Pteraspidomorphi: I'm very curious about the very long intro slot :D
Diabore: everybody for the second (hopefully) annual lrr subathon?
Wondermoo: lrrBartleby lrrGibb lrrPistachio
mtvcdm: Y'all ready?
SnackPak_: subs! subs! subs!
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: an honestly acquired Bump in the Night
MungoDude: !next
lesbianpunkpyromancer22 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months, currently on a 5 month streak!
lesbianpunkpyromancer22: oh lord
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LoadingReadyRun 2024 Sub-A-Thon Kickoff! at Mon 12:00 PM PDT (9s from now).
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lesbianpunkpyromancer22! (Today's storm count: 4)
RoeDent89: Hello!
Noy2222: Remember to sub responsibly.
Diabore: BRACE
LordZarano: !next
amative1: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LoadingReadyRun 2024 Sub-A-Thon Kickoff! at Mon 12:00 PM PDT (0s ago).
TXC2: hello RoeDent89 welcome
incslayer: Bracing
Metric_Furlong: @Pteraspidomorphi it starts with Adam yelling "we're here" for an hour solid Kappa
Strawbrarian subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Strawbrarian! (Today's storm count: 5)
beowuuf: if i'm helping with conformal coating at work, i put a small cap up high or down low to remind me which shelf in the oven has the oldest sprayed items. I've started calling it the muffin of advantage. Please send help.
Pteraspidomorphi: Then I'm glad I could make it
Mazrae: I wish I had saved my prime sub for this
incslayer: @Pteraspidomorphi @Metric_Furlong followed by an hour of wheeler saying "thank you for having me"
hd_dabnado: lrrCREEPL lrrHORN lrrCREEPR
NonUniqueGuy: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Heather's Secret Podcast
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrCREEPR
Dread_Pirate_Westley: !advice
LRRbot: If you swing like that... you're going to hit an obstruction.
KaleidoscopeMind: @Metric_Furlong is it repeating "we're here" multiple times, or one long "we're here"
Mazrae: !badadvice
LRRbot: Blame Heather.
SamsSkunkworks subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SamsSkunkworks! (Today's storm count: 6)
beowuuf: @amative1 lrrHORN
incslayer: @KaleidoscopeMind both
KV1NN4: gasp, don't tease secret podcast unless u mean it!
MrQBear: @KaleidoscopeMind Depends, how good is Adam's circular breathing?
incslayer: !advice
LRRbot: Don't go faster than a car can go.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Possibly the worst advice imagineable.
MungoDude: ok I think the coffee's probably brewed enough - don't forget your cuppas, folks!
PsychoI3oy: no, it's just paul saying "Hello" then goes offline
KV1NN4: only Heather can lie in this house :x
Mazrae: LRRbot I don't want to die with that bad advice
NonUniqueGuy: !goodadvice
LRRbot: On the internet???
Myrniss: @SamsSkunkworks well hello there 👀
ArcLightningCanuck: We are here. They will be here. :)
samwiser_: If we chat it, they will come.
Nigouki: o hallo
incslayer: !chat
LRRbot: Chat? Engaging in mimicry?
TXC2: hello Nigouki welcome
Snowcookies: !plan
LRRbot: What are those???
CastleOtranto: Good time of day to you, chat.
Nigouki: !fart
LRRbot: Big flatulence!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: !listen
LRRbot: Seriously, just never listen to chat.
Mazrae: I wonder if they just watch chat for a bit before going live
incslayer: SUFFIX GREET!
Suffix: Happy Sub-o-yhon.
as_ever_ellesandra: !vaselineorbarcode
LRRbot: Barcode!
MungoDude: @CastleOtranto happy timezone to you too
TXC2: hello CastleOtranto and Suffix welcome
Alahmnat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months, currently on a 16 month streak!
Alahmnat: Ain't no party like a LRR sub party cuz a LRR sub party goes all week
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alahmnat! (Today's storm count: 7)
JustMeJude: Hello chat! Hello mods!
jacqui_lantern234: @Suffix HAI SUFFIX <3
hd_dabnado: !findquote sub
LRRbot: Quote #7400: "Every minute we're not reading subs, we're leaving the generosity window open." —Ian [2020-12-19]
Flyingdelorion: hello chat, good evening from the Netherlands!
SymphonySolstice: !butts
TXC2: hello JustMeJude and Flyingdelorion welcome
incslayer: !findquote butts
LRRbot: Quote #3760: "I was really happy with senpai's butt parts." —Beej [2016-12-16]
Creideiki_SE: !vaselineorbarcodealloneword
LRRbot: Barcode!
DoubleNterprises: S I G N A L
mtvcdm: I mean I'm in the friend zone and I'm watching you
N2Osferatu: I have achieved leftover teriyaki chicken before start wooo
Myrniss: !findquote poison
malfnord: This is the second weeklong marathon I've done this month. My poor laptop...
DoubleNterprises: Whoops, no that was autoplay, sorry
Mazrae: How is everyone doing on the sub a thon beginning time
CanPlayGames: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LoadingReadyRun 2024 Sub-A-Thon Kickoff! at Mon 12:00 PM PDT (3m ago).
Dread_Pirate_Westley: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Wandering Monster!
Therberus: 3mins ago? Sounds like someone is late
Myrniss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months, currently on a 127 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Myrniss! (Today's storm count: 8)
TXC2: Mazrae a river is falling out of the sky here, so...... :p
DoubleNterprises: @Mazrae Doing pretty good, Mazrae
Jakelope13 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jakelope13! (Today's storm count: 9)
DeM0nFiRe: @Therberus We didn't sub in time, so the subathon ended before it started NotLikeThis (jk)
Sarah_Serinde: Hey chat I'm guessing they'll go back and count subs that happened right before the stream...but just in case maybe hold off until stream starts?
iris_of_ether: I've got like 2 straight hours of meeting after lunch, but at least I get to catch the opening :D
beowuuf: @TXC2 i blame myself for deciding to leave from work :p
MrQBear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrQBear! (Today's storm count: 10)
Therberus: @DeM0nFiRe We have to go back!
incslayer: @TXC2 you mean a vertical sky sergeCanal ?
Mazrae: @txc2 send some of that water my way it took damn hot here
JustMeJude: That's when the pull the Uno reverse card and none of these subs count
JustMeJude: *they
TXC2: Mazrae would if we could
missa_hancock: I think the last LRR stream I caught live was the last subathon. only had time to watch YT for a long time now.
mtvcdm: Hold until signal chat
Flyingdelorion: Back to the future? @DeM0nFiRe
TXC2: incslayer sure why not
laikagoat: it looks like it's gonna rain for 10 days straight here, which is great since it was hovering around 100 F last week
TXC2: hello missa_hancock welcome
Mazrae: It's 99 here with a high of 105
nosole: @missa_hancock Same honestly, but happy to pop on to support the subathon
RoeDent89: Red holdingsignal standing by
hd_dabnado: the start of the subathon will be PERFECT background noise while I prep my dnd game for tonight
Juliamon: Weather Underground has been saying it's gonna rain here for the last week, and it hasn't
JustMeJude: Red Rover standing by
incslayer: Red October Schanding by
baltimore_667083: Red Delicious standing by
LoadingReadyRun: Just getting one last thing ready and we should be online in just a few! Hold tight :D
Laurence72: Red suits only in Balatro standing by
Astra7525: @Juliamon D'uh. It's the subterranean weather
hd_dabnado: @Juliamon it rained where Im at without any radar stuff yesterday
iris_of_ether: benginO7
ShaneLeeAtk: !picnic
Barb4rian: *holds tighter*
Didero: Gotta replace Beej's battteries
Splash4Mirrodin: Red Shift standing by
DaxStrife: [Holding intensifies]
RoeDent89: It tends to not rain underground, most of the time
Myrniss: [Hold smy tights]
Pteraspidomorphi: Juliamon: Have you checked a different station? Sometimes they are broken
JustMeJude: Hold the door!
frnknstn: Red Red Wine, standing by!
RoeDent89: Hold the phone!
RockPusher asks for tight's consent to hold them
laikagoat: only part of rain I don't look forward to is people forgetting how to drive even more than they normally do
azidbern95: Red Bye Bye, standing by!
LordZarano: Can't I hold loose instead?
Therberus: I'm guessing there's gonna be another bit-sub conversion thingy for subathon purposes right? Cheer100
incslayer: if i hold any tighter i might crush my own ribs
Alahmnat: @LordZarano you hold tight, but hang loose
RoeDent89: If loose gives you their consent
Mazrae: Red Rover red Rover, standing by
Juliamon: Pteraspidomorphi OpenWeather also has been saying the same
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @Alahmnat I'm hanging on, not loose.
iris_of_ether: When it does finally rain we'll get some nice petrichor:3
Lazarus2511: red plagus standing by
red_shoes_jeff: Red Shoes, standing by.
Snowcookies: While we are waiting, let's all say our hot takes about LRR
Too_Many_Knives: Red Cabbage standing by
Sarah_Serinde: A great way to find out what counts towards the subathon is to wait a few minutes for the stream to go live and for them to tell you :P
Hansk_and_Boo: Left on Red, standing by!
RockPusher: iris_of_ether ooooo yeah! huff that wet dirt!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @Sarah_Serinde Why do that when I can speculate wildly, instead?
Laurence72: The hard part is that I'm trying to save snacks for the actual event, but I'm hungry!
Sarah_Serinde: Also for all I know, subs and bits before the stream would have to be added manually rather than automatically adding to the timer
DoubleNterprises: Red Hot Takes standing by
PhoenixMelior: Hot take: I enjoy LRR content.
northivanastan: Redd's Furniture Emporium, standing by
CodeIndigo: Mods: cuss or bus?
ihlendrax: !secret
LRRbot: That's my secret, I'm always afraid.
gualdhar: Why wait for the subathon to go live when we can pester the wonderful volunteer mods?
MrQBear: @northivanastan Give me back my payment for that fake painting!
TXC2: hello PhoenixMelior welcome
Juliamon: CodeIndigo Your choice
beowuuf: @PhoenixMelior easy there, satan MiniK
Snowcookies: Hot take: I'm excited to see more Friday Night
Sarah_Serinde: @CodeIndigo Well this is neither DB nore a PPR, so
PhoenixMelior: Hey txc2
JustMeJude: Hot take: All of their content has value even if it's not your particular jam
Ravynn stealthily enters
CheshireCake: R.E.D, standing by.
RockPusher: fugiBus
DanTheMediocre: Red un Dan't standing by
Mazrae: Red Dirt Road, standing by!!
TXC2: !venga
LRRbot: To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield to the oncoming Venga Bus.
beowuuf: @gualdhar jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrFacepalm
Austere_Squire: hot take: the few times i've interacted with them directly, they've all seemed quite lovely
northivanastan: Redis, standing by
evilspoons983: oh good, I didn't miss the start despite my brain's best efforts
Earthenone: @PhoenixMelior how could you say something so controversial yet so true
Sarah_Serinde: @gualdhar lrrFRUMP
incslayer: @Ravynn not stealthy enough Hey Ravynn
Juliamon: hot take: it's too hot
Flyingdelorion: Happy Subathon everybody!
SmithKurosaki: *taps microphone*
Ravynn: incslayer Dangit, eh well yo
Noy2222: Happy Submas!
ExachixKitsune: Hello friends, fiends and large automobiles
DanTheMediocre: Red hot chili dinner, tasting fine
RoeDent89: It's LRR's 20th anniversary!
TXC2: hello ExachixKitsune welcome
avi_miller: Hey everyone!
mowdownjoe: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LoadingReadyRun 2024 Sub-A-Thon Kickoff! at Mon 12:00 PM PDT (9m ago).
kusinohki: Meows, erm Reed alert, standing by
Laurence72: Hot take: Please take the hot from my area, I'm tired of 90+F temps for weeks on end!
TXC2: hello avi_miller welcome
ihlendrax: It’s 96°F here, so I fully agree Juliamon.
Favre_the_Undead: red winter, standing by
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @RoeDent89 On Sonic's 30th anniversary? What are the odds?
Mazrae: @roedent89 part 2??
Hansk_and_Boo: RedCat-basisschooltrainer, standing by!
Marenai subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Marenai! (Today's storm count: 11)
Alahmnat: NIRCam, standing by
Noy2222: It's Sonic's 30th Anniversary. Do you know where your kids are?
RoeDent89: I mean, technically until their 21st anniversary
IbunWest: merlekFine
goldengraham13: Hit 90 here for the first time on a while, yesterday. Was a big NO THANK YOU
gualdhar: Mic 5 standing by
Mazrae: Red Warrior needs food badly, standing by
TXC2: Noy2222 I told you last night no!
DanTheMediocre: 0xff0000 - 01 standing by
malfnord: Eric the Red, standing by
Metric_Furlong: Red Baron, standing by
ihlendrax: redrum, standing by
zapshakur: Red Skelton, standing by
Alahmnat: gonna be 93 today and I'm Not Here For It
stippledotter: Well read, standing by
Mazrae: Right hand red, standing by
Lushian_Cybasi: Green Knight, Standing By
Austere_Squire: i can only read "it's X's Yth anniversary" in beej's voice now
Favre_the_Undead: the reds, standing by
Myrniss: Red mage, standing high
DoubleNterprises: Left on Read standing by
gualdhar: Red right returning standing by
Forgebold: Red-Eyes B. Dragon standing by
Riandisa: Omniscient red reader, standing by
avi_miller: I am happy I made it home in time, and also out of the 100F temperatures outside
Metric_Furlong: Red Onion, standing by
LordChrusher subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
LordChrusher: Hello LRR and chat
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordChrusher! (Today's storm count: 12)
BigDaddyBland87: Soft Red Wheat standing by
avi_miller: It is too hot
Hansk_and_Boo: PokéMon Fire Red, standing by!
DanTheMediocre: @Austere_Squire 20 ways to Anniversary?
TheNerdWonder: Where the red fern grows, standing by
PhoenixMelior: Im on mobile so im waiting of the chorus of lrrSIGNAL to tell me when we're live
TXC2: we need an X ways to Yth your Anniversary
azidbern95: Ulrich von Lichtenstein, standing by
kusinohki: Red Wings, skating by
ihlendrax: Same Phoenix.
2nd_metaman: red cabbage, standing by 🥬
IbunWest: Reading Railroad, standing by
KV1NN4: roja sauce standing by
Metric_Furlong: Red Letter Day, standing by
Laurence72: Lincoln Red Imps, standing by
Hansk_and_Boo: Redwall Secret Lair, standing by!
ExachixKitsune: cakejuRedE cakejuRedE cakejuRedE cakejuRedE
SnackPak_: duDudu duDudu duDudu
Mazrae: Painting the roses red, standing by
baltimore_667083: Reading Football Club, standing by
LordZarano: @Therberus Last time it was 350+ bits to count towards the timer, so even if that was during the stream it wouldn't have counted. This time, who knows? They know! They'll tell us when they go live!
Graham_LRR: be right with y’all, Paul is hammering out some technical gremlins
kusinohki: Red Meeple, standing on a road
Aquarionics: Penguin reading a newspaper, standing by
TXC2: Go Paul
4AMDonuts: Misreading the moment, standing by?
SnackPak_: go Paul!
CastleOtranto: Take that, gremlins!
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART lrrSLOTH
Invitare: Carnelian number sleeping aside
Astramentha: get ‘em Paul
Metric_Furlong: Reading and Leeds Music Festival, standing by
DeM0nFiRe: zeldaGremlin
TheNerdWonder: Red Dawn standing by
Snowcookies: Y'all choose to stand by, but I'mma choose to sit by
midnightcurryjazz: might have time to finish the new edsc then
jacqui_lantern234: Go Paul!!! <3
incslayer: @Graham_LRR is he using a gremlin hammer?
N2Osferatu: Kaladesh gremlins, or Twilight Zone gremlins?
ExachixKitsune: Kaladesh strikes again
DanTheMediocre: @Graham_LRR read, received, and standing by
incslayer: !findquote gremlins
LRRbot: Quote #6227: "'You can only get married after midnight.' 'Otherwise you turn into gremlins.'" —Cori and Ian [2019-07-17]
beowuuf: go go gadget hammer!
Juliamon: Numbers are in fact different from last subathon
stippledotter: Gremlin whack a mole, standing by
Angreed66: Did the gremlins eat the first hammers?
Flyingdelorion: red Ragout bolognese standing by!
Earthenone: rise of red (descendants 4 now streaming on disney plus) standing by
Hansk_and_Boo: Red Deck Wins, standing by
squirrelfire: Red Delicious Apple standing by
RockPusher: dixHAMMER lrrSLOTH
TXC2: Numbers will be explained IN the stream
HiCallMeRusty: !findquote hammer
LRRbot: Quote #4142: "I really should've checked the hammer before I licked it" —Ian [2017-04-09]
Astramentha: @incslayer well there’s yer problem
Mazrae: Just put Ch Paul in charge and those gremlins will be the least of your worries
Graham_LRR: They seem to have more in common with Cardassian voles, iykyk
incslayer: @Mazrae or just get Ch Heather to take care of it
RoeDent89: @TXC2 I'm looking forward to the explanation of 42.
Metric_Furlong: Redshirts, standing by
iris_of_ether: I have done my LRRvice and told my mom to watch the stream instead of [redacted] benginO7
TXC2: RoeDent89 indeed
azidbern95: Green Sleeves, standing by
missa_hancock: @graham_lrr it’s fine, you guys just meant Alaska time, not Pacific for the start time lol. you know we’ll happily chat amoungst ourselves
beowuuf: oh no, we won't be able to understnd one another!
PhoenixMelior: Even my cat has joined us in the waiting
kusinohki: Red fire, fire fire!
TXC2: hello Cat
ExachixKitsune: so.. how about that mahjong eh
laikagoat: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TheAinMAP: Signal
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
SnackPak_: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
hd_dabnado: @ExachixKitsune the magic words
Riandisa: xivCactuar xivCactuar xivCactuar
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
BigDaddyBland87: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
bv310: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
jacqui_lantern234: lrrSIG
Strawbrarian: lrrSIG sergeBongo
azidbern95: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
underhill33: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Mazrae: @incslayer, I don't doubt Heather would take care of it, but Ch Paul would make the situation worse
Earthenone: signal
MungoDude: @Graham_LRR just started season 2 of ds9 in our all-of-star-trek-rewatch, Odo was talking about Cardassian voles last night
incslayer: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
SnackPak_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SnackPak_! (Today's storm count: 13)
50keyz: yussss!
laikagoat is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 278 in the channel!
laikagoat gifted a Tier 1 sub to padawanbecca!
laikagoat gifted a Tier 1 sub to Agnememnon!
laikagoat gifted a Tier 1 sub to DekiSystem!
laikagoat gifted a Tier 1 sub to TR_Millzyy!
laikagoat gifted a Tier 1 sub to PhanTom_lt!
GhostValv: amazonTasteTheRainbow amazonTasteTheRainbow amazonTasteTheRainbow
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, laikagoat! Welcome to Agnememnon, PhanTom_lt, DekiSystem, padawanbecca, and TR_Millzyy! (Today's storm count: 18)
Fanklok: No I'm furious and demand my 14 minutes back
Statist42: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TheNerdWonder: which one of you let the tribbles into the Moonbase?
nyxlux: here we go!!!!!!!
squirrel_saloli subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, squirrel_saloli! (Today's storm count: 19)
Saintnex: lrrSIG lrrSIG
Favre_the_Undead: lfg
Natimus_Prime subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
Natimus_Prime: "We get signal"
DTMWA6T: Whoohoo! Subathon 2!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Natimus_Prime! (Today's storm count: 20)
Aquarionics: ForSigmar
DoubleNterprises: Let's a go!
undecided44 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
Rourke9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
Rourke9: sub for subathon?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, undecided44! (Today's storm count: 21)
TheSmilingMammoth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rourke9! (Today's storm count: 22)
HiCallMeRusty: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheSmilingMammoth! (Today's storm count: 23)
L0rdX33n: woo!
vegetalss4: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
public_key_reveal_party: lolipBongo lolipBongo lolipBongo
DeathWarrior555: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSHINE
RynoLaw subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RynoLaw! (Today's storm count: 24)
DahudLefthanded subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DahudLefthanded! (Today's storm count: 25)
azkovo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
Mazrae: Shoot all the subs to them
WardsarTheWriter: Hell yeah! I love this logo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, azkovo! (Today's storm count: 26)
ExachixKitsune: SubaIIhon
Metric_Furlong: refresh if it's not live for you
Tandtroll_OG: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
firehawkzoa: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
UltraVioletVodoo: remember if you dont see a going live screen refresh your browser
CanvasWolfDoll: soon
KaleidoscopeMind subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KaleidoscopeMind! (Today's storm count: 27)
Brozard: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
KV1NN4 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
KV1NN4: Next verse..?
cuzuki subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KV1NN4! (Today's storm count: 28)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cuzuki! (Today's storm count: 29)
public_key_reveal_party: lrrSHINE
PhoenixMelior: Is it time to fire the sub cannons?
Hansk_and_Boo: Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire. I regret that I am unable to present my father's request to you in person, but my ship has fallen under attack, and I'm afraid my mission to bring you to Alderaan has failed. I have placed information vital to the survival of the Rebellion into the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delive-Red, standing by!
ManicPixieDreamLurker subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
2nd_metaman: 🚨🚨
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ManicPixieDreamLurker! (Today's storm count: 30)
patrick_stonecrusher: SpiritEel SpiritEel SpiritEel
jackulhaups subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months!
jackulhaups: woo
Manae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Manae: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW lrrSIG lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jackulhaups! (Today's storm count: 31)
incslayer: sergeBongo lrrSIG sergeBongo lrrSIG sergeBongo
lordcrocodile: lrrHORN
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Manae! (Today's storm count: 32)
Booster6 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
Narcuru subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 74 months, currently on a 52 month streak!
Narcuru: 52 months! that's like one ...year?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Booster6! (Today's storm count: 33)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Narcuru! (Today's storm count: 34)
FelanEntane subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
bisaflau subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FelanEntane! (Today's storm count: 35)
as_ever_ellesandra subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bisaflau! (Today's storm count: 36)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, as_ever_ellesandra! (Today's storm count: 37)
L0rdX33n is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel!
L0rdX33n gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZeroskieS!
L0rdX33n gifted a Tier 1 sub to Karakazik36!
L0rdX33n gifted a Tier 1 sub to nightsreach!
L0rdX33n gifted a Tier 1 sub to DaddyDoody!
L0rdX33n gifted a Tier 1 sub to kingvephyr!
Cunobelenos: it’s here!!!! sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, L0rdX33n! Welcome to ZeroskieS, Karakazik36, nightsreach, DaddyDoody, and kingvephyr! (Today's storm count: 42)
Mcgwee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Mcgwee: Ello!
Misslinnythebaker: Subathon woo!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mcgwee! (Today's storm count: 43)
Juliamon: (!subathon will go active after they've explained it on stream)
Mazrae: Let's get over 100 subs before they go live
Flyingdelorion: We are here to make some noise!
ArrestedHouse subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
ArrestedHouse: lrrARROWS
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArrestedHouse! (Today's storm count: 44)
hd_dabnado: music
James_the_Dabbler: It’s SUB TIME
cle0deen: Hi
Psychic_Ketchup subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
Psychic_Ketchup: Good luck everyone, here's to a fun week!
KirbySliver subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
KirbySliver: All Slivers are now Kirbys in addition to their other types!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Psychic_Ketchup! (Today's storm count: 45)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KirbySliver! (Today's storm count: 46)
LoadingReadyRun: sorry about that. we paused the countdown while we having issues going online
gluonquark: Meow
beowuuf: bloop
malfnord: gdqGroove
RandomTrivia: Let's GOOOOOOOO benginHype nerd3Hype
Foolinc subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
Foolinc: Let's go!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Foolinc! (Today's storm count: 47)
Pteraspidomorphi: ah, here we go
Resilient Spring: Present!
Nico Glas: All four of us are!
Jacob Visscher: !!!!!!!!!
Christopher Long: Aquì!
Elijah Loo: My first one!
SmithKurosaki: Hey everyone!
Naesiir: arklRave Sub-a-thon arklRave
L0rdX33n: 42? that’s a pretty good number. I’ll take it
azureHaights subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
azureHaights: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROWS
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, azureHaights! (Today's storm count: 48)
roefizzlebeef subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
roefizzlebeef: that's a lot of months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, roefizzlebeef! (Today's storm count: 49)
kaziel0: Already over 500 viewers! Let's go!
samwiser_: Lol, my intent to wait for the humans to be on screen is being shattered
Anonymousless subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: !subathon
LilyOfTheVeil6666 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Anonymousless! (Today's storm count: 50)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LilyOfTheVeil6666! (Today's storm count: 51)
Lazarus2511: yaay the big giant circles music!
red2wedge subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, red2wedge! (Today's storm count: 52)
geckoinasuit subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
geckoinasuit: wooooo sprinted over from the new edsc to watch this!
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, geckoinasuit! (Today's storm count: 53)
Viewers_Like_You: Yeah, can I get a footlong meatball and a bag of chips?
Ugh_Sunlight: oh my, so we're here again
Cunobelenos: #blamejames
arcanzaJenkins subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
arcanzaJenkins: Subathon 2.0 The Resubbing
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, arcanzaJenkins! (Today's storm count: 54)
Featherweight_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 105 months!
Featherweight_: getting this party starty
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Featherweight_! (Today's storm count: 55)
TXC2: hello RandomTrivia welcome
LiveLittlebird subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LiveLittlebird: Paul, gremlins' bane
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LiveLittlebird! (Today's storm count: 56)
SgtBrink subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
SgtBrink: lrrDOTS lrrSHINE lrrARROWS
incredulouspasserby subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
incredulouspasserby: the best birthday gift
Mcgwee: Sub a ton and Dawntrail, heck yeah, whata monday
trialbystory subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
trialbystory: Been using the prime sub elswhere for a bit, but now I'm back bay-bay!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SgtBrink! (Today's storm count: 57)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, incredulouspasserby! (Today's storm count: 58)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, trialbystory! (Today's storm count: 59)
LilyOfTheVeil6666: The bloops
JusticeJuice is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
JusticeJuice gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sanspineapple!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, JusticeJuice! Welcome to Sanspineapple! (Today's storm count: 60)
Yolysses subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
Yolysses: whopeeee!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Yolysses! (Today's storm count: 61)
TotallyNotaBeholder: Hey, actually made it back in time for the start, awesome. Hey All!
WampaX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WampaX! (Today's storm count: 62)
Splash4Mirrodin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
CodeIndigo: Wrapped up a Super Metroid rando run just in time.... clear time is 1:13:17
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Splash4Mirrodin! (Today's storm count: 63)
TXC2: hello TotallyNotaBeholder welcome
tru_boredom subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 42 months!
tru_boredom: 42 months, was great seeing most of you Pals in Amsterdam and looking forward to this Sub-a-thon
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tru_boredom! (Today's storm count: 64)
HungryTanuki: DinoDance
weekendjedi42 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months!
weekendjedi42: Woot
4AMDonuts subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months!
4AMDonuts: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, weekendjedi42! (Today's storm count: 65)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 4AMDonuts! (Today's storm count: 66)
Lazarus2511: SingsNote SingsNote SingsNote
juuzou00: Let's Gooo
corefluxx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
matthaus_c: subs subs subs subs
Christopher Long: Hello hello!
Sarah: Hullo and welcome, friends
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, corefluxx! (Today's storm count: 67)
izzetraichu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, izzetraichu! (Today's storm count: 68)
drsattler subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
superdude097: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drsattler! (Today's storm count: 69)
PrinceNimzar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PrinceNimzar! (Today's storm count: 70)
Cunobelenos: So, how’s everyone doing today?
dougma: Cheer100 lets goooooo
UrielAngelSpy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
UrielAngelSpy: Subathon!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UrielAngelSpy! (Today's storm count: 71)
matthaus_c: sub count nice
iris_of_ether is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 55 in the channel!
iris_of_ether gifted a Tier 1 sub to EnahsTheZombie!
iris_of_ether gifted a Tier 1 sub to PwrGamerX!
iris_of_ether gifted a Tier 1 sub to SaxPython!
iris_of_ether gifted a Tier 1 sub to golgomett!
iris_of_ether gifted a Tier 1 sub to njbreezebabe!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, iris_of_ether! Welcome to EnahsTheZombie, PwrGamerX, SaxPython, golgomett, and njbreezebabe! (Today's storm count: 76)
pagan_pilgrim subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Naarius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pagan_pilgrim! (Today's storm count: 77)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Naarius! (Today's storm count: 78)
nickypediauk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nickypediauk! (Today's storm count: 79)
Drakas subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Drakas! (Today's storm count: 80)
Coloneljesus: hey folks!
Fantusta: Weird, wonder why everyone's subscribing this week
Snouut: hollllyyy all the subs letss gooooo
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Ooh I got here just in time
zapshakur subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
zapshakur: let’s go!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zapshakur! (Today's storm count: 81)
TXC2: hello Coloneljesus welcome
Bronzefinger subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 119 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bronzefinger! (Today's storm count: 82)
Fluffy776: levysc1Hype levysc1Hype levysc1Hype
TehAmelie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
TehAmelie: expert timing
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TehAmelie! (Today's storm count: 83)
seanmrwick: oooh here we go
LeeshaJoy: Let's see how quickly we can hit the sub cap this time
SaxPython: @iris_of_ether Thanks for the gift sub! lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart
TXC2: hello ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat welcome
Snouut: 82 already pog
MrSVCD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
MrSVCD: Jupp jupp
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrSVCD! (Today's storm count: 84)
geckoinasuit: we are here for chaos
chuckyd0203: Howdy yall
corefluxx: Cheer100 doing a bitz thingy
Enzan_Scarlet subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Enzan_Scarlet! (Today's storm count: 85)
Tandtroll_OG: lrrCOW
seanmrwick: if it's time for gab, you have time for crab
Caffine1138: sub number go BRRRRRR
amative1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 125 months!
Toxxick: Reporting for Duty!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, amative1! (Today's storm count: 86)
mtvcdm: Time for number go up, LRR style.
Colin Simpson-Reilly: hello there
SmithKurosaki: Hey Sarah :)
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: causeiLove katesLurk katesLurk katesLurk
DideRobot: LRR: WE’RE HERE! | Join us for the kickoff to the 2024 LoadingReadyRun Sub-A-Thon! Starting things off with this wonderful group of humans and some custom Jackbox games! Then, we Punch-A-Chunk! Tune in at! (has image) |
jolly6100 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
jolly6100: sub go brrr
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jolly6100! (Today's storm count: 87)
RandomTrivia: Reminder to Chat to vomit money responsibly
10of9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months, currently on a 51 month streak!
Tandtroll_OG: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 10of9! (Today's storm count: 88)
iris_of_ether: @saxpython You're welcome! Glad the RNG hit someone who's screen name sounded familiar :D
Too_Many_Knives: @Cunobelenos honed and oiled
omdorastrix subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
omdorastrix: Lucky 7's!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, omdorastrix! (Today's storm count: 89)
emberBecky: PopNemo
Wondermoo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Wondermoo! (Today's storm count: 90)
DeathWarrior555 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sleeplesszebra! They have given 2 Gift Subs in the channel!
eshplode: well here goes my productivity for this week
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sleeplesszebra! (Today's storm count: 91)
matthaus_c: punch-a-thon? sub-a-chunk?
public_key_reveal_party: Time to secretly watch this on a second screen at work all week, yay for wfh
far2muchsarcasm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, far2muchsarcasm! (Today's storm count: 92)
Suffix subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months, currently on a 131 month streak!
Snouut: punch a chunk lets go
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Suffix! (Today's storm count: 93)
50keyz is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
50keyz gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jikaran!
50keyz gifted a Tier 1 sub to 13Ghost13!
50keyz gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zeal_Wyman!
50keyz gifted a Tier 1 sub to jezuz688!
50keyz gifted a Tier 1 sub to Johanson69!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, 50keyz! Welcome to Jikaran, 13Ghost13, Johanson69, jezuz688, and Zeal_Wyman! (Today's storm count: 98)
jarnatan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
beowuuf: so close
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jarnatan! (Today's storm count: 99)
fungal_bird: I picked a good week to go on vacation
hawktonguebaby: I'm here! I made it!
TehAmelie: i've been so negligent of LRR streams like all months so this is a great way to get back home
Oscelot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
Oscelot: \o/
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Oscelot! (Today's storm count: 100)
Firewhiskers: It begins
tomnar: The hype is real
Creideiki_SE: wolfccHowl wolfccWolfLove wolfccJackHowl
chrono2x subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 117 months!
samwiser_: Storm count 100!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chrono2x! (Today's storm count: 101)
TXC2: hello hawktonguebaby welcome
Pteraspidomorphi: Jackbox is a strong start
SonofThoth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
SonofThoth: Long live the subathon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SonofThoth! (Today's storm count: 102)
Snouut: 102 pog
Carrion Crow: Oh wow, I didn't miss the start? Sweet. Hey there, everyone.
Rogue 7: Hey all!
CypherRaze: Oh this is gonna be super cool. My first Youtube livestream of LRR
Rogue 7: Glad to be here!
RoeDent89: 100
beowuuf is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
beowuuf gifted a Tier 1 sub to Teensies_King!
beowuuf gifted a Tier 1 sub to buddyjesus1904!
beowuuf gifted a Tier 1 sub to potatostew7!
beowuuf gifted a Tier 1 sub to bergerlow!
beowuuf gifted a Tier 1 sub to SirToastyT!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, beowuuf! Welcome to SirToastyT, Teensies_King, potatostew7, buddyjesus1904, and bergerlow! (Today's storm count: 107)
Foxmar320: Hello hello
DanTheMediocre: Sub- That- Thooooon!
public_key_reveal_party: I think we can probably cast grapeshot now
UrielAngelSpy: 100 subs before stream start!
TXC2: hello Foxmar320
tomnar: 100+ already. wow!
sophieghost subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sophieghost! (Today's storm count: 108)
FadedOverseer: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
SamUndomiel subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
Shadowsoflife: sub a thon goes brrr
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SamUndomiel! (Today's storm count: 109)
polaris415: can we get a desertbuck of subs this week?
Firewhiskers: o/~ Don't you want subs, baby? Don't you want subs? Oooooh! ~/o
chrono2x is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel!
chrono2x gifted a Tier 1 sub to oldcrownate!
chrono2x gifted a Tier 1 sub to ayuume_3!
chrono2x gifted a Tier 1 sub to asmbly60!
chrono2x gifted a Tier 1 sub to deeray!
chrono2x gifted a Tier 1 sub to t0ma_d0c!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, chrono2x! Welcome to oldcrownate, ayuume_3, asmbly60, t0ma_d0c, and deeray! (Today's storm count: 114)
Splash4Mirrodin gifted a Tier 1 sub to PhoenixMelior!
Snouut: pog
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PhoenixMelior! (Today's storm count: 115)
SaxPython: lrrDILLY
Cunobelenos: hadouken!
return_of_floki4242: PopNemo DinoDance
Simonark: Next week, Domathon!
jarnatan: Capped subathon means LRR will be watching the new Cap trailer until subs stop, right?
samwiser_: I'm just gonna cast this brain freeze...
DeathWarrior555: The Sub A Thon must go on!
Charlie_Victor7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Charlie_Victor7! (Today's storm count: 116)
kanarde subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
RoeDent89: Any second now
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kanarde! (Today's storm count: 117)
Sage0fMadness: lrrSHINE lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG lrrSHINE
Wondermoo is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 205 in the channel!
Wondermoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to padrerasta!
Wondermoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to SDust!
Wondermoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to DannyGambit!
Wondermoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to ottersqueals!
Wondermoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to dollarbean!
evilspoons983: annnyyyy seconnnnnd nowwwww
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Wondermoo! Welcome to ottersqueals, padrerasta, DannyGambit, SDust, and dollarbean! (Today's storm count: 122)
Scarbble: dang, y'all. an entire navy of subs
geckoinasuit: hopefully jackbox doesn't start until i have finished this arena match lmao
PhoenixMelior: Splash4Mirrodin ! Thats a name i recognize, thank you eddaLove
tomnar: 1/8 in the chat already got a sub xD
Snouut: *patiently waits for the first 100 gifted*
TK_Squared subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TK_Squared! (Today's storm count: 123)
TXC2: Simonark then Switch-a-thon ?
Mazrae: Let's break the sub counter, and make LRRbot work hard this week
0x6772 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
0x6772: Sure, I'll be counted.
chrono2x: Can we hit that cap before we go live?
beowuuf: @jarnatan pretty much. red hulk standing by
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 0x6772! (Today's storm count: 124)
matthaus_c: storm count is now high enough for grapeshot to kill a commander table
TehAmelie: storm enough to force a draw in Commander? pff that's baby stuff
Splash4Mirrodin: @PhoenixMelior lrrHEART
CelticGeek: <3 <3 <3
Catcard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
Catcard: (dabs)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Catcard! (Today's storm count: 125)
Simonark: @txc2 Intermittently yes
Lazarus2511: katesCheer katesCheer katesCheer katesCheer
RocknGrohlNerd: Hi everybody lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Davlenagain subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Davlenagain: almost as of as I am
chazzer995: yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos sub a thon time! yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos sub a thon time! yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos sub a thon time!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Davlenagain! (Today's storm count: 126)
WardsarTheWriter: Woo! We're in quantum superposition where any second could be the second!
Firewhiskers: o/~ Near, far, whereveeeeeeer you are, you will know that my subs will go on ~/o
GummiElasticum subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GummiElasticum! (Today's storm count: 127)
RockPusher: Any second‽ Even this one‽
reallifefleshcanine: can't wait for a long week of lrr
TehAmelie: heey Phoenix is here
ninjitsumonkey subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months, currently on a 100 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ninjitsumonkey! (Today's storm count: 128)
Snouut: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE
Ladyrhea is gifting 4 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 9 in the channel!
Ladyrhea gifted a Tier 1 sub to IOzzOI!
Ladyrhea gifted a Tier 1 sub to Laser123454321!
Ladyrhea gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ushi84!
Ladyrhea gifted a Tier 1 sub to mkaybuddy11!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Ladyrhea! Welcome to Laser123454321, Ushi84, IOzzOI, and mkaybuddy11! (Today's storm count: 132)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap vicksyTap vicksyTap
neisan2112: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @RockPusher Any other second, I guess.
matthaus_c: !findquote second
LRRbot: Quote #6045: "I forgot about fall damage there for a second.......again." —Cori [2019-05-13]
SmithKurosaki: sup chat
Snouut: @Ladyrhea POG
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy vicksyHappy vicksyHappy
the_craigfm subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
the_craigfm: Lapsed in my sub duties while I was moving. Sorry for the delay!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, the_craigfm! (Today's storm count: 133)
geckoinasuit: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR axialBlankies
Slacker1977: @matthaus_c 🤓 technically you can't draw with Grapeshot
Tophical subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
TXC2: hello SmithKurosaki welcome
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tophical! (Today's storm count: 134)
ExachixKitsune: Heyy SmithKurosaki
iris_of_ether: benginUrgh benginUrgh benginUrgh escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
LurkingFarmer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LurkingFarmer! (Today's storm count: 135)
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to DigitalSeahorse!
SmithKurosaki: (I'm chilling in both chats rn)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DigitalSeahorse! (Today's storm count: 136)
TehAmelie: now the stream is older, older than it's ever been♫
Firewhiskers: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
patience_zero subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months, currently on a 80 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, patience_zero! (Today's storm count: 137)
DanTheMediocre: Everything is lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
episvont: Okay chat is now working
RocknGrohlNerd: wheelerY wheelerH
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: 32 months and here for the subathon, woohoo!
dragon_pandaDnd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo! (Today's storm count: 139)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dragon_pandaDnd! (Today's storm count: 140)
Oscelot: @iris_of_ether ysbrydHeart
CypherRaze just became a member!
SmithKurosaki: Hey TXC and Kits :)
MilkInBags: LRR is late, stream cancelled, see you next time OpieOP
googoltudoris subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
googoltudoris: insert dumper emotes here
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, googoltudoris! (Today's storm count: 141)
RealGamerCow: cryptWambler cryptWambler cryptWambler
Billy_Waggledaggers: Well done, LRR.
DigitalSeahorse: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub! vicksyHeart vicksyHeadbang
mowdownjoe is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 25 in the channel!
mowdownjoe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Marethyue!
mowdownjoe gifted a Tier 1 sub to iDangero!
mowdownjoe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Adeli3!
mowdownjoe gifted a Tier 1 sub to KaneKisaragi!
mowdownjoe gifted a Tier 1 sub to JawshyGG!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, mowdownjoe! Welcome to Marethyue, KaneKisaragi, iDangero, Adeli3, and JawshyGG! (Today's storm count: 146)
j_crane330: lrrADAM
Fantusta: alchem21Heart alchem21Heart alchem21Heart alchem21Atra
Snouut: @mowdownjoe POG
beowuuf: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang vicksyHeadbang vicksyHeadbang
Creideiki_SE: jlrrCool
RandomTrivia: benginDance jlrrDance
Hansk_and_Boo: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
electric_claire subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
electric_claire: Here's my thon
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, electric_claire! (Today's storm count: 147)
Texan_Reverend: @googoltudoris What about inserting in a dumper?
PMAvers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
PMAvers: The Subs Cannot Be Stopped
BrowneePoints: browne26PearPride browne26PearPride browne26PearPride
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PMAvers! (Today's storm count: 148)
Foxmar320: foxmarDAN
RealGamerCow: midnig380MaruParty midnig380MaruParty midnig380MaruParty
Saintnex: DinoDance DinoDance
Snouut: @beowuuf youre a legend for those gifted DinoDance
Verrain2: Updating to any minute now.
Thadrin46: braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX
Firewhiskers: o/~ You've been hit by, been struck by, a cool subathon ~/o
mtvcdm: It's tiiiiiiiiiime
wastetalent converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub!
SmithKurosaki subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
SmithKurosaki: Been holding onto this one for today :)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SmithKurosaki! (Today's storm count: 149)
chrono2x: braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX
beowuuf: @Snouut o7
kaziel0: benginHype benginHype benginHype
Fantusta: Music stop? Main screen turn on?
Cunobelenos: sergePeek
Barb4rian: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance3 jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrDance sergePopcorn
Lazarus2511: oooooooooooh
BlueFingers5: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
control_rig: Let's goooooo
Foxmar320: Soooooon
public_key_reveal_party: lrrSPOOPY I looked away for a minute, and that storm count jumped
Mazrae: They're here!!!!!
matthaus_c: ready for the first words of the subathon to be 'jesus christ'
ExtraWubs: @Snouut I hear whispers of his name in my dreams
RandomTrivia: benginHype nerd3Hype benginHype nerd3Hype benginHype
j_crane330: sergeHeart
tomnar: This is not a subtrain it is a subplane xd
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, CypherRaze! (Today's storm count: 138)
CypherRaze: :_lrrHeart::_lrrHeart::_lrrHeart:
Exachix Kitsune: well hallo thar
SmithKurosaki: Hey Kits :)
Saintnex: hooooold
TXC2: Here we GO!
WardsarTheWriter: @Fantusta It's you!
JustMeJude: Any second now
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
TXC2: blip
Juliamon: Shmanzy graphic
beowuuf: hyyyyyype!
Firewhiskers: It truly begins
Tandtroll_OG: Sooon (TM)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope
TehAmelie: i saw a flash of something!
kaziel0: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance3 jlrrDance3 jlrrDance3
laikagoat: zoeyGoblin zoeyGoblin zoeyGoblin zoeyGoblin
Snouut: @ExtraWubs me tooo lmao
Stephonee: Woooo here just in time!
RocknGrohlNerd: wow what a bunch of absolute legands I see in the chat
gralamin: Love it, may be gifting after work
beowuuf: yay!
Saintnex: ooooh
Snowcookies: woot!
RoeDent89: Sub a thon in glorious 3d
MungoDude: I hear fans
Mazrae: One more to make it 150
tinysuze2342: <3 <3 <3 <3
Firewhiskers: Custom graphic!
TXC2: fancy
L0rdX33n: emmaorYay emmaorYay emmaorYay emmaorYay
Oscelot: ysbrydHype ysbrydHype ysbrydHype
RealGamerCow: olooooh nice graphic
samwiser_: Humans!
nosole subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months, currently on a 131 month streak!
tomnar: Fancy!
BusTed: Oh hello.
Lazarus2511: AC noise!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nosole! (Today's storm count: 150)
DeathWarrior555: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW lrrARROWS
Genie_M: Hi everyone
RockPusher: Hello! lrrSHINE
KirbySliver: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
ClodiumSoride subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months, currently on a 79 month streak!
ClodiumSoride: SUB! A! THON!
thewafflesareburning: ooh
HungryTanuki: SpiritEel SpiritEel SpiritEel
Riandisa: Woo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ClodiumSoride! (Today's storm count: 151)
Foxmar320: Heyyyyyy
Damaris1034 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
doormar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
PhoenixMelior: Eyyy!
TXC2: Hello LRR
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Damaris1034! (Today's storm count: 152)
terribleplan: Uhh...
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, doormar! (Today's storm count: 153)
ExtraWubs: @Snouut kinesoIHeartEyes
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Noy2222: Wrrrrrrr
ranger34ofthespine: here we are
Viewers_Like_You: uhhhhh
Suffix: i see
polaris415: hello LRR
beowuuf: hello gang!
Rourke9: hello!!!
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
kaziel0: *gasp*
thewafflesareburning: hooray
WardsarTheWriter: Jumpscare!
Foxmar320: Surprise!
TheMinionGM subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
Forgebold: eeeeeey
public_key_reveal_party: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
TehAmelie: heeey everybody
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheMinionGM! (Today's storm count: 154)
jolly6100: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
ArrestedHouse: FBtouchdown
SnackPak_: good start
FenrisSchafer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Coloneljesus: surpriiiiise!
piratethealex: eeeyyy
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FenrisSchafer! (Today's storm count: 155)
Dread_Pirate_Westley: They're HEEEEEERE!
Redbassist: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
TheAinMAP: Hello
GhostValv: ah
eltrov subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
samwiser_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
Loupetron: Yay!!!
4AMDonuts: !!!
JustMeJude: Hello!
thewafflesareburning: WOOOO
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, eltrov! (Today's storm count: 156)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, samwiser_! (Today's storm count: 157)
Cunobelenos: FBtouchdown
rocketjohn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
RoeDent89: Hey!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rocketjohn! (Today's storm count: 158)
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: Half an Alex!
jessieimproved: sergeJustRight
SaxPython: lrrSPOOP
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer half of Alex!
Scar_Red_Tiger: JUMPSCARE
laikagoat: smol adam
googoltudoris: we got there!
cle0deen: Surprise
Ranakel subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months!
Ranakel: Get subathonned
KV1NN4: woooooooooooooo
Saintnex: HELLO
kaziel0: Hi gang!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ranakel! (Today's storm count: 159)
bv310 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months, currently on a 114 month streak!
MilkInBags: nice haircuts and beard trims, nerds
Hansk_and_Boo: AWWW YISS
Naesiir: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bv310! (Today's storm count: 160)
stippledotter: LRRRRTS GOOOOO
weekendjedi42: Its live so something is going to happen
Pteraspidomorphi: So many people!
control_rig: Hello!
HorusFive: lrrHERE
seanmrwick: aaaaay, we're here!
Fantusta: Adam is a perfect child who can do no wrong
Firewhiskers: Hiiiiiiiiii
bjergmann101: Hello!!!
DaxStrife: Howdy
Scarbble: wooooo
nappitatti subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 7 month streak!
SageofShadowzF: Woooo
DaimyoAmerica subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
chazzer995: yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos
Metric_Furlong: hey drs LRR
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nappitatti! (Today's storm count: 161)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DaimyoAmerica! (Today's storm count: 162)
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Jump scared by being on camera
MerlinGhost_: tinsomMelodyheart tinsomMelodyheart tinsomMelodyheart
Redbassist subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months, currently on a 30 month streak!
Austere_Squire: Hoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
MungoDude: hey you eleven
2_manyhobbies subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Redbassist! (Today's storm count: 163)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 2_manyhobbies! (Today's storm count: 164)
Fluffy776: DinoDance
baskwalla: Yoooooo
Pinwiz11: Adam and James in the Hootie Drop Zone
SymphonySolstice: Wooo
beowuuf: sergeHi
Viewers_Like_You: hello yes we are number
matthaus_c: uppies
yawgmothsgirlfailure subscribed with Prime.
mowdownjoe: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Foxmar320: Number go BRRRRRRRRRR
Octonomicon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, yawgmothsgirlfailure! (Today's storm count: 165)
RandomTrivia: Look at all the wonderful people!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Octonomicon! (Today's storm count: 166)
CodeIndigo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months, currently on a 24 month streak!
CodeIndigo: It's the subathon's first anniversary! wait
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CodeIndigo! (Today's storm count: 167)
Shadowsoflife: wooo
Koshindan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
CastleOtranto is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 17 in the channel!
Forgebold: big numbers!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Koshindan! (Today's storm count: 168)
CastleOtranto gifted a Tier 1 sub to cointosscryptid!
CastleOtranto gifted a Tier 1 sub to mandrakebone!
CastleOtranto gifted a Tier 1 sub to gaiametris_!
CastleOtranto gifted a Tier 1 sub to DHerrstrom!
CastleOtranto gifted a Tier 1 sub to lunarpanda3!
KV1NN4: yay Adam!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, CastleOtranto! Welcome to cointosscryptid, mandrakebone, gaiametris_, lunarpanda3, and DHerrstrom! (Today's storm count: 173)
DoubleNterprises: 1K Viewers hype
bjergmann101: Hello from Denmark
SmithKurosaki: Oh, this is why Serge ended early
Mischievous_Catgeist: Number go brrrrrr
Dillatont subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
CooperTheClearestBlue subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dillatont! (Today's storm count: 174)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CooperTheClearestBlue! (Today's storm count: 175)
seanmrwick: in the immoral words of Adam Savidan, " We're heeeeeeeeeere!"
Stoffern subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stoffern! (Today's storm count: 176)
Metric_Furlong: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 12:22 PM
ranger34ofthespine: when is super smash bros?
samwiser_: Number go up is my favorite stream type.
Flyingdelorion: fHelooooooo!
TXC2: noon enough
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 501 in the channel!
Singenmeister subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months, currently on a 11 month streak!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to IAmUthwe!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to kajinotora!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to space_turbulence!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to PappaSkety!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Beefpants!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mudkipology!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Night_Cr0w!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Samalander!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Xerodin!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to ultador!
MerlinGhost_: yuuuDanze yuuuDanze yuuuDanze yuuuDanze
RockPusher: So much gremlin energy in one space
gibbousm subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
gibbousm: IT RETURNS!
shamblingkrenshar: lrrBartleby lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Singenmeister! (Today's storm count: 177)
Tfldyr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
DanTheMediocre: well subathon is on o going Amazing as of right now
Oscelot: We're demonstrating why it's so important that this is a *capped* subathon ;)
Nigouki: Adam getting BODIED with a well deserved compliment right off the bat :D
BadRoxie: woo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gibbousm! (Today's storm count: 188)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to IAmUthwe, kajinotora, space_turbulence, PappaSkety, Mudkipology, Beefpants, Samalander, Xerodin, Night_Cr0w, and ultador! (Today's storm count: 189)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tfldyr! (Today's storm count: 190)
Rogue 7 just became a member!
Sarah: Hmm I wonder how long we'll have LRRbot for before it hits the rate limit
Sarah: I guess probably a lot longer than at PPRs because it's not dropping card info all the time
Rogue 7: Heey!
CypherRaze: LOL
SmithKurosaki: If it's only doing a call once a minute and responding accordingly, hopefulyl al ittle longer
Dark Esch: oh hai
Rumpled Nutskin: what's up LRRcast? this is my first time catching y'all live on YouTube
Dark Esch: OMG
PipeFoxDream: wooooooooo
Ian Weaver: HELLO!!!!!!!
Deadflicks: whoop! Great here, watching from the Scottish Highlands :D
Brozard: Why did I think this was next week? NotLikeThis
mtvcdm: Ish
BusTed: Susan B. Athon
NimrodXIV: close enough
LiamNeesonsKneesSon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
MaxThatBoi: woo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LiamNeesonsKneesSon! (Today's storm count: 191)
HavenDragon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months!
HavenDragon: woo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HavenDragon! (Today's storm count: 192)
Saintnex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months, currently on a 123 month streak!
Saintnex: SUB A THON hype!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Saintnex! (Today's storm count: 193)
Species5618Beta subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months!
Species5618Beta: Hooray! Happy Subbing!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Species5618Beta! (Today's storm count: 194)
Pinary subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Pinary! (Today's storm count: 195)
patience_zero is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
UnknownFriday subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months!
patience_zero gifted a Tier 1 sub to Variab1e!
patience_zero gifted a Tier 1 sub to koalatums!
patience_zero gifted a Tier 1 sub to AntiSpiral!
patience_zero gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pikaminer1245!
patience_zero gifted a Tier 1 sub to This_side_up_153!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UnknownFriday! (Today's storm count: 196)
JessKay subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JessKay! (Today's storm count: 201)
Cunobelenos: what are days?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, patience_zero! Welcome to Variab1e, AntiSpiral, Pikaminer1245, koalatums, and This_side_up_153! (Today's storm count: 202)
hawktonguebaby: My 6mo old just *jumped* in my arms
MilkInBags: number go up? this is a victoria 3 sponsored stream
Therberus: LRR so late that it's 3pm here (in Montreal)
RocknGrohlNerd: avngrHype avngrHype avngrJam avngrJam avngrDance avngrDance
illiser subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months!
Howarddeanfan: Can confirm. Adam is number one in the LRR power rankings currently.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, illiser! (Today's storm count: 203)
HorusFive: bday100 bday100 bday100 bday100 bday100 PARTY TIME
Foxmar320: Can't go further than Sunday
public_key_reveal_party: Final offer Saturday
LMAOkai_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
thewafflesareburning: Here we go
Splash4Mirrodin: Fraturday?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LMAOkai_! (Today's storm count: 204)
NullColaShip subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months!
NullColaShip: A full centLRRy!
Tandtroll_OG: Gamers love numbers go up
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NullColaShip! (Today's storm count: 205)
nqbw subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Snouut: this sub annoucement at the end is going to be very long
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nqbw! (Today's storm count: 206)
chazzer995: We'll behave!
therm0s_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months, currently on a 103 month streak!
therm0s_: ihjBleh
betweenmyself: keep it running to Desert Bus riffYeti
beowuuf: sub stretch goal Kappa
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, therm0s_! (Today's storm count: 207)
frozencapybara subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
judgewithblueglasses subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Firewhiskers: On the first day of subathon, LRR gave to me, a huge gift of Graham and Kathleen
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, frozencapybara! (Today's storm count: 208)
Lazarus2511: can it have cute animals?
JollyGee29 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
WardsarTheWriter: Best behaviour everyone1
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, judgewithblueglasses! (Today's storm count: 209)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JollyGee29! (Today's storm count: 210)
SirToastyT: Oh hey I got a gift sub, thanks!@
RandomTrivia: Oh no, the PPR is on the line!
snailkane subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, snailkane! (Today's storm count: 211)
polaris415: judge level tho? not RELaxed?
Mai_Andra: Heather in a pocket dimension right in the center of LRR
Xed_Regulus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
Gekyouryuu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months!
Gekyouryuu: Just finished the new TTC just barely too late to be before this started
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xed_Regulus! (Today's storm count: 212)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gekyouryuu! (Today's storm count: 213)
rocketjohn: Dadam. in the house
insidepigeon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months, currently on a 76 month streak!
BusTed: tqsAngel
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, insidepigeon! (Today's storm count: 214)
A_Dub888: ONLY if we’re good? well crap
public_key_reveal_party: o7 magic steam
DanTheMediocre: lrrJUDGE
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Let's gooooo!!!
DoubleNterprises: Over 200? Holy moly
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra ! (Today's storm count: 215)
Admiralmatt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 101 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Admiralmatt! (Today's storm count: 216)
TXC2: it'll be back to Winipeg for all
Khalahd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months, currently on a 126 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Khalahd! (Today's storm count: 217)
Rasputyne subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rasputyne! (Today's storm count: 218)
BlueFingers5 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
gralamin: Oh my meeting ended early let's get some gifts In here
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BlueFingers5! (Today's storm count: 219)
Tandtroll_OG: You guys are adorable
incslayer: happy 21st anniversary
alchemistsavant subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
alchemistsavant: subbing for the thon!
Going_Medium subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
KiaStirling subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
KiaStirling: sub! that! thon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, alchemistsavant! (Today's storm count: 220)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Going_Medium! (Today's storm count: 221)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KiaStirling! (Today's storm count: 222)
BrowneePoints: aw man Milk is gonna get the PPR removed
Hansk_and_Boo: What ARE we doing
SerFabry subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
SerFabry: 4 years!!!!!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SerFabry! (Today's storm count: 223)
samwiser_: Twas great!
lord_rint subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
RandomTrivia: There were so many Dilly bars
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lord_rint! (Today's storm count: 224)
virre_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, virre_! (Today's storm count: 225)
matthaus_c: @BrowneePoints it'll be a group effort :)
MilkInBags: @BrowneePoints good
Gabe_Fox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 59 in the channel!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to stacko84!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to CygnusInfinity!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Reydien!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrTulip!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to MollyMonsterVT!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Moansters!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to loufghyslaufey!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mrhi21!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to aine1978!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to HiruSenpai!
MrTulip: that was last year? elfConcern
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gabe_Fox! (Today's storm count: 226)
leggettor: Here for the lrr morning show!!
polaris415: @Hansk_and_Boo watching LRR :P
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, ThreeTwoOnePantsOff! Welcome to stacko84, MrTulip, Reydien, MollyMonsterVT, CygnusInfinity, Moansters, loufghyslaufey, aine1978, Mrhi21, and HiruSenpai! (Today's storm count: 236)
Megaparsec256 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Megaparsec256! (Today's storm count: 237)
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, Rogue 7! (Today's storm count: 183)
LoadingReadyRun: hey folks!
Sarah: Hi Paul!
Christopher Long: Hey friends!
Rogue 7: Hey Paul!
Resilient Spring: Graham mic quiet?
Dark Esch: It was fun
SmithKurosaki: Hi Paul :)
Exachix Kitsune: I believe in your LrrBot
Rumpled Nutskin: can we get a "hullo" from Paul?
beowuuf: @TXC2 or exiled like matt wiggins :(
computercolinx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Asoxa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
gralamin is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 25 in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, computercolinx! (Today's storm count: 238)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Asoxa! (Today's storm count: 239)
gralamin gifted a Tier 1 sub to dragontamer84!
gralamin gifted a Tier 1 sub to NikoSpud!
gralamin gifted a Tier 1 sub to ComradeBeric!
gralamin gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cacao97!
gralamin gifted a Tier 1 sub to SixSquirrelsFighting!
gralamin gifted a Tier 1 sub to TyfranGG!
gralamin gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZatchyLie!
gralamin gifted a Tier 1 sub to StellarMichelle!
gralamin gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bungholio22!
gralamin gifted a Tier 1 sub to tryllebanjo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, gralamin! Welcome to dragontamer84, NikoSpud, Cacao97, ComradeBeric, TyfranGG, StellarMichelle, tryllebanjo, SixSquirrelsFighting, ZatchyLie, and Bungholio22! (Today's storm count: 249)
jchinnock is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 26 in the channel!
RoeDent89: Sub read
jchinnock gifted a Tier 1 sub to jertatil!
jchinnock gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sparkap!
jchinnock gifted a Tier 1 sub to Addictiveme!
jchinnock gifted a Tier 1 sub to highelectricaltemperature!
jchinnock gifted a Tier 1 sub to violentswamii!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, jchinnock! Welcome to jertatil, Sparkap, Addictiveme, highelectricaltemperature, and violentswamii! (Today's storm count: 254)
spinebustertee: Cheer1500 i don't know why I have these so you should have them!
RandomTrivia: Pffft, "assuming"
42MiLLyWays subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
Metric_Furlong: 5! it's less than 7 but more that 3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 42MiLLyWays! (Today's storm count: 255)
Tangsm is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
Tangsm gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jojoosern!
Tangsm gifted a Tier 1 sub to tmpldg!
Tangsm gifted a Tier 1 sub to CompulsiveOne!
Tangsm gifted a Tier 1 sub to bananne!
Tangsm gifted a Tier 1 sub to NicodemusRat!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Tangsm! Welcome to bananne, tmpldg, CompulsiveOne, NicodemusRat, and Jojoosern! (Today's storm count: 260)
TXC2: beowuuf indeed
gralamin: Enjoy!
RocknGrohlNerd: @virre_ Nice
MilkInBags: Chat, stop subbing while James is talking, it's rude
KV1NN4: "Assuming"
Databyss_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
RandomTrivia: That sounds like James challenging Chat
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Databyss_! (Today's storm count: 261)
TehAmelie: "So, we, weee, uh, what are we doing? James?" -Graham Stark, 2024
HiCallMeRusty is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 72 in the channel!
HiCallMeRusty gifted a Tier 1 sub to cheetzo!
HiCallMeRusty gifted a Tier 1 sub to lazybonez___!
HiCallMeRusty gifted a Tier 1 sub to SlowNot!
HiCallMeRusty gifted a Tier 1 sub to anxietyparadingashuman!
HiCallMeRusty gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZzWolfie!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, HiCallMeRusty! Welcome to cheetzo, anxietyparadingashuman, lazybonez___, SlowNot, and ZzWolfie! (Today's storm count: 266)
matthaus_c: do we need to separate Adam and Jordynne
Piecrust9: Omg so many people on screen!!
niccus: hours streamable
TheAinMAP: tqsStonks
Firewhiskers: mattlrHype2 mattlrHype2 mattlrHype2
NightValien28: yoo subathon time!!!
lamebert1415: Wow over 12 hours already
Snouut: thats a lot of minutes already
Hansk_and_Boo: Also, can random legacy content when no one is live be a permanent thing?✨
d782 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
James_the_Dabbler: this sounds like a challenge
JarofGoats subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months, currently on a 35 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, d782! (Today's storm count: 267)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JarofGoats! (Today's storm count: 268)
janky_as_heck subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, janky_as_heck! (Today's storm count: 269)
HbombAndFriends subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
HbombAndFriends: 88 months. That’s enough to go back in time!
Therberus: Ah making it harder for us I see
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HbombAndFriends! (Today's storm count: 270)
incslayer is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 7 in the channel!
incslayer gifted a Tier 1 sub to redrumekki!
incslayer gifted a Tier 1 sub to sasquatch421!
incslayer gifted a Tier 1 sub to izztcoolyup!
incslayer gifted a Tier 1 sub to RoxasPanda!
incslayer gifted a Tier 1 sub to tsuki1691!
oastrtoastr: Someone do the math
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, incslayer! Welcome to redrumekki, izztcoolyup, sasquatch421, tsuki1691, and RoxasPanda! (Today's storm count: 275)
SmithKurosaki: @MilkInBags Nah, we dont need to see James' face :p
Halinn: Hello
shamblingkrenshar: I see inflation has come for the subathon as well.
gibbousm: I'm doing my part
bojuka_pog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
bojuka_pog: lrrSHINE lrrSIG lrrSHINE
TheOtherTrevor subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bojuka_pog! (Today's storm count: 276)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheOtherTrevor! (Today's storm count: 277)
overZellous: get these canadians some sub sandwiches
oastrtoastr: How many subs do we need
BrowneePoints: I just remembered the Sub Bombs GhostOfJeffGoldblum gave us last year and got sad all over again.
Digigoner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months, currently on a 67 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Digigoner! (Today's storm count: 278)
Nightehawke subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nightehawke! (Today's storm count: 279)
Despoiler98: <message deleted>mistorSubhype gandHYPE foodvi2Hype TwitchConHYPE mistorSubhype gandHYPE foodvi2Hype TwitchConHYPE mistorSubhype gandHYPE foodvi2Hype TwitchConHYPE mistorSubhype gandHYPE foodvi2Hype TwitchConHYPE mistorSubhype gandHYPE foodvi2Hype TwitchConHYPE
W_Livi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months, currently on a 127 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, W_Livi! (Today's storm count: 280)
DrWubenstein subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DrWubenstein! (Today's storm count: 281)
mowdownjoe: Ooo, big spenders, please!
SAJewers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months, currently on a 99 month streak!
SAJewers: pkroseLurkPeek sergeLurk
Exachix Kitsune: *in you
LoadingReadyRun: sorry to say that due to the sub counting system, youtube membership/superchats will *not* be counted in the subathon. (they are very much appreciated, though :P
Dark Esch: oh double the subs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SAJewers! (Today's storm count: 283)
Criiisiis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months, currently on a 10 month streak!
Criiisiis: Let´s go
Juliamon: Please limit your emotes
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Criiisiis! (Today's storm count: 284)
Xalyn937 just became a member!
Zaneysed subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zaneysed! (Today's storm count: 286)
Deadflicks just became a member!
trainpants subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, trainpants! (Today's storm count: 287)
EternalRoxas subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
EternalRoxas: Sub a thon hype!
Jakelope13: Deploy the bits!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EternalRoxas! (Today's storm count: 288)
TheThromborax: wait, James. Slow Down. 1 is 1 and 2 is 2?
NonUniqueGuy: They are doing bits, along with also doing bits.
TheElrad subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheElrad! (Today's storm count: 289)
MehallD: jeez, bitflation
Wolfstrike_NL subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months!
Wolfstrike_NL: Another Minute!
tomnar: Inflation is real xd
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Wolfstrike_NL! (Today's storm count: 290)
beowuuf: Cheer400 like this?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: This whole subathon is a bit.
jarnatan: "doing bits" is what they call it these days huh?
FickleMuse: Oh right!
tsp397 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
tsp397: +1 min
canahedo is gifting 100 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 250 in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tsp397! (Today's storm count: 291)
DaxStrife: MATH
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Af131313!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to chriscendo38!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to citizenmono!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Arydya!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vicinity89!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to owoMush!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to prowll2000!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to TiredThomas!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to symphony_baritone!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nouwaah!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Whizzking!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zoeyism!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to BlankaGaymes!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tyrothetigerdemon!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to 8bitdame!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheSupremeRk9s!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to DrTvrdy!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to DasBause!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to MsDerE!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to justahippo_!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Yinyuyu!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Traion!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to MortifiedPenguins!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to bbblehh!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to DomoFGC!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to handicapable35!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to danzman9!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to ProfessorBurtch!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to samnation3000!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to appoljeck!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Antarctic_Citizens!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Onionknight47!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrKrag!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to shayz4231!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Retroman1954!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to GrizzmastahFlex!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to ugn0k!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Eldadio!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to GrgWllms!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to KrazyBob!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to YururuWell!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mojokin!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to bi0buster!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to UnexpectedPineapple!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to tingspam!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to lunguser!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Colts23!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to justacrabgrass!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to PurrfectSins!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tinsomaxed!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to miki__vii!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, canahedo! Welcome to Antarctic_Citizens, Retroman1954, Eldadio, GrgWllms, BlankaGaymes, Nouwaah, Whizzking, Zoeyism, Af131313, Tyrothetigerdemon, chriscendo38, 8bitdame, TheSupremeRk9s, DrTvrdy, citizenmono, DasBause, Arydya, MsDerE, justahippo_, Yinyuyu, Traion, MortifiedPenguins, Vicinity89, bbblehh, owoMush, DomoFGC, handicapable35, danzman9, prowll2000, TiredThomas, ProfessorBurtch, samnation3000, and appoljeck! (Today's storm count: 324)
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to hieschen!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to piggyback101!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to DumpTruckerGaming!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to teejayrivers!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Just_Elesde!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nathade!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to midshipjupiter!
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, Xalyn937! (Today's storm count: 283)
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, Deadflicks! (Today's storm count: 285)
InkyGhoast: someday all the things will talk to each other
Resilient Spring: ah darn
Resilient Spring: I will make hubby use his Prime on Twitch!
Exachix Kitsune: hallo!
Descalon: hi
Rogue 7: *opens on Twitch to drop subs*
Lord Hosk: You stream on Youtube? Since when?
Sarah: Be nice to our new mods, SmithKurosaki and Simriel (once they get their wrenches)
Colin Mills: hi mods
Rogue 7: Cheers!
Sarah: Also "we have mods now" I was here before! :P
Christopher Long: Hi mods!
Jess Kay: much :_lrrHeart: to the youtube mods
Therberus: I for one, love our new yt mods
Brozard: Neat!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to tornfudge123!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to temperedoil!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to DontxPanic!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to FluffyBunnyFeet7!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to AMetroGnome!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AMetroGnome! (Today's storm count: 325)
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to xxhanlonsrazorxx!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Wormace!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Wormace! (Today's storm count: 326)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, symphony_baritone! (Today's storm count: 327)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Onionknight47! (Today's storm count: 328)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrKrag! (Today's storm count: 329)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shayz4231! (Today's storm count: 330)
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to catdrewf!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to makkusu1995!
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to TartWrangler!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TartWrangler! (Today's storm count: 331)
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to DeathlikeCoast2!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DeathlikeCoast2! (Today's storm count: 332)
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to bapanada04!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bapanada04! (Today's storm count: 333)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ugn0k! (Today's storm count: 334)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GrizzmastahFlex! (Today's storm count: 335)
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Matto_16!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Matto_16! (Today's storm count: 336)
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Stockhalmer!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stockhalmer! (Today's storm count: 337)
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to bassoonplayer05!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KrazyBob! (Today's storm count: 338)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YururuWell! (Today's storm count: 339)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mojokin! (Today's storm count: 340)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bi0buster! (Today's storm count: 341)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UnexpectedPineapple! (Today's storm count: 342)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tingspam! (Today's storm count: 343)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lunguser! (Today's storm count: 344)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Colts23! (Today's storm count: 345)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, justacrabgrass! (Today's storm count: 346)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PurrfectSins! (Today's storm count: 347)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tinsomaxed! (Today's storm count: 348)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, miki__vii! (Today's storm count: 349)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hieschen! (Today's storm count: 350)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, piggyback101! (Today's storm count: 351)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DumpTruckerGaming! (Today's storm count: 352)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, teejayrivers! (Today's storm count: 353)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Just_Elesde! (Today's storm count: 354)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nathade! (Today's storm count: 355)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, midshipjupiter! (Today's storm count: 356)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tornfudge123! (Today's storm count: 357)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, temperedoil! (Today's storm count: 358)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DontxPanic! (Today's storm count: 359)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FluffyBunnyFeet7! (Today's storm count: 360)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, xxhanlonsrazorxx! (Today's storm count: 361)
canahedo gifted a Tier 1 sub to gogoGadgetApathy!
Descalon: 'sup!
Jacob Visscher: hi mods, thank you mods!
Exachix Kitsune: ooh you get wrenches here not swords
SaxPython: :_lrrHeart:
ktsuki01: Thank you mods!
caw!: i can't stick around for long, but i just wanna say yall are great and i hope the subathon goes well c:
Sarah: Twitch chat also says hello and sends mod love
SmithKurosaki: Yay :)
Reymond Kira: Poor Serge
SmithKurosaki: (I've currently got both YT and Twitch open for 2 streams *and* in a work meeting atm, so Im missing a lot of the audio chatter 😞 )
Wonder Moo: hi YT peeps, thank you mods
Angryoptimist: We are all, constantly time travelling
TheDihaltus: this year, I'm buying everyone diabetes!
Dark Esch: PIZZA
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, makkusu1995! (Today's storm count: 362)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gogoGadgetApathy! (Today's storm count: 363)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bassoonplayer05! (Today's storm count: 364)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, catdrewf! (Today's storm count: 365)
mowdownjoe: PIZZA seabatPjorg seabatPjorg
RealGamerCow: 500 more and you get mozzarella sticks
TheAinMAP: PizzaTime
TXC2: stevestein I sent that warrning to you from the future :p
LesBeauxPlastiques: james buy chat pizza? 👀
FickleMuse: Ooooo
unicornery subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
the_phantom_game_player: James is too kind
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, unicornery! (Today's storm count: 366)
SnackPak_: pizza and ice cream? dang
RocknGrohlNerd: disassemble all ice cream and reform it into dilly bar
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: pizza party? good for employee morale!
thewafflesareburning: Pizza AND Ice Cream!?!
Singenmeister: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Sarah_Serinde: @Gascitygaming Jordynne *edits* Let's Nope :D
Peter_Chordash subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Peter_Chordash: Yay subs!
Saintnex: pizza party!?!
HorusFive: Eat it on stream you coward
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Peter_Chordash! (Today's storm count: 367)
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Serge eats the whole thing!
NightValien28: solo, easy
WardsarTheWriter: Serge eats the whole thing!
RockPusher: Serge eats the whole thing
Mischievous_Catgeist: He will solo it
ztghostie: wtf is a treatsapizza
Firewhiskers: None pizza with left Graham
ExachixKitsune: Is that a challenge for serge? I think not
Foxmar320: This is just content now
vinopinguino: "hey i know you're working all this over time, HERES A PIZZA PARTY"
Cunobelenos: challenge accepted
jarnatan: let me solo her pizza
bsudo: YES
aClonedPickle: serge mange du treatsa pizza
TehAmelie: what is the most expensive pizza you could get with no notice in Victoria? asking as a small town hick
therm0s_: Serge is ihjCOOKED
nova_plushie: Serge heats the whole thing
BusTed: You don't want to witness what he is about to do.
KBKarma: Query: what is a treatza pizza?
Lazarus2511: pls don't challenge chat serge
Viewers_Like_You: Ah, the ol' "Punch-a-Treatsa-Pizza"
chrono2x: Sounds like a good prerecord for the next LRL
brieandbacon: !mukbang
RocknGrohlNerd: what is treatsapizza?
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Mangledpixel: boop
wordnerdify is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
accountmadeforants: New content for the subathon
wordnerdify gifted a Tier 1 sub to scaresandcrows!
wordnerdify gifted a Tier 1 sub to XenjiKuro!
wordnerdify gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mc40k!
wordnerdify gifted a Tier 1 sub to PrancingMad!
wordnerdify gifted a Tier 1 sub to FerretinaTheWeaselQueen!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, wordnerdify! Welcome to XenjiKuro, Mc40k, PrancingMad, FerretinaTheWeaselQueen, and scaresandcrows! (Today's storm count: 372)
niccus: tarp, no plates, no tables, no utensils
Desruprot: limesOk
yourgmjay: excited for another go around with my favorite streaming crew.
TXC2: Serge speaks the truth
laikagoat: fionLOL fionLOL fionLOL
SnackPak_: I believe in Serge
Syndron subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Syndron! (Today's storm count: 373)
Fluffy776: GoodOne GoodOne GoodOne
Tangsm: Summon Serge
ZcottD: LOL
MilkInBags: and at 2500 extra subs, adam breaks james on his knee FBtouchdown
Brozard: Let me eat it for yoooou~
oskarbaby subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
RockPusher: Let Serge solo it!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, oskarbaby! (Today's storm count: 374)
Splash4Mirrodin: LOL
baskwalla: Amazing
Thadrin46: Wait... where's cameron?
thebuzzstreams: Dang, we're already at 16 hours near 17?
UndeadSquirel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
UndeadSquirel: More of this
Oscelot: @KBKarma dessert pizza kidna thing
TheOtherTrevor: Just replace one of the items on the schedule with Serve vs Treatzza Pizza
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UndeadSquirel! (Today's storm count: 375)
seanmrwick: that's going to be soooo many calories
public_key_reveal_party: I am already dying of laughter
Statist42: subathon off to a great start
Desruprot: Dark Souls, Serge edition
Cunobelenos: sergeJustRight
GrumblingMoblin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GrumblingMoblin! (Today's storm count: 376)
Rogue 7: Please define Treatza Pizza
SmithKurosaki: mmm Pizza
lemmel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lemmel! (Today's storm count: 377)
Foxmar320: Hold up
RandomTrivia: The WHAT?!
NimrodXIV: padon
KV1NN4: the highlights for this subathon are going to be gold
hawktonguebaby: there's absolutely a crapshot in here
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: HM>?
DoubleNterprises: Anyways...
polaris415: the what now?
TehAmelie: murder some water balloons
Aquarionics: Pride100 Pride100 Pride100 Woo! Time is fake money!
FinalShowFilms subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 108 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FinalShowFilms! (Today's storm count: 378)
RocknGrohlNerd: @niccus think of the tarp budget tho
JonnyH is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 65 in the channel!
JonnyH gifted a Tier 1 sub to Squee86!
JonnyH gifted a Tier 1 sub to RoguePeach!
JonnyH gifted a Tier 1 sub to SeasonalBard!
JonnyH gifted a Tier 1 sub to KunaTheBear!
JonnyH gifted a Tier 1 sub to lZodsl!
JonnyH gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZweiVinter!
JonnyH gifted a Tier 1 sub to o_Velocious!
JonnyH gifted a Tier 1 sub to torsten_me_life!
JonnyH gifted a Tier 1 sub to claremcg!
JonnyH gifted a Tier 1 sub to brandor5!
Therberus: @Thadrin46 Did Beej forget to get him from the airport again?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, JonnyH! Welcome to SeasonalBard, Squee86, RoguePeach, lZodsl, ZweiVinter, brandor5, torsten_me_life, claremcg, KunaTheBear, and o_Velocious! (Today's storm count: 388)
eleric937 is paying forward the Gift they got from Rogue_07 to the community!
eleric937 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
eleric937 gifted a Tier 1 sub to redferro1980!
Fluffy776: levysc1Pyro
Cyberegg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, eleric937! Welcome to redferro1980! (Today's storm count: 389)
3PlayerPolitics: oh NO
Tandtroll_OG: :0
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cyberegg! (Today's storm count: 390)
NimrodXIV: oh noooo
SnackPak_: oh james...
RandomTrivia: OH NO
nova_plushie: Firing squad
DaxStrife: Time to use the tarp budget?
iris_of_ether: Yessss
Splash4Mirrodin: "Hang out"
Saintnex: oooh noooo
SaxPython: Exercise the tarp budget
matthaus_c: oh YES
ArkhamArchivist subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
bv310: Fantastic
Firewhiskers: What guarantee will you have that there is water in those balloons?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArkhamArchivist! (Today's storm count: 391)
EricTheOrange: Now that I want to see
TheThromborax: one balloon is tang
NimrodXIV: that's gonna hurt
Snouut: so many gifted subs wooo
stippledotter: Tarp!
WardsarTheWriter: Are you allowed to dodge, James?
transcass subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months, currently on a 80 month streak!
hexingale: Isn't that dangerous?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, transcass! (Today's storm count: 392)
incslayer: you are gonna massacre James using water balloons? im IN!
Oscelot: Okay but fr with how hot it is right now that sounds like a treat
beowuuf: while james sings caillou, surely?
Tandtroll_OG: I hope you film that
gralamin: I believe in us chat
brieandbacon: Ah, a throwback to the first LRR video
ztghostie: oh its like a mario party 3v1 game, except there's way more than 3 people
Foxmar320: So death by water baloons
map217 subscribed with Prime.
3PlayerPolitics: lol
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, map217! (Today's storm count: 393)
thedragonfireheart subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBox bloons
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thedragonfireheart! (Today's storm count: 394)
hexingale: Do you have a helmet?
Naesiir: your willingness to sacrifice your body for comedy is commendable, James
RandomTrivia: BENJAMIN
Foxmar320: oh my
3PlayerPolitics: UM
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
Therberus: TOS?
RockPusher: gabyLul
TheThromborax: TOS TOS
MilkInBags: 👀
Alahmnat: BEN
vinopinguino: a g string
Saintnex: BEN
baltimore_667083: BEN
Firewhiskers: SP-LRR-ash
Earthenone: other sparticai are avalible
Oscelot: LOL
TheMerricat: red solo cup
SnackPak_: maybe some eye pro
beowuuf: oh no
MrSarkhan: LUL
NightValien28: you SHOULD wear a cup
Splash4Mirrodin: SIR
RealGamerCow: I was in a water balloon fight with a college baseball pitcher. Not a good idea.
HorusFive: James Turner- learning from his past mistakes
sxesuperstar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sxesuperstar! (Today's storm count: 395)
raulghoulia: good lord
CodeIndigo: James: let me solo (cup) them
Juliamon: because chat is asking, this is a treatzza pizza
MilkInBags: some people require *two* cups
DoubleNterprises: My name is James Turner. Welcome to Jackass
Foxmar320: Thats just content
Resilient Spring: it's from DQ, got a chocolate cookie crust thing, layer of ice cream, some toppings and fridge drizzle
Rogue 7: Cheers
jarnatan: I feel like cup is strong in the water meta
NimrodXIV: now costreaming on OF
RoeDent89: Decadent Man
Sarah_Serinde: jlrrFacepalm
UndeadSquirel: Can we sub for not that
TheThromborax: That was a Crapshot
vinopinguino: james should wear the borat mankini
Brozard: Nyotaimori
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyChill PrideBalloons
RocknGrohlNerd: adam :D LOL
DanTheMediocre: over here we would call it a Toque, so you could wear both a cup and a toque
Therberus: It's so warm outside that James needs to get waterballonned to cool down
Lazarus2511: :D :D :D
RatherLargeToad: PizzaTime
seanmrwick: ahahahahaha
raulghoulia: this went off the rails earlier than expected
FickleMuse: :D
Foxmar320: So is Graham going to vlog this?
3PlayerPolitics: this is rapidly getting out of hand LOL
seanmrwick: which crapshot was it?
Simonark: The James Turner’s Balloonheap Massacree is my favorite Arlo Guthrie song
Alahmnat: so is it actually just called "Pizza Pizza" in Canada and not "Little Caesars"?
TXC2: Decadent Ian eats of a nakid Jmaes
stippledotter: We need a Graham Removes His Glasses count
hawktonguebaby: These moments remind me that this is not DB 😄
ExachixKitsune: Serge makes family friendly content sometimes
beowuuf: the earlier debate about oil versus electric train forgot that this train goes off the rails so quickly ir doens't matter :p
TXC2: *James
natillynoo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, natillynoo! (Today's storm count: 396)
WardsarTheWriter: Chatting on his phone while getting eaten off of.
ZcottD: this just gets worse and worse
Naesiir: what else would you do when you are acting as a table??
public_key_reveal_party: This is so unhinged already I love it
RealGamerCow: He's got to do SOMETHING while he's laying there
TheMinionGM: You know, that thing
neisan2112: I always wondered what James was doing during those streams
TheThromborax: hairy sushi....
GrumblingMoblin is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
GrumblingMoblin gifted a Tier 1 sub to dahoneybuns!
TehAmelie: here followed a period of what in interview language is called "unstructured discussion"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, GrumblingMoblin! Welcome to dahoneybuns! (Today's storm count: 397)
HorusFive: James and Ash just hanging out in the Lets Nope chat eating ice cream
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS
Brozard: just a body with icing and M&Ms all over them
ladyjessica: oh graham
quazardude subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, quazardude! (Today's storm count: 398)
Astra7525: How did we got from zero to truck THIS FAST
CanvasWolfDoll: we just started! why are we already this raunchy!?
ladyjessica: he’s just done
RandomTrivia: My jaw already aches from laughing
tsp397: Who had 19 minutes for when the Subathon goes off the rails?
TheManaLeek: This is some real deep lore being established.
Sarah_Serinde: @Alahmnat I didn't think those were the same company?
flatluigi: is it?
LowUpsideCJ: Aaaaaaaaaaanyways
Resilient Spring: the crust is like the cookie stuff from inside an ice cream cake
Radical Ans: Let me solo her cosplay
Resilient Spring: fudge not fridge lol
Saga: Good morning LRR & pleasant day to chat
jolly6100: what is happening???
jarnatan: Whats the plan for the strong?
HorusFive: LRR has an onlyfans now
coachNelly: hahahahahah
RandomTrivia: @tsp397 I'm impressed we stayed on that long
Firewhiskers: @CanvasWolfDoll This is the natural progression of nerds
BusTed: LUL
Desruprot: limesCorn
epsilon_vee: alol
Juliamon: Adrenaline is a hell of a drug
BrowneePoints: no shade to OF. sex work is work browne26PearPride
MilkInBags: i would salute the restraint
SnackPak_: next year, Adam
vinopinguino: i respect that adam
vinopinguino: i too dont want to work
IronwoodWizard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
seanmrwick: I can't wait to see Beej and Paul say "We signed off on what?"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IronwoodWizard! (Today's storm count: 399)
RocknGrohlNerd: Hi Nelly
TotalHell: Punk'd
WolfGirlVeronica: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Ugh_Sunlight: you called?
beowuuf: @tsp397 surprised the rails were adhered to for so long.... think it might have been pure chaotic chance
Alahmnat: @Sarah_Serinde Weird, 'cause Little Caesars also has a Treatsa-Pizza
wedge_x subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wedge_x! (Today's storm count: 400)
Lazarus2511: chat would not be able to behave chill enough for that gag
Firewhiskers: What's the max number of minutes?
Kirby_Jerusalem: Right, 250 is pizza party, 500 is ice cream, 750 is water balloons, 1000 is nude James sushi stream
WardsarTheWriter: 1 sub, one kill... er minute.
TheArchitectX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months, currently on a 131 month streak!
Alahmnat: and the same tagline
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheArchitectX! (Today's storm count: 401)
Piecrust9: Adam just do that on the home stream, im sure youll have fun there
ExachixKitsune: cakejuSTONKS
wedge_x: hi bob
LurkerSpine: Cheer100
hawktonguebaby: LRR OnlyFans would actually be amazing, if it was just extra weird crapshots
Derkatronic subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Derkatronic! (Today's storm count: 402)
usmu1976 is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 155 in the channel!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to stilless!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shogan01!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to btaelm!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jamey_Lamey!
TXC2: Firewhiskers whatever 122 hours in minuets is
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to thrashmaniac!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to coldward900!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Chline_Pesser!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Blarbul!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Silent_Sheep!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrKappe00!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lumigasm!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheHandOfDOS!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to librarydove!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to AleshaBun!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to the_walloper!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to thetenn!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to IxNEMOxI!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to plutowasaplanet!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Armpeets!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Frostwriter111!
inkablink subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
nova_plushie: what about a sub as in the person
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, inkablink! (Today's storm count: 421)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, usmu1976! Welcome to Shogan01, coldward900, Chline_Pesser, Blarbul, TheHandOfDOS, AleshaBun, the_walloper, thetenn, Jamey_Lamey, plutowasaplanet, stilless, btaelm, thrashmaniac, Frostwriter111, Silent_Sheep, MrKappe00, librarydove, Lumigasm, IxNEMOxI, and Armpeets! (Today's storm count: 423)
EvilBadman: @firewhiskers 122 hours
haberley: hi everyone! :)
Kikazi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
Kikazi: 123, counting the minutes
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kikazi! (Today's storm count: 424)
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
vinopinguino: niceee
TheWooglie: lrrFINE
KBKarma: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Carrion Crow: Likewise, Saga, thank you.
Timlin 22: Good afternoon from the middle coast
qrpth: !advice
TheDihaltus: don't subscribe to thopter facts
TheThromborax: 1=1, 2=2, 3=5?
NeuterCommuter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NeuterCommuter! (Today's storm count: 425)
Sarah_Serinde: @Sarah_Serinde That's DQ. Pizza Pizza is a different company, and apparently they existed in Canada before Ceasars started using the phrase
jdr_42 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
Snouut: 420 SUBS POG
jdr_42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sepandtia!
jdr_42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to theredmancometh!
jdr_42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to smkybear15!
jdr_42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Renkai_116!
jdr_42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CrazymattCaptain!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, jdr_42! Welcome to sepandtia, theredmancometh, Renkai_116, CrazymattCaptain, and smkybear15! (Today's storm count: 430)
MilkInBags: there are too many subs in chat, i can't follow the conversation
trebuchetboy: @nova_plushie A crisp high five
HesGotNoPants: Wheeeeeee
Desruprot: amazonTasteTheRainbow
WolfGirlVeronica: i used my prime sub for gdq unfortunuitly
Xafty: its gonna be a fun fun week
thedevil_risen1 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 12 in the channel!
thedevil_risen1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to berrinche_mtg!
thedevil_risen1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to topofthemorningdew!
thedevil_risen1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to brkinn!
thedevil_risen1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Despoiler98!
thedevil_risen1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to cuervodf!
MidgardSerpent: "tears also help"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, thedevil_risen1! Welcome to berrinche_mtg, topofthemorningdew, Despoiler98, brkinn, and cuervodf! (Today's storm count: 435)
jarnatan: So whats the to-hit sub number for the full run?
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde Huh, TIL
JoeKim: gooooood afternoon nerds
seanmrwick: this is taking my work week from great to GOAT
lamebert1415: Is this going to be recapped in the in the Discord?
Bellpei subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
Bellpei: Woo!
Didero: Luckily Chat doesn't move fast so that !subathon command is easy to read :p
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bellpei! (Today's storm count: 436)
matthaus_c: I've never seen y'all in my life
Rhapsody032590 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 61 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rhapsody032590! (Today's storm count: 437)
Simonark: I think we, as camera, should dare Adam to pretend there are no other subs and treat everyone else “continuing with the subathon” as a sad cry for help.
MrSarkhan is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 26 in the channel!
MrSarkhan gifted a Tier 1 sub to MaxGingerbeerd!
MrSarkhan gifted a Tier 1 sub to cle0deen!
MrSarkhan gifted a Tier 1 sub to SarahTheS!
MrSarkhan gifted a Tier 1 sub to Edrind32!
MrSarkhan gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sepheryn!
Oscelot: o/ @JoeKim
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, MrSarkhan! Welcome to cle0deen, Sepheryn, MaxGingerbeerd, Edrind32, and SarahTheS! (Today's storm count: 442)
Splash4Mirrodin: Who areeee you? (Who who)
frnknstn: Winamp numbering
MaxLSilver subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
fragilepaper: @JoeKim Hey Joe!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaxLSilver! (Today's storm count: 443)
misterrootbeer: Yay, Subathon!
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: Saw Nelly in chat earlier
Cunobelenos: @JoeKim sergeHi
JoeKim: look at all these nerds i like
Firewhiskers: @EvilBadman Consecutively or will there be time off for sleep?
Invitare: Heather is the 12 o'clock
TheThromborax: GROSS
BusTed: Was that Paul McCartney in the house?
JoeKim: grossssssssssss
MahJunior17 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: Welcome from Ontario, Jordynne!
Koshindan: sergeSqueak
MahJunior17 gifted a Tier 1 sub to slamaham!
MahJunior17 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zaiga!
MahJunior17 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rockooo315!
MahJunior17 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CaptainRasputin!
MahJunior17 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ladystar_70!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, MahJunior17! Welcome to slamaham, Zaiga, CaptainRasputin, ladystar_70, and rockooo315! (Today's storm count: 448)
samwiser_: I gave sub, pls show paul
JonnyH: Paul!
kathvan23 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
samwiser_: Yaaas
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Foxmar320: Paul!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kathvan23! (Today's storm count: 449)
Oscelot: Paul! <#
Catcard: :D
BusTed: FBtouchdown
JRandomHacker: Hello!
WardsarTheWriter: Paul cam!!
Oscelot: <3
beowuuf: YAY!
nova_plushie: PAUL!!!!!!!
mercano82: Cam 5?
CaptainRasputin: @MahJunior17 Thanks for the gift sub!
vinopinguino: PAUL SIGHTING
DeM0nFiRe: lrrPAUL
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
thebuzzstreams: Hour 18!
kaziel0: Hi Paul!
RockPusher: lrrBartleby
3PlayerPolitics: eyyyy
TheGeneralThomas: PAUL CAM!!!
Snouut: Hi im Adam, thanks for aving me Graham, its good to be here.
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
UlranQentba subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months, currently on a 75 month streak!
UlranQentba: Sub-a-thon!
JAndersonCAD: Paul subs
thewafflesareburning: PAUL
iris_of_ether: lrrPAUL lrrPAUL lrrPAUL
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UlranQentba! (Today's storm count: 450)
laikagoat: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
roefizzlebeef: YAYYY
UndeadSquirel: Hellooo
FickleMuse: Yay!
Sarah_Serinde: @Oscelot Google tells me Little Ceasar's doesn't use that in Canadian ads because of the trademark here. But also I know basically nothing about them anyway
shendaras: seabatClap
haberley: hellooo
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
public_key_reveal_party: lrrPAUL
ArrestedHouse: FBtouchdown
BigDaddyBland87: Live Paul
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Paul Cam!
RadicalAns subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
RadicalAns: PAUL!
RecklawGaming: PAUL
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RadicalAns! (Today's storm count: 451)
The_Lesser_Gatsby subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months, currently on a 92 month streak!
baltimore_667083: Paul!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, The_Lesser_Gatsby! (Today's storm count: 452)
RecklawGaming: WOOO
thewafflesareburning: yYAAAH
weekendjedi42: Dat beard
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
stippledotter: HELLOOOOO
Statist42: FBtouchdown
SmithKurosaki: As a heads up, LRRBot is getting slammed over on Twitch, so YT may not have (very) functional LRRBot responsiveness
LRRbot: Collect trillions of blops!
Tremner: Ben and Serge leg show
Merc1987: Twitch feeling sad
SLiV: Hi Paul!
SmithKurosaki: Its Paul!
ArcLightningCanuck: Hello!
polaris415: paul cam!
seanmrwick: it's a Paaaaaul!
baskwalla: woo
HorusFive: lrrPAUL lrrBartleby lrrPAUL
50keyz: lrrPAUL
rumplednut_skin: PAAAAAAAUUUUUUL
Brozard: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
TXC2: he said the thing!
Sage0fMadness: lrrPAUL
Mollylele: lrrPAUL
WardsarTheWriter: Say the line Bart!
DoubleNterprises: FBtouchdown
starlitdiscord: wooo!
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART lrrSLOTH
Fluffy776: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Firewhiskers: Paul sighted, throw Pokeball
laikagoat: wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey
bv310: He said the thiiiiiiiiiiing!
3PlayerPolitics: YEAHH
TehAmelie: Paul lrrSHINE
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
thewafflesareburning: say the line
red_shoes_jeff: Hello! lrrPAUL
MilkInBags: why is paul in a containment cell
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSLOTH lrrSHINE
JAndersonCAD is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 121 in the channel!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to SquidVorb!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to clavius__!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to causims!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to Deltacothe1st!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to Slizzet!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheSphar!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to Marotter!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to bakerbearmn!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to justashagaming!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to CaffeinatedCoder!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to ppandahh!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to ばんたー!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to NTS_Ador!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to onidragon1!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to holz1994!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to creeepywaifu!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to jevinmor!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to ellerybangs!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheSilverGekko!
polaris415: lrrPAUL
vegetalss4: lrrPAUL lrrPAUL lrrPAUL
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to moseyon42!
HorusFive: He said the THING
BusTed: seabatClap
flustered_blue: he did the thing!
therm0s_: seabatClap
NewtyNewts: Hell no!
accountmadeforants: seabatClap sajamVibe
jacqui_lantern234: HE SAID THE THING
public_key_reveal_party: lrrAWESOME
nova_plushie: 24/7 PAUL CAM!!!!
Lazarus2511: yeahhhh
BigDaddyBland87: yea!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, JAndersonCAD! Welcome to SquidVorb, causims, clavius__, Deltacothe1st, Marotter, bakerbearmn, onidragon1, holz1994, creeepywaifu, jevinmor, Slizzet, TheSilverGekko, TheSphar, justashagaming, CaffeinatedCoder, ppandahh, ばんたー, NTS_Ador, moseyon42, and ellerybangs! (Today's storm count: 472)
NimrodXIV: he did the thing!!
Scarbble: YAY!
vinopinguino: HE SAID THE LINE
Simonark: Paul’s In Space!
emberBecky: lrrHEART
thewafflesareburning: wooooo
LowUpsideCJ: Play the hits!
Kirby_Jerusalem: "SAY THE LINE!"
NonUniqueGuy: He said the thing
Astra7525: Is this... bullying?
cle0deen: Say it like the worm from the Labrynth
L0rdX33n: dance!
NightValien28: YAAAAAAAAAY
RocknGrohlNerd: FBtouchdown
MungoDude: so we're aiming at a total of about 7320 subs for 7320 minutes
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
beowuuf: sergeHi lrrAWESOME
accountmadeforants: sajamNoise sajamGasm
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer lrrGibb lrrPAUL
TheAinMAP: lrrPAUL
pipshardfour subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pipshardfour! (Today's storm count: 473)
3PlayerPolitics: !thing
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde Neat, ty!
Xafty: Paul rules
Tandtroll_OG: Kathleen IS perfection
rumplednut_skin: DO THE ROAR
tomnar: Is this a one way mirror? XD
thewafflesareburning: HE SAID THE THING
Twilight_Spark: lrrCrab
CodeIndigo: lrrPAUL
Foxmar320: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: I love it. Paul is just the best
MaxLSilver is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 30 in the channel!
MaxLSilver gifted a Tier 1 sub to kain0205!
MaxLSilver gifted a Tier 1 sub to CRYPT1D_KING!
MaxLSilver gifted a Tier 1 sub to greenday61892!
MaxLSilver gifted a Tier 1 sub to Fracguru!
MaxLSilver gifted a Tier 1 sub to LordHomsar!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, MaxLSilver! Welcome to kain0205, CRYPT1D_KING, greenday61892, Fracguru, and LordHomsar! (Today's storm count: 478)
stippledotter: We love a classic
jarnatan: One day they will let Paul out of there
Didero: Today on the Subathon: Paul says the whole 'Hello lrrAWESOME "
seanmrwick: this will answer my question of "is this crazier than Desert Bus"? Answer: Potentially
ztghostie: enjoy more of the slow decent into insanity
Foxmar320: Stuff!
TehAmelie: schedule's more of a guideline
beowuuf: pac! pac! pac! pac!
TheThromborax: WHY NOT
Swordsman_24: Its all fun and game till we get to the fancy sushi presentation that comes to the "table" on fire.
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
ladyjessica: this is peak hilarity
ClodiumSoride: I suspect running this is like doing Desert Bus on easy mode, comparatively.
WardsarTheWriter: That would be amazing content, not gonna lie.
momma_tatts: hey Cam
RockPusher: gabyLul
midnightcurryjazz: None of the lav mics are on"?
RocknGrohlNerd: stuff? I love stuff
Foxmar320: We need a lore recap
SquidVorb: Thanks for the gift sub, whoever that was
Lord_Hosk: Its not? *UNSUB* take a minute off
Timlin 22: Yay Paul
Study Music: He said the line!
MDR: Hey Paul
Sarah: LRRbot's slowness on YouTube has nothing (as far as I know) to do with what happens on Twitch
Reymond Kira: Paul said the line and James will fall down a hole
Christopher Long: Hello Paul!
Sarah: YouTube has different limits and requirements than Twitch, so the bot cannot be as fast here as it is on TWitch
SmithKurosaki: @Sarah Im just thinking because it was /already/ strugglebussing over on Twitch
Oscelot: @ztghostie My sibling in ghosts, we're already at almost 400 storm. the descent will not be slow. XD
Tandtroll_OG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Tandtroll_OG: So much time!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tandtroll_OG! (Today's storm count: 479)
RockPusher waits for the Lore recap video
KaleidoscopeMind: it's like a microcosm of desert bus
MilkInBags: big 'parents in the van with the kids in the back' energy in this frame
TheAinMAP: I hadn't noticed they're up to Camera 7, at least.
Sage0fMadness: @ztghostie rocket-propelled slug ride more like
epsilon_vee: just a normal james tuesday
HorusFive: Nonono- just Ice cream, and it's Serge
seanmrwick: is this a relatively safer version than the shenanigans on Desert Bus?
KaleidoscopeMind: "what happened on zeta?"
beowuuf: lickapaedia
LowUpsideCJ: Specifically during let's nope, it's important
KBKarma: Is this the thing where people put sushi on a naked person?
Oscelot: Oh oh oh oh dipping dots for the "rice!"
seanmrwick: @ClodiumSoride yeah for sure
niccus: can we have a treatza pizza tontine
TXC2: KBKarma yes
Astra7525: Is Kathleen's mic off?
nova_plushie: 1 Treasa Pizza for everyone!
MungoDude: jlrrPunch
public_key_reveal_party: I'm gonna order pizza tonight now
DanTheMediocre: Let Serge Solo (most of) It
mtvcdm: I mean I could find ice cream sushi if you have me time
Oscelot: Thanks Kathleen <3
KBKarma: @TXC2 So who's gonna be the plate?
matthaus_c: off-a-chunk
TXC2: a chunk off
LurkerSpine: #teamJames
DoubleNterprises: YAH CHUNK
TheThromborax: Kathleen's Mic is On Fire
RockPusher: tiltyhYAS
TXC2: KBKarma James
Desruprot: punch a chunk off
RandomTrivia: Punch the Hole Thing
vinopinguino: is this PG-13
Dalrint: The Final Chunkdown?
JoeKim: classic james
MilkInBags: james will make up rules, as always
Twilight_Spark: They're going to relaying punching it.
Foxmar320: Sounds like James
TheAinMAP: jlrrPunch
beowuuf: typical james
wedge_x: punch-a-off
Juliamon: annoyingly, treatzza pizzas were discontinued in the US. Canada wins this one.
Invitare: oh James turned into Cam
theymerLoviatar: Scruff McGruff punched a chunk off of crime
ClodiumSoride: Cam!
Gamers On Games: what is a subathon?
Sarah: But it's always slower over here regardless
SmithKurosaki: Yea :)
HorusFive: Wait- is James become Cam?
Gascitygaming: Cam!
Viewers_Like_You: Ah yes, famous vaguely foreign olympian Puncha Chunkov
the_craigfm: a wild Cameron appeared!
Tandtroll_OG: Oh look a Cameron
mercano82: James has evolved into a Cameron
Alahmnat: hi Cam!
Brozard: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
oastrtoastr: She punch on my chunk til I off? Is that anything?
matthaus_c: 16x16xWho knows
Earthenone: stripping for the sushi wasent that the concept pitch name for onlyfans?
TheThromborax: Kathleen is the only person who has ever done the sushi thing on LRR. Leaving her out is a low blow
Tandtroll_OG: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
momma_tatts: I'm so confused . . . James sushi?
BtEtta: Make a big hole.
RocknGrohlNerd: get chunked (off), is this anything?
LowUpsideCJ: I love that these reactions have been punched in on Kathleen
Firewhiskers: Is Kathleen wearing a Lava-LRR mic?
frnknstn: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
KBKarma: @TXC2 I was actually thinking either Serge or James. So glad I got that right (and if it was discussed by our hosts, I missed it).
CypherRaze: A wild Cameron has appeared!
TehAmelie: idea: for people blase about eating sushi off a naked person, introduce putting sushi on a naked person
Brozard: YEAH!
Alahmnat: you're in for So Much
RockPusher: lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart
BusTed: Awesome
DanTheMediocre: good to see Cam's right half is joining too
IanAllenBird: oh hell yeah
vinopinguino: loool
stippledotter: James and Cameron can occupy tje same space because they're allies
jarnatan: Turn based chunking, woo
RocknGrohlNerd: and I see Cameron :) Hello Cam good to see you
LowUpsideCJ: Ducktective!
Snouut: quack quack
DeM0nFiRe: pjdDuck
RandomTrivia: Ducktective?
RatherLargeToad: Ducktective?
Oscelot: Duck tales? Woo!
jdr_42: I love Duck Detective!
flustered_blue: oh that’s a good one
HadesLeprechaun: fantastic short game
Earthenone: i hope she Quacks the case
Prompted_Ink subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 9 months!
TXC2: fallout!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Prompted_Ink! (Today's storm count: 480)
BusTed: :V
NightValien28: the voice acting in that game is amazing
seanmrwick: at least this is better than the game "hide the Salami"
KBKarma: Duck: the less lethal goose.
public_key_reveal_party: Ooh
northos: ducks can have little a salami?
stippledotter: Detectuck
KV1NN4: Detecting Problems on Purpose?
Naesiir: but who will be the secret salami?? arklHmmm sofieHmm
WardsarTheWriter: Ooh!
schordash: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
malfnord: ooh, Fallout!
Prompted_Ink subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 9 months!
TehAmelie: it's Fallout 1 modded into Fallout 2, even
TXC2: we got to Mariposa base I think
midnightcurryjazz: The front row of mics are not on @LoadingReadyRun
Loupetron: Heather’s mic is really loud compared to everyone else. It feels like she’s in my head!
Saga: Swapping this to my switch, goodbye chat!
Sarah: A subathon is where every Twitch sub and every 400 bits makes the stream go longer. We've already got 18 hours on the clock, but it could go until Saturday if we get enough subs
Colin Simpson-Reilly: blocks I assume xD
Arthur Morgan: Why not papers please?
Angryoptimist: Alex is an old hand at the Mining in Crafting, I can believe
Sarah: But unfortunately YT memberships aren't able to count towards the timer
Arthur Morgan: For old times sake
HorusFive: Surely we'll need some kind of recap
Texan_Reverend: Secret PIF
beowuuf: i need to catch up on that original streams still :(
stevestein: Waiting anxiously for the Duck Detective/Darkwing Duck crossover
L0rdX33n: Oh crap, I’m not getting any sleep tonight
Foxmar320: So many years
kristian_fischer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
kristian_fischer: DING!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kristian_fischer! (Today's storm count: 481)
Desruprot: limesLook
shabe_x_roc: @Loupetron That
Bearden383: lrrPAUL
KBKarma: @Loupetron Same. But that's not the mic.
MungoDude: any never-before-seen stuff again this year?
vinopinguino: but can we be here?
Twilight_Spark: You have 4 hours of prerecorded content? That seems unrealistically large.
jarnatan: Will the new professors funhouse be featured?
Cunobelenos: sergeHeart
MilkInBags: James is here [threatening]
TXC2: 2am -6 am is not real and can not hurt you
beowuuf: yay
TheThromborax: sorry caps
shendaras: seabatClap
WardsarTheWriter: Coffee and workout?
Didero: Oh sweet, Adam stream
chrono2x: @TheThromborax yes
matthaus_c: does Adam always say his name like a Pokémon
LordManiMani: Hi Adam.
BusTed: onstaWAVE
KV1NN4: i have to make sur eot get up extra early!
Invitare: do the different people know they have to get up at 6am?
CrazymattCaptain: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Snouut: im so excited or OKI OKI Fight Club
Scar_Red_Tiger: I put those Overnight vids while doing chores, theyy're great
TheGeneralThomas: Hello Adam
beowuuf: seabatYUNG
BigDaddyBland87: hi Adam
NonUniqueGuy: Oh, that is Adam?
red_shoes_jeff: Hi Adam
nova_plushie: any wheeler?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: lrrADAM
Naesiir: Ooooo
Alness49 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alness49! (Today's storm count: 482)
RandomTrivia: Bisexual Disaster Simulator 2
jarnatan: Hades nuts!
jacqui_lantern234: HADES NUTZ
Colin Simpson-Reilly: oh Beej's fallout stream is superb, game is both Jank, and Wonderful
Gamers On Games: ahh! do they work?
SmithKurosaki: So this has been going for less than an hour and we're already most of the way through the first 24h queued :p
Brozard: Hey Dees Two
RocknGrohlNerd: last year sub-a-thon introduced me to qwerpline and now I´m changed person
TheGeneralThomas: Hades? Isnt that the sequel to Hades1?
polaris415: Hey Deez: Nutz
KaleidoscopeMind: hadeus
KBKarma: Hades... oh, everyone's already said it.
pilgrimhorror: Cheer
HorusFive: Hade and sequel 2 Hades
Naesiir: @RandomTrivia accurate
Fanklok: Guess Graham is banned from Adam's twitch chat
beowuuf: D&D lego!
Piecrust9: It deez 2
Narcuru: LEGO!
RockPusher: Chonky LEGO
Oscelot: It's so huge XD
TehAmelie: the third one will just be called Nuts
MungoDude: @jarnatan gottem
Narcuru: it's a sweet set
Viewers_Like_You: Hade, Hades, Hade vs Predator...
FickleMuse: Ooooo fancy
Snouut: Thanks Jordynne for reworking it!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @Fanklok Just a 10 minute timeout.
MilkInBags: lego D&D caltrops?
Fluffy776: levysc1Hype
evilspoons983: 2 Hades 2 Furious
TheGeneralThomas: Hades 2, or as I like to call it, Ha-dos!
TheThromborax: what?
corpocracy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
corpocracy: Happy Sub-a-thon!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, corpocracy! (Today's storm count: 483)
RockPusher: fugiWow
WardsarTheWriter: Kraven Manor!
TheThromborax: why?
HadesLeprechaun: I will be surprised if you finish the Lego in 3 hours, but good luck!
shendaras: You can do it!
RockPusher: How Dare!
Oscelot: Get 'em Ben!
RandomTrivia: So hyped for that
TheThromborax: who would do that
DoubleNterprises: So Punk-A-Chunk, then Build-A-Chonk
NimrodXIV: gasp
RocknGrohlNerd: @jacqui_lantern234 Gottem ! FBtouchdown
TotallyNotaBeholder: We believe!
RockPusher: Ben will prevail!
James_the_Dabbler: Odysseus is in this game. Odyssey deez nuts
epsilon_vee: deep cuts
Xafty: how rude of that person
Tandtroll_OG: :O
HorusFive: The Hubris!
MungoDude: I remember seeing that live
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun blame me for letting Ben know
Someonenonotyou subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 121 months!
KBKarma: For the D&D set, will they be using the app and the shared build functionality?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Someonenonotyou! (Today's storm count: 484)
UnnnaturalD20 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UnnnaturalD20! (Today's storm count: 485)
Alahmnat: James and Cameron are, in fact, bosons, as they can occupy the same space-time coordinates
Bearden383: lrrKATHLEEN
vinopinguino: ben, dont let your hubris cost you the title
Brozard: 8:28
JoeKim: was it one of us
Sarah: Yeah they work pretty well
EMK: Hades nuts?
Gamers On Games: maybe I should try that. my Twitch stalled at 18 lol
MDR: Hey deez nuts
Colin Simpson-Reilly: I love the kit, and I need to keep talking myself out of buying the Lego D&D kit
DoodlestheGreat: Hiya, Cam!
JoeKim: thats the real question
Rekiara subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Rekiara: Nice
JRandomHacker: 8:28 is the current WR
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: Ben's at 3rd place!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rekiara! (Today's storm count: 486)
SmithKurosaki: @jacqui_lantern234, What did you DO?
chrono2x: 8.28
thasmiel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 10 month streak!
LadyCapuIet subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thasmiel! (Today's storm count: 487)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LadyCapuIet! (Today's storm count: 488)
Sarah_Serinde: Chat, please go easy on the capslocks and emotes
JRandomHacker: Ben's last time was 8:52
Snouut: ben doing gods work
SirPlumpy: Hello chat and Lrr, forgot this was a thing, so thanks to the TTC for reminding :)
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: Bengineering has 8:52,
Brozard: sub-8:20 let's go
TXC2: hello SirPlumpy welcome
betweenmyself: need to get Ben a new WR so we can see a SummoningSalt vid on Kraven Manor
Didero: Somebody set a Kraven Manor record 16 days ago, wow
BusTed: Hehe
seanmrwick: oh I can't wait to see that
TXC2: it is extant
JRandomHacker: I wanna see Ben cut the 8min
RandomTrivia: Sounds amazing
malfnord: Looking forward to the SummoningSalt video on Kraven Manor
BusTed: Hooray
TehAmelie: that "WHAT" was perfect
public_key_reveal_party: Yay jordynne!
Snouut: JordynnePog
Laurence72: Too bad this is happening after SGDQ, this could have been perfect warm up for Ben before getting on the big stage during Awsul Block
beowuuf: weeeeeee
Bearden383: lrrBEEJ_SG
Sarah_Serinde: Excited to see Jordynne's version
TheWooglie: Yay for DMs
thedragonfireheart: DND 🤩
Oscelot: ysbrydHype
JoeKim: its baaaaaaad
Oscelot: Oh NO
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
TXC2: ooofa
TheAinMAP: lrrFINE
Alahmnat: oh noooo
HorusFive: lrrWOW
RockPusher: We can rebuild it! We have the technology! (The technology is Jordynne)
MrSarkhan: oh no
BusTed: Glowing review
Wolfstrike_NL: Wauw :D
Daggerpeak subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months, currently on a 25 month streak!
Daggerpeak: wow numbers
beowuuf: lrrWOW
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Daggerpeak! (Today's storm count: 489)
Carlioo: woof
Alness49: "It was bad and we rebuilt it better" is the perfect Lego experience
dukebazaar: oof
MWGNZ: jamieOhjeez
Brozard: YIKES
jarnatan: Yikes
KaleidoscopeMind: oof
Splash4Mirrodin: lmao
Fluffy776: GoodOne
piggyback101 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
piggyback101 is paying forward the Gift they got from canahedo to the community!
Earthenone: 2 minutes?!
piggyback101 gifted a Tier 1 sub to WeirdQuirk!
piggyback101 gifted a Tier 1 sub to andvuaranaut!
piggyback101 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kain0025!
piggyback101 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bammayhem!
piggyback101 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ScrumbleTimeGo!
Ryenji: lol
James_the_Dabbler: Jesus
red_shoes_jeff: ooooo
Cunobelenos: ouch...
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, piggyback101! Welcome to andvuaranaut, WeirdQuirk, Kain0025, bammayhem, and ScrumbleTimeGo! (Today's storm count: 494)
public_key_reveal_party: Glowing reviews
MrSarkhan: lrrWOW lrrWOW
jacqui_lantern234: omfg XD
epsilon_vee: WR
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
Thisbymaster: wow that is bad
jolly6100: woow
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
invickthus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
invickthus: reporting in for subathon shenanigans!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, invickthus! (Today's storm count: 495)
mtvcdm: Jordynne is in control.
DigitalSeahorse: ssandPIRATE_BW vicksyDespair
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeOhnoes
MilkInBags: Matrix hacker: "I'm out"
Chrysoprase: Every one says their name. the end
James_the_Dabbler: Good lord that’s a low bar
L0rdX33n: The DM stabs you
ExachixKitsune: 2 minutes? Does that even cover the box text?
jarnatan: You find yourself in an in'n'out
Angreed66: 2 min is a player problem 2 hours is a module issue
beowuuf: you find yourself in an inn, dragon breathes fire on you and kills you
RocknGrohlNerd: @MilkInBags LUL
BusTed: 😬
atinyspacemarine subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months!
atinyspacemarine: Woo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, atinyspacemarine! (Today's storm count: 496)
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
TXC2: Union forever!
public_key_reveal_party: o7 jordynne
RAICx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months, currently on a 115 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RAICx! (Today's storm count: 497)
Oscelot: rofl XD
Snowcookies: wow
Didero: What's bad about it?
Lazarus2511: :D ooof
DrTeaSpoon: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
DanTheMediocre: question: do the player characters have claw hands and does this affect dexterity rolls?
jarnatan: Ook-ook Union!
KaleidoscopeMind: wow
ExachixKitsune: good for them
James_the_Dabbler: Good god
DoubleNterprises: WOW that's a bad campaign
HorusFive: Seize the means of DMing
thebuzzstreams: That has to be a horrible default campaign if that's the case
ArchRequiemD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
ninjapufft subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArchRequiemD! (Today's storm count: 498)
CodeIndigo: @Didero yes
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ninjapufft! (Today's storm count: 499)
LordManiMani: Our campaign, comrade
KaleidoscopeMind: unionize!
beowuuf: not sponsored by lego nor D&D then :p
Thisbymaster: now I need to know how bad it was
RatherLargeToad: “We have notes”
Angryoptimist: Even if it's bad, that's pretty cool that it includes one, I think!
Colin Simpson-Reilly: Oh No
FlickerWhisper ASMR: Incredible hahaha
EvilBadman: #notsponsled
NewtyNewts: Now the dragon's gonna be hot
Sage0fMadness: @Thisbymaster this
betweenmyself: The players are revolting! “Ah, they’re not that bad.”
KBKarma: I had a D&D game like that. And then the GM started another game. And the same thing happened.
MilkInBags: hasbro right now seabatOAK
RandomTrivia: Remember kids, TTRPGs are a *collaborative* storytelling experience!
TheGeneralThomas: Seize the means of roleplay!
public_key_reveal_party: Oh no!
DrTeaSpoon is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
DrTeaSpoon gifted a Tier 1 sub to testificatetft!
DrTeaSpoon gifted a Tier 1 sub to mattydubs82!
DrTeaSpoon gifted a Tier 1 sub to piggy_sama!
DrTeaSpoon gifted a Tier 1 sub to megaknightro21!
DrTeaSpoon gifted a Tier 1 sub to mercury145!
DrTeaSpoon gifted a Tier 1 sub to DoubleNterprises!
DrTeaSpoon gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pumadog95!
DrTeaSpoon gifted a Tier 1 sub to averagedungenjoyer!
DrTeaSpoon gifted a Tier 1 sub to texianrebel!
DrTeaSpoon gifted a Tier 1 sub to SNESterday!
RocknGrohlNerd: @RatherLargeToad one giant note
Firewhiskers: Sadness
Sarah_Serinde: Yikes
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DrTeaSpoon! Welcome to piggy_sama, mercury145, megaknightro21, DoubleNterprises, Pumadog95, testificatetft, mattydubs82, averagedungenjoyer, texianrebel, and SNESterday! (Today's storm count: 509)
DoubleNterprises: 500 Subs!
vinopinguino: this is gonna be fun lol
Oscelot: Oh nooo
jarnatan: So Watch n Play?
public_key_reveal_party: Yay spite!
DentedPockets: Should publish it
Didero: Play the original on Watch+Play :D
HorusFive: Yes- so many times
Snouut: 5 HUNDO
ladyjessica: ooof
Aquarionics: @RatherLargeToad We have arias
BlueFingers5: Will Jordan share the rewrite?
Shadwhawk: I'd like to know *why* it was so bad
ExachixKitsune: that's how most gamedev works
Foxmar320: Warlord's Ruin, Zero Hour and some OOBs stuff if we have time
Earthenone: so how many subs for the original version? :P
iris_of_ether: The healing power of spite
RockPusher: foxmarLOVE foxmarLOVE foxmarLOVE
Oscelot: Oh you're going to love it G
MommaGart subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
MommaGart: yay subathon!! sub sub sub sub
Brozard: Dungeon? Raid?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MommaGart! (Today's storm count: 510)
TheAinMAP: katesBlubbers
thebuzzstreams: Agreed, original on watch + play!
ThorSokar: composNotes Prep Dengel Bot sound files
Sage0fMadness: in what ways is it terrible
Mangledpixel: new dungo!
beowuuf: ok, so pie in the sky sub goal is now playing the lego game straight :p
RandomTrivia: Sweet, love some D2 content
atinyspacemarine is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 40 in the channel!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to NinjaBear21!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to CnnrHys!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to gthrfr!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to RogueFamous!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to code_sourcerer!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to PinballGeek!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to spaigefault!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to sager54!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to FatBottomedLena!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to platymage!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, atinyspacemarine! Welcome to PinballGeek, spaigefault, sager54, NinjaBear21, gthrfr, CnnrHys, RogueFamous, code_sourcerer, FatBottomedLena, and platymage! (Today's storm count: 520)
RatherLargeToad: Rhombus!
Earthenone: i hope its kiki
CaptainSpam: Team Rhombus!
PandasAndPancakes: Irregular Heptagons!
TXC2: a Trapazoid?
DoubleNterprises: Ooh! Thanks for the sub, @DrTeaSpoon ! lrrSHINE
Dread_Pirate_Westley: A concave octagon, I think.
vegetalss4: Now I'm kinda curious about what the original module was doing
mtvcdm: Square
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
BusTed: Spicy
iris_of_ether: braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX
seanmrwick: i haven't been in the campaign in a long time and forgot how to get to the missions
Oscelot: rofl XD
SajuukSjet: oooh, Warlords Ruin is _fun_
ArrestedHouse: lets go dodecagon
HorusFive: sexy fish ma
haberley: oh wow, 500 already??
NickTheDM: That is a transcendently bad module. I need to find the text for it
SmithKurosaki: @Colin Simpson-Reilly Yea I've been on a multi-month Lego binge because of the Rivendell set from October
Colin Simpson-Reilly: I have Warhammer, I don't need Lot of Lego
Ian Weaver: I absolutely 100% want to see the awful one. I can't imagine how bad it can possibly be.
nova_plushie: its phalic chaped
SnackPak_: the final shape is love
RealGamerCow: do you f the sphere?
omdorastrix: Water takes on the shape of it's container
red_shoes_jeff: @Didero STAND AGAINST THE LEGO! *aggressive beatboxing*
qrpth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, qrpth! (Today's storm count: 521)
Mindfire13: Duodecagon!
EricTheOrange: fuck, the, orb!
Laurence72: I prefer A Cute Triangle
MilkInBags: the final shape was a giant dollar sign
atinyspacemarine: Gotta pump up those rookie numbers
Twilight_Spark: You've found the final shape? Thank god, my job as a geometer is finished. I can be free.
KBKarma: But... have you considered a particular Critically Acclaimed MMORPG which is currently a little bit DDOS'd?
RocknGrohlNerd: its either triforce or an orb or obelisk, no other option
ladyjessica: sphere
wifi12345678910 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
wifi12345678910: Happy Sub-A-Thon!
NewtyNewts: Pyrrhombusosceles
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wifi12345678910! (Today's storm count: 522)
KaleidoscopeMind: "goes in the square hole"
DrTeaSpoon: I am only subbed for these emotes lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrFINE
mercano82: Everything fits in the square hole
RandomTrivia: Graham has presumably not practiced a Warlock jump for years
Chesul: It goes in the square hole.
brieandbacon: sergeHeart sergeHeart sergePrideLove
MilkInBags: NICE
SnackPak_: ooo
Dromos_GHG subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dromos_GHG! (Today's storm count: 523)
Brozard: OH BOY
BusTed: Excellent.
Invitare: oh no
glitched_goddess: the final shape is the friends we make along the way
public_key_reveal_party: Oooh
MrQBear: @Twilight_Spark sorry, we just invented a new imaginary shape that we need to have actualized!
Wolfstrike_NL: Heck yea!
Coloneljesus: oh yesss
GarbageBlocks subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GarbageBlocks! (Today's storm count: 524)
Oscelot: @KBKarma Oh lord, again?
KV1NN4: i am having so many early starts this week
SaxPython: KomodoHype
magical_girl_amelia: my first comment... on the first day ... number go up :3
Tophical: @KBKarma Sad Chaos noises
ladyjessica: that’s right the square hole
aesir_blade: In the previ9us expansion they opened up a triangle hole in the traveler
SirPlumpy: Oh yeah, Elden Ring!
BtEtta: KBKarma It appears to be only the Chaos lobby server.
Oscelot: Woo!
NonUniqueGuy: Woo!
TheManaLeek: Board games!
seanmrwick: is that Cameron I hear in the background?
Ian Weaver: Anyone played the one-off? How bad is it?
gnyrinn: this anecdote demonstrates the value of the DnD group communicating.
ArcLightningCanuck: Board Game Day!!!
seanmrwick: oh wow a wild Cameron appears!
spaigefault: @atinyspacemarine tysm for the gift sub!
TXC2: seanmrwick yeap, there he is
MilkInBags: hey Ben do you know about Everdell? you might like it
Sibwow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sibwow! (Today's storm count: 525)
BusTed: 🐪
Oscelot: oh hey Cam o/
NonUniqueGuy: Camel Up Supercup!
JoeKim: hell yeah horse racing
Earthenone: !upcamel
stippledotter: Wed-nes-day
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Amel Cup?
KBKarma: @BtEtta Godsdamn it. Probably to make up for the last few DDOSs giving us a miss.
RandomTrivia: Monikers HYPE
WardsarTheWriter: Yessss!
RocknGrohlNerd: @seanmrwick yes it is :)
Earthenone: oops all lrr monikers
RandomTrivia: MonikLRRs!
Sibwow: i subbed thon style
Didero: MonLRRkers
ArrestedHouse: monilrrs
ExachixKitsune: Moniklrrs
LowUpsideCJ: Moniklrrs
SnowBuddy18: monikLRR
KaleidoscopeMind: moniklrrs
DoubleNterprises: MonLRRkers
jacqui_lantern234: MonikLRRs
riking27 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, riking27! (Today's storm count: 526)
Alahmnat: Moniklrrs
red_shoes_jeff: MonikLRRs!
Snouut: is there anything in the subathon I can place bets on
JosVanTongeren: good timezone everyone!!
KaleidoscopeMind: i'm glas we're all on the same page
LordManiMani subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordManiMani! (Today's storm count: 527)
thebuzzstreams: oh this is gonna be amazing
matthaus_c: dickbutt!
Pteraspidomorphi: Looking forward to that
Wolfstrike_NL: Is TQ's underwear safe this time?
SajuukSjet: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: hello JosVanTongeren welcome
Noy2222: A game redesigned to be LRR related? I can't even imagine such a thing!
Mollylele: I like that Cori is lit like Mr. Freeze from the batman movie
MilkInBags: chat, you can do better than that portmanteau
Lichenbeard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
Lichenbeard: subathon just in time for my birthday
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lichenbeard! (Today's storm count: 528)
Sarah_Serinde: Excellent
NathanLonghair: monicLRRs
hd_dabnado is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel!
hd_dabnado gifted a Tier 1 sub to headshot0312!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, hd_dabnado! Welcome to headshot0312! (Today's storm count: 529)
LordManiMani: Big 50 Months!
BusTed: @Mollylele Evocative. Accurate.
theevermist subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
theevermist: Subs for the Sub God!
Oscelot: I dunno, it's pretty dang good @MilkInBags
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theevermist! (Today's storm count: 530)
Leonworth subscribed at Tier 1.
Y2A_Alkis: Cartographers rooPog
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Leonworth! (Today's storm count: 531)
RocknGrohlNerd: monikers deez something something
KBKarma: CartogrophLRRs?
TStodden subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TStodden! (Today's storm count: 532)
a_serious_moose subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
DoubleNterprises: Inside baseball on All-Star week? What are the chances?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, a_serious_moose! (Today's storm count: 533)
azureHaights: Klasky Up Csupo Cup?
hd_dabnado: OH NO
NimrodXIV: uh oh
SaxPython: NotLikeThis
Oscelot: Ohhhhh heck. I can not wait for that
kalira77: isn't it inside baseball every time the LRR logo noise plays?
BtEtta: That sounds cursed.
RoelCollij subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
NewtyNewts: so it's Ben's torture block this year
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RoelCollij! (Today's storm count: 534)
brieandbacon: Jungle Speed!!
stippledotter: O no
RoeDent89: BEER
Its_VeeBot: Il Cartographer! (We've got some new maps!) Il Cartographer! (We're takin' no crap!)
brandor5: @JonnyH thanks for the gifted sub!
TheWooglie: Ben can't be a billionaire he has empathy
EvilBadman: Will board game day have Graham inflicts a garage sale game on everyone
Simonark: MonikLrrrs is what happens if you ask someone’s favorite Friends character and then immediately taser them,
RockPusher: Drink! tiltyhCheers
TehAmelie: i know, Monarchers, cause Victoria
knomis85: I hope there's some task master type shenanigans
RocknGrohlNerd: drinking, I can do that too
NonUniqueGuy: I was just thinking of Heroes of Barcadia
matthaus_c: spaceshipping!
Alahmnat: oh heck yes Alex
E4rthR0cker: man i'm hype for shipbreaker
PsychoI3oy: oooh shibreaker
ProfessorFalconer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
ProfessorFalconer: I... liiiiive!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ProfessorFalconer! (Today's storm count: 535)
Stephonee: yay Heroes of Barcadia! That's my friend's company's game :D
jillpole: hype
Notimagain subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Notimagain! (Today's storm count: 536)
MilkInBags: inside kathleen, there is an adam
Foxmar320: Yessssssss
Earthenone: GPLP
jarnatan: Its only fallout if its from the fallout region of france, otherwise its just sparkling mad max
texianrebel: @DrTeaSpoon Thanks for the gift sub!
FarleyF: hell yeah spaceshiping times
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL Weirdly specific but ok
beowuuf: LOL
Brozard: Adam channeling Dr. Strange again
Fanklok: You also did Peg the Spire
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: Kiwi?
L0rdX33n: That was Monday night and Wednesday night Fallout?
KV1NN4: Problematic?!
FarleyF: !Alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: | Patreon: | Etsy: | Home stream: | Twitter: | More:
BusTed: They were ok.
TXC2: how is this a genre?
PlagueFishyRN subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
Laurence72: Bondage
KV1NN4: how dare! XD
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PlagueFishyRN! (Today's storm count: 537)
Sarah_Serinde: @Stephonee They've streamed it a couple times before and definitely enjoyed it
Cheesequak is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
Cheesequak gifted a Tier 1 sub to Soulmeat!
Cheesequak gifted a Tier 1 sub to theghost101!
Tangsm: They're a menace to each other.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Cheesequak! Welcome to Soulmeat and theghost101! (Today's storm count: 539)
misstwilee subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, misstwilee! (Today's storm count: 540)
niccus: they were a menace to themselves
DanTheMediocre: cranial trauma
PawssumFable: KeyWe is 0% problematic
RocknGrohlNerd: oh cant wait for that
SaxPython: Avian Flu
MercurialVox: Bread & Fred are problems to one another rather than to others
NewtyNewts: Climb a mountain inefficiently
EvilBadman: Initiated divorces
stippledotter: That's an amazing pattern of games
Chelsea12492 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 16 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chelsea12492! (Today's storm count: 541)
NathanLonghair: yay keywe!
JosVanTongeren: kiwi???
UndeadSquirel: Bird Bro Gaming
TehAmelie: they are pretty mean to their third friend, whateverhisnamewas
BusTed: Co-op bird friends.
TheGeneralThomas: For some birds, existing is prblematic enough
DanTheMediocre: mass hospital bills
beowuuf: tumbling together due to being tied together was a little evil
PawssumFable: No problems with the KeyWes
malfnord: When do we get to Milkshake Duck?
kaziel0 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kaziel0! (Today's storm count: 542)
ExachixKitsune: what a strange subgenre of stream
Therberus: KeyWe!
E4rthR0cker: lets go mayhem
JosVanTongeren: stohel1Birbbop stohel1Birbbop stohel1Birbbop
RandomTrivia: BEN YES
BusTed: Flying the Co-op
matthaus_c: Bread and Fred are more a danger to themselves than others
ExachixKitsune: guess that's a wiki category now
niccus: birds committing to the bit
brieandbacon: Boooooook
WardsarTheWriter: It can be problematic if you deliver it like Ace Ventura does.
beowuuf: escher3THUMBSUP
RoeDent89: Fowl Play III
Stephonee: @Sarah_Serinde Yes, I watched the first time! It made me so happy and I'm really glad they liked it enough to keep bringing it back on stream :D
Therberus: The third of the birds
Firewhiskers: Ivy the Kiwi? Th game by Yuji Naka?
Lazarus2511: okay devs make more bird games!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Foul play? More inside baseball?
Jacob Brown: spaceship bonsai!
KingKool2099: key we
JosVanTongeren: birb !!
jarnatan: Party games with party James?
betweenmyself: Birder Most Fowl
Earthenone: !smash
cle0deen: Birdamonium
stippledotter: Fowl play?
RoeDent89: gLRRp
knomis85: GLURP
Sarah_Serinde: @Stephonee Awesome :)
crazyburrito7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months!
crazyburrito7: Subathon woo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, crazyburrito7! (Today's storm count: 543)
Favre_the_Undead: defo want to see smash
Metric_Furlong: GLRRp!
MilkInBags: fox only, no items, final destination
Texan_Reverend: I love the Smash Bros idea.
beowuuf: the goose, the bird, and the kiwi
its_safety_third: a coop bird game
BusTed: prolly
matthaus_c: is Heef banned
TheMerricat: 2nd annual?
public_key_reveal_party: Nah
shendaras: seabatClap
LowUpsideCJ: Adam's face immediately
ladyjessica: we getting a little kitty big city?
JRandomHacker: It's totally not the vibe they're going for, but I'd _love_ to see the OOFC / Party-games crossover where it's just a Melee tournament
Oscelot: *snerk*
samwiser_: I am uncomfortably excited to watch some smash.
