TehAmelie: my frame of reference for small towns may not relate to North America though
TacitusVigil: Probably better to just go to Jewelsburg.
TXC2: hello everybody
forcedreject: I suppose it is "technically" walkable
HbombAndFriends: I probably would’ve been one of the 2-7.
TXC2: nsberg is walkable unless the Shanessy river floods again
forcedreject: I like how Alex's character has gone from incredulous to depressed resignation from the first season to now
TacitusVigil: Mood
Q_sic: Slow descent into madness
definenull: uh oh
TXC2: being Mayor changed him
QuixoticScrivener: don't engage Alex
TacitusVigil: Aldersm'n
TXC2: TacitusVigil right
Therberus: Bl-drinking problem
Genie_M: poor Derek....
TXC2: how could I forget about Mayor Stenno Paperclips
Lushian_Cybasi: QWRP is probably my favorite thing that LRR has ever done.
forcedreject: I still miss the live corpsing
TacitusVigil: You're 19!
warpstonewarlock: same
loufghyslaufey: @TacitusVigil canonically timelessly MindManners ImTyping "a g e l e s s ?"
definenull: oh it comes full circle
loufghyslaufey: Is Derek always 19 these days?
TacitusVigil: Maybe he was born on a double leap day?
TehAmelie: maybe it hasn't been very long
incslayer: how strong is derek?
LoadingReadyRun: We've got about 10 minutes left in the overnight rewatch, then I'll be taking the stream down for a second!
TacitusVigil: It's a MASH?
loufghyslaufey: Perhaps, that's a segment for...
TXC2: Derek is timeless like the 1984 chirstmas parade
l0gin4me: GriddyGoose
Therberus: @incslayer Surprisingly so
Grevas13: panic
TehAmelie: thanks for the update
incslayer: @Therberus escpecially since hes only 19
loufghyslaufey: Another season, of "GWRPLine."
TXC2: no panic
forcedreject: @incslayer He bent open metal with his bare hands
Therberus: @incslayer Feel like he's been 19 for the past 5 years...
loufghyslaufey: Wow, Nsbrg sounds oddly chill
TacitusVigil: Derek is a super strong uncorrupted timeless being with a ghost inside of him.
TacitusVigil: Also with a surprisingly amount of rizz apparently?
Angreed66: Derek is as strong as would be funny
incslayer: wait did A-Train go to the same school as Carrie?
hackingducks: I still don't know what exactly happened in that scene
TehAmelie: lrrSIG bugs!
hackingducks: i understand a goose was stuck in a pipe, but that's as far as I got.
Grevas13: i feel like derek's age is not the strangest thing about the character. The town might exist to contain him.
MadWolf1290: god, so many good puns
Therberus: Derek has that confused rizz
Genie_M: Nsburg is somewhere in the same universe as Night Vale and King Falls
SquidVorb: LMAO
TXC2: Matt!
TacitusVigil: @Grevas13 I like this theory.
loufghyslaufey: heh, oh?
Serpens77: a WEiggins!
baltimore_667083: Matt!
definenull: uhhh
twistedsylvan: Okay that was the foirst QWRPline I've heard, is that representative of the whole series?
northos: lol the bus sound effect is so good
TXC2: twistedsylvan kinda
AndyDaMage: my uncle has actually done that to a stranger before
loufghyslaufey: "Huh?"
HbombAndFriends: Oh, they put all 3 limo Crapshots in here.
the_phantom_game_player: Hows Wiggins doing?
TXC2: old school
MTigress: where did they get a limo
definenull: oh we're going *really* old school
GazzyInferno: yooooo
Genie_M: ooooh, some rarities
incslayer: @MTigress there are limo rental places
AndyDaMage: OG time
loufghyslaufey: (gasps) "Something is Happening?"
TXC2: MTigress they rented it with the kickstarter money
SquidVorb: 2006!!!!
loufghyslaufey: Where?
MTigress: i get that, but that's money
Therberus: Oh Paul, stolen jokes is a 2017 thing
KarlKewbZ: Ooo very meta!
Jaqspur: Are these just randomized of all LRR vids?
EternalRoxas: holy shit the first Live
MTigress: lol
Admiralmatt: oh wow
TXC2: Jaqspur yeap
MadWolf1290: @Jaqspur basicallly
josh___something: Oh, LITERALLY LoadingReadyLIVE
Simonark: QWERPline is also a cousin to a CBC radio show called The Great Eastern from the 90s, which was a cultural magazine show from a parallel universe Newfoundland. It’s all free online and worth a listen.
Jaqspur: Dope :)
TehAmelie: @twistedsylvan as much as the third season of anything, probably
HbombAndFriends: @mtigress Rented for the “Ways to Blow the Kickstarter money” video
LoadingReadyRun: We still have that fucking box. My god.
thekumquatking: baby lrr!
Gekyouryuu: @hackingducks my read was: goose stuck in new suckhole, Derek squeezes the pipe with his bare hands to cut off the suction, so the goose gets free and they crown Derek homecoming king for saving the goose
SquidVorb: I was 6 when this aired
incslayer: Live took a very long Hiatus from this to the current incarnation :D
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun it's a good box bront
Wolfstrike_NL: @LoadingReadyRun still full of mystery?
definenull: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Hellshake Mnanker
twistedsylvan: @TehAmelie lmao good to know! It felt like Welcome to Nightvale, but surreal comedy instead of horror
LoadingReadyRun: Nah, fabric
AndyDaMage: just goes to show LRR never throws things away
SimplyDaveMN just became a member!
couchboyj: Kinda hard to maintain mystery for two decades
marmalade_pen: i need to take a stream break and regain some sanity, bye for now
LoadingReadyRun: I still kinda can't believe we did this show at all.
Therberus: "So anyway he was a ferrier from Souk!"
LoadingReadyRun: And to end it on a musical number?!
BrookJustBones: But do you still have the chicken?
incslayer: i like "Loading Ready Run - The Musical!
AndyDaMage: how come LRR doesn't do musicals anymore Kappa Kappa
TacitusVigil: Sooner or later, everyone does a musical episode.
loufghyslaufey: hahahahaha
forcedreject: He's so young
Wolfstrike_NL: baby james
TacitusVigil: Buffy did it, Star Trek did it, now LRR. In the past.
Genie_M: rubber poultry
incslayer: ahh James is soo weee
DTMWA6T: How have I never see this before!?!
loufghyslaufey: "babier" James
azninsect: fareehaDance
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, SimplyDaveMN! (Today's storm count: 19)
AndyDaMage: James still has the same dance
SnowBuddy18: @TacitusVigil even Supernatural did it
CaptainTeo: 2006, geeze. I didn't actually know that LRR had been around that long.
loufghyslaufey: oooh
TheWriterAleph: booo LUL
loufghyslaufey: wordplays
EternalRoxas: Bill lrrSHINE
TXC2: CaptainTeo they started in 2003
CaptainTeo: Wow. hecticDrat
TacitusVigil: @SnowBuddy18 They did everything :D
QuixoticScrivener: I recognize like 3 people
Grevas13: in 2006, i was a junior in high school
patfinder: they are all so damn tall
incslayer: when are we getting a reprint of that Shirt @LoadingReadyRun
definenull: and then there's matt wiggins
azninsect: incredible
Gigabyte_Dragon: Bill ❤️
Therberus: Graham, Bill, Morgan, James, Wiggins, Paul, Jer!
TXC2: Gods and a Can can line ?
TacitusVigil: Fun fact: this is so old that I still had hopes and dreams!
loufghyslaufey: He just ran the chicken through all of them? LUL
Coloneljesus: they should remaster this show
RocknGrohlNerd: comedy gold right there
RandomTrivia: This is truly a work of A R T
Thisbymaster: they were babies in this one
MaddogM: Bill!
forcedreject: Grahm, Bill, Morgan, James, matt, Paul, Jer form left to right
couchboyj: Cursed singing rubber chicken
azninsect: tqsClap
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
Grevas13: adorable! brava!
Didero: These people are weird (complimentary)
Didero: Hello
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrHORN
TXC2: clap clap clap
pn55: seabatClap
DTMWA6T: Brilliant.
50keyz: midnig380Clap
Ritaspirithntr: tqsClap
definenull: clap
red_shoes_jeff: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
couchboyj: seabatClap
Gigabyte_Dragon: gdqClap
RocknGrohlNerd: encore encore
roefizzlebeef: that was downright adorable
jessieimproved: lrrHEART
loufghyslaufey: lrrSHINE lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROWS lrrARROW
10of9: seabatClap
TXC2: and that's were LRR peaked Kappa
Serpens77: ok but who stole the other sketch?
Xed_Regulus: tqsClap
Therberus: @TXC2 I can't believe that they stopped making LRR after that
TXC2: Serpens77 the kids in the hall Kappa
TXC2: Therberus right?
TacitusVigil: @TXC2 Hey, now we have Beej on guitar!
Serpens77: @TXC2 those bastards!
LoadingReadyRun: Ok, going offline for just a second.
incslayer: but did their song and dance number safe the [insert relevant youth center]?
loufghyslaufey: @TXC2 ye dare- ! No, wait. Wait. Huh. Fair, fair. It probably tracks...
99FineLines: loading two electric chickenloo
LoadingReadyRun: Should be back online
definenull: CONTACT lrrSIG
RandomTrivia: lrrSIG
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrFINE
CaptainTeo: hecticLove
northos: lrrSIG
TheAinMAP: Signal
incslayer: @TXC2 more like plateaued its not like they have gone down in quality
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrFINE
Xed_Regulus: lrrSIG
vinewood_og: Raise your hand if you survived Barcadia and are back for coffee!
AndyDaMage: I hope if LRR ends one day, they do it with another musical number
TheWooglie: Refresh lrrSIG (If you need to)
10of9: lrrSIG
NekomimiNinja: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
LilyOfTheVeil6666: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPeek
TXC2: incslayer technically true
TacitusVigil: A sub-a-thon, or as we call it where I'm from, Streamed Hams.
TheBattleOfHastings: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
ke6960 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ke6960! (Today's storm count: 20)
couchboyj: ☕️ lrrJAMES
garfacemcgar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, garfacemcgar! (Today's storm count: 21)
Hansk_and_Boo: Goodmorning James!
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Good Morning LRRChat! how is everyone today?
Xed_Regulus: Coffee Time with James and ... whom?
KBKarma: Sitting waiting for a vaccine. Hi everybody.
brainbosh: According to the alert this is day 2. I can't handle that confusion today lol.
Wolfstrike_NL: @Xed_Regulus Alex
definenull: I believe it's alex?
the_phantom_game_player: Good morning. I'm good
Xed_Regulus: Perfect, thank you
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the rund
TXC2: hello Hansk_and_Boo and Bobtheninjagoldfish and KBKarma welcome
DahudLefthanded: Is anyone receiving signal yet?
TXC2: hello the_phantom_game_player welcome
awildshen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, awildshen! (Today's storm count: 22)
TXC2: DahudLefthanded yes
SnowBuddy18: @AndyDaMage LRL full musical episode
KBKarma: Yes
kumatsu: I'm at the airport after waking up at 4 am for a work trip
Sarah_Serinde: @DahudLefthanded Yes, refresh
TXC2: Here we GO!
RandomTrivia: Dawn of the "Fourth" Day (ish)
Hansk_and_Boo: Its 3 pm here and about 27 c outside. Perfect weather to clean around the house with LRR on
NathanLonghair: signal
Ritaspirithntr: perfect timing!!
TacitusVigil: @brainbosh Congratuations! You have entered a timeloop. If you have seen Groundhog Day, please refer to that. If not, well, this will all be new to you...
vinewood_og: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Didero: Good morning James and Alex!
azninsect: hi alex
TXC2: Hello Alex
Grevas13: yay it's alex!
krfsm: morning
TehAmelie: beep beep
definenull: beep boop
baltimore_667083: eepy alex
Nigouki: hallo
TXC2: so eepy
HorusFive: Alex so eepy
TheWriterAleph: eepy time
MrPhlip: Beep
azninsect: moop
krfsm: or afternoon as the case may be
Hansk_and_Boo: Morning Alex!
pn55: Mornin' Alex!
tajessa: Good morning James and Alex!
baltimore_667083: eep oop
Miss_Evilyn: Welcome Back and good morning Alex
GhostValv: beep boop
TheWooglie: Time for day 2 again
KBKarma: Alex, you really look tired. Coffee time?
TXC2: Hello James
Sorator13: morning alex and james!
Stephonee: I was just gonna say
Mattthebeard: eeeeeepy
the_phantom_game_player: Helllo
gualdhar: James, who do we blame for the chicken musical number?
TXC2: #BlameJames
Brozard: much sleep very eepy
KBKarma: Iced coffee? Ooo
TacitusVigil: Because james promised to buy you breakfast?
99FineLines: @KBKarma telling someone this is always rude.
incslayer: #BlameJames
CraziestOwl: #BlameJames
HorusFive: If only somebody was in control of this schedule #blamejames
Grevas13: goooooooooood mooooorning suuuuunshiiiiiinnnne!!!
hypperstar2280: Good morning. Wishing you a full glass of coffee or your preferred caffeine
AndyDaMage: mistakes were made
RandomTrivia: Welp
NevermorePainting: Goooood morning!
forcedreject: Hello james, we just saw baby you
definenull: oo with ice this time?!?
HavenDragon: oh, i'm wearing the same shirt as Alex :D
avi_miller: Good morning!
HbombAndFriends: #BlameJames
Genie_M: day whatever
Lirelent: moaaar coffee
protojman: is that cup actively brewing?
Didero: Nobody is awake at 5 am anyway,it's fine :p
GhostValv: happy time of day
TXC2: Day rutubega
TehAmelie: according to my email, it's day 2 :o
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyComfy vicksyCult katesSnug
hesterbyrde: Someone please put some coffee into these men
Herbert_Erpaderp: Hooray! herberHeart
alchemistsavant: howdy!
KBKarma: I'm getting coffee in a half hour or so.
incslayer: @TXC2 i prefer Day Tortuga
definenull: oooh!
AndyDaMage: good choice alex
LathosTiran: ♫♪ dawn, dawn, dawn...oh wait.....
azninsect: ca phe sua
azninsect: eyyy
mweepigeon: ooooo, yum!
Nathan Hawkins: good morning :3
Sarah: Hullo chat
SimplyDaveMN: #BlameJames
azninsect: yep. sure did
azninsect: and soup broth
HbombAndFriends: Fill this man with cream… in his coffee!
Grevas13: let us ritually consume stimulants.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
incslayer: Fancy
HbombAndFriends: Serge looks a lot like Alex today. :)
Bobtheninjagoldfish: SO how was barcadia james?
Didero: I'm still amazed at how well you did at Elden Ring, James
Inkymouse: It was such a chill stream!
Leonhart321: Ooooh, sounds nice. And you need the specialist equipment for it?
KBKarma: I am not permitted to buy iced coffee no more, but I can make it.
patch_witch: Vietnamese iced coffee is so good. Best part of ordering pho.
SuperPenguinWizard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SuperPenguinWizard! (Today's storm count: 23)
incslayer: darnit you where faster
TimIAm: Do it like Adam
RandomTrivia: We have sub at hon lrrBEEJ
NoxStryx: This is a subathon? I thought it was toyotathon
QuixoticScrivener: I fell asleep watching Alex dismantle spacecraft. How is he awake already?
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 586 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to unit599!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dragonfirewiz!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to GodImSoSorry!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lokkij!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Screenwatcher33!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to romanempire144!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to augustmonday!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to clevername_number!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Casual_Thurston!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to WyrmsEye!
incslayer: @RandomTrivia wait is sub at home beej?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to unit599, Dragonfirewiz, Lokkij, GodImSoSorry, Screenwatcher33, romanempire144, augustmonday, clevername_number, Casual_Thurston, and WyrmsEye! (Today's storm count: 33)
Didero: @NoxStryx That's awful, well done
alchemistsavant: subathon implies the existence of domathon
TheWooglie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Inkymouse! They have given 5 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Inkymouse! (Today's storm count: 34)
TimIAm: So no nuclear battery in this ship?
Sarah_Serinde: Wonder if we can get that clock back up to 24 hours today
GodImSoSorry: @red_shoes_jeff Thanks for the gift sub!
Dragonfirewiz: @red_shoes_jeff Tack för prenumerationsgåvan!
Didero: @Didero Wait I misclicked, never mind, sorry
Leonhart321: This isn't Desert Bus after all
Genie_M: number go zoom
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
KBKarma: @quixoticscrivener with difficulty, apparently.
An anonymous user is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
HorusFive: Unbounded marathon stream- what does this look like- A BUS!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to RunningMonkeys!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to GrillMeACheese!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to wontedfive30282!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to mahanexia!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dabebb!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ritzemb!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to lady_olynder!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Onyx_The_Paleontologist!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ang3ioffury1985!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Trym___!
Hansk_and_Boo: I do wonder what an uncapped suthon would look like
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to RunningMonkeys, GrillMeACheese, wontedfive30282, lady_olynder, Trym___, mahanexia, Dabebb, ritzemb, Onyx_The_Paleontologist, and ang3ioffury1985! (Today's storm count: 44)
TXC2: Anon lrrHEART
HbombAndFriends: Cheer55
Coloneljesus: 5head move
red_shoes_jeff: @GodImSoSorry @Dragonfirewiz benginFingers
RandomTrivia: Zeta Shift happens once a year, that's plenty
TacitusVigil: It's pretty smart for everyone I'd say.
Dragonfirewiz: @red_shoes_jeff ty very much
pn55: Also, we like watching the reruns!
Genie_M: also it's daytime EU
Ian Christensen: what exactly is a subathon
HorusFive: Whoever decided to run the videos overnight deserves a raise
vinewood_og: somebody satyed at a holiday inn express before they had that idea
qwertiest_mint: plus international viewers 🇮🇪🇪🇺
Hansk_and_Boo: Also, people in EU
maestrith: Greej
AndyDaMage: aussie time
TheWooglie: so rude
incslayer: its 3:10pm in sweden right now
neisan2112: LRR rolls out the tv and vhs.
TacitusVigil: Earth is round?! :O
99FineLines: 2pm here on terf island, this is super convenient for me.
TXC2: that's a curse word were I'm from
qwertiest_mint: 2pm Ireland now
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyLUL
Didero: depends on the human
KBKarma: Yeah, it's 2pm Ireland time.
hypperstar2280: The rewatch is awesome for sleep stream!
Therberus: 9am montréal!
mrverbal: I think Alex is telling all the Australians to go to bed
hesterbyrde: I have also started turning into a morning ish person. I used to be 12-2 am bedtime and 10am up but now I'm like 10-11pm to bed and 8ish up
ThorSokar: Most people watched Carson's monologue before bed
NoxStryx: They should just play the videos on the TV we can see in this shot and leave this shot up
L0rdX33n: hello humans
qwertiest_mint: oh hi @kbkarma 🇮🇪☺️
KBKarma: @qwertiest_mint dia shit!
Greyah: Gosh I wish I could be a morning person. But my brain doesn't like to shut down before 2am.
Shellsh0cker: Yeah that's pretty normal. I actually try to get to bed by 10 at the latest, though I frequently fail
TXC2: hello L0rdX33n welcome
Aitsu111: Thanks to my job I'm a 3 an wake up person
Pteraspidomorphi: I used to go to work at 7 am every day so enjoy the peaceful empty office (huge open floor plan)
baskwalla: Good timezone all
McArgh is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 38 in the channel!
McArgh gifted a Tier 1 sub to painting_squirrel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, McArgh! Welcome to painting_squirrel! (Today's storm count: 45)
Sarah: The stream goes as long as people keep subbing. Subs and bits make the timer go longer
Sarah: !subathon
Ian Christensen: oh cool do they switch out or just them?
Sarah: But it's a capped subathon so there's an upper limit to the length
Sarah: LRR has a lot of folks, they'll be in and out all day
Hansk_and_Boo: Eventhough I usually wake up early, I still feel like a monring tourist
ClockTamer: I miss working overnights because I would go home in the morning and it was wonderful
KBKarma: Oh hells. Stupid autocorrect.
TXC2: hello baskwalla welcome
Coloneljesus: @baskwalla and good timezone to you!
TXC2: 1subathon
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TehAmelie: you snooze, you lose (at any point in the 24/7 marathon)
roseofloki: I clock into work at 4am and I still wouldn't call myself a morning person
Dragonfirewiz: cool
qwertiest_mint: @kbkarma dia is Muire duit
bladed_shadow is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 7 in the channel!
bladed_shadow gifted a Tier 1 sub to novrdd!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, bladed_shadow! Welcome to novrdd! (Today's storm count: 46)
KBKarma is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 93 in the channel!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to pilz_753!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to neatht!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to rewind113!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to SnyperWoIf!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to 99FineLines!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to rewrtsosas!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to UltimateSilence!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to DarthRagnar815!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to NowhereKerl!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZealokBoi!
Brozard: I’ve been dealing with chronic pain, now waking up between 4:30-6, whereas I used to get up from 7:30-9. I’m becoming a morning person as a result. Morning walks have helped.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, KBKarma! Welcome to pilz_753, rewind113, neatht, 99FineLines, SnyperWoIf, rewrtsosas, UltimateSilence, DarthRagnar815, ZealokBoi, and NowhereKerl! (Today's storm count: 56)
Coloneljesus: we wouldn't wanna take that from james, right?
RandomTrivia: We'll see about that, James
TXC2: KBKarma lrrHEART
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
RandomTrivia: sergeGift
NevermorePainting: You challenge chat?
Aitsu111: Chat we can't let James get extra sleep
ZealokBoi: @KBKarma Thanks for the gift sub!
qwertiest_mint: @kbkarma silly autocorrect 🤣
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and…
Sarah: Unfortunately they're not currently able to include YouTube memberships this time though
Sarah: There's a schedule at https://loadingreadyrun.com/live if you want to know what's coming up later
Dragonfirewiz: lrrGibb
McArgh: Cheer400 Make James get up at the crack of dawn for a couple of more days!
Serpens77: that's a weird middle name
Bobtheninjagoldfish: No.. Sleep.. TIll.. Sunday!
TacitusVigil: Don't worry, Ashley no doubt has chores for James.
Wolfstrike_NL: It looped perfectly around with Adam
TXC2: hello Dragonfirewiz welcome
incslayer: Ken "Actually Alex's Dad" Steacy?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyChill
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Ken "Has a Million Nicknames" Steacy
Angreed66: childhood trauma is *not* normal.
Metric_Furlong: Ken "Ken Steacy" Steacy
KBKarma: Ken "Ken Steady" Steacy?
ThorSokar: since 2009 ish, if memory serves which it usually does in my case
red_shoes_jeff: @incslayer Father of Alex "Genuinely Ken's Son" Steacy!?
Ian Christensen: ill check it out thnx
Ian Christensen: I watch all their mtg stuff only usually
Sarah: Oh you picked a good day to tune in then!
Sarah: There's a lot of TCG stuff coming up today
TehAmelie: like Alison Bechdel, Alex grew up in a house of artists, but maybe a happier one
KBKarma: Damn your eyes, @metric_furlong !
Dragonfirewiz: @TXC2 watched alot of LRR mostly magic but sometimes other streams. Most lurking
Didero: They like their comics in general
Metric_Furlong: @KBKarma hee hee hee
NoxStryx: Tintin and Delirium Beer?
Nigouki: Belgians want you to forget about the Congo
Didero: There's an entire Asterix and Obelix themepark
incslayer: pff Tintin i prefer Spirou
QuixoticScrivener: @TehAmelie at least her home was "fun"
TXC2: Dragonfirewiz lurking is good too
TehAmelie: zing
ArrestedHouse: Belgium's Euros kit this year being Tintin was a nice touch
Coloneljesus: Gaston?
krfsm: <message deleted>Belgium: country of pedophiles, serial killers, and pedophile serial killers
L0rdX33n: Big fan of A+O
happy_harp is paying forward the Gift they got from cmdrud87 to the community!
happy_harp is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
happy_harp gifted a Tier 1 sub to lady_capybara!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, happy_harp! Welcome to lady_capybara! (Today's storm count: 57)
Leonhart321: Asterix and Obelix was my jam growing up
krfsm: <message deleted>(also chocolate and beer and comics)
richard_ermen: I remember my first Moebius experience. That was....weird.
red_shoes_jeff: Anyone remember the Tintin animated series back in the 90s?
NathanLonghair: I went to the Parc Asterix near Paris a few times as a kid - loved that place 😊
Metric_Furlong: @red_shoes_jeff I do
Ian Christensen: cool, drafting or like canlander or
Sarah: I don't remember the details I'm afraid
Ian Christensen: oh ya I see that on the schedule
Ian Christensen: whats keywe lol
incslayer: @red_shoes_jeff the one by nelvana? heck ye
Dragonfirewiz: Lucky Luke
kumatsu: One of my favorite artists is VERY inspired by Moebius
MaxVolume: People in chat being weird about Belgium
Metric_Furlong: didn't watch much of it, but I remember it
richard_ermen: Did Moebius ever get to say "It's Moebius Time!"
BtEtta: Did you ever get much of the British comics like the Beano?
Statist42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Statist42! (Today's storm count: 58)
MegaDosX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
MegaDosX: Number go up!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MegaDosX! (Today's storm count: 59)
Sarah: It's a co-op puzzle video game, looks like you play as kiwi birds
Ian Christensen: oo just looked it up
richard_ermen: I remember the crash test dummies, they even got videogames at the time. It was...bizarre in hindsight.
voren_chalco: They GI Joe'd them
Featherweight_: they were live action safety adds first
QuixoticScrivener: I would constantly loose pieces for the dummies, because they would spring apart.
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed
patrick_stonecrusher: They were from seatbelt psa's and became a hit
TheManaLeek: It was a seat belt PSA commercial I think
TehAmelie: i had the crash test car toy. it was very non-interactive
HorusFive: Did it jsut come out of the PSA spots? Was it really not connected to any car company directly?
SnowBuddy18: Crash Test Dummies, like the band?
Didero: I'm sure parents loved that :p
Arazien: Crash Test Dummies were so cool
gnyrinn: Crash test dummies toys? mmm…
HorusFive: Like you do for normal toys- but this one smashed in on purpose
Featherweight_: and it was like the second ever cgi series
themercenary1987: so about 32 hours left to hit cap!
Arazien: Weird that they had a cartoon
tezzatipoca: dude I remeeember the commercials for those
The_Color_Twelve: it was certainly a time to be alive
themercenary1987: thats about 1900 subs?
TXC2: the 90's was a very odd time in gerneral
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope gross
NoxStryx: Back in the era of commerical character getting movies and toys, see "Ernest"
Nigouki: 90s, the Slime Decade
richard_ermen: Garbage Pail Kids?
KBKarma: I hated the gross out stuff.
Serpens77: Garbage Pail Kids
maestrith: MASK and Hot Wheels (the ones with the flipping crashed panels)
TehAmelie: they saw Garbage Pail Kids and thought this was a huge untapped vein
jimber_jam: Gak. Ugh
QuixoticScrivener: I miss Ecto Cooler
Stephonee: Based on my 7-year-old, I now know why they thought that stuff would sell to kids
Arazien: Creepy Crawlers, that weird gross candy lab
hesterbyrde: The Creepy Crawly oven, which was basically the easy bake oven but for BOYS because BOYS don't want to BAKE that's gross girly stuff
Lirelent: Nickelodeon really leaned in the green slime
red_shoes_jeff: Sometimes, you could mould the goo into bugs!
KingJimmeh: Grow your own aliens and shit like that
Didero: "here, eat vomit"?
MaxVolume: Sounds like the sort of stuff Steph Sterling would like
TotalHell: Maybe I shouldn't have tuned in right after breakfast.
Arazien: Oh THAT thing
NoxStryx: If you miss the 90s slime era check out "Necromolds" it is basically warhammer but the minis are playdough and you smash them when they die
red_shoes_jeff: @Arazien I wanted one SO BAD.
jacqui_lantern234: anybody remember the TV show Uh-Oh?!?!
MegaDosX: Gross.
QuixoticScrivener: Pez was just spine candy...
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope
TotalHell: Gooey Louie, etc.
KV1NN4: ew
Pteraspidomorphi: I was about to say
YeomanAres: Drugs
Metric_Furlong: LSD
NoxStryx: The 60s
mercano82: LSD
Arazien: red_shoes_jeff The bug oven or the candy lab?
QuixoticScrivener: leaded gas happened
HorusFive: Answered your own question there
TehAmelie: i loved Bonbon's gross candy. ear wax, bird poop, etc
Angreed66: leaded gas and drugs
red_shoes_jeff: Are Fruit Gushers still around? I'd be ASTOUNDED if they are.
KV1NN4: the 80s economic boom
neisan2112: Lead in the paint and gas
hesterbyrde: What happened in the 60s and 70s? Drugs and nuclear horror
Metric_Furlong: @TXC2 no, that was the 80s
Ian Christensen: toys gotta be outrageous to get attention I guess lol
HorusFive: Also- Lead in paint, gas, just floating in the air
ThorSokar: OK, looked it up, because I remembered it being a Saftey promo, IT WAS: the Tyco Crash Test Dummies were modeled after the 80s USA National PSA's by the NHTSA ( National Highway Traffic Safety Administration )
asthanius: Versace cocaine
TXC2: Metric_Furlong they were on the come down
protojman: that was the 80s so the 90s was people sobering up
TheManaLeek: It was also the era of toys based on very adult movies. Alien, Predator, Robocop, Toxic Avenger, etc
AtrusOfMyst: Suitcase heroin
HorusFive: 90s was herion-chic
Metric_Furlong: 70s was weed, iird
apitol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, apitol! (Today's storm count: 60)
mercano82: and every generation gets weed
HorusFive: Rambo animated series
Hansk_and_Boo: 90s was also very XTC/MDMA
Durugai: god Robocop and Alien having toy lines for kids
QuixoticScrivener: how did Beetlejuice become a kid's show?
Simonark: Fake gross out candy was a thing but it was innately less bad than the weird old stuff that somehow lingered. Thrills Gum… make gum that tastes like soap.
Akaiatana: They go through the withdrawal symptoms and 'gross' is their experience and they write what they know.
TotalHell: Party drugs
vinewood_og: i'd buy that for a $1
red_shoes_jeff: I'd buy THAT for a dollar!
definenull: Music!
Stephonee: satisfying clinking
Bowerbird7: Toxic Crusaders
avi_miller: mid 60s is definitely the LSD era IMO
TXC2: or Batman 2 being in Happy meals
the_phantom_game_player: And making adult movies into Saturday morning cartoons
KV1NN4: Beetlejuice was not for kids and yet...
hawktonguebaby: Also cartoons based on very adult movies
suntone: Or the Starship Troopers CGI show
definenull: Oh that looks delicious
Nigouki: oh man, the Robocop 3 jetpack clip recently came up on my feed and holy shit what a contrast to the first movie
red_shoes_jeff: @vinewood_og Drift Compatible!
hypperstar2280: Speech speech speech!
Hansk_and_Boo: Also the toys from the Alien movies were great :')
QuixoticScrivener: attack of the killer tomatoes had a kids show
vinewood_og: The Aliens toys were epic
Metric_Furlong: oh right, Troma
neisan2112: Troma still makes stuff
patrick_stonecrusher: Late 70s?
Durugai: The Alien toys and the accompanying TV cartoon (that I don't think ever happened) was wild
NoxStryx: One of my "Mandela Effects" is that i remember "Gargoyles" being based on a live action movie for "adults"
kimmiekoneko: wasn't james gunn doing troma stuff
Bowerbird7: yeah Troma films are... not for children KEKW
Brozard: That’s coming to Alamo Drafthouse here, was thinking of seeing it
Simonark: James Gunn started at Troma
TXC2: James Gunn got his start in Troma I think
thatguysteve2709: It's good for a bad movie
Masslost: the 90’s also had weird movies like mars attacks
Mangledpixel: "In 2012, the company officially released many of its films on YouTube. However, their YouTube channel was eventually terminated for not meeting community standards."
ThorSokar: I mean neither was Robocop, the amount of body horror in that movie, YIKES
hawktonguebaby: We Troma-dumping now?
patrick_stonecrusher: They had a cartoon on the USA network on cable?
avi_miller: There are a lot of very not kid friendly films that were turned into kids TV shows for some reason
brainbosh: I mean the nudity is enough to make it not for kids lol
KV1NN4: The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes cartoon ill prepared me for anything live-action
SombreroMonkey: Alex's arms looking swole, what the what!\
wildoneizzy: garbage pail kids
HorusFive: @avi_miller That reason is making money by selling toys
Featherweight_: and then he murders people
TehAmelie: just realizing we'd have had Cannibal Holocaust toys except i guess there was no money in it after they were ordered to put the movie in the public domain
Hansk_and_Boo: Party100 Is this how I donate a bits? Enjoy!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint voxlunRad
Grevas13: @NoxStryx ngl, i'd probably watch that
Nigouki: Richard Nixon's EPA enters the chat
electra310 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
electra310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mikklun!
electra310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to catbugh!
electra310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Disciple_of_Zeta!
electra310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to theGuidingLark!
electra310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Owlslayer!
electra310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZER0_TW0!
electra310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Iseroc!
electra310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bowerbird7!
electra310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to PinkFlashu!
electra310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrPandaaaGaming!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, electra310! Welcome to Mikklun, catbugh, Disciple_of_Zeta, theGuidingLark, ZER0_TW0, Owlslayer, Bowerbird7, Iseroc, PinkFlashu, and MrPandaaaGaming! (Today's storm count: 70)
MegaDosX: You made that up James
incslayer: considering how many superheroes where created from toxic waste im surprised more children hasnt gotten hurt/died from exposure to toxic waste
TXC2: electra310 lrrHEART
electra310: Good morning chat :D
avi_miller: @horusfive yeah, money is clearly why, it is just still a weird decision
ThorSokar: well, the EPA happened because multiple rivers in the USA caught on FIRE and the news took hold of that like a dog with a bone
neisan2112: Yup
TXC2: hello electra310 welcome
Nigouki: new podcast: Countdown to Toxicity
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp voxlunCarp voxlunCarp
NorthstarTex: alex's face is my face.
Gizmoloid: I wonder if the ones coming up with those toys just remembered sneakily seeing gory movies as kids, so they decided it was an audience prime for monetizing?
Sarah_Serinde: huh
MegaDosX: That is a surprisingly stacked cast
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
MehallD: You just said "Peter Dinklage" in the same way as that meme audio says "Hatsune Miku"
StringCheeseRiot subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
richard_ermen: Supposedly "un-releasable". They did not release the movie.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StringCheeseRiot! (Today's storm count: 71)
Stephonee: "deemed unreleasable" wut
Xed_Regulus: No, it has been deemed "unreleaseable"
HorusFive: Yeah- Troma was like Half-Moon Pictures before Half-Moon
ZER0_TW0: oh thanks @electra310 for the sub!
TacitusVigil: @ThorSokar And Nixon thought making the EPA was better than congressional action.
Duffadash: No-one's picked it up for distribution
voren_chalco: "That toxic waste came from... the moon."
KBKarma: And vaccinated. Fifteen minutes, and then coffee.
electra310: @ZER0_TW0 You're welcome! :)
NorthstarTex: unreleaseable D:
Leonhart321: That can't be real
TXC2: what as a tax dodge ?
MegaDosX: Oh right that's this movie
avi_miller: Wild
Didero: How did it get a rating then?
MegaDosX: I heard about this recently
DandyGeek: that’s a good sign, surely
QuixoticScrivener: probably made it to maintain the license rights, like Batwoman
ThorSokar: HAH, he Vetoed it TacitusVigil, and then it got passed by a 2/3's vote
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout
Bowerbird7: Oh sweet, thanks for the sub electra310 ! lrrSHINE x0rLove farmhoLove katesL yarrHeart
HorusFive: @KBKarma Did you get your lolly-pop lrrDILLY
Stephonee: "I wouldn't tell anyone that I won the lottery but there would be signs" like movies suddenly getting released
MrPandaaaGaming: Thanks for the sub @electra310 !
Nigouki: man, remember the old times when rich fucks would just patronize artists to show off instead of ruining the planet?
yamahako: Like how Life of Brian got made because George Harrison wanted to watch it
Didero: I don't understand it, they've already spent most of the money, why not try to make some of it back if you've got the movie already anyway?
TacitusVigil: @ThorSokar Argh, sorry, I said it backward.
vinewood_og: batgirl with keaton as a mentor was almost finished
ThorSokar: haha
Therberus: James should have invited Serge
Bowerbird7: them putting that Road Runner movie in the shredder... katesSuffer
electra310: You're welcome! :)
Alex_Frostfire: Why create art only not to share it with the world?
MrQBear: what method of coffee or tool is it called? i wanna look it up
yalc321: ^
jacqui_lantern234: yall heard it here first, Alex > Serge when it comes to coffee Kappa
TacitusVigil: @ThorSokar I've been up all night :P
avi_miller: The reason is stupid tax things
KBKarma: Leaving coffee paraphernalia at the Moonbse just sounds like a good idea.
incslayer: @vinewood_og i thought it was finished
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
ThorSokar: @TacitusVigil same
MaxVolume: companies don't care about art
DigitalSeahorse: katesNoted
malfnord: @Didero Because writing the movie off looks good on the next quarterly balance, whereas releasing the movie might make money back but not until the quarter after that.
Nigouki: well, there is that John Malcovich?? movie that won't get released for 100 years?
normarcl: Good morning folks!
munocard: That's the whole thing with Coyote Vs ACME
Sevinon: But it speaks to deeply perverse iicentives
MTigress: imagine if LRR made an 'unreleasable' crapshot
Angreed66: but people do create art all the time without sharing
ThorSokar: that's how the Deadpool movie finally happened
TXC2: hello normarcl welcome
neisan2112: Blame Zaslov
HbombAndFriends: Waiting for Serge to bust in screaming “You’re stealing my gig!”
Didero: @malfnord Oh right, I forgot that only the current quarter matters
Akaiatana: Leaking toxic stuff is how we got here.
Resilient Spring: that last road quest track hits my nostalgia so hard I tear up, wtf
Pharmacistjudge: I know LRR has unreleasable content
hackingducks: someone leaking one of those would have monetary damages attached to it.... very, very big ones.
EdibleDragon: I always think of Trick ‘r Treat that sat on the shelf for years, got quietly dumped direct to video, and was instantly a hit
ProcyonFlynn: Happy Coffee penaddCoffee and Good Timezone all!
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrARROWS
munocard: Apparently the Deadpool and Wolverine movie soundtrack includes a Hugh Jackman song from The Greatest Showman
hackingducks: nobody's wanting to take the risk of owing $100 million dollars.
KBKarma: @hbombandfriends I think he's sleeping.
simplydavemn: When is the Dom-a-thon?
hawktonguebaby: And logistics without vision actually sometimes makes money
Sarah_Serinde: Serge doesn't have a monopoly on making and drinking coffee...
Featherweight_: there are like a handful of movies soloed by one person over acouple decades
HbombAndFriends: @kbkarma He can sleep? With all the coffee he drinks? ;)
Sarah_Serinde: Or talking about it
Coloneljesus: god I hate corpo budget politics
KBKarma: I'm oq
ForOhForError: capitalism baybee
avi_miller: Every group being antagonistic towards each other sounds like it would be frustrating
BlackBlade_: kowCafe
Michelle E: Take it to Cannes!
DigitalSeahorse: katesShake vicksyRave
KBKarma: @hbombandfriends I sure can. I take naps after coffee.
FarleyF: @hbombandfriends nah Serge will start writing comics and making great artwork in retaliation lrrBEEJ
DandyGeek: Alex, have you seen Hundreds of Beavers?
yalc321: @Sarah_Serinde Can we have a oligopoly?
HbombAndFriends: @sarah_serinde I guess that’s true. it’s just weird seeing someone other than Serge talk about coffee. Especially on a technical level.
Brozard: @dandygeek oh man
DandyGeek: the trailer doesn’t do it justice
MaxVolume: @DandyGeek I haven't even seen one beaver
Akaiatana: Turns out the "democratization of art" should still be artists making things.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDK
DandyGeek: it’s an indie film that is so entirely itself
LiamK712: how did you two meet?
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Akaiatana! They have given 62 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Akaiatana! (Today's storm count: 72)
Didero: @Akaiatana Except more people should be (allowed to be) artists
KBKarma: I think it's been posted in Site D. If not, it shall be.
Akaiatana: Hey, thanks Yalc <3
Welbog: Good morning!
incslayer: of course Ian is the LRR member that runs his own plex server
Masslost: didn’t Matt Damon say with physical media dying a lot of movies can’t be made cause studios dont want to make as many risks
Q_sic: Isn't the answer always Theater
Akaiatana: @Didero As long as we are not talking of people who *resent* artists.
Graved: "Let's meet near that beanpole guy"
BraveOthello subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BraveOthello! (Today's storm count: 73)
TXC2: hello Welbog welcome
KBKarma: Everyone in LRR is fucking tall.
DigitalSeahorse: I remember a LRR business card
simplydavemn: Ahh, back when Alex was just a poltergeist possessing Grahm...
AndyDaMage: yes, that was the CH bit
ThorSokar: 2009, he called in to DB2, was there for DB3
SnowBuddy18: more and more each year
Simonark: It’s Magic is Alex joining the regular cast, right?
TXC2: Simonark at least in the CH universe
hawktonguebaby: Oh, wow, that was when I came back to LRR too. I had no idea Alex was gone all that time.
Didero: How did you get to work for LRR if you didn't really know anybody in LRR?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
the_phantom_game_player: I know Alex retired from the sketches. I'm glad to see him in streams
RedAlexxis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months, currently on a 98 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RedAlexxis! (Today's storm count: 74)
Simonark: @txc2 Well, yes, but it was a meta joke, and so I assumed based in a tiny amount of reality
Metric_Furlong: 2007, aka 17 years ago
Serpens77: Sept 19th
LordZarano: Road Quest: Origins?
Pharmacistjudge: was this GP Calgary?
ThorSokar: How to Talk Like a Pirate was September 15, 2006
voren_chalco: @Metric_Furlong Why would you do this to me?
hawktonguebaby: Talk Like a Pirate was my first! I watched it on the video podcast feed!
protojman: YIKE
Catcard: @Metric_Furlong s-shut up.... 😭
DigitalSeahorse: oof
TXC2: boy y'all sure where dumb in your early 20's :p
Nigouki: is statue of limitations expired?
hawktonguebaby: And not film it???
FarleyF: now there is a film to watch -Shortbus is an erotic drama
TheAinMAP: lrrFINE
Simonark: It was fine if no one died!
simplydavemn: Odd you can't drive a small bus, but a Moving truck/van which would be just as hard (or harder due to visibility) is just fine
Piecrust9: There's clips of it on the anniversary LRRcast
RandomTrivia: Ooooh
Pharmacistjudge: as I said before unreleased LRR
KBKarma: Yup, I saw it there.
TeacherSeanTV: @Piecrust9 ya, I swear I saw a few clips from it before
Snowcookies: there's a bit of it in the LRR retrospective
Redpandarama: Anniversery Cut??
HavenDragon: roadquest prequel :D
Didero: Half the people aren't even in LRR anymore, right?
red_shoes_jeff: Road Quest: Zero when?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: So this roadtrip was to blame for Road Quest?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: And by blame I mean WE should thank it for
Fanklok: Back when the height of comedy was the punchline being the word gay
TXC2: heated gamer moments
Simonark: Hey, In your defense, you didn’t release it then either!
Akaiatana: Using the R word, probably, etc
Sarah_Serinde: Stuff that we've learned better about by now
BlackBlade_: Happy Thor's Day
snowewolf: like poop and butts
Rasputyne: Why do racist tirades keep getting brought up during Coffee Time?
Didero: Yeah, none of you would make a fart joke today Kappa
DigitalSeahorse: questionable shirts
simplydavemn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months!
Therberus: 2009 was a different time :/
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, simplydavemn! (Today's storm count: 75)
simplydavemn: Sound sync is just a bit off.
voren_chalco: Why is "racist tirade" the throughline for coffee with James?
BigDaddyBland87: The Past...full of regrettable moments
Sorator13: @simplydavemn Can usually fix that by refreshing; it's fine for me
jacqui_lantern234: dont call me Shirley, Alex :p
AugmentingPath: voren_chalco I don't know, but I'm looking forward to the exciting conclusion of the storyline on Saturday
Didero: Sounds useful for a LoadingReadyLive
simplydavemn: I did refresh before saying anything. It's like the video (for me) is just a few milleseconds behind...
Pharmacistjudge: not much game design here
QuixoticScrivener: I challenge you to share your credit card number for three points.
EternalRoxas: it was on the recent podcasts
Genie_M: on the LRR20 podcast
PsychoI3oy: I've seen clips
EternalRoxas: for the look back
Joecool190: I think the aniv podcast was the first time I heard about it
CelticGeek: Never heard of it
EternalRoxas: so that mighrt influence
simplydavemn: I'll just pretend they are a dubbed samurai film.
Psychic_Ketchup: I have but I'm old
Leonhart321: Doesn't ring a bell, but sounds familiar
Nigouki: I have only heard of it from the various anniversary reminiscense streams
Coloneljesus: I think I only heard about it during the aniversary podcast
electra310: Yeah, I heard about it recently for the first time
Genie_M: and a few clips were there
CaptynByrd: I've been watching for ever a decade and somehow never heard of it.
TeacherSeanTV: I recall the story, and have seen clips
AndyDaMage: it has come up in DB several times
BigDaddyBland87: LRR20 was when I first heard of it
TXC2: there you go chat
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I remember hearing bits about this at various times over the years
TehAmelie: pretty sure i haven't gotten a clear idea of it before
public_key_reveal_party: I actually have no idea to be honest
Bowerbird7: I think I remember hearing about it
HavenDragon: somehow i've never heard of this. or my sleepy brain isn't remembering it
Master_Gunner: I was around watching while the trip happened.
Tom Hanrahan: Never heard of it
Kyle Moran: i cant remember hearing about it ever
Skear007: Nope
Seionic: This is news to me
RiverMyst: nope
Gonville Bromhead: I recall you talking about it - the wet towel anecdote definitely
Sarah_Serinde: James, another datapoint: YouTube chat has not heard this before
TacitusVigil: Beej gets the whole tattoo.
mercano82: Kate Watt has brung the trip up because the short bus wound up in her yard after the trip.
TXC2: oofa doofa
HbombAndFriends: Looking like about a third haven’t
RAICx: I’ve been following since “How to talk like a pirate” and I don’t think I’ve heard about this trip before
CelticGeek: Wow, I watched the whole 20th anniversary podcast, and I really don't remember it
Akaiatana: Go into a tattoo shop at opening and ask for the early bird special.
Critterbot: Looks like about 1/3 has not heard of it.
ArcticAtlantic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArcticAtlantic! (Today's storm count: 76)
Angreed66: tbf doing it by memory isn't a good idea
TacitusVigil: To be fair, you should ALWAYS get a picture reference for your tattoo. Just in case.
simplydavemn: The NES controller on the ankle was from Drunk MarioKarting...
TXC2: yes wins with 66% of the vote
ThorSokar: The Bus you drew for an art contest for DB2
neisan2112: Woah thats pretty cool
NorthstarTex: never knew morgan did that, hot shit I'd be flattered too
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect vicksyPog
ArcticAtlantic: I think I've fired my sub message twice within the sub-a-thon lol, must have renewed at just the right time haha
Sarah_Serinde: Nice
Brozard: Oh man, I should do that
jacqui_lantern234: fun fact, one of Alex's moderators designed a tattoo for me (on commission)
DigitalSeahorse: I thought it was blue
accountmadeforants: I'd heard about the SDCC thing but not the roadtrip
ScR3w_Lo0s3: statistically 33% of that 66% are lying LuL
JRandomHacker: My brother and his college roommates road tripped to California for the Rose Bowl, and my brother wanted them to buy a cheap RV just for the trip, and then sell it right after
electra310: Bought a used bus and put stickers on it to make it go faster. :D
QuixoticScrivener: @ScR3w_Lo0s3 source?
Kyle Moran: the deh-cuhls pronounciation continues to blindside me lol
alchemistsavant: source: trust me bro
invalidCards subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, invalidCards! (Today's storm count: 77)
RandomTrivia: @QuixoticScrivener 104% of all statistics are made up
Brozard: @jacqui_lantern234 That’s awesome, what of?
Welbog: Horse Place
HbombAndFriends: Medieval Times
DandyGeek: not to be confused with Arabian Nights, another horse related themed dinner show
Masslost: so could the footage be edited and released like how the wb releases old cartoons with a content warning?
ScR3w_Lo0s3: @QuixoticScrivener Twitch being twitch chat 0_o
TXC2: there are lies, damned lies, and statistics
Akaiatana: You get to eat Renn fare
red_shoes_jeff: I bought my first wooden sword at Medieval Times.
alchemistsavant: I've always wanted to go!
HbombAndFriends: I’ve been to the one in FL on multiple occasions
roefizzlebeef: if you like pro wrestling you will like medieval times
QuixoticScrivener: @RandomTrivia I'll add that to my KPI dashboard.
vanman229: I've lost my voice both times i've went. 10/10 would recommend
AugmentingPath: warcraft peasant voice: the show is at 8
public_key_reveal_party: Campy and silly is great
Nigouki: I've been told it's where theatre kids get summer jobs
Dalrint: I got take to it for my 35th birthday and wound up with a paper grown and a rainbow flashing plastic axe!
Welbog: My work did an event at medieval times once, it did actually slap.
SnowBuddy18: I went to medieval times on a school trip, it definitely ruled
Linwey: I'm generally cotent with Medieval Week, thanks
simplydavemn: I realize Alex means a past girlfriend by this, but somehow I am still picturing a sexy Octogenarian...
PharaohBender27: Morning! Hm, that counter's looking a little low . . .
asthanius: the baseball cards in vegas...
undecided44: Be careful with young kids.... mine was screaming and crying because he thought the combat was real, I had to explain stage combat to a 7 yr old who thought he just saw a man die.
Akaiatana: 2012 Strip Seach was very different
TXC2: hello PharaohBender27 welcome
ThorSokar: Sorry it was a DB1 image that Morgan got a Tattoo of: https://www.loadingreadyrun.com/img/20000f.jpg
RandomTrivia: Hey there PharaohBender27, good timezone to you
control_rig: @Akaiatana Bra-vo. That was good
PharaohBender27: Cheer24000 Here's another hour for the timer.
JRandomHacker: @undecided44 That's touching but also a little hilarious
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
TXC2: PharaohBender27 lrrHEART
SharktoothJack: good morning
control_rig: DUDE, PharaohBender you rock
Genie_M: brrrrrr
HbombAndFriends: Holy crap!
Critterbot: Holy...
electra310: Yay, PB!
Sarah_Serinde: Well good morning to you too, PharaohBender27 :D
Redpandarama: Goated
control_rig: Also good morning @SharktoothJack
seanmrwick: hey all
RoeDent89: Morning Moonbase!
TXC2: hello seanmrwick and RoeDent89 welcome
TXC2: hello SharktoothJack welcome
quatoria: this music is way too energetic for a chill morning chat show, hahaha
PharaohBender27: Look, my attitude at this point is, we're getting to Dialtown even if I have to pull this bus with my belt :p
the_phantom_game_player: <3
Stephonee: This all feels really surreal because this was one of only two years I got to go to SDCC
quatoria: this is, like, montage music right now
Lord_Hosk: Cheer50 PharaohBender27 and I throwing in 24050 combined bits!
RandomTrivia: oh dear
Sorator13: LUL
seanmrwick: holy moly it's thursday
RandomTrivia: Hosk HypeLUL
PharaohBender27: @Lord_Hosk tqsLOL
seanmrwick: also, hi Alex!
jacqui_lantern234: @PharaohBender27 holy butts how come youre THE ACTUAL BEST?!?!?!?!
electra310: Cheer100 Every little bits helps?
DigitalSeahorse: forgot to top up the oil?
Sarah_Serinde: @PharaohBender27 I'm sure you know this already, but on Kathleen's behalf: as long as you're giving responsibly!
TeacherSeanTV: Cheer314 mmmm pi
DigitalSeahorse: battery?
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
NoxStryx: Toe cables made of real toes
denu55 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
denu55: lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, denu55! (Today's storm count: 78)
NorthstarTex: truckstops are amazing though
ShaneLeeAtk: I do like a good trucks mecca
Underachiever28: ice coffee today? looks good. I’m currently baking in New York
simplydavemn: Question for Alex - Is there somewhere online we can find your artwork?
TXC2: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: http://gumroad.com/alexsteacy | Patreon: patreon.com/alexsteacy | Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/AlexSteacy | Home stream: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Twitter: twitter.com/alexsteacy | More: https://bio.link/alexsteacy
jacqui_lantern234: @NorthstarTex YOURE AMAZING <3
HbombAndFriends: Mecha Trucker?
Sarah_Serinde: We appreciate everyone's contributions no matter the amount, and we never want anyone to spend more than they're comfortable with lrrHEART
accountmadeforants: Trucker Mecca or Trucker Mecha, either or is fine :p
QuixoticScrivener: @HbombAndFriends MegasXLR?
simplydavemn: Thanks LRRBot!
DrMagnify is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
DrMagnify gifted a Tier 1 sub to inertmaterials!
DrMagnify gifted a Tier 1 sub to Contraile!
DrMagnify gifted a Tier 1 sub to BadRoxie!
DrMagnify gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rahserat!
DrMagnify gifted a Tier 1 sub to BurntRope!
DrMagnify gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vastran!
DrMagnify gifted a Tier 1 sub to apathyabridged!
DrMagnify gifted a Tier 1 sub to TVRB0MACIA!
DrMagnify gifted a Tier 1 sub to youngdonyaya!
DrMagnify gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cursxxx!
RoeDent89: Road Quest?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DrMagnify! Welcome to Contraile, BadRoxie, Rahserat, BurntRope, Vastran, apathyabridged, inertmaterials, TVRB0MACIA, youngdonyaya, and Cursxxx! (Today's storm count: 88)
tryllebanjo: @accountmadeforants LUL
TXC2: DrMagnify lrrHEART
Ashmantle: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
PharaohBender27: @Sarah_Serinde Thankfully I'm in a good enough position in life that the only real consequence will be me cooling on giving gift subs and bits for August :p
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrHEART sergeGift
razorswift subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, razorswift! (Today's storm count: 89)
Bobtheninjagoldfish: what is it with LRR road trips and cars breaking down on day 1?
RoeDent89: Oh wait he said Seattle. Not Road Quest
Sarah_Serinde: @PharaohBender27 Glad to hear it :)
BigDaddyBland87: What is with LRR roadtrips having issues on Day 1
Akaiatana: @Bobtheninjagoldfish Road trips.
Musical_Marauder: did the bus have seatbelts?
RoeDent89: Ohhh
jacqui_lantern234: @BigDaddyBland87 thats just how roadtrips are like Kappa
PharaohBender27: @Musical_Marauder Hahaha nope
baltimore_667083: except the one time it didnt for me
BurntRope: @DrMagnify Thanks for the gift sub!
Musical_Marauder: @PharaohBender27 lrrSPOOP lrrFINE
seanmrwick: I never knew that Alex was a coffee guy until now
razorswift: got gas?
NovaTiempo: A Fuelish Mistake
maestrith: Out of fuel: easy fix.
TetraRay: wfaceEasy ? who needs it
seanmrwick: oh is this a Roadquest story?
seanmrwick: or a road quest story
seanmrwick: *road trip
RoeDent89: Road quest story
Sarah_Serinde: Road trip
jacqui_lantern234: @seanmrwick road TRIP
PharaohBender27: @seanmrwick No, this is when they took a bus to ComicCon in . . . 2007?
Scarbble: road trip story
Musical_Marauder: this is 2007 lrr lore
electra310: @seanmrwick This is the beta version of RQ, the road trip in 2007 on the mini-bus to Comicon
seanmrwick: @PharaohBender27 ah ok
PharaohBender27: One of the 20th anniversary podcasts talked about it
asthanius: god has spoken
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
jacqui_lantern234: LUL DANG
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
Brozard: sergeJustRight drdino2Cheer
hawktonguebaby: It was not Road Quest, but it was on the road, and a quest
red_shoes_jeff: It KNEW...
TXC2: we are discussing the ancient lrr lore
RandomTrivia: OH NO
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
ElementalAlchemist: uh oh
ElementalAlchemist: That's a problem
jacqui_lantern234: OH NO
ztghostie: less than ideal
red_shoes_jeff: lrrSPOOP
MTigress: hee
HorusFive: "I don't know much about cars, but should it be on fire?"
vinewood_og: Road Quest prequel
hawktonguebaby: @txc2 The…Lrre?
Durugai: @TXC2 ancient Lrrore from many Bontoons ago
malfnord: gdqAAAH
TXC2: Durugai yes
TXC2: hawktonguebaby sure why not
accountmadeforants: Moved the shortbus out of The Environment
pn55: bajoCant
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyS
Snowcookies: wha
TXC2: oh that's sad :p
Didero: Must've been a hot couple
BluJester: lrrSPOOP
Stephonee: Soooooooooo I just realized that I briefly hung out with Alex at this Comic-Con and did not know it. I'm looking through my pictures from that trip and Alex is right there next to Ashton in one of pics 😂
maestrith: More LRRore
Akaiatana: The car got hit by a wedding train
BlueChloroplast: Clear post divorce
Bowerbird7: Road Quest: Zero
Obothehobo11: loving this bonus episode of the anniversary podcast
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyJammin
pn55: @Stephonee That's amazing!
simplydavemn: Durugai Love the W&P ref!
Fanklok: Hey Alex when was the last time we saw another car
DigitalSeahorse: eep
Therberus: @Fanklok About 5 mins my dude
NorthstarTex: save for the cliffs, highway 1 is an amazing drive
Stephonee: @pn55 I'm laughing so hard at myself right now that I never figured this out
seanmrwick: sounds like when I was traveling to North Carolina and we were driving through the Smokies
QuixoticScrivener: that means you have room for a new bus!
Singenmeister: Speaking of road trips, I’d be interested to hear about filming the road trip on Friday Nights. (the one to GP Calgary I think)
ztghostie: wow, what a unique... odor
SAJewers: imagine if that bus was still around and james drove it for road quest :P
TheDevil_Risen: Morning James, Alex]
Lord_Hosk: Kate said on Desert Bus that she told people "you have 3 weeks to pick this up or Im selling it to a scrapper" and after 3 months no one came and got it, so it died
fk_312 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fk_312! (Today's storm count: 90)
TXC2: hello TheDevil_Risen welcome
tabbybabbyy is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
tabbybabbyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to simpletoon!
tabbybabbyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to icantseejak!
tabbybabbyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to Avak4do!
tabbybabbyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to brunothepig!
tabbybabbyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to aiolian!
TheDevil_Risen: just catching up on you playing Elden ring
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, tabbybabbyy! Welcome to icantseejak, simpletoon, Avak4do, brunothepig, and aiolian! (Today's storm count: 95)
TheDevil_Risen: heya TXC
TXC2: tabbybabbyy lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: sergeGift
Lord_Hosk: Kate said on Desert Bus that she told people "you have 3 weeks to pick this up or Im selling it to a scrapper" and after 3 months no one came and got it, so it died
ThorSokar: Also, important note for the kids in chat: this was BEFORE google maps
Foud the Troll: saw any meese on that trip?
simplydavemn: I think the Bus became Morgan's forrest Love-Shack.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope vicksyTrash
icantseejak: @tabbybabbyy Thanks lrrSHINE
stizzet: Good morning friends!
TXC2: hello stizzet welcome
HorusFive: lrrHEART
public_key_reveal_party: Yay crimes
Therberus: Fight ninjas illegally in the US
TetraRay: bupLOVE bupLOVE bupLOVE bupLOVE bupLOVE bupLOVE
Therberus: I think the US should thank Bill for taking all out the Ninjas
g0lg0r0th: lrrHEART
HorusFive: @Therberus He's takin' our JORBS
hawktonguebaby: Ninja fighting rings weren't legal yet either
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Fanklok: Surely the statute of limitations is past on that ninja fightning
asthanius: those fuckers
asthanius: they owe you a nerf gun
public_key_reveal_party: They found the illicit props, 2 crates of rubber chickens
mercano82: They probably took it just to justify the hour they spent searching the bus
Piecrust9: Raod quest -1
TXC2: even though Canada has legal REAL short barrel shotguns
TheDevil_Risen: ^^
hawktonguebaby: Road Quest: Origins
iDangero: Road Quest closed beta?
red_shoes_jeff: Road Quest Gaiden
TeacherSeanTV: Road Quest 2 - go through the Okanogan
public_key_reveal_party: I think we would all like to watch road quest: another one
asthanius: everyone is new, but also Alex is there
the_phantom_game_player: I know fans want to see Road Quest 2
Piecrust9: Road Quest 2-29
Akaiatana: The passengers can come back if they learn to drive in the intervening time
RiverMyst: I would 100% watch a road quest 2
vinewood_og: Road Quest kept me alive that year for real we would love more and financially support it!
definenull: You heard it here first, rq2 confirmed
samb6678: Road quest 2 official?
jacqui_lantern234: @TeacherSeanTV OMG PLEASE
PMAvers: Cori and Heather in a car
snowewolf: now its 9 people
ScR3w_Lo0s3: Road Quest 2: Desert Bus Boogaloo?
HeartwoodMtG: Even same hosts in different pairs would be a huge difference
CelticGeek: Yes! RQ2!
TheOtherTrevor: Promote the passengers to drivers and bring in 3 new passengers
Redpandarama: Too Road Too Quest
TXC2: I'd love to See Cori, Heather and Kathleen on RQ2 (assuming they'd want to)
accountmadeforants: The original 6 people will be the wise senseis to the new batch of hosts
Lex_Peacekeeper: the non drivers become the drivers and the old drivers are replaced with new non drivers
MrMatternot: RoadQuest 2nd Gig
vinewood_og: Road Quest 2: The Legend of Curly's Gold!
Brozard: Especially after Beej evaporated during the Q&A
Didero: The video of that old roadtrip could be called Road Quest: Guy Then :p
Mark_D_Stroyer: I don’t think any of the passengers drive?
public_key_reveal_party: Every road quest Beej converts a new person into a weeb
JRandomHacker: The GP where James double-queues IRL
HorusFive: @TXC2 Road Quest 2- Girl Quest
Singenmeister: Never been so happy to hear the words “If and when.” lrrSIG
red_shoes_jeff: Road Quest 2 The Dinosaur Past
jacqui_lantern234: @PMAvers nah, they know each other too well. get them with lrr members who they dont hang out much with
NoxStryx: Road Quest 2: Rail Quest
Luna_TheOtter: those episodes were amazing
ClockTamer: road Quest the Ultimaximum Delta Finale
ztghostie: the roadtrip episode is one of my favorite friday nights episodes
Redpandarama: One of my favourite Friday Nights episodes!
TeacherSeanTV: @jacqui_lantern234 I live abroad and miss my hometown (Salmon Arm)
lenny__cool: You should do roadquest in Europe :)
Featherweight_: origin of magic card or metal band
ztghostie: Jer flew in and Paul missed the ferry
vinewood_og: @Redpandarama Okay you win!!!! lrrHORN
ElementalAlchemist: the Rockies are very beautiful
RiverMyst: I've watched the original 3 times
Simriel: Alex's energy was so wonderfully chaotic in Road Quest
Adam Russo: Roadquest but instead of having different vehicles, you guys just buy a full bus and all ride together.
Omthebox: They big mountains.
ElementalAlchemist: oh, yes, they're also huge
TheWriterAleph: megalophobia
TXC2: the young pups that are the rockies
Coloneljesus: music a bit loud?
jacqui_lantern234: @TeacherSeanTV yeah, i miss Parksville on the island for a similar reason
malfnord: Bigassed wall of ROCK that comes outta mowhere
Therberus: Isn't that just megalovania?
vinewood_og: Yeah rocky mountain national park isn't far from where I was born. BREATHTAKING
HorusFive: It also has the plains around it- so you can really see it coming for you
hesterbyrde: As someone who grew up in Appalachia, hard agree. The Rockies are stunning. Looking up at them made me dizzy when I was a kid
QuixoticScrivener: Mountains aren't real...
ztghostie: It also goes on forever it seems like
public_key_reveal_party: I grew up in the Appalachians, and the Rockies intimidate me
red_shoes_jeff: I went as a kid, those mountains are RIDICULOUS up close!
ProcyonFlynn: Mountains are genuinely "reality warping" - it just fundamentally changes the scale of the world and humanity to experience one fully.
ThorSokar: The rockies are great, and there's NOTHING there (I've driven through Montana and Wyoming)
UltraVioletVodoo: i live in colorado the mountains here are incredible
DigitalSeahorse: ohno
Sevinon: Yep, green screen
CelticGeek: @Coloneljesus Yeah, a bit
malfnord: I've lived with the Rockies my whole life, and I'll never get tired of them
hawktonguebaby: TBF, the smaller ones in the East are older, they've just worn down 😄
TXC2: hawktonguebaby they're older then bones
RiverMyst: bus quest
Redpandarama: so THATS why there's so much weird greenscreen in that episode
Akaiatana: That was the precedent that taught the rule.
ShaneLeeAtk: The Appalachians were OLD when the Rockies started forming.
simpletoon: lrrSHINE
red_shoes_jeff: The West Edmonton Mall?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: this music, while amazing, does not fit the mood, I love it.
northivanastan: growing up in Colorado with parents who were really into hiking (when I absolutely was not) made me tired of the Rockies. They're still cool though
CelticGeek: As someone who's lived in/near both the Rockies and Appalachians, the Appalachians are prettier, but the Rockies are much more impressive
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRoll
public_key_reveal_party: If it works, it works
red_shoes_jeff: Look, it's a VERY BIG mall, alright?
Akaiatana: Hamilton, James. ConBravo
Sarah_Serinde: Niagara Falls is pretty cool
SnowBuddy18: the armpit
Akaiatana: I've MET you
DigitalSeahorse: Con Bravo
LordEisenfaust_: Man, I remember the first video I every seen from you guys with alcohol abstinence and the couch - Its was a wild video to discover you guys
Bobtheninjagoldfish: which was the GP where you went to where Andy was randomly playing a barista that drafts?
Brozard: Road Quest to Niagara Falls!
Xed_Regulus: RIP ConBravo
ElementalAlchemist: I grew up in a place where my family could have done a trip to Niagara Falls, and even then I've only ever been a couple years ago on my trip to Canada
Simonark: Look. I’m from Kitchener, mocking Hamilton is basically all we have.
ElementalAlchemist: They're pretty cool
Mark_D_Stroyer: @lordeisenfaust_ Yeah, the Couch is a heck of an entry piece.
red_shoes_jeff: Good ol' Steel Town.
ArcticAtlantic: as someone from Hamilton in Scotland I'm fascinated to know what Other Hamilton is like
PharaohBender27: Neat!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyThink
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
PharaohBender27: lrrAWW
SmithKurosaki: Yea, I wish I had actually checked out your stuff while CB was still running, especially since there's a nice coffee place I would have loved to being Serge to. I was staff for all but the first year of CB
Sarah_Serinde: I do not remember the actual years
Sarah_Serinde: I went both times
Sarah_Serinde: Yesss
Xed_Regulus: I met both of you the year you went.
QuixoticScrivener: deep lore?
Sarah_Serinde: Ian and Featherweight did a Tinker Tailor panel
PharaohBender27: lrrBartleby
razorswift: Bardlelore
the_phantom_game_player: <3
northivanastan: there's a million things it hasn't done, but just you waaaait... Hamilton, Ontario!
DigitalSeahorse: yup
neisan2112: Oh really? lrrBartleby
Featherweight_: Yepp I made him at a panel.
TheAinMAP: The untold origin story?
Sarah_Serinde: And then they didn't have time to give it facial features, and then it didn't really need them gabyLul
SmithKurosaki: Lol #blamemarktjan strikes again
ThorSokar: it was a Puppet Making class, and they didn't "finish" and you went NOPE he's PERFECT
Critterbot: Huh...
Nigouki: Ontario birthed that monstrosity
Brozard: Oh wow, is this new lore?
CelticGeek: Origin story! :O
TheWooglie: So Bartlelby and Jordynne are from the same city?
Featherweight_: he doesn't have a face cause a panel is only 2 hours
the_phantom_game_player: Thats great
Sarah_Serinde: @Brozard Probably more just forgotten
KV1NN4: The one time I went to Con Bravo to see you guys I bought a LRR Hoodie (still have it!) but I hid behind a pillar for like 5 minutes before my partnet basically walked me up to your booth
HubbeKing: @ThorSokar of course you know the details. why am I surprised :D
SmithKurosaki: @thewooglie lol
SmithKurosaki: @thorsokar were you at CB at some point?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
KV1NN4: Thanks for recommending the Boodie size you did James, it's worked out great!
ThorSokar: @HubbeKing There are some benefits to not being able to forget
public_key_reveal_party: Or maybe they are each other's foils
Sarah_Serinde: ConBravo is when I got to meet LRR folks in person for the first time, before I was a mod (but after I'd been contributing to DB and such)
Earthenone: clearly jordynne was the finsihed product with the full process :P
SmithKurosaki: Stelco is still kind of running?
NoxStryx: I alway figured bartlby was just a blank for building puppets that you never put anything on
KV1NN4: Boodie=Hoodie
Nigouki: most of the Golden Horseshoe at this point is industrial sprawl from Toronto :(
Sarah_Serinde: I had a great time with folks
Welbog: When visiting Toronto, wave at Welbog from the airplane.
Welbog: I will wave back.
Akaiatana: @Sarah_Serinde And we met!
Defrost: Conbravo was a good time!
Featherweight_: the trains are getting pretty ok
ThorSokar: @SmithKurosaki No, they've told this story before
Brozard: They got good trains
TheManaLeek: Ontario, we can kinda go places okay!
Eklinaar: I avoid the Toronto airport at all costs. Worst airport I've ever been to.
EthirealPlayer: It good so long as you don't want to leave the ggh
Sarah_Serinde: @Akaiatana We did! And you had amazing costumes, and I believe we played each other in a chaos draft?
Xed_Regulus: Just avoid the transit system in Ottawa. Still a work in progress.
SmithKurosaki: @thorsokar sad. Would have been hilarious to have met you in person by accident
AchillesAndTortoise: Greetings from Kitchener
Alex_Frostfire: Live in Ottawa, can confirm.
SmithKurosaki: Hamilton to Toronto is reasonable transit
Isaac3567: @Xed_Regulus The reason I leave an extra hour early before I need to be somewhere
TXC2: hello AchillesAndTortoise welcome
ElementalAlchemist: Toronto and Ottawa were both really cool when I went
Sarah_Serinde: James I am down for Toronto hangouts
Defrost: James come visit montreal!!
Mangledpixel: "all sorts of nonsense happened" - a summary of the past decade
Nigouki: Roadquest 2: The 401
IslandersCaper: Yesssss come to the maritimes!
SnowBuddy18: cross Canada touLRR
Welbog: Do a Toronto hangout pleeeease
Earthenone: i saw lrr in person at a gp in oregon, but i was too exhausted to go talk to them after everything i had to do to get there
the_phantom_game_player: Sounds good
Eklinaar: Ottawa has some pretty cool museums.
SmithKurosaki: @sarah_serinde lmk if that happens lol
Lirelent: Quebec City is cool
HorusFive: Road Quest 2- the Long Way Home
Mark_D_Stroyer: Yeah that’s a super solid plan
DigitalSeahorse: me neither
Master_Gunner: Halifax is pretty nice, I have to say.
Simonark: @achillesandtortoise Good to know the Kitchener contingent is strong.
incslayer: "shut up and take my money"
ThorSokar: go to the east most North America Time Zone!
RealDarkAdamo: Come on out east :D
Sarah_Serinde: I just went to Halifax this year, it was neat
Akaiatana: @Sarah_Serinde Yes! I'd love to do that again. I've been lax on my cons since the Pandini
Snowcookies: I'd love to visit Halifax
dungeonmasteralek: I'd be so deliriously happy if lrr came to Montreal
JoannaTastic: Road Quest 2: Mari-Time
TXC2: Road quest 2: New Brunswick is a place
jona88888: its not a highway
ElementalAlchemist: It's North America's busiest highway
Sarah_Serinde: @Akaiatana Oh yeah I haven't gone to one in ages at this point
jona88888: its a parking lot
Earthenone: also i was living 5 minutes away from lrrcon when it happened but got sick and dident want to spread it :(
SmithKurosaki: I'm trying to get Anime North to invite y'all, but it's like ramming my head into a wall
Nigouki: 401 is hell, it's just hell. Lanes upon lanes of hell.
TheManaLeek: One of the widest highways in the world at one point!
patch_witch: It's wild to me that I was at ConBravo those years, but it was before I knew who LRR were.
ElementalAlchemist: so many lanes
Lord_Hosk: Wow, Flights from victoria to Toronto are SUPER cheap right now. there are flights from $150
Sarah_Serinde: Newfoundland was also very nice, but I did that after high school with family so it was a while ago now
SmithKurosaki: @patch_witch right?
PharaohBender27: @Lord_Hosk O_o
Brozard: Road Quest 2: DVP
Nigouki: east
SnowBuddy18: east
Sarah_Serinde: Scarborough is north and east
Walshman42: east
SmithKurosaki: Btw, if you ever had a prop checked at CB, you probably met mr
rozodru: 401 is a parking lot and so is the Gardiner now if you want to get into Toronto. just avoid it, there's nothing good here.
doormar: @smithkurosaki LRR at Anime North is sometime I've been wanting
SmithKurosaki: Met me*
normarcl: If you come to Ottawa, the tour of Parliament is cool minus all the construction right now
SmithKurosaki: @doormar you're not the only one
voren_chalco: "Have you been to Scarborough Mall" just doesn't have the same ring to it
PharaohBender27: @voren_chalco :D
doozard: as a local of NL, i can certicaly say we have a very beautiful province when we arnt stuck in 2 weeks of rain and fog haha
Sarah_Serinde: Transit in snow is just so fun
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPanic vicksyCope
Eklinaar: Yeah sounds about right
Sarah_Serinde: (it is not fun)
the_phantom_game_player: <3
SmithKurosaki: Fuuun, right... :p
Sarah_Serinde: I bet
TXC2: Sarah_Serinde it's fun in the same way a panic attack is :p
JinaMahavira: Hullo
roefizzlebeef: hello alex!
Walshman42: hallo
PharaohBender27: :O
the_phantom_game_player: Hello Alex
northos: Alex can haz cheezborgar?
42MiLLyWays: oh no
SmithKurosaki: Hi alex
a_tapes: BORGAR
ShaneLeeAtk: Mmm... Cheezborgor
asthanius: prank times
NimrodXIV: Danger
L0rdX33n: i miss snow
42MiLLyWays: eeep
ThorSokar: Hi Dr. Alex!
HubbeKing: watch as James comes back in 10 minutes with borgar
Didero: It's not locked?
PsychoI3oy: So Alex, I only saw the first 20 minutes of Shipbreaker; how did you like it?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDK
KV1NN4: Hi Alex! :3
Eklinaar: @L0rdX33n Come to Ontario, we get way too fucking much of it
ElementalAlchemist: lol
the_phantom_game_player: Oh well
ALLxISxLOST: At what point does one apologize for "accidentally" breaking all the glassware?
MattIsAMage: tell him you intended to prank him though :)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyJammin vicksyRave
Didero: Switch your and James's phones, see how long it takes him to figure it out
42MiLLyWays: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I remember that
TheDevil_Risen: really enjoyed the punch a chunk shenans :)
L0rdX33n: Andrew is a genius
Sarah_Serinde: Hard agree on that
SnowBuddy18: agreed
Stephonee: yup
TotalHell: 100%
TXC2: also Agreed
SmithKurosaki: 100%
pn55: That's important yea
asthanius: or a bucket of water over the door
alchemistsavant: as someone from minnesota and currently living in houston texas, dealing with snow is sounding a lot more appealing than this :|
avi_miller: Yeah
abslomdaak42: Yeah, definitely
PharaohBender27: Darn right
Genie_M: that makes them not easy
ProcyonFlynn: Yeah - anything else really is something else.
Akaiatana: The best pranks are kind and show love in surprising ways.
JRandomHacker: At my office, if anyone leaves their computer unlocked when they walk away, the convention is to use their Slack account to promise the team donuts tomorrow morning
SnowBuddy18: and if it involves any bystanders, they also get to have a laugh
avi_miller: It sucks when there is a lot of work to fix things after a "prank"
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBravo
public_key_reveal_party: Clubbing was brilliant
TXC2: esp number 2, 'cause boy can my mind race in that brief moment before realisation :p
arkham1981: Morning fellas, two part question. 1. James are there any new watches on your radar? 2. Alex given your fondness for little intricate machines/engineering, have you ever been interested in getting into the watch repair hobby?
KV1NN4: More shows need to show ppl apologising for pranks that were unappreciated
Simriel: Pranks should be entirely benign, and silly yeah
KV1NN4: or actually did upset the recipeient
NoxStryx: Like having james walk into the middle of the lake where a dragon shows up in elden ring
ElementalAlchemist: and then Ashley won clubbing forever
TheDevil_Risen: just finished catching up on it, was hella good James/Alex etc
Brozard: Oh, icing
PharaohBender27: I remember reading a Cracked article about it by Dan O'Brien.
RandomTrivia: How have I never heard of this
Shellsh0cker: Bros Clubbing Bros
TacitusVigil: "Can you step?" - Alex
PharaohBender27: And I even saw an icing happen in grad school. Thankfully it was at a bar.
SnowBuddy18: I know people who would ice their roommates by putting it under their pillow
Defrost: You think LRR is more likely to get a tourism grant for a roadquest 2, with the succesful completion of RQ 🤔
hawktonguebaby: That can't be right, I'm sure it was more like 2008
Sevinon: Remember that from I think Freshman year of college
ProcyonFlynn: Speaking of willingly touching things - does anyone know where that score-card has ended up?
vanman229: my cousin got iced at his wedding reception by his new wife
PharaohBender27: Yeah, the *dangerous* part is um, not OK.
Bassios: A friend and I occasionally Club each other, thanks to the Bros Clubbing Bros video. I'm due Clubbing him soon, so I'll have to see if I can get some Club Soda in before I see him next
nosole: We had to ban bottles of Ice from the work Christmas parties because it was such a problem apparently
Simriel: @ALLxISxLOST context?
jjmonte20: good morning
TXC2: the kneel seems unnecessary
the_phantom_game_player: BibleThump
ThorSokar: My fav is still Kate getting Alex with a Club in a Bus Cake
asthanius: and then Ashley won
RandomTrivia: That implies the existence of other, lesser known viral drinking games
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySip
public_key_reveal_party: Now the biggest viral thing is viruses
TacitusVigil: Isn't that the short where Alex wore the bandolier of drinks?
HorusFive: American $ or Canadian $?
Fanklok: Do it with the company card
PharaohBender27: @TacitusVigil The CH episode, yes
pn55: And rename it to "Clubbing"
Angreed66: 1 million
Fanklok: How about 1000?
thaigeprime: At least 2
Genie_M: new subathon goal?
Sarah_Serinde: James no
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
CaptainTeo: and that's what this subathon is funding.
the_phantom_game_player: Do it
iDangero: SmLRRnoff Ice
ElementalAlchemist: $2,500 worth
TXC2: 2.5 million ?
ThorSokar: Ya know what? Pick a number
TacitusVigil: @PharaohBender27 I wasn't sure if it was cHustle yet or not. :)
Sevinon: Pretty sure we would yell at you
public_key_reveal_party: New subathon stretch goal
NoxStryx: $2500/5?
RealGamerCow: The next internet viral trend: putting your groin in a hydraulic press
KBKarma: Right, I'm back at home after vaccination, coffee, and cinnamon roll.
Brozard: 1000?
Akaiatana: Pay staff 2500, best prank.
PharaohBender27: @RealGamerCow D:
Dalrint: What url are they buying?
TacitusVigil: is BlameJames dot com available? :P
Malkmaven1176: The timer needs to get back up around 24 hours to go
TheDevil_Risen: so has the mini Donkey bit happened yet?
ElementalAlchemist: "Is it $2500 funny?"
Simonark: If you used it to bring back Clubbing in the LRR workplace, they’d hate you forever.
tuo2: hello Alex. it’s good to see you. James
Suffix: 100%
NeoOfTheDark: @Dalrint brosicingbros.com
tuo2: , how’s the coffee?
Brozard: I forget the exact amount, but streamers don’t get 100% of the sub money. It’s between 40-70% IIRC?
teddywhosabear: in the legal world I often hear this referred to as "is the juice worth the squeeze"
ElementalAlchemist: Hamfather was very silly
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
Mangledpixel: lrrHAM
red_shoes_jeff: lrrHAM ?
RandomTrivia: That was a truly incredible bit
JRandomHacker: Hamfather was absolute genius
RandomTrivia: lrrHAM
DigitalSeahorse: lrrHAM
ElementalAlchemist: oh, yes, the musicians were wonderful
neisan2112: The burger one was hillarious
pn55: Everyone just going along with it was the best bit.
RoeDent89: That was brilliant
PharaohBender27: That was AWESOME
the_phantom_game_player: BOP
RandomTrivia: It was amazing
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I mean I hear that G is thinking of reassigning the Tarp budget for this year
BigDaddyBland87: lrrHAM
ThorSokar: HamFather is very much one of the DesertBus bits, and had the perfect 1-ups-manship done with it
CelticGeek: This is the best thing to watch whilst working on my Desert Bus Craft-Along project
Suffix: That was SO GOOD.
RandomTrivia: It was worth every penny
Sarah_Serinde: @Brozard Yeah at this point I don't remember the actual rate and it can vary a bit, but no they don't get 100% of subs. They do get 100% of bits, because chat is the one paying the fee when they buy them
MTigress: get a kazoo player instead
Halinn: It was absolutely worth it
Kikazi: it was a very impressive goof
RoeDent89: LRR budgets: Goof. Tarp.
Stephonee: As you should, as a part of their biggest fundraiser
Lord_Hosk: Hamfather wasn't a bit. Hamfather is just something that happens every night at Ham-oclock when your butler brings in ham and slices off a piece for you. Why do people call it a bit?
BtEtta: Huh. At what point did lrr.club go down. :/
CaptynByrd: It was amazing.
Sarah_Serinde: Perfectly normal
RoeDent89: When you put it like that...
Genie_M: and you made christmas and ...
HorusFive: Well when you say it out loud it's weird
Sarah_Serinde: It was so good
ThorSokar: For anyone who wants to see the entire HamFather bit: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdFkb8808G3hRKA22Gx6Fk0bukZN6CxUL
pn55: It was totally worth it.
TXC2: totally normal sentence
Dalrint: @Lord_Hosk I am jealous of the life you must live, Hosk
CaptynByrd: Those kinda bits are what make DB so special
RandomTrivia: Part of what makes the Desert Bus audience so engaged (as far as donations are concerned) is that the silliness is the core tenet
neisan2112: I'm sure those musicians loved doing something weird and getting paid for it too
RealGamerCow: Alex, do you have thoughts on Hardspace:shipbreaker?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap
HorusFive: How much of LRR-life is the phrase "Well when I say it out loud...."
ElementalAlchemist: similarly when Andrew brought in Bucan Bucan, and then after they left the put a donation in
baskwalla: Punching chunks
RoeDent89: Sitting in front of a camera with a friend drinking coffee...
RandomTrivia: If you compare with any other charity fundraiser, DBfH has an impossibly high audience engagement
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
Critterbot: Shogun was pretty good.
BrokenGolem: checks out
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
Earthenone: based on the size of the channel, i would assume a basic sub gives anywhere from 70-80% to lrr so 400 bits seems a pretty even compariosn
HorusFive: Actually less about the Shogun than the title would imply
KBKarma: I need to watch more Letterkenny and any Shoresy.
Simriel: Desert Bus is essentially a harvest festival
mercano82: I'm excited for the new Batman animated series coming out next month on Amazon.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGun katesGun show gun
the_walking: I finished acotyle and outer range
ArcticAtlantic: I'm watching Next Gen for the first time right now!
Sunidesus: during and after
the_phantom_game_player: I guess James still has the lego lotr build they did at the first subathon?
ArcticAtlantic: i love it!
HorusFive: Concurrent
spinebustertee is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 25 in the channel!
spinebustertee gifted a Tier 1 sub to its_brehh!
spinebustertee gifted a Tier 1 sub to yojimbob5941!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, spinebustertee! Welcome to yojimbob5941 and its_brehh! (Today's storm count: 97)
The_Color_Twelve: ds9 and tng overlapped for 2 seasons
TXC2: yes it was TNG into DS9 into Voy
ThorSokar: DS9 and Voyager happened nearly at the same time
mercano82: DS9 Overlaped TNG seasons 6-7 and Voyager 1-5
Eklinaar: Original Series - Animated Series - Next Generation - DS9 - Voyager - Enterprise is the chronological order
missa_hancock: ds9 is fantastic
HavenDragon: voyager is my favorite personally
couchboyj: Yeah, TNG and DS9 had a slight overlap
PharaohBender27: I've heard Voyager described as "Star Trek comfort food"
NoxStryx: Voyager is of it's time
spinebustertee: This morning I'm donating gift subs equal to the number of times I've had the misfortune of running into Russell Brand getting coffee this week.
malfnord: Voyager fans need to watch Prodigy; it's the sequel VOY needed and deserved.
red_shoes_jeff: Voyager was a very show.
TacitusVigil: Star trek Prodigy is AMAZING
TXC2: also you are wrong to hate Neelix
L0rdX33n: voyager had the highest variability in quality. Good was really good, but bad was so bad it was non-canonized
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I remember llikeing DS9 but as I was watching the whole time I was like "oh this is from B5... ooh so is that!"
IronwoodWizard: once they got away from the Kazon it got better imo
ManicPixieDreamLurker: Cheer995
Sunidesus: I should try VOY again, I bounced off it HARD when it first aired
tuo2: I just made evening porridge. with honey and vanilla and bananas. it was goooood.
Dalrint: Voyager has some very high moments and some low moments and it all kind of evens out to 'this is fine?'
AchillesAndTortoise: Star Trek is great
Bowerbird7: I keep meaning to watch Voyager Season 1, every time my local channel would play it they'd start at Season 2 for some reason
Eklinaar: @Bobtheninjagoldfish Yeah DS9 ripped plot points from B5 constantly
NekomimiNinja: Voyager was the only show my *whole* family followed. it was kinda special in that way. tried rewatching it and wasn't as impressed with it these days
HeartwoodMtG: Have either of you watched Lower Decks?
TXC2: Next gen has a TRASH first season though
AchillesAndTortoise: Voyager was my first series
ProcyonFlynn: In fairness - TNG took itself a lot more seriously. Good and Bad.
mercano82: +1 recomendation for Prodigy. I don't know why Paramount+ passed on season 2.
Masslost: Babylon 5 is my favorite it’s Star Trek but it’s not Star Trek
HorusFive: Did he like Dune 1?
ArcticAtlantic: me and my mum have been watching TNG together and it's really nice
Bobtheninjagoldfish: last year I did an entire chronological watchthought of Startrek
protojman: you need the right mindset for Voyager. It's Pop Trek
TXC2: yes it was
PharaohBender27: OK, time to go to work.
Eklinaar: Enterprise was garbage
munocard: I think Dune 2 was pretty fine.
missa_hancock: you have seen Enterprise? I think it’s better than people say it was
TXC2: Ent was bad until Season 4
qwertiest_mint: good movie, but dune part 2 is very distinct from the book 🏜️
vinewood_og: Zooty Zooty Zoot Zoot B5 forever
TheWooglie: @Masslost The Orville is mine
PharaohBender27 is gifting 6 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1629 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Amentur!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to NiceMrCaput!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to trenzylive!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bunzillah!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CaioSIC!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to xzeroash!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to Amentur, trenzylive, NiceMrCaput, Bunzillah, CaioSIC, and xzeroash! (Today's storm count: 103)
AchillesAndTortoise: I am an Enterprise apologist
Herbert_Erpaderp: We rewatched enterprise recently, it isn't that bad. That theme song though...
HavenDragon: tbh i don't think s1 of TNG is that bad, its just worse than later seasons
hawktonguebaby: Enterprise was good! You just have to press Skip Credits!
Featherweight_: Strange new worlds is a blast
TXC2: PharaohBender27 lrrHEART stay safe
DandyGeek: Lower Decks, Alex
resilientspring: Voyager was the first time I saw a woman in charge. Will love it forever for that.
ThorSokar: You gotta skip the theme song on Enterprise, and NEVER watch the last episode, holy crap that was garbage
Ard_Rhys: Enterprise got good in season 4, then was cancelled
PharaohBender27: A few more minutes before I go. See you later lrrGibb
SnowBuddy18: Discovery was strange, and doesn't feel like Star Trek, but is okay
missa_hancock: it’s been a long road - getting from there to here!
jimber_jam: Enterprise Season 2 is decent, and SOME of season 3 is OK, the rest is pretty bad
RoeDent89: Man, remember live-tweeting TV?
vinewood_og: Discovery has some rough parts, but season 2 was amazing
code_sourcerer: I kinda liked Enterprise, but that was maybe because we finally got a new star trek show
IndustrialRocketScientist: Enterprise had some interesting episodes, but they were never really fleshed out
Masslost: @thewooglie yeah Orville is pretty good clone
TacitusVigil: Season 4 of enterprise was good, but not the finale
IndustrialRocketScientist: oh god the Xindi
malfnord: ENT was tragic, DSC was frustrating, PIC just makes me mad.
mercano82: Strange New Worlds is the best of the new live-action Trek series, but both of the animated series, Prodigy & Lower Decks, are also great.
code_sourcerer: I really did not like Enterprise, it was way too much over the top
the_phantom_game_player: Pharaoh at it again
TacitusVigil: The xindi
Lord_Hosk: This biggest problem with Voyager was that the writers room wasn't cohesive and was almost all dudes, so they had two different ideas of how to write Janeway. Loving Science mom, and Badass killer lady and she bounced back and forth week to week.
Eklinaar: Yeah Enterprise was uhhhh
jessieimproved: Right now Star Trek is gated behind a service I'm not willing to pay for :-(
HavenDragon: oh jeez
vinewood_og: Yep enterprise was offf the rails
munocard: It's been a long road...
TXC2: yeah Bakula was miscast
Bobtheninjagoldfish: SNW is the best trek show.
vinewood_og: SNW is fantastic
DandyGeek: second season is also good
HubbeKing: Strange New Worlds is incredible
Eklinaar: Yeah Bakula really was not a good Star Trek captain.
jimber_jam: SNW is very very good
munocard: Strange New Worlds is FANTASTIC
TreeVor84: Strange New Worlds is very good
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyThink
DandyGeek: SNW is my current fav live action Trek
ThorSokar: no one has complaints about Strange New Worlds
kodalith: Lower Decks is amazing
Bassios: Strange New Worlds is great, it's so much fun
malfnord: Anson Mount is amazing as Captain Pike
Shortfall: Picard Series 3 is worth watching, the first 2 less so
dungeonmasteralek: Lower decks is peak entertainment
Hoplon42: Lower decks too
mercano82: Seek out new life and new civilizations.
vinewood_og: Lower Decks is also underrated
Bowerbird7: Seek out new life and new civilisations?
Dalrint: Oh there was Picard, if that counts.
jimber_jam: Lower Decks is also top tier
UltraVioletVodoo: what is it streaming on?
TXC2: Conor Triner was EASILY the best actor in Ent
QuixoticScrivener: what about the Orville?
hawktonguebaby: I kinda love Bakula in that role. The humans are supposed to be goofier than they realize at that point in history.
TreeVor84: SNW season 2 has some fantastic episodes
DandyGeek: Lower Decks is so much more authentically Trek than you'd ever expect
Featherweight_: Its Star trek flavoured star trek
superdeadsmurf: prodigy is realy fun too if you can handle a bit of kiddy stuff
mercano82: SNW also has an episode set in Toronto.
munocard: The guy playing Spock in SNW is fantastic
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Season 2 of Strange new worlds has both a musical Episode and a Live action crossover with Lower DEcks
Mattmitchell45: Lower Decks rules
BlueChloroplast: Love LD
TXC2: a LIVE ACTION crossover
Lord_Hosk: Strange New Worlds has a musical Episode where they know they are in the musical
MattIsAMage: lower decks is getting put into a card game :)
kodalith: Yup. Its amazing!
Suffix: Those Old Scientists.
CAKHost: Hello everyone!
Herbert_Erpaderp: The SNW crossover is great. So is the musical episode
Suffix: It's an amazing episode.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: SO Boimler and Mariner shwo up on SNWE
TXC2: hello CAKHost welcome
KV1NN4: YUP love that crossover XD
DigitalSeahorse: neat!
YeomanAres: Becket and boimler
Xed_Regulus: Lower Decks is Star Trek made by people who love Star Trek
TacitusVigil: Prodigy is Voyager's Picard, but... better
NeoOfTheDark: Lower Decks is so good
SnowBuddy18: there's also The Orville, which slaps and made people go "wait, this is better Star Trek than Star Trek currently is"
kodalith: It really is a Love Letter to the franchise
Bassios: Lower Decks is fuckin' amazing
John Hill: Strange New Worlds is great
John Hill: and the crossover episode is pretty good
Verrain2: Strange New Worlds is TOS if they had today's budget.
vinewood_og: "Why does everyone talk so fast in the future? And all those references..."
RealGamerCow: There are some DEEEP cuts in Lower Decks
Bobtheninjagoldfish: and they both go out of the way to incormorate physicality from the cartoons, like the boimler walks and stuff.
TXC2: "go away Q we don't have time for your bullshit!"
Pteraspidomorphi: Yes! It was criminal
dungeonmasteralek: That show slapped!
hawktonguebaby: I haven't watched any "new Trek" and I'm doing a rewatch from TOS to lead up to it. And as nostalgic as it is, good lord does TOS drag…
Mattmitchell45: Netflix Conspiracy Cartoon
L0rdX33n: Loved Inside Job
mercano82: "Go bother Picard or something!"
kodalith: Yeah. That was a shame
munocard: I'm still upset that Amazon cancelled The Peripheral.
DandyGeek: it's basically "what if wage slave in Steve Jackson's Illuminati universe"
MattIsAMage: "what if gornement conspiriesys were true + rick and morty"
L0rdX33n: “What if every conspiracy was true?”
KV1NN4: Still made they're ending Lower Decks in season 5...
malfnord: Inside Job = The Office but taking place inside the Illuminati
Bowerbird7: speaking of Star Trek adjacent thing, The Orville was surprisingly decent from memory
Masslost: stargate needs to comeback cause it was so good
spinebustertee: it's by Alex Hirsch, from Gravity Falls!
Featherweight_: I love the lower decks call backs to the original animated series like the giant spock skelton in the collectors stuff
alexnaderpoulsen: Yah inside job
TXC2: it's the same production house no?
brunothepig: What if every conspiracy theory were true, and it were your job to keep them covered up
The_Color_Twelve: it has been up and down but I enjoyed the last 2 seasons
Eklinaar: Rick and Morty is great, the Rick and Morty fandom is one of the most toxic on the internet
Leonhart321: A good show with a terrible fanbase
mercano82: Yeah, The Orville is a love letter to TNG, you just have to get through some Seth McFarland jokes.
TacitusVigil: The show is good, the fans are... yeah
Brozard: @spinebustertee I was just about to ask, couldn’t remember
RealGamerCow: Rick and Morty seems to be on cruise control now
Shellsh0cker: I would argue Rick and Morty is a show with good episodes
munocard: That sounds a bit like Cabin in the Woods
RealGamerCow: There's still high points
red_shoes_jeff: @Bowerbird7 I keep hearing it described as "a better Star Trek than Star Trek."
Brozard: Maybe you should watch anime, James Kappa
TXC2: RealGamerCow yeah it does feel like that
Bassios: Final Space? I tried the first episode and bounced off it so hard
TacitusVigil: It's very good off brand TNG
Bowerbird7: @red_shoes_jeff yeah, especially given Discovery wasn't it for a lot of people
Resilient Spring: my problem with modern trek is that it hits my phobias often enough that I'm too nervous to watch it anymore :'(
Keith Brown: the fact that ST Enterprise was the first Star Trek show I was old enough to watch might be why I became a Star Wars fan lol
Kevin Leung: animated cabin in the woods
neisan2112: Speaking of animated shows, I iust rewatched Arcane and god its still amazing.
KV1NN4: Solar Opposites?
Eklinaar: As a queer person, I refuse to watch The Orville because Seth MacFarlane is absolutely awful with portrayals of queer people.
Didero: I also liked the new DuckTales :p
BlueChloroplast: I prefer animated shows
L0rdX33n: Bojack Horseman?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: @red_shoes_jeff this must have been said before SNW and Lower Decks hit.
DigitalSeahorse: Final Space got depressing
Mattmitchell45: Tucca and Bertie love
avi_miller: Gumball is so so good!!
Riandisa: Gumball is a great show
QuixoticScrivener: gumball is fantastic mixed media animation
Featherweight_: gumball is a love letter to animation
the_phantom_game_player: it is
Lord_Hosk: There was that "this is fantasy futurama" which was really bad
Alzran: Gumball is an Experience
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: “My Adventures With Superman” is really good. very different visual design compared to other Superman cartoons, very anime-influenced
Chefryto90: The Owlhouse is legit one of my fav moder animated shows
EdibleDragon: I LOVED Final Space. You just have to know you’re supposed to dislike the MC at first
Verrain2: When Gumball is on, it is on!
avi_miller: Different charactered being animated at different frames is just a chefs kiss
TheWooglie: Like Red Dwarf?
SquidVorb: Yes and no
TXC2: or the talking Balloon
TheNerdWonder: RADA!
Earthenone: i think i saw a parody of gumbal, but with this description maybe i saw some of the actual show :P
trenzylive: 6
Bade Warrior: 6 seasons
TacitusVigil: I saw Crapopolis once, and despite the VAs...I hate it.
SquidVorb: I believe there's a movie or revival or something in progress
SquidVorb: For gumball
DigitalSeahorse: it's high energy
Riandisa: They are working on a movie and a new season/series
red_shoes_jeff: @EdibleDragon VERY dangerous tightrope to walk, that.
dungeonmasteralek: Hot take: Bojack is a good show that got too heavy handed
fiftymcnasty: BoJack is great, but you do need emotional armor
DigitalSeahorse: it's goofy
patfinder: BoJack is excellent, and dark, but also very funny
KV1NN4: I think Gumball came about cos they decided to use a bunch the failed Pilots characters at the time
RealGamerCow: @TheNerdWonder I loved Chowder so much.
public_key_reveal_party: Bojack is sad, but it does do something interesting with it
ThorSokar: Is this where I put down the banner of watch Netfilx Castlevania (the first series)?
hesterbyrde: Bojack is amazing but it is very real about some heavy stuff
DandyGeek: Tuca and Bertie was really incredible, and understood how to play in the medium very well
Masslost: thoughts on archer
mjiig: I enjoyed Bojack to start with, but I did eventually burn out somewhat on self sabotage as a plot hook
JRandomHacker: "Loews But A Animal Version" being styled with the Home Depot branding is an A+ joke
Brozard: I said this on Ian’s stream the other week, but Space Brothers
Mattmitchell45: @DandyGeek exactly
Bade Warrior: and a movie
Justin Brown: what is this?
Bade Warrior: They're talking about cartoons
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I find myself disliking a l LOT of main characters in shows (animated or otherwise) but loving the surrounding cast.
abslomdaak42: I've seen the first two seasons of Bojack and really, really liked it
dannycabby subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
dannycabby: heyo! have you seen legend of vox machina? curious how non Critical role watchers see it
snowewolf: Bing Adventure Time
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dannycabby! (Today's storm count: 104)
DandyGeek: (and it was also *extremely real*, but much less toxic dude-centered)
TXC2: Gods I used to love Archer
QuixoticScrivener: Archer has good seasons, and TERRIBLE seasons
xantos69: Archer got weird.
Lord_Hosk: Archer has good and bad seasons
spinebustertee: The well rounded characters + weird stuff is also the same allure that Doom Patrol had for me
The_Color_Twelve: archer season 3 to 6 were good and I found 8 good if different
TehAmelie: Will Arnett voicing BoJack does the best work he's ever done, at least
DandyGeek: Archer had a streak where they did genre seasons, and those were fun
neisan2112: Its got huge peaks and valleys
QuixoticScrivener: Archer in space, and on the island, was hilarious
public_key_reveal_party: Archer never was bad, but it was heading that way as it went on
munocard: I like how they wrote out Archer's mom after the actress passed away.
arkham1981: I keep going back to Gravity Falls as just a feel good fun watch.
vinewood_og: Adam Reed(sp)?
Darkpatriot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Darkpatriot! (Today's storm count: 105)
RealGamerCow: There's only so many jokes you can squeeze out of that concept
Justin Brown: okay what is this channel normally?
Simriel: They do a variety of different streams
Bade Warrior: Uhh a lot of stuff sketch comedy they have a panel show they have different gaming streams
Justin Brown: the algo brought me here.
hawktonguebaby: Adam Reed, who also did Sealab 2021
vinewood_og: Bring back Venture Brothers
Mattmitchell45: Owl House if we're talking
Sevinon: @vinewood_og At least we got the movie
Stephonee: Bob's Burgers is so good
ShaneLeeAtk: H. Jon Benjamin doing a lot of work
munocard: @hawktonguebaby Ohhhh... that's why I loved Archer so much!
hyperpuppy64: y'all seen the Harley Quinn show?
TXC2: Bob's Burgers is very up and down for me
BorealMage: @hawktonguebaby My partner and I still quote that show to each other all the time
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: cheer400 one more minute on the clock
Hansk_and_Boo: Bobs burgers is peak comfort food tv, no pun intended
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope vicksyNom
public_key_reveal_party: Bob's Burgers is one hundred percent a comfortable show, for good and bad
munocard: Bob's Burgers at least feels like the characters don't hate each other and feels genuine.
SharktoothJack: I don’t think it’s a bad thing to be a comfort food episodic kind of show
TehAmelie: "upper lower middle class", they joke
DigitalSeahorse: and a cat
Bade Warrior: Depends on what you're into but they probably have at least 1 stream of content that you'd enjoy
Bade Warrior: If you like short form comedy check out some crapshots
Simriel: Videogames of various genres, sketch comedy, Magic the Gathering, Board Games, Roleplaying games, and prerecorded comedy
Justin Brown: fair
L0rdX33n: I appreciate that all the Belcher’s are creative, but not very good at it
incslayer: when simpsons was made that was still true though
Shortfall: Thoughts on the Futurama Reboot Reboot? Next series starts in like a week
munocard: It's still wild that Bob's Burgers had to write out a character because their VA was at Jan 6th.
Hansk_and_Boo: "grounded in reality"
Angnor33: Bob's Burgers is so good.
hawktonguebaby: Fun fact: Bob's Burgers was originally supposed to be about a family of cannibals who served human-meat burgers to unsuspecting customers. Then they realized that would be terrible. But they make a few askew references to it through the show.
Featherweight_: it was a pitch of late night adult swim
DandyGeek: Bob's Burgers also often hinges on "the business could fail at any moment" which I think is also more modern
public_key_reveal_party: It feels like it's not "about" struggling to get by, because that is just kinda ever present and drives a lot of stuff subtly
Masslost: I’m happy this weekend I’m bingeing Sherlock cause I can lol
Eklinaar: That's just a real depiction of life in America right now
TacitusVigil: Lots of stuff like that back then. Rosanne, Married With Children.
Bade Warrior: Oh and road quest
Bade Warrior: Watch Road Quest
Justin Brown: will do
Mark_D_Stroyer: “All we have is these terrible burger pun names.”
Molladia: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 7:28 AM
northos: the burgers of the day sometimes really get me :D
SFSMaus: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This is a restricted area.
gnabaer: i was told The Venture Bros. is really good, but i never saw it myself
munocard: The Venture Bros is an all time favorite
KV1NN4: version of the Belcher family exists in my group's SciFi Homebrew game (as occassioinal guests) and one 'episode' the youngest kid got a Sword
Featherweight_: it ok for a thing just to be pleasant
brunothepig: I think it's strange to pin down because it feels as silly as Family Guy and the like, but it's far more sincere
The_Color_Twelve: so good
TXC2: gnabaer it was, but also VERY of it's time
DoctorBobnarAwesome: If I'm rewatching Gilmore Girls I know I'm depressed.
vinewood_og: Go team Venture!
L0rdX33n: i need to finish Venture Bros…
KBKarma: A show from my childhood that I quite enjoyed was Angry Beavers.
KV1NN4: it was a whole thing
incslayer: i grew up on Jonny Quest and i have never been able to actually get myself to watch Venture Bros
Brozard: Has no one brought up Dr. Katz and Home Movies?
The_Color_Twelve: venture is one of my favorite shows of all time if the name didn't indicate that
Bobtheninjagoldfish: did anyone else see Frisky Dingo? The show that the people who made archer did between Sealab and archer?
ThorSokar: even if you've just seen Johnny Quest that'll get a huge number of the Venture Bros. jokes
ElementalAlchemist: I loved Harvey Birdman
munocard: The whole OSI and SPHINX stuff in Venture is very GI Joe
bo_brinkman: Friday Nights is my "comfort when anxious" show. :)
Molladia: Looking forward to the new West Wing show Josh Malina keeps talking about.
Simonark: Once VB gets going, nothing comes close for the sheer love and effort in every frame of that show
jjcard: Rewatched some King of the Hill recently. Still holds up
Simriel: We are currently in the middle of a !subathon
MacSquizzy: @DoctorBobnarAwesome me with Patriot
pigeondoverose: harvey birdman is so good
the_phantom_game_player: LUL
public_key_reveal_party: I need to watch Harvey birdman, I feel like I would like it
mercano82: I am Mentok, the Mind Taker!
PMAvers: Ian kicks in the door at the mention of Venture Bros
TotalHell: Did you get that...thing I sent you?
Philocalist: Space Ghost too
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap vicksyClap Birdman
JadedCynic: Yeah, knowing Johnny Quest - the source material (which I still say is Johnny grew up to become Johnny Bravo - dad lost custody and he moved in with Mama :D
The_Color_Twelve: and raises!
DandyGeek: @L0rdX33n the film is a worthy button to the story up to now. Still hoping they get to play in the world again in the future.
hawktonguebaby: @jjcard Kind of the Hill was somehow both of and ahead of its time
lesbianpunkpyromancer22: Anyone watch smiling friends?
Mattmitchell45: The HBO Bird Girl show was different, but excellent
asthanius: speaking of Hannah Barbara: Jellystone
mercano82: Wasn't Harvey Birdman 15 minute episodes, too?
Lord_Hosk: @TacitusVigil Rosanne both parents worked, and the kids got jobs so they could have spending money. it wasn't until later when they did the lotto win seasons.
janky_as_heck: Let's discuss regular show though
duck33: what time is it over the pond for you lovely chaps?
vinewood_og: Did you get that thing I sent you?
TXC2: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 7:30 AM
CookieMom: @Lord_Hosk You mean the season that ended SUPER dark.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: State your First Name, Last name and Occupation. Lizardman, Lizardman and Lizardman
alchemistsavant: AUUUUGHH?
EdibleDragon: I was so sad to see Brak’s VA is an Amazon driver now
francis lelievre: why aren't you using the funny actors anymore?
Bade Warrior: They're running 24 hours right now and they gotta save the good stuff for prime time
Bade Warrior: This is the morning chat
QuixoticScrivener: How did Tim Allen manage to get cast on a family show?
munocard: Petition to make Drew Carey Show streamable.
Gekyouryuu: @lesbianpunkpyromancer22 yes
JadedCynic: @duck33 here it's noon on the east coast of canada, for them it's 7:30am
xantos69: My assessment of Home Improvement is "mostly harmless"
MrPandaaaGaming: Has LRR ever been approached to do writing for a comedy TV show?
Featherweight_: the space ghost episode of Jellystone is quietly heartbreaking
DandyGeek: Alex, did you ever see the Robocop *TV* show?
Sorator13: @QuixoticScrivener Bob Saget is the one that surprises me, personally
JRandomHacker: Fresh Prince is _so_ good
TXC2: Gods Fresh prince was THE JAM
Eklinaar: Home Improvement was mostly a show about exaggerated stereotypes
shiny_elva: Hello chat o/
TXC2: hello shiny_elva welcome
DandyGeek: bonkers that it got made at all
ThorSokar: Fresh Prince has some VERY real episodes, which was very impressing for the time
DoctorBobnarAwesome: @MacSquizzy I'm glad I'm not the only one, but I envy having a show like that which is only a couple of seasons.
TXC2: ThorSokar indeed
Nigouki: god, RoboCop TV show was like morning kids time syndication wasn't it
Akaiatana: A cop-out?
red_shoes_jeff: LOVED Fresh Prince, back in the day...
QuixoticScrivener: @Sorator13 Or Howie Mandel with Bobby's World
Earthenone: fresh prince was so good, it was one of those shows i stayed up late for
HubbeKing: I have heard *very* good things about the new Robocop videogame
Masslost: Miami vice tv show is one hell of a look into the 80’s
duck33: fresh prince holds up so well as someone who was too young to watch when it came out
KV1NN4: which Robocop TV show? Weren't there two live-actions and a cartoon?
DandyGeek: oh yeah, the first film is great. the rest are dogshit
Mark_D_Stroyer: 2Robo2Cop
Shortfall: Robocop jumped the shark when he appeared on WCW
Gekyouryuu: I'd rent that for a quarter
MTigress: there was a robocop cartoon, and a tv show and 2 different miniseries i believe
vinewood_og: Total recall
Mattmitchell45: Commando
TacitusVigil: A mini series too
Dalrint: Hey! ROBOCOP 3 IS PERFECT! It is everything a movie needed to be!
Redpandarama: Robocop 2 is a m a z i n g
KV1NN4: then Frank Miller happened to Robocop
Eklinaar: Some kids stuff from the 80s and 90s was very subversive
bo_brinkman is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 21 in the channel!
bo_brinkman gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ridgenator!
bo_brinkman gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZosiaRose!
bo_brinkman gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheMadEgyptian!
bo_brinkman gifted a Tier 1 sub to cuttlefishman!
bo_brinkman gifted a Tier 1 sub to unisonx1!
bo_brinkman gifted a Tier 1 sub to bangwhistle!
bo_brinkman gifted a Tier 1 sub to Charlocity!
bo_brinkman gifted a Tier 1 sub to schmoe244!
bo_brinkman gifted a Tier 1 sub to Morrigan9!
bo_brinkman gifted a Tier 1 sub to gameboy350!
JadedCynic: the first one was another Verhooven satire of action movies...and the rest kinda forgot they were supposed to be satire
Joecool190: Aliens!
incslayer: In sweden Fresh Prince aired on Channel 5 which i didnt have so i made do with The Nanny
snowewolf: What do you think of the Blade Runner Films
DandyGeek: @KV1NN4 oh no I forgot there was a cartoon NotLikeThis
Spolin: has Alex played the Robocop game?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, bo_brinkman! Welcome to Ridgenator, ZosiaRose, TheMadEgyptian, cuttlefishman, unisonx1, bangwhistle, Charlocity, Morrigan9, gameboy350, and schmoe244! (Today's storm count: 115)
xantos69: Terminator 2 is my "I'll stop whatever I'm doing to watch it if I see it on" movie.
MTigress: oh, 2 cartoons actually
TXC2: bo_brinkman lrrHEART
mercano82: Terminator 2 was as good, or better, than the original, but it's downhill from there.
ThorSokar: The "why doesn't he want me" scene from Fresh Prince is just burned in to my brain
the_phantom_game_player: That recent Robocop is good for what it is
Morrigan9: @bo_brinkman Thanks for the gift sub!
TriChronos: There was also the Super Sentai wave on 1990 with the OG Power Rangers
Lord_Hosk: Robocop was like...way too marketable to kids for its own good. Nothing about robocop was for kids but MAN did they push it to kids
red_shoes_jeff: Saw Alien for the first time, this year.
pigeondoverose: my hot take is most films shouldn't get sequels and most tv shows should be miniseries
Nigouki: RoboCop 2 was...Irvine Kershner?
Genie_M: there's robocop 2 and 3?
PawssumFable: I live
HubbeKing: Robocop 2 is kind of hilarious because it just... doesn't have an ending
Bassios: I've definitely never seen Robocop 2
KV1NN4: @DandyGeek yup... the writers kept assuming his Partner was romantically intereste din him (because she's the Girl partnered witht he Main Dude...)
HubbeKing: the movie just Stops
topofthemorningdew: what about all the high school musicals?
mercano82: Terminator: The Sara Conner Chronicles was getting pretty good when FOX canceled the series.
munocard: Robocop 2 was shot in Houston, and it's weird having been born and raised here.
ArkhamArchivist: I want to watch Prey again
gnabaer: yeam in 3 he fights ninjas with a jetpack
Mark_D_Stroyer: I still love Last Action Hero for being so antithetical to the typical action movie
MrMatternot: Poltergeist had a solid spin off tv series,
Gekyouryuu: Apparently the Planet of the Apes franchise is mostly or entirely bangers
Dalrint: There are TWO cyberninjas in robocop 3. Also robocop can fly!
Xed_Regulus: I got to watch a 45th anniversary re-release of Alien in theatre a couple months back. That was sweet to see in cinema.
SajuukSjet: when the local cinema had the sci-fi season, got to see double-feature T1+T2 back to back, worked _really_ well telling a whole story
Featherweight_: I watched a thing on the makin got the abyss and that was way more wild then the actual movie
Shortfall: I had to watch Alien for High School English in Australia
HubbeKing: Robocop can indeed terrible-cgi-fly in the 3rd movie
TXC2: Mark_D_Stroyer same
dm818: Prey was great
dannycabby: have we discussed the newer star wars shows? mandalorian, etc?
Joecool190: its so good
TXC2: Prey
DandyGeek: @KV1NN4 ugggh, that was never my favorite sort of trope and for Robocop? blerg
PawssumFable: We've all seen Predator 2 in bits and pieces, it used to be on TV all the time
Eklinaar: Prey is very very good, great evolution of the Predator series
Xed_Regulus: Yes, Prey was great
incslayer: Prey was Great
thatguysteve2709: So good
neisan2112: Prey was fantastic
KBKarma: I was oddly amused at them making cartoons of adult films. Like Ghostbusters and Beetlejuice.
kodalith: Prey is very good
HubbeKing: Prey is legit great
GazzyInferno: prey is the best predator film since at least 2, and really since 1
Molladia: What prompt triggered this conversation?
Mark_D_Stroyer: Predators was stupid solid
KevinTheShark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
KevinTheShark: 80 years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KevinTheShark! (Today's storm count: 116)
Bowerbird7: I kinda liked Predators
KV1NN4: I LIEKD one of the new Planet fo the Apes movies but as I was tellign a friend of mine about it ona roadtrip i got PROGRESSIVELY ANGRIER because i started noticing the gaps in logic of science and society prior to the problems etc
ArkhamArchivist: AVP was "good" trash
Ridgenator: @bo_brinkman Thank ou!
TXC2: I did REALLY like the Twist with the doctor on that one though
Gekyouryuu: @trichronos as a person whose screen name is a sentai fan character and helps fan sub rider and sentai, I'm always going to fondly remember power rangers
nosole: Yeah Predators fell apart pretty good, Laurence Fishburne chews scenery like mad in that movie
L0rdX33n: Why hasn’t there been a Predator vs blank movie every couple years?
JRandomHacker: I really wish they'd manage to pull off the trick of not revealing Prey was a Predator movie until launch
nosole: *pretty quick
arkham1981: The best part of pred 2 was Gary Busey
Boomy Toadsmasher: love the Lakota dub of it
Piratejackyar: Predator is a wild movie in that it contains two WWE hall of famers that were also US state governors.
Molladia: Oh like the Hirogen from Voyager
KV1NN4: @DandyGeek Yeha... Then again Frank Miller handled that charatcer SO BADLY the actress was just like "Actually can my charatce rpls be killed off then?" so they did
betazed15: That movie was so fun
TheWooglie: 3 sea shells?
TXC2: now there's a classic
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Demolition man is supposed to happen in 8 years
betazed15: Not good, by any means, but so funny.
JadedCynic: predators had a good premise, and a decent cast...and then squandered it
code_sourcerer: Demolition man is such a great movie :D
malfnord: Snipes saves that movie
Makrosian_Tay: And we still dont' know what the shells do!
vinewood_og: Hahahaha he doesn't know how to use the 3 seashells!!!
TXC2: Taco bell wining the fast food wars
TriChronos: @gekyouryuu Heck yeah! The theme song still lives rent free in my head and probably always will.
red_shoes_jeff: "Cold in here, or is it just me?"
BITs19_: good morning Alex, James! Good morning Chat!
PawssumFable: N o!
QuixoticScrivener: America is pretty on track for it
PawssumFable: It's past!
Gekyouryuu: Was Stargate a 90s thing, or was it early 00s?
Jigokuro: This going to lead to a return of Zack Meatfist?
xantos69: I can't wait to get my first 2 seashells!
Bobtheninjagoldfish: You are going to regret that for the rest of your life, both seconds of it.
PawssumFable: It was supposed to be a few years ago
ztghostie: taco bell had better get on with winning the fast food wars, then
TXC2: hello BITs19_ welcome
public_key_reveal_party: Some movies are like "I am aware this is basically objectively bad, and I will be sitting here and enjoying it totally unironically"
TehAmelie: i've seen people confused by this before. Alien vs Predator started a whole line of "Alien vs" comics, the Predators aren't the main characters
NarishmaReborn: still time for taco bell to win the fast food wards
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Denis learry
TXC2: Wesley snipes
PawssumFable: Bruce willis
QuixoticScrivener: Wesley Snips
ThorSokar: Wesley Snipes
ztghostie: bruce willis
betazed15: snipes/stallone
code_sourcerer: Bruce Willis
Lushian_Cybasi: Rob Snyder
rabbitgta: Taco bell isn't winning the food wars right now
Eklinaar: @Gekyouryuu Both, Stargate lasted a really long time.
PawssumFable: Wait- no you're right, Stallone
TriChronos: It's one of the things I've always meant to check out the source material but never found the time.
vinewood_og: Self driving cars, zoom meetings, sex helmets very ahead of it's time
ztghostie: oh wait bruce willis was 5th element LUL
munocard: Internationally it was Pizza Hut
foxdie5042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, foxdie5042! (Today's storm count: 117)
gnabaer: well blade runner already happened so i think we are safe when it comes to demolition man
DandyGeek: @KV1NN4 Frank Miller. Of course. That's...unsurprisingly on brand.
arkham1981: Is still really hope we get a second Karl Urban Dredd movie.
QuixoticScrivener: Murder-Death-Kill
dannycabby: stargate gets better with age
Bowerbird7: Stallone's face when someone says President Schwartzineggar
mercano82: @Gekyouryuu SG1 was both, Atlantis and Universe were mid 00's.
Gekyouryuu: @eklinaar oh I know it lasted, I just couldn't remember when it started
CAKHost: Humanity will never know what the 3 sea shells are for -n0
HubbeKing: Yes, internationally it was dubbed over and poorly edited to be Pizza Hut instead of Taco Bell
Molladia: More Dredd, Give us more DREDD
ggodopaste: The Arnold Schwazenneger presidential library
snowewolf: we do have vr now
HubbeKing: which is just *so* funny
CAKHost: -n-
Eklinaar: @Gekyouryuu 97
Lord_Hosk: Stalone tried to explain "the three sea shells" on the press tour the writer and director was like "there is no explanation, we made it up as something that makes no sense"
JadedCynic: yeah, Treat Williams & Joe Piscopo O_o
PawssumFable: Okay, I'm wrong, it was like, the taco bell wars are supposed to be over lol
roefizzlebeef: re: an earlier conversation, I just went back and watched the entire hamfather playlist for the first time in my life and WOW I have not laughed that hard in a while
PawssumFable: fast food wars*
SajuukSjet: @Molladia i'll agree with you if you mean Karl Urban Dredd :P
Simonark: And Nigel Hawthorne, who got stuck in it as the villain so he had the profile to make real movies, and who Stallone didn’t even remember when they met up at the Oscars a year later when Hawthorne was up for best Actor.
JadedCynic: "Kill that guy, wouldya?" :D
ztghostie: wait is that the one where one of the buddies dies and turns into a zombie?
Musical_Marauder: oo just saw the new trailer for beetlejuice 2 that just dropped
L0rdX33n: I just discovered Kentucky Fried Movie, I nearly died laughing
Bowerbird7: Oh I've seen that one, it was better than it had any right to be
Gekyouryuu: You know what was oddly prescient about the internet? FREAKAZOID.
PawssumFable: @Gekyouryuu WB cartoons were all oddly prescient
PawssumFable: From that era
TacitusVigil: Nonono
public_key_reveal_party: I got asked by a few coworkers today what my favorite movie was, and I had to try to immediately think of a movie I love that I would not need to explain a lot of
Masslost: Alex did you ever see striking distance or showdown in little Tokyo?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang amazing and funny
xantos69: Well that goes on my list now.
hyperpuppy64: + watchlist, thanks!
KV1NN4: what movie was thisd?
Molladia: @SajuukSjet Thats the only Dredd movie to exist in our entire history.
TXC2: i'm pretty sure Moviebob has covered Dead Heat for Schlocktober
DigitalSeahorse: sweet
TehAmelie: then John Dies at the End perfected the monster made of freezer meats
Featherweight_: vince was game for anything
TXC2: KV1NN4 dead heat
munocard: It's a sketch comedy movie
MattIsAMage: sketch comedy right?
L0rdX33n: anthology?
Simonark: So, House on Haunted Hill, or Last Man on Earth?
PawssumFable: Oh, I see. There's a big lag.
Musical_Marauder: dead heat is available in full bluray on youtube
Willow Briar: Sorry I missed it, what film is Alex taking about?
KV1NN4: @TXC2 thanks *adds to list*
dankmemeter: Zucker brothers before airplane
L0rdX33n: yes
malfnord: "The popcorn you've been eating has been pissed on; film at 11."
munocard: Don't watch it around kids.
BrookJustBones: Like the onion movie :P, which doesn't hold up great
Gekyouryuu: Robot chicken-esque?
DandyGeek: KFM is Zuckers, yeah
JadedCynic: ZAZ before Police Squad (the tv show)
Duffadash: Fistful of Yen
MrMatternot: Kung pow
ShaneLeeAtk: Kung Pow
MattIsAMage: its got the scene with the cow right?
TacitusVigil: I think David letterman liked it so much he had the KFMovie guy on repeatedly
Brozard: You have our gratitude!
JadedCynic: oh YES, Top Secret was amazing
xantos69: Oh, Kung Pow I still quote.
DandyGeek: I *just* saw Top Secret in a theatre
TreeVor84: Top Secret s great
Ridgenator: Top Secret is early Zucker brothers movie yeah
munocard: Accurate description!
TotallyNotaBeholder: Top Secret, was that the one with a theme song by Weird Al?
JadedCynic: @TotallyNotaBeholder nope
NarishmaReborn: top secret is soooo good
vinewood_og: NAked Gun reboot in the works with.... Liam Neeson!?!?
RandomTrivia: @TotallyNotaBeholder That was Spy Hard
TotallyNotaBeholder: @RandomTrivia Right, got em mixed up, Top Secret was young Val Kilmer then, yeah?
DigitalSeahorse: LOL
TehAmelie: black comedy made me think of The Death of Stalin. boy that movie went hard
Alzran: Kung Pow quotes are used on the discord soundboard for my wow guild, that movie is comedy gold for quotes
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Molladia: Alex should totally watch the Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai on movie night.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyLUL
vinewood_og: I saw spy hard in a theater
TXC2: TehAmelie it sure did
munocard: Rubber?
asthanius: rubber
Gekyouryuu: THAT'S what the take him to Detroit clip is from?
JadedCynic: that joke was glorious, but it hits kinda different nowadays...
rabbitgta: Detroit knows what it did
Stephonee: OH Rubber!
thatguysteve2709: Rubber
TheManaLeek: Rubber is so good
TriChronos: Rubber?
DandyGeek: Have you seen Dead Alive/Braindead, Alex?
Michelle E: My parents took me to see top-secret in the theater… They should not have done that I was way too young. Indelible memories burned into my brain from that movie. It was great. I enjoyed it very much.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDerp Rubber so silly
KBKarma: @Molladia Checking the chat in Site D, he has indeed seen it already.
BlackBlade_: Have you seen that weird Peter Jackson movie with the puppetts?
Akaiatana: It leeaves you tired.
NimrodXIV: Rubber is so weird
munocard: Don't watch Rubber while sober.
TehAmelie: you could show it on stream, i'm sure no one will mind :D
TheWriterAleph: Rubber is amazing
DandyGeek: @BlackBlade_ Meet the Feebles!
NorthstarTex: Rubber is, just that
thatguysteve2709: The opening monologue is the entire plot
TriChronos: Giving a tire telekinetic abilities is a hilarious conceit, to be fair.
MacSquizzy: Rubber mentioned *eyes emoji*
AndyDaMage: is it alive? or is it all just an accident
IanAllenBird: "ostensibly" is a powerful word in that sentence
atinyspacemarine: My dad and I watched rubber and frankly it's just fun, too
DigitalSeahorse: seems about time for me to watch Rubber again
hyperpuppy64: holy hell Meet the Feebles is nasty
BlackBlade_: @DandyGeek Yeah thats the one LOL
DandyGeek: Dead Alive is my fav
L0rdX33n: You are filling up my weekend, keep ‘em coming
public_key_reveal_party: And then he nailed it!
Ridgenator: Dead Alive is really great!
munocard: You wanna watch an old weird movie? Go watch Heartbeeps. Andy Kaufman and Bernadette Peters as robots in love.
hyperpuppy64: Dead Alive rules so hard
DandyGeek: just the most amazing, bonkers-ass NZ zombie comedy
Michelle E: Willow Brier he was talking about Kentucky Fried Movies
Michelle E: Errr Movie
Michelle E: OH! Rubber
Michelle E: Wacky flick. Great.
Ridgenator: "I kick ass for the Lord!"
DandyGeek: the unrated version, omg
petey_vonwho: My favorite terrible movie is Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter
Bowerbird7: Meet the Feebles got a reference in the Electric Mayhem Muppets series LUL
JadedCynic: He DID transition to 'Hollywood' via The Frighteners <3
public_key_reveal_party: I need to go watch his old filmography now
Duffadash: Heavenly Creatures was probably what convinced some executives
TehAmelie: i've told like seven people the words "an evil psychokinetic car tire rolls around a desert town blowing things up" and then i don't even get to the audience segment. . .
hyperpuppy64: Bad Taste is so much more awesome than I coulda expected
KV1NN4: yup, watched a bunch of Peter Jackson movies before Fritgheners and Lord of the Rings..it was so weird to see him tackle Hollywood
MarkovDescendant: It was because he made The Frighteners. The effects and visuals is what made them choose Jackson
commentarywife: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 7:42 AM
Ridgenator: @Bowerbird7 I love when Jesus uses garlic mayo breath to kill vampires
KBKarma: Probably not a real sheep. The tarp budget wouldn't cover it.
JadedCynic: lawnmower-fu - that'll all I'll say
TheAlanHeffley: Awful, campy movie: Feeders. Just trust me on this.
Bowerbird7: these were all done with WETA Workshop too btw
Brozard: Frighteners was great
JRandomHacker: And now the remaster films
JoannaTastic: That so-so Mortal Engines movie
snowewolf: have you seen the new zland - zombie sheep movie?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyJammin
Bowerbird7: WETA Workshop who now do SFX for AAA movies
PawssumFable: Great directors can work across genres
Simonark: They Who Shall Not Grow Old is remarkable
Nigouki: yes
Mishapp53: yup he was
Redpandarama: Get Back is so great!
TehAmelie: they put Jackson's name all over District 9 but i'm sure he was just a producer
TXC2: he was
JRandomHacker: Seeing Paul write Get Back completely on the fly is something else
Brozard: Yes
thaigeprime: yes that was him
thatguysteve2709: Night of the lepus the reason PETA was created
Brozard: It used to be on Netflix, but no longer
Mishapp53: it was amazing I saw it in the theatre.
public_key_reveal_party: I do just want to be in the room when Peter Jackson was pitched as the director for the extremely expensive lord of the rings movie
Molladia: Somebody mentioned NZ films and it made me think of Black Sheep which was NUTS
DandyGeek: OH! Have y'all seen any of "The Roundup" flicks? Korean crime action, Ma Dong-seok is the lead
PawssumFable: @thatguysteve2709 Don't even joke like that
SajuukSjet: wasn't that the Imperial War Museum as well?
DandyGeek: just an absolute brick shithouse of a man punching dudes
Nigouki: no
munocard: No
Shortfall: Someone mentioned NZ films and it made me think of the original What We Do In The Shadows
TheDevil_Risen: the new one is coming out soon
nosole: No
hyperpuppy64: nah that's Fede Alvarez
Simonark: Also on Peter Jackson, The Lovely Bones isn’t great!
hyperpuppy64: Fede is good hands
atinyspacemarine: Chappie was also fun
hyperpuppy64: He did Evil Dead 2013
vinewood_og: No he had an alien project in development but not bloomkamp
asthanius: remember Bright?
ggodopaste: Fede did the Evil Dead recently
munocard: Blomkamp kinda fell off after Chappie, I think.
KBKarma: Has anyone ever seen Grabbers? It's an Irish indie (?) film about sea monsters that are repulsed by alcohol.
public_key_reveal_party: I feel like district nine really doesn't need a sequel
TheDevil_Risen: F***ng Prawns!
Makrosian_Tay: Prawhns
Singenmeister: District 9 was made with tech and assets originally made for a Halo movie that fell through.
KV1NN4: Dr's Alex & James: Knives Out and Glass Onion?
TheDevil_Risen: I liked chappie
hesterbyrde: Elysium tried bless its heart
incslayer: Elysium is the only Blomkamp movie i liked
Bowerbird7: didn't Blomkamp get a sci-fi anthology series on Netflix? Oats Studio or something?
DigitalSeahorse: chappy CW child abuse
Mikklun: ,I can not take District 9 seriously between "University of Kempton Park" and a friend of mine acting in it
red_shoes_jeff: Chappie?
munocard: They're both from South Africa, and I guess...
Makrosian_Tay: Elysium was a comedy and you can't change my mind
TehAmelie: they do set up a sequel, but in a way that wouldn't be a movie if everything doesn't go terribly wrong
atinyspacemarine: I consider chappie a good bad movie
vinewood_og: good one!
Capt_clown: As for recent movies, Monkeyman & Love Lies Bleeding we're AMAZING
incslayer: the reason for Die Antword is because Blomkamp REALLY REALLY likes them
TXC2: long time since I've seen chidlren of men
KBKarma: Die Antworp apparently did not endear themselves to Blomkamp.
Steelwolf171: Neat little bit of trivia: Jared Keeso (Shoresy) has a cameo in Elysium
GazzyInferno: "(points at screen) that's chappie" is the only cultural footprint chappie has for me
munocard: Love Lies Bleeding is WILD
DandyGeek: ohhh Monkey Man is great, loved that
red_shoes_jeff: I could not understand a word Die Antwoord said in that movie.
hesterbyrde: District 9 had the best viral marketing
Makrosian_Tay: Children of Men had be bawling in the theaters. I felt no end of existential crisis watching that
MacSquizzy: I will always cherish chappie for giving us the "that's chappie" meme
atinyspacemarine: Love die repeat/edge of tomorrow was great
munocard: Kristen Stewart?
Piecrust9: I know this is very off theme, but all this talk is reminding me of Shark Boy and Lava Girl lmao
atinyspacemarine: *live
asthanius: I just remembered that the first time I saw Dr Strangelove was on a plane
TXC2: kristen stewart
LordSaphni: what about Monkeybone?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Children of men is supposed o happen in 3 years
atinyspacemarine: Love die repeat is presumably a visual novel
Krillin_fan: love monkeybonoe
Shortfall: I'm interested to see Taika's interpretation of Time Bandits, which was a trip the first time around.
BrookJustBones: I'm excited to go see Thelma in about 2 hours
Redpandarama: Shark Boy and Lava Girl is the greatest movie ever
hyperpuppy64: underwater is quite fun
Bowerbird7: Underwater was great
hyperpuppy64: would be an 8/10 if it had gore
CaptainKranok: That's SHAPE of Water.
alchemistsavant: You're thinking of Shape of Water
KV1NN4: Kirsten Stewart is a treare, she and Megan Fox need to be in more movies together
ShaneLeeAtk: Shape of Water
asthanius: you're thinking of the fishman fucker
NimrodXIV: you're thinking Shape of Water
L0rdX33n: Literal Cthuhlu?
Simriel: Children of Men is absolutely brutal
Capt_clown: Thelma was also great!!
hyperpuppy64: Speaking of Vincent Cassel, y'all seen Brotherhood of the Wolf? that movie is crazy
asthanius: Alex...
Simonark: Shape of Water does has a ton of Canadian character and TV actors in it, which is real nice.
TXC2: blew my mind when I learned the woman from shape of water was in layer cake
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGasm vicksyGasm vicksyGasm
JadedCynic: @hyperpuppy64 *chef_kiss*
TXC2: Simonark good old david Hewlet
JRandomHacker: It's so funny to see both Stewart and Pattinson looking back on Twilight
Lamebert1415: What's your favorite Sharknado movie?
public_key_reveal_party: It turns out Kirsten Stewart is a decent actor when she has direction and a character
neisan2112: The 2 main actors went out and broke past those movies by doing just whatever.
vinewood_og: LRR Hot Ones would be a great bit for LIVE!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRamen I can't do spicy or acidy
CaKnuckleguy: @Lamebert1415 Wizard of Oz. Something about a pre-qual just does it for me
Bobtheninjagoldfish: thoughts on Matt Reeves Batman movie?
Simonark: @txc2 And that guy from Made in Canada
atinyspacemarine: I met David Hewlett at, of all places, a robotics conference. Not like a consumer expo, a professional/academic conference.
alchemistsavant: the last dob
Akaiatana: Hot Twos.
TacitusVigil: Beej Eats All The Hot Ones
KV1NN4: Kirsten Stewart;'s character was SO MUCH FUN in Charlie's Angels (2019) Xd
vinewood_og: Way better research than mainstream talk shows
hesterbyrde: They sell the actual hot sauce don't they?
MTigress: hot ones, but with wasabi and sushi
malfnord: LRR does Hot Ones, only it's all, like, mayo and other very mild sauces.
public_key_reveal_party: Legally distinct ultimate dob sauce
hawktonguebaby: Definitely the *last* bit of a Live episode
TacitusVigil: Their research is amazing
ab50luteunit: I'd fuck with LRR hot ones
munocard: Yeah, Sean Evans is a great interviewer
Capt_clown: Hot Ones but with Asian snacks & food
MacSquizzy: My toxic trait is that I think I could easily crush the hot ones challenge
L0rdX33n: Hot Twos is a great firey poops joke title
Herbert_Erpaderp: He makes me interested in watching people I'm not even really interested in
MacSquizzy: It's just eating food, a thing I do every day
SquidVorb: Hot Ones' parent company is currently trying to sell it BTW
snowewolf: you could do "Cold ones" and get Some of the Weird Japanese Ice Creams
VIOLETTO: how can you make Hot Ones less spicy but exactly as painful. maybe wet food that shouldnt be wet
TehAmelie: just remembered there is a movie called Schizopolis, anyone seen that? if you like Rubber you should see it
Capt_clown: He's good but no Nardwar
Simonark: Letting the guests talk is ironic when he goes to so much trouble to physically impede their mouths with fire and pain.
YeomanAres: He knows when to help the guests out too
TacitusVigil: Conan
DigitalSeahorse: good interviewers research enough to know what hasn't been asked a bunch
patfinder: Conan's episode was unreal
munocard: Conan was just UNHINGED
jumping_point: I‘ve seen vtubers doing the hot ones challenge. they even sellthe kits.
LordSaphni: Alton Brown was amazing on Hot Ones
PawssumFable: This coming up so many times in a few days tells me so much about LRR crew's YouTube algorithm
BigDaddyBland87: Conan was nuts
vinewood_og: Conan crushed it
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I love that Alton Brown just CRUSHED it.
Fanklok: Alton Brown was good
warpstonewarlock: Sounds like I need to watch this
Arazien: Then there's the mirror opposite to Conan's appearance, DJ Khaled's
mordorisbad subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mordorisbad! (Today's storm count: 118)
PawssumFable: Who made the YT video that pointed out how good Sean Evans and these other guys are?
pn55: "It isn't a bi! This is real life!" - Conan :D
TacitusVigil: Conan out Eric Andre's Eric Andre
public_key_reveal_party: Alton Brown is great
vinewood_og: Trevor Noah didn't even take a sip of water
PawssumFable: Because I also watched this video
Earthenone: i havent seen it, but from what im hearing it would make a good live bit
KBKarma: Padma Lakshmi no sold everything.
RealGamerCow: Shaq?
aClonedPickle: Idris Elba?
ShaneLeeAtk: Shaq was great
vengeancepaladin: good morning lrrSHINE
thaigeprime: paul rudd?
roefizzlebeef: the idris elba clip is an all timer
TotallyNotaBeholder: Didn't Alton Brown cheat with heavy cream coating his mouth or something?
Simriel: The John Oliver one is also great
munocard: Also Shaq
MacSquizzy: Was just gonna mention that one lol
missa_hancock: the Lewis Hamilton one was good I think.
L0rdX33n: Alton was criticizing sauces the whole through, it was great
ab50luteunit: The guy Fieri episode was great
Didero: It's almost as if you've been up since like 4 am and have been talking for 2 hours :p
jumping_point: the one with John Olliver was kind of interesting.
MacSquizzy: "Can you fight Chris?"
JRandomHacker: We did a Hot Ones trivia challenge at my company and one of my friends (who had just joined) is a quiet nerd who just crushed all of them
Simonark: Anyone who commits to a bit harder than Conan O’Brien just got hired by Conan O’Brien. Andy Daly, for one…
thaigeprime: thats a good one for sure LUL
NimrodXIV: Idris threatening to fight Sean was so funny
PawssumFable: The Shaq one was hilarious
JadedCynic: Shaq had the "Oh!" face :D
L0rdX33n: critiquing, sorry
hawktonguebaby: Idris Elba is somehow handsome doing voice roles
TehAmelie: i mean if you did say "that really handsome guy" my first guess would probably be Idris
Featherweight_: the very handsome echidna
KBKarma: Apart from Padma Lakshmi, there was another TV chef who ate all the hot sauces using a tea spoon.
BlueChloroplast: Alton brown asked for half and half rather than milk but never drank any
Mollylele: I thought the Gordon Ramsey hot ones was revelatory. he sweated & wept & swore.
Sevinon: @KBKarma Rachel Ray?
KBKarma: Yes!
neisan2112: Maybe not a night
Graved: Hang out for a day and torch his house :)
KV1NN4: @Featherweight_ Knuckles was already my husbando but then that mini-series...
CaptainKranok: I think hanging out with Hunter all day would be an extremely hard to remember experience.
RealGamerCow: I am *astounded* they made a movie of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. And that it worked.
vinewood_og: "Is this not a reasonable place to park?"
Zandivya subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zandivya! (Today's storm count: 119)
malfnord: All of Hunter Thompson's work is worth reading.
ShaneLeeAtk: I just want the valance
neisan2112: I've still never seen it, I really need to
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
vinewood_og: YESSSS
hyperpuppy64: Y'all seen The Banshee Chapter? Scary ass movie with an obvious hunter s thompson standin as one of the main characters
ShaneLeeAtk: Yes
Masslost: Johnny depp story of meeting hunter s Thompson for the first time is epic
Sevinon: I've certainly read a bunch of stuff based off HST as a character Transmetropolitan for example
KBKarma: Just spent a few minutes coming up with this. Hot Ones is the definition of "in dolōre veritas" - in pain, truth.
Bassios: I baffled the guitarist in my band when I told him I'd never seen Rocky, whilst we were practicing Eye Of The Tiger
DigitalSeahorse: yes pls
mercano82: We need the Coffee with James & Friends show notes.
SnowBuddy18: the chat hive mind remembers
Bowerbird7: for recent movies, I found Furiosa very good
Featherweight_: It's nice to be reminded once and awhile that movies can be good
Sevinon: @KBKarma Consensual torture?
Too_Many_Knives: Vegas has something for everyone
AchillesAndTortoise: Watch I Saw the TV Glow
vinewood_og: nailed it
KevinTheShark: Vegas just kinda does that
JRandomHacker: Vegas is surprisingly cheap if you don't drink or gamble
alchemistsavant: I mainly wanna go to Vegas for stuff like Omega Mart and trying all of the crazy food
GraphicsContent subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GraphicsContent! (Today's storm count: 120)
Lamebert1415: Cheer1000 Hoping for another Morning Coffee with James tomorrow.
Capt_clown: I'm going to Vegas in Oct for the first time. Not a big gamble or drink person so it's going to be fun
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
mtvcdm: I was in Vegas overnight once. That was enough.
TacitusVigil: I'd love to go to a buffet there
the_phantom_game_player: LUL
mtvcdm: I don't enjoy gambling.
Too_Many_Knives: @alchemistsavant As a fan of surrealism I really really want to see that but I'm unlikely to go in the next few years.
JRandomHacker: Whenever I go to Magiccons in Vegas, I always see a Cirque show and go to a buffet
vanman229: I have a handful of shows i wanna see in vegas. Penn & Teller and Tapeface mainly
MacSquizzy: I went to vegas for 3 weeks, the only gambling I did was at a quarter slots in the airport waiting for my flight home. I lost a dollar and said "that's enough for me"
JRandomHacker: And by "see a Cirque show", it usually means "go see KA again"
Sevinon: I enjoy playing MtG and such for money (or prizes). I have absolutely zero interest in or enjoyment of gambling on games of pure chance
Akaiatana: Also the atomic testing museum.
roefizzlebeef: omega mart and its surrounding attractions are almost worth the trip to vegas alone imo
RealGamerCow: Going to a casino sports book for the first day of March Madness is amazing, even if you don't bet.
DigitalSeahorse: I have better luck at 50-50 draws where I know the person who made the card
TacitusVigil: To be fair, being bad at gambling doesn't stop most gambling addicts 😞
Sunidesus: yeah, the only reason I want to go to Vegas someday is to see Cirque
Makrosian_Tay: Whenever I think about gambling, I think of Pokemon red/blue. I never got ANYTHING good out of the gambling shop--and if I can't get good luck IN A GAME, ain't nothing helping me in reality
mtvcdm: I MIGHT buy a dollar scratch off and that's enough for me for a couple months.
rabbitgta: They know who they are catering to
malfnord: What were you expecting, dude? It's a gun range in Vegas!
qwertiest_mint: yikesss
red_shoes_jeff: @vanman229 Penn & Teller are ASTOUNDING live. Their best trick is making you think Teller is short. Penn's some kind of Jotun, I'm pretty sure.
atinyspacemarine: Gun ranges are fun and uncomfortably conservative
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
TheWooglie: Bye
Mollylele: lrrALEX ☕️ lrrJAMES
wench_tacular: jlrrPongchamp
Sarah_Serinde: As the timer stands, this is currently the last Coffee with James
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
JadedCynic: it's one thing to 'know' it and another to experience it directly
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
IanAllenBird: o7
ThorSokar: who's tomorrow if there is one?
pn55: Thank you for this! lrrSHINE
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksySellout vicksySellout
the_phantom_game_player: Nice to be here
TacitusVigil: The Morning Brew
Mishapp53: lrrSHINE lrrALEX lrrJAMES lrrJAMES
wontedfive30282: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
PawssumFable: Oh right
momma_tatts: o7
thaigeprime is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 52 in the channel!
TXC2: thanks for streaming James and Alex
thaigeprime gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dunini!
thaigeprime gifted a Tier 1 sub to benr1823!
thaigeprime gifted a Tier 1 sub to Leinad65!
thaigeprime gifted a Tier 1 sub to hyalopterous!
thaigeprime gifted a Tier 1 sub to ElmoTheRed23!
thaigeprime gifted a Tier 1 sub to QuantumTwitch!
thaigeprime gifted a Tier 1 sub to PrimalTheRaptor!
thaigeprime gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jackplz!
thaigeprime gifted a Tier 1 sub to chibi_bento!
thaigeprime gifted a Tier 1 sub to aoaofthefire!
rabbitgta: Thanks lrrALEX lrrJAMES
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, thaigeprime! Welcome to Dunini, hyalopterous, Leinad65, QuantumTwitch, Jackplz, PrimalTheRaptor, benr1823, chibi_bento, ElmoTheRed23, and aoaofthefire! (Today's storm count: 130)
KevinTheShark: Damn, that means I gotta get ready for work
Sarah_Serinde: I think we have Jacob tomorrow, if we get there? I forget though
Jillexie is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 31 in the channel!
RandomTrivia: sergeGift
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tritotamar!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to yuan42!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to The_Great_Flapsbury!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to azbyd!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Astramentha!
TXC2: thaigeprime lrrHEART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jillexie! Welcome to Tritotamar, yuan42, The_Great_Flapsbury, azbyd, and Astramentha! (Today's storm count: 135)
vinewood_og: Great chat gentlemen. Thank you! lrrSHINE
dungeonmasteralek: o7 Thank you both for the fun times! This stream has given me a reason to wake up early, and it sucks, but so worth it
TXC2: Jillexie lrrHEART
wontedfive30282: Nice!
TheWooglie: Jacob and Kathleen IIRC
IslandersCaper: bloojCheer
PsychoI3oy: lrrSHINE
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
Sevinon: @TheWooglie Jacob back for another go?
the_phantom_game_player: nice
wontedfive30282: The chill chatting is such good vibes.
Gascitygaming: need approx 5k total subs to get capped, and some more bits
BrokenGolem: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
Molladia: Alex do you know if Russia are restoring their abandoned space shuttle for proper storage? Did I read that recently?
jacqui_lantern234: I CREAM
vinewood_og: I have now mostly recovered from Barcadia lol
commentarywife: ICREEM
wench_tacular: lrrDILLY jlrrIcream
BigDaddyBland87: lrrDILLY
the_phantom_game_player: eye cream
Genie_M: jlrrIcream
DigitalSeahorse: lrrDILLY vicksyRave
Sarah_Serinde: I've been loving the variety of conversations during these Coffee with James segments
CastleOtranto: lrrDILLY
dungeonmasteralek: Have we confirmed who's getting pelted?
red_shoes_jeff: "Us."
micalovits: Oh god, tempting us with icecream...
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: we've come a long way from launching tennis balls at each other huh
Sarah_Serinde: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: KeyWe w/ Graham & Paul at Thu 08:00 AM PDT (1m from now).
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
DigitalSeahorse: lrrDILLY vicksyLick
Sarah_Serinde: Nice
Frizzlenill subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
Frizzlenill: Woo! Looking forward to the Oki Oki tourney!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Frizzlenill! (Today's storm count: 136)
TreeVor84: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
jacqui_lantern234: @dungeonmasteralek James. hopefully in the junk to honour tradition Kappa
Bobtheninjagoldfish: gluuuuuuuuuuuuurp
Silent_Console subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Silent_Console! (Today's storm count: 137)
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Mai_Andra: seabatHITBOX seabatHITBOX seabatSKYLADY
42MiLLyWays: uni1000
dungeonmasteralek: sous vide pork belly?
ELD_Winterlight: i would love to join the tournament but it's 10 pm in my time zone lrrAWW
Sarah_Serinde: I think Alex is right
trenzylive: panchetta
vinewood_og: YEah pork to be fried in the finale
99FineLines: delicious or awful, no in between
JRandomHacker: 36 hour deep-fried sous-vide porcetta
mtvcdm: Some kind of meat
Defrost: @Sarah_Serinde stage rigt at least
KevinTheShark: Hot Ones on Saturday eating Ian's food!
TXC2: Gods I hope that makes YT this year
Sarah_Serinde: Love public domain movie night, I look forward to catching the vod
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap movies
Sarah_Serinde: @Defrost lrrWOW
99FineLines: The Vod is Completely Smooth.
RandomTrivia: Thanks for another chill hangout! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Simonark: Nothing more reliable than the PDMN Vods.
mtvcdm: Well, currently we do not have Elden Ring funded.
Sarah_Serinde: I believe in chat
TXC2: ^
red_shoes_jeff: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR HI.
TurnedToFrog: Just pretend we're not here
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRamen vicksyRamen vicksyRamen
incslayer: oodles of noodles
NeoOfTheDark: Crush that can!
Mollylele: lrrHERE
42MiLLyWays: lrrHEART lrrSHINE
micalovits: RIP Can
jacqui_lantern234: james confirmed "noods lover"
TheAinMAP: 1,000 here and 200 on YouTube.
Astramentha: asmr
MrQBear: Good arms, Alex!
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Alex :D
jacqui_lantern234: HAI ALEX <3
Carlioo: can crusher!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
TXC2: so macho
Ashmantle: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
mercano82: o/
Simonark: Hi!
neisan2112: lrrSHINE
red_shoes_jeff: He's the strongest man alive!
ElementalAlchemist: can status: crushed
Stella_Noctis: lrrSHINE
Nigouki: byeeeeeeeee
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
JeshuaWithAnE: Alex is so powerful
baskwalla: Good show
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: I'm going to be stir frying some fun noodles later today
Astramentha: Un-crush
IanAllenBird: lrrSHINE
mercano82: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: KeyWe w/ Graham & Paul at Thu 08:00 AM PDT (1m ago).
CastleOtranto: "Alex is crushing a can on his head, and I need to sleep"
schordash: o/
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyHeart
hesterbyrde: I love these morning show segments.
red_shoes_jeff: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
KevinTheShark: Keep your eyes On The Skies!
Boomy Toadsmasher: Alex Smash!!
Simriel: Now I crush the Can Alex
Simriel: uncrush*
jacqui_lantern234: @hesterbyrde i love YOU!!!!!!! GOTTEM <3
Izzieon: yeah the morning show segs have been some of my favourite highlights of the subathons
MrQBear: @jacqui_lantern234 What is the secret to your near bottomless levels of friendship and positivity? I would like to tap into it for an alternative energy project.
L0rdX33n: Thank you Alex for the list of funny movies I’m gonna watch after subathon
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDinkDonk
TXC2: here we GO!
Duudeman1620: i want a coffee with james show everyday now
Didero: Hello!
TehAmelie: ohaio
ElementalAlchemist: Hi G+P!
Jigokuro: Loud
Earthenone: welcome to GPLP
TXC2: Hello Paul and Graham
ArcticAtlantic: hello!
thegiftedgrifter: Morning
Sarah_Serinde: Wooo GPLP time
JadedCynic: g'afternoon
IanAllenBird: 👋
MTigress: hallos
TheAinMAP: Hello.
neisan2112: G+P Time!!
bisaflau: HYPE!
BusTed: GPLP: birbs
Alex_Frostfire: Chirp chirp!
AugmentingPath: Early Bird Special?
Genie_M: hello you two
definenull: G+P!
TheAinMAP: ! birb
red_shoes_jeff: !birb
Mishapp53: GPLP!
magicpokey: I came in about the time he was talking about Tinkor Tailor. What did he say was next?
RandomTrivia: !birb
mercano82: Bird Bird Bird!
baltimore_667083: howdy g&p!
DeM0nFiRe: pjdBord
jacqui_lantern234: @MrQBear being supremely mediocre
TXC2: BOIDS of the Morning
incslayer: GPLP time
mtvcdm: Birb
Morrigan9: WCHRP
Izzieon: Morning G+P!
bisaflau is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kajamakuji!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to Stiggis7!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to MTigress!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to shiny_elva!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to Azenzu!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, bisaflau! Welcome to Kajamakuji, Stiggis7, MTigress, shiny_elva, and Azenzu! (Today's storm count: 142)
JadedCynic: Red Hawk screech
warpstonewarlock: I see that we're preparing for Bloomburrow already
TXC2: bisaflau lrrHEART
Camthelion: *Imagine Dragon Plays*
N2Osferatu: Love the Untitled Goose Shirt - love mine (the goose is fluffy!) but always afraid that I'll spill something on it
KevinTheShark: BLRRDs in the morning!
pickles_mcelden subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pickles_mcelden! (Today's storm count: 143)
Brozard: HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer
thaigeprime: radio station where you request bird calls instead of songs is this anything
TehAmelie: better go get started on being loopy early
mtvcdm: Peck your beak!
Bowerbird7: "It's not your goldfish's radio station!" *Radioactive by Imagine Dragons starts playing*
TXC2: !y
baltimore_667083: h o n k
MrQBear: @jacqui_lantern234 Hey now, Don't you talk bad about an extremely rad person like that! Gottem!
Stephonee: ooo fuzzy
mercano82: The conclusion of the birding trilogy.
Mollylele: better get a nap in
TheAinMAP: HahaGoose
BusTed: GriddyGoose
jumping_point: Good Morning! Thanks for keeping me company in Homeoffice!
TheDevilsDues: Hónk
Brozard: GriddyGoose GriddyGoose GriddyGoose
AtrusOfMyst: At least you don't have to fight the Peeholder again
mtvcdm: This is your role now, it's LoadingReadyLaw
ZweiVinter: Flocked like a group of birds conedoToast
ElementalAlchemist: it's your one Brand
raulghoulia: or make your own
Molladia: Graham you planning on "sleeping" during Oki Oki and TTSF?
PsychoI3oy: Duck Game
jacqui_lantern234: @MrQBear theres a difference between "talking bad" and "being realistic"
RandomTrivia: Once is incidence, twice is coincidence, three times is a pattern
RandomTrivia: But we can make an exception here
Sarah: this :P
Sarah: Graham and Paul playing a co-op game
Sarah: !schedule
magicpokey: Heeeyyy!
Sarah: For other stuff coming up, when LRRbot gets here
Dylan H: @violetto that's the most cursed thing I've seen
JadedCynic: "anything once, twice could be a coincidence, three is a habit"
TheAinMAP: One's an anomaly, two's a trend.
Didero: How did you find this game then?
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun WELL WELL WELL IF IT AINT PAUL AND GRAHAM!!!! THE 2 PEOPLE WHO ID LIKE TO HUG MOST IN LRR!!!!!!!!!!!!
mercano82: How many stones are involved?
MrQBear: @jacqui_lantern234 Owch. You're too strong for me. I still find your energy infectious and enjoyable, so there. :p
99FineLines: I need a third joke about the Rule of Threes.
TXC2: once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, 3 times is enemy action
Stiggis7: @bisaflau Thank you so much for the sub <3
Genie_M: oh I know this one
keroan0: Omg KeyWe is the BEST
Genie_M: ooooooohboy
mtvcdm: I saw Carrie and Dan play this, it's really cute
Peregrine234: oh this game! i remember seeing it around a while back
Camthelion: or a fruit
Frizzlenill: oh is this the typewriter game??
JadedCynic: or a fruit
Genie_M: that one
BigDaddyBland87: like they do
jacqui_lantern234: you mean a Key Wee'd this bird?! :p
mercano82: The NZ Post Office, obviously
Gekyouryuu: Co-op Bird Games with Graham Quacker and Paul Honkders
TXC2: how do the Moari people feel about the Kiki being their bird ?
TXC2: *kiwi
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Sarah: *pats LRRbot* good work
Hector Fabricio Aguilar Arias: hi
Sarah: Hullo
Hector Fabricio Aguilar Arias: god luck on everything ... grreting from mexico
ElementalAlchemist: ding
Sarah_Serinde: Some people have been changing it, some haven't
Sarah_Serinde: It can be useful
Wolfstrike_NL: We've been on Special Event most of the time
KevinTheShark: Look. New Zealand didn't have Pigeons for their messages, they had to use Kiwis
definenull: birb!
JadedCynic: <3
KV1NN4: They're smol* birbs doing their best Graham! (not actually that smol but sitll terrifyingly big EGG)
RandomTrivia: They're so FUZZY!
Catcard: little guys.
BusTed: tqsWow
99FineLines: dang i forgot to feed the dogs
Sunidesus: Aww! They're so cute!
HubbeKing: there are also hats for the kiwis
red_shoes_jeff: benginLurk
PawssumFable: Hehe, me and my spouse loved this game~
snowewolf: Kiwi the Fruit the Bird the People
commentarywife: awh this game! it looks really cute :)
PawssumFable: It's super cute
JadedCynic: *shrieks at mention of Cassowary*
keroan0: There are a lot of cosmetics lol
RandomTrivia: Cas-o-wherry good bird
Featherweight_: Kiwi!
JadedCynic: *hides*
BlandSpice: Cheer1000 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
Philocalist: Unskippable?!
PawssumFable: There is a level with rotating keys that's AWFUL but otherwise it's great
RandomTrivia: Oh bugger spelling is hard
mtvcdm: Like I said, this was a Carrie game.
BusTed: plop
Genie_M: that's not the worst pun in the game
PawssumFable: You prob won't get there unless you're going for finishing the whole thing
embermage34: finding it amusing that Ian is the bird enthusiast but Paul/Graham are becoming known for playing bird games
hopping_moon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Sarah: Welcome :)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hopping_moon! (Today's storm count: 144)
KaleidoscopeMind: a very, very Carrie Floyd game
ztghostie: how... do the kiwis carry their luggage exactly?
KV1NN4: *squint* is this the Outback>>
Molladia: The timezone is TERRIBLE for anybody for NZ to be watching this.
GazzyInferno: well they didn't fly in, did they?
PawssumFable: You're in NZ
KV1NN4: They shipped the Kiwis to Australia?!
Greydir: Kiwi-Facts: Kiwis have a lower body temperature than most birds with 38°C
JadedCynic: New Zealand & Australia have a 'work interchange' policy
TXC2: them some Dinosaur birds
ElementalAlchemist: that was the NZ flag on the bag, for what that's worth
TehAmelie: i'm wary of the cassorary
Genie_M: they're not trouble, they are getting work
Greydir: So they are cold birds
PawssumFable: You will actually be messing with the cassowarys
bytecaster: How are they so cute
TehAmelie: ugh, spelling ruins another joke
mtvcdm: Some sort of antipode or something
Featherweight_: KaleidoscopeMind the play frame of this is very good indeed
HubbeKing: yeah I'm pretty sure if you mess with a cassowary you'll end up dying of cassowary
Greydir: or should i say cool birds
JadedCynic: but yeah, seems like these two Kiwis have come to the Australian outback for work
ztghostie: he sounds like an imperial scout drone LUL
ckupf: that mumble sounded like graham
piggyback101: Ahh that famous Kiwi accent
JadedCynic: <3
TXC2: so our boss is a parent from Peanuts
mercano82: I think that's a court recorder keyboard.
Genie_M: the paper said "accepting all shapes and sizes"
Digigoner: I've lost the metaphor. Are we "people" who are actually birds, or "birds" that are actually people?
