describe songs as a BOP
TheMerricat: Are our politicians more of a COD, Resident Evil, or GTA sort of gamer? How many hours do they have in Skyrim and how many versions of the game did they own?
Juliamon: Twitch parsing is why you get things like:
Juliamon: !card kappa cannoneer
LRRbot: Kappa Cannoneer [5U] | Artifact Creature — Turtle Warrior [4/4] | Improvise / Ward {4} / Whenever Kappa Cannoneer or another artifact enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Kappa Cannoneer and it can't be blocked this turn.
MTGRanger: You must have 35 backlog games to run for President
GDwarble: If they have less than 300 unplayed games then can we *really* expect them to understand the common man?
RandomTrivia: Oh right, I forgot about the robo-turtle :D
PharaohBender27: @MTGRanger tqsLOL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
SquareDotCube: the movie trailer's humor is AWFUL, don't go by that.
PharaohBender27: D:
KeytarCat: I just found the holy city in my first playthrough
SquareDotCube: Get a SSD or m.2 converter
Bellpei: Can we totally rule them out?
Darleysam: "Totally Spies" sounds like something that needs to be said in a Strongbad voice
Juliamon: Hand pies are better with angles.
omdorastrix: Something something A pie is 2 Pi
Juliamon: But a rectangle though
GDwarble: Surely a hand-pie is a pie shaped like a hand, complete with fingers
omdorastrix: Cube Rule of Food
RandomTrivia: WHAT?!
PharaohBender27: I'm sorry what
MTGRanger: OHH yeah that case
Gadora: Zoning laws!
MTGRanger: lol
MTGRanger: Zoning laws!
omdorastrix: A taco is just a mexican version of a sandwich
Bellpei: I'm curious how this precident will affect future rulings.
SquareDotCube: oh yeah I've heard this. It was Indiana
Juliamon: Taqueria owner
omdorastrix: A gyro is a greek version of a sandwich
Gadora: Taconatrix was quite a word.
GDwarble: Taconatrix is definitely a word what was said
MTGRanger: Taconatrix lrrIAN
Bellpei: Are sandwiches not fast?
MTGRanger: I mean it depends on how you serve the taco, right?
omdorastrix: There was an exception to allowing sandwich places - like Subway,e tc
Gadora: They had a carve out for sandwiches.
GDwarble: The mall...either could or could not sell sandwiches, I don't remember which it was
TheMerricat: "In May, Allen County Superior Court Judge Craig Bobay ruled that "tacos and burritos are Mexican-style sandwiches." Though this ruling can feel deeply unserious, it has major consequences for one small business that was hoping to open a restaurant in the city of Fort Wayne."
MTGRanger: Indiana
MTGRanger: Allen Superior Court, Indiana
omdorastrix: I remind everyone of the Cube Rule of Food classification - so we all have an even basis to communicate: https://cuberule.com/
Bellpei: Europe vs American legal sandwich.
goombalax: lox is Meat!!!
Bellpei: Lawyers generally do have too much time on their hand... in that they want to bill those hours.
GDwarble: Liquid Oxygen, a type of rocket fuel :P
MTGRanger: Well, fish aren't meat according to some people
Bellpei: There are somehow both too many and not enough lawyers.
omdorastrix: Is there money to be made by or around it - then there will be a court decision aboiut it
NotCainNorAbel: Preach!
Bellpei: Bagel and Lox can be really nice but you gotta find a good place.
Juliamon: a schmear is ESSENTIAL
Bellpei: You gotta get something piled a little high.
TheMerricat: So many clips chat :D
omdorastrix: tiny cracker, tiny smoked salmon, tiny onion and caper...
HbombAndFriends: I’ve been getting bagels from a place in NY. Very good. Free shipping.
