RandomTrivia: Wait holy shit what now when did 500,000 bits happen today?!
insanecat6mtg: @TXC2 thank you
Gadora subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
Gadora: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gadora! (Today's storm count: 520)
vanman229: wiggles!
NovaTiempo: a blurry wibble
Therberus: Is that the KRAKEN?
jacqui_lantern234: WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE
jarnatan: The Jordynne Wiggle strikes again
RocknGrohlNerd: @jacqui_lantern234 I´m still kinda mid, aka having midlife crisis aka signing up for half-marathons etc :D
mtvcdm: Bits and subs shown are for the whole subathon
RandomTrivia: *makes a note of timestamp to gif that wiggle later*
RandomTrivia: Ah, that makes more sense, thanks mtvcdm
ALLxISxLOST: I summon! Pot Of Greed!
Tevildo: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: an honestly acquired Bump in the Night
jarnatan: I wonder, does LRR have a list somewhere of which spikes are for which things or do they just use their memory somehow
RandomTrivia: I know they were resetting daily but the break screen showing totals makes sense
jacqui_lantern234: @RandomTrivia out here doin the lords work
Mazrae: Just look how strong Ben is first he ripped the top of the table and now he was able to pull it in two
mtvcdm: I think the spikes are color coded but never asked
Tevildo: !findquote camel
LRRbot: Quote #7125: "Just let the camel spit in my mouth, that's all I need." —Beej [2020-08-14]
jackulhaups: just joining! what's the next game?
TehAmelie: the other day my cousin, when we had been drinking, insisted i was the cleverest, wisest person she knows. i said that's cause i surround myself with much wiser people than me
marmalade_pen: went to fetch food and now theyre on break
Juliamon: Monkers!
beowuuf: all praise trapazoidal master
Earthenone: @jackulhaups MonikLrrs
NonUniqueGuy: Monikers next
TehAmelie: that's you!
N2Osferatu: Love that we are learning all the Table Secrets here
RandomTrivia: MonikLRRs is gonna be great
jackulhaups: ugh perfect timing lets goooo
ClodiumSoride: This is a behind-the-scenes shot at the exact size and shape of that tabletop.
Tevildo: !quote jordynne
LRRbot: Quote #8071: "Pegging is serious business, Matthew." —Jordynne [2022-05-16]
Myslizard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
Myslizard: Nice Racing from dem camels
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Myslizard! (Today's storm count: 521)
jarnatan: I'm gonna put the stream on my TV for this part is what I'm gonna do
Sorator13: I didn't realize these tables had the same base; I assumed they were completely different
marmalade_pen: tehamelie idk that sounds like something a wise person would say
Sorator13: That is very smart design!
Tevildo: !badadvice
LRRbot: It's just ahead.
NovaTiempo: That table top must make the most pleasing of ker-Chunk noises
Mazrae: !advice
LRRbot: In order to make clear parts more effective, select three.
NekomimiNinja: DinoDance
TehAmelie: i'm not saying my head is all empty :3
leggettor: just 4 player monik?
Mazrae: !badadvice
LRRbot: Try parrying the fire.
beowuuf: jlrrDance3
NovaTiempo: Unblurr!
RealGamerCow: looks like 6?
PipeSmokingOwl: amazonPumpkinDance bloobyVibe bloobyBLANKIES bloobyBLANKIES
Mazrae: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a world without boxes
NonUniqueGuy: Looks like 6
jacqui_lantern234: BEN WIGGLES 🤩
Juliamon: hm, is break view low framerate or just me?
Sorator13: oh no, we've unblrrd!
Sarah_Serinde: Not just you Juliamon
northos: @Juliamon yes it's stuttering for me too
N2Osferatu: @Juliamon Its' really bad on my end too
ClodiumSoride: This feels weird.
jarnatan: The bLuRR is gone
BigDaddyBland87: Blur cam just stopped blurring
RocknGrohlNerd: not blurry is the new hotness, I see
Sarah_Serinde: I was thinking that when it was still blurry
TehAmelie: it looks a bit surveillance cam
Piecrust9: Blurr gone. Only jordynn!!
Tevildo: !findquote blur
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Mazrae: Focus!! Enhance!!!!
