Brozard: CloudStrike got cloud struck
Desruprot: @jarnatan they have always been a cheesemonger though, and we like cheese, so it is likely one of the few without the negative
warpstonewarlock: there's also fishmonger
fuzzra: Ironmonger
CaptainTeo: No one likes a leaky cheese.
TehAmelie: crackmonger
Desruprot: Monger is generally meaning seller I think
ShaneLeeAtk: How was this 3 years ago?!
99FineLines: this is not how Serge broke his leg.
Brozard: Safety third!
cmdrud87: !card spiritmonger
LRRbot: Spiritmonger [3BG] | Creature — Beast [6/6] | Whenever Spiritmonger deals damage to a creature, put a +1/+1 counter on Spiritmonger. / {B}: Regenerate Spiritmonger. / {G}: Spiritmonger becomes the color of your choice until end of turn.
TehAmelie: cracksmith sounds really funny, though, just to contrast
aussie_rob_w: grass burns definitely a thing
RadiantGV: imagine putting all your eggs in a basket and then forgetting that snakes exist
quton: serge gearing up
Chronomagistrate: costermonger as well, for general goods sales
Mangledpixel: TehAmelie well, a shortened version of it is used in the UK as a slur against people with Down's syndrome, so watch out for that
electra310: Oh, I love this video!
Timagio: I just realized how kinda sad this park is, it's road and parking lot up and down.
FarleyF: I guess you take a kids ear off once and you become super safe
Timagio: I hope there's more nature off-camera
kynelwynn: wishmonger, sailmonger, beastmonger, warmonger, squallmonger
99FineLines: this park is an above average park.
TehAmelie: i think it's just that "mong" has a bad mouth feel
jarnatan: @Desruprot Oh yeah no my point is that there is nothing inherently negative about the word monger, and has been used for a very long time as a term for somebody selling something. But because its been used to describe people "selling" wars and fear and whatnot, the word "monger" has in our minds absorbed some of the negativity of those uses
d782: it’s actually a really nice big park, I was there last summer
TehAmelie: sorry Mongolia
Timagio: That's good to hear
quton: LUL
The_Ninjurai: I wonder what the people driving by are thinking
electra310: Love how Serge just goes for it :D
cmdrud87: isn't Serge super allergic?
aussie_rob_w: in that much grass?
jarnatan: The same way that a "peddler" is also a perfectly legitimate word for a salesperson, but because you mainly hear about it about someone who "peddles horse manure", we see it as negative
Mangledpixel: this is, of course, how the ancient cheese hunters did it
azninsect: serge indeed got the cheese
99FineLines: Serge's greatest allergy is of not committing to the bit 100000%.
Brozard: @tehamelie Is that supposed to be pronounced “Mong-olia?”
Therberus: @Mangledpixel I think they used to run them off the cliffs right?
Desruprot: gee wilikers
jarnatan: There's a Mongolian monger among us
Desruprot: cheese wilikers
TehAmelie: sounds bad either way
Brozard: fair
electra310: She was not willing to body dive like Serge, and so the cheese prevailed. Fewer bruises, though
TehAmelie: i hope the Mongolians call it something entirely different themselves
Brozard: Mon Golia makes me think of a small town on Tatooine
TehAmelie: like Suomi
MrPhlip: @electra310 the cheese could smell fear
CaptainTeo: Ian will incubate the cheese.
Brozard: or cousins of the Mon Calimari
Tuples: Yeah, doing this a year or two into the pandemic is added difficulty.
99FineLines: it's Mongol-ia, the land of the Mongols. They named it, it's europeans to blame for the slurs.
beowuuf: yay, half days mean i catch the end of the overnight and the start of the morning show!
azninsect: the little pats on the cheese wheel
Therberus: 3-2-1 CHEESE!
azninsect: eyyy!
azninsect: penelope cheering kathleen on
TheWooglie: you did it mom!
powerflapjack: i was gonna say "Penelope cameo"
cmdrud87: Haviing G and K as parents must be fun... but also super weird
SageofShadowzF: Your kids cheering you on while you do something silly is the best
Brozard: @99finelines …..HUH. That never occurred to me.
Desruprot: a native LRR-er stalks its cheese before pouncer
Therberus: Yoooo that kid in the back is going HAM with that kite
Timagio: Oh right, mullet era beej. Good times
roefizzlebeef: there’s something so delightful about hearing penelope cheering for her mother as kathleen raises the cheese aloft and roars in triumph
Furyfire: Chase that cheese
definenull: why isn't this a glurp event
powerflapjack: @Timagio I was gonna say beej and Kathleen both look weird from like 2021 to 2022
darkora: Let's go Cheej!
The_Ninjurai: The cheese knew it had no chance against Beej
MrPhlip: Persistence hunted the cheese
electra310: Not too many more years and Penelope will be old enough to join the shenanigans if she wants. :D Or at least be as old as the Lrrsfolk when they started
powerflapjack: just because their different hair completely changes their vibe, lmao
Timagio: The cheese Beej-dropped
westerfarmer: Ah big hair beej
lirazel64: Ah, the pandemic hair.
Brozard: Cheej
jarnatan: @Timagio Henceforth the pandemic shall be known as Mullet Era
Tuples: Cheej-drop
beowuuf: @electra310 jlrrNo :p
Desruprot: the cheese path
warpstonewarlock: a cheese-ah
Brozard: Using a cheese roll to generate unique passwords
powerflapjack: lmao
TehAmelie: just be like the fastest land animal
electra310: @beowuuf Hey, my kid is old enough to take driver's ed this year, I need to pass the angst of being old around!
nightsreach: i can see the allergies
Leonhart321: @electra310 Time moves forward and death comes for us all
Tuples: Cheeseta
powerflapjack: is that how serge stepped on the wasp nest?
beowuuf: @electra310 lol, fair :p
Tuples: Tackle... That.... Cheese!!!
Brozard: subdue the cheese
TehAmelie: i know Serge is allergic to almost any mammals and Ben U is allergic to the outdoors, but
Desruprot: Let the cheese flow through you
Brozard: Was there a random Crapshot cock in there?
darkora: @Brozard subdue is the step prior to fondue
RandomTrivia: @Brozard Oh good, I didn't imagine that
99FineLines: @Brozard you want to take that again??
electra310: Apparently "14 and a half" is old enough for driver's ed in some states, which was shocking to me. It's hard enough to prepare for the milestones I see coming, but this one really snuck up on me. :P
Therberus: @Brozard Thank you yes! Thought I was going crazy
MrPhlip: @brozard yeah I thought I heard it too
TheAinMAP: StinkyCheese HyperCheese
jarnatan: Subdue is the opposite of overdue
cmdrud87: yeah, pretty ure there wa
cmdrud87: s
Earthenone: i thought subdue was the oposite of dubdue :P
luke_warme: cheesecheesecheesecheeseCHEESE
ArrestedHouse: that cheese *went*
Brozard: @99finelines Was there a random Crapshot phallus in there?
EternalRoxas: I've watched this like 5 times before and this was also the first time i noticed the crapshot gun cocking noise
TheWooglie: @Earthenone or domdue
NotSoLuckyLydia: Kathleen is a cheese berserker. gotta work herself into a frenzy before the chase
GenericHerooo: @brozard I heard it too
beowuuf: @electra310 i'm shocked too! then again, i'm from the uk, so we have less space for kids to drive around recklessly while they learn
99FineLines: cheese can't run far as they lactose
powerflapjack: @beowuuf (cackles in Midwesterner)
kynelwynn: Whatever happened to the drone?
Fruan: everyone’s lockdown hair feels so nostalgic
EternalRoxas: @99FineLines wheelerPog
TehAmelie: of course, the US is largely in the pocket of big gasoline to the point of interstate roads and cities being designed for cars, so i guess it's a necessity
Brozard: sergePun
electra310: @beowuuf I live on a literal mountain! This does not seem wise at all.
powerflapjack: DEER
RandomTrivia: Deer!
Mangledpixel: oh deer
josh___something: Oh dear
azninsect: oh deer
Desruprot: !card The Cheese Stands Alone
LRRbot: The Cheese Stands Alone [4WW] | Enchantment | When you control no permanents other than The Cheese Stands Alone and have no cards in hand, you win the game.
CaptainChibale: I'm a grandparent now. I get to do all the worrying all over again. Wheee.
Serpens77: oh deer
EternalRoxas: @Fruan really really
micalovits: Chat only has 1 braincell
TheAinMAP: HahaReindeer HahaNyandeer
Mangledpixel: well done, chat hive mind
cmdrud87: oh Dery
charlietrotter123 is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 34 in the channel!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to aozoranokiseki!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to captain_potato_pc!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, charlietrotter123! Welcome to aozoranokiseki and captain_potato_pc! (Today's storm count: 30)
AndyDaMage: go random person!
powerflapjack: CHRIS
Serpens77: I wonder how common the name "Beacon Hill" is. I live near one that is definitely not that one
99FineLines: it's liberating to live in a weird town, and know you're definitely not the most odd person in the nearest 200m.
beowuuf: @electra310 just need to make sure the car has two side wheel far longer than the other, so they can drive around in circles with no fear of falling off Kappa
NekomimiNinja: Full SEND!
KinkerbellRose: Dude WENT for itr!
IslandersCaper: HypeApplause
lirazel64: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
luke_warme: the cheese warrior
TehAmelie: such athleticism
josh___something: archer chris went whole hog
azninsect: i like how a guy just saw what was happening and was like "yeah i want in"
roefizzlebeef: dudes rock
red_shoes_jeff: Very sporting of Archery Chris not to just shoot the cheese.
powerflapjack: dudes rock
KinkerbellRose: To be fair, I'd of been totally joining in.
NotSoLuckyLydia: Shame archery chris didnt get to shoot the cheese
Timagio: Everybody wins CHEESE
KinkerbellRose: LUL We did not.
powerflapjack: lmao (we did not)
roefizzlebeef: I wonder if they still have the cheese wheel on set somewhere
abslomdaak42: (We did not.)
Fruan: (we did not)
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
Nigouki: ah, seems i tuned into the cheesy content
Brozard: It’s catch and release cheese
darkcyril: @azninsect I would absolutely chase down some cheese given the opportunity - with or without the LRR folx.
invalidCards: I've never been more proud to be Dutch than in this moment
azninsect: cheese
LoadingReadyRun: gonna go offline in a moment
Timagio: Cheese! Cheese! Cheese! Cheese!
luke_warme: cheese
red_shoes_jeff: CHEESE
Serpens77: totally not a cheese cult
GazzyInferno: cheese!
Timagio: Goodbyeeeeeeee
abslomdaak42: Celebratory cheese dance
99FineLines: The LRR Cheese Roll, part of Our Heritage.
azninsect: LoadingReadyRun o7
darkora: Cheesefit?
TehAmelie: catch and releese
powerflapjack: "archery chris"
CaptainTeo: Cheesefit Adventure.
v_nome: What happened to the faux cheese? Is it still around?
Brozard: LoadingCheddarRun
Serpens77: Kate!
CaptainChibale: I'd watch the cheese rolling but I wouldn't join in. Bad back and hip. XD
beowuuf: lunarj1Heart
powerflapjack: oh hey, Richard Ayoade!
Tuples: Ah! The sound!
clarinetman: Good morning!
Timagio: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
azninsect: HypeLUL
LoadingReadyRun: ok, offline for a moment, brb
Decaped: Time to get Crowdstruck
TehAmelie: i was on a bus today when it started raining so hard the bus broke down
invalidCards: Coffee time!
lirazel64: Yello!
definenull: oh that was quick
Jillexie: Coffee Talk Time!
darkora: I have many questions and I want answers to exactly none of them
FoxBehindTheTree: foxbehYay
KinkerbellRose: Coffee Time!
definenull: i lost track of time
3schr: Coffee Time!
azninsect: coffee!
beowuuf: is this kathleen and jacob times?
Therberus: 0-800-gotWud?
Serpens77: so how was your childhood?
electra310: Mmmm, coffee!
BigDaddyBland87: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
TehAmelie: loud sustained honk followed by 15 minutes of nothing until the next bus came
RandomTrivia: Protip: instead of refreshing the page, you can simply close the "suggested" panes and then hit space with the stream window focussed
TXC2 rushes in for coffee
FarleyF: I appreciate coffee time with James
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LoadingReadyRun: ok, should be back any moment
Earthenone: signal
quton: coffee time!
TehAmelie: it wasn't even driving when it happened!
RandomTrivia: lrrSIG !
ArrestedHouse: lrrSIG
beowuuf: back!
DaSunao: lrrSIG
josh___something: DinoDance
BigDaddyBland87: lrrSIG lrrSIG
azninsect: lrrSIG
Therberus: @RandomTrivia Huh TIL
red_shoes_jeff: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Sevinon: @RandomTrivia Thanks!
Isyraq Zaki: !time
3schr: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
invalidCards: I'm also going to get a coffee for that matter
CobaltShuriken: and now, for something completely different
KinkerbellRose: kuwangPLZ
CaptainChibale: @RandomTrivia thanks!
RandomTrivia: @Sevinon It only checks if there's a stream live to see if it can play anything
TheWooglie: lrrSIG refresh if you need to lrrSIG
beowuuf: and boops
drrek0 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months, currently on a 19 month streak!
RandomTrivia: Dawn of the Fifth Day
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drrek0! (Today's storm count: 31)
nosole: watching LRR time out to the top of the hour makes the radio nerd in me very pleased lol
electra310: I already have a coffee! So efficient!
TXC2: that was a seamless transttion for me, refreshed anyway :p
Philocalist: Just in time for coffee!
invalidCards: Hi Jacob!
TehAmelie: hey it's Jacob
Metric_Furlong: hey Jacob
Nigouki: hallo
KinkerbellRose: HI JACOB!
3schr: Yacob
Tuples: Oh hey!
TXC2: Here we GO!
CobaltShuriken: JACOB
beowuuf: morning friend jacoc!
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Jacob
IanAllenBird: 👋
AriaHibiki: hi jacob!
bakerydragon: Good Morning!
Serpens77: Hello Jacob
azninsect: hi jacob
baltimore_667083: hi Jacob!
beowuuf: mute
SnowBuddy18: hi Jacob
SageofShadowzF: Hello
Philocalist: Good morning!
MrPhlip: Hi Jacob!
CaptainChibale: morning, Jacob!
RandomTrivia: Jacob! lrrHEART
luke_warme: yeah mornin
invalidCards: Jacob is muted!
bakerydragon: lovely to see you Jacob :)
KinkerbellRose: Mic 5.
Nigouki: no mic?
asthanius: no audio
type_variable: mic 5
Brozard: The return! FBtouchdown
Metric_Furlong: mic 5
Genie_M: Bon appetit
electra310: Jacob-Eats-Food stream, on silent
justacrabgrass: Good morning
beowuuf: deliberately due to eating?
TXC2: Hello Jacob and Jacob's sandwich
quton: good morning
red_shoes_jeff: J A C O B
42MiLLyWays: Mic 5, but with tunes
darkora: silent Jacob
beowuuf: loud bgc
shadowmaster132: hi!
ComradeMik: silent jacob snacking on an egg and bacon mcmuffin
3schr: Equipment has to wake up. It's early
FarleyF: this is the Jacob maneuver
jumping_point: <3
Tuples: Eating steam.
beowuuf: hey james
hypperstar2280: Good morning!
teddywhosabear: music, but no people
Furrbahl: Mornin' Jacob
beowuuf: also muted
inconsideratehat: Thanks for the book suggestion Jacob!
Nigouki: music and no studio audio
TheWooglie: music, but no audio
bisaflau: Muted
RandomTrivia: Music a-plenty but no mics
Sarah_Serinde: James we have music but we can't hear you
KinkerbellRose: Mic 5 on james too.
Brozard: Mic 5!
Bassios: Can't hear shit, captain
PhoenixMelior: Muted mics
MrMatternot: Hello Mr. BURGESS
Genie_M: Only music
Austere_Squire: an art
tabbybabbyy: no sound
missa_hancock: and think they got it lol
quton: early morning microphones
josh___something: MIC 5
42MiLLyWays: no people sounds
josh___something: Hi Jacob!
Brozard: Per Ben last night, there is a new button?
j3573rblack: good to see the CrowdStrike fiasco hasn't taken the subathon down
Jillexie: Jacob, after watching the Swap Shop video, I bow down to your bartering skillz.
lirazel64: No sound.
undecided44 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, undecided44! (Today's storm count: 32)
Earthenone: james apeing wheelers muted conversation bit :P
KinkerbellRose: LUL
snowewolf: Live Burger time
BigDaddyBland87: somebody wake the mics up
ProcyonFlynn: As is Tradition lrrSHINE
inconsideratehat: LOL
Serpens77: microphon't
josh___something: Lookin good, bud!
ComradeMik: finish your bite jacob
Mangledpixel: Michael the Fifth
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 6:00 AM
Isyraq Zaki: nice, just on time
Jan Eli Padilla: Jacob!
Simriel: It's a Big Sandwich!
Alex Frank: no sound?
Sarah: Not currently
Simriel: I hope Jacob enjoys his big sandwich
magicpokey: just seeing Jacob makes me smile
Isaac Myers: mukbang
Alex Frank: good music though
Ugunark: good morning sandwich and also jacob
Simriel: I hope James enjoys Jacob enjoying his big sandwich
TheWooglie: we missed your hilarious bit Jacob
RealGamerCow: Hi Jacob
MrPhlip: Technology! <jazz hands>
ComradeMik: don't chew with your mouth open
red_shoes_jeff: This might be the best beatboxing I've ever heard!
invalidCards: Any eaters in the chat?
roefizzlebeef: in the words of ben last night: "there's a new button on this!"
TheMerricat: Do they know they aren't blurred? :D
xantos69: Ben didn't tell us what button was new, but there absolutely is one.
Shaneusm: Hi Jacob
Tuples: I bet that was gonna' be a good bit too.
electra310: Nooo, Jacob's clever intro, ruined!
abslomdaak42: Good morning guys (it's 3 PM here)
Spacepup: Time for Jacob howling in silence for the next hour? Cool!
Therberus: Thats some good faceacting
KinkerbellRose: Jacob, showing how we all feel.
RandomTrivia: Well that needs a gif :D
Philocalist: Are we going to reiterate Jacob's childhood?
hypperstar2280: Poor lonely Jacob
Nigouki: Jacob pain at having his jokes muted :(
TXC2: who needs a mic when Jacob can emote so well
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
Sarah_Serinde: There we go
TheWooglie: fixed
KinkerbellRose: THERE IT IS.
Brozard: @invalidcards about to make an egg sandwich now
type_variable: HI
beowuuf: not muted!
MrPhlip: Unmuted!
azninsect: there we go
Metric_Furlong: there we go
FoxBehindTheTree: foxbehRave
Frankenstain: it’s called the Ben button
BigDaddyBland87: hey sound
bisaflau: SOUND!
anbuagent12: Ah ah ah
Mewr11: audio!
snowewolf: is that a Egg and sausage Mcmuffin? i can see
bakerydragon: Jacob - we got to watch your bargaining at Swap Shop. excellent skills!
Timagio: Jacob looking in pain
AriaHibiki: lollll
Knitting_Goblin: Sound!
TehAmelie: we have speech!
ArrestedHouse: FBtouchdown
electra310: Do it again
OtherEdgeworth: Mics live
Brozard: Sound!
42MiLLyWays: there is people sounds now
PhoenixMelior: There we go
beowuuf: cries of dispair audible!
azninsect: FBtouchdown
IanAllenBird: !
TXC2: there we go!
quton: fixed!
josh___something: HI JACOB!
BluJester: flawless
Spacepup: SObbing jacob confirmed
cmdrud87: Jacob has bn sitting in this pose since last night
ThorSokar: Morning Sunshine
beowuuf: hey jacob! hey james
Timagio: Oh we have audio
TheWooglie: we missed your hilarious bit
red_shoes_jeff: Hi!
Bassios: Hi James and Jacob!
gnomebot1: Morning!!!
JustChrisWood: A Jacob and James Friday
99FineLines: the clownstrike is an excellent argument against giving one company control of giant parts of the internet.
invalidCards: R.I.P. the bit
Kilpanic: Little known fact: Sub-a-thon is French for Sub-a-tuna
Shaneusm: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
RandomTrivia: That was good Face Acting :D
electra310: :(
Sarah_Serinde: Jacob does great work when chat can't hear him :P
Sarah_Serinde: Speaking from experience
TehAmelie: i remember it like yesterday
RealGamerCow: Jacob I applaud your ability to be flexible enough to sit cross legged in that chair
Timagio: Orally?
Nigouki: mouth-to-mouth coffee
Fruan: happy Y2K everyone!
TXC2: 99FineLines also for not updating before the weekend :p
Alex Frank: ah there we go
Elbasunu: hello youtubers
Sibwow: i was looking forward to the tirade
thedevil_risen1: 😆
beowuuf: oh no, jacob about to be racist again :( Kappa
hypperstar2280: Abc coffee?
99FineLines: i like my coffee like my women. in a cup.
Wolfstrike_NL: and friends
vinewood_og: LFG!!!!!!
ProcyonFlynn: Happy Coffee penaddCoffee
azninsect: james and...oh.
protojman: good morning James and friend(s)!
invalidCards: o7
the_phantom_game_player: Hello
northos: we can be the friends!
Sarah_Serinde: :(
aquinas_0: always push to production on friday friends
electra310: @99FineLines Covered in bees?
Kilpanic: Do those shoes smell like feet?
vinewood_og: We're here James! lrrSHINE
FarleyF: best part is if you combine Jacob and James names it's the same thing
TehAmelie: we just saw Kathleen chasing a cheese wheel
sfaviator: Ballz
shadowmaster132: Crowdstrike has been happening for hours and I didn't even notice at work. Guess they trust me to control my own computer
42MiLLyWays: tis a bit early there
beowuuf: you can make new friendship with jacob
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy Friday, friends!!! lrrSHINE lrrSIG
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
electra310: She is chasing the cheese to this very day
inconsideratehat: Like the good goth gremlin she is
marawr_arts: Cheer1000 g'morning, lovelies!
Obos_TAB: Kathleen's operating system didn't boot
j3573rblack: @99FineLines i got lucky, but it took a big chunk of australia down on our friday afternoon
aussie_rob_w: good morning james of good morning coffee
missa_hancock: coffee with James and friend still works
hypperstar2280: Morning coffee with James and !
red_shoes_jeff: K
Jillexie: ok
petey_vonwho: We have the same number of hours remaining that we did at the start of yesterday
Austere_Squire: i thought james was about to ask chat to vamp for him for some reason
An anonymous user is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kirserella!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ide5!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheNideon!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to seriouslycantbebothered!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lajatang!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to Kirserella, TheNideon, seriouslycantbebothered, Lajatang, and ide5! (Today's storm count: 37)
merciary subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, merciary! (Today's storm count: 38)
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 606 in the channel!
TXC2: anon lrrHEART
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to megamaduo!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Timagio!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to CozyRayne!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to karjona!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to gehennam_reborn!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to keenersmash!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to farmall_farmer!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to wujo444!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Oghara!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to j3573rblack!
3schr: The End? There are still 16 hours!
Jillexie is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 36 in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to megamaduo, Timagio, CozyRayne, gehennam_reborn, keenersmash, farmall_farmer, wujo444, Oghara, j3573rblack, and karjona! (Today's storm count: 48)
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to salraven3248!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to DanielJennaGrouse!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to prestige811!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to UnexpectedStrafing!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to viper37_eft!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jillexie! Welcome to salraven3248, DanielJennaGrouse, prestige811, viper37_eft, and UnexpectedStrafing! (Today's storm count: 53)
ItsThugDimmadome: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Shaneusm is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 7 in the channel!
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
Ashmantle: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to need_for_speed197!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to Peldin_!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to Flyingdelorion!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to thecwis26!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to UlteriorSuccubus!
Genie_M: Morning brrrr
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Shaneusm! Welcome to need_for_speed197, Peldin_, Flyingdelorion, thecwis26, and UlteriorSuccubus! (Today's storm count: 58)
Friis111 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Friis111! (Today's storm count: 59)
Timagio: Oooh sbubs
TXC2: Jillexie lrrHEART
Timagio: @red_shoes_jeff Thanks for the gift sub!
electra310: Cheer1200 Good morning LRRsfolk and chat!
RebekahWSD: Oh heck I'm here early enough for the morning!
TXC2: Shaneusm lrrHEART
Sibwow: oh god hes reading names that always works
42MiLLyWays: uni1000
ExachixKitsune gifted a Tier 1 sub to everybody! They have given 30 Gift Subs in the channel!
Sarah_Serinde: Still gotta get that timer well over 24 hours if we want to hit the cap
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, everybody! (Today's storm count: 60)
beowuuf gifted a Tier 1 sub to Genie_M!
Austere_Squire: ask and you shall receive
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Genie_M! (Today's storm count: 61)
TehAmelie: people have clearly been holding out for the live show
vinewood_og: I wish my job was like this lol!
CobaltShuriken: ask and you shall receive
Isaac Myers: cream or creme?
Simriel: we
Simriel: should add the quote "Except I don't have any friends"
inconsideratehat: We are goldfish, we need reminders
Didero: Woops, I'm slightly too late. Hello!
jessieimproved is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 40 in the channel!
jessieimproved gifted a Tier 1 sub to nimrickz!
jessieimproved gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nefasine!
jessieimproved gifted a Tier 1 sub to CobaltShuriken!
jessieimproved gifted a Tier 1 sub to WOWjourneys!
jessieimproved gifted a Tier 1 sub to joejoebear812!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, jessieimproved! Welcome to CobaltShuriken, Nefasine, nimrickz, joejoebear812, and WOWjourneys! (Today's storm count: 66)
j3573rblack: @red_shoes_jeff Thanks for the gift sub! (I assume fellow wrestlemans fan?)
Kilpanic: I don't understand the clock
3schr: Asking works.... go figure
TXC2: James just speaking is a challenge to chat Kappa
Two_Hats: Huh, how close are we to the cap?
TXC2: jessieimproved lrrHEART
lordcrocodile: Jacob is there
aussie_rob_w: hi Jacob!
RealGamerCow: Currently we're going until approximately 11 PM PST?
42MiLLyWays: cool technology
jessieimproved: lrrHEART
cle0deen: Morning
CobaltShuriken: coffee machines are the new printer
red_shoes_jeff: @j3573rblack Nope! One Piece reference!
Stoffern: Did you bop it?
wandering_t: Cheer1000
99FineLines: has nobody gifted a sub to
TehAmelie: sure you can split it
FarleyF: did you advert your eyes when the machine flashed you lrrBEEJ
j3573rblack: @red_shoes_jeff ah, a man of taste
Timagio: Machine, turn back, n o w
ItsThugDimmadome: Coffeee with Jacob! THE INMATES RUN THE ASYLUM NOW
99FineLines: only 513 followers
42MiLLyWays: jacob story time?
CaptainChibale: pre-coffee
Obos_TAB: Jacob don't be scared of us
ShaneLeeAtk: Time for Transformers!
josh___something: Hi jacob!
Didero: Need coffee to wake up enough to fix the coffee machine
CobaltShuriken: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
Sevinon: Huh... uh, bits aren't going through...
cle0deen: Hi Jacob
KinkerbellRose: Hoi Jacob~
quton: pre-coffee for coffee
TXC2: I think if we double the remaining time we hit the cap?
RealGamerCow: Jacob, how are YOU doing?
invalidCards: Hi Jacob, good morning!
JinaMahavira: Hi jacob!
darkcyril: It's important to have coffee before you have coffee.
v_nome: Morning, Jacob
Jillexie: Jacob how did you learn to barter like that?
the_phantom_game_player: Hello
kynelwynn: Vamp for time, Jacob! :)
FoxBehindTheTree: hi dear
Obos_TAB: Jacob i love your Oki Oki stuff thank you for fighting hard
JustChrisWood: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
forcedreject: Good evening Kindred
Shaneusm: Hi Jacob!
garfacemcgar: morning jacob
TXC2: Hello Jacob
ExachixKitsune: Jacob, well me about Exalted >:3
darkora: Hi Jacob!
SmithKurosaki: Hi Jacob :)
kodalith: Morning Jacob!
Two_Hats: Hello!
Korolan: Hello Jacob!
Timagio: Sadly
TheWooglie: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
KinkerbellRose: I'm excited.
jessieimproved: Jacob! I'm a few chapters in to ADHD 2.0 on audio! It's so good!
CraziestOwl: hi Jacob
Furrbahl: I'm scared
Sibwow: give us some face acting jacob
electra310: Jacob is the boss now!
ClockTamer: Jacob! favorite transformers villain? GO!
E_Westra: Well, this is awkward
thedevil_risen1: Hey Jacob
asthanius: how ya doin?
gnomebot1: Jacob, are you going to run Exalted on Dice Friends?
RebekahWSD: I think it'll go well!
CobaltShuriken: We have definitely been alone with you before
SnowBuddy18: hi Jacob, you're looking lovely today
inconsideratehat: Thanks for the book recommendation, Jacob! I needed the updated ADHD check-in.
bisaflau: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
bakerydragon: bold new territory
Stella_Noctis: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
malfnord: Do we need an adult?
ComradeMik: jacob has haggled with early morning marketeers. chat holds no fear for him.
josh___something: I guess desert bus doesn't count, does it
MrMatternot: Hi Jacob. We got to see the swap meet earlier.
BlueFingers5: Hi Jacob
Tuples: Jacob, we watched you haggling!
thatguysteve2709: Hello, Jacob how have you been?
ItsThugDimmadome: Jacob, start talking Vampire. Unleash the beast!
Nameless_Sword: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
Kilpanic: That's a nice shirt. I get the joke, you're 'peacocking' right?
jumping_point: lrrSPOOP
42MiLLyWays: only the bit where the others were "passed out"
Bassios: Quick, get Jacon started on Transformers lore!
protojman: hey Jacob! I learned this week you do voice acting. That's awesome! Always something i've been interested in
Philocalist: Time to air any grievances
abslomdaak42: Not a Drop To Drink S3 when?
Austere_Squire: hi, jacob! hope yer okay
Therberus: DO IT
amyg87: HI JACOB!! <3 <3 <3
j_crane330: sergeHeart
ThorSokar: What was your BEST day?
beowuuf: pretend we're tiltyhouse or ysbrd :p
invalidCards: Do itttt
Simonark: Wow, James’ tirades are the most racist of all?
KinkerbellRose: YES!
Nigouki: yes
FoxBehindTheTree: are you single? baptized?
mercano82: what is the secret to life, the universe, and everything?
thatguysteve2709: Plz do
KinkerbellRose: DO IT!
bisaflau: DO IT
RealGamerCow: They WOULD NOT notice
3schr: Moving Time w/ Jacob
ItsThugDimmadome: JACOB YES
Austere_Squire: do it!
Greyah: Timezone appropriate greeting to you, Jacob!
Korolan: Move things!
Carlioo: Have you caught up on dawntrail?
electra310: DO IT
Timagio: DEW IT
Metric_Furlong: do it
Xed_Regulus: Go for it!
quietcat: do it!
public_key_reveal_party: Do it!
j3573rblack: do it
abslomdaak42: Yes, do it!
gualdhar: Jacob is a cat, confirmed
micalovits: They would not notice
spicyFerret_: Hey hi hello jacob!
MehallD: Jacob, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?
Fanklok: Leaving Jacob unsupervised
darkora: Do it for chaos!
3schr: DO IT
invalidCards: Move it move it move it
forcedreject: Jacob, is this a Malkavian compulsion?
boglebog: do it
NonjaBiru: Do it!
petey_vonwho: Do it!
snowewolf: bring out the JaKob
BlueFingers5: Yes!
BlindProphet32: CHAOS!
kodalith: Do it!
j_crane330: Do it
josh___something: I have a feeling they won't
Stella_Noctis: Do it.
Sarah_Serinde: Maybe like one or two things would be a good compromise
Obos_TAB: Turn Rivendell Around
thatguysteve2709: Do it
type_variable: Do it
KinkerbellRose: CHAOS REIGNS!
FarleyF: benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos
ThorSokar: Jacon, find ONE thing, TURN IT UPSIDE DOWN
Woogachaka is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
radioshackraider: Hey Jacob, you wanna hear my idea for VTM character?
xantos69: Why not give us your SCALDING HOT takes?
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rory_Bellows!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to Happy_Wayfarer!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to Critterbot!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to Scholaris1!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to DinoHank!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to vickysaurus_mystax!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to LordDestont!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lazyytitan!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lummish!
Woogachaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to squ3e!
electra310: doooo eeeet
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Woogachaka! Welcome to Rory_Bellows, Happy_Wayfarer, Critterbot, Scholaris1, DinoHank, vickysaurus_mystax, LordDestont, Lummish, squ3e, and Lazyytitan! (Today's storm count: 76)
SnowBuddy18: rotate the cushions
Kilpanic: Take a picture so that you can put it back
Wolfstrike_NL: Give in! :)
RealGamerCow: Just a little bit
Jennie_Fuchsia: do it
BlueFingers5: Do it
beowuuf: if anyonje has the goodwill to spend it's you :D
3schr: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
Nigouki: move the chairs to be slightly colliding with the frame
TXC2: chat craves chaos
j_crane330: Wow
invalidCards: YESSS
81ackR0se: Move the things, Jacob
Arazien: YEAH
vegetalss4: Hi Jacob, that sounds appropriate
ProcyonFlynn: The Layout is Documented. Go wild :D
TXC2: Woogachaka lrrHEART
micalovits: We are the demons!
Jennie_Fuchsia: bus energy
hypperstar2280: Good on Jacob for pregaming his coffee! You should switch chairs with James.
KinkerbellRose: HAHAHA! Yes! JACOB!
public_key_reveal_party: James will appreciate the chaos
IanAllenBird: 👏
NonjaBiru: Embrace chaos!
roefizzlebeef: yayyyyyyy
electra310: yesss, demons
JinaMahavira: Jacob Burgess, Agent of Chaos
Carlioo: CHAOS
lordcrocodile: do it
Gizmoloid: LUL
josh___something: YESSSS
abslomdaak42: Jacob is just a chaos goblin and I'm here for it
TehAmelie: just noticed the commodore blue NES with light gun
RealGamerCow: Untitled Jacob Game
Two_Hats: Chaos!
inconsideratehat: Pick TWO THINGS, as a treat.
j3573rblack: everyone be cool
ExachixKitsune: *chanting* JACOB JACOB JACOB
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
KinkerbellRose: LUL
Leonhart321: You monster
Genie_M: Tardii
FoxBehindTheTree: foxbehPureevil
Tarnius: Excellent.
Therberus: lrrAWESOME_BW
thatguysteve2709: We are bad influences and crave chaos
Digigoner: Embrace the CHAOS!
Simriel: Storytime with Jacob?
Simriel: No, Chaus time with Jacob
cookiebeard: hahaha such a goblin
j_crane330: Hey
RebekahWSD: As long as you're prepared to be ended by Graham and or Paul, it's fine
ShaneLeeAtk: This is no Kindness Was. Be Chair
invalidCards: The absolute madman
caimheul is gifting 6 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel!
cle0deen: Jacoblin
caimheul gifted a Tier 1 sub to petey_vonwho!
caimheul gifted a Tier 1 sub to jtownraces!
caimheul gifted a Tier 1 sub to vhaelus!
caimheul gifted a Tier 1 sub to Token_Gay_Friend!
caimheul gifted a Tier 1 sub to lenny__cool!
caimheul gifted a Tier 1 sub to ste_caru!
TXC2: chat you on your honour not to tell
drawnbinary: i just got here what
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, caimheul! Welcome to petey_vonwho, Token_Gay_Friend, jtownraces, lenny__cool, vhaelus, and ste_caru! (Today's storm count: 82)
99FineLines: this feels like a AMV video game
Sarah_Serinde: Well at least we have a video record of what moved where :P
Shaneusm: Yaasssssss
electra310: Sneaky sneaky sneaky
abslomdaak42: Well, it's the TARDIS, it can dematerialise on it's own
TXC2: caimheul lrrHEART
FarleyF: benginChaos
Nigouki: lol
asthanius: the question is: how long until Jacob breaks and reveals it
thedevil_risen1: That's a nice pair of tardi
josh___something: LMAO
Spooky_Noises: Has every guest, upon being left along by james, resorted to chaos?
bisaflau is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 19 in the channel!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to tnomatt!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to subspacenova!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to strixsiderum!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to JoseStones1!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to lennacops!
KinkerbellRose: Rofl
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, bisaflau! Welcome to subspacenova, JoseStones1, lennacops, tnomatt, and strixsiderum! (Today's storm count: 87)
3schr: @Sarah_Serinde Sort of
Obos_TAB: Moce the minifigs!
Timagio: slobs
ThorSokar: HURRY
TheOtherTrevor: That can was a critical part of the set dressing
ComradeMik: you're moving their stuff, you can't judge!
westerfarmer: That should be clipped if possible
TXC2: bisaflau lrrHEART
Greyah: Channel that inner goblin.
Candysniper015: we switch around my gran’s Christmas decorations every year. same energy, except she would throw stuff at us if she caught us lol
GazzyInferno: the tell-tale set redecoration
Leonhart321: *gasps* Not the trophies
Austere_Squire: blame chat if anyone asks
red_shoes_jeff: benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos
lordcrocodile: wants to create chaos starts cleaning as well
strixsiderum: thank you so much @bisaflau !
beowuuf: @drawnbinary james is fixing coffee machine so jacob chose violence :p
PhoenixMelior: And lo did Jacob redecorate the set
SursaiKosecksi: I tuned in at the right goblin time :)
garfacemcgar: Jacob you are an absolute treasure
IanAllenBird: good thing there's no video evidence of this
Ashmantle: lrrSHINE
bakerydragon: Jacob - Are there any Aquatic transformers? I know about flying and land ones, and animals but that's it
mercano82: lrrFINE
RandomTrivia: You know, Jacob, your physical comedy is unrivaled
electra310: What he really needs to do is find the lands station
beowuuf: lrrHORN lrrGOAT
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Mangledpixel: and there is, of course, no possible way that these actions have in any way been indelibly recorded for playback at a later date
CaptainChibale: everyone be cool
Timagio: Flawless
81ackR0se: Even in chaos, still Team Order XD
micalovits: Welcome back James!
3schr: <message deleted>James, Jacob moved stuff around
josh___something: We're cool
TehAmelie: who's on tech? i'm sure they can be bribed. unless it's Paul
electra310: Nothing happened
public_key_reveal_party: Everyone act innocent
Nigouki: James, Jacob has been trying to find the transformer that used to live on set to talk about it for 2 hours
roefizzlebeef: chat don't snitch!!
beowuuf: doing some streeetching for time? sure
cle0deen: Lunges
hypperstar2280: Look at Jacob pregaming his coffee!
SnowBuddy18: just some stretching
42MiLLyWays: lrrFINE
josh___something: No one here is snitch chat :)
cookiebeard: lrrFINE
electra310: Everybody do more donos
NewtyNewts: Coffee time?
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to 81ackR0se!
j_crane330: You know this is recorded
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 81ackR0se! (Today's storm count: 88)
Timagio: Pregame the coffee
Didero: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
electra310: Get that chat moving
powerflapjack: james, kathleen uncloaked and moved stuff around
mercano82: just fly casual
Alex Frank: uhh, maybe that's enough lol
ComradeMik: this is twitch chat, not snitch chat
NewtyNewts: 17 currently
Korolan: S t r e t c h
Jennie_Fuchsia is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to gigahobo!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to RixtonSnek!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to mckblitz!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to MjRiku!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to ImaginaryMechanic!
josh___something: Neat!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jennie_Fuchsia! Welcome to RixtonSnek, mckblitz, ImaginaryMechanic, MjRiku, and gigahobo! (Today's storm count: 93)
Frankenstain: there is no video evidence of anything
beowuuf: half way there! wooooah!
vegetalss4: Chat is still not good at acting casual I see
Leonhart321: Morning stretches with Jacob was a success
TXC2: Jennie_Fuchsia lrrHEART
Sarah_Serinde: Good math, especially this time of day
j_crane330: Wow
Didero: It's amazing that the timer has been hovering around this time for at least a day now
Sibwow: who has the minigolf card right now?
beowuuf: and before 11 too
KinkerbellRose: More hours! More LRR!
Obos_TAB: I thought we were caped to friday night? It's goig to sat morning?
jessieimproved: easy peas
Simonark: Welcome to Jacob making the Highlights. Magazine
Kilpanic: that's not exact
Gizmoloid: lrrFINE
ItsThugDimmadome: Man, chat's full of snitches.
81ackR0se: Thank you for my shiny new sub, Anonymous Gifter sergePrideLove
PhoenixMelior: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
cle0deen: Bob Newhart
vinewood_og: Statistically
Didero: Being alive means slowly dying
SmithKurosaki: The small death :p
TXC2: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 6:08 AM
shadowmaster132: It's capped to Saturday afternoon I think?
L0rdX33n: So midnight Fallout is on, my poor sleep schedule
TehAmelie: every second, a person does. every 0.4 seconds, a person is born
mercano82: Bob Newhart died
sunset_soda: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to JacobBurgessVO!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JacobBurgessVO! (Today's storm count: 94)
MjRiku: @Jennie_Fuchsia Thanks for the gift sub!
TehAmelie: *dies
Davecheesefish subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
Davecheesefish: About 20 years watching, sprinkled with 8 months of remembering to use my Prime sub
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Davecheesefish! (Today's storm count: 95)
thedevil_risen1: Bitzzz
Simriel: !subathon
Simriel: Remember this is twitch only, the YouTube memberships don't count towards this this year, but they hope to have that working next year
Sevinon: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Welp. the other 3700 didn't seem to go through. Don't want to double purchase so they will join later if and when they go through.
petey_vonwho: Thanks for the gift sub @caimheul
Ravensfest subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ravensfest! (Today's storm count: 96)
j_crane330: Until the end of time
the_phantom_game_player: Who has the golf score card?
Serivus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Serivus! (Today's storm count: 97)
TheOtherTrevor: Get serge his treatzza pizza
azninsect: oooh
Kilpanic: Sub-a-thons are a tough slog. Why don't you guys try a dom-a-thon? That way you could just tell pepole what to do
hypperstar2280: Pizza!
Mangledpixel: ice cream is added to the pizza?
RebekahWSD: :O
Nigouki: ice cream filled pizza crust
beowuuf: hubris
42MiLLyWays: uni1000
Sarah_Serinde: I forgot about the water balloon thing gabyLul
Bassios: Man, there's an incentive if ever I've heard one
garfacemcgar: because its summer?
CobaltShuriken: a valiant goal
TXC2: for comedy James, for comedy
SmithKurosaki: So, is James doing a separate sub read after the thon or are they doing it at the end,m
CaptainChibale: dessert pizza
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and…
j_crane330: Sounds fair
Sibwow: i would get water balloons tossed at me for three grand
beowuuf: maybe it was hot that day and it sounded like a good idea?
thedevil_risen1: At least its not a full play through of elder ring
hypperstar2280: Bro ice cream pizza on Saturday!
thedevil_risen1: *elden
beowuuf: :D
E_Westra: Continuing the tennis ball legacy
RockPusher: gabyLul
SnowBuddy18: perfect
ArrestedHouse: LUL
RandomTrivia: Hehehehe
Mangledpixel: :D
KinkerbellRose: LUL
CobaltShuriken: oh my
Kilpanic: now that's what I call a gag!
