roefizzlebeef: "who is Commander Night" is such a good joke lol
northos: honestly bridge stream when
definenull: ^
Noy2222: When is Bridge stream?
IaCthulhuFthagn: ^
incslayer: ^
definenull: would unironically watch a bridge stream
todeswillen: was this bevor or after the Raffica Quiss
warpstonewarlock: I tried to learn Bridge once. Never again.
Earthenone: i assume when wheeler finishes playing every pokemon game on ityc :P
kynelwynn: Only if Wheeler's playing
Orxolon: if no one remembers Magic invented yourself and get rich XD
Sevinon: @warpstonewarlock The trick is to have everyone in grad school just start playing at the same time.
PMAvers: I like this universe.
rasterscan: Magic; The Gathering
Kaerose: hey i remember this one
DiscordianTokkan: Magic The Gathering - Wheeler Voice
NekomimiNinja: p i c k u p y o u r t o k e n s
TehAmelie: my school had one guy who played MtG. he was "the weird guy", too. often confused with me
Noy2222: Pick up your tokens Ben
azninsect: pick up your tokens ben
incslayer: booh have to mute and actually work
tyrew0rm: Pick up your tokens Ben
ELD_Winterlight: BALD NELSON?
TXC2: in the laughter of children?
bv310: Correct answer from Nelson there
definenull: sounds about right
TXC2: correct response really
Molladia: Who's the forth player?
Orxolon: i hope we have more The exile zone next season
definenull: G probably
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
Earthenone: presumably G. but he is nariting between turns
definenull: he got up to do that monologue
Lord_Hosk: The fourth player is us
PMAvers: "Have you heard of... Balatro?"
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @molladia clearly Graham.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: See
TehAmelie: snort
TXC2: see there you go
Earthenone: woah they 3d printed balatro cards for this bit?!
Earthenone: :P
TheWooglie: ah part 2
ArcticAtlantic: knowing that was coming made those messages very amusing xD
definenull: ah! the sequel to beej i mean beige
mizzytastic: don't worry, the stinger has you covered
marmalade_pen: part 2!
Astramentha: BibleThump
cmdrud87: that was random
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Who was the mime???
ProcyonFlynn: !quote Mime
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
bv310: Extremely sad slow mime
definenull: huh who was that
BorgarWithAShotgun: Ian with HAIR
kimmiekoneko: mimes *shakes fist*
the_phantom_game_player: Poor mime
northos: !findquote mime
LRRbot: Quote #7719: "A Mime is like a Clown right?" —Wheeler [2021-08-10]
Dumori: I do not recall that opening
TehAmelie: i hope they're just credited as "a mime"
Earthenone: !quote mime shouldent work they rarely speak :P
TXC2: wow delta was only 7 years ago ?
TXC2: or, WOW Delta was SEVEN years ago?
TacitusVigil: But James, a mime is a terrible thing to waste!
Serpens77: Vantabeige
thedepthandbreadthofseth: The second, @txc2
cmdrud87: @TXC2 yes, they would be out about 6 months later
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah when I visited LRR for the first time in 2017 they were in this Moonbase and were working on finding a new place
Astrovore: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: What moonbase are we on?
marmalade_pen: brown light!!
ExachixKitsune: Moonbase the next one (5) was a 5 year thing I think which also helps scope timine
ItsThugDimmadome: 6
L0rdX33n: Brown light doesn’t exist
TXC2: thedepthandbreadthofseth six, moon base 3 in Japan
definenull: LUL
L0rdX33n: it’s just dirty orange
definenull: i vaguely got that reference
Abavus: @L0rdX33n Not with that attitude
MrPhlip: good ol' tech connections
HubbeKing: I forget the Necrobrownicon
ItsThugDimmadome: @L0rdX33n Hey! I danced under that name in college.
BorgarWithAShotgun: I just realised they are all wearing beige....
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Six... Huh. And three was when?
RandomTrivia: Sweet, I made it back for the sequel!
Earthenone: i assume brown light is the brown note on a diferent wave spectrum
TXC2: thedepthandbreadthofseth between 2010 and 2016
TehAmelie: i think of brown light as a worse version of "It"s deadlight
DiscordianTokkan: Ah, Delta.
TacitusVigil: What about the tacos?!
cmdrud87: when did they move to mk 6 again? like a year ago?
definenull: that had to give a brainfreeze
TheAinMAP: jlrrIcream
TehAmelie: they forgot about beige so hard they didn't even wear beige
TXC2: cmdrud87 last year yeah
Serpens77: @cmdrud87 just before Desert Bus last year I think?
DiscordianTokkan: A new Taupe!
RandomTrivia: Absolute smash hit pun
Bassios: "He's elected a new taupe!" kills me every time
TotalHell: That's a good joke
NotSoLuckyLydia: 12/10 joke
jarnatan: Some people are a one-man army. Paul is a one-man conclave
bagfullofbees: @Bassios I'm noticing that one for the first time
Earthenone: so this is what the taupe budget is for
TacitusVigil: Should have shouted holy smokes!
mrverbal: @Bassios it's such a perfect joke
cola_nq subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cola_nq! (Today's storm count: 56)
TXC2: it's like its moving
TacitusVigil: This was an episode of Stargate
TehAmelie: oh, he's invented Pax from Firefly
TacitusVigil: No joke
RandomTrivia: I do like the implication that Ian, by exposure, is more resistant to VantaBeige
jarnatan: I live in the belief that this entire storyarch was made to let them make the elected a new taupe joke. I am basing this belief on nothing other than that would be very funny
TXC2: TacitusVigil a shockingly late season 4 episode no less
Lord_Hosk: lrrFINE
thedepthandbreadthofseth: It's actually a pretty warm tone. But needs must...
josh___something: P... paul, those goggles aren't protecting you from the vantabeige
definenull: so a peek behind the curtain: was that just colour-keyed in editing?
TehAmelie: the beige business peaks at 8 out of 13 points, like Jason in The Good Place's dance contests
TXC2: definenull almost certainly
Earthenone: gate is my favorite of the stars
Astramentha: o h n o
Genasi_Gaming: wait taupe eka for beige con?
InvadedOath: The new taupe still gets me
malfnord: I've been to Topeka, that tracks
Earthenone: Topeka is known for its pudding right? :P
TehAmelie: all i know of Topeka i learned from Almost Famous
jarnatan: Oh sweet the subcount just refreshed
ExachixKitsune: businessm'n
jarnatan: and jumped by like 500 subs as a result
L0rdX33n: Good comedian though
TehAmelie: "there's acid in the red beer cups"
Therberus: Beej's'mn
ProcyonFlynn: !upnext
definenull: wait so with the subcount updated, does this mean feet?
kynelwynn: Andrew Brimell was mime?
Metric_Furlong: Beejinessman
bagfullofbees: @TehAmelie All I know about Topeka I learned from that one episode of Showcase Showdown
RandomTrivia: @definenull It means we get feet yesterday...
NovaTiempo: ?!
jarnatan: No feet, only 'fut
ExachixKitsune: The forbidden tapes!
warpstonewarlock: oh, it's from the removed episode!
Makoforte: wait there was a removed episode? Why?
warpstonewarlock: copyright claim
Makoforte: ahhh
BrokenGolem: god, 2017 was a different era
ThatWhichNeverWas: Aww :(
Makoforte: oh for the ads, right?
TXC2: man Fuck copyright
warpstonewarlock: for Late Night Dub Fight
Makoforte: and they never reposted it without that bit?
jarnatan: We're having steamed claims
AtrusOfMyst: I miss Attack on Pie Pan
marmalade_pen: this reflector guy is op
cmdrud87: was this the on where they recreated the wondercore-ads?
warpstonewarlock: and its episode of Johnny Bravo
ErinusTV: I have so many questions
warpstonewarlock: @cmdrud87 that's still up
ExachixKitsune: goodbye!
LoadingReadyRun: going offline real quick
KinkerbellRose: Ian in the reflection. LUL
LoadingReadyRun: brb
ErinusTV: Ian in the reflection of the plate LUL
TehAmelie: it's called Wondercore
Cunobelenos: goodbye!
ThatWhichNeverWas: Man, the moment when Graham reminded Ben that it was going on a greenscreen. Perfection.
Inkymouse: @KinkerbellRose I was about to say!
bagfullofbees: I'm so sad that episode isn't available anymore
hackingducks: goodbye *stream goes down*
DNAli3n: amazing end to the watchalong
BigDaddyBland87: lrrFINE
DiscordianTokkan: Time to ROTATE the CUSHIONS
Earthenone: signal
Brozard: *Portal turret* Shutting doooown
Therberus: lrrFINE
MrMatternot: Refreshed
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
MrPhlip: Good news: the context for thst is unwatchable because that episode had a fun fight in it
Therberus: raavaFinger
FoxBehindTheTree: pivot
miniMacGuru: lrrSIG
RocknGrohlNerd: now hit the old f5
definenull: lrrSIG lrrSIG
josh___something: and, we're back!
josh___something: well, online
rasterscan: Ben killed the power to hide the shame of his defeat!
TXC2: rare double refresh for me :p
RocknGrohlNerd: we are so back, chat
FoxBehindTheTree: pivvvvot
bagfullofbees: well, this seems like as good a time as any to go to bed. 'night, chat!
Therberus: So day 3?
baskwalla: Happy timezone all
TXC2: so long bagfullofbees sleep well
Lord_Hosk: Oh no, the stream is gone forever, we will never see its like again...
M4RKNUTT: Goodbye. F5's chat.
KinkerbellRose: Hurray!
TXC2: Here we GO!
ShhIAmARealCat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Earthenone: day 3, day 2 in canada
Lord_Hosk: oh wait there it is
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ShhIAmARealCat! (Today's storm count: 57)
definenull: oh that was weird
Pteraspidomorphi: It's a good time... for coffee
elysium_21 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, elysium_21! (Today's storm count: 58)
ItsThugDimmadome: Give it up for DAY 3!
commentarywife: friends!
MrMatternot: Hello
TXC2: Hello Jacob and Cameron
TotalHell: Hello! Hi!
amyg87: <3 <3 <3
Metric_Furlong: hello Cam an Jacob
jadielady: hello friends
Philocalist: Good morning!
SnowBuddy18: hi
KinkerbellRose: YAY! Cam and Jacob!
Sarah_Serinde: Oh hi Jacob and Cameron
FoxBehindTheTree: good morning cameron and jacob!
josh___something: Hi JACOB!
garion99: hi
yalc321: Good morning Cam and JAcob!
ArcticAtlantic: hello! sergeHi
thatladyinplaid: Good morning!
wench_tacular: good job existing
Cunobelenos: A Cam and a Jacob!
baltimore_667083: hello cam and jacob!
aussie_rob_w: good morning Cam and Jacob!
GhostValv: oh hi hello hi hello hi cheer100
mtvcdm: Morning
KinkerbellRose: Jacob, oh how I've missed you.
ExachixKitsune: Hello Jacob and hello Cam!
RandomTrivia: The morning has morning'd!
TXC2: Hello James
the_phantom_game_player: Hello
MrMatternot: Sublimated into existence.
Krektogar: Good morning early coffee people!
CelticGeek: Good morning!
BorealMage: hello!
abslomdaak42: Good morning
hypperstar2280: Good morning all! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ArtemisHuntress: Hello Drs LRR
quton: good morning
SageofShadowzF: Good morning
hesterbyrde: Oh boy
marmalade_pen: g'morn
WellFedGames: morning!
Lord_Hosk: Its dick!
amyg87: hi Jacob and Cam
TehAmelie: oh hai
varmintx0: omg, I couldn't see Jacob's legs and it just looked like a floating torso.
Short_Half_Life subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Short_Half_Life! (Today's storm count: 59)
Brozard: James, your pants are broken
commentarywife: Jacob is such a lot of energy for the morning
Knitting_Goblin: Good morning!
BlindProphet32: Morning James, Jacob and Cam
LidofLoathing: Isn't it 6 am there?
pn55: Morning James, Jacob, and Cameron! lrrSHINE
commentarywife: good thing it's 2pm here
yalc321 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 61 in the channel!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to twasgaygary!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CoreyBMTG!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Twe4ky!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Yungera!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Baphi_!
Astramentha: Hi Jacob!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, yalc321! Welcome to Twe4ky, Yungera, twasgaygary, CoreyBMTG, and Baphi_! (Today's storm count: 64)
micalovits: Good "morning" from Denmark friends :D
KV1NN4: Gasp!
TheAlanHeffley: Theoretically existing!
BorealMage: Which coffee is it this morning?
rXpCH: yeay jacob !
Bassios: Oh heck, James, Jacob and Cam! Awesome!
Incandescent_Zubat: melizandeTAP coffee with cam and jacob?!
Creideiki_SE: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 6:20 AM
gluonquark: It's 4 pm here...
TXC2: yalc321 lrrHEART
Earthenone: matching mugs is a dangerous game
wench_tacular: #blamejames
drawnbinary: lord a minute and a half of ads
marmalade_pen: glame grahmes
RandomTrivia: Yeah, Graham was having too much fun playing Destiny
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Friskycharizard!
Cunobelenos: I blame those smoothies
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Friskycharizard! (Today's storm count: 65)
Jillexie: Let's talk about BattleTech!
KV1NN4: DinoDance lrrSIG DinoDance
Creideiki_SE: You're gonna chat? But we're chat!
ProcyonFlynn: Good Timezone and Happy Coffee penaddCoffee 'all
gualdhar: But that's 20 minutes less of content you have to make
TehAmelie: it was hard to put down Destiny
jarnatan: I thought one of the perks of doing online content was that you didn't need to get to work at 6am
the_phantom_game_player: #blamegraham
Denny40k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
todeswillen: Time Zone Check it is 3 :30 PM in Swisserland
StepInMyPep subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
RandomTrivia: Pffft, yes you do
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Denny40k! (Today's storm count: 66)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StepInMyPep! (Today's storm count: 67)
Jillexie is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 21 in the channel!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to piratethealex!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rhylax!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to PluralKumquat!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Claudiohmtg!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to bekuehling!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jillexie! Welcome to piratethealex, Rhylax, PluralKumquat, bekuehling, and Claudiohmtg! (Today's storm count: 72)
definenull: (with consent)
DrStrangeAL subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DrStrangeAL! (Today's storm count: 73)
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Earthenone: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TheRush192 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheRush192! (Today's storm count: 74)
TXC2: Jillexie lrrHEART
DiscordianTokkan: Oh good, I love Thon!
Desruprot: limesLook
Veggiekeks subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Veggiekeks! (Today's storm count: 75)
M4RKNUTT: Prime sub is available in 23 hours...
asthanius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, asthanius! (Today's storm count: 76)
mtvcdm: I note the clock currently expires during the next watchalong, so get to stepping.
vingris_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
vingris_: Enjoy this minute!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vingris_! (Today's storm count: 77)
L0rdX33n: And now a word from our sponsor: Butts. That is all.
InvadedOath: Oh and the Loading Time where Ian was milking Ben. Nice
Icbat: Wooooooo! Coffee time!
Jess Kay: powerful friend combo
InvadedOath: Were you guys up for the King’s speech?
wench_tacular: so much maths so early
GhostValv: Cheer510
RandomTrivia: Gamers *do* love number go up, after all
Jillexie: Cheer500 Make timer go up.
Herbert_Erpaderp subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
Herbert_Erpaderp: Yay!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Herbert_Erpaderp! (Today's storm count: 78)
Earthenone: you keep calling it a capped subathon, but no one is wearing any caps!
BorealMage: No simultaneous subathon/PPR this year
Shadree: Greetings from Down Under!
TehAmelie: i think it's been hovering around 24 hours for the last 12 or more
M4RKNUTT: Catching a subathon live is cool
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Taliesin_21 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Taliesin_21! (Today's storm count: 79)
wench_tacular: things are going to get weird
gualdhar: Not even Road Quest?
Laserbeaks_Fury: awkwardfart.wav
Therberus: What do you mean Jacob, Alex is a lovely individual
RandomTrivia: sergeCrimes
cmdrud87: Ask Graham about it, he does that regularly (on Watch+Play)
KinkerbellRose: Two hours with Alex is just free content.
ladyjessica: Jacob with the save
cmdrud87: nope
M4RKNUTT: N'awwww
Metric_Furlong: James "mmmmm" Turner
wench_tacular: no
BorealMage: I can't hear any
definenull: nope
AtrusOfMyst: If Watch And Play is any indication, it will be a good 2 hours
abslomdaak42: Very smooth, Jacob, very smooth
public_key_reveal_party: No
jacqui_lantern234: no music
Ceris75: no
Lord_Hosk: no music
Earthenone: nope
Kaerose: do not, no
Shadree: No music
ladyjessica: nope
GhostValv: nope :)
josh___something: But jacob's always cute
Therberus: None music, left streamer
KinkerbellRose: There's music?
baskwalla: no music
Denulius: no
Abavus: VoteNay
TXC2: no music
TheWooglie: So we starting on Warhammer on Transformers?
ottersqueals: silence
MrMatternot: No BGC
protojman: do you smell toast?
JRandomHacker: Coffee With James without James
RandomTrivia: No circles are audible, big, small, giant or otherwise
Laserbeaks_Fury: There are 4 lights
WiJohn: Only the music of your lovely voices
Krektogar: jsut the music running in my head
hesterbyrde: There is much cute happening this morning
M4RKNUTT: The only music I hear is James' voice ;)
Molladia: Dragula
Earthenone: for me its "crawling in my skin"
TheAlanHeffley: Great tastes
the_walking subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, the_walking! (Today's storm count: 80)
gluonquark: just the sound of silence
Metric_Furlong: Godsmack the song or Godsmack the band?
Brozard: I am smelling like a rose that somebody gave me
KinkerbellRose: Super Beast or Dragula here.
hawktonguebaby: James "It's too early to be cute" Turner
protojman: let the bodies go to sleep let the bodies go to sleep
baskwalla: We can now hear the music
TheWooglie: yes
jacqui_lantern234: yes
wench_tacular: sure
BorealMage: There it is
IronwoodWizard: yes
ArcticAtlantic: yes!
Narcuru: there we go
SnowBuddy18: there's always music, it's just not something everyone can hear
definenull: yep
warpstonewarlock: yup
commentarywife: we hear music now
RedNightmare7: Oh, already morning out there
Metric_Furlong: (the band is named after the song)
Denulius: yes
RandomTrivia: SingsNote !
hesterbyrde: I'm hoping for Warhammer and Not a Drop to Drink discussions personally
Mewr11: music is good
Shadree: Yes. It is fine
ErisOfSpace: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
Earthenone: yes, we can hear it
DiscordianTokkan: Sound confirmed
GhostValv: it's fine
TXC2: no it's fine
LidofLoathing: yes! and no, it's not too loud
omdorastrix: Roadquest yay
baskwalla: It is at a good volume
Pteraspidomorphi: It is not too loud
NonUniqueGuy: music good
KinkerbellRose: Music on, sound is good.
Astramentha: it’s good
ArcticAtlantic: all good
RandomTrivia: Volume great
Therberus: Time to go on a quest, of the ROAD variety
AtrusOfMyst: Yes not too loud
Orxolon: lrrFINE
samwiser_: Perfect volume roadquest music
gluonquark: music
hesterbyrde: muzak!
MegaDosX: #JamesIsPaul
hawktonguebaby: it sounds like circles, but like…very large?
Metric_Furlong: James "Paul Saunders" Turner
gualdhar: Paul isn't chained to the stufip chair?
L0rdX33n: Delightful sound
Orxolon: hellooo every1
NoxStryx: There is no paul only zuul
garion99: music is good
hesterbyrde: Roadquest jams!
Orxolon: still here
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
drawnbinary: yall can hear music?
Spooky_Noises: time till warhammer achived
commentarywife: lrrFINE
MegaDosX: Get got lmao James
BalthusHomewood: Hi! I love the Chromosome shirt, Jacob
hesterbyrde: "In warhammer..." there we go
HbombAndFriends: And introducing James as Paul.
drawnbinary: now yes
TXC2: we activated his trap card
the_phantom_game_player: The music is good
OmnipotentTrevor: I guess we need to sub so James can afford jeans without holes
micalovits: James just wanted to not have to talk for 2 hours
RocknGrohlNerd: zero to warhammer in 0,5 seconds
gluonquark: it's a triggered ability
Earthenone: i was literally typing ride of the valkyries :P
RandomTrivia: YESSSSS
thedepthandbreadthofseth: James, this is how people feel about magic...
wizzo1138: Cheer1600
malfnord: Hallelujah!
KinkerbellRose: Cameron. Well done Sir.
TotalHell: Cam: Nuln Oil or Agrax Earthshade as your standard shade?
MegaDosX: @malfnord That song might not be the right vibe for Warhammer
SnowBuddy18: Bodies and It's Raining Men could be about the same event
definenull: LUL
NoxStryx: Its raining men and bodies are about the same event from different perspectives
McArgh: Cheer400 time
RandomTrivia: Ah yes, the icebreaker of the week
Laserbeaks_Fury: A long, long time ago
Julian_Rogue: suddenly therapy with James
MegaDosX: Asked and answered.
FoxBehindTheTree: its raining men and let the bodies hit the floor are the same event different perspectives
RedNightmare7: Amen, Jacob
Brozard: Music is fairly loud
MrDrLewis: Cheer800
Abavus: Good bit
RandomTrivia: And two for two on "well, bad" as an answer :D
BorealMage: The woods are great!
Jillexie: This is like the questions from Erika during Desert Bus
Genasi_Gaming: mowglui ass sentance
NonUniqueGuy: "Why are you like this?"
cmdrud87: II forgot that Down with the Sickness sounded so much like Stone Cold's old theme
malfnord: @SnowBuddy18 On the contrary, that song is *exactly* the right vibe for Warhammer!
varmintx0: did you find woods porn?
public_key_reveal_party: Rural New York is bad. Source: I also grew up there
hawktonguebaby: Damn, what is this,?Alpha Flight now?
Woodthorn: @Jillexie Ah, yes. Proust, I believe?
definenull: oh no
Hedinnnnn: Cheer510
cmdrud87: Plase tell me you got a robe as well
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Where did Jacob Grow up? I thought he was from the Bronx...
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh man, Bookstores in the 80's were awesome. So much good stuff
TXC2: thedepthandbreadthofseth upsate New york
Nebula662: Cheer525 Good morning folks NonbinaryPride
chaos_blast_exe: @hawktonguebaby which one of them gets to be wolverine
Earthenone: my laundromat had the first arcade machine i ever used, TMNT denied me such a purchase
Astramentha: IMO, I think music could actually be a lil quieter?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @txc2 apparently.
Brozard: I heard “The ADHD Lite version”
TXC2: hello Nebula662 welcome
jessieimproved: I had no access to D&D when I was a kid during the panic. I had HeroQuest though and I made custom maps and quests for it.
marmalade_pen: @TXC2 really where i'm from utica...
commentarywife: I was just thinking the same, music is a lil loud
Jillexie: 80s bookstores are where I got into Fighting Fantasy books.
MrMatternot: Jacob. What is your fav camping biome (plains, swamps, forest, mountains, beach, etc)?
RedNightmare7: Good setup, little Jacob
MegaDosX: This is giving heist planning vibes and I love it
Molladia: I know James just came back out, but could the Music go down just slightyly?
River: hi morning coffee crew
Kyle Ladd Stobener: Morning!
Isaac Myers: I thought it was basic d&d
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @jessieimproved that's awesome!
NonUniqueGuy: My first RPG book was TMNT.
Julian_Rogue: "dnd was my porn" is such a very Jacob Burgess thing to say
Julian_Rogue: with love <#
Julian_Rogue: <3
measureofhope: That is an epic origin story
PMAvers: The bookstores were the best source of Battletech books.
TotalHell: When I was twelve I brought my D&D books to church and someone stole the.
definenull: "used" eww
RandomTrivia: "used porn" lrrFRUMP
TotalHell: *them
Genasi_Gaming: USED?
BorealMage: The pages are slightly tacky
wench_tacular: gross
MegaDosX: There is a difference between second hand porn and used porn
RandomTrivia: ^
Brozard: New porn doesn’t have the same crinkle
KinkerbellRose: I remember those brown cover books. I had few.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Our first D&D was that red box
inconsideratehat: OK so right away I'm seeing a level of motivation that demonstrates a lot about Jacob's success with fun work
L0rdX33n: All Jacob stories are gold. I confess I’ve stolen the Loch Ness whisky story because it’s so fun to tell.
KinkerbellRose: Heck, I still got a boxed Ravenloft floating around.
hawktonguebaby: "Yeah, this porn still has some life in it."
MegaDosX: Ironic
rogerivany: Probably snaky mcsnakeface.
Earthenone: those who live by the snake die by the snake
IaCthulhuFthagn: A Salamander?
abslomdaak42: Top 10 anime betrayels
Hangedman: there was a particular period when a bunch of dads decided they probably didn't need to keep boxes and boxes of near-mint penthouses
Fruan: not all snakes know each other, James
IaCthulhuFthagn: I remember a lot of those in ToEE.
PharaohBender27: Morning, all!
0011110000110011 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
0011110000110011: good morning everybody
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 0011110000110011! (Today's storm count: 81)
Chronomagistrate: That was a broken clas!
TXC2: hello PharaohBender27 welcome
Chronomagistrate: *class
KinkerbellRose: I miss the old Advanced Monster Manual. Used to read that big bish for fun.
public_key_reveal_party: Oh, hey, I recognize that from commodore hustle
PharaohBender27 is gifting 12 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1521 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to nashhh61!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Theothol4x!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SaltySaintNick!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Magical_Girl_Madoka!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tankfrank65!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sophie_the_bookworm!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vyr1s!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to shesnarrating!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to xRUSH117x!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zadan_Tyvianne!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to EnnuiPoet!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to trickonometry!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to Magical_Girl_Madoka, Vyr1s, Sophie_the_bookworm, shesnarrating, Zadan_Tyvianne, nashhh61, Theothol4x, SaltySaintNick, tankfrank65, xRUSH117x, EnnuiPoet, and trickonometry! (Today's storm count: 93)
KinkerbellRose: Pharoh~
Fruan: is that where the sack of rats came from?
TXC2: PharaohBender27 lrrHEART
MegaDosX: Sounds vile
gluonquark: nice!
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrHEART sergeGift
L0rdX33n: Oh, the kobold translatlantic teleporter
ladyjessica: my favourite splat book for adnd was the book of artifacts.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I never got into D&D because, and I'm not entirely sure why, roleplaying makes me feel anxious. I can't even watch folks roleplay.
Chronomagistrate: TBF, a lot of classes from the splat books were very broken
KinkerbellRose: I actually recognize some of these names coming through. xD
ladyjessica: oooo in nomine!!
MegaDosX: That's a great first character name
RandomTrivia: Sweet name
PharaohBender27: Look, I want this to go until at least Friday evening, so got to add to that timer. :p
MrMatternot: Baquan was my first PC.
IaCthulhuFthagn: If Master Samurai is your bar for broken in 3E, wait until you see literally any PHB-only spellcaster.
ladyjessica: so few people I’ve met have heard of In Nomine!
RedNightmare7: My first D&D book was the Monster Manual for 3.5, we as friends each bought one of the books. I never did get that manual back...
aussie_rob_w: Or a V?
MegaDosX: My first character has a y in his surname, but no z
Izandai: mattlrLul
GhostValv: hah mine was V
josh___something: How dare you
measureofhope: Yeah I had a V
L0rdX33n: X’s are cool
Chronomagistrate: MIne was Cail
Hangedman: or an X pronounced like a Z
Narcuru: mine was Narcuru....
HubbeKing: yeah, my first character was Raz
Astramentha: I pass the name test!
Xed_Regulus: My name now is my first D&D character. LUL
BrokenGolem: huh, i pass the test
Brozard: My handle is my first characters name, with a B
Bassios: My first D&D character was "Reyix Forth"
WiJohn: Difnog, they were a dwarf and we were drinking eggnog
micalovits: The first I remember was Lyra, not 100% sure if that counts
Sibwow: mine was Keith
KinkerbellRose: Greyhawk anyone?
hesterbyrde: My first character was actually a character I inherited from my now husband because he had exams so I played her. Her name was Syl.
public_key_reveal_party: My first character I played once, and then our DM moved away after one session
ProcyonFlynn: "Frinn" Gnome Rouge. But I was super basic back then lrrHEART
SharktoothJack: yeah that tracks. my first character name was Brynn
Izandai: huh
MegaDosX: Now that's hateful
hesterbyrde: The first character I ever made myself was a drow blackguard named Traaxa Tziaare. XD
haberley: my first character was a reformed mini gelatinous cube called Sid Viscous
measureofhope: Cheer100 My group had a 5 e converted Birthright game a few years ago! It rocks!
aussie_rob_w: @sibwow all I can think of is the nice guy from Scrubs named Keith that JD hated because he was Elliot's boyfriend.
Orxolon: Luzean?
malfnord: I was a GURPS kid; I knew about it through osmosis but I honestly didn't touch D&D until 5e.
KinkerbellRose: Currently in a Pathfinder game right now though. Running Necros that's been slightly adapted. Excited AF. It comes with built in lichification.
josh___something: that's so mean
Jillexie: Yup, Jacob
MegaDosX: Jacob, facts
Ard_Rhys: My first DnD character was a ranger called Tarragon (it was meant to be a riff on Aragorn).
StarShock2002 gifted a Tier 1 sub to thedreadwaffle! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thedreadwaffle! (Today's storm count: 94)
KinkerbellRose: I get to be the skeleton summoner of my dreams. D2 Necromancer, but pathfinder.
Izandai: what
Izandai: how
Fanklok: Sounds like Nac Mac Feagle
IaCthulhuFthagn: That has adult late 70's DM vibes too.
Earthenone: D2 necromancers were so fun!
Uzumaki15: My first experience with TTRPGs was pathfinder, and on our first session our fighter rolled a nat 1 and shot our cleric in the back XD
Izandai: mattlrLul
Snowcookies: why
ThorSokar: ambush from WHERE
measureofhope: Is Ambush like Elsewhere is Exalted?
Dumori: The Ambush Dimention!
BorealMage: Came out of drop pods
ThorSokar: THE SKY?!
TheManaLeek: The orcs were just standing there saying "Am bush."
L0rdX33n: They fall down the cliff
Laserbeaks_Fury: Wouldn't Ogres be wider than 5 ft
MegaDosX: Hearing stories like this often makes me feel better about my DMing
inconsideratehat: Shtev voice
Icbat: adorable story
public_key_reveal_party: The look on their face will be worth the frostbite and starvation
ladyjessica: I remember opening the monster manual to random pages and having my friend fight them.
DiscordianTokkan: Harrow from The Locked Tomb series was hiding somewhere, and just made the Skellingtons Appear
TXC2: brymestone ?
Earthenone: my first necromancer in D2 used crossbows it was a great time
Julian_Rogue: My name was Julian and I was a rogue
L0rdX33n: @laserbeaks_fury They would indeed!
Chronomagistrate: My first character was an Evoker!
MegaDosX: Brymstone
warpstonewarlock: My first session was a one-shot. I was playing a Tiefling Monk (don't remember the name now).
jacqui_lantern234: Brimstony
haberley: Yrimstone?
MrQBear: I don't remember my first character's name, but I remember it was a Gurps spellcaster, and I was like, 10.
ArcticAtlantic: my very first was called Danny but the first I played in earnest for a long time was called Dougal
Brozard: Brendyn Brymstone?
Bassios: I blame Jacob for how into V:TM I got after watching Not A Drop... so much so that I wrote a damn song inspired by it. Currently trying to get my gaming group to play V:TM
IaCthulhuFthagn: Brimstyne.
SnowBuddy18: brb writing these down to put in my campaign
OmnipotentTrevor: I still really want to see a LRR Shadowrun campaign with Beej involved.
CaptainEnder7: First character was a half-elf Cleric of Kelemvore called Kae.
BrynnStarr: Putting a y instead of an I in you name? Well, I never!
KinkerbellRose: @Bassios Mood. Jacob is why I have a proper V:TM game on my bucket list.
KV1NN4: Jaycob Burgyss
ClockTamer: my first character was Hoshi The Long-Hatted, he was a gnome bard with a gnome hat that was a bag of holding
L0rdX33n: First character was a paladin… nuff said
Astramentha: oh noooooo
InvadedOath: The closest I’ve got to DnD is Baldurs Gate 3 and binging Dice Friends episodes
Bassios: @KinkerbellRose I bought the core book and players guide, I'm so close to picking up more books just for the pretty art now
micalovits: Hipster nice guy? Oh no xD
GhostValv: trend setting
spicyFerret_: Cheer554 this batch of bits is a shout out to Jacob and Cam (and the rest of Bite Club), as i recently relistened to NaDtD, and have been spinning out thoughts of a Tremere self insert since. Yall have cursed me and i love it so much.
Geldaran: I grew up playing the old school D&D edition.. the old red green and blue box sets/books
tanshala: lol my first char was a halfling named justin
TXC2: Big mood there Cameron
measureofhope: Hey now, trilbies are great, we should be past this
GhostValv: you were a hipster before it was... okay it was never cool
Julian_Rogue: @spicyFerret_ <3
Earthenone: in 3rd grade i read at a 12th grade level but was only bullied at a 10th grade level :P
KinkerbellRose: LUL You know it's not DB when the f's come out.
malfnord: Feel that one
BrokenGolem: same for trenchcoats
betazed15: I had to pull my kid out of public school because of the incessant, terrible bullying. :(
BrokenGolem: the 90s were wild
betazed15: ^ US public schools
Izandai: The trilby is a good and sensible hat.
spicyFerret_: Hats good!
Aigarius: my first character was a gnomish warlock. and in our first fight encounter everyones *every* attack missed. the only thing that hit was my fire enchanted sickle. Nat20. Chopped the danglies of the goblin and RPd so hard, the rest fled :D
Hangedman: i've appreciated the VtM stuff from Jacob as my all-time favourite campaign was a run of Geist
Laserbeaks_Fury: Reclaim Driving caps
TehAmelie: with no gamer group, i didn't make up a player character. i just decided my name was spelled Wyxzström instead of Wikström
jacqui_lantern234: @Izandai hard agree
aussie_rob_w: Cam and Jacob is such a good pairing. Thankyou Cam and Jacob for being a delightful pairing.
GhostValv: online loves to dogpile :(
BrynnStarr: Kennedy killed hats for men, m'lady types did the double tap.
tanshala: and that was his class halfing lol he killed goblins with a sling
TXC2: Blade was the matrix before the Matrix
public_key_reveal_party: Jacob always ahead of the curve
Julian_Rogue: I should buy a trenchcoat 🤔
rasterscan: Elf trenchcoat
cmdrud87: I mean, most of us were there for the Matrix
IaCthulhuFthagn: Not a beige one, for the PI look?
roefizzlebeef: shoutouts to the detective gumshoe coat
aussie_rob_w: That's a damn fine choice in trenchcoat, Jacob.
Master_Gunner: that's just fashionable
MehallD: I have a WW2 RAF Greatcoat like Jack Harkness
LidofLoathing: forest green is the best coat color
MegaDosX: Trenchcoat of Elvenkind
hawktonguebaby: "What year?" "Blade."
KinkerbellRose: Jacob was just young me. LUL
jacqui_lantern234: LUL of coarse you did Jacob
ThorSokar: had? or still have?
KinkerbellRose: This is great.
MegaDosX: Jacob were you wearing fingerless gloves too?
Woogachaka: I never had the guts to go full trenchcoat, good on you
Hangedman: I had a scottish oilskin trenchcoat built to withstand some absurd weather
garion99: silent bob style then
Julian_Rogue: before cringe was invented!
NapalmSideburns: Jacob was three cliches in a trenchcoat
TehAmelie: i may or may not still have a ragged "Matrix" brand longcoat
Dumori: Jacob I love yah
MegaDosX: They're trying
L0rdX33n: Reading Snowcrash and seeing Hiro Protagonist with his katana and black trenchcoat… “What year was this written?”
snowewolf: Fedora Myladying every ware
malfnord: It's in a weird place atm.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Ryan Reynolds *first* Marvel movie
BrokenGolem: can remake perfect
Simonark: it’s been delayed over and over and over.
MegaDosX: Last I heard there were director issues I think?
ThorSokar: still does
TXC2: it really did
KinkerbellRose: Blade 1, was amazing.
jessieimproved: It helped tha Snipes looked the part so well
haberley: it's still pretty sweet
TacitusVigil: He really phones it in on blade 3 though
TXC2: it sure did Cameron
IaCthulhuFthagn: Blade holds up if the music is your vibe.
aussie_rob_w: Let's go back to the old days of just putting a movie back in cinemas again
Brozard: Too many mofos trying to ice skate uphill
incslayer: Yuri from Red Alert 2
AugmentingPath: Udo Kier, from Flesh for Frankenstein!
BigDaddyBland87: First 2 rule. We don't talk about 3
Therberus: So James, when are we getting more "Countdown to Infinity"? Or I suppose it's "Count-up from Infinity"?
Singenmeister: don’t forget that blade to is a Del Toro film
TheWooglie: ice skate up hill is timeless
Chronomagistrate: Yeah, OG Blade is real good still
TXC2: Udo Keir was Yuri in Red alert 2
KV1NN4: I just want a Spawn reboot
MegaDosX: "I hear you're making a monster movie"
aussie_rob_w: Especially the ones with good 3D tech now that nobody has a 3D TV anymore!
Fanklok: No dialouge, no story, just 117 minutes of Wesley Snipes killing vampires
Aigarius: make the director of the Cornetto trilogy direct Blade
malfnord: Wasn't Udo Keir in Warhol's monster movies?
MrMatternot: He plays Dragonetti
ThorSokar: not before pulling out his teeth though
GhostValv: so many good quotes :)
AugmentingPath: Blood for Dracula
TheArchitectX: "Some MFers are always trying to ice skate uphill."
BrynnStarr: A hundred miles a way, a bizarre little smile crosses Udo Keir's mouth
malfnord: Thought so!
KinkerbellRose: Sandstorm. Enough said.
Julian_Rogue: classic rave musice
aussie_rob_w: Put Into the Spider Verse back into cinemas in full 3D every year, cowards!
TacitusVigil: Fun fact: the set of blade 3 was reused as Atlantis in Stargate Atlantis
Bassios: I think I have the Blade collection on DVD. I should watch it again
ThorSokar: The Blade Blood Bath song still fucks
jacqui_lantern234: LUL gdi jacob i love you
TehAmelie: i've been thinking about rereading Spawn from the start but i still like myself too much
Brozard: club bangers
cle0deen: Good morning!
FoxBehindTheTree: @TacitusVigil best set
NonUniqueGuy: What about Spawn soudntrack?
protojman: @TacitusVigil now i need to watch Blade
OmnipotentTrevor: For me it has always been the Queen of the Damned soundtrack. I still have the whole thing on my travel mix
haberley: @TehAmelie spawn does NOT hold up well
TXC2: she's in the opening blood shower scene
MegaDosX: Let's watch Blade right now
incslayer: lets just stream blade
cle0deen: Latte at Black Dog Coffeehoise this morning
Metric_Furlong: non-public domain movie morning
Bassios: @haberley Spawn is terrible and I love it
Simonark: Definitely Not Public Domain Movie Night
MegaDosX: Jacob get on that horse, all up on that horse
PMAvers: I mean, you can, but how mad do you want Twitch to be with you afterwards
jacqui_lantern234: public domain movie night?! NAH WE WATCHIN BLADE
KinkerbellRose: I would be so down for a Blade watch party with these 3.
incslayer: Get on that horse!
asthanius: public domain movie night be damned, it's Blade night
CookieMom: End sub-a-thon, start Blade-A-Thon
TheWooglie: they released Blade in 4K James
KinkerbellRose: Queen of the Damned is one of my FAVORITES.
TacitusVigil: @protojman if you go in looking for it, it's super obvious
TheArchitectX: The Lost Boys forever!
CommanderRab subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
CommanderRab: Man, Im glad my sleep got messed up so I can be awake for this one.
Nigouki: you know, I would love a Jacob Vampire Movie Tier List
Alex M-E: I forgot yous were in BC so now I get to enjoy my coffee with James too. Cheers everyone!
Metric_Furlong: Underworld got sued by White Wolf at one point iirc
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CommanderRab! (Today's storm count: 95)
Dumori: Homage or stolen
UltraVioletVodoo: speaking of vampires, jacob, im first time dming vampire the masquerade (been a dm for just over 10 years) what would you reccomend for lore primers?
malfnord: VtM was THE trendsetter for cool, edgy vampire shit in the 90s.
PMAvers: What if we watch the VTM T-Show?
Laserbeaks_Fury: just missing some Mage
PMAvers: TV show, I mean
TXC2: :D
Simonark: The V:tM TV show that lasted six weeks?
aussie_rob_w: Stolen vampire valor!
Therberus: SPEAKING of Vampires, when we getting more of Bite club?
Dumori: Oh I though every one knew it was WoD tbh
Hangedman: it's kinda like how almost all the movies with angels just ripped it all from Paradise Lost
Ritaspirithntr: LUL
Simonark: Kindred The Embraced, right?
Izandai: ~My angel is a centerfold~
MegaDosX: benginLul
PawssumFable: FUGG lol
MegaDosX: He had the best entrance music ever though
NonUniqueGuy: I didn't know of V:TM when I watched the TV show.
malfnord: Oh he did that deliberately; IIRC he was a huge VtM fan
TotalHell: I still do that when I see Gangrel.
Hangedman: actually licensed!
cle0deen: Aw Cameron's little smirk
ThirdGames: Oh man that VTM TV show was so cheesy
TXC2: ah the Brood, what a weird time in WWE that was
cmdrud87: turns out, IP only works f you copyrght iit
hawktonguebaby: My friends watches Underworld with a drinking game where you drank when a character clearly of your clan came on screen
incslayer: there was a VTM tv show?
L0rdX33n: Burgess. I love you
Dumori: Didn't Gangrel get permision
cookiebeard: The pain of the early adopter
aussie_rob_w: They brought back Brood Edge recently!
TriChronos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
the_lone_bard: That reminds me of reading the Dresden Files and realising at a certain point, it's kinda just the novelisation of the entire world of darkness XD
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TriChronos! (Today's storm count: 96)
DiscordianTokkan: Was that Forever Knight?
Izandai: the what
malfnord: Terrible but it was fun
OmnipotentTrevor: That can't be real
henshin_yo: yeah WWE had to credit White Wolf for Gangrel
measureofhope: Why have I never heard of this?
Metric_Furlong: Cop Rock mentioned
donzmb: @hawktonguebaby were you knocked out by like minute 15?
Simonark: Kindred: The Embraced was essentially the same as those Discworld animations from the 90s. It sure existed and served a license badly.
Jillexie: Better or worse than the BattleTech animated show?
NapalmSideburns: deep steady breaths Jacob, deep steady breaths!
kodalith: Kindred The Embraced?
ThorSokar: haha. Jacob is gonna have a stroke
kodalith: Was that the show?
haberley: don't they just sparkle?
Izandai: what
Astramentha: wtf
Brozard: Which is worse? VTM TV show or City Watch TV show?
ladyjessica: they just do it.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @haberley Comment of the day.
PawssumFable: lrrSPOOP
warpstonewarlock: Not only imposssible, a blatant breach of the masquerade
TotalHell: Do they slam some garlic afterwards
HavenDragon: jeezums
malfnord: Not even day-for-night, just straight up in the day
Featherweight_: night shoots are expensive ok
saucemaster5000: was this written in florida? were they florida vamps?
ladyjessica: it was the worst daylight as night ever
Earthenone: reminds me of the buffy remaster were they boosted the lighting so you couldent tell when day or night was
Geldaran: natto is evil.
incslayer: i have to say angry jacob is funny to watch
Simonark: @brozard Can I forget either exist?
hawktonguebaby: @donzmb I was wise enough not to play. But some people…yeah. :D
PsychoI3oy: White Wolf did sue over Underworld and the case ended in a confidential settlement
IaCthulhuFthagn: You have to try it every day for a few weeks.
Brozard: @simonark You can try
PawssumFable: Natto tastes okay but boy that texture
TehAmelie: i'm just assuming this show set some record in badly disguised day-for-night shots
TXC2: Natto is a joke the Japanese play on other people
L0rdX33n: Oh, Jacob. I started Arcade Spirits last week. Your cameo character was goddamn adorable.
hesterbyrde: Can we please have this show for movie night but it's just Jacob screaming?
Ritaspirithntr: so glad to be here for a jacob rant :D
Geldaran: My wife (half japanese) told me natto "doesn't taste as bad as it smells" bulcrap.
Genasi_Gaming: what is nato?
Earthenone: gintama is the thing that always makes me think, maybe i shold try natto again
Geldaran: it was foul.
rasterscan: Wow
TXC2: 10
rasterscan: Cameron just sold me.
aussie_rob_w: My favourite episode of The Panalysts has team Cam and Jacob, I'm in my happy place right now.
DiscordianTokkan: @Genasi_Gaming fermenting/rotting soybeans
Bassios: I should watch it
incslayer: can we have vampire movie night with Jacob just pointing out everything that was stolen from V:TM?
ArrestedHouse: Shogun's great
TristalMTG: I wonder if we as North Americans have anything that also qualifies as "it doesn't taste as bad as it smells"
TehAmelie: i bet natto is better than surströmming
BorealMage: @Genasi_Gaming Fermented soybeans
NonUniqueGuy: The cast was amazing.
TXC2: savour it
Simonark: @brozard It’s like.. who was worse for TV SF, Irwin Allen or Gerry Anderson? Answer, I’m not watching Lost in Space or Thunderbirds either way?
Earthenone: gotta let the show ferment :P
EternalRoxas: I totally binged it and it was excellent to binge imo
PawssumFable: @TristalMTG Chitlins
Bionull: I like natto alright, which every Japanese person reacts to with shock. So there's some awareness there.
TacitusVigil: All things are fleeting, James
incslayer: @Simonark you take that back Thunderbirds was Awesome
ErisOfSpace: Missed the start of chat - stepped away to confirm my HRT refill - what show we talking about?
undecided44: I really liked the moment of realization from the English guy about the consequences when he came home and the pheasant wasn't hanging outside the door.
measureofhope: PSA: The Wikipedia cast list for Shogun spoils the show by telling you which historical people the characters are based on, which makes the outcome real obvious.
Geldaran: @TristalMTG not exactly north american, saurkraut might qualify.
TristalMTG: @PawssumFable Hmm
TXC2: "Japan belongs to Portugal" "do you say BELONGS?!"
Izandai: @ErisOfSpace Shogun
Simonark: @incslayer Awesome is not the same as… even slightly good.
Leonhart321: Shogun is a show worth slow rolling
PawssumFable: Chitterlings if you're a weirdo who doesnt' understand that nobody who eats chitlins would spelle it chitterlings
haberley: non-verbal cues?
the_lone_bard: The opposite of Ryan Gosling.
cspacefeet: My partner, not a LRR consumer, uses it a lot
HavenDragon: face acting as opposed to voice acting
L0rdX33n: Acting without your words
Hangedman: expression
gluonquark: "non-verbal"
HubbeKing: acting only with the face
Bionull: What if you have to act as a dullahan?
ThatWhichNeverWas: No dialogue, not much general motion to convey meaning.
Earthenone: exagerated non verbal comunication
incslayer: i thought face acting was when only your face was acting?
hesterbyrde: I usually take it as "micro expressions"
mtvcdm: Cam
Izandai: mattlrLul
public_key_reveal_party: Jacob is in pain
PharaohBender27: :D
Shadree: The only version of "Face Acting" I've seen is sort of like reverse-dubbing.
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
NovaTiempo: Yes!
aussie_rob_w: Cam! "We count!"
Therberus: Wait you guys are getting paid?!
L0rdX33n: see: Rowan Atkinson
IaCthulhuFthagn: Cam, yikes.
Featherweight_: look at that emoting
TehAmelie: they'll tell you surströmming is fermented herring. that's bad translation. it's rotting
hesterbyrde: Face journeys
commentarywife: face acting as opposed to voice acting as opposed to full-body acting
Mashamino: some actors act more with their voice, some act more with their face
PawssumFable: Aww
Astramentha: XD
Shadree: Where the guy mouths over existing dialogue.