KV1NN4: @JadedCynic Accurate tbh (citation: my best friend from Highschool's brother XD)
99FineLines: they are birds who are actually birds
RandomTrivia: Buck lrrHAM
mtvcdm: Buck Hamm
Fanklok: There's just some Cassoweary's hanging out?
Sorator13: Buck Hamm is certainly a name
TXC2: Buck Hamm? does he have a palace ?
TehAmelie: Hamm on the HAM radio
red_shoes_jeff: I love your palace!
TheAinMAP: lrrHAM m
Coloneljesus: those are some cute avocados
RandomTrivia: "Buck Hamm" has very strong "Mike Truck" energy
Sarah_Serinde: goodbye
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
KBKarma: Or do!
TXC2: Paul "left kiwi" Saunders
99FineLines: Left Kiwi and Other Kiwi
Genie_M: they're flightless .... ish
LidofLoathing: Kiwis don't fly
BusTed: notably flightless
kusinohki: Kiwi can't fly
ShaneLeeAtk: Kiwi are flightless afternoon
TheAinMAP: jlrrFall
mtvcdm: Apply for job. Immediately run amok.
Philocalist: Lakitu'd
Sorator13: I love how neither of them have any interest in doing the thing :D
shabe_x_roc: "Soon" you will have identifying features
Fanklok: Baby Mario came down in a BUBBLE DOUG
Thefluffiestguineapig: I was a few minutes late and I’m kind of lost, what’s the goal here?
KaleidoscopeMind: i love how these are kiwi (fruit) sized kiwi (bird). kiwi (bird) typically like chicken/duck sized
Gekyouryuu: Don't trigger the fight or flight response of a flightless bird
Thefluffiestguineapig: I get G and P are each one kiwi
red_shoes_jeff: Sup
jacqui_lantern234: HIS NAME JEFF
Brozard: Maybe famous New Zealand resident Wizard, The will make an appearance
Didero: Power couple Jeffbra
mtvcdm: This is a good job interview we're having
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, this is a job interview?
icantseejak: it's cool the kiwi colors kinda match their shirt colors
Sarah_Serinde: Really needed that dash button there
Peregrine234: oh god i saw dashing and immediately got flashbacks to running into people in overcooked 2
ElementalAlchemist: good job - you passed the interview
TehAmelie: so we are effectively one employee named Debra Jeff
PawssumFable: It's not as stressful as Overcooked
Krillin_fan: ggwp
Sarah_Serinde: Good job team
TXC2: Success
mercano82: gg, no re
KaleidoscopeMind: cosmetics!
asthanius: ARMS
BusTed: oh yes
Peregrine234: cosmetics!!
baskwalla: omg
red_shoes_jeff: benginO7
mtvcdm: Hat!
PawssumFable: Oh YES
jacqui_lantern234: lrrHERE
TXC2: and now this for 3 hours Kappa
Brozard: So good!
KV1NN4: But they may have... These Hats!
ProcyonFlynn: As is tradition - character creation :p
TehAmelie: why couldn't we do the hats before the picture? ;_;
PawssumFable: Paul I will harm you
neisan2112: Oh yeah, character creation
keroan0: You have to earn them
wizzo1138: "Be my wingless man any time"
Graved: if you make micro-transactions for birds, are they nano-transactions?
TehAmelie: we get paid in stamps? i guess they're low weight currency
Machtung7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Machtung7! (Today's storm count: 145)
monakai: I picked a wild game to return to it seems
mercano82: No ducks, just kiwis
TXC2: 3 week summer? are we in the UK ?
Gascitygaming: 500 days i've heard
99FineLines: Aus has strong labour unions
PawssumFable: I was so mad when Don't Starve slowly became a microtransaction farm
yalc321: Longer than 5 Seconds of Summer at least
PawssumFable: From STAN to HATE
TheNerdWonder: I love the aesthetics of this game
RayFK: Check? Yes. Juliet.
trenzylive: longer than 104 days
mwlsn: Hey, it's the Graham and Paul Let's Post!
Didero: "Mostly reliable" at least means you can blame all your mistakes on your equipment
mtvcdm: This might be a place where you could still exchange stamps for goods and services like it was the 1960's
kusinohki: Missing the Carrie difficulty modifier
99FineLines: GKeeLWee
TehAmelie: i want this keyboard just for QWOP
PawssumFable: You have to stand on shift
Sarah_Serinde: This is a very interesting button distribution choice
TXC2: this is a messed up keyboard
ElementalAlchemist: what a wild keyboard
ElementalAlchemist: yeah
JadedCynic: it IS a standard qwerty keyboard, just broken apart in segments
dm818: Move over qwerty new keyboard just dropped
Alex_Frostfire: It's to keep the typewriter arms from catching on each other.
mtvcdm: Who made this keyboard, I just wanna talk
bytecaster: This is just training for the next time you get an AZERTY game on Watch+ Play
doubledbear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
doubledbear: noot noot
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, doubledbear! (Today's storm count: 146)
Earthenone: i assume this is the new zealand default layout? :P
mwlsn: Very good noises in this game
asthanius: it's very roughly in QWERTY
PawssumFable: It's just a great game all around
TehAmelie: it isn't even a keyboard, it's a telegraph. it's normally one button but they got fancy
KV1NN4: @Earthenone (XD)
RayFK: This game doesn't... QUITE get to Overcooked levels of partner frustration, but it comes close
ElementalAlchemist: 👍
glyndev subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, glyndev! (Today's storm count: 147)
hackingducks: it's qwerty if someone sneezed and blew their keyboard apart
mercano82: I'm going to assume that's a Firefly reference.
KevinTheShark: This is 9000% adorable as F
BusTed: @RayFK LUL
Bobtheninjagoldfish: why not me?
mtvcdm: Vital mail getting through here
EternalRoxas: this music is giving me some danganronpa vibes sometimes
JadedCynic: @hackingducks exactly
Didero: A split keyboard is suppposed to be very ergonomical
ElementalAlchemist: called it
PawssumFable: Strongly disagree. There's not point in KeyWe where adequate communication won't make things very smooth. In Overcooked, it often moves too fast to communicate at all.
mtvcdm: Bonnets are sooooo back
doubledbear: Only YOU can stop bonnets from being back in style
ElementalAlchemist: the noid
99FineLines: bonnets are large in the hood
mwlsn: Maybe they're all in code
hackingducks: the noid
DentedPockets: Typing of the Kiwi
ElementalAlchemist: dang
ElementalAlchemist: the yellow noid
JadedCynic: 'yellow water' maybe?
RayFK: It's not all Piss Graham, jeeze
JadedCynic: well, yeah, usually yellow berries aren't ripe
definenull: Butt texting/dialing
KevinTheShark: At least the letters are vaguely qwerty
Fanklok: What I have yellow berries in my fridge right now
TXC2: good enough
accountmadeforants: Ergo keyboards are up to no good
Thefluffiestguineapig: Was that job interview for a telegraph operator job
N2Osferatu: Getting stamps like tickets from skeeball
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: it is legal tender
JadedCynic: @Fanklok they're almost a perfect QWERTY keyboard, just broken into pieces
Bruceski: Anyone else read teleposter like imposter?
northos: sounds awfully like company scrip to me
Genie_M: they pay so you can buy stuff in wardrobe - most important
QuixoticScrivener: what are stamps but NFTs?
99FineLines: there is only one yellow fruit that's edible and that's tomatoes
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, is one of them wearing an adorable hat??
mercano82: Stamps were used as government-backed paper money in some points in history.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Which one is in the hat
Lirelent: maybe they’re food stamps or ration stamps
TehAmelie: i've paid for mail orders with an envelope of stamps
TXC2: QuixoticScrivener currency is the exact opposite of NFTs
TehAmelie: in 1990
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mercano82 They also used to use the post office as a strange bank alternative
PawssumFable: Look at the collectible section hints!!
mtvcdm: Stamps were big for this sort of thing in the 50's and 60's.
BusTed: birds with arms!
MrQBear: Birds with real human arms!
Sarah_Serinde: Amazing
vinewood_og: OOOOOH YEAHHHH
Thefluffiestguineapig: At least in the US
KBKarma: r/birdswitharms
BigDaddyBland87: oh no
Thefluffiestguineapig: I’m so happy
ClodiumSoride: Oh no, now it's Bird by Example!
Earthenone: machobird kiwisavage
PawssumFable: The collectibles give you items
Shadowsoflife: amazing
Bruceski: That's me IRL
JadedCynic: Where's Adam? Someone show him :)
vinewood_og: Adam never skips bird day
Brozard: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
hawktonguebaby: Is there a name for this genre of game? These Overcooked, Moving Out, co-op, dexterity-ish games?
Brozard: rytronPaws rytronPaws rytronPaws
TXC2: a welcoming to arms
Thefluffiestguineapig: @earthenone That’s the best form of that joke
Featherweight_: so are you!
TXC2: hawktonguebaby co-op puzzle games ?
northos: yeah, kiwis are as much dinosaurs as cassowaries
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH NO
BusTed: Was that a Nick Arcade?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cassowaries are super violent
momalyd: fun house
Graved: Panic or panic?
Thefluffiestguineapig: and those are females
Chesul: Cassowaries are most certainly NOT all talk.
mercano82: Fun House, was that Nick or syndicated?
99FineLines: it's a coop platformer
mtvcdm: Are we making ransom notes
Thefluffiestguineapig: Which if you are an avian zoo keeper are the most terrifying possible asignment
PawssumFable: These are employed, respectable cassowaries, though
mwlsn: reel-to-reel-to-reel tape player
TXC2: we had Fun house here in the UK
Korolan: Finders Keepers
Stephonee: ransom note simulator
Thefluffiestguineapig: I wonder if the cassowaries eat you if you get the message wrong
KaleidoscopeMind: poaster
mtvcdm: We are. We are making adorable ransom notes.
Bruceski: Saying "happy birthday mom" with the same tone as "we have your mom"
Earthenone: i want a post toaster!
ab50luteunit: Glad to see the bird game guys are back at it again
KV1NN4: mOm?? not MUm??
Leonhart321: Graham, stop
Desruprot: oh hai Graham
asthanius: treats in the bowl
Genie_M: treats
Aenir798: Finish reading the instruction
Sarah_Serinde: Gotta read that message
BusTed: treats in the bowl
mtvcdm: Treats
glyndev: Keep reading
L0rdX33n: treats bowl
Featherweight_: they need a snack!
shabe_x_roc: Treats!
wizzo1138: Treats
foopoiuyt: Read the rest of the prompt
PawssumFable: Now buckle
Earthenone: clearly spelling it mom instead of mum is the tell that we are international kidnappers
EdibleDragon: This game is fabulous
Thefluffiestguineapig: Which one is in the hat? G or P
CAKHost: Keep all feet and feathers on the Cassowary at all times
BusTed: G has hat
KaleidoscopeMind: gotta be cassoWARY
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig G in the hat
Graved: No question - they have none
L0rdX33n: They’re unioun
Featherweight_: love za
Thefluffiestguineapig: @edibledragon super agree, this is another one of those games where they had a vision and made it and it’s great
Thefluffiestguineapig: thanks TXC2 and Busted!
asthanius: desert bus for ham
Redpandarama: Is this that new Elden Ring DLC everyones talking about?
BusTed: new internet charity
99FineLines: Za? Za is Lasagna! Piz Zuh! La Zagna Zagna Za!
ElementalAlchemist: "pizza oven for real" --Paul
Earthenone: pizza oven for jimb
GazzyInferno: for real?
TehAmelie: the "ham" haunts me. wonder what happens if you get a word wrong. . .
samb6678: Pizza oven for hope
CAKHost: Do Kiwis have wings? Like at least some anemic bones of them???
TXC2: Pizza oven 4 lyfe
excalgold: Pizza Oven for GED? thats one heck of a present for ones self....
L0rdX33n: pro strats
QuixoticScrivener: that one-cycle for buckles!
ElementalAlchemist: oops
BrowneePoints: kiwis have wings they are flightless
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
TXC2: CAKHost yes, but they are flightless
KaleidoscopeMind: need a telegram for that
Desruprot: what an intriguing game
JadedCynic: okay, that message sounds critical
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would absolutely buy that a failure state is the cassowary just taking you
KaleidoscopeMind: maybe some french speakers
asthanius: the whole word is too big for a kiwi butt
hackingducks: terrible ransom note to receive
Morrigan9: toi-ham
petey_vonwho: Toilet clogged, send poop knife
mtvcdm: Which toilet and where. This is important information.
0x6772: Toi more useful in… French?
TehAmelie: terms of interest?
Easilycrazyhat: These dinosaur birds are terrible employees
JadedCynic: :D
Astramentha: @easilycrazyhat they’re doing their best 😤
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Easilycrazyhat Technically all birds are dinosaurs! (my pedantry strikes again)
atinyspacemarine: Où est le toilette!?
Badchop: carried into oblivion
TehAmelie: we were told the cassowarys are jackasses but they get results
Featherweight_: Easilycrazyhat you try firing them
Dalrint: What makes all these messages a little better is they all look like ransom notes from lazy kidnappers
CAKHost: There are a lot of pictures of Kiwi Skeletons with Eggs. Like I get why but I why so many pictures of it??? o.O
ckupf: funnily cassowaries and kiwis are close relatives despite the size difference
mtvcdm: LFG Australia style
Desruprot: good ol tner
KadmosTech: tner
asthanius: headin' out t'ner later
atinyspacemarine: Our good friend James tner
ElementalAlchemist: what is this place's cassowary treat budget?
PawssumFable: I'm gonna say again: Look at the collectible hints in the meenu, when you might actually see it at the end of this level. It gives you cool stuff.
Genie_M: gold is hard
Genie_M: and yes, speedruns are incredible
Earthenone: i wonder if overpaying the cassuaries with treats is a detrement to your score
Thefluffiestguineapig: Kiwis we are leaving!
zenthere: what is the game?
DoctorBobnarAwesome: Its always lovely getting to see some old fashioned Graham and Paul together.
PawssumFable: Collectibles in the menu
mtvcdm: I'm sure they're out there
Desruprot: Kiwi's handle the male
Desruprot: mail*
TXC2: zenthere key we
CAKHost: Thanks for the stream! I'll be back later.
mjiig: It's not super uncommon for encoding systems to have funny letter sequences that only make sense when you realise they combine with a common sequence to make a rarer one
BrowneePoints: look at these two handsome fellas who bring so much joy and kindness to the world browne26PearPride
CtrlAltMeep: Hey folks! What's the name of the game they are playing? :)
Sarah: KeyWe
CtrlAltMeep: Thanks Sarah! <3
Simriel: This is extremely cute
Sarah: np :)
CtrlAltMeep: yeah it looks really fun :3
Yellowmaster52: paul and graham have great synergy
TXC2: so long CAKHost stay safe
PawssumFable: No like, go down to the collections
SymphonySolstice: omg kiwis
PawssumFable: Yellow text
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CAKHost Have safe/good time!
Earthenone: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: The famous James Bond film "Woo, Martinis!"
PawssumFable: Heck LUL LUL
99FineLines: are we backseat gaming the silly kiwi post game
krfsm: bigger than before
PawssumFable: It's not backseat to tell people there's a thing right there that's meant to be seen, I think lol
Fanklok: I have never seen bread come in a box
Thefluffiestguineapig: @99FineLines No, just being silly about the kiwi postmaster job game
mtvcdm: Why did we get hired to do all these jobs at once?
Earthenone: love Big susan
Singenmeister: So am I the only person that hears the guy's voice and immediately things off Sweet Cuppin' Cakes from Homestead Runner?
PawssumFable: Backseat if I was pointing them out
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, do you parachute in if you fall out of bounds? That's amazing
TehAmelie: of course, they can't just fly
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Singenmeister I think of Peanuts parents
Desruprot: and away it goes
PawssumFable: wa wa wa
Genie_M: yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: Every choice of details in this game is perfect and the best
micalovits: That bowling ball went FAST
mwlsn: *zoom*
mwlsn: The torque on that conveyor belt
Catcard: I love this music. DinoDance
accountmadeforants: Maybe he tried training cassowaries for this as well
asthanius: said "handle with care" so good call
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah
JadedCynic: yeah, I feel the sticker clues are more implicit - good thinking, g
99FineLines: "fragile" yeet
Thefluffiestguineapig: Two player crane game seems even more nightmarish than a normal crane game
Simriel: I mean they are The Founders
accountmadeforants: It seemed like you could push the item along before
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is that package jiggling?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is that something living?
mtvcdm: Sure
Desruprot: over excited crane game
mtvcdm: For now
Genie_M: perishable
TXC2: package is vibing, in it's lane
JadedCynic: perishable///
zenthere: perishable
sunncaeks: These truly are the Real Kiwi Hours. (AKA 3:30am.)
Genie_M: there's perishable
BigDaddyBland87: perishable
99FineLines: those are my three moods
razorswift: perishable?
ElementalAlchemist: Many stickers are available
Thefluffiestguineapig: I will say that the phrase "crane game" gives me flashbacks to The Quivering
vinewood_og: facts
control_rig: Absolute facts
TXC2: !addquote (Paul) [now] Put perishable on my butt.
LRRbot: New quote #9053: "Put perishable on my butt." —Paul [2024-07-18]
SharktoothJack: the 4 genders
mtvcdm: I wonder if there's a button to make the belt go faster. There must be.
KadmosTech subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
KadmosTech: Secret Perishable Butt Sticker is my new band name
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KadmosTech! (Today's storm count: 148)
Astramentha: The Four Genders
JadedCynic: getting closer and closer to gold, tho
Genie_M: gold is _hard_
PawssumFable: Yeah boi
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cheer1000 For the Kiwi postmasters!
TXC2: I hear that as "the panic of panic "
TehAmelie: hehe, kid photos on the wall
pete_haderlein: lrrSHINE
Pukha123: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
JadedCynic: oh no, secret collectibles? Dangit, now I have to get this gaem...sigh
PawssumFable: The text is a hint
Genie_M: basically there's a secret thing in most levels
Desruprot: OctoMailman
control_rig: Tht's just a normal dad
N2Osferatu: Famous outback octopus
QuixoticScrivener: surely this violates some sort of labor law
Thefluffiestguineapig: Those are my accumulated bits from when they used to allow bits to be earned from ads
control_rig: Totally normal dad what are you talking about
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: and you have enough to actually get a wardrobe item each now!
MrQBear: They did say you were the SMALLEST, they didn't say they hired only humans up till now. :p
frameshifty: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Good morning Drs. LRRR!
PawssumFable: Zoey is a treasure
mtvcdm: (your boss.)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, after Cassowaries you kind of don't mind
JadedCynic: zoey is a octopus Customer Service Admin
Desruprot: @QuixoticScrivener do invertibrets have any labor law related to them?
PMAvers: I like to think this is the back side of The Company drop off window
accountmadeforants: Good to know Octodad found gainful employment after not being in a game for so long
Awfrigate: This is adorable
monakai: These indistinct voices must have been fun to record
mwlsn: This is some great pseudo-language gibberish
JadedCynic: @monakai 'radio chatter' <3
spethycakes: It sounds like they're mostly saying "panic" to me
TXC2: spethycakes same
mwlsn: "gah caranshan bam"
Desruprot: Happy Gunderson
Genie_M: it's chaos running around
DandyGeek: this music has a bop that sounds a little like the LRR theme
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Desruprot Same thing I thought of
mtvcdm: Only six possible mail customers
Thefluffiestguineapig: Only Happy would be picking up a fine for his many spite construction projects
JadedCynic: of course not, Zoey is your manager - she's watching over how you do your jobs (and might give hints if you take too long? maybe?)
PawssumFable: Zoey gets to work later, never fear
JadedCynic: octopus holding a clipboard and watching critically...
TXC2: getting rather papers please with the complexity
Genie_M: this is moderately anxiety inducing
PawssumFable: She's just training new kids right now
Thefluffiestguineapig: This seems like it would be a hell of a team building game
mtvcdm: Zoey has a clipboard, that's how you know she's in charge
magicpokey: Oh my god, I would pay ALL the money for a Qwerpline spinoff where Richter and Derek play wacky stuff like this!
Alex_Frostfire: Is this Mail TIme?
mwlsn: TXC2 commemorative photo only 14.99, NEXT
ElementalAlchemist: sploosh
Thefluffiestguineapig: She has eight arms which means she can give out 8 tasks up at once
TXC2: mwlsn :D
TheAinMAP: Good advice
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Consider adjusting your gamma.
Desruprot: so close
Bobtheninjagoldfish: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: fitness
Thefluffiestguineapig: I do love that clearly this was initially constructed for humans and as they hired animals they modified it (like the stairs from drawers)
Chronomos901: Mail Time looks a lot different then I remember
Thefluffiestguineapig: ABSOLUTELY
AugmentingPath: Soon you'll be trained kiwis, I think you're still kiwis-in-training at the moment
bytecaster: So like every other manager, got it
99FineLines: like most CEOs then eeeeeyyyyyyyy
Aenir798: There was a monkey trained to switch the tracks
glyndev: Maybe this is how the post can find new revenue streams
spicyFerret_: Nitama!
TheAinMAP: Stationmaster
Just_Herby: Neither do most managers
TXC2: or the Cat we have running the country here in the UK
mtvcdm: About 30 seconds quicker and would have been gold.
Sunidesus: Yes! I remember reading about that dude!
Stephonee: Do I though?
Thefluffiestguineapig: There's a charity where they have a cat who will grab any bills put through their mail slot, now they get most of their donations that way
control_rig: "A trained monkey could do th- wait... hmmmm"
Dalrint: But he clearly COULD just have a monkey do it
Desruprot: oh no
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH NO
AugmentingPath: run the mailflies through, the time for mercy is past
BusTed: They're too evenly matched!
Akaiatana: They are flexing on you with their flying
Thefluffiestguineapig: Those are prehistoric levels of large
TXC2: are they flies? or Zerg ? :p
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also those cassowaries should absolutely demolish those flies
PawssumFable: @Thefluffiestguineapig They're spoiled on fruit
PawssumFable: Like fat housecats that don't chase mice
Pywodwagon: We had a trained service monkey pull the cord at the Toy Story shooting game I worked at at Disney world once, it was mainly trained to get stuff off high shelves for the guy
TXC2: I feel like this would be a good way to teach spelling to children
KV1NN4: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_(baboon) wow, this baboon was really good at his job
TehAmelie: ah, the old school random notes. these modern gifs i think loses some charm https://i.imgur.com/v3A1wwO.gif
AugmentingPath: gbye
Thefluffiestguineapig: What is the red one
AugmentingPath: got carried away
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh, it steals you
JadedCynic: the flies will pick YOU up :p
MrQBear: You know what? I love Galaga!
CmdrMadMoe: cassowary post would be pretty secure
glyndev: The flies are stressing me out a lot more than I expected
DigitalSeahorse: bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
ElementalAlchemist: ongMegalul
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PawssumFable I feel like they are fueled by pure spite
Desruprot: that would be quite a con
miniMacGuru: I feel like you need anti-aircraft artillery to deal with those flys.
KaleidoscopeMind: that's just cookie clicker
TXC2: d'ma
vanislewhimsy: loooots of knitting and unwelcome advice on how to snag a man
PawssumFable: @Thefluffiestguineapig Then they're enjoying the kiwi's suffering?
Mangledpixel: boop
TXC2: good old Leget Dma
TXC2: hello Mangledpixel welcome
Mangledpixel: how Kees the Wees?
TehAmelie: sounds legit
BusTed: Saying the quiet part out loud
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PawssumFable Yeah, seems legit
AugmentingPath: that's right, tap aaaaa
TXC2: Mangledpixel it's getting complicated with the GIANT flies
Featherweight_: I got a great pitch for an ai vr nft
Thefluffiestguineapig: This concentration of flies seems unsustainable
Mangledpixel: TXC2 so I see
N2Osferatu: Could have one person feed and one person buckle I suppose
99FineLines: for Aus these are firmly Medium Flies.
mtvcdm: They're not mosquitoes. They're mailflies.
L0rdX33n: check for overtime
Thefluffiestguineapig: I don't think testing cassowary strap technology is a high priority, if the first draft works stay with it
PawssumFable: Also do you in fact, have a fluffy guinea pig?
FailureOfAName: live unskippable? neat!
KadmosTech: birdswitharms!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because every time you interact with them you risk grievous bodily harm
jessicatheblack: karafrHeart
ckupf: not the mohawk?
BusTed: max floof
TXC2: as many as 4 tens of stamps
red_shoes_jeff: My uncle had glasses like that.
control_rig: Lookit dat PUFF!
Akaiatana: Can you recreate Gibb?
Spirrie: wheeler bird
Makhiel: arms?
mtvcdm: And that's terrible
RealGamerCow: arms?
PawssumFable: I love the goggle glasses
TXC2: the moustache being UNDER the beak is VERY odd to me :p
Mangledpixel: now you can aviate
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PawssumFable I did when I first made this account, but she has since passed. I have three cats now because I was still in high school when she passed and was told "no more guinea pigs"
Thefluffiestguineapig: The colorings are amazing
JadedCynic: toucan
TheTekkieman: Oh, the stamp counts are individual!
JadedCynic: <3
Foxmar320: Hello G+P
Genie_M: you both have 40 that's nice
TXC2: hello Foxmar320
JadedCynic: thes are ADORABLE <3
DrMagnify: !quote cloaca
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hazeltine?
Solahwin_Tampramain: they are both working, so they both get a check
mtvcdm: You EACH get the stamps. Nice.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is that Ovaltine but for birds?
MehallD: The Greater Good
GazzyInferno: the greater good...
JadedCynic: shut it! :D
Bobtheninjagoldfish: the greater good
NimrodXIV: Hazeltine :D
L0rdX33n: Shit it!
Gladuir: The greater good
BrowneePoints: I thought that was an actual Calavera skin for a second
PawssumFable: @Thefluffiestguineapig Aw, that's too bad. I miss my guinea pig who also passed. I also went no more guinea pigs until I can get a herd. I get too heartbroken when pets die and small ones are so fragile.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Solahwin_Tampramain More progressive than the US
Vicinity89 is continuing the Gift Sub they got from canahedo!
L0rdX33n: soh no
L0rdX33n: typo
L0rdX33n: sorry
JayaLegends: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Desruprot: ohboy
TXC2: L0rdX33n it's ok, it's not DB chat
L0rdX33n: “Shut it!”
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also with ian how are there no quotes associated with cloaca???
A GIRL OF LENGTH: these kiwis are cute enough it might cure my migraine
gnyrinn: The Greater Good
TXC2: !findquote cloaca
LRRbot: Quote #8431: "Quick, back into the cloaca!" —Graham [2023-01-20]
mtvcdm: The mods would have to choose to make a cloaca quote
shiny_elva: I only just realized... this is almost normal qwerty o.o
gameboy350: Please, meat
Halinn: Please meat me
glyndev: Sending a message to be decoded in transit really does defeat the purpose
wizzo1138: 8
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PawssumFable That's fair, I've now worked in animal care for quite a while and am working to get my RVT certification and exotics (which include all rodents because small animal is only dogs and cats stupidly) are deeply hard to care for and diagnose with things
gameboy350: Please meat me at night... wait, nevermind
emberBecky subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months, currently on a 25 month streak!
emberBecky: lrrPistachio lrrHEART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, emberBecky! (Today's storm count: 149)
TXC2: "meat me at night" "you mean meet" "no I don't"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 "Don't assume what I mean" LUL
PawssumFable: @Thefluffiestguineapig The vet encouraged me to put Buddy to sleep because of an impacted tooth, and at the time I didn't know that was complete BS that I could handle myself. Still bothers me to this day.
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's a good way to put things
excalgold: Sir, sir? please put the fundly in the grundle
QuixoticScrivener: imagine having this keyboard at home
TehAmelie: if the post office is going to have to handle cryptography we should get overtime
Foxmar320: What a interesting concept for a game
mtvcdm: We're doing so many jobs at this place
Abavus: What's in the bundle?!
TXC2: new Labour govenment is gonna merge the post office with GCHQ Kappa
TXC2: (GCHQ =the UK version of the NSA)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PawssumFable Really?? That sucks, often vets don't want to deal with treating rodent issues because they don't know how to deal with them. Efficiency is the enemy of good care. It's like how you can rush care to get more things done short term but using fear free means it's all better long term. Mine was one where we couldn't find a vet to spay her so she ended up with horrific ovarian cysts which are not a fixable thing, unlike impacted teeth which absolutely is.
munocard: What is this game? I may need to play this with my girlfriend.
TXC2: munocard keywe
Thefluffiestguineapig: @munocard Adorable is what it is! Also keywe
Catcard: @munocard KeyWe!
PawssumFable: @Thefluffiestguineapig Yeah, they absolutely were exaggerating their small pet care capabilities.
SnowBuddy18: this keyboard doesn't feel useful to use
PawssumFable: Don't put it on your sign if you can't even file a guinea pig tooth UWot
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SnowBuddy18 I believe this game is classified under coop platformer?
Abavus: Not silver anneCrash
TehAmelie: our sterling record
Genie_M: you can retry any level
KevinTheShark: When changing the password, make sure you have a telegraph intermediary
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PawssumFable Yeah, you don't even need to file it, you can use dog toenail clippers you cleaned
Mewr11: @TehAmelie One of the best jokes I've ever seen in chat
PawssumFable: I know that now.
ElementalAlchemist: oh no
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KevinTheShark But only if it is run by kiwis
mtvcdm: They do darent
BusTed: pakidg
offbeatwitch: i love the "Not Helpful"
TXC2: and now the game truly begins
Thefluffiestguineapig: You fucking stupid damn flies!!
TehAmelie: thanks, we try
Kazman20a is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 40 in the channel!
Kazman20a gifted a Tier 1 sub to Spirrie!
Kazman20a gifted a Tier 1 sub to Eulenmaedchen!
Kazman20a gifted a Tier 1 sub to IntegralHamster!
Kazman20a gifted a Tier 1 sub to TuvaLaPourpre!
Kazman20a gifted a Tier 1 sub to SylHar!
Kazman20a gifted a Tier 1 sub to oblequy!
Kazman20a gifted a Tier 1 sub to argusthecat!
Kazman20a gifted a Tier 1 sub to Melkarth_!
Kazman20a gifted a Tier 1 sub to DrPezzer!
Kazman20a gifted a Tier 1 sub to Scratch_FG!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Don't mess with my labels!!!!!!!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Kazman20a! Welcome to Eulenmaedchen, Spirrie, IntegralHamster, TuvaLaPourpre, SylHar, oblequy, argusthecat, Melkarth_, DrPezzer, and Scratch_FG! (Today's storm count: 159)
mtvcdm: How am cure whole buffalo
TXC2: Kazman20a lrrHEART
Thefluffiestguineapig: Damn Kazman20a!!!!!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: So much generosity
excalgold: that says 'dear BATS' and with this game it may be literal bats...
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, that fly is carrying away the package!!!!
SharktoothJack: this looks like a lot of fun but it’s absolutely not a platformer
gameboy350: same tbh
Genie_M: this is getting so wild
Akaiatana: Those birds have Grahampaul.
PawssumFable: @Genie_M Oh you wait
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SharktoothJack This is one of those games like Papers Please where putting classifications on it does not serve a useful purpose
TehAmelie: flies so huge and annoying you can't even swat them. that's just Australia i guess
PawssumFable: And yet, thematically the polar opposite of Papers, Please
violetto: government job simulator
PawssumFable: The most depressing game vs the least LUL
ElementalAlchemist: Surely all that typing is costing the post office too much money
Foxmar320: Imagine if this game had Twitch integration for chat to play the bugs
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ElementalAlchemist Right? Those wasted labels must add up
roefizzlebeef: oh to be a small kiwi with the security of a government job
ElementalAlchemist: so close
Genie_M: @PawssumFable I've seen plays of this, even speedruns too
mtvcdm: So close
Barb4rian: Almost
PawssumFable: @Genie_M Oooh okay
Genie_M: but still, watching it is wild
BusTed: luxurious
TXC2: Foxmar320 what a cursed idea
Akaiatana: That would be great and terrible, like Galadriel with the Ring
control_rig: Such floof!
PawssumFable: POOF
kusinohki: Hee hee hee
Thefluffiestguineapig: That would be like the twitch integration for Super Truck, great but deeply hard
Foxmar320: TXC2 I do what I can
Thefluffiestguineapig: The best floof!!!!!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH NO
Genie_M: you know - vines
QuixoticScrivener: plants typically are
TXC2: Foxmar320 and you do it well
Bowerbird7: Vines usually are...
IanAllenBird: vines are generally alive
Genie_M: plants
Gladuir: Its turning into Jumani up in here
Thefluffiestguineapig: Not just alive, but actively malicious
excalgold: Kiwi's and octopi work in the mail room, of course the plants are Malicious too
Vinchenz: dunno what the game is but its very cute!
John Hill: you can become fluffier! adorable
Linwey: Kudzu is genuinely terrifying
TehAmelie: alive and full of evil purpose
TXC2: Kudzu is a crime
PawssumFable: Just drop yea
smoljigglybug: 'Maximum Puff' is going to be my superhero name now.
mtvcdm: Have they hired ANYONE for maintenance
Akaiatana: Letter RIP
RocknGrohlNerd: @TehAmelie evil porpoises?
StreetRach: OMG. Love that you're playing this game!
TehAmelie: they wish
Carlioo: I beg your pardon?!
DandyGeek: Joe Bob Briggs is in there o.O
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mtvcdm Yes, but they have low retention for obvious reasons so no one stays long enough to fix stuff
PawssumFable: @RocknGrohlNerd Every time I see you I'VE GOT ANOTHER CONFESSION TO MAKE
AugmentingPath: the ceiling kudzu is just exactly the halflife 2 monster, huh?
mtvcdm: But yeah, kudzu can and will eat entire houses.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Kudzu is almost a cartoonish demonstration of the harm of invasive species
BrowneePoints: it’s happening g in a bunch of places in southern America and Mexico
BrowneePoints: because of people bringing it in as a vanity plant
PawssumFable: It was supposed to be cow feed plants
Sarah: The game is KeyWe
malsareus: good evening
TXC2: as a vanity plant? who the fuck thinks Kudzu looks good?
RocknGrohlNerd: @PawssumFable oh no what have I done this time wheelerRita LUL
BrowneePoints: yep. colonialist ranching introduced it
TXC2: Hello malsareus welcome
the_phantom_game_player: PopNemo
Thefluffiestguineapig: I do like that it puts up barriers so it's a puzzle to get thing's in the correct area as opposed to a reflex test
PawssumFable: Again, no, it was for feeding livestock.
JadedCynic: @PawssumFable I mean, kudzu can be cooked and eaten - apparently its like collard greens
mwlsn: hello, OSHA?
PawssumFable: The thing is if the cows leave...
TXC2: PawssumFable ok that's a bit different at least
PawssumFable: It keeps going
malfnord: Well, at least nobody imported hippos to eat the kudzu. That would've gotten out of hand.
mtvcdm: Japan, where kudzu originated and where the climate doesn't let kudzu go wild.
BrowneePoints: Yes, in South America it was used for cattle feed
sfot: hi everyone
ElementalAlchemist: lrrGOAT
AugmentingPath: mmm, bagel with chroma cheese
Akaiatana: Kudzu not?
PawssumFable: I think it could still be a useful animal feed, but you'd have to really powerfully contain it
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do you get hazard pay for this?
L0rdX33n: How dare
mwlsn: where I protection?
RocknGrohlNerd: @Akaiatana good pun, I approve
PawssumFable: Can you imagine if North America had hippos
Double May Care: oh this is fun
BusTed: sand protection
Foxmar320: Had no idea Kiwis were guardians, explains a lot
TXC2: PawssumFable they have Buffalo and moose, that's basically the same Kappa
excalgold: Glasses -and- a light
mwlsn: LUL that dust devil
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PawssumFable Yes, look at the hippos that are now in Central America from that one drug lord
glyndev: I feel like one person should clasp while the other feeds
PawssumFable: @RocknGrohlNerd Also that's just the opening of Best of You, silly
BrowneePoints: yes I looked it up
AugmentingPath: and (possibly open flame based) headlamps
Foxmar320: What G
BusTed: grab that tty
malfnord: @PawssumFable I am not joking, some galaxy brain from Louisiana had the brainwave to import hippos to eat obstructve water plants back in the 1910s.
mtvcdm: More vital mail.
KadmosTech: grab that tty (with consent)
BrowneePoints: Kudzu was introduced in AMERICA(not Brazil) as a Vanity Plant @pawssumfable
PawssumFable: Hmm
BrowneePoints: it was introduced at the Centennial exhibition because it looked new and has fragrant purple flowers when blooming
JinaMahavira: the one down
Astramentha: every time you tweet you’re forcing poor lil guys to do all this
BrowneePoints: and then in the 30s, it exploded across the south because of vanity purchases and “soil conservation” and distantly(for the US) cattle feed
mtvcdm: Lift and throw, lift and throw
AugmentingPath: if you really had grit you wouldn't let adversity slow you down Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mtvcdm Hanatize!
TallynNyntyg: Ah, good ol' Gritty Gill.
Coloneljesus: this music sounds hella like bastion
mwlsn: need to get grit
BrowneePoints: but yes for South America specifically Spanish and Portuguese Imperialists brought it in as cattle feed
Alex_Frostfire: I got more grit 'n I can handle!
Foxmar320: This is great lol
BusTed: duDudu
NorthstarTex: really enjoying it
mtvcdm: It's birds
Chesul: But are you disappointed Graham?
Carlioo: it looks very silly, hope you're having fun
TehAmelie: no one could have predicted this
Shadowsoflife: duDudu
BusTed: quicksand!
mtvcdm: You expected birds
Foxmar320: DED
IanAllenBird: oh nooo
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyS
NorthstarTex: the floor is lava!!
TXC2: the 90's trained us for this!
Astramentha: the floor is quicksand
thetoastmonster: Artax no!
mwlsn: someone close the window, for crying out loud
Barb4rian: Kiwi noooo
BusTed: Nothing stops the post
ElementalAlchemist: oh no
TXC2: thetoastmonster you monster
AugmentingPath: good news: the sandstorm killed the flies!
thetoastmonster: @TXC2 it's quite literally in my name
momalyd: This workplace seems like a health and safety nightmare.
TehAmelie: no rain or sleet or sandstorm or mutant kudzu invasion. . .
TXC2: thetoastmonster touché
mtvcdm: I'd say I have questions but
mwlsn: I'm impressed that your postal machinery is still going with all this sand in the gears
Carlioo: the mail has got to go through
Carlioo: whether rain or shine
MrTheWalrus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
MrTheWalrus: Praise the Subathon, which brings back Graham and Paul streams.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrTheWalrus! (Today's storm count: 160)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPanic quicksand and slightly quicker sand
gnyrinn: Aren’t kiwis sand-wading birds?
KevinTheShark: Who shipped all the sand and didnt label each grain???
BusTed: light puzzle?
HorusFive: "Im interacting with a thing over here but I don't know why" The Loading Ready Run story
JadedCynic: Apparently the Australian Telepost motto goes: "Through fly swarm, through kudzu, through overwhelming sand, the mail will go through."?
L0rdX33n: i see a light beam…
couchboyj: Trapped in a mirror, birds for life
BusTed: Sweet
JadedCynic: I think you found a collectable
Foxmar320: Yay! Secrets
JadedCynic: back to WORK :D
PawssumFable: woo
Carlioo: it's lid fam
Anubis169: perishable :S
mjiig: I appreciate that it stops you making mistakes rather than making you redo a whole package when you do
mtvcdm: Please refrigerate immediately. Please
AugmentingPath: by "perishable" they meant "the sand is potentially fatal"
PawssumFable: You gotta just bunny hop the whole time
Lunareclipse123: Take me hooooome, Gumtree Groooove
RocknGrohlNerd: @PawssumFable oh dang avngrPunt I got bamboozled by my own nickname. clearly my brain is very avngrSmooth These Days ...that I didn´t see it. thank you for going on this journey with me :D
Ularl_Platypus: you would think they would want to clean the sand instead of sending mail.
Anubis169: @Lunareclipse123 to my hoooaaard, and treasure trooooooove~~~
BrowneePoints: ope…chat WotC made one of the PreCon commanders just Stupid Sexy Disney Robin Hood Fox
glyndev: Neither rain nor snow nor glom of nit
PawssumFable: @RocknGrohlNerd It's okay, I frequently bamboozle myself too
BrowneePoints: the group hug deck got revealed this morning
Lunareclipse123: @anubis169 WEST VIRGINIAAAA
TXC2: right chat, diner time for me, so be good, and keep on subing!
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Lunareclipse123: (for some reason)
L0rdX33n: There’s also overtime levels, to the right of main levels
RocknGrohlNerd: @TXC2 enjoy your diner TXC2
mtvcdm: R&D I have questions
JadedCynic: I mean, the packages are too big for the Kiwi to carry...
Foxmar320: Yep this is better
BusTed: An entirely practical machine
Lirelent: scientist Paul at work again
Spolin: parcel dirigible
missa_hancock: so CH Paul runs this operation
drfox17 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
drfox17: Subathon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drfox17! (Today's storm count: 161)
AugmentingPath: New gadget report: 100% mortality rate
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRoll vicksyFastRoll YEET Post
NoxStryx: @lunareclipse123 West Virginians will get mad if you point this out but that song is actually about the western end of Virginia. All the landmarks mentioned are Virginian landmarks
TheWooglie: @AugmentingPath wow you rarely get 100% uptake with a new technology
AugmentingPath: @TheWooglie truly an unprecedented level of success
Carlioo: do kiwi know about osha?
ElementalAlchemist: hi Alex
Chronomos901: rip Alex
KaleidoscopeMind: ghost alex
TheWooglie: @Carlioo the Acolyte character?
KinkerbellRose: PErfect.
IanAllenBird: whoa
TehAmelie: lrrSPOOP
JadedCynic: good job! :)
Shadowsoflife: neat
BusTed: 👀
EpiiMeth: This is great
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyArrive
MrMatternot: Haunting
Izzieon: It's almost like Alex is in the room with them
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyLeave
Chronomos901: sometimes they can still hear his voice
samb6678: Oh that's deeply strange
couchboyj: Floating Head streamer
JadedCynic: moosea2Peek
PawssumFable: Alex is in a different shirt than 2 hours ago and I'm confuse
Lyrinoir: This looks utterly charming
Lunareclipse123: The ghost of Alex present
NoxStryx: Different shirt or different alex?
PawssumFable: Must be part of the Ghost Alex
DigitalSeahorse: that was one of his own sweaters from his etsy
DigitalSeahorse: !Alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: http://gumroad.com/alexsteacy | Patreon: patreon.com/alexsteacy | Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/AlexSteacy | Home stream: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Twitter: twitter.com/alexsteacy | More: https://bio.link/alexsteacy
PawssumFable: @NoxStryx We may never know
DigitalSeahorse: not sure if it's still on there
JadedCynic: the mini-dirgibles swapping locations are annoying :)
Anubis169: G, if you put tape over your eyes or something, it'd be even worse :D
chorinas: I'm going to be honest? at first I thought it was a bear ear headband
mtvcdm: More kudzu
Akaiatana: Plus, it gives Graham eyeframes.
ElementalAlchemist: oh no
ElementalAlchemist: AAAA
IanAllenBird: D :
Astramentha: D:
Carlioo: RUDE
Sunidesus: those are some agressive plants
mtvcdm: Gotta eat your kiwi
TallynNyntyg: Graham should call one-eight-hundred Contacts.
Lunareclipse123: Special Horse Eyes?
BusTed: What happens if you both get nabbed?
GazzyInferno: eat your ovaltine
Astramentha: @busted permadeath
Didero: There, back from dinner, are we the bosses of this postoffice yet?
northos: vegetabmles
Astramentha: @didero even better, we can get eaten :D
Lex_Peacekeeper: eat your Kiwis
AugmentingPath: Eat. You're vegetabled?!
Greyah: Eat your toast, mate. Shoved it right in me gob.
control_rig: I love how specific "I'm dying squirtle" is
DrMagnify: oh no theyve been vegetabled
Didero: @Astramentha Kiwis ARE healthy, though that may be the fruit
dm818: probably because you haven't been eating enough
ElementalAlchemist: Caps lock is cruise control for cool
JadedCynic: CAPS LOCK IS DUMB...
shiny_elva: There's too many vegetables *because* you've not been eating them
JadedCynic: wait.
AugmentingPath: I understand that you're dying, but more pressingly, I have a typo I need to fix
TheWooglie: @JadedCynic GG
TehAmelie: not to be callous, but it might be faster to leave Graham behind
alchemistsavant: graham just constantly getting plant vored
BusTed: LUL
HorusFive: Graham Kiwi- confirmed delicious
TallynNyntyg: WTF Graham.
ElementalAlchemist: 🪦
wordnerdify: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
Lex_Peacekeeper: plants took my Graham
Thefluffiestguineapig: G is apparently the tastiest for the flowers
Symphoneers: Graham's got the electrolytes plants crave.
mwlsn: I was on another desktop for a minute but that sounded like it was going well
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lex_Peacekeeper You got Graham in my plants! No you got plants in my Graham!
DigitalSeahorse: plants took my buddy!
Didero: Good thing you're playing it co-op, so Paul can keep rescuing you :p
ElementalAlchemist: "You do not fart." --Graham
bytecaster: But I do fart, Graham
Creature_Comforts: that’s my band name
TehAmelie: hmm maybe you have to travel in a team around here
mtvcdm: Of course they did
RocknGrohlNerd: @Creature_Comforts LUL
PawssumFable: Have they realized you can dash?
control_rig: The long-awated sequel to Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do you need to get rid of the flower?
googoltudoris: drink more ovaltine
AugmentingPath: baited by the backspace vine
darkcyril: The slurping noise really makes it.
DigitalSeahorse: @googoltudoris vicksyTH
Didero: If they're already showing you text, why do you have to also type it in?
TehAmelie: hey, Z and X are down there, never used those keys
Thefluffiestguineapig: @googoltudoris It's Hazeltine in this universe according to one of the posters
thaigeprime: Has there been a "drink more oveltine" one yet
BusTed: The reach on those
AugmentingPath: are the plants more aggressive when you're holding a flower?
Astramentha: @didero …..heeeey, yeah WAITAMINUTE
ElementalAlchemist: woo!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Didero I think the reasoning was you are transcribing the message onto the telegraph for actual sending that was given in the lobby? But I didn't keep track because it's too cute
Didero: Now go for gold Kappa
bakerydragon: ooh! I just joined and am so happy for the continuing Bird-Based Co-Op
Thefluffiestguineapig: @AugmentingPath That's a good question actually
PawssumFable: I've golded this whole game
Foxmar320: I cant wait for it to not be summer anymore
Bruceski: In fall the kiwis change their plumage
bakerydragon: Actually, when it's birds daes that mean it's a "Coop" game?
Didero: It's ok, kiwis have terrible memories
TehAmelie: okay we have a genre name for two player bird games
googoltudoris: it's a relay station
PawssumFable: Coop games haha
Thefluffiestguineapig: fragile and heavy?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean it is literally a bolder
L0rdX33n: ooh, dino sticker, bottom left
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's what people sometimes misunderstand about fossil stuff, it's literally a boulder
AugmentingPath: it's for murder
Thefluffiestguineapig: Death, it's for death
dankmemeter: Ragile? Must be italian
Thefluffiestguineapig: @AugmentingPath Semi drift compatible! Not same exact message but same intention
Carlioo: oh there's a fossil sticker in the bottom left
PawssumFable: Frah GEE lay
bakerydragon: @TehAmelie Yay 😊 lrrAWESOME
LadyLockwood92: Howdy folks~
dropkickstart: this is astoundingly adorable
bakerydragon: @LadyLockwood92 hello :)
Thefluffiestguineapig: This level will be miserable with the stupid monster flies
AugmentingPath: @Thefluffiestguineapig lrrGibb
ElementalAlchemist: Urgent (urgent) emergency
PawssumFable: I think there's only one year of levels
Sunidesus: the butt stickers keep making me giggle
PawssumFable: So we are past the flies, I think
glyndev: You'd think the urgent sticker would be faster to get to
Bobtheninjagoldfish: @ElementalAlchemist I sang that out loud too
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: you seem to be making quite good time with these now
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PawssumFable Excellent
googoltudoris: this shipping station does not seem optimized for kiwis
Thefluffiestguineapig: Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhh
PawssumFable: There's bonus pay levels, though...
PawssumFable: Those give a lot of stamps
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gas in the mail is one of the things I think the US postal service has restrictions on
bjergmann101: Air-dash... just a bit quicker than Door-Dash
GameSageZB: Oh sweet! I forgot KeyWe was this morning. I loved this game when I played it with a partner.
AugmentingPath: "Heavy and urgent in Lake Bessy" sounds like an advice column pseudonym
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think it counts as both hazardous and flammable
PawssumFable: There's a bubble pop level in bonus pay
malsareus: So, does this game show us how mail is handled in Canada?
PawssumFable: It's so fun
alchemistsavant: man you guys are really getting into the rhythm of it!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @bjergmann101 But treats it's workers better
LadyLockwood92: I appreciate this rare look into the mail system in New Zealand. Cheers guys.
bjergmann101: @Thefluffiestguineapig Hard to do worse
JadedCynic: *Australia
mercano82: Does a can of gas need a hazmat sticker? Nah
josh___something: That sounds like a skill issue, paul
googoltudoris: the geese are ANGY
Thefluffiestguineapig: So all your mail is savaged?
BusTed: wow
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: looks like you were also able to push the package along faster than the conveyor belt with your dash
Bowerbird7: the geese don't handle customer complaints well, I assume
spethycakes: Next game from this company will be LoonWe
alchemistsavant: oh god, that must be a really shitty work environment
JadedCynic: it's too temperate for Mail Flies
KV1NN4: This is clearly the Australian Postage system
Aitsu111: The scary thing is seeing the Geese strapping packages to Moose
Jogela: Time to bit the bits Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: @googoltudoris Geese remember they used to be therapods and are so angry about it
ElementalAlchemist: We're enhancing our ability to make ransom notes
CaptainSpam: Ah, so we're making ransom notes now?
JadedCynic: @Aitsu111 Moose are only scared of one thing, and it's not Killer Whales...
couchboyj: I always assumed beavers were involved in the Canadian mail. TIL
Thefluffiestguineapig: I should have saved my bits for this moment where we make bits
AugmentingPath: @Thefluffiestguineapig Meanwhile cassowaries remember they're more-or-less currently theropod dinosaurs
gluonquark: two of the bloomburrow commander decks have been revealed, they look awesome !
JadedCynic: @couchboyj beavers cut the dies that make stamps
PawssumFable: The biggest diff between birds and dinosaurs is TIME and I keep wondering when science is gonna break it to the world that dinosaurs are factually just real old birds
Thisbymaster: are those Cassowaries? The deadliest birds?
Mark_D_Stroyer: well immediate LittleBigPlanet vibes with this game
RealGamerCow: dingo ate my baby
L0rdX33n: pie-yena
LadyLockwood92: I'm always saying this.
AugmentingPath: bees
KV1NN4: Hyena, from Gargoyles?
mercano82: bees
alchemistsavant: bees?
glyndev: oh god the bees
HorusFive: BEEEEEEEZ PrideLaugh
mercano82: Cut the bees, drop the bass
JadedCynic: @glyndev not the bees!!!1`!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @AugmentingPath Yeah, when people say dinosaurs having feathers makes them less scary my response is are cassowaries and ostriches less terrifying for feathers? Or Ice age literal terror birds??
PawssumFable: Right?
AugmentingPath: normally i try to avoid backseating, but I wasn't going to pass up a chance to type just "bees" and pretend I'm helping
PawssumFable: Birds now are terrifying. Look at a Harpy eagle.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are the cassowaries eating lychee fruit? if so I'm jealous, I love those and can't afford them
Didero: Heck, even a regular crow can get scary when it gets angry at you
CmdrMadMoe: Who mashed my melons
malsareus: From the cousin of the cabbage merchant
mtvcdm: Sir? Sir! Who squashed my gourds?
malfnord: The Canada goose remembers when their kin ruled the world, and they fear neither man nor God because of that.
AugmentingPath: @Thefluffiestguineapig Cassowaries seem much less scary when they're extremely far away. Easy to dismiss them when you have so many oceans keeping you safe
PawssumFable: Flocks of crows can become horribly violent at people
bytecaster: Not my gourds :O
50keyz: this is ridiculous. im glad i send all my mail by beaver
frostownik: I'm a bit out of the loop -- is there a PPR for Bloomburrow?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PawssumFable Considering one of the valid predation strategies of birds is "take it in the air and drop it down a mountain" they're no joke
PawssumFable: I dunno, I've chased geese off the road in winter
JadedCynic: @frostownik on sunday, yes
50keyz: @frostownik sunday
Thefluffiestguineapig: @AugmentingPath Fair,
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PawssumFable And they have generational memory
frostownik: thank
DeM0nFiRe: FBtouchdown
ElementalAlchemist: lrrHORN
bjergmann101: Is this not how serial kills sent letters?
JadedCynic: and you got FOUR done, too
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PawssumFable True, but by yourself or with mechanical assistance?
JosVanTongeren: lrrBartleby
NorthstarTex: close, consistently silver
L0rdX33n: check overtime levels
JadedCynic: @bjergmann101 kidnappers more, but yeah
L0rdX33n: they neat
Mark_D_Stroyer: Serialemu Killers
anbuagent12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
anbuagent12: My mail has many butt marks on it. Care to explain why?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, anbuagent12! (Today's storm count: 162)
Jobot180: What adorable little brown butt birds.
LadyLockwood92: tired: post-apocalyptic ape society. wired: post-apocalyptic Crow society.
Thefluffiestguineapig: For a second I thought the rank was "tele-poster" like a kind of imposter and I was confused
KaleidoscopeMind: gas of air?
PawssumFable: By myself because I know enough about geese to actually be scary to geese LUL
KaleidoscopeMind: bags*
ElementalAlchemist: oooh yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: @anbuagent12 "Also why the butt prints have tiny feathers"
Foxmar320: YESS
BusTed: nice
JadedCynic: time to go mad <3
mtvcdm: Yesssssss
NightValien28: best level
JadedCynic: smart bombs :D
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed
Sunidesus: most satisfying level ever
PawssumFable: They didn't move fast though
JadedCynic: 20 medium!
mtvcdm: Well this is the rest of the subathon
PawssumFable: They weren't that scared
JadedCynic: 1 giant
mwlsn: oh this is great
TehAmelie: is this a bonus stage?
JadedCynic: yeah
JadedCynic: "overtime"
Alex_Frostfire: This is just destroying packing material.
NimrodXIV: what an odd and charming game
PawssumFable: They were just concerned enough to get out of the intersection
TallynNyntyg: Oh hey, I remember this from Mario!
PawssumFable: I love bubble pop
NekomimiNinja: Now this is a nice stage.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do you get time added for each goal achieved?
Mark_D_Stroyer: They know what they’re doing with calling them “Tiny Bubbles”
Thefluffiestguineapig: I can see birds being very good at this job
mtvcdm: We are good bubble wrap testers
frostownik: there's a progress bar on top of the display I think
frostownik: it's so chaotic tho
falgar_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, falgar_! (Today's storm count: 163)
PawssumFable: What is the purpose of this room
PawssumFable: I feel like it's just the break room
SnowBuddy18: hold me closer tiny bubbles
Didero: @PawssumFable Bubblewrap testing and/or kiwi workout training
Mark_D_Stroyer: Okay this music does seems 100% ripped from LittleBigPlanet 1.
JadedCynic: @PawssumFable in-game, 'product testing' - meta is a bonus section
bjergmann101: Bags of air... Bags of air... Bags of air... "From Mailtime"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mtvcdm If i could find packing material with the label "this bubble wrap was tested by any animal species" with the caveat it was safe and humane I would never use anything else
PawssumFable: Cat tested
Thefluffiestguineapig: You smashed silver
JadedCynic: @Thefluffiestguineapig "this bubble wrap was tested for durability by crows - they enjoyed popping it and have been kept on for quality control" SeemsGood
KBKarma: I'm gonna go. I'm trying to do some stuff in FFXIV which requires my concentration. Enjoy!
mtvcdm: ! next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Party Day Games at Thu 11:00 AM PDT (1:25 from now).
JadedCynic: ah, we're gradually shifting from QWERTY to AZERTY? :)
KBKarma: Cheer100 Bye bye bye.
PawssumFable: @JadedCynic lrrSHINE
Duffadash: scenic Nsberg
excalgold: so its THE Fungus? the singular Fungus?
nekobun: Visit the Fungus, trust the Fungus.
glyndev: Not just any fungus. It's the Fungus
Mark_D_Stroyer: Experience the Fugnus
Fanklok: Get down with the fugnus
JadedCynic: oh wait, they're ROTATING :p
EternalRoxas: fugnussy
TehAmelie: a machine for stressing kiwis
SnowBuddy18: this seems more than "finicky"
mtvcdm: Why does this exist
Thefluffiestguineapig: This machine might have needed to hire animals because humans were done with this bullshit
excalgold: the same person that has Kiwi's, Casowary's and Octopi working at the post designed it i think
Thefluffiestguineapig: @excalgold Rube Goldberg?
JadedCynic: @Thefluffiestguineapig yeah, I begin to see why the bearded dude hired the pair of kiwi...
PawssumFable: I need something slightly less smart to do these tasks
Fanklok: Don't these people have phones
Didero: It'd be funny if that button was an 'M' when facing us but a 'W' if it was facing away
mtvcdm: I'm disputing that the mail was the priority here
ElementalAlchemist: Need engine jump? Have you considered: space jump
mwlsn: I see we've moved from qwerty to qweqweqwe
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mtvcdm Yeah press x to doubt that assertion. This isn't the setup where the mail was the priority
mtvcdm: Actually these messages are getting the mail system they deserve
JadedCynic: it's neither QWERTY nor AZERTY - it rotates between both :p
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mtvcdm Maybe this is for low priority messages only
PawssumFable: It's just bullshit now
Didero: @JadedCynic A Quebeqois keyboard, switching between English and French keyboard layouts
Mark_D_Stroyer: This keyboard layout is clearly KIWES
mtvcdm: Blood
TehAmelie: just Blood
mtvcdm: Send blood
JadedCynic: these seem more like PSAs than private messages...
northos: oh that's a much more comforting second word :p
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH COME ON
JadedCynic: @Didero bien sur!
ElementalAlchemist: rude
Thefluffiestguineapig: It can't rotate as you are trying to type a word
JadedCynic: yeah, these are just 'community announcements'
Thefluffiestguineapig: Between words is bad enough
dm818: Is this better or worse than evil plants
Didero: toblorbo
TehAmelie: tomorpow, tomorpow, tomorpow
Fanklok: One year at the Ren Faire there was a blood drive happening and one of the performers was outside their trailer shouting "Come join the blood harvest"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Community announcements as delivered by animals would be a massive tourist attraction
Austere_Squire: hullo, chat, lrr
N2Osferatu: Ahhh Mario panic music!
Austere_Squire: it appears to be a lovely day and graham and paul appear to be wonderful... kiwis?
L0rdX33n: just under the whistle
Thefluffiestguineapig: Two minutes??
JadedCynic: hi-lo Squire; wotcha!
PawssumFable: Maybe the orangutan that plays Minecraft could do it
Thefluffiestguineapig: The gold there was 2 minutes??
mwlsn looks around for the bull
frostownik: the famous Bond movie with the indestructible Russian henchman -- Tomorpow Never Dies
Mark_D_Stroyer: Earning stamps like arcade tickets ~would~ revolutionize the postal service.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Uhhhhh
JadedCynic: Who was it that was saying this game was NOT a "platformer" again? B)
aziraphalesshop: What is this called?
aziraphalesshop: Nevermind, just saw Sarah posted it
Some kind of Garf: This is the cutest stress aneurysm I've ever seen.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mark_D_Stroyer Similar to one city in I think Germany where they made it so you could earn points for correctly recycling
brieandbacon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
brieandbacon: Finally! Some meaning to my life (also: the universe, everything)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, brieandbacon! (Today's storm count: 164)
JadedCynic: so these two kiwi are better plumbers than the mario bros?
mwlsn: this is the worst internship ever
Loupetron subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Loupetron! (Today's storm count: 165)
mtvcdm: This might not be a well run mail facility
TehAmelie: i don't trust the sewer fish
PawssumFable: @Thefluffiestguineapig I think that's all of it now?
malsareus: so I feel this plumbing needs an overhaul
Thefluffiestguineapig: I see the octopus in the background
mtvcdm: ! subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TheBattleOfHastings: What's this game?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is her name susan? I forget
protojman: ah yes just like office work
Didero: Why are there envelopes falling?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheBattleOfHastings Adorable! Keywe
JadedCynic: Ki WE @TheBattleOfHastings
JadedCynic: *Key
PawssumFable: Every time I see Germany videos on YT or TikTok there's always a bit about recycling
mtvcdm: Wait the water is rising
glyndev: Ooooh it floods if you don't tape?
TheBattleOfHastings: Ah! I saw KeyWe in the title I should have realised.
nekobun: tired: hotmail, wired: wetmail
Didero: The game is called Keywe
TheBattleOfHastings: Thanks all.
TehAmelie: "we have a leak at the post office" sounds like the plot of a spy movie
JadedCynic: Zoey is kinda looking worried...
frostownik: this is the sound in my head whenever I'm working
Didero: It's eightable at best
Thefluffiestguineapig: @frostownik The alarm or the dinging?
graal_smith: Our amps are un-eleven-able
Anubis169: one might say... KeyWon't
Foxmar320: Stay out of the water. Got it!
Carlioo: almost gold!
ElementalAlchemist: At this point, the whole room needs rebuilt from scratch
frostownik: @thefluffiestguineapig yes
KevinTheShark: considering this post office is like... 100 years old, this is baffillingly complex
excalgold: Finding Nem..oh no
RocknGrohlNerd: eww
BusTed: sliding puzzle?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @frostownik For me the ratio changes, the worse my ADHD is that day the louder the alarm is
PawssumFable: There was plumbing in the 1920s
mtvcdm: WHY
ElementalAlchemist: OK Zoey
JadedCynic: lampshading things
graal_smith: Graham using a nintendo controller after using a PS controller
Thefluffiestguineapig: UUUUUUHHHHH
frostownik: @thefluffiestguineapig same also
JadedCynic: a changing maze...
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sorting mazes??????
mtvcdm: Zoey
Thefluffiestguineapig: Changing sorting mazes?????????
Didero: Maybe the person designing these workspaces should've just kept faffing about in their ownshed
Thefluffiestguineapig: Zoey I would like to dispute that these changes can in any way make things better
Thefluffiestguineapig: If you want to make these changes, test one at a time to see which make things better
Didero: It isn't a real jam until somebody starts shouting about it being a jam :p
bytecaster: I must say, I really enjoy this series where Paul and Graham try out all of the birds!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Didero Or an old woman starts yelling about the old country and the recipe being hers
mtvcdm: Why does Zoey's system involve obstacles
bytecaster: @mtvcdm I'm sure you mean convenient sorting funnels
Anubis169: Mail sometimes gets stuck
PawssumFable: I'm sweating thinking about the next iteration of this level lrrSPOOP
Anubis169: story of my life
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mtvcdm Because she unlike us as kiwis, can pick things up
glyndev: It's a-maze-ing
Loupetron: Cheer1000 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Love watching Graham and Paul as flightless birds.
mwlsn: Zoey, regarding a butterfly: Is this process engineering?
TehAmelie: martini, bitter?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bitters like we are about all these changes?
Anubis169: noice
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh absolutely
brieandbacon: This is Lean. Honest
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is exactly like that
bytecaster: I don't know what your job is, but I changed it
Abavus: But it looks so much nicer
kusinohki: I don't understand. It should be faster
excalgold: all we know is the Consultant was VERY Expensive and assured us this would improve life
PawssumFable: oh no
PawssumFable: Now it gets real
tytycoon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
tytycoon: yay! happy Kiwi game!
Thefluffiestguineapig: "We made it mandatory to completely reorganize all your stock so it's better!" "You've never been to our store, how would you know that
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tytycoon! (Today's storm count: 166)
mtvcdm: To improve shareholder efficiency
Anubis169: is this "actual" easier or " mandatory microsoft OS changes" easier
mwlsn: secret bird
NightValien28: NO ONE can intercept a cassowary
bytecaster: The meme!
Thefluffiestguineapig: UV light and the cutter
frostownik: my former company introduced manufacturing based improvements and metrics to software and were very surprised
glyndev: What we can't afford the power to have the lamp on the whole time?
mtvcdm: Oh good we can send memes
JadedCynic: "We paid consultants a lot of money to watch you without consent or contact for a long time, and they have suggested these changes to your workflow, despite having no previous experience anywhere in our industry at all..."
Sethalidos: cassowary = murder chicken
LadyLockwood92: I love that the Cassowaries have glasses.
Didero: I look away for a sec and it sudenly turned into a memory game? D:
DoomBringerIL: good evening from israel! is it true the Bloom PPR this sunday??! @LoadingReadyRun
bytecaster: @glyndev It annoys the Cassowary
AutumnAuton: Second & Meat, my favorite cafe
JadedCynic: @Sethalidos Cassowary == surviving dinosaur
PawssumFable: Murder emu
glyndev: @Sethalidos Chickens are already murder chickens. Cassowarys are super murder chickens
PawssumFable: Wait that's just emus
ElementalAlchemist: secat
PawssumFable: Super murder emu chicken
BrowneePoints: WAIT don’t Kiwi actually glow under black light!?
LadyLockwood92: Something Something Butcher Pete
TheWooglie: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
TehAmelie: this is fairly secure
Thefluffiestguineapig: @bytecaster And we value our lives too much to annoy the cassowary
JadedCynic: Cassowaries make emus and ostriches look amenable...
glyndev: @bytecaster That's a fair point. We can't afford to piss them off
excalgold: are those Cassowary's wearing....sunglasses at night ?
DoomBringerIL: wow! this sunday? so quick! nice!
mwlsn: excalgold they're just that cool
PawssumFable: *80's riff*
excalgold: those are some cool Casowary's
TehAmelie: even if a counter-spy were to best the secret cassowary, they just get a blank message unless they have a UV light
Simonark: You two really make it feel like you’ve been cutting ferrets in half for over twenty years now. It’s a niche vibe, I’ll admit.
PawssumFable: I wear my SUNGLASSES AT NIGHT
BrowneePoints: BLB drops first week of August so yes PPR this Sunday
BrowneePoints: and then DSK 7 weeks after
Featherweight_: it is indeed!
BrowneePoints: for some reason
bytecaster: Convenient timing
TXC2 returns
mwlsn: possibly the least useful message
TXC2: hey we've gotten all funky
Featherweight_: bytecaster that's one perspective
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePoints That's so much MtG so rapidly
Sarah_Serinde: A very well-earned nap
NightValien28: the biggest nap
frostownik: the literal product fatigue
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
Thisbymaster: poor planning?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also any reason the different portions are color coded? Is that for a future thing I'm already dreading?
TheWooglie: #blamewotc
LadyLockwood92: Activate the Odin-Sleep
Simonark: Because you’re professionals, consarnit!
Sarah_Serinde: I wonder if we'll ever get back up to 24 hours on the clock again
kusinohki: Graham in the pocket of big nap
TehAmelie: i think that's just to get the random note feel
RocknGrohlNerd: and LRR are not cowards soooo
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheWooglie Probably more accurate to say #blamehasbro since they bought it
mwlsn: dis guise
ElementalAlchemist: this guys
Sarah_Serinde: We lose several hours every day of the subathon
Linwey: the skies
YeomanAres: Duskmourn is so close too it's September
Simonark: It’s because they kept Foundations a secret in the schedule for how long?
mtvcdm: The watchalong is where we bleed hours off the clock.
RealGamerCow: MtG sets seem to be accelerating their release, like the kaiju in Pacific Rim
Didero: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
PawssumFable: I feel most people who wer gonna show up showed up early and dropped their expendable money
ANameYouCanRead subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
QuixoticScrivener: we dipped a couple times yesterday
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ANameYouCanRead! (Today's storm count: 167)
Sarah_Serinde: We were dipping below on and off yesterday
L0rdX33n: 1-4 AM Beej Fallout has wrecked my sleep schedule
NeoOfTheDark is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 25 in the channel!
NeoOfTheDark gifted a Tier 1 sub to hermonthis!
NeoOfTheDark gifted a Tier 1 sub to crybabysaffron!
NeoOfTheDark gifted a Tier 1 sub to MaidenOfCyn!
NeoOfTheDark gifted a Tier 1 sub to skippybathory!
NeoOfTheDark gifted a Tier 1 sub to stargazer2687!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, NeoOfTheDark! Welcome to hermonthis, crybabysaffron, MaidenOfCyn, stargazer2687, and skippybathory! (Today's storm count: 172)
BrowneePoints: it’s cuz Duskmourn comes out $ weeks later
Simonark: Certainly above 23
BrowneePoints: 7
TXC2: NeoOfTheDark welcome
QuixoticScrivener: how many sub units do we need to cap?
Thefluffiestguineapig: My resub doesn't hit for 9 days
TheWooglie: yesterday coffee with James was below 24 at the beginning
PawssumFable: But there's more subs in the evening
Eklinaar: Is it thursday?!?! shit.
hvhTim: 16 hours gets you to my payday
glyndev: What happens if the subathon runs into the ppr?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Makes me sad
ElementalAlchemist: you'll start Coffee with James
Salvulant: How is it already thursday?!
bytecaster: @PawssumFable You know what they say: "There is always subs in the evening"
Gascitygaming: about 33 more hours needed?
TXC2: glyndev it can;t, it's capped
Simonark: This gets you til tomorrows watch along
Hugh_Munculus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I assume Oki Oki will bring in a bunch of subs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Hugh_Munculus! (Today's storm count: 173)
optimalbook: I am very excited for public domain movie night
glyndev: @TXC2 makes sense
BrowneePoints: well we also lost GhostofJeffGoldblum this year and he was a huge supporter Paul
ElementalAlchemist: oh, no, wait, I was thinking 18 hours
PawssumFable: @bytecaster Heeeeh
Woogachaka is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
Sarah_Serinde: I definitely want to see morning coffee with Kathleen and Jacob
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to Deathzero98!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to butt_ghost!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to pinball_fire!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to urist_mc_wazdakka!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ularl_Platypus!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Woogachaka! Welcome to Deathzero98, butt_ghost, urist_mc_wazdakka, Ularl_Platypus, and pinball_fire! (Today's storm count: 178)
missa_hancock: night watch always brings in the cash
beowuuf: lrrWOW
CanvasWolfDoll: i'm saving my resub for movie night, so that's at least one more minute later!
TXC2: Woogachaka lrrHEART
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePoints Oh, that is sad, he was a rad human
chrono2x: When is the cap? Noon tomorrow?
Sparkana42 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sparkana42! (Today's storm count: 179)
Gascitygaming: 2Pm Pacific Saturday
bytecaster: Why are we electrifying the birds?
PawssumFable: I can resub tomorrow for a whole minute
mtvcdm: The cap is Saturday
Lirelent: zapppy birds
BrowneePoints: @thefluffiestguineapig he was an amazing person
Simonark: The cap is more than two days away.
TXC2: chrono2x no, Saturday
MilesK28: it'll go till 5:30am oof
KV1NN4: OK need ot make money so i can see Jordynne and Kathleen play that weird phone dating game
PawssumFable: With prime
googoltudoris: i don't know if lrr's audience is all that interested in trading card games
Criiisiis: cheer131
Foxmar320: This is a Destiny raid mechanic I think
Seionic subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Seionic! (Today's storm count: 180)
BusTed: haha
couchboyj: James comes in at 6:00, pours himself a cup of coffee, cuts the stream at 6:02.
Solahwin_Tampramain subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Solahwin_Tampramain! (Today's storm count: 181)
Didero: who left the window open
Thefluffiestguineapig: Forget that last one being a memory game, this is surprise memory game
SnowBuddy18: it's certainly *someone's* raid mechanic
bytecaster: And wouldn't Destiny be much improved if you could play as a flightless bird?
BusTed: I'm sure these won't combine and lead to hijinks.
malsareus: what subclass is your kiwi Graham?
betazed15: @Foxmar320 Next raid is going to look just like this...
chrono2x: 39 more hours to reach the cap
chrono2x: ish
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Didero One of the cassowaries presumably since they live only for chaos
Drigerslash: Cheer400
QuixoticScrivener: has r/mechanical keyboards gone too far?
CaptainSpam: The game's just decided Graham's doing all the work now, I guess.
VorlonScout: Glancing back at the twitch vods, I think the "total remaining" is down about 8 hours from where it was 24 hours ago.
Singenmeister: Looks like we’re between 660-680 subs from the whole run being set
Foxmar320: @betazed15 We all have to dress as birds confirmed
BrowneePoints: Also Graham and Paul, did you see that John Hight, (Senior VP and General Manager of Warcraft) is now WotC/Digital Gaming President (announced this morning)
Jobot180 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
Jobot180 gifted a Tier 1 sub to zhimry!
Jobot180 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Adderkleet!
Jobot180 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Driskus!
Jobot180 gifted a Tier 1 sub to op3rs!
Jobot180 gifted a Tier 1 sub to krahgar!
Jobot180 gifted a Tier 1 sub to DreadfulDrifter!
Jobot180 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Optex1!
Jobot180 gifted a Tier 1 sub to debtangel!
Jobot180 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zzzzzzzz6!
Jobot180 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BinaryBolas!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @chrono2x plus the 16 on the timer or 39-16?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jobot180! Welcome to Adderkleet, Driskus, op3rs, krahgar, DreadfulDrifter, debtangel, Zzzzzzzz6, BinaryBolas, zhimry, and Optex1! (Today's storm count: 191)
TXC2: Jobot180 lrrHEART
Chesul: That's why you're here, to put in the work to use the system.
malsareus: this might be easier
bytecaster: I have never seen a job more secure than this one
Thefluffiestguineapig: To quote Krog: it not perfect system
glyndev: 3 2 1 NO
Megaparsec256: at least it doesn't seem to allow erroneous inputs in this one
Thefluffiestguineapig: 3 2 1 SHIT
RyeDudemis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RyeDudemis! (Today's storm count: 192)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Omg! Kiwis sending telegrams??? I'm in! ❤️
bytecaster: Lightning?
TXC2: hello thedepthandbreadthofseth welcome
betazed15: @Foxmar320 I am SOOOO in on that. Different colors, too. No repeats.
PawssumFable: @thedepthandbreadthofseth They're about 2/3 into the game, this is getting into the hard stuff
mwlsn: my only complaint is that we're not ending these telegrams STOP
Singenmeister is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 13 in the channel!
Singenmeister gifted a Tier 1 sub to driguer!
Singenmeister gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hertzie!
Singenmeister gifted a Tier 1 sub to hella_qh!
Singenmeister gifted a Tier 1 sub to WrightJustice!
Singenmeister gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sliced_Tea!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Singenmeister! Welcome to driguer, Hertzie, hella_qh, WrightJustice, and Sliced_Tea! (Today's storm count: 197)
Desruprot: oh we sparking now
Thefluffiestguineapig: @betazed15 I mean considering the number of different plumage colors they have in game we could absolutely just take one for each person who wants to dress up
Alex_Frostfire: More raid mechanics!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @pawssumfable ok, but they're two little guys with a single job.
Singenmeister: I'm doing my part lrrHAM
PawssumFable: @thedepthandbreadthofseth They sure are
excalgold: Graham and Paul are: The Electric Kiwis!
DeM0nFiRe: I don't think these working conditions are very safe
Thefluffiestguineapig: @thedepthandbreadthofseth I would argue that this job has expanded to the point of it being no longer a single job
MTGRanger: Is this station in a low area, by chance?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DeM0nFiRe I wonder if there's a sliding scale of hazard pay
TXC2: Singenmeister lrrHEART
PawssumFable: Extra bird seed if you get electrocuted
frnknstn is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to jj_q!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to zero3juan!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to bittersweet_distractor!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to monakai!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to thmzes!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mednato!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to MaruMaruchy!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to Oxdans!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to bads5!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to magus_9!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, frnknstn! Welcome to jj_q, zero3juan, bittersweet_distractor, monakai, thmzes, Mednato, MaruMaruchy, Oxdans, bads5, and magus_9! (Today's storm count: 207)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPanic vicksyPanic vicksyPanic
TXC2: frnknstn lrrHEART
Thefluffiestguineapig: That got me G
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Also, kiwis can't talk.
wordnerdify is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
ElementalAlchemist: the classic outback of New Zealand
wordnerdify gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mindfire13!
wordnerdify gifted a Tier 1 sub to RealDarkAdamo!
wordnerdify gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dessarus!
wordnerdify gifted a Tier 1 sub to Peregrine234!
wordnerdify gifted a Tier 1 sub to intothefaywild!
TehAmelie: i feel phones would work better than the telegraph in a thunderstorm
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, wordnerdify! Welcome to Mindfire13, RealDarkAdamo, Dessarus, Peregrine234, and intothefaywild! (Today's storm count: 212)
Simonark: Wait, does New Zealand have an outback?
Thefluffiestguineapig: "just get phones" in that tone of voice made me laugh so hard
tryllebanjo: Never getting a phone. I'm watching this stream on my fax!
TXC2: wordnerdify lrrHEART
AugmentingPath: Do you not keep your hands polarized?
mwlsn: reverse the polarity handedness
wordnerdify: lrrSHINE
superdude097: This is perfect viewing while my Cities Skylines 2 slowly builds up money cheer100
gualdhar: How does a bird speak in English without using a keyboard?
ClodiumSoride: oh, like The Adventures of Cookie and Cream
Peregrine234: thanks @wordnerdify! lrrSHINE
Singenmeister: @Simonark It has mountains and sheep. (but they're really *impressive* sheep)
RealGamerCow: That seems difficult
Creature_Comforts: @tryllebanjo the ink costs must be awful
EternalRoxas is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 21 in the channel!
EternalRoxas gifted a Tier 1 sub to Count_Grumpy!
EternalRoxas gifted a Tier 1 sub to Asimech!
EternalRoxas gifted a Tier 1 sub to h3nsem!
EternalRoxas gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheTrustin!
EternalRoxas gifted a Tier 1 sub to blasterzero3!
Thefluffiestguineapig: That sounds like HELL
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, EternalRoxas! Welcome to Count_Grumpy, Asimech, blasterzero3, h3nsem, and TheTrustin! (Today's storm count: 217)
Dalrint: I'm pretty sure there was a WoW raid boss in Naxxramus that used that exact electromagnetic mechanic
monakai: @frnknstn Thanks for the gift sub!
Desruprot: telegraphing was done by a single person though there was usually an assistant that would help with other stuff like reading incoming
PawssumFable: I think it's actually set in the 80's
HorusFive: I feel like if a person was doing this- these issues would be fixed. But because it's bird nobody fixes anything
wordnerdify: @Peregrine234 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3
Thefluffiestguineapig: So many gifted subs!!
TXC2: Simonark we think it's set in Australia, and it's the birds's summer job
betazed15: @Thefluffiestguineapig Oooohhhh, you have to select it when you enter the raid. I hope a Bungie dev is in here taking notes.
TXC2: EternalRoxas lrrHEART
Snowcookies: aww
PawssumFable: Like everything points to this not being modern day
eat__the_rich_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months, currently on a 73 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, eat__the_rich_! (Today's storm count: 218)
Thefluffiestguineapig: This whole game is the best
Didero: They could've been whistling before
KevinTheShark: you would hope that the human doing this job would have rubber gloves
PawssumFable: rubber pants
Chesul: There's probably another animal on the other end, so any sound would likely work.
TehAmelie: Zoey looks happy to have a bigger water area
Didero: I forgot, Graham's kiwi is the one with the hat, right?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: What do kiwis actually sound like?
mtvcdm: Zoey getting a promotion
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KevinTheShark An entirely grounded set of everything to prevent that last level from happening
TXC2: Didero yes
Chesul: also, they literally have an octopus on the payroll, why are the birds the ones saving the packages?
Didero: @TXC2 Great, thanks!
Singenmeister: Thank you Mr. Octavio for the lift
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mtvcdm Or a demotion, or just not having an another aquatic member of staff who can do this
PawssumFable: She's helping!
CaptainSpam: Bonus fish?
QuixoticScrivener: this game is adorable, but it looks so frustrating
Didero: @Chesul Or, for that matter, doing the typing
Desruprot: looks like a safe
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH NO
QuixoticScrivener: Is that safe floating?
WrightJustice: @Singenmeister Thanks for the gift sub!
Didero: @QuixoticScrivener Yeah, it's fun to watch, but I wouldn't want to play it
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think this is just the contents of the post office basement
AugmentingPath: That's what's known as a missable collectable
Chesul: @Didero true, why pay two Kiwi's when you could just hire a single octopus to do the job faster and easier.
TallynNyntyg: @QuixoticScrivener Must just be full of helium.
Sliced_Tea: Until they introduce the kiwi carry weight mechanic
PawssumFable: @QuixoticScrivener You're watching a first run with no practice...
TehAmelie: maybe it's a safe full of gelium
TehAmelie: helium
mtvcdm: Never don't pick up everything
NonUniqueGuy: Just what I wanted waterlogged packages.
mordorisbad is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 19 in the channel!
mordorisbad gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sendren_!
mordorisbad gifted a Tier 1 sub to Peevvi!
mordorisbad gifted a Tier 1 sub to silverpardo16!
mordorisbad gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lex_Peacekeeper!
mordorisbad gifted a Tier 1 sub to SnowBuddy18!
Didero: @Chesul Maybe because octopi would be better at salary negotiations?
TallynNyntyg: Oh hey, a Green mana!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, mordorisbad! Welcome to Sendren_, Lex_Peacekeeper, Peevvi, SnowBuddy18, and silverpardo16! (Today's storm count: 223)
SnowBuddy18: @mordorisbad Thanks for the gift sub!
TXC2: mordorisbad lrrHEART
googoltudoris: i'm not a hoarder, i'm playing life as though it were designed by Rare!
TehAmelie: gelium, i'm making up whole new typos today
Desruprot: yay
Genie_M: masters!
BusTed: GoldPLZ
mtvcdm: Gold splits!
BigDaddyBland87: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
nekobun: OSHA gonna have a field day when they hear about this place
IanAllenBird: 👏
Jobot180: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
SnowBuddy18: clap
red_shoes_jeff: WOO
ShifuDaxiongmao: Golden kiwis!
PawssumFable: waaaait
Therberus: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
TheWooglie: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
tehfewl: Speedrun when?
Genie_M: with 5 seconds to spare!
ckupf: With 4 seconds to spare!
Thefluffiestguineapig: seabatClap seabatClap lrrBartleby
mattiratti: mattirHi
TehAmelie: just two more stamps? wow
TallynNyntyg: Graham "we're so good at wet" Stark, everyone!
Singenmeister: @TehAmelie But all-new maguffins to use in your next sci-fi epic.
MTGRanger: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
PawssumFable: The box
PawssumFable: Wardrobe
mtvcdm: We do our best work when everything is flooded. Corporate will notice this.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Doing good things for other animals means you get collectibles seems appropriate for this game
Thefluffiestguineapig: UUUUHHH
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 591 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Moyes94!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bezekric!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Stonepile3!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to fake_silenthero!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to jr_chemist!
Desruprot: jetpacks
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to Moyes94, Stonepile3, Bezekric, jr_chemist, and fake_silenthero! (Today's storm count: 228)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is that the sticker dispenser with legs??????
googoltudoris: those kinda look like mechanical pants. aka bionic trousers...
BITs19_: flying Kiwis!
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
Alex_Frostfire: Kiwis *can* fly!
TheWooglie: flightless no more
Chesul: I have a feeling you'll find out why the robots aren't a great idea.
superdude097: FLightless no more!
nekobun: KeyWe Were Promised Jetpacks
mtvcdm: No longer flightless!
KV1NN4: Living the kiwi dream!
TehAmelie: strictly better game than Jet Ant
Desruprot: They can finally fly
ElementalAlchemist: hmmmm
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Alex_Frostfire This means they can fly more than once
TXC2: Kiwis with jetpacks, 10/10 GOTY
frostownik: they fly now?!
just_like_aerin is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to cryptidsamoyed!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to electrobrains!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to mechanicalriddle!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to EphMynor!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to Wibblesqueak!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to DylPage!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to F2AceDagger!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to BionicShoulder!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to itsbicyclerepairman!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to driftward!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, just_like_aerin! Welcome to cryptidsamoyed, electrobrains, EphMynor, Wibblesqueak, DylPage, F2AceDagger, BionicShoulder, itsbicyclerepairman, mechanicalriddle, and driftward! (Today's storm count: 238)
TXC2: just_like_aerin lrrHEART
L0rdX33n: All of these are good ideas
Artificer_Evan: they fly now? they fly now.
PawssumFable: Anyway, me and my spouse golded the whole game, every level, in 13 hrs. It's not that hard with practice.
Thefluffiestguineapig: This cake could be delicious or way too sweet
QuixoticScrivener is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 12 in the channel!
SnowBuddy18: and fragile?
QuixoticScrivener gifted a Tier 1 sub to feneban!
QuixoticScrivener gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrMountie73!
QuixoticScrivener gifted a Tier 1 sub to mleblanc97!
QuixoticScrivener gifted a Tier 1 sub to gilmon_b!
QuixoticScrivener gifted a Tier 1 sub to Durugai!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, QuixoticScrivener! Welcome to feneban, MrMountie73, mleblanc97, Durugai, and gilmon_b! (Today's storm count: 243)
RealGamerCow: not fragile, so throw that cake around
PawssumFable: And all collectibles
TXC2: QuixoticScrivener lrrHEART
Singenmeister: Go little dinosaurs, go! lrrHEART
Sarah_Serinde: Hey chat you're doing awesome, thank you for all these subs
AugmentingPath: it uses the foundational gamer skill, "jump on its head"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh this seems fiddly
Desruprot: that thing seems better than the crane
F2AceDagger: @just_like_aerin thanks for the gift sub
ElektroTal: this feels like an old school single screen arcade game
Artificer_Evan: @Thefluffiestguineapig I made a flour-less chocolate cake the other day, and let me tell you it is so rich. it is like eating straight truffles
TehAmelie: cassowary eggs are blue i think
mtvcdm: Hi Chuck
TehAmelie: this might get personal
googoltudoris: after the subathon, would you all like to donate to my charity to give every kiwi their own drone?
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to jetpackbird_18! They have given 21 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jetpackbird_18! (Today's storm count: 244)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Artificer_Evan The description in that letter was "marshmallow batter with taro bean cream filling and (I missed the type of icing)"
AugmentingPath: @googoltudoris Combat or delivery drone? Just kidding, who do I make the check out to either way
TehAmelie: did it say something about a grandmother's clock?
northos: why'd you do that, Graham? :p
QuixoticScrivener: @googoltudoris but only for kiwi birds, not kiwi (nationality)
mtvcdm: A clock that snores
TallynNyntyg: @northos Pro strats.
TXC2: Heavy and fragile, we found my ass :P
Hangedman: ah, but it's cheap tho
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I identify as heavy, fragile, and perishable...
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Hangedman: pay in birdseed
IanAllenBird: but is it the most whimsical?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am gluten free so i am used to things having either the density of a stone or no structural integrity
Desruprot: I dont think Kiwis were an efficient form of shipping
hvhTim: as a usps employee, its very accurate
ElementalAlchemist: 🤔
DeM0nFiRe: smh all you do is naysay, you don't even suggest a more efficient way
Thefluffiestguineapig: @thedepthandbreadthofseth In some instances a fossil
TehAmelie: they didn't even put a lid on the pot xD
Fanklok: That was a very tiny grandfather clock
AugmentingPath: @Hangedman The machines don't look cheap, they look like someone in upper management got convinced they'd revolutionize the industry
EvilBadman: 🎶Take me hoooome
Artificer_Evan: the jetpack are so cute
northos: it could be...but SHOULD it be?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @AugmentingPath All of these "new fangled machines" look like a super expensive complete overhaul
Didero: These kind of games need to be slightly annoying to work, but not too annoying, yeah
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mtvcdm An uncovered pot of chili
ranger34ofthespine: when is the smash bros time?
QuixoticScrivener: y'all are gonna go back and gold all these levels, right?
Desruprot: oh?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Halloween special level?
Hangedman: octoberween
TXC2: remember: the Luddites weren't against machines, they're were against BAD machines
glyndev: It's like tide but wicker
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I'm pretty sure it's just the purge.
Thefluffiestguineapig: A surprise cassowary
Artificer_Evan: I mean FOMO is up there
jacqui_lantern234: but why would it be wearing me, Graham?!?!
mtvcdm: Cute
KV1NN4: This game is very Australia Accurate ;3
TehAmelie: apparently one spouse team won the whole thing in 13 hours from start, so, just extend this show by 10 hours right
Thefluffiestguineapig: At least with the jack-o-lantern the beak is for a moment covered
Jobot180: A cassowary in a jackolantern would be so angry
NorthstarTex: I would call the cassowary rude, but that's the norm
NimrodXIV: yesss
AugmentingPath: @TXC2 Well, more to the point, the application of machines to consolidate and intensify hierarchies
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to wickedtides! They have given 22 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wickedtides! (Today's storm count: 245)
TXC2: AugmentingPath indeed
TehAmelie: the green kiwi seems like a dangerous choice
Genie_M: hairstyles!
accountmadeforants: @txc2 And against machines to drive ever lower wages and standards, and further concentrate power
tehfewl: bird arms
NekomimiNinja: birdswitharms Yes!
unrivaledaesthetic: what is the schedule for the remainder of the subathon?
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Austere_Squire: i know it's likely come up, but what is this game?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @unrivaledaesthetic !schedule
KevinTheShark: Cmooon, get the buff arms, you know you want to
PawssumFable: Smooth
TehAmelie: hay birb
mizzytastic: I love how unstylised the kiwis are in the middle of all this chaos
Duffadash: Lets put one of those beefy arms back on for good measure
unrivaledaesthetic: bless
RuiFaleiro: so cute
Desruprot: that cap does go with the way of messaging
Genie_M: Graham you planned to get a hairstyle iirc?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Lake bessie
googoltudoris: numbers gotta go up
Genie_M: oh, you are
KaleidoscopeMind: blow dried
PawssumFable: Ringneck?
KV1NN4: Kakapo?
Thefluffiestguineapig: He has maximum floof
nekobun: bigger than before
accountmadeforants: Stay puft, kiwi
tehfewl: puffed fits the flat cap
BusTed: very dapper
PawssumFable: Graham's kiwi LOVES new york
BrowneePoints: Kakapo
Singenmeister: Thank you Graham for pronouncing quixotic correctly, unlike most people, who anger me greatly.
Nommii77: Cheer400
Thefluffiestguineapig: I do enjoy these are real life bird colorways
Earthenone: !birb
LRRbot: Tweet, twe-twe-tweet, tweet, squawk!
mwlsn: that tappy menu noise is 🤌
PawssumFable: He looks like he's WALKIN HERE
BrowneePoints: you’re thinking of a Kakapo
QuixoticScrivener: @KV1NN4 giant flightless ground parrots native to NZ; horrifically endangered
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Singenmeister I genuinely learned to pronounce it from Graham saying it before
TehAmelie: aah, there's lore for every item too
kalira77: puffed kiwi with hat reminds me of Bernard from The Rescuers
NorthstarTex: !findquote bird
LRRbot: Quote #6705: "THAT'S SO MANY BIRDS!" —Graham and Alex, in unison [2020-01-15]
Malkmaven1176: So cute
accountmadeforants: !venga
LRRbot: Turn down for BUS!
TXC2: Hi ghost Ben
asthanius: ben is half ghost
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Ben
Desruprot: oh hai Ben, bye Ben
TehAmelie: slightly translucent Ben
kalira77: ghostlyben
KaleidoscopeMind: ghost ben!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Don't they also bite sheep?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is is one of the ones that screams?
mizzytastic: loud but difficult to locate noise
Austere_Squire: hoy
Hansk_and_Boo: And somehow have proven to be fairly good at surviving
Thefluffiestguineapig: NO
malfnord: The sheep know what they did
Thefluffiestguineapig: That cassowary is terrifying out the window
JosVanTongeren: Hi Ben!
TXC2: spooky
Desruprot: Ghost Ben
kalira77: horrifying? or AMAZING?
momalyd: G-g-g-ghost Ben!!!
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP lrrBEN lrrSPOOP
Alex_Frostfire: Need to add floating teeth, look like a rendering error.
QuixoticScrivener: oops, the link broke
IanAllenBird: the only results I saw for wickertide were for this game
Thefluffiestguineapig: An impatient cassowary is a murdery
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cassowary
NorthstarTex: I blame the cassowaries
ElementalAlchemist: Buck Hamm?
SnowBuddy18: Hamburglar
JosephDeath: Any Cassowary is murdery
HorusFive: If I worked here I would simply ask my co-workers not to peck me to eath
Didero: Gotta get into the spirit of the season, Graham
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fuck off with that message
Fanklok: If they just call is Halloween then they won't know when people are talking about their thing on social media
ElektroTal: hayrides
mtvcdm: Beef the Meaty or whatever
Desruprot: better Cassowary then Emu, wars have been fought against Emu and the Emus won
Didero: @HorusFive Or at least file a complaint with HR after I was pecked to death
Thefluffiestguineapig: You have to give cassowaries candy while translating upside down but not backwards text
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @thefluffiestguineapig this begs the question; are cassowaries just naturally impatient?
KV1NN4: Terry Pratchett Connection! " Grant Gessel, the technical artist, took inspiration from Going Postal, a story by Terry Pratchett. Rare games such as Banjo-Kazooie and Conker's Bad Fur Day inspired KeyWe's art style."
Thefluffiestguineapig: @thedepthandbreadthofseth No one wants to test it
Alex_Frostfire: The cassowary put a z in there.
Foxmar320: The bird hit Z waiting on candy
nappitatti: ah so not a C
tehfewl: i hope thats gum
TXC2: oh that's a G, I thought was a C :p
KevinTheShark: Weird advert but sure
accountmadeforants: How come we don't get treats, are our outfits not good enough?
BusTed: I like their costumes.
chrolt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 16 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chrolt! (Today's storm count: 246)
KV1NN4: This looks less like NZ's bush and more liek Asutralia's Outback for setting tbh
invickthus: hashtag sate that bird.
KV1NN4: But I'll be visiting NZ again soon 'll double check
AugmentingPath: that's not very hospitable of you, Paul
colonelkreiner: Cheer400
Desruprot: very
Bruceski: I don't know what I expected this morning but "trick-or-treating cassowaries" wasn't it. Should've been.
LadyLockwood92: It took me a sec to realize the Cassowaries are trick or treating.
TXC2: KV1NN4 I think we are in Aus, and this is our summer job
Foxmar320: Now I want gummy worms
TXC2: this is not a great font of this
AugmentingPath: People don't realize this, but the ydijgcf keyboard is the most ergonomic
SnowBuddy18: pants?
niccus: oh right, normally it would be spring for halloween
ElementalAlchemist: That could've gone... somewhere else
Alex_Frostfire: Called it on attic.
DigitalSeahorse: katesShake
LadyLockwood92: !sir
NorthstarTex: !findquote ghost
LRRbot: Quote #220: "Of course it makes perfect sense! What do the ghosts give you when *you* die? They always give *me* weapons." —Cameron [2015-04-30]
Artificer_Evan: @AugmentingPath qwerty and nothing else
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ElementalAlchemist Yeah, I was worried about what the nonsense generator would spit out
asthanius: uh
LadyLockwood92 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LadyLockwood92: Woo, Subathon~!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LadyLockwood92! (Today's storm count: 247)
RaidenFirewing: good bye?
Desruprot: rip
Sibwow: oh no
SAJewers: uh
Genie_M: oops
KinkerbellRose: Ruh roh.
TallynNyntyg: Uh-oh.
jimber_jam: uhhh
NimrodXIV: oops
IanAllenBird: uhoh
GazzyInferno: um
bisaflau: F
EternalRoxas: oh no?
Brozard: uh oh
glyndev: uh oh
brieandbacon: !picnic
JadedCynic: whups
xVoxtric: ahahahaha
Sibwow: oh good
James_the_Dabbler: uh oh
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrFINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: This ghost that falls in front of our screen can FUCK OFF
KV1NN4: @TXC2 Yeah. I wish they'd stop asking if things happening were 'NZ' related cos... OH NO
SAJewers: lrrFINE
Sarah_Serinde: Whoops
commentarywife: Oh nuu
asthanius: welp
prince_infidel: F
tehfewl: picnic
IanAllenBird: ope
Earthenone: welcome back
jimber_jam: ok we good
Jigokuro: lrrFINE
KinkerbellRose: And we back.
chrono2x: huh
NorthstarTex: signal's back
e_bloc: too many kiwis
DeM0nFiRe: It's back
samb6678: Oop
JadedCynic: !picnic
ElementalAlchemist: lrrFINE
KV1NN4: whew
BigDaddyBland87: that was weird
Lirelent: weird
AugmentingPath: lrrSPOOP
ClockTamer: uhhh
baskwalla: We're back, nothing to see here
ElektroTal: damn, the bird got so mad it disconnected us
Didero: That was startling...
Malkmaven1176: lrrFINE
MrQwasu: uhhhhm....
TallynNyntyg: What happened?
KevinTheShark: Whoopsie
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrFINE lrrFINE
gualdhar: !picnic
ClockTamer: what
superdude097: Everything is FINE
SketchyDetails: lrrFINE
mtvcdm: Lost signal briefly
GazzyInferno: cancel the picnic
bjergmann101: Moment pause
NimrodXIV: kicked a cable?
NorthstarTex: lrrFINE
xVoxtric: almost felt like part of the game
KaleidoscopeMind: ghosts!
Therberus: Lol the horn blasted then the stream was like "nope"
LadyLockwood92: Oop
cobthegreat: That was weird
commentarywife: lrrFINE lrrFINE
TehAmelie: that was a very short panic
RaidenFirewing: wickerfest jumpscare
AugmentingPath: jost
bisaflau: somebody didn't feed the bird
glyndev: lrrFINE
Philocalist: Heard the word "saw" and I could not see
TXC2: it's fine chat, everyone take a deep breath
Thefluffiestguineapig: Stream was like: the break whistle sounded, so I'm on break
Gekyouryuu: No, it's a g-g-g-g-werewolf
Brozard: Maybe Paul built that machine that takes down streams if you don't feed it quarters
KV1NN4: panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket
Bruceski: @AugmentingPath Oh yeah, everyone dismisses it because there's a learning curve but afterwards it's great. I'm usvng xne taghi now.
EvilBadman: there was very briefly a "no signal" screen (summarizing for when G&P are less...busy)
QuixoticScrivener: did we?
Sarah_Serinde: It was a "no signal" screen for a couple seconds
xVoxtric: I saw it
Foxmar320: Yeah "No Signal"
ClockTamer: I saw it
Austere_Squire: a whoopsie boingo, as it were?
NorthstarTex: ya lost signal for a few seconds
L0rdX33n: i saw the ghost
QuixoticScrivener: oh, I might have been out of the room
Genie_M: just a few seconds :)
red_shoes_jeff: Couple seconds.
PawssumFable: Based on some text in the game, this might be a small outlying island of NZ
LadyLockwood92: Eh, it happens.
commentarywife: It was up for a second or two
TXC2: I suspect it was Ben doing something
mtvcdm: For like 10 seconds
AugmentingPath: @Bruceski I'm always saying this
Sarah_Serinde: Ah :D
Brozard checked in "Safe" for the No Signal event
NimrodXIV: lrrFINE
Sarah_Serinde: Party games on the Switch are happening later today
Desruprot: limesFine
ElementalAlchemist: dangit Zoey
commentarywife: lrrFINE
Genie_M: Zoey up to shenanigans again
e_bloc: lrrFINE
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrFINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrFINE lrrFINE
xVoxtric: I do like to think that Ben was in the other room just casually setting something up and just unplugged the entire stream
RocknGrohlNerd: lrrFINE lrrFINE
L0rdX33n: Zoe seems fun
red_shoes_jeff: lrrFINE
Didero: Gotta help outa coworker sometimes
PawssumFable: This one is cute
MvTurtle: as long as they pay you i guess
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, having this at work seems like an abuse of power
Didero: We're getting paid for this though, right?
NorthstarTex: would really enjoy if my job did up the office like this though
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also 73 nieces and nephews is about right
Desruprot: haunted house ride
Didero: This seems like a lot of things
Isaac Myers: A j-j-joust
Necos: Whats the name of the game? Looks cute
Necos: KeyWe , got it
Necos: I can read, surely
Sarah: I like that I'm still being helpful without having to write something new :P
L0rdX33n: Oh, so she asked you to help and you volunteered?
Genie_M: @Didero yes, in stamps
e_bloc: Corgo1000 Corgo1000 kiwi
AugmentingPath: love to go to the extremely elaborate haunted house to be scared exactly once
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Surely this octopus is better suited to almost all of these tasks
Singenmeister: I don’t think this is how one delivers mail…
mtvcdm: So where is the mail part
accountmadeforants: Zoe still has the clipboard out
Earthenone: i imagine the octopus was promoted to management because they were so good at tasks
TXC2: I have over 15 cousins, so I might have 73 2nd cousins :p
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @earthenone tracks
Earthenone: my copusin stats are weid, i have 2 cousins, but over 100 2nd cousins
AugmentingPath: "sorry we couldn't scare you, our attendant was dead at the time"
glyndev: This is INVOLVED
L0rdX33n: I think if numbered, not scared yet
Pywodwagon: As someone who worked at several rides at Disney World, this is slightly more complicated than those were
L0rdX33n: I am wrong
Desruprot: incredibly involved
TXC2: Earthenone dang :p
NorthstarTex: would give it another shot honestly
e_bloc: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
JadedCynic: @Pywodwagon that said, this ride WAS designed by Zoey, an octopus...
Alex_Frostfire: Oh we platforming now.
BigDaddyBland87: actual platforming
Desruprot: oh no oh no oh no
e_bloc: if you have time for craw, you have time for claw
KaleidoscopeMind: this does not seem worksafe compliant
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I honestly have no idea how many second cousins I have. I only know a handful of my parents 20 first cousins.
TXC2: Befriended a bat today AKA Bloomburrow Limited Kappa
Foxmar320: Graham you got something stuck to your butt there
Singenmeister: I’m beginning to doubt the authenticity of this mailing establishment.
SkylerRingtail: What a charming little game
Mischievous_Catgeist: @pywodwagon hello to fellow past attractions CM !
AugmentingPath: befriended a bat tombday
superdude097: Jetpack would be pretty useful here
Pywodwagon: Our Kiwis were also not allowed to work in attractions because if we didn't let some international college program workers work attractions (for communication in safety priority environments reasons) we couldn't let the ones who did speak english as a first language, so really this whole thing is absurd
Pywodwagon: @Mischievous_Catgeist where at?
LadyLockwood92: Wow, Kiwi's can wavedash?
Foxmar320: Concerning
Carlioo: is your scarecrow running?
Desruprot: the scarecrow must of lost its mind
Julian_Rogue: what game is this? its real cute
Mischievous_Catgeist: @pywodwagon living with the land, soarin, teacups, pooh
Austere_Squire: they scare crows, graham, not cassowaries
LadyLockwood92: I mean...I'd run from Batman too.
AugmentingPath: paul's butt be like "ow"
Austere_Squire: KeyWe
TXC2: air dashing is very impressive for a flightless bird
Pywodwagon: @Mischievous_Catgeist Toy Story, Main Street (trains mainly), Safaris
tomnar: Ohh, they are still going. Great job everyone <3
NorthstarTex: I look away for work and I see that the desk is haunted
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Do they even have vestigial forelimbs? I thought they were wingless.
Pywodwagon: 2012-15
TXC2: Julian_Rogue Keywe
Gaz_L: love these special GPLPs, the peggle game from last time was a blast
Singenmeister: @thedepthandbreadthofseth They’re doing their best.
mtvcdm: More vital mail going out
Mischievous_Catgeist: @pywodwagon nice! 2013-2019 so we might have seen eachother I was also on the fast pass team when we were on tablets around AK
mtvcdm: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Party Day Games at Thu 11:00 AM PDT (31m from now).
Pywodwagon: Oh yea I was definitely there for that whole Thing
QuixoticScrivener: wait, this level has actual supernatural
Foxmar320: How?
Didero: so somebody IS putting these bags on the cassowaries, but they're intentionally not fastening the clasps?
Duffadash: How?
Desruprot: he's the invisible man (music plays)
AugmentingPath: it was misty out, presumably
Artificer_Evan: Oh this is on a timer. I didn't see that before
tehfewl: Experienced an invisible man
TXC2: so Kiwi DO have wings, they're just so small you can't see them under all their feathers
ShifuDaxiongmao: he saw Cena?
Pywodwagon: @Mischievous_Catgeist did you know Aloysius?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I see said the blind man, as he picked up a hammer and saw.
AugmentingPath: mb, fr
RocknGrohlNerd: @Didero Good question @Didero ....
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I need to pills.
AugmentingPath: I think the warning is just "halfway" and is unrelated to the medals
e_bloc: when has scrip ever been a bad thing
excalgold: to be fair, Kiwi's dont need money to survive?
Mischievous_Catgeist: @pywodwagon not sure I was very bad with names
RedNightmare7: Appreciate in value?
e_bloc: these aren't even forever stamps
TXC2: Stamps are legal tender
Alex_Frostfire: As a former Final Fantasy 14 player?
Didero: Stamps keep getting more expensive, so if you hang to them, you keep getting richer
Angreed66: How do treasury employees get paid?
Sarah_Serinde: Gotta get those permanent stamps
mtvcdm: Very generous absolute time limits I'll note
L0rdX33n: Small flightless birds probably don’t have social insurance numbers
RedNightmare7: Escape room post office?
Mangledpixel: The Note
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP
TehAmelie: you post sixteen pounds and what do you get
Foxmar320: Mails haunted
Carlioo: ghost mail!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also this can't be our summer job, because it's fall now
Gaz_L: \o/
fredcheckers subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
fredcheckers: It's me. Ol' unreliable.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fredcheckers! (Today's storm count: 248)
Didero: Oh no, you'll have to start working together lrrBEEJ
KevinTheShark: Ooooh we gotta weegee board this
e_bloc: surely this is not osha friendly
Singenmeister: Now if they really wanted to embrace Kiwi Halloween, they’d include their awesome dinosaur sound: https://youtu.be/z8SdqOT_no0?si=LP3Z9BmrD1_CWBX6
TXC2: I don't think Kiwis with matches is safe
excalgold: @Thefluffiestguineapig Summer Kiwintern Derek?
fredcheckers: They really made a whole game around a pun.
DanTheMediocre: I think you need to light the lantern?
IanAllenBird: the lantern?
gizmofreak1: What’s a forever stamp?
Sarah: I assume they're what I know as permanent stamps: they don't have a specific monetary value printed on them, so they can be used even if mail prices go up
jimber_jam: "can only begin with the lantern's light"
NorthstarTex: are we in an escape room now
RedNightmare7: Yeah, this feels like a puzzle room
DanTheMediocre: windowsill
Sunidesus: @Singenmeister Oh wow, I had no idea that's the sound they made. Very cool
HH2News: I have to keep muting the stream just to be sure about the cricket sounds.
Carlioo: I'm glad the ghost packages can still move you around
John Hill: yes, that
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also Zoey if you want to try to innovate on anything, this whole Ouigi board thing seems wildly inefficient
Astramentha: DinoDance
the_phantom_game_player: TwitchConHYPE
TXC2: spooky disco time
Didero: Just ignore those haunted plates flying around
TallynNyntyg: Oh hey, In the Hall of the Mountain King!
TallynNyntyg: Love this song!
Kentosaurus: In the Hall of the Mountain King
1 raiders from HbombAndFriends have joined!
JadedCynic: ohhh, Grieg :)
HbombAndFriends: hbombaBomb hbombaBomb hbombaBomb lrrFINE
Sunidesus: OK, not going crazy, am hearing Grieg
greenday61892: OH HELL YEAH GRIEG
L0rdX33n: This song, Witness flashbacks
TXC2: Hall of the mountain king, so we're going to Alton towers
Astramentha: anubianWaggle anubianWaggle anubianWaggle anubianWaggle anubianWaggle
QuixoticScrivener: Potter's field, this game got dark.
TXC2: Hello raiders
JadedCynic: public domain? or did they license it?
John Hill: since I only sent a letter every year or two, I always buy forever stamps so I don't have to think about it
Rannock: Ruh Roh
Rannock: oh we're back
Gaz_L: @TXC2 very good UK reference
TXC2: Gaz_L thank you
ElementalAlchemist: The hovercrane was nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good music for this section :D
greenday61892: @L0rdX33n YES, this track is forever intrinsically linked for me with panicking in the frickin pressure plate room
dragon_pandaDnd: is that Hall of mountain king
KV1NN4: Having flashbacks to Beej reading the Zeta/Desert Bus Rules extra hard/fast
TehAmelie: seemed a bit misplaced in this scene
HbombAndFriends: Hello, @TXC2!
RealGamerCow: I love that people are so creative and made a game like this.
TXC2: Hallo of the Mountain King, or night on bald mountain
HbombAndFriends: Carrot carrot nose?
RealGamerCow: It's completely original
northos: @JadedCynic composed in 1875 so probably public domain, though they still may have had to license a specific recording of it
TXC2: Hello HbombAndFriends welcome
kusinohki: No one talks about the corridor of the mountain king
L0rdX33n: 1875, probably public domain
A_Dub888: good morning friends, how BIRB
CastleOtranto: He will seek a replacement? Is that a threat?
L0rdX33n: @northos jinx
AugmentingPath: oh yeah, a ghost looking for a replacement carrot nose is a real threat to a kiwi
northos: @L0rdX33n eyy
TXC2: kusinohki or the antechamber of the mountain King
dragon_pandaDnd: what about the mountain queen no one talk her ether
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
Stormgod519: Good morning G and P!
TXC2: hello Stormgod519 welcome
Stormgod519: hya
greenday61892: @dragon_pandaDnd she passed tragically it's a sore subject for the mountain king
TehAmelie: remember we must be done before dawn, or else ghosts or something
commentarywife: Um, heavy?
bisaflau: another good classic
Carlioo: early in the mourning
hesterbyrde: I leave to go to therapy and come back to... what's happening?
Thefluffiestguineapig: These songs seem themed based on the object honestly
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hesterbyrde Haunted packages
JadedCynic: Hoo-ray, and up she rises!
Ritaspirithntr: awww!!! but game I was VIBIN’!!!!
QuixoticScrivener: can deathwarping be speed run tech for this?
JadedCynic: good capstan tunes
Thefluffiestguineapig: Honestly haunted packages are less scary than trick or treating cassowaries
hesterbyrde: @Thefluffiestguineapig seems normal
Astramentha: DinoDance
TXC2: shave his belly with a rusty razor
hesterbyrde: I'm surprised Paul is resisting the urge to sing along
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Ah, the family friendly lyric LUL
JadedCynic: having the bosun sit on the capstan head scratching the tune away on a fiddle while everyone else is turning it to raise the anchor or ship a masthead, etc
QuixoticScrivener: Potter's Field implies they have a town on a mass grave.
mtvcdm: How do they get snow
Austere_Squire: what if they're haunted by the ghosts of cassowaries
Thefluffiestguineapig: @QuixoticScrivener Sure does
TehAmelie: wait, we had Halloween in autumn in Australia?
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig that's me, the PG chatsm'n Kappa
lightfut: Puffin!
Thefluffiestguineapig: A poor people's mass grave, so obviously doesn't count
NorthstarTex: puffin!
Genie_M: great caps for winter
Stormgod519: aaaaaaaaaaa
northos: @TehAmelie wait yeah!
Therberus: Blue jaY? What is this Torronto?
JadedCynic: @QuixoticScrivener is it really a 'town' if it doesn't have at least one mass grave?
JadedCynic: Kinda cunning, don'cha think?
hesterbyrde: That is a very cunning hat
the_phantom_game_player: PogChamp
CaptainKranok: The Kiwi called JAAAAAAYNE
Pywodwagon: if its winter its not christmas time
Thefluffiestguineapig: I looked away for a second to drink tea and heard G go maximum Canada
TXC2: Couple kiwis came down the laneway the other day
JadedCynic: @hesterbyrde hivemind high five o.\o
thedepthandbreadthofseth: are puffins transatlantic?
hesterbyrde: @JadedCynic o/
L0rdX33n: It’s winter? Isn’t it like… July
Singenmeister: wouldn’t this technically be like July in the southern hemisphere?
RocknGrohlNerd: good hats all around
Therberus: @TXC2 LUL LUL
RealGamerCow: "That cassowary's a real hoser."
L0rdX33n: southern Hemisphere
whiscash_enthusiast: bob and doug mckiwi
Pywodwagon: christmas is beach season in australia
Carlioo: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Therberus: Give yer beak a tug there bud
Sunidesus: one way glass from the wrong direction?
JadedCynic: @thedepthandbreadthofseth yes, they habitate both in ireland and atlantic canada
kristian_fischer is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 89 in the channel!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to tomnar!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to FlameReetardantPanda!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to CuriousBookWyrm!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to jackofme2003!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to captainminuo!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to kirbyrocks!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to gektek!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to rewik_rally!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to teaspoonC!
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to ineluki__!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, kristian_fischer! Welcome to tomnar, FlameReetardantPanda, CuriousBookWyrm, gektek, teaspoonC, ineluki__, captainminuo, kirbyrocks, rewik_rally, and jackofme2003! (Today's storm count: 258)
kalira77: A+ to this game if for nothing else than the character creation
TXC2: kristian_fischer lrrHEART
kristian_fischer: Hello. So this is this year's bird-based G&P multiplayer game, huh? :D
kirbyrocks: @kristian_fischer Thanks for the gift sub!
TXC2: kristian_fischer yeap, this is Keywe
Astramentha: @kristian_fischer lrrSHINE
neisan2112: Oh thats qmazing
Stormgod519: that is so adorable
DeM0nFiRe: A flightless bird no more
e_bloc: we can only hope to leave the stream with more hours remaining than when we started
Therberus: Richter Hammock-iwi
ElementalAlchemist: and now over to Richter Hammockslam
hella_qh: Richter Hammockslam>
TehAmelie: there's a kiwi who wants to fly
Sunidesus: heh, my brain went to color commentator for the Blue Jays
gektek: No more ads for this poor boy! ty tykristian_fischer
AugmentingPath: Always advised to get your body involved in the workings of heavy machinery
RocknGrohlNerd: @hella_qh and @Therberus nice both of you
kristian_fischer: "Insert yourself into the machinery to stop it"
Jon Grayson: hello
Stormgod519: did that say "tina bitters"
BlaccLamb: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
L0rdX33n: Can eat cake?
BigDaddyBland87: GAME!
Creature_Comforts: Welcome to Rocket Hideout
mtvcdm: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! How am James eat whole buffalo?
TXC2: kristian_fischer throw yourself upon the gears and wheels
Jogela: It went South quickly Kappa
TXC2: so now we're Robo Rally ?
RocknGrohlNerd: rigged
mwlsn: you have demonstrated a loop
Despoiler98: who set up these conveyor belts they do the Opposite of improving productivity
Stormgod519: @mwlsn it seems to be non-conclusive; I'll have to issue this game as a draw
vanman229: Please Mr. Rattus was my father, call me Kruck
kusinohki: Consultants
ElementalAlchemist: I think we've established that Zoey hates productive workplaces
AugmentingPath: @Despoiler98 You never know what will help or hurt productivity until you try :)
Sunidesus: oh, it's almost 1, I should go pick up the groceries I ordered.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think Zoey is proving the hazards of a bored manager or bored octopus
dzee_szed: gotta go the long way around for south
ElementalAlchemist: ooo
ElementalAlchemist: oooof
trebuchetboy: Man I hate interviews I stress myself out so much
Stormgod519: W
mwlsn: Fill bean?
Stormgod519: You've seen Toy Story 2, right Paul? do they?
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
Simon Pratt: howdy
IanAllenBird: time flies when you're flightless
Gaz_L: 15 mins to Glurp!
AugmentingPath: Time flies when you're flightless, yeah
Foxmar320: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
ElementalAlchemist: Time flies when Zoey is inhibiting you from delivering letters efficienty
TXC2: hello Lysander_salamander welcome
Carlioo: as a mail man myself: it sure doesn't lol
RAICx: Time flies, we don't.
the_phantom_game_player: Time flies when you can't fly
e_bloc: Graham hits the GTS
AugmentingPath: frip
Foxmar320: Im ready for that. I need a nap
Luminaire_p: lgwSleep
SnowBuddy18: mix up is a blanket and pillow combo
Lysander_salamander: is it going to be Warioware?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I hope we get a follow up stream to finish this...
ElementalAlchemist: BARTLEBY
bjergmann101: Okay okay, going to sleep tourney
TheWooglie: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Mangledpixel: lrrBartleby
mtvcdm: DJ Cassowary in the hooooooouse
DoodlestheGreat: Why run, when you can hop?
Lysander_salamander: oh, moas, nice
BrowneePoints: wait
Earthenone: lrrm? no tug?
northos: lurmning?
mwlsn: drink lurm
Seth_Erickson: ah yes Lurmtg is my favorite show
TXC2: northos like the commentator from Phantom Menace
BrowneePoints: is bartlby the pink one!?
northos: @TXC2 yeah exactly :D
AugmentingPath: @Seth_Erickson I prefer drink more lurm
TXC2: BrowneePoints ues
TXC2: Yes
AugmentingPath: rip
ElementalAlchemist: "here it is" *falls off cliff*
TXC2: "I thought you were dead?" "I WAS"
Didero: Hey, got the clasps first try!
nappitatti: for sale. lukewarm cider. never drank
Didero: It's ok, the boot probably let the snake out
Duffadash: These letters are starting to look threatening
e_bloc: my boot is too thin
ElementalAlchemist: Another one that could've ended in pants but didn't
Stormgod519: DOB!
Simon Pratt: "got" is on the upper rotating spindle
Simon Pratt: "got" it
Duffadash: Ransom note vibes
ElementalAlchemist: We're not out of cassowary treats yet
ElementalAlchemist: eeeeee
mtvcdm: Always more cassowary treats
RealGamerCow: smeee
NullOfSpace: gaming
salfredo: What a cute game
Simon Pratt: This game is delightful
Carlioo: revenge!
L0rdX33n: zoes a ringer
Carlioo: wait, are those snowballs frozen in the ice water?
AugmentingPath: I suppose that makes this the eyemask theater of this fight
unrivaledaesthetic: SO CUTE
Alex_Frostfire: Birds with slingshots.
tomnar: @kristian_fischer Thank you for the gifted sub! <3
Astramentha: slaps roof of kiwi “this game can fit so many games”
AugmentingPath: the ones with no hats don't even seem to know they're participating
twitchysmile: Oh, haha! Just joined and I was wondering what we were lobbing snowballs at. Cassorwary!
ztghostie: wait, I'm confused. I tuned out around the mail part to take a nap and now we're engaging in winter warfare with emus what happened.
AugmentingPath: just innocent nearby cassowaries
Duffadash: And we're getting paid overtime pay for this?
Pywodwagon: c'mon ref let em play
Gaz_L: "there may be other sources of points, but they don't have... this hat"
Lysander_salamander: are those cassowaries?
dzee_szed: @AugmentingPath has there ver been such a thing as an innocent cassowary
Alex_Frostfire: It's employee enrichment.
TXC2: Lysander_salamander yeap
Rae_of_Light_: Anybody else get Donkey Kong Country 3 flashbacks with that level
ZethRuss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months!
BigDaddyBland87: must get nice for gold
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ZethRuss! (Today's storm count: 259)
NullOfSpace: Jacques fraust
excalgold: oh its the LRR MailRoom
Genie_M: So. Much. Mail.
mtvcdm: We get to burn things! Finally!
e_bloc: mail time
the_phantom_game_player: FBtouchdown
unrivaledaesthetic: yeah just light the hazardous stuff ON FIRE
BigDaddyBland87: This is how they prepare for Mail Time
Foxmar320: foxmarBURN
space_turbulence: Incinerating hazardous material is always a good idea
kusinohki: Lrr game jam - this but hop skip and jump sorting mail time
ztghostie: i choose to believe its jam
Carlioo: @ztghostie hazardous jam?
invalidCards: A raspberry lemonade spill
DanTheMediocre: the jam is an invasive exote and danger to the ecosystem
e_bloc: I'd like my mail with a side of vegimite
Blip2004 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
Blip2004: Birb
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Blip2004! (Today's storm count: 260)
capchaos2: Well we did package up an open pot of chilli earlier...
Pywodwagon: I hope we all leave this stream with a greater appreciation for the work our postal workers do every day
ElementalAlchemist: woo!
TXC2: sliver bonuses
IanAllenBird: 👏
NullOfSpace: youdidit
Bruceski: "I did it, that was the last straw, he'll never leave his laundry in the washing machine again! ...I guess I should mail these letters, don't want to be a bad roommate."
Molladia: This game came a long way from attempting to type
Genie_M: Mail Time special edition
ElementalAlchemist: for the work Zoey makes our postal workers do every day
the_phantom_game_player: <3
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would appreciate many jobs more if they were kiwis
Didero: Time flew, unlike these birds
TXC2: thanks for streaming Graham and Paul
mwlsn: Thank you very much G&P!
Sarah_Serinde: No no, in Canada it's a goose
L0rdX33n: Mine is run by shufflecats
Foxmar320: They eat the spiders at least
Bobtheninjagoldfish: new LRR mail time lore is kiwis?
Sarah_Serinde: They're tough
ElementalAlchemist: or they'll have to put a Heavy sticker on it
Stup1d_Bird: Hire a cassowary
glyndev: They may not fly in the air but they do fly in my heart
missa_hancock: wonderful stream! thank you
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would ten billion percent watch another CTS of flightless bird games!
ManicPixieDreamLurker: That was great! Hope we can see you finish the game after the subathon :)
TheWooglie: @Didero there were jet packs
brieandbacon: What is the weight to speed ration of a fully laden kiwi?
Bobtheninjagoldfish is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 308 in the channel!
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to twitchysmile!
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to jgerbs13!
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to BlackIsis!
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to DogFatherDave!
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mandraix!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Bobtheninjagoldfish! Welcome to twitchysmile, BlackIsis, jgerbs13, DogFatherDave, and Mandraix! (Today's storm count: 265)
Lysander_salamander: !y
Didero: @TheWooglie Shame I missed that then
excalgold: do eagles deliver post in the US?
smoljigglybug: Diogenes: Behold, a Postman!
TXC2: Bobtheninjagoldfish lrrHEART
Genie_M: pay you stamps
Thefluffiestguineapig: Keywe, the penguin climbing game and Untitled goose game
KaleidoscopeMind: payroll
TallynNyntyg: He's the supervisor.
Peregrine234: a true manager
CaptainChibale: I feel bad for the kiwis that are going to be shipping my aquariums later
BlackIsis: Oh hey, thanks :)
westerfarmer: Speaks to humans
jimber_jam: he builds all the bullshit contraptions
TXC2: he Manages Kappa
ckupf: He might manage a few branches
twitchysmile: @Bobtheninjagoldfish You legend! thnx!
Philocalist: Typical CEO
space_turbulence: Soundslike these animals need a union
cobalturge: He Optomizes the machines and qrites guides!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TallynNyntyg Zoey the octopus is the supervisor
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
mtvcdm: Never courier with a seagull
Tevildo: he feeds them
Invitare: take the blame for stealing money due to a technical fault with the computer system and go to jail
DahudLefthanded: Speaker-To-Animals
JadedCynic: the game mentioned the octopus was Customer Service Administrator
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
the_phantom_game_player: It looks cool
invalidCards: Graham got dangerous jam on his shirt
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is he Dr. Doolittle
Mandraix: @Bobtheninjagoldfish Thanks for the gift sub! lrrHEART
Earthenone: you have a whole year to find more birbs for GPLP
TheOtherTrevor: Canadian Goose DLC for this game
TXC2: !next
Bobtheninjagoldfish: please do mroe of this one.
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Party Day Games at Thu 11:00 AM PDT (42s ago).
MTGRanger: Registering a complaint and getting a cut and paste note that says "NO REF-UNDS"
IanAllenBird: o7
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
DanTheMediocre: good birds is a premium
Molladia: Glurp?
the_phantom_game_player: It takes two if they havent done it yet
Noy2222: Just Crow Things releases next month
NullOfSpace: partygametime
Invitare: ever forward, never learning
Jethrain: Bread+Fred is a co-op bird game StinkyCheese
salfredo: Later
TXC2: bye
SytYoshi: Thanks for the stream.
Earthenone: paul and heather did it takes two
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Snowcookies: ty
brieandbacon: bLRR
Pteraspidomorphi: Goodbye, this room
mtvcdm: Heather and Paul did It Takes Two
JadedCynic: o/
invalidCards: o/
spethycakes: lrrSHINE
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
KevinTheShark: Ever forward, never learning
the_phantom_game_player: See you in a little
RocknGrohlNerd: avngrLurk
invalidCards: look at em go
red_shoes_jeff: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
beowuuf: lol, it must be so odd not doing the youtube / twitch split at the end of each segment :p
Gaz_L: not that i want to jinx things, but i wonder what the plan is if the clock runs out like, mid-draft tomorrow
Noy2222: Also, Star Birds in 2025
TXC2: beowuuf it sure is :p
Gaz_L: like pack 2 pick 3, whoops out of time
Didero: @Gaz_L Immediate black screen, presumably Kappa
Juliamon: Gaz_L Don't worry about it, they have plans.
TXC2: Gaz_L smash cut to bleach white Skelton
panhead096: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
invalidCards: they just all get up and go home immediately
Singenmeister: bits currently team order it seems.
Didero: Also the time left is quite a bit higher than it was earlier in the day, so I think they'll be fine
neisan2112: Back from lunch just in time!
Jethrain: @Gaz_L !card out of time
Earthenone: !card impeccable timing
LRRbot: Impeccable Timing [1W] | Instant | Impeccable Timing deals 3 damage to target attacking or blocking creature.
Tevildo: lrrDOTS lrrSHINE lrrARROWS
mtvcdm: I mean hopefully we don't have to find out the plan for if they run out of time mid-activity.
84 raiders from SergeYager have joined!
Xed_Regulus: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
joallthedogs: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
Jethrain: ah dang the bot doesn't work for replies(?)
scuba_antney: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
Juliamon: Welcome raiders!
Alma_v: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
ArtemisHuntress: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
invalidCards: Hi Serge!
mtvcdm: Hi Brew Crew?
the_phantom_game_player: Hi Serge
MTigress: hallos Serge!
Earthenone: welcome serges people
TheAinMAP: twitchRaid twitchRaid twitchRaid
incslayer: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
KiaStirling: sergeBongo sergeBongo
GhostValv: sergeBongo
Juliamon: Jethrain It does not, because replies effectively put something in front of the command, so LRRbot doesn't see it
mtvcdm: ! subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
KevinTheShark: Hey Brew Crew, how's it hanging?
Didero: And now Graham makes the big change between playing a videogame with a friend, to playing videogames with friends, except in a bigger room now
TXC2: hello Raiders
Halinn: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Party Day Games at Thu 11:00 AM PDT (4m ago).
Juliamon: Party time! Excellent!
Q_sic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Q_sic! (Today's storm count: 266)
BrowneePoints: we gotta get that ding dang Timer back over 24 yall!
BigDaddyBland87: @Didero It's that type of range that makes them such great entertainers
Stormgod519: so... how's everyone?
ttandmore: Medimum
invalidCards: Just had dinner, so nice and full
lamina5432: working
BrowneePoints: I’m never Well, but I’m surviving
ttandmore: @invalidCards what was for dinner
Didero: @BrowneePoints It was at 16 hours-something like two hours ago, so it seems to be doing fine :p
BrowneePoints: there’s worse places to be
Didero: @BigDaddyBland87 Hah! :D
Sarah_Serinde: As long as we keep the timer above zero we keep going forward
TXC2: ^
invalidCards: @ttandmore homemade meatballs with garlic bread
Sarah_Serinde: Getting it back to 24 hours would be cool but it's not necessary
Mollylele: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Party Day Games at Thu 11:00 AM PDT (6m ago).
Didero: As long as it goes down less than an hour per hour, we'll be fine
John Hill: oops, I was wondering why the stream was so bad for me. I had my wi-fi turned off, so was using mobile data.
Sarah_Serinde: Day 2 I think we were around 30 hours a lot of the time, and yesterday we were around 24. I think if we hover around 16 or 17 all day we're still doing great
MrQBear: @Didero I have bad news for you regarding the properties of time.
Simonark: It loses about 7-9 hours overnight, then tends to catch up about two hours in the morning show
Didero: @MrQBear That simply means we must go FASTER
Xed_Regulus: How is everyone doing today? Been sleeping enough? Eating well? Getting enough exercise?
invalidCards: Throw all the bits at the clock
KiaStirling: !! ben!
TXC2: there's no such thing as enough sleep :p
Noy2222: Bit responsibly.
invalidCards: Hi Ben
KiaStirling: bye ben
Stormgod519: Ben
invalidCards: Bye Ben
the_phantom_game_player: Hi ben
Didero: a wild benjamin appears
Sarah_Serinde: Anyway thank you again to everyone contributing, as well as to everyone just hanging out in chat or lurking lrrSHINE
Newbiespud: Iiiiiiit's been-
SnackPak_: hi Ben bye Ben
Molladia: I've said it before, I don't think we'll make it to the finale.
BrowneePoints: @xed_regulus Eh, no, nope, LOL no
TXC2: Molladia I have faith in chat
Simonark: But it isn't like we've been at serious risk of not finishing the run at any point, so I don't think it's a real question of needing to go above and beyond in one big rush.
Molladia: The timer will run out part way through TCG day
Halinn: As long as stream never ever ends I'm satisfied
ClockTamer: @invalidcards please don’t throw bits at me, throw them to the lrr crew
CheshireCake: Give us the glurp, Ben
mtvcdm: Only chat can determine how far we go.
KiaStirling: hiii ben
invalidCards: Allo
TXC2 waves back at Ben
patience_zero: eloo
DanTheMediocre: lrrGibb
invalidCards: @ClockTamer I have no bits to throw unfortunately
Sarah_Serinde: It's impossible to predict with any degree of confidence, chat is pretty incredible
the_phantom_game_player: @invalidCards Same here
JinaMahavira: If there is one thing we know, it's "Don't challenge Chat"
Xed_Regulus: @BrowneePoints I just wanted to remind people not to become potatoes while enjoying the subathon. Gotta look after ourselves.
Sarah_Serinde: And if they don't hit the cap, then that's more data for LRR: last year's was too easy so they made this year's ore expensive
MrQBear: Chat is capable of wild things when the mood takes them.
fungal_bird: What did we just finish up, and what's next?
Sarah_Serinde: *more
invalidCards: @Xed_Regulus But what if I'm always a potato
Philocalist: If we maintain between 16 and 18 hours today, I imagine we'll maintain 12 hours tomorrow and ride through to the weekend
Simonark: You all are incredible, I merely lack credibility.
mtvcdm: Party game day is next
DanTheMediocre: @Xed_Regulus reject potato, embrace shrimp
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Earthenone: we finished up gplp, we are going in to switch party games
malfnord: I dunno how this one goes, but tbf I've seen GDQ chat accomplish some seriously insane shit really fast. Who knows the future, Lawgiver?
TehAmelie: i expect a wild surge whenever we get a refresher on what the stretch goals are
MrQBear: @DanTheMediocre what about, cover shrimp in potato (flour) and make tempura?
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
invalidCards: A wild Serge?
BrowneePoints: @txc2 I’m a lil mixed. the change to 1 min def makes it more difficult to achieve and we lost a couple heavy subbers this last year, so we MIGHT not. but it wouldn’t be the worst thing, we’ve achieved a lot
the_phantom_game_player: I wish I had the money to resub
brieandbacon: Red 2, standing by
fungal_bird: Gplp?
vinewood_og: Red Forman standing by
Simonark: @TehAmelie I expect a wild surge at the promise of Glurp.
KaleidoscopeMind: @invalidCards more likely a domesticated Serge :p
TXC2: fungal_bird Graham and Paul Lets Play
mtvcdm: Right, I think stretch goals involved ice cream and pizza party
fungal_bird: Ahh
MrQBear: @KaleidoscopeMind Yeah, a Wild Serge is called a Snerge, last I checked.
malfnord gifted a Tier 1 sub to the_phantom_game_player! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, the_phantom_game_player! (Today's storm count: 267)
maxthefourth: Was it Serge's subathon that went below 30 minutes a few times and then continued for a day?
Earthenone: treatza pizzaa is on the line for streach goals
KevinTheShark: 500 for pizza party, 750 for ice cream
DanTheMediocre: @MrQBear more of a feral serge, really
the_phantom_game_player: Thank you malfnord
Simonark: The third stretch goal involved James, water balloons and comedy shaming. I believe in chat.
Simonark: That would be a horrible thing to type if it weren't true
malfnord: @the_phantom_game_player Ist nicht, I can spare the six bucks.
Stormgod519: ayyy
TXC2: here we GO!
Stormgod519: hot mics!
MrQBear: @DanTheMediocre The taxonomy of serge is quite amazing, is it not?
Stormgod519: les goooo
TXC2: ooooh!
Sarah_Serinde: Oh hey chat want to know something cool? We're already almost 250k bits ahead of last year's final total
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
mtvcdm: There's lots of subathons where a chat repeatedly brings it to the brink but never lets it go to zero.
public_key_reveal_party: Oooooh
Stormgod519: Ws
Didero: Hello!
KinkerbellRose: Ohai there.
invalidCards: Hi!
malfnord: Beej is apparently dead
TXC2: Hello Ben and Beej and Graham and Cori and Matt and Jordynne
Featherweight_: you forgot to power on Beej
Mangledpixel: :D
Mollylele: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
KiaStirling: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Krillin_fan: wel hello thar
Gaz_L: stealth Ben
public_key_reveal_party: That's what my parents said about me :D
invalidCards: Ben get out from behind Beej
ManicPixieDreamLurker is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel!
ManicPixieDreamLurker gifted a Tier 1 sub to GhosteEye!
ManicPixieDreamLurker gifted a Tier 1 sub to byronosaurusrex!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, ManicPixieDreamLurker! Welcome to GhosteEye and byronosaurusrex! (Today's storm count: 269)
brieandbacon: A mistake? They're talking about us, chat!!
Lysander_salamander: hello over here
NonUniqueGuy: Chat always knew it was a mistake
lightfut: Hi Ben, you sneak
Stormgod519: lol
DanTheMediocre: the magic of editing!
Simonark: Fear Graham's Translocatory Gifts!
Austere_Squire: i don't kno why, but the intro sound thingie scared the crap out of me
shendaras: benginTraitor
Molladia: Hey Jordynne Super pretty dress
brieandbacon: Excellent
mwlsn: Through the magic of space and time
the_phantom_game_player: lrrSHINE
HubbeKing: Righteous!
mtvcdm: GLURRRRP
BigDaddyBland87: Why is there 6 seats but only 5 people
incslayer: Wyld Stallyns!
AriaHibiki: hope you're feeling better matt!
JadedCynic: it will ALWAYS be, thanks to memetics
SnackPak_: beej is beej
Stormgod519: Beej seems to have not booted up
TehAmelie: oh hi
WardsarTheWriter: Meej!
NapalmSideburns: Is it Beej or Meej?
Jethrain: we are all beej
RayFK: Uh ohhhhhh, Beeeeeejyyyyy
the_phantom_game_player: Woooooow!
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
Gaz_L: experience Beej
Simonark: One is Beej, the other is the Beejtriloquist!
brieandbacon: I'm Beej, and so is my wife!!
Noy2222: You're the Beej now!
GazzyInferno: beejee
MrQBear: Bad news, Meej
TuringsGhost: Beejy keen
Stratavarius: It'sa Beej, Meeji!
Chronomos901: our beej, comrade
DanTheMediocre: ben here blinding cyclopses
BeccaTingles: You know the subathon's gotten to a good point when you forget who you are
the_phantom_game_player: @brieandbacon New Beej drop
JadedCynic: if "Kilroy was here" is still a meme used by Gen Alpha, Wyld Stallyns can be too
vinewood_og: Experience Meej!!!
JadedCynic: @Chronomos901 ceej?
Sarah_Serinde: Hey Jordynne, I love your dress
malfnord: Always be prepared, right?
TehAmelie: and don't forget Threej
public_key_reveal_party: Glrrp
TuringsGhost: The communist weej
TallynNyntyg: So, if Beej is already present, is it actually a Meejdrop?
Lysander_salamander: Yeej
BigDaddyBland87: ohhh starting off hot
Mollylele: mario's brother luieej
Julian_Rogue: it still says keywe btw
NonUniqueGuy: I mean Beej is the person who most likely needs to talk to another version of himself
Halinn: I like when Beej turns into Weej
Featherweight_: Start with glurp end with glurp
tsp397: Uh oh, glurpies
TallynNyntyg: With hot sauce.
Mr_Horrible: you have to shuck the day yourself
RayFK: Beej out here just rawdogging the day
MrQBear: Just go raw on that day?
e_bloc: no crumbs. because you know. oyster
missa_hancock: @nonuniqueguy Paul is a bigger contender I would say
Simonark: Subathon Rockefeller
MrPandaaaGaming: Raw doggin some oysters today
Molladia: @Featherweight_ All Glurp, all Dayrp
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
TallynNyntyg: Do not lick the day's gloopy innards, Beej.
vinewood_og: Nope didn't like that lol
invalidCards: Happy Glurpmas to all!
TXC2: eat the day raw with the lemons it gives you
Psychic_Ketchup: Seize the day. Consume the day.
EvilBadman: Carpaccio diem
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
MrQBear: @RayFK Damnit you beat me!
Greyah: @Featherweight_ And fill all space in-between with Glurp.
Mangledpixel: goals
DanTheMediocre: high score!
brieandbacon: So 1/6 of them are good in bed..?
incslayer: but did you fall asleep at 10:30?
Lysander_salamander: I should go to bed that early
space_turbulence: Please use a dental dam
Sarah_Serinde: To be fair, that's 1:30am Ontario time
trebuchetboy: We need a solid GLURP please Graham @LoadingReadyRun
vinewood_og: Barcadia was a blast! Got like 5 hours myself...
the_phantom_game_player: I like how when Beej does something behind the scenes you adjust the credit
AugmentingPath: @space_turbulence To eat oysters?
e_bloc: stream starting with 17 hours
DudelidouX: I was in bed for 8 hours but think it was more passing out from the heat then sleep
L0rdX33n: Beej Falloit has been bad for my sleep schedule. I actually rearranged work today so I could get a couple hours sleep
space_turbulence: @AugmentingPath Yes
finestotter: You never know Graham, the subathon could end
AugmentingPath: @space_turbulence That sounds... less than nourishing
Stormgod519: WWW
HubbeKing: one assumes James will continue having ideas whether we let him or not
Lysander_salamander: yay glurp
JadedCynic: woooo!
vinewood_og: Thanks Switch!!
BusTed: PogChamp
MTigress: woo!
TheWriterAleph: LUL
Stormgod519: we love system updates
BigDaddyBland87: First time!
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
shurtal: Glurp Shiddin'
e_bloc: nelson's first time too lrrBEEJ
invalidCards: drunk mure glurp!
YawnLance: Woooooo
northos: playfr3Clap
starlitdiscord: wooo
brieandbacon: !picnic
TallynNyntyg: Up Date! Up Date! Up Date!
KinkerbellRose: HURRAH!
public_key_reveal_party: Do you have a nice pile of costumes to sleep in for a few hours graham?
Carlioo: yaaaaay no signal!
the_phantom_game_player: So intense
FrostyKaze: A classic!
MTGRanger: Yaaaayy! Awwww
cobalturge: lrrFINE
DanTheMediocre: graham can we please get a G L U R P!
TheAinMAP: jlrrDang
vinewood_og: lrrFINE
Sarah_Serinde: At least Switch updates are *so* fast
Thefluffiestguineapig: I took my trash out, we Glurpin??
PixelArtDragon: GLURP?
space_turbulence: @AugmentingPath All I'm saying is you should use protection when eating clam
the_phantom_game_player: @Thefluffiestguineapig Yes
TallynNyntyg: Glrrp!
PixelArtDragon: Message unclear, glurp consumed
Desruprot: limesBlink
neisan2112: Oh I've never seen this opening!
northos: game feels a bit loud relative to mics?
djalternative: I don't think we've ever seen the start video
RaginCaucaJhin: Hey Nintendo! how big is this update?....... Nintendo?.........
WardsarTheWriter: I don't think I've ever seen the intro for this before...
RealGamerCow: I don't think I've ever seen that video
Alexander Roederer: time for glurp???????!!!!
TXC2: never seen that before
BigDaddyBland87: I literally never uninstall this game because it's not that big
Lysander_salamander: I've never seen the beginning of this game
Greyah: I don't know if we've ever seen that intro
MAPBoardgames: GLURP!
riking27: @Sarah_Serinde Fun fact: Switch uses the "A/B" update technique first shipped by Android, where it keeps two copies of the OS
DeM0nFiRe: smh can't believe LRR sold out to Big Glurp
Noy2222: Skip ad!
invalidCards: suck some glurp!
finestotter: Do they sell Glurp beer cozies?
JadedCynic: It's been so long, I never remember seeing the intro <3
e_bloc: there is only glurp
ArcLightningCanuck: GLURP!
tsp397: Drink glurp more!
nappitatti: gLRRp
AugmentingPath: @space_turbulence And I'm saying that I've never comprehended a metaphor in my life and I flatly refuse to start now
Heckhoundbolt: i have never seen the intro before
TheTekkieman: I don't believe we ever saw the intro before.
graddy_: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Simonark: Wait, what is the knockoff regional Glurp called? Mr. Plurg?
TehAmelie: did you see the animation? glurp is more viscous than slurm
shurtal: Today, p;laying the role of Nelly, Jordynne!
ClodiumSoride: Has Jordynne played this game before?
TheSmilingMammoth: Water water everywhere and not a glurpp to drink
Sarah_Serinde: @ClodiumSoride Nope!
accountmadeforants: I enjoy Light-flavoured Glurp
missa_hancock: never actually seen glurp before
Thefluffiestguineapig: Was that a system update or glurp update? if it’s a system update I may go set mine to update now
missa_hancock: I’m excited?
AugmentingPath: @AugmentingPath nor a euphemism neither
vinewood_og: Slurms MacKenzie!!!
sparrowhawksilver: the game feels a bit loud in relation to the LRRs
TXC2: edge that start button
invalidCards: get boxed
Gaz_L: if i only could.. make a deal with... satan?
Stormgod519: @TXC2 hang on now!
ClodiumSoride: @Sarah_Serinde she's watched it so much, I'm sure she'll be great at it.
IanAllenBird: to make a deal with. satan?
space_turbulence: @AugmentingPath Ah, detente. Though I think technically that's a euphemism
vinewood_og: there it is
Stormgod519: lol
NonUniqueGuy: Aliens
TheAinMAP: Alien technology
public_key_reveal_party: I think it has been well established that playing glurp has no correlation with being good at glurp
BigDaddyBland87: they obviously built the pyramids
Sarah_Serinde: @ClodiumSoride Yes, just like when everyone watches someone with a good technique, they all replicate that technique successfully ;)
ShaneLeeAtk: I heard a Mitchell and Webb reference!
AugmentingPath: @space_turbulence I wouldn't know, I always use a detental dam
TallynNyntyg: @NonUniqueGuy Dang Goa'Uld tech.
RaginCaucaJhin: Beej with a new Pyramid theory that we havent heard yet!
northos: ah, the ABCDEF keyboard layout
ClodiumSoride: @Sarah_Serinde unless it was Ian's technique, nobody can replicate those
Sarah_Serinde: That's probably for the best anyway
invalidCards: Love it when my legs get described as little gonads
TXC2: Ian is built differently
vinewood_og: protip: do not attempt to walk on your hanging gonad things
space_turbulence: @AugmentingPath So wordplay is still on the table then
RaginCaucaJhin: Jordynne's a person with many roles here at LRR... I suppose she would have many hats
mtvcdm: As always, event 1 is unsponsored
vinewood_og: Those Kiwis were Shredded!
TehAmelie: ooh, is it one of the mysterious alien sponsors?
medmora is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
medmora gifted a Tier 1 sub to GreenBrains_!
medmora gifted a Tier 1 sub to xtremeflat!
medmora gifted a Tier 1 sub to pieceoftheuniverse!
medmora gifted a Tier 1 sub to imaginarymika!
medmora gifted a Tier 1 sub to OcyLemon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, medmora! Welcome to xtremeflat, imaginarymika, pieceoftheuniverse, GreenBrains_, and OcyLemon! (Today's storm count: 274)
Niahlah: @LoadingReadyRun the category is still listed as KeyWe
TXC2: medmora lrrHEART
Badchop: Just going to say this once: GLURP
N2Osferatu: The box strats!
JadedCynic: Good run!
TheAinMAP: emilym10Clap
NorthstarTex: that box bounce
Jogela: You are just playing Mugshot from Sly Cooper
invalidCards: Excellent job
TXC2: that time could hold a podium spot
AugmentingPath: @space_turbulence As long as they're safe words
Lysander_salamander: everyone's going to have to take a break to relax their thumbs before the next game?
mtvcdm: We'll see
TehAmelie: you finished? on your first run? well done
thedepthandbreadthofseth: hey chat. are we all getting our daily recommended allotment of glorp?
spicemelonge: how much more until the cap is reached?
Badchop: oh dang it it's GLORP not GLURP heck
Gaz_L: Glorp?! this is a Glurp house, Sir
thedepthandbreadthofseth: beej's volume is low
PixelArtDragon: This is a game that makes good use of Unity's physics constraints system
Badchop: wait no it is glurp
Mr_Horrible: Beej: "...how do they KNOW?"
Greyah: Joke's on you, we just know your goofs by heart.
Badchop: I'm good at reading
Carlioo: ooh, what was the watchalong watching?
TXC2: chat is a bunch of nerds (affectionate)
Alexander Roederer: successful first glurpening, good job
JadedCynic: Amazon has some black boxes in the AWS...
NonUniqueGuy: We have forbidden technology
MrQBear: You did that as a commodore hustle already didn't you?
Gaz_L: Glorp is the store brand equivalent
invalidCards: Absolutely stanced
mercano82: If someone asks if you're from the future you have to tell them the truth.
NorthstarTex: did paul fix the stream delay by causing temporal causality
Simonark: We know what's coming next. It's a gift/curse.
Mr_Horrible: to use a quote, it's "Lots of things!"
mtvcdm: Hey now
medmora: Lunch at work, LET'S GET THIS GLURP!
Carlioo: oh you meant THAT watchalong, thought it was the movie watchalong
public_key_reveal_party: Is tonight movie night?
BigDaddyBland87: We've memorized all your jokes in case we ever need to use the robot replacements
L0rdX33n: Like live performances of Monty Python where the audience would mouth along
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
invalidCards: Solid runs today
TehAmelie: tight race here
RaginCaucaJhin: I wasnt ready for the star wars reference
PixelArtDragon: I've been here the whole time
northos: glurpku
JadedCynic: "Last time on Drink More Glurb Z...."
TallynNyntyg: Aubergine.
DanTheMediocre: much like the built up glurp residuals in your bloodstream, it will never truly go away
TehAmelie: Summer Squash
bakerydragon: @PixelArtDragon Quick, they're trying to change the game on us! Get'em!
RealGamerCow: haaaaaaaaaaaa
OVERKiLL!: GLuRP \(´O`)/
e_bloc: @PixelArtDragon heh
Niahlah: it's the "Long, Long, Ben!"
TheWriterAleph: brrrrrrrrrr
TXC2: gotta go fast
mercano82: Sonic, he can really move.
Niehilius: Is this some good ol' Glurp?!
northos: the three-box comes for us all
KevinTheShark: Ohhh he's not vegeta he's super sonic
mtvcdm: Had it, lost it
invalidCards: Oof
Noy2222: <Butterfly meme> is this the Olympics?
RaginCaucaJhin: Much like most Sonic Fans, stopped by the thought of a Box
Mr_Horrible: maintaining the rhythm is always the challenge
TXC2: mercano82 Sonic, he's got an attitude
Mai_Andra: Yeej
invalidCards: He schmoovin
TXC2: Noy2222 Gods if only
AugmentingPath: yolo
ClodiumSoride: owlfox?
vinewood_og: HOOTY!!!!
MAPBoardgames: It's two owls
TXC2: a fox owl
thedepthandbreadthofseth: foxy owl
JadedCynic: it's an owlbear B)
Jogela: It is a cowl Kappa
invalidCards: He stopped schmoovin
TehAmelie: an owl going n_n
thedepthandbreadthofseth: a fowl
mercano82: Does it say "who" or "quopquopquop-kapow"?
NorthstarTex: short of the eys, prolly
AugmentingPath: dndnf
Gaz_L: Golf rules, right?
TXC2: Maybe it's an Arctic Tern? Kappa
Gaz_L: so Beej is winning
ClodiumSoride: @thedepthandbreadthofseth bravo
couchboyj: Simic special, Fox Owl Krassis
invalidCards: Ball is life
mtvcdm: Sponsor time
LordManiMani: FootBall
invalidCards: Lard ball!
TheAinMAP: FootBall
TehAmelie: beach (ball) body
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @ClodiumSoride ty. I try to dad hard everyday.
mtvcdm: Bigger than before
LordManiMani: gdqClap
thedepthandbreadthofseth: why is graham's avatar just the child of Jordynne and Cori?
TXC2: too the moon!
AugmentingPath: rip
invalidCards: Up he goes!
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
the_phantom_game_player: lrrWOW
RaginCaucaJhin: Ben, I've always preferred the Centerfold
invalidCards: Rip
ClodiumSoride: I was ready to say, "hey, they actually finished a sports event for once."
googoltudoris: graham's shirt and hoodie are perfectly making it look like he is wearing a very large cravat
LowUpsideCJ: Good afternoon professional glurpists
Invitare: blue void
Didero: Put it in the bottom-left?
mtvcdm: At least this layout gives a fighting chance of scoring.
TXC2: hello LowUpsideCJ welcome
thedepthandbreadthofseth: bottom left?
Carlioo: middle right maybe
Thefluffiestguineapig: No it's the olypmics so it would be amateur glurpists
mtvcdm: Usually in sportsball scoring is an afterthought.
TallynNyntyg: Dead center of screen.
djalternative: where do we usually put the pip?
mercano82: Maybe right under the Subathon timer.
TXC2: Frog Dress! Frog Dress!
shurtal: got to KEEP it past graham
Mazrae: So excited for glurp, but can't watch too much at my dogs vet appointment, everything's fine just a checkup, but doggo is scared
Lysander_salamander: yay
TXC2: lets go!
invalidCards: Good job!
ShaneLeeAtk: Nice on!
mtvcdm: Goal!
TheAinMAP: emilym10Clap
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap
Mr_Horrible: Ben you're not a bowling alley screen Kappa
Bearudite: on the green
ClodiumSoride: FBtouchdown
Koshindan: Mini soccer with obstacles.
Mangledpixel: so, golf
AugmentingPath: @TXC2 that's just the thing, she never did
TXC2: Mazrae you tell doggo chat sends their love
Thefluffiestguineapig: Having to keep it from rolling back is brutal
ClodiumSoride: clean!
invalidCards: The strat has been found
TehAmelie: wowsers
TXC2: AugmentingPath touché
TheAinMAP: FootGoal
mercano82: *golf clap*
CaptainKranok: Soccer by way of the Gladiators assault course.
mtvcdm: That's a fine six
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 ^^^^^^^^^ all the love!
Heckhoundbolt: I got the joke Ben
thedepthandbreadthofseth: how sticky card lard be?
Stormgod519: brb chat
DanTheMediocre: ~cheats_enable:bighead_mode
bakerydragon: Talking Heads for Glorping Heads
Heckhoundbolt: the Nelly technique
djalternative: wait. we aren't paying for the feet? how much extra to the subathon do we have to go for that?
ArdCollider: I know Jordynne's got an alien face on her player but it also has huge "cartoon Bane" energy.
TXC2: 26 cm
TehAmelie: apparently that 65 meter hurdle is the big one
TXC2: not even a foot
mercano82: (Less than a foot in 'murica)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: 16 cm... a respectable length.
googoltudoris: JAMES! what's the stretchgoal for feet?
medmora: Ben's Woowoos
thedepthandbreadthofseth: oop, 26
LordManiMani: World 1-2 strats
RaginCaucaJhin: W.W.G.D
ShaneLeeAtk: Kaio WHAT
Earthenone: james said he would show feet at 2k subs, but that was a long time ago
Mr_Horrible: a kamehameheeheehoohoo
Niahlah: from now on, I'll call him Long, Long Ben.. lol
invalidCards: @thedepthandbreadthofseth almost 2 feet :)
Earthenone: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a man wondering about box contents
TXC2: Kamekamekame Karma Chameleon
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
vinewood_og: count it!
invalidCards: Excellent showing
BusTed: the tiniest of dunks
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap
RealGamerCow: Touchdown!
finestotter: Technically a goal!
IanAllenBird: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Lysander_salamander: lrrPistachio
AugmentingPath: getting in the goal is your job, ball. go do it
mtvcdm: Wooooow
RealGamerCow: nyeh.
midnightcurryjazz: We are not going to get tcg day at this rate D ;
RaginCaucaJhin: Miley would be proud beej
fonk: I just found out there are shin megami tensei youtubers in the way there are From Soft loretubers
invalidCards: Slap it gently
fuzzy_died subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months, currently on a 40 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fuzzy_died! (Today's storm count: 275)
AugmentingPath: oh soccer ball, the pipes the pipes are calling
TXC2: midnightcurryjazz I have faith in chat
invalidCards: bonk bonk bonk bonk
RoeDent89: GLURP
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyHeadbang
TXC2: wow Matt crushed that run
Earthenone: incase anyone is interested in this game it is ~92% off on humble and lrr is a humble partner
Earthenone: !humble
LRRbot: LRR is a Humble Partner! Go to https://lrr.cc/humble and LRR will get a cut of any purchase you make at Humble.
TXC2: oh no!
NorthstarTex: noooooo
invalidCards: smol
vinewood_og: uh oh
TehAmelie: i remember this. . .
Heckhoundbolt: it returns
DeM0nFiRe: smol
finestotter: Again!!!
missa_hancock: I’ve got to go back to work but I’ve been crying with laughter too much
Lysander_salamander: so tiny
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7 scores this round
AugmentingPath: I hope Matt's sowwy for that joke
Thefluffiestguineapig: RSVP scores
invalidCards: uh oh!
SnackPak_: so rude
Lysander_salamander: wow
DanTheMediocre: oh no the teeny pinball is the worst XD
BusTed: NotLikeThis
IanAllenBird: 😔
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
TXC2: Litteral Greek punishment
Lysander_salamander: so mean of the game
RaginCaucaJhin: GLRRP is Ableist confirmed
thedepthandbreadthofseth: this should be best of 3
ExtraWubs: hello highlight reel
KinkerbellRose: This is just CRUEL.
TehAmelie: Cori did get off the ground once
ClodiumSoride: I wish this game offered the ability to pick a specific event and sponsor, just to see how they combine.
DigitalSeahorse: so teeny
DigitalSeahorse: just a lil guy
NekomimiNinja: Point!
Seth_Erickson: easy first place
IanAllenBird: 1!
SnackPak_: that's a lot of body horror for glurp
KaleidoscopeMind: point get!
vinewood_og: New high score!
DeM0nFiRe: WutFace
invalidCards: And he's good!
Thefluffiestguineapig: One point!!
starlitdiscord: ow
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
pn55: HypeLUL
BigDaddyBland87: oh they discovered stretchy arms
Sunidesus: well that's horrifying
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
Thefluffiestguineapig: OOHHHHH
PixelArtDragon: That's the physics system breaking down
MAPBoardgames: got one: winning
TXC2: some real Strech arm strong
JadedCynic: !adult
LRRbot: I need an adult!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Horrifying and I'm laughing so hard
Heckhoundbolt: he did do worse
BigDaddyBland87: discovered that last week
NekomimiNinja: Arm-motional damage
WardsarTheWriter: That was so disturbing, I love it.
micalovits: It WAS worse! Just not in the way we thought
bakerydragon: body horror episode ;-;
mtvcdm: Jesus Christ
bjergmann101: I think my arm popped out looking at that
googoltudoris: he got a point and all it cost him was HIS ARMS GETTING RIPPED OFF
accountmadeforants: I need a stretchier adult
SnackPak_: he's gaming!
Niahlah: that really was Emotional Damage...
invalidCards: Amazing
TehAmelie: a commanding lead!
mtvcdm: 2!
IanAllenBird: 2!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
northos: counting with Glurp!
TXC2: TWO! :p
Krillin_fan: G with an insurmountable lead
invalidCards: Will ben get 3?
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeTwo
googoltudoris: that's DOUBLE second place!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
AugmentingPath: high precision points, yeah
Thefluffiestguineapig: I believe this is more than has ever been scored in teeny pinball before
ElektroTal: didnt you have shrink pinball the first time you played glurp? i remember this combo before
Alexander Roederer: the way everyone screamed LOL
Alexander Roederer: I also screamed
John Hill: I missed why they screamed (I'm technically supposed to be working)
mtvcdm: This is some shit out of Tartarus
SnackPak_: holy moly
starlitdiscord: wooo
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES
IanAllenBird: 6!!
TheAinMAP: tqsStonks
invalidCards: He's only gone and done it
TXC2: mtvcdm right ?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: wow!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap
Krillin_fan: 6?!? humankind has never seen such triumphant gaming
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mtvcdm I feel like this would be right next to Tantalus and his pool
invalidCards: Holy moly!
DeM0nFiRe: FBtouchdown
starlitdiscord: wooo
TXC2: double digits!
vinewood_og: Wow nice job
IanAllenBird: starting a glurp space program
the_phantom_game_player: lrrBEEEJ lrrBEEEJ lrrBEEEJ lrrBEEEJ lrrBEEEJ lrrBEEEJ lrrBEEEJ lrrBEEEJ
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is infinitely more than previous teeny pinball!
NorthstarTex: beej is still up there to this day
Graved: The Beej... Never ends.
RealGamerCow: They should do pinball but not for points but height
Thefluffiestguineapig: EXPERIENCE BEEJ
TheAinMAP: I guess the smaller bodies get flung farther?