Philocalist: Dom-a-thon when
FarleyF: out
j_crane330: Wow
xantos69: Cardio is how Jacob starts his day.
josh___something: HAH
Nigouki: coming next: Dom-a-thon
ThorSokar: and then Jacob mumbles "I cam from work"
DrMagnify: this is the best talk show for my morning coffee and assembling furniture
IanAllenBird: 6:10am brain, however
TXC2: and then we have Switch-a-thon
abslomdaak42: I'm more of a Switch-a-thon
electra310: Though the ball gag bit would've worked with no audio
ExachixKitsune: reading subs?!
TehAmelie: say Jacob, we've been potatoing here for like 5 days, would you like to put us through some stretches?
Simonark: That’s a Noontime gag. Well, an anytime gag really, but…
ClockTamer: 2 bits gets you a shave and a haircut
beowuuf: will there be a fishing minigame? :p
81ackR0se: Yes Jacob, just because it's a sub-a-thon, we believe you nudge nudge wink wink say no more
RealGamerCow: Sub scroll at 20x speed
Kilpanic: Don't do a Switch a thon unless you want to get sued by Nintendo
red_shoes_jeff: @Philocalist Probably after Switch-a-thon.
Simriel: Well done LRRbot. you worked this time
Simriel: Good bot
Sarah: It usually does, it's just a little slow here
Alex Frank: Is Lrrbot also powered by crowdstrike?
Kaerose subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kaerose! (Today's storm count: 98)
Simonark: Switchathon was yesterday
zenthere: Coffee.....
electra310: This is not a time of honor
RandomTrivia: James, no! That's the SECOND question!
hypperstar2280: Today it's coffee with James and Jacob and chairry!
TehAmelie: she's got a family and all
Fanklok: Kathleen is a gith
Therberus: Wait did we not ask Jacob about his childhoon?
TXC2: I wake up at 5:30, I GET up at eight :p
westerfarmer: 3 a.m...
kynelwynn: I work overnights, so I wake up around 4pm
RandomTrivia: I guess we already did that yesterday
RockPusher: Jacob has a morning-person vibe
FarleyF: someone put chats monitor on the chair
Kilpanic: why would you admit to getting up at 5:30?!
ThorSokar: composNotes Jacob is a serial killer faolkoNotes
Fanklok: Kathleen is a goth the morning is anathema
vinewood_og: I was a 5am mun until work from home. Now 30 minutes before I sign on lol
josh___something: Wait, literal brain damage?
42MiLLyWays: some times, i can't get to sleep until 6ish. i am a creature of the night.
Simriel: It hasn't worked for my last few Subathon requests xD
Sarah: Then I missed you trying those I guess
Jan Eli Padilla: wait, I was looking away, what did Jacob do?
Sarah: LRRbot is slower on YouTube than Twitch because of things on YouTube's end
j_crane330: Usually 0500, but I slept to 0600 because I took off today
mercano82: Jacob doesn’t go out after dark, he doesn’t want to encounter vampires.
beowuuf: oof
Didero: ohno
CobaltShuriken: oof
red_shoes_jeff: 530's roughly the time my shift ends.
northos: lrrSHINE
shadowmaster132: I try to live my life like there is only one 5 o'clock in the day and it's the afternoon
Sibwow: long covid? cooooooovvvviiiiiddddd?
ThorSokar: oh shit, that sucks
RockPusher: ooof, tqsHeal
invalidCards: lrrSHINE
azninsect: lrrAWW
Obos_TAB: Brother! long covid has been a beast for me. I have long term fatigue still
RealGamerCow: That is incredibly difficult for a voice actor
Ashmantle: lrrSHINE
Stella_Noctis: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
42MiLLyWays: oof for sure
TXC2: well here's to recovery lrrHEART
RebekahWSD: Memory problems suck, and I hate having problems
SmithKurosaki: Oofa. So sorry to hear thst
Mangledpixel: fun fact: the medieval sleep pattern was everyone went to sleep when the sun went down, slept for a couple of hours, then got up and did evening activities, then went back to bed for second sleep
RandomTrivia: Oof
3schr: sorry to hear that
roefizzlebeef: aw man, I'm glad you're doing better now!
42MiLLyWays: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
beowuuf: lrrHEART
josh___something: OH, that stinks! <3
bakerydragon: huge sympathy to you Jacob
electra310: That stuff sucks :P
TehAmelie: my grandpa died of the covids. symapthies
canahedo: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
public_key_reveal_party: Ouch, yeah, rough. Glad it's slowly getting better lrrSHINE
Jennie_Fuchsia: damn
bakerydragon: totally fair
spicyFerret_: cakejuSharko cakejuSharko cakejuSharko cakejuSharko
Fruan: talking about aphasia is so hard
RebekahWSD: Human meat husks are terrible and we need a full redesign
j_crane330: Fair
Shaneusm: lrrSHINE J lrrSHINE A lrrSHINE C lrrSHINE O lrrSHINE B lrrSHINE
Fanklok: I literally just got home from my workout
beowuuf: james can actually seriously explain why he usually would be preparing to punch chunks right about now :)
vinewood_og: Dopamine NOW!
Alex Frank: He rearranged the decorations
Sarah: (Don't ask me, I don't remember the details and I am not a bot person 😛 )
Resilient Spring: I was woken up by my dog at 5am, because an animal was getting into our garbage xP that was early for me lol
Brozard: yeeeeeeep
RealGamerCow: What are your hours in the winter Jacob?
CaptainChibale: I am fortunate to not have gotten covid. But I had a rare reaction to the vaccine that made my sense of taste go away for a couple days.
missa_hancock: definitely due for a human 2.0. patch 1 - second set of adult teeth in your 30a
NojhLivic: Good morning!
j_crane330: Running usually fuels my add
Korolan: Gotta catch the ADHD before it wakes up fully
jessieimproved: I fall out of bed and go on a 2 mile walk, for the same reason.
Korolan: Sneak up on that shit
forcedreject: THAT why I don't feel better from excercise
vinewood_og: I should get back on that. I know I would be much more sane too, Jacob.
forcedreject: Dopamine deficiency strikes again
Austere_Squire: i have never understood people who say that working out releases dopamine; i'm always like "....when?!"
alexsteacy: Still not a morning person but I live
TXC2: 11am for me to exercise
rednicdragon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rednicdragon! (Today's storm count: 99)
Leonhart321: I have to gamerfy my exercise. I usually end up doing a half hour session on Fist of the North Star Boxing when I get in from work
TXC2: hello alexsteacy
Korolan: Good Morning Alex!
Simriel: Huh, I get crazy dopamine hit from ADHDworkouts
FarleyF: potential idea for lrl - real life punch a chunk where you have to empty a ball pit of its contents
alexsteacy: Cup of yogurt is a heck of a coffee replacement
vinewood_og: lrrALEX
shadowmaster132: I can't get up earlier than my first activity, I'll just soak up all the extra time somehow
public_key_reveal_party: I was feeling guilty that I've not been working out this week, but I've also been working 12 hour days all week
kynelwynn: combine the yogurt into the coffee
Didero: Yoga for an hour? Impressive
hypperstar2280: Speaking of working out in gonna go make tea and start mine. You guys are great!
shadowmaster132: But I can be up very late with no problems
thedevil_risen1: I
ComradeMik: i gotta work out in the afternoon, so that i have enough time to eat and get enough fuel in my body
RockPusher: I love mornings, wonderful time of day, but my natural rhythms are very much not tuned to deal with them
CaptainChibale: I do micro workouts throughout the day. It's all I can really manage.
spicyFerret_: Good morning. I have consumed significant amounts of ice cream
RandomTrivia: More cake is just as valid a workout goal as any
NikiGothBunneh: Kinda fun that I'm inverted to most humans, I have to sleep during the day and be awake at night... (Porphyria fun times)
CaptainChibale: But they include dancing so it's great
TXC2: hello spicyFerret_ welcome
RealGamerCow: I cannot work out in a gym. Luckily I have some home stuff for the winter, but during the summer I have a yard and garden.
j_crane330: Same
alexsteacy: talk 👏 for 👏 ever
RockPusher: sergeSipp
Arkouda Chien: oh is it talk show day?
Sarah: Not today specifically, James has done this for a couple hours every morning
Alex Frank: We've had a talk show every morning
Jan Eli Padilla: James in Morning Talk Show Host mode
Arkouda Chien: ahh
josh___something: Why you workout?
SmithKurosaki: That's just me on the regular Jacob. Stupid miswired brain
beowuuf: lrrDARK
inconsideratehat: MY double-edged sword: I like using the internet talking at me to wake up my brain, but I struggle to turn off the noise in order to get started for real.
RealGamerCow: Shoveling 2 tons of gravel is a good workout
xantos69: Ok, and what about your coffee?
type_variable: rotate the set!
gualdhar: Move more things
ShaneLeeAtk: Time to shuffle items
beowuuf: LOL
jessieimproved: I need to get my carport clean and put a kickboxing bag in it
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
j_crane330: Me too
TehAmelie: i don't get coffee generally but McDonald's coffee has to be the cheapest and nastiest huh
alexsteacy: Caffenated
darkora: "and in a cup"
Leonhart321: Black as night, dark as sin and deep as the unfathomable sea
bakerydragon: Eddie Izzard Classic
Wolfstrike_NL: More Chaos time!
Bassios: I really need to get to the gym more regularly. I also do not feel any sort of rush from working out, but I need to kick my ass into doing it if I ever hope to wear chainmail on the field at re-enactment events
azninsect: i...uh
ThirdGames: Which Sin makes the best coffee?
invalidCards: more shufflin'
TXC2: also a Fresh price joke
Serpens77: Suzie
azninsect: yeah ok
bakerydragon: Covered in BEES!
candissimo: in a plastic cup lol!
beowuuf: covered in beeeeeees
Furrbahl: back to work
josh___something: Are the voices happening again?
j_crane330: Oh no
electra310: Covered in bees!
Fanklok: I was expecting the airplane joke
Just_Herby: Suzy Izzard now
shadowmaster132: I usually say I can wake up anytime but I need an extra hour to get conscious
inconsideratehat: Suzie Izzard now! But yes classic
invalidCards: There's stuff under the TV as well!
thatguysteve2709: Now you just need to move furniture
SmithKurosaki: Very much enjoying chaos Jacob this morning
Statist42: Hi friends lrrSHINE
red_shoes_jeff: @ThirdGames Pride, maybe.
RockPusher: Cake… or death‽
Mark_D_Stroyer: “I like my coffee like I like New York alleys: mugged”
Obos_TAB: Put the rivendell minifigs in the d&d set
KinkerbellRose: LUL Jacob is exploring.
hypperstar2280: New favorite Jacob bit is just change stuff just enough.
abslomdaak42: @ThirdGames Gluttony?
Shaneusm: Gobbins!
Greyah: The nice thing is there's video evidence of this, so you know what got moved where.
zenthere: Messes with set, all off screen lol
ExachixKitsune: ah, yeah big mood OCD vs Chaos Goblins
hypperstar2280: Lorcana!
Sunidesus: Woke up earlier than I wanted to so figured I'd come hang out with you fine folks.
beowuuf: !lorcana chaos
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Jan Eli Padilla: :_lrrCreepy:
vinewood_og: Just start moving everything to screw with them
Fanklok: Fucking with the set is a time honored tradition
spicyFerret_: cakejuDance
thedepthandbreadthofseth: for a second as I turned in, I was so confused as noone was on screen :O
Brozard: I like my partners like I like my coffee: washed
TXC2: hello Sunidesus welcome
mercano82: Reverse which way the NES Zapper is pointed.
patch_witch: Move James chair half out of frame lol
ArcticAtlantic: i return to a chair stream plus bonus podcast sergeChair
beowuuf: !lorcana goblin
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
radioshackraider: Jacob, what's your thoughts on the Lego Bumblebee set?
hypperstar2280: What is it?
ExachixKitsune: @patch_witch love it also Hi
Leonhart321: Jacob "Feng Shui" Burgees
TehAmelie: ooh i like that, move James' chair a bit
JadedCynic: <3
beowuuf: who can say
BluJester: got'em
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Mangledpixel: what is it?
Obos_TAB: What is it?
RealGamerCow: Transformers-sense didn't tingle?
j_crane330: Yes
vinewood_og: Because it's awesome
TXC2: we're Nerds Jacob
RebekahWSD: Cause why not
beowuuf: i treated myself to the legacy menasor recently.... i likes it
bakerydragon: It's not chaos or gramlining- it's just Jacob taking us on a tour... honest
radioshackraider: It came in a MTG Influencer package
Sibwow: the magicc cards
Mangledpixel: IDW
JadedCynic: IDW?
abslomdaak42: IDW
hypperstar2280: Jacob what's your work out routine?
mercano82: Matt Wiggins was really into Transformers, it may be a leftover from him
simplydavemn: Jacob - squirrel!!
beowuuf: mototmaster the correct size to the other cards is sergeJustRight
RandomTrivia: Don't forget to re-arrange the land station
Obos_TAB: Incredible run form IDW
RealGamerCow: Oh right there was a MtG Transformers crossover
beowuuf: *cars
kodalith: They do it in the Netflix shows too
FarleyF: your Definetly a member of the LRR family
Arkouda Chien: heroes of the Feywild was a fun book
Arkouda Chien: underpowered, but lots of cool ideas
Jan Eli Padilla: Jacob, Interior Decorator of Chaos
Arkouda Chien: one of the best of the Essentials books
Simriel: Ben may detonate xD
TheAinMAP: playfr3Coffee lairofCoffee
KinkerbellRose: I am going to be BROKE.
PMAvers: Oh hey, I missed that the RoboRally Transformers set is out too.
ErinusTV: lord of the rings size
Obos_TAB: it's like Lord of the rings
ExachixKitsune: no
usmu1976: What the het now=
ErinusTV: its going to end me
Mangledpixel: like they did with LOTR
TehAmelie: Kefka, now a Magic creature? wait that's not new
ExachixKitsune: nooooo I didn't want to know that
abslomdaak42: That's the Daniel Warren Johnson Transformers run, right? His Wonder Woman is amazing
kynelwynn: Has Jacob seen Bloomburrow?
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheAinMAP!
ArcticAtlantic: oooh so LOTR rather than Doctor Who
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheAinMAP! (Today's storm count: 100)
RandomTrivia: That is the sound of Jacob's bank account complaining
ExachixKitsune: Noooooooooo
ThirdGames: And a Marvel set too the same year
Obos_TAB: yeah dawg were DONE
CobaltShuriken: wonder if Chocobo will be a vehicle
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah sorry Jacob
beowuuf: get those commisions in now
invalidCards: Say goodbye to your wallet Jacob
TXC2: oh Jacob gonna go bankrupt :p
mercano82: RIP Jacob’s bank account
thatguysteve2709: It's got so many cards can't wait
SmithKurosaki: Rip Jacobs wallet
Uzumaki15: Have Jacob and Amy the Amazonian ever interacted? I feel like that'd be fun to watch them just geek out about Transformers
red_shoes_jeff: Oh no...
bakerydragon: F
Leebo140: It’s a full Modern Legal Set similar to LoTR yeah
thedevil_risen1: It's going to bankrupt me
Leonhart321: Yeah, RIP all our wallets Jacob
Spectre97: And they confirmed that all 16 mainline games for it, yes
ItsThugDimmadome: RIP Jacob's wallet
Mangledpixel: CobaltShuriken or a Mount
ThorSokar: composNotes Jacob's gonna be out a LOT of money
GazzyInferno: jacob seeing his wallet emptying before his eyes
ErinusTV: every main final fantasy is going to feature, all the numbered ones
Genie_M: All numbers
vinewood_og: It's like the MOB. Just when you get out, they pull you back in!
TehAmelie: i think 16 is out?
simplydavemn: Have you guys checked out Ian's meat today?
81ackR0se: There will almost certainly be an associated MagicCon...
Obos_TAB: Booo no tactics?!?
SK__Ren: But Tactics is so gooooood
quton: the feelings of future bankruptcy
kodalith: Tactics?!?
Mai_Andra: Yes, Jacob. We feel you. xivMorbol
type_variable: wiggins?
ErinusTV: @Obos_TAB I bet Ramsa will make a feature, but they've officially confirmed every main game will have representation
powerflapjack: We'll have tactics adjacent with XII
Jennie_Fuchsia: mail time?
RandomTrivia: Somebody note that down for a Live bit
ThirdGames: Came in an MTG Influencer package?
Alex Frank: PMAvers special?
ErinusTV: they haven't denied side games will feature AFAIK
snowewolf: time to learn how to play magic - need to get that Yuri on J commander deck
red_shoes_jeff: Now I have to properly get back into Magic...
beowuuf: lrrpeep, mailtime, or spontaneous manifestation
Gekyouryuu: Jacob, you ARE aware there's a full Final Fantasy TCG, right? Their prerelease for their 23rd set happens the same weekend as magic prerelease
TheNideon: Hey Chat! Does LRR still do a PrePreRelease for Magic?
hypperstar2280: The putting it back exactly where it goes is so good
Obos_TAB: @ErinusTV Awesome!
CaptainChibale: 'why do we have this?' untruths only
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Jacob Alex and Beej!
RandomTrivia: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
RandomTrivia: @TheNideon ^
ThorSokar: DO I get to play?
Wolfstrike_NL: That would be a fun LIVE segmeent
LarkSachrosis: Maybe as a Fibbage style game: one truth and one lie
NikiGothBunneh: I for one would love that
MrBrightside1: stretch goal lets go
TXC2: TheNideon yes, it's on Sunday
bakerydragon: super interesting to see as audience too
ShaneLeeAtk: LRL Bit stained
Serpens77: @TheNideon Yes! The Bloomburrow one will be shortly after the subathon
ErinusTV: @CaptainChibale I'm praying for a kingdom hearts secret lair to go alongside it (with just the human characters) raddWiggle
TheNideon: Thanks! :)
mercano82: New LRL bit?
beowuuf: LOL
the_phantom_game_player: A new LRR game show-Why do we have this?
TehAmelie: we did just watch a video of Graham and Jacob selling a bunch of LRR stuff
bakerydragon: XD
Earthenone: marie condo bit?
Obos_TAB: Man Erinus has a turbo badge and now I miss Mike Ross Capcom ProTalk
Mark_D_Stroyer: That would be a great Live bit
Carlioo: There's a crapshot there yeah lol
simplydavemn: James - I really hope you got sleep yesterday afternoon after how late you were up playing Elden Ring.
thedevil_risen1: Lrr live why do we have this?
Sibwow: end of subathon giveaway box
boglebog: lrrSPOT
CobaltShuriken: sounds like an Abbot and Costello bit
buccherirotc: HHII!!
petey_vonwho: No, better yet, you have to improv an epic story for why you have it
RandomTrivia: We saw the vlog and everything
bakerydragon: From Antiques Roadhsow into Marie Kondo
public_key_reveal_party: That's how you turn cleaning the moonbase into content
bsudo: Love the energy
RandomTrivia: It was on overnight
Fanklok: Jacob sold a lot of that stuff
beowuuf: getting rid of stuff, became content , seems legit
Mark_D_Stroyer: The “do you know how much this is going for on eBay?!” segment
quton: a lot - a lot = still a lot
spicyFerret_: Why Do We Have This would be a fun LRL bit, tbh
kodalith: Yeah. Jacob sold a lot of it for you lol
Sarah_Serinde: You tried to give me tiny stuffed bears last time I visited
CobaltShuriken: pLRRge
JinaMahavira: Boy hody I love Pathfinder
RockPusher: The Moonbase is a big old nerd-ephemera accretion disk
thimbles_edge: gmorn yall doing okay with the tech outage?
NonUniqueGuy: Jacob selling stuff was on the overnight rewatch earlier
TXC2: hello thimbles_edge welcome
Mangledpixel: oh right, the factory reject bears
beowuuf: rivendell!
ProcyonFlynn: Don't worry - Friends of lore have a long history of "permanently borrowing" things :p just ask TheProfessor
Sunidesus: oh yeah, I remember that Mail Time, I think they weren't up to quality control or something
thedevil_risen1: I'm going tk have to do that with kangaroo and koala plushness now
josh___something: Weren't they literally "not up to snuff" bears
HasturTheYellow: Pathfinder Goblins are such great adorable menaces
L0rdX33n: We saw Jacob haggling stuff during the watchalong. it was neat. Also Jacob! I started playing Arcade Spirits, you are goddamned adorable in that game and also real life, you wonderful human being!
NovaTiempo: @thimbles_edge my pharmacy was shut :(
thedevil_risen1: Yeah @josh___something correct
ThorSokar: Rainslick on the Precapace of Darkness
mercano82: Jerry’s good with words
Obos_TAB: hothead and then Zeboyd finished it off simmingly
gnomebot1: I want Jacob to Run an Exalted Campaign on Dice Friends
RockPusher has a FF2000 around here somewhere
FarleyF: rumble in rhylth
Leebo140: Who’s the third coffee friend today?
Sarah_Serinde: Arcade Spirits is delightful
TXC2: Leebo140 Kathleen
invalidCards: Leebo140 Kathleen't
northos: @Leebo140 ostensibly Kathleen but we don't know where she is
L0rdX33n: He was also adorable
red_shoes_jeff: I should play those again...
MrSarkhan: Arcade Spirits and the sequel were great.
Leebo140: Ooh fun
Serpens77: Penny Larceny
MrBrightside1: Jacob is looking sharp. what a cool person
simplydavemn: @ProcyonFlynn Friends of Lore? Is that like friends of Dorothy but for Evil Robots/Andriods/AI?
josh___something: I started arcade spirits LITERALLY after the Now Kiss stream. It was great
Mangledpixel: that reminds me, I should sent you one of the C64 Minis to go with the full size Commodore 64 you have (I worked on TheC64 Mini)
Sarah_Serinde: Also Arcade Spirits lets you choose to play with platonic relationships and/or ace, which I love
TehAmelie: dangit i still gotta finish up both Arcade Spiritses
MrBrightside1: fellow traveller is goated
RealGamerCow: Fellow Traveler makes such good games.
IanAllenBird: damn I loved paradise killer
marmalade_pen: hello jacob
airylan: Times & Galaxy is pretty great
RealGamerCow: Are you involved with Citizen Sleeper 2?
TheAinMAP: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub!
Sibwow: kirby
JinaMahavira: oh god
L0rdX33n: Beacon Pines?
josh___something: JACOB
azninsect: jacob!
TehAmelie: it has its cute moments
Wolfstrike_NL: "oof"
public_key_reveal_party: Wow
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
RockPusher: Jacob…
NekomimiNinja: LocoRoco
micalovits: Yikes
Gekyouryuu: Oh, Jacob is working with a new publisher?
RealGamerCow: Doranko Wanko
Kilpanic: Earthworm Jim 2
RandomTrivia: Cute like adorable or cute as in hot?
baltimore_667083: JACOB
beowuuf: it is cute, that's why it packs such a punch later
BigDaddyBland87: Spiritfarer
zenthere: Firewatch
northos: Tunic is the first I thought of
IsaTheEngie: In recent memory, cutest game is Rabbit and Steel.
powerflapjack: horsebird catacombs!
ArcticAtlantic: Unravel
aussie_rob_w: Beowuuf that's very true
kodalith: Yoshis Wooly World probably
ThirdGames: I gotta play that one
IsaTheEngie: I've never seen a game with such an adorable art style that also wants you dead.
MrBrightside1: Slime rancher
Shaneusm: Tunic
L0rdX33n: Spiritfarer is wonderful
2_manyhobbies: Yas spiritfarer!
JinaMahavira: have a cry
Jennie_Fuchsia: have a great time, cry hard, go to therapy. cozy
Sarah_Serinde: Adore Unpacking
ShaneLeeAtk: I miss Jacob streams
TehAmelie: may as well recommend So May It Be to chat here. a cute, lightweight witch dating sim
BigDaddyBland87: ohhh cozy
protojman: that was fun to watch you play!
hesterbyrde: spirit farer is amazing but be ready for an emotional ride in a really good way
hedonistic_mushroom: I loved playing Code Avalon on the DS
RockPusher: Unpacking is a master class in environmental narrative design
Sarah_Serinde: It's incredibly good storytelling Jacob, I highly recommend it
beowuuf: sheepy?
mercano82: Dear Dr Jacob: Did you ever finish Yakuza: Like a Dragon?
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART Meredith
hedonistic_mushroom: Oh wait, Avalon Code, not Code Avalon
TheWooglie: Jacob streaming the intro to FF7 remake was a highlight
L0rdX33n: The things you keep, the things you don’t. The boyfriend. So many good little details
Jennie_Fuchsia: Those were such fun streams
bakerydragon: Shoutout to Meredith! absolute Joy to watch you both. Got me into playing Yakuza Like a Dragon
xantos69: The Witcher 1.
CobaltShuriken: oh gosh
Gekyouryuu: I'm still subbed to Ysbryd and I joined their community BECAUSE of Jacob
KinkerbellRose: Rage Finishes LUL
RealGamerCow: Towns.
Simriel: I watched Foxmar play unpacked in full. it was a lovely experience
Sarah: I love Unpacking so much
ThorSokar: Oh there's some STINKERS out there
KinkerbellRose: True and Valid.
Nigouki: @TheWooglie The entire Jabob FF7 Remake stream was so fun :D
powerflapjack: @xantos69 (retches a bit) witcher 1 is so rough
IsaTheEngie: The first rage-not-finish I can think of is Kirby's Tilt and Tumble
TehAmelie: Elden Ring eh
radioshackraider: So what I'm hearing is Jacob needs to guest on Watch + Play
KinkerbellRose: Mortal Kombat Sub-Zero. Hands down. The game does not respect your time as a player.
SK__Ren: shots fired
Simonark: It’s an old Interplay game called Of Light and Darkness. It is… bafflingly bad.
ThirdGames: Oh yeah Witcher 1 was poo
RockPusher: I mean, we have Watch & Play for that lrrBEEJ
red_shoes_jeff: Ouch
shadowmaster132: Memories of that Jacob Now Kiss stream running through my mind
Nigouki: did you ever have to stop playing 18 games and counting?
BigDaddyBland87: Witcher 1 but I didn't play it long enough to get truly raged. So FFXII before the Zodiac Age update
RealGamerCow: Oh wow, Towns has a "Mostly Negative" rating on Steam, you don't see that often
IsaTheEngie: I've watched Madame Web 3 times. You do not need to watch it, James.
MrBrightside1: I could listen to jacob for a lifetime
rasterscan: I played the Monsters Inc came for PS2 twenty years ago. It was so aggravating.
Shaneusm: Storytime with Jacob is always good
UlteriorSuccubus: @Shaneusm Thank you for the gift sub!
ThorSokar: Troll 2 fans, eh?
KinkerbellRose: I love bad movies. LUL
Fruan: I got into early testing for that mtg Diablo clone, played it for 20 minutes and then uninstalled. it was BAD.
JJ Sandee: Whoo! Jacob talking about stuff. Gonna need to catch the VOD of this as I missed the start.
hesterbyrde: the original Witcher. it was obtuse and poorly explained but the sex partner trading cards was the end of the line for me.
Nigouki: Nic Cage is rarely the bad part of even the bad movies he's in
Gekyouryuu: Somehow it was worse than morbius
Genie_M: It's a nothing movie
big_blue_man: madame web sucked, my friends made me watch it
thatguysteve2709: I believe that statement
beowuuf: i enjoyed morbius well enough with the bar so lowered by its reputation
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: the new Saints Row just felt so awful to interact with, everything about it felt off in the worst way
powerflapjack: Left Alive, the Front Mission sequel is probably my least favorite
simplydavemn: Postal 2 - I like video game Violence and wanton (digital) killing, but there was so much racism, misogyny, and homophobia in that game. Yeesh.
PMAvers: Does it have to be a video game? Because I've played the Sim CIty CCG.
L0rdX33n: Bad games don’t leave much impression, but Midnight Protocol stood out for being frustratingly hardcore about it’s aesthetic that I had to bail because interface
TehAmelie: Cage is a versatile and courageous actor
NonUniqueGuy: I watched it while doing other stuff.
Wolfstrike_NL: Morbius?
thedevil_risen1: Movie equivalent of vanta beige?
RatherLargeToad: Just get a Pepsi, same experience
xantos69: I only consume good media. If it sucks I don't engage.
KinkerbellRose: @powerflapjack As a Front Mission fan-girl. Left Alive gave my psychic damage.
ElCoggins: didnt you bounce off of lets go eevee?
Narcuru: (joke answer: lets go Pikachu)
Fanklok: If Nic Cage will say yes to any garbage movie maybe LRR can get him
Sarah_Serinde: Hahaha yeahhhh
AugmentingPath: CHAOS
NojhLivic: I knew Jacob was going to say that
powerflapjack: hey, stranger of paradise is fun!
ArrestedHouse: CHAOS
big_blue_man: metal hellsinger for me. each boss was the same and the final boss was such a difficulty spike. loved the game otherwise and it was one that i was really looking forward to playing
niccus: the best final fantasy in the serise?
Sarah_Serinde: He streamed that one on Ysbryd
thatguysteve2709: Ps5
Mangledpixel: ah yes, Final Fantasy Oranges
TheWooglie: I tend to watch streamers play games before I buy so avoid lots of the bad ones
powerflapjack: it's a nioh clone!
Mai_Andra: oh no, I loved that game. I wish it had more.
Simriel: Meet the Spartans is the worst film I have ever seen personally
Brozard: kill chaos
RockPusher: A truly meh movie annoys me less than a bad movie that you can see had the potential to be good
GazzyInferno: love stranger of paradise, can't agree on this one
Didero: I tried playing Disney Speedstorm again, a racing game with Disney characters, and that just has so much grinding, monetization, and baffling UI, that I just eventually sadly closed the game and uninstalled
northos: it's Final Fantasy Nioh
xantos69: @Fanklok I will pay so much money for that. See Nic Cage CAN act... he just takes on anything.
djmikeysaxx: IM HERE TO KILL CHAOS
Gekyouryuu: SOPFFO is neat on a conceptual level
RatherLargeToad: the tried to do a dark souls
RealGamerCow: They attempted.
TXC2: go to your happy place Jacob
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: if we're being spicy, my highest profile stinky game is FF14
Earthenone: yeah ff14 would be my answer for this, i preorderd the special edition
L0rdX33n: oh, i got one of the monile ad games and lasted an hour before it’s cavalcade of microtransaction bullcrap piled too high and zi had to delete it.
kodalith: Is that the Souls Like?
beowuuf: on a scale of vampire: the masquerade tv show to 10, how bad is it? :p
OmegaPlatinum: Are we killing Chaos?!
FrostyKaze: killing chaos to Limp Bizkit Kappa
kodalith: Yeah it was super rough
Mark_D_Stroyer: “As was the style at the time” Wow that does sound uninformed
RatherLargeToad: 2 years
Mangledpixel: it's apparently entertaining enough as a coop game
Leonhart321: Thoughts on 16 Jacob? I liked it
GazzyInferno: it got like 2 DLCs
ErinusTV: Strangers of Paradise is hilarious in so many ways
ErinusTV: I really enjoyed playing it, but the writing and production is something else
red_shoes_jeff: Just sat back down, we talking about Final Fantasy Stranger Danger?
radioshackraider: So it's the Micheal Bay's Transformers of Final Fantasy?
Darkridr: Stranger of Paradise rules and I will hear no word to the contrary
Clockwork Cthulhu: but I really like that game
Mangledpixel: I mean, FF1 didn't really have much lore to ruin
TomCatFrost: that’s wild. I loved SoP
Gekyouryuu: What I've heard is that the story concept is interesting, it's just not a great execution
GazzyInferno: jack garland is my dad
powerflapjack: @TomCatFrost Same, it's a goofy time from a story perspective and it's a good Nioh game
ComplexedOne: Cheer5000
ShaneLeeAtk: Those were some intense streams.
TXC2: ComplexedOne lrrHEART
Nigouki: "The Ypres of Video Games" is a surprising new rating
ComplexedOne: First time I've been able to join for coffee time this week!
MrSarkhan: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
KinkerbellRose: LUL
E_Westra: No, as someone that loves Team Ninja garbage, this game is some real nonredeemable Team Ninja garbage.
josh___something: The soulread
KinkerbellRose: Holy moly.
Simonark: @nigouki When you need Somme point of comparison.
Mai_Andra: It was for me. I just wanted it to be open world, as it had released around the same time as Elden Ring.
bisaflau: where can I find that stream? :D
chrisvonclause: Tales of Zestiria for me, I just found that game boring the characters weren't interesting to me. I loved every other Tales game I've played.
roefizzlebeef: that's such a funny way to pull the plug on a stream lmao
Sarah_Serinde: Here you go chat, a playlist of Jacob going through it, for after the subathon:
Xed_Regulus: Fever dreams are never fun
KinkerbellRose: @Sarah_Serinde ♥
bisaflau: @Sarah_Serinde lrrHEART
Fanklok: There's probably going to be a Jack Garland though
ThorSokar: It will be the NEW Bump in the Night
IsaTheEngie: It's gonna be Jacob's Bump in the Night
Angreed66: Ah like the stone rain guy
beowuuf: CurseLit
L0rdX33n: to protect others
GazzyInferno: jack garland double faced card let's gooooo
Nigouki: Ceremonial burning to purge the evil
JRandomHacker: I was gonna say it'll be Jacob's Seance
TheAinMAP: RPGFireball
josh___something: Oh do NOT give jacob ideas for Bump in the Nights
hypperstar2280: Fire! Like out of a canon?
thedevil_risen1: Firewatch was sad
Gekyouryuu: The characters from SOPFFO were the focus of set 21 of the actual FINAL FANTASY TCG, with Jack in the Garland armor as the cover card.
Sarah: Chat if you would like to experience Jacob really going through it, have a playlist for later:
canahedo: Edith Finch
Therberus: Firewatch, great game. So good for helping deal with and understand loss
Master_Gunner: Firewatch was s ogood
IsaTheEngie: There's been a few "I'm hoarding as many of these as possible" kinda cards, it seems
asthanius: Jacob voices the titular Firewatch?
Mai_Andra: Calling the lead character "Jack FinalFantasy" or whatever was very bad.
RockPusher: I should replay Firewatch sometime
TreeVor84: Edith Finch is very good
TehAmelie: ditto
thimbles_edge: dragon quest builders 2 is very cute
ThirdGames: What Remains of Edith Finch yeah, that hecked me up
Jigokuro: A Short Hike was a delight.
Obos_TAB: y'all try the new RIVEN yet? its incredible
RockPusher: Huzzah for paying the bills lrrSHINE
Nigouki: it only now occurs to me that I don't actually know how long Jacob has been in the VA industry
TehAmelie: Disco Elysium, if you have 50-75 hours to devote to getting lrrEFF up
Mark_D_Stroyer: 2Fire2watch
powerflapjack: @thimbles_edge honestly most Dragon Quest games are Very Cute
Boomy Toadsmasher: can we get a sequel to the dank ages this isall i ask
IanAllenBird: ooh
TheManaLeek: Edith Finch is one of my favourite games flat out
powerflapjack: Dragon Quest games are just video game comfort food
duck33: I need some dad advice. How long does it take to hear back from a job interview? Had one yesterday and not heard anything yet
CatTreeDreamCar: Edith Finch makes me cry like a baby EVERYTIME
CatTreeDreamCar: Gone Home is my favorite.
roefizzlebeef: shoutouts for reminding me to add edith finch to my wishlist
Earthenone: !badadvice
LRRbot: Lubricate your Lego before beginning the process.
Mark_D_Stroyer: @duck33 HUGE range. On average expect a week or so?
Sunidesus: @duck33 I've had it take a day, or literal months
gameboy350: @duck33 Anywhere from a week to a few months in my experience
JinaMahavira: @CatTreeDreamCar sameeee
TehAmelie: Night in the Woods? i think both of y'all would like that
ThorSokar: You have a message reminding you
RockPusher: tqsNoted
DeM0nFiRe: I like Vanishing of Ethan Carter
TreeVor84: I need to replay Edith Finch and Firewatch
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Did you all see they announced that they are finally going to release in the West the last 2 games of the Phoenix Wright Franchise that hadn't been releasd outside Japan?
Alma_v: Scanner Sombre was a neat one
TehAmelie: welp
Sarah_Serinde: Jacob while you're making a note: I recommend adding Unpacking :)
MilkInBags: i have found gone home to be incredibly boring and I would have rather it be labeled as a book
gameboy350: Why are all these people vanishing
niccus: please skip ethan carter
hb8u: yeah that one is good
Genie_M: Vanishing is great
ThirdGames: That Dragon Cancer?
beowuuf: :D
RockPusher: Sarah_Serinde good call
TriChronos: I liked Oxenfree quite a bit
Boomy Toadsmasher: never have i seen a mans soul die in real time like that episode of the panalysts
ExachixKitsune gifted a Tier 1 sub to Alma_v! They have given 31 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alma_v! (Today's storm count: 101)
josh___something: HEHEHEHE
josh___something: Evil
Earthenone: enjoy your game remidners chat :P
Sarah_Serinde: @RockPusher They were talking about it earlier and I want him to play it :D
KinkerbellRose: If you like puzzle games, Look for Boxes. Cause believe me. It's a JAM.
powerflapjack: Jacob, as a fellow JRPG fan, what do you think about SaGa games?
Alma_v: @ExachixKitsune Thanks for the gift sub! Kiiits lrrSHINE
CaptainChibale: oh that's a good one (the ethan carter game)
roefizzlebeef: night in the woods isn't quite in that same genre but it's an absolute banger
Sarah_Serinde: Also hi RockPusher :)
BlueFingers5: I guess I'm getting that reminder too
ExachixKitsune: sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart
MrMatternot: The Stanley Parable fits too.
TXC2: wasn't the vanishing of Ethan Carter one of the first Talking sims ?
RealGamerCow: @duck33 I suggest you send an email to the hiring person and express your thanks for the interview, specificcally mentioning callbacks to the interview, and reiterating why you are a good fit for the job. finish the email with "When can I expect a response about next steps?"
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: PS2 will never be retro
mtvcdm: 8?
dm818: I still play some games that are 30+ years old
RockPusher: Sarah_Serinde oh, I've been here - and yes, I would also very much like to hear Jacob's reaction to Unpacking
Brozard: how DARE you
RhymesWithMoose: For narrative exploration games, I do need to give a shout out to The Beginner's Guide.
jessieimproved: ow my back
mwlsn: “I’m playing oblivion!”
RandomTrivia: Retro Gaming, time to play some Pokemon B/W lrrFRUMP
2Flower: Say his name and he appears! Yes, Jacob, you can talk about Shadow Over Cyberspace
Mark_D_Stroyer: Mass Effect 2/3 being retro now is the one that stabs me in the heart.
Metric_Furlong: people should probably start treating more like books wrt age
mowdownjoe: test
MilkInBags: some people call Dark Souls 3 retro :)
ThirdGames: if Afterparty counts (same studio that made Oxenfree), that was VERY good. But I'm a sucker for afterlife stories.
greatknightgaramond: the PlayStation “classics” catalogue is just an absolute gut punch. god of war 3 is retro? :(
ComplexedOne: Playstations and Xbox are NOT retro!
RockPusher: ohai 2Flower lrrAWESOME
Jturbobanana: I just got my NES from storage and plugged it in and played some Dr. Mario
TheManaLeek: Retro gaming? Like Frogger?
TXC2: hello 2Flower welcome
Bek Vence: jacob out here setting off my google assisant
Jacob Visscher: hey a Jacob! hi Jacob
Sarah_Serinde: RockPusher ...yes, so you have (I'm busy with work :D )
SmithKurosaki: Nah, that's not retro. I'm getting introduced to the real retro community by partner. It's great
public_key_reveal_party: Oooooh
beowuuf: lol
NovaTiempo: President WHAT
Fanklok: You like retro games? Name 5 bits
radioshackraider: Minecraft is my favourite retro game
L0rdX33n: I love every part of that sentence
Didero: And EldenRing
josh___something: Didn't know dreams had that much cohesive properties
MilkInBags: didn't you play WoW a little bit?
2Flower: Cthulhu is a virtualization of the president of the united states in my next game, yep
type_variable: toasterball
RockPusher: Sarah_Serinde I mean, tbf I took a nap during the watchalong so I could actually catch a coffe with James :D
mowdownjoe: Terraria? Raft?
Earthenone: you played elden ring yesterday :P
Metric_Furlong: so 'games beginning with 'm' or 't' Kappa
gameboy350: Hey you just played elden ring yesterday
L0rdX33n: You played Raft
altis39: Wait what's Escape from Tarcov?
TriChronos: You've played some Valorant on stream as well
Wolfstrike_NL: Valorant
mercano82: Elden Ring
JadedCynic: *looks at half of desktop with DOSbox emulator shortcuts* I wouldn't even call it 'retro gaming', but 'staying in my 8-bit groove'...
ArcticAtlantic: oh now that's a cute game
RealGamerCow: Shadow over cyberspace has been added to my wishlist.
Sarah_Serinde: Chat he wasn't listing literally every game he spent a few hours on, relax :D
MilkInBags: you played fortnite with adam too
2Flower: @RealGamerCow Thank you <3
Simriel: part of me has a deep desire to send Jacob his House Sigil he shares with Adam, but I think he might actually hunt and kill me
beowuuf: @altis39 extraction shooter
CaptainChibale: oo genre. RPG (not turn-based) and crafting basebuilding survival games
RebekahWSD: I can't play first person shooters, they set off my motion sickness unfortunately
drawnbinary: i'd have a hard time listing games i've played in a while that aren't pokemon
Brozard: Balatro
Mark_D_Stroyer: Call of Duty 2 represent.
Wolfstrike_NL: @MilkInBags and league
Metric_Furlong: that's why he does this Job, Jacob
altis39: Minecraft with Bows is my favorite FPS
RockPusher: Anything that Funko can carry James in lrrBEEJ hifunkGold
IanAllenBird: god, vent
ThorSokar: TeamSpeak
NojhLivic: TeamSpeak
MilkInBags: back when FPS_DOUG was a thing
powerflapjack: JIMOTHY
TriChronos: Oh no
BigDaddyBland87: that's a name
Metric_Furlong: James "InstaKilla" Turner
whiscash_enthusiast: I remember using xfire to join games
JadedCynic: That was YOU?!?
Galexandros: Jacob always extends his laugh for so long that it sounds not genuine lrrSPOOP
KinkerbellRose: LUL
JRandomHacker: Still is! (sometimes)
MilkInBags: screaming boom headshot and saying l33t
vinewood_og: Zero Cool was taken?
mercano82: Chad Gamer
Therberus: A while back we just used to have a big old skype call
xantos69: Remember when PUBG was good and amazing? I still remember playing with James and snacking on all that chicken.
TehAmelie: Nightbook hides in fear from Instakilla
RockPusher: Classic Nightbook
River: James that stardew valley stream was like 4 years ago
Mackenzie Johnson: oooh! James and Jacob in the mooooorning!
Welbog: Any UT?
Nigouki: man, remember when you had to input actual IP addresses to get to a server instead of having a client do that for you?
themercenary1987: @vinewood_og Fantastic Deep Cut
PMAvers: Fun fact, my server hosting company *just* stopped support for Vent back in like February?
RockPusher: jlrrPunch
beowuuf: excuse to play music!
josh___something: Digging holes in minecraft is meditative
themercenary1987: @vinewood_og Mess with the best...
altis39: Tears of the Kingdom. "Finished" it before MH3 came out so now I've just been jamming Arena. Then I'll lose my life on Megaman
JadedCynic: xXxBulletShadexXx
Earthenone: @Nigouki gotta love VOIP
TehAmelie: it's ADHD poison, really
MilkInBags: WoW is a friends game
RockPusher: Punch Tree. Get Wood.
josh___something: I like installing tech mods in minecraft just to progress through a tech tree
Mark_D_Stroyer: My name is still what I used for Call of Duty 1.
L0rdX33n: Erika minecraft streams are chill and cozy
CaptainChibale: @josh___something Oh I love doing that.