ATrophonian: Witnessed a Murder, I have.
haberley: can Jacob be on every morning chat being bodied like this? :P
TacitusVigil: Fatality
Simonark: That’s not acting. That’s real despair.
incslayer: Jacob is turning into a Tomato
hesterbyrde: Cameron has amazing face journeys
jacqui_lantern234: CAMERON HOLY SHIT
NapalmSideburns: empty the dog
KV1NN4: Soemtimes Theatre/stage actors don't emote with their faces as much and focus on body-language/acting
Leonhart321: This kills the Jacob
PrisMarlowe: Cam yuou are amazing
Mashamino: that's every day's word :)
Cunobelenos: #regretJames
PrisMarlowe: Love you Jacob TransgenderPride
PawssumFable: "I don't like dogs" is a phrase wise people don't say
incslayer: #BlameJames
InvadedOath: Cam has no interest in being responsible for both filling and emptying a dog
PawssumFable: Even if it's true
warpstonewarlock: Yes. And we regret not having those two in the same room more often.
Singenmeister: You know it’s a Jacob morning when there’s cry-laughing less than an hour in.
Izandai: oh no
NovaTiempo: OHNO
rogerivany: Any day that starts at 6am is regret.
MrQBear: That sounds like a lie, James.
jacqui_lantern234: "friend" :p
commentarywife: we broke Jacob
PawssumFable: People will unfriend you for that
PrisMarlowe: The safe word is "Twilight"
Therberus: If anything LRR should owe Jacob money
Bionull: James just deducts it from the paycheck
Leonhart321: That wasn't a no Jamed
TacitusVigil: You owe chat money
Izandai: ough
hesterbyrde: """"friend"""""
josh___something: you're a bad friend, james Kappa
TehAmelie: it's only 30 minutes
TheAlanHeffley: I just want to give Jacob a hug
Astramentha: oooof
gluonquark: it's "james and friends"
Izandai: Too real, Cam.
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to noragrets!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, noragrets! (Today's storm count: 97)
RandomTrivia: Here, found a good example of facial acting
TheWooglie: when did Jacob become a member of LRR and is that a quantifiable moment?
Simonark: Your friend HERE. Once he’s scheduling, James is everyone’s nemesis
PawssumFable: "I don't like kids" flies better than "I don't like dogs"
mtvcdm: ! addquote (James) [now] Today's word of the day is 'regret.'
LRRbot: New quote #9051: "Today's word of the day is 'regret.'" —James [2024-07-17]
lordofkatz: We're getting a transmission from the moon base. It's just saying "regret" over and over
public_key_reveal_party is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel!
public_key_reveal_party gifted a Tier 1 sub to Soulless_Shinji!
public_key_reveal_party gifted a Tier 1 sub to whity1991!
public_key_reveal_party gifted a Tier 1 sub to Illegal_Danish!
public_key_reveal_party gifted a Tier 1 sub to Saiyanloc!
public_key_reveal_party gifted a Tier 1 sub to tompocket!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, public_key_reveal_party! Welcome to Soulless_Shinji, Illegal_Danish, whity1991, Saiyanloc, and tompocket! (Today's storm count: 102)
2_manyhobbies is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
2_manyhobbies gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pabs4444!
2_manyhobbies gifted a Tier 1 sub to SnarkyFoxx!
2_manyhobbies gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ninosaurrier!
2_manyhobbies gifted a Tier 1 sub to aetherwarp07!
2_manyhobbies gifted a Tier 1 sub to AuRagnar!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, 2_manyhobbies! Welcome to Pabs4444, SnarkyFoxx, AuRagnar, Ninosaurrier, and aetherwarp07! (Today's storm count: 107)
Jillexie is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 26 in the channel!
aussie_rob_w: "Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am - stuck in the middle with you!"
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to stonebower!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to leemotor807!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to wierdo_of_OZ!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheGitrockToad!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to ddemolisher1!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jillexie! Welcome to leemotor807, wierdo_of_OZ, TheGitrockToad, ddemolisher1, and stonebower! (Today's storm count: 112)
TheAlanHeffley: Mic 5?
incslayer: but we want to hear Jacob
TXC2: public_key_reveal_party 2_manyhobbies Jillexie lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: Or worse, pee on mic
aussie_rob_w: Just a regular tirade
Izandai: mattlrLul CAM
Abavus: LUL
Earthenone: lmao
warpstonewarlock: wow
josh___something: LUL
Nigouki: hahaha
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
ArrestedHouse: LUL
haberley: holy shit
L0rdX33n: Jesus!
Jillexie: Gifting more subs because I want to make sure we see Jacob/Kathleen together
abslomdaak42: brutal
DiamondMX: The coffee machine would like you to stop calling it a piece of shit.
NorthstarTex: Jacob ignores mic 5, what a great way to start the day
BigDaddyBland87: Cam has chosen violence today
TehAmelie: go out there and Naked Gunning
Metric_Furlong: Jacob just starts Going-Off about the Dutch
TheWooglie: we're not tired, we're punchy
roefizzlebeef: jacob and cam is such a fun combo lmao
Sarah_Serinde: She did!
Sarah_Serinde: Jordynne was fantastic
GhostValv: jordynne was great and cool and fun
NapalmSideburns: @Metric_Furlong We know what we did
Valkryir subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Valkryir! (Today's storm count: 113)
tyranidd1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tyranidd1! (Today's storm count: 114)
Jillexie: I read the original Lego scenario, and JOrdynn did a wonderful glow-up
bytecaster: But it has hotwings!
incslayer: Jordynne was really really good i hope she does more DM:ing for LRR
gluonquark: I missed the game
Quarthian: Which module?
haberley: it was so fun to listen to :)
ATrophonian: LUL
ShaneLeeAtk: Ha!
NovaTiempo: shhhh
public_key_reveal_party: Jacob LUL
L0rdX33n: I read that module, it’s dire
MrSarkhan: LUL
Simonark: Suggestion: Have Jordynne do that… more often?
Radjack: Secret Podcast!
Earthenone: @Quarthian the lego dnd module
mtvcdm: Jordynne as we keep saying is a powerful wizard
measureofhope: Secret Jacob monologue?
InvadedOath: Can’t believe Jacob would say that!
TXC2: oooh fancy
Earthenone: gelatinous cubes seem like a good monster for a lego game
PharaohBender27: I'll need to watch the VOD for the later two hours of the D&D bit - had to leave because of a union meeting.
ThatWhichNeverWas: Damn
NonUniqueGuy: Was the baby in the one shot?
MaddogM: stop making me want to spend money
PrisMarlowe: I'll need to catch the VoD of that game then
gluonquark: I have the set and had a lot of fun building it
Earthenone: which placer beast?
protojman: that set is so beautiful
PrisMarlowe: Displacer Kitty!!!
snowewolf: when is Jakob coming back - also leggo looks nice
RandomTrivia: That looks so cool, I really need to watch the assembly and play VoDs
Leonhart321: Looking forward to the VOD, had to miss it to go to a gaming speed dating event.
public_key_reveal_party: I love the beholder too
herph: Good kitty
measureofhope: Invisible, obvs
ArtemisHuntress: ooooh
TehAmelie: all you need is a mass of translucent green blocks, and the gelatinous cube can change shape at will
ThatWhichNeverWas: Hah!
NorthstarTex: I love a good lego displacer beast
haberley: with the hands this just looks like QVC
gluonquark: show the owl bear!
AugmentingPath: "Where's the gelatinous cube" is never a good question to have to ask
Metric_Furlong: is the Gelatinous Cube the second or third Cube sequel, I forget Kappa
PawssumFable: omg that's so cool
RandomTrivia: D'awwwww
Jillexie: Jordynne made it good
Izandai: Perfection
ArtemisHuntress: i want dis
BigDaddyBland87: I'll have to watch the vod later. Only caught the very end
TehAmelie: okay that works too
LidofLoathing: adorable cube friend!
ErisOfSpace: will have to catch the vod of that
Therberus: So wait what was the story with the baby?
aussie_rob_w: Ten out of ten cube.
public_key_reveal_party: I also just kinda want the set now, because it's very charming
KinkerbellRose: I just want the Displacer Beast. But omg these are too cute.
petey_vonwho: Mmmmm, pudding
PawssumFable: This makes me wish I was into lego
TXC2: In my mind Gelatinous cube are brown and I don't know why :p
TehAmelie: displaced!
haberley: better than an Owlbear with no face
gluonquark: owlbear!!!!!
DiscordianTokkan: That Beast got Displaced
public_key_reveal_party: He got displaced!
Earthenone: @Therberus jordynnne brought it in as a bit
hawktonguebaby: This has Skull Cam vibes. Every day we stray closer to Bus.
jacqui_lantern234: CAM LUL
Simonark: Critical Hit?
measureofhope: Cam, Destroyer of Worlds
RandomTrivia: Oh the owlbear is SO CUTE
NonUniqueGuy: Displacer beast is getting displaced all over the place
L0rdX33n: Pouncy
abslomdaak42: Makes me wish I could afford this
PawssumFable: His name was Pouncy
Geldaran: That set really does hit the D&D highlights, doesn't it?
Therberus: @Earthenone lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
Jgirl13245: man this lego set is immediately going on my ambitious wishlist.
L0rdX33n: I believe was its name
Earthenone: thats called a stream deck
TXC2: so a stream deck?
NovaTiempo: Paul?
Bionull: @txc2 Have you eaten brown gelatin?
TheAlanHeffley: I had to miss it for reasons. I'm so watching the vods for it, if they will exist in the future
Julian_Rogue: That's a thing Jacob
ArcticAtlantic: at least that means the owlbear can face act
Fanklok: Ian could build one
RandomTrivia: Paul does streamdeck setups
TXC2: Bionull I have not :p
L0rdX33n: Or is this another Kevin situation?
IaCthulhuFthagn: Cam having trouble hitting the displacer beast with his grab attack makes a lot of sense when you think about it.
Veggiekeks: Hey everyone, reminder for all SF 6 players: Sign up for the Oki Oki Fight Club tournament tomorrow
TheWooglie: I'm sure Paul has an app
RandomTrivia: He even uses it for things like Glurp streams
ThorSokar: #BlameJohnny
Simonark: But this is more cinematic. If you like Ozu.
incslayer: yea that would have to come out of the tarp budget and its already fully tapped
Avery316: chat, whats the current status of the golf card?
Julian_Rogue: They have controls you can do that with. I first saw it with BBjess using it for her camera angles while dancing
micalovits: Golf card?
incslayer: someone should give Jacob the Golf Card :p
Therberus: Goofs? On this stream? At this time of day? Shocked I am
hawktonguebaby: Roll for Camera?
ThirdGames: Hot Potato Camera!
jacqui_lantern234: give Cori and Heather cameras and all hell will break lose
Bionull: 3 Camerons?
0x6772: @Avery316 Jordynne gave it to James? I thnk?
kusinohki: Bit reward for camera angle
PawssumFable: If I sub for 6 months, does it add 6m to the clock?
incslayer: Jacob ask for the Golf Card!
Avery316: @0x6772 thanks
TheWooglie: "Glad to help"
josh___something: Cam, I love you
jacqui_lantern234: CAM LUL
Nigouki: oh this is a good early morning
Wolfstrike_NL: @Avery316 Last thing we have on the VST sheet is James has it yea
ATrophonian: Cam: Casual Sadist
couchboyj: Pain feeds art, Jacob
Brozard: set up the switch to a noise gate, whoever’s mic trips the new threshold gets the camera
PawssumFable: Heck
Earthenone: you can pay in advance i belvie?
MrVirite subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months, currently on a 10 month streak!
RandomTrivia: You do get charged for multi-month subs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrVirite! (Today's storm count: 115)
TXC2: you do get charged in one hit
RandomTrivia: Like, you get a small discount
Avery316: @Wolfstrike_NL got it, thanks. not watched for a bit
Sarah_Serinde: I think you get charged but LRR still gets the notificaitons/funds on a monthly basis
mtvcdm: Oh, yes, Jacob, do you like golf?
quton: I think you do get charged fully at once
DoctorBobnarAwesome subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DoctorBobnarAwesome! (Today's storm count: 116)
Brozard: you do
dzee_szed: my other subscription charges 6 months at a time
gluonquark: so today is TCG day?
varmintx0: give us money...for science
PawssumFable: Let's try 3
Sarah_Serinde: So six months in advance is still a monthly sub notification
Earthenone: today is tabletop day
KharadBanar: @gluonquark that's friday
NonUniqueGuy: Today is board game day
TehAmelie: ah, nice little moneymaker for twitch where they get to hold the money for several months
incslayer: yea Jacob you should really ask about Golf
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
TheManaLeek: Board games!
Bluedevyl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months, currently on a 63 month streak!
Bluedevyl: Woo! Numbers go up!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bluedevyl! (Today's storm count: 117)
JRandomHacker: Really excited for MonikLRRs
Earthenone: classic tabletop setting, elden ring
rasterscan: Seamless Coop Mod?
0x6772: Elden Ring, the board game.
PharaohBender27: I hope I get back from work in time for MonikLRRs
DiamondMX: Which board games do have queued up?
Darth Brando: Cam!
At least 17 grapes: They better be careful. If they brew too much coffee, Graham from the past might appear to berate them.
Korren: i also heard the published adventure was rather deadly
Seru: @jacob you can use those clickers for slides to switch scenes in OBS, yes :D
warpstonewarlock: Just Git Gud
DaVeganPolice: :O yo
FreaQU subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
TheWooglie: Adam is a great teacher though
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FreaQU! (Today's storm count: 118)
ClockTamer: I’ll miss some board games, I’ve got to run dnd
Brozard: I’m not sure if the API can tell how many months a sub is for, just the sub notifier which is for one month
haberley: CAM
rasterscan: CAM NO!
TriChronos: Elden Ring is a great one to start with
pn55: !quote r1
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
DaVeganPolice: hehehehe
GhostValv: :)
Mashamino: y-yeah
varmintx0: you'll find holes to fall in.
public_key_reveal_party: Cam lrrSLOTH
NorthstarTex: >.> do I say anything?
accountmadeforants: Adam teaches James the way of the whip
Pteraspidomorphi: DiamondMX: Ben is excited for a set of dexterity games apparently
HubbeKing: :)
NonUniqueGuy: I remember there is Monikers, some dexterity games, and heroes of barcadia.
0x6772: Chat, shut up!
Earthenone: !holes
LRRbot: Water go down the hoooooollllle.
RandomTrivia: That absolutely sounds like bollocks HypeLUL
DiscordianTokkan: lol
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
neisan2112: Its chat
SharktoothJack: The key to playing Souls games for the first time is to stop being afraid of dying
Simonark: That’s not trolling, that’s Cameron’s actual world view! it is singular.
incslayer: CamelUP SuperCup
Orxolon: cool
neisan2112: Custom Monikers
gameboy350: You don't have the right, o, you don't have the right
TheWooglie: "special" monikers
haberley: there's a load Temu dexterity games
RandomTrivia: Ben's Discount Store dex game trash hour is gonna be great
IaCthulhuFthagn: Tarkovgraphers sounds like a vibe.
NovaTiempo: *chant* camel up super cup
Fanklok: TBF Tree Sentinle is a teaching boss
DiamondMX: Tarkovrophers sounds interesting though.
Leonhart321: Look, the Tree Sentinel is an easy boss to introduce you to the open world aspect of the game
GhostValv: next you'll be selling important equipment in a basement on the building by the lake
NiceMrCaput: seriously though elden ring is kinda less cruel than the others because it lets you just leave
Brozard: I love the “-ers” series
IaCthulhuFthagn: @DiamondMX Great minds...
Laserbeaks_Fury: If you weren't cowards, you start with Barcadia Kappa
gluonquark: cool! board game
Orxolon: feelings?
JinaMahavira: I thought you got banned from that stream Jacob Kappa
RandomTrivia: !relaxed
DiamondMX: @IaCthulhuFthagn *high fives* *misses* *cheers*
sephsays: in a Soulslike game, dying is a mechanic, not a failure. Dying *twice* without learning from your experiences is the failure!
the_phantom_game_player: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: Poor put-upon Jacob
Featherweight_: look, there were ducks
incslayer: the answer is "Yes"
josh___something: LRRfolk are sharks, heard
NorthstarTex: is stitch in there?
randomblathering: No Star Wars Unlimited on Friday?
incslayer: can i Get Goliath from Gargoyles?
TheWooglie: I want the pixar set
Simonark: Escape From Witch Mountain expansion when?
Orxolon: nothing you could do,there were ducks
Leonhart321: Waiting on Kingdom Hearts. Then I'll go all in
RandomTrivia: I can't wait to see how Magic's Universes Beyond Marvel interacts with Lorcana eventually getting to Marvel
ArrestedHouse: put Sora in Lorcana
rasterscan: Lorcana: Simpsons
Fanklok: So when do the heartless come to
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Is moana in lorcana?
NoxStryx: It is only disney animation currently
couchboyj: Simpsons in Lorcana
haberley: Bluey?
PMAvers: Gargoyles are in there already
TXC2: Simonark it's Escape to witch mountain
r10pez10: !smash
Orxolon: i wan Darkwing duck in Lorcana
gameboy350: Bellfry Gargoyles for Lorcana
ClockTamer: put Owl House in Lorcana!
RatherLargeToad: plus some what ifs, like “what if timkerbelle was a giant” or “Gaston is smart”
mercano82: Gargoyles is a Disney original, so it’d fit
Chronomagistrate: @randomblathering They've said SWU is on the list but not a draft.
NovaTiempo: a woo-ooh.
NorthstarTex: @ClockTamer this. 1000 times
incslayer: Lets Get Dangerous!
gluonquark: a woo hoo
MaddogM: @randomblathering time dependent
commentarywife: !lorcana darkwing duck
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Brozard: C&D RR
TallynNyntyg: Seeing Lorcana come out made me wonder how WotC didn't get stopped from making Eldraine.
Argetbrisingr96: Definitely not to steal it and hang it on the wall lol
Metric_Furlong: Millenials don't have money, you silly billy
PMAvers: Disney already owns Kingdom Hearts
IaCthulhuFthagn: Is the Black Cauldron in Lorcana?
randomblathering: @chronomagistrate @maddogm Thanks!
gluonquark: can't buy a house, but I can buy cards
FrostyKaze: I'd go nuts for Kingdom Hearts cards
TXC2: TallynNyntyg the power of public domain
PMAvers: Like, they straight up own Sora and all the OC's.
Chronomagistrate: @TallynNyntyg Fairy tales are not copyrighted by Disney
TheAlanHeffley: Chip and Dale rescue rangers?
djmikeysaxx: did no one tell Jacob that were getting FF the magic set?
Leonhart321: I pray for this daily Jacob. All in on Edgelord Org XIII deck
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TallynNyntyg Because, try as they might, Disney doesn't own the concept of stories.
KinkerbellRose: Final Fantasy MAGIC?! WTF?! I am going to be BROKE.
SeptemberAndRemmi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SeptemberAndRemmi! (Today's storm count: 119)
Izandai: That makes sense.
alchemistsavant: Or maybe 11 and 14 for commander, since they're both the mmos?
N2Osferatu: The Chip and Dale movie was surprisingly good
haberley: lady dimitrescu?
yalc321: Merylwyb?
TriChronos: Just give me legendary copies of all the Scions
ExachixKitsune: pff large woman
hesterbyrde: I heard a high pitched pop. Was that Jacob's brain learning there's an FF set coming for MtG?
quton: commander decks are probably going to be whatever is the most played FF's
PharaohBender27 gifted 3 months of Tier 1 to Metric_Furlong. They've gifted 1524 months in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Metric_Furlong! (Today's storm count: 120)
thraximore: G'morning all wheelerMuldcb
PharaohBender27: OK, doing some science
incslayer: @N2Osferatu i thought the same and was suprised about that fact
GhostValv: Emet deck :O
TXC2: hello thraximore welcome
KinkerbellRose: Emmet doing the wave for the art or I rebel.
yalc321: Moenbryda wasn't a pirate
niccus: @KinkerbellRose you've still got about a year
BrokenGolem: all the 1984 movies turning 40 this year. Dune, last starfighter, neverending story, gremlins...
TriChronos: Just give me legendary creatures for all the Scions. Please!
Pteraspidomorphi: Which FInal Fantasy will be in said set?
Izandai: Or each Commander deck is based around a popular spinoff.
thraximore: @TXC2 umbraHey
ExachixKitsune: I think a lot of us would spend a lot of money
nosole: An Emet Deck would... please don't make me get back into magic
Leonhart321: @kinkerbellrose We're all going to be broke when that drops
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I have no clue what we are discussing
PharaohBender27: OK, so the subcounter only goes up one for multi-month subs, it seems
The_Voices: emet is a sad old man....
Pinwiz11: I'm so happy to be up to date with FF14 so that I can listen to Jacob talk about the game. :)
Carlioo: I *need* a hildibrand card
TXC2: PharaohBender27 thank you for the science
KinkerbellRose: Oh Cam...
RandomTrivia: Cameron
djmikeysaxx: @Pteraspidomorphi theyve said all the mainline ones but thats all we know so far
GhostValv: oh no~
PMAvers: Jacob's face.
RandomTrivia: benginBonk
Izandai: mattlrLul
Davlenagain: Has Jacob seen the Cute animals set coming out for the PPR this weekend?
ExachixKitsune: oh cameron
commentarywife: @PharaohBender27 yay science
niccus: there's no preview cards yet, but it's looking like a pan-final-fantasy thing like doctor who
roefizzlebeef: I miss moenbryda every single day of my life
myknorman: Cam what is one thing you'd like to see in the new Civ game?
DiscordianTokkan: Moenbryda should have LIVED
Pteraspidomorphi: Interesting
HubbeKing: poor Moenbryda :(
TallynNyntyg: Oh, when the FF sets come out, I hope some of the Thunder Junction cards get redone as Chocobo riders.
KinkerbellRose: She needs MORE love.
FrostyKaze: Moenbryda BibleThump
the_lone_bard: She moved to an mmo upstate.
TallynNyntyg: set comes*
hawktonguebaby: That moment when you suddenly realize this is yet another remix of that one song. I love it so much.
Metric_Furlong: dangit PharaohBender27, my streak of not being subbed is over Kappa
Simonark: Well, we know when Jacob’s EDSC debut is on the schedule…
neisan2112: God I so wish we had more of her....
PawssumFable: lame haha
PharaohBender27: Cheer2400 Off to work. Here's a few more minutes for the timer.
PMAvers: I mean, in the meantime, there's a bunch of the actual Final Fantasy TCG precons sitting around the Moonbase somewhere...
Earthenone: !prime
Davlenagain is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
Davlenagain gifted a Tier 1 sub to AragornKeuken!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Davlenagain! Welcome to AragornKeuken! (Today's storm count: 121)
couchboyj: We will remember you, Pharoh Bender
AragornKeuken: @Davlenagain Thanks for the gift sub!
RandomTrivia: So instead of doing a 6-month sub, gift 6 subs to get more time for your buck :D
Sarah_Serinde: Do use your free Prime sub somewhere, Amazon doesn't need that money
TXC2: PharaohBender27 lrrHEART
KinkerbellRose: Yes there is. Good closure for that Cameron.
ExachixKitsune: Jacob is holding back so well
Wolfstrike_NL: Thanks Jacob
alchemistsavant: Urianger and her parents get a very good moment, that's all I'll say.
Andymonium: XD
Xenthos10 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xenthos10! (Today's storm count: 122)
varmintx0: that scene hit hard
Carlioo: Man I loved dawntrail
At least 17 grapes: Any fun board games lined up?
Sarah: no, they're all boring board games :P
Sarah: (as far as I know, they haven't told us all the games)
Seru: now they have ^^
Sarah: Yeah that was helpful XD
Sarah: I knew about Heroes of Barcadia but that was about it
Earthenone: today is the prime sale day, so presumably there will be people getting new prime subs today
DiscordianTokkan: The final boss for Dawntrail SLAPS
nosole: Yeah, I started with those quests on my final day of playing Endwalker and it was just a day of tears
SeptemberAndRemmi: @Andymonium Mornin bud. [|]-D
PrisMarlowe: End Walker was *A TIME*(tm)
HubbeKing: my hot take is that Endwalker was deeply mid-tier, compared to Shadowbringers
WhirlwindAbyss: careful of spoilers lol, im still in the ARR story
Aquarionics: Jacob: Have you got into Dawntrail?
KinkerbellRose: Look. I CRIED THE ENTIRE EXPANSION practically. The writers nuked me in the feels.
rasterscan: I still can't get through FF14's first main story (ARR)
Inkymouse: Come back to WooooooW.
snowewolf: Dawntrail is fun
ErisOfSpace: ok who's dropping the copypasta
TriChronos: It can be played entirely single player now, with the TRUST system
TXC2: we time out copypasta :p
NojhLivic: I loved Dawntrail
Therberus: Same feeling I have with GW2 tbh
nosole: You just need people for the trails, but thats it
Earthenone: i was super excited for FF14, i preorderd the special edition. i have never got annother special edition of anything or gone back to 14
nosole: *Trials
lyllithblackstar: lrrKATHLEEN lrrGibb morin
MaddogM: You can't get past A Realm Reborn solo
Simonark: The things that bring us the most joy are also the things that reduce us to gibberish loons when we try to explain why. Things we merely love don’t jam the whole language into our throats trying to form sentences.
Makoforte: You can now, but you can't do crystal tower
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer1000
MegaDosX: It's one of my favourite things about SWTOR, you can do your class story entirely solo without needing anyone else, and you can do most of the expansion content solo too
TXC2: hello lyllithblackstar welcome
KinkerbellRose: ARR is basically the tax to enjoying the rest of the game.
The_Voices: thats normal
IaCthulhuFthagn: BWV 988
TheManaLeek: Just playing Goldberg's theme music, on loop
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer1000
cmdrud87: Tackle, Spear, Jackhammer...
Incandescent_Zubat: I’ve been giving FFXIV a proper try partially because of Jacob. His excitement for it is so pure.
TotalHell: Bard: "Who's next??"
NojhLivic: Player run concerts in game can be awesome
KinkerbellRose: Get past ARR, and you have fun now.
Makoforte: So you DO need to do the raids
PrisMarlowe: am literally running around in FFXIV right now
MegaDosX: @cmdrud87 Punch a car window, headbutt a wall
ArrestedHouse: Goldberg, Gillberg
AragornKeuken: The first time I logged into FFXIV I encountered an orchestra playing Nier music in Limsa Lominsa
quton: all the Spears
haberley: huge smoke jets come out of the piano, musician breathes it out like a dragon
TheAlanHeffley: Just Gillburg
myknorman: Cam did you give Humankind a shot? The Civ copy
Makoforte: Also i'm just gonna be over here as the ARR enjoyer it: It is not nearly as bad as people meme about it
Cinominn: Morning
Simonark: Rube Goldberg Variations.
ameliette: ARR is just fine on its own - *and* the rest is even better
gameboy350: Bach of the Golden Order
spicyFerret_: I like to hang around and play the wii shop channel music.
Davlenagain: Jacob are you apart of the PPR this Sunday?
ladyjessica: Goldberg is deeply Canadian (I think? I associate it with the cbc)
TheWanderingNomad: @Makoforte Your not alone as you think
Makoforte: Like Stormblood was the weakest part for me, and I haven't had the money to get dawntrail yet
AtrusOfMyst: Covering yourself in glitter, singing karaoke
vinewood_og: Speared Beethoven out of his powdered wig
TriChronos: How about a round on The Long Game?
Carlioo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
Carlioo: Wonder if old month-long subs increase the timer?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Carlioo! (Today's storm count: 123)
HubbeKing: Shadowbringers absolutely destroyed me
IaCthulhuFthagn: I really liked FF 14, but then they took it down and later replaced it with ARR Keepo
TXC2: James just punches chunks
PMAvers: Those holes won't dig themselves.
DiamondMX: You just need to play the video games you want to play, while streaming.
varmintx0: Has Jacob finished DT's MSQ?
TheAlanHeffley: So the same, James
mtvcdm: Goldberg. The man you cast when you want to do Manly Man Things For Men.
snowewolf: James Turner about the become the new hot FF14 Streamer
VG1985 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, VG1985! (Today's storm count: 124)
Cinominn: Shb was my fave, but also thanks for the reminder.... i need to level picto
jacqui_lantern234: James is too busy being an old man, clearly (/joking)
Makoforte: please no dawntrail spoilers
Sarah_Serinde: I am bad at both starting and finishing games and books these days and it makes me sad
Geldaran: I feel that. rogue-likes in small chunks is about all I can manage these days.
KinkerbellRose: @HubbeKing Broke me down, and built me back up. The message it gave of not giving up came at a very good time in my life, and it HELPED.
NonUniqueGuy: I used to love CRPGs. Nowadays, I can only sit down to for Roguelites.
TallynNyntyg: How long is FFXIV's tutorial?
Makoforte: Baderon Ten-Fingers?
Makoforte: Eorzea
DiscordianTokkan: Eorzea
gluonquark: it's been a moment but I think we can be sure that there will be "James and friend tomorrow"
Simonark: @sarah_serinde Right? I know I used to be able to do that so much.
Izandai: heh
roefizzlebeef: baderon my MAN
PawssumFable is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
PawssumFable gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bellcrow20!
PawssumFable gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jerochi!
PawssumFable gifted a Tier 1 sub to PrisMarlowe!
PawssumFable gifted a Tier 1 sub to silvardo!
PawssumFable gifted a Tier 1 sub to KosmosRPG!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PawssumFable! Welcome to silvardo, PrisMarlowe, KosmosRPG, Bellcrow20, and Jerochi! (Today's storm count: 129)
PMAvers: Koji Fox is a menace.
TXC2: PawssumFable lrrHEART
PrisMarlowe: @PawssumFable Thanks for the gift sub!
FrostyKaze: Shadowbringers was awesome and then Endwalker frickin destroyed me
PrisMarlowe: It's Kate now!
DiscordianTokkan: Koji Fox is a Treasure
11epicnoob: Heyo, who's next to cameron? He looks so familiar...
Carlioo: He isn't the head anymore, it's kate now!
The_Voices: Koji Fox is a TROLL
Makoforte: He is also a menace, given what he did with the Moenbryda wind up
Izandai: @11epicnoob Jacob Burgess
nosole: Koji is a treasure and he has passed the torch on to Kate in the best way
Carlioo: And kate is just as bad!
PawssumFable: It's randomly selected but yw! I meant to hit anonymous but I had to fight with amazon pay and it reset lol
KosmosRPG: Thank you @PawssumFable !
NovaTiempo: Callbacks!
Sorator13: good morning friends!
Davlenagain: James, did I miss you DJTurnLRR for this month?
TXC2: hello Sorator13 welcome
PawssumFable: PartyPopper PartyPopper PartyPopper
Metric_Furlong: I don't
Snowcookies: "Curl your toes, punch the wall, and curse the name of God" - Jacob
DiamondMX: I don't.
ErisOfSpace: I did not have a normal childhood
Sarah_Serinde: @Simonark Turns out, full-time job plus a bunch of modding plus chores plus spending half the year on a DB project takes up a lot of time and energy
ladyjessica: look how James stands, people with bad childhoods don’t stand like that.
Earthenone: my childhood was not normal, humanity would not exist if my childhood was normal
gluonquark: if your childhood was "normal", that's not normal
TXC2: I know I had a bad childhood
jessieimproved: I had a good childhood. I didn't realize how WEIRD it was until I was an adult.
measureofhope: My childhood was extremely normal, I didn't step on a single snake.
jacqui_lantern234: i dont. my backstory is sincerely tragic
incslayer: my childhood was good but i would not describe it as normal
Nigouki: sermon starts at 10am
11epicnoob: Heyo, who's next to cameron? He looks so familiar...
Sarah: That's Jacob!
Sarah: Friend of LRR folks, he's been on some LRLs and other streams, including Oki Oki Fight Club
Sarah: (Also, y'know, does his own cool stuff, like voice acting and working in the video game industry)
BlackBlade_: I went to catholic high school despite not being catholic
incslayer: hmm if everyones childhood is weird does that make weird the new normal?
AugmentingPath: "yep, normal childhood, normal amount of dead sisters"
Thaezar: @incslayer I'd say yes
KinkerbellRose: Weird IS the new normal.
Dumori: So normal it is in fact not normal m,y dude
mtvcdm: I got bullied so damn much
HubbeKing: yeah, being bullied *really* broke me
DiamondMX: @incslayer It's possible that normal doesn't exist, and has never existed.
TXC2: mtvcdm same
aussie_rob_w: Any amount of dead parents is probably an abnormal amount before you turn 18.
Jillexie: I have been very lucky in life
BorealMage: So much of life is luck
Woogachaka: @incslayer plausibly, but I have to wonder if we're just more likely to hear from/about childhoods that were "weird" than the normal ones
KinkerbellRose: I was bullied in elementary, up to nine. Highschool? I grew into my chameleon ways and just got along with everyone.
Woogachaka: *"normal"
Simonark: @sarah_serinde You at least have more to show for it! I’ll tell you, feel no guilt about the things you do get done because you can be utterly nonfunctional and still be unable to get through things. I think it just happens to some of us regardless of our wider functioning
KinkerbellRose: Hanging out with the weirdos in the basement at lunch, and chatting wit the jocks in the halls. Was WEIRD.
alexsteacy: Hay Jacob!
Suffix: HELLO FRIENDS! Good Morning. I have coffee.
MattIsAMage: fkae it till you make it, just keep applying till people say "yes" :)
TXC2: hello Suffix welcome
thraximore: hi alex! HypeWave
DiamondMX: @Woogachaka Also, I suspect people in this stream probably have weirder friends than people watching some kinda sportsball.
TXC2: hello alexsteacy
TehAmelie: hey Alex
JadedCynic: what a perfect moment to come back to the stream <3
MrQBear: Jacob saying this with this music is great
aussie_rob_w: I related really strongly to something Robert Irwin said, because he lost his dad so young every time he hears a story or sees a photo of Steve he hadn't seen before he feels closer to him. And that hit me - not growing up knowing him, but *learning* about him from what other people loved.
Laserbeaks_Fury: And sometimes it's just XCOM
pn55: Morning Alex!
incslayer: SUFFIX GREET!
ClockTamer: the music timing
measureofhope: I was bullied relentlessly, isn't that normal?
JadedCynic: yay jacob <3
KinkerbellRose: Any time Jacob is on, things get mystically cooler.
Sarah_Serinde: @Simonark Oh yeah absolutely, even before I was doing as much, the full-time job meant I was doing less reading and gaming. I don't feel too guilty about it, mostly I just miss those things. Gets harder for a lot of us as we grow up/our lives change
RocknGrohlNerd: Hi Alex
Eklinaar: @measureofhope That was my childhood, too, so must be normal.
Davlenagain: I got lucky in the Professorship I ahve now, it was timing and a record from before the whole Covid event with that boss to get the job I love now
alexsteacy: Luck is relevant so spam rolls lol
JadedCynic: mornin' james, cam & jacob (also Alex in chat)
Jillexie: It was a bit rough when we moved to a different city when I was in primary school, but it all worked out in the end.
TXC2: hello JadedCynic welcome
FrostyKaze: @KinkerbellRose Jacob is a treasure
CanPlayGames subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
CanPlayGames: I Feel Lucky to enjoy the company of the community LRR built
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CanPlayGames! (Today's storm count: 130)
KinkerbellRose: @alexsteacy I hear we get two hours of you later. Hype~
inconsideratehat: I will say that while not everyone with Jacob's level of motivation will succeed because of luck, that D&D book story lets me know the difference in motivation that puts you in the category to even roll the dice.
cle0deen: The Jacob Lore!
DiamondMX: And we're all very glad you're here Jacob! <3
TehAmelie: luck is the best stat!
TriChronos: Part of the ship, part of the crew
hesterbyrde: Jacob dropping the truth.
RocknGrohlNerd: Jacob is so right !
protojman: putting yourself in situations to get lucky
TheWooglie: there's an interview with Brennan Lee Mulligan and Sam Reich talking about luck recently
petey_vonwho: And we're lucky to have Jacob
Dumori: I wiffed my luck bad
hesterbyrde: Luck is opportunity meeting preparation.
neisan2112: And Cori only knows LRR cus they happened to be at a convention with LRR
Eklinaar: I got super lucky in my late 30s, got a chance to immigrate away from a country that hates me, totally turned my life around.
PrisMarlowe: It's after midnight and I have stuff to do tomorrow. NIght all TransgenderPride
JadedCynic: watching for opportunity
cle0deen: Get lucky then do something
Molladia: Oh I thought Jacob met LRR when Graham did his voice character
Dumori: cause I was not in the place to capitalise
PawssumFable: This whole thing sounds like make your own luck
Earthenone: usualy lucky people dont belive they are lucky, like evil people dont belive they are evil, im glad to hear from james that people are aknowlaging it
ArcticAtlantic: I'm very aware of my luck in having a stable home
alexsteacy: You gotta waste a goat sometimes
cle0deen: But not in the Billy Zane way
PawssumFable: Plugging away for years, failing over and over, isn't luck?
KinkerbellRose: Luck exists. But you certainly can help yourself get luckier!
Fanklok: Yes... fake...
Dumori: but I did have 2-4years working on helping put a prob on Mars once
CanPlayGames: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3
aussie_rob_w: Good morning Alex!
Snowcookies: Alex o/
CocoaMix86: Jacob whats the weirdest VA role you've done?
JadedCynic: Poor James *hug*
BorealMage: "Are we there yet?"
L0rdX33n: The Arcade Spirit version of Graham was so cute
the_phantom_game_player: Hi Alex
incslayer: while you wait for Coffee Jacob you should ask James about the golf Card
Suffix: So, what coffee y'all about to enjoy?
Jillexie: TMI
hvhTim: James, was the Sunfire a lucky car?
RocknGrohlNerd: oh banger alert chat
alexsteacy: I'm bringing James coffee when I'm on dis segment tomorro
Sogheim: oh hey it's Jacob. is he giving wholesome goblin energy again?
42MiLLyWays: sharing is caring
TheAlanHeffley: Im lucky to have LRR in my life. Gotten me through some hard times in my life.
Nigouki: we love a good ASMR
JadedCynic: SeemsGood
KinkerbellRose: I'm here for the entire conversation with Jacob on the throne.
inconsideratehat: LOL
CanPlayGames: Cam! Age of Sigmar 4.0?
josh___something: JACOB NO XD
niccus: aggressive regularity
L0rdX33n: The Hole Story part of that game was almost as good as Polybius
TehAmelie: hey i bet James would fit right in in Cameron and Ian's quiet christmas show
Simonark: Some people’s racist tirades need a bathroom for the echo
snowewolf: Red
alexsteacy: no carrot milk?
Manae: Sounds like a good salad so far
Nigouki: Mystery Onion
cle0deen: Puprle is prettiest
BlackBlade_: how can you get carrots but not milk?
Fanklok: whasts a carrotbroccoli
measureofhope: Carrot carrot milk carrot milk carrot milk?
incslayer: Carrot Carrot Milk carrot milk!
bobdoo555: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
mtvcdm: This is a good time James to ask Jacob if he likes golf.
Earthenone: thats so many vegtables
NorthstarTex: sweet onion if you don't wanna cry
protojman: are the veggies not the salad kit
DiscordianTokkan: Buy lettuce seeds; that's kind've a salad kit
measureofhope: jlrrCarrotmilk jlrrCarrotmilk jlrrCarrotmilk jlrrCarrotmilk
neisan2112: Ohhh taco night
ElementalAlchemist: Sounds like a full cart
niccus: every phase of the dairy
Woogachaka: Pierogies!
jessieimproved: taco night hype
cle0deen: Peanut sauce (mouth waters)
definenull: guess what's they're cookin'
micalovits: Mmmmm.... Tacos
BigDaddyBland87: it's not even Tuesday
Simriel: could that be Vampire the Masquerade splatbook "Cults of the blood god" author Jacob Burgess?
Sarah: You're right, I completely left out writing
Sarah: And running a couple VTM campaigns on Dice Friends
Simriel: (Jacob is super cool, and my biggest desert bus prize desire is Jacob's Time)
Sarah: He does so many things
Sarah: He cares *so much* about both things and people
Simriel: don't Wiggins
ALLxISxLOST: What is everyone's favorite coffee side snack? Mine is butter cookies.
Darkridr: Love a good cheese danish with mine
incslayer: @mtvcdm i agree
cle0deen: So decadent
HbombAndFriends: I thought James’s grocery list was: carrot carrot milk carrot milk carrot milk
haberley: and now I'm hungry
BigDaddyBland87: Meal way to not overspend at the grocery
Brozard: ooo tachos
IaCthulhuFthagn: Nachos is the perfect way to upcycle taco leftovers, and vice versa.
TheAlanHeffley: Sounds like my grocery lists from my wife lol
Suffix: She didn't specify the kind of milk either, James. Chocolate?
Fanklok: bacon ground beef pirogi sounds way too meaty
incslayer: *shouts* James you should ask Jacob if he likes Golf
TXC2: you can have Tacos any day of the week, there's no law stoping you
Woogachaka: I was blown away when I moved south and found out that they didn't know what Pierogies are. Also beer cheese
Suffix: Boourns
RocknGrohlNerd: @TXC2 LUL
DaVeganPolice: :( not choccy
TXC2: chat stop trying to make golf happen
CocoaMix86: @Fanklok cottage cheese peirogi all the way
RevanentOne: carrot carrot milk carrot milk carrot milk
cle0deen: Vitamin D
Laserbeaks_Fury: 1% is just shy of water
Nigouki: Mr Burns Ketchup/Ketsup
Fanklok: Did I hear homo milk?
DoomBringerIL: whole is the best milk @LoadingReadyRun
TXC2: !carrotmilk
LRRbot: Soundcloud for the hit single: by MDrift314
Brozard: Any% Milk Speedrun anyone?
aussie_rob_w: There's a whole ad campaign here based on the fact that there are too many options of milk.
WhirlwindAbyss: Skim milk is aa lie, its not milk lol
tyrew0rm: speaking of Golf, who has the scorecard
DiscordianTokkan: Note for Chat: Homo(genized) milk is Whole milk/3% I think
MrMatternot: Ripple pea milk is the best milk.
alexsteacy: I definitely heard "Rakdos free"
cle0deen: 3% is real?
IaCthulhuFthagn: Raw milk, bought by the gallon.
Suffix: 3.25% seems to be what we buy when we need milk like things.
Mewr11: I grew up on skim but as an adult started drinking/cooking with whole
Izandai: thicc milkk
NonUniqueGuy: 3%?
Metric_Furlong: thicc milcc
pn55: Full fat milk all the way!
Astramentha: T H I L K
Suffix: I don't know why.
mtvcdm: 2%
dungeonmasteralek: Thicc Milcc
SharktoothJack: whole milk best milk
jacqui_lantern234: GAY MILK KappaPride
NorthstarTex: whole milk, we use for cooking, so yeah, i'm a homo milk girl
1ne_intellect: where my almond milk bois at?!
TXC2: Semi or nothing for me
Genie_M: We have 4,5 percent here - rarely though
measureofhope: If my partner requests milk and doesn't specify, I'm getting choccy milk. He'll just shrug and use it for baking anyway.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I had Oat Milk recently and very much enjoyed that
cle0deen: Party milk
Singenmeister: man, I’m from the Midwest, where whole milk is king
petey_vonwho: Whole milk, because I need the Vitamin D
DiscordianTokkan: Nope, the ones I've seen in store still say Homo
josh___something: Homo milk, as opposed to straight milk
alexsteacy: gilk
ArkhamArchivist: Whole Milk with extra powdered milk added, for more Milk Per Milk
RevanentOne: I don't drink milk, but if I need it for cooking I get whole milk
Cinominn: love me some whole milk, gotta have the thick stuff
TehAmelie: over here milk comes in 0.5%, 1.5% and 3%. does that seem weird?
Earthenone: homo milk, so milk from homosapians?
Krillin_fan: be gay drink milk
hawktonguebaby: The homo milk just comes out?
EthirealPlayer: Does It come in bags tho?
HubbeKing: Gay Milk, or Gilk for short
missa_hancock: oat milk household here - I’m the only one who can tolerate dairy in the whole damn house
FoxBehindTheTree: a2 milk plz
cle0deen: That's a gogurt
Nigouki: my parents don't buy anything below 10% creme
abslomdaak42: Milk? That's so gay
aussie_rob_w: Milk's gay. Deal with it tppowerGreen
Woogachaka: thilcc
Niehilius: in denmark we have 5%
vinewood_og: 4 1/2 % milk is basically yogurt lol
measureofhope: I grew up with milk
Sarah_Serinde: I grew up with 2% and then 1%, I'm good with either
mweepigeon: I only really drink milk when I'm making espresso drinks, so I usually grab whole milk
Bolas138: 2%
jacqui_lantern234: the joke my friends are TIRED of is me saying "im such a lesbian i drink homo milk"
DoomBringerIL: 1% is basically water @LoadingReadyRun
dungeonmasteralek: We have bags in quebec
incslayer: @TehAmelie not to me.. but im also swedish like i believe you are :p
DiscordianTokkan: Ontario still has Bagged milk, yea
whiskeyscribe: We have 5% milk here on Scotland
ladyjessica: definitely an Ontario thing.
L0rdX33n: Homogenized just means… run through a high pressure nozzle to break fat particles up?
Featherweight_: I'm in bagged milk county, got my milk holder and everything
BlackBlade_: milk in microplastics... yum
micalovits: 0.1% milk is a thing here... Danes are weird
TehAmelie: :b
Jillexie: Milks bags in our household because our kids go through it quickly.
inconsideratehat: Yeah here in Ontario you can still get bagged milk, but in fewer stores now.
JadedCynic: it was a VERY brief thing out here in Newfoundland - for like a few months in the 90s
Hoplon42: whole milk is like 4% and we have a grad above that call gold top or jersey milk, which is closer to 6%
tuo2: man. I miss milk delivery. it was awesome.
ashtonfpd: did you guys havea milk door?
js1813: Still have it in Qc, but we have cartons too.
Q_sic: My grade school in the 90s tried small milk bags instead of cartons
Molladia: Have you ever drunk milk that is meant for making cheese? That cream fat layer on top is a LOT
djmikeysaxx: Cam the voice of reason here with the Carton milk
Simonark: Ontario is bag milk. Bag milk pro tip! Freeze is, use it as a murder weapon, then wash it off and microwave it for the perfect crime.
RocknGrohlNerd: okey I need to look the % on my milk
Nigouki: you don't just milk the milkman right at the door?
cle0deen: I am learning so much
nosole: I had to get milk delivered from a local farm, but that was because I was allergic to pasteurized milk
0x6772: … and the inside of that tupper ware container was disgusting.
Dumori: @Hoplon42 That's just light cream!
samwiser_: Every 3 days I buy my family a gallon of 2% and skim. And every time I buy it, it is because we are currently empty.
Fanklok: Now did your parents get divorced after the milk delivery stopped?
DoomBringerIL: we still have milk bags in israel @LoadingReadyRun
Brozard: Milk like ground beef ratios: Chuck Milk is 25%
IaCthulhuFthagn: Out of the cow's teet the milk is generally between 3.5% and 5%, for reference.
Q_sic: they may have been in the late 80s thinking about it
CocoaMix86: Cottage cheese pierogis
mrverbal: we got t in glass bottles until the mid to late 80s
JadedCynic: yeah, the enviropak laminated paper carton
Suffix: Waffles?!
TheWooglie: we watched the Car Hunt earlier so we know what you are talking about
Shadree: I'm heading to bed. All the best everybody!
Hoplon42: @Dumori nah single cream is like 18% fat here
Angreed66: I still find it weird that people think gay when they hear homo when the human genus is Homo. Homo milk would be human milk.
TXC2: so long Shadree sleep well
cle0deen: I watched Car Hunt recently too!
Nigouki: people who concern themselves with how their neighbor's properties look need to mind their own business
haberley: @Angreed66 Greek vs Latin
Sorator13: oh that sounds *very* Oak Bay
Taligan: Yeah, I remember when we got milk delivery, we could just cancel it by putting a sign in the window that just said "NO MILK".