Lysander_salamander: concussions aren't as fun as you might think
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lysander_salamander They are no fun
RealGamerCow: I had a 27" CRT fall on my head
TXC2: Cori has a good point
TXC2: RealGamerCow so you are a ghost now? :p
Thefluffiestguineapig: Your head got stepped on Jordynne? As a horse child who now helps train horses that's not survivable
RayFK: It was going well until Beej tried to get him with the lacrosse ball
Alexander Roederer: you could see the arms had like. little muscles in them
lostluckDev subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 79 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lostluckDev! (Today's storm count: 276)
mtvcdm: Lacrosse was once literally used as war training
invalidCards: There was an attempt
AugmentingPath: RealGamerCow did being bombarded by cathode rays unlock something in your DNA?
red_shoes_jeff: @RayFK The OTHER Canadian drive-by.
RealGamerCow: AugmentingPath yes, CTE. :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: We recommend lacrosse balls as an alternative to tennis balls for super destructive/strong dogs because they are super dense
finestotter: In middle school football, our coach forced us to do "Wakeups" where you grab each other's helmets and smash your facemasks into each other
bjergmann101: How do they give you a boost, photons have no mass?
invalidCards: Quick round this one
DideRobot: LRR: The LoadingReadyRun Sub-A-Thon is going strong with the gang playing Switch party games! Coming up the rest of the day is the second annual Oki Oki Fight Club tournament, Ian cooking up some noms, public domain movie night, and seamless co-op Elden Ring! https://twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun (has image) | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/112808945930939000
TXC2: RealGamerCow :D
AugmentingPath: @RealGamerCow That does not sound like it enabled you to fight crime or save the world. Condolences
whatsupchuck78 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
whatsupchuck78: Thank you Amazon for helping me support my favorite people on the internet
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, whatsupchuck78! (Today's storm count: 277)
northos: @bjergmann101 but they do have momentum
Thefluffiestguineapig: The German shepherds I've known haven't even dented the lacrosse balls
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I'm really offput by Graham's meeple, Jordiander.
shiny_elva: I'm catching gloooorp life =o First time
TehAmelie: just like Edward Scissorhands, but with laser hands
JadedCynic: I got a truck bumper in the side of my head when I was a toddler - got out of the hospital for a self-inflicted injury, we parked across the street from our house, I got out, and wisely ran BEHIND the pickup...who then decided to back up suddenly - my aunt screamed at him so he stopped and didn't run his tire over my prone and crying frustrated body ("I just got OUT of the hospital! it's not FAIR!" :D )
Thefluffiestguineapig: @shiny_elva Welcome! It's beyond nonsense
Sunidesus: @Thefluffiestguineapig It took me entirely too long to realize you were talking about dogs and not Germans who take care of sheep
RynoLaw: I fell off my bike when I was 10, cracking my skull, giving me a concussion & a blood clot in my skull that had to be surgically removed.
JadedCynic: no serious injury thankfully
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
bjergmann101: @northos Yes, but you can't use light push you along... That is not how it works... I think
Carlioo: he really is goku...
PixelArtDragon: This is my first time catching GLURP live when I was actually supposed to be awake
TXC2: Iisan al Gieb !
shiny_elva: @Thefluffiestguineapig Oh yes, I've seen the vods :D
Noy2222: Do not fuck lasers.
Leonhart321: Woah, hey now Ben
Rogue 7: GLURP!
mtvcdm: Right, the arms can be used as arms
L0rdX33n: The sponsor is very disappointed
mercano82: Where we're going, we don't need lasewrs
butt_ghost: [plays game properly] hey stop that
Austere_Squire: ben with the real strats of no lasers
invalidCards: I too am a European seeing Glurp for the first time
Thefluffiestguineapig: I feel like Fuck the lasers needs to be in the bad advice
space_turbulence: Always use protections when fucking lasers
Mangledpixel: !findquote ball
LRRbot: Quote #2977: "I like how you're invisible to balls." —Cori, to Ian [2016-07-13]
BlackIsis: under no circumstances should you fuck the lasers
northos: @bjergmann101 you can, actually, though in the vast majority of cases it imparts too little momentum to be meaningful. but a solar sail is a "real concept" for space propulsion basically by collecting momentum from sunlight
mtvcdm: Uh oh
Bezekric: Live Glurping! \o/
googoltudoris: don't fuck lasers unless you want to get banned from the National Ignition Facility tourgroup
RaginCaucaJhin: Avoid the eyes when fucking lasers
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ummmm
TXC2: they see me ballin', they hatin'
space_turbulence: Just use a lead condom, you're fine
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is quite a combo
mercano82: Are we playing Glurp or Chained Together?
Barb4rian: Gaming!
micalovits: Yes
Koshindan: GlurpVillage
Simonark: Welcome One And All to the First Portmerion Olympics.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mercano82 Glurp, you're only chained to yourself
JadedCynic: 'resistance training' for athletes
Alex_Frostfire: Imagine a 100-meter sprint except the runners have their feet shackled together.
CaptainKranok: Scattered.
Mr_Horrible: it just becomes a sticky rat king
Morrigan9: olympic basement
bjergmann101: @northos Thanks... Did not know this
LordManiMani: I asked the Lord why the footprints in the sand disappeared during the difficult times. He said, "My child, that is when Goku let you ride the flying nimbus."
TehAmelie: there's that fun post talking about how much energy Sailor Moon puts out to be able to float on photons
butt_ghost: no glurping on the cardboard beds
googoltudoris: those aren't little feetsies, they're stds
Stephonee: what in the QWOP have I come back to?
RealGamerCow: Beej, that's what those grey things on this stage are
TXC2: I hear Paris has been taking measures to reduce sex among the athletes
Graved: Didn't one of the athletes do Rock Lee from Naruto weights routine for the memes?
Sarah_Serinde: Oh I missed that that game is happening
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean, I've known some people into latex and a modified hazmat suit is not a bad descriptor for some of their stuff
Sarah_Serinde: That's gonna be fun
PixelArtDragon: GLURPers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!
invalidCards: Punch! That! Ball!
Carlioo: maybe if you spin hard enough, you can break these cuffs
invalidCards: Every hole's a goal
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART
Tevildo: !holes
LRRbot: Did someone say Holes??
Mangledpixel: you have space jump!
TXC2: hello RandomTrivia welcome
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Graved It wouldn't surprise me. Athletes are often big nerds, with nerd here being someone who wants to know everything about a niche topic
RaginCaucaJhin: In order to doscourage the athletes from activities, the GLURP Olympic Beds are made of Lasers
butt_ghost: would be too powerful if they could
finestotter: I don't think person jump with legs up though
neisan2112: Ben, just use your Kraven Manor tech to jump!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: that seems rude.
TallynNyntyg: Frogs can jump higher than Mount Everest. This is because Mount Everest can't jump.
SnowBuddy18: it's that hippos gallop
AugmentingPath: RaginCaucaJhin joke's on them, Ben fucks lasers
Greyah: I thought that was hippos, yeah.
red_shoes_jeff: @RaginCaucaJhin They'll find a way.
invalidCards: Ben speeding through!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I love how they think that fragile beds will dissuade some of the best athletes in the world
shurtal: "marketing"?
RandomTrivia: That's called "running"
Thefluffiestguineapig: They will figure it out
Furyfire: Zoom
RandomTrivia: Holy moly Ben
DanTheMediocre: that's a gallop
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, that's a gallop
TXC2: Ben is running away with this game
RandomTrivia: benginLul
Gadora: "Can become airborne" is the phrasing, I think?
Crad0k: yeah, like, most animals do that when they're flat out
Thefluffiestguineapig: Walking is one foot off the ground at a time, trot is two, canter is three, gallop is four
mercano82: Someone should test Ben for performance enhancing Glurp
SnowBuddy18: @Thefluffiestguineapig it hasn't before
Sunidesus: The fact that hippos can gallop is terrifying all by itself, they don't also need to be able to fly
Robert Abugelis: I've been asleep for most of this, (on in the background) but, I am glad I caught this LIVE!
Simonark: Ben killed so many people, honest, that's all.
RandomTrivia: Because he can't call Beej "daddy" on stream lrrBEEJ
jj_q: speed walking malcolm in the middle episode
DanTheMediocre: @Thefluffiestguineapig TIL
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SnowBuddy18 Right??????? How do they keep thinking this will help
Gadora: @mercano82 I want a cup of that man's Glurp.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: do we think that since they are in Paris, they have ordered even more olympic condoms this summer?
neisan2112: @thefluffiestguineapig Thats not what the beds are for, news places just decided cus they were flimsy and looks good as a headline
Lysander_salamander: oh heck my laundry
DaseBeleren: lrrBEEJ_SQ
TehAmelie: there's good reasons hippos are the animals that kill the third most humans
DanTheMediocre: wait does so how does that extend to insects or arachnids?
TXC2: the smovement
RandomTrivia: LEAP
DanTheMediocre: do spiders always gallop?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @neisan2112 Oh I didn't mean the Paris ones, I mean the ones from Beijing where they specifically had a press release stating that was a goal
RaginCaucaJhin: Beej Struggles to finish with chains apparently?
ExachixKitsune: oooh glurp
RandomTrivia: With perfect poise
RaginCaucaJhin: Slow and steady
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DanTheMediocre I don't think they ever gallop from a technical standpoint
NekomimiNinja: The Ian hop might be really good with the chains.
neisan2112: @thefluffiestguineapig ohhh hadn't seen that one
jj_q: beej can do whataver you can do, but backwards and in shackles
PawssumFable: Left computer running. Napped slightly. Woke up because my headset next to me was roaring laughs
Jethrain: the mayor of paris went swimming in there this week
googoltudoris: @NekomimiNinja are we not calling it the horner hop?
RandomTrivia: Come on Jordynne, you've got this!
TXC2: I'm not sure if insects and arachnids can more then one limb at a time
mercano82: The Mayor of Paris went swimming earlier this week
sparrowhawksilver: they claim to have c.e
sparrowhawksilver: cleaned it up
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
ClodiumSoride: Did they get the sharks out of the Seine? (Under Paris is a wild movie.)
TehAmelie: woo
ExachixKitsune: \o/
IanAllenBird: 🎉
Stella_Noctis: lrrBartleby
pn55: seabatClap
spethycakes: FBtouchdown
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @TehAmelie I'm pretty sure that mosquitos kill the most humans. They may be the wild vertebrate that kills the most humans.
starlitdiscord: \o/
Mr_Horrible: FBtouchdown
Statist42: FBtouchdown
KinkerbellRose: NAILED IT!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyCheer
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN
themercenary1987: TOUCHDOWN
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also for anyone looking to try kink do not use metal handcuffs unless you have no social situation where those bruises would be awkward. This is why cuffs exist. Also no metal allergy issues
patience_zero: \o/
ElektroTal: never didn't have it
TXC2: never give up, never surender !
Thefluffiestguineapig: First time!
RandomTrivia: Uh oh, sticky
JadedCynic: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Cunobelenos: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh this seems bad
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, how do you release it
Crad0k: no jordynne emoji :-(
TehAmelie: @thedepthandbreadthofseth yes, it's malaria mosquitos, humans and then hippos
RandomTrivia: Oh this gimmick is so rude
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fuck off!!!
jj_q: people promised to poop in teh river on the day. or up river, time adjusted for current speed
Thefluffiestguineapig: This would be rude without a modification
RandomTrivia: Confirmed the boxes CAN push the buttons!
Thefluffiestguineapig: These levels are already hard enough
control_rig: Nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH
Simonark: Why is Boris Johnson covered in slime? Wait, no, that question answers itself
ElektroTal: more like muc-ass
Juliamon: Crad0k the Jordynne emoji is 👑
JadedCynic: once you topple the stacks....
Thefluffiestguineapig: The tech at the end
mtvcdm: The boxes can press it for you
Jack Fletcher: Good Day LRRunners! Happy subathon.:face-purple-smiling-tears::trophy-yellow-smiling:
Heckhoundbolt: !subathon
red_shoes_jeff: He is the Chosen One...
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon True tho
Bassios: I introduced some friends to Glurp last week, we were all crying with laughter at the end of it
RandomTrivia: @Simonark That's not a covering, it's his personality
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHA
JadedCynic: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is the one PvP game where Cori is truly nerfed
RandomTrivia: benginLul
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
control_rig: Mr Goo-bachev!
mercano82: Mister Glorpachev
SnowBuddy18: Glurpachev
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben that got me
TehAmelie: hey, you can throw boxes on the buttons!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why did Mister Glurpachev get me so bad
Simonark: @RandomTrivia Ethics can physically manifest it seems
SnackPak_: so close
TehAmelie: slow down, Speed Racer
RandomTrivia: Graham using his full Olympics 2000 powers
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap
control_rig: Let's go!
JadedCynic: BRAVO!
neisan2112: Loved that that was a card for moniklrrs
Thefluffiestguineapig: OOOHHHHH
abslomdaak42: Oh damn!
Izzieon: Back from a meeting to see some gluuuuuurp, love to see it
red_shoes_jeff: GRA! lrrHAM GRA! lrrHAM GRA! lrrHAM
danisfine gifted a Tier 1 sub to mrgorbacheva!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mrgorbacheva! (Today's storm count: 278)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why is it so bouncy? You fling yourself so high
RayFK: Jordynne....
RayFK: Come on
MrGibberish: Jordynne!
RandomTrivia: benginChamp
Thefluffiestguineapig: JORDYNNE
InkyGhoast: "strategy" is a strong word for anything in glurp
RealGamerCow: To be fair, Jordynne was like 2 when that happened
KV1NN4: wELL, she didn't forget
KinkerbellRose: JORDYNNE! LUL
Didero: They should put up giant green arrows Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: We haven't needed a version of the Ian pls emote for anyone other than Beej before
Thefluffiestguineapig: And that's the whole point
Thefluffiestguineapig: If you had fun and tried hard
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Robbed!
RandomTrivia: Oh no
jamcnerny subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months!
jamcnerny: hello there
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jamcnerny! (Today's storm count: 279)
mtvcdm: Oh no Pocket Sun
Carlioo: just like the SMB3 run
Mazrae: I feel like this is the closest game we've had
Carlioo: sun even
ameliette: seasonally appropriate
Heckhoundbolt: imagine trying to watch this in the stands
brieandbacon: I thought the only the Irish had the trouble...
TXC2: "what are you training for?" "the Trouble"
RandomTrivia: I'm finding these to be distinct enough, (red/green) but other types may not
control_rig: 8 is... a score
mtvcdm: Trying to see your balls in the dark
Stormgod519: Ben
CAKHost: Does Jordynne have a gimp mask?
TXC2: brieandbacon I think it was the UK with and causing the Trouble, and I say that as a Brit
TehAmelie: it's an alien head
Malkmaven1176: Glurp!
TehAmelie: (i think)
brieandbacon: @TXC2 (also a Brit) I meant Irish as in everyone on the island
brieandbacon: But yeah
Didero: Holding on to the light would mean you'd be able to see better, I think, though not really move better
geckoinasuit: oh no i am late for glurp
Izzieon: you're also just in time for glurp
CAKHost: Ah okay! I'll take a look but either is valid. I just wanted to be sure I was seeing what I was seeing
moralesborne subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, moralesborne! (Today's storm count: 280)
CAKHost: And I should move the stream to Main Monitor
pn55: :O
Sarah_Serinde: Secret tech
PixelArtDragon: Does it actually help though?
brieandbacon: Reach! For the Sun!!
MrQBear: reach out and touch faith (the sun)?
JadedCynic: *shudders at jittery*
Gaz_L: walking on the sun?
LordManiMani: Acquire Sunny D!
TXC2: Reach and touch Sun
wjmck: I don't know that that's better...
RaginCaucaJhin: Matt's Got their 45 on!
mtvcdm: Wait you can do that?
niccus: i want to eat the sun
Izzieon: praise the sun
CAKHost: Stream now on Main Monitor
RevolverRossalot: You want the moon on a stick? Best I can do is the power of the sun in the palm of your hand.
TXC2: your own, Personal, Pocket sun
Stephonee: This music is just so pleasant
TXC2: RevolverRossalot AGH my hand!
Piecrust9: I see you ben wurst refernce dont think i dont
EvilBadman: Get effed Helios
Mazrae: Just grab the sun, dudududu (trying to make a quick "here comes the sun" good)
RaginCaucaJhin: Orbeez
BusTed: drink with suspension
RandomTrivia: Not zero! FBtouchdown
spethycakes: A good, clean feeling...no matter what
Lysander_salamander: I never drank that, when it was available
JadedCynic: it was kinda the precursor to boba tea
Mazrae: Goof*
KV1NN4: Orbitz was delicious
Mr_Horrible: OpieOP
JKBalch: Grab the Sun! Cheer1000 Cheer100 Cheer100
BusTed: 🧋
MrQBear: I liked Orbitz... :<
midnightcurryjazz: orbitz are great
asthanius: and then Boba
BorgarWithAShotgun: so... bubble tea
Featherweight_: They came to my school for product testing and we got free ones
midnightcurryjazz: beej is the wrong one
Lysander_salamander: it was before it's time
Graved: Beej commiting crimes against boba
KV1NN4: vaguely fizzy
RealGamerCow: oh yeah it was carbonated so the little balls would float on the bubbles
glitched_goddess: I liked orbitz:( lol
CastleOtranto: It was NOT good
JadedCynic: yeah soda but boba not of tapioca
GreenBrains_: it was like a runny egg
Jack Fletcher: Orbitz the drink / choking hazard.
Timlin 22: I bobastood that reference
Azralorne: Just go get one of those chia seeds drinks, it's practically the same
FITorion: like... bobba... which I also don't care for
Saintnex: If it was a fruity boba, I probably would try
PawssumFable: I like chia drinnks
KevinTheShark: Carbonated boba is pretty good tbh. Ive done it
RealGamerCow: weights on a rope?
Lysander_salamander: like a hammer toss
Ciijay: It's basically like boba, right? Or yeah, aloevera drinks. Or.. there is those sake jelly shots!
CAKHost: I wish I could try the Orbitz. Not Carbonated because I don't like the fizz
midnightcurryjazz: try an aloe drink which just has floating chunks of aloe in it. A+
JadedCynic: I foresee someone saying "I must go my people need me"
PawssumFable: But I think about it as a food
brieandbacon: A round thing for throwing. Discuss.
Ciijay: Sake jelly shots are carbonated
Gaz_L: bola!
JadedCynic: it's a hammer toss
TheAinMAP: PrideBalloons
mtvcdm: Nunchucks
JadedCynic: it TRIED to be boba, but failed
RandomTrivia: Oops
Lysander_salamander: good try
Greyah: A classic
Featherweight_: it was sugar gel with chewy bits
LordManiMani: gdqClap
control_rig: That looks so promissing
NimrodXIV: less drop, more throw
KevinTheShark: High score!
mtvcdm: Good effort
RevolverRossalot: "Welcome to the highlight reel!*
BigDaddyBland87: only woulda been better if Ben screamed while throwing
PawssumFable: Like nobody thinks about gogurt as a beverage, but you don't have to chew it.
jj_q: @NimrodXIV strike that, reverse it
accountmadeforants: Wikipedia claims Orbitz wasn't carbonated, for whatever that's worth
Lysander_salamander: I like this game's music
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am having to do the grim task of bills when my hours have been more than halved with no possible solution on the horizon when I already wasn't making cost of living
brieandbacon: Glurp does semaphore
TXC2: good enough
LordManiMani: "Shorten your limbs, Sir. It's the greatest day."
YareNiDaze: Glurp does Swan Lake
mtvcdm: This object has no bounce
niccus: it was apparently gelatin
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig oof, sorry to hear that lrrHEART
KevinTheShark: Like badly make jello
Thefluffiestguineapig: Just unflavored gelatin
Jack Fletcher: Golf clap.
Jack Fletcher: Well done G.
Togaoki: Statyistically this can only get better... right? I didn't take high-end mathematics in college
MrQBear: It was like a very soft tapioca pearl, like overcooked, but in the thick syrup from canned fruit.
TheGuri42: what a player cam lmao
Stormgod519: nice
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Didero: nice on
Mazrae: Good on, good on
CAKHost: I'd assume you can just swallow the pearls? They're pretty small
control_rig: That grunt was amazing
control_rig: Uuugh!
Azralorne: Personally I would like to bring back those glass containered sobe drinks
TheAinMAP: Whoa!
RandomTrivia: Nice
PawssumFable: NICE
BorgarWithAShotgun: clap
JadedCynic: yeah, gelatin
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Thanks, the moment of horrible realization of "which bills punish me the least for being over a week late"
Lysander_salamander: like jello?
control_rig: Could but shouldn't
Sunidesus: that sounds vile texture-wise
YareNiDaze: Could and should are different words.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Canned fruit??????
Koshindan: Lrrbit
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's so bad
Lysander_salamander: but should you?
Gaz_L: could, but SHOULD you
TheAinMAP: could
James_the_Dabbler: what is this???
glitched_goddess: I liked josta and surge
Stephonee: Iron Stomach Challenge returns
control_rig: Unless that's a Futt bit
brieandbacon: "We have the technology, we can rebuild it"
pn55: You COULD, but SHOULD you?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Canned fruit syrup is so bad
HorusFive: They were so concerned with whether they could.......
Niahlah: Return of the Iron Stomach Challenge!!!
finestotter: Oat Pilk?
jillpole: i just remember orbitz being extremely underwhelming
Juliamon: Azralorne I agree fully
PawssumFable: Lactose is a sugar from milk, not milk
niccus: tinker tailor solder fry, ian plays god and makes orbitz
L0rdX33n: I watched the smoothie challenge on watchalong yesterday. You have drunk worse
Azralorne: I'm glad you understand Juliamon
CAKHost: (in Orbitz. Not Boba, I think? Unless some can just swallow those pearls just fine)
NoxStryx: Coming up on LoadingReadyLive, "Will it Orbitz"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @pn55 Should they have wrapped a cucumber in ham and have Beej eat it on live when he hates it? Or packed good sushi/sashimi with Heather amounts of wasabi?
Heckhoundbolt: I tend to forget Ian has a day job
JadedCynic: here's the fun part - the 'pearls' would stay still even when you shook the bottle - wanna know why?
Juliamon: I have fond memories of the pina colada Sobe
UtilityPunk: Maing bootleg orbit from fruit cups, tapioca pearls, and a carbonator
JadedCynic: "it was twofold: First, the balls had a nearly equal density to the surrounding liquid, allowing them to seemingly defy gravity; and second, they were kept in place by a substance called Gellan Gum, which mimicked the connective abilities of a spider web. "
RandomTrivia: Wel
Stormgod519: LOL
RandomTrivia: *welp
TXC2: lrrWOW
N2Osferatu: @L0rdX33n I still use the quote "like foul dirt that was cursed by a witch" on occasion :D
Azralorne: @juliamon mine was the pink one with a very generic name 😂 I think it might have been strawberry?
mtvcdm: DNF
JadedCynic: but does anyone here remember Clearly Canadian brand bottled water?
CAKHost: Ah it is an Alien!
control_rig: Ben that is 100% not true, there are 1.18 meters that could be worse
Kevin Leung: the power of the sun... in the palm of my hand
butt_ghost: >bonk<
Juliamon: JadedCynic It STILL EXISTS
TXC2: PawssumFable they are limbs at least
Stormgod519: NICE!
RandomTrivia: benginLul
Stormgod519: get rekt Ben!
Azralorne: Yeah! I can get clearly Canadian at my Costco now 😂😂
RandomTrivia: Just slot it in there#
PawssumFable: They're so JIGGLY for legs
TheAinMAP: emilym10Clap
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PawssumFable Technically? Yes. Instinctively? No
Tiber727: It's like bidding $2.
JadedCynic: @Juliamon yeah, and that company was the brainchild behind Orbitz; they managed to survive their mistake, but...
PawssumFable: @Thefluffiestguineapig LUL I agree
BorgarWithAShotgun: @PawssumFable No, they are arms.
PawssumFable: Nono, I can see the arms...
glitched_goddess: clearly Canadian actually got revived
RandomTrivia: Windmill it out!
mtvcdm: This is all about rhythm
PawssumFable: I meant the tiny red danglies
CaptainSpam: Oh god, Uniracers. Great game. Shame about it being pulled from shelves...
Thefluffiestguineapig: YEET
Stormgod519: oof
Didero: So this is a rhythm game?
TXC2: Didero always has been
Didero: @TXC2 Somebody alert the Cafe
RandomTrivia: Graham staying low and using long strides
TheAinMAP: So this sponsor implies the bodies were squeezed and juice came out? What happened to the juice?
Lysander_salamander: does the lemon shape make the characters more aerodynamic?
RandomTrivia: SCAMMED
ElektroTal: @TheAinMAP what do you think is in the glurp
patbaer: Glurped
BigDaddyBland87: my planet needs me
TXC2: Lysander_salamander means they can't roll well
MrQBear: @TheAinMAP Glurp.
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was amazing
BorgarWithAShotgun: nearly 120km/h there, Graham
ClodiumSoride: @Lysander_salamander it prevents them from being able to roll (by tucking their arms up)
KevinTheShark: I need a cup of that mans Glurp
red_shoes_jeff: GRA lrrHAM
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BigDaddyBland87 "This is your planet" "Yes, it needs me to leave"
mtvcdm: Graham has this easily.
JadedCynic: But my point is, the people behind Clearly Canadian were also the ones who thought we wanted Orbitz (it's likely there's a different C-suite with the current company tho)
PawssumFable: lol
accountmadeforants: Gas gas glurp, I'm gonna step on the glurp
PawssumFable: I used to love Clarly Canadianas a kid
PawssumFable: Clearly*
brieandbacon: Beej's none-chuck performance?
ElektroTal: glurpsterbation is prohibited
PawssumFable: I'm lagging super bad
RandomTrivia: Smooth, clean
Piecrust9: Clean 2nd
Juliamon: I never actually have had Clearly Canadian. I wanted to try it as a kid but I only got to have one mass market sugary drink a month and I usually went with Sobe instead because there was more liquid in the bottle
PawssumFable: It isn't as good now
CaptainSpam: I do remember the summer where Orbitz existed. It was... odd. A novelty, to be sure. Not terrible by far, but definitely understandable that it wouldn't last.
mtvcdm: And away!
PawssumFable: It's making a comeback
Gascitygaming: did you know they still make "Chubby" soda?
Blip2004: Safeway started selling it again. its too expensive for what it is
butt_ghost: still for sale
DigitalSeahorse: I remember Orbitz tasting like pear
BigDaddyBland87: goodbye
EvilBadman: what is a leeder peach Kappa
PawssumFable: I used to get blackberry
Piecrust9: What an exit
glitched_goddess: I’ve been oddly craving those 90s shark gummies recently
JadedCynic: I mean, Clearly Canadian isn't gone completely - they managed to survive their 'too ahead of its time' ness with Orbitz and held on
baltimore_667083: ross chastain
PawssumFable: And the blackberry flavore isn't great now
RandomTrivia: That seems expensive
Thefluffiestguineapig: @glitched_goddess The idea/memory of them or the reality?
Fenrir_Azazel: ross chastain at martinsville
BigDaddyBland87: gamer strats right there
baltimore_667083: i remember that well
Bruceski: "That was brilliant, we're now banning it."
JDMan94: Annnnd it's now banned
RandomTrivia: Good recovery
DeM0nFiRe: Ross Chastain with the Hail Melon. They did ban it after that lol
Lysander_salamander: love when errata happens
Bruceski: Safety issue
JDMan94: Oh it was banned almost immediately lmao
Heckhoundbolt: yup
glitched_goddess: @thefluffiestguineapig I really liked them so the memory of them lol.
Dumori: History of NASCar there tbh
mtvcdm: Yep
baltimore_667083: he comes from a family of melon farmers so...
Stratavarius: Yeah, they basically went "That was cool, but never again"
butt_ghost: longleggies, out now in theatres
DeM0nFiRe: Yeah Ross Chastain like grew up on a watermelon farm so every time he wins he smashes a watermelon lol
wjmck: there's only one race... the human race... WHAT ABOUT NASCAR
Cinominn: there are a shockingly large amount of rules in nascar
Thefluffiestguineapig: @brieandbacon Yup, otherwise there would be more solid state fuel engines LUL
UtilityPunk: Nascar on rails no1WAKU
baltimore_667083: @Cinominn try telling that to smokey yunick
Jethrain: and then it just starts spinnning up in the other direction
TXC2: NASCAR used to prohibit the use of Carburettors
Lysander_salamander: I like seeing rule-changes for older games and I have to dig back to see what weird bit of loopholing happened to cause that
Stormgod519: SWOL!
Jethrain: "gamma whey" is upsetting
JDMan94: I mean, anything involving machinery moving that fast needs rules pieShrug
InvadedOath: Just got in from the England West Indies game and so pleased to have this on
NelJanDik: Well, he is the reason for the number of rules @baltimore_667083
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh yeah Brother!!
KevinTheShark: Hell Yeahh Brotherrrrrrr
CAKHost: Has Adam seen the beefy Kiwi Arms from earlier?
DrakoniteDev: IIRC they wanted to DQ him from the race but couldn't find a rule to do it under
baltimore_667083: "the rulebook will decide your fate." "I AM the rulebook."
TXC2: how Much Tren do you think this alien is on?
cobalturge: !quote Graham
LRRbot: Quote #724: "Ohhhhh fudge-ems..." —Graham [2015-09-23]
northos: JORDYNNE
jchinnock: arms like hotdogs left too long on the 711 rollers
RandomTrivia: Ben! seabatBRAIN
Sunidesus: Hey! No dissing grabbers! Us short people need them
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 None, allegedly it's all Gamma wheat
Rogue 7: Anchor Arms!
RandomTrivia: This is scraping the wall
Stormgod519: WINDMILL!
BorgarWithAShotgun: BALL SMAAAASH
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Sunidesus Honestly tho
TXC2: the bigger problem for muscular people is sleep apnoea
Piecrust9: ROBBED
cobalturge: !quote Ben
LRRbot: Quote #8296: "I'm a mummy's boy." —Bengineering [2022-10-26]
NorthstarTex: there was a bit of burnout there
mtvcdm: Posing muscles and strength muscles are not the same muscles
RandomTrivia: WOAH
RandomTrivia: THE FOUR OF
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig is that what they are calling it now
apitol: come on and
Piecrust9: Matt technique!
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
Stormgod519: actively gaming!
KevinTheShark: Wow. Game over.
wizzo1138: Clearly Matt's already used to being ripped
brieandbacon: Ben suddenly becoming the British, at any sport they invent
Lysander_salamander: nice
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly seabatClap
NonUniqueGuy: Fitting number
Thefluffiestguineapig: Get to the targets!
Thefluffiestguineapig: seabatClap seabatClap
RandomTrivia: Oof, but also WOW
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahaha
mtvcdm: Well we know the strat now
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's hilarious and true
TXC2: that really stings after the Euros :p
KevinTheShark: As the British, I wholeheartedly support our new Ben
accountmadeforants: Basketball hasn't been the same they figured out that they can stack hoops
Frizzlenill: the proper comeback is, "yeah, and Hydrox invented the sandwich cookie."
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
mtvcdm: So when does it come home?
RandomTrivia: Firmly grasp your ball lrrBEEJ
Heckhoundbolt: fosberry flop of this event
Gaz_L: firmly grasp it
RandomTrivia: Then check it for lumps
LesBeauxPlastiques: awh yiss glurp
Gnomechef: lowest score wins right?
Simonark: In all fairness, Britain’s invention of cricket did reach its final form in Andy Zaltzman. He doesn’t play, he knows how good everyone else is.
TXC2: mtvcdm when we can win a game before the 90th minute :p
HorusFive: the hybrid
brieandbacon: @mtvcdm When we ask the Women's team
mtvcdm: Nice on
TXC2: brieandbacon good point
OVERKiLL!: Triple Lindy?
Leonhart321: Friendship wins
SolarBlitz1: The DPad was how to taunt I believe?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Simonark TRUE, also the Bugle and News Quiz are great
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh man
SymphonySolstice: nooo I missed glurpin time
straight_cheesin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, straight_cheesin! (Today's storm count: 281)
weff47 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months, currently on a 67 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, weff47! (Today's storm count: 282)
Stormgod519: is jackbox on the agenda? i was away when you listed the games
KevinTheShark: I would like to point out that even at the bottom, like the olympics you are still the best in your categories.
TehAmelie: standing up? that's a bold strategy, Cotton
RealGamerCow: oh this madness
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am so excited to see increased weirdness of the Wario Move it
RealGamerCow: love it
Simonark: @thefluffiestguineapig And he’s going to be so wonderfully rubbish on Taskmaster
RandomTrivia: Wario?! Where?!
BusTed: the deep lore
Lysander_salamander: Waaa wio ware
HorusFive: Warios, like Doomguy just not listening to the lore at all
InfinityToPlanck subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months, currently on a 105 month streak!
InfinityToPlanck: Drink More Glurp was a great time as always
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, InfinityToPlanck! (Today's storm count: 283)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Simonark I'm excited to hear him complain about it because I'm in the US and can't get taskmaster for free
BorgarWithAShotgun: Long ago a mysterious duty entrusted mysterious stones to... WARIO WARE!!!!!
TXC2: !quote wario
LRRbot: Quote #6676: "Wah! Nintendo is real!" —Wario [2020-01-06]
butt_ghost: je mapelle warius
spethycakes: it's-a me! wario!
Pywodwagon: but my immersion
Sarah_Serinde: Hey chat if you're enjoying this nonsense, consider giving that subathon counter a boost
PixelArtDragon: Oh no! Light fixtures! The professionality!
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Simonark: @thefluffiestguineapig So am I and you absolutely can, it gets put up on YouTube for free the next day.
pn55: I forget how tall Jordynne is sometimes.
RandomTrivia: I love seeing the occasional light fixture in-shot - it reminds people that a lot of work happens off camera that they never see
TXC2: everyone in LRR is tall it seems
Lysander_salamander: yay lefthands
djalternative: lefties represent
PixelArtDragon: Time to social distance
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Simonark Oh I'm excited now!!!!! Thanks!! I don't have any friends into Taskmaster so I have to try to figure it out myself and I'm getting my RVT certs so the energy is not all there
Lysander_salamander: the blood circle
accountmadeforants: Ashley going "Ashley..." still gives me life
Thefluffiestguineapig: If people need breaks isn't the story mode 2 player?
Frizzlenill: I'm sorry WHAT did that warioware character just yell??? "Come to Christ"????
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: Jordynne???
butt_ghost: JORDYNNE
Thefluffiestguineapig: They ended up doing that during the CTS of this so people could sit the hell down and breathe
BusTed: @Frizzlenill possibly Doctor Crygore
Simonark: @thefluffiestguineapig Just look up the official channel, it has the whole back catalogue for free, legitimately
Stephonee: the best yoga
CAKHost: Oh no Sqauts! D:
CAKHost: Squat? Huh
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Simonark Honestly the BBC is a good institution and the fact they even proposed privatizing it is beyond a travesty
Thefluffiestguineapig: But anyways
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean, they kind of are
joiner2468: Warioware, Move it!!
RealGamerCow: This is red light/green light right?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @joiner2468 There's also a whole CTS episode of it from a while ago and it's great
Lysander_salamander: oh it's like redlight greenlight?
Heckhoundbolt: welcome back to all my homies hate Percious
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, it didn't let you do the minigame
TXC2: using a telescope against medusa seems like a bad idea to me
Ugh_Sunlight: I have questions about this and I feel like I need an adult???
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro
Didero: @Ugh_Sunlight That's WarioWare for ya :p
Lysander_salamander: wow
RandomTrivia: The timing window on "freeze" seems VERY tight
Stratavarius: That one was rough
Barb4rian: That seems impossible lol
bytecaster: Oooh, is this a squid game tie in game :P
Thefluffiestguineapig: This doesn't seem terribly fair
KiaStirling: redlight greenlight hard mode
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KiaStirling Redlight greenlight as designed by Jigsaw
mtvcdm: This is totally fair if you're Medusa
Philocalist: Mommy Medusa but to the tune of Baby Beluga
RandomTrivia: Oh no!
Carlioo: LUL
Stormgod519: lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH NO
Stephonee: So glad Cori was in front of the couch
TXC2: wow this game is some bullshit :P
Thefluffiestguineapig: That is a hell of a core workout
mtvcdm: Oh this is some bullshit
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
Stormgod519: Catch Goalie!
DentedPockets: One way to score a goal, I guess
RandomTrivia: *BOMF*
unrivaledaesthetic: that's totatlly the english va for the evil mothman
DanTheMediocre: yup that's school football all over again
bytecaster: food, not football
Stormgod519: ya hungry ben?
CaptainSpam: Mmm, football.
DanTheMediocre: Pass! Im free! (shoots at goalie, loses)
RandomTrivia: benginChamp
RandomTrivia: Let's GOOO
mtvcdm: Slow but steady
TXC2: come on ben!
RandomTrivia: That was RUDE
Thefluffiestguineapig: If it makes you freeze in squat that's rude
Stormgod519: NICE!
RandomTrivia: benginChamp benginChamp benginChamp
Thefluffiestguineapig: BRO
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Lysander_salamander: yay
pn55: seabatClap
IanAllenBird: hell yeah
mtvcdm: Got there!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Let's go!!!
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN
Barb4rian: lrrGOAT lrrHORN
ylegm: Is that the first time that's been beaten?
Heckhoundbolt: PIZZA
accountmadeforants: Achievable!
DanTheMediocre: I think so
Saintnex: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
NojhLivic: Good Treasure?
baskwalla: Now I want pizza
BorgarWithAShotgun: !badadvice
LRRbot: Be ethically opposed to jumping.
pn55: #ThankJames
RavenOddy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RavenOddy! (Today's storm count: 284)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup, the evil woman who objected to being raped by a god so he dragged her into a virgin goddess's temple and Athena punished her for the temerity of almost being raped and asking for protection
L0rdX33n: Greeks were weird
Heckhoundbolt: I just noticed the knight model holds the sword in which ever hand you arr
Thefluffiestguineapig: Who is what color?
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 596 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to McGreeb!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to ElevunWords!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to tinamian!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to madphoenix2904!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to aRevenant!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to McGreeb, ElevunWords, madphoenix2904, tinamian, and aRevenant! (Today's storm count: 289)
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
MechaNoelle: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR
MechaNoelle: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR
Thefluffiestguineapig: @L0rdX33n Also intensely sexist but I will say them having fallible gods is better than the whole "God never makes mistakes thing"
PawssumFable: I thought Athena had beef with her because she was too pretty or something
Thefluffiestguineapig: @red_shoes_jeff lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: For real are you supposed to just lose the minigame if it makes you freeze during it?
TXC2: PawssumFable that's the kind of shit Hera would punish for
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: This game looks so un fun, it even interrupts the mini games?
Artificer_Evan: which game is this?
Carlioo: @Thefluffiestguineapig no, it freezes the minigame too
micalovits: Catfishing eh?
Heckhoundbolt: this is going well
TehAmelie: "get back in there, tear"
RandomTrivia: Oh there's an audio cue at least, didn't realise that
Khalahd: Not crying during this game seems tough
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeTrainn
TXC2: there's no crying in Wario ware
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PawssumFable No, that's a medieval retelling. The oldest versions are Poseidon wanted to have sex with Medusa, Medusa objected and ran to the temple of Athena for protection, but he caught her and raped her in the temple so Athena got mad at Medusa
Sarah_Serinde: @Thefluffiestguineapig I don't think this is the place to get into those details
PawssumFable: Oh, dang
mtvcdm: Cori getting there
Thefluffiestguineapig: Many medieval retellings made it weird morality tales about the woman being wrong/too pretty/slutty/proud
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Sarah_Serinde Yeah, my bad, sorry
PawssumFable: We are kinda hitting the r word pretty hard
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok, so is it Beej vs Cori now?
TXC2: lot of botty action this game
invalidCards: Yea
Texan_Reverend: Thanks, @Thefluffiestguineapig
PawssumFable: Anyway. Thank you guys for making me aware of the hail melon, that shit was amazing
TXC2: *booty
Piecrust9: LETS GO CORI
Stormgod519: WELL DONE!
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
spethycakes: marshm3Clap
TehAmelie: intense
mtvcdm: Cori!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Um, wait, you built a sentient snowman with your butt?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did I see that game right?
PawssumFable: I'm not into racing, but watching all the camera angles is jaw dropping
RandomTrivia: @Thefluffiestguineapig Don't you? lrrBEEJ
Didero: How else would you build a sentient snowman?
Witchy_Diana: stream category is set to "Drink More Glurp?"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Didero Makes the whole story of Frosty different LUL
TehAmelie: what is that clock?
mtvcdm: Yes. Listen to.... *this* doctor
TXC2: Didero you magic sister makes one?
Pteraspidomorphi: Ooo I love raisins
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Didero: @TXC2 I only have brothers so I had to improvise
Kilo: YOOOO! I love this game!
Kilo: I watched their original vod of it like 5 times 😅😁
PawssumFable: I have raisins...
Thefluffiestguineapig: That doctor's animation is unsettling
PawssumFable: Snack time
beowuuf: cannibal: the musical song now in my head
TehAmelie: i think the clock has 32 marks
Thefluffiestguineapig: Especially the fact his jaw can be a significantly different angle/direction to his head
TXC2: Doctor is oddly Psychonaughts to me
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Actually yeah, big Milkman vibes
PawssumFable: @TXC2 Nah, that's absolutely the vibe
Mr_Horrible: "While opening your mouth, hit" IDK if that's allowed on twitch, game
TehAmelie: guess this is a planet with 64 hour days
Piecrust9: I don't think Jordynne was holding that one the way it wanted
Therberus: BEEJ
fungal_bird: Oh, the Doctor is Canadian
mtvcdm: I love the mini game itself is only worth one compared to all the votes
TheTekkieman: They definitely made this doctor a bit less creepy.
Thefluffiestguineapig: How are you supposed to do that game that fast?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ummmmmmm
Mr_Horrible: teamwork dreamwork etc
TXC2: Squatting and jumping = burpies ?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I do like that some of these games reward teamwork as opposed to Mario Party
Therberus: Wide-STANCE
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Or is it you alternate with your partner?
RandomTrivia: You marched too well!
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig I've never had a partner :P
PawssumFable: :[
BusTed: :V
CaptainSpam: The art direction of "every direction at once"?
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
KinkerbellRose: MATT
Therberus: MATHIEW
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Me neither, apparently I don't manage my hyperfixations well enough for the kind of people who think I would be good to date LUL
Mr_Horrible: I really need a clip of the announcer saying "Big Cheese"
Mr_Horrible: it's just so matter of fact
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CaptainSpam Art direction when asked for clarification: Yes
TehAmelie: Mario Coppola
mtvcdm: Marco
butt_ghost: The Godfather, directed by Francis Marcopolo
Thefluffiestguineapig: That is indeed a very specific notion to get those thumbs up
mtvcdm: Kitty
Mr_Horrible: she's not wrong
Therberus: Ppppp-ick up a penguin
TXC2: Therberus yes!
lochnessseammonster: mark opolo, my favourite hulk
mtvcdm: Wrecked
Mr_Horrible: I think the doc is actively trying to sabotage some of our contestants
Mr_Horrible: they must be an American health care worker
northos: don't ask difficult questions Graham
Mr_Horrible: if we told you we'd have to take you away, Graham
Carlioo: "what the fuck was that" - wario ware in a nutschell
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible I mean, that is just healthcare for people assigned female at birth
PawssumFable: Sigh
Therberus: @TXC2 DiCaprio PointingAtTV.gif
TristalMTG: Come on Graham, you remember Haniwa from Final Fantasy Legend 2.
AugmentingPath: oh, yep, that's a haniwa
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig also very true kanagoDespair
PawssumFable: Ask for help Beej
TristalMTG: whoever wins is whoever is worst at giving everyone else thumbs up
PawssumFable: There are so many gymbros who would LOVE to show you things
Piecrust9: Literally you could fail every minigame but if your friends shake really hard you win
Alex_Frostfire: @TristalMTG Honestly, kinda this.
TristalMTG: I mean, this is whose line rules anyway
jellyfisharecool is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
jellyfisharecool gifted a Tier 1 sub to EsperMagnus!
jellyfisharecool gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dragonas77!
jellyfisharecool gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lushian_Cybasi!
jellyfisharecool gifted a Tier 1 sub to elias2718!
jellyfisharecool gifted a Tier 1 sub to Purplesandpaper1!
jellyfisharecool gifted a Tier 1 sub to shtevie3!
jellyfisharecool gifted a Tier 1 sub to MechaNoelle!
jellyfisharecool gifted a Tier 1 sub to LambMower!
jellyfisharecool gifted a Tier 1 sub to vegadotexe!
jellyfisharecool gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mwiiy!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, jellyfisharecool! Welcome to Dragonas77, Lushian_Cybasi, elias2718, Purplesandpaper1, shtevie3, MechaNoelle, LambMower, vegadotexe, Mwiiy, and EsperMagnus! (Today's storm count: 299)
TXC2: jellyfisharecool welcome
TXC2: jellyfisharecool lrrHEART
Didero: 'For Experts', nothing can go wrong
TXC2: :p
jellyfisharecool: Hi
WitchyWynne subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months, currently on a 110 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WitchyWynne! (Today's storm count: 300)
TXC2: I want it know that I have almost made that mistake EVERY time, only now have
RevolverRossalot: Only the best micro games from Edward Woodward's WiiWare Warehouse!
NonUniqueGuy: Find your hole
northos: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
TXC2: we trained that at Desert bus
RandomTrivia: WAT
Thefluffiestguineapig: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! Don't forget to.
AquariumPrime: Wait this is Drink more Glurp?
Stormgod519: take it back
Pywodwagon: FF7 spoilers
DapperKoala2: Thank you, Ben, for saving us all.
RandomTrivia: Ben saved the world! FBtouchdown
Stormgod519: !advice
LRRbot: When you enter the Meatball Garden, there is no turning back.
jackulhaups is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
jackulhaups gifted a Tier 1 sub to MediaOrca!
jackulhaups gifted a Tier 1 sub to psychoman67!
jackulhaups gifted a Tier 1 sub to Finnyjr92!
jackulhaups gifted a Tier 1 sub to EkajArmstro!
jackulhaups gifted a Tier 1 sub to observerCJ!
jackulhaups gifted a Tier 1 sub to thrashingkangaroo!
jackulhaups gifted a Tier 1 sub to bothzzz!
jackulhaups gifted a Tier 1 sub to DerpSh0t!
jackulhaups gifted a Tier 1 sub to the_abysz!
jackulhaups gifted a Tier 1 sub to usernameisunavailable!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, jackulhaups! Welcome to MediaOrca, psychoman67, Finnyjr92, EkajArmstro, thrashingkangaroo, observerCJ, DerpSh0t, usernameisunavailable, bothzzz, and the_abysz! (Today's storm count: 310)
Sevinon: ok, the Hail Melon was very cool. How did that even come up here again?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Badger Badger Badger
TXC2: jackulhaups lrrHEART
WardsarTheWriter: Alternate ending for Majora's mask.
TehAmelie: slaay
northos: @AquariumPrime this is warioware, stream category didn't get update I guess
RevolverRossalot: Yaad
british_bob subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, british_bob! (Today's storm count: 311)
AquariumPrime: @northos that makes sense, I was very confused
Critterbot: Don't forget to change the category.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I totally read that as "Poop!"
Halinn: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club Tournament at Thu 03:00 PM PDT (2:20 from now).
TXC2: I have no strong feelings one way or the other
SkylerRingtail: Louis!
northos: Olimar and Cooler Olimar
Heckhoundbolt: Louie
eshplode: Olimar and Luigi
trebuchetboy: Alf
CaptainSpam: Olimar and Always Hungry Olimar.
TXC2: wow what a reference
ThorSokar: Fastest Glass Joe possible!
jamesinor: Olimar and Ramilo
50keyz: lrrBEN d
GazzyInferno: men's romance
KV1NN4: Double Man
gnyrinn: A man's romance
LPS_97: if I remember, for that pose you only need to move the wrists, not the whole arm
KV1NN4: 's Romance
Chelsea12492 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
Chelsea12492 gifted a Tier 1 sub to HummelTechnologies!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Chelsea12492! Welcome to HummelTechnologies! (Today's storm count: 312)
KV1NN4: waht!
invickthus: this is a total riot.
JinaMahavira: You didn't tech the throw
PawssumFable: what
Lushian_Cybasi: @jellyfisharecool Thanks for the gift sub!
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Didero: It's WarioWare, it's always tilting Kappa
haberley: evening everyone :)
Laserbeaks_Fury: Lore Accurate Shinespark Difficulty
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TXC2: Defult the two sweetest words
RevolverRossalot: Luigi wins by doing nothing!
Catcard: aptly named game mode
Mr_Horrible: "Who's to blame?"
Mr_Horrible: tfw you see "Earhole" and "Nostril" teams and can't honestly tell if WarioWare or the players came up with them
RandomTrivia: The sync!
ImmortalLen: it's gman
Mr_Horrible: the kaiju don't stand a chance
AquariumPrime: clearly it was Ian
Alex_Frostfire: (Joycon) Drift compatible!
Seth_Erickson: pilot the yaegerr Coham
TheAinMAP: HahaSnowhal
insanecat6mtg: Hello everyone!
incslayer: Lorna?
Mr_Horrible: think of all the happy bees
TXC2: hello insanecat6mtg welcome
Mr_Horrible: MrDestructoid uuugh MrDestructoid
breadisbest1 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
breadisbest1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SuddenlyARabbit!
breadisbest1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bublikan1!
breadisbest1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Protond!
breadisbest1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SydSavage!
breadisbest1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to hippitybobbity!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, breadisbest1! Welcome to SuddenlyARabbit, Protond, Bublikan1, hippitybobbity, and SydSavage! (Today's storm count: 317)
TXC2: breadisbest1 lrrHEART
A_Dub888: guess we know who even lifts
Mr_Horrible: Mega Man 5 lookin ass boss
Mr_Horrible: "Lovestruck" "Destroy!"
Mr_Horrible: cormorant minigame?
heartofgoldfish: that's that thing Graham went to on the vlog!
TXC2: Squats are good for your poops though
A_Dub888: crammorant fishing?
ttandmore: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
AquariumPrime: did they play smash bro's?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Squats are good for many things but it doesn't mean they are fun to do
TXC2: AquariumPrime no
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
WingsOfTheLost subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WingsOfTheLost! (Today's storm count: 318)
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is some Blue man group style dancing
RandomTrivia: Well, it's Rhythm Tuesday somewhere
Astramentha: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
TXC2: funky
flam_hur: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Thefluffiestguineapig: This has accuracy ratings?
N2Osferatu: Real going to the---yea that Graham
Mr_Horrible: so-called free thinkers when the calisthenics class starts Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also is your head on fire based on how well you're doing
geckoinasuit: big store energy
Thefluffiestguineapig: Honestly this whole minigame has big Going to the Store energy
DanTheMediocre: this game just really feels like that weird squid game animation for some reason
flam_hur: shambu3Rollin
Thefluffiestguineapig: If you want to fight Heather for that Ben, go for it
BusTed: LUL
RandomTrivia: Bahahahaha
MehallD: ahahah
TallynNyntyg: XD
Mr_Horrible: owned owned owned owned
invickthus: absolutely brutal
RevolverRossalot: Hoo bis!
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
CAKHost: Going to the store! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRZ2Sh5-XuM
L0rdX33n: that’s some bs
Heckhoundbolt: rude
QuixoticScrivener: it's the bull game all over again
MehallD: get fucking shreked
Bearudite: got hit by the bull
spookittyAsh subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, spookittyAsh! (Today's storm count: 319)
RevolverRossalot: lrrFINE
bubba0077: this is why roll-and-move is frowned upon
slickslickman: i like how Nintendo made a board game with more BS than mario party
heartofgoldfish: Wait a second, this is just Ring Fit!
invickthus: damn y'all, crushing it.
BusTed: Such vigor
JoeKim: it was the spin move
JoeKim: clearly
RevolverRossalot: 😐
TXC2: we going to space!
spookittyAsh is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
spookittyAsh gifted a Tier 1 sub to CounterOfBeans!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, spookittyAsh! Welcome to CounterOfBeans! (Today's storm count: 320)
AquariumPrime: oh did they have a pizza party already!?!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben's homeplanet needs him, so he launched himself
northos: OUR points
AquariumPrime: as in did they hit that already?
RandomTrivia: Are there any good squares at all?!
Heckhoundbolt: WOW
TXC2: Wario party BS
maxthefourth: ooooood
Twilight_Spark: I don't steal your points, I share our points comrade.
mtvcdm: This game is merciless
Mr_Horrible: have you tried landing a *good* space, Ben? OpieOP
Texan_Reverend: Those aren't YOUR points, they're OUR points.
CAKHost: I'm pretty sure the Pizza party was a stretch goal?
A_Dub888: benginButt benginButt benginButt benginButt benginButt
TXC2: I love it lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
RandomTrivia: benginButt
Texan_Reverend: You can say exactly that, Beej.
TallynNyntyg: "I'm good with my ass, what can I say?" - Beej, 2024
the_phantom_game_player: lrrWOW
RandomTrivia: Careful not to fall... *behind* lrrBEEJ
heartofgoldfish: Drag Butt On Carpet simulator
JoeKim: graham is the squat king apparently
TallynNyntyg: "I can drop it low." -Graham, 2024
TXC2: Graham can drop it low
darkcyril: Pooping a toilet in the wilderness.
PawssumFable: @JoeKim He can do three whole squats! LUL
KeytarCat: The squat pose is rude
QuixoticScrivener: you ass is the rubber titty
RandomTrivia: Put it all on green, Beej!
zerragonoss: They are in pizzagatory
Alex_Frostfire: Just Mario Party.
Simriel: what we playing now
mtvcdm: Do you even want to win at this point?
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: Are these nose hairs???
SnackPak_: lrrFRUMP
DapperKoala2: You know what happens when you assume the form...
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mtvcdm If it involves doing more of this game? No
Thefluffiestguineapig: Plucking nose hair is something I opt out of doing in real life
50keyz: YOOOOO
KV1NN4: ewwwwww
Thefluffiestguineapig: By a hair Kappa
50keyz: MLG - the G stands for Graham
Creature_Comforts: Graham by a hair lrrBEEJ
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH
Reach: Wario Ware: Move It.
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's the tech
A_Dub888: we knew that already lrrBEEJ
PhoenixMelior: Go Cori go!
Simonark: Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
Alex_Frostfire: What is this indoor minigolf looking level?
Thefluffiestguineapig: hit one of the new squares that isn't a negative to hit another square where you don't need to suffer the consequences
JoeKim: the big jump from cori
JoeKim: good win
RandomTrivia: Cori with the long glide
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cori with her normal strats
Thefluffiestguineapig: Aka power in PvP
TXC2: it's better then Pandas at least Kappa
Pywodwagon: Humans destroyed all of their complicated obstacle courses and they could no longer find mates
JoeKim: i'm learning that cori is good at stabbing
Texan_Reverend: Cori is quite the professional stabist.
jumping_point subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
jumping_point: Do you have a minute...?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jumping_point! (Today's storm count: 321)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @JoeKim She's friends with Heather, and Heather obviously teaches all their friends
TXC2: yeap, Beware the Cori
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
Twilight_Spark: The bull comes for us all.
RandomTrivia: This game is RUDE
slickslickman: never pizza
Pywodwagon: I can hear the bull music
TXC2: Good Grief
L0rdX33n: “get fucked” the boardgame
mtvcdm: You have a microwave in the friend zone you're fine
6 raiders from AdzyandJaneComics have joined!
sithenin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sithenin! (Today's storm count: 322)
RevolverRossalot: Bullet heaven?
beowuuf: sergeHi
TheAinMAP: jlrrFall
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mtvcdm But that's only if others leave them some pizza
mtvcdm: Or the kitchen rather
AdzyandJaneComics: @mtvcdm You need it to play any of the magic Un- sets
KV1NN4: Mor elike a Bullet Heck?
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Cheer1000
TXC2: !holes
LRRbot: Water go down the hoooooollllle.
FickleMuse: Howdy chat
TXC2: hello FickleMuse welcome
Thefluffiestguineapig: Full on Bullet lrrEFF
Genasi_Gaming: i think those are persimmons
RoeDent89: Weebles wobble but they don't fall down
BusTed: glow up
flapjacksofwar is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 75 in the channel!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to DetectiveKeywi!
NekomimiNinja: Cute!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to AdamDivine!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to infinity_225!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to Penguino_Rojo!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to Devilturtl3!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, flapjacksofwar! Welcome to DetectiveKeywi, infinity_225, Penguino_Rojo, Devilturtl3, and AdamDivine! (Today's storm count: 327)
bagfullofbees: WOAH
airylan: more of those strange apples. I'm sure it's nothing.
TXC2: flapjacksofwar lrrHEART
djmikeysaxx: damn he hot
mtvcdm: Not back to start!
Thefluffiestguineapig: HOW
jumping_point: Nice gifts!
enbyKriss: a good looking scalie duggerSmug
Thefluffiestguineapig: This game goes on forever
enbyKriss: also, this board is meeean
flapjacksofwar: I am currently full of pizza so I feel the pain Ben must be going through
RevolverRossalot: Extremely Jackbox writing phase background music
GazzyInferno: some sort of spin
GazzyInferno: maybe a schwarma
Texan_Reverend: I wouldn't know, Matt, but I have to guess yes.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok
NekomimiNinja: bahah
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh this is good
RandomTrivia: What the what was that?!
northos: lol the commentators
TallynNyntyg: Nice job, Graham.
TXC2: and away he goes!
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's like the quickdraw game on the Let's go switch games
Seth_Erickson: easy 4 from ben
AquariumPrime: Graham with the dad reflexes
RevolverRossalot: *Record scratch* yeah that's me. You might wonder why I haven't moved yet...
RoeDent89: WOW
RoeDent89: F
jumping_point: Oooof.
Thefluffiestguineapig: With the harder version where it says all kinds of words like file and fork before fire
Heckhoundbolt: fuck off
flapjacksofwar: Poor Ben
nappitatti: this is game is some real BS
mtvcdm: This board is brutal
TXC2: this board is all negative squares
maxthefourth: yay, communism
dumbo3k: at least Ben got to keep 5 points xD
Tiber727: A strange game - the only winning move is not to play.
Thefluffiestguineapig: This game is a bovine with diarrhea levels of BS
accountmadeforants: This project is what they used to distract all the Mario Party devs
spicemelonge: It's been a while what exactly are the subathon rules again. How much to keep going?
QuixoticScrivener: trans rights!
mtvcdm: The winner is whoever releases everyone to pizza
AquariumPrime: ben has had one to many curry nights I see
Texan_Reverend: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
BusTed: our space, comrade
IanAllenBird: well
Heckhoundbolt: this game is the worst
Mr_Horrible: it keeps happening
RandomTrivia: Thus rendering the entire dice rolling process meaningless!
public_key_reveal_party: Ben is a team player
mtvcdm: That works
Tangsm: Now that's a square that needs to be in Mario Party.
mtvcdm: Faster pizza
KeytarCat: But group hug is supposed to put YOU ahead!
RoeDent89: t h r u s t
TXC2: parry parry parry THRUST!
flapjacksofwar: Cheer1000
TallynNyntyg: @KeytarCat Group Hug but Politics but Strictly Worse.
jumping_point: Btw. who found this game? This is such a fever dream. xD
mwlsn: TXC2 GOOD!
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
Tom: A true comrade
BusTed: deuces
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
flapjacksofwar: Yay
invalidCards: Pizza time
Mr_Horrible: just standing *on* the launch pad
TXC2: the Hero Cori has ended our ordeal
makeshiftreaper: @jumping_point Warioware is a pretty popular franchise with multiple switch titles
RoeDent89: Where's Wario?
TallynNyntyg: Every Warioware is a fever dream.
flapjacksofwar: Through Cori, Ben gets snacks
jumping_point: Wait, THAT is Warioware?
chorinas: break time for pizza!
human_pirate: Wario is always a fever dream
ShaneLeeAtk: Mukbang!
eshplode: WarioWare has such amazing style
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
marmalade_pen: uh oh snackies
AquariumPrime: pizza party!
samwiser_: Did... did I miss smash bros?
RandomTrivia: Mukbang time
BeccaTingles: That was glorious
Genasi_Gaming: who likes giraffes?
TallynNyntyg: Actually every Wario game since WL2 is a fever dream.
DeM0nFiRe: Wait I dont have any pizza :'(
TXC2: samwiser_ nope
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
RandomTrivia: Damn, the break means they don't have to share the pizza with us!
KaleidoscopeMind: now i want pizza
N2Osferatu: Now we get blurry pizza
Austere_Squire: graham holding that pizza menacingly
samwiser_: Thanks @txc2 !
TXC2: we have played Glurp and Warrio ware
flapjacksofwar: Now to go feed the cats while the gang is on break
FickleMuse: Mmmm blurry pizza
hesterbyrde: jordynne's dress is so cute
jumping_point: @TallynNyntyg I'm glad to hear that... somehow. xD
mtvcdm: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club Tournament at Thu 03:00 PM PDT (1:43 from now).
RandomTrivia: I love how joyous this track is
RandomTrivia: It's so much fun
TehAmelie: i just went and got a thing of chicken, sad i missed some stream, but on the other hand i guess i can eat along
KiaStirling: pizza!!!
Piecrust9: Hi there
UrielAngelSpy: Joining just I time for Pizza Break. Are there more party games coming up, or straight to the tournament?
jumping_point: Btw. Hi chat! ^^ Hope you fabulous people are all doing well!
TallynNyntyg: @jumping_point Every "powerup" is just a transformation based on getting attacked by an enemy.
brieandbacon: Matt, stop teasing me in public
KiaStirling: thanks for the blurry close-up matt
AquariumPrime: was that a close up matt eating
FarleyF: can you please feed us some pizza, we have been ever so good
Wiliart: I ate my pizza as an evening snack yesterday, so can't join in the pizza galore now. :(
BusTed: onstaBIT
Catcard: nom nom
Therberus: Thank you Jords
RoeDent89: Pizza
FoxBehindTheTree: nom
MehallD: Thank you Jordynne
NekomimiNinja: *nom*
invalidCards: Thanks Jordynne!
XizorArgus: nom nom nom
MehallD: but I am on a diet
UrielAngelSpy: Thank you, Jordynne!
Piecrust9: Thank you for the pizza Jordynne!!
samwiser_: *nom nom*
FarleyF: thank you jordynne
KilrenKrae: im eating jimmy johns
mjiig: Huh, I'd assumed this blur was digital, is the camera focus just really short?
GameSageZB: oh no I have grease in my eye
jumping_point: @TallynNyntyg I've never played Warioware and up until now have never seen it played on stream.
invalidCards: I'm eating a banana
momalyd: why wont they let us Muk our Bang???
Lord_Hosk: awww, who ate my pizza? Jordynne was trying to share but then it was gone! someone in chat stole my bite!
offbeatwitch: i also have pizza
Lex_Peacekeeper: I want pizza T_T
RoeDent89: I have an ice cream cone
XizorArgus: no pizza here, but I do have an iced tea
KeytarCat: i have oatmeal...
Philocalist: Mmmmm, blurry 'za
ExachixKitsune: @Lord_Hosk *nomph* thowwy
invalidCards: If you're reading this, wave to the camera! :D
northos: @invalidCards you can't see it but I waved :p
TehAmelie: i have a chicken leg more than i need, if anyone's willing to settle for that and no pizza
FarleyF: instructions unclear, waves
invalidCards: Greatly appreciated :D
XizorArgus: dog!
RandomTrivia: JUNIPER! benginLove
Piecrust9: BABY
Mazrae: Doggo
BusTed: ty for juniper
SnackPak_: Juniper!
NekomimiNinja: FrankerZ
jumping_point: Well, there are 1249 possible culprit here in chat, Lord Hosk. Good luck. xD
invalidCards: Pubby
RoeDent89: Dog
djmikeysaxx: puppy!!
HubbeKing: hpbraiNRIZZO
Sarah_Serinde: Excellent thank you Matt
pyronils80: Hello and good evening! Greetings from good old Germany! :) :) :)
Aitsu111: Dooooogggg
brieandbacon: Good doggo
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Juniper!!!
WardsarTheWriter: Boop!
beowuuf: lrrSPOT lrrBartleby
L0rdX33n: alannamSway
Bassios: Boop! That! Snoot!
thegentlepus: Dooog
James_the_Dabbler: JUNIPER
UrielAngelSpy: Doggo!!!
Sudobyte gifted a Tier 1 sub to koalkass! They have given 4 Gift Subs in the channel!
mtvcdm: Doggo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, koalkass! (Today's storm count: 328)
Twilight_Spark: ZreknarF
KeytarCat: They let us boop the snoot!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Juniper!!!
XizorArgus: the snoot boop'd us
Thefluffiestguineapig: I love greyhounds
mtvcdm: ! subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Sudobyte gifted a Tier 1 sub to Buttpizza! They have given 5 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Buttpizza! (Today's storm count: 329)
BigDaddyBland87: Switch noises
RandomTrivia: Switch sounds onstream :D
WardsarTheWriter: Switch boops :o
TXC2: beep boop
offbeatwitch: click
alchemistsavant: The Switch is not beholden to the break rules, it seems.
BadRoxie: drmagnify thanks for the sub earlier today!
jumping_point: @pyronils80 Greetings from Germany to Germany, then. ^^ *waves*
kusinohki: My ear holes weren't braced!
Hansk_and_Boo: Bon appetizza!!💖
cmdrud87: let's see, 16 more hours, that's like... 2.30 om tomorrow for me
invalidCards: 16 more hours *for now*
flapjacksofwar: Im eating these Nutella Biscuits i found and they are real yummy
brieandbacon: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here: https://biggiantcircles.bandcamp.com/music
northos: if my math is correct, we're very close to starting to unlock tomorrow's morning show with James
AquariumPrime: morning show with james!
invalidCards: Not at the FNPF tomorrow sadly, I've got my own draft to attend to
Snowcookies: oh MoC time
flapjacksofwar: Lets add 10 minutes to the clock
Sarah_Serinde: Tomorrow morning we get Kathleen and Jacob too
KevinTheShark: Do you reckon they bad-mouth us while they're on these breaks while we can't hear them?
flapjacksofwar is gifting 5 Tier 2 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 80 in the channel!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 2 sub to Daelo42!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 2 sub to papakunja!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 2 sub to kalkenmar!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 2 sub to human_pirate!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 2 sub to Papperslappen!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, flapjacksofwar! Welcome to kalkenmar, human_pirate, Daelo42, Papperslappen, and papakunja! (Today's storm count: 334)
TXC2: flapjacksofwar lrrHEART
KilrenKrae is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 13 in the channel!
KilrenKrae gifted a Tier 1 sub to eddy_thegr8!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, KilrenKrae! Welcome to eddy_thegr8! (Today's storm count: 335)
jumping_point: Awww, flapjacksofwar lrrSHINE
flapjacksofwar: <3
BeccaTingles: I am so glad I finally got to catch some of this event, this evening has been so fun
BeccaTingles: My evening, I have no idea what time it is in Canada!
CAKHost: Oh they has pizza! Yay!
flapjacksofwar: I missed so much of the event cus of work and the need to sleep ;-;
TXC2: glad to have you here BeccaTingles
TXC2: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 1:24 PM
BeccaTingles: Handy :D
Boomy Toadsmasher: so in my head just now popped the idea of the most cursed cross-over ip, Wario Ware: Bop it!
RoeDent89: 9:24pm here
enbyKriss: Pavlovian response to this music, immediately look over expecting minecraft hawkaGiggle
TXC2: would you believe the problem of time zones has come up before? :p
EternalRoxas: time zones causing issues? never
ClodiumSoride: @enbyKriss and Serge!
leondebowa is paying forward the Gift they got from jarnatan to the community!
leondebowa is gifting 5 Tier 3 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to apologiestomyeditor!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to ASC_ii!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to dfranzz!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to MillerDark!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to RealOGLobster!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, leondebowa! Welcome to apologiestomyeditor, ASC_ii, RealOGLobster, MillerDark, and dfranzz! (Today's storm count: 340)
flapjacksofwar: Time is an illusion
TXC2: enbyKriss I had to fight myself to not proc the !uno command :p
ExachixKitsune: sergeHolyMoly
TXC2: leondebowa lrrHEART
invalidCards: holy damn!
jumping_point: Nice gifts, leondebowa lrrSHINE
enbyKriss: @ClodiumSoride Yes sergePrideLove
offbeatwitch: :o
CAKHost: Yeah going to the store is still pretty wild
flapjacksofwar: Good job! :D
JadedCynic: lrrAWESOME
malfnord: Damn skippy, breaking out the upper tier subs
TXC2: oh snap tier 3 subs
OVERKiLL!: 🍕Yay Pizza Time! Way to go team🍕
AquariumPrime: So when are we hearing about the tarp budget, and has it increased?
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RoeDent89: wb
TXC2: and we're back
invalidCards: How was the pizza out of 10? :D
HorusFive: aaaaaaaaa
XizorArgus: wb!
BusTed: tqsLurk
JadedCynic: w/b - I just got back myself :)
momalyd: I smell pizza
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey! How was pizza?
Sarah_Serinde: Good work team
enbyKriss: @TXC2 haha, excellent hawkaGiggle
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART
drawnbinary: nice
CAKHost: Jump LRR-care!
littleunknownn: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ztghostie: Dodged Kappa
spethycakes: lrrSHINE
Texan_Reverend: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
LadyLockwood92: Lovely dress, Jordynne~
TXC2: bad improv there Kappa
3schr: lrrAWW lrrSPOOP
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
MarkovDescendant: OMG The Bloomburrow commander deck reveals were amazing. So cool seeing the new art on Farseek, Explore, etc. Hands down best set of the year.
RoeDent89: 600k bits hype
BusTed: gotta diddle the numbers
CAKHost: Sub-a-Thon: Put Pizza in Beej's Mouth
cheetoJack subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
cheetoJack: Wow that's close to a fun number
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cheetoJack! (Today's storm count: 341)
sparrowhawksilver subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months!
sparrowhawksilver: kinda lucky that my prime expired today
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sparrowhawksilver! (Today's storm count: 342)
invalidCards: If you're watching this on YouTube, hi YouTube!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Da bits
3schr: @MarkovDescendant I haven't looked yet. Is there a Furzerker of some kind?
e_bloc: last stream started at 17 hrs, now at 16:38 for a net of 22 minutes lots
Patorik: So no outdoor segments?
Thefluffiestguineapig: We're trying our best
arbenilb subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, arbenilb! (Today's storm count: 343)
34 raiders from unarmedoracle have joined!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to enbyKriss!
3schr: @Patorik In the Canadian summer?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, enbyKriss! (Today's storm count: 344)
BadRoxie: outdoor? in July??
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welcome raiders!
MarkovDescendant: @3schr Eldraine Garruk as a bear but not really.
Sarah_Serinde: Hey Cameron, welcome raiders!
jumping_point: Oh hey raiders!
ClodiumSoride: welcome Cameron raiders!
Aitsu111: Hi Cam
ExachixKitsune: geminitayRaiding geminitayRaiding pearlieRaid pearlieRaid Welcome unarmedoracle Raiders! sergeWelcome sergeFriend
hotgreenflames subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
hotgreenflames: Woot Woooot!
baltimore_667083: hello raiders!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hotgreenflames! (Today's storm count: 345)
CAKHost: Cameron Raid! Hi raiders!
TXC2: hello riaders
vinewood_og: Wooo
Sarah_Serinde: I believe at least some of those subs were tier 2 as well
patrick_stonecrusher: Ian's gonna throw the pork belly into the sea
unarmedoracle: we prefer The Cammune
RoeDent89: Oof
enbyKriss: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub! hawkaLove lrrHEART
flapjacksofwar: Part of me wants to see the sub continue to the end, another wants them to have a good nap before the PPR
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cammune is very good
jumping_point: Good evening Cameron and raiders!
Pink_Haired_Viking subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Pink_Haired_Viking! (Today's storm count: 346)
HorusFive: Unarmored Oraculars
CAKHost: Cammune Ooo
vinewood_og: Unarmed Acolytes?
Piecrust9: Camelot?
GirlPainting: we are an anarchistic, syndicalistic commune
RoeDent89: Let's go racing!
Camthelion: Mario Cario
CAKHost: Marby?
samwiser_: Ooooo which one? My kids and I have been completing all of 8
HorusFive: One is the Go button. You don't even need the other button don't worry about it
patrick_stonecrusher: Technically there's a brake, but.....
flapjacksofwar: Ablative Acolytes
Therberus: one is the mario button, the other one is the kart button
baltimore_667083: Lonk!
BadRoxie: I’ve only played on the Wii with the steering wheel accessory and I love embarrassing myself at parties with that information
ExachixKitsune: Some of these aren't marios
Thefluffiestguineapig: Who the hell is Ludwig?
samwiser_: If you want to drift into blue you need to turn off course correction
mtvcdm: I believe Graham has said if we don't hit cap Ian will toss his slow cooked thing into the sea (he will not actually do this)
DeM0nFiRe: Cheer5000
haberley: @Thefluffiestguineapig bowser's kid
N2Osferatu: Put Waluigig in Mario Kart, you cow- oh. Nevermind.
slickslickman: true, theres a few missing characters, which means theres like 50 missing levels
TXC2: DeM0nFiRe lrrHEART
invalidCards: Cheer3008 I had 8 bits left over and I'm willing to buy another 3000 for the cause!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @haberley Isn't Bowser Jr the kid? Or is it just alternate Bowser Jr's
bjergmann101: Is this the one with an actual Mercedes?
GirlPainting: 40k chaos bike ^^
N2Osferatu: brrrrrrr ciao!
Seabats: if you use the standard bike ur a cop
Thefluffiestguineapig: Master cycle is very good
haberley: @Thefluffiestguineapig in super mario world, he has 8 kids
Heckhoundbolt: sadly, they lack the Mercedes
samwiser_: If your cart has a little radio antenna sticking out the back you will be glued to the course and can't get into the third drift teir... if that matters
TXC2: and just like that we're back over 17 hours
Ormmannen: @Thefluffiestguineapig In current lore he only have one.
BigDaddyBland87: it is...I have deluxe and absolutely have the Mercedes
RoeDent89: What did you call me?
Mr_Horrible: "Don't you want these sumptuous new tracks, Ben?"
baltimore_667083: @BigDaddyBland87 so do i
ckupf: @TXC2 and just like that we're back under 18 hours
KiaStirling: Corgo100 Corgo100 Corgo100 Corgo100
ckupf: 17*
baltimore_667083: honestly im surprised theyve never done anything with toyota
flapjacksofwar: Nintendo needs your GP
Zaneysed: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club Tournament at Thu 03:00 PM PDT (1:27 from now).
ylegm: autosteering is the worst
TXC2: malfnord unless the police
OmnipotentTrevor: I've always preferred Crash Team Racing to Mario Kart.
mtvcdm: Have you spent more money yet? Consider spending more money!
bjergmann101: @BigDaddyBland87 Still weirds me out that they sponsor this
jumping_point: @OmnipotentTrevor based. xD
KV1NN4 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
KV1NN4 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Spar7aNWolf!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, KV1NN4! Welcome to Spar7aNWolf! (Today's storm count: 347)
atinyspacemarine: Have we gotten enough gift subs that the whole chat is now subbed?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Assist? Or motion contols? For the antenae
TheNerdWonder: this is NOT warioware
TXC2: OmnipotentTrevor yes!
haberley: @atinyspacemarine not everyone :(
Strebenherz: OH heck yeah. are we just now starting mario karting?
RealGamerCow: Rosalina shot from 11th to 2nd real fast
jumping_point: KV1NN4 lrrSHINE ! Nice gift!
TXC2: I may have to send my Copy of Crash team racing to LRR to get them to play it
TehAmelie is gifting 3 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 8 in the channel!
TehAmelie gifted a Tier 1 sub to jareel99!
TehAmelie gifted a Tier 1 sub to amospiritus!
TehAmelie gifted a Tier 1 sub to rin_the_kat!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, TehAmelie! Welcome to amospiritus, jareel99, and rin_the_kat! (Today's storm count: 350)
TXC2: TehAmelie lrrHEART
Grumpingtoon: Everyone can individually toggle driver assist, auto throttle (always presses A so you only have to brake), and tilt steering. You can do it in the cart select or just in the pause menu during a race
TehAmelie: oh right, i got money today
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 YES, oh that game is goated
jumping_point: Nice, TehAmelie! lrrSHINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: !greedorhubris
saucemaster5000: @TehAmelie This is a stick-up
TehAmelie: you're not scaring me copper
Grumpingtoon: Driver assist=bumper bowling, it doesn’t let you go off the track but slows you down a little bit when it bumps you back onto the track
TehAmelie: wait
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to haberley! They have given 41 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, haberley! (Today's storm count: 351)
saucemaster5000: @TehAmelie no, that tracks
atinyspacemarine: We'll get there
haberley: thank you!!
RoeDent89: Release
L0rdX33n: still is
KV1NN4: @jumping_point I was hoping to gift the sub to a friend but apparently it'll pick randomly if you do it ...wrong?
Piecrust9: Weight is both, isn't it?
YeomanAres: It's both
BorealMage: Definitely recommend turning assist off if you're already familiar with the game, as it can be actively detrimental.
L0rdX33n: Driver sets weight category
Zaneysed: Character still also determines speed
Carlioo: it's body type and kart type
ExachixKitsune: consistency
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Durugai: once in the bumble, always in the bumbler
RealGamerCow: sometimes you get the Luigi stink-face
cobthegreat: There are still 3 character weight classes but vehicle does matter
A_Dub888: Graham “Mid” Stark
ExachixKitsune: clip it, as an offering to Jordynne
jumping_point: @KV1NN4 I've not tried it yet.
Grumpingtoon: Everyone but top left has driver assist on
brieandbacon: My sub only sits one, you'll have to wait
mtvcdm: Jordynne says watch the highlight reels
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeSteer guyjudgeSteer
TXC2: I'm gonna have so much fun sunday morning going through all the clips for this :p
KeytarCat: The and of 2
RoeDent89: Get a load of the digital font
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club Tournament at Thu 03:00 PM PDT (1:24 from now).
Sueliven is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 4 in the channel!
Sueliven gifted a Tier 1 sub to Aenllan!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Sueliven! Welcome to Aenllan! (Today's storm count: 352)
TXC2: and then do the clips for the PPR on Monday :p
voren_chalco: Ah ah ah!
RevolverRossalot: If you want, you can turn off the various assists on the pause menu
KV1NN4: Hey chat: is there any way to Gift a Sub to a Specific User or is it Always Randomly Selected?
RoeDent89: Then 69
flapjacksofwar: @LRRbot Yes, fun is the word :P
Anubis169: Wheeeeeeee !
Myrniss: we almost got numberwang :(
offbeatwitch: graham very efficently disposed of that red shell
keroan0: Get in on like Papa John!
zeraxilim is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
zeraxilim gifted a Tier 1 sub to jaqalyte!
zeraxilim gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hellishdream!
zeraxilim gifted a Tier 1 sub to marmanhs!
zeraxilim gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ktolos!
zeraxilim gifted a Tier 1 sub to bagfullofbees!
zeraxilim gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rhast0r!
zeraxilim gifted a Tier 1 sub to tyrew0rm!
zeraxilim gifted a Tier 1 sub to Phosfur!
zeraxilim gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pivse!
zeraxilim gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mewr11!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, zeraxilim! Welcome to Hellishdream, marmanhs, Ktolos, bagfullofbees, Rhast0r, tyrew0rm, Phosfur, jaqalyte, Mewr11, and Pivse! (Today's storm count: 362)
saucemaster5000: Who pays for these racetracks?
Anubis169: @kv1nn4 yes, you click their username
TXC2: zeraxilim lrrHEART
TehAmelie: this track is so bendly, almost F-Zero levels
jumping_point: @Myrniss "Here's a little lesson in trickery..."
RandomTrivia: sergeGift sergeGift
enbyKriss: @KV1NN4 If you open the sub panel, the gift specific viewer should be there, did it not accept the username of your friend? raysT
KV1NN4: @Anubis169 Oh they have to be actively watching?
jumping_point: Nice gifts zeraxilim lrrSHINE
VelvetOtter: @KV1NN4 If you click on the particular users name in chat, there is a button in the bottom left "Gift a Sub" that will allow you to gift that particular person
ExachixKitsune: @KV1NN4 : click a user, and then "gift a sub" or, in the "gift" popup, you can "gift a specific viewer"
SquareDotCube: So when do we kart around Vancouver?
RandomTrivia: Good effort, Graham
mtvcdm: My question is who pays for these racetracks to be used maybe twice.
ArchRequiemD: This is the first Mario Kart I did not play
N2Osferatu: Pirhana plant straight pipe-maxing
TimIAm: I got out of that meeting just in time to hear Chappell Graham
theyasaurusrex: hello hello
FickleMuse: Mmmm
saucemaster5000: the mushroom kingdom royalty must be wildly corrupt
Anubis169: or... if they're not here, use the above method
KV1NN4: @enbyKriss He's still at work so not watching, I guess that was my first mistake
TehAmelie: you know the story how "Mmm mmm mmm mmm" was practically banned from radio just cause no one wanted to pronounce it
Strebenherz: Who's wrecking it as Lemmy?
TXC2: mtvcdm taxes, it's all a real estate scam Kappa
Grumpingtoon: I think Ben?
RayFK: Beej never did bio in school, unpissable
Lex_Peacekeeper: who needs sleep?
KV1NN4: Thanks Chat, if I manage to make more money int he next 16 hours I'll try to Gift my Friend specifically
haberley: wait, you don't do all three in Canada?
TXC2: I had to do double science
saucemaster5000: physics was secretly just another calculus class, they tricked me!
enbyKriss: @KV1NN4 Then just click "Gift a sub" and select "gift to specific viewer" and enter his username, that will gift it to him only raysY
Anubis169: we did all 3 :/
RealGamerCow: I took all 3, twice!
ExachixKitsune: My school was a science-specific school, so I did all 3
TimIAm: Matt do you mean geology
Thefluffiestguineapig: As someone in the US I had to do bio, chem and some physics then I got to choose my specific AP classes
TimIAm: I hoe
Saintnex: In AB when I was in highschool, we had either Chem, Physics and Bio or general sci
KV1NN4: @enbyKriss I didn't see that option, jsut 'pay price' or 'open full checkout'
TimIAm: *hope
SquareDotCube: I did Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Anatomy & Physiology
Ladyrhea: We had to do Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
saucemaster5000: cowards for not offering scatology
RoeDent89: Geography is about the big rock
ExachixKitsune: They should be stopped
twinnAJ: geography is actually close to earth sciences at higher levels, its about landforms not locations lol
RoeDent89: The one we're standing on
KaleidoscopeMind: loam and rome
Grumpingtoon: Basically just plate tectonics
offbeatwitch: SANDY LOAM: who is she?
spiffinn: actual geography (not capitals) is pretty close to earth science
YeomanAres: I took "rocks for jocks" in college the basic geology course
TehAmelie: we had a combined geology-geography class for a week
TXC2: Dorset! Kappa
terribleplan: At my school you had an overview course then you chose one. You could do 2 IF you managed to knock out enough electives in previous years.
shurtal: Seduction field is a Biology thing
TurnedToFrog: Took all three, still had OAC then too just to date myself for all the Ontarians.
KV1NN4: @enbyKriss I guess I'll explore more next time but I'm ina hurry to get back to cleaning so the kitchen can be used to make dinner again
the_lone_bard: Lol, that's nothing Graham. In my high school we just had "Science."
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
haberley: it's near the rock cleavage
HorusFive: Oh no! the Techtonic plate is hot
samwiser_: Ben is just sniping peeps with those green shells.
alchemistsavant: It's where you get your rocks off, apparently.
enbyKriss: @enbyKriss Let me know if you're watching in a nordic language and I can help, I'm Swedish fluent
RoeDent89: Tectonic pilates
excalgold: we call that the Gorge here in Oregon, it's a very pretty place to drive
SquareDotCube: seduction field, aka "hot zones in your area"
voren_chalco: Look, Graham. Geologists have to get their rocks off somehow.
PhoenixMelior: Fwiw beej, i went through alberta high school in 2009 and we had the three sciences, we could take 1-3 of them
RealGamerCow: There is a lot of memorization. That's why I sucked at it
Saintnex: Now if you really want to get complicated, the way they did math in highschool for me was REAL dumb
UrielAngelSpy: We had "geography" but it focused more on geology and physical properties. I remember because we had a substitute teach Yell at us for mispronouncing humus
RandomTrivia: OOF
EdibleDragon: Piss Mountain is such a good track
RetroGuernsey subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RetroGuernsey! (Today's storm count: 363)
CelticGeek: :( Biology is SO much more than memorization!
public_key_reveal_party: Domain
LithelyUnshod: Domain
Dog_of_Myth is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1525 in the channel!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to LtEndAll!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to interiorexplosion!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to ohnoes42!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to notsoc00l_guy!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to maryokutai101!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Dog_of_Myth! Welcome to LtEndAll, interiorexplosion, notsoc00l_guy, ohnoes42, and maryokutai101! (Today's storm count: 368)
spiffinn: domain
haberley: domain
Anubis169: somebody's up past the watershed Kappa
TXC2: Dog_of_Myth lrrHEART
dungeonmasteralek: class is mammalia cause
Faulpyr: Domain Expansion
L0rdX33n: Empire
violetblight: the domain expansion
JandAKgaming: you really should turn the steering help off, you're playing kids mode :P
Gonville Bromhead: The picture of the White Cliffs of Dover will inevitably be a photo of the (prettier) Seven Sisters
shurtal: where does scrunko
SolarBlitz1: But all the science was deceived, for a 4th was made in secret
L0rdX33n: Deity
baskwalla: Domain, but only when you have all the basic land types
mwlsn: So what's the mnemonic now
shurtal: That's light
mtvcdm: In high school they made me take an 'outdoor' class instead of the stats class I actually wanted. Nobody has gutted a fish as badly as me.
BusTed: rayfkKing
jumping_point: Dog_of_Myth! lrrSHINE
excalgold: Blorbo is Genus?
violetblight: which mobile game
Dog_of_Myth: @TXC2 Time is getting a little low there.
L0rdX33n: ubergroup
enbycephalopod: The mnemonic my ecology teacher was "Kids Play Chase On Freeway Get Smashed"
AdamYMHMI: Is Domain and evergreen classification?
saucemaster5000: more like.... kingdom farts
atinyspacemarine: "Dumb kids playing chicken on the freeway get smashed" was a good way to update the mnemonic
saucemaster5000: I'm so clever
LithelyUnshod: @excalgold It's a sub-clade
TXC2: Dog_of_Myth indeed
KaleidoscopeMind: dumb kids playing on freeways go splat (domain kingdom phylum order family genus species)
Lysander_salamander: creature, poor little meow meow, wet beast, sexyman
HorusFive: I was so upset when they said Blorbo wasn't a planet
artacuno53: Its almost certainly a non-issue but I see the game set as warioware on twitch
Tarnius: Dayum.
Saintnex: oh nooo :D
heartofgoldfish: 51 is a pass for you!?
dungeonmasteralek: 60 to pass in quebec
Grumpingtoon: Above a 60
northos: 60 is usually the pass cutoff, at least in my experience
Heckhoundbolt: wait, 50 passes?!
RhoxPaperScissors: it was 65 at my school
ChaoticObserver: Depends on where you were in the states. During my time in high school, it was 70
korvys: "I'll do anything to pass... anything... even mutually assured destruction"
JoshSanville: In the school I teach at anything below 65% is a fail
RealGamerCow: There's also a *lot* of grade inflation in the states
terribleplan: D to pass, which is 60%
MrSarkhan: For me 70 was the lowest passing score.
ChaoticObserver: But I saw 60s as well
TallynNyntyg: Anything above 60 is a pass? Where I went, it went A-B-C-F.
John Hill: doggy
TallynNyntyg: Anything below 70 was failure.
VelvetOtter: 49 was not working hard enough, 51 was a waste of effort. 50 was a pass
Philocalist: 68 was my F
Grumpingtoon: USA standard is 60.1 is a D-
KiaStirling: technically a 60 is a pass but like. it's a "you are going to fail this class" pass?
ArchRequiemD: 70 was passing for me
public_key_reveal_party: It depends on the state/district, but in my school it is 65 or above was a pass
atinyspacemarine: Passing grades depend on the school system, sometimes it's 70, sometimes it's 60, sometimes it's on a bell curve
haberley: i have no idea what these numbers mean, all I got was A*-F
notsoc00l_guy: my highschool you couldn't pass a class unless you got a 75% on every assignment(you could retry them as many times as needed)
airylan: in high school here it was 50 to pass, in University it was 60. Well, the letter equivalent, but they mapped directly. (Ontario)
dungeonmasteralek: My high school used 1-5 up until i was in 10th grade
L0rdX33n: Imagine a doctor that scored 51%
saucemaster5000: I love all the doctors who managed to do 51% of surgeries correctly
Heckhoundbolt: it used to be 70 in my state. they changed it to 60
mtvcdm: A lot of teachers just don't want to fail anyone no matter what because that's a whole Thing.
Gekyouryuu: I went to a private catholic school, so passing grade was a 75 or higher, and you needed a 95 to get an A
Grumpingtoon: Well graduate school usually has a higher bar
atinyspacemarine: By the time I was in college it was fully up to the professor so a few classes didn't have grades
Thefluffiestguineapig: @l0rdx33n That’s still someone that managed to get out of 10 years of university education and pass
Sibwow: thats true
ExachixKitsune: *screaming*
Grumpingtoon: My grad school had a failure score of 79
Grimlai: You know what they call the doctor who scores last in their class? "Doctor."
PhoenixMelior: Hi its me :)
LithelyUnshod: Grading is an ineffective way of measuring knowledge and should be abolished
Tiber727: In my college A was 95+, B, was 85-95, etc. with no + or -.
jumping_point: Grades are so arbitrary anyways.
VelvetOtter: At my Uni it was Pass < Credit < Distinction < High Distinction
atinyspacemarine: Beej, at WPI they *will* fail an entire class if they did poorly
cmdrud87: we don't have that. If the entirety of the class dails, then so be it. study harder next time
RealGamerCow: In my engineering classes, there were no curves. One of the tests we had a class average of 38. We all failed that test except 2 people.
CelticGeek: In grad school in the US, usually a 79 is failing
cmdrud87: *fails
L0rdX33n: Huh, is western education deeply flawed in fundamental ways?
haberley: I've been teaching my subject for ten years now, and only got a B in my A levels - I regularly get kids outscoring teenage me, because it turns out your grades isn't a final score for your life and you can still improve :)
TXC2: L0rdX33n yes, profoundly
RoeDent89: Thwomp
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also ______subject is memorization applies to the way they teach so many things and it makes people think they hate learning
excalgold: they weighted Homework so high in all of my school and my particular undiagnosed ASD seemed to DETEST Homework....thankfully i passed the GED so i've got that going for me....
jumping_point: There are so many good ideas to make schooling better...
L0rdX33n: well… fuck
thirsty_kitteh: If the distribution of raw test scores doesn't map to how a long form interview on the topic would go, you're probably measuring how awake the students were on the day more than how much they learnt
haberley: @jumping_point yes, but they all require the people in charge wanting to change things
mtvcdm: I've never once been asked my GPA and I forget it anyway. This far out who honestly cares.
public_key_reveal_party: If you ever want to feel better as an adult, volunteer with kids who are in school and you will be reminded how much worse things could be
KaleidoscopeMind: so it kinda depends on on we (profs) set up the exam. like, i (engineering) was specifically trained to write exams where "expected level of competency" is about 55-60%
sparrowhawksilver: i either did my homework in school, when i was done with stuff, or i didn't do it
Thefluffiestguineapig: @thirsty_kitteh or how much emphasis on the topic that instructor was able to give
Sibwow: you should use the whole range for grading
Grumpingtoon: Pause
excalgold: also apparently 2+2 doesnt equal 4 any more?
KaleidoscopeMind: and we skew it low so we can properly separate the top students
Foxmar320: Yeah when picking kart
Grumpingtoon: Pause and you can do it in the pause screen
JandAKgaming: you pause
chrono2x: It can be done from the pause menu too
atinyspacemarine: At WPI you get an A, B, C, or No Record, so if you fail a class it's just fully not on your transcript
Grumpingtoon: Three settings: Driver Assist, Auto Throttle, and Tilt Steer
Tiber727: @excalgold I am so very happy some of my high school classes didn't. I got straight As in math and never did homework.
Hansk_and_Boo: There's a Dunky video that makes great use of the slow mo
TehAmelie: that little man is broken in half!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Autothrottle seems even more skill skewed than this whole game already is
excalgold: @Tiber727 i barely passed Math, only thing i can think of for it is i cant visualize stuff
Tiber727: That's shadow link!
BusTed: The eyes of a remoseless killer
Foxmar320: DED
ExachixKitsune: yooo
Ms_LadyMix: Wow that photo finish
Lysander_salamander: wow
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh man! Thr sudden horrible realization
HorusFive: Stares dead to camera
ExachixKitsune: cool koopas don't look at explosions
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Saintnex: Those eyes: "I JUST KILLED A MAN"
Grumpingtoon: Never look back at the explosion
public_key_reveal_party: "I just saw a man die :)"
atinyspacemarine: Also echoing a few other people, it's entirely possible to design an exam so that someone with strong proficiency gets a specific grade. Anywhere between 50 and 90 is reasonable
Strebenherz: WOW
Stormgod519: oh yeah, i forgot, im going to canada for the first time ever next saturday
KinkerbellRose: That was magical.
RevolverRossalot: This is the game that introduced The Luigi Death Stare. The animations are *wild* in replays
TXC2: it was soo good how Angel's Laughter came trough so clearly
epsilon_vee: the main thing I learned in CTS was how good a "first one's free" strategy adobe classroom-in-a-book materials are
RoeDent89: Oh yeah the "oops all ITYC" clip was epic
Hansk_and_Boo: Cheer100 GET MARIO KARTED
offbeatwitch: hot karting action
avjamethyst: sorry you had to listen to so much of me laughing
rockingdemon converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub!
spiffinn: we all enjoyed the laughing
L0rdX33n: hit plus + to adjust auto steer
TXC2: avjamethyst oh don't be, it was fantastic
Grumpingtoon: In the cart menu
baskwalla: It's in the next step Cori
offbeatwitch: youcan do it while picking kart
brieandbacon: She Mario on my kart until I party?
TehAmelie: might as well give a shout out to my nibling who starts in a very exclusive videogame art school in the fall
Grumpingtoon: In the cart menu, press +
RayFK: @avjamethyst Thank you, I accept this apology
UrielAngelSpy: Turn assist off while choosing carts
RoeDent89: It's impossible to (genuinely) laugh and not be happy in that moment
Grumpingtoon: Driver Assist. Tilt Steer. Auto Throttle
avjamethyst: I was only apologizing to Jordynne
neisan2112: Yeah the laughs bleeding through everything was great
RayFK: @avjamethyst We're often confused
samwiser_: Wtf is this, these karts are not even meta relevant lol jk
Tiber727: At this point I don't know why they don't go all the way to Smash Kart.
RoeDent89: Shots fired
kristof162028: Rainbow road please
public_key_reveal_party: I also am also confused
RayFK: Graham is reading this correctly
XizorArgus: lmao
RayFK: That is actually true
RoeDent89: Banjo time!
flapjacksofwar: Sick banjo solo
Lysander_salamander: great music
public_key_reveal_party: I think James and Alex also realized jordynne was also Bartleby this morning
HorusFive: Ever forward. Never learning
Khalstrom: Garfield Kart?
RandomTrivia: That video was great
HorusFive: Wonderful vid
nuclearstulle: that one was so much fun!
public_key_reveal_party: That was a good one
neisan2112: Its a great one
XizorArgus: that was a fun vid
Foxmar320: Yeah that track is in this game now with the DLC
ImmortalLen: It's in 8 now
ExachixKitsune: oh that was such a good video. She said, a fan of most of LRR's videos
tidehollowcat: I loved that video
Shadowsoflife: that was neat
plaidanddrpepper: Everytime I play this game, i think of that video
KharadBanar: that video was very Graham
mtvcdm: They've really toned down the off-course penalty from early Mario Kart games.
Lysander_salamander: I didn't know there was a vancouver bc level.
kragmabutch: I think I saw that video for the first time because of last year's subathon vods
UrielAngelSpy: I loved that video!
HorusFive: That video should be on the Victoria tourism site
Carlioo: it's a good track!
RandomTrivia: I only just noticed that Link's wheels are Fans
RandomTrivia: when flying
N2Osferatu: Holdover from N64?
Foxmar320: Or sold separatly, I don't have the pass
Hansk_and_Boo: I really liked that video. Turned out it's a very unrealistic track. Who would have thought.
Aitsu111: I can't believe they left the Crayola factory out of Mario kart
CaptainSpam: It comes from the N64 controller's Z button.
EvilBadman: It's L but further down, clearly
DrakoniteDev: It was a good video
L0rdX33n: I got so much mileage out of the “Fifty cent track” joke
slickslickman: I'd say try and see if you have it the dlc already, if whatever account you are using has the switch online thing its included
RayFK: Wait, y'all make YouTube videos?
jedi_master_zll: Hey I like the ZL combination.
XizorArgus: that reminds me, I need to do another Road Quest rewatch
shurtal: More eyes? Watch-a-long is a Bloodborne op?
Heckhoundbolt: that video slipped through the cracks for me somehow
TXC2: RayFK it's been know to happen
TXC2: *known
MarkovDescendant: Was fun seeing the Glvog/Loading Time in the watch-a-long. BTS is some of my favourite media.
Angreed66: Are the other carts cpus?
CaptainSpam: Woomy
kristof162028: Hey g what time are u giya drafting Modern horizons 3 tomorrow?
TXC2: Angreed66 other then the 4 players, yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: So Is Beej the splatoon person?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I should have asked who is who?
Foxmar320: Pummel Party is on Switch now as well
Lysander_salamander: i hate it when that happens
TehAmelie: i'd watch a LRR recommends their most underappreciated videos-palooza stream
brieandbacon: Do you need vaseline for your eyeballs?
TheWooglie: we found a game Cori isn't naturally good at?
viowof: need those "gamer" eyedrops
CaptainSpam: All of the Jackbox games are on Switch; Drawful 2 was always a standalone game, made largely to experiment with some of the new moderation features they developed.
saucemaster5000: if you blink that's when the langoliers get you
haberley: thank you for reminding me to blink
KinkerbellRose: I feel called out Matt.
AugmentingPath: @brieandbacon that has never been what someone needed
flapjacksofwar: Kitty noooo
UrielAngelSpy: I think Cori is playing what was, at one point, the competitive meta pick
Saintnex: I feel ya Beej, my eyes are going nuts from allergy season
alchemistsavant: oh my god I've never seen the animal crossing tires before, they're adorable
CaptainSpam: There's reasons Drawful 2 isn't played very often, and that's mostly due to it not being in a Party Pack.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @brieandbacon Caveat this is a joke, do not put vaseline on your eyeballs
CaptainKranok: Can you even call yourself a gamer if you don't have a nictitating membrane?
saucemaster5000: nah grease up those vision orbs
saucemaster5000: just slather em
CaptainSpam: However, with the upcoming Jackbox Megapicker, maybe that'll change.
Thefluffiestguineapig: These highlights for the races are often either perfect like that blue shell one from the first race or underwhelming
Lysander_salamander: I wish I had nictitating membranes for my eyes
mtvcdm: OG Rainbow Road, with the different music.
DoodlestheGreat: @saucemaster5000 I prefer to use baby oil.
Papperslappen: nowadays you can just turn of the light if you want darkness making eyelids completely vestigial
TehAmelie: nicotine members
Foxmar320: Oh last time I streamed this we played this track with "Hell settings" Only blue and red sheels, ink and lightning bolts
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lysander_salamander There are many things that it's kind of baffling humans do not have
EvilBadman: i engage my Nicol Bolas Meme Brains
Patorik: What's a Nicktoon membrane?
Critterbot: Don't forget to change the category.
RealGamerCow: nicotine membrane is the tar that builds up on smokers' keyboards
haberley: capsaicin eye drops maybe?
NimrodXIV: sir
KaleidoscopeMind: are they in beej's coat
saucemaster5000: new tabasco flavored eyedrops!
SkylerRingtail: Sounds like time to bring back that LRL bit!
Grumpingtoon: Caffeine eyedrops
GazzyInferno: beej's little bag o' tricks
KaleidoscopeMind: everything is in beej's coat
Thefluffiestguineapig: @haberley ABSOLUTELY NOT
HorusFive: Those are mostly suggestions
Heckhoundbolt: so that one day, he may injure his eye
TehAmelie: of course i know all about nephalim memebrains
haberley: @Thefluffiestguineapig :D
GazzyInferno: oh right the 12M thing
public_key_reveal_party: Don't you put it in your mouth
SkylerRingtail: Which episode of Live was that anyway?
KaleidoscopeMind: menthol
flapjacksofwar: Gamer Eyedrops: you cant sleep if your eyes are full of knives
Lysander_salamander: egad
HbombAndFriends: Don’t you put it in your eyes!
Texan_Reverend: Oh, the symbol that indicates how long after opening the product goes bad.
XizorArgus: i still have Adam's yelps of pain burned into my head from the Gamer Eyedrops
Alex_Frostfire: That sounds uncomfortable.
saucemaster5000: spicy eyedrops, from the sellers of non-adhesive glue!
AugmentingPath: Do the eyedrops block out blue light? that's all I need
RealGamerCow: Oh, I got those eyedrops, they were so weird!
mjiig: The thing symbol the shelf life of cosmetics is needlessly opaque
Texan_Reverend: Like lotions that are supposed to expire after six months.
Gadora: Mentholated eye drops? pls no
mjiig: Wow those weren't the words I meant them to be
RealGamerCow: I put those in my eyes ON the game floor
Lysander_salamander: menthol in the eye sounds like a bad idea
atinyspacemarine: "mentholated eye drops" is a hell of a thing
itmightbemikey: I have caffeinated soap
saucemaster5000: g-fuel drops for the gamer on the go
HorusFive: The same way hitting your thumb with a hammer will wake you up real quick if youre sleepy
TXC2: Menthol in eye? I'd rather do cocaine :p
Sibwow: beezin
Lysander_salamander: why
samwiser_: Ben so good at this without even tricking over the bouncy parts. Impressed.
1 raiders from JustMeJude have joined!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Gadora Like so many things big marketing thinks are great to market to gamers, pls no is the correct response
TehAmelie: i hope they had a label with something like "proven not harmful in clinical trials"
TallynNyntyg: Menthol in the eye sounds like the same pain as capsaicin in the eye.
Saintnex: Im sorry WUT
TXC2: hello raiders
RealGamerCow: Young people are so dumb. Always have been.
AquariumPrime: I own and use it weekly
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welcome raiders!
saucemaster5000: ffs just smoke weed out of an apple zoomers
flapjacksofwar: Nooo were under 17 hours D:
Heckhoundbolt: people do such weird shit
kimmiekoneko: i thought they were putting live bees on their eyelids
korvys: If you put it in one eye and it's terrible, do you stop, or do you do the other eye to even them up?
TehAmelie: *yawns*
Sibwow: this was like 10 years ago zoomers all vape now
public_key_reveal_party: Hi raiders, you come in at a weird time
PawssumFable: what
viowof: i vaguely remember a gvlog where Adam put it in one eye, did a full body twitch, and then put it in the other eye
PawssumFable: how the hell does menthol on an eye get you high
PawssumFable: what
haberley: Hot Ones to the eyes?
flapjacksofwar: Cheer6000 More time for more games!!
TXC2: nothing new under drug sun
kristof162028: Hey gram what time is the MH3 draft tomorrow morning?
N2Osferatu: Ben with the Dubstep Honk
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
JustMeJude: WarioWare looks crazy
Thefluffiestguineapig: @public_key_reveal_party When during a multiplayer game on this stream is is not a profoundly weird time?
Foxmar320: Da BITS
TXC2: flapjacksofwar lrrHEART
offbeatwitch: da bits
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
TallynNyntyg: Gesundheit, Matt.
RayFK: TeeCeeGee's NUTS
AquariumPrime: surprisingly the menthol is used to flush out my eye gunk
Thefluffiestguineapig: Da Bits!! flapjacksofwar with a swoop
Myrniss: did i miss the Elden Ring seamless co-op bit?
KaleidoscopeMind: eyelids or eyeballs
public_key_reveal_party: Amazing is ... Generous
PawssumFable: Okay
bekit_tavern subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bekit_tavern! (Today's storm count: 369)
saucemaster5000: kids at the top of the slide "So goddamn high right now"
RayFK: I feel like that goddamnit was for me.
RandomTrivia: lrrSHINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Myrniss With Adam and James? I believe so
Mollylele: @RayFK Who on earth entrusted you with mod powers? lrrHEART
UrielAngelSpy: It's like smoking Oregano
RayFK: I got you G
Gascitygaming: Adam and James Elden Ring was last night, coop Elden Ring is tonight
Myrniss: @Thefluffiestguineapig i think they said they'd (LRR) also do a co-op stream
Ard_Rhys is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 25 in the channel!
Ard_Rhys gifted a Tier 1 sub to yewfox!
Ard_Rhys gifted a Tier 1 sub to brynnjacka!
Ard_Rhys gifted a Tier 1 sub to SunlightWarrior10!
Ard_Rhys gifted a Tier 1 sub to saikoonochii!
Ard_Rhys gifted a Tier 1 sub to Grimlai!
Ard_Rhys gifted a Tier 1 sub to spiffinn!
Ard_Rhys gifted a Tier 1 sub to ajtoolin!
Ard_Rhys gifted a Tier 1 sub to itbedefii!
Ard_Rhys gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zenaruk!
Ard_Rhys gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheCurtmiester!
flapjacksofwar: @Thefluffiestguineapig The stream cant go under 17 hours D:
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Ard_Rhys! Welcome to yewfox, saikoonochii, brynnjacka, SunlightWarrior10, spiffinn, Grimlai, itbedefii, Zenaruk, TheCurtmiester, and ajtoolin! (Today's storm count: 379)
TXC2: Ard_Rhys lrrHEART
TehAmelie: when i was a teen we'd put fizzy water soluble vitamin pills under our tongue and slam a bottle of store bought cider to try and get drunk
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Gascitygaming Ah, thank you for the clarification! Who is playing
AquariumPrime: man, i remember tuneing into to yall during my highschool english class.
RayFK: @Mollylele Just being around here for too long methinks
TallynNyntyg: Now watch me whip. Now watch me b'naenae!
saucemaster5000: the banussy
RealGamerCow: They see blue shell, they see ba ney ney
Thefluffiestguineapig: @flapjacksofwar I agree but I also am poor
HalvariChan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
KevinTheShark: Watch me whip, watch me banaynay
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HalvariChan! (Today's storm count: 380)
shurtal: Watch me cool Hwhip, watch me ba-nay-nay
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 NO, jail for that!
saucemaster5000: they have a jail for that now?
saucemaster5000: hot
flapjacksofwar: @Thefluffiestguineapig Im lucky enough to have a credit card just for Gacha games and LRR streams xD
I_Luv_Pokeymanz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months!
I_Luv_Pokeymanz: <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, I_Luv_Pokeymanz! (Today's storm count: 381)
BITs19_: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club Tournament at Thu 03:00 PM PDT (58m from now).
haberley: yuuuup
KinkerbellRose: If they do, I belong in that jail by existing.
KeytarCat: Note, Elden Ring Seamless Co-op has gotten several updates over the last two weeks, so budget time for an update
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 I was thinking it was a particular cell block in Pun jail
bubba0077: for us it was Quake 3
Myrniss: @Gascitygaming thank you!
RayFK: Sounds like a weenie hut jr excuse Graham
kimmiekoneko: goldeneye had handicap and it still wasn't enough to help me
Alness49: Oh yeah, had that experience with Smash Bros. The trial by fire
Sky_Kast: Yup totally my fault lurking
Gascitygaming: that was me, first time playing Halo against my friend and his older brother won 15-7-2
korvys: That does sound like Cri
korvys: *cori
Thefluffiestguineapig: That sounds like Cori
flapjacksofwar: Sick flips
neisan2112: That was how my roommate was when we were in Highschool
LPS_97: having fun is the win condition
GredGredmansson: i always wanted to play smash bros but everyone else wanted to play mario kart instead
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TXC2: re re re remix!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @korvys Drift compatible!
RealGamerCow: waaaaaow
OmnipotentTrevor: I remember going to a friend's house, loading up GTA , like 3 or something, and going through the story missions, to his complete bafflement. He even had to call over another friend to be like "he's doing the missions in GTA. Nobody does that!"
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrWOW Beej
Foxmar320: Same
Dalrint: The channel is still set to warioware 3 for the game
viowof: Smash does it annoyingly
TehAmelie: i had a Goldeneye five-person 24 hour marathon that was amazing thanks to some wizard who had left a save file with every cheat unlocked before selling on the cartridge
DanTheMediocre: GH still had unlock all cheats though
Foxmar320: I hate having to unlock things before I can play with friends. It's why I have like nothing unlocked in Smash.
KingJimmeh: Hence why we had Cheat Codes
viowof: but the best strat for that was just Stock 1 and falling off the edge to "complete" matches
GredGredmansson: the new smash was interesting because you literally unlocked a new charactdr every 10 minutes
CaptainSpam: I feel the concept of unlocking stuff in a party game works nicely if the later stuff is complicated and not exactly fun to play for like your first game.
Eltanin73 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Eltanin73! (Today's storm count: 382)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Foxmar320 Right, have unlocks for the madlads who want to play single player and let people with friends enjoy the fun parts of the video game
LadyLockwood92: Yeah, it's a good thing about Melee honestly. You can unlock characters through single or multiplayer.
CaptainSpam: But yeah, it should be unlockable by multiplayer play.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CaptainSpam Like Rock band or Guitar hero
kimmiekoneko: why does hyrule have the same currency as india, btw
kaziel0: Just finished watching the VOD of the D&D game. Great job DMing, Jordynn!
TXC2: 1events
GredGredmansson: hey chat, next time someone grabs an item, listen closely
TXC2: bless you
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
haberley: @Thefluffiestguineapig rock band 4 at least learned, all songs were unlocked at the start
Grumpingtoon: @kimmiekoneko same reason that the Italian plumber turns into a a tanuki. More fun
viowof: @kimmiekoneko class system?
hd_dabnado: who else up banking off they master sword?
GredGredmansson: what'dweget what'dweget what'dweget WE GOT A THIIIIING
Mythallian: math is for blockers ben
Ritaspirithntr: you can jump through the Master Sword if you activate the 3 blue nodes in the hallway leading up to it.
TXC2: right chat I'm off
Makrosian_Tay: He master my sword until I bank off it
Thefluffiestguineapig: Night TXC2!
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming LRR, and keep on subbing!
SquareDotCube: eat shell homeboy
Lord_Hosk: LittleHosk just watched/listed to Intergalactic Planetary for the first time and it blew their mind "I just... I don't know what I watched... or if I like it... Or if I hate it"
flapjacksofwar: Night
danisfine: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW zoooom
HorusFive: Look at this a hole!
Thefluffiestguineapig: That is a look of utter malice
RealGamerCow: "Suck my nuts dino!"
Dalrint: Reminds me of the angry luigi memes from when this first came out
danisfine: lrrARROW_HF lrrCIRCLE lrrDOTS zooom
accountmadeforants: Yeah, the angry Luigi slow-mo shots were amazing
RandomTrivia: Unlimited BM :D
HorusFive: stylin' on those losers
Foxmar320: Peach was so rude
GredGredmansson: that's not a taunt; that's someone getting hit by your item
offbeatwitch: it's when another player hits a hazard
CaptainSpam: Well, it IS Cat Peach. Cats are rude like that. :p
SquareDotCube: I think that was the last track.
SquareDotCube: Also claim your new items!
SquareDotCube: welp too late
Laserbeaks_Fury: I didnt know DBD was on the Switch
Thefluffiestguineapig: I feel like if they make a game like Pummel Party for Mario Kart then the taunt is just flipping people off
alchemistsavant: Graham idk if you've seen this but they turned Garruk into a bear! (the animal, not the thing he already is)
infranova subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, infranova! (Today's storm count: 383)
Foxmar320: I think it's the same as other versions
Angreed66: @alchemistsavant Are you sure it's not a buff squirrel?
XizorArgus: why the owl got abs tho
TheAinMAP: box!
accountmadeforants: @XizorArgus To distract you from the nipples
Laserbeaks_Fury: Does this use CryEngine?
Thefluffiestguineapig: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a man trapped in a jar
SquareDotCube: owlbs
DoodlestheGreat: That's fair.
haberley: ooh password
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does Adam break the jar? Probs not
CaptainSpam: Turn off "Require Twitch"?
RayFK: Cori you can't just throw the grippers out like that
brieandbacon: Tootsies!!
Krektogar: and that is why he's paul
TehAmelie: kitty!
ExachixKitsune: kitttttttty
XizorArgus: kitter!
KaleidoscopeMind: kitty!
Thefluffiestguineapig: KITTY
TallynNyntyg: Hello Catto
RandomTrivia: KITTY
herph: barrYgood
CaptainSpam: KITTY.
avjamethyst: jordynne needs to get on my pet portrait waiting list
Sarah_Serinde: Powerful hunter
RayFK: Really studying the blade
public_key_reveal_party: wolverkitty
accountmadeforants: "I've disarmed the weapon, mother"
TehAmelie: maybe she thought the razors were enemies
Jillexie: Give us all the cats!
Angreed66: It's better than rats
RealGamerCow: My beagle once took a disposable razor out of the trash and started to chew on it. Somehow I got it before they cut themselves
Laserbeaks_Fury: FREE YOUR SKIN
ExachixKitsune: haz
ExachixKitsune: *hax
CaptainSpam: It's the same Jackbox servers and all.
hesterbyrde: How is Jordynne so cute? That dress is amazing
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: they still make phones with stylus?
TallynNyntyg: I had a phone with a stylus previously.
korvys: Some of the Samsung Galaxy phones
Texan_Reverend: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn The mainline Samsung Galaxy S series still has had one since the Note series went away.
TehAmelie: we had a S:t Bernard who was able to gulp down any kind of leftovers instantly but sort out any peas. they have fairly agile mouths
TallynNyntyg: It was an LG Stylo.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Beheadding razors is quite the funny Schick.
accountmadeforants: Yeah, Samsung makes phones with Wacom tech built-in
djalternative: just woke up. who dis?
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @Texan_Reverend this might be relevant information in the near future, good to know. Thanks :D
accountmadeforants: (So they have the hovering and everything, and no need to charge your pen like a weirdo)
invalidCards: can the camera move to the top again so that the subtitles aren't obstructed?
HorusFive: @djalternative Loading Ready Run started around 20 years ago when Graham and Paul........
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok,need to focus on homework for a minute because O chem is hard, hope this is a fun game and I'll be back later!
ButButTheJesus: @HorusFive katesGigl
nappitatti: Still waiting for Graham and Paul's europe backpacking vlogs
TehAmelie: well, it's not called Drawsome
CaptainSpam: The fact that there is no eraser is *INTENTIONAL*. :D
TallynNyntyg: Oh no poor Kermit!
GredGredmansson: OW MY SKIN
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's Not Easy Being Green
Carlioo: oh is this a bloomburrow
invalidCards: when's the funeral
CaptainSpam: It's sort of like Fibbage in that respect.
Lysander_salamander: is that Kermit?
Mr_Horrible: the Passion of the Kermit
BITs19_: god, that burp sounds immensly satisfying
type_variable: i know i havent been around for the whole subathon, but have serge and wheeler been here?
TallynNyntyg: @CaptainSpam It's Kermit Bloomburrow
SymphonySolstice: the assassination of kermit
VorlonScout: I thought it was Piglet
DoodlestheGreat: OH NOES
Laserbeaks_Fury: Message for you, Fozzy!
mtvcdm: I mean, Jackbox creative games are notable for often not giving you an eraser
Mazrae: Miss Piggy's revenge
Strebenherz: Well played Graham
RandomTrivia: WHAT
Strebenherz: WHAT
invalidCards: Huh.
Mr_Horrible: incredible
GredGredmansson: they can be MISSPELLED
GazzyInferno: swords??
mtvcdm: The prompts will do that.
eshplode: I love how oddly specific some of these are
DoodlestheGreat: Hey, I got it right....
TallynNyntyg: I remember seeing one being like pizza cat house gun.
TehAmelie: curing the sleep demon with gasoline?
Lysander_salamander: morning coffee?
invalidCards: gasoline nightmare?
XizorArgus: in before Dillinger Escape Plan reference?
Brutask: Better to just burn the demon
TallynNyntyg: How Todoroki got his scars.
brieandbacon: Nightmare fuel
N2Osferatu: Is this a pee thing? It's a pee thing, right
invalidCards: Propane Nightmares
tehfewl: night time piss collection
northos: yeah they've done a fantastic job of making it so you can't just guess the clue based on how it's written
Lord_Hosk: "Setting your friend on fire to save them from their sleep monsters"
poryout: i got a drawful 1 prompt once that was just. The Name Of Another Player In The Game. lost my mind
Laserbeaks_Fury: Sleep Paralysis Urologist
j_crane330: lrrAWW
Sunidesus: Oh shoot, I realized as I clicked the wrong one, which one was correct
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
JokerES: I'm surprised LRR didn't rotate the YouTube stream so that the stream would save over on YouTube.
RandomTrivia: That is an excellent piece of art
invalidCards: stop it. get some help
type_variable: same rules as Fibbage
Laserbeaks_Fury: Clearly Not AI
kimmiekoneko: thinking about her
Lysander_salamander: sorry he's just not that into you?
BITs19_: can't draw hands
TheTekkieman: It's Fibbage, but with drawings.
emberBecky: just say no to ghosts
RandomTrivia: Silly Ben, Diglett's arms are way bigger than that lrrBEEJ
Gadora: Thought police?
patrick_stonecrusher: Thought police
SquareDotCube: Frankie Goes to Hollywood.
brieandbacon: Gossamer gets stopped
djalternative: shikonokonokonokokoshdandan
invalidCards: @BITs19_ Can't Draw Hands Club?
emberBecky: oh I missed the thought bubble
Laserbeaks_Fury: EMPTY YOUR MIND
mtvcdm: DANG
KevinTheShark: The "Hello!" Sound clip in the background just sounds exactly like Ian putting on a voice
BITs19_: uh
invalidCards: cow lick
nappitatti: I lik the bread
TallynNyntyg: A farside comic.
Despoiler98: foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG UM
Mangledpixel: oohhh
Brutask: "What is it?" is correct.
drawnbinary: cownilingus? D:
patrick_stonecrusher: Cownilingus
Lysander_salamander: Norse Mythology creation legend?
Laserbeaks_Fury: I suffer from this affliction
korvys: Saturday Night
NorthstarTex: !findquote cow
LRRbot: Quote #4656: "the solution is more cows in jars" —James [2018-02-07]
TehAmelie: Anigamawara Fault for horny cows?
brieandbacon: Bovine ass eating?
Lord_Hosk: Pigger licking good
Redpandarama: great cow
Azsedcf: It looks like a TOS violation
ButButTheJesus: a fine cow
RandomTrivia: Gary Larson with a tootsie pop lrrBEEJ
SymphonySolstice: cow tools.
mtvcdm: We all suffer from being licked by cows
Laserbeaks_Fury: Milkneir, the 6 legged cow
harke_: That cow has a distrubingly long tongue...
RandomTrivia: Amazing
northos: 100% wow
RealGamerCow: I approve.
invalidCards: got it in one
Kentosaurus: too fast for me to even vote
Lysander_salamander: knee warts?
GredGredmansson: don't make me use this!
korvys: Liam Neeson's Knees Son
tehfewl: orange knees
epsilon_vee: @RandomTrivia naming your cow "Gary Larson" is next level
kimmiekoneko: achilles' knees
HorusFive: How it feels to be old
mtvcdm: We might be good at this
Laserbeaks_Fury: Bee Knees
RealGamerCow: I honestly think that the burp when Cori answers is Graham.
Gadora: Sun-knee
harke_: Oh, this one is just me on a Tuesday
AxlWerks: Shine Knees
Going_Medium: Kneesun=Nissan?
Pharmacistjudge: under table banging items
darkora: that 'Hello' sounds more like Ian the more I hear it
Sarah: This is the first time LRR is doing such a long YouTube stream so they didn't know the vod has a 12 hour limit
GredGredmansson: @RealGamerCow i also think someone is just making the *poit* noise
GredGredmansson: for jordynne
Lysander_salamander: nice
Hansk_and_Boo: Liam Knee son
beowuuf: you got me
Lord_Hosk: Solid gold Kneecaps? what?
invalidCards: These prompts never make any sense
GredGredmansson: i wonder if there are some prompts limited to a player color
invalidCards: It's great
Lord_Hosk: I mean the drawing was spot on but what?
jumping_point: @Lord_Hosk Confuses me too.
TehAmelie: never got your kneecaps replaced with gold?
mtvcdm: Had she not gotten yellow she'd have been in trouble
Montesque64: I think it's a play off of solid gold hubcaps?
Sarah: But also the stream vods go away when the stream is done, because they'll be editing them before posting them to youtube like they do with their other streams
Therberus: I'm glad they put up the overnight rerun complications
Therberus: they make for good watchings
Montesque64: Ala Disney's Robin Hood from the 1960's.
beowuuf: it's like a golden parachute for those with less distance to fall
Laserbeaks_Fury: Wouldn't solid gold knee caps weight a ton and sound terrible?
Kentosaurus: I love this 70s game show music
TehAmelie: or a play on gold toothcaps
jumping_point: @beowuuf that makes sense.
nappitatti: Far over
TehAmelie: Horizon Purple Dark
invalidCards: Mount Everest?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Purple Mountains Majesty
Metric_Furlong: Purple Hills By Eminem's Rap Group D12 Kappa
RandomTrivia: MATT
invalidCards: Oh my god
emberBecky: yayy I got it ^^
Lysander_salamander: :D
sounderfan84: wait whaat?
DoodlestheGreat: FailFish
Simriel: There is some weirdness with YouTube streams saving onto VODs
Metric_Furlong: He Griffiths'd himself Kappa
Lysander_salamander: justice watering can?
kimmiekoneko: stasis
CaptainSpam: Justice Telescope?
invalidCards: Justice Donkey Kong?
Montesque64: cow tools?
Darth_Litigious: Nightcourt
KaleidoscopeMind: watering pail constellation
Going_Medium: Our justice?
Lysander_salamander: lesser known major arcana
Laserbeaks_Fury: Hate Bears
Angreed66: when will they learn it's the prompt that doesn't match the drawing?
darkora: Boris the Soviet Cropwaterer?
harke_: Nighttime court?
dm818: @kimmiekoneko great answer
patrick_stonecrusher: DarkKnight JUSHTISH!
mtvcdm: ! addquote (Ben) [now] It's Kermit all over again!
LRRbot: New quote #9054: "It's Kermit all over again!" —Ben [2024-07-18]
harke_: Is it a watering can or a gavel?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Has anyone seen Night Court TNG
epsilon_vee: @darkora ngl, my first reaction was "our tools of some kind, comrade"
GredGredmansson: @Laserbeaks_Fury i've seen like 2 episodes
Sarah: Well, aside from the 12 hour thing I don't think there's strangeness? It's just that LRR chooses not to do youtube stream vods
Sunidesus: @epsilon_vee same
SnackPak_: yeah, scales did a lot there
invalidCards: A face only a mother could love
alchemistsavant: stay a while and listen!
baskwalla: Einstein, einsteining
saucemaster5000: is that jobless dr. wily?
korvys: criminal einstein
HorusFive: Naked Einstein reading in bed?
Lord_Hosk: Nude Einstein
TehAmelie: collecting car tire samples the hard way
Laserbeaks_Fury: Einstein in a line up
Brutask: Grandpa got lost again
SquareDotCube: Dr. Wily, arrested. Again.
patrick_stonecrusher: The Princess Bride
harke_: man distressed to see his own obituary
Lysander_salamander: Einstein, fanfic writer
VorlonScout: physics crimes
brieandbacon: Einstein dropping a deuce
TehAmelie: car track samples, whatever
nappitatti: Jordynne's profile drawing is so spot on
KeytarCat: @Laserbeaks_Fury Einstein-up?
Sarah_Serinde: It's not an uncommon occurance around here
kaziel0: Einstien is swole in this pic
saucemaster5000: I gave my vote to "dad" cause it was funny
John Hill: the burp sound is a bit much.
invalidCards: 25 likes for dad
Sarah_Serinde: I didn't notice the background lines until I saw the mug shot answer and then I realized
RandomTrivia: There is some artistic licence, Paul
beowuuf: lrrWOW
TheWooglie: are you doing any drawing Paul?
invalidCards: small head big shirt
Kentosaurus: boom roasted
Lysander_salamander: :D
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
TheAinMAP: I thought he was sitting on a bench.
MrPhlip: average sattou tweet
brieandbacon: Literally just a guy
patrick_stonecrusher: Me fr fr
HorusFive: Slender. Man?
Sarah_Serinde: Guess you'd better get a ruler next time
Gaz_L: i like this boi
brieandbacon: Octo-dad?
darkora: it's a beej
Brozard: The 1996 Atlanta Olympics mascot
kimmiekoneko: kermit the frog above the clouds
AxlWerks: Big McLargeHuge
zombub: Jolly green normal-sized man
harke_: I like how is torso isn't attached to his legs
TehAmelie: all of these seem possible
HorusFive: Mr Green-Jeans
Sarah_Serinde: I enjoy "just, like, a dude."
jumping_point: I'd have loved "guy standing*
SquareDotCube: "Waistline? What waistline?"
Laserbeaks_Fury: That STAND!
AugmentingPath: 5 1/2 total fingers, yes
AugmentingPath: normal number
invalidCards: blaseball
TehAmelie: Picasso's diamond
Darth_Litigious: Getting to second base
NorthstarTex: so...who's the guy on second base?
darkora: cheating at space invaders
Twilight_Spark: A 4 bar linkage.
saucemaster5000: this is one of those tennis references I don't get
tehfewl: double
Going_Medium: Touching boobs
0x6772: Isn't home place the other way around?
invalidCards: sinple
0x6772: "plate", even
lochnessseammonster: briefly yeah ben PrideLaugh
samwiser_: Curving the bullet
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
GredGredmansson: "oh."
sparrowhawksilver: honestly, the burps gross me out quite badly, i'm lucky that i've already eaten, i couldn't now
mtvcdm: ! next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club Tournament at Thu 03:00 PM PDT (28m from now).
Lysander_salamander: I like that the owl has abs
invalidCards: Go hit Beej!
Lysander_salamander: musclebird
Gascitygaming: he's secretly getting the eye drops
GredGredmansson: "I've had a MONTH to figure this out, and I STILL don't get it."
filthwizard_1985: Beej! Get the bat!
HorusFive: Literally his job right now
Featherweight_: could just glurp
SquareDotCube: Why not try calling Beej. :p
hvhTim: i need to play more Tee KO
RandomTrivia: It took me too long to find this https://i.imgur.com/rgbb9BD.gif
XizorArgus: The delivery of "Oh, bad news Meej" absolutely got me the first time
KevinTheShark: Oh no my audiOwO
TehAmelie: Just Laughing And O-facing
Laserbeaks_Fury: Justice League: Alternate Origins
Mollylele: @RandomTrivia doin the lord's work 🙏
Lysander_salamander: nice
GredGredmansson: "I paid for the whole square..."
An anonymous user is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shintiar!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to GolfSuper!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to musicalostrich426!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gothingbop!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Prince_Kupo!
brieandbacon: Oh wow
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to Shintiar, GolfSuper, musicalostrich426, Prince_Kupo, and Gothingbop! (Today's storm count: 388)
mtvcdm: Hello!
serymew: Can't sleep. Ben will eat me.
TehAmelie: anyone wanted to let rip a real throat fart, they could get away with it during these loading screens
h3rsh3yb4r: that's what horny looks like?
Featherweight_: I'm done arting for the week
RandomTrivia: Amazing
Simriel: @Sarah Ah that makes sense cause then things would double up
GredGredmansson: lrrGRAHAM
A_Dub888: better question: Why isn’t yours horny Griffiths?
human_pirate: Why did Graham draw Adam?
BusTed: onstaSCAMPIN
Cunobelenos: Perfect Ben
Lysander_salamander: rapscallion
RandomTrivia: Matt's :3 is adorable
emberBecky: :3
Montesque64: Matt is my favorite Phantom Thief
KharadBanar: Graham looks like the 5th Gorillaz band member
AugmentingPath: lore accurate matt
darkora: Jordynne straight outta jojos
serymew: @human_pirate Maybe it's his alter ego. When was the last time we saw them both in one place?
human_pirate: Graham drew the resting caveman face
korvys: "Just a sleepy little guy"
SquareDotCube: Graham has a little bit of that Gorillaz look
Laserbeaks_Fury: #GOALS
TallynNyntyg: Sleepin. Gotta get some Z's.
wasterweiss: i love that graham is rocking the adam gamer pose
Lord_Hosk: Time travel device
DanTheMediocre: The essence of Eep
LadyLockwood92: A mimir
serymew: Stardew Valley Grandpa?
L0rdX33n: where I desperately wish I was?
NarishmaReborn: that's my grandad from stardew valley
Sarah: Yeah that's been intentional from the start of the YouTube streams
BusTed: kinda like this guy actually
Shadwhawk: You've basically guaranteed you'll get one in Mailtime now
saucemaster5000: no, daddy woke up after the 90s
gnyrinn: Anyone else think of King Crimson when they see Ben's protrait?
KharadBanar: Don't Wake Daddy is one of those Temu dexterity games
SquareDotCube: we'd probably get a Mr. Bucket thrown in for free
hesterbyrde: Please make sure that Adam has to play that game
Lord_Hosk: Don't wake daddy is still in print and available in store
Gascitygaming: I had that game
Gascitygaming: lost the hat
Jillexie: wow
Foxmar320: I found Don't Wake Daddy on Amazon for $17
itmightbemikey: Don't Wake Daddy is currently in print yeah
GredGredmansson: yeah there's a button you press on his alarm clock
beowuuf: and the lines equally spaced
GredGredmansson: and press it enough times he wakes up
kimmiekoneko: broken west
Stratavarius: I want the don't wake daddy and mouse trap combo game
googoltudoris: gator golf, anyone?
GredGredmansson: 1313 Dead End Drive!
saucemaster5000: 13 dead end drive got a remake
SoylentDoener: dont wake daddy secret lair when?
Kentosaurus: I think I have 13 dead end drive
XizorArgus: yooooooooooo 13 dead end drive!
Featherweight_: that bull is a treasure
CastleOtranto: Ooh, deep cut!
Gekyouryuu: But can avoiding waking daddy be more exciting than the bull?
Simonark: What about that board game where you had to let Dracula bite your hand? Did I dream that?
itmightbemikey: Yes, 13 Dead End Drive is up on Amazone US
MAPBoardgames: 13 deadend got a remake
Sunidesus: there's some UK one too... Buckaroo or something?
KaleidoscopeMind: can we see if the bull wakes up daddy
harke_: Wild that both Don't Wake Daddy and Don't break the Ice have been mentioned during the subathon when both of those were created by my great grandfather!
Foxmar320: Yeah Graham its also on Amazon
NimrodXIV: I still have my old copy of 13 Dead End Drive
beowuuf: mtg clue then
Stratavarius: You can, I got 13 Dead End Drive recently
XizorArgus: I think I still have my copy...
PTElder subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PTElder! (Today's storm count: 389)
BusTed: @harke_ that is amazing
fungal_bird: Get Dr. Lucky is like clue in reverse, where you're trying to kill the guy
Laserbeaks_Fury: The American Civil War
HorusFive: Please, my father was The Body. Just call me Mr Body
XizorArgus: All I gotta do is figure out how to get it from Ontario to BC
jamesinor: @harke_ Your great grandfather is responsible for numerous moments from my childhood
GredGredmansson: The story is that everyone is showing up to earn an inheritance, and all the people who AREN'T in the will try to off the person who is
nappitatti: Nöyy
GredGredmansson: its creative because any player can move any token
SquareDotCube: I know it's a bit of a tradition but I could see 13 Dead End Drive for this year's Holloween
BusTed: pronounced as a greek god
spinebustertee: the real question is can you still buy Grape Escape
harke_: @BusTed He also invented Don't Break the Camel's back and a few others!
TallynNyntyg: Someone should've put in "monopoly"
Davis: 1313, twice as spooky
Angreed66: It's a good joke Cori
Jillexie: Matt with the science
BusTed: @harke_ That's really neat!
RandomTrivia: Monopoles are theorized to be possible which is why they're such a holy grail
saucemaster5000: "Don't let mommy sleep" was the more accurate board game
CastleOtranto: Now Amazon is trying to sell me Mall Madness
MarkovDescendant: Uri Geller?
DanTheMediocre: generational trauma
TehAmelie: Mortals fainting under the gaze of an evil god
kimmiekoneko: ratemyspoon
A_Dub888: that is a… powerful pic
NarishmaReborn: yelling at my q-tips
Featherweight_: the spoon lord is angry
SquareDotCube: Ah, the Don't Wake Daddy and 13 Dead End Drive crossover
FickleMuse: too many spoons
harke_: @jamesinor Good ones I hope :D
KeytarCat: Got my brother 13 dead end drive for his birthday because I thought it was the coolest thing and he was not interested
hackingducks: bad mentalist
Asimech: "General Zod willing cotton candy to grow"
jamesinor: @SquareDotCube Can't Wake Daddy
TallynNyntyg: Who sets up their pins upside-down?
Laserbeaks_Fury: He's not angry, he's dissapointed
TehAmelie: Uri Geller's secret
SnackPak_: damn spoons have had it too good for too long
RandomTrivia: You guys have spoons?
Sunidesus: If I yell at them can I get more?
SquareDotCube: Isn't it ironic
serymew: I'd be disappointed too if my broccoli (mini trees) kept falling over.
SnackPak_: woooow
jamesinor: @harke_ Mostly, sibling rivalries make games risky
nappitatti: Graham OP
TriChronos: May the fun continue! Cheer10000
TallynNyntyg: Shy guy.
GredGredmansson: i remember these skit from sesame street
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART
Lysander_salamander: my friendly shadow?
Simonark: Wasn’t Uri Geller’s secret just charlatanism?
jamesinor: Me whenever I pull out the big spoon for cereal
saucemaster5000: LOOK OUT theressomeonebehindyou!!
KaleidoscopeMind: waving at the guy behind you
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
Asimech: "Bad at Shadowing"
Gekyouryuu: I keep thinking the game is saying senpai
TehAmelie: i feel that extrovert friend, as the introvert friend
AugmentingPath: The three bathrooms: men, women, and accursed
TallynNyntyg: The Bloody Mary bathroom.
SquareDotCube: "Women" "Men" "Wii Play"
beowuuf: or you = beej
hackingducks: escaping shadow
excalgold: one of my big fears heh
LadyLockwood92: No Stand jokes? Damn.
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
harke_: Amazing
jamesinor: Anyone in chat play Star Wars Unlimited?
TallynNyntyg: @LadyLockwood92 What is this, a JoJo reference?
GredGredmansson: i don't like it
beowuuf: spring roll?
TallynNyntyg: Springsandwich
BusTed: corkscrew sandwich
Coloneljesus: sandwich with silly straw
hackingducks: lettuce and hair sandwich, of course.
tehfewl: pube on a sandwitch?
unrivaledaesthetic: sproingwich
Juliamon: figured out what G's avatar reminded me of https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PxBgfzmYMt8/maxresdefault.jpg
serymew: Spring-loaded sandwich? It's a tarp!
epsilon_vee: some kind of smelted metal sandwich
KaleidoscopeMind: landing jam side down
Lord_Hosk: Spring Salad Sandwich?
Stratavarius: Waiter, there is a spring in my sandwich
Laserbeaks_Fury: Ceiling trap
Featherweight_: lasagna trap
harke_: The box spring on that sandwich needs replacing
jamesinor: It looks like a cartoon sandwich that killed the health inspector in spongebob
fungal_bird: the music is evocative of Palmtree Panic
GredGredmansson: "sandwhich"
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
TallynNyntyg: @serymew Can't be a tarp, the tarp budget's dry again.
serymew: Maybe it's a sadwich.
apocalyptic_squirrel: hello all!
Simonark: A Springloaded Seagull Press
SquareDotCube: Vegan curly hair sub sandwich
hackingducks: mcccorkscrew is also great
harke_: Hair sandwich is a cursed sentence
apocalyptic_squirrel: I can't tell if the fart noise is in the game or someone in the room
Lysander_salamander: I voted for McCorkscrew
infranova: If that's a sub sandwich I'd hate to see the dom one
Laserbeaks_Fury: That joke kinda spiraled out of control
Mollylele: I prefer a sandswitch
serymew: The dom sandwich has a boxing glove on it.
LadyLockwood92: I'm gonna head to bed. Have fun y'all~
beowuuf: sergeHi
Asimech: Dom sandwich would just be the one who controls the screw. @infranova
nappitatti: Boo
jamesinor: This is the last McCorkscrew. The species we were making them from has gone extinct
bagfullofbees: @LadyLockwood92 good night
beowuuf: escher3PUN
TallynNyntyg: @Asimech He who controls the screw, controls the party.
korvys: So who has the minigolf scorecard now?
nappitatti: Cute
serymew: Love missionaries?!
TehAmelie: shiny happy people smiling holding hands
spinebustertee: the notification that James is playing Smash was... honestly very funny
mtvcdm: ! next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club Tournament at Thu 03:00 PM PDT (12m from now).
CAKHost: Across the room those pencils look like worms. I guess pencils are almost worms if they didn't have the eraser?
BusTed: I love it
TallynNyntyg: Yas, queen
Lysander_salamander: I love this
bagfullofbees: mood
mtvcdm: Um
korvys: "look at my human son"
KaleidoscopeMind: uh
GredGredmansson: look at this graph
harke_: Yes
excalgold: 'look at this Photograph'
raulghoulia: I've seen this episode of Hazbin Hotel
brieandbacon: Look at this photograph
apocalyptic_squirrel: for some reason this gives me Edna Mode vibes
Twilight_Spark: I love lamp.
unrivaledaesthetic: the EYES
SeismicLawns: i'm also wondering what this is
LPS_97: Have you seen this person
apocalyptic_squirrel: No capes!
TallynNyntyg: Anime kid.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Bring me Pictures of Spider-Man
NarishmaReborn: whatever it is, it's great
CastleOtranto: I think I saw this on Invader Zim.
tehfewl: *Borat Voice* My husband!
TallynNyntyg: XD
TallynNyntyg: I'm the messed up kid!
cheshire_creeper: I drew this for you
danisfine: LUL LUL
drawnbinary: malfina and conneticut clark sizing
SeismicLawns: the fact that one of these is the right answer
RandomTrivia: WOAH
Lysander_salamander: wow
spethycakes: amazing
korvys: what a prompt
brieandbacon: Beautiful
harke_: Damn
Jillexie: wow
public_key_reveal_party: that's me
Lord_Hosk: Subathon was a prompt?
mtvcdm: Number go up!
LPS_97: Duality of stonks
Cavemanhar: US taxes
TallynNyntyg: The mad dummy from Undertale
spethycakes: "the money or the IP rights?"
Patorik: Side Hustle
serymew: Paying bills with a dual monitor?
ButButTheJesus: mama economy
Greendrag13: @public_key_reveal_party In the corner? Losing your religion?
Mai_Andra: Money or Meaning. You can only choose one...
korvys: Health insurance
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's time to play "Chat or Money!"
Angreed66: monty hall problem
CastleOtranto: Grampa just got his medical bills
forcedreject: The "HELLO" sounds like Ian
GredGredmansson: i swear graham gets someone every time
mtvcdm: I didn't expect the Shamwow nostalgia
brieandbacon: You wanna buy a sundial?
GredGredmansson: love it
Lysander_salamander: axe salesman
infranova: Hekidy
Laserbeaks_Fury: WHATERYA BUYIN?
spinebustertee: whatareyabuying?
Wolfstrike_NL: Candyman!
TehAmelie: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! You owe 300 kilos of potatoes.
dm818: What are you buyin'?
Cavemanhar: eyltra
TheWooglie: Heather with an axe
Greendrag13: ah, yes. The purveyor of illicit tomahawks
serymew: Oh hey, Andrew the back alley axe salesman.
trebuchetboy: axe salesman
Gekyouryuu: Back Ally Axe Salesman
bagfullofbees: hey kid, wanna buy an axe?
kimmiekoneko: hey kid? wanna buy a pocket?
BITs19_: wanna buy an axe?
infranova: Hey kid, you wanna buy an axe?
offbeatwitch: whatcha buyin. whatcha buyin. whatcha buyin
CastleOtranto: @Laserbeaks_Fury First place my mind went
marmalade_pen: a pez dispenser in a tissue
raulghoulia: Stranger! Stranger!
hackingducks: the idea of an undercover fireman is great
Gadora: Undercover fireman is an excellent concept.
TehAmelie: undercover fireman is my favorite thing i've heard in at least ten minutes
GredGredmansson: airing this fall on NBC
TallynNyntyg: Fabio
Lysander_salamander: sounds like a band name
harke_: I want a whole sketch series of Undercover Fireman now
serymew: I hear Q3 we'll see a small nerf for Graham.
slickslickman: gotta stay out of the pocket of "Big Fire"
Cavemanhar: zune ads
darkcyril: Are you a fireman? Legally you have to tell me.
Sunidesus: it's important to be able to sneak up on the fire
Lysander_salamander: tumblr sexyman
PawssumFable: Beautiful tourist?
emberBecky: oh my so sparkly
harke_: Fabio?
kimmiekoneko: that guy from stardew valley who lives on the beach
trebuchetboy: goregeous pau;
trebuchetboy: *Paul
bagfullofbees: Fabio
Dromos_GHG: Cameron?
Lysander_salamander: picasso oc
PawssumFable: @kimmiekoneko Elliot, mm.
AugmentingPath: you better figure it out, youi need it for the christmas party
PawssumFable: He's such a sweetheart if you friend him lol
NathanLonghair: the fun of continuously listening to farts and burps from that game is starting to wear thin
raulghoulia: Diamond Dust
serymew: Would totally buy those cookies.
trebuchetboy: @PawssumFable The guy from the Spike Feeders?
beowuuf: glow up wookie
Lysander_salamander: nice
Laserbeaks_Fury: Crunch Buttsteak!
BusTed: drawfeKermit
GredGredmansson: OSFrog
PawssumFable: If you marry him, he writes you poems and letters while he sells his book all over the country
spethycakes: Big McLargeHuge
PawssumFable: No, from Stardew
RandomTrivia: Well played Graham! seabatClap
brieandbacon: Good job party people!!
jamesinor: The species we used to make the McCorkscrew has gone extinct.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Definitely a sandwich from the Subwayverse
Dog_of_Myth: Oki Oki time
Metric_Furlong: late night fight fight
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeFight katesFight
brieandbacon: It's Teej!!
DaVeganPolice: seabatOAK
XizorArgus: Beej returned!
CaptainKranok: Commentary? During Fight Club?
Dog_of_Myth: Hi Beej
harke_: That was real fun, I'm glad I managed to catch the tail end of the party game section!
Stormgod519: you dont say
serymew: Party party!
TheWriterAleph: hi beej-not-mike
public_key_reveal_party: that is not true
Bruceski: He's not Mike, he's Beej
e_bloc: last break was 16:38, now 17:05 for a net gain of 37 minutes durnig jackbox
MehallD: Beej (yelling) : I'LL BE QUIET
CookieMom: Hoy hoy!
RayFK: Natural salesperson
Foxmar320 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 122 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Foxmar320! (Today's storm count: 390)
bagfullofbees: hello yes I am here
PawssumFable: I do not in fact have $300 to drop to make it 18 Jordynne, sorry
mtvcdm: ! subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Foxmar320: I did
Stormgod519: LOL
RayFK: Uh ohhhh, crestiiiiiieeees
Greendrag13: Corgo100 I'm helping!
Foxmar320: Twitch let me do it again
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Foxmar320: I don't know why
MaseyFool: i love this is like the 5th time ive come in to check on the subathon and everytime they are moving to the next segment lmao
AnderKryst: Cheer100
DoodlestheGreat: T2's add two minutes, T3's add 5
brieandbacon: !holes
LRRbot: The hole is napping; come back later.
bagfullofbees: @Foxmar320 it doesn't even matter how hard you try
NotCainNorAbel: @RayFK crestussy?
Voldiren is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 8 in the channel!
Voldiren gifted a Tier 1 sub to todderson_!
Voldiren gifted a Tier 1 sub to cheshire_creeper!
Voldiren gifted a Tier 1 sub to Azurios!
Voldiren gifted a Tier 1 sub to Makkabeus_Rex!
Voldiren gifted a Tier 1 sub to Filthy_Phil88!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Voldiren! Welcome to todderson_, cheshire_creeper, Azurios, Makkabeus_Rex, and Filthy_Phil88! (Today's storm count: 395)
TreeVor84: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
RayFK: @NotCainNorAbel banned
Dog_of_Myth: I would like for you to do that as well.
RandomTrivia is gifting 15 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 88 in the channel!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to n3ther!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to roastbeefsandwitch!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to kemykatze!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Happy_Camperr!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Scullder!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to ahandfulofbears!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to mielkevejen!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bantianeuw!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to filthwizard_1985!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Azrilanhe!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to excessible!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to manticporduct!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to theHazeSystem!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Schreischorsch!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to sturminator77!
MehallD: Don't forget the stretch goal of Jordynne changing her middle name
ShippingLordLex subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
ShippingLordLex: Lets hit 18 hours!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RandomTrivia! Welcome to n3ther, roastbeefsandwitch, kemykatze, Happy_Camperr, Scullder, ahandfulofbears, mielkevejen, Bantianeuw, filthwizard_1985, Azrilanhe, excessible, manticporduct, theHazeSystem, Schreischorsch, and sturminator77! (Today's storm count: 410)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ShippingLordLex! (Today's storm count: 411)
RandomTrivia: Here, have a quarter of an hour
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
NotCainNorAbel: @RayFK fair
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
Pat Baer: Well fine!
Therberus: number tries to go down, but they won't let it go down, how sad for the number... 😥
Sarah: It's okay, the number makes downward progress overnight
Therberus: hope the number can get some well deserved rest after this is all said and done
Texan_Reverend: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
ButButTheJesus: THAMK
marmalade_pen: thats a lot of subs!!
LuckieIsLive subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months, currently on a 20 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LuckieIsLive! (Today's storm count: 412)
TheAinMAP: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug
spethycakes: lrrSHINE
ahandfulofbears: @RandomTrivia Thanks for the gift sub!
kemykatze: @RandomTrivia, tak for gaveabonnementet!
brieandbacon: !picnic
Lord_Hosk: Twitch let me resubscribe to funko 6 streams in a row. It only charged me for one month but it added 6 to my streak count. Twitch can be twitchy
ClodiumSoride: time for more Mine o' Clock fakeouts
RandomTrivia: That's all I've got in me this week, figured I'd drop them sometime useful
Therberus: @randomtrivia the community thanks you 💙
frnknstn: And Serge!
OctaveCello: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
lichen_subscribe: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club Tournament at Thu 03:00 PM PDT (2m from now).
Sarah: The number will get to rest before some LRR members do, it doesn't have to be at the PPR on Sunday
DoodlestheGreat: @Lord_Hosk Do you know if it paid Funko for all six?
Simonark: So the timer now takes us through past James and Friends tomorrow.
PawssumFable: yaaay
Tzimisce_Joe: Nice
Therberus: Yay, we can make James get up early again
bjorlamn: hyped to be in a tourny on the channel!
serymew: "Past" James. I thought they sealed that time door.
feralskink: Party1555
Simriel: Wait the PPR is SUNDAY? Ooft
Tzimisce_Joe: Oh no the time door
Therberus: They did, James' past is slightly different than the dinosaur past. Much less teeth
Simonark: Now it’s chipping away time for Wheeler to Soul Demons
thatguysteve2709: If the math is correct as long as chat does not let it dip more than 2 hrs a day it will go to the end just on resub during live hrs
haberley: wobbly cam
marmalade_pen: see you in the vod! good luck to all
Therberus: Honestly, the amount of content we get from these is just amazing. So much vods to go back to 🤩
Coloneljesus: DinoDance
Mangledpixel: dance like everyone's watching!
BITs19_: we love our gays
Therberus: Plus actual live Jordynne 😙👌
James_LRR: fucking youths
malfnord: @thatguysteve2709 Is that accounting for the overnight viewer dropoff?
baltimore_667083: DinoDance
GameSageZB: them kids is at it again!
Redbassist: TwitchConHYPE
iconicshadow89: lrrSIG lrrSIG
XizorArgus: dance party!
apocalyptic_squirrel: strong moves
Dog_of_Myth: coxShake coxShake coxShake
ArrestedHouse: DinoDance
Therberus: WOAH LANGUAGE @james_lrr
malfnord: gdqGroove
emberBecky: oh I walk away and come back to raucous dancing! DinoDance
pn55: jlrrDance jlrrDance3
XizorArgus: DinoDance
beowuuf: jlrrDance
insanecat6mtg: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
TheWooglie: LUL
LordZarano: jlrrDance jlrrDance
draxov: All the LGBTQI+ in house say Way-oooh!
kaboomjr26: Street fighter 6?
Mangledpixel: way-ohhhhh!
Sarah: Sure is!
RandomTrivia: Way-ohhhh
KinkerbellRose: Way-oooh~
Simonark: I think there was dancing but I only have a hazy memory of it?
ButButTheJesus: jordynne sneaking
serymew: DinoDance
haberley: way-oooh!
quietcat: way-oooh!
RandomTrivia: [are y'all ready for this] *drop*
thatguysteve2709: Based on the daily like gifts subs yes
Helrumyc: Way-oooh!
Tzimisce_Joe: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
RandomTrivia: BLURRY KITTY!
Crad0k: kitty!
justacrabgrass: lrrSHINE
Darantei: Kitty!
Going_Medium: kitty!
Mangledpixel: aww, it's a blur!
Riki: Just got off work finally. I see Jordynne is making their job fun.
Sunidesus: kitty!
snydepels2: Kitty!
MTigress: kity
thatjuantoo: inobunRotato
haberley: kitty has coin if we have wares
spethycakes: lilyli11Colpet
RandomTrivia: Jordynne knows what Chat wants
insanecat6mtg: kitty!
Tzimisce_Joe: Cat tax!
shurtal: show cat feet
draxov: Everyone stroke your cat now, the kitty tax must be paid
Dog_of_Myth: Needs more dogs. :(
Gulleko: my brain seeing two way-oooohs in a row: "daylight come and me wanna go home"
CAKHost: KITTY -> ^w^
thatguysteve2709: I scratch my dog instead
cmdrud87: daaay-oh, me say daaaaay-oh...
Tzimisce_Joe: CoolCat
draxov: my cat attacked me while I strokes her, she is a danger fluff
PhoenixShaman: whats going on/up next?
Gascitygaming: Oh, hey chat, I beat Elden Ring for the first time last night and got Ranni's Ending! :)
haberley: @PhoenixShaman oki oki
CAKHost: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club Tournament at Thu 03:00 PM PDT (5m ago).
apocalyptic_squirrel: @Gascitygaming well done! how was it? last I played I was vaguely working towards Ranni's quest
PhoenixShaman: @haberley thankie thankie
deusvampire: @Gascitygaming Good Job
Dog_of_Myth: @Gascitygaming Congrats!!
RandomTrivia: *ominous sudden silence
haberley: and then the music was over
Gascitygaming: It's apparently one of the 'good' endings, I liked it, went full strength build with a Mimic tear and it was actually kind of easy, first tried the Elden Beast
deusvampire: Fight time
BITs19_: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
BusTed: Hello!
Dog_of_Myth: No more music, only fight remains
xantos69: Hello game folks!
DaVeganPolice: hola seabatOAK
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW RyuChamp
apocalyptic_squirrel: hello hello!
GredGredmansson: lrrADAM
shendaras: seabatClap
Luminaire_p: They're here
ManWithTheMask13: FamilyMan FamilyMan FamilyMan
therepoman__: What's good gamers
BurgerGamer: WE'RE HERE
apocalyptic_squirrel: it's time to f-f-f-fisticuffs
Symphoneers: Cori-cori fight club? TakeNRG
e_bloc: stream starting at 17:22
thatjuantoo: inobunMelonjam
TheAinMAP: Hello.
Mai_Andra: seabatHITBOX seabatHITBOX seabatSKYLADY
chrono2x: hahaha
forcedreject: How many of Adam's Disciple's are in this?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Dog_of_Myth: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
momalyd: It this Let's Talk?
thatjuantoo: inobunMalevolence
AceGun_: gamers, please!
saucemaster5000: gamers?
KinkerbellRose: Adam refuses to herd cats? How could he!
HiCallMeRusty: hi hi hello. I'm ready to watch the punchyfriends
apocalyptic_squirrel: is there a particular channel to look at in the discord?
DaVeganPolice: any gamers?
Hansk_and_Boo: Cheer100 GET IN THE LRR DISCORD GAMERS!!!
flowerseses subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
flowerseses: good luck gamers!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, flowerseses! (Today's storm count: 413)
ManWithTheMask13: Just talk smack about Gief and you'll call me about just fine
Sydet1: If you're in the bracket there's aspecific channel you'll get added to
mtvcdm: ! discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
LurkerSpine: Watching from the hotel check in line!
Simriel: !discord
Dog_of_Myth: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
cle0deen: Evening all
itsr67: wahoo
deusvampire: If anybody was wondering it's currently Midnight in Denmark perfect time to watch an entire fighting-game tournament
cle0deen: Hi Cori Hi Adam
saucemaster5000: go fight some streets gamers for those of us who are working!
itsr67: best of luck everyone
Mai_Andra: I see live brackets.
therepoman__: Good luck gamers
TheWooglie: (live)
Alas_Babylon: And now the game truly begins
flowerseses: @deusvampire I brought my laptop to the bed, and it's so late but I am watching it!
benjamin_wheeler: good luck y'all
Dog_of_Myth: Good luck to all who are fighting
HaphazardHaberdashery subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
HaphazardHaberdashery: Waiting for Oki to hit my resub for the subathon
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HaphazardHaberdashery! (Today's storm count: 414)
mtvcdm: Well over a day to add in order to reach cap, hopefully we can do that.
v_nome: We're getting some people filtering in I think
Links_Kun: is it ft3?
DaVeganPolice: I only wish luck upon AceGun, may our battle be legendary
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Simriel: !subathon
chrono2x: 1770 minutes needed until cap reached.
thatguysteve2709: Good luck everybody have fun
Veggiekeks: Good Luck everyone!
Jigokuro: The timer is too high to happen, but it'd be really funny if the subathon ran out right at Finals. bitterHehe
ylegm: GLHF
Helrumyc: Dang, too late to join, but I've got to work at the moment so it's all good
Links_Kun: ok cool thank you <3
Zaneysed: Best pass
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
RandomTrivia: Nice nice
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and…
CoconutRanger1515: We havent started yet do you want us to wait?
tod_vom_himmel: wierd it wont let me check in on start gg, the "check in" button isnt a button on my screen
CoconutRanger1515: ok
Alas_Babylon: * Do Not Start * gamers
JDogg2K4: Good luck and have fun all!
LambMower: what is a block
Alas_Babylon: GLHF
Zaneysed: Lamb the GOAT
definenull: Gl all
Chefryto90: Good Luck to all participants!
LambMower: guys what are the controls
v_nome: @tod_vom_himmel Think you're waiting for round 2
Cavemanhar: GLHF all participants
BusTed: LUL
ManWithTheMask13: LET'S GO LAMBBB
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
LMAOkai_: gl gl lamb!
ManWithTheMask13: HE'S MY GOART
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
RandomTrivia: GLHF all competitors!
littleunknownn: Amazing
SymphonySolstice: LUL lamb
DaVeganPolice: letsgo lamb
benjamin_wheeler: lamb has 5 hrs in this game, I believe
Zaneysed: Lamb has a SOLID 5 hours, they're my goat
spethycakes: most buttons pressed wins!
forcedreject: Mmmmm Bison
themostjoast: the day 1 pocket bison lets go
apocalyptic_squirrel: Simply Gladius until successful
definenull: Please let this be a Johnny donuts moment
Saintnex: #TeamLambmower!
James_the_Dabbler: Lamb you got this
cle0deen: I'm pretty sure it only works if you smash the buttons
CAKHost: o.o
RandomTrivia: That was BRUTAL
TheWriterAleph: gotdam
apocalyptic_squirrel: the harder you press, the more damage attacks do, innit
James_the_Dabbler: Oh my GOD
iiieye: As soon as there is a new Soul Caliber I will play a fighting game
apocalyptic_squirrel: clean af DI
cle0deen: @apocalyptic_squirrel and if you lean sideways you turn more
Hansk_and_Boo: OMG I can't wait till MVC2 gets the re-release
apocalyptic_squirrel: @cle0deen yeah I use that to make my super inputs faster. what we call a pro strat
Alas_Babylon: #JustMarisaThings
Anubis169: manBRO KAPOW
littleunknownn: You're doing fine!
thatjuantoo: Game 1's for data.
James_the_Dabbler: Stop stop they're already dead!
AceGun_: Chat will take care of the commentary.
cmdrud87: just get Graham and Beej in there and do wrestling commentary
nappitatti: I don't play or watch fighting games but this commentary is great
apocalyptic_squirrel: "hanging out and talking about fighting games" is really good though
forcedreject: The zoomy bar
Zaneysed: The fun bar
Hansk_and_Boo: Bar is life
Cavemanhar: nice juggle
forcedreject: Optimal?
ManWithTheMask13: The comedy bar
Metric_Furlong: okay, so we've had the high seed versus low seed match Kappa
saucemaster5000: can't pancake people without the green butter
ManWithTheMask13: Ya gotta turn green to get that green
Frizzlenill: sorry that lamb has to start facing a master player :(
iiieye: Burnout? Paradise or Takedown?
cle0deen: I liked Burnout
drawnbinary: i relate to that, i cant do good moves in burnout either
apocalyptic_squirrel: @Frizzlenill oh hey it's my round 2 opponent, nice to meet you
Zaneysed: Lamb's the goat, I got faith
Frizzlenill: hi!
apocalyptic_squirrel: hello! :D
forcedreject: What is "plus" I only press
Alas_Babylon: G L A D I U S
Metric_Furlong: @Zaneysed well, actually, a lamb is a sheep Kappa
SymphonySolstice: A for effort ggs lamb
DaVeganPolice: ggs ggs
El_Zilcho22: ggs
g0lg0r0th: ggs
LMAOkai_: ggs ggs
definenull: ggs
Saintnex: ggs!