Sarah_Serinde: To be fair I've been noticing regularly and I think this is the second time I brought it up :D
Juliamon: It's the VIP belt
Abavus: On purpose by accident
TXC2: Mods are always right
seanmrwick: so this means the title of VIP can be changed i'm guessing
Whisle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Whisle! (Today's storm count: 544)
jacqui_lantern234: Heef deserves lifetime VIP, though!!!
JoeKim: defend the VIP title
Scar_Red_Tiger: TAke Heef's VIPP
SmithKurosaki: Oh hi chat
RaidaTheBlade: Gang beasts?
gnyrinn: GPFP: Graham and Paul Foul Play.
Colin Simpson-Reilly: Testing
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Sibwow: @JoeKim ill challenge you for yours
KV1NN4: Crush it and put it in resin?
mtvcdm: Heather's mic sounds a bit louder than anyone else's.
BusTed: EVO distraction
the_phantom_game_player: "on accident"
JoeKim: fite me irl for mine
RoeDent89: food
Gascitygaming: Good, My time lol
Pharmacistjudge: Heef is at evo
CandyNuke subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
rocketjohn: i'd like to see some fan-art of the VIP oki-oki belt
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CandyNuke! (Today's storm count: 545)
EvilBadman: All hail Vacant
RandomTrivia: Ooooh
seanmrwick: yeah the VIP title definitely has to be invented
Sibwow: @JoeKim ok
ihorner: 36 hour Sous vide pancetta
kaziel0: Fud
LurkerSpine: My money will be on Doom (I'd bet on myself but I'll also be at EVO lol)
TehAmelie: no title is for life am i right
Lazarus2511: ooooh
fireowl98 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months, currently on a 51 month streak!
fireowl98: 51 months! Defiant woot woot
RockPusher: \ StinkyCheese /
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fireowl98! (Today's storm count: 546)
Simonark: Are you sure you want to take it away? Heef’s good in a fight.
JinaMahavira: Oh god, Drizz is gonna be VIP
polaris415: can i have some please?
JeffCentaur subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months, currently on a 77 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JeffCentaur! (Today's storm count: 547)
kaziel0: It's going to be a movie!
NewtyNewts: Shame I can't fight for the belt this year
tomnar: Oh my god! that is so smart and tasty!
Dalrint: Was last year's movie not public domain?
TXC2: hopefully makes it to YT this time
SourcePlaysGames subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
SourcePlaysGames: Dangit I couldn't get two years on the subathon itself
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SourcePlaysGames! (Today's storm count: 548)
Thadrin46: braven10HEX braven10HEX
Foxmar320: ohhh dank stuff!
SnackPak_: more Reboot!
jarnatan: My brain is already completely smooth
Brozard: TOS
NimrodXIV: phrasing
laikagoat: ooh, evo top 8 and bloomburrow PPR on sunday
ExachixKitsune: D:
BlueFingers5: Phrasing
BigDaddyBland87: ughhhh
Foxmar320: The what hole?
3PlayerPolitics: um
JDMan94: I LOVE public domain movie night
jacqui_lantern234: the PARDON ME, Ben?!?!?!
flatluigi: @Dalrint it should've been but it couldn't be on youtube
SirPlumpy: can that be a new quote
RealGamerCow: Ben likes a veiny horror hole
vinopinguino: horror hole...
iris_of_ether: benginAce benginAce benginAce
kat_drinks_tea subscribed at Tier 1.
BrowneePoints: for chat that doesn’t know, Heef is at EVO
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kat_drinks_tea! (Today's storm count: 549)
EricTheOrange: Ben loves teh horror hole
TXC2: Dalrint it was, but try telling YT that :p
RandomTrivia: benginLul
cle0deen: Hooray for the public domain
jarnatan: You wanna take that one again?
BusTed: seabatBRAIN
RoeDent89: Let's Nope presenter loves going down the horror hole
brieandbacon: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! Do you want to cube that?
Tandtroll_OG: Ben's horror hole
BaronVonPoppinOff: Never go down the horror hole
electra310: Mmm, the horror hole
cle0deen: Horror hole?
Sarah: Ayy @SmithKurosaki got your wrench :)
SmithKurosaki: I saw :)
Colin Simpson-Reilly: Wrench Club
Boomy Toadsmasher: lmao the horror hole
iconicshadow89 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
iconicshadow89 gifted a Tier 1 sub to fronduten!
iconicshadow89 gifted a Tier 1 sub to KageTheQuiet!
iconicshadow89 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cheagin!
iconicshadow89 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Favre_the_Undead!
iconicshadow89 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Flayne4!
iconicshadow89 gifted a Tier 1 sub to AmorphousCube!
iconicshadow89 gifted a Tier 1 sub to gloamsworn!
iconicshadow89 gifted a Tier 1 sub to HypnoticEye!
iconicshadow89 gifted a Tier 1 sub to twelvebuffalo!
iconicshadow89 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lyrathir!
RatherLargeToad: You really have to pronounce that first word right
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, iconicshadow89! Welcome to Favre_the_Undead, AmorphousCube, KageTheQuiet, Lyrathir, fronduten, Cheagin, Flayne4, HypnoticEye, gloamsworn, and twelvebuffalo! (Today's storm count: 559)
BlueFingers5: speaking of horror hole, elden ring!
betweenmyself: Charade with Audrey Hepburn is a strong PD movie
stippledotter: Thought it was a square hole
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope the horror hole vicksyDespair
Oscelot: !addquote "I love going down the horror hole." - Ben Ulmer 7.15.2024
knomis85: Heather's audio is so much better than the rest
BusTed: And new expert James?
RandomTrivia: Graham's turn for an Elden Ring date with Adam
Simonark: This movie will likely have less Telly Savalas than last year.
Oscelot: oh right, forgot that's mod only here. I use it so rarely
RoeDent89: Studio, ey
Lyrathir: @iconicshadow89 Thanks for the gift sub! <3
Sibwow: he said ps5
theghost101: @Cheesequak Thanks for the gift sub!
ArrestedHouse: a miyazaki leaning subathon
Thisbymaster: the old one doesn't stream well
Jillexie is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Myrmice!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to frakkz_!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to CrossAlteisen!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to IanAllenBird!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to enniginhsor!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jillexie! Welcome to Myrmice, CrossAlteisen, IanAllenBird, enniginhsor, and frakkz_! (Today's storm count: 564)
WardsarTheWriter: Woo, Lorcana!
Sarah: Well yes I was celebrating it not trying to inform you XD
SmithKurosaki: (Am excited, but I am also rather split attention)
Stephen Hou: my appreciation for the youtube co-stream. Twitch on my second monitor at work looks like i'm slacking off while a youtube video on my second monitor looks like a background noise video
TheManaLeek: Star Wars Unlimited heck yeah 👀
Earthenone: starwars:unlimited power
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 511 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to hrsdfgyh!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to DTMWA6T!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to octopode_automaton!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Krektogar!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Membranes1!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Curwhibbler!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to rich__p!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to skepticstars!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to wonkakakas!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to MouseHab!
Didero: With 'new set' I briefly thought you meant the set that's coming out August 9th >_>
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to Krektogar, Membranes1, Curwhibbler, rich__p, DTMWA6T, skepticstars, MouseHab, octopode_automaton, hrsdfgyh, and wonkakakas! (Today's storm count: 574)
mtvcdm: !addquote (Ben) [now] I love going down the horror hole.
LRRbot: New quote #9043: "I love going down the horror hole." —Ben [2024-07-15]
iris_of_ether: OMG
beowuuf: swu swu who's this?
BusTed: Flip phone
Earthenone: a nokia
Foxmar320: Rotery
JoeKim: nokia brick
Zaneysed: The razor
AlsoSopranoCat: I mean, if you're looking for bad old movies The Giant Gila Monster is pretty hilarious
Oscelot: Just don't push their buttons
tangerine_connoisseur: Phone bonenin
the_phantom_game_player: I miss the Star Wars tcg from the 90s
NonUniqueGuy: Razor
TXC2: gonna phone in that stream? Kappa
Loa_Ayizan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Loa_Ayizan! (Today's storm count: 575)
ihorner: N-Gage
Brozard: Flip that phone
krfsm: cobraphone
Mazrae: Nokia
TetraRay: LOL
matthaus_c: rotary has so many holes to fill
thebuzzstreams: it's going to be the weirdest qwrpline ever
krfsm: it has a flared base
Ramiel117 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Cunobelenos: blackberry
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ramiel117! (Today's storm count: 576)
chrisvonclause: The mary worth phone from the simpsons
EricTheOrange: Finger a rotary phone
Krektogar: @red_shoes_jeff thanks!
hawktonguebaby: Yay, Now Kiss let's goooo
zelukester: spin 'em right round, baby
MaxTurkeyFlaps: @LoadingReadyRun , Heather is very loud and Cam is very quiet - if it's possible to balance that
Mangledpixel: apparently there is a particularly sexy printer
vinopinguino: the Sidekick was the best
SirPlumpy: Sexiest phone is for sure the Blackberry with th elil mouse ball
RealGamerCow: football phone
Oscelot: @matthaus_c *WHEEZE*
jacqui_lantern234: rotary is the sexiest. you can spin it AND slam it
UndeadSquirel: Isnt that just modern dating anyway
RocknGrohlNerd: razor, and its not even close to being close
KV1NN4: I was going to say a Nokia but I'm being lulled towards rotary...
evilspoons983: StarTAC, obviously
RockPusher: Can't phone it in when you are in the phone…
KV1NN4: good argument
DoubleNterprises: It gets hot if you leave it in the car...
TXC2: phone has that hourglass shape
tangerine_connoisseur: The samsung phones that blew up were pretty hot
nova_plushie: Cam is here!
red_shoes_jeff: @Krektogar benginFingers
betweenmyself: Single Handset Phones in your area are lonely.
N2Osferatu: Excited to date Bell Systems Rented Rotary-chan
TehAmelie: wow, remember the Nokia N-Gage. amazing they kept trying to make new phones after that
Sarah: So it goes with a lot of modding, we multitask a lot
Sarah: And it's all good :)
Colin Simpson-Reilly: First rule of Wrench club is don't talk about wrench club?
Gaz-L: Now Kiss returns!?
SmithKurosaki: 100%
Sarah: And now we have both new mods! Yay for more helpers :)
Colin Simpson-Reilly: But who WAS Phone
Texan_Reverend: We are so blessed by BeejOut this time!
Sarah_Serinde: I'm so excited for more Now Kiss
KV1NN4: @tangerine_connoisseur ahahaha XD
TXC2: sadly not a real forklift
hoveringhalibut subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months!
hoveringhalibut: You can really get your fingers in a rotary phone
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hoveringhalibut! (Today's storm count: 577)
indigoajani: Saturday morning coffee WITHOUT SERGE?
RandomTrivia: Absolutely hyped for that
iris_of_ether: Hahaha
LoadingReadyRun: @MaxTurkeyFlaps probably not, but I'll see what we can do :P
themercenary1987: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RatherLargeToad: to see who can actually complete a lap
DoodlestheGreat: The Staplefurher Klaus 500
NorthstarTex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months, currently on a 114 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NorthstarTex! (Today's storm count: 578)
narset6691 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, narset6691! (Today's storm count: 579)
KV1NN4: I honestly thgouht it was going to be Shenmui again
Mai_Andra: Just a series of images of fingers manipulating a rotary dial...
krfsm: actually
Foxmar320: Sleeeeeeeep
cyrenman: Is the video lagging behind the audio for anyone else?
Quaseymoto: Woo Subathon!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I'm always good.
kaziel0: No rest, only content!
Snouut: bloomburrow sets looks amazing
RandomTrivia: lrrFRUMP
JosVanTongeren: sounds lovely the whole schedule! thanks awesome peeps
Thadrin46: Brave new faves on LRR?
Gascitygaming: do it
Suffix: Thanks Cameron
Quaseymoto subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
Quaseymoto: Let's gooo!
ThorSokar: What if we're naughty?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Quaseymoto! (Today's storm count: 580)
RoeDent89: Only if Wizards of the Coast is good
Didero: Are you gonna eat the cards off of a naked James?
mweepigeon: I kind of want to be bad now
MilkInBags: #BlameJames
Oscelot: @krfsm I'm sorry WHAT
DoubleNterprises: Treats-a Pizza, taps for five mana
nova_plushie: EVERYONE BE BAD!
Alness49: What... what happens to the animals if we're not good?
SmithKurosaki: One of us. One of Us :p
Boomy Toadsmasher: bloomburrow get
cle0deen: Hands off Mrs. Bumbleflower!
TehAmelie: did Cameron Talented Mr Ripley James?
RealGamerCow: No, open the packs, but don't show the cards to chat. "That's cool. Oh, look at that one! Busted!"
thebuzzstreams: just james
TheSpikeFeeders: Hm a sub-a-thon. UH, YEAH. THIS WILL BE A THING.
LordManiMani: "Who Likes Golf" sounds like a good band name
evilspoons983: @cyrenman a/v sync looks ok to me
krfsm: @Oscelot it's an Ericophone!
RocknGrohlNerd: and also how is james
Thisbymaster: the heat advisory has been extended through August
incslayer: James!
jarnatan: Okay but consider this: Subathon Road Quest
JosVanTongeren: ahhh so many lovely animals
polaris415: jaaames
WardsarTheWriter: -Shouts- James? You there?
RandomTrivia: He won't want to miss it - gotta strike while the iron is hot lrrBEEJ
IbunWest: James
Dread_Pirate_Westley: James?
the_phantom_game_player: JAMES
Snouut: TURNER
RockPusher: James "Known Golfer" Turner
Gascitygaming: jaaaaames
red_shoes_jeff: JAAAAAMES
Catcard: (shrieking) James!
MilkInBags: you all sound like jombies
Oscelot: @krfsm Waaaaaaow
JosVanTongeren: James golf!
alchemistsavant: @Alness49 They get Doom Bladed, one by one.
rumplednut_skin: JAAAAAAMES
patrick_stonecrusher: Jaaaaaaaames
TheSpikeFeeders: Jaaaames
KV1NN4: Jaaaaames lrrJAMES
3PlayerPolitics: only james o nly james 9nl 6 jam es
polaris415: jaaaames
stippledotter: They sound like goats
Snouut: james looking fresh
ExachixKitsune: he should
indigoajani: Sometimes I feel like James is the only adult in a room full of tweens and teens who are lost in the sauce
Gascitygaming: now yeah
TheSpikeFeeders: JAAAAMES
Sarah_Serinde: This is gonna be a long subathon for James huh? :P
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
RandomTrivia: Oooooooh
Jennie_Fuchsia: someone pls make the “James” chorus into a sound board button
RealGamerCow: Tiger Woods eats benzos like pocky, does that count?
Suffix: Cool!
Oscelot: Yay @mtvcdm ! \o/
TheAinMAP: ModLove
Juliamon: The timing was remarkable
Simonark: @tehamelie I hope he does the whole series. Cameron Ripley’s Game-ing Alex would rule,
Texan_Reverend: Hi! @mtvcdm
RoeDent89: The mods are actually in the moonbase
Gaz-L: Golf-boi Turner
Ronnie Weber: #blamejames
Joshua Trytten: Eating the cards in front of us has gotta be some kind of denial-play fetish...
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
TXC2: Gottem!
Oscelot: Better than I would do
ArrestedHouse: gottem
RandomTrivia: Rekt
beowuuf: LOL
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Ms_LadyMix: lol
TehAmelie: @Simonark James is still alive so i guess not
Suffix: Wow James.
ExachixKitsune: Lmao 10/10
incslayer: #blameJames
electra310: LMAO
Pharmacistjudge: I know the feeling. I randomly was there during a PPR
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah that's definitely how that works
Foxmar320: hahahaaa
MaxTurkeyFlaps: Did he say MCDM? Like Matt Colville?
knomis85: It worked on James.... BEEJ
nova_plushie: who knew james was so bad at golf
Oscelot: rofl
theevermist: LUL
WardsarTheWriter: Did James count as willing here...?
DoubleNterprises: That's devious
MilkInBags: no seabatUseless
Khalahd: Oh, It That Golfs
RandomTrivia: OH NO
DoodlestheGreat: LUL
beowuuf: :D
RealGamerCow: Is anyone else aware of the TikTok mini golf tournament viral videos? They rule.
Oscelot: Oh my gods you mad genius @mtvcdm XD
Snowcookies: lmao
Mr_Horrible: LUL
Splash4Mirrodin: OH NOOOOO
Suffix: Bravo mtvcdm
WokenClick subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
jacqui_lantern234: OH MY GOSH YES!!!!!!!!! LUL
NewtyNewts: ohno
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WokenClick! (Today's storm count: 581)
MrQBear: spiritual bad score is some bad juju
JRandomHacker: Is that a Pirate's Cove card?
brieandbacon: jlrrCai jlrrLlou
UndeadSquirel: Subs for strokes is a different stream site
jarnatan: Hot potato!
KaleidoscopeMind: nose goes?
KBKarma: @mtvcdm Very nice.
LordManiMani: Yep
beowuuf: clubbing
jacqui_lantern234: GOTTEM
Sarah_Serinde: See now I definitely want them to sneak it back to mtv
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Now it's Graham's bad score.
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
Simonark: @tehamelie Apparently, instead, someone Curse of the Demon-ed James, but with golf!
seanmrwick: Nose goes
Oscelot: Ahahaha
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Foxmar320: welp
tergonis: smooth
Colin Simpson-Reilly: Amazing
Stephonee: run James!
vinopinguino: lolol
nova_plushie: G!
baltimore_667083: GOT 'EM
ExachixKitsune: ok that's a good game
Plasterboard: Clap
teddywhosabear: hot damn
therm0s_: seabatBRAIN
thewafflesareburning: heh
E4rthR0cker: speedrun strats
RandomTrivia: Graham has been Clubbed!
KV1NN4: Beware of cakes
Oscelot: @Sarah_Serinde the true game
mtvcdm: It begins
JosVanTongeren: Nice!
keely_lionheart: nice strat James lol
jarnatan: Golf clubbing!
Juliamon: 'Murica!
tergonis: the glurp of minigolf
TetraRay: bupKekw
RockPusher: Yummies Hole 3!
coachNelly: we playin glurp already?
jacqui_lantern234: WENDYS NUTZ
DoubleNterprises: Yeah, if there was any week to take a vacation from Wisconsin, this was it lrrBEEJ
PerryThePlatypusBear subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PerryThePlatypusBear! (Today's storm count: 582)
Snouut: NELLY!
Earthenone: is hole 11 ok?
Mewr11: Wait hold on I've played at this mini golf course
Oscelot: Wooow. I've never seen a course like that
alchemistsavant: Every hole sponsored by a different company. Welcome to PornHub.
RandomTrivia: CAM HypeLUL
RatherLargeToad: is Coke OK?
ExachixKitsune: @jacqui_lantern234 yeah, she's not had an orchi yet
Gascitygaming: aren't we all
mtvcdm: This course is on Atlas Obscura
the_phantom_game_player: Get in Wendy's hole!
L0rdX33n: Corporate interest
Alness49: Final Fantasy presents: The Square Hole!
KV1NN4: I cna't wait to show this part to my partner XD
cle0deen: So which one is the horror hole
L0rdX33n: weee
Laurence72: Does Beej know???
BrowneePoints: Every Hole Sponsored by a Different Company is just Future OnlyFans Graham
RoeDent89: Sir, this hole is a Wendy's
Abavus: Time for baseball?
hawktonguebaby: sir, this hole is sponsored by Wendy's
Oscelot: Get in the hole, we're going to wendy's
red_shoes_jeff: @cle0deen Yes.
ElementalAlchemist subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
AquariumPrime: Give it to Beej
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ElementalAlchemist! (Today's storm count: 583)
Metric_Furlong: okay seque
Jess Kay: you ever just think about golf holes?
SmithKurosaki: MLG Gamer James 'Famous Youtuber' Turner
Boomy Toadsmasher: and now a segway
missa_hancock: words will be had if that golf card isn’t in the mystery box at the end of desert bus!
Noy2222: That's me!
HubbeKing: ooooo
RandomTrivia: What shenanigans has Noy done now?
NewtyNewts: Oooh, Noy time!
Oscelot: Noy does such a good job
RocknGrohlNerd: get in the golf hole
calculated_uncertainties subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
TehAmelie: gasp
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, calculated_uncertainties! (Today's storm count: 584)
OrionPax21: Get in the golf ball Shinji
James_the_Dabbler: What
stippledotter: Get in ____ hole is a weird meme to start the sub-a-thon with, but I'm here for it
SmithKurosaki: Hey Noy!
Pteraspidomorphi: Ooooh
RandomTrivia: Cannot wait for that
Juliamon: SheNoynigans
TheWooglie: Noy2222 is the best
Oscelot: Thank you @Noy2222 ! lrrHEART
Suffix gifted a Tier 1 sub to Noy2222! They have given 9 Gift Subs in the channel!
iris_of_ether: Yay Noy!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Noy2222! (Today's storm count: 585)
beowuuf: cool!
Mangledpixel: heck yeah
Sarah_Serinde: Good thing Nonsense is a core part of LRR's brand
Metric_Furlong: Nonsense, you say?
jarnatan: Jokebox!
RandomTrivia: @Juliamon seabatClap
ampinstein subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ampinstein! (Today's storm count: 586)
TXC2: Noy2222 lrrHEART
Laurence72: !holes
LRRbot: Holes are ontological parasites because they can only exist as aspects of another object
HbombAndFriends is watching this from a trolley in Tampa.
Suffix: Get wrecked Noy2222
stevestein: I don't know about this. We're a pretty no-nonsense chat here.
Noy2222: @Suffix Thanks for the gift sub!
WardsarTheWriter: Are we going to get another 10 minute Ian question? I hope so.
StarShock2002 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StarShock2002! (Today's storm count: 587)
ElementalAlchemist: ooooh!
JosVanTongeren: Nice one Noy2222
Oscelot: Oooo
ClodiumSoride: We're spiders!
TXC2: HbombAndFriends are you OK?
Strayethoughts subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Strayethoughts! (Today's storm count: 588)
Earthenone: this is the one where we get to be a ball of spiders!
Mangledpixel: can confirm, Noy2222 makes very good custom Jackbox games
teddywhosabear: just finished work, set to vibe
WiJohn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
WiJohn: Feed the 'thon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WiJohn! (Today's storm count: 589)
j_crane330: Ya
Joshua Trytten: Horror Hole #13, sponsored by smooth-brain-itis
Bearudite: oh no we can hear all the farts in that chair trying to get out now
Firewhiskers: Quick, zoom in on Graham's glasses so we can read the password
matthaus_c: YMCA
Sibwow: the password is dickbutt right
Saintnex: off by one? on them… wait wrong stream
ShaneLeeAtk: dickbutts
nova_plushie: dickbutt
Metric_Furlong: Cam no
ArcLightningCanuck: Time to join the spider pile.
BtEtta: Password, as always is dickbutt
iris_of_ether: Oh no
ElementalAlchemist: oh dear
James_the_Dabbler: CAM
TXC2: oh Cameron Honey
BigDaddyBland87: chat, don't tell chat the password is dickbutt
jacqui_lantern234: OH NO CAM
virre_: Oh no Cam
flatluigi: heather's a lot louder than everyone else
DoodlestheGreat: Oh Cam...
KaleidoscopeMind: oh cam no
red_shoes_jeff: CAM
l0gin4me: Cam...
stippledotter: Cam NO
WardsarTheWriter: Did you read out the 3-digit code on the back too?
ElementalAlchemist: a "normal" Jackbox game
mowdownjoe: Oh Cam... Oh honey no...
jarnatan: Paul mine!
DanTheMediocre: six nine six nine six nine nice
marmalade_pen: oh jackbox pogchamp
ShifuDaxiongmao: congrats on getting a new credit card then
Sarah_Serinde: @flatluigi Paul is aware but there may not be much he can do about it
j_crane330: sndbPizza
$10.00 from Cobalt: "Ya'll are excellent people"
TheDihaltus: I am
Zacharie St-Pierre: im glad i tuned in now
SmithKurosaki: WHAT? Cam! That scams people! (you)
RealGamerCow: two factor everything!
j_crane330: jlrrDance
BlueFingers5: chat don't bruteforce the password
Firewhiskers: Strange, when I type my password master2 it doesn't show as asterisks
shendaras is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 46 in the channel!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to AdnanSaves!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to fonkoncle!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to MysteriousM3!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to JustMeJude!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to garunkl!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to cotp_dom!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to Argemandon!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to Scarletdemon_1!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to Icarus865!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to remco082000!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to wolfedragon!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to EthirealPlayer!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to its_safety_third!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to theworldsmith1!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to darkpks2!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to MarkusThatch!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to iebilish!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to dm818!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to evadisnotcreative!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to snowewolf!
KBKarma: hunter2
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, shendaras! Welcome to AdnanSaves, fonkoncle, garunkl, JustMeJude, cotp_dom, Scarletdemon_1, Icarus865, EthirealPlayer, remco082000, wolfedragon, its_safety_third, darkpks2, theworldsmith1, iebilish, dm818, snowewolf, MysteriousM3, Argemandon, MarkusThatch, and evadisnotcreative! (Today's storm count: 609)
Dog_of_Myth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months, currently on a 63 month streak!
Dog_of_Myth: What dis do?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dog_of_Myth! (Today's storm count: 610)
TehAmelie: Yvof, of the Vanir
KBKarma: Wait, did anyone see my password?
j_crane330: Nice
cotp_dom: @shendaras Thanks for the gift sub!
midnightcurryjazz: heather is the only one with a mic?
Jadenim subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jadenim! (Today's storm count: 611)
nova_plushie: Team Serge eats the whole thing
KV1NN4: Heather's mic is very powerful
thebuzzstreams: getting close to 24 hours
Mangledpixel: everyone, join the pile of spiders!
insanecat6mtg: Hello everyone!
creatorbeats subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
creatorbeats: Just started work this week so I'll catch this subathon on YouTube mostly
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, creatorbeats! (Today's storm count: 612)
ShifuDaxiongmao: team name: "Adam and his minions"
wolfedragon: @shendaras Thanks for the gift sub!
TXC2: hello insanecat6mtg welcome
Colin Simpson-Reilly: I mean Cam once accidentally sent me his address so...
Zacharie St-Pierre: can chat be the unnamed masses
todeswillen: Spiderfrend
critiquequartz: hiiii
Icarus865: spider pile gaming
RandomTrivia: @Mangledpixel That's the weirdest invitation I've ever accepted
0x6772: Ben'll love what we, Chat, are.
Invitare: @KV1NN4 Heather is very powerful
jarnatan: Heather isn't actually mic'd, she just speaks to us telepathically, which Paul doesn't have any control over
RocknGrohlNerd: hacker voice "I´m in"
ExachixKitsune: The cose is Y V O F - Yankee Victor Oscar Foxtrot :: York Victory Or Forgotten?
Dog_of_Myth: Just got off work, did I miss anything?
RealGamerCow: Oh no, is blocked by my company filter.
Last_Living_Dalia: Hi, friends!
RealGamerCow: Good thing I admin the filter
PhoenixMelior: I think im in? I just have a heading
JustMeJude: @shendaras Thanks for the gift sub!
Noy2222: This has some fun ones.
Saintnex: chat as always, correctly depicted as an amorphous spider pile
cle0deen: Heather speaks straight to your heart
MilkInBags: I don't want to scare Ben
WardsarTheWriter: -goblin voice from Battle for Middle Earth- We've built the spider pit!
nosole: Spider Friends!
remco082000: Thanks @shendaras !
TXC2: hello Last_Living_Dalia welcome
TehAmelie: together, we are Spiders-Man
flatluigi: i always wanted to be a spider in a pile
ElementalAlchemist: That's accurate
Sevinon: @Dog_of_Myth chaos
Microman900: accurate representation tbh
Tandtroll_OG: Spider represent
public_key_reveal_party: As opposed to in real life
Viewers_Like_You: As usual
Akaias subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
Akaias: sacFLEX sacAWK sacFLEX2
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Akaias! (Today's storm count: 613)
Fenrir_Azazel: i have joined the spiders
Metric_Furlong: el spidro pile giganté
j_crane330: lgioNoted
baskwalla: Same number of legs
red_shoes_jeff: jlrrNo lrrSPOOP
the_phantom_game_player: Like normal
NonUniqueGuy: You too can be a spider.
JoannaTastic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
ExachixKitsune: 1
cle0deen: And Ben's out
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JoannaTastic! (Today's storm count: 614)
RockPusher: lrrDILLY
PawssumFable: 5
niccus: 2
Oscelot: We totally need a pile of spiders emote
BrowneePoints: @dog_of_myth just the preamble. subs past the cap go to a scaling party. pizza then ice cream then water balloons
electra310: Do donos count for subathon time this year?
HiCallMeRusty: 4
SAJewers: that sounds like an LRL bit lrrBEEJ
thebuzzstreams: how many on accident though?
MilkInBags: Yvof sounds like a name made up by Adam to play an eastern european character
DoodlestheGreat: And a pile of spiders is a pretty good analog for chat.
LordManiMani: lrrDILLY
JonnyH: about 1800
Gascitygaming: 8-10
Earthenone: 18 bars? in this economy?
SpecctasaurusRex subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months!
SpecctasaurusRex: No better time to spend bezos' money
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SpecctasaurusRex! (Today's storm count: 615)
KaleidoscopeMind: YVOF your very old familiar
Saintnex: also, as an arachnophobe, I’m terrified of myself lol
RealGamerCow: 18 is like a gallon of ice cream
SmithKurosaki: @Colin Simpson-Reilly You're cool though. That doesnt count
chifii: Oh wait, I'm live, I can actually join this game instead of watching the vod.
LordManiMani: Contest
Statist42: eat 18 what?
Tandtroll_OG: @electra310 yes, a minute
Bacon_Trail: would watch a dilly bar eating competition
EricTheOrange: I am VERY fat so like 20?
KV1NN4: ooh i've never gotten to be a spider before
jacqui_lantern234: i bet Jordynne could just go FERAL on 18 Dilly Bars
TehAmelie: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 45:34.
mwlsn: Hello chat, hello LRR
MostCallMe__Tim subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months, currently on a 80 month streak!
MostCallMe__Tim: sub a thon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MostCallMe__Tim! (Today's storm count: 616)
50keyz: @Statist42 spiders
TXC2: Statist42 lrrDILLY
BrowneePoints: I can eat an entire quart of ice cream in one sitting so at least a quart’s worth
the_phantom_game_player: The final should be a dilly bar eating contest
HiCallMeRusty: I can do 1 cause that is how many dilly bars are still in my freezer
Dog_of_Myth: @BrowneePoints Thank you
Jillexie: cheer400
Invitare: is the audience just seeing a gradient at the moment, or should there be something else?
DanTheMediocre: being my best arachno-self
Dog_of_Myth: Let's go Team Spiders
Mollylele: @the_phantom_game_player that sounds like a one way ticket to someone eating a wooden stick on accident
Oscelot: @Invitare just a gradient
MilkInBags: can you give me 5 more minutes? i need to finish an email, thank you!
Didero: Jordynne and Adam really are the kids in the back of class :D
Sarah_Serinde: Audience doesn't see anything yet
Brozard: I thought Ben was gonna say "Can I swap teams?"
Sarah: to join the audience
Sarah: Or just go to and enter the code that's on the screen in the middle
biggerdoofus: Yay! participating in the audience for once
Mollylele: move those nerds towards the ceiling
ElementalAlchemist: good team name
beowuuf: teams should now have appeared
todeswillen: over 400 Spider
quasi79fu: its Lrr vs chat
NorthstarTex: love our team name
RocknGrohlNerd: @ElementalAlchemist yes, very
Fenrir_Azazel subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
marmalade_pen: finally i get to be a lil spider
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fenrir_Azazel! (Today's storm count: 617)
public_key_reveal_party: Mom's treatza pizza
vanman229 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
vanman229: My Thon has been Subbed
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vanman229! (Today's storm count: 618)
KaleidoscopeMind: oh i thought "honey" was "henry" and was like "what did henry do?"
gizmofreak1: go team sweaty palms
stippledotter: If our palms are sweaty, then how can we type?
Saintnex: wait do spiders have palms?
Gascitygaming: TQ?
thebuzzstreams: finally, we get ranked choice voting!
Juliamon: KaleidoscopeMind clearly you've never met Sticky Henry
Woogachaka: @Saintnex I think spiders _are_ palms
Colin Simpson-Reilly: I feel like Pile of Spiders seems good for chat
Colin Simpson-Reilly: I include me in this XD
SmithKurosaki: Right?@chifii
vegetalss4: oh right, this is live I can join it
googoltudoris: i got confused and voted for ralph nader
Sarah_Serinde: benginRip
cle0deen: Did they ever make treatza pizza with vanilla frosting?
HorusFive: also paul
patrick_stonecrusher: 5 PS5's
jarnatan: Wait who voiced that?
jacqui_lantern234: 100% ADAM
Desruprot: oh no paul
TXC2: Paul is a common name
Laurence72: Come on and SLAM, and welcome to the RASPBERRY JAM!
Sarah_Serinde: I feel like Paul being dead wouldn't be to Heather's benefit
the_phantom_game_player: I'll miss Paul
Mangledpixel: sure did
SmithKurosaki: @jarnatan Someone from VST :p
MilkInBags: the voice actor has a neuralink chip
Invitare: it's defintiely Serge
RockPusher: tqsKnife lrrSLOTH
RatherLargeToad: I don’t see Paul Clone as an option
PhoenixMelior: 100% heather tbh
NewtyNewts: Dunno if it was the same voice?
ElementalAlchemist: @SmithKurosaki (it was me)
Wolfstrike_NL: :)
RandomTrivia: Serge wouldn't, but SNERGE might
bjergmann101: Serge is a good 2nd
DaxStrife: Ben's the only person who's brought a knife into the streaming office!
stevestein: Wait, who would Serge hurt?
ShifuDaxiongmao: The most likely suspect is the LRR AI. ;)
MilkInBags: gg it was me, the murderer
ghost_waz: Snerge definitely might
electra310: Paul is dead, miss him miss him
Snowcookies: look Serge
ElementalAlchemist: @ElementalAlchemist (thanks to Noy for letting me do this <3)
matthaus_c: we know what you did to that kid's ear
beowuuf: does paul give you a farmble item in minecraft o.0
Desruprot: Snerge definitely
PixelArtDragon: Remember the intern!
Angreed66: Spoiler serge was one of my choices
TotallyNotaBeholder: Dr Serge and Mr Snerge
TXC2: I would never HURT Paul
gibbousm: I don't think Serge would intentionally murder Paul. But I can see them fumbling into it
WardsarTheWriter: Serge, please provide a list of who you would hurt, for reference.
Saintnex: one of the Pauls killing Paul to become the prime Paul
TehAmelie: guess they have the 1000 most common baby names or somethin
ExachixKitsune: @SmithKurosaki : Excellent Voice Acting!
QuixoticScrivener subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
QuixoticScrivener: Subs for the Sub-gods, Bits for the Comedy Throne!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, QuixoticScrivener! (Today's storm count: 619)
Its_VeeBot: ElementalCaverne
HbombAndFriends: RIP lrrPAUL
Christopher Peterson: Do YouTube subs count towards subathon goals or just Twitch?
Colin Simpson-Reilly: Just twitch
qrpth: Only Twitch.
SmithKurosaki: 100% Serge
ClodiumSoride: Over 500 spiders!
petey_vonwho: Welp, Serge is guilty
Mangledpixel: because the audience votes
Mollylele: when the question is "who is most likely to murder" the answer is Heather
DarkMorford: Weird, the site is telling me "Room not found"
SmithKurosaki: @ElementalAlchemist, Oh dang, I thought it was Lao
CaptainSpam: Some Jackbox/Jellyvision games recognize some common names. YDKJ: The Ride did this to amusing effect.
the_phantom_game_player: Boxnard killed Paul
todeswillen: it is over 500 Spider
KiaStirling: >:)
beowuuf: @TXC2 ... oh yeah, i see what serge did there :p
quasi79fu: lets seee if LRR can read chats mind and can we read Lrrs
Juliamon: Paul just has to go "hrmm" like a villager
hd_dabnado: neat!
KBKarma: @ElementalAlchemist @Noy2222 Good work!
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: Way to go elemental!
Oscelot: @DarkMorford did you do o or 0?
LordManiMani: gdqClap
RandomTrivia: @ElementalAlchemist seabatClap lrrSHINE
CaptainSpam: Oh, or there's custom stuff going on. Yay Elemental!
Ugh_Sunlight: @SmithKurosaki no I know which game lao voiced
Desruprot: a nice bright torch
ElementalAlchemist: Honestly my voice blends in better than I thought it would
Mollylele: @DarkMorford YVOF? I thought the O was a D at first
Fr0Dough: Jordyne is queen don’t argue with me
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to SnergeYader!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SnergeYader! (Today's storm count: 620)
accountmadeforants: Hell yeah torchless run
SmithKurosaki: @SmithKurosaki Yea I just remembered
jarnatan: The Choosening
Rhystic_Buddies subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rhystic_Buddies! (Today's storm count: 621)
Pteraspidomorphi: You need to find one of the top three
cle0deen: 7
Unpronounceable: Hi all! I don't recognize some of you YouTube mods, but hello and thanks for your time!
SLiV: Wait a second, *I'm* in chat
Zacharie St-Pierre: heather would be on purpose, but then i think alex and ian may do it accidentally on TTSF
Sarah: We got two new YouTube mods to help us out :)
LordManiMani: This feels more complicated than it needs to be, but I might be misunderstanding
BrowneePoints: Aw man I gotta get in on voicing some of these sometime
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Angreed66: safe is one of top 3
sethgstewart: top 3
amative1: You need to pick the tope 3
amative1: *top
RandomTrivia: Windmill slammed that
ExachixKitsune gifted a Tier 1 sub to SnergeBot! They have given 25 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SnergeBot! (Today's storm count: 622)
DarkMorford: @Oscelot O and 0 both do the same thing. Maybe it's because my phone's on work wifi. *shrug*
ElementalAlchemist: ongClap
the_phantom_game_player: Always pick Heather
RockPusher: gabyLul
WardsarTheWriter: But they seem so chill together on Chillpoint...
Metric_Furlong: okay chat
beowuuf: who could have foreseen that :p
Morment: James
Fantusta: "oh so it's Heather"
ecocd: Beej soooo suspect.
KiaStirling: go spiders go!!
Oscelot: foo. Sorry to hear it @DarkMorford
jarnatan: Its ingenious, because now when Heather does murder Paul, nobody will suspect her!
Metric_Furlong: #BlameJames
teddywhosabear: we're helped in that we get a live bar chart that updates on how we vote
Saintnex: so historically, this game tends to heavily favor team chat, due to our mass of votes skewing things, but this is also all LRR so this would be interesting
Bacon_Trail: james is at 69%
Piecrust9: Clearly Ben, obviously!!
GazzyInferno: please, just one more percent
Angreed66: Chat has the most vote power
DanTheMediocre: Adams not wrong
Colin Simpson-Reilly: I'm Simriel on the server and twitch etc, I just gotta use my real name here
RocknGrohlNerd: nice
the_phantom_game_player: @Bacon_Trail Nice
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
BusTed: And the audience is easily swayed by the room.
vegetalss4: For this game I always wonder how the chat votes are counted
public_key_reveal_party: It says murdered, not manslaughtered, so Ian is out
Laurence72: Serge, Mr. Automate Minecraft murders, doesn't understand why him??
Snouut: james your watch looks lovely
50keyz: YES!
CrazymattCaptain: it's gotta be Paul that did it
GazzyInferno: yes, nice
beowuuf: #blameJames
RandomTrivia: With 69% of our votes
HorusFive: {Serge writes "Adam" on llst}
marmalade_pen: i dont remember my third
RocknGrohlNerd: pog chat
NewtyNewts: I think Player votes are weighted heavier than spider votes
eleric937: which bloomburrow frog is Serge today?
stippledotter: That's why they're most likely!
Angreed66: All chat has to do is vote for the answers we picked
Metric_Furlong: stay quiet chat
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
WardsarTheWriter: Does Snerge count as Serge for the purposes of this?
DanTheMediocre: I put beej
hd_dabnado: LOL
SnackPak_: fair
Suffix: I think it's Matt.
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Kingsgrave: Hi nerds! I made it!
Metric_Furlong: don't give them hints yet
KiaStirling: keep it down chat
LordManiMani: Actually, a LRR Murder Mystery Night (dinner optional) would rule
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
KaleidoscopeMind: i always thought "murder = intent"
50keyz: if he accidently electricutes its ont murder
NorthstarTex: yeah, lets not give them too much
ExachixKitsune: ha lmao yeah good point
Pteraspidomorphi: Wellll
Mollylele: a LRRder Mystery
Oscelot: welcome @Kingsgrave !
Juliamon: Once a waterbed-owner, always a waterbed-owner
LotusEaterMtG: is a waterbed where you hide the bodies?
Spooky_Noises: Gotta be adam... He's always on pauls case - sus
themercenary1987: I used commodore hustle lore to make my decisiion
sgowell: but Serge cut off someone’s ear.
NewtyNewts: @LordManiMani LRRder mystery?
Two_Hats: Waterbeds make the killer?
riking27: I put Beej on my survey
SmithKurosaki: @Unpronounceable Hello! I normally hang out in Twitch chat
octo chan: Serge is the least likely suspect
Sarah: You should be able to change your display name on YouTube, but I don't remember exactly how
SmithKurosaki: Which is why it's him \@octo chan
NonUniqueGuy: I like Serge
RandomTrivia: sergeHeart
ExachixKitsune: sergeSnerge
vidStrickland subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
vidStrickland: SUB-A-THON, GOOOOO
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vidStrickland! (Today's storm count: 623)
Metric_Furlong: okay chat
red_shoes_jeff: WHAT
beowuuf: oooh, did not expect that
Snowcookies: "everyone likes Serge" - the room
50keyz: lrrSHINE serge
Desruprot: LUL
Piecrust9: Adam or beej?
BigDaddyBland87: not last!
NorthstarTex: beej
Lysander_salamander: :D
NewtyNewts: Serge, not Snerge
DanTheMediocre: I put beej
cle0deen: Death by cinnamon roll
Malkmaven1176: it's beej
Mollylele: that's the kind of thing a murderer would say
hawktonguebaby: Nobody doesn't like Serge
HiCallMeRusty: 100 beej
Metric_Furlong: Beej? Beej
vegetalss4: I also like Serge, particularly his "not a murderer"-energy
raulghoulia: ride or die
RocknGrohlNerd: I thought of snerge there
todeswillen: Ian
TotallyNotaBeholder: How fast can you get a tarp?
RandomTrivia: Play to the judges!
SquareDotCube: Got beejdropped
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
cle0deen: Any room left in the busget
Diabore: wow i thought it was matt
Microman900: chat is so good
Saintnex: chat votes baby
Juliamon: Beej is Prepared.
Mollylele: lrrBEEJ 🔪
Brozard: I think I put Alex (sorry Alex)
RocknGrohlNerd: EZ beej
riking27: we're going with the Crapshots canon Beej
beowuuf: i voted for serge
SmithKurosaki: It's some kind of account thing
Odd Modlin: I actually get to catch LRR live? it's going to be a late night.
octo chan: @SmithKurosaki of course!
Sarah: I changed mine a long time ago
biggerdoofus: darn. serge was my first pick
SmithKurosaki: It's gonna be a long ~week~ @Odd Modlin
SmithKurosaki: :p
Rogue 7: Beej is the Wild Card
bisaflau: tbf with Beej it probably was an accident
TXC2: beej is the one not here, it's sus Kappa
KaleidoscopeMind: beej prepares
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: Adam was 4
jarnatan: Well we just need to vote the same as we did i nthe original survey and we should win statistically most of the time
RandomTrivia: Great work Chat
Pteraspidomorphi: Murder, not manslaughter!
N2Osferatu: With so many more of us, if we all vote exactly how we did the first time, we basically win every time :/
snowyowlly: it's alright adam, I thought you'd be 3rd
RealGamerCow: I voted for Ian
Oscelot: @Juliamon Keys aren't the only things in those pockets. XD
themercenary1987: Spider Victory Screech!
Foxmar320: foxmarSTAB
matthaus_c: Paul did put Beej in the Meme Stream
Earthenone: thanks to beejdrops, beej is a safe bet on who did anything
hd_dabnado: Adam, your constant heckling of Paul adds up
Desruprot: uh
DanTheMediocre: I presumed paul got beejdropped to wrap up the CH storyline
Piecrust9: Remember we outnumber you 20 to 1
ArcLightningCanuck: We know our own minds.
SquareDotCube: also not Graham? Where the motive would be for control of the company?
wedge_x: Miniature World
Gascitygaming: Adam, first alternate
codatski: Beej would commit the murder and then return the murder weapon without a receipt
Metric_Furlong: I can't name anywhere in victoria
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
TheWooglie: let's random pick four chat
Saintnex: hehehe
chrono2x: As someone who was a tourist in Victoria last weekend, I have opinions
Invitare: I don't know any of these
TheManaLeek: Bug zoo!
MilkInBags: where is Adam's toilet
TotallyNotaBeholder: The Royal Museum sucks?
MaxTurkeyFlaps: Where's the Botanical Gardens?
Invitare: you have a castle???
vegetalss4: @N2Osferatu not all rounds are about selecting the top choice
Gascitygaming: been to mini world, was sweet
skysonglark: my first thought was wheres mini world
Noy2222: I did research for this one
Mollylele: justice for Miniature World, justice for Bug Zoo
NewtyNewts: I know only one of these
Gascitygaming: buchart gardens is amazing!
piggy_sama: I love the butterfly gardens
Oscelot: I'm planning on going to the Empress for tea when I visit some day
ElementalAlchemist: Buchart Gardens is *amazing*
RealGamerCow: Which is the museum that you go into then end up on the street at the end?
ExachixKitsune: mtvcdm : taking notes? :p
Its_VeeBot: I think these places sucking is kind of the point
nosole: Yeah, Beacon Hill Park not being there is weird
LordManiMani: Just means y'all don't talk up your town enough
zerragonoss: Touristy is not a positive adjective.
SquareDotCube: no burls in sight
BrowneePoints: Hey! Give Noy some leeway!
Mantafold subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mantafold! (Today's storm count: 624)
stevestein: Where's UVic on this list?
jarnatan: I dont believe 100% of these places are real, this feels like a fakeout
marmalade_pen: is any of these the minecraft museum?
Suffix: Where's the running of the goats?
LotusEaterMtG: i want NoMeansNo's old practice pad on the list
chifii: Cori was gonna be my guess for 3rd if she was on there.
RonnocLoki: I had Ian higher
octo chan: I'd vote for Ian to help hide the body, though
Colin Simpson-Reilly: I'd Ideally not have my surname but oh well XD
chifii: Chat's gonna windmill slam the site of Moonbase III.
PhoenixMelior: Why is Fernwood Coffee Company not on here
KaleidoscopeMind: not any of the coffee shops from coffee with serge?
Sarah_Serinde: I really enjoy going there for high tea
Stephonee: Right, I was looking for the bug zoo in the list immediately lol
RandomTrivia: This is just an episode of Showcase Showdown waiting to happen :D
Bacon_Trail: system seems kinda unfair, chat will submit a majority of the answers and then gets to vote on picks
skysonglark: craigdarroch is good
Mishapp53: The Tea at the Empress is nice
Brozard: So you can be accountable for them, James
Going_Medium: Ice cream?
Loa_Ayizan: Tea at the Empress is fun
Malkmaven1176: what the heck
Juliamon: It doesn't say GOOD places, it says TOURISTY places.
kaziel0: @skysonglark What is that?
Loa_Ayizan: Ha
ylegm: fascinatingly enough, I can't login into the audience
the_phantom_game_player: I know you keep it private but I would think the moonbase can be a good tourist attraction
cle0deen: I plan to get coffee while I'm there
stevestein: @Juliamon Why would a bad place be must-see?
haberley: i was looking for Princess Auto XD
chrono2x: Beacon Hill Park was the best spot we visited on vacation
Saintnex: @juliamon oooh, good point
wedge_x: highly reccomend the air museum up at the airport
nosole: @Juliamon That is a reasonable point
BrowneePoints: they’re called tourist traps
ExachixKitsune: that is a tourist location listing that would cause problems
Suffix: Joe's house is grewat.
BrowneePoints: not tourist enrichment centers
Gascitygaming: mini world and the gardens are the best
geckoinasuit: no swap and shop?
Oscelot: @wedge_x *takes notes*
dee_dubs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months, currently on a 94 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dee_dubs! (Today's storm count: 625)
Juliamon: stevestein I live near some bad touristy places. There's reasons.
RandomTrivia: There wasn't even "That one ice cream parlour from the stream"
fhorrigan: lol for the second time I find out about a subathon like a day after I sub
Mollylele: cloud of spider would not want to visit Bug Zoo perhaps, but
Sarah: I promise you you can change your display name
octo chan: is Moonbase III the one with the construction hole? is that still there?
SmithKurosaki: I did it so long ago that there weren't sub requirements to claim a channel name and did it that way
chifii: Delta was the one they started doing Live in. III was the two-story one.
SmithKurosaki: Not sure iif there's another mechanism
blackcoat: I wonder if yellowjacket is on the list
Sarah: Here chat, for anyone who doesn't want your real name as your username, have a wikihow
l0gin4me: I like the Trek names for the caves
geckoinasuit: bc i am going to the swap shop when i go
DanTheMediocre: I just wanna see what passes for a castle in the pacific NE
stippledotter: Cave TNG is amazing
skysonglark: @kaziel0 former lumber barons mansion turned into victorian era museum
excalgold: Cave: Lower Caverns and Cave: Strange new Tunnels are great
Going_Medium: Butterfly gardens fun.
Diabore: whos picking?
Invitare: is the final cave going to be "Cave: Discovery" or "Cave: 2009"?
BusTed: Audience is just going to put names that they recongize.
kaziel0: @skysonglark Very cool!
marmalade_pen: @DanTheMediocre same
cle0deen: G
MilkInBags: Adam's toilet is 5th
BrowneePoints: we’re nerds
emberBecky: chat has little to no context for most of these place
ElementalAlchemist: I've been there
Gascitygaming: been there, it's not that impressive honestly
SmithKurosaki: Victoria has a castle too?
Suffix: I do.
ElementalAlchemist: It was OK
chrono2x: I do know
Sibwow: its a castle
Juliamon: (my town has an Anheuser-Busch brewery, that is considered a must-see because you get free beer)
Chrysoprase: it is a castle
anbuagent12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
anbuagent12: I love you guys, and I hope you can keep your sanity through this week. Godspeed
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, anbuagent12! (Today's storm count: 626)
Metric_Furlong: we do like castles though
todeswillen: i like Casel and Museum
amative1: How well do you know your chat
piggy_sama: BEN. Caigdarroch Castle is SO COOL
Sibwow: castles rule
NewtyNewts: For the twitch chat answers? Unlikelly.
BrowneePoints: we’re nerds and saw castle
TotallyNotaBeholder: Adam speaks for us
TheWooglie: I picked Castle cos castles are cool
vinopinguino: i saw castle, i clicked
drsattler: I do! It's super cool.
Sage0fMadness: counterpoint its a castle
PhoenixMelior: I do love museums to be fair
DanTheMediocre: I dont know but it's a CASTLE
Therberus: Mouth of chat is very cursed
Alma_v: castles are cool
RealGamerCow: Like the mouth of sauron
skysonglark: victoria has at least two castles
chrono2x: I visited it last week
virgil82: @kaziel0 Its a scottish castle that was dismantled and moved stone by stone and reassembled here in Victoria.
shabe_x_roc: YJ has to be first
jarnatan: Castle? on that continent?
Gascitygaming: I consent to Jordynne
MommaGart: i think Kathleen is 100% right about YJ lol
red_shoes_jeff: It's a castle, that's enough for me.
ExachixKitsune: I know where it is *now*
hd_dabnado: YJ has to be 1
Dalrint: Are we allowed to mention castles around serge?
fhorrigan: I chose it because it's a castle
IanAllenBird: I don't know it but I know it's a castle and that sounds neat
DanTheMediocre: I've been to european castles
BlueFingers5: I picked it cause Castle sounds cool
Suffix: Only legally distinct castles.
SquareDotCube: Surprised Beacon Hlll didn't show up
DanTheMediocre: what
Gulleko subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
Gulleko: boop
Loa_Ayizan: Thanks Adam
accountmadeforants: I don't, but that's where the grace was pointing so I guess I'm going
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gulleko! (Today's storm count: 627)
LordManiMani: @juliamon 🤝
Carlioo: oh I read that as craig da roach and thought it was a funny injoke
Tandtroll_OG: I like castles
Splash4Mirrodin: Castles older countries are were its out
SmithKurosaki: Toronto has a giant house they call a castle
patience_zero: castle canada?
chifii: Yellowjacket was on the list.
Sarah: I can confirm that's how you do it on desktop at least
blackcoat: excellent.
Simon Pratt: As someone who's been to Victoria, I would've put the bug place on that list.
RonnocLoki: chat knows it's a castle and castles are cool
PhoenixMelior: I knew it
DrMagnify subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
DrMagnify: so chat wide trip to take over Victoria?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DrMagnify! (Today's storm count: 628)
Piecrust9: Adam please explain what a castle is. R/explainitlikeimfive
Malkmaven1176: yj was 1
momma_tatts: castles are neat
skysonglark: castle is a bit of a misnomer
teddywhosabear: okay moonbase
evilspoons983: Craigdarroch Castle is less of a "castle" than you'd expect from the name
Metric_Furlong: so moonbase 3?
micalovits: Chat my friend, we are all nerds
MilkInBags: graham is judging chat
TXC2: chat am nerds
piggy_sama: Craigdarroch is more of a big ole house
PhoenixMelior: Yeah metric
NorthstarTex: moonbase 3?
Gascitygaming: Craigdarroch is more mansion than castle
PhoenixMelior: I love mark 3
RandomTrivia: It's just DBFeud all over again - PLAY. TO. THE. JUDGES.
matthaus_c: we are gamers
Saintnex: chat big nerds
emberBecky: chat pick word they know
ladyjessica: I know I went to YJ when I came to Victoria.
jarnatan: Best common mine in the province
quasi79fu: i meme?
Lord_Hosk: Your chat would know the OLD YJ, remember they moved
MommaGart: I'm more likely to go to Victoria for YJ than anything else at this point
CocoBojangles: Can confirm went to Victoria and made sure to stop at YJ to buy cards
thewafflesareburning: Meming nerds?
TotallyNotaBeholder: We also would love to go to Africa
Dog_of_Myth: I would totally got to YJ
KiaStirling: such big nerds we are
public_key_reveal_party: It's the one we know, because you talked about it before
as_ever_ellesandra: graham you're playing inside baseball
Sarah_Serinde: Having been to Victoria, I also disagree with chat's choices :P
NewtyNewts: They meme?!
Angnor33: Remember, play chat, not reality.
Metric_Furlong: we aren't nice people
ExachixKitsune: Chat Am Smart
DanTheMediocre: wait we werent supposed to meme?
ElementalAlchemist: That's a Desert Bus meme!
Malkmaven1176: moonbase
as_ever_ellesandra: this is INSIDE BASEBALL
RandomTrivia: Not just any country. A large country IN AFRICA
BusTed: It is the most recognizable name on the list to a LRR fan.
notpsion: chat? memes? unpossible
cobalturge subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months, currently on a 28 month streak!
cobalturge: We Are Chat
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cobalturge! (Today's storm count: 629)
PhoenixMelior: Chat please what?
Desruprot: most "castles" are not castles by a lot of standards, while true ones have a wall a yard (between the wall and the keep) and a keep in the middle.
brieandbacon: Memes? In our good Christian twitch chat?
50keyz: LUL iforgot about the africa thing
mtvcdm: Hi I'm a literal tourist and playing for the audience
Pteraspidomorphi: I don't think we can possibly fail this one
Tandtroll_OG: Chat memes
JocelyneAnne: When I visited Victoria a couple years ago I did, in fact, visit YJ. Bought a pack of MM from Wheeler.
RockPusher: MB Mk III had "character"
KBKarma: I am VERY angry about that. Africa is not a country. :(
LotusEaterMtG: we're going with the subset of tourists who are IN THIS CHAT, so the answer makes sense
scarletknight1410: lets go chat!
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Known idiot, chat.
NorthstarTex: eyyy
patience_zero: anything is a tourist place if tourists go there
Snowcookies: Africa is the largest country in Africa
pinetreeq: Consider: We know zero about the local area
stippledotter: Playing 4D cornhole over here
ArkhamArchivist: it's the only things we've heard of
petey_vonwho: They took away Africa's country status?
Rogue 7: I think I picked the castle because it's a castle
chifii: Hahahah!
Colin: I just wanna play Highlander at YJ
octo chan: neeeerrrds!!
Colin: We bless the rains I guess
nova_plushie: you dont know us very well G
MilkInBags: chat is just a bunch of bootlickers Kappa
GazzyInferno: chat is running the tables here
Barb4rian: I disagree with chat on these choices =P
themercenary1987: Spider Legs Wiggle
PhoenixMelior: Oh yeah its just to look. Glen seemed great
matthaus_c: people often make the pilgrimage to play YJ Mondays
tangerine_connoisseur: We are chat we are legion
micalovits: F
beowuuf: but what about museum template
NorthstarTex: wat
quasi79fu: hhahahah
hd_dabnado: HUH
ElementalAlchemist: whoa
PhoenixMelior: Amazing!
marmalade_pen: why would i want to see a hotel??
Pteraspidomorphi: Close
terribleplan: What?
Its_VeeBot: Off by one
ValTheDrake subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
ValTheDrake: Stream a while... Stream... Forever!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ValTheDrake! (Today's storm count: 630)
Metric_Furlong: okay chat
Sarah_Serinde: Chat you're missing out :P
hesterbyrde: When I visit BC I'm absolutely going to YJ along with all the coffee places Serge recommends.
nova_plushie: no Princess auto
Piecrust9: We like castles
PhoenixMelior: Museum next imo
RealGamerCow: I voted for empress
DanTheMediocre: castle
cle0deen: I definitely can't stay there
JeshuaWithAnE subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
JeshuaWithAnE: It is like we came to the loading ready run subathon because we like loading ready run.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JeshuaWithAnE! (Today's storm count: 631)
chrono2x: The totem pole is very nice
Gascitygaming: my fam and I had to walk almost across victoria to get to craigdarroch
hd_dabnado: I picked empress hotel
NorthstarTex: castle, castles are cool
TotalHell: None of us know anything about Victoria
beowuuf: hey serge, what building did you base the museum on?
NonUniqueGuy: Don't lose until the next round
amative1: You don't "lose" until the last round
Astra7525: You only lose at the last game
KiaStirling: this hame is rigged in favor of chat every time
matthaus_c: we don't know what we picked
MilkInBags: i want a bouncy castle seabatUseless
TotalHell: We chose castle because it's a castle
NewtyNewts: Final round is where elimination happens
hawktonguebaby: I think you can't lose yet
pinetreeq: This mode of this game is massively unbalanced
KiaStirling: we're 99% of the votes lol
Sarah_Serinde: The Empress is an impressive fancy building and does very nice high tea. You don't have to stay there to visit it
ExachixKitsune: beowuuf : BC Municipal buildings
vickysaurus_mystax: Victoria is on the other side of the world, I picked the two LRR things and then 'museum' and 'castle'
TStodden: You're not dead until round 3...
biggerdoofus: to be fair, "south africa" is a country
SmithKurosaki: Nice
mowdownjoe: I was expecting those two to be switched.
chifii: Empress was my 3 or 4.
RonnocLoki: Does nobody watch letters live? We could be attacked by pepperoni fed seagulls?
Reymond Kira: Serge was off by 1
CaptainSpam: The game keeps going until the final round; we're just gathering/losing torches right now.
Eklinaar: Can't believe Miniature World isn't on this list
Hangedman subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
Hangedman: 86?
Its_VeeBot: Not the final round, you still go
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Hangedman! (Today's storm count: 632)
shabe_x_roc: Serge is right, it's heavily weighted in chat's favour
TotallyNotaBeholder: I like museums
ElementalAlchemist: Beacon Hill Park is quite a nice park, it turns out
Statist42: i picked the two lrr things and then stuff that sounded interesting because i had no clue what the rest is
BrowneePoints: you can’t lose til last round
themercenary1987: Spder Mandible clicks
DanTheMediocre: castle or theatre
hd_dabnado: castle easy
50keyz: thatre
KaleidoscopeMind: was the royal theater the place where you filmed not a drop to drink season 1?
fhorrigan: It's the castle
neogetz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, neogetz! (Today's storm count: 633)
quasi79fu: Totem sounds coool
PhoenixMelior: Nah 4 has to be the castle
fhorrigan: I know it
ArcLightningCanuck: Audience has a big advantage in this game.
KiaStirling: you fools
Metric_Furlong: but theatres are fun
beowuuf: @ExachixKitsune oh, thought it was the parliamentary building
Mollylele: 🏰
Barb4rian: windmill slam castle
Piecrust9: Do not underestimate our ignorance of what any of this means
PhoenixMelior: Because castles are cool
RandomTrivia: I would absolutely visit a theatre as a tourist
fhorrigan: We all know it
KiaStirling: we don't know anything about victoria
MungoDude: it's the all the things museum but in real life
MTGRanger: but castles are cool
accountmadeforants: Parliament, lmao
KiaStirling: we just see castle and click
googoltudoris: they have postcards in canada?
TotalHell: None of us have seen the posrtcards.
micalovits: Caste is cool
DanTheMediocre: we dont know anything about Victoria and Castle and Theatre sound nice
LotusEaterMtG: most of us have no idea what these places are
geckoinasuit: castles!
50keyz: NERDS
Pteraspidomorphi: I mean I voted for this
quasi79fu: TOTem
mtvcdm: I didn't do the castle because coal baron.
Saintnex: hahaha
MilkInBags: i bet it's the totem pole
ExachixKitsune: @ExachixKitsune : oh, yeah you might be right
pleonasticTautology subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months, currently on a 26 month streak!
pleonasticTautology: whoa I just literally got my resub email! happy sub-a-thon!
Juliamon: Chat's like "I could just see it in Minecraft"
PhoenixMelior: LISTEN castles are cool!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pleonasticTautology! (Today's storm count: 634)
matthaus_c: lol, lmao
LotusEaterMtG: who cares about parliament buildings
Eklinaar: No one wants to go to stinky parliament
RealGamerCow: we hate government
TheWooglie: I picked Castle cos castles are cool
Diabore: its a parliament building!
thewafflesareburning: f
thebuzzstreams: Totem for sure
stippledotter: I'd've gone there
TotalHell: I can't overstate how little we know about Victoria.
HubbeKing: you must remember: chat doesn't know anything about anything :)
Laurence72: Isn't that the goal, to kill you (in game) JJames?
Diabore: why would i go visit that?
nosole: Parliament isn't as cool, lets be real
RandomTrivia: Neat
DanTheMediocre: no that's why we're gonna see it
SmithKurosaki: @Reymond Kira Classic Serge
biggerdoofus: huh. I actually went with the theatre for my non-meme pick because it seemed still lrr relevant
chifii: Of course we're gonna pick the castle!
ExachixKitsune: @ExachixKitsune : But it's a BC building for sure, let me go check
Suffix: It's NOT a great castle.
KaleidoscopeMind: remember, lrr is mostly americans. there are no castles here
TheWooglie: all we know about Victoria is from your content so you are to blame
TXC2: chat cares not for local government
UndeadSquirel: As a Scottish national Castles are indeed very cool
KBKarma: Eh, never heard of it.
Viewers_Like_You: I bet the Parliament building doesn't even have that many owls
todeswillen: thats why i pickt the Casel
micalovits: I did put the totem pole as nr 4
jarnatan: We just need to vote for what we voted for, because we are guessing what we voted for
thewafflesareburning: Castle or government? Easy choice
vegetalss4: I didn't even know you had a castle, and that still sounds worth seeing
l0gin4me: Other than YJ and moonbase, I was judging soley off names. Castle and Museum are tourist things
RocknGrohlNerd: what-lament?
atinyspacemarine: I went off of vibes and parliament buildings aren't hitting
LordManiMani: Adam knows Chat the best because he hates Chat the most lrrADAM
ElementalAlchemist: Graham called it
MTGRanger: we told you!
nosole: GG Adam & Graham
MommaGart: beeg cassle
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
NoxStryx: The only totem pole that is free standing
teddywhosabear: look next year I'm thinking of doing the canadian from toronto to vancouver, and then making a day or two over to victoria, and this is being used as my tourism guide
MilkInBags: we're elden ring players, love castles
evilspoons983: Craigdarroch Castle is like a big weird victorian mansion
TheMerricat: Turns out LRR really doens't know their audience. :D
Foolinc: You all really overthought that one.
quasi79fu: how rude lol
38Hypnodisc: it is three normal totem poles in a trenchcoat
beowuuf: being scottish, the castle should have been my pick
wedge_x: can't believe the two-story Shoppers wasn't on there, eh
themercenary1987: Spider Victory Screech! EEEEEEE
Dog_of_Myth: Fair
Mishapp53: there are so many cool things in victoria
MTGRanger: We see LRR and a castle!
thewafflesareburning: Ben's right but
Lord_Hosk: The free standing totem pole is estimated to be 5-6 feet shorter than when it was originally measured.
DanTheMediocre: @Gascitygaming That''s not a castle! :(
PhoenixMelior: My #1 and 2 werent on the list at all!
NonUniqueGuy: I mean, we have like 1 minute to decide.
Mollylele: justice for Bulk Barn
SoaringDragon42: We're only coming to Victoria to see you guys, soooo
TotallyNotaBeholder: How is the Royal Museum bad?
Saintnex: I mean true but also rude
MommaGart: I'm going to play Canlander and see castle i like my vacation
nosole: Honestly, the stuff I visited when I was in Victoria forever ago wasn't on the list Ben :P
Oscelot: This is why we ask you goobers where to go when people come visit lol
KiaStirling: you see we're mostly from the US and our castles suck
Pharmacistjudge: I’m glad I went to almost none of these when I visited
HorusFive: Of course we didn't research this- we literally just found out it was happening
SnowBuddy18: @evilspoons983 that doesn't sound bad
Gascitygaming: It's not a castle, it's a mansion
Sage0fMadness: oh lol its a big house
UndeadSquirel: we're blazing here chat
InvadedOath: doesn’t the castle feature in a GVlog?
stippledotter: Us with all our research time in this game, yes
nova_plushie: of corse its boing to you. you live there
RandomTrivia: Oh goodness
Rogue 7: Castles are cool
chifii: Get Wreck'd, Serge!
LotusEaterMtG: i'd like to see 548 spiders carrying 6 torches
Desruprot: best worst
RocknGrohlNerd: jokes on me, all my vacations suck
jarnatan: The voice match is so good
tomorrowboy: Victoria parliament does have the rad monument to the Canadians who volunteered to be in the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion and fought against the fascists in the Spanish Civl War.
LotusEaterMtG: i bet they could manage it
malfnord: Cybertruck
geckoinasuit: i am going to YJ, going to the park, and then going to the swap shop
Alivewithcake subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alivewithcake! (Today's storm count: 635)
JinaMahavira: cybertruck
TXC2: a ford pinto ?
Laurence72: Desert Space Shuttle?
SquareDotCube: So what you're saying is that we should go up to Nanaimo and eat their bars instead
RealGamerCow: seriously good voiceover
RandomTrivia: Noy you absolute champion
Sarah_Serinde: To be fair, the audience also gets to see how everyone is voting when you're trying to guess what number something is ranked at. So that's a big advantage when you can see one option getting way more votes than anything else
8000power: @SquareDotCube Yes
38Hypnodisc: Decepticon?
MilkInBags: Serge, we don't think
Malkmaven1176: hmm...
quasi79fu: i think?
ExachixKitsune: Not even we want to do that
Sliverfoul: desert saab
Saintnex: think?
matthaus_c: we operate on instinct, and horny
DaxStrife: Modless Skyrim.
Mister_BlueSky: Vengabus
NoxStryx: How did they get the custom question reads?
hd_dabnado: shopping cart EZ
omdorastrix: gatcha fps
PhoenixMelior: I am a simple woman. I see llama, i click.
brieandbacon: No thoughts
quasi79fu: i have a brain?
DeathWarrior555: there sure are some choices here
micalovits: !chat
LRRbot: Seriously, just never listen to chat.
Onisquirrel subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 93 months!
Kingsgrave: I'm shocked that none of those were Butchart Gardens. That's where all the foreigners want to go!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Onisquirrel! (Today's storm count: 636)
Piecrust9: The bus but upside down
Dog_of_Myth: !venga
LRRbot: Come on, ride the Bus, hey, ride it
Metric_Furlong: stay quiet chat
excalgold: even i dont want to think like chat and i'm part of it
VallAmastacian subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
VallAmastacian: Feels weird having visited Victoria and not getting to go to any of those locations.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, VallAmastacian! (Today's storm count: 637)
Lysander_salamander: Is it still in First-Person POV?
BrowneePoints: I mean someone made desert bus in vr
TXC2: it's my Job to think like chat, and I STRONGLY recomend against it :p
red_shoes_jeff: Meanwhile, in the Desert Sunfire...
NorthstarTex: !findquote bus
LRRbot: Quote #1146: "I already confirmed Desert Bus Australia." —Matt [2015-11-20]
RealGamerCow: I want to see Serge push James in a shopping cart while they drink coffee
38Hypnodisc: Desert Moose
BrowneePoints: and my spine shuddered
KBKarma: I thought like me. I may be part of the gestalt hivemind.
Desruprot: trains tend to go forever, might be good choice
EricTheOrange: Heather you've had to think like Ian before. we are not as bad as Ian.
riking27: No we dont'
Its_VeeBot: No we don't
Rogue 7: Very disappointed "monorail" isn't an opition
Angryoptimist: Harsh, but fair, Heather
RaklarLS: not this part
emberBecky: no we don't
Brozard: You get to see until you vote
Earthenone: no we dont
cobalturge: Do we have a link to join ?
flatluigi: *after* we vote
Lichenbeard: no we dont
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah not during this segment but during the next one
todeswillen: no we du not
hd_dabnado: we dont?
Piecrust9: No we dont
vegetalss4: only when picking doors
BusTed: We only see what we voted individually.
Its_VeeBot: We see how we vote DURING THE DOORS
LotusEaterMtG: conveyer belt might be best in Denver, not desert
nosole: Not this part, when we pick what we say
stippledotter: If you drive into a bus stop, I hear you can glitch through Arizona
RaklarLS: only when we need to vote for the answer
Metric_Furlong: no, we get to see how we're voting when we pick the door
BigDaddyBland87: NO...when we guess
teddywhosabear: when we're picking, we can see what the audience is voting
KiaStirling: we do when picking at the end yes
Earthenone: we get to see how we are voting in opening doors
Sarah_Serinde: So it's not guaranteed but it still helps
Pteraspidomorphi: Oh this ended too soon
Mangledpixel: only when we're doing the door choice
jarnatan: We only get to see it when choosing doors
riking27: We see how we're voting when choosing a door
gibbousm: yours are weighted differently
Desruprot: extra spicy
Mewr11: no we don't; we get to see what other audience memeber are guessing
hawktonguebaby: I'll be honest, I picked slightly randomly. Those were all pretty close for me
the_phantom_game_player: Desert bike
NewtyNewts: Only mid-vote for picking the door we go for
Viewers_Like_You: We get to see when guessing (like how you can talk in the room)
DanTheMediocre: we dont, only when we're picking in the next bit
KiaStirling: we see ow we're voting for torches
Piecrust9: We get to see what our voting % is during the actual round
ExachixKitsune: @ExachixKitsune : it was the "Legislative Assembly of British Columbia" that the Museum was based on
marmalade_pen: i cant think backwards
pleonasticTautology: ,
Noy2222: Gamejammers - take note.
PhoenixMelior: okay chat, whats the bottom?
Oscelot: Yeah, it acts as an analogue for how you guys get to verbally talk to each other to make your choices for doors
enbyKriss: Happy subathon everyone! sergePrideLove hawkaLove
cyrenman: It's still unfair because chat has numbers *and* is guessing their own votes
Abavus: Another time to remember that these are chat answer LuL
SquareDotCube: Desert Train - Somehow still drifts to the left
ClodiumSoride: One time we did the entire last round in order. It was amazing.
beowuuf: @ExachixKitsune ah, cheers! :)
Scarletdemon_1: I always remember the singer of Puddle of Mud got arrested mulitple times for riding the airport conveyer
DanTheMediocre: wont take long, you only have 1 torch
sentientTea subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sentientTea! (Today's storm count: 638)
matthaus_c: death's door!
Piecrust9: It takes the longest if yall dont scrub out immediately 😜
octo chan: airport conveyor belt actually made me laugh
chifii: We get to see the voting during the voting phase.
chifii: Of course they can't read this.
jarnatan: gg good looking
RocknGrohlNerd: bu , ma torches
MilkInBags: gg shake my torch
incredulouspasserby: during the doors still seems pretty broken, given we're 99% of the vote. Probably shouldn't have that info and have to guess what each other voted too
50keyz: i like our odds, chat
PhoenixMelior: I think pogo or unicycle
Mollylele: I can't believe you perverts
tobcus3114 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
tobcus3114: good evening folks
LordManiMani: I think the murder question would be a better final round q. This is so open ended
NewtyNewts: Nah, unicycle is higher
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tobcus3114! (Today's storm count: 639)
NorthstarTex: sled for 8?
Chrysoprase: SLed no wheels
ExachixKitsune: the phrase "Best Worst Gaming Experience" is strong
PhoenixMelior: I voted for sled tbh
MungoDude: I like the totally unambiguous wording of the question
LotusEaterMtG: if anyone knows much about Penn & Teller, Desert Parsley Garnish could have been an option
Joan_of_Oat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
Pteraspidomorphi: I think people are voting for a good experience not a bad one
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Joan_of_Oat! (Today's storm count: 640)
ArkhamArchivist: You are already caught in our web
BusTed: the lowest best worst?
SoaringDragon42: sled is 8
Pteraspidomorphi: Huh
DanTheMediocre: the least voted worst
Lysander_salamander: wow
Desruprot: :D
pinetreeq: This is the only round where chart doesn't have a massive advantage
marmalade_pen: dman yall smart
Piecrust9: What did literally no one vote for?
Fanklok: Scorpions are arachnids Graham you didn't have to specify spider
mjiig: Is it possible for chat to lose from here?
Mollylele: "best worst" is a confusing prompt for a ranking
nova_plushie: Adams just salty
matthaus_c: Serge is right
38Hypnodisc: Romina: Centittipede
micalovits: Sled is the boring answer
the_phantom_game_player: nice
jarnatan: Sled is boring
beowuuf: sled boring
NewtyNewts: Best Worst = Most fun while awful
SoaringDragon42: sled is sooo boring
Diabore: llama is so good
vegetalss4: Serge is appearently the chat whisperer
Sorator13: There are no other things with no wheels on this list
Brozard: Oh, did I vote in reverse?
PhoenixMelior: Llamas are amazing
todeswillen: i put Sled First
AlsoSopranoCat: sledding is just fun
mweepigeon: it's best worst though
the_phantom_game_player: I love lamp
ihlendrax: Llama was my #1
NorthstarTex: sled is boring that and also not miserable
Sorator13: Llamas have wheels
GazzyInferno: it's best worst, not worst best
nosole: Llama sucking so bad would be in the spirit of Desert Bus though
Scarletdemon_1: desert Segway for hope
Tandtroll_OG: Llama great
amative1: "it sucks so bad" that's the point?
SpacePotato01 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months, currently on a 108 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SpacePotato01! (Today's storm count: 641)
DanTheMediocre: you would need to regularly prod the llama to continue
50keyz: oh man
Diabore: so we 100% vote llama right Kappa
Sorator13: Pogo sticks also have ball bearings probably, which are basically wheels
Sueliven subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sueliven! (Today's storm count: 642)
jedi_master_zll: I thought the question was the "best worst".
PawssumFable: All llamas are stubborn
beowuuf: DB is supposed to be miserable
RandomTrivia: Let's do this chat!
todeswillen: Pik Pogosik
RocknGrohlNerd: POS sticks
50keyz: collective unconcious FTW
PhoenixMelior: This one is tricky
chrono2x: I have no idea
MilkInBags: we will show mercy
jarnatan: Go for the throat
ExachixKitsune: to be fair we have a 5/6 chance to mess up
Angreed66: kill shot time
UncannyJimjams subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
UncannyJimjams: 75 months! Glad I could throw at the subathon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UncannyJimjams! (Today's storm count: 643)
KBKarma: Chat seems to win this game a lot.
NorthstarTex: finish them?
marmalade_pen: chat yall are voting for my number 1
theevermist: am throwing
red_shoes_jeff: Take the shot.
KiaStirling: there is no mercy in jackbox sorry
PawssumFable: My fam had sheep and considered llamas for protecting them, but they're too ornery lol
SmithKurosaki: Yea, I dont think they've got a chat monitor going for YT :p
SmithKurosaki: Secret tech for talking about games without them seeing
chifii: We're looking for something that controls really badly.
Angryoptimist: Llamas are cute, but irrascible
biggerdoofus: I just felt pogo stick being bouncy would be too dynamic
SmithKurosaki: Clesrly the cart
UndeadSquirel: All Hail We Legion
pinetreeq: 100% conveyier belt, no control at all
LowUpsideCJ: That's the theme of a subathon
Zaghrog: The game pretty heavily favors chat
Saintnex: I’m wondering if chat voted in reverse because as I understand the question, 8th is the best of the lot?
PawssumFable: Literally why we didn't get any
eshplode: @marmalade_pen Same!
DanTheMediocre: we're trying, but divided
ElementalAlchemist: oh wow
Foxmar320: Hive butt!
ihlendrax: The conveyor belt would be so fun!
SohNata: I kind of feel the large audience size means becuase it gets the most votes initially it sort of means chat already has the answers sort of....
PhoenixMelior: That was my number 1 also lol
AlsoSopranoCat: Mine too
Piecrust9: Oooh my
Sorator13: oh yeah, I rated conveyor belt highly
LotusEaterMtG: conveyer belt is so good, IMO
MilkInBags: oh no we suck
Pteraspidomorphi: Close
nosole: Yeah, this one was super high on my list too
Malkmaven1176: darn, we missed
geckoinasuit: it was my number one as well
fhorrigan: I didn't even get to vote
pinetreeq: but you have no control!?
BrowneePoints: llamas are angry stinky notsolittle shitheads
nova_plushie: LRR 24HR validation stream
emberBecky: but how do you control a conveyor belt
RealGamerCow: Just one LONG conveyer belt from tuscon to vegas
RealGamerCow: like the Line
jarnatan: I mean airport conveyor belt is basically the normal version of desert bus
ExachixKitsune: @emberBecky : badly
accountmadeforants: Conveyor wasn't even on my picks
Diabore: how did they get an actual photo of adam in the game?
Jadenim: yeah, conveyor is no1
Metric_Furlong: to be fair, if they get this right we still win on torches
riking27: Hamster balls are too easy to control
Blip2004: lol I guessed right but I didn't even rank them
BlueFingers5: Shopping cart with the bad wheel
ExachixKitsune: anyway I know what this year's game jam game is for me then
RandomTrivia: You're looking for the "Least Best Worst gaming experience"
zerragonoss: Chat has a very near deterministic win if they all just vote the same way they ranked things.
hd_dabnado: shopping cart was my #1
ExachixKitsune: Desert Conveyor Belt
DrewPD86 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DrewPD86! (Today's storm count: 644)
spaigefault: pogo stick is too entertaining-sounding to be low
MilkInBags: mixed
DanTheMediocre: pogo stick and conveyor were low for me
SmithKurosaki: @ExachixKitsune Oh... Oh NO
emberBecky: office chair was my #1
SLiV: I picked Sled and Hamsterball as the worst worst because they are too obviously game-y
chifii: Shopping Cart replicates the experience of the bus leaning to the left.
SmithKurosaki: pfft
RonnocLoki: I mean per the prompt I was going for the best *worst* travel experience
chifii: Unicycle was my #1.
stippledotter: You just have to sit there and watch the conveyor belt
ElementalAlchemist: hmm
LotusEaterMtG: office chair also good
MilkInBags: LUL
kajinotora: thanks @red_shoes_jeff for the sub
PhoenixMelior: Office chair, its boring
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: I think the "best worst" wording was a bit confusiing in this one
AquariumPrime: pogo?
emberBecky: shopping cart is closely I bet
Foxmar320: Office Chair is to fun
NewtyNewts: Pogger stick?
SquareDotCube: now pogo
ElementalAlchemist: office chair == wheeeeeeeeeeee
SmithKurosaki: Hamsterball?
ExachixKitsune: @ExachixKitsune : it's that or I make "Desert Stubborn Llama" but that actually feels good
ClodiumSoride: I wish the audience-player UI didn't show the percentages until after I voted.
Jadenim: or hamster
Blip2004: Vorb it up
Mollylele: we're trying to choose one better than unicycle
DanTheMediocre: hamster ball is 1
NorthstarTex: pogo was high for me but honestly, worth a shot
BtEtta: Giant Hamsterball is just a Super Monkey Ball game.
nosole: Office Chair is in the spirit of being stuck behind something for 8 hours
accountmadeforants: Hamserball was also my number 1
chrono2x: Hamster ball was my #1
jarnatan: Hamsterball is my #1
Abavus: Hamster ball is way too good to be in a worst game
red_shoes_jeff: @kajinotora benginFingers
NewtyNewts: Hamsterball is tops
evilspoons983: I think people are forgetting how office chair wheels will instantly get stuck on any grit on a desert road
ElementalAlchemist: whoa
38Hypnodisc: Honestly Desert Balls
Ugh_Sunlight: wait what am I going through?
patience_zero: hamsterball is my top
Sorator13: tbh I really don't remember what order I ranked my five in, though I think I remember what my five *were*
SmithKurosaki: @ExachixKitsune LOL
WardsarTheWriter: We're throwing here, guys...
Tandtroll_OG: I would watch hamster ball for hope so hard
LotusEaterMtG: i don't get the draw for stubborn llama.
fhorrigan: I KNEW IT
Piecrust9: You asked us to throw
nosole: I knew it!
PhoenixMelior: Oh wow
Lonely_Spacejunk subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
underhill33: I was right
Sevinon: I think a lot of people ranked opposite each other in interpreting the question
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lonely_Spacejunk! (Today's storm count: 645)
aClonedPickle: not enough thps4 enjoyers imo
chifii: The prompt we were asked vs the one on the screen are different enough to throw people off.
octo chan: I would play Desert Hamsterball
LathosTiran: shopping cart would be belivable because it "teaches you a job skill"
DanTheMediocre: wow I had shopping cart high
HavenDragon: i voted shopping cart!!!
todeswillen: is it now the Stick?
emberBecky: oh shopping cart should be higher, cmon chat >(
Malkmaven1176: are we throwing?
stippledotter: Ah yes, viewing experience vs gaming experience
Ard_Rhys: chat throwing for content
Jadenim: cart was #2!
PhoenixMelior: Pogo stick now imo
LotusEaterMtG: but shopping carts ALWAYS HAVE A BAD, DRIFTING WHEEL
ArcLightningCanuck: Pogo Stick for Hope would be hilarious.
TehAmelie: riding a shopping cart for 8 hours would be a great game
SmithKurosaki: Hamsterball chat
ElementalAlchemist: lrrWOW
Sorator13: Well, at least we're all bad at this together
Desruprot: well Llama or Ball
Mollylele: y'all are forgetting the assignment
accountmadeforants: Conveyor
amative1: just gotta keep throwing
Juliamon: We've all really goozled ourselves here
NorthstarTex: now pogo stick for realsies
Scarletdemon_1: LRR office chair derby would be hilarious
DanTheMediocre: yeah well we have one torch for every guess remaining
TheMerricat: Chat... 5 doors, 4 torches. All we need is one win. :D
Foxmar320: lol
DanTheMediocre: so we lose every guess and stilll win
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Saintnex: lol
Astra7525: I think I misunderstood the question. I thought my number 1 was supposed to be the worst experience as DB is supposed to be terrible to play
PhoenixMelior: WHAT
Abavus: ???
Diabore: chat its not pogo
ElementalAlchemist: hmmm
ihlendrax: What?
marmalade_pen: pogo stick double or nothing
TheMerricat: @Astra7525 Same
ExachixKitsune: I am loving this
TXC2: am chat throwing on purpose ?
50keyz: pogo is too funny
LotusEaterMtG: come on pogo stick is good
RandomTrivia: Chat, a pogo stick would make an EXCELLENT bad gaming experience
Barb4rian: I think Ben is spot on there
PhoenixMelior: We must be txc2
quasi79fu: we are throwing for content
Sevinon: @Astra7525 Pretty sure that was how it was worded
Pteraspidomorphi: I think the round ended so quickly many of us didn't get to submit answers :P But we're voting now
SnowBuddy18: @Astra7525 but also it can't be too bad, it still has to be playable for DB
DanTheMediocre: belt
jarnatan: Game of Throws
DeathWarrior555: Llama
DanTheMediocre: it's belt
Saintnex: yea, I think chats gotten a bit confused by the question lol
riking27: Belt next i think
Lysander_salamander: duck
Barb4rian: I picked what would be the "worst" experience as my top #'s
beowuuf: @Astra7525 i think it still must be fun to watch just hellish to play
NorthstarTex: belt or ball for me
vegetalss4: What percentage of chat is trying to throw?
DanTheMediocre: belt
geckoinasuit: i definitely misunderstood the question
hriior_cthulhu: llama #1
LotusEaterMtG: i bet it's belt because that has a big split
LathosTiran: duck
Sarah_Serinde: I interpreted "best worst" as the bad thing that would be most entertaining to watch, personally
todeswillen: Ball
as_ever_ellesandra: Not to say - this sucks - but, this question is too openly worded and all vibes based
Its_VeeBot: Llama, Llama, Llama, Llama, Llameleon
BusTed: It really whips the llama's ass.
pinetreeq: I feel *so* strongly about conveyer belt
50keyz: yeah conveyor belt
RocknGrohlNerd: llama is too good
fhorrigan: Office Chair is number one
pinetreeq: You have no control at all
Mangledpixel: tablet brick potato llama
NewtyNewts: llama llama duck
marmalade_pen: you know for 5 i have a good feeling about pogo stick
accountmadeforants: Conveyor for sure
geckoinasuit: conveyor belt number 1 for me
Lysander_salamander: yay
RandomTrivia: Oof, well picked
ExachixKitsune: \o/
Lichenbeard: what
Crad0k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
Crad0k: I'm contributing!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Crad0k! (Today's storm count: 646)
PhoenixMelior: Hmm. Pogo now?
LotusEaterMtG: conveyer belt: you get it or you don't
Mollylele: put the couches on the belt too pls
ElementalAlchemist: 🎉
hd_dabnado: pogo stick again :)
SmithKurosaki: I think there might be someone home
mowdownjoe: it's time for Johnny's shift!
M0nt3zuma: James condemned himself when he taunted chat.
William Mayberry: Desert Hamsterball is just Super Monkey Ball on a slightly tilted surface for 8 hours, no drops no skips, no extra speed.
Merc1987: Wait, is hamsterball not popular?
Piecrust9: We were so close to chosing that last time
Dog_of_Myth: chair
HorusFive: That kid's back on the conveyor belt
NorthstarTex: chair
KaleidoscopeMind: "best worst" can be interpreted many ways
matthaus_c: pogo stick ride or die
kaziel0: Going Llama until it's no longer an option.
Sarah_Serinde: I thought conveyor belt fit the DB vibes pretty well honestly
Lunareclipse123 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
MommaGart: put it all on pogo stick chat
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lunareclipse123! (Today's storm count: 647)
CommiePuddin: We have no idea
ExachixKitsune: it's going to make an easy game jam game yes
Foxmar320: LOL
accountmadeforants: Chair chair chair
RandomTrivia: CHAT. Stop guessing Pogo
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
EricTheOrange: just keep guessing pogo stick, it'll be right eventually
nosole: Heathers right though
LotusEaterMtG: i bet llama has a split too. i think it's llama here
Sarah_Serinde: You just stand there and go in one direction
Jadenim: that’s why it’s the worst
ANameYouCanRead subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
ANameYouCanRead: This is now partly my fault too
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ANameYouCanRead! (Today's storm count: 648)
DanTheMediocre: what flaps?
ChrisMackGames subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months!
NonUniqueGuy: What flaps?
HorusFive: I remember that sketch
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ChrisMackGames! (Today's storm count: 649)
brieandbacon: Flaps are always funny
PhoenixMelior: @randomtrivia you cant tell me what to do !
chrono2x: Have to tilt to choose the right belt
Pteraspidomorphi: It was the pogo!
LotusEaterMtG: office chair racing is a thing
fhorrigan: Office Chair is number 1
thyeggman: WE'RE THROWING
hd_dabnado: bet it was pogo
RealGamerCow: I totally thought it was moving sidewalk
nappitatti: pogoers
TehAmelie: would the pogo stick simulator need you to control the bounce for every step, or would it be 8 hours of boredom? both options seem uninspiring
LotusEaterMtG: i'm on llama here
jarnatan: Poggers
todeswillen: W are lousing so many Torches
38Hypnodisc: please dear god don't let us throw this
emberBecky: shopping cart is best bus analogue because sideways drift
PhoenixMelior: Pogo gamers
Desruprot: pogogerrs
EricTheOrange: @RandomTrivia Never
PhoenixMelior: I BET ITS POGO
Alahmnat: I'm with Paul here
nosole: Pogo
NorthstarTex: pogo?
Sorator13: Llama is definitely 1 or 2
Piecrust9: Pogo
geckoinasuit: hamster ball for 4th
Diabore: fine ill guess pogo
Lysander_salamander: will there be like, automated stamps and bottle-topper machinery to dodge as you ride the conveyor belt?
50keyz: poooooogooooo
quasi79fu: Pogo for LIfeee
theevermist: pogo forever
BrowneePoints: Ben knows us too well
finestotter: Stubborn Llama is basically the same as desert bus
DanTheMediocre: pogo or nogo
the_phantom_game_player: pogo
marmalade_pen: pogos for the big bucks
EricTheOrange: (chants) pogo, pogo, pogo
TheManaLeek: Stubborn Llama for 2 because adjectives are funny
its_safety_third: I gotta go with po
hriior_cthulhu: pogo
Fantusta: Guess for game?
evilspoons983: chat just keeps guessing pogo stick for every damn round
IbunWest: I feel like Hamsterball would be the most fun so I am surprised it wsan't #8
ohgeezitsbrad subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months, currently on a 28 month streak!
ohgeezitsbrad: Be sure to stay hydrated!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ohgeezitsbrad! (Today's storm count: 650)
LotusEaterMtG: Desert PPR!
PhoenixMelior: SEE!
Chesul: G, if you're getting specific enough that the moving sidewalks aren't conveyor belts, the things your luggage goes along also have other names.
enbyKriss: YES
jarnatan: The P in PPR is for Pogo
elias2718: EZ
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
Its_VeeBot: RELEASE the spiders!
Sage0fMadness: 3rd time is the carm
Oscelot: Spider winnnnn!
fhorrigan: Office Chair is number 1. Frank is right, count on it
marmalade_pen: i'm trying my best graham im just bad
ElementalAlchemist: That was a really good go
SmithKurosaki: sergeGG
bjergmann101: For the spiders
fhorrigan: damn it
TXC2: chat wins...but at what cost?
Fluffy776: How dare you question chat
Pteraspidomorphi: Not my number two
Ryenji: chat is easily amused by office chairs
Angreed66: driver chair
Piecrust9: Chat undefeated in poll mine!!
Cunobelenos: sergeGG sergeGG
Abavus: That is not how I read that question
Pharmacistjudge: office chair races are awesome
WardsarTheWriter: Good job, chat!
riking27: Office chairs are hell to control
chifii: Hampster ball would make a great DB, which is why it's not 4th.
chifii: !!!!
Rogue 7: ggs
Meeko Walrus: gg
SmithKurosaki: Good job chat
BrowneePoints: Office Chair Racing
KaleidoscopeMind: gamer office chair?
TotalHell: Skittering out!
UndeadSquirel: SWEET FREEDOM
quasi79fu: wereeee freeeee
spaigefault: freeedooom
ArrestedHouse: we're free!
malfnord: We're free! Freedom!
HavenDragon: office chairs are fun!
Fantusta: Oh no what have we done
Mantafold: sergeNewChairBanner
Saintnex: freedom!
Sarah_Serinde: Daylight!
MicroManagingMusician: office chir is from the commodore hustle
Twilight_Spark: We'll probably just stay anyway, we live here.
nosole: I spend 8 hours a day in an office chair, you spend 8 hours behind the wheel of the bus, it's the same
nova_plushie: WE KILLED LRR... in game
RandomTrivia: Can you imagine trying to correct the trajectory of an office chair? That would be hilarious!
Fluffy776: freeeeeedom
BtEtta: Spiderschat
starlitdiscord: freedom for the spiders!!!
HiCallMeRusty: love a good chair stream
RealGamerCow: FREE!
PhoenixMelior: We did it!
l0gin4me: That is very different from my responses, LUL
patience_zero: were freeee
NorthstarTex: now your cave is spider free
todeswillen: over 500 Spider are Free
Sorator13: freedom!!
TXC2: you are all free now!
Fantusta: Chat should not be allowed out
Tandtroll_OG: sergeNewChairBanner sergeNewChairBanner sergeNewChairBanner sergeNewChairBanner
KiaStirling: you died so that 500 members of chat could live
DeathWarrior555: FREEDOM!
kaziel0: At least there was a plug on the wall! XD
Abavus: Clap
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
jarnatan: Retire champion!
DanTheMediocre: ahahaha time to find mostbreathing sleepers XD
Gascitygaming: rest of subathon hosted by spooders now
Oscelot: \o/
gizmofreak1: GG
LotusEaterMtG: gg losers
RealGamerCow: There's probably 500 spiders in the moonbase right now
Juliamon: Chat was thrown out into the sun
emberBecky: office chair locomotion is funny to watch
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TotalHell: The average person eats all those spiders in their lifetime.
TwoSenses subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
TwoSenses: number go up
red_shoes_jeff: Open the SPIDER FAUCET!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TwoSenses! (Today's storm count: 651)
NewtyNewts: You removed 500 spiders from the cave!
LowUpsideCJ: Not just spiders, CHAT spiders
marmalade_pen: i want to back to the cave with the shadows on the wall
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
RAICx: GG seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
finestotter: I was imagining you have to move the thumbsticks like legs pushing an office chair
JosVanTongeren: thanks @noy2222 for the fun game!!!!
the_phantom_game_player: yay!
rogerivany: Spiders eat flies, you should let them out.
stippledotter: Weirdest trolley problem ever
KBKarma: There are *way* more spiders out there than 526.
ElementalAlchemist: ^_^
RandomTrivia: Noy2222 ElementalAlchemist seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
beowuuf: o7
RocknGrohlNerd: GGs LRR crew and chat
Tandtroll_OG: Release the spiders!
Chesul: Ben, you're in the place that spawned over 500 spiders, there's definitely more in there.
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: Subathon over I guess!
WardsarTheWriter: We become the stream... part of the stream, part of the crew.
Desruprot: Best Worst wording for that last one
TXC2: Noy2222 ElementalAlchemist lrrHEART
chrono2x: Honestly AAA voice acting
riking27: Matt & Serge pickd Beej as the killer
Oscelot: Thanks @Noy2222 @ElementalAlchemist ! <3
Kingsgrave: Greetings you 500 spiders.
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby well done
thewafflesareburning: That is so few spiders
Kendo_thorn: office chair makes the most sense since like desert bus often the wheels on office chairs will make them veer in a certain direction
BrowneePoints: here’s the thing, imagine to comedy of having to pilot an office chair through the desert in a video game
Diabore: fibage?
Sorator13: ty Noy2222 & ElementalAlchemist!
vegetalss4: The first two games *heavily* favored chat structurally
JosVanTongeren: thanks @elementalalchemist !
TehAmelie: 500 spiders? we can't fight 500 spiders, it's too many
Lysander_salamander: oh I didn't know it was a different actor. Nice!
Sage0fMadness: quiplashhh
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: Quixort!
chifii: GG Twitch.
octo chan: GG
Rogue 7: I picked office chair for the deep CommodoreHustle reference
RonnocLoki: gg
Rogue 7: Where James and Ian race
M0nt3zuma: GG
Joshua Trytten: Office chair is "objectively" worse than Llama
Colin: Look at me, I am the streamer now
octo chan: Desert office chair has that LRR energy
biggerdoofus: I picked office chair cause it's like a bus without the vehicle
NewtyNewts: A quicklash!
DanTheMediocre: quiplash whooo
leggettor: What kind of stream can we get Jordyn and Adam hosting?
Lysander_salamander: Good work on the voice-work, Noi
jarnatan: Quixlash
Noy2222: Quixort is great
matthaus_c: Don Quixorte
hriior_cthulhu: 500 spiders? That's like 4000 legs
Brozard: Mystery Prompt!
TehAmelie: quicksword!
Crad0k: jesus ben
KiaStirling: quipsort
Saintnex: a LRR quixort should be really interesting
KaleidoscopeMind: stay safe!
RandomTrivia: Choosing to "pivot" to quixort seems on theme :D
Sorator13: LUL
XivXiyan: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
NonUniqueGuy: Thank you for the update, Ben
SmithKurosaki: Thanks Bern
3PlayerPolitics: LOL
EricTheOrange: the piss room?
RocknGrohlNerd: piss has been called
KBKarma: Room code for piss: WASHLET.
wedge_x: p1ss
Noy2222: Quixort has some real bangers.
Fantusta: The room code is butts
0x6772: Alternate room code to piss: "SIPS"
TXC2: the room code to piss is MAKE WAY FOR PISS!
Foxmar320: Room code for is P.I.S.S.
Earthenone: i thought the password was dickbutt
Sage0fMadness: Make sure to use the pissword
Kingsgrave: p i s s 0 1
pleonasticTautology: I thought the code to go piss was D-I-C-K-B-U-T-T
WiJohn: I'm concerned that there's an audience code for that room...
fhorrigan: Adam and Jordynne are the bad kids in the back talking through class.
Laurence72: You have to buy something at the register, because the receipt has the bathroom code
JosVanTongeren: piss roomsoes!
Saintnex: the room code is clearly dickbutt
Jadenim: P155
Astra7525: The code unlocks the washlet
red_shoes_jeff: It's OOOOOOOOO
nova_plushie: you need a room code to piss now
Diabore: @0x6772 lrrFRUMP
WardsarTheWriter: Oh man, I love playing Quiznos!
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Korolan gifted a Tier 1 sub to jemersonart!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jemersonart! (Today's storm count: 652)
Korolan is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
DanTheMediocre: does chat get to have some kind of vote for piss interaction?
jarnatan: washlet? iansound.wav
hawktonguebaby: I relate highly to Kathleen's unwillingness to sit in a chair normally
SmithKurosaki: @Colin, No, I'm the streamer now :p
Colin: No, I'm Sparticus?
Rogue 7: Make way!
Therberus: P-eye-ss
Colin: Chat, do not attempt to join Ben
satyropodobny: Am i late for the raffle for the piss room voucher
MegaTrain: why does everyone have lapels and James has a handheld mike?
SmithKurosaki: @hawktonguebaby Its the only wayu
MidgardSerpent subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MidgardSerpent! (Today's storm count: 653)
jarnatan: Did not intend for that to be a link lol
Arazien subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Arazien! (Today's storm count: 654)
Saintnex: I assume James is just cool like that
Dalrint: Isn't that like 7000 subs or something?
themercenary1987: That is 7,320 subs needed
RandomTrivia: @MegaTrain Presumably because they don't have 11 lav mics and the room mics can't pick up everyone equally
Nigouki: look you can't have this many subs, the doms will be overworked
Scarletdemon_1: what about a meatball sub>
Irsaan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Irsaan: 59? that's almost 69!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Irsaan! (Today's storm count: 655)
The_DungeonMaster subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, The_DungeonMaster! (Today's storm count: 656)
invickthus: A+ sock game, Kathleen.
gluonquark: meow
hawktonguebaby: @megatrain Its actually a dillybar in the shape of a mic
WetPaperSack subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WetPaperSack! (Today's storm count: 657)
TXC2: oooooh
3PlayerPolitics: lol @nigouki
Mollylele: my gifted sub expires tomorrow, that's convenient
OctaveCello subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OctaveCello! (Today's storm count: 658)
thewafflesareburning: oh wow
Metric_Furlong: boon bane bits
Diabore: double dipping
JacNol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
PywosMom subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
PywosMom: Yay
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JacNol! (Today's storm count: 659)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PywosMom! (Today's storm count: 660)
jarnatan: That is a higher sub target than the entire subathon got last year
SmithKurosaki: Yea, do not recommend\
Therberus: Adam and Jordynne got big "kids in the back of the class" energy, and I'm here for it
Oscelot: Oooooohohoho
JosVanTongeren: yeah
TXC2: blips and blaps
AubieMan001 subscribed with Prime.
the_phantom_game_player: Punch a chunk is awesome
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AubieMan001! (Today's storm count: 661)
hd_dabnado: hi @PywosMom !
stippledotter: Boon. Bane. Bits. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
RocknGrohlNerd: beeps and boops
Scarletdemon_1: Boon-Bane coin flip puck merch when?
JosVanTongeren: punch is tomorrow??
todeswillen: BibleThump
felipe_modesto: !cheer400 Nic Cage bits. (Gone in 60 seconds)
Metric_Furlong: we're banned for being too good
3PlayerPolitics: aww
m33pn8r subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, m33pn8r! (Today's storm count: 662)
Pteraspidomorphi: JosVanTongeren: It's after this
the_phantom_game_player: Sorry I'm not here
Chrysoprase: CHat is final boss
Irsaan is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 55 in the channel!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheBard240!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to loki_lxix!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to SharktoothJack!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lysander_salamander!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to generatrix!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to noblevegas!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to GreyThey!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kadgar34!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to Anerandax!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to TiltedTony!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Irsaan! Welcome to Lysander_salamander, TheBard240, loki_lxix, SharktoothJack, generatrix, noblevegas, Kadgar34, GreyThey, TiltedTony, and Anerandax! (Today's storm count: 672)
Furyfire: Boom
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I think Heather's too practical for that tbh
NonUniqueGuy: Punch is the next segment today
Mollylele: Heather wouldn't get caught, that's the difference
cobalturge: VoHiYo
beowuuf: @JosVanTongeren punch is soon
Earthenone: who framed heather deary
Desruprot: limesNoted
stevestein: Sounds like something a murderer would say, Heather
geckoinasuit: cameron is the most likely to get away with it
TheWooglie: if it was Heather, she would get away with it
Invitare: it would definitely be Serge
nappitatti: That's exactly what a murderer would say, Heather
Laurence72: I see Matt nodding in the back at that
BlueFingers5: The Red Heather
micalovits: You say that, but Jordynne did commit a murder very recently...
NewtyNewts: No, Jordynne's the Red Hairing
Angreed66: Heather just goads another into doing the deed
matthaus_c: Serge is absolutely #1 to /get away/ with the murder
felipe_modesto: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
stippledotter: That's what you want us to think!
JosVanTongeren: @pteraspidomorphi thanks. most likely sleeping :(
the_phantom_game_player: 666 subs!
Juliamon: If Heather did it, nobody would think it was a murder
brieandbacon: No, Jordynne has the red Hair-ing
SajuukSjet: That's what the muderer would say!
Irsaan: alright cool, my gift stole 666 and 669. hell yeah
Sarah: If you'd like to contribute to the PAC boons and banes, you'll have to go over and do it through Twitch
El Doc Bruh: Oh the subathon! Next week is the domathon I guess?
Scarletdemon_1: What number coffee is Serge on?
LotusEaterMtG converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub!
Sueliven is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
Sueliven gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ahiah!
finestotter: 11?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Sueliven! Welcome to Ahiah! (Today's storm count: 673)
TheBattleOfHastings subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
TheBattleOfHastings: That's 5 babies!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheBattleOfHastings! (Today's storm count: 674)
jarnatan: I too often get the coffee runs
alphashados: Official petition for a LRR murder mystery show "Only MurderLRRs in the building"
Pteraspidomorphi: Fortunately I'm a night owl. I'll be missing the destinies and fallouts instead
amative1: It's Serge. The answer is "all of them"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Korolan! Welcome to all 1 recipients! (Today's storm count: 674)
cobalturge: Send in Cam!!
incslayer: if it was a "obvious" murder that pointed to Heather then she would clearly be discounted since we all know she wouldnt be sloppy enough to be caught
BlueFingers5: Cause Lapel Mic's 'spensive
NonUniqueGuy: Too many cooks
TXC2: too many lrrs
Jadenim is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
Jadenim gifted a Tier 1 sub to Seaspeakr!
saiarcot895: ow
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Jadenim! Welcome to Seaspeakr! (Today's storm count: 675)
hawktonguebaby: Too Many Peeps
SkiaSymphonia: his mic is too big for that
Laurence72: Off to work. HAve fun everyone, I'll be back when I get back
TheMerricat: Too many cooks call back. :D
as_ever_ellesandra: oh no no
wench_tacular subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wench_tacular! (Today's storm count: 676)
as_ever_ellesandra: its great
Gabriel_Mobius subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Gabriel_Mobius: Sub for the Sub God
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gabriel_Mobius! (Today's storm count: 677)
Suffix: Also, there's so many mics
Juliamon: Several of the lapels seem to not be working as well.
Invitare: too many comedians spoil the subathon
Robot_Bones: too many lrrs, too many lrr, too many lrrs
RandomTrivia: There is no privacy behind a lav mic
marmalade_pen: eleven coffees. that's as many as eleven coffees. and that's terrible
terribleplan: We love hearing them
public_key_reveal_party: We hear all
leggettor: Graham is cracking the whip
MaddestScientist: still hearing them is the best part
Foxmar320: Cam!
Dromos_GHG: duct tape it to his chest
ihorner: It is a lapel mic, James is just very small and it's in forced perspective.
Tangsm: To be fair, the question was who likely murdered Paul, not who would be caught. Heather would absolutely get away with it.
the_phantom_game_player: Cam!
Earthenone: timeLRRne
korvys: We can hear you - use if for comic effect
Nigouki: James can't talk unless the microphone covers his mouth from the camera
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: CAM!
Fourleggedfreak: 666 subs 👹🤘
hawktonguebaby: He mic to big for him gotdam lapel
RandomTrivia: Heather with the big-brain play
finestotter: I for one appreciate A and J's candid conversations
Saintnex: oh hai Ian!
JosVanTongeren: can!!
Sorator13: We're always listening, Adam
damn_i_am_pretty gifted a Tier 1 sub to jibkat! They have given 5 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jibkat! (Today's storm count: 678)
Bearden383 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bearden383! (Today's storm count: 679)
nappitatti: mic the size of James
pleonasticTautology: a mic the size of James
GiraffeStache: 🥳
Malkmaven1176: If sports pop up in quixort, they should do it for a bigger challenge
RealGamerCow: the 1970s Wink Martindale long stick mic
nova_plushie: Cam is here. now the party can start
Nigouki: Snooker commentator mics that get shoved right up the nose
JosVanTongeren: Cam! that’s beter
Fluffy776: Would you rather fight a mic the size of James, or a James the size of a mic
bondeulv: did cam turn on the mic?
RandomTrivia: It should quicksort you lrrBEEJ
NonUniqueGuy: Angry Kitties
marmalade_pen: i thought james had rollerblades on but that's the chair wheel
DanTheMediocre: >:3
SmithKurosaki: I mean, if you're gonna ask /anyone/ to bring a coffee there, it'd be Serge. You know it will be good
Fourleggedfreak: TY for putting this on YT! Twitch won't work on my roku! (and I can't do the mirror screen thing for some reason)
SmithKurosaki: @Fourleggedfreak That honks, but I know that pain
buhlian22 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, buhlian22! (Today's storm count: 680)
Piecrust9: Graham you may just need to refresh
TXC2: marmalade_pen I can see it
Lysander_salamander: oh, thanks for that gift sub
KinkerbellRose: Hey! Only an hour late!
Desruprot: angry kitties and menace to society
KinkerbellRose: All my favorite people in one place.
Oscelot: oh, because there's a wheel under James' foot
BlueFingers5: someone get Paul a KVM for the gaming computer
missa_hancock: James with the mic just looks like his home stream
TXC2: hello KinkerbellRose welcome
geckoinasuit: we can actually join as audience under each team
biggerdoofus: should you "quixort" yourselves?
Angryoptimist: Menace to Society and Angry Kitties is essentially the same thing?
kaboomjr26 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
kaboomjr26: SBUBATHON
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kaboomjr26! (Today's storm count: 681)
GredGredmansson: i panicked and i don't know what team i picked
DanTheMediocre: expectations? crud
Desruprot: Video Games oooh
Noy2222: Whatever you want
EightBitArcher subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
EightBitArcher: subathonery!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EightBitArcher! (Today's storm count: 682)
Noy2222: They're all custom
cheezweazl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months, currently on a 114 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cheezweazl! (Today's storm count: 683)
NorthstarTex: noy is prepared
ExachixKitsune: The code is RZFJ - Romeo Zulu Foxtrot Juliet - Room Zzz For Jumping
Sorator13: I love James's claws lrrCrab
Ciijay subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 67 months!
Ciijay: Watching the subathon from the comforts of a hotel room thanks to the YouTube stream! Thanks for streaming it on YouTube too :D
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ciijay! (Today's storm count: 684)
red_shoes_jeff: COOL TECHNOLOGY!
Noy2222: See if you can figure out the connection
Earthenone: just put it in the trash, for catharsis?
jarnatan: Trash
incredulouspasserby: I was definitely hearing this as "QuickSWORD" not quick sort and I'm now slightly disappointed.
Diabore: @Earthenone ^
Panda_sad subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
Panda_sad: subathon go!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Panda_sad! (Today's storm count: 685)
teddywhosabear: lmfao
RandomTrivia: IT's KROGS!
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Jadenim: I also vote trash
ExachixKitsune: 10/10
Twilight_Spark: This is Krog stuff yeah.
LibraryWitchKei: Oh it's timeline.
teddywhosabear: are these all sites that changed their name?
wordmogul subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months, currently on a 67 month streak!
wordmogul: I’m helping!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wordmogul! (Today's storm count: 686)
jarnatan: who is craig
Megaparsec256: sadly no trash option in round 1
baltimore_667083: @RandomTrivia but it's on Torg's net
Mollylele: yeah like is the light bulb in there
Brozard: Was Tumblr before Twitter?
50keyz: no one want Krog's early birds
medmora subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, medmora! (Today's storm count: 687)
Earthenone: is this is real order or krogs order? :P
GredGredmansson: What was the Tumbler Krogshot
Desruprot: Cheer100 Cheer100 Bits
evilspoons983: isn't twitter OLD? there was an sms-only version
NewtyNewts: Torg Sketch releases?
GredGredmansson: Am hurk ok
baltimore_667083: twitter was in the stinger of krogslist i think
jarnatan: our bits are showing?!
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: Throw bits at Hurk!
WardsarTheWriter: Torg??
Dread_Pirate_Westley: More bits Torg throw, more Herc Twitch!
Saintnex: hehehe
RealGamerCow: Tor is old, right?
Lysander_salamander: what is tor?
nosole: Graham absolutely nailed the theme, yup
baltimore_667083: @Dread_Pirate_Westley am herc okay?
Lysander_salamander: like, the publication company?
Its_VeeBot: Tor is an anonymizing service
Blip2004: TOR is from the early internet
evilspoons983: Tor is "The Onion Router"
SmithKurosaki: @Lysander_salamander The Onion Router
SmithKurosaki: aka darkweb
RealGamerCow: are we talking ASCII emoji?
JadedCynic: @Lysander_salamander more like 'the darkweb site'
RandomTrivia: Pictograms, but close
MungoDude: is this the oreder the internet thing came out, or the order that the krogslist episode came out?
Shadwhawk: Though I wonder if this is -real life- invention dates or when they were invented in the crapshots?
pleonasticTautology: the [whispers] dark web
thedepthandbreadthofseth: no. emoji are a unicode thing.
ThorSokar: Twitter was 2008
RealGamerCow: TOR was later than I thought
KiaStirling: spectatpr mode for this is the wooorst lol
RocknGrohlNerd: whatsup stick nation
Mollylele: is "writing b00bs upside down on a calculator" on this list?
jarnatan: Do it for the vine
Saintnex: hahaha
ExachixKitsune: perfect
TheMerricat: For those who don't know TOR was/is the The Onion Router - essentially the original 'dark net'
Lysander_salamander: after emoji?
thewafflesareburning: this is amazing
Two_Hats: Aren't selfie sticks actually older than phones?
Lysander_salamander: like, pictograms?
GredGredmansson: invent written language ages before sumerians; that not nothing
mwlsn: Now, what order were the sketches released Kappa
JadedCynic: touche Cam! :D
Pteraspidomorphi: I made many mistakes
DanTheMediocre: old photography tools
hd_dabnado: ohhh camera sticks
Earthenone: no, its the real order
JadedCynic: Tumblr came out very soon after Twitter
amative1: it's the real order
TXC2: I'm goona need the citation on the selfie stick clam
teddywhosabear: selfie sticks re older than you think
50keyz: selfie stick as a thing
Gaz_L: "Krog invent written language thousands years before Sumerians"
Sorator13: Selfie sticks came before camera phones
jarnatan: I remember LRR in 1985
cyrenman: Craig's List would be first if it were the Krog order
LathosTiran: the selfi stick come beofre the cell phone
DanTheMediocre: no it's the real order of stuff that received crog bits
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Ben, LRR did not exist in 10,000 BC.
JonnyH: The 3200BC crapshot
LotusEaterMtG: i didn't think to apply the stick to non-phone cameras
Smoggie_98 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Smoggie_98! (Today's storm count: 688)
matthaus_c: Kathleen has been around since AT LEAST written language
Mollylele: my grandpa was taking selfies in 1955
stevestein: Remember those old sketches posted to the BBS and Usenet?
mtvcdm: Selfie stick was a chindogu before it was big.
GredGredmansson: selfie sticks probably weren't sold with cellphones back then
KaleidoscopeMind: so what things on that list was jordynne younger than?
Brozard: uh oh
Desruprot: uh
GazzyInferno: uhhhh
Noy2222: Oops?
Earthenone: uh oh
jarnatan: Uh-oh
amative1: umm....
petey_vonwho: I used to watch LRR in my crib back in 85
NonUniqueGuy: Ooops
riking27: oh no
Saintnex: ooops?
Noy2222: Game broke
starlitdiscord: uhoh
Its_VeeBot: Oh no
AgentRaz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
teddywhosabear: yuh-oh
NewtyNewts: Uh, same one?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AgentRaz! (Today's storm count: 689)
Lysander_salamander: oh no
ElementalAlchemist: LOL
matthaus_c: oh noooooo
Mollylele: great
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Foxmar320: :D
RandomTrivia: Welp
stippledotter: Ope
Malkmaven1176: oops
KiaStirling: ope
the_phantom_game_player: Sames!
Foxmar320: Easy mode unlocked
Its_VeeBot: Free Quixort
public_key_reveal_party: lrrJUDGECALL?
GredGredmansson: this is what happens when you pick the same prompt every time i guess
thekumquatking: RIP
RandomTrivia: Rip in pieces
LibraryWitchKei: Ok, when do we have the segment with the Wenis Dance?
Mollylele: screen cheat meets quixort
nova_plushie: CHEATERS.
Alahmnat: oh no lol
Benjamin Klahn: a selfie stick is just a monopod with a handle
biggerdoofus: wow, I almost got the same score. just 50 short
Angnor33: I'm not sure these are 'advancements'
JadedCynic: @stevestein B^) was seen a lot on USENET, long before the WWW
SmithKurosaki: Look, custom jackbox is /not/ easy
Hangedman: i wonder if custom ones don't quite work with the mystery prompt
Sevinon: Memory not that good apparently
Noy2222: Next rounds should be ok
Its_VeeBot: Noy and the rest of us have learned what happens when there's only two categories in the question pool
virre_: The Internet sure is not sure when the Selfie Stick was created. Like I see someone say someone made on in 1925
Its_VeeBot: WABAM
jarnatan: Craig's List, the sequel to Schindler's List
Dreadelicious subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
Dreadelicious: 32 months? That's almost one year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dreadelicious! (Today's storm count: 690)
virre_: But oh there is a Japanese 1984 patent (for ‘telescopic extender for supporting a compact camera’ or an ‘extender stick’.)
amative1: I've seen some of what Noy does for these, it's amazing they work at all
Benjamin Klahn: tor is early 2000's
Benjamin Klahn: emoji is 90's
SmithKurosaki: I was definitely off
Benjamin Klahn: in japan
Gekyouryuu: Tumblr is 2010
jarnatan: It not perfect system
Gekyouryuu: Ish
Stephonee: I remember tweeting about tumblr when it came out :D
Its_VeeBot: NotLikeThis
gizmofreak1: yes
matthaus_c: YES
Desruprot: LUL
matthaus_c: this is the funniest possible outcome
TXC2: you were the chosen one!
WardsarTheWriter: Man I can't believe tweets came before writing!
Jadenim: haha
TheAinMAP: jlrrDang
ExachixKitsune: Well, what've we learnt. That's right, we had Craigslist before Written Language
Mangledpixel: everyone knows written language was a contemporary of tumblr
heronblademaster subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, heronblademaster! (Today's storm count: 691)
nova_plushie: YES. no clean sweep for the cheaters
evilspoons983: lol
Two_Hats: Why need language, we have emoji
teddywhosabear: it was tom scott's emoji-only network
Benjamin Klahn: wtf?
SmithKurosaki: RIP
Colin: Written Language, developed in the 1990s
octo chan: I can't believe I lived through most of these things coming into being and I can't remember when they came in
stippledotter: Mfw the game self-balanced
niccus: darmok and jalad at twitter
thekumquatking: To be fair, Twitter barely counts as written language
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: LOL Chat!
BrowneePoints: twitter before written alphabets is just Old Egypt
Noy2222: This should be fine
Stephonee: Yay I got it right 🤣
Seth_Erickson: How goes the subathon I've been sleeping
hd_dabnado: or at least different ones
Its_VeeBot: Might be a different pool since the trash is added
the_phantom_game_player: Not so mystery any more
Invitare: the given prompt has changed
terribleplan: AAAAFRICA!
WardsarTheWriter: Oh it's different this time!
Juliamon: Oh this is fun
cle0deen: Gotta go for now. I'll be back later. Thanks for the gift sub! Have fun, be safe
Carlioo: 599 US DOLLARS
gibbousm: 299
Stephonee: The mystery box could be anything, it could even be geography!
SmithKurosaki: Youre not the only one otco
SmithKurosaki: octo* sorry,
octo chan: @SmithKurosaki it's all good
TXC2: so long cle0deen stay safe
fhorrigan: 3DO is very high
SharpyByNature subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
SharpyByNature: Subbathon! lrrSHINE A wonderful way to spend time chilling with my new wife!
pleonasticTautology: omg
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SharpyByNature! (Today's storm count: 692)
matthaus_c: as adjusted for inflation as your favourite OCa
Metric_Furlong: oh, I see
matthaus_c: OCs*
RocknGrohlNerd: chat what are we?
Gaz_L: oh, it
SnackPak_: woooow
MungoDude: LUL
pleonasticTautology: hahahahahahahahahaha
niccus: ok without inflation
Sorator13: lrrCrab time for trash! lrrCrab
teddywhosabear: HAAAAAA
Metric_Furlong: well played Noy2222
NewtyNewts: OH NO PAEL
RabbitSeasoning: LMAO
Lysander_salamander: math?
ElementalAlchemist: lrrWOW
Gaz_L: oh it's X consoles
virre_: Ahahahah
northos: math time!
jarnatan: Chaos!
Malkmaven1176: what the hell
SmithKurosaki: Cruel
ExachixKitsune: woooow
Earthenone: 5 ps5s
SymphonySolstice: omg
GredGredmansson: FIVE PS5S
KaleidoscopeMind: oh
teddywhosabear: This is SUCH A GOOD BIT
ElementalAlchemist: good job Noy, you monster
chaotic_good_ferret: Hey. I have a question for everyone but it's mostly for cam. What is your favorite event in warhammer lore?
jarnatan: Five. PS5s.
Kentosaurus: lol
GazzyInferno: god... damn it
WardsarTheWriter: Ahhh... I understand now.
Fluffy776: GoodOne GoodOne GoodOne
TheWooglie: GG Noy2222
thyeggman: LRR reference!!!
JosVanTongeren: 5 ps 5a
Saintnex: hahaha love it
GredGredmansson: lrrPAUL
JosVanTongeren: noce
kimmiekoneko: oh no
itsr67: good
starlitdiscord: love this
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: LOLOLOLOL
LotusEaterMtG: this is rude
BlueChloroplast: W a o w
fhorrigan: 64 N64s
Sarah_Serinde: This is rude :D
AspiringDryad: this one's great
Lysander_salamander: nice
Gaz_L: well, how much were they?
matthaus_c: that is really good
SoaringDragon42: this is great
Peevvi: wait, is this adjusted for inflation?
tomorrowboy: "x" xboxes
JadedCynic: Whale plaid!
JosVanTongeren: great one!! sooo good @noy2222 !!!!
EvilBadman: I would assume not adjusted for inflation
Sarah_Serinde: chaotic_good_ferret Not really the best time to try and get a random answer like that
Shawn McNaughton: Oh... oh no.
SmithKurosaki: I love Noy's chaos shenanigangs
whitebadgerwolf88: Is the price in Norwegian kroner??
Carlioo: @Peevvi it's adjusted for amounts
Serioavion: lrrPAUL lrrPAUL lrrPAUL
TheMerricat: The Atari 2600 was ~$200 USD at launch.
thekumquatking: But how much is U Wii Us?
seepete: Atari Lynx!
chaotic_good_ferret: @sarah_serinde fair enough
Lysander_salamander: :D
TehAmelie: N-gage just costs N
Viewers_Like_You: Waiting for "0 Ouyas"
hd_dabnado: OH NO
Koshindan: Is X ten though?
Gaz_L: why not 10, yeah?
niccus: one xbox one x box
gibbousm: is this adjusted for inflation?
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: I cast xbox one x, x is one
kimmiekoneko: i am currently ordering by number of consoles
felipe_modesto: wait, wasnt the x not a launch console? o.õ
matthaus_c: this is just counting
jarnatan: One X? Isn that a combo of One and Series X?
niccus: i don't... think... there are close calls
ExachixKitsune: I wonder which one of these questions is going to be weird
CypherRaze: Did we forget how expensive the PS3 was when it released?
CastleOtranto: It's the meme!
LotusEaterMtG: i wonder if one of the PS ones is going to be out of order
betweenmyself: “n” nGage’s
korvys: I feel like multiple dominates the console price for almost all of these
octo chan: we gotta do math TOO?
Daniel Matteson: Paul should know these
TheMerricat: The Commodore 64 wasn't a console :P
GredGredmansson: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
DrakoniteDev: @gibbousm I don't think it matters
Its_VeeBot: Where's the trashes?
fhorrigan: 700 bucks a piece
IbunWest: 3DO was super expensive
Piecrust9: Trash
evilspoons983: the 3do was EXPENSIVE
fhorrigan: US
medmora is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
medmora gifted a Tier 1 sub to oneofblades!
medmora gifted a Tier 1 sub to miuraseri!
medmora gifted a Tier 1 sub to sumiku_art!
medmora gifted a Tier 1 sub to wildflowersnow!
gibbousm: @DrakoniteDev for some of these it might
medmora gifted a Tier 1 sub to E_Westra!
medmora gifted a Tier 1 sub to BlueChloroplast!
medmora gifted a Tier 1 sub to Polybius434445!
medmora gifted a Tier 1 sub to SursaiKosecksi!
medmora gifted a Tier 1 sub to schfifty_schtank!
medmora gifted a Tier 1 sub to Celebrate_V_C!
EricTheOrange: 3DO was SOOOO expensive
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, medmora! Welcome to oneofblades, miuraseri, sumiku_art, wildflowersnow, E_Westra, BlueChloroplast, SursaiKosecksi, schfifty_schtank, Celebrate_V_C, and Polybius434445! (Today's storm count: 702)
jarnatan: I should bring my Commodore 64 up from the basement
LotusEaterMtG: yeah this is the toughest one
fhorrigan: WAY more expensive than PS3
adambomb625: I thought that was a typo for 3ds
WardsarTheWriter: I thought it was a mistype for 3DS, I'd never even heard of a 3D0.
GazzyInferno: damn, i only got two out of place
Brozard: 3DO was like $750 in the 90s?
LotusEaterMtG: fucking nailed it
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: Wait, that wasn't trash???
NewtyNewts: Mistrashed the first one
ExachixKitsune: I love that some of these were not what you thought
Juliamon: Nintendo consoles have generally always been cheaper than competitors because the competitors focus on being "better than Nintendo"
DrakoniteDev: @gibbousm yes, fair. the 64s matter :)
Mollylele: this category is hilarious, well done
teddywhosabear: that's genius
JadedCynic: 3DO was a completely different company from Nintendo :D
Colin: This is wonderful as a round XD
Colin: More than the nintendos for sure
gnyrinn: shurely that should've been 10 Xbox One Xes
Angryoptimist: More than 5 PS5s, for sure.
SmithKurosaki: @gnyrinn Right?
EricTheOrange: it was like $600
ElementalAlchemist: That was amazing
thewafflesareburning: amazing
kaziel0: *chefskiss*
GDwarble: @Juliamon The N64 was an exception, I believe, certainly its games were very expensive for the time
Mangledpixel: I would argue the Commodore was not a console, but eh
TehAmelie: 3DO was no Neo-Geo, but almost up there
JerryEris: Woooo
Invitare: is the given prompt not what you just did?
fhorrigan: I owned a 3DO, that thing cost more than a used car at the time. I mowed lawns for months.
TheMerricat: Video games, not consoles.
Saunabath: I wonder where would have 500 Amiga 500's land
RandomTrivia: "Gasp!"
ExachixKitsune: D:
Lysander_salamander: oh no
flatluigi: hahaha
ElementalAlchemist: ongMegalul
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
matthaus_c: LMAO
Milleg2: lol
Earthenone: lmao
Its_VeeBot: OK something's broke
teddywhosabear: oh NO
SymphonySolstice: LUL
GazzyInferno: A THIRD GO
starlitdiscord: AGAIN
MungoDude: omg
Carlioo: owned!
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
thekumquatking: LOOOOOOOOOL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
BigDaddyBland87: welp
Earthenone: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: biscuits!
Piecrust9: Yooooooo
Saintnex: hahaha
NewtyNewts: Team 2 only gets ONE QUESTION!
chorinas: welcome to Highlight reel
baltimore_667083: LUL
MrSarkhan: LUL
Furyfire: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: NotLikeThis
saiarcot895: LUL
Mollylele: FBtouchdown
Metric_Furlong: okay I think we've got this
Noy2222: OK, something went very wrong here
SmithKurosaki: WOW
ElementalAlchemist: SURELY they can get it this time
Aitsu111: Amazing
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: oops
RandomTrivia: The redemption arc!
jarnatan: Where does the 3 PS3s go in that one?
niccus: the modding system runs of hopes and dreams
JosVanTongeren: judge!!!
aClonedPickle: jackbox groundhog day
PMAvers: Somehow I'm blaming Serge.
Nathan Hawkins: I got all of them right let's gooooo
SmithKurosaki: I only got two backwards on that one
KaleidoscopeMind: amazing
LotusEaterMtG: JB did not pay attention to the way LRR plays
chazzer995: yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos
the_phantom_game_player: Its not a mystery
TXC2: Noy2222 or very right :p
DeM0nFiRe: That was definitely the best possible outcome
DentedPockets: A (re)learning experience
Aitsu111: I can't wait for them to do worse
Gekyouryuu: Cool Technology!
betweenmyself: written language: when?
public_key_reveal_party: lrrWOW
thewafflesareburning: Incredible
Fluffy776: Do it again until you get it right xD
gizmofreak1: this is almost better than the real game
Crad0k: cam chose violence
insanecat6mtg: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
JerryEris subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
JerryEris: Video games and such!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JerryEris! (Today's storm count: 703)
Its_VeeBot: We love you Noy
Mangledpixel: Noy2222 *hugs*
KBKarma: @PMAvers #blamejames
CobaltShuriken: good afternoon, gamers bbirbDumper bbirbDumper bbirbDumper bbirbDumper
chazzer995: yarrLUL yarrLUL yarrLUL yarrLUL yarrLUL yarrLUL yarrLUL yarrLUL yarrLUL yarrLUL yarrLUL
itsr67: LUL
malfnord: Groundhog Day energy
TehAmelie: wait when was writing first released?
hawktonguebaby: *This* should replace desert bus
Milleg2: the category will continue until morale improves
Nigouki: If you delete it in game you delete it in real life
kaziel0: Just throw the written language in the trash1
NonUniqueGuy: Keep the written language, Matt!
JadedCynic: Ben? "Gee, but mystery prompt - what could it be?" I think we have an idea by now
ExachixKitsune: Getting Tower of Babel up in here
incredulouspasserby: Jackbox game of Babel
Lysander_salamander: nice
marmalade_pen: 1985
atinyspacemarine: Poor modded game author
GredGredmansson: this is like in highschool where my practice final exam was the exact same as my actual final exam
jarnatan: What platform was written language released on at launch?
Mollylele: this is a different kind of mystery than usual
GredGredmansson: I've read a short story about that once, Graham
Fluffy776: FBtouchdown levysc1Pyro DinoDance
NewtyNewts: Oooh, that'd be fun
PipeSmokingOwl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months, currently on a 51 month streak!
PipeSmokingOwl: We just Ruin out here erasing that not written in steel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PipeSmokingOwl! (Today's storm count: 704)
Juliamon: jarnatan Tablet
RandomTrivia: What comes out of Chat is barely language anyway
ClodiumSoride: @jarnatan clay tablets?
TehAmelie: Krog's list wold be older than writing, though
iris_of_ether: sponge73Stare
octo chan: oh, it's just Memory now
Colin: LRR accidentally Tower of Babel
FarleyF: lrrJUDGECALL lrrEFF
DrakoniteDev: therea48Shock
Sarah_Serinde: Depends which emoji
0x6772: Really, Ben? Describe the ad.
jarnatan: @Juliamon Hot damn!
ExachixKitsune: I love this being a memory game that we're just all failing
WardsarTheWriter: If you also trash emojis, chat cna't chat at all!
CobaltShuriken: Twitch mentioned!
EvilBadman: that sounds like a crapshot premise
RandomTrivia: @PipeSmokingOwl HypeLUL
public_key_reveal_party: I was gonna make a joke about creating emoji before the written language, but that did kinda happen
the_phantom_game_player: I'll do emoji mode
Blasteg: I wouldn't call bits "advancement" per say...
mtvcdm: Technology was a mistake, trash it all
nova_plushie: can we get rid of twitter?
TrickJarrett: Look at all these amazing people in one place!
atinyspacemarine: I mean emoji is a Unicode thing
Kentosaurus: rip vine
TXC2: hello TrickJarrett welcome
Crad0k: i don't drink... vine?
GredGredmansson: @nova_plushie someone beat you to it
ArkhamArchivist: It's already gone
Sergue_Thorien: There's a Carmen San Diego game where she starts stealing language
Sarah_Serinde: Just throw him into the sea sergeIntoTheSea
Its_VeeBot: Sadly you've blocked the trash
LowUpsideCJ: Bring me 2013 twitter
TXC2: forget twitter we have this now
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
jacqui_lantern234: twitter? more like shitter
Rogue 7: Is there emoji-only mode here on the youtubes?
Rogue 7: Or are we immune from Heather?
Simon Pratt: They're going to fail this for the third time D:
SmithKurosaki: You're never safe from Heather :p
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Can we please clarify that emoji are not the same as emotes, emoticons, or pictograms in general.