Jillexie: Paint it beigse
Earthenone: reminds me of my old apartment, they tried to tow my car every 48 hours from my own spot because they dident like how it looked in photos
JadedCynic: <3
incslayer: but bare wood is nice looking
Jillexie: *beige
L0rdX33n: Petty tyrants in local government? Shocking
Wolfstrike_NL: Lrr's CarHunt episode was on tonights watch along :P Which had Hide N Seek as the final destination
TXC2: Angreed66 problem is homo is both latin and greek and means different things
Dumori: @Hoplon42 I mean I guess even here a light cream is closere to 10
pn55: That sounds lovely
Makoforte: if you are a member of a town council, any person should be allowed to push you into the nearest shallow body of water on a day when the temperature is below 0C
definenull: that sounds almost like malicious compliance
spinebustertee: Morning LRR, greetings from behind the security perimeter of the RNC! (...where i am working, alas)
cle0deen: "Snotty series of behaviors," I love how Cameron talks
JadedCynic: councils can be reprehensible
TehAmelie: and ironically, homophobes would prefer homogeneity over heterogeneity
CanPlayGames: Cam. I'm building my Skaventide box. Any plans to checkout AoS 4.0?
TXC2: hello spinebustertee welcome
meerkatjesus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, meerkatjesus! (Today's storm count: 131)
alchemistsavant: @spinebustertee Oh god, that sucks.
cmdrud87: "just bring the pot" is totally not ambiguous
ashtonfpd: sounds like what i hear about HOA's in america
BITs19_: good morning Cameron, Jacob, James! Good morning chat!
snowewolf: City Councils are Snooty anushats everywhere
JadedCynic: @ashtonfpd pretty much
TXC2: hello BITs19_ welcome
GhostValv: :\
Nigouki: how self-important are your city council members?
Simriel: I love a nice Biscoff biscuit
Simriel: Also you are 100% right, Jacob cares so much and it's wonderful
Darkridr: Whole milk gang rise up
Simriel: Milk is gay, send tweet
River: lgbtmilk
Sareaesque: I don't know if it's a good thing or not they can't see the YouTube chat, because Jacob 100% deserves every nice word said about him, but I feel he would hate every second of receiving them XD
Sarah: That sounds fairly accurate XD
ALLxISxLOST: what a good name for a coffee shop
Sareaesque: Also love a good buttery flaky pastry with a coffee
ALLxISxLOST: I wish I was that creative
boglebog: i prefer my dairy with the pulp
Simriel: I also love a croissant with my coffee
Simriel: @boglebog I do not like that
ALLxISxLOST: "with the pulp" concerning milk just made me gag
aussie_rob_w: New money jerks.
BorealMage: Love how often "people are complaining" actually means "I don't like it"
KinkerbellRose: Footloose.
TXC2: OakBay is just one big HoA isn't it ? :p
RevanentOne: snooty is the word I'd use for that
warpstonewarlock: Any chances for Necromunda campaign on Long Game?
Earthenone: 90's disney villans
hvhTim: Lolololol
L0rdX33n: To which my response would have been “Eat my entire butthole”
Saunabath: Bunch of nimbys
CookieMom: Cameron for Oak Bay Council 2025.
cle0deen: "Mg lord he means to do you harm!"
KinkerbellRose: It's just Footloose.
inconsideratehat: I don't even know "Oak Bay" but it absolutely has a name that codes for that
Brozard: behaving like they’re British 200 years ago
TheWooglie: Paddington villians
JadedCynic: @Nigouki on a scale from 0 to Karen
commentarywife: heyy, us british isn't that bad
definenull: they can't get any snootier
neisan2112: Yeah this is some uptight HOA horse shit
GhostValv: but just think of all the tax dollars those 2 parking spaces would bring :O
alexsteacy: blow it straight out your back passage
TXC2: was that comment by Jacob Reese-mogg? :p
TheMerricat: How do you utter words like that and not realize you are coming off as an ass I wonder?
BITs19_: oh hey Alex!
NovaTiempo: *pouring noise*
jacqui_lantern234: @commentarywife as someone with native american heritage, ya you are Kappa
NiceMrCaput: Speaking as a real british person we do have those people here too but we treat them with the exact same scorn
Angreed66: HOA's were a mistake
Niehilius: what's on the schedule today?
JadedCynic: that person who released that statement should be SHAMED OUT OF OFFICE
TriChronos: Sounds like they might qualify for BLPPB benefits!
L0rdX33n: “Sit on it and spin, sincerely yours”
neisan2112: @alexsteacy lol thats a great phrase, I need to use that
Suffix: This is the finest local news morning show I've seen in awhile.
spinebustertee: @alchemistsavant Thankfully it's actually just been a ghost town at my work, but my commute is hell.
gluonquark: "change target cam type to human"
TehAmelie: i'd vote for him
ashtonfpd: damn they got a moccamaster? dont get better than that
Earthenone: run for council as a live prerecord? :P
MattIsAMage: sassy highschool drama about town council is funny and there should be more of it
NapalmSideburns: "Get fucked all the way out into the bay that's raising the property value of the area"
incslayer: all of LRR should run for town council then you can run it as your own fiefdome
hvhTim: Loading Ready Run For Office
definenull: TMI
alexsteacy: CAM
KinkerbellRose: Power Corrupts. I've my experiences of Managers getting promotions, and becoming pure Karen. ;=;
ArrestedHouse: LUL
Abavus: LUL
pn55: jlrrFacepalm
BigDaddyBland87: TMI
cmdrud87: Does Cam even live in Oak bay (or another municipality)?
inconsideratehat: ROFL
Izandai: mattlrLul
Sorator13: LUL
Stella_Noctis: LUL
Brozard: CAM
neisan2112: lrrSPOOP
JadedCynic: I would be appalled if I was in the same council as someone who said some pretentious drivel like that
public_key_reveal_party: True neutral
haberley: thanks Cam
micalovits: I should get one...
cle0deen: "Bulls-eyed me unmodified" I love how Cameron talks
MattIsAMage: ooooh, the bedaiy!
Wolfstrike_NL: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 7:19 AM
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: aaaaaand James dies a little
KinkerbellRose: JACOB! LUL
hawktonguebaby: James, you invited them on, this is your fault.
commentarywife: okay fair, The British did some bad stuff, but don't tar us all with the same brush T_T
josh___something: C... Congrats?
BrokenGolem: tqsRoll
snowewolf: Camrans the Perfect Toob
KinkerbellRose: That's a wuote.
alexsteacy: James I will not talk about my poos tomorrow
KinkerbellRose: Quote even.
public_key_reveal_party: Boo Alex
KinkerbellRose: LUL
ThorSokar: hahaha
pn55: Oh no...
josh___something: S... Slashfic?
JadedCynic: George Takei: oh, MY
Suffix: Picante.
TXC2: and don't try chat
MattIsAMage: oh, i thought that was your voice! KappaPride
KinkerbellRose: Oh wow.
abslomdaak42: Good for them
Featherweight_: he was fully functional
TXC2: the first slash was Kirk Slash Spock
malfnord: Yep
KharadBanar: "Do you consent to this website storing your Picard Data?"
neisan2112: Yeah
teddywhosabear: I mean, we can make it happen, all we gotta do is crowdfund a bit and get writing and we can recreate the experience for LRL
cle0deen: Chat says yes
Brozard: Star Trek does have ships
Jgirl13245: it totally is.
ThorSokar: Kirk/Spock, yes
KinkerbellRose: Sounds true AF.
aussie_rob_w: Whoever that was has not uploaded it to the internet, I bet, it's been airgapped across several MP3 players.
AragornKeuken: Sherlock Holmes is the true Grandfather of all fanfiction
Izandai: He's fully functional.
TXC2: Star trek fan fiction is also were the term Mary sue comes from
JadedCynic: @KharadBanar vs. "Do you consent to this website storing your Picard x Data?" ;)
Izandai: ~And anatomically correct~
public_key_reveal_party: Body horror or slash fic?
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 556 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Puddlenipper!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nintendo_Spiderman!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kayonniik!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to blackbearda380!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to SageFigaro!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to Puddlenipper, Kayonniik, blackbearda380, SageFigaro, and Nintendo_Spiderman! (Today's storm count: 136)
incslayer: Gene Roddenberry was SOOO Horny
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
NiceMrCaput: The horniest man in the world
TehAmelie: Don Quixote went so off the rails with fanfiction it practically led to the invention of copyright
Eklinaar: super horny dude
TheMerricat: "It is commonly believed that slash fan fiction originated during the late 1960s, within the Star Trek: The Original Series fan fiction fandom, starting with "Kirk/Spock" stories generally authored by female fans of the series and distributed privately among friends.The name arises from the use of the slash symbol (/) in mentions in the late '70s of K/S (meaning stories where Kirk and Spock had a romantic [and often sexual] relationship), as compared to the ampersand (&) conventionally....
AragornKeuken: Genn Rodenberry was the single biggest impediment to the success of Star Trek TNG
aussie_rob_w: I should be asleep already but I'm procrastinating because morning coffee is so good
micalovits: Humanity is horny
TXC2: gene Roddenberry was ALLLL about the free love
TheMerricat: @TheMerricat conventionally used for K&S or Kirk and Spock friendship fiction."
Fanklok: Wasn't there an expressed regret about not making Kirk and Spock gay?
Sogheim: Deanna Troi was supposed to have four breasts. ridiculous.
Simonark: @txc2 A Trekkie’s Tale… it’s a parody of fanfic, really.
ladyjessica: I think the term slash is from Kirk and Spock. don’t think ship is from there.
Izandai: Picard is the one who cot knifed in a bar fight.
Izandai: *got
TXC2: Simonark indeed
TheMerricat: @Fanklok Not from anyone in the higher ups... at least those involved in it.
TXC2: Picard fucks
AragornKeuken: Gene Rodenberry almost stopped Measure of a Man from being made because he didn't think there would be lawyers in the future.
haberley: while we talk about SF - Cam, I read The Lathe of Heaven on you rec and it was AWESOME
ladyjessica: I’ve seen that meme.
PawssumFable: One of the first few episodes is actually Kirk talking about how women's beauty is on the inside
Jillexie: Tapestry
betazed15: When he was in the academy...young and dumb
bytecaster: By a Nausican
PawssumFable: There was... some alien basically akin to a succubus
Saunabath: Picard gets around more than Kirk
ladyjessica: 7th season with Q
NimrodXIV: Dom jot hu-man
TacitusVigil: Picard win a marathon as afreshman
PawssumFable: And he went
PawssumFable: Nah
superdude097: It's why he has a fake heart
Jillexie: Dom Jot
AugmentingPath: Q offers to have him unknifed, it's a whole thing
incslayer: Gene Roddenberry tried to have an open relationship with Majel Barret and Nichelle Nichols
Krillin_fan: human play jambot
JadedCynic: and he's got an artifical heart
Astramentha: ST:TNG ep Tapestry
ladyjessica: tapestry
MrMatternot: Dom-Jot
MungoDude: that's why he has an artificial heart
vinewood_og: Why did we go to all those planets? They were called STRANGE new worlds. Robot Chicken ->
L0rdX33n: We had to read a section of Dragonriders of Pern for class, I went on to read more on my own. They had left out all the horny bits.
TXC2: Like, for YEARS people assumed Picard was wesley's dad
DaniellNaruta: Kirk hacked the school computer to fix his grades
KinkerbellRose: Honetly, some of my favorite content is ya'll just chilling and talking.
Anonymousless: Hu-mon play Dom-Jot?
alexsteacy: I get these next gen references now!!
aussie_rob_w: Breakfast coffee and chill
TheWooglie: 1019 is a lot
public_key_reveal_party: And less bus
L0rdX33n: I learned a LOT. Much of which was wrong
KinkerbellRose: The chemistry is magical with you lot.
josh___something: Yeah, desert bus lite
ErisOfSpace: love a DB vipe :)
incslayer: how come serge isnt invited to Coffee with James?
Simonark: You all do this every morning, it’s just you only stream it this week
BrokenGolem: now ruin it by turning this into a podcast :)
CocoaMix86: Cam whats your wackiest DnD character build?
PawssumFable: Good job
Therberus: I love the DB trial run energy the subathon has tbh
cle0deen: I love hang out and drink coffee as a stream
protojman: hey. hey. hey. keep it down
James_the_Dabbler: I could sit and listen to the LRR crew chat for hours
bytecaster: Post-Poop Clarity
haberley: Cam, any SF book recommendations?
marmalade_pen: i know picard is french but my brain automatically said "i am belgian" when you called picard a frenchman
Brozard: really moved the world
DaniellNaruta: @TXC2 I had a Mandella effect where I thought they said that in an episode, but I remembered a line wrong
accountmadeforants: I've found a picture of the painted patio and it looks adorable
BITs19_: oh i have
BITs19_: several times
aussie_rob_w: Never one that difficult!
ClockTamer: can this become a weekly stream? its nice
Sareaesque: @boglebog
boglebog: you know i was thinking about orange juice, but I can see how my actions have affected chat
Simriel: this isn't a mod warning to be clear: but please never say that again xD
boglebog: oh i know
Simriel: median Butthole
ALLxISxLOST: would chocolate orange slices melted into coffee be tasty?
Simriel: Yes, I know cause I have done it :p
ALLxISxLOST: jealous
Simriel: also Coffee made with hot Rum is also great
Simriel: Rum coffee with Lunch at a LARP is great
Sareaesque: I recommend adding coffee to banana bread, rounds out the flavour nicely and balances out the sweetness
TonyOstrich: Picard didn't cheat, the aliens did and he confronted them if I remember correctly.
GhostValv: haha
Sorator13: I don't think I've ever had that experience either
Earthenone: thats so smart!
TXC2: DaniellNaruta Indeed
Izandai: mattlrLul
measureofhope: I have IBS, I appreciate a good poop because I know the opposite intimately.
protojman: fantastic
Laserbeaks_Fury: LEVERAGE
BrokenGolem: that's how too many people die on the throne
TheMerricat: @L0rdX33n It should be remembered that Anne McCaffrey 'fell into' YA scifi writing, her original vision was to be a softcore scifi porn writer.
Eklinaar: LUL
vinewood_og: Beardown for midterms!
alexsteacy: The "fighting for my life" handles
jessieimproved: It's like an inversion table, but for your insides
KinkerbellRose: "Woops, I think that's intestine."
ashtonfpd: ah the grip it and rip it
Nosser2: Something to hold onto while you fire off a depth charge.
brieandbacon: Sometimes you gotta unload a depth charge
Featherweight_: bro, ima bend the handles
PawssumFable: lol
ThorSokar: so you can really FIRE one out
josh___something: I think you're fuckin POLAR BEARING DOWN at that point
BlackBlade_: weld an apparatus... or change your diet... choices!
PawssumFable: Ow my sides
cle0deen: This chill morning talk has shifted
Bassios: "YOU CAN'T DEFEAT MEEEEE!" *boom*
Sorator13: When you have to ensure you don't blast off
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: in cars, they’re called the Oh Shit Handles.
GhostValv: it should come with a seat belt if you need that too
LordManiMani: lrrCOW
mrverbal: @TheMerricat that makes a lot of sense of early dragonriders of pern
accountmadeforants: Really lock in, prepare for high-G manoeuvre
Laserbeaks_Fury: Do you even lift?
PawssumFable: Austin Powers.. "Who does #2 work for!?"
tuo2: blowing a hole through the porcelain like a sabot.
Sunidesus: what did I wake up to?
PawssumFable: Anyone else remember that?
NapalmSideburns: Imagine the slug you launch if you need those handles
L0rdX33n: You just hear it hit the bowl like a railgun slug
brieandbacon: So this morning is literally shit-talking
Gekyouryuu: "why do they call it a "rest" room?!"
KinkerbellRose: We're pooping in PLAID speed!
vinopinguino: This is now Morning Poop Talk with James
vinewood_og: "That's it son, you show that turd who is boss!"
Sorator13: I don't want to be attached to that thing
Wolfstrike_NL: Jacob, I have finally succumbed to putting down the poop in the VST sheet after scooting around it the first two times -,-
neisan2112: Toilet's haunted
rrtycoon2: How would the fifth point eork?
TheWooglie: danger close
haberley: the sound of dropping shoes out of an atiic
rrtycoon2: Work
josh___something: I hate(love) how descriptive this imagery is
ErisOfSpace: "and that's how you haunt your toilet!
TXC2: Gekyouryuu 'cause you leave the rest of yourself in there Kappa
abslomdaak42: Truly, the mythic Category 5
PawssumFable: @vinewood_og LUL LUL LUL I'm glad it's not just me
l0gin4me: Should have seen that coffee would lead to poop
MrQBear: @PawssumFable I was literally thinking of making the same comment.
TehAmelie: one time, i was overheard by a friend in the next room who thought it sounded just like a siege tank firing. . .
BrokenGolem: hydraulic baffling like the space shuttle
Woogachaka: Steps into restroom, Sees ear-pro, _oh no_
Izandai: @HubbeKing ?????????????????????????
tuo2: brings a new meaning to “fire in the hole!”
Davlenagain: Shooting a Toilet is an early Crapshot, It was like in the sub 100s, ti was Graham and Alex....
gameboy350: Bad beats?
HubbeKing: @Izandai I regret to inform you I have no answers
ashtonfpd: never had the sting ring in my life
alchemistsavant: God I wish that were me. I had ulcers in my teens. Not fun for the bathroom.
Suffix: My partner and I remind each other when we've had beets.
Izandai: @HubbeKing Understandable, have a nice day.
ashtonfpd: it's my super power
N2Osferatu: @Davlenagain RIP Flushie
vinewood_og: Corn is an effective digestion tracer round... for science
hawktonguebaby: It…bums you out?
Simonark: Beets are nothing. It’s cherry season.
Jorsh029: When the "oh, shit!" Handle becomes the "ah... Shit" handle
Nigouki: there comes a point in life where Hole Health becomes something that can no longer be ignored
Singenmeister: chili crisp d so good but it never ends well. :(
TheOtherTrevor: I had beet chips a while ago. The next few days were confusing...
MrMatternot: Jacob, have you ever tried a homemade ginger ale?
PawssumFable: Ginger tea
Davlenagain: @N2Osferatu @N2Osferatu The funeral horn was a great touch
vinewood_og: Cam is very disappointed reading chat right now lrrCAMERON
Therberus: One of the biggest things is my discovery of my high blood sugar levels, I feel so sad that I now have to avoid fries and chips T.T
cle0deen: If I do ____ check on me
TXC2: Nigouki that was about 25 for me :p
Cinominn: sounds like Adam with Dark Cloud 2
marmalade_pen: what
KinkerbellRose: Playing Elden Ring when you're stressed ISN'T just me?!
inconsideratehat: Oooo, you have the same "I need to get really woken up really quick" response to stress as me.
Nosser2: I feel like when you hit 35 or so your GI tract starts rolling debuffs. RIP Cheese for me.
marmalade_pen: what's the problem with beets
Eklinaar: I eat Indian food weekly
PawssumFable: Proper spicy food is like a good cry, just get those endorphins
ashtonfpd: thai food is my favourite spicy food
Eklinaar: @marmalade_pen Makes your poop turn blood red
cle0deen: Turns things red
KinkerbellRose: Honestly though. Hitting your head against the Ring wall and getting a boss kill to feel better is TRUE and VALID,.
Fanklok: As an american the Indian places around here have to make their food white people spicy instead of Indian spicy
marmalade_pen: @Eklinaar lmao
BorealMage: I also crave spicy food when stressed. Sometimes after a rough day I just need dinner to absolutely body me.
Brozard: I’m going to a hot sauce fest on Sunday, wish me luck chat
ashtonfpd: just suddenly stood up
neisan2112: I used to get some amazing Nashville Hot chicken at a place near me, but I reaaaalllly can't do them now. I miss it so much
Eklinaar: @Fanklok I moved to an Indian neighborhood to solve this problem
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah, at a certain point, your Digestive System starts playing Darkest Dungeon
chrisvonclause: I had a local place that made an extremely spicy Bhindi Masala and it was awesome. Sadly where I live now doesn't have a good indian restaurant.
L0rdX33n: There’s a great Indian place near me where the spice level goes plain-mild-medium-spicy-native-native+
neisan2112: Oh I've had that once before Cam. Its so strange
inconsideratehat: Buldak made me start hitting myself, I needed the distraction. So delicious tho
the_lone_bard: The lizard brain realising this is a physical threat.
MrQBear: The worst part is you eat something deliciously hot, and then you accidentally breathe something in...
inconsideratehat: YEET
Earthenone: @Laserbeaks_Fury ahh yes, my digestive system plays torchless bloodmoon
KinkerbellRose: YES!
NimrodXIV: LRR vs Hot One. YES
mweepigeon: oh yes please
BigDaddyBland87: Oh let's go
KinkerbellRose: Chat loves this.
MrMatternot: Cameron, how do you feel about the sichuan numbing spicy?
PawssumFable: I want whatsisname on LRR
ArcticAtlantic: i think i've felt very trapped by something spicy before
definenull: mikey's hot sauce trivia was really good
PawssumFable: From Hot Ones
Mystaira subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
Mystaira: mystaiBongo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mystaira! (Today's storm count: 137)
PawssumFable: brain not want pull out name
IaCthulhuFthagn: That was a great DB segment.
hvhTim: Please do the questions for hot ones too!
ElementalAlchemist: Desert Bus is not about prep or planning, either :P
ThorSokar: yea, they just sell the spices, you can just buy the whole set from them
Bassios: A friend brewed a chilli beer once. I took one sip and had to pour it away 'cause it felt like I'd just taken a bite out of a volcano
DiamondMX: Instead of Q&A, do trivia while you melt.
cle0deen: Roll for sandwich!
neisan2112: The last dab is a legit amazing hotsauce.
Simonark: Only do it with terrifying Korean soups. Not just spicy. Brain-rewiring lava.
NapalmSideburns: Roll for sandwich was great!
Simriel: literally the funniest Shit in the world
ALLxISxLOST: ha, punny
Simriel: Comes out like a railgun slug xD
Daniel Solis: Dropping a MOAB in the morning after salad.
ALLxISxLOST: I tried to read MOAB like 4 times before I stopped reading it moba :T
Daniel Solis: So spicy you instinctually check for emergency exits.
Brozard: That was such a great bit
N2Osferatu: Roll for Sandwich just had his 300th episode!
ThorSokar: Iron Stomach it is!
Earthenone: the kickstarter smoothie was on tonight
PawssumFable: I never see all 10 of the Hot Ones sauces
Jgirl13245: wait what about collab with roll for sandwich? I want a link to this
Kezzig_: ive done the hot ones challenge. the last 3 were wiold, but like 90 min later i was fully recovered
Gekyouryuu: Hot Ones, but with the fake hot sauces LRR made up, like Temporal Patricide
Kezzig_: wild*
ShaneLeeAtk: Going for hot pot tonight
GhostValv: commit to the bit
Brozard: @jgirl13245 It was on a Live about a year ago?
NapalmSideburns: I love me a good vindaloo curry
Jorsh029: Oh, LRR plays "this or (last) dab?"
ashtonfpd: least favourite spicy food is Nashville hot chicken, there is no flavor just cayenne heat
Sorator13: @Jgirl13245
protojman: that's how i eat all the time :D
snowewolf: you could make a Hot sauce from the hot sauce crap shot
Fanklok: By the time your done your nervous system has shut down and it doesn't hurt
Jgirl13245: ty both I am gonna slam watching these later..
GhostValv: haha
Eklinaar: hahaha
GhostValv: gotta sweat the heat out
MegaDosX: "OK I'm ready for dinner"
neisan2112: Incredible
PawssumFable: Nashville hot should have brown sugar and garlic and stuff, if it has no flavor it's a crap Nashville Hot
definenull: buldak is really good
Earthenone: spicy instant noodles are so good!
cmdrud87: once ate a decked tablespoon full of green cottage cheese iin one bite. Turns out it was not cottage cheese, but wasabi
Fanklok: They have Buldak at my local Costco now
Sorator13: @cmdrud87 oh nooooo
sparrowhawksilver: i'm so sensitive to spicy food, pretty much whenever anyone else says "yeah, there some spice in this", it's already too much for me
protojman: they even have an extra spicy one
protojman: YES
L0rdX33n: Noodle bros!
Earthenone: i used to use the spice powder on fries and it was great
yalc321: HMart rules
alchemistsavant: Hmart is so good
protojman: H mart is great congrats!!!
Snowcookies: ooh love H Mart
KinkerbellRose: This is why I love Jacob.
Brozard: H Mart!
jessieimproved: H-Mart!!! We have one close to us
nosole: Buldak is real good, I'm so glad we can get it at the grocery story now
bv310: Niiiiice
cle0deen: Sharing noods
josh___something: Smth smth Kitty corner plus
Brozard: Gotta get those fancy chips
Cinominn: ooooo i gotta go to H mart again
ashtonfpd: Hmart has reasonable produce prices too
NonjaBiru: Oooh H Mart
mweepigeon: I think the carbonara version is all artifical meat flavoring too and that one is fantastic
KinkerbellRose: "I like this. You might like this. I will share this experience with you." Jacob. Keep being you.
PawssumFable: Love HMart
Davlenagain: Did you guys see the news that Weird Al is releasing a New Song Friday?
MattIsAMage: jacob throwing nice bombs off the bow
TehAmelie: the other day i tried some spicy instant noodles cause the "lemon flavor" sounded interesting. did not taste lemon at any point in the 30 minutes my mouth was on fire
Earthenone: what is H mart? i see too much anime and am picturing im sure the wrong thing
pipshardfour: you have ToysRus?!?
dantedad222: doogPaw
NonUniqueGuy: I have a great Korean Fried Chicken place no too far away.
beissman: buldak was declared poison somewhere in the scandinavean
Bassios: Man now I want the terrible kimchi instant noodles from the supermarket
BrowneePoints: For Cameron and Jacob, which 60s-80s horror do you hope is represented/referenced in Duskmourn?
Ritaspirithntr: Jacob HELP!!! Seattle’s Uwajimaya just installed a bunch of Gasha Machines in the store!!! It’s a trap!!
Brozard: Gyu-kaku is solid
Fanklok: @beissman Norway
L0rdX33n: weird Al dis track?
MrMatternot: Wierd Al is so happy to be Done with his label contract.
PawssumFable: OH, the hot chickeny noodles
L0rdX33n: I guess he’s done that
TheWooglie: You getting Bumblebee Lego Jacob?
gualdhar: Weird Al also just murders Drake
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Except for the one in Victoria, which is becoming an HMart.
Cinominn: @Earthenone basically an asian (iirc mostly korean) supermarket
Brozard: new Ginger Root video in 1.5 hours, for those interested
PawssumFable: What's the best Buldak?
ArcticAtlantic: oooh cool
Earthenone: @Cinominn thanks :)
cle0deen: Whats the title?
UltraVioletVodoo: Jacob, im first time dming vampire the masquerade soon, been a dm for 10 years, is there anything you would sugest for a lore dump primer?
IaCthulhuFthagn: Is it a good pairing with listening to George Crumb's Black Angels?
measureofhope: I'm reading A City on Mars by the Weinersmiths. It's about the feasibility and challenges of space colonisation.
beissman: @Fanklok thanks, made german news, but could not remember right now
Earthenone: thanks obama.
tabbybabbyy: what's the podcast, Cam?
Brozard: Cam, have you read The Overstory? I’m only like a fifth in, but it’s great
PawssumFable: I've never thought Obama's book list was bad?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @UltraVioletVodoo We only have 25 minutes before Adam and James take over.
haberley: currently reading The Sirens of Titan, by Kurt Vonnegut - highly recommend
MrMatternot: @pawssumfable I think he means that it is of a type that he is not in to.
abslomdaak42: Recently started reading A Wizard of Earthsea. Also, Doctor Who: The Angel of Redemption.
PawssumFable: Okay
lesbianpunkpyromancer22: Cam have you heard of stephen graham jones? i think you would really enjoy his stuff
ArcticAtlantic: @haberley I love that book!
haberley: @ArcticAtlantic I've read lots of Vonnegut, but somehow never got round to this one!
Rasputyne: Have any of you read Sanderson's Stormlight Archive or Mistborn?
BrowneePoints: speaking of books and on theme, more of yall should try Redwall and Mouse Guard
ErisOfSpace: Cameron listens to trash future? nice
asthanius: Gundam?
rasterscan: Jacob, you gotta read The Grace of Sorcerers then
Brozard: I’m reading my partner’s copy that she annotated during her Masters program
PawssumFable: Making a list
Brozard: so that’s interesting
gualdhar: Sounds like LRR needs to start a book club video series, I'd find the recommendations interesting
Obos_TAB: good morning
1ne_intellect: recently started reading American Gods. Kinda wild
ArcticAtlantic: @haberley conversely it's the only Vonnegut I've read xD
Sarah_Serinde: Zero shame in reading light/fun things
Astramentha: lrrJAMES Could we perhaps lower the music a lil?
Sarah_Serinde: Or heavy in a different sense of heavy :P
TXC2: hello Obos_TAB welcome
MrMatternot: Ah. Part of the Nate Bethay podcast universe. With WTYP, Beneath The Skin, Lions Led By Donkeys, and Hell of a Way to Die.
schwimmschik: Agreed! Godkiller is great!
Xed_Regulus: I recently read "Burn It Down" about the abuses in the entertainment industry in the US. Oof! That was a heavy read.
haberley: @ArcticAtlantic in which case, pick up Cat's Cradle is my suggestion :)
KharadBanar: @gualdhar Oki Oki Literature Club?
Daniel Solis: Treat it like a marathon. Train well before. Plan for recovery after.
Simriel: Mikey Newmann was so good on Bus
MidgardSerpent: ADHD 2.0 being one of three or four books that you're reading at once is a MOOD.
ArcticAtlantic: @haberley will note that down! thank you :)
bv310: I've been on a research kick of Urban Fantasy for the modern D&D campaign I'm running of Urban Fantasy Vancouver
Ciijay: Good morning everyone!
bv310: Shockingly, NK Jemisin is a good writer
measureofhope: I'm also digesting the Exalted: Essence rules slowly. Looks good but hard going when I already have 2 other Exalted editions in my head for current games.
Brozard: big mood Jacob
TXC2: hello Ciijay welcome
Shadowsoflife: Oh neat @bv310
Niehilius: !live
Brozard: Hope you’re giving yourself the grace and rest you need
josh___something: Neat!
BrowneePoints: I hope Bloomburrow inspires folks to pick up the Redwall Books or the Mouse Guard comics.(so I have more people to talk about them with)
TheGhostOfZero: I've mostly been reading chinese medicine classics and textbooks
LesBeauxPlastiques: my girlfriend is an avid reader and she really loves the priory of the orange tree and godkiller so she's super excited that jacob also enjyoed them :D
Izandai: mattlrLul
DiscordianTokkan: Ooh, what's the new fave?
L0rdX33n: Nerd?
asthanius: Question for Jacob: If you have ADHD and have trouble reading for sustained periods of time, do you have any...suggestions, I guess? I want to read ADHD 2.0 but I legit don't know if I can.
MrMatternot: @browneepoints The Redwall books are all available as audiobooks on youtube for free.
DiscordianTokkan: Oooh
jessieimproved: Could someone link that book because I was interested but not listening well enough (>_<)
1ne_intellect: i recently thought about reading warhammer books. any good starting points?
HLP_The_E: Speaking of embarassing official fanfic favourites: the new Battletech novels by Bryan Young are really good?
ArcticAtlantic: I'm re-reading Two Towers as we speak, have also been reading Summer by Ali Smith, my work's book club is reading The Mad Women's Ball by Victoria Mas and I've also recently read the children's book Space Band because it was by one of my favourite musicians, Tom Fletcher
warpstonewarlock: Oh yeah! Know no fear slaps
L0rdX33n: I finished Sharpe’s Rifles based on Cam’s recommendation
DiscordianTokkan: That one DID rule
roastbeefsandwitch: I live the blurry line between Gifted Kid, Autism, and (probably) light ADHD - "AuDHD" colloquially - so knowing where the burnout starts and where natural focus ends is really difficult.
Bowerbird7: Dead Men Walking was... fun?
warpstonewarlock: "And then it started raining main battle tanks."
Sunidesus: @asthanius it helps me to have a fidget to do while reading (I knit so I can concentrate on what I'm reading)
bv310: @BrowneePoints I'm hoping that at the very least it gets us a Redwall Secret Lair.
PawssumFable: @asthanius Tried Pomodoro? Sorry, I know that's like, suggestion 1 always
JustMeJude: Morning chat! Morning James, Cameron, and Jacob!
TXC2: hello JustMeJude welcome
Davlenagain: @L0rdX33n is that the Series Sean Bean starts in?
Lamebert1415: James did you already show your feet?
Izandai: Oh that's fascinating.
spinebustertee is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 23 in the channel!
spinebustertee gifted a Tier 1 sub to partypossum1!
spinebustertee gifted a Tier 1 sub to Fyurios!
spinebustertee gifted a Tier 1 sub to MyNameIsBronus!
spinebustertee gifted a Tier 1 sub to Squigel!
spinebustertee gifted a Tier 1 sub to zyn_helms!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, spinebustertee! Welcome to partypossum1, MyNameIsBronus, Fyurios, Squigel, and zyn_helms! (Today's storm count: 142)
Brozard: I started my first audiobook the other month, and it was a new Brandon Sanderson book, also my first. It’s…fine? The Frugal Wizard’s Guide to Surviving Medieval England
BrowneePoints: Salamanders, the one compassionate Marine Chapter(to their friends)
TXC2: spinebustertee lrrHEART
DiscordianTokkan: The cover is ALSO a chaost marine getting their head puched off, in space
TXC2: or the Lamenters, the only good people in WH40K
Brozard: GOD
measureofhope: @roastbeefsandwitch Hey fellow burnt-out neurodiverse former gifted kid! Much love and stay strong
dantedad222: coxJam
haberley: as someone with ADHD, audiobooks while driving is a GODSEND
jadielady: because of ADHD I was distracted in another tab and missed the title :D
JRandomHacker: @Brozard That's an interesting choice for first Sanderson
Davlenagain: I have been listenign too alot of audio books from China and Japan.....English version...
jessieimproved: I did listen to "Laziness Doesn't Exist" on audio and it was pretty good
GhostValv: oh cool
Dumori: I find I cycle between diffrent media I'm capable of consuming
spinebustertee: Audiobooks are huge! If you have a library card, see if they offer Libby and Hoopla, they're great for easy audiobook access
neisan2112: Audio books are still reading!
Ciijay: Some books for ADHD are also built for people with ADHD - like How to Clean House When Drowning
jessieimproved: thank you Jacob
GhostValv: that could be something to look into then
warpstonewarlock: @jadielady Know no fear for that warhammer book
AragornKeuken: @jadielady ADHD 2.0
haberley: there's loads of audiobooks on spotify premium if people have it
asthanius: Thank you so much, I've always been concerned I would ignore audiobooks but that means I've never tried them adefLove
Brozard: @jrandomhacker I was browsing what to listen to through my library, and it popped up as popular so I was like “Sure”
jadielady: ty @AragornKeuken pennyPleased
LordManiMani: @ciijay currently pictured that up from my wife's recommendation
roastbeefsandwitch: I haven't read it, but "How to ADHD" by Jessica McCrae - and adult ADHD haver and charismatic speaker - looks like a great book too
TehAmelie: speedreading might help if you can do it. absorb more in the same attention span
Ciijay: I tend to listen to audiobooks AND read them at once
Jorsh029: Oculus Imperia does INCREDIBLE in-character summarizations of quite a few of the big 40k stories, absolutely delightful channel
accountmadeforants: Also an audiobook enjoyer with ADHD, though fortunately I can also read books when I'm on my meds
PawssumFable: I was just talking to my spouse, who's looking for an ADHD diagnosis, about how he thinks I said x, but I said y. But it's like, he just gets all the info all jumbled up. He's got all the pieces and puts them in the wrong order.
Ciijay: @LordManiMani It's such a nice book
Sevinon: Interestingly, my ADHD makes audiobooks way harder for me. I find myself losing sentences and it's way easier to catch and rectify when reading
LegionLoyalist: and just placed the hold on Libby
BlueFingers5: MAN the putting things down and being afraid to come back to them is so real
Sunidesus: @Sevinon SAME, I can NOT do audio books at all.
NojhLivic: Chat, what was the book about ADHD Jacob mentioned? Or did I mishear?
warpstonewarlock: Arbitor Ian is also fun
Brozard: @ciijay Do you ever come across where the words read aren’t what’s on the page?
Ciijay: @Sevinon This is why I read and listen at the same time. It helps a bunch
BITs19_: At the recomendation of my psych, I listened to Driven To Distraction a few years ago. It's a little dated, but it introduced me to the idea of Only Handle It Once (OHIO) which has been life changing
measureofhope: I was an avid reader of novels as a kid and as I got older I just don't have the focus and it makes me sad. I need to look into audiobooks, I feel like I've lost part of myself.
emberBecky: i’ve found audio and text combined can help too. or reading out loud sometimes.
undecided44: "I discovered this recipe for chicken and rice when I was visiting my neighbor........" [scream inducing scrolling at diner time while water is about to boil"
Ciijay: @NojhLivic ADHD 2.0
inconsideratehat: Sounds like the book for me. I was well diagnosed and supported as a kid but not as an adult and it shows.
the_lone_bard: While not the best source for lore, Mr Bones 40k is entertaining. Same with Baldemorte.
munocard: When do we get Jacob into the elaborate lore of Destiny with MyNameIsByf?
Jorsh029: Arbitor Ian is also excellent 👌
eidoeidolon: Have you ever tried to listen to an audiobook and read it at the same time? Seems hard to set up but I heard it's an interesting way to immerse yourself in the book
Simriel: I came over from modding the YouTube stream just to say: The Mark of Calth will run until Lorgar lies broken and dead!!! Courage and Honour!
definenull: Doylist
HorusFive: You mean the Lore was written by a studio to sell toys and not actually gifted by the god emperor?
Ciijay: Also shout outs to Jacob - I was literally just saying yesterday how I'm so surprised but happy to see you part of LRR!
cle0deen: @emberbecky from a reading science perspective look at it while you hear it is a huge learning opportunity
warpstonewarlock: @Simriel We March for the Macragge!
bv310: Byf is the best
josh___something: I love destiny lore
FrostyKaze: Adeptus Ridiculous is really good and funny
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @HorusFive HERESY!
ALLxISxLOST: I feel the need to rewatch Road Quest now. I wonder why.
Simriel: Know No Fears audiobook is Bad, but the book is so good that the bad V.A doesn't even make it bad
Agent of Wheeled: how does one ambush a planet?
ALLxISxLOST: from the dark side?
Simriel: I adore the Word Bearers and World Eaters reacting to the post Calth Ultramarines and just being like "Oh shit, this didnt break them, it made them mad"
Simriel: under cover of being allies
Simriel: that was how they ambushed them
Brozard: Which Queen?
warpstonewarlock: Final Shape is great!
josh___something: Lightfall was ROUGH
NeoOfTheDark: Final Shape is fantastic
couchboyj: Games Workshop is like, David Bowe levels of fluid with their lore
munocard: The Final Shape definitely stuck the landing, but totally understand the punt that was Lightfall.
alphashados: Lightfall was... Not great. Final Shape was amazing
HorusFive: @Dread_Pirate_Westley It's at best late stage capitalism.... lrrAWESOME
Myrniss: i just really want to be able to play it like a single player game :(
KinkerbellRose: I kinda wanna give it another shot.
Brozard: My hot take was Lightfall was *fine* but was marketed improperly
warpstonewarlock: yeah, that sucks
TheGhostOfZero: I've an acupuncture class in the morning so I'm gonna head off. Bye all this stream has been so chill!
MattIsAMage: PlatinumLore has been a fun way to learn about 40k, he makes and then scans in the models to use diaramas to show the lore
bv310: Neomuna was scaled so high
Brozard: and the narrative should have had Neomuna also not know what the Veil was
NojhLivic: @Brozard That's generally my opinion as well
TXC2: so long TheGhostOfZero stay safe
TehAmelie: there's been studies suggesting comic books are an excellent learning medium, with the combination of words and pictures. and imagine if you have audio drama on top of it
measureofhope: I watched the Destiny part of the subathon earlier with no Destiny knowledge whatsoever and wow that setting is wild. Not enough to make me play an FPS, but might do a wiki dive.
Sevinon: Seth Dickinson is terrific
bv310: Alison Luhrs #1 (she's only on the newest stuff, but it's been very very good)
RealGamerCow: "we
Brozard: Like, I’m totally fine with Osiris taking a year to figure something out
Sevinon: Love the Baru books
did_it_for_you_kojima_san: I'd really like to hear Jacob's take on the new F14 expansion
BrowneePoints: Friend of the show Alison Luhrs is now the Head Writer Jacob
RealGamerCow: "We're supposed to finish this?" - Bungee
josh___something: I liked strand enough that I toughed through Neomuna and the wet fart of a story... But final shape was great, and the first "Episode" is neat
malfnord: Bungie? Learn?
munocard: The fact that Destiny has Alison Luhrs that did some of the best MTG lore stuff now is fantastic.
HLP_The_E: if you love seth dickinson in scifi, read Exordia
HLP_The_E: it is a fantastic book
Woogachaka: I used to love Destiny 2, but I just can't get back into it. Its been such a good game at so many points and just continues to be such a bad product.
accountmadeforants: Bungie leadership will just blame their publisher/owner and then somehow escape and do it all over again
IaCthulhuFthagn: Pod people!
Suffix: No Jacob - You're a Pod Person now.
aussie_rob_w: Waaaay back
TXC2: chappo trap house
GhostValv: chapotraphouse...
MrMatternot: ChapoTtapHouse
Masslost: the first descendant is very anime destiny and it’s going to be interesting if it survives
Wolfstrike_NL: Marvel probally?
asthanius: Is it Marvel?
munocard: Chapo was a druglord. ChapoTrapHouse was a dirtbag leftist podcast.
Jorsh029: I have incredibly fond memories of diving into Destiny 2 when Beyond Light came out. Stasis was "taboo" and real fuckin' neat
RealGamerCow: speaking of Pods and science fiction, I super highly recommend Escape Pod.
ProcyonFlynn: Minecraft? Kappa
josh___something: First guess: For a while, marvel?
graal_smith: I said hey, what's going on?
asthanius: Blinds
NorthstarTex: Not minecraft?
warpstonewarlock: All kind of Warhammer universes for me
TXC2: the only good thing about Chappo was the Chappo trap house of Saud joke on well there's your problem :p
measureofhope: I used to be able to recite entire fictional royal lineages from the Wheel of Time.
IaCthulhuFthagn: The Minecraft extended universe.
bv310: If anyone does feel like trying out Destiny, the LRRCord community is excellent
MegaDosX: Herobrine!
Woogachaka: @measureofhope That's quite a feat
Eklinaar: Tell us about Herobrine
brieandbacon: Herobrine
Nigouki: that deep, 16x16 lore
Dumori: All about that BattleTech here tbh
munocard: Tell us about the origin of the chunks, James.
Fanklok: Serge is the minecraft lore nerd
Brozard: That deepslate Minecraft lore
HorusFive: But why is Steve's last name Solo?
ExachixKitsune: Approximatly 128 blocks deep
IaCthulhuFthagn: Don't get too deep into EFT lore...
snowewolf: Diggy Diggy Hole
asthanius: Telltale did a thing
Dread_Pirate_Westley: That one villager?
spinebustertee: can't wait for Serge and James to start a podcast about the Minecraft Cinematic Universe
TheMerricat: Several
MegaDosX: There was a Telltale game
couchboyj: The Minecraft bedrock, if you will
DiscordianTokkan: Max Brooks did a lore thing, I think
alchemistsavant: (chills voice) number 15. herobrine's dark lore
josh___something: The telltale game, yeah
MungoDude: remember when they removed Herobrine?
roastbeefsandwitch: Deep Minecraft lore certainly. Found only 178 layers deep under the starting location
AragornKeuken: @measureofhope I still know pretty much the whole lineage of my namesake
ProcyonFlynn: Didn't you literally stream Minecraft Dungeons :p
jessieimproved: My kid loved Minecraft Story mode
NojhLivic: There was a minecraft novel too I think.
munocard: story about chunk punching
josh___something: I remember a lot of youtuver cameos
JustMeJude: What is up after coffee and at what time?
asthanius: I assume it's gonna be the Lego movie again
Simonark: With Patton Oswalt, right?
Laserbeaks_Fury: I still think about Horizon
haberley: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Elden Ring w/ James & Adam at Wed 08:00 AM PDT (13m from now).
HorusFive: This will be a bad idea
munocard: oh god...
Brozard: woof
NimrodXIV: no thank you
josh___something: Wait what?
NorthstarTex: why?!
BrowneePoints: *oof*
missa_hancock: matpat tried his best to make some lore…. but as usual Meh
excalgold: the Jumanji of the 20's
Bowerbird7: they keep doing that with fictional universes...
munocard: That sounds like the pitch for the Jumanji reboot movies.
YeomanAres: There's a murderbot series coming
neisan2112: It was absurd and dumb
KinkerbellRose: It's worth a watch, honestly. I liked the idea.
snowewolf: original Mario Movie was so good
accountmadeforants: The Battleship movie kinda rules yeah
asthanius: Barbie
TXC2: oh Battleship is WAAAAY better then you'd think
alexsteacy: You say that james but I think woodland mansions have the best storytelling in mc
MegaDosX: Battleship wasn't /terrible/, but it was very stupid
Eklinaar: Bee Movie
RealGamerCow: The Battleship movie is generic "yay boats" movie
BrowneePoints: the Production Design slaps
Laserbeaks_Fury: Battletoads
Bowerbird7: "Here's this fictional world everyone loves, what if... the real world instead!"
josh___something: Oh yeah, IIRC, battleship did kinda fuck
sgowell: brewster’s millions
couchboyj: Bee Movie
TheWooglie: Mikey did a Battleship video I tihnk
abslomdaak42: @RealGamerCow Oh, I do love Escape Pod! Attempted to submit a short story recently but it didn't pan out.
sfn____: it had some fun alien designs at least
did_it_for_you_kojima_san: There is about 10 min of Battleship that really rocks, the rest is meh
gluonquark: bee movie
Woogachaka: Did I hear someone say Myst?
HorusFive: My niece/nephews liked the FNAF movie. I guess it's just their demo
Nigouki: Battleship movie is DUMB but CGI kabooms, think of it like Bayformers but without wierd Bay characters
L0rdX33n: The Tetris movie was pretty good
haberley: Blade, Battleship, Barbie?
PostModernVorthos: Battleship made some of the best use of Thunderstruck ever
red_shoes_jeff: I should probably watch that at some point...
DaniellNaruta: I can recommend the FilmJoy Deep Dive on Battleship
Bowerbird7: *cough*Monster Hunter*cough*
CmdrMadMoe: @YeomanAres as in about the murderbot diaries?
josh___something: Don't remind me of the monhun movie
malfnord: The Battleship movie ain't bad. It's not *great* but it ain't bad. A prefectly spherical fine movie.
Sogheim: oh no my meds brb
gluonquark: bee movie
TehAmelie: i've just about finished the Broken Earth trilogy, one more staggeringly good NK Jemisin series
asthanius: What about Go Bots?
Jorsh029: I think if you go into Battleship with a Pacific Rim level of buy-in, you'll have a great time
munocard: Maybe 15 minutes on the fact that they gave Devastator wrecking balls?
JosephDeath subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
PawssumFable: I feel you there Jacob but TMNT
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JosephDeath! (Today's storm count: 143)
PawssumFable: thousand yard stare
HungryHungry_Hobo: Jacob, did you know about the Transformers deck building game?
accountmadeforants: At one point they use the anchor to drift the battleship to evade the hyper advanced aliens and shoot them
TXC2: Battleship is a movie where they do a handbrake turn with a battleship, the movie is dumb fun
Izandai: mattlrLul
LordZarano: There was also Minecraft Legends recently, which was kind of an origin story for a bunch of stuff in Minecraft
Woogachaka: Not thrilled about Monster hunter the movie, but I'm hyped for Monster Hunter Wilds
RealGamerCow: More like Vector Ligma
MegaDosX: Eat hot chip and lie
1ne_intellect: gottem
Simonark: Cameron murdered Jacob yet again?
Badchop: The hands down best video game -> movie adaptation is Yakuza: Like a Dragon
pipshardfour: I missed the schedule breakdown for the rest of the day. any chance of a recap?