Welbog: I have successfully logged into Twitch on another computer. I am the greatest!
TXC2: ow wow our Glaucoma cleared up
beowuuf: lack of blur! camera5!
petey_vonwho: I don't know who removed the blur, but thank you.
TXC2: Welbog congratulations
Sarah_Serinde: The stream was also being occasionally stuttery during Elden Ring, but Paul restarted things and it's been fine until now
NonUniqueGuy: Is it time for crab?
NovaTiempo: Aww
DeM0nFiRe: pjdDance
Juliamon: I wonder if the blur was removed to try and fix the framerate
creasehearst: @Juliamon it's stuttering here too, as was the top down view during the game (which also got desynced the longer the stream was on that camera)
Tevildo: !quote heather
LRRbot: Quote #3098: "Don't give her vegetables!" —Heather, to Beej, regarding Cori [2016-08-03]
BigDaddyBland87: Uh oh...Heather made it blur again
Piecrust9: Darn dancing jordynn was a treat
TXC2: so wait the blur is IN camera? wild
Juliamon: Hang in there, camera!
mtvcdm: Heather made the blur come back
maxthefourth: !findquote glasses
LRRbot: Quote #137: "There is nothing like a warm glass of… children's blood." —Lars [2015-04-09]
petey_vonwho: And nevermind, now I can't watch again until the blur goes away
maxthefourth: thats not what i expected
IaCthulhuFthagn: "[...] And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the blur has gone there will be nothing. Only Jordynna will remain."
James_the_Dabbler: @nonuniqueguy that depends. you have time for gab?
RocknGrohlNerd: I´m T-posing during break, what about you chat?
Simon Pratt: What’s up next?
IaCthulhuFthagn: -e*
Sorator13: I'm refilling my water!
Tevildo: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: highly experienced furniture yeeters
Earthenone: lrrCRAB
malfnord: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! Where is circle?
theymerLoviatar: fiddling with my Lily Bowen commander deck
Mazrae: !searchfortreasue
NovaTiempo: lrrCIRCLE
TXC2: !findquote circle
LRRbot: Quote #6357: "I am in the center of a trust circle and I do not like it!" —Heather [2019-08-22]
Gascitygaming: !badadvice
LRRbot: Give the demon sphere to Dale.
Tevildo: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Gem!
NekomimiNinja: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 14:25:19. lrrSPOT
EternalRoxas gifted a Tier 1 sub to Earthenone! They have given 16 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Earthenone! (Today's storm count: 522)
Sarah: Monikers
ALLxISxLOST: good game, very funny
maxthefourth: !quote 9036
LRRbot: Quote #9036: "I just did what the whale wanted." —Heather [2024-07-06]
Tevildo: !advice
LRRbot: Do not look directly at Mom.
Tevildo: !quote beej
LRRbot: Quote #1114: "Do you know the human body has to pee?" —Beej [2015-11-16]
AquariumPrime: !advice
Mazrae: Lol I need to quit misspelling the search for treasure command that's the second time I've done that and wondered why it didn't work
Earthenone: @EternalRoxas thanks for the sub! lrrCRAB :)
TXC2: Mazrae welcome to my life :P
NonUniqueGuy: !badadvice
LRRbot: Insert the soul.
EternalRoxas: @Earthenone lrrSHINE
Tevildo: !findquote subscribe
LRRbot: Quote #4664: "Don't forget to like, squeet, and subscribe." —Dix [2018-02-07]
Mazrae: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: beefy jeefy
Simon Pratt: Woo! Love monikers. Thanks, Sarah!
Sarah: It's gonna be wild
Lily the Otter: what's coming up next?
LoadingReadyRun: GOing to do a restart on the streaming PC to try to get the performance better
maxthefourth: !card treasure nabber
LRRbot: Treasure Nabber [2R] | Creature — Goblin Rogue [3/2] | Whenever an opponent taps an artifact for mana, gain control of that artifact until the end of your next turn.
TXC2: 25:25:25 coming up!
NovaTiempo: o7
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks Paul
TXC2: ok LRR
spicemelonge: whats next?