LambMower: I win right?
therepoman__: ggs ggs
Drunk_Owl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
ManWithTheMask13: ggs ggs ggs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Drunk_Owl! (Today's storm count: 415)
apocalyptic_squirrel: @forcedreject I have said "am I minus there or am I just bad" many times while playing this game
SymphonySolstice: you win in our hearts lamb
LowUpsideCJ: ggs ggs
apocalyptic_squirrel: @LambMower the moral victory. that DI was sweet
Lysander_salamander: why does Bison look like Gollum's muscular cousin?
Dog_of_Myth: @LambMower You won chat
Links_Kun: ggs <3
Saintnex: @LambMower does winning the hearts of chat count? :D
Gascitygaming: for newer folks, what are plus and minus?
DaVeganPolice: @LambMower GGs GGs
bytecaster: @Lysander_salamander He had a mild case of being dead
forcedreject: @apocalyptic_squirrel As a tekken player the answer to both those questions has usually been "...yes"
Lysander_salamander: again?
Alas_Babylon: @Gascitygaming Frame advantage and disadvantage. Being in plus means you're that many frames behind your opponents, iirc
LambMower: GGs @Links_Kun <3 Almost had you
spethycakes: @LambMower genuinely inspiring! Thanks for playing!
El_Zilcho22: LUL
thatjuantoo: o7
Docthorr: BUCKETS! I'm missing the Oki tourney because I need this stupid thing called sleep! VoD life forever
saucemaster5000: @Gascitygaming frame advantage, plus means youre moves will be coming out sooner than the other player
HorusFive: Will we get any Oki Oki regular call ins?
Links_Kun: @LambMower <3
apocalyptic_squirrel: @Gascitygaming when both characters finish an animation, one will usually finish some time before the other. we count that time in frames (fighting games are 60fps) and we say the person who finished first "has plus frames"
AceGun_: Then why am doing all this homework?
itsr67: https://glossary.infil.net/?t=Frame%20Advantage For those who are curious about "Plus" or "Minus"
forcedreject: But Cory if you end up enjoying it, it stops being homework
Ciijay: The one time I'm off of work and I would be able to join this. Haha, sadly on vacation and no controller.. And my game is waaay more of Guilty Gear
tod_vom_himmel: cori i play fighting games and ive never used a single braincell
RebekahWSD: I like watching fighting games, but playing them is not for me
Lysander_salamander: I guess his scheme to transplant his brain into Cammy or her sisters didn't work?
definenull: Wait you didn't have to do homework to press buttons?
Docthorr: GL & HF button pressers! Go kill some nerds! (in game ofc)
Metric_Furlong: I mean, you get better at most games by playing them
bytecaster: But what if I want to know if I'm +2 on block though
apocalyptic_squirrel: such animations can include things like hitting and blocking, so moves where you finish an attack animation before your opponent finishes blocking it are called "plus on block" and those are Good
Gascitygaming: thanks all!
flowerseses: gotta just lose the first 100-200 games and get the game into your fingies
Symphoneers: I feel like Nelly's a testament to vibing once a week being fun/valid and fine for improving.
apocalyptic_squirrel: @bytecaster SF6 has a frame meter you can turn on in the settings, which will tell you this sort of thing!
MilkInBags: i want to report that i won 3 times against heef
definenull: Koomers
apocalyptic_squirrel: otherwise you'll see it on wikis and stuff
itsr67: For those who are struggling with fighting game terminology, a great way to look it up is through the Infil Glossary at https://glossary.infil.net/
Ciijay: Honestly if you know a lot of older fighting games it's not too bad to try and get into again and adjust. The technicalities can be hard to learn.
Mai_Andra: aKENma
bytecaster: @apocalyptic_squirrel I was just joking, but appreciated nonetheless!
LambMower: If anyone is wondering, I am a Tekken player and I have 5 hours total in SF6. I'm just here to be a jobber and make people look good
Ciijay: There's a lot of basics though that you can pick up on too, from just watching people play
Zaneysed: @LambMower My goat
bytecaster: @LambMower Have you tried doing some electrics with Bison?
apocalyptic_squirrel: @bytecaster You got me good :P
MilkInBags: justin wong coming to win this whole thing for glory seabatOAK
DaVeganPolice: didn't even taunt jet upper with bison, smh
thatguysteve2709: Don't down play yourself lamb you did fine
Frizzlenill: @LambMower it's admirable that you did your best against a Master player round 1, you did great
Ciijay: EVO hype this weekend too
spethycakes: @LambMower IN my opinion, showing up on time for first round is a huge win
apocalyptic_squirrel: @LambMower this is my first fighting game! you are not alone in being new to the genre
hopping_moon: @loadingreadyrun how do I join the tournament?
tod_vom_himmel: whats a dragon punch
shurtal: and a body projectile
Helrumyc: It'd be fun if there was a oki oki fight club voice channel in the discord
Bearudite: got the tatsu
bytecaster: They loooove going Hadouken
Scar_Red_Tiger: The best was when I drew a round in tournament.
apocalyptic_squirrel: @tod_vom_himmel a big showy uppercut that beats aerial moves
LambMower: Fighting games are a fantastic time, play fighting games y'all <3
definenull: Oww
itsr67: @hopping_moon There was a sign up, I dont know if its still active after the bracket went live
forcedreject: Akuma very squishy
MilkInBags: what if I say please
cmdrud87: buut... ffr?
DaVeganPolice: Milk can take my spot
saucemaster5000: milk coming in with legend ranked kim
Gascitygaming: head on over to the Lrr discord though and you'll find great folks to play!
LambMower: Don't worry chat I'm just setting up the redemption arc in the losers bracket
definenull: Omg the shimmies
Zaneysed: Akuma blows up
Ciijay: if you can't join this tournament though, a bunch of folks in the community play fighting games on their own time. :)
itsr67: LUL
ManWithTheMask13: These two are swinging
Ciijay: Not just Street Fighter too!
ManWithTheMask13: Hats off to these gamers
LurkerSpine: No, mfer just gets everything
CaptainSpam: Eduardo Honda
SolarBlitz1: Deeper to master
raulghoulia: Who has the best fatality?
itsr67: he's definitely a very good character with the whole toolbox
Frizzlenill: akuma's approachable but he IS much harder to master because he has a lot more options
Scar_Red_Tiger: Less room for mistakes
MWGNZ: dont need health if you're always hitting op
apocalyptic_squirrel: yeah I've been playing Akuma because he is good at some stuff I'm trying to learn
hopping_moon: @ciijay can I have a link to the discord?
Gascitygaming: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
RandomTrivia: ~whichcord
DideRobot: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
apocalyptic_squirrel: so he makes it easier, but he's not necessarily an easy character to reliably win with
Scar_Red_Tiger: Do we have any Modern Gamers in the bracket?
inconsideratehat: DP? That's illegal to show in Canada
AceGun_: @Scar_Red_Tiger Yup, at least a handful.
flowerseses: play_guy's reactions to stuff here are so impressive so far
Links_Kun: @inconsideratehat gachiGASM gachiGASM
definenull: Noooo
LowUpsideCJ: I might be outmatched in this bracket
Zaneysed: No shot, youre the goat
ManWithTheMask13: They're the goart
apocalyptic_squirrel: @LowUpsideCJ don't worry, there's a mix of levels here afaik
BITs19_: 1-1?
apocalyptic_squirrel: there's at least me, I'm a silver/gold level player
Alas_Babylon: 1-1 so far
Ciijay: @LowUpsideCJ From one CJ to another CJ - I'm cheering you on!
MaygeKyatt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaygeKyatt! (Today's storm count: 416)
saucemaster5000: gief drinks gauges like eggnog on christmas
bytecaster: If you get knocked down, do you get up again, cause they can never gonna get you down?
Frizzlenill: also parry lets you GAIN drive gauge when you block moves, but if you get thrown you DIE
Dog_of_Myth: Just do your best and have fun.
forcedreject: I like how you call that an "incident"
cle0deen: And be nice to the other gamers
apocalyptic_squirrel: @bytecaster need this song edited over clips of pros getting throw looped
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 you rang? MiniK
saucemaster5000: @ManWithTheMask13 stay away from my butter!
bytecaster: Damn, I'm still impressed how good SF6 turned out.
apocalyptic_squirrel: Saucemaster, are you still playing Manon? I managed to join a couple early okioki streams and I remember we had a really fun set back in t'day
Alas_Babylon: Jeez, this match
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 DarkMode
apocalyptic_squirrel: (you destroyed me but it was the good kind of loss lol)
cmdrud87: brutality
Zaneysed: Pwewish
therepoman__: da weak must pewish
definenull: Magic pixel
Alas_Babylon: !!!!
MWGNZ: seabatClap
cmdrud87: wow
alchemistsavant: That was such a close match!
DaVeganPolice: what a classic
BITs19_: dasaaaaaaaammmm
ylegm: V. Nice
CaptainSpam: 1 is not 0
apocalyptic_squirrel: damn that drive rush was nice
Dog_of_Myth: What a round
BITs19_: 2-1 Ken
ManWithTheMask13: Footsies
RandomTrivia: The sliver!
Redbassist: FBtouchdown
Cinnabat: What a match!
flowerseses: wowwww
Alas_Babylon: 2-1 Ken
flowerseses: that was SO tense
forcedreject: ah right you can DP the air fireballs in SF6
lightfut: Presume this is R1 of the tourney?
Dog_of_Myth: It is
Alas_Babylon: @lightfut Yep
Frizzlenill: regular dp beating ex air fireball wat
apocalyptic_squirrel: @forcedreject sometimes, they're quite tricky to get through, depending on spacing/angle
DNAli3n: this is a great match
ylegm: @forcedreject it's the one fireball the Chun Li's hazanshu can actually mitigate
apocalyptic_squirrel: if Akuma takes damage the fireball will go away, so in this case Ken's DP hit Akuma's feet before the projectile made contact
forcedreject: @apocalyptic_squirrel Wasn't it that they have strike properties in this game?
Alas_Babylon: Absolute clinic being put on here
raulghoulia: what's with that clown?
AceGun_: @raulghoulia vibing
Diabore: Scuse you, its a mime
Leaf Cooper: pixel and a dream
bytecaster: Do you think they like being called mr.mime?
itsr67: well done
LowUpsideCJ: what a round one
ManWithTheMask13: ggs ggs ggs sick set
DNAli3n: wp both
definenull: Ggs ggs
El_Zilcho22: ggs
BITs19_: 3-1 Ken, GGs!
tycoonbosh: I might have missed this, but what does "plus frames" mean?
Dog_of_Myth: GGs
Frizzlenill: so for new folks, crosscut is an input technique that lets you uppercut an opponent as they pass over your headd without it being misinterpreted as a different move input by the game
flowerseses: great game!
g0lg0r0th: GGs
Alas_Babylon: @tycoonbosh You are ahead by that many frames on your opponent, giving you an action advantage.
apocalyptic_squirrel: @tycoonbosh when you finish an animation some frames before your opponent does, you have "plus frames"
ghizmou: sergeGG
tycoonbosh: Cool, thanks y'all
violetblight: adam, looks like the brackets set to ft2
LurkerSpine: Most folks are probably used to reserved games on start.gg would be my guess
apocalyptic_squirrel: such animations include attacking and blocking, so someone might hit an opponent who blocks an attack, but recover a bit earlier, so that's "plus on block"
Frizzlenill: 'plus frames' or frame advantage refers to how many frames sooner you can act than your opponent after a situation
Frizzlenill: !infil
LRRbot: The glossary of fighting game terms can be found here: https://glossary.infil.net
forcedreject: When I try to teach my fighting game newbie friends about plus frames I refer to that one TFS scene of Goku punching Jeice
Ant__R: seeing if you could turn that notification off?
CoconutRanger1515: its not letting me report the games on startgg for some reason
ManWithTheMask13: Startgg also just kind of sucks as a site
forcedreject: "Remember Jeice if you find yourself being repeatedly punched in the face..." "You gonna block any of these..?"
Alex_Frostfire: Yeah, this UI leaves something to be desired.
Pharmacistjudge: really wish I wasn’t at work right now
Zaneysed: Start.gg makes me appreicate melee for mtg
iiieye: @pharmacistjudge I wish that whenever I am at work
tod_vom_himmel: it seems like challonge is a bit smoother? but maybe thats just me
ApplicativeJones: weren't you also sick last year during the setup portion, making it hard to remember anything?
Ciijay: We all wanna jam
dankmemeter is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to robobats_tv!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to azmahel_crafts!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to xcarbn!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to iceburg117!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to thedatatap!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to gumplum!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to ibrahn!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kahnkwest!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nemosaur!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to maladroit_moose!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, dankmemeter! Welcome to robobats_tv, iceburg117, azmahel_crafts, ibrahn, Nemosaur, xcarbn, maladroit_moose, thedatatap, gumplum, and Kahnkwest! (Today's storm count: 426)
AceGun_: Their CFN# should be on start.gg
HorusFive: Back over 17hrs! lrrAWESOME
Jezus38: @ciijay can't say that I do, but I do enjoy watching the folks here
Ciijay: Hah - well, we're jamming from the spectator seat!
HiCallMeRusty: I still watch the VOD of last year's tourney every now and then
simic_yeti is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to LauraPJS!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to wednesdayb!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ant__R!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to pencilsnake!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to choffry!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to SuperLongRoad!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rednakram!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to pointproven214!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to boristhewizard!
simic_yeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to ComiKhan_!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, simic_yeti! Welcome to wednesdayb, Ant__R, pencilsnake, SuperLongRoad, choffry, Rednakram, boristhewizard, pointproven214, ComiKhan_, and LauraPJS! (Today's storm count: 436)
Ciijay: If people do ever want to try fighting games - this is a great group to jam with though. A lot of folks are helpful and encouraging and practice together
Pharmacistjudge: how do we kill time? drive rush time into a level 2?
Jezus38: For sure. Loved last year's, so I'm glad to see part of this year's event too
bo_brinkman subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 51 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bo_brinkman! (Today's storm count: 437)
ManWithTheMask13: More like Supershot
Frizzlenill: @tod_vom_himmel I agree, it's smoother and faster but it's also more barebones. There's a few features like individual-game reporting, character reporting, mid-match chat, etc that challonge doesnt have, which are more useful for larger scale events
apocalyptic_squirrel: I'm in the UK, my plan is to go 0-2 and go to bed lol
DaVeganPolice: you ready for PoE adam?
MilkInBags: hey adam what's your favourite kind of tea
tod_vom_himmel: i woulda shot them
thatjuantoo: inobunMelonjam
Zaneysed: The authentic tourney experience lol
IbunWest: merlekClap
tod_vom_himmel: youre a more patient man htan i
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
definenull: Not the Ken mu NotLikeThis
bytecaster: I should play this game again
Frizzlenill: @apocalyptic_squirrel respectfully, I hope you're on wired if you're playing NA people lol
apocalyptic_squirrel: @Frizzlenill Yeah I am, I did consider that haha
SnowBuddy18: they had to wait for border security to let them through, lol
ManWithTheMask13: "Welcome to the real world"
El_Zilcho22: watch it not be the tourney SuperBerry hahaha
Frizzlenill: should be fine then :D
apocalyptic_squirrel: It's been OK before. If we have big connection issues I'll happily concede
Ciijay: Ranks are also based on character too
RandomTrivia: That happens in any tournament situation
benjamin_wheeler: can also be people playing their secondaries
Frizzlenill: nah the netcode's good, there won't be issues if packet loss (wifi) isn't a risk
LowUpsideCJ: Why his eyebrows doin that
AceGun_: SuperBerry on the good Ken costume.
Jezus38: That's dope, actually. Would hate to try a new character in higher elo just to get shrek'd
IbunWest: What did they do to my boy Ken
MilkInBags: why does jamie not simply tie his hair and unleash his power right at the start
Naesiir: let's Go Oki Oki Fight Club gamers!!! Good luck in the tourney
definenull: Ow
Ciijay: Ken got the pretty boy hair
Mazrae: Ah the drunken fighter
Gadora: That sounds like a really interesting setup for a character.
Scar_Red_Tiger: Importantly, He takes off his shirt
BITs19_: man, Ken is such a pretty boy
Ciijay: Unleash the hair, unleash the chest
Jezus38: Same, but different. But still same
Ciijay: Is Terry in the game already?
definenull: Ow
Frizzlenill: @LoadingReadyRun the checkin has no timer dw, when a match comes up we can see if people are arrived
bytecaster: I would love his long hair to get a little singed during that super
DaVeganPolice: No, probably in a couple months @Ciijay
Ciijay: Ooo, can't wait
Frizzlenill: @Ciijay not yet, evo tomorrow will likely have footage
benjamin_wheeler: no I meant people playing characters other than their mains may be reflected in their ranks
DaVeganPolice: the good money is on footage at evo or a teaser, yeah
Naesiir: start gg is not a perfect system
Ciijay: I wonder if EVO will also have some GGS reveals too
Helrumyc: can't be in the tourney, but I'm hopping on sf6 anyways
Bearudite: vip tho Kappa
Coloneljesus: VIP status is on the line, no?
Frizzlenill: hopefully, it'll probably be Dizzy but my dream would be Jam
Stratavarius: For fun tourneys are great for trying out new characters
Bearudite: the belt
mjiig: @Coloneljesus This is very similar to what Adam said
definenull: The cajones to drink in neutch tho
definenull: What's the followup
bytecaster: Is that how training works?
definenull: Nooo
Pharmacistjudge: all the fancy people are at EVO
Frizzlenill: worth for the burnout and more time to rebuild super meter. I think the lv3 was the right call
MilkInBags: i hate when i get kicked in the level 2
saucemaster5000: @Pharmacistjudge I beg your pardon I paid for this rented tux!
Ciijay: Today is the real Canadian EVO
mamba_shinobi: this looks cool
ManWithTheMask13: Simply don't whiff
maxthefourth: just dont get hit
tod_vom_himmel: just EX when they press
bytecaster: Have you heard to the good word of "git gud"
eff_the_bard: evening streamers, are we Kenough tonight?
benjamin_wheeler: @maxthefourth Smash64.jpeg
El_Zilcho22: i think you should be able to DQ if you're the tourney runner but not sure
Pharmacistjudge: Can’t get whiff punished if don’t whiff
bytecaster: @eff_the_bard The barbie movie should have ended with Ken doing his Level 3, send tweet
MilkInBags: wheeler missed the tournament registration :(
sparrowhawksilver: "hit every move, dodge all of their moves", to quote the Pokemon Gen 4 Rival
benjamin_wheeler: huh no I'm reg'd
wints22: great time to be running a sub-a-thon on Street Fighter!!
MilkInBags: oooh, with whom
play_guy01: is their a discord for this bracket?
benjamin_wheeler: @MilkInBags playing my girl
benjamin_wheeler: Lilith
MilkInBags: nice, did you know you were paired against heef? (I have no idea)
Frizzlenill: DQ would just mean losses anyway, just give those players byes
forcedreject: Minus frames are just a state of mind
ManWithTheMask13: ggs ggs ggs
g0lg0r0th: GGs 󠀀
LordZarano: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
bytecaster: @forcedreject Gotta get your mental to be plus
MilkInBags: gg i was the guy on the beach
Pharmacistjudge: I see Ken likes the number 2
Frizzlenill: remember to report your match results to startgg, folks!
Frizzlenill: no timer is good adam! Matches have to wait!
Frizzlenill: matches need to wait for their turn on stream
ManWithTheMask13: Report your results or we'll find you
Links_Kun: @violetblight please check in so no dq
El_Zilcho22: you should be able to do it on your enc
El_Zilcho22: end*
sparrowhawksilver: somebody said you can give people bys, instead of dq'ing the afk players
tod_vom_himmel: i think you can step in and do it yourself
MilkInBags: adam is shooting people NotLikeThis
definenull: Blat blat
AceGun_: the goart
El_Zilcho22: you should be able to DQ and also confirm results on your end yeah
Juliamon: Coconut was saying it wasn't letting them enter it
LowUpsideCJ: Banger showmatch
super_ashura: As a Magic judge and TO, seeing Adam figure this process out is... vindicating.
play_guy01: i reported my match on my end, but startgg lets you manually report scores and dq people as event admin
googoltudoris: BOP
LurkerSpine: I think you can edit it
play_guy01: i won 3-1 that set
DaVeganPolice: the uh.... quick DQ timer just ate our match I think
definenull: Ah I recognise some of these trogs
dm818: I thyought play guy won
PharaohBender27: Cheer4800 Back from work - how's the fighting been going?
saucemaster5000: play guy won 3-1
AceGun_: Play_guy won
cmdrud87 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 320 in the channel!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Engage_rage!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to big_daddy_mars!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kartoffelnar!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to laleffler22!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to WarmAsIce!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to eff_the_bard!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to manadorkpr!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to beneckja!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to onecelt!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bzisbdkx!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, cmdrud87! Welcome to Kartoffelnar, laleffler22, WarmAsIce, eff_the_bard, manadorkpr, beneckja, Engage_rage, onecelt, big_daddy_mars, and bzisbdkx! (Today's storm count: 447)
BurgerGamer: ed!
thatguysteve2709: Good luck
AceGun_: He's a box that can punch the air at people... kinda
forcedreject: mmmmmm bison
Greyah: Ed doesn't know how to kick though, does he?
Seaspeakr: go nova ^^
sparrowhawksilver: gameplay clone or lore clone?
Shadowsoflife: Yes
Veggiekeks: @LoadingReadyRun dq timer is super short now, lots of people will get dq like this
Naesiir: damn, bison clone and doesn't get a horse rubyluSad
tod_vom_himmel: adam why did teracyte get shot did they miss registration or did they just get a straw
tod_vom_himmel: stray*
forcedreject: "I'm a bison clone." "Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?"
flowerseses: just marissa things
Simriel: Most Bison Clones look nothing like Bison XD
30teracyte: too late lol
El_Zilcho22: yeah i got dq'd hahah
play_guy01: @Veggiekeks what was the timer set to? cause i got cooked
RandomTrivia: Oops
forcedreject: Rollback netcode for the bracket
DaVeganPolice: LUL I did not check in LUL but I'm advancing so like we take those? LMfao
AceGun_: start.gg makes tournaments fun!
Micsig: 1minute to play the match guys, gotta jam
tod_vom_himmel: just replay the bracket, everybody back to start
El_Zilcho22: 1 minutie is too fast
Jezus38: We're learning
Ciijay: You guys can't win in 1 minute? /j
Ciijay: No worries, Adam, it's chill!
MilkInBags: time to use end.gg
Simriel: Had to do this so many times for Magic events
play_guy01: do you have someone else running bracket? i can try to help
SnowBuddy18: screenshot, restart, manually input?
SuitablyEpic: time for paper copies
Naesiir: o7 Ed
CaKnuckleguy: run it back. only way
CaptainSpam: The entire bracket's in chaos!
PharaohBender27: "You get a DQ! And you get a DQ! EVERTBODY GETS A DQ!"
Symphoneers: Beeg lady smush smol man/
cmdrud87: ouch
RandomTrivia: That looked painful
AceGun_: poor Ed...
Mattmitchell45: Take all the Fight Money and run for it, Adam
MilkInBags: I got dq'd and I wasn't even playing
forcedreject: @PharaohBender27 Dairy Queen?
v_nome: The real fighting game was start gg
g0lg0r0th: GGs
Naesiir: the competitors were not ready for that mix
El_Zilcho22: you can edit them but it might have to be individually
sparrowhawksilver: remake the bracket, and manually input the correct results?
Ciijay: All else fails, yeah - just can make a manual bracket, or something. It's okay, no stress
Spades_Slicc: If everyone gets DQ'd. No one gets DQ'd Kappa
Chefryto90: We chilling. Please take your time :)
atinyspacemarine: Yeah grab the prize purse and run, you might make it to Mexico before dawn
DaVeganPolice: reset and re-enter results?
play_guy01: i can try to help with bracket running i used to do it a while back
Ciijay: Hey Cori - what sort of fighting games have you played? :D @LoadingReadyRun
Veggiekeks: maybe there are some people versed in start gg who could help out
CaKnuckleguy: Yep. it'll random again. Just kinda have to accept it
samb6678: You've got this Adam!
cmdrud87: there is literally nothiing on the line
MilkInBags: it happens
v_nome: Maybe make a spreadsheet?
LJ_Alkes: trial tournament ended, lets start from the beggining ;)
sparrowhawksilver: learning experience
MilkInBags: it sucks I won 3-0 against heef and gotta do it again
CaKnuckleguy: It happens. Do the best for the most and move on.
keltaklo: It's chill Adam, it happens.
CaKnuckleguy: TOing is hard.
LMAOkai_: we pauised our match
LMAOkai_: my bad
Ciijay: Yeah no worries, it happens! We're chill
CaKnuckleguy: It's an excersize in owning mistakes, doing the best for the most, and communicating fixes.
KinkerbellRose: Poop happens Adam. :3
DaVeganPolice: <3 sending love and good vibes <3
Seaspeakr: it's live, so something's gonna happen
v_nome: Should we write down the current state before doing a full reset?
AceGun_: We're all learning.
Pharmacistjudge: nothings on the line
RandomTrivia: lrrFINE
enbyKriss: It's all good Adam, we're chilling lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: No stakes, no masters.
Links_Kun: is it still ft3?
KinkerbellRose: Hey, we get to laugh it off as this being the worse thing to go wrong during the subathon.
Ms_LadyMix: Technology was a mistake, pen and paper is king!
RandomTrivia: You've got this, Adam
flowerseses: you might be able to manually set up the bracket the same way?
SnowBuddy18: screenshot?
deusvampire: Adam breathe please. Everything is fine :)
Gadora: I am a big proponent of all software having robust undo features.
DaVeganPolice: <3
DNAli3n: i'm gonna head off to bed, see ya all tomorrow
LambMower: dropped a screenshot of the current bracket in the tournament chat adam
Simriel: Can you do a manual redo of the bracket?
Simriel: Start from round 1, put in results from round 1?
Seaspeakr: you're doing great Adam, no worries
RForcin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RForcin! (Today's storm count: 448)
Ms_LadyMix: Who hasn't been here
LowUpsideCJ: Screenshot in the discord as well
saucemaster5000: everyone send the man understanding and care, we've all been here for something
Ciijay: Yeah, honestly, as the 2nd tourney? This is still going really well. Don't worry!
Ms_LadyMix: We all mess up the occasional fighting tournament of life
jessicaengle: Hi Chat. How is everyone's subathon going?
v_nome: oh nice
Patorik: No software works the way it friggin' should, anymore. It's not just you
RandomTrivia: benginChamp seabatBRAIN
Ciijay: We're having fun still
PharaohBender27: lrrBartleby
NorthstarTex: You're doing well Adam, you're doing a lot better than me (I never even attempted this)
ZaxusEMK subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
ZaxusEMK: Let go!!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ZaxusEMK! (Today's storm count: 449)
Ciijay: Yoooo! LET'S GO, Adam is a genius
atinyspacemarine: Hell yeah
Mattmitchell45: Get the Ghost of Vince in here to run this
Greyah: Give em the fixup!
deusvampire: Well done :)
lichen_subscribe: ty Adam
RandomTrivia: This time for sure!
MilkInBags: what if you need to input 99 for DQ time
forcedreject: We indeed went to Memphis
Symphoneers: Just a tiny lad, from miami SabaPing
Pharmacistjudge: Luke has a point. it could be worse. you could be a on a long drive to Memphis
CaptainSpam: Luke's super move still amuses me, in that it's just him pouncing someone to the ground and going all Ralphie from A Christmas Story on them.
mowdownjoe is gifting 5 Tier 3 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 30 in the channel!
mowdownjoe gifted a Tier 3 sub to omnidragoon88!
mowdownjoe gifted a Tier 3 sub to Skarlaug!
mowdownjoe gifted a Tier 3 sub to canadianbac0nz!
mowdownjoe gifted a Tier 3 sub to Like17Badgers!
mowdownjoe gifted a Tier 3 sub to SpiffGames!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, mowdownjoe! Welcome to omnidragoon88, Skarlaug, Like17Badgers, canadianbac0nz, and SpiffGames! (Today's storm count: 454)
Greyah: Heck yeah! You're the best.
offbeatwitch: letsgoooo
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
definenull: it happens, but we are so back
CaptainSpam: Ooo, the threes!
Cunobelenos: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
SpiffGames: @mowdownjoe Thanks for the gift sub!
RandomTrivia: Good save, well recovered
mowdownjoe: <3
Mollylele: seabatClap
greatknightgaramond: woopwoop
LordZarano: You're the lrrGOAT
PharaohBender27: Dang, with the Tier 3 subs! lrrSHINE
flowerseses: wooo
forcedreject: Is wheeler still in the bracket?
thatjuantoo: PogChamp
JinaMahavira: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
benjamin_wheeler: im here
super_ashura: Thank you, Tournament Organizer! FBtouchdown
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
forcedreject: @benjamin_wheeler Ey good luck
NorthstarTex: sandblast of desperation at the end there
mowdownjoe: @PharaohBender27 I had money to throw around after not indulging in Prime Day. :D
huffboi1: Is there a link to the bracket?
cmdrud87: "my head hurts"- Luke, probably
Ciijay: Smash is definitely wildly different - but i think all fighting games can be way different from each other. The skill needed in Smash amazes me
Jezus38: YouTube stream working better for Oki Oki than it has for the rest of the sub-a-thon. Might be a sign
CypherRaze: @benjamin_wheeler thank you for being here, it's great to have you.
Alex_Frostfire: Sorry!
ManWithTheMask13: I'm so thirsty I'm drinking water like Kobayan
forcedreject: Time to go to Memphis
forcedreject: oh nvm
TheAlanHeffley: TO is not for the feint of heart, so I commend Adam for doing this. Software sounds so derpy though.
Links_Kun: we wait for round 3? @LoadingReadyRun
Alas_Babylon: * Hold off for Round 3 *
Alas_Babylon: * Losers bracket plays *
lightfut: Might need to further dq the no-shows out of losers
thatjuantoo: Don't want to stop, will stop inobunMelonjam
AceGun_: nice bait
ManWithTheMask13: shimmy mode baby
cle0deen: Its weird that I'm missing the in-room fighting game sounds. Button clicks and short inhales
definenull: heart breaker
offbeatwitch: whooh!
type_variable: wow
ManWithTheMask13: ggs ggs ggs
KinkerbellRose: MOVES.
ManWithTheMask13: Someone's gotta stop this man
Mr_Horrible: that's a damn series if I ever seen one
flowerseses: wow that was close
DaVeganPolice: I swear I'm trying 😭
DaVeganPolice: also Superbery I think dipped
benjamin_wheeler: My oppo is ama
benjamin_wheeler: mia
definenull: blanka PogChamp
benjamin_wheeler: ama mia
PharaohBender27 is gifting 15 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1644 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to GoldenGod0!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ToppHat!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to UndesiredM!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to nan_de_mo_nai!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to acsn00!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to qwerty23131!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to goateedave86!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to glitched_goddess!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to lady_invader!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cinnabat!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to AgentCatbird!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to grave2057!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 24GMagic!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to odddirective!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to twinnAJ!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to GoldenGod0, ToppHat, nan_de_mo_nai, UndesiredM, acsn00, qwerty23131, glitched_goddess, goateedave86, lady_invader, Cinnabat, AgentCatbird, grave2057, 24GMagic, twinnAJ, and odddirective! (Today's storm count: 469)
ManWithTheMask13: @benjamin_wheeler Your opp is Mama Mia?
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
DaVeganPolice: I don't see one, I checked-in but it's waiting for OP and so it's not firing
benjamin_wheeler: @ManWithTheMask13 here we go again
twinnAJ: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub! <3
definenull: damn the aki fit though
PharaohBender27: Ah, just too late to hit 18 hours :D
Cinnabat: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub! <3 <3 <3
BurgerGamer: blanka!
Naesiir: Aki outfit is so goood
PharaohBender27: No problem, @twinnAJ and @Cinnabat ! :)
flowerseses: this aki outfit is wild
ManWithTheMask13: LET'S GO NOME FBtouchdown
AceGun_: broski4Akicool
Alas_Babylon: It's a DOT until the opponent performs certain actions or until she cashes in it
MilkInBags: who's a bad character
Alas_Babylon: cashes it in*
benjamin_wheeler: @MilkInBags Lily
DaVeganPolice: I don't see one
DaVeganPolice: I tried checking in like 5 minutes ago and it looks stuck
mowdownjoe: Not a lot of bad characters in this game.
benjamin_wheeler: theyre not
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to benjamin_wheeler!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, benjamin_wheeler! (Today's storm count: 470)
fredcheckers: Does Blanka bite?
Sydet1: Smoke hasn't checked in yet
forcedreject: @fredcheckers Yes, as his throw
sxesuperstar: Is it wrong for me to play Zangief, not because he's strong, but because he's a wrestler?
zieedthemage subscribed with Prime.
DaVeganPolice: Superberry is offline in CFN now, wasn't feeling it apparently after the DQ bonanza
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zieedthemage! (Today's storm count: 471)
ManWithTheMask13: Poisonous Passion is a banger theme
forcedreject: Speaking of Music, Ed's theme slaps
KongPhantom: havent played sf6 yet but its tempting with bison back
definenull: we got the side swaps 👀
deusvampire: Can anybody join during the regular oki oki Fight Club days?
AceGun_: as Blanka often says "rawr".
flowerseses: @sxesuperstar you should always play the character that most appeals to you. if gief being a wrestler is exciting? go for it!
Bearudite: I'm checed in
AceGun_: @deusvampire absolutely!
Bearudite: just waiting on them
apocalyptic_squirrel: HitoHendrix, are you around at all?
josh___something: Hello friends, how's the bracket?
forcedreject: I play Yoshimitsu in Tekken 8, I vibe with the chaos
Bearudite: sent an invite but they are offline
deusvampire: @AceGun_ Yeah i play but dont have a comunity
DaVeganPolice: GL GL Bear, see you in R3
LowUpsideCJ: DQs gotta be done in losers too I think
forcedreject: Blanka chan
PharaohBender27: @josh___something There were some issues with unintentional DQs earlier, but that seems to have been fixed now
ManWithTheMask13: Nome's looking CLEAN
Bearudite: @DaVeganPolice yup
definenull: damn nome is cooking lets go
Naesiir: and you can hear it threateningly off screen lrrSPOOP
ManWithTheMask13: We have a GAMER on our hands
saucemaster5000: @deusvampire I'd highly recommend adam's discord. We play very regularly, can hit people up for advice, got a WIDE range of skills and knowledge and is a genuinely welcoming place
Austere_Squire: live stuff is rarely perfect, but always fun
Bearudite: lets see what I learned in the last 24 hours
KeytarCat: Command grab off the line :P
cle0deen: You're doing great
josh___something: @pharaohbender27 neat! How far are we into it?
Symphoneers: What's up ball?
VrolikSyndrome: But for OOFC Tourney #3? That'll be the banger.
VrolikSyndrome: Third times the charm!
Krillin_fan: Blocking? in this economy?
dzee_szed: I wish I had the energy to really sit down and learn to play SF6, Blanka feels so goofy and fun to play but I feel like I need to put in the effort to actually make him work
SnowBuddy18: @VrolikSyndrome but Adam's always charming
PharaohBender27: @josh___something I think an hour, per the LRR schedule page? I came in partway
Juliamon: Yes we're an hour in
tod_vom_himmel: so winners round 3 we shouldnt play yet right
Ciijay: Blocking doesn't exist
DaVeganPolice: no tod
deusvampire: @saucemaster5000 The Lrr discord?
forcedreject: Didn't pay 60$ to block
SnowBuddy18: @tod_vom_himmel correct
mtvcdm: ! discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
ManWithTheMask13: Oh I'm hanging out
Veggiekeks gifted a Tier 1 sub to play_guy01! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, play_guy01! (Today's storm count: 472)
Bearudite: just checked in to not get got by the timer
saucemaster5000: @deusvampire it's a separate discord, hangon...
ManWithTheMask13: I'm vibing criminally at the moment
apocalyptic_squirrel: I'm told my opponent (HitoHendrix) already left, I think they got dq'd in the first iteration
play_guy01: ay lets go free sub
Jezus38: @forcedreject I have one braincell and it doesn't know what block is
bjorlamn: Nome’s anti-blocking ways have come back to bite them
DaVeganPolice: true, checked in to not get auto dq'd again LUL
definenull: noooo
josh___something: Nooooo
fredcheckers: Not much ball what's up with you?
Veggiekeks: @play_guy01 good luck in the tourney
ManWithTheMask13: My goart's NOT washed
Austere_Squire: a close one
play_guy01: @Veggiekeks ty, you too
forcedreject: @Jezus38 The one braincell is mashing DP
Montesque64: Hadn't seen anyone play A.K.I. I think I'm in love
apocalyptic_squirrel: Aki is so cool, and very good
haberley: i know it's not the focus of all this, but Aki's fashion sense is outstanding
MrQBear: It probably helps Adam, if you're reporting a missing opponent, to mention their bracket letter so it's easier to find them
forcedreject: @bjorlamn But isn't Blanka the one who bites people?
Juliamon: yeah this costume is extremely good
josh___something: AKI costume 3 is GREAT
Jezus38: Lol. Mash, yes. DP? Nah, everything always
AceGun_: broski4Akicool
josh___something: Actually, all of AKI's costumes are kinda good
Earthenone: how goes aki aki fight club?
I_Am_Clockwork: Cheer10000 sneaking a quick peak while at work. hope you’re all having a blast! catch you in the vod
Naesiir: I think you'd like Aki since you get a hit and just carry OPs across the screen
bjorlamn: @forcedreject You think if he bites Jamie, he’d get a buzz?
AceGun_: or IS it?!
definenull: magic pixel
CookieMom: Magic pixel!
Frizzlenill: Alrighty chatroom
josh___something: And, you lost all your channel points :p
forcedreject: @bjorlamn I imagine he tastes like alcohol seasoned food
sparrowhawksilver: back up to 18 hours again, nice
benjamin_wheeler: Nome replaced their block button w/ ex upball and its terrifying
KeytarCat: I've taken Adam's "If it's cool, do it" to heart. very good advice for many things
LambMower: I'm sorry chat, I let you down
Alex_Frostfire: I'm not even on yet and my heart's pumping.
DaVeganPolice: oki doki
Singenmeister: Ooo banking 18 hours. thanks whoever that was
LambMower: GGs y'all. Good luck to everyone still in
haberley: @forcedreject beer battered opponent :P
ManWithTheMask13: I'm so proud of Nome, they're gaming their heart out here
Montesque64: She's got Voldo's moves and a psycho artist vibe. She's perfect
Gadora: @Alex_Frostfire illCheer illCheer illCheer
tod_vom_himmel: not an honest neutch character like honda
thatguysteve2709: @lambmower you did great so great to watch
benjamin_wheeler: @tod_vom_himmel i ran into a honda on ladder that seemed to believe this statement
benjamin_wheeler: it was wild
AceGun_: A little bar
Alas_Babylon: Little a bar, as a tech
Austere_Squire: i think this is the first time i've seen an Oki Oki and adam's commentary is just so pleasant
DaVeganPolice: honda's minus frames are his alone
Naesiir: Aki gets nearly a full bar carrying someone across the stage with a combo
KeytarCat: I need to go get groceries, but this event is so much fun!
haberley: as a complete newcomer, this is fascinating
Alas_Babylon: These life bars are going down 1 for 1
Alas_Babylon: !!!!!!!
ManWithTheMask13: NO WAY
definenull: !!!!
benjamin_wheeler: omg
DaVeganPolice: NOOOOOO
josh___something: OOH!
offbeatwitch: LMAO
RetroHibiscus: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
themostjoast: what a punish
ManWithTheMask13: THE GOARTTTT
El_Zilcho22: miralbPog miralbPog miralbPog miralbPog
BurgerGamer: LETS GO
tod_vom_himmel: gyatttt!
Omthebox: Daaaaaaaayum
haberley: i want to try, but I'm now terrified of playing anyone else - is the single-player any good?
DaVeganPolice: the goart
definenull: LETS GO
AceGun_: holy moly
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
type_variable: THE GOARTTT
Frizzlenill: huge risk, huge reward
BurgerGamer: THE GOART
benjamin_wheeler: modern gaming
josh___something: MODERN GAMING!!!
themostjoast: nome my goart for life for that one
offbeatwitch: that was sick
tod_vom_himmel: modernized
flowerseses: niiice reaction
Jezus38: That. Was. Wild
dzee_szed: very nice finisher
Alas_Babylon: That was spectacular
josh___something: Jinx, wheeler :p
El_Zilcho22: Let's go Nome!
DaVeganPolice: LETS GO ACE
Mr_Bitterness: What a finish, GG to both players
violetblight: looks like at least one of shen and ozzy are not here in losers?
serramarkov: Hi, all!
Gadora: Frost, Frost, Frost! illCheer illCheer illCheer
definenull: got modern-ed (complimentary)
Frizzlenill: the best decision, still has a weakness
forcedreject: When the chaos player has full meter it scary
Alas_Babylon: It's Rock Paper Scissors that's worth pogging at
Naesiir: I'm taking Aki notes arklNotes
Frizzlenill: calling out when an opponent is gonna make the best decision, is still just as powerful
haberley: i want to try playing this now, but I'm now terrified of playing anyone else - is the single-player any good?
Omthebox: Sometimes you're on the winning side of the 50/50
Pharmacistjudge: so WakeupSuper?
josh___something: Let's fuckin GO RASHIID
josh___something: My GOAT
PharaohBender27: Oh was that v_nome , or another person with a gnome-based username?
DaVeganPolice: Ed level 2 kinda stronk
BurgerGamer: rashid's cool
mamba_shinobi: @haberley There is the world tour mode and also the arcade mode.
josh___something: Ysaar save me
miniMacGuru: @haberley I had a ton of fun with the SF6 campaign.
Ciijay: Excuse me, Adam, it's RAAA SHIIII DOOOOO
KongPhantom: rashid has one of the best soundtracks in sfv
Frizzlenill: @haberley not only is it the best of any fighting game EVER, it's also really good at teaching you how to play without 'telling' you, by using minigames and other 'teach the hands secretly' methods!
shabe_x_roc: Single player is alright but won't teach you a character, for that you really need versus
Alas_Babylon: @haberley Second-hand knowledge, but I've heard the game is quite good at guiding you through the motions without needing to face real players
saucemaster5000: manon has a way around it :-)
Alas_Babylon: @haberley Also the game's audience is wide enough to where you *will* be facing people at your skill level
JRandomHacker: It's so weird watching other fighting games when my only personal experience is Smash
benjamin_wheeler: based on my tilt he's the best character in the game hands down
haberley: this is all sounding promising (except to my bank balance!), thanks everyone! :)
Frizzlenill: it's not a compelling story or anything, but it's very funny, has a satisfying gameplay loop, and is very good at guiding you through how to play in a FUN way
Genasi_Gaming: isnt marissa top 1?
definenull: sf6 is 50% off on steam rn i think
Ciijay: also I appreciate Ace playing Rashid, he's one of my favorites
josh___something: Rashid is a specialist character
haberley: @definenull oh don't sya that!
stippledotter: Stepped away fir a bit and came back and we're back over 18 hours??
definenull: I'm sorry NotLikeThis
ManWithTheMask13: @benjamin_wheeler so real for this
Ciijay: Rashid is also a YouTuber / streamer :P
Alas_Babylon: @stippledotter We had a run of gift subs iirc
Ciijay: I remember reading his comic ages ago during Free Comic Book Day, it's great
Genasi_Gaming: @josh___something what does specilist mean?
josh___something: It's a jab's worth of damage IIRC
Mr_Horrible: the poison is just what levels out her impact damage, I find it helps to think of it that way
Frizzlenill: @haberley there's also lots of newer players and great teachers in the LRR server and Adam's discord, who would be happy to play with you and show you the ropes too!
PharaohBender27: @stippledotter We sure are! :) Pattern seems to be we lose hours during the night (Moonbase time), but maintain/claw back up a little during the day
Alas_Babylon: Thats the thing too, LRR/Adam both have thriving FG communities
haberley: @Frizzlenill it's more the time consideration, I'm a teacher so don't have much time for sitting and practicing :)
Naesiir: Aki's crouching medium kick is so good now
CrossXhunteR: coming from watching Smash to watch SF6, hearing "DI" always takes me a moment to remember that it means drive impact
Mr_Horrible: poison isn't you being punished for being bad / messing up / etc, it's just something that'll happen in the normal flow of the fight
DaVeganPolice: boy do they
Ciijay: Adam has a great fighting game community. Ace has basically even taken the reigns of Throwback Thursdays that's usually run today too
Frizzlenill: @haberley you can play as much or as little as you want! It's about having fun seeing yourself improve every little step at a time, not about 'getting good enough' to be over an arbitrary bar.
Verrain2: Disco serpent chick now my favorite.
DaVeganPolice: oh right, this juiced a throwback thursdays, worth it
v_nome: Did we all DQ again?
Gadora: Oof!
haberley: daaaang
Mr_Horrible: @PharaohBender27 just give a lil love tap on the cheek :)
DaVeganPolice: I don't see any DQs nome idk
Ciijay: This community is great to learn from, heavily recommend jamming with these folks though. Even if you're learning and just training with folks
josh___something: @genasi_gaming the character has a lot of depth, and you kinda need to spend time on rashid for good results
Frizzlenill: you can play it just for world tour if you want to, lots of people do that!
Frizzlenill: ALLLLLrighty chatroom
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 2 sub to v_nome! They have given 1645 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, v_nome! (Today's storm count: 473)
definenull: ggs ggs
ManWithTheMask13: ggs ggs ggs
v_nome: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
Alex_Frostfire: Woof, still a lot to learn.
Naesiir: very cool match
twistedsylvan: I just came in, is Cori playing? Or are Adam and Cori commentating?
themostjoast: ggs Ace!! ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap
Links_Kun: are all winners round 3 on stream?
Juliamon: commentating twistedsylvan
Mr_Bitterness: Ace putting on a clinic there
flowerseses: ggs, that was a good round!
twistedsylvan: @Juliamon cool, thank you!
ManWithTheMask13: OPEN LOBBY?
PharaohBender27: @v_nome No problem! :) Hope you've been doing well. Also, if you got walloped a few minutes ago, I might have clipped that, sorry :p
ManWithTheMask13: I'm there
Naesiir: Oooo lobby
ManWithTheMask13: Sold
OVERKiLL!: 🆗️ℹ️ 🆗️ℹ️🥊
tod_vom_himmel: we can kill even more time by messing up the bracket on start.gg if wee need to run the clock out
Mr_Horrible: big ups to Paul
ManWithTheMask13: Paul's the goart
Symphoneers: Get Cori mashing? dayKrablar
TheWooglie: angeli188Eggwave Paul
TheMandrew: lrrPAUL lrrPAUL
Alas_Babylon: Paul, the GOAT of all time
Sogheim: lrrSHINE lrrPAUL
mrMorphius: lrrPAUL lrrHEART
PharaohBender27: lrrSLOTH_HF lrrPAUL lrrSLOTH
Mr_Bitterness: lrrPAUL lrrHEART
Jezus38: Letsgo lrrPAUL
thatjuantoo: LUL
MaddogM: It's better to have spare time than to not have time the final
Austere_Squire gifted a Tier 1 sub to Alex_Frostfire! They have given 9 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alex_Frostfire! (Today's storm count: 474)
definenull: kenneth vs gweelay huh
tod_vom_himmel: nah after the tourney lets get cori on ranked ;p
Micsig: hocDontstart
VrolikSyndrome: America's sweethearts.
play_guy01: oh whoops
Simriel: Baest Paul
OVERKiLL!: LRR be putting in WORK out hur! Big Respect, 'nough repsek' to Paul.
Alex_Frostfire: Ah, thanks for the sub!
PharaohBender27: Pre-pandemic, I had a joke theory that the moonbase was directly powered by Paul, and moves had to happen to accomodate the growth of his power
ManWithTheMask13: Guile's got a hell of a left hook
ExtraWubs: what davespokesman video includes a monument to mans folly?
twistedsylvan: @PharaohBender27 like a benevolent Dunwich Horror
Alas_Babylon: Wow, Guile OP
DaVeganPolice: cle4an
saucemaster5000: holy shit LMAOKai with the perfect!
thaigeprime: damn guile op
definenull: true
excalgold: Oh no he's got dad energy....
Alex_Frostfire: It is stupid, tbh.
thaigeprime: the toothbrush
Naesiir: the Lt Surge special
themostjoast: no man could ever be hot with an american flag tattoo
Mr_Horrible: the vest is real "You coulda looked like this the whole time, dude?!"
definenull: guile cleans up really well
PharaohBender27: The big flatop is VERY late 1980s/early 1990s
Scar_Red_Tiger: The XXCOM grunt hair
haberley: the toilet brush
Alas_Babylon: As a BisexualPride card holder, can confirm, Guile looks gud
malfnord: We love it because it's stupid!
twistedsylvan: get rid of the flying saucer and the boy looks kinda nice
TheWanderingNomad: Brushtop nott doing it for ya'll? :D
thatjuantoo: @Scar_Red_Tiger LUL
flowerseses: I hate his hair, this outfit is the only not miserable one
Mazrae: He looks like the dad from FMA
benjamin_wheeler: baiken favoured
benjamin_wheeler: me picking my strive character
tod_vom_himmel: a tie adam
PharaohBender27: Cheer420
shurtal: bailen clears all
Jethrain: It's a game of inches
ArmstrongRGM96X: @Mazrae You know, you're not wrong
PharaohBender27: Had to mark the moment :p
Scar_Red_Tiger: The Rudol von Stroheim hair
twistedsylvan: @benjamin_wheeler excellent pick
shurtal: tatami GAESHI
definenull: nice
AceGun_: with the suplex!
tod_vom_himmel: god i love this game
AceGun_: Why is there a hurtbox down there?!
Frizzlenill: @AceGun_ because when you give everyone a turbo booster you need to do SOMETHING to make slow paced whiff punishing worthwhile
definenull: when ken has a better rekka than jamie NotLikeThis
alexsteacy: I just realized I thought Adam was saying "dry brush"
Frizzlenill: the extended hurtboxes are the game's attempt to make it feasible and rewarding to try to whiff punish at all instead of just drive rushing in
alexsteacy: Not "Drive Rush"
Frizzlenill: Guybrush Threepwood Cancel
tod_vom_himmel: @PharaohBender27 this is the training stage with markings for you to tell spacing more accuratley
thaigeprime: Ken downplayers SMH
saucemaster5000: I'd argue zangief is the worst shoto
alexsteacy: Wots shoto precious
thatjuantoo: LUL
Trymantha: We need Dan to hurry up and get in here to be the worst
mtvcdm: I've heard dry brush the whole time
Scar_Red_Tiger: dry brush
saucemaster5000: no fireball, no dp...
Mollylele: yeah I also thought it was dry brush, on account of the painty swoops
twistedsylvan: so help me out here chat - the only fighting game I really know is GG Strive, so how does SF6 differ? Less aggressive than GG?
josh___something: Ken downplayers winning the narrative :p
betweenmyself: most of my SF6 experience is World Tour created character nonsense. I might not be great at fighting but my gal look pretty cool. riffYeti
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 Not a chance. He's top 1.
SnowBuddy18: mega instinct
DoomBringerIL: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Obsolete2885: Guy Brush? (Threepwood)
benjamin_wheeler: you can nerf his frame data but you can't nerf his downplaying
mtvcdm: I thought the art style made dry brush the natural phrase
Inquisitor_Xian: idk if it's just the mini painter in me, but i legit thought it was dry brush the whole time lol
Simriel: Drybrush your street fighters :P
tod_vom_himmel: @twistedsylvan more strict in combo structure and inputs, thers no gatling system,
MaddogM: Drybrush? we're painting armies now? :P
Frizzlenill: @alexsteacy it's a type of all-rounder character design whose special moves include a projectile, anti-air uppercut, and an advancing damaging move they can approach with
Walmart_Baki: As soon as you get hit Akuma is the worst shoto, past that they are all at least kind of good
BurgerGamer: he sure is ken
haberley: this is something of a clinic
josh___something: @twistedsylvan based on my knowledge of gg and play experience of sf6. GGST is faster and higher damage than sf6.
definenull: classic kenneth
Kirenou: @alexsteacy shoto = basic karate dude character. Ken, Ryu, Akuma, Dan, etc
Mr_Bitterness: Ken's been a menace since this game was released
thaigeprime: sometimes you just guess wrong 87 times in a row
Like17Badgers: they'll never beat the Xrd Chipp downplayers but Ken downplayers do be yappin
SuitablyEpic: Does Ken still have a flowchart?
Frizzlenill: don't nerf ken, you'll only give the downplayers more ammo
haberley: dammmn
SkylerRingtail: What was that / / / / that appeared over the burnout bar?
definenull: that punish
PharaohBender27: I gotta get my gift total back to a multiple of 3. And I see a way to do that and bring the thus-far subathon total to a multiple of 3 as well . . . katesPlot
fredcheckers: Guile should be required to have a flat top.
PharaohBender27 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1650 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to vxRADIATIONxv!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to PoochieTheRockingDog!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ObjectPermanence!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to I_used_to_draw!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pigeonmannn!
AceGun_: @SkylerRingtail That happens when you are stunned.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to ObjectPermanence, pigeonmannn, vxRADIATIONxv, PoochieTheRockingDog, and I_used_to_draw! (Today's storm count: 479)
Like17Badgers: @Frizzlenill nah nerf him into the ground, make the downplayers right
SaxPython: @PharaohBender27 #order
definenull: those punishes are militant
ManWithTheMask13: ggs ggs ggs
tod_vom_himmel: daaaamn
definenull: ggs
benjamin_wheeler: damn playguy
thatjuantoo: @SuitablyEpic Not anymore, Ken lost the flowchart alongside the apes NotLikeThis
Dog_of_Myth: @PharaohBender27 But I have a need for Chaos
ManWithTheMask13: This Playguy guy's kinda good
full_st0p: oh WHAT
benjamin_wheeler: I checked
full_st0p: i didnt know there was a tournament happening
twistedsylvan: @josh___something I see, interesting! I can see why people say this one is nice to get started with then, it seems like making a mistake in SF6 can be more forgivable
Trymantha: do we have a bracket link?
Sydet1: I'm here, I just hadn't checked in yet
Frizzlenill: hot take 2/3 is never appropriate outside of like, dragonball
thaigeprime: prety sure sydat is here theyve talked before havnt they?
Trymantha: @BorealMage chhers
Links_Kun: @ManWithTheMask13 you wanna check in now or when its our time?
PharaohBender27: @Dog_of_Myth Well, there's a way to solve that problem, I imagine ;)
tod_vom_himmel: nah i only got 1400 hours in 12 months i barely play with these people on discord
ManWithTheMask13: @Links_Kun I'm already checked in, og
forcedreject: @Frizzlenill As a fighterz player, I can confirm, yeah those games take a while
LowUpsideCJ: Ggs gamer, I did win some individual rounds! I call that a win
saucemaster5000: I wanna play more vampire saviors....
ManWithTheMask13: Neoturf Masters
El_Zilcho22: Soul Calibur
betweenmyself: Ballz 3D? riffThink
ManWithTheMask13: Don't forget the best to ever do it
PharaohBender27: In fact, speaking of chaos and order, I see a unique opportunity that I should take advantage of once I do the math . . .
apocalyptic_squirrel: @LowUpsideCJ absolutely! that was a close set for sure
apocalyptic_squirrel: ggs :D
saucemaster5000: ON DA GWEEN
ManWithTheMask13: HEAVY ROUGH
Links_Kun: @ManWithTheMask13 cool
josh___something: @twistedsylvan in top level play, the amount of interactions you need to win is probably comparable, but I agree with your assessment
bjorlamn: More Killer Instinct!
TheWanderingNomad: Look forward to when the ZMarvel Capcom Collection comes out
MrQBear: that aki outfit is AMAZING
midnightcurryjazz: Cant believe the subathon and PPR is happening during Ebo
Ciijay: Shoutouts to Throwback Thursday group! And Ace being amazing and running them
TheWanderingNomad: Gotta take the Oki Oki Fight Club for a ride
thatjuantoo: Blanka's also got the best costume in the game.
LowUpsideCJ: @apocalyptic_squirrel Super fun set, thanks so much!
Naesiir: Blanka-chan claims another victim
haberley: @MrQBear i feel like we say this for EVERY Aki costune :)
MrQBear: @haberley Yes, but I should have been more specific, this color set on this specific costume is magical.
full_st0p: Every character is really Sim with smaller limbs
Mai_Andra: perpetual "Mika brain"
josh___something: Blanka-chan <3 (wanted in 13 countries, and banned in 20 Kappa )
twistedsylvan: so Blanka is one of this game's gorillas, yeah?
apocalyptic_squirrel: @LowUpsideCJ thank you too! I really enjoyed it! I'm in the UK so I rarely make it to the live oki oki streams, but if I do, let's jam some time
MommaGart: ook ook
full_st0p: TRUE
PharaohBender27: Corgo7883 This bits drop amount can be explained if you look at the on-screen totals
VrolikSyndrome: damn. sick math
haberley: team order!!
Dog_of_Myth: Nice @PharaohBender27
tehfewl: Nice
El_Zilcho22: not Kimberly haha
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
CypherRaze: Dhalsim is my boy
TheWanderingNomad: @twistedsylvan Funnily enough Blanka started desgn as a literal gorilla man
aesir_blade: Are we scheduled to see any Jonathan Penis today?
RandomTrivia: #TeamBalance
ClodiumSoride: @PharaohBender27 somewhere Serge is pleased
saucemaster5000: manon is more of a tamarin
forcedreject: I feel like a lot of fighting games in the past few years have been high damage, killing games (Strive, SF6, Tekken 8)
Dog_of_Myth: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
ManWithTheMask13: Thank you so much for setting up this tourney, Adam. This rules
twistedsylvan: @TheWanderingNomad for real? I thought his thing was electric eels lol
Ciijay: To be fair, Strive has always been high damage I feel
Ciijay: Er, rather, Guilty Gear. Anime fighters go fast and hard
LambMower: If we go above we get a Tekken 8 tournament? Kappa
CypherRaze: I would also like pizza
JinaMahavira: It's only thursday Adam
mtvcdm: We're ticking up on time remaining, good job chat
TheWanderingNomad: @twistedsylvan Its a whole thing. There was an interesting article a couple years back about it
Shadwhawk: There are 45.5 hours until the end
mtvcdm: For now
thatguysteve2709: I love the thought there from nome on the blanka ball
apocalyptic_squirrel: can someone tell me how to donate bits without getting it wrong
Like17Badgers: @Ciijay yeah, Guilty Gear was always high damage, the main difference is that a combo went from 30 hits to 13
mtvcdm: All you do is cheer bits as normal
saucemaster5000: yeah the fireball game against blanka can be dangerous
Mazrae: i would help if i could but no money and my prime sub refreshes sometime during the ppr i think
midnightcurryjazz: Because they call it coward crouch X D
apocalyptic_squirrel: @mtvcdm I've never done it before lol
full_st0p: Good god, Aki damage
josh___something: JP spikes :)
Bearudite: what if blanka and aki bonk their heads together sliding on the floor?
dzee_szed: was that like a 60% combo
Shadwhawk: So we need 27 hours, which is another 1620 T1 subs or 648k bits
definenull: i need that aki super ending pose as a wallpaper
Zaneysed: rawr
apocalyptic_squirrel: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
Lysander_salamander: Aki has a neat design
Trymantha: they also gave her hte sick costume 3 buff
forcedreject: @definenull Her critical version induces THE NUT
apocalyptic_squirrel: there we go I think that does it. another minute on the subathon for the people
mtvcdm: Ah. To cheer bits, you type 'cheer' and then the n-- ah you got it
Mazrae: whats the number under blankas health bar, next to doll looking thing
pencilsnake: brother I turn around for like an hour and somebody gifts me a sub, thanks simic_yeti :D
play_guy01: @Mazrae the amount of dolls blanka has
Frizzlenill: with how they did mocap for this game, they definitely had an actual contortionist
apocalyptic_squirrel: @mtvcdm haha thank you! tbf I didn't realise you could type the text command until I'd already done it through the UI. Appreciate the clarification :D
forcedreject: Dragon ball fighterz out of bounds videos are hilarious
Mazrae: @play_guy01 but what are the dolls for
definenull: they got actual contortionists for aki mocap, and breakdancers for jamie
Scar_Red_Tiger: New Frame Plus looking at GG or Samash
Ciijay: Oh also the design of some characters - like Rock Howard - is amazing. Or how the design / animation of some pants.
Frizzlenill: yaya for HD edition it was WILD, they did a great job on em too
dzee_szed: in Blanka's story mode, he ordered a bunch of dolls to sell at his jungle park and no one bought them, so now he throws them all over
play_guy01: @Mazrae he can throw down dolls and then like charge them up and the doll moves around and hits you
ExtraWubs subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ExtraWubs! (Today's storm count: 480)
Ciijay: People have also commented on how the design on Rashid's new costume works so well with his gameplay to telegraph the moves well
twistedsylvan: I'm sure this is a thing for all fighters, but I like how all of the silhouettes of the characters are so dramatically different, and instantly recognizable
apocalyptic_squirrel: they are very good in this game. everyone is immediately different
flowerseses: ooof ok it is too late, I gotta go sleep. good luck, gamers!
micalovits: Sleep tight friend!
Ciijay: @flowerseses See ya flowerseses!
offbeatwitch: anyone has a throw loop if you simply keep throwing
PharaohBender27: Goodnight, flowerseses!
josh___something: AKI's a weirdo, don't worry about it
therepoman__: Aki likes to get high off her own supply
dm818: that combo is sick
Frizzlenill: @twistedsylvan yeah that's a really important principle to fighting game animation that gets a lot more attention than in other genres. Hyper-readable silhouettes are an art all its own, within character design
Like17Badgers: @twistedsylvan yeah, SF5 has a ton of costumes, but you're generally able to tell who is who based solely off their stance
mtvcdm: Silhouettes are a critical component of character-based games. Make everyone their own thing.
saucemaster5000: RAWR
definenull: and dead
forcedreject: @josh___something Her spine is just a suggestion
definenull: oh nvm
haberley: unlucky
definenull: ggs ggs
LowUpsideCJ: Very relatable ending
josh___something: Burnout is BAAAAAAD
LowUpsideCJ: ggs ggs
ManWithTheMask13: LOOK WHO IT IS
definenull: well well well
DiscordianTokkan: True in the world of IT Work too, chip damage applies during burnout
thatjuantoo: Sir Weelsworth!
ManWithTheMask13: Look what the cat dragged in
josh___something: Let's fuckin GO JP
saucemaster5000: who is benjamin wheeler?
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
lightfut: It's Bennie wheeeeeeels
josh___something: JP my GOOOOAAAAT
saucemaster5000: we know this guy?
tod_vom_himmel: t h e w h a t
midnightcurryjazz: stand
mtvcdm: Look who's come crawling back
Mr_Bitterness: I hope he's glad to be here.
Strebenherz: Card Daddy
KinkerbellRose: Better put on a good show Wheeler!
Dog_of_Myth: He's just happy to be here
definenull: JP is JP
couchboyj: Time for some cowboy foosies
Cptasparagus: is that bongjammin weedler?
h3rsh3yb4r: JP really just does look like Sarumon
Naesiir: you know just your typical old man
ManWithTheMask13: @h3rsh3yb4r Or Count Dooku
bjorlamn: If it isn’t papá himself
josh___something: Let's go John Pierce!
Like17Badgers: historically, T Hawk eats zoners alive
patrick_stonecrusher: Jerk Pants
DiscordianTokkan: Oeuf
Alas_Babylon: JP is what happens when you actually make a wizard that casts Fist
shurtal: immediately after grand finals, heef's gonna bust in like sf2 akuma, somehow "Your opponent is me now"
TheWanderingNomad: Lily gives me Talim from Soul Calibur vibes
twistedsylvan: oh Lily is Mayan right? Indigenous Mexican?
Frizzlenill: wheeler's diamond 4?? Congrats holy moly, he's WAY outpaced me
Alas_Babylon: @twistedsylvan Native Massachusetts tribe I believe
mtvcdm: Yeah big Talim energy
full_st0p: that command grab does so much mental damage
apocalyptic_squirrel: Diamond 4? Daamn let's get it Wheeler
PharaohBender27: :D
twistedsylvan: @Alas_Babylon oh my mistake, thank you!
definenull: *JP bwaaaaa*
josh___something: I LOVE JP
thatjuantoo: LUL
Lysander_salamander: very stylish
shurtal: That man is an Evil Accountant
themostjoast: Sydet is cooking rn
TheWanderingNomad: That disrespect :D
josh___something: World tour was fun
bjorlamn: @twistedsylvan Her tribe is fictional, but she is a Native Mexican yeah
Frizzlenill: iirc her mom's latin american of some kind and her dad is T.Hawk? I could be misremembering
definenull: thats me
ToppHat: I just got into SF6 with the World Tour
ToppHat: its dope
Greyah: World Tour is what got me to play it.
Alas_Babylon: @Frizzlenill That sounds about right
Like17Badgers: the difference between SF5's single player vs SF6's single player is night and day
SkylerRingtail: What is JP's shtick?
Ciijay: Not gonna lie - I got good at Guilty Gear when i was little because of the Story Mode and being determined to unlock every ending. It's why I know so many characters well
mtvcdm: Lily is basically trying to fix T. Hawk lorewise.
BurgerGamer: he's an accountant
definenull: being annoying as heck
h3rsh3yb4r: @SkylerRingtail Bison's accountanty
micalovits: Yea, when the Zoner is better than you it feels like you can do NOTHING
josh___something: @skylerringtail a LOT of projectiles
full_st0p: He's threading the needle! LEts go!
shurtal: @SkylerRingtail he was bison's accountant and bison was all "I'm gonna give you some psycho power, it'll be funny"
KeytarCat: Hard to find your turn against a zoner
Ciijay: JP is a business man that ran Ken out of his thing, if I recall? Which is why Ken is in such a bad state
ScrapyardGhostTrain subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
Frizzlenill: @SkylerRingtail he launches ghosts that can go high or low, he can create explosions from the floor (PIERCE!), and he can make portals in the air that shoot a spike OR he can teleport through them. He's a heavy projectile zoner
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ScrapyardGhostTrain! (Today's storm count: 481)
josh___something: He also has those portal/trap things that are kinda important for his gameplay
h3rsh3yb4r: JP rug pulled ken's crypto? thats heinous
NorthstarTex: this JP has lily on lock
shabe_x_roc: Zoners are the Blue Control deck of the fighting game world
AceGun_: broski4Jaypee broski4Cow
ToppHat: I thought Ken lost all of his money on Apes?
TheWanderingNomad: @Frizzlenill Same tribe but no direct relation to T.Hawk
Ciijay: Also JP fills the "fancy old man in a suit" trope haha
SkylerRingtail: @Frizzlenill That's the summary I was looking for. Thanks!
shurtal: @h3rsh3yb4r Yeah, JP stole Ken's apes
Frizzlenill: ah my mistake, thank you for the correction!
KiaStirling: go yawg!!
SkylerRingtail: (Lore is nifty to know too)
josh___something: @acegun_ holy fuck, that emote XD
definenull: man it's a struggle to get in
Fantusta: !bracket
JinaMahavira: Sydet is blasting
josh___something: JP is peak obstacle course
AceGun_: He's a zoner, so at least his normals are bad... right? right?
TheWanderingNomad: SF Lore (and by extension Final Fight lore) is surprisingly deep and consistent
josh___something: The first 1/3 of the animation is the parry timer
Lysander_salamander: nice
full_st0p: lets go!!
definenull: let's go
offbeatwitch: spire!
NorthstarTex: he got one!
haberley: woop woop!
twistedsylvan: thats one!
definenull: the man can bleed
Piecrust9: Is it wheeler v cori? Who is who?
definenull: NOOOO
josh___something: (*first 1/3 of a second)
haberley: @Piecrust9 wheeler vs someone not in the team
Piecrust9: @haberley thank you!
definenull: uh oh
josh___something: Let's go wheele- uh oh
josh___something: Oh NOO
haberley: oh nooo
DiscordianTokkan: Oh noooo
Lysander_salamander: dang
ToppHat: JP'd
full_st0p: that just unlucky
TheWriterAleph: oofa
SnowBuddy18: oh NO
definenull: nooo our boy D:
ToppHat: RIP
ManWithTheMask13: ggs ggs ggs
saucemaster5000: ahhhhh
NorthstarTex: ooof
josh___something: Let's go JP
KakuEpsilon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
KakuEpsilon: That is too many months! Who let this happen?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KakuEpsilon! (Today's storm count: 482)
NorthstarTex: (that was really good JP)
josh___something: I'm totally unbiased as a JP player, idk what you mean
CypherRaze: man, JP is something huh
twistedsylvan: so is it safe to say that 6 is the best Street Fighter they've made?
josh___something: JP, Justice Prevails
mamba_shinobi: I'm here
benjamin_wheeler: love the jp mu
benjamin_wheeler: can losers play their match
saucemaster5000: there's top tiers, and chars who need a bit more work to play, no bad chars
mtvcdm: Losers just go ahead
super_ashura: Speaking of which, Dan Hibiki when?
Frizzlenill: @twistedsylvan street fighter as a series is notorious for reinventing itself every numbered entry. It's kinda like final fantasy - shared dna and shared genre mostly, but basically drawing-board every numbered title. 6 is arguably the best full package with the best online play, but everyone has their favourite
Dog_of_Myth: Well, EVO is coming up. Wouldn't be surprised to see a few new characters revealed for some games.
Cptasparagus: yeah no tears, no crying at the stick
ManWithTheMask13: Dog ate my inputs
Zaneysed: The only person you're competing against is how well you did yesterday
ManWithTheMask13: Sun was in my eyes
full_st0p: Naw, Sim is bottom 1.
definenull: pog
LowUpsideCJ: But if my character did more damage I'd win more...explain that gamers
full_st0p: lmao
CaptainKranok: Cammirror
Strebenherz: From what you said earlier, SF6 is pretty balanced too?
twistedsylvan: @Frizzlenill oh that's really interesting! I didn't know they varied so much. I actually have the SF collection on my Switch, so now I've gotta check them all out lol
Zaneysed: Sim is bottom 1 in play rate
josh___something: Smh, dhalsim downplayers
fredcheckers: Except maybe SSB Brawl. SSB Brawl was broken as hell.
ManWithTheMask13: Stuart is bottom tier
josh___something: Kappa
DandyGeek: I kinda wish the ol’ turtle lover was in SF6
Chronomos901: so everyone who plays League of Legends needs to play a fighting game. Got it
saucemaster5000: If I keep saying manon is good, sim players can go to the boo box with complaints
AceGun_: Modern Cammy too!
toady0s: where my dan stans at
josh___something: Bring back oro
midnightcurryjazz: cat (mom) fight
CypherRaze: Don't shit on my boy Dhalsim okay
Like17Badgers: yeah, there's not really strict matchup losses in modern fighting games. we dont have Xrd's Pot vs Dizzy
RealGamerCow: I like that they brought back the Cammy five-head
therepoman__: Mods, put the Sim player in the boo box
TheWanderingNomad: @DandyGeek Turtle lover?>
micalovits: I think that Cammy wins
PharaohBender27: They both have *angular* faces
Piecrust9: Something tells me Cammy will win
SnowBuddy18: I'd assume it's 50/50
Like17Badgers: expect to see a lot of arrows
josh___something: I think they're gonna kill each other
Loyal_Rook: My money is on Cammy
Ukon_Cairns: i assume cammy wins this
Zaneysed: Cammy looks so good, the leotard if finally gone
ManWithTheMask13: @therepoman__ THE BOO BOX???
patrick_stonecrusher: Also, if you get decent at a 'bad' character, people are unfamiliar with them, AND you may be the recipient of a later buff
Mai_Andra: I miss the long braids, but I do like the new look.
haberley: is she just a tiny model, or can she jump SUPER high?
definenull: you know, I'm surprised there's no gief on stream so far
DandyGeek: @thewanderingnomad Oro, he showed up in SF3 first
LowUpsideCJ: Dhalsim was the first SF character i ever played, in the arcade when I was like 8
AceGun_: The Modern Cammy may have an advantage in the divekick/DP fight?
themostjoast: this is a 10-0 mu for game smh this game sucks
Saintnex: kinda depends on who's more aggressive I think :p
ylegm: @haberley yes
TheWanderingNomad: @DandyGeek Ah old man one arm
ManWithTheMask13: Gief MU is a 6-4
josh___something: Fun fact: the cammy is actually a 10-0 match up both sides Kappa
Frizzlenill: @twistedsylvan yeah the way to see the differences is to go from sf2 (probably super SF2 turbo, arguably the best version?) to SF Alpha 2 or 3, to SF3 Third Strike. Three generations of the best titles in their 'version' of street fighter
SkylerRingtail: How many characters have we not seen yet on stream today?
Bearudite: modern vs classic tho makes a differenct
twistedsylvan: @patrick_stonecrusher this was me in Warframe lmao, I loved Wukong for a while, then he got buffed and I got the last laugh
haberley: @SkylerRingtail still haven't seen zangief
saucemaster5000: the manon is 1-9 to the first person who gets neutral jumped
Zaneysed: Just honest strike throw gameplay
BrowneePoints: I love that they gave chicken legs to her AND Chun wouldn’t both have “ham shank thigh syndrome”
TheWanderingNomad: @Zaneysed Who knew trading in the leotard for pants would make such a difference?
Like17Badgers: the Phoenix Wright mirror in umvc3 can go as far as 7-3 based on evidence RNG
ManWithTheMask13: @haberley DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode
Mr_Bitterness: Modern Geif is a meme for a reason.
LowUpsideCJ: Highly recommend modern to the newbies if you're intimidated
RothonWylar: Note doing specials with 1 button still means the game is hard
Saintnex: I dont think Cammy loses too too much with modern
NorthstarTex: I'm a modern cammy main and it helps me feel like a good at fighting games
midnightcurryjazz: @Zaneysed Its not gone, its another costume
yukimakingart: modern cammy is pretty good. easy divekicks
MWGNZ: new fighting game player reporting for duty thanks to modern
bjorlamn: Cereal box is new to the channel, btw! They’re Mamba Shinobi
SnowBuddy18: so, knowing it's modern vs classic, how's the matchup?
Scar_Red_Tiger: Lose tools like Ccrounching medium ppunch and a damage cut. But Lvel 3 on one button is nothing to scoff at
Zaneysed: @midnightcurryjazz We dont talk about costume 2
JustMeJude: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry at Thu 07:00 PM PDT (2:10 from now).
bjorlamn: @snowbuddy18 impossible to say. Control type doesn’t make the match
Greyah: It just lowers the execution barrier that comes with many fighting games. Makes it more accessible, but not easier.
full_st0p: every modern player is playing with XaoiHai reactions
josh___something: Motion inputs are a dexterity challenge, and modern is a way to bypass that a bit. (And also built-in combos)
BrowneePoints: Ope I goofed. cammy now has smaller legs and they doubled down on chun having a more exaggerated silhouette to differentiate body types*
jellybean57: also you have to play real tentative against modern players if they have level 3
Frizzlenill: cammy's level 3 is really powerful, so the modern player probably has the advantage when they have 3 bars, because they can punish full screen on reaction. Modern loses a few useful moves, so before having 3 bars, modern cammy has a slight disadvantage. Neither is huge
tod_vom_himmel: important to note that one button dps and other moves lose 20% damage
LowUpsideCJ: @josh___something I think also they reduce the mental load of learning by a lot
Saintnex: that being said, modern players will also need to learn to hold their specials, its really easy to punish if you fire it too often
BrowneePoints: if Cori ever got into fighters I’d be scared for my life
ManWithTheMask13: What a divekick
josh___something: Cori would be a shark in Fighting games
MommaGart: oh hell yeah it's my character
tod_vom_himmel: i feel like cori would make a good rushdown character, cori on cammy or honda :D
Mr_Bitterness: Cori would be a great addition to oki Oki
tod_vom_himmel: rushdown player*
bjorlamn: I hope Cereal starts watching the channel because of this
Zaneysed: She has insane oki
bjorlamn: I believe they were a random who found it on Start.GG
definenull: good neutral jump
full_st0p: shimmayyed
Sogheim: Adam's greatest nemesis is a player slowly walking backwards
ylegm: counter divekick is wild
Bearudite: honest nootch
Zaneysed: Do it
twistedsylvan: I learned the power of the corner when I started learning Ram in Strive. Girl's a menace when the opp can't run
Zaneysed: It's all honest nooch
josh___something: Switching characters is hard
MWGNZ: modern still gotta hit buttons at the right time
MommaGart: Modern is the only reason i'm even considering playing this game. I'm glad we have it
Frizzlenill: 100%, and this game has no wallbreak so there's no guarantee you'll get a chance to breathe either
Lobo_Apache: I love my Cam gameplay. It's a lot of fun. Plus I got to meet Newt on ladder literally minutes before jumping onto oki oki
mamba_shinobi: gg
offbeatwitch: gg!
Gaelan_Maestro: celebrating a brand new graphics card with a stream of my fav peeps
definenull: ggs ggs
Bearudite: this and Tekken
LurkerSpine: This or Tekken
saucemaster5000: gief spotted
SkylerRingtail: Perfect KO to end the 3-0. Woof.
saucemaster5000: it's the BEEF match!
definenull: GIEF
MommaGart: Adam, I asked you about frame data on Twitter last night and "just play" is honestly really good advice. so i think i'll be booting up again soon. thanks :)
josh___something: ZANGRIEF
themostjoast: the battle of the large
haberley: right, this has been tons of fun but I need sleep - thanks for talking me into buying this game :P
josh___something: Let's go!
tod_vom_himmel: as a totally unbiased person i can say that sf6 is the bestterest game
haberley: night night chat
offbeatwitch: gief spotted
Bearudite: wait doom changed names back?
awildshen: I can hear the joystick churning
definenull: i hope chat is ready for butter
raulghoulia: just mash
saucemaster5000: @Bearudite thank god
Like17Badgers: tekken is popular but also aggressively anti new players. here's about 200 moves... 3 of them are good
Taligan: Yup, just lift the heavy things and put them down.
full_st0p: gotta get washed to get clean
midnightcurryjazz: a lot of meat on the screen
aesir_blade: why do they call it tekken when you tech in the low throw tech out high eat the throw
saucemaster5000: gotta lose 100 matches as fast as you can
tod_vom_himmel: @saucemaster5000 youre one to talk mr saucewindster
CoconutRanger1515: frame data is like music theory, its just a way to understand whats going on but you dont need to know anything to play or make music
josh___something: Let's go, it's TIME for the LOYAL FANS
Walmart_Baki: you'll eventually figure out what is safe and not safe after you get erased enough times. Part of the grind
saucemaster5000: @tod_vom_himmel that's an unaffiliated lily player
korvys: Plenty of musicians can't read music
Ciijay: I don't know enough about frame data - but just because I grew up with Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, and Capcom vs games - I was able to keep up with a lot of folks here
LowUpsideCJ: It's even enjoyable to let cool people in discord absolutely wreck you
RandomTrivia: PREACH IT
AceGun_: It's like music theory, I will think about it way too hard to my own detriment.
twistedsylvan: hooah to that!
Sparkana42: Going from a cammy mirror to marisa vs zangief is a wild looks switch.
raulghoulia: Adam should put out motivational casette tapes
DigitalSeahorse: get a spotter for weights, don't wanna crush yourself
RandomTrivia: The first step to being good at something is to suck at that thing
dzee_szed: so my problem with the SF6 story mode was I hit bottlenecks where I felt like I was losing because I hadn't really learned any combos
SnowBuddy18: "I've a very intermediate player" is me with Path of Exile
CypherRaze: I want an audiobook of Adam giving me a motivational speech
Bearudite: also don't be afraid to try and not like it. the important part is you tried it
johnobriant: @coconutranger1515 I’m a literal music teacher, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve told people that.
saucemaster5000: @LowUpsideCJ still haven't run into you in the discord (I've been busy), but can't wait to jam my new lily w/ya!
Hansk_and_Boo: I want to get back into MVC2 when it comes out. Should I prepare by playing another fighting game or just be patient?
dzee_szed: There were a few matches (especially the Ken coach AI) where the enemy combos just did so much more damage than my screwing around
twistedsylvan: Also like, the human brain is stupid good at pattern recognition and putting things together. You might not know the underlying systems but you'll learn how it all works with time
LambMower: Tekken 8 has been keeping me grounded this entire year, being able to chill and just grind and seeing that progress has been super satisfying
Ciijay: I've been so busy to jam to. I hope you get to jam soon, Sauce!
NonUniqueGuy: That is why I like board games with friends and family.
definenull: so does gief tbf
LowUpsideCJ: @saucemaster5000 Sounds good, let's get it sometime
Lobo_Apache: Jeez, Link just took off the weights for that match
Mai_Andra: a grown-ass ma'am
Mr_Bitterness: Marisa hits like she pays taxes
Like17Badgers: why not both
LordZarano: Of course Cori notices the horses PrideLaugh
josh___something: Gief is so big
MommaGart: thse are some big burly adults
DaVeganPolice: Ryu RyuChamp
Bearudite: why not both
MrQBear: I want them to fight over who gets to carry me
raulghoulia: adam who do you want to carry you, Marisa or Lady Dimetrescu?
John Hill: darn it, do I have to try SF6 now?
the_phantom_game_player: lrrCORI lrrADAM
SnowBuddy18: Gief is almost too big to carry me well
LowUpsideCJ: I'll be their tug of war rope
micalovits: @raulghoulia "Yes"
DaVeganPolice: ayo
TotallyNotaBeholder: When fighting game becomes synchronized swimming
AceGun_: She's creepy
definenull: nice level 2
midnightcurryjazz: Lady D is also not a human. So you know.
full_st0p: Man's too damn clean
josh___something: That gladius was FIRE
Lobo_Apache: Lady D throws one desk, Marisa throws you all time
saucemaster5000: I can hear mask's churning....
Trainkar: The clip of Adam saying "She's so tall" to Lady D, is one of my favorite things to go back watch
definenull: dead?
josh___something: Oh NOOOO
josh___something: Yup
definenull: nooo
full_st0p: Needed a few drive reversals
BrowneePoints: just a reminder, Adam, there’s a very real chance that if we get marvel versus Capcom 4 Lady D will be in the game
josh___something: Stun on marise = ded
apocalyptic_squirrel: @Trainkar lol thanks for the reminder, great moment
maxthefourth: that animation
twistedsylvan: is Marisa Greek or Italian?
Trymantha: Lets go Thaige
tod_vom_himmel: @twistedsylvan yes
LowUpsideCJ: go thaige I want to have lost to the champ
Trainkar: @apocalyptic_squirrel there is such joy in his eyes
Mazrae: im not the biggest fan of fighting games but i do enjoy listening to adam talk about them
BrowneePoints: Marissa is Italian with Greek heritage
Like17Badgers: pocket sand!
Swickwick subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
Swickwick: Can't stick around for the Sub-a-ton will be catching all the vods in the coming weeks though.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Swickwick! (Today's storm count: 483)
twistedsylvan: ahh I see. That makes sense, it looks like she has both motifs. Is her fighting style Pankration?
Mr_Bitterness: Luke had an incredible glowup in this game from 5
Trymantha: sf6 luke is cool, sf5 luke not so much
josh___something: Luke is paying for sf5 crimes
SnowBuddy18: look at those forearms
Bearudite: luke is unbuttered toast
apocalyptic_squirrel: @twistedsylvan it is!
AceGun_: He's a gamer, people dislike gamers.
Like17Badgers: SF6 made him a lot less hated than SF5
Micsig: leftover hate from SF5
LowUpsideCJ: Luke is a cool character with proportions I hate to look at
DandyGeek: everybody just gets mad about those bare grippers lrrBEEJ
Like17Badgers: he was also REALLY ugly in sf5
BrowneePoints: he was busted in 5 and had big F boi energy
Scar_Red_Tiger: His tatts and the hair in 5 were ugly.
SnowBuddy18: @LowUpsideCJ is it the forearms?
AceGun_: Also noodle hair
forcedreject: Whenever I hear parrying in fighting games, I just think of this meme now https://preview.redd.it/01x2g4t7ppl91.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=3f16eb9c971bd3588f31d1314dc28c1f493309e4
jellybean57: adam, you have a platinum luke, right?
full_st0p: ewww
benjamin_wheeler: he was a military contractor smh
PharaohBender27: When did feet start getting called "grippers," anyhow?
LowUpsideCJ: @SnowBuddy18 and the feet
BrowneePoints: in 5 he was just Military period I think
Inquisitor_Xian: as someone who enjoys watching but has little context for the actual game, Luke has big John Cena energy
Scar_Red_Tiger: 90% of Luke's redemption has been Aleks Le posting.
Lobo_Apache: To be master you need enough time and a 51% winrate
TheWanderingNomad: I certainly like Luke a lot more in 6 since he got goofier
tod_vom_himmel: my ryu is diamond 4 and i played ryu for like 2 hours, i got no idea how to ryu
tod_vom_himmel: rank means nothing
SnowBuddy18: @LowUpsideCJ shaved hobbit feet
apocalyptic_squirrel: I highrolled my Akuma placements and ended up in plat. Then went 0-X for the next 30 minutes lol
forcedreject: He took us all to memphis
apocalyptic_squirrel: Aleks Le is the hero we need
shurtal: yeah, Aleks did some HEAVY lifting
MommaGart: sand blast!!
Zaneysed: Dude you look huge
josh___something: BOOM DIVORCED
LowUpsideCJ: @SnowBuddy18 He's also got action figure legs I can't ignore
dzee_szed: I mostly know that the Luke VA did a line for a doobus goobus video
Trymantha: still not sure why luke has strong feelings about menphis tour guides?
apocalyptic_squirrel: oh hey it's Frizzlenill on screen! Let's gooo
saucemaster5000: Alex le doing the christmas luke ... "getjolly! Getjolly!"
TheWanderingNomad: Letting Aleks Le loose upon the fandom was a great idea
saucemaster5000: "I got you... A NICE PRESENT!"
shurtal: aleks
Obsc: Luke is Darth Vader worst mu
Scar_Red_Tiger: "I'm Luke. From Streets"
shurtal: aleks' stream with jamie's va was UNHINGED
Stratavarius: Yeah, mechanically Luke would've been fine, but Aleks Le SOLD the character
MommaGart: Luke has been in time out a lot this set
MommaGart: this is a great reverse corner
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
Mazrae: so luke is a quick jabber while marisa is a slow powerhouse??? thats what im getting out of this
twistedsylvan: is there a really obcene corner fighter in this game, like Ramlethal in Strive? Or is everybody scary there?
shurtal: goin' to mephis
MommaGart: Frizzle has some solid parries
apocalyptic_squirrel: Adam, you talk yourself down a lot wrt your advice giving and stuff, but I've been doing the "stand under the timer" thing you explain often, and it's so strong as well as teaching me a lot. So thanks for that and a bunch of other stuff
tod_vom_himmel: "word"
korvys: "I'm just a little guy"
Micsig: bitchin'
saucemaster5000: Aki "BITCHIN"
DaVeganPolice: Tell her about your Ed level 3 :)
Like17Badgers: you're going TO MEMPHIS
Trymantha: I though he was saying you picked the wrong guy to mess with , huh TIL
apocalyptic_squirrel: @twistedsylvan both - everyone is scary when they corner you, but some characters especially want to put the opponent in the mixup blender. Aki for example I think
Sydet1: @Trymantha That's the actual line
Scar_Red_Tiger: Shadow Realm?? You're going to Memphis
Walmart_Baki: There is always the classic "Are you ken" for Shoryuken
korvys: You're dead, and banned from this twitch channel
cmdrud87: "excessively buff forearms" is a great name for a buff
PigmyWurm: Adam what is your feeling about playing with a controller? I have casually enjoyed fighting games since SF2 but as someone who has never been really invested I've mostly played with controller and feel like most games are just not made for it and can get frustrating.
Scar_Red_Tiger: Aleks even recorded a cclean take of him sayinng Memphis. You can trust him.
LowUpsideCJ: Killed him so hard they garnished his wages
Mai_Andra: "But, Ryu - I can't fly." "Suuure yooou caaan!"
saucemaster5000: Here comes HONDA
twistedsylvan: @apocalyptic_squirrel Is Aki like a rushdown character? Or more like setplay? What makes her so effective in the corner?
thmanwithnoname subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 99 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thmanwithnoname! (Today's storm count: 484)
tod_vom_himmel: oh am i up now
Sydet1: @PigmyWurm Lots of people play with regular controllers
saucemaster5000: tvh is tod
Bearudite: you up tod
Sydet1: It works great for a lot of people
Obos_TAB: Hey! How's the tourney!
DaVeganPolice: OH LUL TVH is tod lmfaoooo
Obos_TAB: !bracket
LRRbot: Find the results of the Sketch Remake Brackets here: https://LRR.cc/remake1 | https://LRR.cc/remake2 | https://LRR.cc/remake3
LowUpsideCJ: @PigmyWurm Modern works pretty well with a four button controller
RothonWylar: Let's go tod
DaVeganPolice: wait ah fuck.
Obos_TAB: dang, not the bracket i wanted
Zaneysed: Ken coming out the woodowkr
NevermorePainting: Get him Tod!
lightfut: Embracing the kenergy
Mr_Bitterness: @PigmyWurm Play with whatever input you're most comfortable with. People have won big tourneys on contoller
the_phantom_game_player: Ken all the time
Lobo_Apache: anywhere else he'd be S ranky
themostjoast: LETS ellliebSmash GO ellliebSmash HOMDA
bjorlamn: @twistedsylvan Rashid is the quintessential corner mixer. Play a set with Violetblight and you’ll know
saucemaster5000: time to see some unhinged honda
MousseFilledCat: any Juri players? I like seeing pink
mtvcdm: We are Kenough
BrowneePoints: @mazrae Luke is called a Shoto for Shotokan karate, well rounded, has a fire ball, an invisible reversible aka Ryu. Marisa is a heavy
CypherRaze: Adam, what is your usual coffee order?
saucemaster5000: no one talks enough about honda's booty
itira: Ken really is a Good Ass character
Obos_TAB: alpha ken is hottest ken
full_st0p: he's gptta take a shower first
BrowneePoints: he does Cori
PigmyWurm: @LowUpsideCJ The problem is I have been play with the 90's so to play with modern I have to choose between muscle memory or ease
CypherRaze: but is he baptized
BrowneePoints: Guile has a ponytail Chad Texan skin
mtvcdm: ! next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry at Thu 07:00 PM PDT (1:50 from now).
PigmyWurm: But I admit, I am very much a cassual player
twistedsylvan: @BrowneePoints wait, that's why they're called shotos? I thought it was named for a character named Shoto in an early fighting game lmao
josh___something: Is the coffee baptized?
saucemaster5000: I put a scoop of ice cream in espresso for my morning PrideUwu
apocalyptic_squirrel: @twistedsylvan she does a fuckton of damage in the corner with poison setup, so getting you into that position is kinda her win condition. Pre recent changes that was kind of her only strength. She's been buffed recently and can do a bit more now
MrQBear: Go Tod!
Sydet1: Yeah ryu in theory uses shotokan karate
itira: A&W coffee is the worst imo LUL
apocalyptic_squirrel: (caveat, I've not played her meaningfully, someone who knows the character can correct me)
Scar_Red_Tiger: milk and sugar cost money.
CaptainSpam: Okay, Hawaiian Honda is a great skin.
Izandai: jesus
itira: A&W coffee tastes like a wet ashtray
Obos_TAB: is this Cori's first time on Oki Adjacent content?
saucemaster5000: dunkin donuts coffee is secretly really good
twistedsylvan: @apocalyptic_squirrel iiiiinteresting, I don't know if I've heard of characters with a DoT before. it sounds so unpleasant lmao, thanks!
sxesuperstar: This is the antithesis of a Happy Honda Day
DaVeganPolice: I heard McDonalds coffee isn't like the worst
Saintnex: Timmy's steeped tea is always my go to order
Obos_TAB: nice 1 tod
PharaohBender27: Yeah, but you're on a Greyhound, so shitty coffee is par for the course
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
Dumori: Subway Coffee is a sleeper in the UK at least
Juliamon: saucemaster5000 I wouldn't go that far, but it's better than its reputation indicates
Mai_Andra: @PigmyWurm controller always hurt my hand after a few minutes until I found one that switched the position of the left stick and d-pad, and that made a huge difference.
apocalyptic_squirrel: @twistedsylvan her poison has an interesting property as well where some of her moves can "pop" it, knocking the opponent into the air for a combo extension
josh___something: Tod is such a menace
DaVeganPolice: mybadog
Omthebox: COULD have level 3'd. However
NorthstarTex: dat honda
saucemaster5000: @Juliamon actually yeah that's fair
maxthefourth: the booty to strong
Izandai: You didn't respect their credentials.
shurtal: honda=unga
mtvcdm: Honda is a meat cannon
ManWithTheMask13: LET'S GO TOD
Zaneysed: Corey for oki oki fight club?
RothonWylar: I may need to pick up honda
Mr_Bitterness: Get Cori on Oki Oki as Honda, best stream
Obos_TAB: Cori play Guilty Gear instead
josh___something: LUL
Cptasparagus: why do canadians say "when im done the" instead of "when im done with the"
apocalyptic_squirrel: do it Cori do it
Scar_Red_Tiger: I was watching a vtuber pick up SF6 blind. Went with Gief because "His nipples are out, he must be strong"
jjcard: I'm currently looking at SF6 on steam, it's 50% off...tempted
Bearudite: hell yeah
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Bearudite: expense it
chrono2x: I'd love to see Cori on OkiOki
BrowneePoints: I’d enjoy seeing you play for what it’s worth
Izandai: @Scar_Red_Tiger mattlrLul
themostjoast: Cori on Oki would be goated
LowUpsideCJ: I played a honda earlier who just headbutted me over and over and over
thaigeprime: D:
Naesiir: yes, yes Join OkiOki
Taligan: Love to see you Cori! Join the literal club!
josh___something: RIP ben
Veggiekeks gifted a Tier 1 sub to ManWithTheMask13! They have given 2 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ManWithTheMask13! (Today's storm count: 485)
korvys: Skullgirls
RTwo28: But guilty gear is so fun
CoconutRanger1515: if your a streamer can you put games as a tax write off
TheWooglie: So Ian?
AceGun_: Being bad at Guilty Gear is the correct way to play Guilty Gear.
yukimakingart: take that back! yukima18Potatobridget
MrQBear: Don't you play guilty gear sometimes, Adam?
pointproven214: Lmao
MommaGart: weirdo mechanics or weirdo characters?
RothonWylar: I'm hoping to get into 2xko when it's out
LMAOkai_: says the Axl player :)
BurgerGamer: correct, which is why I play it
twistedsylvan: am Guilty Gear player, can confirm
betweenmyself: take up Clay Fighter 33 1/3 pennyWhat
Obos_TAB: Cori who is your Them's Fightin Herds "mane"?
saucemaster5000: Guilty Gear is for vampires
RTwo28: Guilty Gear is also the only fighter I can comprehend some how. . .
Bearudite: skullgirls too boing boing
josh___something: Axl player
DiscordianTokkan: Cori, tell them it's on sale for half off, so you're SAVING the company money by buying it Now. :D
Ciijay: I play Guilty Gear and I play Faust, what does that make me?
PharaohBender27: Did someone say $60?
josh___something: LIES ADAM
Mai_Andra: GranBlue is more anime. Guilty Gear is weirdos.
PigmyWurm: I really like looking at guilty gear
thaigeprime: you shut your mouth you axel apologist
Mr_Bitterness: Look, Guilty Gear's got the trans crowd
EMNetwork: one must fall 4life
PharaohBender27 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1660 in the channel!
CoconutRanger1515: who do you play in gg?
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to deyeplz!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to RichiCrypt!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to n0_8ignal!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to RothonWylar!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ixigrekzed!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to renaissance_rat!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LesbianGolfMafia!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to NeroTheArsonist!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to NEXTGENeric!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to battlemonk!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to n0_8ignal, RichiCrypt, RothonWylar, ixigrekzed, renaissance_rat, NeroTheArsonist, LesbianGolfMafia, NEXTGENeric, battlemonk, and deyeplz! (Today's storm count: 495)
saucemaster5000: @Ciijay Goated?
apocalyptic_squirrel: @Ciijay based as fuck that's what
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
twistedsylvan: and the soundtrack for GG FUCKS. I've been listening to it for months
renaissance_rat: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
RTwo28: @ciijay playing faust makes you amazing
full_st0p: BRUH
ManWithTheMask13: He's the goat
themostjoast: TOD MY GOAT
LowUpsideCJ: Someone make adam an "Honest Mid Tier Enjoyer" t shirt
PharaohBender27: No problem, @renaissance_rat ! :)
Obos_TAB: 1 gift sub for every trip to memphis
josh___something: Mid tier, fine. *"HONEST"* is a Lie, adam
Ciijay: Ehehehe, people love my R+ Faust :3
Zaneysed: I saw you play mark of the wolves Adam, that wasnt mid tier
Geldaran: I think he sat down.
lightfut: He sat down aggressively, as requested
BurgerGamer: the only honest guilty gear character is Zato
CoconutRanger1515: there are no honest guilty gear characters
CaptainSpam: "SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!" "Mmm... nah, bruh."
AceGun_: If you can't laugh at the Honda, you will cry instead.
Chartle: street fighter laurel and hardy
NevermorePainting: Honda do honda things
ixigrekzed: @PharaohBender27 tyty
BrowneePoints: Guilty Gear, a game where there’s lots of hot anime women but everyone lusts over the Chubby beefcake, an Armored Russian, and a Bed
TheWanderingNomad: Whatr's the joke about GG? This amazing soundtrack has a video game attached to it :D
apocalyptic_squirrel: @CoconutRanger1515 excuse me I think you'll find there's a Large Grappler Man
SaxPython: Nathan Lane Honda skin when?
the_phantom_game_player: Pharaoh is pulling big numbers this subathon.
Ciijay: +R Faust makes everyone go "I have no idea what's going on"
Dumori: Man I love Garo
AceGun_: You just picked him based on the name.
ixigrekzed: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
jjcard: well, since it's 50% off, picked up SF6. Let's see how bad I am...
josh___something: U huh, suuuuure adam
Bearudite: all my homies hate keith
BrowneePoints: first one in 25 years next year Cori
Obos_TAB: @BrowneePoints bed got springs, dawg
Bearudite: marco till I die
mtvcdm: Almost the comeback
Mister_BlueSky: Steve!
twistedsylvan: @BrowneePoints ... wait whos the beefcake? Goldlewis?
thatguysteve2709: Yo
Naesiir: Steve
Shadowsoflife: @BrowneePoints A bed>
CoconutRanger1515: @apocalyptic_squirrel garuda impact garuda impact garuda impact lol
BrowneePoints: goldlewis @twistedsylvan
josh___something: Kenneth is a common name, adam
Mister_BlueSky: What if it was Kenneth?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Luke is a pretty regular name.
Like17Badgers: that's Kenough
the_phantom_game_player: Ken and Barbie
DandyGeek: Dan, on the other hand
saucemaster5000: What fighting game has a "Michael"?
twistedsylvan: @BrowneePoints okay, I see it
Obsc: I know 4 o.o
Ciijay: Wait what about Barbie
MommaGart: the only Ken who is relevant to my life is Ken Burns
AceGun_: There's a Carl...
Obos_TAB: nice one stunna
Mr_Bitterness: Ken "Value Added" Stacy?
ManWithTheMask13: There's an UltraDavid
Faulpyr: Marisa, though
raulghoulia: Ken used to be a lot more popular
BrowneePoints: My dads name is LITERALLY Kendall
tehfewl: im David
Creature_Comforts: Ken "Not a common name" Steacy
super_ashura: Dan
ThorSokar: These are the Daves I know?
BtEtta: Ken "Irregular Name" Steacy
Ciijay: There's a Dan
Scar_Red_Tiger: Multipple Eddies
NorthstarTex: Robert
saucemaster5000: I'd play a Michael
DandyGeek: good ol’ Dan Hibiki
josh___something: There's regular name *SOL BADGUY*
CoconutRanger1515: Cody
Faulpyr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
Faulpyr: Oh! My button is here now.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Faulpyr! (Today's storm count: 496)
NonUniqueGuy: When I think of Ken, I think of Barbie Ken
apocalyptic_squirrel: @CoconutRanger1515 I've played GG for a few hours and I did hammerfall RC pot buster in training mode and was like oh, this is how the other side live huh
PharaohBender27: What about a Matt? I know multiple Matts, and so do most LRR-folk
full_st0p: you can't get better than Bob
midnightcurryjazz: karl
DaVeganPolice: I mean.... Honda's first name is Edmund. soo
twistedsylvan: can't wait for a game with the fighter, "Jim"
EMNetwork: "I'm never going to call you carl"
NonUniqueGuy: Bob is the funniest name.
SquareDotCube: man remember Steve Beej
AceGun_: And he does NOT look like a Carl.
Obos_TAB: AA head butt is criminal
saucemaster5000: DOSUKOI
josh___something: Hondaaaaa
cmdrud87: Honda looks like he's on holidays
Chartle: see a mid 50's balding man in a fighting game, that's carl
Stratavarius: Yeah, good old Ed Honda
excalgold: Two Davids in streetfighter, one works the Airforce, one works for the CIA, neither are fighters
CoconutRanger1515: haha yeah thqat shit is NOT honest lmao
Ciijay: Carl in an anime fighter is so funny
NevermorePainting: Tod is a criminal, killin it
BrowneePoints: Blazblue also has Ragna the Edgebringer or whatever
patrick_stonecrusher: "I've known many Steves in my life." - Adam Savidan
themostjoast: LET"S GO TOD!!!
Obos_TAB: nice work tod
the_phantom_game_player: @twistedsylvan Theres Earthworm Jim in Clayfighters
themostjoast: ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap
Mazrae: i dont know why but i just remembered about this character, Dhalsim, from the looks of it not that many players play him??
josh___something: Jimmy pierce?!
miniMacGuru: Whenever I hear the name "Carl", I'm reminded of the Phineas and Ferb intern song.
MrQBear: Tod you are a menace and I need to fight you again sometime.
apocalyptic_squirrel: @Mazrae yeah he's a specialist character, very different from everyone else
twistedsylvan: @BrowneePoints the Bloodedge I believe, which is even better
BrowneePoints: OH WAIT SLAYER
saucemaster5000: let's go vegan and bear!
thaigeprime: the forbidden 3rd slot
Izandai: @Mazrae Dhalsim is a character for weirdos.
Lobo_Apache: Whoop whoop, that's the sound of the (vegan) Police
RTwo28: Slayer in Guilty Gear is terrifying
full_st0p: Sim is a character for geniuses and millionaires
Chartle: i mean if theres 4 urinals it really doesn't matter
bjorlamn: @mazrae Correct, he is very difficult and plays very different that basically the rest of the cast
the_phantom_game_player: I am
SnowBuddy18: I'm enjoying your commentary
Dog_of_Myth: Just like fighting games, got to respect the spacing
NevermorePainting: Fighting games are so cool
Chartle: you can always only fit two people w/o touching
ManWithTheMask13: This tourney's sick so far FBtouchdown
patrick_stonecrusher: Punch
saucemaster5000: I'm sad I had to work today this looks fun NotLikeThis
tod_vom_himmel: man the adrenaline from this game just cant be beat
Obos_TAB: "No!"
full_st0p: lets go ROO
AugmentingPath: Ryu is going to show the KFC guy what for, that's what I know
CypherRaze: I'm very much enjoying myself.
Fruan: I just like listening to Adam and Cori
BrowneePoints: Yea GG players mostly lust over A Chubby Beefcake, a stacked Punch Vampire, a Mommy Samurai, a Robotics Expert girl, and a Bed
apocalyptic_squirrel: Sim is really fun and a bit more accessible than he looks
midnightcurryjazz: Thats the good thing about fighting games. You dont need to know how it works. Its very visual
niccus: there's ryu! from streets!
Mister_BlueSky: I can't play fighting games to save my life, but yet I watch Oki Oki.
sxesuperstar: I like watching and hearing technical details
PharaohBender27: I think I'm picking up some of what's being thrown down
Omthebox: Had to double take cuz DaVeganPolice was chatting in PoE chat in Seachats mere minutes ago LUL
Lobo_Apache: I really wanna play JP, I'm just dogwater with him
Gaelan_Maestro: fighting games are "hulk smash, hulk smash then hulk smash"
ClockTamer: I have no clue whats going on but colors and movement make adhd go brrrr
josh___something: Slayer is hot... I mean, daddy. Sorry, daddy. Sorry, daddy. Sorry
Shadowsoflife: @BrowneePoints a bed?
Zaneysed: A big jerk
thatguysteve2709: Good job @tod_vom_himmel
saucemaster5000: kicky lady
saucemaster5000: midrange
apocalyptic_squirrel: especially if you're playing sets with a friend on voice chat. floating around and poking them from 1000 miles away and generally being a troll is highly fun
full_st0p: HEALLING
PigmyWurm: I want to thank LRR for streaming this on youtube as well since Twitch/Amazon has decided to remove it's app from anything I can stream to my TV
shurtal: she does capoeria
Athelgar: every time i watch a fighting game stream i want to do a rewatch of all the fighting game move adaptations
bjorlamn: @shadowsoflife A bed. Did they stutter?
midnightcurryjazz: she is a midrange poking character
Athelgar: movie**
NevermorePainting: wish I could have joined in, but work was happening
Obos_TAB: seeing how many folks joine dup from the Mika days has been really REALLY cool
Scar_Red_Tiger: Yo will be friends with Elena. This is ccompulsary.
betweenmyself: I like how in World Tour mode the fighter colloquially known as “Dictator” has an entire questline that references the Balrog/Vega/Bison name switcheroo.
Shadowsoflife: @bjorlamn like a walking bed?
apocalyptic_squirrel: can someone remind me what time the normal okioki streams are on these days please? I should try to join, it's been a while.
Mister_BlueSky: Compliments are always appreciated. Sometimes that makes their day on it's own.
LowUpsideCJ: Hey Adam you're doing great and the tournament is great
NevermorePainting: hell, Adam sold me on starting to play fighting games
twistedsylvan: @Shadowsoflife like an autonomous bed, that may be haunted
AceGun_: @Shadowsoflife Mostly rolling
bjorlamn: @shadowsoflife Yes. Google “Bedman” from guilty gear
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
tod_vom_himmel: except not this friday ;p
apocalyptic_squirrel: 10am pst right?
Obos_TAB: Someone on here said "Complimenting what your opponent did well can sometimes be more productive than putting yourself down"
Like17Badgers: @Shadowsoflife well the bed used to have a man in it, then the man died
Shadowsoflife: They are named BEDMAN?
NevermorePainting: every night, like 4-12 people gamin
josh___something: Seachats are a bunch of gorillas (Affectionate)
xxhanlonsrazorxx: yeah i thought the bed was haunted by the little girls brothers ghost
RandomTrivia: We literally have a command
saucemaster5000: highly recommend adam's discord, it's a fun time in there, and we're always playing
RandomTrivia: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: twitch.tv/seabats | Alex: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Ben Ulmer: twitch.tv/bengineering | Cameron: twitch.tv/unarmedoracle | Cori and Ian: twitch.tv/tiltyhouse | Heather: twitch.tv/LunarJade | James: twitch.tv/James_LRR | Kathleen: twitch.tv/BraveNewFaves | Matt Wiggins: twitch.tv/wiggins | Nelson: twitch.tv/coachnelly | Serge: twitch.tv/sergeyager , twitch.tv/sergeafterdark | Wheeler: twitch.tv/benjamin_wheeler
RTwo28: I should probably rejoin the LRR Discord and not lurk forever
E_Westra: Throwing Europe a bone with the stream schedule :P
Juliamon: Shadowsoflife GG doesn't beat around the bush with names
apocalyptic_squirrel: I was going to ask about the Seabats discord also
Mr_Bitterness: There's multiple Bedman, in fact
Dog_of_Myth: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
ameliette: DQ reminder - saucypasta in match BG was a no-show
Shadowsoflife: @Juliamon That's fair
saucemaster5000: @apocalyptic_squirrel come punch stuff with us!
apocalyptic_squirrel: if anyone has a link or can point me at where to find one?
RandomTrivia: Cori would never shill her own content lrrBEEJ
BurgerGamer: theres bedman, and then theres bedman?
twistedsylvan: @Shadowsoflife correct! Because there was another character named Bedman, but then this one showed up and sur[rised everybody, so this one is Bedman?
the_phantom_game_player: I know there's at least a fighting games channel on the lrr server
mtvcdm: Yeah, most of the crew has Discords of their own. With their own rules.
Obos_TAB: Bedman has a man in it, BEDMAN? has man in it, maybe
CypherRaze: JP is so snazzy
Shadowsoflife: @twistedsylvan interesting.
BrowneePoints: Bedman was a guy who is catatonic in a surgical bed and controlled it with his mind. The current version his body is gone and they think his soul might be piloting it now and so it has a?
saucemaster5000: oh yeah @LoadingReadyRun saucypasta needs to be DQ'd on start.gg
raulghoulia: Ryu Classic!
ExpeditionToGamesEnd: Too bad most of the fighting games I play are hard to play online. If even possible at all. Lol
Texan_Reverend: For anyone interested in joining Adam's Seachats Discord server, here's the link: https://discord.gg/czupYgxgF9
josh___something: Ryu looks great with a beard
twistedsylvan: GG lore is batshit insane and I love it so dearly
apocalyptic_squirrel: @saucemaster5000 I would genuinely love to! if I'm not mistaken it's about 6pm my time, so on the occasion I have an un-busy Friday evening I'll stick my head in!
Scar_Red_Tiger: That chin was not meant to be seen
yukimakingart: beard makes sense cause I can't really imagine him taking the time to shave
jellybean57: dilf ryu and yoga pants cammy are 10/10 re-designs
Like17Badgers: well, Bedman? is not bedman. Bedman was the man in the bed that fought with the bed, then when the man died the bed kept fighting.
Shadowsoflife: @BrowneePoints Neat
saucemaster5000: @apocalyptic_squirrel yaay we got another one!
Izandai: @Shadowsoflife Also his sister is there. She doesn't help the bed fight, she's just there.
xxhanlonsrazorxx: right he and his sister live in comas og bedman died and programmed the bed automaton mecha to protect his sister as they work to bring about a world where they can leave their comas
josh___something: Okay okay for club
twistedsylvan: I need to share with everyone that the GG protagonist is named Sol Badguy, but his actual legal name was Fredrick Balsara, both names are references to Queen
Obos_TAB: Also this weekend is evo so when subathon is over there's gonna be a lotta good fighting
Mai_Andra: ooki dooki
SaxPython: Hey Cori. Thanks for Hey, Check It Out: Matilda. I think that's the first H,CIO movie I had actually seen. I really enjoyed thinking about it a bit more critically.
BrowneePoints: Ryu with a beard makes me want to be his wife. yes I am man adjacent, yes I know what I said
apocalyptic_squirrel: @saucemaster5000 I did join some a while back, I believe I played a set with your Manon about a year ago and had a good time lol! But it's been ages
Izandai: Any by "protagonist" what they mean is Sol Badguy is the main good guy of the series. Unambiguously.
SaxPython: lrrSHINE
xxhanlonsrazorxx: @twistedsylvan gg truly the jojo of fightinh games
garion99 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 5 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, garion99! (Today's storm count: 497)
Shadowsoflife: @Izandai Also neat
Obos_TAB: I loved the 96 matilda
BigDaddyBland87: My daughter literally just watched that
twistedsylvan: @xxhanlonsrazorxx 1000%
CypherRaze: the 96 Matilda movie is the best one
ylegm: Matilda, where Danny Devito proves he is a saint
saucemaster5000: @apocalyptic_squirrel Nice! I've been very busy and struggling with manon so taking some time to learn blanka and lily these days
Obos_TAB: I also loved Harritet The Spy
iiieye: I don't wanna go to work tomorrow 😭
Obos_TAB: Harriet*
SaxPython: I had never considered the Children's Horror genre
TheWooglie: I liked the recent musical
bo_brinkman: The Tim Minchin musical version is also really good.
Cptasparagus: someone eats a lot of cake
Luminaire_p: The BFG
leachjus: he also made that Doom gun
DaVeganPolice: @LoadingReadyRun Bjorlamn had to drop, so needs to be DQ'd from bracket
ManWithTheMask13: @leachjus you rang?
BrowneePoints: The big, friendly giant
garion99: the magic finger is another good one
apocalyptic_squirrel: @saucemaster5000 oh that's a good spread! are you enjoying the fresh experience?
bjorlamn: I am on a boat right now!
saucemaster5000: yes, especially lily. Got a friend helping me learn
BurgerGamer: shel silverstien has an amazing author photo
YeomanAres: Raul dahl theinspiration for James Bond
Bearudite: my MAGNETISM
AceGun_: they are on the discord. They have been summoned.
Omega_Lairon: Roald Dahl also helped write the James Bond Movie "You Only Live Twice"
BigDaddyBland87: Wrote the screenplay for "You Only Live Twice"...seriously
Omega_Lairon: The... really racist one >_>
Land_Manatee: Plus the set of new vids on Netflix like Ratcatcher
forcedreject: "Mr Fantastic Gaslights Old man with wooden gun"
saucemaster5000: @Omega_Lairon yeah honestly the more you know about roald dahl the more this checks out
apocalyptic_squirrel: @saucemaster5000 :D very glad to hear it!
BrowneePoints: he was a pretty decent author that had really crappy views on people with disabilities and fat people
Juliamon: Dahl wasn't really known for his sensitivity
Simonark: Dahl also helped invent a cranial shunt for children that saved hundreds of lives.
thaigeprime: hey adam can you DQ Bjorlamn they want to drop
Simonark: And he was a horrible person?
RebekahWSD: We had His "Even More Revolting Recipes" but I can't remember er...ever making them
forcedreject: They were just adlibbing?
ylegm: People are complicated
Cptasparagus: is there a PED test
Darkstorm257: We played it
ylegm: Bjorlamn said they were on a boat
Frizzlenill: OOPS mb sorry
Frizzlenill: I forgot to report
Simonark: Yep. Dahl’s short stories for adults… now those are so much darker.
apocalyptic_squirrel: @ylegm dang it I'm just about to go to bed and now the song's stuck in my head
thaigeprime: I can hop in against links if you want
ManWithTheMask13: We NEED the cereal
full_st0p: damn, did nobody play sim?
Frizzlenill: alrighty all done, sorry about that!
DaVeganPolice: let me at Tod
ManWithTheMask13: Wait, Adam. Can I get an epic win?
DaVeganPolice: i'm ready to throw hands
mamba_shinobi: what's going on
Juliamon: I loved Dahl's kids' books, and then somehow I ended up with a copy of Switch Bitch
saucemaster5000: @Juliamon LMAO
ManWithTheMask13: LUL LUL LUL
DaVeganPolice: oh no
tod_vom_himmel: pause the tournament
themostjoast: pls
josh___something: Someone LINK THE TWEET
MrQBear: @full_st0p Sorry, I forgot to sign up, also I'm very bad at SF6. :p
themostjoast: pls no
Zaneysed: EPIC WIN
RothonWylar: Sims been tough in sf6
saucemaster5000: @Juliamon my favorite roald dahl story is "man from the south"
AceGun_: Hit her with my Aegis setup
PharaohBender27: Wait, Lynx? UPSLynx? But I heard they're smalltime! Kappa
Frizzlenill: it is DEFINITELY a fighting game meme tho
josh___something: "Tech her throw and do my Aegis setup"
Frizzlenill: it's delightful but it IS on the esoteric side tbf
josh___something: EPIC WIN
Jigokuro: I don't like my shit being volatile bitterCringe
leachjus: god I missed watching Marisa throw hands
twistedsylvan: that actually kind of makes sense since Marisa does Pankration lol
Frizzlenill: even without formal stakes, the nerves are INTENSE on stream
xxhanlonsrazorxx: marisa makes me want to play sf6 but my laptop woujld explode
7 raiders from JoeKim have joined!
JustMeJude: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry at Thu 07:00 PM PDT (1:31 from now).
AdmiralMemo: admira108Wave admira108Wave admira108Wave admira108Wave admira108Wave admira108Wave
ClodiumSoride: welcome raiders!
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, raiders!
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiders! lrrSHINE
mtvcdm: Hi raiders
mtvcdm: ! subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Shadowsoflife: raiders o/
Izandai: mattlrLul
apocalyptic_squirrel: can confirm I definitely got the big nerves
Jigokuro: There are over a thousand people here. Hard not to think about at least a little.
Izandai: That's the shit.
AdmiralMemo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months!
AdmiralMemo: Oh right! I guess there's this, too! Might as well raid in and then pop this off.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AdmiralMemo! (Today's storm count: 498)
apocalyptic_squirrel: I get stressed out jamming sets with my friends for 2 hours though lol. game's hard
Cptasparagus: crouches of respect
Izandai: wtf
Izandai: Who thought that was okay?
jibkat: mattlrLurk
Bearudite: yo Stunna No.1 fight me
AceGun_: @Izandai john Capcom
josh___something: Oki is the amount of options you get on knockdown as the attacker
AdmiralMemo: admira108Lurk admira108Lurk admira108Lurk
Shadowsoflife: @AceGun_ bob street
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 2 sub to Izandai! They have given 1661 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Izandai! (Today's storm count: 499)
Izandai: Oh, thank you!
jibkat: Who gives it dry that sounds mean
Obsc: Jp and Marisa had their lvl 3 oki removed, it was a sad day :(
PharaohBender27: @Izandai No problem! :)
josh___something: If you have "Good oki" it means you have a lot of strong options after the opponent gets up from a knockdown
saucemaster5000: Love rough and tumble brawls in a smoky jazz club
jibkat: sounds like a fun time saucemaster5000
SirPlumpy: i heard we are fighting someone, so i showed up to throw ahdsn
SirPlumpy: hands*
Izandai: Does the tourney winner get to play Adam as the prize?
Like17Badgers: the streets, they call
josh___something: EVO is fun to watch
CoconutRanger1515: sf6 should be last
Mazrae: Adam's the final boss of the tournament
Mazrae: ?
Jigokuro: Adam, have you seen the 'supers with fix camera' vids floating around? Marisa's 3 is great. fifiNom
BrowneePoints: is this inspiring or intriguing you to try Cori? if even from a game design point of view?
Zaneysed: Adam about to make the worst sealed deck known to man to go home faster
SirPlumpy: wait is this a big lady fight
DaVeganPolice: street fighter is last one on the schedule, it starts at like 9 or 10pm eastern
Scar_Red_Tiger: Watching Top 8 from the tablefriend iPad
twistedsylvan: I mean, who is at the PPR? Fire up EVO in the FriendZone with whoever isn't playing
BrowneePoints: I’m so excited for this set
Chartle: ppr this or next weekend?
Shadowsoflife: this
James_LRR: this weekend
SnowBuddy18: it's a collection of cards, and lots of them probably have cute animals on them
iiieye: 40 lands
Chartle: dope
BrowneePoints: I’ve been waiting on CK to grade my trade ins all week and I just wanna preorder cards
thecampingviking subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months!
thecampingviking: Let's go!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thecampingviking! (Today's storm count: 500)
mtvcdm: PPR is this coming Sunday
full_st0p: goood stuuuf
TheWooglie: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
James_LRR: 500 subs on the day! pogchamp
Mazrae: is tonight movie night
James_LRR: yes
Izandai: Is scutum the highest damage throw that isn't on Gief?
mtvcdm: Tonight is indeed movie night
James_LRR: in 2.5 hours
saucemaster5000: Pools are 10AM-5PM Sat for SF6 Evo, so hopefully you won't miss much
twistedsylvan: Jesus, that level 1 is so nasty. Just punching someone in the back of the head lmao
apocalyptic_squirrel: @Izandai Lily and Manon do more I believe
Izandai: Not on Gief or Manon I mean.
Izandai: Oh Lily? Huh.
cmdrud87: so, is there a FNPF planned for tomorrow?
James_LRR: its tcg day tomorrow
apocalyptic_squirrel: Yeah Lily's a grappler as well, her spd is pretty damaging. Honda has a chunky command grab as well but idk how much of a chunk it is
James_LRR: so there will be magic, lorcana, and star wars
AceGun_: mamba responded in the Discord, so hopefully they will be around shortly
cmdrud87: noice!
saucemaster5000: @Izandai manon 5 medal is the highest dam command grab
James_LRR: i mean... assuming we don't end before that :P
BrowneePoints: and a handsome guy named @james_lrr browne26PearPride
apocalyptic_squirrel: I guess technically the highest damage command grab in the game is Jamie EX command grab into level 3 lol
Obsc: Jp squad! coxHypers
James_LRR is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
James_LRR gifted a Tier 1 sub to maagipoiss!
CoconutRanger1515: can Thaige and I play losers round 5 or do we wait?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, James_LRR! Welcome to maagipoiss! (Today's storm count: 501)
James_LRR: doing my part!
Texan_Reverend: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
josh___something: LET'S GO JP
jibkat: o7 jamesinor
MousseFilledCat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months, currently on a 118 month streak!
MousseFilledCat: 118!!!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MousseFilledCat! (Today's storm count: 502)
josh___something: Good ol James Perry
jibkat: o7 other @James_LRR
mtvcdm: I'm sure James would like a free nap but I have faith in chat to make him keep working
TheWooglie: James_LRR isn't that just money laundering? lrrBEEJ
ContingentCat: what about Perry the platapus?
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
saucemaster5000: Cammy is rough for JP unfortunately
BrowneePoints: he’s a zoned
BrowneePoints: zoner
BrowneePoints: he wants to control the space
Zaneysed: WE gucci
DaVeganPolice: JP snapped the connection
CoconutRanger1515: cfn has been wierd recently
jibkat: Is this guy a wizard or the most intresting man in the world?
saucemaster5000: Cammy has a lof of tools against JP
AceGun_: He has a cane with a cat on it. That is his best feature.
rosesmcgee: Cheer5000 I'm helping!
tod_vom_himmel: vegan you gotta check in ofor the next fight
apocalyptic_squirrel: @jibkat yes
BusTed: @rosesmcgee PogChamp
James_LRR: @rosesmcgee lrrSHINE
BurgerGamer: @jibkat hes an accountant
jibkat: whats the famous fight where the guy did one move the whole time?
BurgerGamer: johnny donuts?
micalovits: "Surely he won't do the same thing again..."
mtvcdm: Remember you will likely lose some clock in the watchalong so top it up good before then if you're worried about it. (Always give responsibily.)
leachjus: this game 100% taught me “sometimes you gotta die for it”
PharaohBender27: @rosesmcgee lrrSHINE
SirPlumpy: this analyzing of fighting game players' is actually really cool tbh lol
cmdrud87: cheer500
Mazrae: so we are a bit over half a million bitties we are doing well
IndigoMeatStack: GivePLZ DoritosChip
SirPlumpy: I mean too like talking about the mental stuff of figuring out the other player is neat lol
SirPlumpy: im a button masher and don't play these much, but that's real interesting
BrowneePoints: Max is great to watch during tournaments too
AceGun_: Brian_F does good summaries and analysis of tournament results.
BrowneePoints: Max gives great and easy to follow explanations
SirPlumpy: it just gives me the same feeling as literary analysis lol
Lobo_Apache: Asa modern Cammy main, Cerealbox is my hero
josh___something: WHO likes to say, adam?
voren_chalco: Oh, is THAT what she's saying?
apocalyptic_squirrel: @jibkat are you thinking of this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geQR8UagOQg
apocalyptic_squirrel: or an IRL example lol
thedatatap: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
josh___something: Good punish
ManWithTheMask13: Wait, was I the only Gief?
jibkat: @apocalyptic_squirrel it wasnt a combo move it was just like a basic attack
ManWithTheMask13: It's Hot Gief Summer
saucemaster5000: We have more kens than normal too, kinda wild
Naesiir: Hopefully you can go next year
ManWithTheMask13: LUL
Izandai: Obviously you block the level 1 first, that's just free value.
Cptasparagus: she just blew out that grandpas knee
IsSecretlyPaul: its honest
AceGun_: You can't wear a hat during your MMA fight!
saucemaster5000: I've got combo breaker next year in my calendar, ain't missing it
BrowneePoints: Get Adam to EVO as Ringside Reporter
leachjus: nothing in the rule book says you can’t shoot fireballs
ManWithTheMask13: Luke's win quote over Aki is literally "Isn't using poison like, uh, illegal or something"
therepoman__: Hell yes Trogs at CB meetup let's go
Mazrae: Cammy kind of looks like Android 18 from DBZ
jibkat: if you could throw a fireball in a MMA fight without cheating, I think they would allow it
cmdrud87: yeah, both the shadow balls and the tekeport would hopefully get you dqed irl
cmdrud87: *TEELE
Mr_Horrible: Just imagining that IRL conversation in the world of street fighter: "Why can he create a fireball? How is that fair?" "You control the buttons you press, brother."
therepoman__: What is good yung Adam
RassilonDND: I mean if you were dousing yourself with a barrel of olive oil before every fight i hope you would dq
Kelderan: Oki Oki got me to buy Strive this sale.
DaVeganPolice: I'm thinking about CB... I don't do a ton of spending money so maybe next year I need to treat myself and go to CB
apocalyptic_squirrel: in world tour it's mentioned offhand as something anyone can learn to do
saucemaster5000: @therepoman__ how goes the ed mines?
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE
Irsaan: Fighting games are so cool to watch imo but I can never get into playing them
lochnessseammonster subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months!
lochnessseammonster: gah missed the fighty times... hope it's been going well!
leachjus: like with every sign that explains what happened by prohibiting a very specific activity, the rule added for “no fireballs in UFC” definitely explains why it was written
the_phantom_game_player: I care
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lochnessseammonster! (Today's storm count: 503)
CaptainSpam: Well, at least the sub-a-thon didn't run out of time in the middle of the Oki Oki tournament. :D
Mollylele: that would be James's fault for puttin it on the schedule
Frizzlenill: @Kelderan right on!!
GameSageZB: I don't care about fighting games but I enjoy the community here and interesting commentary on a topic I know nothing about is fun!
therepoman__: @saucemaster5000 Good just mashing out combos in training mode is all I'm doing
lochnessseammonster: how goes it?
BrowneePoints: my buddy helps run some of the beginner brackets at ComboBreaker
spethycakes: Fighting games have never really been my thing, but hearing your commentary and analysis has been so fascinating and I'm re-evaluating how I think about this style of game
Mr_Bitterness: For having not a great time slot, Oki Oki is a great show and feels like it has a great crowd
hesterbyrde: This is super fun! And I've appreciated the commentary
tod_vom_himmel: @Irsaan sf6 has a free demo and a modern mode that makes it very approachable, never a better time than now to try
ZaxusEMK: I mean...a lot of what LRR does it niche. That's what makes it great!
simplydavemn: Honestly I tend to watching gaming streaming for the people interacting than the actual gameplay.
simplydavemn: #BlameJames
RitualGlitchZ: my biggest problem with fighting games is my internet has never been good enough to play them online
itsr67: gun time
Bearudite: just knows how to pick the shots
iris_of_ether: One shot one kill
PharaohBender27: @ZaxusEMK Exactly.
eshplode: I appreciate the analysis that isn't assuming we know everything. It's super helpful
BrowneePoints: what’s their player name again?
mtvcdm: The WOODEN gun omg
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer1000
omdorastrix: For me - to be honest - fighting games aren't something I play but I've cought this stream a few times and It's ALWAYS enjoying to watch people who are good and/or know a lot about the game talk about their passion. And interesting to see all the complexity I never knew was there. so Thanks I guess.
micalovits: Is... Is a wooden gun a crossbow?
Juliamon: no, it's a wooden gun
apocalyptic_squirrel: right I should really go to bed. This was a ton of fun and everyone I played and met was lovely. Thanks Adam and Cori, thanks mods/organisers behind the scenes, and thanks everyone for the good vibes!
John Potter: Some of us are just here for the Adam.
simplydavemn: When did E. Honda become an american tourist?
lochnessseammonster: love listening to you explain fighting games... makes me want to play it PrideLaugh
xxhanlonsrazorxx: loving honda and this outfit specifically is hilarious
Trainkar: @Juliamon what a good response
PharaohBender27: Goodnight, @apocalyptic_squirrel !
xxhanlonsrazorxx: i love this
hesterbyrde: You explain things very well. I like your home stream and any stream you're on where you're offering commentary on the game.
mtvcdm: Describe to me a wooden gun
BrowneePoints: it’s a reference to the movie where he was Hawaiian
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to apocalyptic_squirrel! They have given 1526 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, apocalyptic_squirrel! (Today's storm count: 504)
micalovits: And football is just people kicking a ball
Frizzlenill: yeah and chess is just moving pieces
lochnessseammonster: all video games are people hitting buttons
Irsaan: @xxhanlonsrazorxx It seems very good
Like17Badgers: we talk... but with our fists sinder6Nodders
xxhanlonsrazorxx: shit maybe i need to w atch this movie
shurtal: little known fact, in MvC2, if you give your opponent a wooden gun during character select, Magneto becomes locked for them. League of Legends would later adopt this, turning it into the counter-pick system
betweenmyself: conversational fisticuffs…
Zaneysed: I Will 100% try to interrupt you every time you try to talk
leachjus: I haven’t been keeping track of the trogs, but Tod’s Master on Honda? let’s go emmeJorts
hiFunko: Didn't Adam tell a story the other day about a bot that mashed a single button getting to a high rank?
chrono2x: So which character says, let's be friends, but with fists?
ylegm: Most of my conversations are me telling the opponent that I need more games under my belt
xxhanlonsrazorxx: honda speaks to my goldlewis monkey brain
forcedreject: @chrono2x Fisting friend? wait...
simplydavemn: Adam: Sometimes, in a game where you are intenonally beating each other up, some people are going to bully you.
Scar_Red_Tiger: Tekken is 3
VrolikSyndrome: @chrono2x Elena, but she's not in the game yet.
mtvcdm: Any human endeavor is 'just' people doing a simple thing. Knowledge is fractal. You can ALWAYS go deeper.
bytecaster: @forcedreject I feel like that's Luke
Mazrae: i feel like Jordynne (i feel like i misspelt the name somehow) would hate Honda's butt slam
Bearudite: Elena
Micsig: @hiFunko Tekken Eddy, not super high rank but he trained the playerbase how to counter the button
AceGun_: Ryu? Kinda?
apocalyptic_squirrel: @Dog_of_Myth thank you so much! I'm a patreon supporter typically so this is much appreciated :D
Lobo_Apache: Geif says "I wanna lose friends"
AceGun_: And Elena, yeah.
Izandai: @chrono2x Goku isn't in this game.
jibkat: Frendship finishers are in MK
ThorSokar: for a minute there I thought you were talking about Dive Kick
Micsig: and started dropping rank
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE
Bearudite: welp
BusTed: NotLikeThis
CaptainSpam: I thought Rashid was more the friendly-ish type.
Mollylele: feet 🆚 feet
RothonWylar: Tod is out for blood
SnackPak_: a bee's dick
midnightcurryjazz: sajam polz
saucemaster5000: Aw dangit
Like17Badgers: payout to 2
Suffix: Welp.
PharaohBender27: Oh shit I'd get so wrecked then, because I *am* the type of person who will slightly raise their hand during a multi-person discussion/conversation to indicate "I'd like to say a thing" - that or start at the same time someone else starts, and go, "I'll wait and try again next pause"
ylegm: I ran into a fireball, DI, jumping Ken the other day
xxhanlonsrazorxx: honda to the moon brother lets go
ylegm: It was novel
chrono2x: I mean it was as close to dead as possilbe
Bearudite: Rashid is an influnecer never trust him
mjihde: I see fighting games as less of a conversation, and more of a very fast puzzle
mtvcdm: ! next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry at Thu 07:00 PM PDT (1:10 from now).
saucemaster5000: and tod will do the same thing over and over again until you prove you have an answer
xxhanlonsrazorxx: @mjihde theyre rhythm games to me
chrono2x: @Izandai No Goku, Luffy, or Naruto :(
mjihde subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mjihde! (Today's storm count: 505)
BrowneePoints: @pharaohbender27 Chun is good at waiting her turn then taking over the argument with a scalpel
Ritaspirithntr: @pharaohbender27 and then the thing you wanted to say becomes irrelevant because they didn’t see and changed the topic twice. :(
Darleysam: Modern damage reduction throw off the damage estimate?
AceGun_: Finding those loopholes.
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
CypherRaze: Gees
AceGun_: Yeah, they checked in!
play_guy01: im here
leachjus: Honda still scary as heck
Suffix: seabatClap seabatClap
AceGun_: They're here!
cmdrud87: they fought the law, and the law won
Frizzlenill: playguy showed up!
josh___something: Tod is a menace on the honda
play_guy01: my b i wasnt in room
CypherRaze: They are here!
Pharmacistjudge: I love Adams analogies
saucemaster5000: @AceGun_ I read this as "fisting"
Frizzlenill: playguy showed up a few mins ago
simplydavemn: Ace, we'll smoke you a kipper!
jibkat: fix it in post
Bearudite: ace just gotta win
play_guy01: my bad i reacted in the discord a few mins ago
play_guy01: we good to go??
mtvcdm: But the drama Adam
malfnord: The *drama*
leachjus: completely missed what was said but it sounded like you were blaming Daniel Holt for this situation
mtvcdm: There is such a thing as a call time.
Pharmacistjudge: always Blame daniel holt
itira: Its like going to make a sammich during raid time in WoW!
PharaohBender27: "But Adam I needed to take a HUGE shit"
Cptasparagus: i had to poop for 2 hours
ThorSokar: MORE DOTS
Zaneysed: Smoke break
Alex_Frostfire: Is it wrong to cheer for the person who beat me in round 1?
Dog_of_Myth: No
simplydavemn: While we are waiting, could we possibly get some detail on your Arm tats?
cmdrud87: jeszHuman jeszHuman jeszHuman
spurius: wors part is when the tank is late, everyone else we cant start
Mr_Bitterness: @Alex_Frostfire Heck no, you want them to win the whole thing. No shame in losing the best.
Dog_of_Myth: You live there now
Lobo_Apache: Play said they were here to win it
RothonWylar: Ken is worst photo though kappa
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
saucemaster5000: god it's so sad ken is the worst shoto
BrowneePoints: yea I usually just muscle through the leg pain in WoW raids when I should probs just ask for a couple minutes to get up and stretch
RetroHibiscus: yeah I think this is *the* play_guy play_guy
Bearudite: well you have to show up to win it lol
chrono2x: How does Ken compare against Ryu? I know what they have very similar movesets. How are they different?
PharaohBender27 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1671 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrSnuggles!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to theflamealpha!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LRRMTG_Judge!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to cardgames_in_motorcycles!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to quigonben!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheAG!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to FrozenNitrogen!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dill_Ken_Sebben!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TALBovey!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Senrek!
josh___something: I mean, early SA3 fine
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to theflamealpha, LRRMTG_Judge, FrozenNitrogen, quigonben, cardgames_in_motorcycles, TALBovey, Dill_Ken_Sebben, MrSnuggles, Senrek, and TheAG! (Today's storm count: 515)
PharaohBender27: Getting back to a multiple of 3 total
bytecaster: This has made me dust off my fight stick
SirPlumpy: ok, this lady is a walking red flag and im wearing rose colored glasses lmao
jibkat: lrrJUDGECALL
Pharmacistjudge: yes we do
rosesmcgee: @PharaohBender27 lrrHEART
saucemaster5000: @SirPlumpy you can't fix her
BrowneePoints: look it just means no one has to sub the judges during PPR
Pharmacistjudge: saves us from ads on Sunday
simplydavemn: I rather like the Female Fighter's Murder Hippie aesthetic.
Lobo_Apache: @bytecaster I'm literally waiting until after the tourney to jump onto ladder again :P
SirPlumpy: @saucemaster5000 ...fix?
Mr_Bitterness: @saucemaster5000 You don't wnat to fix her. You want to make her worse.
NotSoLuckyLydia: I dont need to fix her, I need her to make me worse
cmdrud87: no, all the bones... break
tod_vom_himmel: akis outfit is really good
Badchop subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Badchop! (Today's storm count: 516)
tod_vom_himmel: its a SLAY as they say
BrowneePoints: she’s a trained assassin
Pywodwagon: that means I don’t need to watch on one account and chat on the other on Sunday, so that’s nice
BrowneePoints: and loves fashion
Bearudite: her normal hair is somthin else
Zaneysed: rawr
Juliamon: if this is the only Aki you've seen, you will have whiplash from her standard hair
lochnessseammonster: she picks you up
iris_of_ether: Cori.
saucemaster5000: Shaved blanka....
itira: LUL
Mr_Bitterness: SMooth blanka is cursed
jibkat: mmmm
Naesiir: oh no
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
thatguysteve2709: No plz
dzee_szed: blanka has smooth skin, like a shark
Pharmacistjudge: no
pn55: HypeLUL
iris_of_ether: Adam.
bytecaster: Shaved Blanka is a thought
josh___something: Adam no
saucemaster5000: MODS, shave this blanka!
niccus: google show me shaved blanka
itsr67: Peeled blanka
Naesiir: smooth blanka isn't real and can't hurt me
BusTed: he is brazilian :)
ThorSokar: I have a feeling you really don't want smooth blanka
CypherRaze: Hairless blanka is just brazilian Hulk
Scar_Red_Tiger: You jusut need the glasses and you can ccosplay Aki
ManWithTheMask13: Adam's the goart
Irsaan: @Juliamon This is the first time I've ever seen this character and I'm about to go surprise myself
Bearudite: Guile's best friend Carlos Blanka Kappa
Lobo_Apache: Moist blanka
saucemaster5000: greasy honda?
eshplode: His Blanka is perfectly smooth
bytecaster: Sphinx Cat Blanka
PharaohBender27: But Cori, was his *brain* perfectly smooth?
iris_of_ether: Adam Cori I already have too many cursed projects
korvys: Is there a Blanka costume where he is just fully that plushie Blanka?
Mollylele: a blank blanka
PharaohBender27: (Callback to last subathon!)
Ciijay: Smooth Blanka is the worst thing here
Eepy Alice: adam yes
ComradeMik: give me wax Gief
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
ComradeMik: *waxed
Naesiir: @korvys yes
simplydavemn: It goes back to a nice woman I knew with Pink hair, but I rather like the look of not seen in nature hair Colors.
Scar_Red_Tiger: Blanka cchan is pretty smooth. But he's made of felt
drawnbinary: blanka wind resistence
josh___something: Dang, perfect!
thatguysteve2709: I mean I guess it's better than the period joke
Irsaan: That is not what I expected
jibkat: mattlrWoof
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
iris_of_ether: oh no
Pharmacistjudge: rage runback
Mr_Bitterness: Who was the oily guy in the previous games?
josh___something: XD
saucemaster5000: (boss walks by desk)
SirPlumpy: best photos i can do are of Spiderman
itsr67: @mr_bitterness hakan
leachjus: J Jonah Jameson would repent and join a convent if he got those pics
CaptainKranok: Can't Shave Blanka Club
Mr_Bitterness: @itsr67 That's it, thanks
Zaneysed: Gimmie a fisherman Ken costume
josh___something: Punish counter?
BrowneePoints: I think I think AKI’s normal hair is supposed to look like a Hakka right?
SirPlumpy: my god she is flexible
mtvcdm: ! addquote (Cori) [now] Get me photos of Smooth Blanka on my desk by Monday!
LRRbot: New quote #9055: "Get me photos of Smooth Blanka on my desk by Monday!" —Cori [2024-07-18]
josh___something: but AKI is cool D:
PharaohBender27: Cori will find the servers and delete all data related to her
chrono2x: uhhh
iris_of_ether: @ThorSokar OMG
Zaneysed: @ThorSokar D:
aesir_blade: you try to doxx aki and you just get the address of your own house
Mr_Bitterness: Do we know if AKI Is Voldo's descendant or something
josh___something: @thorsokar ...
niccus: that's a goblin
BrowneePoints: she’s FANG’s protege
rosesmcgee: It's an industry term
SnackPak_: ooohhh, thats what DP means
EMNetwork: I call it my dragon punch too
chrono2x: No, the uhh was in response to ThorSokar's picture
ThorSokar: maybe I should change my name to Monkeys_Paw
Irsaan: I always assume it means dick punch
SajuukSjet: Danny Phantom?! :P
saucemaster5000: Dragon Punchpetration
TuringsGhost subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TuringsGhost! (Today's storm count: 517)
SnowBuddy18: @ThorSokar buff Green Goblin
leachjus: he’s too wrinkly to be Smooth Blanka
dm818: okay now to fix the bracket
drawnbinary: Diamond Pearl
electric_claire: It's called a "donkey" punch, Adam
ManWithTheMask13: dp stands for dope-ass punch
EvilBadman: Dr. Puncher
itira: i always thought it was for doody poop
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
play_guy01: whoops LOL
josh___something: It's actually, Dan Pibiki Kappa
Irsaan: @play_guy01 I want you to win it all
PharaohBender27: :D
therepoman__: LMAOOOO
littleunknownn: Oh
jibkat: HypeLUL
RTwo28: LOL
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
SnackPak_: I really like coach Adam
josh___something: XD
korvys: Someone put a leash on that guy
Alex_Frostfire: This is gonna really mess with match reporting.
ComradeMik: this is peak comedy
saucemaster5000: and get him some pictures of SPIDERMAN!
betweenmyself: and I need a Smooth Blanka! pennyWhat
simplydavemn: You could do "Them's Fighin Herds" and do a "Can't fight Horses Club" some week.
josh___something: In minecraft
DiscordianTokkan: In Minecraft
play_guy01: @Irsaan ty ty!
Suffix: Maybe also in the chat
tod_vom_himmel: in minecrafgt
ManWithTheMask13: If we're up to losers round 6 can we come and hang out gohunt1Torch
excalgold: in minecraft?
cmdrud87: and maybe also irl
DrMagnify: Adam is gonna call God and get the God Gun
itira: lopesUmm
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Pharmacistjudge: I need to give Adam the Magic Judge exam
josh___something: LUL
Zaneysed: Im hungry for that W
jibkat: sooshRage
Mr_Bitterness: And he needs PICTURES. PICTURES of SPIDER-MAN
Naesiir: I see we've reached the anarchy part of the bracket arklGun
Symphoneers: I will turn this car around!
Cavemanhar: adam getting hangry
play_guy01: so do i just become acegun in the startgg? lol
lochnessseammonster: i love this energy PrideLaugh
Zaneysed: This is why Adam is a good TO
Irsaan: Bring me SMOOTH Spider Man!
itira: someone get this man some food! LUL
themostjoast: man is geeting hungy ellliebSmash ellliebSmash ellliebSmash
leachjus: Adam the unrelenting dad at a Dave and busters
Pywodwagon: As someone who works with and helps runs a lot of tournaments, god I wish I could be like this for pairing
Dog_of_Myth: Wooden God Gun
Lobo_Apache: This what happens when you anger Adam. He makes you go back -to- back
Bearudite: still think it would have been funny to do this in a battle hub
jibkat: this is the deep bible lore I needed
excalgold: i thought the gun shot chainsaws
iris_of_ether: Is this what we tell our kids Bible Black is?
leachjus: “sit your ass at the cabinet! I need more sticky hands!”
KWardJenx: Very accurate
CaptainSpam: So we're going full Gungeon here.
Dog_of_Myth: Well....
ComradeMik: bible shooting guns that shoot bullets sounds like some enter the gungeon nonsense
Irsaan: Adam yes
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
raulghoulia: cabinent reminds me of x men arcade. that takes me back
gualdhar: Adam religiously unaliving people in Twitch.tv now?
itira: valid tbh
CypherRaze: I mean
ContingentCat: story checks out
QuixoticScrivener: Christianity does in fact kill people.
CypherRaze: The crusades were a thing
samwiser_: Pretty sure we have that gun on enter the gungeon...
themostjoast: lmfao
CypherRaze: soooooo
ManWithTheMask13: Don't mind me just sliding into the custom room
mjihde: Biblically accurate lore over here
LowUpsideCJ: specifically with gun bibles
simplydavemn: And the Bullents dissolve into salt to make sure nothing grows there again.
mtvcdm: How many levels of gun are you on right now?
Zaneysed: God that dive kick is so good
enbyKriss: hawkaAngy
iknowkravmaga: Cheer5550
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
Veraphage subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 109 months!
Veraphage: gdqCrab lrrCrab
mjihde: @mtvcdm like, the ninth level of gun hell my dude
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Veraphage! (Today's storm count: 518)
BusTed: Haha
saucemaster5000: (river run goes under fireball again) nevermind, fighing games suck
ManWithTheMask13: It's a Neoturf Masters hole-in-one
niccus: there's nothing more sisyphean than fighting games, you gotta get it twisted
simplydavemn: Adam, a suggestion: Play a fighting game at those times.
thatguysteve2709: Adam I like the movie reference
simplydavemn: Yes.
iris_of_ether: We have a local martial arts place that uses the Yakuza font for their signs lol
josh___something: Fighty games cool
h3rsh3yb4r: I'm so fuckin stoked for Dragonball Sparking Zero
Mazrae: the attack speed of these two characters is amazing
LowUpsideCJ: nothing better than hearing someone talk about what they're passionate about
inconsideratehat: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Naesiir: I'm slowly working my way up through iron
saucemaster5000: Huh I've only met complete goblins
Athelgar: have you watched Hi Score Girl?
lochnessseammonster: my friend has an old stick they're willing to give me... so hopefully gonna start playing soon if my old ass computer can run it ok PrideLaugh
MaddogM: As a slow methodical thinker. I don't think fighting games are for me
type_variable: at the end of teh day its just meatying people
josh___something: Ups and downs, as with any hobby
Zaneysed: Half the reason I got so into MTG is all the people I met
AugmentingPath: meeting people (who will kick you in the face (in a videogame))
saucemaster5000: @lochnessseammonster come hit buttons with us!
betweenmyself: When you get down just go to your happy place: think about Smooth Blanka and everything will be alright.
NevermorePainting: personal story about this game: my first day I owned it I went 1-17, and all I wanted to do the next day was play more
tod_vom_himmel: @MaddogM or youre just a guile main
Zaneysed: @lochnessseammonster join uuuuuussssss
Toxxick: If fighting games didnt have a learning curve like running head first into a wall made of tungsten and nuclear waste, they may be the best games out there
lochnessseammonster: @saucemaster5000 i'm gonna be so bad PrideLaugh
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
JRandomHacker: The youtube channel Melee Moments _really_ gives me that "Fighting games are the best" feeling
saucemaster5000: @lochnessseammonster who cares? we're all just different levels of poopy
Tobenamed1: did we cap the timer?
CoconutRanger1515: the real mvp is the od DP option select playguy does on drive rush cancels
ArcOfTheConclave subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
ArcOfTheConclave: subathon hype
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArcOfTheConclave! (Today's storm count: 519)
Zaneysed: @lochnessseammonster Doesn't matter, you're only out to beat yourself
Juliamon: Being bad is the first step in being good
SnowBuddy18: @Tobenamed1 no, still over a day left
PharaohBender27: @Tobenamed1 Nope. Not even close
Mazrae: body bag?? i think we need a broom
FrostyKaze: yay Juri!
CaptainSpam: Wow, that's a late-tourney swap.
TALBovey: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
Scar_Red_Tiger: The boots are coming off
Naesiir: from one kicky lady to another kicky lady
BrowneePoints: and you’re not as dumb as you joke you are either mattlrAngy
Tobenamed1: @PharaohBender27 i thought it ended tomorrow
lochnessseammonster: @saucemaster5000 i need to train the perfectionism out of my brain. this should break it real quick PrideLaugh
PharaohBender27: @TALBovey No problem! :)
iris_of_ether: Adam seriously you have a great sense of tactics
chrono2x: @SnowBuddy18 26 hours (1560 minutes) needed till cap
DaVeganPolice: @therepoman__ I'm sorry I have failed you today, I will do better next time
PharaohBender27: @Tobenamed1 So funny thing, that's what I initially thought, but the potential end is Saturday
Zaneysed: Let's go gambling
Scar_Red_Tiger: Modern Jjuri with the 1 button DPs,, hell yeah
BrowneePoints: Someone body this Ken! Ken can’t win the Tourney two years in a row!
pete_haderlein: gg gg
Jigokuro: Becoming good at fighting games requires being honest without yourself about being bad, which is the secret real reason they aren't popular. bitterLOL
ManWithTheMask13: Okay but I'm fighting whoever my match is in this custom room
Phazon_Kiwi: @Jigokuro Absolutely. Unlike League or Valorant etc, no one to blame but yourself
play_guy01: wait so ill check in for him
itsr67: :O
play_guy01: oh man
control_rig: Ouch
CaptainSpam: Wow.
xxhanlonsrazorxx: oooof
Callowayjj: lmao yall play SF6 too?
control_rig: I love that "Mr Tiddlywinks" is now shorthand for picking up and putting down something over and over
CypherRaze: oh wow
Lobo_Apache: There is even an intro!
Callowayjj: who do you guys play
lochnessseammonster: it seriously feels like it just started and also like i don't remember a time before oki oki PrideLaugh
control_rig: Yufff
control_rig: How could she slap?
itsr67: Ed?
maxthefourth: sergeHolyMoly
Callowayjj: chunners only
Callowayjj: my chinese princess
YareNiDaze: A little bit a Ed, as a treat.
shurtal gifted a Tier 1 sub to Callowayjj! They have given 15 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Callowayjj! (Today's storm count: 520)
simplydavemn: Right in the stuff.
Callowayjj: haha oh damn thank you @shurtal
themostjoast: Let's go Tod
CypherRaze: Tod makes Honda look easy to play and I'm guessing he's not
xxhanlonsrazorxx: oh and he spells tod the right way
ManWithTheMask13: Tod is GAMING
control_rig: Nice counter
xxhanlonsrazorxx: lets go brothjer
Mazrae: how is the match up between honda vs ken
RetroHibiscus: @CypherRaze I believe Tod would tell you it's exactly as easy as it looks SeriousSloth
CypherRaze: This seems like a really solid matchup too
saucemaster5000: Tod played well over a thousand hrs to make this look easy, believe me -- longtime sparring partner
Scar_Red_Tiger: Honda is very good at killing new players.
SirPlumpy: HELL YEA
SirPlumpy: MY GAL
control_rig: I agree Cypher, this feels fairly evenly matched on the technical skill
Lobo_Apache: Right before y ou go into an important meeting even
leachjus: imagine? I worked retail in a tourist town
leachjus: that was Tuesday
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
control_rig: 2-2
Mr_Horrible: the devil's bargain, either eat the DI or block it and get wallsplat
simplydavemn: Heard a story on NPR and the discontent in Spain with tourism - the guy in vacation gear getting into a street fight isn't that unrealistic of an occurrence.
control_rig: Ooof
BusTed: drawfeSupernut
BrowneePoints: for chat it’s a reference to Double Riichi
BrowneePoints: but westerners misheard it as Double Luigi
betweenmyself: I’m seeing double… FOUR LUIGIS! riffGasp
definenull: ggs ggs ggs
BrowneePoints: so now it’s Double Luigi
BigDaddyBland87: What a match!
control_rig: GGs!
tod_vom_himmel: that was dumb yea lol
leachjus: not dumb if it worked
enbyKriss: tense! ggs! duggerClap
leachjus: ggs
themostjoast: ggs today you played well!!
simplydavemn: @betweenmyself There are 5 Luigis!
CypherRaze: tod, you're fucking goated
control_rig: That was a super entertaining match Tod. GGs
Mollylele: what if you played Glurp
dm818: there seems to be an issue with losers round 5
Irsaan: I missed the early parts of the tourney because I was at work, but everyone I've seen since I've been here has been incredible. Top to bottom bangers.
2 raiders from HbombAndFriends have joined!
Easilycrazyhat: Fight more faster
HbombAndFriends: hbombaBomb hbombaBomb hbombaBomb hbombaBomb hbombaBomb
Juliamon: Welcome raiders!
simplydavemn: Maybe a Glurp fighting game should be developed?
AceGun_: no, we did
play_guy01: they did but startgg wont let me report
AceGun_: Stunna
lochnessseammonster: first try
AceGun_: Its really hard to tell how long things will take.
lochnessseammonster: we love to see it though PrideUwu
definenull: its hard especially when its online too
Suffix: This is, in fact, Adam's SECOND rodeo
tod_vom_himmel: or how long we wait for people that walked away ;p
lochnessseammonster: thanks for doing this again!
JRandomHacker: FGC events <handshake> running behind schedule - you're just being on-brand
Taligan: Adam, the multi-rodeo man.
definenull: they're swingin'
ExpeditionToGamesEnd: Could be worse. Could be a CVS 2 tournament. You'd still be on round 1.
leachjus: perfect platypus
HbombAndFriends is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 43 in the channel!
HbombAndFriends gifted a Tier 1 sub to melting_faces!
HbombAndFriends gifted a Tier 1 sub to leetaehotiger!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, HbombAndFriends! Welcome to melting_faces and leetaehotiger! (Today's storm count: 522)
BurgerGamer: @ExpeditionToGamesEnd they made a fighting game based off the pharmacy?!?
ExpeditionToGamesEnd: Oh yeah. Ibuprofen is top tier.
SnowBuddy18: 2 of them, it would seem
YareNiDaze: Not what's normally meant by the war on drugs, but sure I guess :P
definenull: is this a fishing tournament or what
Juliamon: receipt is top tier
Shadowsoflife: @BurgerGamer Oh yeah, it a trip
ExpeditionToGamesEnd: (Capcom vs. SNK 2 for anyone who didn't know and was wondering)
melting_faces: @HbombAndFriends Thanks for the gift sub!
Irsaan: @ExpeditionToGamesEnd I didn't and I was, so thank you :)
simplydavemn: Fight all you want, but don't damage the HoloDeck!
definenull: 👀
redikalususername is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
redikalususername gifted a Tier 1 sub to Eggyism!
redikalususername gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tidom_Kamf!
redikalususername gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThirdOf5!
redikalususername gifted a Tier 1 sub to aponia_and_ataraxia!
redikalususername gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zincus!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, redikalususername! Welcome to Eggyism, ThirdOf5, Tidom_Kamf, Zincus, and aponia_and_ataraxia! (Today's storm count: 527)
chrono2x: Is this the finals?
AceGun_: Love getting excited about someone walking slightly backwards at just the right time.
MaelstronSolenor: your love for it is so contagious. keep doing it
lochnessseammonster: this is so beautiful it almost makes me like ken
definenull: don't fall for it lochness
hesterbyrde: happy adam lrrSHINE
definenull: it's a trap
lochnessseammonster: almost
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
AceGun_: @chrono2x This is winners finals. So there will be a couple more loser's bracket matches, then grand finals.
Fanklok: Is this what it's like not knowing anything about Magic and hearing someone talk about Magic?
control_rig: Ooooooh
definenull: foozies
saucemaster5000: dafoozi
josh___something: FOOTSIES
leachjus: @fanklok this is far more enjoyable for the layperson, anecdotally
Shadowsoflife: @Fanklok magic, magic, magic
GethynHatch: !bracket
Juliamon: sorry, no bracket command
hesterbyrde: a little bit but I'll watch anyone talk about something that makes them happy
Jigokuro gifted a Tier 1 sub to dafooziboi! They have given 48 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dafooziboi! (Today's storm count: 528)
GethynHatch: @Juliamon bracket link? :(
themostjoast: yes every day
LowUpsideCJ: Yes yes I have
Juliamon: yo someone share the link please
GethynHatch: ty PrideLaugh PrideLaugh
leachjus: sometimes I wake up, brush my teeth, throw a jab and die for it, then just pack it back in for the day
ylegm: Only on days that end in y
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
josh___something: Imagine "Acegun" is play_boy
RetroHibiscus: play_guy beat AceGun and stole the name
RetroHibiscus: such are the rules
v_nome: You keep what you kill
HbombAndFriends: @melting_faces You're welcome
mamba_shinobi: this tournament has been a lot fun
sadlyfrown: good evening tall streamer and other streamer
ManWithTheMask13: @tod_vom_himmel it's you and me, brother
Lobo_Apache: Start a "does it kill" segment. They're all so good
tod_vom_himmel: no command grabs
simplydavemn: Ken's kicks were doing great. Or to put it another way, Ken's smooth below the waist!
dm818: I am concerned about this finishing in time
DerPanduin: That's a will it kill submission right there
ManWithTheMask13: @tod_vom_himmel Rock papers scissors
saucemaster5000: No command grabs, no headbutt
tod_vom_himmel: also put in ur fuckin results so we can get started
ManWithTheMask13: We finished
Juliamon: put ya shit in
ManWithTheMask13: I'm waiting for Stunna to do the Start.gg check-in so I can put in results
CaptainSpam: Good work, Kenneth.
Tobenamed1: !bracket
themostjoast: Let's go Tod!! but also Let's go Doom!!
Tobenamed1: Is there a place to see the bracket?
AceGun_: I got it
DaVeganPolice: lets go doom
RetroHibiscus: apes together
Izandai: mattlrLul
themostjoast: headbutt
simplydavemn: Do as best you can - it's not like EarthRealm is at stake here.
LowUpsideCJ: This is two gamers going at it
definenull: the trogs
themostjoast: that's called mix
BurgerGamer: todd just pushing buttons
DaVeganPolice: that's tod alright
Scar_Red_Tiger: He'll never go for the 4th bellyflop
itira: what an animal LUL
josh___something: Tod is a menace, this is known
xxhanlonsrazorxx: i smell what the rock is cooking and its a real slobberknocker
definenull: they're helping speed up the bracket
Fanklok: I'm sure the next block is OK to start a little bit late
RetroHibiscus: wait I thought they agreed on no command grabs
Juliamon: Ian will just have to start cooking without us
Izandai: Honda's burnout block is very funny.
spicemelonge: no poll betting on the results?
Scar_Red_Tiger: I live in fear of the Gief Jumpscare
Izandai: Like "Ah, don't!"
simplydavemn: As one myself (though with less muscle) big Galoot fights are the best!
littleunknownn: The gauntlet run
LowUpsideCJ: wants that play_guy rematch BAD
dm818: they were the only one to take a game off play_guy until the winner final
Mr_Bitterness: The full loser run is always impresive
themostjoast: call them chef coconut
definenull: o7
themostjoast: they're cooking in losers
thatjuantoo: This version of Gief is by far one of the dumbest fighting game characters I have ever seen. I honestly think Gief's game design is such such a fucking travesty. I think he's honestly one of the worst designed characters in any fighting game I have ever played. He's just a walking casino. It's so stupid. It's just designed for everybody to hate their life. He's not good so Gief players bitch all the time, but he's also the dumbest thing once he ever gets one SPD. He's just terrible design. Nobod
YareNiDaze: @simplydavemn as we wrestling nerds put it "Hoss fight", or specifically for the SIdewalk Slam folks - "big sweaty men slapping meat"
josh___something: MY LOYAL FANS
Mr_Horrible: atomized
ghizmou: have a nice trip honda
themostjoast: NO REMORSE
RitualGlitchZ: Some people thrive in the gauntlet
Astramentha: o7
E_Westra: o7
VrolikSyndrome: Excellent pasta
thatjuantoo: Shout outs to Brian F :p
kid_flashionable: But he's SO thick!