TehAmelie: it's "really" poorly designed in terms of combat
Chelsea12492: I like watching people do cool things in Minecraft, but the way my adhd is set up, I need goals and to check off things on a list.
RockPusher: kind of? lol, what progression design :P
Fanklok: Nether dragon?
public_key_reveal_party: I get an urge to play Minecraft every few months, and I usually just start a hardcore world and go as long as I can, then when I die, I stop playing Minecraft for several months
TXC2: most players haven't been to the nether
Welbog: Befriend the end dragon
Sarah: @River James did several Stardew streams on his home channel earlier this year
altis39: Barely been to the Netherlands.
CaptainChibale: Also the magic mods for me though
WowoT: nether or end??
ThorSokar: when I played Minecraft the Ender Dragon wasn't even in the game
Thisbymaster: the game is "look it up on the wiki" progress
josh___something: The game HINTS at the nether, now. at least
rasterscan: Is Minecraft still a "Need to read the wiki" game?
djmikeysaxx: Jacob, if you like the idea of Minecraft but WANT more direction, i HIGHLY recommend Dragon Quest Builders 1+2 - same vibes but with Dragon quest coat of paint and a cute story
TXC2: WowoT the neither
beowuuf: credits roll... then you carry on :D
RealGamerCow: Jacob would not like Elite:Dangerous then. It's Minecraft, but the whole galaxy. Hundreds of thousands of systems to visit.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I just build stuff in creative, I haven't touched survival mode since it was called InDev
beowuuf: and explore the new end area
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I just started my yearly play of CIV 5 where I play as Venice and obey the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.
jessieimproved: At least there is a hint for the nether now with the ruined portals
bisaflau: and there is content locked behind the boss
10of9: Honestly, you are perfectly describing my experience with every open world game I've ever played
MaxVolume: I live in the Nether. I'm Dutch
josh___something: @rasterscan Not for crafting recipes anymore, but for everything else, yeah.
powerflapjack: it's a game about nothing
RiverGloom: James stardew stream was 4 years ago
bytecaster: Morning everybody!
beowuuf: sergeHi
Serivus: I'm on team Jacob with the Minecraft review
rasterscan: @josh___something Well that's something at least
TXC2: hello bytecaster welcome
Nigouki: the fact that you have programmable systems is batshit
TehAmelie: you need to have the wiki open while you play, but to be fair, Minecraft wiki is one of the best game wikis around
BrookJustBones: The end poem actually seems like something Jakob might like
Master_Gunner: Minecraft is an awful game, and I would never be able to get into it if I wasn't there in the early alpha days.
MilkInBags: you can create an actual computer in minecraft
Mark_D_Stroyer: I beat the Ender Dragon exactly once, my 7 year old really wanted to do that with me, did all the setup and items, everything in Creative, and then invited me, and we went in and melted that thing.
niccus: oh, we gotta talk about My House then
RealGamerCow: Jacob, I feel like that about FFXIV
abslomdaak42: I love playing Minecraft... With friends. It just doesn't make sense to me on my own.
Easilycrazyhat: My favorite thing about MC is the ridiculous mods and modpacks other peopls make. They can be awesome.
JadedCynic: I always approached MC with a specific goal in mind. Tell you what really gives me Choice Paralysis: No Man's Sky - I could even load Sean Murray's Time Destroyer Sim 3000 with a plan...and 10 min later I'm lost to a half-dozen other things...
josh___something: Minecraft is an AMAZING Emergent gameplay generator... It is just not a good gamegame
vinewood_og: I did until last night lol
Didero: "Do you like wrestling?" "Kinda" "OK LET'S GO RIGHT NOW"
public_key_reveal_party: I play a lot of rimworld because it gives a single big goal, and getting to that is a guide, but it is the least interesting part of the game
beowuuf: i like minecraft because of the persitent world, i have kept my original world for like 14 years now
lirazel64: He plays golf!
ThorSokar: Stiner Math time!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @niccus MyHouse is legit art
Pinwiz11: The Toni Storm / Mariah "All About Eve" storyline has been So. Good.
vinewood_og: That was good
petey_vonwho: I think that's why I gave up on Minecraft. I needed a direction of what I was supposed to be doing, and I didn't really have that.
RockPusher: AEW sound like a bunch of massive nerds lrrAWESOME
s0lesurviv0r: all I know is AEW is pretty anime?
drawnbinary: I stopped watching WWE when they let go Breezango
vinewood_og: support local!
roefizzlebeef: I'm going to an aew show this weekend, I'm so excited!!
Mark_D_Stroyer: @jadedcynic No Man’s Sky is the absolute perfect squirrel brain side goal chill out and lose tons of time game. “Oh, I need this material to fix this one item!” *Hours of jumps and exploration later*
vinewood_og: Fashion Files FTW!
Leonhart321: Kenny Omega is living his best wrestling nerd life and I am here for it
CaptainChibale: Rimworld is great! I'm currently playing Scrapnaut and I think I'm hitting the final stretch lol
10of9: The way to have fun in Minecraft (for me) is not to start with "I want to play Minecraft" it is to start with, I want to do or build x in Minecraft
RealGamerCow: I could see that.
powerflapjack: hell yeah, what's her team of choice
Leebo140: Who's her favorite team?
Fanklok: The building that the comic shop I played magic at a had wrestling thing every few months and one the the wrestlers would always come over and talk nerd stuff with us
ThorSokar: Ashley has a good set of lungs on her
drawnbinary: @vinewood_og Refined taste >:))
CommiePuddin: Bingo Bengo!
baltimore_667083: that's me with baseball
JRandomHacker: Which is why James is the designated admin for the DB NFL pick'em - because he actually _knows_
Jillexie: Ashley actually can make knowledgeable picks during the DB Dawnguard NFL picks
Sunidesus: I can also picture Ashley doing that
powerflapjack: What's her favorite NFL team?! We gotta know!
MilkInBags: watching golf requires incredible mental fortitude
Fantusta: Go Birds!
drawnbinary: I started helping with ring setup at my local wrestling like 7 years ago. I love to put the ring together
RockPusher: Has James watched much cricket?
baltimore_667083: ravens flock!
ShaneLeeAtk: I miss playing golf
TehAmelie: what if i have an idea of something i want to build in MInecraft but it's a weeks long project and i lose interest in a day?
MrBrightside1: every year I swear to myself sports will not affect my mental state, every year I watch game 1....
NonUniqueGuy: Speaking of golf, what is the current update of the ing?
JRandomHacker: @MrBrightside1 me watching the Cubs
NonUniqueGuy: thing*
trainpants: how 'bout them O's
Unas84: assume you're a Canucks household? excited for next season given how the last went?
Fanklok: How is golf expensive you just need sticks and balls
protojman: boomer time :D
BlackIsis: You mean, golf's primary demographic, James? ,)
mtvcdm: Golf is better as a video game
ThorSokar: ooof, Had THAT conversation
MilkInBags: say you're a snake oil seller
ztghostie: I had a neighbor that once described golf as a wonderful walk ruined by a little white ball
Didero: Aren't you a producer at an entertainment company?
Anubis169: m0rning :)
Fanklok: You write the schedule for your friends start up
MallyxZero: happy subathon friends
JadedCynic: @Mark_D_Stroyer "RIght - I'm gonna reach the Galactic Center...*10min* Oh! That's a cool rare ship; I should... *20min* Dangit, I know so little of this guy's language, I should go grab word monoliths... *30min* etc. etc.
TXC2: hello Anubis169
BluWzrdIsGreedy: Haven't watched wrestling in years, but love watching BTS stories and documentaries about the sport. Vice's Dark Side of the Ring is really enjoyable.
CommiePuddin: Project manager!
MilkInBags: "no, not that kind of content creator"
RockPusher: accurate
jessieimproved: That is true
powerflapjack: "I'm a production manager at Bionic Pants Studios"
Sarah_Serinde: That is very fair :D
gameboy350: You punch chunks for cold hard cash
TehAmelie: if every golf course in the world magically was turned into low rent condos overnight, would you miss golf?
pimiento: how dare you avoid questions by giving limited facts
powerflapjack: Bionic Trousers, sorry
Kilpanic: My life goal is to become a content creator, but with an emphasis on the second syllable
RockPusher: and then James tries to explain the punch-a-chunk lrrBEEJ
h3rsh3yb4r: "I give a guy a credit card to buy digital trading cards"
bakerydragon: @Kilpanic lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Sevinon: @Kilpanic Love that
NonUniqueGuy: "I buy dilly bars for people"
PharaohBender27: Morning!
Earthenone: to be fair, you usaly play the straight man james :)
powerflapjack: @h3rsh3yb4r wheelerPog
TXC2: hello PharaohBender27 welcome
invalidCards: Morning PB!
public_key_reveal_party: @rockpusher "so, you know mining?"
River: @sarah that makes so much more sense i must now go watch those
Fanklok: "I could never talk to him for another 10 years"
Obos_TAB: Jacob and James for Yule Log
KinkerbellRose: Morning PB!
Sarah_Serinde: I like those kinds of friendships too
beowuuf: a james and jacob summer christmas :p
JadedCynic: "Mornin', Ralph." "Oh, mornin', Sam." :)
Earthenone: time for a jacob and james christmas?
public_key_reveal_party: The ability to be around someone like that is so nice
Sunidesus: people you can be quiet with are valuable
Anubis169: finding a friend who you can enjoy silence with, never let go, ever
PharaohBender27: :D
Sibwow: dats new york right there
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
bakerydragon: XD
protojman: hahaha
gameboy350: ahahahaha
Nigouki: lmao
tenthtechpriest: lrrWOW
Welbog: Jacob shows up one day, puts James on a cart and moves him.
ztghostie: LUL
josh___something: LUL
ThorSokar: composNotes
xantos69: And clip it
beowuuf: you've both insulted him and put yourself on the hook :p
Cunobelenos: Serge is that meme holding his hips right now
Earthenone: why ddi you buy such a large car if you dont like moving james?
RockPusher: Good thing that wasn't recorded James
TXC2: I think that is legally binding
Tuples: Hey Jaaaaaaames? I was thinking about moving soon and....
Sarah_Serinde: It's rare I see someone so instantly regret the words that just came out of their mouth
j_crane330: Being kind is better
Unas84: yeah, you said that to someone who moved in from NY, you know...other side of the continent XD
Astral_Apache: Kind but not nice, Jacob IS from New York after all
JadedCynic: "I value my time, but I will still assist how I can"
RealGamerCow: I will *always* help people move.
pimiento: it's an impressive flex
Sevinon: Compared to the NE
Sevinon: For sure
TehAmelie: are we talking about "high context" culture?
Fanklok: Helping someone move is a free workout that gets you free pizza and beer
RealGamerCow: porque no los dos?
Sibwow: new york is the most autistic state confirmed
MilkInBags: bless your heart, jacob
doormar: Why not both?
Mai_Andra: "out here in the World" as opposed to in my brain.
Tuples: Por que no los dos?
roefizzlebeef: oh that's exciting, congrats jacob!!!
Earthenone: as an autistic living on the west cost, can confirm its rough
mowdownjoe: mowdowAcceptance mowdowAcceptance
JadedCynic: Canadians are POLITE
Xed_Regulus: Canadians are polite, but not always nice
beowuuf: ah, being british
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I feel that, I grew up near Philly but live in Florida now, and nobody around here just says the point
ThorSokar: "The Canadian No"
lirazel64: Cheer1000 Cheer100 Cheer100
Cunobelenos: As a midwesterner, can confirm it happens here too.
inconsideratehat: Big mooooood
Didero: "Oh, uh... yeah... sure..."
JinaMahavira: I am both from NY and autistic LUL
Sarah_Serinde: Jacob doesn't like it when I say "sure" to him and I'm being sincere about it (but I get why)
bakerydragon: Lived in the UK for almost whole life. Lived in Australia for a year, got back and nothing was same again. I refuse to go back to subtext
MilkInBags: in Canada, we rate a terrible restaurant like 6/10
SnowBuddy18: that's the ADHD and anxiety
Anubis169: this happens in UK sooooooo much
GhostValv: oof
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW That's just RUDE
inconsideratehat: I hate that so much
ThorSokar: James you have ABSOLUTELY done that
josh___something: I hope this doesn't come off as rude, but I wouldn't be surprised if you were autistic
protojman: familiaAaAar
HbombAndFriends: AuDHD here!
pimiento: nah mate be fuckin' blunt with your mates eh
xantos69: Not only would I never do that... but I wouldn't tolerate people who did. Just tell me your actual position on things.
public_key_reveal_party: I grew up in New England, and if you try to be polite to me, it won't work
bakerydragon: @Anubis169 yuuuup! I can't *STAND* it
Fanklok: The number of times I've said "You can say no, can you..." and they heavily sigh and do the thing like I put a gun to their head
Mackenzie Johnson: !!! yo! love Jacob getting assessed
JadedCynic: Canadian (thinking): OMG, I can't do that - but I like him and don't wanna say "No"...whatdoIdo? whatdoIdowhatdoIdo?!? *paralysis for 6 mon*
doormar: New Yorker who moved to Canada and possibly autistic? Are we the same person Jacob?
beowuuf: the stark difference is graham's version fo the pop up power bomb
greatknightgaramond: I’m from New Jersey and I don’t know if I’d be able to hack it over there
TXC2: my mum seems unable to say no when people ask her to do things :p
Sevinon: @Fanklok I really really appreciate the North East culture where saying this actually works
HbombAndFriends: Speaking as a member of the autistic community, we would love to have you as part of the family, Jacob. lrrHEART
jessieimproved: Mods, ok to post a link to an article about autistic/allistic communication and double empathy?
TXC2: jessieimproved sure
quton: I hated the california bullshit talk when I worked there for about half a year
Brozard: I like the Acts Mean/Nice, Is Actually Mean/Nice chart of the US, it’s pretty accurate and simple
Sarah: Unfortunately there's only one of the Stardew streams still up on James's Twitch channel (he doesn't have a YT vod channel)
Sarah: but if you want to see vods or hang out for chill morning minecraft
GhostValv: on camera mask
Wolfstrike_NL: We did get to see you at the Swap and Shop video this evening Jacob
KinkerbellRose: I'm an autistic gender-queer quietly hiding out in the East Coast. LUL
vinewood_og: Amen Jacob!
Anubis169: Hearing you on that Jacob... been so used to 'just doing what's required' for so long, it took ages to find out what I actually wanted or liked/disliked
marawr_arts: Cheer1000 real talks Cheer1000
MilkInBags: Barcelona was a lot of fun
Bobtheninjagoldfish: people who purposely drag out things annoy me intensely. People who know if they are going to sign a contact in minutes but make you woo them for weeks make me break out in punching.
Oisín Brogan: Reminds me of Ron Swanson quote: "We worked together for 3 years, I never learnt his name. Best friend I ever had. We still don't talk sometimes."
TXC2: never been to AFRRRRRRIIICAA!
usmu1976: You said it right James: Amsterdam is a very particular part of the Netherlands
Mai_Andra: There's video evidence of James driving up the Yukon.
powerflapjack: @Mai_Andra It's a veritable quest. On roads!
TXC2: Jacob now siting on the chair like a cat
Brozard: Oh wait, someone edited that, it’s wronf
NojhLivic: Putting it in the box?
Kaerose: the best way to sit on a chair
vanman229: oh boy a promise!
TehAmelie: *clench*
Therberus: Buthole: tightened
KinkerbellRose: Oh that'd be a hell of a good time.
ComplexedOne: the GVlogs of that would be amazing
NonUniqueGuy: That is a binding contract!
RockPusher: "New York Quest" goes into the idea hopper
pn55: LRR goes to the Big Apple confirmed!
marmalade_pen: i cant believe jacob would make a solemn vow like that
malfnord: Road Quest 2.5 - LRR Takes Manhattan?
Sevinon: Jacob says we're getting a VLOG from New York!?
mowdownjoe: Yeah, that tracks for Kathleen.
bisaflau: you heard it here first: Road Quest 2 goes to NY
QuixoticScrivener: Oh, hey, handsome folks!
Earthenone: loading ready live bit :new york, who dis?
MilkInBags: LoadingReadyHeyImWalkingHere
powerflapjack: kathleen having friends that live in brooklyn is Very Kathleen
Unas84: Some sort of scavenger show around NY, set-up and hosted by Jacob would be an amazing LRR production ...
w1gum: Where in NY is Jacob from? (im from queens)
petey_vonwho: New York road quest confirmed
RockPusher: lrrFRUMP
TXC2: w1gum upstate
Sevinon: @w1gum upstate
Mark_D_Stroyer: So you would say…you took Manhattan?
OmegaPlatinum: As a New Yorker, I approve this idea
powerflapjack: @petey_vonwho York Quest
TehAmelie: do we still not have nay word from Kathleen? just catastrophizing a bit
pimiento: I'd kickstart NYQuest feat. Jacob
mowdownjoe: @OmegaPlatinum As a Jersey Boy, I also approve!
Anubis169: that statue is freakin' HUGE up close
QuixoticScrivener: Staten Island is basically New Jersey...
ckupf: Just taking the ferry there and back is a great move
JRandomHacker: Would love to get LRR to the Midwest more - C2E2 and MagicCon were great to see y'all here
TXC2: Staten island should be part of New Jersey Kappa
Anubis169: LOL
PMAvers: make way for PISS
GhostValv: D:
rasterscan: JAMES
beowuuf: lrrFRUMP lrrJAMES
RockPusher: mattlrHeck mattlrBalls
ShaneLeeAtk: James enjoys schadenfreude
RealGamerCow: Bathrooms are hard to find in NYC
IanAllenBird: oh nooo
Master_Gunner: Peak Wiggins
Didero: Not being able to find a toilet is genuinely a fear of mine
Mai_Andra: Do they not have trees in New York? xivMorbol
mowdownjoe: @TXC2 I'm banning you from Discord for this. (But not really.) (Unless....)
public_key_reveal_party: @mai_andra not many honestly
TXC2: mowdownjoe jokes on you, I'm not in any discord :p
IaCthulhuFthagn: What movie did I miss last night?
the_phantom_game_player: I hope Kathleen is ok
SageofShadowzF: Been there except it was more than pee and it was soooo baf
Nigouki: is america not like canada when you can just waltz into any hotel and go to a bathroom on the ground floor and noone will question it?
PharaohBender27: @IaCthulhuFthagn I Am Legend (the 1950s Vincent Price version)
RealGamerCow: If you're going to NYC and want good food, go to Queens. They have *everything* there
TXC2: Nigouki HA HA HA HA no :p
Mai_Andra: @IaCthulhuFthagn "The Last Man on Earth" with Vincent Price
mowdownjoe: @TXC2 Then why aren't you in LRRCord?
mowdownjoe: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
RockPusher: The LoadingReadyRun entertainment network was not quite as mighty as it is now lrrBEEJ lrrSHINE
Sevinon: @Nigouki Definitely first read that as going to the bathroom on the floor...
Anubis169: I had the biggest slice of pizza I've ever had in NYC
djalternative: Did yall ever get any 2Bros pizza slices?
xantos69: @Nigouki Depends on the city you are in honestly. The midwest that would be totally legit.
JadedCynic: Matt resorts to peeing in an alley. NYPD comes along, pats him on the shoulder, says "Hey, it's Sunday, I get it, man." and then keeps lookout for Matt. :)
abslomdaak42: This version of the LRR theme slaps
Sibwow: papaya?
DentedPockets: I had a slice of pizza from a mexican restaurant near the subway just outside Queens. Was delicious.
Fanklok: Nathan's?
TXC2: mowdownjoe I don;t do social interaction unless there is a stream I can distract people with :p
thedepthandbreadthofseth: papaya dog?
AragornKeuken: In which Jacob perches like a gargoyle
Anubis169: and saw somebody rock up with a gigantic pistol (security guard) and ask us to clear an area
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Mai_Andra Oooh.
snowewolf: i once seen a Video of a man just walk up form the subway Poop in a Janitors bucket and have a fight with the janitor at the same time
Jillexie: Tokyo is still my favorite city to visit in the world.
JadedCynic: LUL
missa_hancock: well I just had a bit of a Mum fail. my 3 year old took off his shoe and started freaking out about “hard things” in his feet. I checked him out and calmly explained that they were just bones.
Sarah_Serinde: Hey chat sometimes things come up and someone can't make it to a thing, and it's not some big catastrophe. I wouldn't worry about it lrrHEART
JadedCynic: Gray's vs Grays
TehAmelie: fun fact: my country has about as many people in it as New York City
the_lone_bard: This is the MOST New York thing I've ever heard in my life.
missa_hancock: turns out finding out you’re made of bones is scary. “but dogs like bones!!”
Anubis169: Sarah lrrHEART
Therberus: Papaya, like the fruit?
candissimo: I'm terrified of this transaction.......
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Therberus juice.
JadedCynic: @Therberus ah, a cup of papaya JUICE <3
Earthenone: im disapointed the tell is an apostrophe and not grey vs gray papaya
Scar_Red_Tiger: I shouldnnt be surpprised to see JAcob up on the seat arms
the_lone_bard: It's a lot more understandable when young and poor XD
shadowmaster132: I am both adventurous and terrified to try new foods
RealGamerCow: Oh, that's like going to a Roast Beef place in Boston and saying "Give me a three way"
xantos69: Hot Take: Food is the only reason to do tourism.
the_lone_bard: "I probably ate Mcdonalds, cause it cost $12."
ShaneLeeAtk: Food is why i travel
ladyjessica: food is the reason I want to travel.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: This is the way.
ladyjessica: 100%
Brozard: I don’t take pics when I travel, except food
CraziestOwl: I don’t like food
IsaTheEngie: Whenever I travel, if I can't get a chance to have something local, I feel kinda bummed
pimiento: oh heck yea food me up
RealGamerCow: Same Jacob. I always go to wherever the locals go.
beowuuf: a friend of mine seems to recall walks, etc by what we had at a pub and i'm like 'sorry, i don't recall that.... i'm sure the food was nice...'
IaCthulhuFthagn: Hot take: It it wasn't for food, I wouldn't still be alive.
SageofShadowzF: Food travel is the absolute best
L0rdX33n: Kenya is amazing
nosole: my partner and I are the exact same about food when travelling. it is a cornerstone
Sevinon: I am an anti foodie (somewhat by imposition of my stomach) but I still remember what I ate most trips.
Unas84: I meant to ask, James, did you or any of the LRR crew get to eat Indonesian when you were in Amsterdam?
TXC2: IaCthulhuFthagn big if true
shadowmaster132: I was in Thailand recently and I was caught between having no spice tolerance and hating that the food was obviously for westerners at the place we stayed at
petey_vonwho: When I travel, as soon as I finish eating, I immediately start looking for my next meal lol
pimiento: that's good advice though, eat what the locals eat how theu eat ut
drawnbinary: i wish i enjoyed food, i've been to 20 countries and there were so many textures I couldn't have
Sunidesus: I have been blessed to do a lot of world traveling growing up (because of my parents' job) and yeah, food is a massive part of those memories
RealGamerCow: When I went to Japan for business, I went to lunch with the warehouse guys, and they said "Do you want sushi? Steak? McDonalds?" and I said "Take me to your favorite ramen place" and their faces lit up.
Earthenone: i think pineapple pizza was "invented" near you
v_nome: I know you've been to Edmonton some, have you gone to High Voltage for a donair and/or gyro?
djalternative: nah. Blast Victoria, Jacob!
munocard: Crisis averted
ThorSokar: composNotes Give Jacob the good recipes
ladyjessica: I remember when I went to Victoria and I really enjoyed the vegetarian place in that plaza
BrokenGolem: tea ime!
RealGamerCow: I then had the best ramen I've ever had
Gekyouryuu: So I'm hearing that instead of Burgess, Jacob's last name is Bourdain
Unas84: what are (some of) your favorite regions for food, Jacob?
rabbitgta: Coffee is best in the right amounts
mowdownjoe: lrrSPOOP_TK
Obos_TAB: NJ
djalternative: Chicago
Jennie_Fuchsia: Boston
ladyjessica: Hamilton on
vinewood_og: Be glad that team bathroom crapshot didn't come true!
munocard: Houston, TX
ChillTheEffOut: Toronto
pimiento: 'straya
DentedPockets: WA
dungeonmasteralek: Montreal
TehAmelie: North Sweden
the_phantom_game_player: I'm good
bisaflau: germany
CamazotzJr: Sweden
Jillexie: Toronto
TheOneCalledStu: Indiana
drrek0: Maryland
asthanius: texas
SnowBuddy18: Toronto
Alma_v: Netherlands
micalovits: Denmark
mercano82: VT
invalidCards: Netherlands
vanman229: Central California
Sevinon: New Jersey
IanAllenBird: I did not get enough sleep but I'm chilling
QuixoticScrivener: wisconsin
marmalade_pen: sweden
Sunidesus: minnesota
mowdownjoe: NJ
roefizzlebeef: dallas!
pn55: Japan
juuzou00: California
TheWooglie: England
BrokenGolem: Boston
Princerombur: Las Vegas
EternalRoxas: Cornwall, UK
taeasakura: UK
ElCoggins: UK
snowewolf: have you had Cawl ? welsh Ste - WALES
Earthenone: washington state
CatTreeDreamCar: Twin Cities
Peevvi: Denmark
OtherEdgeworth: Australia
ArcticAtlantic: Scotland
Trafficcone99: virginia
the_lone_bard: Melbourne, Aus.
rabbitgta: Wisconsin
Bluesun_Rise: Germany
Zafariman: belgium
panhead096: Chicago!
xantos69: Kansas City
ckupf: Queens, NY
Chatty_Protagonist: DC
ThorSokar: Iowa
IslandersCaper: atlantic canada
3schr: DC
UWDJohn: MAss
Unas84: Cork, Ireland (but from Netherlands)
v_nome: Edmonton
saweeks: Calgary
KilrenKrae: Iowa
moepmoepmoepmoepmoepmoep: germany
Bassios: UK
neisan2112: North Texas
Two_Hats: TX, US
lifaen__: Czechia
red_shoes_jeff: Ontario
RealGamerCow: Massachusetts
Krektogar: Germany
ph0enix__42: Boston
RockPusher: Wellington, New Zealand
sbuiko: Switzerland
samb6678: Minnesota
BigDaddyBland87: Kentucky
modernner0: Boston
Eklinaar: Ottawa
NojhLivic: Texas
gameboy350: New Zealand
ZER0_TW0: Ottawa
Chesul: Brooklyn
ParanoidRabbit: Sweden
Amoothyst: Washington
Ormmannen: Sweden
Brozard: Chicago
thatguysteve2709: Pennsylvania
aitsu100: Florida
IaCthulhuFthagn: I'm right here!
usmu1976: @Gekyouryuu So i'm not the only one thinking thata!
pn55: Tokyo
g0lg0r0th: Maryland
RealDarkAdamo: canada east coast
IanAllenBird: kjmniokn
GazzyInferno: UK
BlandSpice: Memphis, Tn
hypperstar2280: Utah
normarcl: Ottawa
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: London
HubbeKing: Finland!
the_phantom_game_player: Florida
doormar: Hamilton Ontario
MrSarkhan: South Carolina
Korolan: Pittsburgh PA
l0gin4me: Wisconsin
Carlioo: Sweden
trainpants: DC
merciary: Ohio
strixsiderum: Florida
radioshackraider: Jacob, you have my adress
Molladia: Melbourne
IanAllenBird: Washington
Master_Gunner: Halifax
JollyGee29: Kansas
emmaInProgress: Germany
IronwoodWizard: NY
Disposable_Wincon: Germany
Scar_Red_Tiger: Toronto
Linwey: Gotland Sweden
drawnbinary: Currently Australia
shadowmaster132: Australia
ELD_Winterlight: Denmark, northern end
Anubis169: England
quton: Finland
Cyberegg: Uk
Loa_Ayizan: Vancouver
RatherLargeToad: MN
CaptainChibale: Ontario
JinaMahavira: North Carolina
HasturTheYellow: Calgary AB
ztghostie: fort worth texas
TreeVor84: Washington State
public_key_reveal_party: Michigan
Shaneusm: Canberra, Australia
gnomonclature: Normal, Illinois, US.
JessyTheRed: Vancouver
NekomimiNinja: Sweden
missa_hancock: colorado
brendog28: Melbourne
popcatholic: Chattanooga, TN
SytYoshi: Chicago
JRandomHacker: Chicago! (and I've seen like 6 of us)
Notamys3000: NYC
superdeadsmurf: Nova Scotia
thasmiel: Berlin!
thimbles_edge: Newfoundland
Ritaspirithntr: Washington State
Eckuris: uk
IsaTheEngie: Upstate NY
Cunobelenos: Michigan
josh___something: The Philippines!
Lupus2253: Germany
FrostyKaze: Germany
mckblitz: ontario
LlewellynZ: DC
quietcat: Alberta
Easilycrazyhat: West coast us
mwlsn: DC suburbs
usmu1976: Netherlands
Just_Herby: UK
horridcrustacean: Germany
BobROE: Toronto
GoblinPieromancer: Lithuania
Uzumaki15: Virginia
PMAvers: The middle of nowhere in northwest Ohio
nightsreach: iceland
Chelsea12492: Henderson, KY
DaSunao: Maryland
petey_vonwho: Appalachia
LordZarano: Wales
Jigokuro: St Louis, we have great food.
Dillatont: Midwest US
el_dwardo: uk
Spluuga: Finland!
IviaRelle: Newfoundland
themercenary1987: Midlands UK
Jean_Jacques_EB: France
bartimus_thundercask: Cincinnati ohio
CanPlayGames: Epcot
big_blue_man: Pennsylvania
Kezshra: Pennsylvania
JadedCynic: Newfoundland, Canada
Ard_Rhys: London
JoannaTastic: Near Cambridge UK
Nommii77: Finland
CommiePuddin: Cincinnati ish
abslomdaak42: Czech Republic
protojman: north carolina
hanzi_keat: North west UK
cmdrud87: Germany
3schr: Washington DC
Dark_Destra: UK
altis39: Pennsylvania America
jimber_jam: Dayton Ohio
Greydir: germany
jacqui_lantern234: Niagara
Mark_D_Stroyer: Outside Dallas
Simonark: Arlington, VA
ArkhamArchivist: Bangor ME
westerfarmer: Denmark!
a_serious_moose: Qu/bec
mtvcdm: You did it now Jacob
lirazel64: Boston
jedi_master_zll: Colorado
thedepthandbreadthofseth: In Pittsburgh we put french fries on our sandwiches.
nosole: Edmonton
NovaSpecter: Atlanta
Trym___: uk
greatknightgaramond: the newest Jersey
DoctorHutch: New york
Genie_M: Hungary
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: St Louis, MO
81ackR0se: Edinburgh, Scotland
baldy_dnd_nerd: Oxford, UK
Statist42: Getmany
Candysniper015: mystic CT
FerretinaTheWeaselQueen: South Africa :D
resilientspring: Ontario!
kodalith: Manitoba Canada
RealDarkAdamo: nova scotia
rasterscan: Welp, good luck mods.
schwitty_26: Buffalo, NY
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Pittsburgh
Nashlake: Dover NH
naynayhof: Iowa
AnjaZeta: Minneapolis
jessieimproved: Atlanta
hypperstar2280: Chat so fast like Sonic
Gekyouryuu: Pennsylvania
loufghyslaufey: That ONE you've never heard about!!
L0rdX33n: when I was 10 my family traveled to Russia for a week and I, as a 10 year old white kid, was weirded out by all the strange food and subsisted entirely on bread and butter. It is one of my genuine regrets. North Alabama.
PsychoI3oy: 150 miles south of you
Yrefe: Chile!
FenrisSchafer: Manhattan, KS
j_crane330: Virginia Beach
Noy2222: West Xylophone
GwalchmaiOfHouseParadox: Croatia
QuixoticScrivener: Mars
Cunobelenos: Kalamazoo
marawr_arts: coloradooooo usa
RockPusher: RIP Sarah sergeModLove
iconicshadow89: Florida
Flyingdelorion: The Netherlands
mercury145: Southern California
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Mods, I apologize on Jacob's behalf.
OtherEdgeworth: Brisbane, Australia more specifically
Musicsquid: Florida 🥲
josh___something: Location time, location time!
IaCthulhuFthagn: Northern Europe
Krillin_fan: Minnesota!
Beofryn: Minnesota
Shellsh0cker: Southern New Hampshire
just_like_aerin: Las Vegas-ish
FeistierErmine: North GA mountains
ValTheDrake: Poland
PharaohBender27: Man this is like peal DB chat :p
hypperstar2280: Utah
miniMacGuru: Upstate South Carolina, USA
TXC2: there's a 1000 people watching Jacob :p
ProcyonFlynn: So Cal -
Rafgmorais: brasil
PrinceLariel: Pennsylvania!
doormar: Formerly Syracuse
drawnbinary: I'll be in Japan and Canada next week
Linwey: Gotland
phoenixfeather14: Ontario!
themercenary1987: Uk
CraziestOwl: Israel
Freezerassasin: Vancouver Island
Arikell: Uk
TheOneCalledStu: Indiana
tingglytoes: brunei
NonjaBiru: DC area
ladyjessica: hahahha
TehAmelie: this chat segment seems like it could be a liquid somehow
Sarah_Serinde: You're fine Jacob
hypperstar2280: Hahaha
Anubis169: we're on it xxxCOM
PharaohBender27: *peak
IanAllenBird: you just asked a thousand people the easiest possible question
mericlese: Nebraska
CelticGeek: Macon, Georgia (but it's my 8th state)
vinewood_og: I have a confession, for work and her family, I am again a Florida man TableHere FlipThis
Sarah_Serinde: Just don't encourage spam too often :P
djmikeysaxx: ENGAGEMENT
BigDaddyBland87: @Chelsea12492 Dang....someone close to me...Owensboro
Piecrust9: ENGAGEMENT!
TK_Squared: Old Jersey.
Simonark: please let all the Epcots meet up for lunch
Scar_Red_Tiger: Engagement!
StarSorrows: Albuquerque, NM
Holden_McGroin96: Omaha Nebraska
Fantusta: From philly but in Denver this week
spicyFerret_: Twin Cities!
hypperstar2280: You did good Jacob
Drakas: Australia
MrMatternot: San Antonio
CaptainEnder7: Boston area
roefizzlebeef: oopsies
niccus: the crowd might be biased against the west coast right now
Anubis169: this is why there's a team of us :P
River: Ontario
ThatTallNerd: Michigan
Foud the Troll: Quebec
RiverMyst: I'm curious can you read YouTube chat?
Clockwork Cthulhu: Denmark
Simriel: Scotland!
Walshman: Fake London (Ontario)
Matt Watson: good morning from DC, USA!
WildJinx: Ottawa
RiverMyst: maryland
Elijah Gill: south east England
Simriel: @RiverMyst someone in the tech booth can, but not the stream
Wesley Ackerman: China
Kevin Leung: Columbus ohio
Roey Shapiro: Middle East
William Callanan: Upstate Ny
Thomas Hynnek: Minnesota
Gekyouryuu: @princelariel PA high five!
mercano82: It's called driving engagment
James_the_Dabbler: Oklahoma City
JadedCynic: C'est bon, mon ami! :)
Obos_TAB: I just had a Pork Roll egg and Cheese, and that should tell you everything.
Poinketh: Australia, but I should be asleep
Sarah_Serinde: It's okay :D
Steelwolf171: new Brunswick (not the New Jersey one)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Pittsburgh PA
Mark_D_Stroyer: Some AI out there is going nuts with data mining.
DaSunao: About to head to LBI
atinyspacemarine: Wee bit north of boston
10of9: Lancaster, PA
Metric_Furlong: I'm from Earth, like all the rest of you normal humans
HbombAndFriends: Florida
generatrix: Windsor (we have good food 😛)
Therberus: Uh oh Jacob doing a chaos
j_crane330: It's ok
hedonistic_mushroom: Philippines
baltimore_667083: @James_the_Dabbler okc represent!
Chatty_Protagonist: We should do a DC area meetup
IsaTheEngie: He accidentally the chat for a few seconds
vanman229: its not spam it's _engagement_
Walshman42: Fake London (Ontario)
merciary: Oh wow, spotted another Dayton Ohio folk in here
Rasputyne: South Carolina, formerly of western NY
Nismorack: Netherlands!
pimiento: hey, you ask, we all answer
mowdownjoe: @Steelwolf171 This always throws me.
Genie_M: We're enthusiastic sometimes
Easilycrazyhat: @thedepthandbreadthofseth I love Pittsburgh. It's a great little city.
SnowBuddy18: well, you're probably used to a smaller chat, it's fine
RockPusher: It's endearing and perfectly fine lrrSHINE
josh___something: @hedonistic_mushroom YO Fellow FILIPINO!!!!!
CanPlayGames: Jacob now controls the Horizontals and Verticals
TXC2: and now we're winding down, deep breaths chat
atinyspacemarine: Boston meetup apparently?
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: next time, Chat should answer one at a time
Gekyouryuu: @thedepthandbreadthofseth @10of9 PA high five!
Shaneusm: Aussie Aussie Aussie?
big_blue_man: spotted someone from lancaster, i'm from the philly area
PhoenixMelior: Hey at least its the LRR chat and it was 100% placenames
shadowmaster132: It's friday night in australia still so I can be here a little longer
pn55: TBF we don't tke much encouragement :p
PsychoI3oy: if you want real spam, ask where everyone's from in a NASASpaceFlight stream with 20k people watching
invalidCards: We love being the subject for a bit
CaptainChibale: @Metric_Furlong perfectly normal humans
djalternative: Jacob, what's your worst food take about Chicago or some other city? We can take it
Sarah_Serinde: Sometimes the unspoken rules are just "we learned from experience that this thing doesn't go well"
RockPusher: !listen
LRRbot: Chat? Engaging in mimicry?
petey_vonwho: Jacob, I love the energy you bring to streams lrrSHINE
Shellsh0cker: I mean unspoken rules are literally a thing you were JUST talking about
bytecaster: Now everybody in chat is really awake though!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Gekyouryuu thanks?
mercano82: Do not stare directly into the void
vinewood_og: Cheer1000 Jacob broke the internet! Good job!
TehAmelie: i don't think it's unspoken rules, just ones people haven't thought through enough to codify
Obos_TAB: You want a Pork Roll egg and Cheese, Jacob?
mericlese subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months, currently on a 32 month streak!
mericlese: One more month…
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mericlese! (Today's storm count: 102)
niccus: there's a little more downtime with the Crowdstrike thing
Simonark: @chatty_protagonist I know of one or two others who are in the area, certainly.
BrokenGolem: never give them a chance to say "behind you"
HbombAndFriends: Struggling with unspoken rules. Yeah, you’re one of us.
Mark_D_Stroyer: M’lort
dm818: That's not even a hot take
CaptainChibale: I saw another Ontario in that mass woo
samb6678: Malort is fine!
Brozard: HOW DARE YOU’re right
red_shoes_jeff: Lotta Ontarians in attendance, I see. Maybe I'll see some of you at Fan Expo next month.
Gekyouryuu: @thedepthandbreadthofseth just celebrating other people in my state, sorry
radioshackraider: Jacob, you're drinking coffee, but it's time for you to spill the tea on victoria food
panhead096: So trueeeeee
L0rdX33n: Malort is a crime in a bottle
generatrix: Your only real downfall is actually reading chat.
CelticGeek: I was just watching on YT, then when you asked where we were, I had to jump on Twitch :D
BlackIsis: Malort is a joke we play on the tourists.
QuixoticScrivener: Almost 1.3k watching if count YouTube.
invalidCards: I've had Malort once, apparently also popular in Pittsburgh. I wanted to die
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Fair. But had you said deep dish pizza, we would have had words.
RiverMyst: cool thanks
Rich Strubhart: Illinois
MrSVCD: Sweden 🇸🇪
River: does anyone know who is running tech this morning ?
Tee Man: Pittsburgh
Sarah: No one
Simriel: I think the tech booth is empty right now
Sarah: Besides James occasionally going into the room to do things that need doing
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Easilycrazyhat Little? Where are you from, Necromunda?
Nismorack: Any Netherlands/Europe stories?
bits badge tier notification
Jacob broke the internet! Good job!
Cunobelenos: Meh, Malort is fine
Anubis169: in the words of one of my favourite people, "if you fuck up, own it and learn from it, make it part of yourself, and move on. Fuck upwards manYES "
neisan2112: True
Angreed66: That's all spirits
PhoenixMelior: I saw someone else say Alberta yeah
JRandomHacker: Malort's "Do Not Enjoy. Responsibly" ads are brilliant
IsaTheEngie: Jacob, have you have you experienced the venerable Garbage Plate?
Brozard: Did you hear about the Candy Corn Malort?
KV1NN4: If you ever go to Malaysia please go to Kuching, Sarawak and check out the cat museum (more of a gallery of appreciation with sooo many cat themed objects)
rabbitgta: Yep seems right
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: Malört is what I assume dumpster runoff tastes like
merciary: Malort is over hyped as a trash drink. It's just fine
ckupf: I have a bottle of Malort from when I lived in Chicago 9 years ago, I have never been tempted to drink it.
QuixoticZ: Malory is the flavor of existential dread. It keeps coming back whenever the flavors in your mouth are too quiet, just waiting on the darkness
ladyjessica: I’m working in IT today and we’re going through it. this is keeping me sane.
kodalith: Factually Accurate
snowewolf: Jacob you seem like you would love/hate welsh rabbit - its Fancy cheese on toast
Chelsea12492: @bigdaddybland87 oh yeah! only like 20 minutes! I couldn’t pass up early LRR to keep me company working from home.
Pinwiz11: I love Malort, I've had so many infusions. My favorite: Pumpkin Spice Malort.
thimbles_edge: that's Screech rum if you come to newfoundland
mwlsn: @Anubis169 that's great and I'm using it
JadedCynic: Oh, so malort is Chicago's equivalent of "Screech" :D
ThorSokar: Malort: The finger w/o the middle
TheWooglie: yeah I've seen streamers drink it as a charity forfeit
doormar: Rochester ny
ladyjessica: upstate New York
CanPlayGames: Have you been to a Waffle House?
Simonark: Mallort is a deterrent to outsiders Chicago embraced when they couldn’t just let Capone runs things to terrify strangers anymore
IaCthulhuFthagn: As a Scandiwegian, Malort is not even half decent as far as wormwood schnapps/akvavit goes.
trainpants: shout out to Rochester
ladyjessica: I think
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I thought that was a Buffalo thing.
Rasputyne: Rochester!
pimiento: watch & plate
invalidCards: James is sold already
ThorSokar: There's an amazing Garbage Burger here
L0rdX33n: just a heap of meat, I assume
Didero: Garbage Plate is when you put a Watch+Play stream down horizontally
thasmiel: Cheer500 for jacob being a cutie
DoctorHutch: Similar to disco fries
SageofShadowzF: That's a Rochester thing
Anubis169: ladyjessica: big Hugops to all of you... I'm kinda glad that's not my dep't temporarily
red_shoes_jeff: Oh, like poutine!
quton: isn't that one of Bens canlander decks
IsaTheEngie: Rochester/Western NY. A bunch of picnic food on one plate.
RealGamerCow: I want to try an Irish Spice Bag.
malfnord: Binging With Babish did a thing about it years ago and now it's a thing
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Oh, no no, no! Not Albany!
Chatty_Protagonist: Tragically, it includes pasta salad.
Sevinon: Cheer1000 Cheer1000 Cheer1000 Jacob learning the easiest ways to get chat to spam.
zazamost: I'm from Chicago and I've never heard of this "Garbage Plate"
Brozard: The best description of Mallory’s flavor I’ve heard is “burning condoms”
River: well good job tech for not randomly glitching out
shadowmaster132: @snowewolf ever since i heard about welsh rarebit I have wanted to try it
MadnessDreamer: if you have been to St. Louis, have you had our pizza and/or toasted raviolis?