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 69 in the channel!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Valkarian_C!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Notamys3000!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to snowycloud1012!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Puuuro!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to gears_over_dawn!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to spinach_chin!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to winkinin!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to omegablackchampion!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to SinbadEV!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to FanboyBryan!
MattIsAMage: Transformers???
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, ThreeTwoOnePantsOff! Welcome to Valkarian_C, Notamys3000, gears_over_dawn, winkinin, SinbadEV, FanboyBryan, snowycloud1012, Puuuro, spinach_chin, and omegablackchampion! (Today's storm count: 153)
TheWooglie: You getting Bumblebee Lego Jacob?
HungryHungry_Hobo: AFK When?
TXC2: ThreeTwoOnePantsOff lrrHEART
dm818: I did
GhostValv: did I hear Transformers????
MattIsAMage: what does jacon think about the transformers mtg cards?
patfinder: I did! I liked it ok!
Bowerbird7: I assume that Transformers TCG died?
RealGamerCow: I have not watched it because I have not read the book yet.
Master_Gunner: Need Wiggins around for Transformers talk.
MattIsAMage: @Bowerbird7 fans are currently running it
VG1985: How did the dnd go last night
patfinder: they did the boat scene really well
MaxTurkeyFlaps: Yea! I enjoyed it, but not as much as the books.
Daniel Solis: A friend of mine wrote the novelizations of Minecraft.
Simriel: Cameron is sometimes a Bad Man
IsaTheEngie: TTRPG talk has kinda passed, but speaking of robots, have any of you checked out Lancer?
Geldaran: a couple of episodes... neither the book or the show really hit for me.
LordManiMani: Everybody watch "Transformers: The Basics" on youtube.
Shadowsoflife: @VG1985 It was fun.
MegaDosX: I hear the books get /weird/ later on, so I'll be interested to see how that goes in the series
Brozard: My biggest gripe with it is that they criminally misused Benedict Wong
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: have another ten minutes on the clock!
LordManiMani: Get that lore
1ne_intellect: that's thanos master plan
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
ClockTamer: Hey Jacob! the Nails chose you as their representative on Cybertron!
Laserbeaks_Fury: I liked the idea the Speed of Light is being cause by folks actively degrading the Space-Time continuum
mlokingbird: Whoa that's a buncha subs!
Brozard: Da Shi was a shit stirrer in the books
asthanius: Legitimate compliment: I like that Cameron knows a lot of big words that are relevant to the conversation
Bowerbird7: @MattIsAMage Ooh nice. It looked fun, but I was too deep into Magic to get into it
BrowneePoints: it tabletob day
KinkerbellRose: Elden Ring with James? Oh BOY!
MrMatternot: If there is a 1% chance that humans are the enemy, then we have to consider an absolute certainty...
patfinder: I am pumped for the Elden Ring stream
brieandbacon: But James, you promised us toesies yesterday
alexsteacy: Isnt that just having a lousy foreign policy
RealGamerCow: Malthusianism is the theory that population growth is potentially exponential, according to the Malthusian growth model, while the growth of the food supply or other resources is linear, which eventually reduces living standards to the point of triggering a population decline.
creasehearst: MonikLrrs
pipshardfour: I like you guessing
NonUniqueGuy: I thought Heroes was last
LordManiMani: LearnEldenRingOneWord
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Barcadia is at the end, I believe.
roastbeefsandwitch: ALL of them good games.
TehAmelie: @asthanius right, i was like "ah that's what malthusian means"
alexsteacy: Aw yiss
CookieMom: YES
danielsolisgames: Cameron, do you believe the Dark Forest theory as an answer to the Fermi Paradox?
Angreed66: no dexterity when buzzed
KinkerbellRose: Ooh, that's a CHILL game.
Davlenagain: Is Jacob going to be a apart of the PPR Sunday?
josh___something: Ahhh heck, I'm probably gonna sleep through monikLRRs
Sarah_Serinde makes notes for all the times people will want to know the game lineup
Badchop: break every ship
BITs19_: I wonder if there will be any Graham BS for board game day
Nosser2: Hardspace is such a good game.
Manae: Can't wait to see some Shipbreaking from Alex
BrowneePoints: Oh snap an Alebs
Sogheim: as sad as I am that no one plays Catan anymore, I'm happy that everyone's friendships remain intact.
TXC2: RealGamerCow what's funny is that has not tracked with reality at all :p
Woogachaka: Alex can be crushed by space capitalism in real time!
CookieMom: Chill until you accidentally explosively decompress yourself through a pinhole.
asthanius: just wait until people actually wake up
Sarah_Serinde: Got a lot of work yet to get us to Saturday
KharadBanar: Hardsapce: Shipbreaker is definitely in the neighbourhood of Pacific Drive
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
L0rdX33n: Fuck, I’m gonna be awake until 4AM again tonight
pipshardfour: oh boooooooyyyy
bisaflau is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to peepoburrito!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to getthecrackersgromit!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to Spleeniop22!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to solipsistic_squirrel!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to MeagenImage!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, bisaflau! Welcome to getthecrackersgromit, Spleeniop22, MeagenImage, solipsistic_squirrel, and peepoburrito! (Today's storm count: 158)
alexsteacy: Hey did everyone remember to donate to Roko's Basilisk? Kappa
TXC2: bisaflau lrrHEART
lordgrond is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
lordgrond gifted a Tier 1 sub to kentorianu!
Bowerbird7: I should play Shipbreaker again. I kept being annoyed that it'd throw story at me when I was just in it for the Shipbreaking LUL
lordgrond gifted a Tier 1 sub to hamraffle!
lordgrond gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jules_Andre!
lordgrond gifted a Tier 1 sub to GuThreee!
lordgrond gifted a Tier 1 sub to silverthundr!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, lordgrond! Welcome to hamraffle, GuThreee, silverthundr, kentorianu, and Jules_Andre! (Today's storm count: 163)
petey_vonwho: I kinda want the dexterity power hour to be after barcadia
alchemistsavant: GROND
Woogachaka: @alexsteacy The curse spreads
ErisOfSpace is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
ArcticAtlantic: oh boy
ErisOfSpace gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ellawick!
ErisOfSpace gifted a Tier 1 sub to MundaneCosmos!
ErisOfSpace gifted a Tier 1 sub to pooptempest!
ErisOfSpace gifted a Tier 1 sub to Quemapueblos!
ErisOfSpace gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ru5al!
ErisOfSpace gifted a Tier 1 sub to dauthivodwalker!
ErisOfSpace gifted a Tier 1 sub to owithey1!
ErisOfSpace gifted a Tier 1 sub to sg_mtg!
ErisOfSpace gifted a Tier 1 sub to sudbreky!
ErisOfSpace gifted a Tier 1 sub to dvercell!
TXC2: lordgrond lrrHEART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, ErisOfSpace! Welcome to MundaneCosmos, owithey1, sudbreky, Ellawick, Ru5al, Quemapueblos, pooptempest, sg_mtg, dvercell, and dauthivodwalker! (Today's storm count: 173)
1ne_intellect: coffee with james has to turn into a new forever thing
Abavus: lrrAWESOME
thorgalsson subscribed with Prime.
TXC2: ErisOfSpace lrrHEART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thorgalsson! (Today's storm count: 174)
ItsThugDimmadome: HOw fast did they reach the cap last year?
TreeVor84 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
TreeVor84 gifted a Tier 1 sub to super731!
TreeVor84 gifted a Tier 1 sub to hdhrant!
TreeVor84 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rayfourne_rainrunner!
TreeVor84 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dahawaiiansojah!
TreeVor84 gifted a Tier 1 sub to plastgeek!
RandomTrivia: @alexsteacy No, but I did donate to the PreventRoko Foundation lrrBEEJ
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, TreeVor84! Welcome to super731, hdhrant, rayfourne_rainrunner, plastgeek, and dahawaiiansojah! (Today's storm count: 179)
haberley: wow
TXC2: TreeVor84 lrrHEART
Matsunen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Matsunen: Don’t tell me what to do, I’ll resub if I want 😂
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Matsunen! (Today's storm count: 180)
Jorsh029: As a union-person, Hardspace: Shipbreaker's story hits so fucking hard. I adore that game and its space-folk soundtrack
Dread_Pirate_Westley subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months, currently on a 83 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dread_Pirate_Westley! (Today's storm count: 181)
the_phantom_game_player: Awesome
Ugh_Sunlight: number go brr? yes number go brr
meaninglessMeg is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
pipshardfour: people like coffee
SourcePlaysGames is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
meaninglessMeg gifted a Tier 1 sub to HolyGodz!
meaninglessMeg gifted a Tier 1 sub to prasanatvari!
meaninglessMeg gifted a Tier 1 sub to DeathcoreTacos!
meaninglessMeg gifted a Tier 1 sub to FrozenLama101!
meaninglessMeg gifted a Tier 1 sub to barbedman!
meaninglessMeg gifted a Tier 1 sub to MetaJoke!
meaninglessMeg gifted a Tier 1 sub to Born2EatPie!
meaninglessMeg gifted a Tier 1 sub to PilotEvan!
meaninglessMeg gifted a Tier 1 sub to sl33pyb34r91!
meaninglessMeg gifted a Tier 1 sub to sidschingis!
SourcePlaysGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to Erorr_!
SourcePlaysGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to AWildWeso!
SourcePlaysGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to TinyDimension!
SourcePlaysGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to 1oganc!
SourcePlaysGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to alucard__11!
SourcePlaysGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to gkirilenko!
SourcePlaysGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to otakubox0!
SourcePlaysGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to TiltyFerret!
SourcePlaysGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to Oogachalka!
SourcePlaysGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to firescorpion555!
SquirrelEarl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
amyg87: <3 <3 <3
Philocalist: It's like no time passed at all this coffee morning
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, meaninglessMeg! Welcome to PilotEvan, HolyGodz, prasanatvari, DeathcoreTacos, FrozenLama101, MetaJoke, Born2EatPie, barbedman, sl33pyb34r91, and sidschingis! (Today's storm count: 191)
JustMeJude: 30 something hours
PawssumFable: Getting 1 more sub tomrrow when my prime comes up
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, SourcePlaysGames! Welcome to TinyDimension, alucard__11, gkirilenko, TiltyFerret, Erorr_, AWildWeso, 1oganc, otakubox0, Oogachalka, and firescorpion555! (Today's storm count: 201)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SquirrelEarl! (Today's storm count: 202)
TehAmelie: fractions of 400 will also add up with everyone else's bits :3
Khepri85 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Khepri85! (Today's storm count: 203)
mcdadly23 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
haberley: omg
mcdadly23 gifted a Tier 1 sub to KrityaRS!
TXC2: SourcePlaysGames lrrHEART
teddywhosabear: yay subs!
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrSHINE sergeGift
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, mcdadly23! Welcome to KrityaRS! (Today's storm count: 204)
MegaDosX: You challenged chat
Sarah_Serinde: Great work chat, keep it up (but only as much as you're comfortable spending)
HorusFive: #blamejames
hyralt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
hyralt: 69 months, let’s go!
Simonark: Apparently the whole trick is asking James nicely.
abslomdaak42: Oh, it's at 24 hours! Nice!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hyralt! (Today's storm count: 205)
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown lrrHORN
the_phantom_game_player: Back up to 24!
TXC2: meaninglessMeg lrrHEART
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Never challenge chat (always challenge chat)
introp subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, introp! (Today's storm count: 206)
ArrestedHouse: lrrBartleby
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 566 in the channel!
HbombAndFriends: Cheer69 Round numbers are NICR!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to redbebop!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hunterofdawn!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to 2catladykatie!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to SocorroTortoise!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Darkeless!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to IdioticZombie!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bassigne!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to rustikoppphh!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to winters_how1!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to CaptainKranok!
terrence_too is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
SmithKurosaki: Never challe g
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to mrsapper1!
ArcticAtlantic: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to sphexas!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to 0_____Kappa!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to blackbird7181!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to MariosMustachio!
Snowcookies: Chat took it as a challenge
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to Hunterofdawn, 2catladykatie, Darkeless, Bassigne, CaptainKranok, redbebop, SocorroTortoise, winters_how1, IdioticZombie, and rustikoppphh! (Today's storm count: 216)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, terrence_too! Welcome to sphexas, mrsapper1, 0_____Kappa, MariosMustachio, and blackbird7181! (Today's storm count: 221)
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: Remember Chat, make number go up responsibly
SmithKurosaki: Never challenge chat :)
TXC2: terrence_too lrrHEART
BrowneePoints: We also lost a heavy hitter to the donation game with GojG passing away this year lrrAWW
MrMatternot: lrrGRAHAM
thatguysteve2709: I wish I could donate more unfortunately broke till Friday but support all the way thank you for all you guys do.
Sarah_Serinde: Hey chat we appreciate all of you no matter how much or little you give to the subathon. If you're just chatting or lurking, we're glad you're here
missa_hancock: daaang got there
schwitty_26 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, schwitty_26! (Today's storm count: 222)
patfinder: yeahhhhh
CookieMom: Three Body sounds like "What if other Aliens are Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah.
alexsteacy: A *three body* problem?
the_phantom_game_player: @thatguysteve2709 Same here
HorusFive: What if the REAL 3 Body Problem... was Man
hyralt is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 129 in the channel!
hyralt gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tyranus421!
hyralt gifted a Tier 1 sub to ilanangel!
hyralt gifted a Tier 1 sub to CrazySliver!
hyralt gifted a Tier 1 sub to Styxseus!
hyralt gifted a Tier 1 sub to Flanring!
hyralt gifted a Tier 1 sub to yoiiyo!
hyralt gifted a Tier 1 sub to sephsays!
hyralt gifted a Tier 1 sub to lordblumentopf!
hyralt gifted a Tier 1 sub to Im_so_white_and_nerdy!
hyralt gifted a Tier 1 sub to tkdoutlaw!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, hyralt! Welcome to Tyranus421, CrazySliver, Styxseus, sephsays, Flanring, ilanangel, yoiiyo, Im_so_white_and_nerdy, lordblumentopf, and tkdoutlaw! (Today's storm count: 232)
munocard: Shogun was outstanding
brieandbacon: @sarah_serinde don't be nice to me, how dare...
patfinder: it's a lot of existential nihilism
TXC2: hyralt lrrHEART
MegaDosX: I'm very curious how Three Body Problem goes in later seasons, given what I've heard about the books
Badchop: shoutouts to Star Control references
Simonark: Wait, I have five bodies, this may not be for me.
Ciijay: I finally watched Devilman Crybaby and Blue Eyed Samurai myself
BrowneePoints: has Jacob seen Delicious in Dungeon?
Sarah_Serinde: @brieandbacon Too late! I'm not taking it back!
josh___something: Jacob, I appreciate your dedication to punnery
Brozard: Your galaxy lets you have three bodies?
Anonymousless: Cheer4000
Badchop: (I should really be calling it by its other, true name)
Fanklok: Sometimes coffee makes me sleepy
hyralt: @txc2 lrrSHINE
BrowneePoints: oh man Devilman Crybaby
ItsThugDimmadome: Just take out some VTM lore, then you can re-experience the whole thing for the first time.
Ciijay: Coffee naps are the best
Bowerbird7: Shogun had the effect of making my Dad go out and get his hands on the original Shogun series
introp: watching over on youtube but bopped over here to use my Bezos Bucks subscription here
Laserbeaks_Fury: Wait, 3 Body Problem isn't an adaptation of Goldilocks?
enbycephalopod: The visualizaation o the cheese slicer scene in 3 body problem was simultaneously great and so hard tro watch
FionasGotIT subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
FionasGotIT: Hi lovely people! voxyHi benginHi skaiHi sergeHi hmtgHI amazonHello bloobyHey meeboHey
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FionasGotIT! (Today's storm count: 233)
Shadowsoflife: Has Jacob finished Yazuka like a dragon?
Jorsh029: Take a little snooze to let the coffee marinate into all your books and crannies HypeCozy
DahudLefthanded: Oh neat I hadn't heard about Jacob's new job!
Sarah_Serinde: introp Thanks!
Jorsh029: *nooks, even
Brozard: @laserbeaks_fury This sun is too cold. This sun is too hot! But the third sun is just right.
Angreed66: If you think about it the three body problem is solvable because the universe solves it by existing.
Simonark: Oh! Jacob! Times Galaxy, should I get it on Steam or PS5? I’m unable to pick a version.
Chronomagistrate: Looking forward to playing that at some point soon
the_phantom_game_player: <3
inkorstardust: I picked up Times and Galaxy for the Switch and it's been keeping me company while I've been sick! Recommended people check it out, it's funny and chill
Laserbeaks_Fury: Citadel still my #2 DLC of all time
flufff42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
flufff42: girldmSip
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, flufff42! (Today's storm count: 234)
BrowneePoints: Necrons!? My MAN!
kentorianu: @lordgrond Thanks for the gift sub!
TehAmelie: yeah i understand the problem is incalculable but in practice it doesn't happen anyway, it's just a mathematical exercise, like the hairy sphere
Evan Davis: Hi mods how we doing?
Jorsh029: I loved building my vet guard team, I kitbashed in the Tempestus scions box to get all my operatives
MrMatternot: Pile of shame?
Morrigan9: unlike my steam backlog...many in....
DrMagnify: me looking at the 16 piles of magic cards on my desk
BrowneePoints: I’m still waiting for a Seraphon AoS Soulslike game. Make it Happen GW
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Even before I started watching LRR, I had these random thoughts "Cameron should build some Warhams." Which was weird, since I didn't know a Cameron.
bytecaster: Can I get a sort button for my life inventory?
Nigouki: but consider this: model kits boxes since they're mostly air can act as great insulation if you have them piled up against the external wall of your home
alexsteacy: *laughs in museum curator*
Davlenagain: @MrMatternot i think he means unfinished projects
42MiLLyWays: uni100 uni100 uni100
Anonymousless: I'm painting up the Seraphon Spearhead right now
Ciijay: Board Games makes it hard for me too
ClockTamer: I have a 3d printer, the Pike-O-Shame is infinite
PawssumFable: My friend: How did I spend $1000 this month? ...Oh right, $600 doctor bill
KinkerbellRose: Okay. Stealing this premise.
gluonquark: this does not spark joy...
KinkerbellRose: That. Just makes sense.
PawssumFable: Me: Wheres the other 400?
Ciijay: Sticking to drafts or sealed for MtG helps me with Magic at least
abslomdaak42: Oh, that's neat
PawssumFable: Friend: I went to the gunpla shop
alexsteacy: Hellshake Yano...
LadyLockwood92: I'm still locked in the Elden Ring mines
PawssumFable: LUL
warpstonewarlock: ahahaha
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
measureofhope: I'm a little goblin, I love little trinkets, I love cool rocks, I feel cozy when surrounded by *stuff*
Eklinaar: My spouse is a crafter, I've made designated storage spaces for excess crafting materials and said "you can keep as many random things because 'it might be good in a craft one day' as you can fit in these storage containers, the rest you have to throw out", otherwise it would overrun our house.
asthanius: I want a game where you're Orks and it's literally just Scribblenauts
thatguysteve2709: I wish I could do that Jacob my game collection says what space you have is mine. Also children
HungryHungry_Hobo: Cam/Jacob have either of you played Rogue Trader and if so what do you think?
PawssumFable: He def builds his gunpla though
GhostValv: oh yeah that was great
Master_Gunner: That was my impression of DarkTide - it made me wish it was about Orks.
warpstonewarlock: Blood, Shootas and Teeth
samwiser_: Lol I tried to do that with my magic the gathering commanders. I paired down my commanders to just 5 and have them in one box... I'm back up to nine and don't want to rip apart any of my children :[
TXC2: teefs: the money of Orks
Ciijay: Honestly though - the big reason I'm getting into ebooks is to save space. But then I went to a local bookstore... Libraries also help though since the books are temporary!
Butternades: my warhammer pile of shame is like 2 boxes but my paint row of shame is massive
warpstonewarlock: basically 40k Metal Slug
alexsteacy: The revive mechanic is kicking your teammate in the taint
MrQBear: I still want like, a Crimson Skies x Warhammer flying game, based on Deff Skquadron
Sunidesus: Yeah... I'm not going to talk about all the random places the Yarn Stash occupies
brieandbacon: Teef? Teef. Teef! TEEF!
roastbeefsandwitch: You're not wrong Jacob. That same trick has made it much easier to control my shopping and deck design for various TCG's. Buy a small box for the decks, and when you run out of space - even though you can just buy more boxes - you're "out of space". It's a great mental trap.
Obos_TAB: and around the same time
Shadowsoflife: @brieandbacon TEEF
rasterscan: Rouge Trader is less friendly to newbies. Narratively and mechanically.
measureofhope: Rogue Trader was also buggy AF when it was released
brieandbacon: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Suffix: Speaking MY language.
Myrniss: I bounced off rogue trader's gameplay. I was tempted to go to easiest difficulty just to get to the story
Butternades: rogue trader is fun but the end of the game iwas super underbaked on release
thegentlepus: It's exactly so good but came in a terrible moment
DionTheBlackDragon: ?codefall
HungryHungry_Hobo: Rogue Trader is made by Owlcat that made both the Pathfinder rpg games
KinkerbellRose: Rogue Trader is proper CRPG. Not Larions LOVELY but not traditional CRPG style.
Simonark: I’m playing Rogue Trader, it’s very good. Maybe wait for the DLC though,
QuixoticZ: Interest immediately piqued
Jorsh029: So more turn-based strategy than crpg
warpstonewarlock: Boltgun is also fun
Ciijay: Baldur's Gate is very clearly Divinity Original Sin moreso
BrowneePoints: I really, REALLY want a Dark Souls game but Age of Sigmar and you are a Saurus Warrior/Temple Guard fighting Chaos and Undeath
Angreed66: reasonable
micalovits: You can shoot them for being an alien at any time during conversation
warpstonewarlock: @BrowneePoints Wouldn't Stormcast be better for that? Reviving is their whole schtick
Butternades: marazhai is real fun
Lushian_Cybasi: Ok, Crazy Thought for a Series, Cam teaches Jacob to play Total War Warhammer 3.
MegaDosX: "But what if, no?" - Jacob, probably
generatrix: Rogue Trader was good from a gameplay perspective.. I couldn’t really get into it because of how oppressive the setting is.
couchboyj: I'd devour a Cam Rouge Trader Play it Forward
KinkerbellRose: ^
Simonark: Rogue Trader having secret hard mode companions it takes a LOT to find is kind of wonderful and rare, too.
vinewood_og: Clear six hours and watch the movies!
measureofhope: The Dune movies are solid starting point
TXC2: time to show Jacob the David Lynch Dune Kappa
RealGamerCow: blind spot
Jorsh029: Boltgun is a riot, I also am incredibly excited for Space Marine 2, specifically the extra co-op mode
PawssumFable: I've tried to read Dune 3 times, I just can't
Eklinaar: Dune is very strange and parts of it have not aged well
BlueFingers5: The audio book is also great
PostModernVorthos: Nerd penelope?
Obos_TAB: I thought the first movie was incredibly
BrokenGolem: the original movie is now 40
drrek0: I read Dune for the first time this year and it really is a masterpiece
warpstonewarlock: Dune 2 was a good movie
vinewood_og: Part two compresses the timeline but it was masterful
TheNerdWonder: read the first Dune, never clicked for me
Singenmeister: “Professor Cameron teaches 40K Lore” is one of my favorite recurring Desert Bus things.
MrMatternot: Cameron, you should watch the Director Cut of Hellraiser 4
neisan2112: Third one is gonna be the whole second book, which is much shorter.
Fanklok: Apparently Dune books are still being written
measureofhope: They're worth seeing on the big screen, the visuals are gorgeous
TXC2: Dune 3 will adapt Dune messiah
Sogheim: whenever I read Dune, I have to remind myself Paul is the protagonist, not the hero
Butternades: has Jacob seen the knight maid warhammer meme?
BrowneePoints: Messiah will be the fallout of the actions of the self contained story
vinewood_og: DRUGS
Eklinaar: Content warning for Jacob: Dune is pretty homophobic. Other than that, very good book.
gluonquark: I didn't like dune, just no one is kind, everyone is mean
CodeIndigo: Baron Harkonnen in the 40K universe would fall into Chaos SO HARD and SO FAST
asthanius: being david lynch
enbycephalopod: ITs more of a duology and a sequel than a trilogy from what ive heard of the plans
BrowneePoints: the old one slaps for being in the 80s
IsaTheEngie: IIRC they have announced the Dune Messiah movie already.
Chesul: I highly recommend the book, it's dense enough to hold my full adhd attention.
malfnord: Very true
vinewood_og: awesome bad
BrowneePoints: it’s worth a watch
AragornKeuken: Y'all should watch the documentary on Jodorowski's Dune
Obos_TAB: Its bad like Flash Gordon is bad. theres a lot worth seeing in both films
L0rdX33n: Ah, the “mountain of cocaine” version
neisan2112: It tried doing the whole thing in one movie, where new ones do it in 2 and still leave out stuff.
Jorsh029: The first Verhoven Dune felt very Bladerunner-paced to me and I loved it
ArkhamArchivist: it has Sting it is incredibly a product of its time
Redpandarama: Soundtrack by hecking TOTO
Davlenagain: Patrick stewart is in it
Simonark: A bad film by a great director is always fascinating.
gnyrinn: Dune 2 is where House Ordos comes in, right?
RandomTrivia: Thanks for the chill hangout, everyone! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Pinwiz11: Ah, meeting done and I missed the entire last hour of talk. :)
measureofhope: You watch a David Lynch movie, you're gonna get a David Lynch movie
Ashmantle: <3
wench_tacular: jlrrPongchamp lrrSHINE
ArrestedHouse: FBtouchdown
TXC2: success
KinkerbellRose: I enjoyed this too.
TehAmelie: all works are products of their time, except the Wachowski sisters' Speed Racer which was a product of 10 years in its future
amyg87: This was awesome!! Thanks!
emberBecky: This was worth waking up too early for. Thank you guys! lrrAWESOME
Sorator13: thank you friends! this was lovely
Sarah_Serinde: I enjoyed seeing you all here :)
LadyLockwood92: Well friendeded, folks~
Genie_M: Friendsing happened
hyralt: Good coffee, friends.
vinewood_og: Yep
abslomdaak42: This was absolutely excellent
Brozard: That movie is why Lynch refuses to give up Final Cut of his movies
Wolfstrike_NL: Alex tomorrow
Sarah_Serinde: What even is time
wench_tacular: has been all day
Sorator13: LUL
Ciijay: Thanks for hosting the coffee'ing! This is great to wake up to :D
Butternades: I hope we make it that far lol
BigDaddyBland87: What is time anyway
HubbeKing: it is indeed Wednesday
reptile___: dune: "what if an entire planet was made of cocaine" David Lynch: "I can work with this"
HubbeKing: my dudes
vinopinguino: It's Wednesday my dudes
Brozard: Weird choice to capitalize, phone
TXC2: it is Wednesday my dudes
Ciijay: It's wednesday my dudes
brieandbacon: It is Wednesday my dudes
Grevas13: and every day shall be a treat
measureofhope: Time is an illusion, and so are pants
neisan2112: This week is going by so fast
simic_yeti is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to ByMatthewPorter!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to SilverHalcyon!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to SwankyDeee!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to pigeondoverose!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to SarkhanGluedBackTogether!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to LlewellynZ!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to SomethingUncommon!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to tomorrowboy!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to Niehilius!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to djmikeysaxx!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, simic_yeti! Welcome to SilverHalcyon, pigeondoverose, ByMatthewPorter, SwankyDeee, LlewellynZ, SarkhanGluedBackTogether, SomethingUncommon, Niehilius, tomorrowboy, and djmikeysaxx! (Today's storm count: 244)
Catcard: so excited for this
neisan2112: Thanks yall! Great coffee time
TheWooglie: Bye lrrSHINE
vinewood_og: Thanks Gentleman!
TXC2: simic_yeti lrrHEART
PMAvers: Part of me wants to see what a Uncapped Subathon looks like with these rules
Simonark: RUN, James.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Roll For Character
RandomTrivia: James stealing Graham's bit of self-throwing
jadielady: ty friends
JadedCynic: bye!
BrokenGolem: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
BlackBlade_: bye
dungeonmasteralek: Bye Cam and Jacob!
the_phantom_game_player: goodbye
TehAmelie: quick Adam, cast the summoning spell
hyralt: 5 days seems like a good upper bound on a work week. 4 days is probably better.
missa_hancock: you want a short DB this year then? lol
TXC2: thanks for streaming James, Jacob and Cameron
gluonquark: bye
mwlsn: Good chorus there
wench_tacular: tmi
vinewood_og: lrrHERE
measureofhope: Bye guys! This was great
ArcticAtlantic: ah good fluid cycling time brb
Laserbeaks_Fury: We Will Hold The Line
Pteraspidomorphi: Bye!
Simriel: internet is bad here, so I am mostly just watching chat sadly xD
Sarah: I'm doing my day job while trying to pay attention to stream and chats
Sarah: But at least the day job is kinda chill today
chronomaster5042: Man Dune 1 was hard to watch for me.
MrMatternot: Bye Camcob
Snowcookies: ty!
JadedCynic: The planet fell before the Guard did!
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART
meaninglessMeg: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
NojhLivic: bye!
maestrith: RUN CAM!
abslomdaak42: Bye
amyg87: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
NorthstarTex: bye
brieandbacon: Do you need someone to hold your hand?
gluonquark: he staid at his post
red_shoes_jeff: Bye Jacob!
RedtheLily: i love these transition screens
MrMatternot: Blurry Cam
NorthstarTex: now to say hi to adam and james who is about to experience elden ring
maestrith: I hope he makes it.
ErisOfSpace: I did not finish my coffee before the end of morning coffee
brieandbacon: !picnic
L0rdX33n: A wave of poo shoots in from off camera
ShaneLeeAtk: I do enjoy blurry cam
JadedCynic: and Blurry Jacob
MrMatternot: Jacob, we are waving Hi back
gluonquark: it's not fine
Therberus: Hi Adames, Hi Jaam
protojman: booty dance
wench_tacular: panicBasket
TehAmelie: there could surely be no better coach than Adam for a fresh Souls player
JadedCynic: moosea2Whee moosea2Whee moosea2Whee
MrMatternot: Shimmy
Styxseus: Oh! Thank you so much for the gift sub! lrrSHINE @hyralt
Gascitygaming: bye Jacob!
JadedCynic: moosea2NemeaHI
Therberus: Oh hey we're back up to 24hrs!
gluonquark: and we are just the chat now
TheWooglie gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrMatternot! They have given 4 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrMatternot! (Today's storm count: 245)
TehAmelie: i'm tempted to play along but really Elden Ring is almost too much for my little 2015 computer by itself
gluonquark: @Sorator13 very important
LadyLockwood92: TransgenderPride PansexualPride NonbinaryPride LesbianPride IntersexPride GenderFluidPride GayPride BisexualPride AsexualPride
Sorator13: @gluonquark extremely
TheAlanHeffley: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
gluonquark: @LadyLockwood92 ya pride!
TheWooglie: PrideWingL squidp6Pride PrideWingR
TXC2: Music!
LadyLockwood92: Hell yeah~
BlueFingers5: we have game audio
Redpandarama: YES
Two_Hats: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
ArrestedHouse: PotFriend
abslomdaak42: Oh, it's Elden time!
Woogachaka: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
missa_hancock: so I just got an ad for eggs. eggs. feels weird to get ads for just basic foods… never thought of egg brands before
Therberus: Fritos!
bisaflau: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
gluonquark: it's the end times for james
TXC2: time to eldan our rings
LadyLockwood92: Elden Ring...O, Elden Ring
Jillexie: I go away for 30 minutes and we are back over 24 hours!
SnowBuddy18: it's handsome men time
red_shoes_jeff: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
Badchop: 🥚
SnowBuddy18: @Jillexie same
TXC2: Jillexie James Challenged chat
TotalHell: I want to go home...and edge.
micalovits: Awww yea, Elden ring main theme
abslomdaak42: ye foul tarnished, etc etc
Two_Hats: so 30 minutes on character creation?
baltimore_667083: @SnowBuddy18 literally same here
Jillexie: @TXC2 Ah, that explains it :D
TXC2: Here we GO!
Tuples subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
Tuples: 83 months?! I thought I already shared this. lrrJUDGE
red_shoes_jeff: @Jillexie A challenge were declared.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tuples! (Today's storm count: 246)
LowUpsideCJ: Good morning pst gamers
abslomdaak42: God, I love that main theme
TehAmelie: yoo
Jillexie: A James challenge must always be accepted.
TXC2: Hello Adam and James
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
KinkerbellRose: I am SO excited for this.
Gascitygaming: It's epic, why would you? :P
KinkerbellRose: Adam, don't go easy on him. ♥
lochnessseammonster: but james you already had your coffee
dankmemeter: Cheer100 whips Cheer100 whips Cheer100 whips Cheer100 whips
measureofhope: Time to spend 2 hours in character creation?
lochnessseammonster: no excuses
RandomTrivia: Oh hey, it's James! It feels like ages since he was on stream!
Sarah_Serinde: That's a lot of hours
RandomTrivia: lrrBEEJ
protojman: this is what happens when we let you out of the hole
Narcuru: it's James day apparently
ashtonfpd: adams shoulders looking big today damn
TXC2: fool of took
TheMerricat: James never asked for this....
saucemaster5000: Not on camera for 12 hrs? Coward
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
TehAmelie: so many studio lights
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
Therberus: Huh James? Been a while since I've seen that face!
gluonquark: when can we expact VODs to get on youtube? I missed the dnd game and I really want to see it
ALLxISxLOST: The blur did not do Adam any justice cause the scene changed and I thought "Who is the thumb?"
red_shoes_jeff: Good Desert Bus practice.
Redpandarama: Eldon Rang! <3 <3
Fanklok: The only problem I can think of is Adam is actually a good teacher
TXC2: gluonquark next week maybe?
couchboyj: 2024 Jamesathon
Step: ❤ Jacob!!
Sareaesque: I love the Stay Tuned screens
Simriel: I'm at the gym right now so I will be modding between sets xD
Boomy Toadsmasher: Jacob nice twerk
Boomy Toadsmasher: bye
TehAmelie: Fromsathon
Molladia: Reminder: Adam have you done the Okki signup?
BrowneePoints: it’s the pretty remake
CrazySliver: Now Adam, teach him the way of the whip
Fanklok: King's Field is before the Dark Souls Guy
MungoDude: First Person PS1 games
BrowneePoints: demons created the formula
DandyGeek: Demon’s Souls is the one where Miyazaki started calling shots
lochnessseammonster: oh boy PrideLaugh
TXC2: what about that Mecha President game that was the last Unskipible? Kappa
Helrumyc subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months, currently on a 4 month streak!
Helrumyc: Adam and James, the All Streaming!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Helrumyc! (Today's storm count: 247)
ELD_Winterlight subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 6 month streak!
ELD_Winterlight: Souls games with souls James!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ELD_Winterlight! (Today's storm count: 248)
PMAvers: Metal Wolf Chaos was when FromSoft peaked
Nigouki: @TXC2 based on just Mecha President I'm assuming it's Metal Wolf Chaos
TXC2: Nigouki yes! that was it thank you
Brozard: maybe Lords of the Fallen?
wench_tacular: but that's half the game!
PsychoI3oy: you've played Dark Souls III early in 18GaC, september 1st of 2016
ErinusTV: Are we getting Otaku James
saucemaster5000: Adam already telling james not to use a shield NotLikeThis
LadyLockwood92: Yeah, Katana's are busted.
TehAmelie: Nightbook?
Mai_Andra: As soon as Jacob gets out of the scene... "No time on character creation. let's go"
Therberus: "Otaku Jeff"
betazed15: Wow...log back into a teeny bit of undergarments
BorealMage: A+
TehAmelie: of course
clarinetman: Luzian
RandomTrivia: sergeJustRight
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
PMAvers: LetMeCarryHim
BrowneePoints: there’s a randomizer in detailed appearance
kusinohki: Not turnip?
BrowneePoints: I think
Laurence72: 1999? Wow, 25 years ago!
jedi_master_zll: I definitely remade my drow character from an RPG in here.
Therberus: Ah yes the esstoous
TXC2: Laurence72 shut up :p
saucemaster5000: damn. in 1999 I had "wendigo" in my name. I was so cool
TehAmelie: you'll get a bigger health potion early on!
Laurence72: LUL
Helrumyc: I regularly used 'chaos' somewhere in mine
public_key_reveal_party: There will be a lore quiz at the end
PsychoI3oy: @LoadingReadyRun, you've played Dark Souls III early in 18GaC, september 1st of 2016
gameboy350: Ohhhhhhhh
Laurence72: To date myself, that's 8 years after I graduated from HS
pcglbrock subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 13 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pcglbrock! (Today's storm count: 249)
SymphonySolstice: l o r e
BrowneePoints: Sir Gideon Ofnir! THE ALL KNOWING
RandomTrivia: Chromakey did *not* like that background :D
NorthstarTex: story will be vague, chat can prolly give you cliff notes
public_key_reveal_party: I do really love this intro, but I kinda love lore
kalira77: You played DS3 on 18GaC and on VGwVJ, both in 2016
saucemaster5000: if it shattered, was it REALLY that great?
Jakelope13: Okay, who broke the Elden Ring?!
gluonquark: roll cradits
Angreed66: Genderfluid rep
bytecaster: Gundyr is a harsh start toe the series
mercano82: And then Captain America is like, "It's Morphin' Time!"
TehAmelie: i like how this intro says literally nothing that means anything at this point. just vibes
accountmadeforants: My favourite is when Wolverine says "WHO'S IN THE GARAGE?"
PsychoI3oy: the 18GaC spreadsheet still comes up in firefox when I type '18' heh
Nigouki: game volume very low?
Jillexie: Exactly James
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
vinewood_og: Finish the lrrCOW books already!
DandyGeek: All the G, R, and M names
BrowneePoints: Nah
NorthstarTex: "build some lore for me" "kay"
Helrumyc: Mohg, cleared of all charges
todeswillen: What is this?
Nigouki: hehe, taint
fiftymcnasty: game is fine
public_key_reveal_party: He does eventually talk loud
saucemaster5000: grr martin took a break from writing crap to write other crap?
Therberus: Berserker Barrage <<<< Whose in the garage
Crudler gifted a Tier 1 sub to cookiebeard! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cookiebeard! (Today's storm count: 250)
Barb4rian: W A R
HubbeKing: ARISE NOW
NorthstarTex: 5 more minutes
TheMerricat: War never changes...
Astramentha: E U U G H
Alness49: This narrator GETS IT.
Jakelope13: Okay, if there's a Greater Will, there must therefore be the Lesser Will, and the Moderate Will
jedi_master_zll: Is the narrator a certain character or just a narrator?
Woogachaka: Is the narrator Ofnir?
Laurence72: I can't wait for this to get Unskippabled.
Angreed66: Can you abandon something that was long lost?
TheManaLeek: I've played this entire game. I still have no clue what the story is...
danielsolisgames: DUNG EATER!
iamthemidboss: Is Adam or Dick playing?
DahudLefthanded: L O A T H S O M E
Gascitygaming: lowly dung eater
Dumori: “The LOTHESOME Dung Eater!”
Spooky_Noises: The Loathsome Dung Eater!
DandyGeek: I loved reading that interview with the VA for Igon from the DLC, and how much of his booth time was just Miyazaki asking for bigger/more
Pinwiz11: And Gavin. GAVIN!!!
Helrumyc: Gideon Ofnir, The All-Knowing!
abracadaver23: GIDEON OFNIR
Cinominn: Gideon Ofnir the All KNOWING
DahudLefthanded: TOS
Izandai: The Fetid Fecal Feaster
Angreed66: He appears
alchemistsavant: The Caca Consumer!
Step: Adam knows what's coming! XD
Izandai: The Disgusting Doodoo Devourer
MilkInBags: I am ready for this
public_key_reveal_party: I wish Gideon offneir didn't appear in this film
pn55: Listen!
accountmadeforants: Poop Man
Helrumyc: The stinky poopoo gobbler
Invitare: HEY listen
gameboy350: The fearsome caca consumer
BrowneePoints: James-A loathsome dungeater
Izandai: The Craven Caca Consumer
SymphonySolstice: @izandai worst combination of words I've ever seen. good job
TXC2: Hey Tarnished listen
MilkInBags: arise, maidenless tarnished of no reknown
fiftymcnasty: of course james made a samurai
Izandai: @SymphonySolstice I'm not done yet.
MilkInBags: of course james took samurai
Laurence72: Like, we've halfway wrote the script for the Unskippable episode right now
pn55: Only if you also mod in Link's silly jumping noises too
BrowneePoints: O-Yoroi
Catcard: @MilkInBags adam told him to :P
MilkInBags: shhh
MenomeAlice subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
MenomeAlice: Ah Tarnished, you're awake
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MenomeAlice! (Today's storm count: 251)
MilkInBags: FBtouchdown
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
MilkInBags: james, no one does too
public_key_reveal_party: @fiftymcnasty to be fair, Adam recommended it as new to the game
Izandai: The Excruciating Excrement Eater
Izandai: No wait
Izandai: The Egregious Excrement Eater
MilkInBags: that's called skill
PMAvers: “I lost my Elden Ring.” “Have thou checked thy buttocks?”
Brozard: holy shit that got me Adam
Izandai: That's better.
TXC2: !findquote r1
LRRbot: Quote #2317: "That guy isn't actually that scary, you just stay behind him. You stay behind him and mash R1. Just like every other thing in these lrrEFF ing games. You just stay behind it and mash R1. And then you tell other people to git gud. That's how this game works. Stand behind it, mash R1, go to other people's chats, tell them to git gud. I think I've got it now." —Cameron [2016-04-13]
wench_tacular: just mash R2
DandyGeek: that's because Adam doesn't do shields
accountmadeforants: You're an expert already
MilkInBags: you can also make a poise tank build and never dodge
NorthstarTex: greed is fun though
Nigouki: James will be taught patience
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Ah, see. There's your mistake. You have to roll away more than once.
measureofhope: poke and roll games
NorthstarTex: make number big
NightValien28: that's like 90% of souls gameplay
ArrestedHouse: dying to greed is a souls classic tbh
Saunabath: Also remember to try finger but hole
KinkerbellRose: We've ALL got greedy.
Therberus: lrrGREED lrrGREED lrrGREED
saucemaster5000: adam literally never blocks
RedNightmare7: Oh yeah, we all greed
ProcyonFlynn: Tank and DPS-Rush :p it's worth a shot
accountmadeforants: But yeah this game added shield counters for that play style
MrQBear: If you have enough strength, you WON'T die that way.
Izandai: mattlrLul
patfinder: leave it to james to invent an entirely new way to die
Mai_Andra: dog
MilkInBags: :)
BusTed: PogChamp
MilkInBags: get fingered
NorthstarTex: try fingers
TehAmelie: better to die by greed and try again than live in fear and waste time
public_key_reveal_party: There are a lot of fingers in this game
gluonquark: "the master has failed more times then the novice have tried"
SymphonySolstice: uh oh fingies
asthanius: try finger, but hole
JustMeJude: First try
saucemaster5000: which finger is it?
Angreed66: Luckily you're supposed to die here
Jakelope13: It's why I stay well away from turn-based games. I'm far too impatient. "Why should I wait for them to go? Just give me a hammer, and about a minute, and I'll make the problem go away!"
mercano82: Nintendo B or XBox B?
TheArchitectX: Hey, it's the classic opera game, Olden Sing.
NorthstarTex: don't forget heavy attack
reptile___: Chapel of antici....
MilkInBags: nothing is better than A + R2
Dumori: Sam starts wtha sheild
NorthstarTex: charge
fiftymcnasty: chaining r2
LordZarano: It's just like Minecraft! Jump attacks are good!
Sorator13: @LordZarano I was thinking that :D
gameboy350: Hit l2 twice in a row
gameboy350: you did an attack chain
Helrumyc: two hand the katana
public_key_reveal_party: The bow has an art
fiftymcnasty: needs to be 2handing
Ant__R: its taking the offhand art
Robot_Bones: its going to the bbw art
saucemaster5000: you have to two hand for L2
Cinominn: L2 with the bow in hand does the bow move
gameboy350: I meant r2 sorry lmao
gameboy350: if you chain attacks they are different
lightfut: James starting his speed running career right now
Helrumyc: Dang, now my urge to hop on it growing
measureofhope: here it comes
Izandai: :)
abslomdaak42: Spider-man is here!
measureofhope: speaking of
accountmadeforants: And after you block you can R2 to shield counter
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
asthanius: here's the spider
Dumori: Gonna get fuckedd by one
josh___something: Coward
Gascitygaming: speaking of
RedNightmare7: I was gonna say
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
Izandai: mattlrLul
TXC2: gonna get fucked by a spider though
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
ElementalAlchemist: lol
Graved: LUL
AugmentingPath: the spiders sure are here to fuck you
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Barb4rian: LUL
PMAvers: The LAB is CLOSED
public_key_reveal_party: It's marvel's spiderman
asthanius: you CAN win
abslomdaak42: Just like Cam said LUL
RandomTrivia: So rude
Spooky_Noises: I wouldn't say unwinnable...
personification2: If you do win, you fall down a hole
Izandai: You can win but it's very hard, and then you just have to jump off a ledge and die to progress anyway.
Alness49: James, "I'm not here" Spider, front facing "To do what?"
ProcyonFlynn: :p it'd wouldn't be fair if you couldn't win.
bytecaster: You fall down a cliff
electric_claire: ADAM can beat it, you cannot, James
yukimakingart: it's very very hard
TehAmelie: that's first "tutorial boss" Cameron mentioned
BrowneePoints: it’s not easy
Invitare: death is the only way off that rock
asthanius: horsie
BrowneePoints: it’s the hardest tutorial boss they’ve made
personification2: I wanted him to beat it so he fell down a hole like the meme
DandyGeek: you do get the chance to return and *wreck* that boss later after leveling up
SymphonySolstice: honse
Izandai: @personification2 Oh, don't worry.
red_shoes_jeff: HOARES
Simriel: Good old Wretched Peepeepoopoo man
Doctor WUBRG: oof
commentarywife: I feel like I've seen this cutscene on something
Pinwiz11: Can't Souls Horses Club
asthanius: only james gets this cutscene
personification2: @Izandai Oh, yeah, I know it'll happen eventually
public_key_reveal_party: Two of the best characters tho
Gascitygaming: they said the thing!
TwoSenses: did they add this in in a newer patch? I really don't remember it either
TehAmelie: they said it! roll the credits
Echosi: They said the thing!
electric_claire: Miyazaki put it in special for him
Jakelope13: I'm worried that this person decided to name their horse Torrent. That has GOT to have a story behind it, and that concerns me
Dumori: Instakiller secret cut secene
leopard_wolf: Wait, did she just kneel with a cloak in a pool of water? That'd be so uncomfortable
Spooky_Noises: the incredibly easy to miss tutorial
Milleg2: just like in real life
hammith: Wait, has James never Elden'd?
red_shoes_jeff: @leopard_wolf Comfortable doesn't live here, anymore...
Fanklok: Uhmm its FP not mana
PawssumFable: Orange juice too sugary for my health
Mystaira: Drink all the orange juice.
TXC2: hammith he has not
Izandai: FBtouchdown
asthanius: the evidence of testers never jumping down the ledge so they added a million signposts
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: get in the hole, James.
PMAvers: here comes James, falling down holes
Peevvi: apparently a lot of people skipped the tutorial at launch, so they added that big popup about it
mwlsn: Something something James down the hole
LadyLockwood92: Yeah, there's no visible difference between player and Dev messages.
red_shoes_jeff: My shins!
RedNightmare7: They had to add that message, because new players didn't feel like jumping down holes in what was supposed to be a super hard game
RayFK: Oh holy shit
RayFK: The man is checking out his Ring
DandyGeek: @RayFK I was wondering when you'd get here, you missed the tutorial spider
Izandai: Congratulations James, you touched grace!
RayFK: Ah tutorial spider, the hellbeast
DandyGeek: @RayFK but @ELD_Winterlight has you covered
TXC2: the GOAT
pn55: Easy game for babies!