Juliamon: Monikers
beowuuf: monikers
Sorator13: @spicemelonge LRR-themed Monikers
maxthefourth: MonikLRRs
Tevildo: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the abyss!
Sorator13: thanks to the various folks in the discord
Sorator13: (we did this!)
Tevildo: !quote ben
LRRbot: Quote #4902: "Protect the butt!" —Ben [2018-04-20]
IaCthulhuFthagn: Have people settled on how to portmanteau "LLR" and "Monikers" yet?
TXC2: so blame Discord is what I'm hearing Kappa
NovaTiempo: ooh, just notice the animation on the subathon logo
Mazrae: Okay while they restart the streaming PC everyone get in a quick few minutes power nap
DigitalSeahorse: when's the Temu games?
maxthefourth: !quote 9051
LRRbot: Quote #9051: "Today's word of the day is 'regret.'" —James [2024-07-17]
Lily the Otter: whoops, just looked at rhe chat
Lily the Otter: ignore me
Sarah: Haha no worries
Sarah: Heads up chat, the stream's going to go down for a minute
Sorator13: @IaCthulhuFthagn MonikLRRs, naturally
Earthenone: moikLRRs i belive
TXC2: MonkiLRRs
kristian_fischer: @IaCthulhuFthagn Or "LRR"
DNAli3n: i like moniklrrs
Sorator13: @TXC2 Absolutely
L0rdX33n: panic!
Tevildo: oh no
malfnord: lrrFINE
beowuuf: @DigitalSeahorse a few hours, monikers then catrography game first
BigDaddyBland87: lrrFINE
Shellsh0cker: What a lovely day for a picnic
NovaTiempo: !picnic
noblevegas: Picnic!
northos: lrrFINE it's a planned restart for performance
Texan_Reverend: We'll be back shortly, chat. No worries.
ReverseCreations: Today is a lovely day for A Picnic
RocknGrohlNerd: red baron II standing by
L0rdX33n: Screaming coherently
DaSunao: panicBasket lrrFINE
WardsarTheWriter: MonikLRRs, now a sound-only podcast.
mtvcdm: It will be a little bit, Camel Up finished early and some of the Monikers players aren't in the office yet.
NonUniqueGuy: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Potion of Healing!
IaCthulhuFthagn: @kristian_fischer My fingers are constantly conspiring against me, and I let down my guard.
noblevegas: @ReverseCreations Not here it ain't. LUL
Simon Pratt: Everything Is Fine!
Joshua Trytten: *panik*
DigitalSeahorse: @beowuuf vicksyInspect ty
maxthefourth: !card restart sequence
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Tevildo: !findquote offline
LRRbot: Quote #804: "Ooh, xvidcore.dll not fou- [stream offline]" —Graham [2015-10-05]
Shellsh0cker subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Shellsh0cker! (Today's storm count: 523)
Juliamon: a clasic moment
Juliamon: wow I really REALLY can't type today
noblevegas: please tell me there is a clip of that
Juliamon: it predates clips sadly
noblevegas: aww...
ClockTamer: what stream was it from?
theymerLoviatar: hey chat, tell me where my at least one copy of Death's Presence is please
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Pick a difficult bone.
Sarah: Oh stream actually ended this time, we might need to migrate to a new live stream when it goes up
BusTed: on top of the dresser
mtvcdm: I do not have an easy ETA on when the Monikers players will all be in sooooooo stay patient chat
noblevegas: @theymerLoviatar Name might lend a clue? Kappa
TXC2: LRRbot thinks it's by your bone
BusTed: or maybe on that one shelf in the closet
jibkat: is the thon over?
Sarah_Serinde: Nope, quick restart
Juliamon: Just resetting for performance
TXC2: jibkat no, we just turning it off and on
jibkat: gotchas
BorealMage: @theymerLoviatar Usually when I can't find my keys, they're already in my pocket. Have you checked there?
marmalade_pen: !findquote performance
Camthelion: @theymerLoviatar it the back of the closet under the pile of clothes
jarnatan: Performance-enhancing power cycle
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RocknGrohlNerd: @theymerLoviatar have you tried under nearest simic player?
Nigouki: did monikers actually start or is the reset happening before that?
maxthefourth: Can it even be called Death's Presence if it's not present?