RitualGlitchZ: @thatjuantoo This, but unironically
Scar_Red_Tiger: Let's go gamblinng! Ah dang it!
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
XuriScratch: Coconut just wanted to bury as many people as possible
josh___something: Brian_f copypasta XD
xxhanlonsrazorxx: shit maybe i need to play gief
AceGun_: Except that Gief's good now
definenull: like that
kid_flashionable: WAIT I just thought you hated him, did NOT think that was a copypasta
NevermorePainting: Meat For-E-Ver *clap clap clapclapclap*
josh___something: It's HILARIOUS
Alas_Babylon: He kills at ridiculous %
RitualGlitchZ: I want a SF game with only shotos tbh
Mr_Horrible: we've gotta put them back in the cave
offbeatwitch: did they fix lariat
Mr_Horrible: give 'em some shadows to watch
thatjuantoo: LUL
themostjoast: "Everybody's miserable" as tod is spd'd to death lmao
lochnessseammonster: ever since watching love lies bleeding gief's posing really gets me PrideLaugh
BrowneePoints: the only other worse game is when only the Shotos are good
saucemaster5000: @RitualGlitchZ you can have it if I get my grappler only game
Badchop: Do you have to buy all the characters they've added to SF6?
Juliamon: games need giefs
AceGun_: If you play Street Fighter 1, it's all shotos
Allenzo: Zangief is my favorite butter churner
BurgerGamer: fighting game but everyone's a puppet character
kid_flashionable: Gief is the thickest man alive and him with glasses makes me weak
BrowneePoints: Only Shoto Metas are boring and sauce less
SquareDotCube: "He's big. He's gotta be slow"
RetroHibiscus: @BurgerGamer That's just Granblue
RitualGlitchZ: Yea, I'm like iron
rosesmcgee: I want every character to feel viable. But only my character should be good.
josh___something: I want an SF game with only shotos so the shotos leave me alone :p
niccus: what if hakan is back and he's good
Lobo_Apache: Gief the Grief!
kid_flashionable: gabberBlankie
h3rsh3yb4r: i have a friend who is traumatized by the word lariat from SFV
DandyGeek: god bless grapplers
saucemaster5000: grapplers are the honest ones
AceGun_: We'd all be happy and slippery
saucemaster5000: you all just don't get us
patrick_stonecrusher: Hyou don't have the right, O you don't have the right
rabid_k_nine: I got a gift sub last night so I wanted to stop by and say hi and thank you for that.
josh___something: Hakan is the best character when he's oiled up :D
Bearudite: who wins? the cast of SF6 or one greasy boy
spicemelonge: just to be clear not an acutual goat right
Alex_Frostfire: I'm always surprised when Lariat is projectile invuln.
thatjuantoo: For the folks at home, Hakan is a Zangief but oiled up.
Scar_Red_Tiger: Remeber the first tourney was all "Gief sucks! He's killing everyone!"
simplydavemn: Different version of the charecter are known as the stages of Geif.
definenull: ggs ggs
control_rig: Slow clap @simplydavemn . Slow clap
josh___something: Zangri-ef
Geldaran: @simplydavemn escher3PUN
BrowneePoints: he IS RUSSIAN Cori
themostjoast: ggs ggs ggs ggs ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatOAK
hypperstar2280: YAY i made it in time for oki oki tournament!
DrMagnify: master zangief
lochnessseammonster: we're a bunch of wreck it ralphs
Scy_Anide: Zang-yiff
rosesmcgee: For the first several iterations of this game there was no voice lines
Izandai: Gi-eff
HbombAndFriends: "I'm Zangief!" lrrKATHLEEN
Juliamon: geef noff
thatjuantoo: LUL
josh___something: G e e f
BrowneePoints: Dishonoring StPetershon
forcedreject: Some fine sirloin Gief
Izandai: rugh
Morrigan9: zedgif
control_rig: Hahah
Mediocre_Man5: I've been mispronouncing his name since '92, it would be rude to stop now
Izandai: eugh
Izandai: hate that
alexsteacy: Big GEEF
Chartle: zanjeff
v_nome: Otaku Gief?
Revelia: Old school SF players will still insist it's rye-you
DandyGeek: it’s zahn-jeff
E_Westra: OtakuJeff
Izandai: What movie are y'all watching later?
thatjuantoo: NotLikeThis
hesterbyrde: Very much enjoying this.
ManWithTheMask13: Wanna run a set Adam DarkMode
Alas_Babylon: You've been very consistent
Alas_Babylon: Do not fret, good man
roefizzlebeef: we would never betray you
Mazrae: i dont play fighting games at all but im loving this
Mollylele: zangi lrrEFF
LowUpsideCJ: This tournament has ruled all day
Izandai: mattlrLul
Saintnex: lrrWOW
josh___something: LUL
AndyDaMage: so youre saying it's time to leave? Kappa
Juliamon: run mask!
ManWithTheMask13: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis
Kidror subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kidror! (Today's storm count: 529)
BusTed: benginO7
tod_vom_himmel: its time for coris run
ManWithTheMask13: I DID
AceGun_: lmao
DaVeganPolice: does that come with a DQ ?
alexsteacy: Adam Savidan you practice what you preach this instant! Just have fun!
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
LMAOkai_: can we get a true!?!?
definenull: damn they just got shot like that
littleunknownn: Oh
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
optimalbook: what even is time
BrowneePoints: you are loved and appreciated and have made this an amazing event Adam browne26PearPride
josh___something: Adam's COMING FOR YOUR HEAD
lochnessseammonster is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
lochnessseammonster gifted a Tier 1 sub to littlecanadaboi!
lochnessseammonster gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cmdrlyneye!
lochnessseammonster gifted a Tier 1 sub to dismayed_duck!
lochnessseammonster gifted a Tier 1 sub to MerlinGhost_!
lochnessseammonster gifted a Tier 1 sub to pharmdnd!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, lochnessseammonster! Welcome to dismayed_duck, Cmdrlyneye, MerlinGhost_, littlecanadaboi, and pharmdnd! (Today's storm count: 534)
themostjoast: any truers in chat?
alexsteacy: If LRR fires Adam I quit
tod_vom_himmel: adams gonna get fired cause of us
Mr_Bitterness: Get Ian in here to co-commentate
ManWithTheMask13: @tod_vom_himmel I'M GONNA GET YOU
tod_vom_himmel: I DID
ShaneLeeAtk: Porcetta!
DerPanduin: Can't wait for Terry to land and instantly become the best character in the game
HbombAndFriends: Picture in picture?
raulghoulia is gifting 100 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 306 in the channel!
AndyDaMage: Ian doesn't need that time, you do
kid_flashionable: YOU GOT THIS
josh___something: LUL
Cptasparagus: think of Ian's meat!
Alas_Babylon is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 16 in the channel!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to IndigoMeatStack!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to JPS_Lindberg!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to DocPhoenix!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to bunny_danger!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to private_dirt!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Talin06!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kamotetop!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Valhallan597!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Makhiel!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to captaintardigrade!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to tyroctar!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to JPedro_o_Recruta!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Oreo1369!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cephallope!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to kaden_dragon!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to magpie64!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Darkstorm257!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to jakgrim!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to squantanomo!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheNako!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Symphoneers!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to themostjoast!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to frozenphoenix7!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to mindrevolt!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ehlii!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to akatarli!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to ShifuDaxiongmao!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to the_lone_bard!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ethiras!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThatMoGuy!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to transnicorobin!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Northpuffin!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Obsc!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Miraibaku!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to neveth!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to seasicksidekick!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to CortenPlus!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to cspacefeet!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to cobrabubbles94!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mizucrux!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Thisbymaster!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to kevenwith2es!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Malazim!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mark_D_Stroyer!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Haiiroshin!
Alas_Babylon gifted a Tier 1 sub to hurinlinux!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to themenace1!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Stratavarius!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to BigMikeDog!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to merrimalarki!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to jorian57!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to FlapYak!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to DefianceFalcon!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to theLuminarch!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to hyperbolic_subtlety!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to FreebirthToad!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to mjyfs!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Beowulf_Bjornson!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Holden_McGroin96!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Etriz_!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to GGsLive!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to ranoras!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to ShroudedLotus9!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mind2Waste!
Alas_Babylon gifted a Tier 1 sub to phenixrogue!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to boredkid07!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Primary_Stig!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hadouken_lol_catz!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to heyitsduckman!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to SerNyhed!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to dadny8!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to JacksTavern!
Alas_Babylon gifted a Tier 1 sub to enumaelish7!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to PerplexingTofu!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to apennamedquill!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Drigien!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to CamelAttack!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to markmadsen87!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to uglydolphincake!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Baked_Ziti!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to MCJiopur!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to wormapotheote!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to O_Yarnspinner!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to midnightcurryjazz!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ukon_Cairns!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Octallos!
Alas_Babylon gifted a Tier 1 sub to gamejrjones!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cosmonautilis24!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to DoodlestheGreat!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to hilltopper_!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sirth_!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to jmei1988!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to itmightbemikey!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jadaris!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to l00n33y!
Alas_Babylon gifted a Tier 1 sub to full_st0p!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Trakshvar!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to skullbuilt!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to deejford!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to joshd_rng!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheSpectralBear!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to snacksmuncher69!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Backcheck_4Check_Paycheck!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to devilcultivator!
raulghoulia gifted a Tier 1 sub to VigorishG!
lochnessseammonster: thanks for the tournament PrideUwu
DaVeganPolice: DO IT BAN TOD
Astramentha: WOW
Dog_of_Myth: WOW
Izandai: jesus fuck
offbeatwitch: woag
shurtal: octoFRE
bagfullofbees: heyo, what's up gamers
alexsteacy: Bruh
josh___something: WOAH
Ukon_Cairns: @raulghoulia Thanks for the gift sub!
Riandisa: Wow!
HbombAndFriends: Holy crap!
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
simplydavemn: @alexsteacy Maybe his version of fun includes angrily banning people.
kid_flashionable: WOAH
CaptainSpam: Oh, huh, Ian only DOES have an hour.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Alas_Babylon! Welcome to hurinlinux, phenixrogue, enumaelish7, gamejrjones, and full_st0p! (Today's storm count: 620)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, raulghoulia! Welcome to all 100 recipients! (Today's storm count: 639)
shurtal: it's the AIRING OF GRIEVENCES!
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
definenull: a HUNDO?!?!?
Izandai: 100????????
Tikosh_: 100 gifted o.o
forcedreject: How many bison bucks?
tod_vom_himmel: oh nevermind that ones on me
DrakoniteDev: When has TTSF ever NOT been 10min late? :D
tod_vom_himmel: there was another confirm button
IslandersCaper: :o
offbeatwitch: that was 100
uglydolphincake: @raulghoulia Thanks for the gift sub!
Dog_of_Myth: 100 gifted subs
apennamedquill: @raulghoulia Thanks for the gift sub!
Izandai: It was a hundo bomb!!!!!!!!
CamelAttack: @raulghoulia Thanks for the gift sub!
Mollylele: @raulghoulia hot damn!
50keyz: WOW
josh___something: LUL
ManWithTheMask13: I am so hungry
FickleMuse: :D
qcanoe: If they fire Adam we might be forced to watch a game on Let's Nope :(
AceGun_: LUL
SnackPak_: Ian's just stuffing some meat into a bag, an hour is more than enough time lrrBEEJ
Darkstorm257 is continuing the Gift Sub they got from raulghoulia!
50keyz: lrrSHINE
ghyllnox: Holy sub bomb
AceGun_: They're playing their own game.
Pywodwagon: we've officially reached "James has to come in and do work in the morning" time left
thatjuantoo: inobunDead
tod_vom_himmel: i dont even know whaht my name is
ThorSokar: THE SHADE
josh___something: Adam's just BLASTING
lochnessseammonster: seabatBRAIN
NevermorePainting: I'm a luke player, I have zero braincells
josh___something: God DAMN
control_rig: A hundo!
saucemaster5000: Tod closes his eyes and thinks he's playing war thunder
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
Snowcookies: nice
LMAOkai_: @raulghoulia you're the goat
neveth: @raulghoulia Thanks for the gift sub!
offbeatwitch: one hundo
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Badchop: Kinda want SF6 at half price but also don't want to then have to spend another 60 on characters, that makes me sad
Darkstorm257 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
Darkstorm257 is paying forward the Gift they got from raulghoulia to the community!
Darkstorm257 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Xan_The_Quiet!
Darkstorm257 gifted a Tier 1 sub to KamiSkript!
Darkstorm257 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ArbalestTheGeni!
Darkstorm257 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dasuser!
Darkstorm257 gifted a Tier 1 sub to M0rganstern!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Darkstorm257! Welcome to KamiSkript, dasuser, Xan_The_Quiet, ArbalestTheGeni, and M0rganstern! (Today's storm count: 644)
DaVeganPolice: LUL
niccus: get into a character so deep you get aphasia
YareNiDaze: @tod_vom_himmel banned for throwing opponent under bus :P
Izandai: You're immune!
thatjuantoo: LUL
RitualGlitchZ: wowie
HbombAndFriends: I only play Honda in racing games. ;)
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
50keyz: this community is awesome
ManWithTheMask13: I gotta fight someone I'm getitng twitchy
BrowneePoints: His brain is a lil Chowan-Mushy Cori
Izandai: You've got super armor!
AugmentingPath: From the guy who played M Bison, no less
alexsteacy: Adam: they're gonna fire me
Izandai: Subber armor!
ThorSokar: You're job's safe for a couple weeks now!
alexsteacy: Gets 100
Bobtheninjagoldfish is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 313 in the channel!
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to LokiThePaladin!
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to AdgcorE!
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheFinalVillain!
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to ameliette!
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChritMGAW!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Bobtheninjagoldfish! Welcome to LokiThePaladin, AdgcorE, ameliette, TheFinalVillain, and ChritMGAW! (Today's storm count: 649)
Scar_Red_Tiger: Safe for another day
themostjoast: @raulghoulia Thank you so much for the sub!
Orestes290 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Orestes290! (Today's storm count: 650)
SnackPak_: time to coast
ameliette: @Bobtheninjagoldfish Thanks for the gift sub!
josh___something: Safe for at LEAST 100 minutes
Mr_Bitterness: Clap
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
BusTed: seabatClap
Badchop: Clap
saucemaster5000: clap
definenull: clap
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Chartle: Clap
Lobo_Apache: clap!!
v_nome: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Mollylele: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
kid_flashionable: seabatClap seabatClap
twinnAJ: clap
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
AceGun_: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
roefizzlebeef: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
spethycakes: marshm3Clap marshm3Clap marshm3Clap
LMAOkai_: seabatClap
shendaras: seabatClap
themostjoast: ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebAhh ellliebAhh
DiscordianTokkan: seabatClap
SnackPak_: ggs *clap*
50keyz: midnig380Clap
thatjuantoo: inobunMelonjam
DrakoniteDev: clap
7gorobei: clap
TheAinMAP: emilym10Clap emilym10Clap emilym10Clap
RitualGlitchZ: wheelerBrat
YareNiDaze: Clappers
undecided44: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
malfnord: gdqClap
Strebenherz: clap clap clap
Mr_Bitterness: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Ukon_Cairns: henyaCheerdance henyaCheerdance
ZealokBoi: lytCLAP lytCLAP lytCLAP lytCLAP lytCLAP
offbeatwitch: lrrBartleby_HF
type_variable: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Alex_Frostfire: My silver ass!
BrowneePoints: browne26PearPride browne26PearPride browne26PearPride browne26PearPride browne26PearPride browne26PearPride
Fanklok: Hundo subs means you can go 100 hours over time
TotallyNotaBeholder: sergeGG sergeGG
finestotter is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
LowUpsideCJ: Thank you for not showing me on stream lol
finestotter gifted a Tier 1 sub to PixelsAtDawnGaming!
finestotter gifted a Tier 1 sub to mendokusai_jamesdean!
finestotter gifted a Tier 1 sub to shmowzy!
finestotter gifted a Tier 1 sub to El_Zilcho22!
finestotter gifted a Tier 1 sub to radioshackraider!
finestotter gifted a Tier 1 sub to AstoundingBacon!
finestotter gifted a Tier 1 sub to Geshtal!
finestotter gifted a Tier 1 sub to drocathekorok!
finestotter gifted a Tier 1 sub to nath12395!
finestotter gifted a Tier 1 sub to FinalTales68!
Snowcookies: great ppl
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, finestotter! Welcome to PixelsAtDawnGaming, mendokusai_jamesdean, radioshackraider, El_Zilcho22, AstoundingBacon, Geshtal, drocathekorok, nath12395, FinalTales68, and shmowzy! (Today's storm count: 660)
shendaras: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
AceGun_: That would be if you had inputs turned on.
DaVeganPolice: my mis-input DPs
kid_flashionable: Great games! Great Giefs!
Mollylele: sharkf11CALP sharkf11CALP sharkf11CALP
tehfewl: any whiffers in chat?
josh___something: longes1Vibe longes1Vibe longes1Vibe
Bearudite: I made it to round 4
Juliamon: whiffies
boredman42 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to GameSageZB!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bartimus_thundercask!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kirenou!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jupitermagic9!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to AkaArt!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, boredman42! Welcome to Kirenou, GameSageZB, bartimus_thundercask, AkaArt, and jupitermagic9! (Today's storm count: 665)
themostjoast: I'm a serial whiffer tbh
Kidror: I've never whiffed in my life
ManWithTheMask13: LUL
saucemaster5000: Mask's stick can be heard from space
thatjuantoo: It'd decrease the framerate :p
tod_vom_himmel: the children dont need to see such things
Bearudite: (don't look at why I made it to round 4)
ThorSokar: composSus Toxic Streamer composSus
LMAOkai_: if you listen carefully, you can hear Mask's inputs 1000km away
kid_flashionable: gabberHorror
BusTed: emerging Ring style from your monitor
kid_flashionable: NOOO
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
josh___something: Don't expose how hard ManWithTheMask CHURNS that stick XD
ManWithTheMask13: If those people are keeping me away from my dinner I'm going to kick both of their asses
SajuukSjet: the Internet, is a series of Tubes!
chrono2x: I'll delete your main is such a powerful threat
DaSunao: Adam is going to crawl out of their computer screen and KO them in real life
Alex_Frostfire: He can do that his dad works at Capcom
ManWithTheMask13: I'm just a silly little guy
saucemaster5000: It's so good, especially when you aren't playing mask and just hear from the other room
grave2057: thanks for the gifted sub
spicemelonge: how close are we to the cap?
themostjoast: Any Iron Giant mains in chat?
bytecaster: I'm so out of shape, took me so many matches to get at least some inputs consistent
josh___something: Doom, that is a fukin lie
kid_flashionable: Copcom
forcedreject: Adam did not just appear fully formed?
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Bearudite: Copcom
BrowneePoints: Your dad works at Copcom
pn55: HypeLUL
BurgerGamer: LUL\
ManWithTheMask13: @josh___something I'M LITEARLLY FULL OF WONDER AND GLEE
El_Zilcho22: @finestotter thanks for the subs!
ThorSokar: Open Relationship?
saucemaster5000: ain't single, married to the badge
Kidror: Mods, nerf their main in a niche way that doesn't net them any complaint equity
CurrieAndy: Was your dad being a cop why you liked the Crown Vic so much?
grandmastersson: baptised single?
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
stippledotter: Copcomp
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
kid_flashionable: seabatClap seabatClap
CoconutRanger1515: okurr
SnackPak_: pinch it!
Scar_Red_Tiger: No reset
lochnessseammonster: gamer diaper
Larkonus: Hey chat, who won the matador board game last night? I missed the end of it.
Lobo_Apache: piss your pants like a fighting game player!
definenull: no they gotta continue their LB run
Mollylele: tinker tailor fighter six
ManWithTheMask13: ONE OF US HAS TO DIE
ProcyonFlynn: !badadvice
LRRbot: Do a violence.
josh___something: WE WILL shoot ur ass D:<
Dog_of_Myth: hahahah
SirPlumpy: GIEF
Mr_Horrible: LUL
finestotter: They have to piss their pants?
thatjuantoo: Someone's gonna die, who's it gonna be?
MCJiopur: @raulghoulia Thanks for the gift sub!
BrowneePoints: I mained Amaterasu so Copcom shooting my character is just word lore Accurate Adam
Scar_Red_Tiger: Piss in that bottle
BrowneePoints: world*
definenull: ADAM
josh___something: LUL
chrono2x: hahaha
lochnessseammonster: lrrWOW
Cptasparagus: Adam, Copspawn
Strebenherz: Adam keeping the piss cup holder job secure
Natabuu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Natabuu! (Today's storm count: 666)
YareNiDaze: Adam Bezos
Bearudite: revenge bracket
saucemaster5000: This tournament has been a rollercoaster
kid_flashionable: O;
SnowBuddy18: @Larkonus the bull
simplydavemn: And this is how he earns the nickname Adam 'Murder-Hornet' Savidan.
josh___something: Oh shi, it's AKUMA?!
Scar_Red_Tiger: 1100 vs 900
kid_flashionable: Omg Gief with black pants is benginBark
josh___something: 11000 health vs 9000
definenull: gorilla vs chimpanzee
Larkonus: @SnowBuddy18 Fair enough. LUL
thymato: gorilla and a panther
Fanklok: Chances the next block has technical issues and starts late?
Mr_Bitterness: Gorilla versus Chihauhua
YareNiDaze: A gorilla or several smaller gorillas.
BrowneePoints: a smaller but ANGRIER gorilla
AugmentingPath: gorilla vs borangutan
shurtal: it's a gorilla vs a chimp with a gun
CypherRaze: oh my god. why does Akuma look so smol
CaptainSpam: That was my nickname in college, The Deceptively Strong Gorilla.
Mr_Horrible: the smaller gorilla is fighting to become the outer gorilla
raulghoulia: A+ commentary there
Alex_Frostfire: I really do consider Akuma to be basically Monster Hunter's Rajang.
YareNiDaze: @CypherRaze Because gif LORG
themostjoast: Adam writing some interesting fanfic right now...
YareNiDaze: gief*
v_nome: Why does Gief, as the larger gorilla, not simply eat Akuma?
YeomanAres: Boo and kid boo
CypherRaze: I thought Akuma was a huge boy, but fuck Gief is so big
BrowneePoints: he doesn’t Gief is just that big @cypherraze
werth_it: Cheer100 Cheer100 2 Gorillas of indeterminate size.
CurrieAndy: Geif is just power armor for Lily
CypherRaze: @BrowneePoints XD
shurtal: so he's the little girl piloting the old man mech from Xrd Rev2?
CypherRaze: @YareNiDaze GIF LORG BOI
Geldaran: I can't get over geif blocking fireballs with a flex.
Bearudite: hiding in the robo gief mech from 5
AceGun_: 9k health :)
korvys: What you're saying is that winning this will send you to Evo
undecided44: Gorilla vs. Baboon... when angry, either one will rip your face off, just in a different way.
dzee_szed: how do we quotebot Cori "You must be this tall to KEN."
Mr_Horrible: weirdly solid rule of thumb, and also funny
William Johnson: Inside you are a series of sequentially smaller gorillas
josh___something: No, that's Kum Heyhyun that pilots a large man
BrowneePoints: Plus this is young model. old model Akuma is wider
josh___something: And that's also GG
Mr_Horrible: "The olympic committee said it's okay for me to have this gun, on account of my soft bones"
YareNiDaze: "He's just Ken, anyone smaller he'd be a ten."
LaskoReadsComics: Akuma is an annoying name for this character, because a lot of Japanese folks who arent big into the competitive scene will have no idea who the hell you're talking about when u say he is ur favorite character
RitualGlitchZ: And then they made Bison, with 10k health AND a trillion damage
kid_flashionable: aroboFrazzle GIEF NOO
Mr_Bitterness: Love how feral Akuma is in this game.
kid_flashionable: Gief YESSS
RitualGlitchZ: (as a bison player)
kid_flashionable: GIEF NOOOOO
josh___something: Akuma Gouki :)
tod_vom_himmel: @kid_flashionable look what you did
Mr_Horrible: Farewellson
forcedreject: mmmmmm bison
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
Lobo_Apache: its not pride
josh___something: ADAM NO
saucemaster5000: mmmmmm bussy
iris_of_ether: Adam
CypherRaze: adam no
AceGun_: Everyone that plays Bison went straight to Evo.
CaptainSpam: Melvin Bison.
CurrieAndy: Shadolussy
kid_flashionable: M Bussin
DaVeganPolice: the Backussy
Ferisar: m business
shurtal: So, no bussy? *SMASHES FIGHT STICK*
dm818: the first match had a bison right?
RetroHibiscus: SeriousSloth
RitualGlitchZ: Hoping to see some sexy bison at evo
alexsteacy: The settlers shot them all
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
BrowneePoints: He’s more recent and has a smidge higher floor methinks
medmora: ADAM
kid_flashionable: Adam YES
Shadowsoflife: lrrADAM
forcedreject: Uh technically Adam it's the Vegussy
qcanoe: They haven't been too common after being hunted nearly to extinction
Astramentha: adam
werth_it: just this once
DaVeganPolice: :3
thatjuantoo: LUL
SaxPython: NotLikeThis
RetroHibiscus: I need to leave the country, quick, to the M. Bussy
Ukon_Cairns: akuwuma
couchboyj: The M stands for modern. That Modern Bussy.
kid_flashionable: aroboWheeze
RitualGlitchZ: uwukuma
Iluvatardis: Akuwuma
lochnessseammonster: uwu PrideUwu
micalovits: Akuwuma
josh___something: The weak must PEWISH :3
Alas_Babylon: Da weak mus pewish owo
drocathekorok: The Canadian M Bussy
Mr_Bitterness: What do you think this is, Guilty Gear?
Cptasparagus: is that more or less embarassing than the naked Chun Li mod
kid_flashionable: Adorable
Badchop: lmao
forcedreject: Gowoki
BrowneePoints: Satsuwi No Paw-do
undecided44: Uwu-ma
definenull: NOOOO
Luminaire_p: Gowouki
simplydavemn: Akuma Matata...
Ferisar: headbutt into hellstab
Ferisar: classic
kid_flashionable: aroboCursed
AugmentingPath: So Coconut just has to keep playing SF until they lose one, huh
BrowneePoints: Waging Demowne
forcedreject: man just woke up and spun the man
kid_flashionable: sipsipHellmo GIEF YESS
jubale1: Yay
lochnessseammonster: supa dead
LaskoReadsComics: Is that just a Falcon Arrow?!?!
josh___something: This is THE BATTWE I HUNGEW fow! >:3
jubale1: Yay Muffin! lrrAWESOME
werth_it: love Geif things
Kidror: Hell + Stab + Ratio + SPD
definenull: oooh the SA2 into SA1
kid_flashionable: sipsipHellmo sipsipHellmo
forcedreject: Ever play rock paper scissors for a couple grand?
stippledotter: Someone's matatas just got akuma'd
Mr_Horrible: I have no idea how efficient it is but the Super -> Super is really funny
forcedreject: Can gief still grab Dhalsim across the screen in this game?
Mr_Bitterness: You ever seen Potemkin buster a ninja? That shits hilarious
Ferisar: counterhit in 4k
DaVeganPolice: Geif players need to be examined in a lab
definenull: damn
BrowneePoints: Messatsuwu
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
CypherRaze: so if Akuma only has 9k hp, what does Gief have?
kid_flashionable: YaaaaaAAAA
josh___something: The CROUCH
NorthstarTex: Geif good?
RitualGlitchZ: Do fighting game players do prize splits like magic players?
AceGun_: a Siberian Lab
Mr_Horrible: then examine them in ANOTHER lab
lochnessseammonster: then they come preexamined
Alas_Babylon: @CypherRaze 11k iirc
saucemaster5000: That's my problem, doctor, I AM THE LAB
Mattmitchell45: Zangeif's local Best Buy had a deal on 4k
forcedreject: The facehugger SPD's their face
Halinn: I don't know how they're made, but they're definitely built different
Bearudite: facehuggers are grapplers
CypherRaze: @Alas_Babylon gross
ThorSokar: Gonna need a cup of this Gief's piss?
Mr_Horrible: getting SPD'd by a facehugger
werth_it: leave us alone
Mr_Horrible: ugh
Lanthess: Adam, you've gotta check out the High Score Girl anime. The MC plays Gief.
kid_flashionable: The Gief player I watch is a pretty odd guy tbu
josh___something: No MERCY, NO REMORSE
kid_flashionable: *tbh
NorthstarTex: or you are impregnated with a gief inside of you
Alas_Babylon: @CypherRaze I could be wrong, it might be 10.5k, but it's above average
NevermorePainting: what about Luke mains?
MaddogM: examining them in the lab they were created means less transport
definenull: that punish
KyoteLoreKeeper: Gief Hive Mind Body Snatchers?
Ferisar: the weak... must perish...
Mr_Horrible: gief player bursts outta your abdomen, immediately posting "He needs it"
kid_flashionable: sipsipHellmo sipsipHellmo
protojman: hapened to my cousin once
Gascitygaming: is this the 2nd semi?
manglemonster: you begin at the larval stage of loyal fan, then progress to full-fleged gief main
shurtal: that Blanka mascot is Blanka SCAMMING people
BrowneePoints: Blankachan Cori!
xxhanlonsrazorxx: plushie blanka poped the shit out of me
josh___something: The luke mains are sitting at home with their doritos and mtn dew Kappa
Bearudite: luke mains eat potato salad straight from the deli tub
forcedreject: Blankaception
Cptasparagus: What about Master Yi mains
AceGun_: Not according to Blanka, it's not.
thatjuantoo: That's Blanka's day job.
Mr_Horrible: Momka?
definenull: O7
CurrieAndy: @Bearudite you damn right
control_rig: Straight 'Gief'd
kid_flashionable: YAA sipsipHellmo
Halinn: San Jeff
NorthstarTex: o7
forcedreject: Wait is Blanka a Matroska doll?
themostjoast: just a little one for the loyal fnas
josh___something: Blanka chan is actually a wild creature and TOTALLY NOT BLANKA in the suit
lochnessseammonster: we live here now
Halinn: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry at Thu 07:00 PM PDT (9m from now).
pn55: We can just do picture-in-picture :p
Luminaire_p: The Subathon or the tournament?
SnackPak_: it's fine
betweenmyself: Gief causing G(r)ief riffThink
stippledotter: lrrHERE
RetroHibiscus: it's okay, doom will carry us to 7pm
thatjuantoo: LUL
Juliamon: let's go Coconut, finish that redemption arc
chrono2x: picture in picture
shurtal: Which Street Fighter character, Like Goldberg, do you think eats corn the long way?
NorthstarTex: !advice
LRRbot: The neck abides.
MaelstronSolenor: just run tinker tailor in parallel =P
Styxseus: Zangi F o7
definenull: I think if not for technical difficulties this would have been perfectly timed
Scar_Red_Tiger: Play the spectator mode in 2x speed
thatjuantoo: Have everyone play RPS?
YareNiDaze: @shurtal Honda.
Mr_Horrible: "Can I get some uhhhh mercy?" "Nah, fresh out." "How about some remorse?" "No can do." "Fuck... what about just an order of fries?" "Dunno what to tell ya brother it's fucked out here."
Mattmitchell45: Tinker Taylor Tournament
SajuukSjet: well, at 4minutes you play the Madonna song :P
Bearudite: NABBED
Mollylele: Join Ian in media res
werth_it: Quick Seabats stream to finish
DaVeganPolice: schoomp
saucemaster5000: Management here. -- Call Cori the winner and go get pizza
YeomanAres: Have Ian solder things standing behind you
JinaMahavira: If the bracket resets, they both get VIP
Bearudite: PIP it
Halinn: !badadvice
Scar_Red_Tiger: Picture in Picture
shurtal: @YareNiDaze i was thinking Abigail, but i could see honda
LowUpsideCJ: Tinker Tailor Solder SPD
asthanius: do this in the background of whatever Ian's doing
bytecaster: Rock-Paper-Scissors
Zaneysed: mini player the toureny
CAKHost: !findquote minute
lochnessseammonster: so rude
spethycakes: Half stream is Oki Oki, the other half of the screen is Tinker Tailor
DaVeganPolice: with the grippers
stippledotter: PIP it, that's the ticket
YareNiDaze: Pls no steppy
kid_flashionable: Ian plays SF6, easy solution
josh___something: Steppy :)
Fanklok: Dynasty Warriors has taught me video games don't always pronounce their names properly
Badchop: Don't kinkshame
bytecaster: No footsies, only kill
El_Zilcho22: LUL
Pywodwagon: Cori gets the title by default, no losses
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
kid_flashionable: And then he tinkers inbetween
grandmastersson: run the set to see who gets the time
xxhanlonsrazorxx: picture in picture with ttsf
Mr_Horrible: Ian comes in with his CA: "Tinker Tailer Solder Die"
definenull: double luigi
DaVeganPolice: just like me fr
50keyz: if its like lol
Mattmitchell45: Three Hours Ago "Spacing is beautiful"
asthanius: nobody's mad at u
stippledotter: I, for one, look forward to Tinker Taylor Fight Club
kid_flashionable: aroboDance
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
Mr_Horrible: boss says it's chill seabatClap
josh___something: Stop pretending you're playing the nootch XD
Chaos Treader: I’m sure Ian can wait.
kid_flashionable: Aww you're okay, you're doing great Adam!
RitualGlitchZ: Thanks dad
hoveringhalibut: lrrCrab
bytecaster: Tinker Taylor Solder Fry, becomes Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy again
saucemaster5000: fighting games cool
BusTed: drawfeSupernut drawfeSupernut
thatjuantoo: Shout outs to Ben for talking to corporate :p
Strebenherz: Ian comes in with a steel chair, challenging Akuma
BrowneePoints: Sacwifice Yosewf to da Satswi no Haw-dow! @loadingreadyrun
SaxPython: KomodoHype FBtouchdown KomodoHype
shurtal: @bytecaster Swify is a double agent?!?!
Halinn: RIP San Jeff
Bearudite: damn
definenull: ggs ggs ggs
josh___something: DAMN
midnightcurryjazz: lrrSCOOP lrrSCOOP
Alas_Babylon: Coconut believers rise up
offbeatwitch: OOF
xxhanlonsrazorxx: real squeaker
50keyz: WOW
LowUpsideCJ: Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh
josh___something: Close set!
50keyz: tight match
Mr_Horrible: "If this man gets within 3 feet of me, Rome falls"
thatjuantoo: inobunMelonjam
DaVeganPolice: Putting Cocunut through the gauntlet 😭
Scar_Red_Tiger: No pee break
kid_flashionable: Gief NOOO aroboFrazzle
chrono2x: The continued redemption of coconut!
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
saucemaster5000: poor coconut fucking hanging on to life like a CHAMP
CoconutRanger1515: playing a horror game out here
werth_it: no my boiiiii
themostjoast: GGs DOOM ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap
El_Zilcho22: Losers final?
LowUpsideCJ: what a set
TheMandrew: pee when you're dead!
thatjuantoo: LUL
Lobo_Apache: But I"m pissing right now
NotCainNorAbel: what if I play from the bathroom?
BITs19_: uh
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
SnowBuddy18: go get a bottle
Mr_Horrible: you doubt my power, Savidan
Badchop: Cori :D
Scar_Red_Tiger: WEak bladder is a sign of weakness
iris_of_ether: Cori.
kid_flashionable: GPG
ManWithTheMask13: I GET TO EATTTT
DaVeganPolice: GO EAT DOOM
the_phantom_game_player: LUL
shurtal: you got the tarp money for that, Cori?
ShaneLeeAtk: Now test for drugs
ManWithTheMask13: Thank you I'm so hungry
MaddogM: What's stopping you? :P
definenull: doom is free
asthanius: GGs and PPs
stippledotter: Ian gets just into frame drops a ladder 16 times
josh___something: The weak (bladder must PEWISH
kid_flashionable: GPG (Go Piss Gief)
Ferisar: burrito
Juliamon: Sweating piss, bleeding from their fingertips
Mr_Horrible: Hi Starving, I'm Dad
undecided44: NO ..... Breaks.... til Finals!
Masslost: jokes on you im wearing depends so i can pee my pants
thatjuantoo: Cori's a Blanka player? Kappa
saucemaster5000: @ManWithTheMask13 Sorry mask, I ate your dinner while you were pretending to play neutral
the_phantom_game_player: Thats where the tarp budget goes
Dog_of_Myth: Quick, get Adam a Snickers
BusTed: drawfePee
BrowneePoints: The Sats-Wee no Hado
bytecaster: Physician eat thyself
werth_it: my blader is in burnout
Midnightskypoet: Loser gets to eat sooner.
BusTed: oh no
Leebo140: Adam's so hungry he'll resort to eating his gigantic biceps
bytecaster: Undertarp
Dog_of_Myth: Oh nooo
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 camera pans over to Sauce with the big cartoon chipmunk cheeks
YareNiDaze: undertarp
Pywodwagon: Hello Sharks
NorthstarTex: D: but the scanner's scene!
tod_vom_himmel: nah adam you have to 1v1 all the top 8
omdorastrix: Underpaulin
Strebenherz: eat the watermelon crushers
Bearudite: tarpundies
Mazrae: wait if coconut wins this, it will be a round 1 rematch i think]
lochnessseammonster: that hurts me PrideLaugh
AceGun_: This looks like CFN nonsense
bytecaster: Tarpwear?
CoconutRanger1515: man with the mask gottas report scores
dm818: @Mazrae It will yes
Gascitygaming: undertarp
Lanthess: Fully waterproof floor and a squeegee.
gualdhar: they're jockeying for starting position
mowdownjoe: CFN pls
Mr_Horrible: Capcom trying to sabotage us
kid_flashionable: Maybe I should get Gief nails though, that could be cute
GethynHatch: NotLikeThis
AceGun_: Nah, bracket is perfect. I'm fucking cooking.
Mr_Horrible: he fired one shot, but it was a BIG shot
Dog_of_Myth: hhahaa
El_Zilcho22: LUL
pn55: HypeLUL
LowUpsideCJ: Yeah but you ran a sick tourney still
saucemaster5000: Peer review not needed
SnowBuddy18: but you've still run a great tournament and had amazing commentary
DaVeganPolice: LUL
pn55: You're doing great Adam
Fanklok: Why was there a dq?
Dog_of_Myth: This has been fun as heck
Juliamon: Fanklok Accidents
Ferisar: i hope you become a gief player
Scar_Red_Tiger: New rival
tod_vom_himmel: hell no mask beat me im never fighting them again
DaVeganPolice: LUL oh boy I get to fight tod more LUL
kid_flashionable: Yeah that'd be great!
NevermorePainting: I hope Cori becomes a Gief player
GethynHatch: HOLY
BusTed: power tripping
Cptasparagus: @Fanklok steroids
SnowBuddy18: @Fanklok which round of DQ?
bytecaster: It's fair, we are insufferable
Despoiler98: foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG
SajuukSjet: there was something of a communication breakdown between Discord chat and the Studio Room
kid_flashionable: seabatApp seabatYIKES
geckoinasuit: sadly i missed most of the tournament so this will be on replay for me!
AceGun_: If we could get some Kens in the community, I would appreciate it. I do not play that matchup.
micalovits: Adam wanted to shoot the gun
dzee_szed: so anyway, I started DQing
mowdownjoe: "So anyway I started blasting!"
LowUpsideCJ: If anyone silver/bronze played today and wants a sparring partner, hit me up on the lrr or seabats discord
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
themostjoast: classic adam\
ThorSokar: SOMEONE had an itchy trigger finger even though the player was in chat talking
Lobo_Apache: Adam 2024
BurgerGamer: sometimes ya gotta just blast some folks
Zaneysed: woooo
CypherRaze: LOL
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
definenull: uhh hard pass
Mr_Horrible: that is basically Adam's routine, yeah Kappa
SirPlumpy: Ayo
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Luminaire_p: Sounds like Adam
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown
kid_flashionable: seabatClap seabatClap
thatjuantoo: PogChamp
SnowBuddy18: that's Saturday for me though
NorthstarTex: wooo
baltimore_667083: woo!
bytecaster: With all the DIs and DPs, Adam wanted to DQ
saucemaster5000: Guess there's a first time for many
Mr_Horrible: seabatClap seabatClap
ThorSokar: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK
TheWanderingNomad: Woooo
undecided44: Sometimes you need to sharpen the ban hammer so people still fear it.
JRandomHacker: As someone who worked for 8 years as a caddy, Caddyshack is _extra_ funny
SirPlumpy: can i call dibs on Marisa?
Midnightskypoet: What character would Cori play?
Mr_Horrible: "I must hydrate this walnut man'
Mollylele: tinker tailor solder? I barely know her!
kid_flashionable: It's so romantic
forcedreject: They eepy
BigDaddyBland87: Jokes on you.... lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
AceGun_: I would love it if she went to pick him up and he just turned to dust.
Lobo_Apache: being like "wish that was me"
medmora: SeemsGood
lochnessseammonster: she is good at aftercare
stippledotter: Gotta have a DQ to get a dilly bar
tod_vom_himmel: shee carries you to the trauma center
kid_flashionable: @lobo_apache yes exactly
thatguysteve2709: She takes her prize like a baby in her arms
Fanklok: Hold on I have to let my wife know
CAKHost: What's the Platonic version of getting Laid? Is that just making a friend?
Simriel: I'm sure Ian can't do anything unwise while waiting, I mean he doesn't have access to tools or anything right?
CAKHost: Or High-fiving someone?
LowUpsideCJ: @lochnessseammonster major key
saucemaster5000: is she poly?
Gascitygaming: !bracket
LRRbot: Find the results of the Sketch Remake Brackets here: https://LRR.cc/remake1 | https://LRR.cc/remake2 | https://LRR.cc/remake3
kid_flashionable: @cakhost getting dessert (platonically)
CaptainCoriale: @CAKHost maybe it's recommending a song to someone and they actually listen to it
medmora: @cakhost it's eating food together
dm818: the finals will either be a repeat of WB finals or round 1 which is fun
definenull: executed
Mr_Horrible: christ alive that command grab damage on the Akuma health bar
Fanklok: No but you can shoot your shot
SnowBuddy18: @CAKHost you can get laid platonically
mowdownjoe: That's the Akuma vs Marisa matchup.
micalovits: Its eating Garlic bread together
definenull: SHEEE
BurgerGamer: @CAKHost cooking food for each other
bytecaster: Is it standard for fighting game tournaments to be followed by a crafting segment?
thatjuantoo: LUL
El_Zilcho22: true
mowdownjoe: Yep
BusTed: haha
definenull: HAHA
control_rig: Hey! I mean, true... but HEY
charlietrotter123 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 32 in the channel!
Bearudite: hurtfu;
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to darth_mediocre!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to yofl!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to antiquariansam!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to morpheus7078!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LightspeedSloth!
lochnessseammonster: lrrWOW
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, charlietrotter123! Welcome to darth_mediocre, yofl, antiquariansam, morpheus7078, and LightspeedSloth! (Today's storm count: 671)
Badchop: man what the f
Mr_Bitterness: Rude
wedge_x: lrrWOW
themostjoast: real and true tho lmao
Geldaran: ouch.
Bearudite: true but hurtful
werth_it: damn
Mr_Horrible: now now, I just can't react because I'm bad, not because I'm 32
thatjuantoo: NotLikeThis
Scar_Red_Tiger: Think that's what happened to FD Signifier playing Tekken
saucemaster5000: I can react if I've had my metamucil
CurrieAndy: Damn. And here I am at 35...
Lobo_Apache: @Mr_Horrible MOOD
PandaByName: playing dhalsim, sf2 fan
RitualGlitchZ: I started on SF4 and my reactions are ass
lochnessseammonster: i'm too old to get into this but that won't stop me PrideLaugh
PandaByName: 100% pairing
Simriel: Those people forget that Adam is the Boshi
lochnessseammonster: i was not even good at games when i was young
ArdCollider: I have to be in the roller rink from the cover of that one Oso Oso album to kick anyone's ass at Street Fighter.
NevermorePainting: I dunno, you turned me into paste on your home stream and I'm a bit over half your age
El_Zilcho22: I can't react because i'm bad and i'm about to be 40.
ArdCollider: (because that's literally where I learned to play SF2)
RitualGlitchZ: I do play intoxicated regularly tho, so that may be a factor
saucemaster5000: @lochnessseammonster first fighting game at 38 for me PrideUwu
LowUpsideCJ: I can knock a slapshot out of the air with a twig but god I can't di on reaction
bytecaster: I'm bad, but I was also bad when I was young
Scar_Red_Tiger: "That's reactable" "Could you?" 🥺
Fanklok: You have to go ultra instinct to react
Badchop: Whatcha thinkin' about?
micalovits: Adam acidently trapped his reactions in a jar years ago, and can't let them out again
Alex_Frostfire: I kind of love how Marisa's L3 just puts you in the corner, always.
offbeatwitch: jesus that punish conversion
Bearudite: yeah its thinking about taxes
chrono2x: seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN
lochnessseammonster: @saucemaster5000 hell yeah seabatClap
AugmentingPath: I don't react to DIs, I'm too busy being a warrior poet
saucemaster5000: "No, it's the children's reactions that are wrong"
SnowBuddy18: "I'm not old, I'm just bad" is big mood
ManWithTheMask13: If I get hit by a DI I literally call myself old
werth_it: links nice with it jeez
epsilon_vee: @RitualGlitchZ is there a ballmer curve for this send toot
NotCainNorAbel: Adam's thinking about what soup is going to served for lunch
alexsteacy: Too late my aging heart is already broken BibleThump
definenull: ggs what a run
thatjuantoo: -1 farm o7
control_rig: Woooooah
offbeatwitch: yehaw!
RitualGlitchZ: @epsilon_vee I understand like 3 of these words
SirPlumpy: aye my wife wins!
Mr_Horrible: sick fuckin' game holy moly
kid_flashionable: MAN what a play
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
LowUpsideCJ: What a run
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Alas_Babylon: Hell yeah Coconut, gamer supreme
saucemaster5000: give it up to coconut for that last half hour!!!!
JinaMahavira: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Alas_Babylon: (and Links, hell yeah friendo)
Symphoneers: o7
LowUpsideCJ: ggs coconut
NotCainNorAbel: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
pn55: seabatClap
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Mollylele: sharkf11CALP sharkf11CALP sharkf11CALP
kid_flashionable: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
control_rig: Good run Coconut
spethycakes: marshm3Clap marshm3Clap marshm3Clap
mowdownjoe: Ian can wait a bit. We have Grand Finals!
Mr_Horrible: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
themostjoast: ggs coconut!! ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap SUch a sick run!! ellliebSlay
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
the_phantom_game_player: FBtouchdown
CoconutRanger1515: yea losing round 1 was rough
Mr_Horrible: freed from piss jail
GethynHatch: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
Bearudite: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
BusTed: And isn't that the real prize?
Scar_Red_Tiger: Go Piss Girl
LowUpsideCJ: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Lobo_Apache: Are the rest of us allowed?
Alex_Frostfire: I'm cheering for you, Play_guy! Because then the bracket will look like I lost to the champion. ;)
iris_of_ether: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
spethycakes: The real loser was Coconut's bladder
epsilon_vee: @RitualGlitchZ https://xkcd.com/323/
saucemaster5000: (Looks down at puddle) uh... I'm good
AceGun_: o7
CAKHost: Maybe Platonic isn't the right word to use. I'm queer is which does have ace tones to it so I'm not up for "getting laid" in the literal sense. I do like the idea of fixing food or giving food for each other thou; even if that reinforces sex as a drive, which it isn't (I think. I read a book on it that said so but it has been a while)
Gascitygaming: I'll piss in the sink
blepharic: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
optimalbook: everyone gets 5 seconds with the toilet
kid_flashionable: Go Piss Girl
thatjuantoo: LUL
bytecaster: Equivalent exchange
Symphoneers: Balance in all things.
the_phantom_game_player: lrrBartleby
Fruan: Fighting, streaming, pooping
Mr_Horrible: there *ALREADY* aren't enough of them
CaptainKranok: There's only one Oki Oki Bathroom Pass to go around.
BurgerGamer: the law of epissalent exchange
kid_flashionable: God Marisa's makeup is SO GOOD
Mr_Horrible: Adam!
SnowBuddy18: what if we work it out to each take 20 minute shifts of not using the toilet?
ThorSokar: It's an outhouse but with no walls, so that's nice I guess
kid_flashionable: I wish I could do eyeliner like that
ManWithTheMask13: Coconut and I both came up from losers
saucemaster5000: I'm using my second snap to make six dollar footlongs $3.99
RitualGlitchZ: @epsilon_vee And now it all makes sense
bytecaster: Another person can only use the toilet if they have the philosophers stone
RitualGlitchZ: ty
control_rig: Real and true, Adam
Bearudite: Idk play guy is used to being outta the room Kappa
kid_flashionable: She's amazing, true true
RetroHibiscus: is there a bracket reset for this grand finals?
SirPlumpy: keep spittin that TRUTH adam :)
SnowBuddy18: @saucemaster5000 $3.99 Canadian?
Ferisar: can't shake... with these drugs
control_rig: The finisher where she kisses her knuckles before punching is... whuff
LowUpsideCJ: ken is exceedingly nice with it
Badchop: My hands shake in raids/GMs in Destiny 2, it sucks
kid_flashionable: Like I wish I could be carried by her, my bisexual booty is weak to that kind of stuff
Zaneysed: I had teh same pre tourney jitters I got from mtg today before the toureny
mister_nibbles: thats why i never do any kind of pvp thing, could never get past the shaking
Gascitygaming: I remember watching an online Tournament adam was in and like half the chat was LRR folk and the commentators were wondering who Adam was for all the support happening
lochnessseammonster: yes, love to see it PrideUwu
Gascitygaming: was amazing
lochnessseammonster: same bestie
Ferisar: just big quads
Sparkana42: Man play_guy knows their kill ranges.
Ferisar: nothing else
bytecaster: Monoquad
kid_flashionable: Same
glitched_goddess: I will never get over that blanka mascot
SuitablyEpic: I want to put DolLRRS on these matches
kragmabutch: marisa is the biggest transition goals
dm818: a big heart
RitualGlitchZ: huge... tracks of land
Obos_TAB: You want her to own a college dorm room?
Mr_Horrible: Big Quads is necessary but not sufficient
grandmastersson: just a pair of huge quads
thatjuantoo: LUL
grandmastersson: nothing else
inconsideratehat: Weak for some big lumberjane shoulders
control_rig: Awwww
pn55: HypeLUL
undecided44: She's got huge... tracts of land
lochnessseammonster: stop i can't PrideLaugh
RitualGlitchZ: God I need to watch Holy Grail again, it's been over a year
ghizmou: she carries you home after leg day
the_phantom_game_player: lrrAWESOME
ManWithTheMask13: I'm going to eat a house
SirPlumpy: Please, I can only be an Adam stan so much lmao
Mr_Horrible: hit him with the "You're doing great sweetie"
themostjoast: lmfao
kid_flashionable: Awwww!
Scar_Red_Tiger: With the player avatar the game has non-euclidean body typer
themostjoast: deeply wholesome content
RitualGlitchZ: I'd eat out Dr. House
saucemaster5000: That's how you catch them
thatjuantoo: LUL
iris_of_ether: OMFG
Scar_Red_Tiger: He wasnt usinng that leg anyway
BurgerGamer: ritual, pls
ManWithTheMask13: He's gone
Fanklok: She catches you spotting your squat then curls it
LowUpsideCJ: Match is straight gas
Lobo_Apache: @RitualGlitchZ Respect
ThorSokar: House would just take amphetamines so he COULD react
kid_flashionable: I feel like Marisa would be a good cook too
Kidror: House always claims its Wake Up Super and its never is, until he's right once and everyone pops off
SnowBuddy18: @ThorSokar yeah, house would lose games 1 and 2, take amphetamines, and run the table
ThorSokar: @SnowBuddy18 EXACTLY
kid_flashionable: It would be
Scar_Red_Tiger: She's a Jeweler in lore
inconsideratehat: Sheclassy AF
hesterbyrde: Those are kitten heels I think and they would be hell to fight in
El_Zilcho22: the Magnus hair
AceGun_: She designed her accessories herself.
ManWithTheMask13: @kid_flashionable I know she is one. She cooked me in round 1 LUL
inconsideratehat: Yeah same.
kid_flashionable: @scar_red_tiger REALLY??
Lysander_salamander: do the folks in the Discord also do Killer Instinct tourneys?
alexsteacy: How many teeth chips are in that ring
SnowBuddy18: yeah, the hair of the other outfit
Chartle: pan creation?
kid_flashionable: @manwiththemask13 aroboWheeze aroboWheeze
RitualGlitchZ: Damn, he hit the fancy Ken combo for the extra 8 damage
spethycakes: so she hits opponents in the pancreas? bold
kid_flashionable: That is amazing, she really is the perfect person
AceGun_: @Lysander_salamander Many of us try.
josh___something: Pan-kra-ti-on
bytecaster: Giant hands, tiny magnifying glass
SirPlumpy: I've learned about Marisa existing in the last hour and I'm now wondering how I lived life up till now
Lysander_salamander: cool
Mr_Horrible: accurate
control_rig: Well it starts out as coal though, she just squeezes it into gems
CaptainSpam: I choose to believe that literally everybody in the SF world just fights each other at any given moment.
Badchop: that sounds like an IFCYipes joint
LowUpsideCJ: oh my god it is bodega ken
Lysander_salamander: Like a bodega cat?
Lobo_Apache: Are they tims?? I always thought they were uggs
ManWithTheMask13: My boy Yipes
LurkerSpine: !next
josh___something: His USERNAME is bodegaKen
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry at Thu 07:00 PM PDT (6m ago).
Pywodwagon: @CaptainSpam that is what world tour implies
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hitting someone in the pancreas is anatomically difficult considering how deep in the torso it is
Gascitygaming: @CaptainSpam that's literally the single player storymode lol
Mr_Horrible: that's a Ken that's picking up benadryl from a dude who knows his first name at 2am
seanmrwick: how was TTSF
RitualGlitchZ: When are they gonna add Evil Ryu to 6?
josh___something: Well, CFN username
SnowBuddy18: Ken and Ryu both have big divorced dad energy
bytecaster: @seanmrwick still coming up
Obos_TAB: nice
seanmrwick: @bytecaster oh sweet!
BrowneePoints: Oh snap there's a drop going on right now with Bokksu!
control_rig: Kick to the shins
stippledotter: Can you imagine Black Friday in the street fighter world?
Simriel: DadKen is such a look
RitualGlitchZ: I want to relive my Axe Kick loop glory days
BrowneePoints is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel!
BrowneePoints gifted a Tier 1 sub to s0mek1d!
BrowneePoints gifted a Tier 1 sub to runningshoes!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, BrowneePoints! Welcome to runningshoes and s0mek1d! (Today's storm count: 673)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @stippledotter What about just a normal sale day?
kid_flashionable: I like that Marisa crouching is Ken's height, wow
josh___something: Ryu's too busy to finding the answer that lies in the heart of battle
BrowneePoints: I just realized they're doing a Bokksu Drop so I can gift subs and get food
Ferisar: ken is in hiding
BrowneePoints: no he's on the Run
josh___something: Ryu is FATHER
definenull: boom divorced?
PandaByName: I'm not sure Ryu thinks about Ken that often
korvys: Clearly they are divorced from each other
josh___something: But not divorced dad
bytecaster: Being framed for murder is not the same as divorce
Zaneysed: No he's just poor and framed for a terroism
BrowneePoints: Framed for murder and trying to exonerate his name
AceGun_: Ken is separated, but he's sure they will work it out.
BrowneePoints: Ken is a good dude!
RitualGlitchZ: Ken literally has children, Ryu is 1000% asexual
dzee_szed: Ken got taken by a crypto scheme and lost all his money
saucemaster5000: Ken thinks putting on deodorant in the morning counts as "showering"
LowUpsideCJ: that's why he's buying smokes at the corner store
MWGNZ: Guile doesnt pay taxes
kid_flashionable: Ryu is just Goku but not married
BrowneePoints: Ryu is 100% Grey Ace
bytecaster: And then he hadoukens the truck
Sogheim: Ken won't sleep on your couch, but he will sit in your living room all night talking
Saintnex: yea, Ryu is super asexual :p
brobafett91: Ken isn't wearing timbs he's wearing vans half cabs
iris_of_ether: :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ritualglitchz I would buy that considering he is the embodiment of nothingness
CurrieAndy: @RitualGlitchZ ryu is married only to the truth of the fight
Saintnex: exactly Adam
AceGun_: Guile thinks his military service should count.
forcedreject: Unrelated I hope you get many Bezos bucks
RitualGlitchZ: Guile was literally an american hero
josh___something: The only thing Ryan from streets is fucking is THE SPIRIT OF BATTLE
wedge_x: @MWGNZ holy shit, amazing
chrono2x: Active military don't pay taxes on their wages if I remember correctly
El_Zilcho22: LUL
Leebo140: It'd make Guile more American if he didn't pay taxes
BrowneePoints: For Chat, if you wanna help with the subathon and get stuff, they're doing a Bokksu drop for 2 gifted subs!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @sogheim Worse, he’ll do tai chi like in that one episode of Brooklyn 99
saucemaster5000: then you shouldn't have said something wrong
BrowneePoints: Add a couple minutes and get snacks!
roefizzlebeef: banger first time chat though
bytecaster: I'm not a first time chatter, am I allowed to criticize?
RitualGlitchZ: I think Guile single-handedly won WW2
BrowneePoints: Guile is in the Air Force
Juliamon: Bokksu has the good shit, that's a dope drop opportunity
simplydavemn: Ken's the type of person who would say Applebees is his favorite restaurant without realizing it was a part of a chain.
AceGun_: Third party
BusTed: Adam knew that. He was just farming engagement.
Kaaosa: guile does not vote
BrowneePoints: He votes
SnowBuddy18: Guile votes and tries to vote twice
kid_flashionable: Guile votes for sure
ArdCollider: Guile doesn't vote AND tells you it's because he doesn't want jury duty
PandaByName: Guile is the most voting person
BurgerGamer: guile votes
gualdhar: Guile's an NRA member
ManWithTheMask13: FamilyMan votes
bytecaster: When Guile votes you hear "Sonic Boom" from the booth
saucemaster5000: Guile votes in person but doesn't understand the machine
Mr_Horrible: Guile fills out every slot on that ballot, brother
SirPlumpy: Guile listens to NPR on the way to work
kid_flashionable: Whether he votes well is another thing entirely
dzee_szed: Guile has to care about universal healthcare at this point
LowUpsideCJ: Don't ask who he votes for tho
Mollylele: Guile's a Libertarian
IvanRussel: Guile only votes 3rd party
Simriel: Canonically Yoshi is a tax evader
BrowneePoints: Guile is NOT an NRA member, but he IS in the Air Force
Pywodwagon: Guille is a centrist
rosesmcgee: Guile votes in state and local elections. And he seals his tax returns with a kiss
Mr_Horrible: damn, I've been had
CaptainKranok: He votes, but he checks all the boxes and spoils his ballot.
goombalax: Guile's a Never Trump Republican
CaptainSpam: Guile is either first in line first thing in the morning or he's got his ballot in the mail as soon as he gets it.
Thefluffiestguineapig: He’s in the military, they have voting on the base/ship
ContingentCat: bigger than before
Ciijay: Guile is Airforce, remember! That means he's one of the smarty pants
thatjuantoo: LUL
iris_of_ether: Bigger Than Before
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Morrigan9: today*
AceGun_: Guile goes to vote, and then just doesn't pick anyone.
the_phantom_game_player: I hope Ian doesnt mind this cutting into TTSF
Sogheim: Guile bleeds red, white, & blue and doctors still don't know why
KeytarCat: Guile has faith in the electoral college
Alas_Babylon: Guile is just Hank Hill with better hair
SnowBuddy18: you're welcome
RothonWylar: Moo
Saintnex: guile votes independent every time lol
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
sorceren subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sorceren! (Today's storm count: 674)
Kaaannaaa: oink oink
squantanomo: It's honest work
Jturbobanana: I consent to farming
optimalbook: which sf6 character do you think tips the best
Solahwin_Tampramain: oh shit I am being mind controlled
Gascitygaming: no you didn't! wait.....DAMMIT
shendaras: seabatClap
eshplode: You can't make me say anything
kid_flashionable: teetim3Shock NO
bytecaster: Eh, I don't mind
NorthstarTex: yest masters from lrr
DeM0nFiRe: pjdDance
dzee_szed: Guile hates Bison (a fascist) with a fucking passion, he's a secret socialist at this point because he sees what happens to countries with no social services
Lobo_Apache: Farm Me Adam-ddy
themostjoast: I miss being in control of my own actions
grandmastersson: bahhh
Cinnabat: I'm being harvested, yay :D
nfwise: Baa baa im a sheep
inconsideratehat: Yeah I get the humour/theme of Marissa's hair being shaped like a chalcidian helmet, I just wish it was more ...subtle? I guess?
DrakoniteDev: I am a radish
bagfullofbees: oh no I got farmed
BigDaddyBland87: I am writing to say you haven't farmed me
josh___something: Hey WAIT A MINUTE
lochnessseammonster: seabatBRAIN
Ukon_Cairns: i cant believe he farmed my engagement like this NotLikeThis
Kaaannaaa: moo moo
SirPlumpy: I have to have a mind to be controlled :)
simplydavemn: Ken probably promotes his own Crypto when he's not fighting.
josh___something: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo
CodeIndigo: what a load of crop.
saucemaster5000: can't control what you can't comprehend
Veraphage: Guile says 'sonic boom to the polls'
dm818: ggs
brobafett91: @simplydavemn ken was the head of a multi billion dollar family corporation, he's never had Applebee's
patrick_stonecrusher: Mentos The Freshmaker?
Gascitygaming: 2-1ken
Bobtheninjagoldfish: @the_phantom_game_player They already got it cleared, TTSF will still be an hour apparently as they over estimated time for the movie
ManWithTheMask13: I'm a Gief player, there's no mind to control Kappa
Scar_Red_Tiger: @Alas_Babylon Holding down back with THAT trunk?
micalovits: 3-1
EvilBadman: Sowed and farmable
CurrieAndy: We don't ask, we don't borrow, we don't lease, we TAKE the minds.
definenull: GGS
Bearudite: 3 -1
CommiePuddin: All Glory to HypnoAdsm
kid_flashionable: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
bytecaster: Perfectly on time
dzee_szed: @simplydavemn Ken's story in SF6 is literally that he lost his money to a crypto scam
thatjuantoo: inobunMelonjam
AceGun_: Congrats! Play_guy!
RitualGlitchZ: Gaming
MrSarkhan: sergeGG sergeGG seabatClap seabatClap
blepharic: seabatClap tiltyhEXTREME seabatClap tiltyhEXTREME seabatClap
mowdownjoe: GGs!
spethycakes: marshm3Clap marshm3Clap marshm3Clap
Alas_Babylon: What a stellar tourney
josh___something: GGS
pn55: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
BrowneePoints: Next year we drown Ken
underhill33: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
RitualGlitchZ: only 10 mins over?
Obos_TAB: Hey wow! Grats Play Guy!
definenull: its kenough
josh___something: Fuckin KENNETH
themostjoast: ggs Links!! ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebClap ellliebAhh ellliebAhh
SmoreThanAFeelin: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Thefluffiestguineapig: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap FBtouchdown
NorthstarTex: Marisa almost had it
hesterbyrde: Ken banned next year
ManWithTheMask13: GGS GGS GSS
kid_flashionable: KEN IS YHE BODEGA WINNE4
BusTed: seabatClap
Alas_Babylon: Hey, we sent Marisa to the finals!
Sylenctone: GG
ThorSokar: Hell, the "Hours Left" timer has 2h10min MORE time on it than when you started, you are very much NOT getting fired
Simriel: Blanka mascot is adorable
eshplode: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Links_Kun: ggs
nfwise: woot woot
Ferisar: ken the honest mid tier at it again
CypherRaze: Playguy went from being DQ'd to winning, let's goooo
spethycakes: Next year, Ken is banned
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Athelgar: ggs
iris_of_ether: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Pywodwagon: Ban Ken next year
CaptainSpam: A fine tournament, Adam!
play_guy01: ken won last year? lool
kid_flashionable: WINNERRR
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
RetroHibiscus: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Ukon_Cairns: henyaCheerdance henyaCheerdance
TheAinMAP: emilym10Clap emilym10Clap emilym10Clap
hesterbyrde: thanks for the stream y'all!
ManWithTheMask13: gohunt1Torch gohunt1Torch gohunt1Torch gohunt1Torch
the_phantom_game_player: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Simonark: Sagat has a perfectly functional eye under that patch. Wears it for “Respect”
mowdownjoe: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
enbyKriss: GGs duggerClap
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
Pseudonym_Ken: Yo, Ken wins!
magical_writer: Thank you it was amazing
RothonWylar: Time to learn Ken I guess
Lysander_salamander: Thanks for hosting this!
ghizmou: Great stream, thanks to both of you
thatjuantoo: LUL
pn55: HypeLUL
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
the_phantom_game_player: It was fun
Sylenctone: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Mollylele: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
7gorobei: Oken Oken fight club
chrono2x: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Irsaan: @play_guy01 called it :) you did great!
Riandisa: Thanks everyone for the awesome tourney
Obos_TAB: Great games everyone
Pseudonym_Ken: It was fun!
twinnAJ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Bobtheninjagoldfish: GG
Bearudite: hit Play Dude with the VIP Belt
kid_flashionable: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap psaBig barrOK
dankmemeter: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
LowUpsideCJ: sick tournament
lochnessseammonster: lrrSHINE
thatguysteve2709: So much fun
dzee_szed: thanks for tourney~
stippledotter: TwitchUnity lrrHEART
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam you are the best!!! And Cori came up to Oki Oki energy well
shendaras: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Astramentha: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
CAKHost: Thanks for this stream!
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry at Thu 07:00 PM PDT (11m ago).
ButterBall000: TTSF
Gascitygaming: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
hesterbyrde: Thanks for the stream y'all!
themostjoast: This was great TY for doing it!
Mr_Horrible: Ken's 100% championship rate in the Subathon Oki Oki Tournament maintained
Thefluffiestguineapig: All of us troglodytes
brobafett91: Streaming some evo this weekend?
enbyKriss: This was very fun Adam! lrrHEART
mowdownjoe: Time for Ian to make noms!
simplydavemn: @dzee_szed Makes sense, but I didn't know that...
BurgerGamer: honestly, didn't go over by that much
CodenameBluebird1: thanks Adam and Cori!!!
Lobo_Apache: See y'all on the ladder!
Mr_Horrible: thanks for putting this together, Adam!
Welbog: What's Ian tinkering?
SaxPython: lol
Juliamon: It might take a lil bit to transfer the VIP belt, be patient pls
El_Zilcho22: ggs!
spethycakes: lrrSHINE
Mr_Horrible: brackets are hard as fuck to run, dude, you did good
50keyz: thank you!
kid_flashionable: Yaaaay
BusTed: onstaWAVE
BrowneePoints: Remember to gift 2 subs real quick and get a bokksu Drop Chat!
50keyz: lrrSHINE
RitualGlitchZ: Merry submass, peace yall
mowdownjoe: @welbog Some kind of food.
Mollylele: @Welbog we about to find out!
the_phantom_game_player: Ji Ian
BrowneePoints: while they're still on SF6!
ShaneLeeAtk: Hello, Ian!
bytecaster: Blurry Ian!
undecided44: Thank you for sharing your passion, Adam.
ManWithTheMask13: It was great to be here
ghizmou: Hi Ian
bytecaster: I am very tuned
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ian with the drumming
DandyGeek: Oh crap, I should go make a character
Astramentha: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
That_One_Purple_Fox: Is the PPR today?
MTGRanger: @That_One_Purple_Fox Sunday
Lanthess: Today, Ian shows us how to unblurry the studio.
kid_flashionable: Good passion good passion
Juliamon: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
hvhTim: @bytecaster BlrryIan
thatjuantoo: inobunMelonjam
BigDaddyBland87: Tinker Tailor Solder Dance!
CAKHost: Is the Elden Ring Co-op going to be in the DLC or just base game?
Saintnex: heck yea, blurry Ian dance
Mollylele: Ian Blurner
The_Color_Twelve: ironmouseBLANKIEDANCE ironmouseBLANKIEDANCE ironmouseBLANKIEDANCE
tinpantithesis: can we get a highlight reel of everyone dancing behind the Stay Tuned bumpers?
CAKHost: Ian The Dance Horner
midnightcurryjazz: lrrFINE
aquinas_0: PPR after sub-athon is a lot
BusTed: gauss-Ian blur
Sylenctone: Dancing Blur!
CAKHost: If people clip them sure!
Simonark: Will the highlight reel contain a collection of dance off blurriness?
iris_of_ether: @Simonark It did last year, FWIW
Lanthess: @BusTed nice
Solahwin_Tampramain: if you clip it, perhaps!
bytecaster: Clip it, that's the ticket
themostjoast: kay be right there
Grumpingtoon: I recall James did a PPR after driving back from Dawson at the end of Road Quest
simplydavemn: @Simonark I mean if enough people clip it, then probably.
Saintnex: @cakhost I hopes it’s not the dlc lol, I wanna watch but I haven’t gotten there yet :p
Thefluffiestguineapig: If you clip it, it may happen
Sunidesus: Awww
iris_of_ether: Dawwwww
BigDaddyBland87: daww
bytecaster: Cute
WellFedGames: Aww
Simonark: You act like I’m competent enough to use basic chat functions.
definenull: awww
ShaneLeeAtk: D'awww
WardsarTheWriter: If you want a tip, you gotta clip!
magical_writer: awww, we saw that.
Sarah_Serinde: The best thing you can do to get something into the highlight reel is to make clips :)
definenull: PrideUwu
Irsaan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: They love each other!
Mollylele: ewww
the_phantom_game_player: I assume they'll make a stream highlight reel for the subathon?
bytecaster: Good thing this was blurred or otherwise we'd get in trouble with TOS
Solahwin_Tampramain: its like they are in a loving and caring relationship!
Sarah_Serinde: @the_phantom_game_player That's a pretty safe assumption
definenull: mic 5
magical_writer: no sound?
chrono2x: mic 5
Shadwhawk: No audio
Valhallan597: audio
hesterbyrde: no audio
Thaezar: mic 5
dzee_szed: mic 5
gualdhar: mic5
Brozard: Mic 5!
Jturbobanana: no sound
wordmogul: uh oh
Dog_of_Myth: Mic 5
simplydavemn: Sound!
SnackPak_: lrrFINE
Saintnex: whoops
BigDaddyBland87: oh dar
drawnbinary: muted ian
NevermorePainting: mic 5!!
Mollylele: lrrCrab
AndyDaMage: do it again Ian
the_phantom_game_player: Your mic is muted
mweepigeon: ope
BurgerGamer: mic 5!
apennamedquill: as is tradition
josh___something: Mic 5
AugmentingPath: good energy, no sound
BrowneePoints: Brilliant Mime Performance Ian
GameSageZB: But I can hear it in my head just fine!
Juliamon: vintage TTSF mic goof
AndyDaMage: redo
hesterbyrde: Still muted
dzee_szed: blah blah blah blah blah blah WELCOME blah blah blah blah SUBATHON blah blah blah
bytecaster: Still no audio
omdorastrix: I need a little more Ian in my headphones...
teddywhosabear: still nope
bagfullofbees: hello quiet Ian
Jturbobanana: can anyone here read lips?
Welbog: lrrFINE
BrowneePoints: Bloody GOod Miming
LordZarano: Do-over!
mweepigeon: he really is so emotive
Lanthess: REDO
Symphoneers: I crave an audible Ian.
ProcyonFlynn: As is Tradition lrrSHINE
iris_of_ether: SingsMic benginFine
stippledotter: Love charades!
Scar_Red_Tiger: Love the energy tho
definenull: is this a bit?
Solahwin_Tampramain: none audio still
bytecaster: But I'm trying to learn to lipread
DragonOfTheVoidd: we can not hear the ian!
serramarkov: Mic 5
LowUpsideCJ: No audio at all not just the mic
AndyDaMage: nope, do it again
DistrustingSpectator: still no sound
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Ian uncharacteristically quiet.
Symphoneers: Still no audio.
Sunidesus: third time's the charm?
mweepigeon: yippee!
chrono2x: sound
Juliamon: ah he got there
DragonOfTheVoidd: iaaaaaaaannnn
LordChrusher: I have no snare in my headphone
drawnbinary: an ian with sound is an ideal ian
jimber_jam: sound!
Dog_of_Myth: There we go
hesterbyrde: THERE WE GO!
Brozard: Sound!
teddywhosabear: there we go
LowUpsideCJ: Hey Ben
SmoreThanAFeelin: LUL
definenull: BEN
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
BusTed: there we go
WardsarTheWriter: Hahahaha
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks Ben gabyLul
MaddogM: press the on button?
ButterBall000: Footage for the next late night dub fight
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : There we go.
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
iris_of_ether: oh no
the_phantom_game_player: Ooops
roefizzlebeef: BEN
bytecaster: New button!
josh___something: LUL
Welbog: New button alert
BigDaddyBland87: oh there's a button!
Saintnex: HAH
xantos69: I love how much of a rampage he is on.
MrSarkhan: New button!
Stella_Noctis: LUL
wordmogul: yay Ben!
dzee_szed: There's a new button this!!!
nfwise: yeah new button
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welp
Solahwin_Tampramain: ben press the new button!
VorlonScout: This was just the footage for the next Late Night Dub Fight
avi_miller: I wanna see Ian dub muted Ian
Sarah_Serinde: I didn't see a thing
Obsolete2885: Ben is bad with buttons!
hesterbyrde: What happened? We saw nothing!
NullColaShip: Nu button, hu dis?
Lysander_salamander: oh, a cooking episode!
TheNerdWonder: Ben: THERE'S A BUTTON!
Symphoneers: Hi Ben sympho32Blinky sympho32Teef sympho32Blinky
wedge_x: new button who this
BusTed: mulligan
epsilon_vee: there we go, audio good
pn55: "There's a button!" - Ben
RubikDarkwill: There's a BUTTON!
dzee_szed: clip that ffs
control_rig: We saw nothing
SaxPython: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Welbog: Good evening, hello
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
margieargie: Ah, glad TTSF is just now starting
Gascitygaming: there's a (new) BUTTON!
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: i had my eyes closed
TheAinMAP: "Oh there's a button!!"
omdorastrix: That clip would make a good clip to dub later
BluJester: oh hey its starting
baltimore_667083: LUL
GameSageZB: I'm excited for the TTSF stream upcoming!
the_phantom_game_player: Lets run it back
mister_nibbles: perfection :D
CAKHost: That's wasn't a bit?!
WardsarTheWriter: Clip it for the reel!
magical_writer: it would be so funny if we came back the second time and Ben had muted Ian.
simplydavemn: @Symphoneers I would totoally listen to AudioBooks read by Ian!
spethycakes: lrrBartleby
Chaos Treader: Muted.
Simriel: Mic 5
John Potter: Muted
Yellowmaster52: I thought it was a bit
CodeIndigo: lrrSIG
SusanTD: Ah, just made it in time for the start.
Riandisa: Yay cooking with Ian!
tinpantithesis: time loop? time loop
josh___something: "oh THERE'S A BUTTON"
DrakoniteDev: no audio ttsf intro, as is tradition
undecided44: New button, who stream-deck?
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
SoulEater50210 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SoulEater50210! (Today's storm count: 675)
control_rig: Wooo
Lanthess: Got it first try!
dzee_szed: i have no idea how to clip things but that deserved it
MaddogM: 3rd time lucky
the_phantom_game_player: Hello highlight reel
medmora: XD
foopoiuyt: I thought we were watch tinker tailor solder mime.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I see bacon and garlic and I’m excited
excalgold: Hello Chef Ian
Scar_Red_Tiger: Go Piss Girl
HbombAndFriends: Goodnight, Paul.
omdorastrix: First try! Ever forward, never learning
50keyz: let paul go home or did Heather/James/Beej murder him?
Juliamon: Part One!
Singenmeister: holy crap that timer went up when I wasn’t looking!
Juliamon: Singenmeister We had a 100-bomb
bytecaster: Do we get a recap next episode with the DBZ music?
Lysander_salamander: Oh, pork belly!
JRandomHacker: Sous vide is cheating, and I say that in the best way
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh pork belly
Simriel: Yup... an entirely planned bit
Simriel: !subathon
Chaos Treader: Everything is a bit until proven otherwise
Simriel: Hi Ben!
Strebenherz: D'aww
iris_of_ether: Yay Serious Eats!
full_st0p: ooh baby a kenji recipe
the_phantom_game_player: @Solahwin_Tampramain Nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: I wish I knew how to work with it
JRandomHacker: You just start it, and then you get the best steak of your life
TwoBitSlim: Sounds 😋
Dog_of_Myth: @Singenmeister Lots of gifted subs during the street fighter
BusTed: 😋
eshplode: Oooh
MaddogM: are we going to have a Sous vide cam for the rest of the subathon?
TheMandrew: or toss it into the sea
bv310: Oooooooh, deepfried
the_phantom_game_player: Sounds good
Thefluffiestguineapig: I assume the Oki Oki tournament caused a torrent of subs and bits
korvys: But only if people sub enough to make the subathon last that long
Solahwin_Tampramain: @the_phantom_game_player thanks!
Saintnex: mmm snacks
bytecaster: @korvys As I always say: "Sub for pork"
Dog_of_Myth: @Thefluffiestguineapig It did
TwoBitSlim: So what is a sou vide, and what does it do?
Lysander_salamander: whenever I hear about slow-cooking pork bellies, I am reminded of the comedic interview of musician Gakt, talking about pork bellies.
Solahwin_Tampramain: oh heck thats a lot of meat
Thefluffiestguineapig: That’s a lot of meat
eshplode: I was just looking for things to use my sous vide for. I need to try this
the_phantom_game_player: @Solahwin_Tampramain You're welcome
seanmrwick: hello Ian
seanmrwick: ooooh is this Pork Belly?
Easilycrazyhat: That's a lot of pork.
ButterBall000: 1/15 the scale
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and…
Juliamon: TwoBitSlim Sous vide, a form of low-temperature slow cooking
excalgold: i am putting a Sous vide on my christmas list....
goombalax: if we need 16.5 hours in order to complete this Sous Vide, is it the most expensive pancetta ever?
Welbog: Brother, bring the macroplane
mericlese: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
RedAlexxis: Yay! get some pork on your fork! Cheer250
BusTed: wild
Lysander_salamander: dang
WardsarTheWriter: -Gimli voice- Mmm... salted pork?
bytecaster: Saltseller, I need your strongest salt
Thefluffiestguineapig: Huh
the_phantom_game_player: @Easilycrazyhat He's making it for the Subathon finalle
seanmrwick: same here in the US apparently
PharaohBender27 returns from a break and thanks the folks who got the total to be over 19 hours lrrSHINE
epsilon_vee: oh no
Lysander_salamander: not even icecream salt?
simplydavemn: No salt sellers for your salt cellar?
iris_of_ether: I had problems finding kosher salt in the US earlier this year!
seanmrwick: there has been a kosher salt shortage recently
PharaohBender27: *the time remaining
alexsteacy: Aw buddy I could have spared sime
alexsteacy: *Some
mericlese: rofl
AndyDaMage: damn Ian, it's nearly lunchtime and this is not helping
seanmrwick: hey @alexsteacy glad to see you
jjcard: hey Alex!
HbombAndFriends: Cheer74
Solahwin_Tampramain: yeah I just ate and now im jungry again
iris_of_ether: Yes yes, bloom those spices
ThorSokar: Fun fact: you can swap Kosher Salt for Pickling Salt (in general the recipies are about salt grain size, not type)
RTwo28: I'm late, what's being tinkered, tailored, or fried?
JRandomHacker: aw yiss pork and fennel
Scarbble: here for grinding and rubbing
Welbog: Damn, fennel is bussing great
seanmrwick: what kind of pork are you Sous Viding tonight? Because my sister was telling me about my brother in law's recipe
Lanthess: @RTwo28 started late, so you're on time
simplydavemn: The latest survey states that over 60% of salt declares as unaffiliated religiously.
ThorSokar: how much did Ian say that thing he has weighed?
Gascitygaming: 2 lb
Solahwin_Tampramain: 1-2 pounds?
seanmrwick: I'm guessing internet folks like "Uncle Roger" will be super Happy
BrowneePoints: I just had a heart attack thinking that was my fire alarm
Lysander_salamander: is it possible to sous vide in a slow-cooker, or are the temperatures wrong?
RTwo28: Same @browneepoints
LowUpsideCJ: @BrowneePoints yeah i jumped
JRandomHacker: That's a teaspoon
korvys: That's a teaspoon
Solahwin_Tampramain: @BrowneePoints oh nooo!
Gadora: Did a quick refresh, and it's still set to Street Fighter 6.
Sunidesus: Oh, I should make popcorn for movie night...
WardsarTheWriter: The scent of meat to accompany some horror schlock? Sounds pretty good!
Juliamon: Gadora don't worry about it
KeytarCat: a third of a tablespoon is a teaspoon
LibraryWitchKei: Yeah still saying SF6 for me. And giving me the twitch drops message
BITs19_: no but seriously, what is he making again?
Easilycrazyhat: You know what they say - "Cooking is a science...ish"
Gadora: @Juliamon *thumbs up*
iris_of_ether: Thankfully the sous vide doesn't generally smell like much while it's bagged up
Genie_M: Toasted fennel smell is wonderful
thatjuantoo: LUL
seanmrwick: is there a Costco in Victoria or Canada?
Juliamon: Take advantage of the drop while you can
LibraryWitchKei: @Juliamon katesNoted
ShaneLeeAtk: I am sure Clint would approve
simplydavemn: @BITs19_ Souve Pork Belly.
korvys: All hail Kevin MacLeod (I assume)
roefizzlebeef: hell yeah LGR!
Juliamon: There is a Food category
Doncromatic: what we making?
TallynNyntyg: @seanmrwick There is exactly one in all of Canada, and it's in Newfoundland. It's a superstore and hard to reach.
BrowneePoints: well that was weird
Doncromatic: btw chat i am no longer driving the truck
korvys: You could do the water drop thing
epsilon_vee: @seanmrwick not in victoria proper but nearby in langford iirc
korvys: You have a bucket of water
Sarah_Serinde: @TallynNyntyg That is absolutely not true, there are multiple Costcos in Canada
PharaohBender27: So, out of curiosity, how quickly can you change the temperature on a device like that?
BrowneePoints: air is blowing into someone's mic
Saintnex: BEN NO
iris_of_ether: Ben no
Strebenherz: That's ... a great idea
RTwo28: Princess auto, they have everything
josh___something: Benjamin no
Pharmacistjudge: i just sprinkle water and see how fast it evaporates
TallynNyntyg: "A finger is the thermometer of the flesh." -Ben Ulmer, 2024
Despoiler98: shugrvHype mistorSubhype PRINCESS AUTO
bytecaster: The tongue is the thermometer of the face
Genie_M: For some amount of temperature
Krillin_fan: "A finger is the thermometer of the flesh" ~Ben 2024
BrowneePoints: air gone now
SquareDotCube: a slight splash of water also works
LordChrusher: No Costco in Victoria but there is one in Langford
hvhTim: surface temp of a stainless pan is key to preventing sticking
PharaohBender27: Like if you go, "I want to turn this down a bit," how long is the delay?
Saintnex: We are definitely getting a bit
BrowneePoints: if your spices have lots of oils toast them*
Boomyakalolo: as a pan can confirm it's too hot
betweenmyself: fingers are sometimes prone to sudden heat-based catastrophic failure though.
Easilycrazyhat: Heat makes everything taste better.
j_crane330: toasty
ButterBall000: One day smellovision will work
Kaaosa: heat isn't real
korvys: Hooray for induction
Pharmacistjudge: except ice cream
IanAllenBird: when will loadingreadyrun invest in smell-o-vision technology
Pharmacistjudge: no heat with ice cream
simplydavemn: Can you smell what Your Boy is cooking?
bytecaster: Heat is just the world having the zoomies
Lysander_salamander: next tinker tailor solder fry project -- making trivets.
chrono2x: smell based internet technology could be a good and bad thing
CAKHost: Dear Doctor Ian, have you ever cooked with long pepper? I've heard it is an interesting pepper from the usual peppercorns typically used in western cooking.
protojman: unporked hands
bytecaster: Unporked flesh thermos
Gascitygaming: these hands? totally porked
ImmortalLen: Ian... stop
josh___something: "unporked hands"
bv310: @PharaohBender27 Noticeably quicker than the resistance coils on my stove
VorlonScout: @PharaohBender27 I can't speak to a portable one like that, but for the induction cooktop in our kitchen, the answer is "very little delay at all"
PharaohBender27: Yeah, so this stream is not safe for Jewish, Muslim, or vegetarian/vegan folks :p
simplydavemn: My hands have not been unporked since my teenage years....
Bergor_Terraf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
Bergor_Terraf: Hi!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bergor_Terraf! (Today's storm count: 676)
Easilycrazyhat: Just turn studio c into a test kitchen ;p
Simriel: I saw some honey BBQ pork crackling made recently and I want it
Simriel: sounded utterly delicious
seanmrwick: Doctor, your patient is ready
BrowneePoints: @CAKHost Real Peppercorns are in the same family as Long Pepper
Boomyakalolo: keep your meat dry folks
SnowBuddy18: dry out your meat that's going in the wet, got it
ButterBall000: dry before you fry
seanmrwick: so Ian, how would you use this kind of Pork Belly to cook something like Sutadon?
WardsarTheWriter: When that pork hits the board, like a big meaty horde, that's amore!
Genie_M: Usually just the skin
Lanthess: My hands are dry and unporked.
simplydavemn: @BrowneePoints As long as it's not Long Pork were good.
BusTed: dry your wets
Genie_M: But as you like it
SmithKurosaki: evening chat
HbombAndFriends: Ok. That piece is 10 points. ;)
AndyDaMage: looks like meats back on the menu!
avi_miller: you wet your drys, then you dry your wets, before you wet your drys again
Scarbble: and then wet your drys
Doncromatic: thats the right wake in my book
Mollylele: score that pork (scork)
PharaohBender27: @bv310 @bv310 I ask specifically because I'm used to cooking with gas stoves, and the only time I used an electric stove in grad school, it seemed like you needed a 5-minute head start to heat, and then figure "this is almost done, turn off" with *no* opportunity to adjust midway
TallynNyntyg: Has anyone at LRR had guanciale in their pastas?
bytecaster: It's that time of the subathon, where Ian sharpens his knifes
CAKHost: @BrowneePoints Neat!
kid_flashionable: GSG (Go score girl)
just__fitz: Ooh is this pork belly
ButterBall000: Jeez I'm drooling
Boomyakalolo: crispy fried pork skin, goblin need in tum please
BrowneePoints: but yea Authentic Peppercorns are Piper Nigrum from the Piperacea family which Long Pepper belongs to as well
saucemaster5000: Oh god, just looking at this... chat if you've never scored an excellent piece of meat, it is SO satisfying
dm818: I should sharpen my knives
Scarbble: long pepper is so weird looking, but it's cool
j_crane330: lrrHAM
PharaohBender27: Good call :D
seanmrwick: I like how you do your research on your recipes first to be authentic
Juliamon: wafting... wafting...
CAKHost: @BrowneePoints Meaning that they shouldn't be different?
BrowneePoints: Long pepper just looks like a widdle pinecone
Matmos: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
DigitalSeahorse: lrrFINE lrrHAM
Mollylele: paint us a word picture Ben
MaddogM: where's the smellovision?
Lysander_salamander: One of my brothers once cooked a pork shoulder and used a vinegar-and-salt mix on the skin to get it to crisp
LordZarano: @PharaohBender27 The way to do instant heat cutoff on electric is to lift the pan off
terribleplan: Surprise stew!
Welbog: If that happens, that's the smell of vacuum.
ThorSokar: math says 4.5 tsp of salt for 2lbs at about 1.5" thick assuming you can make kosher sized salt grains, if finer grains use less
HbombAndFriends: @maddogm Yeah. Paul needs to work on that technology. ;)
BrowneePoints: @CAKHost different plant same family. one is Piper Nigrum, one is Piper Longum
Boomyakalolo: "why the moon base smell like feet and pork.... Oh right magic players"
Easilycrazyhat: time to squeesh the garlic
BrowneePoints: Yea! Use the Josh from Mythical Kitchen PALM HEEL STRIKE
mister_nibbles: terry's chocolate garlic
BrowneePoints: Use the PALM HEEL STRIKE and it'll be easy!
Boomyakalolo: @mister_nibbles that's cursed
Phazon_Kiwi: Just use all of it, never enough garlic, plus helps ward more vampires too
PharaohBender27: @LordZarano But see, what I often do it "Hmm, I think I should lower this a little." [three minutes later] "Maybe I should turn it up a little."
aquinas_0: and then the elephant garlic attacked
NotCainNorAbel: I just harvested garlic from my garden
TallynNyntyg: Question on garlic - is golden-brown raw garlic still good?
BrowneePoints: Jarlic is perfectly acceptable
ThorSokar: I can't believe there isn't a local farmer that grows garlic
DES_Adam: oh for fresh cloves of garlic theres a trick you can do with two bowls and it gets the paper off the garlic no problem
Lanthess: Jar is so much easier.
Scarbble: jarlic is totally fine in many things for sure
Sunidesus: and the pre-minced stuff doesn't make me cry (garlic makes me cry waaaay more than onions do)
DigitalSeahorse: after handling meat the cloves won't keep covered in meat juices anyhow so may as well toss them all in
seanmrwick: I can't wait for Aldi to inevitably go to Canada, like Victoria
BrowneePoints: If you can't make fresh Garlic good Jarlic is a decent substitute
asddsa28: it gosd bad so fast i fond
goombalax: I use minced garlic as well, all the garlic we get here is very overripe
DES_Adam: but usually yeah i go for pre peeled blanched garlic cloves
PharaohBender27: My folks have a jar specifically for garlic
ButterBall000: Garlic puree in a tube?
TallynNyntyg: Garlic and onion are so hard to peel.
neisan2112: Tbh I use garlic way more now that I get it jarred. But do get fresh for certain things.
PharaohBender27: A ceramic jar with holes in the lid
hesterbyrde: Jarlic is acceptable especially for long cooking things. Like if you're making a topping for bruschetta? Get the fresh. But if it's going in a soup on the stove for an hour? The jar is fine.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Trash bowls are friends
Foolinc: I buy the pre-peeled garlic and it is good. I freeze it and then for most applications smash or slice it frozen
iris_of_ether: I do jarlic 9 times out of 10 because I'm Big Tired
TallynNyntyg: The papery skin tends to remain and get into the food I make.
Scarbble: big mood iris
Lanthess: Spice ASMR
BrowneePoints: If you need to Peel Garlic watch Mythical Kitchen and do Josh Scherer's heel method
josh___something: Is there not a LoadingReadyTrashcan on-site for easy cleanup? Kappa
BrowneePoints: you don't need muscles, applied pressure cracks those suckers open
harke_: I really like the pre-minced garlic in a plastic squeezy bottle, I find it tastes fresher than jarlic. Which surprised me
seanmrwick: how do you use the skin from peeling garlic as an ingredient?
Oreo1369: @raulghoulia Thanks for the gift sub!
aquinas_0: got all the lost garlic out of my garden this year and turned it into past pucks
DrakoniteDev: jar of minced garlic, fresh cloves, powder, and garlic paste all have surprisingly different flavor. I've been finding myself leaning toward garlic paste for most uses lately
seanmrwick: just asking as a young homecook
aquinas_0: remarkably intense still
SnackPak_: they're comin again
TallynNyntyg: Oh good, I'm not the only person to cut off my garlic butts.
iris_of_ether: @seanmrwick Presumably you add it in when making stock
DigitalSeahorse: I'm sad my tummy gets cranky when I have too much garlic and it's hard to get away from in most store bought dips and hummuses
seanmrwick: @iris_of_ether I can see how that can work with using something like the skins from a shrimp or something
TallynNyntyg: @iris_of_ether Same goes for onion skins.
BrowneePoints: Look you have curled fingers and a knuckle wall
BrowneePoints: that's good technique
DES_Adam: technique looks fine to me!
goombalax: Garlic doesn't need technique just give'r
SmithKurosaki: @DrakoniteDev I mostly use fresh minced, but will also add/sub in powder when feeling lazy. I dont use the pre minced stuff quick enough
saucemaster5000: @BrowneePoints 100%
NotCainNorAbel: sitting down and cutting is not easy if you don't do it often
stippledotter: Confirmed, garlic skin and bits work *great* in homemade stock
seanmrwick: Ian, your knife skills are actually really good
Gaelan_Maestro: thats how i mince
DoodlestheGreat: I'm an Italian, so I'd be excommunicated if I used gloves to chop garlic. :tf:
Mollylele: there's no graceful way to cut garlic
DES_Adam: yeah you're mincing proper
PharaohBender27: Terrible!? I WISH I could chop garlic that finely! I just use the masher
seanmrwick: I always mince like that
Gascitygaming: long as you're safe, you're good
62MGcobra: weird I think I can smell the garlic here
Ravynn: As long as you don't cut your own fingers, it's all good
asddsa28: but it dos not matter much
stippledotter: Pretty knife job
aquinas_0: @SmithKurosaki do you know the trick of rehydrating the powder before you use it
KeytarCat: My dex is so low I have to compensate with wisdom and charisma, my knife skills are good, but my technique is AWFUL LUL
Sunidesus: ya know what, it's in pieces, there isn't any of me in it? It's good.
iris_of_ether: @seanmrwick Yeah, if you have a large enough freezer you can just toss the "waste" bits of veggies and chicken to sit until you have enough, then just make a bunch of stock. Real easy if you have a pressure cooker, too
Weagle: Just cut away from yourself always, and you'll be fine
SmithKurosaki: @aquinas_0 No, do tell!
neisan2112: I mean, I feel self concious about cutting tech when I'm alone
seanmrwick: @iris_of_ether that makes sense
PharaohBender27: Hell, I wish I could chop *anything* that finely.
Scarbble: experimental gyoza is a fantastic band name
TomatoKigu: No objections to the mincing…the scraping with the edge rather than spine on the knife on the other hand… NotLikeThis
Lanthess: @62MGcobra Twitch smellovision integration
RTwo28: Experiment
BrowneePoints: I still want to cook through every recipe in the Food Wars manga.
SmithKurosaki: @PharaohBender27 Practice, and the right knife
electra310: I buy my garlic minced in liquid in a jar
RTwo28: Shoot misclick
hvhTim: lrrIAN_SG
saucemaster5000: (the only knife thing I wouldn't be doing here is scraping with the blade when resorting the garlic, use the back of the blade folks)
RolfeysRoom: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
BrowneePoints: J KL-Alt Mentioned!
Mollylele: filled the gyoza with play-doh, totally wild
DrakoniteDev: @SmithKurosaki IMO the secret tech is to mix some powdered in with whatever other using, for a wider profile
aquinas_0: @SmithKurosaki take whatever amount of garlic powder and just stick it in a bit of water, itll drink it up
SmithKurosaki: @SmithKurosaki Neest
aquinas_0: Just water though
SmithKurosaki: Neat*
Artificer_Evan: I made a flour-less chocolate cake recently it turned out really well.
ThisistheMasterM subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThisistheMasterM! (Today's storm count: 677)
aquinas_0: acid stops it
goombalax: after culinary school I tried to give a knife tutorial to the council of aunties at a community event and I was so nervous I cut myself for the first time
neisan2112: Never had lotus root
Brozard: I love how J. Kenji Lopez-Alt's alt account is J. Kenji Lopez-Main
avi_miller: J Kenji Lopez-Alt is great
electra310: Ah, that knife on board scrape is a very terrible noise
iris_of_ether: @Brozard That is *fantastic*
seanmrwick: see, I've never done Culinary school but everything I've learned about cooking was actually from my parents
hvhTim: time to send a Bench Scraper to ian via mailtime
BrowneePoints: Also chat, if you've ever REALLY wanted to start deep diving on cooking, I cannot recommend Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat enough
ThisistheMasterM: Ian gets to tinker, make gunpla and knows how to cook. truely a Spacenoid
BrowneePoints: that book is FOUNDATIONAL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gyoza are one of those things I want to learn to make but only once I have a freezer that actually lets me store premade food
iris_of_ether: I'm getting a Daiso near me!
seanmrwick: @BrowneePoints and also Joshua Weissman's cookbooks too
PharaohBender27: @SmithKurosaki Admittedly, an issue might be that I do *not* have much patience when it comes to cooking :p When people ask, "Do you like cooking?" I half-joke "I enjoy the results, and usually tolerate the process."
Thefluffiestguineapig: That book is great and it has made my process of learning to cook much more interesting
Lobo_Apache: Moved away from Daiso and I'm so sad
Easilycrazyhat: Ugh, the Daiso literally down the street from me closed a few years back. Very sad :(
niccus: oh right, grats on the coming h-mart
BrowneePoints: @seanmrwick I do not like him but i'm sure his books are adequate
SmithKurosaki: @PharaohBender27 Understandable
saucemaster5000: @Thefluffiestguineapig I will say it's one of the easier dumpling wrappers to make GF!
asddsa28: im sad i dont have one nere me
niccus: normally it comes with a crew of food court restaurants but it looks like it's in a mall?
SmithKurosaki: I experiment a lot with cooking techniques and ingredients which keeps it interesting for me
seanmrwick: @BrowneePoints I can respect that. I'm kind of a fan of some of his recipes but at the same time he kind of comes off as a little pretentious
zerragonoss: Ah the bench scrapper the best tool for any cooks 3rd hand
aquinas_0: @saucemaster5000 do you have a link to the GF gyoza wrapper?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 Really? Is it because it's thicker and has to stand up to less sudden heat? (Pan fried vs deep fried?)
aquinas_0: whats it use?
full_st0p: is that a coffee grinder?
CodeIndigo: Daiso needs a store on the east coast that's not NYC
seanmrwick: what's the Daiso?
Mathwyn: More time? You have 19 hours!
ArbalestTheGeni: Watching your improv shows was always a highlight of my anime cons.
DigitalSeahorse: pepper
iris_of_ether: Okay listen I'm justifying an entire trip down to Seattle for manga and gluten-free fried cheese curds. So.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @aquinas_0 Are you also one who struggles with being GF in a society obsessed with wheat?
PharaohBender27: @SmithKurosaki I will say, while I don't use it for garlic (except for gazpacho when I'm doing it with other things) I will default to a Cuisinart for "finely chopped"
SmithKurosaki: Fair
Banather subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Banather! (Today's storm count: 678)
aquinas_0: @Thefluffiestguineapig my wife
seanmrwick: so Ian, what are your thoughts on Jamie Oliver's so called "Cooking"
Camthelion: @iris_of_ether Uwaji or somewhere else?
protojman: Richter?
Lanthess: Tinker that salt grinder
PharaohBender27: @seanmrwick Jamie Oliver, noted hater of nuggets?
SmithKurosaki: I did this with a coffee grinder last weekend
Omega_Lairon: Free glass shards
saucemaster5000: @aquinas_0 I have my own recipe but it's a very easy google and they really aren't complicated.
airddragon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, airddragon! (Today's storm count: 679)
ShaneLeeAtk: Those grinder lids pop off easily
Thefluffiestguineapig: As someone with the autistic trait of "weird texture sensitivity" one of my best finds was a still sealed immersion blender at Goodwill to help me have flavors and use the real thing without the fear of texture aversion
BITs19_: I remember the power tools for the gingerbread house kits
ArbalestTheGeni: I still have a Synaptic Chaos Theatre pin from back when Ota fest did pin trading. Got a gold one of of one of you guys.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFastRoll vicksyFastRoll vicksyFastRoll
iris_of_ether: @Camthelion I have a bunch of Delicious in Dungeon waiting for me at Outsider Comics. The cheese curds are at Uneeda Burger. Dedicated GF fryer!
seanmrwick: I mean I always have some kind of "tenderizer" hammer
ThisistheMasterM: I should not watch this when hungry or just started my shift should I?
saucemaster5000: @Thefluffiestguineapig it's partially because it's quite thick and partially because of the pan fry/low water mixture to pull stuff apart
aquinas_0: @saucemaster5000 figured I'd ask, the best we've managed is using a cassava flour tortilla as a substitute
iris_of_ether: I *am* hitting Uwajimaya though because they apparently just installed a wall of Gatcha machines :3
WardsarTheWriter: Me hearing echoes of Morgan from man cooking when talking about a spice rub.
omdorastrix: Talking about prechopped - I found a Garlic/Ginger/HotPepper paste that is perfect, reasonably cheap and not in a GIgantic bottle, like 1/2 teaspoon take to a liter of storebought soup makes it amazing. Never would have made it myself.
saucemaster5000: @aquinas_0 oh no you want like rice flour or chickpea flour and some xantham gum
BrowneePoints: Yea Ian when are you gonna do a "recreating Delicious in Dungeon" TTSF Series
Lobo_Apache: grind....session
BrowneePoints: The Fans clamor for it!
Scarbble: what i'm hearing is that ian is on that grind set
CodeIndigo: @seanmrwick Daiso is a Japanese "dollar store" but the quality of the stuff there is leagues better than what we think of as dollar store
josh___something: You're on that grindset, is what I'm hearing
seanmrwick: is Ian using regular red pepper flakes or szechuan red pepper flakes
Thefluffiestguineapig: @aquinas_0 If she likes baked goods King Arthur (the brand) has a real actual bread flour with recipe conversion advice that is actually practical. I managed to make fluffy cinnamon rolls! Someone couldn't tell the difference at work
Omega_Lairon: Drill issue, TBH
Sunidesus: @Thefluffiestguineapig Oh, that's a good idea! I need to remember to try that next time I make something that usually has mushrooms. (I like their flavor, HATE their texture)
Drigerslash: Just got back from work whats being made
Saintnex: oooh no
Scarbble: eyyy josh
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 That makes sense
aquinas_0: @saucemaster5000 I'll mention it to her
Cunobelenos: what’s Ian making? porchetta?
seanmrwick: @CodeIndigo wish we had one in Chicago
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I remember that time that they tried to drill grind spices on TTSF before with Beej. That was not good. lol
BrowneePoints: @Drigerslash Sous Vide Pork Belly
GameSageZB: I tried that with a coffee grinder. It... didn't work super well - needed more torque and wasn't comfortable.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I'm surprised Beej wasn't summoned by the mere mention of Princess
ylegm: looks like @Cunobelenos
Camthelion: @iris_of_ether I saw that recently on insta. and oh hey uneeda has a veggie burger, I can take my roommates! (also looks like the daiso is gunna be near me as well, so that will be awesome)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Auto
wedge_x: I destroyed a coffee grinder that way once
josh___something: @scarbble same brain
aquinas_0: @Thefluffiestguineapig we're great fans of bob's red mill generally
ThisistheMasterM: first time I ever heard of princess auto was Beej's glee
aquinas_0: they're mostly more consistent
seanmrwick: gotcha
TallynNyntyg: What does red pepper come from?
iris_of_ether: @Camthelion Excellent! Have a great day with it whenever you do so :D
Lysander_salamander: the mace tree?
Artificer_Evan: @TallynNyntyg chiles that are ripe
DoomBringerIL: come to israel... we have all the Kosher salt u could ever want @LoadingReadyRun
CodeIndigo: @seanmrwick Last time I was in one was in San Francisco shortly after my GRS
Stephonee: Ian measures the way I measure
Lanthess: The problem with those grinders is that the salt residue tends to crystalize and jam it up.
TallynNyntyg: @Artificer_Evan Thanks.
Joey LoRusso: I love the sound of spices in a grinder
SmithKurosaki: Right? So satisfying
DrakoniteDev: I believe this is one of those cases where the correct amount of salt is after you are concerned it might be too much
aquinas_0: @Thefluffiestguineapig mmslle said they used to have a cross contamination warning for something else she shouldn't eat
seanmrwick: @CodeIndigo oh sweet
LoadingReadyRun: Music level been okay chat?
DrakoniteDev: @LoadingReadyRun yep
DES_Adam: yeah definitely
seanmrwick: @LoadingReadyRun music has been very good
Thefluffiestguineapig: @aquinas_0 I agree for most things that's better, I've gotten better results with things that say bread flour is best with the King Arthur because all the "convert your normal flour to bread flour" stuff is not GF accessible no matter the substitutions. Tell your wife TTSF chat tries our hardest to have options for as many dietary requirements as possible
ShaneLeeAtk: Very good level
WardsarTheWriter: Very pleasant, thank you,Ben.
Tikosh_: yeah
PharaohBender27: Also wait, is the idea this will be done in the next 20 minutes?
Gaelan_Maestro: theres music?
Camthelion: @iris_of_ether ty! also ty for letting me know about it. :D
CodeIndigo: Daiso should be your first and last stops on any trip to Japan because there's a ton of stuff there that you'll have forgotten and can help with packing up
ralphthellama: evening, friends!
PharaohBender27: @LoadingReadyRun Been OK for me
BrowneePoints: @PharaohBender27 nope. Pork Belly for Saturday
LordZarano: Gotta check Torque Test Channel, see which drill has the most
Juliamon: PharaohBender27 This is just the prep work
SmithKurosaki: @LoadingReadyRun I can't hear it, but I'm watching from a TV right now, so odds are it's fine :)
Easilycrazyhat: A+ music levels
ThisistheMasterM: @loadingreadyrun music nice a low, perfectly chill
Thefluffiestguineapig: @aquinas_0 Ah, gotcha, yeah that'll do it. Bob's red mill is generally the most serious about no cross contamination
grifta67: love Tinker Tailor, its our cozy background entertainment
PharaohBender27: @BrowneePoints @Juliamon Ooooohhh, that makes more sense.
PrisMarlowe: patreon goal or something to get a proper kitchen set up in the LRR offices when
Thefluffiestguineapig: Now the subathon needs to continue so we get to see the results of this amazing ness
DrakoniteDev: to anyone that does not own kitchen/cooking scissors: go buy a pair. soooo nice
ThisistheMasterM: so what is Ian making?
Gaelan_Maestro: food
BrowneePoints: Patreon Goal to get Ian a Senshi costume for a Delicious in Dungeon Cook-Along
Gaelan_Maestro: XD
Mathwyn: Vacuum bag tastes best fresh
iris_of_ether: For the GF chatters near Seattle, I will say that I've had good success at tolerating the food at Razzi's pizza. It's basically the only pizza I can eat because they are more knowledgable than most about cross-contamination and labeling.
Juliamon: As is tradition
GameSageZB: There was a CHustle about it, Ben ;)
SmithKurosaki: @ThisistheMasterM Sous videing pork belly before frying(?) it on Saturday
iris_of_ether: Besides freezer pizzas of course
BrowneePoints: I did that for my Mom's Sam's Club
Lysander_salamander: nice
saucemaster5000: costco is SO goated
BrowneePoints: Walmart is butts but Sam's Club is also Goated
SmithKurosaki: Assuming we get that far (I do not doubt chat)
Morrigan9: uh ok, cosco police
seanmrwick: since when is there as Costco in Canada now?
wedge_x: overnight stream is just a camera on the sous vide tub, right?
the_walking: don’t they check cards
ThisistheMasterM: @smithkurosaki thanks
BrowneePoints: Retail workers don't care enough if your card swipes
goombalax: Cops-co
SmithKurosaki: @seanmrwick Has been in Ontario since the 90s at least
PharaohBender27: I used to leech of my father, but I have my own now. I live in the U.S., so I can get inexpensive wine there.
Kentosaurus: no one narc
neisan2112: I've definitley used my work's Sam's Club card several times for myself.
seanmrwick: @SmithKurosaki that's cool
Sarah_Serinde: @SmithKurosaki ^
Cunobelenos: yes, but Canadian Costco only takes Mastercard. US only takes Visa. Learned that the hard way in Toronto
Omega_Lairon: I don't suppose a card cloner and an unconvincing printer would work? : \
seanmrwick: I normally go with my parents to Costco
BusTed: Nice
BrowneePoints: Hey!
Camthelion: I had the sushi recently its not bad!
Lobo_Apache: O:f course we actually mean that we're leaching off Buyco cards. Costco is too mainstream
epsilon_vee: @seanmrwick there was price club here in the 80s before costco took it over, so let's say a long time
BrowneePoints: The CostCo Hot Dog is an INSTITUTION Ian
BrowneePoints: how dare you
Juliamon: I was just at Costco earlier today
RTwo28: Is it 100 yen sushi?
Gascitygaming: I'd east costco suishi in Japan, Alberta.... maybe not
ThisistheMasterM: I've only been to Costco once in my life. and I was maybe 10 so no idea what they are like
iris_of_ether: Osaka Costco had pizza, still
glitched_goddess: I did hear 7/11 is going to try Japanese style stores in the west
ylegm: baking powder to get that nice crisp
ThisistheMasterM: I don't think there are any near me, in eastern Canada
62MGcobra: Welcome to Costco, I love you.
PharaohBender27: My folks and I usually get our cheddar and parmesean from Costco as well (though the cheddar is Tillamook)
aquinas_0: @ThisistheMasterM their is exactly one of each type of thing, its nice
Sunidesus: I wish I had the storage space to make Costco make sense. But alas I do not
seanmrwick: you could buy a really good platter of sushi for about 16 bucks
SmithKurosaki: @BrowneePoints Friend works at costco. Heard the 1.50 over my dead body story straight from the CEO
RTwo28: @glitched_goddess They are and I am hyped
ylegm: I do the same for chicken wings
BrowneePoints: @SmithKurosaki Goated
Cptasparagus: lab rat tip: blow into them
JRandomHacker: The Costco founder, when the new CEO came to talk to him about updating food prices - "If you raise the fucking hot dog, I will kill you"
ThisistheMasterM: @aquinas_0 ah that's why I don't go there. Newfoundland isn't allowed nice things
PharaohBender27: Similarly, the wine and beer I get at Costco isn't the *store* brand.
TallynNyntyg: @Cptasparagus Ew, warm and moist hands.
TomatoKigu: You can also use corn/potato starch as a food safe glove powder.
PharaohBender27: @JRandomHacker I remember Andrew talking about that :D
CodeIndigo: @glitched_goddess I hope they catch on. I didn't visit them in Tokyo but you can eat REALLY WELL at those for not a lot
Cptasparagus: @TallynNyntyg gotta do what you gotta do
PrisMarlowe: I can't handle reusing gloves too often, I have to wash my hands and use new gloves
aquinas_0: store brand costco alcohol is like the only terrible kirkland product
Lobo_Apache: It's...porkin time?
glitched_goddess: @rtwo28 if I can get an onigiri I’d be so happy lol
hiFunko: wet hand dry hand also does a lot of heavy lifting in these scenarios
wjmck: oh boy what have i joined
PrisMarlowe: course, when I was in labs, I was either using heavy metals or touching blood, so...
Cptasparagus: when do we get a TTSF for cell culture XD
neisan2112: @wjmck Ian rubbing meat
DrakoniteDev: really get in there Ian! deep tissue massage!
Juliamon: massage that pork belly
hvhTim: dont forget the sides!
CodeIndigo: @glitched_goddess FamiMart tuna onigiri changed my life, no joke
Thefluffiestguineapig: At ian's suggestion I went to a local Asian market that takes food stamps and got dried shiitake mushrooms and it's so awesome to have good mushrooms available without the risk of them going bad plus the water from the rehydrating is based for adding to savory things
TallynNyntyg: Give that pig a tummy rub!
PharaohBender27: Gloves like the ones Ian is wearing . . . after 15 minutes I'm sweating so much that sweat can pour out them when I take them off.
PrisMarlowe: Everyone marvel at Ian's abiliity to massage his meat
glitched_goddess: @codeindigo that sounds amazing
Seana L Purvis: I came in and exactly the right time. food!
SmithKurosaki: And then a movie!
jacqui_lantern234: hey ya heccin wonderful friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY <3
DrakoniteDev: if you see big bbq guys, the dig their palms in and really rub the seasoning in
randomblathering: Just joined - are you making lechon?
Gascitygaming: fantastic, go on
LowUpsideCJ: bring in the rolling squires
PrisMarlowe: it'll be made of bacon
Sorator13: I mean, I'd eat a meat croissant
Luminaire_p: 128 layer meat croissant
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CodeIndigo Now I want tuna onigiri and it's late evening where I am, thanks (joking)
saucemaster5000: @Thefluffiestguineapig that is such a good suggestion. Recently did a mealplan for a client on foodstamps. It's an interesting field to navigate!
PharaohBender27: Welcome back, @jacqui_lantern234 ! lrrHEART
CodeIndigo: @glitched_goddess I learned how to make them at home and they became a go-to fast dinner
BrowneePoints: Pork Belly. Sous Vide @randomblathering
RTwo28: I'd love ameat croissant
ThisistheMasterM: long as the meat isn't in nugget form I say go for it
Gascitygaming: we doin porchetta?
Gaelan_Maestro: mmmm meat roll
glitched_goddess: meatsant
Stephonee: Swiss Meat Roll (returns)
goombalax: Giving Porchetta vibes
Solahwin_Tampramain: Idk how to quote, but "I dont know how people feel about a meat croissant" would be a great one
randomblathering: @browneepoints Ah. Thank you!
CaKnuckleguy: @Stephonee My thought exactly
RTwo28: and now we turn it into a weird ass beef wellington
ThisistheMasterM: tight meat
Lysander_salamander: does a croisssant count as meat, considering all the butter that's in it?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 It's such a nightmare because going to the grocery store for a new recipe becomes horrible because I cannot find reliable lists of what is and isn't covered, even same thing different brands
Seana L Purvis: yessssssss
KiaStirling: that studio is gonna smell delicious for the rest of the night
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lysander_salamander I mean by that logic are we counting all gelatin products as meat?
Lysander_salamander: maybe?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KiaStirling And tomorrow
WardsarTheWriter: I don't know how much longer I can hold it together, captain!
62MGcobra: There's not a lot of gym mat in this meat :O
PrisMarlowe: this is what the sous chef is for
hvhTim: skewers
Morrigan9: 2 foot alligator clip
Pywodwagon: the Handwich
Mathwyn: Just a normal human third hand
ButterBall000: A bun
eshplode: Meat clamps
DoomBringerIL: re-roll
MaddogM: That's called an arm Ben
spethycakes: @Thefluffiestguineapig as a vegetarian, my answer is yes
ThisistheMasterM: Ian you're a newtype use funnels to hold the meat
niccus: oh, king's hand
Stephonee: Ben, who has two hands: if only there was a third hand
Luminaire_p: My magnetism!
Omega_Lairon: ferrous meat
iris_of_ether: Ian please do not discuss spinning meats
saucemaster5000: @Thefluffiestguineapig yup yup. It takes annoying pre-research and even then you need to check. I ended up actually calling their grocery stores to check.
rabbitgta: Magneto my meat into position
PharaohBender27: Ian stronk
firehawkzoa: That's what kids or a partner is for according to my mom
Malazim: I thinks some C stand clamps could work
BrowneePoints: @iris_of_ether I UNDERSTOOD THAT REFERENCE
CaKnuckleguy: @iris_of_ether Rotate yonder sausages?
CodeIndigo: coming soon to TTSF: The Pork Friend
LurkerSpine: Cheer400 I just had dinner and now I'm hungry again
BrowneePoints: no Iris needs bonked mostly
Gaelan_Maestro: i use kitchen spikes to hold the meat in a roll before i tie it up
iris_of_ether: @BrowneePoints I honestly wish I didn't benginRip
ylegm: @BrowneePoints oh GDI
glitched_goddess: county lrrs make due
spinebustertee: meat shibari
SmithKurosaki: mmm porky cinnamon roll
TallynNyntyg: Mm, pork threads.
CaKnuckleguy: It's just fibre. Good for you!
rosesmcgee: All the thread, give or take
Easilycrazyhat: Extra fiber ;)
ShaneLeeAtk: We need twine-bases zip ties
ThisistheMasterM: deep frying?! stop stop I'm already straving
Lysander_salamander: I wish I had telekinesis so I can hold things in place while tying them. Or at least some extra pairs of hands.
WardsarTheWriter: @spinebustertee That's a very cursed image. Well done.
ComradeMik: I left when there were big meaty folks slapping meat and i come back to Ian tying up meat
CodeIndigo: @iris_of_ether to clean your brain: miku leeks
RTwo28: @spinebustertee Excuse me?
iris_of_ether: @CodeIndigo Thank you for this gift
simplydavemn: See the merch store for Prok flavored dental floss - coming soon!
hvhTim: time to add a box of gloves to the mail time gift
aquinas_0: See, what you need is a jig :P
Camthelion: @ComradeMik had to do something with the losers.
BrowneePoints: A lil bit Thumbshy
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 Yeah, and it's such a shame inducing thing, the vet clinic where I work is so blinded to their own privilege that they don't understand why I can't just go to whole foods when I don't have lunch. But this is heavy convo now. Honestly good on you for doing that, treating people like humans is an important thing about food
CodeIndigo: @iris_of_ether that will be one FamiMart onigiri please
Gaelan_Maestro: in the grand view of things, some string in delicious food isnt the worst
iris_of_ether: @CodeIndigo Put it on my tab benginO7
DoomBringerIL: those gloves do not wanna come off
saucemaster5000: @Thefluffiestguineapig cheers lrrSHINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: @simplydavemn Would make dental care for dogs/cats much easier
ylegm: Ian is much more patient than I, I buy a box of gloves at a time
ThisistheMasterM: that or lame balloon animals
Thefluffiestguineapig: Which spice is the yellow container?
ElementalAlchemist: Hello again, friends
BrowneePoints: Oh Food Stamps? Hey @saucemaster5000 wanna know how fun it is to shop for groceries every month on $190 *stares into the void*
RassilonDND: ecoli and salmonella, or how I inflated my meat gloves and got sent to another world
Tweygoh: i think it’s baking soda
ylegm: @Thefluffiestguineapig baking powder
ComradeMik: @Thefluffiestguineapig just a basic one
ComradeMik: :D
CodeIndigo: there's a significant difference between the gloves I buy for lab work and the ones I buy for the kitchen
Gascitygaming: that can hasn't changed in 40 years
spinebustertee: magic: the baking
ThisistheMasterM: don't you lie Ian, no other brand is sold
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig "Just go to Whole Foods for lunch" is . . . a heck of a thing for someone to say.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePoints The void that is your empty cabinets and unsympathetic stares of those around you. Because being poor means you obviously failed
saucemaster5000: @Thefluffiestguineapig (to be fair it's literally what I do for a living and am my own boss so get to do a sliding scale based on client income, so for me it's just an interesting challenge that makes the world slightly less hard for folks)
BrowneePoints: @Thefluffiestguineapig One Meal a day for 7 months baby! We thrive how we can!
Kendo_thorn: sorry to ask chat but what time does the movie night segment begin?
LowUpsideCJ: only thing in the sealing zone is an egg
epsilon_vee: I think Magic is one of those canadian brands that ended up owned by nabisco somehow
aerohydra: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry at Thu 07:00 PM PDT (54m ago).
NonUniqueGuy: @Kendo_thorn Soon
Lord_Hosk: If you have food in the cieling zone you end up with ceiling egg, and who wants another ceiling egg
Thefluffiestguineapig: @spinebustertee Coming next on from Mark Rosewater as an Un-Set subtheme
ComradeMik: in the water bath
simplydavemn: No glove, no porking...
SkylerRingtail: Well with only 19 hours on the clock, the answer might be The Sea
ThisistheMasterM: @epsilon_vee yeah that needs to stop happening
neisan2112: @Kendo_thorn When this is done in a few min.
RTwo28: On screen pork
Morrigan9: ham cam
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lord_Hosk That will simply be consumed by the dominant ceiling egg, then you have more pressing ceiling egg and that's not great
heartofgoldfish: HAM CAM
hvhTim: can we picture in picture it? lol
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
BrowneePoints: jamon Camon
heartofgoldfish: We Deman Ham Cam
LowUpsideCJ: I'm sorry rum ham!
Gascitygaming: jambon cambon
RTwo28: CAM*
RassilonDND: i'm still waiting on the return of ceiling egg cam
ButterBall000: I know a streamer who does something similar with Thanksgiving Turkey
josh___something: lrrHAM Cam
Cunobelenos: lrrHAM
Easilycrazyhat: PiP Ham cam
avi_miller: Chat wants Ham Cam!
voren_chalco: Is Sous Vide Pork up next on AFK?
GameSageZB: Godfather theme intensifies.
ThisistheMasterM: give the meat to Cameron he won't mind
VorlonScout: lrrHAM lrrCAMERON
heartofgoldfish: watchalong with ham cam cam-in-cam
saucemaster5000: This is looking really excellent btw. I've never done soux vide pork belly! I really like this idea
spinebustertee: Ham Cam, Thank You Ma'am
mercano82: can you put it into the podcasting studio? there’s cameras in there, and I don’t think the space is needed for the subathon
Bobtheninjagoldfish: RUM CAM!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I do not want the Ham in Cam, I do not want it Sam I am
ComradeMik: Cam does not ham, as a rule.
Cptasparagus: Hameron Lauder
BrowneePoints: Jameron Cameron
TheOneCalledStu: whats the movie or have they not said yet
WardsarTheWriter: Cam Ham on the Ham cam run by a hammy Cam.
bagfullofbees: but Cam is vegetarian
RassilonDND: Canned Ham
CodeIndigo: CAN I HAS HAM CAM?
Easilycrazyhat: SPAM is...a lot of things
simplydavemn: Ham cam for the 'We'll Be right back!" screens.
Stormgod519: Hello Ian
BITs19_: man handle your ham candle
saucemaster5000: I'm so angry about spam
RTwo28: @Easilycrazyhat like the simic slaw
goombalax: its because its nostalgic for rich boomers
MrGibberish: Speaking of cam and ham, id like to remind everyone:
qcanoe: Crew can be on a secondary camp picture in picture. Main cam is ham cam
Toxxick: Im sure you can find cheap spam, I dont know if you want to consume it
DrakoniteDev: 7 a can?!?
Easilycrazyhat: @RTwo28 lol
BusTed: Lookin' good.
Genie_M: All meat stuff is expensive
RassilonDND: I am sad how expensive spam is. It went from the meal of college students to the meal of kings
CodeIndigo: Korean BBQ Spam, y/n?
AndyDaMage: get in the bag
MaddogM: We're investing in corned beef futures?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @RTwo28 That's not the craziest comparison considering there's I think 70 some different flavors documented at the Spam museum
Lex_Peacekeeper: just returned, why am I auto worried what Ian put into that roulad?
ThisistheMasterM: we need the Whole Story about Spam
saucemaster5000: It's lterally been raised in price because people (chefs) fucking realized spam is an excellent ingredient and demand went up.
Easilycrazyhat: The ham cocoon
heartofgoldfish: We are about 2 rhymes short of making a QWRPLINE bit
ylegm: fennel, red peprer and pork is just such a good combo
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lex_Peacekeeper Because it's Ian
WardsarTheWriter: Now can we mush the bag?
aquinas_0: It's terrifying that buying half a cow is actually quite economical suddenly
RTwo28: @Thefluffiestguineapig I should put a simic deck into a spam can as its deck box
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Easilycrazyhat It will emerge into the most wonderful ham butterfly that we eat
Zaneysed: This is a wild change of pace from the fighting games lol
Lanthess: @Easilycrazyhat But will it hatch into a beautiful ham butterfly?
saucemaster5000: @aquinas_0 trueeee
Easilycrazyhat: @heartofgoldfish "Come on down to Cam's Ham Cam Flam Jam, for Errant Mans!"
aquinas_0: you get to skip a year of inflation at a time
ThisistheMasterM: @aquinas_0 until you try and find a place to store it
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lanthess Drift compatible
ElementalAlchemist: aw yes, vacuum sealing
BusTed: the ol' suck & seal
RTwo28: Inverse bag of air
aquinas_0: @ThisistheMasterM Chest Freezer!
Gascitygaming: suck! suck! suck!
an_archist2: Ham Vac
WardsarTheWriter: Advanced airbending.
Raincoast_Bear: I am! Goodbye air!
TheAinMAP: katesBongo
Sorator13: Delicious pork air
SkylerRingtail: @Easilycrazyhat "So good, you'll say 'Damn!'"
Kentosaurus: so satisfying
ylegm: I'm ready, but I've also messed this step up so many GD times
ThisistheMasterM: @aquinas_0 not everyone has space for one
LotusEaterMtG: this is what i want my sarcophogus to be like
LowUpsideCJ: @Zaneysed "Sous vide is so fucking good brother oh my god"
ComradeMik: The Sous Vide Clan ain't nothing to fuck with
simplydavemn: And here I thought it was Wheeler who hammed it up the most on LRR...
Ba_Dum_Tish: SUCK
epsilon_vee: suck.. suck..
iris_of_ether: @aquinas_0 Chest freezers, if you have the space, are such wonderful things
fastlane250: s u c c
DaSunao: SUCC
Lysander_salamander: oh god, I thought my computer was about to crash
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ThisistheMasterM Yeah, I don't have the friends to split it with because I absolutely want to do that. It's more ethical and so many things
excalgold: Flatpack Pork air
PharaohBender27: Wait, Ian isn't going to just suck the air out? That Decadent Man Crapshot lied to me! Kappa
Scarbble: pressure. pushin down on ham~
aquinas_0: @ThisistheMasterM definitely true, but if you can swing it much value
saucemaster5000: Not to go to far on this tangent, but there is a very good, stupid reason a whole chicken is always cheaper than boneless, skinless breasts, and yes you are being scammed for you to spend more time
RTwo28: sounds like when I alt-tab a source game
AndyDaMage: under pressure ... dun dun dun d-dun dun
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lysander_salamander Yeah that sound in a tech context is generally cue for MADAY MAYDAY
an_archist2: ham is contained
ylegm: time to wash everything
WowoT: you never double seal?
geckoinasuit: just kicked off a draft on arena and i'm against rachael weeks pray for me
ThisistheMasterM: @thefluffiestguineapig friends to share food sounds nice.
Gascitygaming: the machine!
NorthstarTex: the machine!
NotCainNorAbel: no lid?
Gaelan_Maestro: the MACHINE!
Gascitygaming: that was the first crapshot I showed my parents
ButterBall000: Tonight on LRR: Ian and the MACHINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ThisistheMasterM I know, right? Cooking for one gets really bleak
aquinas_0: a whole chicken I can cheat into 3 meals for a family of five
Thaeus_Amrunion subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
Thaeus_Amrunion: Will sub for sealed meat.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Thaeus_Amrunion! (Today's storm count: 680)
electra310: FEED the MACHINE
AndyDaMage: lid? if not, that room is going to get humid
Ba_Dum_Tish: 36 hours of ham?
DoomBringerIL: 69 celsius.... nice! @LoadingReadyRun
DeltaStrata: We are safe from the meat.
ylegm: not at 155 it's not
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ian and the MACHINE costaring Alex to boost the MACHINE
iris_of_ether: It technically doesn't need a lid; it just lets the sous vide stick work slightly less hard
PipeSmokingOwl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
aquinas_0: probably going to be 2 meals once the smalls get biger
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PipeSmokingOwl! (Today's storm count: 681)
tehfewl: i need to buy a sous vide machine
spinebustertee: so the ham for forklift time?
SaxPython: I don't know how it would work, but I vote combo Vacuum Sealer/Sous Vide Machine for RDP button
iris_of_ether: It's really not that hot
GameSageZB: "We're sorry, your ham cannot be connected. Please hang up and try again."
MrGibberish: Im a suos vide noob, isnt that below the 160 for safe consumption?
ThisistheMasterM: @thefluffiestguineapig cooking for two isn't much better when you shop in Newfoundland and nothing comes in any size besides family of 6 and is already near expiring
RTwo28: I just suddenly remembered "EAT. AT THE SHACK" from road quest
AndyDaMage: ah, the lid
ElementalAlchemist: Goodbye, food!
simplydavemn: Perhaps we should make it a goal that the non-vegitarian/vegan cast members can eat this ham at the end of the Subathon!
ylegm: @MrGibberish their going to finsh cooking it later
Kentosaurus: clip it
Furyfire: LUL
dzee_szed: the finale of the sous-vie-a-thon
ComradeMik: deep fry?!
LiamK712: thhhhhheee sub...athon
WardsarTheWriter: Ian submerging for the sub-a-thon
chrono2x: exactly 8pm. Great timing, Ian.
iris_of_ether: @MrGibberish 160 is the temp that instantly gets it safe. If also gets safe if you hold it at a lower temperature for much longer
PharaohBender27: But only if we fund it that far!
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
MrGibberish: @ylegm Gotcha
ComradeMik: D:
Scarbble: @MrGibberish safe temps for meat are based on both time *and* temp. you can go a little lower over a longer time
ThisistheMasterM: ham submarine
Joey LoRusso: Is the meat trapped inside, or are we trapped outside...
SmithKurosaki: yrs
SmithKurosaki: yes*
DoodlestheGreat: Thanks for the strem, Ian!
ImmortalLen: Metropolis?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ThisistheMasterM Yeah, that sucks, I'm sorry. I feel the pain of that aloneness and reach out a virtual hand in comfort
Genie_M: Not yet officially
Despoiler98: shugrvBongos shugrvBongos shugrvBongos WHATS IN THE BOOOOX
Despoiler98: YESSSSSS
heartofgoldfish: We don't get to watch the sous vide? This is a Ham Cam Scam
Sarah_Serinde: Ooh
ylegm: WOO
TheAinMAP: Oh
neisan2112: Ohhhh yeeess!
ImmortalLen: That's a fun corny time!
avi_miller: ooh
fuzzra: @MrGibberish You can go lower with a longer dwell time. There are tables.
Despoiler98: The VINCENT PRICE
Lysander_salamander: oh, Vincent Price vampire movie
Thefluffiestguineapig: Will the ham just be ominously in the background?
saucemaster5000: oh wow! that movie is.. actually really good!
RTwo28: Wait, is it what I think it is?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm excited now!!!
ThisistheMasterM: @thefluffiestguineapig I would love to share left overs bud
Sarah_Serinde: I am tempted to stay up too late so I can catch movie night
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ThisistheMasterM Same
Mollylele: Adam also?
JuniorRoll: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Public Domain Movie Night at Thu 08:00 PM PDT (1m ago).
Sarah_Serinde: Kathleen and Jacob
ylegm: at that point, we'll all be exhausted
Raincoast_Bear: Last Man? Nice. Based on I am Legend by Richard Matheson.
PharaohBender27: :D
RTwo28: Cause I think its another movie that my game store puts on the TV during halloween
saucemaster5000: @Sarah_Serinde Sleep is goated and movies can be watched whenever.. but this is a good one.
ClodiumSoride: Oh, I've seen this, I enjoyed it. I made a triple feature with this movie, Omega Man, then I am Legend, for all three adaptations of the original book.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mollylele Adam during last year's movie night was Solid Gold, I laughed so hard
DoodlestheGreat: The movie that was remade with Charlton Heston as "The Omega Man," and later with Will Smith under it's original name "I Am Legend."
MrGibberish: Thank you fiends for the information!
Lysander_salamander: will it be Seemless Multiplayer Mod with weird random stuff?
ThisistheMasterM: @thefluffiestguineapig left over tech needs upgrade not AI stuff
Easilycrazyhat: Jathleen
aquinas_0: original edition I am Legend?
rosesmcgee: Be careful carrying the tub Ian, it'll be hot eventually
electra310: Cheer400 for Ham!
DrakoniteDev: goth coffee?
BrowneePoints: Soupy Happy
Sarah_Serinde: If I do stay for the movie I'm definitely gonna be lurking
Dalrint: I swear the timer has not gone down at all today. It's been 19 hours since I woke up
RTwo28: And thank you Ian for ham based content
LordZarano: Kathlacob
drocathekorok: I am also soupy happy
Gascitygaming: no build mode?
Lysander_salamander: someday I hope one of the Lrr-folk will try out the Elden Ring First Person pov mod
spethycakes: lrrSHINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ThisistheMasterM Also the apparently impossible tech of "compassion for your fellow humans even when it's not convenient"
JuniorRoll: brain hurts now
DigitalSeahorse: interesting contraption with the water in it
PharaohBender27: Cheer1200 May that ham turn out well!
ThisistheMasterM: later Ian!
PawssumFable: It was 17 hours a few hours ago
DrakoniteDev: therea48Wave
simplydavemn: Blurry Ian Pork Belly dance?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PharaohBender27 It's Ian's sou-vide
Mollylele: lrrHAM lrrIAN lrrBEN
Gascitygaming: @PawssumFable 100 sub bomb during OkiOki
tidehollowcat: Except for that one Rhythm Cafe episode where they played fortnite. That was a weird one.
Juliamon: You can't see it from here, but that pork is belly dancing
ThisistheMasterM: @thefluffiestguineapig Oh yeah that tech sounds way harder then building even a Gundam
SmithKurosaki: @Juliamon sergePun
Joey LoRusso: Thanks Ian!
RTwo28: Let us have clear ham footage please!
ylegm: time to sanitize, EVERYTHING
PawssumFable: @Gascitygaming Oh nice
Lanthess: The studio is moving!
protojman: right side BWOAAAAAH
neisan2112: Oh good turn
Saintnex: ooh, so many chairs
CaKnuckleguy: ham ham ham ham
Easilycrazyhat: @Lysander_salamander That sounds...difficult.
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig Oh right it's not ham but sous-vide pork NotLikeThis
WardsarTheWriter: LRR Theatres, now with that new-pork smell!
neisan2112: I always forget that these are the same room
kusinohki: meows
simplydavemn: "Why do these 4K minis smell like Garlic and ham?"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @RTwo28 Ham footage as stretch goal?
Lanthess: They should just put the entire studio on a lazy susan.
CaKnuckleguy: hamchant
Mischievous_Catgeist: That was a smooth operator
Kendo_thorn: thank you whoever answered earlier, when you said soon you weren’t kidding
fastlane250: I looked up tonight's movie and since it's public domain you can watch it inside its Wikipedia article.
fastlane250: Wild
geckoinasuit: oh god i gotta see what the movie is tonight
MrGibberish: @Juliamon Boo sergePun sergePun
Gascitygaming: gonna update a video driver while we wait brb
spinebustertee: Hopefully they didn't download I am Leg End, which is just feet pics
Thefluffiestguineapig: This movie is based on the same book that I am Legend came from IIRC
PawssumFable: I promise not to be a jerk and repost that forever, but I wanted to get one more in X)
kusinohki: random thought - LRR redresses their set as a mock multi camera sitcom for a bit...
BusTed: HypeWave
Simonark: Well, it’s movie night here on the Satellite of Exhaustion…
PharaohBender27: @fastlane250 Question is, will YouTube go "Nuh-UH!" like they did for last subathon
math_nerdette subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
math_nerdette: Happy Sub-a-Thon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, math_nerdette! (Today's storm count: 682)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kusinohki Isn't that just slightly adjusted CH? Also brrrp to you!
aquinas_0: vincent price last man on earth?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @aquinas_0 Correct
Lanthess: @kusinohki I think that's just Friday Nights.
wedge_x: @kusinohki the new Moonbase is kinda already set up like that :D
aquinas_0: the little girl in this always freaked me out as a akid
Thefluffiestguineapig: I see a lrrGRAHAM and lrrCAMERON
MrGibberish: @Thefluffiestguineapig Yep, both came from the 1954 book: I am legend
Sunidesus: I have made popcorn. I am ready for movie shenanegans!
Thefluffiestguineapig: And I think a Matt Griffith?
NightValien28: movie time!!!!!
PharaohBender27: I spot a Jordynne and a lrrMATT
ThisistheMasterM: oh sweet Cam is on Cam, but where the Ham Cam?
aquinas_0 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
aquinas_0 gifted a Tier 1 sub to everyday_dragon!
aquinas_0 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kalviah!
aquinas_0 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ace_Prime!
aquinas_0 gifted a Tier 1 sub to obionedrop!
Thefluffiestguineapig: And a Jordynne!!!!
aquinas_0 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BurningHunter!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, aquinas_0! Welcome to everyday_dragon, Kalviah, Ace_Prime, BurningHunter, and obionedrop! (Today's storm count: 687)
kusinohki: I guess my brain is seeing more "family ties" sets then what the current moonbase looks like. *shrug*
RTwo28: movie night hype
Simonark: Public Domain is a policy for a reason, but I admit, I would love for this crew to get to watch Theatre of Blood
PawssumFable: I have cider and the green friend, I hope this is the worst movie I've seen in 10 years. Or the best.
aquinas_0: To being the monsters!
Blip2004: tractor?
Genie_M: It's 5am here, weird time for movies but I'm not complaining
Plundy: Anyone know what movie they are going to watchalong this year?
Plundy: the "brain was completely smooth" movie of last year was actually great
Sarah: The Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBounce vicksySquish
Despoiler98: mistorParty mistorParty mistorParty
Mr_Hoofy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
hypperstar2280: Matt jordynne and cam movie noght dance party!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mr_Hoofy! (Today's storm count: 688)
Despoiler98: LETS GO
BusTed: onstaSHAKEY
spinebustertee: @Simonark Theater of Blood is so good!
RTwo28: dance!
LPS_97: Are we on a roller coaster?
NotCainNorAbel: bunnies
simplydavemn: The blurrynessand the angle kinda makes them look like puppets.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySquish vicksySquish vicksySquish
Luminaire_p: lgwDance
HorusFive: HyperJump
MrSarkhan: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Despoiler98: DinoDance foodvi2Jammies mistorParty shugrvBongos shugrvBongos shugrvBongos shugrvBongos
ritchards subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
ritchards: I'm doing my part!
mwlsn: DinoDance DinoDance
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ritchards! (Today's storm count: 689)
JuniorRoll: bouncing!
hedonistic_mushroom: Another uneventful day at work time to tune into LRR lrrSHINE
Cptasparagus: who gave the gays coffee this late
Easilycrazyhat: The ratchet of doom approaches
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Simonark If Disney hadn't gutted Public Domain law we would have so many other amazing options
MrGibberish: the synchronicity!
RTwo28: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance \
GhostValv: voxyWeaselshake
xantos69: A Bouncy Jordyanne
KyranTheWalker: Watching from work as we just closed the store I work at and I'm here for another hour counting drawers and putting in reports. Yay!
Despoiler98: foodvi2Poggers foodvi2Poggers foodvi2Jammies mistorParty mistorParty mistorParty DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance shugrvBongos shugrvBongos shugrvBongos
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBounce vicksyBounce vicksyBounce
baltimore_667083: DinoDance
everyday_dragon: @aquinas_0 Thanks for the gift sub!
RTwo28: CAT!
NotCainNorAbel: Kitty
I_Am_Clockwork: cat!
saucemaster5000: @Simonark One of the best price movies, and diana riggs is great too!
HorusFive: Baxter!
Despoiler98: KITTY
Sarah_Serinde: Awwwww
hesterbyrde: BAXTER!
GameSageZB: caaaaat!
BusTed: tqsWow
Sunidesus: Hi baxter!
Juliamon: My snack for tonight is strawberry vanilla yogurt mini-pretzels
SnowBuddy18: CAT
Gascitygaming: Baster!
Dalrint: How do Matt and Jordan still have this much energy on day Four?
Redbassist: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE
baltimore_667083: kitty!
Thefluffiestguineapig: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
SnackPak_: hi Baxter
Sarah_Serinde: Thank you Graham
Foxmar320: Kitty!
Gaelan_Maestro: bouncy bouncy and a kittttty
fastlane250: gato
WardsarTheWriter: Baxter!
hypperstar2280: Kitty!!!!!
iris_of_ether: BAXTER
drocathekorok: GATO
DeM0nFiRe: 🐱
emberBecky: Baxter!
NightValien28: BAXTER
neisan2112: Beautiful kitty
epsilon_vee: kitty!
kusinohki: no jumping on the bed kids!
RTwo28: Bye baxter!
kimmiekoneko: me-ow
Ukon_Cairns: henyaDance henyaDance
Thefluffiestguineapig: BAXTER!!!!!!!!!
Mollylele: [squints] Are those the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders?
DigitalSeahorse: katesShake
Lysander_salamander: yay
drocathekorok: The fact it shows so well through the blur is incredible
anyavamps: Baxter best booboo kitty
DigitalSeahorse: katesLoaf
Gaelan_Maestro: all hail the baxter!
LordZarano: escher3MEOW
Despoiler98: foodvi2Wiggle foodvi2Jammies foodvi2Love foodvi2Love foodvi2Love foodvi2Love foodvi2Love foodvi2Love foodvi2Jammies foodvi2Jammies foodvi2Wiggle foodvi2Wiggle
ladylinzington: DinoDance
geckoinasuit: bebeeeeeeeeeeee
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrSPOOP lrrAWESOME
pattem0re subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
Dalrint: KITTY!
RTwo28: more Baxter!
Sunidesus: So floofy!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pattem0re! (Today's storm count: 690)
Gascitygaming: beans!
SnackPak_: the beans!
hesterbyrde: FLOOFY PEEEEETS!
KyranTheWalker: Kitty!
Mischievous_Catgeist: Kitty
GDwarble: *Gasp*
Sarah_Serinde: What a good disaster cat
Mollylele: fresh Baxter jpegs
pattem0re: Aww
neisan2112: LOOK AT THE BABY!
GameSageZB: Toebeans!
PhoenixMelior: Baxter
DigitalSeahorse: kates1
kimmiekoneko: catte
Astramentha: anubianWaggle anubianWaggle anubianWaggle anubianWaggle
Artificer_Evan: Cat
bagfullofbees: KITTY!
emberBecky: paws
JuniorRoll: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
tinpantithesis: paws!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: KIITTTEEEEHH
GhostValv: voxyKittylove
Luminaire_p: lumina1Heart
Simonark: @spinebustertee Although it’s a cruel film for dog lovers.
SmithKurosaki: kitteh!
ThisistheMasterM: enjoy the movie everyone! I should go an actually do my job
Misslinnythebaker: toebeans! <3
Despoiler98: foolsAWOOGA foolsAWOOGA foolsAWOOGA foolsAWOOGA lookit the CUTE KITTY
hesterbyrde: Bless you Graham for showing us the keetums.
northos: @drocathekorok it probably means they created the blur by just setting the camera at max close focus
Juliamon: The secret to the blur is extremely short focal point
hesterbyrde: BABY!
SnackPak_: juniper!
Redbassist: Juniper!
Thefluffiestguineapig: If I had money I would gift subs for animals
kimmiekoneko: doge
GhostValv: Cute
PawssumFable: Dooog
Thefluffiestguineapig: JUNIPER!!!!!!
RTwo28: Juniper!
epsilon_vee: aww
GameSageZB: Awwwww doge
tinpantithesis: nose!!
Astramentha: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: I love her so much
Mischievous_Catgeist: Woofer
PhoenixMelior: Tish?
kimmiekoneko: void
GhostValv: voxyKittylove
GameSageZB: Yessss pettime
anyavamps: So many sweet babies!
RTwo28: void
hesterbyrde: JORDYNNE WHAT'S YOUR CAT'S NAME!!!!!!
spinebustertee: voooid kitty
Mischievous_Catgeist: Void!
RTwo28: HA
Misslinnythebaker: all the furbabies
kimmiekoneko: yaaas
kusinohki: "did you know matt had a dog?"
neisan2112: LLMAO
Thefluffiestguineapig: YEESSS
geckoinasuit: i need to know all the pet names
hypperstar2280: im so glad they can show us pet photos like this!
ThisistheMasterM: Graham showing off your cat makes it very hard to me to leave to do work
drocathekorok: One of these things was not like the other
hesterbyrde: Graham has Baxter and Finnegan.
Redbassist: Ben has snakes?! lrrBEEJ
Sunidesus: Honestly, that degree of blur isn't too far off my vision (without glasses)
RTwo28: Can we haz more cute animal pictures?
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
djalternative: huh. it's just a racked focus. I has assumed it was a post effect
MrGibberish: Juniper!
hesterbyrde: AMAZING
Despoiler98: mistorParty shugrvBongos shugrvBongos shugrvBongos mistorParty mistorParty mistorParty mistorParty foodvi2Jammies foodvi2Jammies DinoDance DinoDance
RTwo28: Juniper!
Strebenherz: DOGGO
kusinohki: I think Matt's dog is Juniper??
BusTed: what a look
kimmiekoneko: slinky
GhostValv: 👀
Despoiler98: mistorWiggle mistorWiggle mistorHold mistorHold mistorWiggle mistorWiggle mistorWiggle mistorWiggle
baltimore_667083: juniper!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @geckoinasuit The Stark cats are Baxter and Finnegan; Matt's greyhound is Juniper; Jade Turner is Ashley and James's dog
PharaohBender27: @kusinohki Yes
themlin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
themlin: hey its a deck-a-versary
Redbassist: Juniper lrrSPOT
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, themlin! (Today's storm count: 691)
SmithKurosaki: @kusinohki yes
Despoiler98: mistorWiggle hgsWiggle hgsOwiggle foodvi2Wiggle foolsWiggle mistorWiggle hgsWiggle hgsOwiggle foodvi2Wiggle foolsWiggle mistorWiggle hgsWiggle hgsOwiggle foodvi2Wiggle foolsWiggle
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think Jordynne's kitty is Morticia?
kusinohki: no idea about jordynne's cat...
geckoinasuit: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Sorator13: @Thefluffiestguineapig Ben's dog is Remi, also
RTwo28: I hope we get ham cam
Gaelan_Maestro: i has so many kitties
geckoinasuit: damn was tryna get the schedule link lmao
heartofgoldfish: this would be a perfect time for Ham Cam. where are my Ham Cam Stans
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
kimmiekoneko: meme
BusTed: tru tho
mweepigeon: you're so valid for that
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Sorator13 Oh crap, what is the snake's name? I follow the snake's instagram
GameSageZB: BUNN!
MrGibberish: Bunny!
mweepigeon: omg hiiiiii
Artificer_Evan: bunny
Gascitygaming: next hour Lrr just sharing memes through blurry cam? who's down?
DeM0nFiRe: bun!
kimmiekoneko: angy bun
BusTed: tqsFlower
Sunidesus: Awww!
RTwo28: Bunni
electra310: Bun!
DigitalSeahorse: katesAw
baltimore_667083: bnuuy
Gascitygaming: Cam has a bunner?!
Misslinnythebaker: bunbun!
spinebustertee: BUN
Despoiler98: BUN BUN
emberBecky: bunny!
Thefluffiestguineapig: BUNNYY
Easilycrazyhat: B U N
hesterbyrde: A BUN HOLDING A BUN??
hoveringhalibut: Juniper is a whippet, correct?
Luminaire_p: This website is good enough for the bun
Juliamon: Sable, Skip, and... I forget the lil one's name
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cam has a bunny?????????
tidehollowcat: BUN BUN
geckoinasuit: Cam has a bunny??????
Despoiler98: Cam has a BUNNY/
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
RTwo28: Can we see more booni?
CAKHost: Cameron has a bun!
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig Which one? I recall one is named Miso (sp?)
kimmiekoneko: bnuuy
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm so excited about Cam's bunny! I need to know their name
Redbassist: Bnnuy
Juliamon: Miso's the little one!
Luminaire_p: Cam met a bunny
hesterbyrde: "I didn't know I was that excited about rabbits."
Juliamon: Sable, Skip, and Miso
geckoinasuit: MISO
HesGotNoPants: Cam is multiple bunnies in a human mech
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hesterbyrde If someone has an animal they are excited about I am always excited about it
Gascitygaming: It's a heckin bunner! -Alex, Roadquest (also me just now)
geckoinasuit: oh my god please someone tell the bunnies i love them
Molladia: We're pending movie night?
PharaohBender27: tqsFlower
Juliamon: yup
Gaelan_Maestro: my kitty Tiny says hello
iris_of_ether: @Thefluffiestguineapig Cam's partner's family's baby bunnies I think
RTwo28: I think I've heard this song in Exapunks?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @HesGotNoPants Honestly that would explain why he rams his elbows into stuff so much, they aren't used to long forelimbs
BrowneePoints: it's from Road Quest @RTwo28
hesterbyrde: @Thefluffiestguineapig Oh we are in agreement. I was quoting Roadquest when Alex saw a bunny and got REAL excited
PharaohBender27: !rq
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hesterbyrde I forgot about that! Now I want to cue up Roadquest for aster this
PharaohBender27: !rq soundtrack
Thefluffiestguineapig: *after this
RTwo28: @BrowneePoints Ah, failed to recognize it
Juliamon: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here: https://biggiantcircles.bandcamp.com/music
kusinohki: !BGC
hesterbyrde: @Thefluffiestguineapig You and me both.
jvetting83 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months, currently on a 30 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jvetting83! (Today's storm count: 692)
hedonistic_mushroom is paying forward the Gift they got from Desruprot to the community!
hedonistic_mushroom is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to Harley_Ash!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zazimash!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to ogundiety!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to mwo2150!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to powerofgodxanime!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cassandra_Evenstar!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to hallow13!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to PumpkinRats!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to mattyraft44!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to StaryDragoon!
RTwo28: Exapunks's soundtrack does have a very similar feel to Roadquest
kusinohki: drat, ninja'd
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, hedonistic_mushroom! Welcome to Harley_Ash, mwo2150, Zazimash, ogundiety, powerofgodxanime, Cassandra_Evenstar, hallow13, PumpkinRats, mattyraft44, and StaryDragoon! (Today's storm count: 702)
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: So much generosity
tehfewl: i should do another RQ rewatch
Redbassist: Number go up
wordmogul: yay I didn’t miss movie night!
RebekahWSD: Any word on what the movie is?
Despoiler98: mistorParty mistorParty mistorParty mistorParty YES RQ THEMES THE BEST
CAKHost: !next
drawnbinary: i could watch road quest on the plane...
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Public Domain Movie Night at Thu 08:00 PM PDT (13m ago).
RTwo28: More money for my favorite flatulence based comedy troupe!
Gascitygaming: approx 22.5 hours need to reach cut off if my math is correct
geckoinasuit: i need to rewatch road quest, i have seen it so many times
Molladia: If I re-watched RQ as much as I think "I should re-watch it again" I would probably see the whole series 1.5 times a week
GameSageZB: That theme gets me crying in the later episodes.
Gascitygaming: I rewatch RQ probably 2-3 times a year
Gascitygaming: my parents also loved it
ashesbelong: Road Quest music!
AnneRKist: road queeeest
RTwo28: I'll probably accidentally rewatch all of road quest during a project. Also anyone know exactly what happened to Sabeen?
baltimore_667083: same here
neisan2112: I need to find a time to get my parents to watch RQ. I'm certain they'd enjoy it.
baltimore_667083: it's a timeless classic
Gekyouryuu: I started RQ, then something interrupted my watch of it, and I never got back to it, and I keep meaning to correct that
kusinohki: I might be a fake RQ fan. watched it when it first came out and the watch-a-long graham did whenever. and I think that's it...
I_Am_Clockwork is gifting 50 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 857 in the channel!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to nhannyan!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to alcyon91!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to wilcoxchar!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Daring_Apprentice!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to CupCakeKitten18!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to CrescendoSlash!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to slopingrafa2!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to azncan!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to seanmrwick!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cansor!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to OctoCabbage!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to therealEvy!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to bad1arry!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to sparky1862!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to CoinOperatedLuusi!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Monocled_Falcon!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ingavar_Khaos!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to keely_lionheart!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to insanecat6mtg!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to 2players1controller!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to DegHag!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to angrybirdqk!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to YTFenderson!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to zniemann42!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to chronikerDelta!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to j_crane330!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to missmollyjames!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to theyeti204!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to MadmanOreo!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to LilFlame2001!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to dreadyourded!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to AnOddSmith!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zu_o!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Artemis_Plumm!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tarkeis!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Agu_Sakku!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Boomyakalolo!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to PerssonPlayz!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to MeiRosa!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to BrotherAlpha!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to an_archist2!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to r3fr4ct0r!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Qarlo2112!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to gregoryvanmerrsquerr!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to grifta67!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to ArcLightningCanuck!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheCosmicTerror!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to KaenOjin!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to gao_mizuchi!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to LucSnider!
geckoinasuit: i got several friends to watch RQ
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
ElementalAlchemist: holy sub
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, I_Am_Clockwork! Welcome to all 50 recipients! (Today's storm count: 752)
SmithKurosaki: sergeHolyMoly
Solahwin_Tampramain: das a lot
James_LRR: dag
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAMN Clockwork
CaptainTeo: hecticDrat
Sunidesus: Woah!
electra310: Wooo!
RTwo28: RQ is probably my favorite thing to recommend to people as an intro to LRR
malfnord: hot diggity damn
Sorator13: Nothing wrong with not rewatching RQ at every opportunity; that's valid!
PharaohBender27: @I_Am_Clockwork lrrSHINE
hesterbyrde: We watched it at Christmas with my parents one year. They loved it.
geckoinasuit: wooooo sub bomb axialHumbomb axialHumbomb axialHumbomb
jacqui_lantern234: @Gekyouryuu i recommend getting back to it, youll love it
Redbassist: Number go up! lrrBartleby
Gascitygaming: @kusinohki you don't have to watch infinitely to be a fan, just gotta like it is all, no gatekepping here friend :)
BusTed: PogChamp
MrGibberish: Woo!
spethycakes: jesscapWow
jacqui_lantern234: @I_Am_Clockwork holy butts!!! <3
CAKHost: So many subs! <3
Redbassist: lrrSHINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: Get kindnessed on LRR!
RTwo28: @Gascitygaming Gatekeeping is for rude people! We shant gatekeep here!
MrGibberish: we are only 20(ish) hours away from cap!
BrotherAlpha: @I_Am_Clockwork Thanks for the gift sub!
Gascitygaming: @RTwo28 huzzah!
MrGibberish: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
kusinohki: what about Grapekeeping??
JuniorRoll: That was a tease
Despoiler98: foodvi2Jam foodvi2Jam foodvi2Jam aw yeah here we go
DoodlestheGreat: You guys got enough popcorn?
electra310: @kusinohki Well okay, but we're gonna wine about it
Gascitygaming: @kusinohki always up for more plants
RTwo28: Can you at least share some grapes?
Despoiler98: foolsSteer foolsSteer foolsSteer foolsSteer foolsSteer
PawssumFable: HELLO MY LOVE
Despoiler98: mistorParty mistorParty mistorParty mistorParty mistorParty
Solahwin_Tampramain: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Public Domain Movie Night at Thu 08:00 PM PDT (16m ago).
Molladia: Yeah lets cancel movie night at just watch Road Quest instead
PharaohBender27: @electra310 escher3PUN
DeltaStrata: Hello Twitch, I haven't logged in since...2021? Wow.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Gascitygaming Enjoy things however feels best, if you want to only watch play throughs and lore stuff, totally fine! If you like Pokemon Go more than other games, you're good
PawssumFable: Man we can watch roadquest anytime!
PharaohBender27: @DeltaStrata Welcome back! :)
electra310: @DeltaStrata Welcome back!
CaptainTeo: @deltastrata Welcome back. zaezarGib
geckoinasuit: nothing will top last year's movie night simply because peter cushing
jacqui_lantern234: @DeltaStrata dang! well, welcome back <3
BrotherAlpha: @Molladia I would be okay with that. I love Road Quest. I've watched it four or five times by now.
DoodlestheGreat: @DeltaStrata Welcome back! We have ham cooking.
aquinas_0: so they're to 8 tomorrow so far?
aquinas_0: how many more hours to cap
RTwo28: I still request ham cam
I_Am_Clockwork: heyho friends. Hope the SF tourny and Ham Time went well :)
Redbassist: lrrHAM
electra310: Like 20 more hours, very doable!
CoinOperatedLuusi: @I_Am_Clockwork thx you for gift sub
DeltaStrata: Wow, thanks for the welcome backs, all!
angrybirdqk: lrrHEART
PawssumFable: @DeltaStrata lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
Juliamon: Tourney went great, a few technical problems but the games were incredible
CaptainTeo: Your back is very welcome.
Lily the Otter: am I just in time for the movie?
kusinohki: *air guitars*
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jamming on guitar
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap vicksyTap vicksyTap
RTwo28: The worst thing is that I cant recognize what part of RQ some these songs are from
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon whomst won?
I_Am_Clockwork: @Juliamon I'll have to catch the tourny vod then
SmithKurosaki: Do I spy a Serge in front?
DigitalSeahorse: katesBongo katesBongo katesBongo
I_Am_Clockwork: wooooo movie times!
JuniorRoll: Wooooot!
HadesLeprechaun: We got movie sign!!!
theguardianotter: Movie!
Astral_Apache: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
plaidanddrpepper: woooo!
ElementalAlchemist: woo!
Foxmar320: Movie time!
TheAinMAP: Hello.
RTwo28: + + + 0 >
TheNerdySimulation: ooo, did I make it just in time for movie?
bagfullofbees: happy V night!
midnightcurryjazz: M O V I E
spethycakes: movies yay!
LeeshaJoy: movie night!
plaidanddrpepper: I'm so happy this is going on
PrisMarlowe: As LRR rolls on
emberBecky: lrrPistachio
theguardianotter: I just got home, so glad I didn't miss the movie
Thefluffiestguineapig: Movie!
Foxmar320: Nap time!
PumpkinRats: @hedonistic_mushroom omg thank you!
electra310: Cheer400 Roll that subathon!
PawssumFable: No it's Matt. I'm diappointed. But not because Matt, because Not-Serge. Serge gets up super early though
kataanglover1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to RTwo28! They have given 17 Gift Subs in the channel!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang I tried to nap but anxiety got me
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RTwo28! (Today's storm count: 753)
josh___something: Ian porked on stream!
Gascitygaming: @Thefluffiestguineapig Could not agree more! I've watched LRR play so many game I have no plans to try myself
rosesmcgee: Could be a 36 hour nap if you play your cards right
Sorator13: I also had a nap; it was lovely
plaidanddrpepper: woo!
Space_man subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Space_man! (Today's storm count: 754)
Artificer_Evan: I have managed to miss so much of the sub a thon this time. I have been so busy
Stratavarius: Higher than this morning, if I recall
vinewood_og: Good job chat!
PharaohBender27 subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 69 months, currently on a 69 month streak!
PharaohBender27: Nice! No really, this is such a nice community. In fact, I should give an appropriate salute to that . . .
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PharaohBender27! (Today's storm count: 755)
Blake Treleaven: happy to see they're still going. But they haven't capped yet?
SmithKurosaki: @Lily the Otter Yes!
Sarah: Nope, we've got a ways to go still before we hit the cap
kusinohki: graham is smarter than me. I have not napped...