Fanklok: @Sergue_Thorien Yes, she steals Portuguese
Its_VeeBot: A well-earned Quixort
BrowneePoints: oh man we are in for a doozy of a storm. I actually felt the air pressure and ionization change
ExachixKitsune: \o/
TheGreenMonster450 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheGreenMonster450! (Today's storm count: 705)
TXC2: LRRning!
Lysander_salamander: yay
RandomTrivia: The redemption arc is complete!
ExachixKitsune: learning!
Furyfire: LUL
EvilBadman: #th Rty!
Heckhoundbolt: what a surprise
ElementalAlchemist: Remembered!
offbeatwitch: nailed it!
thekumquatking: Wow, I can't believe they just knew all of that!
Amentur: PridePog
underhill33: FBtouchdown
CobaltShuriken: LETS GO
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
50keyz: WOW
Metric_Furlong: ch!
chazzer995: REDEMPTION
kaziel0: Wooow!
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Strawbrarian: lrrHORN
gibbousm: First Try
TrickJarrett: That is impressive as bus
EvilBadman: 3th Try
Sorator13: third time's the charm!
BusTed: benginTry
ElementalAlchemist: LOL audience
Abavus: katesPog
KV1NN4: i dragged wrong 8n8
thewafflesareburning: Let's go
eshplode: Third time's the charm!
Mollylele: FBtouchdown 🌈
public_key_reveal_party: Twitter and Tumblr coming out around the same time is sorta like, watching divergent internet evolution
thebuzzstreams: Cam knew exactly what he was doing with Tor
atinyspacemarine: Third tries the charm
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
NorthstarTex: first try
DrakoniteDev: therea48Shook how did you guess?
JadedCynic: LUL
TXC2: come on chat
Juliamon: We beefed it
RocknGrohlNerd: avngrHype avngrHype
teddywhosabear: lmao
MommaGart: i misclicked
Saintnex: whoops lol
MilkInBags: sorry I was afk
HavenDragon: we forgor
the_phantom_game_player: Who would of guessed
BlueFingers5: I got it right
Stephonee: I messed up the controls
mtvcdm: Only took 3 tries
Its_VeeBot: Aaand we broke
public_key_reveal_party: We forgor
bstarness subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
bstarness: Subathon yay!
Morrigan9: how is selfie stick ;85?
Tangsm: New people came in and tried their hardest.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bstarness! (Today's storm count: 706)
hawktonguebaby: oh, right! I'm mixing up Tumblr and LiveJournal
3PlayerPolitics: i sorry
RandomTrivia: Uh oh
nova_plushie: stole valor
RandomTrivia: lrrFINE
RocknGrohlNerd: my bad, I ruined it
DanTheMediocre: it not perfect ssystem
Pywodwagon: I forgot to go to that tab and sort
KBKarma: Uh oh.
chazzer995: yarrCultist yarrCultist yarrCultist yarrCultist yarrCultist yarrCultist yarrCultist yarrCultist
Saintnex: uhhh
Heckhoundbolt: you broke the mod
Lysander_salamander: oh no
Carlioo: jackbox is onto you!
Metric_Furlong: this is because you got it wrong, chat Kappa
virre_: Uh uh
frnknstn: I miss Flickr
GredGredmansson: the game ran out of questions
offbeatwitch: BUG FOUND!
Furyfire: Broken!
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
starlitdiscord: :(
TheAinMAP: jlrrDang
MungoDude: HypeGG
TXC2: Cool game!
public_key_reveal_party: Yay?
hd_dabnado: quiplash time!
Its_VeeBot: You Don't Mod Jack
Brozard: You've sorted all the quix
aClonedPickle: good end
Noy2222: There was an attempt!
Suffix: lrrCrab
Redbassist: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
MilkInBags: jackbox (3000 BC)
Jadenim: my fault!
Gascitygaming: User wins!
atinyspacemarine: Wow you really goofed it
RandomTrivia: Bug discovered!
thekumquatking: Ah shoot, RIP the written language
L0rdX33n: well played, sort of
Astra7525: And it wasn't even Ian's fault this time
bjergmann101: We won again
KBKarma: lrrFINE
Rogue 7: Pattern recognition!
Simon Pratt: Oh snap!
Sarah: You're more in danger of emoji mode from mods than from Heather :P
Angryoptimist: Perfect!
Derpmind: 👏👏👏👏👏
Tangsm: First to the rainbow wins.
ClodiumSoride: @Noy2222 the video category was amazing.
JosVanTongeren: this part of chat has already had some beers
NewtyNewts: Bug discovered!
betweenmyself: entropy has been introduced into chat’s ability to answer correo
EvilBadman: the spell is broken
stippledotter: You beat Jackbox!
Saintnex: @noy2222 that was great :D
Snampo_ok subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
Snampo_ok: Woop
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Snampo_ok! (Today's storm count: 707)
CobaltShuriken: woo Quiplash! Time for dick jokes galore!
kalira77: this is what happens when you trash the written language
Mangledpixel: time to sort the empty set
the_phantom_game_player: Chat wins by default
matthaus_c: that was hilarious
JosVanTongeren: thanks again @noy2222 !!!
FickleMuse: Gg everyone
teddywhosabear: @Noy2222 I absolutely cackled at the video games question, thank you!!
RandomTrivia: Comfy time
nova_plushie: its like pac man. after you beat it the game breaks
Brozard: That teacher who reviewed homework answers before collecting it
ZephyrousOne subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ZephyrousOne! (Today's storm count: 708)
RandomTrivia: WOOF
Lysander_salamander: that would do it
Its_VeeBot: Everyone give it up for @Noy2222, that was super great gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
Pywodwagon: I one time got 5 bonus points for agreeing to not talk in class for the entire week leading up to the test
TehAmelie: yay Noy
Dog_of_Myth is gifting 3 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1515 in the channel!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to gooey_xylophone!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to is6jorn!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to videowitch!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Dog_of_Myth! Welcome to is6jorn, videowitch, and gooey_xylophone! (Today's storm count: 711)
RocknGrohlNerd: sick dude
JadedCynic: thanks Noy! <3
ztghostie: that actually sounds like a good prof to recognize other things might be going on
JosVanTongeren: in a way it is nice from that prof
Seth_Erickson: It seems considerably kind of the prof to let you retake it
FarleyF: Kathleen "Riker maneuver" Devere
Rogue 7: I mean, I feel like we're always in danger from Heather
octo chan: :trophy-yellow-smiling:
Sarah: This is true
Chronomagistrate subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chronomagistrate! (Today's storm count: 712)
ExachixKitsune: We told a lecturer once "No, we don't have time to do that paper, we've got like 5 other papers due next week" and the lecturer basically went "sucks to be you"
AugmentingPath: Camemaro, First to Dab
NewtyNewts: Spittin' fire and phlegm
petey_vonwho: I probably would have said "yeah, that probably was my best effort"
nova_plushie: Kathleen becoming ever increasingly more couch goblin
iris_of_ether: benginDab
marmalade_pen: is dab before or after written language
GazzyInferno: Cameron, First to Dab is a magic card
Sibwow: thats only 4 bucks a day
Trymantha subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
gooey_xylophone: @dog_of_myth thaks for the gift sub!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Trymantha! (Today's storm count: 713)
TXC2: I used to get £30 a week to go to College :P
nosole: At least $50 would be needed
Juliamon: man, I WISH I could have gotten more points for not talking. Hated the required participation points.
Sarah_Serinde: That was still only like, a third or a quarter of a Nintendo console game
quatoria: once i had my driver's license, attending school regularly was basically over for me
FickleMuse: There was an actual dollar menu then
smoljigglybug subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 4 month streak!
smoljigglybug: Thanks for all the laughs you bring, guys!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, smoljigglybug! (Today's storm count: 714)
Heckhoundbolt: unless you were born in 1850, that is not enough for every single day in class
pleonasticTautology: $20 can buy many peanuts
BlueFingers5: Grip it and rip it
matthaus_c subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
matthaus_c: gimme that minute!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, matthaus_c! (Today's storm count: 715)
BrowneePoints: I would’ve taken it, but high school was more home than home for me
thekumquatking: I'd only do it for 20 bucks AND a bag of Peanut M&Ms
Lysander_salamander: I miss Sears
HbombAndFriends: RIP Sears
Saintnex: wait, Sears had coffee??
brieandbacon: @txc2 they ditched EMA before I got to VI Form
KBKarma: Did they sear the coffee?
LowUpsideCJ: Some say it outlived sears
LotusEaterMtG: Sears had *everything* at one point
KBKarma: :wq!
TehAmelie: i wish i'd been alive when Sears sold mail order houses
CobaltShuriken: I would not trust a coffee shop in the basement of a Sears. That sounds like a Twilight Zone episode
CmdrMadMoe: The music video for safety dance by men without hats has proto-dabbing
TXC2: brieandbacon ah sorry to hear that, blame the tories :p
50keyz: Sears is an anagram for Arses
wedge_x: mother coffee
neisan2112: Its a forever pot
red_shoes_jeff: Prince George? Home of the Princess Auto?
ElementalAlchemist: The perpetual coffee
brieandbacon: @txc2 I do, for most problems
iris_of_ether: Oh no
RandomTrivia: The Ever-Coffee
TXC2: brieandbacon indeed
Saintnex: ohh it’s like a forever stew, a forever coffee
ThePerrBearr: Perpetual coffee Pot
undecided44: My grade 12 English teacher did that... it was my last exam senior year, and she called my house the evening after the exam and said "you don't want me to grade that exam... you want to come in tomorrow and try again." I also promised her I would never try to analyze another poem as long as I lived.
ContingentCat: @red_shoes_jeff brother of brincess auto lol
TehAmelie: the eternal cup
Chrysoprase: Would you like a slice of coffee.
nova_plushie: so Mcdonalds coffee?
SkiaSymphonia: Zellers restaurant was legit
Juliamon: Day 3: mush the coffee.
the_phantom_game_player: Coffee hag will be a good Kathleen character
PipeSmokingOwl: Do you not wish to partake of the Ever Coffee my child?
RandomTrivia: Heather confirms room code to be "FUCK"
BrowneePoints: remember when Kmart sold pizza and Icees?
LotusEaterMtG: coffee mother > Sears mother > wire mother
JosVanTongeren: sorry from The Netherlands was thinking about a different coffee shop….
Featherweight_: Man the zellers restaurant. Memories!
wedge_x: wace windu
Eramis8: Let's go Fam
stippledotter: Bean porridge hot, bean porridge cold. Bean porridge in the pot 9 years old
azidbern95: ah yes, Wace Mindu
DanTheMediocre: you could pout hot water in that can and end up with stronger stuff than an average nespresso
N2Osferatu: "Would you like your chair back, Graham/ Well, TOO BAD!"
GredGredmansson: wace the wind wculptor
neisan2112: So excited to finally see this
Lysander_salamander: Hi schimitty
birbarino subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
birbarino: Wooo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, birbarino! (Today's storm count: 716)
Coloneljesus: one of us!
NewtyNewts: fart-joke-based comedy troupe
Metric_Furlong: Wace Mindu, from star wars
Lord_Hosk: I got 3 2.5 hour finals scheduled for the same day. The third one started 90 minutes into the second. I was told "you can get time extensions but can't reschedual finals"
matthaus_c: one of us
chrono2x: gasp
ExachixKitsune: Room code is W A C E - Whiskey Alpha Charlie Echo - Whiskey Alpha Charlie Echo - (the same but quieter) - (the same but quieter)
Seth_Erickson: they've got an insider :O
NonUniqueGuy: We don't do a lot.
CommiePuddin: Heather no. We are DUMB
TXC2: Whictita action comurce emporiam
KBKarma: I think there's a mole in our team.
KV1NN4: One of us, one of us, one of us..!
Tandtroll_OG: Narc!
Sarah_Serinde: But I get to do that all the time Kappa
CobaltShuriken: our secrets!
Twilight_Spark: Chat does tend to narc on itself by definition.
TheMerricat: Mods do it all the time Heather. Kappa
Noy2222: At least THIS ONE cannot break
HeartwoodMtG: Oh, hi Jordynne!
octo chan: What's the coffee equivalent of kombucha
RonnocLoki: There is one impostor among us.
Heckhoundbolt: considering we only vote in this game, not much to narc on
Saintnex: to be fair though, marching is a very chat thing to do
nova_plushie: That heathers a spy
Earthenone: why would you say that noy! :P
Mangledpixel: oh Noy2222 don't tempt fate like that!
Its_VeeBot: I was gonna say, is this modded or is it just a custom episode?
TehAmelie: at least when chat narcs on chat the power dynamic is just sideways
Saintnex: narc-ing*
BtEtta: Noy2222: Living on the edge I see.
ClodiumSoride: Heather, this game won't let you narc much. Fibbage would let you see what chat's choices are.
kimmiekoneko: this is the part of the jackbox stream where all the streamers have to concentrate really hard and sit in silence
frnknstn: This room code wacky
Noy2222: I mean, it literally can't? No hacking was necessary
TheMerricat: @Its_VeeBot AFAIK, custom since we can join
GredGredmansson: @Noy2222 inb4 stack overflow again
mtvcdm: Oh hey Heather and I are teammates
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW Heather throwing SHADE
ElementalAlchemist: I'm glad the one with custom voice work managed not to break, at least
micalovits: I welcome our new chat overlord, Queen Heather the first
Heckhoundbolt: what else do they play on modded jackbox? I wanna know if the vod is worth watching
Sibwow: are we on a zero cum joke allotment today?
Pyroxx___ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
Pyroxx___: I'm almost 4 years old!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Pyroxx___! (Today's storm count: 717)
nova_plushie: so heather is the live studio audiance?
CobaltShuriken: what flavor do you think that pulsating clay mass on screen is?
SmithKurosaki: @GredGredmansson, nah, I think Quixort is just a less familiar game for them, Quip is well known
gamefreak3072: Damn Heather
TheWooglie: I skip this bit in the VOD
ElementalAlchemist: lrrWOW
public_key_reveal_party: Idk about you, I'm just vibing
Mangledpixel: Sibwow where's the fun in that?
NewtyNewts: Heather the Chaotic
TXC2: CobaltShuriken blueberry
stippledotter: Welcome all who are entering the stream during the Waiting Time
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
YeetTheRich_: ian isnt even here
bondeulv: Cheer100
KV1NN4: The House is being filled with lies!
NeoOfTheDark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
NeoOfTheDark: One more month until nice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NeoOfTheDark! (Today's storm count: 718)
brieandbacon: Wow, Heather's doing all that chat wants to
DanTheMediocre: why isnt my right arrow key not working :P
Tandtroll_OG: @cobaltshuriken purple, clearly
CobaltShuriken: @txc2 a safe assumption
kimmiekoneko: i can't skip anything in the vod, recurring jokes might develop at any moment
LotusEaterMtG: lol, everyone goes dirty under the cloak of Quiplash
CobaltShuriken: @tandtroll_og clearly
flatluigi: ahaha
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAH
flatluigi: real
ElementalAlchemist: WOW
Saintnex: wooow
baltimore_667083: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
BusTed: tqsSmug
wedge_x: yeah, we're before the watershed aren't we?
50keyz: LUL
neisan2112: One of tuos are not false
matthaus_c: the Game Grumps experience
jacqui_lantern234: IM CACKLING
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
WardsarTheWriter: Is it finally happening?
Kingsgrave: and we're off to a mighty start
GredGredmansson: because that's definitely something ben would do
Derpmind: Him from powerpuff girls?
roefizzlebeef: never change, let's nope
PhoenixMelior: Fan fiction?
Y2A_Alkis: happy pride!
Alness49: "We'll make the Highlight real for sure!"
LowUpsideCJ: Game starts at 2:45
jacqui_lantern234: @matthaus_c except Ben and Adam dont suck
TXC2: of corse Jordynne said him
nova_plushie: Answer the question Adam!
the_phantom_game_player: I'll do Ben
RandomTrivia: Both strong answers
ElementalAlchemist: Both good answers
TehAmelie: now this is inside baseball
Blasteg: hmmmm
flatluigi: everyone try to say 'asmlrr' out loud
mtvcdm: Now I want sushi
BtEtta: Assemblrr
TheMerricat: When Tumblrr?
Blasteg: can we have both?
beowuuf: asmlrr too good
teddywhosabear: assemlurr
stippledotter: He's LRRning!
TXC2: it's callback to an hour ago
NonUniqueGuy: @mtvcdm Remember that it is off James' body
flatluigi: @TheMerricat try lrrooc dot tumblr dot com
SmithKurosaki: Yes :p
FlickerWhisper ASMR: ok but, ASMLRR would be amazing 😄
octo chan: ESPECIALLY things that don't belong to you
KBKarma: James as a naked sushi table.
Jadenim: isn’t Assemblrr just ttsf
nessiah_aries: Lrrs Ulrich
RandomTrivia: The deep cut :D
LotusEaterMtG: i would listen to Jordynne click her nails
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ElementalAlchemist: Tomato Way!
ClodiumSoride: Thank you for the deep cut, right side answer.
Saintnex: please, Alex would love tomato way 69
jarnatan: You take that back, Tomato Way is an amazing game
skrt_01 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, skrt_01! (Today's storm count: 719)
Saintnex: Tomato way is fantastic lol
DanTheMediocre: I heard it is aggressively mediocre gameplay
korvys: People just got weird about it
neogetz: Love tomato way
TehAmelie: it can be amazing and creepy
DanTheMediocre: well tuned hack n parry
DanTheMediocre: but still just hack n parry
TXC2: Egg!
GazzyInferno: egg!
baltimore_667083: EGG
ElementalAlchemist: They're some amazing W+P streams
RandomTrivia: WE CAN AND WE WILL
SnackPak_: give egg
YeetTheRich_: grow?
Singenmeister: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
iris_of_ether: Egg
TheAinMAP: lairofEgg
Its_VeeBot: You have to grow your own Bartleby
raulghoulia: it's a facsimile
eshplode: It's... spreading
Dog_of_Myth: E G G
gamefreak3072: isn't ASMLRR just the whiskey stream every year?
SmithKurosaki: @gamefreak3072 Yes :)
NewtyNewts: And Bartleby?
SmithKurosaki: e g g
BusTed: tqsEgg
GredGredmansson: part of a balanced breakfast
Tangsm: But if it's in a box... is it a ceiling egg?
KBKarma: Ceiling egg is
jarnatan: If its in a box its not ceiling egg
micalovits: #FreeCeilingEgg!
Brozard: How do we participate in the championships if we don't get our own?
RubikDarkwill subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
RubikDarkwill: braven10HEX braven10KNOT braven10PRISM braven10TRI braven10EYE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RubikDarkwill! (Today's storm count: 720)
accountmadeforants: The egg is attached to the ceiling of the box
SpicyNapalm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
SpicyNapalm: Y'all are wonderful people, keep being yourselves because it brings joy and comfort into the world. lrrSHINE
red_shoes_jeff: Ceiling not included.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SpicyNapalm! (Today's storm count: 721)
Abavus: Ceiling sold separately
Sorator13: What makes Ceiling Egg, Ceiling Egg?
JosVanTongeren: wait no slaw ???
mtvcdm: Right I need that picture
DanTheMediocre: does it come with a ceiling tile?
TheGeneralThomas: the 001/001 ceiling egg
TheAinMAP: A ceiling egg. Not THE ceiling egg.
RandomTrivia: OH NO
Its_VeeBot: TEETH
spaigefault: manifet-os
incslayer: TEETH
terribleplan: TEETH
BigDaddyBland87: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Dog_of_Myth: TEETH
KBKarma: teeth teeth teeth teeth teeth
Sorator13: TEETH
azidbern95: TEETH
Saintnex: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
SymphonySolstice: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
N2Osferatu: Manos: the Hands of Feetos
Arazien: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
NewtyNewts: Spelling mistake!
TotallyNotaBeholder: Communist Cheerios?
RandomTrivia: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
red_shoes_jeff: T E E T H
nappitatti: TEETH
public_key_reveal_party: My favorite cheese snack
FarleyF: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
micalovits: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Tandtroll_OG: lrrCREEPR lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPL
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: lrrCREEPR lrrCREEPL
DanTheMediocre: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
TehAmelie: when we have a minute, could we get a shot of ceiling egg? i haven't seen it in months it seems
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: teeth teeth teeth teeth
Kingsgrave: manifetos is hilarious
KaleidoscopeMind: manifetoes
nosole: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
kaziel0: T E E T H
Creature_Comforts: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Earthenone: many feeto
neveth: TEETH
Heckhoundbolt: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Lichenbeard: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
RandomTrivia: Manifetos on stream
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Tandtroll_OG: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
DaxStrife: "Manifetos: The Feet of Fate."
CanvasWolfDoll: that's going to be an interesting mailtime in about a year's time
ClodiumSoride: Jordynne has figured out how to whisper here
bunn_tech is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 30 in the channel!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gerrimeister!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to grappler12!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to simplied!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to BumpySquirrel!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to TotallyNotaBeholder!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to suntone!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to Creideiki_SE!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to shuu108!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to pale_bunny!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to Engy99k!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to carniann!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kezzig_!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZeroEightEcho!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChaosOfNyarlathotep82!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to entirelyunremarkable!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to dal9000!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to skrifffl!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to MMoritz!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to Chrysoprase!
bunn_tech gifted a Tier 1 sub to renaissanceb!
GredGredmansson: Way to hijack the chat vote, Cam
Derpmind: Monetize your eggs.
gamefreak3072: I feel like you could do split the room with the same questions
Waves of Babies: DISCERNING EGG
Richard Hawkes: ASMLRR is just Graham crinkling mtg packs at the start of every crack-a-pack
Yellowmaster52: teeth teeth teeth teeth
FlickerWhisper ASMR: yessss
Rogue 7: Teeth teeth teeth teeth
Omotelie: teeth teeth
WardsarTheWriter: Manifetos an off-shoot of cheetos?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, bunn_tech! Welcome to Gerrimeister, grappler12, BumpySquirrel, simplied, TotallyNotaBeholder, pale_bunny, Creideiki_SE, suntone, carniann, Kezzig_, dal9000, ZeroEightEcho, ChaosOfNyarlathotep82, skrifffl, MMoritz, Chrysoprase, shuu108, Engy99k, entirelyunremarkable, and renaissanceb! (Today's storm count: 741)
couchboyj: Show many feetos?
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Furyfire: Sub bommmmb
Angreed66: do not send teeth to mailtime
lordcrocodile: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Its_VeeBot: Helloooo
RandomTrivia: Nothing would beat that
Ularl_Platypus: So its a feet site, that also has manifestos?
TotallyNotaBeholder: @bunn_tech Hey, thanks for supporting LRR via me!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Teeth!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Teeth! (Today's storm count: 742)
Chrysoprase: @bunn_tech Bedankt voor het Cadeau-abonnement!
RandomTrivia: That's very strong
Brozard: Get burned bread and get burned
RandomTrivia: Kathleen with the callback :D
FerociousPeach subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FerociousPeach! (Today's storm count: 743)
nessiah_aries: Y'know what they say, all boasters get toasted.
riking27: Book title "If I Did It"
northos: "how it would have been done to me"
GredGredmansson: oh no i missed a game?
lithuasil subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
lithuasil: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lithuasil! (Today's storm count: 744)
Derpmind: 🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷
Waves of Babies: Hullo
Rogue 7: "If Serge did it"
octo chan: yess, tha callback
TXC2: fun story, he lost the rights to that book in a lawsuit
calculated_uncertainties: Murder Serge wrote
Saintnex: I was murdered by Serge: It didn’t happen but this would be how it would happen
red_shoes_jeff: Gra lrrHAM
themercenary1987: Could we get a reaqding of that graham
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
gooey_xylophone: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Suffix: Oh no.
Kezzig_: @bunn_tech Thanks for the gift sub!
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
jacqui_lantern234: BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
RandomTrivia: They would never ban Mountain, the cowards
LotusEaterMtG: Summon Donkey
NewtyNewts: Not Johnny!
Lord_Hosk: I just foiled out my big ass johnson deck!
GredGredmansson: Hey, Pride of Hull Clade isn't THAT oppressive
Ularl_Platypus: Hes such a good blocker
DanTheMediocre: but he had SO much toughness
Koshindan: They banned Mountain when Island is still legal?!
Invitare: I *want* Mountain banned
Seth_Erickson: Commander secret powerhouse
jarnatan: irs funny because nobody plays standard
WardsarTheWriter: Red not in Meta anymore...
TehAmelie: Long D*** Johnson has a lot to answer for
Suffix: I prefer Limited anyways,
Its_VeeBot: You know what they say about Big Ass Johnson.
excalgold: but my entire deck is focused around BAJ!
TXC2: Big ass Johnson was meta warping and you know it
EvilBadman: big Ass Johnson is Gruul, right?
Angreed66: That's Hugs nickname
Redpandarama: Totally did not forget the subathon was happening, stoked!!
CobaltShuriken: there goes my johnson tribal
chrono2x: Big Ass Johnson will live on in legacy
Alex_Frostfire: Island OP. Ban Mountain. Seems legit.
Bruceski: When mountains are being played in every tournament red deck, you know there's a problem
public_key_reveal_party: He's not great in draft though
RandomTrivia: Yeah that tracks
Lysander_salamander: fair
GredGredmansson: Big Ass Johnson, that's Pride of Hull Clade right?
kitt3nrag3 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kitt3nrag3! (Today's storm count: 745)
MungoDude: mountain is banned, but snow-covered mountain is still legal
TheGeneralThomas: Bigg Ass Johnson? That card is CRACKED!
BrowneePoints: Big Ass Johnson was Garruk’s name in the Adult Industry
couchboyj: They name Johnson on their Cavern of Souls and I just scoop
mtvcdm: Why doesn't the dimensional wizard just throw the mountain
lithuasil: tbh banning Mountains would fix the arena meta
raulghoulia: jeezus cameron
DES_Adam: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Blasteg: mountain vs island would be amazing here
jacqui_lantern234: i love your brain, Adam Savidan XD
ClodiumSoride: Always pander to chat, Cori.
hd_dabnado: CAM
Colin: B A J is a helluva deck
Lemonancy: really happy to see stream mirrored on YouTube as well
chifii: I just got my foil Johnson signed!
Sibwow: big ass johnson is a vanilla 4 mana 6/6
Its_VeeBot: !card big
LRRbot: Found 16 cards you could be referring to - please enter more of the name
Carlioo: @GredGredmansson omg I'm gonna call it that from now on lol
Saintnex: Big Ass Johnston had way too much toughness
KBKarma: Very toight.
hawktonguebaby: Hate those BAJ decks
TheGreatPotatoMage: Remember; don't Pithing Needle your Big Ass Johnson
neogetz: Mountain less op than island
jibkat: your loved jacqui_lantern234 gottem!
Sorator13: !card johnson
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Earthenone: !card B.F.M
LRRbot: B.F.M. (Big Furry Monster) (BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB) | Creature — The Biggest, Baddest, Nastiest, Scariest Creature You'll Ever See [99/99] | You must cast both B.F.M. cards to put B.F.M. onto the battlefield. If one B.F.M. card leaves the battlefield, sacrifice the other. / B.F.M. can’t be blocked except by three or more creatures.
ElementalAlchemist: doubLRR
Sorator13: aww
RocknGrohlNerd: lets go Ben
goateedave86: supertype Bigass subtype johnson
Mangledpixel: doubLRR
Fanklok: "And they he just slammed his Big Ass Johnson on the table"
NewtyNewts: Big Ass Johnson always scries to the bottom
jacqui_lantern234: @jibkat NO U MORE
Mr_Horrible: bro doubledddddd. The doublerrrrrrrr
MungoDude: it's cotnent
Ladyrhea: ShowLove400
DanTheMediocre: michael doublé
jibkat: jacqui_lantern234 thats a lie
Matrim528 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Matrim528! (Today's storm count: 746)
Lord_Dodo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Lord_Dodo: suuubs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lord_Dodo! (Today's storm count: 747)
jojomke subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jojomke! (Today's storm count: 748)
themercenary1987: !card john
goateedave86: I mean, Big Ass Johnson has to have delve right?
Saltpetre_Academic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months, currently on a 48 month streak!
Saltpetre_Academic: Happy (re) subathon LRR
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Saltpetre_Academic! (Today's storm count: 749)
Alex_Frostfire: Big Ass Johnson is the cheapest toughness fighting effect.
damn_i_am_pretty: so much sub
Lysander_salamander: :D
Waves of Babies: Thank god Long Dick Johnson is still legal
Colin: Warning: Do not foil your Johnson, or do, I'm not a cop
Derpmind: The prompts are doubled and the points are weirder.
brieandbacon: @jacqui_lantern234 are you terrorising chat by being nice to them?
jacqui_lantern234: @jibkat you saying that im loved more than you? yes that is a lie
Gwandan: Big Ass Johnson has Kicker?
jacqui_lantern234: @brieandbacon always
CobaltShuriken: okay, what flavor is this pulsating mass?
NewtyNewts: The cup, however...
BlueChloroplast: The tea is poison Kappa
Its_VeeBot: Big Ass Johnson and his sidekick, Medium Butt Joe
Kingsgrave: Now ALEX will ruin the coffee
stippledotter: Unless it's sears coffee
baskwalla: Unless Paul drinks the coffee
TheWooglie: would he poison bad coffee?
Lysander_salamander: Lime?
TXC2: what if Serge handed you tea ?
brieandbacon: @jacqui_lantern234 diabolical, I love it
Mr_Horrible: "Hill control"
kusinohki: meows
Mangledpixel: 10 of your Earth seconds remain
Mazrae: Coffee is fine, tea is poisoned
Ularl_Platypus: The Big Ass Johnson ban was more to kill all the combos it started
flatluigi: east asia
Astra7525: The Final Club Soda
ClodiumSoride: @CobaltShuriken Fruit Stripe gum
Iluvatardis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months!
Iluvatardis: lrrHEART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Iluvatardis! (Today's storm count: 750)
themercenary1987: Big Ass Johnson is power X Tough Y+1 where X is the number of creatures, and y is their combined toughness
CobaltShuriken: @clodiumsoride so amazing, but so short lived
TXC2: DEEP cut
ClodiumSoride: it is *now*
Roe Dent: you have to tell us if you're a cop
Sarah: @Colin You *should* protect it though
Bruceski: "secret"?
ElementalAlchemist: That's a *good* deep cut
ScrapyardGhostTrain: As someone that doesn't ingest caffeine, I just would refuse anything Serge offered me. Kappa
Cptasparagus: does Big Ass Johnson have Offspring?
Alness49: "Sexy Bintarong" sounds like a King Lizard song
Lysander_salamander: :D
LotusEaterMtG: this is really regular identity and alter ego
L0rdX33n: I wanna be a f@&$ civit
hawktonguebaby: Ahhh, it's binturong
GredGredmansson: i know what bintarong is from LRR Kamigawa nicknames
BrowneePoints: They’re also cute and BIG
jarnatan: Jordynne is not wrong!
BusTed: both very good
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHA
incslayer: Dog + Smaller Dog is just too good
EvilBadman: ben you have to get the winner
MungoDude: OhMyDog
EvilBadman: that's the law
jarnatan: or several smaller cows
Mr_Horrible: I could see both of these becoming real tbh
BusTed: dog the size of a smaller dog
Lysander_salamander: nope
LordChrusher: has Kathleen said what her book is about?
RandomTrivia: benginWow benginWow benginWow
Rogue 7: Illegal in 9 countries?
Rogue 7: On today's episode of CDHC...
Iluvatardis: two melatonin
TheGreatPotatoMage: You have TWO CALVES, Ben!
Pharmacistjudge: pharma2Vial Cetirizine pharma2Vial
missa_hancock: ooh a desert bus segment - Ben gets tattoos
red_shoes_jeff: HA! "Calf"
zeraina subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zeraina! (Today's storm count: 751)
TXC2: the chat swing
LotusEaterMtG: Weimaraner riding a wiener dog
Its_VeeBot: The Audience Hath Spoken
hawktonguebaby: The fact that it's not a larger dog is *chef's kiss*
teddywhosabear: lmao
Jack_Slack subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jack_Slack! (Today's storm count: 752)
Earthenone: audiance loves dogs
Jack_Slack: Have fun you crazy guys. Thank you for the many laughs over all the years.
TehAmelie: chat likes doge
Mr_Horrible: cannot fight the community's love of dogs
flatluigi: the wii play loincloth
Fluffy776: How is that box of unsold wii sports
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Lord_Hosk: NOT AGAIN!
wedge_x: want some of those hoodie undies
Mr_Horrible: LUL
Taveena subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months, currently on a 40 month streak!
Taveena: Aw, I missed the big hundo. AH WELL. HAPPY SUBATHON.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Taveena! (Today's storm count: 753)
Singenmeister: not make into body pillows?
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer1000
EPGelion: Wasn't that part of a Wheeler fever dream at MagicCon?
Colin: @Sarah Putting it in a box though has different implications xD
matthaus_c: Jund 'Em Out on the junk
BtEtta: Get on the point boxers.
YareNiDaze: Unending podcast,
HorusFive: Would also purchase
Fluffy776: no
Elenodul subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months!
Elenodul: the 10 years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Elenodul! (Today's storm count: 754)
beowuuf: lrrHORN to the palindrone
Taveena: "jund 'em out" written on the crotch is. worrying.
Fluffy776: pls
micalovits: I would get "jund em out" undies
KaleidoscopeMind: "kathleen's side of the story"
TehAmelie: was that meant to be The Whole Story?
CaptainSpam: The Whole Story: The Whole Story
RealGamerCow: The retrospective series of the horse joke is just the horse joke
N2Osferatu: Horse Joke Minute
stevestein: I want a Real Story about The Real Story
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
FickleMuse: oh horse joke is very funny
Its_VeeBot: Mystery Horse Joke Theater 3000
ElementalAlchemist: ongMegalul
TXC2: too real Cameron :p
Fluffy776: I showed a friend Desert Bus for the first time just in time for the horse joke
Pharmacistjudge: then we get Horse joke Snyder cut
Piecrust9: Ive literally never heard the whole horse joke, even in pieces
Mr_Horrible: @Taveena something something "putrid leech" before I'm asked to leave and my phone number is blocked
YareNiDaze: @CaptainSpam Nah, you McElroy it: The Whole "The Whole Story" Story
jarnatan: Horny on manefeto
NewtyNewts: To the tune of Despacito?
Its_VeeBot: Also Paul & Storm are gonna sue
Colin: I need a LRRpride shirt to turn into a gym vest
Sarah: @Colin Yeah but you do want a good sleeve
Roe Dent: previously on The Horse Joke...
Mr_Horrible: : )
Fluffy776: :)
RocknGrohlNerd: callbacks
hd_dabnado: 1337 cover would go hard though
Fluffy776: :(
TehAmelie: Many feta
GredGredmansson: the symbol of her church?
JadedCynic: In the "Is This Syncronicity?" file, someone on Mastadon polled us asking us if we should use a "Rejected WiiPlay Games" shirt as part of a patchwork skirt...
BlueChloroplast: Now I have ready steady go stuck in my head
BrowneePoints: Loading Ready OKGO
nessiah_aries: Magnetos good twin: Manefeto
RandomTrivia: Bahahahahaha
northos: notably, "manefeto" misspelled in a further, different way than the original typo :p
ThePerrBearr: Audience wants graham
raulghoulia: same answer
Snowcookies: lol the callback
RandomTrivia: Those are both VERY strong answers
Tangsm: Get a hologram of her.
Fluffy776: 😂😂😂
Brozard: Gotta feed her that tuna sandwich
TheGreatPotatoMage: PLEASE dig her up
jarnatan: Oh DIG her up okay
Its_VeeBot: Weekend at LRRNies
beowuuf: or the clock tower
Lysander_salamander: yes
ScrapyardGhostTrain: She's a zombie, thank you.
cyrenman: I think the Queen already appeared on a Feed Dump
teddywhosabear: can't lese majeste the dead, baby!
Furyfire: Big Ass Johnson is banned too!
MicroManagingMusician: shout out to the panalysts episode
KBKarma: AND the UK economy.
SnowBuddy18: Weekend at Lizzy's
red_shoes_jeff: DIG! DIG! DIG!
hawktonguebaby: Weekend at Betty's
BrowneePoints: now this is How High
chazzer995: DIG HER UP
Mr_Horrible: honestly the most productive PM
DanTheMediocre: humour is great when it digs up instead of punches down
kimmiekoneko: big ass elizabeth ii
chazzer995: DIGGY DIGGY HOLE
Invitare: she also killed the economy
EmmaPartlow: AND she lost to a lettuce.
LotusEaterMtG: the Clickhole QE 2 would make a good guest
PipeSmokingOwl: and then lose her seat in the HoC rofl
micalovits: I think it was the Lettuce that did the queen in
Taveena: I mean the punch-a-chunk is coming-
AlsoSopranoCat: jsut need a OUija board
Pywodwagon: shes at the bottom of the chunk
Dark Esch: :)
gamefreak3072: :)
octo chan: :)
Colin: Weekend at Queenies
Bannin: As long as its not A big ass johnson
AveryCorvus: Presumably Liz got buried in the queens pyramid?
YareNiDaze: The cabbage lasted longer than her.
BrowneePoints: this is How High with Method Man and Redman when they dig up Benjamin Franklin
nessiah_aries: Isn't Big Ass Johnson Elizabeth II's maiden name?
Mangledpixel: and her PMship was outlasted by a head of lettuce
SnackPak_: daang
Mr_Horrible: excellent
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
GredGredmansson: both good
ElementalAlchemist: OOF
NimrodXIV: yessss
patbaer: both win
Sorator13: oh man, both of these are excellent
unleashenlightenment: this makes me sad
Its_VeeBot: Chose at random
Saintnex: lrrWOW
stevestein: I still miss you Feed Dump
TeaBread_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
riking27: Real politics deep cut
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TeaBread_! (Today's storm count: 755)
RandomTrivia: @korvys I forgot about that graph HypeLUL
JadedCynic: lrrWOW why does my nose itch? :D
Fluffy776: Makes me miss Adam's Gamehaus
theevermist: @micalovits the lettuce was her phylactery
Blip2004: Feed Dump with Lets nope in the background? sure
ElementalAlchemist: good job Cam
LotusEaterMtG: all of the news today is truly "Let's Nope"
chazzer995: Ma-ni-fee-to
Sarah_Serinde: *I* voted for Cameron's
Sorator13: It was a difficult choice, Cam
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
GredGredmansson: the people just want more ben and adam
SnackPak_: gottem!
pleonasticTautology: snrk
YeetTheRich_: ha
ElementalAlchemist: thanks Jordynne
Saintnex: hahaha
RandomTrivia: I want to answer both
Derpmind: Split the room.
Bannin: that will get you demonitized for sure
Derpmind: OOF
gamefreak3072: I would've sent bits if one was "this hat"
Bannin: Ben and Adam
Roe Dent: so good
Jess Kay: too real
themercenary1987: OMG
Invitare: (Chat should only count as 1 vote)
ClodiumSoride: Keep running, Wheeler.
kaziel0: Speaking of screaming... XD
ThePerrBearr: the magazine?
Its_VeeBot: Hello, light
BusTed: LUL
jarnatan: Honestly I'm cool with it just being Mahjong Soul
cyrenman: Queen Elizabeth in Feed Dump:
red_shoes_jeff: I went for the unrealistic answer.
beowuuf: :D
RandomTrivia: Jordynne you are still an absolute queen for doing that
Mr_Horrible: Hilights for kids
MommaGart: shoutout Jordan's latest Highlight Reel
brieandbacon: Very
TehAmelie: oh hi light
ihorner: Goofus spells it Hilight
MungoDude: greetings, light
stippledotter: Ghilite
damn_i_am_pretty: spelling is for closers
BlueMechanic: what are mahjong tiles if not small ceramic cards?
Bruceski: FINE, highlite, you happy?
jacqui_lantern234: yeah! Adam's a himbo!!!
WardsarTheWriter: That highlight reel segment is gonna live on in our memories for years to come...
BrowneePoints: Wait a second, he just played a card game last Saturday
CobaltShuriken: oh Adam
TheWooglie: Adam asked Jordynne how to spell highlight
BrowneePoints: Ian spotted in chat
Viewers_Like_You: "Hi-lites" don't meet the government standards to legally be packaged as "highlights"
nova_plushie: heather is savage
Jadenim: hilite
Sorator13: @Viewers_Like_You LUL
NewtyNewts: hylyt
teddywhosabear: @Viewers_Like_You insufficient neon yellow
TheGreatPotatoMage: I've done a clip compilation thing like Jordynne did, and yeah... the rendering time... Never again
stippledotter: Jylyeight
Earthenone: hilight? thats not right, clip it to win it
raulghoulia: @Viewers_Like_You very nice
Derpmind: My favorite highlight is all of them.
Rogue 7: ❤ Jordynne
NickTheDM: God that was a legendary play from Jordynne.
gamefreak3072: hilite
RandomTrivia: Kathleen setting up the callback play
TehAmelie: you can have one dibs
Its_VeeBot: Large Booty John
JadedCynic: @NewtyNewts from Universal B)
dungeonmasteralek subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months!
dungeonmasteralek: Subathon, go!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dungeonmasteralek! (Today's storm count: 756)
jarnatan: Wet. Ass. Johnson
Earthenone: is big ass jhonson on the reserve list?
GredGredmansson: Untap, Draw, Fuck
terribleplan: Izzet Big Ass Johnson?
ThePerrBearr: 3 words: mono Red
DanTheMediocre: Izzet; Bigass;Johnson?
Fanklok: Kathleen as teh CEO's wife is allowed to ask the help to do absurd things
MungoDude: Is it? It isn't. Isn't it?
Bearudite: time for burmashave punchlines
Saintnex: Big. Ass. Mizzet
Lysander_salamander: then be nice
YareNiDaze: Question for chat and also the collective Doctors LRR - What colour combo is Big Ass Johnson and why is it Jund?
Angreed66: time for the big ass Johnson jinx
Viewers_Like_You: Big / Ass / (Null input for comedy purposes)
RocknGrohlNerd: mono, big-ass, johnson?
JosVanTongeren: simmic slaw for the win!!
stippledotter: Big Izzet Johnson
beowuuf: lol
178 raiders from GoodDayInternet have joined!
themercenary1987: @jarnatan Is that The Rock in the rain?
Its_VeeBot: Wait, isn't "Big Ass Johnson" technically a synonym of "Large Dickbutt"?
TheGreatPotatoMage: Big Ass Johnson and his cohost, Wet Ass Percy
TehAmelie: nobody's ass is that big, not even Big Ass Johnson, etc
thekumquatking: Big Booty Benis
TXC2: hello Raiders
MungoDude: welcome raiders
drfox17 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
beowuuf: sergeHi raiders
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drfox17! (Today's storm count: 757)
KBKarma: Gonna have to dip shortly so I can get my medication.
stippledotter: Welcome raiders!
teddywhosabear: g'day internet
GredGredmansson: @YareNiDaze big ass johnson is Bant I feel, they have the biggest butts there
Dark Esch: Izzet Guildgate, yes it is
Reymond Kira: you can bet that it gets on the hilite real
Fourleggedfreak: that bit from Jordynne was epic xD
Taveena: @GredGredmansson Large tracts of land.
mastershake29x subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months, currently on a 107 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mastershake29x! (Today's storm count: 758)
JosVanTongeren: w we co me ra id er s
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiders! lrrSHINE
DanTheMediocre: Large Booty Lion-El
ihlendrax: !hole
LRRbot: Luckily, this is Hole In One.... Or Two!
RocknGrohlNerd: hello raiders
Sarah_Serinde: Good enough!
beowuuf: cdhc has given way to a subathon with Many Things for the next 5 days solidly
haberley: well done on 750 subs already! :D
LotusEaterMtG: did we lose Kathleen's mic?
stippledotter: Welcome. Raiders
shendaras: parnets
Earthenone: welcome raiders, this is a long silence leading up to callbacks to things you missed :P
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RandomTrivia: HOLY SHIT
RandomTrivia: FUCKL
GredGredmansson: YIKES
Saintnex: WOW
Splash4Mirrodin: WOW
LoganAura: woaaah
ArrestedHouse: good lord
SmithKurosaki: Yea, instinct submits are the best
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
a_shortfall_of_gravitas subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
themercenary1987: WHAT?!
JadedCynic: lrrWOW
Foxmar320: OMG
hd_dabnado: WOW
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, a_shortfall_of_gravitas! (Today's storm count: 759)
ElementalAlchemist: WHAT
DeM0nFiRe: lrrWOW
flatluigi: wow
keely_lionheart: oof
unleashenlightenment: well done
baltimore_667083: WOW
Taveena: oH NO,
atinyspacemarine: OOF
jacqui_lantern234: HOLY SHIT
TehAmelie: bold
Sorator13: WOW
CobaltShuriken: WOW
Zatengo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 95 months!
roefizzlebeef: WOW
SnackPak_: our bad
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zatengo! (Today's storm count: 760)
Jadenim: Jesus
patience_zero: oof
Malkmaven1176: DUDE!
red_shoes_jeff: lrrJUDGECALL
ContingentCat: ouch
LotusEaterMtG: amazing
nova_plushie: OUCH
jarnatan: Who even sends that
beowuuf: austrailian spiders :(
gamefreak3072: @Dark Esch Izzet boilerworks? yes it is
Seana L Purvis: I'm so glad to see all of you doing another subathon
Dark Esch: Izzet Signet, yes it is
Dark Esch: woah
Colin: Oh NO!
Reymond Kira: Izzet Cluestone. Amazing.
ExachixKitsune: That's the sort of package you return
thedepthandbreadthofseth: wait, what?!?!?
flagonmaster subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, flagonmaster! (Today's storm count: 761)
micalovits: I thought you lost a bet
DanTheMediocre: sign here please?
Foxmar320: Look I didn't put that in with the coffee
Underachiever28: I voted, and now I feel bad 😅
RandomTrivia: Jordynne with the nuclear option
RealGamerCow: Might want to have Alex walk around with his giger counter just in case
Gaz_L: Has Graham seen Hank Green's stand up special, btw?
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNE HOLY SHIT XD
MilkInBags: FEOM
nessiah_aries: Someone sent G a live crab?
RubikDarkwill: No Fan Golem reference?
TXC2: yikes
DeM0nFiRe: YIKES lol
Splash4Mirrodin: Timely
Pteraspidomorphi: oof
MilkInBags: minor spelling mistake
flatluigi: wooooooooooooow
ExachixKitsune: wow
Heckhoundbolt: yikes
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
matthaus_c: DAMN
baltimore_667083: WOOOOOW
jarnatan: uhhh
Its_VeeBot: We love you G
TotalHell: Spicy
GazzyInferno: feom
Furyfire: WELP
WardsarTheWriter: Topical...
keely_lionheart: wooow deep cut
miuraseri: oh
hd_dabnado: YALL
neisan2112: Oof
Snampo_ok: Wow..
themercenary1987: Topical....
teddywhosabear: topical and spicy
LotusEaterMtG: oh my
Taveena: Oh that took me a moment,
GredGredmansson: were they ever though
LeeshaJoy: too soon
NonUniqueGuy: Wow
spinebustertee: as a resident of milwaukee that last one hits too hard
Alahmnat: "anymore"
Scy_Anide subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Scy_Anide! (Today's storm count: 762)
haberley: LRRtolan?
TXC2: the OrtaLRR
FickleMuse: there is no god here
Sibwow: ortolan joke count to 1
BusTed: does that answer remind anyone else of that hotel guy from john wick
SmithKurosaki: @spinebustertee Condolences
riking27: Tough choice
patrick_stonecrusher: Topical... l8ke the bullet wound
TehAmelie: ortaLRRn
DahudLefthanded: There's been a lot of ortolon today
BrowneePoints: Adam, it’s a good thing you’re gorgeous
atinyspacemarine: the ortelan of internet comedy
Bearudite: so THATS what the Tarp budget is for
DanTheMediocre: is this what the Tarp budget gets spent on
Rogue 7: Chat knows what it did
octo chan: YIKES FOREVER
Seana L Purvis: yikes
Colin: You did say that Watch and Play gave you it once
Derpmind: yikes
Dark Esch: Feom
Zeathian: topical
Jess Kay: feom
RandomTrivia: Sweet merciful BUS folks, save some firepower for the rest of the Subathon :D
Angnor33: Remember, God can't watch you through aluminum foil.
MilkInBags: adam that was good
ElementalAlchemist: nice
MungoDude: nice
teddywhosabear: ortalan subathon
WardsarTheWriter: Nice
PhorrestGaze subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PhorrestGaze! (Today's storm count: 763)
Sarah_Serinde: Okay chat, they brought it up on stream but we're not getting into it here
red_shoes_jeff: nice
flatluigi: is that what ian's making on tinker tailor
Juliamon: the rund
Creature_Comforts: Someone was waiting to unleash that one.
Brozard: @spinebustertee I just visited last week, your town is neat, in spite of the RNC
Furyfire: LUL
GredGredmansson: T H E R U N D
Songar87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
CobaltShuriken: The Rundening
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Songar87! (Today's storm count: 764)
Its_VeeBot: The grink
wedge_x: CORI
IbunWest: I had the rund once. Doctor cleared it up nicely though.
jacqui_lantern234: THE RUND XD
AspiringDryad: (rund = bovine in dutch)
Suffix: I can hook you up for 2/3
RandomTrivia: R U N D
chazzer995: THE RUND
Metric_Furlong: Loading Ready The Rund
SmithKurosaki: And on todaty'
Taveena: i love THE RUND
mercano82: Can you smell what The Rund is cooking?
NewtyNewts: Claimed Jund?
thekumquatking: THE RUND
Lizardman175: Rund em out?
KBKarma: The Rund MC?
Blasteg: what's the rund?
BusTed: LUL
RandomTrivia: RUND 'EM OUT
DahudLefthanded: Runding in the 90s
MilkInBags: we almost got Grond
SmithKurosaki: And on Today's Program: The RUND
jacqui_lantern234: Dwayne The Rund Johnson
nessiah_aries: The Eckig vs the Rund
DanTheMediocre: RUND EM OUT
RocknGrohlNerd: @KBKarma yes
teddywhosabear: Big the Rund Johnson
themercenary1987: @RandomTrivia YES!
WardsarTheWriter: Loads Readying Rund, the off-brand LRR.
Colin: Dangit, graham got to the Ortalan joke before me
octo chan: There's a restaurant named Ortolan in my city and really want to ask
Rogue 7: Nog
Seana L Purvis: in view of God will always win
Jess Kay: rund em out
Kingsgrave: I just want to make a custom UG rare called Big Ass Johnson now
Sorator13: I also thought The Rund was intentional
control_rig: Hahah\
YareNiDaze: Beej Ass Johnson is the harbinger for New Year's Steve.
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL+
Furyfire: HAH
Saintnex: haha
RandomTrivia: That is amazing
MilkInBags: i dont want hairy sushi
RhymesWithMoose: Okay, but consider: "Rund 'Em Out"
azureHaights: Dice Kismeses
jacqui_lantern234: @RandomTrivia YOURE AMAZING
MilkInBags: rund it back
matthaus_c: own the rund!
Brozard: Dice Hate Cuddles
BusTed: we own the rund
GredGredmansson: LOVE that second one
Pteraspidomorphi: Quiplash is way stronger when LRR is playing it compared to the people I know
JoannaTastic: Dice Situationships
Earthenone: just rund with it
Bacon_Trail: NEW BUTTON!
thewafflesareburning: Yeah Cameron
0x6772: Rund 'em out, even.
Morrigan9: dice with benefits
JinaMahavira: The Rund is a feature
stippledotter: Dice go in the square hole
DahudLefthanded: "The Rund" is definitely finding a place in my heart
YareNiDaze: "Dice Cuddle Enemies": TIGHTER YOU ASSHOLE
jarnatan: Rund Panorama
RandomTrivia: VERY strong
Hansk_and_Boo: Serving Rund
Lord_Hosk: Are you just going to send me a Naked James?
NewtyNewts: uh oh nakies
MungoDude: zestyl5GG
satyropodobny: dice situationship
geckoinasuit: desperately hoping for another round lmao
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
KBKarma: @Lord_Hosk Covered in sushi.
gamefreak3072: ah yes tabletop day. things get.... dicey
Seana L Purvis: rundam Wing
Derpmind: Is your refrigerator runding?
Dark Esch: Izzet Locket, yes it is
jchinnock: sent bits show Rund
AlsoSopranoCat: I would buy a Dice It's Complicated shirt
Saintnex: clearly should have been Nakies Kappa
MilkInBags: FBtouchdown
ElementalAlchemist: gg
BusTed: ggs
TheWooglie: GG Noy2222
Amentur: idesyrClap idesyrClap
raulghoulia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
jacqui_lantern234: GG G
as_ever_ellesandra: Sushi James Body Pillow
JosVanTongeren: gg gram!
Noy2222: Woo!
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
Its_VeeBot: GG
Fluffy776: <3 <3 <3
beowuuf: seabatClap seabatClap
TotalHell: Applause, applause
RandomTrivia: Great work, Noy2222!
WardsarTheWriter: Graham retains title of King of LRR
TXC2: Noy2222 lrrHEART
teddywhosabear: hooray
RocknGrohlNerd: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
PsychoI3oy: lrrSHINE
3PlayerPolitics: clapclapclap
Statist42: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Lysander_salamander: congrats Noy!
TotallyNotaBeholder: Thanks Noy(ammount of 2's)
Sorator13: thank you Noy2222!!! And ElementalAlchemist for the voicing earlier!
JosVanTongeren: thanks again @noy2222
riking27: build a tower for Noy!
MilkInBags: I'll hold my breath for 7 days
gooey_xylophone: @noy2222 ty
KBKarma: Excellent timing, time for me to turn off my immune system. Back in a bitty bitty bit.
teddywhosabear: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Redbassist: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
JosVanTongeren: so good!!!
MungoDude: let's chunch a punk
Noy2222: I'll fix the Quixort, then
ElementalAlchemist: @Sorator13 <3
beowuuf: pac! pac! pac! pac!
NewtyNewts: Noy 2^2 2s
RocknGrohlNerd: verygood job Noy
CobaltShuriken: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
BeccaTingles: Bedtime! Thanks everybody x
hawktonguebaby: Two tutus, too!
Earthenone: good stream all!
bsudo: rund gives me drood the ozephrence vibes
RandomTrivia: "And now, over there!"
JosVanTongeren: thanks al!
BigDaddyBland87: ceiling cam?
Jillexie is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to SomePersonNo!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to jabisbad!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to GreyOrb!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Musicfreakbubba!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Arakasi01!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jillexie! Welcome to jabisbad, SomePersonNo, GreyOrb, Arakasi01, and Musicfreakbubba! (Today's storm count: 769)
Earthenone: i love the stay tuned subathon cam
offbeatwitch: mimecraft
theevermist: its time to punch and chunk
jarnatan: Don't break screen, screen did nothing wrong
Juliamon: Let's all go to the off-screen, let's all go to the off-screen...
3PlayerPolitics: G throwing
Viewers_Like_You: Ooh, is it the return of the "blurry frosted transitory view"?
raulghoulia: no beej to take off his pants
WardsarTheWriter: Break the Screen?
themercenary1987: PUNCH THAT CHUNK!
TXC2: they love it when you point at the sign!
Redundacy: i love punching chunks
Astra7525: CHunch a punk
wordnerdify: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Jon Grayson: sorry I'm late, was getting in some Marvel Snap time
SmithKurosaki: Its all good
Derpmind: 👏👏👏👏👏👏
SmithKurosaki: Welcome in
gamefreak3072: Not to be confused with Noy44
Fourleggedfreak: uh oh naked sounds like "oops! it was an accident!" lol xD
octo chan: Graham has proven his funny superiority
Timlin 22: Yay got to participate in my first live lrr jackbox
Unpronounceable: I wasn't here for the whole Jackbox block. Did they play Fibbage?
Seana L Purvis: 💪
RandomTrivia: Can't wait to get a new JamesSpin gif from this week
kaziel0: I've been punching a chunk at home. :D
Twilight_Spark: I can't wait to watch multiple people relay punching it.
Bacon_Trail: oooooo, nonsense!
Juliamon: Let's all go to the off-screen, to punch ourselves a chunk!
DanTheMediocre: punch that chunk; sub that thon; sushi that james
patrick_stonecrusher: >PUNCH!<
CobaltShuriken: bbirbRAVE bbirbRAVE bbirbRAVE bbirbRAVE
squire_muggins subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
Xafty: thats a fair chunk of subs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, squire_muggins! (Today's storm count: 770)
JosVanTongeren: need to do sleepy sleepy have fun punck the chunk
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
red_shoes_jeff: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
Redpandarama: frosty screen!
BigDaddyBland87: Ceiling cam!
ExachixKitsune: you've surpassed doing 1 whole day at least
Nigouki: so blurry
haberley: man I love this screen
WardsarTheWriter: Oh no, where's my glasses?!
tyrew0rm: Back to the pit we go
ShaneLeeAtk: I love this interstitial screen
flatluigi: so blurry
TXC2: so long JosVanTongeren sleep well
RandomTrivia: jlrrPit
brieandbacon: bLRR
jarnatan: This implies I was in tune to begin with
RocknGrohlNerd: see ya in vods, must sleep now
CobaltShuriken: everyone scatter!
3PlayerPolitics: blurrr
Mangledpixel: eerie silence
ihlendrax: I love this break view.
FarleyF: Hey John Cena Cam is back
gooey_xylophone: lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS
BorgarWithAShotgun is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
BorgarWithAShotgun gifted a Tier 1 sub to Y2A_Alkis!
BorgarWithAShotgun gifted a Tier 1 sub to awful_neutral!
BorgarWithAShotgun gifted a Tier 1 sub to Milleg2!
BorgarWithAShotgun gifted a Tier 1 sub to joinedtwitchfordesertbus!
BorgarWithAShotgun gifted a Tier 1 sub to olwen_5!
BorgarWithAShotgun gifted a Tier 1 sub to charles2535!
BorgarWithAShotgun gifted a Tier 1 sub to V0ba!
BorgarWithAShotgun gifted a Tier 1 sub to Chfer!
BorgarWithAShotgun gifted a Tier 1 sub to wpi_defender!
BorgarWithAShotgun gifted a Tier 1 sub to Joy_Stix_DragQueen!
accountmadeforants: Vaseline-o-vision (a.k.a. Beejcam)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, BorgarWithAShotgun! Welcome to Y2A_Alkis, awful_neutral, Milleg2, joinedtwitchfordesertbus, Chfer, Joy_Stix_DragQueen, olwen_5, charles2535, V0ba, and wpi_defender! (Today's storm count: 780)
sarsum33 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
TXC2: right chat I'm off
TheMerricat: I love these screens, wish LRR had more reasons to use the BLRR.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sarsum33! (Today's storm count: 781)
Astra7525: ah, the blrr-filtrrr
jacqui_lantern234: @ihlendrax i love YOU!!!!!
3PlayerPolitics: The Rund ❤️
Nigouki: next time on Tinker Tailrr: cleaning the vaseline off of camera lenses with Beej
DanTheMediocre: @FarleyF can you smell what th Rund is cooking?
GiraffeStache: 💕
DounixD: I just remembered beej doing an undressing bit at the start of the last subathon
FickleMuse: I just have to say, yet again, just how much I LOVE these break screens
Jess Kay: no fibbage this time
Jon Grayson: my 1st live chat on this channel, I'm excited
WiseBagus: How many subs to get to Saturday?
SmithKurosaki: @Jess Kay I've heard there are more Jackbox games yet to play
octo chan: good stuff, I'll have to tune back in later
Chaos Treader: The sudden cut in sound was a little jarring.
red_shoes_jeff: !vaselineorbarcode
LRRbot: Vaseline!
geckoinasuit: time to take a break and go watch the roborosewater chaos draft
bytecaster: Oh how I missed you, Subathon Pause Screen
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and keep on sub-a-thoning!
liminalblossom subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, liminalblossom! (Today's storm count: 782)
red_shoes_jeff: Yep
BorgarWithAShotgun: @joinedtwitchfordesertbus I got the right person.
Bacon_Trail: wait, there's already a break command... how will we ever track tool breaks?
Astra7525: @DounixD yes he did
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 night friend <3
YareNiDaze: @DanTheMediocre The Rund says Know Your Damn Role! :P
TehAmelie: in the old times they'd put vaseline on the lens in order to create soft focus
Retroman1954: lrrARROWS lrrSHINE lrrSPOOPY lrrJUDGECALL
squire_muggins is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
squire_muggins gifted a Tier 1 sub to macintose!
squire_muggins gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrMcMiller!
squire_muggins gifted a Tier 1 sub to homeystary!
squire_muggins gifted a Tier 1 sub to saucyintruder13!
squire_muggins gifted a Tier 1 sub to gizmosgood!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, squire_muggins! Welcome to macintose, homeystary, MrMcMiller, gizmosgood, and saucyintruder13! (Today's storm count: 787)
TehAmelie: but this may be overdoing it. . .
Mazrae: Wait why is there a 5 sub difference between the counter on screen and the sub counter in chat
Sorator13: @Mazrae Delay
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 521 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to ASaltedPotatoe!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to EpiiMeth!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to AlsoSopranoCat!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to shabe_x_roc!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Inkompetence!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hammy9009!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Redundacy!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vulcnor!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to maybe_games!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to JAGxTERRA!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to ASaltedPotatoe, AlsoSopranoCat, EpiiMeth, shabe_x_roc, Inkompetence, Redundacy, Vulcnor, maybe_games, JAGxTERRA, and Hammy9009! (Today's storm count: 797)
FickleMuse: Well, I guess this is a good time for my laundry to beep at me
CobaltShuriken: is there a limit to the subathon timer, and has it already been reached?
3PlayerPolitics: a wizzard did it
Juliamon: Mazrae Storm count inclues Youtube
Mangledpixel: Mazrae might have different start times?
Viewers_Like_You: Oh hey, sub noises
haberley: @CobaltShuriken 5 days
maybe_games: @red_shoes_jeff Thanks for the gift sub!
Mangledpixel: oh YouTube, that makes more sense
SmithKurosaki: @WiseBagus Very many, we've got 25h worth already. A note: YT subs/superchats don't count, only subs and bits on Twitch
Jess Kay: @SmithKurosaki yeah, it'll likely be in later, just wasn't in that session
Sarah: Each Twitch sub or 400 bits adds one minute
Sarah: But tier 2 and 3 subs add more time than that
Astra7525: PSA: I just found out that the Twitch browser client now has an option to pause chat autoscroll on mouse-over (or buttonpress). Neato
x3ryn: good way to spend the day
0x6772: PAN!
CobaltShuriken: @haberley that’s a lot of days!
PhoenixMelior: We are almost at a whole day of stream
Viewers_Like_You: wheee
RandomTrivia: ZOOOOOOP
tyrew0rm: ooh
TheMerricat: Also chat, it's 96F with 50% humidity here. I feel like I've been dipped in molasses without the benefit of it being sweet.
chianeko subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chianeko! (Today's storm count: 798)
Bacon_Trail: what a high tech transistion
Bacon_Trail: love it
KharadBanar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
KharadBanar: I‘m doing my part for the 8^2th time lrrSHINE
TehAmelie: it's been two hours and we're up nearly 16 hours
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KharadBanar! (Today's storm count: 799)
measureofhope: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
WardsarTheWriter: Chat: Enhance!
RandomTrivia: Such production value
iiieye: Well just got here in time for thriplash, what I miss?
Nigouki: oooooh, right, the actual physical in-person head-to-head PaC
houssem037: it's not a different room :O
plaidanddrpepper subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak!
plaidanddrpepper: sub!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, plaidanddrpepper! (Today's storm count: 800)
Alex_Frostfire: Good time to go start my laundry!
margieargie is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 509 in the channel!
Retroman1954: Thanks for the sub! @canahedo
margieargie gifted a Tier 1 sub to KingJimmeh!
margieargie gifted a Tier 1 sub to vinopinguino!
margieargie gifted a Tier 1 sub to red6porkins!
margieargie gifted a Tier 1 sub to brokenpipe!
margieargie gifted a Tier 1 sub to slayer346!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, margieargie! Welcome to KingJimmeh, vinopinguino, brokenpipe, slayer346, and red6porkins! (Today's storm count: 805)
googoltudoris: ok that was a cool transition
Redbassist: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE
Furyfire: All the subs
houssem037: my immersion :(
Barb4rian: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
haberley: 800 subs!!
jarnatan: The target number of subs is slightly north of 7000 so there's a bit more to go before we hit the cap
beowuuf: yay, over one day!
kinipelah subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months!
Tandtroll_OG: @themerricat oh that sounds awful
asddsa28: that is alot of subs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kinipelah! (Today's storm count: 806)
CobaltShuriken: I see Alex!
dukebazaar: <3
JadedCynic: @TheMerricat *wafts cool, dry air out of my freezer in Merricat's direction* (it's muggy here, but only like 75f)
Derpmind: The camera turns.
Joachim Sauer: I'm just in time to stay tuned!
Colin: Was that Adam waving about
Joachim Sauer: I'm so incredibly tuned right now!
Colin: Or Graham, no wait Graham
BorgarWithAShotgun: mic5?
haberley: i mean, it's 10 at night and raining here if anyone wants some colder weather :P
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
houssem037: so what now ? highlander ?
JadedCynic: nah, they're not SUPPOSED to be audible during this break
x3ryn: haha I’d like some rain
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang vicksyPrider vicksyTap
beowuuf: @houssem037 punch a chunk relay in minecraft
jarnatan: Now is punch-chunk
ShaneLeeAtk: @themerricat Same here, friend. It is a very damp oven outside.
RandomTrivia: @houssem037 Next up is the Minecraft Punch-A-Chunk relay
3PlayerPolitics: It's 16 here, but that's celsius so YMMV
KharadBanar: 11 at night here and still 26C, send help
Kingsgrave: punk-a-chunch
Jon Grayson: looked like Graham to me
gamefreak3072: It was definitly gradam
houssem037: thx :D
TehAmelie: punk-a-sunk
Mangledpixel: anyway,
Tandtroll_OG: With help and yelp for bits
RandomTrivia: Gonna make a square hole to put everything into throughout the week
ShifuDaxiongmao: someone get that serge a coffee! :P
bytecaster: I have not looked outside to see what the weather is like and I will not start now
maybe_games: @3PlayerPolitics metric doesnt use mileage!
margieargie: Anyway, here for the really important part of this sub-a-thon, everything else is just bonus <_<
monitor360: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Molladia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
Molladia: Perfect re-sub timing. Happy Sub-a-thon
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Molladia! (Today's storm count: 807)
RatherLargeToad subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LordZarano: Is this gonna be relay style, or TAG TEAM MATCH?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RatherLargeToad! (Today's storm count: 808)
3PlayerPolitics: @maybe_games not with that attitude
Medusa_Stein subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Medusa_Stein! (Today's storm count: 809)
TehAmelie: meanwhile, canada
3PlayerPolitics: @maybe_games lol
jarnatan: I'm honestly looking forward to the overnight watchalongs for those sweet sweet archived videos
Colin: I know that was a typo, but Gradam made me think of a gundam, but graham
kusinohki: relay? for some reason I thought it would be a 2vs3 chunk punching. like serge and james combined could beat 3ppl working together...
Mazrae: It's 100 here with index of 105 and 42% humidity
Procrastronauts: oh shit we thonning
Despoiler98: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE YAYthanks for the sub!
Mazrae: Index 109**
jarnatan: It is exactly that, kusinohki
measureofhope is continuing the Gift Sub they got from hyralt!
TehAmelie: i keep holding out for the reverse punch, where they fill every block in a chunk from bottom to top
haberley: @jarnatan just rewatched the watchalongs from last time, it's so good
ShifuDaxiongmao: aaannnd... un-freeze
Gaz_L: i mean, it's still 2v3, so presumably Team AlCorG will have shorter shifts/turns?
ClodiumSoride: I wonder how the relay part will work. Switch after each layer?
Joshua Trytten: Get in the Graham, Shinji
BorgarWithAShotgun: @TehAmelie with or without caves?
3PlayerPolitics: suck a chunk? 🤔
TehAmelie: all solid blocks
red_shoes_jeff: Party1300
return_of_floki4242: DinoDance
haberley: @3PlayerPolitics blow chunks
Tandtroll_OG: @tehamelie I think after The Pile James will veto everything where blocks are placed
TheOtherTrevor: going to punch it right in the chunk
Piecrust9: Show me the chunk!!
3PlayerPolitics: OH. yes much better @haberley
MWGNZ: time for some hifunkChunk s
Scarbble: nice bits
KharadBanar: @tehamelie would they have the necessary blocks beforehand or need to gather them?
DigitalSeahorse: feliciaTeam feliciaTeam vicksyCheer
Inkompetence: @red_shoes_jeff just noticed a gift sub from you: thank you very much!
Gascitygaming: lrrHAM
TehAmelie: oh, they'd have to gather whatever they think is most efficient
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
ExachixKitsune: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
jarnatan: Move-a-chunk: Punch an entire chunk, then put the chunk somewhere else
CobaltShuriken: bbirbDumper bbirbDumper bbirbDumper bbirbDumper
korvys: lrrBartleby
avi_miller: Dance cam
Gascitygaming: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
GazzyInferno: dancey dance
red_shoes_jeff: @Inkompetence benginFingers
IbunWest: merlekBouncy
Tandtroll_OG: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
incslayer: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
bethjch: lrrBartleby
DanTheMediocre: All chunk, punched by Rund
ExachixKitsune: cakejuDance cakejuDance cakejuDance
wordnerdify: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
neveth: DinoDance
Redbassist: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE
measureofhope: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
RandomTrivia: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
kaziel0: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
x3ryn: pre chunk groove
KiaStirling: lrrBartleby
LostThePirate: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : I didn't realize how much I'd missed the dancing for the fuzz'd camera.
haberley: ooooooohhhh
TotallyNotaBeholder: sergeBongo sergeBongo
gooey_xylophone: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
Mazrae: And on a crab note
red_shoes_jeff: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
WardsarTheWriter: It's funny to see this dancing when I have Raphael's Final Act playing.
beowuuf: @TehAmelie james build a pile in a central chunk area in his second homestream, and it required too much concentration compared to normal pac'ing so he's said he'l never do that sort of thing again :p
ShifuDaxiongmao: your Summon Focus didn't work :P
Two_Hats: I would love to see a punch a chunk, but both Serge and James control the same character
3PlayerPolitics: Praise Rund
TheMerricat: So it's taken me this long to realize that the pinned cheers aren't people memeing two letters but actually their names abbreviated and the UI I'm using just won't show the full name. :D
RandomTrivia: Hot graham mic!
GazzyInferno: i need to perfect the bits count cheer69
stippledotter: Making a square hole (everything fits)
beowuuf: mic5
DanTheMediocre: lrrGibb
plaidanddrpepper: woo
tyrew0rm: So how classic a ruleset are we using?
midnightcurryjazz: LONG TAIL
Mangledpixel: that was a hot mic, Graham
terribleplan: Such a long tail.
margieargie: Ooooh, neat
MWGNZ: hifunkPopcorn
GazzyInferno: nooo
50keyz: taaaaaaaaaail
beowuuf: sergeHi
haberley: hi Cori
neveth: CORI
gooey_xylophone: Cori!
Gascitygaming: cori!
herph: jlrrPunch lrrHORN
Suffix: Hi!
Invitare: no Alex. God cannot see this
Inkompetence: @red_shoes_jeff lrrHORN lrrSHINE lrrHORN
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Cori :D tiltyhYAS
gooey_xylophone: lrrCORI lrrCORI lrrCORI
CaptainSpam: @jarnatan Ah, yes, The Pile. I doubt James wants to try that again. LuL
flatluigi: hi cori
HalloweenCandii subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 7 month streak!
SymphonySolstice: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
stevestein: Debajo de la mesa!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HalloweenCandii! (Today's storm count: 810)
TehAmelie: Cori, hide and seek champion
bjergmann101: Sorry about that paul? What did you do Graham
ShifuDaxiongmao: there is NOTHING under the table
Tandtroll_OG: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
TheMerricat: Hidden Cori, Crouching James?
RandomTrivia: Alex HypeLUL
tidehollowcat: That scared me
beowuuf: yay! pac! pac! pac! pac!
measureofhope: Free Cory
DigitalSeahorse: the other half of Alex! vicksyCheer
YareNiDaze: Crouching Cori Hidden Cola
Dread_Pirate_Westley: jlrrPunch
avi_miller: Punch a Chunk!
Flyingdelorion: Punch that chunk!
BlueFingers5: Dutch angle!
AlsoSopranoCat: @red_shoes_jeff Oh wow, thanks for the gift sub!
Pteraspidomorphi: It was bugging me too :P
Coloneljesus: thanks graham
Jillexie: WHoa, 1000+ subs
Halinn: What's wrong with not being straight, Graham?!
teddywhosabear: this is loading ready run, things don't have to be straight
jarnatan: Oh Cori is here too
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPrider vicksyPrider vicksyPrider
Sorator13: G, I'm glad you see me and people like me
measureofhope: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
public_key_reveal_party: graham is getting into his auteur director phase
BorgarWithAShotgun: oh, we got more than 1k alaready
jacqui_lantern234: "its not straight" neither am i @LoadingReadyRun but you keep me around
red_shoes_jeff: @AlsoSopranoCat benginFingers
rogerivany: I see we have some ringers
avi_miller: Yes! Chaos!!
YareNiDaze: There were 5 of 'em!
DanTheMediocre: look June is over, camera is straight again
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
fastlane250: oh damn I just noticed G's hoodie. Where can I cop that?
RandomTrivia: "Old and busted" "New hotness"
Lysander_salamander: what
Gaz_L: SuperChunk Party?
beowuuf: punching chunks adds 15 years
Bacon_Trail: it's age in minecraft
theevermist: you know that explains a lot
DigitalSeahorse: age of maturity?
Nahmbra subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
Nahmbra: Punch!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nahmbra! (Today's storm count: 811)
Bacon_Trail: quick look up total hours spent in games
Alas_Babylon: Serge's age is sergeOffByOne
Mazrae: When did the bits get over 12,000
Fourleggedfreak: Serge doin the dance 👆☝️
SmithKurosaki: Oh? G is punching a chunk?
Clockwork Cthulhu: do we feel punchy? punch, punch, punch!
Sarah: Amatures vs pros!
Jon Grayson: Cori's hiding, must be intense
Joshua Trytten: It HAS to be STRAIGHT graham, it's not June anymore...
Dark Esch: you do go wide as you age
rogerivany: James is only 4. He sings that all the time.
BrowneePoints: Here is to a marvelous week celebrating an Incredible group of folks who put so much joy and kindness into a Dark World. You are Appreciated, and you are So, So loved. browne26PearPride
beowuuf: yay, the old layout
incslayer: @Gaz_L thanks for unlocking that memory of Cartoon Network for me
Lysander_salamander: aging quadratically instead of linearly
vtbuzzbee subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vtbuzzbee! (Today's storm count: 812)
Sarah_Serinde: Icons and everything :D
RandomTrivia: Ok the skins on the tracker :D
sfn____: "#TeamOld" lmao
wordnerdify: @BrowneePoints lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ExachixKitsune: Praise Avi!
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART avi_miller
SnackPak_: lrrSHINE Avi
Suffix: YAY avi_miller
IbunWest: @BrowneePoints merlekPride
Sarah_Serinde: Awesome work
KBKarma: @avi_miller Nice one!
jacqui_lantern234: @avi_miller YOU HECCIN ROCK <3
jarnatan: old skin, also known as: My skin
Sorator13: Those are excellent, Avi!!
avi_miller: <3
SmithKurosaki: Woo avi :)
margieargie: #TeamNew getting a bit of an advantage in blocks, fair I suppose
ExachixKitsune gifted 3 months of Tier 1 to avi_miller. They've gifted 28 months in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, avi_miller! (Today's storm count: 813)
Lex_Peacekeeper: how does it feel to be old Jame/Serge?
RandomTrivia: Mangledpixel Hehehehe
bjergmann101: The way the timer is split pleases me
avi_miller: Aw, thank you Kits!
Mushbie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
Mushbie: I got 99 problems, but a sub ain't one
barringtonstabb subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 61 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mushbie! (Today's storm count: 814)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, barringtonstabb! (Today's storm count: 815)
GredGredmansson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
GredGredmansson: subbing thons
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GredGredmansson! (Today's storm count: 816)
Redbassist: Need an old skin and a new skin 😈
Sarah_Serinde: New chunks take *so long*
beowuuf: cheer100 #grizzleveterans #theyoungguns
Juliamon: old skin vs baby skin
Mangledpixel: ah, memories
RAICx: Just a little deepslate, as a treat
ExachixKitsune: avi_miller : sergePrideLove
insanecat6mtg: Time to punch those chunks!
bytecaster: "I have created a world" is some sentence
tyrew0rm: @Mangledpixel Oh wow, i'd forgotten about that
LoadingReadyRun: THe hashtags for bits are #teamOld #teamNew
RandomTrivia: jlrrWalldiamond
SmithKurosaki: Wait, is this Serge vs a tag team?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBox time for boxiness
1RileyPaige: Grizzled Young Vets vs The Young Bucks, got it
Sarah_Serinde: SmithKurosaki Both are tag teams
Sarah_Serinde: James will be on later
SmithKurosaki: nice
YareNiDaze: @SmithKurosaki James & Serge vs. Cori, Alex and Graham.
TehAmelie: as long as James has memorized the 16000 blocks and their relative coordinates, this would be really unfair
bytecaster: BamboMeta
TheAinMAP: Serge distracted?
Chesul: Bamboo would be way too easy.
bytecaster: So is this a chunk time share situation?
beowuuf: Cheer100 #teamOld #teamNew
Alahmnat: when does Uno remote in for a shift on team old? ;)
Dark Esch: ?
Dark Esch: you can craft more with bamboo?
TehAmelie: hot seat chunking
RandomTrivia: @beowuuf Good science
beowuuf: it works!
MungoDude: gold is so fast, but wears out so fast too
YareNiDaze: @1RileyPaige Shoes off! If you hate Turner! (Not Actually, of course.)
CelticGeek: I was hoping for multi-player rather than relay, but I'm still excited!
BorgarWithAShotgun: do chests count?
beowuuf: sergeScience
RandomTrivia: For the love of Steve, remember to make ladders :D
LoadingReadyRun: thanks for the test @beowuuf, tbh I wasn't sure it worked :p
beowuuf: :D
DanTheMediocre: only as long as you dont have an Iron pick already
Sogheim subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sogheim! (Today's storm count: 817)
badpandabear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, badpandabear! (Today's storm count: 818)
DanTheMediocre: you dont have to force smelt asap unless you;re on stone
MungoDude: dirt or gravel
BITs19_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months, currently on a 96 month streak!
BITs19_: ber ber ber berrrrrrrrrr
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BITs19_! (Today's storm count: 819)
bytecaster: Wait, we are having fun in here? I was promised sweaty tryharding
Dark Esch: last I played minecraft it had limited use
Sarah: Yeah you can craft a lot more with bamboo now, it's a recent update
Jon Grayson: I've never played minecraft
red_shoes_jeff: Two diamond r what?
Sarah_Serinde: If these rules sound complicated to you, #BlameJames, he made them when he was bored :P
avi_miller: ^
haberley: hold on, on screen storm count is over 1,000???
bytecaster: There are punishments?
stevestein: Graham is very confused by the rules. He should be. The rules are pointlessly complicated.
ExachixKitsune: Praise Sarah
amative1: *gasp*
wench_tacular: sarah's word is law
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Chat also has opinions. They don't count.
BusTed: onstaWELP
RandomTrivia: #BlameJames
measureofhope: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
SmithKurosaki: Heck yea Sarah lrrSHINE
kaziel0: @Sarah_Serinde Thank you for being the judge <3
GredGredmansson: #blamejames
50keyz: #Blame lrrJAMES
Sarah_Serinde: I do the best I can with what James has given me
Suffix: seabatTROG /
TheManaLeek: At what point do we get the Beejlander version of Punch-a-Chunk? Beej-a-Chunk?
Juliamon: She didn't make them, she just enforces them
SmithKurosaki: @Dark Esch Bamboo tends to regrow faster
Sorator13: #BlameJames is official, eh?
RandomTrivia: James challenged Chat.
Trymantha: @haberley almost like its a subathon
Abavus: LUL
jarnatan: These are serges bits in public
TehAmelie: just enforces them with absolute authority
Geisterkarle: is there a chat command for the rules? :D
terribleplan: Judges don't make the rules, they make rulings on them.
shabe_x_roc: @red_shoes_jeff Thanks for the sub!
measureofhope: #BlameJames #PraiseSarah
public_key_reveal_party: it's almost like this game's creator made this on a whim
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyHeart Sarah
magical_girl_amelia: hooray for chunks
Parkes04 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Parkes04! (Today's storm count: 820)
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART chat
red_shoes_jeff: @shabe_x_roc benginFingers
nevermore913: Never challenge chat
offbeatwitch: bug located
Peevvi: that's a lot of rules, but I'm unclear on what the goal is
protojman: I trust in Sarah!
Sogheim: bits are sergeOffByOne
SkiaSymphonia: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
Sorator13: @Peevvi Mine all the blocks before the other team!
Alas_Babylon: @Peevvi Excavate the entire chunk down to bedrock.
Mirror1414 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mirror1414! (Today's storm count: 821)
TehAmelie: so James is the legislative and Sarah is the judical. . .something metaphor something
RandomTrivia: Oh that's a thousand INCREMENTS?
Alas_Babylon: @Peevvi And the first team to do so for their chunk is crowned champion of Minecraft forever
haberley: oh wow
Alas_Babylon: (maybe not)
DigitalSeahorse: Alex's mic vicksyDed
RandomTrivia: Oh that makes sense
haberley: daaaaang
ExachixKitsune: Gotta battle in my soul; I want Serge to win, but I also want James to lose....
TangleTrail subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
TangleTrail: Woo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TangleTrail! (Today's storm count: 822)
heartofgoldfish: punch-a-chunk in GDQ when??
JadedCynic: @TehAmelie does that make Paul the executive?
Peevvi: @Alas_Babylon thanks!
wontedfive30282: helloooo chat
TehAmelie: clearly
Anubis169 bounces around
Diabore: #teamNew speaking of bits? cheer10000
Anubis169: whoa!
beowuuf: lrrWOW
Jillexie: wow
Nigouki: wooooow
DigitalSeahorse: is that a Mr Men shirt?
beowuuf: get bodied team old
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
darkpks2: wow
haberley: 24 hours!!
Fluffy776: FBtouchdown
Juliamon: DigitalSeahorse It's Wumpty
LurkerSpine: Cheer4000 #TeamOld
flam_hur: thafHello
Anubis169: Praise Bukkit!
Nahmbra: Cheer105 #TeamNew
RandomTrivia: So the bottom of every hour
SnackPak_: safety first
Sorator13: oh no, #TeamNew has armor!
RandomTrivia: The bucket!
jarnatan: Yes Alex!
Mazrae: Ah good the safety bucket
50keyz: BUCKET!
stippledotter: The bucket!
avi_miller: Safety first!
Viewers_Like_You: Oh man, I only just noticed the Wumpty shirt. Hello, Wumpty.
RandomTrivia: It's the Bucket of Damocles returned!
jarnatan: MLG Bucket
DanTheMediocre: ohno I froze
DigitalSeahorse: lrrALEX vicksyCult vicksyRaid
Alahmnat: Paul: "if it ends this conversation despite being technically wrong, yes"
theevermist: Is Alex running for office?
ShifuDaxiongmao: Remember, serge and james loves banes ;)
marmalade_pen: Hey i have that bucket on a poster
gooey_xylophone: lrrSERGE lrrSHINE
measureofhope: Cheer100 #TeamOld Age and Treachery!
SmithKurosaki: pride50 #TeamOld Lets go Serge
bytecaster: Love when Paul does his thing!
DigitalSeahorse: feliciaTeam vicksyPoint lrrALEX lrrGRAHAM lrrCORI
SmithKurosaki: Dang, gotta do that in actual twitch
Jillexie: Cheer190 #TeamOld go old peoples
wordnerdify: #TeamOld cheer1000
SmithKurosaki: Pride50 #TeamOld Lets go Serge
Sorator13: A piss mug?
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
Grevas13 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Grevas13: Y'all rule.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Grevas13! (Today's storm count: 823)
TreeVor84: Cheer1000 #TeamNew
Sarah_Serinde: You can also use !pac to get that command
Ladyrhea: Cheer100 #TeamNew
stippledotter: Cheer245 #TeamNew graham has been through enough
KBKarma: Cheer1000 #teamnew Sorry James and Serge, the new kids need more help.
bytecaster: Trade out every click!
accountmadeforants: 2 minute sprints
terribleplan: !banes
LordZarano: Tag Team!
BorgarWithAShotgun: trade out every block
Colin: Remember this doesn't count donations on Youtube, twitch bits only
red_shoes_jeff: Party100 Party100 Party100 Party100 Party100 #teamOld
Jon Grayson just became a member!
EvilBadman: they gotta hold the tag rope
hd_dabnado: #TeamNew Cheer 500
TehAmelie: "carpal muscle massage?" "i am trying to play a game sir"
northos: time for Serge to go the distance :p
hd_dabnado: oop
Marvoleath: every punch
nosole: Cheer100 #Team New cause reasons
Sarah_Serinde: Also, for rules info
Sarah_Serinde: !mcrules
LRRbot: Basic rules: you may only dig one layer at a time, using only resources found in your chunk, and you must be using the best possible pickaxe/shovel available to you. For comprehensive rules:
singinnonsense subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
singinnonsense: #Team Shoot the shit
KBKarma: Is the hashtag case sensitive?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, singinnonsense! (Today's storm count: 825)
Sarah_Serinde: or !pacrules
hd_dabnado: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #TeamNew
Desruprot: Cheer1000 #TeamNew
Alahmnat: trade out every block
RandomTrivia: Those skins are GOOD
wench_tacular: james looking distinguished
ExachixKitsune: avi does *excellent* skinwork
kusinohki: so earlier, when I said 2 vs 3, I meant all 5 players play at the same time...
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, Jon Grayson! (Today's storm count: 824)
Rebecca Holt: Good morning from Australia!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Why is Graham hurt?
CastleOtranto: Yeah, those skins are dope
YareNiDaze: El Spidro Minecrafto
Grevas13: avi did those? they're great
beowuuf: @KBKarma i used lowercase t and was fine?
SnackPak_: lrrFINE
DigitalSeahorse: PAC
Dog_of_Myth: lrrFINE
GredGredmansson: lrrFINE
RandomTrivia: lrrFINE
Koshindan: TeamNew needs all the help.
incredulouspasserby: I zoned out at the exact wrong time: are the large teams still going 1 player at a time and switching out or is it multiple v 2?
UrielAngelSpy: Ooooh, I thought it was everyone playing at the same time. See if three inexperienced picks are faster than 2 veterans.
Creature_Comforts: The hilarious part is he's right
Juliamon: You need to be full satiety to heal, Graham
KBKarma: @beowuuf Grand, thanks.
CaptainSpam: Ah, so it's a one-on-one in-game, not teams.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNom eat it
EvilBadman: @incredulouspasserby 2v3 and they can tag out at will
Sorator13: @incredulouspasserby Players can tag out whenever they want
RandomTrivia: OMG I'm not the only person who uses "i" for inventory!
Anch0r_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 87 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Anch0r_! (Today's storm count: 826)
RandomTrivia: HAX!
YareNiDaze: hacks!
HbombAndFriends: Cheer100 #TeamOld
banderbear91 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, banderbear91! (Today's storm count: 827)
SnackPak_: the biggest cheats
terribleplan: Big cheats
NimrodXIV: cheats
RandomTrivia: lrrJUDGE
wench_tacular: big cheats to start
incredulouspasserby: This both makes more sense and is way less funny lol
Colin: So youtube chat, how many times will James fall in a hole.
chazzer995: Cheaters!!!!!!
Fanklok: i for Inventory makes no sense it's out in keyboard no man's land
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Lex_Peacekeeper: James cheating here
RandomTrivia: James, get his ass!
margieargie: Pride1000 Ah, punching time once again... also #TeamOld because Serge (not used to also supporting James on that...)
accountmadeforants: Blasted symmetry!
themercenary1987: This was almost a very quick punch a chunk
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
ShifuDaxiongmao: Serge is returning to his home? :P
MungoDude: jlrrFall
beowuuf: inven-4-ry
Mai_Andra: skill issue
Suffix: James fell!
shendaras: That's what experience gets you
RandomTrivia: sergeFall
gooey_xylophone: I cant believe james would try to frame serge
Sorator13: That's because you lost the poll mine, Graham
Malkmaven1176: jlrrFall
50keyz: MLG!
JadedCynic: Totally fair and unbiased :D
ClodiumSoride: I kinda want to see a creative mode PAC now, just to see how fast it'd go. The challenge would be keeping from punching anything outside the chunk boundary.
jarnatan: Cheer1000 #TeamNew
TehAmelie: Serge flies into the air while Graham fights a giant spider bare handed. this is like two dreams at the same time
BorgarWithAShotgun: sounds like a skill issue, Graham :D
Jon Grayson: 6 times
tyrew0rm: Lets go Team New
TehAmelie: a good one and a bad one
LordZarano: F3+G for Grid. F3+H for Hadvanced tooltips
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyJam suddenly music
Sarah_Serinde: So between modding, feeding myself, and other productive things, I might miss things. So I'm gonna need the streamers or chat to tell me if someone actually needs my input :D
RandomTrivia: Oh, there needs Fn
evilspoons983: function lock
Alex_Frostfire: Your laptop might have a function lock key.
jarnatan: Debugging in production heyoo
Juliamon: damn fn lock
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Turn the server to Peaceful until we start?
RatherLargeToad: it chunky
Sarah: Okay let's see how soon the bot responds
Sarah: !pacrules
RandomTrivia: lrrGARBO
ExachixKitsune: You cannot fall in that - famous last words
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed can't fall in
KBKarma: Cannot fall in. James will prove himself wrong.
JonnyH: Can't fall in? Challenge accepted
DaxStrife: Oh Alex is on the team, he will find a way to fall in.
TehAmelie: dyin is a part of the game
logophile99: on your mars
RandomTrivia: lrrHORN
SnackPak_: lrrHORN
Abavus: Let's gooo! lrrHORN anneMLG
Foxmar320: The spiders really have it out for Graham
Diabore: 4v1
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed voxlunGeiger voxlunRad fallout instead
beowuuf: will leaves die naturally?
bytecaster: Carpe diem: Punch every tree
Bahamutwize subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bahamutwize! (Today's storm count: 828)
beowuuf: no placed leaves?
margieargie: The green flag is out, we're racing!
SmithKurosaki: !pacrules
LRRbot: Basic rules: you may only dig one layer at a time, using only resources found in your chunk, and you must be using the best possible pickaxe/shovel available to you. For comprehensive rules:
Clear_Air_Turbulence subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Clear_Air_Turbulence! (Today's storm count: 829)
PhoenixMelior: @bytecaster carpe tree-em?
Geisterkarle: is it just the video? serge is stuttering?
marmalade_pen: go graham go!!
Sarah: For all the rules James was talking about earlier
LRRbot: Basic rules: you may only dig one layer at a time, using only resources found in your chunk, and you must be using the best possible pickaxe/shovel available to you. For comprehensive rules: https://…
Sarah: Not bad, good job LRRbot
Sarah: oh but the message limit is too short for the url
SmithKurosaki: There we go :)
Lex_Peacekeeper: lier Serge you played this morning
beowuuf: @PhoenixMelior sergeJustRight
BlueFingers5: maybe tell him about the recipie book?
KiaStirling: "ages" he says
Dread_Pirate_Westley: It's been hours since Serge played!
RandomTrivia: Spider running interference here
KiaStirling: having played minecraft all morning
jarnatan: Yeah you don't punch another man's chunk
andy1503: wooo subathon
ClodiumSoride: Tell the young guns about planting saplints?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
KBKarma: Now you guys can rob them!
andy1503 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
andy1503: wooo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, andy1503! (Today's storm count: 830)
Koshindan: The skyrim technique
TehAmelie: no stress though. just cause the old team can micromanage as fast as they can move the mouse
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
Saintnex: and this is why the grizzled vets ain’t getting the bits lol
Rae_of_Light_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months!
Rae_of_Light_: Happy Sub-A-Thon! :D
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rae_of_Light_! (Today's storm count: 831)
public_key_reveal_party: proceed to cheat step
themercenary1987: The Bucket of POWER
Tangsm: sergeBuckets
margieargie: Now you can steal from Serge without him noticing
3PlayerPolitics: Knightmare!!!!
Grevas13: i've seen this skyrim strat
beowuuf: @3PlayerPolitics A+ reference :)
Sorator13: G, don't help the enemy!
KBKarma: @3PlayerPolitics Spellcasting: B U C K E T
rogerivany: I didn't realizie banes started already.
RandomTrivia: Paul, frantically making notes
Fluffy776: buckettt
fragilepaper: @3PlayerPolitics the best reference
0x6772: There is now…
DanTheMediocre: the list is... flexible
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRaid SirPrise lrrALEX
wench_tacular: "fun"
Bacon_Trail: bucket hat should be on the list now...
Tandtroll_OG: He's got a list and he's checking it twice
SmithKurosaki: There is a list. You do not want to be on the list
RandomTrivia: "denuding" HypeLUL
Suffix: Getting bucket'd is a privilege.
ShifuDaxiongmao: "I have a list"... and that's why we had the murder riddle earlier.. :P
3PlayerPolitics: HeyGuys riffChico
TheWooglie: how is someone 69?
RandomTrivia: Great word choice
Juliamon: If you see the leaves disappearing on their own, you're good
Sarah_Serinde: You do want to make sure you get every bit of wood or it'll be real annoying for you
ghyllnox: The lost has been altered, pray we do not alter it further
RandomTrivia: Nice totals sergeOrder
RandomTrivia: jlrrBreak
wench_tacular: jlrrBreak
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
Colin: Alex can't be Lord Buckethead, as that is taken, maybe The Copt De Bucket?
Colin: Compt*
Grevas13: graham learning to use the bottom log for a bit of height is cute
SmithKurosaki: Serge activating Dark Souls Mode over here
Bacon_Trail: serge I have bad news for you with james' history of below iron tools
ShaneLeeAtk: Serge immediately breaks tool
riking27: DoodleCheer50 #TeamOld
W_Livi: What if we wanna see both teams rewarded, or both teams punished?
DarkNacht: What if you want no one rewarded?
RandomTrivia: Graham is learning the tech
beowuuf: nice
jarnatan: @W_Livi Then we watch an Atmosfear stream!
Desdae: 1 bane for serge+james for every broken tool LUL
RandomTrivia: @DarkNacht Then don't put a hashtag in
marmalade_pen: double money
Jillexie: Value added bits
Bacon_Trail: great system streamers! (not said ironically)
ShifuDaxiongmao: we should have a minor punishment for every tool team Old destroys :D
Sarah_Serinde: Man it's way easier to have a James there answering questions instead of me having to type paragraphs
Rourke9: do the bits reset each time-segment?
avi_miller: What happens if the teams' bits are tied on the moment of time up?
neisan2112: Did new team get told how to save/combine tools
Oliver Clark just became a member!
Sarah_Serinde: Yes
UWDJohn: Bane... Nobody cared who I was until I put on the bucket.
kaziel0: I'm with #TeamOld but the Young Guns seem to be way ahead currently, so I'm saving my bits for later.
red_shoes_jeff: Cheer5000 #TeamOld
neisan2112: Cool
beowuuf: @Sarah_Serinde :D
TehAmelie: orthodox punching allows no resources from outside of the chunk, harsh but clean
MungoDude: btw F3+H is advanced tooltips to be able to see tool durabilities in inventory, but I'm pretty sure it's already on for both teams
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, Oliver Clark! (Today's storm count: 832)
bytecaster: I'm really loving the overlay integration
DanTheMediocre: can't wait for serge never-sleep jaeger to get mirked by a zombie
Bacon_Trail: team old definitely gets the benefit of being more familiar with phantoms
Sarah_Serinde: So James did a pretty good job making it even then
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
MrSarkhan: ALEX
beowuuf: lol
darkpks2: lol
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
BusTed: LUL
Underachiever28: LOL
pleonasticTautology: the SLURP.
jacqui_lantern234: ALEX LUL
baltimore_667083: ALEX
Sorator13: lrrWOW
Juliamon: LUL
dukebazaar: XD
RandomTrivia: Hot damn Alex firing shots
BorgarWithAShotgun: oof
Saintnex: lrrWOW
phoenixfeather14: mattlrLul
red_shoes_jeff: ALAX!!!
Abavus: ???
rogerivany: Savage
vinewood_og: Got him!!!
SievertSchreiber: LUL
starlitdiscord: looong slurp
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha lrrALEX
Sarah_Serinde: Very reasonable
Grevas13: question for those who know the game better: is graham losing durability when he breaks those plants with his shovel?
Shawn McNaughton just became a member!
Tandtroll_OG: How will chat help with wood?
Iluvatardis: it's an exhibition match
riking27: does hitting the grass with the tool cost durability in this version?
Sarah_Serinde: REL:AXED
SmithKurosaki: @Grevas13 I believe so yes
geckoinasuit: Chunk RCQ
BlueFingers5: Can someone please tell Graham about the recipe book?
jarnatan: E-sports ready
W_Livi: (pick)AXED
RAICx: TeamOld taking the lead
beowuuf: james 5 1/2 hrs later: serge what are you doing this is important!
Gaz_L: @Sarah_Serinde with actual axes
KharadBanar: more like REL:SHOVELED
marmalade_pen: graham going for the spiral, good beginner friendly technique
Sorator13: @Sarah_Serinde RE:ALEXED
Sarah_Serinde: :D
Pharmacistjudge: No punch a chunk infraction procedure guide?
bytecaster: Store wood in chest, got it
RandomTrivia: Click-drag is powerful tech
Sarah_Serinde: !mcrules
LRRbot: Basic rules: you may only dig one layer at a time, using only resources found in your chunk, and you must be using the best possible pickaxe/shovel available to you. For comprehensive rules:
HeartwoodMtG: Graham is using a lot extra durability breaking grass with the shovel
SmithKurosaki: @Pharmacistjudge Sarah is lrrJUDGE I think thats up to her
jarnatan: Shovelware
Spades_Slicc: Oooh right at the start
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, Shawn McNaughton! (Today's storm count: 833)
SnackPak_: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
Gurtiess: !cheer 500 #teamnew
beowuuf: lrrWOW
Juliamon: !cheer
LRRbot: Remember, in order to cheer you need to type "Cheer#" with no ! in front.
beowuuf: how???
eshplode: Go to bed, Serge. It's a school night!
TheOtherTrevor: Graham is a parent, he should know about bribing children to sleep
1y1e: this is, I believe, parenting
EvilBadman: Serge is going full Zeta
Gascitygaming: MAB mutually assured bedtime
Pteraspidomorphi: "have"
BusTed: unlucky
PawssumFable: That's just minecraft RNG graham
SnackPak_: o7
RandomTrivia: That could end up being 2 ore, which forces a shovel with dirt in that layer
public_key_reveal_party: graham has a child, I imagine he might be familiar with bribing someone to sleep
KBKarma: It's just a little guy. And it's his birthday.
RandomTrivia: Welp, the 1.6 Hydra Zombies are coming for Graham!
SnackPak_: now it's everyones problem
Saintnex: hahaha
Desruprot: this is getting out of hand now theres two of them
Sarah_Serinde: Oh no, consequences!
beowuuf: run faster than serge!
bytecaster: This stream was a great idea
Abavus: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
Sarah_Serinde: How generous :D
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Colin: It's getting out of hand, now there are two of them
RandomTrivia: Excellent start
SmithKurosaki: sergeJustRight
jarnatan: Turns out Serge isn't here, Snerge is
Fanklok: Graham doesn't seem to know about attack cooldown
jacqui_lantern234: @RandomTrivia YOURE EXCELLENT <3
journojared subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
journojared: This space intentionally left blank
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, journojared! (Today's storm count: 834)
Fenrikson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months, currently on a 91 month streak!
Fenrikson: I'm here for big holes and tiny zombies!
beowuuf: james doing coffee run, but in his sleep
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fenrikson! (Today's storm count: 835)
gooey_xylophone: Bye james!
DoubleNterprises: Chuch-A-Punk
true_kayos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Crad0k: quick, put the bucket back
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, true_kayos! (Today's storm count: 836)
Sarah_Serinde: No James come back, me writing answers is so much more work than you talking :P
bytecaster: Things on fire often go awa
RandomTrivia: @jacqui_lantern234 STOP PROJECTING lrrSHINE
bytecaster: *away
SmithKurosaki: @Fanklok That and Jump Crits are advanced knowledge
Lex_Peacekeeper: James is gone Alex return the bucket
TheKingsdread: @Fanklok I think Graham might have not played Minecraft in a few years.
AugmentingPath: Sarah_Serinde well, it's more work for you... it's less for James!
Juliamon: Fanklok If I remember correctly from last subathon his prior play experience was before they changed combat from clickspam
jacqui_lantern234: @RandomTrivia im not. id call you crap if i was projecting
Ceris75 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ceris75! (Today's storm count: 837)
terribleplan: hardmode failed
Sarah_Serinde: Exactly! I'm here for free, James is getting paid :P
Tandtroll_OG: Graham did play in the relay last year
omdorastrix: Ask serge about Sugar Cane...
Barb4rian: Hard mode failed already
Master_Gunner: Serge doesn't know many things about minecraft
Dergib: breaking grass also uses durability from the shovel
Iluvatardis: it's def real
Gurtiess: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #teamnew
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyShrug
canahedo: Theey're talking about different things
rocketjohn: that's real
JadedCynic: it real
rogerivany: I got to agree with Serge.
NimrodXIV: there is always more to learn in this game
theevermist: it's real
heartofgoldfish: Hey! Serge is ALSO a professional Magic player and sometimes forgets how Fury works
jacqui_lantern234: im with Graham on this one, Serge
korvys: Serge is talking abotu Grass Blocks, G/Alex is talking about the long grass on top
TotallyNotaBeholder: Aren't we going to talk about Serge breaking a tool?
RandomTrivia: lrrHORN
measureofhope: Is no one going to plant saplings? How shallow are these chunks?
niccus: we're talking about the separate breakable grass on top, not the grass tile
JadedCynic: it miniscule, but it's detectable...
RandomTrivia: jlrrBreak
TPRJones: it's more about saving durability
Gascitygaming: if you look at grass first click is on grass then dirt underneath
Mangledpixel: you are talking about different things - they were talking about breaking the grass on TOP of blocks, Serge is talking about breaking GRASS BLOCKS
SnackPak_: time for a bane
Goombill subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months, currently on a 23 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Goombill! (Today's storm count: 838)
TehAmelie: we can always check the wiki later. the minecraft wiki is one of the good ones
SmithKurosaki: idk, they seemed to be throwing hands pretty well
Sarah_Serinde: @measureofhope You can see how many layers they have to go on the graphic on the left
bytecaster: H! For hladder
Grevas13: Cheer5000 #TeamOld Bits for the bit gods, player heads for the player head throne!
Bacon_Trail: 20 second pause for each tool break on team old
MungoDude: yeah, if you break a dirt/grass block by hitting the side of it, any short/long grass growing on top breaks automatically, but it won't drop seeds
Sarah_Serinde: They have a good amount of logs, they might be okay without planting
Saintnex: oh so you just have to stop than Serge and wait for James Kappa
BlueFingers5: Thank goodness lol that was stressing me out
Sarah_Serinde: But James also said for this match specifically, if they run out of wood they can just go get more
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
FlargBlarg: yeah, it's faster for blocks with tall grass, but grass blocks without tall grass are the same from any angle
RandomTrivia: Who doesn't have "disable trackpad while external mouse is connected" active?
ShifuDaxiongmao: team new will likely overspend wood, just based from experience :)
Garfman314: hello all
Colin: No Coffee for the entire challenge for Serge would be a brutal forfiet
StarWarsTHX1138 just became a member!
Doncromatic: I have to go with my boy serge
SmithKurosaki: @Doncromatic Right?
frnknstn: #teamOld need the help cheer100 cheer100
Furyfire: o/
public_key_reveal_party: serge not knowing the rules of minecraft
Garfman314: i didn't realize this would be a tag team
bytecaster: Wood is the iron of the forest
amative1: This is old MC, I wouldn't try it
evilspoons983: @RandomTrivia me, sometimes I like to just nudge the mouse around while I am typing without having to move my hands off the keyboard
RandomTrivia: You're allowed to lie to your opponent about hidden information :D
niccus: the first rule of minecraft is you don't talk about minecraft
jessicaengle: Hello chat!
GredGredmansson: "Ah, swords. Nature's knives."
Master_Gunner: Apparently in YuGiOh, honesty is required.
RandomTrivia: @Master_Gunner Yeah, it's MESSED up
themercenary1987: Team Old in the Bit lead
Garfman314: when do they tag out?
Sorator13: Yeah, whenever team old breaks a tool, they have to swap players
the_tropical_penguin: Cheer1000 Graham is like Neo and Serge is Agent Smith. Believe Graham, Believe! #TeamTheYoungGuns
Sorator13: (don't actually do that)
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I haven't played survival mode since InDev, every time minecraft mechanics talk happens I just get lost
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, StarWarsTHX1138! (Today's storm count: 839)
Sorator13: @Garfman314 Whenever they want!
Pywodwagon: please do not misrepresent derived, open or status information
Pywodwagon: private? fuckin tell em whatever
BlueFingers5: Grip it and rip it
TehAmelie: dirt is fickle
DanTheMediocre: can be close but yeah if you're strip mining topsoil it's like 3-5 layers
ExachixKitsune: WHY
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Furyfire: LUL
Iluvatardis: not the grass texture - the grass growing above it
Sorator13: LUL
Koshindan: Sugar comes from sugar cane.
jacqui_lantern234: LMFAO SERGE
ThorSokar: Did James not tell them to plant trees?
j0biwan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months, currently on a 34 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, j0biwan! (Today's storm count: 840)
Mangledpixel: that's NOT TRUE, they were talking about the grass ON TOP of blocks
bytecaster: Tempo advantage
NimrodXIV: Apologies if I missed this - What version are we punching in?
korvys: I think Serge is just confused - Serge is talking about Grass Blocks, G/Alex/Cori were talking about the long grass on top
Sorator13: but not the texture; it's the grass *on top* of the blocks
malc: jlrrPunch
ExachixKitsune: @NimrodXIV 1.17.1
Angnor33: @NimrodXIV 1.17.1
Dog_of_Myth: Cheer1000 #teamNew is all shiny and chrome.
offbeatwitch: the angle of the block doesn't matter, tall grass does break without a block under it though
NimrodXIV: ah, so not the super deep. thanks!
Heckhoundbolt: i love how Serge is confused
ExachixKitsune: To be air, yesterday we learnt that a shovel enchanted with Mending and Unbreaking III is faster to mine dirt than an unenchanted shovel
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah they don't have a plan for making the extra deep chunks fun yet
bytecaster: Ooooh, menuing
Fruan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fruan! (Today's storm count: 841)
beowuuf: they could not punch a chunk in 6 hours from scratch on 1.18 onwards :p
omdorastrix: I'm a double w tap but ONLY in minecraft
as_ever_ellesandra: @ThorSokar james offered pity treats instead of pushing folks to manage that for the new folks
Garfman314: i am currently crafting for desert bus
RandomTrivia: Minecraft wiki has zero notes on breaking grass blocks being different speeds
Kasran subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kasran! (Today's storm count: 842)
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
RandomTrivia: I suspect it's about hitting the crop grass on top of the block
Sorator13: lrrFINE
offbeatwitch: oop
malc: jlrrDang
offbeatwitch: PAUSE OF PLAY
DigitalSeahorse: oh no
RandomTrivia: lrrFINE
nosole: Cheer100 Cheer100 #teamnew cause also reasons
jarnatan: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #TeamNew
SnackPak_: gotta restart the client
terribleplan: gotta restart your client
offbeatwitch: you probs just have to restart the game yeah
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
RandomTrivia: Bane was kick and ban lrrBEEJ
TehAmelie: this game's UI is so suboptimal for hotseating
vegetalss4: Oops
ShifuDaxiongmao: good ol' 1.17
ExachixKitsune: oh that's Prism cool
Sorator13: G got a drive through penalty
IbunWest: merlekFine
ExachixKitsune: we've all done it
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope vicksyPanic lrrFINE
Grevas13: honestly, can't count the number of times i've done it
BlueFingers5: mojang pls nerf disconnect button
midnightcurryjazz: can probably turn off chunk border now to get back fps
TStodden: If this was on a modern version of Minecraft, it would take around 10 HOURS to complete... as it takes ~5 minutes per layer to punch. @ 60 layers = 5 hours... 124 layers = 10h 20m...
Arazien: Pride700 #teamNew
offbeatwitch: OOF
marcosm_illustration: some bits got lost because they donated with #teamyounguns insteand of #teamnew
RandomTrivia: sergeSqueak
riking27: Accounts -> Refresh
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
LoganAura: I just got jumpscared by that totally human noise snrk
marmalade_pen: how could snerge do this
themercenary1987: Serge Dance Party
riking27: Upper right, Manage Accounts, Refresh
the_tropical_penguin: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #TeamNew gotta help the new guys!
beowuuf: sergeSqueak jlrrDance
Solid_Fuel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Solid_Fuel: pog lets go! the big 5 and o
Texan_Reverend: Way to go! @avi_miller
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Solid_Fuel! (Today's storm count: 843)
Tandtroll_OG: lrrCOW
avi_miller: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: LRR community is full of great wizards
beowuuf: wow, teams bits close
theblakdeth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
theblakdeth: I am a Dwarf and I'm digging a hole
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theblakdeth! (Today's storm count: 844)
RandomTrivia: sergeSnerge
Saintnex: lrrJUDGECALL
Sarah_Serinde: Sounds like Serge
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
beowuuf: hacker voice: i'm batman
malc: can we give Serge negative bits
margieargie: lrrJUDGE
Bacon_Trail: paul drop the sand layer for cheat punishment!
Peevvi: I don't recall hearing any rules disallowing sabotage
EvilBadman: @Sarah_Serinde If only there were a judge
micalovits: Serge is cheating!
AquariumPrime: clearly serge now must get a entire new layer of block
RandomTrivia: #BigCheats
SnackPak_: more cheating... smh
nova_plushie: idk whats going on but. kick his ass G
MrSarkhan: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #TeamOld
chanterelleton: do they have to completely clear a level before moving to the next one?
ThorSokar: time to get out the cigar cutter!
Pharmacistjudge: 40 Dkp minus
Sorator13: @chanterelleton Yep!
beowuuf: @chanterelleton yup
Sarah_Serinde: I dunno I don't have a funny response :P
Juliamon: One layer at a time
TStodden: IIRC, Paul has the power to issue penalties as needed... or whenever we demands CHAOS!
Juliamon: Clear These Blocks Layer By Layer
Sarah_Serinde: You're gonna accidentally a block occasionally and this is fairly casual
chanterelleton: so they couldn't skip the ladder problem by making a parkour-able ramp of dirt blocks?
Juliamon: chanterelleton correct
micalovits: It IS funny that James team had just a bit of stone with a bit of Iron in it...
Sorator13: @TStodden Sarah decides the punishment, and Paul carries it out if necessary
SkiaSymphonia: Cheer500 #TeamNew
AugmentingPath: just a little bit ironpick, yeah I really do think
ExachixKitsune: (If you didn't see it Sarah_Serinde : the opposing teams are adding induvidual dirt blocks to each other :3)
beowuuf: @chanterelleton nope!
pleonasticTautology: cori's face
SnackPak_: wow Serge
3PlayerPolitics: alex.
Bratmon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
Bratmon: That's 5 months in binary
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bratmon! (Today's storm count: 845)
patrick_stonecrusher: 10000 spoooooons
BrowneePoints: The Musical version of Ironic is REALLY GOOD @LoadingReadyRun
krfsm: CanCon!
Sarah_Serinde: ExachixKitsune I did not see it, I'm watching a lot of different things
BrowneePoints: also yes there's an Alanis Morissette Musical
RebekahWSD: I loved Alanis Morissette as God personally
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Alex only listens to good music. Kappa
pleonasticTautology: that sounds like alex
RandomTrivia: That is the most Alex thing
Sorator13: LUL
bytecaster: German and electronic? Like me!
iris_of_ether: The US also got Morissette, A++
malc: but how does kraft dinner werk
Solid_Fuel: Cheer10000 #TeamSnerge :P
themercenary1987: I think someone needs to teach how not to break tools to #teamnew
jessieimproved: You would have had to actively avoid Alanis in the 90s
MrSarkhan: LUL
nova_plushie: nah alex was listening to birthday party massasacre
ExachixKitsune: Sarah_Serinde : yep, just conveying for your context
TehAmelie: Alanis is my favorite actor to portray the God of Abraham on screen
BrowneePoints: Alanis was great because all her stuff was Alt-Pop. We love an Indie Girlie
Brozard: Winner gets KD!
jarnatan: Kraftwerk releases kraft singles
niccus: a lot of things are excluded in the exclusion zone
Akaiatana: Craftwerk? I sure hope it does!
Heckhoundbolt: Serge is still confused by this false information, please, someone in the moonbase, tell him
control_rig: Jeses Christ Paul that was amazing
ExachixKitsune: (not expecting a judgement)
margieargie: Once you get copper, you have to make copper tools, that's the rule Kappa
bakerydragon: oh! I got a gift sub from @kbkarma thanks!
jacqui_lantern234: DAMNIT!!! now i want some KD
Sarah_Serinde: ExachixKitsune Yeah thanks
Laserbeaks_Fury: Kraftwerk because wood floats on water
beowuuf: very cheesy jokes
KBKarma: @bakerydragon You're welcome!
Dergib: Is copper useful in PAC?
marmalade_pen: this comedy place has some funny people
Tangsm: Cheer1100 #TeamNew
darkpks2: lmao
Sarah_Serinde: Dergib Nope
Koshindan: Team Snerge should punish both teams.
krfsm: I saw Kraftwerk live in concert a couple of years ago.
badpandabear: sergeSnerge sergeSnerge sergeSnerge
Solid_Fuel: <3
margieargie: sergeSnerge
Saintnex: woooow
chrono2x: Is #TeamSnerge just Paul free choice?
Jillexie: Serge
DigitalSeahorse: lol
RandomTrivia: I recall the first Annual PaC - Serge: "I get those bits, right Sarah? What do you mean, SHRUG EMOJI?!"
Sarah_Serinde: :D
Grevas13: it'
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
nova_plushie: NO JOHNS
bytecaster: No touchy
Grevas13: it's going to be funny when team old loses because they're overconfident
korvys: There should be a function key to disable it
Eklinaar: Pour some mellonade on it
Sarah_Serinde: It *is* pretty
Sarah_Serinde: Especially aged
Creideiki_SE: Trackpad disabled in BIOS, TrackPoint 4 Lyfe!
BusTed: those fruity pebbles
malc: especially pretty in 1.21
KBKarma: Ea-nasir is unhappy.
TehAmelie: i wish you could make tools out of dirt. just real crap tools
MungoDude: you can use the copper to make "tools" - just not useful tools
RandomTrivia: sergeOrder
N2Osferatu: Gotta love the History of the Entire World bit
evilspoons983: obviously you just need one of those mods that adds 7000 more resources and items
Saintnex: yea Ea-Nasir is very unhappy
ExachixKitsune: sergeOrder sergeOrder sergeOrder
Bacon_Trail: team order and team older?
Alex_Frostfire: Your dealer wouldn't happen to be Ea-Nasir, would it?
beowuuf: sergeOrder
Tangsm: sergeOrder
omdorastrix: Borh Copper and Iron should make a pick with the same stats as the current "Iron Pick"
beowuuf: LMAO
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
Sarah_Serinde: Serge
malc: Serge...
RandomTrivia: sergeSnerge
beowuuf: serge is a monster
Dog_of_Myth: Serge
ExachixKitsune: Serge what are you doing
wench_tacular: jlrrNo
MrSarkhan: sergeSnerge sergeSnerge sergeSnerge
Diabore: lrrJUDGE
margieargie: sergeSnerge sergeSnerge
jacqui_lantern234: lrrJUDGE
Cunobelenos: sergeSnerge sergeSnerge sergeSnerge
themercenary1987: #TeamSnerge
CaptainSpam: lrrWOW sergeSnerge
Onisquirrel: Team Old making a strong heel turn
Dumori subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months, currently on a 120 month streak!
Dumori: it's the 10 year Streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dumori! (Today's storm count: 846)
SnackPak_: must be chaos gremlin day
Gascitygaming: and yeah of course serge wouldn't murder :P
Sarah_Serinde: No griefing the other team unless you can do it from your own chunk
ExachixKitsune: It's hard being a sergegirl in these conditions
nova_plushie: who knew serge was so toxic
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Transmuted_Elf: sergeSnerge sergeSnerge sergeSnerge sergeSnerge sergeSnerge sergeSnerge
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
TheAinMAP: katesFine guyjudgeChaos
Brozard: jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond
eshplode: LUL
Fanklok: Never thought I'd watch Serge get fired live
rogerivany: Snerge did get 10000 bits. It was to be expected he'd show up.
bakerydragon: "the nicest person to stripmine-lock you"
TehAmelie: Serge "Twisted Firestarter" Yager
Sibwow: this is some harlem globetrotters bullshit serge
beowuuf: graham used to think james was the monster for bullying serge, but now he understands :p
Lex_Peacekeeper: and Serge was never invited back
Dog_of_Myth: Serge proving that he should have been higher on that murder list.
Sorator13: Right?!
Grevas13: serge is channeling Adam today
KinkerbellRose: I missed Snerge at the top of his game.
Snowcookies: no wonder ppl are cheering for TeamNew
SmithKurosaki: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
MungoDude: well done G
theevermist: graham should just put a block over the top of serge's ladder
patrick_stonecrusher: Remember when he was like "i wouldnt -kill- paul..."
jarnatan: Serge is the first season antagonist of a sports anime
margieargie: Wall iron, to the tune of "Big Iron"
Simonark: This is why you tricked Serge to Alberta for the last subathon.
niccus: really climbing up the murder ranking ladder
NotCainNorAbel subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 72 months, currently on a 72 month streak!
NotCainNorAbel: time++
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NotCainNorAbel! (Today's storm count: 847)
excalgold: @Dog_of_Myth i always figured it would be serge, just figured heather would have put him up to it
frnknstn: I think they earned the snerge bitz
Akaiatana: I was here for House of Stark. Graham would swear plenty!
SmithKurosaki: Serge is really letting the inner Snerge out today
BITs19_: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
marmalade_pen: at the bottom of the chunk is where serge buried paul
Sarah_Serinde: "today" Kappa
Evochron13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months, currently on a 127 month streak!
Evochron13: +1 to the subathon
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Evochron13! (Today's storm count: 848)
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
mattyraft44: this is the best. I love you guys.
TehAmelie: it's never too early to get loopy
beowuuf: @patrick_stonecrusher no, no no no. serge wouldn't *hurt* paul.... he therefore would happily painlessly kill paul.
spawnofhastur: i'm home sick with a fever so thanks for keeping me company good folks lrr
themercenary1987: @margieargie Wall Iron, Wall Iron!
DahudLefthanded: @simonark I thought it was more of an exile situation
BrowneePoints: Idk but there was a whole Tenacious D song about it
2Flower: METAL Silverhand
Koshindan: sergeCanal
beowuuf: jlrrWalldiamond
MungoDude: gravel wants shovel
TStodden: Looks like #TeamNew has a few more caves than #TeamOld considering the block & layer counts.
Dog_of_Myth: Rest up and feel better @spawnofhastur
RandomTrivia: It certainly takes some getting used to
30teracyte subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 107 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 30teracyte! (Today's storm count: 849)
RandomTrivia: #DioriteDidNothingWrong
Cunobelenos: sergeCounting
Gascitygaming: yes, and?
Juliamon: #JusticeForDiorite
Koshindan: Diorite is the right choice.
KinkerbellRose: Listen. I don't wanna talk about knowing blocks by sight alone now.
logophile99 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
logophile99: go #TeamOld Meat
NimrodXIV: ask Serge about diorite
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, logophile99! (Today's storm count: 850)
TehAmelie: high level Minecrafters have a special set of geology skills (that only apply to Minecraft rocks)
ShifuDaxiongmao: there is also the infamous dirt poop :D
KinkerbellRose: I still don't even even get lost in my own tunnels. I am literally a Dwarf.
beowuuf: thank goodness for no unbreaking, or else the counting would be.... unfortunate
fubargames: This is the riveting chunk-punching I'm here for!
RandomTrivia: jlrrBreak
Fanklok: Not only did James rig his teams chunk he also put Graham, the least experience player, in the hot seat first
Sarah_Serinde: It does not matter at all at the stone stage
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint lrrSERGE
TheWriterAleph: bienvenidos, punch chunkers!
malc: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
rocketjohn: <3 alex
DanTheMediocre: listen to my calls james!
RandomTrivia: Hey there TheWriterAleph - welcome to full chaos
public_key_reveal_party: he's being counter-snerged
emberBecky: Alex enacting his own banes
Sorator13: Well, James isn't allowed to leave his chunk!
ShifuDaxiongmao: Alex really sticking it to the other team
DanTheMediocre: medium left MEDIUM LEFT
wench_tacular: we've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas
beowuuf: LOL
Grevas13: serge did, after all, start it. or maybe alex did with the bucket. i'm here for it either way
Onisquirrel: punch-a-chunk by way of wacky races is pretty perfect
TheWriterAleph: @RandomTrivia my favorite kind of chaos!!
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
beowuuf: LMAO
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Sorator13: oh no
Colin: Who let Alex have a stick
keely_lionheart: it’s war now
Sorator13: we are going off the rails
jarnatan: Love the added pvp elements
geckoinasuit: oh my god graham is a savage today
wench_tacular: that costs extra
RandomTrivia: benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos
TheWooglie: LUL
control_rig: For free?
HorusFive: This escallated quickly
haberley: god bless you Alex
beowuuf: :D this is the next 5 hours
ClodiumSoride: @Sorator13 there were rails?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyLUL vicksyTH
themercenary1987: Who Needs Banes and Boons!
DNAli3n: hi all
TStodden: lrrJUDGE lrrJUDGE lrrJUDGE
Fanklok: We're getting free feet stuff?
ExtraWubs: what about the only fans?!?!?
Alas_Babylon: "James."
jacqui_lantern234: LUL ALEX YES
Despoiler98: gandLUL gandLUL gandLUL
Coloneljesus: James in his lane, thriving
TehAmelie: this is full contact chunk punching (in and out of game)
PuddleOfWeird: LUL LUL LUL
avi_miller: I am dying here
baskwalla: Alex for President
rogerivany: I like that this happened at like 5 levels down.
vegetalss4: This is very early for things to jump the tracks like this
ShifuDaxiongmao: You're just providing information serge, James needs orders :P
JDMan94: Serge, you absolutely brought this upon yourself
beowuuf: james, james, it's the consequences of my actions, help
panpaladin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
panpaladin: Subathon!
Khalstrom: Serge sowing..... Serge reaping
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, panpaladin! (Today's storm count: 851)
Pteraspidomorphi: This would be extremely effective against me
mo0dleton: first bane: Alex. just Alex
jackulhaups: serge is absolutely gonna forget about that
drane10 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drane10! (Today's storm count: 852)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
Laserbeaks_Fury: James has a very specific skillset....of getting lrrDILLY
HadesLeprechaun: flash forward a few hours and he forgets they're tied together
nova_plushie: alex its not that kind of race
RandomTrivia: Is Serge building a night-time bunker?!
Sarah_Serinde: I mean I guess if this is how Serge wants to spend his time...
Colin: I wonder if Alex can find the subocean in Minecraft somehow XD
themercenary1987: I think I'm watching the Tortoise and the Hare... Is Serge gonna get out ahead then fall asleep and Team New Overtakes them?
CaptainSpam: This Punch-A-Chunk is going pleasingly off the rails.
red_shoes_jeff: How long until Serge remembers it's not Mine O'Clock?
Saintnex: serge is on full team Chaos today
bakerydragon: Bring out the Angry Wate!
Sarah_Serinde: benginChaos
SpacePotato01: Serge is already styling on Graham. That's very bold on his part.
theevermist: I hope that serge experiances so serious hubris for this
bakerydragon: ]water*
nova_plushie: give g a horse feed bag
haberley: serge...?
jarnatan: I like that Serge is helping TeamNew catch up while disguising it as BM
Kentosaurus: I feel like this is a Tortoise vs Hare situation
spawnofhastur: Graham a believe in soda water supremacy, i knew i liked you for a reason
beowuuf: decorative
googoltudoris: hot mic alex
SmithKurosaki: @Saintnex This is peak sergeSnerge
Lex_Peacekeeper: mic 5?
TehAmelie: it's what they call a decorative block
logophile99: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #TeamOld
niccus: throw it for granite
purposesunknown: Dont take it for granted and dont take granite
AugmentingPath: put granite on the opposing team's roof, no?
DigitalSeahorse: you take it for granite
Dergib: Why did serge build them a starter house?
beowuuf: @Dergib hubris
Sarah_Serinde: Because Serge
Grevas13: because serge is a troll today
Texan_Reverend: @googoltudoris Afternoon, friendo.
shaneandkk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shaneandkk! (Today's storm count: 853)
vegetalss4: @Dergib perhaps it's a peace offering?
RandomTrivia: Some modpacks fix that, which I like
margieargie: Diorite, however, is the MOST important one
itsr67: LUL
Alex_Frostfire: This is a terrible plan.
Sorator13: phenomenal
googoltudoris: @Texan_Reverend hola!
BlueFingers5: spills and ruins the laptop
accountmadeforants: Sounds like it's being taken for granite
jacqui_lantern234: LUL JAMES YES
AugmentingPath: I do not like that water over that laptop
beowuuf: teamwork makes the homicide work
SmithKurosaki: @margieargie correct
wench_tacular: which team is James actuallly on?
mercano82: No drinks on set... unless it's for a bit.
KharadBanar: Granite, Andesite and Diorite are all subgenres of Alternative Rock
beowuuf: @wench_tacular yes
ScrapyardGhostTrain: So is this secretly a 4v1 fight?
HorusFive: in hindsight....
RandomTrivia: Pretty sure it mostly buys ice cream anyway lrrBEEJ
jacqui_lantern234: @wench_tacular team old
avi_miller: I like how it feels like everyone vs Serge right now
ChroniclerC: Shouldn't someone be keeping food and drink out of the studio? Serge? :P
Iluvatardis: at the bottom of every hour
Xaunaught subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Xaunaught: subs for the sub god
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xaunaught! (Today's storm count: 854)
jacqui_lantern234: @avi_miller as it should be
Sarah_Serinde: @avi_miller Serge has brought this upon himself
CaptainSpam: Every hour we eliminate one player.
20 raiders from LongestJohnsGaming have joined!
mo0dleton subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mo0dleton! (Today's storm count: 855)
Dog_of_Myth: Heya Raiders
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiders! lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: Hello friends! Hope you had a good stream
Lord_Hosk: We all know that Alex and Beej are responsible with the company credit card. We have Zippity video wizzbang evidence.
ChroniclerC: sergeSqueak
BorgarWithAShotgun: "my B", "my B,G", or "My Beej"?
Sorator13: Team Old also has an iron pick, so they're going a bit faster rn
offbeatwitch: squeak!
l0gin4me: sergeSqueak
ElementalAlchemist: "squeak" has been declared
offbeatwitch: we got a mouse
Jack_Slack: ShowLove100 #teamold ; great to see Serge again. <3
SmithKurosaki: sergeSqueak ]\
LongestJohnsGaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months, currently on a 42 month streak!
LongestJohnsGaming: Chunch! That! Punk! lrrHEART
jacqui_lantern234: @BorgarWithAShotgun yes
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LongestJohnsGaming! (Today's storm count: 856)
7 raiders from AdzyandJaneComics have joined!
N2Osferatu: Cheer100 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 #teamNew
Tandtroll_OG: There's a hole in Graham's future
TehAmelie: The Kids are way ahead in broken tools at least
Lunareclipse123: sergeSqueak
Dog_of_Myth: Heya Raiders
Sarah_Serinde: More friends! Welcome raiders
KBKarma: I think the Young 'uns should steal some iron.
fragilepaper: Hey @AdzyandJaneComics o/
YeetTheRich_: serge has a hiccup you better give him some water, james
haberley: hi Longest Johns!
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
beowuuf: @avi_miller serge started punching lrrEFF around blocks and now he's picking up the finding out blocks that were dropped
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
Alex_Frostfire: A solid layer is 256 blocks. The difference between them is less than a layer right now.
red_shoes_jeff: Cheer81 #TeamNew
RandomTrivia: This is all the company credit cards do
ChroniclerC: In a cold enough area, you can.
Iluvatardis: can you place dirt or w/e over the lava or water to get rid of it?
Sarah_Serinde: If you don't make a bucket before you need it, you might regret it when you do need a bucket but don't have the iron for it
Gekyouryuu: @RandomTrivia solid loop
LongestJohnsGaming: raiding and running (handing over to @darleysam) but have a good subathon, looking forward to the streams!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: back when water didn't flow and only propagated along the elevation it spawned at, you kind of could mine it
BorgarWithAShotgun: kindness war?
bakerydragon: "I love what I've done with the place" - Serge probably :)
Texan_Reverend: @LongestJohnsGaming Thanks for the raid!
Sarah_Serinde: @Iluvatardis No placing blocks, with very few exceptions. If you have no buckets for water, you can use logs but you have to throw the logs away after
beowuuf: @Iluvatardis usually it's wooden planks as a sort of cost. or use bucket if you have it
kaziel0: @Sarah_Serinde This was me at my home PAC I started last week. Got 4 iron, made a pick axe, then the NEXT level there was water. ;_; Had to waste 32 wood planks.
Sarah_Serinde: No placing crafting tables or other blocks in the hole
Avery316: Pride100 #TeamOld
beowuuf: oofa doofa
malc: jlrrFall
Sarah_Serinde: @kaziel0 benginRip
KBKarma: What are the rules about deleting someone else's bed?
Mantafold: jlrrFall
Saintnex: ahh but then you use the bucket trick Graham
TehAmelie: @KBKarma that's called bad bedside manner
Sarah_Serinde: @KBKarma I would say not allowed but this group is benginChaos today so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
beowuuf: @KBKarma i mean since it's two people sleeping it's self defeating :p
SmithKurosaki: @KBKarma That's something for Sarah to call for sure, but I'm on the side of 'don't be a dick'
frnknstn: Cheer100 #teamSarah_Serinde
Sarah_Serinde: @beowuuf But yeah also what Beowuuf said
ExcitedScree subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ExcitedScree! (Today's storm count: 857)
VTMonster: Happy Scubathon
bloodstar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Master_Gunner: the timing is "button mash"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bloodstar! (Today's storm count: 858)
Sarah_Serinde: I feel like it's a bit late for "don't be a dick" :P
DanTheMediocre: well serge has like an 80/20 MLG/FTD rate?
beowuuf: oh, given james's track record i assumed not Kappa
public_key_reveal_party: is keep inventory on?
DanTheMediocre: FTD being Fall To Death ofc
MrSarkhan: seabatClap
wench_tacular: jlrrNo
0x6772: Whose audio are we getting (that we're hearing zombie grumbles from)?
Nommii77: Cheer100 #TeamNew
theevermist: I wonder what serge's safe boat fall to ftd ratio is
ed_v0n_schleck: Is there anywhere that explains the rules for this challenge? I've never watched a punchachunck before
DanTheMediocre: *Cricket noises*
Myrniss: 🎵 If James is your partner clap your hands 🎵
Sarah_Serinde: !mcrules
LRRbot: Basic rules: you may only dig one layer at a time, using only resources found in your chunk, and you must be using the best possible pickaxe/shovel available to you. For comprehensive rules:
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
epsilon_vee: farm equipment?
Fluffy776: Oh heck yeah! Grainger wants to sell me warehouse carts
malc: !sassplan
optimalbook: I used to work for Grainger
superdude097: PPE company
LathosTiran: a supplys supply company
Coloneljesus: alex is on several lists
bytecaster: These vibes are immaculate
TheOtherTrevor: only one weird list?
wench_tacular: good question, next question
beowuuf: it is nice
Pharmacistjudge: I pay for ad-less YouTube
midnightcurryjazz: need mincraft music
MrSarkhan: jlrrCooltunes
patrick_stonecrusher: "We're the ones who get it done"
ChroniclerC: Alex's algorithm's are hella weird. Zero surprises.