Sorator13: @jarnatan man, I wish I could do the same to myself
Sorator13: @Nigouki Has not started
ani laurel: huh
ani laurel: yeah, I don't see a live tab on the channel yet
Sarah: Stream's not back up yet
jarnatan: @Sorator13 Yeah I don't get rested from sleep either
TXC2: Nigouki before
Juliamon: Not all Monikers players are in the building yet
Mazrae: Are they going to comp us for the PC reset time, and or just pause the timer
TXC2: I have never once felt refreshed from sleep :p
Earthenone: nither i assume :P
Nigouki: well then, back to waiting
Dog_of_Myth: Just got off work, did something happen to the subathon?
Juliamon: TXC2 I have exactly once, after general anesthesia
Juliamon: Performance reboot
northos: yeah I don't think they planned any kind of comp for resets, but also the stream will likely run over a bit if we hit the full time so it's sort of a wash either way
Dog_of_Myth: Oh okay.
TehAmelie: just turning some things off and on again
Juliamon: the camera was having big struggs
TXC2: Dog_of_Myth turning it off and on again
missa_hancock: never imagined general to be actually restful. I always assumed the opposite hones
Dog_of_Myth: Thanks for the answers @Juliamon & @TXC2
Capt_clown: Performance Reboot was my College DEVO tribute band lrrBEEJ
TehAmelie: i keep having to reset my twitch tab cause chat slows down, don't know what's up with that
BorealMage: Flipping the comically-large breaker takes some time
itomeshi: @TXC2 @Juliamon has it right. Just get a colonoscopy. Best nap ever.
Sorator13: @missa_hancock I think the general anesthesia is restful; it's the other stuff that happens during it that is not
Juliamon: I think it's because you are FULLY out
Juliamon: when you sleep you're still slightly alert
TheMerricat: Chat, I have meme goldfish memory, but has today been especially fraught with stream issues more than the other two days so far? Feels like the equipment is rebelling.
RealGamerCow: I have that thing where I get very aggressive after anesthesia so that doesn't work for me.
TXC2: itomeshi I feel like the shits you need to take before that make it a wash :p
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Sorator13: @TheMerricat Yes, it's definitely been worse today
TheAinMAP: signal
SnackPak_: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Riandisa: xivCactuar xivCactuar xivCactuar
NekomimiNinja: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrSIG
neisan2112: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
maestrith: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
Nigouki: ah, another double refresh
Gascitygaming: lrrARROWS
ripark subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
tehThane: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TXC2: TheMerricat yes today has been a trying day tech wise
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ripark! (Today's storm count: 524)
noblevegas: Snihgol!
Shellsh0cker: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
itomeshi: @TXC2 OK, point.... but on the other hand, that means no digesting, just resting.
TimeKapsuleTK subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TimeKapsuleTK! (Today's storm count: 525)
RocknGrohlNerd: we are so back chat
far2muchsarcasm: lrrSIG lrrSIG
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
Capt_clown: rhiHype rhiHype rhiHype rhiHype
Gascitygaming: refresh if you can't see a live page :)
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSIG katesBelt katesSteer lrrSIG
BearHandsHero subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BearHandsHero! (Today's storm count: 526)
KBKarma: A figure!
leggettor: neB
RocknGrohlNerd: yaay, maybe Ben
bakerydragon: FYI stonks in mtg arena. could go buy some gold there while waiting for stream to come
TXC2: we have blured camera!
KBKarma: Is that a Ben?
maxthefourth: I see a checkered silhouetto of a man
Nigouki: hallo
TheMerricat: Oh lordy, I know what the problem was chat... viewer count as I refreshed was 666... stream was possessed! :D
Juliamon: Looks smoother
KBKarma: I think that's a Ben. I recognise the hair.
StarWarsTHX1138: @maxthefourth that's too good
bakerydragon: @TXC2 Thanks!
marmalade_pen: they have to offline every once in a while to fulfill the "loading" part of their name
beowuuf: 500 people ran or never refreshed
Sergue_Thorien: Hello Ben
TheMerricat: I really do wish LRR had more reasons to roll out these BLRR screens.