RTwo28: Thanks for the gifted sub @kataanglover1 !
NonUniqueGuy: LRR, always getting higher
Genie_M: 1d 14h until finale is scheduled
Thefluffiestguineapig: Naps are amazing
ContingentCat: well if you insist...
DeltaStrata: That's not a nap, Graham, that's a coma.
Sorator13: @Artificer_Evan VoDs are your friend! You can't watch everything live, after all
Foxmar320: I took a long nap after Destiny the other night
Sarah_Serinde: I'm only capable of napping when I'm sick. Even if I'm really tired and low on sleep
Natabuu is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 40 in the channel!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to sugarmountain!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to KatNBows!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to pirobird!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cactus_Cactus!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to FadedOverseer!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bahumot!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheNerdySimulation!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to saintguard!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to haemo_goblin!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to warlock1322!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to BOTGrant!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to tinpantithesis!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mr_Bubbles17!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sebeuqs!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to DandyOctopus!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to serbubblez!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to comfortablenerd!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to vanmanzero!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to King_Modai!
Natabuu gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pteraspidomorphi!
xantos69: I nap as a lifestyle.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Natabuu! Welcome to pirobird, sugarmountain, KatNBows, Cactus_Cactus, FadedOverseer, TheNerdySimulation, Bahumot, saintguard, haemo_goblin, BOTGrant, tinpantithesis, DandyOctopus, Sebeuqs, serbubblez, comfortablenerd, vanmanzero, Pteraspidomorphi, warlock1322, Mr_Bubbles17, and King_Modai! (Today's storm count: 775)
Genie_M: It's 5am - I had a "nap"
hedonistic_mushroom: Still at work watching stream on the down low
electra310: Wooo, subs!
Artificer_Evan: @Sorator13 True
Gaelan_Maestro: does Cam have a pet?
Foxmar320: It was 5 am
Thefluffiestguineapig: You did the mirror thing like for the Deadpool
ThorSokar: Adam put 4 hours on the timer during the tournament, so ya can't fire him yet
Foxmar320: I had to be up two hours later
PawssumFable: I can nap if the stars align correctly and I make a sacrifice to the sleepy gods
PharaohBender27 is gifting 69 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1740 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ragnarok089!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to PaburaZiga!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lobo_Apache!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Angreed66!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to nyoomgoom!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lanthess!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to K_t_Imp000!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to junehawk!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to asddsa28!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sixtomidnite!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to patrick_stonecrusher!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to NighSeptem!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to xSethWhite!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ComradeMik!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mai_Andra!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Micsig!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Romanator0!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Snowcookies!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ralphthellama!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to aClonedPickle!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to adept_nekomancer!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SharkHero08!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Chesul!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to therisingtithes!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to goombalax!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pronounceable_username!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to virtue_the_cat!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to WolfRoc28!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to randus2003!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LeeshaJoy!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SoleilGreisis!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sokdraws!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jrat10!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChampBlankman!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to shixzo!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to AtrusOfMyst!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Wilcroft!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Glittert00ts!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dr_fragenstien!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to T_Molitor!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Thadrin46!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to theguardianotter!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to templarlatham!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Russianox!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sekunder!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ddhangddhang!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MonkeyMan2844!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Chellekat_!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to RedKeyframe!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to phoenixfeather14!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Misslinnythebaker!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mercurial_Ouroboros!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kendo_thorn!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to doctor_spacheman!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rieal82!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cunobelenos!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to littleghostlight!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lizardman175!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Master_Gunner!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to GoblinPieromancer!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to RyleGrimrick!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to FatefulWaffle!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TurnedToFrog!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to d_11_!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ferisar!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Artificer_Evan!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to DarkPrizm1!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to DrunkenWarBee!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CAKHost!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Gaelan_Maestro They showed off bunny pictures
asddsa28: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAAAMMN
geckoinasuit: axialHumbomb axialHumbomb axialHumbomb axialHumbomb
Redbassist: Nice!
Thefluffiestguineapig: So many gifts!
DeM0nFiRe: Cheer5000
VorlonScout: NICE, @PharaohBender27
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to all 69 recipients! (Today's storm count: 844)
theguardianotter: Woau!
electra310: Nice, PB!
KWardJenx: Nice!!!
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW lrrHEART
tidehollowcat: sergeHolyMoly
spethycakes: jesscapWow lrrSHINE
James_LRR: holy hell all
ComradeMik: @PharaohBender27 thank you for gifty sub!
spinebustertee: g-g-g-ghosts!
NimrodXIV: dang
WardsarTheWriter: I remember Ben fondly...
Snowcookies: @PharaohBender27 Merci pour l'abonnement-cadeau ! thank you!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are you baptized
JuniorRoll: Things are confusing these days
momalyd: The Boast?
GameSageZB: lrrSPOOP
ComradeMik: maybeeeeee
Saintnex: Are you baptised? Kappa
SmithKurosaki: Hi James
Foxmar320: :D
IanAllenBird: : o
Shadwhawk: We're just shy of 20 hours left to add to the timer before we hit cap
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
AtrusOfMyst: LUL
ThorSokar: GOT'EM
Gekyouryuu: no nap here, but I AM currently watching the last bits of UHF
MatzerKat: Iiiit's Ben!
PrisMarlowe: Is she open to poly?
Strebenherz: Roasted
electra310: Woo, starting the the movie off with a bang!
TheNerdySimulation: I just finished playing some Cairn where we joined an army of bread set on seizing the means of magic. :D
teddywhosabear: NICE
Sarah_Serinde: They sure did
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
asddsa28: lrrHEART lrrHEART
Gaelan_Maestro: @Thefluffiestguineapig thank you, ive been 3d printing, so im distracted
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART
heartofgoldfish: whoa!!
couchboyj: Is the ghost baptized? lrrSPOOPY
Boomyakalolo: get there
MaddogM: I've slept through large chunks of the live subathon - timezones
anyavamps: nice
vinewood_og: NIIICE!
Jillexie: Wow
an_archist2: is she canonized?
iris_of_ether: NICE
LeeshaJoy: Nice
epsilon_vee: nice
CanvasWolfDoll subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
CanvasWolfDoll: public domain movie night go!
kusinohki: It's Ben.... 10 years since ben has been.... a never mind
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CanvasWolfDoll! (Today's storm count: 845)
theguardianotter: NICE
adept_nekomancer: @PharaohBender27 Thank you very much for the gift sub -- it is much appreciated!
PharaohBender27: Because it was my 69th month!
Aarek: NICE!
aClonedPickle: thanks pharaohbender!
WolfRoc28: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
Artificer_Evan: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
Juliamon: also time to change the category
TurnedToFrog: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
VorlonScout: I_Am_Clockwork dropped 50 during the blur
LeeshaJoy: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
ThorSokar: Popcorn for EVERYONE!
SmithKurosaki: Nice sergeHolyMoly
TheNerdySimulation: also finally got hit with one of the random gift subs lol
YeomanAres: 20 from natabuu
jacqui_lantern234: @PharaohBender27 first of all, DANG!!! second, nice
RTwo28: Funfact, I quit Destiny because James's streams convinced me to play Tarkov and I preferred the solo Tarkov grind over the solo Destiny grind
drawnbinary: wow we're almost back up to the whole day remaining
CAKHost: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub! lrrSHINE !
AtrusOfMyst: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Tzimisce_Joe: Lol
theguardianotter: Blessed be to PharaohBender
Juliamon: Food & Drink
62MGcobra: PUBLIC DOMAIN!!! youtube
Gaelan_Maestro: is that no boats on sunday cider?
EerieHowling subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months, currently on a 38 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EerieHowling! (Today's storm count: 846)
jamesinor: Wait, which movie is this?
spethycakes: Food Fighter
jacqui_lantern234: IAN
iris_of_ether: tiltyhPLS
Sarah_Serinde: tiltyhPLS
VorlonScout: What are today's beverages?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Variety of snacks is always good
Sethalidos: IAN,
TheAinMAP: 2020Snacking
ContingentCat: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! What is rare sugar, anyway?
SmithKurosaki: IAN tiltyhPLS
Jturbobanana: getting those meaties
TallynNyntyg: It wasn't Street Fighter, it was Meat Fighter.
PharaohBender27: No problem, mutliple people who thanked me! lrrSHINE
NimrodXIV: ooooh!
CoderBugsworth is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 55 in the channel!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to CaptynByrd!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to FofoATL!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to VORUN5!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to heartofgoldfish!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to momalyd!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to SoaringDragon42!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Meiersification!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to cdgentry1!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to ImmortalLen!
CoderBugsworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Anexmedia!
CAKHost: Is there leftover pizza
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, CoderBugsworth! Welcome to CaptynByrd, FofoATL, heartofgoldfish, momalyd, SoaringDragon42, Meiersification, ImmortalLen, cdgentry1, Anexmedia, and VORUN5! (Today's storm count: 856)
theguardianotter: Vinny prize
RTwo28: It can still be food if we get Ham Cam!
JuniorRoll: Phrasing
adept_nekomancer: Holy cow, the timer is all the way back up to nearly 22 hours
tidehollowcat: I've only seen the Will Smith version
Symphoneers: Oh this one's fun.
vinewood_og: Big Meaty Men Slapping Meat! Shout out to BIG E!
SombreroMonkey: yeet
iris_of_ether: OH
IanAllenBird: 👀
ShaneLeeAtk: The Omega Man
baltimore_667083: wait didnt richter talk about this one in a qwerpline bit?
spinebustertee: Vincent Price is so good
electra310: Ooh, sneaking up on 4k subs
jacqui_lantern234: but what exactly IS the Price of Vincent? :p
LeeshaJoy: oooh
neisan2112: Oh THIS movie
theguardianotter: Hopefully no dogs die in this one
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup
jamesinor: I was hoping for The SIlent Star, that's a fun MST3K Episode witha lot of neat trivia
LeeshaJoy: @jacqui_lantern234 bout tree fiddy
saucemaster5000: yeah richard matheson HATES HATES HATES this adaptation and he's wrong.
JuniorRoll: Ohhhhhhh
RebekahWSD: I believe Jordynn
Thefluffiestguineapig: This whole production was deeply flawed
kusinohki: does Y, the last man come from the same source material??
drawnbinary: i wish i got to stick around for this because i have to receive testosterone
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also Cam what is the name of your bunny? I need to know
BrowneePoints: Nah, I'd prefer an actor who actually likes the projects they're in benginDab
Zu_o: @I_Am_Clockwork Thanks for the gift sub! Thank you for being such a constant to this community. I am not great at talking here, but seeing people show up for LRR and the great community is always a benefit to my day.
ComradeMik: being harrison ford
Thefluffiestguineapig: @drawnbinary I hope that's a good thing for you?
ClodiumSoride: @kusinohki no relationship, entirely different
BillTheCat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
BillTheCat: 123 :O
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BillTheCat! (Today's storm count: 857)
voren_chalco: Not even pretending to differentiate the characters
jacqui_lantern234: @LeeshaJoy i read the word "bout" and my brain instantly wanted it to finish with "5 minutes ago"
NonUniqueGuy: A random Harrison Ford cameo on Friday Nights.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
Tzimisce_Joe: Ooof!
Sunidesus: oh no
electra310: oooold
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang ugh
spinebustertee: oh no
iris_of_ether: Ben honey
Saintnex: Ben, no pls
jacqui_lantern234: oof
theguardianotter: The ever forward march of time
62MGcobra: lrrCOW
pn55: bajoCant
TheAinMAP: 44
spethycakes: jesscapStress
korvys: 44 my dude
VorlonScout: Oh, I see, Matheson had his credit on this film changed to a pseudonym.
Sorator13: Ben, do we need to get- IAN
jacqui_lantern234: IAN
Strebenherz: *hair grays*
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
theguardianotter: HEYO
DigitalSeahorse: yup 20ish years ago
Sarah_Serinde: Ian, not on stream
Dalrint: 36 more years till he's in the public domain I think?
PrisMarlowe: What if we ask Cori?
Gascitygaming: got it on film!
themlin: Jordynns face
cointosscryptid: *loud incorrect buzzer*
ComradeMik: ohhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Strebenherz: IAN
jacqui_lantern234: ian horner, PLEASE XD
PawssumFable: @Zu_o DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
bubba0077: will any lawyer work?
WardsarTheWriter: -crumbles to dust-
PawssumFable: 100% emoji
TheNerdySimulation: Ian takes consent very seriously
MatzerKat: You can't show Ian releasing himself on Twitch
RTwo28: Can we get Ian on the public domain?
shurtal: ichi ni KYUUUUUUU
an_archist2: it's pronounced chirno
heartofgoldfish: tooooh ho ho ho
MaddogM: Ian's in the public domain, that's why he's the default character in everything
kusinohki: wait, do I need to trademark my name??
T_Molitor: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheNerdySimulation As everyone should
RebekahWSD: I DO NOT need to be reminded how long ago 1980 was!
GDwarble: I hear she runs a solid math class
62MGcobra: double Cam
theguardianotter: Egg
62MGcobra: :)
TheNerdySimulation: @Thefluffiestguineapig agreed
PawssumFable: 43 years, too bad.
PharaohBender27: @T_Molitor No problem! :)
Gascitygaming: omg yes!
insanecat6mtg: Oh! I got a gift sub while I was stepped away. Thanks I_Am_Clockwork!
PrisMarlowe: The fact that I'm pretty sure in the TTRPG I'm in that we're going to "Gentokyo" is I'm sure our DM making a Gensokyo reference
ylegm: Scooby-Doo led me to find Vincent Price
ReverseCreations: Is Ian continuing his proud tradition of flat out lying to chat?
Redbassist: Quadruple Cam
spinebustertee: Egghead! invented for the show
JuniorRoll: I am only 5 years younger that this movie... lrrSPOOP
BrowneePoints: I think mine was the Thriller narrator
Symphoneers: Two cams TakeNRG
Mordin_Solus_Sings: Enjoying Double-Cam
gnyrinn: Being Harrison Ford
Oleetku Studios: 9
kasper1787: we need RQ2
PawssumFable: Because I'm 42
djalternative: My introduction to Vincent Price is Scooby-Doo
deinonychus24: Double Cam in double cams
PawssumFable: And that's 1981
epsilon_vee: like d-tier batman villains
62MGcobra: I think mine was Simpsons
RebekahWSD: So many egg puns
kusinohki: egghead was vincent price? don't think I knew that
qcanoe: Ian should use a copyleft license so anyone using him must also adopt an open license.
VorlonScout: I'm half expecting to see *one* of the Cams get up and leage
theguardianotter: Frightenstein?
ElementalAlchemist: tiltyhPLS
Blue_Anteater: Mine was in the Great Mouse Detective!
NonUniqueGuy: Phrasing
KWardJenx: Phrasing?
AtrusOfMyst: Boomers talking about Vincent Inflation
aClonedPickle: and then they made a movie
Thefluffiestguineapig: IAN
jvetting83: I think my introduction to Vincent Price was Scooby Doo.
Redbassist: Woah
ArdCollider: and then they didn't even release it into Creative Commons.
spinebustertee: Vincent Price was also a massive foodie, he put out some cookbooks
JuniorRoll: Double Cam cam
TheNerdySimulation: and then he al,so helped on the movie
BluJester: uhhh...
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hey chat, what's up this evening?
Gekyouryuu: @jvetting83 same
lochnessseammonster: i think my first intro was scooby doo PrideLaugh
Tzimisce_Joe: Phrasing
PawssumFable: Oh man
NonjaBiru: lrrIAN
Jillexie: So Canadian
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro
DigitalSeahorse: Vincent Price is in a lot of rad things
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's so much work
Tzimisce_Joe: I loved the show
simplydavemn: Also first knew him from Scooby-Doo.
Simonark: He famously bought beer for the crew, too. Hamilton, Ontario’s greatest TV series.
betweenmyself: there’s an Audrey Hepburn movie in the public domain called “Charade”. It’s a fun little thriller
RebekahWSD: The Ed Wood method?
theguardianotter: What the heck
RTwo28: Time to watch this ye-olde film and get back to finally playing Breath of the Wild
adept_nekomancer: Why does Frightenstein have a muppet?
SmithKurosaki: @Simonark What about Hamilton/
Pteraspidomorphi: Natabuu: Thanks for the gift sub!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Big Crypt Keeper/ Blagghole energy
ritchards: The best Vincent Price is Dr Phibes movies.
DigitalSeahorse: Eyegor hehe
simplydavemn: IS that Gib's daddy?
LeeshaJoy: I think my intro to Price was Edward Scissorhands
CAKHost: Who's Green Ian?
Simonark: Billy Van of Bits and Bytes
RebekahWSD: Looks like a 90s Tokusatsu series
TheNerdWonder: I think the first time I knowingly watched Mr. Price was on the Muppet Show
definenull: Hamilton never leaves you
shurtal: a Hamilton Hello!
ralphthellama: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
excalgold: my intro to Price was Vincent VanGhoul....
Gascitygaming: Jordynne bringing the Hammer to Victoria
jacqui_lantern234: Hamilton comes for us all Kappa
SmithKurosaki: Its ok Jordynne, were still fine
SmithKurosaki: lol
BrowneePoints: that man didn't know how to do anything but Full Send
DigitalSeahorse: Bartleby isn't here atm so we can't check if he talks while Jordynne drinks
anyavamps: Vincent Price was a gem.
spinebustertee: Vincent Price also did commercials for a local sub sandwich chain, they're absolutely wild
hawktonguebaby: @leeshajoy Also, Vincent Twice Vincent Twice
AtrusOfMyst: They say he's still dancing today
ani laurel: I made it in time for movie night?
SmithKurosaki: yes
ani laurel: hell yeah
gnyrinn: Adam von Frankenstein being played by Ian Horner in a Groucho Marx glasses.
DiscordianTokkan: Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter Rules
jvetting83: I think Jackson gave him like the platinum record thing.
jamesinor: Huh?
DigitalSeahorse: nice
Sunidesus: I'm sorry what?
neveth: I need to see that
DigitalSeahorse: sweet
neisan2112: OKAY YES
wilcoxchar: Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter is great
62MGcobra: words!!
IanAllenBird: oh!
Boomyakalolo: I'm sorry what?!?!?!
airylan: one of my co-workers was involved in the Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter production somehow
PawssumFable: Sounds good
spinebustertee: And features legally distinct El Santo!
MatzerKat: Premise is 10/10
DiscordianTokkan: A friend of mine had his hand stepped on by Jesus in the park big battle
thymato: its by the owner of a local small theater
BrowneePoints: Otta-Wamen love Women
definenull: SHEEESH
serramarkov: I've seen that- it's awful
ElementalAlchemist: lrrWOW
TheNerdySimulation: DAMN
DiscordianTokkan: JESUS Matt
geckoinasuit: MATT
PrisMarlowe: what does it take to meet the lesbians of Ottawa? LesbianPride
Saintnex: MATT wow
definenull: MATT
theguardianotter: MATT
NonUniqueGuy: Wow
lochnessseammonster: matt is spitting
shurtal: JESUS MATT
Strebenherz: WOW
Thefluffiestguineapig: MATT
IanAllenBird: woof
adept_nekomancer: Wow, rude Matt
pn55: lrrWOW
HorusFive: lrrWOW lrrMATT
Jillexie: Matt choosing violence.
ContingentCat: I was distracted and heard about lesbians in ottawa what where?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPrider vicksyPride katesPride
electra310: MATTHEW
KWardJenx: Matt!
ProcyonFlynn: lrrWOW ... crimes
SaxPython: Pfftfff
jvetting83: Such fire.
saucemaster5000: A great vincent price story -- His daughter asked that "he wouldn't stop to talk to fans" on her birthday when he took her to an amusement park. So many fans got rejected the daughter started crying and told him "Dad, acknowledge the nice people!" -- he was very friendly
jacqui_lantern234: lrrWOW just straight up MURDER
DigitalSeahorse: lol
spinebustertee: The vampires are harvesting lesbians because lesbian skin is sun-proof
ladylinzington: MATT
betweenmyself: shots FIRED! riffGasp
midnightcurryjazz: lrrJUDGECALL lrrJUDGECALL lrrJUDGECALL
SmithKurosaki: Ottawa is not great
ReverseCreations: Where's HR!?
EOstby: Jesus saves. Everyone else, take full damage.
vinewood_og: *Whipcrack*
MatzerKat: HR! HR!
RedAlexxis: Woah!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Summon HR. BEEJ
neveth: Matt killed Graham
Boomyakalolo: live murder on twitch holy
epsilon_vee: murder is not allowed in the workplace
lochnessseammonster: matt is correct
BrowneePoints: Stig-Mottawa
RTwo28: Jeez matt
SkylerRingtail: Murder was _last_ year's movie Matt
shurtal: needles MAKE holy!
spethycakes: I feel attacked, and I'm in the US
DiscordianTokkan: ALSO: Santos shows up. The Mexican Wrestler
PawssumFable: Please don't kill Graham Matt
electra310: Graham was never heard from again
TheMandrew: why is ben the voice of reason while Graham is dying :P
RedAlexxis: crikey, I was barely listening until then!
thymato: he did make the stigmata joke while at the piercing shop
ghyllnox: Beej! Get the bat!
Ranatoki: I really loved watching Pontypool. Super neat Canadian zombie movie
DigitalSeahorse: katesShake katesShake katesShake so get back twirk!
VorlonScout: I just checked the IMDB cast list for JC Vampire Hunter and it lists Johnny Vegas as "Self"
spinebustertee: @DiscordianTokkan Legally distinct not El Santo
Nigouki: Do you have any idea how much of the 401 your have to drive to get from Hamilton to Ottawa? You have to go through KINGSTON for god's sake!
SkylerRingtail: Yay subtitles!
ComradeMik: jordan murdered wheeler in the highlights, she'll kill matt too
TheNerdySimulation: Matt forever in our hearts
theguardianotter: Please let it be from a different movie
JuniorRoll: Ongoing curse
DigitalSeahorse: meow
Genie_M: Kitty
vinewood_og: At Featuring Matt as SIR NOT APPEARING IN THIS FILM
simplydavemn: I don't know, we still see Ben after Blackface Shrek...
geckoinasuit: please let it be the subtitles from the bee movie
Morrigan9: yup
betweenmyself: who’s ready to uncomfortably sit through a Vincent Price movie? pennyWhat
AtrusOfMyst: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Sapphic
Gekyouryuu: what're we watching again?
WardsarTheWriter: Nya
MrPhlip: Subtitles: Rrowl
DrakoniteDev: kitty
definenull: ooh
DigitalSeahorse: katesWot
definenull: fancy layout
TheAinMAP: LionOfYara
ylegm: It was mastered before the 90's should probably fine sound wise
Sarah_Serinde: @Nigouki You have to drive all the way across Toronto! No one should have to do that
BrowneePoints: Loved those Books
DigitalSeahorse: katesEyes
jubale1: MST-LRR?
mercano82: Can you rewind, I didn't start Darkside of the Moon
hackingducks: the highlight reel needs to do an "in the arms of an angel" scene for matt
space_turbulence: @LoadingReadyRun thank you for thinking about subtitles
neisan2112: Does he become Boo??
JuniorRoll: Cinematic even
an_archist2: vincent price uses children as cannon fodder
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGa a fast gerbil?
PawssumFable: That's Wizard of Oz you nerd
LoadingReadyRun: @space_turbulence deaf folks unite
Lanthess: Oh, I was gifted a sub while I was away. Thanks, @PharaohBender27
Easilycrazyhat: IAN
theguardianotter: You're not wrong ian
Jturbobanana: There was talk... of Gerbils!
GDwarble: @neisan2112 No, no, Boo is a miniature giant space hamster
neisan2112: You're not wrong G
SytYoshi: Really Ian?
PawssumFable: That is def. the US interstate
AugmentingPath: those clouds were really wiggling
RTwo28: I mean, that would be a good time to record something like this
dm818: Apparently this was filmed in Rome?
Thefluffiestguineapig: They recently did this film for Random Number Generator Horror Podcast Number 9 (that's the real actual title) and their analysis was interesting
chubbyvboii: Did it just start?
SkylerRingtail: I chose: Rapture
dungeonmasteralek: Just made it, doesn't seem like i missed much!
teddywhosabear: everyone's so sleepy
theguardianotter: Eepy
saucemaster5000: @LoadingReadyRun can you rewind I didn't start Limp Bizkit's "Significant Other"
Easilycrazyhat: Just eepy
Saintnex: So who else has chocolate for movie snacks?
vinewood_og: Any movie goes with Pink Floyd if you try hard enough SeemsGood
HorusFive: no they are not
DigitalSeahorse: yep that looked like a Toronto underpass
electra310: So eepy
AnOddSmith: I,m gonna go with no
Kipstar: everyone is eepy
forcedreject: I just got here, what movie is this?
baltimore_667083: naptime
spethycakes: It's a nap mob
jacqui_lantern234: @chubbyvboii yes
TheNerdySimulation: why did that person die with a backwards shirt on?
teddywhosabear: when you have exactly three actors to play all your dead bodies
AtrusOfMyst: This Minecraft server is dead
Aarek: its just ciesta
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
TheAinMAP: katesDed
HadesLeprechaun: federally mandated naptime
ProcyonFlynn: @Thefluffiestguineapig It was a very good episode.
AugmentingPath: sun's out pass out
vinewood_og: IAN!
NimrodXIV: gotta love stair naps
KeytarCat: This looks like what I imagine Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep looks like
GDwarble: I think the world was in colour by the '60s
ElementalAlchemist: lol Cam
Gekyouryuu: @Thefluffiestguineapig oh, with Jeffrey Craynor and Cecil Baldwin?
DigitalSeahorse: hehehe
jacqui_lantern234: the has end come
betweenmyself: “As the last man on Earth, I, Vincent Price, long for the loving embrace of a woman!”
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
PawssumFable: End Come
RTwo28: Oh hey a dont open dead inside
jubale1: This looks Twilight Zone
Easilycrazyhat: "Church end come" bigmood
baltimore_667083: no safety smoking first
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
PawssumFable: New Minecraft content
Redbassist: Great
Frankenstain: no one in this generation wants to work anymore
A_Dub888: “time to check in on the subathon” *sees empty city* “2020” thanks ian
RTwo28: anyways I should watch 28 days later
RebekahWSD: Kowloon Walled City
theguardianotter: Honk shoo honk shoo
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: but who changed the sign?
DigitalSeahorse: "ow my neck!"
CAKHost: This is probably because I watched The Wiz again not that long ago, I keep thinking "Oh there's going to be a moment where they go to color! :D" XD
kimmiekoneko: kool-aid the movie
CaptainKranok: Is Vincent Price a SHark or a Jet?
16 raiders from CommanderRC have joined!
IanAllenBird: oh yeah, I'm gay
LithelyUnshod: Love having Jordynne here for the Ontario references
chubbyvboii: @jacqui_lantern234 thanks :)
JuniorRoll: Good Choice G
electra310: He slept through the whole end!
korvys: big mood
jamesinor: West Side Story in this universe would be pretty dull
CAKHost: Hi Raiders!
TheNerdySimulation: this is just a normal start to my days so far
an_archist2: Running Start Ep6
forcedreject: oh is this I am Legend
KWardJenx: Big morning mood
jubale1: is this Y - the last man?
Aussie Dingus: What's happening legends?
ani laurel: movie just started
NonUniqueGuy: Start of a new run on a roguelite
Despoiler98: why are there lights on?
DeltaStrata: @jamesinor Au contraire, I absolutely want to see a one-man version of West Side Story.
vinewood_og: Is this Silent Hill for PS2?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, it's very strange in many production wyas
TheNerdySimulation: "another day to live through" too real
NimrodXIV: an adaptation of I am Legend, yes
Morrigan9: co stars, but how
PawssumFable: @jamesinor Just one guy snapping in the street with an unlit cigarette, looking very tired
RebekahWSD: Really feels like a Twilight Zone
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: @forcedreject adapted from the original story, yeah
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
phoenixfeather14: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub! Thank you awesome friend!
Lanthess: Just wanna say, I like the studio cam setup for this.
TheNerdWonder: That's not Vincent Price, that's the Brain!
Thefluffiestguineapig: The odd clashing was part of the long battle to get it made
electra310: Those bodies looking pretty fresh for three years
mercano82: That's going to be a lot of inherritance tax
NonUniqueGuy: Double Cam is best Cam
theguardianotter: These intro credits and music feel so out of place
PharaohBender27: @phoenixfeather14 No problem! :)
forcedreject: @ThreeTwoOnePantsOff Oh dear, I hope there's no dog scene
neisan2112: I should reread I Am Legend. Its a very good book.
SkylerRingtail: This movie is only slightly younger than I am!
Mattmitchell45: I would have given up with the calendar by then
Gascitygaming: my grandma's birthday
DigitalSeahorse: he's like me, unable to plan ahead
RatherLargeToad: 3 years? Those corpses outside are preserving rather well
WardsarTheWriter: Hi Ben!
neisan2112: Hi Ben
Pywodwagon: or HAVE you
definenull: thats a lotta garlic
voren_chalco: Did Graham get Kathleen an apocalypse for her birthday?
HorusFive: But is your Grandpa single?
korvys: Oh, this is doing the thing where I'm like... he's doing the voice, but actually it's just cause I've heard so many parodies of his voice
jacqui_lantern234: happy movie birthday, Kathleen Blorbo
GDwarble: One meal's worth of garlic hanging over his door
CanvasWolfDoll: such restraint that he's still wearing clothes after being alone on earth
A_Dub888: Kathleen caused the rapture?!
DigitalSeahorse: mmmm bweh
kimmiekoneko: is he doing movie tropes
RebekahWSD: Garlic, its a vampire flick?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @HorusFive More importantly is he baptized?
jacqui_lantern234: @A_Dub888 not surprising tbh :p
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Is this the same story as that Yule Brenner movie, and the Will Smith one... And nevermind
theguardianotter: Dutch crunch?
jacqui_lantern234: CAM XD
jubale1: hello? ola? hello in Chinese?
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: @a_dub888 I’m sure she would gladly do so if given the chance
ProcyonFlynn: Oh - it IS the same guy as from House on Haunted Hill
ClodiumSoride: @thedepthandbreadthofseth Charlton Heston, but yes
Easilycrazyhat: That's for the best
space_turbulence: Clearly Kathleen pulled an "all you zombies" on Jordynne's timeline
electra310: It's fascinating that he still sets an alarm when there is nobody to keep him on a schedule
DigitalSeahorse: xD
AtrusOfMyst: Garlic to appease overlords Mario and Luigi
teddywhosabear: he hated this and took an alan smithee on the screenplay, credited as "logan swanson"
Therberus: Seems a very peaceful existence ngl
Decem_Lampas subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months!
Decem_Lampas: nice
shurtal: did he like Omega Man?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Decem_Lampas! (Today's storm count: 858)
jvetting83: There are 3 adaptations i believe.
ylegm: remember kids, only eat the canned food that isn't dented or bulging in the apocalypse
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @clodiumsoride both?
kusinohki: the ladder fell over
Genie_M: 3 years since end of the world but the street corpses looked quite fine
neisan2112: Sounded like ben was on room mic?
theguardianotter: Didn't that movie come out in like 2007?
Therberus: Wait... 21hrs?!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah , he ended up leaving the production because it was so far from what he wanted
BorealMage: After three years he still has good gas?
simplydavemn: Ian: I ham Legend.
definenull: yeah ben's mic ain't on
PipeSmokingOwl: Ben's mic not on
PharaohBender27: But I did read that the Will Smith movie completely wrecked the entire point of the original story
DigitalSeahorse: this is a horror game! he has to start the generator!
ritchards: Ben's mics off
Therberus: Chat! How did you get it back up to 21hrs?!
space_turbulence: And you gotta keep a routine to stay sane
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
geckoinasuit: i love the dual cam
SquareDotCube: Graham would turn into Krog
FelisRin: Love the credits music being so bombastic even when the mood is somber.
GameSageZB: Monsters?! In my Vincent Price?!
Simonark: Richard Matheson had worse movies… Real Steel with Hugh Jackson was ripped off from one of his Twilight Zones…
RTwo28: Get sppokifer!
RTwo28: spookifer*
jchinnock: the monsters must run GasTown
jjcard: the Will Smith movie came out in 2007, so the author was still alive
ClodiumSoride: @thedepthandbreadthofseth this movie, Omega Man (Charlton Heston), and I am Legend (Will Smith) are all based on the same book.
kimmiekoneko: a paper on tucked-in shirts, cameron
ani laurel: those corpses on the street look really fresh
ani laurel: for being 6 years old
simplydavemn: Should we have had a spoopifer warning?
geckoinasuit: 3 years and he never moved him
definenull: huh
forcedreject: Both would also be both COVID
forcedreject: *pre COVID
PipeSmokingOwl: @jchinnock but who run barter town!?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed vicksyDed
ritchards: Yes, listen to me talk about how the world is silent...
theguardianotter: Cronch
electra310: He just kicks that guy an inch per day
ArdCollider: (similar difference: special forces operators between The Abyss and, like, Zero Dark Thirty.)
PawssumFable: To be fair, if you were the last person, and you had access to every car, you wouldn't care if the gas was good
shurtal: i mean, Omega Man was inbetween this and the Will Smith version
RebekahWSD: Surprisingly clean shirt
theguardianotter: Ough
jubale1: I thought he’d be surprised, but he’s been here a while
neisan2112: Would love to see a look at the like 5 different versions of this book/movie.
HorusFive: Didn't even close the door when he went to get the genny going
DeltaStrata: Time for more banana onion juice!
CaptainKranok: Can't waste that for eating, that's tactical garlic now.
AugmentingPath: clonk
mtvcdm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months!
mtvcdm: Oh hey, my sub popped after all!
neisan2112: Yeah, wow
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mtvcdm! (Today's storm count: 859)
DigitalSeahorse: sometimes I do that after I pick it up but not that slowly
PharaohBender27: Instead it's height-of-Cold War bunker ideal
DeM0nFiRe: A nice bowl of coffee
Gascitygaming: close the GARAGE!
ComradeMik: it was the 60s, they hadn't invented depth yet
Thefluffiestguineapig: @neisan2112 The episode of Random Number Generator Horror Podcast Number 9 does examine that
AugmentingPath: KEKW
MatzerKat: "I prefer to eat my coffee like soup."
teddywhosabear: lmao
geckoinasuit: ok ian got me there
Astramentha: mawp
TheAinMAP: PrideLaugh
wedge_x: "And now here's Brand New Key."
WardsarTheWriter: Was that a kettle or a radio?
RebekahWSD: QWRPLine
tomorrowboy: "I'm seeing double here. Four Camerons!"
Digigoner: "And now a word from our sponsors..."
GameSageZB: And yet he'll still have nothing to talk about.
RTwo28: I heard ham! I request Ham Cam again!
Thefluffiestguineapig: One of the weird things in this movie is "where does he get all this fresh garlic
forcedreject: kok w
AtrusOfMyst: That's a huge GoXLR
vinewood_og: Isn't this how Maron got started?
DoodlestheGreat: Early social media addiction.
Despoiler98: are we gonna find out where hes getting all the gas for his generators from?
PipeSmokingOwl: KOKW - The Raven! Kakaw in the morning!
DigitalSeahorse: WKRP in Cincinnati!
neisan2112: @Thefluffiestguineapig OH! I've not heard of it, I'll have to check it out!
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I wonder if he is sponsored by Audible and Bluechew
an_archist2: welcome to scenic nsburg
LordManiMani: Any word in whether this will get a VOD?
mtvcdm: Wow that clock JUMPED since I departed the moonbase.
mwlsn: This frequency travels across national borders
vinewood_og: And now a word from Manscaped!
Therberus: Ok but why put the garlic outside?
Therberus: Oh wait zombies?!
Shadwhawk: He's not wearing a tie and a coat, so that's how you know he's disheveled
jubale1: he left the door open!
neisan2112: It does have some of that yeah.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @neisan2112 It's on the Nightvale Network and they are super contentious about trigger warnings and having a full discussion
TheNerdySimulation: this garlic has lost it's pungency is definitely an insult somewhere
midnightcurryjazz: @Therberus vampires.
electra310: My mans here needs to plant chives
kragmabutch: can't wait for the i am legend qwerpline episode
KeytarCat: @Therberus Zombies, but vampire flavored!
kimmiekoneko: the other guy has a slightly different coffee time and they always miss each other by 10 mins
Digigoner: "Hello, this is Russel with KOKW. Bringing you your morning news, forevermore!"
mwlsn: I'm just hearing Maurice LaMarche's Vincent Van Ghoul
AtrusOfMyst: "Don't forget to drop a Prime sub"
saucemaster5000: Wait you still have fucking coffeee and orange juice?????
simplydavemn: Eating - use plenty of Lip and Tongue action...
IanAllenBird: this is 10 years too early for sous vide
ladylinzington: it's daytime, no monsters out
DigitalSeahorse: garlic is supposed to repel vampire like monsters
DiscordianTokkan: "Better replace that garlic, from the garlic store. Should I plant any? NAH"
geckoinasuit: how does he still have orange juice
saucemaster5000: Where is he getting the roasted beans for coffee????
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kragmabutch Would Derek be the survivor? I'm not sure that's quite bleak enough
NonUniqueGuy: @KeytarCat Oh, I have potato chips like that
GDwarble: The narration is an odd choice
Easilycrazyhat: Dude...garlic GROWS in the ground.
Redbassist: This is quite the ice box
Easilycrazyhat: *@ vincent
thedepthandbreadthofseth: You plant it.
jvetting83: Puts empty container back.
RebekahWSD: Where does he grow that much garlic?
electra310: Garlic is easy
MatzerKat: Thrill as a man assembles a grocery list!
Gascitygaming: my grandpa did it in margarine tubs on the dining room table
Genie_M: Garlic works like that
IsaTheEngie: I'm gonna be harvesting mine this weekend!
TheNerdySimulation: @saucemaster5000 I mena, nobody is watching the stores any more
JuniorRoll: I like the narration vs. him talking to himself
bigmtgman: just seeing what is happing
NotCainNorAbel: You should plant it in the fall
ThorSokar: you take a clove and put it in the ground, that's it
PawssumFable: This is based on a book. The main character talked to himself a lot internally or in a journal?
BrowneePoints: good Jarlic is pretty decent.
pickles_mcelden subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pickles_mcelden! (Today's storm count: 860)
neisan2112: @Thefluffiestguineapig Sick! I've got it saved to check out. Been wanting another horror podcast to listen to
jubale1: cure garlic of what?
DigitalSeahorse: what did he just toss?
kimmiekoneko: tiny sip
RedRaptor: Is this just Vincent Price's normal morning routine?
bubba0077: Just move to Gilroy, CA
FelisRin: Plot twist: this is all a long commercial for local garlic farmers.
TheNerdySimulation: what is this voice reminding me of
ritchards: He is sounding so Orson Wells...
electra310: That shallow cup is clearly empty
RebekahWSD: Reason and personal hygene
Easilycrazyhat: Basically a strange silent movie
ImmortalLen: A blade runner cut?
ladylinzington: anger? in this economy?
jacqui_lantern234: jordynne thats called the mute button
TheNerdySimulation: @ritchards YES!!
Gascitygaming: he'sa making a carrot
DigitalSeahorse: that's what mute button is for
saucemaster5000: I want a cut of this movie where the voiceover is done by Rob Schneider
korvys: Just getting a bit of lathing in
CaptainKranok: I hope that's medium rare.
NimrodXIV: fresh stakes
DeM0nFiRe: Yeah sous vide
HadesLeprechaun: I feel like...maybe he could have gotten through more of the city in 3 years?
Easilycrazyhat: Nope, only lathe
DeltaStrata: Have you tried whittling?
ComradeMik: gotta keep busy somehow
RTwo28: should we talk about bite club?
teddywhosabear: yeah, an easy way to make a stake is sous vide, we just saw that
Redbassist: Just lathing about
electra310: "Can you construct some sort of rudimentary lathe?"
theguardianotter: Just Vincent constantly mewing
TheNerdWonder: kinda presumptuous to assume vampires wouldn't move into the areas you've already searched
KeytarCat: That's such a dull tool
GameSageZB: Just running gas powered equipment in my home
HorusFive: Folks- remember to use eye-pro when woodworking
ghyllnox: Perfectly lathed stakes
SnackPak_: body seal?
forcedreject: Body seal? Also known as healing?
Sorator13: ah yes, the famed Body Seal
IanAllenBird: oh ok then
TheNerdySimulation: I feel like that's a bit too wide at the top to b practical
VorlonScout: after the apocalypse, a person needs hobbies
SkylerRingtail: That's just called a puncture wound, sir.
Juliamon: body seal....
ElementalAlchemist: The lathe works though
DigitalSeahorse: tones of table legs
GDwarble: The body seal, an aquatic doctor
Saintnex: Wow, this really is very traditional vampire
ComradeMik: they justified why he's making stakes on a lathe?!
vinewood_og: Talk about breaking the seal...
spethycakes: Ah, the kiss from a garlic rose
MatzerKat: They're not selkies, you clown.
kalira77: Ah yes, the seal of the body
Trymantha: is the body seal like flesh flex tape?
adept_nekomancer: Glad he was able to find a post-apocalypse lathe
Digigoner: It's a new experience to hear The Brain narrating a vampire movie. I keep expecting Pinky to ask what they're doing tonight.
Kaktus021: Having made a stake on a lathe, yes there are easier ways
betweenmyself: he should be sous-viding that stake riffThink
forcedreject: Whenever I heal from a wound I will now say "my body seal is complete"
Genie_M: 11 kills in 3 years
DigitalSeahorse: Welp off to my sharp table leg salesman job
TheAinMAP: katesBonk
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Wtf?!?
GDwarble: Once more into the pit
Boomyakalolo: Kokw Kok wave radio brought to you by flesh seal
HadesLeprechaun: well he was gonna replace it, but he didn't have pungent new ones
spethycakes: Back to the Pit
Juliamon: Body Seal, relative of Positive Seal
Mattmitchell45: The original writer inspired so many sci-fi adaptations - including The Box, What Dreams May Come, and Real Steel
GameSageZB: Back when cars had 8 body trunks.
Easilycrazyhat: His bag disappearedf
Digigoner: I don't think he's ever put a body in the trunk before...;
theguardianotter: Shes started to stiffen up
northos: chat, what was the title of the movie? I missed it
TheNerdySimulation: nobody has to check his piss for steroids so he's geared up
ElementalAlchemist: uuurrrrrrrgghhhhh
korvys: Apparently he was 6'4"
FelisRin: Simultaneously stiff and floppy. Rigor mortis how does it work?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @neisan2112 If Latinx horror perspectives interest you then Uy Que Horror is in English but analyzes Latinx horror
Morrigan9: big trunk
DigitalSeahorse: A+ acting on the bodies
geckoinasuit: i want a dubfight of this so badly
DoodlestheGreat: This is a hell of a blind date.
KWardJenx: Okay, that's impressive. Dead weight is very difficult to move
PharaohBender27: Fun fact, that's the reason using 18th-19th century style bayonets would be considered a war crime - the triangular shape was so the wound wouldn't close
DeltaStrata: "I'm not quite dead!"
Redbassist: I'm Not dead yet!
HorusFive: @northos "The Last Man on Earth"
RebekahWSD: Yeah this is just being a designated driver
simplydavemn: He didn't put a red flag on the body.
excalgold: did he pick up his stakes? i guess he did...
CAKHost: This dead bodies bit is underwhelming
MatzerKat: "Jesus, Gary, you gotta stop sleeping in front of my car."
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I mean, he's going through a lot to use the express lane!
FelisRin: Off to the pit. The LOVE pit...
Mr_Horrible: can't even close the trunk,
kimmiekoneko: close the fucking lid
PharaohBender27: What's the MPG on that thing?
PawssumFable: Ew
Easilycrazyhat: Always move your bodies responsibly
Dog_of_Myth: Get gas, get garlic, lathe some steaks
SquareDotCube: why not... get another car...
gualdhar: I'm amazed that gas still works three years after production, that stuff starts to gelatinize after 6 months
definenull: how nice of them to die neatly on the side of the road
RebekahWSD: They bouce out the tailgate...
DigitalSeahorse: time to siphon a truck
ghyllnox: It's a tanker
theguardianotter: Welp
Digigoner: convenient gas can!
TheNerdySimulation: distance?
GameSageZB: Wait, why the line of tanks, but then had to go fill one!?
mercano82: Because taking it home would be steeling
Saintnex: Also this is 3 years later, how is any of this gas still working?
Genie_M: Gasoline goes bad in a short time
drawnbinary: i just had to get my food and have no clue what's going on lol
Sunidesus: why not just drive the tanker closer to home?
HadesLeprechaun: When Evil Lurks was a banger of a movie
space_turbulence: DoesnDoesn't gas go stale after a few years?
NotCainNorAbel: why not just bring the gas home?
Omega_Lairon: take a jerry, leave a jerry
definenull: he had 3 years to come up with a system
squ3e: joining late, is this the last man alive in a vampire apocalypse?
ComradeMik: i mean, it's a relay of gas deposits
kragmabutch: he leaves the back open so he can deliver the bodies like jeremy clarkson's ambulance
SkylerRingtail: Oh no, the cotton clouds!
FelisRin: His breath perpetually smells of garlic and gasoline.
ComradeMik: this way he can extend his effective range
Thefluffiestguineapig: Part of the difference between this and the Will Smith one is this leans into the book's theme of anything becoming mundane and whether mechanically going through the motions is at all sufficient as truly living
Hipopotasaur: L o n g Ladel, thats how
Rhynerd: does gas attract vampires or something?
Trymantha: yeah after 3 years that gas would have gone very bad
PandaByName: last man on earth?
WardsarTheWriter: Back to the pit!
GDwarble: Ah, yes, the eternally-burning pit
Mr_Horrible: oh, thank you for reminding me, Jordynne, that one was on my to-watch list
TheAinMAP: jlrrPit
korvys: The Put
NotCainNorAbel: so...Springfield
korvys: *Pit
ghyllnox: Ah, can't forget your gas mask on your way to the office
Sorator13: Now THAT's an alternative to fossil fuels!
adept_nekomancer: Sure, he's got an ever-burning corpse fire
DoodlestheGreat: "Welcome to Dayton, Ohio."
TheNerdySimulation: thank goodness these vampires leave the fire going overnight for him
DiscordianTokkan: Into the hooooole
definenull: whee!
PawssumFable: Now I've learned that there are SO MANY pieces of media called the last man on earth
Solahwin_Tampramain: was that... his wife?
MrGibberish: Wait, the rotated
MatzerKat: Centralia, PA. Scenic and beautiful.
geckoinasuit: welcome to centralia
Genie_M: He was legs out before
GameSageZB: Wheee!
SketchyDetails: @space_turbulence leaded gas is different. modern gasoline contains ethanol with is hygroscopic and attracts water to it.
ylegm: "You May Be Entitled To Compensation!"
62MGcobra: Lead is a wonderful preservative apparently
FelisRin: Vampire go down the hooooooooole!
electra310: Geez, doesn't he have burning corpse-fire at home?
Gascitygaming: the springfield tire fire
korvys: ANd of a can
Digigoner: No wonder he's outta gas!
epsilon_vee: since the film came out
theguardianotter: Absolute waste
thedepthandbreadthofseth: In the Will Smith one, didn't Emma Thompson cause the plague with a cancer treatment?
IanAllenBird: has he heard of kindling
Easilycrazyhat: That was a perfectly good can Vince.
theguardianotter: YEET
Sorator13: also a waste of a gas can!
TehAmelie: all the Jerries
Redbassist: Body goes in the square hole
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would buy that as the reason for Centralia having no projected burnout date
Mr_Horrible: with the hand in the pocket is a great detail
ghyllnox: Just a little more fire on top
bubba0077: I think those are the same six
jamesinor: Centralia is one of my favorite stories of why you don't just set shit on fire
HorusFive: With the other hand in the pocket lrrAWESOME
DigitalSeahorse: he used to work at the jerry can factory
Mattmitchell45: Such a fit for throwing a torch
jvetting83: Wasn't it already lit and smoking?
Despoiler98: its....already burning dude.....hence THE SMOKE
Thefluffiestguineapig: "A little fire here, maybe a touch there"
DoomBringerIL: !runtime
Sorator13: still with the trunk open!!
Easilycrazyhat: Second body wandered off on its own i guess
m33pn8r: Oh, I HAVE seen this before! I wondered where my memories of a flaming body pit were from...
PawssumFable: There's a novel from like the 20's or something, and I feel like this movie is based on it
JuniorRoll: What aim!
MyrddintheWizard: Wern't the bodies the other way around...?
Solahwin_Tampramain: why didn't he close his hatch?
adept_nekomancer: Oh sure, just leave the back open. Improves ventilation I guess.
aerohydra: suikoden
Rhynerd: is that car trunk just jammed open or something?
Genie_M: Garlic store
A_Dub888: that must be how he gets his exercise in
DigitalSeahorse: ah the shopping cart store
PawssumFable: It's like one of the oldest zombie media
FelisRin: Put the controller on the floor....
AtrusOfMyst: Dang that would have been so loud in Fallout
SquareDotCube: and some racing game
Mattmitchell45: Suikoden
electra310: The vampire carts come out at night
Gaelan_Maestro: super duper mart sure is messy
theguardianotter: Surprisingly still well stocked
Trymantha: If you had a policenauts save he mentioned Hideo Kojima by name iirc
teddywhosabear: boy the shelf life back then was pretty good huh
DigitalSeahorse: x vicksyHaha at soup
TheNerdySimulation: who is putting all the shopping carts tho
ArdCollider: honestly this is just the Walgreens in my neighborhood
darrin paag: man Springfield looks rough
iris_of_ether: Suikoden's real good, actually
ComradeMik: he's going to loot some hardcopy pornography
DoodlestheGreat: Hey, pick me up a couple cans of peans, will ya.
A_Dub888: I mean…
MatzerKat: "What do you mean, there's just garlic!?"
SmithKurosaki: Why ARE you at Soup/
GameSageZB: God that store would reek.
PawssumFable: But they're pre-modern zombies, and everyone's sorta just got something rabies-like
tomorrowboy: All the rats also died.
RTwo28: Cam should play project zomboid
SkylerRingtail: No animals seen yet, hmm
DigitalSeahorse: another generator
RebekahWSD: Some hows theres still a Karen holding up the line
vinewood_og: Super Duper Mart?
mwlsn: oh, anotehr lathe
Morrigan9: how is there power?
jchinnock: the garlic turbine!
Despoiler98: how is therea turbine in the back of SUPERMARKET still RUNNING?
AtrusOfMyst: Endless places around to piss
vinewood_og: Zombie jerky
DigitalSeahorse: that's 2 generators
hackingducks: i just can't imagine going that far out of town to burn the bodies. just find a parking structure or something
SquareDotCube: even with preservatives it would smell RANK in there
Thefluffiestguineapig: Another thing is the mechanical stuff and power magically works
OtherEdgeworth: Who put all the shopping trolleys in the way?
jamesinor: Once again, another example of humans being a bit too comfy to jump right into cannibalsim
Saintnex: WUT
Fruan: Bake-o-mat!
Easilycrazyhat: "I have time now!" *ppfffffftttt*
SquareDotCube: after 3 years of decomposition
theguardianotter: Oh my god that must STINK
geckoinasuit: that would all be rotten to heck wow
wedge_x: dry aged
Dog_of_Myth: Dry Aged beef
CanvasWolfDoll: just because the world ended doesn't mean he needs to stop being civilized
theguardianotter: HOW
Gascitygaming: it's been 3 years!
jubale1: dried food will last months
RTwo28: Ian please do not the zombies
TehAmelie: so what are we watching? i just woke up
KWardJenx: Wait, didn't he say it was 3 years?
geckoinasuit: Just plant more....
Genie_M: 3 years!?
drawnbinary: my town used to get groceries every like 6 weeks...
A_Dub888: mics weren’t sensitive enough back then to pickup flatus
Easilycrazyhat: Vince...just PLANT the garlic
FelisRin: 3 years. I call shenanigans. No way it'
neisan2112: Who cares about that meat, gotta get the garlic
TheNerdySimulation: Why is there garlic in the meat section??? - past grocery worker here
Thefluffiestguineapig: Again, you can plant garlic my dude
DoodlestheGreat: BAKE-O-MAT
teddywhosabear: should you not be planting these?
MatzerKat: "Can't possibly grow more..."
DeltaStrata: Gods. Zombievampires are just the worst. They all just abandon their carts at the front of the store.
JuniorRoll: He is set!
Gascitygaming: you can grow garlic indoors VERY easily
HadesLeprechaun: only take what I need, aka all of it
DigitalSeahorse: he can smell it in the freezer?
adept_nekomancer: He'd have to be a garlic farmer to sustain this level of garlic consumption
WhatTheBelle: if only garlic could ... grow
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Ew! Gross three year old meat.
SmithKurosaki: YEET the garlic :p
BrokenGolem: and none of the meat. so pure garlic diet
jedi_master_zll: He would have had to butcher all that himself...
Rhynerd: man kept a freezer working for 3 years?
TehAmelie: this is practically episode 3 of The Last of Us huh
ghyllnox: NOW will he close the trunk???
ani laurel: This is an incredibly well-stocked apocalypse
Kate Anon: no way that meat is still good
ani laurel: not a chance
dm818: Yeah after three years you could have a HUGE garden of garlic.
wedge_x: and have to swing by the library and say hi to Burgess Merideth
LordManiMani: He's saving a load for Burgess Meredith, he's holed up in the central library downtown
DoomBringerIL: doesn't fuel go bad after 2 years? @LoadingReadyRun
space_turbulence: Still would absolutely be rotten
SmithKurosaki: But the peaches were put in a can, by a man
Mr_Horrible: and *STILL* doesn't close the trunk
magical_writer: Only take what he needs, save the rest for others.
Despoiler98: did they not know that garlic is a PLANT? back then
GameSageZB: Yeah, Cam, that reading of it you mentioned is lining up
Easilycrazyhat: Ah, the mirror store
DigitalSeahorse: Scopels
Mattmitchell45: "Nah, survivalism's not for me"
Saintnex: heck, just loot a library on a book on how to grow plants like garlic??
PawssumFable: @DeltaStrata They don't have souls anymore love, I'm p. sure you need one to returen your cart
theguardianotter: Why does he have to replace the mirrors??
vinewood_og: Like move into the grocery store and fortify? Has this man even played Fallout?
Solahwin_Tampramain: why does he need mirrors?
Thefluffiestguineapig: A literal mirror store
IanAllenBird: that's handy
Despoiler98: ah yes the local mirror store
MatzerKat: Fresh-grown mirrors!
simplydavemn: But he needs to keep the Mirros fresh...
jchinnock: wonder which Italian VaultTec vault he missed out on?
RebekahWSD: It a very civil apocolypse
mwlsn: Just gotta stock up on mirrors
electra310: Why did he bother to take two bodies and leave all the other ones?
DigitalSeahorse: Scope out Scoples!
Dog_of_Myth: Fresh picked mirrors
Digigoner: Vampires don't loot things, dontcha know?
phuznutz: Beahahah, stealing mirrors
FelisRin: He sniffs the mirrors to make sure they're still good.
forcedreject: Why not simply find a circus and live in the hall of mirrors
Genie_M: My mom worked as a chemical engineer in food freezing technology - things go longer than advertised but....
NimrodXIV: specifically the rectangle ones
Morrigan9: this goes witht ewallpaper
SilverHalcyon: where the zombies at?
Despoiler98: only the FRESHEST mirrors
Fruan: square mirrors only!
Koshindan: Maybe he's picking out mirrors with the right silver backing?
JuniorRoll: Why don't we have those anymore??????
ladylinzington: look at them shine
maxdamnit: why haven't the mirrors decomposed after 3 years?
Solahwin_Tampramain: oh its vampires?
Gaelan_Maestro: hammer XD
ArdCollider: where's the goddamn Instagram selfie mirror, etc.
geckoinasuit: my dude...you are the last man
vinewood_og: Must not have speced for carry weight
theguardianotter: A lot apparently, you only killed 11 in 3 years
KWardJenx: Pretty sure that business died well before the apocalypse
mwlsn: I don't know man, check a city map?
SquareDotCube: casual home invasion
jubale1: how many blocks still exist? would blocks just stop?
PharaohBender27: He only takes the square ones FAKE EDIT: @Fruan beat me to it
betweenmyself: “I wear out my cocaine chopping mirrors faster these days. Better stock up.”
Easilycrazyhat: "Spike salesman here! Come get your spikes!"
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
theguardianotter: WHAT
SnackPak_: jeez
fungal_bird: @Solahwin_Tampramain yeah this movie is based off of the novel I Am Legend
Genie_M: 12
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
Mr_Horrible: LUL
AtrusOfMyst: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Despoiler98: STAB
GameSageZB: Wow.
DeM0nFiRe: Zero hesitation
ElementalAlchemist: pfffft
jacqui_lantern234: BAHAHAHAHA
Saintnex: hahahaha
FelisRin: Light bopping.
El_Zilcho22: LUL
Digigoner: LOOOOOL
Juliamon: LUL
RebekahWSD: LOL
TheNerdySimulation: I'm sorry????
DeltaStrata: SO VICIOUS
teddywhosabear: dang
Sunidesus: Hahahah!
BrokenGolem: tqsRIP
bourgeoiscaesar: The driest of dry aging
ani laurel: Honestly, the fact that he has to put no effort into surviving is kinda hilarious
Solahwin_Tampramain: YIKES
mtvcdm: With a mallet
midnightcurryjazz: lrrHERE
IanAllenBird: rip
adept_nekomancer: And then a violence.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
HadesLeprechaun: wow, totally no-sold that scene
Despoiler98: hgsKnife hgsKnife hgsKnife stabbing time
Redbassist: LMAO
mrjujubeans: brutal
PawssumFable: The worst
RTwo28: Awful take, just horrible
spethycakes: half-assed staking
Thefluffiestguineapig: @jchinnock Weird side note as a Fallout lore nerd, there's a suspicion that VaultTec was a purely American thing and other countries dealt with it slightly better
e_bloc: what
LeeshaJoy: If he breaks them on the way home he will have SO MUCH bad luck
DoomBringerIL: quickest murder ever @LoadingReadyRun
A_Dub888: nother day another murder spree
DeM0nFiRe: He said 11 kills in 3 years, suddenly he goes on a kill streak?
jchinnock: oh the real monster
GameSageZB: No more takes, only gasoline explosions.
Saintnex: the hatch is STILL open!!
PawssumFable: He's so enthused about it
HorusFive: They aren't people. Look how poor they're dressed
Rhynerd: not even a stabbing sound.
JuniorRoll: and we turn
IanAllenBird: they're too eepy
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think he doesn't consider them people
DiscordianTokkan: Vampire Zombies
Digigoner: Is he actually just going around killing homeless people!?!?
hoveringhalibut: What a swing he has
Genie_M: He said that 11 kills in 3 years
SaxPython: K:d is infinite
MaelstronSolenor: smooth brain was better done
TehAmelie: they've got the torps
ylegm: I thought he said he only killed 11 in 3 years
RTwo28: Idk, they dont have skulls on their hats, they might not be baddies
Thefluffiestguineapig: It also is daytime when they sleep
GDwarble: There were sure some editing choices made
Stratavarius: He is determined to be the last man on earth
Spacecarl: They are REAL weak in the daytime if I remember
mtvcdm: Price just swinging like he doesn't give a fuck
Khalstrom: The author didn't like this adaptation?
ComradeMik: "ok vincent, just kinda wave the hammer off frame"
LiamK712: they’re all laying down and half asleep too
vinewood_og: No Country for Undead
CAKHost: Didn't even ask "Are you a vampire? You need to tell me you are a vampire."
cointosscryptid: the only thing more violent than that stab was the cut afterword
MrPipboy3000: This movie is goofy, but the story this is based on is fantastic
suntone: Was that just a dude in a dress that got thrown off the cliff
Mattmitchell45: Sighing a lot during murdering
TheNerdySimulation: He's hammering in those stakes like I do when I'm camping
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yuuuuuuuuuup
NimrodXIV: ugh
theguardianotter: God that's a mood
hackingducks: yeah hospitals love doing that
mrjujubeans: They love waking sick people up constantly
theguardianotter: I do not miss that from being in the hospital
DigitalSeahorse: jeez
Fruan: Wring out the Graham
Thefluffiestguineapig: Low blood pressure
SilverHalcyon: why they sleepy?
PharaohBender27: Ooof
TehAmelie: ah, Graham knows about the vampire's torpor
Genie_M: Have some blood pressure
jacqui_lantern234: oof
ElementalAlchemist: That sounds awful
MatzerKat: Get the spigot!
bourgeoiscaesar: *casually kills vampire*
Chris Lijoi: *nyeh*
ender4449: *nonchalantly stakes vampire*
voren_chalco: @CAKHost "Otherwise it's enfangment"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SilverHalcyon Daytime and they are vampire things
FelisRin: This would be like, a million times better if there was a blood geyser like in Dracula: Dead and Loving It. Vincent Price comes back home just COVERED in blood, same steadfast expression on his face.
jacqui_lantern234: LUL gdi cam
hackingducks: i had a pulmonary embolism and they'd wake me up at random hours and make be blow on the incentive spirometer... and it was like "uhh i forgot how to breathe."
geckoinasuit: wait really
phuznutz: How is it that it's 26 hours since last here with the Bull and there is only 30min less on the clock?
neisan2112: VERY Different vampires than the book wow. Like completely oppisite, they're fast.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup that's right Cam
feet2big: miss-stake
Digigoner: "i've only killed 11 random innocent people. Acceptable losses"
Simonark: He lives by Dalton Wilcox rules.
RTwo28: @feet2big Dark puns!
HadesLeprechaun: oh, that quote is in a music album I have
neisan2112: Yeah Cam's right.
Morrigan9: thriller
rosesmcgee: Maybe last man on earth was aspirational for him
GameSageZB: Gotta get my murderin' music on.
HadesLeprechaun: I never knew what it was from
MTGRanger: "I'm the last man alive. All it took was killing all the other men alive."
CAKHost: @voren_chalco XD
fungal_bird: Gets rick-rolled 20 years early
theguardianotter: The cronch
niccus: i can see how this movie would have killed the author
RTwo28: Vampire with a 2x4
Digigoner: I too like to stand in my yard with a 2x4
mrverbal: have they confused zombies and vampires
Easilycrazyhat: "Wood! Come get your wood here!"
FelisRin: Vampire practicing his batting.
simplydavemn: Zombie Cricket player!
Trymantha: yeah lots of chewing being picked up
electra310: Aw man, it's the HOA
phuznutz: @Ulmer, what was that Toro game last night?
RebekahWSD: Jazzy
Genie_M: Vampirezombies
jubale1: they hear the music
geckoinasuit: they can talk?
0x6772: So he put on "attacking" music for them?
Saintnex: They can talk?
spethycakes: so "last man on earth" is by design, then drdootHmm
Mattmitchell45: But he also doesn't think other humans live
Kate Anon: one very casual swing of the mallet and you're done
PawssumFable: Yep, this is definitely based on that old book
IanAllenBird: oh,
SkylerRingtail: They're...sentient?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Zompires
hackingducks: c'mowt... c'mowt...
Aarek: one vs one me irl!
xblue007: They're coming for you barbra
jacqui_lantern234: "ok fine, im gay!!!!" :p
DeM0nFiRe: Wow them talking was absolutely not on my bingo card
SilverHalcyon: nice a record player
PawssumFable: I WILL find it. Maybe not tonight. But I will.
Mr_Horrible: doing the "Go on, shoo" to a vampire
RebekahWSD: Get off my damn lawn
TheNerdWonder: at least the assault has a good soundtrack
Therberus: Wait they SPEAK?!
saucemaster5000: "Bro, I'm not ready to come out"
JuniorRoll: Drawing them in with the music
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyD vicksyDed vicksyKnife
aquinas_0: interesting fact, vampires and zombies were really in-differentiable until dracula
mrjujubeans: go on get!
RTwo28: I do kinda like the zombie like Vampire idea
hoveringhalibut: My favorite thing at the hospital was when they'd give me Benadryl by IV and then tell me to stay awake to give them feedback on how the treatment felt.
tehfewl: "come on, dude. its totally cool"
Genie_M: After 3 years there was still a window
AndyDaMage: its seems like he's the bad guy here
MatzerKat: "Morgan! You're being such a douche, give us our house back"
Despoiler98: Has he never found A GUN? in all his time wondering around?
Therberus: Is he sure that they're not just annoying?
Koshindan: Big Garlic Energy
Saintnex: Are we sure Vincent Price hasnt just gone insane and randomly murding ppl?
dm818: I mean it's 3 years in
AndyDaMage: just going around murdering people
HadesLeprechaun: yeah I'm surprised he hasn't killed like, every one in a 10 mile radius
adept_nekomancer: "I nailed like 4 boards over that window, it's probably fine"
PandaByName: they don't seem particularly strong
Strebenherz: "Hey Morgan, wanna invest in some Vampire Crypto?"
josh___something: You have to be after 3 years
Lord_Hosk: But they can't come in unless he invites them?
neisan2112: The Will Smith movie has the most accurate vampires I think. This and Omega Man are closer to just Zombies.
Twilight_Spark: This One Shot is going to slasaay Morgan.
FelisRin: He needs to dig a moat or something.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyS
geckoinasuit: could he not just make a stake launcher
jedi_master_zll: But he can't open a bottle.
mtvcdm: Don't dead open inside
MTGRanger: @Despoiler98 guns don't work on em
HorusFive: Yup- totally mindless zombie-vampires. Who speak to you by name
SilverHalcyon: they know his name too
theguardianotter: Do you not remember how good that card was in midnight hunt?
TehAmelie: he does give the major guilts here
NimrodXIV: spoilers! lol
BrowneePoints: and the book!
SkylerRingtail: Based on that tanker truck, this takes place in the US. How does he not have a gun?
HorusFive: It is
GDwarble: I believe so, yes
neisan2112: Yes
shurtal: yup
Saintnex: welcome to the theme of I am Legend :p
saucemaster5000: yuuup
Lanthess: He could simply put a stake on a stick and jab 'em
jubale1: twist: everybody is normal but he’s gone hyper and doesn’t get his madness.
aquinas_0: yep
Genie_M: Yep
AtrusOfMyst: Place probably smells like a gasoline garlic fart bomb
Simonark: Yep.
ImmortalLen: Yes, loosly
tidehollowcat: Yep
Grumpingtoon: a very bad one
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yep
korvys: I've never actually seen I am Legend
simplydavemn: So that's why we don't see Morgan in Sketches so much anymore!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySpook
NonUniqueGuy: Like at least with "I Am Legend" they waited a bit before showing he is the villain
Mattmitchell45: Omega Man was the most well know, before Will Smith
DigitalSeahorse: did he dream that?
Digigoner: "Time for 12!"
FelisRin: Rorgan Mobert
TehAmelie: Robert Morgan Robert!
MrPipboy3000: Or is he Morgan Neville?
aquinas_0: Will Smith's I am Legend - lets just reverse the point of the movie randomly
mwlsn: Rorgan Mobert
hackingducks: is he john, jacob, or jingleheimer-schmidt
RebekahWSD: I never did open that pickle jar for her
electra310: No alarm or pajamas today
Toxxick: Yeah, in the novel its explained that the zombi-vampirism doesnt make them into monsters in the usual way, it just changes the way they think to prioritize spreading the virus
sfaviator: ballz
DeltaStrata: Yes, Robert, that's how days work.
PawssumFable: That's how Sleep works
mrjujubeans: so based on
RTwo28: It was not cringe
PawssumFable: Another day to start over again
jubale1: story was baste
CAKHost: Actually if vampires remove the whole building, can they get them? Or can they not cross over the foundation unless he invits them over?
SilverHalcyon: did they give up?
PharaohBender27: @aquinas_0 IKR?
DigitalSeahorse: monch munch nom
PawssumFable: Give us your snacks
electra310: Maybe on Slay Day he celebrates by sleeping in afterwards
PawssumFable: We've given you like
simplydavemn: @aquinas_0 To be fair, the directors cut didn't so much do that.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CAKHost This is more a "fortify the building" situation
NonUniqueGuy: Why not find another home to hold up in?
DigitalSeahorse: katesNom
korvys: This is the second year in a row we're watching an older adaptation of the source of a relatively famous movie, that I haven't actually watched (never saw The Thing)
TehAmelie: @CAKHost it's all about legal ownership of property
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also why the fuck doesn't he just move?
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: but where did the pile of wood come from
HorusFive: Same thing we do every night Pinky- try to kill some innocent vampire-zombies
hackingducks: he's lathey
Kate Anon: I keep thinking the crunching noise is in the film
TheNerdySimulation: they're one-use only stakes apparently
Simonark: Honestly, The Legend of Hell House is a genuinely great Richard Matheson adaptation. I am Legend has three… adaptations, all right.
RebekahWSD: The stakes arent reusable?
simplydavemn: Aren't the stakes reusable?
fungal_bird: depression got me like
saucemaster5000: SPA DAY
MatzerKat: He's got the Lathe Madness!
Easilycrazyhat: Maybe fix your trunk...
NotCainNorAbel: why are steaks one time use?
FelisRin: Lathe in a tumble dryer. With bagpipes.
mrjujubeans: beach day!
LordManiMani: [Jerry Lewis voice] Laaathen
bagfullofbees: maybe the trunk is just broken
Despoiler98: dude your hatch is open
PharaohBender27: (Vincent Price voice) I can't
wormapotheote: why does the man never close his trunk
SquareDotCube: Hit the bricks man, leave the city
Iluvatardis: if you remove the stake the body seal reforms?
jubale1: less smelly?
Spacecarl: generally the stakes need to stay in until they are burned
ThorSokar: wood lathes are actually save volume-wise
MaddogM: Needs the downforce
neisan2112: @Simonark Yeees, that one is so good.
DeltaStrata: Wow, Cam, like, we're in the middle of it!
DoodlestheGreat: "Welcome to 'This Old Apocalypse.' I'm your host, Bob Villa."
ritchards: drag less depends on the speed
ylegm: I think Cam nailed that one
Mattmitchell45: Is he gonna go Cross shopping?
ElementalAlchemist: the hatch is stuck open
PawssumFable: I always contemplate
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because the vampire's only know where he is because of the habits, if he moves houses they stop calling his name and shit
SkylerRingtail: Ah, just like every indie game: the theme is depression
NimrodXIV: you sure you haven't seen this Cam? :D
LithelyUnshod: I think he has to leave the stakes in them to prevent healiy
electra310: Off to the brick and crosses store
ElementalAlchemist: Or he's really trying to get the stench of dead out of his car
PawssumFable: What DOESN'T die when you shove a stake in its heart?
Rhynerd: i’m starting to think that trunk really is just broken at this point.
DigitalSeahorse: wouldn't it be better to just recycle the wood after he kills, run them until they aren't sharp anymore
geckoinasuit: i would simply die
djalternative: I think it might be that the closed trunk creates shade in the car which he doesn't want with vampires?
saucemaster5000: Graham, housing prices
bagfullofbees: "Hey God, it's me again"
jchinnock: blaring Taylor’s version of Bad Blood as he drives
Koshindan: Like why not the church? It has a metal door.
Easilycrazyhat: Simply live where the vampires aren't
HorusFive: Especially if they know your house and your NAME
fungal_bird: I would simply not live in the vampire apocalypse
Fruan: @PawssumFable Dryads
SkylerRingtail: @LithelyUnshod But...could he not remove the stake just before burning them?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SkylerRingtail In this one specifically it's existential depression!
electra310: Oh, no alarm clock because Sunday
tomorrowboy: Huh, Omega Man (1971) came out only 7 years after The Last Man On Earth (1964).
DigitalSeahorse: oh I guess you gotta leave the steak in
Saintnex: I can honestly see why Richard Matheson was not a big fan of this movie lol
Sunidesus: why are they so tilty?!?
mtvcdm: Depression? Oh no is this an indie videogame?
Rhynerd: @pawssumfable creatures with multiple hearts?
PawssumFable: He cannot straighten the candles
SilverHalcyon: what is that? cocaine?
Digigoner: maybe he's hoping?
Genie_M: Strong west wind
FelisRin: How NOT to keep a building not on fire.
Lord_Hosk: I would take some of those bricks home to secure the windows
RTwo28: Those candles are so wonky
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am sad Alex is missing this because I think he would have fun with it
spethycakes: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: erotic literature (clean)
mrjujubeans: ah the covenant
KeytarCat: Everything is tempting fate with this guy
simplydavemn: You realize this event would make rents in Victoria more reasonable.
NotCainNorAbel: the OG vampire
JuniorRoll: But who else would cleanse them?
Marvoleath: !box
LRRbot: If you take too long I'll put your hand in the box.
MatzerKat: Burnin' Down the House! of the lord
PawssumFable: @Rhynerd You're not getting past the screwdriver
SkylerRingtail: Existential depression? Ooh, that's my favorite kind! :'D
hackingducks: they dress their churches to the left
Mattmitchell45: Jesus, who is also a Zombie
PharaohBender27: Well sometimes it's hard to leave the place you live in for a variety of reasons . . .
midnightcurryjazz: is this the dog?
saucemaster5000: Does he miss a media platform called "virge?"
jubale1: put his wife in the church?
Redbassist: Sweet zombie Jesus
electra310: Getting very casual with the BVM here, calling her Virge
HorusFive: @PharaohBender27 Like the apocalypse
LithelyUnshod: @skylerringtail 🤷‍♀️
Easilycrazyhat: Virgathen
MatzerKat: Verge. TechCrunch. Gizmodo.
Grumpingtoon: dog’s later
neisan2112: From Devil May Cry?
Grumpingtoon: it’s Virginia
Pywodwagon: Vergil from DMC
AugmentingPath: @Easilycrazyhat that's the one
AndyDaMage: to get the candles at that angle the actually filmed the entire shot at 45 degrees Kappa Kappa
ElementalAlchemist: *how* did none of those candles fall over
saucemaster5000: "Vine. Vine, how I miss you"
SilverHalcyon: what's in the box?
lochnessseammonster: rhymes with fun
Despoiler98: foodvi2OMG oh NOoooooo
TheNerdySimulation: Communion wafers? hell yeah
Genie_M: Just stay
fungal_bird: go into the crypt?
Digigoner: he didn't even lock the door!
tidehollowcat: Uh oh, night time
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SilverHalcyon His wife I think? But I haven't read the book in a hot minute
Easilycrazyhat: This guy is kinda dumb
GameSageZB: Everywhere except all the places you checked?
jedi_master_zll: Really? He doesn't stay?
RebekahWSD: Short movie
CanvasWolfDoll: was vincent price ever younger than 50-ish?
Thefluffiestguineapig: REALLY???
GDwarble: Oh, it was the soundtrack, I thought they were singing at him
geckoinasuit: you can lock yourself in the crypt dude
Despoiler98: or ya know lock the GATEs and stay there
TehAmelie: vampires who suck (not like that)
TheNerdySimulation: they just want smoochies
drroxorphd: Grisly ghouls from every tomb.
RTwo28: My average project zomboid run
WardsarTheWriter: Terrible grapple checks.
DigitalSeahorse: "Free Hugs!"
adept_nekomancer: Dude, just hang out in the church for a day.
Pyroxx___: no, they suck blood
FelisRin: Hardcore survivalist instincts honed over three years. Keeps nodding off everywhere.
mrjujubeans: no please. I have no money!
HadesLeprechaun: I mean did you see them try to break into his house?
HorusFive: These are the level 1 mobs
Sunidesus: dude, just lock the crypt thing
Lord_Hosk: Sweet ride my dude
Redbassist: Uppies uppies
drroxorphd: Are closing in to seal your doom.
CAKHost: Hey yeah, why can't he make a vamp-proof RV and just go around the country instead of staying in one spot hoping someone comes in range of your raido?! (I know the reason is plot but I still want to ask)
Lanthess: They didn't have the budget for pro vampires
mwlsn: Good thing I left the back of the car closed so they couldn't get in
Mr_Horrible: I love how stealth does not even cross his mind
Taveena: What's this movie called?
teddywhosabear: the first level of dead rising
saucemaster5000: choreography by fozzy bear
TehAmelie: maybe Vincent isn't allowed in the church either
Mr_Horrible: wait they closed the trunk!
ElementalAlchemist: he closed it?!
tod_vom_himmel: suspense
Easilycrazyhat: Oh, they closed his trunk for him
Twilight_Spark: Lol didn't show him getting in at all.
Thefluffiestguineapig: See these ones aren't calling his name because they don't know him
FelisRin: It's the opening of Resident Evil 2.
adept_nekomancer: They just wanted a ride home.
RTwo28: The way they just stared lol
Mr_Horrible: they're courteous!
mwo2150: me heading home from work in downtown seattle
Saintnex: thankfully MILDLY pushing them to the side works lol
LordManiMani: Will this get a VOD?
MrGibberish: Did he just slap one of them?
Rhynerd: the trunk closed!
Dalrint: They are very zombish vampires
ElementalAlchemist: He had time to close the trunk?!
DigitalSeahorse: dang these aggressive glompers!
Despoiler98: apparently ou can beat vambies by shoving them
mwlsn: They closed his trunk for him!
burleyboar: Best not show how he got in
fungal_bird: didn't check the backseat though
NotCainNorAbel: we want to tell you about your cars warrany
PawssumFable: I'm gonna tell you my supervillain origin. Right now. ...TikTok is just what would've happened to Vine eventually, because it's the exact same format with better editing tools and when more people have access to cameras
ritchards: Vincent Price, shown here running from fans
MrPipboy3000: @Taveena The Last Man On Earth
NonUniqueGuy: They look so confused by the cars abiility to move
drroxorphd: One got in the trunk
GameSageZB: man hand hook car
TheNerdySimulation: thanks Graham, I heard it too
SmithKurosaki: Catalytic Thief Zombies are the /worst/
SilverHalcyon: just kill em
PawssumFable: And now everyone's mad at me LUL
Easilycrazyhat: Vampires write "clean me" on his window
RebekahWSD: So going out at night was always doable it seems
jchinnock: ah Day for Day shooting
VorlonScout: I prefer to think that they repaired his trunk
HadesLeprechaun: how did everyone in the city get turned but THIS GUY?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Just oil the trunk hinges my guy
TheNerdySimulation: He's not even inside!! Get him!
SilverHalcyon: wow that was easier than I thought
TehAmelie: seems bad when the zombies know your name
korvys: All we want to do is eat your brains
tod_vom_himmel: what is going on lol
simplydavemn: Their not as evil as an HOA.
grave2057: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Rhynerd: aw, the trunk opened back up.
Mr_Horrible: @TehAmelie getting doxxed by zombies
mtvcdm: Just toss a stick. Not even pointy end first.
Lanthess: Why was his door not locked?
FelisRin: Morgan... We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty...
ReverseCreations: A Lot of HoAs are full of ghouls
drroxorphd: They have no strength LUL
RedRaptor: There's actually no danger
mrjujubeans: just super tedious
Digigoner: We'd like to reach you about your car's extended warranty!!!
GameSageZB: what
Dumori: they are an incredible threat
geckoinasuit: look upon your vibes and cringe
forcedreject: Wait. why doesn't he just have like a mirorr necklace
Easilycrazyhat: Look at how hideous you are! You...average person!
MrGibberish: Face your self esteem!
GDwarble: That garlic isn't helping at all
Saintnex: "Oh god, I have a pimple!"
voren_chalco: "Wait, it's another me. I don't want to hit me!"
AtrusOfMyst: I've never seen such a mild inconvenience of a vampire hoard
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also these ghouls only know him because they are in his neighborhood
0x6772: You'd think they'd eventually get there with sheer numbers.
drroxorphd: Touch his face!
mwlsn: zombies respect the 1v1
BrowneePoints: iirc from the book the Beasts still have some sense of health right?
pn55: A mirror? Noooo! I'm having a bad hair day!
PawssumFable: Slightly wave a mirror at them
A_Dub888: !card mirror shield
LRRbot: Mirror Shield [2] | Artifact — Equipment | Equipped creature gets +0/+2 and has hexproof and "Whenever a creature with deathtouch blocks or becomes blocked by this creature, destroy that creature." / Equip {2}
Lord_Hosk: I didn't do my hair today! Not cool my dude!
drroxorphd: Ow
Lanthess: Wait. They actually have a reflection?
AndyDaMage: ow!
midnightcurryjazz: acting!
Genie_M: Lol
Dog_of_Myth: Ow
Krillin_fan: ah. ow. ow.
Mr_Horrible: "Vince knock it off!"
HorusFive: And they express pain
CAKHost: "Noo my hair is awful DX"
IanAllenBird: ow
simplydavemn: Wait, the door was unlocked?
mtvcdm: Zombies go ouch
Thefluffiestguineapig: That is not the most convincing door slam
RTwo28: The vampires are just super self conscious
tehfewl: that was the actual actor screaming
Boomyakalolo: to be fair that's also how i would respond to an hoa
dungeonmasteralek: Garlic's still frozen
JuniorRoll: No wonder he was so calm in the minorly-barricaded house
GameSageZB: My dude you have gasoline indoors, don't smoke.
NonUniqueGuy: Let's throw a rock at the house
Mr_Horrible: "Fine we'll throw the rager at Dale's house, jerk!"
PawssumFable: You don't even have to baricade
Camthelion: 1
Boomyakalolo: 2
hackingducks: it's altogether kookie
geckoinasuit: house full of gas, yet smokes
Twilight_Spark: 0.5
Easilycrazyhat: Where's all the dookie
Omthebox: No wonder he was confident in his shabby boards
PawssumFable: Just close the door proper
SilverHalcyon: that was fresh garlic too
CaptainKranok: Ooki Ooki Spooky Club
PawssumFable: Make sure it clicks
DigitalSeahorse: katesAw
Strebenherz: This is just making the end of the world seem very dull by today's standards
electra310: Aww :(
neisan2112: JESUS IAN
felrender: You know, Price could've played a hell of a Walt Disney
mtvcdm: Wait those are vampires? And not just the worst zombies?
0x6772: Really nice picture on that projector.
mwlsn: wow Ian
Grumpingtoon: oh that’s not what’s gonna get the VOD taken down. wait about 20-25 minutes
PawssumFable: Let's Nah
Zaraka00: did people have home movie film reels?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPog
burleyboar: Nice holographic screen floating
saucemaster5000: He's watching "look who's talking too"
Blue_Anteater: ah now it's minority report
Easilycrazyhat: Oh, it's a "projector". I thought it was like...a magic mirror television.
MrPipboy3000: Its his neighbor
JuniorRoll: 3.14158
TheNerdySimulation: Ah, the nuclear family.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup
geckoinasuit: Zompire
hackingducks: zompire
Genie_M: We have only so many actors
NimrodXIV: totally home movie quality
teddywhosabear: really high quality home video camera
jamesinor: Ah yes, I love watching home movies during the apocalypse
mtvcdm: Zompires
CAKHost: Yeah that's one of the vamps
Kipstar: they were roommates
Sorator13: man, remember when kids?
Mr_Horrible: vambies
TheNerdySimulation: how I miss the days where we filme everything
fungal_bird: one of the reasons the situation is hell for him is that he recognizes the monsters
TheMerricat: I'm lat4 chat, is this The Last Man on Earth?
excalgold: @Zaraka00 there was even an episode or two of MASH where they watched home movie reels so i think its a thing some people had
Khalstrom: Who's filming this?
Boomyakalolo: look these extras will be back in 15 mins
simplydavemn: Are there chimp zombies?
jamesinor: He's actually thinking about how tasty these people were
GameSageZB: Cirque du soleil this ain't
Digigoner: The editing on this home movie is incredible!
Sorator13: @TheMerricat tis!
dumbo3k: @TheMerricat yes
Sunidesus: his family videos are very well edited
Dumori: sock-footage of clowns!
TehAmelie: is he ALSO watching public domain pictures?
tomorrowboy: Who edited this???
teddywhosabear: incredibly high quality film
jedi_master_zll: Have you tried...talking to the zombie/vampires?
Krillin_fan: it's pure plastic G
CaptainChibale: who films their family watching the circus
RomanOmega57: i imagine hes watching film like a football player
Jasmine Moore: That’s a reflection!!
hackingducks: it's public domain all the way dow
DigitalSeahorse: the rare person to film the family reaction to the circus along with the circus
MatzerKat: "Thank goodness I raided that stock footage library."
drroxorphd: Yes vincent, the laugh
TheMerricat: Thanks chat!
AtrusOfMyst: Mans is high as a kite
A_Dub888: how does he still have working electricity?
simplydavemn: That guy needed orthopedia sugurey - so funny.
mtvcdm: This is second level public domain
ylegm: I Love Him
AndyDaMage: old memes are so funny
Laserbeaks_Fury: Not for nothing, but my families old film reels also had circus footage from my first trip to the circus
MrGibberish: Graham, why did you age me like tha
TheNerdySimulation: I can haaz ALL cheezburger
Boomyakalolo: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
MrPipboy3000: This was all of us in 2020
Thefluffiestguineapig: @tomorrowboy Probably no one, just just based on when they stopped filming the clip (in story)
jubale1: 123 cry
spethycakes: it was the laughter that killed him
DigitalSeahorse: hysterics, I've been there
JuniorRoll: He does madness SOOOOO well
RebekahWSD: How many times has he watched this and its still funny!
BrowneePoints: Okay yea so from remembering from the Book, the reason the Vampire stuff from folktales works for them, is they remember things that should work on vampires so they think they work on themselves
Genie_M: Dramatic acting
fungal_bird: Depression also got me like
SilverHalcyon: ahhahahaha lmao rofl
TheNerdySimulation: The world is my haz cheezburger
Thefluffiestguineapig: I've had this mood before
rosesmcgee: I wish I had my android with scissors for hands. That would really speed up killing vampires.
AtrusOfMyst: Is the another cut of Bo Burnham's "Inside?"
mtvcdm: But Ygor, I am Pagliacci
djalternative: Vincent Price, early vod watcher
Toxxick: Vincent Price tries not to laugh like a villain, Challenge Level Impossible
0x6772: And THAT'S why you hire a Vincent Price!
Boomyakalolo: it's a mental break down *sad kazoo noises*
ylegm: "Someone bring in more scenery, Mr. Price has chewed all we had on hand!"
Pywodwagon: Me, looking for blurry purple hair in the background of convention shots
Easilycrazyhat: "No. Bang a little louder, please."
Sorator13: Yeah, I don't think the garlic and mirror are doing anything for you dude
TehAmelie: welcome to 2022
DeltaStrata: He can speak!
Koshindan: Everyone's hair is pretty immaculate for being zompires.
mrjujubeans: bring out your living!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Three Year Later...
wedge_x: I love that they paid for the optical printing of the film on the screen
ritchards: "Morgan, let me tell you about Warhammer!"
A_Dub888: “Morgan, we want to let you know that you car insurance has expired,”
drroxorphd: And though you fight to stay alive. your body starts to shiver.
NonUniqueGuy: The vampires are just ear doctors.
korvys: It's load-bearing garlic
Spacecarl: they do seem to be weaker than normal
RebekahWSD: Honestly is the zombie lifestyle really that bad? Think about it Vince.
drroxorphd: For no mere mortal can resist. The power of the thriller.
hoveringhalibut: They never start the punch
Digigoner: They had to return the props at the end of the day
TehAmelie: that hair looks load bearing
CanvasWolfDoll: 'your movie is overdue, morgan! the late fees will be astounding!'
TheNerdySimulation: uh oh, that guy is dead
neisan2112: RIP
Genie_M: And they don't care about the garlic the cross and the mirrors
AndyDaMage: so did hit stake his wife when she turned?
Dog_of_Myth: Oh no, Peter
Cyrohydra: "children are invisible to me, you see"
LordManiMani: His lovely wife, Mary Tyler Moore
Redbassist: It's ben
7gorobei: dont anemia shame the vampires
Fanklok: I love your rice
forcedreject: oh is lead zombie his brother in law
Juliamon: It's called Ben's Original now!
Morrigan9: ohh rice!
ElementalAlchemist: uncle BEN uncle BEN
Boomyakalolo: spider-man alt story time line confirmed
drroxorphd: Instant Rice!
voren_chalco: Someone's about to get Spider-Manned
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGift vicksyGift vicksyGift
simplydavemn: This spider man orgin story is unique at least.
SketchyDetails: Virginia is the reason for the hole in the ozone layer
WardsarTheWriter: It's Obi-wan!
Thefluffiestguineapig: You're hair, do you mean the solid mass masquerading as hair?
finestotter: Which one of those children is named Peter?
Easilycrazyhat: That chin
drroxorphd: With great power....
JuniorRoll: Not what I was expecting
Rhynerd: Oh, this is the marvel zombies universe.
DigitalSeahorse: a good party has party favors
TheNerdySimulation: Not a single lathe in these gifts??
A_Dub888: @voren_chalco is it Morgan?
GameSageZB: "Some kind of flu, in China? Spread by birds?"
Juliamon: Europes' Disease
Camthelion: the cut-price polaris force?!
Juliamon: How many Europes?
mtvcdm: Cut price Polaris force?
zerragonoss: Oh so this movie is just about a guy who's wife left him for his brother
FelisRin: Europes'. More than one Europe.
MrPipboy3000: "Don't worry Ben, I did my own research."
RebekahWSD: Syphalis?
PawssumFable: W a t
Genie_M: Hundreds
Digigoner: Being European is a disease!?
DigitalSeahorse: yeah, where's the Child's First Lathe?
MTGRanger: @FelisRin we don't know about the future!
Twilight_Spark: Aerosols I think yesh
PawssumFable: It's carried by wing-hair
jchinnock: on the wind…by planes!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also the fact the lead zompire is the guy who tried to warn him is probably not fantastic
TheAinMAP: Theoretical Europe
Laserbeaks_Fury: the "Europe Disease"
drroxorphd: Half Baked DUUUUUDE
PawssumFable: Flies right over
spethycakes: this is a little more real than I had anticipated
TehAmelie: do they mean Spanish flu?
Taveena: Did he just call it clickbait.
ReverseCreations: Dammit jim!
forcedreject: uhhh
PharaohBender27: @Digigoner I'm sorry you had to learn this way Kappa
Dog_of_Myth: So Europe's Disease is the Final one then?
DeltaStrata: wat
lochnessseammonster: oof
NonUniqueGuy: What?
Saintnex: What does that mean?
Frankenstain: Morgan is anti-mask
tomorrowboy: Actually named after Dave Europe.
drroxorphd: Best ADR of all time
AndyDaMage: he would be such a climate denier
AtrusOfMyst: Oh no uncle ben. We know how this ends.
SilverHalcyon: fake news
Laserbeaks_Fury: damnit, I was just about to make that joke
NonUniqueGuy: Card tricks, come get your card tricks
vinewood_og: Holy shit this guy works at Vault Tec
A_Dub888: didn’t we fight a World War to end Europes Disease lrrBEEJ
TheAinMAP: Welp
AugmentingPath: That table will not stand for this
Mattmitchell45: So this novel inspired a lot of zombie and global pandemic stories
FelisRin: With hair that solid, she could probably headbutt the vampires to death.
IanAllenBird: kmjnkmji
finestotter: maybe a Universal Basic Income too
kusinohki: something about spanish flu- it didn't originate in spain, just every other country was under war time secrecy or something...
iris_of_ether: lrrWOW
Thefluffiestguineapig: Her brain is perfectly smooth
jedi_master_zll: lrrWOW
vinewood_og: Damn
RebekahWSD: The vine s on those stairs are hideous
Cyrohydra: "air borne viruses? why that's absurd, we all know they crawl about in caves!"
PawssumFable: Oh boy
geckoinasuit: this woman should see 2020
jubale1: a year ago this movie would have been too soon
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Mr_Horrible: the least realistic aspect of this to me is a "Virginia" being nicknamed "Virge" OpieOP
Boomyakalolo: yeah masking and social distancing
Austere_Squire: denying universal healthcare is the only way to prevent universal disease
Easilycrazyhat: Def not just you. It's...rough.
LordManiMani: Ok it wasn't just me
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeBirthday
PawssumFable: She will starve
teddywhosabear: vincent price is the only one speaking as himself
PawssumFable: She's gonna starve
AugmentingPath: Everyone put VP is too Italian for this
drroxorphd: Le graph
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kusinohki Yup, it was the only country permitted to write about it in newspapers
GDwarble: Cut-Price Polaris Force!
teddywhosabear: everyone else is an italian actor being dubbed
AugmentingPath: *but
Saintnex: Its SO bad, Ive had to crank up my volume
LordManiMani: @mr_horrible [Jim Varney voice]
finestotter: Cut Price Polaris Force Go!!
TheAinMAP: There's the wind.
ghyllnox: Oh no, the wind!
ylegm: Well, G got me with that last one
Mr_Horrible: sitting like L
Easilycrazyhat: oooohhh
Mr_Horrible: oh interesting
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPog Sweet, Petite!
AnOddSmith: fucking what?
Easilycrazyhat: That tracks
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok, I need to go to bed but I will be so excited for this VOD, will this go on YouTube or not?
theguardianotter: Bizarre
vinewood_og: Is it the bats, again?
AugmentingPath: Awright
neisan2112: OHHH Yeah Italian productions do that allll the time
TheNerdySimulation: a spaghetti zombie movie you say?
drroxorphd: So he speaks english and they are speaking italian?
drroxorphd: WTF?
TehAmelie: miasma protector?
adept_nekomancer: That is a very precarious way to keep that mosquito net in place
Rhynerd: so Vincent Price is also the last english speaker?
AugmentingPath: drroxorphd they're speaking English with heavy italian accents
Boomyakalolo: opps all flashback
AtrusOfMyst: Encase your children in carbonite
DigitalSeahorse: to keep the west nile out
PawssumFable: "We just need you to say literally anything"
bagfullofbees: you can tell it's a flashback because it's in black and white
Easilycrazyhat: @drroxorphd Pretty much. Then they adr for whatever region they're releasing in.
tomorrowboy: You can tell it's a flashback because he has a tie.
Saintnex: Also how is Vincent Price not being affected?
Genie_M: Pfrrrrrt
Fruan: Ok, there is no way her hair still looks like that in bed.
JustMeJude: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Elden Ring Co-op w/ Graham at Thu 10:00 PM PDT (58m from now).
burleyboar: I'm loving the non orthoginal room
TehAmelie: he had the farts een back then?
FelisRin: So, if he's the last man alive, and he speaks English, that effectively makes English the universal language. o.o
voren_chalco: Does she have a picture of herself on the nightstand?
Austere_Squire: how could i be sick, i have this lovely sack with hearts on it?
NonUniqueGuy: Did the wind wake you by carrying in a disease?
neisan2112: Still remember the first time I watched Suspiria and was sooo confused about the ADR until I learned about the Italian production.
dm818: It's probably nothing
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope vicksyCope vicksyCope
RebekahWSD: Shes gonna hurl!
Koshindan: He didn't fight every hard to make breakfast for his sick wife.
PawssumFable: Back in the day
Gascitygaming: like in that famous movie
FelisRin: "My husband cannot know that I have a pimple!"
finestotter: They caught Europe!?
Fruan: Her hair is properly rumpled in the wides, but still a perfect helmet in closeup
PawssumFable: "Oh I'm fine honey, don't stress yourself, I'm just DYING"
tomorrowboy: @finestotter "Europes' Disease"
TehAmelie: they're terminally European
PawssumFable: I'll make you BREAKFAST
Laserbeaks_Fury: Oh wait, is this the movie Omega Man was based on?
MrPhlip: so many crunching noises :(
Grumpingtoon: worst case of Europe we’ve seen in decades
NimrodXIV: ya think
ghyllnox: You think???
BrowneePoints: @Laserbeaks_Fury both are based on I Am Legend
drroxorphd: @Laserbeaks_Fury The book I am Legend
Koshindan: "I'll set her up on the zoom call..."
Fanklok: It was the 60s, cooking is "woman work" whatever that means
hackingducks: they're working on a vaccine for a disease they haven't identified?
AndyDaMage: in the days when you couldn't work from home in a pandemic
drroxorphd: Film of the same name as well
TheNerdySimulation: her brain is.. perfectly European
Krillin_fan: spoilers: they were not alright
Gaelan_Maestro: virge, short for Virginia?
RebekahWSD: Wow this really does hit different after Covid
DigitalSeahorse: they've already forgotten about Spanish Flu
Austere_Squire: be frightened from a responsible distance, sicky
MrGibberish: "Everything was not alright"
simplydavemn: @Laserbeaks_Fury From the same book base - Book was I am Legend.
Bruceski: "We'll rattle our pans for toy today, honey."
saucemaster5000: imagine being comforted by batman villain egghead
foopoiuyt: Everything's going to be all right...eventually this movie will end.
OtherEdgeworth: This movie hits different after a pandini
ElementalAlchemist: oh man
ghyllnox: In the before times he closed his trunk, curious
jubale1: domestic trabant
mtvcdm: ! next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Elden Ring Co-op w/ Graham at Thu 10:00 PM PDT (56m from now).
drroxorphd: Author wrote this screenplay,but didn't want to be credited because he hated it.
TheNerdySimulation: love that musical
vinewood_og: We said shelter in place dammit, where is this set, Florida?
adept_nekomancer: "Yep, those are chemicals".
Gascitygaming: Jordynne!..... good one
AugmentingPath: Alex Mercer? From Prototype?
hackingducks: chemical research, not biological
LordManiMani: Time for italian nerd voices
drewm1022: Dammit Matt Mercer!
GameSageZB: I'm genuinely curious as a non-movie-r, for how much there are many weird things about this movie, the cinematography seems... decent?
BrowneePoints: Look, this was a heck of a novel to attempt to adapt in 1964
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted katesNoted
mtvcdm: We found a polycule
Grothe406: We have been researching radioactive spiders
Lanthess: Have they tried stabbing each cell with a *tiny* stake?
PawssumFable: No autonomy for you
PharaohBender27: A Trabant!? West of the Iron Curtain!? (I think it's probably just a car with a similar profile)
SnackPak_: yeah, those coats are rad
simplydavemn: I think this film needs a ROn Howard Arrested Development style narration.
kusinohki: can't get the toothpicks small enough...
TheNerdySimulation: "we need to figure out what a virus is, don't you dare break for lunch"
Boomyakalolo: i need 300 double breasted ;ab coats
finestotter: classic doomer Ben
Mattmitchell45: So in the novel, all of this science is done by the main character post-outbreak. Microscopes are a breakthrough
Bruceski: This is where I came in when I saw the movie
ghyllnox: They went right to pit???
Cptasparagus: It'll truly turn into a horror story when they start mouth pipetting
Grothe406: Are we sure this isn't an adaptation of Tekken
saucemaster5000: at least they still have loads of hair grease
Easilycrazyhat: You don't start with Bodypit, G?
HadesLeprechaun: wow, they started The Pit real early
spethycakes: the Outdoor Incinerator
mrjujubeans: they started with fire pit
Saintnex: well its more people for the pit Ben
Gascitygaming: there's a smaller one at the school
emberBecky: very medieval
Krillin_fan: step 1: it'll be fine. Step 2: newspaper article. Step 3: body pit.
MadmanOreo: @GameSageZB I may be thinking of a differnet movie but I think there was no DP on this film.
PipeSmokingOwl: so this is Florida?
FelisRin: Mass graves, but you'd better not let those grades slip!
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed voxlunBabhed voxlunBabhed
simplydavemn: Try and find daycare druing an apocolypse!
NonUniqueGuy: They school is teaching them how to put bodies in the pit
Austere_Squire: no, no, we just had communal body pit before; they were just like this
Boomyakalolo: hey look don't call the US out like this
zuuuuuuul: HeyGuys
vinewood_og: It's the Apocalypse and everyone still has to go to work....
jamesinor: it' the perfect mix of optimism and pessimism, like, "Oh no, the nuke's are dropping. Quick, we'll be safe under this picnic blanket"
mtvcdm: I remember the gym class parachute
PawssumFable: @DigitalSeahorse Help, I've been attacked
SkylerRingtail: Yes, let's burn the bodies with the unknown airborne contagion. Surely the resulting smoke won't be a hazard to anyone at all!
Digigoner: They said the V word!
tomorrowboy: They use the kids at school to throw the bodies in the pit.
adept_nekomancer: After seeing how up-in-arms people got about masks during a pandemic, sure, the corpsepile thing wouldn't surprise me.
burleyboar: Nothing unreal exists
ghyllnox: Ah yes let's vaporize the airborne virus
PawssumFable: Fucking killing me
A_Dub888: “Now children, I expect a 3 page essay on the burn pit due next Friday”
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
GameSageZB: @MadmanOreo Doesn't that make it even more strange?
AutumnVixenIX: they have to go to school because that’s where the smaller children’s pit is
LordManiMani: You'd think the Italians would be naturally resistant. What with-a the garlic, ayy
Easilycrazyhat: I feel personally attacked
RebekahWSD: WHY?
Astramentha: 30s
spethycakes: I can't stop superimposing Bill Hader's face over Vincent Price's
lochnessseammonster: lrrWOW
TheNerdySimulation: This history book is nothing to learn from, Ben! They're just stories!
Austere_Squire: have they met people? that sounds like college students
Strebenherz: Don't call me out like that
tomorrowboy: Goths.
hackingducks: it's because the night is when the raves are
niccus: wait a second, i'm always tired in the daytime
glitched_goddess: sounds like your average millennial ngl
TacitusVigil: So tired in the daytime? Big mood.
pickles_mcelden: Yeah the go to school around the corpse pile thing makes sense when you remember that we classified Baskin Robin's as essential
TehAmelie: apparently the germ cannot be destroyed. it's gonna pile up in the mass graves
Boomyakalolo: Price's hair line might be in it's 30s at this point
Lord_Hosk: Ha ha now you have a black ring around your eye
DigitalSeahorse: that didn't work in the movie where the fire fumes go into the rain and infect everyone during a storm
nbhax404: That mustache tho mr price
NonUniqueGuy: Everyone knows germs can't live in vampires
BrowneePoints: Giacomo Rossi Stuart
LordManiMani: Here is a Muppet News Flash!
AugmentingPath: That is accurate, Graham
BrowneePoints: yea actor was very italian
finestotter: Have they tried putting an eye under a microscope to see the killers face?
ylegm: that explains the coffee cup too I guess, the Italy thing I mean
Boomyakalolo: remake this movie with the muppets
emberBecky: yeh that guy in the last scene had his mouth match his words.
neisan2112: He hontely might speaking in Italian
RebekahWSD: Oh Florida?
TacitusVigil: His excellency? What is this, the 1700s?
BrowneePoints: that was ADR'd I think
TheNerdySimulation: Can't get sick if I ignore the virus
NonUniqueGuy: Have they tried wearing masks?
spethycakes: it's a awig
Bearudite: woodglue
hackingducks: it's a hairmet
ghyllnox: It's nighttime, you see
Saintnex: how do you sleep with that hair??
Digigoner: Coffee, a smoke, some cocaine on the gums, the usual.
BrowneePoints: Giacomo Rossi Stuart was in Gamma One
Fanklok: 700 cans of hair spray daily
Sorator13: Well, she glued it into place a year ago, and that seems to have done the trick
suntone: All the hairspray in the world
mrjujubeans: stepford hair
GhassanPL subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
GhassanPL: Woo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GhassanPL! (Today's storm count: 861)
Pywodwagon: Former?
SkylerRingtail: "In related news, state representatives have filed a lawsuit claiming the governor does not have the power to make an emergency declaration for public health"
TacitusVigil: Me too
Boomyakalolo: enough hair spray to hold god in place
GhassanPL: !movie
nbhax404: How long did they wait for the leaves to blow by for that shot
spethycakes: the more you tease it, the more you like it
TehAmelie: aa finely painted ivory hairpiece
Austere_Squire: i would give anything for just, a hardcut to them doing the wide or daughter up in full dracula makeup with no preamble
northos: @nbhax404 probably had a leaf pile and a fan
RebekahWSD: She has an abusive relationship with her hair?
chanterelleton: just got here, which movie are we watching?
NonUniqueGuy: Mommy, brains, I want brains
neisan2112: Too much benadryl?
Rhynerd: @chanterelleton The Last Man on Earth
Easilycrazyhat: Is she deaf too?
NonUniqueGuy: @chanterelleton The last man on earth
chanterelleton: thanks y'all
mrjujubeans: are you my mommy?
mister_nibbles: why you no answer your daughter
TehAmelie: she can't hear unless mommy addresse sher
drroxorphd: Definitely faking it
Grothe406: Mommy, It's Morbin' time!
saucemaster5000: remember what?
TacitusVigil: So someone is definitely coming in, right?
DigitalSeahorse: "I see dead people!" vicksyConcern
TheNerdySimulation: Mommy.. I desire flesh
Rhynerd: the first film adaptation of I Am Legend
PharaohBender27: One day, I should suggest viewing "A Day Called X," a documentary about Portland's Civil Defense system in the 1950s, where you get to hear stilted lines *without* dubbing because it's city officials with no stage presence
FelisRin: Egad, her hear is slightly ruffled!
DigitalSeahorse: xD
teddywhosabear: outstanding acting
Boomyakalolo: when the lsd hits
Mr_Horrible: that kid looks high as shit
IanAllenBird: mood
Sorator13: do you ever just think about hands?
geckoinasuit: she hit the bong too hard
fungal_bird: she's just absolutely zooted
vinewood_og: When the edibles kick in
Austere_Squire: don't take my christmas tree!
SmithKurosaki: That girl was seeing dragons in the kitchen
Krillin_fan: back to the pit
GameSageZB: She's got more force behind her than the vambies do.
Astramentha: T H E P I T
TheArchitectX: New, Children's Chewable Laudenum.
squ3e: !movie
CanvasWolfDoll: not my good sheets!
BorealMage: Is *this* why James keeps punching chunks??
ElementalAlchemist: 🤔
tomorrowboy: "Good news. They're burnt in the pit, not buried."
RebekahWSD: ROFL
hoveringhalibut: The pit of the eternal flame
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyThump
FelisRin: Commercials start running for fancy at-home burn pits - yours today for only $199.99!
fungal_bird: god dammit ben
lochnessseammonster: i was born in the pit
NonUniqueGuy: Hi, Late, I'm Ben
Genie_M: someone is shaking that poor plant
squ3e: Anybody know the movie name?
TehAmelie: would Vincent Price be of the laudanum generation?
Austere_Squire: no question about the garlic wreath? we're just chill with that?
NonUniqueGuy: @squ3e the last man on earth
Saintnex: You dont have a theory, you just think there are vampires?
CanvasWolfDoll: viewing this in 2024 knowing that the government would NOT be this on top of a vampire plague...
neisan2112: Oh did he move into Ben's house? This looks like the same poarch
Mr_Horrible: really, laughing Robert? In front of my theory?
SkylerRingtail: Ohhhhh, he's a Republican
Bionull: Sadly the production assistant was sent to the burn pit
BrowneePoints: Yea Giacomo's lines are definitely ADR'd
squ3e: @NonUniqueGuy thanks!
ComradeMik: "my friend should see a doctor, but not my daughter"
TacitusVigil: This is getting too real
Astramentha: @canvaswolfdoll yuuuuuuuup
mrjujubeans: 2nd go on git!
Boomyakalolo: the dubs on this are.... hum... special
Redbassist: Keep that socialized medicine away from me
TheNerdySimulation: this man doesn't wanna take his daughter to a doctor but he wants Ben to go to one??
Easilycrazyhat: Ben's house has that little door window, so I don't think so
Austere_Squire: when i die, can i go to the communal pit?
dm818: I think Ben is the one who is yelling at him
Omega_Lairon: "I always liked Ben's toilet better..."
geckoinasuit: me, monday mornings
A_Dub888: “weeeeeeee”
saucemaster5000: at least in covid we had ios games
JuniorRoll: No No, its just The Garlic House
NonUniqueGuy: Ben can go to the burn pit, but not his daughter.
RebekahWSD: The burn pit is smokeless. cool
betweenmyself: the sirens were also ADRed as they had distinct Italian accents
PharaohBender27: I will always remember Alex's description of cars back when and cars now: "1950s cars collide - they slightly bonk, but the people inside liquefy. Cars now: cars, collide, crumple like paper, and the people inside are all 'I'm fine!'"
ElementalAlchemist: tiltyhPLS
NotCainNorAbel: IAN!
GameSageZB: ian.
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
SkylerRingtail: Good one, Ian
ghyllnox: @TheNerdySimulation I think he means a different type of doctor, a psychiatrist
LordManiMani: Hehe
Astramentha: IAN
iris_of_ether: tiltyhPLS
MrPhlip: Ian,
CanvasWolfDoll: apocalypse happens and morgan steals the nicest house on the neighborhood
MrGibberish: Wow Ian
ReverseCreations: Omg Ian!
mister_nibbles: i hate how close to sense that makes ian
A_Dub888: Horner
DeltaStrata: My spouse just said they would not let them take me away to toss me in The Pit if I got sick. Truly, I am blessed.
TacitusVigil: Brilliant Ian
Genie_M: there's a colorized version available, I wonder if that fixes the sounds too
TehAmelie: is it just me or does that shot of the sign look fake? matte painting or something
Austere_Squire: how thoughtful of everyone to get sick the same day
geckoinasuit: that feeling post-desert bus
TheNerdySimulation: time to steal all the lab equipment
Mr_Horrible: judging by these pipettes I understand where he learned to straighten those candles now
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: time to snoop through Jim's desk
pickles_mcelden: Oh right today is st Patrick's day... my bad
FelisRin: This movie is filmed in black-and-white, so only left-handed projectionists can operate it correctly.
electra310: The most senior doctor has eaten the other, lesser doctors
RebekahWSD: proto Chistopher Lee
simplydavemn: And now Gib will give his tasks from Bartelby!
Alex VC: Omega Man?
Alex VC: I think we're alone now
saucemaster5000: check the size of their hands!!!
Bearudite: new version of old man river
SnackPak_: oof
Mr_Horrible: so they're officially Hags, Cameron
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
Bearudite: old man yaoi
Rhynerd: oh, we’re playing Warframe now
MrGibberish: "I am Brokeback Legend"
BrowneePoints: Price would've been 53 in this movie
geckoinasuit: [checks title of movie
Easilycrazyhat: what leaded-gasoline does to a body
felrender: TBF these guys are "pack a day" 30
TacitusVigil: Only most
DigitalSeahorse: they both smoked since they were 5
TheNerdySimulation: "Please. Our wives are not here, we can touch mustaches."
Austere_Squire: it was a different time, with cocaine
saucemaster5000: no kiss?
PharaohBender27: "This is a pretty messy work station" - ooh, you better not see my workplace (though I don't deal with dangerous chemicals, bacteria, or viruses)
neisan2112: Weeeelllll
RebekahWSD: logic?
MicroManagingMusician: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Genie_M: that guy has some Peter Cushing vibes
spethycakes: that doesn't follow, but I guess it's not the Logic Lab
Mr_Horrible: what, "9-to-5"s are the signpost of humanity, Doc?
FelisRin: "Careless Whisper" starts playing.
DeltaStrata: "Mankind will survive, even if we have to start a new race of human beings ourselves. *takes off lab coat*"
geckoinasuit: bro close your car door
TheArchitectX: They're certainly not going to find and answer After everyone in the world has died.
ProfessorFalconer: How far into the movie are we?
Strebenherz: "let's roll" is a hell of a line
TheNerdWonder: Are we wrong? No. It's the vampires that are wrong.
DigitalSeahorse: noooooo
Austere_Squire: time to meet Ludwig in the Underground Corpsepile
mrverbal: and it broke her hair!
Fanklok: How long is this movie?
NotCainNorAbel: he cannot close a door to save his life
Easilycrazyhat: Yeah, definitely his own house he's staing at
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPls vicksyPls vicksyPls
Alex VC: it's windy
Alex VC: they stole all my stuff..but left my wife
dm818: Just leaves his car door open
MrGibberish: "we are sorry we missed you..."
drawnbinary: her helmet's dented
ElementalAlchemist: RIP
PawssumFable: Closing doors is women's work
mister_nibbles: this man isnt big on context clues is he
Mr_Horrible: yeah, that was the Tiny Pictures Man
Mr_Horrible: here to drop off the tiny pictures
Krillin_fan: the teddy bear disease strikes again!
DigitalSeahorse: "just now"
TheNerdySimulation: she's more stuffed than a christmas turkey!! the horror!!
jubale1: wait there are TWO lrrCAMERON lrrCAMERON
ReverseCreations: Time to stake his first human victim
Austere_Squire: she turned invisible, it was incredible
hoveringhalibut: The VCs couldn't see the advantage of having the vampires work the nightshift
FelisRin: "She kept groping for me, you know I can't stand it when children touch me!"
Bearudite: she dead bud
Front_Ranger: I recognize everyone in the cast except the woman on the left. Who is she?
bubba0077: you forgot your hat
wedge_x: oh there's no plan
Easilycrazyhat: Wait...did they just dump a live woman in the burn pit?
Alex VC: Plot twist: They were a teddy bear all along. #EatThatMNight
finestotter: Are they burning them ALIVE?
Joecool190: what movie are we watching?
Mr_Horrible: "We already told you, spectator seating is 10 dollars"
Sorator13: And as we all know, the child vampires are the most dangerous!
finestotter: I thought those were dead bodies!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint
saucemaster5000: fyre festival 2 was really popping
ElementalAlchemist: The truck stops for no one
hackingducks: well, they're vampires. they die and come back. so 'alive'... ehh...
AndyDaMage: these guns do nothing!
hackingducks: they're burning them unalive
A_Dub888: awww I wanted him to ram through the blockade
TacitusVigil: Ah, this certainly isn't a crime against humanity
Saintnex: @Easilycrazyhat I think the implication is that all the infected people are just getting thrown immediately into the fire
DeltaStrata: "Stop, or we definitely won't shoot you!"
Austere_Squire: we're only burning mostly dead people in the pit, sir
rosesmcgee: Remember, burn pit rules are same as abandoning ship. Women and children first.
DigitalSeahorse: truck just makes a nose dive
CaptainKranok: A lot of them!
Koshindan: No they're vampires.
ReverseCreations: Are you not supposed to burn the vampires alive
Mr_Horrible: "I drive the truck I don't read the roadsigns"
DigitalSeahorse: the mother said she was gone before they took her
Front_Ranger: @saucemaster5000 LOL! Fyre!
NotCainNorAbel: they have only killed 4 people
Halimain: well, they are dead by now.
tachyondecay: Is it just me or does Vincent Price sound like Maurice La Marche as Brain?
ElementalAlchemist: pffft
PawssumFable: Driving AND reading, do you think I'm a high school graduate
AndyDaMage: YEEEEY
Austere_Squire: he did not fight very hard
Krillin_fan: Yeet
mrjujubeans: 3rd go on git!
TheNerdySimulation: YEET
IanAllenBird: noooo
electra310: yote
teddywhosabear: gluuuuuurp
ghyllnox: Head over heels
ProfessorFalconer: What rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs
PharaohBender27: Cheer10760 GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER
NonUniqueGuy: That body seemed pretty small to be his daughter
NimrodXIV: what compassion
ylegm: The only thing that trumps fire for monsters is a big ass woodchipper
Alex VC: The worst kidnapping of a child since Resident Evil 8
Alex VC: in the fields, the bodies burning. as the war machine keeps turning
DigitalSeahorse: lrrAWW
FelisRin: You just hear this "THUD!" as it hits the bottom. XD
pn55: So dignified
Saintnex: Well, if they werent dead, they are now Kappa
WardsarTheWriter: Making toast of that bread.
neisan2112: The MP band is uuuuhhhh weird
ComradeMik: @tachyondecay you might be onto something there...
iris_of_ether: @PharaohBender27 WHOA
Grothe406: So now we get the devil powers right?
ComradeMik: or maybe orson welles...
Mattmitchell45: "Now that we both have no kids...wanna hang out?"
electra310: Wooo, PB!
Mr_Horrible: I've seen bodies go over a hill in an Adventures With Bill segment with more impact LUL
LordManiMani: @nonuniqueguy well she may have turned into a teddy bear
MrGibberish: Yo @PharaohBender27
betweenmyself: nobody got payed enough to risk being hurt
jchinnock: no budget for any injuries
orrie104: Cheer10000 Get away from her you *itch!
mtvcdm: The acting is the best bad
incslayer: i just woke up what are we watching?
Krillin_fan: "look team, we're not paying you much, just kinda do your best" ~the director
betweenmyself: *paid
Genie_M: the exact 700k
Bearudite: 700k baybeeee
hackingducks: that's just how old cinema was. like theater productions set to film
RebekahWSD: Theyre really tired Grahm
NonUniqueGuy: @LordManiMani Fair
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
IanAllenBird: f
Boomyakalolo: give me a yeet bois, Into the soil, I wanna get tossed in a burning hole! and crisp all day
heartofgoldfish: is that just how the 1960s were? Like your daughter died and you just get kinda grumpy
Austere_Squire: did she just die?!
Juliamon: Austere_Squire Virginia
PharaohBender27: @orrie104 lrrSHINE
Blue_Anteater: Yeah, did Vincent Price have like, a back injury, maybe?
Easilycrazyhat: "She's dead, Bob."
Saintnex: is she... dead?
DigitalSeahorse: so fast
Bruceski: I sleep the same way
Halimain: so, what movie is this?
bagfullofbees: @Austere_Squire short for
teddywhosabear: that seems too fast
TehAmelie: she fell on the bed so hard she died
Symphoneers: Please, stake my wife.
Despoiler98: foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG SHES DEAD JIM
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: but she's still going to make breakfast, right?
Easilycrazyhat: Blind2Dead any%
ProfessorFalconer: "Bob, I just realized... my parents named me Virge! Why, Bob! Why?!"
ElementalAlchemist: or, apparently, a priest
RTwo28: Oh my goodness shes ded
fredcheckers: Another one for the daughter pit.
DigitalSeahorse: katesFlower vicksyDed
bagfullofbees: *virginia
GameSageZB: who could have foreseeeeeeeeen thiiiis
geckoinasuit: do not. touch. the. infected
neveth: at least she had her housecoat on
Bearudite: man these drapes
Bearudite: fuckem
Austere_Squire: she went from blind to dead in 2 seconds
OtherEdgeworth: Did she go from blind to dead in like 3 seconds flat?
A_Dub888: @despoiler98 I thought his name was Morgan
RebekahWSD: On the Virge of death
cryptidsamoyed: Someone should tell them that they are still listed under food and drink lmao
drroxorphd: Movie is : The Last Man on Earth
mtvcdm: We're now past 700,000 bits for the subathon
phuznutz is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
phuznutz gifted a Tier 1 sub to pendragonpoe!
phuznutz gifted a Tier 1 sub to tailsteak!
phuznutz gifted a Tier 1 sub to MicroManagingMusician!
phuznutz gifted a Tier 1 sub to Front_Ranger!
phuznutz gifted a Tier 1 sub to LaFarfallaRosa!
voren_chalco: That explains why he's only having coffee and orange juice at the start
Laserbeaks_Fury: Surely not Peterson
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, phuznutz! Welcome to pendragonpoe, tailsteak, MicroManagingMusician, Front_Ranger, and LaFarfallaRosa! (Today's storm count: 866)
ProfessorFalconer: "I'm Vincent Price, damn it. Let's get weird with it!"
DigitalSeahorse: "I'll put you there myself!"
TehAmelie: i've been in denial of our daughter's illness so long, time to move on to denying my wife's death
ElementalAlchemist: yes
geckoinasuit: guess she was really on the virge of death
vinewood_og: For profit health care, am I right?
jamesinor: I'd say either injury or addiction
Austere_Squire: that was the funniest thing in the movie, my gosh
TStodden: !movie
NonUniqueGuy: Vincent seemed angry at those curtains, like he caused her death.
greenday61892: is that clark gable or wish clark gable
ylegm: That's where my money is Cam
Front_Ranger: @phuznutz Thanks for the gift sub!
NotCainNorAbel: I'll trap you in a box FOREVER
jchinnock: need a super cut of Price tossing things to the side
Krillin_fan: instead of putting you in a pit, i'll condemn you to an eternity buried alive! you're welcome!
WardsarTheWriter: It's no cofagrigus.
ghyllnox: Definitely Not A Body
ElementalAlchemist: and some RGB LEDs because GAMER
Easilycrazyhat: It would be an actually interesting plot point if she were alive in the coffin...so probably not
heartofgoldfish: aahhhhh put the missy in a scarmophogus
neisan2112: They do still need to feed to stay undead
greenday61892: oh that's VINCENT PRICE i'm so dumb
AugmentingPath: Krillin_fan my hero!
PhantomZeppelin: Is Vincent Price is Spirit of Halloween "Clark Gable"
vinewood_og: Like 4pm
Mr_Horrible: Adding enrichment activities to my wife's enclosure (Putting an ipad in her coffin)
greenday61892: and disrespectful
Grothe406: Oh sure, SHE gets to ride shotgun
Fanklok: Full moon
hackingducks: it's just a very bright moon
Gaelan_Maestro: the moon is bright
ProfessorFalconer: The moon was bigger back then
TacitusVigil: Too much effort for the car pool lane
KeytarCat: His and Ben's house are the same model
ghyllnox: It's the MOON Graham Kappa
PharaohBender27: Also there was TRAFFIC on that road behind them
DoomBringerIL: is this still the flashback? @LoadingReadyRun
Bearudite: its beautiful
adept_nekomancer: "forget it, let's do a night-for-day shot"
Boomyakalolo: oh my god you guy can do house on haunted hill (it's public domain now)
Genie_M: there's a song about it - moonlight shadow
bubba0077: look, there's a reason Itality never eclipsed Hollywood
Fanklok: The moon sure is big in japan
jedi_master_zll: According to the wiki page, in the book they liquefied when they were staked.
FelisRin: Cheer500 I like to imagine the vampires are going, "Morgan... we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty..."
PawssumFable: So this could've been solved by locking them up for a bit?
DeM0nFiRe: @DoomBringerIL Yes
burleyboar: Traffic in the apocalypse is surprisingly heavy
Saintnex: This is a VERY extensive flashback
A_Dub888: moonlight is literal sunlight
glitched_goddess: putting the corpse in the passenger side so you can still use the carpool lane
jubale1: he’s gonna find a cure after everyone is dead.
PhantomZeppelin: I don't wanna be buried in Oklaholma
hackingducks: or she climbs out of the shallow grave on her own
NotCainNorAbel: because I love you
ghyllnox: Let's dig a hole in a three-piece suit!
Austere_Squire: did she just die of shock from going blind? or trip and break her neck or what?
geckoinasuit: Romance is dead and so is she
Easilycrazyhat: So...she's not in the coffin?
phuznutz: @Front_Ranger Cheerio, nice to see so many folks hanging out for this
Mr_Horrible: she always loved shallow graves by the interstate, Cameron
TehAmelie: @Austere_Squire one of those i'm sure
TheNerdySimulation: I wonder if he just made a coffin for tribute? Because it looked small in the chur scene
Dalrint: Why didn't he get sick, though?
PharaohBender27: Jordynne, I'd respect that
Easilycrazyhat: He's not a barbarian, Graham
theguardianotter: Gotta maintain the aesthetic
jchinnock: it’s called fashion G
DigitalSeahorse: "Don't ever ditch me. Promise me!"
Mr_Horrible: yeah Vince, give up the goods
PhantomZeppelin: I'm Fixing a Hole
DeltaStrata: A gentleman does not remove his jacket while burying his wife!
ThorSokar: god, that would be aweful, only phone scammers are the ones who come back for some reason
TehAmelie: let the rigid one in
Lysander_salamander: he is a dreamboat
ghyllnox: Ohh this is where she comes back
MaladyDark: no housewife
Easilycrazyhat: Oh yeah...maybe
Sorator13: well, that *is* what happens when your wife isn't around to take care of things /s
BrowneePoints: Yep they remember bits of their past lives
TacitusVigil: Let the right one in, Vincent!
BrowneePoints: so they think the Stigmas work
TheNerdySimulation: He had no wife to clean up, this isn't actually an apocalypse
Austere_Squire: it would be rude to come in uninvited
neisan2112: Oh yeah
PhantomZeppelin: Let Me In Your Heart Again
anyavamps: What a terrible stereotype. May we come in?
Mr_Horrible: stopping to count beans
ElementalAlchemist: huh.
WardsarTheWriter: Placebo Virus
jchinnock: oh so they are 40K orcs
RebekahWSD: Ghost door
samb6678: Based on the hardware that's installed in it
tidehollowcat: I'm a tank I'm a tank
jamesinor: That is some Ork Logic
FelisRin: So it's goddamn Terry Pratchett rules?
saucemaster5000: yeah in the book the "vampires" are divided between mindless zombies and just... normal people
Dreamlettuce: Please be an inch worm on the knob.
Grothe406: Glad everyone agreed on the same set of vampire rules
BrowneePoints: He runs into a vampire that doesn't react to a bible and swaps the holy book to another religion and THEN they recoil @LoadingReadyRun
PhantomZeppelin: Surprise!!!!
IanAllenBird: a couple of them did walk past the threshold earlier so that makes sense
hackingducks: told ya
betweenmyself: so when he stakes them they only *think* they’re dead? riffThink
PharaohBender27: Ohai
Mr_Horrible: hoofed it
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint vicksyPoint vicksyPoint
TheNerdySimulation: Graham could I have some gummies please? /silly
Easilycrazyhat: Oh no, her hairmet
ghyllnox: Thought so!
theguardianotter: Honey, I'm home!
ElementalAlchemist: oh no
Krillin_fan: breakfast time!
heartofgoldfish: if anything her hair looks better. modern
RebekahWSD: Make breakfast
vinewood_og: Would.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeck vicksyHeck vicksyHeck
Strebenherz: Oh hey, she's here to make breakfast after all
hackingducks: "gimme a smooch"
Lysander_salamander: dream sequence?
heartofgoldfish: Girl dinner
A_Dub888: “I ate a sandwich fish biiiig”
saucemaster5000: (Sekiro) ROBERRRRRT
VorlonScout: her hair still looks better than mine does after a one-hour nap
mtvcdm: Raaaaaaahhhhhhhhbbbbbb
Mr_Horrible: "I'm guessing this is about breakfast"
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyEmpty
Easilycrazyhat: THe mirror thing, yeah
Gaelan_Maestro: well she just messed up his perfectly dug grave
PhantomZeppelin: Bob...BOB.....BOOOOOOOOB!!!!
Koshindan: Blind during the day maybe?
itmightbemikey: Temporary blindness is a thing
CAKHost: "Beee menace by my haaair"
harke_: Death cures blindness, didn't you know?
Easilycrazyhat: I was literally just thinking about how cool infrared vision would be this morning
PawssumFable: All two feet of digging for nothing
Despoiler98: ok not gonna lie that shot to the fade in was actually amazing
Spacecarl: was it also only seeing at night?
Austere_Squire: they can see by emitting ultrasonic screeches
jubale1: hypersensitive eyes, cant see in daylight
teddywhosabear: it took them three years to think up wrecking the car
ElementalAlchemist: why did they take the seat out?
Mr_Horrible: surprised that it took them 3 years to do that
Lysander_salamander: dang
RTwo28: We're gonna kill you morgan
AndyDaMage: actualy damage suprises all
pn55: Bloody vampire vandals!
Sorator13: "we'll show you why you need the extended warrantyyyy"
Strebenherz: Is this the first time they've fucked up his car in three years?
TheTekkieman: Oh, they actually are DOING damage now.
Genie_M: after 3 years they remembered to go after the car
heartofgoldfish: Get the catalytic converter
FelisRin: Aw jeeze, that car was a collector's item.
ghyllnox: They disassembled his seats!
dm818: I think they were trying to imply some sort of regeneration with the microscope slide scene.
phuznutz: Act of god
Saintnex: wait the opened the hood??
Boomyakalolo: @fuckyourbuick
Krillin_fan: it's a sturdy door G
NonUniqueGuy: I'm going to lightly tap your car with a stick
jchinnock: they had to save the hitting for that shot
Pywodwagon: why did they wait 3 years to do this
packattack_0: is the guy yelling his brother in law?
mtvcdm: Watch as I mildly fuck up your car
PhantomZeppelin: This is why they told me not to move to Detroit
AndyDaMage: they cant get through the door because he won't invite them in
adept_nekomancer: "Should have paid for that extended warranty, Morgan!"
drummermunson subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drummermunson! (Today's storm count: 867)
ProfessorFalconer: "Morgan doesn't live here, damn it!"
BreadGuyTV: My 20th anniversary hoodie just arrived thanks lrr love it!!
Koshindan: Not enough garlic in the car.
hackingducks: they just now had the idea to take his car apart
Mr_Horrible: well damn, lock the fuck in, Robert
Sorator13: @BreadGuyTV Nice! Isn't it comfy?
ghyllnox: Damn and they put sticks all over it
Texan_Reverend: !hoodie
LRRbot: Get your LRR 20th Anniversary Hoodie right now at https://lrr.cc/20hoodie
RTwo28: Man this voice acting is real bad
finestotter: Morgan! This is going to cost a lot to get fixed Morgan!
TehAmelie: are we caught up with the flashback now?
RebekahWSD: They covered the car in twigs?
BreadGuyTV: @sorator13 it's so comfy!!
Saintnex: How they do THAT to the car and not his door is a bit silly lol
ElementalAlchemist: It's too early in the morning
manyourbattlestations: okay i get that this is the apocalypse and his house is a wreck, but where did his lampshades go??
Mr_Horrible: yes, Matt, but the pooka, not the villager
Digigoner: I hate waking up 15 minutes before my alarm!
hoveringhalibut: This is the predecessor to Pacific Drive
PhantomZeppelin: Wow, this place is trashed!
mwlsn: @TehAmelie I believe so
bubba0077: there's a 6 AM?
burleyboar: Things are f'ed. No jacket
PhantomZeppelin: damn fratboys!
PharaohBender27: NGL, I relate to the "wake up, see what time it is" thing
NotCainNorAbel: well they finally did it. they killed my fucking car
GameSageZB: They were hung on everything else.
jchinnock: I wonder how many afternoons this took to shoot
theguardianotter: Time to go car shopping!
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: LUL
ghyllnox: Getting dull???
TacitusVigil: Wait, why are they mad with him?
vinewood_og: Not again!!!
Easilycrazyhat: VINCENT PLEASE
electra310: lmaoooo
Strebenherz: TRUNK
pn55: HypeLUL
Mattmitchell45: Cortman
ylegm: Consistent
ghyllnox: He's supposed to be dead!
OtherEdgeworth: Vampire/zombie Ben has no right antagonising Robert, given he gave up on heading into the lab to work on a solution first.
IanAllenBird: this is his fetish
Juliamon: what does this man have against closed trunks??
RTwo28: He just loves open trunks
Mr_Horrible: I'm starting to think Robert just has a compulsion about trunks
adept_nekomancer: "If I close a trunk the vampires will get me"
AugmentingPath: closing trunks is women's work
finestotter: Bars
Saintnex: Why are you obsessed with leaving trunks open Vincent!?!
0x6772: "What'll it take to get you into a shiny new Fiat 500, eh?"
mwlsn: You *just had* a station wagon
PharaohBender27: Well see that's how he marks cars he's evaluated Kappa
Boomyakalolo: and no trunk was eve closed again
hesterbyrde: It's the 60s. The keys are in the ignition
DigitalSeahorse: gotta stick to sunlight hours even during cursed DST which is somehow STILL a thing even in the apocalypse
FelisRin: It's time to play Stack the Bodies!
Dalrint: I hope he dies because of an open trunk
NonUniqueGuy: How well a car drives with the trunk up is a key detail to him
wormapotheote: did he get an alternate version of the virus that just prevents him from closing trunks
SkylerRingtail: The trunk thing seems too weird to be unintentional...right? Like, he has a fear of being trapped?
Grothe406: Ooh working trunk
PhantomZeppelin: Vincent Price in...Grand Theft Auto in the 60s
A_Dub888: how is the dealership in such a good condition??
Gaelan_Maestro: doooge
manyourbattlestations: okay it's roomy, but what's the gas milage?
theguardianotter: This really does feel like he's playing a survival game
ElementalAlchemist: woof
Despoiler98: DOGGO
ghyllnox: Different hood ornament
DeM0nFiRe: OhMyDog
burleyboar: Nice rear window with that curve!
Dalrint: How did he survive his wife?
CAKHost: Trucks existed back them, right?
emberBecky: uh oh
Lysander_salamander: oh no
vinewood_og: Dogmeat!
ProfessorFalconer: Too bad he's too early for the ambulance that gets turned into the Ecto-1.
DigitalSeahorse: pupper
RTwo28: Dog?
PawssumFable: To be fair, what would you stop doing if you were the last person left
Twilight_Spark: FrankerZ
IanAllenBird: ohno
SkylerRingtail: Quick, time to check Does The Dog Die
ghyllnox: PUPPPY
saucemaster5000: oh yeah warning
Krillin_fan: a wild doggo appears
geckoinasuit: quickly going to does the dog die
Lysander_salamander: the post apocalypse dog
RTwo28: dog fren?
CAKHost: D:
electra310: Pupper!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyChill
PhantomZeppelin: Shootin' at some food
TheNerdySimulation: vampire dog
neisan2112: Oh the dog!
hackingducks: vampire doggo
Lysander_salamander: poor guy
A_Dub888: benginLul
hesterbyrde: I mean I know the answer to does the dog die in the Will Smith version
forcedreject: It never goes well for the dog in I am legend material
drroxorphd: it's aliiiiive!
adept_nekomancer: Is it though?
Lysander_salamander: vampire dog
RebekahWSD: It really seem like everyone here dies all at once to leave everything so intact. Was there a rapture?
finestotter: "There was a time I was looking for a car, now I'm searching for a hearse" is a hard line
ghyllnox: It's aliiveeee!
jubale1: he should move where people don’t know “Morgan”
theguardianotter: Lemme check does the dog die real quick
neveth: @geckoinasuit Bad news
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHype It's ALIVE!
DiscordianTokkan: "Fresh meat!"
NonUniqueGuy: The dog is Frankenstein's monster?
WardsarTheWriter: He just wants a friend!
Krillin_fan: *barks in italian*
vinewood_og: IL woof
Twilight_Spark: Wow that dog is booking it.
hackingducks: i need you for science!
FelisRin: Oh god Sam! FeelsBadMan
LordManiMani: @jubale1 i thought that too
PhantomZeppelin: dude, give it up
DeltaStrata: Come back! I'm hungry!
ElementalAlchemist: "goodbye" --dog
pn55: Well, yea the dog is Italian too
DigitalSeahorse: don't make me climb this
Lanthess: *Italian dog noises*
Koshindan: Dude, just leave food out. The dog will come back.
AugmentingPath: guafa
LordManiMani: Dogmeat-a ball-a
TehAmelie: if you're fighting vampires, you have to be awake through the night, but would you prefer to go to sleep at dawn or wake up at dusk?
jchinnock: bark bark 🤌🤌
mwlsn: A grown man chasing a dog yelling "don't run away" is definitely gonna work
manyourbattlestations: come back! i have a new car and i can roll the windows down!
Grothe406: And now it's Umberto E
ender4449: rule 1: cardio
Morrigan9: does an italian dog talk with it's hands?
dm818: Because he's lonely
betweenmyself: the dog didn’t get the message about being “low energy” so as not to upstage Price and was immediately fired
jubale1: like Morgan is not immune
PharaohBender27: Oh wait they filmed in front of THAT building!?
mtvcdm: That dog is gooooonnnne
vinewood_og: Malto barko
PhantomZeppelin: I'm the last man on earth
NonUniqueGuy: Why are all these trunks closed?
ImmortalLen: That is definitely Italy in the background.
Strebenherz: Vincent price running for dog in wasteland is a thing
TheNerdWonder: Here boy, I have Steak-ums!
simplydavemn: If I had gone 3 years without petting a dog I'd have the same reaction.
drroxorphd: Rome
Gaelan_Maestro: i would use that tower as home base
CanvasWolfDoll: as a dog person, i deeply understand this motivation
TheNerdySimulation: got his ass
Angnor33: Just get in that spaceship and fly away...
vinewood_og: Damn
ImmortalLen: Earth
TehAmelie: the big tower of Europe
Strebenherz: @simplydavemn That's.. a good point
mwlsn: LUL
TacitusVigil: No one will be seated during the Dog Searching Scenes.
hackingducks: planet earth, somewhere.
djalternative: I assume they filmed in italy
ThorSokar: guess getting a lot of abandoned looking Trebants was easy in the 60s
PhantomZeppelin: Shish Kababs
jubale1: wait, that’s a TriPod
Genie_M: 3 years and it doesn't look Fallout
TehAmelie: no mistake
BrowneePoints: Deadliest game of Golf
BrowneePoints: Death Golf
Easilycrazyhat: Cool Technology!™
NotCainNorAbel: their lathe is much larter
Sorator13: well don't pull them out?!
Lanthess: Staked...through the stomach?
pickles_mcelden: How did you make a golf club on a lathe ?
PawssumFable: You definitely haven't been blackout drunk in the past few
TehAmelie: i've invented the spear!
Koshindan: "I could have been using reusable sticks all along?!"
PhantomZeppelin: wow! Iron. NOT wood!
Genie_M: he's virus-bacteria scientist
SquareDotCube: got pilum'd
NimrodXIV: that's why everyone's dead BEn
FelisRin: "Yes, let me pull out the stake that is keeping the wound open."
vinewood_og: They did think smoking was good for you....
hackingducks: well, nobody accused him of being a *good* scientist
Sorator13: look, Ben, he was a biochemist, not a materials engineer
ElementalAlchemist: "And they don't have ham radio?"
manyourbattlestations: it's his emotional support spear
fredcheckers: My brother it's literally just a fence post.
felrender: Are those pila? is the Lost Legion here?
adept_nekomancer: "The other guy has iron already? Dang, I should've been building campuses."
Gascitygaming: radio's been broken for the last 27 months
DigitalSeahorse: must vlog about this new thing
PharaohBender27: The building with the stairs is literally a facist-era structure that was featured in the 1990s . . . Damnit, what's the name of that Shakespeare play? Starts with a T?
TacitusVigil: You didn't say over
tomorrowboy: It's a little known fact that giant iron stakes through the heart will kill lots of people, not just vampires.
PhantomZeppelin: This is Bobby M, calling Rubber Ducky. what's your 420, over!
drroxorphd: Hello Vienna Calling
MrPhlip: just need to go a bit deeper so they can make a diamond stake
RebekahWSD: KOK radio
vinewood_og: Now here's Richter with the traffic!
TehAmelie: KOKW, coke for the win
RhoxPaperScissors: kekw calling
hackingducks: @adept_nekomancer stupid RNG didn't spawn any iron in my entire civilization wtf.
N0ts0much is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
N0ts0much gifted a Tier 1 sub to General_Nerdiness!
N0ts0much gifted a Tier 1 sub to diskspaceship!
N0ts0much gifted a Tier 1 sub to m_cable!
N0ts0much gifted a Tier 1 sub to CharredSpark!
N0ts0much gifted a Tier 1 sub to Scixarite!
A_Dub888: “For God’s sake…” I’m agnostic!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, N0ts0much! Welcome to General_Nerdiness, m_cable, CharredSpark, Scixarite, and diskspaceship! (Today's storm count: 872)
ProfessorFalconer: Up next on Tinker Tailor Solder Fry, how to make proper zombie stakes using household scrap
mtvcdm: Oh sorry you're not the 9th caller
CanvasWolfDoll: puppy!
manyourbattlestations: titus andronicus?
Despoiler98: foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad NO NOT SAD DOGGO
mwlsn: @PharaohBender27 Titus Andronicus?
Gascitygaming: @PharaohBender27 tristan and isolde?
FelisRin: "Hello? KOKW? We read you!" "Shut the hell up, there's a dog!"
drroxorphd: It's a trap!
geckoinasuit: i have just looked up this movie and now i have to end watching bc i will cry
BrowneePoints: I have one fear
nightshifte: its funny listening to y'all do this bc even the voices sound like MST3k
Sorator13: I didn't realize Toto had starred in another film
fredcheckers: 99.5 KOKW the KOK
jubale1: Petting dog is how you get sick
PharaohBender27: @manyourbattlestations Yes! Thank you!
loufghyslaufey: weh?
IanAllenBird: : (
tidehollowcat: Rube Waddell when the opposing dugout shows him a puppy
betweenmyself: KOKW, this is Price and “the Booger” in the morning!
jedi_master_zll: Man this is slow, how much time is left?
PhantomZeppelin: Do the Zombies Run?
hackingducks: tom hardy *points* that's bait.
loufghyslaufey: Whatcha saying?
Lysander_salamander: They made some weird changes in the remake
TehAmelie: just smart enough to be confused by mirrors because they think they're vampires
geckoinasuit: nooooo doggo
NotSoLuckyLydia: He's gonna get blood all over his suit
TheNerdySimulation: I hope only the dog survives
ImmortalLen: I'm still pissed at the BS ending I Am Legend got in theaters.
jjcard: I remember the dog barely existing in the book, like he's there and gone
PhantomZeppelin: Grab your troch and pitchforks! Kill the ALIVE man
Strebenherz: Did he remember to lock the door
Lanthess: We need the Let's Nope content warning
RebekahWSD: Dogt immediately pisses on the rug
PawssumFable: The dog will be the deus ex
loufghyslaufey: This an "I M'd Legions?"
mtvcdm: @tidehollowcat I see you and appreciate you
MrPhlip: he's going to put it down?
Easilycrazyhat: That doggo is a cutie
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyChill vicksyHug
Despoiler98: foodvi2Mad foodvi2Mad foodvi2Mad i dont care what happens to the humans that doggo better live
PawssumFable: Mark my words
Lysander_salamander: I have very little memory of the Charlton Heston version
theinvisiblevoice: don't say "put down"
neveth: It's not good, graham
adept_nekomancer: @hackingducks Nope just like 8 copies of horses.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySpook vicksyThump
ReverseCreations: It's like the fourth of July every night!!
NotCainNorAbel: at least go upstairs
CAKHost: Wow that dog got matte looking real quick
harke_: "Put you down" is maybe not the BEST phrase there...
pn55: HypeLUL
hoveringhalibut: Could the vampires talk in I Am Legend?
vinewood_og: Are all these zombies just mean wine drunks?
Koshindan: That doesn't look like the same dog.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
Saintnex: OH NO
NotCainNorAbel: lrrFINE
Twilight_Spark: RIP
theguardianotter: Spoiler alert
RTwo28: he just death flagged the dog
Easilycrazyhat: - Me when my dogs get freaked by fireworks and thunder
jedi_master_zll: How did he get that lathe in there?
PhantomZeppelin: Bob Marley
Genie_M: "look very dramatic"
jubale1: lrrFINE lrrFINE
FelisRin: "... You shall be my WIFE!"
NonUniqueGuy: The dog is going to lose his left feet
DigitalSeahorse: "That's what the vet said."
Digigoner: lrrFINE
Spacecarl: Well after 3 years of no social contact, you forget how to not foreshadow
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrHERE lrrFINE
ThirdGames: "Now wear this hair helmet."
TheNerdySimulation: eventually we'll jump a shark and everything!
PawssumFable: Oh no
tezzatipoca: That's what my ex said lol jk jk
CAKHost: That Doggo was 2 days from retirement!... OH NO
RTwo28: lrrFINE
theguardianotter: Things are unfortunately not going to get better for this dog
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrFINE lrrHERE
Lanthess: Dog farted
PharaohBender27: OK, so @LoadingReadyRun , I think when Vincent Price was running down steps and there was a building with arches, it was this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palazzo_della_Civilt%C3%A0_Italiana
TehAmelie: hair. . .reminds me of my wife
PhantomZeppelin: it's ok, boy! NO IT'S NOT!!!
Despoiler98: foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad
BrowneePoints: is it covered in dirt?
ProfessorFalconer: "Wait, you can't make me eggs. No, no this is all wrong!"
fredcheckers: If he were a gundam protagonist they would already be dead.
vinewood_og: "Is this dog european?"
Ciijay: What movie is this again?
Despoiler98: foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad
ElementalAlchemist: oh
FelisRin: LUL
PawssumFable: Look at those BACILLI
hackingducks: that line of thinking gets dark fast
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Gaelan_Maestro: oh wow, talk about a small microscope
IanAllenBird: "oh no, this feral dog is covered in the airborne virus"
Sorator13: but... the daughter... :\
tezzatipoca: 😂😂😂
betweenmyself: Doggo was the carrier all along! riffGasp
Ciijay: I'm just realizing everyone's saying there was a book and another film
burleyboar: Grape Nut Flakes?
geckoinasuit: someone @ me when the dog is gone i don't wanna see it
LordManiMani: I know this is a bad movie and all, but Vincent looks so good in that shot there
ElementalAlchemist: RIP dog
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyLUL
Saintnex: Welp
theguardianotter: Rip dog
Twilight_Spark: Holy shit
Easilycrazyhat: dammit vincent
ghyllnox: :(
NonUniqueGuy: @Ciijay two films
manyourbattlestations: pathogens make me giggle too
Digigoner: Dog Kebab
mtvcdm: Sorry doggo
PawssumFable: "Look at those bacilli" is something I'm going to quote forever
Despoiler98: foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad
jedi_master_zll: Well that was fast.
Koshindan: He went back to the wood stake.
vinewood_og: Still with the jacket on
Alephred: Is this the original I Am Legend?
BOTGrant: Tiny Microscope is tine.
ElementalAlchemist: update: Turns out the answer to "does the dog die?" is "yes"
Krillin_fan: RIP puppers
BrowneePoints: Oh cool. The Dog has a less violent death than the Will Smith one
pn55: 0 to doggo dead was quick
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: that added so much to this movie....
CaptainKranok: Doggover
TheNerdySimulation: WHAT???
wormapotheote: the book also inspired Night of the Living Dead
JuniorRoll: Double Cam cam still rules
PhantomZeppelin: No one likes that!
tezzatipoca: subtle
0x6772: Maybe check your own blood there, Bob.
Easilycrazyhat: He actually mentioned that he has to leave the stake in earlier
Ciijay: Ohhhh this is I Am Legend?
mister_nibbles: that fake dog prop weighed like 2 ounces
FelisRin: Well that whole interlude happened.
BrowneePoints: Graham, the Will Smith one is TRAUMATIZING
neisan2112: Wait wut?!? No why
hesterbyrde: Generally speaking you're supposed to leave the stake in.
JadedCynic: that was a pretty shallow grave...
RTwo28: Jeez that dog died instantly
RebekahWSD: And Graham catches up :)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksy7
heartofgoldfish: kekw
manyourbattlestations: buried with his favorite stick, just like he'd want
Lysander_salamander: oh hai
theguardianotter: The dog death in I am legend had me fucking BAWLING
ElementalAlchemist: um, hi
Angnor33: New video game social media account: Can you bury the dog?
finestotter: If you don't leave the stick in the body seal comes back... or something
Meark subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
Meark: Oh hey! good timing with this.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Meark! (Today's storm count: 873)
TheNerdySimulation: You seen a dog round here sir?
jamesinor: Well, doggone it
SkylerRingtail: Must've only had the dog for one day of filming
PhantomZeppelin: ooooh, my new wife!
ElementalAlchemist: kbye
Simonark: So the best story about this movie is that Richard Matheson was assured by the producer Fritz Lang would direct it. When Sidney Salkow directed it instead, he described it as “A bit of a drop”.
Lanthess: New breakfast maker dropped
betweenmyself: “I’m looking for my dog..”
loufghyslaufey: Wah!
Genie_M: the second to last person on earth
RTwo28: Correct reaction from that woman
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: one more reason to choose the bear
GameSageZB: "Only those 12 other people last year!"
LordManiMani: She must be Greek or something
Mr_Horrible: yeah, Vince, you're not really acting friendly
ProfessorFalconer: "Wait, you're one of the singers from the B-52's!"
NotCainNorAbel: I choose the bear
PhantomZeppelin: it's a trap!!!
Easilycrazyhat: "I'm just burying the dog I murdered! Don't be scared!
loufghyslaufey: "Stranger Danger!"
AndyDaMage: would you rather meet a man or a bear at the end of the world
mtvcdm: She is correct
Gascitygaming: she's Italian, Vincent, no she can't understand you
RebekahWSD: Theyre coming to get you Barbara!
heartofgoldfish: they are not running fast
TheNerdySimulation: I'm not a monster! I just murder a dog!
harke_: "I'm chasing you for nice reasons!"
Krillin_fan: my bloodlust is sated, you're good for 20-30 minutes
NimrodXIV: the man or the zombies
Koshindan: Would you rather meet a man or a vampire in the woods?
finestotter: She only speaks Italian
loufghyslaufey: Strangers' Dangers!" Lies! Deception...!
NonUniqueGuy: I'm just going to rough you up a bit
PhantomZeppelin: Stranger Danger in the future
hackingducks: hashtag prolematic
Saintnex: Does she??
Lord_Hosk: Wait wait... do you know how to make breakfast?
Astramentha: A+ social skills
PawssumFable: Except by holding you down
TheNerdySimulation: Also sam Jordynne on goals tho
Grothe406: Look I Know we just met but your hair looks just like my vampire wifes
TehAmelie: better looking, faster, quieter, death has been good to you dear
hesterbyrde: That's a jump
FelisRin: "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just going to grab you very roughly!"
mtvcdm: Dude you're shaking her
Lanthess: Face them
pickles_mcelden: Quick do you know how to make breakfast?
Genie_M: she was mostly fine for 3 years y'know
Digigoner: "I'm not going to hurt you!" - violently grabs arms and wrists
BOTGrant: Eyebrows on fleek
AugmentingPath: ciao
EvilBadman: (shakes violently) I am not going to hurt you
PhantomZeppelin: Me No Understando
DaimyoAmerica: I'll take the bear
burleyboar: I hope she is not deaf
ghyllnox: How do you make your iron spikes?
tezzatipoca: this was before women had backstories :P
Grevas13: the patented old hollywood "grab and shake the woman" and suddenly she's calm
NotSoLuckyLydia: He thinks he's the last man on earth and yet theres someone else in the SAME CITY? man this guy has no sense of scope
RebekahWSD: Well she IS Itallian
theguardianotter: Can you cook a mean egg?
JuniorRoll: Can you speak?
Easilycrazyhat: "Do you know how to grow garlic?"
Digigoner: Netflix and chill?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDK
Meark: what even is this set?
dimeadozent: she should choose the bear
Krillin_fan: finally i no longer have to cook my own damn eggs
voren_chalco: "My wife used to wear the same hair helmet"
hackingducks: i've been using the same grounds for six weeks, they're fine
Genie_M: makeup's fine
RomanOmega57: i choose the bear
theguardianotter: Damn girl, lookin good~
NonUniqueGuy: @NotSoLuckyLydia Last Man, not Last Human, clearly
Lanthess: She hasn't been to the mirror store
bubba0077: look, the apocalpyse is no excuse to let personal grooming habits fall to the wayside
PawssumFable: I would want stale coffee in the apocolypse
TehAmelie: the mirror has fallen apart without her cleaning
saucemaster5000: Dude REFUSED to learn how to clean after wfie died
EvilBadman: Why does it smell like dog in here
tezzatipoca: @dimeadozent 😂💯
ProfessorFalconer: Oh well that explains his bad luck, the mirror's broken
manyourbattlestations: man doesn't even have a lampshade
FelisRin: "Glad I still use makeup in this dead world."
theguardianotter: This is mine now
vinewood_og: "False"
betweenmyself: they ran out of ADR budget, so her character is mute
Simonark: @digigoner They only have Peacock after the apocalypse
Twilight_Spark: Lol
Mr_Horrible: "time to take all this dude's silverware"
ghyllnox: Immediately wears his DEAD WIFE's CLOTHES
Halimain: anyone notice how clean their clothes are this far into the apocalypse?
Digigoner: @Simonark Nooooooooooo!!!!!
PhantomZeppelin: wake up and do the 3 S's
theambivalentagender: As I dog groomer all I could think through the dog subplot was how nicely groomed and well behaved the poodle was.
Easilycrazyhat: Umm...yeah...me too...>.>
loufghyslaufey: She spoke
loufghyslaufey: I think
Lanthess: You know, she looks like the girl from The Breakfast Club
Beleqwaya: Oh yea. *looks at baby* DEFINITELY mine too.
manyourbattlestations: look, you get left alone in a house in the apocalypse, you loot the surroundings, it's just facts
saucemaster5000: Cam is describing the difference between "men's hygene" and the work of a 1950s housewife, he's just a chauvinist
neisan2112: Hell yeah Ben!!!!!
CaptainChibale: I don't think he knows how to keep a house. That was probably his wife's job.
theguardianotter: Sundress ben...
ghyllnox: Hell yeah you would Ben
hesterbyrde: Ben has great legs. He'd look great in a 50s sun dress
Capt_clown: Just got here, Last Man on Earth?
loufghyslaufey: kay
NotSoLuckyLydia: Ben's got good legs
heartofgoldfish: "You seem very well organized here" Ma'am there is a park bench behind you
jamesinor: Yeah, Ben could rock a sundress
Omthebox: We can go look for him
loufghyslaufey: I see
finestotter: As in the dictionary?!
ThorSokar: Ben ALREADY killed it in a sun dress (AT DB10 / 2016)
manyourbattlestations: buffalo check sundress!
Pywodwagon: "so you're single"
tehfewl: that means your single
DigitalSeahorse: "so I'm single."
DiscordianTokkan: find him
bagfullofbees: this is where I nope out
hackingducks: that's all the relevant backstory for a romance plot
loufghyslaufey: Eh.
ElementalAlchemist: she ended up in the daughter pit
IanAllenBird: but is she baptized
loufghyslaufey: Oh, ight.
Rhynerd: “were you also baptized?”
PharaohBender27: Meanwhile, I live in a sty because once I'm done with work, I generally am like "Fuck any work. Time to drink and play videogames/watch Twitch."
Genie_M: that's a different movie
hackingducks: old hollywood... whew.
DeM0nFiRe: How does her telling her own life story manage to falil the Bechdel test
PawssumFable: Ben's sun dress has to have a cute puppy
BrowneePoints: "here's my garlic child"
Lysander_salamander: Was Omega Man a good movie? I don't remember it.
geckoinasuit: his house must smell horrible
ReverseCreations: My most pressing question about this movie now os does it pass the Bechdel Test
GameSageZB: i showed you my garlic pls respond
loufghyslaufey: Oh, I almost assumed he roasted the dog
TheWanderingNomad: I'm late, what's our movie?
NonUniqueGuy: This is how they get married in Vincent's cultural
Digigoner: "I offered you my garlic. Please respond"
hesterbyrde: I'm allergic you shitlord
loufghyslaufey: creep
Mr_Horrible: it's a strong smell, Vince
hackingducks: i'm allergic to garlic you jerk
Strebenherz: Vincent, that's a weird kink
geckoinasuit: because he's waving garlic at him
Saintnex: HAHA
Grothe406: Geez just skip right to "repopulate the earth" are we
Capt_clown: @lysander_salamander It was very much of it era. Not bad but def dated
Genie_M: she's allergic
WardsarTheWriter: I have an allergy!!!
PharaohBender27: "I'M ALLERGIC"
DigitalSeahorse: BRUTE!
Dreamlettuce: Hey, does this smell funny to you?
Omthebox: only a little vampire
manyourbattlestations: you're not really italian, you can't stand garlic!
TehAmelie: fifty bulbs of garlic is a lot to anyone
ender4449: wait, this is how Dark Shadows starts
ElementalAlchemist: So are some uninfected systems
FelisRin: "This is how we propose marriage in my country."
RatherLargeToad: Not a vampire, just allergic
NonUniqueGuy: Systems?
BOTGrant: That's assault, brother, that's 5 to 10
mtvcdm: See,she was right to run
loufghyslaufey: Welp
RTwo28: normal allergies exist my dude
loufghyslaufey: The both of them
IbunWest: nobody else could possibly be allergic to garlic
PhantomZeppelin: A man should not just whip out his Garlic like that
Genie_M: "im a scientist - i do facts"
Mr_Horrible: Hot Girl IBS
Mr_Horrible: she speaks true
tezzatipoca: "i have to kill you now"
theguardianotter: By who, those weak ass zombies?
Omthebox: I doubt those things can tear anything at all
PawssumFable: Oh so she literally is allergic
RebekahWSD: They never acknowledged food allergies back then
EvilBadman: Dudes find any reason to claim incel
Genie_M: three. years.
NotSoLuckyLydia: ex-husband was a weenie
RTwo28: very slow death with those vampires
Mai_Andra: Yoda voice "You will be."
Lanthess: He was torn to pieces veeeery slowly
SilverHalcyon: she is right
electra310: Why would she only eat scraps? The grocery stores are apparently pristine here
betweenmyself: unable to sleep for the PAST THREE YEARS
hesterbyrde: yeah her eyeliner in the apocalypse looks better than mine does like... ever.
22 raiders from wiggins have joined!
Artificer0 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Artificer0! (Today's storm count: 874)
Izandai: mattlrBork mattlrBork mattlrBork
jibkat: mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2
mtvcdm: She is correct
MrGibberish: Repeat: he said he wasnt going to hurt her
damn_i_am_pretty: mattlrBork2
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
Bearudite: weiiiiiird
Strebenherz: Amazing
Genie_M: ew.
PhantomZeppelin: No means No Vincent
Strebenherz: Heya Wiggins!
Easilycrazyhat: Vince has absolutely zero chill
ProfessorFalconer: He could check her saliva under the microscope, but that's for dogs only
PresidentScr00b: Gonna fill that blood with garlic
FelisRin: "You're infected! But you can't go out there with them! But you ARE them!"
vinewood_og: Breakfast is in mere hours!
IanAllenBird: "at least"
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, raiders!
ghyllnox: Blood test this
StarFreak359 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
Jasmine Moore: That is three entire strings of garlic bro
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StarFreak359! (Today's storm count: 875)
damn_i_am_pretty: wiggins forgot the subathon was happening, go figure
Lysander_salamander: I think I've read the book
Twilight_Spark: Boneathan needs to be consulted.
Easilycrazyhat: The wigglers have arrived
10 raiders from avjamethyst have joined!
Bearudite: spit here in my mouth so I can test it Kappa
jibkat: is this price I am legend?
corianderd: boom raided!
RTwo28: remember, continuous, enthusiastic, consent!
TehAmelie: dinner is stake
Genie_M: oh, the usual friends arrived
Texan_Reverend: @jibkat Indeed.
PharaohBender27 is gifting 9 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1749 in the channel!