Rasputyne: Garbage Plates are amazing. Looks like vomit, tastes awesome
KV1NN4: Currently in Buffalo, NY
3schr: It's a thing. Binging With Babish did a great video recreating it because he's from there
mwlsn: "It's more of a Utica thing"
TehAmelie: the other day i saw someone translate malört as "moth herb" and boy did i have to resist being that reply guy gal
samb6678: As an akvavit malort is deeply sad
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
abslomdaak42: Awwww
big_blue_man: get owned james
GhostValv: Cheer300 and a little for James :)
jacqui_lantern234: no JACOB got the bits, james Kappa
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: cheer400 so James doesn’t feel left out
pimiento: lrrJAMES lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Unas84: James: best food you had in Europe last month?
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
commentarywife: Does James know how Jacob managed to spam the chat?
PharaohBender27: Meantime, James: Were there any moments when you and Ashley were in Europe that were culture shock for you?
mtvcdm: ! next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Demon's Souls w/ Wheeler at Fri 08:00 AM PDT (52m from now).
IaCthulhuFthagn: @quton Mono black deck with several A+B's and all the tutors you can eat.
SharktoothJack: recipe for engagement: name any city Kappa
JRandomHacker: Southern IL has a similar-ish dish called a Shoe
QuixoticScrivener: guess James has to wake up tomorrow
aitsu100: Cheer100 for cutie James
MilkInBags: on PS5?
doormar: Rochester has garage plates, Syracuse has salt potatoes, Utica has the Utica greens
beowuuf: Cheer500 #teamJacob #teamJames
neisan2112: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Bits for all of LRR being cute
the_phantom_game_player: Binging with Babish did an episode on garbage plate
Anubis169: PS5 or PS3?
Adeli3: Cheer2000 Now now, split these bits nicely you two.
IsaTheEngie: @mwlsn I was in Utica earlier this year and was adviced against getting tomato pie!!!
Shaneusm: SOULS!
Linwey: Isn't Malort basically just a type of Snaps?
TXC2: Anubis169 I assume PS5
dungeonmasteralek: Cheer100 for Jacob!
CanPlayGames: James. I give you JumpCare bits cause its cute cheer100
pimiento: Demons's' Soul's's's
Anubis169: Linwey: Malort is unique, it tastes like Malort
Krillin_fan: woo oo
mowdownjoe: WOOHOO.
Earthenone: ducktales? woo-oo
3schr: Wait, sorry. What time is Lorcana?
thimbles_edge: i respect just taking the cards that seem cool
jedi_master_zll: Someone said they were from OKC, I recommend B-Won, it's a small Korean restaurant. Great Bibimbap Dolsot.
NekomimiNinja: daksu?! such magnificent creatures!
Linwey: @Anubis169 Since that just means 'wormwood' that honestly tells me nothing except it's bitter as all hell
CanPlayGames: StarWars Unlimited is so good
TehAmelie: malort itself is a plant, popular ingredient of some strong liquors. the name means "bad plant"
JRandomHacker: @3schr Magic: The Disney-ing
Krillin_fan: what sets are y'all drafting in lorcana?
Anubis169: it's very fragrant
Didero: Aw, sad, I can't watch the Lorcana part live then :(
James_the_Dabbler: @jedi_master_zll as a lover of Korean food and a foodie and general, thank you!!!
3schr: Thanks, James! Probably too late for me, but I'll catch the replay
NonUniqueGuy: I keep putting off trying Bibimbap Dolsot. Whenever I go for Korean, I end up getting other things.
Linwey: @TehAmelie Wormwood. The english name for the plant is wormwood
big_blue_man: he has to EARN it
Sarah: For the most part the tech things have gone quite smoothly :)
Earthenone: a purpose driven cookiew
jedi_master_zll: @James_the_Dabbler That's the only thing I miss from OKC, lol.
beowuuf: vanishing of ethan carter first, then cookie
TehAmelie: i thought it might be
mwlsn: @IsaTheEngie Had no idea this was a thing, but now I know!
shendaras: 2 cookies.
ckupf: We saw that swap and shop episode, we know jacob
Anubis169: Linwey: imo, buy a small taster bottle, about the size of a minibar bottle, and have a bit. It doesn't taste like absithe i'll say that.
SharktoothJack: @Linwey people say "licorice taste" but that's not a very complete answer
Didero: Yeah, Ursula's Return
Anubis169: absinthe*
djmikeysaxx: Excited for MH3 draft, but next year we gotta do the Final Fantasy or the Marvel set and watch Jacob get super hype
Krillin_fan: Encanto
CanPlayGames: Ursula’s boogie town
Therberus: Ok but is Sora in Lorcana?
3schr: Encanto
RatherLargeToad: The PvE thing they have from the Ursula set is surprisingly good
Earthenone: encanto yeah
Linwey: @Anubis169 Sounds vaguely like Snaps
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
LordManiMani: Modern Ducktales?
v_nome: Is there a Luisa card?
IsaTheEngie: @mwlsn There's a lot of Utica things apparently and that's one of them.
CanPlayGames: Bruno deck is strong
beowuuf: we don't walk about jacob's bank account, no no
thimbles_edge: love encanto so much
Krillin_fan: @v_nome there is
Malkmaven1176: i hope there's time to play Star Wars Unlimited later today, it's such a fun game
shadowmaster132: we don't play bruno?
Didero: As a warning, there's a song card for Under Pressure :p
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: as someone who's mostly experienced Disney stuff via Kingdom Hearts, is it anything like that? Is Organization XIII there?
PMAvers: Yeah, they basically have a Ursula version of the old WoWTCG raid decks.
aitsu100: we dont talk about Bruno no no no
v_nome: @Krillin_fan I'm listening.
Simriel: Paul has built a quite robust system considering
ALLxISxLOST: muppets?
thimbles_edge: i dont have anybody to play lorcana with so i have resisted buying lorcana cards but its hard
embermage34: question for Jacob: a bit off topic at this point.... but What is your favorite Final Fantasy? main game and game in general?
bakerydragon: So many FEEELINGS
josh___something: heard, will not reassure you
RockPusher offers reassurance anyway lrrHEART
beowuuf: and serge!
DrMagnify: the ccg vs tcg mindset
Sunidesus: but it's pretty!
TehAmelie: i'm bewildered by how people thought Bruno was such a banger when it's the most unremarkable song in Encanto
josh___something: Okay, ART IS SICK though
Sarah_Serinde: Jacob that was me for the LotR set :D
Linwey: @SharktoothJack It certainly isn't. Honestly the drink Malort is a bit of a mental bugbear for me, as a Swede. Can't make sense of it
thasmiel: my approach to mtg...
djalternative: I always struggle between pretty and playable
Didero: Yeah, Lorcana is VERY thematic!
Sarah_Serinde: MtG art is *so good* these days
protojman: Jacob that perspective is important too
CanPlayGames: I’m team Jacob on this. Flavor win
L0rdX33n: I feel you in my soul
malfnord: This is the reason I never managed to get into CCGs
Scar_Red_Tiger: Jacob wants to be on Crack a Pack
JadedCynic: see, THAT sort of MtG stream? I would sub the HELL out of that, Jacob <3
TXC2: I think a goodly number of people are like that
ztghostie: Meanwhile, me: The cards have art?!
shadowmaster132: I'm not really a tcg person but those lorcana cards are so good
rabbitgta: I feel that, we call those pet cards
josh___something: Flavor lover
ArcticAtlantic: i'm like that with the Doctor Who cards
aitsu100: Shivam does the same
rasterscan: I feel like Jacob does better with constructed formats where he can make a theme deck that also works well.
TotallyNotaBeholder: But but but, the thing I like...
TXC2: IF !
Clockwork Cthulhu: WeAreSorryYouAreWelcome.
NonUniqueGuy: Jacob Lorcana Crack-A-Pack
Sarah_Serinde: @ArcticAtlantic Definitely those too
Simonark: Universes Beyond precons are for the Jacob in all of us.
DrMagnify: I think confirmed When on that
izzetraichu: I have built entire decks because I got a cool token
CanPlayGames: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This is a Hideo Kojima production.
CelticGeek: Jacob Crack-a-Pack!
tenthtechpriest: When, not if
abslomdaak42: Enjoying the art, flavour and design of a card IS VALID!
Didero: Jacob, if it helps, there's an official co-op version of Lorcana called 'Illumineer's Quest: Deep Trouble'
neisan2112: Gotta have Jacob on a TTC for that
Two_Hats: Oh, I feel like come Sunday a bunch of people will be doing that
Suffix: HELLO FRIENDS! Good morning! I have coffee too!
munocard: God, I'm gonna lose my MIND over the FF stuff
Leonhart321: Memo to self, bring my Castlevania deck to anything I go to that Jacob attends so I can get him to sign my cards
Obos_TAB: maybe Jacob on TTC for FF set?
josh___something: TAP TAP CONCEDE FF EPISODE!
LordManiMani: I'm gonna lose so much money
Sarah_Serinde: I have wanted to do multiple cross stitch projects on MtG card art and I just need so much more time to make them happen :(
beowuuf: i mean jacob as ppr guest if the timings work out?
thasmiel: \o/
TXC2: hello Suffix welcome
thasmiel: yes please!
Sarah_Serinde: Yesss
Pheonix888: Have a good stream, off to log into work.
Leonhart321: Yessss
RealGamerCow: This kills the Jacob
rabbitgta: Don't kill him
Gekyouryuu: No interest in the actual Final Fantasy TCG, Jacob?
Didero: this kills the jacob
Nismorack: I would watch that.
hanzi_keat: I'd watch it
bisaflau: oh yes please!
IanAllenBird: rip
vinewood_og: you almost killed this man
TXC2: :D
Anubis169: swallow it don't breathe it!
josh___something: I think we killed the jacob
Therberus: This Kills the Jacob
Dread_Pirate_Westley: James, you can't just spring that on Jacob!
ztghostie: Jacob for the Final Fantasy PPR!
Sunidesus: Jacob is gonna explode at this rate
roefizzlebeef: oh I would LOVE that
GazzyInferno: james, you're killing him with kindness
IaCthulhuFthagn: Don't tempt us!
Narcuru: that sounds like what Jacob needs
CaptainChibale: reminder to take your meds and drink some water.
Leonhart321: Next Booster Box TTC, do it
RatherLargeToad: I’m building 4 new Frog commander decks for the new legendary frogs OSFrog
Yrefe: I feel a crack-a-pack is already gonna be like 2 hours
djmikeysaxx: What about the Marvel Set James? Will we do the same for you when it launches?
HorusFive: Am Jacob OK?
ExachixKitsune: "Jacob and Graham Froth about Final Fantasy for 8 hours" is a video I would watch
public_key_reveal_party: Oh no, Jacob died.
CaptainChibale: be good to yourself
ladyjessica: draft is one of the places I let my competitive side out
ThorSokar: Graham and Jacob, 2 men enter 1 man leaves
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Jacob, please remember to breathe!
GhostValv: no worries you'll just be on editing duty :)
CAKHost: Hello everyone!
jacqui_lantern234: so when is Jacob gonna get his own podcast where he gets to look at cards and just SCREAM
beowuuf: nodding bird set on the keyboard, wlak away
JadedCynic: someone just aspirated saliva *pats Jacob softly on the shoulder*
quietcat: I want to see Jacob on a final fantasy explainer TTC
RandomTrivia: How many subs to greenlight this?
TXC2: hello CAKHost welcome
kid_flashionable: That was my entire experience playing FFXIV with my boyfriend
Earthenone: im excited to see what versions of moogles they use
Obos_TAB: *next card says everything they just said*
Sarah_Serinde: Again, me with the LotR Set gabyLul
BluWzrdIsGreedy: Have they never played the FFTCG?
BluWzrdIsGreedy: It so much better than MTG on every level.
RealGamerCow: Graham did a really good job of restraining himself for Doctor Who
Easilycrazyhat: Jacob really needs to be part of some TTCs where they get all of that out XD
gualdhar: 6 part miniseries by Ken Burns: Jacob opens Final Fantasy box
ExachixKitsune: you will need someone going through the cards in advance to sort by FF game so you can keep on track
TXC2: *Ok, so about SOLIDER....."
ztghostie: I cannot WAIT to build a Kafka commander deck
RatherLargeToad: I want a summoners and summons commander deck with a Rydia face commander
bakerydragon: btw, Jacob could you give takes on the Transformers mtg cars (secret lair I think?)
mercano82: Jacob breaks out into a full rendition of the FF6 Opera.
Leonhart321: Oh no so terrible, a 14 hour TTC with Jacob gushing over FF lore. Guess I better buy the popcorn
HorusFive: Do you want a Kingdom Hearts? Because that's how you get a Kingdom Hearts
beowuuf: cameron for the 40k was sergeJustRight
Narcuru: two sets
Angreed66: plural
Krillin_fan: "so here you can see that Terra is shifting into her esper form..."
Genie_M: At least two
public_key_reveal_party: Tap Tap Lore Dump opponent has conceded because they have stuff to do today
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Franz Kafka wrote Final Fantasy? That sounds amazing!!!
djmikeysaxx: 2025 IS GOING TO DESTROY JACOB
Obos_TAB: oh SNAP Weird Al just dropped a new Polka!!
djmikeysaxx: ITS THE SAME YEAR
munocard: Marvel and FF are both next year
Narcuru: one set is in 2025 i think
Sarah_Serinde: Hey chat easy on the capslock please :)
Genie_M: 2025 is Marvel and FF
powerflapjack: i think marvel is Just Decks
beowuuf: O.O weird al polka?
djmikeysaxx: First set is 2025 with more to come
invalidCards: The FIRST marvel set is in 2025
Gekyouryuu: Set 23 for the final fantasy TCG comes out in a couple of weeks, Jacob, and this game has SO MANY THINGS for you to nerd out over. I would LOVE for Jacob to at least take a look at the game.
thimbles_edge: i sure hope they spread it out more than that
JadedCynic: @djmikeysaxx yep; we gonna need to crowdfund his rent for the year Kappa
ExachixKitsune: we'll miss you Jacob, I mean, we won't because I assume you will be talking about it a lot
Suffix: @Sarah_Serinde I apologize, Sarah. sergeModLove
ThatTallNerd: Ah, that's Flamespeaker Adept for me. That and a few other cards like Sigiled Starfish and Sunblade Elf hold a special place in my heart.
Foud the Troll: "Geeking out with Jacob and Graham" schedule your weekend today
TehAmelie: the first step towards a Hasbro/Disney cooperation
invalidCards: There will be more Marvel sets in 2026 and likely beyond
ExachixKitsune: Hello SUFFIX!
jedi_master_zll: I do kinda wish I had the Godzilla lands.
Earthenone: the cardstock is so nice!
PMAvers: Oh yeah, they totally announced a Magneto Hero deck for Marvel Champs the other day.
Krektogar: that noise by Jacob just made me look for the Zombie in my game :D
powerflapjack: god, the FF tcg feels so nice in hand
Sarah_Serinde: @Suffix One or two words is okay, but I appreciate it :D
Narcuru: Q2, 2025: release of Universes Beyond: Final Fantasy, also on MTG Arena. Q3, 2025: release of Universes Beyond: Marvel
djmikeysaxx: Jacob crowdfund us watching you opening packs all year in 2025
niccus: Looks like probably one regular set between FF and Marvel
powerflapjack: i'm actually going to be using FF TCG cards for my tokens
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Sarah_Serinde This sentence was written in its entirety with Caps Lock on. My right pinkie is tired.
josh___something: I think we dehydrated the Jacob
Gekyouryuu: It's one of those games that are easy once you're used to it, and easier if you've played magic before, but it can be a bit much to start, yeah
doormar: I think Graham opened a $100+ final fantasy card on mail time
Sevinon: How do people just not break bones?
L0rdX33n: Arms 3 times
TehAmelie: James is Unbreakable: not yet disproven
Eklinaar: I have never broken a bone and I'm not sure how, I absolutely should have several times.
red_shoes_jeff: Mine, or someone else's?
pipshardfour: have you ever broken any hearts?
Sarah_Serinde: @IaCthulhuFthagn ಠ_ಠ
PMAvers: Oh yeah, those reprint sets that Final Fantasy TCG puts out are amazing. They do reprint boxes every year with a bunch of staples in it, plus a pre-con, for like $40ish bucks?
vinewood_og: Next Sub-a-thon to raise funds for Jacob's FF/Marvel MTG needs?
RealGamerCow: fingers, toes, skull
big_blue_man: i have! broke an arm and leg at the same time
TXC2: Sevinon we don't go outside
Leonhart321: Hilariously, I have a suspected foot fracture at the moment and have my foot taped up
Seru: to be fair, american magic cards feel so much worse compared to european and japanese printed @james
Gekyouryuu: @doormar yeah, a foil light element Cloud from set 1
Sevinon: @TXC2 ... I managed one break indoors
PharaohBender27: Heck yeah Unbroken Bones Club!
Thisbymaster: it depends if you touch my ball
HorusFive: That's golf quitter talk Jmaes
beowuuf: @Leonhart321 lrrSHINE
doormar: My grandma broke her leg playing golf
Bassios: "Unlikely to break a bone playing golf" That sounds like a challenge.
Sevinon: 2 finger, toe, arm twice. Think that may be it?
shadowmaster132: Fun fact you can fracture ankle from spraining it when the ligament rips a bit off. It happened to me
atinyspacemarine: I have PTSD from broken bones!
invalidCards: I have never broken a bone, just a huge gash in my leg from a broken bike pedal
niccus: looks like 2025's marvel set will be tentpole and only the first of multiple, so it'll be a lot of cards but not comprehensive
Krillin_fan: unlikely to break a bone playing golf? challenge accepted
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: funny that golf is so safe despite involving so many different weapons
djalternative: You've never played combat golf, James?
ArcticAtlantic: i broke my leg on a trampoline when I was 4 and started primary school with bright green crutches
voren_chalco: His, or other people's?
Uzumaki15: You could get hit by a golf cart James
BigDaddyBland87: @Sevinon Luck, risk-aversion, and fear of adventure
Eklinaar: I've had a number of injuries where the doctors said "well you're extremely lucky to not have a broken bone"
TXC2: I've never broken a bone, had a tooth go through my lip though :p
Sunidesus: I have broken none bones
beowuuf: prediction bet Kappa
Loa_Ayizan: Just ask chat... Jacob, ask chat...
Robot_Bones: head shoulders knees and toes?
BITs19_: one! collar bone from a skiing accident
Leonhart321: Collar, leg and wrist for me
malfnord: Broke my arm in second grade
jacqui_lantern234: none bones left beef
Dread_Pirate_Westley: (Don't do this: )Would you like chat to spam how many bones we've broken?
NathanLonghair: weren’t Jacob a rodeo clown?
GhostValv: 0 for me :)
IaCthulhuFthagn: To find out the average, Jacob can just ask chat how many bones we have broken each ^^
Suffix: I think I'm at 5? Not counting toes. which I don't bother to look at.
ShaneLeeAtk: I have broken bones, just not mine
SnowBuddy18: are there ways to break bones that don't involve being stupid?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: just a toe for me.
petey_vonwho: I cracked a rib at some point without knowing. It was discovered later on an X-ray
beowuuf: not knowing broken any
HorusFive: Aveerage needs to be pretty low- I have to think the median drags it real down.
Sarah_Serinde: @Dread_Pirate_Westley lrrFRUMP
Sevinon: @Dread_Pirate_Westley Isn't that what we're already doing?
ArcticAtlantic: love that this made the chat look like we were answering where we were from again. everyone spamming our bone stories xD
notacanus: I broken my wrist last year. otherwise I was part of the no bones broken.
PMAvers: Broke a arm on the first day of summer camp as a kid, when the bike I was riding hit a tree root and I went over the bars and hit said tree.
revhologram: can we do a gamba on Jacob's bones?
djmikeysaxx: yeehaw
RockPusher: wheelerY wheelerH
atinyspacemarine: Imma head out for a bit chat, later
NathanLonghair: hehe sorry
Uzumaki15: The only thing I've ever broken was my nose
Jennie_Fuchsia: first rodeo then clowning
L0rdX33n: on average, 2 broken bones per person
red_shoes_jeff: @BigDaddyBland87 Or sometimes, sheer resiliency.
jessieimproved: I used to have a rodeo clown friend. He tore himself up bad.
TehAmelie: i had a piece of my hipbone surgically removed and put into a hole in my thumb bone, top that
vinewood_og: +1 if you ask nicely!
L0rdX33n: I’m above average!
PharaohBender27: Like James, I've never broken a bone. Did bruise my thigh *real* bad in 5th Grade.
AriaHibiki: jacob have you played the new ff14 dlc? :D
TXC2: no one is Average
SymphonySolstice: broke my arm at age 6 because my babysitter (accidentally) threw me into a wall
BrokenGolem: i actually do have extra ribs...
SolarBlitz1: Depends on how many teeth
Gulleko: I've never broke a bone, but my spine is terrible! bexyDURP
Robot_Bones: its cause lady's have them vagina bones
ladyjessica: never broken a bone.
gameboy350: Many-Bones johnson has 3000, is an outlier and should be discounted
abslomdaak42: And some people have fewer bones, of course
E_Westra: Never broke anything. Had some weird accidents including a fucked up spine accident. I don't know how I did NOT break anything
Sevinon: Missing a chunk of my radial head so slightly below average now?
PhoenixMelior: I've had zero
TreeVor84: some people do have a few extra bones
the_lone_bard: I've beaten that on one foot...
big_blue_man: aw sweet i'm average!
bytecaster: Overachiever
pimiento: i am below average! yay!
HasturTheYellow: Industrial and shop accidents actually bring the number of average bones down
Mark_D_Stroyer: Not everybody has that head bone
shadowmaster132: I've had 3
SnowBuddy18: I'm already there, no more broken bones!
ArcticAtlantic: i broke two bones in the one incident
Angnor33: Oooh. I'm pretty close to average.
a_tapes: bones georg has 10 extra bones and is an outlier
quietcat: never broken a bone but had a wrist sprain worse than a break according to the doctor who treated me
Nigouki: that average is probably skewed by people who break every bone in their body
ckupf: Nose isn't a bone technically
thimbles_edge: wow im average for once in my life
Uzumaki15: Same arm?
notacanus: I did something similar as james but with my knee. doctor told me that it would have been better if I broke my bone instead.
Earthenone: do nose breaks count?
pyrock_mania: thank you Jacob for balancing the average so I didn't have to break any bones ever.
jessieimproved: You haven't lived until you've cracked your coccyx
malfnord: Well, New York. Kinda figured the nose was expected.
SharktoothJack: that's gotta be weighted towards the later life stages, right?
HorusFive: Toes don't count unless they do something about it
Suffix: The worst it collarbone.
mtvcdm: Bonus Georg, who has broken 18 trillion bones, is an outlier and should not be counted
kid_flashionable: I broke my forehead when I was a kid, but thankfully that's it
ladyjessica: so glad I saw a georg reference
IaCthulhuFthagn: Jacob, people don't have the same number of bones throughout their lifetime.
ThorSokar: The real question is "How many bones were broken for you"
Sevinon: @jessieimproved Please god no
ShaneLeeAtk: I played a lot of soccer. All the toes have been broken multiple times.
Mark_D_Stroyer: Now let’s get into Standard Deviation of broken bones!
Steelwolf171: Broken bone count: 12
darkcyril: @pyrock_mania Also Jackie Chan out here doing a lot of work for a lot of us.
TehAmelie: related universal statistics: the average person will have 6-9 sexual partners in their lifetime. 6 for women, 9 for men. somehow.
Sevinon: @ShaneLeeAtk Somehow my only broken toe in soccer was no contact turf toe
mercano82: I'm guessing that average is made out of a lot of zeros, a couple of ones, and few people with very high numbers
HorusFive: I've had so many broken toes and they always say "too bad- nothing we can do about it"
LordManiMani: @tehamelie nice
Earthenone: my worst was breaking toes. because i had to walk to the hospitol then run a mile the next day
Bassios: I suspect I broke a toe years ago 'cause it fukken' hurt to walk for several weeks, but I've not "officially" broken any bones
jessieimproved: @Sevinon I fell off a half wall onto concrete straight on my butt in middle grades
TXC2: TehAmelie men lie about that number :p
shadowmaster132: average bones is tricky because as well as people who don't have all their limbs or the bones that would be there, we're not sure if certain bones will stop fusing
Sevinon: @jessieimproved I'm so sorry. Oof
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TehAmelie You didn't specify straight people.
VelvetFalcon: the only people who have extra bones are the descendants of Shakespeare, because he absolutely fucked the klingon he stole all his plays from.\
TehAmelie: it's really weird, cause that figure is impossible, yet it's consistent in an overwhelming amount of studies
doormar: Ah, I you also use Italian sign language
Obos_TAB: lets gooooo
kid_flashionable: Yaay Jacob!
Leonhart321: Fighting games: Ice packs required
beowuuf: #blameAdam
Sevinon: My older wrists say no fighting games anymore
JRandomHacker: The number of Melee players who have just utterly destroyed their wrists...
Obos_TAB: Jacob out here Bey Bladin'
TXC2: Adam is blameless
JadedCynic: the only time I broke a bone, I felt so guilty about it - tripped and fell and stuck my arm out to break my fall...and got a greenstick fracture of my radius...the day after I started playing golf at the local course. My folks paid for a season's pass for the greens fees, and I played ONCE all summer :(
jacqui_lantern234: wait, you thought you WERENT an anime protag, Jacob?!?! :p
SharktoothJack: those studies are probably survey-based, so maybe it's a difference in what men/women thinks "counts"?
AceGun_: It takes a mental tole, but there are good rewards as well.
IronwoodWizard: so much building of muscle memory
shadowmaster132: @TehAmelie It's generally assumed to be a desirability bias that makes women go lower and men go higher as it has gotten closer over time
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 to be fair, he's not in Highschool any more
2_manyhobbies is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
2_manyhobbies gifted a Tier 1 sub to kassthulhu!
2_manyhobbies gifted a Tier 1 sub to chiazeiel!
2_manyhobbies gifted a Tier 1 sub to RoboKusko!
2_manyhobbies gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ipsen13!
2_manyhobbies gifted a Tier 1 sub to fry_dx!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, 2_manyhobbies! Welcome to Ipsen13, fry_dx, chiazeiel, RoboKusko, and kassthulhu! (Today's storm count: 107)
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 616 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to jillybeann88!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Quiscula!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Quarthian!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Th3HolyMoose!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Disposable_Wincon!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to druidsOfTheShore!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to taeasakura!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to andiiiheld!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dwachak!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to NotAFireDemon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to Th3HolyMoose, Disposable_Wincon, druidsOfTheShore, taeasakura, Quarthian, Dwachak, NotAFireDemon, jillybeann88, Quiscula, and andiiiheld! (Today's storm count: 117)
TXC2: 2_manyhobbies lrrHEART
Sevinon: @JadedCynic Shattered my radial head biking back from the gym I got a year pass at.
ShaneLeeAtk: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
pimiento: love that BGC
red_shoes_jeff: Get back there, 17!
rabbitgta: @red_shoes_jeff thanks for the gifted sub
beowuuf: pushed back up to the 17 hours we were at when i went off to bed!
JadedCynic: @Sevinon *hugs of sympathy*
TehAmelie: you'd think, but when you correct for that in a multitude of different methodologies and social groups, it's still six contra nine
djalternative: James plays the Turntables
BITs19_: you ever think about how the average number of eyes a human has is less than two?
Sevinon: @JadedCynic Same. That shit sucks
red_shoes_jeff: @rabbitgta benginFingers
ElementalAlchemist: ah, yes, the baritone/euphonium
RockPusher: DJ TurnLRR
pimiento: beritone as in a eupho?
Earthenone: i imagine the baritone went well with your fedoras
StrideTheEarth: Jacob: I don't know how I didn't know before but I see that you're a VA. Do you have a favorite kind of role to act? Do you have a favorite role you HAVE acted?
Quaseymoto: Ooo, we're officially in Saturday
Jillexie: Trumpet from Grade 7 thru university. I haven't played in a long time though.
bytecaster: Do the turntables no longer count?
CaptainChibale: oh hey I did clarinet. don't remember how to play though XD
red_shoes_jeff: I should really get back to the bass...
pipshardfour: I played the clarinet! because my aunt had one I could use
beowuuf: @BITs19_ spider steve and his kids tried their best to push the average up, but not enough...
jacqui_lantern234: he IS a DJ. speaking of which, we deserve a DJ TurnLRR set
Sevinon: I need to get back to practicing music. I sorta just haven't been for a while now
RandomTrivia: It's never too late to start (or start again)
Fanklok: You could always learn to play my one friends favorite instrument, The Gameboy
Obos_TAB: You two interested in No Man's Sky at all?
samb6678: DJ turnlrr is a lie?!?!
TXC2: now come James, you gotta press the button to switch the other disk as well
Sevinon: Same, Jacob, same
jessieimproved: definitely books
mtvcdm: I believe we've technically funded into Saturday now, so it's what, 12...ish? hours to cap?
Sarah_Serinde: @jacqui_lantern234 Patience, he hasn't had much time since he got back from Europe. (Also, if you didn't know, he's been doing occasional sets on his home stream)
Jillexie: Jacob speaks wisdom
Krillin_fan: if we pick video games, do the games have music in them?
SK__Ren: saaame
shadowmaster132: 100% agree
jessieimproved: haha same
Sunidesus: books rock
Chatty_Protagonist: Though Jacob would say table top
SymphonySolstice: I'd also pick music tbh
SharktoothJack: yeah that's fair
TehAmelie: i read "It" when i was 12, i know the feelin
ShaneLeeAtk: Same
Chatty_Protagonist: Fair
50keyz: lrrSHINE
HasturTheYellow: Yeah Tabletop has books
malfnord: Yeah that tracks
jacqui_lantern234: @Sarah_Serinde fair enough. shouldve indicated my being silly there
Angreed66: They are published in books
HasturTheYellow: Most of it *is* books
SymphonySolstice: tabletop was the books we read along the way
RandomTrivia: Yeah Books can have TTRPGs, as long as music can have musicals, opera etc
JadedCynic: <3
Greydir: can agree, got me lord of the rings to my 11th birthday... that was not eassy to read at that age ;)
TXC2: Tabletop is just playing out the DM's novl
Quaseymoto: I have likely read as many pages of TTRPG rules as I have of any other genre of books
TXC2: *novel
Earthenone: does victoria have a good library?
Earthenone: i would assume it does
StrideTheEarth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StrideTheEarth! (Today's storm count: 118)
Suffix: Just go get a book.
Suffix: It's a good place.
Chatty_Protagonist: I started reading horror novels last year and it's a whole new world.
Master_Gunner: I live next door to a library, but its been closed for construction since I moved.
ztghostie: Local libraries are disappearing and its absolutely tragic
mtvcdm: James how have I, a tourist, been to your library more than you
Genie_M: Libraries are great. Support your local library
shadowmaster132: I got back into libraries a few years back, and I <3 them
50keyz: ours has a makerspace - love your library!
Sevinon: Stark library (main Ohio branch) has out of state cards for digital lending with an outstanding collection
Scar_Red_Tiger: manga sorted by author
HubbeKing: Jacob if you ever come to Helsinki you GOTTA come see our city library Oodi
Quaseymoto: Is there a curse word
Incandescent_Zubat: idk if Jacob will see this but I’ve been reading Under The Whispering Door since he mentioned it on an Oki Oki stream. First book I’ve read in a while and I’m enjoying it.
ztghostie: Public libraries are also for more than just books. Mine has rooms you can rent out for events and smash tournaments have been hosted at it.
Sunidesus: the main branch of my library system even has a grand piano room that can be reserved
shadowmaster132: most graphic novels and manga are in a teen section here, it's clearly meant to get them in
Xed_Regulus: Jacob, what is your favourite Graphic Novel?
usmu1976: Near central statihn?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Libraries are THE BEST if you have kids.
Greydir: unfortunately small local librarys are often among the first things public spending is cut for
SymphonySolstice: @hubbeking that's the one that has the book sorting robots right?
HubbeKing: Helsinki's central library has a makerspace. You can rent musical instruments. There's 3D printers. There's a teaching kitchen.
50keyz: @Sunidesus so cool!
Obos_TAB: Watching a K-Drama and they visit the Korea Starfield Library and its GORGEOUS
usmu1976: That's the main library
Redpandarama: In Oslo we have a dedicated library to comics, it's lovely
JadedCynic: jadedc5LOVE
Genie_M: Libraries do that in Europe
invalidCards: Yeah
HubbeKing: @SymphonySolstice yes - and the robots are like one of the least cool parts of it
pimiento: Jacob's had a moment
ThorSokar: The Libraries here do that too
ArcticAtlantic: oh that's my nightmare xD I so much prefer reading paperback
Angreed66: ehh I'm a wierdo who prefers paperbacks
Didero: Probably because they're a bit sturdier than softcovers?
Quaseymoto: What is the Oldest book that each of you own? - story please
invalidCards: Hardbacks are just more sturdy and last longer
cookiebeard: @Redpandarama Stockholm too! scandi unite!
Nismorack: It's to make the books last longer. But yeah. All the books I recall in the library were hardcover bound.
TXC2: Hardback makes sense for a library
Leonhart321: Jacob please, this isn't that kind of subathon
SharktoothJack: my local libraries are pretty small, but there's a pretty robust request network, so it rules
Pinwiz11: All this book talk reminded me to see if there is a release date for Alecto yet and... nope. :(
Genie_M: My aunt worked in the largest city library here binding and rebinding books
JadedCynic: preservers of knowledge <3
AceGun_: Some university libraries do that in NA as well, but not many public libraries, as far as I'm aware.
Sevinon: @Leonhart321 I mean, he already mentioned the ball gag
Pinwiz11: (Take your time, Tasmyn.)
RhymesWithMoose: Seriously, though, public libraries can be so good with some funding.
RockPusher: Huff! That! Book!
js1813 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Obos_TAB: So you must love MYST right?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, js1813! (Today's storm count: 119)
shadowmaster132: Looking at the library DVD/BluRay section has something streaming services don't have
kid_flashionable: I follow librarian tik toks and watching them rebind books is SO GOOD
Scy_Anide: I'm a big book sniffer. Gotta huff those pages.
Krillin_fan: you gotta pet the book, keeps it happy so you get fewer papercuts
LordManiMani: PG stream. PG stream
djalternative: chop up a book into fine dust and snort it
Desruprot: Public Libraries do a lot of good
Sarah_Serinde: Buying hardcover for libraries is common here in North America, but not specifically rebinding books to absolutely everything is hardcover
Sunidesus: I think that used to be more common in NA too, I don't notice it as much lately though
cmdrud87: yes, I know it from German libraries, too. More surprised you're not doing the same, tbh
IaCthulhuFthagn: @shadowmaster132 My local library has a streaming service for their films and TV series.
PharaohBender27: I heard "food and libraries" and for one second misunderstood and was tqsSweat
shadowmaster132: Ooh Emily Nagoski is so cool
jessieimproved: I am listening to ADHD 2.0. It's so good.
Rasputyne: Jacob, have you read Mistborn or the Stormlight Archive?
TXC2: Teusday was a whole 48 hours ago, that may as well be last year
RockPusher: are those socks club socks James or something else?
Ctabbe: Jacob have you read The Library Book by Susan Orlean? It's a great read
ghost_waz: Picked up 2 Agatha Christie compilations recently that my library was just giving away
PharaohBender27: Shoutout for audiobooks!
TristalMTG: PSA to folks who don't have a library card: Your library's success is measured on how many people have library cards. If you want to support yours, get one!
panhead096: Damn
Pinwiz11: Which Warhammer book? I'm at a loss now that I finished listening to Heresy.
inconsideratehat: I already started listening to ADHD 2.0, thanks for the rec Jacob!
AceGun_: breezy beach reading
TristalMTG: Also PSA for kids: Libraries have video games. Go.
Sevinon: Jacob, did you ever get a chance to read Children of the Nameless?
djalternative: libraries have video games now, chat
djalternative: rent them
TristalMTG: borrow* them
ghost_waz: I've also watched a ton of movies & shows from my library
shadowmaster132: @laCthulhuFthagn there's something about looking at the physical media that makes picking one easier
ParanoidRabbit: I recently got the Monster Core book for Pathfinder 2...
candissimo: aka anything by Mary Roach!
shadowmaster132: My ebook reader is my phone
Didero: Oh man, that Kobo dictionary thing is so incredibly useful!
jadielady: my favorite part of e-readers is using the dyslexic font
SquidVorb: MOOD
niccus: there are ways to continue down the medical path...
RockPusher: Kobo won't let books be invisible lrrBEEJ
hedonistic_mushroom: Where I live, we get termites a lot, so my dream when I get my own apartment sometime is to have a reading room
TristalMTG: Libraries also have appliances! Did you know you can check out a crockpot?
cookiebeard: i love my kabo
10of9: Have you ever read the Black Prism?
roefizzlebeef: jacob could you elaborate on the "inventory slot" system you just mentioned? that sounds super useful lol
JadedCynic: YES - ONLY BOOK. <3
Sarah_Serinde: I like my new Kobo Clara, it has colour now
Didero: I used to read on a tablet, and when I finally got an ereader, it felt like an amazing step up
shadowmaster132: My library system has the number cake tins as a loan item
DeM0nFiRe: I didn't think I was gonna like e-readers but once I tried them it was amazing
HasturTheYellow: I wish phone wasn't necessary for work
Therberus: I just got myself a kindle recently and went straight to Zlib :D
pimiento: phones are awful
Didero: There are also e-ink phones now
HubbeKing: I love my Kobo so much
SnowBuddy18: the only reason I read with my phone is because it has an app where I can get library books
mwlsn: There's a reason I have the wifi-only iPad
inconsideratehat: I love libraries that have other things to loan, like garden tools
candissimo: I love my Boox ereader!
strixsiderum: i love e-readers. i get distracted easily on my phone or ipad, and when it comes to reading i want something bigger than my phone and smaller than my ipad
aozoranokiseki: Finally, people who speak my language <3
LordZarano: I love my phone (sent from my phone)
stippledotter: My library has telescopes to check out, and it comes with guide books about the night sky
Scar_Red_Tiger: I'm just waiting for Colour eInnk tech to advance And then load it up with comics
Didero: For ebooks, Project Gutenberg is amazing, it's got a LOT of books that are out of copyright
SquidVorb: Look into the Boox Palma, it's a phone size eReader running Android
TXC2: I haven't had a phone for more then 7 years :p
JadedCynic: that is a GOOD idea, James SeemsGood
pyrock_mania: I never understood why everyone switched to the Kindle Fire. Like, the whole point of the Kindle was ONLY BOOK. I have a love of purpose-built tech and it was such a shining example.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @shadowmaster132 True. Nothing quite like going into the archive and digging though their collections.
rabbitgta: Is that the 6 inch kobo @jacob?
LordManiMani: That is a good way to lose a SIM card for one such as me
malfnord: Does Kobo ship to the US? 'Cos I'm looking at this and feeling pangs of nostalgia for my Kindle 1.
stippledotter: I wish Only Book readers were able to show color
AceGun_: @pyrock_mania only book didn't include comic book, unfortunately. That's why I switched.
jadielady: @malfnord they do!
jessieimproved: My next phone will have a Linux OS, I'm trying to extract myself from the corporate ecosystems
Sunidesus: I am in US and have Kobo (they also work with a lot of library systems)
malfnord: @jadielady Awesome. I know what I'm getting myself for my birthday.
pyrock_mania: @AceGun_ They do comic books, but I'll grant the experience lacks.
mweepigeon: I have a strong love/hate with my paperwhite. hardware wise, it's great, but I primarily sideload books and dealing with amazon's software trying to screw with that is suuuuch a pain
BrokenGolem: so no cargo pants?
Didero: @malfnord Check the official site on, I think they ship in the US too
shadowmaster132: I had an old kindle for years and never used it because it was a hassle vs my phone. I took it on an overseas trip and lost it
doormar: Only 4 mugs? I'm way past that
L0rdX33n: kallax?
Scar_Red_Tiger: It doesnt appeal to me, but the format of Continuously scrolling Webtoon format is interesting
sbuiko: old guys hate tech, hear more after their midday nap :D
TehAmelie: agreement. i hate clutter
Sergue_Thorien: Yeah, I'd second anyone saying to avoid kindles
roefizzlebeef: oh that's really clever, thank you!!
pimiento: Yalc is amazing
djalternative: but what if you put a bag of holding in a cubbie?
JustMeJude: Morning chat! Morning James! Morning Jacob!
RandomTrivia: Yalc is great
djmikeysaxx: ooo sounds awesome, can someone resend that link?
inconsideratehat: I have no more yarn or loose wool slots in my inventory. Done. Glad I can follow it.
Didero: The lovely thing about a Kobo ereader is that you get full access to it, you can just install a different reader program on it if you want
candissimo: I love the Boox ereader. USB-C, frontlight you can switch to only yellow light,running android so I have nook, kindle, and libby
L0rdX33n: That sounds like hell
Eklinaar: I'm just naturally a minimalist but my spouse is almost a hoarder so I've had to set limits like that. "This is your empty jar box. You can keep as many empty jars as you want as long as they fit in this box. This is your empty box shelf. You can keep as many empty boxes as you want as long as they fit on this shelf."
Sunidesus: Kobo works well with Calibre which is super helpful to me
Jennie_Fuchsia: I have glass storage furniture for my yarn so I can’t ADHD forget how much I have
Xed_Regulus: Jacob, what is your favourite Graphic Novel?
inconsideratehat: Yeah I have it for hobby bins.
pimiento: systems and limits are good
Spirrie: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Wolfstrike_NL: How many inventory slots does Jacob have for Swords?
TehAmelie: random question for chat. raise your hand if you have a cupboard, as in a kitchen space that is explicitly made to store dry goods
inconsideratehat: @Jennie_Fuchsia Smart
cookiebeard: yeah, i *love* stuff, but owning too many things makes me s t r e s s e d
bakerydragon: love me some structure and frameworks!
MrSarkhan: Sandman is a good choice
public_key_reveal_party: I respect people who benefit and are happier with minimalism, I just am a gremlin and love my trinkets
malfnord: Sandman's a Classic for a reason. No shame.
Spirrie: where can I find the schedule?
asthanius: swords go on the wall it's fine
RandomTrivia: At least as many as Jacob *has* swords
shadowmaster132: I don't know if I have ADHD but I hav started trying to do the never hide stuff so I can't forget it exists thing
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
beowuuf: @TehAmelie o/
inconsideratehat: The answer is wall space
HorusFive: Swords hang on the wall- there are a lot more slots than others
malfnord: Yeah
rasterscan: I love Sandman... but now Gaiman has made that hard.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: How many bread maker inventory slots are there?
MTG_Scribe: What's on the docket for today?
chrisvonclause: Yes, it does.
LordZarano: I only use my phone for: 1. Watching streams 2. Reading wikis 3. Managing my calendar 4. Duolingo & Memrise. And it is *gorgeous* for those things
Sevinon: Haven't read it in forever
AceGun_: It's not perfect, but it is still considered a classic.
QuixoticScrivener: Jacob, have you done a cosplay shoot with your Red Mage sword yet?
Xed_Regulus: Kingdom Come is great.
jacqui_lantern234: are we talking rattan swords or metal swords? i have 0 metal and 2 rattan
HorusFive: It's a good thing they left it as a self contained story and didn't DO any follow on series
Drewind: When are you running the Bloomburrow Prerelease?