KBKarma: I got the notf in Discord, and so came back.
IbunWest: merlekWave
RocknGrohlNerd: @maxthefourth scaramouche,scaramouche will you do the fandango.....
Sarah_Serinde: The nice thing about normal break screens though is that they give you privacy
Lord_Hosk: I feel like going on a road trip across BC with my 8 closest work friends all of a sudden
KBKarma: I was surprised the stream was dead - I was gonna fire up FFXIV and do some side quests and FATEs. May still do so.
KBKarma: @Lord_Hosk Oh, you too?
epsilon_vee: @Lord_Hosk ikr
Strebenherz: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Hardspace w/ Alex at Wed 08:00 PM PDT (6:47 from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Sorator13: @KBKarma I've been doing some of this during some other portions of the subathon, but I think I want my full attention for this part :D
NonUniqueGuy: With these break screens, not only can we see blurry versions of the, but they can see blurry versions of us.
N2Osferatu: @NonUniqueGuy How blurry? Should I put some pants on?
KBKarma: @Sorator13 I've done the MSQ, so I've nothing that'll really require my attention.
TXC2: Strebenherz up next is Monikers, with special LRR cards
BorealMage: @NonUniqueGuy lrrSPOOP
Metric_Furlong: okay, made it back with food in time
TheMerricat: !!!!
PawssumFable: What's next?
TXC2: steady
Juliamon: Smash cut to title card
TheMerricat: :D
the_phantom_game_player: WutFace
Gascitygaming: Hooooolllld
KBKarma: @Sorator13 I didn't see if you'd done the raids, by the way. They're fucking sweet.
duncandancing: Welp, I guess I'm here now with the YouTube stream down
Capt_clown: HOOOOLLLLDDD!!!!
Metric_Furlong: @PawssumFable Monikers: LRR edition
NonUniqueGuy: @N2Osferatu Maybe...
TXC2: hold
Fluffy776: @Lord_Hosk Road Trip 2: They drive around the UK :D
mtvcdm: Reminder players for Monikers aren't all here yet
flatluigi: o7
epsilon_vee: oop
Capt_clown: rhiPanic rhiPanic rhiPanic rhiPanic
public_key_reveal_party: lrrFINE o7
Stella_Noctis: lrrFINE
NekomimiNinja: lrrFINE
TheMerricat: lrrFINE HahaThisisfine mattlrFine lrrFINE HahaThisisfine mattlrFine
KBKarma: strim ded
beowuuf: o7
TehAmelie: the hype was too much
KBKarma: panicBasket
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
DaxStrife: Beej is chewing on the ethernet cables again.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPanic vicksyPanic vicksyPanic
Sorator13: @KBKarma Oh, I'm still mid-HW on this account (have previously played through ShB, felt like starting a new one this time around)
beowuuf: nm, died
Juliamon: Probably trying to get the Youtube stream back up
Sorator13: @Sorator13 so it'll be a while for me :D
KBKarma: @Sorator13 Ah, fair fair. HW is a good time.
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : @DaxStrife You'd think he'd have his own cable, since Heather is the supplier.
Capt_clown: drawfeKermit drawfeKermit drawfeKermit drawfeKermit
TheMerricat: You shouldn't have told them that you could see blurry us in the screen, we are shy. :D
undecided44: lrrSLOTH_TK
IbunWest: merlekFine
DaxStrife: Dave's Discount Internet! It goes up and down and up and up and down.
RocknGrohlNerd: gd youtubes, also dont forget to dongle the bongle
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Capt_clown: HypeOhDeer HypeOhDeer HypeOhDeer HypeOhDeer HypeOhDeer
Earthenone: signal
CelticGeek: Watching some Crapshots whilst waiting for the stream to come back up
TheAinMAP: Signal
LoadingReadyRun: try this one more time
KBKarma: Main screen turn on.
beowuuf: doublerefresh
TXC2: welp I had to refresh this time
Featherweight_: lrrCrab
Frogasaurus90 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Frogasaurus90! (Today's storm count: 527)
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : It's alive. It's aliiiiiiiive!!!