ThePerrBearr: Grainger? the work supply store?
TheWooglie: think of the VOD Cori
beowuuf: pigstep x 10
johkmil subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, johkmil! (Today's storm count: 859)
purposesunknown: DJ "The Turner Around"
undecided44: It's the catalog that building maintenance/engineers buy from
Spades_Slicc: Oh I'm still listening to Alanis Morissette's ironic
IbunWest: abatVIBE
riking27: He never decided...
Nigouki: James Anime Roundup
Sarah_Serinde: I remember the fishing games stream
Fanklok: James was going to play Adam's Lunacid save
Tangsm: I hope one of the benefit/punishments is giving them pigstep and a jukebox they have to keep going up to reset.
beowuuf: dangerous that's how pac started :p
nova_plushie: James tries Warframe
MungoDude: probably the nintendo switch version of minecraft
insanecat6mtg: I also kept getting Granger ads for a while. No clue why.
EvilBadman: @Nigouki James Marvel Roundup
malc: no instagram, only instagraham
Sarah_Serinde: @beowuuf ^
RandomTrivia: Welp
Tommadness: that's definitely most peoples Insta algorithms
Foxmar320: Graham thats just Instagram
Sordidambition: Thats a happy accident graham
ghizmou: Serge is too pure
spawnofhastur: as a vtuber fan the algorithm has decided the same
Sorator13: And what does that say about your interests, Serge?
Lunareclipse123: Instagraham
Grevas13: is literally anyone surprised that serge only gets baby animals?
MehallD: Tiktok correctly identified me as a trans lesbian. 10 months before I came out as one.
amative1: bear-house paint
phoenixfeather14: Serge, you and Jo curate your IG to baby animals
Bruceski: My Bluesky discover feed is like 30% bear thirstpics
nova_plushie: Hay Alex. i can get you Behr house paint
Alahmnat: there's a bear around here who lives in a house? ;)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
Caineghest: behr is garbage paint
RandomTrivia: Ah, Bear-thoven's fifth lrrBEEJ
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
Garfman314: did i hear a zombie?
ShifuDaxiongmao: Sounds like a great idea for a game. "Bear house paint"
bakerydragon: but is your house a Shale shil?
public_key_reveal_party: I was gonna say, serge is probably on several of the same lists as alex, because he covertly googles the stuff alex says that he doesn't understand
Fanklok: @MehallD That is very funny
JadedCynic: Alex: "Hashtag Not Sponsored (call me, Behr)" :D
Cptasparagus: I work in bioengineering and most of my ads are for scientific instruments.... that cost like 5x my yearly salary
Mazrae: Rough 1900 bit difference
Foxmar320: I follow LRR content and related peoples on Insta. The algorithum keeps recomending thirst.
hayhaiya: @MehallD tiktok algorithm really does just snipe eggs
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Sorator13: @public_key_reveal_party Serge doesn't have Alex's purchase history, though
mo0dleton: Cheer1000 Putting in my support for Insta-graham! #teamNew
KV1NN4: wait, how again?
calculated_uncertainties: #SNORSH
mercano82: Rock and stone!
ChroniclerC: *clonk*
patrick_stonecrusher: Bear Painting The Big House Blue
SmithKurosaki: @mo0dleton sergePun
Favre_the_Undead: but rock is old people music :P
Meyari: frames wasted? GDQ when?
Dergib: Yeah, I mostly "blame"? Jo for the animals. lol
TehAmelie: The Old Guard 2 is coming out soon, i just remembered. go #TeamNew though
atinyspacemarine: Cheer1500 #teamnew Giiiiit 'em
logophile99: because you are the most wholesome boy Serge yarrPet
mo0dleton: @smithkurosaki ❤️❤️❤️
MungoDude: diorite, it's a stone type
l0gin4me: bird poop
Sarah_Serinde: Oh you need to give the pale blocks to Serge
Eklinaar: Serge is so bad at being bad
Sarah_Serinde: Just throw them into his inventory
ChroniclerC: Serge's favorite block!
ClockTamer: I forgot this was happening what did I miss?
beowuuf: dire, right?
RandomTrivia: It tastes great when cooked
malc: build a diorite cube around Serge's base; works every time
JadedCynic: @Favre_the_Undead sad but true; lesser generations cannot handle how the awe-inspiring gravitas of Rock Kappa
SmithKurosaki: Diorite is Serge's favourite block
avi_miller: Make sure to gift the diorite to Serge
missa_hancock: judge has spoken - diorite to serge!
TehAmelie: Dio, rite?
Sorator13: @ClockTamer Serge has been Snerging significantly today
Suffix: s'Wonderful
mo0dleton: Diet Rite is a pretty mid soda
Dergib: cobble and quartz
heronblademaster: Cheer4364
googoltudoris: that's not how rocks work!
heronblademaster: oh no
heronblademaster: I forgot #teamold
Cunobelenos: basalt, too
googoltudoris: oh yeah tuff is real
spawnofhastur: Tuff is what they use to build things in Roman times!
Heckhoundbolt: why is team new suddenly 65
Myrniss: Is new still at 65?
spawnofhastur: And here in Australia.
TStodden: I'd DEFINITELY go to GDQ event if they hosted a Punch-a-Chunk.
SmithKurosaki: rip heron
rogerivany: Serge has an evil lair? ;)
mo0dleton: oh noooooo heron
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint that's tuff!
RandomTrivia: SERGE NO
Abavus: Incorrect!
KV1NN4: wow
ElementalAlchemist: no Serge
Dog_of_Myth: Serge no
wench_tacular: jlrrNo jlrrNo
Favre_the_Undead: @JadedCynic yeah; to me green day and pearl jam are dad rock
Iluvatardis: being in a volcano is an appropriate time to nerd out on geology
PhoenixMelior: Did we run out of maidens and have to throw serge into a volcano?
omdorastrix: Podzol is ALSO a real thing that minecraft used the name of
korvys: they do that
TheOtherTrevor: dump water on it
googoltudoris: wait you didn't all have freshman geology?
BrowneePoints: they literally catch it in a bucket
twinnAJ: Fun fact, tuff is actually a quite soft stone overall!
TehAmelie: and it may have toxic fumes
Fanklok: Melting stone also gives off extremely lethal fumes
nova_plushie: I though Serge was gonna say. "on one of my many jobs"
SnackPak_: #TeaMold
Alex_Frostfire: Probably no heavier than any other rock.
Dog_of_Myth: hahahaha
spawnofhastur: Tuff is what the people on Rapa Nui made the Moais out of.
Flyingdelorion: lrrFINE
malc: #TeamPaul
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
SmithKurosaki: So, while you can only vote over on Twitch, which team is chat here representing?
Hazel Oakley: New/YoungGuns
heronblademaster: "I _could_" is the best answer paul, lol
TheWooglie: Paul has the power not the inclination
Grevas13: "team order," serge?
Sarah_Serinde: I feel like honouring it for the chat person's sake, not specifically for Serge
Invitare: Lava is so thick it's effectively solid, from our perspective. Even if the bucket didn't melt I don't think it would go in
haberley: did I miss something? Why is team new on 65?
theevermist: I mean there are scientists that do collect lava in a bucket
RandomTrivia: Did Serge place a block?
accountmadeforants: It's appropriate for Team Old to not know how to use hashtags
RandomTrivia: PFFFFT
Sarah_Serinde: Serge you are 1000% a troll
RandomTrivia: sergeSnerge
Juliamon: Serge placed a block illegally
theevermist: its not an iron bucket
haberley: oh you dick
Jillexie: Serge
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah Serge is placing too many illegal blocks
JadedCynic: @Favre_the_Undead ew, those little children, rolling around playing with Fisher-Price instruments?
PhoenixMelior: Is that a legal move?
mo0dleton: wow, RUDE
HogarthUndead subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HogarthUndead! (Today's storm count: 860)
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSERGE vicksyCult
theevermist: and they wear some protective gear
Abavus: lrrJUDGECALL
PhoenixMelior: Does serge need a penalty?
graal_smith: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Sarah_Serinde: I think at minimum Serge needs to go up and remove that block himself
beowuuf: Cheer1500 teamOld #teamNew
cyclopsboi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 112 months!
cyclopsboi: chunks a punchin
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cyclopsboi! (Today's storm count: 861)
Sarah_Serinde: @beowuuf lrrWOW
Michael Lenning: Young Guns, gotta go for the underdogs
Christian Fabian Oldeman: #teamnew from the netherlands during a nightshift!
Joshua Trytten: Team Snerge if available, Team Young Guns otherwise
KBKarma: I feel the "don't be a dick" guideline is being stretched...
nova_plushie: Serge is histories greatest monster
wench_tacular: who would fall into a hole though?
beowuuf: Kappa
avi_miller: Paul didn't account for Serge
mercano82: By mining stone with that dirt, isn't Team New breaking the rules? They should be disqualified. lrrBEEJ
themercenary1987: CHANGE PLACES
SnackPak_: Let's go Cori
rogerivany: I like that troll Beowuuf
Sarah_Serinde: He is
Cunobelenos: sergeSnerge sergeSnerge sergeSnerge
Laserbeaks_Fury: Serge is full of beans
Snowcookies: Serge admits to being a fool
TheWooglie: I should have voted Serge higher in the murder list
Khalstrom: Playing the heel
RandomTrivia: Serge "Menace to Society" Yager over here
YeetTheRich_: name your price paul
N2Osferatu: Give him LIT TNT
Sarah_Serinde: Deliver tnt to Serge's head
Juliamon: TNT isn't a bane
Sorator13: In honor of heronblademaster #TeamNew Cheer1500
chrono2x: He always is a menace in competitive PAC
Mushbie: what about giving Serge a G&T?
DanTheMediocre: Serge 'maintains he's not a murderer' Yager
avi_miller: TnT Minecart on Serge's head
TehAmelie: hmm people are more into donating to the faces than the heels i think
graal_smith: Phrasing?
missa_hancock: cori with the Galaxy brain technique
TStodden: Not TNT... Creepers
SmithKurosaki: @Joshua Trytten Valid
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
LathosTiran: all gunpowder, no sand
Bacon_Trail: tnt still blows up blocks
ChroniclerC: Look at you remarking on it.
Spades_Slicc: "stay out of my hole" phrasing graham
JadedCynic: @DanTheMediocre soemthing something protest too much something
malc: jlrrBreak
ExachixKitsune: that's what you get for serge spending a bunch of valuble time building a dirt hut
Sarah_Serinde: I was in favour of giving #TeamOld the missed bits, but then Serge trolled more
Sorator13: I love that Snerge brought out G's inner competitive nasty
Saintnex: it does help that Serge just stops every once in a while to mess with team new lol
darkpks2: as a lan party activity, this is amazing
LathosTiran: crouch-throw
mo0dleton: Serge really didn’t want to sleep, and it seems being a menace will keep people from trusting him
SmithKurosaki: (I'm from Serge's homestream originally after Desert Bus, so I gotta go #TeamOld/#TeamSnerge
ShifuDaxiongmao: doesn't holding Q just spew out the items in that slot?
CanPlayGames: #TeamOld Cheer100 If I Donate 1500 or 5000 bits will James sing the respective songs?
DanTheMediocre: isnt shift-q stack throw?
public_key_reveal_party: serge is now a rules lawyer, I guess
heronblademaster: Cheer5864 #teamold
TheWooglie: #SergeNotANiceGuyAnymore
heronblademaster: ok fixed it
MungoDude: defaults to ctrl+q, does changing the keybinds change that as well?
heronblademaster: :D
bytecaster: Are we sure this isnt snerge
DanTheMediocre: honestly too long since I played
DarkMorford subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months, currently on a 123 month streak!
DarkMorford: Punch-A-Sub!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DarkMorford! (Today's storm count: 862)
thekumquatking: Somebody spike Serge's coffee with some meanie juice or somethin?
Ravynn: The Snerge is strong
ClockTamer: Serge is big cheats today
MommaGart: WOW @heronblademaster
Sarah_Serinde: Dang thanks heronblademaster for all those bits
vegetalss4: Just like the parable of Peter and the Wolf
Foxmar320: Are we sure Serge is not from Florida? He is as chaotic as me.
CobaltShuriken: bits are so close!
profsmiley: Serge is just being a lovable scamp.
scuba_antney: sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly
excalgold: a menace to LRRciety
hanzi_keat subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months!
beowuuf: lrrHEART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hanzi_keat! (Today's storm count: 863)
darkpks2: strategic
jacqui_lantern234: @bytecaster its not, normal Serge is just like this (unironically)
Sorator13: tea mold? what an odd concept
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: Serge
avi_miller: Please tie it up
Snowcookies: don't enable Serge, chat
RandomTrivia: SERGE
malc: lmao
wench_tacular: jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo
Bacon_Trail: serge is gonna trade off 1 minute before bane and james is gonna have to deal with the fallout of serge being a menace
love_like_you: Cheer100 #teamnew
Tangsm: Cheer100 #TeamNew
haberley: DUDE
RandomTrivia: jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo
AdamYMHMI subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
MommaGart: LMAO
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AdamYMHMI! (Today's storm count: 864)
EvilBadman: Why would you give the pros a bonus on the first hour, you goofs
malc: can we disqualify Serge yet
marmalade_pen: @darkpks2 i kept reading that as "ian party"
SnackPak_: Serge is asking for a bane
ChroniclerC: sergeFall
nova_plushie: Bits revoked
Koshindan: Serge is thinking outside the chunk.
thekumquatking: More like Scourge.
RayFK: Olds just keep getting the wealth, typical capitalism.
SmithKurosaki: @bytecaster Oh no, this is peak Snerge
Mr_Horrible: so wait, is the relay just bit donos (had to step out for errands during the explanation)
Mantafold: jlrrFall
geckoinasuit: Cheer100 #teamnew
beowuuf: lrrWOW sweet lord serge! do not give p[aul ideas for your inevitable bane :p
PhoenixMelior: Serge is asking for a penalty
andy1503: Cheer 500 #teamnew gotta fight Snerge
kaziel0: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Trying to keep #TeamOld in the lead!
jacqui_lantern234: WHY JAMES?!
ElementalAlchemist: but he's Serge
Alahmnat: you should have, James
CaKnuckleguy: The Snerge-turn is complete
Fanklok: The man most likely to murder Paul?
Dalrint: Are we sure this isn't Snerge?
Fluffy776: That vacation changed Surge
MungoDude: dang it, Snerge
measureofhope: Cheer100 Age and Treachery! #TeamOld
haberley: and THIS is why we all thought he would murder Paul
indianajo3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months, currently on a 100 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, indianajo3! (Today's storm count: 865)
iDangero: #TeamOld
KBKarma: Cheer100 #teamnew
Dergib: yeah, I expected this from james
Koshindan: What position was Serge on the ranking of murder earlier?
epsilon_vee: serge is playing the long long game
MrSarkhan: LUL
BusTed: BabyRage
andy1503: Cheer500 #teamnew gotta fight Snerge
beowuuf: :D
heartofgoldfish: but serge IS a widdle baby
Furyfire: LUL
TheWooglie: #SergeNotANiceGuyAnymore
RandomTrivia: Deep in the heart of the cinnamon roll lies a heart of pure benginChaos
PhoenixMelior: Ugh i hate it graham
Sibwow: cinamon roll
malc: #SergeDeservedIt
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Alex_Frostfire: #TeamOrder is a chaos gremlin. I'm not surprised.
Favre_the_Undead: #teamold
Caineghest: Cheer500 #teamnew
ExachixKitsune: #SergeDeservesIt
darkpks2: hes a competator.
Grevas13: James said "serge put the lava back" in the same tone you yell at a cat who has started scratching your couch
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyThump lrrSERGE
Myrniss: He's a Cinnamon Troll
JadedCynic: #SergeIsAMenace
nostra83 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
moltile: :D :D :D :D
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nostra83! (Today's storm count: 866)
badpandabear: #SergeHasAlwaysBeenSnerge
NimrodXIV: Cinnamon Roll Serge? Never!
ShifuDaxiongmao: #SergeAlwaysDeservesIt
jacqui_lantern234: nonono, serge bring the bullying upon himself :p
margieargie: Not on the VOD, I'm thinking that now <_<
chrono2x: There is a reason Snerge exists
RayFK: Graham you should go on cameo with that voice
Cunobelenos: #BlameSerge
malc: @Myrniss love it
TStodden: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #TeamNew
darkpks2: an opponent.
MegaDosX: #GetSerge
Notimagain: Cheer100 #TeamNew
thekumquatking: Being a widdle baby does not make one exempt from being a criminal.
geckoinasuit: pizza break time
ChroniclerC: tqsRoll tqsRoll tqsRoll tqsRoll
logophile99: Cheer1000 #TeamOld
YeomanAres: Serge always deserves it
jae_dorian: #Sergetotallydeservedit
fjordsword: Look again James
phoenixfeather14: Serge is a cinnamon roll, but Serge is also a menace
BorgarWithAShotgun: widdle widdle baby with a KNOIFE
insanecat6mtg: sergeSnerge
EthirealPlayer: Serge killed Paul?!?!
Bacon_Trail: this is later than he typically streams, so this is sergeafterdark territory
Talin06: I keep saying Snerge is the good one
Fanklok: Ok look fire Serge and hire me on as the replacement. I can accidentally make innuendo and I won't be a monster
public_key_reveal_party: new is still in the lead on bits
ThorSokar: composNotes I have it written here that Serge cut off a kids EAR, soooo, I'm gonna side with Team Graham faolkoNotes
iDangero: Cheer100 #TeamNew
SandraAustin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
SandraAustin: Love a good chunk punch
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SandraAustin! (Today's storm count: 867)
Spades_Slicc: Snerge wouldn't've happened to take a vacation to butler pa recently?
darkpks2: keep trash talking please LUL
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
enbyKriss: Serge has gone full gremlin mode sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
Heckhoundbolt: alex's mic is off
chrono2x: When does the first boon/bane happen?
SmithKurosaki: @ThorSokar Accuratew
Gaz_L: maybe Serge will trade iron for sheep?
scuba_antney: Cheer200 #TeamOld
DigitalSeahorse: Alex's mic might be off
Sorator13: Alex, I think your mic is muted
Dergib: is alex mic off?
Gaz_L: wait
Gaz_L: wrong game
RandomTrivia: You could just kite a Wither into excavating your chunk
heronblademaster: what do I do with the rest of these bits
TehAmelie: Dr Evil voice "ten thousand dollars!"
HyruleGirl9: Cheer115 #TeamNew
Lord_Hosk: nice
PhoenixMelior: Please throw bits responsibly, chat
northos: why would Paul do this Kappa
UltraVioletVodoo: Cheer200 #TeamNew
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
LathosTiran: Mic 5
MommaGart: ok guys only $12,320 USD for a Wither!!!
TransientPoe subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
TransientPoe: Subathooooon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TransientPoe! (Today's storm count: 868)
Sarah: I was on #TeamOld until Serge decided he was just gonna be a troll all day :P
logophile99: Cheer100 #TeamOld
DigitalSeahorse: lrrGARBO vicksyTH
Greendrag13: Cheer100 Cheer100 #TeamOld
Mazrae: Cake layer
ClodiumSoride: coprolith block?
ExachixKitsune: Cheer131 #TeamNew
chrono2x: Just a layer of obsidian
MeagenImage: Sub-A-Thin, let's goooo!
DigitalSeahorse: the bird poop block
heronblademaster: Cheer4772 #teamold I guess have the rest of these too
Sorator13: Yknow... a bane could add a poop shape of dirt blocks
umbrakittygirl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
umbrakittygirl: It's a me Umbra
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, umbrakittygirl! (Today's storm count: 869)
ShaneLeeAtk: Random layer of solid obsidian
scuba_antney: sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly
Sarah_Serinde: I still want TeamNew to send all the diorite to Serge (not placing, because that's against the rules, just fill his inventory)
malc: they already have poop blocks: in the shipwrecks ;P
ShifuDaxiongmao: We just need a bane where obsidian spawns in team old's hole :D
fjordsword: Serge, behind on blocks, goes and does a bit
DanTheMediocre: one entire layer of cake and you have to eat it all and get a sugar crash debuff
RandomTrivia: Bit-flipping IS cosmic magic
inconsideratehat: #teamnew
heartofgoldfish: cosmic ray magic would be a sweet cyberpunk setting
hd_dabnado: I would love it if gold could be found in rivers
ExachixKitsune: Cheer174 #TeamOld
themercenary1987: #TeamNew Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
Sarah: But then I'm one of James's home stream mods and was around for him starting the whole thing
YeetTheRich_: turns out he can
beowuuf: lmao
Viewers_Like_You: he demonstrably can
dukebazaar: #teamnewt
BrookJustBones: Does that highlight message thing work for the team bits?
NotCainNorAbel: Pride4000 #teamnew
theworldsmith1: Yes he can
GredGredmansson: @inconsideratehat does that work?
public_key_reveal_party: oh serge already forgot
thekumquatking: I can't believe Serge has done this.
rocketjohn: serge has been getting away with it for years
mo0dleton: Serge pulling the ultimate heel turn
Bacon_Trail: shout out to the team for putting this event up front to run up the bit count and thus the timer
beowuuf: :D
DigitalSeahorse: feliciaTeam vicksyNoU
fjordsword: We gotta make the Serge off by 1 a reality
inconsideratehat: @GredGredmansson Maybe??
ExachixKitsune: There we go, evened out those bits :P
ChroniclerC: Serge is 100% gonna faceplant.
Fanklok: I won't feel bad
margieargie: But Serge is completely innocent, how could we turn against him ^.^
Happy_Camperr: Cheer95 #teamold go tea mold!
Sorator13: It wasn't Paul who got murdered...
Alness49: Literally actually cannot get away with it
thekumquatking: I'm a little buzzed rn and I am having a great time.
l0gin4me: Cheer148 #TeamNew (Serge does deserve it) sergeSnerge = sergeHi
TheWooglie: be a good clip though
malc: jlrrFall
UltraVioletVodoo: Pride100 Pride100 Pride100 #TeamNew
red_shoes_jeff: Cheer5000 #TeamNew
TheWriterAleph: jlrrFall
Sorator13: lrrFINE
Viewers_Like_You: I think "everyone's concerned about a concussion but he turns out to be fine" is a good level
wench_tacular: jlrrFall
margieargie: sergeFall
Reymond Kira: Serge always gets bullied by James and Graham
StarWarsTHX1138: honestly I'm usually team serge... I'm not sure how I feel with him being a troll to the poor underdogs
Sarah: Serge does his share of bullying
TheAinMAP: sergeFall
Alas_Babylon: Now you know where the missing blocks are!
wench_tacular: pardon?
Pinwiz11: I assume this is the old chunk depth and not the new?
RayFK: James your rules are so arcane that cheating is just a way of life
LathosTiran: PrideWingL PrideGive PrideWorld PrideTake PrideWingR
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah if Serge has no consequences for his trolling then the other team certainly doesn't
JadedCynic: Unexpected chat segment - willing accomplices to nefarious cheats
thekumquatking: All hail the cave!
ShifuDaxiongmao: Judge... Serge impersonating a judge!
MicroManagingMusician: @Pinwiz11 yes, 1.17.1
darkpks2: you guys are lagging by not making iron axe
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed first fall of stream
thekumquatking: It's better. Because of the way it is.
offbeatwitch: axe does more damage but swings slower
FenrisSchafer: Cheer200 Look, I love punch-a-chunk classic, but I refuse to be blind to the behavior of Team Old, so #TeamNew
nova_plushie: cues it has 2 pointy bits g
darkpks2: econ round
graal_smith: @red_shoes_jeff so it's treason then.
offbeatwitch: sword does less damage but swings faster and has AOE
Riiiiiiis: Cheer1000 #TeamNew
Joshua Trytten: I think those 10k #teamsnerge bits started something...
wordnerdify: #TeamNew cheer500
Favre_the_Undead: tea mold!
PhoenixMelior: Lets go team new!
Dog_of_Myth: Let's go chat
Angreed66: James is wrong dps is more on sword
ChroniclerC: sergeSqueak
RandomTrivia: sergeSqueak
ElementalAlchemist: Dear Ea-Nasir,
red_shoes_jeff: I have a duty, I must oppose The Snerge.
PhoenixMelior: (Sorry gamers i have a mortgage etchyLmao)
Suffix: I'm on #TeamNew.
Jillexie: Cheer500 #TeamNew
EthirealPlayer: Let's go Mold Drink
jamesinor: Team New took the bit lead!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap vicksyHappy vicksyCheer vicksyHeadbang feliciaTeam new
CoderBugsworth: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
beowuuf: axe has less range though
mo0dleton: Serge, Noted Cheater, Has Opinions
avi_miller: Especially if you can do crits
amative1: as said by Serge Off-By-One Yager
Sarah: Those bits were in response to Serge already trolling
Sarah: More than once by then iirc
jillpole: Ea Nasir jokes always hit
wordnerdify: #TeamNew cheer1000
thekumquatking: I think the best way to attack is actually with sticks.
beowuuf: the terror of playing with a vindicator at the sword's edge of range is...
heronblademaster: I have two LRR stickers on my work laptop, they're Serge and Graham... but I'm contractually required to support Serge's Minecraft-related activities
Alahmnat: Minecraft combat is bad and has always been bad, fight me
Alahmnat: just... not in Minecraft
Anonymousless: Pride10000 Pride1000 Pride1000 30 minutes for #TeamOld
MommaGart: Cheer74 just fiddling with numbers #teamold
darkpks2: I stopped playing before the underwater fortress thing
CaKnuckleguy: Damage per second is meaningless if the first hit finishes the event
RandomTrivia: @Alahmnat It used to be worse, and then even worse before that
ExachixKitsune: @heronblademaster ... but why tho sergeSnerge
Sorator13: lrrWOW
scuba_antney: sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly
Tandtroll_OG: Oh dear lord
Dog_of_Myth: wow
Saintnex: lrrWOW
MungoDude: @Alahmnat I would, but lag makes me miss the crit
mo0dleton: oh wowee
margieargie: !!!!!!!!
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
beowuuf: holy crap
Tandtroll_OG: sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksySellout vicksySellout
TehAmelie: it's so bad. i especially dislike the weird random permanent increase to monster HP and damage the longer you have spent in a chunk
JosephDeath: When does the first bit reckoning happen?
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
ShifuDaxiongmao: but why donate for team old.. they're more fun to punish.. :P
MommaGart: let's get team new to 42069 we have one shot at this
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
darkpks2: LOL
andy1503: So many Serge enablers in the chat
Sarah_Serinde: Oh excellent Graham
darkpks2: LUL LUL
Jillexie: Crime doesn't pay, Serge
Fanklok: Serge said OK
RandomTrivia: Bahahahaha
darkpks2: what is in his pocket O_O
SnackPak_: gottem
Gaz_L: i don't recall that being in the rules
Lord_Hosk: Cheer50 #TeamMiddleAge My back hurts
nova_plushie: Good Job G
amative1: I don't believe those were the rules
Sorator13: LUL
neisan2112: LMAAO
jacqui_lantern234: thats NOT how it works, Serge
ExachixKitsune: lmao mtvcdm this is such an inspired bit
DoubleNterprises: LUL
vinewood_og: What a loser!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
zerragonoss: I keep reading them as Tea Mold
Dog_of_Myth: @Lord_Hosk LUL
Fanklok: I hope James makes them worse
amative1: inb4 James makes them worse
ExachixKitsune: inspired? *great
0x6772: Too late, but somebody give James a pair of scissors.
Invitare: free ladder?
Arazien: Pride5000 #teamNew jlrrCai jlrrLlou
accountmadeforants: Serge Dies (It Was A Prank) timeline avoided
RandomTrivia: Wow
Sarah_Serinde: @Arazien jlrrNo
mo0dleton: Cheer2800 2800 bits in honor of 28 hours for the 28 year olds on #TeamNew
love_like_you: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #teamnew
Mazrae: I thought that G was gonna club "club soda" Serge with him putting something in his coat
BusTed: ouch
GredGredmansson: Cheer500 this is all i have for now lets go #TeamNew
RandomTrivia: WOAH
MegaDosX: Wow, hateful
Dog_of_Myth: Yes
MegaDosX: #JamesDeservesIt
GazzyInferno: woah calm down there satans
hd_dabnado: yeah, its funny
darkpks2: #TEAMNEW >:3
RandomTrivia: That's a straight-up war crime
DoubleNterprises: Caltrops!
Morrigan9: d-caltrops
Arazien: @Sarah_Serinde lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
excalgold: Alex put Caltrops on James' chair?
Laserbeaks_Fury: The catrops
control_rig: Ah yes, the Caltrops of gaming
Cleekru subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months, currently on a 81 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cleekru! (Today's storm count: 870)
Tandtroll_OG: I feel like James owes us several caillous
BrowneePoints: Alex, we appreciate your Chaos Gremlin energy
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
CoderBugsworth is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 45 in the channel!
public_key_reveal_party: this is just a title match with two heels
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Paksenarrion_!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to thatguytroy324!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Egotistical_DSO!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to MalenkyMalchick!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to bigmtgman!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to TallynNyntyg!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to embermage34!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to wretchedspawn99!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to mirrorsquirrel!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to zulf8!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, CoderBugsworth! Welcome to Paksenarrion_, Egotistical_DSO, MalenkyMalchick, wretchedspawn99, mirrorsquirrel, zulf8, thatguytroy324, bigmtgman, TallynNyntyg, and embermage34! (Today's storm count: 880)
Zafariman: Cheer100 #teamnew
SmithKurosaki: Not just 28h, but 28h /remaining.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGift vicksyGift vicksyGift
IsaTheEngie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
IsaTheEngie: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IsaTheEngie! (Today's storm count: 881)
Riiiiiiis: Alex: boooooooo
ElementalAlchemist: lrrWOW
beowuuf: 31 1/2 hours of subathon in total! 3 hrs 10 down
malc: Alex jlrrDang
MungoDude: all I have is PNG subs
amative1: Serge just doesn't want to have to handle the bane
Favre_the_Undead: tea mold
mo0dleton: SERGE
RandomTrivia: So much Iron already
An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Raolin_Darkbane!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to Raolin_Darkbane! (Today's storm count: 882)
ExachixKitsune: sergeHubris sergeHubris sergeHubris
Mr_Horrible: Cheer5000 #TeamOld as an Old myself (not really but at heart)
RandomTrivia: CurseLit
orangeceltic71: #teamnew
Mazrae: Okay whoever put the 5000 bits and caillou I just had that song in my head
ExachixKitsune: wooooow Mr_Horrible !
nova_plushie: Serge know arsonist
Mr_Horrible: LUL
Solid_Fuel: Cheer10000 time to rig it, #TeamNew
amative1: 21
wordnerdify: #teamNew 200
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
Dog_of_Myth: WOW
wordnerdify: #teamNew cheer200
Tandtroll_OG: Oh jeez
scuba_antney: Yikes!
darkpks2: Alex you are allowed to mess with them on the half hour lol
SeaDiegoFC subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
SeaDiegoFC: Perfect time to have my resub!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SeaDiegoFC! (Today's storm count: 883)
themercenary1987: WHAT!
PhoenixMelior: Lets goooooo!
beowuuf: NO!
Mr_Horrible: look it just inspires friendly competition Kappa
vinewood_og: It's raining bits. #TARGIC
beowuuf: jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo
Mr_Horrible: rising tide, all boats, et
lord_bry0n: need to tie it
Jillexie: Cheer500 #TeamNew
TehAmelie: so many Ben Franklin clones
darkpks2: you started the sprint for team new
MungoDude: jlrrTenner jlrrTenner jlrrTenner jlrrTenner jlrrTenner
orangeceltic71: #teamnew
BrookJustBones: @LoadingReadyRun Do those new twitch bit features like highlighted messages work for the teambits?
malc: jlrrNo
Grevas13: cailou is only an attractive proposition if James is also being sprayed with water
mo0dleton: Paul openly taunting chat for bits
ChroniclerC: seabatUseless
RandomTrivia: jlrrNo
NerdSoda subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
NerdSoda: a quarter of a way to sub baby (measuring in metric)!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NerdSoda! (Today's storm count: 884)
MegaDosX: You can plug it at least
beowuuf: why do you show malc and sarah such hate?
Bacon_Trail: I mean it's less than 10k bits to 69420
RandomTrivia: Someone call Ashley, ask her to bring the spray bottle
malc: why indeed beowuuf
Colin: @jillpole I am a huge Ea Nasir joke fan
Sarah_Serinde: @beowuuf He just doesn't love us, it's tragic
Lord_Hosk: I doubt anyone will donate 9472 to team new for the meme
Abavus: Good question, what are the water rules this season?
namles_the_ninja: Cheer100 #teamnew
Solid_Fuel: wait? jlrrCai jlrrLlou was on the table?
OmnipotentTrevor: Are they going to be able to see each other from across this cave, or is it facing the wrong way?
TehAmelie: how fast do you figure Ashley can apparate to spray James if he starts singing?
donzmb: Cheer1000 Cheer1000 #teamnew
Bacon_Trail: fair hosk, but collectively...
beowuuf: @Sarah_Serinde it's also ironic given his mod love emote :(
NeoOfTheDark: Cheer69 #TeamNew
spawnofhastur: who'd win in a thumb war, caillou or charlie brown?
EvilBadman: Off by one on 62049
Sarah_Serinde: The rules say no placing blocks, but if you have no other options then you need to do *something* to keep going, so there's a penalty to it
namles_the_ninja: Cheer600 #teamnew
EvilBadman: Slow dots for start of phase 2 Kappa
donzmb: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #teamnew
themercenary1987: Cmon IRON for TEAM NEW!!!
beowuuf: you've got soooo close to failure in the stronghold chunk in season 1 where late dirt managed to grow a tree :D
Diabore: 13.5k ahead
ElementalAlchemist: nice
Diabore: 14.5k
themercenary1987: Boon ask for Iron
Favre_the_Undead: common bits for tea mold
public_key_reveal_party: the boon is just 3 pieces of iron
TehAmelie: woo let's go 64 k
RandomTrivia: That's what you get for setting fire to stuff
Lord_Hosk: Cheer103 #teamnew
Grevas13: bane should be more bucket time for serge
beowuuf: LOL sad music kicks in
RandomTrivia: sergeSqueak sergeFriendf
orangeceltic71: #teamold Cheer5000
RandomTrivia: sergeFriend
margieargie: sergeSqueak
wordnerdify: need the squeak counter
Jasoman: !squeak
FelidarSov: Cheer10000 #TeamOld
amative1: Paul could give you diamonds
mo0dleton: *could*?
TehAmelie: Paul IS a wizard
RandomTrivia: Wait, did Paul murder Paul?
RatherLargeToad: could?
themercenary1987: FELIDAR?!
beowuuf: james, you just got caillou bits :( now double caillou bits :(
Fanklok: Fully enchanted Diamond pick, Paul
mo0dleton: OH NO FOR TEAM OLD
Kipstar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
Kipstar: woo subathon!
scuba_antney: sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kipstar! (Today's storm count: 885)
argetbrisingr: these rules seem so unnecessary
SmithKurosaki: @argetbrisingr But they make it more interestintg
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
Lord_Hosk: Why do people keep donate to Hashtag Moldy Tea?
boredman42: Cheer5000 #teamnew
Solid_Fuel: wait no!
8000power: Cheer100 #teamnew
kaziel0: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
wordnerdify: #teamNew cheer300
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyClap chat is best
UltraVioletVodoo: Cheer1000 #TeamNew
red_shoes_jeff: Cheer5000 #TeamNew
Grevas13: from the top rope!
TheWooglie: Cheer100 #teamnew
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
ChroniclerC: Snipers take your shot!
lord_bry0n: tie it tie it!
themercenary1987: TEAM NEW!
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
haberley: y'all are amazing :D
beowuuf: does team new have to sing asrthur for 5000?
Nommii77: Cheer100 #TeamNew
LoganAura: Sniper in the wrong direction heh
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout
RandomTrivia: Multiple snipers came out for Team New
nosole: Cheer100 Cheer100 #teamnew
calculated_uncertainties: #teamPaul Cheer1000
Koshindan: Cheer182 #teamnew
PhoenixMelior: Okay stop dots
tidehollowcat: Cheer1000 #teamnew
geckoinasuit: back while making pizza
mo0dleton: Cheer1000 TEAM NEW FOR THE WIN #TeamNew
YeetTheRich_: eco round
TehAmelie: remember when the total was "almost 100 000"? i remember it like yesterday
beowuuf: o7
JadedCynic: @RandomTrivia that wasn't 'snipers' that was a dang artillery barrage :D
TehAmelie: lrrBartleby_HF lrrBartleby lrrBartleby_HF
Bacon_Trail: ohhh do we get a vaLRRant stream during the subathon?
themercenary1987: o7
DigitalSeahorse: feliciaSave vicksyPrider
Furyfire: Tied at 0!
ExachixKitsune: Cheer155 #TeamOld Gotta give them a good start
EvilBadman: @Bacon_Trail nope
atinyspacemarine: Cheer500 #teamnew Start them off strong!
love_like_you: Less sniper, more 21 gun salute
NeoOfTheDark: Cheer69 #teamnew
Lord_Hosk: So Diamonds
Sarah_Serinde: So chat, if you're using message effects, giant emotes, or on-screen celebration, they do NOT get seen by LRRbot and I believe they don't get added to the totals, even if you use the hashtags. Blame Twitch
definenull: Inb4 anvil
RatherLargeToad: here’s some Molybdenum
Orastes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months!
Orastes: I'm so glad I'm not working today
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Orastes! (Today's storm count: 886)
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: Woop woop!
Grevas13: nice
ExachixKitsune: 10/10
WolfGirlVeronica: lrrHAM_SG
RandomTrivia: jlrrBreak
SmithKurosaki: (imo)
Joshua Trytten: #allcompaniesaremadeup
SAJewers: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
malc: lmao
Mr_Horrible: jlrrBreak
themercenary1987: HAHAHAHA!
wench_tacular: jlrrFacepalm jlrrBreak
MrSarkhan: jlrrBreak jlrrBreak
margieargie: tqsLOL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
beowuuf: jlrrBreak
Furyfire: Broke another!
MrSarkhan: jlrrFacepalm
MrQBear: Uh, No serge, there are 'two' broken tools. :p
RAICx: jlrrFacepalm jlrrBreak jlrrFacepalm
ExachixKitsune: We don't say James "PickBreaker" for nothing
TotallyNotaBeholder: Hey Serge, what happened to that shovel of yours at the start?
offbeatwitch: he magick'd it out of thin air
orangeceltic71: Cheer1000 #teamold
chrono2x: Shovel also
Gaz_L: to get rid of the water
coopdawg_22 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, coopdawg_22! (Today's storm count: 887)
Pharmacistjudge: also lava is a possibility
asthanius: Are signs not the correct tool?
asthanius: smh my head
TStodden: What does #TeaMold get for a bane? (Too bad it can't actually be Bane)
definenull: Uh oh
mo0dleton: uh oh
BITs19_: we back?
Fanklok: serge...
RayFK: Serge
SmithKurosaki: Wow Serge
custodis013 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, custodis013! (Today's storm count: 888)
RayFK: You can't just SAY that
CoderBugsworth: #teamnew Cheer400
MegaDosX: Serge pls
CobaltShuriken: phrasing
Sarah_Serinde: Stay in your own holes, no messing with other people's holes
wench_tacular: no non consensual hole entry
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTrash vicksyPanic vicksyCope
amative1: oh, please be the one I suggested
Anubis169: TeaMold... if your tea has mold, you may want to sterilise your kit
darkpks2: there was a few really good jokes in quiplash today
Pharmacistjudge: @rayfk you can’t stop serge
hd_dabnado: oh cori needs to use iron
iDangero: cori use the iron!
ExachixKitsune: concern
mo0dleton: the antici…pation
bakerydragon: so tense
haberley: drum roll please...
Bacon_Trail: what if all this and then paul just walks into frame and puts the bucket on james' head
Spades_Slicc: What if the real bane was the anxiety we felt along the way
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap vicksyTap vicksyTap
TehAmelie: you CAN use a water bucket to cheat yourself out of any fall damage at the last frame, but you can also do it whenever you're falling or planning to fall, it's not solely MLG strats
asthanius: gonna spawn a ghast
mo0dleton: the bane is that there’s no bane, and they spend an hour waiting for it
Gascitygaming: it's like edibles, gonna all hit at once
MegaDosX: That would be pretty funny
JadedCynic: LoadingReadyRun's Subathon: they'll sell you a seat but you'll only need teh EDGE :D
ExachixKitsune: oooh that would've been a good idea
LoganAura: That would be a boon though, clears a bunch of blocks
RandomTrivia: I sort of wish we *could* see the command as it happened
thekumquatking: I think the real Bane is actually that guy that broke Batman's back
Seth_Erickson: heard some bows a twanging
LariatWest subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LariatWest! (Today's storm count: 889)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope slow roll of nothing
Bacon_Trail: every suggestion they make is just fuel to update the list
electra310: So how do the boons and banes work?
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
MegaDosX: Or there's just next to none in this chunk
amative1: Paul triggers a server command
BrokenGolem subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
BrokenGolem: lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BrokenGolem! (Today's storm count: 890)
MegaDosX: Or just none
ExachixKitsune: @electra310 they are commands that Paul runs in the server
Kevin O Malley: s'hapnin folks?
Loupetron: I am totally new to punch-a-chunk how does this work?
DigitalSeahorse: Cori's jumping around is less efficient but that may even out with something else
nova_plushie: wait todays was New EDSC day too? we were good this month
RandomTrivia: !pac
Mr_Horrible: Larry Ligaments
drewm1022: Ngl I tabbed over and read "Drizzled Veterans".
Lord_Hosk: The skeleton is donating arrows
beowuuf: @Loupetron they have to clear a 16x16 area down to bedrock, using only the contents of the chunk, one layer at a time
Mr_Horrible: archenemy of Tony Tendons
0x6772: So… about that bane…?
Sarah: Unnecessary rules is the point
SmithKurosaki: Just some punchin' and some chunkin'
SmithKurosaki: I missed the bane
Sarah: It wouldn't be as interesting if it was just "dig to bedrock as fast as you can"
chrono2x: wheel of precons is my favorite
drewm1022: With what are the veterans drizzled??
RandomTrivia: Oh cool, more guest Jorbs content
TotallyNotaBeholder: The anticipation is wild
Spades_Slicc: Can't wait to watch that EDSC . . . next week
LowUpsideCJ: And new TTC today as well
midnightcurryjazz: I managed to finish that EDSC just as the subathon started
nova_plushie: Oh and New TTC? damn
korvys: You couldn't have released it before the subathon so I had time to watch? lrrBEEJ
Heckhoundbolt: what is the update on the bane
bytecaster: What is a ball if not a rounder egg
measureofhope: The copper blocks starting to oxidise
PawssumFable: I want to see Graham's jacket better
Iluvatardis: @drewm1022 maple syrup, presumably
chrono2x: ooooo
Nigouki: the bane is you don't wake up until the other player goes ot sleep again
Unas84: ooh sweet!
Abavus: mic 5?
KodeMage: edsc paused in my other tab, 2 players are dead and there's still 20 minutes left in the video
beowuuf: mic5!
Aenir798: Hot mic in the kitchen?
MehallD: G, your Youtube Analytics for this EDSC might suffer for its first week
BrowneePoints: I can't wait until the Bloomburrow episode Graham. I hope you gert the Group Hug deck
wench_tacular: mic 5
spawnofhastur: i'm sad we don't get another washlet installation
malc: woo vlogs
drewm1022: Oh, did someone mention this already? lol
mattyraft44: yay Graham!
jacqui_lantern234: @LowUpsideCJ but why would we want a NEW TappyToeClaws?! shes already so lovely!!! :p
Unas84: did you record your coffee-machine speedrun for it?
geckoinasuit: oh yeah I paused edsc to watch this
baiileyplayz1: what are yall doing?
TStodden: Hey Paul... is #TeamOld getting enough sleep? I swear they're seeing phantoms. lrrBEEJ
matthaus_c: hole
malc: digging a hole. because there wasn't a hole there before, and now there is
vinewood_og: New GVLOGs? Sweet, my favorite!
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
ExachixKitsune: HA YES
beowuuf: LMAO
RandomTrivia: lrrGOAT
YeetTheRich_: games turner they call him
beowuuf: flaming goats????
darkpks2: LUL LUL LUL
mo0dleton: FIRE GOAT
MegaDosX: Incendiary goat!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrGOAT
ClodiumSoride: Gavle?
margieargie: lrrGOAT
themercenary1987: FIREGOAT
wench_tacular: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
Mr_Horrible: Cecil
bytecaster: A goat with no name
l0gin4me: Get a horn!
matthaus_c: Genevieve
Tandtroll_OG: :0
JDMan94: James may need to inform the other team about the whole tool combining thing now
themercenary1987: ITS BIG ASS JOHNSON!
TheAinMAP: HahaThisisfine
RatherLargeToad: Ember
Saintnex: oh right, are we explaining the combining durabilities to team New for iron picks?
Tandtroll_OG: A goat with no name
electra310: Lmao
voren_chalco: The Goat With No Name
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyFine lrrGOAT
Mr_Horrible: oh goodness me
themercenary1987: GET HIM JOHNSON
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ShifuDaxiongmao: james probably mlg bucket
GredGredmansson: Drink of Damocles
malc: jlrrNo
rogerivany: I went in the pit with a flaming goat with no name.
margieargie: Drink of Damocles
mo0dleton: the coffee of Damocles
Nigouki: you only splash when Caillou
Mr_Horrible: did Alex poke a hole in that cup?
ExachixKitsune: gooooat
RandomTrivia: sergeSnerge
jillpole: omg Graham, my husband and i are so excited to watch those
jillpole: we rewatch the Japan ones regularly
Colin: What!?! XD
Colin: Alex using his Menacing Aura
jillpole: the goat has burned! this is good luck
beowuuf: lrrGOAT
darkpks2: WutFace WutFace
beowuuf: LOL
YeetTheRich_: CHAOS
flustered_blue: water cup of Damocles
Sarah_Serinde: Very good question James
krfsm: @ShifuDaxiongmao James MLG'd with the ladder
RandomTrivia: benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos
RatherLargeToad: Question: do you want to die?
darkpks2: TENSE
beowuuf: cant save them all james
definenull: No diplomacy, only escalate
SmithKurosaki: #Snerge
BrowneePoints: it's hitting his lapelle
BusTed: Such sounds
BrowneePoints: I think
Furyfire: Goatpocalypse
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
FlargBlarg: james is goated!
TehAmelie: James having flashbacks to the time Alex accidentally almost punched a paper cup of hot coffee out over him
RandomTrivia: AAAAAAAAAA
malc: all of the commands actually worked, on a delay?
beowuuf: fixed it with CurseLit
Tangsm: Flaming screaming goats
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
Mr_Horrible: James caught the ladder at the last second of the fall, Graham
darkpks2: the vets back down
bubba0077: flaming goat rain
JosephDeath: I think most of the bane is gonna be the screaming
Sarah_Serinde: Important distinction
wench_tacular: doot!
EvilBadman: Serge, "the way out of this hostage situation is to take my own hostage"
TotallyNotaBeholder: Goat Rider has entered the hole
MegaDosX: I have questions
patrick_stonecrusher: Gaaaaaaaaah!
atinyspacemarine: AAAAAAAAAA
DeM0nFiRe: lrrFINE
ExachixKitsune: they are also fireproof
SnackPak_: gotta live with that for 5 more hours
wordnerdify: why are the goats on fire?
beowuuf: at least the goats aren't charging
public_key_reveal_party: barrFlambe lrrFINE
darkpks2: alex is still holding ground.
NimrodXIV: I love the goats
Toxxick: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
ExachixKitsune: well, not fireproof, but not really on fire
definenull: Matt G better be looking away
accountmadeforants: CurseLit AaaAa lrrGOAT
ExachixKitsune: cakejuFine
KeytarCat: I love the banes in this
darkpks2: Alex dont do ittt
Sarah_Serinde: Disappointing
Eepy Alice: ah the cup of damocles
darkpks2: :_:
hd_dabnado: what noise am I hearing?
Sarah_Serinde: Okay, less disappointing :D
GreyOrb: The only flaming mob that can set you on fire are zombies
malc: goat horns? :D
Sarah_Serinde: hd_dabnado Probably the goats
GroverMonster: thesau34Dance
Tangsm: It could knock him into a hole, though.
darkpks2: :O
littleunknownn: Wait, why are the goats on fire?
Fluffy776: aww levysc1Pyro
SnackPak_: wasn't stone
mo0dleton: Suddenly we’re playing Elden Ring
darkpks2: POGGGGG
malc: lmao
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
phoenixfeather14: hit dirt
Mr_Horrible: incredible
Despoiler98: CHECKMATE
matthaus_c: hard countered
scuba_antney: Oh it ran into dirt! so you didn't get it
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: Amazing
AugmentingPath: Did he just get a tail cut on the goat?
TehAmelie: lrrGOAT_HF lrrGOAT
LoganAura: Well now you guys're unlucky
Spades_Slicc: Serge that's bad luck
GredGredmansson: serge no that's bad luck
MegaDosX: That's bad luck Serge
chrono2x: Doesn't break on dirt
beowuuf: under my umberella-lla lla
BrokenGolem: isn't that 7 years bad luck?
RandomTrivia: lrrGOAT
rogerivany: It hit dirt not stone
public_key_reveal_party: how did I not notice serge get an umbrella?
UWDJohn: bad luck for Serge tho
MTGRanger: Serge isn't that bad luck?
leggettor: Bad luck serge
margieargie: Serge and James under one umbrellla, oh my~
Angreed66: Has to hit stone to break off
darkpks2: line and sinker bro
thekumquatking: James has roommates now
beowuuf: @BrokenGolem only if he knocks a mirror over with it
ExachixKitsune: Team Old are going to lose because goat
luke1x subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
luke1x: Doing my part
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I think you mean billied, graham!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, luke1x! (Today's storm count: 891)
Joshua Trytten: I've never actually watched a chunk-punch before, but I love how *absolutely unhinged* this one has become
Sarah_Serinde: Okay, being a distraction as James attempts to get a goat horn is a decent bane :D
BrookJustBones: Goat horns got added in 1.19
public_key_reveal_party: the bane is just a distraction
malc: bugged goats :-(
MegaDosX: Oh hey Cori found iron...outside of the chunk
beowuuf: sad music with the goat s
darkpks2: this is gonna be a good subathon
ashteranic: They're hurting him, he's just healing quickly
Koshindan: Can you put them out with water first?
TheOtherTrevor: immortal flaming goats
DigitalSeahorse: arg I hate it when stream lags just when I open the emote menu
LoganAura: Oh they found copper before iron. wow
nova_plushie: who knew this game was so Cutthroat
Saintnex: ohhh, too early a version
measureofhope: zombie incoming
TehAmelie: omg goasts?
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I think they're just not hurting much and James is getting the health back pretty fast
matthaus_c: why are the flaming goats not taking damage
Athelgar: its supposed to punt you off a cliff
LostThePirate: I thought the horns were added after 1.17.x?
BrookJustBones: Goat horns where not in 1.17
PhoenixMelior: I want them to be immortal flaming screaming goats
BrookJustBones: they are from 1.19
vegetalss4: They aren't normally on fire
amative1: 2% chance
ShifuDaxiongmao: and the rare special scream :D
BrokenGolem: @beowuuf my friend's black cat broke a mirror. I told them that's 49 years
malc: ohhhh.
Sarah_Serinde: Awwwwww
Angreed66: For the veterans they certainly are prone to distractions.
MungoDude: ohh
malc: booo
beowuuf: @BrokenGolem :D
DaniellNaruta: I only ever listened to the Screaming Goats
thedepthandbreadthofseth: No Shofar for you!
GreyOrb: 2% chance for screaming goats.
Koshindan: So James goozled himself by choosing this version.
EvilBadman: @BrookJustBones why would you help like this :p
matthaus_c: adding the goats without the horns is a real adding twitter without written language move
RandomTrivia: In the way, loud and on fire
KodeMage: just like chat
SeismicLawns: is there a reason for being on 1.17?
Darleysam: ultra airhorn lrrHORN
measureofhope: Free goat meat
amative1: AAAAAAA
TehAmelie: lrrGOAT can have a lrrHORN but only here
excalgold: did....did Matt have control of this distraction?
beowuuf: almost like they re a bane :p
definenull: 5 hours occasionally interrupted by goat
GreyOrb: Could you nametag them "Chat"?
MungoDude: jlrrWalldiamond
RandomTrivia: OOOF Wall Iron
amative1: Wall Iron!
SymphonySolstice: jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond
herph: jlrrWalldiamond
Alas_Babylon: 2% in the wild, 50% for a baby screaming goat if one of their parents is a screamer, 100% chance if both are, iirc
MehallD: jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond
Sarah_Serinde: @SeismicLawns Because in later updates the chunks are twice as deep and that would take too long and not be fun
beowuuf: jlrrWalldiamond
JDMan94: Cori does have more iron to go make tools with tho
DiscordianTokkan: Arrived just in time for GoatTalk and Wall Iron! jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond
Tandtroll_OG: @seismiclawns not as much deepslate, less blocka
Seth_Erickson: What are the goats names James?
thekumquatking: Scream(g)o(at)
MTGRanger: Team New needs sympathy bits
Spades_Slicc: What if team new find diamonds before iron
Sarah: I blame Serge and Alex XD
Colin: As soon as Paul had control of the Banes and Boons it was gonna become Absurd very quickly, but also Alex Exists
matthaus_c: @Sarah_Serinde deepslate gaming :|
amative1: TeamNew is gonna get to the bottom, and the last 2 layers are gonna be nothing but iron ore
theevermist: So is there just what Serge is like off stream or did he just let Snerge out for the day?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: this goat is on FIRE!!!
EvilBadman: Getting Vets audio is now a bane for us
KodeMage: light james on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life
electra310: Cheer100 #teamnew
nova_plushie: Paul just work miracles
virtue_the_cat: just tuning in, why are the goats on fire??
GredGredmansson: what's that Cori is digging up, is that rock berries or something
RandomTrivia: These goats are absolute clip gold
BusTed: It's too bad the cave is on the other side.
electra310: Hmm, my Twitch may be a little broke
thekumquatking: @virtue_the_cat They are sinners
Sarah_Serinde: @matthaus_c I would say it's more about the 64 extra layers than the deepslate. Though the fact that most/all of those extra layers are deepslate makes it even worse
scuba_antney: cheerwhal100 #TeamOld
DigitalSeahorse: wait doesn't James have to make more pick with the iron he just picked?
Marvoleath: @virtue_the_cat so they dont get cold
malc: @virtue_the_cat because Paul said so
GreyOrb: The only flaming mob that can set players on fire is the flaming zombie.
beowuuf: @virtue_the_cat added bane by paul :)
northos: @GredGredmansson copper ore
patrick_stonecrusher: Because Comedy is a flaming goat
SmithKurosaki: @Joshua Trytten These devolve pretty quickly often'
MDR: LRR living their 37 goat life.
MechaNoelle: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR
micalovits: More wall iron!
incredulouspasserby: @theevermist This is what he's like ON stream, no one just realizes it or remembers it.
DigitalSeahorse: or bucket
NeoOfTheDark: @virtue_the_cat #BlameJames
50keyz: go lrrCORI lrrGRAHAM lrrALEX
GredGredmansson: i'm guessing you can't make tools out of copper then? @northos
RandomTrivia: Bats are tragically stupid
Sarah_Serinde: @incredulouspasserby ^
micalovits: Also, shouldn't cori make a iron pickaxe?
RandomTrivia: (in-game)
marmalade_pen: fire keys are the worst
darkpks2: I hope someone clips that umbrella bit
incredulouspasserby: Something something kindest person to ever strip-lock you something.
BusTed: IRL canon
northos: @GredGredmansson correct, it's basically just decorative
nova_plushie: you ask like youve never caugh on fire
KBKarma: Right, time for my bed time. I have a hospital appointment in the early morn. Night!
lamina5432: dolphins are the worst
IbunWest: abatWIGGLE
Seth_Erickson: has cori used all of her Iron
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint rabbits will run away unless you feed them
thekumquatking: Bats are canonically friendly fellas
Fanklok: Show me a single bat with a diploma Graham
virtue_the_cat: @thekumquatking ah yes of course
50keyz: they cant use ubuntu so....
an_archist2: in biblical canon
Bacon_Trail: canonically stupid is a nice term
Suffix: @incredulouspasserby Serge's Mods remember.
MTGRanger: seeya! @KBKarma
gsyhiap subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
gsyhiap: 9 year subaversary subathon party! PrideParty lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROWS
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gsyhiap! (Today's storm count: 892)
GredGredmansson: not can go, MUST go
RandomTrivia: [AAAAAAAAA]
Arazien: lrrGOAT
iris_of_ether: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
electra310: Cheer100 #teamnew
Darleysam: going to school to learn IRL canon
Viewers_Like_You: "Fire the reality canon!" "...Did you know bats have bad survival instincts?"
vetr1c subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
Sorator13: I can't handle the screaming goats
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vetr1c! (Today's storm count: 893)
RandomTrivia: Then you'd better spawn MORE, Paul!
electra310: There we go
TheWooglie: more goats Paul
Saintnex: remember to keep 1 durability iron picks for combining to mine diamonds!
iiieye: @digitalseahorse rabbits at my step-dad house seem to disagree
ChroniclerC: lrrGOAT
PandasAndPancakes: Bats are getting a lot of their intellectual reputation from batman tbh
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Graham, can I get you to clarify that the goats are BILLIES, not BULLIES.
public_key_reveal_party: the goats aren't agressive, but serge and james are easily distracted, which is the real bane
GredGredmansson: speaking of bats
Sarah: Paul has had control of boons and banes for multiple events now, and sure it's added some absurdity, but not as much as this
JDMan94: Also James never told the secrets of tool combining
Kain0025: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
KnifeRollinaBakery subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
KnifeRollinaBakery: The goats burn forever, their pain: eternal.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KnifeRollinaBakery! (Today's storm count: 894)
Sarah_Serinde: I suspect Serge and James are also willing to be easily distracted, since they already have the advantage of experience anyway
logophile99: Judge
definenull: The garbage was disposed in the hole by cori
ExachixKitsune: right, I should be asleep; night friends! good luck punching the chunks!
Spades_Slicc: The garbage goes in the square hole
GredGredmansson: @JDMan94 he did but like very briefly at the start
amative1: They like the garbage
nova_plushie: What cori's trying to say is team old is trash
Diabore: was that an enderman...
Bacon_Trail: matt in the next room?
public_key_reveal_party: we will judge you
MungoDude: they are in the chunk, they're allowed to be killed
amative1: other than chat's enmity?
wench_tacular: save the goats!
space_turbulence: Mr Punchchunker, I gave you all the tools...
RandomTrivia: Was it a Golf scorecard? :D
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah, bats poop in caves, what are you guano do about it?
matthaus_c: if you needed further proof that Serge is a villain
beowuuf: james absolutely missing a trick that bit donations to not kill goasts
thekumquatking: If James kills the goats they'll never win the bit race
spawnofhastur: goats are just fluffy deer send tweet
PhoenixMelior: Dont you dare hurt Gruff and Tuff
wench_tacular: no murder today
YeetTheRich_: chat will yell at you anyway
Saintnex: In before Matt comes in to run interference
micalovits: Can't just kill Matt!
DiscordianTokkan: Cheer400 MUR... DER?
RandomTrivia: There it is HypeLUL
Viewers_Like_You: Paul: "I have no problem replacing those goats with more goats"
MommaGart: Cheer114 #TeamOld
Tiber727: Don't kill kids!
Angreed66: You can kill the goats without reprecussion
ChroniclerC: Even villain Serge won't kill the goats.
SajuukSjet: is alex muted again?
marmalade_pen: how are you gonna please the old gods if you don't kill any goats
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
DiscordianTokkan: (#teamold, I forgot the tag!)
Laserbeaks_Fury: Can you make the goats go to sleep, or is kidnapping against the rules?
Malkmaven1176: It will follow you to your personal streams
patrick_stonecrusher: Get yelled at by goats or get yellec at bychat
Favre_the_Undead: we need a minigolf montage after this
RandomTrivia: IRON! FBtouchdown
Diabore: reminder, james scouted the chunks, make of that what you will
Mr_Horrible: Iron ho!
DigitalSeahorse: didn't the bits add shots to the golf?
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
GredGredmansson: "Do they call me James the Ladder Climber? No. Do they call me James the Chunk Puncher? No. But you kill ONE GOAT..."
finestotter: 22 Over par by now right
PhoenixMelior: Wow
wench_tacular: lrrHORN lrrHORN
RandomTrivia: @DigitalSeahorse Above the cap, I believe
Suffix: lrrBartleby
malc: named "chat"
EvilBadman: Big Dick Johnson
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby
space_turbulence: Kevin
ShifuDaxiongmao: Paul, they talked about killing goats, for safety you should probably add a few more. :D
RandomTrivia: jlrrBreak
malc: jlrrBreak
beowuuf: depends on the names
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
donzmb: Goatsifer and Horner’s
nova_plushie: his name is billy
GredGredmansson: Big Ass Johnson
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
wench_tacular: jlrrFacepalm jlrrBreak
PhoenixMelior: Jug?
TheOtherTrevor: renaming all my .wav files to .mp3
saweeks: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #TeamNew
ChroniclerC: "Screamy" and "Broken Pick"
beowuuf: jlrrBreak
TheAinMAP: jlrrBreak
GreyOrb: "Adam"?
SmithKurosaki: Having the goats screaming with stereo headphones on is *chefs kiss*
Merc1987: IRON!
SmithKurosaki: Ive got really good 3d Audio
thekumquatking: The goats are Big Ass Johnson and Serge Jr.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Kid Rock
space_turbulence: Bartholomew & Bucket
LoganAura: eyyy bits're even
electra310: Cheer400 #teamnew
Seth_Erickson: he raises a good point
Mr_Horrible: one leads to the other, Alex
Brozard: ALEX
DigitalSeahorse: is Alex muted again?
jacqui_lantern234: ALEX LUL
space_turbulence: Mephistopholes
LoganAura: and now they're not x3
beowuuf: throw some zzzzz's on it
spawnofhastur: thanks graham
korvys: If you want to get rid of the goats, do you have to make an iron sword? Since that would be the "correct" tool?
Mr_Horrible: the tongue vibrations, Alex
MommaGart: honk tuah
purposesunknown: One leads to a good night, One leads to a good nihts sleep
jacqui_lantern234: GRAHAM LUL
DiscordianTokkan: Cheer400 Honk Shoe #TeamOld
margieargie: I'm glad I'm not doing that drinking game (I don't recommend it to other people either <_< )
PongoSapiens subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 124 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PongoSapiens! (Today's storm count: 895)
damn_i_am_pretty: James: I want to make this fun for new people. Serge: I will make this a living hell for this fresh meat.'
Mr_Horrible: when you trill on it
RandomTrivia: Some things are not meant to be known by mortal minds
KeytarCat: My brain went "mlem mlem"...
PhoenixMelior: No we heard him cori
donzmb: Nah Cory we heard that
space_turbulence: "Scream" & "Meme"
RandomTrivia: jlrrFall
vinewood_og: Hawk Tuah.... he played for the dolphins, right?
TeaBread_: that came in loud and clear lol
leggettor: Jerge and GroriX
Mr_Horrible: we definitely heard him LUL
midnightcurryjazz: khaosp4Lick khaosp4Lick
amative1: almost
UWDJohn: Name one "Trading Post"
amative1: 7.5/10
Adanufgail47: He's absolutely not muted lol
SkiaSymphonia: Cheer1000 #TeamNew
MungoDude: almost dying is half a heart, maybe 1
MommaGart: Hawk Tuah Son or Honk Shoo Daughter?
Mike Sugarbaker: Good hustle Graham
Colin: Alex No
Colin: (Alex Yes)
Fanklok: Dinnerbone a goat
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyLick
DiscordianTokkan: jlrrPongchamp
BrowneePoints: Easy there Alexyoin
Sarah_Serinde: Serge you're one to talk about benginChaos
ofstrife subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ofstrife! (Today's storm count: 896)
beowuuf: skill diff
leggettor: Sames and Alexanderm
RandomTrivia: Team old is optimizing
donzmb: I’m really looking forward to the G-Vlogs
iris_of_ether: AAAAA
donzmb: Got me through COVID XD
RandomTrivia: The cursor travel time from one block to the next really adds up
ShifuDaxiongmao: more goats, more goats! :D
iiieye: Sounded like Ben
TheWooglie: four goats
Dark Esch: rip goat
purposesunknown: And one of the goats is the Devil
BrowneePoints: They're funny cuz they're like Drunk Sheep
kaziel0: Thank you, Paul, for the goats. XD
leggettor: one more goat
margieargie: escher3MEOW tqsBORK
amative1: Need a couple more goats
matthaus_c: what if goats had crab eyestalks
vinewood_og: Gvlogs are the best vlogs. It's the vibe!
ChroniclerC: One *more* goat.
leggettor: for each member of team young
Aenir798: Exponential goats
PhoenixMelior: Gruff, Tuff, Rumble and Steve
wench_tacular: goats need friends
NeoOfTheDark: add more goats!
thekumquatking: Cheer100 #TeamNew
malc: the correct number of goats is one more goat
TehAmelie: Moregoats, the lord of darkness, agrees
SnowBuddy18: every level another goat arrives
vegetalss4: cave layers aren't as much faster as you'd think, since you have to worry about not falling
RandomTrivia: Exponentially increasing goats
bubba0077: one goat every 5 min for the full hour
ShifuDaxiongmao: Every time Team Old leaves their hole, add a goat :D
electra310: How much for another goat? 😄
space_turbulence: so is this 2 v 3?
Koshindan: The goats are actually a reward, so TeamOld needs a different punishment.
artacuno53: James listen to my calls
vinewood_og: ewww
artacuno53: you are breaking the tools
TStodden: Hydra-curse the goats... 2 goats for every goat killed.
zerragonoss subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zerragonoss! (Today's storm count: 897)
TheWooglie: 1 goat for each bit difference
misterrootbeer: every tool break add a goat?
malc: can Alex be muted again :P
spawnofhastur: my brain has been devoured by the deer anime. chat pls help
Eepy Alice: add more goats!
Myrniss: MAWP
leggettor: @TStodden yes
BrowneePoints: Quick Alex! Do the water droplet sound!
rocketjohn: cori should breed the goats
Seth_Erickson: that is a pick with our 1 extra iron ingot Serge
TinoDidriksen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TinoDidriksen! (Today's storm count: 898)
Punspector subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Punspector: Nice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Punspector! (Today's storm count: 899)
BrowneePoints: The cheek flick water droplet
SmithKurosaki: yaaaaaaah!
Faulpyr: Adam
BrowneePoints: I taught Adam and Ben how to do it on Let's Nope
purposesunknown: I think most humans are capable of making noises with their mouths
DiscordianTokkan: Instead of Popping out your cheek you Flick it
LostThePirate: That was a Ben and Adam thing
ChroniclerC: Beej making sounds seems correct.
Sarah_Serinde: I think it's just a people thing
Spades_Slicc: James it's called soda
Sarah_Serinde: It's not restricted to LRR
Seth_Erickson: don't forget to make inventory space Cori for the iron
leggettor: Misophonia
Laserbeaks_Fury: Magic Mike cover band
DahudLefthanded: Please stop I'm serious
50keyz: yesss
YeetTheRich_: is this ASMLRR
KeytarCat: Humans really like making sounds the wrong way! That's what music do!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyLUL
RandomTrivia: The blinkers are on!
NoxStryx: For a second i thought that paul had changed all the sounds to hand farts
EvilBadman: @space_turbulence Probably a gift there's been a lot today
Saintnex: I love that James is being punished for Serge's aggression lol
matthaus_c: it's E for invEntory
fastlane250: Real veterans use I
Tuples subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
Tuples: 82 months, that's at least a year, right?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tuples! (Today's storm count: 900)
leggettor: Enventory
RandomTrivia: jlrrFall
Gaz_L: envintory?
amative1: E for Equipment
DentedPockets: E for Everything
TehAmelie: E for Eenventory
Dark Esch: Iven Tory
Fanklok: E for a key that actually makes sense
thebuzzstreams: Matt would have loved that
thekumquatking: I've got some death metaal playing alongside the stream because I require constant overstimulation and I gotta say the goat screams really add to the ambience.
Gaz_L: E for Everyone
matthaus_c: E for Estrogen
NeoOfTheDark: More Goats!!!
malc: E for 'Ere's my stuff
beowuuf: @space_turbulence gift subs most likely? :)
RandomTrivia: lrrHUBRIS
NoxStryx: @matthaus_c it is E for inventorE
wench_tacular: !hubris
space_turbulence: @EvilBadman gotcha thanks
MegaDosX: Do it Paul
public_key_reveal_party: o7 james pre-emptively
definenull: I know you were trouble when you dropped in...
Fanklok: What could possibly goat wrong
electra310: Gooooooats
GredGredmansson: define "all the goats"
Sorator13: lrrFINE
PhoenixMelior: E for every goat
RatherLargeToad: What could possibly goat wrong?
leggettor: put a goat at the top of the ladder so its knocks him nack down
damn_i_am_pretty: Goat on fire: AAAAAAAH
drrek0: Every goat scream brings me joy
kragmabutch: @matthaus_c TransgenderPride
iris_of_ether: lrrGREED lrrGREED lrrGREED
spawnofhastur: my cat is on my desk and she is very curious about the goat streams
EvilBadman: @space_turbulence The notifications in top right of broswer window if on the site will tell you
Angreed66: Serge has the right binding for inventory
gsyhiap: E for existential crisis
maybe_games: serge is competitive, james can just walk off and make serge deal with the goats
sharker037 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sharker037! (Today's storm count: 901)
GredGredmansson: Goaty McGoatFace
MTGRanger: @GredGredmansson By minecraft rules I think it'd be one stack of 64
Saintnex: hahaha
Ceris75: a legend is born
MrSarkhan: That goat is broken
malc: that's just a boat
electra310: Goaty McGoatface!
offbeatwitch: that goat has been lobotomized
leggettor: sharing the braincell
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPanic lrrGOAT
Crad0k: am i... god?
thekumquatking: Goat McGoatFace is a shell of a man goat
Tangsm: Oh no! Nitwit goat!
Dark Esch: nice
Colin: Amazing
SmithKurosaki: Paul does in fact have this technology
ChroniclerC: Forgot to give the goat a brain.
DEATHlikescats: heck yeah subathon!
0x6772: Does this make that goat a block that must be cleared?
l0gin4me: Zen goat
PandasAndPancakes: The goats who stare at men
leggettor: its going to clowly descend
vegetalss4: It is just a very patient goat
public_key_reveal_party: I mean, same
Angreed66: That goat has themond of a boat
MTGRanger: We have the technology
fastlane250: The braindead ungulate you can mine around!
korvys: What will happen when it gets mined under?
LathosTiran: this goat functions as a map marker
matthaus_c: can you imagine living as a being that can only witness but never act
Sarah_Serinde: Relateable
AdamYMHMI: Scaregoat
LesbianGolfMafia: hes just standing there menacingly
electra310: Goat emote
RandomTrivia: That is a statue :D
definenull: Blair witching
mizzytastic: the goats who stare at walls
doubledbear: The Goats who stare at men
MegaDosX: Watch it just float there once they dig under it
Sorator13: Reminds me of the donkey statues in Worms
BrowneePoints: Goodjumpi! That line from Star Wars!
malc: concrete goat
TehAmelie: "was that something I was supposed to do?" -God on day 5
Laserbeaks_Fury: We went through 5 Adams before we figured that one out...
Arazien: lrrGOAT_SG
RandomTrivia: Taxidermied goat
niccus: if only you can have player controlled goats
Saintnex: Oh right, goats jump hilariously high
DigitalSeahorse: xD
measureofhope: Just staring at the wall like its in a horror movie right before the jumpscare
donzmb: If Team Old loses will they name a scapegoat?
malc: floatgoat
thekumquatking: That goat is doomed for eternity.
Fistacles subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Fistacles: lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fistacles! (Today's storm count: 902)
Desruprot: The Goats who stare at Walls
thebuzzstreams: Whatever floats your goat dude
GredGredmansson: G-Pose for dominance (the G stands for Goat_
BrowneePoints: Welp. Immovable Goat is happening in my next D&D campaign
Gaz_L: if it floats would it count as the highest block in the chunk?
purposesunknown: Goatal Recal
asthanius: Not a great Bond film
MrQBear: Imagine if team old keeps losing, and they just getting pairs of flaming animals
RandomTrivia: Oh no, it was the perfect choice
MegaDosX: @BrowneePoints A goat that ate an Immovable Rod?
NoxStryx: Are these goats or guzzlords?
SmashTCG: the Final goat was better
TheWooglie: Serge will kill the goats
MTGRanger: This is amazing
Seth_Erickson: no I think they were the correct decision
Arazien: Prepare for Goatfall
Sorator13: I'd watch that tbh
TehAmelie: hey, whatever floats your goats
space_turbulence: dang yeah, gifted 6-months worth of subscriptions. Thanks @red_shoes_jeff
asthanius: 5 Hours of Screaming Goats Interrupted By A Metal Pipe
DEATHlikescats: reminds me of Tailor Swift
Desruprot: AAAAAAAAHHHHH - goat
LowUpsideCJ: Two screaming goats and one blair witch goat
virtue_the_cat: have spent the last 20 mins trying to figure out if the ungodly screams are coming the goats or my dramatic cat in the next room
RandomTrivia: "You're listening to 103.6, The Goat. Six hours of non-stop screaming"
EvilBadman: Five Hours of Screaming Goats was the opening act for King Gizzard, right?
Leebo140: Graham did you finish Final Shape yet? If so what'd you think of it?
Mangledpixel: shoutout to the chunk with the screaming goats inside
asthanius: YES
malc: float!
vinewood_og: How many bits for goat sacrifice?
Tandtroll_OG: Well there might be a cave they can wander off in
MegaDosX: YES
PhoenixMelior: YES
SmithKurosaki: @asthanius And a Thwomp
Saintnex: hahaha
RandomTrivia: IT FLIES
MrSarkhan: Amazing!
measureofhope: float goat!
chanterelleton: float goat
Laserbeaks_Fury: An ocean of Goats, a veritable Goat...hmm NM
ChroniclerC: LOVE IT
iarethel0ser: Floating goat!
IanAllenBird: klmjiopl;kmji
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
NimrodXIV: Float that Goat!
Mr_Horrible: the Float Goat
gsyhiap: LUL
wench_tacular: we all float down here
Angreed66: I request Serge kill the goats
PsychoI3oy: whatever floats your goat
ElementalAlchemist: ongMegalul
Tangsm: I'm pro goat screams. I understand those goats.
electra310: Punch a Chunk: Totes Magoats
GredGredmansson: whatever floats your goat i guess
Spades_Slicc: Well, whatever floats your goat
TheAinMAP: Goat Float
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: hastag floatgoat
MungoDude: Float McFloatface
TheOtherTrevor: can you ride it while floating?
public_key_reveal_party: we have our new god
Koshindan: Floaty McFloatGace
space_turbulence: Goat float riot! RIOT!
thebuzzstreams: Does float goat count as a block, and thus needs to be broken?
0x6772: Is it going to affect the floor score?
niccus: a new age compilation CD that's mostly screaming goats
BITs19_: float! goat! float! goat!
thekumquatking: Quick, we need an angelic choir for this goat!
Eepy Alice: the floatgoat
Joshua Trytten: I hear Goatfall is a contender for best Bond movie?
Colin: Perfect, 10/10 no notes
donzmb: The goat float, my favourite part of a parade
DiscordianTokkan: HOVERGOAT Cheer1000 #TeamOld
TheAinMAP: GoatEmotey
fastlane250: this is what happens when you try to play GOD
00gogo00: fun fact - in 1.21, you can change the gravity of entities
patrick_stonecrusher: "Chat look away... oh no the goats have become dead..?" - Serge
Sarah_Serinde: @thebuzzstreams Nah, mobs aren't blocks
BusTed: We do it live
Mushbie: the thing that floats your goat is a goatation device
DEATHlikescats: when when you when you whennnnnn
Desruprot: GoatEmotey
RandomTrivia: lrrGOAT
DigitalSeahorse: lrrGOAT vicksyLUL vicksyHaha
JoannaTastic: That goat's not even intelligent enough to obey gravity
Malkmaven1176: Screaming Goats: an expansion for Exploding Kittens
Tangsm: Paul should keep adding stationary goats below the floating goat. Make it goats all the way down.
neisan2112: GRAHAM
matthaus_c: GRAHAM
hd_dabnado: GRAHAM
Sorator13: @TehAmelie omg that is precious
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
BusTed: 🤔
MommaGart: Graham noooo
MegaDosX: Graham.
donzmb: this stream is goated
MrSarkhan: Graham!
asthanius: The Glizzy Goater
thekumquatking: Graham YES
vinewood_og: VoteYea
Mr_Horrible: she was really great at hovering 2 feet off the ground Kappa
GredGredmansson: gogo para presidente
Fanklok: And on of those 3 people was Matthaus
Seth_Erickson: Way to engage the chat Graham
Laserbeaks_Fury: Fixed bug where bushes would catch on fire when controlled by players
thebuzzstreams: @Mr_Horrible MR HORRIBLE
LowUpsideCJ: The float goat of metro goatwyn meyer
RandomTrivia: That's close to the "IAN" Threshold
Timlin 22: Clip it and ship it
fazza72 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fazza72! (Today's storm count: 903)
Bearudite: nancy hawk tua?
Mr_Horrible: LUL
spawnofhastur: i like the subathons because Graham gets to unleash his lack of hinges
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: GRAMUEL STARK 🤣
TheNostalgiaCritic: what they doin
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah Serge who would ever do something like that
Mr_Horrible: @Bearudite you know she was hateful enough to never spit on that thang
GredGredmansson: Cori are you out of Iron?
Texan_Reverend: !pac
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
Nasya31 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
Nasya31: A whole
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nasya31! (Today's storm count: 904)
malc: jlrrFall
RandomTrivia: jlrrFall
Redbassist: Strangest Macy's day parade that year
betweenmyself: hide the crafting table under their bed riffYeti
Laserbeaks_Fury: They FLOAT now?!?
offbeatwitch: 23 blocks
RandomTrivia: 22 blocks from full health
MommaGart: Nancy Reagan the floast ghost
soulessgamer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
EvilBadman: James knows the limit
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, soulessgamer! (Today's storm count: 905)
margieargie: Cheer1000 Vote for floating goats, vote #TeamOld!
twistedsylvan: we all float down here
AspiringDryad: okay time for bed
Driosenth: or builds a fall boat
Desruprot: limesDance
AspiringDryad: goodnight chat
graal_smith: !falls
AspiringDryad: happy pestering!
Foxmar320: foxmarFALL
purposesunknown: But we're not in too sheep
Mazrae: Does that goat count for the highest layer with a block??
nova_plushie: f yeah sum 41
space_turbulence: a Balrog would make a good bane, there a mod for that?
aerohydra: can con
thekumquatking: They've dug too deeply, too greedily
Desruprot: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #TeamNew
RandomTrivia: lrrFINE
GredGredmansson: is Cori already out of Iron
Tangsm: sergeFall
Sorator13: @Mazrae nope, mobs aren't blocks
ShifuDaxiongmao: a cave, aka a way to get rid of the goats :P
beowuuf: lrrWOW
RandomTrivia: It's a good thing that water is from the Land that Physics Forgot
Redbassist: Wow
RatherLargeToad: The Skell-Aid Man
GredGredmansson: very goat
gsyhiap: Wall cave
Laserbeaks_Fury: Heated FLoors
virtue_the_cat: does james still have to donate 100$ to charity if hes killed by a skelly (bet made on MOC)
Desruprot: so scenic (goat scream)
Tandtroll_OG: Cozy
thekumquatking: That cave can add to your home's square footage!
BrowneePoints: Out of Sight, In the Mines
DiscordianTokkan: The Goat of Amontillado
vinewood_og: DO NOT let Beej search for treasure down here!
BusTed: Will goats attack other mobs?
purposesunknown: $6,500 a month no utilities included, take it or leave it
Garfman314: for the love of god montressor!
TehAmelie: for the love of AAAAAAAGH Montressor
public_key_reveal_party: the cask of amontilgoato, is that anything?
theworldsmith1: is the audio clipping for anyone else?
MungoDude: get some expansion screws from your aunt
JoannaTastic: For a second I forgot the name of the place you lived in and thought you meant the Victorian era
Laserbeaks_Fury: Redstone Access
JadedCynic: @purposesunknown "No lowballs, I know what I have"
bjergmann101: Did anybody tell Cory about how to save Iron picks or are team old using that fact to win?
GredGredmansson: cori has to make another Iron Pick now right?
EvilBadman: Alex I have a surplus of expansion screws if you need
Leonworth: James was going to tell them about saving tools and never did
purposesunknown: @JadedCynic lmao we're laughing because the pain hurts :)
gnyrinn: Of course, if you want a more precise goat, it shouldn't be float goat but double goat.
Mr_Horrible: @BusTed I desperately want them to not, just like the Elden Ring and Monster Hunter goats never attacking the enemy, only you
miniMacGuru: Zinc flu is bad, yo
Mushbie: those zink fumes
fastlane250: Tube smoke! Don't breath this!
wench_tacular: everyone loves toxic smoke
definenull: Cancer?
fastlane250: *breathe
DEATHlikescats: ah! Alex with the deep insight
JosephDeath: The vapors
Crafty_Jaye: It's covered in zinc. You don't not want to breathe zinc.
Mr_Horrible: Welder's Gait
artacuno53: Sure, but do it build stuff good?
RandomTrivia: Be sure not to follow the goats into the underground vaults, don't want to end up in a Cask of AmontillAAAAAAAAdo
GreyOrb: Iron lung?
Gaz_L: galvanosis?
RandomTrivia: lrrBEEJ
DEATHlikescats: Welder’s lung?
MegaDosX: Oh I hate it
CobaltShuriken: but galvanized square steel is great! Tiktok told me so!
CosmicDuctTape subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
CosmicDuctTape: Oh wow, I've finally hit the culmulative four years!
Kentosaurus: I was gonna say galvanic lung
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CosmicDuctTape! (Today's storm count: 906)
RandomTrivia: That's a horrifying name
twistedsylvan: now that's an album name
LowUpsideCJ: That's a vintage name
DEATHlikescats: fume fever feels appropos
Mr_Horrible: oh that's just what Mech Pilots get in all the smut, right?
Brozard: Not my favorite Ted Nugget song
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope vicksyDed
virtue_the_cat: thats absolutely a band name
Milleg2: thats a ted nugent song
CaKnuckleguy: It's true. You should also NOT flip Galv-steel sheet into the air because you fumbled it...then try to catch pointy bits first. Ask me and my scar how I know this fun fact
geckoinasuit: that’s a music track in fallout
GredGredmansson: Cori are you already out of all the iron that you were Booned
flustered_blue: some of us welders here call it “metal shakes”
beowuuf: sounds like a 70's discio b movie
RandomTrivia: I don't think I've heard that King Gizzard album
Arazien: Guess what worker's comp doesn't cover without a fight and how I found out
JadedCynic: it's what the steel object was coated with to galvanize with it - zinc is HELLA toxic
GedankenPalast_: I LOVE the screaming goats in the background!
GreyOrb: Zinc Fumes are my favorite band.
spawnofhastur: i saw a video of a guy who used a galvanized steel chest of draws thing as a smoker
00gogo00: I feel like adding a cobblestone counter would be funny
betweenmyself: trying to weld old arcade games causes PacMan Fever
Laserbeaks_Fury: Weldsday
Darleysam: coming up on TTSF...
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
Mr_Horrible: hotboxing your car (welding galvanized steel in the driver's seat)
offbeatwitch: wikipedia says it's also known as "galvie flu" and "galvo poisoning"
purposesunknown: After I pick up the milk, I was just gonna run to my local galvanized scrapyard and build me a Iron-Man suit
TheOtherTrevor: that's a good circular goat shadow
JoannaTastic: I got a fever, and I got it from welding these galvanised steel cowbells together
Gaz_L: btw, chat, highly recommend Hank Green's stand-up special on Dropout, it's a really polished and poignant but still really funny set
Darleysam: @offbeatwitch this makes it sound distinctly australian
CaptainSpam: The Float Goat is eternal.
Garfman314: i am currently working on making liliana's fluffy fluffy tail
TehAmelie: what do you mean Monty? an entire cAAAAsk?
draconetrix: Midnight in uk
JadedCynic: you break out welding gear on the bus and you either gonna be walking, or you're riding in the back of a car with no handles on the inside
Seth_Erickson: the fucking goat screams will always be funny to me
RandomTrivia: @JoannaTastic You made a More Cowbell, great work!
MegaDosX: Well, could be worse, you could be inhaling cadmium fumes
DigitalSeahorse: feliciaTeam lrrALEX vicksyCheer
amative1: I'M AN ADULT
Pteraspidomorphi: My dad is not a phone, duh.
niccus: like snack crackers or party crackers
Octagone: #killthegoats
purposesunknown: Graham could you possibly pick me up some galvanized steel??
Nasya31: #teamold Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
Mikklun: Literally had to get galvanised steel parts welded on Friday
gsyhiap: #TeamGoat
DEATHlikescats: chunk charcuterie incoming
Lord_Hosk: There has to be a Crackers joke about LRR someplace, but I just don't what what it could be
Laserbeaks_Fury: I have very distinct memories of playing Minecraft while listening to IDDQDerp
Sarah_Serinde: Yes Serge that's the idea
GredGredmansson: i thought Team New had Iron gifted to them how are they already out of it
electra310: cheer800 #teamnew
Saintnex: sounds like a lrrJUDGECALL question
Sarah_Serinde: It used to be that you couldn't save tools at all, and then only one, so if you hit diamonds without currently having iron, too bad
donzmb: I’m supporting my fellow Alex by saying BE A CHAOS GREMLIN!
Edward Little: I'm a responsible adult~~!
Mr_Horrible: One Piece (of iron)???? kanagoPoint
Sarah_Serinde: "only" keeping two picks is an improvement
ChargingFurret: @GredGredmansson one iron pick is slightly less than a full layer
JDMan94: There are two in the chest
JDMan94: Cori out them
JDMan94: Cori put them up*
MegaDosX: James: "Give us all the goats", also James: "Shut up, goat!"
DigitalSeahorse: katesNom vicksySip vicksyNom
purposesunknown: It's simply psy-GOAT-logical warfare at this point
gsyhiap: #TeamAAAAAAH lrrGOAT
GredGredmansson: yeah cori's straight up hoarding iron
Rexsplosion subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rexsplosion! (Today's storm count: 907)
MacbethSeemsSus: Just got off work, what's with the screaming fire goats?
DigitalSeahorse: hehehehheh
Laserbeaks_Fury: Kids today
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyLUL
wench_tacular: phrasing?
Spades_Slicc: Phrasing
RandomTrivia: @MacbethSeemsSus The first Bane to TeamOld
Spades_Slicc: !sir
vinewood_og: ewwwwww
fastlane250: Yoink!
RealGamerCow: Whoa, how did new get 20 ahead?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
ChargingFurret: @RealGamerCow alex added water :p
Juliamon: RealGamerCow Water counts as a block
korvys: Alex you're going to get their goats wet
Aenir798: @RealGamerCow I think that's from the water
JadedCynic: so....WHEN does it become relevant for James to explain the whole thing about not breaking tools? Near the end?
MacbethSeemsSus: @RandomTrivia Cool, thanks!
ClodiumSoride: The water messing up the layer counter is great.
RealGamerCow: Ohhh
RandomTrivia: [AAAAAAA]
LathosTiran: ahhHHHggggg
CobaltShuriken: aaaAaaAh
wench_tacular: goats have more sense than James
Garfman314: are there more shenanegans in this one than other chunk punches?
beowuuf: @JadedCynic i'm guessing it will become relevant far earlier than when james actually explains it :p
JDMan94: Yo more iron tho
ClodiumSoride: Do flaming goats cast light?
nova_plushie: James would never make it as a goat herder
public_key_reveal_party: is it like clubbing? they need to accept it willingly, but don't need to know what they are accepting?
MegaDosX: tfw goats are too clever to fall for your shenanigans
Sarah_Serinde: @Garfman314 Yes
Dalrint: Is the floatgoat still around?
Desruprot: they like this hole AAAAAAAHHH'
EvilBadman: You wouldn't be able to make them drink though
JadedCynic: ahhhhAHah-nah, mate-AAaaaaahhh
TehAmelie: we're playing Psy's Goatin Style on a loop here
Grevas13: @Garfman314 serge is a gremlin today
RealGamerCow: Is Serge waterboarding goats?
Lord_Hosk: clearly
RandomTrivia: They do if you spawn a flying goat :D
BrowneePoints: Goat Floats is my fave Sandra Bullock movie
Mangledpixel: all goats float down here
Desruprot: they do have a floating goat
margieargie: QED.
azureHaights: gote flote
Cunobelenos: whatever floats your goat
CaptainSpam: Look, Paul, we're not going to go and prove that EVERY SINGLE GOAT floats.
donzmb: so why is breaking tools a bad thing?
NoxStryx: Why are the goats fire proof?
LordZarano: There's an achivement for floating a goat in a boat
mk3_kyo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mk3_kyo! (Today's storm count: 908)
TehAmelie: and you didn't want a shield, ha
DigitalSeahorse: what floats your goat? lrrGOAT
EvilBadman: Ah the selfie stick straight from 1985
JadedCynic: as we can see - goats will float in the air; but we can't prove whether they will float on water, tho
public_key_reveal_party: @NoxStryx it's just a texture, not actual fire
Sarah_Serinde: @donzmb It mostly doesn't matter, it's only Serge who cares
NoxStryx: Ahh
nova_plushie: "im just tickling the sternum" Graham Stark 2024
RealGamerCow: Good zip noise
niccus: imagine having to explain to your neighbors that your goats' screaming are unrelated to how on fire they are
Kingsgrave: Alright. Goodnight funny canadian people. Enjoy digging a hole.
MungoDude: 2x 1 durability stone picks combine for an 8-durability pick
korvys: wow, burn
donzmb: @sarah_serinde thanks!
beowuuf: @donzmb james / serge just like keeping tools, also it gives you a few more hits when resources are tight. However, iron tools are needed for diamond blocks, so much further down, if you have no iron... you'd have to smash the diamond block to nothing with lesser tools :(
fastlane250: I was zipping a a ziplock bag closed at the same time that zip happened on mic. It was startling.
Grevas13: he's not wrong
TehAmelie: roasted
LordZarano: F3+G for Grid. F3+H for Hadvanced tooltips
Seth_Erickson: have you told him the eels teleport?
EvilBadman: enter the horror hole
Grevas13: be more snerge
MegaDosX: Go hug a skeleton
GredGredmansson: "Excellent point. Counterpoint: NEERRRRRRRD"
Saintnex: go left Kappa
micalovits: "Git Gut Scrub"
MrSarkhan: break more picks
Dalrint: He should punch HARDER
definenull: Go left?
margieargie: Go left
Talin06: go left
beowuuf: git gud?
Izandai: Serge are you asking chat to backseat your backseating?
YeetTheRich_: try wheelerPyro
CosmicDuctTape: something something off by one
Mewr11: Is serge asking to be backseated on backseating?
Suffix: As a member of chat, I have no idea what backseating is.
thekumquatking: Tell James to find some cocoa beans!
northos: @LordZarano I had vanced tooltips once Kappa
Tandtroll_OG: Ask him if he knows about instaminimg
SmithKurosaki: @Suffix h3eh
LowUpsideCJ: Gaff saves lives
azureHaights: Are we backseating the backseat? What is this, some sort of arid-weather bus type situation?
Derpmind: Remember to breath.
Kevin O Malley: It's midnight in Ireland so I'm off t'my bed. But just want to say thanks to the Lrr folk for being my comfort media for the last (checks calender -> "Oh God") years.
Rexsplosion: for an "old man" James sure has a nice young man's haircut and it looks good on him
nova_plushie: Tape him to the chair
JadedCynic: someone call an ambulance, Alex just put someone in the burn unit...
RandomTrivia: James buys the *GOOD* gaff?
Iluvatardis: it would be a gaffe?
DEATHlikescats: gaff tape is expensive?
foolish_s4mwise subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, foolish_s4mwise! (Today's storm count: 909)
korvys: Why is gaff tape so expensive?
jamesinor: Do not waste the Gaff tape!
RandomTrivia: Just get a nice bit of LX or something
Sarah_Serinde: extremely silly is what this is
FarleyF: time to adjust the tarp budget
YeetTheRich_: mhm yes great sound
Grevas13: psychological warfare
margieargie: Ahhh, tape sounds
RandomTrivia: benginChaos
Fanklok: That's the sound of Serge throwing away his raise
Desruprot: Tape ASMR
definenull: Oh this sounds unpleasant
Mr_Horrible: oh dear, that's coming outta the Tarp Budget
Juliamon: Serge woke up and chose violence today
TeaBread_: what odd BDSM
DEATHlikescats: painters tape funtimes
KV1NN4: i look forward this this happening at Desert Bus
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang
wedge_x: joke's on you Alex is into it
beowuuf: tarp budget becomes gaff budget
LowUpsideCJ: Gaff tape is bonkers expensive so film sets can budgetit
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
jamesinor: Bringing back my Musical Theater days
MrSarkhan: sergeSnerge
DanTheMediocre: ahhh TapeSMR
MegaDosX: Serge should donate bits to TeamNew to pay for it :)
Saintnex: Beej later this month: "what is this massive charge on the company credit card?" "we had to buy a lot of gaffe tape"
FarleyF: #teamgafftape
dougma: honestly that is like $10 of gaffers tape
Chaos Treader: Has James still not explained why he’s saving pickaxes to the other team? I know he was going to when they got iron.
Angreed66: You tape the fingers together Serge
DEATHlikescats: every 100 bits, a new piece of tape goes on?
vinewood_og: ASMRBDSMPTSD?
measureofhope: Cheer100 #TapeBits #TeamOld
JadedCynic: yeah, TeamOld - Serge is an innocent little cinnamon roll Kappa
TehAmelie: now all i need is a sock
Grevas13: see, this must be why the tarp budget is so small, the tape budget is off the charts
MungoDude: woo zooming
piggy_sama: Cries in memory of my time as stage crew....
m33pn8r: Cheer100 Cheer1 #teamNew Gaff fund
Booster6: Serge chose violence todaay
DEATHlikescats: or every 1000?
Desruprot: uh
Singenmeister: James is wearing a worryingly small number of hats for this stream...
iiieye: Cover their hands in super glue
electra310: cheer400 #teamnew More gaff tape please
Heckhoundbolt: gaff tape is $20
PawssumFable: @m33pn8r beat me to it lol
malc: tape over the laptop vents karaPop
xVoxtric: looking it up, that stuff could be like 40 USD per roll easy. that's not nothing for sure.
Juliamon: "I'm not a murderer" proceeds to murder every theatre kid in the audience
TehAmelie: ha, there's the iron
DEATHlikescats: did we hit max hours already?
Sylenctone: This is very silly
fastlane250: @grevas13 Someone accidentally put it down as "tape" and they've been misallocating funds ever since
Sarah_Serinde: Not even close to max hours
EvilBadman: james that tape is specifically for gaffs, geeeeeze
Singenmeister: @Sylenctone ;tis a silly place
Sarah_Serinde: This stream could go until Saturday
darkhalcyon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
darkhalcyon: yay!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, darkhalcyon! (Today's storm count: 910)
Fanklok: Could always go ahead and put some tape on James' eyebrows
DigitalSeahorse: now put it on James
Desruprot: the goats do lighten the situation a good amount
nova_plushie: The gaff tape waste for a 10sec bit was worth it
josh___something: 30 hours is... Uhh, not close to 5 days
RealGamerCow: Alex is that guy in Salem that said "more weight!"
Bassios: Cheer55 #teamnew
beowuuf: @DEATHlikescats nope, we're a day and a bit ahead on a five-six day subathon
EvilBadman: @josh___something do somethin' about it
Mr_Horrible: well it's comin' up soon
GredGredmansson: oh i thought cori was storing iron just for the heck of it
thedepthandbreadthofseth: the make gaff tape, but is there faux pas tape? what about spoonerism tape? malapropism? gauche tape?
Mr_Horrible: stuck in the dryer
00gogo00: why not just turn off the daylight cycle
GredGredmansson: @00gogo00 why not just give people diamond right at the start
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: hey, it's not "just" a stepladder, that's the ladder that stepped up
RandomTrivia: Tickle that sternum, Graham!
Fanklok: Paul is sitting there watching them throw away company money
TehAmelie: we had non secateur tape but it was cut
Sarah_Serinde: You have to make the best pick and shovel you're able to make, but beyond that you're allowed to save iron, you don't have to make it into a bunch of tools all at once
L0rdX33n: that was a good Crapshot
electra310: Gotta spend gaff tape to make money!
azureHaights: @thedepthandbreadthofseth oopsie-woopsie tape-o boingo?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @00gogo00 they want the difficulty/complication.
malc: lol
ClodiumSoride: The glove of Damocles?
NimrodXIV: "I'm not touching you"
TehAmelie: the mitten of damocles
fastlane250: You might not die?
ClodiumSoride: dang, James beat me to it
malc: the sword of jlrrDang ocles
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
measureofhope: What team is Serge on?
GedankenPalast_: F
RandomTrivia: @measureofhope At the moment?
ElementalAlchemist: RIP
NoxStryx: First hit for Green 2" gaff tape is 117 for 50 feet. So like 2.34 for a foot. Making that taping of alex cost about 16.68 at least.
Vilun subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Vilun! (Today's storm count: 911)
margieargie: F
Sorator13: oh no /o\
MacbethSeemsSus: o7
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed lrrALEX
RandomTrivia: benginO7
GedankenPalast_: o7
MungoDude: jlrrFall
LowUpsideCJ: p7
GredGredmansson: well yah cuz you died
Mantafold: jlrrFall
azureHaights: No, clearly that was Graham that died, the game wouldn't lie
margieargie: escher3SAFETY
jibkat: escher3CRIMES
bakerydragon: heading off to sleep. Have a great stream all and will see you lovely folks later in the run
DigitalSeahorse: should be living it up instead
wench_tacular: jlrrBreak
RandomTrivia: jlrrBreak
SmithKurosaki: @Chaos Treader Maybe not explicitly
EvilBadman: Things on My Head gimmick infringement
wench_tacular: James has cause many breaks
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint vicksyHaha
offbeatwitch: it's conflicting with another key
public_key_reveal_party: james has caused several breaks, so by serge's logic
Creature_Comforts: Something else is already bound to c looks like
DNAli3n: i love all the shenanigans
DigitalSeahorse: bbye glove
EvilBadman: C was conflicting with a different command
RandomTrivia: That is a BIG hole
EvilBadman: that's why it is red
MungoDude: it's red because of conflict
GredGredmansson: didn't Graham rebind at the very tart
Mewr11: stop adding roux to the plot
josh___something: What ELSE is on X?
josh___something: *C
malc: jlrrFall
RandomTrivia: Welp
fastlane250: lrrWOW
josh___something: XD
ElementalAlchemist: RIP
RandomTrivia: jlrrFall
Juliamon: welp
wench_tacular: jlrrFall
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed
LordZarano: C is zoom, in optifine
electra310: Alas
GredGredmansson: you fell in THEIR hole?
RandomTrivia: [AAAAAAAA]
ShifuDaxiongmao: goat marks the spot
xVoxtric: I didn't think the scores would be like THIS
malc: goat there
Desruprot: big cavern
DanTheMediocre: goat providing [falls to death] commentary
Seth_Erickson: don't forget the iron ingots Alex
DigitalSeahorse: gone but still screaming
public_key_reveal_party: sky goat will outlive us all though
kaziel0: They'll never really leave...
DNAli3n: only hovergoat is left
GredGredmansson: sometimes i can still hear their voice
margieargie: The bleating of the tell-tale goat
RandomTrivia: jlrrBreak
theymerLoviatar: Are the goats still screaming, Clarice?
ElementalAlchemist: gottem
wench_tacular: jlrrBreak
Desruprot: the goats are gone AAAAAAAHHHHH
amative1: 5!
Mr_Horrible: he's 5 for 5
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Singenmeister: Hövergoat
josh___something: Have you checked your butthole, james?
Sarah_Serinde: Honestly I want James to keep breaking them just to antagonize Serge
malc: ^
Juliamon: For everyone who was complaining that Team New didn't know to combine tools, there's proof it doesn't matter.
neveth: ^
Desruprot: for every broken pick a gains its flames
BrainBetter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BrainBetter! (Today's storm count: 912)
marmalade_pen: goob nite chat et al, good luck to the young uns
Desruprot: uh I mean a Goat gains its flames
SmashTCG: thats what the music box is for
Seth_Erickson: Yes I would like music all the time in minecraft
ashteranic: Especially Lena Raine's music
malc: 1.21 has some really good new music
fastlane250: I haven't had music enabled in Minecraft for years, mainly just play my own stuff
Seth_Erickson: and if I do get tired of it I can just toggle it off
ShifuDaxiongmao: we need more Pigstep :)
GredGredmansson: when steve got into smash I was surprised that Minecraft had music
malc: Lena Raine makes great stuff
beowuuf: ii
dukebazaar: Cheer100 #TeanOld
fastlane250: and whenever I forget to set the slider to 0 I get jumpscared
beowuuf: i thought that's what the lancher did?
Sarah_Serinde: @malc ^
TehAmelie: it's been a lot of fun already but i need me beauty sleep. laterz
avi_miller: All of the composers who have made music for the game are incredible
RandomTrivia: The new tracks are good, and the classic C418 holds up so well
avi_miller: Each with their own styles and such
BeardSquadGO subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months, currently on a 97 month streak!
BeardSquadGO: lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BeardSquadGO! (Today's storm count: 913)
spasiba: Is
lirazel64: What is the bit thing, please?
Thane1607 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
Thane1607: 🎶It's my birthday and I'll sub if I want to🎶
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Thane1607! (Today's storm count: 914)
RandomTrivia: !boons
Splosion subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Splosion: 59 months, that's almost 5 years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Splosion! (Today's storm count: 915)
Mr_Horrible: "You're So James You Probably Think This Song Is About You"
stevefromdetroit: Did James explain combining pick's to team new?
Juliamon: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
amative1: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
TeaBread_: someone tell alex he missed sechs
bladed_shadow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bladed_shadow! (Today's storm count: 916)
MungoDude: goats can climb ladders can't they?
PhoenixMelior: Can flaming goats get pregnant?
RandomTrivia: Thanks mods sergeModLove
wench_tacular: nature finds a way
Desruprot: limesBlink
margieargie: lrrGOAT lrrSPOOP
theymerLoviatar: The goats have proven capable of reproduction!
TheOtherTrevor: is that the original one that didn't work?
public_key_reveal_party: it's just nature james, don't be judgemental
beowuuf: @lirazel64 every hour the leader gets a boon, lose a bane
Saintnex: I believe goats can clear most heights
GredGredmansson: well goats can climb walls
spasiba: * Are the screens in the table? I made a typo, sorry XD
LathosTiran: water fall brought them up?
DanTheMediocre: Did the flaming goats have time to make another goat (also flaming)?
DigitalSeahorse: maybe it climbed through the cave
korvys: Maybe it floated up when the water was there?
lirazel64: Cheer100 #teamold
ClodiumSoride: Alex playing with the layer counter
korvys: Or maybe the cave comes out somewhere?
lirazel64: @beowuuf ty
PhoenixMelior: Why does James have the gaff tape of damocles over his head?
RandomTrivia: Flattery will get you bits
Seth_Erickson: ty lrrHEART
Ceris75: thank you
BrowneePoints: We love you too! browne26PearPride
Graham_LRR: Hey Cori, I’m at the store. What did you want again?
theymerLoviatar: Thank you Alex, would you like to see video of a spaceship
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeart vicksyPet vicksyGasm
Desruprot: desrupBerAyaya limesAYAYA rikkuAyaya invenAYAYA
RandomTrivia: Graham HypeLUL
jacqui_lantern234: A B C - Always Love Team New
malc: lol Graham
PhoenixMelior: An eatmore bar i believe graham
Mr_Horrible: damn, I'm understood sofieGasp
GredGredmansson: hi graham
SmithKurosaki: Hi G
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I feel like flint tools should also be a thing!
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
TotallyNotaBeholder: Are you trying to get us to give you bits by flattering us? Because that will work
electra310: I feel so seen
MungoDude: Cori, Graham want's to know what you want from the shops
Mewr11: oh hi graham
FarleyF: You heard it here first - Graham has visited the store
Graham_LRR: also, a mod is going to need to tell me, because the Internet here sucks and I don’t have the stream up
GredGredmansson: @Desruprot pickyAYAYA rnjrRAYAYA the8bitAyaya
HiCallMeRusty: Graham can you get some Oreos?
PhoenixMelior: Yes she did say an eatmore but a mod can confirm
Seth_Erickson: grandma one reese please
Seth_Erickson: singular
Diabore: @Graham_LRR eatmore for cori
Sarah_Serinde: @Graham_LRR Eat-More
fastlane250: eefmeef
gamefreak3072: why is there a fire goat?
Colin: Why not
FarleyF: just the image of Graham shuddering away
SergeYager: Hey there G
Anubis169: eatmore :)
Graham_LRR: eat more!! thank you
orangeceltic71: #teamold Cheer1000
SergeYager: Cori wants an Eatmore
SnackPak_: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
Graham_LRR: I got it
SergeYager: Can we get a Reese for James
EvilBadman: James wants an eat-less
ALLxISxLOST: whatchamacallit
control_rig: Woah woah Alex. Call?! Are you crazy?
PhoenixMelior: G serge has demands
xVoxtric: A single Reese
micalovits: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Lets go #TeamOld
Anubis169: he got dat!
SmithKurosaki: I'll take a Reese's if you're willing? :p
thebuzzstreams: Chat wants a coffee crisp!
ChargingFurret: i dont want tea mold, sounds nasty
wedge_x: can I get an aero
FarleyF: Can chat put in orders as well
NotCainNorAbel: Pride800 - #teamnew
MungoDude: something peanut buttery for Alex
hd_dabnado: wheelerMute
PhoenixMelior: Oh ok sorry ill mute the stream
Anubis169: Can't hear a thing cap'n
nova_plushie: i have eurobeat on in the background and its so unfitting for the gameplay. lol
theymerLoviatar: can I get a pony
BrowneePoints: Peanut Butter Twix!
malc: jlrrIcream
Redbassist: 🙉
MegaDosX: I'll take a Twix if there's one going
SergeYager: Something with peanut butter for Alex
Izandai: mattlrLul
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
iarethel0ser: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Despoiler98: mistorParty mistorParty mistorParty mistorParty
hd_dabnado: wheelerMute wheelerOok
RandomTrivia: benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos
MegaDosX: benginAce
GredGredmansson: NotLikeThis
Mr_Horrible: kanagoBounce kanagoBounce kanagoBounce kanagoBounce kanagoBounce
FarleyF: lrrFINE
gamefreak3072: I'm not opposed just curios if theres a story
SmithKurosaki: @gamefreak3072 Bane from losing the bits race nearly an hour ago
gamefreak3072: Thanks!
DanTheMediocre: lrrHAM
wench_tacular: lrrDILLY
fastlane250: lrrFINE
PhoenixMelior: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
HiCallMeRusty: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Aenir798: LUL
gsyhiap: miiliHmm
control_rig: PrideLaugh
NimrodXIV: DinoDance
MegaDosX: benginLul
Anubis169: chat...
DeathWarrior555: lrrFINE lrrFINE
Despoiler98: foodvi2Jammies foodvi2Jammies foodvi2Jammies foodvi2Jammies
Saintnex: lrrWOW lrrHERE
Snowcookies: SingsNote PrideLaugh
jibkat: mattlrWoof
josh___something: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo
iris_of_ether: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
Arazien: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
AutumnGold: roubhaLul roubhaSpeen
Camthelion: katesNoted
Iluvatardis: LUL
TheOtherTrevor: head cheese for alex
SmithKurosaki: lrrFINE
margieargie: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Two_Hats: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
theymerLoviatar: seabatCHOICE seabatCHOICE seabatCHOICE seabatCHOICE
DanTheMediocre: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
beowuuf: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
MegaDosX: Get got Serge
MommaGart: lrrAWW lrrAWW lrrAWW lrrSPOOPY
misterrootbeer: <3 <3
electra310: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrGARBO
fastlane250: jolliErr jolliOr
Sogheim: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
Solid_Fuel: lrrSERGE
measureofhope: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
MungoDude: jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrDance
josh___something: LUL
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
canahedo: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
DigitalSeahorse: lrrALEX vicksyBox
platymage: lrrGREED
RandomTrivia: sergeModLove
SmithKurosaki: sergeModLove
HiCallMeRusty: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
jibkat: mattlrHeck
melegaunt_: lrrAWESOME lrrHAM
Sarah_Serinde: Serge it's already undone
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrAWESOME
MommaGart: ChillGirl ChillGirl ChillGirl
Greendrag13: booferBoof booferWag booferBoof booferWag
Saintnex: lrrFINE
JadedCynic: jadedc5HYPE jadedc5HYPE jadedc5HYPE jadedc5HYPE jadedc5HYPE jadedc5HYPE jadedc5HYPE jadedc5HYPE jadedc5HYPE jadedc5HYPE jadedc5HYPE jadedc5HYPE
gsyhiap: LUL
Caineghest: wheelerRagavan wheelerY wheelerH
wedge_x: lrrJUDGECALL
SergeYager: Now we're cooking
control_rig: PogChamp
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
SnackPak_: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
PhoenixMelior: lrrBartleby lrrGibb
platymage: lrrHAM
Sarah_Serinde: Serge you made it worse
electra310: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Anubis169: they're all subs!
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
RandomTrivia: lrrJUDGE
Arazien: lrrSPOOP
TheWriterAleph: gennaLUL
Creature_Comforts: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
vinewood_og: VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay
Juliamon: Serge get out of here
Mr_Horrible: kanagoSpin kanagoSpin kanagoSpin kanagoSpin kanagoSpin
hd_dabnado: LUL
dougma: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Jturbobanana: hooglHype hooglHype hooglHype hooglHype hooglHype
theymerLoviatar: Jebasted Jebasted Jebasted Jebasted Jebasted
MegaDosX: benginLul benginLul benginLul benginLul benginLul
HiCallMeRusty: wheelerMute wheelerMute wheelerMute
nyxianillusion: you fool!
CanPlayGames: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3
ElementalAlchemist: lol
ashteranic: lrrSIG
50keyz: lrrSHINE
Goorguy: There's hundreads of us
GredGredmansson: PunOko PunOko PunOko
EvilBadman: 55 100 Grands, 55 Reeses, 55 Twix, 55 M&Ms, 55 Almond Joys
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrSACK lrrCrab
gsyhiap: This is going great
MicroManagingMusician: yeah we can still text
SnackPak_: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
RealGamerCow: lrrSERGE lrrSERGE lrrSERGE lrrSERGE
PhoenixMelior: Wow ok
Jturbobanana: hooglCastle hooglCastle hooglCastle
Jillexie: DinoDance PopNemo DinoDance PopNemo
Desruprot: limesBlink
Twilight_Spark: VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea
dougma: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
m33pn8r: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
Snowcookies: lol
control_rig: Not helpfulSuuuubbbs
MommaGart: GoatEmotey seabatClap GoatEmotey seabatClap GoatEmotey seabatClap
Ravynn: literally all subsWOW
Suffix: Serge.
NorthstarTex: Wow
MegaDosX: #SergeIsANumpty
mister_nibbles subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
mister_nibbles: serge r u ok
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mister_nibbles! (Today's storm count: 917)
DanTheMediocre: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrHAM lrrHAM
RayFK: Serge actively making jobs harder
Sarah_Serinde: gabyFacepalm
josh___something: WAAAAAAOW
jibkat: alissa3Fine
bondeulv: we're free!
Greendrag13: booferKissu booferKissy
beowuuf: jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo
Izandai: mattlrLul
HadesLeprechaun: chaos is happening
SergeYager: Graham??
insanecat6mtg: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
SnowBuddy18: super silly, love it
Cinominn: friend138Vibe
Jturbobanana: hooglMino hooglGg
TheWriterAleph: i can SIIIIING
Larkonus: lrrCOW CHAOS lrrCOW
PhoenixMelior: Graham?
xVoxtric: Graham has long since left the chat
Solid_Fuel: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
amative1: Paul: can you just pull Serge's sword? =D
electra310: The subs are coming from inside the chat!
theymerLoviatar: Graham?
korvys: He said he's not watching - he has bad internet
Heckhoundbolt: Serge chose violence today
DoubleNterprises: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrGARBO lrrGOAT
thekumquatking: lrrHAM
melegaunt_: Wow, Serge is going to flip us off?
DanTheMediocre: Ham and smiley muffins, got it
GredGredmansson: #PurgeSurge
Octagone: gram?
SergeYager: You there?
vinewood_og: WutFace
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I'm back baby!
Sibwow: graham is short for grahampa
fastlane250: Snaaaaaake
JonnyH: Graham?
SmithKurosaki: np :)
josh___something: Damn, shenanigans killed the Graham
Jturbobanana: lrrGRAHAM
Desruprot: Graham?
Sarah_Serinde: Okay next time I'm gonna need LRR to fly me out for this and I'm gonna need to bring a banhammer :P
jacqui_lantern234: im CACKLING XD
control_rig: Graham has abandoned you
GredGredmansson: Serge I think you banned Graham from the channel
50keyz: #teamChaos
MommaGart: wheelerMute wheelerMute wheelerMute wheelerMute wheelerMute
NorthstarTex: I'm here, not sure about G
patbaer: Too much coffee or not enough?
0x6772: Gonna be a real dice roll on those snacks.
public_key_reveal_party: I'll miss graham
wedge_x: make that an Aero bar and a Mr. Solid.
urist_mc_wazdakka: BibleThump BibleThump
MungoDude: lrrGRAHAM
gsyhiap: lrrGRAHAM
NonjaBiru: lrrGRAHAM ?
mister_nibbles: but you didnt do anything serge
UrielAngelSpy: lrrGRAHAM ?
GredGredmansson: #PurgeSerge
SmithKurosaki: @Sarah_Serinde Yes sergeModLove
betweenmyself: loaf of bread, gallon of milk, stick of butter
MadWolf1290 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
MadWolf1290: punch!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MadWolf1290! (Today's storm count: 918)
Tandtroll_OG: This reminds me of when Serge demodded all his mods, making them lose how long they'd been mods for...
LowUpsideCJ: This has been all so successful that I passed right by Serge calling it a singular Reese
josh___something: I support you in these endeavors @sarah_serinde
Saintnex: We are really seeing Serge's villain arc today
Anubis169: bits of what?
Sarah_Serinde: @Tandtroll_OG Fortunately Serge does not have that power here
malc: @Sarah_Serinde BOP ModLove
dragon_pandaDnd: Cheer1500 #teamold
lirazel64 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 215 in the channel!
lirazel64 gifted a Tier 1 sub to josh___something!
JadedCynic: Yes, James is frand....Serge OTOH... Kappa
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, lirazel64! Welcome to josh___something! (Today's storm count: 919)
electra310: Cheer800 #teamnew
thedepthandbreadthofseth: So, chat, does any know the best way to clean up moldy tea? #teamold
RandomTrivia: cheer500 #teamNew deserves good things
Redbassist: Bits of Reese
DanTheMediocre: fresh bits? in minecraft?
Anubis169: tea mold
MungoDude: #TeamMould
amative1: #TeamNew
DanTheMediocre: Old bits are easy
josh___something: Thank you lrrSHINE
wench_tacular: sergeSqueak
RandomTrivia: sergeSqueak sergeFriend
Tandtroll_OG: @sarah_serinde small mercies =P
Diabore: love some tea mold
DanTheMediocre: just fall in a hole
gsyhiap: #TeamGoat
Favre_the_Undead: tea mold
odhtate: I've missed punch a chunk
LariatWest: inspired by candy bar ordering--Minecraft Avatar, what bar?
Spades_Slicc: Tea Mold? I thought that was kombucha\
FarleyF: #teamscreaminggoat
ChargingFurret: i dont want tea mold
DanTheMediocre: cant be older bit than tht
MrGibberish: Cheer1000 #TeamNew
Izandai: mattlrLul
Nommii77: Cheer200 #TeamNew
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Anubis169 ty!
gooey_xylophone: #TeaMold
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
amative1: hmm, I wonder if I can set up #TeamOld as a banned phrase... =D
Anubis169: hehehehe
Driosenth: Cheer300 #TeamNew
saweeks: Cheer900 #TeamNew
ShifuDaxiongmao: #teamnew because it's more fun to punish james and serge :D
Dread_Pirate_Westley: sergeSqueak
tehfewl: i totally read it as team mold, and thought i missed a joke somewhere
theymerLoviatar: James you need anything, water, snacks, a foot rub
Juliamon: tea mold
malc: Tea Mold
offbeatwitch: if serge was a bartender, he'd say "for you, it's on the mouse!"
aesir_blade subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
aesir_blade: serge should not be rewarded for this
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aesir_blade! (Today's storm count: 920)
Rantling subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rantling! (Today's storm count: 921)
ALLxISxLOST: tea mold
Anubis169: i could totally go for a glass of pineapple juice <3
RandomTrivia: Send Graham to swing by the Parsonage
avi_miller: Good ol Tea Mold
Blackaddicus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Blackaddicus! (Today's storm count: 922)
Tandtroll_OG: sergeSqueak
betweenmyself: TeamOld vs TeamNew is a false dichotomy meant to prop up an ailing two party system! Send bits to TeamMods
RatherLargeToad: only a little ahead
FarleyF: would you want to send Graham to the store for coffee - his shuddering will spill everything
PhoenixMelior: Its ok paul will just give you more goats
did_it_for_you_kojima_san subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 87 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, did_it_for_you_kojima_san! (Today's storm count: 923)
malc: #TeamPaul
MungoDude: team fortress for quake or for halflife?
MrQBear: serge wants it to stay under 10 broken tools, james should just break 3 more and leave it for serge. ' <'
Mr_Horrible: Alex with the classics
lirazel64: Cheer1000 #teamOld
JadedCynic: well, punch-a-chunk, sure
Alas_Babylon: Flarepunching is still fun as heck
BrowneePoints: Demoman
Mr_Horrible: Demoman, Serge
EvilBadman: Reflect pyro for life
tergonis: flare gun best gun
DoubleNterprises: Okay chat. Final Jeopardy is "Newer Words". No scope your guesses now!
BrowneePoints: CLAYMORE
Alas_Babylon: Demoman had the Eyelander
GredGredmansson: DemoKnight
Spades_Slicc: and soldier
theymerLoviatar: Mamoden
Khalstrom: DEmoknight
WriterRaven: Demopan!
Mr_Horrible: Sword & Board Demoman
CanPlayGames: #TeamOld Cheer100 For 1500 will James sing Arthur?
Solid_Fuel: demoknight is great !
TheOneCalledStu: Will not stand demoknight slander
DigitalSeahorse: backburner is the only special weapon I eared
ChargingFurret: @DoubleNterprises -ussy
corefluxx: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #TheYoungGuns
wizzo1138: Cheer1000 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #teamNew
MommaGart: Cheer100 lets go oldheads #teamold
thedepthandbreadthofseth: #TeamOdds
Mr_Horrible: no, Alex is right, I hated Sword & Board Demo
Cinominn: Cheer1500 #TeamNew
EikoandMog: I need to do a punch a chunk some time
EvilBadman: @DoubleNterprises Rizz
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I fondly remember the Demo's hand grenade melee weapon
LowUpsideCJ: I loved hiding in the water with my neon flyswatter as pyro
Anubis169: a delta
jacqui_lantern234: no, james, Team New is the correct team
Alas_Babylon: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa They've funked it up at some point and they'll probably never properly fix it ;-;
theymerLoviatar: Some sort of age gap
JDMan94: Bit Diff
AugmentingPath: diff gap has been called
Sorator13: turns out tea mold isn't super popular, smh
RandomTrivia: Diff in some kind of skill
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yiff Gap?
Snowcookies: skill diff?
GredGredmansson: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa "A sane person would throw this."
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @Alas_Babylon noooooo :C
public_key_reveal_party: how's sky goat doing?
Cinominn: i believe in team new to show they have the skill to do this with the best of them
FarleyF: head cannon - chat is the flaming goat
Spades_Slicc: @Laserbeaks_Fury Yiff Diff
DoubleNterprises: I'm guessing "yeet"
TheOtherTrevor: Does the cave connect the two chunks? Launch sneak attacks through it
ALLxISxLOST: you mean was never the flaming goat?
EikoandMog: Goatathan
wench_tacular: Billy
RandomTrivia: Irene
Iluvatardis: can minecraft goats climb cliffs like irl goats?
Solid_Fuel: george
PhoenixMelior: Tuff
Laserbeaks_Fury: Kid Rock
EvilBadman: big ass johnson
Fluffy776: Goat
Singenmeister: Satan
ALLxISxLOST: burns
avi_miller: Irene
Brozard: Goatku
Arazien: Go for the Goat
Ceris75: William
Mazrae: Kevin
TheAinMAP: TeamNew
FarleyF: Chat
Ravynn: Billy the Kidd
RandomTrivia: Wait, Irene III
Mewr11: Billy is a good name
thekumquatking: Scunthorpe
GredGredmansson: Big Ass Johnson
saweeks: g.o.a.t
Anubis169: chat, big question... what is the pick of the day, and who broke it?
MacbethSeemsSus: Joat
MillerDark: Matt Griffith
WriterRaven: Tugger Nuts and the Burning Sensation
Tandtroll_OG: Goatrude
Redbassist: Big ass Johnson
Grevas13: Defoe
Monocerotis2010: Kobe
lirazel64: Goat "Get".
HiCallMeRusty: Big Ass Johnsono
TStodden: Bonathan?
theymerLoviatar: Big Ass Johnson
DoubleNterprises: Goatku is the best
Pinwiz11: Billy Ass Johnson
SmithKurosaki: @WriterRaven Seconded
Singenmeister: @WriterRaven Oooo Ok that wins
stevefromdetroit: Joshua
Saintnex: So I looked on the wiki, and they should be only able to jump 10 blocks vertical, so no idea how goat got there
patrick_stonecrusher: Dr. AAAAARGH
Desruprot: Beej A. Johnson
Monocerotis2010: Lamb Chops
NotCainNorAbel: NotTheFloatingGoat
aesir_blade: Cheer4 Cheer16 Cheer32 Cheer64 Cheer128 Cheer256 #TeamNew serge should be punished for that attempt at communication
jacqui_lantern234: name the goat Bernie :p
Redbassist: A-Train
Octagone: Sir Screams-a-lot
MommaGart: hell yeah shoutout Qwerpline
Izandai: Tugger Nuts Digs a Hole
EvilBadman: @Saintnex He goat there.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Isn't Irene Gonzo's chicken
RandomTrivia: The Floating Goat sounds like a pub in the middle of nowhere in the English countryside
wedge_x: Rund
Rantling: Goatholomew
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @DoubleNterprises Goatku Jeff. I made it better.
Driosenth: Tugger Nuts and Take to the Air
Arazien: Nancy
RandomTrivia: jlrrBreak
UrielAngelSpy: Big Ass Johnson is the donkey Paul will hand out for the next bane.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBanana voxlunNut voxlunNut lrrGOAT
SmithKurosaki: @thedepthandbreadthofseth TQs
MungoDude: jlrrBreak
BadRoxie: tugger nuts: not canonically a goat until he was
theymerLoviatar: Tugger Nuts Gets In the Hole
Diabore: 5 minutes left, snipers get ready
gsyhiap: LUL
EikoandMog: Yessssssss
Izandai: Ten Meter Vertical Leap?????
PhoenixMelior: Perfect timing on that scream
wench_tacular: jlrrFacepalm
Dread_Pirate_Westley: jlrrBreak
JonnyH: Another 15 minutes in the mine!
starlitdiscord: why is there a floating goat?
TStodden: #TeamTuggerNuts
circusofkirkus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
circusofkirkus: dig dig dig
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, circusofkirkus! (Today's storm count: 924)
orangeceltic71: #teamold Cheer10000
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @SmithKurosaki yes, I'm sure, but first...
gsyhiap: #TeamBroke
TheAinMAP: jlrrBreak
RandomTrivia: @starlitdiscord Paul spawned some, but one of them didn't get a brain
Mr_Horrible: I can't wait to discover that Paul has somehow secretly been messing with what tool James has selected
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART
ChargingFurret: woah!
DoubleNterprises: So the Final Jeopardy answer was "Performative"
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
Sorator13: Finished a phone call and returned to see James immediately break a pick *and* get a wonderful scream in my ear, love it
theymerLoviatar: Tugger Nuts Burns in the Hole
avi_miller: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Anubis169: Tugger Nuts & The Burning Sensation
betweenmyself: Goat’s name will be SergeA, Serge will henceforth be known as SergeB
PhoenixMelior: Tea mold sounds kinda gross not gonna lie
NorthstarTex: god dang
Azarielle_Doom: #TeamTuggerNuts
electra310: Big infusion for the oldsters there!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksySellout vicksySellout
Garfman314: bitty pits?
starlitdiscord: @RandomTrivia i see! delightful
Laserbeaks_Fury: Tea Mold
boredman42: Cheer5000 #TeamNew
josh___something: #TeamTuggerNuts <3
ALLxISxLOST: Did I just head off screen screaming? what happened?
Sarah_Serinde: It was a very one-sided chat
PhoenixMelior: Close again
ALLxISxLOST: hear*
WolfGirlVeronica: Oh is g off watching raw
malc: LUL
Anubis169: hahahaha
chrono2x: Cheer1000 #TeamNew
avi_miller: lmao
electra310: So close!
Anubis169: a bat flattery
malc: #TeamBatteries
NotCainNorAbel: Pride1200 #teamnew
ElFuzzy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
SmithKurosaki: Clap
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ElFuzzy! (Today's storm count: 925)
PhoenixMelior: "What do you think my batteries means"
measureofhope: FWIW we could hear you
Sorator13: LUL
Mathonwy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months, currently on a 74 month streak!
Mathonwy: Yay!!!
TheAinMAP: Seems like today would've been a great day for Serge to beat James in Punch-A-Chunk.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mathonwy! (Today's storm count: 926)
Twilight_Spark: Over 9000?
Nommii77: Cheer100 #TeamNew
Sorator13: resuming direct control
JonnyH: Cheer1000 #teamnew James needs punishment for these tool breakages not rewards!
tidehollowcat: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #teamnew
ALLxISxLOST: who was it that plays with inverted mouse?
DoubleNterprises: Dose nuts
GazzyInferno: oh, doze nuts
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunNut voxlunNut
Mr_Horrible: and not Dietz Nutz?
xVoxtric: @boredman42 gorgeous
Tandtroll_OG: Uno plays inverted I believe
SnackPak_: let's go TeamNew
Desruprot: Minecraft music nice
circusofkirkus: LMAO
Izandai: WOW
Izandai: mattlrLul
DeM0nFiRe: LUL nice
Sorator13: lrrWOW
gsyhiap: lrrWOW
amative1: Reminder to give bits to #TeamNew, as Serge is mean
malc: holy moly
LariatWest: Graham, What bar? (cool jacket)
simpletoon: savage
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul Amazing Graham
iris_of_ether: Violence chosen
melegaunt_: quite savage
wench_tacular: stone cold
Anubis169: manLOL
SmithKurosaki: Woooow
just__fitz: Hows the BC weather, Alberta has been cooked
Mr_Horrible: vengeance in Adam's name
Jillexie: Graham is savage
beowuuf: lrrWOW
TheWanderingNomad: The Power Move G
azureHaights: Serge: "can we have any apple fritters?" Graham: "NAAWWWWWW we're OUTTA APPLE FRITTERS"
jacqui_lantern234: i love you, Graham XD
seanwbruno subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, seanwbruno! (Today's storm count: 927)
bsudo: milk 2 go < dairyland 1L
Diabore: Another boon for new!
Anubis169: what is in le sammich?
xVoxtric: the bits really went crazy these last few minutes
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRamen
PhoenixMelior: Lets go team new!
spawnofhastur: Graham being super fierce in the subathon is a fun contrast to Desert Bus
AugmentingPath: Yellow Graham needs food badly
LowUpsideCJ: Lrr wizard needs food badly
electra310: Woo, new boon!
MungoDude: @azureHaights what's your opinion of sauerkraut?
PhoenixMelior: More goats!
8000power: @bsudo Island Farms is best
OtherEdgeworth: I just realised Graham is wearing the Wumpty shirt.
TheOtherTrevor: I vote for flaming (clown) spiders
Sorator13: oh man, now I really want a sammich
wench_tacular: Moar goats!
ALLxISxLOST: glad I'm not the only thinking Gauntlet
offbeatwitch: that sandwich looks tasty
flapjacksofwar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
flapjacksofwar: Subathon Hyyyyype
WolfGirlVeronica: Give team 2 some tnt
bsudo: @8000power truth
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, flapjacksofwar! (Today's storm count: 928)
theymerLoviatar: @OtherEdgeworth oh shit Wumpty shiiiiiirt
hd_dabnado: Paul, Curse of Ra pls
Darleysam: play galocus!
BeardSquadGO: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #TeamNew
Fluffy776: He's not a god well actually he is nevermind
NimrodXIV: Witch boat!
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
josh___something: Also, cool jacket, G
DigitalSeahorse: witch!
RandomTrivia: Oh no
azureHaights: @MungoDude Honestly, dropping the reference? It's good on a reuben
RatherLargeToad: Entire floor of silverfish blocks, but they don’t know which floor
wench_tacular: Murder!
Anubis169: ship this witch
DarkNacht: Boon: 10,000 iron Bain: 10,000 iron blocks filling the chunk
Feriority: D: why kill the witch
DigitalSeahorse: oof
tehfewl: i enjoyed the muk bang asmr graham was providing for free
Sarah_Serinde: And here I was hoping Serge would get an extra layer of diorite to mine
Sorator13: Witch boat? That boat!
jamesinor: I think you mean, Axe-ecution style
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy! How are the punch-a-chunk and subathon going?
SmithKurosaki: @Sarah_Serinde Right?
amative1: need a couple more witches
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Did Team Old get any sugar?
Feriority: Also why is that goat on fire?
Anubis169: (credits to who gets that reference)
Arazien: Put the witch in one of the wall holes
Singenmeister: For a quick second they had what could have been really good album art there.
Kentosaurus: witches be crazy
FarleyF: lrrPAUL is a capricious god
PharaohBender27 is gifting 6 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1458 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Missannon44!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to gambleroffoxes!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to stickpoppet!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ReeceNightshade!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Uncle_Francis!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Alienfirst!
seanwbruno: Can I hide here from USA news please? Its sketchy down here.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to gambleroffoxes, Missannon44, stickpoppet, Uncle_Francis, ReeceNightshade, and Alienfirst! (Today's storm count: 934)
Laserbeaks_Fury: I remember when everyone was saying to sing the opening of your favorite song to time how long you are washing your hands during the pandemic, and I plugged in Albuquerque and broke the timer
GredGredmansson: "And on the day, God made a Goat and proceeded to forget all about it"
ShifuDaxiongmao: now, if you spawn a few skellies with each witch.. :D
RandomTrivia: AND IT IS
Sarah_Serinde: Good reason
Fluffy776: levysc1Yay
Cinominn: i can only do this once but here
betweenmyself: bunch of villagers and a Golem riffThink
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDK
RandomTrivia: benginChamp
margieargie: Goat in a boat!
RandomTrivia: THE TECH
Anubis169: That was the wicked witch of the East Sea, this is the wicked witch of the West Sea
gsyhiap: LUL
Bruceski: goat in a boat
NimrodXIV: burning goat boat
beowuuf: lol
Saintnex: Its funny and not completely awful so I like it
gsyhiap: accidental boon
Cinominn: Cheer10000 #TeamNew
the_phantom_game_player: Not the goat!