MTGRanger: @NotCainNorAbel you have done good work here
Bellpei: The lord's manic
RandomTrivia: But it's Rhythm Tuesday! lrrBEEJ
NotCainNorAbel: @MTGRanger I hope so, I actually didn't check that they all overlap. lrrAWESOME
NotCainNorAbel: That's what I have to do now
HbombAndFriends: Theology Cafe
MTGRanger: @NotCainNorAbel ehh they'll fix it in post lrrBEEJ
RandomTrivia: As long as it's all there, Jordynne can cut them together
RandomTrivia: How insalting! lrrBEEJ
PharaohBender27: Oh wait I double-posted part 1, sorry
PharaohBender27: Also, need to bounce, but man has there been some moments this stream
RandomTrivia: Take care, PharaohBender27
PharaohBender27: Cheer150
NotCainNorAbel: I think my parts have a lot if not all of them; with all of the other clips Jordynne can make a good setup
omdorastrix: Not enough pickled beets in the world when pickles are being served
Juliamon: I love when an Asian restaurant puts out sweet pickles at the table
MTGRanger: Pickled onions are my favorite, personally
NotCainNorAbel: I really wish that Bread and Butter pickles came in spears. They used to but that went away in like 2015 for no good reason.
MTGRanger: but I had some pickled carrots & radish a couple weeks ago that was quite tasty
omdorastrix: @NotCainNorAbel I'm pretty sure I've seen a store-brand around that is either spears or long slices...
NotCainNorAbel: AB's firecracker carrot pickles are good
Juliamon: I cannot abide capers
omdorastrix: Fermented food in general is choice.
Juliamon: They're like a big round seed
NotCainNorAbel: @omdorastrix maybe they are coming back. lrrBartleby I remember sandwich slices showing up around 2017-2019 but I haven't seen them lately.
TheMerricat: "Capers are the unriped green buds of a prickly bush called capparis spinosa that grows wild across the Mediterranean and parts of Asia."
omdorastrix: Natto is probably the only fermented product I've tried and don't like - mainly on a textural level
Juliamon: They're used in chicken piccata, which otherwise would be a favourite dish of mine
SquareDotCube: A beefsteak you could say
HbombAndFriends: Any thoughts on kimchi?
NotCainNorAbel: pickled onions in a martini is so much better than an olive
SquareDotCube: My mother makes sweet pickles that are unlike anything else, I need to get that recipe and figure out how
SAJewers: picked beets on ttsf? pkroseThink
Juliamon: I dunno if pickling makes for a good TTSF.
NotCainNorAbel: good time to drink lrrPistachio
NotCainNorAbel: pickled beet martini seems fairly common drink per the Internet
HbombAndFriends: lrrIAN lrrSHINE
Timagio: Pickled cabbage is an acquired taste
MTGRanger: I've only had the opportunity to have kimchi once like, five years ago and I would love some more
omdorastrix: A few years ago I tried making my own kimchi - it was WAY too spicy for me, but some of my friends gratefully took it off my hand. I've since made a few other batches at about half that spice.
NotCainNorAbel: caraway can be decisive
omdorastrix: It's REAL easy
Juliamon: mmm caraway
Bellpei: In the Wii version of Trauma Center I remember refering to this style of play as Nurse Mode.
HbombAndFriends: Sauerkraut wasn’t something I would eat for the longest time, but I will eat it on a Rueben or hot dog or with New Year’s pork roast
KeytarCat: @HbombAndFriends It's very good in its place, and hard to trust elsewhere for me
Juliamon: agreed
NotCainNorAbel: jlrrDance3
Juliamon: I love a good reuben, but I wouldn't want sauerkraut in any other situation
Bellpei: Which classical song is this based on?
Juliamon: Hall of the Mountain King
HbombAndFriends: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Bellpei: lol
Juliamon: At least you're not Sonic-poisoned like me
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500 - fermented food!
omdorastrix: He lives in a pinapple, pineapple, pinapple, He lives inside a Pineapple way under the sea!
SAJewers: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Juliamon: Ian no
s1ck1y: SONIC????
TheDailyMapleSyrup: Sonic(at)tilty.house
Simonark: Have a great subathon, both of you, I strongly suspect all of us will.
Juliamon: Remote Staff
NotCainNorAbel: sounds great, Kenji LĂłpez-Alt recipe?
Juliamon: oh, it IS AC
Simonark: Not THAT Test Track. A totally different, legally distinct one!
Juliamon: I forget who guessed that on discord
HbombAndFriends: I guess we’re saving for tomorrow
HbombAndFriends: equinox
GDwarble: Parrot Hellion
Simonark: Solstice?
kusinohki: poor rythm cafe. suffers for the subathon...
Juliamon: Subs just got more expensive a couple days ago, so we have to save up
TheDailyMapleSyrup: lol, night