KBKarma: Ehhhh
bakerydragon: @LoadingReadyRun 🤞 lrrSHINE
Earthenone: i had to refresh this time, so i assume its working as intended
KBKarma: Oh, it be!
BorealMage: Alexa, start YouTube stream
Tevildo: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a distinct lack of rats
IbunWest: merlekEyes
SnackPak_: lrrFINE
Capt_clown: rpgVictory rpgVictory rpgVictory rpgVictory
TXC2: back to the blur
KBKarma: Alexa, play Despacito - Sad Mix.
NonUniqueGuy: !advice
LRRbot: Hug a snake, it'll make you wiser!
enbyKriss: duggerHmmge
Capt_clown: hypnoGriddy hypnoGriddy hypnoGriddy hypnoGriddy
ArcLightningCanuck: Who's playing MonikLRRs?
WardsarTheWriter: Hi Jordynne!
mtvcdm: Back to Jordynne RDP time
CanPlayGames: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
Tevildo: !badadvice
LRRbot: Tell Dale.
TXC2: Despacito played at half speed
DNAli3n: !quote
LRRbot: Quote #4002: "No! Continue the party! We paid 20 bucks!" —Ian [2017-02-12]
NekomimiNinja: DinoDance
jacqui_lantern234: Jordynne being a memelord? all is well in the world
Sarah_Serinde: We'll find out who's playing when they start
Juliamon: That !box! and !advice seem... related
CanPlayGames: axialBrupee axialGRupee axialRrupee
SnackPak_: Jordynne goofing around on the break screen is my favorite part of the subathons
L0rdX33n: we back?
L0rdX33n: emmaorYay emmaorYay emmaorYay
Capt_clown: kyoryuRazzleDazzle kyoryuRazzleDazzle kyoryuRazzleDazzle kyoryuRazzleDazzle kyoryuRazzleDazzle
Sarah_Serinde: Yes stream is back, if it's offline for you, refresh
thegentlepus: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: pain. Pain is always in the box.
Strebenherz: Refresh for screen
KBKarma: There *is* a sad Despacito!
RocknGrohlNerd: is my stream blurry due to the amount of Slivovice I just consumed or is it like that for everybody?
Tevildo: !findquote back
LRRbot: Quote #8473: "Come back, weird space clam!" —Serge [2023-02-20]
TehAmelie: lrrSIG once more!
BusTed: libtroLisa
Capt_clown: kyoryuRazzmatazz kyoryuRazzmatazz kyoryuRazzmatazz kyoryuRazzmatazz kyoryuRazzmatazz
jacqui_lantern234: @SnackPak_ Jordynne is nothing short of a delight. id like to meet them irl one day
Redbassist: DinoDance
TehAmelie: hey, random dance party
Tevildo: !quote cori
LRRbot: Quote #8196: "Keep some slush for gas." —Cori [2022-08-29]
mtvcdm: Still waiting on a few folks, hold tight
beowuuf: a cori?
IbunWest: merlekBouncy
maxthefourth: !findquote banana
LRRbot: Quote #6573: "Botanically, bananas are a baby." —Serge [2019-11-14]
Featherweight_: I know that pokemon!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyRave vicksyBravo vicksyBounce vicksySquish
mtvcdm: Oh Jordynne is delightful
Scarbble: jordynne your outfit is fantastic today btw
Capt_clown: mst3kDance mst3kDance mst3kDance mst3kDance
TheMerricat: Is Cori wearing a bucket on her head now? And if so... does that mean she's a Skyrim Shopkeeper?
haberley: evening everyone :)
Earthenone: could be a politician with a bucket like that
Tevildo: @TheMerricat yes and yes
Capt_clown: ecdyciBoogie ecdyciBoogie ecdyciBoogie ecdyciBoogie
bakerydragon: @haberley heya :)
jacqui_lantern234: @TheMerricat as someone who's now friends with Cori, its best not to question her methods :p
RocknGrohlNerd: yes @mtvcdm and @Scarbble yes I must agree
Mollylele: cpicsDance databaesFunkbotdance cpicsSunDance
TheMerricat: :D
TXC2: Cori IS a professional
Tevildo: @Mollylele hi Molly
bakerydragon: Recently bought Monikers and Drink More Glurp pretty much entirely because LRR has shown both to be so much fun lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
NovaTiempo: and serge!