RayFK: OtakuGeoff
Laurence72: Like ommander, James will retire Champion
RedNightmare7: If you ever played N64 Zelda: locking on is just Z-targeting
JinaMahavira: Not called InstaKilla for no reason
Sevinon: Currently dying to Gaius while James learns
electric_claire: James does minecraft combat, Elden Ring is nothing for him
gluonquark: Retire champion!
RayFK: @DandyGeek amazing
BusTed: Or look at the tip of the weapon
Dumori: tbh these slow attack are the hardest parries IMO
pn55: The delay on attacks is brutal in this.
Dumori: cause the swing down for so long
MilkInBags: james died to the first boss? disappointing
public_key_reveal_party: Gaming
Izandai: @MilkInBags Didn't even get a hit in.
varmintx0: I prefer Bloodborne's stance on blocking.
patfinder: It's weird to play with keyboard
TXC2: I play DS1 and DS3 keyboard only
public_key_reveal_party: James is learning fast
BrowneePoints: it’s not great
BrowneePoints: but not impossible
gameboy350: I played sekiro with m&kb (:
Wolfstrike_NL: As a mouse and keyboard player, I did prefer controller for this.
rosesmcgee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rosesmcgee! (Today's storm count: 252)
MilkInBags: i have 200 hours in elden ring and have no idea how bows work
gameboy350: Not sure i reccomend
Ant__R: Clap
Dumori: #gaming
saucemaster5000: @MilkInBags you learn at hr 213
patfinder: Armored Core with mouse and keyboard is great though
TXC2: gameboy350 I 100% skeiro with mouse and Keyboard
public_key_reveal_party: The crafting is totally ignorable
Dumori: It's ok crafting
abslomdaak42: And I thought James liked crafting...
MilkInBags: James, it's either crafting or blood vial farming, pick your poison
LurkerSpine: talks about tarkov skills then complains about crafting lol
sparrowhawksilver: oh god, there's crafting, says the minecraft gamer
warpstonewarlock: There is crafting, James fell into a hole... this is just Minecraft
Izandai: oh god
MilkInBags: Fjump
gameboy350: @TXC2 I did too but not sure I can go back to it
asthanius: f for flight (brief)
candissimo is gifting 5 Tier 2 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
candissimo gifted a Tier 2 sub to SleepyDragonGms!
candissimo gifted a Tier 2 sub to gnomebot1!
candissimo gifted a Tier 2 sub to strategist_en_hiatus!
candissimo gifted a Tier 2 sub to gerwcik!
candissimo gifted a Tier 2 sub to sasquatch72!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, candissimo! Welcome to gnomebot1, SleepyDragonGms, strategist_en_hiatus, gerwcik, and sasquatch72! (Today's storm count: 257)
LordZarano: Just like Minecraft! There's crafting and jump attacks are good!
MilkInBags: Q?
TXC2: candissimo lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: F for "Flying but only temporarily"
ElementalAlchemist: something something space jump
Hrrisn: even as someone who’s more used to m&kb too, I cant play these games without a controller
Graved: Try Dark Souls 2 with M+KB for some fun controls
TXC2: I used 0 on the numb pad to target
Fanklok: But now you can only run in 8 directions
cspacefeet: the problem with kb/m is using your flasks and stuff. All the button combos are AWFUL
haberley: this is my monthly "man, i should play elden ring again" moment
Ant__R: would not recommend kbm
Dumori: I can't play these games M&K the sole reason I own an controler is Fromsoft
Izandai: James rocking up to the function with the DS1 eight direction roll.
UltraVioletVodoo: pretty sure you can rebind
Woogachaka: Usually a big fan of KB+M, but boy howdy can I not play souls games without a controller
bisaflau: shift-click
gameboy350: Hold shift and click?
Hrrisn: you can rebind anything
MilkInBags: heavy attack is alt f4 hahahahahah 4Head
RayFK: Real Ringers Use A Controller
Pinwiz11: I've seen plenty of people M&K these games
Peevvi: I feel like these games are kinda designed around the four shoulder buttons
cspacefeet: I MUCH prefer to play with keyboard and mouse but god it's so hard in this
MrQBear: I definitely prefer this with KB+M
DandyGeek: I'm sure you'd be fine after remapping to a more familiar layout
Krillin_fan: "i don't see any any key"
electric_claire: I bought a controller for the original Dark Souls because they really are controller games.
MilkInBags: I'm pretty sure a DDR pad is easier than mouse and keyboard
Ant__R: not press but just move stick
DandyGeek: (I absolutely could not kb/m this)
gameboy350: you move the stick to swap it
Datnade012 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Datnade012! (Today's storm count: 258)
MilkInBags: trying to block hits with your face
MilkInBags: how much time are you doing this for?
Peevvi: how do you know that message wasn't sick?
ElementalAlchemist: instead you got sick words
electric_claire: @MilkInBags The face is the strongest part of the body
patfinder: I think they said 3 hours
TXC2: I'm gonna have to somehow get a stream setup to show people how to play dark souls with a keyboard :p
LordDestont: cant wait for rick
saucemaster5000: the cave of knowledge apparently not a knower
Thandres: but james: the knowledge IS the sick loot in the cave of knowledge :P
MilkInBags: ok so in 3 hours, james i hope you will defeat the fire giant
BusTed: gaming
asthanius: here comes rick
Barb4rian: No gravity confirmed
RandomTrivia: Geometry checks out
Fanklok: Didn't need it any way
UltraVioletVodoo: there is drop, its over a longer distance
accountmadeforants: There is drop, but not at that range
PluralKumquat: There is drop. The longbow just has really good range.
wench_tacular: he just won't get hurt again
BrowneePoints: hit the other right button to not waste fire arrows
Cinominn: good ol rick
gameboy350: The speedrun is less than 1 hour, right?
DandyGeek: this area seems much easier when it isn't randomized with giant dogs
Hrrisn: 20 metres
MilkInBags: going into full anime mode
gualdhar: James has plenty of time to find the elden ring was really the friends we made along the way
BrowneePoints: IAIDO
MilkInBags: YIAOW
MilkInBags: james has way more respect for the AI than we do
wench_tacular: right in the taint
LurkerSpine: born elden ringer
gameboy350: Everyone tries to go through that hole lol
RayFK: Unsheathe is the GOAT
MilkInBags: it costs you fuck points
SandwichKed: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TehAmelie: FP is just a funny way to spell MP
MilkInBags: jump r2 with daggers and the jump talisman is so op
Darleysam: that's how I finished it
gameboy350: Soldier of God, Rick is here
Mathwyn: @rayfk I sigh as I unsheathe my GOAT
Dumori: I built a jump+r2 build after getting the kick matrial art in the DLC
Ant__R: any jump l1 enjoyers
asthanius: Rick!
Cinominn: greatswords and jumping r2's is how i beat 90% of this game
Dumori: so much fun!
MilkInBags: chop
asthanius: MLG
TotalHell: Whipped
BusTed: FBtouchdown
ArrestedHouse: FBtouchdown
pn55: seabatClap
Krillin_fan: wooo
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
RayFK: That's one God boss for the Bingo Board everyone
Krillin_fan: krilli151sttry
RayFK: Let's go
ElementalAlchemist: lrrGOAT
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap
Sarah_Serinde: Good work James
abslomdaak42: ENEMY FELLED
electric_claire: AROUND
CatTreeDreamCar: Hardest boss in the game. That's why he's the GOAT
yukimakingart: impressive
monatommo1985: done in one!
l0gin4me: benginTry
TriChronos: Yay!
The_Real_Chicky: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
wench_tacular: retire champion
MilkInBags: james this is one of the toughest boss, even tougher than 'Malenia'
public_key_reveal_party: You do get op loot up here
pn55: James is already the Elden Lord
accountmadeforants: Your loot is knowledge
saucemaster5000: cave of waste of my time
Pinwiz11: The Cave of Loot is PoE
Therberus: They patched the loot cave out right?
MilkInBags: play to emote
Laurence72: The loot was the knowledge (and friends) that we gained along the way
BrowneePoints: the loot cave got remade into a full dungeon in De2 Adam
TehAmelie: they patched it out and rolled back everyone's loot, i think
MilkInBags: time for the fun part
Dalrint: Is this still coffee with james?
Rourke9: loot cave dungeon is fun and silly
BrowneePoints: yea it’s Dark Roast @dalrint
Izandai: Just touching a grace isn't the same as resting at it BTW.
Ant__R: you'll want to sit to get flask charges back
RandomTrivia: Do we have James? Yes. Does James have a friend with? Yes.
MilkInBags: brb going to invade james with backhand blades
yatagarasu1177: elden ring is kinda like coffee if you think about it
roefizzlebeef: oh shit I got here just in time lol
patfinder: Nothing wakes you up quite like Erdtree sap
Cinominn: resting gives back heals
DandyGeek: @MilkInBags the true souls experience, getting ganked by dlc weapons
MilkInBags: gorgeous view ahead
munocard: James... go touch the grace plz
MilkInBags: adam, i salute your restraint
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: It's not my way but it's fine if it's your way.
MilkInBags: chat, don't freak out
d3monhouser subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, d3monhouser! (Today's storm count: 259)
BusTed: time to meander
DrMagnify: !badadvice
LRRbot: Go to the subreddit.
saucemaster5000: chat, NO ELP
TXC2: !backseat
LRRbot: Please refrain from backseat gaming unless the streamer asks for help or !heychat is active. The streamer wants to play the game the way they want. Feel free to discuss tactics in chat or with the mods.
munocard: You got it
public_key_reveal_party: A site of grace and a weirdo!
Ant__R: can just feel my anxiety spiking as he runs away
asthanius: pet dog
RedNightmare7: Got it, chief
Fanklok: Go left
Cinominn: i hope james enjoys himself is all
Iam_Dead: Jump
Fancy_frenchman: seek Dog
RayFK: Chat, you don't matter this morning unless you're an ass and then you get clapped
Myrniss: Can we backseat Adam? Kappa
CanPlayGames: Witness Us
NightValien28: touch grass
KinkerbellRose: NOTICE ME SEMPAI ADAM! ♥
ArrestedHouse: drat! Kappa
Shadowsoflife: Anything I want
MilkInBags: chat, you played the game, you have your own playthrough, let james have his own
NorthstarTex: why is it always dog?
MenomeAlice: Try Jumping
0x6772: Cool, we can just poke the Adam bear.
public_key_reveal_party: Only Adam will judge us, and he does that anyway
Peevvi: tell him to fight the tree sentinel
BrowneePoints: K chat you heard him no subs Kappa
Woogachaka: My goodness we need a twitch plug-in that makes it so everyone can only chat via a system like the message writing
ranoras: Adam has the Lunacid strats. Just pour it all into jump height and win
personification2: So he missed my great comment about falling down a hole if he beat the tutorial boss? : (
Laurence72: Heh, like I had any power to begin with =P
petey_vonwho: James! Look at me! Look what I can do!
Sarah_Serinde: Chat I am too busy to mod a bunch of backseating
reptile___: he's not going to look? James is a wonderful person
Iam_Dead: Try fort,night!
mwlsn: curses, foiled (I know nothing about this game and couldn't offer any advice anyway)
NiceMrCaput: If he's not looking does that mean we can talk about stuff, or should we try to avoid spoiling?
TehAmelie: hey Adam, can you tell James Adam is great?
MilkInBags: no friend ahead >:(
l0gin4me: !listen
LRRbot: Chat? At this time of year?
anxietyparadingashuman: I would like to see him get to caelid
NorthstarTex: !badadvice
LRRbot: Never don't left.
Grumpingtoon: I’m looking forward to reliving my own learning curve since Elden Ring was also my first souls-like
Barb4rian: Can't backseat if I also know nothing about Elden Ring :D
NightValien28: well said lrrbot
NorthstarTex: lrrbot is on point
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: just here for vibes not strats
BrowneePoints: but yea he’s got Jod’s Perfect Jamer to help him. James doesn’t need us
munocard: Hands are off the bicycle now.
BrowneePoints: so be good chat
MilkInBags: james you're maidenless :( :( :(
measureofhope: Absolutely maidenless
Fanklok: I think the implication is this guy killed your maiden
Fancy_frenchman: Maidenless
Myrniss: [Vine Boom]
NiceMrCaput: A thing I love about this game is there's no right advice to give at this point
public_key_reveal_party: o7
saucemaster5000: so now that james is an expert, can I ask for advice?
BusTed: they're insulting us. do we fight them
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: is this wehre the Maidenless memes come from!?
TotalHell: James = Maidenless
CanPlayGames: Ha, Maidenless
NovaTiempo: aww
Sarah_Serinde: @NiceMrCaput That doesn't stop chat from trying
Snowwraith: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn Yup
Shadowsoflife: @Barb4rian I watched a few stream and parts of a playthrough and still don't nothing of this game
abslomdaak42: However, you are maidenless
MilkInBags: he's telling you to uninstall, rude
munocard: I mean... kinda?
public_key_reveal_party: You're not wrong
JustMeJude: I STILL don't understand what you're supposed to do, lol
asthanius: that's one endgame
NorthstarTex: you are got absolutely dumpsterd
CanPlayGames: Get a GF, gamer mood
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @Snowwraith I know not how to feel about this
0x6772: Fight the right maiden to give your Elden Ring to.
MilkInBags: you can get a moon gf :3
personification2: You can get two girlfriends, I believe
Snowwraith: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn It is funny it's just this creepy dude being weird about it.
Izandai: There's a couple potential girlfriends.
Therberus: Do the squirels drop souls?
BrowneePoints: the slow spinning is actually making me motion sick though so if we could do that less I’d appreciate it
0x6772: Welp, I meant to say "Find...", but hey.
Therberus: Wait is it still souls in this game?
MilkInBags: wait, is elden ring a convoluted dating sim
Woogachaka: @Therberus I think just occasional crafting materials
NorthstarTex: moon gf is nice, fia gives good hugs
haberley: @Therberus 'runes'
Snowwraith: @Therberus Runes but like, basically the same thing.
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: be funny if the whole game was an allegory for marriage where you get the ring at the end
MilkInBags: :)
munocard: I love that we can't see how many runes James has
TehAmelie: i'm not sure the maidens here want your ring. they call themselves "finger maidens"
MilkInBags: friend ahead
Therberus: Should have called them rings...
Austere_Squire: hullo, all
Fancy_frenchman: The LOOK on Adam’s face
MilkInBags: a GOLDEN RUNE? the rarest item in the game
MilkInBags: LUL
NorthstarTex: awwwww
munocard: LMAO
MrQBear: I cannot wait for what is about to happen. Awww
underscoreMutex: LOOOL
Milleg2: lol
TotalHell: lmao
abslomdaak42: xDDDDDDDD
RayFK: Do it coward
Ryenji: lol
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Austere_Squire: fight the man
pn55: HypeLUL
Fancy_frenchman: awwwww
haberley: hahaha!
wench_tacular: jlrrDang
saucemaster5000: you let him KILL the skull???
TXC2: darn :p
Cinominn: damn
MilkInBags: james is a knower
personification2: First person ever to not fall for it
Nigouki: but he got such a cool theme
Wolfstrike_NL: Damm :(
KinkerbellRose: LUL
Helrumyc: LUL
public_key_reveal_party: Haha he's gaming!
Austere_Squire: absolutely fight the man
accountmadeforants: damn
CanPlayGames: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Tikosh_: dangit
yukimakingart: yukima18ReinaLUL
Fanklok: But Cameron told you
DaVeganPolice: our hee hee hoo hoo NOOOO
petey_vonwho: I didn't see it, go back and show me
gnabaer: i missed the last 30 mins, did he beat the soldier of God, Rick?
Grumpingtoon: Runs left, get stomped by a giant
MilkInBags: the meme is true
Chesul: you're not far from being able to kill that guy, it would just take a while.
Snowwraith: It is very funny that guy is there.
jessicaengle: Ooo, more streams with James and Adam pls and thx
TehAmelie: but it's a huge enemy right in your path, don't you know how videogames do?
NiceMrCaput: Jerma knew but he still fought it until he won. Insane.
Fancy_frenchman: Adam’s Poker Face before that was so funny waiting to see if James would go for the Sentinel
Ant__R: oh god
MilkInBags: define first boss
accountmadeforants: Adam and Ben also fought him out of the gate
measureofhope: I really like Adam's coaching style. Not too overbearing, but offers advice
Austere_Squire: you say "stuck at", i say "well, hello brick wall I will eventually smash my forehead through"
Rourke9: santa
CanPlayGames: Is that Santa?
mljesus6222: do we think James beats Elden ring before the subathon is over?
MilkInBags: there's like 3 bosses less than 5 minutes away
ashtonfpd: adam would be a good lacrosse coach
Fancy_frenchman: Hi Santa
Sorator13: why is Santa sitting by a campfire?
MilkInBags: i guess obligatory boss? he is not easy for newcomers
Grumpingtoon: It’s more one of many grinches wearing Santa robes
thaigeprime: ah fuck Im late and missed my chance to scream "THE ALLLL KNOOWWWING" into chat? worst day ever
Ant__R: crafting kit
public_key_reveal_party: @mljesus6222 well, it's capped at 3 hours, so, I'm gonna guess no, but I'm willing to be surprised
UltraVioletVodoo: crafting kit
Talin06: you do the whole stream and not fight any boss
MilkInBags: let's be honest, crafting is useless LUL
ashtonfpd: kale will tell you if you ask him
rasterscan: The merchant tells you the crafting kit is essential if you talk to him.
MilkInBags: who uses items??
DaVeganPolice: the merchants "recommendation" option tells you to buy it now
saucemaster5000: "they don't tell you this" (dialogue option "recommendation")
MilkInBags: what if we need items later, can't use them
ashtonfpd: damn the twitch chat urge to um actually is soo crazy i cant even help it
CrazySliver: crafting recipes, dark caves, and torches? this is just Minecraft
MilkInBags: @ashtonfpd LUL
l0gin4me: break all the things. Got it.
yukimakingart: I just occasionally craft the anti poison stuff and that's it
Fanklok: Why would i want to talk to James, we just did that for 2 hours
wench_tacular: crafting? pft
gameboy350: Nahhhh pot only run lets go
Greyah: I *love* fire pots. They might be my preferred ranged weapon.
Piecrust9: Um actually i dont think youre gonna look at what we say. Checkmate streamer
MilkInBags: like i will 100% collect every material i find but will mostly never craft, it's an issue LUL
public_key_reveal_party: I mostly craft when I encounter the boss, "billy the weak to fire"
MilkInBags: the merchant drops a sweet katana Kappa
NiceMrCaput: The most fromsoft thing ever is locking a core mechanic behind a mundane looking item, BUT having the vendor explain that to you, BUT only if you know to ask him about it
petey_vonwho: I've never played this, nor watched anyone else play it, so I absolutely want to see James make all the mistakes
MilkInBags: it's not mistakes, it's gameplay
reptile___: normal ass-skulls?
Ivannorr: Favourite run I have done is still throwing pot + perfume only. Still can't believe they added support in the DLC
wench_tacular: just normal ass-skulls
Verrain2: Fried oyster poboy is great sandwich!
MilkInBags: aya
public_key_reveal_party: Gaming?
Brozard: Oyster poboys are great
mercano82: And know what you're getting into if you get oysters in Colorado.
momalyd: What are video games???
MrQBear: @Brozard That does sound good.
MilkInBags: there are whole builds about poise damage
asthanius: I kinda want James to just never end up getting Torrent
ashtonfpd: lol oysters in colorado gotta be the same as oysters in Alberta
MilkInBags: that's called love
ashtonfpd: no bueno
couchboyj: Staggering gives you time to blow bubbles out of your horn
sparrowhawksilver: same for me, never watched anyone, actually, because i always felt I'd play it myself and didn't wanna spoil myself, and then i never actually did
Gascitygaming: that pig had knives!
Grumpingtoon: Well then parasocial relationships for the win then, Adam
Redpandarama: True Friendship
l0gin4me: did we just grab poop?
measureofhope: the pigs poop gold?
Geldaran: @l0gin4me GOLDEN poop!
ashtonfpd: poop is good in this game
Bobtheninjagoldfish: what exactly has that thing been eating to make it's excrement gold tinged?
Piecrust9: Would you say james is stumbling? It looks like hes walking at a min
ashtonfpd: theres a whole guy who eats it
TXC2: of course the pig poop gold, ain't you ever read a fairy tale? Kappa
Ant__R: i see you smirking there adam
Chesul: @Geldaran the shiniest of shit.
MilkInBags: what a gamer
gameboy350: if you're graceful enough you just poop gold apparently
TehAmelie: rocks and grass, everything is yours to grab. it's like Minecraft but your inventory is infinite. wait
satyropodobny: holy smokes is that Otaku Jeff
asthanius: the controls struggle from having to be on a controller
DaVeganPolice: bow and arrow build goated?!?
RandomTrivia: *clang*
MrQBear: You see? James' fighting style is fine! Just hit it until it stops moving!
asthanius: Gaming
DaVeganPolice: he's the GOAT
Therberus: what if I'm allergic to shellfish?
ManWithTheMask13: footsies
TXC2: pogers
ashtonfpd: hes got it
MilkInBags: 1 down, 3999 to go
chrisvonclause: The best would've been if James switched to Mouse and Keyboard then just casually dumpstered the tree sentinel out the of the gate.
DaVeganPolice: Delayden Ring
Izandai: So many attacks in this game are delayed.
Krektogar: James got hang of it, that means the stream is done, right?
Snowwraith: FromSoft has learnt how to add frame traps.
MilkInBags: Eldelayed Ring
DaVeganPolice: I'm a natural panic roller so delayed attacks destroy me
ashtonfpd: elden ring has baked in delay based net code
MilkInBags: can you pet the dog in this game
gameboy350: I know he cant hear us, but I hope he goes to the swamp
public_key_reveal_party: @milkinbags I wouldn't recommend it
LurkerSpine: sorry to all dogs
personification2: @MilkInBags Depends on the definition of pet
Easilycrazyhat: I often wonder how much time they spend finding the perfect timing to mess with players, cause they're amazing at it.
RandomTrivia: Doggo?
bojuka_pog: Hi there! Is it James' first time EldenRinging?
Barb4rian: I'm loving the minecraft jump attack LUL
Falling_Twilight: @MilkInBags Yes! But it will bite your arm off as you do it
DaVeganPolice: big homie is here
TehAmelie: timing and enemy placement and every part of the encounters have to be so carefully tuned
BorealMage: they're not respecting the 1v1
ashtonfpd: uh oh bernice is here
asthanius: Getting the rolling tech down well
asthanius: Rolling into the attack for the best results
kynelwynn: Oki Oki Elden Club?
TXC2: bojuka_pog it sure is
asthanius: Good lord
DaVeganPolice: gaming
ashtonfpd: jamer the gamer
MilkInBags: gg i was the knight
asthanius: DAMN
Spooky_Noises: james is goated what?
shendaras: seabatClap
KinkerbellRose: James is GAMING.
cobthegreat: Goated
pn55: seabatClap
gnabaer: clean
DaVeganPolice: that mob DESTROYED me several times
ELD_Winterlight: THat was DAMN SMOOTH
Izandai: Chopped 'em down no problem.
TotalHell: uhhhh lol I died to him too many times
MrQBear: FBtouchdown
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
mwlsn: *dang*
The_Real_Chicky: honnestly that was good!
TXC2: lets go!
Barb4rian: Sick moves
shabe_x_roc: Gaming!
Chefryto90: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Gascitygaming: dang James legit doing REALLY good
Krillin_fan: James is a natural
KinkerbellRose: He kicks MY ass, and I beat the game.,\
asthanius: Very little panic movement
Fanklok: James is ready for the Crucible Knight
Izandai: mattlrLul
cobthegreat: I died at least 10 times to him my first time
DaVeganPolice: got there
pn55: HypeLUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
wench_tacular: camera is main boss
TXC2: the REAL boss show's it's selfKappa
MilkInBags: if only james fought the worms
Snowwraith: The camera's fine until it suddenly isn't.
LurkerSpine: DS1 that happens a lot earlier
Wormsbane: wheelerOok
Sevinon: Camera hardest boss in the game
UltraVioletVodoo: camera is the real final boss
NiceMrCaput: yeah you're doing so well this is stunning
ashtonfpd: is the long samurai sword the same weapon art chat?
asthanius: The real problem with blight town...
pn55: Miyazaki strikes again!
KinkerbellRose: James is becoming one of us natureally. You watch, he ENJOYS this,.
DaVeganPolice: walking down the street, heard from distant windows, ahhh elden ring is in bloom
betazed15: We need a "dies because of camera" counter pls
MilkInBags: he can still do it once!
TXC2: now try controlling the camera with the Numb pad like I do :p
asthanius: doot doot
BusTed: doot doot
Hrrisn: the camera is bad, but it can be made better by unlocking sometimes
GhostValv: I hate when I try to lock on with an R3 and end up instead having the camera turn around
NightValien28: the toot
mwlsn: Ri-co-la
LowUpsideCJ: I've never heard adam complain about the camera whaaat
TehAmelie: they say the camera is the final boss but it's really a constant environmental hazard, you have to navigate around it
personification2: Can you still parry with no FP?
MilkInBags: rolling to the sea
TehAmelie: yes
KinkerbellRose: JAMES. YES!
asthanius: Gaming out of his mind
personification2: I've only watched Wheeler and Adam play, so I've never actually seen someone parry
varmintx0: How far will the enemies chase you?
cspacefeet: Not to backseat the instructions but I don't think you mentioned sprinting
NiceMrCaput: @varmintx0 depends! Further the further in you get
Izandai: He did
TXC2: cspacefeet we've covered that
NiceMrCaput: @cspacefeet he did
cspacefeet: Ahh my bad
Fanklok: Adam did talk about sprinting
Hrrisn: James is pogchamping rn
Simriel: Then he won't be your friend, I am sorry
Fanklok: James is pognificent at this game
Ant__R: can also just target lock and shoot
Redpandarama: Did not expect getting Elden Ring advice today, thanks Adam!
asthanius: Elden Ring wishes it had five more buttons
Seth_Erickson: I disagree this game does not control like dogshit
TehAmelie: at least this time you get a jump button
DaVeganPolice: hi adam :)
ashtonfpd: adam is akuma good?
asthanius: It has too many button combos for basic things
RayFK: This game's controls are only intuitive if you're already a Souls gamer
Spooky_Noises: damn the jump iframe flex
TallynNyntyg: "Keep an eye on stamina" "this game controls like dogshit" Armored Core fans: "First time?"
Seth_Erickson: I've played some real dogshit controlling games this is not one of those
ManWithTheMask13: This is a good stream so far thank you Adam and Co
AshcopseDryad: the loot!
Chronomos901: adam don't tell the other streamers but you're our favorite
kynelwynn: Hi adam, how's it going? Doing well? How was your coffee?
gameboy350: The game controls like gold-tinged excrement
Snowwraith: @Seth_Erickson It's more the controls are not always easy to grasp. They're particular.
Piecrust9: Adam, chats greatest reader
Myrniss: Hey Adam, can you ask James to pick us up a Dilly bar? Thanks
Dumori: @asthanius I wish I coulkd bind some 2 button things to one
electric_claire: Adam, what is your favorite Ash of War in Elden Ring?
IsaTheEngie: I went back to DS1 after finishing SotE ans Elden Ring feels luxurious by comparison.
Seth_Erickson: It's fine to say the controls aren't intuitive yes that does not make them dogshit imo
haberley: so is James going double whip? :P
Fancy_frenchman: so Adam when are you going to sell James on the Whips Only build
ashtonfpd: grandpa with dillybar combo is undefeated
Izandai: You can equip the flail now if you wanna try it out.
haberley: @Fancy_frenchman mind merge :)
Fancy_frenchman: @haberley truly
KinkerbellRose: Oh Adam. Maybe mention the time window from stagger to time the press a sec later.
NiceMrCaput: How is he this good? I literally just watched him learn the basic principles. It's crazy.
KinkerbellRose: Instead of just mashing R1's at them.
Astral_Apache: Cheer10000 I was so busy lurking that I almost forgot to do my part and continue James' suffering lrrSHINE
TXC2: James is a capital J Jamer, that's how he's so good
TXC2: Astral_Apache lrrHEART
Sarah_Serinde: Haha thanks Astral_Apache
MahJunior17: He is so close to a maiden sooooo close
Snowwraith: It's drawn like a real-world map just with all the words removed.
NiceMrCaput: Yes, this is the whole and only map. All of it. Why wouldn't it be.
kynelwynn: "The guidance of grace"
TehAmelie: half a million bits!
haberley: 500K bits overall!
ashtonfpd: damn thats like 1k cad
lochnessseammonster: back with coffee and breakfast... how's it going gamers?
Sarah_Serinde: (It is not)
Nielsch subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nielsch! (Today's storm count: 260)
Seth_Erickson: it's probably important to let James know that every ruins has a downstair like this
ashtonfpd: jamer the gamer is soo good
birbarino is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
birbarino gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dr_Fruitloop!
birbarino gifted a Tier 1 sub to ooikengsiang!
birbarino gifted a Tier 1 sub to Juste_Pingo!
birbarino gifted a Tier 1 sub to mensched!
birbarino gifted a Tier 1 sub to mljesus6222!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, birbarino! Welcome to Dr_Fruitloop, ooikengsiang, Juste_Pingo, mljesus6222, and mensched! (Today's storm count: 265)
Rourke9: well done!!
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatOAK
NorthstarTex: james is a natural
TXC2: birbarino lrrHEART
JustMeJude: How far is he from a boss?
JosephDeath: I super died to that first camp
NiceMrCaput: he's outrageously good
electric_claire: I bet James will like shield counters when he discovers them.
TotalHell: That was shockingly good
Wolfstrike_NL: I died a couple of times
haberley: that was so good
Redpandarama: Inspiring!
Singenmeister: Current bits account for 25 hours of time to the tital
Gascitygaming: yeah absolutely rare
patfinder: oh yeah, that was very good for a newbie
thatguysteve2709: That is better than I have ever done. It is an anomolyy
Piecrust9: Oh i died at least 5 times my first time
saucemaster5000: I cleared out the first camp and GAINED a life
bisaflau: I still die to that first knight sometimes
patfinder: still, everyone loses to Margit the first time
Snowcookies: James is gaming
TehAmelie: isn't there a couple of mans left?
personification2: I'll finally see what a parry looks like!
FeistierErmine: I played all 3 dark souls before this, and died on that camp
NorthstarTex: legit james is doing really good
Ant__R: seems like a roller so far
bojuka_pog: Even on reroll characters I die at least a couple of times there x)
yukimakingart: shield gaming is strong with the guard counters
TehAmelie: i mean, strong show anyway
googoltudoris: which is worse- twitch chat advice, or in-game notes?
abslomdaak42: I've never played Elden Ring but I'd have probably died at least three times during that bit
LightningFelix subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LightningFelix! (Today's storm count: 266)
TXC2: James "2 chests" Turner
bytecaster: One of us
Izandai: Ask James if he wants to try out the flail please?
malsareus: 2 chests a day keeps the doctor away
ashtonfpd: you can tell what kind of elden ring gamer you are by asking yourself what your pav Hockey position is
JeshuaWithAnE: One of us
measureofhope: herba. amazing naming
public_key_reveal_party: I really want to play bloodborne, but I'm not buying an entire console for the one game I want to play on it
Chronomos901: one of us
tryllebanjo: 'erba!
Easilycrazyhat: One of us
AshcopseDryad: james is doing great
Gascitygaming: @abslomdaak42 don't feel bad, vast majority of people do, me included
Spooky_Noises: james' natural roll skill is wasted on shield build
ashtonfpd: the weeb slash is crazy wth
Chesul: James already using weapon arts effectively, dang.
TXC2: remember chat: this is a game, never feel bad about how you play it
asthanius: Your lower half loses its hitbox basically
ashtonfpd: lmao this is is tekken?!
Krillin_fan: alternatively, just blast them with spells from 1000 meters away!
satyropodobny: guys, James might be The Gamer
Seth_Erickson: just like in real life
electric_claire: No i-frames on a jump though, right?
TehAmelie: you DID get them all!
Myrniss: The game has great hitboxes... most of the time
And Bal: So James hasnt played ANY soulslike games before?
Cinominn: my fave weapon right there
malsareus: bigger sword
rainbowpukingpanda subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 112 months!
rainbowpukingpanda: 112 month long sub-a-thon, let's go!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rainbowpukingpanda! (Today's storm count: 267)
ashtonfpd: the iron throne sword is my fav
TXC2: I really wish souls games where truly ambidextious
Darleysam: ah, Lordsworn's Greatsword, my beloved
Kitsumekajime subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kitsumekajime! (Today's storm count: 268)
Snowwraith: 50% more strength with two hands.
UltraVioletVodoo: thats only for str
saucemaster5000: pfft. I cleared that camp earlier in my playthrough, with NO flasks and one handed
Darleysam: the uppercut art on this is so much fun
DandyGeek: yep, STR only
Hrrisn: that only applies to strength
TXC2: like shield in the right, Sowrd in the left worked EXACTLY same
l0gin4me: sure is a lot of "they don't explain this to you" that I am hearing
TXC2: *sword
electric_claire: I miss the DS1 awkward animations when you don't have the stats for a weapon
haberley: @l0gin4me get used to it, that'll be a throughline :P
Seth_Erickson: kind of
kynelwynn: Lacking stat reqirements means you canno use the weapon art
personification2: girlfriend time, I guess
Angreed66: Time for James to stop being maidenless
asthanius: chests and world are set
Gascitygaming: chests are predetermined no?
malsareus: enemies drop random stuff, chests are fixed
bytecaster: Some enemies have fixed drops
Snowwraith: Enemies generally only drop their clothes or weapons randomly.
Spooky_Noises: those enemies have a low drop chance for a pretty amazing shield
personification2: @Angreed66 Technically, she isn't a true finger maiden, so he is still maidenless
electric_claire: There are a few rare drops
BrowneePoints: more like b lining it to the items you want for your build
TXC2: DS1 had a few nutso drops
Seth_Erickson: Free car
satyropodobny: She' going to try to sell ye a car
TimeToFry: A Honda Accord?
Seth_Erickson: PogChamp
GameSageZB: I forgot about the "I" "eye" line.
MrSarkhan: I'd rather have a Civic
DrMagnify: but what about a toyota
Gascitygaming: what are the lease terms?
HubbeKing: Free Honda Accord, sweet
micalovits: Wroom wroom! Hond Accord time!
electric_claire: @TXC2 Oh yeah, the balder side sword
bytecaster: The claymore
Graved: Toyota Accord acqired
matthaus_c: you can book it to a specific placed item, but that's not trivial to do and you need to know where they are
public_key_reveal_party: You can upgrade and modify weapons, which also changes the balance
Wormsbane: adam got an elden gf
Sorator13: I'm sorry, the *what* Maidens
Angreed66: @personification2 Eh he can level up now so it counts
personification2: I mean, she does end up giving him Torrent, so she sort of gives him a car
Carlioo: no maidens?
saucemaster5000: no gf behavior
Seth_Erickson: Maidenless NotLikeThis
TehAmelie: would you tattoo your eyelid? though you might lose an eye?
RixtonSnek: maidenless behavior
public_key_reveal_party: @sorator13 finger. This game is really into fingers
measureofhope: This game gives you a waifu really early on
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
LurkerSpine: took me forever to get this cut scene lol
ashtonfpd: weeb sword + MAIDENLESS undefeated combo
Fanklok: @TehAmelie People have eye tattoos
Sorator13: @public_key_reveal_party thanks, I hate it
patfinder: "I'm not a lorax"
h_c0da subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, h_c0da! (Today's storm count: 269)
Seth_Erickson: they had a big war over the shattered pieces
RixtonSnek: Close enough
Ant__R: close enough
UltraVioletVodoo: thats close enough
asthanius: insert Vaati here
micalovits: Or... Vice president
LadyLockwood92: Nah, that's about right.
satyropodobny: they're brute forcing it
malsareus: the tarnished have been poked awake as a last ditch attempt to fix the shit
mercano82: Turner / Savidan 2024
ashtonfpd: it's like grrm is in your earpiece my man
Fanklok: Put on som Vaati vids in the background
LadyLockwood92: Loremaster Adam.
public_key_reveal_party: It's a ring
Myrniss: Internal management was so bad they had to call in contractors (like you)
personification2: no, it's a Honda Accord
thatguysteve2709: A game where lore is only as important as you want it to be
LurkerSpine: Far Cry 4 did it kinda
Fancy_frenchman: Here’s the Elden Ring hahahahaha
DandyGeek: didn't Farcry 4 pull that, yeah
VoyRising: horse ring is better than elden ring
malsareus: Far cry 4 gave you the option
mercano82: Didn't one of the Far Crys do that?
TheManaLeek: One of the Far Crys did that
NightValien28: nier has that
Carlioo: I was gonna say, I'm sure there are some indie games with that premise lol
LidofLoathing: "here's the macguffin!": roll credits
MilkInBags: oh you found a maiden
satyropodobny: yea far cry 4
Carlioo: but a AAA game would be so much more funny
RedNightmare7: As with most FromSoft games: The people who were supposed to be in charge fucked up royally, so now some nameless nobodies gotta go and fix it... again
malsareus: Far Cry 4 lets you just go home after chatting with the big bad
createdforskins subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
createdforskins: FortHype
Piecrust9: Congrats on no longer being maidenless!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, createdforskins! (Today's storm count: 270)
neisan2112: Yeah that farcry ending is so funny. Just wait and leave
TehAmelie: leveling up AND crafting unlocked, we're basically in the endgame now
Izandai: As in literally every other Fromsoft game, there's an endless cycle of undeath that's allowing everyone to endure but is also slowly sucking the life out of the world, and you're gonna have to choose whether to continue the cycle or break it.
rasterscan: There's a famous speedrun trick in Two Worlds that's basically that.
Ravynn: Farcry 4, you can just wait for a while until the villain finishes his business and then it's bam credits
kusinohki: "It's dangerous to go alone. Take this" *hands over tri-force*
Eklinaar: There's some RPG where one of the first NPCs is like "Will you embark on this epic quest to save the world?" and if you say no the game rolls credits.
NoxStryx: Did he beat the Tree Sentinel already?
MilkInBags: vigor is OP
thatguysteve2709: All the modern far crys give you an out at the very beginning
MilkInBags: @NoxStryx no
Seth_Erickson: everything else effects weapons and spells
Fancy_frenchman: That feels kinda like something Lunacid would have done, just sitting there or talking with a weird NPC and then roll credits
electric_claire: Didn't one of the Far Cry games do that?
ranoras: Adam? What increases jump height?
MilkInBags: vigorous gamer
TXC2: Arcane replaces Luck right?
GameSageZB: Maaaaaagic?
BorealMage: That longsword requires STR if that's the gameplan
PluralKumquat: Level vigor early is the best advice.
Ant__R: vigour to 40 lets go
Incandescent_Zubat: doesn’t i think golden sun? have a game over if you refuse to do the quest?
Seth_Erickson: @TXC2 yes it does
samwiser_: I would love a AAA game where you can spend an hour making your character, then you go into the game and it becomes 32bit and none of your character alterations are noticeable.
TXC2: Seth_Erickson ok, thanks
Fancy_frenchman: @txc2 yes, but also there are weapons that scale off it
saucemaster5000: katana is dex scaling
lochnessseammonster: any vigor enjoyers?
Simriel: Apparently some DS3 briefly in 2016 but other than that no
Simriel: DS1 the Balder Side Sword was a nuts drop
Anonymousless: I think him and Paul played DS3 on 18 games
Simriel: She offers you a Honda Accord
Hrrisn: vig is so important early game, when the weapons aren’t upgraded yet
Seth_Erickson: Arcane effects the discovery stat which increases drop loot or rarity
TXC2: Fancy_frenchman ok, thanks
NoxStryx: @eklinaar in Planescape:Numenara you can die in the text at the intro before any graphics
MilkInBags: D for degree
Fancy_frenchman: @lochnessseammonster 60 Vig 80 Dex
MilkInBags: bleed is OP, james is playing the meta
TXC2: Gods how I wish it was a number and not a letter for scaling :p
Seth_Erickson: it's how quickly it applies
Snowwraith: It's how fast it applies, yeah.
UltraVioletVodoo: its faster build
Ant__R: yep
Fanklok: Pretty sure all bloodloss is a % of max HP
electric_claire: ^
MilkInBags: physical guarded damage negation
gameboy350: no thats physical
public_key_reveal_party: Probably worth mentioning equip load too
gameboy350: guard boost is stamina use
Peevvi: Guard Boost decides how much stamina it takes to block
saucemaster5000: that's physical
Seth_Erickson: Guard boost is stamina use
Fancy_frenchman: @txc2 it does show on each level up how much damage you weapons go up, the letters just guide you
gameboy350: fair lmao
MilkInBags: you have 68% damage negation
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Gold in the Daily Deals for any Arena enjoyers.
Snowwraith: Guard Boost is the stamina cost.
NoxStryx: Higher number is faster, blood loss is a % of max hp which is why it is really good
ashtonfpd: rule of thumb is bigger the shield more damage it will negate
Styxseus: You want something with 100 physical, basically
electric_claire: Equip load is important
JeshuaWithAnE: In case anyone needs the “is it the elden ring?” clip:
MilkInBags: NYOM
Graved: I'm on a horse
OminouslyOminous: such a good horse
Seth_Erickson: you can also jump on your horse
PluralKumquat: I like to put my horse on up or down.
malsareus: Horse will always be there for you James
JinaMahavira: your horse is amazing
MilkInBags: james get off your high horse
Fancy_frenchman: @styxseus when we rushing Fingerprint Shield
bluj420: <message deleted>He is fat rolling
TehAmelie: horsey with horns. it's funny how everyone accepts that without question
malsareus: we are heavy rolling
malfnord: @MilkInBags Honestly as horses go that one's pretty low
TehAmelie: and the two swords
Fancy_frenchman: I can’t wait for James to fall down any holes
Catcard: thank you
bluj420: My bad
Snowwraith: The weight class is literally called heavy.
Tikosh_: I call it slow rolling..
JinaMahavira: slow roll
bytecaster: James is just slow rolling this game
Fanklok: If you can't roll veery well try taking off your pants
NoxStryx: Slow roll
Graved: fat_yoshi.mp3
CanPlayGames: I low Sloooow roll
kynelwynn: Overburdened
measureofhope: slo-roll
Piecrust9: Slow rolling?
AnjaZeta: thank you
RixtonSnek: RIP
MilkInBags: the gang is here
RandomTrivia: O_o
Greyah: I like to use the term "tactical falling"
ElementalAlchemist: RIP
Sorator13: uh oh
VoyRising: I like snack roll, cuz you're offering yourself up as a snack for enemies
KinkerbellRose: Slow Roll was my go to.
Izandai: Jesus that's so many.
DandyGeek: so many dudes
Carlioo: omg the whole gang is here
RedNightmare7: Everyone's here!
Fancy_frenchman: The SQUAD
NimrodXIV: that is a lot of boys
RandomTrivia: Ah, that guy called his mates
measureofhope: omfg that was hilarious
morgoth_bauglyr: the tooter tooted
l0gin4me: mattlrDed
leggettor: i left, what happened
YareNiDaze: James made friends.
northos: LUL
Robot_Bones: party party party, ery body party
ManWithTheMask13: This is how we make James block low
Styxseus: @Fancy_frenchman Oh yeah, thats the *really* big one, right? :D I stuck to medium shields so I dont know alot of the tower shields
malfnord: Y O U D I E D
Hrrisn: 🫡
NiceMrCaput: now that's the elde ring I know!
fhorrigan: Man, Adam's a good person
TXC2: leggettor James got ganged up on
missa_hancock: over an hour for first death ain’t bad!
MrQBear: Don't forget to unequip that sword so not slow rolling...
kynelwynn: maybe unequip sword to stop heavy roll?
personification2: Do you have to unequip the big sword so that you aren't heavy rolling?
MilkInBags: chat, it doesn't matter LUL
satyropodobny: ah yes our beloved horse DENUVOcrack.exe
dr_abigail: Have you tried killing everything and winning the game?
Robot_Bones: gonna back up into camp lol
TXC2: James has to learn his way chat
Fancy_frenchman: casual Malenia Phantom lol
KinkerbellRose: Yelling into the void makes us feel better.
personification2: Hey, I'm calmly pontificating into the void
Piecrust9: Lets all take laxatives to unclench these buttholed
LowUpsideCJ: If we didn't love yelling into the void we wouldn't be on this website
ManWithTheMask13: Be like Ed's lvl2 and ponder the orb
MilkInBags: FBtouchdown
Izandai: FBtouchdown
PsychoI3oy: wow
Gascitygaming: so good!
NiceMrCaput: considering he's overburdened it's ridiculous that he won that
LadyLockwood92: Yeah, bleed's real powerful.
Cinominn: bleed is best proc
UltraVioletVodoo: bleed is super good, and takes a percentage
Simriel: I haven't used a shield since DS3 xD
Simriel: Well except for the DLC final boss
Prince Infidel: HAHAHAHAA
TehAmelie: bleed is surely a great status effect, until you run into guys immune to it
Fancy_frenchman: sleep is also pretty fun to proc
personification2: I think it's 15% +100 for non-bosses
RandomTrivia: Wait so what actually *is* slow-rolling here? I've heard people use the term but have no clue
MilkInBags: bleed and cold are really really good
DaVeganPolice: bleed has carried me so far
Catcard: @RandomTrivia it is what it says on the tin
JeshuaWithAnE: James is a gaming god, he keeps all star pro-ing each thing that messed me up
asthanius: @RandomTrivia You roll slower because of your equip load
gameboy350: if you have too much equipment then your rolls have less invincibility frames
TXC2: right chat, I'm off make dinner, so you behave, and keep on subbing!
Snowwraith: @RandomTrivia If you're wearing too heavy stuff your rolls are much slower and thus less safe.
NiceMrCaput: @RandomTrivia whe you're carrying too much weight your dodge roll gets worse
Robot_Bones: if you have too much armor you roll slower than lighter armour
RandomTrivia: @asthanius Ohh, neat
akwehhkanoo: heavy rolling makes me so anxious lol
MilkInBags: blap
northos: @RandomTrivia you have a different roll animation depending on equip load, rolling slower/heavier makes it harder to dodge
RandomTrivia: Thanks, friends
l0gin4me: does the big boy respawn?
MilkInBags: there are bosses where slow rolling is an actual strat
Izandai: @RandomTrivia There's three different rolls depending on your encumbrance. One is fast and goes really far, one is slow and goes almost nowhere, and one is in between.
personification2: You have SPACE JUMP!
ManWithTheMask13: THEY FLY NOW?
Carlioo: do not toot it!
Mangledpixel: doot
kynelwynn: Running past unnecesary fights is a Souls trdition
Seth_Erickson: yeah
akwehhkanoo: get dooted
Snowwraith: Sure did
Seth_Erickson: storm blasted
RandomTrivia: Does it extend any i-frames you get from rolling? (displaying full ignorance here)
ManWithTheMask13: Sandblast
Izandai: I'm pretty sure the faster rolls have more i frames yes.
MilkInBags: no you don't have more i-frames, but you're low so you can actually avoid hits
Snowwraith: @RandomTrivia It has like roughly the same but it takes longer for you to recover.
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Izandai: Oh nevermind.
Snowwraith: @Snowwraith So you're generally less safe.
RandomTrivia: Neat
Alsritt: i have a policy in souls games: everything has to die once, to check if it's got a special drop
tryllebanjo: So, dear LRR: My GF and me recently started watching Letterkenny, and are halfway through season 2. Now eeeeh, just how accurate/exxagerated is the Maple-Redneck-ishness in the series? :P
Alsritt: this excludes npcs
TehAmelie: after decades of suffering through the ridiculous combat of Minecraft, James immediately masters any game with good controls
MilkInBags: the giant is on his lunch break
Fancy_frenchman: @alsritt I think you mean Including NPC, totally kill the Fire Keeper
DaVeganPolice: LUL
Carlioo: ah, skyrim
Tikosh_: fus ro dah
mtvcdm: Oh hey back up past 24 hours, good job chat
fracassio: Man, I should try the samurai starting kit someday, It looks like a really fun way to start the game
MilkInBags: LUL
lkt3190: are you winning?