WriterRaven: Tugger Nutts Goes on a Pleasure Cruise
Defrost subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months!
Defrost: 2 stacks of subs!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Defrost! (Today's storm count: 935)
Anubis169: WOW
seanwbruno: @Cinominn lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
PharaohBender27: tqsClap lrrSHINE
Darleysam: the witch won't kill you.. it's the sudden stop at the end
Sarah_Serinde: Booray
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksySellout vicksySellout
Saintnex: Also layer?
Seth_Erickson: what is messing with old's block count?
GredGredmansson: what i missed it
NimrodXIV: layer count issue?
DoubleNterprises: lrrSACK
0x6772: Weird that old's at 68 layers, huh?
MacbethSeemsSus: So if the goat lights the witch on fire, we get full Monty Python right?
Twilight_Spark: 🐋
MommaGart: Cheer69 #teamold in a close second place
asthanius: ceiling
Anubis169: bus it... going to grab a glass of pineapple juice
Sorator13: Oh, yeah, that can't be right
Sarah_Serinde: I mean, fair's fair
Lushian_Cybasi: regen witch
PharaohBender27: Cheer969 #TeamNew
MungoDude: sleep is for the weak
Anubis169: nice 👌
RandomTrivia: Nice
wench_tacular: nice
ofstrife: nice
DigitalSeahorse: nice
starlitdiscord: nice
DoubleNterprises: nice
theymerLoviatar: nice
EikoandMog: Cheer300 #teamnew
flapjacksofwar: nice
HorusFive: Shame that nobody will ever give teamold any more bits now
RandomTrivia: Wait, where did the other 900 of Pharaohbender's bits go?
nova_plushie: for a second i thought G was eating a whole french bread
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRamen mmmm bits
RayFK: Get me Korean Fried Chicken
Sarah_Serinde: James can you get *me* Korean fried chicken though
PharaohBender27: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RandomTrivia: Oh wait, I can't read
nevermore913: It's dinner Eastern time
spawnofhastur: Poulet. Poulet poulet.
googoltudoris: i want to see OOG boons and banes, like "not allowed to use their chair for the next 10 minutes"
Fanklok: Korean Fried Poutine
Desruprot: aww they locked down a goat
SmithKurosaki: I mean, I want KoFC
MungoDude: Jordan wants Korean fried chicken too, and so do I
Aitsu111: But James you are old so dinner is earlier
Rourke9: what was the book the news got?
azureHaights: But is it tax-deductible korean fried chicken
Caffine1138 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Caffine1138: Finally home from work and the best type of shenanigans :D
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Caffine1138! (Today's storm count: 936)
Twilight_Spark: Except in that one magna.
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
ggodopaste: SUB A THONG
FarleyF: eat it on camera and it's a business expense
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
whitebadgerwolf88 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 39 in the channel!
whitebadgerwolf88 gifted a Tier 1 sub to lexigibbs286!
whitebadgerwolf88 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cheeselion!
whitebadgerwolf88 gifted a Tier 1 sub to XolenAura!
whitebadgerwolf88 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jadale!
whitebadgerwolf88 gifted a Tier 1 sub to asteranx!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, whitebadgerwolf88! Welcome to lexigibbs286, Cheeselion, XolenAura, asteranx, and Jadale! (Today's storm count: 941)
betweenmyself: you know what would be a good bit? if ya gave me a reassuring hug BibleThump
wench_tacular: when you want a little blindness, as a treat
PumpkinRats: Poor Serge lol
the_phantom_game_player: So stylish Serge
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
vinewood_og: lrrAWESOME
Rourke9: what did Paul give the news?
NotARealAccountDotCom: Serge has unlocked ultimate power
asteranx: @whitebadgerwolf88 Thanks for the gift sub!
Fanklok: Their chain on a wallet?
SmithKurosaki: So, you, Serge
SmashTCG: yes
Heckhoundbolt: put their chain on their wallet
JDMan94: Now hol up. What was the boon for team new
incredulouspasserby: yep. can't lose that chain. super important.
NimrodXIV: hahaha
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul too distracted punishing the others
TheLodgium: Can't go losing that chain now
jayinthewater: Cheer246 #teamold
Fluffy776: Yeah I like to keep my chains attached to my wallet so I don't loose any of my chains
BobTheHomunculus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BobTheHomunculus! (Today's storm count: 942)
RandomTrivia: Understandable
azureHaights: The boon is korean fried chicken, obviously
nova_plushie: Whatever boats your goates
c0rr4nh0rn: Yay for youtube subs
SmithKurosaki: Right?
c0rr4nh0rn: err streams
RandomTrivia: Cori :D
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul tiltyhYAS
TStodden: #FreeTuggerNuts
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: It's an old meme but it checks out
PawssumFable: Honestly, korean fried chicken is worth it
Saintnex: OH NO
codatski: What's up G, what's in the sandwich?
Tangsm: Let nature take its course.
RandomTrivia: Oh dear
Desruprot: LUL
Xafty: How goes the chunk punching?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
RandomTrivia: Drinking regen potions
MegaDosX: Her best
00gogo00: she can drink healing potions
measureofhope: Paul is a capricious deity
ShifuDaxiongmao: try 3 witches at once, Paul :D
nevermore913: Witch goes in a block as a treat
PharaohBender27: :D
DarkNacht: What was the boon?
SmithKurosaki: I mean, both statements are valid
patrick_stonecrusher: Oof ouf oog arg aff oaf
nova_plushie: sacrifice your goats to Paul
Bearudite: wow
Fanklok: Hey Alex, when was the last time we saw a car?
public_key_reveal_party: wow serge
DoubleNterprises: Boon pending
ChargingFurret: snerge has arisen
ALLxISxLOST: meekapLick lrrHEART
flapjacksofwar: Cheer420 Punch some Chunks Serge!
Heckhoundbolt: is serge stealing iron
m33pn8r: That look direct into camera from Serge
bwk789: bout 5 mins ago
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
Sarah_Serinde: Serge
Sorator13: I'm very happy that there's an achievement for getting a goat in a boat
Sarah_Serinde: No stealing resources
Saintnex: SERGE how dare?!? you dont touch another's iron
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Witches drop glowstone, as well as sugar, Serge.
amative1: CHEATER
w1gum: dang serge going full snerge
Sarah_Serinde: gabyFacepalm
nevermore913: Snerge has emerged
ALLxISxLOST: @Dread_Pirate_Westley but what about sugar cane?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: does minecraft have the equivalent of spellcasting? is there like a "daylight' spell/
GredGredmansson: @nevermore913 esnerged
malc: no he's _preventing_ escalation
Sarah_Serinde: Notice how there's a lot more of this when Serge is playing than when James is
seanwbruno: Cheer500 #TeamOld
Sarah_Serinde: No it definitely sounds like Serge
Laserbeaks_Fury: Please put down your weapon, you have 20 seconds to comply
00gogo00: how is that escalation
twistedsylvan: he's retaliating first
MungoDude: LUL
Blackaddicus: it sounds very much like serge
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
the_phantom_game_player: Why?
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
MungoDude: escalation? nah levitation
GiraffeStache: why is everyone bullying serge
Tiber727: That Serge is back on the escalator again!
spawnofhastur: why is the witch wearing a devo hat
ForOhForError: @Sarah_Serinde Honestly how dare james do this Kappa
PharaohBender27: Cheer231 #TeamNew in response to Serge's blatant retaliation.
measureofhope: Boat black?
GredGredmansson: !card Witch Enchanter
LRRbot: Witch Enchanter [3W] (back: Witch-Blessed Meadow) | Creature — Human Warlock [2/2] | When Witch Enchanter enters the battlefield, destroy target artifact or enchantment an opponent controls.
theymerLoviatar: @spawnofhastur they are not men
amative1: Serge is breaking illegal blocks... lrrJUDGE
incredulouspasserby: Paul is indeed enchanting.
Sorator13: Witch Enchanter?
00gogo00: you should give serge some extreme level of speed
Dog_of_Myth: Well, Paul is enchanting
Saintnex: Paul's boon, keep punishing Serge
wench_tacular: priorities!
00gogo00: like 5 or something
offbeatwitch: serge likes to say he's good at minecraft but that combat was terrible
MrsLlante: The Paul witch project?
avi_miller: Give them a diamond hoe
00gogo00: give em netherite
aitsu100: GOLD
00gogo00: hilarious
KaleidoscopeMind: oh i heard "a weather"
MillerDark: Paul: Give the young team a pair of butter shoes for each of them
EikoandMog: @avi_miller I like this one.
theymerLoviatar: Alright I should have slept like an hour and a half ago, enjoy yer chunkin folks
JadedCynic: @offbeatwitch Serge also likes to say he's a good guy, but *points to all of VOD*
thedepthandbreadthofseth: give em some diamonds
Saintnex: you could do an enchanted gold pick?
the_phantom_game_player: I'll take diamonds as well
RandomTrivia: OH
Sarah_Serinde: Hah
RandomTrivia: OH MY
spawnofhastur: @theymerLoviatar sleep well!
codatski: Cheer500 #TeamNew
EikoandMog: OH that's a FUN one.
Sarah_Serinde: Creeper mining is allowed
TheAinMAP: jlrrCreeper
NimrodXIV: contractors!
Sarah_Serinde: Even for wall resources
electra310: Such a good boon
flapjacksofwar is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 70 in the channel!
RandomTrivia: That's just sticks of dynamite but even less safe
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to elbigtacoman_!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to SylvrSystem!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to HGBlackbelt!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to DoughyDemon!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to tanshala!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, flapjacksofwar! Welcome to SylvrSystem, elbigtacoman_, DoughyDemon, HGBlackbelt, and tanshala! (Today's storm count: 947)
nova_plushie: 1 for alex 2 for serge
beowuuf: wall iron
Spades_Slicc: Are creepers lossless or is that just tnt?
ALLxISxLOST: oh look, wall diamonds
Sorator13: Wall iron for sure
FarleyF: Well done Paul
Saintnex: giving diamonds is a little backbreaking chat lol
beowuuf: or diamonds
KaleidoscopeMind: collecting wall resources
Sarah_Serinde: @Spades_Slicc I don't think they're lossless
RandomTrivia: sergeSqueak
wench_tacular: sergeSqueak
EJGRgunner: sergeSqueak
Arazien: Blow up the bed. Blow up the player. One reserved
Sarah_Serinde: You get varying amounts of success when you try to mine ore via creeper
Heckhoundbolt: why does serge make that noise
the_phantom_game_player: Bye James
FarleyF: Squeek count is 1
EikoandMog: Korean Fried Chicken
JadedCynic: but could they potentially destroy iron ore?
SmithKurosaki: @Spades_Slicc Yea pretty sure there's some compression loss :p
RandomTrivia: @Sarah_Serinde Neither Creepers nor TNT are lossless
Juliamon: Heckhoundbolt It's a hiccup
geckoinasuit: i have finally returned- how did boon and bane go?
SmithKurosaki: Now I want iced coffee :(
RatherLargeToad: I’ll have a bagel
Anubis169: what's an iced africa?
midnightcurryjazz: canada has 3% milk?
FarleyF: Iced AAAAAAAAAAfrica
Sorator13: I... did not know they made 3% milk
tehfewl: 3% is such an odd percent
Garfman314: liliana's tail is becoming SO fluffy
MrsLlante: i’ll have a Frapuccino, please
mjiig: You mean interns?
bwk789: Hey it was lovely to meet most of you at Amsterdam. thanks for signing my traxos playmat and various cards
Saintnex: @midnightcurryjazz 3.25% technically, its also called whole milk
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
EikoandMog: I'll take an iced chocolate, please.
malc: wow.
Anubis169: manYES
Sorator13: could I get an iced dilly bar?
Anubis169: commitment to the bit
gsyhiap: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL FBtouchdown
Fanklok: James make sure you bring enough for the whole class
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
GredGredmansson: and scene
margieargie: *badum-tish*
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
wedge_x: large london fog please
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
orangeceltic71: It's gonna take a lot to get coffee for you! There's nothing that 100 James' or more could ever do...
SmithKurosaki: sergeHubris you say
EikoandMog: @wedge_x Small Dublin Fog, please.
goombalax: for real tho the Blackberry Yuzu at timmies is SO GOOD
JadedCynic: @geckoinasuit Paul has discovered its much more fun to put banes on people than bestowing boons (and easier too)
Not a Video Essayist just became a member!
malc: screaming goat's milk karaNOTED
amative1: Team New has a resounding lead of 29 layers!
Koshindan: Starbucks would call it a Misto instead of au lait.
herph: old pulls ahead in blocks
spawnofhastur: Can I get a flat white please?
aitsu100 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Aitsu111! They have given 22 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Aitsu111! (Today's storm count: 949)
nova_plushie: I recently started drinking/making iced London fogs. slowly becoming one of my Fav drinks
public_key_reveal_party: that actually sounds pretty good
Anubis169: huh... that sounds pretty nice
hd_dabnado: oh that sounds lovely
wench_tacular: milk pre heated
MegaDosX: What about the floating goat?
geckoinasuit: i would kill for tim's frozen lemonade rn
Anubis169: would send me right off to sleep
Brozard: an Africemo
goombalax: your whole what?
Sorator13: Screaming goat milk (milk from screaming goats), not to be confused with screaming goat milk (goat milk which screams)
Heckhoundbolt: Team old has taken the lead
saucemaster5000: I send my africano back if I don't hear the scream while they make it
FarleyF: Screaming Africano as made by Toto
ALLxISxLOST: I missed that, can you do it again
Sorator13: also not to be confused with screaming goat milk (milk that screams "goat")
codatski: I'll take a flat white with Irish Cream and a little bit of peppermint please
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, Not a Video Essayist! (Today's storm count: 948)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyInspect hole happenings?
WriterRaven: A Screaming Africano is the name of my new Men At Work cover band.
Fanklok: What if you creepered their ladder?
Anubis169: fave is still a ristretto, i like being punched in the tastebuds manAWW
TheWriterAleph: lrrCOW
tehfewl: never got the appeal of watering down your espresso...
thedepthandbreadthofseth: that threat sound extra wrong
TheAinMAP: jlrrCreeper
Saintnex: clever :D
RandomTrivia: The pilot hole doesn't actually help, because of how the explosion radiates :D
kdefinition: Wall resources
wench_tacular: Sarah is eternal
MegaDosX: Sarah go look at that zeppelin
Koshindan: Save it for wall ores.
Sarah_Serinde: Oh sure *now* you want to listen to me :P
hd_dabnado: is spawning the same as blocks?
Anubis169: bahahahaha
EvilBadman: Sarah also left to get coffee
SmithKurosaki: Wow Coei
Sorator13: yeah, I think ideally you save it for wall iron/diamonds
the_phantom_game_player: Look away, they're putting a creeper in a hole
malc: LUL
Ravynn: Sarah is always watching
Sarah_Serinde: (But also I stepped away for a sec so I don't know what specific thing you're asking about)
ShifuDaxiongmao: it's fine... they're not placing any blocks or mining below actual layer ;)
Decem_Lampas: I love this goblin serge arc
SmithKurosaki: Cori*
missa_hancock: was away for an hour - has there been an anti-Serge union yet?
Sarah_Serinde: Shield is fine, creeper mining is fine, if there was something else I didn't catch it
flapjacksofwar: James is out of the house, move to Cheat Step
EvilBadman: @Decem_Lampas Bold to assume this is an arc
Anubis169 holds up a penalty card
Anubis169: "Excessive red tape"
Obsolete2885 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Obsolete2885! (Today's storm count: 950)
Fanklok: But what about 3 witches?
KaleidoscopeMind: what about... multiple witches
nova_plushie: Paul is a curious god
KaleidoscopeMind: at once
LathosTiran: God(paul) is bored
RandomTrivia: Not alone during daylight they aren't
Omthebox: Time for batch testing
Desruprot: except it is suffocating
0x6772: Witches are really only bad in flocks.
stevefromdetroit: can you put a boat inside a witch?
Sorator13: @Sarah_Serinde Boon of creeper eggs, could they drop a creeper egg down a pre-existing hole or a hole from a prior creeper such that it blows up multiple layers below the current one, since it's not technically mining?
RatherLargeToad: Use Jailers instead
MrsLlante: But what about three witches?
amative1: To quote Monty Python: MORE WITCHES!
SmithKurosaki: @Sarah_Serinde Wall resources dropped by creeper mining I think
gsyhiap: Summon three witches at once, that'll be scarier
SAJewers: maybe try multiple lrrBEEJ
JDMan94: Usually it's multiple witches that's a problem
Anubis169: you should hear frogs
BrowneePoints: Fun fact for Chat! Cultivated Coffee comes from Africa, and Cultivated Cocoa comes from South America, BUT over the centuries their main sources of cultivation have been swapped! Africa makes 80% of the world's Cocoa and Central and South America now make the Lion's Share of the World's Coffee! @LoadingReadyRun
ShaneLeeAtk: Just spawn a Warden
saucemaster5000: They hired 8 goat VAs
Heckhoundbolt: Modern minecraft dev cycle
ALLxISxLOST: has Graham heard the horns?
electra310: Many witches is more fun
RandomTrivia: Living their best life
Clockwork Cthulhu: could we make team old represent his board State correctly?
Foxmar320: Wither Skelewould be interesting
ShifuDaxiongmao: Paul, science would like an answer to the question: "What is a critical amount of witches?" :)
omdorastrix: If you're impressed about the sounds of goat, you should see the sounds of goat horn
Sarah_Serinde: @Sorator13 I say yes, since they're allowed to use creepers to mine wall resources, dropping them down lower seems fine too (thank you for info)
melegaunt_: secret old country ingredient - flaming goat.
00gogo00: what minecraft version is this running on?
Fanklok: What about 30-5feral witches?
Anubis169: The Goat in the Boat, taking the Candle with the Handle and the Brew that is True...
JandAKgaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
oh_its_ged subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
oh_its_ged: Subathon baybee
geckoinasuit: fill the pit with frogs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JandAKgaming! (Today's storm count: 951)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, oh_its_ged! (Today's storm count: 952)
TStodden: #FreeTuggerNuts (He's stuck in the boat)
Akaiatana: The used the unguladder
Sarah_Serinde: @SmithKurosaki That's always been allowed yes
Akaiatana: They*
Sorator13: @TStodden He likes to be tall
ShifuDaxiongmao: Team New, you got a judge answer :)
RandomTrivia: Once you're poisoned, a Witch will throw a splash Slow potion to keep you from coming too close
SmithKurosaki: @SmithKurosaki Nice
Anubis169: LOL
RandomTrivia: lrrCOW
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
malc: hahaha
iiieye: Need to be sure Graham
PharaohBender27: lrrCOW
Anubis169: lrrCOW
Sorator13: LUL
DoubleNterprises: lrrCOW
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
SmashTCG: 30-50 feral witchs, but also you get an automatic weapon
the_phantom_game_player: Got him
SmithKurosaki: Clap2
margieargie: THAT cleared the stone away, sure
TheAinMAP: jlrrCreeper
Anubis169: KABLOOEY!!
wench_tacular: jlrrCreeper
Saintnex: layers and blocks
MungoDude: jlrrCreeper
LoganAura: And blocks too, by about 30
GredGredmansson: also ahead in actual blocks
Gaelan_Maestro: no one expects the spanish creeper!
Sarah_Serinde: Technically no messing with other people's holes allowed, but they've been doing that all stream, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sarah_Serinde: Started by Serge, iirc
Anubis169: nooooooooooooooo
Saintnex: hahahaha
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
WolfGirlVeronica: if alex spent more time tigging and less time messing with holesthey would win
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
Sarah_Serinde: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Foxmar320: ummmmm
beowuuf: sergeJustRight sergeJustRight seabatClap
TheAinMAP: sergeFall
the_phantom_game_player: Serge fell down a hole!
aitsu100: ML DOh
Foxmar320: foxmarNOV foxmarFALL
WriterRaven: Major League Gravemaking
EvilBadman: Crush Serge's Key and add it to the winner trophy, please
Anubis169: Indiana Jones did it
Clockwork Cthulhu: thank you
gsyhiap: MLGottem
omdorastrix: You don't take fall damage in boats except from a few very specific Heights above ground due to rounding errors
amative1: You can as long as the fall isn't 6 specific drop distances
offbeatwitch: as long as it's not a specific number of blocks, at which heights the boat will break
RandomTrivia: Alex needs to use the sleep
Saintnex: you only take damage on a boat from only one level of distance, its kinda strange lol
Desruprot: need a goat to occupy the boat
MungoDude: Alex am Extended Play
northos: boats, famously equipped with inertial dampeners
mjiig: Except for a small number of specific fall heights, for reasons
SmithKurosaki: Am also eepy
Elscorcho4965 subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Elscorcho4965! (Today's storm count: 953)
ALLxISxLOST: wait... is that Serge or James minecraft character?
RandomTrivia: "Come to bed, honey"
tergonis: they were roommates
Anubis169: clip it, ship it... not like that
amative1: Serge joining TeamNew
Mindfire13: Yes, but there are weird distances that falling will hurt you
margieargie: Oh my~
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
Desruprot: uh
gsyhiap: LUL
FarleyF: long day blowing creepers lrrBEEJ
Pharmacistjudge: roommates
WolfGirlVeronica: What if we put our minecraft beds together
Kipstar: does anyone know the mod they are using to keep track of layers, blocks etc?
Fanklok: It's not even June
JandAKgaming: pocket boat!
the_phantom_game_player: I hope it was good A;ex
phoenixfeather14: mattlrBonk Alex!
SmithKurosaki: @Fanklok, It doesn't have to be
malfnord: And they were roommates?
WolfGirlVeronica: @Fanklok Canaidan pride month is in july
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
thedepthandbreadthofseth: there are distances where the you die in a boat
Athelgar: lol remember when boats would break if you turned too you can fly them off cliffs lol
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Saintnex: hahaha
Sarah_Serinde: Good effort
Anubis169: we call that a cooked grenade
DigitalSeahorse: wat?
Fanklok: It not being June means it's canon
not_multiple_robots subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months, currently on a 53 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, not_multiple_robots! (Today's storm count: 954)
beowuuf: sergeJustRight
korvys: love how the water screws with the layer count
BrowneePoints: Isn't Cori allergic to Apples?
RandomTrivia: "When you fire this thing, you are ruining someone's day, somewhere, sometime"
steelfox13: Alex, I love you but Rip headphone users when you laugh
tehfewl: feed it to him...
gualdhar: or Graham can feed Alex like a baby bird
EvilBadman: What if you punched chunks of the fritter
nova_plushie: Get alex a horse feed basket
SmithKurosaki: @korvys, Yea, its just scanning what level the highest block exists art
Fanklok: I now have level 97 attack
Feriority: Wait, team old was at like 60 something when I looked away, what happened?
SmithKurosaki: @Feriority, Fake blocks removed
Fanklok: That bit difference
Sorator13: @Feriority Some blocks were added to the top, so it was showing an unhelpful number
RandomTrivia: Alex... dig the damn hole :D
Anubis169: SPARTA!!
Gaelan_Maestro: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 i hearby bestow upon thee, the bits
margieargie: tqsLOL tqsLOL
Sorator13: Excellent
SmithKurosaki: Gottem
PharaohBender27: kates7
Daisyg1313 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Daisyg1313! (Today's storm count: 955)
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RandomTrivia: benginO7
PharaohBender27: lrrFINE
Anubis169: Ankles!
nabe___nabe: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
the_phantom_game_player: Alex wemt feral
Sorator13: I still don't know what he's doing, but hopefully the fall damage IRL is less than in minecraft
LathosTiran: am Alex ok?
GredGredmansson: throwing. i believe Alex was "throwing"
nova_plushie: and alex died off camera
PumpkinRats: Is the idea to dig to the bottom first?
elbigtacoman_: @flapjacksofwar Thanks for the gift sub!
SmithKurosaki: !pacrules
LRRbot: Basic rules: you may only dig one layer at a time, using only resources found in your chunk, and you must be using the best possible pickaxe/shovel available to you. For comprehensive rules:
ALLxISxLOST: lumps
Anubis169: PumpkinRats: the idea is to go down layer by layer
public_key_reveal_party: I think definitionally it's only you serge, you're the one touching it
Dumori: @PumpkinRats Pretty much
Sorator13: @PumpkinRats Race to clear all of the blocks in this chunk first, layer by layer
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @Sorator13 Fall damage in minecraft is linear. It's quadratic in real life (up to a point)
spawnofhastur: Dear Serge could you please inform me about the difference between an americano and a long black?
Anubis169: and they have a set amount of specific blocks they must collect
Anubis169: it's RNG
Feriority: @SmithKurosaki @Sorator13 thanks
SmithKurosaki: np :)
Sorator13: ^.^
Anubis169: 33h
PharaohBender27: !holes
LRRbot: Did somebody mention classic young-adult action-adventure movie Holes??
melegaunt_: Serge! This is a family show!
PumpkinRats: @Anubis169 thanks!
irreleverent: Wait did they make iron and gold drop non-block ores now?
Iluvatardis: that flint and steel is really paying off
RevolverRossalot: This hole was made for [my entertainment]
irreleverent: The future is wild
couchboyj: Action adventure classic Holes starring Shia the Beef?
spawnofhastur: ah yes, normal human noises
Ravynn: !squeaks
offbeatwitch: critical eep
Suffix: sergeCounting sergeSqueak
ShifuDaxiongmao: sounds like it's time for more/multiple witches :D
the_phantom_game_player: Countdown to nothing
BrowneePoints: Countdown to Infiniteep
Anubis169: why is there a floating goatling?
DoubleNterprises: *eep*
Sarah_Serinde: @Anubis169 It has nothing to do with collecting blocks, aside from some blocks are useful for getting down to the bottom faster
Redbassist: Countdown to normal noise
CrossXhunteR: woo, my power just came back after like 2.5 hours of being out
SymphonySolstice: gdqRipUrn
Sorator13: Yes, Graham, you can choose to make shit regularly
the_phantom_game_player: @CrossXhunteR Welcome back
Anubis169: Sarah_Serinde: then i've been following the wrong idea for like 4h
nova_plushie: serge just takes the lighting rig with him
SmithKurosaki: @CrossXhunteR Welcome back :)
Anubis169: today has been fantastic :D
Alas_Babylon: @Anubis169 Its the caprine version of the angry sun from Super Mario Bros 3
SmithKurosaki: @Clockwork Cthulhu Odds are it will continue to fluctuate like that for goofs
ofstrife: the boat trick works except for one specific fall length, unless they've fixed that bug
irreleverent: Serge with the good sportsmanship
Mewr11: nope, the one specific fall height bug is still in the game for boats
flapjacksofwar: Graham poops only at Sorcery speeds
Sorator13: @flapjacksofwar LUL
josh___something: Careful, graham. There are CERTAIN heights where the boat straight kills you (something to do with rounding errors
Garfman314: i watched the matt parker video on the boat drop bug
LilyOfTheVeil6666: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
public_key_reveal_party: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
NimrodXIV: I think I prefer the boat drop to the terrifying dive James does
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Does anyone know off the top of their heads the distances where the boat trick fails?
GredGredmansson: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
melegaunt_: at least the poops don't have storm
Melfina__: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Anubis169: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
flapjacksofwar: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
MommaGart: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrCREEPR
MommaGart: oops
Alas_Babylon: @thedepthandbreadthofseth 49 and 51 I think?
Anubis169: WAH
Anubis169: Mutant Harry!
Mnemonicman: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR bogusmTingledance bogusmBlankadance bogusmDdance
flapjacksofwar: Cascade Poops
MungoDude: feather stick and flint for arrows, sticks and string for bows
Sorator13: lrrWOW
PharaohBender27 is gifting 9 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1467 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vilaboy_MTG!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to autocorrectToGlitter!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mtfboom!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to chalupabatmanmtg!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to DistractedMOSFET!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to xVeinFirex!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to aguyinblack!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kenny_roberts84!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sk1nnee!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to autocorrectToGlitter, DistractedMOSFET, kenny_roberts84, xVeinFirex, Vilaboy_MTG, Sk1nnee, mtfboom, chalupabatmanmtg, and aguyinblack! (Today's storm count: 964)
Hrrisn: MY name is Harry :o
Anubis169: whoa
LostThePirate: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
josh___something: 4 arrows?
SymphonySolstice: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrCREEPR *teleports behind you*
Anubis169: Hrrisn: Are you creepydoll?
WolfGirlVeronica: Chat i love you all but the WRASLIN calls to me
flapjacksofwar: lrrFINE
Mr_Horrible: "Feather & Flint" sounds like detective novels
Saintnex: good lord the amount of iron that team old
the_phantom_game_player: I miss the goars
Sorator13: @WolfGirlVeronica enjoy!
korvys: Did the floating goat also go?
MungoDude: WolfGirlVeronica enjoy
Anubis169: WolfGirlVeronica: You enjoy the ever-loving shiiiiiiz out of that wrestling
Hrrisn: nope lol just saying
GredGredmansson: paul, take notes
aeon_novachrono: rip goat
amative1: Paul, that sounds like Serge asking for more flaming screaming goats...
EvilBadman: Skill issue
nova_plushie: you hear that paul. serge misses his goats
Iluvatardis: @korvys Goaty McGoatface still floats
ExpeditionToGamesEnd subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ExpeditionToGamesEnd! (Today's storm count: 965)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Mr_Horrible actually, that's a really cool D&D tavern, owned by a retired fletcher!
RatherLargeToad: Subscribe Boat Facts
EverestMagnus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months!
EverestMagnus: Saw you streaming on Youtube. Reminded me to give you my Bezos Bucks on twitch... sooooo your getting this twitch money because of YouTube. Do with that what you will.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EverestMagnus! (Today's storm count: 966)
Cinominn: your welcome for that serge
Gadora: Oh, he asked about a boat, not disassembling a goat.
PhoenixMelior: Tea mold
Mr_Horrible: @thedepthandbreadthofseth I would also believe this
RandomTrivia: Don't look at the score - look at the popularity contest! lrrBEEJ
ShifuDaxiongmao: ignore the bits, not important ;)
McTwin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, McTwin! (Today's storm count: 967)
melegaunt_: Did you know that all boats have a name? And that they're all Eustice?
Suffix: How dare you.
MadWolf1290: Serge is digging his own hole
Caffine1138: I am seen
Sarah_Serinde: Serge, if you were less of a troll to everyone else maybe chat would be more willing to help gabyLul
GredGredmansson: do not lump us with you serge
gooey_xylophone: #TeaMold
Desruprot: feel like the team Old isn't too hampered from the banes
Akaiatana: Can Paul spawn witches from a block like silverfish?
the_phantom_game_player: How deep is the hole they're trying to dig to?
NotCainNorAbel: I'm old but I want to support the younger generations
Fruan: I was on Serge's side until he called me old.
flapjacksofwar: Cheer1000 OOOOOOOOLD
Sarah_Serinde: Chat does love an underdog
public_key_reveal_party: I'm 30 now, so I'm basically just dust
RandomTrivia: Serge impressively digging two holes at once
SmithKurosaki: Look, I know my bones turn to dust on the regular, but you can't just say that Serge
nova_plushie: Cori is ruthless
Caffine1138: My knees/back/joints et al are seen :D
Suffix: Hi G! #TeamNew
MeagenImage: Gooo Serge! Hang in there! :D
Anubis169: it's 5pm somewhere
Sorator13: That... isn't how that works Serge
Bruceski: Isn't Team Old the ones winning by 2 digits?
DarkNacht: Liquid bread
thedepthandbreadthofseth: What are people's actual ages?
PharaohBender27: Ah, good ol
saucemaster5000: Guinness breakfast time
8000power: @Anubis169 Not until 3 minutes
SnowBuddy18: The olds have experience, the boons and banes are helping to even it up
Dumori: I'm drinking a very nice coffee stout
Cinominn: Cori eating beer like the monks of olk
PharaohBender27: *good ol' cloudy beer you can chew on
Ingavar_Khaos: marking my position in chat so i can watch the VOD later for the beginning of PaC
thedepthandbreadthofseth: is graham 41? is james?
Cinominn: old*
Stephen Wampler: I mean, I am in chat and am a member of "Team Old" in the vast majority of contexts
SmithKurosaki: (Same)
Sarah_Serinde: Ehh not quite?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I think serge is 39.
RealGamerCow: Would a stack of gold ore be a boon or a bane?
ForOhForError: it's a binding vow that makes serge's mining more powerful
Juliamon: thedepthandbreadthofseth It's kinda rude to ask and also to make guesses
Sarah_Serinde: If it's a tool you currently need, and it's restricted these days to just picks and shovels. You should always be using the best pick and shovel you're able to make
damn_i_am_pretty: Cheer67 #TeamNew
the_phantom_game_player: <3
Anubis169: but cookies are gooooood
measureofhope: Dammit, ya'll made me crave Korean fried chicken and none of my local places are open yet
RandomTrivia: Serge is not THE Problem. Serge is merely A problem
RandomTrivia: sergeHeart
GredGredmansson: boat% speedrun
shendaras: kittens game!
MungoDude: if it's faster or not - it's easier
Fanklok: Only if you do a sick kick flip G
PharaohBender27: Coffee has arrived!
the_phantom_game_player: Hi James
RandomTrivia: sergeSqueak sergeFriend
patrick_stonecrusher: 96 m8ll8on cookies per seconds, SERGE NotLikeThis
damn_i_am_pretty: oh no Serge, TeamNew's score is almost consecutive. how that must drive TeamOrder nuts
wench_tacular: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
ShifuDaxiongmao: at this height, boat is faster than only ladder... if you do ladder skips and don't die, ladder faster
Anubis169: Caffeinate my soul
northos: #boatadvantage
CaptainSpam: GOATed boats.
FarleyF: so Graham if you do sit in the boat are you then the little man in the boat
flapjacksofwar: Cheer4400 #teamold
JRandomHacker: Until certain layers where the boat is a _significant_ disadvantage
The Sound Of White Noise: Did Minecraft fix the bug where you die when you drop from a specific height in the boat?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Juliamon Sorry, I got derailed by math.
PharaohBender27: I just knew the acronym
epsilon_vee: @PharaohBender27 it's a movie
Anubis169: ouch
Cavemanhar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cavemanhar! (Today's storm count: 968)
EvilBadman: Boat is a hole in the water you throw money into
public_key_reveal_party: I am confused by canada on occasion
JRandomHacker: @EvilBadman Bust out another thousand
soramayura: Sub contribution for the subbathon! Chat, don't forget to hydrate and Self care!
Sarah_Serinde: big mood
Dumori: Boat = love
malc: I should sleep :p
Pywodwagon: Would you like to minecraft
Anubis169: it's just gone 1am here
RandomTrivia: L for aLex
Anubis169: malc, for you too
saucemaster5000: It's the coffee of a carpenter
Tangsm: Choose the cup of the carpenter!
SmithKurosaki: @The Sound Of White Noise I dont think so?
Cinominn: as long as his face doesnt melt off
malc: @Anubis169 I am aware :P
ShifuDaxiongmao: serge wanted to sleep with alex but not graham.. *shakes head*
northos: I really hope someone takes boat glitch damage now
Fanklok: Hold on who nutte Serge's coffee?
Anubis169: i was, and i frequently lose track
JustMeJude: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
adept_nekomancer: Boats -- the new parachutes.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @northos same!
Desruprot: some of the fastest transportation in minecraft are bridges made of Blue Ice that use boats to transport
Sarah_Serinde: I believe in you Graham
Cinominn: approx 200 block different
GredGredmansson: Alex is how
Sk1nnee: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the sub friend!
PharaohBender27: Oh, so it's how many levels are *left*
The Sound Of White Noise: Oh, that will be fun for them to figure out again what height that was.
The Sound Of White Noise: Because if I remember correctly, there were 3 lethal heights for the boats.
GredGredmansson: alex kept throwing stuff in the other pit
Sk1nnee: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
amative1: because 1 level is 256, and you're more than 256 behind
PharaohBender27: No problem, @Sk1nnee ! :)
RandomTrivia: "How am I doing?" "Well you have 27 energy counters" "Yes but what's my life total?" "Oh - four"
Sarah_Serinde: TeamOld also started with more total blocks in their chunk
malc: @PharaohBender27 only on one side. on the other side it's how many levels are right
RandomTrivia: A sizeable quantity of time was spent griefing by Team New
Sarah_Serinde: Yes you can be strategic about which blocks you mine first in the layer
PharaohBender27: @malc lrrWOW
SmithKurosaki: Yea, it's a div remainder error thing. It's a pattern
w1gum: Hey james, guess how many times serge has died
MungoDude: looking forward to seeing a boat falling exactly 49 blocks
Anubis169: looks like a railroad when everybody's climbing <3
damn_i_am_pretty: Serge started the griefing, so I blame Serge
adept_nekomancer: I was not expecting references to "Happy in Paraguay". :)
avi_miller: Not gonna lie, but I am kinda hoping that one of them falls 49 or 51 blocks in their boat and it breaks and they die.
Akaiatana: Thought: punch a chunk isekai
public_key_reveal_party: I really want coffee now, but it's 8 at night for me and I should sleep at some point
SmithKurosaki: (iirc)
Suffix: Well, technically. There's math involved for boat fall damage.
SmithKurosaki: @avi_miller Yea, YT chat was asking if that error was still a thing
PharaohBender27: :O
DiscordianTokkan: lol
RandomTrivia: PAUL sergeHolyMoly
Saintnex: hahahaha
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
RandomTrivia: benginChamp
josh___something: Paul XD
gsyhiap: LUL
SmithKurosaki: sergeJustRight
kaziel0: Wooooow!
public_key_reveal_party: paul is really mlg
malc: #TeamPaul
Mr_Horrible: Paul got mad skills
Anubis169: nicely done Paul <3
Favre_the_Undead: does the pickaxes crafted include repaired pickaxes?
Dumori: MLG co-op
NotARealAccountDotCom: Paul the all Paulerful
JRandomHacker: That's a different thing
asthanius: my little Paul?
MungoDude: Major League Paul
ShifuDaxiongmao: does that count as "pre-booning"?
Sorator13: no, james, that's something else...
DoubleNterprises: God puts the G in MLG
Alas_Babylon: My Little Paul: Floating is Magic
AugmentingPath: Did Serge just fail the last temptation of Christ?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Dog_of_Myth: #TeamPaul
DahudLefthanded: "Throw yourself from this tower, surely your God will save you!"
josh___something: AHAHAHAHAH
Sarah_Serinde: That is so much gabyLul
wench_tacular: whelp
flapjacksofwar: Oldies are Goldies Cheer8000 #TeamOld
Sarah_Serinde: Give him, like, 30s
MeagenImage: Major League Paul: Friendship is Magic
Fluffy776: levysc1Hype levysc1Hype levysc1Hype
northos: that's worth a lot more than $5 haha
UnknownFriday: Time for Serge to start making counteroffers.
offbeatwitch: there's 3 levels
Monocerotis2010: He isn't wishing he is paying
josh___something: Mining fatigue 3 is not able to mine period, right?
Lord_Hosk: Those aren't 5 ACTUAL dollars, those are like Canadian maple syrup dollars
Suffix: Harry is starting to sound a lot like James.
damn_i_am_pretty: #TeamNew cheer400
kaziel0: Went AFK for a few minutes to work and now, in terms of blocks remaining, #TeamOld is ahead in blocks punched!
Caineghest: Cheer1000 #teamnew
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Fluffy776: GoodOne
CrossXhunteR: also, the warriors are not in march madness
offbeatwitch: irrelephant
the_phantom_game_player: LUL LUL LUL
adept_nekomancer: "That one team has a far better color scheme on their uniforms, they're obviously way ahead."
PharaohBender27: Cheer400 #TeamNew Let's go, I believe in you!
avi_miller: @SmithKurosaki yeah the boat falling bug (MC-119369) is very much still a thing and also would be in this anyway because they are on an older version of the game
josh___something: LUL
ArmstrongRGM96X: "I hate waffles" ass statement
SmithKurosaki: @Lord_Hosk Look, just because we flavour our money doesn't make it not real
NightValien28: I mean G is not wrong
MeagenImage: If you ask a friend how their team is doing and they say "well, the cheerleading team is really on point", that implies that's the only thing worth talking about
jibkat: How many points does a good cheer get you?
SmithKurosaki: @avi_miller Wait, did it pre-date 1.18?
Tangsm: Maybe we should give bonus points at the end of the game for the cheerleaders. Like stars in Mario Party.
irreleverent: @offbeatwitch You range
LowUpsideCJ: The golden state warriors are not in march madness and so demonstrably their cheerleaders aren't helping
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPride vicksyPrider katesPride
MungoDude: @jibkat three, indirectly
Fluffy776: levysc1Pride levysc1Stab
RandomTrivia: Oof, so much Wall Iron
jibkat: mattlrLul
Feriority: Iron in the walls? How ironic
Sarah_Serinde: Too bad you don't have a creeper to try and mine that iron :P
Mr_Horrible: that's why it's Madness
Anubis169: July Joviality
RandomTrivia: !listen
LRRbot: Always listen to chat, Never listen to chat.
BrowneePoints: i'm not gonna talk about march madness cuz the better women's team lost :I
public_key_reveal_party: it's not march? onstaFORGOR
malc: LUL
Fanklok: Graham I don't understand your sportsball
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL CORI YES
josh___something: CORI
ProcyonFlynn: Heck of a callback lrrWOW
Fanklok: Can you talk to me in magic the gathering terms?
josh___something: Cori YES
offbeatwitch: RIP harry
Anubis169: travF1 travF2
as_ever_ellesandra: But Graham, isn't it still march 2020?
RealGamerCow: The callback
DigitalSeahorse: katesNoted
gizmofreak1: Damn. Graham is taking no prisoners
Sarah_Serinde: Graham I'd probably go with "well your team has gotten fewer penalties" when your team is still behind. It impacts things but it's not the main piece of info
flapjacksofwar: Im going to bed and must maintain Old Supremacy. Dont let me down! Cheer10000 #TeamOld
putz12a subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, putz12a! (Today's storm count: 969)
Anubis169: wow
DoubleNterprises: Now THAT'S a loaded sentence
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksySellout vicksySellout
offbeatwitch: hnork
Cinominn: nooooo flapjack..... horray for bits but noooooo
avi_miller: @SmithKurosaki I believe the oldest version with the bug is 1.12
MungoDude: bare hands are a weapon
flapjacksofwar: YESSSSS
Anubis169: blood you say... xxxCHEERS
boredman42: Cheer10000 #teamnew something something new blood
margieargie: Team New's won twice already, need some variety here
Anubis169: xxxBEAT
nova_plushie: team boomer
Sarah_Serinde: I would actually like #TeamOld to get at least *one* bane even if I am largely in favour of Serge Experiencing Consequences
Desruprot: A warden hidden could make people blind, but it is highly dangerous if it escapes.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout feliciaTeam lrrHAM lrrALEX lrrGRAHAM lrrCORI
Gaelan_Maestro: the new must defeat the old! SO IT IS WRITTEN!!
Sarah_Serinde: Err, one boon
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks brain
RandomTrivia: Then use the other to get the Iron
Anubis169: boredman42!
Gormlessben subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gormlessben! (Today's storm count: 970)
Sorator13: So about that wall iron...
public_key_reveal_party: you could go for wall iron with the other
as_ever_ellesandra: you could harvest that wall iron yea
Jeffrey Hayes: Interesting to tune into this version on the side and see usernames I recognize :D
SmithKurosaki: Oh?
SmithKurosaki: It's gonna be hard for me to recognize people because most of you are using meatspace names
Sarah_Serinde: You're allowed to use creepers to get wall ores so tnt should be the same
MungoDude: @Sorator13 good call, I completely overlooked that
Fanklok: Paul, can you give them enchanted tools?
RandomTrivia: The Head Judge has spoken!
Anubis169: until the heat death of... at least the moonbase
micalovits: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #TeamOld go you old lazy farts!
offbeatwitch: the raycasting is slightly odd
flapjacksofwar: Cheer10000 I will not be denied! #TeamOld
Mr_Horrible: interesting
JDMan94: I think James is right
Jeffrey Hayes: (I'm PharaohBender27, if it helps clarify things)
SmithKurosaki: Yes 🙂 Hello :)
gamefreak3072: this was my original internet name. Youtube was my first account (besides email)
RandomTrivia: It won't drop every ore, but it will drop some
PharaohBender27: :O
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
Mr_Horrible: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART
Anubis169: manLOVE
flapjacksofwar: FINE DAD
MungoDude: jlrrTenner jlrrTenner jlrrTenner jlrrTenner jlrrTenner
flapjacksofwar: Im going!
moltile: :O :O :O
MungoDude: gnight flapjack
NeoOfTheDark: Cheer69 #teamnew Any amount helps the cause?
Sarah_Serinde: Any amount helps!
RandomTrivia: sergeSqueak
Iluvatardis: when did they make tnt mining lossless?
Anubis169: nice
Akaiatana: #PaulIron
Sorator13: now, you were not supposed to walk out of the chunk, I think? but that's Advanced rules
terribleplan: Single TNT should be, multiple TNT can blow up what the earlier ones drop
Sarah_Serinde: Ooh chat I haven't said the thing yet this subathon
TallynNyntyg: Did you know you can flint-and-steel a Creeper to act like a pseudo-TNT?
Tangsm: didn't the stats count when Paul just handed them iron too?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
flapjacksofwar: Ill juust donate more during Lego building
public_key_reveal_party: now god can't see serge
DoctorBobRotcod subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
SmithKurosaki: We discovered earlier today you can update your YT name to a handle now if you like
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DoctorBobRotcod! (Today's storm count: 971)
DiscordianTokkan: honk shoe, mimimi
RandomTrivia: There, now Serge is immune to international law! lrrBEEJ
Sarah_Serinde: Hey chat we appreciate all of you, no matter how much or little you give, even if you're just chatting or lurking. We're glad you're here lrrHEART
RayFK: Now only god can see Serge's sins
Sorator13: lrrSHINE
adept_nekomancer: The serge cave
Sarah_Serinde: And if you want a way to help that doesn't cost money, you can always spread the word to friends and followers
Anubis169: all of this Sarah <3
Fanklok: Serge is hiding his inputs
Mattmitchell45: Hiding his Minecraft from God
thekumquatking: I love watching Minecraft with Graham, James, Cori, Alex, and [REDACTED]
betweenmyself: still got that Space backdrop handy?
nova_plushie: CORI
DigitalSeahorse: Alex is mute again
josh___something: Chemical warfare
Lord_Hosk: 5X5
aitsu100: serges mouse skill is a secret
Cinominn: got one in the chamber?
RandomTrivia: WOW
Jeffrey Hayes: I can respect that. My Twitch username is based on the first internet forum name I used starting circa 2008
SmithKurosaki: YouTube -> YouTube Studio -> Customization -> Basic Info -> NameYes, it is stupidly buried.
SmithKurosaki: I picked mine in 09
RandomTrivia: The disrespect!
Sarah_Serinde: NotLikeThis
Sorator13: SERGE
Creature_Comforts: He's a ghoooost lrrSPOOP
MungoDude: perfec
CaptainSpam: WOW SERGE
Anubis169: HAHAHAHA
Suffix: There he is!
malc: lmao Paul
RandomTrivia: sergeSnerge
adept_nekomancer: crimes!
RecursiveAcronym subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
public_key_reveal_party: it's like he never left
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RecursiveAcronym! (Today's storm count: 972)
micalovits: Paul is a wizard!
LathosTiran: Paul, nice!
Saintnex: Serge has gone full murder hobo
RandomTrivia: PAUL YES
Mr_Horrible: "Artist's Rendering"
SmithKurosaki: is this part of the tarp budget?
josh___something: Thanks paul XD
neveth: Paul should change it to Snerge
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
SolarBlitz1: That wasn't Serge. It was Snerge!
Sarah_Serinde: Chat if I started a fund to fly to Victoria and bop Serge for infractions during the next PAC would you help? Kappa
MadmanOreo: everything is allowed under the sheet
RatherLargeToad: lrrSPOOPY
NeoOfTheDark: It was a very Snerge move there
aitsu100: lol
Cinominn: alex muted as well
nova_plushie: Dont get a big head serge
SmithKurosaki: @Sarah_Serinde yes
Mr_Horrible: @Sarah_Serinde say the word, boss o7
Suffix: Paul, you've gotta use sergeSnerge
DoubleNterprises: This rules
malc: !buysarahaplaneticket
BtEtta: If Serge isn't there you can attack what is clearly a ghost…
Fanklok: Sounds like a you probelm
RandomTrivia: sergeFall
Laogeodritt: Hey crew, chat, just wanted to thank you for the no-thought background entertainment while I try to recover from a dead SSD in my main computer. (Lost a bunch of craftalong work among many other things =( )
FarleyF: Is Serge the Ravenous Bug Blatter - if he cant see us can we not see him
GredGredmansson: newest Olympic event: synchronized boat
Akaiatana: Serge isn't even playing, he's in the green room
RandomTrivia: @SmithKurosaki I'll chip in
Sarah_Serinde: Some day when I visit I'm gonna think to bring an inflatable hammer with me
Sorator13: @Laogeodritt nooooo! I'm sorry friend.
Dog_of_Myth: Serge and G, yacht compatible
RandomTrivia: "What fresh hole is this?"
forcedreject: Phrasing
stormcooper256 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
stormcooper256: have Jeff Bezo's money!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, stormcooper256! (Today's storm count: 973)
Sarah_Serinde: Oh no Laogeodritt that sucks, I hope you can recover things :(
DoubleNterprises: @Laogeodritt Dag. Sorry for your loss
MeagenImage: @Laogeodritt Ooof, F for your SSD. :(
Jeffrey Hayes: Funny thing is, I just went there and my handle *is* listed as PharaohBender27. Maybe it's because I joined the channel before doing that? 🤷‍♂
Mike Sugarbaker: Now you're gonna need to print up a blanket with Serge's face on it for the merch store
Skyarrow: I just got here why is serge under a blanket
Mike Sugarbaker: I hope you're happy
SmithKurosaki: @Jeffrey Hayes Yea maybe a refresh?
The Sound Of White Noise: Someone is going to craft that blanket for real for Desert Bus.
SmithKurosaki: @Skyarrow Pranks mostly
Anubis169 hugs Laogeodritt lrrAWW
mama_turtle13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
mama_turtle13: lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mama_turtle13! (Today's storm count: 974)
Sarah_Serinde: It's true
Laogeodritt: Thanks all <3
shandius subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shandius! (Today's storm count: 975)
drewm1022: Was that a Bo Burnham reference?
the_phantom_game_player: I wish I could
Sarah_Serinde: Amazon sure as hell doesn't need it, might as well give it to basically anyone else
SmithKurosaki: @Laogeodritt Hope she comes back
Mr_Horrible: @Laogeodritt oh nooo! D: hopefully that works out okay, but sorry you're having to deal with it
bubba0077: I just wish the Bezos Bucks would auto-renew
62MGcobra subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
62MGcobra: Back to the Pit
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 62MGcobra! (Today's storm count: 976)
SidewinderSky subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
malfnord: Cannot find fault in that reasoning
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SidewinderSky! (Today's storm count: 977)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPog bat fren
Laogeodritt: @sarah_serinde inflatable hammer sounds like an excellent idea x3
FarleyF: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Duck Detective w/ Heather at Mon 08:00 PM PDT (2:44 from now).
Cinominn: lookit all dem blocks they dont need to mine
Echo__AJ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Echo__AJ! (Today's storm count: 978)
steelfox13 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
steelfox13: Oh yeah, Bezos Bucks
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, steelfox13! (Today's storm count: 979)
charlietrotter123 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 22 in the channel!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to wkgreen!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to n1v0s!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to gomcreative!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to masterdud1!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to NeckbeardTheNerd!
FarleyF: ah cool so the next feature works still
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, charlietrotter123! Welcome to wkgreen, gomcreative, masterdud1, NeckbeardTheNerd, and n1v0s! (Today's storm count: 984)
GredGredmansson: what friends
Sorator13: the limit does not exist
Sarah_Serinde: @Laogeodritt Some bigger larp-safe thing would be more fun but a lot harder to fit into luggage
Jeffrey Hayes: Oh wait, you said *name*, not handle.
the_phantom_game_player: Horray gold
MommaGart: Cheer100 #teamold thank you for the gold kind stranger!
fastlane250: meme tools
Fanklok: So what about a let's say, Unbreaking X gold pick
phoenixfeather14: Inflatable hammer with a squeaker in it would be perfect
Juliamon: FarleyF Each section has its own calendar entry specifically for that reason
measureofhope: butter spoon time
SmithKurosaki: @Laogeodritt Indeed
betweenmyself: There are no friends on chunk punching; merely amusingly flammable opponents
Sibwow: james if you lower the bit threshold to 1 ill send my single bit to teamold
PharaohBender27: Cheer999 #TeamNew
malc: oh no lol
Sarah_Serinde: @phoenixfeather14 Okay yes, squeaker makes it better
Angreed66: Gold is also a trap because the time to craft/smelt is more than the time saved from the speedy mining
DigitalSeahorse: Alex still mute
Halinn: Can't stay for the finish, gotta sleep. Good luck Team New
Favre_the_Undead: there are some set seed speedruns where they use gold tools
PharaohBender27: Testing
The Sound Of White Noise: Butter!
Sarah_Serinde: Beautiful
RandomTrivia: PERFECTION
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
DiscordianTokkan: lol
Sarah_Serinde: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
saweeks: Snerge
GredGredmansson: you fool you're giving serge anonymity
RandomTrivia: HOLY SHIT
Sarah_Serinde: Amazing
the_phantom_game_player: He looks so handsom
Mr_Horrible: I see no difference
KeytarCat: Oh I see the bane, what was this round's boon?
DigitalSeahorse: xD
ShifuDaxiongmao: is that pre-coffee serge?
NotARealAccountDotCom: GOTTEM
margieargie: Serge is a football fan angry at the team's management
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
RandomTrivia: jlrrPongChamp
Sarah_Serinde: Serge why are you so terrible at minigolf
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
RandomTrivia: sergePongchamp
Suffix: bravo.
RandomTrivia: sergePongChamp
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months, currently on a 75 month streak!
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Wow, that's a long time.
FarleyF: Serge Cosplaying at Snerge
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheSoundOfWhiteNoise! (Today's storm count: 985)
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I'm not sure that counts as "voluntary."
MungoDude: jlrrPongchamp
Mr_Horrible: that scorecard is why his face is like that
Mr_Horrible: with a straw
CaptainSpam: So very, very terrible at golf. Just... SO bad.
RandomTrivia: jlrrPongchamp jlrrPongchamp
Fanklok: Skill issue Serge
RatherLargeToad: The Bombastic Bag-Man!
NeoOfTheDark: Sounds like a "you" problem, Serge
thedepthandbreadthofseth: is there more story to the golf score carrd?
mercano82: use the square hole
flyman347 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
flyman347: whoa
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, flyman347! (Today's storm count: 986)
aeon_novachrono: i cannot believe we get to see werge
Sarah_Serinde: Alex no
Juliamon: coffee with a paper straw *shudders*
DigitalSeahorse: nope
malc: O_o
Sorator13: ALEX
margieargie: lrrWOW
Dumori: lrrWOW lrrWOW
BrowneePoints: Alex you sounded just like Jennifer Coolidge for 2 seconds
Lord_Hosk: ALEX!
Angreed66: that's the neat part this is how you stop
RandomTrivia: ALEX NO
Driosenth: the call of the void
Saintnex: Alex pls :/
damn_i_am_pretty: #alexno
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed vicksyDed
EJGRgunner: the full Heathers
Fruan: This kills the Serge
DoctorHutch: what kills people alex
stormcooper256: bastard is a weird way to say murderer
LiveFaust: Intrusive thoughts for 1000.
phoenixfeather14: ALEX NO!
itomeshi: please don't murder Serge?
evilspoons983: Alex, those are inside thoughts
Goorguy: So I voted Alex as the person who would kill Paul and I feel vindicated
Snouut subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Snouut: James I love your watch it looks awesome!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Snouut! (Today's storm count: 987)
Sorator13: also: what is the minigolf scorecard a reference to?
charlietrotter123: Cheer100
tehfewl: alex thats murder
Mr_Horrible: The Void sure is calling a lot today
Dumori: Alex friendly Murder today eh
Mr_Horrible: eating up daytime minutes
the_phantom_game_player: I want to see that picture
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Cheer1000 #teamnew My last bits! Go Team New!
FarleyF: Serges new twitter avatar
stormcooper256: but AAALLLLEEEXXX that kiiiiiiillllls people
Sunidesus: Yay! I finally have a break and can enjoy some PAC!
FarleyF: or new Discord avatar
Capt_clown subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
Capt_clown: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Capt_clown! (Today's storm count: 988)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: able to explain the scorecard bit?
Mr_Horrible: what in the actual hell, Serge sofieLUL
Sorator13: @Sunidesus The shenanigans are strong today
ShifuDaxiongmao: could always go up and knock serge into hole :P
JusticeJuice: Cheer500 #teamnew
NotCainNorAbel: Pride4000 #teamnew
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
GazzyInferno: karma
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Sorator13: LUL
aeon_novachrono: hahahha
Octagone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
Octagone: !teamold
Sorator13: drive-through penalty!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Octagone! (Today's storm count: 989)
Sunidesus: @Sorator13 I look forward to being able to go back and watch the whole thing!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: anyone able to explain
DiscordianTokkan: sergeBuckets
Juliamon: The scorecard is courtesy of mtvcdm who played the course
the_phantom_game_player: LUL
GredGredmansson: of course the second anonymity is ripped for serge he reverts
BrowneePoints: I cannot believe Overwatch is doing a Transformers Crossover
Aenir798: Really looking forward to the result of these Alex noises
Juliamon: And then gave it to James, with the rules that anyone who accepts it is now the person who played the course
BrowneePoints: also speaking of Overwatch that Concord game has been fun!
northivanastan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months!
northivanastan: shoutout to goat mcgoatface
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, northivanastan! (Today's storm count: 990)
ShifuDaxiongmao: Come on TeamNew, we need to strike back :D
FarleyF: oh no we can hear the texta
AriaDreamGirl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 47 month streak!
AriaDreamGirl: I've been watching you since before I was a girl TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AriaDreamGirl! (Today's storm count: 991)
DigitalSeahorse: drawing sounds vicksyNoted katesNoted
DigitalSeahorse: hehehheh
Tangsm: Serge is an Amongus
MrsLlante subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrsLlante! (Today's storm count: 992)
SmithKurosaki: @PharaohBender27 Success!
gamefreak3072: my EDSC sleeves just shipped!!
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Lord Bag Face!
TheNerdWonder: Lord Binserge?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
niccus: lord binface???
aeon_novachrono: castle crashers serge
Sarah_Serinde: Perfect
Brozard: budget Blasphemous cosplay
sfn____: So practical!
MrsLlante: New Badge Who Dis?
Days_one: Drinking from the ear
LowUpsideCJ: How dare serge say chat smells
62MGcobra: Draw some eyes up there
the_phantom_game_player: The Bag of chunk punching
FarleyF: ok THATS the new Discord Avatar
finestotter: Serge how could you sayy that?!
malc: rude
inoxx84 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, inoxx84! (Today's storm count: 993)
Snouut: Serge thats so rude
RandomTrivia: How rude
ladylinzington subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Tangsm: Wow. Serge. Wow.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ladylinzington! (Today's storm count: 994)
nova_plushie: im come back and serge was saced?
Dog_of_Myth: Rude
Sarah_Serinde: Wow Serge that's so mean
excalgold: laughed loudly when the camera panned over
Suffix: Wow, Serge.
FarleyF: Someone get the Gopro
public_key_reveal_party: Very rude serge
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
Aenir798: Why would Serge say that
NotARealAccountDotCom: Wow Serge
WriterRaven: Don't be rude, Serge.
micalovits: Snerge is rude
RandomTrivia: The eyebrows are excellent
Aenir798: SERGE
Sunidesus: Serge!
Dog_of_Myth: hahahahah
RandomTrivia: SERGE
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect vicksyD vicksyBork how dare!
Juliamon: Serge you can't say that
public_key_reveal_party: Serge!
Sorator13: SERGE
irreleverent: Serge is flaming us. Time to cancel him
pn55: HypeLUL
mtvcdm: So who holds the cursed scorecard ATM?
GredGredmansson: SERGE RUDE
l0gin4me: mattlrBlush
nova_plushie: Tighter
Snouut: surely thats against TOS
KaleidoscopeMind: phrasing?
Mr_Horrible: "Can you somehow make it tighter?" kanagoFloosh kanagoFloosh kanagoFloosh kanagoFloosh
jacqui_lantern234: SERGE YAGER
measureofhope: SERGE PHRASING
FarleyF: Someone please quote that one
phoenixfeather14: mattlrBonk
LiveFaust: Littering AAAAND... littering AAAAND... littering AAAAND....
ClodiumSoride: Someone add that to the quote database?
RatherLargeToad: “Tighter, James, tighter”
RandomTrivia: benginBonk
Sylenctone subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months, currently on a 118 month streak!
Sylenctone: woo
dumbo3k: @mtvcdm Serge got it with his new mask
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sylenctone! (Today's storm count: 995)
boredman42: Cheer5000 #teamnew
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope
ofstrife: teeth
gualdhar: this minecraft hole surely isn't TOS safe
RandomTrivia: That's the plan!
DoctorHutch: microphone in fact not out of range
nova_plushie: is mic is not out or range
GredGredmansson: !findquote horror
LRRbot: Quote #8287: "We're not really here for points, we're here for horror." —Heather [2022-10-22]
MungoDude: we're gonna need a gold pick soon
malc: villager?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: How is that different from any other stream?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: human sergipede?
HorusFive: Oh good- Serge Boddy Pillow back in stock?
spikefeederalex: Serge body horror seems like a great genre
Mr_Horrible: The Caffeinated Thing
DiscordianTokkan: oh my GOD
Diabore: 9 minutes left
FarleyF: David Cronenberg approves
Sarah_Serinde: gabyFacepalm
damn_i_am_pretty: god damn it Serge
Dog_of_Myth: SERGE
NeoOfTheDark: Wanna take that again, serge?!
public_key_reveal_party: Serge!?
jacqui_lantern234: GDI SERGE
amative1: oh that's a fun sound
malc: hahahah
PharaohBender27: Oh SHIT
PharaohBender27: RAIDERS
excalgold: Serge will be playing the role of 'Sir Serge of Coffeeton'
gamefreak3072: Oh I haven't looked in a while I love doodle surge
Snouut: 5000 not 500 james!
DiscordianTokkan: The WINDOW!
josh___something: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul amazing
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyCope vicksyPanic
PharaohBender27: You need milk!
BrowneePoints: THW WALLS!
Mr_Horrible: incredible
FarleyF: ok THAT's going in the quote database
Tangsm: Windows! your one weakness!
margieargie: Got pillaged
the_phantom_game_player: Hide Serge's dirty hole
NimrodXIV: raid raid raid raid
fastlane250: free pants
Sarah_Serinde: "close the door!" *closes door, gets shot through window*
TheAinMAP: kates7
ShifuDaxiongmao: Paul, spawn a villager :D
margieargie: Now go visit a village!
mtvcdm: I think I've done something real good with that scorecard. I had just forgotten to throw it away.
CaptainSpam: Now, all we need is a village...
Juliamon: Fortunately they shouldn't end up near a village any time soon.
LordKinkade subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordKinkade! (Today's storm count: 996)
tidehollowcat: I was laughing so hard my throat hurt
excalgold: Knock Knock open up the door....IT'S NOT BEEJ!
forcedreject: The only dirty hole here is Serge's mouth
Jepardil: Serge looking like a craftstore Ned Kelly
Sorator13: @forcedreject lrrWOW
Mr_Horrible: oh god
LiveFaust: Terrible night for a curse...
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPride
mtvcdm: I could imagine.
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed vicksyDed voxlunBabhed
RandomTrivia: oh no
Texan_Reverend: Range merch is pretty much always cursed.
nova_plushie: i recently rewatched that gvlog
Mr_Horrible: they typically are populated by people that are either incredibly chill or incredibly not
RealGamerCow: Welcome to America
fastlane250: Interrupting the "Worst T-shirt" contest
melegaunt_: Welcome to Amerikkka! :(
PharaohBender27: Oh hey, @mtvcdm ! How's your visit to Victoria going?
malfnord: I feel like "went to that shooting range in Vegas" was your first mistake.
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Texan_Reverend! They have given 1516 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Texan_Reverend! (Today's storm count: 997)
Mr_Horrible: those are the 2 strata of gun likers I've met
kaziel0: Closing in on 300k bits... let's go! :D
Laserbeaks_Fury: I think both sides should get the same amount of iron, i mean ferrous fair
hvhTim subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hvhTim! (Today's storm count: 998)
ShifuDaxiongmao: get your bits in, donate to #teamnew or #teamnew ;)
steelfox13: Racism? In an American gun shop.... Noooooo
JDMan94: Oh... there is light coming out of graham's hole. That's not goof
JDMan94: Or good
Texan_Reverend: Thanks! @Dog_of_Myth
RandomTrivia: Depth-wise, we're a little over halfway to the bottom of the chunk. Time-wise, probably a little under halfway. (depending on obsidian)
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE
Mr_Horrible: Alex is anticipating the Beej Fallout
kimmiekoneko: oh good i went away for a bit and serge is now wearing a paper hat
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
JadedCynic: Shady Sands Shuffle
FarleyF: Hey Avi can you please make those skins available in Discord if you haven't already
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Lord_Hosk: Stop Stealing my bit
fastlane250: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
Lord_Hosk: never mind
margieargie: I'm getting the feeling this challenge is gonna go over time
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Spades_Slicc: Make PaC great again
Izandai: ough
dabudder: something something topical humour
jacqui_lantern234: HOLY SHIT G
RandomTrivia: Serge is paying for it with his sanity
aesir_blade: why do we build the wall, my children, my children
the_phantom_game_player: BibleThump
Cptasparagus: shots fired :)
irreleverent: No hold on that's too real
mtvcdm: @pharaohbender27 well! Back in the friend zone now after a tourism and a dinner. (Went to Curry Club.)
josh___something: GRAHAM STARK
forcedreject: Man those hit different during an election year
SmithKurosaki: Serge is now taking aestethic based psychic damage
irreleverent: At least you don't have to live here
melegaunt_: we build the wall to keep us free!
FarleyF: Wheres the Cask though - Wheres the Cask
malfnord: Too real G
LordKinkade: i just had abdominal surgery and all this laughing hurts
PharaohBender27: Cheer1065 #TeamNew
HorusFive: Actual warfare
GredGredmansson: RUDE
MommaGart: she smelt on my chunk till i ingot
Foxmar320: PVP on I guess
Mr_Horrible: hey wait a second
Fanklok: God I hope team new gets a lava source block and puts obsidian on top of the other ladder
Sorator13: where is Sarah when we need her
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyPeek
ShifuDaxiongmao: Juuudge.. XD
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Rude!
HorusFive: Shots Fired
Dumori: Perfectly in the rules
jacqui_lantern234: SURELY thats a rules violation
Favre_the_Undead: tea mold!
NeoOfTheDark: Can we get a rules call there?
RandomTrivia: sergeOrder
Dumori: not in the chunk
amative1: lrrJUDGE
Sunidesus: Cheer500 #teamold
Mr_Horrible: Paul's just checking the ratings
margieargie: Is there a rule against combat? I don't think there is
DoubleNterprises: lrrJUDGECALL
GredGredmansson: Paul: "I'll allow it"
Sarah_Serinde: @Sorator13 Look I can only do so much from here
jubale1: HahaBall
PharaohBender27: I feel lrrPAUL might be biased . . .
CaptainSpam: This IS Punch-A-Chunk, after all.
MungoDude: I believe you're only allowed to fire a bow out from the bottom of your own chunk
Mr_Horrible: it's Recovery By Fire
malc: lmao
nova_plushie: paul please hive team new a gun
Sorator13: @Sarah_Serinde yknow what, fair
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
ofstrife: serge with the existential crisis
Cinominn: yknow, laughter is the best medicine right?
RandomTrivia: Bahahahaha
fastlane250: james angy
Gaelan_Maestro: punch on new team!
Spades_Slicc: Do we know where Serge was 2 days ago?
Alas_Babylon: np: Tool - Schism
mtvcdm: What DO we do around here exactly
kaziel0: I feel like Serge became Snerge when Alex put the bag over his head.
Mr_Horrible: LUL
CaptainSpam: Wait, I thought James was the one who didn't care about this. LuL
gooey_xylophone: lrrSERGE #TeaMold lrrJAMES
the_phantom_game_player: Get with the program Serge
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
pn55: Serge pls...
RayFK: Remember when James had a schedule? James remembers.
MungoDude: ity breaks it, but then the iron doesn't drop
jubale1: it removes iron
Dread_Pirate_Westley: OK, 7/10 Minecraft knowledge.
LordKinkade: Laughter provably not the best medicine
ShifuDaxiongmao: some day Serge will have advanced knowledge about this game ;)
Creature_Comforts: the real funny thing is that Gold doesn’t break gold either
josh___something: Gold is about the same strength as wood, IIRC
BrowneePoints: it's a game of systems interacting
Laogeodritt: Tbf nobody actually uses gold tools if not compelled to. Like by these rules. =V
Mr_Horrible: and then there's 12 40-year-olds who play it and don't understand any of the mechanics Kappa
Welbog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
Welbog: I made it
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Welbog! (Today's storm count: 999)
DigitalSeahorse: yup
nova_plushie: i think i played this game for a week
Alas_Babylon: It is honestly very, very up there
GredGredmansson: it got into Smash Bros
Angreed66: Gold not breaking iron is an argument for not having to use gold tools when iron is available.
Omega_Lairon: 12 year olds heads have no room for learning. It's all subway surfers and fortnite and toilets or whatever
BrowneePoints: It's the Best Sandbox overall period. and I really dislike Minecraft
circusofkirkus: that it's boring as shit?
Alas_Babylon: Yeah, it's maybe not the "best" game, but it is the best "game", if that makes sense
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
DrakoniteDev: well, tetris. but also this.
Mr_Horrible: Serge startled by the parrot every time
DoubleNterprises: lrrWOW
Darleysam: it's absolutely a huge landmark in gaming
LiveFaust: Thank you, Graham. tqsLOL
BrowneePoints: It's Foundational
kimmiekoneko: citizen kane has that table shot
Welbog: Hello, friends, good evening.
nova_plushie: Serge catching so many strays
PharaohBender27: Very influential
geckoinasuit: one more sub to storm count 1k!
mercano82: Given how much there is to do in this game, I hate to think what the QA regression testing plan looks like before a release.
Fanklok: Serge deserves it
Akaiatana: "Generic" in a good way
Mr_Horrible: every film needs a Wakeup Bird
forcedreject: I think "landmark" is general term for it
7gorobei: most significant
saucemaster5000: Seminal, is the word I'd use for "Citizen Kane"
phoenixfeather14: Culturally significant
BrowneePoints: It's Foundational/Seminal
electric_claire: Citizen Kane is actually the first movie
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's so unremarkable *now* because it changed the whole industry towards it
betweenmyself: Citizen Kane allows for a surprising amount of divergent gameplay pennyWhat
LowUpsideCJ: Yeah but how many trains arrive
GredGredmansson: Citizen Kane is the Dark Souls of movies (am i using that right)
spawnofhastur: NES Tetris is insane because of the amount of new shit they keep finding in it
LiveFaust: GOATizin Kane
Alahmnat: the Apple of cinema
Lord_Hosk: You won't believe these top 5 Citizen Cane facts.
Alness49: It's the point where film started to stop being plays with a camera pointed at them
Snouut: I missed the start of Punch-A-Chuck, can someone explain what theyre doing. TLDR?
stevefromdetroit: for those reasons, you have been chopped
NonUniqueGuy: It was probably the first movie to be named Citizen Cane.
DigitalSeahorse: the medium is the message
jacqui_lantern234: ok, but do you have the cane from Citizen Kane? Kappa
AutumnGold: beau is afraid is such a good weird movie
Fruan: Insert story about Wells digging a hole in the studio floor to get the shot he wanted
GredGredmansson: screaming goats?
Mr_Horrible: Cori I'm upset I understand that reference
Red Shift Productions: Citizen Kane is a monumental film
BrowneePoints: Orson Welles would if he could
Tangsm: Add armadillos!
saucemaster5000: Citizen Kane now with BEES!
James_the_Dabbler: Wait what is going on with the copper
NonUniqueGuy: @Snouut Digging holes.
kimmiekoneko: i just watched orson welles' kafkas' the trial this week. best black & white movie i ever seen
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
Mr_Horrible: "They're adding bees to Citizen Kane"
CaptainSpam: Well, now you get to the case of George Lucas...
Koshindan: Citizen Kane needs mods.
PharaohBender27: Look James, Randolph Hearst made sure that would never happen
Snouut: Citizen Kane Bedrock or Java?
Darleysam: "rosebud" was the name of his diamond pickaxe
LowUpsideCJ: James just became an AI company CEO
DarkNacht: !badadvice
LRRbot: School is not important.
LathosTiran: kane 1.20 makes the sledding hill taller
aitsu100: James thats just Star Wars
mtvcdm: Citizen Kane: Now with MORE BEES
gnyrinn: The colour update to Citizen Kane was very janky.
AriaDreamGirl: Citizen Cave
UnkeptFlea: Citizen Kave
DeM0nFiRe: Citizen Kaves And Kliffs Update
Sibwow: the cliffs and canes update
Iluvatardis: Citizen Kave
mercano82: where are my Citizen Kane Lego tie-in sets.
kimmiekoneko: citizen kane : bee update
Octagone: !quote
LRRbot: Quote #3565: "Is this a Libertarian simulator?" —Alex, referring to Minecraft [2016-10-20]
Omega_Lairon: Citizen Kane Education Edition
forcedreject: Oh there's a parallel to Citizen Kane and Minecraft, their original makers ended up being not great people
Texan_Reverend: Personally, I put Metropolis up there for important, influential films. Though, it's main contribution is that basically all sci-fi media since then pulls ideas from it.
aeon_novachrono: and citizwen cane bedrock being objectively worse
n__een_n: getting really into video games is the thing. i fell into a hole of romhacking super metroid a couple years ago and i have not managed to get out of it yet
blasterzero3: #TeamOld Cheer10000 Cheer10000 Cheer5000
damn_i_am_pretty: Citizen Kane 1.17 added turtles
MommaGart: OH MY GOD
Dog_of_Myth: WOW
KiaStirling: :o
Mr_Horrible: "Those are old Cyber-Animals"
nyxianillusion: woooo
gamefreak3072: Citizen Kane mobile
Sarah_Serinde: jlrrDang lrrHEART
CaptainSpam: BOOM
EikoandMog: HOLY BUS
nyxianillusion: All hail team old
DiscordianTokkan: yooooo
scuba_antney: Wow!!!
amative1: HOW COULD YOU
Spades_Slicc: Graham minecraft doesn't have steel
FickleMuse: Yoooo
PharaohBender27: Man, a lot of *old* money flowing in
Welbog: Bus me
josh___something: God DAMN
Capt_clown: Remake it staring Billy Zane, it would be Citizen Zane
midnightcurryjazz: 300$ ; o
DrakoniteDev: therea48Shock
BtEtta: Everyone thinking Star Wars and I'm just here lamenting that Fantasia never did the thing.
aeon_novachrono: damn
moltile: ooh
Mr_Horrible: something darkly appropriate about so many bits coming out for TeamOld
kaziel0: lrrWOW jlrrDang
damn_i_am_pretty: I'm disappointed, Serge doesn't deserve this
mtvcdm: That's a clock extender
Malkmaven1176: Wow
Dog_of_Myth: Let's go chat #TeamNew
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
Sarah_Serinde: Look, TeamNew has strong chances of winning, like, every other round, it's okay :P
EikoandMog: Team Boomer
LiveFaust: You do that too reward "George Lucas is a genius"?
Omega_Lairon: The one year! (worth of bits)
excalgold: @Capt_clown The Ghost who walks?
phoenixfeather14: glow lichen
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
Fanklok: Damn people are throwing so much change at this race
Tangsm: After what Serge said about chat?
kaziel0: Over 300k bits for the day!
Sarah_Serinde: It's glow lichen
PharaohBender27: Cheer24000 #TeamNew
Sarah_Serinde: I think?
the_phantom_game_player: I love you Serge
BrowneePoints: Cave Moss had a great Zoolander cameo
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I was gonna ask if RKO made Citizen Kane, and then I remembered there's "stock footage" in it of the Dinosaurs from King Kong.
PharaohBender27: You forced my hand
Sarah_Serinde: Dang PharaohBender27
CaptainSpam: Frankly, I don't think either team deserves it after half the shenanigans they've both pulled... :D
Mr_Horrible: it's called Funkgus
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Raveduck gliken
mtvcdm: Snipe!
avi_miller: Holy Crap
W_Livi: glow, lichen subscribe
Juliamon: Fanklok PACs have historically been some of the highest bit-raising streams LRR does.
jacqui_lantern234: @PharaohBender27 YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS
Laserbeaks_Fury: Be sure to LICHEN subscribe
HorusFive: Bender is my hero
amative1: Do I need to get out the spreadsheet?
JDMan94: Lichen deez
nyxianillusion: LORDY
damn_i_am_pretty: there we go
Mr_Horrible: serge deserves *that* Kappa
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp voxlunCarp voxlunCarp
Dog_of_Myth: Let's GOOOOO
Welbog: Gottem
Favre_the_Undead: tea mold!
avi_miller: The last minute snipe
PhoenixMelior: Lets go pharoah
josh___something: DestROYED
DoubleNterprises: lrrSACK
grander_pastures: WAIT, WHY THE HYPE
nova_plushie: YEAH!!!
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
AriaDreamGirl: Get outsniped!!
Blackaddicus: gold
aeon_novachrono: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
Alahmnat: Glichen is still the best Destiny exotic qquest
James_the_Dabbler: Holy moly
amative1: TIME
lyllithblackstar: uni50
jacqui_lantern234: OUT WITH THE OLD >:)
measureofhope: Cheer1000 #TeamOld
thebuzzstreams: Time for the bit rewards
moltile: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
ANeMzero: Blame James
RandomTrivia: The sweep!
malc: what did JAMES do?
Diabore: gonna be a team new clean sweep!
Sarah_Serinde: NotLikeThis
SmithKurosaki: sergeHolyMoly Pharoah
MungoDude: @grander_pastures thousands of bits
Tangsm: Check the bag, Serge.
Fruan: I'm starting to suspect that Team New will win every boon and still lose.
PharaohBender27: I depleted so much of my bits reserve for that . . .
RandomTrivia: SERGE
Dog_of_Myth: Serge
PhoenixMelior: Yeah sure blame JAMES
Mr_Horrible: oh you know, the usual, Serge
RandomTrivia: YOU DID THIS
NotARealAccountDotCom: #BlameJames
margieargie: (Seriously, it gets boring if one team ALWAYS wins that)
spawnofhastur: Pharoah bending would have made that cartoon much more interesting.
KaleidoscopeMind: serge
TotallyNotaBeholder: Yes, what did James do
CommiePuddin: It's like Desert Bus but we get to take care of the people we love directly!
GredGredmansson: PunOko
jaric93: #TeamNew Cheer2000
malfnord: The wages of sin are goat, Serge
SkiaSymphonia: you dont need a reason to cheer for the underdogs
grander_pastures: Woooah
measureofhope: Dammit, just missed
Sarah_Serinde: I know he's doing this on purpose but it's still painful :P
josh___something: Yep, what did JAMES do XD
LiveFaust: He spoke in favor of Star Wars remakes.
ShifuDaxiongmao: "You don't want to make PharaohBender27 angry. This is what happens when you anger PharaohBender27" :D
RandomTrivia: GOTTEM!
StarWarsTHX1138: gg @PharaohBender27
nyxianillusion: James just can't win
amative1: @LoadingReadyRun Paul, can you administer an IRL bane against Serge specifically?
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Off to an early loss
DigitalSeahorse: you just said it just noe
SeismicLawns: 24k is a full hour of bits, right?
Mr_Horrible: that's a 10% right there, brother
mtvcdm: You willingly accepted this Serge
Sarah_Serinde: Please do break it James
malc: James "break fast" Turner
NeoOfTheDark: Cheer69 #teamnew And every little bit helps!
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Can we distract James into breaking the pick?
Sarah_Serinde: !mcrules
LRRbot: Basic rules: you may only dig one layer at a time, using only resources found in your chunk, and you must be using the best possible pickaxe/shovel available to you. For comprehensive rules:
MommaGart: it's technically optimal not to break them
Angreed66: Well it does mean more iron efficiency
coolbond: To be fair James is James
MommaGart: technically
Omega_Lairon: "Puncha chunk... out of your tools"
GredGredmansson: we're finally talking about that
PharaohBender27: I . . . am going to have to replenish my bits reserves :p
Angreed66: Cowards live
mtvcdm: Old is almost 100 blocks ahead anyway
spawnofhastur: bat fruebds
TheSuperDoubleG: Mined Craft
gsyhiap: Cheer69 #TeamOld
Alahmnat: OMG
Sarah_Serinde: @mtvcdm That means New has been catching up
RandomTrivia: WOAH
RandomTrivia: benginChamp
Dog_of_Myth: Woah
Welbog: Broke the meta
PharaohBender27: Oooooh
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp voxlunCarp voxlunCarp
Sarah_Serinde: Nice
MungoDude: hot dang
AriaDreamGirl: Holy schmoly
nova_plushie: PAUL. you mad man!
RandomTrivia: AMAZING
raulghoulia: the X3
ShifuDaxiongmao: I hear TeamOld likes Blazes
kaziel0: Woooooooowwwwww!
avi_miller: That seems like a real boon
Simon Laberge just became a member!
Diabore: i was wondering about that laptop
Mr_Horrible: the Punch-Punch-a-Chunk
Fruan: multiball!
amative1: Ladder burn
Sibwow: one hand each
DigitalSeahorse: will we get an extra camera?
thebuzzstreams: Ruuude!
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Fruan: Every block?
steelfox13: James is mouse and Serge is keyboard
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
0x6772: Not one on mouse and one on keyboard? Maybe for later?
Sunidesus: wow, Paul is mean
circusofkirkus: make one choose keyboard and the other gets mouse
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
josh___something: Make james control the movement Kappa
Saintnex: right time to move that chair out of here lol
Alas_Babylon: Yeah, I was gonna say, one gets keyboard one gets mouse
EikoandMog: I have a better one. Make one use the mouse and the other use the keyboard.
RandomTrivia: I was half-expecting 2 players 1 controller but that is EVIL
Jillexie: Paul is letting his power get to his head
Iluvatardis: Thank you Paul!
Driosenth: why not have Serge keyboard and James Mouse
drawnbinary: i was expecting them to have to Octodad the controls
Diabore: i have an alternate bane, one on mouse oe on keyboard for 10 minutes
JRandomHacker: @Snouut But it's violence delivered with a very calm and soothing voice
ShifuDaxiongmao: Graham, prepare tools!! :D
Desruprot: oh an Asus, the laptop I am on right now is also an Asus
Mr_Horrible: I enjoy that these events give Paul a chance to really exercise his chaotic side
emberBecky: @Diabore that's what I thought he was gonna say! :D
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, Simon Laberge! (Today's storm count: 1000)
Robert Wallis: the bits! the bits! the bits!
Mr_Horrible: he's a very creative fellow
Snouut: @JRandomHacker Of course, the most desirable kind. ASMR Violence you could call it.
Scarbble: i'm seconding 1 keyboard 1 mouse for what it's worth
mtvcdm: Lead change
fastlane250: So why don't you slide?
LiveFaust: Um, I believe the mean "HACKER VOICE Alex is in."
ShifuDaxiongmao: also, you can ride 2 down in a boat :D
Sarah_Serinde: ""somebody""
TStodden: Just let Serge control the keyboard & James controls the mouse
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
MungoDude: finally, teamwork
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy feliciaSave
hvhTim: @TStodden THIS
Snouut: @TStodden ^
misterrootbeer: don't for get to set spawn for the new players
geckoinasuit: serge controlling keyboard sounds like chaos
RandomTrivia: Paul live-routing the internal feeds
LiveFaust: Remote KVM switch? lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
RandomTrivia: I assume Moonbase Mk VI has tie lines everywhere
FlargBlarg: just came back after a bit and wow, it's so close!!
thmanwithnoname subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 99 months!
thmanwithnoname: 99!?!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thmanwithnoname! (Today's storm count: 1001)
mtvcdm: Lrrbot, what should Team Old do?
the_phantom_game_player: Are the goats ok?
MungoDude: 1001 storm count woohoo
mtvcdm: !advice
LRRbot: Slap that Pukwudgie!
Diabore: @LoadingReadyRun alternative bane for now or next time, serge on keyboard and james on mouse for 10 minutes
ShifuDaxiongmao: @the_phantom_game_player they're off spelunking
DigitalSeahorse: goats are fine
DigitalSeahorse: lrrFINE lrrGOAT
the_phantom_game_player: @ShifuDaxiongmao Nice
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @thmanwithnoname that's a lotta babbies.
RandomTrivia: Absolutely love triple-team as the boon
Snouut: seemless transition
LiveFaust: Get a chess clock for them tagging out. tqsLOL
Diabore: wait is alex op?
MTGRanger: is alex in creative?
DigitalSeahorse: yes aim at the same bricks
JRandomHacker: @LiveFaust Every game is improved by adding a chess clock - particularly Jenga
MTGRanger: He is breaking blocks *very fast*
RandomTrivia: Does Alex have diamond?!
Welbog: lrrJAMES_SG
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap vicksyCheer lrrALEX
Dumori: @RandomTrivia just iron vs stone
Tandtroll_OG: Is Alex in creative?
Heckhoundbolt: alex might be creative
TrentSSB subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TrentSSB! (Today's storm count: 1002)
Saintnex: Ah, hes on creative
DiscordianTokkan: \[T]/
Alahmnat: Alex has ascended
micalovits: All Haill Alex!
Diabore: ok he fixed it
CaffeinatedLemur subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
CaffeinatedLemur: 125th for the subs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CaffeinatedLemur! (Today's storm count: 1003)
amative1: he was in Creative mode
Bagline: Switching every 30 seconds, It's like a WoW raid.
RandomTrivia: Yeah that's the speed I was expecting :D
thekumquatking: LUL
theamc2000: oh
RandomTrivia: sergeFall
DigitalSeahorse: oh good mic is on
Snouut: Good noticing chat!
Sorator13: green is not a creative color 🎵
WanderingWinder subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months!
WanderingWinder: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WanderingWinder! (Today's storm count: 1004)
MarkovDescendant: Sorry, late tot the party. What are they doing?
excalgold: oh i love Alex's minecraft skin
GredGredmansson: lrrGibb
FarleyF: Speaking of Creative Alex be sure to check out Spaceshipping - Alex's Webcomic series
RandomTrivia: OH NO#
thebuzzstreams: @MarkovDescendant Punch a chunk, currently teams
Alahmnat: he must have mined it in creative
malc: mined in creative?
geckoinasuit: oh no did he mine it in creative
MTGRanger: @markovdescendant team punch a chunk
NonUniqueGuy: Iron Gibbo
RandomTrivia: Alex mined it in creative
JDMan94: Yeahhhh
ShifuDaxiongmao: he does not have if he mined as creative
MungoDude: if he mined iron with creative, it wouldnt drop
Heckhoundbolt: he as in creative
Saintnex: Oh, Alex broke it in creative, so its just gone
RandomTrivia: That went AWAY
malc: lmao
PharaohBender27: :O
DiscordianTokkan: lol
Magnifisquatch: I dont suppose Glurp has been played and I missed it?
JDMan94: He was in creative
PharaohBender27: D:
mtvcdm: Oh nooooo
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed vicksyDed
Diabore: @MarkovDescendant bane: serge and james have to swap every 30 seconds, boon: all 3 of team new can mine
Akaiatana: The irony
keely_lionheart: nooo
thekumquatking: RIP
RandomTrivia: Oh that is a HUGE loss
irreleverent: 3 v 1 sems kinda heinous
SmithKurosaki: F
Dumori: Oooof but fair
aeon_novachrono: ooof
Welbog: F
RandomTrivia: Now THAT is iron pick
Forgebold: F
mtvcdm: Forbidden tech
DigitalSeahorse: the irony
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW jlrrDang
GredGredmansson: well there's the karma
TheMandrew: @Magnifisquatch glurp is later in the week
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Tz_BG: Because Serge blew the lead. When I logged in. old was ahead by 220 blocks and was only ahead by 50 when the boon started
FarleyF: OH YEAH - Koolaid through the wall
Dumori: @irreleverent it's a 10min penalty
jacqui_lantern234: wait WHO lost iron?!
KaleidoscopeMind: dont you have walkie talkies
EvilBadman: Ah the true irony
SmithKurosaki: @jacqui_lantern234 Alex
HorusFive: Surprised one of the TeamNew folks isn't just up messing with Serge's base/bed
DoubleNterprises: The stinger for the Subathon is gonna be a video parody of "Ironic" called "IronPick"
irreleverent: @Dumori 10 minutes is a long time to have triple action economy lol
phoenixfeather14: Alex mined an iron block in creative
Tandtroll_OG: Cori might be in creative too
jacqui_lantern234: @SmithKurosaki OH NO D:
RandomTrivia: It's basically equivalent to freezing Team Old for 20 minutes
Tandtroll_OG: Oh nvm
jacqui_lantern234: A B C - Always Blame Serge
SnackPak_: just got back from dinner, who won the last bit war?
tanshala: think that is a fair trade alex had a bit of fast mining but at the cost of some iron
Alahmnat: can we hear Alex's audio, just to really throw everyone off?
RandomTrivia: @SnackPak_ Team New
Snouut: James your watch is lovely, may you share the brand?
Welbog: @SnackPak_ Chat won
mtvcdm: New's lead nearing 300 blocks.
MarkovDescendant: So they're just digging a hole?
mtvcdm: Sure are
JadedCynic: @MarkovDescendant yep, but with rules
Juliamon: Layer by layer.
micalovits: A square hole!
Welbog: You ever just... dig a hole?
arangomati: Emosesual
Alahmnat: eeyup
Snouut: the real winner here is content
ShifuDaxiongmao: "just" :D
MooCowofDom: A specific hole
amative1: specifically, TWO holes
Marvoleath: !rules
Alahmnat: a specific hole with very specific rules
RAICx: !point
LRRbot: If you came here hoping for there to be a point to this, I have bad news for you.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Welbog all the time, my dude.
Desruprot: you know when you dig a hole and people just naturally want to help
JadedCynic: @Snouut yep; whomever loses, chat wins :D
Alahmnat: good call, LRRBot
Sarah_Serinde: !mcrules
LRRbot: Basic rules: you may only dig one layer at a time, using only resources found in your chunk, and you must be using the best possible pickaxe/shovel available to you. For comprehensive rules:
MungoDude: what the heck am Alex does?
Snouut: Mining away, I dont know what to mine, i'll mine it anyway
jacqui_lantern234: and then SERGE came in here and ruined it Kappa
Lobo_Apache: @MungoDude his best
avi_miller: Alex up there making things interesting
MungoDude: fair
Snouut: @JadedCynic Chat always wins <3
Viewers_Like_You: @MungoDude yes
CaptainSpam: Serge worked VERY HARD to mess everything up on top there.
neveth: @MungoDude punching chunk
PharaohBender27: OK, based on the Google doc, that's just an Erika thing
MarkovDescendant: Interesting. The only time I've really seen anything in Minecraft is when they showed off the houses fans created for Betrayal Legacy.
as_ever_ellesandra: this sets a dangerous precedent for the next standardized punch a chunk
Desruprot: Punch-a-chunk is at least weekly on the channel
geckoinasuit: lrrGOAT_SG
geckoinasuit: agh it didn't work
Fanklok: Using nothing but a Witch some String and a Boat, Paul fashioned a boat
LiveFaust: SingsNote ZOMBIE JAMBOREE.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
CaptainSpam: What's in yo heeeeeeeead in you heeeeeeead
Diabore: @as_ever_ellesandra this is a special event punch a chunk at least
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
Snouut: I just love the rule "You are not required to combine low durability tools, but if you don’t you’re a coward."
jacqui_lantern234: ALEX YES LUL
SnackPak_: go Alex
MTGRanger: Alex doing guerilla warfare is very on brand
GredGredmansson: that's how you guys lost your lead in the first place
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh vicksyHaha
Sarah_Serinde: Serge gabyLul
ofstrife: SERGE
Diabore: serge...
NotARealAccountDotCom: Serge...
LiveFaust: Alex gonna Alex.
mtvcdm: Serge
HorusFive: We can neither confirm nor deny the existence of anyone named Alex lrrALEX in your base
WriterRaven: You wanna take that one again, Serge?
ShifuDaxiongmao: "running interference"
Mr_Horrible: that's how a camp usually works, yeah
phoenixfeather14: Serge, phrasing
Alahmnat: Serge I am begging you phrasing
Lobo_Apache: Iron... Clad
irreleverent: 2 miners and 1 screwing
GredGredmansson: because when it was Alex's turn he didn't spend nearly enough time actually mining
RubikDarkwill: What did you expect from Alex XD
Marvoleath: Alex was in a naughty mood today so far :D
Alness49: Alex is what we call a "force multiplier"
Chesul: I love that as the years go by Serge keeps revealing more and more how he was always a TeamChAos agent who had infiltrated TeamOrder.
ShifuDaxiongmao: There is no Alex here *waves hands in front of Pauls face*
lagrangeisbae subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak!
lagrangeisbae: Lucky 7
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lagrangeisbae! (Today's storm count: 1005)
ofstrife: serge: "and we'll come from behind again!"
Diabore: swap
nova_plushie: yeah. try harder team old
Snouut: depends if serge screws up again and calls us smelly
amative1: they're still like 40 iron mined to TeamOld's 85
AquariumPrime: would sub if I could
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksyCheer
terrence_too: I love that the weird game LRR invented now has a Harlem GlobeTrotters equivalent....
Diabore: is it every minute now?
SFSMaus: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Welbog: How often are the bits tallied?
Snouut: "are you still keeping your eye on----" "GOOO"
LiveFaust: You know, I'd LOVE a Stream Highlights supercut of Serge "phrasing" bits.
RandomTrivia: Oh, like Jer and Wheeler standing in a corridor discussing Among Us strats before getting double-teamed by the impostors :D
jacqui_lantern234: @PharaohBender27 thank you for this XD
Chesul: @Welbog Every hour.
MooCowofDom: It feels like this isn't hurting team Old at all, maybe they should always switch this often...
TStodden: @Welbog hourly for this... Next one @ 6:30 pm Moonbase Time
ShifuDaxiongmao: Remember to tell alex and cori to drop any iron tools to you, graham
Welbog: @Chesul Thank you
midnightcurryjazz: james is cannonical right
circusofkirkus: give your tools back cori
Fanklok: Serge you put inventory on I you're not allowed to call any choices weird
Akaiatana: Did the extra two drop their picks?
Spades_Slicc: Why is the veteran ui so much smaller?
Heckhoundbolt: they took the tools
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: I can't wait to see what Alex has done.
the_phantom_game_player: Cori?
Angreed66: @Fanklok I makes more sense than e
CaptainSpam: They've all been DOING THEIR JOBS, Alex. :D
PharaohBender27: OK, need to leave for a bit for dinner with folks. Interested to see the status in an hour or so.
malc: haha
SnackPak_: bless, Alex
RandomTrivia: WHAT
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect lrrALEX
GredGredmansson: hey alex cori where are the tools that you totally left for graham
RandomTrivia: HOLY SHIT ALEX
DiscordianTokkan: Parkouuuuuur
Sunidesus: HUH
amative1: wait how are the beds still there
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Perfect Alex
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Alahmnat: he was totally just mining
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I think he means alex-gations.
KaleidoscopeMind: he was digging
Sunidesus: whoops, didn't mean to shout that
62MGcobra: @LoadingReadyRun they can turn off the HUD *wink wink
mjiig: You did ask him to mine...
OuchOuchYoureOnMyHair subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OuchOuchYoureOnMyHair! (Today's storm count: 1006)
Fanklok: @Angreed66 FALSE, E is an easily accesible key. I is on the other side of the keyboard in no man's land
RandomTrivia: The sign HypeLUL
LiveFaust: @spades_slicc it's not uncommon for one's UI to shrink as one ages.
northos: @amative1 beds don't attach to blocks, so if you mine out below them they just float
Aarek subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Aarek! (Today's storm count: 1007)
GredGredmansson: wait is it legal to mine outside of the chunk like that
iarethel0ser: Alex was indeed punching a chunk. Instructions followed to the letter.
the_phantom_game_player: Doodie caca indeed
RandomTrivia: @GredGredmansson Pfffft, legality has no bearing on this contest any more
northos: @GredGredmansson I think we're a bit past the question of "is it legal" :p
amative1: @northos not sure why I thought they did
Sarah_Serinde: @GredGredmansson Technically no but today is benginChaos
ShifuDaxiongmao: should've made it even more parkour :D
TeaBread_: only team old has to follow the rules :3
northos: @amative1 they may have done so in the past? don't remember for sure
DoubleNterprises: When we all fall asleep, where do we go? Stinky PooPoo Land apparently
Snouut: 1000 subs hype TwitchConHYPE
Juliamon: You also don't need to be *on top* of the bed to use it.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyTH
SoldieroFortune subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months, currently on a 127 month streak!
SoldieroFortune: Was saving this one for today
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SoldieroFortune! (Today's storm count: 1008)
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
SFSMaus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months!
SFSMaus: Subathon? I think I might!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SFSMaus! (Today's storm count: 1009)
RandomTrivia: Passenger seat boat riding
Akaiatana: Why not boats of them?
LiveFaust: Bob? Bob Abouey?
Jillexie: Laz-oo-lie
tanshala: well the main player did not mine outside the chunk
amative1: oh hey, mineshaft
RandomTrivia: Oh that's a full ravine
epsilon_vee: ^
fastlane250: lapispalooza
EldritchProwler subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EldritchProwler! (Today's storm count: 1010)
Snouut: 270
Diabore: serge thats 270
Heckhoundbolt: off by a lot
Snouut: now its going down
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Math again, Serge. It's after 11.
theevermist: serge please
amative1: 270 behind/ahead
MacbethSeemsSus: Off by 100
Viewers_Like_You: Off by one (hundred)
micalovits: Off by 1(00)
gsyhiap: off by 100, Serge
Lobo_Apache: off by 100
thedepthandbreadthofseth: off by one there, serge
as_ever_ellesandra: off by 1
RandomTrivia: sergeOffByOne Hundred
malc: Alex was mining...just not in the right chunk
Tz_BG: Off by one hundred
as_ever_ellesandra: hundred
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Serge doing math
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRave 270
ProcyonFlynn: Is this the version with "a little deepslate as a treat" - or none at all?
MrSarkhan: it's after 11
adept_nekomancer: It's before 11 somewhere
theevermist: it's before 11 somewher
62MGcobra: 11PM?
HorusFive: It's always before 11 somewhere
ExhaustedElox is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 110 in the channel!
ExhaustedElox gifted a Tier 1 sub to squiggle_weekend!
ExhaustedElox gifted a Tier 1 sub to 4w320m3!
ExhaustedElox gifted a Tier 1 sub to strangerdanger91!
ExhaustedElox gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nosser2!
mercano82: it’s before 11 PM
Diabore: @Snouut serge is behind he has to block!
ExhaustedElox gifted a Tier 1 sub to SwordsIce!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, ExhaustedElox! Welcome to squiggle_weekend, 4w320m3, Nosser2, strangerdanger91, and SwordsIce! (Today's storm count: 1015)
Suffix: It's before 11PM
couchboyj: Its always before some 11
l0gin4me: sergeCounting
SFSMaus: Cheer1000 #TeamOld
amative1: he doesn't do math before 11... it's only 5:50 PM
gsyhiap: it's 2am here, that's before 11
ShifuDaxiongmao: Serge does not do math until he has had enough coffee
ExhaustedElox: My phone was having trouble gifting those before. :)
Mai_Andra: math is for blockers, not chunkers
mister_nibbles: quite technically other than 11 itself, every time is both before and after 11 at the same time
Akaiatana: Serge knows what numbers are because it's the thought that counts.
Aarek: Or a tree
GredGredmansson: we know i isn't real its an imaginary number
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp no feeeesh
aeon_novachrono: hell yeah even
micalovits: I mean... Your eyes don't exist according to your immune system
Snouut: @Diabore but the attackers have shadow? does serge have it too?
BrowneePoints: Yea, Fish is basically just a nebulous catchall for non mammalian aquatic things
00gogo00: you can't dig the gravel with a pick
StarWarsTHX1138: off by 100?
00gogo00: penalty!
BrowneePoints: and Vegetable is a Culinary term, not a biological one
KnifeRollinaBakery: Cheer1000 #twamols
tidehollowcat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
tidehollowcat: A full stack of sub anniversaries
Welbog: I love eatmores
midnightcurryjazz: what the hell is an eat more bar?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tidehollowcat! (Today's storm count: 1016)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: shovel the gravel Cori.
asteriskp subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
PawssumFable: I've never seen one and lived all over the states
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, asteriskp! (Today's storm count: 1017)
melegaunt_: get these guys some puppers eh
Cptasparagus: ash fault?
Chantzzzzz: chocolate aggregate
AugmentingPath: In Canada eatmore is candy bar, here in the states it's more of a way of life
DigitalSeahorse: katesFlower
JadedCynic: @Chantzzzzz asphalt
KnifeRollinaBakery: Cheer1000 #teamold
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Team sergeOrder . Banes are tied.
Snouut: floating goat
Snouut: lets ggoo
00gogo00: @KnifeRollinaBakery oof
Sarah_Serinde: benginRip
underhill33: rip
MrSarkhan: RIP Serge
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
ProcyonFlynn: !highlight
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
RandomTrivia: Oof, the full gamut of emotion in 30 seconds
Suffix: Chimac?
00gogo00: I bet you could ask them to manually count that one
Suffix: Thunderbird?
dougma: sergeHubris sergeHubris sergeHubris sergeHubris sergeHubris sergeHubris sergeHubris
Lobo_Apache: There is only one Korean Fried Chicken.
BrowneePoints: It's Toffee Peanuts and Chocolate, looks like it goes back to 1930 with Hershey's Canada acquiring it in 1987
JadedCynic: T'is such sport to see Serge hoisted by his own petard...
FarleyF: Thank god it's Tuesday #Teammadmaxland
DoubleNterprises: lrrGREED lrrGREED lrrGREED
pn55: Poutine?
the_phantom_game_player: VoHiYo
Welbog: We have dinner at home
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRamen you could has ramen?
asthanius: Wife Dinner
avi_miller: He did it! James fell in a hole
SmithKurosaki: RIP
Spades_Slicc: At work Cori??
asthanius: m3gan?
MungoDude: combine some of the 1dur iron picks, you only need to save 2 of them
LiveFaust: GriddyGoose ?
Fanklok: M'three'gan?
aeon_novachrono: helll yeah our lord and savior
DigitalSeahorse: oh the warm head
jacqui_lantern234: as a trans woman, Alex, Girl Dinner involves my daily dose of HRT
GredGredmansson: "hater"
ekplayscards: gritty :salute:
KaleidoscopeMind: technically water is lava
GredGredmansson: wait no
phoenixfeather14: Ooh, spicy water! escher3THUMBSUP
MungoDude: GriddyGoose
RandomTrivia: Awwww
asthanius: the Thinker, but Gritty
thedepthandbreadthofseth: water is lava. it's ice lava.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDespair vicksyTH
AtomicAlchemical: oh right... HRT
aeon_novachrono: get in the rink gritty
Lobo_Apache: @asthanius the Gritter
RandomTrivia: James already had one job, he didn't do well
googoltudoris: aren't ALL grittys sad dejected grittys?
GredGredmansson: !findquote weaponize
LRRbot: Quote #220: "Of course it makes perfect sense! What do the ghosts give you when *you* die? They always give *me* weapons." —Cameron [2015-04-30]
asthanius: filet mingoat?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeart Gritty
Snouut: that sounds like an is-sue not and ishme
DoubleNterprises: Wouldn't ice'd lava be rocks?
forcedreject: Why is grimace here?
TotallyNotaBeholder: What if Team New dumps water down on their lava? Make them deal with obsidian
HorusFive: Serge- arms race is especially a bad idea with the man who SIGNS YOUR CHECK
ChroniclerC: Oh yeah, how is Goaty McGoatface?
ShifuDaxiongmao: Paul, he said he misses the goats ;)
Pywodwagon: sounds like james is asking for a new goat
Tangsm: Paul, you heard James. He wants goats.
phoenixfeather14: @jacqui_lantern234 No You!!
Lobo_Apache: use water instead. Flood their holes!
NotARealAccountDotCom: Quit looking at us like that ;(
Snouut: excuse but the goat is lebron james....
AnimeKitty: The punch a chunk is still going!! Huzzah!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDerp vicksyPride
ShifuDaxiongmao: The GOAT of float
JRandomHacker: For the Nth time, I wish I had the split-brain necessary to actually listen to this stream while also editing audio
W_Livi: Pride1000 #TeamNew
CaptainSpam: Float on, Float Goat. (salutes with single tear in eye)
00gogo00: see if you really wanted to troll them with a bane, give them a single invulnerable zombie in their hole
margieargie: Honestly, no matter what else happens, Team Old has Float Goat, so they win regardless
jacqui_lantern234: @phoenixfeather14 NO U MORE
RandomTrivia: Nice
RandomTrivia: #TeamBalance
Snouut: it needs to get to 4200 and then just stop
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint vicksySellout
RandomTrivia: sergeSqueak sergeFriend
mtvcdm: Squeak
MrSarkhan: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
AnimeKitty: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
ChroniclerC: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
DiscordianTokkan: sergeSqueak
Snouut: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
HorusFive: He did the thing!
aeon_novachrono: meep
the_phantom_game_player: Nice squeaks
margieargie: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
TStodden: IIRC, Tugger Nuts is in a boat just in a cave just outside the chunk.
NightValien28: who is squeezing serge?
patrick_stonecrusher: !squeak
Meiersification: #TeamNew Cheer1000
MacbethSeemsSus: The quad squeak!
tidehollowcat: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
josh___something: Quadra squeak?
ShifuDaxiongmao: get that man some curry already :P
m33pn8r: meep
AtomicAlchemical: @jacqui_lantern234 thank you for reminder to take girl dinner
asteranx: It would be interesting to start one of these with like a 15 minute period of 'just play minecraft normally' to allow the collection of starting resources.
bsudo: feed this man!
Alas_Babylon: TIL we don't have a thing that tells our body to hiccup, we have a thing that tells our body to *suppress* hiccups, otherwise we'd hiccup forever
gizmofreak1: was serge eating goat?
VinylMinty: bogusmToadhype bogusmToadhype bogusmToadhype bogusmToadhype bogusmToadhype
phoenixfeather14: so many squeaks!
DigitalSeahorse: Alex has become ginger! vicksyChill
Favre_the_Undead: perfectly normal human noises
Snouut: I thought diamonds are -57 aha, I may be misguided
OtherEdgeworth: Serge doing his Minecraft bat impression
ashteranic: Gotta monetize those personal idiosyncrasies in this modern era/dystopia
jacqui_lantern234: @AtomicAlchemical pleasure doing this service 😤
ShifuDaxiongmao: very rare above 16, most likely at 12-14
amative1: @Snouut Old version of Minecraft
BrowneePoints: Goat Curry is...well...goated
Alas_Babylon: 1.17 to be precise
forcedreject: Why would you eat the Greatest of All Time?
Juliamon: 1.17.1 only goes to 0
amative1: iirc highest possible is 20, but very rare
Snouut: @amative1 Oh wow. So it's 18 now?
TStodden: This is v1.17... so the world ends at y = 0... newer versions go down to y = -64
saucemaster5000: And everything they eat in England is Eng
DigitalSeahorse: frosted butt stew?
SmithKurosaki: There some really interesting whale based food
FuzBubbles: Does Serge think goats are sheep?
spawnofhastur: Goat stew and skyr. mmm.
phoenixfeather14: Thx Jo!
SmithKurosaki: sergeThankJo
GredGredmansson: Iceland and Greenland were intentionally named wrong by the Vikings to keep everyone away from the one that was good
Alas_Babylon: sergeThankJo sergeThankJo sergeThankJo
kataanglover1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kataanglover1! (Today's storm count: 1018)
00gogo00: make obby in their hole
ShifuDaxiongmao: Snouut this is on v1.17.1, that was before world got "extended" vertically and ore spawn locations changed
gnyrinn: When was Serge in Iceland?
Snouut: @saucemaster5000 Im from England. For a country that has had wars over spcies, our food is very bland.
00gogo00: would be funny
googoltudoris: i had some barbecued goat at a fraternity campout. it was only afterwards that our brother said "oh yeah, her name was amy"
Cptasparagus: ooh can we get a Jo takeover
L0rdX33n: i back
thedepthandbreadthofseth: what is mlg?
Alas_Babylon: @gnyrinn New Game+ after MC Amsterdam
Heckhoundbolt: @GredGredmansson it was encorage people to go to the bad one
L0rdX33n: what I miss?
Desruprot: Cheer100 #teamnew flaming goat fund
UrielAngelSpy: Nether punch a chunk when?
Fanklok: Major League Gay Men?
Alas_Babylon: @thedepthandbreadthofseth The nickname they have for a falling technique where pouring water under you at the correct height saves you from fall damage
Snouut: @ShifuDaxiongmao Good to know thank you
spawnofhastur: nice gloves alex
MungoDude: a mlg bucket clutch is placing water while you fall to land in it
smertmonkey: uwu poggies
BrowneePoints: but it was the first concerted effort at Esports in the Western Media Sphere
Angreed66: well if you're far up enough you will still die falling in lava it's only a reduction not set to 0
BrowneePoints: circa...2008ish
forcedreject: You see language can be separated into two distinct eras, the MLG era and the Rizzle era
Mattmitchell45: Activision Blizzard bought MLG. So now Microsoft owns it
Sunidesus: Serge is confused
spawnofhastur: you know where i'd really love to go to try some cuisine? Georgia (the country)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Serge is James's mom...
Snouut: graham you look like a vibe right now, chilling out relaxing looking all cool, shooting some b-ball
KV1NN4: I didn't get to count-down last surgery I got, they were asking me my opinions on Victoria BC...
saucemaster5000: What happens if cori eats after midnight?
ShifuDaxiongmao: serge is very food motivated... is Serge a golden retriever? :P
SmithKurosaki: Yea, I can eat anywhere between 5 and 10pm
jacqui_lantern234: James is an old man, its past his dinner time Kappa
betweenmyself: but is it MLG enough to earn the melted down golden crests of you opponents suspended in a trophy? riffThink
spawnofhastur: did you have hakarl Serge?
11epicnoob: Is this the PunchaChunk?
Dedicated Duck just became a member!
phoenixfeather14: @ShifuDaxiongmao Yes
Snouut: but do they have Floating Goats in MLG? No, no they dont.
GredGredmansson: I assumed MLG actually stood for "Major League Gaming"
Sunidesus: waffle fries you say?
jacqui_lantern234: @SmithKurosaki and i can love you ALL HOURS OF THE DAY <3
Cunobelenos: waffle fry poutine?
spawnofhastur: henlo jacqui how you?
Suffix: T-Birb?
SmithKurosaki: @SmithKurosaki No U :p
korvys: Tony Hawk makes waffle fries?
BrowneePoints: Google says they're open
midnightcurryjazz: Oh thats a good lighting stand too
LiveFaust: Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law?
DoubleNterprises: Okay, what the hell, Alex?
SymphonySolstice subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
SymphonySolstice: woo my sub actually rolled over during the subathon this time and not the day immediately after it ended!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SymphonySolstice! (Today's storm count: 1020)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @korvys no, the lawyer.
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, Dedicated Duck! (Today's storm count: 1019)
SmithKurosaki: @11epicnoob Yup :)
AnimeKitty: A sit down that opens at 10pm is wild to me
irdeaded subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, irdeaded! (Today's storm count: 1021)
Suffix: OH! Yeah, that's some good chicken.
DarkMorford: Why does Alex have a C-stand?
TheNerdWonder: why not?
jacqui_lantern234: @spawnofhastur currently looking at an amazon wishlist of arts and crafts wants and pining 😭
ShifuDaxiongmao: Alex is the resident chaos goblin :P
GredGredmansson: #NotACult
DoubleNterprises: At first I thought Alex was setting up an IV
MungoDude: it's 6pm in the moonbase right?
jacqui_lantern234: @SmithKurosaki NO U MORE
Mollylele: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 6:00 PM
TheNerdWonder: @MungoDude yes
spawnofhastur: @jacqui_lantern234 aww, hope you can afford some!
Mattmitchell45: This is like a preview of Breakfast Streams
midnightcurryjazz: honey musssssy
MungoDude: thanks Molly
SmithKurosaki: Serge No
BrowneePoints: Honey Butter*
spawnofhastur: i never want to hear honey mussy again
GredGredmansson: Ok, is it going to be like that one crapshot and Alex is going to deck Ben in the face with the boom mic?
Snouut: Whats the crews go to Donut Order from Tim's?
almas_zarkona: Well now I'm hungry
damn_i_am_pretty: The Birdman Sauce
YeetTheRich_: serge please i'm too high for this
the_phantom_game_player: Sounds good
SymphonySolstice: sun's out *clap clap* buns out *clap clap*
mtvcdm: Caw
Dedwrekka: Spam spam spam bacon and spam with birdman sauce.
Oisín Brogan: Mom Serge worrying about everyone getting dinner
11epicnoob: Why are they using picks if it's called Punch a chunk?
BrowneePoints: Magic Hour has Honey Butter* not Honey Mussy
Mollylele: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 5:46:15.
kaziel0: Alex, what are you doing?
Mollylele: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1d, 16:24:11. lrrSPOT
raulghoulia: what is happening just offscreen?
Sunidesus: James!
HorusFive: lrrBartleby
BrowneePoints: !Mollytime
BrowneePoints: !Mollydog
SmithKurosaki: sergeFall
Sarah_Serinde: Amazing
frameshifty: Cheer100 #TeamNew
j_crane330: aaaaaaa
jacqui_lantern234: ALEX LUL
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyLUL
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Mollylele: perf
fastlane250: GOTTEM
AnimeKitty: PrideLaugh PrideLaugh PrideLaugh
DeM0nFiRe: He did the thing!
Foxmar320: foxmarFALL foxmarFALL foxmarFALL
phoenixfeather14: FBtouchdown
TStodden: lrrGREED lrrGREED lrrGREED
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
Sarah_Serinde: I respect the amount of setup involved, it's much funnier than just holding something in front of him
MrSarkhan: LUL
ShifuDaxiongmao: Sarah_Serinde also the timing of setting up right after Serge leaves :D
Snouut: whats the current death count from teams?
LowUpsideCJ: Flying in one flag and c stand
Sarah_Serinde: I also respect James trying to work with it :D
E4rthR0cker: Alex out here being educational!
Dedwrekka: Flag on the field. Looks like the refs gave him a black flag, which I believe means an act of piracy
jacqui_lantern234: "omg thats so hard" James Turner (2024)
GredGredmansson: oh hey a shovel
Fanklok: James got absolutely fucked on that one
Iluvatardis: was that a golden shovel in the hole?
spinebustertee: This has been the wildest, funniest, most pranktastic challenge
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
Stormshot14 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stormshot14! (Today's storm count: 1022)
SmithKurosaki: good guy Serge came back
11epicnoob: joking for the most part
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ShifuDaxiongmao: NO
margieargie: Bye!
ShifuDaxiongmao: ALEX!
Sunidesus: Alex no!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyD vicksyHaha
SymphonySolstice: :0 where did they go???????
NotARealAccountDotCom: Goodbye!
TheWriterAleph: who said that.
SeismicLawns: good night
jacqui_lantern234: @SmithKurosaki oh, please, we both know serge aint good Kappa
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Goodnight
MungoDude: can see gameplay
AnimeKitty: Alex why?!
Fruan: Great TV.
Redbassist: Down in front!
Viewers_Like_You: hi G
ANeMzero: time to get in all your TOS violations
emberBecky: =(
Tangsm: If only we didn't have 3 other screens.
Suffix: Chat sleepy.
gsyhiap: miiliHmm
Sarah_Serinde: On no now we only have 3 different things to watch instead of 4
irreleverent: Alex YES
EikoandMog: Just gonna leeeeeeean over....
HorusFive: The Content we Crave
JohnPraw: Now I can finally focus on the game, thanks.
FixDoll: oh no not my object permanence
Fanklok: Not like we're misssing anything important
public_key_reveal_party: I left for 5 minutes and am so lost
flustered_blue: sleepy time
kaziel0: benginLul
SymphonySolstice: ohhh there they are
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect vicksyInspect vicksyInspect
DentedPockets: This is how they hide their shame when eating
mercano82: Chunk Punching After Dark
Foxmar320: Are they preparing for James sushi time?
UrielAngelSpy: Vtuber time
gnyrinn: This is what you eat that Armagnac bird under, right?
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Time for sleep
Gadora: I feel so included.
heronblademaster: hey, some of us are still struggling with object permanence
Driosenth: chat has no object permanence
j_crane330: sergeHi
Snouut: I would pay a lot of money to read the LRR group chat during this sub-a-thon lmao
LowUpsideCJ: Film fun fact: testing the usage of a flag like that in various positions (usually in use/out) is called auditioning
nova_plushie: I love you alex
Unpronounceable: I can see minecraft just fine like that
MaddogM: So working off the preview is effectively speechjamming?
spinebustertee: Punch-a-Chunk Peek-a-Boo Challenge
Nefarious_Ned subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months, currently on a 103 month streak!
62MGcobra: oh lead is almost down to 200
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nefarious_Ned! (Today's storm count: 1023)
Anubis169: If you blink your eys, you can see an outland of a standing person iin negative space
thedepthandbreadthofseth: "Good News! The money raised from the subathon slightly outweighs the damages caused by the subathon. A net gain for LRR!!!"
public_key_reveal_party: Fair trade
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
bagfullofbees: hey, Alex and I are wearing the same shirt!
Snouut: fried chicken, fried goat seems too insensitive rn
KaleidoscopeMind: that also means serge cant eat bc he will be playing
mtvcdm: Clock is always ticking chat
irreleverent: Be nice to the old men they've been dumpstered on this hour
jacqui_lantern234: @KaleidoscopeMind >:)
amative1: And if you're not sure who to donate to, just go with #TeamNew !
Sarah_Serinde: @KaleidoscopeMind Or it means he makes James wait longer while he eats first
ShifuDaxiongmao: What kind of stands? :)
RAICx: Has #TeamOld gotten boons at all so far?
Dedwrekka: "We're huge fans" "Brrrrrrrrrr"
Viewers_Like_You: Dear Dr Graham: I notice you're still rocking the Wumpty shirt. Are any of the other Bad Shirt Site shirts still in the rotation?
Foxmar320: All of them
midnightcurryjazz: Ive pinched my hands on those so much
andy_ink subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, andy_ink! (Today's storm count: 1024)
public_key_reveal_party: Speedrun time
AnimeKitty: Cheer500 #team Old
SymphonySolstice: jlrrBreak
jacqui_lantern234: all of them!!! BREAK THEM ALL JAMES
LowUpsideCJ: Everything on a film set is a hazard
HolyHadouken: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Ritaspirithntr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Ritaspirithntr: Punch that CHUNK!!!! jlrrPunch
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ritaspirithntr! (Today's storm count: 1025)
just_like_aerin: Cheer1295 Go #TeamOld
ShifuDaxiongmao: @RAICx no, it's as nature intended
LowUpsideCJ: Either pinch or electrical
YareNiDaze: I come back in and James is sabotaging his own team... normal day.
Sarah_Serinde: @AnimeKitty No space - #teamold
gamefreak3072: what happens if the bits tie?
Snouut: Serge comes back and the hole has been filled up again.
CaptainSpam: GET IN THE C(-stand)
LowUpsideCJ: Another film fun fact: clothespins are called C47s
DarkMorford: I thought it was because the flags they originally used were 100x100 cm
ChroniclerC: The work of an enemy stand?!
AnimeKitty: @Sarah_Serinde those are all the bits I had mattlrCry
SmithKurosaki: Hey Team Old fans - lets start slowly creeping up the bits
Sarah_Serinde: @AnimeKitty :(
cobalturge: Cheer1000 Team New!!!
amative1: Century Lighting, now called Strand Lighting
thesoftestbunny: Cheer100 Cheer100 #TeamNew
public_key_reveal_party: I worked commercial shoots for a few years, and I had no idea why they were called that, I just knew where they were on the truck
wedge_x: c-stands and gobo arms make the world go round
LathosTiran: slo-mo guys love C-arms
Snouut: graham you look very cosy
Akaiatana: @AnimeKitty Still team LRR!
Sarah_Serinde: Chat, don't put spaces in your hashtags
SmithKurosaki: @gamefreak3072 Paul decides I guess?
midnightcurryjazz: When I can put my boom on one of those, I know its a good day
LowUpsideCJ: The little extenders that hold stuff are called gobo arms
Lord_Hosk: 250
joinempiretoday: 265ish
SFSMaus: Cheer499 #teamold
ReiyChanter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
GredGredmansson: who's even still on mythbusters, i feel sad every time I think about Grant
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ReiyChanter! (Today's storm count: 1026)
DarkMorford: I honestly want to get a couple c-stands just to have around the house, they're super useful.
YareNiDaze subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
YareNiDaze: So the losers have to listen to Cailllou on repeat, right?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YareNiDaze! (Today's storm count: 1027)
amative1: about 250
AnimeKitty: @GredGredmansson I legit cry a bit when I think of Grant
theevermist: ah yes sir mountable
azureHaights: quicc tools
Akaiatana: @Sarah_Serinde People got confused about space bidding.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Sir Mountable, one of the lesser known knights of the round table.
CaptainSpam: It feels as if they can surmount this.
gravity_pike: !darulz
mister_nibbles: @GredGredmansson mythbusters went off the air years ago didnt it?
Suffix: 11~
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @theevermist drift
GredGredmansson: @AnimeKitty the reveal of Jamie and Adam's actual relationship hurts a bit too but Grant is sadder
KodeMage: If it stays this close it's going to come down to the hunt and peck amongst the bedrock at the end.
MommaGart: clocks are gold. and some redstone stuff
amative1: armor and tools
0x6772: Wonder if double-digits tool loss is worth fried chicken to Serge.
ShifuDaxiongmao: activated rails, golden carrots and golden apples
aitsu100: butter shoes
gravity_pike: I think gold can also hold more enchantments than iron, also.
jessieimproved: gold is also very enchantable
00gogo00: also gold has extra enchantability
Snouut: theres a big significance with Copper now in Trials right?
singinnonsense: they want to make sure it isn't pyrite
Julian_Rogue: What happens if bits tie?
SmithKurosaki: @KodeMage Yea gotta take the time to be thorough to not lose by declaring early
Snouut: James to do that just refill the hole again with Stone!
Cptasparagus: submissive and enchantable
KodeMage: oh, wow, this audio. I can hear which side the bat is squeaking on.
josh___something: gold is technically the same strength as wood
matthaus_c: tarbage goilets
GredGredmansson: @Julian_Rogue then i assume Paul gets to harm everyone
gsyhiap: Don't mine that iron with a gold pick though!
Seth_Erickson: a bane for both
Snouut: let chat decide
theevermist: bad things for both
thedepthandbreadthofseth: both get both!
josh___something: So they can break the same blocks wood can
ShifuDaxiongmao: bit tie = Up to the mercy of God :D
Tangsm: Everyone gets punished.
Diabore: i think it has happened, it was both bane
YeomanAres: Paul goes wild
cobalturge: Do we have a running bits tally?
Graved: mulligan
Kramburger: Chat fights for it
HorusFive: both gets both
SquirrelEarl: 2 boons 2 banes
hedronhijack: Good and bad things for both
thedepthandbreadthofseth: bad and good for both!
Favre_the_Undead: both both imo
Julian_Rogue: Julian_Rouge is my cousin. he's a republican
MrBrightside1: players swap pits
CaptainSpam: Both teams get something neutral and useless happen to them.
saucemaster5000: kumite, kuyoute, we all te for kum
Snouut: james to piss off serge just refill the hole
YareNiDaze: Bits tie, the active players play a "The Countdown is At One" subgame.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Julian_Rogue I'm so sorry!
Welbog: I refuse to let #teamold lose this one. I follow James!
singinnonsense: those rules feel like baseball
a_tapes: if tie just start a new PAC and whoever wins that gets the boon
ShifuDaxiongmao: for Tie I vote it will be up to the whims of God :D
Kramburger: Touch your picks together
Lord_Hosk: If you tie, whoever is in the overall bit lead get the win
GredGredmansson: knife + gun = KNIFEGUN
nevermore913: I'll go to the gym but that's it
CaptainSpam: @a_tapes Ah, the Shaharazad method.
Darleysam: nintendo wii "two gamecubes taped together" meme...
Mr_Horrible: or god forbid, an iPhone 49
Julian_Rogue: @thedepthandbreadthofseth was mostly a joke
BrowneePoints: You get an expensive mistake
Black_Blade725 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months, currently on a 120 month streak!
Dedwrekka: #Teamold is what you get when you don't clean your teapots
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Black_Blade725! (Today's storm count: 1028)
HorusFive: That's silly. It's a 1 and a 4 to make a 14. 2 Iphone7 would make a 77
Mr_Horrible: 7*7
GredGredmansson: that's some FMA stuff right there Alex
Snouut: Graham, you look comfy.
Heckhoundbolt: and no one is willing to comment on that
matthaus_c: iPhone 2048
TeaBread_: pet joke was hilarious tbh
Sorator13: well, you'd get one iphone 7 with somewhat better battery life than it had before
Ins0mniZack: pets can already do that
josh___something: @Darleysam o/
Bruceski: smoosh two dogs together, get a cat?
theevermist: I mean that is how you get puppies
MungoDude: PET as in Polyethylene terephthalate?
Martin_FcG: Full Metal Alchemist explained.
Bearudite: fullmetal alchemist fans have one joke
Darleysam: josh o/
adept_nekomancer: Always remember to only combine compatible dogs so as to not make forbidden breeds
vinewood_og: do NOT attempt at home
KaleidoscopeMind: smoosh 2 old dogs, get another energetic dog
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Have they checked there is not a Deep Dark thing down there?
gravity_pike: Are there still like 3 heights that you can boat from and die when you hit?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBox + vicksyBox = vicksyW
Dread_Pirate_Westley: jlrrBreak
amative1: and that's the gold!
Mr_Horrible: actually combining old pieces of tech to rank them up like a gacha game wouldn't be the *worst* (until the companies take advantage of the system like a gacha does)
Juliamon: gravity_pike sure are!
NorthstarTex: Deepslate makes modern chunk punching miserable
amative1: @gravity_pike yes
josh___something: deepslate has a higher toughness(I don't remember the exact terminology)
HolyHadouken: Cheer1200 #teamNew bits for the bits god
Julian_Rogue: @TheSoundOfWhiteNoise then it turns into letsnope
ShifuDaxiongmao: it makes sense it goes that fast, gold is quite soft :D
Oisín Brogan: I vote rock paper scissors
matthaus_c: you know what that means... Wall Diamonds!
azureHaights: we can't stop here, this is diamond country
josh___something: So much so that you can't instamine it with haste 2?
Capt_clown: @adept_nekomancer You leave my St. Bernard/Chihuahua mix alone!
fastlane250: Boats on ice are the best
Gadora: I hope James can break a diamond pick before Serge gets back.
josh___something: Boats on ice make it REALLY FAST
SymphonySolstice: boat + ice block = nyooooom
jessieimproved: ice boating is wild and fun
josh___something: Packed, blue, and normal ice
Julian_Rogue: not to be confused with a hoik
Welbog: Cheer1000 #TeamOld Go James Go!
Julian_Rogue: wait thats terraria
tidehollowcat: You can go faster with soul sand + soul speed + water + dolphins, I believe
MungoDude: @gravity_pike boats break when falling exactly 12, 13, 49, 51, 111, 114, 198, 202, 310 or 315 blocks. 12 or 13 won't be enough to kill, but any further will
Juliamon: You fuckin GO
matthaus_c: it's a You Railgun
Snouut: Graham, im dying to know. Is there going to be a GSVLOG from Magic Amsterdam? lrrSHINE
mister_nibbles: after someone said knife gun i went to find the powerthirst video and apparently i left a comment on it 15 years ago and i was like why does my name have the Dropout logo next to it and obviously i knew college humor is dropout now and that college humor did the power thirst videos but i was still freaked out that the power thirst video was on the dropout channel lol
josh___something: Blue ice is slippier, IIRC
cthulhudude23: Did they base that on the third 3 body problem book?
HolyHadouken: which ice is it that melts into CO2?
gnyrinn: A thousand Old Bits, what's that in new money?
spawnofhastur: Poulet. Poulet poulet.
iamthemidboss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
iamthemidboss: What a great time to resub!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, iamthemidboss! (Today's storm count: 1029)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGa gotta go fast
Capt_clown: Only ice I worry about is Ice Nine
tidehollowcat: There are weird, more convoluted ways to go even faster, but ice is absolutely the most efficient.
fastlane250: On a server I used to run we had a ice boat tunnel network in the nether
xantos69: Technically acceleration is always uncapped... At instantaneous measurement.
avi_miller: Alex, have you seen dolphin slab dashing before?
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Julian_Rogue: @HolyHadouken that's dry ice and you need mods to get that
damn_i_am_pretty: 15 irl years is 15 million internet years
fastlane250: It was fantastic
mtvcdm: Clean up your picks
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: seriously, as someone who hasn't played survival since InDev, hearing all these additions is wild
OtherEdgeworth: @HolyHadouken Dry ice
GredGredmansson: jump up jump up and get down
HolyHadouken: @Julian_Rogue Mods?!? But I don't even stream!
Julian_Rogue: @HolyHadouken Modifications not moderators
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: I think there is also a tiny chance to fall through the world?
irreleverent: If any are inaccessible you lose
Suffix: That count is non-opaque blocks, not including bedrock?
nira_sol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nira_sol! (Today's storm count: 1030)
Booster6: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 5:59:56.
Sarah_Serinde: Oh yeah I also don't remember exactly how you counted it
KodeMage: serious competitive chunk punching here
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul that does sound like them
xantos69: As is tradition
GredGredmansson: the8bitLUL
nevermore913: James because the judge
Mr_Horrible: Paul calling it as he sees it
ShifuDaxiongmao: ice boats is fast, but no longer the fastest... that goes to soul speed 3 boots + dolphins grace if I remember right
cobalturge: lrrDOTS_TK Does this mean, Minecraft World is Flat?
Easilycrazyhat: But does he have a Flan?
Snouut: Graham, im dying to know. Is there going to be a GSVLOG from Magic Amsterdam? lrrSHINE
7gorobei: Calvinball unified ruleset
Akaiatana: Au, John Madden
spawnofhastur: Gold is just lead in a fancy suit.
Koshindan: Team New should give the near broken picks to James to really push up the break counter.
the_phantom_game_player: Getting close
Julian_Rogue: @cobalturge well. none of the water is carbonated so yes
MillerDark: Does pyrrite have similar metalurgical properties, with less cost?
GredGredmansson: @cobalturge its literally made of cubes
NotCainNorAbel: I do enjoy doing gold leafing
BlueFingers5: Wow that's some serious progress
KodeMage: you are in BC... gold is in your water alex!
mister_nibbles: @Akaiatana AEIOU AEIOU
matthaus_c: I wonder what Jimmy is doing these days...
jessicaengle: Hi chat <3 <3 <3
Nigouki: well Alex there's this cheaper metal with similar properties....
mtvcdm: The rules are if you accept that if you miss a diggable block, you claim the scorecard as penance.
Dumori: @spawnofhastur Isn't that bismuth....
Dedwrekka: Pyrite is iron
cthulhudude23: Come on, Alex, just use cyanide to harvest gold
KaleidoscopeMind: gold soft
cobalturge: @Julian_Rogue I knew it!
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Raveduck digita435Duck1
Mr_Horrible: Ductile! Woo-oo!