Sarah_Serinde: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
TXC2: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
Spirrie: @sarah_serinde Thanks so much! lrrSHINE
stippledotter: The inventory method is such a helpful framework for my current decluttering project. Thanks for sharing!
bakerydragon: FASHION FEST
TehAmelie: Sandman is still m favorite book, too. though it's weird
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART
jacqui_lantern234: i get to whack people with the rattan swords :)
RockPusher: They are socks club socks lrrAWESOME
abslomdaak42: Haven't read it yet. It sits on my bookshelf though, hopefully gonna get around to it soon.
Therberus: I have those socks!
LordManiMani: Feet da baby
bakerydragon: sorry for all-caps
mercano82: X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills by Cris Claremont, is very good. It's from the 80's, but was adapted into the second X-Men movie in the early 00's
Shadowsoflife: awesome sock club
NightValien28: good morning chat
IaCthulhuFthagn: Awesome socks club is awesome!
Gekyouryuu: My problem is one of organization. I need extra space to be able to rearrange stuff, because at present it LOOKS like I have too much stuff (I might. I can't be certain yet) but I can condense it all down to free to more space if I just had space to work with
RockPusher: Helping to improve maternal health in Sierra Leon
TXC2: hello NightValien28 welcome
Jade Carswell: *dabs*
Sevinon: Yes, WotC has a problem
asthanius: but mice with swords
TXC2: yeap Feeling you there Jacob
SnowBuddy18: yup!
Didero: Might be better to buy an artbook then, instead of the cards?
dm818: Yeah I've gotten disconnected due to the pace
TheNideon: I only bother with the standard legal ones currently. Pacing is great at 4 per year
TXC2: Sevinon and it's name is HAsbro
djalternative: we dislike that too
avjamethyst: good morning jacob, still recovering from jet lag so I'm awake way too early
mercano82: WoTC has fully embraced consumerism.
JadedCynic: @LordZarano ....I can't even think of the last time I used my phone for a voice call or text; but I log my blood sugar & blood pressure daily, use the calculator occasionally, and keep shopping lists :)
definenull: The planeswalkers guide to bloomburrow is 👀👀
niccus: that's why they're moving to universes beyond, the sets come pre-lived-in
malfnord: WotC must bury us all in expansions because the line ust go up!
Joecool190: John Hight IIRC
shadowmaster132: I was doing okay on clutter ish after a move where i was fairly ruthless and then i got a bunch of stuff my dad was clearing out of his house
BITs19_: at least make it two-set blocks
HorusFive: So like 10 years ago.... right....; RIGHT?!?!?
AshcopseDryad: same reason why magic is no longer for me
public_key_reveal_party: Honestly, them picking up the pace like that helped pushed me out of magic
ttandmore: MTG is tough its the one arm bandit of instant gratification and makes me want to "horde" cardboard
TXC2: 1ppr
RandomTrivia: There is a LOT in the fire hose all the time now
TXC2: 1prr
TXC2: !prr
mckblitz: john hight is going to be good for wotc. As a wow player he will be missed
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 LUL
TheNideon: Curious, have you all heard of the format Gentry?
TXC2: damn you shift key
Lilas Noir: yeah you would had enjoyed when there was blocks
RandomTrivia: @TXC2 benginTry
Fanklok: Jacob has to save his money for Final Fantasy
Angreed66: There's so many sets because they expect not everything to appeal to everyone so if you bounce off there will be something for you soon.
mweepigeon: this particular release is super compressed, I think it's because they wanted duskmourn to hit by october
PsychoI3oy: it's late july
Sarah_Serinde: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
YeomanAres: The next set comes out in September
PsychoI3oy: it's mid summer
invalidCards: Standard rotation is very early this year
Morrigan9: i think the Editions used to be summer (8th i remember)
TXC2: thank you Sarah
vinewood_og: That PRR is gonna be Jonestown lamo
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART
Spirrie: hoping to catch some SWU today!
abslomdaak42: Yeah, summer was usually for sets not in standard
Genie_M: Subathonppr
ElementalAlchemist: dang
RockPusher: Scheduling is hard lrrSHINE
AshcopseDryad: i will
alchemistsavant: sunday sunday sunday!
ExachixKitsune: this sunday sunday sunday
Suffix: I'm free on Sunday.
stippledotter is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
stippledotter gifted a Tier 1 sub to falke7688!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, stippledotter! Welcome to falke7688! (Today's storm count: 120)
SketchyDetails: I suspect that BloomBurrow is going to be a HIT and they know it so they moved the release forward as far as they could
Robot_Bones: Jacob on a PPR when?
QuixoticScrivener: Do we know guests?
IaCthulhuFthagn: This Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!
Sarah_Serinde: I'm looking forward to this one
jacqui_lantern234: ok but PPR-a-thon when? Kappa
Angreed66: I think the scheduling is due to foundations
Suffix: Well, once I get home from IKEA.
Chesul: Most of the core sets were July releases.
fry_dx: Tickets pay for the whole seat but you'll only need the edge
definenull: I want to go to there
DeM0nFiRe: I have been thinking that this set visually looks the most like a classic magic set that any set has looked in a very long time
abslomdaak42: It's probably all moved because they want to get Foundations out this year?
TristalMTG: It's "low stakes"
public_key_reveal_party: Do you have guests for the ppr or is it only lrr people
RandomTrivia: It's very Beatrix Potter
TheManaLeek: I really hope it's a return to a few years ago limited
AceGun_: Bloomburrow: A Burrow in Bloom
TXC2: Even erwin has already said the preorders are through the roof
RockPusher: I mean, TQ bought product tqsFlower tqsShrug
pipshardfour: I don’t mind it being on Sunday at all :)
beowuuf: tq should have a dedicated stream feed with a camera pointed at the cards :p
niccus: some of the creatures don't have too much text
ztghostie: bloomburrow is going to have some very expensive tokens : /
Sevinon: But with good cards
RatherLargeToad: so many new frogs
mweepigeon: @Angreed66 little bit of A, little bit of B. they obviously wanted the horror set to be out by october, which means that bloomburrow needs to be pushed up (and even so it's compressed). and they also can't put anything too close to foundations, but I think the october reasons is the primary one
Two_Hats: Lorwyn for me
quton: even has some of the same artists as Lorwyn block did
SolarBlitz1: It feels like a fun adventure more tha just "everythings bd and falling apart"
TheNideon: Like homelands? Is that a good thing?
merciary: Yeah this is the first set in ages that feels like a proper Magic set
IaCthulhuFthagn: That's a weird curse to put on Bloomburrow.
pipshardfour: quick how do you say Raccoon
Dread_Pirate_Westley: It's probably also overpowered, like every Magic set these days.
asthanius: except Karn who becomes a tree
Robot_Bones: or like poor Karn
did_it_for_you_kojima_san: I'm curious about Jacob's feelings on the new FF14 expansion
abslomdaak42: Otter Ral is amazing
mweepigeon: planewide enchantment, unknown origin
djalternative: there's no explanation
RockPusher: hmmmm
benjamin_wheeler: because it’s cute
abslomdaak42: It's just how the world works
jacqui_lantern234: the planeswalkers just became their fursonas Kappa
definenull: All that matters is otter ral
CataclysmicReverb: I can't wait for Ajani to turn into a normal human there
QuixoticScrivener: Bloomburrow follows Kingdom Hearts rules.
invalidCards: hi wheeler
SnowBuddy18: Elsqueak
djmikeysaxx: @abslomdaak42 this!
AshcopseDryad: i already have forgotten about bloomburrow, because duskmourn and foundation!
beowuuf: cool when planes justify why they aren't a planet
fry_dx: Hot Takes with Jacob
RockPusher: TQ guest on TTC talking about the cute bunnies is an idea :D
SK__Ren: Theres a plane that makes everything tiny that has a similar effect
bakerydragon: strong Kingdom Hearts vibes of changing to fit into the realms
PharaohBender27: Cheer1127 #TeamPalindrome
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I am birb now! Hush
jacqui_lantern234: @definenull so you mean normal Ral? :p
ztghostie: Its like the curse of wandering on Amonkhet, it just happens and is part of the plane
GazzyInferno: Happy to hear Jacob's into DT
Pinwiz11: My FF14 experience: I got random gear in a dungeon and reworked my entire look and I loved it.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @jacqui_lantern234 What if Ajani would become an anthro dog :P
JadedCynic: Chef_kiss dot jpg
Didero: We need more games where you're not The One, especially in multiplayer games
Shadowsoflife: Jacob have you finished Yakuza like a dragon?
taeasakura: This time we are the blunt instrument of the expansion
GazzyInferno: hopefully jacob gets to enjoy the new normal raids soo
GazzyInferno: soon
rasterscan: >.>
An anonymous user is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to F4dge!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Boopity!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to DevDatul!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Palladis21!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to keymaster515!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to Boopity, F4dge, DevDatul, keymaster515, and Palladis21! (Today's storm count: 125)
Pinwiz11: The Normal Raids for DT are amazing so far.
jacqui_lantern234: @IaCthulhuFthagn why would you say this to me?! why would you force me to need something?!
ghost_waz: my only touch with FF14 was going to a tea shop to get the keychain for a friend XD
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @PharaohBender27 well done.
TXC2: anon lrrHEART
HubbeKing: I'm pretty sure Yakuza is unfinishable by design
Gekyouryuu: I saw it summed up as "the WoL is now Jotaro in Part 4"
RandomTrivia: sergeGift
gameboy350: You gotta 100% the mahjong parts (:
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks anon for those gift subs!
L0rdX33n: I have done everything but Mahjong. I suck at Mahjong
StrideTheEarth: My partner has been playing the new expac and they said they don't get some of the 'middling' reviews of the game. Like maybe expectations were too high after Endwalker and Shadowbringers. But this expansion makes sense to her because it's starting a new story arc whereas the other two were the climax and the ending.
Shadowsoflife: That's fair
avjamethyst: I'd join you for more yakuza whenever
Hangedman: they have not informed most of the boba tea locations
northos: yeah it's uh...not going well
niccus: so, all at once?
did_it_for_you_kojima_san: The Boba tea thing is pissing off so many people
munocard: You can either get the code OR the keychain
Sarah_Serinde: Oh dear
alchemistsavant: We just got some boba last night for that!
JadedCynic: I tell you, when I reached the final showdown in TES IV: Oblivion, I watched Sean Bean transform and I thought "Oh thank goodness, finally a climactic showdown I can WATCH for a change!" :D
asthanius: hell yeah
definenull: Oh dear
Linwey: My closest one of those is three countries away :)
ghost_waz: Each item is 3x teas - 1 keychain was 3 :D
ztghostie: LUL
munocard: I got one on Wednesday and was told someone else came in and bought 30 drinks for 10 codes.
ambarion85: Jacob is channeling the FF14 energy my static has X'D
invalidCards: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Demon's Souls w/ Wheeler at Fri 08:00 AM PDT (18m from now).
pimiento: 3 or 20 teas
definenull: Oh not 30 teas?
snowewolf: James are you also Playing the Pre-conns Sunday? (i assume you have pre-recorded it)
Suffix: I'm headed to the mainland tomorrow morning myself. I also like boba. Don't really play FF14 though
Mr_Bitterness: This was the same energy with the Mountain Dew promotion
JadedCynic: totally a *random coincidental happenstance*
Hangedman: the twitch drops are using a new twitch reward system that doesn't seem to... work
Some kind of Garf: simple solution for the rushed set releases: ignore standard. Play Kamigawa block constructed. Play Beejlander. The kitchen table is closing in on being the last good place for magic
SolarBlitz1: It's a chocolate plant sprout
FrostyKaze: Isn't it called Cocopuff or something?
Andymonium: FFXIV: A Serious Game for Serious People™
taeasakura: It's the fighting game retirement home
Hangedman: it's like drops but you can't see your progress and get no info. fascinating technical choices
pimiento: @Suffix can we interest you in 30 - 80 boba teas? you won't regreat 30 - 80 boba teas
Ms_LadyMix: oh no I came here to try to not think about FF14
VelvetFalcon: Eepy boys
RockPusher: Naps are cool!
JustMeJude: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Demon's Souls w/ Wheeler at Fri 08:00 AM PDT (17m from now).
LambMower: I log out of FF14 straight into FF14 talk
ExachixKitsune: oh no Ms_LadyMix
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
JadedCynic: gotta have your limits <3
Pinwiz11: I'm loving FF14 but also the PoE update next week looks bonkers so I'm torn.
ExachixKitsune: Hello LambMower!
abslomdaak42: A nap? That's probably what Kathleen's doing rn
LambMower: Howdy o7
hypperstar2280: Dear doctors morning coffee, if you were bloomburrowed into an animal what one do you think you'd be?
taeasakura: yeah I just leveled my crafters to max
TehAmelie: More Sleep™: live demonstration
josh___something: Not in an official capacity
ghost_waz: welcome LambMower !
JadedCynic: do you WANT to?
PhoenixMelior: Does Jacob work here?!
djmikeysaxx: tell us your secrets Jacob
VelvetFalcon: Whatcha doin' Jacob?
Ms_LadyMix: also TIL I can get the fancy teas in Vancouver
ElementalAlchemist: neat!
Sevinon: Yay
Fanklok: From what I lewarned on Let's Nope you approve everyones tweets
RandomTrivia: Sweet!
PharaohBender27: Neat!
Sarah_Serinde: Cool
TXC2: hello LambMower welcome
Sibwow: mazel tov
JustMeJude: I'm enjoying FF14, but I'm excited to get out of ARR
Shadowsoflife: Neat
RockPusher: Huzzah! lrrAWESOME
ArrestedHouse: FBtouchdown
Mr_Bitterness: Oh hey, congrats!
marmalade_pen: neat
ExachixKitsune: ;o marketing Jacob!
abslomdaak42: Nice!
TXC2: Congrats Jacob
FrostyKaze: Nice!
Metric_Furlong: omg spoilers!
Xed_Regulus: Congratulations, Jacob!
MrGibberish: woo
beowuuf: cool
mowdownjoe: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
Astramentha: :O
witchy_snake: Nice!
SketchyDetails: WOOO! Congrats!
JadedCynic: <3
Suffix: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Ms_LadyMix: Yay!!
PhoenixMelior: Oh congrats
Pinwiz11: oooh!
SquirrelEarl: Awesome
Sevinon: Ooh
malfnord: Part of the ship, part of the crew!
LambMower: Congrats Jacob!
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
ExachixKitsune: yessssss
Catcard: cool :3
beowuuf: ooh
DeM0nFiRe: I was curious why your name became blue in the Discord lol
ghost_waz: huzzah!
Sibwow: dice friends return???
Genie_M: Congratulations 🎉
StrideTheEarth: Congrats Jacob!
GhostValv: congrats :)
incredulouspasserby: hell yeah hell yeah
bakerydragon: wonderful news!
pn55: seabatClap
Nismorack: Whoo! Part of LRR! Part of LRR!
NightValien28: heck yeah jacob!!!!!
ElementalAlchemist: I don't recall him mentioning it
Sarah_Serinde: I don't remember hearing it anywhere
Joecool190: ONE OF US!!!!
plaidanddrpepper: More Jacob!
pimiento: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
IaCthulhuFthagn: Imagine using your knowledge and skills.
PhoenixMelior: Dice Friends you say eddaLurk
Mr_Bitterness: First time I've heard about it
phoenixfeather14: Oh, that's a great fit! Congrats Jacob!
RockPusher: News to me
JadedCynic: LUL
josh___something: The Dice friends one is news to me
roefizzlebeef: one of us! one of us!
snowewolf: ohh does that mean More Vamp Mask?
definenull: Oh dice friends you say...
GirlPainting: So, as long as you don´t use your powers for evil, lrrFINE
jumping_point: lrrSHINE
SnowBuddy18: congrats
shadowmaster132: I watch the updates, and I don't think so
haemo_goblin: @natabuu Thanks for the sub 11 hours ago
shabe_x_roc: Yay, official Jacob
Nismorack: Part of the crew, part of the LRR.
djmikeysaxx: Yall gotta make a new JoJo playmat with all these new LRR peeps
shadowmaster132: I am glad to hear about official jacob
NimrodXIV: Jacob has been absorbed into LRR
josh___something: I've heard of the marketing thing before, not the Dice Friends thing
JadedCynic: Yeah, ultimately, as the Marketing guy, we SHOULD hear the announcement of your position FROM YOU :)
Quaseymoto: So does that mean he's IN LRR? KappaPride
Genie_M: So you'll be interviewed for LRR25
TXC2: I feel like Graham tends not to mention behind the camera stuff on YT updates too often
beowuuf: getting the word out is so hard, you can tell people in ten places twenty times, and they aren't never saw it or aren't in those ten places :D
Suffix: Oh BOY do I know that feeling Jacob.
pimiento: \m/ love this album
Obos_TAB: Omg the new bloomburrow card has gerbils and thye look just like my gerbils!
malfnord: Today I saw a unicorn: a non-evil marketer
Cyberegg: Awesome, congrats Jacob!
Simonark: What a great choice. That’s exactly what I’d been hoping would happen. Can’t think of a better producer for Dice Friends, and while I’m less excited by marketing, you’ll be great at it,
usmu1976: Congrats!
HasturTheYellow: A surprising thing to see was The Professor from TCC shout out you guys on Cr1tikals commander game show
Statist42: So is Jacob now the person who gets angry when people forget the "going live" twitter posts? ^^
CaptainChibale: Jacob I'm really glad you're part of the team you're an amazing person and I love getting to watch you on streams
Sevinon: Famously over 20 years
Boomy Toadsmasher: or ignore all the straight to modern stuff
ph0enix__42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ph0enix__42! (Today's storm count: 126)
Therberus: Organic kinks? Well I'm not one to kink shame...
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I have picked up some amount of marketing knowledge from my current job, which should open up more job opportunities, but they're not opportunities that I *want*
GirlPainting: @LoadingReadyRun In a world where everybody had a totaly useless super power, what would be yours and how would you use it for evil?
PMAvers: So before or after Back in the Box Season 2?
Robot_Bones: No LRR blimp at the superbowl?
TheWooglie: yeah lots of James's work we never see, but the things we do see happen because of James
ElementalAlchemist: UUUUGH
Sibwow: i literally just told a friend to watch the subathon this morning hi cassie
IaCthulhuFthagn: Time for LRR to eclipse the big stream houses on Twitch.
Ms_LadyMix: they’re sure did
ElementalAlchemist: dang tech places and their unstable APIs
pimiento: it's going to be weird to see LRR ads on other youtube vids
Simonark: How about if I tell my foes they wouldn’t like LRR and that I’m trying to keep it from them? My life is complicated.
Hangedman: love to be beholden to unreliable platforms, woo
djalternative: Also, Azure shit the bed this morning
TrickJarrett: Marketers love Excel for a reason
incredulouspasserby: don’t worry, I definitely talk about LRR at my friends semi-frequently. hasn’t gotten any converts yet but they def know you (and desert bus) exist
ElementalAlchemist: the worst indeed
AceGun_: Now we're complaining in my wheelhouse!
Sevinon: I mean, we wouldn't mind hearing more about the nitty gritty
Sergue_Thorien: I really try to get people here to watch, so far hasn't stuck
bytecaster: not talking to people
GhostValv: people? ugh...
Nismorack: So basically there needs to be a big viewer SuLRRvey. (that might need work)
RockPusher: LRR I would at least consider filling out a survey for
Jigokuro: The 'upgrade' to the new GA platform broke all my custom event reporting bitterRiot
the_lone_bard: As someone who works with government economic data. I feel the pain of data hell.
ztghostie: oh baby, everyone loves qualitative data research LUL
DrMagnify: wait data is my jam
TXC2: hello TrickJarrett welcome
benjamin_wheeler: hello it’s me
IaCthulhuFthagn: "Jacob adult stuff" is definitely not in my Google search history.
kid_flashionable: I was introduced to APIs last year and lord I hate
beowuuf: it is!
Simonark: People? Humans? Ugh.
TXC2: hello benjamin_wheeler
djmikeysaxx: @benjamin_wheeler THANK YOU FOR HAVING HIM ITS GREAT TO BE HERE
dm818: I think he's muted?
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Wheeler :D
pimiento: nope he's cool
asthanius: thanks for having you it's great to you there
Xed_Regulus: No, he muted
JadedCynic: I hear nothing, so probably not?
RandomTrivia: Sounds like he muted, can't hear any Jacob
normarcl: I recently got hired by my lgs to work on their retail side, but also work on their marketing
thasmiel: we don't
Suffix: He muted.
SolarBlitz1: We cant hear hm
Robot_Bones: is mute
Sarah_Serinde: No we can't
TrickJarrett: Not hearing it
AceGun_: We can't hear him. Hes a pro
beowuuf: I can't hear
ShaneLeeAtk: No, he muted
MrSarkhan: Nope
ElementalAlchemist: I just hear you and the music
GhostValv: he's good
TheWooglie: we can't hear
ExachixKitsune: thank you for being here, it's great to have you Wheeler
beowuuf: but wheeler chatted in chat
TXC2: it's quite enough
CaptainChibale: I share checkpoint with my friends sometimes. turns out many of them already watch your mtg stuff lol
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to TrickJarrett!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TrickJarrett! (Today's storm count: 127)
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
JadedCynic: <3
IanAllenBird: professional
TrickJarrett: Thnx anonymous sub donor
TXC2: Jacob is a professional
Transmuted_Elf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Transmuted_Elf! (Today's storm count: 128)
alchemistsavant: I got "bus is coming" to join my friend circle's lexicon, that's about as far as I've gotten with LRR conversion.
Obsolete2885: Jacob, I bought a book that you helped write at GenCon last year, any chance you'll make it out to Indy sometime?
Grady Cooke: He is NOW muted.
RockPusher: James does good work in "The Couch"
Spirrie: An actor of circumstance
iconicshadow89: James pretended to play desertbus VR that one time does that count as stage acting?
CaptainChibale: I've got 'we live here now' mixed into my friend's lexcon
TheWooglie: had someone at the door and they could hear you guys, so I pretended you were a meeting
TehAmelie: James "Acting is not my cup" Turner
AceGun_: You didn't want to work in streaming as a kid? weird.
Earthenone: the couch is definitly my favorite piece of james media
Suffix: An Ice cream man in the Summer, and a firetruck in the winter.
BigDaddyBland87: James never asked to be famous Youtuber James Turner
jacqui_lantern234: "i never wanted to be a famous person" -Famous Youtuber James Turner Kappa
shabe_x_roc: Most kids want to be an Architect...?
LordManiMani: James, well known in the Victoria theatre community for [reads notes] playing cops
TheWooglie: Lion King
JadedCynic: ohhhh <3
Boomy Toadsmasher: and now he's famous youtuber jame tunner
Boomy Toadsmasher: its hardc to type and eatwith one hand
trainpants: good answer
jacqui_lantern234: GODS i ADORE Showboat
Leonhart321: Mine is Hamilton, but Beetlejuice is rising through the ranks
YeomanAres: Les mis
Ms_LadyMix: lol I also went on a school trip to Vancouver to see Showboat
ghost_waz: Les Mis, Jekyll and Hyde, or Joseph
powerflapjack: WHEELER
RockPusher: Hi Wheeler!
beowuuf: sergeHi
RandomTrivia: It's a Wheeler!
IanAllenBird: 👋
RandomTrivia: lrrHEART
marmalade_pen: hi kathleen
RockPusher: lrrDARK
ElementalAlchemist: lrrDARK
invalidCards: Hi Wheeler!
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
Gekyouryuu: The first stage thing I can remember seeing in person was the Pokémon stage show at Radio City Music Hall as a child
Bobtheninjagoldfish: is KAthleen ok?
Stella_Noctis: lrrGibb
ElementalAlchemist: yup, that's Kathleen
asthanius: perfect
bytecaster: perfect
beowuuf: lrrDARK
jacqui_lantern234: nah, Wheeler is loud enough Kappa
KinkerbellRose: Wheeler~ ♥
definenull: It's the same picture
Therberus: Oh right, what did happen to Kathleen
neisan2112: lrrDARK lrrDARK
abslomdaak42: Hi, Kathleen
red_shoes_jeff: Hi Kathleen!
powerflapjack: lrrWOW
StrideTheEarth: Heeeey it's Benny Wheels
AceGun_: wow, its like Kathleen is in the room with us!
pipshardfour: 🎶 springtime for hitler and Germany
RandomTrivia: Don't forget the occasional, UNFATHOMABLY dark punchline
Jigokuro: "She never showed up" sounds either cruel or ominous...
Freezerassasin: This Kathleen is wearing too many colours
RealGamerCow: Kathleen gets a pass because she's sleeping with the boss. (joking)
ghost_waz: SAME
0011110000110011: Avenue Q was the only musical I ever saw live
Quaseymoto: Same!
pipshardfour: please sing some ave q
doormar: I saw a local production of Avenue Q here in Hamilton years ago
L0rdX33n: I saw Wicked on Broadway
jacqui_lantern234: eww! big ass-rock?!?! :p
LidofLoathing: I watched the Full Monty movie far too young, but I do love ity
JadedCynic: oh yeah; my first was Cats, but during a trip to the UK, saw Miss Saigon there <3
ckupf: I saw Hell's Kitchen last night
TXC2: oh hey Wheeler's here
Leonhart321: I am PLEADING for a UK run for Beetlejuice
PhoenixMelior: Oh hi wheeler without a mic
ghost_waz: I haven't seen a broadway show in too long, I think Spamalot was the last one, when Tim Curry was in it
Gekyouryuu: @0011110000110011 I saw that in college when it performed on campus. Got to count it for homework for a class
Chatty_Protagonist: Beetlejuice really got me into modern musicals
StrideTheEarth: I saw both Hadestown and Lion King out in New York. Hadestown absolutely blew me away.
RandomTrivia: Good answer, good answer
Quaseymoto: Miss Saigon with school. One of the 'cool' girls was eating gummy bears out of a plastic wrapper during the dramatic scenes, will never forget.
ArcticAtlantic: oh hey Wheeler
StrideTheEarth: Lion King felt... tired.
Just_Herby: Oh one of my partners was playing in the orchestra for a production of Full Monty last week
Mishapp53: Heck ya wheeler
juuzou00: Beetlejuice is big #1
PhoenixMelior: Hi wheeler!
pimiento: heeeeeeey dese town
LordManiMani: Yoooo
jessieimproved: I want to see Hadestown so much
themercenary1987: Blues Brothers all day for comfort musical
RabbitSeasoning: hadestown is fantastic
L0rdX33n: I so need to see Hadestown
malfnord: Like the one where the set tilts?
shadowmaster132: If I have a favourite musical it's probably a Disney Renaissance movie
definenull: Oh no
DoctorHutch: I saw lion king in it's second year, still the best thing I've ever seen on broadway
mjiig: I am seeing hadestown tomorrow
nosole: WHAT?
0011110000110011: @Gekyouryuu sweet!
OtherEdgeworth: Wicked is my musical
red_shoes_jeff: On purpose?
Philocalist: OH NO
Sunidesus: I wish there was a professional recording of Deaf West's Spring Awakening, 'cuz the bootlegs are all that exist and it was AMAZING
JadedCynic: @themercenary1987 good one, yeah - that's probably it for me <3
Wormsbane: wheelerRat
abslomdaak42: Not really into musicals but I really LOVE Hadestown, it's amazing
beowuuf: lrrWOW
RabbitSeasoning: @mjiig luckyyyyy
darkcyril: If you want a real underrated libretto, check out The Scarlet Pimpernel.
Simonark: Comfort musical… Man of La Mancha, first I saw… at the age of five, a dinner theater production of Oklahoma performed to entertain people during a timeshare pitch
RockPusher: gabyLul
Bobtheninjagoldfish: South Park the movie. That might be the musical I've seen the most.
morteica: Jacob! Big Ass Rock is mine and my best friend's song. We danced to it at her wedding
Sibwow: dudes rock
djmikeysaxx: ITS BENNY WHEELS
Xed_Regulus: I'm going to see Come From Away in August
JadedCynic: I'm obliged to mention Come From Away
AceGun_: Exactly as you hoped, I assume.
undecided44: Uhhhh, sorry. I need to disagree with Titanic.... I saw that on Broadway and it was so meh that I fell asleep in the middle of the show.
VelvetFalcon: Oh hey, Benny Wheels.
Sevinon: @Xed_Regulus It's so good! I've seen it twice
the_phantom_game_player: lrrWHEELER
Jennie_Fuchsia: I saw two friends drunkenly reenact Turn Off the Dark and it was great
Brozard: Watch that, not Madame Web
ckupf: Come From Away is amazing, had me in tears
Philocalist: I'm so glad Spider-Man as a figure recovered
malfnord: Some of Spider-Man's book isn't bad, that production was just cursed
RockPusher: This reminds me I need to get around to watching Bathtubs Over Broadway
Sunidesus: Chicago?
Leonhart321: Oliver
Obos_TAB: In the Heights
Nismorack: Little Shop of Horrors.
ghost_waz: The Producers?
RealGamerCow: Little Shop of Horrors? which direction did that go?
JadedCynic: Blues Brothers
malfnord: Camelot
rasterscan: Cabaret!
abslomdaak42: Rocky Horror Picture Show
djmikeysaxx: Tick, Tick, Boom!
Wesley Ackerman: my top three are Across The Universe, Tommy, and Rock Horror
Wesley Ackerman: Rocky*
Boomy Toadsmasher: yasss^^^
Darkridr: I love Next to Normal, but it's not a fun musical
voren_chalco: Music Man
Sevinon: @ckupf Dude, watching it in New York with my Mom and Grandmother when I spent 9/11 in GM's apartment kinda wrecked me
BrowneePoints: Fiddler
Just_Herby: Cabaret
JadedCynic: hey JCSS is great
shabe_x_roc: Operation Mincemeat is great, probably London only.
Suffix: The Producers. Hands down.
petey_vonwho: Rent
patch_witch: RENT
rasterscan: Cabareeeeet.
Jigokuro: Cats bitterSmug
ShaneLeeAtk: Godspell
red_shoes_jeff: Les Mis, probably?
beowuuf: my mind is clleeear
RandomTrivia: Yeah that tracks
spinebustertee is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 30 in the channel!
JadedCynic: RHCP is #2
spinebustertee gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tukele!
spinebustertee gifted a Tier 1 sub to pixieproxy!
spinebustertee gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheRealNanMan!
spinebustertee gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sergets!
spinebustertee gifted a Tier 1 sub to design_constraint!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, spinebustertee! Welcome to Sergets, pixieproxy, TheRealNanMan, design_constraint, and Tukele! (Today's storm count: 133)
Mr_Bitterness: LIttle SHop was theatre first
Sunidesus: Oh yeah, Rent is also a very good ansewr
Brozard: My first was probably Newsies, or was that a movie first?
Nismorack: Little Shop, went movie to off off broadway to movie.
ghost_waz: Cabaret is a good show
powerflapjack: The Huge Jacked Man
Sunidesus: *answer
BrowneePoints: Fiddler on the Roof hands down
mercano82: Wicked is coming out this Thanksgiving, the trailers look promising.
rasterscan: THANK YOU.
nosole: Rent haters unite!!
lirazel64: Oklahoma (I am old)
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
elysium_21: Yes wheeler!
djmikeysaxx: Awwwwwwww shit go OFF Wheeler
yourgmjay: 1776 for me
malfnord: Is Wheeler secretly Lindsay Ellis?
UnknownFriday: Cats (2019) (This is a joke)
JustMeJude: I LOVE Rent...but as an adult...yeah...
nosole: @malfnord Hahahaa love it
darkcyril: Chris Columbus did the show dirty even then.
Mr_Bitterness: Look, I love RENT, and I agree
Jennie_Fuchsia: poor Joanne
LordManiMani: Evil cackling
powerflapjack: @malfnord i was about tos ay
RabbitSeasoning: rent is fine, just overrated
pipshardfour: Chicago
TXC2: spinebustertee lrrHEART
ParanoidRabbit: Chicago
j_crane330: I usually only get to see the movie version
petey_vonwho: Well, I liked Wheeler, right up until that comment
dm818: Moulin Rouge is great too
jessieimproved: Legally Blonde is good!
avjamethyst: waitress the musical
Darkridr: The correct answer is Hairspray
Boomy Toadsmasher: nah i'm with jacob
djmikeysaxx: Legally Blonde slaps! Its new age Classic Broadway
Fanklok: Shakespeare is mid
commentarywife: Legally blonde is such a good musical
BrowneePoints: Jacob is he Gay or European
ghost_waz: how could I forget, Kinky Boots
Mr_Bitterness: I love the Heathers musical
jadielady: Saw The Buddy Holly story in London
PhoenixMelior: Ive only seen the opening number and its incredible
malfnord: Legally Blonde is in the category of "this shouldn't be as good as it is"
PhoenixMelior: Wait really?! Anyone have a link?
BrowneePoints: Heathers or Moulin Rouge are my fave
Sunidesus: @ghost_waz Yes! Love Kinky Boots
pipshardfour: oh my god oh my god you guyyyyyyssss
jessieimproved: I still occasionally break out in "oh my god oh my god you guys"
nosole: Sweeney Todd w/ Josh Groban as a pro-shot would be AMAZING
definenull: You mean like not slime videos?
spinebustertee: Greetings everyone from... -no longer in a security perimeter-!
greenday61892: OH MY GOD YES Legally Blonde is maybe one of the best proshots I've ever seen, it's ho0onestly so good
Chatty_Protagonist: Going to see my friend in a local production of LB tomorrow!
Redpandarama: The Hamilton recording is amazing
pimiento: i saw Young Frankenstien The Musical in seattle before it went anywhere and it was fantastic
Philocalist: Has anyone seen Mean Girls: the Musical: the Movie?
Quaseymoto: Saw Catch Me If You Can Musical on Broadway, was not quite Beatlejuice but turned out okay
DentedPockets: Theater should be for the masses
Brozard: Does AMC or Fathom Events or whatever still do that?
Obos_TAB: I think if a recording can get people to go see a show thats worth doing.
BrowneePoints: JAMES! Come from Away is on Apple TV with a pro recording!
definenull: Accessibility is great but yeah nothing beats live theatre
j_crane330: A favorite of mine growing up was Bye Bye Birdie
RabbitSeasoning: @jessieimproved I often bust out "well hey don't look at me"
greenday61892: HOLY COW I saw Beetlejuice tour recently and it's AMAZING
nosole: Is Beetlejuice not hitting Vancouver?? It's coming to Edmonton this year and I'm definitely getting tickets
Sarah_Serinde: I definitely agree with that
Suffix: I LOVE live theatre.
keroan0: Nothing ever comes to Regina. I want to see Hadestown so bad
Darkridr: Rent sucks, La Vie Boheme slaps though
Boomy Toadsmasher: in the hights
Darkridr: As far as movies turned musicals, I love Heathers
Oisín Brogan: Lindsay Ellis has a great video breaking down all the ways Rent sucks
GhostValv: some level of preservation of the spirit would be nice
RandomTrivia: HARD AGREE
dm818: I keep missing the ability to see Six
darkcyril: Yes, it's a weird dichotomy between seeing live theater, but also making it more accessible.
JadedCynic: I get it <3
Sarah_Serinde: It should be accessible but also live performances are wonderful
greenday61892: Also 100% agreed proshots need to be so much more prolific and accessible
Brozard: @dm818 My partner saw Six and loved it
djmikeysaxx: you tell em
Jillexie: We do the Mirvish Season Pass on Toronto and it is great. Beetlejuice this season!
jacqui_lantern234: @Suffix i love YOU <3
Leonhart321: You and me both Jacob
djalternative: Is beetlejuice cold pressed juice?
elysium_21: I happened to be in NY at the right time and got to see Beetlejuice twice. It's so much fun
usmu1976: One does not exclude the other
VelvetFalcon: Theatre is better live... But like, also pro tapings circulates the material.
TXC2: well you've said the name 3 times, so now you will Kappa
pimiento: i don't even like musicals and you should 100% go see live theatre including all the musicals
Mr_Bitterness: More accessibility is never bad.
BrowneePoints: I’m also an actor but accessibility and breaking down Theatre elitism is more important
lirazel64: The BBC did a set of Gilbert and Sullivan in the 80s that was just *amazing*.
Brozard: You should go if you can
Linwey: I'd love to but my local theater company just shut down
MrGibberish: it’s like going to a live concert versus taped. just not the same
dungeonmasteralek: Theaters don't tend to be the most accessible in my area
RealGamerCow: I feel that way about hockey. There's nothing like going to an NHL game. Seeing it on TV misses a lot
LlewellynZ: Seeing a professional recording has never made me less desire to go see a show live
greenday61892: @TXC2 not unbroken tho
abslomdaak42: That's probably the reason I never really got into theatre. The ephemeral nature of it. I don't like it. I want my media to keep exisiting.
RockPusher: Hooking people on the recording improves the odds of going to the local am-dram performances
witchy_snake: Think Jacob said Beetlejuice enough times? Be cautious around the studio now.
ClockTamer: recordings should exist for historical purposes atleast, let alone for people who don’t have the means to see it
Obos_TAB: Tony live performance of Hamilton is what got me to want to see it
Jennie_Fuchsia: my company has digital tickets for plays and they run slightly longer than the play so it’s still ephemeral, but more accessible
firehawkzoa: Live events are amazing but seeing it on TV introduces it to the world and creates new fans
Mikklun: As some one in Africa recorded West End or Broadway is fantastic
SolarBlitz1: I watched the Cats musical recording so many times as there was no way to get to see it on the actual stage
ghost_waz: I think the NYPL preserves pro-shots of Broadway, but idk how accessible those are
zerragonoss: I don't care that much about the live show experience, but I will still say it's unique and obviously different.
BrowneePoints: Like, Shrek the Musical (and the 87 Into the Woofs) have INCREDIBLE taped live performances. just absolutely fantastic
BrowneePoints: Woods*
Angnor33: James and Jacob, either of you watch Galavant on streaming?
EDCBeerGeek: i was lucky enough to see the Tour of Beetlejuice, about a month ago…It was really good.
Obos_TAB: @BrowneePoints Ok but now I want the Air Bud version of Into the Woods
hesterbyrde: highly recommend the Public's all black cast of Much ado about Nothing
Sunidesus: Team Galavant!
CaptainChibale: what was it called?
LordManiMani: If anybody wants a great bad musical experience, Diana the Musical the Netflix production is a ball
Woodthorn: I don't think I've seen any musicals as many times as I've seen Starkid's stuff on youtube.
darkcyril: @Angnor33 Galavaaaaant!
Eklinaar: Live theater is the only kind of performance I bother leaving home to see any more. That said, it's really expensive and it would be great if there was some way to subsidize it for people who can't afford it.
RealGamerCow: To be fair, a lot of early musicals are shit. (Oklahoma, Guys and Dolls, etc)
CaptainChibale: @Woodthorn TEAM STARKID
BrowneePoints: Sondheim made me better at memory and diction
pimiento: oh man the egos in the musicals were a lot
ArcticAtlantic: I'm not super duper into musicals but when a song works for me I love its addition to a story
GhostValv: :\
RandomTrivia: Ewwwww
commentarywife: oh nuu, we below 17h!
GhostValv: that sounds ... frustrating.
Leonhart321: I'm sorry, which of us was on stage?
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
Fanklok: Jacob have you ever seen Pokemon LIVE!
Jennie_Fuchsia: actor to actor notes should be handled by HR
Metric_Furlong: "have you tried being good?"
hesterbyrde: @browneepoints Sondheim makes everyone a better person and artist
IaCthulhuFthagn: I recommend the (only ever) non-The Really Useful Group live production of The Phantom of the Opera. You can't see it, but still... if it ever travels beyond the Finnish National Opera or Gothenburg Opera House, see it.
jessieimproved: "It helps if you do it correctly"
BrowneePoints: As a stage actor too, the amount of “theatre kids” that stayed “theatre kids” as adults is oof
IanAllenBird: "simply be better at it"
PhoenixMelior: I just went and found that there are several full musicals on youtube so i have content for a while thank you Jacob
pimiento: fuck, yea, never thought of doing the basic shit, thanks dickhead
Didero: "skill issue"
BrowneePoints: Jacob my dream someday is to get very high, then go see a professional production of starlight express
RealGamerCow: Wait, "Git Gud" isn't just in video game culture? :D
Bassios: I really don't enjoy musicals. I can't help but thinking "Either record a damn concept album or do a movie. Stop fucking about and get on with the damn plot!"
L0rdX33n: “I would simply choose to act correctly.” ugh
ExachixKitsune: @BrowneePoints : "Theatre Kids" vs "Theatre Adults"
ArcticAtlantic: git gud lol
uneactrice: Yes
RabbitSeasoning: andrew garfield is so good
BrowneePoints: it’s a movie about Larson
Brozard: Jacob, have you ever had an employer approach you about AI voiceover?
hesterbyrde: @browneepoints cheers from one theatre professional to another (stage manager)
Xed_Regulus: I saw it on Netflix
darkcyril: Oh man. Andrew Garfield was PHENOMENAL
finestotter: Yes, love Andrew Garfield
RockPusher: I have not but I should some time
Metric_Furlong: like the song?
BrowneePoints: The guy who wrote rent
Jennie_Fuchsia: Tick Tick Boom is quite old
darkcyril: Jonathan Larson
Philocalist: Jonathan Larson
uneactrice: Jonathan
Xed_Regulus: Jonathan
mercano82: The guy who wrote Rent
josh___something: The only musical theatre I've consumed is Starkid
djmikeysaxx: watched it a week before my 29th birthday, sobbed uncontrollably. So good
pimiento: when i was doing theatre tech stuff the best after parties were the dance shows
keroan0: UGH Tick Tick Boom was SO underrated
EDCBeerGeek: PBS was the only way to buy the DVD recording of Into the Woods with Bernadette Peters…I went to a PBS store in NoVA back in highschool specifically to buy a copy….I think it cost me $40 or $50…it was so much…
northos: @Jennie_Fuchsia it came out in 2021 how dare you :p
Obos_TAB: Tick Tick is directed by Lin Manuel
GhostValv: D:
Sunidesus: Marfan I think?
AragornKeuken: Aortic aneurysm
PharaohBender27: lrrAWW
Wesley Ackerman: I've seen the Lindsay Ellis video and I've never seen Rent lol
Oisín Brogan: Same XD
ArcticAtlantic: ohno :(
Snowcookies: oh shoot
LidofLoathing: Undiagnosed Marfan's syndrome, it was his heart
Jennie_Fuchsia: during previews I think
BrowneePoints: like, Rent has a bunch of stuff that aged like milk, but Rent was absolutely important for a lot of reasons
darkcyril: And Garfield wasn't a singer beforehand IIRC.
keroan0: Yes
ckupf: I saw Andrew Garfield in Angels in America, that man can ACT
djmikeysaxx: Netflix yes
Woodthorn: @josh___something My spotify year in reviews haven't been able to recover since I first heard of them
EDCBeerGeek: Like the week before opening of rent or something…
uneactrice: Andrew Garfield was also in an amazing production of Angels in America
Obos_TAB: Musical movie
BrowneePoints: speaking of, I was absolutely chuffed at the Spielberg West side story
Davlenagain: Morning everyone, Did you see the new Weird Al that post this morning?
TXC2: we did a coffee!
keroan0: lrrSIG lrrSIG
jadielady: @BrowneePoints me too!
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
mercano82: Thanks, Jacob and Kathleen, for coming in early.
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
GhostValv: coffee is now forever done with
IanAllenBird: o7
Obos_TAB: These have been SO GOOD for my work mornings on the east coast, so thank you
RockPusher: Thank you James, thank you Jacob lrrSHINE
PhoenixMelior: Need 8 more hours for coffee!