Izandai: mattlrLul
kynelwynn: James not looting enemies is giving me anxiety. help.
KinkerbellRose: LUL
Gascitygaming: can confirm
Izandai: It never gets old.
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
RayFK: Give your balls a tug
KinkerbellRose: Allegedly. Best part of the series.
dropkickstart: can confirm
ManWithTheMask13: Is she baptized?
Astramentha: or baptized
MilkInBags: @kynelwynn you can go see a doctor for that!
tryllebanjo: Wait, REALLY!? Are you for real!? That show is so damn crazy, in the best way possible. Wow!
CanPlayGames: Omg, A Canadian themed Elden Ring would bee cool. Eh?
ManWithTheMask13: What's her CFN?
candissimo: Great 8 episode Sports Movie!
SymphonySolstice: corner gas is the most accurate representation of small town saskatchewan you're ever gonna get
Hrrisn: trailer park boys is fairly accurate too
Hrrisn: for east coast
personification2: Baby jail?
w1gum: I know adam/few other LRR mentioned league the other day, anyone in chat gonna jam the new Swarm mode that comes out later today(its like vampire survivors-esqe gameplay)
Snowwraith: Generic whistle sound effect.
DaVeganPolice: LUL
Carlioo: gottem
Robot_Bones: lrrCIRCLE lrrCOW
asthanius: Onix used Self-Destruct
MilkInBags: dragon fights seabatYIKES
BorealMage: Does James know you can attack from either side of the horse?
MilkInBags: adam, you,re clunky, gottem
RixtonSnek: Clunky, but in a good way
Blakemcm: a beautiful clunky
dropkickstart: is it more clunky than other fromsoftware games?
MilkInBags: it's about 30 hours long according to its creator :)
bytecaster: The clunk adds character
DeM0nFiRe: I didn't beat the first non-tutorial boss until like 25 hours in, this game is 100% ok with just exploring lol
TimeToFry: So much to do, so much to see
TehAmelie: i like that amount of realism really. takes some practice to be good at horseback fighting
NoxStryx: You are never FORCED to be on a horse...there are just spots it is much better to be on a horse
Gascitygaming: I'm on 50 hours on my currenlt playthrough and haven't had to re-do many sections
wasterweiss: you just have to become elden lord, thats it
mtvcdm: I like describing From Software games as 'meaty'.
Bearudite: clunky(affectionate)
saucemaster5000: clunk (loveable)
w1gum: Clunky, charming both start with C who can tell the difference amirite
Simriel: The completely unplanned NPC reactions are some of the funniest parts of Souls games
personification2: tasteful clunk
gameboy350: If james gets caught in a transponder trap I will be so happy
janky_as_heck: What's the best way to level the samauri?
ManWithTheMask13: some clunk in the trunk
lochnessseammonster: james just hunting for a place to dig a hole
MilkInBags: @janky_as_heck vigor, dex, endurance
protojman: maclunkey
Mangledpixel: the rabbit hole goes deep, then at the bottom is an illusary wall behind an illusary wall
dropkickstart: "it's got some clunk" is a great descriptor, gonna use that for sure
roefizzlebeef: when I first started playing this game it was my first ever soulslike and for the first three hours or so I kept accidentally chugging a flask every time I meant to attack
personification2: Affectionate Clunk sounds like a virtue name
Angreed66: You're a tarnished some rust is expected
malsareus: that your runes
MilkInBags: "oh no, i might lose half a level!"
Blythus: james could dig a huge hole by killing radahn! Hahah
GhostValv: losing runes is a little rough, but not back breaking
averythetiger: Oh yeah. You gotta learn to shake off rune loss. It doesn't matter
MilkInBags: bosses give enough runes that you can never be late on xp
Blakemcm: the game is fully beatable with never leveling up. equipment and abilities and filling out the map counts for more
Austere_Squire: I lost literally 1 million echoes to Laurence in Bloodborne so i have learned fully to never care that much
saucemaster5000: if you lost your runes, it's time to uninstall and take up crochet
RedNightmare7: The only runes you really can't get again are those from bosses, and they make a good point in this game of given you a chance right after the boss to spend them
Snowwraith: It's there to encourage you not to hoard them.
midnightcurryjazz: I wish there was more systems to these games, like combo stuff instead of just mashing, talent tree and such. The difficulty doesn't hold up for super long
averythetiger: You can ALWAYS get more runes if you really want them
Austere_Squire: which was actually a slight problem when i started this because i would forget to collect my runes
LowUpsideCJ: Counterpoint: Number? Go Up?
mtvcdm: There's a very deliberate slowness to these games. If this was Bayonetta style whoosh it'd just... be Bayonetta.
Fancy_frenchman: this game is a great exercise in the Buddhist teachings of letting go of things
MacSquizzy: dropping your runes is just there to encourage you to retry whatever killed you
Thisbymaster: Soul = Progress, losing souls is losing progress
Chesul: outside of DS2 losing souls is just losing a very farmable resource, so you haven't lost anything you can't regain.
jedi_master_zll: I got to the point where I need about half a million runes to level up, but at that point you can get that pretty quickly.
MilkInBags: the real source of XP is bosses
Blakemcm: get help! summon other players!
racoonius: lrrSHINE
Blakemcm: zero shame in that game
NoxStryx: I wish there was a way to mark "I abandon these runes" so that it stops showing on the map
RedNightmare7: Sun Bro's are always happy to help
Helrumyc: @Fancy_frenchman Sekiro was also good for that, I had a mantra of "Accept Death, keep moving"
DeM0nFiRe: I love how the game puts that Tree Sentinel right as soon as you get out of the tutorial, basically to yell you "Hey if something is too hard, you can go do something else if you want"
paronomasiac042: don't let the bastards keep you down
KinkerbellRose: I started Mage Build. THen went back to my unga bunga ways as soon as I got the Moonlight Greatsword. >>
TehAmelie: i've got to a point where i have to write notes about where i've been to not get lost in all the possibilities
personification2: Heroes' Grave?
MilkInBags: I am deeper in the DLC and there's so many places to go
gameboy350: @TehAmelie The map markers are good for that
MilkInBags: so much to explore
Fancy_frenchman: @thisbymaster you can beat the game without leveling up so Souls don’t necessarily mean progress they mean ease of play
NoxStryx: I will redie near a site of grace just to grab my nonexistant runes and take them off the map
saucemaster5000: she drops a cool katana
yukimakingart: her hoodie thingie is my go to fashion gear
personification2: Is James a lore guy?
OminouslyOminous: the spi-dah
satyropodobny: So much to do, so much to see So what's wrong with taking the back streets?
MilkInBags: it's more like elden ring 2 than a dlc
Snowwraith: It's also the one they took 2 years to make.
Gascitygaming: vaati?
RedNightmare7: Vaati is a great storyteller
kynelwynn: Mmmn. Bloodborne's DLC is real good.
Helrumyc: I think he's Australian actually
MilkInBags: the map in shadow of the erdtree is wild, it's so vast
saucemaster5000: yeah the dlc is dark souls 4
Fanklok: Sometimes Iron Pineapple makes Vaati play bad games with him
matthaus_c: what do you mean the best DLC isn't Horsefuck Valley
HungryTanuki: Zullie the witch is also great
Fancy_frenchman: @helrumyc Sekiro is a great game for it to because the whole dying twice part is just kinda accepting the circumstances and moving past
personification2: I've seen those, but I meant like, will he be caring about the story or not? Like, I know Adam doesn't super care about the story
NoxStryx: Zullie the witch is my fav
MilkInBags: zullie rules
matthaus_c: Zullie is unbelievable, so good
DandyGeek: Zullie's the best
Blakemcm: jelly friend! its like your a spongebob
JinaMahavira: Jellyfish my beloved
Fancy_frenchman: @fanklok Pine is so funny
LadyLockwood92: Zullie the Witch is great~
Tuples: You got... The burnt remains of a jellyfish...
RedNightmare7: Oh heck yes! Jelly Fish was my buddy through a bunch of bosses
1ne_intellect: i respect not skipping through the dialogue
JAGxTERRA: Boss Weapons!
MilkInBags: adam you don't get it, we love this game, so james has to! OpieOP
gameboy350: He doesnt have the bell though
kynelwynn: tombstone
saucemaster5000: doesn't have the bell, can't summon yet
dropkickstart: Drs. LRR, I'm terrible at souls games, but want to actually try to play through one, what title would be the best one to attempt this, in your opinion?
MilkInBags: yes
averythetiger: That's a death button, and can probably be removed
gnabaer: yes
Seth_Erickson: night time at Kale
Snowwraith: Nighttime at Kale
MilkInBags: you see her after getting torrent
InsaneMuadib: needs to be night
kynelwynn: Renna at the Elleh Church
Robot_Bones: yeah gotta die to the big guy by the church is how I usually trigger that
Galexandros: So has James never played ANY soulslike before? Hes sooo much better than me...
LadyLockwood92: It doesn't need to be night.
MilkInBags: moon maiden :3
vegas_party_animal: The only incorrect way to play a souls game is leveling up the wrong stats for a weapon you are using
Simriel: I think Ringed City was slightly better than this DLC, but it's close.
Snowwraith: It's an extremely good hat
Invitare: Mio!
kynelwynn: Except sites of Grace inside catacombs/caves until the boss is beaten
micalovits: Ahhh... 4 Arms
MilkInBags: totally renna
TehAmelie: rumor flies fast huh
NoxStryx: I forgot that Renna wasnt the one that gave you Torrent
Fanklok: She is also permanently in the "had to do it to 'em" pose
MilkInBags: james is honest, wow
satyropodobny: Tarnished, a word
Rourke9: yeah sounds like me
Tuples: The inside of that hat is even better.
MilkInBags: Tis bell makes people salivate
HungryTanuki: @Tuples It's star map, right ?
Fancy_frenchman: weirdly big lord moment
DaVeganPolice: okay thanks :)
matthaus_c: @MilkInBags I don't think the bell is what's making people salivate
MilkInBags: that's what pav told me
CookieMom: Now you can Torrent whatever you want!
jedi_master_zll: Did the Ranni ending first, never would have discovered it without guides though.
Didero: Oh good, I got here in time to catch part of this! Good evening!
TehAmelie: would you rather have three dogs or a flying jellyfish?
Tuples: @hungrytanuki I don't know, but it's really cool looking.
Didero: How's it been going?
matthaus_c: @TehAmelie galaxy! news! radio!
HungryTanuki: @Tuples Yeah, it's dope
ant_love_obliterate: favorite pizza?
kynelwynn: Anyone else a fan of rounded off numbers? Gotta have multiples of 5 or 10 in attributes?
JinaMahavira: @matthaus_c seabatClap very good joke
asthanius: treatza?
JAGxTERRA: Vanilla
MilkInBags: free pizza
niccus: so he doesn't need the help, but has Elden Ring gotten more people interested in George R R Martin?
Halinn: @kynelwynn No, they have to be prime numbers
saucemaster5000: no, favorite pizza -- cheese is just half a pizza
Izandai: @dropkickstart Elden Ring is probably the best one to start with if you just wanna try one. You could also start with Demon's Souls as the first one but if you're not specifically planning on playing through all of them in release order that's probably not a great idea.
VoyRising: yesss cheese pizza best pizza
LurkerSpine: hell yeah, if the pizza is good, all it needs is cheese
MilkInBags: @niccus i dont think he needed more interest after the GoT show, it was quite popular
MrPipboy3000: @niccus Does the game at least have an ending?
ant_love_obliterate: opinion on chococale cheesecake with chocolate milk
Thisbymaster: was that santa?
LadyLockwood92: @MrPipboy3000 It's got like...5.
MilkInBags: adam do you want to lead james to the swamp? :)
Tuples: I really hope James likes this game. If it's not for him, that's fine, but if it is, it's so good.
TehAmelie: i haven't heard of anyone who played this game who didn't already know all about Martin
MrPipboy3000: @LadyLockwood92 So 5 more than his books series ... got it
groovemancery: this game has Santa and the Pope
measureofhope: tornado wolves?
gameboy350: Dark souls 3 let you fight evil santa though
MilkInBags: yeah the pope is a dog
Didero: Of course James is using a bow, I should've guessed
BorealMage: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
JinaMahavira: Adam's so good at his job
HungryTanuki: @MilkInBags Wasn't he a turtle ?
MilkInBags: change it to every sub is an extra attempt at margit
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2478 in the channel!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to smartsandshrew!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Asolya!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to misunderstood_artist!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to calico_ko!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Galexandros!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ahryk_VT!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to winstonsdog!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to whiscash_enthusiast!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to AxxroyTovu!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to OharaRenji!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to smartsandshrew, misunderstood_artist, Asolya, Galexandros, winstonsdog, Ahryk_VT, whiscash_enthusiast, OharaRenji, AxxroyTovu, and calico_ko! (Today's storm count: 280)
mtvcdm: We still have lots of room before cap.
MilkInBags: @HungryTanuki yes
HungryTanuki: PogChamp
jedi_master_zll: AFAIK they had GRRM write a bunch of lore for before the events of the game and then built up from there.
morgoth_bauglyr: ahaha
MilkInBags: LUL
MilkInBags: james, it's only 120 hours long
akwehhkanoo: subathon and a desert bus every year? :o
morgoth_bauglyr: peak content
Didero: I'd watch all of it
1ne_intellect: Elden Ring playthrough plus DLC!!!
gameboy350: The game is only 200 hours long, its fine
KinkerbellRose: It'd be CONTENT though.
CAKHost: With Whips?
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
talonmcshay subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, talonmcshay! (Today's storm count: 281)
ManWithTheMask13: I'd watch that
Patorik: I would watch it
TheOtherTrevor: just learn the speedrun on stream
42MiLLyWays: uni100 uni100 uni100 uni100
patfinder: yeah I'd watch every single stream
Ahryk_VT: @DeM0nFiRe Thanks for the gift sub!
uchihab7: and theres no punching, at least till dlc
JinaMahavira: can confirm, would love that
personification2: I'd watch it all, too
RayFK: But will he take out his grippers?
OharaRenji: Thanks very much for the sub, @dem0nfire lrrSHINE
WiJohn: I would watch the hell out of that
averythetiger: Okay, but only if Adam hangs out
mtvcdm: It'd be less than Persona 5
malfnord: Something for the next subathon maybe
satyropodobny: So. Much. CONTENT!
Chesul: If only you had a stream slot for long playthroughs... oh wait.
lonlycracker: subathon but its just James playing Elden Ring
MilkInBags: @RayFK begone, wikifeet emissary
squ3e: Sekiro stream at 4000?
BorealMage: New booties!
uchihab7: its not about what james wants though
Didero: I played Elden Ring with the heaviest shield I could find and a LOT of endurance, made it quite a bit easier (though still not easy)
Galexandros: lrrADAM lrrJAMES lrrAWESOME
lochnessseammonster: just like your seabatUseless watch
MilkInBags: heavy poise shield builds seem so broken LUL
Bearudite: give this man a tru
DeM0nFiRe: The football milk known as cerulean tears
ManWithTheMask13: that's why he's the goat
Angreed66: It's gatorade they all suck
midnightcurryjazz: your the worst flavor of gatorade
saucemaster5000: wait, wtf is the good flavor of gatorade then?
Simriel: !Subathon
Simriel: reminder: only twitch subs count
Fábio Rodrigues: Are you guys watching youtube chat ?
Asolya: Wait, is this James's first time playing Elden Ring? Sorry I just arrived
vanman229: How do i remove subs from the subathon for that bad take
MilkInBags: o7 scarab
as_ever_ellesandra: alright gamers - top 5 gatorade colours
fredcheckers: I'm an orange Gatorade man.
BrowneePoints: Not all Gatorade sucks. Ice cold lemonade. Gatorade is freaking amazing.
tryllebanjo: @saucemaster5000 The one with Gator in it.
MilkInBags: james is an adult
mtvcdm: Or really on bits, it's 15 seconds per 100 bits.
HungryTanuki: The control
BrowneePoints: I cannot tell you how freaking refreshing ice cold lemonade Gatorade is
InsaneMuadib: holyyyyy
HungryTanuki: :D
MilkInBags: this is the opposite of greed
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
TehAmelie: and now it's gone forever!
satyropodobny: James might be The One
MilkInBags: fiscally responsible
HungryTanuki: James "Safe" Turner
kid_flashionable: Cheer1000 Cheer1000 More Elden Ring!
Asolya: Daww I also play like an old man don't worry James
Tuples: Honestly, if James likes the game, I'd kind of prefer he played it on his own. Doing a playthrough now without knowing much about the game is going to draw so much backseat gaming.
MilkInBags: blap
Milleg2: what punching chunks does to a man
MilkInBags: the range is yes
JAGxTERRA: James thought about his Insurance Premiums increasing if he went
aceofroses_: James "sensible" Turner
tryllebanjo: Boom!
Izandai: It's s siege weapon, James.
gameboy350: if only they used a trebuchet...
TheElrad: I think it's 600 feet in DnD XD
Didero: Now I kinda want to play Elden Ring again...
Didero: Never did finish it
thatguysteve2709: Pixel health and a dream
satyropodobny: It's used to destroy walls, James
MilkInBags: thank you for doing this, it's fun
fredcheckers: It's about a kilometer.
jedi_master_zll: I did...4 endings?
Angreed66: James does have a habit of rolling twice
UltraVioletVodoo: just beat elden ring again
MilkInBags: SL1 is wild
Didero: I did play it for 100 hours, and then I suddenly felt like I played it enough
Bearudite: fists only
Carlioo: I got to the ant tunnels and got scared
aceofroses_: you have to play like James would play it
Izandai: Have you ever done a magic build, Adam?
ManWithTheMask13: How much does an OD SPD get me for the subathon
Patorik: I've always felt like drinking a flask during a fight feels like a guy knocking back a beer before throwing fists
tryllebanjo: That lil' buckler surely can stand up against a 4000 pound drawstrength ballista!
Tuples: I've finished it, but every time I go back I stop after the mountain. Game still feels just a bit too long.
MilkInBags: adam you could try int faith build with magic, it's wild
averythetiger: I am one Elden Beast kill away from having all the achievements in this game. Putting it off so my brother can still summon that character in dlc.
TehAmelie: i got 250 hours in the game, got to Radahn once, but i decided on a fresh start for SotE
1ne_intellect: petition to have the rest of the subathon be just james playing elden ring lrrSHINE
fracassio: I never finish DS or Elden Ring because I have too much fun playing coop
squ3e: Gaming
DeM0nFiRe: Wait this is a Valorant stream now?
kid_flashionable: OH MY GOD]
MilkInBags: retaliation
HungryTanuki: :D
ElementalAlchemist: lol
tryllebanjo: xD
roefizzlebeef: elden ring baybee
Tuples: Serpentine!!
rasterscan: Adam, have you ever talked about your personal favorite build for Elden Ring?
InsaneMuadib: The ballista clapback xD
mercano82: Catapult: *I* won
satyropodobny: LUL
Quaseymoto: this is the patience of a chunk puncher right here.
HungryTanuki: Turns out, balista stronger than bow and arrow
mtvcdm: Ol Three Shots One Kill Turner
Izandai: Pulling out the bow is some actual early 2010s DS1 behavior.
ManWithTheMask13: Adam's Peter Falk confirmed?
bjergmann101: A bronze age Ballister range is 460 metres (Yes I googled it)
JinaMahavira: he did the twirl seabatClap seabatClap
Seth_Erickson: Death's Poker perhaps?
rasterscan: That's such a weird weapon yeah
aceofroses_: just a drunk samurai trying to break into a castle and the guards are like "Sir, please stop"
micalovits: Magic was a lot of fun
saucemaster5000: that's cause you don't do ranged/magic/block builds
thatguysteve2709: Damn, James well done
HungryTanuki: Yeah
bjergmann101: Break the Ballister
kynelwynn: Oh you don't have the right, Oh you don't have the right
Bearudite: you need to be Forklift certified
MilkInBags: the biggest choice is either to block, parry, or dodge
uchihab7: how about a middle ground where james reacts to all the cut scenes in elden ring?
Snowwraith: All builds aim to kill the things.
averythetiger: Yeah, so then you do magic and it's different
micalovits: I think the biggest choice is shield vs no shield
squ3e: builds: Brick shithouse, lithe little boy, mage
Didero: How long has this Elden Ring section been going already?
kynelwynn: Magic is the best melee build
rasterscan: @micalovits This is a good point
WiJohn: Even magic is int as stat, the big question is 40, 50 or 60 vitality?
kynelwynn: Carian slicer rules
measureofhope: How much cheese is magic?
Tuples: I did a seamless coop run with double bubble. Double medium horn is SO STRONG. Killed Placidusax before he even got off his cloud move.
malsareus: I love incantations
Seth_Erickson: it would be fun to see James watch all the cutscenes in Elden Ring
HungryTanuki: @micalovits What about double shield :D ?
dm818: pure spell is pretty fun
Ivannorr: Throwing pots only
rasterscan: So are you shield or no shield Adam?
gameboy350: Margaret incoming
1ne_intellect: I think dex and vitality are different at the mid levels
Austere_Squire: i'm a simple woman for fromsoft games; gimme a quality build and a big sword and let me melee
Invitare: You did an int build, but just used that katana, then you did a faith build and just used the horn :)
ashtonfpd: cheese dont exist lol
GhostValv: builds: really weird niche weapon that can only use 1 or 2 attacks
ManWithTheMask13: What about Parmesan
measureofhope: fair
ManWithTheMask13: Fuck now I'm hungry
Zenergy142: Based take Adam
1ne_intellect: at the end of the game it is all pretty uch the ssame
RedNightmare7: Cheese goes on a sandwich.
Zaneysed: No like actual cheese?
RedNightmare7: Or on my Lasagna
jedi_master_zll: I went tank, which did not work for Malenia
MilkInBags: i mean, there is unbalanced stuff, but it's up to you to use it or not despite that
alchemistsavant: I think Elden Ring would benefit from a hammer made out of cheese.
Ferisar: i'm cheesing rn
JAGxTERRA: so no mozzarella?
Ravynn: "Cheesing" is an elitists way of trying to establish faux-privilege
midnightcurryjazz: same energy as "throwing is cheating" in fighting games
micalovits: Magic sure does make some bosses easy, but so does two massive weapons and jump attacks
yukimakingart: the roll cheese
Jug_R_Not: You use stuff in the game? Lame.... I only use boop boop hammer
ashtonfpd: yall fw blue cheese? i like it on burgers best
HungryTanuki: Don't forget with the jumping R1 too !
Seth_Erickson: I'm impressed, I'm just also impressed when people do it their own way.
IsSecretlyPaul: cheese is good
ManWithTheMask13: @ashtonfpd I fw it
fredcheckers: Sometimes the things can end up in there by accident.
saucemaster5000: rolling, R1ing "all builds are pretty much the same"
IsSecretlyPaul: who doesn't want cheese
mercano82: I am a little bit impressed if you can beat Elden Ring on a DDR pad.
Fanklok: She's always there
MilkInBags: development time
TehAmelie: get frickin cheat engine if it's too hard
LurkerSpine: I am impressed by the woman who beat the game on a dance pad and a controller at the same time on two different playthroughs
Fanklok: watching y ou
kynelwynn: Thematc
Notamys3000: pepperjack cheese is my go-to
Greyah: I've played the game entirely co-op, with a set of builds that function incredibly well together. And even still I say cheese doesn't exist.
Austere_Squire: i am, to be fair, impressed by the people who beat it with, like, a potato as the controller
Didero: There's people who've beaten Elden Ring with bongo drums, it's fine, play how you want
PsychoI3oy: I am impressed by elden ring played on a dance pad... or two copies being played at the same time
gameboy350: You get to hold hands (:
Izandai: @LurkerSpine what the fuck
1ne_intellect: adam you should try beating the game at level 1 only
aceofroses_: it be fun if she did a 80s montage of thumbs up or thumbs down your lvl up choices
Jug_R_Not: More health more gooder
satyropodobny: She shows up randomly to spout cryptic lore
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and…
Simriel: They aren't, but someone in the Tech booth can see YouTube chat
Dan G: I would've 100% gone for it, get staggered and paid for it
KinkerbellRose: Listen. I beat Darksouls 3 solo (cause I got the JPN version early LUL ) With a Plus 5 longsword with fire on it.
BrowneePoints: the only Cheese are actual factual bugs like the Jumping Glitch on DLC end boss
Tuples: I'm impressed by people beating Elden Ring by not using their hands.
Patorik: These games will BS as much as possible to kill you, only fair for you to BS as much as needed to win
Seth_Erickson: you can change it and then go back
N2Osferatu: The smirk!
Didero: Yeah, it's not so much 'cheese' as it is using the game's mechanics against itself
NoxStryx: The sheath attack is a realllly good art of war.
MilkInBags: :)
Tuples: Oh, that smile. xD
1ne_intellect: LETSS GOOOO
MilkInBags: Extinguish the flame of ambition
yukimakingart: FOUL TARNISHED
rasterscan: Yeah, doing this guy without any side dungeons done is rough.
Krillin_fan: you got this james!
BlueFingers5: James made it here faster then I did
KinkerbellRose: The smile of 'you're frigged."
NiceMrCaput: idk he's been great so far. Maybe he'll do it.
Seth_Erickson: someone
RedNightmare7: Oh hey, the teacher
1ne_intellect: you are of passing skill
roefizzlebeef: I believe!!
MilkInBags: let's gooooooooo
NoxStryx: Its ya boy!
gameboy350: Smelly tarnished ):<
HungryTanuki: MY NAME
uchihab7: stomp and up slash gives u a crotch shot
haberley: Wait, already??
squ3e: First try james turner here we go
myknorman: What great vibes as I write my vows for my wedding :) Thanks fellas and chat
personification2: It's Margaret!
Tuples: That smile from Adam was the cheekiest thing I've ever seen.
Didero: That's the benefit of Elden Ring over other Souls games: You can just go somewhere else
Blakemcm: no cap tarnished your brainrot ends here
ManWithTheMask13: should've anti-aired
averythetiger: And if you're not having fun, you don't have to kill grandpa right here right now
1ne_intellect: Your my Tarnished JAMES!!
IsSecretlyPaul: one shot incoming
maxthefourth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, maxthefourth! (Today's storm count: 282)
squ3e: This man is a punch a chunk CHAMPION Marget got noothing
MilkInBags: welcome to our spot, adam
NoxStryx: There is a NPC summon right before the door that can help you
Austere_Squire: i play the game to throw myself at a boss until it dies or i do irl, but i respect other people not doing that
asthanius: holy shit
MilkInBags: james is gonna find out the power of delay
ManWithTheMask13: That's my goart
asthanius: the real question is whether he'll fall
Izandai: Would be so fucked up if he just oneshots this.
Izandai: Nevermind
betazed15: RIP :(
HungryTanuki: Commentator curse
KinkerbellRose: I would of put money on it so far. I reckon within 5 tries.
Snowwraith: You can easily overcommit.
Tuples: I think it was Cameron that said "look at that invincible damage!"
Singenmeister: @Izandai "Everyone dies the first time" - Trinity
Izandai: That was Cam yes.
HungryTanuki: I forgot how deleyard Margit attacks are
Krillin_fan: he has two swords? that's cheating!
HungryTanuki: delayed*
Tuples: The Delayleigh is a tough first boss mechanic.
Izandai: First punt! FBtouchdown
personification2: Any desire to bring in the boys?
Seth_Erickson: Delayden Ring
SuitablyEpic: Margit is the lord of the delay
HungryTanuki: Puppies !
HubbeKing: the puppies gonna bite his ankles
PMAvers: dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs
satyropodobny: On the flipside Magritte is designed to punish habits James doesn't have
HungryTanuki: Nice stagger :
personification2: Renee Margit says "c'est ne pas un Tarnished"
Izandai: Smacked
NovaTiempo: bonk
Lazy_F4: hammer to the dome
N2Osferatu: Hammer tiME!
Izandai: JAMES NO
Blakemcm: thou art of passing skill JAMES!!!
Tuples: Hammer's!
Seth_Erickson: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
BoFatDis subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BoFatDis! (Today's storm count: 283)
Ferisar: yeah you're cheesing
asthanius: he's learning!
HungryTanuki: :D
1ne_intellect: LUL
ManWithTheMask13: LUL
Fanklok: Rogier is also there
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Seth_Erickson: now we begin the gate keeping
Didero: Using summons is cheese Kappa
NoxStryx: Isnt there a summon by to door too?
public_key_reveal_party: James has learned the essential skill: toxicity
as_ever_ellesandra: using a game mechanic within the game?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Austere_Squire: now james is talking like a real soulsborne player :p
as_ever_ellesandra: cheating
HungryTanuki: He IS a fromsoft player after all :D
gameboy350: Fist only run or riot
LowUpsideCJ: If you don't bubble him to death the run fails and you start over
Seth_Erickson: That's right Miyazaki known non summoner
CaptainSpam: You have to play the game without using any gameplay mechanics or it doesn't count! LuL
CookieMom: Adam, question: How much do you enjoy training others in game genres you like?
ashtonfpd: terry rozier on standby
couchboyj: Submissive and winnable... but the dogs are watching
unrivaledaesthetic: I would love a big bro like adam while gaming
Didero: Using target lock is cheating
rasterscan: Legitimately, I love that Shadow of the Erdtree forced gatekeeping assholes to finally use summons and accept them as fair.
DaVeganPolice: oh he went straight to it huh
Ferisar: miazaki: "i summoned for everything idgaf"
PsychoI3oy: isn't Margit literally gatekeeping?
personification2: No, that's Graham's character!
CrazySliver: Sorry James, you used some of the game mechanics, so you didn't beat the game
Tuples: How dare you [insert game mechanic]?!
1ne_intellect: Rolling and using armor is CHeese lrrJUDGECALL
ManOCatherby: Summoning +100 game playability -1000 gamer prestige
measureofhope: Why are they lone wolves when there's three of them?
NoxStryx: Don't wanna tach him about NPC summons?
saucemaster5000: every time you summon MIyazaki screams in agony
Izandai: @PsychoI3oy demipyroThink
TehAmelie: they don't work as a team
Didero: Those dogs seem more useful as distractions than as damage dealers
ashtonfpd: jamer the gamer has got this
Ferisar: jellyfish poisons
Astral_Apache: PREACH Adam
IsSecretlyPaul: Adam has big high school sport coach energy (complement)
HungryTanuki: @Izandai Kind of, yeah
Izandai: The jellyfish is tanky.
Simonark: You can’t gatekeeper someone until they make the mistake of showing interest in the thing, after all.
Seth_Erickson: jelly is pretty tanky
UltraVioletVodoo: dogs have very good ai
NoxStryx: Jelly fish is tanky
kynelwynn: poison is good on Margit
Tuples: Jellyfish can what
Fanklok: @saucemaster5000 But Miyazaki is a maschochist
Chesul: Jellyfish is best, so cute.
castlewise: Excited about this. James is about on my level with Elden Ring
Simriel: Remember the greatest advice Souls games have ever given: Bear Seek Seek Lest
Dan G: Elden ring loves its delayed atacks
Astrovore: How's James doing?
Ella Le: were to wacth LRR magic skits they are so good
Dan G: Jellyfish gives a poson debuff so worth a try
DandyGeek: the poison is pretty good, yeah
Krillin_fan: and the jellyfish is a jellyfish
Krillin_fan: that alone makes it 2-3x better
kynelwynn: Jellyfish is like a turret though
Tuples: Jellyfish can also poison, so if you keep aggro, it's nice.
SuitablyEpic: Igon is proof that summons are not just intended but the superior way to play
Ferisar: unsheathe is just moonveil lite
gameboy350: James just needs moonveil and he is set
NoxStryx: But also check the yellow writing just before the door
Jug_R_Not: Rogier summon is also outside if more helpers are wanted... but more health
MilkInBags: biggest thing to learn in souls games is restraint
rasterscan: @Jug_R_Not Do NPC summons do that?
ManWithTheMask13: Jellyfish ain't go no union
Blakemcm: bow and arrow?!? in my elden rings?
1ne_intellect: Now he is talking like a speedrunner
satyropodobny: It's simple, we getting skellies
Izandai: Her name is definitely not Carl.
Austere_Squire: part of the game is learning to see when you're making mistakes to help get better
Izandai: I think her name is Aurelia?
Bearudite: yeah adam, bow and summon full run
Seth_Erickson: you only have 2 arrows
Fanklok: Doesn't the Jellyfish have a canonical name?
HungryTanuki: Most goated Tarnished of the lands between right there :D
Ferisar: bows are good
Seth_Erickson: bows are good
DandyGeek: cannon run imo
Ferisar: bow jump attacks are really strong
personification2: Wheeler did it, ask him
rasterscan: Bow runs are generally said to be pretty exhausting
Krillin_fan: We legolas now
Blakemcm: bow and pots run
Onisquirrel: @Fanklok friend
gnabaer: talking about lore, that jellyfish actually has a name
InsaneMuadib: Bow is punishing since you don't get arrows back on death
Austere_Squire: try greatbows sometime; they're so funny
Tuples: Not enough ammo to kill most bosses
fiftymcnasty: bow runs require a lot of arrow farming
ashtonfpd: do bows actually have scaling unlike crossbows?
micalovits: Its not fun, running out of arrows constantly suck
MilkInBags: bow runs involve too much crafting for me
NonMint: is this his first time playing a soulslike?
Snowwraith: They added ash of war options help bows a lot.
Invitare: Bow damage falls off around Altus Plateau
asthanius: the vine boom is good
BrowneePoints: I think they added some better bows but it really comes down to good arrow usage
public_key_reveal_party: I know someone who did a bow run, and they liked it until they needed to grind for arrows all the time
Ferisar: just gotta pick up all the arrow bell bearings
Invitare: yeah the bow run is fun
Ferisar: it's not too bad
TehAmelie: so much time gathering arrow crafting stuff, so you're able to craft more arrows when you run out of the amount you can carry
Invitare: except the grinding
Krillin_fan: o7 Carl
personification2: That Jellyfish is of passing skill
Chesul: @Fanklok Aurelia
Invitare: and the damage scaling mid to alte game
HungryTanuki: o7 Jellyfish
1ne_intellect: GT
Blakemcm: delay tech
MilkInBags: adam yesterday i did margit (the other one) and i completely obliterated him with a DLC weapon
Rourke9: aurelia!!
munocard: That hammer takes SO LONG to land.
Tuples: Jellyfish took that hit like a champ!
ashtonfpd: o7
rasterscan: Fingers crossed someone notices the summon sign
1ne_intellect: o7
Rourke9: i love the Lore on the Jellyfish. she is named Aurelia
SuitablyEpic: if the jellyfish gets the poison off it makes this so much easier
LurkerSpine: I don't think I could've beaten this without Rogier the first time
N2Osferatu: Ooooh
TehAmelie: it's Carl the Jellyfish now, i'm afraaid
Seth_Erickson: Let's go James seabatClap
gameboy350: God gamer?
Tuples: Ooh! James got some good rolling work already!
Izandai: @TehAmelie Her name is Aurelia.
HungryTanuki: Let's go !
satyropodobny: HE IS THE CHOSEN ONE
PMAvers: Carl: "Who keyed 'godrick rulz' into my Tarnished with a key?"
Krillin_fan: he's doing it!
keely_lionheart: DinoDance DinoDance
NoxStryx: But what about Rogier?
TehAmelie: i'm not arguing with James
DaVeganPolice: he's gaming
Izandai: Skill issue.
MilkInBags: Rogier is sleeping :)
Jillexie: Oki Oki Elden Ring Club
Tuples: At this rate, he's not going to need to go wandering around.
1ne_intellect: James is a gamer holly molly
paronomasiac042: he's beginning to believe
HungryTanuki: Close !
GameSageZB: Nice!
1ne_intellect: NT
ashtonfpd: jamer the gamer
MilkInBags: every sub adds a try against margit OpieOP
Ferisar: good ol rogier
Ferisar: the cheeser
N2Osferatu: Mr. Rogiers
unrivaledaesthetic subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, unrivaledaesthetic! (Today's storm count: 284)
ashtonfpd: hes a homie you can talk to him later
SnackPak_: jolly cooperation
UltraVioletVodoo: ro jeer
SuitablyEpic: He's the Rogiest
MilkInBags: rogier is just gonna fall asleep after he gets summoned OpieOP
Andromeda7747: The Rog is in
saucemaster5000: chat, would you rather have a jellyfish stop all unsolicited small talk for you or a jellyfish that does your taxes each year?
Ferisar: yeah that's correct
1ne_intellect: correct
GameSageZB: nice dodges!
HungryTanuki: Yep
Rourke9: @saucemaster5000 taxes for SURE assuming it does them well
rasterscan: NPC summons get so much HP to make up for absolutely not dodging. xD
spicyFerret_: @saucemaster5000 taxes, absolutely.
TehAmelie: giving him more targets is the real help if you ask me
Ferisar: rogier walking mighty close to the edge
Simriel: @Ella L I believe LRRmtg is the YouTube channel for their prerecorded magic content
Ella Le: ty
Simriel: !youtube
Simriel: Not sure if LRRbot isn't working or I used a command that doesn't exist but I thought did
Simriel: Hey the Jellyfish has a name already, it's in her item description :p
MilkInBags: teamwork FBtouchdown
MilkInBags: phase 2 here we go
Seth_Erickson: Jelly got the poison off
N2Osferatu: Ooh he's poisonied!
Seth_Erickson: PogChamp
Fanklok: I will laugh so hard if James gets booped off the edge
averythetiger: Aurelia poisoned him!
HubbeKing: oh no Rogier!
MilkInBags: WOW
Singenmeister: WOW
morgoth_bauglyr: the TECH
ManWithTheMask13: The cover
1ne_intellect: GAMER
pn55: HypeLUL
ManWithTheMask13: He's the goart
gameboy350: He's poisoned lmao
Ferisar: jellyfish gameplay
Krillin_fan: he's doing it
HubbeKing: Actual Gamer James Turner
1ne_intellect: NT NT
Blakemcm: certified minecraft skeleton arrow dodger
MilkInBags: it's not wow threat
Ferisar: yeah the aggro in this game is wacky, it's like... last hit taken
Seth_Erickson: Typically it's whatever character has done the most damage to them, which will always be you
averythetiger: He am become VIDEO JAMES!
MilkInBags: ferisar i also work like that irl
thatguysteve2709: How are you liking it James?
MilkInBags: last person to smack me gets it
ashtonfpd: Video James is goated
ashtonfpd: hes soo got this
dropkickstart: "hit it and quit it" energy
Snowwraith: With some random thrown in for good measure.
Tuples: James is going so friggin' good tho.
Gascitygaming: Also, not sure how used to Fromsoft James is but he's doing So Good!
Ferisar: yeah sometimes they'll just book it for you for no reason
gameboy350: Jellyfish is a great tank
ashtonfpd: dogs stasgger faster
Quaseymoto: I know we're time limited, but Adam do you have a goal of how far we get?
Myrniss: If James put down a message we could spam praise it :P
Izandai: The dogs can be Carl, they don't have a name.
squ3e: I'm still aggroed at my bully from 5th grade when he hit me. its on sight
mulligan2six: Adam, can I just get a recording of you giving positive affirmation on a loop? It's giving me energy today.
Snowwraith: @Ferisar Some bosses will specifically aggro onto someone 'too far' away.
Ferisar: right
kynelwynn: Ping-pong'ing boss aggro is how I got through mot fights
super731: these dogs are mugging him holy
Hrrisn: are we sure James hasn’t played these before? dayum
gameboy350: Average day in Chicago
Tuples: The nice thing about the dogs is they stagger pretty well. As anyone who has died to a pack of them swarming knows.
Spooky_Noises: ive never seen that charge into hammer combo before
DaVeganPolice: I swear margit's delays are some of the most atrocious
alchemistsavant: For someone who's barely played souls games, he's doing pretty well!
AnjaBech subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AnjaBech! (Today's storm count: 285)
Didero: Man, having Adam sitting next to me going "You're ok" would make me a lot better at every game
Tuples: @daveganpolice Agreed. It's a mean first boss.
mulligan2six: So close
ashtonfpd: hes soo close
Krillin_fan: you got this!
GameSageZB: learning each time!
UltraVioletVodoo: coulda backstabbed
Keld1an: try jumping attacks
Ferisar: the poison on the jellyfish is pretty good
1ne_intellect: sooo close
alchemistsavant: rogier got a stagger out as he died, what a good man
Chesul: the dogs cost a lot more than Aurelia too, which isn't great.
Ferisar: with rogier it'll have time to shoot
Seth_Erickson: unless jelly gets the poison off
unrivaledaesthetic: James id do good
thatguysteve2709: Dogs are good to pull agro
ashtonfpd: idk if you can backstab this boss
personification2: Is Margit parryable?
rasterscan: Dogs are so good for lots of enemies, but they get railed by AoE.
akwehhkanoo: margit is also weak to poison
SuitablyEpic: I find with multisummons like wolves you have to protect them. while the jellyfish can protect you
Hrrisn: dogs are great out in the field where you can summon against mobs
fiftymcnasty: dog + rog are quite good at getting staggers
gameboy350: @personification2 yea but not the glowy attacks
MilkInBags: I'm also weak to poison
Snowwraith: The greed is what gets ya
Ferisar: he's weak to teleporting eels too
TotalHell: This is what Elden Ring is all about
Helrumyc: I think technically, he can still use Unsheathe without FP, it'll just be weaker
KidAmn: I can't believe James is playing this game as intended by the devs with summons
kynelwynn: Let's go Weapon Araw dangit!t! *Whiff* Aw dang it! *whiff*
thatguysteve2709: James is doing amazing for first time
Andromeda7747: margit is parryable yeah, not all his attacks though mostly the stick ones
personification2: @Ferisar I feel like I would also be weak to teleporting eels
averythetiger: I am so excited for James to pop off when he gets this. He will understand what it's all about
Ferisar: you'd think so @personification2
TehAmelie: there are like, fifty other bosses you can reach before you have to get through this one, so it works as a gatekeeper i think
kynelwynn: Thanks fingers for messing that up
MilkInBags: o7 rogier
1ne_intellect: o7
DaVeganPolice: the mega delays into insta dagger cancels are so rough
Andromeda7747: you never have to get through margit tbh, boss is technically optional
Snowwraith: @TehAmelie Yeah it's definitely encouraging you to go elsewhere and find more stuff.
saucemaster5000: can't believe rogier died
JinaMahavira: unlucky rogier
MilkInBags: you don't get as much damage from the back apparently
ashtonfpd: i stand corrected back stab do be a thing
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at…
Simriel: Oh it just took forever to do the command, there we go
Joseph Hewitt: do the dogs capture aggro better?
MilkInBags: parry is a whole other game
HungryTanuki: You're doing good James !
Ferisar: yeah vaguely humanoid enemies tend to have backstab points on stagger
averythetiger: If we're not using our shield, we can probably take it off.
1ne_intellect: you got this james
Snowwraith: @ashtonfpd I think the general rule is if there is no glowing thing, you can back or front stab.
MilkInBags: in the DLC, i love the death knight fights, it's so honest
Bearudite: might be worth unequiping the shield if swithcing to it messes you up
Ferisar: @MilkInBags honestly grabs you, heals to full
saucemaster5000: @Ferisar stop talking about my dad's weaknesses
Didero: It's set to 'Special Events' on my side
Krillin_fan: 1000% chance james beats this within the hour
MilkInBags: @Ferisar i mean it one shots me so, the heal is irrelevant LUL
Ferisar: haha
EvilBadman: Boss is also a Souls-check in that he has big windups that punish panic rolling
Tuples: Your CAN do it, but remember you don't have to yet. There's a lot to explore if you haven't already, and coming back stronger is always an option.
MilkInBags: margit is a good boss to discover elden ring is a rhythm game
gameboy350: sekiro is more of a rythm game tbh
Snowwraith: @EvilBadman The hubris checker of "I've played these games before".
Blakemcm: and bleed buildup
averythetiger: Every time a boss stretches my skills and makes me learn, I call them my dance instructor.
MilkInBags: the real damage is when you realise you can mash, and then use the critical hit
Seth_Erickson: Jelly got the build up of poison as well
GameSageZB: I actually like how well this boss is telegraphed. Can suck if you keep expecting it earlier, but it's a good way to teach those concepts
MilkInBags: LET'S GO
MilkInBags: FBtouchdown
MilkInBags: GAMER
Ferisar: nice
Blakemcm: lets go
Seth_Erickson: Let's gooooo
Izandai: mattlrDogchamp
PsychoI3oy: GG
rasterscan: WOO!
Seth_Erickson: seabatClap
roefizzlebeef: YEAHHH
tsp397: Let's go!
CrazySliver: THE BEST
GameSageZB: Wooooooooo!!!!
CookieMom: GG!
Krillin_fan: LET'S GO!!!!!
ashtonfpd: HUGE
sfn____: Gamer!
garunkl: gg
TotalHell: LET'S GOOOO
Didero: Wooo!
TheOtherTrevor: First Try
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
pn55: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Andromeda7747: HELL YEAHHHHH
gameboy350: GAMING
TheWooglie: FBtouchdown
RedNightmare7: YES!!
Lazy_F4: winner winner chicken dinner
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
1ne_intellect: LETS GOOO
measureofhope: Hell yeah!
Saintnex: WOOOO
TehAmelie: lrrHORN
DaVeganPolice: seabatClap
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
The_Real_Chicky: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
monatommo1985: monatoHYPE monatoHYPE monatoHYPE monatoHYPE
super731: I WAS HERE
BITs19_: James has officially done more than I have
Chronomos901: JAMING
SageofShadowzF: WOOOOOO
kynelwynn: LET'S GO
Master_Gunner: First Time!
Therberus: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Tuples: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Andymonium: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
ashtonfpd: JAMER
alexsteacy: wow James "pro gamer" turner
northos: \o/
clarinetman: WOOOOOOT
MrQBear: The Besssst!
Gascitygaming: let's goooooo!
yukimakingart: NICE
morgoth_bauglyr: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
baskwalla: Hell yeah James
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
LowUpsideCJ: super gamer
abslomdaak42: HELL YEAH
mtvcdm: Got em!
SytYoshi: pennyBwomp pennyBwomp
Krillin_fan: krilli151sttry krilli151sttry krilli151sttry krilli151sttry
sirpythias: HELL YEAH!!!!!
ElementalAlchemist: lrrHORN
VoyRising: woooo!
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
fiftymcnasty: got it
createdforskins: Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4
Fluffy776: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Andromeda7747: thats the goat right there
mercano82: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
RedNightmare7: Very very nice
shabe_x_roc: How the f?
Jillexie: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
7gorobei: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
1ne_intellect: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Blakemcm: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown James is a natural
HubbeKing: Actual Gamer James Turner!
satyropodobny: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
wastetalent: heck ya dude
herph: Cheer100 jlrrPunch x1
squ3e: I WAS HERE
MilkInBags: james, some people did this for days to beat him
RixtonSnek: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
Ferisar: i love the targeting attempts being crouches lol
malsareus: the pouch is good though
ManWithTheMask13: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
averythetiger: We have awakened Video James
LowUpsideCJ: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
AshcopseDryad: but does it count?
alchemistsavant: A pouch to put your brass balls in!!
niccus: wheres the loot
sirpythias: FIRST TRY!
UrielAngelSpy: lrrPistachio lrrPistachio
abslomdaak42: That's actually amazing
Quaseymoto: Everyone needs a shoulder Adam
Notamys3000: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
DaVeganPolice: the uchi kinda cracked huh
LurkerSpine: Cheer400
Krillin_fan: james secretly goated?
noonetoday: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
Redpandarama: GAMER! PogChamp PogChamp
Azralorne: Hell yeah dude 💜 good job
1ne_intellect: James is the GOATTTT
ByMatthewPorter: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
ashtonfpd: james is cracked
CookieMom: I want an Adam for when I'm playing games.
mercano82: Mine O’ Clock to be canceled and replaced with Ring Time.
RaynMurfy: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
The_Real_Chicky: instakilla the GOAT!
Fluffy776: Cheer100 FBtouchdown levysc1Keyblade
squ3e: first time james
Galexandros: What a natural, James needs to play more Elden Ring
SusanTD: Woo!
TheWooglie: wingman
Seth_Erickson: Elden Wingman they call him
DaVeganPolice: the goat pilot
TheOtherTrevor: Ignoring the site of grace?