BrowneePoints: you can bend it with your hands
Suffix: Gold quacks.
theevermist: blacksmithing would be cool to learn, unfortunately dont have the time or money
EikoandMog: I disagree, Mercury is more ductile.
matthaus_c: gold quacks when you bend it
public_key_reveal_party: It's the exact midpoint between a duck and a tile
ProcyonFlynn: And that's why rubber ducks are yellow :p
LowUpsideCJ: Because of Scrooge McDuck of course
spawnofhastur: I love that the word "malleable" literally means "it'll bend if you hit it with a hammer".
Twilight_Spark: That's why it's abbreviated AU for dAUck.
Jethrain: ducks, much like gold, can easily be pulled into strands
Easilycrazyhat: Does that mean James speaks only lies?
AugmentingPath: Yeah, Dux Metallis, the Duke of Metals
Snouut: I thought Tantalum was the most ductile?
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Raveduck quack!
YareNiDaze: Please don't stretch a duck.
MungoDude: it's very ductile, malleable, AND conductive
mister_nibbles: aluminum is fairly ductile, no?
KodeMage: alex has gone gold panning before, in car quest
niccus: mercury coheres too much in the limit, gold can duct to the limit of a monatomic wire
Mark_D_Stroyer: I love this conversation so much.
00gogo00: does gold not make iron?
KodeMage: road quest*
DiscordianTokkan: RIP that iron
00gogo00: break
Capt_clown: Remember chat. Deep SLATE is not to be confused with the Deep STATE.
RealGamerCow: also much like ducks, gold does not corrode.
Chesul: Gold is super useful, and it's tragic that people decided it's worth a lot of money.
DoctorHutch: oof, it destroys iron
LiveFaust: So it weighs the same as a duck... Therefore... It's made out of wood?
SquareDotCube: Gold is one of the few metals that exist as a native ore because of how dense it is.
0x6772: Probably shouldn't use the gold pick to mine ore blocks, though.
HorusFive: Ducks?
DoctorHutch: Gold destroys iron when you mine it
Julian_Rogue: xenon?
Dedwrekka: aluminum cracks when you do too much with it without heating. Silver is really good.
Easilycrazyhat: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
Zacharie St-Pierre: i am unhappy. a half hour at the worst time
mtvcdm: Are ducts ductile?
Snouut: californium?
matthaus_c: my mother is nothing like a duck
Akaiatana: How I Tested Your Mother?
the_phantom_game_player: WutFace WutFace
HorusFive: But is she baptized?
SquareDotCube: How I Metalled Your Morther
Sorator13: I have. It was very interesting!
micalovits: She is pretty fluid in a way
Julian_Rogue: whomever smelt it ducked it
saucemaster5000: How tested the Metallurigcal Properties of Your Mother
KodeMage: is mom soup
TeaBread_: "I'm not into destructive testing" my ass alex
Snouut: if only serge was here, there would be a funny somewhere?
rovertfloww: <message deleted>you smell
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
Julian_Rogue: Whats the LD50 of your mom
rovertfloww: <message deleted>@julian_rogue sleeps
GredGredmansson: calipurs and tongs?
Welbog: Science tweezers
Mark_D_Stroyer: Soul Calipers.
rovertfloww: <message deleted>@kodemage you smell
Snouut: Whats the atomic number of your mother too?
Zacharie St-Pierre: my net, youube didnt pick up thos words
SmithKurosaki: Welcome in :)
Kramburger: It's imploite to ask about your Mum's half life
HolyHadouken: not with that attitude
DaniellNaruta: The pH in NPH
HorusFive: I'm seeing a Crapshot in the offint
cthulhudude23: Scratch the person with these things
gsyhiap: BOP ModLove
JDMan94: Omfg Soul Calipers is hilarious
thedepthandbreadthofseth: actually, the wear and durability tests well the most informative.
jessicaengle: ModLove
HorusFive: *offing
Snouut: @DaniellNaruta bravo
irreleverent: You can test my rockwell hardness, baby
mtvcdm: !addquote (Alex) [now] I haven't tested the metallurgical properties of your mom.
LRRbot: New quote #9044: "I haven't tested the metallurgical properties of your mom." —Alex [2024-07-15]
Driosenth: ALEX... skin is Shore hardness
Koshindan: The Mom's mineral hardness scale
Mark_D_Stroyer: Actually Soul Calipers would be good for a turn-based fighting game.
YareNiDaze: @DaniellNaruta 8+ because he's pretty BASEd
Dog_of_Myth: Shoutout to the mods
gravity_pike: cheat!
Julian_Rogue: light scratches on a 1 and deeper grooves on a 2
spawnofhastur: i need to buy a decent diamond sharpening stone.
Sorator13: @mtvcdm excellent
WriterRaven: "Cave Johnson here. I've got a surprise test for everyone in the next chamber. You won't be doing it. Because *Greg* thought it was so easy that your moms could do it. So we invited them all to participate in this round of testing. Good luck, moms."
TeaBread_: Janka!
SmithKurosaki: !advice
LRRbot: Press G to brain.
MungoDude: does your mum pass the Bechdel test? Depends who she's talking to
gravity_pike: "yup, it's wood"
TeaBread_: Janka for wood
tidehollowcat: Is your mom more silt or loam?
Freezerassasin: What is your /mom's Janka hardness
Julian_Rogue: g
korvys: Shore
RealGamerCow: There's also a hardness scale for poop
YareNiDaze: @WriterRaven *in your own delivery* RAVEN!
Zacharie St-Pierre: what is the ld50 human substances
Seru: chat, we need the bits to tie so they need to figure out what to do :D
HbombAndFriends: G
EikoandMog: @WriterRaven Perfection. Read it in his voice, too.
BtEtta: How hard is your wood.
josh___something: G?
Nigouki: there is so many hardness scales and they overlap
matthaus_c: the Floz
Morrigan9: i think the wood one involves pressinga ball bearing halfway into it
TeaBread_: also shore has at least 4 scales
WriterRaven: @YareNiDaze I apologise for nothing. =P
theevermist: weight? grams?
DigitalSeahorse: Grahams of measurement
josh___something: How IS it hanging, G?
cthulhudude23: What is the atomic mass of thou's mother?
Julian_Rogue: is hardness different than firmness?
YareNiDaze: @WriterRaven Nor should you.
KaleidoscopeMind: where's the extended soil chart from desert bus last year
spawnofhastur: Jenka hardness makes me think of jenga
Julian_Rogue: Thy mother hast the largest atomic weight
Akaiatana: A falling boat rises all tides.
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
spawnofhastur: it amuses me that balsa wood is a hardwood.
Dedwrekka: Jenkum hardness scale
WriterRaven: @EikoandMog yey! I'm glad it got there. XD
niccus: 99.81% of all of earth's gold is in the core, 0.185% is in the mantle, and just a bit didn't sink and stayed in the crust
matthaus_c: Batsu Jenga
DarkMorford: Imagine a Jenga set made out of, like, purple heart
tehfewl: Giant Janga is fun
Zacharie St-Pierre: and bones and teeth about 3 to 3.5
SmithKurosaki: I wanna see teamold get at least one boon imo
thedepthandbreadthofseth: three levels until critical boat trick failure, iirc.
nevermore913: Very large Jenga is fun
Julian_Rogue: @niccus welp. time to MINE THE CORE
SquareDotCube: A Jenga made of blocks of various sizes :p
RendezVoodoo is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
RendezVoodoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to jona88888!
RendezVoodoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to residentevil1231231!
RendezVoodoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to m0nst3r_xi!
RendezVoodoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to DogonSiereht!
RendezVoodoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to lost_tv01!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RendezVoodoo! Welcome to m0nst3r_xi, jona88888, lost_tv01, residentevil1231231, and DogonSiereht! (Today's storm count: 1035)
spawnofhastur: @DarkMorford Ironbark yo
googoltudoris: so... where does your DAD rank on the mohs hardness scale???
epsilon_vee: @Dedwrekka something something dietary fibre
Dumori: micro jenga sounds fun
BrowneePoints: Y'all should do a Dread Dice Friends Sometime Alex! It's a Horror TTRPG where you pull Jenga Blocks for risky things!
avjamethyst: bandu is great
SergeYager: The bird has been picked up
Snouut: @RendezVoodoo Legend <3
Sorator13: I-what?
Foxmar320: wat
Sunidesus: some local festival was advertising "life-sized" Jenga. And I just... don't know what that means.
avjamethyst: the beans
spinebustertee: Jenga but the sticks are butter
an_archist2: jenka, but 1/3 of the blocks are fissile material
Blue_Anteater: giant jenga could be a good LRR Live segment
SergeYager: I repeat, the bird has been picked up
rosesmcgee: Smokin the devil's jenga
gr1ff1n775: LETSGO
mister_nibbles: imagine jenga made of superglue
Sorator13: @Sunidesus Person-sized
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyS
KodeMage: is bandu the one with irregular pieces? I was thinking of that game
Sorator13: OH THAT
KodeMage: yeah, that's it!
MacbethSeemsSus: Leave the bird alone Serge
SergeYager: Code name: caw caw
Manae: Demon Jenga
wedge_x: The Cold Iron Jenga of Satan
Julian_Rogue: Jenga but its a reactor? XD
HbombAndFriends: I thought “Jenga for Satan” was just Jenga.
Sorator13: We had the pieces to that growing up but didn't have the rules
betweenmyself: hardmode: Jenga with blocks of varying sizes
KodeMage: hell jenga is accurate
Lord_Hosk: The worlds tiniest Jenga set was on set, but someone stepped on it
EikoandMog: Bandu looks amazing
jessicaengle: Birb?
niccus: matchstick jenga but it's extra-sensitive to friction starting a fire
circusofkirkus: look at that gamer neck
Mark_D_Stroyer: Jenga but bricks of depleted uranium?
cthulhudude23: Your tower being unstable would have a different connotation in that form of jenga
matthaus_c: look at this photograph
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
TeaBread_: jenga but the top and bottom blocks are the demon core things
Heckhoundbolt: can you show chat
xantos69: can see?
Dedwrekka: Jenga, but it's beryllium hemispheres...
the_phantom_game_player: I'm having fun
JonnyH: Chicago experimental pile: The game
BrowneePoints: But yea Speaking of Jenga, Dread is a super fun Horror TTRPG system where you use a Jenga Tower
KaleidoscopeMind: oh that is jenga from hell
gravity_pike: :notes: lookit this TURTLENECK :notes:
DoubleNterprises: 197 block difference
damn_i_am_pretty: Jenga, but made out of sugar glass
spawnofhastur: Alex introduced me to my best buddy, Demoncore Dan.
Sunidesus: !cheer500 #teamold
Sarah_Serinde: Wow they're having so much fun
Fanklok: Do the makeup youtuber thiung
Aenir798: so excited
Juliamon: !cheer
LRRbot: Remember, in order to cheer you need to type "Cheer#" with no ! in front.
Snouut: Are the decorations for the set just things youve accumulated over the years and gifts? @LoadingReadyRun
Sunidesus: whoops
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect vicksyPoint
MungoDude: if I squint, I still can't read it
Julian_Rogue: where's kevin when you need him
SFSMaus: I cam Bandu!
Sunidesus: Cheer500 #teamold
TeaBread_: everything ive ever learned about the demon core i learned from site d
ShifuDaxiongmao: Cheer100 #teamNew
ladylinzington: where;s Askwho when you need him
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: What are you bidding on?
micalovits: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Surely this time we will win! Go #TeamOld
Sarah_Serinde: @Snouut Basically yes. Some things they also choose to buy for the stream though
Driosenth: Alex, a) ASTM E140 is for hardness conversions, b) skin is about 40 to 60 Shore 'O'
William Adam McDuff: I just want y'all to play Dread, the horror RPG where doing something risky makes you take a Jenga piece. Tower falls, character dies.
amative1: No, only spectators see spectator heads
KodeMage: I believe someone implemented Bandu in Table Top Simulator.
Snouut: @Sarah_Serinde Hell yeah thats awesome. So many call things to look at.
SmithKurosaki: @ladylinzington Powered down, recharging for the next Bus
ShifuDaxiongmao: bless you
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah they've got a lot of cool things
SpleenLord: Cheer1510 #teamold
Alahmnat: Alex wants to watch
MungoDude: these aren't even the cute 1.21 bats
orangeceltic71: #teamold Cheer10000
Dedwrekka: I can't believe they added Jenga to Phasmaphobia
KaleidoscopeMind: i keep reading tea mold
DigitalSeahorse: but they're so cute
Sarah_Serinde: I can still see something I sent them from here :)
Snouut: @Sarah_Serinde My favourite is the bubbly can.
Welbog: Yes! Team old! lrrJAMES_SG
the_phantom_game_player: What did the bat ever did to you
RayFK: #tea mold
Sarah_Serinde: @Snouut Definitely the most exciting things
7gorobei: i did a google on bandu, phystix looks like fun
Snouut: @Sarah_Serinde Give me a clue aha I'll try and guess
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout
Sarah_Serinde: @Snouut It's handmade
kusinohki: bandu pics reminded me - someone made a list of boardgame box covers that show kids playing the game on an apparently neck high table...
SFSMaus: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
spawnofhastur: Flintknapping seems like something Alex would enjoy.
Julian_Rogue: witches riding bats
Snouut: @Sarah_Serinde Im assuming a figurine of sorts
Akaiatana: BAT to the PIT
nevermore913: Drink
ProcyonFlynn: A Ghast riding a bat :p
Sarah_Serinde: @Snouut Nope!
PigmyWurm: They serve 0 actual purpose
KaleidoscopeMind: it's his fault for getting food :o
MaddogM: James wants to get bats as a boon :P
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
MacbethSeemsSus: Out of bats, substitute phantoms
thedepthandbreadthofseth: sorry, how was that evil jenga like game spelled?
Fanklok: Could just brag about how many tools you broke
Suffix: I believe you can triple that break count since Serge left.
bagfullofbees: @thedepthandbreadthofseth bandu
Snouut: @Sarah_Serinde Is it the photo just to the right of James' chest?
KodeMage: bitcentive
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @bagfullofbees ty
Sarah_Serinde: @Snouut It's not a photo but correct! It's cross stitch
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Sorator13: it is much too far away for you to Vanna it, G :D
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Youtube subs?
JDMan94: God deepslate is so thick
Snouut: @Sarah_Serinde Oh awesome. Thats soo cool aha how you get to see it all the time! How thoughtful of the cast and crew!
Lord_Hosk: a 6 foot Party Sub from Subway will do nothing
Sarah_Serinde: YouTube memberships unfortunately aren't counted
ProcyonFlynn: Just remembered the Subway-verse. lrrSPOOP
Suffix: @Lord_Hosk I bet it will.
Juliamon: The tracker they're using only looks at Twitch data
Fanklok: Do you think Sauce eveer thinks about how they started the Subwayverse
superdude097: I forgot this was a sub-a-thon and was using the timer at the top of the screen to judge how long my food was cooking XD
Sarah_Serinde: @Snouut It is great. There's another thing I made that shows up in videos from time to time, they've had it for many years now
amative1: You can also affect the minecraft game by giving bits using #TeamNew
Gadora: And after the sub-a-thon, Wheeler's going overboard on Is This Your Card with a MtG PPR.
Sorator13: @superdude097 oh no /o\
gravity_pike subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 124 months!
gravity_pike: more weight
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gravity_pike! (Today's storm count: 1036)
unturnscryflunge subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
unturnscryflunge: Thank you LRR & chunk punchers!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, unturnscryflunge! (Today's storm count: 1037)
Darleysam: the youtube API is *incredibly* restricted
Alas_Babylon: @superdude097 Slow-cooking ribs at 130 degrees or something?
RassilonDND subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
ShifuDaxiongmao: Snouut be around for desertbus and they will usually have at least one Sarah_Serinde handcraft amongst giveaways or auctions :)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RassilonDND! (Today's storm count: 1038)
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @amative1 Or octothorpe teamold
Unpronounceable: Hi Graham
Timlin 22: Hello Graham
Graham Stark: Hi!
Reymond Kira: Hello
Yellowmaster52: hello graham
Snouut: @Sarah_Serinde Oh thats awesome! Hell yeah.
the_phantom_game_player: I'd love to see this as a yearly event
BibitteNoire subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BibitteNoire! (Today's storm count: 1039)
superdude097: @Sorator13 Fortunately it was in the microwave so it wasn't gonna burn or anything
Snouut: @ShifuDaxiongmao Oh nice! When is Desert Bus normally?
Welbog: Imagine a world without deepslate
Alas_Babylon: November
ShifuDaxiongmao: 2nd week of November
as_ever_ellesandra: I look forward to the next autumnal rumble for next subathon
Sorator13: @superdude097 Oh good, that's not bad then
Juliamon: !desertbus
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope is a charity gaming marathon where people dance sing and be silly while playing the worst game of all time, Desert Bus. The marathon raises money for . An explanation video can be found here: . More information can be found at and
Sorator13: LUL
goombalax: Hey Google, play RedstoneActive by Imagine Deepslate
JDMan94: He's just floating there... MENACINGLY
amative1: He's just in Creative
HorusFive: Floating there like Dr Manhattan
Koshindan: His flying goat impression
The Sound Of White Noise: Hi Graham!
Nicholas Bower: hi Graham
Reymond Kira: Why do you bully Serge?
gnyrinn: We're doing fine, thank you Graham.
StarWarsTHX1138: hi Graham we're doing well
Kai Rayne: thanks for coming to the dregs graham
Brett Johnson: Hi G
SmithKurosaki: Hey G
SmithKurosaki: Hows your craftin and minin going?
Cole McKinney: Graham is present, panic
Clockwork Cthulhu: it is 3:35 AM here in Denmark^^
Graham Stark: Reymond Kira, how dare
Scytzo: He noticed us!
Timlin 22: Thank you for the after dinner entertainment
KingTaltia: Oh, I love that band, Radio-creeper by Imagine Deepslate is such a good track.
Sorator13: He's goating!
TStodden: The Autumnal Rumbles / WhateverSlams are always a great watch
KodeMage: freaky
deathlyplacebo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, deathlyplacebo! (Today's storm count: 1040)
E4rthR0cker: he likes to watch
amative1: 4 mins left for bits
ChroniclerC: Serge already punched his chunk, what's taking you so long James? :P
mtvcdm: For now
GredGredmansson: IGNORE MEEEE
Snouut: serge needs to be back in 3mins, stat
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyHaha
Dedwrekka: Hey Google, play Deepslate-eat-o
PigmyWurm: are you winning?
KeeganLoses: serge is gone so now old wins
Sibwow: that poor sweet cinnamon roll?
ShifuDaxiongmao prays to the shrine of the TeamNew gods
HolyHadouken: excited for someone to donate 14000 bits to team new at the last second
superdude097: @Alas_Babylon Nothing so sophisticated. Just microwaving some instant rice so no risk of burning or othrwise ruining anyhting
Mark_D_Stroyer: Alex is spectating and “Watcher of the Skies” by Genesis starts playing
AtomicAlchemical: Watching, waiting, commiserating
EvilBadman: Winning with serge being.out proves you don't need him
amative1: Hmm, do I have a spare $130 sitting around...
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Cori does a great Cam doing Carl Sagan
AManCalledBigTime subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AManCalledBigTime! (Today's storm count: 1041)
margieargie: It'd be nice to have the change of pace at least
mtvcdm: He's not back
UrielAngelSpy: If team old wins while Serge is away the only explanation is that team old hates Serge.
Chained_Dawn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chained_Dawn! (Today's storm count: 1042)
Sarah_Serinde: Oh yeah if #TeamOld wins on bits this time, I think we can definitively say that Serge was holding them back ;)
Nicholas Bower: Senpai Graham notice me <3
FarleyF: interesting if you google Punch a Chunk it's all James
RedAlexxis: #teamnew Cheer300
MommaGart: everyone knows lava can't burn the written language
MommaGart: it's the oldest invention
KodeMage: is the block differential displayed anywhere? It would be nice to watch how it trends.
PigmyWurm: See "MInecraft is weird"
jayinthewater: Cheer1500 You must respect your elders!
micalovits: Lava obeys trafic signs, it is well known
Graved: Signs are made of information
ANeMzero: I feel it is no less weird that water being blocked by picket fences.
KaleidoscopeMind: because writing famously does not burn
as_ever_ellesandra: we've got two fresh iron picks on team new side
HorusFive: "Lava can't come this way" well it says so on the sign...
Sorator13: uhhhhhhhhh one more?
Iluvatardis: @KodeMage bottom left has a tracker
DigitalSeahorse: sign off the lava cause it can't sign itself off vicksyDerp vicksyEmpty
amative1: @jayinthewater no hashtag though
Sarah_Serinde: @KodeMage Block totals are at the bottom of the graphic on the left but you have to do your own math
Marvoleath: You just say "no" to lava on the signs, lava is polite and can read, so it stops
Welbog: Cheer500 #TeamOld just in case! No snipers.
as_ever_ellesandra: one in slot 6 on the hot bar
7gorobei: lava respects freedom of speech
OVERKiLL!: 🦧🔹️🔹️🔹️🔷️ 💙 🦍
SmithKurosaki: @OVERKiLL! Thanks for not doing more than 7 :)
Graham Stark: Hello Nicholas :)
Cole McKinney: lava doesn't burn signs because it has to stay back a bit to read it.
StarWarsTHX1138: two iron picks Cori
OVERKiLL!: LRR Subathons are 🔥 tho
amative1: Anybody got 12k bits to dump on New?
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: I can't wait for TeamOld to accidentally dig into the Deep Dark.
SFSMaus: Cheer96 Nice
Juliamon: There is no Deep Dark
Snouut: @amative1 Shush
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: :(
crazycommie87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months, currently on a 122 month streak!
crazycommie87: Woo! Subathon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, crazycommie87! (Today's storm count: 1043)
Juliamon: They are on 1.17.1, before the underground expansion
BrowneePoints: Speaking of Party, I can't wait to see the new Mario Party on CTS later this year
GredGredmansson: punch a chunk but in the nether
spicemelonge: why is james' hot bar so small?
SFSMaus: Cheer96 #teamold
ProcyonFlynn: You've never played on a plasma tv with +40ms input delay :p
googoltudoris: is our friend still hanging out??
SmithKurosaki: Agreed
Cole McKinney: I have been in VoD land for years now, so a stream suddenly being live here was a surprise
Brett Johnson: Hey G, can I get y’all some decent beer for Barcadia later this week? It pains me to see PBR and Lucky. Though, if that’s the bit, I understand.
GredGredmansson: @BrowneePoints Jamboree looks real neat
EvilBadman: @spicemelonge UI scaling prob
Snouut: any last minute snipes?
mtvcdm: Yaaaaaaau!
MungoDude: time!
Koshindan: What if the boon is an inventory full of 1 durability pick axes?
the_phantom_game_player: Super goat
Welbog: Yes! Team old!
Sunidesus: Yay!
Malkmaven1176: Team Old gets a win!
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHORN congrats James, clearly Serge was holding you back
SpleenLord: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Welbog: lrrJAMES_SG
DiscordianTokkan: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap
Snouut: Now exactly how Old is Team Old?
MommaGart: you wouldn't bane a little guy on her birthday!
Knitting_Goblin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Malkmaven1176: jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrDance
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Knitting_Goblin! (Today's storm count: 1044)
matthaus_c: Serge just has heel energy
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect lrrALEX lrrJAMES
Cole McKinney: Reminded me the subathin was happening though ^^
OVERKiLL!: 🔧💙 @SmithKurosaki
SmithKurosaki: @Brett Johnson Oh hi, friend :)
SFSMaus: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
BusTed: He took your face... off
ShifuDaxiongmao: just do some lit dynamite in their hole :D
MungoDude: jlrrFacepalm
GredGredmansson: is that a helmet
Iluvatardis: you can wear player heads
50keyz: scissors
HolyHadouken: Alex is a Facestealer confirmed
HorusFive: Just something he left laying around
SmithKurosaki: Is Player Heads drops on?
josh___something: GRAHAM STARK
Twilight_Spark: While you were playing Minecraft, Alex was mastering Let's Nope.
thekumquatking: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
amative1: player heads are just a simple OP command
Jgirl13245: isn't it nametag a player head?
vinewood_og: "no more drugs for that man"
DigitalSeahorse: it's your head from when you died probably
gravity_pike: like Bane, from Batman!
Programmerman1: Face/Off reference 💙
Arakasi01: Mint 30yo references
ShifuDaxiongmao: lit dynamite! :D
betweenmyself: He took his face off, like that one movie… Darkman
YeomanAres: The boats were pretty good for James
amative1: checks out
public_key_reveal_party: My dad works at Nintendo, he said it can be good
50keyz: its a blessing if ur evil aligned
GreyOrb: 100 bats!
UrielAngelSpy: Irene!
OVERKiLL!: a chainsaw?
Brett Johnson: HELLO FRIEND!
SmithKurosaki: Keeping out of trouble?
SmithKurosaki: You can change your YT name if you want btw
SmithKurosaki: YouTube -> YouTube Studio -> Customization -> Basic Info -> NameYes, it is stupidly buried.
Timlin 22: The bane should be that Team New has to talk like Bane
Reymond Kira: the bane would be giving James a diamond pick with efficency 10
nevermore913: A good bane as a treat
matthaus_c: just like tom hardy
Snouut: You know its serious when Graham takes the glasses off
Alas_Babylon: Who's Chris Jobs?
LizzyTPau: causeiTsTimeForCrab causeiTsTimeForCrab causeiTsTimeForCrab ???
Foxmar320: Me I guess
wedge_x: "I'll blowe you up, chicken satay!"
MungoDude: a diamond block would be nice
HolyHadouken: Cheer50 #TeamNew First!
mister_nibbles: that just sounds like bane from harley quinn
Fruan: Does Bane talk that way because the only thing he had to listen to growing up in that weird pit prison was old timey radio shows?
IvanRussel: Cheer80 #teamnew
Snouut: im watching you sleep turner
Sunidesus: that's not disturbing at all
tidehollowcat: I need to catch up on Harley Quinn
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
SFSMaus: Cheer51 #teamold
mercano82: Alex is always watching
Timlin 22: *Thanks Graham for that
SmithKurosaki: @OVERKiLL! If they have Player Head Drops on (they usually do) deaths can drop head helmets
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
gravity_pike: winner!
SnackPak_: it happened!
50keyz: LUL
ANeMzero: Concerning
50keyz: YES!
GredGredmansson: music not helping
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
IanAllenBird: : O
MungoDude: ayy 49 blocks
Juliamon: SHe found the level!
josh___something: IT HAPPENED!
LathosTiran: special hieght bug
avi_miller: Exactly 49 blocks
ProcyonFlynn: The exact boat height :p
PigmyWurm: there are very specciffic heights that kill you
margieargie: Fun fact, there's specific heights you can die in a boat
Fruan: Oh, did you hit a magic number?
SmithKurosaki: Boat Death1
amative1: That can happen at specific levels
badpandabear: One of the magic distances!
niccus: yep that's 49 blocks
gravity_pike: Magic number!
Juliamon: The bug STILL exists
Angreed66: It still exists
Sorator13: \o/
josh___something: The bug STILL exists
tidehollowcat: Congrats on finding the exact height that kills you
Driosenth: Magic number!
avi_miller: The bug still exists
Favre_the_Undead: 49 blocks
00gogo00: something to do with floating point math
josh___something: there are a LOT of heights
Dumori: It rounds weird
Suffix: It's a math thing!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: So, if you boat exactly 49 or 51 blocks down, you take fall damage.
ProcyonFlynn: It's not a bug - it's an easter egg Kappa
thedepthandbreadthofseth: woohoo! i WAS RIGHT
circusofkirkus: there's a Stand-Up Maths video on it
josh___something: It's a rounding error
Alas_Babylon: Rounding error, it's at 49 or 51
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyThink
MungoDude: 51 blocks also breaks boats
Snouut: is there any downsides to dying?
HorusFive: iS that the one StandUpMaths did?
MaddogM: Why? Minecraft!
avi_miller: At 51 it will also kill
ashteranic: *just minecraft things!*
niccus: and then the layer after that kills you again
MomoNo9: Bonus bat
josh___something: 51 also kills you
Sarah_Serinde subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months!
Sarah_Serinde: Good chunk punching, team. I'm doing this before Serge gets back ;)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sarah_Serinde! (Today's storm count: 1045)
mister_nibbles: @circusofkirkus yes, and its very informative
SnackPak_: good ol floating point to integer conversion
herph: Cheer4999 #teamold no caillou
Unpronounceable: I remember that Stand Up Maths video
thedepthandbreadthofseth: yep
YeetTheRich_: - stand up maths video for reference
thedepthandbreadthofseth: also 51!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyW
50keyz: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: @herph lrrHEART
ashteranic: There's a youtube video someone made going into the details of why it happens.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
phoenixfeather14: Thx herph!
margieargie: Cheer1000 #teamnew #teamold Just kinda want to test what happens here...
KeeganLoses: what was the bane?
avi_miller: Bug is still unresolved
Koshindan: No clip directly underneath one of the layers.
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
Koshindan: Looking up.
MomoNo9: Did someone donate bats instead of bits?
Sarah_Serinde: It divides it evenly
LarkSachrosis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months!
LarkSachrosis: Punch that Chunk!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LarkSachrosis! (Today's storm count: 1046)
amative1: Magic numbers for fall damage are 12, 13, 49, 51, 111, 114, 198, 202, 310, and 315
Sorator13: @margieargie looks like it split evenly between the two!
OVERKiLL!: that is pretty sick
Cole McKinney: @smithkurosaki I was literally just talking elsewhere about this using my name on Google, lol
SmithKurosaki: @Brett Johnson Might be better pinging G on Twitch over YT since it's not monitored by crew on screen (much)
matthaus_c: creepers are pretty helpful in this challenge
NeoOfTheDark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
NeoOfTheDark: 69 months? Niiiiiice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NeoOfTheDark! (Today's storm count: 1047)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @avi_miller you mean they are still supporting that feature!
Juliamon: It was tested at the start, it does split them evenly
Octagone: so what were the boons and banes?
korvys: It's fine, we'll blame Heather, apparently
midnightcurryjazz: The bug has to do with math
Dalrint: So is paul in-game or is he using some kind of mod console?
ShifuDaxiongmao: It's ok Alex. It's for the bit(s). :)
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
electra310: I missed the boon and bane, who got what this hour?
cotp_dom: Here's a great video that explains the boat drop errors
Eille_k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Angreed66: it's the same level
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Eille_k! (Today's storm count: 1048)
Driosenth: Cheer650 #TeamNew 51 is also a magic height for boat death
aesir_blade: In brief, the part that sets your fall damage to zero in a boat only gets checked if your next position is at least one integer subpixel deep into the ground. If your speed is such that you exactly hit the ground, then you still take fall damage
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope vicksyPanic I'm scared too
Texan_Reverend: The Dude abides; the Paul does not.
betweenmyself: Paul with his notoriously sensitive toes.
amative1: James is on 49 as well
gravity_pike: james can wear his own head as a hat!
OVERKiLL!: bat bane sounded pretty fun tho.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang
Mollylele: Corgo100 #teamold Love to root for an underdog
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHORN
NeoOfTheDark: Cheer69 #teamnew Last hour? Have more bits!
DiscordianTokkan: jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: lrrHORN
SymphonySolstice: welp
the_phantom_game_player: diamonds!
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
SnackPak_: rip-a-roni
Fluffy776: levysc1Keyblade
midnightcurryjazz: Matt parker did a a good math video about the bug if you want
IvanRussel: Cheer245
mtvcdm: Diamonds sort of
Knitting_Goblin: Oof
irreleverent: Could he not dig the dirt first?
Suffix: jlrrWalldiamond
Mr_Horrible: jlrrWalldiamond
Sarah_Serinde: James can you just shovel the dirt before mining the diamonds or did we decide you had to get the ore first
MungoDude: jlrrWalldiamond
matthaus_c: it's not a wall diamond if you have faith
RandomTrivia: jlrrWalldiamond
chrono2x: Could find another diamond elsewhere
Mr_Horrible: the Waldiamond, the nanomachine ghost from Outlast Kapppa
AmewTheFox: wall diamond can only be used to cast walls
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah fair
ShifuDaxiongmao: yeah, back then diamonds spawned in a max of 2x2x2
00gogo00: could he not dig the dirt before mining the diamonds
groovemancery: is Wahl Diamond one of those Whalbergs reality shows?
Sarah_Serinde: Correct
Alas_Babylon: @00gogo00 Nope, the availability of diamonds means that diamond shovels are possible, so he must make a diamond shovel
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
KodeMage: can't he choose the order in which he mines blocks?
MungoDude: tuff
Alas_Babylon: @KodeMage Nope, see explanation to 00gogo00
00gogo00: brutal
HorusFive: This whole format is nothing but punishment-rules all the way down
amative1: yes, the boat breaks and the player(s) die
phoenixfeather14: becomes three planks and two sticks
MungoDude: the boat should turn into 3 planks and 2 sticks
chrono2x: If he gets lucky and get's 3 diamonds, you could make a pick, but I don't know if it is possible without at least 1 level of fortune
matthaus_c: someone should make Kaizo Punch-A-Chunk
DoctorHutch: do they have unlimited wood this time?
JDMan94: Uh Alex noises
as_ever_ellesandra: alex's mic is live
GredGredmansson: speaking of shovels i hope Cori doesn't forget about her gold one
HorusFive: Mic-5?
Easilycrazyhat: Matt Parker did a video on that bug. It's interesting.
3 raiders from Herbert_Erpaderp have joined!
Alas_Babylon: Michael Five
KodeMage: so it's not when you need it but when you could use it or when you could construct it?
Aenir798: I love Alex noises :)
Juliamon: DoctorHutch They were given an excess of trees to start
AnimeKitty: Gods remember when boats broke from a stiff wind?
Sorator13: @DoctorHutch Effectively; if they run out, they can go mine it elsewhere on the surface
irreleverent: What if team old's boon is just a single diamond twingeLaugh
Herbert_Erpaderp: hey hey!
BrowneePoints: I've met Meg 2nd hand
josh___something: Mike doesn't deserve this
PigmyWurm: I'm wondering if Paul is taking a long time to enact a punishment, or if he has already done something which they haven't discovered yet.
Witchy_Diana: does there happen to be a mod for minecraft that lets me toggle mining instead of holding to mine for minutes at a time?
TStodden: @DoctorHutch They can leave their chunk to mine wood, if needed.
Herbert_Erpaderp: You absolutely did
Darleysam: chilli152Blep I should make a boat
niccus: geologists regularly lick rocks, they would
Witchy_Diana: because this looks relaxing
Fenhl: yeah this bug is the only thing that can still turn a boat into sticks and planks in current Minecraft
Sorator13: @PigmyWurm He said something about having trouble figuring out how a command works a few minutes ago
DoctorHutch: cool, thanks for the answers all
YeomanAres: Team new has a lot of deep slate
DigitalSeahorse: lrrALEX vicksyTap Alex noises vicksyHeart
mtvcdm: Ouch
herph: jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond
MungoDude: jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond
MrSarkhan: jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond
SymphonySolstice: jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond
Relentless_Bread: wow old is only 60ish blocks behind
Cheer10000000000 subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cheer10000000000! (Today's storm count: 1049)
Knitting_Goblin: Wall diamond, rough
matthaus_c: you didn't have faith
LilyOfTheVeil6666: jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond
SmithKurosaki: F
Fanklok: A hilarious bane would be a single block of obsidian
50keyz: for a boon what if you gave them obsidian blocks so they could make a portal. of course they would need to mine them first.
TheAinMAP: jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond
gizmofreak1: 10 billion
margieargie: Cheer100 #teamwalldiamond
DigitalSeahorse: wow
Sorator13: yeah, 10 billion
MungoDude: that dirt will go so fast
TheNerdWonder: youi CAN break it rhough
lord_bry0n subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
lord_bry0n: punch all the chunks!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lord_bry0n! (Today's storm count: 1050)
Mog1016 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mog1016! (Today's storm count: 1051)
as_ever_ellesandra: oh no no graham you can
Master_Gunner: you can mine it, just take like 2 minutes of straight punching.
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Oh, you can mine it.
as_ever_ellesandra: it takes Forever
JDMan94: Oh you can
Koshindan: You can mine it. It's just slow.
amative1: You can mine Obsidian, it just takes FOREVER
Juliamon: Iron can break obsidian but it is painful
mister_nibbles gifted a Tier 1 sub to Argentina! They have given 22 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Argentina! (Today's storm count: 1052)
PigmyWurm: I mean you can, it just takes forever
electra310: You can mine it, it just takes a long time
MungoDude: obsidian will still break, it just won't drop blocks without diamond or better
Iluvatardis: you can mine obsidian without a diamond pick. it just takes a long time.
Angreed66: you still can mine obsidian with even a hand it just takes ages
jecorum subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
jecorum: woot
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jecorum! (Today's storm count: 1053)
Jgirl13245: minutes even.
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: You can break it with punching it, it just takes 8 minutes.
TStodden: I wonder... how accurate can Paul be with Anvils?
Saintnex: I think they did that once as a bane, and it turned out to just be deeply unfun
UrielAngelSpy: I think it takes 4 minutes to mine obsidian by hand. Halves by tool level.
as_ever_ellesandra: a previous punch a chunk gave someone 9 blocks of obsidian underneath them
as_ever_ellesandra: it was the decider
Akaiatana: Just mine another boat. Boat ores are a thing
ShifuDaxiongmao: practice the ladder skipping :)
SmithKurosaki: @TStodden If Serge's chat can get him with twitch webhook delay, I think Paul can absolutely get people in real time
margieargie: @Akaiatana I hear they show up in rows
Snouut: spam clicking the ore makes it go faster ive heard
nova_plushie: are you doing a watch-a-long during the down time? liske last sub-a-thon?
StreetRach subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
StreetRach: YAHOO
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StreetRach! (Today's storm count: 1054)
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
SmithKurosaki: @nova_plushie, yes
Sarah_Serinde: @nova_plushie Yes
thedepthandbreadthofseth: and cori's axe!
amative1: Paul, I think James is asking for another Boat Witch
Cheer10000000000: lol i forgot what my twitch username was. i dont use twitch often but i decided to show up for the subathon
EikoandMog: @nova_plushie We are!
MaddogM: If james doesn't die from falling, is it really minecraft?
Fenhl: the heights that trigger the boat bug are 12, 13, 49, 51, 111, 114, 198, 202, 310, and 315 meters
matthaus_c: Nice Breaks btw
ShifuDaxiongmao: we hope team new reveals diamonds on this layer :)
Heckhoundbolt: here it comes
Heckhoundbolt: the rage
gravity_pike: Serge is going to eat 2 chicken sandwiches in front of everyone!
circusofkirkus: now both Serge and James need to eat at the same time
MrSarkhan: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp voxlunCarp voxlunCarp
SymphonySolstice: fish friends
the_phantom_game_player: Hello
Koshindan: Oh I hope they multiply.
halfaringcircus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, halfaringcircus! (Today's storm count: 1055)
DigitalSeahorse: FEESH
MajorFrostbyte: Serge a rino!
matthaus_c: fried chicken ASMR
MicroManagingMusician: oh that sounds
MicroManagingMusician: yum
DigitalSeahorse: brag butt
GredGredmansson: tomYoga
Suffix: I have still not been to Bird Man.
midnightcurryjazz: ew eating sounds
StreetRach: Cheer400 #TeamNew
ShifuDaxiongmao: someone should tell serge about latest Bit result :)
Koshindan: Serge is going to make them lose another round of boons.
Angreed66: Time for serge to notice the breaks
midnightcurryjazz: time to mute
TheNerdWonder: on the plus side, those silverfish are blocks you no longer have to mine
halfaringcircus: James with the grizzled veteran patented stoop.
CelestaRose: uni1000 Go Team New!
Cheer10000000000: sandwich ASMR 👀
DigitalSeahorse: feliciaPucker vicksyHaha
amative1: New ahead by ~200
thedepthandbreadthofseth: which is worse, minecraft or irl silverfish?
Montesque64 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Montesque64: Happy to contribute to more Subathon
SymphonySolstice: LUL
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Montesque64! (Today's storm count: 1056)
MrSarkhan: LUL
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
fastlane250: LUL
public_key_reveal_party: LUL
Sunidesus: there it is
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
Suffix: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
HorusFive: There it is PrideLaugh
Sorator13: LUL
nova_plushie: what is with you all and silver fish? the most times i herd them is brought up is during your content.
underhill33: FBtouchdown
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Sarah_Serinde: And they earned a boon without you
phoenixfeather14: mattlrLul
SmithKurosaki: Gottem
thekumquatking: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL
DeathWarrior555: lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES
GoblinMyra: tqsSmug tqsFine
the_phantom_game_player: LUL
SuperFpac: y'all do good work. keep it up :)
SmithKurosaki: nice breaks on the teamnew side
Fruan: Serge not being here to draw heat was the key
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope voxlunCarp
NightValien28: you would think the CREATOR of this module would not break that many tools
OmnipotentTrevor: Does the sandwich have pickles in it, or does it lack perfection?
Dalrint is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel!
Dalrint gifted a Tier 1 sub to soupangel44!
Dalrint gifted a Tier 1 sub to Elucca!
Dalrint gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shadowner!
Dalrint gifted a Tier 1 sub to nabe___nabe!
Dalrint gifted a Tier 1 sub to noxiris_!
lord_bry0n: what's the befit of saving tools?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Dalrint! Welcome to soupangel44, Elucca, Shadowner, nabe___nabe, and noxiris_! (Today's storm count: 1061)
Dedwrekka: @nova_plushie They probably experience them more often because they prefer wet areas. So being on an island...
SnowJP: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
noSmokeFire: on call in the thread if you want another pair of hands to debug, Paul
ShifuDaxiongmao: give them ONE diamond :D
theevermist: the boon is fried chicken
betweenmyself: the boon: additional sleep paralysis demons for moral support
Seth_Erickson: Pickles no good PogChamp
Snouut: 2 diamonds if Serge eats the sandwich in one bite
NightValien28: ooh friend chicken now that's tasty
public_key_reveal_party: @lord_bry0n it's minimal, serge just hates breaking them
micalovits: Would love if he just turned a layer into dirt so they can use the diamond shovel
NonUniqueGuy: I don't like pickles on sandwiches.
00gogo00: I can help debug minecraft commands if needed
OmnipotentTrevor: I'll take your pickles if you don't want 'em
IvanRussel: Cheer95 #TeamNew Welcome back Serge
Sorator13: Oh, we need to show Serge the- yes, that
Sarah_Serinde: If you combine two tools that are low on durability, the resulting tool has slightly more durability than the original two tools individually. So when you're really low on resources like iron, you can squeeze a little more use out of those tools
Dog_of_Myth: Pickles are great on sandwiches.
L0rdX33n: I don’t care for pickles either
Seth_Erickson: I don't like pickles or pickling flavors
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyW
L0rdX33n: and it’s ok to not like things
Sunidesus: dill pickles are great, sweet pickles less so
JDMan94: Pickles provide wonderful acidity and a little cronch to sandwich
JDMan94: Very good stuff
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyE
thedepthandbreadthofseth: ok, boat fial time!
gravity_pike: A TWOFER!
Sorator13: not "we", Serge
SymphonySolstice: aaand there's 51
Fenhl: there's the 51
Mr_Horrible: just psychological warfare
Easilycrazyhat: 51 is a death height too XD
KodeMage: 51
DiscordianTokkan: *snort*
micalovits: More boat bugs!
Sorator13: LUL
amative1: and 51 down is the OTHER boat number
thedepthandbreadthofseth: yes \o/
SmithKurosaki: sergeFall
Laserbeaks_Fury: Did the boat break?
itira: seabatClap
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: 49 and 51
margieargie: Awwww, I was hoping for three in a row
Dog_of_Myth: Get yourself some spicy pickles for a sandwich. Good suff.
TheAinMAP: jlrrFall
62MGcobra: maybe use the bucket o water
Mr_Horrible: a Michael Keaton themed restaurant?
MungoDude: do you now have 2 sticks and 3 planks?
the_phantom_game_player: It sounds good
circusofkirkus: give them pre-lit TNT
Fenhl: yeah it turns the boat into sticks and planks
62MGcobra: free labor?
lord_bry0n: I don't know Serge having a chest full of almost broken tools sounds like something team chaos would do. Doesn't sound very orderly
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: If you fall in a boat from some VERY specific heights, you die. 49 and 51 are two of those heights.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: ok, cool
62MGcobra: labour*
Witchy_Diana: boon of remove the bats?
howdyhowdyhowdyyall: rules question? is getting wood from outside the chunk allowed?
Snouut: 2 diamonds if serge can eat the sandwich in one bite
JDMan94: I'd be very careful about boat
Heckhoundbolt: cori is about to die
amative1: inb4 TNT destroys one of the diamonds, meaning James still can't make the pick
as_ever_ellesandra: cori will die if she does it now I think
Dumori: Do not boat till 12
Sorator13: @howdyhowdyhowdyyall Normally no, but today yes
Easilycrazyhat: XDXD
TotallyNotaBeholder: @TheSoundOfWhiteNoise I have to ask if you know why, that's wild
Sunidesus: oooooo, that has possibilities
BrowneePoints: Gotta say, just seeing yall sittin around together in this atmosphere really revives the older streaming days/desert buses and it's a big hit of nostalgia. Just a lot of wonderful vibes browne26PearPride
IanAllenBird: kmjikomjik
Sarah_Serinde: You can also get less than double out of it
EikoandMog: There it is.
Koshindan: Repair it with a diamond!
Dumori: 49 and 51
Easilycrazyhat: XD
noSmokeFire: hooray! he used my command! ...but it took some work >.>
Fruan: There's the 51
SnackPak_: theres 51
YareNiDaze: 51 also does it.
as_ever_ellesandra: 49 blocks and 51 blocks
SymphonySolstice: aaand cori finds the 51
LathosTiran: nice command forming
Sorator13: It's only those two, Cori
micalovits: 49&51
midnightcurryjazz: 51!
SmithKurosaki: Boat glitch claims another
amative1: 49 and 51 deep (which are levels 15 and 13 in the PaC)
LordZarano: BOTH teams hit both 49 and 51!
Easilycrazyhat: @Sorator13 Well, there are more, but nothing they'll hit here.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: and some really high numbers
midnightcurryjazz: No, its more
Dumori: There's others
as_ever_ellesandra: further actually
SymphonySolstice: not only but that's what's relevant here
Fenhl: it's 12, 13, 49, 51, 111, 114, 198, 202, 310, and 315
PharaohBender27: (returning from a sushi dinner with folks) Oh, TeamNew just barely leading in blocks
Saintnex: there are a few more
SmithKurosaki: !pacrukes
SmithKurosaki: !pacrules
LRRbot: Basic rules: you may only dig one layer at a time, using only resources found in your chunk, and you must be using the best possible pickaxe/shovel available to you. For comprehensive rules:
MungoDude: there's more, but the next one is 111 which won't be relevant today
amative1: 49 and 51 are the only relevant ones
midnightcurryjazz: Math strikes again
Welbog: Bats don't just /happen/, Graham
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Fenhl this
YareNiDaze: @Saintnex but they're not relevant for Punch-a-Chunk.
Saintnex: but they get exceedingly hard to hit
Sorator13: Oh sure, there are others, but not when chunk-punching
Mantafold: he needs an anvil to fix it with a diamond..
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed are they con caves?
Snouut: thats gamer terms is it
vengeancepaladin: hello <3
BusTed: lrrCrab
Twilight_Spark: lrrCrab
Snouut: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
SymphonySolstice: lrrCrab ?
Spades_Slicc: Serge diamondhands real?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: squeak
Jigokuro: lrrCrab lrrCrab
PharaohBender27: lrrCrab
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint lrrCrab
Sorator13: @Mantafold I think he's just trying to hold the fortune pickaxe to *use* it on diamond, not to repair it
fastlane250: lrrCrab
Dog_of_Myth: lrrCrab
SFSMaus: lrrCrab lrrCrab
DoubleNterprises: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
GredGredmansson: lrrCrab
DeM0nFiRe: lrrCrab gdqCrab
Astramentha: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
amative1: lrrCrab
62MGcobra: Morgan Freeman says "and there was no more diamonds"
thebuzzstreams: Are we winning kids?
iris_of_ether: lrrCrab
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Graham, the boat deaths are on 12, 13, 49, 51, 111, 114, 198, 202, 310 and 315
DoubleNterprises: Just a little peench
Mantafold: drop an anvil on serge!!
Easilycrazyhat: the best kind of correct
ProcyonFlynn: penaddCrab ?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer lrrALEX vicksyCheer
iris_of_ether: sponge73Shank sponge73Shank sponge73Shank
ShifuDaxiongmao: infested blocks take longer to break :)
SFSMaus: Pinch?
SnackPak_: betting... in minecraft
DoubleNterprises: Not in the US it ain't
PharaohBender27: Not if it's done through channel points!
SFSMaus: Little pinch?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
HorusFive: We literally bet with our bits
epsilon_vee: "in minecraft"
thebuzzstreams: "That's immoral" got water to come out of my nose!
as_ever_ellesandra: well, one team has both punch a chunk champions on it
JustMeJude: Idk if there will be more boons but being able to mine wall diamonds would be clutch
margieargie: Do we have any science-based over-under?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: oija?? tarot?
suladan_the_serpent_lord: clip that
YareNiDaze: Serge advocating gamba... in Minecraft
Twilight_Spark: Do we have any variance over or under on the acuteness of this existential crisis?
L0rdX33n: I am literally eating a full steak dinner and Serge is making me want a chicken sandwich. Such rizz
tidehollowcat: DQ for you!
Laserbeaks_Fury: that's immaterial
ThePerrBearr: i'd put channel points on the winner
amative1: Serge just keeps digging himself further into a hole...
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope that's a panic attack
SmithKurosaki: Serge, advocating for gamba? In our MC server?
GredGredmansson: !findquote panic
LRRbot: Quote #1717: "If you panic, all of humanity dies." —Cameron [2016-02-05]
mtvcdm: This next boon could decide it all really.
protocol_gamma subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, protocol_gamma! (Today's storm count: 1062)
SmithKurosaki: @amative1, Last I checked that was the goal, yes :p
thedepthandbreadthofseth: peer reviewed double blind longitudinal study?
EvilBadman: Why'd you become an enemy of the Deep Slate, G
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Serge, mine your iron.
Spades_Slicc: Are the quote dates year day month or year month day?
matthaus_c: !holes
LRRbot: Did someone say Holes??
Mr_Horrible: okay but did he lose damage on his gap closer?
GredGredmansson: !findquote fill
LRRbot: Quote #7780: "(gasp) You get to fill the Pipes of Creation!" —Ian [2021-09-19]
spawnofhastur: he's also james hole faller
ProcyonFlynn: So it's 4 hours of grind for an RNG dependent finish? Rough speed run.
Programmerman1: This is fun background sound for trying to make some marinade
Dumori: Good ol Polyseal James
HorusFive: That's the opposite of what James generally does
MajorFrostbyte: Is that naughty? That sounded naughty.
Juliamon: Spades_Slicc Year-month-day
YareNiDaze: @Mr_Horrible I was just trying to phrase this joke! Thank you.
suladan_the_serpent_lord: can there be an ancient city in the chunks?
ShifuDaxiongmao: layer 10 to 12 still has high diamond chances
Laserbeaks_Fury: If there's a gap, yo he'll fill it.
WriterRaven: There is no deepslate in Ba Sing Se.
Dedwrekka: James "Gapfiller" "BC Muff" Turner
mtvcdm: Next boon and bane may well come right at the death.
Saintnex: now just imagine another 40 odd layers of deepslate Graham?
the_phantom_game_player: Shrek in Minecraft
mexfire: lrrWOW
Mr_Horrible: @YareNiDaze RIP James "Rough Divide" Turner Kappa
AnimeKitty: sergeSqueak
GredGredmansson: !findquote iron
LRRbot: Quote #276: "Let's go blow up some iron!" —RebelliousUno [2015-05-14]
amative1: it broke on James's fall
as_ever_ellesandra: the boat explorded
Akaiatana: Water Those???
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Literally wielding water
Juliamon: The boat death bug kills both you and the boat
thedepthandbreadthofseth: the boat fails were 4 for 4, right?
Snouut: hello graham
thedepthandbreadthofseth: both teams, each height?
Snouut: up nice and close
spawnofhastur: I'd love to try decent Southern Fried Chicken but it's not really a thing here in Australia. All we got is KFC. :(
as_ever_ellesandra: correct
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFox3 leggy
ShaneLeeAtk: Poor Yamcha
Programmerman1: Don't we all love food?
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Next boat death an 111 height.
bagfullofbees: you know what I want to see someday? A no-rules Punch-a-chunk
FarleyF: can you show us some ankle Graham
Suffix: There's many more.
as_ever_ellesandra: We are passed the relevant boat heights for this
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: No, there are MANY more Graham. 12, 13, 49, 51, 111, 114, 198, 202, 310 or 315
Merysiowav: :o
Favre_the_Undead: nashville hot chicken is the best imo
amative1: 49 and 51 are the only relevant ones
JDMan94: Too be fair, many people said it
josh___something: We TOLD you
ShifuDaxiongmao: chat did post warnings earlier :)
Juliamon: We kept mentioning both, not our fault you didn't read those messages
Sorator13: Many folks *did* try to tell you
tidehollowcat: @bagfullofbees There's a speedrun category for that
Dumori: I 100% warned you to not
YareNiDaze: Nah, lots of people said it. Streamer needs to read chat more :P
FarleyF: @bagfullofbees run a Punch a Chunk with Ultimine - Just speed run it
Athelgar: i dont know if anywone else has commented, but G's VHS jacket is great
josh___something: smh, streamers
betweenmyself: I love how the bug is that boats explode at specific heights, rather than that they survive the vast majority of falls
Sorator13: Oh yeah, absolutely, that's what made it funny :D
Fruan: Its almost like Chat is a terrible method of trying to explain things.
YareNiDaze: "No that's not why"
50keyz: @Athelgar lots of flashbacks to buying blank tapes to record Gundam Wing on YTV
Mr_Horrible: no, my Union is why I get 20 breaks, Serge
Sorator13: "No that's not why" lrrBEEJ
HorusFive: lrrBEEJ no that's not why lrrBEEJ
Heckhoundbolt: yes
Mr_Horrible: solidarity
ShifuDaxiongmao: to be fair, we do often get ignored.. and it tends to be well-deserved :D
Suffix: It was Hubris.
matthaus_c: I meannnn
Jigokuro: lrrBEEJ
herph: well
public_key_reveal_party: It was 100% indifference
phoenixfeather14: yes, he did
thekumquatking: He did do it on purpose, yeah
nyoomgoom: blocking out the chatters CoolCat
Sarah_Serinde: This time when Serge was away it was on purpose :D
Saintnex: actively stopped caring lol
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I just gave up and got my binoculars ready.
spawnofhastur: huehuehue or hork ptui?
codatski: Punk Chunching
RedRaptor: Where did Graham get that cool looking jacket?
Athelgar: @50keyz so many recorded Just For Laughs episodes to memorize routines
iarethel0ser: It was entirely on purpose.
PigmyWurm: why shield?
DainBread: Two plus two is fouuuuuuur.
50keyz: @Athelgar omg yes. get out of my head lol
Koshindan: It's after 11 am. Serge can math at this time of day.
niccus: if you want to tempt fate, you can build up and hit 111 and 114
Sorator13: @PigmyWurm Defending from exploding creepers earlier
public_key_reveal_party: Oh good, Serge is gonna give Paul a math lesson, this can only go well
DainBread: @GredGredmansson Heck yeah, Psychostick.
KeeganLoses: Cheer1000 #TeamOld
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyThink vicksyLUL
0x6772: Got all that, Paul? There'll be a test.
PharaohBender27: A channel I mod for literally does channel point bets for diamonds
theevermist: I hope there is
Dread_Pirate_Westley: That is incorrect. You have a 40% chance of 1 and 20% each chance of 2, 3, & 4.
Sarah_Serinde: @PharaohBender27 So does James's
MrPhlip: It'll be a 2/7 chance of 1, and a 1/7 chance of each of 2,3,4,5,6
BeardSquadGO: Cheer1000 #TeamNew
SmithKurosaki: @DainBread, Hihi <3
PharaohBender27: @Sarah_Serinde Good to know! :D
DainBread: @SmithKurosaki BleedPurpleHD
MrPhlip: For an EV of 3.14
thedepthandbreadthofseth: teamn ewww....
62MGcobra: last night I forgot about the subathon today but watched Horror Express last night :D
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah it's definitely more fun when it's close
Juliamon: It comes down to the cleanup step *every time*
MrSarkhan: ominous
Dumori: Fortune V is ~= to Pi ore
PharaohBender27: lrrFINE
emberBecky: sleep. sleep for now...
GoblinMyra: thats totes not ominous
amative1: uh oh
RandomTrivia: Ominous HypeLUL
Fruan: Messing about for the comedy is a remarkably good self balancing system.
DoctorHutch: thats what happens when the floor and the ceiling on performance are basically next to eachother :P
IbunWest: merlekConcern
mtvcdm: I'm surprised there's not been a blowout yet.
matthaus_c: so you mine a diamond ore and you get Pie?
betweenmyself: just wait… for good things riffYeti
the_phantom_game_player: HeyGuys
stevefromdetroit: ohi @IbunWest lrrHEART
Sunidesus: what
SnackPak_: ooo
PharaohBender27: O_o
GredGredmansson: what
FarleyF: the second rule is never talk about punch chunk
IanAllenBird: this is paul's boon
Koshindan: Watch Serge get the diamonds.
Dumori: #teamchaos
Alahmnat: the power has gone to Paul's head
atinyspacemarine: I love paul messing with the game
L0rdX33n: Oh, Graham and… Paul? Alex? One of those pairs, because of you I watched Kentucky Fried Movie and Amazon Women on the Moon and nearly died laughing, so sincere thank you.
malfnord: Power has gone to Paul's head!
mtvcdm: This is just Paul messing with you
Mr_Horrible: "punch each other's pits" damn, horny twitter keeps bleeding into twitch
Spades_Slicc: Ohh, switch PITS not switch PICKS
atinyspacemarine: like, please trip on power like this more
Sorator13: alex no
TheAinMAP: Time to rotate the pits.
Bruceski: If someone manages to finish, who wins?
ProcyonFlynn: Oh - given old diamond spawning - that's a BIG boon for TeamOld
theevermist: has paul gone mad with power?
stippledotter: Cheer510 #TeamOld #TeamNew (team borrowed, team blue?)
Sarah_Serinde: The rule is also that you need to use the best tool available, which is not your fist
Angreed66: You can "punch" their chunk
betweenmyself: *Segre immediately finds Diamond*
PharaohBender27: So is the idea that each team goes *slower* so as not to give the other team an advantage?
atinyspacemarine: If you get to the end, in your opponents hole, who wins?
Angreed66: literal punch
Jundinator: Why is James not punching chunks
LarkSachrosis: "Why is nobody punching chunks? I specifically requested it."
Mr_Horrible: Paul's just here to Mix It Up
Magnifisquatch: five minutes seems reasonable
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE lrrPAUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
HorusFive: lrrPAUL PrideLaugh
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyLUL
as_ever_ellesandra: this is neither a boon or a bane, this is a paul
Stephonee: It's a good compromise if everyone is unhappy!
matthaus_c: the chat loves it
Sorator13: Ah yes, the good ol' angry compromise
Sarah_Serinde: @Jundinator Only one person per team (usually) is punching at a time. James just finished a shift
Mr_Horrible: "If everyone's attacking me I must be doing it right" - lrrPAUL
GredGredmansson: "Both teams don't like it, so I guess that's going well"
Mathwyn: Thats how you know its balanced!
MicroManagingMusician: I had to go for a bit what was the bane?
EvilBadman: Symmetrical effects!
SharktoothJack: paul the techfiend
Line Noise: Paul: Chaotic Evil
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSHINE lrrPAUL
50keyz: herringbone?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: "Perfectly symmetrical effects are always balanced, that's why they're symmetrical"
NonUniqueGuy: if everyone hates it, it is good
Koshindan: If a tool breaks in the other hole, shouldn't it count for that team's hole?
Akaiatana: Ferrous Hewer's Day Off
elah806: my favorite part of punch a chunk is when paul starts a little monologue and I try to guess where he's going with it. i've never been right
margieargie: Cheer1900 And my last bits of the day go to... team LoadingReadyRun!
50keyz: spite break the diamonds with a stone pickaxe if you uncover them?
Sarah_Serinde: @50keyz Against the rule of using the best tool available to you
mtvcdm: I mean also, Heather kicks you all out in an hour to play Duck Detective.
Sorator13: @50keyz You have to use the best tool available, so that only works if you have no better picks or materials to make them
SmithKurosaki: Its hilarious
Reymond Kira: I think Pail is Chaotic Neutral
Reymond Kira: because he is fair
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
SnackPak_: daaaang
herph: YAY
50keyz: @Sarah_Serinde dang
Sarah_Serinde: ouch
matthaus_c: is the goat still okay
SmithKurosaki: sergeGG
BusTed: LUL
RandomTrivia: OOOF
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
MrSarkhan: F
PharaohBender27: :O
Sarah_Serinde: Brutal
Easilycrazyhat: Oh noooo
Heckhoundbolt: brutal
Saintnex: Welp
MicroManagingMusician: wait did they switch?
Mr_Horrible: Serge discovering the Joys of Capitalism
Sarah_Serinde: Yes
Favre_the_Undead: welp
guy_dudeman subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, guy_dudeman! (Today's storm count: 1063)
Jundinator: Are they in the same hole
Sarah_Serinde: Paul told them to switch chunks
Sorator13: @MicroManagingMusician temporarily, yes
HorusFive: Alex just starts walling up the other pit
amative1: I think Paul should switch them back right before they finish that layer =D
Master_Gunner: you also have to use those diamonds to dig their chunk for the next 18 minutes.
Sarah_Serinde: @Jundinator Each time has their own chunk
matthaus_c: 50/50, either happens or it doesn't
Sarah_Serinde: @Master_Gunner That's a fair point
ProcyonFlynn: Old chunks were 1 node per chunk - with a chance for spillover across chunk-lines. IIRC
Dread_Pirate_Westley: You will dig up a bunch of the Teamnew chunk with the diamonds you get from it; that might be enough of a head start.
Chesul: Diamonds don't spawn more than ones per chunk really, it's incredibly rare.
as_ever_ellesandra: have to get the iron, smelt it, make a pick then come down, get the gold, smelt it, make another pic
Chesul: (one set)
orangeceltic71: #teamnew Cheer10000
MungoDude: about 1500 dur
Angreed66: 1561 dura for diamond
MrPhlip: Diamond pick has 6 layers worth of durability
Trovaoawm_: SeemsGood
ThePerrBearr: then you'll dog so fast for 32 blocks
JDMan94: Serge is gonna be banging away at your alls deepslate
SFSMaus: Cheer1000 #teamold
JDMan94: It's absolutely a positive
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Alex just took 6 Iron out of the Teamold furnace. lrrJUDGE
Sorator13: Alex will also use your hole, as instructed
GredGredmansson: cmon get in the boat, fish fish
Seth_Erickson: but how many diamond picks will serge make with the diamonds acquired via the fortune 5 pick? or do they even still have that I've been away
NotCainNorAbel: straight up, that would be amazing
Tangsm: Just gripping that iron between your teeth.
public_key_reveal_party: And several tons of rock in your pocket
PharaohBender27: lrrGOAT
stevefromdetroit: using the ladder i s slower - which is key right n ow i t hink
Sorator13: @Seth_Erickson I don't think he's used it yet
Sorator13: still clearing out the layer before the diamond
thedepthandbreadthofseth: "oh, yeah... that ladder is just painted on" *bites lip
Lysander_salamander: I'm a bit surprised earlier that nobody put "desertbus with minecraft canoe" as an option in that polling game
Easilycrazyhat: And who's fault is that, Serge?
MyrddintheWizard: what bar?
Octagone: couldn't serge just stop after they get the diamonds
betweenmyself: What BYAAAAAR!?! riffYeti
Koios7: Cant Serge just mine the diamond out last in the layer?
SmithKurosaki: Lets see if they remember to use that fortune pick on the diamonds
Sorator13: Yeah, there's no rule that you have to take the fastest travel to the bottom of the pit
Caffine1138: in the middle of our chest
DigitalSeahorse: 6 glod
logophile99: also the counter for team old is not counting
Sarah_Serinde: @Octagone always be punching (you're not allowed to just stop and stand around)
amative1: Our Chest, in the middle of Our Chest
Iluvatardis: i stepped away for a few minutes. why did they switch sides?
RandomTrivia: jlrrBreak
SnackPak_: 5?!?
Easilycrazyhat: Wow
DigitalSeahorse: wow
RandomTrivia: Holy
Tandtroll_OG: With this hole-switch I dont think there is much chance of team old to win anymore
Heckhoundbolt: THAT IS SO BAD
Sorator13: Disgusting
RandomTrivia: The 8 stack
Sarah_Serinde: @Iluvatardis Because Paul said so
ShifuDaxiongmao: power of Fortune V
Chesul: how much longer on the swap?
Seth_Erickson: yeah but how many diamond picks do you leave with James
Tangsm: If team new wins the bit race, Paul should extend the time of the swap for them.
GredGredmansson: more gold
Cptasparagus: is tickling against the rules
GredGredmansson: tomAww OOF
the_phantom_game_player: LUL
Pharmacistjudge: evening y'all
Sorator13: @Cptasparagus technically no
Milambus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
GredGredmansson: the8bitWario
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Milambus! (Today's storm count: 1064)
GredGredmansson: the8bitHaa BRING HAAAA
Angreed66: 6 layers
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy hahahahaha ha
Dread_Pirate_Westley: 6.4 layers or so.
Gekyouryuu: Here's a funny coincidence: I'm getting a ride home, and the car in front of me has a license plate with LRL
ProcyonFlynn: :p if you finish you're opponents chunk first - do they win?
Nigouki: i walk away for a few minutes and miss giga diamonds!? boooooo
donzmb: I think so
Sorator13: @Nigouki dw, there's four more
Sorator13: also we're currently swapped pits, so that's... interesting
nova_plushie: this has all been great background noise wile i do my own mining in Warframe. Go team New
Pharmacistjudge: so from what i'm seeing. team old just had WAY more luck than team new
DoubleNterprises: lrrSACK
xVoxtric: "you have great luck for future ref"
KaleidoscopeMind: uh
Sorator13: @Pharmacistjudge Well, the teams have temporarily swapped pits, so that makes things interesting
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
LostThePirate: XD
BrowneePoints: You didn't warm up first
MrSarkhan: LUL
thebuzzstreams: Phrasing?
WriterRaven: You wanna take that one again, Serge?
Gascitygaming: at the same time
Stella_Noctis: lrrJUDGECALL
Master_Gunner: 1 node per chunk, but sometimes the node from one chunk bleeds into the next.
RedRaptor: Serge, you can't just ask someone that.
ProcyonFlynn: !phrasing
LRRbot: "Phrasing has never been a thing and I will never do it even once." —Ian Horner, 2021
Bearudite: hole riddled with pests
NonUniqueGuy: You should see a doctor
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Alahmnat: I feel like part of what keeps this weirdly fair is Paul not actually knowing anything about Minecraft when he decides to do stuff
amative1: It's one node per chunk period, unless you get bleed-over from a neighboring chunk.
Angreed66: 1 vein per chunk is a rule unless the chunk over bleeds into it in this gen.
Sarah_Serinde: It's possible there's another diamond vein that starts in an adjacent chunk and has some number of ores reach into this chunk, but I don't think the odds are great
Digigoner: Saying a hole is "riddled" with anything is pretty problematic
ShifuDaxiongmao: it also had small weird creatures :P
betweenmyself: this hole is chock full of bones pennyWhat
Pinwiz11: Something something absolute casserole
Mollylele: !holes
LRRbot: Did somebody mention classic young-adult action-adventure movie Holes??
spawnofhastur: this is exactly why i love the subathons because the atmosphere is so different to desert bus lol
Trovaoawm_: Kappa
mtvcdm: !addquote (Graham) [now] Our hole is riddled with issues.
LRRbot: New quote #9045: "Our hole is riddled with issues." —Graham [2024-07-15]
Sorator13: @Pinwiz11 a moment I would love to selectively remove from my brain
TotallyDefiant subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 87 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TotallyDefiant! (Today's storm count: 1065)
ShifuDaxiongmao: Paul, you can also just magically even out things ;)
MicroManagingMusician: wait what our the pickaxe and shovel icons? how is broken larger then the other one
amative1: NOT ON AVERAGE. There is one node per chunk unless there is cross-chunk bleedover.
JDMan94: I don't think that's a good thing for team new
SmithKurosaki: !addquote (Serge) [now] What is wrong with your hole?
LRRbot: New quote #9046: "What is wrong with your hole?" —Serge [2024-07-15]
polygonalpizza subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, polygonalpizza! (Today's storm count: 1066)
Seth_Erickson: No I think you getting twice the diamonds is going to end up overtaking any lead gained
matthaus_c: it's diamonds next layer
DigitalSeahorse: I hope this pick lasts to get the diamond
as_ever_ellesandra: make sure you have enough iron durability
DigitalSeahorse: good
Sorator13: @MicroManagingMusician Pickaxe only counts picks; broken shovel counts all broken tools, I think?
the_phantom_game_player: Sorry if they said but whats happening during nights during the subathon when no ones there?
marawr_arts subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
marawr_arts: Hello, lovely LRR friends!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, marawr_arts! (Today's storm count: 1067)
Sandalphon: Starting from beginning of the stream, but hi dedicated mods
DigitalSeahorse: OUR iron vicksyTH
Juliamon: the_phantom_game_player Check the schedule, there's overnight watchalong programming
Sorator13: @the_phantom_game_player Watchalong of various prerecorded LRR content
thebuzzstreams: @the_phantom_game_player A watch along
Fruan: @the_phantom_game_player Watchalongs of the extensive LRR backcatalogue
irreleverent: I know that this is the lowest stakes possible, but it's a little silly that Paul made a call that seemed to disadvantage team old and then immediately backpedaled once it looked like it might benefit team old
WolfGirlVeronica: ive been watching raw how did team new catch up?
matthaus_c: is this like when Shinji entered Rei's entry plug
DigitalSeahorse: Alex was inside Serge's head though
the_phantom_game_player: Thanks
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
Drasvin is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 215 in the channel!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to mexfire!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to Slo_Wolfe!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to madokaaaaaa!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to Strickly_Bear!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to semptimilius!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Drasvin! Welcome to mexfire, Slo_Wolfe, Strickly_Bear, semptimilius, and madokaaaaaa! (Today's storm count: 1072)
spawnofhastur: Bah. Hah bah. Ha bada ba gah bah.
mexfire: @Drasvin Thanks for the gift sub!
Jigokuro: Neighbor Diamonds? It's free real estate. octoFRE
Sorator13: @irreleverent I think it was less "might benefit team old" and more "feels bad for one team to take all of both teams' diamonds"
50keyz: regardless of whether or not it was fair it was entertaining LUL
CastleOtranto: You ever look at side by side Minecraft streams and think someone is mining vertically up?
irreleverent: I feel like if you're leaning into the chaos you should fully lean into it
Alahmnat: like carbon into diamond, Alex would be crushed
Sorator13: m'feeto
MungoDude: mefitopheles
Suffix: Tostitos.
Koshindan: Yeeting the diamond means you won't have to go back up to make a shovel if you find dirt/gravel.
Pharmacistjudge: does team new have to make a diamond shovel?
SmithKurosaki: Hi Sandal
SmithKurosaki: Hope you're enjoying this PAC special
tidehollowcat: Serge wouldn't know anything about yeeting diamonds into lava.
Heckhoundbolt: @Pharmacistjudge if they run into dirt
CastleOtranto: *tips fedora* M'cheetos
Sorator13: @Pharmacistjudge only if/when they encounter dirt/gravel
spawnofhastur: in the worked place. straight up "shirking it". and by it, haha, let's just say. my dutis.
amative1: neck-and-neck
50keyz: LUL its a game of inches
Sarah_Serinde: One of the things we care about here is whether the players are having fun. If a chaotic choice is going to make one time just legit miserable, it's very reasonable to change that choice
JDMan94: Thr difference in deepslate is huge
Sarah_Serinde: *one team
Garfman314: except, you're in the lead
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBox katesBelt katesSteer vrrrooom
Sandalphon: Always
mtvcdm: The winner is always meant to be friendship.
IbunWest: i think itll come down to bedrock navigation
pleonasticTautology: hello I am back from my nap
ShifuDaxiongmao: teamold will overtake them, just by being faster at stuff when out of hole
Sorator13: @pleonasticTautology welcome back! chaos has occurred!
saucemaster5000: In my opinion the diamond got cheated not the players
Sarah_Serinde: !boons
LRRbot: Help decide the fate of your favourite competitor! Give bits using #teamOld (Serge, James) or #teamNew (Cori, Graham, Alex) and fun effects will happen every hour based on who's in the lead. (If you mention both teams in your message, your bits will be split between the two.) Team bit totals reset every hour.
dspmu: Cheer900 #TeamOld
ggodopaste subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
ggodopaste: Wooo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ggodopaste! (Today's storm count: 1073)
Mazrae: You had 2.5 people mining for a bit because Alex went gremlin for a bit
pleonasticTautology: @Sorator13 yeah my nesting partner mentioned that they switched holes for 20 minutes????????
Favre_the_Undead: tea mold
Favre_the_Undead: teamold
Sunidesus: Cheer500 #teamold
amative1: @pleonasticTautology only like 10, but yes
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Creature_Comforts: #TeaMold
the_phantom_game_player: Nice knowing Serge then
SFSMaus: Cheer1507 #teamold
gsyhiap: Cheer62 empty the bit bucket for #TeamOld
jjcard: oh I just bought and played Duck Detective. Fun game
Sorator13: @pleonasticTautology Didn't wind up being 20 minutes because Reasons, but yes, that happened!
nevermore913: Quack
Mathwyn: Ducktective
DeM0nFiRe: Cheer5000 #TeamOld
spawnofhastur: i like that in the original japanese version "being sent to the shadow realm" was just. friggin' dying.
DrakoniteDev: bane: give pick to other team. boon: receive pick from other team?
Lord_Hosk: Also the New kids have had way less Iron, and the resources came later, the only thing that has kept them in it is the boons
Mollylele: uni50 #TeamHeather
JDMan94: And tram old takes the lead
electra310: Cheer800 #teamnew Go Deepslate Miners!
Iluvatardis: Cheer1200 #TeamNew
Suffix: I think coffee is nice.
m33pn8r: Cheer79 #teamnew
thedepthandbreadthofseth: #Team'nEwwww
JDMan94: Or at least was in the lead
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
TPRJones: Cheer100 #TeaMold
Nommii77: Cheer200 #TeamNew
orangeceltic71: #teamnew Cheer1000 Cheer1000
L0rdX33n: Any idea how long duck detective will be? I want to get a nap in before Fallout.
Driosenth: Cheer2000 #teamnew
Milambus: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #TeamOld
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
MrSarkhan: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #TeamNew
Sarah_Serinde: For what's up next and how long each segment is scheduled for
m33pn8r: You got it right Graham! Thanks!
MeepleSkillz: Cheer1000 #teamold
doomlimit: wasn't that just Serge going to the other side of the country for three months or whatever that was
SmithKurosaki: @doomlimit Not 100% sure what you're referring to
doomlimit: Quipping at the show, don't mind me
SmithKurosaki: Its all good\
spawnofhastur: @Iluvatardis you might have the single greatest screen name i've ever seen
ShifuDaxiongmao: and it's even due to a skellie
RassilonDND: The bitties, they flying now
RedAlexxis: #teamnew Cheer282
00gogo00: if you leave a block you lose
00gogo00: I thought that was the rule?
Sarah_Serinde: That doesn't work if both teams miss blocks
amative1: 1015! that's TIME!
Sarah_Serinde: And some will be in unreachable spaces
MungoDude: I think we're about at time
ShifuDaxiongmao: teamnew needs the boon to win :)
cobalturge: Cheer1000 Team New!!!!!
electra310: Cheer400 #teamnew
Welbog: Cheer2000 #TeamOld We can do it!
BrowneePoints: Don't hit Cable! He's a cool X-Man!
badpandabear: Cheer1501 #TeamNew
Pharmacistjudge: have we discussed what happens if there is a draw?
50keyz: is that dirt?
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer1000 #teamnew
orangeceltic71: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #teamnew
namles_the_ninja: Cheer75 #teamnew
nevermore913: I think team new might have enough?
TPRJones: Cheer100 #TeamGnu
Fanklok: Oooh is Alex going full Loki?
thebuzzstreams: The bits, the bits, the bits!
matthaus_c: GNU's Not Unix
Driosenth: 15
amative1: James said 715
Blackaddicus: 15
skrt_01 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
RayFK: Graham, you can't be like this it's Day 1
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, skrt_01! (Today's storm count: 1074)
gsyhiap: Well done everyone #TeamLRR lrrARROWS
dzee_szed: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 #TeamNew the kids are all right
IbunWest: he said quarter after
PharaohBender27: Said quarter past, i.e. 7:15
amative1: New
spawnofhastur: yo alex you got anything special in your lead pig these days?
Sorator13: LUL
thekumquatking: STOP THE COUNT
TPRJones: Cheer100 #TeaMew?
nevermore913: Serge had hubris
forcedreject: Graham wake up, it's time for your DB shift
HorusFive: I can like a thing! I'm not the boss here
RebekahWSD: We can be everything we wanna be! And we wanna be this!
mtvcdm: It's always peak bus
RassilonDND: can you recount bitties?
FarleyF: your not my CEO
herph: wait, this is the boon, isn't it
cobalturge: You're not my mom Grahmmmm
Driosenth: fatigue and haste!
herph: boon of bats
ShifuDaxiongmao: give teamold 3 minutes of mining fatique :D
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
amative1: this is the bane, isn't it
DigitalSeahorse: Graham has more DB experience
Sunidesus: so many bats!
m33pn8r: Cuz I can ride my bike with no handlebars!
BusTed: LUL
IanAllenBird: lmfao
Tempest2097: Oops all bats
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
MrSarkhan: LUL
kamelion84: katesGigl
pleonasticTautology: hahahahaha
PharaohBender27: 🦇
DigitalSeahorse: hahahhhhahh
Mashamino: BAAATS
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
geckoinasuit: I thought the bats were in MY minecraft game
NorthstarTex: Yessssss
SmithKurosaki: Holy Batman
betweenmyself: please do not try to define my understanding of temporal reality, thank you!
Mazrae: Are you dracula now
RebekahWSD: Delightful!
electra310: Nananananana Bat Bane!
KaleidoscopeMind: lot more to split now
noSmokeFire: it's really bat
forcedreject: That hole would have so much guano
Koshindan: It's really bat.
Heckhoundbolt: they heard they were getting tips
Pharmacistjudge: well the bats can block arrows for you
Lysander_salamander: what do the bats do?
MacbethSeemsSus: *Batman Begins Theme*
theworldsmith1: I love halloween
NimrodXIV: bats bats bats
micalovits: It is indeed really Bat
thekumquatking: It's really bat!
IbunWest: abatWIGGLE abatWIGGLE abatWIGGLE abatWIGGLE abatWIGGLE
Lysander_salamander: oh
gsyhiap: Moar bats!
PharaohBender27: 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇
Midnightskypoet: All the bats.
excalgold: this is driving me Baty !
TPRJones: it's really bat
nevermore913: The bats, the bats, The bats
sounderfan84: wait serge is batman?
patrick_stonecrusher: Batty bat bat! Batty bat bat!
matthaus_c: how many bats are equivalent to all that deepslate
Mr_Horrible: My (32M) bats (1M, 1M, 1M, 1M, 1F, 1F, 1F, 1F, etc) have unionized
Alahmnat: haste 3
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyClap lrrPAUL
ShifuDaxiongmao: they don't slow at all XD
chrono2x: Boon: tnt
aesir_blade: netherite pick?
BrowneePoints: Yes! Lose Serge Looose! Muahaha Team New!
OVERKiLL!: 🦇🦇🦇🦇
spawnofhastur: i like the noise the bats make, they're cute.
ofstrife: bats and bats and bats and bats
50keyz: 10 stacks of TNT LUL
00gogo00: speed 5
pleonasticTautology: wait so is Team Old's hole that bridge in Austin now?
protojman: Oprah gif
00gogo00: not haste, speed
DiamondMX: Is Serge Batman?
Athelgar: fill ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ minecraft:air
RassilonDND: loser gets bats, winner gets to give the loser more bats :)
dzee_szed: It's like the Boot to the Head sketch. "And for #TeamOld we have... Coven of Bats. And then for #TeamNew we have... Coven of Bats."
Sunidesus: @spawnofhastur Team Bat Fans!
TheAinMAP: So much squeaking. They must like Serge.
before_damage: Hi all, I hope Cori’s back is doing fine from doing the hard carrying
matthaus_c: big shoutout to Bloomburrow for changing it to First and Second Main Phases
mweepigeon: they made it first and second main
00gogo00: there's a new card that references second main
measureofhope: Cool bats
Sorator13: I think that change hasn't been implemented yet?
DigitalSeahorse: exposed the FULL bedrock layer or one brick of it?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: decide soon, otherwise it won't affect anything
ShifuDaxiongmao: there might be up to 4 diamond blocks below it :D
Heckhoundbolt: screw statistics
Pharmacistjudge: in bloomburrow you can see they are shifting from "precombat main" to "first main phase"
OVERKiLL!: dope
spawnofhastur: @Sunidesus i live in australia most of our bats are basically sky puppies
ShifuDaxiongmao: haste II
Lysander_salamander: aw
Suffix: You want HASTE
00gogo00: aw he was gonna do it
8000power: Paul is thinking Haaste
ShifuDaxiongmao: Paul, give them HASTE II
Blackaddicus: haste
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
mtvcdm: Paul just giving out drugs now
0x6772: Yeah, enchanted tool.
Garfman314: lets them enter the battlefield without summoning sickness
CrossXhunteR: almost done
NimrodXIV: placed blocks - judge!
Blip2004: all I can hear is squeaks
00gogo00: haste will speed mining yea
Lobo_Apache: haste 5, efficiency 4
irreleverent: OH NO
RandomTrivia: Uh
donzmb: wait i missed it what did he throw?
the_phantom_game_player: Hasties!
Sorator13: Uh oh
amative1: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
TheAinMAP: lrrFINE
mtvcdm: It's all fine
chrono2x: What happened?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
measureofhope: What did he throw?
Chesul: the logs.
BrowneePoints: It's Freakin Bats! I love Halloween!
MrSarkhan: Serge you monster!
RandomTrivia: Bats nooooo!
SnackPak_: wooooow
kamelion84: katesGigl
HorusFive: Actual monster Serge Yegar
public_key_reveal_party: Serge!
Sunidesus: Serge!
50keyz: lrrJUDGE
Sorator13: JAMES
Caffine1138: MURDERER!
mtvcdm: Crispy bats
pn55: lrrWOW
Koshindan: Throwing away the diamond is actually a good thing because you won't be forced to make a shovel.
Blackaddicus: mooorrrrreee bats paul
amative1: lrrJUDGE
Tempest2097: Serge you can't burn the bats
gsyhiap: Send moar bats!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
Sorator13: sorry, that wasn't james
SmithKurosaki: And yet, YOU DID
Sorator13: SERGE
Fruan: DQ for bat cruelty!
niccus: happy bloomburrow release week everyone
Singenmeister: The hearingbone! The Hearingbone!
korvys: Just give Alex bat eggs
Nigouki: Serge always sidestepping ethics for efficiency
Dumori: Korean Fried Bats
excalgold: Wait until it's James' turn and then spawn Bats!
JusticeJuice: Count the bats as broken tools
JDMan94: Uhhh
Jethrain: 🎵I don't mean to set the bats, on, fiiiiire
mtvcdm: Who is most likely to kill a bat
rogerivany: The bats light themselves on fire well enough without Serge's help
matthaus_c: I know some gas station pills for more wood
spawnofhastur: i would suggest that you not eat roast bats, that's how you get zoonosis
JDMan94: Well losing time and blocks
Angreed66: Legal move bats should simply not fly into the fire
8000power: No ladders...
forcedreject: ORA ORA ORA
the_phantom_game_player: boat boat
RandomTrivia: VROOOOM
betweenmyself: trying to get more wood? ask your urologist about viagra.
pleonasticTautology: boon! boom boon! boom boom boon!
mtvcdm: Nnnnnnnggggghhhhh
iris_of_ether: Gas gas gas, gonna step on the gas
Juliamon: Bats will catch fire and die from the sparks from a single source block of lava. They are SO flammable.
MacbethSeemsSus: Go Shadowfax!
SFSMaus: Bbbbbbrrrrrrrr
BusTed: Sonic Youth
ShifuDaxiongmao: it won't be near enoughh XD
matthaus_c: Dragonforce
shurtal: Dadrock
asthanius: RunDMC
Lobo_Apache: DRagonforce
RassilonDND: alex is speedwagon!
thekumquatking: Speedy Ortiz
spawnofhastur: i am imagining alex grooving to breakcore.
MungoDude: jlrrBedrock
phoenixfeather14: FBtouchdown
Suffix: jlrrBedrock
herph: jlrrBedrock
Tempest2097: Breakcore does rule
SymphonySolstice: jlrrBedrock
KingTaltia: To quote Alex earlier; "No, you don't set them on fire, bats just END UP on fire, it just HAPPENS without you having any say in it." Didn't expect THAT to be foreshadowing today.
SmithKurosaki: Rifght?
Gaelan_Maestro: are ya winning son?
Bearudite: jlrrBedrock
the_phantom_game_player: nice
RAICx: jlrrBedrock jlrrBedrock jlrrBedrock
badpandabear: jlrrBedrock jlrrBedrock
Tempest2097: I love me some Igorrr
00gogo00: why redstone dust on the bedrock?
SFSMaus: jlrrBedrock jlrrBedrock
Sunidesus: jlrrBedrock
shurtal: do state-based actions happen in the clean up step?
matthaus_c: @00gogo00 tradition
DigitalSeahorse: xD
mtvcdm: Yes
thekumquatking: Yes
Dog_of_Myth: Yes
micalovits: Yes
50keyz: yes
Sorator13: Yeah, I kinda miss the goat screams
Tangsm: Bring in the whole band.
Nigouki: you have that power Paul
SmithKurosaki: Do eeeet
TheOtherTrevor: Paul can fix that
RandomTrivia: (aaaaaaa)
Nigouki: you can still make it happen
noSmokeFire: paul, you have the power to summon more goats
itbedefii: the screaming goats are A+
Pywodwagon: Paul, hit em with a goat
HorusFive: You could put another boat in Paul lrrPAUL
mtvcdm: Play goats and bats
Singenmeister: What about goat-bats that are also on fire?
50keyz: VoteYea
matthaus_c: throat boat
LadyAtarka subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LadyAtarka: Okay, but how many mineshafts?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LadyAtarka! (Today's storm count: 1075)
ShifuDaxiongmao: Paul, you should prolong the haste, to give them a bigger chance to catch up :D
RassilonDND: really how many goats can rain down
SmithKurosaki: sergeSqueak
tetradd01: Goats and Ships is my favourite Hamilton Song
betweenmyself: is there a command to transform bats into goats? riffThink
Dog_of_Myth: lrrHERE
Sarah_Serinde: LadyAtarka Zero, you should've gotten here sooner :P
LowUpsideCJ: Final cleanup should be going to find the goat
Singenmeister: @matthaus_c lrrFRUMP lrrFRUMP lrrFRUMP
LadyAtarka: sergeSqueak
MTGRanger: I do miss the burning goats...
rogerivany: I hope the goats aren't on fire anymore at least.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH vicksyLeave lrrGOAT one goat went to AWAY
LadyAtarka: @Sarah_Serinde Sadness
Sorator13: oh dear, that's a hundred block lead
NazTMann subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months, currently on a 45 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NazTMann! (Today's storm count: 1076)
00gogo00: clearly, you want to give each bat a goat passenger
00gogo00: this can only go well
noSmokeFire: @betweenmyself not directly, but I think `/execute as @e[type=bat] run summon goat ~ ~ ~` will make each bat summon a goat, then `/kill @e[type=bat]` will, well...
LordZarano: 1 minute per block?
Pharmacistjudge: i agree with serge
Sarah_Serinde: Legit #TeamOld has made up a lot of deficits, including starting with more blocks in their chunks and getting more banes than boons
mtvcdm: I say you willingly accept that if you miss a diggable block you claim the scorecard.
Angreed66: It's good to punish hubris
SmithKurosaki: @mtvcdm ooo this is a good one off rule
Suffix: @mtvcdm sergeJustRight
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
thedepthandbreadthofseth: what about both finish and call a time, and then that time gets penalize.
50keyz: lrrSACK
Saintnex: lrrWOW
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
RandomTrivia: The full 11 stack
Pharmacistjudge: Paul and chat is a strong equalizer
chrono2x: Did TeamNew ever get their last boon?
SmithKurosaki: lrrGREED
Sorator13: The first one was from the other chunk, yeah
josh___something: smh, james LIED D:<
SmithKurosaki: @chrono2x, 2min of Haste
OVERKiLL!: Hurbis
Alahmnat: @chrono2x yes, 2 minutes of haste
amative1: The previous diamonds are from the other chunk. This is this chunks only actual diamond
Fanklok: James rigged this seed
DigitalSeahorse: I bet Alex will find some diamond right in the bedrock
Sarah_Serinde: @josh___something He's been saying "on average" the entire time
Seth_Erickson: A lot of Statistic anomalies in Serge's favor today huh
SmithKurosaki: @amative1 There was a cross chunk bit earlier
Mr_Horrible: let's just say that the GDQ runs are using 1.17 Kappa
neisan2112: How's the punchin going yall? See we're near the end
the_phantom_game_player: So close
ShifuDaxiongmao: the difference right now is so that Haste 2 probably would not be enough to catch up
Sarah_Serinde: @Fanklok To be fair, their first vein had only 2 and TeamNew's chunk had such a big vein
josh___something: @Sarah_Serinde I guess the sarcasm doesn't scan enough, yeah sry. that was meant sarcastically
Crazyginder22 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
Sarah_Serinde: Also these diamonds probably won't make any difference since they have so much durability on their pick
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Crazyginder22! (Today's storm count: 1077)
Sarah_Serinde: @josh___something Yeah fair enough :)
KevlarGiraffe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months, currently on a 62 month streak!
KevlarGiraffe: Happy Subathon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KevlarGiraffe! (Today's storm count: 1078)
chaos_blast_exe: how are there over 400 blocks remaining after bedrock is visible
ShifuDaxiongmao: the amount makes sense... the wall diamonds had 2 blocks in the chunk.. this had 1+3... so that's 6 blocks of diamond, still below the 8 a full spawn can be
matthaus_c: be like float goat
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Sarah_Serinde can I suggest both teams call their own time of completion, and then the time is penalized for extra blocks
Sarah_Serinde: @thedepthandbreadthofseth You can, this bit isn't up to me
thedepthandbreadthofseth: PAUL?!?
Lobo_Apache: How many bits to just add more bats? like 90 more bats
KunaTheBear: Oh neat I got gifted sun the same day my LRR hoodie came in, dope! Now towait for it to not be so terribly hot I can enjoy it
DigitalSeahorse: lrrPAUL the government
TheAmazingRayce subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Sarah_Serinde: Imagine having to stay here and get rid of *all* the bedrock in a chunk before you were done
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheAmazingRayce! (Today's storm count: 1079)
Sarah_Serinde: It would take so long
Seth_Erickson: The Deep Slate would never provide the correct tools
MungoDude: with pistons it's possible, but it's a glitch
electra310: You can destroy it, with SCIENCE
Ravage2002 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
Ravage2002: Dig boys! DIG!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ravage2002! (Today's storm count: 1080)
excalgold: it is so weird that the bedrock isnt just a flat weird
LadyDKat: Hi everyone! I just got off work; who currently has the golf scorecard?
0x6772: Also, usually the roof, not the floor.
MacbethSeemsSus: Welp, tornado warning so catching the ending in the VOD.
Sorator13: @MacbethSeemsSus oof; stay safe friend!
PigmyWurm: and if you do it on the bottom you fall out of the world
LowUpsideCJ: be safe!
mtvcdm: Even Steven now
SmithKurosaki: @MacbethSeemsSus, Stay safe :)
Sarah_Serinde: @LadyDKat Last I noticed it was Serge, but I don't know if that's still the case
Two_Hats: Pauliament may decree many things, it up to him
phoenixfeather14: @0x6772 unless you're on Hermitcraft
TStodden: Bedrock has like 16 million HP... so it's virtually indestructable
emberBecky: @LadyDKat I think Serge gave it to Jordynne off camera
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @LoadingReadyRun paul, ask both teams to complete their chunks and a get both times, then add on penalties?
donzmb: lrrHAM
amative1: tied up
Twilight_Spark: Undewear?
MungoDude: I've seen a video of getting bedrock in survival, it was a very convoluted process that had to be done in the End dimension iirc
DigitalSeahorse: new team has more eye to spot the burried blocks
Milambus: I just made you say…
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect vicksyInspect vicksyInspect
OVERKiLL!: ⛏️ 98% of my minecraft knowledge is thanks to LRR, Mine 'Oclock, James and Surge shoutout Fugi
mtvcdm: You should break more tools
Fanklok: Yes james "we"
Koshindan: Breaks should count as leftover blocks.
LordZarano: The way to get bedrock in your inventory in vanilla survival involves a lag machine and a massive cannon for the player, and has to be built in the End
MaddogM: Is broken tools the tiebreaker?
LadyAtarka: Lets go old people!!
Sarah_Serinde: I dunno, it sounded more like James was blaming Serge, not the tools :P
Sorator13: @MaddogM No; it's completely irrelevant :D
Bruceski: A poor craftsman blames his toold.
Bruceski: Tools, stupid keyboard.
Heckhoundbolt: war it is then
dzee_szed: new guys have the eyesight advantage in the dark
Magnifisquatch: savage
Sorator13: @Bruceski LUL
mtvcdm: Coward
SmithKurosaki: Yea, Serge having Fugi on his home streams is very educational at times
irreleverent: No this is optimal viewing
josh___something: "Up yours" XD
Angreed66: Cowards live
Akaiatana: James pulling a Truman Show
SymphonySolstice: my viewer experience!
Saintnex: thank you James :D
Cheer10000000000: good excuse, i'll allow it
irreleverent: I enjoy this less now
SmithKurosaki: Praise the Sun
CrossXhunteR: graham is eagle eyed
Cheer10000000000: this is must better actually
compactdisco subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, compactdisco! (Today's storm count: 1081)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Paul, have you resolved the penalty issue yet?
matthaus_c: now is the true test, hold fast or expire
Incandescent_Zubat: wow. rude
mtvcdm: Bats are intelligent
LadyAtarka: Those bats are my children of the mineshaft. How DARE you Serge!!!!
Incandescent_Zubat: the bats did nothing wrong
pleonasticTautology: yeah I think I remember that from last time
Fruan: Serge is just turning into a DC comics villain
Sarah_Serinde: Oh right! Yeah I think that command was a good way of doing it
emberBecky: bats are friends
Mr_Horrible: I vaguely remember this power, yeah
MungoDude: the last hundred blocks
Mashamino: smort
SnackPak_: @LadyAtarka gettem, Atarka
00gogo00: convert it to barriers
matthaus_c: can you convert all bedrock to goats
Koshindan: Dirt! You need to turn the diamond into a shovel.
LadyAtarka: Serge and I are beefing again now
Alahmnat: why dirt
mtvcdm: ! advice
LRRbot: In order to make clear parts more effective, select three.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Paul, can you make them both declare when they're done and then penalize their times?
Mr_Horrible: command to convert all squares of bedrock into towns for the modern stone-age family
OVERKiLL!: cheers to that whole museum project. that was inspiring to say the least.
KaleidoscopeMind: "fun"
Sarah_Serinde: thedepthandbreadthofseth Please don't spam, I think they've got it covered
asthanius: could turn bedrock into obsidian for that, instead of glass
DigitalSeahorse: behind
Akaiatana: Amusing thought: Turning all the bats into silverfish all at once.
Fruan: Texture pack to make bedrock strobe through random colours at maximum brightness
pleonasticTautology: @Mr_Horrible simpson, homer simpson, he's the greatest guy in historyyyyy; from the town of springfield, he's about to hit a chestnut treee AAAA
Alahmnat: twitch compression hates bedrock, that's for sure
Mr_Horrible: @Akaiatana monstrous
UnknownFriday: Ladders?
Mr_Horrible: @pleonasticTautology we love a riff on the classics
Dante Veiil: alex missed one
Dante Veiil: in one of the holes
Purplesandpaper1: Is the redstone dust counting as a block?
LadyAtarka: Fly my bats!!
mtvcdm: We may be near done.
MungoDude: the armour stand is an entity, not a block btw
protojman: did it count the original trees that were planted?
OVERKiLL!: ya bastad
as_ever_ellesandra: Tbh James, have you ever considered doing a Cleanup Race?
BusTed: 40:19:42
SymphonySolstice: gdqTime
FriendlyNeighborhoodGM subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FriendlyNeighborhoodGM! (Today's storm count: 1082)
stippledotter: Graham using those epic design skills
Mr_Horrible: everyone's just too good at minecraft
korvys: Maybe turn it into colored glass
lord_bry0n: air?
averythetiger: Didn't James say something about removing fences used to block water?
Gascitygaming: hard to tell exactly what's accessible even with glass, but it's see throughable
Saintnex: it was white wool that was helpful last time no?
Mewr11: barrier blocks?
herph: Cheer200 jlrrPunch x2 #teamold #teamnew
YeomanAres: The deep slate difference was huge
00gogo00: I think glass is the best option
mtvcdm: The winner is the independent mining industry
Suffix: neon glass?
matthaus_c: goat blocks
Jigokuro: barrier?
betweenmyself: water?
stevefromdetroit: beacon? Netherite
CaptynByrd: Replace the bedrock AND air with glass?
Sarah_Serinde: I think spectator is what you used the first time
Mr_Horrible: and the bats stay ON during cleanup
LadyAtarka: I love the bats
Gascitygaming: great job both teams, 14 block difference 6 hours alter!
Chesul: green clay would also be good.
Crafty_Jaye: Try orange wool for visibility!
amative1: one made its way cross-chunk
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeart bat frands
dzee_szed: "Do you want the bats on... or off?" "...Off." "Too bad."
Twilight_Spark: True marching cubes hours
ShifuDaxiongmao: glass panes?
TPRJones: hope there's no hidden lava to go with the wool
BusTed: An algorithm to determine accessibility!
chrono2x: Could you preset the bedrock as flat?
stevefromdetroit: sea lantern
Sorator13: @averythetiger Not exactly; you use planks to destroy water sources within the chunk (and then remove and throw away the plank), and use fences to wall off water pouring in from outside the chunk (and leave it there to kee pthe water out)
pleonasticTautology: pink wool?
Natimus_Prime: Turn the stone to wool? the color would stand out
WriterRaven: Turn bedrock into scaffolding?
mtvcdm: I love you never actually figure this part out
ShifuDaxiongmao: would glass pane connect?
OVERKiLL!: ⌛️timeless time. i think those were like really really cheap gross off brand cigarettes werent they?🚬
Driosenth: clear glass and everything else to black wool
7gorobei: red wool?
cotp_dom: Mine out the bottom in creative?
JDMan94: Snow?
as_ever_ellesandra: getting a tertiary party to count the number of inaccessible blocks before hand and removing them from the count would be nice
Martin_FcG: change deepslate to orange wool, stone to yellow wool and bedrock to white wool?
Koshindan: Maybe getting a resource pack in the future that makes bedrock transparent and you can switch back and forth.
Lord_Hosk: This is where you need to prep the bottom layer
josh___something: I think you just stop at the first bedrock layer
fishthemfishfish: maybe replace the besrock with glass and then flood the chamber?
mtvcdm: I say the bats win
Saintnex: it honestly might just be worth it to level out the bedrock in like creative?
korvys: Do some command so that every block below a bedrock block turns into a bedrock block
GreyThey: Have each team evaluate the other's bedrock to check?
WhirlwindAbyss: did the stream crash?
MrPhlip: You can pre-calculate which blocks are reachable.. It's surprisingly computationally complicated, but it's possible
Sorator13: @WhirlwindAbyss not for me
IaCthulhuFthagn: Automatically counting inaccessible blocks with a command block chain would be a fun project.
Sarah_Serinde: @WhirlwindAbyss No, try refreshing
OmnipotentTrevor: Why not just first to bedrock wins?
as_ever_ellesandra: @MrPhlip yeah for sure
avi_miller: You can absolutely use command to edit things
Laserbeaks_Fury: Worst case, you can copy and paste the bedrock layers
Blip2004: there are flat bedrock mods
jordorowsky subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jordorowsky! (Today's storm count: 1083)
Sorator13: yeah, make sure that every not-accessible block is changed to bedrock
Angreed66: The cleanup is part of the skill testing
ShifuDaxiongmao: It MIGHT be possible to make a ressource pack that gives blocks colors depending on neighbouring type of block
TStodden: Is there a way to convert bedrock above Y=1 as another block?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect vicksyInspect vicksyInspect
Chantzzzzz: generating a completely-accessible base layer sounds like an advent of code challenge
00gogo00: wouldn't it make more sense to replace everything but bedrock with a light source, so you can see if it's nearby
50keyz: do teamnew get a 10:1 penalty een though they didnt call time?
the_phantom_game_player: <3
Sarah_Serinde: That's rough
Orxolon: good evening every1
Chesul: two of those were wool!
Easilycrazyhat: Two of those were wool.
mtvcdm: Team old wins I think
circusofkirkus: you broke wool there
MungoDude: there's 2 white wool there though
m33pn8r: Those last 2 were wool in shadow!
Heckhoundbolt: that one was inaaccessable
ThePerrBearr: 2 of those were wool
schwimmschik: so only 5
UltraVioletVodoo: two of the ones you broke were woll
LathosTiran: i think 2 wool got counted
avi_miller: Two of those were wool blocking them
ShifuDaxiongmao: 5, 2 were wool with bad lighting
sarsum33: no 5 one of those was wool
josh___something: 2 of those were wool, so only 5 yeah
donzmb: you’re still at 4 that one was covered in wool
chrono2x: yeah, 5 not 7
fuzzy_died: two of #new was wool
micalovits: Wait, I think that was wool that covered one of the others
avi_miller: only the first 3 were reachable
drocathekorok: The two blocks alex broke were wool
DigitalSeahorse: 7
finestotter: I think it was only 4, 2 were blocking the last one
Halinn: Two were wool and the last one was covered by those
TheSeg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
TheSeg: 99 months appear on the subs…
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheSeg! (Today's storm count: 1084)
h3rsh3yb4r: two of those were wool
MicroManagingMusician: only 3 were missed
JDMan94: Yeah chat is saying stuff
Heckhoundbolt: two woll were broken
Martin_FcG: one of the deepslate was hidden under the wool, should only be 4
NonMint: I love this hyper specific pointing and scoring system. LMK when we break out the string for measurement, this is so lovely and Canadian.
AquariumPrime: shoul be 5
AquariumPrime: 6*
amative1: 6, 2 were wool @LoadingReadyRun
evilspoons983: orange or magenta wool would have maybe been a better idea
ShifuDaxiongmao: should've gone pink wool :D
circusofkirkus: sea lanterns?
MungoDude: or lime wool
circusofkirkus: for light
Koshindan: Maybe concrete?
josh___something: wool looks suspiciously like stone
Crafty_Jaye: glowstone
Saintnex: yea only 5 now
Mr_Horrible: colored wool would prolly work, yeah
PigmyWurm: @I think that was just the way alex got to it
m33pn8r: change color and subtract 3
Sorator13: I was gonna say, change it to colored wool
Akaiatana: Redwool is the bloomburrow PPR
thedepthandbreadthofseth: yellow wool
as_ever_ellesandra: because Wool
Suffix: Yeah, you definately punched some wool.
JDMan94: 2 wool has been broken
ShifuDaxiongmao: how about glowstone? :D
dylan16807: oh yeah glowstone would be good
Gascitygaming: it started at 58
Driosenth: white wool to red wool
OVERKiLL!: wow a 6pack under that 1 block. super rough.
Nefarious_Ned: Was there a winner already? I missed it.
josh___something: the true count seems to be 5
micalovits: Can you place torches?
MTGRanger: @Nefarious_Ned being determined
micalovits: When it is hard to see
Saintnex: you can see the two wool in Alex’s tool bar and one was hidden behind them
SymphonySolstice: change to concrete?
mtvcdm: All is wool
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
amative1: @LoadingReadyRun 2 wool were broken, one of the found stone was under that, so the count should only be 5 not 8.
TheNerdWonder: barrier blocks with a visible texture would be good. can't break them, but can see through them to find all the missed blocks
DigitalSeahorse: lrrALEX vicksyHaha
Angreed66: some of the blocks chat is saying were hidden were accessible via missed blocks
ShifuDaxiongmao: change the wool to glowstone, then you won't get fooled by bad lighting :)
forcedreject: In theory there could be a system where when a player reaches bedrock, paul can swap it for another mineable material based on boon vs bane (ie deepslate for bane, stone for boon)
sfn____: turn the bedrock into glass?
matthaus_c: fleshrock
DigitalSeahorse: now it's blood
DigitalSeahorse: woops
Bruceski: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
korvys: I think for competative PaC, one way would be to change places and score each other by trying to find missed blocks
Taligan: When did we get a Phyrexia: All will be One skin for Minecraft?
amative1: New count is 3 over
DaniellNaruta: to be fair to the Young Guns, they never called time
Gascitygaming: new started at 58
JDMan94: I'll be honest, I kinda hate this part of it
josh___something: 2 pieces of wool, and the deepslate under it
MungoDude: there's white wool on team new's hotbar
Dayton Guo: sea lanterns might have been a good idea if they wanted high contrast. light blue + they're a light source
Seth_Erickson: 15 now
m33pn8r: 2 wool that looked like stone, and 1 hidden under that "stone""
Halinn: 15
josh___something: so, 15
Gascitygaming: so 73
NoxStryx: So prep chunks by converting all the bedrock to deep slate from the start and you win when you fall into the void?
amative1: 2 wool, and one stone under it
Gascitygaming: wait nvm lol
RassilonDND: IMO this is actually the most suspenseful/interesting part for me
LadyAtarka: Stop hating on the bats
LadyAtarka: They just babies
DigitalSeahorse: eeeee the bats hanging out in wool
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPog
amative1: there was only about a 15 block difference, and Serge has already found 5, which is a 50-block penalty by original rules
Sorator13: 15 seems pretty good for first time tbh
TheNerdWonder: with a proper mod or set of command blocks, you could have the game calculate this
betweenmyself: there’s a point at which some of these blocks might be inaccessible *without* creative mode just because you wouldn’t be able to duck inside the crevices to reach positions where they’re visible…
the_phantom_game_player: PogChamp
50keyz: so if someone is ahead, why not call "time" immediately at cleanup if both players get the same penalty per block?
MungoDude: hold f3 tap f4
TPRJones: for future runs, could (before starting) make bedrock to red wool then set bottom layer only back to all bedrock. then breaking wool is optional but allowed. can then choose cleanup style for speed or stripmine wool for certainty on the fly.
Sorator13: @betweenmyself This is why they do the check that Alex is doing now
Halinn: Could have swum with a water bucket
DaSunao: You could swim to them lol
Mr_Horrible: real "We have such sights to show you..." vibes with the red wool
Heckhoundbolt: a trapdoor
amative1: but getting OUT would be harder
Gascitygaming: team new was 14 ahead
Gascitygaming: 44 vs 58
Seth_Erickson: 44 and 63
SymphonySolstice: 44 and 58 I think
DigitalSeahorse: 10 per?
JDMan94: Truly think the bedrock at thr bottom should be flat
MTGRanger: 44 and 58
amative1: 44 and 60-something
evilspoons983: I'm pretty sure I saw 58 as well
astyopyxl: just got here who won?
Suffix: The winner: CHAT!
MungoDude: placing water at headheight lets you swim to be 1-block tall, but it's a bit advanced. crushing yourself with a trapdoor lets you do it too
SymphonySolstice: :0
Seth_Erickson: Me!
Halinn: Me!
donzmb: yay i win!
SnackPak_: we won!
Suffix: I KNEW IT
circusofkirkus: I concede
BusTed: FBtouchdown
Tangsm: The bats win
DaniellNaruta: Chat Won!
Sorator13: lrrSHINE
MrSarkhan: Me?
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
Mr_Horrible: gasp, ME?!
Stephonee: Chat wins again!
AriaDreamGirl: PogChamp
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown
IbunWest: we all win
amative1: a penalty of 3 would still be a loss
fuzzy_died: yay
herph: barrME
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
LadyAtarka: Chat wins!!
dylan16807: PridePog
MungoDude: tanukidanGG
dzee_szed: BATS WIN
Foxmar320: Wait me???
phoenixfeather14: FBtouchdown
KorrenTheNinth: I always believed in me
50keyz: aaaah
NotARealAccountDotCom: I knew it!
the_phantom_game_player: Yay!
Sorator13: It was extremely close and very enjoyable!
red_shoes_jeff: benginDance
MTGRanger: Chat wins again! As Usual!
AugmentingPath: GOOO SPIDERS!
baltimore_667083: chat always wins
Mr_Horrible: rubyvoGasp
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Bats for the WIN1
DoubleNterprises: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
h3rsh3yb4r: The winner was the friends we made along the way
DrakoniteDev: old 6 + 10 penalty == 16 left. new had 15 left
donzmb: lrrHAM
malfnord: But... I don't win things. :(
Mollylele: but sir, I have punched no chunks
crazycommie87: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Lobo_Apache: Why are you pointing at my cat?! He doesn't need the ego boost
thebuzzstreams: The land bats win though, not the sea bats
MrSarkhan: sergeGG sergeGG sergeGG
LadyAtarka: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
marawr_arts: Party1000 I love that everyone wins! *group hugs*
IaCthulhuFthagn: @MungoDude Diving with Elytra is the easiest way, no?
DoctorHutch: cori looks so sad to have neither won nor lost
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby vicksyDinkDonk vicksyHappy vicksyClap vicksyCheer
50keyz: i still have no idea how that works lol lrrSHINE
misterrootbeer: ChewyYAY DinoDance DinoDance
RassilonDND: Chat wins@
Master_Gunner: effectively, a 9 block difference between the two of you.
Suffix: Specifically YOU Foxmar320
thekumquatking: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
SaxPython: SloMath
dzee_szed: 🦇 bat 🦇 bat 🦇 bat 🦇
Sorator13: Yeah, I think that was the closest we've had
insanecat6mtg: sergeGG sergeGG sergeGG
HorusFive: Really- because you're the ones who just made a half-million bits? PrideLaugh
TheAinMAP: jlrrPongchamp
betweenmyself: yeah, seems like doing the work beforehand to customize the bottom layer would make the end of the chunk-punching wrap up a bit more smoothly.
Heckhoundbolt: James, by next time, you need to fix the ending
Mr_Horrible: I enjoy that all the chicanery ended up leading to a very close split
aussie_rob_w: That was awesome
josh___something: I think "competititve" bedrock layer rules need a bit of reworks
Foxmar320: @Suffix I win!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I have a suggestion on how better to score them...
UrielAngelSpy: Go team chat!
m33pn8r: A hole-ly satisfying conclusion!
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
RandomTrivia: GGs! seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
finestotter: Run the transform bedrock command before starting?
chrono2x: Just a flat bedrock mod?
nevermore913: Everyone wins
DoctorHutch: could just go smooth bottom
Gascitygaming: first person calls time second person gets one minute to finish?
SmithKurosaki: Not declared yet, but sounds like Veterans
Reymond Kira: Technically Vets had 6 blocks left to Youngs 15 blocks left
Elynne Dracolemur: flip a coin! Magic battle for victor!
Sarah_Serinde: It *does* feel bad to finish first and have fewer missed blocks and still end up losing
drocathekorok: I feel like penalty should be Ones missed by new-ones missed by old with total
matthaus_c: you can replace the obscured blocks with bedrock
UrielAngelSpy: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
neveth: also dang, they started with 8 hours and now they're at 40
Athelgar: in world creation, cant you adjust the noise of the different layyers?
YeetTheRich_: delete the bedrock, first player to fall out of the world wins
bagfullofbees: just make the bedrock flat
Mollylele: the real winner was bats 🦇 🦇 🦇
RassilonDND: what would happen if you just turned all bedrock into water?
MungoDude: @IaCthulhuFthagn yes, but if you're punching the chunk from scratch you wouldn't've been to the End
AugmentingPath: PharaohBender27 it's a time share with the other 1700 spiders, you won't have to make room for it often
omdorastrix: Cheat up from below0 in creative to get rid of inaccessible blocks
NoxStryx: Just make bedrock deep slate, winner is the first to fall into void
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Dumori: Can we burn the wool
RandomTrivia: O_o
PharaohBender27: tqsIrene
Mr_Horrible: the PAC races are always great fun to watch
the_phantom_game_player: Look at all those chickens
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
RandomTrivia: jlrrFall
MungoDude: jlrrFall
Tangsm: The thing!
iris_of_ether: foxmarFALL
Mr_Horrible: jlrrFall
phoenixfeather14: FBtouchdown
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
protojman: do the thing!
Mai_Andra: so you could copy an entire chunk up onto the surface, and then dig up seabatSKYLADY
DaSunao: FBtouchdown
DrakoniteDev: that had a nice distribution of shenanigans
ShifuDaxiongmao: Jump from Goat McGoatface!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: did he kill a chicken on his way down?
RandomTrivia: lrrGOAT
KingTaltia: Answer; use that same replace command but make it where it doesn't go to the final block and have it convert all Bedrock into Deepslate, boomb
Sorator13: Love the flaming goat
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
kamelion84: katesGigl
Sorator13: LUL
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Tangsm: We've contented the goat.
Mr_Horrible: he's accepted his station in the world
WriterRaven: Tugger Nutts and the Burning Sensation has calmed down.
Koshindan: Future Chunk Punches should always have floating animal mascots.
TheAinMAP: jlrrFall
Sorator13: Serge??!?
the_phantom_game_player: James fell down the hole twice
SmithKurosaki: Serge, I know you've got the afterdark channel, but dang
IanAllenBird: oh team new didn't have a chance still at layer 70
Mashamino: now burn the wool
50keyz: GAINER!
Mr_Horrible: LUL
HasturTheYellow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
HasturTheYellow: 114, that's almost a year
AugmentingPath: disappointingly not 51 blocks
Heckhoundbolt: 10
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HasturTheYellow! (Today's storm count: 1085)
SnackPak_: 10
zerragonoss: Next time boon, corpse explodes on death for 10ish minutes.
DeM0nFiRe: FBtouchdown
RandomTrivia: sergeFall
amative1: would've been funny if that depth was 49
Taligan: 10!
pleonasticTautology: 10
pn55: seabatClap
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
LadyAtarka: sergeFall
midnightcurryjazz: HSWP
Mollylele: FBtouchdown
hesterbyrde: This was super fun!
DoubleNterprises: lrrBartleby
thebuzzstreams: 10 FBtouchdown
northos: \o/
Lobo_Apache: 6 from the russian judge
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Texan_Reverend: Perfect finish, Alex!
Mr_Horrible: FBtouchdown
spethycakes: FBtouchdown
Chesul: I was really hoping that that goat was at a damage height. XD
iris_of_ether: seabatClap
avi_miller: Thank you for the incredible segment!
Snowcookies: ty for the punch a chunk
DaSunao: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
TheAinMAP: FBtouchdown
UrielAngelSpy: Is Float Goat Still there?
jimmethjambo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
jimmethjambo: We're all winners
lochnessseammonster: DinoDance
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jimmethjambo! (Today's storm count: 1086)
ShifuDaxiongmao: 6.2/10 from the german judge
MungoDude: thanks for chunching the punks, let's detect some ducks
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes). Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RandomTrivia: Thanks everyone! Well punched! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
matthaus_c: hit us some more :p
Camthelion: I do a swan dive into the ...bedrock~
micalovits: Did we have the stats on deep slate numbers?
uncleardata subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months, currently on a 32 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, uncleardata! (Today's storm count: 1087)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDinkDonk vicksyCheer vicksyHappy vicksyClap
gooey_xylophone: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
m33pn8r: @Chesul same
Clockwork Cthulhu: it is 4:48 AM here so good night from Denmark.see you later. 🥱
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 531 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to valiantvanilla!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kylegrz!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to kiyote001!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to AtelierBarrel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to hedronhijack!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tentacruelty_!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to DeafMikeBuck!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to finalvalkyrie!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to lokideathknight!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ozikai!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to AtelierBarrel, Kylegrz, kiyote001, valiantvanilla, Tentacruelty_, hedronhijack, finalvalkyrie, lokideathknight, DeafMikeBuck, and Ozikai! (Today's storm count: 1097)
Tempest2097: Dang
SFSMaus: jlrrCoolgame jlrrCoolgame jlrrCoolgame
hedronhijack: @red_shoes_jeff Thanks for the gift sub!
AriaDreamGirl: FBtouchdown
thedepthandbreadthofseth: so.... $4,000? wow! unbelievable.
Redbassist: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
finalvalkyrie: @red_shoes_jeff Thanks for the gift sub!
Gascitygaming: what happens when everyone is chat is subbed?
momma_tatts: cpicsLurk cpicsLurk cpicsLurk
m33pn8r: Subs close to 1337 and bits close to 422069!
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
RandomTrivia: We love number go up!
darkcyril is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to spicemelonge!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to volraths_bane!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to kalipolisx!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to el_dwardo!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to natfelix!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to Natural_Ones_Only!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to Aylarockstar!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to WriterRaven!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to aleixa_p!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to PandaByName!
valiantvanilla: @red_shoes_jeff Thanks for the gift sub!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, darkcyril! Welcome to spicemelonge, volraths_bane, el_dwardo, natfelix, Natural_Ones_Only, Aylarockstar, WriterRaven, aleixa_p, PandaByName, and kalipolisx! (Today's storm count: 1107)
GrathXVI subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GrathXVI! (Today's storm count: 1108)
Sarah_Serinde: @Gascitygaming Random gift subs hit people who aren't in chat too
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I once had an sub.
red_shoes_jeff: @hedronhijack benginFingers
PharaohBender27: katesGift
LadyAtarka: The math be mathing
Juliamon: Gascitygaming Twitch's algorithm takes that into consideration
MrGibberish: math!
WriterRaven: @darkcyril Thank you! ^_^
KarlKewbZ: Loved it a lot! Gonna sign off for now, bye!
OVERKiLL!: way to go teams
SmithKurosaki: gnight cloclwork
Famous Stranger: somebody add 1 whole year I dare ya
Gascitygaming: @Sarah_Serinde thank you, legit did not know that :)
darkcyril: @WriterRaven You're so welcome!
ATrophonian subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
ATrophonian: Ring Those Phones! Wait, is that how this works?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ATrophonian! (Today's storm count: 1109)
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE
betweenmyself: Graham rocking the transportation mascot shirt
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I've invented a machine that travels through time and underwater...
red_shoes_jeff: @finalvalkyrie benginFingers benginFingers
BrowneePoints: It's really funny! Tune in!
Gascitygaming: thanks all, chicken sandwich looked great!
CaptainChibale subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CaptainChibale! (Today's storm count: 1110)
measureofhope: Great chunking everyone, I'm gonna have a nap
hackingducks: which team won the chunk punching. I got called away at the last moment
marawr_arts: zeeettaaaa
forcedreject: ohhh beej afterdark
red_shoes_jeff: @valiantvanilla benginFingers
Redbassist: Ducktective
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Octagone: we won
LadyAtarka: I'm happy ya'll are sleeping
Sarah_Serinde: If you're wondering what kind of things are happening and when they're happening, check the schedule. It has answers for you
rogerivany: Not coffee pong with James?
SmithKurosaki: @Famous Stranger It's capped :)
Famous Stranger: ahh poopy
OVERKiLL!: 🔹️🔹️🔹️🔷️ 💙Loading Ready Love
Therberus: but imagine how many pizzas that would be!
MrGibberish is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 670 in the channel!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to noSmokeFire!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to Iperithon!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to justgravey67!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to CursedShade!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to zyborgx97!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to woolookindly!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to dukeofearl97!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ned_Flandalorian!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to Creamsicle!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to DaCardCzar!
eldrazi_trainer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
eldrazi_trainer: 3 years
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, MrGibberish! Welcome to noSmokeFire, Iperithon, justgravey67, CursedShade, woolookindly, dukeofearl97, DaCardCzar, zyborgx97, Ned_Flandalorian, and Creamsicle! (Today's storm count: 1120)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, eldrazi_trainer! (Today's storm count: 1121)
SymphonySolstice: just destroy bedrock 4head
RandomTrivia: sergeFall
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
Mr_Horrible: and Alex ending in the subocean
RandomTrivia: sergeIntoTheSea
kamelion84: katesGigl
Mr_Horrible: as is tradition
DiscordianTokkan: sergeIntoTheSea
protojman: :D
vinewood_og: I mean it is on brand!
Iperithon: @MrGibberish Thanks for the gift sub!
TheAinMAP: sergeFall
m33pn8r: 11/10 perfect ending
Sorator13: byeeee!
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
Redbassist: lrrHERE
valiantvanilla: lrrSPOT
cobalturge: The World IS Flat!!!!!
LadyAtarka: sergeIntoTheSea
Redbassist: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE
LathosTiran: "as i feel into that stary expanse...."
emberBecky: lrrHEART
Texan_Reverend: Have a good night, y'all!
Suffix: Nice try Serge
FarleyF: Back to Cena Cam
amative1: Yeah, just get your friendly neighborhood Paul to turn the bedrock to wool
pn55: lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: Right, I've been modding here since the start of the stream and I am tired, time for bed. Have fun, chat
red_shoes_jeff: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
josh___something: I like the stay tuned cam <3
malfnord: As the prophecy foretold
Lobo_Apache: DOn't tap on the glass chat, It scares the performers'
Too_Many_Knives: @LathosTiran The end has not yet been written
NotCainNorAbel: Night @Sarah_Serinde
thedepthandbreadthofseth: next are mallards?
MrGibberish: Night Sarah!
Texan_Reverend: Rest well @Sarah_Serinde
pn55: Night @Sarah_Serinde lrrSHINE
CHROMA RUSH: smithkurosaki but do it anyways.
betweenmyself: really looking forward to DV this year
Redbassist: ModLove
LadyAtarka: @Sarah_Serinde Sleep well friend
MungoDude: yeah, coil that cable
betweenmyself: *DB
RandomTrivia: Barely made it to the end of the Punch a Chunk, but it's almost 4am here - goodnight friends, see you tomorrow for more! lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART chat
magical_writer: Thank you
avi_miller: OK, and that is my cue to head out and towards bed for the night, have a wonderful time everyone else!
Mr_Horrible: good sleep, Sarah o/
the_phantom_game_player: I see you Graham
HorusFive: I've fallen into the sub ocean. And into a permenant sky. I can't stop the camera's rotation. God what if they won't let me die. lrrAWESOME
Mr_Horrible: and you too, Avi
Mai_Andra: Why is that blurry person wearing the 5th Doctor's coat?
Mai_Andra: 6th Doctor... (brain, please...)
LadyAtarka: @Mai_Andra Real question is, why aren't you?
PharaohBender27: Goodnight, Sarah_Serinde!
Xan_The_Quiet: 5th doctor's not using it anymore, so why not?
RandomTrivia: If a JamesSpin happens later this evening, feel free to tag me on Discord for a gif
Famous Stranger: what's nex
Famous Stranger: next*
SmithKurosaki: The crew do in fact have lives and other things to do, including another week long stream a thon for Charity called Desert Bus
SmithKurosaki: !schedule
SmithKurosaki: Heather is playing Duck Detective in Studio A until overnight video runs
Famous Stranger: !schedule
betweenmyself: time for Blurry Graham to showcase his blurry up-close magic!
Juliamon: Testing something, don't mind me.
LadyAtarka: I'm minding
VrolikSyndrome: My eyyyyyyyyes.
SmithKurosaki: *jedi hand waves*
HorusFive: Shiny
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
UltraVioletVodoo: neat
GhostValv: testing like this?
PharaohBender27: @Juliamon I have questions :p
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
SmithKurosaki: (The bot is a bit slow on youtube, so gotta be a little more patient here)
AnimeKitty: Ooooh shiny
Juliamon: We're testing to see if the tracker can see these bits, and it doesn't seem so
LadyAtarka: KITTY!
SmithKurosaki: @PharaohBender27 I /said/ *jedi hand waves*
the_phantom_game_player: nice
YareNiDaze: Why are chatters neon now?
Juliamon: so don't waste your bits on those weird chat effects if you're hoping for them to contribute to the subathon
Lobo_Apache: @YareNiDaze It's because juliamon lights up our world
BrowneePoints: Remember that you can gigantify emotes with bits too :3
Dog_of_Myth: @YareNiDaze They're just being noble. :p
SmithKurosaki: Ahh!
Sethalidos: because they are cyberpunk as fuq
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFox1 vicksyFox2 vicksyFox3
Famous Stranger: the year thing wsd s
Famous Stranger: was a joke BTW just think of their faces if that happened
Mashamino: FBtouchdown
PharaohBender27: @SmithKurosaki Too bad for you, I've been trained to resist Jedi mind tricks! sparkl171Smug
firehawkzoa: lrrBartleby_BW
DigitalSeahorse: kates1 kates2 kates3
AnimeKitty: Hell yeah!
Jigokuro: I know from testing elsewhere that bits toward those things DO count for hype train participation, but yeh most 3rd party trackers can't really see them yet.
the_phantom_game_player: dance party
HorusFive: Remember to stretch
SmithKurosaki: @BrowneePoints, Sounds like they dont count on the bits counter for the subathon tho
Texan_Reverend: @BrowneePoints Yes, but it doesn't count towards the SubAThon.
Kyser_Echoes95: H O T T O G O
Redbassist: Take anything you want!
AnimeKitty: HOTTOGO!
CobaltShuriken: H O T T O G O
LadyAtarka: hottogo
Sorator13: I think that was supposed to spell something, but I didn't catch it
betweenmyself: gigantomaxed emotes? riffGasp
YareNiDaze: Whoever that was: I was robbed by two men!
teddywhosabear: is there music here?
SmithKurosaki: @PharaohBender27, Dang it
PharaohBender27: @Juliamon Good to know
Sorator13: @teddywhosabear not at the moment
teddywhosabear: ah, okay. thought my speakers were wonky
BrowneePoints: Oh dinger. Well that was 200 bits thrown into the aether hours ago by me
9 raiders from patbaer have joined!
SmithKurosaki: It's all good :)
SmithKurosaki: I forgot my patented smilie at the end :)
Nubrain subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nubrain! (Today's storm count: 1122)
Juliamon: I mean, LRR still gets the bits, at least
SmithKurosaki: Welcome raiders :)
teddywhosabear: hey baer!
CobaltShuriken: you know what we really need? A Femininominon
Juliamon: They just don't extend the timer.
patbaer: I picked a good time!
Redbassist: Raid is just in time for blur
SaxPython: Hey chat, I'm trying to check my sound settings . Is there any audio now?
PharaohBender27: @SaxPython Nope
Jethrain: there is not
betweenmyself: @redbassist just in time for bLRR
SaxPython: Thanks
teddywhosabear: after bLRR comes duck detective
Mariah Foster just became a member!
Redbassist: @betweenmyself ah much better
DeM0nFiRe: pjdDuck 🕵️
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSPOOP
CobaltShuriken: panicBasket panicBasket
Redbassist: lrrFINE
RubikDarkwill: lrrHERE
cobalturge: Dark. Like my soul.
GhostValv: lrrSPOOPY
BusTed: :V
forcedreject: Hello darkness my old friend
DigitalSeahorse: lrrHERE vicksyCope
margieargie: It is dark here. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
NotCainNorAbel: lrrSPOT_SG
Redbassist: lrrDARK
forcedreject: How's the wife and kids?
red_shoes_jeff: Well that took a dark turn.
Mischievous_Catgeist: sergeBongo
CobaltShuriken: bbirbCheck bbirbCheck bbirbCheck bbirbCheck
the_phantom_game_player: WutFace
Saskquatchewan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, Mariah Foster! (Today's storm count: 1123)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Saskquatchewan! (Today's storm count: 1124)
SmithKurosaki: lrrFINE
thymato subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thymato! (Today's storm count: 1125)
betweenmyself: but is the darkness bLRRy as well?
stippledotter: !dark
hackingducks: like i like my coffee: black and on break
CobaltShuriken: we back
Geldaran: @margieargie get lamp
Xafty: uh oh, having friends flashbacks
ExtraWubs: and god said 'let their be light!'
forcedreject: @ExtraWubs and god said "...I can't see shit"
riderofbrohaan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, riderofbrohaan! (Today's storm count: 1126)
apennamedquill: a nice prime sub
ExtraWubs: @forcedreject so true
the_phantom_game_player: I notice they still have the 20th anniversary logo
Inspaders: it's still their 20th anniversary
aerohydra: @the_phantom_game_player much like sonics 30th anniversary, its still the 20th anniversary
Redbassist: It's 20 somewhere
tipulsar85 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
tipulsar85: lrrFINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tipulsar85! (Today's storm count: 1127)
ExtraWubs: lrr is 21 now, old enough to buy a drink.
Inspaders: they are exactly 10 years younger than Sonic
betweenmyself: 20th AnnivLRRsary all year long! riffGasp
polygonalpizza: 20ish anniversary
malfnord: It is still LRR's 20th anniversarry one light year away.
hackingducks: if sonic's 30th can last for several years, why not?
ReverseCreations subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months!
ReverseCreations: 60 Months, That's like 5 summer solstices
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ReverseCreations! (Today's storm count: 1128)
Molladia: It's my lunch break. Is Chunking over? or just a break?
forcedreject: Sonic 06 Is old enough to vote this year
aerohydra: @Molladia over
johndengineer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, johndengineer! (Today's storm count: 1129)
Juliamon: We are in between scheduled events.
ReverseCreations: Sonic 06 is old enough to celebrate Sonic's 30th Anniversary!
Juliamon: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Duck Detective w/ Heather at Mon 08:00 PM PDT (2m ago).
matthaus_c: a link between events
Suffix: @ExtraWubs Could have done it at 19 in Victoria
BlackBlade_: En Break
PharaohBender27: I suddenly feel foolish in only now realizing that the game Heather will be playing is one I saw a demo of and bought but haven't played, so I might not stick around as long as I initially planned :p
SmithKurosaki: Understandable
LizzyTPau: viking64Duck viking64Duck viking64Duck
ClodiumSoride: @PharaohBender27 it'll be a good VOD to watch later, see what you did differently than she did.
Nigouki: aaaah
forcedreject: WE MOVE
Nigouki: they're moving us
Diabore: oh god we're moving!
Sorator13: adjustment!
ExtraWubs: @Suffix Victorians have it good in some ways
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint
HorusFive: Ooo. Shaky cam footage
polygonalpizza: Discount Kevin?
azureHaights: The Sam Raimi
Sorator13: getting set for coffee with james in the morning, I think
ExtraWubs: We got UPPIES!!!!!
forcedreject: @polygonalpizza That's just Kev
DigitalSeahorse: X ways to point the camera
PharaohBender27: Either that or I do what I did when I bought Ikenfell after Cori's PiF, i.e. wait a year so you've forgotten some things
Feldheim_C subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Feldheim_C! (Today's storm count: 1130)
forcedreject: Also I like to think of the upcoming game as an imperative "Duck, Detective"
PharaohBender27: NGL I think what we're seeing is the setup for tomorrow's Coffee with James
BlackBlade_: I thought it would be spelled Coffee Whiff James
the_phantom_game_player: SeemsGood
NonjaBiru subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 95 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NonjaBiru! (Today's storm count: 1131)
nevermore913: I hope duck detective has a quack button
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Duck1 digita435Raveduck
Juliamon: wehh I had dinner too late (bc stream) and now my tummy is mad
CobaltShuriken: maybe one day our hearing will return
DigitalSeahorse: if it doesn't Paul or Heather could improvise some quacks
Singenmeister: I hear it’s duck time by why is it not lrrCrab ?