ClodiumSoride: and Serge!
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 and also lovely to spend time with
mtvcdm: Glurp is so good and often just a buck
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 indeed
TXC2: mtvcdm to bad you HAVE to play with controller :p
BITs19_: oh good I'm not late
mtvcdm: I play games on controller
jibkat: mattlrLurk
TXC2: I only play on KB+M :p
jacqui_lantern234: @BITs19_ yeah, they were sorting out some tech stuff. all seems to be good now
Root711 is paying forward the Gift they got from RealLegitStreamer to the community!
Root711 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
Root711 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sadfleck!
Root711 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SolarisII!
Root711 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CobaltJeme!
Root711 gifted a Tier 1 sub to andersgeek!
Root711 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Darth_Litigious!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Root711! Welcome to sadfleck, andersgeek, SolarisII, CobaltJeme, and Darth_Litigious! (Today's storm count: 532)
Darth_Litigious: @Root711 Thanks for the gift sub!
TXC2: Root711 lrrHEART
jacqui_lantern234: @jibkat hai lovely friend whomst i value and treasure <3
SquareDotCube subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
SquareDotCube: Time for a lot of "wait, we did that?"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SquareDotCube! (Today's storm count: 533)
Earthenone: controllers are weird for me, i only play japaneese games on a controller, everything else is keyboard and mouse
haberley: which game is next?
TXC2: haberley Monikers
jacqui_lantern234: @haberley mokiners
Earthenone: its not a concious thing either, i just looked back on what i play and it ended up that way
TXC2: with LRR cards
KeytarCat: @jacqui_lantern234 YOU'RE LOVELY TO SPEND TIME WITH, GOT'EM!
jibkat: where?! HypeLurk
BITs19_: I spy Jordynne, Graham, Ben.... Heather?
jarnatan: MonikLRRs
mtvcdm: Thing on Glurp is there's also a challenge mode, they preset events and target marks to hit.
jacqui_lantern234: @Earthenone im 50/50 on controller and keyboard. depends on the game and my own vibe
quietcat: I’m so excited for monikLRRs
neveth: is James gonna Moniker?
SolarisII: Thanks for the sub @Root711 ! lrrHEART
jacqui_lantern234: @KeytarCat have we spent time together? either irl or in a discord call?
KeytarCat: @jacqui_lantern234 Just in chat, but I enjoy it
jarnatan: I mean technically we are all spending the same time with everyone else on Earth
Root711: dolphinYay dolphinYay dolphinComfy dolphinComfy lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Colin Mills: hey it's back
Zornamations: I see
PraetusCortez: hey! welcome back
Earthenone: everyone on me?!
maxthefourth: @jarnatan sergeHolyMoly
TXC2: jarnatan unless you are in orbit, then time is faster
jibkat: @jacqui_lantern234 I hate to say it but you've been called out as a good person
PawssumFable: @jarnatan whooooaaaa
jibkat: lrrSHINE
jacqui_lantern234: @Earthenone whatever you say Ear The None Kappa
ckupf: @TXC2 But then you're not on earth
KBKarma: Who is sleep on table?
l0gin4me: mattlrSleep
neveth: James
Ivalenz_: mattlrSleep
N2Osferatu: Nap time!
TXC2: KBKarma James
bakerydragon: time for a znoozin
thirsty_kitteh: IS this what we call a table friend?
lirazel64: Awww. James eepy?
SursaiKosecksi: ResidentSleeper
jibkat: mattlrSleep HypeSleep
KharadBanar: Jordynne is currently playing her idle animation
neveth: I think>
TXC2: James the table Cat
Lord_Hosk: Is that Dick laying on the table?