Ashmantle: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
PharaohBender27 is gifting 6 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1767 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Prometheone!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Th3Hypn0Toad!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to linoleums!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to FrodoSandBagging!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Testosteros!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to lLotech!
gameboy350: Are we still allowed to drink coffee?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to Th3Hypn0Toad, Prometheone, Testosteros, lLotech, FrodoSandBagging, and linoleums! (Today's storm count: 139)
PhoenixMelior: Well, 7
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
TXC2: thanks for streaming James and Jacob
roefizzlebeef: yayyy wheeler time
GhostValv: o7
beowuuf: woop woop
TXC2: PharaohBender27 lrrHEART
BrowneePoints: But for chat, if you have Apple TV, there is a professional recording of come from a way you can watch. It is a musical about the planes, diverted to Canada after the events of 911.
IaCthulhuFthagn: Thanks for what has low-key become my favourite segment of the Sub-a-Thon.
RandomTrivia: Thanks for the chill hangout, Jacob and James! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
beowuuf: bye both! thanks for the chats!
roefizzlebeef: thanks for the great vibes J&J!
the_phantom_game_player: See you then
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
BigDaddyBland87: Dialtown
CAKHost: Thanks for this stream! lrrSHINE
hesterbyrde: come from away is phenomenal
Simonark: You’re already up to the middle of the watch along, you’ll be getting up early again.
50keyz: thank you for the morning show!
uneactrice: @BrowneePoints I saw a live production of this and haven't cried harder at a live production in my life
Gascitygaming: if draft baby have fun draft baby picked right card
hesterbyrde: thanks for the stream yall
chrisvonclause: the lorcana draft last time was very fun to watch. Definitely looking forward to it
Genie_M: Card he like is perfect draft strategy
Sarah_Serinde: It is, I'm excited for it
IaCthulhuFthagn: Never let anyone tell you not to pick the card you like, Jaocob.
16AngryBears subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months!
GhostValv: Now Kiss returns?!?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 16AngryBears! (Today's storm count: 140)
Sunidesus: I want to see Come From Away, but I also don't know if I have the spoons to deal with something that emotional
IaCthulhuFthagn: jaoaoao
djalternative: no cap?
PharaohBender27: We are currently funded to 3 AM tomorrow morning
Sarah_Serinde: GhostValv Just like it did last subathon, yes!
abslomdaak42: Don't worry, Jacob. I've been playing MTG for 13 years and I'm awful at drafting. Like, genuinely terrible.
50keyz: its a lrrWHEELER !
Fanklok: Killed a dragon and thinks he's a god
TXC2: James ROCKED Elden Ring
Gascitygaming: James absolutely killed it
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
GhostValv: @Sarah_Serinde somehow I didn't internalize it
RockPusher: muahahahahahahaha
KinkerbellRose: YES! We won!
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
AceGun_: got 'im
ArrestedHouse: we got him
Sevinon: @Sunidesus Totally understandable, but it's worth it. Also, it's happy in so many ways at the end of the day.
Nigouki: hehehehe
Coloneljesus: LUL
Carlioo: LUL
IanAllenBird: heheh
roefizzlebeef: one of us! one of us!
Didero: Of course, every videogame is more fun if you have Adam sitting next to you
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs
50keyz: lol
SharktoothJack: <3
Strebenherz: I just came in, why the insane laughter?
invalidCards: Gottemmmm
Eklinaar: LUL
clarinetman: <3
djmikeysaxx: AYOOOOO
GhostValv: haha
thegentlepus: LUL LUL LUL
northos: bye James
Sarusta: James just walks off
JadedCynic: oneofus...oneofus...oneofus...
Chesul: James was surprisingly great at the game.
beowuuf: bye james :p
josh___something: LUL
ArrestedHouse: LUL
mweepigeon: never too early for piss
TotallyNotaBeholder: Hahahahaha
TXC2: Strebenherz James said he liked Elden ring
dm818: In chicago
clarinetman: so unhinged i love it
BigDaddyBland87: yea here
Wormsbane: 10am here
rabbitgta: Its 10am here
NathanLonghair: James got the best experience with awesome Adam as teacher though
NonUniqueGuy: In Chicago
RandomTrivia: Excellent bit
abslomdaak42: Hey, James was really good at Elden Ring
ArcticAtlantic: pride400
Chesul: he beat the first meat grinder boss in only a few tries
BrowneePoints: @sunidesus most of it is just nostalgia anxiety cuz of how well they land the tension, but there are a couple gutpunch moments
bits badge tier notification
Wesley Ackerman: they scared James away
BrowneePoints: Lies of P Jacob!
Brozard: and when I get to Chicago, I drink piss
PMAvers: A big 'ol cup of SsiP
Sevinon: It's very pretty
NathanLonghair: Adam is legit the best supportive teacher
BrowneePoints: play Lies of P and another crab’s treasure Jacob!
inconsideratehat is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel!
inconsideratehat gifted a Tier 1 sub to blackkkkk!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, inconsideratehat! Welcome to blackkkkk! (Today's storm count: 141)
ArcticAtlantic: I haven't used bits in so long I just had to read the FAQ xD
TXC2: the PS3 Demon souls is the wright Bros plane of souls games
Anubis169: quality over quantity
invalidCards: If the PS5 has no games, why does Paul have five of them
FrostyKaze: @PMAvers Gimme some SsiP!
Linwey: In the NG+ myself RN
Simonark: @invalidcards Well, it’s why he doesn’t have 6.
Anubis169: baaaaaaaai <3
Therberus: Its 11 here in QC!
TXC2: Bye!
TehAmelie: my philosophy is, if it's really too much for you, download some Cheat Engine tables
Didero: Thanks for this!
beowuuf: sergeHi
mercano82: Chicago. It's 10AM in Chicago
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
inconsideratehat: lrrHEART
Wesley Ackerman: PS5 has Demon's Souls and Elden Ring, that's all you need
RockPusher: Right, I need to snooze for a few more hours - catch you all again in a few hours - have fun! lrrHEART
L0rdX33n: it’s 10am here in Alabama
Anubis169: later RockPusher~
TXC2: so long RockPusher sleep well
shadowmaster132: Alright time for me to hit the sack, see some of y'all tomorrow
beowuuf: right, just enough time to hang washing out to dry, in this heat they woill be dry by the time i sit back down
TXC2: so long shadowmaster132 sleep well
Obos_TAB: god i love blurry camera
malfnord: It is 9:04 here in the glorious Colorado Rockies
FrostyKaze: It's 5 pm here in Germany
TXC2: beowuuf in this heat they'll catch fire :p
commentarywife: 4pm her in the uck
Anubis169: travHey
TehAmelie: fuck the man if he thinks he knows what's an appropriate challenge level and your cognitive and motoric abilities disagree. just cheat
josh___something: Hi wheeler!
Brozard: music go bye bye?
CAKHost: Hello everyone again!
beowuuf: @TXC2 the fire break might stop the rug fire from getting to me then Kappa
PharaohBender27: lrrGibb
josh___something: o/
Anubis169: manYES
IanAllenBird: 👋
Haroldholmes25: o7
PharaohBender27: escher3THUMBSUP
josh___something: lrrGibb lrrGibb lrrGibb
TXC2: Here we GO!
Wormsbane: wheelerOok wheelerOok
vinewood_og: lrrSIG
Sevinon: Hello streamer
TXC2: Hello Wheeler
Sibwow: hello bebinjin
Philocalist: Good morning!
StrideTheEarth: Helloooo
ArcticAtlantic: hellooooooo
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Wheeler
BorealMage: hello!
invalidCards: Haiii
PhoenixMelior: Good mornin
clarinetman: morning wheeler
roefizzlebeef: thank you for having us, it's great to be here
Anubis169: Good Morn-after-even-ight lrrAWESOME
Didero: hey you were just on TV!
Angnor33: Good morning Wheeler. How are you today?
Coloneljesus: good morning. glad LRR is not using CrowdStrike :P
SymphonySolstice: hiiiii
djmikeysaxx: oooof
Strebenherz: Embrace your inner short king
Lamebert1415: Cheer1000 Cheer1000 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 42069!
50keyz: the camera takes 5 inches off
rabbitgta: SeemsGood
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun thanks for having us, wheeler, its great to be here
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP MAHP
gameboy350: Gnome mode?
StrideTheEarth: Shutting up
beowuuf: oooooh
BlackBlade_: chainbGNOME
Mattthebeard: mmm clarity
Flyingdelorion: Good evening from the Netherlands! lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
Piecrust9: So are you looking for a demon's soul or are you the one with the demon's soul?
RealGamerCow: Oh this is pretty
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe
frameshifty: i wish i was any good/patient at these games but it's fun to watch others stream them
Strebenherz: Btw, Hope you're doing well Wheeler
IbunWest: the best souls game
Yatrik Solanki: "man was granted a destiny" fake
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
StrideTheEarth: I don't think you're allowed to do that on stream.
Carlioo: wheeler is in his element today
KinkerbellRose: So good.
nosole: Hell this looks good
westerfarmer: Ahh now I want to play too!
shabe_x_roc: Team order is alive
quatoria: i'm kind of amused at how they actioned up the intro video
Abelzumi: what the fuck kind of mahjong in this
commentarywife: Twitch tells me this is for mature audiences - what kind of content are we talking here?
TXC2: man why can't I be this good ? :p
santural: "man was granted a destiny" fake
Catcard: naur....
BlackBlade_: wheeler, why are these Majong players so angry?
BorealMage: Fuckin' *bodied*
Gascitygaming: Ar Nar
iserguy: I had a friend in college who would leave this playing on a loop on full blast with his dorm door open for hours on end
ArcticAtlantic: sometimes a video game feels strikingly good when the only video game you've watched today has featured in W+P xD
invalidCards: get destroyed
IanAllenBird: someone hasn't learned to dodge and hit yet
r10pez10: good god what is happening in here
Carlioo: the ghosts will protect me right?
TXC2: commentarywife fantasy violence
rasterscan: Man, this makes me want a real medieval survival horror.
invalidCards: the spoops
invalidCards: lrrSPOOP
Carlioo: he's so... BIG
loufghyslaufey: Dang it, Wheeler.
Gascitygaming: ruh ruh raggy
quatoria: god i genuinely love Demon's Souls
gnabaer: bed of chaos 0.5
zazamost: Still the best and only PS5 game I have
gameboy350: That's not the penetrator?
SymphonySolstice: big friend
Carlioo: oooooh that's a good sound
Wormsbane: harpoon man
loufghyslaufey: Don't lewd up the volume, bruh
betazed15: Surtr?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: very loud
Anubis169: manAWW
jacqui_lantern234: @Catcard please, aussies would add AT LEAST 2 more syllables to make up for their name shortening Kappa
BlueFingers5: Was that the demon soul?
quatoria: i still remember playing a JP import version of Demon's Souls when the game journalist hype about it was huge but we didn't know if it was gonna get translated and imported
invalidCards: Headphone users everywhere just died
thegentlepus: Mon So
Scy_Anide: A dragon? How novel.
quatoria: cuz so many from software gems weren't getting translated at that point
beowuuf: great stream,same time next year?
KinkerbellRose: LUL
BorealMage: Hand it over. That thing. Your demon's soul.
chrisvonclause: If only we also had Adam here for the full gorilla experience.
miniMacGuru: I think I bought this for PS3, but I don't think I ever really played it.
Anubis169: Best. Time. Ever.
Sevinon: @chrisvonclause Yeah
r10pez10: try pyromancy
JinaMahavira: 8am seems better than 11pm
Sibwow: wheelerPyro
BrowneePoints: my eardrums are now located somewhere around my hips
BrindleBoar: Evergrace remaster when Kappa
Didero: How does it differ from other Souls games?
djmikeysaxx: Missed you during the rest of the Subathon, you're drafting today right???
commentarywife: @TXC2 are we talking gore?
Flyingdelorion: Best time for me! Just fired up the barbecue!
nessiah_aries: God I still remember when I first played the PS3 Version and got ganked 15 times in a row by random Dregs in the starting area.
QuixoticScrivener: Favorite, even above magic?
zazamost: Same!
Gascitygaming: oh btw, ony need 12 more hours to hit cap! approx 700 more subs!
TXC2: commentarywife kinda yeah
IbunWest: @brindleboar tbh I would love that.
IaCthulhuFthagn: I still haven't gotten around to trying The Bottom of a Demon's Shoe yet, but that sure is high praise.
AshcopseDryad: i want a ds1 remake like this
Earthenone: who is "they" arent you on next?
shabe_x_roc: Wheeler was in the Oki Oki tournament
zazamost: oof
TXC2: commentarywife like somewhere between a war happened gore, and horror movie gore
BorealMage: Jamestown Turner
Sibwow: this is grungler
djmikeysaxx: GAMESTURNER
RealGamerCow: Otaku James
nosole: LUL
Philocalist: The whole name fits, holy moly
jacqui_lantern234: @RealGamerCow lmfao
Piecrust9: Gotta be a magician, always magic
IbunWest: who would win in a fight GamesTurner or Otaku Jeff
Anubis169: magic is OP
quatoria: magic is SO GOATED in this game.
r10pez10: I didn't know they remade it
Chesul: So, it's a souls game.
TXC2: like broken good
accountmadeforants: wheelerPyro
nosole: @RealGamerCow This was the true choice
Strebenherz: I never played the OG demon's souls. Is this a remake? Is it like a 1:1 remake, or a remaster?
zazamost: Sword and Shield is so good too!
jacqui_lantern234: @IbunWest Otaku Jeff EASILY
quatoria: magic lets you trivialize the early game
StrideTheEarth: Big Bonks
Master_Gunner: Big Sword Best Sword
beowuuf: lorg sord
couchboyj: Like, Neon Dynasty good
greenday61892: bro i'm watching stream on PS5 so the fuckin system sounds are catching me off guard lol
quatoria: magic probably has the easiest path through this game, then sword and board / sword and shield, then big sword, and then daggers
quatoria: in terms of difficulty
Fanklok: Wow they have a jonkler preset
TXC2: I've never gotten magic to work well for me in a souls game
N2Osferatu: Bolaterraria
BrowneePoints: game is a smeedge loud
r10pez10: no! you should have waited!
Hrrisn: lets go
Gascitygaming: Just beat elden ring last night with strngth build, we don't need no stinkin magic :P
Fanklok: hehe penetrate
BITs19_: colorless? this guy playing Eldrazi?
quatoria: @TXC2 this one lets you choose a class that starts with an item that constantly regenerates fp
Hangedman: I do love 'boletaria' as an absolute classic of japanese take on western name
NorthstarTex: Damn eldrazi fog
jacqui_lantern234: hehehe penetrate
kataanglover1: Tried this game on ps3 and got stuck At
TXC2: quatoria good lord
Hrrisn: same
gnabaer: the fact that royal starts with the ring that lets you regen mp makes playing a mage in this game so much better
kataanglover1: Fire spider
Anubis169: who has the biggest longest sword
RealGamerCow: I've seen that video
quatoria: they call him that because he's gonna penetrate you
Strebenherz: Is this a remake, or like a remaster?
richard_ermen: Oh, we OG Demon Souls. Nice
the_phantom_game_player: oh my
beowuuf: Penny Trator
jacqui_lantern234: penetrator?! i hardly know her!!! :p
bakerydragon: I've seen Dark souls playthroughs and some Elden Ring, all this stuff is totally new to me. Definitely understanding the hype now
finestotter: Do we have to write all these names down?
richard_ermen: Still the best game of the series.
Anubis169: richard_ermen: this isn't the OG, but it's just as good
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: I already lost track of the plot and we are 8 minutes in
bakerydragon: cool premise and looks amazing
Gekyouryuu: oh, so THAT'S why all the boss doors are fog gates?
r10pez10: yes finestotter there will be a test after
Gascitygaming: @jacqui_lantern234 Good.... this was good
Strebenherz: Coolio. So they didn't change things, they just spiced it up for ps5?
richard_ermen: @Anubis169 Did they change much?
gameboy350: the LOATHSOME dung eaterrrrrrr
StrideTheEarth: Are the names as confusingly similar as they are in Elden Ring
Anubis169: a couple of things
powerflapjack: is there a loathsome dung eater
jacqui_lantern234: @Gascitygaming dont encourage my BS >:(
beowuuf: i'm getting lost, the names don't all start with r, g, and m, how do we keep track?
roefizzlebeef: this voice is incredible, does anyone happen to know who this voice actor is?
Gascitygaming: @jacqui_lantern234 too bad!
Fanklok: This game is basically Berserk fan fiction
Flyingdelorion: lrrDARK
BrowneePoints: and a king may have done a whoopsie fucko
Anubis169: ^
Earthenone: if elden ring was linear :P
nessiah_aries: Demons Souls kinda marked a turning point in my gaming career, when I stopped sucking at Video Games and started becoming slightly below average.
Coloneljesus: Elden Ring 0.1 2
SuitablyEpic: except demons instead of demigods
roefizzlebeef: the aaaaaaaall knowing!
beowuuf: so sad the narrator has forgotten about the furtive pygmy MiniK
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @Fanklok ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TXC2: all the souls games are beta testing for Elden ring Kappa
richard_ermen: I don't know. I feel Demon Souls is much better than Elden Ring. The open world really doesn't do Elden Ring any favours.
beowuuf: wb
r10pez10: i love glup shitto
Strebenherz: PFFFFFT
jacqui_lantern234: @r10pez10 i love YOU <3
Strebenherz: Ben channeling his inner villain
Fanklok: Laythese foolish ambitions to rest
Didero: @richard_ermen The benefit of Elden Ring's open world is that if you're stuck on something, you can just go somewhere else, which is harder in a more linear game
beowuuf: it also has a tutorial!
lightfut: The true form of games Turner emerges
Obos_TAB: Glup Shitto, from Tattooine?
NorthstarTex: James is a natural at soulsborne games, nurture that boy
SolarBlitz1: Watching someone fall into Souls games is a great experience
thatguysteve2709: First one we get Wheeler Adam now we get Wheeler James I did not know it was my birthday
BorealMage: "Vote on your tablets now"
jacqui_lantern234: uh oh~ FOGGIES~
Haroldholmes25: i can be your angle
Earthenone: glub shitto? isent star wars later tonight?
aWabbajack: Fowl tarnished, in search of the Demon Souls
Nigouki: cool hat
StrideTheEarth: The dark and light aspect of this game confused me and I felt like I was playing it wrong. :(
richard_ermen: @Didero True, but it's much less focused and for me feels more like FromSoftware going Bethesda with their games instead of actually refining what made previous Soulslike games.
djmikeysaxx: New stream Soulsi Soulsi fight club where we watch James learn how to play these games
TXC2: oh In game! I thought you, wheeler was gonna take cloths off
beowuuf: remember when alex played dark souls to start with without having played this game, and dark souls doens't really explain anything cause you must have played this one? :p
Didero: @richard_ermen Yeah, I can see that
SaxPython: Get rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin' What?
Strebenherz: No crappy muskrat builds here
thatguysteve2709: I own this game I did not know it looked this good
Anubis169: Compared to Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro... This first iteration has a lot more aggressive Miyazaki traps
TXC2: (I assumed because of heat in Victoria)
jj_q: could you turn the game up please, was hard to hear the intro
powerflapjack: this game feels SO good on controller
aWabbajack: zeplaBunHi @Anubis169
Anubis169: motion blur
Anubis169: sucks
accountmadeforants: One bit of non-gameplay advice: If the studio lights make the screen hard to see, you can set the game's picture mode to Bright. (That's what Adam ended up doing for his playthrough.)
richard_ermen: Not to mention that Demon Souls is very much a follow-up to their experience from Kings Field. Which makes it very interesting to see.
aWabbajack: too loud, too soft
aWabbajack: too everything
RandomTrivia: !chat
LRRbot: Chat? Engaging in mimicry?
Carlioo: twitch chat plays game settings
Hrrisn: people are all listening on different devices
0011110000110011: we can always go louder
Coloneljesus: twitch should just support multiple audio channels
Didero: Can you turn the volume down and also up?
10of9: I dream of a Play it Forward of a team of 3 going through the main series Dark Souls games and goofing off
3schr: I don't play with sound. Can you turn yours off?
Therberus: Audio is too left
pn55: The duality of chat
NonUniqueGuy: The sound is too perfect. I can't stand it.
Anubis169: much better to ask about the volume balance between voice and game
TXC2: Chat will Goldilocks everything
Eklinaar: Imagine a streaming service with separate audio channels.
Obos_TAB: it would be kinda cool if you could stream dual audio to twitch so people could choose
Piecrust9: Love the lack of faith for Wheeler in the predictions
Carlioo: make a special plugin that lets chat control the sound settings
3schr: I don't play any games with sound
Hrrisn: homie probably has a sub woofer that he’s never adjusted the setting for
mwlsn: ah, the mistake is assuming we have a mind
r10pez10: ok goldilocks
invalidCards: i believe
RandomTrivia: Lots of things are wrong with Twitch Chat :D
Decaped: LRR generally keeps things quieter than most other streams, just in general.
jacqui_lantern234: @Carlioo more like twitch chat realizes they have their own volume knob in their computer
aWabbajack: full speed run one shot let's go
NonUniqueGuy: I don't play this game with visuals.
Didero: The stab sound effect is also kind of... sharp, which makes volume issues worse
LambMower: The sound is a bit too kiki, could you make it more bouba?
BrowneePoints: the base volume when it launched WAS competing with your Voice lrrSLOTH
nessiah_aries: My original copy didn't come with a manual, it came with a guidebook and I still remember the guy selling it to me saying that I wouldn't get anywhere if I didn't 'consult it frequently'.
Nigouki: @Coloneljesus this tbh. for some reason I can often barely hear the games but if I turn up volume on my end then streamer voice becomes too loud
Obos_TAB: graphics too loud, please turn them sideways
thaigeprime: Hey wheeler Im not used to talking over the game sounds can you play in absolute silence please :) Kappa
TXC2: I wonder how many people got stuck there
LordZarano: Streams should have 3 audio channels that viewers can adjust themselves. Mic, game, & music
Strebenherz: Alright all my biddies in on wheeler downing the boss in one go
invalidCards: god damn
Anubis169: volume levels are good, balance is good also
RandomTrivia: My goodness that's rude#
Carlioo: that's pretty powerfuk
Carlioo: powerful even
r10pez10: is there jumping in this
Anubis169: no jumping
Carlioo: interesting that they lose life before the animation shows the hit
r10pez10: can't believe boletaria banned jumping
powerflapjack: but how will you Try Jumping
Sevinon: They hadn't developed that technology yet
0011110000110011: 0/10 every game needs jumping
Nigouki: only jumping we do here is to conclusions
PolyGryph subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PolyGryph! (Today's storm count: 142)
PMAvers: I believe it encourages co-op play too
SwankyFlea: There IS wall climbing (in like one spot)
jacqui_lantern234: no jumping?! LITERALLY unplayable Kappa
westerfarmer: No jumping, but you can climb small ledges!
LambMower: We didn't invent the technology to jump until Elden Ring
Strebenherz: I started with ds1, 2, 3, then elden, but never played demon's souls
Decaped: seems quicker movements?
StrideTheEarth: The audio on this is incredibly good.
thaigeprime: parry him coward
RandomTrivia: And moving slowly
BorealMage: Uh oh, glowies
TXC2: yeah the worlds system in this is very interesting to me, not having platyed it
TXC2: *played
r10pez10: yeah
thaigeprime: because it looks sick
ArrestedHouse: 4Head
gnabaer: i love that this game has no poise and everything just staggers
Philocalist: If you're glowy and big for more than 4 hours, consult your doctor right away
SaxPython: I saw the Oki Oki. I think you gotta drybrush him
Fanklok: Have you seen Lunacid at all?
JinaMahavira: Oh, so it's Kingdom hearts
Stratavarius: I kind of wish tendency made more sense, because it is conceptually cool
thaigeprime: what a polite fellow
thaigeprime: waited for you to be ready
DistrustingSpectator: more of a dungeon crawler than elden ring?
Sevinon: It had no equivalent of Estus, right? Consumable for recovery?
r10pez10: call that a megamanvania
quatoria: @Sevinon no, it has a consumable for healing but it's one you have to farm
quatoria: so more like bloodborne blood vials
powerflapjack: @r10pez10 nanaNAna...
Sevinon: @quatoria Yeah, ok, that was what I remembered
quatoria: you have to farm various kinds of grass to restore HP and FP
N2Osferatu: You wanna take a lot of grass? Demons Souls
Carlioo: bluepoint did good work yeah
RandomTrivia: It is very pretty
pn55: This version really does look great
Nefasine: this remake is great, while magic is an easier way of playing, the spells feel and sound so great
quatoria: Yeah. In a era of terrible remakes, Bluepoint did REAL good work
r10pez10: beating the tutorial boss in one attempt is 51-49 for you to do it
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
vinewood_og: James is ggggggghost!
RandomTrivia: That, however, is ugly as hell. It looks cool, but UGLY
beowuuf: no pressure, 223K on this fight
marmalade_pen: benjamin i have literally zero money riding on this you cant lose
jacqui_lantern234: @vinewood_og a g-g-g-g-g-g-g-gamer
Nigouki: we have channel points riding on this
Piecrust9: So jiggly
Carlioo: I never noticed his tentacle nipples
BusTed: such jiggle
Gascitygaming: hehe his butt jiggles
Obos_TAB: ah geez the ass wiggles
quatoria: if i recall he's got right handed swipes, the butt stomp, and an overhead swing top to bottom
quatoria: and he'll occasionally do a two hit sweep combo
thaigeprime: thank god james is semi transparent so we can see the health bar LUL
Notamys3000: jiggle physics are good
PharaohBender27: @Strebenherz :D
BorealMage: @Strebenherz have faith!
BrindleBoar: oh I forgot how little grass heals, this game is so mean
beowuuf: !findquote R1
LRRbot: Quote #2317: "That guy isn't actually that scary, you just stay behind him. You stay behind him and mash R1. Just like every other thing in these lrrEFF ing games. You just stay behind it and mash R1. And then you tell other people to git gud. That's how this game works. Stand behind it, mash R1, go to other people's chats, tell them to git gud. I think I've got it now." —Cameron [2016-04-13]
Nigouki: nuuuuuuuuuu
RandomTrivia: Welp
IanAllenBird: damn
Carlioo: good attempt!
Brozard: RIP
Obos_TAB: nooo my points
ElementalAlchemist: RIP
Krillin_fan: gg
northos: gg
Nigouki: my channel points
SwankyFlea: my points T_T
TXC2: pay the winners
BorealMage: rip points
Fanklok: WOOOO payout babeeeeeey
fox_bar: My fight money!
invalidCards: ggood night!
Piecrust9: Nooo my points!!
Strebenherz: o7
0011110000110011: nooooo
quatoria: you CAN beat this demon, but then something else kills you right away
RandomTrivia: That basically cleans out my points
KinkerbellRose: I believed.
Notamys3000: o7
Badchop: valiant effort though
Strebenherz: I bet every last point XD
ClockTamer: yea! gimme those points!
Anubis169: it's Twamazon, of course there's gambling
quatoria: So the world might be mended
accountmadeforants: @quatoria The FromSoft classic
aWabbajack: bread, get!
gnabaer: @BrindleBoar well you are meant to have only 50% hp so it heals for more
SymphonySolstice: never believing in wheeler again
Iam_Dead: Let's go gambling!
beowuuf: ok, for the purposes of this bit, i will pretend i didn't see wheeler get brutalised - did wheeler win? did i win my 223K bet?
finestotter: It's okay Wheeler, I'll always believe!
fox_bar: So the world might be mended!
quatoria: So the world might be mended.
loufghyslaufey: Who dat, now?
invalidCards: I am not legally allowed to gamble but I can pick an option
0011110000110011: I bet it all!
Fanklok: I bet 230k on you dying
marmalade_pen: @invalidCards same B)
aWabbajack: 9k in and got 20k back
Piecrust9: 2M channel points on the line goddamn
beowuuf: i will not hear that sort of slander, not even from you :p
munocard: The hell I can't!
BrowneePoints: my one gripe so far is I think the camera sway could be a little slower
Strebenherz: 46k in, 46k thanos'd XD
alchemistsavant: You Cannot Escape the Torment Nexus
mercano82: It was pretty even, 51% / 49% in favor of killing the boss
public_key_reveal_party: Congrats on death
SymphonySolstice: ooh the torment nexus
TheMerricat: I just won 500,000 points, Wheeler you were suppose to be my DolLRR sink!!!
Anubis169: it is possible to not take any story deaths in this game, but it takes quite a bit of practice :)
Burlapple: shouldn't the stream title be subathon?
ElementalAlchemist: title drop!
SwankyFlea: dying while alive will permanently alter a level though, so don't do that
PharaohBender27: @TheMerricat tqsLOL
jacqui_lantern234: fissure?! i hardly know her!!! :p
RandomTrivia: They said the thing! FBtouchdown
NonUniqueGuy: He said the thing
abslomdaak42: He said the thing
TXC2: ah, he said the thing!
beowuuf: having problems? how about being punished for it so it's harder?
Carlioo: ha ha ha ha
sxesuperstar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sxesuperstar! (Today's storm count: 143)
marmalade_pen: demons s s s souls
powerflapjack: our first depressed friend
loufghyslaufey: F o r e v e r . . .
SmithKurosaki: Oh, are we doing point sinks gambas today? I'd live to redistribute some wealth
iserguy: woah, their mouths are moving
alchemistsavant: God it was so jarring to see character's mouths move in this before elden ring
Carlioo: where's that fromsoft copy pasta when I need it
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
Sevinon: :(
Sibwow: fat rolling time?
gameboy350: zanzibart... forgive me
alchemistsavant: boldwin :)
SymphonySolstice: phat roll hours
Nigouki: encumbrance mechanics are bullshit
TXC2: Sibwow don't call it fat rolling, it's slow rolling
r10pez10: oh you can overencumber in this?
Gascitygaming: ugh durability, nvm i'm out
accountmadeforants: You think this mans talks like that when he orders at a restaurant? "So you came here, to take my order? Perhaps I would like to try one of the appetizers."
beowuuf: encumbrance is like fun but with more maths and drawbacks
gnabaer: umbasa
Strebenherz: Umbussy
alchemistsavant: the durability isn't that bad honestly
nessiah_aries: I cheesed King Allant on my first playthrough by shooting him through the boss fog, because I thought his Level Drain was unfair. Nowadays that guy's a laughing stock, esp. considering everything you have to fight in the subsequent games.
Anubis169: too many cucumbers
IanAllenBird: oh no
Carlioo: I know this is a bluepoint remake but is this the only souls game with so much face animation
public_key_reveal_party: I remember loving this game when I first played it, but there are so many things in it I'm glad they changed so much for dark souls
Coloneljesus: cerulean tear flask
BorealMage: Wait how much does the grass weigh?
Krillin_fan:'re a goat?
Iam_Dead: Slurp juice
TXC2: like a sheep ?
RealGamerCow: eat that good good
malfnord: Groovy
Milleg2: touch grass
Anubis169: 0.1 i think
quatoria: @BorealMage too much
r10pez10: just like real life
abslomdaak42: I thought grass was supposed to be touched...
Gascitygaming: enough to break the ice
SwankyFlea: it's bloodborne blood vials but they're far rarer too
iserguy: and you have to farm kills to get your grass
pimiento: grass is surprisingly heavy
rasterscan: I'm going to start telling Elden Ring streams to go outside and Eat Grass.
Sevinon: @Carlioo Can they please just do all the Fromsoft games? Please?
Symphoneers: Is the grass single?
CataclysmicReverb: "you eat grass" sounds like an insult
miniMacGuru: What's a henweigh?
Arazien: But what's a fen weigh
Leonhart321: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 17:05:53. lrrSPOT
couchboyj: Well yeah, but how do I heal
just_like_aerin is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to mocata_!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to bristowbruh!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to BloodRangerM!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mysticman89!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to ShevekAnarre!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to adam64564!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to slimreaper_tv!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to TristalMTG!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to someone_evil!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to Snakemistres!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, just_like_aerin! Welcome to Mysticman89, bristowbruh, slimreaper_tv, TristalMTG, someone_evil, mocata_, BloodRangerM, adam64564, ShevekAnarre, and Snakemistres! (Today's storm count: 153)
rabbitgta: Wait, if im eating grass, how can I touch it? Does it touch me then?
nessiah_aries: Valley of the Shadowmen is all I'm gonna say.
beowuuf: it''s just because it loves you Kappa
Anubis169: thanks aerin!
nessiah_aries: 4-2 is horror incarnate.
quatoria: yeah. even more so than later Souls game, Demons Souls rewards caution
TXC2: just_like_aerin lrrHEART
BrookJustBones: So how do you get your max health back?
pimiento: remember, no rushing
beowuuf: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
gnabaer: @BrookJustBones by using an item or beating a area boss
public_key_reveal_party: @brookjustbones killing a boss
flapjacksofwar: I am awake and full of coffee, time to Demon some Souls
TXC2: welcome back Jacob
Leonhart321: It's not about the size of the sword, but I certain want the biggest one
abslomdaak42: Hi again, Jacob!
Wormsbane: truely ds2
accountmadeforants: Elden Ring brought back the same "punishment" but instead treated it as you losing a temporary buff, which made people cool with it.
flapjacksofwar is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 90 in the channel!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to Z0pher!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to thegiftedgrifter!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nethr__!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to SeismicLawns!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to shadowmaster132!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to ryoseitekina!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to pyrock_mania!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to hugouinho!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to HauntedS0ul!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to Agoobah!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, flapjacksofwar! Welcome to Z0pher, thegiftedgrifter, Nethr__, SeismicLawns, shadowmaster132, pyrock_mania, Agoobah, ryoseitekina, hugouinho, and HauntedS0ul! (Today's storm count: 163)
Anubis169: flapjack <3
BusTed: Demon's Sous Vide
TXC2: flapjacksofwar lrrHEART
the_phantom_game_player: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
Anubis169: The game is quite unforgiving of mistakes, and lack of consideration for a situation
thaigeprime: Hey streamer can you explain world tendency Kappa
BorealMage: That fire effect looks great
TXC2: you can go back to the nexus right?
Anubis169: yeah
powerflapjack: Low key the best part of this game is how the Dual Sense handles it
Bugberry: "half-health" is relative. If your always at that max, it might as well be your default health.
accountmadeforants: It's best to think of reviving yourself as getting a 100% HP buff.
BrowneePoints: This game is where it’s most evident the Souls series was directly inspired by Metroid/Castlevania Jacob @loadingreadyrun
quatoria: Yeah. This is a remake of where the Souls ideas were born. PVP got refined a lot in Dark Souls 1, but this is where it all started.
KinkerbellRose: Yup. This is where we came from.
Anubis169: I mean technically this is the first souls game... FromSoft did make Shadow Tower, but it's not even close to this
KinkerbellRose: We 'enjoyed' this.
powerflapjack: @Anubis169 Yeah, there's DNA of these games going back to King's Field
ElementalAlchemist: @Anubis169 and, like, Metal Wolf Chaos and other things
public_key_reveal_party: I think killing groups of enemies to restore healing items in Elden ring was the best change in fromsoft games
Krillin_fan: counting? in this economy?
0011110000110011: elbow stabbed
flapjacksofwar: Im redownloading the game on my ps5
Fanklok: Pretty sure this was the first one that Miyazaki was on
Anubis169: I can't stab right now I'm on too much fire... travLIGHT
quatoria: one thing I love is that even basic enemies can be a real threat in groups in this game
Bugberry: @public_key_reveal_party technically Bloodborne did that too.
munocard: You're a humanoid cow with a sword
r10pez10: god those firebombs look cool
Gascitygaming: the little wrench, love it
bisaflau: please stay a while Jacob
Brozard: No flask, just CBD oil
Anubis169: the parry has a gut stab animation, it's freakin' brutal
flapjacksofwar: The power of a vegan diet
Bugberry: Visceral attacks have come a long way in Souls games.
CaptainChibale: Hi Jacob!
public_key_reveal_party: @bugberry I have not played that, but I had not heard people saying that before, but TIL
TXC2: it was a loading screen in the PS3 days
BrookJustBones: Hiding a loading screen
BrowneePoints: but yea if someone tries to tell you the Souls games aren’t “Modern Metroidvanias” as evolutions of the genre, show them this game
l0gin4me: probably just old load point
r10pez10: lore door
accountmadeforants: Thought this was the indiana jones bit
Fanklok: You did just pick up a sword
powerflapjack: mail breaker isn't a real sword
r10pez10: call that a letter opener
TXC2: mail braker is a side arm
Anubis169: Bloodborne encourages aggressive play though, it was a break from the style
itsaysTRUENO: Hey Wheeler, first time long time. Have you heard of FromSoft's souls-like card game series "Lost Kingdoms"?
Bugberry: @public_key_reveal_party basically Bloodborne has Blood Vials, kind of like grass in this game, and they can be dropped by enemies. It can be annoying to restoke those if you keep dying to a boss.
BrowneePoints: Demons’s is the most bullshit of the series overall
BlueFingers5: Yeah you can, start a new save
ElementalAlchemist: You were good at speccing the first time
Thisbymaster: so the opposite of flexable
TXC2: Bye Jacob
ProcyonFlynn: Retro Games just hit different Kappa
marmalade_pen: rest well jacob
fonkoncle: just had an idea
gameboy350: The hurt and exertion sounds are very different from the other souls games
flapjacksofwar: Have a good day JAcob!
munocard: Enjoy your nap, Jacob
yalc321: Mornin nerds
powerflapjack: the bastardo sward
richard_ermen: You actually can respec in the remaster.
Anubis169: Weapons have stat requirements manYES
fonkoncle: what if from software made a Vagrant Story Souls game with the RISK mechanic
BrowneePoints: yes it was inflexible. this is the base template the rest of the series improved upon
r10pez10: 41-59 for "no" on doing the boss in one go
accountmadeforants: Need a level up lady first, it be do
yalc321: Wheeler all about that grass
accountmadeforants: God, I love this game
nessiah_aries: It has also imho the easiest bosses in the series...minus Flamelurker and Maneaters. The Level Design is pretty insidious though.
quatoria: yeah, Boletaria 1 is the palace of grass
Fanklok: So basically you're saying your maidenless
quatoria: if you're looking for dirt weed, come to Boletaria 1
zazamost: Red Eyes Knight time?!
SwankyFlea: Boletaria 2 is such a cool level I'm excited for when we get there
Stratavarius: Boltaria really loads you up with a lot of items
TXC2: it's the starting area, so it eases you in
quatoria: AWWWWW
CaptainChibale: munchin on grass. like a goat.
Harvest25: Did the armour you took of have mechanical value?
public_key_reveal_party: I am thinking back to my first time playing this game, I don't know if I ever leveled up
quatoria: OH RIGHT
quatoria: i forgot about that
rasterscan: Seriously?
JinaMahavira: boooo
quatoria: yep, there's gender locked armor in this game
TXC2: well fuck this game then :p
nessiah_aries: Also, I STILL don't understand the whole World Tendency system to this day.
DistrustingSpectator: this game seems less anime inspired
BlueFingers5: Bluepoint said transrights?
ArcticAtlantic: oh that sounds fun
public_key_reveal_party: Just like real life
Sibwow: damn ive been injecting hormones this whole time
Fanklok: "Hey statue, give me a wang"
abslomdaak42: Cool
roefizzlebeef: a lot of people don't know that you can do this in real life too
eshplode: With armour sets? I would've assumed it was just a hitbox size thing which is at least a bit understandable
RitualGlitchZ: If only it was that easy irl
just_like_aerin: Wish that were me
IanAllenBird: oh where can I find that irl
SharktoothJack: sounds nice
el_dwardo: goals tho
darkora: ah good, much like real life :P
BrowneePoints: this is the game that started the “Souls games are hard bullshit!” because the level design is incredibly cheeky and Castlevania inspired with SURPRISE moments
Anubis169: yeah there's armour for men and women exclusively
r10pez10: i don't think anyone actually understands tendency
NonUniqueGuy: When can we get that patch in real life?
alchemistsavant: welcome back, dark souls 2 gender changing coffin
ArcticAtlantic: would very much enjoy a gender of the day statue on my walk to work
quatoria: you gotta remember that this is basically a half sequel to King's Field
yalc321: That Wheelers on the stairs again!
quatoria: which had all sorts of weird holdover stuff
flapjacksofwar: Dont make me think about World Tendency again Dx
r10pez10: did that guy just explosive barrel themself
bisaflau: There where genderlocked armors right?
powerflapjack: wao
PharaohBender27: @r10pez10 They sure did
Mysticman89: just saw I caught a gift sub earlier, tyy @just_like_aerin
SK__Ren: Also we'd have to re-rig the armor and thats dev time we weren't given money for
djmikeysaxx: Where are they getting all these burning swords
Carlioo: the classic fromsoft multiswipe
jyngman subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jyngman! (Today's storm count: 164)
Anubis169: However, in Dark Souls after this, they did make a point of saying "the sex of your character does not affect gameplay"
Anubis169: and it doesn't here either
quatoria: @SK__Ren yeaaahhh, i feel that one
finestotter: I love the classic many frantic slashes enemy
Anubis169: it's just the armour in this game
r10pez10: did they keep the cat ring picture
BorealMage: A specter, a ghoul
TXC2: ghost is easier to understand anyway :p
Wormsbane: my man isnt hallowed
NiceMrCaput: has anyone ever used the proper term for anything in a souls game? I certainly have not.
quatoria: sometimes I like to steal this guy's weapon and armor by doing the opposite of helping him
SK__Ren: Who is this game's Siegmeyer?
r10pez10: this guy is probably the closest
SuitablyEpic: why does the random knight not hate us
gnabaer: thief+cling ring is my go to ring combo for 90% of the game
Anubis169: bomb cheese manYES
TXC2: I assume there's a 2 ring limit in this game?
Anubis169: yeye
Carlioo: is this demon souls man?
abslomdaak42: xDDDDDDDD
Anubis169: it only became 4-ring in DS2
N2Osferatu: Stupid sexy Ostrava
SwankyFlea: 4 rings wasn't until ds2!
Carlioo: john demonsouls?
TXC2: Anubis169 I didn't play 2, only 1 and 3
abslomdaak42: He's really called Ostrava? lmao
SwankyFlea: in this series
Anubis169: TXC2: DS2, while the graphics are kinda strange, has a beautiful story
flapjacksofwar: happy stories? In Demon Souls?!
Anubis169: and quite a cutting one
the_brainfist: Wait, your saying an NPC in a Fromsoft game has a bad time? Shocked.
betazed15: This is such an interesting thing to have playing in my headset while I'm building automation...
TXC2: Anubis169 oh really? neat
thegitrogsquirrel: Who has the happiest story in souls
SwankyFlea: like leave some leaves for the rest of us dude
public_key_reveal_party: I do kinda like how crunchy this combat feels
betazed15: Type in an element, hears somebody die. Perfection.
Stratavarius: Patches
quatoria: Patches
abslomdaak42: Ostrava is a city in the Czech Republic, btw
fox_bar: Patches
SwankyFlea: Patches
Fanklok: The player character?
TXC2: Fuck Patches
TristalMTG: Thanks @just_like_aerin!
r10pez10: Gael
quatoria: Patches always gives himself a happy ending
TXC2: abslomdaak42 neat!
kragmabutch: Boc ends up alright if you're nice to him
LadyLockwood92 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 61 in the channel!
LadyLockwood92 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Exodus_Piranha!
LadyLockwood92 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LumenDex!
LadyLockwood92 gifted a Tier 1 sub to citizen_pain!
LadyLockwood92 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kdubb421!