Gaelan_Maestro: they are tearing up his garden!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bailitatron!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to PresidentScr00b!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to cf09!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to todeswillen!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to grinning_behemoth!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to haiosz!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LHazzelwood!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to agloc2023!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to nomoon_!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to PresidentScr00b, todeswillen, grinning_behemoth, LHazzelwood, agloc2023, cf09, bailitatron, haiosz, and nomoon_! (Today's storm count: 884)
cosarprime subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cosarprime! (Today's storm count: 885)
Lysander_salamander: I read a comic book adaptation of the book also
Spacecarl: Yeah geeze, 3 years of not talking to anybody would mess you up
tezzatipoca: lrrGibb lrrGibb lrrGibb
jibkat: Texan_Reverend nice, classic
Mr_Horrible: d-d-double raid
electra310: He set the table all nice
Ryzlei: movie name ?
Simonark: Don’t tell Wiggins about… the dog.
PawssumFable: Next he's gonna stake her and be like
PawssumFable: AH HA
NonUniqueGuy: @Ryzlei Last Man ON Earth
pickles_mcelden: If you stay until morning, I can show you my locker full of raw meat
degrees42: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1
BrowneePoints: Ohhhhhh. So for Cam, the Author actually started writing the script for this, hated it so much he stopped and changed is Attributed name for it. One of the directors and 2 other people finished the script. Also it was filmed in Rome.
Easilycrazyhat: @PawssumFable "You died to a stake in your heart. Clearly you're one of them!"
BrowneePoints: his attributed name*
phuznutz: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Lysander_salamander: so much carbon monoxide
epsilon_vee: and the big pile of misters pointy in the corner
fredcheckers: His house is just a lazy survival game base.
theguardianotter: That's just Ben
loufghyslaufey: Morgan-who?
ProfessorFalconer: "Hey, we can hear you talking about us! Rude!"
PawssumFable: @Easilycrazyhat Definitely a witch, I mean a vampire
jamesinor: He's actually been hallucinating this whole thing due to hypoxia
mtvcdm: Man I'm starting to root for the zombies
Easilycrazyhat: yes
Raincoast_Bear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months, currently on a 31 month streak!
Raincoast_Bear: This a pretty good version. I think I like The Omega Man better.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Raincoast_Bear! (Today's storm count: 886)
jibkat: shot reverse shot with one cam is hard Cam
betweenmyself: “Morgan! Show me what you’ve got!”
bubba0077: look, they had a very tight schedule
loufghyslaufey: shots called at the director man
Pywodwagon: WHAT
Lanthess: Batman?
Strebenherz: WHAAAAT
ElementalAlchemist: no, that just means you have rabies
ghyllnox: LUL
TheNerdySimulation: Facts. Only.
PharaohBender27: "We're on a tight schedule, it'll have to do"
BorealMage: Oh he's Batman
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: vampire vaccine
vinewood_og: There it is!
RebekahWSD: logic?
El_Zilcho22: LUL LUL LUL
mwlsn: ahahahahahaha
AndyDaMage: he's patient zero
Bearudite: BATMAN
GameSageZB: wut
ProfessorFalconer: Vincent Price is Batman!
Sunidesus: What?!?
ghyllnox: WTFFFFF
damn_i_am_pretty: thats not how it works
Dumori: this is straight out the book
NonUniqueGuy: What?
Pywodwagon: *WHAT*
Lysander_salamander: brooooo
theguardianotter: Absolutely bullshit
Easilycrazyhat: Uh. Mazing.
IanAllenBird: nooo
RTwo28: Thats garbage!
ghyllnox: He got batpox!
tezzatipoca: reverse covid
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
josh___something: Oh... he's fuckin gone
Tangsm: vampcine
TheWanderingNomad: Wow :D
TheNerdySimulation: This man only deals in FACTS
NotSoLuckyLydia: great to drop at THIS point in the movie
Grothe406: We are crossing our superhero metaphors here
malfnord: 60s Hollywood science, everyone!
PipeSmokingOwl: Dudes got bat immunity! Op AF
EvilBadman: "I am very smart"
SilverHalcyon: maybe he likes Spiderman and it was a mutant bat
finestotter: Isn't that the opposite of how bats work?
RTwo28: 2x4 time!
jubale1: who was bit by a cow?
Halimain: runs diesel inside, allows smoking without thinking. Ah the post war mindset.
theguardianotter: Stake you
Genie_M: I'm gonna science
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: in a way
FelisRin: Do you know how many folks get bitten by bats in their sleep? It's not uncommon in countries where vampire bats live. There'd be more survivors in that case.
fredcheckers: Bat cowpox.
Lanthess: To the pit with you!
RebekahWSD: just let me stab you!
manyourbattlestations: hexproof from bats
GameSageZB: "Shake you around some more after you make breakfast."
Easilycrazyhat: "The cure is a high dose of...fiber..."
NonUniqueGuy: I have a lovely burn pit
PawssumFable: The cure is in my pants
YawnLance: He'll treat you to a stake dinner
TehAmelie: it's like someone remembering reading about vaccines in a children's book
ghyllnox: Stake you and bury you, duh
electra310: He can bite her and make her immune too
harke_: Sure... "cure"....
jchinnock: “cure” you
geckoinasuit: have you ever tested your own blood
AndyDaMage: put her in the pit
Izzieon: he was in the amazon researching spiders just before becoming immune
Lanthess: "I've heard the cure is a hearty plate of french toast."
fredcheckers: @FelisRin Legit. Panamanian farmers would just be fine.
PawssumFable: OSHA doesn't exist anymore CAMERON
wedge_x: cat-5
PawssumFable: Duh
TheWanderingNomad: She's turning!
ProfessorFalconer: "You know what might be a good treatment? A three cheese omelette, some toast and coffee..."
mtvcdm: I want her to stab him and follow her story now
RebekahWSD: needs her fix
FelisRin: "Come back! Let me show you how much of a... lathe-ies' man I am!
DigitalSeahorse: she's an addict!
loufghyslaufey: Wait, hey! I call applesauce! You can't identify as hypothetical vampire pronouns just from being bitten by ONE bat!
PresidentScr00b: Don't grab face while holding syringe please.
DigitalSeahorse: yup she's diabetic
tehfewl: cocaine
SilverHalcyon: what she got there?
Omthebox: Couldn't just. Say that
TehAmelie: so the house must reek of diesel, cigarettes and garlic. and maybe old hair spray
vinewood_og: Well they don't call it live-a-betes!
geckoinasuit: she could have led with it
manyourbattlestations: she has the diabeetus!
Geldaran: Zombrex!
RTwo28: You broke my insulin pump you prick!
electra310: No fiber in the blood here!
CaptainKranok: Ah. Just got to cut out all the fiber.
mwlsn: Pure bat saliva
GameSageZB: That's... not... a vaccine?
hesterbyrde: That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
Genie_M: that's some gobledygook
jchinnock: it’s horse medicine!
loufghyslaufey: that's sounds very unsafe
RebekahWSD: its called "placebo"
theguardianotter: Wii
AndyDaMage: We!?
TheWanderingNomad: I don't believe defribrinated is a word
DigitalSeahorse: WEEEEEE
RTwo28: What fuckin we???
BOTGrant: The Royal We
Easilycrazyhat: Side question - wtf was with men shaking women like that in movies? It was a thing for so long.
NotSoLuckyLydia: He's calling them DAILY!
Koshindan: It's weird they immediately went to this scene.
ArdCollider: honestly that's an accurate portrayal of US ham radio
Cptasparagus: As a bioengineer, that's not a thing
FelisRin: Wii? *glares at his Nintendo*
PresidentScr00b: Would you want to talk to a guy who sounds like that? ... I would.
TacitusVigil: So it's zombrex
mtvcdm: Dude stop shaking her
tezzatipoca: he's that weird guy that doesn't get invited to parties
NonUniqueGuy: While you are just some fool with a radio
tenthtechpriest: turns out everyone else just really hates radio
DrakoniteDev: maybe if he left the radio on and waited for reply, instead immediately turning it off
RTwo28: Now shes sounding culty
AndyDaMage: i mean.....isn't that what he's doing
HadesLeprechaun: "we've been ignoring your radio messages cuz you kinda seem like a creep"
manyourbattlestations: "and now it's time for the Ignoring Vincent Price's pleas for help radio hour"
PawssumFable: I'd buy a ham radio to listen to that
loufghyslaufey: they must be sleepers
GameSageZB: Cam, you were straight up right
AndyDaMage: he is a mass murderer
Mr_Horrible: "my bad OG"
BrowneePoints: Huh, the Source Book is the novel that inspired Zombies in Modern Fiction
DigitalSeahorse: we called it
BrowneePoints: neat
NimrodXIV: but what if man was the monster all along
RTwo28: he knows, he said he killed 11
Desruprot: ooh Vincent Price or someone who looks close to him
harke_: oops
NonUniqueGuy: "I think I only killed 11 people"
Saintnex: Wait corpses? Wasnt he tossing them in the pit?
loufghyslaufey: she WAS followed
jibkat: This is the closest to the book
Lanthess: I mean, they could have just told him to stop via the radio...
Omthebox: Oh a gun
ElementalAlchemist: oh HECK
PharaohBender27: And Ben is hinting on why the Will Smith version wrecked the entire point of this story
Easilycrazyhat: Oh no! A vampire gun!
IanAllenBird: oh!
RTwo28: Oh hey a gun!
SilverHalcyon: wtf they have a gun
josh___something: Bro just TAKE THE SHOT
ghyllnox: Let's get information from this guy. Wait, let's kill him instead
TheAinMAP: katesGun
jchinnock: with this lighter
TheNerdySimulation: I disagree?
Digigoner: Not my only weakness, a gun!?
mwlsn: "I'm immune to guns, I was bitten by one in Panama"
Jasmine Moore: Un-fever’d
Lanthess: That gun fires tiny stakes
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
Astramentha: curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal
mrverbal: I'm supposed to keep you here, with this gun, until they get here to kill me
MadmanOreo: @BrowneePoints george romero cites this movie specifically for night of the living dead
Genie_M: she has a point
Mr_Horrible: Bro your KDA is insane, it's pretty reasonable they think you're a threat
TheNerdySimulation: @mwlsn LUL
loufghyslaufey: weh?
CaptainSpam: Oh, look who's getting all judgy about other societies here...
ProfessorFalconer: The gentiles were shockingly not gentle
Grothe406: Uuuuuse it
fredcheckers: I'd take my chances with that gun.
jvetting83: It was on a bed.
DudelidouX: She is on the bed after all
ComradeMik: rubber bullets for a rubber gun
ElementalAlchemist: That's extremely dangerous to do with a real gun
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGun katesGun
spethycakes: someone needs practice with their object work
tezzatipoca: emtpy togo coffee cups are like my biggest movie pet peeve lmao
Easilycrazyhat: "I'll just...take this gun..."
BrowneePoints: So for the Room, apparently I am Legend is considered both the First "Modern" Vampire novel, but also one of the first "Scientific" Vampire/Zombie BOoks/Movies
BrowneePoints: that's kind of huge and I didn't know that
Sorator13: LUL
jamesinor: I always prefered shoe holster
ProfessorFalconer: "Confirm the kill. Double-tap"
K_t_Imp000: He's not even gonna give her her meds?!
Lanthess: Go shoot some vamps
TheNerdySimulation: "it turns out bullets are just tiny stakes"
Koshindan: Man, if he just discovered iron, then that gun is going to blow his mind.
josh___something: Side holsters ARe hot
TehAmelie: bad science is a kind of science, right
jchinnock: I just started blasting!
theguardianotter: Uhhhh
ghyllnox: ?????
ClodiumSoride: @tezzatipoca I always wondered if they could put a hackey sack or something in those so there's at least some believable heft, without anything that'd spill and wreck a set.
spethycakes: a simple blood draw
pimiento: i just got here, what're we watching please?
finestotter: I don't think this is legal
RebekahWSD: manually pumping blood
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Saintnex: What is this SYSTEM
vinewood_og: This trainspotting prequel is messed up
loufghyslaufey: probs should have restrained them first
Digigoner: I hope that's not the same pump he used for the gas earlier...
RTwo28: xD cam
DigitalSeahorse: katesCopium
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
NimrodXIV: hey, what's a blood type?
PipeSmokingOwl: amazonStartBlasting amazonStartBlasting amazonStartBlasting
TheWanderingNomad: lrrWOW
betweenmyself: he’s just giving her chelation therapy pennyWhat
BOTGrant: Continuous! Enthusiastic! Consent!
ProfessorFalconer: "Now we're blood siblings so you can't kill me."
manyourbattlestations: @pimiento The Last Man on Earth from 1964
theguardianotter: @pimiento Last Man on Earth
pimiento: thanks!
Desruprot: this was before testing really
Genie_M: well blood donation in the 60s was different
IanAllenBird: maybe he's a universal donor also
neveth: Very dracula
jamesinor: I don't think this man was ever a doctor
theguardianotter: Now you have HPV
TacitusVigil: I'm a universal donor!
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: "you are now 5% bat"
simplydavemn: @finestotter If you mean the movie, it's in the public domain.
fredcheckers: There's a LOT of leftover blood in that flask
FelisRin: And now he's a vampire and she has hepatitis. Even Steven.
Lanthess: Medical malpractice
tezzatipoca: has anyone seen The Quiet Earth
TehAmelie: he's the last man on earth, for certain definitions of "man"
TheNerdySimulation: Now we're married
tehfewl: hes a scientist maybe he did type and cross
Easilycrazyhat: Ah, I'm starting to see why the author didn't like this movie specifically.
neveth: blood transfusion without testing
Mr_Horrible: "dammit, no I have an asshole's blood in me"
CaptainSpam: See, this is what some people think giving blood means.
tezzatipoca: same vibes, less iconic
Sorator13: look at this graph!
HadesLeprechaun: I dunno, I just did a thing, maybe it'll do something
patrick_stonecrusher: Hey, it worked in Near Dark
Aarek: look with your special eyes!
Digigoner: I wanna show you this sick podcast!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyW
manyourbattlestations: that's legal marriage in 23 states
betweenmyself: you’re cured of being a vampire. have fun with Hep B! riffYeti
PawssumFable: I died! Because she was a vampire! Not because she was the wrong blood type!
DeltaStrata: "Oh gods my hair looks AWFUL"
Saintnex: DId he even check her bloodtype to make sure they matched?
adept_nekomancer: Does this make him a reverse vampire?
Lanthess: When did he learn her name?
saucemaster5000: "My hair STAYED like that?"""
NonUniqueGuy: "Who gave me this haircut"
RebekahWSD: Good news I cured your zombie disease, bad news, you have syphallis
Omthebox: Save
Sunidesus: and you never thought to do this before?!?
geckoinasuit: he is gonna need so much blood
RTwo28: "I'm talking like a pyschopath Ruth!"
Grevas13: @Lanthess she told him at dinner
CAKHost: "My hair is still bad but I can look at it?! :o"
jubale1: he could have done this YEARS ago
TheNerdySimulation: nothing's wrong with them, Vince
hackingducks: this feels like the definition of premature celebration
loufghyslaufey: hypothetical vampires seem distrubing
Mark_D_Stroyer: This movie really is weirdly pseudo-scientific process.
NotSoLuckyLydia: We're gonna need a lot more OJ
Mr_Horrible: "I got you this"
ProfessorFalconer: "But I'm type O!" -explodes-
PawssumFable: He's type O
VorlonScout: the bat was a universal donor
GameSageZB: I'm mostly not a war criminal!
theguardianotter: Put this in your mouth
SilverHalcyon: eat it
CaptainSpam: HORMF
Digigoner: "why am i suddenly high as balls after getting your blood?
FelisRin: "This garlic is my wife. Say hello."
saucemaster5000: she explodes
Genie_M: the ABO system was in use since the 1920s
wormapotheote: yeah having the cure work feels like it creates a giant plot hole
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
RTwo28: gosh this sucks
anyavamps: I understand. I love garlic.
Sethalidos: Ian, no
vinewood_og: New blood who dis?
heartofgoldfish: Oh my god. She's about to make breakfast!
ElementalAlchemist: mmmmmm, garlic
TehAmelie: "i call her Garbo"
felrender: me when I make 40 clove chicken
Easilycrazyhat: I would faceplant some garlic fr
control_rig: So you claim, Ben
jchinnock: I know Italian cooking love garlic but damn
BluJester: "I can finally satiate my craving for garlic bread!"
JuniorRoll: Bulb pic
tezzatipoca: once cured, garlic has catnip effect
PawssumFable: It's all old and dry now
Desruprot: Garlic
Mr_Horrible: @Genie_M no I'm pretty sure the Omegaverse is more recent than that Kappa
BOTGrant: She's Italian, she's built up an immunity to it.
loufghyslaufey: heh, Graham
PawssumFable: It doesn't smell like anything
Simonark: Meanwhile, Hammer Horror were… on their third Christopher Lee Dracula movie that year alone.
YawnLance: Tomorrow, after you make me breakfast
MadmanOreo: imsgine being italian and going 3 yers without garlic SMH
Lysander_salamander: in the book, there was no cure
TehAmelie: imagine getting through one conversation without being manhandled
loufghyslaufey: Ian, no
SymphonySolstice: oh good I didn't completely miss the public domain movie
wholsometiger: "the sun won't come out tomorrow"
PawssumFable: Ian YES
ritchards: Tomorrow, tomorrow, leave me tomorrow, it;s only a day away
theguardianotter: Don't you dare kiss
Alephred: There sure was a lot of man-handling women.
Easilycrazyhat: None garlic, left vampire
heartofgoldfish: If he gets killed because he refused to listen to a woman then yeah serves him right
Genie_M: the garlic shield is down
TheNerdySimulation: so true, Jordynne
hesterbyrde: they're going to kiss aren't they
Lysander_salamander: yeah mood
loufghyslaufey: They've just met, geez
hesterbyrde: Oh thank god
MTGRanger: The technological advancements on this movie are dizzying. iron, gun, brick
betweenmyself: We’ll save the night… Fight the break of dawn!
RebekahWSD: sudden realization... turn the knob BRILLIANT
fredcheckers: Way to call me out Jordynne
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: it took him 3 years, but he finally did it
BOTGrant: Tiny Microscope!
FelisRin: Meanwhile, as Mr. Burns finishes his sun-blocking device...
mtvcdm: This guy deserves whatever he gets
Dezponia: This looks great. What movie is it?
Easilycrazyhat: WUT
ElementalAlchemist: oh, come on man
Lysander_salamander: why
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDerp
TheNerdySimulation: to be fair, he is used to the sounds of shattering and hammering
EvilBadman: Unluckyyy
Redbassist: Eepy time
NotCainNorAbel: he has a problem closing doors
PawssumFable: It's terrible
Omthebox: Died all over again
Grothe406: Maybe we radio the people ignoring him he has the cure?
Easilycrazyhat: If she's immune now...why does this matter?
mtvcdm: Welp
RTwo28: Oh no, his neighbor made out with his second wife
theguardianotter: Spinny
CaptainSpam: *sigh* Now she's all infected again.
BOTGrant: He pulled a George McFly
RebekahWSD: oh theyve come to kill
ProfessorFalconer: It's the Shriners, and they're pissed!
DigitalSeahorse: now he looks like the villain AGAIN
jchinnock: ah the CIA
theguardianotter: The black shirt gang!
Lysander_salamander: well, drat
Ben Eastwood: Oh! How far thru public domain movie night are we?
ElementalAlchemist: is that, like, half a Wilhelm?
Easilycrazyhat: Ben's like "I'm uh...not with them..."
harke_: Best acting in this movie lmao
IanAllenBird: ok so they're also just killing the vampires
Easilycrazyhat: "They'll never see me here on this white wall..."
Bruceski: Run FARTHER, Robert!
DigitalSeahorse: xD
mister_nibbles: ah yes, the best hiding place, slightly behind a hedge
voren_chalco: That's an awful lot of indiscriminate murder for a group coming to get him for indiscriminate murder
Lanthess: They were so worried about him killing, but they just start stabbing
TheNerdySimulation: I'll go around this corner. They'll never find me here
Gascitygaming: he has a ppsh
teddywhosabear: I feel like she could be shouting "hey, stop" right now
NonUniqueGuy: Synoniced stabbing is the next Olympic sport
adept_nekomancer: How did he summon enough coordination to get on a roof?
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
DigitalSeahorse: the turtle Wilhelm
teddywhosabear: seems like there's a lot of time to call this off
Lysander_salamander: nice
Mr_Horrible: Ben selling it to the cheap seats
FelisRin dies laughing
RTwo28: Amazing stunt
neveth: Good Flip
Genie_M: nice flip!
ProfessorFalconer: Bravo! Excellent dive!
mtvcdm: 9.4
IanAllenBird: 👏
Izzieon: DO A FLI-- oh
Lanthess: Stuntman of the year!
PawssumFable: 11/10
ghyllnox: Turns out bullets work just as well as stakes
Koshindan: So guns do work against the vampires.
manyourbattlestations: ben making the most of that last scene
hesterbyrde: Get him? You have guns. WTF
TheWanderingNomad: Kill the beast!
damn_i_am_pretty: just driving down Price
BrowneePoints: It's kind of meandering
DigitalSeahorse: "Still following me? good"
wholsometiger: Is the trope of the movie that no one listens to a woman?
fredcheckers: @Koshindan Lead stakes.
felrender: A bunch of Italian extras running around in black shirts, huh
vinewood_og: 28 days later this is not
Meark: it's on par with early bond movies tho
teddywhosabear: the most sedate chase sequence of your life
Mr_Horrible: running from the vampire military via "a light jog"
pickles_mcelden: It feels like they hired exclusively the least athletic people they could find
Lanthess: Why are some of them driving while, like, a dozen of them are just jogging
PharaohBender27: Wait, so there are humans hunting the zombies who are also hunting Vincent Price? I'm legit confused now
SeekerOf42: What movie are we watching?
manyourbattlestations: help i'm being chased by the extras in a gap commercial
Desruprot: simple hiding
Easilycrazyhat: No, this is basically the 60s version of the Will Smith version. I get why hated it.
aquinas_0: this movie definitely runs at the pace of something from like 45
Grevas13: @SeekerOf42 the last man on earth, 1964
MeadyOchre: Dialogue sounds like it comes from a Goldeneye 64 era action game
mister_nibbles: its in black and white so he blended right in
aquinas_0: or 50
fredcheckers: Okay so it just left the novella in the dirt at this point.
KeytarCat: Wait I know this scene
EvilBadman: Avoided a six star wanted
Dezponia: He's Solid Snake! High camo index!
TehAmelie: wait her gun looked smaller
PharaohBender27: Like seriously, who are these blackshirts?
mwlsn: "I'll shoot at them to show I'm not a threat"
SilverHalcyon: nice shot
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGun
ProfessorFalconer: "No time to explain how I can save you, better shoot you!"
Lysander_salamander: uh oh
hesterbyrde: Yeah fun fact it is also deadly to hoomans
theguardianotter: So the people hunting him are the infected humans that got infected while alive, and the slow zombie like ones are the people who were infected then died then came back to life
DigitalSeahorse: katesGun
sfaviator: ballz
mister_nibbles: oh my god he closed a door
TheWanderingNomad: How convenient!
ghyllnox: Ah, the old unlocked armory
Genie_M: armory - never was here before
Lanthess: Conveniently places armory
neisan2112: Wait these stairs seem familiar to another really bad movie.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRaid vicksyKnife
CaptainSpam: "Listen! *BLAM* I didn't mean to kill you! *BLAM* I didn't know what I was doing! *BLAM* You have to believe me! *BLAM* *BLAM*"
NonUniqueGuy: Why did he wait 3 years to get a gun?
Gascitygaming: they're PPSh
jchinnock: my little gun purse
manyourbattlestations: oh NOW he locks the door
TehAmelie: i thought it was because silver has low durability
vinewood_og: Oh so NOW he can lock a door!
Spacecarl: Silver swords can kill people, it's just worse at it
hesterbyrde: How are they all dressed the same?
0x6772: Pulling a Hitman move out there
Ormmannen: Oh my. When i went to sleep we had 17h left. Were afraid it whould be over'
TheMerricat: Silver looses it's edge too easy
jibkat: silver dulls
felrender: probably a lot of WW2 milsurp to go around
damn_i_am_pretty: shuffle shuffle
theguardianotter: PP, Shhhh
dumbo3k: I think the ones in the armory were Tommy Guns, but the ones the non-vamps-vamps have as PPSH
FITorion: A silver sword wouldn't be as durable as a normal sword...
Lysander_salamander: Silver sword loses its edge really fast so gotta hold in reserve for when you need it?
ElementalAlchemist: wat
Saintnex: wooooow
Grevas13: silver material gives -1 to damage roll
Genie_M: boom!
mtvcdm: Honestly he's earned it
teddywhosabear: what
Sunidesus: the heck was that
Lanthess: He threw that like two feet!
Easilycrazyhat: That'll get 'em Vince
theguardianotter: What the heck
felrender: that's why all the guns in Star Wars are made from old WW2 guns
ghyllnox: Special Effects!
DigitalSeahorse: a Cherry Bomb!
KeytarCat: Silver sword is not durable enough to waste swings on humans
Pywodwagon: I think its tear gas
TheWanderingNomad: Smoke bomb!
dm818: It's tear gas
BOTGrant: The pyro budget
adept_nekomancer: Pocket sand!
Seth_Erickson: I missed a good portion of the movie sad
vinewood_og: Pocket sand!
suntone: pocket sand
Koshindan: Pocket garlic!
7gorobei: there are a bunch of smg that look similar to the ppsh
Genie_M: garlic bomb
fredcheckers: Blinkpop grenades.
BrowneePoints: SO what we've learned, is Vincent Price is a good actor, and a baaaaaaad physical actor
wedge_x: oh, PUBG
Meark: Wow, they're covering a lot of ground quickly
NonUniqueGuy: Follow the smoke
Mr_Horrible: I mean, basically everything he's done has been Dale Gribble tier
excalgold: wait do thsoe vampires have guns....
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
IbunWest: The weakest throws
hesterbyrde: So just follow the trail of smoke
Saintnex: and now we know where all the budget went to lol
felrender: "Follow the smoke bombs!"
BrowneePoints: Okay that last one was good
Easilycrazyhat: Maybe there's...garlic in teh smoke? I dunno
TheWanderingNomad: That's a Church!?
Sunidesus: those are the most anemic throws ever
TheNerdySimulation: Smokebomb! Smokebomb! Smokebomb!
pn55: This is amazing
teddywhosabear: lmao
El_Zilcho22: Pocket sand everywhere!
TehAmelie: a scientist is never without dynamite!
TacitusVigil: Sanctuary!
FelisRin: Does he just like throwing stuff?
rosesmcgee: The last rad man on earth
PharaohBender27: No seriously, who ARE these guys chasing Vincent Price?
excalgold: are those smoke grenades or garlic grenades?
betweenmyself: Lord Shaxx out there yelling “THROW MORE GRENADES!”
BrowneePoints: Ruth's People @PharaohBender27
mtvcdm: The golden age of Hollywood
Desruprot: action scene more like action crawl
Easilycrazyhat: That's definitely "I got shot" acting
spethycakes: lobbing smoke grenades really takes on a new meaning
ritchards: now, symbolism!
ghyllnox: Different church?
NonUniqueGuy: @PharaohBender27 Because he randomly kills them during the day
Sorator13: @PharaohBender27 They're the "healed" vampires
jchinnock: now it’s an art film
zerragonoss: oh no smoke lighter than an average fire season
DigitalSeahorse: hehehheheh
TehAmelie: that church has space to drive a car through it
loufghyslaufey: @El_Zilcho22 "Vader was appalled."
jchinnock: this means something
excalgold: oooh Grandes and Tommy guns!
hesterbyrde: Shein
dm818: And sythesize a vaccine
BrowneePoints: They are a new generation of Humanity
Simonark: They kept this church clean and well lit after civilization fell
excalgold: Garandes*
felrender: @PharaohBender27 "Vaccinated" vampires who are trying to rebuild society, Vincent Price is basically Jack The Ripper to them
BrowneePoints: "Humanity"
GameSageZB: The grocery store was full, so there's still more clothing.
Easilycrazyhat: @Sorator13 half healed
ProfessorFalconer: "The church is base, you can't shoot me here!"
Saintnex: ngl, if this was the ending of the book, this would really kinda suck lol
TheNerdWonder: Hugo Boss, no?
Genie_M: should have taken the stimpaks too from the armory
BrowneePoints: They're a new Generation of "Humanity" as it were
Bruceski: the children need to see the monster die
rosesmcgee: The kids need to learn
pimiento: 'hey kids, come see the witch hunt'
DigitalSeahorse: PEW PEW PEW PEW katesGun PrideLaugh
vinewood_og: Fascist Men's Warehouse sale
Easilycrazyhat: You never went on a monster hunt as a child?
Meark: Bring your kid to work day
theguardianotter: The zombie like ones are the people who died and came back to life
Rhynerd: @pharaohbender27 vaccinated ex-vampires who are attacking Price because he staked some of them.
TheMerricat: Cameron... lrrWOW
Texan_Reverend: @PharaohBender27 They are like the lady from his house: "treated" vampires who have taken a vaccine thing to make them mostly ok.
wormapotheote: to show them that the monster is dead i think
betweenmyself: so the children can watch Justice at work
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
DigitalSeahorse: pew pew pew pew vicksyGun vicksyHaha
SymphonySolstice: muh symbolism!
jchinnock: oh this is when the dream dance sequence starts!
PharaohBender27: @BrowneePoints @Sorator13 @felrender Ah. Thanks for clarifying
rosesmcgee: Gut shot or too much chili?
DigitalSeahorse: pew?
theguardianotter: Since he's the REAL monster
excalgold: oh no that's his daughter....
Lanthess: She is hella slow.
TheNerdySimulation: "This woke society will kill us all!" - Robert
TacitusVigil: And that's how Vincent Price became Jesus
Genie_M: oh, closing speech
TehAmelie: did they HAVE to be blackshirts is all i'm asking
malfnord: SYMBOLISM~!
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Sorator13: LUL
NonUniqueGuy: This will surely win them over
SilverHalcyon: Morgan "Jesus" Roberts
Juliamon: Yes, antagonize them further!
geckoinasuit: nice throw dude
BrowneePoints: He has....Become Legend.
neisan2112: FAAACTS!!
TheWanderingNomad: That's not vbery Christian of you
Lysander_salamander: nice
Easilycrazyhat: Get the bigot!
underhill33: accurate
mtvcdm: JORDYNNE
teddywhosabear: what a throw
Izzieon: LMAO
RTwo28: Nice shot!
IanAllenBird: oh!
Grothe406: You don't deserve my blood
loufghyslaufey: yea, good.
neisan2112: Holy shit Jordynne is so right
Seth_Erickson: This guy is a great hater
Easilycrazyhat: "Attack me! I'm a man!"
AnOddSmith: oh, he said the thing
Gascitygaming: I'm 40 im a man
Omthebox: It wobbled
Seabats: bro wtf
DigitalSeahorse: all these pews and he gets stabbed vicksyFail
Astramentha: PFFFFT
CaptainSpam: The symbolism of Jesus getting javelin'd by ex-vampires is strong.
RTwo28: He's no longer the last man
DeM0nFiRe: LUL true though
Koshindan: I like to think they just had some pila available from some Roman movie.
MrGibberish: Title drop!
ProfessorFalconer: That was also Vincent Price's last words
ghyllnox: Is that how they operate???? They just LAUNCH them?
Redbassist: The title FBtouchdown
FelisRin: Well. So much for diplomacy.
damn_i_am_pretty: I'm a MAN
MadmanOreo: almost a title drop
josh___something: HI ADAM!
Easilycrazyhat: No shit dude!
Lanthess: They *could* still take his blood
josh___something: XD
Marvoleath: lrrFINE
jibkat: you killed 6 of them
rosesmcgee: There's no place for this kind of bigotry in our new society. We'll invent our own bigotry, thank you.
theguardianotter: "I'm A mAn!"
SkylerRingtail: "They were afraid of me...like Jesus."
RTwo28: @Seabats howdy Adam!
ElementalAlchemist: And you instigated them further!
e_bloc: this is the gift that keeps on giving
NonUniqueGuy: Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you can imagine
Stormgod519: lol
TacitusVigil: So really it was The Last Woman?
LeeshaJoy: I AM A MAN! *PUNCH*
Stormgod519: just came back to that
AugmentingPath: A legend, you might say
BrowneePoints: No seriously that's why it's called I Am Legend. He literally became a Legend to the New Society.
Saintnex: @Seabats hi Adam :D
pimiento: they could still harvest his blood if it's so useful..
electra310: She better get hold of his blood quick
geckoinasuit: i mean they could use his blood
Digigoner: Just how I want to go. Javelin to the chest while screaming that I'm the last man.
PresidentScr00b: Hmmm...
theguardianotter: We should be able to
SilverHalcyon: Loot his blood!
Spacecarl: Yeah, in the story HE is the monster story
Gaelan_Maestro: he died for their sins XD
HadesLeprechaun: man, I was just watching a bunch of Harlan Ellison videos earlier today, another real hater for the history books
Easilycrazyhat: The book is much better, fwiw
DigitalSeahorse: your day will come
vinewood_og: Oh no Dad's home. Adam heard you.
BrowneePoints: but yea, the Book title of "I Am Legend" is both symbolic and VERY literal
SilverHalcyon: Take his blood now
theguardianotter: This is so not Skibidi...
forcedreject: You are not prepared for the rizzle skibiditoilets
jibkat: the spear thrower had rizz
NonUniqueGuy: Jordynne will be the one throwing the javelins
Texan_Reverend: I mean...iron javelins would work on boomers, too.
finestotter: Can't wait to get hit by a Skibidi Javelin
Sorator13: VERY badly, yes
Blue_Anteater: and his blood would've been their salvation...
IanAllenBird: kmjnhkmjnmk
jubale1: If he hadn’t gone Staking Everybody….
ghyllnox: She's got the cure antibodies though now yeah?
anyavamps: "I am the last man" YEET
Pywodwagon: "I am the only chad left"
jchinnock: 🤌🤌🤌
Omthebox: That's the end is it
Alephred: I had someone say 'skibidi toilet' in a recent game of Helldivers.
IanAllenBird: 👏
heartofgoldfish: that was actually really fun to watch
Genie_M: well.
vinewood_og: Wow
Lanthess: Masterpiece
Saintnex: hahaha
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap
Seth_Erickson: seabatClap
SymphonySolstice: clap clap
Fluffy776: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Stormgod519: lrrBartleby
iris_of_ether: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
BrowneePoints: but yea the book has a bummer ending like this too. Omega Man does the same ending
GameSageZB: that sure was a movie.
betweenmyself: THEEND
Sorator13: Couldn't they still, yknow, harvest the blood from his corpse?
TheNerdySimulation: "I am the last man" "L + Ratio"
excalgold: i was half expecting a question mark to appear
SkylerRingtail: I'm not sure what the story is trying to say?
Dezponia: What a masterpiece!
Saintnex: wow this ending sucks lol
PharaohBender27: sharkf11CLAP
TheAinMAP: LionOfYara
loufghyslaufey: so, what? They're Hoo-Mans, now?
Lysander_salamander: I mean, she has the cure now?
theguardianotter: The Last Chad on Earth
TacitusVigil: We're all safe. All of us completely white vampires
BrowneePoints: the Will Smith one changed the ending to be "happy"
momalyd: And it turns out it was planet Earth all along!!
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
pimiento: ahh! lions!
DigitalSeahorse: meow
Lysander_salamander: aaaa
Ranatoki: Good showing good showing
aquinas_0: this was much less affecting then it was when I was 7
josh___something: GO AGAIN
cobalturge: Yeah. I see how it is. I just arrive and the movie ends..... Oh Wait!!!
Genie_M: once more with feeling
ThorSokar: fun fact: not made by MGM
tidehollowcat: Wow. What an unsatisfying conclusion
FelisRin: A good watch, but a stupid ending. LUL
ozzyozren: You need to make this at least a monthly stream. These are awesome!
teddywhosabear: and now: in italian!
DigitalSeahorse: another movie?
DoomBringerIL: any marvel-like aftercredits scene? @LoadingReadyRun
Koshindan: Now to watch it in the original Italian.
drroxorphd: Now show the director's cut!
Dalrint: Let's watch the smooth brain movie again
xantos69: Yay movie night!
damn_i_am_pretty: wait the last man *on earth*? that means there might be more on Mars
Mr_Horrible: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
hesterbyrde: Thanks for this!
mister_nibbles: that was horribly paced, it was somehow simultaneously so slow and too quick lol
DigitalSeahorse: aww out of time
Lanthess: I wish we could do movie nights more often
AtrusOfMyst: Good show
Genie_M: oh yeah, "horror"
theguardianotter: Get out
Riandisa: That was a lot of fun
Lysander_salamander: no
RTwo28: and now, for something else entirely!
jibkat: you could watch Omega man
patience_zero: Ending was a bit flat compared to the book
Bruceski: I'd only seen half of that one, it was neat to see the rest
xantos69: They hadn't invented that technology yet.
loufghyslaufey: that's not how movies worked!!
ProfessorFalconer: Lon Chaney asks him to join the Avengers
DoodlestheGreat: You silly people.
Juliamon: The credits were at the start
Poinketh: the ADR is because they didn’t record sound on set because it was cheaper. They ADR’d everything
pimiento: post credits weren't really a athing before 1973
PharaohBender27 is gifting 12 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1761 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BabyThor!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to NielsTX!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Scaraxiis!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ballofscience!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ljnrocks!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dukebazaar!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to timble4!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to shad0wnaut!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to J4Y_4NDY!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to troubletopher!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to JessieLand!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Balthasar_Wiseman!
BrowneePoints: but yea in the book Robert says that "he has become a legend to the new Generation. That they may have stories and myths about mankind like we once had about them" etc.
Stormgod519: LOL
EvilBadman: Yeah fucking blade shows up
ElementalAlchemist: and his wife's hair
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to BabyThor, ballofscience, NielsTX, dukebazaar, timble4, troubletopher, J4Y_4NDY, Balthasar_Wiseman, Scaraxiis, ljnrocks, JessieLand, and shad0wnaut! (Today's storm count: 898)
kakmize: When does Nick Fury show up
Stormgod519: WOAH!
DandyGeek: the entire movie is the post-credits scene
Desruprot: they front loaded the credits
Izzieon: Vincent Price will return
TehAmelie: NIck Fury comes in and goes "you were the last man in a world of freaks, and the freaks still need you"
momalyd: There might be a news reel after the mobie
jchinnock: well the whole thing was after credit scene!
Bruceski: The end is someone walking into the church, camera pans up and it's Blade.
mwlsn: the Vincent Price Cinematic Universe
Morrigan9: the credits are at the start, the movie is the after credit scene
excalgold: the after credit scene is him wakeing up in a bunker to Sam Jackson saying 'i'd like to talk to you about the avengers iniative'
baskwalla: Vincent, have you heard of the Avengers Initiative?
vinewood_og: Hell yeah
Mai_Andra: The entire movie was the post-credit scene.
jubale1: then comes the Theatre Organ music
CAKHost: "Robert Morgan will remain dead in the next movie"
theguardianotter: White Man Cinematic Universe
NotCainNorAbel: outtakes of him actually running
Lysander_salamander: nice
Grothe406: Vincent Price is Morbius
BOTGrant: The entire cast and crew lip syncing "Build me up buttercup"
theguardianotter: ERM
Lysander_salamander: yes
loufghyslaufey: the post-credits bit lost its creativity
loufghyslaufey: maybe
geckoinasuit: "Mr. Price, i don't feel so good"
Lanthess: Vincent Price Across the Multiverse
Texan_Reverend: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Gaelan_Maestro: so that was a thing
vinewood_og: It's Price-ing Time!
Easilycrazyhat: *record scratch* "Yup, that's me."
BrowneePoints: but yea! That movie inspired most modern day Zombie movies!
AshBurnem: Oh, please. Gimme some Dr. Phibes up in this.
fredcheckers: @patience_zero No kidding. They just threw in a new faction at the last minute.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksySellout vicksySellout
neisan2112: So in the book the society is actually not cured. The virus is actually creating the next evolution of mankind.
pimiento: the subathon is inexorable
MrGibberish: This was the time when trailers, were actually trailers
Sorator13: Ever forward!
pn55: Nice segue!
SymphonySolstice: elden those reldens!
damn_i_am_pretty: rollin rollin rollin
Genie_M: it's a different vibe
Sorator13: And backwards. And sideways.
TheWanderingNomad: WWe are!?
Lysander_salamander: is it Seemless Co-op?
geckoinasuit: same seemless world?
CaptainSpam: *record scratch* "Yep, that's me up on the altar with a javelin in my chest. I bet you're wondering how this happened."
DandyGeek: oops all fingies
Lysander_salamander: yay
ghyllnox: I feel like that could be redone a lot better
HaltBen2514: isn’t that just the universe as it currently stands :// @theguardianotter
BrowneePoints: The book adds it in fairly late as well @fredcheckers
Seth_Erickson: that sounds fun
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
geckoinasuit: is it randomized?
MadmanOreo: #justFingerThings
Izzieon: doing *what*
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Defrost: "We're doing finger things" I need an adult
ladylinzington: beg pardon
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Easilycrazyhat: I really hope that's true
DandyGeek: @geckoinasuit No, the dev hasn't finished processing all the new stuff
loufghyslaufey: kay
Seth_Erickson: It'd be so funny randomized but I'd imagine they aren't doing random
CAKHost: Run around in the DLC causing problems on purpose?
Simonark: It was what, four years before Price was in The Witchfinder General, and was just ridiculously dark and terrifying compared to this?
SymphonySolstice: that should be the name of his autobiography
Jezus38: So fn hyped for ER dlc seamless co-op
mwlsn: Thank you all for watching that film!
JuniorRoll is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
JuniorRoll gifted a Tier 1 sub to manyourbattlestations!
JuniorRoll gifted a Tier 1 sub to Spiritreaver!
JuniorRoll gifted a Tier 1 sub to eySango!
JuniorRoll gifted a Tier 1 sub to ToxicMegaColin!
JuniorRoll gifted a Tier 1 sub to ultr4zai!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, JuniorRoll! Welcome to manyourbattlestations, eySango, Spiritreaver, ultr4zai, and ToxicMegaColin! (Today's storm count: 903)
Mai_Andra: co-operative fingerings
Foxmar320: Hours indeed
IanAllenBird: o7
SnackPak_: gamer fuel
saucemaster5000: that is a massive amount of edibles
neisan2112: I should probably sleep at this point.
voren_chalco: The gummies must flow!
AndyDaMage: graham pulling the late hours again
DoomBringerIL: are those special gummies? @LoadingReadyRun
DigitalSeahorse: very sugery breakfast
hesterbyrde: Thanks for this!
TheNerdySimulation: Freaks!
ImmortalLen: True
SymphonySolstice: gamer-enhancing gummies
neisan2112: Its midnight and I got work in 7 hours
fredcheckers: @BrowneePoints I may recall wrong, but in the book the people that kill him don't consider the less rational vampires enemies.
vinewood_og: That was awesome!
RTwo28: @DoomBringerIL they're the edible gummies without the weed
Seth_Erickson: byeeeeee
spethycakes: lrrSHINE
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBox vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap
Fluffy776: <3 <3 <3
Simonark: I AM a freak! Thanks for noticing, Ian
RobotHitchhiker subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RobotHitchhiker! (Today's storm count: 904)
hesterbyrde: As opposed to inedible gummies
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
RTwo28: lrrHEART lrrHEART Farewell! lrrHEART lrrHEART
PharaohBender27: lrrGibb
TacitusVigil: The Last Graham
Grevas13: it was a good day
tezzatipoca: #wereallfreaksdownhere
Shortfall: We're All Freaks, We're All Weirdo
CaptainChibale: inedible gummies are plastic
fredcheckers: @hesterbyrde Smokeable gummies
CAKHost: Graham, the last person who said that got speard and you are about to play Elden Ring!
wholsometiger: @tezzatipoca amen
kusinohki: *resumes air guitar*
Jezus38: @hesterbyrde almost All of the gummies I make are inedible
TehAmelie: what the hell are we doing here?
tezzatipoca: 😁🤘
Stormgod519: aight, i do have to go. take care everyone
Simonark: @tehamelie I’m failing to sleep, personally
Spacecarl: @fredcheckers I do distinctly remember them killing his friend though. but it's been a while
Jezus38: Or rather, they take an enormous amount of effort for small amounts to become edible
PharaohBender27: @TehAmelie Subathonning!
TehAmelie: obviously
geckoinasuit: oh man it's 1 am i did not notice i should sleep
fredcheckers: @Spacecarl Same here. Take anything I say with a grain of salt.
RTwo28: I like this guitar of air
TehAmelie: i was Radioheading
Saintnex: So legitimately, that was for the most part very faithful to the book, which was nice to see, though that ending was wild
Lanthess: This is the best hold music
CAKHost: So many chairs
PharaohBender27: @TehAmelie Ah. Sorry, the reference flew over my head.
CAKHost: And BLRRurs
Spacecarl: I remember liking the book back when I read it like 16 years ago
Orxolon: hellooo hellooo,what are we doing!?
kusinohki: just finished public domain movie night... I _think_ prerecord overnight is next, but unsure...
iris_of_ether: Elden Ring Coop
Lanthess: Elden Ring is next
wholsometiger: I heard elden ring
Orxolon: oh cool,thanks
Sorator13: @iris_of_ether This made me think of the "look at all those chickens" vine
Simonark: Remember, Vincent Price will return in… just so many movies where he kills people according to fun themes.
kusinohki: millenial boop - a bop
Saintnex: Bai Ben!
SnackPak_: night
AngelicKnighthood: *waves*
Sorator13: lrrSHINE
ThorSokar: Watch-Along doesn't start till 2am local time
Orxolon: bye Ben!
TehAmelie: but the italians will never return!
josh___something: Bye ben!
RTwo28: @Sorator13 Now I want Elden Ring with chickens
CAKHost: Ello blurry person!
malfnord: I need to track down Vincent Price's cookbook at some point.
Simonark: We are rid of the Italians!
Sorator13: @RTwo28 the chickens will MURDER you
TehAmelie: i mean, maybe they will, some of them were apparently known actors
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyJammin katesJAM
CobaltShuriken: music during the bLRR? is this allowed?
RTwo28: @Sorator13 just like zelda
Sorator13: @RTwo28 exactly!
Gascitygaming: love coming back to Roadquest tunes :)
PharaohBender27: @Saintnex I'd never seen either version before now, but read about how the Will Smith version's ending negated the entire point of the original story. Though now that I've seen the older film, I have to say that having a bunch of black-uniformed people corner and kill you might *also* negate the supposed point of the original story.
kusinohki: I really should get the RQ soundtrack... along with the rest of BGCs work...
PharaohBender27: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here: https://biggiantcircles.bandcamp.com/music
Simonark: If YOU have a theme you’d like to see Vincent Price murder character actors to, write your suggestions on a postcard and sent it to 1972.
TehAmelie: Mary Shelley also wrote a Last Man on Earth which i believe is the only attempt to actually have a story with only one person left on Earth
Saintnex: @PharaohBender27 Yea, for how faithful it was I was a bit shocked at that ngl :D especially since I consider the ending to be arguably the most important part?
Simonark: The Last Man is really a great book.
Lysander_salamander: from what I've heard, that one isn't very good
ThorSokar: @malfnord It's just avaliable on amazon in hardcover for $11.50
Lysander_salamander: I mean, the shelly book
Simonark: I
A_Dub888: had to duck out but I assume Vincent Price killed all the vampires
malfnord: Lights out in the studio
apennamedquill: lrrSPOOP
Grevas13: for 1964, the movie was pretty good. i understand why the ending to i am legend adaptations always gets cut. too real for the average moviegoer
kusinohki: spoopifer haunts the darken set....
TacitusVigil: So, did we ever get the elden ring, or am I just displaying my ignorance of the game?
patience_zero: Maybe th3 elden ring was inside us all this time
TehAmelie: Y: The Last Man on the other hand still leaves all the women. it's an amazing comic
PharaohBender27: @A_Dub888 Sorry to disappoint, but a bunch of black-uniformed "cured" people cornerned him a a church and just javelin'd him in an important organ while he was standing on an altar.
Lysander_salamander: Were they planning on viewing Abominble Mr. Phibes? Or is that one not in public domain yet?
Saintnex: While Vincent Price was yelling that they were all freaks and that he was a man
chrono2x: @TacitusVigil Supposedly the elden ring is a concept, not an item, according to the wiki
kusinohki: someone suggested a sequel where price comes back to life 2-4 days later, but it couldn't get funding....
Grevas13: @chrono2x so it is in fact the friends we made a long the way
neisan2112: This did make me go get my copy of I Am Legend off my shelf to read this weekend.
TacitusVigil: @chrono2x Ah, fair. I know almost nothing of Elden lore. I did go deep into Dark Souls for a while.
Jezus38: @grevas13 beat me to it
DigitalSeahorse: katesShake vicksyCheer vicksyRave
bagfullofbees: oh good, the movie's over. Anyone care to tell me how it ended?
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote stay
LRRbot: Quote #5006: "Stay off the ceiling, me!" —Cori [2018-05-23]
CobaltShuriken: bbirbRAVE bbirbDumper DinoDance
MTGRanger: @chrono2x @tacitusVigil it’s kinda both? Like, it’s the representation of a divine right of kings but also it is a big magic circle you can have
Saintnex: @kusinohki Legit I would laugh so hard if that actually happened, turning the vampire allegory in to a Jesus allegory :D
SymphonySolstice: the elden ring was inside you all along
Lysander_salamander: @bagfullofbees He was the monster all along
bagfullofbees: @Lysander_salamander I already knew that
DigitalSeahorse: bagfullofbees the one with the cure got killed before he could share it with more than one person
PharaohBender27: @A_Dub888 Like, the scene in of itself minus the context of the rest of the movie could have legitimately worked as 1940s anti-fascist propaganda
malfnord: Pitch idea: Remake Last Man on Earth starring Sarah-Michelle Gellar. Run it exactly like a Buffy episode until the third act twist.
bagfullofbees: @DigitalSeahorse neat, thanks
Fluffy776: <3
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
CobaltShuriken: and scene
RTwo28: Greetings!
SytYoshi: Hi G!
BrowneePoints: Ermagerd Urts Germ STerk!
ghyllnox: Music abruptly cut
DigitalSeahorse: and that was Vincent Price
MadmanOreo: @bagfullofbees It turned out that the real Last Man on Earth was the friends we made along the way.
simplydavemn: Need more blurry dancing!
josh___something: lrrPistachio lrrPistachio lrrPistachio
TehAmelie: after the "i was bit by an infected bat which proved an effective vaccine to the Europe" bit, anything could be justified. i could see him coming back to life
Mangledpixel: A flailshape!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRoll
BrowneePoints: That's also a bit from the Book
Syntheticuh: RQ2 when 😭
CobaltShuriken: bbirbBuffering bbirbBuffering bbirbBuffering bbirbBuffering
BrowneePoints: Robert THINKS he's immune cuz he was bit by a vampire bat. He doesn't KNOW
tezzatipoca: lrrFRUMP_TK
MTGRanger: lrrSIG
TehAmelie: hi again!
RTwo28: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
simplydavemn: Hey Dr Nick!
Foxmar320: Hey it's a G
excalgold: Graham, i havent seen you in [ Minutes]
Mr_Horrible: it's time to play some Over 30 Ring
SomebodyNowhere: ooh
tezzatipoca: just to be safe i try to get bitten by a bat if i have any disease
CobaltShuriken: excited to shenan again
josh___something: Elden Ring Social Club
Lysander_salamander: yay nonsense
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
SgtBrink: lrrGRAHAM
xVoxtric: Very excited to watch y'all get sqwuanched
neisan2112: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote ring
LRRbot: Quote #8565: "You don't always have to maximise your ring dude." —Graham [2023-06-15]
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
ghyllnox: @BrowneePoints Presumably if he's right, there's plenty of people in Panama who have also survived and are very confused
IanAllenBird: 👋
kusinohki: shedanigans?? playframe is coming over??
tezzatipoca: 2020Pajamas 2020Pajamas 2020Pajamas
Vergotterung subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
Vergotterung: woo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Vergotterung! (Today's storm count: 905)
RTwo28: Adam and Ben!
Foxmar320: Ben!
Lysander_salamander: yay
DigitalSeahorse: lrrADAM lrrSLOTH lrrGRAHAM
vinopinguino: Adam!
Mollylele: neeeeeeerds
DigitalSeahorse: lrrIAN
Fluffy776: DinoDance
SomebodyNowhere: brave sir robin
Pat Baer: hi
BrowneePoints: @ghyllnox in the book he's not a scientist
RTwo28: Lots of rings to elden!
Gaelan_Maestro: !findqoute nope
Lysander_salamander: fancy
Sorator13: Brave Sir Robin!!
SymphonySolstice: brave sir robin got drip
pickles_mcelden: Real quick Adam can you give us a clean " I am the only real man you all are freaks"?
CAKHost: Why you nekked?
Skye_Stryke: I really expected Adam to come in w/ the "You're all freaks" line
simplydavemn: Many Bontoons after the Elden ring was recovered this happened.
xVoxtric: Brave Sir Robin from Monty Python, love it
Gaelan_Maestro: !findquote nope
LRRbot: Quote #4289: "'Hot mic!' 'Nope, killed everyth-'" —Paul and Graham [2017-06-26]
Gascitygaming: oh cool, did Adam do a bow run?
Mr_Horrible: it's his raaaht KKona
tezzatipoca: @pickles_mcelden 😂😂😂
Lysander_salamander: oh an archery build. Nice!
Seth_Erickson: uh oh has shaw claimed adam again
PharaohBender27: @CAKHost Please, there's clearly a loincloth
bagfullofbees: uh oh, Adam's ping
CAKHost: @PharaohBender27 Fair, fair. XD
MatzerKat: Before we begin: Who are you, where am I, what's going on...
xVoxtric: Ah it's a decked out save file, okie dokie
chrono2x: What is the biggest weapon in the game?
Jezus38: Ben has a big job ahead
josh___something: Is this a SHAAAAAAAW moment?
xVoxtric: It's an in-game setting to change on screen prompts, iirc
Saintnex: Holy crap, they are doing a sequel to Will Smith's I Am Legend :p
TehAmelie: @chrono2x there's some bonkers ones. they made a sword out of the Iron Throne and it's not even one of the bigger ones
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCult
Lysander_salamander: darned internet service provider
Beleqwaya: Me and my friends do a TON of seamless co-op, often with janky rules
SomebodyNowhere: ok
Lysander_salamander: yes
Laserbeaks_Fury: Adam is Megatron@!
xVoxtric: That's not just a gun, it's a CANON
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Fluffy776: GoodOne FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
vinopinguino: That's a bazooka lol
saucemaster5000: it was a co-op style made for a very different game style and does NOT work in elden ring
Aarek: Yes
SytYoshi: That is a "gun"
Grevas13: elden ring does co-op the way you would expect Nintendo to do co-op in 2010.
josh___something: Elden fucking BLASTER
bagfullofbees: what's adam doing with all that pot?
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote gun
LRRbot: Quote #4448: "That gun had 3 robot babies!" —Cori [2017-11-01]
MTGRanger: Oh he wasn’t joking
RendezVoodoo: Oh Adam is American tonight
Mollylele: lrrCrab
ThorSokar: 2nd Amendment Adam is HERE to PLAY
simplydavemn: Graham's character's skin is obviously silky and unblemished and he doesn't skip leg day!
Xan_The_Quiet: taking the term hand cannon to it's logical conclusion
Jezus38: Adam's playing as an American
SymphonySolstice: gonna blast the old ones into a fine mist
Pywodwagon: what if two shield
xVoxtric: Shield can be big bonkus itself CarlSmile
Gascitygaming: big spiky mace ball
wedge_x: ahhh Adam brought Gally, good good
Gascitygaming: great star x2
chrono2x: New hammer?
A_Dub888: !card colosssus hammer
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Aarek: whackus bonkus
Seth_Erickson: You could do a big spear 👀
snowewolf: Morning G-man and twitch and people in Discord
A_Dub888: !card col hammer
LRRbot: Colossus Hammer [1] | Artifact — Equipment | Equipped creature gets +10/+10 and loses flying. / Equip {8}
Laserbeaks_Fury: Why throw you life away so recklessly?
Jezus38: Big shield + spiked caestus or the finger poker
tehfewl: doot doot
Lysander_salamander: oh nice
CAKHost: When in doubt, throw a hammer
Lysander_salamander: remember, Marvel doesn't own Moljnir
BorealMage: The Eclipse shield is what I use, it's great
serramarkov: G'night all, I have to get up in less than 6 hours. Love you all!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Oh yeah, i forgot how these game do resistances
betweenmyself: while I didn’t use them as an Int build, I appreciated the variety of throwing weapons they added with the dlc
PharaohBender27: Goodnight, serramarkov!
Mr_Horrible: OtakuJeffest
A_Dub888: @PharaohBender27 Who gave Adam a GUN??
TacitusVigil: We're not Lady Agathy of House Fisty?
FinalShowFilms: The Solitude armor is -very- good
FinalShowFilms: Defensively
Seth_Erickson: Oh btw the solitude armor is like twice as heavy as most other armor in its range
ThorSokar: In before Adam comes back as GunsDon'tKillPeopleIKillPeople
BrowneePoints: Chat be good no spoilies
chrono2x: hammer helm, just to let people know what to expect
CAKHost: Snakes, why does it have to be snakes...
Laserbeaks_Fury: Effigy and Ivory
SymphonySolstice: effigeez nutz
dm818: Wide
TacitusVigil: Please don't eff a G. He's really nice.
xVoxtric: Pinecone armor
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahahaha
Foxmar320: So chonk
Seth_Erickson: I'm tanking lads
Grevas13: i think most armor would look silly with no pants
RTwo28: Brick
betweenmyself: @thorsokar “SirKekonaLiberated”
tehfewl: Stronk chonkler
SymphonySolstice: the phattest rolls possible
Lysander_salamander: try a roll
Lysander_salamander: is this a a no-roll?
ThorSokar: @betweenmyself LetMeSoloThem
TehAmelie: only 20 Str :o
Lysander_salamander: nice
Seth_Erickson: Butt slam perhaps
xVoxtric: Savage Lion's Claw is the double flip
EvilBadman: There's a bonk that heals for 30% hp too
xVoxtric: Looks like you only have the normal Lion's claw, it's at the top
A_Dub888: Is this an "unlocked all the things" mod?
Seth_Erickson: he doesn't have savage claw it looks like
Lysander_salamander: yeah part of the Seamless Co-op
Seth_Erickson: Play Dark Souls 2 actually
BrowneePoints: we gotta get you on Lies of P and Crab Souls too G
Seth_Erickson: I'd get rid of the dex requirement I think
MTGRanger: can we get a roll?
Seth_Erickson: Think Graham could definitely jive with lies of p
RendezVoodoo: Grahm RP walking
Foxmar320: Graham you're just strutting thats all
chrono2x: 150ish
xVoxtric: 150 is a good cushy build.
ChroniclerC: "Accidentally"
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Seth_Erickson: Graham kind of needs a lot of levels everywhere
simplydavemn: Home is where the savage lions claw is, so your real home's in your chest!
betweenmyself: what’s the (supposed) Souls-like where you play an anime girl waving around a plushie?
MaddogM: Don't you hate it when you have stuff stuck in your chest
TehAmelie: you needed a bit of faith for the hammer
Seth_Erickson: He needs dex and int
xVoxtric: hammer requires 11 int and 11 faith too.
Seth_Erickson: and faith for the smithscript
A_Dub888: Big gains, head empty
xVoxtric: That build looks just fine
IanAllenBird: howdy
TacitusVigil: I ask myself that every day Kappa
Kivipaperisakset: it's our boiii!
Seth_Erickson: I'd cut some strenght to 65 for more int and faith but its probably fine as is
tehfewl: probably want more endurance
MaddogM: so where do we find the sous vide cam?
Kentosaurus: get ye flask
xVoxtric: On screen keybinds should be an option in the settings too
xVoxtric: To change to controller buttons , that is.
EvilBadman: The sekiro tear heh
SymphonySolstice: full second roll lets go
manfred909: no roll only TANK
rayndeon: is this the seamless coop mod?
Seth_Erickson: I'd make it heavy
RTwo28: I'm gonna get going, gn yall
chrono2x: Does the shield get an ash?
ComradeMik: what a chonky lad
MaddogM: So will this be like the destiny stream: G getting killed by his friends?
Lysander_salamander: I love that the roll shakes the screen
snowb0und subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months, currently on a 94 month streak!
simplydavemn: That last roll looked like he tripped over some of the clutter.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, snowb0und! (Today's storm count: 906)
xVoxtric: I like waiting till you're forced to use them
alexsteacy: Petition for "crundle roll" or "crundling" to replace "fat roll"
ni201115: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
chrono2x: @alexsteacy I support this
neisan2112: These names are amazing
Seth_Erickson: wanna look at your talismans as well Graham
Pywodwagon: oh yea, talismans
SymphonySolstice: lrrCrab
Veraphage: lrrCrab
bagfullofbees: time 4 crab??
tehfewl: "Hello"
MaddogM: If you have time for boiled crab ...
xVoxtric: Lamentation
missa_hancock: wow just spent the last 10 minutes in audio only mode. had no idea how I activated it so had no idea how to stop it. Wowzers. happy to be here properly!
Foxmar320: I should install this again.
Seth_Erickson: The guard boost talisman probably
SymphonySolstice: need to mod this game t o add one that's just goofy's yell
EvilBadman: Curved sword. Do guard counters
Seth_Erickson: Erdtree Favor talisman is always nice
notthepenguins: great jar so you can medium roll maybe?
Vergotterung: or erdtree favor +2?
zeathean: jar can be a trap, it might be better to use lighter armor to get to medium roll
EvilBadman: Equipload one might also be good
SymphonySolstice: omg
Lysander_salamander: what
Pywodwagon: Vincent Price got to him
Lysander_salamander: planking
snowewolf: Do the Archer ones boost throwing Hammer?
A_Dub888: He planking!
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Foxmar320: No pants yes!
Seth_Erickson: It's at the top
MaddogM: that's breathing Ian
Pywodwagon: near the top
BusTed: cirque du soleil shit here
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaaha
TehAmelie: Donald Duckin it
simplydavemn: Good thing this is a late show.
A_Dub888: Adam establishing dominance
embermage34: Graham's character model looks like it has bird legs from some angles >_>
goatprince: yo who here's ready to do #fingerthings ????
BrowneePoints: Lorge Chungus
ThorSokar: NoLegDay
BrowneePoints: Jorge Chungus
Foxmar320: Toothpick legs
chrono2x: LegDay is a great name
embermage34: and it's just getting worse XD
Badchop: It me making the smallest Lalafell possible in FF14
ThorSokar: NoLegDay_#BroForce
Mollylele: "Can I make my legs... worse?" - Graham Stark, 2024
CaptainChibale: I have friends who use this mod and it uh. has issues. XD but it's pretty great
TehAmelie: Lord Humongus
snowewolf: Round Steve
Foxmar320: That is glorious omg
itmightbemikey: Twiggy McCannonball
BrowneePoints: Max Chungus
xVoxtric: Gammander Cauis
Fruan: This isn't skipping leg day, this is having a day dedicated to making worse legs.
Foxmar320: Those legs
Serioavion: G still has 7 levels to spend on endurance right? Or is he 160?
CaptainChibale: Elden Graham
simplydavemn: Dave's Guardsman?
adept_nekomancer: No Leg November
EvilBadman: Big Ass Johnson
flustered_blue: Leggus Cannonball
SeismicLawns: Small Ass Johnson
Mollylele: Abatha Twisty
goatprince: name: human bolus
Foxmar320: I love it no notes
Fruan: This looks like a child under a blanket
Lysander_salamander: oh god
YawnLance: Perfection
Foxmar320: Shoes are important
SymphonySolstice: this is very okay
ThorSokar: Shoes makes it SO much worse, good job
xVoxtric: I bet there is a skirt or something light you could wear if you wanted
Foxmar320: :D
mtvcdm: Adam, tell me about the *best* human centipede you've seen
Lysander_salamander: what
nyoomgoom: razzle dazzle leggy
Foxmar320: hahahaaaa
YawnLance: Holy shit
SymphonySolstice: LUL
SnackPak_: wild
IanAllenBird: mjkniokmjn
xVoxtric: oh hahah
BluJester: XD
Foxmar320: WHY
bagfullofbees: lol
Kentosaurus: why
Badchop: What
excalgold: Cod piece comes with the shoes
iris_of_ether: W H U
nyoomgoom: oh my goodness
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Vergotterung: lolol
NotCainNorAbel: it's gotta be the shoes
Sunidesus: !adult
LRRbot: I need a better adult!
Morrigan9: woooow
notthepenguins: incredible
nyoomgoom: 👀
mtvcdm: Prominent junk
Fluffy776: GoodOne
ThorSokar: Big Dick Shoes for LIFE
simplydavemn: Where can one buy such shoes?
tehfewl: i didn't need to know that, but now i can't ever unsee it
Omega_Lairon: Prominent. Junk
malfnord: boingboingboingboing
Boomyakalolo: fear I know only fear for the dick shoes
Lysander_salamander: how wonderful
KV1NN4: can't wait to watch the clips of this
harke_: I just came back from the bathroom and I was not prepared for this
missa_hancock: you know what they say about a man with large shoes
62MGcobra: !advice
LRRbot: Three, two, one, cheese! One, two, go!
MrTheWalrus: @LRRbot Same, LRRbot. Same.
ThorSokar: WAIT, you should be Bid Dick Steve
goatprince: balls+ or balls standard
BrowneePoints: something with the mesh is goofy
Gulleko: oh my poor neighbours, I am cackling at 7:30 in the morning
Seth_Erickson: Steve about to kebble some shadowtrees
Foxmar320: Graham is sending a message with that fashion
Kuma Kaori: tos???
coronax_cj: I'm reminded of the goblins in Legend...
BrowneePoints: no this is Adult Link to the Past Link. He didn’t wear pants either
Seth_Erickson: shoot it's head brother
notthepenguins: have a LOT of arrows
theinvisiblevoice: "why's your name 'bigdicksteve?'" "no reason"
TehAmelie: hmm you can't use summoning ashes in multiplayer right? so no worry about upgrading them
Shirmp_not_Shrimp: we have seamless for dlc already? that’s so cool
Seth_Erickson: you can try the throwing of the weapon btw Graham
MrQwasu: @TehAmelie you can in seemless coop
Saintnex: Spoilers free as in just all spoils to speak or free of spoilers?
xVoxtric: I hope Adam is thinking of what I am
GirlPainting: i played it twice o7
Seth_Erickson: That's what I did
TehAmelie: ah maybe we should worry about it then
CAKHost: I think I am going to head to bed. Thanks for the stream! Good night for now! lrrSHINE
Seth_Erickson: Yes lord of the peaks
BorealMage: Graham I did the same exact thing
Seth_Erickson: he has, he's just a huge fan of the Dread
BrowneePoints: it’s his fave fight
zeathean: The Best
MaddogM: Is spoilers free no spoilers, or spoiler free for all?
xVoxtric: Adam is correct
josh___something: It's bayle, isn't it
shurtal: Gs got no pants?
ChroniclerC: YEET
zeathean: Monster hunter called, it wants it’s hammer back
Badchop: Holy crap
xVoxtric: Double tap the Ash of War
Seth_Erickson: I'm pretty sure you've seen it Adam
mtvcdm: Elden Ring: Technically, You Can Go Anywhere
GirlPainting: litteraly Mjölnir
ylegm: That's fucking sick
MrPhlip: Just be sure to press heavy attack 7-10 days before the enemy is in front of you
BrowneePoints: double tap your ash ye
simplydavemn: Graham Stark, pantsless sniper.
Lysander_salamander: is this randomized?
GirlPainting: Graham is worthy!
xVoxtric: omg 4v1 the Blackgoal that'll be hilarious
Orxolon: legally distinct Mjolnir
xVoxtric: show him what it feels like
Seth_Erickson: think you can throw the weapon from the horse btw
josh___something: Double tap the Ash of war, show chat
Seth_Erickson: Graham
A_Dub888: Looked at Monster Hunter's hammer swing and thought "It could be more"
GirlPainting: So how far is everypony with the scabadubeldy fragments?
Lysander_salamander: wild
notthepenguins: a shame it basically doesnt do damage
TacitusVigil: It's a bit of a misnomer. The scorched ruins are mostly seared.
BrowneePoints: Since you have Savage Lion Claw I think you can double tap the Ash to double flip
Beleqwaya: Alright, gotta bail. Just about to start the DLC so don't want to get spoiled. Enjoy!
62MGcobra: !quote #2317
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
zeathean: different hammer
terribleplan: Make the horse do spinnies
Seth_Erickson: I was wrong different smithscript weapons you can I think, or maybe I'm just crazy
geckoinasuit: i cannot wait to see the randomizer of the dlc, i rewatch the seamless VODs like once a month
josh___something: Weeeeeee
RavingPenguin: SpiritEel
SymphonySolstice: the double tap
A_Dub888: !quote 2317
LRRbot: Quote #2317: "That guy isn't actually that scary, you just stay behind him. You stay behind him and mash R1. Just like every other thing in these lrrEFF ing games. You just stay behind it and mash R1. And then you tell other people to git gud. That's how this game works. Stand behind it, mash R1, go to other people's chats, tell them to git gud. I think I've got it now." —Cameron [2016-04-13]
neisan2112: Thats sooo much damage wow
Halvhir: new lion's claw, oh yes
tehfewl: worm friends
BrowneePoints: Savage Lions Claw also lets you dodge sweeps
notthepenguins: it will be cathartic
GirlPainting: i love the upgraded lions rawr ash
m33pn8r: I was literally thinking the Benny Hill theme!
62MGcobra: @A_Dub888 copied to much lol
ThorSokar: AC/DC Thunderstruck?
DistrustingSpectator is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 16 in the channel!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to cmjy24!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to flippingfool!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to doesnotcompute42!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZeldaGuruMomi!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shtroumf!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DistrustingSpectator! Welcome to ZeldaGuruMomi, cmjy24, doesnotcompute42, flippingfool, and Shtroumf! (Today's storm count: 911)
TacitusVigil: Why do they have a gun?!?
Badchop: that is a lot of HP
xVoxtric: honestly good for him for standing up to this gank spank jebus
ComradeMik: @TacitusVigil because it's Guts from Berserk
TehAmelie: with four players the enemies would have about twice as much HP i think?
notthepenguins: doesnt scale their poise
BrowneePoints: not enough FP I think
GirlPainting: i thougt the porkypine is a different boss ^^
Lysander_salamander: I like that the bow has multi-shot
TacitusVigil: @ComradeMik Oh noooo
xVoxtric: this is the best fight I've seen
ThorSokar: He's been doing his Squats unlike Graham's charachter
TimeToFry: This is a real anime fight
Seth_Erickson: Have you considered throwing our weapon at him Graham just to see some damage
wormapotheote: can't u throw this hammer?
rayndeon: i like how he's just holding the heal
BusTed: Just ruining this knight's entire career.
MrGibberish: Can you stagger him with the hammer throw?
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
TacitusVigil: Operation Backstab is a go!
SymphonySolstice: completely blowing his back out
A_Dub888: Teamwork makin' the dreamwork
TacitusVigil: Does the Knight's health scale back down a little since Ian is dead?
BrowneePoints: this man is taking more back shots than that one Senate Staffer
SeismicLawns: i like how even with the backstab "lock" the knight still has like a bajillion health
TehAmelie: a pincushion with telephone poles for pins
DoomBringerIL: si graham weapon doing any damage? @LoadingReadyRun
rayndeon: if they fix the npc invasion by the time this group gets to it, the final leda invasion will be incredible
RavingPenguin: Some of the highest poise armor in the game
BrowneePoints: he has a LOT of hp
GirlPainting: i killed him with giants hunt stunnlock
rayndeon: a proper 4 v 4
TehAmelie: you can see the red bar going slightly down
TacitusVigil: This is what I imagine real life D&D would be like.
notthepenguins: oh, did you grab the perfect guard flask, graham? that'll be perfect for your tanky build with the buffed guard counters, but i cant tell if im hearing the right sound
xVoxtric: He's got a greatly increase amount of health too, so these hits seem like nothing
SymphonySolstice: F
DoomBringerIL: jesus oponenets are tanky
BusTed: had enough of your shit
GirlPainting: girlpaDIE
Strebenherz: Cue yakety sax
Seth_Erickson: I love Taylew
A_Dub888: Is it a backstab if its with a hammer?
zeathean: His armor is a solid choice if you have the endurance for it
Tarnius: You can't help but root for the guy, being so outnumbered.
TehAmelie: i was thinking, it may be worth running around the Roundtable Hold for five minutes to unlock upgrading the spirit ashes
GirlPainting: the golem SHOOTS?!?!?
SymphonySolstice: gg
BusTed: FBtouchdown
pn55: seabatClap
RavingPenguin: Frostbite staggers on proc
MrPhlip: lrrHORN lrrHORN benginTry
Fluffy776: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Lysander_salamander: yay
TheDevil_Risen: sick more elden ring, just finished watching James play
ChroniclerC: Rocket punch!
Tarnius: GG
BusTed: literally throws hands
dm818: So is Adam not using the cannon?
rayndeon: average invader vs gankers experience
ThorSokar: composFive composFive composFive composFive composFive
Lord_Hosk: Does graham get credit for that kill?
Iluvatardis: @Lord_Hosk yes
TheDevil_Risen: Sup Adam!
A_Dub888: Golem gives fisties
BrowneePoints: is Adam on Ansbach’s?
TheDevil_Risen: sup Graham
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
TheDevil_Risen: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
MTGRanger: @dm818 the cannon is for special occasions
7gorobei: golem's name: agate fisty
TheDevil_Risen: oh hai Ian!
drocathekorok: Got golem pounded
ThorSokar: Adam's just running around with a portable Hwacha
TehAmelie: maybe we can buy poop to bank those 99 kabillion souls
xVoxtric: The incant looks cool, but isn't very usuable imo. the scythe is alright too.
Seth_Erickson: are there jumpies on point that's the question
TheDevil_Risen is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 23 in the channel!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to norumi!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, TheDevil_Risen! Welcome to norumi! (Today's storm count: 912)
BrowneePoints: yea Shadows added 3 very good bows
notthepenguins: the hit boxes for the pots while theyre staggered are jank af ime though
DoomBringerIL: no pants?
GirlPainting: 992 MILLION runes?
rayndeon: 2 guys on each leg
GirlPainting: holy fuckerony
Seth_Erickson: both work you kind of just whale on legs when possible
TehAmelie: we've got some big <i>cheats</s> QOL mods
EvilBadman: Jumps work too
Seth_Erickson: regular jumping works just as well
TacitusVigil: Why are we fighting Nicholas Cage?
notthepenguins: rolling also works fine, the timing is just tricky
RavingPenguin: Can adam stand like a mile away and just shoot its face?
drocathekorok: Stickolas Cage
notthepenguins: fell for the decoy face
lochnessseammonster: mistimed, misdirected...
TimeToFry: Some of the debuffs are REAL bad
BrowneePoints: it has like 99% armor but takes a BUNCH of extra visceral damage @ravingpenguin
Grevas13: anti-corpse rush mechanic?
EvilBadman: You can jump even off horse for the stomps
TehAmelie: an anti-zerg rushing measure
Lysander_salamander: oh how much damage does the hammer throw do?
GirlPainting: 992 million runes.....goth bye
TheDevil_Risen: GG
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
Fluffy776: FBtouchdown
Lysander_salamander: yay
GirlPainting: \[T]/
Seth_Erickson: Dancing Lion or perhaps Rellana 👀
saucemaster5000: beeline to top of mountain challenge?
TehAmelie: a house made of runes!
betweenmyself: pretty bad when the brain rot follows you into Elden Ring
Seth_Erickson: or beeline to the Dread
notthepenguins: to be fair property values in the land of shadow are probably REAL low
TimeToFry: I can't wait to see Rellana against 4 people
Narzareth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Narzareth! (Today's storm count: 913)
Seth_Erickson: It's the best fight in the dlc for sure
Seth_Erickson: CURSE YOU BAYLE
GirlPainting: BAAAAAAEL!
saucemaster5000: CUURSE YOU BAYLLE!
flustered_blue: BAAAAAAAEL!
A_Dub888: !card egon
LRRbot: Did you mean: Beregond of the Guard; Penregon Besieged; Penregon Strongbull; Egon, God of Death; Staff of Zegon
A_Dub888: !card egon god
LRRbot: Egon, God of Death [2B] (back: Throne of Death) | Legendary Creature — God [6/6] | Deathtouch / At the beginning of your upkeep, exile two cards from your graveyard. If you can't, sacrifice Egon and draw a card.
Seth_Erickson: I, Igon, will riddle with holes your rotten hide!
BrowneePoints: Igon certainly does the MOST voice acting
notthepenguins: oh man, he was acting his fuckin heart out without knowing anything at all???
Seth_Erickson: solid of scale you might be foul dragon!
Iluvatardis: did the bug come back?
BrowneePoints: Wheeler
BrowneePoints: it happened to wheeler repeatedly
Sorator13: I like how G's hammer fully clips through his shield
rayndeon: The mod's getting a big update this weekend also, improving invasions and fixing some other bugs.
The_Color_Twelve: for me its when the host is teleporting no one else should teleport or they get stuck
Mr_Horrible: Adam opening up a Hame lobby in Monster Hunter
Seth_Erickson: bows are fun but they're a very different playstyle
notthepenguins: adam i have been watching a bow only playthrough and the arrow count is a Problem there
TehAmelie: the evil has been defeated!
BrowneePoints: Igon’s Greatbow is the other heavy hitter Adam
TehAmelie: nah the game is good
BrowneePoints: from the dlc
SymphonySolstice: the greatest boss is the game itself
BrowneePoints: I think the Bone Bow from the dlc is good as well
simplydavemn: Was that Fuking Kill, or Fuck & Kill?
betweenmyself: so apparently the setting for Erdtree was based on lore Martin wrote previously that hadn’t been used in the original game, rather than having him come up with new stuff
BrowneePoints: but yea the dlc made bows viable
Seth_Erickson: Igon uses great arrows yeah
GirlPainting: anybody else got FPS drops massively on this bridge?
Seth_Erickson: there was a bit of a hiccup for me
rayndeon: It's enabled by default.
notthepenguins: oh MAN
BrowneePoints: Erdtree bow was decent in base game but not AMAZING, all the new bows in the dlc are pretty damn good
TehAmelie: are they all giant telephone pole launching bows? i like the small quick ones mostly
saucemaster5000: the DLC area has so many fucking awesome looking places
BrowneePoints: it’s amazing what good art direction does
GirlPainting: lol
IanAllenBird: kmjnikmjn
SymphonySolstice: LUL
bagfullofbees: sniped
MrGibberish: Did Ian just get sniped?
Seth_Erickson: you want to go right past the forge to arrive at the Dread soonest
ShifuDaxiongmao: "You shall not pass!"
PipeSmokingOwl: Guys....they shot the cleric!
BrowneePoints: @tehamelie bone bow is short and quick, ansbach is kinda quick, Igon’s is a greatbow and then there’s the repeating Xbow
TehAmelie: sweet
Seth_Erickson: low road to river
notthepenguins: @BrowneePoints dont forget the new cannon
ShifuDaxiongmao: the game just said "how about no?"
Seth_Erickson: either work I think though
MrGibberish: Looking at the clip, the best part is that G dodge it, it hit ben behind him
kristian_fischer: They're jealous of your skinny legs, G
GirlPainting: when somebody would ride past you and smacked you with a hammer the size of a mid sized car, you would be mad two i guess ^^
ChroniclerC: Fore!
Seth_Erickson: oh but wait you're looking for igon first I forgot about
Seth_Erickson: that
A_Dub888: Good news G I think chat clipped that
wholsometiger: They're playing polo with heads.
itmightbemikey: SpiritEel
Seth_Erickson: bangers
notthepenguins: i think its the boss version that drops it
corianderd: the new katanas are so cool
Seth_Erickson: yeah Igon's questline is for sure peak
Chronomagistrate: Is this just co-op or is it randomiser as well?
m33pn8r: Ooh sweet trogdor based katana drop
A_Dub888: Adam "Too much dakka" Savidan
Seth_Erickson: is this not the elden ring gaming you wanted Adam
GirlPainting: Adam, i advice to pack a crossbow for backup ^^
corianderd: rude
Seth_Erickson: me camping with the boys
Lysander_salamander: cannons though
TehAmelie: guard counter seems to work fine
A_Dub888: Crossbow? More like Crowardsbow amirite?
josh___something: Y E E T
TheDevil_Risen: Hammer Time
SirMorek: i've been really enjoying this hammer
saucemaster5000: Died to Hammer? GROW UP!
TheDevil_Risen: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
Lysander_salamander: does the spinning windup for the throw also do close-range damage?
TheDevil_Risen: is Ben Young Dab?
SymphonySolstice: adam is yung dab
TheDevil_Risen: ahh
Tarnius: DS1 callback.
corianderd: mew mew
Sorator13: Ben is Brave Sir Robin
TheDevil_Risen: thanks :)
notthepenguins: definitely t-posed my way through the dungeon by spamming Litany of Proper Death
notthepenguins: (because Litany makes you t-pose)
ShifuDaxiongmao: throwing the hammer makes the enemies feel Thor...
LowUpsideCJ: there are so many arrows
TheDevil_Risen: Lava hurts xD
TehAmelie: i remember fighting one of these in a tiny cavern. that was hectic
GirlPainting: rule No 1....don´t run bare foot over lava!
MaddogM: And I take it throwing the hammer doesn't require re-crafting it?
novrdd: DinoDance
Chronomagistrate: "Sir? Sir! Do you know that you are causing a major environmental hazard?"
Sorator13: @MaddogM Correct; it comes back (I guess)
josh___something: DO A FLIP!... DO another one!
TehAmelie: it might cost durability but i don't know if this game even has that
cadesguy: no durability, its just a free move
corianderd: @TehAmelie it does not :D
GirlPainting: Spear and board is OP
novrdd: FBtouchdown
Lysander_salamander: yay
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: just like monhun
ChroniclerC: Adam reloading. xD
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
A_Dub888: Adam living a MonHun bowgunner's life
novrdd: SabaPing
DragonMZ: You can tell this drop is safe because theres no bloodstains online
novrdd: SpiritEel
MAPBoardgames: Try jumping?
IanAllenBird: 👏
TheDevil_Risen: sweet
Lysander_salamander: leap of faith
TheDevil_Risen: nice lemming :)
TacitusVigil: The penitent man will pass
rayndeon: i initially thought was meant to be an invisible bridge
Robot_Bones: very last crusade
Mr_Horrible: "Make the climb... as the child did..."
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRaid vicksyKnife
TehAmelie: "hey, didn't i already kill you?"
TheDevil_Risen: OMG its more arrows than BOSS
MaddogM: running R2? beep boop
A_Dub888: Is Ancient Dragon-Man Trogdor's ancestor?
rayndeon: adam is just playing the shotgun build
novrdd: Ancient Dragon Man LUL
Mr_Horrible: boss just like "This is some horseshit, I'm writing a steam review"
pn55: Get bullied!
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
SymphonySolstice: he's getting bullied
TehAmelie: Ancient Dragon-Man, to the tune of Secret Agent Man
xVoxtric: Gank Spanked in the truest way
magical_girl_amelia: i love when seamless coop becomes the goon squad
Strebenherz: Ancient dragon man. Minding own business. Then the kool-aid men
Strebenherz: BUST IN
ShifuDaxiongmao: they are using bleeding edge technology
BrowneePoints: Adam is doing work with frostbite bleed and scarlet rot
forcedreject: My blood! He punched out all my blood!
A_Dub888: What's Adam's arrow count?
TehAmelie: he's given you a stabbing, and taken away your name
Sorator13: @forcedreject LUL
rayndeon: he has all the arrows
Mr_Horrible: he's literally a bowgunner
TheDevil_Risen: loll
Mr_Horrible: he's running a Hame lobby
GirlPainting: there is n arrow app for that
Seth_Erickson: ages ago Graham
corianderd: "invented"
ButterBall000: Ah yes, missiles
TacitusVigil: He can dance if wants to. He can leave his friends behind.
PipeSmokingOwl: amazonStartBlasting
Mr_Horrible: 10%
SymphonySolstice: "there was a dude"
A_Dub888: @Mr_Horrible Light or heavy?
BrowneePoints: but yea there’s arrows for each debug
m33pn8r: Oh, my uncle!
Lysander_salamander: fling tiny swords at people
BrowneePoints: debuff
aerohydra: Graham gets done by the ENglish Longbow
TheDevil_Risen: DAMMIT ADAM
josh___something: ADAM NO
Strebenherz: ADAM
TheDevil_Risen: i almost lost my pepsi
ChroniclerC: Sir!
TheDevil_Risen: :D
Seth_Erickson: will we be talking to the dragon communion priestess before doing the Dread?
Lysander_salamander: adam yes
Mr_Horrible: @A_Dub888 to my shame I don't know which is actually better for chain cc
CausticAcid: I'm stealing that joke Adam
Chronomagistrate: That was real good Adam
Pywodwagon: I think Chevy Chase did a movie about him
Mr_Horrible: I'm a melee enjoyer
simplydavemn: Don't mix up the build components through!
saucemaster5000: Adam deserves more praise for that banger
ChroniclerC: Show foot!
Lysander_salamander: Yes good
BrowneePoints: The Fletchlight- A Shaft for your Shaft
Mr_Horrible: I mean we did too
saucemaster5000: excellent jape your majesty
TheDevil_Risen: it was really good Adam :)
Front_Ranger: Man, when Jon Bow and Jim Arrow went to a bar with Bob Fletcher, THAT was a party!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope how very fletching
TheDevil_Risen: i almost gave my PC a shower :D
wedge_x: better than a flechettelight
magical_girl_amelia: there's a bow for everything these days
EOstby: There's a Hawk Tuah joke to be made here, but I'll pass.
BrowneePoints: how many Harpoons you got dude
Seth_Erickson: That's Igon's bow baby
Lysander_salamander: Lrr after dark
Mr_Horrible: a regular fuckin Hawkeye over here
betweenmyself: Adam “What do you mean ‘ADAM’?” Savidan
TacitusVigil: So dumb question...what is our current objective?
Mr_Horrible: "AAAGH"
SymphonySolstice: AAAA :V
magical_girl_amelia: baaaayle
Front_Ranger: That's not a bow...That's a bow!
Lysander_salamander: you have to yell? Awesome
Tarnius: That sounds exhausting.
rayndeon: you can toss your hammer
voren_chalco: That's what makes the arrows go
BrowneePoints: it also fires HARPOONS
Seth_Erickson: yes
Lysander_salamander: aaaaaa
TheDevil_Risen: thats amazing
rayndeon: curse you dragon
Mr_Horrible: that yell sounds like a Prayer Warriors sound effect
TheDevil_Risen: YAARHHH
josh___something: Put his whole Bowussy into it
1 raiders from ThatOverkillGuy have joined!
BrowneePoints: Graham the arrows for it are called Igon’s HARPOONS
TheDevil_Risen: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
Mr_Horrible: hammer to the eye mizzOOF
TehAmelie: how did you even hit it in the eye with that hammer
TacitusVigil: You mean red-tailed hawk sound Graham. Kappa
SymphonySolstice: [insert sick chunk emote here]
corianderd: i use that
Mangledpixel: YAAAArchery
corianderd: on my snake fists
GirlPainting: great weapon art
rayndeon: it's basically a bleed proc for rot/poison
GirlPainting: it is awesome with the rott exulatation talisman
Mr_Horrible: we love to Consume A Dot
ComradeMik: Pretty sure it's likely going to be used in the DLC speedrun
IanAllenBird: f
Sorator13: Oh no. Too much fire.
TehAmelie: might be time to do a Sir Robin and bait em away from the hills
NathanLonghair: I googled Jonathan Fletcher and THAT was a mistake. Huge CW there
BrowneePoints: But yea G the arrows for that are called Igon’s HARPOONS
JoeKim: greetings nerds
MaddogM: Bow tank?
JoeKim: hows the murder?
BrowneePoints: It puts the GREAT in Greatbow
Lanthess: That's gonna take a LOT of arrows
Seth_Erickson: Adam have you tried wearing the bear helmet with Rakshasa armor?
xantos69: hey chat, the amazing sous vide pork belly Ian started earlier. Anybody got a link to the recipe he used? (I'm trying to get ingredient quantities)
rayndeon: Adam the Bowman vs mini-Smaug
TehAmelie: whoa that stamina bar
TheDevil_Risen: sup @JoeKim
TimeToFry: What happened to your stamina bar?
notthepenguins: thAt STAMINA
GirlPainting: how BIG is adams green bar?
IanAllenBird: hey i just noticed adam's stamina bar
Seth_Erickson: Adam has so much stamina whild
Lysander_salamander: that is a lot of stamina
notthepenguins: whups caps
IanAllenBird: kmljnilmjn
TheDevil_Risen is gifting 4 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 27 in the channel!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to Arboille!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lt_Moron!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to NeonLemonade!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pyroball!
A_Dub888: @JoeKim well the drake did one onto Graham and Ian sooo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, TheDevil_Risen! Welcome to Arboille, Lt_Moron, NeonLemonade, and Pyroball! (Today's storm count: 917)
Seth_Erickson: oh is it grahams lol
corianderd: get me a cup of that dragons piss
Mr_Horrible: "What are you doing up there???" "I DON'T KNOW"
josh___something: Blast it in the face, HUH?!
MaddogM: Can't you climb walls G, seems like a skill issue :P
ContingentCat: Things you say to a dragon and your cat
Sorator13: @Mr_Horrible me, to the cat stuck in the tree
Mr_Horrible: @Sorator13 it really is the same energy
Strebenherz: WALL GECKO
Front_Ranger: SpiderDrake...SpiderDrake
rayndeon: this is pretty cinematic though
Lysander_salamander: switch to cannon
GirlPainting: it told you to pack a crossbow as backup ;-P
EvilBadman: Just a big cat
A_Dub888: It was at this moment, Adam knew, he lrrEFF 'd up
snowewolf: its their Happy place
Mr_Horrible: tfw the cat has trapped itself on top of the bookshelf and is screaming
NotCainNorAbel: Pride2800
MrGibberish: 1 Hp and a dream!
betweenmyself: magic pixel!
magical_girl_amelia: this dragon is a cat on a kitchen counter
Mr_Horrible: did they even QA this DLC? Kappa
rayndeon: he might tp eventually
Lysander_salamander: brooooo
adept_nekomancer: Dragon exploits
Seth_Erickson: time to start free aiming Adam
Strebenherz: Hippity hoppity gtfo off his mountain property?!
A_Dub888: mistakes may have been committed
Lanthess: If I was this dragon, I would simply fly away.
MaddogM: I assume he's up there as he doesn't get hit as much
Lysander_salamander: yeah
rayndeon: can't craft during a battle for my life = my immersion is forever ruined
betweenmyself: I actually saw a good deal of these wall strats in the next fight pennyWhat
xVoxtric: Fire scales with str
SirMorek: bleed is a good choice
Seth_Erickson: You'll lose a lot of damage taht way Graham
Mr_Horrible: it's Rot Girl Summer, Graham
Seth_Erickson: if that matters
rayndeon: you can just heavy infuse and use greases
saucemaster5000: greases are goated with high arc
rayndeon: or use flaming strike or a similar weapon art that buffs your weapon
GirlPainting: Not if you put the poison mist ash of war on it. you can go heavy, pop the weapon art and got poison on top
rayndeon: yeah poison mist works
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
hiFunko: I haven't seen an Elden Ring raid before, this is cool
A_Dub888: !panic
magical_girl_amelia: anyone using the very cool anti-dragon great katana?
MaddogM: Heal tank time
TehAmelie: you're our only hope now, Brave sir Robin
Sorator13: Yeah, this is a pretty typical healer experience :D
saucemaster5000: always good whehn the white mage has to finish the fight
rayndeon: is everyone else dead?
Mr_Horrible: wait I have a guaranteed way to beat the Jagged Peak Drake. One of you just needs to summon Jagged Peak Kendrick.
Seth_Erickson: Should have brought in tiche
Sorator13: @rayndeon yup
A_Dub888: He's doing his best
flustered_blue: That dragon is back on the mountain again!
ylegm: Brave Sir Robin ran away away
Mr_Horrible: "Wall it?" "Wall it."
MrGibberish: @Mr_Horrible lrrWOW
A_Dub888: @ylegm and then he hit an invisible wall
rayndeon: we need hawkeye gough for this fight
AnOddSmith: that's a magic artist right? M'golem villeneuve?
rayndeon: gough vs kalemeet 2.0
Strebenherz: Smeagol tips a Fedora *M'gollum*
BrowneePoints: oh magic artist Mygolem Villaneuve
rayndeon: its not even a true dragon is the funny thing, just a drake
josh___something: No, it's name IS "Drake" :)
magical_girl_amelia: there are many jagged peak drakes, and they all fight
notthepenguins: I initially thought this one was Bayle, and was like "Really, that was it?"
Mr_Horrible: no its name is Aubrey
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
TehAmelie: someone should tell them they're named for a duck
hackingducks: it breathes that hotline bling
BrowneePoints: it used to be called Jagged Peak Aubrey
simplydavemn: Do you fight the Jagged Peak Josh next?
BrowneePoints: dang it Mr Horrible beat it to me
A_Dub888: @josh___something So what you're saying is we need to summon a Jaggek Peak Kendrik
neisan2112: Anyone named Lamar to fight them?
Mr_Horrible: honored to share the braincell with you BrowneePoints o7
Mr_Horrible: honestly Ben's doing a cracked job of hit-and-running this boss
E_Westra: Destructo Disc!
Mr_Horrible: uh oh, commentator curse
BrowneePoints: that spell needs buffed. wow it does no damage lol
Mr_Horrible: RIP
rayndeon: the 1 tap
SymphonySolstice: o7
GirlPainting: girlpaDIE
TimeToFry: Eviscerated
Strebenherz: WHELP
E_Westra: Bodied
Lysander_salamander: chomp
notthepenguins: "Oh, it wants to be dinner"
rayndeon: the game answered your question
Mr_Horrible: "Excellent point, just one problem:"
A_Dub888: Cheer400
Calithilon: you can only have the one elden stars projectile active at a time, so recasting it before it explodes just deletes the first one
rayndeon: time to make all the arrows
forcedreject: I apologize, I was not aware you were a dragon
GirlPainting: so graham, i recomend trying poison mist ash
TehAmelie: "i didn't even order out, lucky"
Mr_Horrible: "I've planted a live hurtbox somewhere in your arena"
Lanthess: Wasn't Graham going to put something on his hammer?
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
Front_Ranger: lol, roll + R1
simplydavemn: Can you a Taylor Swift Golem to distract the Drake?
DMGlol: adam should main pots this run
Mai_Andra: What would a dragon do? Be truthful...
Mr_Horrible: a real rollplayer, that Adam Savidan
Seth_Erickson: that's the way god intended
rayndeon: we must introduce adam to the block button + parries next
LowUpsideCJ: don't sell yourself short
forcedreject: Adam only plays neutral
LowUpsideCJ: you're a roll+jump+r1 player
rocketjohn: leeeroy savidan
LastResistance subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LastResistance! (Today's storm count: 918)
Mr_Horrible: also good
Seth_Erickson: maybe not the way miyazaki intended or a way that invalidates the other ways of playing, just the original way god intended
bagfullofbees: I read it as Sexto Bloat-chop
Seth_Erickson: have we tried throwing the hammer at the dragon Graham
TheElrad: okay dragon, remember the strat, go hide in the mountains
maliciously_malkavian: sweep the legs
Lysander_salamander: if this this dragon is like a raid boss, what are the actual named dragons going to be like?
bagfullofbees: @Lysander_salamander its name is Drake
simplydavemn: Your yelling timber!
A_Dub888: !findquote distract
LRRbot: Quote #3746: "I was distracted by chat and talking about centaur jubblies." —Graham [2016-12-14]
Mr_Horrible: WOW, the MM Hunter stood in the telegraph
saucemaster5000: just thinking about the bull song
forcedreject: Just thinking about health bars, like how you don't have one now
Mr_Horrible: what a new thing
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
forcedreject: It's no M bison horse
bagfullofbees: a poor horseman blames his horse
TehAmelie: a telling blow!
TheDevil_Risen: BeeeeJ Damage!
bubba0077: Bad Horse, The Thoroughbred of Sin?
ShifuDaxiongmao: Where are the Phoenix Down when ya need one? :P
simplydavemn: That phrase doesn't really do it for me - bad tools often cause things to turn out worse. Of course,if you have control over the tools you use it's less of an excuse.
Mr_Horrible: perfect
A_Dub888: "Spinny Tail Attack" Holy crap this IS Monster Hunter
forcedreject: He's doing the Monty Python
Mr_Horrible: just riding the power of faith
Tangsm: Just play some coconuts
TehAmelie: invisible bike
cadesguy: you can still lock camera to the boss during spectating btw if you want
adept_nekomancer: burninating the countryside...
Sorator13: Torrent does not wish to be percieved
A_Dub888: @adept_nekomancer Burninating the Tarnished
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Chronomagistrate: Huzzah!
IanAllenBird: lrrBartleby
TehAmelie: that was just an "enemy" eh
A_Dub888: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Mr_Horrible: it was like Shake 'n Bake
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderBanger
forcedreject: "This is bullshit they keep respawning" - the dragon probably
TheDevil_Risen: GG lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Seth_Erickson: Dragon Communion site of grace works too.
GirlPainting: and that was the first small one.....think about Bael!
saucemaster5000: just taaap it in
Seth_Erickson: If you want to talk to the priestess as well
betweenmyself: good news, you killed a dragon, bad news…
DMGlol: agreed LUL
Rumiir_the_Dragon: D:
Seth_Erickson: I don't mind the dragons personally
A_Dub888: !findqutoe dragon
Marc Laporte gifted 1 LoadingReadyRun membership
itmightbemikey: Dragons are friends
IanAllenBird: uhoh
A_Dub888: !findquote dragon
LRRbot: Quote #1890: "I want a dragon where I feed it beans and it gives me gold." —Alex [2016-02-19]
GirlPainting: girlpaDIE girlpaDIE girlpaDIE
SymphonySolstice: rip
DoodlestheGreat: Oops
Seth_Erickson: I actually kind of like fighting them on foot
ThirdGames: I always loved the dragon fights in Elden Ring, personally
ComradeMik: it not perfect system
josh___something: You say that, KNOWING WHERE WE'RE going
betweenmyself: wyverns > dragons
Seth_Erickson: yeah wouldn't you just sit around on a pile of gold if you had one Adam
saucemaster5000: Yeah the rote dragon fights in elden are very samey and repetitive
josh___something: Adam, you're favorite fight is a dragon
Pywodwagon: I feel slightly attacked
TehAmelie: that dragon looked pretty stupid when it was punching you with its wings
DEATHlikescats: dragons represent the 1percent
TacitusVigil: I sit around all day, and I don't even have a pile of gold.
DigitalSeahorse: Puff The Magic Dragon is rad tho
saucemaster5000: I wouldn't even mcduck that pile, I'd invest in my children's future
hackingducks: @DigitalSeahorse he lives by the sea, right?
hackingducks: still a billionaire.
forcedreject: I think it works the other way around
spookittyAsh: now you're just describing Dungeon Meshi
Seth_Erickson: No Dragons steal their riches from the 1%, kings and queens and etc
hackingducks: in soviet russia, dragon eats you?
notthepenguins: but the practice of dragon-eating was also invented by the 1%!
Lysander_salamander: I mean, the dragons do represent the 1% in the stories fairly often so yeah
corianderd: tepid
TehAmelie: that sounded so much worse than "hot"
forcedreject: @Seth_Erickson Perhaps the are the 0.1% as they extort the 1% of nobles and lords
Pywodwagon: coming in humid
Rumiir_the_Dragon: I will not stand for this dragon slander. I will instead lay on my giant mountain of gold instead.
SymphonySolstice: cool bog body
Seth_Erickson: Literally none of the dragons in Elden Ring have a pile of Gold
LowUpsideCJ: Loving the donald duck pinecone costume
Seth_Erickson: they just exist
Chronomagistrate: Bog body summer
forcedreject: I see Graham's character is following his legacy of prominent batch
Seth_Erickson: and what do they get an ungrateful Adam
DigitalSeahorse: hackingducks yes, he frolics in the autumn mist of a land called Honah Lee!
TehAmelie: coming in dank and sweaty
saucemaster5000: dragons are just gated community soccer moms
Lysander_salamander: you look like a kid wearing a pinecone costume for like one o those elementary school plays.
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
Mr_Horrible: bro
jj_q: hashtag prone cone
Laserbeaks_Fury: How much longer till you hit the max
Pywodwagon: woah I missed us getting back over 20 hours
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRoll
MaddogM: That there was a delay after Adam saying he was falling until the death message was perfect
forcedreject: A prone cone with great...seeds
BrowneePoints: a Pron Cron
Bearudite: actually supinecone
TheDevil_Risen: #PronCon
jj_q: hell yeah
ImmortalLen: Once again Grahm has a prominent bulge.
neisan2112: Sweet we're funny by asociation
Seth_Erickson: the priestess just has quest stuff
DEATHlikescats: BangbooBounce
Mr_Horrible: thank god for jj_q now we're all funny
TehAmelie: it's true, on your back you're a supinecone
Seth_Erickson: if you want lore
DEATHlikescats: bootie5Coins
forcedreject: Ian is in quantum superposition
theeffohzero: Oof mod jankiness
Chronomagistrate: @TehAmelie Beautiful!
Marc Laporte: deez nuts
Mr_Horrible: my bad og
jj_q: hey mr horrible. one question. why didnt you go to evil medical school? =P
forcedreject: Adam, as a Canadian you should know not to eff with large Mooseliek creature
TehAmelie: now that's a big dragon
DigitalSeahorse: RPGPhatLoot
saucemaster5000: My bad OG(oat)
DEATHlikescats: sheep even the Welsh can’t f with (no shade to the Welsh)
Rumiir_the_Dragon: Also that's just The Last Wish
DigitalSeahorse: RPGPhatLoot PrideDragon
theeffohzero: I've never seen a small dragon
Lysander_salamander: nOpe
TheDevil_Risen: Ian can you put that in chat plz
Seth_Erickson: that's the equivalent of bending a tree branch past you while on a hike to smack your friend behind you
ComradeMik: Chainsaw Man rules
TheDevil_Risen: I want to watch that
SymphonySolstice: chainsaw man Good
Seth_Erickson: Adam needs to watch that and JJK
Kidror: Someone should have told Adam how good Chainsaw Man is
YawnLance: Chainsaw Man fucks
cutaos: i think i saw that show
BrowneePoints: if you like dragons…may I suggest Delicious in Dungeon
Marc Laporte: do bits help the timer
GirlPainting: i bet, during development one dev sayed "look, i can scale that dragon prop up to 2000%!" ^^
Lysander_salamander: It's a metaphor for domestic violence
corianderd: Hisone to Masotan
Mr_Horrible: "Why did no one tell me this was cool?" - Adam Savidan upon interacting with media people have been recommending for months
DEATHlikescats: Dungeon Meshi 2020Victory BleedPurpleHD
Seth_Erickson: Adam would love Jujutsu Kaisen I am 100% positive
BrowneePoints: Delicious in Dungeon is absolutely amazing
DEATHlikescats: agreed @seth_erickson
7gorobei: if only someone had told Adam about CSM
theeffohzero: Read the manga, haven't gotten the time to watch the anime unfortunately
TheDevil_Risen: @corianderd thanks
DEATHlikescats: @browneepoints can’t wait for season 2!
TehAmelie: picture a dragon small enough to curl up on a hoard of a single coin
Lushian_Cybasi: Solo Leveling is straight Fire
neisan2112: @Mr_Horrible Or have said to watch Castlevania before anything else.
BrowneePoints: also Delicious in Dungeon has friend of the show ProZD
Seth_Erickson: Loved Dungeon Meshi both anime and manga
notthepenguins: solo leveling is better than it has any right to be tbh, i just reread the webtoon and damn
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePoints I'm glad S2 got confirmed but now I have to wait for it kanagoSad
LowUpsideCJ: I wish someone was around to recommend adam watch castlevania
Mr_Horrible: @neisan2112 I mean at this point we gotta just preserve that one, for the bit LUL
TheDevil_Risen: I love Jame's Delicious in Dungeon meme he posted :D
neisan2112: @Mr_Horrible Truuuuue
theeffohzero: Sypha In that in universe is just huggable
BrowneePoints: fun fact, Ryoko Kui also likes the localized title of Delicious in Dungeon more than Dungeon Meshi cuz of the play on D&D
cadesguy: woah really? does it respawn enemies when someone travels, or is it just smooth?
Seth_Erickson: I just like the shorter titles because they're faster to type
betweenmyself: Graham gonna rub against the giant dragon, looking for the seems in reality?
BrowneePoints: has Graham watched Delicious in Dungeon?
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
S0NICW0LF subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
S0NICW0LF: 123 woo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, S0NICW0LF! (Today's storm count: 920)
TacitusVigil: Swipe right to attack. Swipe left to block.
Lysander_salamander: did you chat with the dragon priestess?
theeffohzero: One animal away from sonicfox
MaddogM: G you bloody millenial. shakes fist :P
neisan2112: Fire happened
TheDevil_Risen: panicBasket
notthepenguins: I still think it should have been localized to "The Dungeon is Delicious"
DistrustingSpectator: is the big special boss coming soon?
NotCainNorAbel: we're funny!
theeffohzero: Oh japan
Mr_Horrible: we've got a jape or two between us all
josh___something: No, they're a fox
Bearudite: one of us was funny so we all are
DEATHlikescats: chat’s like a broken clock with jokes
Lysander_salamander: it's kind of late for me. I guess I should attempt to sleep soon
betweenmyself: it’s SonicFox the Goat’s 30th Anniversary pennyWhat
theeffohzero: Your language is the most learned outside of your country
Bearudite: let my man CLAP
TheDevil_Risen: that's something :)
ThirdGames: Don't need to clap coconuts together when those cheeks are clapping.
TehAmelie: it's more comfortable for the horse, maybe
DEATHlikescats: rip in peace
theeffohzero: It's sonic wolf
Lysander_salamander: these weird jiggly trees
Seth_Erickson: Senessax you mean
Seth_Erickson: you can just run past them
notthepenguins: Senessax is miserable even by ancient dragon standards
BrowneePoints: my favorite thing is that time sonicfox was competing in their fursuit, someone was being a toxic shithead, so they took their fursuit head off and swept the rest of the set. real Rock Lee/Goku taking the weights off moment
TehAmelie: i'm trying to pace my horse but the clap of my asscheeks keeps making him run faster
Spooky_Noises: Oh I wonder if thats cause of the abyss
notthepenguins: usually i dont mind ancient dragons because they're relatively squishy and dodgeable, but senessax has resistances out the ass and a bunch of roll catching moves
RockPusher: Sexto Bloachoop… tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
DigitalSeahorse: try a different torrent software
SymphonySolstice: LUL
GirlPainting: LOL
xantos69: Clip that
josh___something: AHHAHAAHAAH
TheDevil_Risen: WOW
notthepenguins: well, you disappeared now
nappitatti: ffffuck
theeffohzero: A dragon in dlc land
Seth_Erickson: my horse is amazing
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: see you in the highlights
GirlPainting: CLIP that
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahahahaha
Seth_Erickson: goodbye
saucemaster5000: successful test
theeffohzero: Poor ian
SnackPak_: o7
Lysander_salamander: oh no your souls
Front_Ranger: ;p;
corianderd: everyone loves magical horner
DEATHlikescats: perfect clip is perfect
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyHaha
Redbassist: :D :D
theeffohzero: He's falling more than james
tenthtechpriest: scripted
7gorobei: HyperGravity FBtouchdown
GirlPainting: that neds to get into stream highlights
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to corianderd!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, corianderd! (Today's storm count: 921)
RockPusher: tiltyhYAS
Fancy_frenchman: oh I am so happy I made it for this sequence
GirlPainting: "my horse is amazing!"...runns of cliff
MrPhlip: I wish the twitch clip interface had that kind of precision
theeffohzero: Jordynne's got work cut out for her
adept_nekomancer: @corianderd Look at him now, as he jumps off that corner...
Seth_Erickson: more igon voice lines incoming
NotCainNorAbel: I have learned that the less editing I do the more likely they hit the highlights
neisan2112: Also clip more things. I say this to myself as well.
Pywodwagon: they take ages to kill the other one
Seth_Erickson: maybe respect the 1v1 Adam Kappa
Pywodwagon: I got bored
Mr_Horrible: that was *AVP* my dude
ThirdGames: That was Alien vs Predator
ButterBall000: AvP
WalrusOntheCourt: why is Graham carrying a giant hex wrench? is there some giant IKEA furniture that needs building a horse ride away?
TimeToFry: WAsn't that Alien Vs Predator
ylegm: that was AVP or Freddy v Jason
Mr_Horrible: and I just turned to dust
notthepenguins: that was AvP
theeffohzero: @thirdgames beat me to it
DEATHlikescats: big ol territorial fight
theeffohzero: Oh sorry @mr_horrible
betweenmyself: that sounds like partisan politics sometimes BibleThump
TehAmelie: just gotta DPS slowly
Seth_Erickson: got caught at the edge of the flames
isupor: chat who's who?
theeffohzero: You get frowned on in a destiny raid @tehamelie
DEATHlikescats: these are TECHNICALLY Wyverns, right?
Seth_Erickson: mixed
forcedreject: "Block this sweep"
notthepenguins: @DEATHlikescats they're dragons/drakes, but not ancient dragons which are "true" dragons (depending on who you ask)
xantos69: Adam, we don't talk about our "bone bows" on stream.
theeffohzero: Wings like that? I dunno looks dragon ish to me
Mai_Andra: torrent is dead. long live usenet.
SymphonySolstice: acupuncture that mf
A_Dub888: I had to step away, have we doubled our drakes doubles the fun?
adept_nekomancer: @A_Dub888 They're playing Double Dragon
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to theeffohzero!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theeffohzero! (Today's storm count: 922)
Durugai: mornin' chat, mornin G
A_Dub888: @adept_nekomancer which one’s Jimmy and which one’s Bimmy?
DEATHlikescats: @notthepenguins ah! thanks for the actual info!
themercenary1987: 8 am and getting ready for work
adi_pie: Chow down on some Graham
TehAmelie: that's like 5 deaths for Torrent. such a workhorse
wedge_x: mocap dragon
GirlPainting: 2D graham
ThirdGames: Adam going to the Skyrim school of combat. Pepper them full of arrows. "Ah, must've been the wind."
MaddogM: G looked too close at the head
Seth_Erickson: torrent puts in all the work
theeffohzero: Not entirely torrents fault mind you
theeffohzero: Thank u you for the sub
r10pez10: chat can your horse double jump
notthepenguins: @DEATHlikescats The ancient dragons have four legs and two wings, are comparatively slender, usually white/light gray scales, and use a ton of crimson red lightning.
adi_pie: I love this guy so much
BrowneePoints: ansbach bone bow and Igon’s are goated
isupor: @r10pez10 yeah
GirlPainting: i use the tracking bow for rune farming in mhogs palace ^^
Mr_Horrible: "Hey, cool bow"
A_Dub888: @r10pez10 I’m working on that technology
adi_pie: What if Ahab went to a 15
BrowneePoints: they added THREE viable endgame bows
saucemaster5000: pull my fingie
Seth_Erickson: You gotta summon Igon for sure.
azurvoid: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Seth_Erickson: It's not Bayle without Igon.
notthepenguins: @notthepenguins (they're gonna run past one in a minute, the difference is notable)
DEATHlikescats: @notthepenguins isn’t the red lightning connected to the scarlet rot, somehow?
GirlPainting: So its Fuggy?
xantos69 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 38 in the channel!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kaprak!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zaz___!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to HiimDant!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to isupor!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to loki_1321!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ryghar07!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to starrlightgames!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rancorps!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ez3n!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Blastdas!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, xantos69! Welcome to Kaprak, Zaz___, HiimDant, isupor, loki_1321, Ryghar07, Blastdas, rancorps, starrlightgames, and Ez3n! (Today's storm count: 932)
notthepenguins: @DEATHlikescats nah, coincidental coloring afaik
xVoxtric: wowiez xantos
BrowneePoints: drakes are wyrms
isupor: yo thanks xantos!
BrowneePoints: ancients are dragons dragons
DEATHlikescats: huh! I learn something new every day! thanks!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect 155
simplydavemn: Sure we've had boulder, but what about Second Boulder?
loki_1321: @xantos69 Thanks for the gift sub!
TheBearBee: Real friends check on each other's meat
adi_pie: Worst fight in this entire game and it is not close;
Pywodwagon is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 13 in the channel!
Pywodwagon gifted a Tier 1 sub to MakeTzu5!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Pywodwagon! Welcome to MakeTzu5! (Today's storm count: 933)
notthepenguins: wyrm is just another word for dragon though :v
adi_pie: I hate this dragon so much
theeffohzero: Dragons of all age and sizes
notthepenguins: and yeah senessax is my most hated too
Pywodwagon: 4000!
TheDevil_Risen: 4000!
TimeToFry: 4000!
DEATHlikescats: 4000!
TheDevil_Risen: lrrCrab lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrCrab
Seth_Erickson: Ska du is too funny
TehAmelie: it's nearly 9000!
Bearudite: 23 scaduuuu
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderCrabWalk ratewoNderCrabWalk ratewoNderCrabWalk ratewoNderCrabWalk
LowUpsideCJ: 4000!
notthepenguins: if they wanted us to pronounce it with the 'sh' they should have spelled it that way
m33pn8r: Brilliant!
TacitusVigil: How many do you have? 23?
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance
Strebenherz: Ding!
DEATHlikescats: bootie5Coins bootie5Coins bootie5Coins bootie5Coins bootie5Coins bootie5Coins bootie5Coins bootie5Coins bootie5Coins bootie5Coins
dzee_szed: 4000? That's almost 4096
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBork vicksyBork vicksyBork wow
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
Seth_Erickson: pump that up to 12k
Mr_Horrible is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 453 in the channel!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to RoseEggs!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to AFROzenFlame911!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lund_____!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to crystal_bubbles!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to 15__uwu__02!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ro_Ro_Ro3!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to pprroogg!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Luckssmith!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to JakeKamas!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to JeroenL!
Mr_Horrible: sure thing, boss
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Mr_Horrible! Welcome to RoseEggs, AFROzenFlame911, Lund_____, crystal_bubbles, 15__uwu__02, pprroogg, Luckssmith, JakeKamas, JeroenL, and Ro_Ro_Ro3! (Today's storm count: 943)
Herbert_Erpaderp: I'm here for evil!
randombillfolds subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, randombillfolds! (Today's storm count: 944)
DEATHlikescats: 4k is juuuuuust enough people to build a small corporation with, or a pirate ARMY!
LowUpsideCJ: Adam loves this boss
notthepenguins: "win" and "fight" are different things
Pywodwagon: you'll have Igon pumping you up
r10pez10: didn't skadu altus make persona
GirlPainting: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
BrowneePoints: Look GhostofJeffGoldblum is no longer with us, we’re trying to pick up the slack Adam
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ihorner!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ihorner! (Today's storm count: 945)
NotCainNorAbel: Night all, enjoy
TehAmelie: does the number go down if subs expire by the way?
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to tiltyhouse!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tiltyhouse! (Today's storm count: 946)
TheDevil_Risen: so .. many... dead... dargons
ChroniclerC: That's a lot of dead durgeons.
xantos69 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months, currently on a 87 month streak!
xantos69: This sub is specifically to Adam.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, xantos69! (Today's storm count: 947)
DEATHlikescats: awww anon making sure everyone has their sub up
ChroniclerC: Touched grace.
Seth_Erickson: You must summon Igon and I hope we get to hear the voice lines
saucemaster5000: And the millenial dragons STILL can't afford a house in this neighborhood
TehAmelie: we have acquired one grace
Mr_Horrible: @TehAmelie I'm actually now curious: if the tracker is just counting subs that are started or renewed during the 'thon, is it even possible for one of those to expire within the time limit?
Pywodwagon: thats me gifting a sub to the judge account every ppr
DEATHlikescats: is it AT LEAST .92 American?!
TehAmelie: oh yeah, probably isn't
Pywodwagon: We're summoning Igon for the vibes, right?
the_lone_bard: I couldn't watch on twitch for the first 2 days because Twitch broke and played the same 30s long weird, reeses foot fetish ad, played 1 second of stream, started the ad again, on loop. ><
StewartRWyatt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
StewartRWyatt: Subbing for Adam speaking the truth of stupid dragons
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StewartRWyatt! (Today's storm count: 948)
the_lone_bard: Not complaining but just hilarious.
MrGibberish: @Mr_Horrible Someone ended their sub month earlier this week and subbed the next week, so counted twice?
MrGibberish: It ticked their total sub months
m33pn8r: @Mr_Horrible Personal anecdote, my resub didn't show on the tracker until I hit the announce button
xantos69: Time for Crab?
trebuchetboy: Ive seen an add for scrubs an unreasonable number of times
simplydavemn: If you have time for Crab you have time to stab.
Mr_Horrible: incredible
TheDevil_Risen: Oh dam that's a thicc Boi!
xantos69: Love this fight
Sorator13: Uh oh
josh___something: HAHAHAAHHAA
saucemaster5000: nice tanking
Seth_Erickson: We'll get Igon next time
Strebenherz: Deletedd
DMGlol: lmao
Bearudite: 50 DKP minus
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
ComradeMik: if the tank gets instagibbed
Mr_Horrible: @m33pn8r these are all interesting data points
Seth_Erickson: this boss is just incredible
coronax_cj: Cthulhu eats 1d4 investigators per turn.
Mr_Horrible: World's Angriest Dragon
forcedreject: "OK Boomer" dragon
RockPusher: Do you give them a good teeth clean while in their mouth?
notthepenguins: oh they're not worn down, this is what happened when he fought Placidusax
notthepenguins: He's why Placi is all mauled
Mr_Horrible: my experience is that even people that don't like the dragon fights have the consensus that this fight bangs
Seth_Erickson: Did you notice the dragon heads stuck biting it's neck
DEATHlikescats: rot and bleed BAE
Seth_Erickson: Graham?
hackingducks: ngl, kinda looks like a plucked turkey to me
EvilBadman: So no reset for igon? :(
xantos69: Pretty sure he is just targeting people not facing him.
kristian_fischer: Aw man, the Skiddoo levels should be at 23!
forcedreject: "Let Adam Solo him"
adi_pie: Let Me Solo Him Savidan
saucemaster5000: this fight is better than straight sex
Seth_Erickson: you can lock on the boss in spectator mode btw Graham
jj_q: po would be ashamed
TimeToFry: Is this a zero Scadu challenge run?
xVoxtric: it's cool to see how much hp the boss has tho
forcedreject: @saucemaster5000 But what about gay sex?
josh___something: The boss is only like, 45% dragon, so this doesn't count
isupor: the rot consumes all
Seth_Erickson: This time Igon for sure.
MrGibberish: @Mr_Horrible I think the reason is Bayle still does it differently, both in pacing and movement
saucemaster5000: @forcedreject I said what I said
simplydavemn: Making Human Pancakes, Human Pancakes, smash yourself a human and turn it to a pancake...
Bruceski: do these bosses have increased HP for the multi?
BrowneePoints: yea Bayle is why Placidusax is all torn up
I_Am_Clockwork is gifting 50 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 907 in the channel!
Seth_Erickson: It was really fun watching you do it for the first time on the discord
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to thatsassyperson!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to clamml!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to GirlPainting!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to horridcrustacean!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to KypFox!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to krfsm!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to houseclone1!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to ParabolaPanda!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Werdnae!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to FergleFFergleson!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Caelash!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to popcatholic!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to pctjoe!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dmc3628!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to ghoti12890!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChroniclerC!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to shekari28!
notthepenguins: yeah, Bayle really doesn't flow like the other dagon fights
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to LordSaphni!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to RustyGore!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to skysonglark!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to AtomicMosquit0!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to ParanoidRabbit!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to FaultyMidget!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to totoromon01!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to VillainousLion!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to RobustLaser!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to mersharr!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to AutumnAuton!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ratosai!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to OmegaPlatinum!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to CricketChirps!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to 2nd_metaman!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nacraxas!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to sfn____!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Desruprot!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to qmier!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to rehspuhkuh!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to baconwhiskeyavocado!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to SomeDudeName!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to olaleo!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThePeterdactyl!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to TeacherSeanTV!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to BeforeMemory!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to machcymus!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to NivDS!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tarnius!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Laerite!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to ShinyMucklord!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Marcanius!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to azurvoid!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, I_Am_Clockwork! Welcome to all 50 recipients! (Today's storm count: 998)
RockPusher: lrrSHINE Clockwork
isupor: WOW
TeacherSeanTV: @I_Am_Clockwork Thanks for the gift sub!
dzee_szed: wtf 50 subs
TheDevil_Risen: WoW
Mr_Horrible: @MrGibberish yeah my understanding is that it eschews a lot of the more annoying dragon-fight tropes
wholsometiger: Wow...
ChroniclerC: Oh wow. lrrSHINE
ParanoidRabbit: @I_Am_Clockwork Thanks for the gift sub!
notthepenguins: lrrheart
DEATHlikescats: heck YES @I_am_Clockwork
notthepenguins: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Mr_Horrible: Clockwork doing Clockwork things seabatClap seabatClap
sfn____: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
RockPusher: tqsStonks
Seth_Erickson: CURSE YOU BAYLE!!!!
krfsm: @I_Am_Clockwork Thanks for the gift sub!
Seth_Erickson: otzLoud
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBork vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
EvilBadman: Curse you, Bayle! I hereby vow! You will rue this day! Behold, a true Drake Warrior! And I, Igon! Your fear made flesh! Solid of scale you might be, foul dragon … But I will riddle with holes your rotten hide! With a hail of harpoons! With every last drop of my being!
I_Am_Clockwork: CURSE YOU BALE!
ComradeMik: If adam likes learning fights, he should get into learning hitless runs.
jj_q: @josh___something sounds like taxes with extra steps
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksySellout vicksySellout
kaziel0: Adam and Graham: I haven't been watching much lately, but you two got me into wrestling with SWS, so I hope ya'll are still enjoying the wrestlemans as of late. :)
Mr_Horrible: incredible
Seth_Erickson: easy reset
DEATHlikescats: this and Lethal Company have similar vibes with y’all
saucemaster5000: Igon wondering where the boys at?
notthepenguins: ah, the desync
RockPusher: Perfect software, no notes
ChroniclerC: And he doesn't seem to see y'all.
betweenmyself: boss has list aggro
I_Am_Clockwork: did Eygon break the boss?
Bruceski: dragon t-posing to assert dominance
josh___something: CURSE YOU BAYLE
betweenmyself: *lost aggro
kristian_fischer: Good boi Igon
saucemaster5000: Bayle got cursed I guess
flustered_blue: that boss model is amazing
forcedreject: I like Bayle blinked
Bearudite: getting a good look at him
Seth_Erickson: otzLoud
YawnLance: Calm down Igon
I_Am_Clockwork: Early Cursing!
notthepenguins: hes gettin warmed up
saucemaster5000: Igon gonna solo
I_Am_Clockwork: Get im' Igon!
I_Am_Clockwork: get em!
flustered_blue: Igon gonna solo him
crystal_bubbles: Thank you @Mr_Horrible !!
DEATHlikescats: Igon coming to YOU
HadesLeprechaun: Igon is ready to go
betweenmyself: LetIgonSoloHim
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to HerrFuchsig! They have given 12 Gift Subs in the channel!
ChroniclerC: Igon doing a "Let me solo him" run.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HerrFuchsig! (Today's storm count: 1)
shurtal: Holy he'll this Cloudstrike outage is eeeeeeeeeff'd
adi_pie: You'll find out in like 20 minutes
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cielaah! They have given 13 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cielaah! (Today's storm count: 2)
ChroniclerC: ow
GirlPainting: thx I_Am_Clockwork :D
mostly_minerals: Hello boss :)
TheDevil_Risen: Camera Plz
BrowneePoints: but yea Bayle and Placidusax both had an intense fight that ended with both getting mortal injuries
ComradeMik: G's ass hanging out during the instakill is wild
UnusuallyLargeMoth: !mod
isupor: lore accurate sire robin
UnusuallyLargeMoth: er
UnusuallyLargeMoth: what mods are in use?
Antimakker: Hey there chat and Graham and anyone else in the call!
notthepenguins: i think graham's gonna need to restart the game to fix the desync at this point
notthepenguins: cause dang
SymphonySolstice: this is the seamless co-op mod
UnusuallyLargeMoth: ah okey thenks
Seth_Erickson: Igon is already summoned yeah
RockPusher: Does Igon share the groups passion for graphic design?
HadesLeprechaun: he has SO MANY arrows in his face
adept_nekomancer: His head looks like a pincushion
ChroniclerC: Adam turning this guy into a pincushion.
Antimakker: Imagine chilling at your place and some guys uninvitedly crashing your place and hitting you with weapons... also being called Bayle... damn... unlucky...
mrverbal: this is a bit of a chonker
Seth_Erickson: phase 2 PogChamp
Mr_Horrible: "psyche I can still fly actually"
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Antimakker!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Antimakker! (Today's storm count: 3)
josh___something: Oh yeah, he's a BIG BOI
BrowneePoints: but yea Placi is why Bayle wings are shredded. I think it’s also implied Bayle is the father of all the drakes in the game?
LordSaphni: @I_Am_Clockwork thanks for the gift sub lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Antimakker: @AnAnonymousGifter, tyty!
bagfullofbees: oh hey, another dragon fight
m33pn8r: Everyone must have a subscriber icon!
BrowneePoints: no this is a Dragon Fight with upper case
BrowneePoints: not a dragon fight(derogatory)
shurtal: What were saying about speed runners G?
kristian_fischer: Get the rod on him? Well, I suppose it's after the watershed.
GirlPainting: may i interrest you in a range option graham?
Seth_Erickson: you could throw the weapon at him Graham
RockPusher: Tonight the role of Bonkus Maximus will be played by Graham Stark
bagfullofbees: oh hey, I got gifted a sub and didn't notice cuz I was away! Thanks, whoever did that!
RobustLaser: yo hey thanks for the gift sub
BusTed: Adam has this fight downloaded
MrGibberish: Pseudo sub chat?
MrPhlip: Please allow 7-10 days for heavy attack delivery
Didero: Ooh, I forgot this was happening, what a great surprise! Good morning!
RobustLaser: oh good i've missed some of these emotes i was unable to post tieThats lrrHAM tieAble for a while
Mr_Horrible: oh god he's T-Posing for dominance
DEATHlikescats: it adds extra difficulty and health to the boss, right?
BrowneePoints: they also buff the hp!
saucemaster5000: adam needs all the attention or he will just start screaming in confusion
Seth_Erickson: I'd do maybe shadu lvl. 3
adi_pie: Reopen the world
adi_pie: Stop having it be closed
bagfullofbees: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW yo check out all these emotes I can use now lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
BrowneePoints: Sup Bayle you’re still a piece of G a r b a g e!
GirlPainting: Hail Hydrate
RockPusher: tiltyhCheers
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
SymphonySolstice: The Dragon is a Deadly Lazer
cmdrud87: You mean Katie Perry Kappa
CanvasWolfDoll: quick! now you can tell us how you really feel about graham!
CaptainChibale: the stop having it be closed reminded me of a funny story.
BrowneePoints: Igon: Bayle can you stop being a piece of tish
forcedreject: Can you speedrun Graham Adam?
Pywodwagon: paul just starts crying
BrowneePoints: Igon: Don’t be a menace Bayle
Seth_Erickson: how many bosses have you had Adam 🤔
BrowneePoints: Bayle: How bout I do a n y w a y
Seth_Erickson: I just want to know how many
Pywodwagon: Was James your boss at one point
saucemaster5000: you do not exist when not on screen to us adam
Seth_Erickson: doesn't do the work
epsilon_vee: simply exiting the field forever level bad boss
Seth_Erickson: he's a manager in name not in function
RockPusher: ^
CaptainChibale: a friend of mine from the US got me a gift. This was early covid. they went to the post office and this convo happened: "how do I send this to canada?" "you can't." "what?" "it's closed." "what's closed?" "Canada."
Texan_Reverend: I recall many tweets from that era. Sounded infuriating.
TacitusVigil: So, would you say LRR is a family? Kappa
RockPusher: Quick, act natural
Grevas13: adam was just telling us how bad of a boss you are
Seth_Erickson: Ian have you considred putting on the shows to make your meat a little bigger?
simplydavemn: Someone needs to clip that without any context.
Grevas13: it is technically true
GirlPainting: if the meat stats to form a union i would start to worry
forcedreject: Graham's boss attack patterns are too easy he said
RockPusher: benginFingers RPGFireball RPGFireball foxmarFIRE
SymphonySolstice: CURSE YOU BAYLE
Seth_Erickson: otzLoud
BrowneePoints: He was saying how bad of a boss you are, in that you aren’t at all…that was very Douglas Adams
simplydavemn: Remember the Harrmer throw.
Iluvatardis: I thought Igon had more lines. what's with that?
theeffohzero: Bayle is pain
ogundiety: This is the part I hated about this boss. awful hitboxes and the head being the only targetable thing
theeffohzero: I was think of Dale for a second there
Hadhayosh: Who all is in this one?
BrowneePoints: DAAAAALE
BusTed: right in the nubbin
accountmadeforants: Bayle is proof FromSoft can make fun dragon fights but chose not to.
BrowneePoints: FromSoft makes dragon fights and Dragon Fights
BrowneePoints: Bayle is a Dragon Fight
GirlPainting: placedusaxx as well
josh___something: He is putting his whole Igorussy into that monologue
TheDevil_Risen: that is sick
Decem_Lampas: man this game is good
TXC2: Hello everybody!
TheDevil_Risen: evening @TXC2
accountmadeforants: Hell yeah the music
RockPusher: That dragon chugged a Red Bull!
Texan_Reverend: Hey there @TXC2
TXC2: good lord how much health does this boss have? :p
saucemaster5000: god this fight slaps
theeffohzero: Too much
TXC2: hello TheDevil_Risen and Texan_Reverend
TimeToFry: GOD I want to see the Baylve vs Placidusax fight that left them both the way they are now
Didero: @TXC2 Presumably it gets a lot more since there's 4 players?
BrowneePoints: about a Hay Bayle’s worth @txc2
theeffohzero: Dale as Satan no less
TXC2: BrowneePoints indeed
TXC2: Didero sure, but still
BrowneePoints: Bayle is literally Dragon Satan lore wise
saucemaster5000: golem can solo bayle
TXC2: also we were under 17 hour left when I went to sleep chat, so fan-fucking-tastic job chat lrrHEART
theeffohzero: One man enter, one man burned
SymphonySolstice: F
EvilBadman: Igon, truly a man too angry to die
TheDevil_Risen: F
TheDevil_Risen: Praise the Light
simplydavemn: Maybe just hide somewhere and let Igon take him down?
TXC2: o7
bagfullofbees: that was a rad shot of Ben getting roasted
MrGibberish: Maybe 2 scedoo?
theeffohzero: So we can agree Dale is bayle?
Strebenherz: Bale is too angry for this nonsense
Seth_Erickson: Igon back at again
josh___something: HAH
isupor: graham you can lock onto the boss while spectating if you don't want to manage it by HAND
trebuchetboy: Dang it Bayle
Mr_Horrible: I love just spawning in and Igon is already talking shit
Tantusar: co-op with some seams
theeffohzero: Seamless to the touch imo
r10pez10: there are seams, just less of them
theeffohzero: I'm imagining Dale laughing as Satan now
SymphonySolstice: ok igon, from the top
TXC2: Seamless* co-op (*seamless is used only for comedy purposes and is not descriptive) Kappa
TehAmelie: Egon was my grandfather's name
theeffohzero: Rip Harold Raimis
DMGlol: bayle looks like he's been attacked by a porcupine
BrowneePoints: I love that he is a Satan Analog and they made him look like The Balrog of Moria
theeffohzero: Sick design ngl
TXC2: 20K health is maybe a 1/7 of the health pool :p
GirlPainting: graham, may i interrest you in a poison grease?
theeffohzero: From's designers stepped up
TXC2: this is some Balrog shit right here
Strebenherz: Goodnight y'all, happy elden ring and happy cursing bale
TXC2: so long Strebenherz sleep well
BrowneePoints: ye his design HAS to be influenced by the Balrog
TehAmelie: it's like when those dragon warriors get spectral wings and horns for an attack, but he's already a dragon?
theeffohzero: Take care @strebenherz
BusTed: just sub out the shadow for electricity
BrowneePoints: @tehamelie Placidusax tore his wings in their battle
theeffohzero: I'm still stuck at dancing lion
theeffohzero: Also I learned the other day that miquella is a phantom thief
Seth_Erickson: also Bayle's theme is my favorite of the dlc
Seth_Erickson: such a banger
theeffohzero: Par for From software games imo
adi_pie: What a horrible night to have a curse.
forcedreject: Fire hot
BusTed: Well, now we know who it's focused on
BrowneePoints: Nah Bayle’s theme is an Upper Echelon theme like Ludwig
theeffohzero: He's the last tarnished standing?
TXC2: "the firs explodes afterwards" is some magic reminder text
Mr_Horrible: e's gone
TehAmelie: "the fire that explodes" sounds like the name of an eldritch horror made up by a teen
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
josh___something: 33%
theeffohzero: Winnable but PAIN
GirlPainting: Graham, might i interrest you in a poison grease?
josh___something: Uhhh...
forcedreject: @TehAmelie "It that goes kaboom"
TXC2: do we have to bring in Elden Ring Ace James has a ringer? Kappa
TXC2: *as a
MrGibberish: @Mr_Horrible As we were saying, attacks like those make him FEEL like im fighting a dragon: A creature of immense might and presence. other dragons dont really do that
saucemaster5000: Bayle makes other fights give up on the prom queen title and stay home
Iluvatardis: is it too slow to throw the hammer at Bayle?
forcedreject: Adam has removed all the bones from the land
simplydavemn: Is there a reason you are not throwing the hammer?
TehAmelie: game clearly in the pocked of big arrow
HadesLeprechaun: I have seen SO MANY arrows in the dragons face, lol
trebuchetboy: @simplydavemn Probably just too slow
BrowneePoints: stacking multiple debuffs is important and neat
theeffohzero: Ow, ow... What on scudtree is hitting me?
josh___something: CURSE YOU BAYLE
Decem_Lampas: I think none of the throwing ones can be greased
theeffohzero: Just wanna stepaside and say I appreciate Dale
GirlPainting: ah....ok, then i recomend the poison mist ash of war. you can proc the msit and your weapon is greased up
TXC2: Form games tend to not let you buff the cool weapons
Mr_Horrible: "What is dawg yappin' about"
saucemaster5000: he's out here being the worst ghostbuster
simplydavemn: Igon is cutting a promo...
accountmadeforants: Igon is ACTING
saucemaster5000: that is what igon is doing
HadesLeprechaun: Cursing Bayle is a full time job
theeffohzero: Balancing act easily broken if we could buff @txc2
josh___something: AHAHAHA
BusTed: ShadyLulu
adept_nekomancer: om nom nom
saucemaster5000: that pinecone got cracked
TXC2: theeffohzero indeed
rayndeon: what weapon art is that?
theeffohzero: Bayle not dale
Seth_Erickson: yo ian those jumps
rayndeon: looks like rivers of blood but isn't
Mr_Horrible: leave it to Ian to discover new tech
simplydavemn: Igon Jenkins....
TXC2: Igon started without us, just like the movie
TehAmelie: heavy attacks tend to be more potent for staggering, too
RockPusher: Ian needs to believe in Sexto Bloachoop more
rayndeon: do you have the talisman that boosts thrown attacks
Seth_Erickson: He's arrived at his white whale he has no time to wait
theeffohzero: I mean Is any boss in from soft game NOT mad?
ArdentSlacker: I think the best thing about this fight was summoning Igon to smack-talk the tragon.
Kraest: !quote Cameron
Mr_Horrible: in a sexy way or a dangerous way?
Tarnius: Must be a scary place.
Mr_Horrible: or both, I suppose
rayndeon: you might need to mist out and rejoin
theeffohzero: Reminds me of Bjorr of the twin fangs @ardentslacker
tenthtechpriest: CURSE YOU BAYLE
novrdd: TwitchConHYPE
josh___something: CURSE YOU BAYLE
Seth_Erickson: love seeing placidu'
Fancy_frenchman: and is this “Bayle” here in the room with us?
TehAmelie: that attempt doesn't count!
Mr_Horrible: actually I'll say it: bless you Bayle
I_Am_Clockwork: CURSE YOU, IGON!
Seth_Erickson: placidu's heads stuck biting his neck
measureofhope: CURSE YOU LAG
RockPusher: m'world
Fancy_frenchman: CURSE YOU NETCODE
theeffohzero: @i_am_clockwork found bayle
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible GESUNDHEIT BAYLE!
Seth_Erickson: We'll remember your voice lines Igon, truly one of the best npcs in the game
bagfullofbees: lol embed your hammer in the fog
measureofhope: Wait a sec, is that the Mjolnir?
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 it's all he ever wanted... just a small kindness... he can't scratch his nose...
TehAmelie: iron rich jello
measureofhope: No, cant be, the handle is a sensible length
DudelidouX: Yea the first 'New' run seems fine but the following he always seem bugged as if attacking where Bayle would be in the first fight
ArdentSlacker: @measureofhope You should see the cap'n 'murrica shield version.
TXC2: will it aspic ?
Sorator13: yesss
Halvhir: Oh no. The aspic.
jamesinor: Ian, no, that's the thing that guarantees that you've finally gone evil
Sorator13: go get some from N Dylan Hollis
Sorator13: *B, not N
RockPusher: !quote ian
LRRbot: Quote #6643: "Words have meaning, which is why I like to make up so many words." —Ian [2019-12-22]
Seth_Erickson: oh you're hitting him with placi's attack PogBones
TehAmelie: i'm curious if the hammer's attacks are different in two hand mode
ArdentSlacker: Bayle just wanted to get hammered with the boys
RockPusher: dixHAMMER
rayndeon: the hammer goes really far
theeffohzero: I'm pretty sure facetanking that fire isn't ideal for this fight
bagfullofbees: siiiiick
rayndeon: you got this adam
MrGibberish: the twofer!
TehAmelie: wll played Bayle
Mr_Horrible: that 2fer
Seth_Erickson: this is where adam thrives
rayndeon: legolas him
theeffohzero: Radahn would be so proud
bagfullofbees: Graham and Ben respecting the 1v1 there
TXC2: lets go Adam!
rayndeon: bleed arrows could do it
ArdentSlacker: is that a Quality of Death feature?
theeffohzero: We need a cup of this man's piss
Sareaesque: Twitch bits do, +1 minute every 400
RoeDent89: F
BrowneePoints: you know what you are on top of? being an amazing and kind individual who spreads a lot of kindness and joy browne26PearPride
TXC2: theeffohzero to test for drugs right?
TheDevil_Risen: Lets go Team LRR!
theeffohzero: I think so...
GirlPainting: any poison darts at hand graham?
rayndeon: you can do the jumping bow shots with a shortbow i think
Seth_Erickson: you'd absolutely love learning Bayle with that bow though
DudelidouX: If it's the last might be ok to summon him since he seem to mess up the following run by already being in there
Seth_Erickson: that much I can ascertain for sure
saucemaster5000: rellana/dancing lion run? Y'all got like another hr plus right?
saucemaster5000: oh yeaaah
Decem_Lampas: did you go instantly to scadoosh 20 or hold it back a bit
saucemaster5000: @Seth_Erickson oo have you done a bow run on the dlc? Sounds fun
Mr_Horrible: these bois finna be embraced
theeffohzero: Shadow keep? Oh no, the worst destiny expansion
Seth_Erickson: @saucemaster5000 I personally haven't but I kind of want
saucemaster5000: my next run I'ma do martial arts build
Seth_Erickson: I follow some people who have and they seem to really enjoy it.
forcedreject: He's so angry he forgot where he was
TehAmelie: sometimes you confuse the ground with a dragon
BrowneePoints: I’s too far Gon
TehAmelie: with a longbow!
LeokadiaBosko: Give Igon a break, he's been through a lot lately
isupor: how late are you guys going tonight?
Mr_Horrible: yeah that feels accurate
accountmadeforants: Man too angry to aim
saucemaster5000: What happened to WEgon, comrade?
BrowneePoints: fired and I missed
ThatOverkillGuy: you know, if you swing your weapon at the enemy, and dodge their attacks, you win right?
BrowneePoints: and then I fired again, and then I missed
Mr_Horrible: blames Bayle for stepping on lego he himself didn't put away last night
Mr_Horrible: classic Igon
theeffohzero: Let's not blame who did what on this occasion
Sorator13: Uh
TXC2: mood
Mr_Horrible: "open" eh?
measureofhope: y no pants
BrowneePoints: really open it seems
ThatOverkillGuy: that looks so unconfrtable
forcedreject: Prone cone with great seed
saucemaster5000: "sir close your legs this is 1952"
Seth_Erickson: you can get a good look at the package with this angle
ThatOverkillGuy: on the stairs
ThatOverkillGuy: OW
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: starfish
TehAmelie: one item of clothing had to go, and really, who needs pants
theeffohzero: I be had the misfortune to nap on stairs once
Mr_Horrible: the miracle of birth (Greek Mythology style)
forcedreject: Graham manifests others from his dreams
theeffohzero: My back still is killing me
TXC2: there we go
BusTed: LUL
TXC2: and just like that, we were back in 2002 Kappa
Mr_Horrible: LUL
nyoomgoom: lods of emone
korvys: No that';s bawls
krfsm: or liqueur brand!
BusTed: poor guy
Mr_Horrible: oh he's having a time of it
corianderd: this is the guy, right?
Camail: shoved him into a locker
BrowneePoints: what freaking spell was that?
theeffohzero: Giant ain't got shit
TXC2: corianderd it's one of them
bagfullofbees: lol get hammered idiot
Seth_Erickson: @BrowneePoints that's one of Placi's boss spells
Seth_Erickson: Placidusax's Ruin
Seth_Erickson: it's called iirc
forcedreject: I heard he got...hammered tonight
theeffohzero: YEAH
GirlPainting: Adam, how many runes have you spend to buy/craft arrow during the stream?
Pywodwagon: bow is so sick Vincent Price gonna throw it in the fire pit
theeffohzero: *the who starts playing*
rayndeon: adam has learned the joy of boom headshot
Mr_Horrible: "Simply don't be attacked"
bagfullofbees: skill issue
rayndeon: turn elden ring into an fps
Mr_Horrible: Adam just being Every PoE Player right now: "Probably should switch to bow, my guy"
jacqui_lantern234: you should name your Bow "Fadeez Arrows" :p
theeffohzero: G is down
theeffohzero: Oh no
corianderd: congrats on getting hopelessnesss
snowewolf: @LoadingReadyRun Microsoft is on fire - Check News as it might be Bricking PCs
rayndeon: speak of, lilaggy's been doing a first person bow run
theeffohzero: Ian had an Alex moment
Seth_Erickson: he went up to Fort of Reprimand
forcedreject: Cori?
corianderd: >_>
GirlPainting: what other way?
xVoxtric: I think I went "backwards" as well, there is no right way
jacqui_lantern234: @corianderd getting?! :p
bagfullofbees: lol hi Cori
saucemaster5000: cori here to stand in lava and tank the bosses?
corianderd: @saucemaster5000 i jump too
josh___something: shadowkeep, destiny's second worst DLC
theeffohzero: Hail cori
rayndeon: savage lion's claw is so satisfying
saucemaster5000: pog
theeffohzero: @josh___something and the worst?
josh___something: Curse of Osiris
BrowneePoints: when you dodge a sweep with lions claw, you feel like Albert Einstein just huffed a case of uppers and invented faster than light travel
theeffohzero: Ah right I forgot about that
Seth_Erickson: why'd he start with half hp
theeffohzero: Only to get hit afterwards
GirlPainting: why is he already half dead?
adi_pie: I just had this guy get stuck trying to use his offhand on me
adi_pie: Which he does not have
kaziel0: It's very lucky that Friendly Fire isn't a thing...
BrowneePoints: bullied
theeffohzero: He got FUCKED
TehAmelie: so bullied
Puddingslam: huh, timer said 14 hours left when i was watching.... 14 hours ago
BrowneePoints: absolutely bullied
Seth_Erickson: is everything at half hp in here?
bagfullofbees: oh hey, that guy had a burger king hat
theeffohzero: @puddingslam goes to show how great the community is
josh___something: wizards deserves to be bullied
Puddingslam: absolutely
TehAmelie: SOMEONE please oil those hinges
Seth_Erickson: far too thick unfortunately
BusTed: the gamer inclination to go up
saucemaster5000: If I'm not tall enough I have to play ken
theeffohzero: Well the world is in ruins so... @tehamelie
Didero: I got distracted by a work meeting, did they manage to beat that dragon boss?
josh___something: Graham's videogame urge of rubbing himself up walls to find OOBs
theeffohzero: No they didn't @didero
Didero: @theeffohzero Thanks!
TehAmelie: nope! it was pretty buggy and super hard
Mr_Horrible: Adam when he escapes Samsara: "Lol. Lmao. Skill issue."
rayndeon: They're basically haligtree+ mobs
saucemaster5000: @josh___something and people think I say cursed shit
accountmadeforants: Two axe guys constitute a boss fight
ComradeMik: Official motto of The Lands Between: We are none of us fucking around.
LeokadiaBosko: Basically everything in the DLC is scaled for at least 5 blessing levels
josh___something: Graham LITERALLY says this, this isn't my material :p
LeokadiaBosko: The basic soldiers destroy you at starting level
EvilBadman: Jordan just hit the last boss and I was watching him try couple days ago
ArdentSlacker: Stream randomly making me learn about Bhuddism
Seth_Erickson: this fight is really good too
BrowneePoints: I forgot Graham, were you playing through Lies of P? Or just added to your list of recommended stuff from Friendos
theeffohzero: Ive had a debate with my friend about the game scaling to BASE level when it didnt
GirlPainting: she is weak to bleed, poison and rott
rayndeon: she has no defense against pierce or lightning aka adam's perfect matchup
corianderd: I haven't killed her yet
saucemaster5000: I cheesed through this fight by accident, hoping to experience it more next playthrough (she stagger easily)
Seth_Erickson: she's a tough cookie
ArdentSlacker: Lotta boss arenas in bathtubs for some reason.
accountmadeforants: She's weak to lightning because she's got big metal armor
Seth_Erickson: only the toughest gals pine after Messmer
EvilBadman: Probably weak to getting four-manned too
NathanLonghair: @comrademik Alternatively: “Kiss around and find out. No fucking required.”
Mr_Horrible: "Delicious crab ahead"
BrowneePoints: She’s also Renalla’s Sister? I think?
saucemaster5000: any Crab RanGOONers in chat tonight?
TehAmelie: i'm warming some chicken and rice, could still go for crab
Pywodwagon: I get to go to baltimore for SCG next weekend I'm very excited for crab
Mr_Horrible: entire party trying to start the boss like the Mr Burns Diseases
theeffohzero: It was designed for 2 per entry I think
TXC2: she spiny
rayndeon: is graham using the sekiro tear?
MrGibberish: All those arrows haha
BusTed: She looks like a Koosh ball
Mr_Horrible: Adam is taking his revenge right now and we love that for him
ComradeMik: Rellana, Twin Iron Pincushion
Seth_Erickson: that's really funny
ArdentSlacker: I was really pleased to learn the guard counter "ding" can be heard by other players.
Mr_Horrible: Sulyvahn could never
BrowneePoints: those sorts, whip ass by the way
rayndeon: very ladia maria - esque phase transition
BrowneePoints: swords*
adi_pie: I'm so happy Pontiff Sulyvahn came back but actually cool
TXC2: sulyvhan, that was it
AgentRaz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AgentRaz! (Today's storm count: 4)
theeffohzero: Neuron activation
TehAmelie: i thought Artorias was Dante escaped from DMC but
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @adi_pie Darklurker in shambles
tenthtechpriest: moon's haunted
Mr_Horrible: damn, flew too close to the aoe tankbuster
theeffohzero: We've got a healslut in the group
TXC2: the lrrCIRCLE
Mr_Horrible: *another* 2fer
josh___something: DOUBLE KILL
saucemaster5000: I like pontiff sulyvahn!
BrowneePoints: TWOFER
TXC2: the vaule
josh___something: Nice delay, rellana Kappa
marmalade_pen: yung dab time
TXC2: *value
theeffohzero: G down quick someone get him coffee
Seth_Erickson: the mix
josh___something: Fuckin GOT EM
josh___something: The DELAY
RetroHibiscus: Yeah rellana learned how to delay tech
tenthtechpriest: the mixup
EvilBadman: The SHIMMY
marmalade_pen: more like yung dob lmao
Orxolon: lrrFINE
rayndeon: she won neutral
saucemaster5000: mixed "they're just DOING shit!"
bagfullofbees: Pincushion 1, the bois 0
Mr_Horrible: oh god, true
theeffohzero: I only can wish that I had neutral like that as Ryu in sf6
rayndeon: you should use the lightning ram ash of war
ArdentSlacker: I like when bosses do it kinda rarely, so we don't constantly expect it.
BrowneePoints: You’re like a human cocklebur
rayndeon: and become a true rolling ball
josh___something: You saying you aren't? :P
BrowneePoints: with legs
Mr_Horrible: rolling Graham down a hill for an afternoon's entertainment
RockPusher: Get in the Zorb, Shinji!
ShifuDaxiongmao: Bubblewrap armor :P
Mr_Horrible: @shurtal GROW UP
corianderd: me and the boys all dressed up for trick or treating
rayndeon: How many arrows for Rellana? Yes.
TXC2: you'd think the arrows would slow her down :p
7gorobei: the boss has entered lionfish mode
shurtal: @mr_horrible YHE WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST BRO *with hand gesture and head bobs*
theeffohzero: It wouldn't unless it was in the knee @txc2
TXC2: theeffohzero ah, good point
BrowneePoints: the steady thok thok thok thok from Adam is peak comedy
Chaos Treader: I love that Adam is making the boss look like a pin cushion.
TXC2: all that and a bag of chips
corianderd: you could set a clock to those arrows
theeffohzero: Steady healing?
accountmadeforants: You probably jumped
theeffohzero: Target the healslut
Mr_Horrible: she's doing the boshy voice: "You dare bring light into my lair?! You must die!"
rayndeon: adam has evolved from circle + R1 gameplay to embracing the power of R1
ComradeMik: She's learning the basic RPG rules: Geek the mage first.
Mr_Horrible: *boop*
josh___something: YESSSSS
Laurence72: The Porcupine is DEAD!!
BusTed: gottem
RubikDarkwill: Hammerkill!!!
pn55: seabatClap
bagfullofbees: yes!
BrowneePoints: BONK
josh___something: Y E E T
forcedreject: She was absolutely hammered
theeffohzero: Graham channelling solar titan
ThorSokar: Killed with the hammer throw like a BOSS
Orxolon: Dramatic finish!
Orxolon: FBtouchdown
LeokadiaBosko: \[T]/ Praise the sun! sailsAAAA
ThorSokar: composGG composGG composGG composGG composGG
ShifuDaxiongmao: literal "stop, hammer time"
Mr_Horrible: Adam's playing an idle game
adi_pie: Ah, Adam is playing Bloodborne
pn55: Adam the ranger
Mr_Horrible: especially with the no-pants
RetroHibiscus: Adam, known Light Bowgun Main
corianderd: just get near them and press R1
rayndeon: with L1, you can turn it into an fps
Kidror: Adam is scrolling twitter with one hand and the other he's just hitting R1
saucemaster5000: adam going "tink tink tink tink tink tink"
Seth_Erickson: she happens to be dead now Adam
pn55: HypeLUL
Seth_Erickson: I don't think she'll be using them
bagfullofbees: Adam, you are in no position
rayndeon: the humanity
TehAmelie: i think Graham is good for it
ThirdGames: Ah, dios mio! My spears are in shambles!
saucemaster5000: took em two months, they bought new tools for their shop....
ThorSokar: hey, that's someone's STUFF
CataclysmicReverb: They're important to the room's ex-spear-ience
TXC2: my spears, reckt!
I_Am_Clockwork: CURSE YOU, SPEARS!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDK
ComradeMik: My name is Tom. I like stacking spears. Graham is now my mortal enemy.
BusTed: my antique spears!
theeffohzero: So the heal was discount well of radiance
mic_stuck: i love adam when he is in this mood
Seth_Erickson: Mods put him in the Golden Hippo room
TheDevil_Risen: btw @LoadingReadyRun are you aware of the CrowdStrike issues?
BusTed: @TheDevil_Risen this is not the time or forum
TXC2: TheDevil_Risen that was reverted no?
simplydavemn: My precious antique spears!
terribleplan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, terribleplan! (Today's storm count: 5)
Orxolon: curious considering Adam's opinion on bows,still have fun ranger
Pywodwagon: I know mtgo exploded for a bit
TheDevil_Risen: noy yet, its still ongoing
Mr_Horrible: Azure was fucked for a bit, dunno the current status
josh___something: This is why adam streams are great
TheDevil_Risen: partially
theeffohzero: Those are expensive y'know!
korvys: Basically a huge percentage of *enterprise* Windows PCs are kinda messed up
ThorSokar: something wrong with Microsoft?! say it ain't so!
RockPusher: Stream and game still works, all we need here
josh___something: HAH
Kidror: That's karma for the spears
Sly_chocobo: It only affects people using Crowdstrike, which is a fairly enterprise product.
theeffohzero: Bear force one
15__uwu__02: Nice ahaha
TheDevil_Risen: not microsoft, CrowdStrike is a security vendor, its causing BSDs and issues around the world in multiple ISP's, Banking systems et al
jj_q: i need to reevaluate everything, it all seems pointless
Laurence72: Graham killing a bear? Is that allowed??
BusTed: I think its health dynamically recalculated
BusTed: but its current health stayed the single player level
Sly_chocobo: Bear got big all of a sudden
theeffohzero: Bear is down, rejoice!
Orxolon: will this bear be in Bloomborrow?
saucemaster5000: looks like we got the next animal for exctinction
TXC2: "look at me Horah loux, I have a new hat"
EOstby: Like 5 minutes ago.
heartofgoldfish: Ooh, This Hat?
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to crowdstrike!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, crowdstrike! (Today's storm count: 6)
theeffohzero: Lion hat left in corner with tear shed in one eye
LeokadiaBosko: And like 5 or 6 exits?
Seth_Erickson: ah Ian went in via the Church District
rayndeon: @TheDevil_Risen Is this having any effect on personal PCs or primarily affecting businesses?
Pywodwagon: I like the bear karate gloves
saucemaster5000: this a good lil dungeon
jj_q: if this was how furries crafted their fursonas, theyd get alot more respect in our society
korvys: @rayndeon Business only, pretty much, but that also means banks, airlines, etc. Lots of impact.
TheDevil_Risen: @rayndeon can affect both
rayndeon: Adam can make the hippo a porcupine before phase 2
Orxolon: question:in this game can't you equip something for the stats and show annother item for cosmetics?
TheDevil_Risen: my company in AU is currently in JTAC level dealing with it, 250k+ customers just in my division
Seth_Erickson: I came in up to the first bonfire than went to the church district
BusTed: monch
theeffohzero: @pywodwagon i will kill you with bear hands!
bagfullofbees: how many churches does your town need to have to justify an entire distric?
martijn slothouber: Good morning all
Chaos Treader: Who’s ready to fight a hungry hungry hippo.
bagfullofbees: *district
korvys: @bagfullofbees Depends on the size of the district?
CaptainChibale: hungry hungry hippo
TheDevil_Risen: probably 1-2mil on the other side of the company. big ouchies :(
Seth_Erickson: that's church district yeah
CaptainChibale: you're the marbles
Mr_Horrible: "mods? Send 'em to the Hippo Room"
CataclysmicReverb: Crab legs... Does that mean butter exist in this world? Where does it come from?
Didero: That hippo doesn't look golden to me...
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeck
theeffohzero: I heard of hungry hippos, but this is ridiculous
TheDevil_Risen: im glad its my day off haha
Mr_Horrible: @CataclysmicReverb butter brings joy so I'm inclined to believe it is absent from The Lands Between
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyKnife vicksyRaid katesRaid
Didero: oh yeah NOW it's golden
TXC2: PorcuHippo ?
theeffohzero: Im Just glad it's Friday here
drocathekorok: I left the stream like 3 hours ago, I wasn’t expecting it to still be Elden ring
jj_q: me when i lose my marbles
TheDevil_Risen: damm 2 for PorcuHippo
corianderd: golden hippo kills your guys
flustered_blue: nnow are we sure this is a hippo?
Kidror: I think this was a cool shoutout to Sonic for his 30th anniversary
josh___something: LUL
drocathekorok: Hippopine
simplydavemn: This 30th anniversary Sonic reboot is weird.
BusTed: benginO7
TheDevil_Risen: damm Hippo wipe
corianderd: spiiiikes surround you then you die
DigitalSeahorse: oh this is what people were calling Sonic
rayndeon: the pincushion decided to summon its own pins
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
TXC2: the hippo got all 7 chaos emeralds and went super hippo
saucemaster5000: ngl I kinda like this boss
Kidror: Hang on now I just want a Sonic Soulslike game
forcedreject: Ah the sonic 30th anniversary mod
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDK
RockPusher: foxmarRING foxmarRING foxmarRING foxmarRING
adi_pie: Wow
CaptainChibale: instead of souls you get rings
Mr_Horrible: Knuckles voice: "Now where's that Elden Ring...?"
jacqui_lantern234: LUL gdi, G
jacqui_lantern234: that GOT me
BusTed: onstaWe
theeffohzero: Have the guys tried the p-06 project?
theeffohzero: The sonic 06 pc port
BusTed: LUL
TXC2: go from the north, to the northen north
TheDevil_Risen: OOF
theeffohzero: Poor cori
Laurence72: Hi Cori!!
TheDevil_Risen: caolled out
jacqui_lantern234: LUL Cori!!!
mic_stuck: the spaers
TheDevil_Risen: Hey Cori!
bagfullofbees: bonus background Cori is the best
Seth_Erickson: fuck your antique spears
Pywodwagon: Ben is just creating union jobs
ThirdGames: Those were collector spears! Still in their original packaging!
drocathekorok: Oh, are you going to one of the worst D2 expansions?