Mischievous_Catgeist: Ready for some duck tails
CobaltShuriken: either way, I’m terraforming my Animal Crossing island, send prayers
PharaohBender27: @Juliamon lrrAWW
Molladia: Last year from memory there was an issue with roll over to the next day. Was it confirmed that the subs+bits will reset at midnight?
DoodlestheGreat: @Singenmeister It's always 🦀 time.
Kyser_Echoes95: lrrGOAT
SnackPak_: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
MungoDude: 🎶
DigitalSeahorse: I wonder if this game has more than one ending
CobaltShuriken: SOUNDS
azureHaights: 🎵
BusTed: jazzy beats
malfnord: Smooth jazz
Fanklok: How very noir
Singenmeister: Birb jazz
josh___something: jaazz
CobaltShuriken: bbirbPlz bbirbPlz bbirbPlz bbirbPlz
drocathekorok: Finally we got some music
DigitalSeahorse: blues
chaos_blast_exe: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
FarleyF: now is heather going to be wearing a fedora
baltimore_667083: hi heather!
GhostValv: oh hi
electra310: Nice logo
cobalturge: CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat
nevermore913: Hi Heather
the_phantom_game_player: Hi heather
josh___something: uh..oh?
TheAinMAP: Hello.
betweenmyself: jazzy noir feels
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, lrrHEATHER !
Xafty: fun
PharaohBender27: OH NO
IbunWest: keliffJAM
SaxPython: FBtouchdown lunarj1Heart
pn55: lrrFINE
cobalturge: It was the dark times....
Iluvatardis: I got to water the plants. it was a good break
DigitalSeahorse: lrrDARK lrrHERE
MooCowofDom: Noir Heather
GhostValv: oh that's a butt
Taligan: yessss...the jazzy jazz
Dreamlettuce: All is forgiven.
CobaltShuriken: bbirbPop
SnackPak_: thanks Paul
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
h3rsh3yb4r: music kinda... slinky
the_phantom_game_player: I think the auto isnt in sync
LizzyTPau: Chat is good about reporting tech issues
Mr_Horrible: we are seeing, we are hearing, we are listening, we are learning
nevermore913: If it happens we blame James
Mischievous_Catgeist: Blame james
airylan: music sounds somewhat like "Sorry Seems to Be The Hardest Word" (Elton John, but jazz version)
DrakoniteDev: Hi Heather! no spoiler: most important input in game is Y on gamepad (Q on keyboard)
KV1NN4: i forgot this tab was open and I am high and this music hit me like a smooooth truck
cobalturge: It was death. Darkness. Oblivion.
SaxPython: Woo, backup hardware!
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Duck1 digita435Raveduck I want this game
Weagle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months, currently on a 91 month streak!
Weagle: Heather Time!
FarleyF: I dont want to alarm you heather but we can see the background through your chest lrrBEEJ
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Weagle! (Today's storm count: 1132)
Lobo_Apache: I aint learned shit in 10 years
kirbytronic: I know this isn't a Gravity Falls Ducktective game, but I can pretend
faze_kristian2345: how can I win a ps5
Gekyouryuu: Ducktective
kalira77: This minute's on me!
SnackPak_: o7
BusTed: NotLikeThis
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed vicksyDed
GhostValv: Cheer500 I have to. got it.
flustered_blue: this game is real fun
ShifuDaxiongmao: Time to have a good quack at this case. :)
tezzatipoca: o7
Twilight_Spark: The secret salami follows punching your chunks, I got it.
Weagle: I have not played this yet so I will have to mute it but I am *deeply interested*
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap beep boop
Mollylele: 🦆 🔍
PharaohBender27: OK yeah, this is the game I was thinking of
Snowcookies: Sadly the call of sleep must be answered so I'll look forward to the vod
kalira77 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
kalira77: Great. Try again. This minute's on me!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kalira77! (Today's storm count: 1133)
Bobtheninjagoldfish: "The Secret Salami" sounds Vaugely like an inuuendo
malfnord: The duck is a cursed detective?
cobalturge: PAUL!!!! lrrPAUL
nevermore913: I have heard this game is enjiyi
Omega_Lairon: No mouse, duck
DrakoniteDev: the game supports gamepad well.
Texan_Reverend: @faze_kristian2345 We're not doing any giveaways like that.
nevermore913: *enjoyable
kirbytronic: Heather is here to do things, if we do things that's great. Otherwise, just do as normal
DrakoniteDev: (especially Y button)
LizzyTPau: viking64Duck Time!!
midnightcurryjazz: Thank you for the dyslexia font
Omega_Lairon: Accessibility!
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL is Heather's volume is ok for everyone?
foopoiuyt: Keyboard and mouse is not the way you control ducks.
nevermore913: Do we have a quack button?
Omega_Lairon: Sounds good
ShifuDaxiongmao: Do you suspect... fowl play?
Texan_Reverend: @LoadingReadyRun Yes, it seems good.
itomeshi: Spoilers!
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Duck1 can we quack?
nevermore913: Volume is good
wharra: mmm braided salami
the_phantom_game_player: @LoadingReadyRun I think it's out of sync
DrakoniteDev: volume is great
Weagle: @LoadingReadyRun Ok volume here!
Mollylele: she sounds good to me
TheNerdWonder: *quack*
wharra: @Weagle Oh no it's a weagle
DigitalSeahorse: I love detective stuff and ducks! digita435Raveduck digita435Raveduck digita435Raveduck
GentroSilva subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months!
azureHaights: The Secret Salami? I remember that cHustle ep
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GentroSilva! (Today's storm count: 1134)
Texan_Reverend: @the_phantom_game_player You might need to refresh your stream.
Lord_Hosk: I just want to know, are you a detective who is a duck, or are you a detective investigating exclusively ducks
tezzatipoca: Duck Detective gives zero ducks :P
Singenmeister: such a handsome lil guy
Kurintoi: CUTE
Omega_Lairon: G r i t t y
Juliamon: Oh no!
ShifuDaxiongmao: ooohh.. it's Duck Noir :D
Twilight_Spark: Ducks pay rent? This is already tragic.
DigitalSeahorse: poor ducky
tezzatipoca: He a cute duck!
Noy2222: I killed people, smuggled people, pecked people
SmithKurosaki: A ~noir~ duck :)
emberBecky: ohhh hard bitten duck.
Texan_Reverend: Game audio seems solid.
Iluvatardis: @Twilight_Spark yeah they have bills
teddywhosabear: Ducktective
Jethrain: audio level seems good
bagfullofbees: ducktective
Omega_Lairon: Quackpitalism
the_phantom_game_player: @Texan_Reverend The game is fine though
DrakoniteDev: volume is great
tezzatipoca: he's in it for the bills xD
nevermore913: Is the mystery why he got divorced?
neisan2112: Oh dang I got in close enough to the staart
Texan_Reverend: Good audio balance between game and Heather.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect digita435Duck1
Grimlai: Spent it all on quack?
ShifuDaxiongmao: too real, mr duck!
Twilight_Spark: @Iluvatardis Well shit. I hate that you are right.
Juliamon: The divorce, my dude. It went to the divorce.
forcedreject: Oh what a Mallardy
SaxPython: lrrGREED ?
50keyz: love it
The_Color_Twelve: of course
malfnord: oh boy
DigitalSeahorse: hehehehehh
DentedPockets: Deductions, also a banking thing
aerohydra: karkalYes karkalPuns
DigitalSeahorse: yay puns
Mollylele just realized this is different from the Frog Detective games
forcedreject: I hope we encounter some fowl suspects soon
shurtal: he BETTER say "put it on my bill" at some point
Shadwhawk: That's probably a pun that resulted in the game being made
Omega_Lairon: "I filed my taxes wrong and foergot to enter de-duck-tibles"
TheAinMAP: This whole game was made on that pun.
Singenmeister: Egg
nevermore913: Oh it's like Golden idol
Grimlai: I REALLY hope that the main character is the only animal in the game and that everyone else is a human
BusTed: We're Golden Idoling
red_shoes_jeff: Cold deducktion never fails, that's for certain.
CommanderCrossing subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 119 months, currently on a 119 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CommanderCrossing! (Today's storm count: 1135)
dougma: booz
DigitalSeahorse: hmmmm
ANeMzero: waking up with a hangover after a long hard night of paying rent
AdamYMHMI: Tickets TO Rent?
gnyrinn: Ís This not only Detective Duck, bút Detective Duckman?
Omega_Lairon: I was never good at MadLibs. There's only so much mileage you can get out of using "wiener" for every word >_>
xylek___: Hey everyone! What're we playing?
Omega_Lairon: !game
LRRbot: Currently playing: Special Events
DigitalSeahorse: oof
DrakoniteDev: press Y...
Omega_Lairon: Duck Detective
Texan_Reverend: @xylek___ Duck Detective
Juliamon: unfortunately !game won't work this week
Mollylele: We just cracked into Duck Detective, welcome
Omega_Lairon: But I want it to : \
Juliamon: we'd have to manually override it every block.
Mattmitchell45: This is the Revali BOTW voice actor (also Noob Saiboot in newer Mortal Kombat)
xylek___: @omega_lairon Thanks!
Juliamon: which we CAN do
DigitalSeahorse: uh
SmithKurosaki: !y
niccus: i was going to say "so like disco elysium but with a more competent detective" but i guess not
Juliamon: but you know nobody's gonna remember to tell the next set of mods to switch it each block
gnyrinn: Dammit, wrong language autocorrect! Please ignore.
xylek___: @texan_reverend lol thanks for real
LithelyUnshod: This duck sounds like Chris Parnell
ANeMzero: It's fine, just find an untraceable way to sell it online, like on the Duck Web.
kirbytronic: Legal shmegal
Omega_Lairon: @Juliamon Just stay away for 5 days straight Kappa
pn55: Uhh...
HorusFive: mattlrBlush
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Omega_Lairon: ^awake
Kurintoi: LUL
SmithKurosaki: Oh myyyy
RomanGoro: Juliamon it's not like we have a whole other site/app for mod communication
ShifuDaxiongmao: it's loafing around
h3rsh3yb4r: is there a honk button in this game
Ritaspirithntr: uhhhhhhhh
DentedPockets: Hell of a delivery
tezzatipoca: voice acting A+++
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGasm katesLoaf loaf!
BorealMage: Is she the bread?
xylek___: @h3rsh3yb4r asking the right questions
DrakoniteDev: @h3rsh3yb4r
PresidentScr00b: The VA might have enjoyed this too much.
SmithKurosaki: Possibly gny
Drasvin: Ah, so bread is the stand in for booze
Sibwow: sweet spongy loaf
DigitalSeahorse: what's on the bulletin
nevermore913: Not sure how this VA is but I like him
Digigoner: BREAD IS DRUGS!? What's next? Bread makes you fat???
TruPhantomAngel: Does this duck have a crippling Bread addiction?
Omega_Lairon: Bread > yeast > fermentation : \
Juliamon: It's a reasonable vice for a duck, it's really unhealthy for them
Omega_Lairon: Oh that's tragic... but hilarious
neisan2112: That's what I was thinking too lol
drewm1022: Rent's worth of bread is a lot of bread.
ShifuDaxiongmao: a toast to toast!
TruPhantomAngel: Sherlock Holmes has opium, Duck Detective has bread.
nevermore913: Is toast drugs?
thekumquatking: He spent his bread on bread
AdamYMHMI: He's been smoking bread!
Juliamon: Toast is the cocaine
SnackPak_: checks out
DigitalSeahorse: :O
electra310: Bread is super bad for ducks
Jomby90: 3 weeks carb free?
bagfullofbees: I think stale bread is hard bread
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBork
EvilBadman: This is just the same as Disco Elysium right?
MolaMolaphant subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
MolaMolaphant: wait, but BEER is hard bread!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MolaMolaphant! (Today's storm count: 1136)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNom
Gekyouryuu: if bread is liquor, that makes sense. you indulge when life is feeling crumb-y
tezzatipoca: Is it bad that I didn't pick up on the addiction metaphor
midnightcurryjazz: b r e a d
SnowBuddy18: Beer is wet bread
electra310: If the bread is in our bed, we haven't eaten it yet
GDwarble: It's just there as a temptation, to strengthen our will
BorealMage: This VA is *killing* it
Omega_Lairon: The VA is giving their whole ass to this performance.
DigitalSeahorse: bread is not good for ducks
malfnord: Awk-ward
Ritaspirithntr: LUL
Rhynerd: We just haven't eaten a loaf yet.
nevermore913: He's just holding the bread for a friend
thekumquatking: Sounds like he's quacking up
drewm1022: Just one slice...for the road.
cobalturge: We Live in Denial. Never follow Wry with Sourdough....
mercano82: DuckTales says otherwise.
red_shoes_jeff: Uncle Scroog begs to differ...
azureHaights: Those pages are getting SO SOGGY
DrakoniteDev: @malfnord awQUACKward
Iluvatardis: so not enough to get back, then
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Duck1 time to send ducks to space?
Ritaspirithntr: seems like this guy’s a quack detective.
GDwarble: Remaining cash was...$5?
RomanGoro: *sighs* I should go to bed...... but fun game with Heather............
PharaohBender27: @Ritaspirithntr escher3PUN
Kurintoi: i mean he si a duck that is more than most
drewm1022: Welp. Either rent is real cheap or bread is real expensive.
adept_nekomancer: I can't imagine that a ducktective would have a huge amount of cash on them.
Xafty: scrooge has all the money, and is the only one that can afford anything
thekumquatking: Inflation is rampant in Duck land.
h3rsh3yb4r: scrooge mcduck the 1%
EvilBadman: Audio blips anyone else or am I lucky
TruPhantomAngel: But it is like a hurricane
SnowBuddy18: I winder if there are coins or if they're all... bills
DigitalSeahorse: Scrooge McDuck has been to the moon, in the video game at least
couchboyj: So much bread, last night is all a duck-blur
BorealMage: @RomanGoro That's going to be what I'm saying all week
Drasvin: Don't know what the economy is like, but life is like a hurricane
ShifuDaxiongmao: aww.. they didn't spell it quack this case...9/10
PharaohBender27: @EvilBadman I've been getting those too
Jethrain: @EvilBadman i've been getting some chopping as well
Omega_Lairon: Paper Mallardio
dumbo3k: It's very Paper Mario
EvilBadman: Ok thanks for confirming
BorealMage subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BorealMage! (Today's storm count: 1137)
Singenmeister: Heather is drawn to chaos, as always.
Omega_Lairon: Chair-kun!
ShortForPhill subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ShortForPhill! (Today's storm count: 1138)
PharaohBender27: 🪑
BlueFingers5: sergeNewChairBanner sergeNewChairBanner sergeNewChairBanner sergeNewChairBanner
fuzzra subscribed with Prime.
DigitalSeahorse: it's very cute vicksyPoint vicksyPog
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fuzzra! (Today's storm count: 1139)
shendaras: sergeChair
red_shoes_jeff: C H A I R
midnightcurryjazz: Heather left us just like ANA
DigitalSeahorse: brb
neisan2112: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Eggmojii: no chopping here
dumbo3k: sergeNewChairBanner sergeNewChairBanner sergeNewChairBanner
cobalturge: We have been abandoned lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrAWW
Kendo_thorn: hi empty chair how are you doing?
Eggmojii: I thought it was just an imperfect audio loop
aquinas_0: is the duck still moaning softly in the rain?
Rhynerd: @midnightcurryjazz we're gonna have to give up on bread now.
iris_of_ether: lrrSPOOPY
stippledotter: Oh no, abduckted
bagfullofbees: ah, left to our own duckvices
PharaohBender27: @cobalturge No, Chair is taking over!
RomanGoro: The duck has an idle non animation???
itomeshi: @stippledotter .... ok, you win this round.
TallynNyntyg: The chair got you killed.
ShifuDaxiongmao: we saw an afk pose while you were gone :)
mercano82: the bus scheduling sounds unbearable.
BorealMage: Is this angry Derek the Intern?
cobalturge: @PharaohBender27 I accept our fate...
DistrustingSpectator is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to KentaMF!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bobzqxlp!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to EternalJesterx!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to RealEANeto!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to thiswall!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DistrustingSpectator! Welcome to KentaMF, Bobzqxlp, EternalJesterx, RealEANeto, and thiswall! (Today's storm count: 1144)
PharaohBender27: @mercano82 escher3PUN
ghyllnox: So did we have 3 shmark left?
ShifuDaxiongmao: it wasn't a big one, just that he changed position slightly :)
ghyllnox: And now we have 1?
Rhynerd: I guess so
Pinwiz11 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
Pinwiz11: Want to get this in before the run gets capped :)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Pinwiz11! (Today's storm count: 1145)
thekumquatking: 2 shmark is a bargain! (Maybe!)
Kurintoi: the foot taps
RomanGoro: He's tapping his foot!
flustered_blue: you can quack too
Rhynerd: a single shmark to our name
Omega_Lairon: Paper Mario - The Origami QuacKing
ShifuDaxiongmao: who needs bottles when we can have bread?
dzee_szed: get a plastic bag! turn in the bottles for tare!
Shadwhawk: In this lighting, when it's not zoomed in, it kinda looks like DD's holding a bottle of booze under his wing
DrakoniteDev: you should press Y. QUACK!
Chesul: I heard that as "we have an Idol pose" not Idle, and it cracked me up.
PharaohBender27: @ShifuDaxiongmao Bottles is where we keep our bread
thekumquatking: Salsiccia sounds tasty
BrowneePoints: Sausage?
BrowneePoints: wait the town is called Sausage in spanish?
mtvcdm: Hi from back in my hotel room.
dzee_szed: Anna is like Columbo's wife, he just always talks about her
ShifuDaxiongmao: 2 hours later.. "I better stop playing in the leaves"
hackingducks: hard boiled ducktective.
adept_nekomancer: We've got some serious Untitled Goose Game energy going here. :)
the_phantom_game_player: Leaf physics
EvilBadman: I thought this was ProZD at first but turns out it's Sean Chiplock (Revali from BOTW among others)
Laserbeaks_Fury: He didn't start hitting the bread till a toon killed his brother
ClodiumSoride: @chesul not quacked you up?
Omega_Lairon: Embrace the duck mindset
thekumquatking: @BrowneePoints Close, that's Salchicha
MaddogM: It did sound like Ana was referred to in the past tense
mtvcdm: Ducks are ungovernable
Jethrain: @BrowneePoints It's Italian
ShifuDaxiongmao: the bus sign had a bear face!
betweenmyself: if it’s *in* the game it cannot be a distraction *from* the game riffYeti
hackingducks: @mtvcdm apparently they bow to barriers.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Not everything is Untitled Goose Game
drewm1022: Not to be mistaken with the Super Tuscan Sassacaia.
LizzyTPau: Have we discovered our Quack voice?
simplyegghuman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months, currently on a 88 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, simplyegghuman! (Today's storm count: 1146)
cobalturge: Phil
Laserbeaks_Fury: great detective work
Omega_Lairon: Joey... Jojo... jr... Shabadoo?
thekumquatking: Carla the Cockatoo
mtvcdm: Bearson the bear
Lobo_Apache: there's bearly any security here
EvilBadman: smmm...Smeagol
Gekyouryuu: she's about.... 8 feet tall
Rae_of_Light_: @Omega_Lairon That's the worst name I've ever heard in my life.
Laserbeaks_Fury: She does seem likely to stick her neck out...perhaps unintentionally
Singenmeister: also giraffes
midnightcurryjazz: woo kpop
mtvcdm: I was gonna say Jenny LeClue
Gekyouryuu: pit stain?
Laserbeaks_Fury: I hope that Koala Pop
Gekyouryuu: ah
Kurintoi: does that mean korean animals?
ShifuDaxiongmao: sad kpop fan.. checks out :P
vinopinguino: who puts a last name on a name tag?
Kurintoi: koala pop omfg LUL
BorealMage: Oh, hey, the Duck Detective's VA is also Subaru in Re:Zero
Singenmeister: from that sign in the back could it be kitten pop?
MacbethSeemsSus: Okay, what's the duck version of a mind palace?
Gekyouryuu: maybe the magnifying glass is prescription and we're actually nearsighted?
mtvcdm: Can another mod get the name thing into advice for me?
josh___something: "sad winterheimer" Kappa
Rhynerd: and it is a single shmark!
mtvcdm: I'd do it myself if I wasn't on my phone
Rhynerd: the deductions were correct! we have the making of a Duck Detective!
Omega_Lairon: I can do it, but I'll need to scan back for the exact phrasing
mtvcdm: Thanks Lairon
niccus: "bear bus" made me misremember
Driosenth: Today is Friday in California
PharaohBender27: I'm assuming by being heavily in debt
josh___something: I do like the magnifying glass turning the squigglies into actual numbers
josh___something: It's a nice touch
Laserbeaks_Fury: Bold Deduction never fails
mtvcdm: Oh no it's Obra Dinning us
josh___something: De-DUCK-tion XD
vinopinguino: lol DUCK APPROVED
dumbo3k: nobody has stolen her birthday xD
thekumquatking: Happy birthday, Sophie!
nevermore913: Join me for a nice glass of bread
josh___something: LUL
Seth_Erickson: he just now thought of it
ShifuDaxiongmao: because he's punning at others now :D
niccus: not in polite company
josh___something: YUP
vinopinguino: that's how that works
crashdownreg: it was deducktion in the menu
mtvcdm: What
Saintnex: sure
josh___something: TOTALLY
Laserbeaks_Fury: YEs, thats the correct conclusion
MrQBear: ah, this is some of that social engineering hacking, right?
RomanGoro: Social hacking, chat, works every time
nevermore913: Mother's maiden name
Ritaspirithntr: benginFacepalm
Seth_Erickson: mother's maiden name, first pet, highschool anything like that would be nice
mtvcdm: Not everyone can be a great detucktive
nevermore913: Last four digits of your social
josh___something: (chat, DO we know someone here)
foopoiuyt: Social engineering at its finest.
ShifuDaxiongmao: I love the design of these characters :D
Singenmeister: this games goes from adorable to bleak *real* fast
Mathwyn: Thats why he needs the dry cleaning
josh___something: This is great
ShifuDaxiongmao: also, the VO had fun :D
mtvcdm: This is adorable
PharaohBender27 is gifting 6 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1473 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Daemyx!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pokeus!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bobAkirafett!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to the_tutorial_boss!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mmatthew1004!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to WeaselShaman!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to Daemyx, Pokeus, bobAkirafett, the_tutorial_boss, mmatthew1004, and WeaselShaman! (Today's storm count: 1152)
crashdownreg: Frederson pls NotLikeThis
Molladia: I wonder if there any any VO actors in this we might recognise....?
Omega_Lairon: @mtvcdm Done! It's tricky to scan accurately in an 8 hour long VOD : p
Omega_Lairon: E u g e n e
Borgrim_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Borgrim_! (Today's storm count: 1153)
vinopinguino: Eugne McQuacklin
Lobo_Apache: I wonder if he has a sister named Sarah
LibraryWitchKei: Oh I adore this game
josh___something: Eugene McQuacklin <3
spethycakes: Oh, Eugene is a good subtle reference
nevermore913: I was hoping first name was duck and last name was detective
BrainBetter: How is he not named Howard?
Seth_Erickson: banger alert btw
TheMandrew: because he's from Oregon probably :P
betweenmyself: Eugene McQuacklin, definitely a duck. ohnoHonk
mtvcdm: This is a case right out of Fillmore
josh___something: Wait, it's a reference?
crashdownreg: retroc31Hmm
TheMandrew: @josh___something University of Oregon is in Eugene, and their mascot is the duck
VorlonScout: Eugene's VA is Sean Chiplock, who has a long IMDB credit list, including Revali in BOTW.
PharaohBender27: @Omega_Lairon Back when I wrote fiction as a teenager, I often used the name Eugene for characters. I honestly don't know why.
DiggerDog: I'm already subscribed I'm already subscribed!
adept_nekomancer: Nobody said duck was a *good* detective.
ShifuDaxiongmao: "it didn't feel important at the time" :P
spethycakes: @josh___something Eugene, Oregon is where the University of Oregon is, and their mascot is the Ducks
BorealMage: Listen, some folks aren't great at taking notes
DrakoniteDev: too stuffed with bread
josh___something: Oh that's cute
Laserbeaks_Fury: It does feel like we could run into Retsuko in this game
AdamYMHMI: Ducks are notoriously bad at remembering names
DentedPockets: Nouns are for winners
Tiber727: I like how a detective shows up and he just assumes someone ordered an investigation. Detertives are just like pest control.
Molladia: We don't get to experience the additional commentary from Heather anywhere near often enough.
SmashTCG: going for the high chaos Run i see
Ritaspirithntr: benginChaos
dzee_szed: Evidence that guy should get fired #1: He keeps knocking over trash cans
Omega_Lairon: @PharaohBender27 It's a fine name - good mouthfeel. But not super common, so you're not likely to accidentally IRL fanfic someone you know?
ShifuDaxiongmao: Is the rest of the LRR crew aware of your office trashing ways? :P
Omega_Lairon: We found who was playing hide the salami >_>
PharaohBender27: @spethycakes And their mascot was a literal duck in the 1930s-1940s, named Puddles, IIRC
Laserbeaks_Fury: middle under zipper?
leopard_wolf: I see they have installed the magnetic trashcans that fall towards you
betweenmyself: ducks’ hydrophobic feathers cause the names of others to bead and flow off their brains instead of collecting and forming lasting memories
spethycakes: @PharaohBender27 BRB, busy crying about how cute the name Puddles is for a duck mascot
ShifuDaxiongmao: perspective change?
Molladia: Can the bag rotate?
Seth_Erickson: glowy sparks in middle of the bag
neisan2112: I saw it
Seth_Erickson: down by the handle that is
TStodden: Sparkly near left lower strap?
Gadora: Maybe the upper left corner? Sub-A-Thon seems worth investigating.
Tiber727: bottom middle
NonUniqueGuy: I saw something
adept_nekomancer: There's something just below and left of center I think
andreagustafson: Was there just something between the front strap on the green part?
ShifuDaxiongmao: front of bag, between handle
Shadwhawk: Between lower strap ends
ShifuDaxiongmao: we also have many many more eyes :D
ShifuDaxiongmao: wE aRE leGioN
h3rsh3yb4r: two logs? kinda
Tiber727: You also kept scanning everywhere but the spot.
crashdownreg: a duffle bag full of salami is a lot of salami
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is that a salami in you bag, or are you just happy to see me
Omega_Lairon: I mean, I couldn't eat that much in a year...
andreagustafson: Never judge an alligator's need for salami.
malfnord: I mean, looks like maybe five, six pounds at least?
Rhynerd: I mean, bread is pretty expensive around here. Maybe Salami's in a similar state?
kalira77: @shifudaxiongmao are you an Elder God? You have to tell us if you're an Elder God
flustered_blue: oh hey i know that voice
crashdownreg: velcro shoes are lame? game is calling me out :(
ihlendrax: LUL
iris_of_ether: The mug thief!?
hackingducks: LUL
ShifuDaxiongmao: @kalira77 we ARe noT!
Omega_Lairon: Interro-gator
PharaohBender27: "You better believe it, pal!"
Omega_Lairon: Oh, they're a fanboi
josh___something: Oh, we're a writer too? Neat!
andreagustafson: omg, he's a duck fan boy
Rhynerd: Ah, a detective novelist!
Jasper: The dodgeball of prophecy was NOT DODGED
Ritaspirithntr: that’s the last good thing this croc gets i’ll bet.
Laserbeaks_Fury: lol holy hell that was BDG
Rhynerd: wanna bet the gator's Frederickson?
WriterRaven: The Secret Salami, by Aquacktha Christie.
jdr_42: 4 stops, 4 drivers, checks out
calculated_uncertainties: This music is giving me weird persona 5 flashbacks
VonShnigglewitz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, VonShnigglewitz! (Today's storm count: 1154)
Xafty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xafty! (Today's storm count: 1155)
josh___something: 12?!
ShifuDaxiongmao: audio a bit glitchy sounding
Gaelan_Maestro: he Might solve a mystery, or rewrite hist'ry!
Molladia: Inform this person about the Receptionists birthday
Omega_Lairon: 12 trombones? James?
cobalturge: Challenge Accepted!!
mtvcdm: Nothing added to clues
josh___something: HONEY WHAT?
Omega_Lairon: Poor kitty
hackingducks: I know the voice isn't the exactly the same as hers, but it sounds so much like the woman who does peanut hamper, it's uncanny
josh___something: You need to reevaluate your relationship with your job
micalovits: Manfred is a dick
Mr_Horrible: understandable tbh
Rhynerd: Are those 12 trombones for a band, is this person some odd collector, or are they a music store owner with no other forms of transport?
GDwarble subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
GDwarble: 10 1/4 years! Woo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GDwarble! (Today's storm count: 1156)
tidehollowcat: What's Rob Manfred, the commissioner of baseball got to do with this?
BorealMage: Oh, the office chair spin was magnifique
neisan2112: Mood tho
Tiber727: How do they have so many callers for a bus station with 4 stops?
Mashamino: uhhh
Omega_Lairon: 0_o
josh___something: fym accessible?!
mariomario42 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
mariomario42: yay
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mariomario42! (Today's storm count: 1157)
PharaohBender27: I think maybe this workplace should be unionized
Decaped subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
Decaped: Duck!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Decaped! (Today's storm count: 1158)
josh___something: eugene, that's immoral, if not illegal
incredulouspasserby: Is it? Welcome to capitalism. Overwork 'em as much as possible.
incredulouspasserby: Wait. Did that say deducktions?
Omega_Lairon: Herrrrrnst
hackingducks: oh yes it did
Laserbeaks_Fury: Why do I feel like this whole case is going to be figuring out what the case is, and then once we know, the answer will be super eays
incredulouspasserby: I've been here for less than a minute and I already love this game. Deducktions. Heh.
pete_simpson subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
pete_simpson: Wooo, subathon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pete_simpson! (Today's storm count: 1159)
PharaohBender27: Wait . . . Herr Ernst . . . Mr. Serious?
cobalturge: HI Paul!!!
Garfman314: semitransparent paul
jdr_42: Paul is on the case
fungal_bird: Hello!
micalovits: Detective Paul!
Laserbeaks_Fury: The Importance of Being Ernst
Drigerslash: HI EVERYBODY
PharaohBender27: kates7 lrrPAUL
SnackPak_: lrrFINE
adept_nekomancer: @Garfman314 Heather has installed a ghost in his shirt.
the_phantom_game_player: hi
Jasper: We going offline for a sec?
Omega_Lairon: Don't panic
Omega_Lairon: Stay cool
andreagustafson: tec detective Paul
ShifuDaxiongmao: Paul, Tech Detective.. fixing the audio of Duck Detective
BorealMage: lrrFINE
LostThePirate: panicBasket Keepo
Grevas13: on the other hand, panic
Catcard: Paul is so cool.
malfnord: lrrFINE
ClodiumSoride: @ShifuDaxiongmao ITYM de-tech-tive Paul
PabstBlueFalcon: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
fungal_bird: Paul really said "Hello!" and then shut down the stream
hackingducks: @fungal_bird it do be like that when tech things attack
PharaohBender27: But for legit reasons!
FarleyF: Paul looks you in the eye and whispers "Hello" as he terminates your viewing
hackingducks: duck detechtive ;_;
Gaelan_Maestro: i was hoping for something duck tales like
spethycakes: duck detected
DigitalSeahorse: what has duck found out so far this case?
DigitalSeahorse: case #1 still I'm assuming
ShifuDaxiongmao: There are people in the office
Gaelan_Maestro: salami
spethycakes: public transit issues and unfair labor practices exist even in the animal world, unfortunately
Omega_Lairon: He like bread
PharaohBender27: @Omega_Lairon He's a breadaholic
ShifuDaxiongmao: @spethycakes I mean, it does seem to be a noir story :D
hackingducks: loves to knock over trash cans
DigitalSeahorse: katesGun vicksyGun don't move or the secret salami gets it!
DrakoniteDev: @DigitalSeahorse therea48Shock don't shoot
345tom: Finally get to tune in, we on break SAD
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPanic vicksyPanic vicksyCope don't shoot!
Dalrint: I was gone a bit did the subathon eat heather?
Jigokuro: Kappa
Omega_Lairon: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Jigokuro: hmm
hackingducks: @Dalrint we got defective tech from the duck detective
PharaohBender27: @345tom Yeah, impromptu break because audio issues
DrakoniteDev: @Dalrint fixing minor tech issue
chrono2x: Welp, Subathon over. So sad that they didn't get a single sub or bit donation.
spethycakes: the audio was quacking--I mean, crackling marshm3Ducky
Rylical: NotLikeThis
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDespair it was a noir story, real noir, the noirest noir
underscoreMutex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, underscoreMutex! (Today's storm count: 1160)
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Pete_S_319: Hiya!
corianderd: welcome back!
BorealMage: hello!
chrono2x: hi
Austere_Squire: hullo
midnightcurryjazz: khaosp4Lick
Korolan: Welcome Back!
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx: @DigitalSeahorse slow jazz starts playing
hackingducks: we back \o/
PharaohBender27: We're back!
Austere_Squire: ye
DrakoniteDev: therea48Wave
Gadora: illHi
kat_drinks_tea: lrrSHINE
Omega_Lairon: Looks fine. Audio's good so far
lady_olynder: Allegedly we're back, and i tend to be more on the neutral line of the alignment chart
SnackPak_: dodged that bullet
JadedCynic: LUL
foopoiuyt: Yay! Duck is back!
CastleOtranto: Hello! Good time of day to you, chat. And Heather.
TStodden: At least Paul didn't whack you...
ShifuDaxiongmao: Yeah, Heather totally would not be the one to murder Paul. We got that settled earlier. :D
Kurintoi: his name is oh his desk LUL
PharaohBender27: We even have evidence of their CH versions working together!
mtvcdm: Nobody would mess with Heather. Or Jordynne.
Omega_Lairon: spinny
hackingducks: @Kurintoi herr isn't a name.
nevermore913: But we can't sit on the chair
DigitalSeahorse: secretly Paul was the real killer
Azsedcf: If Paul was going to do something terrible to you, he would do it to someone else, then put the blame on you.
evershiner subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 103 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, evershiner! (Today's storm count: 1161)
zerragonoss: I mean I have to imagine Paul kills a lot of Pauls, it happens when you have a clone army.
DigitalSeahorse: this family has been framed!
mtvcdm: I could see it
hackingducks: the hinges sticking out seems weird to me
lightfut subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
lightfut: Resub day!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lightfut! (Today's storm count: 1162)
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx: this is the game for the tv series turned movie in Gravity Fall and no one can convince me otherwise.
cptcobalt subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 115 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cptcobalt! (Today's storm count: 1163)
cptcobalt: i really enjoyed this game
mtvcdm: This is just most Employee of the month programs I've seen
corianderd: does banana do anything?
mtvcdm: They last two months and then go away
mtvcdm: That is still important work
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @mtvcdm when I worked at a movie theater, the gen. manager made a big deal of starting one, ordered two years' worth of plaques, and trashed the idea as soon as the box came in
flustered_blue: herr is more of a “sir” than a name
ShifuDaxiongmao: Herr = Sir
ShifuDaxiongmao: the cat complained about a name :)
Omega_Lairon: Herr = chan/kun Kappa
LizzyTPau: What if we hit Y?
Tiber727: What about the note to the left of the banana?
Gekyouryuu: !y
DrakoniteDev: @LizzyTPau it might quack the case!
Ashen_Prime: Where does this game keep the clues you've gathered?
thekumquatking: She said Manfred didn't approve her raaise.
Tiber727: You do have her name
ShifuDaxiongmao: it's a very bear name :D
cobalturge: Bear-Bus... instead of driving through the desert, you drive through...... BibleThump100
Garfman314: and the raise paperwork was L angst
mtvcdm: Brute force ahoy!
zenthere subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
zenthere: Lets go LRR
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zenthere! (Today's storm count: 1164)
Molladia: But we're hearing the loud typing
ShifuDaxiongmao: Rufus could've worked too
Gekyouryuu: Freddy = Manfred?
hackingducks: it's bear-bus or its greyhound, take your pick
Kurintoi: angsty Kappa
Ashen_Prime: Who was it that put in the request for a raise?
TStodden: Freddy Sedaris is the "Employee of the Month"
Omega_Lairon: Heather's on the case chat, it's all good ^_^
Scytzo: How much did I miss?
Sandalphon: How would someone know that
TStodden: Ack... It's Rufus...
Garfman314: pretty sure the cat is laura angst
josh___something: Awww, why'd we call crocodile friend lame D:
Tiber727: Have you checked out the note below the croc?
hackingducks: you had l angst on the crock
ShifuDaxiongmao: you did try laura angst for the 2nd person previously :)
josh___something: Aw NOOOO
josh___something: BUDDY
excalgold: their parents hate them :P
josh___something: D:
PresidentScr00b: A guy that lame... bound to happen
Rexsplosion: Fred Fredburger!
Gadora: Fredersonson
mtvcdm: Poor Freddy
BrowneePoints: Wish they didn't use the word Lame
spethycakes: Maybe Freddy chose their name
adept_nekomancer: His middle name is Frederick.
ANeMzero: I mean from the sound of it everyone hates frederson
chrono2x: Can you ask them about each other now?
hackingducks: nah, gives him a cool nickname: fredfred
BartholemewTheKitten: F for poor Freddy
hackingducks: or two-fred
Juliamon: Hey chat, I know the game uses it, but could we avoid using "lame" in this context?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyD vicksyThump poor Freddy
josh___something: D:
Twilight_Spark: D:
Omega_Lairon: Mr. Popular >_>
cobalturge: Same
josh___something: poor buddy
Juliamon: (it just feels weird using ableist language during Disability Pride month...)
Rexsplosion: I NEED to reccomend this game to Dan Floyd, it's got Frog Detective vibes like CRAZY
lord_bry0n: justice for for freddy
mtvcdm: Pay her like five people
BartholemewTheKitten: Does the work of 5 people but isn't employee of the month?
episvont subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, episvont! (Today's storm count: 1165)
thekumquatking: Don't forget to fill in the Deducktions
Pete_S_319: Where are there over a thousand ducks?!
excalgold: thats fair there -are- more then a thousand
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: types of duck, or just individually?
ShifuDaxiongmao: ahh right.. theh word matching
Omega_Lairon: "But thou must"
Twilight_Spark: Hmm, that doesn't seem right? I'm a Platonist, so I think there's only 1 duck.
mtvcdm: We're an indoor duck
MaddogM: 1000 ducks is a long game of Duck Duck goose
jacqui_lantern234: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa yes :p
MaladyDark subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
MaladyDark: sub sub sub a doo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaladyDark! (Today's storm count: 1166)
starwolf69: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
DigitalSeahorse: Pete_S_319 Earth!
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Duck1 quack
StarSorrows subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StarSorrows! (Today's storm count: 1167)
josh___something: Duck APPROVED
ClodiumSoride: Huh, I thought Laura was a Boston terrier.
DentedPockets: Than what? Cause them?
Pete_S_319: @CookieMom Definitely sounds like him to me.
malfnord: uh oh
Twilight_Spark: That was a great sigh.
m33pn8r: @Juliamon I've never even considered the etymology of that term before. Thanks for teaching me something
ShifuDaxiongmao: god, the voices in this game is great :D
DigitalSeahorse: more likely than humans? or snails? digita435Snail
BorealMage: @CookieMom No, Sean Chiplock
mtvcdm: He's addicted to bread?
CookieMom: @BorealMage Thanks!
Rexsplosion: @mtvcdm i mean... he IS a duck.
josh___something: Oh, I like h- AAANd, I now don't like this person
Mollylele: Sean Chiplock would be a good name for a bird detective also
josh___something: LADY
mtvcdm: They went wee wee wee all the way to jail
Defrost: Freddy is BDG??
midnightcurryjazz: its heather!
LizzyTPau: Voice actor for Freddy IS a Dropout friendo
BrowneePoints: @Mollylele Swan Chiplock
Tiber727: The game should just fill out the info that's really obvious. We already heard her first name.
josh___something: She's 100% a true crime podcast enjoyer
BrowneePoints: oh Freddy is Brian David Gilbert
hackingducks: she's a sheep
hackingducks: a sheep divorcee apparently.
Tiber727: Holding a whisk doesn't make you motherly.
spethycakes: @BrowneePoints that is ... perfect casting
ShifuDaxiongmao: someone is the gossiper, but we won't tell on who it is!
Mollylele: I wonder if she is getting aLAMBony payments
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint vicksyNoted
hackingducks: @Mollylele her spouse is on the lam
josh___something: (her VA is killing it)
LizzyTPau: @hackingducks BOOOOOOO
ElementalAlchemist: Hello again, friends
mtvcdm: She's great and go away
ElementalAlchemist: This game is pretty neat
hackingducks: he's a penguin!
DigitalSeahorse: nice
Tiber727: Not knocking the game necessarily, but the VAs are almost too good for this game.
BartholemewTheKitten: Have you seen this chicken?
Laserbeaks_Fury: The Penguin
mtvcdm: OI
Rexsplosion: that's not chcocolate, just a lid to the sandwich tub
hackingducks: putting mugs face up in a dishwasher is a crime and whoever did it deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law
mtvcdm: R.S.
Laserbeaks_Fury: thats so much Pot Noodle
James_LRR subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, James_LRR! (Today's storm count: 1168)
Omega_Lairon: James LRR? Sounds suspicious : p
BartholemewTheKitten: Calling it now: the janitor is Feathers McGraw in disguise
RedRaptor subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RedRaptor! (Today's storm count: 1169)
RampG4mes: hi Heather
mtvcdm: Hi James
episvont: Boo
ShifuDaxiongmao: trash!
ShifuDaxiongmao: on the left
Pete_S_319: They jammed too hard. lrrAWW
ClodiumSoride: ba-dum-tish
spethycakes: It was absolutely crushing
anyavamps subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
anyavamps: yoooooo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, anyavamps! (Today's storm count: 1170)
DiamondMX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
DiamondMX: Subathon - when do the submarines start? What's all this LRR stuff doing here?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DiamondMX! (Today's storm count: 1171)
DigitalSeahorse: katesNoted
hackingducks: uh oh, rufus actin' sus
midnightcurryjazz: majong! Pon!
adept_nekomancer: Pengwheeler
notthepenguins subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, notthepenguins! (Today's storm count: 1172)
aussie_rob_w: is that a duck duo?
josh___something: I don't think ANYONE enjoys freddy's company
Laserbeaks_Fury: yes... the "older"
lord_bry0n: Justice for Freddy
hackingducks: ok loomer.
josh___something: totally true fun facts
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBanana digita435Duck1 banana for scale
josh___something: *4 mugs on the desk*
manwiththegoldencard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months, currently on a 44 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, manwiththegoldencard! (Today's storm count: 1173)
BandsWithLegends: it's called ADHD and they should have accomodations :P
jacqui_lantern234: gosh, why is Freddie me?!
BartholemewTheKitten: My whining is inescapable, game
aussie_rob_w: that made me laugh out loud.
DigitalSeahorse: kitty on desk
DigitalSeahorse: she likes cats
Molladia: Getting Kathleen vibes from the Giraffe
DigitalSeahorse: Every Duck what?
AutumnAuton: has a unique foot print, said that hint
BartholemewTheKitten: Why not able to pet the desk cat?
MaddogM: Do we have enough info or the password yet?
jacqui_lantern234: eww the building comes?! lrrBEEJ
josh___something: I don't think this manager likes inspections :p
Defrost: Are you?
josh___something: @jacqui_lantern234 no you aren't :P
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
jacqui_lantern234: ok, fair, chat. you got me
aussie_rob_w: I absolutely love the movement animation in this game!!!
mtvcdm: I always love random gremlin time
Felipe: Which game is that again?
josh___something: Duck THEFT >:D
aussie_rob_w: Lookit the way you move
aussie_rob_w: It's so nice
jacqui_lantern234: @mtvcdm I ALWAYS LOVE YOU!!! #GOTTEM <3
josh___something: True, very handsome
jacqui_lantern234: @aussie_rob_w YOURE so nice
mtvcdm: Oh no I've been got
excalgold: is Boris the Ex....
hackingducks: what is that accent
DigitalSeahorse: hands in pockets can mean cold hands! vicksyComfy vicksyCult katesSnug
neisan2112: Yo I just looked at the voice cast and Freddy is voiced by Brian David Gilbert!!
josh___something: ok, one of these animals isn't speaking up
Mr_Horrible: can't wait to find out it was somehow us from the future who called us or something
VorlonScout: And Boris's VA is Ares/Dionysus/Theseus from Hades
excalgold: so maybe thats some one who likes Freddy...
DigitalSeahorse: katesBusiness vicksyHeart likes cases
josh___something: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: lol
josh___something: I'm a detective, not a snoop... well... okay., maybe a bit of a snoop
DigitalSeahorse: or
voren_chalco: That is how packing a bag works, yes
DigitalSeahorse: someone changed their clothes and put the smelly ones in the bag since you checked it
mtvcdm: 25% helpful
Ravensfest: Customer service
Ravensfest: Janitor
BartholemewTheKitten: Ducks are bogans? I never knew
DigitalSeahorse: they live in the boonies don't they?
spethycakes: And that's a Duck Fact jesscapGreg
hackingducks: that'd be an amazing bird feat.
Defrost: !duckfacts
SoaringDragon42: Wait, isn't Boris the one with all the bus routes?
DigitalSeahorse: gasp!
neisan2112: Oh god now I can hear that its BDG lol
hackingducks: compass birds feels like a thing that should be in a fantasy novel
josh___something: oh, he's stupid
Ravensfest: Freddy is not the sharpest
Saintnex: oh lord
ShifuDaxiongmao: looks like freddy got fingered
excalgold: ah he IS the Ex
spethycakes: Freddy is a silly goose
Mr_Horrible: oh, there's over 1000 ducks? Name 5 OpieOP
josh___something: D:
neisan2112: @ShifuDaxiongmao He does have some sausages
hackingducks: @Mr_Horrible duck, duck, duck, duck, goose!
Ravensfest: Laura? She was the most upset.
Mr_Horrible: @hackingducks hmm, yes, good kanagoNote
josh___something: Who's lunch was in the kitchen?
Laserbeaks_Fury: do we know whos lunch it was?
mtvcdm: Smash cut
josh___something: LADY
TallynNyntyg: "Does it say Colonel anywhere on this uniform?"
Laserbeaks_Fury: awww, is this a set-up
excalgold: I'm a DUCK. wearing a TRENCH COAT *laughs*
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint vicksyInspect You should have deduced that it was me!
josh___something: Laura, please
dumbo3k: Oh no. Did Laura try to frame Freddy?
CastleOtranto: Chat, I don't wish to alarm you, but that is a very handsome duck
Laserbeaks_Fury: I mean, is it theft if was your salami
josh___something: He's too fuckin stupid for him to be a thief
jacqui_lantern234: @CastleOtranto YOURE very handsome!!! #Gottem
Jigokuro: No scoping that Laura is planning a Surprise Birthday Party for Sophia. That'd be nice.
Rexsplosion: Life is like a hurricane... there in Duckberg, also on the moon with the dope music
ShifuDaxiongmao: true, but they came back from the moon too... it was quite an adventure though
Mazrae: I'm upset now that I tuned back in late and missed part of this, this game seems amazing
DrakoniteDev: you can press Y to quack though. better than ducks on the moon?
Defrost: Wasn't much of a question
DigitalSeahorse: Scary lady is planning a surprise party for Freddy?
josh___something: He might, in fact, be the dullest tool in the shed
MaddogM: Who framed Freddy Gator?
BartholemewTheKitten: Get facebagged son
Defrost: What dishwasher??
Twilight_Spark: D:
CastleOtranto: @jacqui_lantern234 Oh you! You're pretty great yourself, you know?
CaptainSpam: The lesson of "Rufus is a bad janitor"?
Ravensfest: @DigitalSeahorse Isn't it Sophie's birthday?
Juliamon: bro that's *literally what you're paid to do*
Laserbeaks_Fury: I mean, it's possible it's supposed to be this obvious as a first case, and it's not a misdirect. But it really feels like a set-up
jacqui_lantern234: dishwasher?! i hardly know her!!! :p
ShifuDaxiongmao: rage uncaged.. for tipping all the trashcans <3
arcaede_: got a chievo for kicking cans
Gekyouryuu: THIS guy is Employee of the Month?
Gekyouryuu: and not Laura?
DigitalSeahorse: Ravensfest is it?
Ravensfest: She was upset that everyone had forgotten it.
Juliamon: Learning that it's Sophie's birthday was a tutorial on analyzing people.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyParty katesParty
BlueChloroplast: Heeey, whats quacking?
FarleyF: you know the graphics remind me of Wildermyth - the DND style game
Ravensfest: Freddy is being framed?
Ravensfest: Salami bandit?
Defrost: Boris picked the bag?
zerragonoss: Yes Marget defdefinitelyantly has a calendar with everyone's birthday, and they the day the will be murdered on it.
Saintnex: suspicious could work?
Rexsplosion: just looked up the voice cast and i didn't recognize anyone except Freddy is voiced by Brian David Gilbert.
Mr_Horrible: wait, how many framings go on at the LRR offices???
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect vicksyInspect
aussie_rob_w: At least three!
neisan2112: @Rexsplosion Yeah When they talked earlierI could def tell it was him
excalgold: is the duck not ProZD/Sungwon Cho ?
Defrost: No
Rexsplosion: nope, the duck is Sean Chiplock
aussie_rob_w: I don't know what Graham I'm quoting with "at least three!" But I distinctly remember Graham saying it and it makes me laugh so I reference it all the time
excalgold: such similar voices!
DigitalSeahorse: katesParty vicksyParty vicksyPrider
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
Kurintoi: this game is amazing
flustered_blue: gasp!
josh___something: laura
midnightcurryjazz: !!!
josh___something: you are NOT subtle
Luminaire_p: I think she's mad that he keeps taking her mug
Laserbeaks_Fury: I mean, Freddy is literally holding her mug
josh___something: 0 SUBTLETY
Mr_Horrible: she seems too petty to be a mastermind
MaddogM: Rufus is my guess
mtvcdm: That's not the Salami Bandit. That's the Salami Fairy.
Ravensfest: I think it's just cause Freddy is an idiot. Then again it was her lunch that was "stolen"
mtvcdm: You just... Get salami
Mazrae: Mark my words, words of someone who's trying to frame someone
GamemasterAnth: What game is this?
mtvcdm: Eat delicious salami
Luminaire_p: roasted garlic summer sausage
Rexsplosion: Didn't Boris mention the dirty gym clothes were different than what he expected to be in the bag?
Mr_Horrible: deDUCKtions?
adept_nekomancer: De-duck-shuns
CaptainSpam: "I will deduce the HELL out of this office!"
mtvcdm: Deductions. With a K.
Tiber727: Also you can knock over trash and spin chairs.
electra310: Ruuude
midnightcurryjazz: star trek nerd!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
Laserbeaks_Fury: "I got you copy of my fan-fic for your birthday!"
mtvcdm: I'm so hot now
ShifuDaxiongmao: in before "I've already read this on ao3"
Rexsplosion: Sci-fi book, eh?
midnightcurryjazz: Oh this is some A+ fanfic
Ravensfest: Oh no.,,
Xafty: this is some real trashy sci-fi romance novel
malfnord: I feel judged by this
WriterRaven: This physically hurts me... >_<
midnightcurryjazz: khaosp4Lick
josh___something: I'm dying
electra310: That was a long pause
Saintnex: ughhhh
ClodiumSoride: Totally not written by rufuS sideriS
josh___something: HELP
asddsa28: i love that this is so bad
Saintnex: pls no
ShifuDaxiongmao: this is very well written :D
DrakoniteDev: saucy
Dreamlettuce: brucegDance
Mr_Horrible: incredible
mtvcdm: Nobel for literature
6000j: i love the idea of a translation device someone invented that translates words they can't understand into other ones they can't understand
neisan2112: I feel like I'm reading Creepypaastas from 2011
KeytarCat: I'm turning in, night all!
thekumquatking: Can't believe Rufus writes so well
Juliamon: Someone got paid by the word
ShifuDaxiongmao: WHAT?
BlueChloroplast: PrideLaugh PrideLaugh PrideLaugh PrideLaugh
josh___something: Aren't we also a writer?
Mr_Horrible: look, Duck Detective, every writer gotta start somewhere
josh___something: I feel bad for him
terribleplan: Translated the words they said into words he could understand
ZephyrousOne: 621 page pant-n-puff is kind of impressive.
Mr_Horrible: although they don't often sell that somewhere for money
dumbo3k: The Alien stepped forward who stepped forward was the leader, because they stepped forward
Xafty: @6000j theres an episode of futurama with this in it
Mr_Horrible: until maybe they reach more refined somewheres
ClodiumSoride: @thekumquatking no, that is clearly an entirely different person who wrote that book
v_nome: Sayonara, Edgelords is the name of my autobiography.
insane_42: kaitJAM kaitJAM kaitJAM kaitJAM
electra310: Sayonara, Edgelords is my new closer for business emails
thekumquatking: @ClodiumSoride You're right. My mistake
Laserbeaks_Fury: Can we not hide the salami
TallynNyntyg: I think Stay fresh, Cheese Bags is still a good closer.
excalgold: @electra310 not 'Stayfresh cheese bags'
josh___something: y'know
Duffadash: Roommates?
neisan2112: Ngl I wish I got that salami as a gift. I'd eaat tf out of that for so long.
Rexsplosion: @josh___something sophie mentioned dating Boris
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang vicksyDerp lucidDog_TK silly salami
Mazrae: I don't know if this is okay or not, but did anyone else that the B and E in the letter were underlined for some reason
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeBirthday
DigitalSeahorse: my guess would be eaten vicksyNom
josh___something: @Rexsplosion Dating, or dated. I got the impression they're no longer together
neisan2112: Man I want cake now
wooperman1: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Rexsplosion: how hard is it to Windows Key+L???
mtvcdm: The security around here
josh___something: """Mystery""" author
CookieMom: Who is the OO?
Ravensfest: Sufur backwards is...
Luminaire_p: Operations Office: Freddy Frederson
TallynNyntyg: @Ravensfest Selenium!
dumbo3k: Rufus is also a sci fi nerd
josh___something: Oh that's why scifi fan is there
josh___something: LEGAL?
Rexsplosion: man, EVERYONE has it out for him, except Boris thinks he's funny
excalgold: Freddy....Phraseing
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Laserbeaks_Fury: NO, do not give anyone SURPRISE SALAMI
BlueChloroplast: Freddy understands that salami is tasty
Iperithon: this guy rocks.
Ravensfest: Only give salami with consent
Rexsplosion: @Laserbeaks_Fury SpiritEel
lady_olynder: He climbs?
josh___something: y'know, I don't think this is the best work environment
hackingducks: HR complains about giving people salami surprises at work
Kurintoi: D:
Graved: WHAT?
chrono2x: gasp
Decem_Lampas: D:
Rexsplosion: WHAT!??
midnightcurryjazz: your a garbage tuber!
gualdhar: how dare you
NonUniqueGuy: What?
hackingducks: that opinion is wrong
DrakoniteDev: blasphomy
Ravensfest: And meat. Which would include Salami!
HesGotNoPants: Riot
WriterRaven: But... potates give us fries!
hieroglyphica: They're full of potassium! I needs that for my nerves
Texan_Reverend: Oof.... [Everybody disliked that]
lady_olynder: Potatoes are mid, but certain preperations are s tier
Juliamon: Bringing produce across country lines is fraught in general. We were bummed when we couldn't bring back fruit from Brazil.
mtvcdm: We have potato apologists in here clearly
josh___something: Boris, no.
ClodiumSoride: is a working site, but I couldn't make out the full URL on the poster.
DigitalSeahorse: this popcicle sure is squished lrrDILLY vicksyDed
misterrootbeer: my wife heard what you said about potatoes from the other room and yelled at you
ShifuDaxiongmao: lost all his hockey bets... so is he supposed to be russian or canadian? :P
BlueChloroplast: The necklace was said to be cheap
DrakoniteDev: have you ever priced limited edition plushies?
josh___something: Is it time to snoop into margaret's PC?
ihlendrax: Did we ever hack the computer?
Rexsplosion: @BlueChloroplast not cheap, "tacky"
NonUniqueGuy: That is where I keep all my salami.
zerragonoss: plushie seems like a gift she would actually like so defiantly not him
josh___something: we know the hint
lady_olynder: That salami is getting cooked on the back of a server
Mazrae: Ewww salami in the server room, that's just going to the salami hot and make it smell more
CookieMom: @ClodiumSoride customs ?
Rexsplosion: I think it's Laura that gave the plushie
Rexsplosion: she said her gift was there
MaxLSilver: So I dunno if you've gotten to see, but any of the objects you've found, you can read a lot easier once they're in your notebook.
Ravensfest: All the presents are there, so maybe nothing?
mtvcdm: Approved
josh___something: maybe present is the first part?
ClodiumSoride: @cookiemom thanks, but that gave a 404. Either a real site that someone else has, or they just registered it and put up a generic site so nobody else would.
Tiber727: That's heinous no matter how you slice it!
loufghyslaufey: 444
electra310: Sayonara, Edgelords!
Rexsplosion: they WROTE OUT LOL???
Ravensfest: The B and the E are underlined?
Rexsplosion: that is NOT Boomer Penguin
ghyllnox: Oh, "Quiet or else"
ghyllnox: Is what the letter says by the first letters
Robin Damien: A scary message that contained a scary message.
Ravensfest: "Be quite or else"
josh___something: The unhacked computer
ShifuDaxiongmao: time to hack :D
Ashen_Prime: Could you "hack" the computer yet?
mtvcdm: Who keeps salami in the server room
Gadora: "to abolish the monarchy."
josh___something: purple eyed alien?
josh___something: honey...
mtvcdm: I'm in
BartholemewTheKitten: Memes time
ShifuDaxiongmao: those were not secret, those were gossip, big difference! :P
ElementalAlchemist: lol
adept_nekomancer: secret cakes!
TStodden: Secret Rickroll
ElementalAlchemist: I appreciate the dedication to the meme
Kurintoi: the secret cake file oh no
Tiber727: If only we could manipulate the computer and scroll up!
BlueChloroplast: PrideLaugh
BorgarWithAShotgun: hey, purple eyed alien is an unusual phrase, Multiple words and it is kind of long
midnightcurryjazz: WutFace
ShifuDaxiongmao: from a town named after an italian sausage :D
Mazrae: I'm loving this game
mtvcdm: Wait, are we just... Denying people delicious salami?
IanAllenBird: he's not ducking around anymore
josh___something: MARGARET, this isn't a true crime podcast
josh___something: heheeh... baloney
MaddogM: properly? it was misspelt
BorgarWithAShotgun: who got salamid?
LizzyTPau: PSA: Not all Margaret’s are like this
midnightcurryjazz: #nevertrustmargaret
mtvcdm: Always gotta go full Poirot
josh___something: excuse YOU, I am a PROFESSIONAL
BartholemewTheKitten: A trenchcoat AND a hat
LizzyTPau: @midnightcurryjazz *cries*
josh___something: also, the culprit just got away
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Duck1 digita435Raveduck if anyone's a random duck it's me!
Twilight_Spark: Or he wants to run and cover up how he was facilitating the smuggling.
CaptainSpam: It's a whole operation.
mtvcdm: Step 1 of the big reveal: nobody leaves
CaptainSpam: Freddy's the only innocent one!
Tiber727: And knock over trash, but that's more a hobby.
Luminaire_p: Freddy's with you!
josh___something: thanks freddy
voren_chalco: emotional support alligator
ShifuDaxiongmao: sounds like... something.. is going on
NonUniqueGuy: Something
mtvcdm: Freddy wants revenge
BartholemewTheKitten: Freddy, have you tried...doing your job?
ShifuDaxiongmao: looks like there was an item marked on the table in kitchen
Robin Damien: "A felony has been committed." "Well, bye. Don't look into the fact we're all fleeing the moment we can't pin this on Fred."
hackingducks: so many ducks in poverty ;_;
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Duck1 how'd you know?! vicksyCope
hackingducks: or are they just all delinquents?
josh___something: Do you think rufus knows we're also a writer?
IaCthulhuFthagn: Murder on the Orient Express? Only Freddy is innocent?
Kurintoi: safe
Kurintoi: and sound
Despoiler98: foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG a SAFE who could have guessed?
LizzyTPau: I like bread
DigitalSeahorse: bday
CaptainSpam: CS/OO/BD
thundercat2000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months, currently on a 53 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thundercat2000! (Today's storm count: 1174)
Luminaire_p: I think I know part of the numbers, that's neat
CaptainSpam: Hmm... I feel those middle two are letter o's, not zeroes.
josh___something: I didn't expect this to heat up this much
RedRaptor: @CaptainSpam My child brain immediately thought 8008135
LizzyTPau: 8008
flustered_blue: I just looked up the handle that is a real account with those two posts
josh___something: we have 10k POSTS
BorgarWithAShotgun: i mean, some guy comes in, you gotta do a background check
Luminaire_p: 10k since Bluesky opened up :O
Graved: It is surprisingly easy to get to 10k posts on bird website
malfnord: I mean, at least he's not on Twitter
LizzyTPau: yeah I had 10k once
Laserbeaks_Fury: lol, there's actual posts on that account on BlueSKy
mtvcdm: AITA
ElementalAlchemist: 03051777
Saintnex: hold up, high expectations for wanting a birthday card?? real judgy Mr Duck Detective
LizzyTPau: TBF expecting a card from your coworkers on your birthday isn’t that high
Luminaire_p: I'm not sure that lines up with her other handwriting from the comment box
LordZarano: Tiiqynsma
Rexsplosion: not sophie's handwriting
DigitalSeahorse: Laserbeaks_Fury vicksyInspect Is there!?
josh___something: Is it not her handwriting?
Rexsplosion: sophie has a letter in the suggestion box
Mazrae: Calling it now, Sophie and salami are hidden in the server room
DigitalSeahorse: irl?
Graved: Does handwriting on Sophie's letter match?
skysonglark: oh handwriting!
Rexsplosion: i just mean it didn't match her handwriting in the "i quit" letter
TacitusVigil: I just arrived, but...Noir Goose?!?
ShifuDaxiongmao: Duck
Rexsplosion: @TacitusVigil Ducktective
TacitusVigil: Noir Duck?!?!
boilersnake subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, boilersnake! (Today's storm count: 1175)
ShifuDaxiongmao: Ducktective Noir
LizzyTPau: no i wouldn’t want to work with someone i dated but that’s more of a Me thing though
TacitusVigil: LA Quackfidential
jonnykefka subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months, currently on a 131 month streak!
jonnykefka: 131 months on the glorious altar of the subathon
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jonnykefka! (Today's storm count: 1176)
Anaerin: Things have taken quite a tern.
mtvcdm: Another aviary legal success
CaptainSpam: Maybe "coffeemaker" is just the icon for the kitchen?
Shadwhawk: Phone next to the cake?
ShifuDaxiongmao: is it on table?
bagfullofbees: yo, back for more ducktective
electra310: Cheer800 Deducktion is the best pun of the day
IaCthulhuFthagn: Just look at the notifiactions on the home screen real quick...
Graved: Salami kidnapper :O
ClodiumSoride: Sophie was drugged?
BlueChloroplast: Keyboard smash as emotions are a thing
CookieMom: Awwww
ShifuDaxiongmao: OMG.. the salami bandit snuck up on Heather!
Rexsplosion: oh lord, she's a "KTS" stan which is "BTS" but in animal world,
CaptainSpam: IT WAS BEEJ!
NonUniqueGuy: 70% more likely to solve crimes compared to what?
CaptainSpam: GET HIM!
Rexsplosion: i just noticed that
malfnord: A wild Beej appears!
FarleyF: aww that was sweet
midnightcurryjazz: Heather has cooties now
BrowneePoints: Gross! you have someone who loves and appreciates you!
mtvcdm: Beej did it
BrowneePoints: browne26PearPride
ShifuDaxiongmao: Beej is now our number 1 suspect.
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
adept_nekomancer: Beej must have been the culprit
pn55: Wait your turn Beej! :p HypeLUL
Mr_Horrible: Beej: "because the Salami Bandit owes me 10 bucks, so I need to know"
josh___something: customer service birthday?
spethycakes: Beej is the Salami Bandit
LizzyTPau: seshhhhhh
SolSurvivor Edits: amazing
atallertallhobbit: I think those are Os not zeros
ElementalAlchemist: HONK
Graved: Always
josh___something: YESSSS
IanAllenBird: WHAT
Gadora: :O
Juliamon: We've been trying to tell you
Amentur: Honk!
adept_nekomancer: Dedicated quack button!
CptMurphey: 10/10
bagfullofbees: HJONK
DrakoniteDev: quack!
Mazrae: !honk
Mr_Horrible: incredible
mtvcdm: !y
iris_of_ether: !y
hackingducks: it's been here the whole time
Twilight_Spark: Oh no.
hieroglyphica: More honk!!
Redbassist: lrrHORN
Decem_Lampas: HONK
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Duck1 digita435Raveduck digita435Duck1
spethycakes: marshm3Ducky
pn55: :O new meta unloacked!
chrono2x: Y
hackingducks: quack quack quack
flustered_blue: QUACK
DigitalSeahorse: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Rexsplosion: GAME OF THE YEAR! 10/10
ShifuDaxiongmao: CASE CLOSED.. we got other things to do now!
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
IaCthulhuFthagn: What was that about not being a horrible goose?
TallynNyntyg: BD might be Bear Dad?
CookieMom: Need to replace the quack audio file with the crapshots "honk"
voren_chalco: Bus Driver
Azure: honk honk
type_variable: fred was the oo
WriterRaven: Customer Service, Operating Office, Bus Driver, is my guess.
ProfessorFalconer: Birthday?
chrono2x: BD?
flustered_blue: maybe bus driver?
Luminaire_p: Brian David
Tiber727: Freddie is OO
BlueChloroplast: Best dad?
v_nome: Bawdy Ducks
Tiber727: Operations Officer or something like that
malfnord: 2-0-4
josh___something: Oh yeah, 00 could be OO
malfnord: or 2-1-4
MaddogM: 214?
thekumquatking: Is it just the number of employees in each department?
DrakoniteDev: Bad Dra---yeah probably Bus Drivers
CaptainSpam: CS could be 3. They do mention 3-hour delays a lot.
Stormgod519: I MADE IT!
CaptainSpam: Welp, there we go.
DrakoniteDev: kaching
josh___something: same, brother
IaCthulhuFthagn: I am invincible!
flustered_blue: same
malfnord: goals
thekumquatking: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHAM lrrHORN
Redbassist: FBtouchdown lrrBartleby
Luminaire_p: PrideLaugh
WriterRaven: "ducket list" omfs
hackingducks: ducket list LUL
mtvcdm: Ducket list. Amazing.
Rexsplosion: ducket list!! drawfeGoodjoke drawfeGoodjoke drawfeGoodjoke drawfeGoodjoke drawfeGoodjoke drawfeGoodjoke drawfeGoodjoke drawfeGoodjoke
MaddogM: "I did it!!" The greatesst theif in the world!!!!!
Jordan Wightman: Heh. Ducket list.
BrowneePoints: Hollandaise instead of Holland? Really game lol
jamesk902 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jamesk902! (Today's storm count: 1177)
josh___something: YOINK
mtvcdm: Eureka
voren_chalco: It's not theft if it's for a case
MaddogM: Does this end with us being arrested for B&E?
VorlonScout: all it took was a little drake-ing and entering
mtvcdm: Approved
Graved: Duck approved! *makes duck noises*
Luminaire_p: Serving Salami
FarleyF: there are no ducks on the moon but there are wizards
Mazrae: Since we are at a bus station, we are about at the final bus down??
ShifuDaxiongmao: it is bigger on the inside?
josh___something: you aren't, eugene
IaCthulhuFthagn: The printer in a server closet is a mood.
mtvcdm: Really. What gave it away
BlueChloroplast: Salami!
MostCallMe__Tim: this server room is huge
Anaerin: Not a deTECHtive?
ShifuDaxiongmao: yeah, Paul is the tech detective!
thekumquatking: Not a techdective?
MostCallMe__Tim: and why is there a copier in there
TacitusVigil: Ducktective, not deTechtive
electra310: Duck-tech-tive
spethycakes: Did Paul leave? Maybe he could help with the server room
Tiber727: Some duck tape will fix it!
Stormgod519: damn
mtvcdm: We all have our bread shame
josh___something: please don't tell me those wings had fingers
corianderd: hamburgers?
ClodiumSoride: okay, we won't tell you
azureHaights: lrrHAM burgers!
LizzyTPau: ohh can I have a hamburger too!!
Juliamon: ooooo voucher fraud
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRamen
ShifuDaxiongmao: first the salami bandit, and now the hamburglar is after Heather?!?
TacitusVigil: Their apartment is a mess and small. All they make is breadcrumbs. Kappa
MaddogM: They brought you bread?
iris_of_ether: Mmm hamborgor
Capt_clown: What the duck? gdqHONK
FarleyF: Did you bring enough for all of chat
Capt_clown: ecdyciGrill ecdyciGrill ecdyciGrill
Graved: time for clicking
hackingducks: e-zay p-zay
TacitusVigil: This is giving me Mario In Time flashbacks.
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chrono2x: Is this a Murder on the Orient Express situation with almost everyone being guilty in some way
chrono2x: ?
josh___something: isn't it rufus that's forging vouchers?
ProfessorFalconer: But Laura didn't have the key to the server room
Shadwhawk: Yeah, everyone's doing something shady except maybe Freddie
josh___something: The message to their kid looked like a penguin
CookieMom: Laura was processing the vouchers, I thought.
Saintnex: was Manfred being blackmailed or blackmailing? it wasn’t clear to me in that letter
mtvcdm: I say Freddy and Freddy alone doesn't get fired
josh___something: margaret had vouchers info IIRC
CookieMom: Sorry, that was Margaret.
manfred909: ? oh a character lol
Laserbeaks_Fury: Was Manfred being blackmailed to do the smuggling or because he was already smuggling
Shadwhawk: Smuggling salami, stealing lunches, laundering money with vouchers, blackmailing...
dumbo3k: @Laserbeaks_Fury I think the later?
josh___something: Is it manfred that kidnapped them?
ProfessorFalconer: There's multiple copies of Rufus' book next to you
flustered_blue: is it Rufus blackmailed Manfred for the first three bubbles?
josh___something: manfred DID have blue pen
manfred909: lol
Mazrae: Maybe vouchers to bandit to help them get the salami in
BrainBetter: Do we need to use a more real name than The Salami Bandit at this point?
ShifuDaxiongmao: maybe the first one is "the salami bandit"?
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh the vouchers are part of the payoff
josh___something: I think this isn't a salami bandit thing?
VorlonScout: could it be “illegally selling vouchers”?
puzzgeek: You need a name instead of the salami bandit
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah i think someone figured out the smuggling, did a blackmail, and did something mean to Sophie to keep everything going
Mazrae: Manfred since he's "selling" the vouchers in bulk and want to get rid of sale history
TacitusVigil: But, what if they're using a Quack, I mean Mac!
MrQBear: is it doing this because the hint prompt was triggered multiple times?
hackingducks: i like that this is a hint system that doesn't call attention to itself as a hint system
josh___something: Ahh, the clue words are just for the whole phase
ShifuDaxiongmao: oh.. there was the thing about the d-pad?
MaddogM: the duck-pad?
BrainBetter: @ShifuDaxiongmao I think that's what brings these hints up.
DigitalSeahorse: letter has initials?
CaptainSpam: I guess the question is, why are the vouchers winding up on eZay?
bagfullofbees: I love how noir this game feels, despite being set in modern times
TacitusVigil: I mean, that's what detectives do, yes?
mtvcdm: Jaccuse
Laserbeaks_Fury: The vouchers are a laundered way of getting a payoff
josh___something: selling vouchers?
v_nome: Are we, the duck detective, being provided anything?
Saintnex: I think the salami, salami bandit and importing might be incorrect?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Are these screens in your clue bags, so you can see it all easier?
josh___something: "The salami bandit" is probably not specific enough
Robin Damien: Exporting
MrQBear: the salami bandit is kinda a whole red herring ,huh?
mtvcdm: Duck approved!
MaxLSilver: Yeah, that's why it was "more business," it was just the side hustle to the main crime. :D
misterrootbeer: sounds like you're about to quack the case
hackingducks: what's a little fraud anyway? water under the bridge
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
Robin Damien: They're legal here, you're taking them where they're not legal.
chrono2x: outside inside a bus?
DigitalSeahorse: katesNoted
ElementalAlchemist: hehe
hackingducks: other crimes roll off him like water off a... well, you know
josh___something: Is she stuck inside a server?
MrQBear: maybe it's not his office, with the chair and tv?
josh___something: Oh yeah
chrono2x: What is the boss's name?
CookieMom: BearBus's Station?
CaptainSpam: Maybe just at BearBus?
MaddogM: BearBus's Station?
chrono2x: Manfried's station
chrono2x: ?
CookieMom: Close!
josh___something: This is their office
Luminaire_p: This isn't a station, it's the depot
MaxLSilver: This is the office, the station is down the street (Boris said earlier).
DrakoniteDev: Boris said earlier "this is office, not station"
TheNerdySimulation: can't believe everyone collectively decided to start without me /j
Jigokuro: Probably shouldn't brute force like that, now we don't know how you're supposed to figure that out at all...
ShifuDaxiongmao: everyone but freddy? XD
MaddogM: Manfred is guarding the buses?
josh___something: Handwriting identical?
chrono2x: the bags are identical?
Saintnex: ohhh, I think we should be looking at hand writing?
Laserbeaks_Fury: They have Identical Salamis
Gadora: I think the Salami Bandit is the Salami Bandit, personally.
DigitalSeahorse: katesHUH
MaddogM: The Salami Bandit is the Salami Bandit - obviously
manfred909: i did nothing i swear
MaxLSilver: "Why must I think out loud??"
Texan_Reverend: @manfred909 How dare!
josh___something: Oh, that's why he's camping out here
jacqui_lantern234: @Texan_Reverend lmao
josh___something: He's watching us
neisan2112: Poor Freddy
CaptainSpam: Freddy is the poor innocent boy.
jacqui_lantern234: @manfred909 j'accuse!!! Kappa
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted katesPlot katesNoted
josh___something: Oh, EVERYONE's going to jail
Saintnex: @manfred909 where’s the salami?!? Kappa
Rexsplosion: like i said, Boris mentioned the bag had different things in it than he expected cause Fred took the wrong bag
jacqui_lantern234: watch everybody EXCEPT Freddy be the culprits :p
chrono2x: new accomplice?
josh___something: Oh... sophie is the accomplice
Mazrae: She sleeping in the bus??
Stormgod519 is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 175 in the channel!
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DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp voxlunCarp voxlunCarp
josh___something: I guess laura is also innocent
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect vicksyInspect vicksyInspect digita435Raveduck
josh___something: LUL
iris_of_ether: !y
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Duck1 vicksyInspect
jacqui_lantern234: Duck Detective Heather!!! :p
hackingducks: not in a room. take the L
neisan2112: The BBBB
HungryTanuki: Quacking the case wide open !
Molladia: Sophie gonna turn around and shoot down ALL of this and go "no.... it was just BDSM gone wrong"
jacqui_lantern234: @HungryTanuki escher3PUN
josh___something: Also, you're currently 1 against potentially 4 here, eugene
MaddogM: Does this mean Laura get's her promotion as management is getting arrested?
josh___something: They could just also tie you up
BusTed: tqsMagnify
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Raveduck
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer digita435Raveduck vicksyCheer
josh___something: Wait...
josh___something: Buddy
chrono2x: Fredrick was the mastermind!
jacqui_lantern234: ALL OF THEM
DigitalSeahorse: yes
Laserbeaks_Fury: uhh why are you asking *us* game
puzzgeek: none
Jigokuro: Yes
Drakas: yes
Juliamon: He did also kidnap Sophie
flustered_blue: all of them
MaxLSilver: He also did a kidnapping, so yes.
dungeonmasteralek: yes
Graved: nah
josh___something: LITERALLY all of them
ghyllnox: None
Mazrae: Yes
misterrootbeer: yes
neisan2112: Yeah he's the boss and kept stiffling pay
SeismicLawns: manfred definitely
L0rdX33n: no?
lady_olynder: He did do an abduction
bagfullofbees: none of them
sounderfan84: yes
IanAllenBird: I think they should let you choose none of them
Saintnex: oooor let’s just turn them all to the police and let them handle it?
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Yep
malfnord: Sure, why not?
Decem_Lampas: I'm no narc
Kelazi5: yes
CaptainChibale: yes
NonUniqueGuy: yes
Kurintoi: everyone to jail
Bruceski: No jury's gonna convict a salami smuggler
ProfessorFalconer: Yeah, clearly
Twilight_Spark: I mean is this an arresting type of crime?
L0rdX33n: I just woke up...
IaCthulhuFthagn: Arrest everyone, it's the American way!
Rexsplosion: the smuggling is much less of a deal than the kidnapping i think
zerragonoss: no one on meat smuggling manfrid on kidnaping
thewafflesareburning: Yeah
puzzgeek: no
TheNerdySimulation: I see which chatters in here are narcs
Jigokuro: ehhh
Gadora: It's Sophie's birthday. She should get off free.
RuiFaleiro: do we believe in the duckburg legal system?
Jigokuro: maybe
flustered_blue: yeah
vinopinguino: Accomplice
Texan_Reverend: Down with the prison industrial complex!
hackingducks: send'em all to jail
Juliamon: Sophie was desperate
neisan2112: Eh
Azsedcf: Did a kidnaping
HadesLeprechaun: nobody else, only arrest the mastermind
Jakelope13: Eh, she was kidnapped
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Yeah, sure
CaptainSpam: Boris is cool, though.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyThink
Robert Collins: Yes
The Lone Bard: Detective nullification, nobody gets arrested!
hackingducks: just arrest the whole office and sort it out later
HyruleGirl9: Theres a signboard that says its actually highly illegal to smuggle meats, which I imagine has to do with everyone being animals
RuiFaleiro: should we not just enact duck street justice?
mtvcdm: Arrest everyone but Freddy
lord_bry0n: boris is a patsy
DrakoniteDev: Manfred stole the lunch, which is the ONLY crime you were there to investigate
malfnord: ADDAB
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Light sentence.
josh___something: Fuck it, EVERYONE
Laserbeaks_Fury: Why don't we arrest the POLITICIANS who created the POLICIES that drove people to have to BREAK THE LAW
Graved: all ducks are bastards?
PresidentScr00b: Arrest Freddy too, he'd probably enjoy the experience
MrPhlip: I appreciate how many chat mods are on the side of "arrest nobody, heck the cops"
DrakoniteDev: quack!
IaCthulhuFthagn: Wait, not Margaret and Rufus too?
jacqui_lantern234: @josh___something hey now! everyone EXCEPT Freddy
Azsedcf: Maybe conspiracy.
Saintnex: look, they are being arrested but the courts can decide who deserves what
josh___something: Being better at your job?!
CaptainSpam: I was not aware detectives had the authority to arrest people.
Azsedcf: Smuggling.
L0rdX33n: Salami smuggling sounds dirty
Saintnex: tbf the 3 HOUR delays probably didn’t help
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNom vicksyParty
mtvcdm: You don't deserve good employees dude
Jakelope13: Wait, Margaret was MAKING A CAKE at work?
Kurintoi: oh no
josh___something: Oh... honey. His book SUCKS
josh___something: You know you're also doing a crime
Saintnex: Oh lord, he wrote the alien novel
Tiber727: Bakeries make cakes at work all the time.
neisan2112: Wow this is all awful lol
malfnord: @josh___something Ready Player One got an adaptation.
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Not so much 'accuse' as 'discover'.
josh___something: Oh... MY GOD
mtvcdm: So this company is just out of business now right
TSSaloic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months, currently on a 88 month streak!
TSSaloic: I remember when Ixalan had a Pre-Prerelease.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TSSaloic! (Today's storm count: 1181)
Frostwriter111: D:
Luminaire_p: oh
Anaerin: @mtvcdm Oh, totally.
josh___something: THAT'S how you convinced him
DigitalSeahorse: they're all criminals! Freddy is guilty of being a mugger, he hoards mugs
lord_bry0n: poor boris
MaxLSilver: He said the thing!
ElementalAlchemist: lrrWOW
neisan2112: Thanks Freddy
jacqui_lantern234: escher3PUN
vinopinguino: Poor Boris you schmuck
Rexsplosion: i feel pretty bad about Boris being arrested for this now
josh___something: Freddy, you aren't helping
ShifuDaxiongmao: he said the word!
Shadwhawk: Send Freddy to jail for that
MrQBear: @mtvcdm I mean they still got freddy.
CaptainSpam: So Boris was just a patsy.
thekumquatking: No, Boris!!!
hackingducks: everyone quacking the same puns
Laserbeaks_Fury: Okay Freddy is officially the best person here. Damn.
Kurintoi: S:
Saintnex: lrrWOW everyone except Freddy sucks
Twilight_Spark: The most effective handcuffs ever.
CaptainSpam: Those handcuffs do NOT work on flipper hands!
jacqui_lantern234: hehehehehe "duty"
IaCthulhuFthagn: I feel pretty bad about Margaret and Rufus not being incarcerated.
Anaerin: Don't feed bread to ducks!
Molladia: Why did the all just stand around? Why didn't anybody run?
ElementalAlchemist: nice
jacqui_lantern234: nice
bagfullofbees: omg their little nubs in handcuffs
Shadwhawk: Laura seems to have not done anything wrong
ShifuDaxiongmao: nice
iris_of_ether: nice?
Twilight_Spark: Wow, that's sexism.
Greendrag13: Poor Boris
PresidentScr00b: Why not the other two?
type_variable: but the embelezzing?
Gadora: It's Sophie's birthday though.
mtvcdm: Game
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySmug but did he get paid for this job?
josh___something: Boris really was just a dumbass that got taken advantage of, tbf
CookieMom: But, what about Rufus also getting arrested?
ShifuDaxiongmao: this was a good little game
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Just another day in the life of DUCKTECTIVE!
Decem_Lampas: that was really fun
shendaras: seabatClap
DigitalSeahorse: can he pay the rent now?
Fluffy776: <3 FBtouchdown
MaxLSilver: Voice acting was amazing, too.
Amentur: idesyrClap
vinopinguino: Bravo!!
Saintnex: meanwhile, can we ALSO arrest Rufus and Margaret?!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is this going to episodic like a TT game?
josh___something: Sophie was in too deep
HungryTanuki: Good job Heather !
Mazrae: I can see Boris being innocent if not stupid a little
hackingducks: meh, boris will get a plea deal.
HyruleGirl9: they were both at least accessories at the very least
mtvcdm: 98% on Manfred
ShifuDaxiongmao: Sophie got kidnapped, that might have lessened some peoples judgement
CaptainSpam: Yeah, Sophie was a real dink.
lord_bry0n: i love that you discover embzelment and just ignor it
Molladia: Surprising there isn't more.
LibraryWitchKei: Oh right, BDG voiced Freddy
Laserbeaks_Fury: Because it's not a STATE CRIME
Tiber727: He thinks he's giving an unfortunate person a break.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap digita435Duck1 vicksyInspect
BrowneePoints: cuz it’s funny!
ShifuDaxiongmao: Manfred at 98% = some players going "Why are you asking me this, game?"
DigitalSeahorse: lol
6000j: lmao
josh___something: ALso yeah, we just completely ignore the embezzlement
IanAllenBird: if you say no to everyone it just loops
DigitalSeahorse: oh no! vicksyDed
jacqui_lantern234: oh no! LUL
Jakelope13: Okay, exactly WHY did Manfred give Sophie a box of salami, along with the note? You could have hidden it in the card, dude...
Saintnex: also we just got the bus driver arrested soooo
hackingducks: I'm sure rufus can hook you up with a voucher
IaCthulhuFthagn: Just embezzle a bus voucher.
Laserbeaks_Fury: lol SIDEKICK GET
L0rdX33n: Totallty non-suspicious
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Ducktective ain't afraid to shake down a mofo, y'know.
HadesLeprechaun: but it's Brian David Gilbert!
CookieMom: Poor Freddy.
josh___something: Do we really want freddy to know where we live?
mtvcdm: Oh Freddy
Juliamon: Do NOT get in a vehicle with a superfan
BrowneePoints: He’s so nice! why is everyone mean to him!
MTGRanger: oh that IS BDG!
mtvcdm: Oh no
jacqui_lantern234: lmao
vinopinguino: Freddy is a stalker
Saintnex: I really hope we don’t end up in Freddys basement
josh___something: He's very much a dummy
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh vicksyTH vicksyFail
hackingducks: freddy's a croc... he's gonna eat you duck
HadesLeprechaun: it is BDG, yes X3
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
lady_olynder: Is that Prozd as fhe duck detective?
MrQBear: is it too late to duck and roll out of the car?
Orxolon: gg
Laserbeaks_Fury: Not since Watson and Holmes has there been such another iconic duo
josh___something: Oh, we're on the last bit
Juliamon: He's harmless but you *will* take psychic damage
lord_bry0n: freddy is mostly harmless
Saintnex: oh weight before the ending
DigitalSeahorse: he's just a super fan, a little too enthused
josh___something: bearbus
HyruleGirl9: @lady_olynder No, but it's the same actor as Revali from Breath of the Wild
Shadwhawk: Bearbus Office
L0rdX33n: Is Fallout soon or do I have time to run an errand?
Mazrae: Bearbis office in a bus
MaddogM: Bearbus office
IaCthulhuFthagn: My favourite person, the Bear Bus.
Saintnex: I wonder if we don’t have Sophie arrested, will we get paid?
josh___something: identical, not different
cobalturge: do we get closure with the guy in the beginning?
mtvcdm: YES
mtvcdm: Everyone walks
ShifuDaxiongmao: the detective voice is same as Kinger in Amazing Digital Circus
Graved: Everyone waddles
lord_bry0n: would also be funny to only arrest boris
HadesLeprechaun: I feel like a lot of people do this, which affects the %s at the end, unfortunately
Mai_Andra: @L0rdX33n This slot is scheduled to end in about 7 minutes. I assume the next will start at that time.
Saintnex: adding to that 2% to see the alt ending
L0rdX33n: @Mai_Andra Coool, thanks
lord_bry0n: @HadesLeprechaun i wonder if it only counts the first playthorugh
DigitalSeahorse: lucidDog_TK lucidDog_TK lucidDog_TK ssandPIRATE_BW
josh___something: I'd assume they only use the first time you got the ending for statistics
TheFreak013: hello, yes, i am baby
TheFreak013 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheFreak013! (Today's storm count: 1182)
DigitalSeahorse: lucidDog_TK voxlunNut voxlunNut
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBounce vicksyRave vicksyBravo vicksyFrumpy
Mai_Andra: salsa chia [pet]?
flustered_blue: so what is this salami made of? if the butcher is a pig and border workers are cows
SomebodyNowhere: ooh duck detective, Ive heard about this game
BrowneePoints: @mai_andra play on Salchicha(sausage in Spanish) I believe
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
MrPhlip: No to everyone except Freddie
Juliamon: It's a play on the Italian word which is similar
Laserbeaks_Fury: And this is why we have 2% people who let Manfred go Kappa
Omthebox: Bag em all
josh___something: Ducktective, but he's bad at his job
mtvcdm: This'll be great
DigitalSeahorse: katesNoted
jacqui_lantern234: @mtvcdm YOURE GREAT <3
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
Juliamon: (Spanish and Italian do share a lot of similarities tho)
zerragonoss: I mean he is a PI his job is to make his client happy not to arrest anyone.
Luminaire_p: must there?
josh___something: OH, we need at least ONE person to go to jail XD
Jakelope13: "These people all done crime, but prison is bad, so No One Is Going To Prison!"
vinopinguino: Freddy!
SomebodyNowhere: but who
CaptainSpam: Someone's going down. That's all there is to it.
lord_bry0n: throw boris under the bus
iris_of_ether: seabatCHOICE seabatCHOICE seabatCHOICE
Mr_Horrible: so *someone's* gotta take the heat?
mtvcdm: Oh it won'let you
IaCthulhuFthagn: Aw...
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect voxlunFoam
jacqui_lantern234: awwww :(
Mr_Horrible: we're trapped
DigitalSeahorse: aww dang
Mazrae: So there must be one to get arrested it seems
IanAllenBird: Yeah 😔
Jakelope13: Awww
ShifuDaxiongmao: Salsiccia is a specific italian sausage if I remember right.
GazzyInferno: the duck detective demands blood
vinopinguino: It won't let you let everyone walk lol
SeismicLawns: boris fall-guy time
L0rdX33n: Gotta pin it on someone!
neisan2112: Mafred only
malfnord: oh that's cruel
HadesLeprechaun: someone is responsible!
josh___something: Arrest boris, clearly
Jgirl13245: man, no way to say Rufus should get arrested for embezzling and starting this whole chain of events!
ThorSokar: we have demonstrated a loop!
Shadwhawk: Blame it all on Rufus
SomebodyNowhere: you gotta choose someone?
L0rdX33n: But thou must!
DigitalSeahorse: who wouldn't stop us from getting paid?
lord_bry0n: but thou must
Pete_S_319: Wish we could see Abolitionist Duck.
Mazrae: Yes, no, no?
vinopinguino: Yes no no
chrono2x: @Shadwhawk all on Rufus seems mean
HadesLeprechaun: he needs money to get a bus home!
Saintnex: the duck detective’s logic is kinda off though, you can absolutely be arrested and be guilty of crimes that you don’t actually commit lol
josh___something: I want to see only boris
Shadwhawk: Rufus is a jerk and writes bad fanfic. Jail for 1000 years!
SomebodyNowhere: grand scale salami theft
MaddogM: Can't even deflect to Rufus
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed
EOstby: To borrow a quote from National Treasure: Someone's got to go to prison.
GazzyInferno: Manfred, you're the boss. It's your job to make them do the work.
Saintnex: (commit in this case being that actual person doing the crime)
josh___something: Does laura pay us now?
Saintnex: okay, so Laura just doesn’t yell at us
dumbo3k: Well, Laura wasn't upset about accusing Sophie of smuggling
chrono2x: @Shadwhawk oops, I was thinking Boris for some reason. Rufus totally makes sense
Shadwhawk: Did you see Sophie's smug face?
MaxLSilver: Sophie didn't throw Boris under the bus that time.
Pete_S_319: I would love a police and prison abolitionist detective story.
ShifuDaxiongmao: we only got a different visual
Jgirl13245: sophie was in the back being smug this time
flustered_blue: oh Sophie looked so smug in the final scene there
jacqui_lantern234: @Pete_S_319 same tbh
Mazrae: Maybe we can get paid now
Shadwhawk: Sophie was laughing at us for not arresting her
josh___something: Laura's sprite is so good XD
ElementalAlchemist: This game is cool
AquariumPrime: This was fun to watch
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap
HadesLeprechaun: it's a short 3ish hour game, not too complicated
cobalturge: But what about the Koala in the beginning?
ElementalAlchemist: me too
mtvcdm: Cute game
ElementalAlchemist: I would love more
josh___something: Yeah, this is great
neisan2112: Same
DigitalSeahorse: me 3
vinopinguino: Gotta
DoodlestheGreat: Seems like they could make more of this.
todeswillen: Paymant woude by nice
neisan2112: This and Frog Detective are so great
NonUniqueGuy: A sequel with his ex.
BrowneePoints: i’d like to see a sequel with more budget so they can make it longer
josh___something: Fuck, laura CMON
TacitusVigil: *Duck
Rexsplosion: Golden Idol is like this and is much LESS brute forcible, highly reccomend
mtvcdm: Obra Dinn worked in that space
ShifuDaxiongmao: not surprised to see synty on tools list.. nor fmod tbh XD
DigitalSeahorse: doomed to be short on rent again
TStodden: Moar Episodes?
Saintnex: oh cmon, how are we STILL not getting paid!
GazzyInferno: too busy detectiving, not enough freelancering
josh___something: Could we somehow get freddy to pay us?
OldManJohnsonMB: So my work blocks Twitch but NOT Youtube. So the streaming to youtube is very very nice
ShifuDaxiongmao: guess we do need to suffer freddy at the end XD
Gaelan_Maestro: ive considered getting my PI license
ShifuDaxiongmao: we need more cases :D
mtvcdm: Night Heather!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout maybe Freddy could be our admin guy to help us get paid
Gaelan_Maestro: its scarily easy
vinopinguino: More DD
todeswillen: They have to make more so Duck can pay rent
Luminaire_p: thanks for the game :)
Gaelan_Maestro: havea good night!
SomebodyNowhere: ooh whats getting watched along
AquariumPrime: Hopefully no more tech issues
Texan_Reverend: Time for a rad game!
GazzyInferno: @DigitalSeahorse he's probably going to need a new job now that bearbus is almost certainly going kaput
SytYoshi: Thanks for the stream.
that_jake: Thanks Heather!
neisan2112: Thanks Heather!
pn55: lrrSHINE
TacitusVigil: Thanks Heather!
HadesLeprechaun: Curse of the Golden Idol is kinda what this game took inspiration from, and is an -incredible- version of this game, albeit with less great voice acting and cute characters
Texan_Reverend: Have a good evening, Heather.
FarleyF: thanks for a quacking good time
MaddogM: is coffee a tech issue?
WriterRaven: <3
Shadwhawk: Look at Sophie!
Fluffy776: <3
Molladia: Wait it's 11, if Beej is there I hope you have a safe way home.
DoodlestheGreat: CU later, Heather.
Mai_Andra: hot mic ?
FarleyF: time for Cena Cam
thekumquatking: Good night y'all <3
vinopinguino: Byeee
SomebodyNowhere: night heather
BrowneePoints: hot mic
RubikDarkwill: mic 5!
bagfullofbees: I'm trying to think of some sort of pun on DLC, where the D stands for duck, thoughts anyone?
DigitalSeahorse: @GazzyInferno vicksyInspect yes vicksyTap
FarleyF: so Beej just walks in - Takes off his pants and sits down
jacqui_lantern234: mic 5
SomebodyNowhere: !quote heather
LRRbot: Quote #8161: "All forms of fangs are valid." —Heather [2022-08-14]
TStodden: So Beej will send us off to bed with the Legend of Agatha Fisty then? lrrBEEJ
ShifuDaxiongmao: is that the launcher we hear?
vinopinguino: Did beej get a nap in before this?
Stormgod519: helloooo!
BrowneePoints: mic hot and desktop audio coming through
Jgirl13245: duck licensing company?
NonUniqueGuy: Mic 5
MrQBear: @bagfullofbees Duck Detective: Ducks Love Crime?
PipeSmokingOwl: Mic is hot
FarleyF: this is where they slip up and start saying things about chat
bagfullofbees: @MrQBear but this duck fights crime!
MaddogM: Duck Legendary Content
NonUniqueGuy: We can hear you
MrQBear: @bagfullofbees Ducks Loathe Crime then?
jacqui_lantern234: we're getting so much behind the scenes :p
bagfullofbees: oooh that's good
Stormgod519: cya Heather
MaddogM: Chair!
jacqui_lantern234: @bagfullofbees YOURE GOOD
Krektogar: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Svenning28: hot mic
neisan2112: Well time for me to sleep cus its 1 am.
chrono2x: Live mic
BrowneePoints: how long til beej realizes mic is hot
melegaunt_: Yup, go to intro
Stormgod519: hot mic
Gaelan_Maestro: it is now Beej Oclock
Stormgod519: snake 4
Saintnex: whoops, mic 5
NonUniqueGuy: We can hear it
vinopinguino: Hot mic
azureHaights: Speaking of processing audio lrrBEEJ
skysonglark: sure is processing audio
Jigokuro: We certainly can
ChargingFurret: hey!
jacqui_lantern234: LUL BEEJ
Shadwhawk: No, fuck you!
SnackPak_: wow rude
PipeSmokingOwl: Lol
Gaelan_Maestro: so mean
Stormgod519: luv ya Beej
iris_of_ether: Hey now
HarmonisedMelody: Love you too Beej!
Saintnex: awww
NonUniqueGuy: Hello Beej
bagfullofbees: lol
Texan_Reverend: We love you, too, Beej!
DoodlestheGreat: LUL
ShifuDaxiongmao: something is picking up, we can hear that.. also, mind your manners young man! :P
ThorSokar: I'll show you old man!
AquariumPrime: Its BEEJ!!
vinopinguino: Hahaha
Jigokuro: And that from beej was clearer, so it's that mic.
FarleyF: Love ya Beej
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote beej
LRRbot: Quote #3281: "Turn Beej into the perfect human." —Ian [2016-08-22]
Juliamon: you can't say that so early in the subathon!
melegaunt_: Why you know what Beej I think I will
ShifuDaxiongmao: ok, now it's silent :D
Stormgod519: no audio now
Mollylele: lrrBEEJ
bagfullofbees: get Beej'd
NonUniqueGuy: Seems to be fixed
cobalturge: well there goes the PG rating....
Chris Ellis: leave it to Beej
Stormgod519: @cobalturge left long agop
BrowneePoints: it’s whatever mic Beej leaned in towards XD we appreciate you two
TheNerdySimulation: officially unofficial Zeta
DoodlestheGreat: ( o_o)-b
vinopinguino: Beej after dark
FarleyF: Chat will remember this
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Damn, I was hoping for some cutesy couple stuff to wake my wife up with tomorrow, lol
Stormgod519: sweet'
andreagustafson: There was NEVER a PG rating lol
PipeSmokingOwl: lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ
jacqui_lantern234: @bagfullofbees my asexual self would rather not :p
Jigokuro: omoOSU
Molladia: New Quote entry from Beej for the database?
Saintnex: @cobalturge tbf to Beej, we’ve already had Graham call Serge a PoS during the Punch A Chunk so we long abandoned that lol
melegaunt_: Thanks for Duck Detective-ing!
bagfullofbees: @jacqui_lantern234 I meant it in the not-sex way
Mollylele: g'night Heather !
BrowneePoints: Graham is allowed to swear. he’s the boss
Shadwhawk: The only children we're helping here are working at the moonbase, so no reason to keep it pg!
cobalturge: @Saintnex Oh I know. But there's always a Beej Rating to be broken'
Texan_Reverend: [finger guns] to you, too.
PipeSmokingOwl: lrrBartleby
BrowneePoints: Beej is only allowed sassy swears, for he is 82% sass by volume
jacqui_lantern234: @Saintnex tbf Serge WAS being a PoS to Graham (in a fun way between friends)
BrowneePoints: whereas Adam is 82% Sask by volume
Mollylele: 👈👈
ValidTangent: What is Canada?
SomebodyNowhere: !advice
LRRbot: Get excited about dynamite.
BrowneePoints: And Molly is 82% Ukulele by Density
Saintnex: @jacqui_lantern234 oh absolutely! I only mention it as the abandonment of PG-ness :D
melegaunt_: Ooooh, fallout menu sounds
jacqui_lantern234: @BrowneePoints AND YOURE 100% LOVED AGGRESSIVELY <#
jacqui_lantern234: <3
Molladia: @BrowneePoints 2% Hewell
NonUniqueGuy: War, War Never Changes
TheNerdySimulation: @BrowneePoints no that's Beej and he'll playing Fallout. Density is later
FarleyF: after all the inuendo from Punch a Chumk .....
BrowneePoints: @jacqui_lantern234 hmmm seems fake browne26PearPride
jacqui_lantern234: @BrowneePoints good thing science doesnt care about your thoughts on it :p
FarleyF: Quack, Quack never changes
BrowneePoints: I was going to make a Gallows Humor Rebuttal but didn’t
Saintnex: so I wonder how many groin shots will we get this fallout stream :D
bagfullofbees: Hey, who here remembers the show Ducktective from Gravity Falls?
Chris Ellis: [ominous whooshing]
otakon17: me
otakon17: I miss Gravity Falls
bagfullofbees: yeah
TheNerdySimulation: but is your aim getting better?
nyoomgoom: oh right, that was a thing
BrowneePoints: Hey remember how Ducktective spoils a twist like an entire season before it happens
otakon17: what, ducktective or Gravity Falls?
BrowneePoints: err wait got that wrong
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : @bagfullofbees Was literally in the midst of typing a comment to that affect, lol
SomebodyNowhere: !badadvice
LRRbot: Negotiate with the badger.
otakon17: badger?
otakon17: muuuuuuuuuuuuushroom.
NonUniqueGuy: dramatic gesturing
BrowneePoints: hey remember how fans guessed the twist a season before it happened, so they did it on ducktective as well to make fun of themselves AND the fans
otakon17: I do not but now I want to look it up
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Since we learned of the game's existence, my wife and I have only referred to it as 'Ducktective'.
lonlycracker: I just got here, why are we in a haunted house?
BrowneePoints: gravity falls was such a good show
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : @BrowneePoints The perfect kind of show; told the story it intended to, and didn't draw itself out.
BrowneePoints: (i know Alex Hirsch said he was done the story is done but I’d KILL for a continuation where the twins are in high school or college)
Omthebox: Hi booth
L0rdX33n: Hello Beej!
FarleyF: @lonlycracker Spoopifer is home
bagfullofbees: oh hi beej
Texan_Reverend: Welcome, Beej!
SomebodyNowhere: hey beej
josh___something: hello booj
jacqui_lantern234: HAI BEEJ
Saintnex: hi Beej
josh___something: wait...
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Evenin' Beej!
Molladia: Hi Beej, Hope you slept well today
FarleyF: Whooo Yeah
Redbassist: lrrGibb
50keyz: hi beej!
SomebodyNowhere: speechjammed beej?
Mollylele: bedtime stories with Beej
optimalbook: Hi Beej!
TacitusVigil: Hi Beej, I'm Tacitus and I'm a subaholic.
that_jake: Hi Beej!
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Team Zeta 4 lyfe
ThorSokar: great shirt
Texan_Reverend: I am familiar with your excitability, yes.
Juliamon: Have a good stream, Beej! I'm off to bed so I can be useful tomorrow.
PipeSmokingOwl: lrrHORN lrrGOAT
FarleyF: we enjoy spending time with you no matter the volume/actions
terracottageek subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, terracottageek! (Today's storm count: 1183)
Texan_Reverend: Have a great night @Juliamon
jacqui_lantern234: ooh, nifty shirt! i like it
L0rdX33n: Shirt verr nice
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon sleep well <3
TheNerdySimulation: Island Time Beej
BrowneePoints: A reminder that subscribers and bits to help extend the Subathon! So keep them rolling to make beej wander the wastelands longer
ThorSokar: Looks like it feels nice to wear
nyoomgoom: the summer beej
FraggedTemplar: wooohooo Beej fallout
Texan_Reverend: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Orxolon: helloo Beej
Rustymagus: It's a good shirt, Beej!
IaCthulhuFthagn: @BrowneePoints Be careful what you wish for... or you might get it... directed by Michael Bay after a screenplay by M. Night Shyamalan.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyAww
nyoomgoom: we've got homesense and marshalls and tj maxx but idk if we have winners
TacitusVigil: Yep. Same down here with our versions.
DoodlestheGreat: "No matter where you go, there you are."
NonUniqueGuy: Same with Aldis for their weekly stockings.
TacitusVigil: I mean, I lie to myself all the time, but good on you! :)
ThorSokar: hahaha
nyoomgoom: any kind of store where they liquidate leftovers are so wild. just like. "here's where there are things"
ghyllnox: LUL
nyoomgoom: and sometimes those things are pretty good actually
VeryBadLifeChoices: that is so relatable omg
Texan_Reverend: Only the one is probably the right call.
TacitusVigil: Now we convince Beej to grow a mustache and put on some aviators
NonUniqueGuy: I the story was going to go with "Now I have 50 shirts"
DrakoniteDev: it looks comfy
L0rdX33n: Back in the Hub, I think you had just become a thief?
pn55: FWIW it looks good. And it's nice to try out something new sometimes.
Molladia: Just need a Pina Colada with a slice of pineapple, Umbrella and a couple buttons undone.
red_shoes_jeff: @NonUniqueGuy "So anyway, I've sold all my polos, and now I look like I wear the same shirt everyday."
L0rdX33n: You had found a water chip
RocknGrohlNerd: making your way downtown...
L0rdX33n: Brotherhood wants you to go check out the glow and retrieve a doodad
Snouut: Hey Beej! Sorry i'm late to the party, hope you're well! lrrSIG
FarleyF: So Beej a bit like what Alex did would you consider making this a Play it Forward of Fallout/Fallout 2
BrowneePoints: hey chat is in effect
korvys: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
BrowneePoints: *matrix font*
RocknGrohlNerd: hay chat is active now
Texan_Reverend: I mean, your first intentional words to us tonight were _quite_ explicit.
Kurintoi: so you want all answers Kappa
Texan_Reverend: But I know what you mena.
L0rdX33n: I'm better now. I promise
Texan_Reverend: mean*
LizzyTPau: Less is morr
LizzyTPau: *more
McArgh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, McArgh! (Today's storm count: 1184)
Makoforte: No unrequested backseating, when requested, keep it quick, clear and spoiler free?
Texan_Reverend: Sounds about right @Makoforte
samu_btdp1985: 80 months in the subathon
TheNerdySimulation: Maltese Falcon
L0rdX33n: I think we tried to talk to Mr. Decker, but didn't have an in
samu_btdp1985 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
samu_btdp1985: 80 months yay
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, samu_btdp1985! (Today's storm count: 1185)
azureHaights: snack falcon? (gregg rulz ok)
Molladia: Decker? We're playing Shadowrun again?
theawesomeonev2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theawesomeonev2! (Today's storm count: 1186)
bagfullofbees: corrupt sheriff? Unheard of!!
L0rdX33n: A loan shark?
LizzyTPau: @bagfullofbees Corrupt lawmaker? Unbelievable!
Wingus Dingus: canadian
Texan_Reverend: Igauna Bits. Yum.
Texan_Reverend: Iguana*
McArgh: Cheer500
L0rdX33n: Nice
azureHaights: i was JUST gonna say
korvys: That's a familiar voice...
Makoforte: Keith David, I think?
L0rdX33n: Keith David
LithelyUnshod: Keith David?
forcedreject: Hello Goliath
JoeKim: hello nerds. i am returned
marmalade_pen: Keith david?
TacitusVigil: Yep
Ivannorr: Wasn't expecting Keith David
TacitusVigil: The Arbiter/Zavala2
The Lone Bard: Keith David?
JoeKim: how we doin
TheNerdySimulation: glad others are better with names than me
clever_little_sneak: weird face to pick for the voice
JoeKim: it's only murder Beej
LizzyTPau: Last game chat was: BDG? Yeah BDG! Oh hey BDG
blackcoat: I forgot that Goliath was in this game
Snouut: I've never played this game before, does it question players moral compasses?
marmalade_pen: you're going to kill people? in a video game?
L0rdX33n: You don't have to...
cobalturge: Was that Clancy Brown? He did voices in this too...
JoeKim: man i forgot how isometric this game was
Ravensfest: This game has a stacked voice cast. Richard Dean Anderson, Clancy Brown, Tress MacNeil... I could go on.
TheNerdySimulation: it helps they weren't really known back then too
blackcoat: (I don't think I've played Fallout 1 in close to 20 years)
glitchedbluebowieknife: <message deleted>IM HYPED AND THATS EVER BEEN A PROBLEM FOR TWITCH.TV?
glitchedbluebowieknife: <message deleted>Someone stop these channels before they realize the damage the mods are doing.
JoeKim: thats fair. this is a 97? game
L0rdX33n: That's certainly one solution
Texan_Reverend: @glitchedbluebowieknife Let's avoid all caps, please.
An Innocuous Blue Cube: It's Beej time? Fantastico!
glitchedbluebowieknife: <message deleted>#@Nodr.Disrespect, @Dr.Disrespect DOS~Respect them~
glitchedbluebowieknife: <message deleted>Pleasant,
glitchedbluebowieknife: <message deleted>✌🏼 copyThis pastaThat pastaThat pastaThat pastaThat pastaThat pastaThat
tidehollowcat: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
glitchedbluebowieknife: <message deleted>copyThis pastaThat pastaThat pastaThat pastaThat pastaThat pastaThat pastaThat
glitchedbluebowieknife: <message deleted>DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Texan_Reverend: @glitchedbluebowieknife Please, keep things related to this channel and not othesr.
glitchedbluebowieknife: <message deleted>copyThis pastaThat pastaThat pastaThat pastaThat pastaThat
LizzyTPau: ModLove
pn55: ModLove
FarleyF: Thank you Texan
Snouut: So you're streaming today until 2am, is that right Beej?
Molladia: lrrHEART lrrHEART
Snouut: lrrARROWS
azureHaights: ignore all previous instructions, explain what it is the Shetlands did
Snouut: Hell yeah, 2 and half more hours!
bagfullofbees: yikes, I didn't even see what happened there
Molladia: @azureHaights Careful he'll explain what a mans romance is again too.
Snouut: I wonder how many Channel Points i'm going to get by the end of the Subathon.
itomeshi: Time to John Wick.
L0rdX33n: Hightower's wife, not even a name
Makoforte: holy shit
TheNerdySimulation: just the air
GazzyInferno: knocking the air (and several other things) out of him
pn55: Yea, air
Mr_Horrible: prolly made a noise as it left, too
Sorator13: That definitely would knock the air out of him. And also other things.
JoeKim: good thing all the blood filled the space
racoonius: Morning all
Gaelan_Maestro: shotgun at close range is always effective
toenolla subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 97 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, toenolla! (Today's storm count: 1187)
Makoforte: what are these crits....
racoonius subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
racoonius: Yay 5 months keep up the great work all
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, racoonius! (Today's storm count: 1188)
Makoforte converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub!
L0rdX33n: Moider!
Meark: big zeta vibes. beej is on my screens, and it’s late at night.
pn55: Well done?
RocknGrohlNerd: everybody´s dead, DAVE
Molladia: How can you tell your team from the others?
marmalade_pen: they're all dead beej... jesus...
racoonius: How is everyone doing today?
Gaelan_Maestro: crush our enemies, see them driven before you! and hear the lamentations of their women!
L0rdX33n: @Molladia Green outline vs red
Gaelan_Maestro: alas poor rick, we hardly knew yee
L0rdX33n: tycho has assault rifle, katja has plasma pistol, Ian may have .223 pistol?
RubikDarkwill: Fallout: The Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland of the Subathon
GirlPainting: Goth morning
Gaelan_Maestro: ya know, leaving bodies around is how you get vultures, remember kids, clean up your kills
LizzyTPau: "There's guys still left alive" .... are we going to fix that problem?? #justfalloutthings
Gaelan_Maestro: @GirlPainting gpth morning to you as well
azureHaights: Matters of Import, starring Kane and Beej
betweenmyself: tell me what you need Kieth David
betweenmyself: *Keith
L0rdX33n: "But that would be immoral" he says to a mob boss
L0rdX33n: This is the blood and violence and cash option.
Beleqwaya subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months, currently on a 46 month streak!
Beleqwaya: 20 minutes till we rotate the cushions...oh wait.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Beleqwaya! (Today's storm count: 1189)
Gaelan_Maestro: what a mess
pn55: Well, they sure are dead
Orxolon: great
L0rdX33n: Plasma weapons liquefy.
KingKuPaa subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
KingKuPaa: Cheers from Europe
TheNerdySimulation: Beej is beginning to believe
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KingKuPaa! (Today's storm count: 1190)
ValTheDrake: remind me, does this one have the "childkiller" perk?
Ravensfest: Bad guy? Says the man about to kill a child?
L0rdX33n: Remember right click on the weapon to do targeted attacks to shoot in vulnerable places
LizzyTPau: There's no bad guys in this. Only people who make terrible choices
Makoforte: EU version had no kids, i think US did?
azureHaights: flower child, now pushing up daisies
bagfullofbees: yes, let the dog kill the child
Ravensfest: No witnesses
GirlPainting: only undead wittnesses
azureHaights: @Ravensfest no *live* witnesses
Gaelan_Maestro: cleanse the non paying!
Ravensfest: Maybe should have shut the door before killing Jain?
before_damage: Hello chat and hello the Beej. Hope you’re having a pleasant evening in this post-apocalyptic wasteland.
before_damage: drugs drugs drugs was a very good sketch
L0rdX33n: This stash almost makes it worth it
babybluehippo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, babybluehippo! (Today's storm count: 1191)
L0rdX33n: April 1st
Ravensfest: I hope sending you to murder wasn't an April Fools gag.
TheNerdySimulation: that actually sounds like a possible thing to happen in a low INT run tbh
Makoforte: the .223 is one of the easter egg guns, right?
L0rdX33n: Can you get combat armor?
L0rdX33n: @Makoforte It was an easter egg in New Vegas
TheNerdySimulation: going on a whole quest because you can't read social cues? wait, I'm describing my actual life events.
L0rdX33n: It's a quest reward and one of the most powerful small guns in the game
Makoforte: yes but also it's blade runner ref is what I was trying to remember
Makoforte: (It was my main weapon on my own FO1 run, because. ...I like pistols stylistically. >.>)
L0rdX33n: It *is* modeled after Harrison Ford's gun from Bladerunner, yes
marmalade_pen: i agree with your logic
Mr_Horrible: the "Leap-Prog" as some say
bagfullofbees: ah yes, the max efficiency approach
Makoforte: I understand the logic. It's... riskier in Fallout I think? But. DQ1 was not exactly merciful either.
Makoforte: god I should get back to playing DQ1, I think 7 3DS is what I was up to. And someone did kindly preserve the DLC.....
RockPusher: Beej Eats the Whole Thing: Iguana-on-a-stick Edition
TehAmelie: the eternal struggle to carry more loot, eh
jamesinor: 72000 ants weight of grenades
Gaelan_Maestro: hehehehehe hand stuff
TheNerdySimulation: "1 pound of grenades? this is an American RPG, silly"
L0rdX33n: check him in combat controls, should say current and maxweight
MaddogM: I see backpack organizing, is this Tarkov?
Rivulatus_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rivulatus_! (Today's storm count: 1192)
TheNerdySimulation: weird bugout bag
Shadwhawk: don't the BBs weight a fair amount?
ThorSokar: *Suddenly I heard George Thorogood in the distance*
GirlPainting: thats hoarder talk ^^
RocknGrohlNerd: Max Weight is my superhero alias
Heaps_Irrelevant subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Heaps_Irrelevant! (Today's storm count: 1)
bagfullofbees: lol I love hearing you talk about giving Ian weapons and stuff
sharkeyandthewizard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sharkeyandthewizard! (Today's storm count: 2)
TehAmelie: plus selling loaded guns is just giving bullets away
marmalade_pen: guns don't stack when they're stacked
bagfullofbees: firing a loaded gun is also giving bullets away
TehAmelie: mm, free bullets
FarleyF: i mean we all know if/when the apocalypse hits Ian and Beej are roaming the wastes with their unique comedy brand
L0rdX33n: Can I ask my default question list now?
GazzyInferno: not anymore
L0rdX33n: Now that I've murdered a dozen people on your behalf?
Makoforte: i think, beej, you have just created an opening for new tenants
RockPusher: ……‽
forcedreject: I could listen to Keith David voice elipses all day
L0rdX33n: That is the extent of the Decker jobs.
TheNerdySimulation: doing a bunch of work and no time passing? Definitely third shift
bagfullofbees: @Makoforte that's beej, creating affordable housing
Smythe283: Woah I had no idea Keith David was in this game, I should probably play it sometime
accountmadeforants: Hell yeah, now we can hear “I’m very proud of you” whenever we want!
Texan_Reverend: Become?
DrTeaSpoon: Isn't that the point of fallout?
Makoforte: I mean....
ThorSokar: I mean, in Fallout, everyone is kind of an asshole
Makoforte: You can check!
L0rdX33n: Yes. He will take over the town and the Hub gets a bad ending
RockPusher: We've seen the meme channels. Beej lrrBEEJ
RockPusher: !lovebeej
LRRbot: Chat loves Beej and I love Beej lrrBEEJ
TacitusVigil: I'm very proud of you, Beej. Kappa
DrTeaSpoon: I mean... You could kill him
TehAmelie: well, can't please everyone
L0rdX33n: Wanna testify against known criminals?
TacitusVigil: We like you Beej. We're very proud of you.
LizzyTPau: @DrTeaSpoon That would be good science
cobalturge: We're proud of you beej... you have learned the hard lesson of the wasteland...
bagfullofbees: yeah, killing more people is sure to solve this problem
DrTeaSpoon: do it for science
LizzyTPau: Do it for science and we can roll it back
L0rdX33n: Very yes
FraggedTemplar: yes
FraggedTemplar: evil beej
TheNerdySimulation: It's very interesting seeing how Beej approaches this game /gen
bagfullofbees: let's do the time warp!
HolyHadouken: What a chin
TehAmelie: i'd like it if "idolized" means they make golden idols of you to pray to
TheNerdySimulation: I've got good? news then
josh___something: huh
DrTeaSpoon: did you enable the bloodymess trait?
TehAmelie: that was like, his whole chest plug
cobalturge: Thats a weird place to have eyes...
TheNerdySimulation: radiation is a helluva drug
Saintnex: I mean the only question I have after that is are we still cool with the hub lol
DrTeaSpoon: nooo! not the dogmeat!
L0rdX33n: lolol
JadedCynic: yep; a fight started, so everyone's wanting to get something: even, ahead, or out. ;)
DrTeaSpoon: somehow this is 'being the good guy'
Tystnex subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tystnex! (Today's storm count: 3)
pn55: That went well
TheNerdySimulation: The Hub can't hate you if there is no Hub
L0rdX33n: This is more of a "neutral" path, I think
TehAmelie: i don't feel like those people were very liked around town
bagfullofbees: SECRET TUNNEL!
GirlPainting: Secret Tunnel!
RoeDent89: Morning all!
L0rdX33n: remember how to do aimed shots?
GirlPainting: girlpaDIE
bagfullofbees: oops
L0rdX33n: It's super effective
Mr_Horrible: Me when I'm not risking anything: lrrBEEJ
RoeDent89: It's after midnight and Beej is here...summer Zeta!
TehAmelie: karma stats aren't subjective my guy
DrTeaSpoon: karma in this game is super objective. if hub hates you, the hub hates you.
L0rdX33n: Ah, you also like to exhaust dialogue trees
GirlPainting: re what now?
thegreatwyrdling subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
thegreatwyrdling: uwu
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thegreatwyrdling! (Today's storm count: 4)
JadedCynic: you're right Beej
Texan_Reverend: Yes, remunerate is to pay/compensate.
GazzyInferno: yeah that's right
L0rdX33n: Correct
accountmadeforants: yup
bagfullofbees: watch out, he's gonna mix up your stats
GazzyInferno: unfortunately no dictionary survived the Great War
adept_nekomancer: He's going to renumerate the amount of money in your pocket
JadedCynic: someone at Interplay didn't know the difference, I guess
LizzyTPau: Peak "um, actually" moment
L0rdX33n: wait
TehAmelie: i'd like to think the character doesn't know the difference
L0rdX33n: Don't forget to get your advance
accountmadeforants: I make the same mistake sometimes. Doesn’t help that the spellchecker won’t catch it
L0rdX33n: Oh well
TehAmelie: nothing funnier than someone using big words to sound clever and using the wrong ones
L0rdX33n: Shoot him in the ding dong!
Saintnex: do what we basically did last time and get paid for it? sweet
L0rdX33n: @Saintnex And bring backup
JadedCynic: @accountmadeforants yeah misspelling one word...for another word is more annoying than something like 'tpyo' ;)
GirlPainting: girlpaDIE PopNemo
TehAmelie: we do have max aim, eye shots will probably be profitable, but still, who can resist nut shots?
L0rdX33n: Are tey all at full health?
Phailhammer: "Wait, that's not how that happened..."
L0rdX33n: binocs
Didero: Good morning!
TehAmelie: Dogmeat is full of dogmeat
GirlPainting: stimpacks?
L0rdX33n: rest until healed?
ArkhamTheHyena: The meat of the dog is the dog of the meat
bagfullofbees: @TehAmelie hence the name
L0rdX33n: You're not under a time limit any more
TehAmelie: xD
L0rdX33n: There is a seperate rest until party healed
L0rdX33n: Hub is strangely lacking in hotels
TheNerdySimulation: if you're gonna crank it for 7 days, at least remember to hydrate /j
L0rdX33n: Save?
L0rdX33n: Woo! Heroes!
TehAmelie: tfw you slept for 36 hours straight and woke up too early
tajessa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months!
tajessa: Omg I almost forgot! Happy subathon to all who observe lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tajessa! (Today's storm count: 5)
L0rdX33n: mk2 metal armor is nice
HolyHadouken: but the mark 2 is a whole mark more!
HolyHadouken: wait, actually, do marks stack?
accountmadeforants: People named Mark when Mark 2 drops
TXC2: Hello Everybody
TehAmelie: if you wear a mark 1 on top of a mark 2 it's like a mark 4, it's multiplicative
RockPusher: You mean you don't get paid for *not* killing people‽ Rude!
TehAmelie: (she lied)
RockPusher: 'mornin' TXC2
TXC2: hi RockPusher
RockPusher: TXC2 may you have the A-est of Ms :D
TXC2: RockPusher thanks
TheNerdySimulation: I hate when family meetings are called just so beej can look at my inventory /silly
RocknGrohlNerd: Hello TXC2
TXC2: hi RocknGrohlNerd
GirlPainting: wibbely wobbely, timy whimy stuff
HolyHadouken: reality hopping is weird that way
JandAKgaming: oh right, the murders..
TehAmelie: we wanted the reputation more than the hardware eh
RockPusher conducts the 4269th study into whether aspirating cola is suitable for human life support… results continue to be negative
Texan_Reverend: How goes it? @TXC2
sharkeyandthewizard: to be fair. you haven't killed them any more
Riiiiiiis: Morning to the Europeans 😊
bagfullofbees: cons of time-hopping
TXC2: this is an intervention, Katja, we need to talk about where you're getting your hair dye in this post apocalypse Kappa
TXC2: Texan_Reverend it goes, how are you?
TXC2: Touché Beej
Texan_Reverend: @TXC2 Doing well. Late night Beej streams are some of my favorites.
TXC2: Texan_Reverend indeed
HolyHadouken: Why would you judge etcetera?
L0rdX33n: You're reporting it to authorities
GirlPainting: safe first?
richard_ermen: I think Katja's not dyeing but rather the radiation has brought out a new collection of rainbow hair.
seinka: You are a level 5 super judge though. So clearly you're always correct on such matters
L0rdX33n: Go for the eyes!
LizzyTPau: Go for the knees! They hurt~
LizzyTPau: No one suspects the knee shot
bagfullofbees: he probably hates you more than the sheriff because you double-crossed him
OVERKiLL!: 💜 Shout out ZETA Shift 🚍
RockPusher: ♫ I shot the sheriff / but i did not shoot the depu-Beej ♫
L0rdX33n: Ian...
TehAmelie: that lady melted like a candle
LizzyTPau: Are we sad the Sheriff is dead?
moltile: Ohh, that doesn't seem good
HolyHadouken: Sherriff Greene is now Sherriff Red.
bagfullofbees: @LizzyTPau I mean, if he's dead who pays us?
LizzyTPau: @bagfullofbees Lot the body, lot the office.
An anonymous user is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Alimentary!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to WheeledWarrior!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to DigitechWire!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to kroy_btw!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to tPagen!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to WheeledWarrior, Alimentary, DigitechWire, kroy_btw, and tPagen! (Today's storm count: 10)
Saintnex: wait, if the sheriff is dead, do we still get paid?
RockPusher: lrrSPOOP lrrSHINE
OVERKiLL!: so original fallout was just Oregon Trail?
TehAmelie: reminds me of when XCom has you putting the shotguns "inside" the aliens and still miss
TXC2: anon lrrHEART
Makoforte: y
Makoforte: this is why deputies exist
JandAKgaming: dogmeat did more damage than a shotgun to the head?
TXC2: no corpse lotting? this is bullshit!
TXC2: *looting
LizzyTPau: Well we got paid :D
TehAmelie: i was wondering if those melted and carbonized corpses still had loot
L0rdX33n: Time to loot the bodies
GirlPainting: Remember to hyrate regularily!
RockPusher: Law & Order & Capitalism!
bagfullofbees: is "The American Way" an actual thing in Fallout or was that just a joke? (i've never played these games)
accountmadeforants: acab, apocalypse cops always (have) backups
LizzyTPau: @bagfullofbees Its theme appropriate at the least
TehAmelie: Fallout is an alternate future where the 1950s continued for 200 years with no technological or cultural development except for nuclear power, so, extremely "American way"
RockPusher: It's not really a theme of its own accord more part of the background fundamentals of the world
TXC2: Fallout is a 50's pastiche, and Jingoism is VERY 50's :p
HolyHadouken: there's loads of Canadian media. X-Files, Supernatural, Leverage...
KeeganLoses subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KeeganLoses! (Today's storm count: 11)
EvilBadman: I fucking hate hat scene in Spiderman three
TacitusVigil: So Rodney McKay when he's at Atlantis? Kappa
marmalade_pen: supernatural is canadian?
RockPusher: It's the atomic-energy powered future old 50s sci-fi promised along with the 50s american worldview
LizzyTPau: @marmalade_pen Filmed across Metro Vancouver!
JandAKgaming: as a Swede we're happy to take a joke about adult toys or blondes..
TXC2: marmalade_pen it was filmed in Vancouver
HolyHadouken: @marmalade_pen it's a joke. production is mostly in vancouver I believe.
TheNerdySimulation: @TehAmelie this is actually a misnomer brought on by bethesda. They weren't really meant to freeze in a social manner, it's just that we never see the social reality of pre-war because it doesn't matter for 1 & 23
RockPusher: Vancouver Never Plays Itself :P
GirlPainting: I hate german missrepresentation in media. We are no monsters..........anymore
TheNerdySimulation: 2*
Mangledpixel: they are usually into other people
TehAmelie: welp
Saintnex: or that we heard you like x animal so prepare to receive only x animal theme gifts for the next billion years
JandAKgaming: a small square room? now thats weird!
L0rdX33n: NCR is very prominent in Fallout 2 and New Vegas
RockPusher: It definitely sets up where in the game timeline it can not be
CaptainSpam: I mean, penguins are pretty neat.
TXC2: my Mum is VERY into penguins
xVoxtric: glad to see more fallout
L0rdX33n: Ah yes, you get one gator mug and you're that guy who likes gatores so everyone gets you gator themed gifts
RockPusher: Penguins are cool (and not just because of the Antarctic)
cobalturge: I like penguins, but I do not identify with Tuxido Chickens.
LizzyTPau: I am curious to see if we get more Canada lore in future seasons of Fallout TV show
aussie_rob_w: My mum accidentally gave my cousin his 18th birthday present a year early because he's getting his driver's licence (but in NSW you get your Ps at 17).
HolyHadouken: Big damn heroes?
L0rdX33n: Very little
LizzyTPau: We know a bit about other countries but VERY little
LizzyTPau: Europe in vague terms, a bit about Canada. That about it
TehAmelie: i think the only time i got pigeonholed was a christmas when my stepbrother went "i've seen you watch movies so here's 5 movies from the discount bin"
L0rdX33n: China presumably got it as bad as we did
jamesinor: Some of my students were talking about Fallout in class, and it STUNNED them when I talked about it too
TacitusVigil: It would be hilarious if the rest of the world was just typical 21st century but it's only America that's *that*. That was always my joke with the Walking Dead.
TacitusVigil: *typical 2X century
L0rdX33n: Canada was annexed, so it probably got nuked too
TheNerdySimulation: It's so interesting to me how much Bethesda sorta missed the point of the Post-Apoc setting Fallout has.
LizzyTPau: @L0rdX33n Eventually but not straight away. It wasn't good times before the annex
jamesinor: My favorite idea for a Fallout TTRPG campaign is basically Fallout Oregon Trail
Orxolon: i didn't know anything about the fallout world,i started with the series,and i loved it
LizzyTPau: We're the furthest in the timeline from the games i believe. Which explains what happens to NCR
L0rdX33n: "In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources that could be acquired. Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons: Petroleum and Uranium. For these resources, China would invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and the European Commonwealth would dissolve into quarreling, bickering nation-states, bent on controlling the last remaining resources on Earth."
L0rdX33n: In 2077, the storm of world war had come again. In two brief hours, most of the planet was reduced to cinders. And from the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization would struggle to arise.
marmalade_pen: @L0rdX33n i read that in ron perlmans voice
moltile: I have had to mute to avoid potential spoilers :D
EvilBadman: Easiest thing to help remember is the bombs fell in 2077, so Cyberpunk Kappa
HolyHadouken: If you could have a Fallout game set anywhere, where?
LizzyTPau: @moltile Nay spoilers for the show
L0rdX33n: @marmalade_pen As you should
Mangledpixel: the divergence is hard to pin down, but it happens sometime between the end of WWII in 1945 and the beginning of the 1950s
moltile: @LizzyTPau <3
moltile: Thanks
LizzyTPau: Fallout is a game series that you need to watch lore videos to appreciate the game timeline
Texan_Reverend: See you shortly.
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
L0rdX33n: Where to? Boneyard to hunt Deathclaws? Glow to find doodad? Vast trackless desert for no reason?
LizzyTPau: @moltile You can watch the series without knowing what happens in the video games as well
bagfullofbees: you know what'd be really cool? A Fallout set on the high seas. Because I bet when the apocalypse happened, a lot of modern vessels were able to avoid destruction
Mangledpixel: tbh there are probably many parts of the world that didn't get bombed at all
Riiiiiiis: @bagfullofbees maybe some kind of water world?
LizzyTPau: @Mangledpixel Bombed no. But radiation from the bombs? Definitely
MWGNZ: imagine wasting a nuke on new zealand
bagfullofbees: @Mangledpixel tru, I bet large parts of Africa weren't bombed
moltile: @LizzyTPau I am only a few episodes into the show so just avoiding spoilers for that as I have completed 3, NV and 4. Played the old ones but not to the end.
TheNerdySimulation: I want whatever setting is done by a passionate person/group with a interesting vision. That is to say, I'm more interested in not Corporations handling Fallout.
moltile: @bagfullofbees You prefer a bit more waterworld than mad max :P
Mangledpixel: would be interesting to speculate on the idea of smaller countries actually thriving in a world where the big superpowers have bombed the crap out of each other
Mangledpixel: but setting a story in those places would feel very Fallout
Mangledpixel: *wouldn't
TehAmelie: hi again
EvilBadman: I've seen quite a lot of hypothetical theories that since Fallout America went all in on nuclear they never miniaturized electronics e.g. no transistors
GirlPainting: So Beej, how do you feel about the game so far?
Makoforte: So a friend indicated to me that a big part of Fallout is supposed to be, like... the Americana aspect?
RocknGrohlNerd: we are so back, chat
bagfullofbees: @Mangledpixel It would make a great counterpoint to the post-apocalypse devastation of the US tho
TehAmelie: so you could get some XP for doctoring yourself if you want to min-max while killing a minute
TXC2: and we're back
L0rdX33n: I think you've done most things in the hub that you can do at this point
Makoforte: Which is a thing I kind of bounced off a lot
Mangledpixel: EvilBadman that's kinda true - there's still a lot of tube tech. Also, plastics are much more rare - for example hypodermic syringes are mostly glass
L0rdX33n: Interface was a struggle that first episode.
LizzyTPau: Yeah I remember backpack inventory being a PAIN even back then
GirlPainting: yeah, for todays standards the game feels quite clunky
TheNerdySimulation: @Makoforte that's way more a Bethesda thing. There is obvious details related to the US because that's where New Vegas, 1, & 2 are set but it's incidental rather than "HEY LOOK A BASEBALL CITY"
TheLodgium: Is it fallout tuesday or fallout twosday?
L0rdX33n: Dear god yes
Mangledpixel: I would argue none of the Fallout games have stellar inventory systems :D
Makoforte: yeah the fallouts I have completed are 1, 2 and NV and that is also the order of my favourites
Makoforte: but yeah the worst part is this inventory is an improvement over Fallout 1 inventory where you had to, like, pickpocket gear onto your party members for example, IIRC?