LadyLockwood92 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ghastlypanini!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, LadyLockwood92! Welcome to Exodus_Piranha, citizen_pain, LumenDex, ghastlypanini, and kdubb421! (Today's storm count: 169)
Anubis169: Lady~
TXC2: LadyLockwood92 lrrHEART
gnabaer: broken sword with no farming? what is this luck
r10pez10: bearer seek bearer lest
LadyLockwood92: A large baby man.
Anubis169: Bearer, Seek, Seek, Lest...
flapjacksofwar: Full Pate baby
TXC2: flapjacksofwar plate or paté? 'cause either works
accountmadeforants: Oh yeah, the remake was pretty much entirely focused on "How can we add more Juice to this" and it's great (even if it means some of the iffier decisions like gender-locked armour are overlooked)
flapjacksofwar: I meant Plate, but yes either works xD
Gascitygaming: have we gotten a ham cam update this morning?
KinkerbellRose: I am so in for that Wheeler.
LadyLockwood92: Hell yeah
quatoria: I love how much more punch Bluepoint gave to the magic
Philocalist: For streaming sake, is this a card game?
PharaohBender27: @Gascitygaming Not that I'm aware of
quatoria: all of the magic spells seem so much more impactful, in terms of video and audio FX
nessiah_aries: I generally enjoy revisiting this game every time I decide to do so...until I reach the rolling Skeletons in Shrine of Storms and start to question my life's choices.
Mathwyn: Is there motion blur on, or is that just sleepytime meds?
Anubis169: there's a small amount of motion blur
Gascitygaming: motionblue at .3
Anubis169: the rest is your sleepytime meds :P
alchemistsavant: tap their throat with the hilt of your sword
Simriel: Some kind of Demon'ed Souls
flapjacksofwar: Adjudicator is the one with the bird?
fox_bar: Blue eyes white knight
TXC2: this guy has the dead space helmet
ArbalestTheGeni: Adjuticator is just his soul after you give the blacksmith the flamelurker soul
alchemistsavant: can't complain about free half weed!
public_key_reveal_party: So was it just me, or was this game especially bad at explaining its mechanics?;
asthanius: 99% gimmick fights but they're cool
gnabaer: you'll neet a club or great club for the cleaver
jacqui_lantern234: @asthanius YOURE cool <3
Anubis169: LOL
Bugberry: This ball rolling part was the first thing I ever saw in any Souls game.
PharaohBender27: :D
Carlioo: huaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh
IanAllenBird: klmjnilm
BorealMage: Hahaha wow
KidAmn: nailed it
munocard: lmao
r10pez10: did demon souls have a message meme
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
asthanius: @jacqui_lantern234 takes one to know one
abslomdaak42: Hilarious
cobthegreat: Storm King is Goated
TXC2: Worms poke there
KinkerbellRose: Very Kings Field in it's. "Here's our sandbox we made you. Figure it out and have fun."
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
fox_bar: Hahahaha that scream holy shit
alchemistsavant: it doesn't explain itself well at all, mainly world tendency is what you scuff up against the most
Anubis169: did the adjudicator bind with that bird or something?
flapjacksofwar: Bye! *shove* WAAAAAHHHHhhhhhh...
alchemistsavant: prequel, you mean?
Mysticman89: I mean, patches
aWabbajack gifted a Tier 1 sub to r10pez10! They have given 111 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, r10pez10! (Today's storm count: 170)
r10pez10: aw cheers awabbajack
gameboy350: if only dark souls had a sequel
Mysticman89: patches the eternal being who transcends time and worlds
aWabbajack: SpiritEel np
Austere_Squire: hey chat, wheeler, hope everyone's doing all right
nessiah_aries: Also, this game to this day, still has the worst swamp in any FS game, imho, though Farron Keep isn't THAT far behind.
public_key_reveal_party: I've just accepted that patches is a multiversal trickster god
alchemistsavant: dark souls 2 good
TXC2: gameboy350 what do you think Sekiro is? Kappa
Simriel: *aaaaaaaagh*
TXC2: hello Austere_Squire welcome
Mysticman89: Patches is just a silly goofy guy.
Carlioo: wow so many people how are you gonna deal with them all-
r10pez10: why is it always swamp
KidAmn: why does every cool thing in a Souls game start with "i'm gonna get butt naked"
Austere_Squire: oh, i started a new playthrough of sekiro recently; only the second time i've played it and it's still so good
gameboy350: @TXC2 No that's nioh 3
CaKnuckleguy: I do NOT miss weapon degredation
TXC2: r10pez10 Miyazaki has...issues
Bugberry: apparently in the alpha test of Bloodborne, people hear father gascoine say "umbasa", which set off a lot of lore connection speculation.
Carlioo: this dragon will never do the cool thing
RandomTrivia: Consider buying the dragon a drink first, before you try to pull them
Austere_Squire: may i extremely recommend Lies of P to people who like Soulsborne and haven't tried it yet?
flapjacksofwar: It cant do the thing while were watching. It gets stage fright
gameboy350: Fromsoft really did take the same area themes/beats from this game and reused them in DS1, and fair enough honestly
Eklinaar: Is this where the Target balls came from?
thatguysteve2709: Wheeler out here with the confidence of a bard trying to pull a dragon
public_key_reveal_party: @austere_squire I need to play senior because I love parrying in soulsborne games and stealth mechanics
Anubis169: Yeah there are a lot of reused areas
TXC2: Austere_Squire I did a 2nd playthorugh earlier this year, and shocked myself with how well I did :p
aWabbajack: bought Lies of P during sale, will after finishing erd tree @Austere_Squire
Anubis169: Tower Knight arena was reused for The One Reborn in Bloodborne
Mysticman89: and here we wander out into undead burg...
veelofar: I hear that dragon drops a sweet katana
alchemistsavant: hoard pillaged
Arazien: causeiFrames causeiFrames causeiFrames
nessiah_aries: As far as I remember the Swamp of Sorrows in this game is segregated into two sections, one of which inflicts poison, while the other one inflicts plague.
Bugberry: naked item runs are the funniest part of any Souls game.
quatoria: purple flame shield + a spear will get you SO FAR in this game
nessiah_aries: It also suffers heavily from 'can't see shit captain'-syndrome.
Anubis169: eyy, fast-roll
fox_bar: That Havel's Ring before Havel s Ring
alchemistsavant: nice of them to put "i just got bolted" grass in the path for you to grab
veelofar: You should try a Grand Slamwich. It's very popular
public_key_reveal_party: Gotta say, unlocking this shortcut sold me on fromsoft games
Invitare: waste of a javelin
PharaohBender27: You ever wonder how long it would have taken to *build* this place?
Mahtamori: I have spent so many hours hiding behind shields in the og release of this game
Yrefe: man this cutscenes, they don't make them like they used to
r10pez10: every mechanism in a souls game works perfectly
flapjacksofwar: Perfect Game, no notes
Anubis169: Miyazaki'd
alchemistsavant: mmm pine resin
ArkhamArchivist: basic hollow apeshit attack has ended many lives
TXC2: there is always something behind the corner
l0gin4me: not the dogs?
Mahtamori: You know about the new secrets they added to the remake?
Fanklok: I'm going to swing my sword like this and if you get hit its your fault
Anubis169: 2fer!
veelofar: Time for a Cocktail
KidAmn: and they died as twins
Carlioo: excellent sync, 10 poins from the judge
Therberus: Is there no bonfires etc?
Mahtamori: @Therberus They tend to be after boss fights
EternalRoxas: @Therberus no, but there are massive shortcuts you unlock that let you skip massive parts from the starting point
RealGamerCow: Jordynne's Blorbos!
gnabaer: @Therberus yes, but only after each boss, its more about shortcuts in this game
EternalRoxas: oh ye my b
asthanius: phalanx even cameos in souls
asthanius: it rules
alchemistsavant: ah, the goopy boys
QuixoticScrivener: Green Hills Zone in shambles
asthanius: it's so "Fantasy video games can be cool"
public_key_reveal_party: It's up there, for sure
flapjacksofwar: Gooey Gang
TXC2: I wonder if they started using the bonfires more in dark souls because it was so hard to make levels like this?
Anubis169: shortcut GET
nessiah_aries: I remember doing multiple runs of 1-1 during my first playthrough just to acclimate to the game.
gameboy350: Stormveil castle takes a lot after this level
Invitare: my favourite intro section to a game is Metroid Prime 2's. It's so good
alchemistsavant: flame it up baby!
r10pez10: what about garf kart
Robot_Bones: simple and clean
Drigien: I assume this remake still has the world lightness/darkness system and the items/mobs locked behind certain lightness levels?
alchemistsavant: such a whacky first boss, it's so cool
IanAllenBird: fuck it sure is
Fanklok: I think all the humanoids having flaming swords is a bit of a tip off
TXC2: so early compared to DS1
RitualGlitchZ: This boss was in DS3 too wasn't it?
Invitare: watch out for No Retreat. It boosts all its stats, but won't be able to switch out.
SwankyFlea: against oily slimes? Surely not
Carlioo: @RitualGlitchZ think it was in DS1 as a regular enemy lol
0011110000110011: this thing rules
TXC2: RitualGlitchZ a version of it yeah
public_key_reveal_party: As opposed to Elden ring which i feel like will give you a thousand magic items in the land of enemies who are strong vs magic
Fanklok: Have you tried pyromancy?
TXC2: !findquote r1
LRRbot: Quote #2317: "That guy isn't actually that scary, you just stay behind him. You stay behind him and mash R1. Just like every other thing in these lrrEFF ing games. You just stay behind it and mash R1. And then you tell other people to git gud. That's how this game works. Stand behind it, mash R1, go to other people's chats, tell them to git gud. I think I've got it now." —Cameron [2016-04-13]
abslomdaak42: Yes! Yes!
gameboy350: Why doesn't he simply craft more firepots with flaming butterflies?
TomCatFrost: noooo. my channel points 😭
Astramentha: !findquote r1
LRRbot: Quote #2317: "That guy isn't actually that scary, you just stay behind him. You stay behind him and mash R1. Just like every other thing in these lrrEFF ing games. You just stay behind it and mash R1. And then you tell other people to git gud. That's how this game works. Stand behind it, mash R1, go to other people's chats, tell them to git gud. I think I've got it now." —Cameron [2016-04-13]
BusTed: ggs
BorealMage: I'm so good at losing channel points today
TXC2: Cheevo get!
accountmadeforants: Yeah
StrideTheEarth: Yes
TomCatFrost: didn’t realize it’d be this easy
abslomdaak42: Let's goooo
BusTed: I saw an archer
RealGamerCow: nope
IanAllenBird: : o
Yrefe: Big lore
Carlioo: the deepest lore
Therberus: Archer, noted
marmalade_pen: i seen it
Piecrust9: I saw a mage
asthanius: the archer always drops
Robot_Bones: I only read lore from hats
Leonhart321: The sad thing is.....he's right
QuixoticScrivener: writing down "lore:archer"
IanAllenBird: 🖊️ 📓
BlackBlade_: Unleash the Archers
Bugberry: a Sterling archer if you will
BusTed: onstaNOTED
public_key_reveal_party: onstaNOTED
PantherTuer952: why is that game looking so good, isn't it pretty old?
NonUniqueGuy: I didn't know there was going to be a test.
public_key_reveal_party: @busted jinx
Invitare: Can I be exempted from the test on grounds of Covid?
RatherLargeToad: Gets you bonus picks in the lore-Cana draft
Coloneljesus: loredge
aWabbajack: barbCmon bread lost, congrats!
Anubis169: in 50min, neat!
Philocalist: Multiple choice gamba quiz?!
Bobtheninjagoldfish: ARcher? I saw Bob Belcher.
QuixoticScrivener: @PantherTuer952 remaster
asthanius: @panthertuer952 remake
TXC2: PantherTuer952 this is a remaster on PS5
flapjacksofwar: What about the Byf Destiny lore
ClodiumSoride: @TXC2 I went back and watched Cameron's videos to find the exact timestamp for that quote, after seeing it so many times in chat.
alchemistsavant: I think there's also a girl death scream mixed in when the phalanx dies too if I recall correctly
gnabaer: there surly wont be any red phantoms later in the level that fit all the bosses coming before them
BusTed: @public_key_reveal_party onstaGEN
TXC2: ClodiumSoride ha :D
Leonhart321: Ah, the traditional cliff jumping in the Nexus
PantherTuer952: ah, thanks everyone, didn't know there was a remaster
PhoenixMelior: Hi wife
Nigouki: just showing feet for free?
roefizzlebeef: is she single?
asthanius: waxy eyes and sooty feet
TXC2: and now the game Truly begins
Robot_Bones: it was very important to show feet
CataclysmicReverb: Wife needs some socks
quatoria: now begins the real challenge: figuring out where the fuck The Monumental is
r10pez10: did he get the warp whistle
Philocalist: Honey I'm home
Invitare: she's been wandering around the Grand Archive
RitualGlitchZ: You're not Maidenless in this game?
quatoria: SO MANY people could not find The Monumental in the OG Demon's Souls
Daniel Purser: LOOOOORE!
asthanius: "where is this child"
Yrefe: god they really go out of their way to show you how to get to the monumental in this one
quatoria: @Yrefe cuz of what a problem it was in DS OG, yeah
gnabaer: monumental is by far the hardest boss in des
accountmadeforants: It does technically go "woweee, look at all these stairs", yeah
gogoGadgetApathy: the child is "up"
marmalade_pen: i wish more people called me morose
KinkerbellRose: Got most of my points back there. LUL
CrossXhunteR: where’s the dude that betrays you and kills all of the NPCs here
r10pez10: wow they have lip flaps
Anubis169: marmorose_pen?
Anubis169: Kappa
marmalade_pen: hell yes
Carlioo: beast? bloodborne confirmed???
flapjacksofwar: I dumped most of my points cus I never use them xD
ArcticAtlantic: god dammit i've lost the prediction both times, first too optimistic then too pessimistic xD
Yrefe: @quatoria yeah I know, I remember spending 45 minutes looking for that child LUL
N2Osferatu: Does the remake still have the Protip Pit?
eshplode: I like that using souls is so much quicker than the animation in for runes in Elden Ring
Fanklok: Is that Billy Boyd?
Carlioo: BabyRage
gnabaer: you have a heart of gold
PhoenixMelior: Sorry dude ur wife is dead
BrowneePoints: no that’s not billy boyd his voice is much higher
powerflapjack: "oh, Mister Frodo..."
Leonhart321: Not dead yet
r10pez10: dude this is a vape
Bobtheninjagoldfish: believe it or not there are Scottish people that are not Billy Boyd. or even non Scottish people that can do a Scottish accent.
malsareus: r00d
TXC2: big if true Bobtheninjagoldfish
Simriel: Oh my god it does look like Wheeler with his hair in a quiff
gameboy350: Weird how teachers in souls games can tell how intelligent you are just by looking at you
N2Osferatu: And now...the Continental. I mena, Monumental
Carlioo: you can die in the nexus right?
public_key_reveal_party: Did this game always have a man's bar?
pyronils80: Hello and good evening! Greetings from good old Germany! :) :) :)
r10pez10: addle pate
public_key_reveal_party: *mana bar
BorealMage: Souls are ephemeral
PhoenixMelior: "Statues"
malsareus: so, parkour with stakes
Tobenamed1: I want breakfast now
TXC2: hello pyronils80 welcome
quatoria: weirdly dessicated statues
CataclysmicReverb: One haunted statue
ArkhamArchivist: Those Who Walk Away From Boletaria
Carlioo: BabyRage
malsareus: rather articulate statues
flapjacksofwar: Press X to Skip Epic Lore
r10pez10: why are all their candles blown out
jjcard: I actually didn't know this game had cutscenes like this
BorealMage: Soul Arts™
Mysticman89: the rest of the statues are simply sleeping
gnabaer: better lull that old one back to slumer i say
nessiah_aries: How many colorless pips are we talking about here?
raulghoulia: There is and has been only 1 PS3 game and that's The Last Of Us
EternalRoxas: that's an eldrazi tentacle mass right there
Philocalist: I didn't know Wheeler was on Unskippables
KidAmn: but soon, he will mimimi
PhoenixMelior: Honk shoo or honk mimimi
raulghoulia: It happens to be the only PS4 AND PS5 game
r10pez10: thi' ki'd enjoys apostroph's
flapjacksofwar: So were Cthulhu's alarm clock
gameboy350: But... the broken archstone ):
gnabaer: yea, right
gnabaer: all 5
quatoria: oh for sure, for sure
Carlioo: eras'd? can't be bothered to type the e?
Greyah: lol no
TXC2: yeap, all SIX of them
quatoria: yeah there's six archstones and you can visit at least all five
SwankyFlea: scary world scary
ManWithTheMask13: wassup wheeler, long time no see
Nigouki: and they were totally not corrupted by these super magical artifacts, right?
TXC2: and one to rule them all
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: this game is exposition interrupted by dodgerolls
BorealMage: "...and three for the elven-kings under the sky"
NonUniqueGuy: I'm getting the feeling that maybe we don't go to the Giants one. Just a feeling though
Invitare: didn't do a very good job sentinaling did you
r10pez10: did they just leave out an entire world
darkora: "Alas, the giant baby nation attacked"
gnabaer: did they keep the files that where in the ps3 version for the snow world? would be funny
thegentlepus: I don't Remember, why Is the giant zone not accessible?
KidAmn: good guys? in my Souls game?
PhoenixMelior: Alas, i am but a lone old baby
ManWithTheMask13: monumental goats you'd sy
Philocalist: "And everything was cool and good"
malsareus: why? the sealing thing seems to not work very well
stinsanity89: Are you gonna be drafting Star Wars today? I'm excited for TCG day!
KidAmn: obviously the 6th Archstone leads to Lordran
malsareus: I propose fire
nessiah_aries: Bearer of the Burden, seek Demon Souls
novrdd: SpiritEel SpiritEel SpiritEel
gameboy350: @KidAmn Nooooo all the factions must be moraly grey and edgy!!!
TXC2: LotR does explain why the rings of power where in groups of 3, 7 and 9, and not 5 right ?
Coloneljesus: so much yappin in this game Kappa
powerflapjack: @stinsanity89 Nah, they're doing starter decks I think
BrowneePoints: yea unlike the rest of the series this game has lore AND a plot!
quatoria: so what kind of Character Tendancy are you going for in this run
PMAvers: "What if I just slay and/or kiss the Old One? Just sayin'."
quatoria: you going for Pure White, Pure Black, or ignoring it
PhoenixMelior: I think it's mtg and then lorcana and MAYBE star wars?
PharaohBender27: Yeah, surely doing a total war of extermination will have *no* negative consequences :p
ManWithTheMask13: jump off and get some sweet oki
ConcedeToTheLeft: Oh if Wheeler is here does that mean we won't be getting the rodeo stream later?
flapjacksofwar: The answer is shrimple, let us cray
Mysticman89: if you were to hypothetically attempt to murder the monumental, he is just disappointed in you
hypperstar2280: bless you in the background
BusTed: tqsSweat
RandomTrivia: jlrrFall
powerflapjack: lmao
KinkerbellRose: LUL
marmalade_pen: sol badguy all the way down
flapjacksofwar: Cat ring ftw
goldengraham13: You can tell they're bad because they're called demons
Nigouki: if they're not bad why would they be called demons?
malsareus: obviously, the demons are bad guy, the friendly statue said so
PhoenixMelior: !fall
Bugberry: @TXC2 It was for specific rules of those groups. Do you mean 5 referring to one for each finger?
munchingwalrus: No PPR for bloomburrow?
public_key_reveal_party: lrrGREED ?
LordDestont: i mean your supposed to die in the nexus so that you don't mess up your world tendancy anyways
r10pez10: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
LadyLockwood92: @munchingwalrus It's on Sunday.
gnabaer: Maiden Astraea sound already like a bad person
JinaMahavira: that would be so funny
munchingwalrus: Thank you
PhoenixMelior: More VIT!
TXC2: Bugberry I just mean is there a lore reason 5 was skipped over
thegitrogsquirrel: !quote fall
r10pez10: nice to know wheeler yells like a falling archer pushed off a ledge
quatoria: oh god do we want to tell the crowd about World Tendancy
ManWithTheMask13: art thou not finishing the set?
powerflapjack: art thou money matching me?
flapjacksofwar: @quatoria Please no, I dont need another headache today
r10pez10: i looked it up, "addle pate" is just "confused brain"
gameboy350: @r10pez10 Hey, souls game falling-to-death sounds are hard to get right
nessiah_aries: Slime: Well excooze me.
PhoenixMelior: !next i want to see how long wheeler has
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: TCG Day at Fri 11:00 AM PDT (1:52 from now).
PhoenixMelior: Ahhh ok
BorealMage: I sense this will not, in fact, be the last time Ostrava needs assistance
accountmadeforants: "It's me, Ostrava, I fucked up again"
TXC2: right chat, diner time for me, so you be good, and keep on subing!
malsareus: that hoplite shield isn't round at all!
Krillin_fan: beeg swrd
r10pez10: is ostrava evil
ArcticAtlantic: Cheer400 you got it TXC2 o7
ConcedeToTheLeft: Oooh this is where otzdarva got his name!
PhoenixMelior: Drink orders etchyNotes
ManWithTheMask13: a london demon souls
gnabaer: @r10pez10 he is royalty, so yes
Gascitygaming: earl grey hot
h3rsh3yb4r: that big sword isn't even that big
TotalHell: Can we place some orders
Coloneljesus: hi kids!
thatjuantoo: LUL
EternalRoxas: hey youths!
BusTed: seabatClap
RandomTrivia: The youths!
Gascitygaming: kids!
marmalade_pen: hi youths
ManWithTheMask13: Hiya youths
garunkl: hello!
PhoenixMelior: Hello fellow kids!
h3rsh3yb4r: Yarnhim Fog
novrdd: PridePenguin
mowdownjoe: The babies!
malfnord: The youths!
ArrestedHouse: youths!
CaptainChibale: hello youths!
KidAmn: lil babies
Mysticman89: they're so young and youthy
baltimore_667083: hello kids!
Leonhart321: Literal actual teens on the street
ArcticAtlantic: hello youths!
Rafgmorais: the youths
Coloneljesus: do you like violence?
ManWithTheMask13: they got their meaties on lock
CaptainSpam: Gasp! Not... THE YOUTHS!
malsareus: hello you dang kids
novrdd: TwitchConHYPE
Gascitygaming: yakko
Krillin_fan: Yakko
Simriel: London fog's are so good, I miss them
Anubis169: Helloooooooooo
Leonhart321: Yakko, yes
RevolverRossalot subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
RevolverRossalot: Huh, there's gameplay in this WheeLore stream?!
r10pez10: it's the kids with the good hair
hypperstar2280: yess yakko
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RevolverRossalot! (Today's storm count: 171)
novrdd: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 9:09 AM
hypperstar2280: becky with the good ahir?
accountmadeforants: That dragon just went "CURSE YOU BALE"
RandomTrivia: Hey there Anubis! benginHi
GameSageZB: "Oi that's a beaut, she is!"
Mysticman89: simply acquire a few hundred arrows and have at him
Wormsbane: known for not being able to get up towers
r10pez10: god the sound design rules
h3rsh3yb4r: Do you get a FDS if you shoot his tail off?
hypperstar2280: Cheese Gromit!
aWabbajack: what's wrong with cheddar?
Symphoneers: It feels very Not The Point.
pyrock_mania: Cheesing is only good if you pair it with a good WHIIIIIIIIINE
Thisbymaster: the cheese is part of the game
N2Osferatu: We can't leave without our friend, Superfly!
gameboy350: Shallot knight?
darkora: onion ring knight?
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
SwankyFlea: fluked boi
Astramentha: @pyrock_mania booooo lrrSHINE
Kamotetop: Form a burger
gameboy350: His helmet is the best
malsareus: he's no Lionel that's for sure
Leonhart321: So less an onion knihgt, more an eggplant squire
Kamotetop: burgher
RevolverRossalot: The Onion Knight is separated out into different layers
Anubis169: I would love your cool armour, it'd help with our hot weather
gnabaer: the fluted armor that he wears is kinda onion armor light edition
h3rsh3yb4r: @gnabaer Leek or Scallion Knight
RandomTrivia: Thanks for the assist, Dragon!
Anubis169: Burn, baby, burn!
r10pez10: what the ostrava doin
Anubis169: YOU LUCKSACK!! lrrSACK
Didero: lrrFINE
BrowneePoints: hey, that’s the audio the cleric beast uses
nessiah_aries: LRR proudly presents: the roast of Benjamin Wheeler.
Didero: That dragon is super loud
lightfut: Hot wheelers in your area
thimbles_edge: when does the draft start
Didero: Good thing that's a flame-resistant wooden cart
eshplode: Hot singles in the dragon's area
KinkerbellRose: Dragon. Nuts. Etc.
gameboy350: Agheel ohhh agheeeeeel
Abelzumi: Quiet, no. Bad...
accountmadeforants: Dragon doesn't want to kill anyone so it beeps its horn as it drives by
Solahwin_Tampramain: now I want to make a quiet dragon
Anubis169: Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for to them your are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup
ManWithTheMask13: The dragons that ponder their orb
Sevinon: lrrWOW
Coloneljesus: dragons are yappers
gnabaer: deepest lore
malsareus: I thought the monumentals were statues
Hylazu: Like rattlesnakes and their rattles
Arazien: Dragons really are the oversized trucks of their era
mercano82: I thought it was a union thing with the United Brotherhood of Dragons.
Bruceski: People think it's cute, but a dragon only makes that noise when it's in distress
Abelzumi: dogdged
eh_yo_flake: Claymore
zelukester: assuming this is the remaster?
Anubis169: LOL
ManWithTheMask13: Wheeler does not have that dog in him
Sevinon: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
PharaohBender27: kates7
BorealMage: That's so many dogs
TheWooglie: can you pet the dog?
gnabaer: we love a game with no poise where everything staggers
Tarnius: Dogs remain the most dangerous enemy, I see.
Anubis169: xxxCOM
StrideTheEarth: lrrFINE
Didero: Oh right, FromSoft games contractually need to include absolutely vicious dogs
novrdd: Mauled by dogs
ManWithTheMask13: You missed your meaty
Bugberry: Dogs and Skeletons, the worse enemies in any Souls game.
eh_yo_flake: What the dog doin
accountmadeforants: Honestly worth, get that claymore
marmalade_pen: quite the dog pile
darkora: Y O U D O G G E D
Hylazu: Doggies not nice.
Leonhart321: Well, RIP our world tendancy
Mark_D_Stroyer: Yeah the dogs will get ya.
Anubis169: that's remarkably like IRL
Yrefe: time to cling ring it up
ManWithTheMask13: should've blocked low
h3rsh3yb4r: Wheeler can you explain world tendency real quick?
SwankyFlea: ghost form looks so cool I love it
Anubis169: 1 dog, maybe a chance... 4 dogs, you're bored
Bugberry: If they ever have a skeleton dog, we're screwed.
Anubis169: boned**
EllesandraMTGA: Wheeler forgetting to touchgrass
r10pez10: do we need to rescue ostrava again
Anubis169: manYES
nessiah_aries: As long as it isn't strapped to a wheel...
PhoenixMelior: Something something put on the sunglasses
Anubis169: gotta keep the pun game strong
Brozard: not a hoot nor a toot
Mark_D_Stroyer: This game has so many ridiculously iconic sequences.
Yrefe: you still need to do bullshit to manipulate your world tendency in this one?
Didero: Anubis has to be good at canine puns, since they're a half-man half-dog god
CaptainSask subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months!
CaptainSask: Shrieks from flying lizards tend to drag-on and on.
Bugberry: @nessiah_aries like those handicapped dogs with the backleg carts.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CaptainSask! (Today's storm count: 172)
accountmadeforants: Wave of dogs
Krillin_fan: release the hounds!
Fanklok: No hootin or shootin? What kind of cowboy are you
vinewood_og: down boy!
gameboy350: Heel?
Greys N. Owman: He’s been eating plenty
Greys N. Owman: Of grass that is
Anubis169: heel! heel!
vinewood_og: heel or heal?
Didero: @vinewood_og yes
Hylazu: You killed the nice doggies. Meanie!
BrowneePoints: Moon Moon ass Dog
nessiah_aries: Niheal
ManWithTheMask13: Immediately gets shot
vinewood_og: A or B? Yes.
LordManiMani subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
LordManiMani: Hm. Thought I'd just done my 50 month sbubbiversary
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordManiMani! (Today's storm count: 173)
ManWithTheMask13: MA WARES
Anubis169: oh dude! Dregling Seller!
jchinnock: those turtles are mean
Mark_D_Stroyer: I always ran a main build of spear + shield, which I suppose is the down-back medium kick in this game
eh_yo_flake: Swarmed by enemies, backpedal further into the level. Just souls things.
r10pez10: yelling "heel!" at dogs is kind of funny
h3rsh3yb4r: Was that Pippin from the lord of the rings
mordorisbad: "my wares" *agrressively wiggles eyebrows*
Anubis169: Clubmore
vinopinguino: Whatchu call me?
Bugberry: time to get bonkin
gnabaer: meat cleaver needs the club at +0 anyway
r10pez10: is this patches
Mysticman89: I was a humble club user for my whoel playthrough. Simple but effective
eh_yo_flake: A member of the club club.
eshplode: I like how emotive these characters are. I'm not used to seeing souls characters faces move when they talk
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
Ravynn: A joke about a horse? Do tell
thegentlepus: What horse joke?
Mark_D_Stroyer: the joke about the horse would probably leave you dead to dragon though
Krillin_fan: i like how they all stood around to watch you heal
nessiah_aries: Seems like they're super cross with you for clubbing.
Krillin_fan: very sportsmanlike
BorealMage: Those are some visceral club sounds
BusTed: Shield goes flying
KidAmn: nice shield, unfortunately, Club R1
MaxVolume: I really hope this comes to PC at some point
vinopinguino: In da club
accountmadeforants: Oh hell, I love how that shield just *flew*
Anubis169: ev'ry day i'm clubbin' it
eh_yo_flake: The animations they did for the bludgeoning weapons and polearms are brutal.
darkora: the blue knight group is here
CaptainSask: Ben treating that blue knight like a baby seal .... what? what did I say?
Mangledpixel: boop
ManWithTheMask13: what a sweep
Mark_D_Stroyer: @accountmadeforants Ladies and gentlemen HAVOK physics!
ManWithTheMask13: the best to ever touch a stick
Mangledpixel: how goes the Demons's's Souls's'ss's?
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
BusTed: el kabong
Anubis169: overkill much
DistrustingSpectator: painful
abslomdaak42: Damn
pyrock_mania: BONK
Krillin_fan: the ol' 1-2-3
Mark_D_Stroyer: “And stay down!”
gameboy350: The unarmed criticals are so good too
Anubis169: felt that one
YakkShakk221B: good lord
RevolverRossalot: Clubbed 2 death 😬
KidAmn: we out here bonking
eh_yo_flake: Wet thuds
Melfina__: Ow, my back
ButterBall000: Bonk's Revenge
Brozard: absolute club bonker
vinopinguino: That cronch is so satisfying
darkora: the bonkening
Mark_D_Stroyer: Oh yeah, and “Demon’s Souls is brought to you by Old Spice!”
Wormsbane: what if i hit them a lot
Mangledpixel: stop, stop! he's already dead!
themercenary1987: Good god i think yopu got em
ButterBall000: absolutely bonkers
Anubis169: trip... kill.... ok that's for posterity
jchinnock: that Bonk Tuah
Krillin_fan: it's the delay after the second, adds that comedic timing
Beleqwaya: Backstab? More like BackBonk
MaxVolume: coxBonk
vinopinguino: Nothing but club BANGERS
Brozard: @jchinnock boooo
nessiah_aries: Time to shankle some ankles.
Carlioo: he's so cool
YakkShakk221B: Ha ha ha ha Ha
ManWithTheMask13: is this boss single
Krillin_fan: wait they have gundams?!?! that's not fair
gnabaer: thats a towering knight if i ever saw one
CaptainSask: You're gonna need a bigger club ...
r10pez10: why are we banned from the fun zone
novrdd: PridePog
Bugberry: I just realized, isn't this thing roughly the size of an Armored Core?
darkora: large knight is Adam, big guy at the back is James
LordManiMani: Yep
SwankyFlea: yeag I'm shooting you
YakkShakk221B: Damn I do have a crossbow
ManWithTheMask13: I get a crossbow? sick
eshplode: Sweet. I've always wanted a crossbow
Didero: We're not nearly sharp enough to count as archers
Mark_D_Stroyer: It’s the size of a ~tower~
thegentlepus: He Is killing US!!!
novrdd: We are part of the cast PridePog
SwankyFlea: free crossbow to every viewer
Anubis169: streamer bonks live on cast
RandomTrivia: Uhhhh
Mysticman89: try plunging attack tm
SwankyFlea: free stab wound too
malfnord: Ow! My spleen!
zelukester: the biggest gripe I've seen has been with the redesigns
nessiah_aries: This is just "The One Reborn, The Early Years"
Beleqwaya: Were these archers strictly necessary for this fight?
eh_yo_flake: The superficial elements of the ramake are on another level. In motion this game is probably one of the best looking games ever made.
Didero: I feel like a remaster shouldn't change the music, just remaster it
SwankyFlea: wow this really is like one reborn, huh
HungryTanuki: The sound effects are so good in this remake
BorealMage: Those magic sound effects are solid
r10pez10: wasn't original DeS music just MIDI
M L: then what is youtube chat?
YakkShakk221B: I feel like the OG music just has such a unique quality to it that in a remaster it's tough
Didero: The original is from 2009, seems a bit too new for MIDI
ManWithTheMask13: I looked up and I just see my ceiling
Anubis169: it wasn't midi, but it was synth generated voice
gainsofcastamere: quarrelsome boys?
YakkShakk221B: Big Man
novrdd: Very very large
ChunkySurprises: The new designs are what really bother me, they do this thing that Miyazaki specifically said not to do were they made some of the bosses and enemies look gross and diseased when in the original they looked cleaner
RevolverRossalot: Himbe Bigge
CaptainSpam: He's just big, is all.
YakkShakk221B: where hit big man
Redpandarama: Big Shield Guardna
munocard: Is it the grundle?
r10pez10: instructions unclear, listening to nightcore remixes of demon souls boss themes
ButterBall000: Right in the Achilles Heel
Sibwow: going achilles mode
YakkShakk221B: he's leaking sauce
nessiah_aries: Does the Penetrator have a different Theme in the Remake?
BorealMage: @Didero I hate to break this to you, but MIDI's been around since the 80's
RevolverRossalot: Sir, your ankle is venting?
SajuukSjet: someone watched Jason and the Argonauts :P
gnabaer: that knight is filled with gatorade
Anubis169: Wheeler, the man that missed the tower knight Kappa
eh_yo_flake: I hate when I leak blue ectoplasm everywhere.
YakkShakk221B: Fall over large man
munocard: He's leaking baja b last
powerflapjack: no, that's voltage
Mysticman89: OG tower knight music is just miyasaki laughing for 5 minutes
harke_: who knew the achilles was so juicy
gameboy350: It's like Talos from greek myth
Didero: @BorealMage Yeah, I meant that a game from 2009 probably wouldn't use something as old as MIDI
Gascitygaming: good to see camera hasn't changed over the years
mercano82: He's not gonna pass inspection with a leak like that, the shop is going to make you get it fixed before they'll give you a sticker.
rasterscan: Not as rusty as that Tower Knight.
r10pez10: shadow of the colossus ass boss
YakkShakk221B: Rusty Greedy is what they call em
Anubis169: knight could use some WD-40
RevolverRossalot: Looks like the same flames that come out of Tajic, Legion's Edge's DLC sword skin
YakkShakk221B: he is the creakiest man alive
novrdd: Bonk that ankle
thatjuantoo: @Gascitygaming It's not a good thing at all LUL
CaptainSask: His ankles are leaking
Carlioo: you'd think a club would make more sense anyway, since you're knocking bits off of him
nessiah_aries: Tower Knight wouldn't know anything about the club...doesn't even fit through the door.
itsr67: LUL
powerflapjack: BONK
T_Molitor: Knightfall
nessiah_aries: BONK
razorswift: WHACK WHACK
HungryTanuki: B O N K
ManWithTheMask13: LUL
ManWithTheMask13: GET EM
RevolverRossalot: CLANG
YakkShakk221B: GET HIT
DeM0nFiRe: benginBonk
vinopinguino: Lmao
eshplode: Bonk bonk bonk
MacSquizzy: the wiggle when you whack him lmao
Carlioo: concussions are hilarious!
novrdd: Bonk that helmet
goldengraham13: So that's how concussions happen
Didero: That does seem like a fun boss design
vinopinguino: All club run plz
excalgold: that cackle of -glee- while wailing on the bosses head was delightful thank you
Easilycrazyhat: Wait, this is just hollow knight
JinaMahavira: unluckyyyyyyyyy
nessiah_aries: Hit 'im in the crotch!
RevolverRossalot: Ring that bell!
darkora: "Tower Knonkt's having a stronk, call a bonkulance"
h3rsh3yb4r: elden ring jump button would have been huge
ManWithTheMask13: oh word?
r10pez10: the head animation makes it
Mark_D_Stroyer: Yeah you don’t get infinite combo off corner carry here
Bugberry: more bosses should have groin weak points.
Anubis169: Also, not sure if it's just the armour or if there's anything inside of it
Fanklok: You can't just wangle on his dangle
Sevinon: @h3rsh3yb4r Funilly enough, this happened to me with the Furnace Golems once in the DLC
Anubis169: it might not have a groin behind that plate armour
vinopinguino: So good
CaptainSask: Go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep
novrdd: And.. They perished
PharaohBender27: tqsClap
Anubis169: it died as it lived
CataclysmicReverb: Moral of the Tower Knight's story: Don't let your ankles vape
Anubis169: squeaking in need of de-rust
powerflapjack: @Anubis169 clanking?
Sevinon: Chat tapped out of that
djmikeysaxx: never played a soulslike, can you get a big shield like that boss in game?
Cunobelenos: Be good or be bad. Things happen.
fox_bar: Nobody can explain world tendency
munocard: Has Wheeler died at all yet?
BrindleBoar: game has weird complicated mechanics, don't worry about it
PharaohBender27: @munocard Once. He got chewed on by a pack of dogs
Anubis169: Sir Bonksworth
EternalRoxas: I've played the game multiple times and couldn't explain world tendency
ManWithTheMask13: nah I'm the best, game can suck it
h3rsh3yb4r: how many bananas for a death counter and a heartrate monitor Kappa
ManWithTheMask13: I'm the goart
RayFK: A plub for short
razorswift: going clubbing
hamraffle: @djmikeysaxx Yes you can. My main play style is aggressively poking with a spear behind a huge shield
ManWithTheMask13: Sajam fan right there
vinopinguino: It's tenderizing time!!
razorswift: icky sticky
eh_yo_flake: Stuff
BrindleBoar: Ectoplasm.
Sibwow: is this the cum dungeon?
Yrefe: sticky white stuff
Carlioo: sticky white silme you say
eh_yo_flake: Sticky white stuff
ManWithTheMask13: Boo Goo
keroan0: o_o
Anubis169: Sticky White Stuff
ChunkySurprises: yeah, sticky white REDACTED
vinopinguino: Don't make the joke don't make the joke dont
RayFK: Cum
RandomTrivia: Welp
nessiah_aries: At some point FS needs to implement a Knight Boss that's basically a Matryoshka Doll: when you kill it, it's armor is discarded, revealing a smaller knight inside.
gnabaer: crushing battle axe !!
eh_yo_flake: Japanese translations in games never fail to make me laugh.
CrossXhunteR: isn’t this the area you can reset the world tendency?
fox_bar: "It's made from monkey cum, you know"
ManWithTheMask13: James Turner's a PYROMANCER?
r10pez10: oh they changed the name lol
LordManiMani: Watch out for his pickaxe
public_key_reveal_party: What lore is that?
Didero: James likes golfing, so he should be used to clubs
LordManiMani: lrrHAM
Anubis169: too many cucumbers
YakkShakk221B: oh my god he's fatrolling!
ManWithTheMask13: you slumbered, a cucumber
eh_yo_flake: There is a rather infamous example in Resident Evil 4. Ashley's first line of the game is her screaming 'Don't come!' when she means stay away lol.
goldengraham13: He's not singing songs from 90s-00s kids shows or playing Minecraft, how is that James?
RandomTrivia: Slowrolling seems like a bad thing against someone who is hurling literal fire explosions
accountmadeforants: This is what giving pyromancy cool VFX does to people
gnabaer: ministers
powerflapjack: Fat Officials
Fanklok: Adam got really mad at us for calling it fat rolling
thegentlepus: @manwiththemask13 nice quote
r10pez10: didn't know james could shoot fireballs
RevolverRossalot: The Fat Officials ensure the trains on Sodor run to time.
ManWithTheMask13: @thegentlepus ThankEgg ThankEgg
RayFK: @Fanklok Folks can have different feelings on the matter.
Didero: 'slowrolling' also seems more descriptive
Sarah_Serinde: Adam didn't get really mad, he just asked people not to
electric_claire: Demon Souls combat is a lot more like Bloodborne than Dark Souls, it's about spacing instead of timing
Sibwow: wow theyre just letting anyone self diagnose as fat now huh
Anubis169: eh_yo_flake: From the japanese dialogue "kuruna!!" a very direct form, and it transliterates as don't come, but the directness and meaning is "get away!! stay back!!"
Anubis169: :D
LordManiMani: Are those like the Fat Controller lrrJAMES_TK
gnabaer: my beloved
thegentlepus: @manwiththemask13 I Wish I Remember how to response
Anubis169: Resi Evil is known for its weird translations
LadyLockwood92: In fairness to Adam, it's very much not a thing everyone is okay with.
gnabaer: you need pierce dmg
abslomdaak42: He didn't got mad iirc, he just said "hey, let's not say that, chat"
malsareus: crushing battleaxe? aren;t you supposed to cut with an axe?
CaptainSpam: Ah, the Peter Cushing Battle Axe. Oh, wait, no, that's *Crushing* Battle Axe, my mistake.
r10pez10: i looked up the giant land archstone thing
ManWithTheMask13: @thegentlepus That's so fucking real of you, I felt that
goombalax: are people trying to gatekeep being fat?
BrowneePoints: as a really fat guy and plus sized mode, fat is not a 4 letter word, normalize decoupling it from stigma
BrowneePoints: model*
saucemaster5000: I self diagnose as phat
goombalax: "Oh you're fat? name me 3 flavors of oreo"
StrideTheEarth: Buddy you dummy thicc
Anubis169: it's a bit
Sibwow: this is riffing
Didero: I am both thin and thick
TheWooglie: Wheeler is doing a bit
vinopinguino: Don't even talk to me if you're 250 and under
QuixoticScrivener: @goombalax 5 flavors of Lays
Austere_Squire: wheeler doing an goof? the nerve of him
Anubis169: oh that's juicy
Mr_Bitterness: Jesz, that back attack was brutal
mordorisbad: And he got up afterwards?
YakkShakk221B: Your shield is so big
malsareus: I like dogs
r10pez10: wait they made the platforms actually fit the chains
PharaohBender27: tqsBORK tqsBORK tqsBORK
ManWithTheMask13: you got that dog in ya?
Snowcookies: light the dog beacon!
Symphoneers: Jokes? In this economy? SabaPing
Laurence72: Who let the dogs out?!
StrideTheEarth: Squish
gainsofcastamere: Nono, I said, Phat, like a Pixar Mom.