TehAmelie: a warm jello foot bath
jacqui_lantern234: all of a sudden G loses his feet
ShifuDaxiongmao: Ben is just getting into the spear-it of things.
adi_pie: I believe the boss of the Shadowkeep is Hashladûn
AsheCrimson: Feet first into hell
bagfullofbees: it's be so funny if it just grabbed you by the foot and pulled you in
TXC2: Graham just giving away free feet to the hippo
drocathekorok: Boom, shadowkeep roast
7gorobei: those were commemorative heritage spears
accountmadeforants: That just makes Ben's antique spears more rare. He's manipulating the market
snowewolf: I would play the shit out of a elden ring Metal Gear Solid mod - just the entire Snake eater game just with elden ring mechanics
Laurence72: So, Elden Ring question from someone who has next to zero knowledge about it. Safe yo assume level 160 is max level?
theeffohzero: It has monster hunter like animation
cadesguy: no max level
Orxolon: step 1 don't get eaten,step 2:? step 2!?
rayndeon: @Laurence72 max level is 713
corianderd: @Laurence72 nope
cadesguy: well, ok 713 lol
corianderd: stats have a cap
kaziel0: It may be named a Hippo, but it's also a rhino! XD
Hansk_and_Boo: You guys playing Monster Hunter?
Laurence72: Okay then. Was curious since everyone seemed to be at the sam elevel of 160. Thank you for the answers! =)
TehAmelie: it's more like a giant rat with a hippo head imo
rayndeon: a lot of people stop near 150-200 since that's what you naturally get from levelling on a first playthrough and also for purposes of multiplayer activity
13 raiders from NightValien28 have joined!
NightValien28: what up
TXC2: hello raiders
ShifuDaxiongmao: "That only made it angrier!" :P
theeffohzero: I think the dlc doesn't count the levels as I have been made Painfully aware
kaziel0: @TehAmelie Combination Rat-Rhino-Hippo-Porcupine... DX No thank you.
adi_pie: Hello, NightValien28. Welcome.
TXC2: wow one shot'd
NightValien28: oh the dive
adi_pie: Hope stream went well
rayndeon: levels do still matter, it's just scadutree fragments make more of a difference than levels after a certain point
NightValien28: adi_pie hi buddy, hope you been well
theeffohzero: It is Co op
corianderd: glad to see the golem this time
Decem_Lampas: taylew, my beloved
rayndeon: once you've reached the relevant soft caps, the scadutree fragments make much more of a diff than raw levels
saucemaster5000: the golem is happy to be the star this episode
Laurence72: This guy still has less thing sticking out of its body than the number of arrows you put into that other opponent
CommonMollusc: Hippo designed by someone who has met someone who has read about hippos
BusTed: seabatHITBOX seabatHITBOX seabatHITBOX
aria1027 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
aria1027 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dasbananas!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, aria1027! Welcome to Dasbananas! (Today's storm count: 7)
RockPusher is now stuffed with korean chicken and happily digesting while the worldwide IT tire fire is not his problem
adi_pie: NightValien28 slowly getting better, the weather has decided to stop being close to 41C/105F
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
AsheCrimson: LOL
corianderd: refund request
bagfullofbees: Cori's upgraded from the background of Ian's stream to the main chat, awesome
Mr_Horrible: 1500 hours on record: "Do Not Recommend"
corianderd: @bagfullofbees i've been here the whole time
NightValien28: adi_pie oof that is warm, hope you can stay cool buddy
LeokadiaBosko: At release he could grab you at a 90 degree angle, it was absurd
bagfullofbees: @corianderd oh, sorry
Pywodwagon: Gief's designer made this boss
CataclysmicReverb: Is THAT what Adam means by "Mixed"?
TXC2: !addquote (Adam) [now] I would alt-F4, write a scathing steam review, then go to bed.
LRRbot: New quote #9056: "I would alt-F4, write a scathing steam review, then go to bed." —Adam [2024-07-19]
corianderd: @bagfullofbees HarleyWink
rentar42: is the 4-player coop a mod or built-in?
TXC2: rentar42 a mod
jacqui_lantern234: 🎵 thats him in the corner
rayndeon: the zoner got rtsd-ed
TXC2: Cori is always here, watching, waiting
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 judging (ian) :p
themercenary1987: Is this elden ring or monster hunter?
rayndeon: elden ring
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 yes
TXC2: themercenary1987 yes
AsheCrimson: "L + Ratio + Negative Steam Review + would not recommend + 1000 hours of play time"
rayndeon: lol
RandomTrivia: Good morning (timezone) friends! lrrHEART
Mr_Horrible: Adam fears the truth
TXC2: hello RandomTrivia welcome
Mr_Horrible: it is the only thing that can slay himm
TehAmelie: well, at least we can determine it has a bit over 100,000 HP
rayndeon: with 4 ppl just hitting him is def more dmg
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: wish crits broke parts like in Bloodborne
Mr_Horrible: everyone just kicking the boss like that JoJo scene
themercenary1987: Graham trying to break the head for that rare drop
rentar42: "let's do an experiment ... oh no!" ... that's called learning
themercenary1987: is ian trying to slice tail?
15__uwu__02: I miss the tail weapon drops
jacqui_lantern234: @Mr_Horrible Cori: -sips wine- join in the kicking
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: same, tailcuts were fun
Mr_Horrible: @jacqui_lantern234 perfect 10/10 no notes
jj_q: @loadingreadyrun maybe if you covered your marbles, he wouldnt be such a hungry hungry hippo?
RandomTrivia: Just noticing the player names HypeLUL
15__uwu__02: One of the coolest features fr. I hope it comes back in a future game
TheDevil_Risen: lolll
TheDevil_Risen: n1 Ian
TXC2: "it seems your hippos are not as famished as you claimed, Mr Bond."
corianderd: bloodchop would be better
jacqui_lantern234: gdi, Ian XD Sexto Bloaca ALWAYS fuckin gets me
simplydavemn: I went off to cook somewhat a while ago - did they kill the dragon, or just move on?
ShifuDaxiongmao: wonder what hammer throw deals if done when it's downed
kaziel0: Go for 11 seconsd. :)
rayndeon: rofl
Laurence72: Adam confirmed to die on second #13
TXC2: simplydavemn we moved on
TehAmelie: i recall reading something about how they found having the tails give missable items was bad gamefeel
ThorSokar: I can't see it, but I'm just a colorblind weirdo
TehAmelie: i'd like to be able to cut parts of enemies anayway
saucemaster5000: hit box'd
rentar42: no my face, that's where I keep my favorite eyes!
rayndeon: what bow is adam using?
Mr_Horrible: Wow, Graham, just like that guy's spears... almost like karma...
NightValien28: how many skibidis they at?
simplydavemn: This is why you have to clear out House Hippos when they are small.
ErinusTV: so toothy
shurtal: Quick, give it some peanut butter on toast
TXC2: what was that hit box ? :p
Kaktus021: How goes the porcupotamus?
TehAmelie: the reach on those quills
theeffohzero: Hipporchupine?
BusTed: clutch or kick time
TXC2: if it can bleed, we can kill it
TXC2: he's the GOAT
Mr_Horrible: wait he's the goat
ShifuDaxiongmao: that attack is a real quiller
ThorSokar: I like how Adam just goes silent with it's Gamer Mode time
15__uwu__02: He's the GOAT fr fr
theeffohzero: I'm getting uragaan vibes
simplydavemn: Adam has replaced Hulk Hogan in my mind as the person who says 'Brother' in that context.
rayndeon: the hard swap tech
theeffohzero: Adam in the forward gaming position on the chair
Alchemistmerlin: Wow you guys REALLY pissed off sonic the hedgehog
Christopher Peterson: That feel when it's 4am local time and there's still fresh live content
Seth_Erickson: imagine doing this on the final boss Adam
rayndeon: so close
RandomTrivia: OOOOOF
TheDevil_Risen: awww
Mr_Horrible: nerf grapplers
rayndeon: that was so close to clutch
15__uwu__02: OOOFFF
BusTed: NotLikeThis
RandomTrivia: Good effort, good effort
15__uwu__02: So close
Mr_Horrible: I hate the gief meta Kappa
TheDevil_Risen: the dream!
AsheCrimson: That was great, so close
rayndeon: the bow build looks so fun
saucemaster5000: wtf NO
ArdentSlacker: HedgeHippo is some wild design.
josh___something: He's SPITTING
saucemaster5000: Grapplers are the only honest chars
tenthtechpriest: rude but true
saucemaster5000: you goons!
TheWooglie: wow that timer went up
saucemaster5000: remove all shotos and send them to neptune!
ComradeMik: @seabats didn't you play a grappler in SF5?
Seth_Erickson: Most bow streamers I've watched use the npc summons to help them
theeffohzero: Zangief stares at adam intensely
shurtal: Grapplers only want one thing-dopamine
Mr_Horrible: every boss in the DLC has a Valstrax Dive and they don't see any problem with it
Mr_Horrible: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Mr_Horrible: 10%
fungal_bird: Surrak punch many bear?
BusTed: mods, send them to the hippo room
AsheCrimson: Oof
Seth_Erickson: mods put them in the hippo room
theeffohzero: Oh lord Adam going LTG
ThorSokar: I believe his main was Zangief
josh___something: Didn't you play "LITERALLY THE CHARACTER NAMED GRAPPLER"
ComradeMik: Jokes on you, I rent! :(
TXC2: Adam please I'm not that evil :p
saucemaster5000: mods, made them sticky but not sure why
Sly_chocobo: Good god lets not say/do things we cant take back
forcedreject: Jokes on you, I don't have a mortgage
Saintnex: Woah there Adam, the mods arent monsters!
TehAmelie: didn't die in one at least
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 me: presses [x] to doubt Kappa
Seth_Erickson: Graham don't forget about your own ash of war
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 how dare Kappa
AsheCrimson: I love that they added weapons you just chuck at your enemies lmao
Mr_Horrible: @josh___something ironically I feel like that's the *most* honest instance of a grappler Adam's played
Kipstar: nice
Mr_Horrible: like sure DNF Grappler can 2-touch you but you have to get 2 touches
josh___something: @Mr_Horrible don't tell them that, it makes adam look better
NightValien28: what a dodge
TehAmelie: it just took over 35000 damage continuously, but it wasn't DOT
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 best part about being me being punchy is that im LITERALLY unbannable cause chat would riot (/joking)
Mr_Horrible: @josh___something I mean that's just because DNF Duel is a Sickos (tm) game
spritedragon_: yoooooooo, elden ring dlc?!
corianderd: everyone lives?
theeffohzero: Might have to channel solar titan again G
azninsect: oooh elden ring
simplydavemn: Looking good.
jacqui_lantern234: @corianderd just this once, Rose?
josh___something: NOM
OVERKiLL!: "..He's charging the doorGOODLUCK"🦛
corianderd: nm
theeffohzero: Were getting there gang
marmalade_pen: @corianderd just this once rose, everybody lives
Seth_Erickson: you didn't have the stamina for double graham I think is what was happening there
BusTed: Graham just put a major debuff on the group
AsheCrimson: This is def the run
rayndeon: poison flower ash with poison arrows doing work
Mr_Horrible: "Unless something catastrophic happens"
jacqui_lantern234: @marmalade_pen we have a knower!!!
BusTed: nice
TheDevil_Risen: GG
Seth_Erickson: seabatCHOICE
azninsect: tqsClap
AsheCrimson: Lets gooo
Mr_Horrible: House Hippo Felled
novrdd: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
Kipstar: well done
josh___something: Anyways, to put adam on blast again. He LITERALLY PLAYED "Grappler" in DNF duel
NightValien28: huzzah
saucemaster5000: Money on hippo, I have a mortgage to pa-SHIT
jacqui_lantern234: LETS GO
theeffohzero: Good shit
Seth_Erickson: seabatClap
TheDevil_Risen: :D lrrHEART lrrSIG
ThorSokar: composGG composGG composGG composGG composGG
RockPusher: rayfkSanic foxmarRING foxmarRING foxmarRING
spritedragon_: scibidi scadoo
jacqui_lantern234: @saucemaster5000 get juiced :p
Mr_Horrible: Ian has somehow found every possible unorthodox route
theeffohzero: Ain't grappler trash in DNF?
7gorobei: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown DinoDance
flustered_blue: that Hippo reminds me of Medieval drawings of lions
jacqui_lantern234: @Mr_Horrible least surprising turn of events tbh
Mr_Horrible: @jacqui_lantern234 very true
TehAmelie: when i read "Brave Sir Robin has activated" i only hear the wong
Mr_Horrible: @flustered_blue knowing Miyazaki and the design team's inclinations I would not be at all surprised if that's why it's in here
Seth_Erickson: are we resetting builds Graham 👀
simplydavemn: Of the Bud? Does it get your enemy stoned?
Seth_Erickson: You could go talk to renalla too
AsheCrimson: Good LORD lmao
spawnofhastur: nice hat.
jacqui_lantern234: yes, graham, yes 😈
Seth_Erickson: reasonable
RockPusher: !gant
LRRbot: ɢᴀɴᴛ ɢᴀɴᴛ
ShifuDaxiongmao: Graham getting serious now! :P
TehAmelie: well, spear and shield is pretty classic
Decem_Lampas: this polearm is very cool
theeffohzero: Everyone of all shapes and sizes, I shall rejoin you all again for now I have social obligations to attend to
saucemaster5000: It took me forever to get to messmer from here, curious how they do it
TheDevil_Risen: nice cannon, is it cannon tho?
rayndeon: the damage
theeffohzero: Take care everyone
TXC2: so long theeffohzero stay safe
Pywodwagon: 0 scadu gonna be like that
Decem_Lampas: this is my favorite part of seemless co-op is just running through levels
Seth_Erickson: this is 1 scadu Pywo
jacqui_lantern234: @theeffohzero later <3
spawnofhastur: graham i'm not trying to be critical but why aren't you wearing pants
jacqui_lantern234: @Seth_Erickson blue scadu, we can too
corianderd: i also forget about adam
rayndeon: the cannons nice for pvp, but not that great for pve
shurtal: The four of you just breaking into government buildings, ducking shit up "MESSMER YOU OWE 3 BILLION IN DELINQUENT RUNE PAYMENTS"
adi_pie: Thaat weapon is so cool. I never got to try it on my first go through.
simplydavemn: Did Graham just do a Rwby move?
jacqui_lantern234: @adi_pie YOURE so cool <3
spritedragon_: are the enemies so chonky because it’s multiplayer?
TXC2: spritedragon_ yes
rayndeon: @spritedragon_ that and they're on 1 scadutree blessing
jacqui_lantern234: "Rot Proc" was my nickname in high school Kappa
spritedragon_: ahh wa’ouw
Mai_Andra: prot rock? like what Kathleen plays on Saturday nights? ♫
spritedragon_: @rayndeon oh I see 👀
Boomyakalolo: good night all it's 3 am here
TXC2: so long Boomyakalolo sleep well
BusTed: they had an anti-air
Decem_Lampas: the bow jump attack is very good too
rayndeon: that's the fastest way to use a bow normally i think
spawnofhastur: that move is effectively asking the enemies to start skeet shooting
TXC2: Prot rot, baby prot rot!
accountmadeforants: They showcased that bow jump attack in the trailers so much, they were so proud
finestotter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months!
finestotter: Your telling me a thon gifted all these subs?!
shurtal: With that shield on his back, Graham just might be turtle-y enough for the Turtle Club
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, finestotter! (Today's storm count: 8)
krfsm: cyberbullying!
jacqui_lantern234: "other side of hippo" is the name of my new Prog Rock band Kappa
AsheCrimson: Lmao curbstomping that ONE guy
rayndeon: it is a super anime ash
TXC2: we are bullying this little guy
simplydavemn: "The other side of Hippo' sounds like a self help book.
adi_pie: Have you considered just not getting hit?
marmalade_pen: human screaman
Front_Ranger: that bear roar is hilarious
rentar42: so is flame magic thematically still madness-related?
TXC2: Supplies
rentar42: some fries
Seth_Erickson: @rentar42 no there are 3 different types of flame magics in elden ring
SuitablyEpic: @rentar42 not all fire is madness
Seth_Erickson: 4 technically
accountmadeforants: Hop up by the right, i assume
Seth_Erickson: Ghostflame, Messmer's Flame, Regular Flame, and Madness' Flame
accountmadeforants: Yee
Front_Ranger: Parkour!
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
azninsect: HypeLUL
Seth_Erickson: gotta pull the lever and then cross the specimens
TXC2: he's just a guy with a spear, he has not range attack, he's Graham
simplydavemn: The spear that doubles as a shake-weight!
MrQwasu: had to go for a meeting, did G respec?
spawnofhastur: did it take anyone else a long time to realise that almost all the major characters in Elden Ring have names which start with G, R, R, and M?
simplydavemn: @MrQwasu Yeah, but only slightly. He wanted to use this spear for a bit.
rayndeon: it's the fastest way to use bow attacks i believe
Krektogar: jump attack on a bow? what kind of Elden Ring nonsense is this? :D
Seth_Erickson: cross the big body first Graham the specimen that is
rayndeon: the same even applies with greatbows to more quickly reset when you can fire another great arrow
accountmadeforants: Yeah, climb the feet
saucemaster5000: blame the healer, it is The Way
Decem_Lampas: feet
spawnofhastur: Sexto Bloachoop is a magnificent name.
Seth_Erickson: Graham up the big statue with the feet right next to the bridge
TXC2: wow from are getting generous in their old age :p
MrGibberish: I think I know the short cut you are trying for. I saw it at sgdq earlier this month
Chaos Treader: Don’t you go up the body?
Mr_Horrible: "This is not my beautiful encounter... this is not my beautiful enemy..."
TXC2: attacking me? but I'm the protag!
spawnofhastur: i've never played a fromsoft game but a friend has informed me that every fromsoft game is effectively a series of ways of finding the most effective way to stab the enemy in the taint.
spritedragon_: the peet’s?!
tenthtechpriest: wait you can go up that way?
rentar42: de-feet the tiny milita first
TXC2: spawnofhastur pretty much
corianderd: there's spotlights on the statue
snowewolf: They had the option to ad the Toes and did not
marmalade_pen: i imagine that would tickle
saucemaster5000: I like that the spotlishgt showcase the important stuff
saucemaster5000: like the rump
TXC2: 4th floor, men's wear
CaptainChibale: so I'm listening while I play Scrapnaut and the little comments are highly entertaining. especially things like 'no not me'
rayndeon: probably the most complex legacy dungeon besides leyndell
Decem_Lampas: shadow keep is the coolest legacy dungeon
BusTed: seabatSEAL
spawnofhastur: roaul duke's nightmare
TXC2: o7
rentar42: Adam!
RandomTrivia: benginO7
CaptainChibale: gbye
saucemaster5000: yeah leyndell still takes the cake, but shadowkeep is very big/fun
NightValien28: gone forever
adi_pie: You should go down to check on him
fungal_bird: LUL
spritedragon_: precarious steppy
AsheCrimson: o7
corianderd: gravity is the most powerful damage in the game
Alchemistmerlin: There goes my heeeero, watch him as he gooooooes
Dragonguy777: Lol
Laurence72: New expansion of D2 looks different...
saucemaster5000: @corianderd Just saying instakill one hits are kinda OP
Mr_Horrible: ominous
Mr_Horrible: nvm, incredible
spawnofhastur: graham is too cool for pants
Seth_Erickson: lever and then body walk again
CaptainChibale: it's no pants day.
Mr_Horrible: to be fair, with armor like that *I'd* need a breeze too
AsheCrimson: I like to imagine the boots have little bells on them lol
corianderd: this is the way I went
shurtal: Graham looks like he's gonna fart in the kings face then get thrown in the oublliett
accountmadeforants: Now I gotta know how Ian got here
corianderd: ian laughed at me falling off things
saucemaster5000: you can absolutely randomply jump off a platform from another way and find your way to the boss
rentar42: steak o' 'merica?
saucemaster5000: this dungeon rules
CaptainChibale: this looks really cool
CaptainChibale: I'd get so lost XD
simplydavemn: He's a Raid boss? Is he a SHadow Legend too?
TheDevil_Risen: that is a sick sword
Niahlah: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TXC2: the heck was that move Graham did :p
corianderd: flame spear very cool
rayndeon: the romina poleblade ash of war
RandomTrivia: I feel like an enemy whose healthbar is above their head shouldn't be able to chunk 2/3 of a player's health at that kind of range
TXC2: fancy
TheDevil_Risen: butterflies :)
spritedragon_: pretty
bagfullofbees: oooh, butterflies!
TheDevil_Risen: pretty
Decem_Lampas: milady flame spear was a lot of my first dlc playthrough
spritedragon_: I love Romina
TXC2: "stop giving me butterflies"
LeokadiaBosko: She's the best magic girl
adi_pie: Hellstar Romina
Orxolon: thank God there's no friendly fire
Didero: @RandomTrivia Yeah, this co-op mod might be buffing enemies a bit too much
JoanneG110: looks like a final fantasy moove
Seth_Erickson: banger cutscenes incoming
Seth_Erickson: wouldst thou truly lordship sanction
Decem_Lampas: I think you can turn on friendly fire in the mod
jacqui_lantern234: Blue Scadu :p
Orxolon: xD
AsheCrimson: LOL
TheDevil_Risen: WoW
rayndeon: @Orxolon you can turn it on in this mod
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
CaptainChibale: love the no-pants in cutscenes XD
TheDevil_Risen: nice legs bro
Mai_Andra: ♫ ski-doo bee-doo ♪
Decem_Lampas: 🐍
Mr_Horrible: "Thy fit is cursed, Tarnished"
15__uwu__02: LUL
LeokadiaBosko: That outfit is very good
PMAvers: snek. snek. oh, it's a snek.
TXC2: SNAAAAKE it's a snake
TheDevil_Risen: DANGER NOODLE!
spawnofhastur: Messmer has his snake out, Graham almost has his snake out...
Mr_Horrible: the snake with that "Really?" expression
TXC2: oh no he's hot
simplydavemn: Snakes, why did have to be snakes? I mean the are such dicks...
jacqui_lantern234: Messmer? i hardly know her!!!
Orxolon: kinda racist my guy
spawnofhastur: @TXC2 literally
TheDevil_Risen: its a really good looking danger noodle imo
McArgh: Cheer400
Mr_Horrible: "Now strictly speaking I have the grace of gold, I've just been stripped of pants"
TXC2: this is the final DLC boss right?
Seth_Erickson: yeah for sure
Decem_Lampas: the dinky little bone bow LUL
RockPusher: pew pew pew
rayndeon: is that the bone bow?
TXC2: machine gun Adam
I_Am_Clockwork: Curse You, Impale!
accountmadeforants: Bone bow is rad
Mr_Horrible: now you get why he's burning through those arrow stocks
saucemaster5000: lmao, smash cut to adam just hitting r1 and nothing else is REALLY funny
TheDevil_Risen: Adam didn't skip arm day to do that
forcedreject: Messmer the Impaled
PMAvers: There was, indeed, a fire fight.
spritedragon_: bleed arrows?
spawnofhastur: man messmer's legs are hella skinny too
McArgh is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 39 in the channel!
McArgh gifted a Tier 1 sub to ignorant_bystander!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, McArgh! Welcome to ignorant_bystander! (Today's storm count: 9)
AsheCrimson: Wuh oh
I_Am_Clockwork: oh cripes, its almost 2am? I need to go to Bed!
TXC2: Messmer skips leg day, does 4 upper body work outs a week
TXC2: so long I_Am_Clockwork sleep well
I_Am_Clockwork: later friendos
accountmadeforants: Mesmer matches Graham
Mr_Horrible: 'night Clockwork o/
I_Am_Clockwork: Good luck with the snake man spear poke
RandomTrivia: Sleep well, I_Am_Clockwork
AsheCrimson: Night Clockwork
BrindleBoar: Messmer's Flussy
Mr_Horrible: "Twink Death" but it's just the twink killing you
saucemaster5000: you got 10 minutes,k glhf gamers
Seth_Erickson: I will say it would be very funny to see all four of you just blasting him with arrows
Mr_Horrible: "This has been Messmer the Impaler... signing off"
Decem_Lampas: it does have a weirdly uplifting cadence to it
Jolly: is this bonus stream? I can't find it in the schedule
spritedragon_: what buff does crabe give you?
TXC2: Messmer with Walter Cronkite's voice
spawnofhastur: mmm, crustracean
Mr_Horrible: honestly if Messmer was shilling a tote bag I'd probably bite
Mangledpixel: Hi Messmer. Did you Mess me?
spawnofhastur: i like how he gives approximately zero fucks about any and all arrows
TXC2: hello Mangledpixel welcome
corianderd: didn't we already fight this porcupine?
josh___something: everyone saw that, right?
Mazrae: Fill this man with arrows??
TXC2: Adam makes his own Porcupines
rentar42: "I got better"
RandomTrivia: Impaler? More like Messmer the Impaled
TXC2: "I thought you were dead" "I was :p "
adi_pie: Love this scene
josh___something: CW: EYE STUFF
Alchemistmerlin: Messmer stopping mid-fight to try and remember if he left the stove on
Seth_Erickson: eye stuff
adi_pie: Look away if you hate eye stuff, chat
Tarnius: Thaaank you for that CW.
hackingducks: eye stuff meaning.... oh
corianderd: shout out to my mom
josh___something: Chunky
Didero: Nice of us to give this dude time to monologue mid-fight
TXC2: yeap, that's a nope
RandomTrivia: Oh thank fuck they didn't actually animate it
invalidCards: Yum
Didero: Thanks for the content warning!
Alchemistmerlin: Oh grapes
jolly_does_art: is this a bonus stream or am I bad at reading the schedule?
saucemaster5000: Streamer show eye socket
corianderd: fresh grapes
RandomTrivia: SFX doing WAY too much work
tenthtechpriest: grapes!
PMAvers: Oh, a delicious grape.
eDRoaCH: Mom grape
Mr_Horrible: Elden Ring has taught me that's a grape
spritedragon_: delicious grape
adi_pie: It's glass, do not eat
Pywodwagon: it’s at least not his real eye
Seth_Erickson: oh midra
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
simplydavemn: Same thing happened to Beej.
josh___something: LUL
adi_pie: Oh yeah
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Decem_Lampas: but also what they do show is horrifying
saucemaster5000: @Seth_Erickson midra mentioned???
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: specifically not a grape, but a stone orb
saucemaster5000: midra best boss
corianderd: if it looks like a grape, it's a grape
RebekahWSD: I hate the eyeball things at the start of Baldur's Gate 3 even, eurghghg
spritedragon_: the divine gate in the lore trailer is so messed up
adi_pie: Anyway, now that we see all the snakes and scales I just have to say: "Would"
Seth_Erickson: @saucemaster5000 midra's one of the top 3 for sure
spawnofhastur: henlo snek friend
AsheCrimson: o h
tenthtechpriest: Forgive me Zanzibart, elden ring version
TheLodgium: Or pouring/drinking drinks (see: Mass Effect)
TXC2: cutscene is over
Mazrae: Giant danger noodle
Mr_Horrible: "This serpent? Based"
invalidCards: Snake eyes?
RandomTrivia: WHAT
eDRoaCH: Today on Snake Discovery...
RebekahWSD: Yewoch
AsheCrimson: OOF
snowewolf: We found out who owns all those Speirs
corianderd: he's based
LeokadiaBosko: This is a super fun fight
RandomTrivia: Uh
jacqui_lantern234: @corianderd based on what?
Decem_Lampas: oh no
invalidCards: Something's happening!
Seth_Erickson: what techniques are these
TheDevil_Risen: oh my
isupor: he's having some issues i think
TXC2: is that stamina bar bugged ?
adi_pie: That's amazing
RandomTrivia: Some stuff is sure happening
AsheCrimson: Huh
RandomTrivia: WHAT THE POISE
Didero: That's quite a lot of stamina
eDRoaCH: His final form: Thwomp
josh___something: uhh?!?!
saucemaster5000: game of the year
BrindleBoar: Base Schroedinger Messmer
RandomTrivia: lrrFINE
TheDevil_Risen: what is even happening?
AsheCrimson: YEEEAH
Seth_Erickson: damn messmer's got a crazy phase 2
rayndeon: the hidden tech
adept_nekomancer: Messmer used teleport! It wasn't very effective.
RebekahWSD: Hm.
Tangsm: He's both alive and dead.
RockPusher: Boss has located a couple extra spacial dimensions
physics pony: big snake or snake big?
jacqui_lantern234: @eDRoaCH URGH
invalidCards: What in the goddamn
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
rayndeon: the speedrun strat unlocked
RandomTrivia: Truly, a masterpiece HypeLUL
JoanneG110: gget cheesed
adi_pie: LMAO
Seth_Erickson: this is what we've come for here
Didero: Exactly like Miyazaki intended
AsheCrimson: YES
rentar42: ok, guys, I need an in-universe lore explanation for that ...
Mr_Horrible: incredible
sephsays: kill that one spot in the ground in particular
corianderd: nice micro
ThisistheMasterM: what the hell did I come in on?
AsheCrimson: AMAZING
FarleyF: benginUrgh benginUrgh benginUrgh benginUrgh
Decem_Lampas: got hawkeyed
BluJester: 10/10 no notes
UtilityPunk: Lol, multilayer syncing bug?
TXC2: flawless masterpeice, 10/10 GOTY
FarleyF: the power of Otaku Jeff
PMAvers: Well, you see, there was this scientist who went by the name of Gaster...
rayndeon: the greater will decided he loses
Seth_Erickson: all snakes can just do this Rentar
ThisistheMasterM: he fell into the sub ocean?
jj_q: snakes are duplicitous bastards
spritedragon_: you awakened Messmer’s planeswalker spark
TheDevil_Risen: there were SO MANY ARROWS
Chaos Treader: This is the sub-a-thon. It should be on the google schedule. On the normal schedule it might be off the hours it shows depending on time zones.
jacqui_lantern234: LUL ADAM
adi_pie: Adam has to invoice those arrows to the Moonbase.
invalidCards: But you didn't do anything!
AsheCrimson: I must go now, my planet needs me
TXC2: fails to elaborate
corianderd: cosmic rays man
Mangledpixel: which may or may not have actually happened
ThisistheMasterM: oh yeah that Mario speed run story is amazing
Seth_Erickson: I would simply be better
RebekahWSD: Simply Become God
saucemaster5000: neutrinos the breakfast of champions confirmed
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
ashteranic: Neutrino Assisted Speedrun
measureofhope: Outside assistance, run invalid
itmightbemikey: The consensus now is cart tilting but the cosmic ray story is more funner
ashteranic: pity the acronym NAS is taken
PMAvers: I mean, a lot of stars are tools.
TXC2: outside influence
the_lone_bard: I don't think you're a tool Ian Kappa
tenthtechpriest: A lot of movie stars are tools
nyoomgoom: they're surprise tools that will help us later
Orxolon: did that happened?that story's crazy
jj_q: cut to speed running within banks of microwaves
ParanoidRabbit: I'd say a star is a battery
TehAmelie: it certainly has to count as a run with prior preparation
TheDevil_Risen: its a wipe :)
CommonMollusc: only if you can pick it up or otherwise operate it, Ian
TheDevil_Risen: reset!
invalidCards: It's going... quite well
ContingentCat: is a star a sandwich?
rentar42: I've heard that apparently this boss does not mess around ...
Decem_Lampas: if anything just less 1 hits
ghyllnox: If you were not alive at the time the "tool" was "operated" can it really be said that your run was tool-assisted
saucemaster5000: streams almost over, pump to 20?
adi_pie: 2-3 Scadu
FarleyF: !next
Mangledpixel: a star is hardware, but it is not certified Nintendo first party hardware
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Overnight Watch-A-Long at Fri 02:00 AM PDT (35s from now).
Seth_Erickson: thinking a clean 5 scadu personally
invalidCards: I don't think he won it
FarleyF: aw yeah it does start at 7PM Mad MAx Time
99FineLines: call it a draw
saucemaster5000: Okay now my mortgae can be pai-SHIT
jj_q: push tp 21. twist till you bust
RubikDarkwill: Has the sous vide been checked?
99FineLines: ok that's it. */ unvides your soude */
TheDevil_Risen: oh my
AsheCrimson: jeez, it's 4 am my time zone lol, Glad I hopped in for a bit, have a good one everyone, good luck tarnished!
invalidCards: Put that away Graham
GazzyInferno: god at eye level too
TheDevil_Risen: did we just see what i think we saw?
Casual_Thurston: naughty
bakerydragon: ToS? on that sitting down animation
jj_q: natures majesty in all its glory
99FineLines: so no head?
invalidCards: lmao
bakerydragon: XD
TheDevil_Risen: HAHAHAHA
GazzyInferno: TOS
Alchemistmerlin: turn your head and cough
TehAmelie: testify
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
jj_q: past the elden ring, the elden prostate
Casual_Thurston: Brave Sir Robin, nice
99FineLines: try tongue but whole
jj_q: coming soon?
TehAmelie: is this when Graham becomes the enw pope?
adept_nekomancer: You can't just mess with his elden ring like that
Mr_Horrible: I mean, in the fanart, sure
ParanoidRabbit: Woo! Spring break!
quton is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
quton is paying forward the Gift they got from red_shoes_jeff to the community!
quton gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kuckles!
quton gifted a Tier 1 sub to NezumiiroK!
quton gifted a Tier 1 sub to CountSacula!
quton gifted a Tier 1 sub to WolfingHour!
quton gifted a Tier 1 sub to AltPlusTabitha!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, quton! Welcome to NezumiiroK, CountSacula, WolfingHour, AltPlusTabitha, and Kuckles! (Today's storm count: 14)
MrGibberish: Shadow five is a huge difference
TXC2: quton lrrHEART
corianderd: chuckled too soon
Kuckles: @quton Thanks for the gift sub!
ParanoidRabbit: Dat stamina bar!
99FineLines: Adam's stamina bar.....it's so BIIIIIG.
bakerydragon: The disrespect XD
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to ocram_x! They have given 14 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ocram_x! (Today's storm count: 15)
Seth_Erickson: damn messmer outplayed
TXC2: what is up with that stamina bar
99FineLines: i want a cup of that bar's piss
LeokadiaBosko: This mod seems to introduce a lot of little visual bugs
baldy_dnd_nerd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months, currently on a 33 month streak!
baldy_dnd_nerd: Often lurking, but here for the thon
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, baldy_dnd_nerd! (Today's storm count: 16)
Laurence72: @99FineLines And then I want to test it for drugs!
Mazrae: What does shadow lvl 5 mean
TXC2: I wonder if that is the maxium size of the stamina bar
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @Mazrae special player buffs based off of items you collect around the dlc map
LeokadiaBosko: In the DLC there's an additional leveling system that only applies to the DLC, where each blessing level increases your damage and reduces incoming damage
saucemaster5000: @Mazrae in the dlc levels don't matter, much, but shadow/scadu level equals scaling those levels you already put in up
LeokadiaBosko: You get them by collecting an item rather than grinding runes
spritedragon_: I was fighting Romina on a character at ng+14 yesterday and she was much chonkier and it was so cool; usually she doesn’t last long enough to show off her cool moves
99FineLines: large lad is doing work
TheDevil_Risen: awww
TheDevil_Risen: good effort
RandomTrivia: Good effort
99FineLines: eeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr one more?
Mangledpixel: Adamless behaviour
RandomTrivia: Is that what the kids are calling it now?
CaptainChibale: that was pretty great
isupor: the goue, if you will
isupor: goupe
quton: back to full squad
RandomTrivia: First try, every try
RandomTrivia: You've got this!
TXC2: the gang's all here
Didero: He can't cool it, he's literally on fire
bakerydragon: an absolute pincushion from all those arrows. I love seeing so many different builds here
99FineLines: hey who won the oki tournament ?
adi_pie: God he's so cool
TXC2: enough never is
saucemaster5000: holy shit that bleed proc
corianderd: the golem is stanking?
LeokadiaBosko: I love the smith summon, he's good at holding attention and at max level he's almost immune to dragon fire breath
bakerydragon: @corianderd Worse, see that checkered pattern? It's Skanking!
Incandescent_Zubat: fell asleep to a movie and woke up to elden ring. who all’s playing?
saucemaster5000: tank asking ranged char to take aggro smh
99FineLines: down to the wire
RebekahWSD: You made yourself look all tasty to the beast
TXC2: the tank has no complaint equity about pulling agro Kappa
TXC2: come one Adam!
josh___something: Nooooooooo
invalidCards: Rip
Orxolon: noooooooooooo
RebekahWSD: noooo
TXC2: Heartbreak!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: robbed
quton: nooooo
62MGcobra: hifunkSad
Mr_Horrible: the magic pixel
fungal_bird: RIP
spritedragon_: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis
josh___something: uno mas?
RockPusher: seabatNogood
99FineLines: one more one more one more
saucemaster5000: mods, make this player have 97 arrows each pouch
bakerydragon: wp you totally got this!
eDRoaCH: Adam needs a golem
TXC2: vibing, in his lane
fungal_bird: Uuuuhh
fungal_bird: One more?
bakerydragon: heh
TXC2: uno mas ?
rayndeon: up a blessing level?
Didero: It's only 2 am, after all :p
Laurence72: Last call for Elden Boss!
Kingsgrave: Boss fightin'?
Kingsgrave: I just got here.
saucemaster5000: calling it now, the calssic "almost won" bad next run fromsoft experience
Didero: Bleh, I've got a work meeting in a few minutes... Why does work always have to get in the way of the important stuff, like watching some Canadians play a videogame?
Laurence72: Royal Rumble him! Throw him over the railing!
saucemaster5000: yup
invalidCards: welp
bakerydragon: C'est la vie
jarnatan: Elden Wrong
TXC2: Didero blame capitalism
Mr_Horrible: such is life in the Lands
accountmadeforants: Messmer can be rotted, but not sleep-ed or madness-ed
invalidCards: rip Ian
bakerydragon: We've had first tank yes, but what about second tank?
Jamie Dytham: 😢👌💯
Punching_Bag: snake?
corianderd: angro
spritedragon_: this snek is NOT based
saucemaster5000: angro -- 2Am for aggro
LeokadiaBosko: Which weapon fires arrows that fast?
goateedave86: What you need is a reeeeaaaallly big mongoose
99FineLines: @LeokadiaBosko a gun
bagfullofbees: I couldn't tell, did the arrows stay in him when he transitioned?
accountmadeforants: Bone Bow is what's so fast
definenull: noooo
quton: cmon golem
adi_pie: Watching the fight from that far just puts me in mind of the RE6 stream with Chris doing cartwheels around zombies
bakerydragon: Go Go GOlem
TXC2: a golem, a healer and a pocket full of dreams
bakerydragon: not news but dang this game is pretty
rayndeon: he's weak to holy funnily enough
adi_pie: Management is here to give him his pink slip
saucemaster5000: what are the lore implications to have a nice day?
kaziel0: For someone who hasn't played this before, how do you recover mana?
ArdentSlacker: I do kinda love Messmer committing to the snake bit.
saucemaster5000: @kaziel0 simplest way is flasks
bakerydragon: You got this!
TXC2: kaziel0 you have an item to refill it, that's about it
definenull: noooo
definenull: rip golem
goateedave86: Wait, this isn't Animal Crossing
rayndeon: goodbye
kaziel0: Doesn't naturally recover, like stamina?
invalidCards: rip in piss
definenull: ggs ggs ggs
Mr_Horrible: oh he's had *enough* of you
josh___something: Speaking of
Mr_Horrible: LUL
quton: yoinked
saucemaster5000: @kaziel0 you have a set amount of flasks and can set how many mana/health stuff you got
RandomTrivia: GGs benginO7
isupor: ggs
bakerydragon: at least you died offscreen
bagfullofbees: nice dramatic finish
RockPusher: sergeGG
spritedragon_: thamk for strim
RockPusher: foxmarGG foxmarGG foxmarGG
TXC2: we know when we're not wanted Kappa
kaziel0: @saucemaster5000 Thanks!
Seth_Erickson: Ggs very much enjoyable
Orxolon: thanks for the stream!
warpstonewarlock: Oh, so the Watch-a-Long hasn't started yet. Phew
Mr_Horrible: absolutely banger time, thanks for the run, gang
quton: LUL
adi_pie: This is a fighting game after all. It ended on a Command Grab
RandomTrivia: Thanks everyone, that was a great show lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TXC2: thanks for streaming LRR
Mr_Horrible: Adam on BM Hunter
Mr_Horrible: got his 2-button roto
rayndeon: adam was your adc
bakerydragon: thanks all for the stream
RockPusher: Thank you Ian, Adam, Ben lrrSHINE
Adam Steel: It seems for me in the UK at least, some of the streams don’t show on the LRR site because it wasn’t designed for 24hr listings, but the google calendar version works ok
MrSVCD: !time
RockPusher: Thank you Graham lrrSHINE
snowewolf: yo what time is it G - 10:20 by me
mindrevolt: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
bagfullofbees: Thanks for the stream y'all, love u
TXC2: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 2:19 AM
spritedragon_: messing with messmer
accountmadeforants: We got ranged DPS, melee DPS, tank, and healer
99FineLines: he thinks he messed up and is sad
bakerydragon: oh no! buddy you did good I promise (to the golem)
kaziel0: Thanks for the stream, team!
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Shadwhawk: 35 hours until the capped end
invalidCards: Good night Graham, hope you get a good night's sleep o/
RandomTrivia: Graham on the second 2am finish of the week :D
josh___something: It's been 19 hours left for SO LONG
RockPusher: rest well!
azninsect: lrrGibb
marmalade_pen: i thought adam was gonna say before bed
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 2:18 AM
heartofgoldfish: Is the Ham Cam in place???
TXC2: Sleep well!
RandomTrivia: Sleep well! lrrSHINE
krfsm: goodnight!
Fragged_Templar: bye graham
quton: good night!
Serpens77: gg, G
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
99FineLines: i have eight weighted blankets so i can gym and bed at the same time
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the show, lads lrrSHINE
adi_pie: Oh right, it's past noon. I also need to get to my day. Have fun, folks. Stay nice, Chat.
isupor: @99FineLines this is genius
RockPusher holds
invalidCards: The slow spin of the chair is really quite calming
spookittyAsh: did almost forget my night meds, thanks Lrrbot
RockPusher: later adi_pie
TXC2: so long adi_pie stay safe
RockPusher: Bye G
invalidCards: Bye Graham!
TheDevil_Risen: Night all :)
azninsect: bye G
TXC2: Here we GO!
azninsect: eyyy watchalong
Blythus: Thanks LRR!
Blythus: GGs!
RockPusher: lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart
TXC2: that sound WutFace
azninsect: swap and shop!
TXC2: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 2:21 AM
bakerydragon: Mario Odyssey predicted!
ghyllnox: Yussss swap and shop
marmalade_pen: the shap and swop
Laurence72: And may ask yourself, What am I doing here?
eDRoaCH: Always thought lrr should do a yogcinemq
99FineLines: this is not my impracical car
FarleyF: Ian is picking you up because he's a smooth operator
Serpens77: this is not my impractical wife
Orxolon: is this the one with Jacob or the 1st one?
bagfullofbees: @Orxolon the 1st one
azninsect: swap and/or shop
josh___something: Is this the one with jacob?
Orxolon: @bagfullofbees thx
bagfullofbees: @josh___something nope, sry
99FineLines: shwoap
hackingducks: the recreation center named for the subducting plate under victoria.
TXC2: I suspect the Jacob version of this will be later this Watch a long
Fragged_Templar: I hope so
marmalade_pen: movebases
hackingducks: it really doesn't bother you that ian's car is wrong-side drive until you see it from the driver's perspective
TXC2: this sunday sunday sunday! it'll be sunday!
ContingentCat: capitalism strikes again
RockPusher: hifunkFart
nyoomgoom: this was already a year ago, my goodness
heartofgoldfish: Fun fact: Ben is actually sitting in Ian's car this entire time
incredulouspasserby: @nyoomgoom to the day plus 2.5 hours
fungal_bird: Did they at least crack the window? o_0
bakerydragon: does the "swap" mean that people may do bartering rather than just cash money buying?
yunapaluza gifted a Tier 1 sub to BunsArtBurrow! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BunsArtBurrow! (Today's storm count: 17)
nyoomgoom: incredulouspasserby yeah!
hackingducks: @bakerydragon yeah
fungal_bird: @bakerydragon yup!
bakerydragon: oh dang!
bakerydragon: I've not been to a garage sale in the UK in decades but never thought of that
nyoomgoom: there was a foster's home for imaginary friends episode about a swap meet
yunapaluza gifted a Tier 1 sub to Quardread! They have given 2 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Quardread! (Today's storm count: 18)
99FineLines: feel like i need a geiger counter at some events like this, a lot of
99FineLines: radium gets into things
yunapaluza gifted a Tier 1 sub to Chrinver! They have given 3 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chrinver! (Today's storm count: 19)
hackingducks: those used to be controlled by big ol' rheostats
yunapaluza gifted a Tier 1 sub to Milek! They have given 4 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Milek! (Today's storm count: 20)
99FineLines: canadian kids tv secret lair when
yunapaluza gifted a Tier 1 sub to HypotheticalNPC! They have given 6 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HypotheticalNPC! (Today's storm count: 21)
MrPhlip: Meat Shredding Solution was the name of my band in high school
99FineLines: We are Unbranded Meat Shredder and we do not have a fourth song
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @99FineLines the Enzo flip card showcasing his season 3 timeskip design would be incredible
bagfullofbees: @MrPhlip I wish I knew more about actual bands so that I could make jokes like this
nyoomgoom: ough a life preserver ring is 100% some miscellaneous item i would pick up from a swap meet because it looks cool but not know what to do with
MrPhlip: @bagfullofbees oh yeah, I wish I could make more "<x> is my <y> cover band" jokes but I can never think of a <y>
nyoomgoom: or at least i'd think about it real hard
bagfullofbees: @MrPhlip same
99FineLines: making "is a band" jokes is 95% confidence 5% intelligence.
hackingducks: @nyoomgoom stick it on a wall and call it kitschy art.
TXC2: MrPhlip same
Mangledpixel: @MrPhlip a useful backup joke is "<x> is my new <g> band" where <g> is a music genre
99FineLines: well i'm sad cafe
NotSoLuckyLydia: Yeah, "Unbranded Meat Shredder" is a pretty good name for a goregrind band :P
isupor: hey chat what time is morning coffee?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: boo, UT3 jumpscare
nyoomgoom: @hackingducks yeah pretty much! especially in the bathroom to imply it's necessary in there somehow
TXC2: isupor 6am local
TXC2: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 2:36 AM
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
99FineLines: Watchalong is another 3.5 hours then it's coffee
Wolfstrike_NL: might be 20 minutes delayed because elden ring coop went longer
MrPhlip: Vintage 1930s baked goods?
isupor: awesome thanks
99FineLines: edible pastry blind box
bakerydragon: forgot name, but you were right about geiger counter whoever you were
an_archist2: when are we getting the radium-lined cards secret lair?
Critterbot: What a cute car! :D
Grevas13: our descendants are going to talk about our plastic the same way we talk about uranium glass and leaded gasoline
99FineLines: it's either the microplastics or the social media
Critterbot: With two cute gentlemen inside it. :D
TXC2: 99FineLines the two genders
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: current social media in 100 years is either going to be a fascinating, comprehensive time capsule, or a totally lost facet of our civilization with no remaining context
bakerydragon: @TXC2 makes me laugh and cry but yeah
MrPhlip: "We decided we'd come down the lagoon. So we pulled up, set up a camera, drove off, and then pulled up again."
RubikDarkwill: I wonder if the selling one is going to be tonight too
99FineLines: i don't want our descendants to know how stupid this decade was.
TheWooglie: are you ruining the magic MrPhlip?
Grevas13: @MrPhlip when the theatre of the mind isn't enough
Saintnex: two horns, how bougie :D
Molator: the arrival of ian HORNer
Wolfstrike_NL: @MrPhlip You mean camera's don't place themselfes in convenient locations?
99FineLines: "I will pay you to take something"
bakerydragon: I really enjoyed the GVLOG where G addressed coming into moonbase when camera already inside and was just "look, we both know. just go with it"
Grevas13: honestly, in the realm of useful superpowers, having magic b-roll cameras always watching you would be convenient.
DigitalSeahorse: maaaaaaaan, my freezer door was wide open for about 6 hours from something blocking the seal from keeping it closed vicksyDed lrrAWW
invalidCards: Oof
bakerydragon: @DigitalSeahorse oh no!
MrPhlip: @DigitalSeahorse benginOh benginNo
Molator: @DigitalSeahorse done that before
TXC2: DigitalSeahorse oh dear
Invitare: forgot to put the netting on the gun
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTrash also I have no pets, hmm maybe I can offer the chicken for the neighbor's cats?
invalidCards: Yay Qwerpline!
DigitalSeahorse: and the fish
sfn____: god the qwerpline sponsors are always so good
Grevas13: if you're pnw, it's crab season. crab love spoiled chicken
isupor: mmmmmm crab
DigitalSeahorse: I'm in Toronto
99FineLines: We are Spoiled Chicken and we Do Not have a Record Label.
bakerydragon: XD
heartofgoldfish: jesus, edith
bakerydragon: Love how thirsty Edith always is XD
James Burnett: "Jesus Edith" 😂😂😂
bakerydragon: in a beautifully chill way
TXC2: spelled F"unt right ?
TXC2: youths or yutes ?
DigitalSeahorse: o.O
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDespair plebs
an_archist2: ooh, the bike lanes!
bakerydragon: XD
warpstonewarlock: LUL
Mangledpixel: d u s t s
DigitalSeahorse: Ball vicksyRoll
PMAvers: *spit-take*
TXC2: no one says "powders" quite like Beej
bakerydragon: The pipe network yeah!
DigitalSeahorse: asbestos anyone?
nuclearstulle: d u s t s
josh___something: Thanks michael
bakerydragon: Michael No! (*deserbus assistant Sharkfist voice*)
DigitalSeahorse: it's both!
josh___something: Jesus christ, Ball
josh___something: Richter, what the fuck?
hackingducks: g i joeeeee
type_variable: oh i see
type_variable: i didnt make this connection
bakerydragon: Nev er watched GI Joe so I get *none* of these references, thanks for explaining 😅
Grevas13: 2 is a lot of missiles if you're prepared for 0 missiles.
TXC2: I've only seen the live action movies
bakerydragon: @Grevas13 XD
nyoomgoom: "even for just one day" thanks, got "heroes" playing in my mind instantly. but like the savage garden version since i've heard that one more than david bowie's
hackingducks: gotta watch the cartoon to get the full destro experience
nyoomgoom: wait! not savage garden. the wallflowers.
ExachixKitsune: that's more than QWRP have employed
TXC2: Deep salad, yummy yummy
nyoomgoom: forbidden foliage
type_variable: can we beep beep back up lmao
josh___something: Wdym dilator
hackingducks: kathleen really went above and beyond with the foley on this episode
Just_Herby: Hey, having a monomym *is* cool
EikoandMog: I..... have a headache...?
Just_Herby: Mononym
TheAlanHeffley subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheAlanHeffley! (Today's storm count: 22)
TXC2: do doo do do do !
LordSaphni: Any mods able to change the Directory were still in Elden Ring?
ExachixKitsune: QWRP: Truely the Elden Ring of Podcasts
RockPusher: Richter is the boss, Derek a summons?
hackingducks: definitely chanterelles were responsible for this.
invalidCards: There are definitely noises right now
Saltpetre_Academic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months, currently on a 49 month streak!
Saltpetre_Academic: Apparently looped over a month, so I get to sub twice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Saltpetre_Academic! (Today's storm count: 23)
TXC2: LordSaphni I would, but I'm gonna go soon, and I don't want to mess with powers beyond human comprehension :p
LordSaphni: @TXC2 mikamO7
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
TXC2: very nearly did a spit take there
RandomTrivia: IndieNoNo HypeLUL
ShifuDaxiongmao: indienono :D
hackingducks: sorry about the bones
MrPhlip: ok, good, LRR does own deepsalad.com
TheDevil_Risen: @TXC2 yo might wanna DM someone that can change the title, its still on Elden Ring
bakerydragon: the art for qwrpline is so goo
TXC2: MrPhlip nice
bakerydragon: good*
bakerydragon: like the pipesman logo
ShifuDaxiongmao: this sure is a thing those Elden Ring fans didn't expect :D
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
TXC2: TheDevil_Risen I already have
hackingducks: I love that the ad for the satisfactory phylactery basically is "it stinks"
MrPhlip: I suspect anyone at LRR who could change it is already asleep
DigitalSeahorse: hehehehehheh
bakerydragon: *GROAN*
RandomTrivia: I love how Peak Alex that Crapshot is
bakerydragon: I love it
Amentur: I do enjoy that one
RandomTrivia: Rich!
TheWanderingNomad: FootYellow
warpstonewarlock: oooh, that's a good one!
nuclearstulle: xD
bakerydragon: @RandomTrivia lrrHEART
FarleyF: that is the quintisential Alex crapshot
bakerydragon: It seems both redundant but also super appropriate to "clip" the magazine crapshot
TheWanderingNomad: Wait Simic Slaw origin!
hideki101: is the audio off?
RandomTrivia: @TheWanderingNomad I don't think this is the origin, but the second appearance
bakerydragon: @TheWanderingNomad I think that was from a previous one that was ravnica based rather than phyrexian
MrPhlip: audio seems fine to me, @hideki101
TXC2: hideki101 no, it;s on this end
josh___something: Hearing it fine for me
Mangledpixel: hideki101 maybe give it a refresh
hideki101: seems a bit desynced for me
ShifuDaxiongmao: James should be a flipwalker, and the name on the backside should be "The other James Turner"
RandomTrivia: Oh god, how long must the chain of Magic cards have taken to put together
EikoandMog: @hideki101 Give it a refresh?
TheWanderingNomad: @bakerydragon Right Simic Slaw came from the Super Bowl-esque episode
bakerydragon: @hideki101 sseems fine to me
EikoandMog: @TheWanderingNomad What's the ingredients list for Simic Slaw?
josh___something: Twitch sometimes desyncs, a refresh or a pause/unpause can fix it
DigitalSeahorse: his chain is made of MTG cards
Chronomagistrate: @TheWanderingNomad And then it reappeared in the Murder Mystery
Mangledpixel: EikoandMog lot of things!
TXC2: "Is this real? or just all in my head?" "of course it's all in your head, that doesn't make it any less real."
TheWanderingNomad: @EikoandMog Stuff! And Things!
bakerydragon: @EikoandMog Lots of things!
marmalade_pen: are they bump in the nights?
bakerydragon: said in a cheery voice :)
DigitalSeahorse: oi, HE's the one that opened my freezer!
RandomTrivia: Geist of Saint Daft HypeLUL
RandomTrivia: I forgot that one
josh___something: Is marshall the 4/4?
Chronomagistrate: Geist of Saint Daft is such a good insult
Serpens77: GLHF!!
RandomTrivia: GLHF!
TheWanderingNomad: GLHF!
TXC2: going into a void is just what standing up is like most of the time
bakerydragon: I started watching this before I knew much about magic. I'm getting so many more jokes now!
cmdrud87: "we're spirits, cause ghosts aren't real"
hackingducks: such a perfect opportunity to say 'a mental misstep'
heartofgoldfish: stifle.
TheWanderingNomad: Damn
josh___something: Didn't jeremy white actually sell his collection?
nuclearstulle: Wedge <3
RandomTrivia: Oh hey Wedge
99FineLines: Glad Wedge is doing better these days
cmdrud87: except Can nrmally gets hoisted by his own petarde irl
FarleyF: Wedge - the 'Monster' of Magic and the creator of the numb 1 clip on LRR
DigitalSeahorse: is audio out of sync for anyone else?
warpstonewarlock: it's fine here
FarleyF: i hear Cam still whispers "Sharazad" in his nightmares
ExachixKitsune: @DigitalSeahorse not here, pause and unpause should fix it
cmdrud87: sounds fne
cmdrud87: fine to me
RandomTrivia: Oh right, I forgot about the careful foreshadowing of Serge's leg :D
TXC2: FarleyF number 2, number 1 is the Detroit become human clip
RockPusher: Serge's leg… this would have been around the DB incident :D
DigitalSeahorse: there we go, fixed
DigitalSeahorse: ty
FarleyF: @TXC2 is Numb 3 Pocket bacon?
TheWanderingNomad: Hey Marshall!
bakerydragon: @RandomTrivia lrrHEART
josh___something: Hi marshall!
TXC2: FarleyF I think that's a few further down
cmdrud87: @TXC2 "do you know Detroit was on the Underground Railroad?"
ritchards: Missy!
TXC2: cmdrud87 :D
josh___something: Famous Wristwatch restoration YouTuber, marshall sutcliffe
ExachixKitsune: this is why I still repeat "We're all going to die"
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCult
TXC2: be a WOD not a Wad
cmdrud87: fgsCult dollyt1Cult jeszCult jeszCult jeszCult
bakerydragon: One of my favourite jokes they occasionally do on LRR an exhasperated/nonchalant "we're all going to die."
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHype vicksyNoU
bakerydragon: @ExachixKitsune same
haberley: And get some eggs!
josh___something: Simic sl-eugh
99FineLines: is there not a Slaw emote?
FarleyF: you know what that is an oversight
cmdrud87: "what's even in that? - lots of things"
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPog
GazzyInferno: alex with the slomo dab
hackingducks: @99FineLines lrrGARBO close enough
bagfullofbees: lol Alex dabbing
DigitalSeahorse: katesFlower katesFlower katesFlower
TXC2: so say we all
ShifuDaxiongmao: Cam played green? now we KNOW it's a fairytale :P
invalidCards: glhf
HungryTanuki: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
bakerydragon: I can hear Adam's delivery so clearly from a future episode when Ben is eating the slaw he found in the freezer. "You rolled the dice on *freezer salad* ?!"
GazzyInferno: and Tiny Serge - who did NOT scoop
Brozard: Merry Draftsmas, everyone
RandomTrivia: Pffft, Boom: "Marshall Sutcliffe (?)"
theGuidingLark: friday night chrass, good times
99FineLines: it's Medium Serge!
RandomTrivia: Serge "Tiny Tim" Yager :D
FarleyF: i know - he didnt play the best colour in magic
MattIsAMage: toast!!!
MattIsAMage: bens in the car!!1
EternalRoxas: monikers throwback letsgooo
RockPusher: Jam. Side. Down.
Orxolon: toast!
nuclearstulle: TOAST!
hanzi_keat: I remember this guy from MonikLRRs
GazzyInferno: now always thinking about how Ben is just off shot watching Ian do this... thing
TXC2: right chat, exercise time for me, so be good, and keep on subbing!
cmdrud87: @99FineLines Squid1 Squid2 pastaThat Squid2 Squid4
Orxolon: part 3?
invalidCards: Happy Sunday!
NovaTiempo: cheesesteak part 1?
RandomTrivia: See you later, TXC2, have a good one! sergeModLove
Mangledpixel: Queesesteak Chest!
bakerydragon: @TXC2 I hope you have a good day/sleep
Pywodwagon: oh hey I’m sorta in this video
HungryTanuki: You're cheesteaking wrong
bagfullofbees: yay birbs!
hackingducks: the cheesestakes have never been higher
Orxolon: @Pywodwagon let us know
Pywodwagon: pay attention for vague purple blobs in the background of the magic area
josh___something: Cheesequest!(?)
RandomTrivia: Oh no
ExachixKitsune: Warhamster!
warpstonewarlock: Into the Warp
Serpens77: into the Warp
EikoandMog: And he was never seen again
HungryTanuki: O7 for Ben
TheWanderingNomad: The WarHams have consumed Ben!
NovaTiempo: the spelling of the word Cheesesteak dosnt feel right.
bakerydragon: @Pywodwagon lrrHEART
invalidCards: BDM!
sephsays: is this actually Ben or a genestealrr?
invalidCards: Met him while deckbuilding for the Commander league at MC Amsterdam. What a great guy
Mangledpixel: NovaTiempo it always looks like it has 1 too many 'e's
ShifuDaxiongmao: graham needn't worry, they're in Philly, they will be judged no matter what. :P
warpstonewarlock: Geez
bakerydragon: dang!
bagfullofbees: noice
NotSoLuckyLydia: oh yeah, thats how french toast should be
hackingducks: that is insane
invalidCards: I'd be down for a plate of that
CaptainTeo: That's funny, because my French head is the size of my toast.
OtherEdgeworth: I got full just looking at that toast
TheWanderingNomad: Seems a little small Kappa
NotSoLuckyLydia: you ever have a monte cristo with belgian waffle french toast? thats the ideal food
CaptainTeo: That was huge, oh, my goodness.
Rebecca Holt: Ok! Subathon still going! Nicely done, folks.
Grantuu: What meal did they say that was? Breakfast?
TheWanderingNomad: Breakfast
CaptainChibale: brunch
TheWooglie: brunch?
sephsays: brunch!
Grantuu: Still.... that's so much food. :O
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
OtherEdgeworth: Brunch, not as in a meal between breakfast and lunch, but a meal to substitute both at the same time
invalidCards: Apology accepted, that's some good B-roll
Orxolon: Vroll
CaptainTeo: Owl. hecticPat
TheWanderingNomad: Brolling aroindf!~
HungryTanuki: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Grantuu: Well okay fair. If that was two meals than That seems reasonable to me.
Pywodwagon: Sunday was *so* slow this year
OtherEdgeworth: It's the only interpretation that makes sense to me. I could not imagine eating a meal on either side of *that*
warpstonewarlock: Great, now I want to buy new dice
Pywodwagon: I spent most of it trying to befriend the lorcana dev so he’d give me more free stuff
Cameron: Ballz
ExachixKitsune: did it work Pywodwagon ?
PMAvers: Ben never returned from the Warhammer booth, they pulled in a alternate universe version of him to replace him.
Pywodwagon: not as well as it did for my one friend who he apparently loved
Grantuu: @OtherEdgeworth Exactly what I was thinking. Safe for piecing together that it wasn't the in between meal. :D
ExachixKitsune: ah well
Cleo J: I thought, "I'm watching Gvlogs anyway. I'll check whats on live." Nailed it.
j_crane330 is paying forward the Gift they got from I_Am_Clockwork to the community!
j_crane330 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
j_crane330 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lkhagbaatar!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, j_crane330! Welcome to Lkhagbaatar! (Today's storm count: 24)
Pywodwagon: I guess I wasn’t in this one, I was in other ones from this weekend though
OtherEdgeworth: @Grantuu Even that much is probably an in-between meal for a hobbit
cle0deen: Good morning
invalidCards: Mostly Meat is the title of my autobiography
CaptainTeo: They're Made of Mostly Meat.
Grantuu: @OtherEdgeworth Yeah, fair. But iirc LLR-people are far from being Hobbits, right? :D
cle0deen: I was watching Gvlogs on YouTube and thought I'd check what was on live. Nailed it.
Serpens77: distracted by sidequests
Orxolon: akshuaalllyyy
adept_nekomancer: Narrative meat obligations
josh___something: To be fair, THIS was the sidequest :p
Jan Eli Padilla: commuting from one end of the city to the other by bus. this is perfect bus content.
cle0deen: Without art life is just QQ M
EikoandMog: Hey, we found the ART
hackingducks: city looks pretty. i should go.
OtherEdgeworth: @Grantuu "LRR-people" sounds like they are some divergent evolution of humankind
type_variable: QQ Mirite games
ShifuDaxiongmao: rule 1 of local foods... Always go for the tiny corner store location and get it from there. :D
ShifuDaxiongmao: doesn't matter where in the world you are
hackingducks: 10km like that's a big distance. (america, heck yeah)
josh___something: I usually use "LRRFolk" as a collective noun
ShifuDaxiongmao: 10km is what germans call "barely a short walk"
EikoandMog: @ShifuDaxiongmao Find where the locals are going.
MrPhlip: Beer hoagies don't sound that appetising tbh
RandomTrivia: *HOMK*
EikoandMog: *HONK*
ShifuDaxiongmao: @EikoandMog Yep. And if there is a queue of locals, even better.
hackingducks: @ShifuDaxiongmao yeah but the US is entirely unwalkable.
Grantuu: @OtherEdgeworth Kinda. :D I mean I haven't checked. Is there a shrug emoji? I don't twitch much.
josh___something: LRR People has a bit of an awkward mouthfeel
EikoandMog: @ShifuDaxiongmao Just not too long. There's a middle ground of local queue.
ShifuDaxiongmao: @EikoandMog the law of diminishing returns :D
TheWanderingNomad: B E E F
Orxolon: Gram S
OtherEdgeworth: @Grantuu I don't twitch much either... unless I've had a particularly sour lolly, then my eye(s) twitch like mad
EikoandMog: GASP Illegal Activity!
hackingducks: (speaking of unwalkability.)
OtherEdgeworth: @josh___something I like LRRfolk. It rhymes with merfolk.
Grantuu: @OtherEdgeworth Yeah that's why my spelling is kinda rubbish today. :D
FarleyF: Hows the Serenity Graham
Orxolon: i can open a beer with a lighter,ring,table boarder,napkin,etc :D
Grantuu: They are each sitting on a perfectly good bottle opener, aren't they?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNom vicksyNom
EikoandMog: I -JUST- ate and I want one of those.
OtherEdgeworth: Not twist off? Simply grab your saber and do it like a champagne bottle... What do you mean you don't have a saber on you?
hackingducks: i just keep a bottle opener on my keyes
99FineLines: i feel my arteries swelling
MrPhlip: @EikoandMog I'm actively eating dinner rn and I want one of those
Metric_Furlong: @OtherEdgeworth please, this is in the USA. obviously you shoot the top off with your gun Kappa
cle0deen: Morning coffee for me and I want really amazing toast now
99FineLines: Master Chief, I need you to open this bottle - Captain Keyes
emberBecky: i'm skeptical about american cheese on a cheesesteak, if he reported that right. never heard of that.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: protip: for cheesesteaks you secretly want a nice crusty, day-old bread, something that can really soak up all that meat juice
hackingducks: @emberBecky that's the right way to do it, unfortunately.
OtherEdgeworth: @Metric_Furlong And if you line the bottles up you can open both in one shot
Serpens77: @emberBecky it's usually provolone right? Asked the Australian
hackingducks: cheddar doesn't melt right. american's got all them good emulsifiers in it
emberBecky: @hackingducks ah I always heard cheese whiz was traditional. hmm
invalidCards: American cheese is very melty, which would work perfectly for a cheesesteak
RandomTrivia: Nailed it
nyoomgoom: my favorite cheesesteak was one with cream cheese on it. i'm not one to care about what's the "correct" cheesesteak
hackingducks: @emberBecky same stuff, different mechanism of serving
NotSoLuckyLydia: American, whiz, provolone, and pepper jack all see use in cheesesteaking
cle0deen: I never understood why Ben couldn't do that at the spot
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: mmm pepperjack
Orxolon: an hotel without microwave?
cle0deen: It has one. They make Ramen.
hackingducks: pepperjack and provolone are probably just fantastic but, it's not "philly" style according to a LOT of people
emberBecky: @Serpens77 the good cheesesteaks I've had on the west coast were provolone. >.> but traditional is American cheese it seems.
Orxolon: @cle0deen ph right
Orxolon: *oh
invalidCards: I don't think I've every stayed in a hotel with a microwave in the room
invalidCards: ever*
ShifuDaxiongmao: the trick to cheddar is to mix it 50-50 with your prefered other melty cheese :)
cle0deen: I'd trade a microwave for a regular drip coffee pot
NotSoLuckyLydia: 50/50 american+cheddar is great
hackingducks: american is just cheddar with emulsifiers...
hackingducks: if you're going to mix it with something, go with jack or colby
cle0deen: Provel from Imos would be good on Chesesteak
99FineLines: americans with opinons on cheese...poor them. signed, a european.
invalidCards: mmm poutine
invalidCards: that's been a while
ShifuDaxiongmao: poutine cheesesteak.. now there's a thought
Brozard: I still haven’t had an Italian Beef in Chicago yet, despite being here 3.5 years
FarleyF: you mean your not - image shredded
Serpens77: Timmy's is the local and they do seem to have that a lot LUL
NotSoLuckyLydia: I have had poutine cheesesteak, it was a vegetarian alternative at a cheesesteak place.
OtherEdgeworth: As an Aussie, I ate BBQ on a near daily basis... admittedly only while camping with family when growing up
glitched_goddess: American cheese and cheese whizz is pretty good on cheesesteaks
NotSoLuckyLydia: absolutely ruled, and then i fell asleep
hackingducks: I feel sorry for anyone who's never had tillamook cheeses personally. wisconsin's also fantastic, but tillamook cheeses are the best of anywhere I've been in the world, including europe
josh___something: Verdict: fine
Orxolon: I'm from Uruguay and i eat Chivito every chance i have
Grantuu: @Orxolon What's Chivito?
cle0deen: Kansas City burnt ends at every opportunity
hackingducks: the second best cheddar I ever had was in manchester uk though. super sharp, huge bite
99FineLines: Graham's had....a vegetable
Orxolon: @Grantuu if you like meat you will love it
nyoomgoom: legitimately i found the cream cheese cheesesteak pretty mindblowing. i recommend it
hackingducks: yeah my dad lives in the twin cities... it's a ghost town. it's so cold.
NotSoLuckyLydia: @nyoomgoom Cream cheese is a good add to lots of kinds of sandwiches, IMO.
Grantuu: @Orxolon Okay, sounds good. But what is it? A sandwich, a stew, grilled meat?
nyoomgoom: @NotSoLuckyLydia true true
Grantuu: YAY! One of my absolute favorites. :D
nuclearstulle: Neat!
Metric_Furlong: classic crapshot that
hackingducks: @NotSoLuckyLydia just... maybe not sushi. it's an acquired taste.
FarleyF: hey the professor episode
hackingducks: (and yes, a lot of sushi places in the bay area do cream cheese sushi)
theworldsmith1: Prof!
99FineLines: ah, it's TCG day, that's why the Friday Nights.
NotSoLuckyLydia: I don't know that I'd call sushi a sandwich, but also, I do like brined fish with cream cheese, so maybe thats something
Orxolon: @Grantuu let's imagine a sandwich with round buns of a thin cow,steak,cheese,tomato,lettuce,olives,peppers,bacon,ham,and whatever you would like to put in it
Orxolon: is better if you goofle "Uruguaian Chivito"
Serpens77: PROF
Grantuu: Oh that sounds terrific.
RandomTrivia: PROF!
Dog_of_Myth: Oh, this one
HungryTanuki: Prof !
RandomTrivia: I love this episode so much
ShifuDaxiongmao: Prof was so thrilled to do this one :D
TheWriterAleph: i am always here for prof as q-trickster
emberBecky: ooo yeh "Philadelphia rolls" are a thing I some sushi places. Salmon and Cream cheese. They're pretty good
tezzatipoca: the professsssooooooorrrrrrr
FarleyF: also Congratulations Prof for getting 1 Million Subs on Youtube
brunomant_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months!
RandomTrivia: This is where all the teeth marks in the set came from
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, brunomant_! (Today's storm count: 25)
99FineLines: did they have to move moonbase because Prof chewed through all the scenery
kazuto_youtubelevrai: Wow
nyoomgoom: i've had philadelphia roll sushi and liked it, but it's been a bit so i don't remember how much i like it
TheWanderingNomad: He said the thing!
Fanklok: Can we rewind a pause I didn't get to read the cards
TheWriterAleph: he said the thiiiiing
forcedreject: He said the thing
bakerydragon: NEVER LET FAE TELL YOU TO WORRY ABOUT PRICE LATER - universally bad idea
kazuto_youtubelevrai: WutFace
TheWriterAleph: "spiky" - great double entendre
Serpens77: squishing moggs
hackingducks: squeeeeeee
kazuto_youtubelevrai: StoneLightning JKanStyle
Molladia: @bakerydragon And they were never heard of again.....
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Raymon Swanland did all the art for the Black Company reprint covers and they're great
TheWooglie: angeli188Tumbledryer
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: and a lot of other Glen Cook stuff
bakerydragon: @Molladia right? lrrAWESOME
josh___something: BOOOOOOO
RandomTrivia: Thank you Cameron :D
TheWanderingNomad: BOOOOO
josh___something: tromple
invalidCards: @josh___something Sir Plompy?
TheWanderingNomad: Damn the burn
ShifuDaxiongmao: Pauls "AI" still better than current ones. :D
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
OtherEdgeworth: I actually got Bellowing Tanglewurm when I first saw this episode. Probably helps Scars was when I started
bakerydragon: exiled until it leaves play... oof
warpstonewarlock: well, that aged well
RandomTrivia: OOF... life imitates art
type_variable: ai art oh no
GazzyInferno: paul no
EikoandMog: PAUL NO
TheWanderingNomad: *GASP
heartofgoldfish: paul no
RandomTrivia: Oh right, Alison :D
warpstonewarlock: ayuuup
OtherEdgeworth: Always Be Casting!
GazzyInferno: wizards might find out and be into it though...
bakerydragon: oh yeah! the ABC sketch thing
josh___something: look, Alison was justified
nuclearstulle: indeed to ahead of his time
josh___something: I think...
bakerydragon: I love that apparently that bit got Alison an intimidating reputation
Amentur: Years ahead coxGeoff
MrPhlip: Alison has since moved on from being amazing at writing for Magic, to being amazing at writing for Destiny
theworldsmith1: I just realized the card he showed was merfolk trickster... aka prof's role in the episode
warpstonewarlock: Stil happy that they allowed her to write Jace and Vraska and OTJ
warpstonewarlock: *in OTJ
TheWanderingNomad: Cam Wins!
ArcticAtlantic: wooooo go Cameron
bakerydragon: Oh FN-Cam you poor twisted evil babe
hackingducks: and most importantly, they got jacked.
OtherEdgeworth: Missy *really* didn't try hard at holding onto that box
hackingducks: professor running away with the victory
TheWanderingNomad: I can feel Marshall's pain from here
Eggmojii: I love that one
MrPhlip: oh no, X-17 is a name that strikes fear
Simriel: Smug Cam is always hilarious
invalidCards: This is a series that I've missed
invalidCards: New content!
ShifuDaxiongmao: jeez
warpstonewarlock: Oh god, I remember that. Why do I remember that!
Brozard: sweet, nude alien
EikoandMog: Oh. It's Gameguru or whatever that one engine is.
99FineLines: I need the OSHA number
ArcticAtlantic: what's the concept of this show?
haberley: A jason welge classic
hackingducks: i have no eyes but i must see
invalidCards: There sure is something happening
99FineLines: they play a bad game and make jokes. there is minor editing.
TehAmelie: editor's note: J & Welge is Jason Welge
invalidCards: Ah, it's like Watch & Play but prerecorded
BluJester: can we really call this a game?
ArcticAtlantic: ah okay hence the previous outing on W+P
Genasi_Gaming: is this a half life mod
ShifuDaxiongmao: This has all the signs of "I need to finish this before exam deadline and it's in 4 hours from now"
warpstonewarlock: "I am the very model of the modern garbage video game!"
MrPhlip: Unskippable, but they play some of the intro gameplay, not just the opening cutscene, and the commentary is live instead of scripted
Orxolon: now that i think about it,why no unskippable in watch along?
bakerydragon: oh NO
CaptainTeo: Uhm.
Austere_Squire: o-oh
99FineLines: I think quite a lot of Unskippable was in the last Subathon, and they aimed to have different stuff this time from last time.
warpstonewarlock: lrrJUDGE
Wolfstrike_NL: lrrFINE
warpstonewarlock: pre-early access?
bakerydragon: "I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way."
M4RKNUTT: G'morning chat. Is the ppr on later or another day?
Orxolon: @99FineLines fair
nuclearstulle: @M4RKNUTT on sunday
Wolfstrike_NL: @M4RKNUTT ppr is sunday
RandomTrivia: lrrCOW
99FineLines: Bloomburrow PPR is sunday, today is just different TCGs
EikoandMog: Clipping audio
TehAmelie: about. . .36 hours away?
M4RKNUTT: Thank you :)
99FineLines: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
TheWooglie: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
Austere_Squire: the burning wreckage of an interstellar go kart
Wolfstrike_NL: @TehAmelie 56*
TehAmelie: oh, there's saturday too
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx: sound design is set to MAWP
TehAmelie: Jason Welge shakes his head. "design"? you can't design sound
FarleyF: imagine Richter calling this one
99FineLines: we purposely trained him wrong, as a joke.
Orxolon: it worked XD
Fanklok: Is this the one with thriller for no reason
Austere_Squire: are the rolypollies even attacking?
tezzatipoca: aliens all practicing for circ du soleil
Austere_Squire: oh he's going through it
TehAmelie: some kind of psychological attack
bagfullofbees: bedtime for me, have a good watchalong, chat!
sephsays: “No, no. I wanted IT people, not eye teeth people”
Kibbik: GG
Orxolon: @99FineLines haahahaha
Austere_Squire: this is cursed
Orxolon: this is what a GOOD 2003 used to look like
99FineLines: "of the games we have played...that were scams..."
Orxolon: maybe 2006 even
hackingducks: eehhh not so much
TehAmelie: and 15 years later, on the Unreal engine store
Austere_Squire: I... why?
Orxolon: the size of the subs!
Austere_Squire: she doesn't even look alien, that just a naked lady
Austere_Squire: oh that walk cycle
GazzyInferno: good microphone on that voice line
Metric_Furlong: love an obliesk
99FineLines: they need to be...at least three times this size!
hackingducks: that's because she's just a naked lady. for some reason.
Orxolon: Aliens are mammals too?¿
hackingducks: ah, this is a prequel to horizon, gotcha
TehAmelie: it's not a typo either. it's been like 3 games, Jason just thinks it's spelled obleisk
hierophant199: with a big thigh gap
hackingducks: stupid Faro.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: when all your uniforms are dirty but you just roll with it because you're the one in charge
TehAmelie: i wonder if this VA was told her character would be extremely naked
Austere_Squire: oh, naked woman appears to be a type of alien; along with rock thing and monket with venus flytrap mouth
hierophant199: lota of naked women with thigh gaps
GazzyInferno: designed like someone thought the stroggs from quake could be sexier
Orxolon: hahahah,safety hazzard
99FineLines: Space Traffic Qwopter?
RandomTrivia: Man, the vacuum of space sucks
MrPhlip: I was surprised to not hear that throw ending in "Richter" but I guess this pre-dates Qwerp
emberBecky: kinda lumpy earth
TehAmelie: it's definitely America, Earth unconfirmed
99FineLines: yo that was an expensive animation
bakerydragon: Spider-Ship Spider-ship, does whatever a Spider-Ship does
Kibbik: Maybe we can learn something. All these very different, very naked alien races working together in harmony.
RandomTrivia: Of all the places to invade, Plymouth is among the most dull
GazzyInferno: yeah this looks like Plymouth on a Saturday night
simplydavemn: @MrPhlip Pretty sure Richter Hammockslam would try to leverage this invasion as a side hustle.
Genie_M: Superhot
99FineLines: Aus people <> Brit people
Orxolon: flash lives like this?
TehAmelie: i didn't realize, he patched in automatically going from the end of a level to the next one in between when they played the game on W+P and here
99FineLines: Complaining about Plymouth
hackingducks: an accurate description of how they faked lens flare on the cheap on pre-shader hardware
warpstonewarlock: Huh
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Kibbik: Something wrong with the draw order?
RandomTrivia: sergeIntoTheSea
99FineLines: Sub Ocean found!
invalidCards: We did it!
hackingducks: that gun is against the geneva convention
99FineLines: Lens flare gun? An M1 JJ Abrams?
Kibbik: LUL
TehAmelie: the infantry is advancing
Orxolon: did he say beige?hahahah
Wolfstrike_NL: Beige is perfect after yesterdays skits
warpstonewarlock: oh
warpstonewarlock: this
TehAmelie: this is their beige period
Metric_Furlong: oh right
haberley: Ohhh
Metric_Furlong: this bit
RandomTrivia: I thought I recognised that first stab :D
bakerydragon: NO!
hackingducks: it's a thriller... totally unlicensed...
invalidCards: Amazing
bakerydragon: wat
CaptainTeo: Uhm.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I'm so glad I saw this on W&P live
Metric_Furlong: that was a fun W+P to catch live
99FineLines: Vincent Cut-Price
bakerydragon: I'm guessing you can just buy this animation wholesale?
hackingducks: well done with the choreo.
bakerydragon: @99FineLines *finger snaps* nice
Simriel: Same
Simriel: I took had removed this from my memory
RandomTrivia: For those of you too young to remember the "lol so random" era of the internet - it was exactly like this
99FineLines: the salsa music is actually an improvement
hackingducks: *holds up spork*
josh___something: About as possible as someone spontaneously turning into a weasel. If this was genius :P
Genasi_Gaming: this is intended to make the game a joke so the creator can shrug off criticism
Kibbik: of DOOOOM!
99FineLines: it's like when "parody" games parody bad quests...by making you do a bad quest.
Genasi_Gaming: how old do you think the dev is?
99FineLines: Unbranded Meat Grinder, the alien
Firnsarwen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
Firnsarwen: Where! It's 4am!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Firnsarwen! (Today's storm count: 26)
hackingducks: we've definitely seen worse asset flips, tbh.
TehAmelie: this is a wide array of assets that no one ever thought to put together
GazzyInferno: fucking... REALLY?
CaptainTeo: "Several years ago."
OmnipotentTrevor: I'm surprised this game seems to have a difficulty curve.
99FineLines: "of the games we have played....that ARE scams..."
ExachixKitsune: what I'm hearing is more games should use random royalty free tracks instead of popular music
Genasi_Gaming: i dont think that thje dev knows you can't just use music
Firnsarwen: Accurate
Kibbik: He could have benefitted from that advanced alien rollie pollies
GazzyInferno: that sounds like a real person voicing that, yessiree
TehAmelie: wait, Alieana? she's in league with the aliens!
Simriel: Is our protagonist Jacob?
FerretinaTheWeaselQueen: @Genasi_Gaming What do you mean? They bought the CD with the music on it! That means its theirs now!
RandomTrivia: Diegetic explanations for everything
99FineLines: so you can buy lampshades on the unity store i see
Kibbik: Tell don't show
RandomTrivia: 99FineLines HypeLUL
TehAmelie: he accurately estimated not enough people would care about his game that the unlicensed music would cause a problem, though
invalidCards: A great day to be a headphones user
hackingducks: i like that the bullets spawn from below and behind the barrel of the gun
99FineLines: the Cirque de Soleil routines are improving
Orxolon: was it genious,was it bad?
99FineLines: 10/10 many notes
Orxolon: we'll never know
RandomTrivia: I'd like to put forward the category of "... game?"
hackingducks: it can definitely be used as evidence at a trial.
FarleyF: another peak alex crapshot
RandomTrivia: ^
cmdrud87: "strictly worse!!!"
ArcticAtlantic: omg I love this episode
FarleyF: !card Aladins Ring
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
haberley: Beeeeeejlaaaaander!
DEATHlikescats: HypeSleep
warpstonewarlock: @cmdrud87 *ominous lightning strike*
FarleyF: !card alladins ring
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
99FineLines: I actually did make such a cube! Only bad rares that people donated. It was super fun.
FarleyF: bloody hell that ring by that thief
MrPhlip: !card aladdin's ring
LRRbot: Aladdin's Ring [8] | Artifact | {8}, {T}: Aladdin's Ring deals 4 damage to any target.
MrPhlip: one L, two D's
ArcticAtlantic: I heard "iiiiiii have exams!" echoing in my mind all through university
FarleyF: thank you
EikoandMog: Thanks G.
RandomTrivia: Jade! benginLove
ArcticAtlantic: window. coverings!
Earthenone: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 4:20 AM
EikoandMog: nice
ArcticAtlantic: ayy
RandomTrivia: sergeJustRight
cmdrud87: yay
hackingducks: is the voice LSV?
RandomTrivia: It is
LordZarano: jlrrPillow
hackingducks: luck, skill, victory.
99FineLines: Now I Have A Kitchen Gun. Ho Ho Ho.
DEATHlikescats: the responsibility of adulthood and how much friends are there for you
TehAmelie: but whose poetry? i'm gonna guess Kathleen is credited writer
DEATHlikescats: @99finelines it makes the kitchen sparkling clean, plus bullet holes
cmdrud87: "not until I found out they had been through my underwear drawer"
Mogg01 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mogg01! (Today's storm count: 27)
bakerydragon: @cmdrud87 😄 yep
Earthenone: santa also has cats
CaptainTeo: I want to see the raw recording of this with James just aggressively pointing in silence.
ArcticAtlantic: awwww
SheGoat_of_Dorchester subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SheGoat_of_Dorchester! (Today's storm count: 28)
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
99FineLines: Guy with a Cellphone Man?
DEATHlikescats: burner phones for Stalker Alex
type_variable: everyone wearing black
invalidCards: Love OG Theros
RandomTrivia: !card bump in the night
LRRbot: Bump in the Night [B] | Sorcery | Target opponent loses 3 life. / Flashback {5}{R}
DEATHlikescats: Kare Kingdom
AshcopseDryad: would love to draft some theros
EikoandMog: lrrSPOOPY
DEATHlikescats: *Kard
type_variable: i think if they remade that they wouldnt have everyone wear black
Serpens77: oof, 7 person draft. Someone gets a bye
cmdrud87: G&K credited as writers
novrdd: Ho ho ho
HungryTanuki: :D
Serpens77: CONSUME
CaptainTeo: ???
RandomTrivia: And now for something completely differen
invalidCards: monch
RandomTrivia: *different
novrdd: SpiritEel SpiritEel SpiritEel
hackingducks: nightmares acquired
nuclearstulle: that is unsettling
DEATHlikescats: me too Alex
EikoandMog: Ooooh, tarp budget coming in clutch
Texan_Reverend: !adult
LRRbot: Adult currently unavailable, please try again later.
warpstonewarlock: Yesss!
DEATHlikescats: they hit the BackRooms of video
warpstonewarlock: Best Episode!
DEATHlikescats: liminal Cinema
HungryTanuki: Having to go back to work just before Qwerpline is hard. Welp, take care eveveryone and see everyone later lrrSHINE
EikoandMog: @HungryTanuki Take care!
CaptainTeo: Duck!
DEATHlikescats: @hungrytanuki have a good workday!
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
EikoandMog: I love the Girl Scouts ended up as a PMC
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
DEATHlikescats: Monte seeks Checkov’s trench going off imminently
EikoandMog: The girls cheering HypeLUL
Duffadash: This has quickly become my favourite episode
Duffadash: Still waiting for that Girl Scout merch, Beej
Wolfstrike_NL: We did get the qwerpline kitty corner merch
warpstonewarlock: I hope fot El Schlorpo cup
M L: I was so excited for a new qwerpline and then I noticed the time...
warpstonewarlock: *for
hackingducks: yeah what kind of weapons did they get their hands on
ExachixKitsune: boooo1
cmdrud87: booo?
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx: HA Edith is war vet
bakerydragon: I love the booo :)
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx: *a
EikoandMog: @xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx She was a Girl Scout after all
99FineLines: are Edith and Michael a couple? i hope so
TehAmelie: oh no, sending Derek to the front line is sure to get them accused of enlisting child soldiers
shadowmaster132: He's 19
TehAmelie: so he says
DEATHlikescats: @tehamelie given the girlscouts are ALSO children, it’s definitely got merit
RandomTrivia: That is such a perfect segue :D
ArtOfStuttering: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 4:36 AM
ExachixKitsune: honestly this was the most surprising part of this; I am surprised the girl scouts undermined Joan's authority
bakerydragon: thoughts and prayers
DEATHlikescats: DDoS’d
cmdrud87: *cut to footage of a viet nam Huey in low flight*
cmdrud87: "and now, for our next song- Fortunate Son by CCR"
definenull: man this episode... has become ever more relevant
warpstonewarlock: No, you didn't!
cmdrud87: bot before he's getting hot at
cmdrud87: *shot
RandomTrivia: Oh shit, Tasmin Funt killed me :D
warpstonewarlock: Is that name a pun?
FarleyF: hey thats my background
Duffadash: Still waiting for THIS Girl Scout merch, Beej
FarleyF: ^
PMAvers: They has FURY
EikoandMog: ^^
hackingducks: nine year olds should not be handling breaching charges!
DEATHlikescats: even as a free background for the Patrons
ExachixKitsune: @hackingducks it's fine they are girl scouts and trained
hackingducks: i don't think anything happening in that city is okay.
hackingducks: like, ever.
TehAmelie: i'm sure the girl scouts are the best trained, most motivated fighters in Jewelsburg county
seanmrwick: hahahaha
TehAmelie: not sure what sides are at war here though
hackingducks: the belligerents are the girl scouts and the mayor
cmdrud87: "did we just broadcast a coup?"
shadowmaster132: I still argue that it's a countercoup
hackingducks: the mayor lost to some... ridiculously well armed nine year old girls.
cmdrud87: true
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
cmdrud87: I would like this t be how Trump's second term in office ends. But my hopes are low
CaptainTeo: Tiny seats. zaezarGib
definenull: LUL
Desruprot: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
DEATHlikescats: lol
EikoandMog: I think that's an anneurism.
CaptainTeo: hecticNerves
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderHahahah ratewoNderWhaaa
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderPatrick
invalidCards: More swap shop!
Serpens77: Jacob's turn?
bakerydragon: Let the Jacob Bargaining COMMENCE!
NonUniqueGuy: Yes!
DEATHlikescats: The Jacobing
Mangledpixel: Swop & Shap!
TehAmelie: most people are already in bed at this hour!
maxthefourth: Why, Graham, why
definenull: that zoom was really good
azninsect: Eyyy the 2nd swap and/or shop 8-12 every sunday
voren_chalco: There's no 6:30 on a Sunday morning
josh___something: Ayy, it's the swap and shop
MrMatternot: Great episode
RandomTrivia: Jacob's delivery absolutely on point as ever
99FineLines: 6:30am only exists after 2 3 4 and 5am.
Desruprot: Ian, Sir not in the car
cmdrud87: 6:30 on Sunday morning. The right time to go to bed.
Orxolon: part 2!
Fruan: huh, this was a year ago
Serpens77: was that a Big O reference? Kappa
azninsect: I like to imagine with those text popups that the editor is watching the source footage and is editing in reactions in real time
TehAmelie: i wonder if we can crowdfund some high quality see-through shades for the crew, so we can see their faces even on sunny days
hackingducks: that was a cheap rental van tbh
99FineLines: 0 to peak Ian in record time
TehAmelie: i know they exist, but it costs a bit if you don't just want bad shades that don't protect the eyes
Jadenim: I forgot about the Konami code hat
azninsect: That hat is so good
vinewood_og: Ian only listens to Radio Freedom from Fallout is my new head cannon. "It's all about the MIDS!"
cmdrud87: "empty your MIND! EMPTY IT!!!"
TheWooglie: that camera angle doesn't help Jacob
cmdrud87: G is a tall man
TehAmelie: why isn't your mind wardrobe empty?!
99FineLines: I remember Jacob forcing someone to Eat the Last Candy.
Genie_M: Lrr is tall
Desruprot: dozen chickens are hard to barter now-a-days
Orxolon: it says swap though
IslandersCaper: swap and shop video is a great way to start my workday ☕
Orxolon: @Desruprot according to google $40
Brozard: Jacob’s “I am that guy” speech
Xed_Regulus: Been hearing about the global network outage all morning. Made it into work, and our systems are unaffected. Guess I have to work today. Shit.
TehAmelie: is Jacob native to New York? i've heard some myths about low average heights there
maxthefourth: my subway order came with extra cookies. is that a good omen?
definenull: the jacob cackling has begun
Orxolon: goblin laugh hahahah
RandomTrivia: @Xed_Regulus Rip in pieces
abslomdaak42: Jacob's excited noises are excellent
bakerydragon: Jacob's joy and excitement is glorious
cmdrud87: sadly, they didn't briing Beej fr thiis
NotSoLuckyLydia: @Orxolon Huh, chickens are a lot cheaper than I thought. I should get like. Three. I use a lot of eggs, I feel like that'd pay off quick.
FarleyF: Jacob reminds me a lot of Beej - both of them have a comedian outlayer and a very business like core. Both are people i would want to have in my organisation
RandomTrivia: You do also have to feed them
99FineLines: Like all animals, the cost is not in the animal, but in all of the furniture and medical costs.
Orxolon: @NotSoLuckyLydia ACCORDING TO google,yeah,start egg farming :P
NotSoLuckyLydia: Sure, but they upcycle grains and bugs into eggs. Much more useful.
TehAmelie: hmm my apartment block is allergy safe which means no pets, but that really means pets that people can be allergic to. chickens. . .?
NotSoLuckyLydia: And I'd love to build a chicken coop. No idea if I'm allowed to put that in my yard.
Orxolon: we have to get the 224 edition
cmdrud87: "excuse me for a seconf"
99FineLines: There are lots of ways to be allergic to chicken and chicken equipment.
TehAmelie: pooey
MrPhlip: We're providing a milk crate full of tools. Also, we're selling some stuff.
Snowwraith: @TehAmelie Time for fish!
TehAmelie: i thought only of furry mammals for a while
Desruprot: its like a farmer's market for random stuff, rather than hand-crafted stuff and actual produce
jadielady: I love the smell of commerce in the morning
Desruprot: nice they provide tents and tables
invalidCards: They had to pay for them if I recall correctly
IslandersCaper: @Xed_Regulus Same. feliciaCrying
invalidCards: To rent them for the day
Orxolon: "inmediatley",this man was focused since he arrived
hackingducks: @IslandersCaper everybody got clownstriked
cmdrud87: "nerd stuff, misc."
NekomimiNinja: Jacob in his element lrrHEART
definenull: I love watching the lrr crew showcasing their extreme competence
hackingducks: silly windows people
FarleyF: this is what i mean Jacob is a very smart businessman
IslandersCaper: My city's transit app got hit by the outage, so I had to walk into work that somehow avoided being broken too 😾
Genie_M: Jacob was fantastic here
TehAmelie: that's the most dystopic thing i've heard all week
EikoandMog: @IslandersCaper .......Australia?
marmalade_pen: Loaming beady room
Orxolon: good disclaimer
cmdrud87: "maybe, you did..."
EmmaPartlow: EGG GAME
RandomTrivia: E G G
ComradeMik: @EikoandMog doubtful. it's 10pm on the east coast.
MrPhlip: The pmavers memorial quick-sale table
99FineLines: imagine sending a gift and then getting upset about how the giftee uses it
IslandersCaper: @EikoandMog Nope. Atlantic Canada.
voren_chalco: @IslandersCaper My train home was delayed by 45 minutes, then replaced by a bus.
TehAmelie: the internet went down so you couldn't take the bus? around here you just get a free ride half the time when their ticket machines fail
EikoandMog: My work was completely broken like, 2 and a half hours before I finished for the weekend.
EikoandMog: So I sat there and palyed FF14 the whole time.
Orxolon: @99FineLines here we have a saying/trafition:"you NEVER gift a gift"
Therberus: Jacob is such a good salesm'n lrrSHINE
TehAmelie: no one likes a regifter, i think of that every time i watch Braveheart
marmalade_pen: i think of this moment quite often
99FineLines: @Orxolon here we have a tradition: once it's yours, it's yours
OtherEdgeworth: @EikoandMog Roughly my experience, though apparently some of my colleagues were less lucky and their machines kept operating
Orxolon: @99FineLines cool tradition
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
TehAmelie: oofa
EikoandMog: HAHAHAHA
Wolfstrike_NL: _o_
AndyDaMage: hehehehehe
BluJester: bodied
definenull: hisnameisjohn *shoves phone*
Brozard: $25 of service
Jillexie: Jacob's skill at this is something I COMPLETELY lack
cmdrud87: yeah, I could probably handle the orga, but nr
cmdrud87: not the bartering part
ExachixKitsune: Jacob has skills I didn't even know existed
MrPhlip: haggling is not a skill I have learned, and it's not one my particular brand of brain spice is well suited for
Jillexie: Yeah, the bartering part. I'd be fine with the org stuff, then move off scene as the work is done.
cmdrud87: llike 350?
marmalade_pen: a million dollridos for a scrubland
99FineLines: i'll give you 20
IslandersCaper: @TehAmelie Yeaaahh couldn't buy the tickets or find any notice on how delayed any of my usual routes are. I did see a couple busses on the roads, but it tends to be hit or miss how the drivers respond in situations like that or how on time the buses will be with the systems down, so I decided to just suffer the walk rather than gamble on whether I could actually get on the bus or not. 🤷
Genie_M: It takes incredible charisma to be able to haggle this professionally
Orxolon: 8 to 12 for DUALS!?crazy
NonUniqueGuy: Power Serge?
Genie_M: Duals weren't a big thing early on
Serpens77: that's not how you spell Tawnos
jarnatan: Me trying to haggle: "Hmm, I'll pay less" Them: "No you won't" Me: "No I wont..."
Genie_M: Nor were moxen
definenull: score!
maxthefourth: !card power surge
LRRbot: Power Surge [RR] | Enchantment | At the beginning of each player's upkeep, Power Surge deals X damage to that player, where X is the number of untapped lands they controlled at the beginning of this turn.
99FineLines: that is two dollars fifty
Ard_Rhys: those are nice basics
Orxolon: @jarnatan hahahah
EmmaPartlow: Gross.
cmdrud87: u
definenull: booo
Brozard: $200 nasty
CaptainTeo: Oh, no.
RandomTrivia: D'awwww
cmdrud87: @maxthefourth yo, the mana yoou didn't use last tunr?
NekomimiNinja: the cute loupe!
Serpens77: my mum used to ahve one of those loupes!
Orxolon: some vodka?
TehAmelie: i didn't know you could call them loupes in english
MaddestScientist: babka
hackingducks: babka
NotSoLuckyLydia: Power surge did something when mana burn existed :P
IslandersCaper: @IslandersCaper It's thankfully not a super long walk, just had to rush more and deal with the humidity when I wasn't prepared for it.
cmdrud87: babka
maxthefourth: @cmdrud87 I think the idea is to use candelabra to untap their lands on your endstep so they get burned
TehAmelie: i'd just go "jeweler's glass something mumble?"
cmdrud87: @maxthefourth which would have happened... once of times, ever?
CaptainTeo: "We have insurance. You may never leave."
99FineLines: i've grossed 130 dollars on a sunday before...
Underachiever28: Whens morning coffee? I got my cup already
TehAmelie: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Coffee w/ James & Guests at Fri 06:00 AM PDT (50m from now).
MaddestScientist: like an hour i think
TehAmelie: yeop
RandomTrivia: !next
maxthefourth: @cmdrud87 With mana burn they can't just tap their lands so unless they have an instant it's X mana deal X damage so it's not the worst combo I've heard of. Today it just does nothing though
RandomTrivia: Oh I love this one
MrPhlip: Probably closer to an hour ten, the watchalong started late, elden ring ran overtime
KidAmn: Guys, someone set us up the bomb
99FineLines: people would say it's rude to regift this
definenull: uhhhh
cmdrud87: @maxthefourth I mean more that if you actually play a candelabra, you want to use it on your own stuff
TheWooglie: LUL
99FineLines: we should get chips
invalidCards: Oh this FN has the best camerawork
Underachiever28: New friday nights this year!
cmdrud87: "this is my buddy Cromat. And soon, he's gonna be your buddy, too"
KinkerbellRose: Good morning chat!
EternalRoxas: Jason doing amazing work
Earthenone: !card dark heart of the wood
LRRbot: Dark Heart of the Wood [BG] | Enchantment | Sacrifice a Forest: You gain 3 life.
maxthefourth: @cmdrud87 that too ^^'
definenull: at least cam's honest about it
RandomTrivia: And begin the single longshot!
99FineLines: this shot is called a 1/1er
aussie_rob_w: Oh, this on!
Just_Herby: Oh hey, that "mad scientist" line was the inspiration for what eventually became my charge counters deck
aussie_rob_w: Also Rofellos got banned.
TehAmelie: if you have to ask whose turn it is. . .
micalovits: Fanfic denied
Serpens77: lrrWOW jraskoRude
marmalade_pen: @tehamelie if u have to ask, it defaults to richard garfield
definenull: damn kathleen
GhostValv: D:
aussie_rob_w: Ikea gun.
bakerydragon: lrrWOW
Desruprot: rotating camera
TehAmelie: don't know about Ikea, but did you know Husqvarna used to sell shotguns?
aussie_rob_w: it feels like only yesterday we were all wowed by how interesting the camera work is in this video.
maxthefourth: yay friends
Desruprot: it probably functions better than the Ikea food
jarnatan: I'm not convinced Husqvarna doesn't still sell shotguns
TehAmelie: hmm now i see they are well represented in the USA, i too have a doubt
cmdrud87: "out of all people, you are immunee?"
definenull: oh i felt that communal exhale after a game
99FineLines: we should get chips
aussie_rob_w: fanfic approved!
Desruprot: had a crazy game last night, Dark Suspicious killed someone, I also died to my own One Ring and the game continued after
forcedreject: Was this before Jace x Vraska was canon?
RandomTrivia: Andy!
Desruprot: limesLook
definenull: andy!
jarnatan: I think Jace x Vraska was canon before either character was canon Kappa
TehAmelie: i didn't know they had relationships in MtG
josh___something: OH GOD, IAN WITH HAIR
cmdrud87: @forcedreject no, after Ixalan
MrMatternot: Hey Andy
KinkerbellRose: Ian with hair is strange.
PMAvers: And also gas pipes to put a shovel through.
definenull: its andy again!
aussie_rob_w: This one was in the crapshot bracket!
Desruprot: LUL
KinkerbellRose: LUL
josh___something: Such a clean joke XD
DEATHlikescats: Andy 💗
KinkerbellRose: That one got me.
TehAmelie: Andy Cownden, aka The Talent
M4RKNUTT: That was 10/10
RandomTrivia: I love that sequels have been bulked into the same night
jarnatan: I feel like Ian with a toupé is a joke that could have made into all the taupe jokes in the beige arc
josh___something: D;
Desruprot: good ol Slogan people
Mangledpixel: the brrrown thrrrrummm
GazzyInferno: woo! brown thrums!
AriaHibiki: good morning erryone! time to work and lurk xD
definenull: pfft
josh___something: Wait, does G$ just KNOW all of the Nsburg slogans? he knows enough to have a potential reference, but he clearly doesn't have a text document for it
Wesley Ackerman: so what happened to the town hall?
Earthenone: hedge, your bets, well punned a-train :)
josh___something: Or is G$ a part of/adjacent to the tourism board?
TehAmelie: new headcanon: G just makes up the town mottos as he pleases and sees if someone will call him out
Orxolon: gonna sleep,see y'all later
bakerydragon: I hope you get some good rest
AriaHibiki: have a good nite!
josh___something: @TehAmelie Ooh, interesting idea!
Orxolon: @bakerydragon thx i need it
DrMagnify: good morning krusty krew
TehAmelie: someone definitely not including A-Train, that man is fully zen, only takes what he sees in front of him
roefizzlebeef: wow when I left last night during ttsf the counter was only a couple hours higher than it is now lol, y’all have been working hard!
jarnatan: Maybe the "nsburg tourism board" is just, like, a blackboard in the QWRP studio
Desruprot: heh an actual board, but there are tourist sites so a board wouldn't be surprising
Desruprot: I forget if the town has a historical society
forcedreject: Is Ian doing a GIlbert Godfrey voice?
jarnatan: Well there is the Nsburg Pre-enactors society, that's a kind of historical society
Serpens77: lrrNELSON ?
TehAmelie: funny thing i'm noticing is G$ and A-Train each have nothing but contempt, frustration, disdain, ill will or at best complete apathy to everyone else they talk to. maybe they're the hosts cause no one else can stand either of them
jarnatan: I mean to be fair, there's a lot of contemptible people in Nsburg
type_variable: they like edith and michael oleary
josh___something: I mean, A-Train is charismatic enough to get re-elected
TehAmelie: i got off the point there. rather, because they can't stand anyone else but each other. the thing i'm really curious about is how they get along
RandomTrivia: I absolutely love Graham's segues into Richter
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Richter as mayor would be .... interesting....
hackingducks: and everyone loses their mind
forcedreject: it took 3 whole seasons for real traffic
josh___something: Oh right, real traffic
RandomTrivia: Holy shit
josh___something: OH RIGHT
josh___something: Wait, Adoption?!
Thisbymaster: Who else is cleaning up cloudstrike?
jarnatan: @twistedsylvan Yeah the girl scouts don't fuck around
josh___something: HAH
TehAmelie: basically i want to read the Grant and Alan Story, by Lorna Schlitzwhistle
MrMatternot: Human intermentality project?
an_archist2: joy, get in the copter, or richter will have to
CaptainTeo: It's taken me two days to realise that that doesn't say "OWOPTER".
josh___something: Also, I think hosting QWRP has actively shortened G&A's lifespans from richter alone
josh___something: *ba dum tss*
jarnatan: @CaptainTeo You're listening to oWo-line here on uWu FM!
hackingducks: uwupter
CaptainTeo: hecticDrat
Earthenone: they do get to be indoors during richters flyovers, so im sure it evens out
Mangledpixel: f u n i c u l a r
powerflapjack: definitely heard alex laughing in the background there, lmao
Furyfire: Goooooood morning
TehAmelie: Richter has never caused any deadly incidents. yet. i think.
twistedsylvan: Spite.... house...?
warpstonewarlock: @TehAmelie Unless you count beavers
TehAmelie: beavers don't count, they're fish
jarnatan: @twistedsylvan Guy built his house in the middle of the highway because he technically had the property rights and wanted to spite the city government. Spite house for short
Mangledpixel: @warpstonewarlock they only do that during the census
cmdrud87: @Mangledpixel vehcular
twistedsylvan: @jarnatan you know, I was expecting worse, considering what I've been hearing
jarnatan: Oh it's worse
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
99FineLines: !adult
LRRbot: I need an adult, preferably a trained physiatrist.
jarnatan: But to find out how it's worse, you'll have to listen to the whole series. It's gold
TehAmelie: "doctor" theoretically means "master of a subject to the point of being qualified to teach it"
TehAmelie: imagine if you had to prove your teaching ability to get a doctor's degree. . .
twistedsylvan: I think I said this yesterday, but this feels like Nightvale but surreal comedy, instead of horror
josh___something: Mono railgun, dear lord
TehAmelie: that's the common opinion
99FineLines: there is more than one fictional podcast on the internet, please realise this.
jarnatan: @twistedsylvan Yeah everything that happens in QWERPLine is physically possible in our world, if highly unlikely.
Genie_M: Mr. Qwerpline
TehAmelie: we have had some entertaining discussions about the difference between surreal and absurd comedy over this
FarleyF: Bloody Batman reference
Genie_M: King Falls, Night Vale and Nsburg are in the same universe
cmdrud87: dollyt1Boom dollyt1Boom dollyt1Boom dollyt1Boom dollyt1Boom
azninsect: lrrCOW
TehAmelie: hmm how about Magnus Archives?
jarnatan: I mean they all exist as fiction in our universe so technically they do all share a universe Kappa
Genie_M: Okay, they can join too 😁
Desruprot: hellbent, but not over the speedlimit
TehAmelie: did he say only or oddly. . .
MrMatternot: Rum tunnels?
Mangledpixel: lrrHAM
kynelwynn: How many years has Derek been 19?
twistedsylvan: @kynelwynn always has been, would be my guess
jarnatan: Derek was 19 before he was born and he'll be 19 long after he's dead
MrMatternot: Derek sounds like Hermes from Hades 2
Desruprot: Mayor Paper Clip was the best Mayor
FarleyF: i love this rant from Alex
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
azninsect: HypeLUL
baltimore_667083: @Desruprot fr
azninsect: poor Alex
baltimore_667083: LUL
cmdrud87: "free flu shots and military services"
twistedsylvan: "With little cover, and wait." Wow, what an ominous sentence, I'll have to steal that
warpstonewarlock: Well, Nsburg is on a way to become a dry city
RadiantGV: #DerekFromQWRP4Mayor
josh___something: To be fair, I think Ball might actually be the most competent mayor
azninsect: do you know ruby on raaaaaaails
josh___something: that Nsburg has
TehAmelie: so basically, every notable fictional radio broadcast show intersects with each other. i believe it, based only on having listened to this and some of NIght Vale
RandomTrivia: Cheese rolling YESSSSS!
baltimore_667083: YES
NovaTiempo: CHEESE!
azninsect: yeeeee cheese rolling!
Therberus: Cheese! FBtouchdown
Mangledpixel: cheeeeeeeese!
Serpens77: Cheese!
type_variable: cheese!
cmdrud87: I remember this!
ArrestedHouse: StinkyCheese
Timagio: Roll the cheeeeeeeeeeeeese
KinkerbellRose: CHEEESE!
Brozard: Slippery cheese!
baltimore_667083: -slaps table- cheese
Earthenone: time for a brief interlude
GenericHerooo: 😱
bakerydragon: Cheese! Cheese! Cheese!
red_shoes_jeff: C H E E S E
cmdrud87: that's not that massive
Brozard: HyperCheese
TehAmelie: the word "monger" always sounds insulting, or is that just me?
99FineLines: night vale hyper fans are like harry potter hyper fans, they really can only see other media through their own tiny lens.
jarnatan: Beejster cheese
GenericHerooo: StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese
MrMatternot: Cheese cheese cheese cheeeeeeeeeeese!!! (Kathleen)
Austere_Squire: oh, the cheese roll
Timagio: The cheese tax, the cheese tax
Catcard: @TehAmelie You may be cross-confusing it with "mongrel"?
CaptainTeo: That'd better be some really good cheese.
MadWolf1290: @CaptainTeo it is!
CaptainTeo: hecticLove
Austere_Squire: also microsoft apparently died which is making doing work very difficult but watching the subathon quite easy
TehAmelie: or mongol. we're still not over the horde here
NotSoLuckyLydia: Beemster is a darn good cheese
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @99FineLines I haven't paid attention to Nightvale since like...late 2014, did it really get that bad?
jarnatan: I think monger has negative connotations because of its use in "warmonger", "fearmonger" and similar
RadiantGV: @Catcard Something Gilgamesh would call a peddler of curded dairy bacteria "Chesse-mongrels"
KinkerbellRose: Heard that. Good luck for all ya'll impacted by that Crowdstrike oopsies.
Brozard: CloudStrike got cloud struck
Desruprot: @jarnatan they have always been a cheesemonger though, and we like cheese, so it is likely one of the few without the negative
warpstonewarlock: there's also fishmonger
fuzzra: Ironmonger
CaptainTeo: No one likes a leaky cheese.
TehAmelie: crackmonger
Desruprot: Monger is generally meaning seller I think
ShaneLeeAtk: How was this 3 years ago?!
99FineLines: this is not how Serge broke his leg.
Brozard: Safety third!
cmdrud87: !card spiritmonger
LRRbot: Spiritmonger [3BG] | Creature — Beast [6/6] | Whenever Spiritmonger deals damage to a creature, put a +1/+1 counter on Spiritmonger. / {B}: Regenerate Spiritmonger. / {G}: Spiritmonger becomes the color of your choice until end of turn.
TehAmelie: cracksmith sounds really funny, though, just to contrast
aussie_rob_w: grass burns definitely a thing
RadiantGV: imagine putting all your eggs in a basket and then forgetting that snakes exist
quton: serge gearing up
Chronomagistrate: costermonger as well, for general goods sales
Mangledpixel: TehAmelie well, a shortened version of it is used in the UK as a slur against people with Down's syndrome, so watch out for that
electra310: Oh, I love this video!
Timagio: I just realized how kinda sad this park is, it's road and parking lot up and down.
FarleyF: I guess you take a kids ear off once and you become super safe
Timagio: I hope there's more nature off-camera
kynelwynn: wishmonger, sailmonger, beastmonger, warmonger, squallmonger
99FineLines: this park is an above average park.
TehAmelie: i think it's just that "mong" has a bad mouth feel
jarnatan: @Desruprot Oh yeah no my point is that there is nothing inherently negative about the word monger, and has been used for a very long time as a term for somebody selling something. But because its been used to describe people "selling" wars and fear and whatnot, the word "monger" has in our minds absorbed some of the negativity of those uses
d782: it’s actually a really nice big park, I was there last summer
TehAmelie: sorry Mongolia
Timagio: That's good to hear
quton: LUL
The_Ninjurai: I wonder what the people driving by are thinking
electra310: Love how Serge just goes for it :D
cmdrud87: isn't Serge super allergic?
aussie_rob_w: in that much grass?
jarnatan: The same way that a "peddler" is also a perfectly legitimate word for a salesperson, but because you mainly hear about it about someone who "peddles horse manure", we see it as negative
Mangledpixel: this is, of course, how the ancient cheese hunters did it
azninsect: serge indeed got the cheese
99FineLines: Serge's greatest allergy is of not committing to the bit 100000%.
Brozard: @tehamelie Is that supposed to be pronounced “Mong-olia?”
Therberus: @Mangledpixel I think they used to run them off the cliffs right?
Desruprot: gee wilikers
jarnatan: There's a Mongolian monger among us
Desruprot: cheese wilikers
TehAmelie: sounds bad either way
Brozard: fair
electra310: She was not willing to body dive like Serge, and so the cheese prevailed. Fewer bruises, though
TehAmelie: i hope the Mongolians call it something entirely different themselves
Brozard: Mon Golia makes me think of a small town on Tatooine
TehAmelie: like Suomi
MrPhlip: @electra310 the cheese could smell fear
CaptainTeo: Ian will incubate the cheese.
Brozard: or cousins of the Mon Calimari
Tuples: Yeah, doing this a year or two into the pandemic is added difficulty.
99FineLines: it's Mongol-ia, the land of the Mongols. They named it, it's europeans to blame for the slurs.
beowuuf: yay, half days mean i catch the end of the overnight and the start of the morning show!
azninsect: the little pats on the cheese wheel
Therberus: 3-2-1 CHEESE!
azninsect: eyyy!
azninsect: penelope cheering kathleen on
TheWooglie: you did it mom!
powerflapjack: i was gonna say "Penelope cameo"
cmdrud87: Haviing G and K as parents must be fun... but also super weird
SageofShadowzF: Your kids cheering you on while you do something silly is the best
Brozard: @99finelines …..HUH. That never occurred to me.
Desruprot: a native LRR-er stalks its cheese before pouncer
Therberus: Yoooo that kid in the back is going HAM with that kite
Timagio: Oh right, mullet era beej. Good times
roefizzlebeef: there’s something so delightful about hearing penelope cheering for her mother as kathleen raises the cheese aloft and roars in triumph
Furyfire: Chase that cheese
definenull: why isn't this a glurp event
powerflapjack: @Timagio I was gonna say beej and Kathleen both look weird from like 2021 to 2022
darkora: Let's go Cheej!
The_Ninjurai: The cheese knew it had no chance against Beej
MrPhlip: Persistence hunted the cheese
electra310: Not too many more years and Penelope will be old enough to join the shenanigans if she wants. :D Or at least be as old as the Lrrsfolk when they started
powerflapjack: just because their different hair completely changes their vibe, lmao
Timagio: The cheese Beej-dropped
westerfarmer: Ah big hair beej
lirazel64: Ah, the pandemic hair.
Brozard: Cheej
jarnatan: @Timagio Henceforth the pandemic shall be known as Mullet Era
Tuples: Cheej-drop
beowuuf: @electra310 jlrrNo :p
Desruprot: the cheese path
warpstonewarlock: a cheese-ah
Brozard: Using a cheese roll to generate unique passwords
powerflapjack: lmao
TehAmelie: just be like the fastest land animal
electra310: @beowuuf Hey, my kid is old enough to take driver's ed this year, I need to pass the angst of being old around!
nightsreach: i can see the allergies
Leonhart321: @electra310 Time moves forward and death comes for us all
Tuples: Cheeseta
powerflapjack: is that how serge stepped on the wasp nest?
beowuuf: @electra310 lol, fair :p
Tuples: Tackle... That.... Cheese!!!
Brozard: subdue the cheese
TehAmelie: i know Serge is allergic to almost any mammals and Ben U is allergic to the outdoors, but
Desruprot: Let the cheese flow through you
Brozard: Was there a random Crapshot cock in there?
darkora: @Brozard subdue is the step prior to fondue
RandomTrivia: @Brozard Oh good, I didn't imagine that
99FineLines: @Brozard you want to take that again??
electra310: Apparently "14 and a half" is old enough for driver's ed in some states, which was shocking to me. It's hard enough to prepare for the milestones I see coming, but this one really snuck up on me. :P
Therberus: @Brozard Thank you yes! Thought I was going crazy
MrPhlip: @brozard yeah I thought I heard it too
TheAinMAP: StinkyCheese HyperCheese
jarnatan: Subdue is the opposite of overdue
cmdrud87: yeah, pretty ure there wa
cmdrud87: s
Earthenone: i thought subdue was the oposite of dubdue :P
luke_warme: cheesecheesecheesecheeseCHEESE
ArrestedHouse: that cheese *went*
Brozard: @99finelines Was there a random Crapshot phallus in there?
EternalRoxas: I've watched this like 5 times before and this was also the first time i noticed the crapshot gun cocking noise
TheWooglie: @Earthenone or domdue
NotSoLuckyLydia: Kathleen is a cheese berserker. gotta work herself into a frenzy before the chase
GenericHerooo: @brozard I heard it too
beowuuf: @electra310 i'm shocked too! then again, i'm from the uk, so we have less space for kids to drive around recklessly while they learn
99FineLines: cheese can't run far as they lactose
powerflapjack: @beowuuf (cackles in Midwesterner)
kynelwynn: Whatever happened to the drone?
Fruan: everyone’s lockdown hair feels so nostalgic
EternalRoxas: @99FineLines wheelerPog
TehAmelie: of course, the US is largely in the pocket of big gasoline to the point of interstate roads and cities being designed for cars, so i guess it's a necessity
Brozard: sergePun
electra310: @beowuuf I live on a literal mountain! This does not seem wise at all.
powerflapjack: DEER
RandomTrivia: Deer!
Mangledpixel: oh deer
josh___something: Oh dear
azninsect: oh deer
Desruprot: !card The Cheese Stands Alone
LRRbot: The Cheese Stands Alone [4WW] | Enchantment | When you control no permanents other than The Cheese Stands Alone and have no cards in hand, you win the game.
CaptainChibale: I'm a grandparent now. I get to do all the worrying all over again. Wheee.
Serpens77: oh deer
EternalRoxas: @Fruan really really
micalovits: Chat only has 1 braincell
TheAinMAP: HahaReindeer HahaNyandeer
Mangledpixel: well done, chat hive mind
cmdrud87: oh Dery
charlietrotter123 is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 34 in the channel!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to aozoranokiseki!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to captain_potato_pc!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, charlietrotter123! Welcome to aozoranokiseki and captain_potato_pc! (Today's storm count: 30)
AndyDaMage: go random person!
powerflapjack: CHRIS
Serpens77: I wonder how common the name "Beacon Hill" is. I live near one that is definitely not that one
99FineLines: it's liberating to live in a weird town, and know you're definitely not the most odd person in the nearest 200m.
beowuuf: @electra310 just need to make sure the car has two side wheel far longer than the other, so they can drive around in circles with no fear of falling off Kappa
NekomimiNinja: Full SEND!
KinkerbellRose: Dude WENT for itr!
IslandersCaper: HypeApplause
lirazel64: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
luke_warme: the cheese warrior
TehAmelie: such athleticism
josh___something: archer chris went whole hog
azninsect: i like how a guy just saw what was happening and was like "yeah i want in"
roefizzlebeef: dudes rock
red_shoes_jeff: Very sporting of Archery Chris not to just shoot the cheese.
powerflapjack: dudes rock
KinkerbellRose: To be fair, I'd of been totally joining in.
NotSoLuckyLydia: Shame archery chris didnt get to shoot the cheese
Timagio: Everybody wins CHEESE
KinkerbellRose: LUL We did not.
powerflapjack: lmao (we did not)
roefizzlebeef: I wonder if they still have the cheese wheel on set somewhere
abslomdaak42: (We did not.)
Fruan: (we did not)
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
Nigouki: ah, seems i tuned into the cheesy content
Brozard: It’s catch and release cheese
darkcyril: @azninsect I would absolutely chase down some cheese given the opportunity - with or without the LRR folx.
invalidCards: I've never been more proud to be Dutch than in this moment
azninsect: cheese
LoadingReadyRun: gonna go offline in a moment
Timagio: Cheese! Cheese! Cheese! Cheese!
luke_warme: cheese
red_shoes_jeff: CHEESE
Serpens77: totally not a cheese cult
GazzyInferno: cheese!
Timagio: Goodbyeeeeeeee
abslomdaak42: Celebratory cheese dance
99FineLines: The LRR Cheese Roll, part of Our Heritage.
azninsect: LoadingReadyRun o7
darkora: Cheesefit?
TehAmelie: catch and releese
powerflapjack: "archery chris"
CaptainTeo: Cheesefit Adventure.
v_nome: What happened to the faux cheese? Is it still around?
Brozard: LoadingCheddarRun
Serpens77: Kate!
CaptainChibale: I'd watch the cheese rolling but I wouldn't join in. Bad back and hip. XD
beowuuf: lunarj1Heart
powerflapjack: oh hey, Richard Ayoade!
Tuples: Ah! The sound!
clarinetman: Good morning!
Timagio: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
azninsect: HypeLUL
LoadingReadyRun: ok, offline for a moment, brb
Decaped: Time to get Crowdstruck
TehAmelie: i was on a bus today when it started raining so hard the bus broke down
invalidCards: Coffee time!
lirazel64: Yello!
definenull: oh that was quick
Jillexie: Coffee Talk Time!
darkora: I have many questions and I want answers to exactly none of them
FoxBehindTheTree: foxbehYay
KinkerbellRose: Coffee Time!
definenull: i lost track of time
3schr: Coffee Time!
azninsect: coffee!
beowuuf: is this kathleen and jacob times?
Therberus: 0-800-gotWud?
Serpens77: so how was your childhood?
electra310: Mmmm, coffee!
BigDaddyBland87: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
TehAmelie: loud sustained honk followed by 15 minutes of nothing until the next bus came
RandomTrivia: Protip: instead of refreshing the page, you can simply close the "suggested" panes and then hit space with the stream window focussed
TXC2 rushes in for coffee
FarleyF: I appreciate coffee time with James
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LoadingReadyRun: ok, should be back any moment
Earthenone: signal
quton: coffee time!
TehAmelie: it wasn't even driving when it happened!
RandomTrivia: lrrSIG !
ArrestedHouse: lrrSIG
beowuuf: back!
DaSunao: lrrSIG
josh___something: DinoDance
BigDaddyBland87: lrrSIG lrrSIG
azninsect: lrrSIG
Therberus: @RandomTrivia Huh TIL
red_shoes_jeff: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Sevinon: @RandomTrivia Thanks!
Isyraq Zaki: !time
3schr: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
invalidCards: I'm also going to get a coffee for that matter
CobaltShuriken: and now, for something completely different
KinkerbellRose: kuwangPLZ
CaptainChibale: @RandomTrivia thanks!
RandomTrivia: @Sevinon It only checks if there's a stream live to see if it can play anything
TheWooglie: lrrSIG refresh if you need to lrrSIG
beowuuf: and boops
drrek0 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months, currently on a 19 month streak!
RandomTrivia: Dawn of the Fifth Day
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drrek0! (Today's storm count: 31)
nosole: watching LRR time out to the top of the hour makes the radio nerd in me very pleased lol
electra310: I already have a coffee! So efficient!
TXC2: that was a seamless transttion for me, refreshed anyway :p
Philocalist: Just in time for coffee!
invalidCards: Hi Jacob!
TehAmelie: hey it's Jacob
Metric_Furlong: hey Jacob
Nigouki: hallo
KinkerbellRose: HI JACOB!
3schr: Yacob
Tuples: Oh hey!
TXC2: Here we GO!
CobaltShuriken: JACOB
beowuuf: morning friend jacoc!
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Jacob
IanAllenBird: 👋
AriaHibiki: hi jacob!
bakerydragon: Good Morning!
Serpens77: Hello Jacob
azninsect: hi jacob
baltimore_667083: hi Jacob!
beowuuf: mute
SnowBuddy18: hi Jacob
SageofShadowzF: Hello
Philocalist: Good morning!
MrPhlip: Hi Jacob!
CaptainChibale: morning, Jacob!
RandomTrivia: Jacob! lrrHEART
luke_warme: yeah mornin
invalidCards: Jacob is muted!
bakerydragon: lovely to see you Jacob :)
KinkerbellRose: Mic 5.
Nigouki: no mic?
asthanius: no audio
type_variable: mic 5
Brozard: The return! FBtouchdown
Metric_Furlong: mic 5
Genie_M: Bon appetit
electra310: Jacob-Eats-Food stream, on silent
justacrabgrass: Good morning
beowuuf: deliberately due to eating?
TXC2: Hello Jacob and Jacob's sandwich
quton: good morning
red_shoes_jeff: J A C O B
42MiLLyWays: Mic 5, but with tunes
darkora: silent Jacob
beowuuf: loud bgc
shadowmaster132: hi!
ComradeMik: silent jacob snacking on an egg and bacon mcmuffin
3schr: Equipment has to wake up. It's early
FarleyF: this is the Jacob maneuver
jumping_point: <3
Tuples: Eating steam.
beowuuf: hey james
hypperstar2280: Good morning!
teddywhosabear: music, but no people
Furrbahl: Mornin' Jacob
beowuuf: also muted
inconsideratehat: Thanks for the book suggestion Jacob!
Nigouki: music and no studio audio
TheWooglie: music, but no audio
bisaflau: Muted
RandomTrivia: Music a-plenty but no mics
Sarah_Serinde: James we have music but we can't hear you
KinkerbellRose: Mic 5 on james too.
Brozard: Mic 5!
Bassios: Can't hear shit, captain
PhoenixMelior: Muted mics
MrMatternot: Hello Mr. BURGESS
Genie_M: Only music
Austere_Squire: an art
tabbybabbyy: no sound
missa_hancock: and think they got it lol
quton: early morning microphones
josh___something: MIC 5
42MiLLyWays: no people sounds
josh___something: Hi Jacob!
Brozard: Per Ben last night, there is a new button?
j3573rblack: good to see the CrowdStrike fiasco hasn't taken the subathon down
Jillexie: Jacob, after watching the Swap Shop video, I bow down to your bartering skillz.
lirazel64: No sound.
undecided44 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, undecided44! (Today's storm count: 32)
Earthenone: james apeing wheelers muted conversation bit :P
KinkerbellRose: LUL
snowewolf: Live Burger time
BigDaddyBland87: somebody wake the mics up
ProcyonFlynn: As is Tradition lrrSHINE
inconsideratehat: LOL
Serpens77: microphon't
josh___something: Lookin good, bud!
ComradeMik: finish your bite jacob
Mangledpixel: Michael the Fifth
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 6:00 AM
Isyraq Zaki: nice, just on time
Jan Eli Padilla: Jacob!
Simriel: It's a Big Sandwich!
Alex Frank: no sound?
Sarah: Not currently
Simriel: I hope Jacob enjoys his big sandwich
magicpokey: just seeing Jacob makes me smile
Isaac Myers: mukbang
Alex Frank: good music though
Ugunark: good morning sandwich and also jacob
Simriel: I hope James enjoys Jacob enjoying his big sandwich
TheWooglie: we missed your hilarious bit Jacob
RealGamerCow: Hi Jacob
MrPhlip: Technology! <jazz hands>
ComradeMik: don't chew with your mouth open
red_shoes_jeff: This might be the best beatboxing I've ever heard!
invalidCards: Any eaters in the chat?
roefizzlebeef: in the words of ben last night: "there's a new button on this!"
TheMerricat: Do they know they aren't blurred? :D
xantos69: Ben didn't tell us what button was new, but there absolutely is one.
Shaneusm: Hi Jacob
Tuples: I bet that was gonna' be a good bit too.
electra310: Nooo, Jacob's clever intro, ruined!
abslomdaak42: Good morning guys (it's 3 PM here)
Spacepup: Time for Jacob howling in silence for the next hour? Cool!
Therberus: Thats some good faceacting
KinkerbellRose: Jacob, showing how we all feel.
RandomTrivia: Well that needs a gif :D
Philocalist: Are we going to reiterate Jacob's childhood?
hypperstar2280: Poor lonely Jacob
Nigouki: Jacob pain at having his jokes muted :(
TXC2: who needs a mic when Jacob can emote so well
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
Sarah_Serinde: There we go
TheWooglie: fixed
KinkerbellRose: THERE IT IS.
Brozard: @invalidcards about to make an egg sandwich now
type_variable: HI
beowuuf: not muted!
MrPhlip: Unmuted!
azninsect: there we go
Metric_Furlong: there we go
FoxBehindTheTree: foxbehRave
Frankenstain: it’s called the Ben button
BigDaddyBland87: hey sound
bisaflau: SOUND!
anbuagent12: Ah ah ah
Mewr11: audio!
snowewolf: is that a Egg and sausage Mcmuffin? i can see
bakerydragon: Jacob - we got to watch your bargaining at Swap Shop. excellent skills!
Timagio: Jacob looking in pain
AriaHibiki: lollll
Knitting_Goblin: Sound!
TehAmelie: we have speech!
ArrestedHouse: FBtouchdown
electra310: Do it again
OtherEdgeworth: Mics live
Brozard: Sound!
42MiLLyWays: there is people sounds now
PhoenixMelior: There we go
beowuuf: cries of dispair audible!
azninsect: FBtouchdown
IanAllenBird: !
TXC2: there we go!
quton: fixed!
josh___something: HI JACOB!
BluJester: flawless
Spacepup: SObbing jacob confirmed
cmdrud87: Jacob has bn sitting in this pose since last night
ThorSokar: Morning Sunshine
beowuuf: hey jacob! hey james
Timagio: Oh we have audio
TheWooglie: we missed your hilarious bit
red_shoes_jeff: Hi!
Bassios: Hi James and Jacob!
gnomebot1: Morning!!!
JustChrisWood: A Jacob and James Friday
99FineLines: the clownstrike is an excellent argument against giving one company control of giant parts of the internet.
invalidCards: R.I.P. the bit
Kilpanic: Little known fact: Sub-a-thon is French for Sub-a-tuna
Shaneusm: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
RandomTrivia: That was good Face Acting :D
electra310: :(
Sarah_Serinde: Jacob does great work when chat can't hear him :P
Sarah_Serinde: Speaking from experience
TehAmelie: i remember it like yesterday
RealGamerCow: Jacob I applaud your ability to be flexible enough to sit cross legged in that chair
Timagio: Orally?
Nigouki: mouth-to-mouth coffee
Fruan: happy Y2K everyone!
TXC2: 99FineLines also for not updating before the weekend :p
Alex Frank: ah there we go
Elbasunu: hello youtubers
Sibwow: i was looking forward to the tirade
thedevil_risen1: 😆
beowuuf: oh no, jacob about to be racist again :( Kappa
hypperstar2280: Abc coffee?
99FineLines: i like my coffee like my women. in a cup.
Wolfstrike_NL: and friends
vinewood_og: LFG!!!!!!
ProcyonFlynn: Happy Coffee penaddCoffee
azninsect: james and...oh.
protojman: good morning James and friend(s)!
invalidCards: o7
the_phantom_game_player: Hello
northos: we can be the friends!
Sarah_Serinde: :(
aquinas_0: always push to production on friday friends
electra310: @99FineLines Covered in bees?
Kilpanic: Do those shoes smell like feet?
vinewood_og: We're here James! lrrSHINE
FarleyF: best part is if you combine Jacob and James names it's the same thing
TehAmelie: we just saw Kathleen chasing a cheese wheel
sfaviator: Ballz
shadowmaster132: Crowdstrike has been happening for hours and I didn't even notice at work. Guess they trust me to control my own computer
42MiLLyWays: tis a bit early there
beowuuf: you can make new friendship with jacob
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy Friday, friends!!! lrrSHINE lrrSIG
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
electra310: She is chasing the cheese to this very day
inconsideratehat: Like the good goth gremlin she is
marawr_arts: Cheer1000 g'morning, lovelies!
Obos_TAB: Kathleen's operating system didn't boot
j3573rblack: @99FineLines i got lucky, but it took a big chunk of australia down on our friday afternoon
aussie_rob_w: good morning james of good morning coffee
missa_hancock: coffee with James and friend still works
hypperstar2280: Morning coffee with James and !
red_shoes_jeff: K
Jillexie: ok
petey_vonwho: We have the same number of hours remaining that we did at the start of yesterday
Austere_Squire: i thought james was about to ask chat to vamp for him for some reason
An anonymous user is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kirserella!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ide5!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheNideon!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to seriouslycantbebothered!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lajatang!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to Kirserella, TheNideon, seriouslycantbebothered, Lajatang, and ide5! (Today's storm count: 37)
merciary subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, merciary! (Today's storm count: 38)
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 606 in the channel!
TXC2: anon lrrHEART
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to megamaduo!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Timagio!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to CozyRayne!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to karjona!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to gehennam_reborn!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to keenersmash!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to farmall_farmer!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to wujo444!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Oghara!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to j3573rblack!
3schr: The End? There are still 16 hours!
Jillexie is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 36 in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to megamaduo, Timagio, CozyRayne, gehennam_reborn, keenersmash, farmall_farmer, wujo444, Oghara, j3573rblack, and karjona! (Today's storm count: 48)
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to salraven3248!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to DanielJennaGrouse!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to prestige811!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to UnexpectedStrafing!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to viper37_eft!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jillexie! Welcome to salraven3248, DanielJennaGrouse, prestige811, viper37_eft, and UnexpectedStrafing! (Today's storm count: 53)
ItsThugDimmadome: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Shaneusm is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 7 in the channel!
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
Ashmantle: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to need_for_speed197!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to Peldin_!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to Flyingdelorion!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to thecwis26!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to UlteriorSuccubus!
Genie_M: Morning brrrr
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Shaneusm! Welcome to need_for_speed197, Peldin_, Flyingdelorion, thecwis26, and UlteriorSuccubus! (Today's storm count: 58)
Friis111 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Friis111! (Today's storm count: 59)
Timagio: Oooh sbubs
TXC2: Jillexie lrrHEART
Timagio: @red_shoes_jeff Thanks for the gift sub!
electra310: Cheer1200 Good morning LRRsfolk and chat!
RebekahWSD: Oh heck I'm here early enough for the morning!
TXC2: Shaneusm lrrHEART
Sibwow: oh god hes reading names that always works
42MiLLyWays: uni1000
ExachixKitsune gifted a Tier 1 sub to everybody! They have given 30 Gift Subs in the channel!
Sarah_Serinde: Still gotta get that timer well over 24 hours if we want to hit the cap
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, everybody! (Today's storm count: 60)
beowuuf gifted a Tier 1 sub to Genie_M!
Austere_Squire: ask and you shall receive
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Genie_M! (Today's storm count: 61)
TehAmelie: people have clearly been holding out for the live show
vinewood_og: I wish my job was like this lol!
CobaltShuriken: ask and you shall receive
Isaac Myers: cream or creme?
Simriel: we
Simriel: should add the quote "Except I don't have any friends"
inconsideratehat: We are goldfish, we need reminders
Didero: Woops, I'm slightly too late. Hello!
jessieimproved is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 40 in the channel!
jessieimproved gifted a Tier 1 sub to nimrickz!
jessieimproved gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nefasine!
jessieimproved gifted a Tier 1 sub to CobaltShuriken!
jessieimproved gifted a Tier 1 sub to WOWjourneys!
jessieimproved gifted a Tier 1 sub to joejoebear812!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, jessieimproved! Welcome to CobaltShuriken, Nefasine, nimrickz, joejoebear812, and WOWjourneys! (Today's storm count: 66)
j3573rblack: @red_shoes_jeff Thanks for the gift sub! (I assume fellow wrestlemans fan?)
Kilpanic: I don't understand the clock
3schr: Asking works.... go figure
TXC2: James just speaking is a challenge to chat Kappa
Two_Hats: Huh, how close are we to the cap?
TXC2: jessieimproved lrrHEART
lordcrocodile: Jacob is there
aussie_rob_w: hi Jacob!
RealGamerCow: Currently we're going until approximately 11 PM PST?
42MiLLyWays: cool technology
jessieimproved: lrrHEART
cle0deen: Morning
CobaltShuriken: coffee machines are the new printer
red_shoes_jeff: @j3573rblack Nope! One Piece reference!
Stoffern: Did you bop it?
wandering_t: Cheer1000
99FineLines: has nobody gifted a sub to twitch.tv/jesus
TehAmelie: sure you can split it
FarleyF: did you advert your eyes when the machine flashed you lrrBEEJ
j3573rblack: @red_shoes_jeff ah, a man of taste
Timagio: Machine, turn back, n o w
ItsThugDimmadome: Coffeee with Jacob! THE INMATES RUN THE ASYLUM NOW
99FineLines: only 513 followers
42MiLLyWays: jacob story time?
CaptainChibale: pre-coffee
Obos_TAB: Jacob don't be scared of us
ShaneLeeAtk: Time for Transformers!
josh___something: Hi jacob!
Didero: Need coffee to wake up enough to fix the coffee machine
CobaltShuriken: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
Sevinon: Huh... uh, bits aren't going through...
cle0deen: Hi Jacob
KinkerbellRose: Hoi Jacob~
quton: pre-coffee for coffee
TXC2: I think if we double the remaining time we hit the cap?
RealGamerCow: Jacob, how are YOU doing?
invalidCards: Hi Jacob, good morning!
JinaMahavira: Hi jacob!
darkcyril: It's important to have coffee before you have coffee.
v_nome: Morning, Jacob
Jillexie: Jacob how did you learn to barter like that?
the_phantom_game_player: Hello
kynelwynn: Vamp for time, Jacob! :)
FoxBehindTheTree: hi dear
Obos_TAB: Jacob i love your Oki Oki stuff thank you for fighting hard
JustChrisWood: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
forcedreject: Good evening Kindred
Shaneusm: Hi Jacob!
garfacemcgar: morning jacob
TXC2: Hello Jacob
ExachixKitsune: Jacob, well me about Exalted >:3
darkora: Hi Jacob!
SmithKurosaki: Hi Jacob :)
kodalith: Morning Jacob!
Two_Hats: Hello!
Korolan: Hello Jacob!
Timagio: Sadly
TheWooglie: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
KinkerbellRose: I'm excited.
jessieimproved: Jacob! I'm a few chapters in to ADHD 2.0 on audio! It's so good!
CraziestOwl: hi Jacob
Furrbahl: I'm scared
Sibwow: give us some face acting jacob
electra310: Jacob is the boss now!
ClockTamer: Jacob! favorite transformers villain? GO!
E_Westra: Well, this is awkward
thedevil_risen1: Hey Jacob
asthanius: how ya doin?
gnomebot1: Jacob, are you going to run Exalted on Dice Friends?
RebekahWSD: I think it'll go well!
CobaltShuriken: We have definitely been alone with you before
SnowBuddy18: hi Jacob, you're looking lovely today
inconsideratehat: Thanks for the book recommendation, Jacob! I needed the updated ADHD check-in.
bisaflau: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
bakerydragon: bold new territory
Stella_Noctis: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
malfnord: Do we need an adult?
ComradeMik: jacob has haggled with early morning marketeers. chat holds no fear for him.
josh___something: I guess desert bus doesn't count, does it
MrMatternot: Hi Jacob. We got to see the swap meet earlier.
BlueFingers5: Hi Jacob
Tuples: Jacob, we watched you haggling!
thatguysteve2709: Hello, Jacob how have you been?
ItsThugDimmadome: Jacob, start talking Vampire. Unleash the beast!
Nameless_Sword: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
Kilpanic: That's a nice shirt. I get the joke, you're 'peacocking' right?
jumping_point: lrrSPOOP
42MiLLyWays: only the bit where the others were "passed out"
Bassios: Quick, get Jacon started on Transformers lore!
protojman: hey Jacob! I learned this week you do voice acting. That's awesome! Always something i've been interested in
Philocalist: Time to air any grievances
abslomdaak42: Not a Drop To Drink S3 when?
Austere_Squire: hi, jacob! hope yer okay
Therberus: DO IT
amyg87: HI JACOB!! <3 <3 <3
j_crane330: sergeHeart
ThorSokar: What was your BEST day?
beowuuf: pretend we're tiltyhouse or ysbrd :p
invalidCards: Do itttt
Simonark: Wow, James’ tirades are the most racist of all?
KinkerbellRose: YES!
Nigouki: yes
FoxBehindTheTree: are you single? baptized?
mercano82: what is the secret to life, the universe, and everything?
thatguysteve2709: Plz do
KinkerbellRose: DO IT!
bisaflau: DO IT
RealGamerCow: They WOULD NOT notice
3schr: Moving Time w/ Jacob
ItsThugDimmadome: JACOB YES
Austere_Squire: do it!
Greyah: Timezone appropriate greeting to you, Jacob!
Korolan: Move things!
Carlioo: Have you caught up on dawntrail?
electra310: DO IT
Timagio: DEW IT
Metric_Furlong: do it
Xed_Regulus: Go for it!
quietcat: do it!
public_key_reveal_party: Do it!
j3573rblack: do it
abslomdaak42: Yes, do it!
gualdhar: Jacob is a cat, confirmed
micalovits: They would not notice
spicyFerret_: Hey hi hello jacob!
MehallD: Jacob, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?
Fanklok: Leaving Jacob unsupervised
darkora: Do it for chaos!
3schr: DO IT
invalidCards: Move it move it move it
forcedreject: Jacob, is this a Malkavian compulsion?
boglebog: do it
NonjaBiru: Do it!
petey_vonwho: Do it!
snowewolf: bring out the JaKob
BlueFingers5: Yes!
BlindProphet32: CHAOS!
kodalith: Do it!
j_crane330: Do it
josh___something: I have a feeling they won't
Stella_Noctis: Do it.
Sarah_Serinde: Maybe like one or two things would be a good compromise
Obos_TAB: Turn Rivendell Around
thatguysteve2709: Do it
type_variable: Do it
KinkerbellRose: CHAOS REIGNS!
FarleyF: benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos
ThorSokar: Jacon, find ONE thing, TURN IT UPSIDE DOWN
Woogachaka is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
radioshackraider: Hey Jacob, you wanna hear my idea for VTM character?
xantos69: Why not give us your SCALDING HOT takes?
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rory_Bellows!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to Happy_Wayfarer!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to Critterbot!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to Scholaris1!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to DinoHank!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to vickysaurus_mystax!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to LordDestont!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lazyytitan!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lummish!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to squ3e!
electra310: doooo eeeet
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Woogachaka! Welcome to Rory_Bellows, Happy_Wayfarer, Critterbot, Scholaris1, DinoHank, vickysaurus_mystax, LordDestont, Lummish, squ3e, and Lazyytitan! (Today's storm count: 76)
SnowBuddy18: rotate the cushions
Kilpanic: Take a picture so that you can put it back
Wolfstrike_NL: Give in! :)
RealGamerCow: Just a little bit
Jennie_Fuchsia: do it
BlueFingers5: Do it
beowuuf: if anyonje has the goodwill to spend it's you :D
3schr: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
Nigouki: move the chairs to be slightly colliding with the frame
TXC2: chat craves chaos
j_crane330: Wow
invalidCards: YESSS
81ackR0se: Move the things, Jacob
Arazien: YEAH
vegetalss4: Hi Jacob, that sounds appropriate
ProcyonFlynn: The Layout is Documented. Go wild :D
TXC2: Woogachaka lrrHEART
micalovits: We are the demons!
Jennie_Fuchsia: bus energy
hypperstar2280: Good on Jacob for pregaming his coffee! You should switch chairs with James.
KinkerbellRose: HAHAHA! Yes! JACOB!
public_key_reveal_party: James will appreciate the chaos
IanAllenBird: 👏
NonjaBiru: Embrace chaos!
roefizzlebeef: yayyyyyyy
electra310: yesss, demons
JinaMahavira: Jacob Burgess, Agent of Chaos
Carlioo: CHAOS
lordcrocodile: do it
Gizmoloid: LUL
josh___something: YESSSS
abslomdaak42: Jacob is just a chaos goblin and I'm here for it
TehAmelie: just noticed the commodore blue NES with light gun
RealGamerCow: Untitled Jacob Game
Two_Hats: Chaos!
inconsideratehat: Pick TWO THINGS, as a treat.
j3573rblack: everyone be cool
ExachixKitsune: *chanting* JACOB JACOB JACOB
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
KinkerbellRose: LUL
Leonhart321: You monster
Genie_M: Tardii
FoxBehindTheTree: foxbehPureevil
Tarnius: Excellent.
Therberus: lrrAWESOME_BW
thatguysteve2709: We are bad influences and crave chaos
Digigoner: Embrace the CHAOS!
Simriel: Storytime with Jacob?
Simriel: No, Chaus time with Jacob
cookiebeard: hahaha such a goblin
j_crane330: Hey
RebekahWSD: As long as you're prepared to be ended by Graham and or Paul, it's fine
ShaneLeeAtk: This is no Kindness Was. Be Chair
invalidCards: The absolute madman
caimheul is gifting 6 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel!
cle0deen: Jacoblin
caimheul gifted a Tier 1 sub to petey_vonwho!
caimheul gifted a Tier 1 sub to jtownraces!
caimheul gifted a Tier 1 sub to vhaelus!
caimheul gifted a Tier 1 sub to Token_Gay_Friend!
caimheul gifted a Tier 1 sub to lenny__cool!
caimheul gifted a Tier 1 sub to ste_caru!
TXC2: chat you on your honour not to tell
drawnbinary: i just got here what
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, caimheul! Welcome to petey_vonwho, Token_Gay_Friend, jtownraces, lenny__cool, vhaelus, and ste_caru! (Today's storm count: 82)
99FineLines: this feels like a AMV video game
Sarah_Serinde: Well at least we have a video record of what moved where :P
Shaneusm: Yaasssssss
electra310: Sneaky sneaky sneaky
abslomdaak42: Well, it's the TARDIS, it can dematerialise on it's own
TXC2: caimheul lrrHEART
FarleyF: benginChaos
Nigouki: lol
asthanius: the question is: how long until Jacob breaks and reveals it
thedevil_risen1: That's a nice pair of tardi
josh___something: LMAO
Spooky_Noises: Has every guest, upon being left along by james, resorted to chaos?
bisaflau is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 19 in the channel!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to tnomatt!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to subspacenova!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to strixsiderum!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to JoseStones1!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to lennacops!
KinkerbellRose: Rofl
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, bisaflau! Welcome to subspacenova, JoseStones1, lennacops, tnomatt, and strixsiderum! (Today's storm count: 87)
3schr: @Sarah_Serinde Sort of
Obos_TAB: Moce the minifigs!
Timagio: slobs
ThorSokar: HURRY
TheOtherTrevor: That can was a critical part of the set dressing
ComradeMik: you're moving their stuff, you can't judge!
westerfarmer: That should be clipped if possible
TXC2: bisaflau lrrHEART
Greyah: Channel that inner goblin.
Candysniper015: we switch around my gran’s Christmas decorations every year. same energy, except she would throw stuff at us if she caught us lol
GazzyInferno: the tell-tale set redecoration
Leonhart321: *gasps* Not the trophies
Austere_Squire: blame chat if anyone asks
red_shoes_jeff: benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos
lordcrocodile: wants to create chaos starts cleaning as well
strixsiderum: thank you so much @bisaflau !
beowuuf: @drawnbinary james is fixing coffee machine so jacob chose violence :p
PhoenixMelior: And lo did Jacob redecorate the set
SursaiKosecksi: I tuned in at the right goblin time :)
garfacemcgar: Jacob you are an absolute treasure
IanAllenBird: good thing there's no video evidence of this
Ashmantle: lrrSHINE
bakerydragon: Jacob - Are there any Aquatic transformers? I know about flying and land ones, and animals but that's it
mercano82: lrrFINE
RandomTrivia: You know, Jacob, your physical comedy is unrivaled https://i.imgur.com/O02pSmn.gif
electra310: What he really needs to do is find the lands station
beowuuf: lrrHORN lrrGOAT
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Mangledpixel: and there is, of course, no possible way that these actions have in any way been indelibly recorded for playback at a later date
CaptainChibale: everyone be cool
Timagio: Flawless
81ackR0se: Even in chaos, still Team Order XD
micalovits: Welcome back James!
3schr: <message deleted>James, Jacob moved stuff around
josh___something: We're cool
TehAmelie: who's on tech? i'm sure they can be bribed. unless it's Paul
electra310: Nothing happened
public_key_reveal_party: Everyone act innocent
Nigouki: James, Jacob has been trying to find the transformer that used to live on set to talk about it for 2 hours
roefizzlebeef: chat don't snitch!!
beowuuf: doing some streeetching for time? sure
cle0deen: Lunges
hypperstar2280: Look at Jacob pregaming his coffee!
SnowBuddy18: just some stretching
42MiLLyWays: lrrFINE
josh___something: No one here is snitch chat :)
cookiebeard: lrrFINE
electra310: Everybody do more donos
NewtyNewts: Coffee time?
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to 81ackR0se!
j_crane330: You know this is recorded
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 81ackR0se! (Today's storm count: 88)
Timagio: Pregame the coffee
Didero: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
electra310: Get that chat moving
powerflapjack: james, kathleen uncloaked and moved stuff around
mercano82: just fly casual
Alex Frank: uhh, maybe that's enough lol
ComradeMik: this is twitch chat, not snitch chat
NewtyNewts: 17 currently
Korolan: S t r e t c h
Jennie_Fuchsia is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to gigahobo!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to RixtonSnek!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to mckblitz!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to MjRiku!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to ImaginaryMechanic!
josh___something: Neat!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jennie_Fuchsia! Welcome to RixtonSnek, mckblitz, ImaginaryMechanic, MjRiku, and gigahobo! (Today's storm count: 93)
Frankenstain: there is no video evidence of anything
beowuuf: half way there! wooooah!
vegetalss4: Chat is still not good at acting casual I see
Leonhart321: Morning stretches with Jacob was a success
TXC2: Jennie_Fuchsia lrrHEART
Sarah_Serinde: Good math, especially this time of day
j_crane330: Wow
Didero: It's amazing that the timer has been hovering around this time for at least a day now
Sibwow: who has the minigolf card right now?
beowuuf: and before 11 too
KinkerbellRose: More hours! More LRR!
Obos_TAB: I thought we were caped to friday night? It's goig to sat morning?
jessieimproved: easy peas
Simonark: Welcome to Jacob making the Highlights. Magazine
Kilpanic: that's not exact
Gizmoloid: lrrFINE
ItsThugDimmadome: Man, chat's full of snitches.
81ackR0se: Thank you for my shiny new sub, Anonymous Gifter sergePrideLove
PhoenixMelior: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
cle0deen: Bob Newhart
vinewood_og: Statistically
Didero: Being alive means slowly dying
SmithKurosaki: The small death :p
TXC2: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 6:08 AM
shadowmaster132: It's capped to Saturday afternoon I think?
L0rdX33n: So midnight Fallout is on, my poor sleep schedule
TehAmelie: every second, a person does. every 0.4 seconds, a person is born
mercano82: Bob Newhart died
sunset_soda: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to JacobBurgessVO!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JacobBurgessVO! (Today's storm count: 94)
MjRiku: @Jennie_Fuchsia Thanks for the gift sub!
TehAmelie: *dies
Davecheesefish subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
Davecheesefish: About 20 years watching, sprinkled with 8 months of remembering to use my Prime sub
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Davecheesefish! (Today's storm count: 95)
thedevil_risen1: Bitzzz
Simriel: !subathon
Simriel: Remember this is twitch only, the YouTube memberships don't count towards this this year, but they hope to have that working next year
Sevinon: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Welp. the other 3700 didn't seem to go through. Don't want to double purchase so they will join later if and when they go through.
petey_vonwho: Thanks for the gift sub @caimheul
Ravensfest subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ravensfest! (Today's storm count: 96)
j_crane330: Until the end of time
the_phantom_game_player: Who has the golf score card?
Serivus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Serivus! (Today's storm count: 97)
TheOtherTrevor: Get serge his treatzza pizza
azninsect: oooh
Kilpanic: Sub-a-thons are a tough slog. Why don't you guys try a dom-a-thon? That way you could just tell pepole what to do
hypperstar2280: Pizza!
Mangledpixel: ice cream is added to the pizza?
RebekahWSD: :O
Nigouki: ice cream filled pizza crust
beowuuf: hubris
42MiLLyWays: uni1000
Sarah_Serinde: I forgot about the water balloon thing gabyLul
Bassios: Man, there's an incentive if ever I've heard one
garfacemcgar: because its summer?
CobaltShuriken: a valiant goal
TXC2: for comedy James, for comedy
SmithKurosaki: So, is James doing a separate sub read after the thon or are they doing it at the end,m
CaptainChibale: dessert pizza
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and…
j_crane330: Sounds fair
Sibwow: i would get water balloons tossed at me for three grand
beowuuf: maybe it was hot that day and it sounded like a good idea?
thedevil_risen1: At least its not a full play through of elder ring
hypperstar2280: Bro ice cream pizza on Saturday!
thedevil_risen1: *elden
beowuuf: :D
E_Westra: Continuing the tennis ball legacy
RockPusher: gabyLul
SnowBuddy18: perfect
ArrestedHouse: LUL
RandomTrivia: Hehehehe
Mangledpixel: :D
KinkerbellRose: LUL
CobaltShuriken: oh my
Kilpanic: now that's what I call a gag!
Philocalist: Dom-a-thon when
FarleyF: out
j_crane330: Wow
xantos69: Cardio is how Jacob starts his day.
josh___something: HAH
Nigouki: coming next: Dom-a-thon
ThorSokar: and then Jacob mumbles "I cam from work"
DrMagnify: this is the best talk show for my morning coffee and assembling furniture
IanAllenBird: 6:10am brain, however
TXC2: and then we have Switch-a-thon
abslomdaak42: I'm more of a Switch-a-thon
electra310: Though the ball gag bit would've worked with no audio
ExachixKitsune: reading subs?!
TehAmelie: say Jacob, we've been potatoing here for like 5 days, would you like to put us through some stretches?
Simonark: That’s a Noontime gag. Well, an anytime gag really, but…
ClockTamer: 2 bits gets you a shave and a haircut
beowuuf: will there be a fishing minigame? :p
81ackR0se: Yes Jacob, just because it's a sub-a-thon, we believe you nudge nudge wink wink say no more
RealGamerCow: Sub scroll at 20x speed
Kilpanic: Don't do a Switch a thon unless you want to get sued by Nintendo
red_shoes_jeff: @Philocalist Probably after Switch-a-thon.
Simriel: Well done LRRbot. you worked this time
Simriel: Good bot
Sarah: It usually does, it's just a little slow here
Alex Frank: Is Lrrbot also powered by crowdstrike?
Kaerose subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kaerose! (Today's storm count: 98)
Simonark: Switchathon was yesterday
zenthere: Coffee.....
electra310: This is not a time of honor
RandomTrivia: James, no! That's the SECOND question!
hypperstar2280: Today it's coffee with James and Jacob and chairry!
TehAmelie: she's got a family and all
Fanklok: Kathleen is a gith
Therberus: Wait did we not ask Jacob about his childhoon?
TXC2: I wake up at 5:30, I GET up at eight :p
westerfarmer: 3 a.m...
kynelwynn: I work overnights, so I wake up around 4pm
RandomTrivia: I guess we already did that yesterday
RockPusher: Jacob has a morning-person vibe
FarleyF: someone put chats monitor on the chair
Kilpanic: why would you admit to getting up at 5:30?!
ThorSokar: composNotes Jacob is a serial killer faolkoNotes
Fanklok: Kathleen is a goth the morning is anathema
vinewood_og: I was a 5am mun until work from home. Now 30 minutes before I sign on lol
josh___something: Wait, literal brain damage?
42MiLLyWays: some times, i can't get to sleep until 6ish. i am a creature of the night.
Simriel: It hasn't worked for my last few Subathon requests xD
Sarah: Then I missed you trying those I guess
Jan Eli Padilla: wait, I was looking away, what did Jacob do?
Sarah: LRRbot is slower on YouTube than Twitch because of things on YouTube's end
j_crane330: Usually 0500, but I slept to 0600 because I took off today
mercano82: Jacob doesn’t go out after dark, he doesn’t want to encounter vampires.
beowuuf: oof
Didero: ohno
CobaltShuriken: oof
red_shoes_jeff: 530's roughly the time my shift ends.
northos: lrrSHINE
shadowmaster132: I try to live my life like there is only one 5 o'clock in the day and it's the afternoon
Sibwow: long covid? cooooooovvvviiiiiddddd?
ThorSokar: oh shit, that sucks
RockPusher: ooof, tqsHeal
invalidCards: lrrSHINE
azninsect: lrrAWW
Obos_TAB: Brother! long covid has been a beast for me. I have long term fatigue still
RealGamerCow: That is incredibly difficult for a voice actor
Ashmantle: lrrSHINE
Stella_Noctis: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
42MiLLyWays: oof for sure
TXC2: well here's to recovery lrrHEART
RebekahWSD: Memory problems suck, and I hate having problems
SmithKurosaki: Oofa. So sorry to hear thst
Mangledpixel: fun fact: the medieval sleep pattern was everyone went to sleep when the sun went down, slept for a couple of hours, then got up and did evening activities, then went back to bed for second sleep
RandomTrivia: Oof
3schr: sorry to hear that
roefizzlebeef: aw man, I'm glad you're doing better now!
42MiLLyWays: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
beowuuf: lrrHEART
josh___something: OH, that stinks! <3
bakerydragon: huge sympathy to you Jacob
electra310: That stuff sucks :P
TehAmelie: my grandpa died of the covids. symapthies
canahedo: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
public_key_reveal_party: Ouch, yeah, rough. Glad it's slowly getting better lrrSHINE
Jennie_Fuchsia: damn
bakerydragon: totally fair
spicyFerret_: cakejuSharko cakejuSharko cakejuSharko cakejuSharko
Fruan: talking about aphasia is so hard
RebekahWSD: Human meat husks are terrible and we need a full redesign
j_crane330: Fair
Shaneusm: lrrSHINE J lrrSHINE A lrrSHINE C lrrSHINE O lrrSHINE B lrrSHINE
Fanklok: I literally just got home from my workout
beowuuf: james can actually seriously explain why he usually would be preparing to punch chunks right about now :)
vinewood_og: Dopamine NOW!
Alex Frank: He rearranged the decorations
Sarah: (Don't ask me, I don't remember the details and I am not a bot person 😛 )
Resilient Spring: I was woken up by my dog at 5am, because an animal was getting into our garbage xP that was early for me lol
Brozard: yeeeeeeep
RealGamerCow: What are your hours in the winter Jacob?
CaptainChibale: I am fortunate to not have gotten covid. But I had a rare reaction to the vaccine that made my sense of taste go away for a couple days.
missa_hancock: definitely due for a human 2.0. patch 1 - second set of adult teeth in your 30a
NojhLivic: Good morning!
j_crane330: Running usually fuels my add
Korolan: Gotta catch the ADHD before it wakes up fully
jessieimproved: I fall out of bed and go on a 2 mile walk, for the same reason.
Korolan: Sneak up on that shit
forcedreject: Wait...is THAT why I don't feel better from excercise