PawssumFable: Yeah that's James' shirt today
Easilycrazyhat: Huh, blurry G looks a lot like Adam at a glance
Clockwork Cthulhu: back
Sarah: Welcome back friends
TXC2: Lord_Hosk no, that's James, I'm Dick
jarnatan: James was up at an ungodly hour, how is he still standing
Abavus: Trying to guess who everyone is through the blur is a fun game
lirazel64: Harry is off set.
baskwalla: @jarnatan He is the Elden Lord now
jacqui_lantern234: :o an Adam!!! you can tell cause of how ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE he is <3
BITs19_: I can't figure out who is next to Jordynne, unless it is Heather
TehAmelie: he signed up for 11 hours on camera today so i guess he's prepared himself
Piecrust9: My my a squad is beginning to form
TXC2: BITs19_ Cori we reckon
Earthenone: jordynne and ben are the easy ones they have poping colors
Clockwork Cthulhu: well thank you
FickleMuse: Jacob often comes by for monikers
Earthenone: jacob was also here at 6 am though
NonUniqueGuy: I think Jacob has other stuff he has to do today.
Rain2123 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
Rain2123: lrrHEART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rain2123! (Today's storm count: 534)
TehAmelie: i think i see Graham wearing the muscle suit
FickleMuse: Ah. I was not awake so I didnt see
Fluffy776: Hi friend-os you're all wonderful! In room and in chat <3
FickleMuse: Fair!
Piecrust9: Clearly Jorbs stuck around for monikers. Weeks after he was there last
TXC2: hello Fluffy776 welcome
TXC2: Maybe Graham is just cut now
TXC2: Nelly!
Tevildo: nelly
NonUniqueGuy: Jacob and Cameron were the guests for the James morning show.
DiggerDog: I go meow. I go meow. go meow.
Anubis169: nah it's totally colonel mustard, in the library, with the candlestick
jarnatan: @TXC2 FinalCut Pro finally did it
Snowcookies: If we all just put on our glasses, it'll be less blurry Kappa
Earthenone: !card candlestick
LRRbot: Candlestick [U] | Artifact — Clue Equipment | Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has "Whenever this creature attacks, surveil 2." / {2}, Sacrifice Candlestick: Draw a card. / Equip {2}
jacqui_lantern234: ok, chat, important question. which member of LRR would you hug, assuming they gave consent? you can only pick 1
marmalade_pen: wouldnt it be wild if they got jordynne in for monikers
NonUniqueGuy: !advice
LRRbot: Friendship will automatically expire.
cisco236 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cisco236! (Today's storm count: 535)
TXC2: jarnatan indeed
BITs19_: Adam
ClodiumSoride: How many third-round clues will just be pointing at one of the people at the table?
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 Adam
jarnatan: @jacqui_lantern234 Windmill slam Harry the Creepy Doll
TheMerricat: @Snowcookies What my parents and teachers told me the entire time K-12... too bad the bullies didn't care.
flatluigi: @jacqui_lantern234 gibb
Strebenherz: Ben
Earthenone: Graham for emotional reasons, Adam for hug quality
jacqui_lantern234: to answer it, myself, Paul
SandwichKed: what's the cap on the subathon?
jibkat: @jacqui_lantern234 what counts as a member?
CaptainChibale: I love boardgame day because I get to see people I don't normally watch XD. (usually just watch let's nope and watch'n'play)
Lord_Hosk: If I had to guess bassed on my years of experience watching LRR videos. Thats Kathleen, Tim, Tally, Jer, Morgan and Wiggins
Juliamon: What if I've already hugged multiple?
TehAmelie: i don't know how to initiate hugs, guess i'll leave it to them
jacqui_lantern234: @jibkat currently under their regular employ
Anubis169: is that discounting the ones i've already given hugs?
Graham_LRR: I have it on good authority I give great hugs
Piecrust9: Thats certainly a cori and a james. I have one more unknown
Arkouda Chien: is it just starting? did I miss the beginning?
Sarah: It started on Monday at noon PDT, they just restarted the computer and stream
jacqui_lantern234: @Graham_LRR prove it, coward
Strebenherz: PFFFT
jibkat: Barnabee doesnt count?
Piecrust9: @graham_lrr i would bet so much money that thats true
CaptainChibale: that is definitely james
RocknGrohlNerd: @Graham_LRR oh yeah, name 3 hugs :D
jacqui_lantern234: @Graham_LRR hug me, graham, damnit!!! <3 (you dont have to)
roseofloki: Alex has very huggable vibes
Alsritt: i think i spot bill somewhere in the back