Quaseymoto: You really are Adam!
EvilBadman: 'Member to level up, eh?
MilkInBags: and then no summon, wretch class, club only
pn55: Then you try doing it without sumons and with two whips for some reason :p
HungryTanuki: lrrJAMES <= The goat
Tuples: The idea is normally to go explore and get stronger then come back and kick him in the nards, but just beating him is already an option.
Blakemcm: get to Melania
satyropodobny: and now he's gonna loose all the boss runes
MilkInBags: stormveil castle is a maze, it's cool
rasterscan: Some of the stuff in Elden Ring absolutely needs a damn wiki.
Ferisar: you're in ThE lEgAcY dUnGeOn
Hrrisn: ive played this game through so many times now and it doesn’t get old because it’s so huge and there are so many options
rasterscan: Oh no, James spend the runes
saucemaster5000: co-piloting me driving a helicopter first time " you want a hint? Actually I'll just let you explore."
MilkInBags: ferisar LUL
Moansters: @rasterscan yeah, they like keeping stuff a secret
MilkInBags: no friend ahead >:(
squ3e: Just shows why jump height should be a stat in every game not just lunacid
Galexandros: a CHUNK?
RayFK: Uh ohhhhh, chuuuunky
ManWithTheMask13: Adam can you show James how a horse bites an apple?
akwehhkanoo: can't wait for stream highlights to show James falling in Elden Ring over and over
Ferisar: "to see whether you're poggers..."
Seth_Erickson: girlboss Melina lrrHEART
jandalf_84 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jandalf_84! (Today's storm count: 286)
MilkInBags: she'll ask you if you want to join a certain club with 3 letters
TehAmelie: losing the runes from a boss feels extra bad compared to if you had the same amount from regular fights
Blakemcm: she really isnt cool to u when you think about uit
saucemaster5000: time to meet gf's parents
EvilBadman: Real Girlboss gatekeeping the roundtable
NorthstarTex: yep, the horse knows better
IsSecretlyPaul: i need fanart of samurai james and finger maiden adam
Toby Frost: gg
Dan G: Did that untargeted too
castlewise: woot
Danny Yates: woo
Danny Yates: Go James!
Brian Revell: You're the best aroundNothing's gonna ever keep you down
Andromeda7747: she's like: my bad homie I didn't know you were chill like that
Angreed66: She's into lighting things
malsareus: the horse believed in you James
MilkInBags: imagine now with the dlc, she just yoinks you and bring you in the shadow keep
personification2: @IsSecretlyPaul seconded
Seth_Erickson: seabatCHOICE
PMAvers: You're going... to Cheers.
DaVeganPolice: seabatCHOICE
LadyLockwood92: He's a *very* smart horse.
ManWithTheMask13: Assuredly James does not know
HawkeyeCadash subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
personification2: The illusion of choice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HawkeyeCadash! (Today's storm count: 287)
bojuka_pog: Wait! I just came back, did he already beat Margit ?!
MilkInBags: roll credits
DaVeganPolice: 😳
Ferisar: @MilkInBags finally i can go to the DLC early
HungryTanuki: Holding hands, on stream ?
Jug_R_Not subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months!
Jug_R_Not: Love the channel YT and Twitch keep doing it.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jug_R_Not! (Today's storm count: 288)
alexsteacy: I beat the game without realizing you can use that table
MilkInBags: james found out the table is a site of grace faster than many
MilkInBags: LUL
N2Osferatu: We're Knights of the Round Table (hold)!
Angreed66: No standing on tables Adam, it's rude
bojuka_pog: Wait wait, first time to the roundtable... did he first tried Magrit ?! xD
Ferisar: quality build baybeeeeeee
Quaseymoto: It's a table grace, it doesn't respond to rude tarnished who put their feet on the table
MilkInBags: @bojuka_pog took like 5 tries?
electric_claire: Tuning back in, has James beat the Elden Beast yet?
Austere_Squire: i did that; i love quality build
fiftymcnasty: quality build!
MilkInBags: as a claymore lover, quality~!
Ferisar: even str/dex/end is a very sturdy build for pretty much everything
bojuka_pog: Damn! GG James, natural gamer right here x)
Seth_Erickson: Hewg otzLove
EvilBadman: @electric_claire No, the randomizer gave us vanilla Margit Kappa
personification2: lay out your arms
Ferisar: wear most of anything use most of anything
alchemistsavant: hewg my husband
Austere_Squire: i think quality is good for the big curved swords in this
TehAmelie: who didn't think the huge bonfire in the middle of the home base was a bonfie? huh
Seth_Erickson: no he needs more souls
Seth_Erickson: he has enough smithing stones
Zenergy142: short runes, not stones
Ewayko: I went away for just a sec and Morgot is down already?! GAMER ALERT
MilkInBags: @TehAmelie most gamers
Ferisar: i think he needs a whetstone for that
SuitablyEpic: see if he has gold runes. he has enough stones
MilkInBags: morgot first, sauron next?
TXC2 returns
HungryTanuki: You mean Margit, right :p ?
Tuples: But what if you went and found A SECOND KATANA?!
TXC2: oh wow we're here already? James is Jaming
MilkInBags: james might be the best first time player for a souls game I've seen
Didero: @TXC2 Turns out video games are a LOT easier with Adam as a copilot
Krillin_fan: number go up?
personification2: Does he have enough for one more level?
MilkInBags: time for hug
TehAmelie: karate sword +1
personification2: hugs!
Ferisar: hug time
TXC2: Didero indeed
Quaseymoto: quaseyHug
Timagio: We love a good hug
personification2: the hug does come with a curse
alexsteacy: debuff hug
MilkInBags: in this world, hugs are a sign of bad
RevolverRossalot: The sword+1 is mightier than the sword
lady_olynder: We do love a good debuff from a hug
BrowneePoints: I’m being legit serious, James is really good for a first time. he plays smart and safe and makes good choices
personification2: she's one of the people from the intro!
IsSecretlyPaul: number 1 i've never hugged this lady guy
IsSecretlyPaul: that guys based
ManWithTheMask13: LUL
myknorman: Oh yea, Adam is in Fat Joe mode. Means you're doing great James!
AtrusOfMyst: Kia SoRizzo
MilkInBags: at least it's not a kia soul
mtvcdm: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
HungryTanuki: Hug time !
pn55: Kia's are damn good cars
Bearudite: greetings champion I drive a Kia sorento
Tuples: It always mildly annoys me that there are so many weapons just laying around there that you can't use. Like, there's a great sword RIGHT THERE! Why do I have to go find a special one?!
Asimech: @TXC2 My brain: "TXC1: Origins. TXC3: Revelations."
Andromeda7747: big hugs
myknorman: Leeean back!
DentedPockets: Don't even need to get a haircut!
Zenergy142: he, i have a kia soul and hoinestly, its a fine car
fonkoncle: oooh how long has james been playing?
LowUpsideCJ: Lean back?
Therberus: Who's Adam?
TehAmelie: Kia was in the intro! she must be important
TXC2: Asimech yes
TehAmelie: not that important since her name doesn't start with G, R, R or M, but
SuitablyEpic: Like a good gf she steals your warmth through a hug
Durugai: the Savidan lean
Ferisar: adam's not stream-ready until he's sliding off the chair
myknorman: You're vibing because James is the goat
MrQBear: Oh, Adam's super slump mode. The super vibing mode
personification2: At this rate, if you did do a playthrough it probably wouldn't even take that long
MilkInBags: if you're not wearing a suit, please lean back
lochnessseammonster: big chilling
ManWithTheMask13: When Adam's got the peak posture going, the content's automatically better
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
Fanklok: Literally everything about what you do is professional, you get paid for it
Blakemcm: thanks for the HP hug see ya later
Seth_Erickson: got a nice little health debuff
Quaseymoto: Except for the fact that you get paid for it
Gascitygaming: now grab a stick of juicy fruit
Moansters: i just watched the awesome gamed done quick speedrun of elden ring... the guy finished the game in about an hour... made me realize how much I suck at the game
NoxStryx: Gotta pay extra for professional
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Andromeda7747: but my poisey
NoxStryx: Aww, i thought you were going to let him learn the hard way
PantherTuer952: whats the hug useful for?
Ferisar: world's your hoister
MilkInBags: it's so obtuse it's almost impossible to know
Ferisar: as they say
CanPlayGames: getting the hug isn’t some secret trap is it?
SuitablyEpic: the item gives a temp poise boost.
Krillin_fan: so much room for activities
baskwalla: Welp TIL
saucemaster5000: as who says?
Dan G: Because its rude to rest on the table Adam
Simriel: the coding on how the roundtable site of grace works is very funnt
Simriel: the grace is actually invisible in the middle under the table
Tuples: The exclamation point was like the best update in the DLC. That and it telling you how much golden runes are worth.
1y1e: god this map is so good for that sort of exploration. what a joy to come back to this
NoxStryx: Huzzah! James is heading towards my favorite NPC!
alexsteacy: real
TXC2: Damn right Adam
LowUpsideCJ: 1 hour, they just said that
HungryTanuki: Speedrunning takes a lot of time to prepare
protojman: so true Adam
Krillin_fan: Adam when did you become so wise?
Durugai: Speedruns are entirely different games anyway
averythetiger: Enlightened take, my dude.
gameboy350: You can put blue markers on the map for easy navigation
ManWithTheMask13: Someone PLEASE get this Adam a TRUE
BITs19_: reach out, touch grace...
Quaseymoto: @LoadingReadyRun Can we just get a podcast of Adam's motivational talk?
yukimakingart: that speedrun wasn't their first playthrough LUL
Hrrisn: wheeler said it well, “2% of souls players are actually good and the rest of us are good enough”
violetblight: also worth mentioning that the skillset needed to speedrun is very different from just casual play
Didero: Whatever you do, there's ALWAYS somebody better at it than you, don't let that ruin any of your joy
Tuples: And even if you do suck at this game, that's ok too as long as you're having fun!
Blakemcm: I have always been Based
Angreed66: not always...
itsr67: You're both playing the game to enjoy it whatever way they want
MrSarkhan: LUL
pn55: HypeLUL
RedNightmare7: Speedruns are great to watch. I would never want to do one I think. Pretty dang good at video games though.
MilkInBags: you too are wearing the meat dress
Singenmeister: I was gonna say it was after he played doki doki
Izandai: Speedrunners are the absolute epitome of built different. Speedrunners are a different breed. They're insane (admiration).
bojuka_pog: Wise words indeed...
ManWithTheMask13: That's a 10% right there
Krillin_fan: surely 4 yr old adam was not dispensing wisdom from on high
malfnord: Yeah, speedrunners are mad bastards who'll spend 10,000 hours to get a run down perfectly.
saucemaster5000: like lady gaga I was Bad Romance
Gascitygaming: I was born based, moulded by it
Chronomos901: straight out of the womb spitting facts
Simonark: Do you know how many hours Adam has put into being right?
personification2: good bird
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
petey_vonwho: The last souls like I played I died repeatedly on the first trash mob. Figured the game probably wasn't for me lol
NoxStryx: Boc! Boc! Boc! Boc!
LadyLockwood92: Someone tell Ian~
wastetalent: so dad
Masu_oh: Who are you, so wise in the way of Pogging
Therberus: Is that the elden ring?
Seth_Erickson: size isn't everything erdtree
AceGun_: erdtree is mid confirmed
TehAmelie: the the telescope is fun but so much less interesting than it looks on the map
TXC2: a bit bougie
HungryTanuki: Beeg tree
MilkInBags: LUL
Moansters: birdwatching, just that the birds are trying to end you
Fluffy776: GoodOne
Blakemcm: its a little ERD for me dog
MilkInBags: i was talking
NoxStryx: BOC!
Tuples: James with the early soul read on the erdtree
NoxStryx: Love me some Boc!
personification2: Honestly, of the world trees in this game, I think the main Erdtree might be the worst
Invitare: the messages on the ground
LilyOfTheVeil6666: John Cena?!?!?
MilkInBags: monke
Mr_Horrible: lil rat guy
Seth_Erickson: James :O
bojuka_pog: he got a hat
MilkInBags: it's a pinkerton
AceGun_: This dude already has self-esteem issues.
Blakemcm: its obviously the guy that alters your clothes!!! duh jeeze
Brozard: That's Otaku Jeff
Therberus: No I'm with James on this one, wtf IS that
NoxStryx: Just straight ignoring all the messages around the bush
Ferisar: tfw you get pushed out of the cave...........
Blakemcm: how can you not tell
measureofhope: i like he hat
Seth_Erickson: fuckin love Boc
Mr_Horrible: "yeah I can tell you lack grace, buddy"
averythetiger: Do NOT be rude to my best friend, Boc!
Fluffy776: Poor lil guy and his lil hat
EvilBadman: also, silly ground messages are usually helpful
bojuka_pog: kinda sus if you ask me
Tuples: He's beautiful! Or so b that rock says.
gameboy350: Punch tree, get seamster
personification2: Haligtree is better, Scadutree is better, the Crucible is better, even the dead Greattree is better
malfnord: Is being a tree really that bad? Seems restful.
electric_claire: @Brozard obocu jeff
pn55: So could we TBH
Fluffy776: Yes please, I love this
wastetalent: me too Adam
andreagustafson: Sure...a talking monkey in a bowler hat. Why not.
Fanklok: Bro handing out the good shit for free?
PMAvers: badget badger badger badger
Astral_Apache: Elden Ring-a-thon?
EvilBadman: You're gonna get so Super
personification2: I thought it was the other way around
MilkInBags: 'you're beautiful'
Krillin_fan: so if i make friends, they'll give me mushrooms?
Ferisar: moses like "holy shit god gave me ten mushrooms"
wastetalent: New Co-op playthrough?
lochnessseammonster: if i didn't have a market to work later i could watch this for 6 hours PrideLaugh
Quaseymoto: From my understnding it's usually get mushrooms THEN talk to bushes, not the other way around
bojuka_pog: Usually, people get mushrooms and THEN talk to bushes, not the other way around...
NoxStryx: Boc is like one of the few NPCs that can get a "Happy" quest ending
JinaMahavira: board games are canceled, all elden ring all day
AceGun_: I have found that to be true, yes.
unrivaledaesthetic: when is James playing ER again BibleThump
Tuples: Honestly, Adam copiloting James through Elden Ring like he did with Ben and Bloodborne sounds pretty sweet.
MilkInBags: you do shrooms and then cross a bridge naked, that's how friendship works
Angreed66: Where do you think he was carrying the shrooms? his shoes maybe
Seth_Erickson: he gave you a hint of where he's going next
Seth_Erickson: cave on the shoreline he was saying
MilkInBags: I'll be honest, wiki exists for that
AceGun_: NPC questlines are just like... maybe I'll run into this dude again.
Jug_R_Not: Has he met Patches?
AshcopseDryad: they are riddles
EvilBadman: It's not like wow where they have a giant ! over them
MilkInBags: @Jug_R_Not no
averythetiger: Although I will be very upset if you abandon best boi, Boc
Chesul: Unless it's Solaire, you have to save Solaire to properly play DS1.
1y1e: iconographic, innit
averythetiger: Screw the others
TXC2: ^
Jug_R_Not: @MilkInBags I mean... not to back seat but... tradition haha
MilkInBags: solaire is so hard to save
Blakemcm: Why do you run?
Andromeda7747: in this game in particular there is one fairly big quest line but its very telegraphed
personification2: clip?
Krillin_fan: James "don't run" Turner
Gaz_L: they were just vibin
Ferisar: "HELP"
Ferisar: "HE'S GOT A SWORD"
gameboy350: Are we the baddies?
Blakemcm: just a lvl 1 old man
bojuka_pog: Guy with a sword: "why run ?"
MilkInBags: in elden ring, we are a murder machine
MilkInBags: LUL
Tuples: Adam is such a good copilot with the skills and knowledge to be super helpful when he needs to be and the chill to sit back and let the pilot discover things on their own.
DeM0nFiRe: "I'm just a small goblin oh nooooooo"
personification2: Adam you sniped my joke
mtvcdm: Who is most likely to be a murderer
Ferisar: "what the fuck are you doing dude"
Blakemcm: now i bet you feel bad about all the lives you have taken
personification2: Well, you killed his grandpa
MilkInBags: you attack a guy in the dlc and he's like WTF? cops appear and you are stuck in jail, then there's a trial
excalgold: Monty Python and the Elden Ring: let us not go to the world tree....tis a silly place
MilkInBags: mixed
gameboy350: If king Arthur used Rivers of Blood it would have been a much shorter movie
personification2: @MilkInBags The DLC is just a Phoenix Wright game
Cptasparagus: It should end with Mohg getting arrested for touching children
Seth_Erickson: lmao
MilkInBags: LUL lmao
protojman: is that a Brush Whack?
Ferisar: @Cptasparagus mohg beat the allegations
pn55: HypeLUL
TXC2: Damn
gameboy350: god gamer
ManWithTheMask13: Simple as
1ne_intellect: LUL
leggettor: you have a horse
AceGun_: you figured it out real quick
N2Osferatu: OMG
MilkInBags: samurai *is* op
MrQBear: Holy crap
baskwalla: James, what are you?
Blakemcm: gimme that horse meat
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Jug_R_Not: Needs to kill horse
Moansters: James is all about sending a message
Quaseymoto: Highlight!
MilkInBags: the power of anime
BusTed: tqsKnife
Ferisar: horse side-eyeing you as it's runnig away
leggettor: CLip it!!
averythetiger: I love the new James that shit talks to Elden Ring
Didero: We need a weekly Elden Ring stream like this, it's amazing
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
fiftymcnasty: James needs to come back to the bridge at night
MilkInBags: this is early rivers of skill
1ne_intellect: Remember the name HORSE!
EvilBadman: Has James had the chance to read some of the ground messages?
eshplode: Tell your friends! Be sure to leave us a Google review!
Seth_Erickson: shield huggers man Kappa
Ferisar: that's how you start using one
akwehhkanoo: @Ferisar kinda has to side eye, doesn't he?
Jug_R_Not: Everybody drink...
Ferisar: "wait a second, this rules"
AceGun_: have we already heard complaints about dogs?
Izandai: You can do that by the way. You can do a God and Anime build. Faith and dex with a katana.
MilkInBags: they're just dudes working
Blakemcm: they are just playing minecraft, digging in the mountain
BusTed: What sort of job do you think they're doing?
gluonquark: they were on a break
mtvcdm: Be sure to rate 5 stars on SwordDash
Ferisar: a bad one @BusTed
Gaz_L: they're punching a chunk
saucemaster5000: accounting
excalgold: they are punching a chunk clearly
personification2: Greg Davies?
IsSecretlyPaul: ditch digging is a respectable career
Tuples: They SORTA' attack. A lot of times they just cower.
Invitare: flower lasers
Seth_Erickson: I'm guessing James didn't kill the Erdtree Sentinel
personification2: Orbital Laser Flower!
Andromeda7747: ahhh orbital bombarbment plant my beloved
kynelwynn: looking for runes
mljesus6222: this has inspired me to finally finish my playthrough of elden ring
averythetiger: Welcome to Dark Souls: You are probably the bad guy, but don't stress about it. You'll never know for sure.
ExtraWubs: man from this subathon we need two new streams, james solos her, and ben speedruns it all.
Mr_Horrible: oh sure, Adam tells James to do that but when *I* double-tap the bartender cuts me off
TehAmelie: poisoned by pollen. now you know how allergies feel
Grantuu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
Grantuu: 32!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Grantuu! (Today's storm count: 289)
TXC2: oh did Ben get his speedrun record back?
personification2: The Histamax
BusTed: pruned
Tuples: @averythetiger You're probably the bad guy, but also probably not the baddest guy.
MilkInBags: katanas, why are you so good
kynelwynn: Gardening with Greg
1ne_intellect: thats no fear james for you
Didero: I forget, we are supposed to link clips we made in here, right?
gameboy350: Do they ever explain why the flowers can shoot holy beams
TXC2: Didero you don't have to, LRRbot can still pick them up
ExtraWubs: @txc2 no but he had a fun time trying
Seth_Erickson: Adam do you want to explain to James how the summoning of enemies outside of bosses workis
personification2: @TXC2 No, and in fact he learned that his original was technically in a different category (which he also no longer holds the title of) but he did maybe get a new hobby
MrQBear: I like how james was like "I am a very aggressive fighter and I am going to die a lot" and he's just crushing things.
MilkInBags: adam LUL
TXC2: ExtraWubs personification2 ah ok cool
Didero: @TXC2 Good to know, thanks!
EvilBadman: Stake of marika yee
Andromeda7747: uh oh big pumpies
MilkInBags: there is a shrine....after the boss LUL
BusTed: they look mad
personification2: As opposed to the perfectly sane pumpkinhead
measureofhope: Is there a sane pumpkin head?
Tuples: The answer to the question "am I just going to die?" is generally "yes" in Elden Ring.
MilkInBags: the stake of the union
violetblight: i keep hearing shrine of 'merica
NorthstarTex: I wonder why they call them a pumpkin heaad
Bearudite: go to the bank of merica
Moansters: "I think I'm just dead here"
protojman: @violetblight same!
personification2: Does this one drop the hat?
MilkInBags: oh the r2 ash of war will be rough here because of its head
Tuples: Also, isn't targeting pumpkins a bad idea? It focuses on their head and you want to keep your slashes low
qrpth: !cardview
MilkInBags: TheIlluminati
qrpth: !cardview off
MilkInBags: and the moon is flat
TimIAm: Wait so I wasn't making it up when that happens
Moansters: They are scripting, basically
Andromeda7747: they don't like it when you try to heal in neutral
Blakemcm: its a way to balance Magic users compared to older games. but everyone catches hands for it
ChunkySurprises: you guys look lathered in oil
eshplode: Huh, I thought that was just a coincidence
Bakure: James goated at Elden Ring?
gameboy350: Godskins are really annoying for that
MilkInBags: the input reading was designed by the lizard people
1ne_intellect: Adam really isn't just a pretty face, He knows his stuff
groovemancery: it's very noticeable with the godskin folk
EvilBadman: Yeah, the input reading is /real/ obvious in Sekiro
Andromeda7747: crucible knights and godskins are the most obvious with it
Blakemcm: omg 4 hit boss
Tuples: Oh, I thought that was JUST for Estus... That explains so much!
Izandai: I feel like it's pretty normal to have the enemies react to what you do.
Ferisar: katanas in elden ring, turns out
1y1e: dastardly
Ferisar: pretty good
DandyGeek: Zullie has a great video on how the "input reading" works in this game
MilkInBags: katanas hahaha
personification2: Adam: I think it's fine *Cut to compilation of Adam ranting about it on Play it Forward* (No offense meant, it is a very relatable complaint)
1ne_intellect: GG
pn55: seabatClap
IanAllenBird: 👏
1ne_intellect: The Goat
eshplode: seabatClap
Tuples: @izandai Yeah, but having it be instantaneous is rough.
SuitablyEpic: @Izandai the problem is they react before the animations starts
gluonquark: nice!
L0rdX33n: Yeah, complaining that enemies respond to your actions is… I don’t know what that is
Snowcookies: "You sound like my dad" - James to Adam
saucemaster5000: I love how Dads always tell me their name
bwk789: Love Sensei Adam patiently teaching the student, cant wait for OOFC tournie too
Therberus: James' dad is Neo?!
L0rdX33n: But it’s not poggers
Moansters: Are you winning, son?
EvilBadman: @Tuples Margot is the teacher for that, in the way he can stall and delay wings based on you dodging
MilkInBags: precious item ahead
averythetiger: "I've lived in this clost for many years!"
LeeshaJoy: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Board Game Day at Wed 11:00 AM PDT (38m from now).
N2Osferatu: Oooh burn
MilkInBags: yung sorcery
lady_olynder: Sellen, my beloved...
BusTed: so you just walk around with a statue on your head and expect to be taken seriously
Tuples: You just killed her butler!
saucemaster5000: sellen's welsh accent is so... mmm
fonkoncle: cymru
personification2: @fonkoncle Wales?
TehAmelie: by "proclivities" she means "brain"
Mr_Horrible: damn, he *is* gaming
Hrrisn: james has been cookin.
Simriel: Adam is a very good teacher, but James might also be a natural
CookieMom: I spent an hour or two EASY on Morgot.
RedNightmare7: Morgot is the entrance exam. I took a full evening for him
Andromeda7747: well margit is dead before we give people the wrong idea
bojuka_pog: James "Piece of work" Turnip
Blakemcm: took Wheeler and Adam longer, James has the ultra gamer instinct confirmed
Quaseymoto: Twenty Twenty Twenty-Four Hours to Gooo!
N2Osferatu: Elden Ring sorcerers and their weird choice in hats
kynelwynn: It's you, Adam. You're the GOAT coach
mtvcdm: So far
UltraVioletVodoo: its also a side quest
Snowcookies: James genuinely a certified gamer
Ferisar: carian slicer gaming
MilkInBags: 'fuck school'
BusTed: gottem
Izandai: rude
pn55: lrrWOW
saucemaster5000: LMAOOO
mtvcdm: Time is still for sale
MilkInBags: yet
personification2: @N2Osferatu In fairness, historically academics in our world also have weird hats
morgoth_bauglyr: uh oh
BusTed: shhh shhh you're ok
AceGun_: lol
Blakemcm: hit her again and seee
Saintnex: welp
Izandai: James
morgoth_bauglyr: RUDE
Izandai: what the fuck
IanAllenBird: kmjnikmjn
leggettor: oooooooo
fiftymcnasty: thats real bad
pn55: HypeLUL
AceGun_: so much for that questline
saucemaster5000: gamer
LurkerSpine: well James ain't learning magic
DandyGeek: I'm sure that will end well
MilkInBags: FYI you can permanently lock NPCs out with your actions
Tuples: I like to imagine the pumpkin head was her former apprentice, and she just so happened to have an opening now that you killed him.
RedNightmare7: Welp, no more shopping for you
Andromeda7747: guess you aren't doing magic
excalgold: woops
1ne_intellect: LUL
Didero: All you did was stab here repeatedly, and she just left!
leggettor: one of the only npcs who isnt there
Durugai: NOW James is a true Dark Souls gamer
personification2: I guess you have to visit the dog pope
Blakemcm: truly this is a gamer moment
N2Osferatu: @personification2 True! Fewer Burger Kings though
Moansters: woopsie
Elenodul: welkp that questline is out then
1ne_intellect: woops
TXC2: this will have ZERO consequences Kappa
BusTed: magic's for nerds
MilkInBags: yeah
TehAmelie: just a probably infinitely powerful sorceress who's angry at us now, it'll be fine
Izandai: I cannot fathom why you would do that.
Tuples: How does that affect radhan?
fiftymcnasty: quest failed
Statist42: no sorceries for you! (i guess havent played this one yet)
AshcopseDryad: yup
gameboy350: You can fix the questline by taking a bath
LegionofLashes: yup
LadyLockwood92: Damn...can't believe James fumbled a baddie like that.
EvilBadman: "You're saying I don't have the intelligence for Magic? Ok, die."
Linwey: Sure only locks you out of the greatest spell in the game
KorgantheMediocre subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months!
KorgantheMediocre: Thanks for being my comfort media for the last 20 decades
leggettor: Sellen will remember this
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KorgantheMediocre! (Today's storm count: 290)
Izandai: I'm actually completely baffled.
MilkInBags: it's literally that
Ferisar: yeah
averythetiger: If it wasn't Boc, I don't care about them
TehAmelie: (i don't know how powerful she may be)
MilkInBags: with dew
Tuples: Central Dew
gameboy350: nooo with the celestial dew lmao
mercano82: Elden Ring: Kill all the NPCs run
SuitablyEpic: Dog Pope will lead you to salvation
EvilBadman: the pope
AceGun_: Ask the tortoise for a bath
Ferisar: you accumulate stink when you do things like this
Blakemcm: Turtle Church can fix it
Ferisar: need to bathe
LadyLockwood92: Nah, you can find it out elsewhere.
UltraVioletVodoo: you can play the whole game without doing any questline
TheOtherTrevor: lrrCrab
melegaunt_: Priest dog it is then!
personification2: The Turtle Moves!
northos: lrrCrab
BusTed: lrrCrab
TXC2: lrrCrab
alchemistsavant: time for crab
DeM0nFiRe: lrrCrab
Sarah_Serinde: @Izandai Why not? He's playing this on stream for 3 hours, not interested in magic, doesn't know if there would be bigger consequences, why not goof around?
gnabaer: reset npc attitude towards you with the dew
Zenergy142: Married man with ki8ds, classicly a fumbler.
SymphonySolstice: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
NorthstarTex: lrrCrab
protojman: cRAB
TXC2: !crab
LRRbot: 🦀🦀🦀 On a crab note... 🦀🦀🦀
Saintnex: lrrCrab
Moansters: lrrCrab lrrCrab
Linwey: @LadyLockwood92 Not Shard Spiral you can't
TehAmelie: crab battle!
lady_olynder: Ive got time to gab...
seancplays1: lrrCrab
bojuka_pog: lrrCrab
NoxStryx: As long as Boc is still alive most important quest is fine
HungryTanuki: lrrCrab
MilkInBags: time for the real boss
42MiLLyWays: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
eshplode: Here we have the Giant Enemy Crabs
ParanoidRabbit: If you have time to gab, you have time for crab
1ne_intellect: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
Ravynn: lrrCrab
IsSecretlyPaul: think how big of a bake you could have
BusTed: mighty big claw ya got there, crab
Fanklok: I'd say 100% of that crabs time is crab
mtvcdm: On a crab note...
personification2: Attack it's weak point for massive damage
excalgold: Giant enemy crab
Dakota Sommer: ope
melegaunt_: How disrespectful
Robot_Bones: Kingler used Bubblebeam
L0rdX33n: Look out, they spit
Blakemcm: so much damage my lord
TehAmelie: the crab has mosquito minions?!
MilkInBags: yeah that ash of war is cracekd
Ferisar: unsheathe is so good
Seth_Erickson: yeah it's juiced
NorthstarTex: egg
Ferisar: and then moonveil unsheathe............
TXC2: Crab eggs, Creggs
melegaunt_: but no crab meat?! robbed
Ferisar: creggs
BusTed: live birth crabs
Ferisar: daniel creggs
MilkInBags: did you think it bore a baby in its belly
personification2: Crabs reproduce through mitosis
Grantuu: If you have trouble in a fight, try to reduce the opponents hit points to zero before they reduce yours to zero.
TehAmelie: did you think they sporulated?
Ferisar: they did, it's still good
UltraVioletVodoo: katana is hands down one of the best weapon sets in the game
Blakemcm: reasonable, that would make them like birds and that dont make sense
NorthstarTex: its still good
Seth_Erickson: it's been nerfed a bit
mtvcdm: But on a non-crab note
Ferisar: hard to be bad as a katana
averythetiger: It's less crazy, but still good
BusTed: maybe they bud like starfish
EvilBadman: It's poise damage got reduced
Milleg2: crab babies are delivered by storks
Onisquirrel: This has got me itching to start a brand new playthrough...
saucemaster5000: moonveil got nerfed and can still stagger most bosses in 3 hits
Fanklok: Rivers of Blood is still good though
Snowwraith: It's still good, it's just not as ridiculous.
L0rdX33n: Crab live birth is a nightmare fuel image
Sevinon: Still enjoying RoB in the DLC
Linwey: Yoda katana best katana, tbh
PaintingWithFariss: Rivers of Skill still carried me through the DLC, even with the nerf
MilkInBags: o7
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
TimIAm: Few more mobs and James will ready for the SOTE boss
Hrrisn: im playing with rivers rn. it’s fine. not as broken as it used to be but it’s still good
betazed15: Rip
BusTed: seabatSKYLADY
Moansters: what do you mean you cant sim?
bwk789: bout 20 metres there
Izandai: @Sarah_Serinde For like, all the reasons you wouldn't just kill a random friendly NPC in a video game? Whatever, I'm not interested in arguing about this, people can play games however they like, but I'm not gonna be convinced that wasn't a weird thing to do.
TXC2: we did the thing!
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
1ne_intellect: james fell!!!
personification2: Get into the sea!
Mr_Horrible: jlrrFall
The_Real_Chicky: FBtouchdown
pn55: Well it had to happen eventually
baskwalla: Elden Ring, falling is the ultimate boss
Dread_Pirate_Westley: jlrrFall
UltraVioletVodoo: the worst katana is probably the posion one you get on the volcano questline, and its still stellar
Malkmaven1176: the clock is under 24 hours, that just won't do
Invitare: Japanese developers making Katanas the best weapons
TehAmelie: double jump wouldn't have saved you if that's any comfort
eshplode: sergeFall
SymphonySolstice: jlrrFall
NorthstarTex: I'm having fun with my ice scythe playthrough
Andromeda7747: back to the scene of the crime
melegaunt_: I miss the greatshield talisman effectively negating stamina cost for blocking, but I'm bad lol
Grantuu: Imagine what the Horse will tell the lady now.
EvilBadman: the enviromental storytelling of a bloodstain next to a cliff
Didero: James is still an expert at falling, reassuring
saucemaster5000: hey where did sellen go?
bojuka_pog: fell in a hole eh ?
Seth_Erickson: Middle of the lake is good yeah
MilkInBags: swamp swamp swamp
TheOtherTrevor: Caelid?
averythetiger: Swamp time!
MilkInBags: @TheOtherTrevor you saddist
melegaunt_: Oh yeah can't miss the bonfire party in the swamp
thetoastmonster: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
vinewood_og: It's time for crab!
unrivaledaesthetic: don't stop playing BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
gameboy350: Yeah the swamp has... good loot
BusTed: The most logical of enemies
MilkInBags: :)
measureofhope: oh yes please
NorthstarTex: :)\
UltraVioletVodoo: yay!
Andromeda7747: we essplorin
TotalHell: lol swamp
Tuples: Ooh, yeah, swamp is fun.
RedNightmare7: Oh heck yes
melegaunt_: BONFIRE PARTY!
lightfut: Swamp have ogres? Donkeys?
ParanoidRabbit: Swamp friend!
abslomdaak42: Ooooh
MilkInBags: friends doing a bbq
Tuples: Here it comes!
Moansters: lrrJAMES
AceGun_: lmao
DeM0nFiRe: :D
MilkInBags: hi
Izandai: mattlrLul
Carlioo: LUL
pn55: HypeLUL
BusTed: tqsSmug
HungryTanuki: :D
TehAmelie: had to be done
Tuples: LUL
Moansters: get him!
TXC2: oh hi there
AthanSpod: I thought I recognised that just as James arrived ....
melegaunt_: It's your good friend Agheel!
betazed15: Bwahhahahahaha
EvilBadman: Hit the music!
LadyLockwood92: got his ass
93 raiders from HamHocks42 have joined!
CookieMom: It's better when you come at it from a different angle and you see it coming down from the sky. XD
bytecaster: Do you think we can backstab a dragon?
DahudLefthanded: I wish there was another interesting weapon for my int/dex swordwizard. Moonveil is just head and shoulders above anything else.
northos: banger music though!
Angreed66: Time to teach James horse combat for real
Draginox1: Get raided
Fanklok: What was that about feet Adam?
mtvcdm: Hi raiders!
satyropodobny: sniffa
haemo_goblin: hocksRun hocksRun hocksRun hocksRun hocksRun
wandering_t: how many arrows you got?
gameboy350: Agheel oh Agheeeeeel
melegaunt_: that's why you don't sniff random stranger's buttholes james
UCsuperman09: hocksRun hocksRun hocksRun hocksRun
HamHocks42: Just in time for a dragon fight! Let's go!
Didero: Probably shouldn't run straight into the fire :p
haemo_goblin: put these foolish ambitions to rest Kappa
mtvcdm: ! advice
LRRbot: Jam-alam some ding-dongs.
personification2: That's why they call them Agheel. Because when you hit them, they go "Agh! Heel!"
Patorik: Stepped away for a bit, did James beat Margit?
Draginox1: !lurk
Blakemcm: @Patorik yes!!!
melegaunt_: You can 100% best agheel
Patorik: Nice!
Tuples: Fighting them on horseback is way easier... Until you learn how to fight them on for, then it's faster to do that.
Didero: Is the stream stuttering for anybody else?
HamHocks42: We were playing Magic. :-)
Nigouki: stream chugging for others or just me?
measureofhope: rip stream
MehallD: me too
northos: also stuttering here
Draginox1: Yep
SevenSunlessDays: yeah it's stuttering bad
Sevinon: real bad for me
personification2: yes, I'm getting it too
NoxStryx: Me too
Saintnex: oh yea, its chugging
patfinder: stuttering for me too
Patorik: Chugging for me, too
ztghostie: stream stuttering
dropkickstart: chug chug
pn55: Oop geting some stream stuttering yea
saucemaster5000: hollld
RevolverRossalot: What were you streaming and are you a cop? You have to tell us.
bwk789: same
satyropodobny: f
Milleg2: it's chugging
creasehearst: @Nigouki lots of stuttering here too
Seth_Erickson: it's not just me good to know
1ne_intellect: F
malsareus: all my frames, gone!
DentedPockets: Good to know it's not local
northos: time to light the lrrPAUL signal
varmintx0: stream dying
TXC2: ok it's not just my end
Blakemcm: hit Agheel's heels
MrSarkhan: RIP stream
EvilBadman: stream chugging on youtube also
HungryTanuki: Shaw please !
TehAmelie: oh boy
ztghostie: Agheel ate the frames, it seems
UltraVioletVodoo: oh teh noes stream dying
NorthstarTex: someone get the broom, so many dropped frames
leggettor: stream suffering
SourcePlaysGames: RIP stream
Therberus: Ah, thought it was my internet, good to know that it's just the moonbase that is drying
1ne_intellect: lrrPAUL
miniMacGuru: lrrSIG lrrPAUL
CommanderRab: concur on the dropping of frames
Aitsu111: Very choppy
sparrowhawksilver: unwatchable like this
Stratavarius: Yeah, I thought it was my computer
Nigouki: stream being punished for James hurting NPC
melegaunt_: dragons are just angry little sky puppers as long as you have access to torrent
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: :O :O
Brozard: He's gaming too hard
AugmentingPath: just pause the game real quick and fix it
Linwey: If Agheel's this bad, I can't imagine how bad an Ancient Dragon would be
Bearudite: shaw is following adam
TXC2: dropping to 160p has not helped
TomCatFrost: oh, not just me. phew
Moansters: the revenge of the sorceres
MilkInBags: @AugmentingPath LUL
CAKHost: Frames are spilling all over the floor again :c
personification2: Miyazaki pulled the lever!
vinewood_og: WutFace
BusTed: We get the gist of what's going on.
EvilBadman: I'm watching on Youtube but chatting here, bad there also
NorthstarTex: I blame the dragon
Singenmeister: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
pn55: Who's torrenting Naruto?
UltraVioletVodoo: twitch why you so garbage
Milleg2: canadian internet needs to reboot
Therberus: This is retribution for killing that NPC
Linwey: Damn lightning dragons crash my game two fights out of three
BusTed: maybe better now
Bearudite: ok
HungryTanuki: All good !
ArrestedHouse: there we go
Saintnex: and we back!
MehallD: I think we've recovered?
ztghostie: frames are back
TXC2: seems ok now
Wolfstrike_NL: Seems over now
SevenSunlessDays: stream lives again
Didero: Ok, it seems to be back to normal again
Astramentha: FBtouchdown
MilkInBags: im pretty sure it's a CPU issue, elden ring is choppy sometimes
malsareus: hmmm and we're good again
varmintx0: the storm has passed
Seth_Erickson: its back
personification2: @pn55 No, Torrent is the Horse
Aitsu111: Ok it seems to have stopped being choppy now
satyropodobny: we back
Easilycrazyhat: Youtube is real glitchy too
Patorik: Better now
Sarah_Serinde: It was also doing that on YouTube
CommanderRab: like magic the frames have been picked back up
Blakemcm: its back to normal
ParanoidRabbit: You look fine in obs
HamHocks42: Love it when that happens.
MilkInBags: pretty sure it's the computer freaking out
pn55: @personification2 Damnit! jlrrFacepalm HypeLUL
EvilBadman: Wasn't isolated to twitch
SourcePlaysGames: Other channels were fine, but it's good here now too
saucemaster5000: where did sellen go?
NorthstarTex: dragon tried to mess with the stream, they're afraid of james
varmintx0: no, every second of this stream is precious
MilkInBags: @saucemaster5000 :)
LadyLockwood92: Oh good it wasn't just me.
L0rdX33n: It a dagron!
bojuka_pog: Emule down
bojuka_pog: Torrent sry
Milleg2: beating this dragon is when the game hooked me
EternalRoxas: @MilkInBags they have separate gaming and streaming pcs, so they should've been fine if gameplay wasn't
MilkInBags: huh, weird
owmacohe: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Nigouki: to defeat the enemy, target da feet
Fluffy776: I hope someone got a good clip of James saying "you suck" at the dragon, but I got Adam recommending to check out that swamp so that should make for a fun highlight reel moment lol
gnabaer: @bojuka_pog dude its Kazaa
melegaunt_: I *love* fighting dragons in this game
melegaunt_: they nailed the fantasy 100%
electric_claire: If James one-shots agheel I'm gonna be kind of mad
averythetiger: Not targetting big enemies is a time honored tradition
Seth_Erickson: you really don't
UltraVioletVodoo: you play how i play adam
BusTed: you play it honest
Didero: Hey, as long as you're enjoying yourself
VoyRising: Pretty sure everyone plays this different.
CatTreeDreamCar: James can also use L1 to attack on the other side of the horse too.
Tuples: If you get good at hitting the face, that does the best damage.
N2Osferatu: If we have time, James should look in the chest in the nearby ruins
Fanklok: You play it like an experienced souls gamer
EvilBadman: There's benefits for going target lock off
eshplode: I noticed that not targetting the dragon helped recently. My attacks kept whiffing when locked on
MilkInBags: adam, you can't say it's impossible to play the game wrong, and then say you play the game wrong
fiftymcnasty: I fight dragons off my horse, so thats a thing
Seth_Erickson: you play like most souls players
Moansters: ran right into it
GameSageZB: And yeah, half the time the auto-targeting feels like it's the reason I die
personification2: What a weird sequence of animations
Bearudite: heat goes up or something
Cptasparagus: You can cast spells with a focus from horseback, but not ashes
MilkInBags: except one dragon!
Fluffy776: Adam, I've been watching old Gamehaus episodes of you playing Souls games, I adore how you play these games it's a blassst
TehAmelie: the one time a videogame believes in convection
Saintnex: There are items to heal Torrent right?
malsareus: you could switch to a spellcasting focus and be a horse wizard
bwk789: show james bayle for another dragon
AshcopseDryad: you can also summon, i think
saucemaster5000: dragon fights are kinda stinky
personification2: Except the one where you are just slowly sawing into a corpse
UltraVioletVodoo: i enjoy fighting dragons no on horse
Sevinon: Least favorite fight ype
micalovits: After learning how to fight them on foot i found them so much better
EvilBadman: Once you get a handle on them too, you can do them on foot quicker
SolarBlitz1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months!
SolarBlitz1: A big 5 years! Here's to more!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SolarBlitz1! (Today's storm count: 291)
Cptasparagus: "don't get hit" so this is a fighting game
MilkInBags: on foot is quicker but you're vulnerable to a bad streak of animations
Moansters: how do you fight them on foot?
Tuples: The four-legged dragons are the worst though.
Sarah_Serinde: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
NorthstarTex: I enjoy the david v goliath feel, and when the camera captures how tiny you are. But otherwise its just long on monotonous
gameboy350: Hitting their head while on foot is the best
gameboy350: or staggering them
MilkInBags: Adam, to help James with the dragon, it might help to tell him about L1 on horse
Didero: Might be better to stop running when you're near its feet
Cptasparagus: Yeah agreed Milk
JinaMahavira: The stakes are: You steal Heef's VIP
Fanklok: The stakes are channel VIP
Therberus: I thought it was high stakes-doesn't the winner get VIP?
personification2: The horse tanked it, though
Seth_Erickson: your flask of tears
MilkInBags: got it
NorthstarTex: a sip of your red tears
wizzo1138: That poor dragon's ankles!
saucemaster5000: Bilbo "where the fuck is my bleed proc, gandalf?"
midnightcurryjazz: Is it open to all levels? I have a legend sim.
DentedPockets: For a flying dragon, it sure is on the ground a lot.
lochnessseammonster: i don't play yet but just found out a friend has an old stick they're willing to give me PrideUwu
InsaneMuadib: It uses the red flask to resummon
saucemaster5000: yaay lochness!
Didero: @DentedPockets It's because WE are on the ground, and it's attacking us :p
MilkInBags: justin wong right now seabatOAK
Bearudite: ya'll gonna catch my hour 3 jp techs
BusTed: and a VIP badge
Grantuu: Try jumping on its back.
BusTed: for a year
Didero: Woops, stuttering again
MilkInBags: the freakout is happening again
Sarah_Serinde: Computer/stream seems to be doing the thing again
leggettor: chuggling back
Linwey: Stuttering's back
UltraVioletVodoo: frames again
SymphonySolstice: you get heef's vip badge
pn55: Dragon eating the frames
gnabaer: yea the dragon seems to kill the stream
Easilycrazyhat: Youtube too
Linwey: How are you still alive, James?
TXC2: maybe it's this fight, somehow
leggettor: better riding away from dragon
Veggiekeks: signup link for the tournament: its gonna be great
satyropodobny: ah mah frames
Aitsu111: It's nice to give people bracket experience without the stress a tournament brings
Adanufgail47: It's also affecting Youtube FYI
TehAmelie: pretty sure the game is on a different computer from the broadcast
measureofhope: Cheer1000 I need to go to bed. Have some bits for the James Turner Dragonslaying Fund
Sarah_Serinde: @TehAmelie It is
Nigouki: someone is playing Crysis on the broadcast PC
midnightcurryjazz: There is a game pc, room stream pc and studio C PC.
midnightcurryjazz: Three pcs!
TXC2: so long measureofhope sleep well
JeshuaWithAnE: Elden ring hard mode is pc issues being juggled when fighting a dragon.
Seth_Erickson: the tail swipe hit too low twice
Fanklok: I still affirm that Torrent is a goat not horse
Aitsu111: Watching James fight a dragon is a great use of my lunch break
Vaiess_: 1 is not 0
Sarah_Serinde: Believe it or not, James is good at video games
gameboy350: life points are a resource, right?
DahudLefthanded: I was about to ask what a CPC is
Earthenone: thats why they call him video james
BusTed: went for 3
ArrestedHouse: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul good timing
ztghostie: not anymore LUL
1ne_intellect: LUL
midnightcurryjazz: big smackies
Snowcookies: rip
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL is it still stuttering?
SevenSunlessDays: "you are alive-" [immediately gets splatted like a bug]
DNAli3n: stayed for the third
RatherLargeToad: less alive
MilkInBags: not right now paul
mtvcdm: Please no steppy
BusTed: @LoadingReadyRun not currently
thatguysteve2709: No thank you
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun no it's ok now
Linwey: At least it's not Borealis
1ne_intellect: no more stutter
Grantuu: Stream seems good for me again.
Cptasparagus: Did you try dragon punching
SuitablyEpic: basically everything in limgrave is easier than Margit
TheElrad: @LoadingReadyRun it keeps stuttering and then being better after a while
Therberus: @Linwey Aurora?
TXC2: Not your fault Adam
Sarah_Serinde: @TheElrad They know
MilkInBags: healed without needing it? uninstall
Easilycrazyhat: It happens
Linwey: @Therberus I mean sure. But I was referring to the bothersome Ice Dragon
Adam Russo: did the screen just say "Ligma?"
Seth_Erickson: some of the nighttime stuff I'd argue is harder
thatguysteve2709: James is 1 hp and a dream that's all you need
Sarah_Serinde: Sympathizing?
Fanklok: Each boss in Limgrave is there to teach you a very specific lesson
Aitsu111: Sympathizing
saucemaster5000: synthesizing
personification2: @Fanklok This one teaches long division
saucemaster5000: like daft punk
TXC2: Sympathy is when you care, empathy is when you understand
kusinohki: Can you cut off the dragon tail?
edolnx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, edolnx! (Today's storm count: 292)
Therberus: Synthesising?