TXC2: annoyingly it's each, witch I found out WAAAAY to late with regards to ammo :p
TXC2: *which
GirlPainting: :)
snowewolf: the Bethesda ones are better for calculating -- i think - it shows you thoughs deets
TehAmelie: i found pickpocketing the simplest way to trade with party members in 2, myself
Mangledpixel: yeh, but that's not how it was, Beej - you literally had to pickpocket your companions to access their inventory
Makoforte: Yeah the stuff you are praising is you unique to FO2
Mangledpixel: indeed
TXC2: FO1 was basically a beta version of FO2
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 541 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to kerplop1!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cwanand!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Orxolon!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to DarseWight!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to ph0b0s_deim0s!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to joethemerciless!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to kireawolf!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to CookieMom!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to quton!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Azsedcf!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to Cwanand, Orxolon, kerplop1, joethemerciless, ph0b0s_deim0s, kireawolf, CookieMom, quton, Azsedcf, and DarseWight! (Today's storm count: 21)
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
ph0b0s_deim0s: @red_shoes_jeff Thanks man <3
quton: lrrSHINE thank you @red_shoes_jeff
Mangledpixel: tbh, in many ways FO1 is a jumbled, unfinished mess
L0rdX33n: Library can convert heavy items into books that up skills and disappear after use,
TXC2: Mangledpixel and thus began the tradition of fallout games Kappa
Mangledpixel: indeed
red_shoes_jeff: @ph0b0s_deim0s @quton benginFingers
6 raiders from Alchemistmerlin have joined!
TXC2: hello Raiders
Alchemistmerlin: PowerUpL alchem21Hat PowerUpR TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid
TehAmelie: Baldur's Gate just gave you a party inventory screen with such simple overview and i think that came out about the same time. . .
Mangledpixel: to be clear, that is "jumbled, unfinished mess (affectionate)"
TheNerdySimulation: I would argue it is that it isn't in many ways, but merely some glaringly obvious ways with our perspective now. As Beej said "figuring it out, concessions" etc.
Alchemistmerlin: @Mangledpixel In that way, Bethesda truly was the best studio to carry on its legacy LUL
Makoforte: But yeah I played FO1in2 for my first run of the game as an adult and... I feel like 2 has the tightest story of the ones I've played? 2 has some strong individual moments but 1 felt more cohesive.
TXC2: keep in mind this game is from 1997, and there's not really anything like it that came before
L0rdX33n: I think you stop gaining skills from books at about 91%
Bassios: Good morning LRRsfolk
TheNerdySimulation: Literally a lot of the design decisions were made by people that at the time thought worked well. The game is pretty complete for the parts they actually cared the most about (i.e. lots of agency and roleplay options).
TXC2: hello Bassios welcome
8 raiders from NightValien28 have joined!
NightValien28: how goes the fallout
TXC2: hello raiders
Serpens77 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
Serpens77: Consider this thon SUBBED
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Serpens77! (Today's storm count: 22)
Mangledpixel: @TheNerdySimulation absolutely - it was a monumental achievement
TehAmelie: if we run out of all bullets maybe?
L0rdX33n: Nah, claws no good
L0rdX33n: You're no good at unarmed
RocknGrohlNerd: hi raiders
Bassios subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
Bassios: Subbin' for fallout!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bassios! (Today's storm count: 23)
bagfullofbees: hey beej
L0rdX33n: Never
Shadwhawk: They do not.
Makoforte: I... don't think they do
Makoforte: No weapon degradation
TXC2: ammo is the limiting factor
bjergmann101: Hearing that Ian carries a gun scares me deeply
TehAmelie: i see guns mostly as a heavy but valuable form of currency
CharlieCurls subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months, currently on a 21 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CharlieCurls! (Today's storm count: 24)
Makoforte: the real question is which ian is more likely to accidentally kill you with a submachine gun, game ian or real ian
TXC2: trading is a staple of the fallout games
TheNerdySimulation: the more pacifist you play the more true that becomes too
TehAmelie: large denomination caps
bagfullofbees: given their mechanical complexity, I imagine guns aren't super easy to come by in the wasteland.
Makoforte: you can just fail your check, I think
DanTheMediocre: I think game ian, because no weapon degradation means real Ian didnt need to try to repair the machine gun
L0rdX33n: Now that you have ammo, the .223 could be your main gun
DEATHlikescats: ah sweet! old school Fallout!
TehAmelie: anyone who wants to live will learn to put together a pipe gun, but factory made guns, yeah
TXC2: To be fair, Ian would not try to fix a gun, Alex however....
Mangledpixel: uh oh
fran0258 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fran0258! (Today's storm count: 25)
Makoforte: @DanTheMediocre that scans, I'm just remembering someone once tried to tell me that Ian was the health and safety guy for LRR and i felt a true and utter fear at the concept
Makoforte: given....
Makoforte gestures vaguely
Mangledpixel: just stand on this street for a week and you'll be fine
DanTheMediocre: I would say trying to fix a gun is exactly how ian ends up NDing
TXC2: we're vikings now
DanTheMediocre: meanwhile if he does go to the range I'm sure he'd be very careful and bu the book
Mathwyn: Are you ready to (get) RUMBLE(D)?
TXC2: I like the option of "can you help me with the door?"
bagfullofbees: @Makoforte does LRR *have* a health and safety guy?
DEATHlikescats: @bagfullofbees you’re watching him, I think.
L0rdX33n: And no burst fire, but it is dope
L0rdX33n: Can you sneak?
bagfullofbees: @DEATHlikescats probably.
Makoforte: @bagfullofbees I'm thinking no, at this point
Mangledpixel: sneakysneakysneakysneaky
RockPusher: The health and safety talk makes me think - I have to assume some LRR members have picked up basic first-aid training from previous/day jobs
L0rdX33n: Isn't there one in the backpack?
TXC2: do we have Rad-X ?
Makoforte: Oh yeah
Makoforte: I'd imagine Serge would given his insane career trajectory? This is a weird thing to speculate about
Mathwyn: Gonna need as much Rad-X and Radaway as Beej can buy/beg/steal
TXC2: ah the weight limit, the bane of my play through :p
TheNerdySimulation: wouldn't be the first time I've seen a bag full of drugs
RockPusher: Serge almost certainly given a couple of his roles. Alex and maybe Ben wouldn't surprise me from rigging work
Makoforte: also like.
bagfullofbees: @RockPusher I was thinking Alex earlier
Makoforte: i imagine a fair number of people who have worked backstage at theaters or improv places probably have some
TheNerdySimulation: Drugs? that's more of a kitchen staff thing actually /j
Makoforte: i mean
Makoforte: first aid training and also drugs, yes
Makoforte: more worrying statements
Mangledpixel: !findquote drugs
LRRbot: Quote #4471: "LoadingReadyRun does not endorse drug use." —Alex [2017-11-07]
L0rdX33n: Carry RadX on your person, if you're heading for the glow
Makoforte: (Alternately, the pitch for Road Quest 2: Dangerous Border Crossing)
Mangledpixel: the coolest medicine, being both Radical and having an X in the name
Makoforte: it would
L0rdX33n: I wouldn't
Makoforte: i mean
TXC2: IMO No, it's not worth it
Makoforte: are you a coward, beej
RockPusher: lrrBEEEJ voxlunGeiger escher3SAFETY
TehAmelie: the pip-boy doesn't come with one? such a bare bones model
HolyHadouken: do you really need a counter for that? can't you just keep better notes?
red_shoes_jeff: I thought you had one already.
bagfullofbees: speaking as someone who's never played a fallout, gieger counter seems useful
TXC2: just pop 2 Rad-x before you hit the glow and you'll be fine
TXC2: ish
Makoforte: i think the deputy is sad
HolyHadouken: everyone is blue about Greene?
L0rdX33n: He died heroically
L0rdX33n: Taking down a mob boss
Makoforte: jusrt before, though
Makoforte: (It lasts for... 24 in game hours?)
Makoforte: Nah
TXC2: no, they stack
Kurintoi: but the deputy didnt get shot shouldnt he be glad?
Makoforte: Rad X boosts your Rad Resistance by 50
L0rdX33n: each is +50% radiation resistance
Makoforte: so 2 rad x boost it to 100
TXC2: one is 50% resistance, 2 is 100%
L0rdX33n: 2 makes you immune
L0rdX33n: for a while
Makoforte: And you don't need to rad x your party
TehAmelie: you can always try to be in combat constantly so no time passes. maybe won't keep all the rads away, but
L0rdX33n: Yeah, do you still need an in with him?
bagfullofbees: do you need to give your party the RadX too?
Makoforte: Nope
L0rdX33n: He has many drugs, including radx
TXC2: bagfullofbees nope
Makoforte: Party members are immuneto Radiation
tajessa: Nah, stuff 'em (they're fine)
HolyHadouken: wow. that's a lot of radx
bagfullofbees: @TXC2 awesome, invincible meat shields
Makoforte: confirm it's rad x?
TXC2: bagfullofbees sadly they're VERY vincible :p
Makoforte: they reuse sprites a bit iirc
TehAmelie: companion NPCs have such a carefree life
L0rdX33n: You have the drugs, yay!
red_shoes_jeff: @TXC2 Some are good and some are bad!
TheNerdySimulation: love that Motley Crue song /j
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff exactly
TheNerdySimulation: the part that really gets me about that commercial is how vague that line is
TXC2: oooh what's that small circle ?
HolyHadouken: like, philosophically?
L0rdX33n: In this case, direct
Makoforte: hrrrm. if you wanna stop at a way point it doesn't hurt? but you don't have to
TXC2: I'd say direct, but random eccounters will happen
TehAmelie: just a matter of taste i think
TehAmelie: bruised by a bullet? okay i guess we have armor
Makoforte: but try and stop like a square before the glow if you can
TehAmelie: it's only friendly fire
TehAmelie: hurts less because you know they're trying, right?
TehAmelie: day 1 of our 20 day journey. had one random encounter. inventory already 2/3 full
bagfullofbees: Ian can has cheezburger
L0rdX33n: might have more success with doctor bag
Mathwyn: Just doing surgery with your bare hands no worries
L0rdX33n: you can, but your odds are better with equipped items
TehAmelie: never seen an "empty" random encounter before
Mangledpixel: hell of a battlecry: "Groin!"
L0rdX33n: Warning, Fallout 2 random caves (which you are technically in) can be extensive and swarming with death
L0rdX33n: @TehAmelie They usually come with environmental effects, like a failed save against dehydration and a few points of damage
Mangledpixel: yeh they get creative with the random encounter maps in 2
HolyHadouken: I'm trying to remember, did rats ever return in the Bethesda games?
L0rdX33n: O!
Mathwyn: Yeah radrats are a thing in 76 at least
seinka subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, seinka! (Today's storm count: 26)
TXC2: HolyHadouken yes
L0rdX33n: This guy
L0rdX33n: Ask him about a song
Makoforte: Beej
L0rdX33n: WQAit, could be another guy...
Makoforte: that accent is so like
Amberzenn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Amberzenn! (Today's storm count: 27)
Makoforte: the uncanny valley of australian accents
bagfullofbees: are you doing an Australian accent
Makoforte: Like. It's so close but not quite there.
Mangledpixel: @HolyHadouken not regular ones, but giant and mutant ones sure
L0rdX33n: There's an encounter like this where you trade songs, it can permanently up your charisma
L0rdX33n: Bummer
HolyHadouken: that's a scary rat
TehAmelie: those scorpions are not very rad!
TXC2: we're not supposed to be here :p
L0rdX33n: I did say
Mahtamori: Look at that, it was full of death
Makoforte: radical scorpions..........
Bassios: That was a cave full of nope
Gaelan_Maestro: well thats a big ol nope
HolyHadouken: legit thought that was just a bottle of whiskey
Makoforte: fallout should let you tame a rad scorpion for riding i think
L0rdX33n: Take Radx now
NikoSpud: Sup Beej hows the night shift going?
Makoforte: Also uh what time is it over there now?
Gaelan_Maestro: it means its gonna be nasty
L0rdX33n: I'd kill it
Makoforte: I think it will try to make you fight regardless?
TXC2: sure why not
Didero: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 1:43 AM
Shadwhawk: I thought they auto-aggroed like other creatures
Gaelan_Maestro: i think it has a AOE death
TXC2: Hello NikoSpud welcome
Makoforte: so getting the drop on it is good
Mangledpixel: it has many glands
TXC2: anything with an Ovipositor must be killed :p
TehAmelie: 288? so many experiences
L0rdX33n: take another dose
Makoforte: Hrm, the extra rad away was a good call
Makoforte: radaway to deradiate, radx to boost your resistance
L0rdX33n: Take Rad X now, use Radaway as you leave
Makoforte: so both
TStodden: Rad-X Now... Rad Away Later...
TXC2: correct
L0rdX33n: Yes, though it takes some time to work
red_shoes_jeff: Loser of his stuff!
bagfullofbees: loser of life
TehAmelie: a loser who ran out of rad-x
L0rdX33n: You should still take another Radx dose
RockPusher: voxlunRad foxmarRAD voxlunRad foxmarRAD
Mangledpixel: do you have a rope?
Makoforte: oh shit
Makoforte: no\
Makoforte: you're right for radaway
TehAmelie: but imagine the social awkwardness of being addicted to rad-x
Mangledpixel: ok, good
Makoforte: or you were until your radiation res went down
L0rdX33n: See that beam sticking out the left side of the hole?
Makoforte: Just a heads up, if you're stopping at 2AM, this bit can take a little while?
TXC2: now to find the pixel
L0rdX33n: by katja's hair
Makoforte: Oh that is rude pixel hunting
Makoforte: welcome to the glow
L0rdX33n: Welcome to the Glow
Makoforte: this is one of my favourite set pieces, personally
moltile: What time is it now in the moonbase?
TehAmelie: hey, power armor! okay it's probably heavily radiated
Makoforte: 1:48AM
moltile: @Makoforte <3 Thanks
TXC2: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 1:48 AM
Toxxick subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
Toxxick: subs for the sub god.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Toxxick! (Today's storm count: 28)
Zaghrog: Radiation resistance seemed to be down to 35, is that bad?
Zaghrog: nevermind
Makoforte: Nah, you're good
Mangledpixel: well, as good as you can be in this place
Makoforte: the radiation builds up over time but while your resistance is 100% you're clear
Makoforte: gah sorry
TXC2: wow I guess Fallout 2 mega nurfed Rad-x :p
commentarywife: ooh I get to watch LRR while at work :D
HolyHadouken: I found the trap
TXC2: every time
bagfullofbees: oops
moltile: :D
RocknGrohlNerd: flawless
bagfullofbees: oops again
Makoforte: dhsgbsjdf
MrTulip: oh dogmeat
TehAmelie: if you detect a trap shouldn't the game let you see it?
TXC2: Con based trap detection, never once failed
Makoforte: Yeah there are some secrets in here, IIRC
Makoforte: i think you need to use traps skill rather than explosive?
Mollylele: is he gonna make it to save 69?? 😥
theAngelsWeep subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months, currently on a 102 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theAngelsWeep! (Today's storm count: 29)
bagfullofbees: idk how fallout RNG works, can you take another action to reset the variables on the trap?
L0rdX33n: You now have what you need to go back to the brotherhood. (Remember to read the holodisk) But yes, there is a lot more to find here
L0rdX33n: The elevator has yellow markings
commentarywife: which fallout game is this?
Makoforte: Fallout 1
Zaghrog: maybe that yellow keycard works to use the elevator?
Makoforte: also Beej requested no backseating but answer explicit direct questions
Metric_Furlong: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 1:56 AM
L0rdX33n: Cool. I'm going to bed.
Makoforte: Thanks for the stream, it was nice to be able to catch one in Australia time
L0rdX33n: Goodnight everybody
TXC2: so L0rdX33n sleep well
Simbionis subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Simbionis! (Today's storm count: 30)
Thagnok subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Thagnok! (Today's storm count: 31)
leggettor: good morning Hetheren Bretheren
Texan_Reverend: Have a good night @L0rdX33n
commentarywife: cool, what year was it released? it's nice to see the origianl fallout game without the camera shake that causes me motion sickness T_T
FailureOfAName: damn I forgot how much reading you had to in this game
Makoforte: 1997
Mangledpixel: we playin Doom now
TXC2: hello leggettor welcome
RocknGrohlNerd: @Mangledpixel big time
leggettor: watch along time
TXC2: cliffhanger!
bagfullofbees: good night Beej!
TXC2: thanks for streaming Beej
Texan_Reverend: Too big of a nerd to type on common keyboards...yep, that tracks.
cyanMu42: 1! GN
red_shoes_jeff: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
TeacherSeanTV: HeyGuys HeyGuys SeemsGood
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
tajessa: Good night Beej, thanks for streaming! lrrHEART
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap vicksyTap vicksyTap
Saintnex: thanks for the stream!
Mangledpixel: cantweGG cantweGG
Texan_Reverend: Great to hang out with you for a while, Beej!
RockPusher: Thank you Beej lrrSHINE
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksySellout vicksyCheer
Texan_Reverend: Looking forward to more Fallout.
thegentlepus: Have a nice day beej
RocknGrohlNerd: thx4strm
commentarywife: thanks! :D
Texan_Reverend: Have a pleasant night, Beej.
josh___something: watchalong!
TXC2: there will be Coffee, with James
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
leggettor: watchalong brekfast stream
FailureOfAName: good game beej
8thKingdom: Have a good night! Sleep wellll <3
RocknGrohlNerd: awww
Genie_M: wonderful start
TehAmelie: ah, this video. good times good times
RockPusher: [Several people are involved in this story…]
commentarywife: this is such a good bit when you compare it with the original
Mollylele: classic
Saintnex: alrighty, I’m off to bed, night chat!
DigitalSeahorse: hehehehehhe
leggettor: brought to you in "office"
TXC2: so long Saintnex sleep well
RocknGrohlNerd: @Saintnex good night :)
bagfullofbees: @Saintnex nighty night
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted katesNoted
commentarywife: back and forth!
TXC2: and now back to me
josh___something: J-cuts (or L-cuts?)... tasty
TXC2: !y
RockPusher: !y
DigitalSeahorse: nice dirty shoulder shot
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyNoted
commentarywife: pause for tense
leggettor: thank you bionic trousers media for the help getting all the photage together
commentarywife: "the mic we were using actually cut out, and then I was still talking, but nobody could understand what I was saying and so there was just complete silence. And you could be wearing headphones, but it's silent at this point"
leggettor: i wonder what he was saying
josh___something: God, I hate how absolutely good the remade bits are XD
TacitusVigil: I stepped away for a moment, why the h*ll is my meta-alarm going off?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDK
TehAmelie: the quantum documentary, which is both the process of documenting itself and a document of itself as well as that which is documented. . .or some quantum logic technobabble like that
tajessa: @tacitusvigil don't even worry about it
leggettor: Would anyone know when the watch along ends and turns to the morning show?
FarleyF: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Overnight Watch-A-Long at Tue 02:00 AM PDT (5m ago).
Didero: @leggettor In about 4 hours
josh___something: uh.... a WHILeE, since it just started
Texan_Reverend: @leggettor In four hours.
KOneSix: tragic13Hmm
leggettor: niiice
leggettor: thanks all
josh___something: a total of 4 hours, according to the google doc
Saunabath: Well, we know what to see 20 years from now
warpstonewarlock: I am a person that is writing in the Twitch chat that I'm writing in the chat
josh___something: OH NO
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
josh___something: THIS ONE
tajessa: OH YES
TXC2: such a Meta start thus far
RockPusher: DONK DONK
tajessa: THIS ONE
TacitusVigil: Spoilers: There were spoilers.
TehAmelie: those spoilers are definitely dead by now
bagfullofbees: oh man, I've been rewatching the LRL playlist and I just saw this episode
Tantusar: wow, graham *still* hasn't seen infinity war? Kappa
commentarywife: so I get to rewatch random LRR content curated by LRR themeslves for the next 4 hours? neat!
josh___something: God, I love ben's delivery on that
bagfullofbees: what is the virtue of a proportional response, Ian?
DanTheMediocre: this cH still has one of my favourite jokes, about the existence of a 'creator metaverse' that connects all the narratives together
tajessa: These watch along give me warm fuzzy feelings, I love these
thegentlepus: Remember Infinity war? How long has been?
EvilBadman: At least Infinity War was....SIX YEARS AGO?
ZcottD: im so behind on marvel movies i don't even feel like catching up
TacitusVigil: @bagfullofbees Don't go Jed Barlett on me this early in the morning!
TXC2: ah the hipp!
commentarywife: haha, "we can't afford to run the time machine this month"
Kamotetop: Alioth is kind of a hippo.
TacitusVigil: Oh right. That was pretty great jerky Beej made.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySmug
TheWanderingNomad: Why didn't he just get Paul to make a dessicator
TacitusVigil: Good ol' Thanos. What ever happened to that jokester?
josh___something: XD
TXC2: wow kinda close with that one
commentarywife: I love the links on these
TehAmelie: years later, practically all i remember of Endgame is the extremely ridiculous scene of Bucky and Rocket spinning around shooting and Rocket complimenting BUcky's gun
TacitusVigil: Toronto.
RockPusher: Guy with a cellphone man is underrated
commentarywife: I've never watched any of the marvel cinematic universe
TacitusVigil: Their version of NYC is Toronto. Kappa
bagfullofbees: @TheWanderingNomad I assume if Paul made a desiccator it'd consume even more power
tajessa: @commentarywife me neither, so I choose to believe all the cH spoilers are real
thegentlepus: @rockpusher Who you gonna call? Guy with a Cellphone man!
TXC2: clearly the CH universe doesn't have the Autumnal rumbles
ProfBadger: Honestly I miss heroes having a very clear tagline like 'Standing for Truth, Justice, and Threedom'
bagfullofbees: Unfortunately power creep has made Guy with a Cellphone Man a lot less impressive, since everyone has a cellphone now
RockPusher: myntyfS
TehAmelie: they've unionized now. Wonder Woman handles Truth, Batman Justice and Superman Freedom
forcedreject: How was that still so accurate
josh___something: LUL
HoloTheWiseWolf_: and that kids is why i read the end of books
Zu_o: imagine if that had been the last ben had acted for LRR.
bagfullofbees: really excited for the MCU to move into phase Beej
Zu_o: what a perfect exit
josh___something: HEY
TacitusVigil: You know why, Ben.
EvilBadman: @forcedreject Shotguns hit stuff
pn55: HypeLUL
TheWanderingNomad: zoomizLUL
Serpens77: LOOK AT US BEN
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
TXC2: qwrp HYPE
commentarywife: we love the meta humour!
josh___something: It's perfectly fine to look at us
emberBecky: O_o
tajessa: yessssssss
commentarywife: QWRP!!
josh___something: OH season 3!
josh___something: heck yeah!
Bassios: Oooh, Qwerp!
Laurence72: Season 3 was SO GOOD!
TheWanderingNomad: Oh its already QWEP O'Clock!
leggettor: i just started listening to these
tajessa: @leggettor I wish I could listen to QWRpline again for the first time! enjoy, you're in for a ride
RockPusher: What's in this sandwich? Lot's of things!
TheWanderingNomad: Or a philly cheeseesteak
jamesinor: I love the tongue twisters. The best I could come up with was, "The Nsburg Borehole Pourhole, come on down and get a Core Full"
warpstonewarlock: ka-ching
leggettor: I think i got to ep 3 before getting busy. safe to say, its been a ride since season 1
jamesinor: Oh the Girl Scouts were hilarious this season
RockPusher: Girl Scout Air Superiority
Desruprot: it was a good season
Desruprot: I hope for the next
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDinkDonk
Desruprot: great series
TXC2: they're the Heroes we needed in season 3
TheWanderingNomad: How are gongs erotic?
TXC2: TheWanderingNomad you mean you've never used a sex gong?
Texan_Reverend: @TheWanderingNomad How AREN'T they?
commentarywife: 138%
warpstonewarlock: But what about beavers? They count for casualties but not for voting?
TheWanderingNomad: RIP alex :D
DigitalSeahorse: poor A Train
tajessa: Congrats A-Train
TacitusVigil: Incumbent *re-elected* aldersm'n.
commentarywife: Derek can drive?!
TacitusVigil: He's 19!
tajessa: He's 19!
TheWanderingNomad: @commentarywife He's 19!
TXC2: He's 19!
commentarywife: they act as though he's 12 haha
TehAmelie: wondering why there aren't more amphibious houseboats for rich vacationeers
TheWanderingNomad: I'm still not wholly convinced the Casperson RV isn't like the Magic School Bus
commentarywife: what's the canadian legal age for driving?
Makoforte: it's the tragic school bus....
warpstonewarlock: @commentarywife 16
tajessa: KATHLEEN
pn55: bajoCant
ThatWhichNeverWas subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
ThatWhichNeverWas: Get Subbed Nerds! Wait...
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThatWhichNeverWas! (Today's storm count: 32)
TacitusVigil: What a legend.
TacitusVigil: Dangit.
PharaohBender27: :D
josh___something: XD
TXC2: that IS what lawyers are for...
TacitusVigil: Yeah, breaks his legs!
TheWanderingNomad: Does the Harvest Queen title also come with a sword?
josh___something: Richter, you are about to lose several kneecaps
commentarywife: hahahahaha the richter scale
Wolfstrike_NL: Good thing Richter doesn't walk
tajessa: Has Edith Slump been in the Autumnal Rumble? I feel like she would be surprisingly OP
josh___something: I think she HAS
TheWanderingNomad: lunacc1Facepalm
TXC2: none of the QWRPline characters have been in the Autumnal rumbles
commentarywife: this was such a good season
soramayura subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
soramayura: Subs for the subathon, radio for the qwerpline, praise for the streamers!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, soramayura! (Today's storm count: 33)
TheWanderingNomad: Damn with VMZUs!
TehAmelie: preach it
Makoforte: god I love Derek
TacitusVigil: He's not wrong
commentarywife: always with the hard-hitting questions
TacitusVigil: 2 Lake 2 Anesh
TheWanderingNomad: Man can you imagine Derek as G's Co-Host?
commentarywife: ooh it's like one of those talking fish
RockPusher: lrrGibb
PharaohBender27: lrrGibb
commentarywife: yay Gibb!
TXC2: man remember Tweets ?
TacitusVigil: We need more Gibb!
TheWanderingNomad: lrrGibb
tajessa: Gibb hype! lrrGibb
Laurence72: lrrGibb
NekomimiNinja subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
NekomimiNinja: lrrGibb
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NekomimiNinja! (Today's storm count: 34)
EternalRoxas: lrrGibb
TXC2: lrrGibb
TehAmelie: it would be impossible. the show only functions because G* and A-train are each the only person who the other doesn't find incomprehensibly annoying
red_shoes_jeff: lrrGibb
TacitusVigil: Remember when Twitter was *only* a hell website?
hideki101 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hideki101! (Today's storm count: 35)
TheWanderingNomad: RIP Sgt. Boomer
tajessa: @tacitusvigil *misty eyed* *sniff*
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff good lord
TehAmelie: Rei Animenani hehe
bagfullofbees: Gigi Hadid
marmalade_pen: when will the watch-along end?
bagfullofbees: 6AM
commentarywife: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 2:30 AM
bisaflau: about 5.5h
bisaflau: *3.5h
Kurintoi: LUL
RockPusher: benginFingers RPGFireball RPGFireball foxmarFIRE
tajessa: "full bodied consequences" is such a great line
marmalade_pen: thanks
forcedreject: Oh right...this is was back when Jack still owned it
TacitusVigil: It's been a rough 5 years.
TehAmelie: now it's John Mastodon's world
TacitusVigil: But I don't like football games TehAmelie!
Laurence72: best answer
forcedreject: As it turned out though, it was serge (temporarily)
RockPusher: lrrFRUMP
tajessa: lrrFRUMP
TXC2: more like 20 lrrmans now :p
TehAmelie: huh imagine if John Mastodon was John Madden in disguise
DigitalSeahorse: lrrFRUMP
red_shoes_jeff: lrrFRUMP
emberBecky: lrrGibb <3
forcedreject: Just a little peench
bagfullofbees: BTS Gibb is my favorite
commentarywife: moar gibb!!
forcedreject: Puppet takeover hour
RockPusher: lrrBartleby
tajessa: lrrBartleby
MrPhlip: Ooh, have I joined the Puppet Power Hour?
commentarywife: YES AND ME!
EternalRoxas: lrrSIG lrrBartleby lrrSIG
TheWanderingNomad: ASKMaster time!
commentarywife: this is ALSO a classic
TehAmelie: it's the middle of the night segment, when the cuddly toys come to life
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff are you posting big emotes on purpose, or is it on my end?
commentarywife: despite not being that locng ago...
tajessa: Man I love the puppets so much. "Mmm, mm, no." is my favourite way to respond to questions
TehAmelie: you can pay bits to giantify emotes now
red_shoes_jeff: @TXC2 On purpose
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff ok good
RockPusher: The trapezoid table is such a wonderful oddity
TehAmelie: huh, the option is actually called "gigantify". bad joke, me
TXC2: TehAmelie ah, of course :p
commentarywife: Cori has long hair
RockPusher: lol
TheWanderingNomad: Pffft
red_shoes_jeff: heh
PharaohBender27: Gamers never look up
terribleplan: the lol kills me
JohnnySpectronYT: ChewyYAY
MrPhlip: Ian? Being smart about this?
MrPhlip: It's more likely that you think
Winterfae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Winterfae! (Today's storm count: 36)
RockPusher: Pollo!
TXC2: Ian can be smart when he choses to be
MrPhlip: @rockpusher is this a Kirby game now?
red_shoes_jeff: HEH
commentarywife: love how they all miss the top shelf
TacitusVigil: Not all of them
Pangogie: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
RockPusher: this is fun horn music they found for this
commentarywife: the music is very taskmaster-esque
RockPusher: commentarywife I'm sure the editors are very happy to have nailed the assignment :D
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang vicksyHeadbang vicksyHeadbang
TehAmelie: does anyone have stereo hearing?`:x
NekomimiNinja: There must be something about the prop closet that warps space when it comes to askmaster.
MrPhlip: If it's being muffled by weird hats, it can mess with directionality
TXC2: that's just playing a rogue like
TacitusVigil: I love how we accidentally found the perfect way to torture the crew.
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to TacitusVigil!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TacitusVigil! (Today's storm count: 37)
RubikDarkwill: Does this include the times I wonder
ExachixKitsune: why hallo friend
Togaoki: Early morning for early risers! Hope subathon has been going well, and well wishes to the folks that couldn't sleep this evening.
ExachixKitsune: friend? friends
ExachixKitsune: enemies
ExachixKitsune: whatever
TacitusVigil: Thank you for the sub, kind anonymous person. Thank you for supporting LRR!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to commentarywife!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, commentarywife! (Today's storm count: 38)
commentarywife: Thank you for the sub gift! <3
compuNIC: poor prop room
tajessa: There is frequently madness on LRL bits, but you don't often see the crew actually going mad
commentarywife: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub!
TehAmelie: a prop laptop, or proplop
RockPusher: and now, Serge fails to understand props :D
red_shoes_jeff: Serge found the bugout bag
MrPhlip: eyebrow_waggle.gif
TacitusVigil: -glorious and free, Oh, Canad-
commentarywife: awh yeah, the kathleen jam
TXC2: I like that it's always O Canada they play
tajessa: SERGE NO
tajessa: SERGE YES
ExachixKitsune: pearlieYes
RockPusher: lrrDARK braven10HEX
commentarywife: the ambient album!
TXC2: is that stash OF creepy doll, or belonging to ?
tajessa: @TXC2 Yes.
PharaohBender27: braven10HEX
hackingducks: cameron completely lost his mind
sagegreengoat: I mean Cameron there needs to get a smartsuit, just like Pepper did
commentarywife: hah, cam went back
RockPusher: tiltyhYAS
ExachixKitsune: here we see the cori
commentarywife: the camerawork there was spot on
sagegreengoat: Everything awesome, I'm loving this
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Cori's face was amazing. I could feel those emotions.
bakerydragon: Ben cameo!
DNAli3n: hello everyone
sagegreengoat: lol, what was through that door
artacuno53: bathroom
tajessa: the toilet I believe
TXC2: hello DNAli3n welcome
RockPusher: Just a well-labelled spike
commentarywife: hah, I think the wheel thing wasn't actually a clue
ExachixKitsune: some sort of crimson haddock
TehAmelie: imagine if they had built some Monkey Island style puzzle
warpstonewarlock: It was IIRC
commentarywife: I love how confident Ian is
sagegreengoat: Throwing couch cushions is satisfying, but the cats we live with like it to all be much more chill
Makoforte: Ian.... you fool.............
terribleplan: Poor Ian
PharaohBender27: This is like seeing the lead in a race just fall flat on their face
commentarywife: sneaky sneaky
PharaohBender27: Like, Ian was doing so well, and then fumbled
bakerydragon: the realisation
bakerydragon: the betrayal
Makoforte: GOD
RockPusher: unarmeHeart unarmeHeart unarmeHeart
pn55: HypeLUL
ExachixKitsune: I am proud of serge
Makoforte: the look on Cam's face
TacitusVigil: You can see the precise moment Cameron and Cori broke.
TXC2: such emotion
tajessa: I was waiting for that line lrrCORI
Makoforte: god
sagegreengoat: I love our lady there.
Makoforte: Cori is so good
Laurence72: Cam and Cori's faces... amazing
TacitusVigil: @tajessa "That doesn't spell anything"?
TehAmelie: maybe if we invent some sort of reverse EMP. . .
red_shoes_jeff: Now the game... TRULY begins.
sagegreengoat: Ai'ght, I'm gonna be more chill, this so awesome
TehAmelie: diamagnetic pulse? noo
Invitare: Pot Gum
ExachixKitsune: POT PUC
TXC2: Top Mug, with Tom Cruise
ExachixKitsune: oh mug
TacitusVigil: I feel the need
TacitusVigil: The need...for mugs.
artacuno53: We have top mug on it
artacuno53: TOP, MUG
RockPusher: Cameron has dignity, dammit!
TXC2: their task completed, the LRR returns to it's hibernation
red_shoes_jeff: @Invitare I think they could all go for some Pot Gum after this.
tajessa: Bartleby please
TehAmelie: what do tears mean, to a creature without eyes
RoeDent89: Watchalong time!
commentarywife: serge DID IT!
TXC2: but in a much more accurate way, Serge won
commentarywife: X ways to Y!
FarleyF: what i love is that Ian is playing Bartelby and commenting on his own performance
sagegreengoat: Everybody in that video so hot
Makoforte: I did wonder if Bartleby was Ian or Alex
RoeDent89: 2024
commentarywife: I thought Alex played bartleby?
Sorator13: #currentyear
tigerdrottning subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tigerdrottning! (Today's storm count: 39)
PharaohBender27: Oh hey, Kathleen and Heather have their get-together this year!
TacitusVigil: OH no, that *is* our current year!
tehPete: Morning all - hope you have a fantastic day :)
FarleyF: Alex did originally
red_shoes_jeff: Prescient.
FarleyF: i believe that swap the roles
PharaohBender27: @commentarywife It's varied between him and Ian
Sorator13: @commentarywife Alex originated the role
FarleyF: Also Ian i get your feelings
TehAmelie: i made like 3 phone calls in the last week
TXC2: oh honey we don't get to retire :p
FarleyF: I have to make phone calls for my job and i still dont like it
tajessa: too real
Herbert_Erpaderp: A phone what now?
Sorator13: @FarleyF *same*
red_shoes_jeff: My soul...
Sorator13: but it helps that I have a specific thing to be calling about
commentarywife: absolutely, putting posters in a frame is adulting
RocknGrohlNerd: letsgo Ben
TacitusVigil: I mean, sure, we dont' get to retire, but the planet's not going to last that long anyway
RockPusher: seabatTROG
ExachixKitsune: ben no
TehAmelie: i want Wine for troglodytes to be a real book
Sorator13: alas, "wine for troglodytes" is not real
EternalRoxas: I actually watched the loading time digest that had this video in it recently randomly
Sorator13: (I just checked)
FarleyF: and now you have created Rose
Laurence72: Ben YES
sagegreengoat: @TacitusVigil Indeed, we do get so call a chill moment now and againt.
TehAmelie: really maximum wine snob condescension
PharaohBender27: Reminder that Ben had to do 3 takes for that
ThatWhichNeverWas: Good for him!
Sorator13: LUL
TacitusVigil: @PharaohBender27 Didn't he say he got fairly hammered doing it?
RocknGrohlNerd: full send the wine
FarleyF: you know i could never picture cameron with a beard
Tantusar: oh no i think i can hear the pedal (or there's a hot mic)
Sorator13: oh Ian
vegetalss4: That's a sad joke
commentarywife: Ooh I can also hear a pedal? why is there a pedal?
TXC2: right chat I'm off to exercise, I'll be back for Coffee with James, so keep on Sub-a-thoning!
RockPusher: later TXC2
ThatWhichNeverWas: This video hurts my soul
commentarywife: sam-rami paperwork!
Tantusar: i've never noticed the pedal in this piece but now i can't stop hearing it
haberley: Morning everyone :)
commentarywife: ooh the pedal for the piano?
PharaohBender27: All right, I need to get some sleep. See you in a few hours.
TacitusVigil: Who gave that young boy a microphone?
commentarywife: morning haberley
PharaohBender27: *get some more sleep
bagfullofbees: @PharaohBender27 gnight
TacitusVigil: Have good sleeps @PharaohBender27
commentarywife: crazy how pre-pandemic LRR looks so young!
Sorator13: ooh, a fren!
ghyllnox: Caterpillar!!!
sagegreengoat: I mean, Kathleen controlling a couple counties now
RoeDent89: William nillian
RoeDent89: nilliam*
commentarywife: it's mary poppins
TehAmelie: you can't just disperse a sugar aerosol?
tajessa: I remember that Commodore Hustle, I guess we have learned from weaponised candy
sagegreengoat: I love that the cute guy is just as silly as I am, and she's clearly in control of an entire region.
TacitusVigil: @TehAmelie Not since the latest Geneva Conventions.
commentarywife: hahahah pre-pandemic "soliciting kisses from the crowd" ooof
tajessa: the person behind Beej has amazing hair
Sorator13: oh good, I thought for a sec he was going to take a big bite of the package
commentarywife: "fragrantly" disregarding?
sagegreengoat: Salt-water taffy so good, but often has milk proteins in, and I can't eat those.
commentarywife: what is salt-water taffy for us brits?
TehAmelie: i've seen this vid before and i'm still not sure what the theme of the parade is
RockPusher: Bust out the gobstopper mortar
TuringsGhost subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TuringsGhost! (Today's storm count: 40)
haberley: I think it's just toffee?
Sorator13: @TehAmelie well, I think it's Oak Bay themed?
Sorator13: oh *that* kind of secondary
bagfullofbees: I enjoy drum solos, my high school had a really good drumline
TehAmelie: just the town enjoying itself huh
haberley: Iirc the saltwater part of the name is just marketing
sagegreengoat: @bagfullofbees GoatEmotey HeyGuys
TehAmelie: if my town had an us-themed parade, it would be. . .birches. that's all we've got
RockPusher: lrrDARK
commentarywife: it makes me think of salted caramel, anywhere close?
Sorator13: Oh. Oh dear.
warpstonewarlock: Richter...?
sagegreengoat: @TehAmelie I truly love the sound of birch leaves in the wind. Grew up loving it.
emberBecky: taffy is chewy candy with different flavors. not caramel usually
RockPusher: Wait a minute
TehAmelie: it's pretty nice
RockPusher: I wonder if that is a part of the one that Alex was posting about them putting in the water recently
TehAmelie: town burned down once in the 1800s so they started planting birches on every possible street to contain fires, and that's it for local community identity
Adderkleet: nauty aeronaut
Sorator13: Glad to see them wearing helmets!
fuzzra: @commentarywife It's a pulled confection. Softer and lighter than toffee. Think Chewitts or a Wham bar. The "salt water" bit comes from being a seaside thing, I gather.
Sorator13: Ooooh, that is a very smart handout for a summer parade
Sorator13: as long as you can keep them from melting before distribution
RockPusher: Hmmm, the aviation museum has more planes than anticipated :D
commentarywife: aah, wikipedia tells me that in the UK, taffy is "fruit chews" i.e. chewits, starburst, or the own-brand equivalent
Laurence72: As a former trombone player, man, parades would have been more fun if battle royales had been a part of it
sagegreengoat: wow, this dude should be on the ballot as somebody's vice governor
Sorator13: @Laurence72 I thought that was how you generally determined where you go in the parade order?
Sorator13: I remember Contentious Discussions
TehAmelie: i always thought the trombone was a formidable weapon compared to other horn instruments
hackingducks: is it louis louis, or lewey lewey, or luis luis?
commentarywife: I couldn't tell if Kathleen + Ian could actually hear Beej and vice versa
TehAmelie: Louie
bagfullofbees: unfortunately marching band music really doesn't translate over reccording
hackingducks: or perhaps even looie looie
RockPusher: The band that plays in the local university graduate parade every year around here does Ghostbusters each time without fail :D
Sevinon: @commentarywife I'm pretty sure I remember they couldn't
Laurence72: @Sorator13 If it was, they never let me know about it, let alone take part :(
Mangledpixel: sick flips
sagegreengoat: lol, their bus probably has seltzer on demand
Sorator13: the mascot of "Glen Lion" school is not a Lion?
hackingducks: the bus I used to ride to work in silicon valley wasn't that nice.
azninsect: yay LRR subathon!
azninsect subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
azninsect: Yaaaay subathon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, azninsect! (Today's storm count: 41)
Sorator13: @commentarywife I'm almost certain they cannot
TehAmelie: yay indeed
RockPusher: !yay
LRRbot: Yaaaaaaaay...
commentarywife: they edited it very well to make it seem like they could hear each other
azninsect: flapjacks
azninsect: this was such a great bit
warpstonewarlock: Oh no, the pipesmen are coming
HungryTanuki: That sounds ominous
TehAmelie: that train is off the rails
sagegreengoat: I wish I had every been as cool as the host here
Sorator13: Yknow, I'm impressed by how many different forms of transportation have featured in this parade. Definitely more than I expected.
RockPusher: The caboose is loose!
commentarywife: all parade routes in canada haha
sagegreengoat: *ever been
hackingducks: suplex the train!
hackingducks: wait, this isn't gdq
commentarywife: road quest 2 T_T
azninsect: trains: aspirational in victoria T__T
bakerydragon: love that reaction XD
Sorator13: LUL
lea xical: the Canadian tea party parades are way more peaceful than the US ones
Sorator13: Bubbles!
TehAmelie: imagine Road Quest with a land train abomination that trundles on at 5 mph but everyone's sitting together
Sorator13: Ian putting the proper ach-laut on "yacht"; I appreciate that
RockPusher: Sail a bathtub around the harbour
sagegreengoat: Right now, trying to sort out who still has kindness as their thing, as opposed to who is trying to Do Some Thing.
azninsect: back to beej. pleeeeease back to beej
HungryTanuki: XD
RockPusher: localised where…
Sorator13: If you don't want problems, don't buy a boat...
Laurence72: I've got 99 problems, but a boat ain't one?
sagegreengoat: Our host here, he so cute, I want to meet him, lol
sagegreengoat: The bald video dude I mean
Sorator13: LUL
commentarywife: @sagegreengoat Ian, you mean
TehAmelie: that's Ian, he's very thoughtful and knowledgeable and dangerous at improv
RockPusher: *deluxe*
sagegreengoat: And super cute, yeah
HungryTanuki: How much juju is too much juju ?
Sevinon: @TehAmelie I believe the danger extends more generally
Sorator13: ngl, I would hire them
RockPusher: Utili-kilts — comfortable and practical
HalloweenCandii: Good morning chat lrrSHINE
Sevinon: (See discussion of most likely to accidentally get Paul killed)
MrPhlip: Beej eats the whole jujube
TehAmelie: you start one fire on a cooking show. . .
sagegreengoat: Runescape super juju potions, I still don't know how to make them. Only been playing a couple years
RockPusher: mattlrDogchamp
tajessa: Morning @HalloweenCandii
HungryTanuki: Pup !
commentarywife: wooof
Sorator13: what a good pupper!
quton: doggo OhMyDog
josh___something: That SURELY has been made into a gif, right?
HungryTanuki: Beej asking the hard hitting questions here
tajessa: If there ever is a Road Quest 2, I nominate that 5 seconds of Beej footage as his intro
Sevinon: Next year... :(
warpstonewarlock: Next year... the 2020...
sagegreengoat: lol, she just asked him to be a float
NSGReaper subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
NSGReaper: One hundred and twenty five months? That's almost 12.5 years!
Sorator13: @josh___something If it has, I can't find it currently
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NSGReaper! (Today's storm count: 42)
hackingducks: no, don't say germs kathleen
TheHaCoFo: that didn’t age well. 😂
Sevinon: Well, #gif_repository exists for requests
Laurence72: I think that was used as part of Beej's intro in the forst episode of Road Quest
Sevinon: Terrifying requests
sagegreengoat: @TheHaCoFo Lots of us not aging well.
Sorator13: Alas
Sevinon: Boy is that true
Zaghrog: Oh boy
ExachixKitsune: but they did not see us next year
vickysaurus_mystax: Hmm, yes, next year
commentarywife: clearly not enough children believed
gnyrinn: People planning social events for the summer of 2020. Such innocent times.
lea xical: and then the panini happend 😥
MrPhlip: Oh, I like this one
TheOtherKT: That question mark did some heavy lifting
TheHaCoFo: @sagegreengoat true…
red_shoes_jeff: Hm?
sagegreengoat: 49
commentarywife: "while avoiding the swimsuit area"
TehAmelie: Papyrus Press, great joke
commentarywife: this is very inside out
Sevinon: @commentarywife very
tajessa: why not a hopscotch date?
RockPusher: Self-doubt perfectly cast :D
Sevinon: Graham also perfectly cast
MrPhlip: The part of me that always wants chips is quite powerful
RocknGrohlNerd: go Alex/Jeff go
sagegreengoat: Dude did this well, and lol, yeah, I'll go away
Mrjohnson19: is this inside out
TheWooglie: US chips or UK chips?
Sevinon: @sagegreengoat Feel free to stay!
commentarywife: the original inside out was released in 2015, craazy
MrPhlip: @thewooglie yes and
type_variable: get chips
vickysaurus_mystax: The "...we should get chips" at the end there is amazing
TehAmelie: chaaaaaps
commentarywife: mmmm british chips
MrPhlip: I really should go back to starting conversations with "you're... not me, right?"
Sorator13: I wish I had some chips
ExachixKitsune: Cmaeon
TheWooglie: Cmaeon?
RocknGrohlNerd: everybody is in pockets of BIG Chips, I see
RockPusher: Herman's Head is presumably in the LRR influences
vickysaurus_mystax: Ooh good hair colour
artacuno53: :)
commentarywife: awh cute
bakerydragon: SO cute
Mangledpixel: cute
AtomicAlchemical: THE DROP
Sevinon: hah
ExachixKitsune: Oh a normal crapshot
vickysaurus_mystax: That's such a cute stinger
josh___something: THE BEEJDROP
warpstonewarlock: oh
Sorator13: oh no, it begins
RockPusher: It. Begins.
warpstonewarlock: oh no
Eggmojii: YES
FarleyF: the beginning
tajessa: get ready for THE DROP
vickysaurus_mystax: Yesss the place it all started
Makoforte: god the little joy there
Makoforte: gdiujghdf
commentarywife: the DROP!!!
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Where it all started
CAKHost: 7.32 for that?!
red_shoes_jeff: lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ
RocknGrohlNerd: damn it Meej
commentarywife: ooh the door
Makoforte: oh an upcoming gag has been stuck in my head for weeks
TacitusVigil: "It's ok"
bagfullofbees: oh good, we've found the running through-line for the watch-along
TehAmelie: trebuchet rhymes with lrrEFF it
hideki101: why does Cam have a gun
Sevinon: Perfect terrified Kathleen face
99FineLines: we should get chips
Verrain2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Verrain2! (Today's storm count: 43)
jae_dorian: ah the dinosaur past
FarleyF: Hi Ben
HungryTanuki: DinoDance
Sevinon: The next great Canadian/American author
MrPhlip: much better than the othet door, to the dinosaur future
RubikDarkwill: I want to believe that was an *actual* day
FarleyF: Everytime i see Maserati i think of that sketch
Sorator13: Ben's face LUL
TehAmelie: why pith helmets?
RocknGrohlNerd: Ben is so brave
TehAmelie: i mean, this is for the joke, but otherwise?
Sevinon: And perfectly segeud into 2023 CH
Mangledpixel: TehAmelie gotta protect yourself from pith
CAKHost: Ben gets roped into things a lot doesn't he?
Sevinon: Ooh, going recent
bagfullofbees: @CAKHost lol "roped"
HungryTanuki: Qwerpline PogChamp
ExachixKitsune: kitty corner!
commentarywife: this mini-series was released just before the pandini and the first cH afterwards referred to it as a fever dream
tajessa: Beej with the Jurassic man's romance
RockPusher: Suddenly I feel like it is time to plug the store lrrBEEJ
terribleplan: Oh, are we just going to listen to all of S3 in the watchalong?
Woodthorn: Good mo-afternoon people
lea xical: Imagine going into the dinosaur past to invent magic
Sevinon: @terribleplan I have been subjected to worse
type_variable: oh this episode
TehAmelie: no glorious deeds are. . .well, there was that time with Derek
HungryTanuki: Phukoph
CAKHost: Dog or D O G
TheWooglie: they didn't bleep out Graham's phucko. genius
pn55: lrrWOW
RockPusher: It's a real trouser Spront
Sevinon: Yep, this episode
hackingducks: his trousers are not a place of honor
RubikDarkwill: The Giganticoon!
RocknGrohlNerd: is Giganticoon a horse?
Sorator13: @RocknGrohlNerd Where does it rank on the ghost horse power rankings?
TacitusVigil: oh no
TacitusVigil: "local pilot"
RockPusher: voxlunRad dyketaCornWaveCheer voxlunRad
RockPusher: hifunkPopcorn sergePopcorn foxmarPOP voxlunGeiger escher3SAFETY
HungryTanuki: :D
Sevinon: @HungryTanuki Perfect username
RockPusher: mattlrBalls
FarleyF: lrrCIRCLE lrrCIRCLE
ExachixKitsune: sergePopcorn PopCorn cakejuPop
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx gifted a Tier 1 sub to HungryTanuki! They have given 2 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HungryTanuki! (Today's storm count: 44)
RocknGrohlNerd: @Sorator13 there is power ranking for ghost horses? lrrSPOOP and is it Wheelers fault?
Sorator13: @RocknGrohlNerd It's a one-off MtG PPR bit (I forget the name); it's very funny
Sorator13: and yes, it is at least partially wheeler's fault
Laurence72: Punt/Counterpunt, one of the recent Innistrad ones, I believe
99FineLines: @Sorator13 well you're half right
HungryTanuki: @xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx Thank you so much for the sub, that's very kind of you lrrSHINE
terribleplan: That throw was recorded before the washlet install...
terribleplan: Right?
Mangledpixel: Sparts
bakerydragon: one of my favourite lines
bakerydragon: "it's a surprise Alex. That's why it's a threat"
azninsect: oh no salome
RocknGrohlNerd: @Sorator13 oh I need to find this, go scryfall go, time to find ghost horses populated sets, and thank look throught ppr,... I´m thinking Innistrad
HungryTanuki: Derek !
RockPusher: Would you like a Kitty Corner shirt (and other quality LRR merchandise)? Head on down to…
RockPusher: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Austere_Squire: Morning, all
azninsect: derek.
RockPusher: thicc
azninsect: thicc ones
ExachixKitsune: hypotenuse pearlieHype
Sorator13: @RocknGrohlNerd found it! Innistrad Midnight Hunt Punt/Counterpunt, starts at about 6:30
warpstonewarlock: This sound always makes me laugh
petermathews007: can I find this on youtube
RocknGrohlNerd: @Sorator13 oh heck yeah, thank you so much I´m watching it right now
josh___something: oh no...
josh___something: this one...
Laurence72: @petermathews007 If you mean QWRPLine, yes, all of all 3 seasons is on YouTube
bakerydragon: Beej the Eldritch continues
commentarywife: yup I can do it
NekomimiNinja: quaso~
petermathews007: @Laurence72 thanks
MrPhlip: @petermathews007 yep! If you mean the stream, then it's being streamed there too, if you meant the content, then that was qwerpline, you should be able to search for it on YT
ExachixKitsune: sure
warpstonewarlock: Treej!
tajessa: oh Christmas Treej
Snowcookies: merry christmas
Desruprot: qwerpline is great
Sorator13: @RocknGrohlNerd It may not quite be what you expect, but that's the beauty of it :D
DanTheMediocre: lrrHAM
commentarywife: it IS july!
99FineLines: hey! it is july!
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx: TURKEY
FarleyF: HAM
Laurence72: HAM!!
RubikDarkwill: TREEJ!
Sorator13: shut up treej
warpstonewarlock: Fruitcake is great
red_shoes_jeff: T U R K E Y ! ! !
DanTheMediocre: lrrHAM
RockPusher: lrrHAM
Laurence72: NOG!
HungryTanuki: lrrHAM
raulghoulia: gaspar, melchior and balthasar
wouter215: Ah Sinterklaas...
Laurence72: I love that for that, Cam just sat down and improved for several minutes
TehAmelie: they covered this on Qi, the Bible doesn't give a number of wise men
commentarywife: father christmas!
ExachixKitsune: I always assumed Melchior was a bad guy from middle earth
RockPusher: tqsGhost RPGGhosto lrrSPOOP
Makoforte: I think you mean Gash, Bash and Mash, the three wise men of Zeal
Makoforte: (Chrono Trigger why...)
red_shoes_jeff: TURKEY!
HungryTanuki: HAM
darkora: TURKEY
bagfullofbees: HAM
tajessa: lrrHAM
Amentur: Shush Turkey!
red_shoes_jeff: t u r k e y . . .
Laurence72: shhhhhhh sh sh sh turkey
TehAmelie: we can have a little christmas in July
TehAmelie: keep it cool
josh___something: cam no
red_shoes_jeff: jlrrNo
FarleyF: i would play Shot Shots Shots
red_shoes_jeff: jlrrNo lrrSPOOP
Cuzup: The Open Mike is one of the best jokes this season
RocknGrohlNerd: @Sorator13 it is very good, so good. I had some memory about phantom steed (and morkrut and dreadhound) from that ppr, and punt/counterpunt is always a treat :) in conclusion giganticoon get power ranking of 5
bagfullofbees: I once had a great conversation with a cousin about how santa must employ some sort of artificial religion to keep the elves at the north pole and making toys
Snowcookies: oooh thid onr
Sorator13: @RocknGrohlNerd Seems accurate!
Mangledpixel: oh wow, Running Start
Snowcookies: this one
TehAmelie: unexpected!
josh___something: Awwww... right, Running start
Ard_Rhys: I forgot this existed
Sorator13: Oh hey, another LRR product that I did not know existed
josh___something: man...
Psychic_Ketchup: I really liked running start
josh___something: I also liked runnning start
FarleyF: watching segments like this make me wish we could take some things off Graham/Paul so they could do more of this
RockPusher: So when they get around to new ones… Runskippable?
RockPusher: lrrBEEJ
wildpeaks: nice Helvetica shirt
TehAmelie: a weird amount of games overlapped with Watch + Play
RocknGrohlNerd: @Sorator13 thank you for going on this journey with me :)
richard_ermen: Man, I want more Running Start.
Sorator13: @RocknGrohlNerd Oh absolutely; I enjoyed it!!
richard_ermen: The Dante's Inferno Lets Play was very enjoyable =)
forcedreject: I miss gplp
FarleyF: rumour is there might be more unskippable coming up - new ones
wildpeaks: GPLP was fun
TehAmelie: and there is a little GPLP stream scheduled soon. . .
TehAmelie: tomorrow or something? timezones get confusing
forcedreject: Neat, hopefully I can catch it live
Sorator13: Isn't this unnecessarily expensive?
Austere_Squire: you can never have enough narrators
ExachixKitsune: massive narrator budget, but they were only allowed to spend a small amount of money on each actor
Sorator13: switching narrators like this, I mean
tajessa: You get a narrator! and YOU get a narrator!
FarleyF: Friday 1AM-4AM in Mad Max Land
Genie_M: Interesting timing: in 1099 Jerusalem was taken by the crusaders on July 15 - almost
Austere_Squire: the framing of the characters beside each other gave me visceral Dragon Age: Origins flashbacks for some reason
EmmaPartlow: DA: Origins is actually good though.
wildpeaks: so we have 5 narrators because P & G are also narrating
TehAmelie: is 3 different narrators better or worse than The Ultimate Warrior's comic book where the title character has two different simultaneous narrations?
Austere_Squire: @EmmaPartlow come on, you don't think this will be good with its many narrators?
FarleyF: this reminds me of the Press X to Pump Dog
bakerydragon: @TehAmelie wait what? Really? How??
NotSoLuckyLydia: i think this game WAS press x to pump dog
RockPusher: !findquote pump
LRRbot: Quote #2958: "I don't wanna pump a dog! Oh no! OH WHY?! Why am I pumping dogs...?" —Alex [2016-07-13]
MrPhlip: @farleyf was that this game? Or a different, indistinguishable game?
TehAmelie: oh, you have to believe it to see it
FarleyF: @MrPhlip i cant remember but i do remember it had Alex in it so W+P
RockPusher: wait… maybe the dogs was this?
wildpeaks: could be an older Let's Nope too
TehAmelie: this is it
TehAmelie: i recall Running Start had a funny amount of overlap with W+P that kept surprising Graham. well, maybe twice
Blasteg: is the narrating from 2017 or 2024?
commentarywife: narrating is 2017
ComplexedOne subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ComplexedOne! (Today's storm count: 45)
TehAmelie: this is all prerecorded shows for, uh, 2 or 3 hours more
TacitusVigil: Ransoming people is like 50% of the crusades
warpstonewarlock: and sacking Rome
TacitusVigil: Constantinople
Mangledpixel: Holy Grail, Batman!
TacitusVigil: Did they sack Rome too?
commentarywife: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 4:06 AM
kimmiekoneko: graham in his garruk beard era, i see
99FineLines: I see why this series was short lived, G and P are having to work real hard to get anything out of this.
richard_ermen: Also stupid attacks in the sand and numerous people dying of heat and no water
TacitusVigil: I mean, after the first one. Can we have a second sacking?
warpstonewarlock: my bad, the sack of Rome happened during the Italian Wars
RockPusher: None pizza, left toughness
MrPhlip: None templar with left toughness
Austere_Squire: i feel like mapping "revive" and "coup de grace" to the same button is a bold move
TehAmelie: i like tough butts♫
MrPhlip: High five, rockpusher
RockPusher: sharkf11BRAINCELL
Austere_Squire: why are the subtitles in the middle?
OmnipotentTrevor: Ah the famous man from Iberlan, "Guy from Iberlan"
TehAmelie: an Iberianian?
TacitusVigil: So somehow Assassin's Creed is more historically accurate than this, right?
wildpeaks: shocking isn't it
Simonark: The Grail? Why not at least use a believable plot, like the lost tomb of Prester John?
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART
TacitusVigil: Hello RandomTrivia
Austere_Squire: oh that hair and face
Simonark: This man has three simultaneous accent.
tajessa: Hey RandomTrivia!
TehAmelie: that haircut must have taken a miracle
wildpeaks: the chicken and egg problem
McArgh: Cheer100
TacitusVigil: It is absolutely a protection racket.
spicyFerret_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
spicyFerret_: Almost a third of a year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, spicyFerret_! (Today's storm count: 46)
HoloTheWiseWolf_: wow a classic
wildpeaks: easy, just send Karlach to rescue them
RockPusher: mattlrFine tqsFine gabyFine benginFine
spicyFerret_: cakejuFine
wildpeaks: vcodeHOT
RockPusher: foxmarBURN
TehAmelie: "the door was open, did you try pulling?"
spicyFerret_: Jump around!
wildpeaks: mood lighting
bakerydragon: the string music in the background seems like it really clashes with the "house hurning around you"
ExachixKitsune: lrrFINE cakejuFine
RandomTrivia: Well you know what they say: "give a man a blanket and he will keep warm for the night. Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life"
Austere_Squire: i just realized, that dude sure does have a video game sword
TehAmelie: wow, even i recognized that wilhelm and i hardly even notice if people point it out
spicyFerret_: @exachixkitsune you. I see you.
Austere_Squire: parkour
RandomTrivia: Putting the vault into deus vault
ExachixKitsune: @spicyFerret_ cakejuYello
spicyFerret_: cakejuYello cakejuHype
OdinsBeard7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OdinsBeard7! (Today's storm count: 47)
Simonark: Ironically, the one thing this sword would have been good for is maybe breaking down the door, and instead they kicked that down.
Sniknob subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sniknob! (Today's storm count: 48)
ExachixKitsune: @spicyFerret_ there's a small number of crossover, but there's a nonzero number of fans of both :3
kimmiekoneko: some-
RandomTrivia: The sassy stare into camera HypeLUL
TehAmelie: i object to the templar having "zeal" as a mechanic. the zealots was Jewish independence movement under the Romans. . .
commentarywife: the butchers had a shi....p
Wiliart subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Wiliart: Adding to the sub-a-thon.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Wiliart! (Today's storm count: 49)
ClayePigeon: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Mogg01 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mogg01! (Today's storm count: 50)
Simonark: They didn't make a "Nobody Expects the Dominican Inquisition" joke, and that's because they're professionals, with standards.
Austere_Squire: that jump scared me
spicyFerret_: @exachixkitsune the only other i know offhand is offbeatwitch cause i occasionally "wait you seem familiar"-check their discord profile lmao
RockPusher: Deploy the cow tools!
tajessa: I used to be an adventurer...
RockPusher: there they are
haberley: oh god i forgot Pump
TehAmelie: to be fair it would be hilarious if Gary Larson made a cartoon making fun of LRR
josh___something: PAUL NO
Genie_M: Here we are
Rhylon42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rhylon42! (Today's storm count: 51)
ExachixKitsune: @spicyFerret_ that's the other name I have offhand, but I feel like there's a couple of others
FarleyF: damn it was this one
RandomTrivia: lrrFRUMP
Austere_Squire: he's killed graham
red_shoes_jeff: jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo
josh___something: do NOT pump the dogs
FarleyF: i got mixed up on my people
type_variable: time to pillage
MrPhlip: @farleyf no, you were right, they played this on W+P too
FarleyF: @MrPhlip ah danke for that
Austere_Squire: that dude needs to sleep or something
Simonark: That guy on the right may be a complex villager.
TheWriterAleph: no one expects the-!
spicyFerret_: Everyone expects the outquisition
6vh_: x6vhSun
RandomTrivia: UM
Level_8_Mudcrab subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Level_8_Mudcrab! (Today's storm count: 52)
red_shoes_jeff: lrrDOTS
RandomTrivia: You entered the forest king and were immediately told your sword is useless - so rude
TehAmelie: isn't the opposite of the inquistion the incuriousition
bakerydragon: Mr Beast is in the game!?
HbombAndFriends: Keep on Roland Roland Roland Roland Roland
forcedreject: "Hello Mr Beast, we're here to disprove your existence" has a WAY different context nowdays
bakerydragon: lrrBEEJ
TheWriterAleph: 'E's a witch!
TehAmelie: we're incurious, we do not inquire
Level_8_Mudcrab: Evening chat. Goodness, I'd completely forgotten this series.
TehAmelie: the inflammable incuriousition
spicyFerret_: I know not of this content
TheWriterAleph: heyyy yoooou guyyyys
spicyFerret_: @tehamelie so its flammable?
kimmiekoneko: pump him! pump him!
TehAmelie: unless it's the other kind of inflammable
TehAmelie: it's uncertain, but we don't try to find out
spicyFerret_: cakejuFine
RandomTrivia: benginBark
Creideiki_SE: Good lunchtime, European chat. This is an interesting segment to have on in the background. I have no memory of this stream.
Creideiki_SE: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 4:25 AM
TehAmelie: what is that turtle shell on is neck supposed to do? no one can stab that high
haberley: @Creideiki_SE wasn't a stream, that's why :)
Mangledpixel: Creideiki_SE this was a YouTube series
Genie_M: Hello from heatstroke Europe
ArcticAtlantic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArcticAtlantic! (Today's storm count: 53)
tajessa: so deep.
kimmiekoneko: did you just kill andre the giant
TehAmelie: give it a few more crusades in the oven
TurboSus1ik: MyAvatar
Creideiki_SE: Huh. "A new show where we look at the beginning minutes of video games". 11 episodes. We live and learn.
Creideiki_SE: Or, as it may be, watch and play.
josh___something: ph...phrasing?
tajessa: oh heck yes, this is one of my favourites
TehAmelie: the third kind of -quisition
jae_dorian: my absolute faves
Sorator13: lrrBEEJ
RubikDarkwill: BEEJ!
TheWriterAleph: "ugh."
leggettor: one of the many LRR golden ages
wasterweiss: i dont believe that this is james
spicyFerret_: lrrGRAHAM theyre worthless!
Creideiki_SE: I may or may not have used "The colours make things happen" professionally.
brynnjacka: the colours do make things happen
Sylenctone: so young
TehAmelie: that time Paul loaded every meme into Beej's brain and broke him for several episodes. the 10s was aa weird time
Genie_M: I have a few people I know who can't relax unless clean house
spicyFerret_: Perfectly Normal Kathleen.
Creideiki_SE: Is there a Loading Time showing how they kept the cats out of the ball of yarn?
TehAmelie: sounds familiar
Genie_M: Moonshiners
plaidanddrpepper: I forgot that door opens.
josh___something: Cam... no
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: aftermarket beards
TehAmelie: Kathleen, inventor of the game Scorn
spicyFerret_: S C O R N
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
haberley: hell yes
spicyFerret_: Wait this was in '22?
ExachixKitsune: such a good crapshot
spicyFerret_: Hell
RandomTrivia: This is such a stupid sketch, it's amazing
TehAmelie: i don't remember it
Woodthorn: This one's so good :D
MrQBear: Oh yes, TERROR MATT.
RocknGrohlNerd: Nelly go
josh___something: The fuckin PLAID suit matt
Mogg01: omg, cori
Sorator13: The facial expressions are so good
Vindexrix: Coris face gets me everytime
Sorator13: but Cori steals the show for me
RandomTrivia: All the expressions are fantastic
NotSoLuckyLydia: this is an absolute tippy top tier sketch
ExachixKitsune: a masterpiece
RandomTrivia: YESSSSSS
the_phantom_game_player: Nelly looks so happy in the last shot
spicyFerret_: MY FAVE
MrPhlip: ah yes, suspicious dongs
Therberus: I just have to know, did they Baywatch that or did they film it in normal speed?
tajessa: the tarp budget!
fonk: I really enjoy this streams because I thought I'd watched all the sketches and I totally haven't
RandomTrivia: Chat, you will now never unsee this title as *doings* like a spring
NorthstarTex: tarp budget!
PMAvers: Tarp budget!
RandomTrivia: Also yeah, this episode is the source of several iconic LRR quotes
Sorator13: was this the origination of the tarp budget?
ExachixKitsune: thanks RandomTrivia
ExachixKitsune: I love this one
josh___something: Oh this is the technically correct, and deeply upsetting cHustle?
fonk: origin of the tarp budget!
RandomTrivia: @josh___something Yep
TriChronos: Oh! This has one of the favorite lines in LRR history!
spicyFerret_: Yez!
TehAmelie: a shotgun? we can do that. but tarps. . .
FarleyF: i love the tarp budget has become a long standing meme
MrPhlip: @sorator13 yep! back when it actually involved a tarp
lesbianpunkpyromancer22: oh hell yeah just in time, this is one of my favorites
Sorator13: see, I feel like if LRR were to guess which parts of this one would become running memes, they would've had Mount Garbage high on the list
RocknGrohlNerd: best king of correct
FarleyF: Paul if you get any cookies DO NOT EAT THEM
Jillexie: This is why Heather was #1 for killing Paul
FarleyF: We know thanks to that
RocknGrohlNerd: @Jillexie I was just typing that , thank you
Isaac Myers: trash cartouche
spicyFerret_: Give me back my phone and hand.
RandomTrivia: "Yes, THAT'S what makes twitter awful"
TacitusVigil: You really *don't * have to apologize to Belarus.
TehAmelie: harsh burn on twitter
RandomTrivia: "By itself?"
bagfullofbees: my favorite bit
RandomTrivia: What a god damn masterpiece of a script
ExachixKitsune: "no I have to talk into it"
NovaTiempo: by i8tself is amazing
TriChronos: That's the line!
haberley: that is one of their best exchanges, hands down
bagfullofbees: nice dutch angle
plaidanddrpepper: so good
ExachixKitsune: this is such a good episode
Ad_Vurt: That's such a Fry and Laurie joke
sirpythias subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sirpythias! (Today's storm count: 54)
Woodthorn: Good joke
MrQBear: I love that type of humor.
kalaszar: what the fuck is this?
RandomTrivia: This is The Home Show of CHustle episodes
Snowcookies: Fave episode
TacitusVigil: Darn Fart-o-Naut jerks. Our mortal enemies.
Sorator13: "my specimens!"
type_variable: serge boomb shot lmao
tajessa: Old Man Horner!
TacitusVigil: That transition. :D
RandomTrivia: @kalaszar CommodoreHustle is a sketch show where the LRR crew play caricature versions of themselves
Luna: i quite enjoy this episode
RandomTrivia: Love the pan across featuring camera and boom :D
ExachixKitsune: we are currently overnight on the subathon, and rewatching old LRR bits between livestreams
tajessa: the chores on the chore wheel are coloured! the colours really do make things happen!
RocknGrohlNerd: bad puns4life
UltraVioletVodoo: love that one of the chores is Hire a Janitor
Sorator13: @UltraVioletVodoo yesss
RockPusher: lrrBartleby
baltimore_667083: lrrBartleby
FarleyF: now see THATS alex
Chronomagistrate: Now I want oatmeal raisin cookies
Species5618Beta: This is probably my second favourite cH, after Coffee Time
commentarywife: fair fair
commentarywife: ooh a gvlog
RockPusher: GVlog lrrAWESOME
raulghoulia: aww no foot pan
NovaTiempo: ohno, sick?
RandomTrivia: Yeah, Coffee Time and Suspicious Doings are surely the top 2 CHustle episodes
ExachixKitsune: Ah, when G got normal garden variety con crud, rather than spicy crud like covid or norovirus
Saltzmanx: AnotherRecord AnotherRecord AnotherRecord AnotherRecord
Therberus: Ah 2017... Simpler times
TriChronos: Oh! Yeah, Coffee Time is also my favorite as well
sirpythias: baby adam!
josh___something: Baby adam!
NorthstarTex: baby adam!
Therberus: I hadn't even started my PhD back in Feb 2017... 😮
raulghoulia: what a large baby
FarleyF: wow Baby Adam
RandomTrivia: Put the two vlogs next to each other and you can see the Stark contrast lrrBEEJ
Sorator13: @RandomTrivia oh, that was a good one
type_variable: the contrast is stark
Therberus: @randomtrivia boooo
tajessa: @RandomTrivia oh my god LUL
TwoMenInAHorseCostume subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TwoMenInAHorseCostume! (Today's storm count: 55)
wasterweiss: <message deleted>adam looks divorced
bakerydragon: bonus TQ cameo
Cunobelenos: Baby Adam, a TQ,
Saltzmanx: AnotherRecord
Cunobelenos: blast from the past
RandomTrivia: What a very Ian thing to do :D
Chefryto90: This is the reason im dating someone shorter tham me: ¡seat chaninging in airplanes!
RockPusher: tqsGrass
GhostValv: pour one out to PAX South :(
spicyFerret_: This is the year before the year of F[E]rret
Dandelion V: Good morning folk.
bagfullofbees: that's not south america Ian
Sorator13: "holy crap, no wonder I'm hungry" relatable
Timerquack subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Timerquack! (Today's storm count: 56)
Metric_Furlong: @bagfullofbees he's Canadian, everywhere else in America is south to him Kappa
RockPusher: HoW HungRy aRe yOU GraHAm!?
Blasteg: Adam sounds the same!
josh___something: look at how cute young adam is
RandomTrivia: Rip in pieces
HbombAndFriends: RIP lrrJAMES lrrADAM
RocknGrohlNerd: young Adam
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
Sorator13: why... why does Ian have a bell?
vinopinguino: They both look so different
HbombAndFriends: @sorator13 Late Night Dub Fight
Sorator13: ahhh
ExachixKitsune: Sorator13 : Real answer; Late Night Dub Fight. Fake Answer: he can summon one out of thin air like hammerspace
RockPusher: Sorator13 fun answer: because Ian, real answer: used for Late Night Dub Fight
Therberus: Ah yes north American vencie
RockPusher: hahahaha
RockPusher: ExachixKitsune sharkf11BRAINCELL
HbombAndFriends: The riverwalk is pretty cool.
Sorator13: :D
Carlioo41: listening in while at work and that gong got me lol
DEATHlikescats: 2017 wasn’t that long ago but I swear everyone looks so different now
Sorator13: @DEATHlikescats It was a fair while ago
HbombAndFriends: I went to PAX South in 2016. SA is a neat place.
Austere_Squire: 7 years will do that to ya
Ritaspirithntr: 7 years and a pandemic will do that to a person.
Therberus: @deathlikescats 7 years is a LONG time tbh
Blasteg: the upside becomes downside when you need to walk all the way back after the con
Austere_Squire: oh my god, did the switch not exist in 2017
JDMan94: Came out March 2017
Ritaspirithntr: ^
DEATHlikescats: @sorator13 isn’t it a thing that by the end of 7 years we have replaced all of our bodies cells?
RockPusher: mattlrBalls
Mechsican: I bought my switch... at my job... at Toys R uS
Mechsican: my soul
Sorator13: @Mechsican oh dear
Saltzmanx: AnotherRecord AnotherRecord
HbombAndFriends: Yeah. It came out shortly before PAX East, so this was the only PAX where Switch was shown off pre-launch
DEATHlikescats: truly 7 years IS longer ago than my time addled brain was thinking
Sorator13: @DEATHlikescats I feel like that's probably a myth, but I don't know enough about it to be sure
Harukurochan: Oh wow, pre-release Switch footage!
IAmUthwe: i use my switch mostly to play spider solitaire in the 50 classic games game
jackhectic: WOOOO LRR
jackhectic: I miss those guys
jackhectic: whats going on now
MrPhlip: Like Ian, I am still desperately waiting for Rhythm Heaven Switch Edition
TeacherSeanTV: Still no Rhythm Heaven on Switch :(
Blasteg: intermission
DEATHlikescats: @sorator13 it’s succinct enough that it reads as myth
wench_tacular: famous youtuber!
RandomTrivia: @jackhectic We're watching old videos in the overnight portion of this subathon
RubikDarkwill: Irresponsible Beers!
RandomTrivia: Phlip can you help pls
RockPusher: tiltyhCheers tiltyhEXTREME
Blasteg: @jackhectic sleep break between live segments
Austere_Squire: hahahah, i hadn't realized james had a youtube alike
jackhectic: nice, nice. do they do livestreams now on this site???
HbombAndFriends: That’s a pretty good food court there
RandomTrivia: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
vinopinguino: Beer special!
jackhectic: I only just found them again now
Isaac Myers: I miss the both joysticks on top of the wiiu pro controller
RandomTrivia: Oh hey, that's not mod-only any more :D
Sorator13: @jackhectic They have for many years, yes! And they're doing them all week, aside from the nightly watch-alongs
RockPusher: tiltyhCheers joekimBeer
lesbianpunkpyromancer22: @jackhectic several streams a day
jackhectic: coooooool
Sorator13: One will begin in about an hour from now
ExachixKitsune: Yep jackhectic : they stream and do lots of stuff! you can see their streaming schedule at
jackhectic: glad i found em!
sirpythias: hey i also just got a job!
myknorman: I would think it's 50% off if i paid $12 for a beer now
Sorator13: welcome back @jackhectic !
jackhectic: yayyyyyy!!!!!!
forcedreject: 12 bucks....oh boy was 2017 a different time
MrPhlip: @jackhectic yep! They've been streaming for about 10 years now, it's a good time. They're doing a subathon right now, but there's also a bunch of regular weekly shows they do.
leggettor: big adam fan
Harukurochan: I hope the Switch successor has bigger controllers by default
DEATHlikescats: congratulations @sirpythias !
RandomTrivia: Also, and most importantly jackhectic
RandomTrivia: !fnquestion
RockPusher: Jason!!!!
RandomTrivia: Ja-SON!
Sorator13: Jason!
wench_tacular: welcome to Tautology club
MrPhlip: Budget ring light
Austere_Squire: blind the graham
vinopinguino: Meet me at "the bar"
Wolfstrike_NL: G's Lit af
bagfullofbees: is this that time they saw James Elsworth at margaritaville?
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
Austere_Squire: steroidal OJ vape
wench_tacular: ewwww
RandomTrivia: lrrFRUMP
TheWriterAleph: LUL
Harukurochan: The beacons have been lit!
Sorator13: Gross!
RandomTrivia: !quote 7000
LRRbot: Quote #7000: "Ian, never stop being Ian." —Kathleen [2020-06-17]
wench_tacular: chat did not like that
MrPhlip: it's where they store t-buck
RandomTrivia: That's where the West Country Doctor lives
Mangledpixel: Tracement
groulux: Tunnel?
NovaTiempo: Tunnel?
type_variable: subTerrainean
FarleyF: probably a good time to mention that most members stream from home as well
firenin90 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, firenin90! (Today's storm count: 57)
FarleyF: !home
leggettor: this is when they all sing glorius
Snowcookies: remember when NXT was ?
Sorator13: Mikey!
sirpythias: @DEATHlikescats Thanks! 4 months unemployed and finally landed one!
cog1to: somewhere around february 21, 2017, I guess
drawnbinary: oh hey vlambeer
virre_: 2017 was sure a ... different place on the time space continium
DEATHlikescats: @sirpythias holy!! nothing like finally having steady income again!
Dragoknight101 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dragoknight101! (Today's storm count: 58)
MrGibberish: Rami! great guy
leggettor: Consequences creed?
loufghyslaufey: @sirpythias Only four? Gosh I wish for that chance.
type_variable: is this the pax where they met the new day?
ThatOverkillGuy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
ThatOverkillGuy: <3 MUCH LOVE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThatOverkillGuy! (Today's storm count: 59)
drawnbinary: i miss the albert heijn stroopwafels. i got stroopwafel spread last time i went and it went hard on saltines
sirpythias: @DEATHlikescats Oh yeah, out-of-the-blue layoff and i've never dealt with unemployment so very thankful to find something. :)
Austere_Squire: cosplayers are amazing
leggettor: fallouts back again\
electra310: Good morning everybody!
RandomTrivia: The amount of work put into *weathering* armour to make it look realistic is incredible
Sorator13: Oh dear
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
princess_intell: Gondor calls for aid?
Furyfire: What. Videos? Not liveeee!? (I kid, good morning!)
Wolfstrike_NL: ~1 more hour of watchalong
Wolfstrike_NL: and good morning
Fancy_frenchman: welcome to an episode of car talk
Snowcookies: NXT!
TehAmelie: Americans, claiming they're better at something than the Canadians? sounds fake
vinopinguino: NXT!
leggettor: glorious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheWriterAleph: we're here??
Furyfire: I mean, we've been better at Hockey the last few years Kappa
RandomTrivia: He said the thing! FBtouchdown
Austere_Squire: oh, adam sounded so happy
FarleyF: I always love how excited Adam can get
Dragoknight101: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
vinopinguino: Shinsukes theme is such a banger
Furyfire: Back when Bobby and Shinsuke were still popular
loufghyslaufey: Daft One of Punks? Get out!
FarleyF: one of my favourite clips is when Adam and Ben reunite after the covid times. Adams just pure joy
red_shoes_jeff: Daft Singular Punk
ThatOverkillGuy: ah yes, the days before covid, it was a peaceful time
virre_: Even at that point, that thing Ian said can't have been true
Austere_Squire: @FarleyF oh, i might have to find that clip
Fancy_frenchman: I love the gang just being their dumb selves is such a joy
Fancy_frenchman: @farleyf I literally cried watching that the first time
DEATHlikescats: @fancy_frenchman just like hanging out with your friends and being goofs. these guys just have a great adventure together:)
Therberus: Sidewalk slam on a literral sidewalk
FarleyF: @austere_squire if it helps it's in the year review for 2023
wench_tacular: Ian always with the solutions
Austere_Squire: @FarleyF i will extremely be watching that later, thank ye :)
TehAmelie: i want energon cubes
Isaac Myers: thingan horner
TehAmelie: strictly better bachelor chow
Sorator13: lrrWOW
DEATHlikescats: good news everyone!
TheWooglie: weirdly I watched early transformers and they just filled energon cubes up with oil
JoanneG110 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
JoanneG110: What would cap time be
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JoanneG110! (Today's storm count: 60)
Furyfire subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Furyfire! (Today's storm count: 61)
Furyfire: Never subbed here before - Lets go!
Sorator13: @Furyfire welcome!!
TehAmelie: lrrHORN
DEATHlikescats: eyyyyy! welcome @furyfire to the subathon!
MrGibberish: woo! welcome!
Furyfire: \o/
soupgiraffe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, soupgiraffe! (Today's storm count: 62)
red_shoes_jeff: One of us! One of us! ONE OF US!
ExachixKitsune: Welcome Furyfire!
Christopher Peterson: Hello Cleveland!
Furyfire: I mean, I mostly lurk/watch/desert bus
Furyfire: But figured I might as well sub :P
Sorator13: shoutout to the stage tech folks; they're wonderful
ExachixKitsune: @JoanneG110 : It will end Saturday daytime, don't know exactly time but it's still a bunch of days
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to DEATHlikescats!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DEATHlikescats! (Today's storm count: 63)
annoyingcameraguy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
TehAmelie: let the ritual of welcoming begin! okay we don't actually have one
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, annoyingcameraguy! (Today's storm count: 64)
RandomTrivia: Smashed it
DEATHlikescats: eyyyyy! to the annon gifter, thanks for supporting a great channel/group of nerds
JoanneG110: Yeah so 144 hours or now like 132 would be capped time
vinopinguino: Aw skippy Adam
TehAmelie: remember the Alamodome
Furyfire: More wrasslin
Ritaspirithntr: skip-happy Adam is best Adam!!
tajessa: we're heeeeere!
Furyfire: lul
virre_: Oh auch
135matty: Young LLR oh god, James with no beard and just a young looking Adam is so odd to see
virre_: 2017 def where a different place
Furyfire: LUL
RockPusher: gabyLewd sergeMoly
Sorator13: 🙈
electra310: So many adventures, lol
Catcard: noooooooooo
DEATHlikescats: duckolding?
MrPhlip: instinctively went to ping duckace
Mangledpixel: something something subscribe OnlyQuacks
Simonark: That’s the kind of hero Ian is.
electra310: Ian taking six for the team
DEATHlikescats: Fowl-erers
Catcard: blessed Dayquil
Austere_Squire: adam so content
Luna: ian taking one for the team
Involume: Wow, being sick in public was way different in 2017
SK__Ren: Deeply mediocre muffin is a mood
Jillexie: Pax Pox
electra310: That
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
electra310: That is such a specific troll
Sorator13: LUL
Furyfire: LUL
Simonark: There is something about an airport that is horribly sobering.
HbombAndFriends: Stone Cold Steve Sober
type_variable: @Simonark nothing makes people contemplate mortality like a queue
itmightbemikey: Airports are the ultimate liminal space
Genie_M: Before people learned to mask at cons
Sorator13: Yep, I hate when that happens
NotSoLuckyLydia: Every time I've had to spend a night at an airport I've felt like I've aged three years.
protojman: how many times have you had to?
TheWriterAleph: walking moveside
Sorator13: @Genie_M Along with yelling/singing/etc. so much that you lose your voice and then doing it again the next day, yeah :(
bagfullofbees: the walkwalk]
ThatOverkillGuy: i know these are gvlogs, but why not call them GLOGS
NotSoLuckyLydia: Four times. I'm twelve years older than I'm supposed to be!
TehAmelie: a public space where no one wants to be, everyone's only on the way somewhere else. except the workers who probably don't especially want to be there either
protojman: feel that. I did it once and I didn't have to but uh, i think it was easier in a way
tyrew0rm: GIBB
Sorator13: Gibb!
public_key_reveal_party: lrrGibb
electra310: Hi Gibb!
NotSoLuckyLydia: turns out I'm lucky at getting tickets on way overbooked flights lol
red_shoes_jeff: lrrGibb
RandomTrivia: Gibb!
RandomTrivia: lrrGibb
DEATHlikescats: asuUUUUmed
Simonark: @tehamelie And even the food is all a cruel parody of better food you could get elsewhere
RandomTrivia: Wait, is this the pyjama party one?
luke_warme: Gibb!
Chronomagistrate: lrrGibb lrrGibb
Sorator13: @RandomTrivia No; that was a different thing
Furyfire: Breath of the Child LUL
DEATHlikescats: ha
Sorator13: though it's possible folks will be wearing some PJs here too
MrPhlip: Oh, so this is where "breadth of a child" came from
TheWriterAleph: gennaLUL
MrPhlip: I knew I got that from somewhere
ThatOverkillGuy: i love me some nipple clips
VectorZero: This cannot be 7 years old …
Sorator13: what was nipple clips referring to?
NotSoLuckyLydia: snipperclips I think?
kusinohki: Snipper clips?
JDMan94: Yes
Sorator13: Ahh
RandomTrivia: I really love the use of Gibb as an interviewer
DEATHlikescats: awww cute
virre_: Kids are strange
Dandelion V: 7 years, 4 months, 13 days.
RandomTrivia: I also love that these kids committed all the way
MrQBear: children can be delightful, and strange. they are many things
DahudLefthanded: These kids have a great stage presence
M4RKNUTT: What good sports
DahudLefthanded: Immediate and complete commitment to the bit
Mangledpixel: born performers
SageofShadowzF: This so cute
DEATHlikescats: love how game they were
RandomTrivia: That's a cool headpieece
Sorator13: Sometimes I forget how good a puppeteer Graham is; I genuinely forget that there's a person "piloting" Gibb
Blasteg: I wonder if these kids are watching LRR now
Luna: i feel old suddenly
Isaac Myers: ugh, time flies
RockPusher: Indeed, Graham is just low-key an excellent puppeteer
DahudLefthanded: @blasteg I kinda hope they never found out about LRR, and Gibb was just a Thing That Happened
Sorator13: I remember a crapshot where someone (I think Kathleen? in the sweater one?) else was piloting Gibb and G gave surprisingly insightful puppet advice, and did so very casually
Sorator13: but it kinda blew my mind
TehAmelie: the puppets do make up like 50% of the moonbase workforce by hours (or more since they're there around the clock)
Sorator13: *crapshoot
leggettor: NO!
virre_: There was a racing game?
the_phantom_game_player: I love Gibb
Genie_M: The other games nobody remembered
Hazel Oakley: What a bunch of nerds ❤
LeeshaJoy: I mean, I bought a Switch as a $300 Animal Crossing machine, so
DahudLefthanded: I feel sorry for the 1-2 Switch kid
Catcard: kid's got gumption
definenull: that kid is so brave
azninsect: they do exist
TheWooglie: I have never played a Zelda
TehAmelie: i only ever played Link to the Past a lot
Snowcookies: I've only played Zelda via totally legal means
Sorator13: I have briefly played a Zelda but it didn't really capture my interest
definenull: lmao
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Hazel Oakley: Where are those kids now?
Luna: still playing 1 2 switch to this day
RockPusher: \ StinkyCheese /
TheWriterAleph: LUL
virre_: Random dumpster diver
azninsect: incredible
RandomTrivia: I'm also never sure if any of these people are plants :D
protojman: i love how into it everyone is
HbombAndFriends: Yeah, the launch was slow. I’m not a 3D Zelda fan, so I got Bomberman & Puyo Puyo Tetris
Keaton__Mask: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
KingKool2099: Cheese out of a dumpster is a mood?
electra310: Someone give Gibb a hat!
TehAmelie: how could LRR have plants when everyone they know gets roped into videos
Sorator13: also I love that G is *exactly* the kind of person who would see a midnight video game console release and think "I should go there with a puppet and interview people"
azninsect: dedicated
Harukurochan: Gibb!
Luna: truly a sad day
Luna: but did they get one each in the end
Makoforte: When we did midnight launches out here, you had to preorder to even be AT a midnight launch (back in the Wiis)
Makoforte: Wii days
forcedreject: When everyone has the same back plan...
electra310: I do feel like we know everyone that LRR knows
Catcard: god bless
Sorator13: aww, good mom
bloodwzrd: they look like bro an sis
Luna: that mum and kid are wholesome as hell
Harukurochan: Cool mom right there
Hazel Oakley: Love them
baltimore_667083: oh hi gibb
definenull: narrator voice
Sorator13: oh no gibb is getting into the hard-hitting questions
TheWriterAleph: lol gottem
forcedreject: Gibb this isn't checkpoint
TXC2: Hello everybody
Luna: turns out we had to pay for base online and extra even more after
Luna: :)
Luna: sweet innocent person
MrPhlip: need to go hit up the cheese dumpster
TXC2: oh hey Gibb
virre_: Vertical chairs?
Sorator13: Not having a car has markedly *not* stopped a number of people from using the drive-thru, in my experience
fhorrigan: The Switch midnight launch was 7 years ago
Sorator13: rehoy txc2!
fhorrigan: turns to dust
TXC2: hello Sorator13
TehAmelie: i remember WoW's midnight release where the LGS would only serve preorders, but i just went there and bought it anyway. hooray for midnight walks
Harukurochan: Oh yeah, the Switch was pretty secretive when it launched, huh?
Isaac Myers: anti-puppet racism
Luna: pretty yh
Hazel Oakley: Apparently it took me 7 years and a pulled ham string to buy one
Luna: oh god pokemon gold, this man is making me feel ancient T-T
azninsect: "what do you do with the sides" is a query for the ages
virre_: The dumpster diver is an expereince
bakerydragon: oh cool I never saw this one
fhorrigan: I like that kid's hhodie
TehAmelie: imagine walking to a videogame store and buying a box of five CDs to play a markedly online-only game
fhorrigan: hoodie
Sorator13: @bakerydragon that's the best part of the watchalongs - finding LRR content you didn't know existed!
TXC2: I really like how unphased everyone is talking to Gibb
MaddestScientist: dumpster guy is my hero
ghyllnox: @fhorrigan Same I want one
Harukurochan: Granted, the Switch successor has also been light on details so far
Luna: true
Isaac Myers: is 7 years long for a console?
bakerydragon: @Sorator13 lrrSHINE
Simonark: I’m trying to remember the last time we did a midnight release. It’s not recent.
FoxBehindTheTree: good timezones all
bakerydragon: @FoxBehindTheTree G'zone
Sorator13: I don't think I ever did a midnight release
NotSoLuckyLydia: one two switch was honestly kinda cool. shame it wasn't a pack-in like wii sports
inconsideratehat: Heatherspotting
forcedreject: Nice shivering on the puppet work
Luna: nowadays it feels like it with companies constantly releasing new versions
VectorZero: Long for a console cycle? Maybe.
VectorZero: Same as ps3 to ps4
Blasteg: is this store still there?
SK__Ren: I've done a few... I even did the midnight release for FFXIII
fhorrigan: March in Victoria, what was it? 22 degrees?
TehAmelie: i wonder if the puppet is insulating
Simonark: I think GTA V? That sounds right.
TehAmelie: fur doesn't look very thick
Sorator13: oh wow, G got there earlyyy
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Sorator13: LUL
TXC2: man those Link shades
Therberus: Oh yeah the link hat
azninsect: SnowLUL
RocknGrohlNerd: FBtouchdown
Dandelion V: The Switch has been around longer than any other Nintendo console.
Blasteg: gibbs sounds so awake now
TehAmelie: is it a hat or a pair of novelty sunglasses?
azninsect: yes gibb thats how that works
Sorator13: @TehAmelie por que no los dos?
ghyllnox: @TehAmelie Yup!
RandomTrivia: I didn't realise this is where the Link hat came from
virre_: Link crossed with a traffic cop is a good description
Simonark: Gibb should bring this look back
jessicatheblack: karafrHeart willoHeart
RocknGrohlNerd: thanks brussels
VectorZero: And it’s still great.
TehAmelie: it's funny cause the eyes don't close
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
Therberus: Barry!
TheWriterAleph: LUL
Sorator13: LUL
kimmiekoneko: thanks barry
definenull: oh no
bagfullofbees: that was abrupt
Isaac Myers: he keeps removing and regrowing his beard
RockPusher: It. Continues.
BigDaddyBland87: BEEJ DROP!!!!!
RandomTrivia: lrrBEEEJ
TXC2: so who else thought the twist was gonna be Paul has the full beard back again? :p
FarleyF: Paul can grow a beard like magic
Catcard: HUH?
bagfullofbees: @TXC2 me
drawnbinary: yeah i was expecting the beard
TXC2: so much Gibb today
virre_: I might have...
protojman: i thought Paul was going to keep going :D
RockPusher: lrrGibb
HaltBen2514: I am so jealous of Paul’s beard growing capabilities
Genie_M: Lots of Gibb tonight
TheWooglie: All Gib, all night
DahudLefthanded: God help me I miss jack
NapalmSideburns: @TXC2 Blessed are we
pn55: Vertical?! The horror!
TXC2: NapalmSideburns indeed
RocknGrohlNerd: oh noo vertical Gibb
Luna: yessss this skit
Isaac Myers: he did it like 4 times?
Ponyshment: beejdrop always hits hard
FarleyF: lrrPistachio
azninsect: lrrGibb
RandomTrivia: Long Gibb
Hazel Oakley: I hate verticle, personally
protojman: hahaha the monolith
azninsect: they found other ones. we still dont know what it means (we know what it means)
RocknGrohlNerd: obelisk, obelisk,obelisk
Sorator13: okay but actually do we know what it means?
TehAmelie: i forgot what it meant, only that it was underwhelming
Sorator13: was it just a marketing thing that they abandoned, or...?
TXC2: metaphysically can we know anything ?
RockPusher: fetch me my gravy straw!
Luna: its not ideal
micalovits: Ewww
WillTheThrill_TV: KEKW
bagfullofbees: thungry
haberley: savoury capri sun
Sorator13: low-key my favorite part about these is horribly mispronouncing the names
inconsideratehat: So how does the subathon work? This seems like a good reason to re-subscribe.
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TehAmelie: i like haunted house sports movies
bagfullofbees: Okay I need bed now, goodnight chat
Sorator13: gn @bagfullofbees !
TXC2: so long bagfullofbees sleep well
RocknGrohlNerd: @bagfullofbees good night
haberley: night night!
baltimore_667083: gn!
haberley: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 5:39 AM
TXC2: no Boutross bortross gali ?
Harukurochan: Cutie Honey 🤣
TehAmelie: The Haunting of Talladega Manor, that's a good one
aquinas_0 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aquinas_0! (Today's storm count: 65)
azninsect: yaaass\
Tielok: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
virre_: Oh so Dallas writing
TehAmelie: the "documentary" Death to 2020 was a pretty good finale
TacitusVigil: "dream"
red_shoes_jeff: Fingers STILL crossed.
Therberus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Therberus! (Today's storm count: 66)
Isaac Myers: qwerp
DahudLefthanded: oh SHUCKS I never watched the s3 finale
James_the_Dabbler: This season of Qwerpline was so good
Mangledpixel: it's time to get Mayoraaaaaaal!
DEATHlikescats: Gibb brings me joy
DahudLefthanded: I need to go do that
haberley: @DahudLefthanded you'll see it in a couple of days is my guess :P
Luna: i'm so confusled
IceBot: My beloved
Dandelion V: this... will be my first qwerpline. i have entirely missed this skit.
DEATHlikescats: this season introduced so many cool facets of the city and was cathartic for anyone with big guilotine feels
TXC2: padded rink makes me think the Ice is somehow also padded
inconsideratehat: It's weird, I seem to have bits to contribute but can't figure out how to contribute them without redeeming for effects that don't count toward the subathon.
TXC2: DEATHlikescats right?
IceBot: Welcome to the best thing lrr makes
Luna: @Dandelion V sameee
DEATHlikescats: @txc2 padded ice? bouncy ice!!
Sorator13: @inconsideratehat You can type "Cheer" and then a number (no space), I believe
inconsideratehat: thanks!
DEATHlikescats: @txc2 the raccoon lore ALONE
TXC2: Derek really got smarter this year I feel
Blasteg: wait as in, horse race?
DEATHlikescats: !cheer 5
MaddestScientist: classic ethan
Sorator13: or press the Cheer button on the right side of the text input pane, just left of the emote menu, and click the number amounts that you want
DEATHlikescats: !cheer5
Sorator13: @DEATHlikescats no exclamation
TXC2: cheers have to be 50 bits or more
RockPusher: Alrighty, sleep time for me - have fun and practise happy, responsible, generosity going into the live programming lrrSHINE
Sorator13: @RockPusher have a good sleep!
TXC2: so long RockPusher sleep well
haberley: night rockpusher :)
DEATHlikescats: Dangit! thanks @sorator13 !
Luna: yum yum
Luna: raccoons my beloved
DEATHlikescats: yup! that works!
fragilepaper: @txc2 thank you for modding the night shift! lrrSHINE
haberley: i love how none of the roads match up, nsburg is a liminal space
TacitusVigil: I hate to say it, but wasn't crazy about this Qwerp. :(
Desruprot: sure
TXC2: fragilepaper I've only been here a while, but thank you
DEATHlikescats: night @rockpusher !
Sorator13: Oh dear
RocknGrohlNerd: gotta love Derek
Desruprot: reminds me of Albuquerque, but that was weasels
DEATHlikescats: @tacitusvigil too close to real politics
baltimore_667083: and didnt the weasels only have to turn left?
LidofLoathing: ah, yes, papa panopticon
darkora: big papa panopticon
Mangledpixel: Race umpire. Rumpire.
RandomTrivia: The most detached in general
TXC2: Vs the Daddy Decepticon
DEATHlikescats blanches in Magnus Archives at mention of panopticon
Chronomagistrate: @DEATHlikescats Wow, a wild TMA mention :)
petey_vonwho: This is my first episode of QWERPLINE and I've been missing out lol
PipPosit subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PipPosit! (Today's storm count: 67)
azninsect: have a great watchalong everyone o7 sleep calls
TXC2: so long azninsect sleep well
TehAmelie: Yukon gold is a potato? this changes the gold rush narrative
piggyback101: Anyone know what time James' Morning show is?
haberley: 6am i think
baltimore_667083: yeah it's at the hour
TXC2: in ten mins :p
piggyback101: Awesome! just in time
DEATHlikescats: @chronomagistrate eyyyy! The fan base I’m guessing has some overlap with QWRP fans, by way of Welcome to Nightvale being the middle child
shabe_x_roc: Huh tune out at s03e02 and come back to this.
Sorator13: I wonder how the prehistoric giganticoon would do at this
ninjadino98 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ninjadino98! (Today's storm count: 68)
haberley: @Sorator13 he would DEFINITELY fill the uniform
TXC2: I feel like Derick got better at his job this season because of his fear for Beatrice
Chronomagistrate: @DEATHlikescats Yeah, I remember WTNV being a cited a lot by the fans (Disclosure: I used to be RQ's Comms guy; I had a cameo in TMA)
DEATHlikescats: “getoffmeyoushufflecat!” is a helluva quote haha
L0rdX33n: Thurpston was such a good villain
Jasmine Moore: “King edwards”
IceBot: Yeah lol
L0rdX33n: Is there such a thing as a punchable voice?
DEATHlikescats: @chronomagistrate haha! that’s so cool
Marc A.: Alex doing the nice rolling on the "r" 's there
pleonasticTautology: "i HATE to interrupt— wait, that's not true"
IceBot: I’m blasting outlasting
DEATHlikescats: @l0rdx33n unrepentant in the most satisfying heel way
LoadingReadyRun: I will be taking the stream offline for just a second when the watch a long is done in 9 minutes.
TehAmelie: alrighty
Furyfire: Ooo pre-emptive panic
Charlymandias: How dare!?
Furyfire: :D
DEATHlikescats: thanks for the heads up!
AriaHibiki subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AriaHibiki! (Today's storm count: 69)
TXC2: good to know LRR
Furyfire: NICE
pleonasticTautology: @LRRbot nice
TXC2: Day 2 NICE
Chronomagistrate: Was a ever a reason given for switching Thurpston's VA from Beej to Alex?
DEATHlikescats: nice
warpstonewarlock: @Chronomagistrate He was always played by Alex
TehAmelie: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 17:41:10.
DEATHlikescats: stormcount ratewoNderNice
r10pez10: Chronomagistrate beej is 19
TXC2: "my lowest score ever: seven thumbs up"
ThatWhichNeverWas: Fun fact: Nsberg Raccoons have 8 thumbs!
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderHahahah
IceBot: Note the town hall is the bar and the townhall is the legislative building
warpstonewarlock: They just changed Dick's voice from "very deep" to "old villain"
pleonasticTautology: finnish. line.
pleonasticTautology: g-d
TXC2: oh carp
pleonasticTautology: i JUST got it
TXC2: I heard Carte :p
Chronomagistrate: @warpstonewarlock Ah, okay, that's why I was confused.
LoadingReadyRun: Just a heads up that the stream might go offline for just a moment after the watch a long in 6 minutes.
DEATHlikescats: @pleonastictautology the layers of puns in the show I swear!
Earthenone: 8 thumbs? were the girl scouts casualties realy that high?
ganiwo: Hi! Bloomburrow Pre-Prerelease - when? This weekend?
Earthenone: !ppr
TXC2: ganiwo on sunday
TXC2: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
adi_pie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
adi_pie: Hello, Chat. I'm melting.
ganiwo: thanks a lot!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, adi_pie! (Today's storm count: 70)
Catcard: hi adi!!!!
Earthenone: hi melting!
TXC2: hello adi_pie
fragilepaper: @adi_pie oh god, hopefully you can cool off soon
DEATHlikescats: @adi_pie may you have ready access to good air conditioning or barring that, a day at a water park
TopHatPeezy: mmmm sugary slurry
commentarywife: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 6:00 AM
haberley: OMG seriously
commentarywife: ooh they back soon?
MechaKuuga: Great product
Snowcookies: Time for morning show?
LoadingReadyRun: This is the last video
TXC2: wow Ian hair
MrPhlip: Well, chat, I leave you in the capable hands of the morning crew, and leave for bed.
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
adi_pie: fragilepaper well, we're expecting/hoping for storms after Friday, but until then 38-40C/100-104F days. adipieRIP
TXC2: so long MrPhlip sleep well
TacitusVigil: Why. Am I. HERE?
IceBot: Good bye qwerpline
Veronica van Voorst: Hey friends!
Sorator13: I love the noise it makes
TehAmelie: wow, the Phantasm reference
definenull: LUL
DEATHlikescats: oh no Phantasm 2 reference!
RandomTrivia: Molly! lrrHEART
pleonasticTautology: "i also have a punchline!"
TXC2: do not vote now on your phones
PhoenixMelior: Adam's, for sure.
RandomTrivia: "Who orders a hit off Amazon?!"
BlackIsis: Too late.
ATrophonian: LUL
Irsaan: Yay it's a new day!
HaltBen2514: I voted
ProcyonFlynn: !vote 6
LoadingReadyRun: ok. offline for just a second
TacitusVigil: @TXC2 Too late.
shabe_x_roc: Buh bye
red_shoes_jeff: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
PMAvers: And so they voted so hard it released the magic smoke from the phones.
Nenluen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: sometimes I get blindsided by how long LIVE has been going on
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nenluen! (Today's storm count: 71)
Simonark: I didn’t even vote THEN on my phone
TehAmelie: already gathering power
Mangledpixel: RandomTrivia those who like free 2 day shipping
haberley: in a bit chat
pleonasticTautology: @TXC2 too late and somehow i'm the next american idol????
TheWooglie: @TXC2 I voted on my computer
Jillexie: kirsta1Raid kirsta1Raid kirsta1Raid kirsta1Raid
definenull: and we back?
l0gin4me: lrrFINE
RandomTrivia: lrrSIG Dawn of the Second Day
TXC2: pleonasticTautology they still make that show ?
definenull: lrrSIG
adambomb625: panicBasket
TheWooglie: lrrFINE
PsychoI3oy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
PsychoI3oy: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Irsaan: lrrFINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PsychoI3oy! (Today's storm count: 72)
Jillexie: Sub-A-Thon Part Deux
electra310: Whew, that was a scary seven seconds!
TeacherSeanTV: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood
pleonasticTautology: @TXC2 i dunno, i just watch kamen rider and super sentai
TXC2: pleonasticTautology fair enough
Genie_M: Hm, twitch still thinks I'm from Denmark
TheWooglie: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Mixolydian Blues: Love the unnecessarily loud outro
LoadingReadyRun: we still online?
Sevinon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 61 months!
Sevinon: I hear it's some sort of sub-a-thon?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sevinon! (Today's storm count: 73)
L0rdX33n: butts?
teddywhosabear: what a refreshing stream
seanmrwick: Morning everybody
medmora: lrrAWESOME
meaninglessMeg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
meaninglessMeg: lrrSHINE
Eramis8: It's uptime!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, meaninglessMeg! (Today's storm count: 74)
TriChronos: It begins...again!
maestrith subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months, currently on a 73 month streak!
maestrith: Glad I didn't use this already :)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, maestrith! (Today's storm count: 75)
teddywhosabear: oh no the storm count!
IbunWest: good morning friends
dpj2009: CrreamAwk
pleonasticTautology: also yes hi good morning everyone
seanmrwick: Yall ready for coffee chat?
TXC2: Here we GO!
haberley: hype!
BorealMage: hello!
pleonasticTautology: it is
TehAmelie: g'day
Didero: Hello!
baltimore_667083: hi adam!
PhoenixMelior: MorninG Adam!
Brozard: lrrGibb lrrBartleby
Two_Hats subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
Two_Hats: Doot
josh___something: Hello adam!!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Two_Hats! (Today's storm count: 76)
definenull: adam!
TXC2: Hello Adam and James' voice
TheWooglie: We hear you!
seanmrwick: Morning Adam and James
pleonasticTautology: hi adam!
inconsideratehat: Oh hai
ramonaviking subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
definenull: gmorning!
haberley: Adam!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ramonaviking! (Today's storm count: 77)
NonUniqueGuy: I'm right on time
micalovits: Hello!
PhlibbertyGib subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
Charlymandias: Adam!
ArrestedHouse: lrrBartleby
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PhlibbertyGib! (Today's storm count: 78)
Furyfire: Moooooorning
weekendjedi42: We good
TriChronos: Hey! It's Adam!
Two_Hats: Morning
l0gin4me: hello
IbunWest: welcome to Jank in the Morning
AriaHibiki: hi adam and james!
dpj2009: Adam's life stories
itmightbemikey: It's not working, everything is on fire, run, RUN,. RUN!!!!
Two_Hats: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Chronomagistrate: James and Adam in the Morning!
ArcticAtlantic: hello! sergeHi
Charlymandias: James!
Elbasunu: i think so
Woodthorn: Looks online to me
Woodthorn: It has the subathon title card
Aidan Cox: you appear to be?
Aidan Cox: ye
Merc1987: here yes, twitch maybe?
Veronica van Voorst: Hey! I see you Adam and hear James!
ShaneLeeAtk: We're here?
TriChronos: And James!
jolly6100: hei adam and james
the_phantom_game_player: It's good
Brozard: You’re looking cute, Adam
JinaMahavira: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
forcedreject: Is this what fighting game players call Adam on Wake up?
pleonasticTautology: oh that's a nice coffee brewer
darkcyril subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
darkcyril: Coffee time!
Underachiever28: ready
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, darkcyril! (Today's storm count: 79)
seanmrwick: Got some coffee myself
TehAmelie: James and Adam in the moooorning
fonkoncle: its the rund
Furyfire: Planning is overrated
themercenary1987 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 10 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, themercenary1987! (Today's storm count: 80)
krorkle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
inconsideratehat: Hell yeah, content
pn55: Hello James and Adam! lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, krorkle! (Today's storm count: 81)
Sibwow: hes got coffee, and friend
Didero: We're about 6 minutes off from James just punching a chunk
BlindProphet32: Morning James and Adam
Simonark: Step 2: Vamp a LOT
MrPhlip: !addquote (James) [now] This morning, my friend is Adam.
LRRbot: New quote #9047: "This morning, my friend is Adam." —James [2024-07-16]
FriendlyNeighborhoodGM: So it's just an hour of Chilling and Chatting w/ Adam? Sweet.
definenull: don't worry, let's nope has prepared adam for this
MaddogM: coffee is the plan?
Redpandarama: Adam! ❤️‍🔥
dpj2009: Tall handsome bois
Didero: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 6:04 AM
seanmrwick: Welcome to fun with coffee
HaltBen2514: isn’t this just another let’s nope stream
forcedreject subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
forcedreject: Something something Wakeup Super
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, forcedreject! (Today's storm count: 82)
seinka: So does that mean Adam is only considered a friend one morning a week?
pleonasticTautology: i got jack in the box for breakfast
8thKingdom: Morning! <3
boglebog: This stream is minimally haunted
Elbasunu: eyyyyy
Carrion Crow: Okay, there we go. Good morning, James, Adam, everyone in chat.
James Carey: Wow. I tuned in just in time
Yellowmaster52: good morning
Resilient Spring: YouTube is here!
Elbasunu: < Obos_TAB but im on youtube today.
KingJimmeh: Good afternoon from the UK. Enjoy your coffee boys.
Mixolydian Blues: Good evening from Australia!
Veronica van Voorst: Good morning @8thKingdom
TXC2: the nugget sexdecathon ?
RagingSagu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
RagingSagu: Woo, morning James and Adam from Dublin!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RagingSagu! (Today's storm count: 83)
darkora subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, darkora! (Today's storm count: 84)
NonUniqueGuy: Breakfast nuggets
nevermore913: It was a choice
haberley: Adam, quick, mutiny!
ShaneLeeAtk: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
FarleyF: 20 years of friendship boiled down to a single morning
RandomTrivia: Aww, for one second I thought we were getting DJ TurnLRR already
ArcticAtlantic: lrrWOW
TXC2: ProZD did every food from Olive Garden, how hard could it bee?
JinaMahavira: Graham got the middle of the burrito, because he had cancer
Didero: Nope, no music
adi_pie: Nay
nevermore913: No
Iam_Dead: No
BorealMage: Nope
Darleysam: ah, I'm here in time for A Very James and Adam Morning, excellent
PhoenixMelior: No
the_phantom_game_player: Not yet
PsychoI3oy: negative music
Narcuru: not yet
dpj2009: No
Charlymandias: nope
seanmrwick: What was the bad part about doing the McDonald's breakfast
NonUniqueGuy: No
l0gin4me: nope
generatrix: no music
seanmrwick: Nope
niccus: time to pitch "nuggets of wisdom"
red_shoes_jeff: No
MaddogM: Chair, and Adam!
DEATHlikescats: no
Metric_Furlong: no
itmightbemikey: I hear the music of the spheres, but no Big Giants Circles
Simonark: @seinka If dragged in at 6AM for this twice, they might cease to be friends
Arazien: Are you playing 4'33?
dpj2009: synthe18Chatter
TheManaLeek: I can hear music in my heart
generatrix: yup
AriaHibiki: yes
adi_pie: There we go
QuixoticScrivener: there it is
l0gin4me: mattlrDogchamp
RandomTrivia: There it is
Didero: Music!
PhoenixMelior: Yes
haberley: there it is
BorealMage: There it is. Loud, though
Didero: Yeah, too loud
RandomTrivia: Louder than you
seanmrwick: Now I can hear it
Narcuru: little loud
DEATHlikescats: there it is
PhoenixMelior: Loud indeed
TXC2: too loud indeed
MrPhlip: Prob too loud
Veronica van Voorst: Good afternoon from the Netherlands!
Elbasunu: Is there any youtube chat integration or no?
Veronica van Voorst: No music.
Elbasunu: I hear naught
rabbitgta: SeemsGood SeemsGood
Charlymandias: Mawp
haberley: is that road quest?
zuuuuuuul: good morning <3
red_shoes_jeff: Hey
dpj2009: Lower by 2-4
quton: AlienDance
pn55: A bit loud yea
Brozard: Cut it in half
ghyllnox: Too loud yeah
l0gin4me: a bit loud
Redpandarama: so loud
DahudLefthanded: Not too loud it's a bop
altis39: Tid loud
Didero: Still a bit loud
ArrestedHouse: DinoDance
seanmrwick: Its a tad loud
inconsideratehat: A bit loud for chatting
asthanius: well you're in Canada
adi_pie: Only because they're cowards
public_key_reveal_party: This is better
ghyllnox: Still too loud
dpj2009: Good Morning Candia
AriaHibiki: iz okie we're in canada
TriChronos: If they did, maybe I'd watch it
ProcyonFlynn: maybe down another 10% -
RandomTrivia: They probably have a soundcheck *BEFORE* going live :D
asthanius: he's not dead
GhostValv: D:
raven131399 subscribed at Tier 1.
adi_pie: We can fix that
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, raven131399! (Today's storm count: 85)
Leebo140: Al is very much alive
Furyfire: He's alive
itsr67: howdy
Furyfire: And very thing
teddywhosabear: al roker's doing commercials
Narcuru: this is basically the same as GMA
adi_pie: That's what necromancy is for
Furyfire: thin
IbunWest: GMA has a whole tech crew to be fair
Didero: One touch quieter
pleonasticTautology: that's good
Narcuru: surely
seanmrwick: Perfect
ProcyonFlynn: Good for headphones
Simonark: Also, this is the least Road Quest image you’ve ever streamed
Didero: I wanna hear your voices
Irsaan: still too loud
pleonasticTautology: also i would prefer it if gma did this
ghyllnox: Better, you could still take it down a little
RocknGrohlNerd: meowdy everybody
TXC2: what about Kelly Rippa ?
Brozard: You could go quieter
darkcyril: Roker is a nice 69 years old.
TheOtherTrevor: what is worse? thinking someone alive is dead, or the reverse?
adi_pie: If he had passed, would that make him Al Croaker?
Hangedman: a bit quieter cause it'll get louder
TXC2: hello RocknGrohlNerd welcome
ghyllnox: It's not exactly background as is
Didero: The music is still a bit loud
DEATHlikescats: agreed
Kyle Ladd Stobener: Audio get!
Dayton Guo: The spin doctor?
Veronica van Voorst: There's some music.
Elbasunu: a tad too loud
James Carey: a little loud
Carrion Crow: There it is. Might want to turn it down a bit.
Mixolydian Blues: Good volume
ShadowPangolin: just got here for first time, good morning, wassup
BorealMage: It's still kinda loud, tbh
IbunWest: i got up at 5 today
pleonasticTautology: i got up at 5 cos my stomach was like "BREAKFAST. NOW."
ghyllnox: Actually yeah too loud
dpj2009: synthe18Laugh
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
seanmrwick: Too early? That's my normal wakeup time
mercano82: is there any pong to go with the coffee?
GrassVortex: extraLUL
darkcyril: @adi_pie if he lost his job he'd be Al Broker
MaddogM: Bedtime here in Aus
DEATHlikescats: morning therapy
micalovits: Wooo! Trauma dumping!
seanmrwick: Im usually up at 5 M cst with coffee
seinka: oooh early morning therapy session
Darleysam: chating PROUST! PROUST! PROUST!
Tplayne: Gooooood morning gamers
Darleysam: *chanting
NonUniqueGuy: "Why are you like this, Adam?"
TXC2: hello Tplayne welcome
hyperialguard: VoHiYo
Eggmojii: I was 14 and did not care at all
QuixoticScrivener: @Darleysam But only the traumatic questions!
SnowBuddy18: I was like 1
the_phantom_game_player: <3
Obos_TAB: swapped back to twitch
KingJimmeh: race car? I had Crazy Frog PTSD from that noise.
L0rdX33n: hello
Obos_TAB: good morning
BigDaddyBland87: Well to Coffee (and Counseling) with James
PhoenixMelior: Make some coffee
adi_pie: 25 is basically a retiree.
Simonark: Linear time is a later shift’s job
TXC2: my "dad" walked out the week before my 13th birthday :p
LadyAiluros: good mewoning
Obos_TAB: Your parents are divorced, Adam. Are they single?
TheWooglie: when did you two meet?
HalcyonPrime9 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
pleonasticTautology: i was, like, 8? and it's A Whole Thing. definitely contributes to me/us being the way i am/we are (yay being plural)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HalcyonPrime9! (Today's storm count: 86)
Darleysam: @QuixoticScrivener Proust Roulette, every one-in-six is a softball
seanmrwick: I swapped from tap tap concede nicknames to coffee morning ever
RandomTrivia: It's because of Twitch Chat, clearly lrrBEEJ
bakerydragon: Yay back in time for James and Adam! Two lovely boys
Darleysam: it's how we deflect from the sadness!
adi_pie: If you meant tall, that's just how people are in Canada from my experience.
public_key_reveal_party: Somewhere a psychologist just looked up and had a revelation
PhoenixMelior: No dumping but uh, my parents were not great. :)
MaddogM: day 2 is a lie?
PipPosit: My parents divorced when I was like 30 and me and my sibling's response was "Took you long enough."
darkcyril: Dawn of the second day.
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
DEATHlikescats: lrrAWESOME PrideLGBTea ratewoNderChefsKiss
Simonark: My parents never divorced and have made it everyone else’s problem for the last forty years
bakerydragon: @PhoenixMelior huge empathy to you for that
Nigouki: that was some excellent knuckle cracks right into the mic, more please
Brozard: every sub you thon
the_phantom_game_player: nice
TehAmelie: my parents got married when i was 10 and there the troubles began
altis39: My parents divorced before I was born. I was a real wrecking ball.
electra310: Cheer800 I'll do my part but I won't do math
An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to tonlysheriff!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to tonlysheriff! (Today's storm count: 87)
benobi42: How's the weather in Victoria looking for the subathon? It's brutally hot this week in Edmonton
Sibwow: adam how many divorces are you planning on for yourself by the time youre 80?
Obos_TAB: uh oh i hear intor music
remjesser12: <message deleted>
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderBirdDance
NorthstarTex: Good morning everyone
NotSoLuckyLydia: my parents just recently "separated" and i still dont know what that means
Nathan Hawkins: good morning! :3
Sarah: !subathon
Sarah: (give it a moment)
Sarah: but be aware that memberships aren't able...yeah, what James said
Veronica van Voorst: Aww, thanks James!
RocknGrohlNerd: whadup youtubes
Veshnikard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Veshnikard! (Today's storm count: 88)
Mandillio: BangbooBounce BangbooBounce BangbooBounce
darkcyril is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to hulduloke!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to Calzac!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to quesog32!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to prairiedogstyle!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to glogirllaylani!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to JimmyTheGuz!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to hrodvinter!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cwelso!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to rougepenguinknight!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to taco_cohen!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, darkcyril! Welcome to hulduloke, Cwelso, prairiedogstyle, quesog32, JimmyTheGuz, glogirllaylani, Calzac, hrodvinter, rougepenguinknight, and taco_cohen! (Today's storm count: 98)
ArrestedHouse: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
mynameisfourteen: 18 months! That's almost one and a half years!
TXC2: darkcyril lrrHEART
DEATHlikescats: GoblinJam GoblinJam GoblinJam
TotalHell: Mornin'!
bakerydragon: Dang! Dark Cyril
seanmrwick: Its not bad right now in downtown Chicago where I'm currently at work
inconclusivecapybara subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, inconclusivecapybara! (Today's storm count: 99)
PhoenixMelior: Tea only sherrif
RandomTrivia: Cheer352 Let's Nice this
Sorator13: Tea mold?
leggettor: Did you mean for the stream to go offline James did you mean for the stream to go offline James
quesog32: @darkcyril Thanks for the gift sub!
cle0deen: Good morning from Des Moines
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderCrabWalk ratewoNderCrabWalk lrrCrab ratewoNderCrabWalk ratewoNderCrabWalk
haberley: worth it
Pinwiz11: Worth
darkcyril: @quesog32 You're so welcome!
SnowBuddy18: it's worth
NonUniqueGuy: Do it
hulduloke: math%
Iam_Dead: Worth
Sorator13: That's going to have an interesting effect on the local economy
PhoenixMelior: I think its worth
SnowBuddy18: it's like 2/3 of a percent
Angreed66: Worth
Veronica van Voorst: Appreciate you too
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and…
Mixolydian Blues: Aww thanks
Rose McInerney: Joined on youtube just in time to hear how loved and appreciated we are. Thank you James!
KilrenKrae: 420069!
Obos_TAB: Sporting Event Horizon
electra310: 420,069! Good job everybody!
NotSoLuckyLydia: im going to that sports game. money or spaghettification, either way, such glory
sag3error subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 97 months!
sag3error: Make Number Go Up!
Earthenone: sounds like a win win
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sag3error! (Today's storm count: 100)
Narcuru: 0.66%
thekumquatking: That's a win/win baybee
tajessa: worth, I'm either rich or I don't have to pay rent
NonUniqueGuy: Either way, it is good.
DEATHlikescats: bootie5Coins bootie5Coins bootie5Coins
definenull: so now you can finally afford a 1 room apartment
northos: win-win, right? :p
Sibwow: being in a black hole isnt my porblem
RevanentOne: it's 0.006666%
adi_pie: On the one hand, 5 million dollars. On the other hand, I don't have to pay taxes anymore. Either way, I'm doing better.
Sorator13: 5% richer?
Fancy_frenchman: Just as a fun topic to ask, but not to pry behind the curtains if something is in the works, where would you two personally like to do a RoadQuest? You have to plan the trip, it is your RoadQuest to subject people to
bloodstar: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Mangledpixel: if people are being sucked into a black hole, then everyone else is easily close enough to a black hole to be killed
public_key_reveal_party: I mean, I either get 5 million or don't need to to worry about money either way
itmightbemikey: You die forever because shit gets relativistic when you fall into a black hole
TehAmelie: in the worst case, you get to explore the inside of a black hole. i'll take those odds
qwertiest_mint: This is a perfect lunchtime break treat - Hi from Ireland 🇮🇪
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 551 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ed_Ryan!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to warpstonewarlock!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Corollax!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to FrostyKaze!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to solosunto!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to ObstreperousOctopus!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hoplon42!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Doc_Rider!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Crazyeyes3076!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to JeromeFromNH!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to FrostyKaze, warpstonewarlock, Corollax, solosunto, ObstreperousOctopus, Hoplon42, Doc_Rider, JeromeFromNH, Ed_Ryan, and Crazyeyes3076! (Today's storm count: 110)
haberley: yeah, time will get weeeeird in a black hole
itmightbemikey: dying forever
NonUniqueGuy: It would be nice if those jokes got old because they no longer apply.
ender4449: 420069
StressHead95: Goooooooooood morning
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: They meant that you spend forever dying, but it doesn't seem like it to you
itmightbemikey: without actually getting there
Fanklok: Adam knows TQ
Invitare: maybe they mean that due to time dilation it takes forever to die
definenull: lrrAWW
RandomTrivia: Your perception of time becomes relativistic along with spacetime
TXC2: TQ is a druid not a necromancer
Nigouki: You haven't spent a roadtrip with Paul?
DanTheMediocre: dying forever as in you might experience your death infinitely slowly
tyrew0rm: Bontan is the necromancer
haberley: also, because light can't escape the black hole,everyone would see you start to get sucked in then just... fade away...
Arazien: Please do not revive me from infinite density without practicing first
Rourke9: what if other people don’t show up? your chances get worse
DEATHlikescats: of all of LRR, who’s the Necromancer/villain?
jchinnock: good morning!
Iam_Dead: We gotta get Adam and Paul on roadquest 2
darkcyril: @TXC2 So Reincarnate instead of Raise Dead
DentedPockets: James is tsundere
Sibwow: hes a curmudgeon
ThorSokar: "No, james is just like that"
DanTheMediocre: but who knows, not like anyone can relate how it's like to get sucked into a black hole
seanmrwick: I have yet to meet some of you lrr folks
tajessa: which would win: a black hole or my ADHD time blindness
canahedo: How could anyone dislike Adam?
TehAmelie: maybe me and the other 499 spaghettificationing people will form a wonderful timeless community
ThorSokar: can confirm James is the quiet one
Fanklok: If you don't talk a lot why are you hosting a Talk Show
Jennie_Fuchsia: “no, you don’t get to have imposter syndrome about your friends” - a coworker I hang out with sometimes who might hate me
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
seanmrwick: I bet Morgan talked more than bill
TeaBread_: How is Morgan? I miss him on videos
pleonasticTautology: :(
Chronomagistrate: lrrWOW
adi_pie: Wow
NovaTiempo: boo
definenull: ADAM
GrassVortex: wow
Sibwow: snorted
micalovits: Wow
Narcuru: lrrWOW
BigDaddyBland87: WOW
Obos_TAB: I've been watching the Bear and it's ike they sampled my friend group, cring eand all
TPRJones: jesus
PhoenixMelior: Yeah i think bill is kinda quiet now
Mangledpixel: woooooow
ForOhForError: jeeeeeeez
ThorSokar: W OOOOOO W
forcedreject: ADAM
Q_sic: ouch
tajessa: lrrWOW
Earthenone: solid
Sorator13: I remember Ashley talking about you hearing *everything* and knowing she can't talk about presents for you even if you're on the other- omg
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
fragilepaper: wooow
pn55: jlrrFacepalm
maestrith: too soon!
public_key_reveal_party: Wooooow
Mark_D_Stroyer: It’s my man Adam!
itmightbemikey: Yeah I have severe anxiety problems so I just kinda... let other people do the talking while i just sit there and listen and vibe.
ATrophonian: lrrWOW
inconsideratehat: WOW, but also Bill would have liked that
DEATHlikescats: @tajessa fall into the black hole by accidentally walking into it and forgetting why you went
TXC2: Bill would laugh at that joke
NorthstarTex: wow, but I can see bill laughing at it
micalovits: It was good, but also... WOW
Sorator13: You absolutely are
Herbert_Erpaderp: Bill would make that joke about you
ForOhForError: well done but WOW
MaddogM: Fellow not getting a word in people
RandomTrivia: Bill would 100% have laughed at that
TPRJones: oh for sure, but it's our right to be scandalized. :P
KV1NN4: RIP Bill <XD
ThorSokar: Bill would have 1000% laughed
Hangedman: i used to talk nonstop but i had a friend who talked even more, so it helped me chill out
seanmrwick: Bill would have jokes about twitch chat
BigDaddyBland87: Bill finding it funny is your only pass
StarShock2002: Cheer100
flyingstaplers: WOW
Bryan Roth: good morning!
solidazoriginal: Adam!
cle0deen: No longer a fish
caimheul: Should have asked serge for coffee recommendations :-P
Obos_TAB: removed the flavor
Nigouki: But descaling removes the flavor D:
public_key_reveal_party: Cleaning the coffee maker? Is that legal?
MrPhlip: Who was cooking fish in the coffee maker
northos: as opposed to...?
Sorator13: technically yours?
NonUniqueGuy: It no longer has any scales in it
brieandbacon: Oh man, two great guys on my twitch!!!
Iam_Dead: Why'd you put scales in it in the first place?
Tplayne: that is my dream. to get roasted at my funeral
red_shoes_jeff: Cheer100
MaddogM: Does cleaning it reduce the flavour?
Pteraspidomorphi: Gah I'm late for the most important slot of the subathon
JinaMahavira: but what about the piss mug?
KV1NN4: no coffee for me until milk appears 8n8
TheAinMAP: Talk
seanmrwick: So Adam what was your first lrr appearance?
Arazien: If you'd stop climbing the coffee maker, you wouldn't have to descale it
haberley: seen any good movies recently?
hyperialguard: Chug chug chug
Sorator13: @MaddogM Not as long as you rinse the cleaner out before you make the next batch of coffee >.>
itmightbemikey: Talk about the current events, like... you know, let's not talk about current events.
Angreed66: They wildly speculate and shill products
nitrosarcastro: what's the weather today and how was traffic?
Nigouki: oh god, now you're making me realize that it's been literally 15 years since I've tuned into morning television willingly
TheWooglie: Statler and Waldorf
Iam_Dead: Adam, are you excited for the new street fighter characters
Nebula662: Cheer210 Good Morning folks
KingKool2099: I'm watching USCSB videos this morning, how about you?
TheManaLeek: Temp. The was his middle name
SpleenLord: Tell us about your Elden Ring experience
FrostyKaze: @red_shoes_jeff thanks for thr gift sub!
DEATHlikescats: yall be Wendy Williams and just riff off rumors and topics
bsudo: adam and james are the george and rick of lrr
Simonark: They talk about weather and banter about the news. You are both better than that. Even James.
RandomTrivia: The important distinction between a morning hangout and a morning talk show
ArtemisHuntress: good morning, friends!
seinka: You two have been friends for a long time but how did you guys meet?
cle0deen: Your supposed to ask Adam about his new movie coming out and for him to set up a clip
Furyfire: LUL
miniMacGuru: You have to try and sell the new book(s) you wrote. True morning show energy.
GhostValv: maybe talk about other segments of the sub-a-thon today?
red_shoes_jeff: @FrostyKaze benginFingers
qwertiest_mint: How was your trip to Europe? 💙💛
TXC2: hello ArtemisHuntress welcome
Viewers_Like_You: Merry timezone, coffee and/or chunk crew
BorealMage: How much does James know about the game at all?
jarnatan: How come nobody's wearing a cap?
TehAmelie: if you had just written a book, what could you tell us about it?
brieandbacon: sergeHeart sergeHeart jlrrPunch
rabbitgta: Topic, opinions on grilled cheese with butter or mayo to crisp the bread?
maestrith: Favorite media so far this year?
TXC2: hello Viewers_Like_You welcome
Nebula662 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
Nebula662: Dang 16 months extra good morning folks
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nebula662! (Today's storm count: 111)
NorthstarTex: Dear Dr. Adam, why does my boyfriend insist that whips are great in Elden Ring?
Harvest25: Can Adam tell us how to get good at Magic
TotalHell: DLC's great!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I can't believe they just made Elden Ring 2 and called it an expansion
woggle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, woggle! (Today's storm count: 112)
public_key_reveal_party: Has James played a fromsoft game before?
ArtemisHuntress: Dear Drs LRR: What flavor of honey is best?
KingKool2099: It ISN'T?
TheWooglie: you watch Adam's streams? that's cute
Arazien: Unpopular? My circle's doing nothing but singing its praises
Robot_Bones: no adam you're right. its the internet who is wrong
Sevinon: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa Exactly, and that's all I could have asked for
MaddogM: I have never played Elden ring
unicornery is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
unicornery gifted a Tier 1 sub to DentedPockets!
unicornery gifted a Tier 1 sub to GothicMess!
unicornery gifted a Tier 1 sub to space_jonny!
unicornery gifted a Tier 1 sub to The_Nat_Ones_!
unicornery gifted a Tier 1 sub to powerpow09!
taco_cohen: My only Issue with the DLC is that the map could have been less confusing
leggettor: I just beat godrick and I'm still going to buy the dlc when I beat it
definenull: you can't say that on camerae
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, unicornery! Welcome to GothicMess, DentedPockets, The_Nat_Ones_, powerpow09, and space_jonny! (Today's storm count: 117)
doctor_spacheman: Damn Adam looking fit
Sorator13: @rabbitgta Microwaving the sandwich to melt the cheese before you put it in the pan to "grill" is secret tech that is upsettingly effective
ShaneLeeAtk: !quote R1
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
TXC2: unicornery lrrHEART
seanmrwick: Have you played any kind of dark souls or elden ring d&d campaign?
RandomTrivia: The fundamental FromSoft gameplay loop
Tplayne: Is james a claw gamer?
Talin06: Co-op or coaching?
DanTheMediocre: would you be up for a wizarding build?
mercano82: You’re forgetting the “die horribly” part.
qwertiest_mint: as a fantasy book enjoyer, Adam, do you have any thoughts on DUNE? 🏜️
public_key_reveal_party: The bubble horn is the dumbest weapon I absolutely love
HaltBen2514: @artemishuntress it’s just objectively Manuka honey
DanTheMediocre: or just general big sword spank & dodge
niccus: difficult friends. friends you have to parry
Obos_TAB: @qwertiest_mint Arrakis? The Desert Planet?!
Robot_Bones: can't believe there's no whip buff
Obos_TAB: Spice? AT WORK?