MilkInBags: wow the fire hitbox is borked Kappa
Seth_Erickson: I'd guess it'd be Godrick
baskwalla: Summon a dragon, c'mon ;)
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Fanklok: Jellyfish ain't no Black Knife Tiche
SuitablyEpic: if jelly gets off poison its great
MilkInBags: 50 subs or adam keeps the gun pointed at us
Grantuu: Have you tried summoning the Blue-Eyes White Dragon?
Therberus: Fighting dragons, what is this Monster Hunter?
couchboyj: seabatClap
Sarah_Serinde: We've got a lot more hours to earn still if we want to reach Saturday
HungryTanuki: :D
ManWithTheMask13: Nailed it in one
InsaneMuadib: I appreciate it
JinaMahavira: efficiency
DNAli3n: what is the BC timezone again?
Sarah_Serinde: PDT
An anonymous user is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hipopotasaur!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Insane_L_Kegani!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tildestar_XII!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to AnyaSilverfur!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Magiccam5!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to Hipopotasaur, Insane_L_Kegani, Tildestar_XII, AnyaSilverfur, and Magiccam5! (Today's storm count: 297)
dungeonmasteralek is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel!
dungeonmasteralek gifted a Tier 1 sub to little_lyons!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, dungeonmasteralek! Welcome to little_lyons! (Today's storm count: 298)
Angreed66: I prefer when the salesman doesn't try to trick me
Zaneysed is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
Zaneysed gifted a Tier 1 sub to WVUBird!
incredulouspasserby: It's on brand for Adam and at least half here for Adam
SytYoshi: Adam was straight to the point.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Zaneysed! Welcome to WVUBird! (Today's storm count: 299)
empyreon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, empyreon! (Today's storm count: 300)
MilkInBags: adam keeps his job for now FBtouchdown
PMAvers is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
PMAvers gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sibola666!
PMAvers gifted a Tier 1 sub to gozer_gozarian!
PMAvers gifted a Tier 1 sub to SpamPowered!
PMAvers gifted a Tier 1 sub to NinthEcho!
Astral_Apache: Cheer1000
PMAvers gifted a Tier 1 sub to ravanys_!
PMAvers gifted a Tier 1 sub to GazzyInferno!
PMAvers gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChunkySurprises!
PMAvers gifted a Tier 1 sub to Crudler!
PMAvers gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mr_Misteri!
PMAvers gifted a Tier 1 sub to falcorn85!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PMAvers! Welcome to SpamPowered, ravanys_, NinthEcho, GazzyInferno, ChunkySurprises, Sibola666, gozer_gozarian, Crudler, falcorn85, and Mr_Misteri! (Today's storm count: 310)
unrivaledaesthetic is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
unrivaledaesthetic gifted a Tier 1 sub to toolongtocare!
TXC2: anon lrrHEART
Ivannorr subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, unrivaledaesthetic! Welcome to toolongtocare! (Today's storm count: 311)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ivannorr! (Today's storm count: 312)
Angreed66: no beating around the bush
CAKHost: Whelp
SpleenLord gifted a Tier 1 sub to Slider9!
MilkInBags: @LoadingReadyRun some hiccups right now
SpleenLord is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Slider9! (Today's storm count: 313)
TXC2: PMAvers lrrHEART
bojuka_pog: You can keep your job Adam !
ManWithTheMask13: Simply built different
RayFK: Yes, I do Adam.
DahudLefthanded: We just got galaxy-brained by James
violetblight: yeah
incredulouspasserby: God no
thatguysteve2709: Plz stop
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Simriel: It did not xD
Fanklok: If we don't get enough subs to buy a draft on Arena or Adam gets fired
MilkInBags: nice radio voice
Nigouki: Adam no, please stop that
AtrusOfMyst: Definitely need more subs just to be sure
incredulouspasserby: This hurts my soul
saucemaster5000: I REFUSE to hit skip ad!!!!!!
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
MrTulip: please god tolk slower
gameboy350: I feel my money leaving my wallet already
cadesguy: No
mattsmithshair: you've convinced me now lol
PhorrestGaze: click like and subscribe while you're at it
ManWithTheMask13: More of this voice please
TheElrad: now nobody sub :p
groovemancery: not like this adam. can we take back the subs after this?
MrTulip: I'm dying
ParanoidRabbit: What's this sudden energy!?
buhlian22: i want my salesman to be blunt and then leave me alone. ;)
RayFK: Adam I actually need you to repat this spiel again, thanks bud.
NorthstarTex: Ben sounds different
Astral_Apache: Can I take my bits back, I liked the first one
SytYoshi: pennyBwomp pennyBwomp pennyBwomp
varmintx0: Okay, I hate it, but you are really good at it.
BusTed: seabatClap
shabe_x_roc: But what about different tiers Adam!?
ManWithTheMask13: It's like I'm watching a JWong video
Vaiess_ subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 83 months!
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
MilkInBags: this is a perfect commercial radio voice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Vaiess_! (Today's storm count: 314)
fiftymcnasty: Adam is a true professions
couchboyj: If this gets more subs Adam has to do it the rest of the subathon, right?
thatguysteve2709: To much
Easilycrazyhat: Yes. Do that every time. Every ten minutes.
Molladia: Unsubscribe Youtube voice
1ne_intellect: wow
SytYoshi: That was amazing Adam.
Mollylele: (ง •̀_•́)ง gimme my bits back
ManWithTheMask13: What's up it's your boy justin wong
DahudLefthanded: And don't forget to RING! THAT! BELL!
lochnessseammonster subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Featherweight_: perfect, clip it
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lochnessseammonster! (Today's storm count: 315)
nitrosarcastro subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
nitrosarcastro: that worked for me
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nitrosarcastro! (Today's storm count: 316)
Patorik: They should just play a recording of that next time
kusinohki: Adam's radio voice ain't bad
MilkInBags: "up next, st anger by metallica"
1ne_intellect: you have a voice for radio
Korolan: unsubscribe subathon facts
violetblight: adam you did not prove your point well that was perfect
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul Molly
EvilBadman: now do elden ring Shock Jock
usmu1976 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 160 in the channel!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to NonYuJi!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to PokeBard!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bizzerk1205!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Korvid1234!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to WindyDelcarlo!
Zenergy142: cip it and ship it
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, usmu1976! Welcome to NonYuJi, PokeBard, bizzerk1205, WindyDelcarlo, and Korvid1234! (Today's storm count: 321)
SolarBlitz1: Now we clip that, and link it every 5 minutes
seinka: sarcastic proffessional adam voice I think is a new favourite
TXC2: usmu1976 lrrHEART
ManWithTheMask13: Not enough tbh
Riiiiiiis: I've never heard Adam talk like that before
Angreed66: No James that was worse the second time
usmu1976: Can not not gift subs after that
mattsmithshair: throw some air horn noises in there
Nigouki: you're so much better than the "Big" streamers that have to resort to that kind of spiel
saucemaster5000: there it is!!!!
BusTed: seabatHITBOX seabatHITBOX seabatHITBOX
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @Korolan Thank you for subscribing to subathon facts.
ArrestedHouse: FBtouchdown
thatguysteve2709: There it is
Didero: He said the thing!
MilkInBags: adam you can add a second accent to your repertoire
bwk789: 2.5k subs!!!
Grantuu: He teched it!
MidgardSerpent: got there!
The_Real_Chicky: seabatHITBOX
averythetiger: NOW he's a Souls player
TehAmelie: two hours 40 minutes
Molladia: "But I was in Alpha"
MrTulip: game disagrees
mtvcdm: 2500!
DNAli3n: for all the europeans here, that is 23:00 CEST
saucemaster5000: welll...
TotalHell: You became a true Souls player
malsareus: big steppie
mulligan2six: Is your regular voice single?
LowUpsideCJ: My momma said I had a good radio face
unrivaledaesthetic: plsplspls
leggettor: Did we see jame's feet yet?
MilkInBags: you have 17 minutes to get 500 subs
Galexandros: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RedtheLily: did we get margit?
BrowneePoints: are you enjoying your time James?
MilkInBags: @RedtheLily yes
averythetiger: @RedtheLily We did!
MilkInBags: james did
RedtheLily: Woooo!
Pinwiz11: The legacy of the subathon: Ben is a speedrunner now and James is an Elden Ring streamer
Didero: That's not a yes or no :p
MilkInBags: yeah this game is fun
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, SpleenLord! Welcome to all 1 recipients! (Today's storm count: 321)
TehAmelie: Scrooge McDuck is my uncle who works at Nintendo
Moansters: I want to see James do a speedrun of elden ring
RedtheLily: Cheer100 Cheer100 For getting margit
flaressi: how many tim bits can you buy with a half a million bits?
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
saucemaster5000: scrooge mcduck died trying to jump into a pool of NFTs
Featherweight_: that duck? so many bits.
HungryTanuki: Daaaamn
TXC2: calling us all scrubs
EvilBadman: You think bits taste like those lil japanese sugar candies
ManWithTheMask13: I am bad dw
MidgardSerpent: do they call Beej Scrooge McDuck?
UltraVioletVodoo: you do have an excelent coach
Didero: Not all of us have an Adam sitting next to us
thatguysteve2709: Can we just throw him at melania
MilkInBags: james talking like reddit
empyreon: I mean, fair lrrBEEJ
eshplode: Well yeah. I am bad
JeshuaWithAnE: Your regular voice is more of just attractive, where as the radio voice is attractive and energetic.
bojuka_pog: Hard to stay humble when you're the GOAT
MilkInBags: adam, bring james to isshin
LowUpsideCJ: I'd love to watch James just keep saying that for every fight through the whole game
SageofShadowzF: i tried os hard to be good t this game and i just can't get it
RebekahWSD: Good afternoon! Good luck with the games!
BrowneePoints: Soulsborns are all an individual journey, much like mental health. what nicks you sinks others. a reminder to always be kind chat. browne26PearPride
TXC2: hello RebekahWSD welcome
DeM0nFiRe: This game might actually be the best ever at letting you play the way you want to play
DNAli3n is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
DNAli3n gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gedisti!
DNAli3n gifted a Tier 1 sub to Wyrmhero25!
DNAli3n gifted a Tier 1 sub to Meecespieces!
DNAli3n gifted a Tier 1 sub to SquartGlobzo!
DNAli3n gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheCrownedClown55!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DNAli3n! Welcome to Gedisti, Wyrmhero25, Meecespieces, SquartGlobzo, and TheCrownedClown55! (Today's storm count: 326)
Didero: Yeah, I watched somebody try to kill a boss with bubbles, ridiculous :p
Pinwiz11: James builds an Elden Ring controller in Minecraft and plays that way
thatguysteve2709: Welcome to the bubble run
TXC2: DNAli3n lrrHEART
MilkInBags: @SageofShadowzF if you want to have an easier time, check for strength builds that use big shields
Eklinaar: Imagine the ego it takes to do a whip run Kappa
Wolfstrike_NL: Gotta finish bosses with the bubble blast :)
bwk789: @Didero did you see Adam vs the DLC>
PMAvers: "I beat it before it got nerfed."
MilkInBags: i certainly did not beat margit in 5 attempts
fiftymcnasty: Well it took me 500
Didero: @bwk789 I saw some parts of it, yeah, hence my joke
Young Steelus: game journalists fear James
incredulouspasserby: Watching James survive on a magic pixel is great rn
IsaTheEngie: Soulsborne games find your weaknesses.
Patorik: Yeah, apparently you're only a true gamer if you play with one hand tied behind your back and no flasks
Grantuu: I remember my first play through. Big Strength, Big Hammer and Big Shield. So much fun. :D
MilkInBags: adam you can be proud of the radahn kill
Saintnex: Jokes on them, I die 100 times to every boss Kappa
averythetiger: It feels great to sightread a boss, but no. It doesn't mean anything
Falannt: Hi chat, hi @LoadingReadyRun And? hows james doing? =)
BrowneePoints: I nearly shit my own ass when I one Tapped Fortissax
fonkoncle: I spent 200 hours leisurely playing this game and it was bliss
TXC2: "cool, I enjoyed the game"
kusinohki: See wiggins kappa demen(?)
bwk789: aha good joke streamer @Didero :D
saucemaster5000: "really you used rivers of blood?"
alexsteacy: The complaints based around deliberately not using spirit ashes are gadonk
Zenergy142: The EGO of people who beat Release Rahdan
kaijuknight428: Its taken me about a week to beat the final boss of the dlc
Snowcookies: Congratulations! (Elden Ring was harder on release)
TehAmelie: yoU cheAteD NOt oNlY tHE gaMe
Rexsplosion: Damn, Adam calling me out entirely with the "beat it before the nerf" and attempt counts
TXC2: hello Falannt James is doing fantastic
gluonquark: "I bit it before I even played it"
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I beat Artorias with a dagger and honestly I don't feel like it was that much of an accomplishment
fiftymcnasty: James is doing very well
Didero: who put all this junk in the middle of a dragon fight?!
Ivannorr: The real flex is the "I beat it before my weapon was nerfed" Kappa
Rexsplosion: James is absolutely KILLING IT
incredulouspasserby: "Dragon-Burnt Ruins"? Oh shit there's a dragon around? Kappa
MilkInBags: and then you realized other gamers are degen that just poise rush
thatguysteve2709: It was amazing to witness the bubbles
gearwick is continuing the Gift Sub they got from candissimo!
averythetiger: Malaenia taught me that I do not need to do things without help to feel good about myself.
SuitablyEpic: dragons like to fly outside of their arenas
satyropodobny: James is genshining that impact HARD
River: is James gonna retire Elden ring champion
ani laurel: One thing I really appreciate about Adam is that he is aggressively anti-gatekeeping
Sarah: 100%
Eklinaar: The real reason James is doing so well is that there aren't holes to fall into that he dug himself
Rexsplosion: For a first soulsgame, him beating Margit in only a couple deaths was HUGE
gameboy350: You're telling me a dragon burnt these ruins?
Linwey: Honestly, that boss neds a rework. It's way overtuned. I beat it and just felt holow after
TehAmelie: they really have nerfed the crabs
LadyLockwood92: He really *is* Games Turner!!
Fanklok: My playstyle was perfect for killing Malenia and absolute dog shit for Radahn.
fiftymcnasty: yeah dragons just have leashing
PaintingWithFariss: I cheesed the hell out of the final DLC boss and I don't feel even slightly guilty about it
Linwey: @Fanklok Yeah same
Seth_Erickson: depends how long you've been gone I think
gameboy350: no dlc spoilers pls
UltraVioletVodoo: it used to reset hp
BrowneePoints: hey chat let’s not drop dlc spoilies for those of us behind
Rexsplosion: @PaintingWithFariss same. NO SHAME
bisaflau: @PaintingWithFariss same here :D
UltraVioletVodoo: its a very good boss
Invitare: the last boss is rad
Pywodwagon: I think Adam has Stockholm Syndrome
ManWithTheMask13: The last boss is S2 Zangief
eshplode: How dare you spoil that there's bosses in that DLC
Seth_Erickson: too much visual noise for me but I understand why you like it
IsSecretlyPaul: i think they should have stopped after asylum demon
Rexsplosion: so hard to learn the blocking with those weird stutter attacks in phase 2
River: I think that's why Adam is my top 3 of LRR cast
OVERKiLL!: i miss Adams old "THANK YOU FRIEND" sub line .
averythetiger: I like Messmer the best. That man taught me how to DANCE!
BrowneePoints: Pywo is also bad at games that aren’t card related
PaintingWithFariss: Final DLC boss from DS3 is still my fav one, everything about it is so good
bwk789: I was shook when GRRM came up and yelled: Get out of ma SWAMP!!
UltraVioletVodoo: @Rexsplosion what about this game doesnt say anime bullshit
Rexsplosion: OH, you're trolling
Linwey: @PaintingWithFariss With ow badly it cheeses you, that's only fair. I just felt ticked off that it felt neccesary to do that
fiftymcnasty: Yeah, nothing unfair about it, just very hard
kaijuknight428: The last bass is rad
gnabaer: i hated how visually busy it becomes as the fight goes on and that took me way to long to get used to
MilkInBags: adam never trolls
EvilBadman: Adam is not trolling he's being earnest.
fonkoncle: it's an incredible challenge!
Seth_Erickson: Adam legitimately really likes the final dlc boss
TXC2: Adam speaks only from the heart
ManWithTheMask13: Adam thinks Ken is the worst shoto
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Artorias is still my favorite of the series
Brozard: You don't have to like something to respect it
malsareus: Adam likes a challenge
Two_Hats: hey, you did bubbles
fonkoncle: it was so neat catching you just roll out of every step
Invitare: you'll know when Adam is trolling because he can't keep a straight face
alexsteacy: Artorias is goated
malsareus: see: whip run
KaiTerranova: i remember on adam's stream when he first had the "callback" moment during that boss
Seth_Erickson: Some of it you were told I will say everything was not intuited
Defrost: @Rexsplosion you say that like Asura's wrath wasn't a damn masterpiece...
Rexsplosion: we have very different takes. i did NOT have fun with the final DLC boss
Grantuu: What does R1 do?
Galexandros: you can do it!
Ranatoki: Based Adam
BrowneePoints: Alex Steacy is Goated browne26PearPride
RebekahWSD: I need to go outside today, and I'm putting it off cause it's so hot and muggy :woe:
MilkInBags: I'll be honest, I don't understand the hype about Artorias, I loved the DLC but after beating him I was like, that's it?
IsaTheEngie: I respec'd into being a tank for the final boss and it was a fun time
TehAmelie: pff Asura's Wrath was so much more extra than any anime
fiftymcnasty: @Grantuu light attack
kaijuknight428: My favourite boss is one of the other dlc bosses, people can probably guess
Didero: So the tech with this dragon seems to be to hug its crotch
Sarah_Serinde: Adam's not saying you're wrong if you didn't like it
MilkInBags: my favourite boss is bed of chaos :)
BrowneePoints: Artorias was the first fight where FromSoft nailed the sauce
Grantuu: @fiftymcnasty Neat. ty. :)
Sarah_Serinde: Everyone's allowed to have different opinions and experiences
IsaTheEngie: The vibes of the DLC are impeccable
thatguysteve2709: Dancing lion is my favorite design
Rexsplosion: i can't really get too into the weeds with how i don't like it for fear of spoilers, but yeah, i just REALLY enjoyed the other bosses
Linwey: Disagree. See: Pre-patch Gaius and rakshasa
Greendrag13: Howldy! Pikcing on a poor defenseless dragon, eh?
northos: RIP Torrent
TXC2: someone liking a thing you don;t like does not make you or them right or wrong
fonkoncle: the yoda bossfight was nuts
EvilBadman: I think I have Sekrio final as one of my faves, but that's a different game while being the same
rasterscan: Wait, you have i-frames when mounting?
MilkInBags: for now my favourite boss has been Death Knight
Elenodul: they did make the perfect npc in the dlc and the second best dragon fight they've ever done imo
TXC2: hello Greendrag13 welcome
Defrost: I'm pretty sure Adam only says objective facts
melegaunt_: I still really wish there was a way to go back and fight defeated bosses without going into a whole NG+ or putting down a summoning sign :(
Greendrag13: @TXC2 booferHYPERS booferWag
1ne_intellect: This is real Gamer stuff
spicyFerret_: aicNOTES abuse... Horse. Got it.
Invitare: RIP
UltraVioletVodoo: really enjoyed the fingers quest boss
Didero: @Defrost Not always, because sometimes he's negative about himself
Rexsplosion: yeah, boss only mode would be SO NICE
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: people get on Torrent to dodge certain overworld boss attacks there are so many iframes
BusTed: Is it just like timing out or something?
Fanklok: Anyone got the frame data on mounting up?
betweenmyself: I’d say the spine hurt boxes for the White Rhino was a tad larger than I originally anticipated, but still manageable.
averythetiger: I just love Messmer. He's fast, but he's readable. He hits hard, but he's blockable. He's extremely mobile, but he has punish windows
MilkInBags: the stream freaks out when you approach the dragon, in certain directions
TehAmelie: i'm sure there's some boss rush mod if you really want it
the_pallid_mask subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, the_pallid_mask! (Today's storm count: 327)
roefizzlebeef: he's gaming!!!
ManWithTheMask13: I can offer a hug and that's it
Rexsplosion: Messmer was the GOAT fight
Singenmeister: GoldPLZ
RebekahWSD: I will sub in my mind with my mind bucks, I'm a little broke currently XD
ztghostie: every game that's major selling point is its bosses should have a boss refight mode of some kind
Defrost: @Defrost I know what I said
betweenmyself: *er, white hippo
rasterscan: Wooo!
Zenergy142: this man is GOATED
Singenmeister: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
northos: \o/
TotalHell: HELL yeah
itsr67: seabatClap
Statist42: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
MilkInBags: stream freaking out
pn55: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Brozard: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Linwey: @TehAmelie I know there's one that lets you revive bosses at least
1ne_intellect: G
BusTed: seabatClap
fiftymcnasty: got em
TehAmelie: yaay
HungryTanuki: TEH GAOT
Didero: Woo!
bojuka_pog: GG
Zenergy142: ds2 enjoyer
IanAllenBird: 👏
IsSecretlyPaul subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
MilkInBags: let's go james!
incredulouspasserby: yooooooooo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IsSecretlyPaul! (Today's storm count: 328)
RebekahWSD: Woo@
BusTed: tqsBORK
unrivaledaesthetic: James can't lose
Sarah_Serinde: Good work James
SpleenLord: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance3 jlrrDance3 jlrrDance3
abslomdaak42: Hell yeah!!!
OharaRenji: sinder6Awoo
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2483 in the channel!
VoyRising: Dark Souls 2 was very good
Greendrag13: booferBoof booferBoof booferBoof booferBoof booferBoof booferBoof
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to hayhaiya!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to TwilightCloak!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to The_Dragoncat!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to theroad0!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zaraka00!
SytYoshi: pennyBwomp pennyBwomp pennyBwomp
ManWithTheMask13: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to TwilightCloak, hayhaiya, The_Dragoncat, theroad0, and Zaraka00! (Today's storm count: 333)
1ne_intellect: GG
Invitare: next up: Caelid?
gluonquark: JAMES!!!!!!!!
CanPlayGames: I really admire Adams attitude.
rhapsodyblue92: BIG DOOOG
averythetiger: James Dragonslayer Turner
Nigouki: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
Chefryto90: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Pinwiz11: ds2 is good
TXC2: DeM0nFiRe lrrHEART
bojuka_pog: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
RetroHibiscus: FBtouchdown
LilyOfTheVeil6666: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
ChargingFurret: I love the souls bosses, and I feel no guilt cheesing them with summons or Op weapons
abslomdaak42: Let's gooooooooooo
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Cunobelenos: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown sergeGG
FenrisSchafer is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel!
FenrisSchafer gifted a Tier 1 sub to kopflaster!
beowuuf: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, FenrisSchafer! Welcome to kopflaster! (Today's storm count: 334)
SolarBlitz1: Dark Souls 2 gets a lot of stick it doesn't deserve, I like it a lot too
baskwalla is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
baskwalla gifted a Tier 1 sub to user_name_tbd!
baskwalla gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tyrone_4Life!
baskwalla gifted a Tier 1 sub to thebinturong_!
baskwalla gifted a Tier 1 sub to DounixD!
baskwalla gifted a Tier 1 sub to poltergoose_2!
betweenmyself: *dang it, Golden Hippo. get it right, me
djmikeysaxx: BIG DAWWWWWG
wastetalent: big dogs in the chat for James
1ne_intellect: the GOAT
Grantuu: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, baskwalla! Welcome to user_name_tbd, DounixD, poltergoose_2, Tyrone_4Life, and thebinturong_! (Today's storm count: 339)
gluonquark: woof!
seancplays1: touchdown
roefizzlebeef: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
RebekahWSD: lmfao
satyropodobny: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Frogasaurus90 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 21 in the channel!
Wolfstrike_NL: Let's go James!
kragmabutch: Yeehaw!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to thestarstorm!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to chorinas!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to koelkastmagneet!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to VoyRising!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kellycorey!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to AmbientCartographer!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mathwyn!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to overZellous!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gitfrog_Monster!
BrowneePoints: LETS GO LIL PUPPER!!!!!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to taktpakt!
northos: hey Adam we're recording next door Kappa
TehAmelie: there we go, there's a boss reviving mod
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Frogasaurus90! Welcome to chorinas, thestarstorm, koelkastmagneet, overZellous, AmbientCartographer, VoyRising, Mathwyn, Gitfrog_Monster, kellycorey, and taktpakt! (Today's storm count: 349)
Chesul: Damn, two big bosses beaten in 3 hours.
keely_lionheart: LUL LUL
ztghostie: BDT Bid Dog Turner LETSGOOOOO
1ne_intellect: wooof woof
RocknGrohlNerd: Letsgoo
lordgrond is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
young__steelus: OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog
Rexsplosion is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
lordgrond gifted a Tier 1 sub to KWardJenx!
lordgrond gifted a Tier 1 sub to AshcopseDryad!
lordgrond gifted a Tier 1 sub to xSkiron_!
lordgrond gifted a Tier 1 sub to Paradachshund!
lordgrond gifted a Tier 1 sub to shiningelbow!
Rexsplosion gifted a Tier 1 sub to Scheyelihlie!
An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, lordgrond! Welcome to KWardJenx, AshcopseDryad, xSkiron_, Paradachshund, and shiningelbow! (Today's storm count: 354)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Rexsplosion! Welcome to Scheyelihlie! (Today's storm count: 355)
Singenmeister: lrrDILLY here’s your dilly bar
Patorik: It's official, James "Big Dog" Turner
Moansters: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Yeknom352!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to Yeknom352! (Today's storm count: 356)
RocknGrohlNerd: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
melegaunt_: Bop it, pull it, EAT IT
groovemancery is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel!
CanPlayGames is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 33 in the channel!
fiftymcnasty: Love me some Adam and James streams
CanPlayGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to RebekahWSD!
groovemancery gifted a Tier 1 sub to staalraat!
groovemancery gifted a Tier 1 sub to cyanMu42!
groovemancery gifted a Tier 1 sub to Yozy!
groovemancery gifted a Tier 1 sub to djqj!
groovemancery gifted a Tier 1 sub to StokorcovyLes!
groovemancery gifted a Tier 1 sub to CompleatedPinkie!
groovemancery gifted a Tier 1 sub to Polyd3uces!
groovemancery gifted a Tier 1 sub to RaynMurfy!
groovemancery gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hoenald!
groovemancery gifted a Tier 1 sub to Siladuell!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, CanPlayGames! Welcome to RebekahWSD! (Today's storm count: 357)
Therberus: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
FickleMuse: Ooooo good time to tune in
Rekiara is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 35 in the channel!
vinewood_og: Woofs in the chat to show respect
rasterscan: Key Items
kusinohki: Nerf Adam's voice plz
Rekiara gifted a Tier 1 sub to d3fault1985!
Rekiara gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrQwasu!
Rekiara gifted a Tier 1 sub to 7gorobei!
Rekiara gifted a Tier 1 sub to mookie990!
Rekiara gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nomelettes!
TXC2: lordgrond lrrHEART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, groovemancery! Welcome to staalraat, cyanMu42, Yozy, djqj, CompleatedPinkie, StokorcovyLes, Polyd3uces, RaynMurfy, Siladuell, and Hoenald! (Today's storm count: 367)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Rekiara! Welcome to d3fault1985, MrQwasu, 7gorobei, Nomelettes, and mookie990! (Today's storm count: 372)
unrivaledaesthetic is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
42MiLLyWays is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 31 in the channel!
baskwalla: James, you're good at this game
unrivaledaesthetic gifted a Tier 1 sub to evilspoons983!
42MiLLyWays gifted a Tier 1 sub to Qadhira!
42MiLLyWays gifted a Tier 1 sub to OlaffStout!
42MiLLyWays gifted a Tier 1 sub to sleepyfelix!
42MiLLyWays gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tantusar!
42MiLLyWays gifted a Tier 1 sub to bujabin!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, unrivaledaesthetic! Welcome to evilspoons983! (Today's storm count: 373)
Two_Hats: seabatClap FBtouchdown seabatClap
RetroHibiscus: you can play Skyrim now
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, 42MiLLyWays! Welcome to Qadhira, OlaffStout, sleepyfelix, bujabin, and Tantusar! (Today's storm count: 378)
Korolan is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
Korolan gifted a Tier 1 sub to MercurialVox!
Statist42: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown lrrHORN lrrHORN
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Korolan! Welcome to MercurialVox! (Today's storm count: 379)
varmintx0: you got a lot of subs
RaynMurfy: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
RedtheLily is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
RedtheLily gifted a Tier 1 sub to greatknightgaramond!
VoyRising: @Frogasaurus90 Thanks for the gift sub!
7gorobei: @Rekiara Thanks for the gift sub!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, RedtheLily! Welcome to greatknightgaramond! (Today's storm count: 380)
flaressi is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
flaressi gifted a Tier 1 sub to pathew69!
BrowneePoints: you can learn Draconic magic now
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, flaressi! Welcome to pathew69! (Today's storm count: 381)
RocknGrohlNerd: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown avngrJam avngrJam
TehAmelie: woo
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART chat
vinewood_og: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
RebekahWSD: An entire heart!
spicyFerret_: Big teeeeeeeeeee-BUCK energy
Snowcookies: all the gift subs
BrowneePoints: dragon spells SLAP James
TXC2: lrrHEART Chat
averythetiger: Look at the stream timer! iT'S DANCING!
Howarddeanfan: Lets go big dawg!
abslomdaak42: That's a lot of celebratory subs
TehAmelie: dragonflyyyy!
Elenodul: Dark souls 2 introduced some great mechanics, but the world design was the worst of the series
Nigouki: wow, that bumped it by an hour?
RebekahWSD: Big mosquito the true end boss lmao
fonkoncle: is it worth taking james to the big dogs?
melegaunt_: um, akshually, that's a dragon fly
Moansters: malaria is the worst debuff
Zath_: Is Scarlet Rot not maleria?
cadesguy: ! malaria !
geodedragon is continuing the Gift Sub they got from tabbybabbyy!
Angreed66: More people have died to mosquitos than dragons irl tbf
MilkInBags: they are pee bags
Nigouki: M'laria
red_shoes_jeff: Dragonflies, even!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Adam that's just Far Cry 2
TehAmelie: in this game you can cure malaria by washing with soap
averythetiger: We will not have time to find the alter today
BrowneePoints: So yea James, dragon spells are some of the most satisfying to cast spells in the game
gnabaer: and then you have to take malaria pills every 15 mins for the rest of the game like in farcry2
the_pallid_mask: The other siblings of malenia, maleria
TXC2: gained more then an hour there chat lrrHEART
Moansters: Malaria sounds like a DLC area tbh
Barb4rian subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
Barb4rian: Dragon ded, here sub!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Barb4rian! (Today's storm count: 382)
RocknGrohlNerd: I will take my FBtouchdown FBtouchdowns back if you die to dragonfly wheelerRita wheelerRita
bisaflau: there is one close-by
MilkInBags: adam, wanna show james the night rider?
nitrosarcastro: don't stand in the fire james
Krillin_fan: don't make me get off the horse
betweenmyself: could be worse. kill a dragon then die while trying to ford a river. riffYeti
BrowneePoints: Boq cave takes him to one Adam
Izandai: mattlrLul
Defrost: Ok so we get James to bust out the speedrun timer now right?
bojuka_pog: get mixed
BusTed: just holding a torch for you to run into
Chronomos901: malaria, blade of miquella
saucemaster5000: that dude thought they were the goat
Mythdom subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
Mythdom: 80 whole months, absolutely wild. Have fun with the subathon
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mythdom! (Today's storm count: 383)
satyropodobny: nothin personel kid [misses]
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Andymonium: XD
pn55: HypeLUL
MilkInBags: FBtouchdown
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
Dumori: One of us
BusTed: ggs
Sarah_Serinde: Good stream, good stream
ManWithTheMask13: LUL LUL
TXC2: clap clap clap
HubbeKing: this has been Elden Belden
TehAmelie: have you noticed someone at the Fromsoft monster design department definitely have been hurt badly by fire
mtvcdm: I'm gonna hold out this torch and if you get hit
Linwey: Really big bosses do be like that. Often best not to lock on
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatClap lrrSHINE
Angnor33: Dragon's dead, Elden Ring complete.
pn55: This was awesome lads!
Grantuu: FBtouchdown
Fanklok: Targeting the dragon makes the camera lose its sense of self
Therberus: Lets go large canine! Lets go large canine!
GameSageZB: Great job, James!
MilkInBags: and you have so few tools at first, the game gets better and better
MrSarkhan: sergeGG sergeGG
HungryTanuki: Good job James !
incredulouspasserby: you definitely killed that dragon fully with drive-by stabbing and it was great to watch
1ne_intellect: GG
ArrestedHouse: LUL
Therberus: Lets go large canine!
1ne_intellect: great job james!
Easilycrazyhat: James turned off his targeting system and found out he's not a jedi after all
AshcopseDryad: dark souls 1 ♥
PsychoI3oy: gonna play tomorrow night with the MP gang?
UltraVioletVodoo: i need a ps5 to play deamon souls
TimIAm: The percption of FromSoft games being horribly difficult is largely driven by people who insist on not using whole systems in the game
melegaunt_: I honestly feel like it's a modern adult version of Zelda (like, NES Zelda)
RetroHibiscus: oki oki souls club
Wolfstrike_NL: One more....?
Mollylele: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
TotalHell: DO IT
Didero: Next Play It Forward letsgo
MilkInBags: this was very fun, especially when chat can keep its cool
DaVeganPolice: seabatClap would be sick
Defrost: Bring back speedrunalloneword for elden ring!!
pn55: +1 on that lads
EvilBadman: If you like this style of exploration, either of the Zelda games recently are laidback versions of sorts
fiftymcnasty: Commit to it James
BrowneePoints: Our Lil Pupper James Did it!
Sarah_Serinde: !next
lochnessseammonster: hell yeah
Jug_R_Not: We are here for it
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Board Game Day at Wed 11:00 AM PDT (5m from now).
TehAmelie: i can't wait to see James instantly conquer Elden Ring with mouse and keyboard
MTGRanger: lrrHORN
averythetiger: Play it... backwards?
LadyLockwood92: I really think Elden Ring makes it easier to play earlier games.
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
CanPlayGames: This made me actually feel like I could try this
TXC2: thanks for streaming James and Adam
CAKHost: Thanks for this stream!
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
ShaneLeeAtk: Hell yeah! James and Adam playing ER? All for it
MilkInBags: what's the board game?
TehAmelie: so, Geoguessr?
shendaras: seabatClap
DaVeganPolice: hi paul
Chronomos901: paul say the thing!
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks Paul!
TXC2: Ok Paul
ManWithTheMask13: hi paul
TehAmelie: hi Paul!
OVERKiLL!: 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Mollylele: thank you Paul
SageofShadowzF: hi paul
Therberus: @TehAmelie Better, foodgessur!
young__steelus: lrrPAUL
MilkInBags: thanks adam for the help with james
mtvcdm: Stay tuned, Camel Up is next.
mercano82: !picnic
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
ArrestedHouse: o7
BusTed: HypeWave
Galexandros: heloo
Singenmeister: lrrCrab
PMAvers: girldmPanic girldmPanic girldmPanic
Didero: Thanks so much for this, it was really fun!
TehAmelie: *goes somewhere*
bojuka_pog: lrrSHINE
uneactrice: We shall stay!
Statist42: "dont go anywhere" ? but i need to buy groceries
averythetiger: left4d2FINE left4d2FINE left4d2FINE
Shellsh0cker: lrrFINE
42MiLLyWays: reboot and refresh
Linwey: Time to go bake those cookies
42MiLLyWays: refresh those drinks :-)
spicyFerret_: cakejuFine girldmPanicF
Linwey: Pet those pets
OVERKiLL!: 🐪 Camel UP 🆙️ 🏆
Sarah: I don't actually know how this goes for YouTube streams
Isaac Myers: board games!
PsychoI3oy: Statist42, I've done grocery shopping while listening to the stream on my phone via earbud before
baskwalla: Let's go
LoadingReadyRun: we should be back up now
juuzou00: What happened
PsychoI3oy: lrrSIG lrrSIG
Earthenone: welcome back
Earthenone: signal
far2muchsarcasm: lrrSIG lrrSIG
Shellsh0cker: lrrSIG
MTGRanger: lrrSIG lrrSIG
l0gin4me: @juuzou00 just a reset to restart OBS
EvilBadman: Oh youtube auto-refreshed for me. Neato.
Sarah: Just started up again, well that was easy
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I was wondering how that would go
Sarah_Serinde: Smoother than I expected
red_shoes_jeff: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
DeM0nFiRe: Twitch is supposed to auto start too it just doesn't lol
Sarah_Serinde: Well yes I expect it from Twitch, I just didn't know what to expect from a YouTube stream
tezzatipoca: lrrBartleby
Sarah_Serinde: I thought maybe YouTube would make it a new video
l0gin4me: Twitch auto-restarts some of the time.
Sarah_Serinde: It's a new vod for Twitch after all
Angreed66: Am I supposed to see the subathon logo screen after I refreshed?
Sarah_Serinde: Yes
Nigouki: the blur!
baskwalla: Yay
WardsarTheWriter: And our sight slowly returns...
LegionofLashes: i wonder who's at the table ? :P
Mollylele: hey it's wedge_x's favorite light again
Angreed66: ooh now a blurry 4 people
BusTed: Can always recognize a Jordynne in the blur cam.
rasterscan: I love how Jordynne is INSTANTLY recognizable.
TXC2: number 1? or number 2?
Earthenone: the power of distinctive hair coloring
ClodiumSoride: Jordynne, Ben, Heather, Beej?
LegionofLashes: beej is also pretty instant for me
LowUpsideCJ: Jordynne and the Blurs
l0gin4me: I am guessing Beej. Jordynn (sorry if I spelled that wrong), Ben and... idk Cori?
LegionofLashes: o hi james
draxov: Hello James
Molladia: Amel Cup Uper Up
l0gin4me: and now James
TXC2: and there's James
draxov: We see you James
Earthenone: i clocked beej and ben, not sure on heather
SnowBuddy18: I think that's Jacob
WardsarTheWriter: Did he just howl at us?
GazzyInferno: a vague hint of james
red_shoes_jeff: Jams!
Didero: i am being pointed at
hawktonguebaby: @LowUpsideCJ Jordynne! Jordynne! Jordynne! Jordynne and the Blurs!
John Hill: ah. I missed Elden Ring. I'll have to go back and watch it. I bounced off the game, maybe Adam's positively can inspire me to try again
Sarah: It worked for James
Akaiatana: BLRR
Genie_M: Blurry cam was a great idea and I'm glad it's here again
TXC2: they love it when you point at the chat
mtvcdm: It's Jordynne, Ben, Heather,Beej
couchboyj: DinoDance
Piecrust9: 👆☝️ we can point back!
Earthenone: blur cam is so fun
red_shoes_jeff: benginDance jlrrDance3
KevinTheShark: Whats kickin guys and gals
engineerbudy: blrr cam
ClodiumSoride: I feel like this camera view could be adapted to some kind of game for LoadingReadyLive.
TXC2: hello KevinTheShark don't forget about Non binary pals
Nigouki: do we know if this blur is optical from defocused lens or digital post effect?
ZethRuss: its a bit strange that these intermission screens are silent
TXC2: Nigouki I assume post effect
Earthenone: i think its a digital post
Genie_M: Digital
mtvcdm: Gonna be cameling some uppies. Wait. No.
Sarah: He wasn't really interested before but he enjoyed it more than he expected
Sarah: (That said, this kind of game isn't for me at all, so to each their own)
Earthenone: !upcamel
Didero: @ZethRuss I kind of like the quiet, it's a good break from the many sounds of a stream
L0rdX33n: I had to duck out, did James slay his dragon?
northos: @L0rdX33n sure did!
ClodiumSoride: he did
TheElrad: camel up sippy cup
ShaneLeeAtk: He did
Didero: @L0rdX33n He did!
WardsarTheWriter: @mtvcdm Better than camelling downers...
TXC2: L0rdX33n yes
LadyLockwood92: Yep~
L0rdX33n: emmaorYay emmaorYay emmaorYay
TXC2: Camel cup super up!
kusinohki: Super cup amel up
hawktonguebaby: I upped my camel. Now up yours!
Rexsplosion: Offline screen instead of the camera with the blur?
Earthenone: camel downs would also make an ammount of sense, arent racetracks often called "downs"?
Therberus: It's a strange artifact of language that we still use "tuned" when talking about staying on a channel or stream, seeing as with the advent of digital transmission we no longer have to "tune" in
Therberus: Makes you thinl
evilspoons983: Hey, someone gifted me a sub, thanks unrivaledaesthetic
ani laurel: Its a very silly game
Sarah: I tend to go for, like, turn-based RPGs and strategy games and puzzles and things, I'm not big on action games
RandomTrivia: @Rexsplosion Try refreshing the page
KongPhantom subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KongPhantom! (Today's storm count: 384)
AtrusOfMyst: "Please update your Camel to the latest version of Ligma"
Therberus: What's Camel?
ShaneLeeAtk: Bill Gates?
kusinohki: Save icon still looks like a floppy disk
TXC2: always gotta refresh for stream these days
Akaiatana: @Therberus Ah, but it's also short for attune, or connect. It can work via other definitions.
Pinwiz11: Can't start yet, the Camel Up is only swell atm
Mollylele: unarmeGameplay
Therberus: @kusinohki Yeah that's another one that I'd be interested to know if the youths still remember
3schr: Just tuned in. What's up next?
kusinohki: Still "hang up" a phone...
TXC2: 1events
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Sarah_Serinde: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Board Game Day at Wed 11:00 AM PDT (5m ago).
ShaneLeeAtk gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mollylele! They have given 40 Gift Subs in the channel!
djmikeysaxx: boardgames!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mollylele! (Today's storm count: 385)
John Hill: Adam is just too good at anti-gatekeeping. I've actually considered getting into SF6 as well, after trying fighting games every few years and getting frustrated by their skill ceiling.
Sarah: Adam is great :)
ani laurel: Watching Adam can get expensive lol
MDrift314 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 112 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MDrift314! (Today's storm count: 386)
3schr: @TXC2 Thanks
SymphonySolstice: camel uppies super cuppies
Mollylele: @shaneleeatk Thanks!
RandomTrivia: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
ShaneLeeAtk: Welcome!
NonUniqueGuy: I feel like I'm being mocked by these blurry people. I don't know why, but I just feel it
Therberus: Is it just me or is there still some choppiness? Someones arms there in the background seemed to jump around
BigDaddyBland87: 5 hours of board games? Must be playing Monopoly lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
KevinTheShark: Børd gämz ahoy!
WardsarTheWriter: If you have time to mammal, you have time to camel.
Mollylele: lrrCrab
TXC2: Here we GO!
RandomTrivia: Here we goooooo!
Stormgod519: les goooo
BorealMage: doot doot doot doooot doooot
red_shoes_jeff: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
John Hill: true. if they get Adam into 40K, it's over for my wallet
RocknGrohlNerd: @NonUniqueGuy surely not, they are stretching before the games, surely
BusTed: Hello!
TXC2: Hello Jordynne, Ben, Heather and Beej
Therberus: @WardsarTheWriter If you have time to "Up" you have time to "Cup"
Didero: Hello fun and good-looking people!
Earthenone: is that famous camel up streamer brenden "beej" "drama" deary?
hawktonguebaby: Do folks know there's been no music after the doots?
Stormgod519: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
QuixoticScrivener is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 7 in the channel!
QuixoticScrivener gifted a Tier 1 sub to deeds6622!
QuixoticScrivener gifted a Tier 1 sub to StreamerZonderNaam!
QuixoticScrivener gifted a Tier 1 sub to SpookySpaghooti!
QuixoticScrivener gifted a Tier 1 sub to thebrandylam!
AtrusOfMyst: Sup gamers
QuixoticScrivener gifted a Tier 1 sub to Twisted_Haywire!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, QuixoticScrivener! Welcome to StreamerZonderNaam, SpookySpaghooti, deeds6622, thebrandylam, and Twisted_Haywire! (Today's storm count: 391)
TXC2: have a super long one like in the simpsons
kusinohki: Lrr played monopoly once BY THE RULES. Was fun stream. Still bad game
Nigouki: yaaaaaaaaay!
TXC2: QuixoticScrivener lrrHEART
Earthenone: Yrrly tradition
RandomTrivia: Mangledpixel shivering at the sudden possible workload :D
saweeks subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, saweeks! (Today's storm count: 392)
Stormgod519 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 180 in the channel!
Stormgod519 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ANeMzero!
Stormgod519 gifted a Tier 1 sub to panpan_unbroken!
Stormgod519 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Howarddeanfan!
Stormgod519 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SalmirAeon!
Stormgod519 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Psynac_spellcaster!
Stormgod519: getting to 180 gifts
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Stormgod519! Welcome to ANeMzero, Howarddeanfan, panpan_unbroken, SalmirAeon, and Psynac_spellcaster! (Today's storm count: 397)
Pinwiz11: Come on and Up / The Camel Super Cup!
TXC2: Stormgod519 lrrHEART
Stormgod519: @TXC2 no u
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrHEART sergeGift
BigDaddyBland87: Ok Jordynne looks like she lost a leg lol
TXC2: Stormgod519 ah you got me
Julian_Rogue: Yall are playing risk?
djmikeysaxx: Love Jordynne's outfit today!
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 576 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Valair01!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to kallefarr!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Phoerow!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to tezzatipoca!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Brainfreeze2day!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to head_cannon!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to KINGKRU!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to DynastyLyric!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to rabbitgta!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ormmannen!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to tezzatipoca, Phoerow, Valair01, kallefarr, Brainfreeze2day, head_cannon, KINGKRU, DynastyLyric, rabbitgta, and Ormmannen! (Today's storm count: 407)
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
Earthenone: next game is more Risqué that raisky :P
Astramentha: xaraphBounce xaraphBounce xaraphBounce xaraphBounce xaraphBounce
SeiichiSin: Hello!
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrHEART sergeGift lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown Exit strategy!
Therberus: I can't fight this feeling!
SeiichiSin: I see I made it here at the exact right time.
kallefarr: @red_shoes_jeff Nice!
red_shoes_jeff: @Stormgod519 Deep inside of meeee!
RocknGrohlNerd: @Stormgod519 exactly
42MiLLyWays: uni100 uni100 uni100 uni100
maestrith: Glurp is today?
Sibwow: no longer in the editors cuck chair
Earthenone: monikLRRs
queercrafting_chonk: ooooo
hawktonguebaby: Jordynne on Glurp! Yessss!
JRandomHacker: MonikLRRs
WardsarTheWriter: Moniklrrs!
missa_hancock: is it all 4 of you all day or will it be a rotating cast?
Chesul: MoniLRRs
Astramentha: oooooooooo
NonUniqueGuy: @maestrith Friday is party games
red_shoes_jeff: MonikLRRs!
queercrafting_chonk: fab
Genie_M: Yep
TXC2: maestrith no that's party games day
ani laurel: lmao
mtvcdm: I know I wrote a few of those Monikers cards
NonUniqueGuy: errr tomrrow is party games day, not Friday
maestrith: @NonUniqueGuy @TXC2 Thank you :)
TXC2: missa_hancock I assume rotating cast
Nigouki: The Company
Earthenone: friday is the paper wars
WardsarTheWriter: Non-descript generic company.
red_shoes_jeff: #Sponsoled
Jillexie: Awesome DMing yesterday, Jordynne!
Mattmitchell45: Thunderworks Games
Stormgod519: hey!
Sarah_Serinde: Oh boy
Genie_M: Uhoh
CnCPOWERHOUR: not sponsored by temu power hour
iris_of_ether: Looking forward to *that*
WardsarTheWriter: Expensed!
theworldsmith1: Analog watch and play
mtvcdm: I saw the bag Ben bought. You're in for some stuff.
N2Osferatu: Gaming like a Billionaire
DNAli3n: it's a bad streaming game, but for your personal collections, i can higly reccoment terrorscape
ShaneLeeAtk: Blue Ribbon Beer
Sarah_Serinde: Suffix wanted to get you decent beer, apparently :D Because you're paining him with the cheap stuff