Anubis169: these miners are absolute tanks
Mr_Bitterness: Yeah, its the multiple pulls to get it unstuck that does it
YakkShakk221B: That one has a sack in their hand
YakkShakk221B: look out
thimbles_edge: at least they seem kinda slow?
nessiah_aries: imagine if there was an actual scripted situation where your weapon gets irretrievably lodged in an enemies skull and you had to kill them to get it back
accountmadeforants: I'm glad I don't drop cool materials
Firewhiskers: Hey these guys are unionized, you're strike breaking
YakkShakk221B: sack attack
Mahtamori: These guys are really vulnerable to piercing if memory serves.
r10pez10: they walk so slowly
RevolverRossalot: Bark off!
trebuchetboy: Anyone going to be watching Evo?
Sevinon: You are also weak to biting though
ButterBall000: Makes sense, I too am weak to being cleaved
h3rsh3yb4r: did you just actually murder literal wage laborors?
BrokenGolem: so no petting?
ll94_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
jovens_v: dogs are always anoying in souls games
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ll94_! (Today's storm count: 174)
goldengraham13: I'm also weak to cleavage. Especially granite cleavage
VrolikSyndrome: "In FromSoft in FromSoft"
MacSquizzy: Weird, I have the same weakness as those dogs (getting smashed in the face with a piece of wood)
Mr_Bitterness: @trebuchetboy Splitting time between the PPR, EVO and TennoCon
EvilBadman: The least annoying dogs are probably the Sekiro ones
Snowcookies: can't believe wheeler would kill a dog...
excalgold: Prisoners with Jobs?
h3rsh3yb4r: oh that makes it ok
YakkShakk221B: heugheheheh
ManWithTheMask13: Did you bust those labor unions?
pyrock_mania: Under capitalism, aren't we all slaves?
gainsofcastamere: @accountmadeforants To the right organ harvester, I’m sure you do!
DandyGeek: I mean, we’re never a *hero* in these games
Sevinon: @EvilBadman Most annoying BB?
ManWithTheMask13: Nah finish the joke
DandyGeek: we’re just another Patches
Austere_Squire: Soulsborne games are the only times i have ever hated dogs
ManWithTheMask13: YEAHHH
gnabaer: the "problem" with dogs in this game in particular is, that you get staggered with every hit no matter the armor
ManWithTheMask13: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
StrideTheEarth: Oh, my favorite thing in a souls game. Clipping an edge with your weapon and watching the recoil as you get bodied by a throwaway mob
Sevinon: Though honestly, the Demon's Souls dogs seem particularly nasty
Firewhiskers: In the PS5 version of Demon's Souls is there a weight limit to what you can carry like in the PS3 version?
gameboy350: Visions of wolf, therefore Try despair
StrideTheEarth: Gotta Crockpot it.
h3rsh3yb4r: elden ring has the strongest dog. it can theoretically oneshot anything in the game and hit in every frame
YakkShakk221B: the pickaxe went flying like a cartoon
vinopinguino: You gotta sous vide it
YakkShakk221B: *zooped* up into the air
Sevinon: @h3rsh3yb4r Did they never bugfix that?
h3rsh3yb4r: @Sevinon no idea
Firewhiskers: Thanks. This area used to be infamous in you picking up so many titanite chunks that you couldn't pick anything else up.
nessiah_aries: @h3rsh3yb4r Still got nothing on the Warhawks though.
accountmadeforants: Well it is a mine, what are you doing showing up first day on the job with a sword? See anyone else using a sword?
Anubis169: Which of the 14 upcoming Star Wars c̶o̶p̶y̶r̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶r̶e̶t̶e̶n̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ Storylines do you think will suck the least? :)
Bugberry: is the pickaxe a good weapon?
PharaohBender27: Cheer2531
aaronchpmn subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aaronchpmn! (Today's storm count: 175)
Laurence72: Something something touch grass meme?
YakkShakk221B: what's in the bag
JaymicUnyielding: Oh heck, it's a Wheeler
Krillin_fan: always attack people with bags, got it
StrideTheEarth: Do you like the healing system of games like Demon's Souls/Bloodborne over those like Elden Ring?
Bugberry: @Anubis169 I liked Acolyte and am looking forward to see what Skeleton Crew is about.
PharaohBender27: lrrGREED
Sevinon: Like, one of my least favorite things in BLoodbourne (a game I mostly adore) is the occasional vial farming you have to do if you hit a particularly rough section
Williams4jesus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Williams4jesus! (Today's storm count: 176)
itsaysTRUENO: Didnt the lead designer grow up poor? which is reflected in the design choices around the resources
Sevinon: Though that went away midgame
BrowneePoints: @anubis169 idk. maybe ep 10 will be good?
Sevinon: Once I "got gud"
vinopinguino: Ayooo
nessiah_aries: One thing I always found interesting about this game in particular is the fact that not every member of certain enemy species is neccesarily aggressive...until you start bothering them.
StrideTheEarth: @Sevinon I wasn't used to the finite healing resource and wasn't a huge fan of the farming but the main thing that bounced me off of Bloodborne is simply how much HP everything had and how little damage you did compared to it.
Sevinon: Don't get me wrong, I like getting my face smashed in. I just don't love then having to do 5 minutes of toil to reset
Firewhiskers: He axed him good
BrindleBoar: flexing with the backstab swig LUL
nessiah_aries: The prisoners in Latria are another example of this.
PharaohBender27: Is it me, or did that last sub not add to the counter?
0011110000110011: you can take that guy's gloves but not his hat?
malsareus: so chat, who has been enjoying Cloudstrike day?
goombalax: have we hit cap?
asthanius: not yet
IronwoodWizard: @malsareus Its been a pain in the read end!
Xed_Regulus: Nope, no worries
asthanius: no cap
PharaohBender27: @malsareus I've been lucky to not be affected, but I've read about it
public_key_reveal_party: Ehh
PhoenixMelior: Nah not yet
Firewhiskers: I like the story he tells about why there's anonymous coop in this game, about the cars having to push each other uphill in the snow
YakkShakk221B: bitterShrug
Sevinon: @StrideTheEarth That didn't bother me. But also, first soulsbourne so I didn't necesarilly have anything contextualizing it in a way that bothered me
JaymicUnyielding: Side note: what's your stance on mixing aven with regular birds in a typal commander deck? It feels wrong to me.
EvilBadman: No y'all are doing a big ass read at the end
Sarah_Serinde: If it's like last year there will be sub thanks at the end
Austere_Squire: i mean, you're trying not to get got, to be fair
Didero: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
CrossXhunteR: how’re you doing, how have you been?
PharaohBender27: No, I meant that it looked like the counter wasn't affected by the last one. Let me do a science.
Fanklok: You don't have to
accountmadeforants: @malsareus Miraculously dodged it. The Azure outage was A Time, though. (But then, I'm on vacation, so it was mainly logging in to check the logs after everything went back up.)
PharaohBender27 is gifting 3 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1770 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to fullmetalhoyt!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to theonlyjirby!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mcsanderson17!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to fullmetalhoyt, theonlyjirby, and mcsanderson17! (Today's storm count: 179)
Bugberry: @JaymicUnyielding would the same apply to Cat decks having leonin and regular cats?
Sevinon: Science was successful!
YakkShakk221B: Gay Topen
PharaohBender27: OK, that worked.
Makrosian_Tay: "Hardstone" eh? Very detailed naming scheme they have there Kappa
YakkShakk221B: simple as
goombalax: oh shiiii thank you @PharaohBender27
Makrosian_Tay: Oh no
Fanklok: Why are all of these cuts scenes controlled by levera
Bugberry: @Makrosian_Tay wait till you hear about Raw Stone.
Firewhiskers: There's a ring you can wear that will increase how much you can carry
JaymicUnyielding: @bugberry i think so, though to a lesser extent. Maybe because I'm only now noticing it
Sevinon: I definitely enjoy that the storage box is basically irrel in later games
Gascitygaming: it did
Solahwin_Tampramain: I wasn't paying close enough attention to notice
h3rsh3yb4r: mini lapse... like memory lapse only smaller
QuixoticScrivener: You have had several concussions, no?
PharaohBender27: I see an opportunity for a nice total. One sec.
Tophical subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tophical! (Today's storm count: 180)
YakkShakk221B: valued member of the team BeejandorGrahamandorCameron
PharaohBender27: Wait
ManWithTheMask13: you should make the sound I think
PharaohBender27: OK, mods, see what I mean? Tophical subbed, but the counter stayed at 4245
RevolverRossalot: Red/black lizards everywhere? What is this, Bloomburrow?!
YakkShakk221B: This is a vicious room design
Sevinon: Huh, can we get a Paul in here?
Firewhiskers: It turns out fire beats grass type
nessiah_aries: Charmander, no!
Anubis169: Wheeler, from another stream, the VAs that did that death scream (and the other incidental grunts) came in one day and had a chat. So they're on this site :D
YakkShakk221B: The Bois
Anubis169: they all had so much fun <3
DeM0nFiRe: Hot Sword Summer
ANeMzero: the spicy sword
BrindleBoar: errybody needs a hot sword
malsareus: a nice matching pair of hot sword and cold sword
StrideTheEarth: Who gave these boys swords
nessiah_aries: *angry Gollum noises*
Earthenone: how swords in your area
Frankenstain: H-O-T-S-W-O-RD
CoinOperatedLuusi: Bludgeon or magic dog for those guys
CoinOperatedLuusi: Dmg
YakkShakk221B: Magic Dog? Where
gameboy350: Much like the other souls games, any enemy holding a torch or burning weapon is 10x more annoying than they seem
mordorisbad: I kind of like the backstab change in later games where health-change is tied to animation. Just watching the health disappear before you even hit them removes some of the fun
ManWithTheMask13: Local Battleaxe Murderer Wheeler
malsareus: all dogs are magic in their hearts
YakkShakk221B: that's true
YakkShakk221B: Good lord all that hardstone
Firewhiskers: Best to unload the goodies at this point yeah
YakkShakk221B: Is this the level with the big spider
HungryTanuki: Call us the Rock becaus eoh boy, that's a lot of stones !
ManWithTheMask13: Do they have shades
nessiah_aries: Not a fan of the lower tunnels in this place...they're way too claustrophobic and labyrinthian.
h3rsh3yb4r: can you show us rickert
Firewhiskers: @ManWithTheMask13 They have scales
Firewhiskers: Well they did on the PS3 vesion
YakkShakk221B: Bah
nessiah_aries: At least he didn't ask you to show him your wood.
vinopinguino: Skeet
vinopinguino: Lol
ClodiumSoride: I couldn't remember where I'd seen this game before. Turns out it was Adam's run in PIF. Alex also played through it a few years ago. It's a popular game among LRR folks it seems.
YakkShakk221B: Skeet x5
big_blue_man: only one ball?
jessieimproved: I understood that reference
Firewhiskers: Chat, you can murder this man and then lose the ability to store stuff
whiscash_enthusiast: I sang the lil jon song in front of my mom without knowing what came after "TO THE WINDOOOW" and my sister was mortified because she knew the lyrics
BlaccLamb: i heard there's a certain benjamin wheeler live on the LRR subathon
Firewhiskers: Don't let them take it from you
mordorisbad: Maiden just sitting there moving her feet around, having fun
malsareus: do you have the carry capacity for a gold heart Wheeler?
nessiah_aries: Relationship with Thomas +2
HungryTanuki: That line is great
kdefinition: The OG voice line is the greatest sound in the series
thraximore: Meowdy wheelerMuldcb
Sevinon: @mordorisbad love the idle animation
ManWithTheMask13: Me when I'm asked about how much alcohol I want in my drink:
Paranundrox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Paranundrox! (Today's storm count: 181)
RuiFaleiro: hell yeah praise kink
ManWithTheMask13: More strength please
thraximore: Based
YakkShakk221B: FEETsoft
Firewhiskers: Morgott's feet especially
Bugberry: With a feet guy you know where they stand.
thraximore: Strange, you say you don't like feet yet you gave us free feet this week. Curious.
ManWithTheMask13: Oh that interview is hilarious
vinopinguino: Real recognize real
HungryTanuki: :D
asthanius: "I didn't have the heart to tell him"
0011110000110011: LUL
ManWithTheMask13: So based
CrossXhunteR: as a treat
YakkShakk221B: bitterLOL
alexanderthefine: Was the designer yoko taro
YareNiDaze: It's like Yoko Taro being extremely open about his being into maid outfits.
Halinn: You can have the boobs so long as I get to have my feet.
asthanius: Perverts supporting perverts
BlueChloroplast: PrideLaugh PrideLaugh PrideLaugh
itsaysTRUENO: haha he didnt want to yuck the yum
Croc64: It's maybe the best interview he's ever given
PhoenixMelior: A little rack, as a treat
saucemaster5000: "I made Gwynivere for the articles"
BrindleBoar: "If I can have mine, you can have yours"
asthanius: bazongas
YakkShakk221B: Giant bobs
HungryTanuki: "You can have a little chest, as a treat"
gameboy350: Perv to perv communication
ManWithTheMask13: huge ones
Greyah: Amazing chest ahead
darkora: great big ...tracts of land
Firewhiskers: The Devil's Dumplings
awildshen: True recognizes True
Krillin_fan: the bittys can be as tiggle as you want, but gimme dem feets
pyrock_mania: "Tracts of Land"
TXC2: to be fair she IS a fertility godess
YareNiDaze: If they can do it in FF14, they can do it in Souls I guess.
nessiah_aries: The Mother of Fingers and the finger creepers in ER are just a way for Miyazaki to defuse the allegations.
nessiah_aries: "See, I like hands too!"
Firewhiskers: Aaaaaa the Adjudicator is so good
alexanderthefine: Now THATS fertility
CrossXhunteR: is this boss the flaming dude?
Wormsbane: demon souls into sweep the leg, hit the head
ManWithTheMask13: There's some joke about the Venus statue here but I'm too lazy to make it
Badchop: Dang
itsaysTRUENO: the digit enjoyer generalist
Dumori: I can't wait till PS5s are dirt cheap or Deamon Souls and Bloodborn make it to PC
Frankenstain: A Wheeler stream always delivers top notch jiggle physics
gnabaer: reminds me when Yoko Taro from Nier fame stated he designed the androids the way he did because he wanted them to look beautiful and that was all the reason he needed
Anubis169: Hyper Bonk!
YareNiDaze: Goodbye!
EhDecentCanadian: wheelerH wheelerY howdy gamers
Krillin_fan: wheeler can now talk softly, for he has a big stick
ghizmou: seabatBRAIN
YareNiDaze: I shall name that one James.
mordorisbad: Real brutal :O
Thisbymaster: fat roll fat roll
Badchop: fat roll best roll
ManWithTheMask13: @Krillin_fan Underrated joke right there
mordorisbad: Didnt know mobs dont seem to take falling damage in Demon souls tho
Firewhiskers: There should be a Greater Club and a Greatest Club
TXC2: it's heavy roll chat, not fat
Austere_Squire: i don't know why it was so funny, but watching you just club a man to death was real good
Krillin_fan: @ManWithTheMask13 :)
Anubis169: does it give you more i-frames?
YareNiDaze: Yeah, we're calling it slow-roll or heavy-roll here chat. Adam said so.
EhDecentCanadian: Gears of war esk
Badchop: Ouchies.
Thisbymaster: I choose life
ManWithTheMask13: one hand on your club, the other one on
mordorisbad: Thats a lot of boys
Austere_Squire: the clubs're VISCERAL
HungryTanuki: The mo cap for those are so good
h3rsh3yb4r: im 280 pounds, every roll i do is a fat roll
pyrock_mania: "Let's go another way"
ManWithTheMask13: idk your stroganoff
Halinn: Greatclub? I think it's merely a good club!
Badchop: mood
Anubis169: manLOL
asthanius: Height also makes a huge difference
PhoenixMelior: So wheeler is Zangief?
Sibwow: agile fat guy is a great archetype, sucks about jack black
EhDecentCanadian: The sleeper dex build lol
Anubis169: if you figure out how to control your centre of balance, you can be super quick
gameboy350: Quality build
itsaysTRUENO: like Kevin Owens doing a flip
Frankenstain: Bam Bam Bigelow was a super quick big guy
goombalax: even Cori?
Didero: Next LoadingReadyLive bit? :p
Halinn: Even Banana Cori? Obvious you could beat regular Cori
Paranundrox: LRL Gauntlet Thrown
e_bloc: everyone in the world?
Dumori: LRL segment
ButterBall000: Let's see it next Lrr-Olympics
asthanius: I was about to say I feel like James could beat you, but then ehhhh
RandomTrivia: You've seen Ian sprinting with toast in his mouth, right?
Anubis169: btw, ever used the great club when magic infused?
Yolysses: even Serge?
TXC2: even Juniper? Kappa
EvilBadman: I think Serge may get you there, if I had to pick one
spicemelonge: Well next loading ready live
Strebenherz: I'll put money on it, why not
Laurence72: Ian has some speed. His clip with him toast-in-mouth running was amazing
thimbles_edge: clip it?
NiceMrCaput: what about i a duel to the death?
Austere_Squire: WoodLRR 100?
nessiah_aries: Banana Suit gives a passive speed buff of +50.
MrDiscountNinja: Well, there's the next LRLive idea
Simonark: You’ve made it the final event of next years subathon just by saying it aloud.
TXC2: Fashion souls is the heart of the game
EhDecentCanadian: +10 immersion
Firewhiskers: Can you still get invaded by the Fashion Police in this game?
plaidanddrpepper: they just need to summon Matt Wiggins
PhoenixMelior: I'm not a Souls fan, but i AM a big fan of the fashion.
LadyLockwood92: Ah Fromsoft. 'There are dogs here. We should leave immediately.'
Austere_Squire: extremely fashionsouls'd my way through elden ring
asthanius: Wanna race right now?
ManWithTheMask13: I thought I just heard one of those lizards yell HADOUKEN
YakkShakk221B: Hi James
Simonark: Ashiok James!
TheElrad: Hey James, how fast can you run - the most innocent question
Laurence72: Oh, Matt Wiggins, although I suppose he's more of a distance runner
EvilBadman: Uh, it's called LoadingReadyRun, they're all runners
PhoenixMelior: Can we make this happen James?
ManWithTheMask13: Hiya James
Sibwow: annual footrace to determine company hierarchy
Bugberry: more weight equals more momentum.
Going_Medium: Can we get wiggins in?
AriaDreamGirl: "We run. That's what we do."
CaptainSask: Very dangerous over short distances.
Simonark: This isnt Loading Ready Stroll
Firewhiskers: @Going_Medium I think he has a day job
EhDecentCanadian: Friday night running fight PogChamp
TheElrad: 9.58 seconds by Usain bolt
Halinn: Loading Ready Walk
Bugberry: Loading Ready Roll
TXC2: LRR has done LRRympics
asthanius: ball is life
ding0_dorko: LRR shotput
Anubis169: Going_Medium: Wiggins isn't
Carlioo: wheeLRR olympics
couchboyj: LRRlympics
PharaohBender27: @nessiah_aries But they already have a LRRlympics every three years :p
EhDecentCanadian: LRR vs Game Knights decathlon
EmmaPartlow: This reminds me to watch Graham's excellent Olympics logo video again
asthanius: Wheeler, Adam, Serge, and three Pauls
thimbles_edge: well you start with coffee pong
BlueChloroplast: That would be cool
thimbles_edge: and then basketball
thimbles_edge: and then the 100m
NiceMrCaput: I would watch that
vinopinguino: Next subathaon!!
malsareus: Benjamin Wheeler basketball pro
h3rsh3yb4r: LRR has the proper average height to play basketball
Carlioo: you can finally be a professional baller!
Mind2Waste: going pro
vinopinguino: LRR olympics
ANeMzero: there ain't nothing in the rules that says Wheeler can't get paid to play basketball
CaptainSask: that basically makes you the same as a NBA pro right?
asthanius: like chess boxing but marathon basketball
mercano82: You can then claim to be a professional basketballman
fredcheckers: Don't say Olympics out loud. They are litigious and awake right now.
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: if you get paid to play basketball does that make you a professional basketball player
Coloneljesus: fuck it, we ball
Simonark: Professional Basketball Player sounds great at family events, huh?
AriaDreamGirl: love how the backstab has the metal pipe fallling sound effect
Dumori: 100m dash for team captins and first draft pick
asthanius: You did
gameboy350: @EhDecentCanadian This but with the Game Knights commentary segments
vinopinguino: Hahaay
TheElrad: how about magic basketball? like chess boxing?
Mishapp53: i'd watch that live pre-record
BrowneePoints: Ben Serge Ian Wheeler Adam Cori. swap Ben for James if you want all talls
ManWithTheMask13: Gonna be like Cell balling
itsaysTRUENO: terminal rizz
vinopinguino: No such thing when ball is life tho
Laurence72: Didn't they did a 100 meter race where they had to drink milk while doing it?
nessiah_aries: Hard balding?
CrossXhunteR: did they try to fine you?
abslomdaak42: I believe that
h3rsh3yb4r: and motherfuckers wanna find you? that shit cray
Halinn: Too much of a baller, wack
TXC2: it's the Litvanov workout, only we replace the squats with a game of basketball, THEN do a 400m sprint Kappa
BusTed: I'm afraid you've been diagnosed with 'being too big a baller'
HubbeKing: is that like when my doctor told me to cut down on the D?
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: this game has a water temple!?
ManWithTheMask13: Your doctor told you that you have a glock in your rarri?
malsareus: did your doctor tell you to moderate your balling?
AriaDreamGirl: Ball too hard, smoke too strong, bitch too bad, they'll kill you
PharaohBender27: "You need to slow your hooping game, Mr. Wheeler. It's destroying you."
arkham1981: Do it on a weekend when Marshall comes up. That would be a wild prerecord.
Anubis169: Everything in moderation, including moderation
YareNiDaze: Ball is a sometimes food.
GhostValv: doctor: damn dude you ballin' too strong. ease up on that ya feel?
groovemancery: "Sir, you're ballin too hard, and that's not a problem, keep it up." - Wheeler's Doctor, probably
asthanius: Ball is life, but life isn't ball, y'know?
vinopinguino: I think Confuscius said that
Solahwin_Tampramain: while ball is life, but it can also kill you
whiscash_enthusiast: don't forget fuck it, we ball
asthanius: your ass too phat
Thisbymaster: Riss to large
EhDecentCanadian: But what if you're baller? Shot caller even?
Anubis169: Remember chat, if you truly believe in yourself
EvilBadman: oh no they'll kill you
Strebenherz: How are you doing my fellow kids?
AriaDreamGirl: build too quality
BrindleBoar: and in the end it didn't even matter
Laurence72: Nobody lives ball is life more than my sister's black lab.
RyeDudemis: eyebrows way too on fleek
PhoenixMelior: That waist is definitely too slutty
asthanius: the doc forgot you're him
DeM0nFiRe: too fast, too furious
Solahwin_Tampramain: fit too sharp
Anubis169: Eat your schoo, Stay in milk, Drink your teeth, Don't do sleep and get 8 hours of drugs.
OmegaPlatinum: the man tryna keep you down
Anubis169: school*
cronatos: rvasnuWowow
Carlioo: I'd like to think this is the same big guy over and over again
asthanius: oh wait is this the boss coming up
BusTed: Can't stagger James
Krillin_fan: damn wheeler did you go to a doctor or a hater?
malsareus: well he is a big boy to stagger
YareNiDaze: @Anubis169 And stay 5 feet away from your face.
asthanius: oh boy
Halinn: I bet that guy could have beat you in a race if he wanted to
asthanius: aw not yet
amagikarpp: i wanna see slutty ben
FrostyKaze: your rizz to skibidi? LUL
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @Anubis169 this all sounds like a horror movie plot oof
OmegaPlatinum: ooo I got a giftssub
Didero: hey you took that dude's pants
AriaDreamGirl: Used to be you could stagger officials all day. Can't anymore, because of woke.
EhDecentCanadian: Keep the haters on payroll
RegornLoL: Hello Mr wheeler! :D Wish u a good run!
Strebenherz: ydkm he's right here
Austere_Squire: what were you doing in 2009?
YareNiDaze: @AriaDreamGirl "Up yours woke moralists, we'll see who staggers who!"
fredcheckers: Well now you have me curious about slutty Benny Wheelz.
Anubis169: to quote Adam, is that hitbox even regulation size!?
BusTed: Just like Lincoln.
asthanius: you live rent free in their head if you pay them
ManWithTheMask13: where's my paycheck then huh
Simonark: Your doctor can hate you. Any good dentist almost certainly will.
NonUniqueGuy: Where do I sign up to be a hater?
Halinn: That's how you show that you ain't afraid of the haters
Mishapp53: paying them to hate you cuz they aint you
Anubis169: !hater
AriaDreamGirl: @YareNiDaze I always knew he was an actual demon
ManWithTheMask13: slash benjaminwheeler
BrindleBoar: need the help of a professional
h3rsh3yb4r: dune reference?
PhoenixMelior: All the haters need to sub to LRR
vinopinguino: I've heard of keeping a roster, but a roster of haters?!
Anubis169: but you did get the hate shield
itsaysTRUENO: takes away their enjoyment from hating after work
YareNiDaze: @AriaDreamGirl I mean, yeah...
EvilBadman: Currently at 4246 haters this week
gameboy350: I think souls games are a healthier outlet for than payrolling a hate-team
PharaohBender27 is gifting 3 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1773 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to thedarkpizzaking!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ziggyjundin!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to EhDecentCanadian!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to ziggyjundin, thedarkpizzaking, and EhDecentCanadian! (Today's storm count: 184)
PharaohBender27: I just hired a few more haters
PhoenixMelior: There we go, three more haters
EhDecentCanadian: Thanks for the gifty! wheelerPog
StrideTheEarth: I wonder what the boss could be
Anubis169: Arachnaphobia warning chat
PhoenixMelior: Content warning: spiders
TXC2: CW Spiders
YareNiDaze: And to the second monitor you go!
vinopinguino: Trigger warning
Anubis169: pause the stream and we'll let you know when it's over
Dumori: I LOVE Spiders you gonna make me cry?
Anubis169: LOL
Simonark: This is why you were killed by a dragon, and why your space shuttle exploded. Heat shielding matters.
LordManiMani: Depends. Is there a hot person attached to the spider
vinopinguino: Hahahah
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Eklinaar: LUL
Makrosian_Tay: HAHAHAHA
0011110000110011: LUL
Strebenherz: PFFFFFT
BusTed: LUL
ghizmou: Lmao
Austere_Squire: Ben, no
fredcheckers: Big spiper!
TXC2: Hi ben, bye Ben
Austere_Squire: He just said
Halinn: RIP
Anubis169: Sorry ben!!
PhoenixMelior: Ben thats why we have content warnings!
RandomTrivia: Rip in pieces benginO7
IslandersCaper: rip ben
Sarah_Serinde: I'll miss Ben
Jillexie: Bye Ben
Mishapp53: he didnt need that heart anyways
MrSarkhan: o7
Risuchia: LOL BEN
Strebenherz: Clip that please someone
Sevinon: @PharaohBender27 Weirdly, the counter then went up one more with no obvious sub in chat.
Carlioo: this is a cool boss idea btw
fredcheckers: That spidro is gigantnte?
CrossXhunteR: you’re hitting it in its dangle
StrideTheEarth: Horrifying, but gorgeous.
Austere_Squire: this one doesnt' even have a literally hot lady on top like DS1
Anubis169: yo, does that shield have 100% physical block
Carlioo: armored spider is pretty cool
Anubis169: o.O
PharaohBender27: @Sevinon Maybe it was a delayed reaction to one of the ones that didn't seem to count earlier?
PhoenixMelior: Oh!
abslomdaak42: Where does a spider buy an armor?
EhDecentCanadian: Skedaddle
PhoenixMelior: Flaming clown spiders!
Sevinon: @PharaohBender27 Yeah, but only one, not two. Still worth gettting checked out on the backend
Easilycrazyhat: This is like one of them lost in space spiders
Austere_Squire: wait, this one also does lava? what is it with FromSoft and lava spider?
NonUniqueGuy: @abslomdaak42 Soup Store
quton: thats a big spidey
TheElrad: so the shield doesn't stop you from being crushed by a 60 ton armoured spider? shoddy craftsmanship, clearly
gameboy350: This spider is perfectly evolved for this exact corridor
ExachixKitsune: clipped
Simonark: That is the kind of boss mechanic that makes me hope the game devs aren’t happy in their private lives.
StrideTheEarth: Just the disrespectful grass.
Strebenherz: Thank you also Hope you're alright Ben
avjamethyst subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, avjamethyst! (Today's storm count: 185)
nessiah_aries: Reminds me that FS hasn't done a spider boss in a while. Wasn't the last one Freya from DS2?
0011110000110011: guess we all clipped that lol
BusTed: snap
cmdrud87: is there any use in getting behind it?
Firewhiskers: The 3 to 5 Kings
Coloneljesus: need more clips
StrideTheEarth: Won't even look at them while they're trying to immolate you.
Austere_Squire: is Rom really a spider, tho
StrideTheEarth: Rude.
Firewhiskers: The ELden Ring DLC has something worse than spiders
vinopinguino: The spider just disrespected all over your face
Anubis169: Spider gone chat
BusTed: seabatClap
Anubis169: you can resume play
TXC2: cheevo get!
Firewhiskers: Good jorb!
TXC2: Spiders gone chat
EhDecentCanadian: 👏 we did it
PhoenixMelior: Okay Ben you can come out now
cmdrud87: @Austere_Squire yes, it's literally in its name Kappa
Mangledpixel: what about if I'm in it for the James?
Simonark: Will Ben gradually.. peek back in to see if it’s safe?
MilkInBags: whats wrong with 'dark ring' OpieOP
EvilBadman: @Firewhiskers Worse than spiders AND THEN EVEN WORSE, and then EVEN WORSE AGAIN
gogoGadgetApathy: he needs your business
PharaohBender27: @Sevinon Well, that actually accounts for both the ones I saw that didn't seem to add to the count earlier.
gameboy350: is there a doll-based boss to follow up on things that Ben hates?
EhDecentCanadian: Same
tehfewl: Sticky white stuff
nessiah_aries: Demons Souls plot: Boletarian Dynasty Feet got me acting unwise.
Sevinon: @PharaohBender27 Ah, alright.
groovemancery: that's how i play these games, health is often neglected
Firewhiskers: Chat, originally most North American players of this game bought (I think) a Chinese version of this game which had a decent but not optimal translation before Atlus brought this over
MilkInBags: storm king FBtouchdown
nessiah_aries: Friggin rolling Skeletons.
PharaohBender27 is gifting 18 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1791 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to wheeleigh!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Keld1an!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to JaymicUnyielding!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rhyzian!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to JoeDemp!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to AstralAnts!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LegionofLashes!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to OvercastHobbes!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to addisnow!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to zombified5!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to N7_XaerO!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kr0nker!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to EnnPeeCee!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vicao1010!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to PantherTuer952!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Aetherfueled!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to cartermatic313!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to edddysalt!
PhoenixMelior: What about dom dom yes yes?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to wheeleigh, Keld1an, JaymicUnyielding, rhyzian, AstralAnts, JoeDemp, LegionofLashes, zombified5, Vicao1010, PantherTuer952, cartermatic313, edddysalt, OvercastHobbes, addisnow, N7_XaerO, kr0nker, EnnPeeCee, and Aetherfueled! (Today's storm count: 203)
Anubis169: WOHA
TXC2: PharaohBender27 lrrHEART
EhDecentCanadian: Holyyy
goldengraham13: I thought the most iconic one was the one with the ice giants?
InsaneMuadib subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, InsaneMuadib! (Today's storm count: 204)
PharaohBender27: I saw an opportunity to get to a nice total :)
Anubis169: So chat, if you ever wonder where Bonewheels came from
Laurence72: Nice number
Sevinon: I have distinct memories of a friend getting hard ganked repeatedly at the start of that area
PhoenixMelior: Ive never actually wondered that
NorthstarTex: Nice
Bugberry: I would think the poison swamp would be the most iconic area.
BITs19_: ncie
goldengraham13: That's a lotta gift subs! Awesome!
nessiah_aries: This is, in my opinion, the hardest area in the game and it's not even close.
Sevinon: Hell yeah
Jillexie: Demon SOuls is a card game
EhDecentCanadian: Cant wait
Jillexie: We'll just say that
theeffohzero: oooh og souls game
BlueChloroplast: Cool
Strebenherz: This looks like a really damn good remaster
PhoenixMelior: So heres how Demon Souls is a card game
HorusFive: [Graham wringing his hands]. "Yes! My plan for content is working." muhahahah
EvilBadman: When's the speedrun ;)
Firewhiskers: I've only finished it 5 times so congrats on being the greater nerd *tips hat*
nessiah_aries: He rollin.
theeffohzero: i left the stream from leden ring only to go back in time to Demons
eshplode: Just sit in the background and keep playing the game. It'll be like Ian's sous vide
Uzumaki15: I fell off Demon Souls because of the healing item management, having to farm for healing when you're bad feels bad
nessiah_aries: Vicious and relentless
abslomdaak42: All of us are weak to that though
Dumori: I love the fact they are armoured as undead
Simonark: Weak to blunt remarks.
Sevinon: Yep, this area. This stair in particular I recall repeat invasions (though it's been 15 years and memories and all that)
Firewhiskers: There is an amazing weapon at the start of this level for magic builds
itsaysTRUENO: fromsoft did make a card game its called Lost Kingdoms
nessiah_aries: Good area if you wanna farm Grass though.
clarinetman: FortBush FortBush
theeffohzero: @Uzumaki15 as bad as it is, it makes the game sort of forgiving if you dont mess with pvp
MilkInBags: scotland
Simonark: Or is that weak to James Blunt music, in that they just leap off cliffs to escape? It’s the last vestige of their humanity.
TXC2: pretty in a bleak way
EhDecentCanadian: Are they shooting you with blue Hawaiian Punch?
PhoenixMelior: Pretty if you ask a group of goths
Dumori: glandAh Like En
Austere_Squire: me, after dealing with the skeleton wheels
seanmrwick: hey Wheeler, glad I can watch your stream during my lunch break at home
Anubis169: Miyazaki'd
Dumori: Ah like England, Pretty in a bleak way
seanmrwick: hey @Anubis169
mercano82: It's 4:20 somewhere.
TXC2: did snoop levels of grass
Anubis169: yo
QuixoticScrivener: Wait, this game has Necrons?
Firewhiskers: Key time
mercano82: I think somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic
Didero: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: TCG Day at Fri 11:00 AM PDT (44m from now).
Didero: Plenty of time left :p
h3rsh3yb4r: what ash of war are you running?
PhoenixMelior: Sky blorbos?
Mangledpixel: skantas
seanmrwick: I was about to ask are you currently doing a speedrun of this game?
accountmadeforants: They're annoying to make the spectacle fight more satisfying
Firewhiskers: Storm King
asthanius: Bluepoint did an amazing job, but it was always impressive
Anubis169: Storm King lrrHEART
accountmadeforants: Storm King is incredible and I agree
Firewhiskers: They have tried to recreate it twice and haven't done it yet
westerfarmer: A spectacle
Anubis169: I felt so sad in that boss fight
TXC2: chonky boi
Firewhiskers: Yhorm King and Rykard - neither of which match it
PhoenixMelior: Good butt jiggles
tehfewl: i need to buy the ps5 remake, its been way too long
mercano82: He doesn't have a boss health bar anymore
Dumori: He falppy the tiny wings <3
PhoenixMelior: Uh oh
AugmentingPath: pweeh
nessiah_aries: I like Storm King, Rykard's my favorite though. Simply because the chorus goes so friggin hard in Phase 2.
TXC2: they don't respect the 1 v 1
Didero: And since gamers never look up, you can't even see their shots coming
Bugberry: are there throwing daggers in this?
Anubis169: yup
Firewhiskers: @nessiah_aries Sigh. Very well.
Catcard: I keep expecting an Elden Ring jump attack to come out lmao
seanmrwick: so if this was creature was a Magic card, what would be an accurate description of what you're fighting?
BrowneePoints: Kaicenaut? Is that like some Dragon Ball Spaceman?
thraximore: back just in time for jiggle physics umbraHYPERS
thraximore: oh yeah the mantas are a real pisser
MAPBoardgames: Demons's's Souls's's
accountmadeforants: Mantas are the "you got enough healing items on you, non-magic man?" check
mercano82: No he isn't, he's just pining for the fjords.
Firewhiskers: @seanmrwick The Demon of GitGud
seanmrwick: @BrowneePoints hard to say, since I know nothing about Dark Souls
cmdrud87: I think it looks like Hrald of Leshrac or master of the feast
nessiah_aries: Biggest problem with the mantas is that they love to shoot you during the most inconvenient of times.
TXC2: seanmrwick 5/4 with trample for BBB
seanmrwick: or "Demon Souls"
PhoenixMelior: 3
nessiah_aries: Like when you're fighting a Skeleton with a giant sword.
nessiah_aries: On a narrow cliff face.
seanmrwick: @Firewhiskers that would be really funny for a card, actually
LordManiMani: He said the thiiiiiing
seanmrwick: ooooh it's a Gray Demon
MilkInBags: it was a merchant?
Anubis169: LOL
TXC2: Secret tunnel!
accountmadeforants: "Occupado" 💀
Obos_TAB: I had to go take a nap, how big is our sword?
Firewhiskers: @MilkInBags You need a key to access the merchant
SuitablyEpic: need a spear
seanmrwick: @TXC2 BBB? what's that?
seanmrwick: ooooh, 3 Black
LordManiMani: El Kabonk
TXC2: seanmrwick yeah you got it
seanmrwick: @TXC2 that sounds very feasible actually. Any other abilities?
SuitablyEpic: make these hallways into a funnel
nessiah_aries: At least there is only one mandatory red skeleton on the way to the first boss.
rhyzian: @PharaohBender27 thank you
PharaohBender27: @rhyzian No problem! :)
PharaohBender27: @Obos_TAB We decided to go clubbing
TXC2: seanmrwick it kinda should have a downside, but WotC don't do that any more :p
nessiah_aries: You you give us smooth.
BrowneePoints: PICKLE pea PICKLE pea!
Sevinon: Love the crow in DS3
asthanius: There's a video going into detail on the origins on the character's name, ending with "they're all noncanon but who cares?"
TXC2: give me soft, give me warm
Dumori: Snuggly iirc
goldengraham13: BIRD LORE
nessiah_aries: Yes you give us silky!
seanmrwick: @TXC2 I have an idea that might work: When Grey Demon enters the battlefield (ETB), target opponent loses 3 life. When this creature attacks, target opponent mills 3 cards
asthanius: me when i want smooth and warm
theeffohzero: BIRD UP
gameboy350: Elden ring is missing a trading bird
Eklinaar: !subscribe bird facts
Bugberry: Ornifex best Souls bird.
Coloneljesus: nah, he's not bald
Didero: I was about to ask if he's Patches
Mangledpixel: much O-Bliged
NorthstarTex: patches is patches of the bame
malsareus: Patches is eternal
nessiah_aries: And then in DS2 there is Pate.
TXC2: seanmrwick they'd probably have it do either life loss or milling on both ETB and Attack, not split it up
h3rsh3yb4r: DS2 has 2 patches
amagikarpp: me and my homies hate Patches
LadyLockwood92: Patches is a universal constant.
Coloneljesus: patches raises the bar on baldness
tehfewl: @amagikarpp what are you, a cleric?
Anubis169: h3rsh3yb4r: One called patches, and one called Scholar of the First Sin Kappa
Dumori: It's ok I'm a registered Cope Doner
nessiah_aries: Patches: Sometimes a man, sometimes a spider.
seanmrwick: @TXC2 that actually sounds better, and is playable
SnackPak_: send it, Ben
BrowneePoints: he's a shithead and a coward. He's also fun
Bugberry: Patches is an opportunist
spicemelonge is paying forward the Gift they got from darkcyril to the community!
spicemelonge is gifting 3 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel!
spicemelonge gifted a Tier 1 sub to treacletart!
LordManiMani: Typical Souls player as character
spicemelonge gifted a Tier 1 sub to maars_47!
spicemelonge gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kingsgrave!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, spicemelonge! Welcome to treacletart, maars_47, and Kingsgrave! (Today's storm count: 207)
CaptainSask: Blink twice if you are under duress
Dumori: Depends on the Patches but yes
seanmrwick: @TXC2 do we make it when he attacks or ETB?
Kingsgrave: @spicemelonge Thanks for the gift sub!
Coloneljesus: well yeah, cause the PC is also a shitty guy
TXC2: seanmrwick it can be both
Kingsgrave: yippee!
Angnor33: I accidentally killed him in Elden Ring...
NorthstarTex: I like summoning patches for Radahn's fight, he always gives me the best moral support
LordManiMani: Jokes on you though, I hate player characters too
Anubis169: holy crap, 4-shot a redeye
circusofkirkus: you love patches? are you a British professor in a tweed jacket
Leonhart321: Patches is a wrestling heel, we love to hate him
amagikarpp: i have never stooped so low
thraximore: Patches is the protagonist
seanmrwick: @TXC2 sounds Dece! I'd play that in an Ob Nix deck
Stratavarius: Patches is great, he's an old adventure game style goofy guy and it's just too bad if you can't appreciate that
seanmrwick: sorry, who's patches?
gameboy350: Patches? This game is too old to get updates
wednesdayb: nice, tactics item pickup
ANeMzero: He was originally in Armored Core
prinnysquadron: he was in an armored core too!
NorthstarTex: He is Miyazaki's pet character
Bugberry: Also in Armored Core
CaptainSask: Sometimes he's a spider
wednesdayb: tactical*
BrowneePoints: He's Dark Souls Gilgamesh
ArkhamArchivist: Patches is a universal constant
HorusFive: Oh, he's Souls-games Cid
SuitablyEpic: don't you have a bow now?
BrindleBoar: Patches is the hero we deserve, Moonlight Greatsword is the weapon we deserve.
malsareus: every world must have their sun and their Patches ben, it's the law of the universe
TXC2: Patches is the closest thing From soft gets to a mascot
seanmrwick: I haven't played the Souls games, nor have I played Elden Ring before but I imagine this would be really difficult for first-time players
Sevinon: Wait, is he in Bloodbourne?
Dumori: He's been in few AC games
DandyGeek: Patches is my favorite summons for the General Radahn fight
Coloneljesus: @Sevinon yeah, as a spider
NorthstarTex: Patche's origin is from armored core
LadyLockwood92: @Sevinon He is he's a spider.
jchinnock: so Patches is the continuity then
awildshen: is he in king's field?
Sevinon: I'd forgotten
Makrosian_Tay: Where inthe world is Patches in armored core???
BlandSpice: When Patches isn't on the screen we should be asking "Where's Patches"
captain_potato_pc: @Sevinon he's a little ... different .... in Bloodborne
asthanius: I don't believe so
Anubis169: Sevinon: Patches the Spider is in Bloodborne (no 'u' in that name, borne as in transmission vector)
ArcOfTheConclave: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
beowuuf: if not continuity, why is the furtive pygmy so easily forgotten in every game?
nessiah_aries: AC 6 DLC will reveal that Iguazu is actually Patches.
thraximore: he's like a chickenshit sniper or something in the AC games
0011110000110011: more games should guest star Patches
seanmrwick: which one is AC 6? Shadows?
thraximore: so exactly what you'd expect
Bugberry: In Armored Core For Answer he's called Patch the Good Luck.
Obos_TAB: Armored Core: Fires of Rubicon
seanmrwick: Whatya sellin?
Ivannorr: Put Patches in Smash Bros!
LordManiMani: He's a beloved indie character that keeps showing up. Like Shovel Knight. Actually, put Patches in Shovel Knight
nessiah_aries: Remember that one time Patches lost his memories in Ringed City? Good times.
Firewhiskers: @LordManiMani Easiest boss fight ever
matthaus_c: put Patches in Smash
LadyLockwood92: Fuck it, we ball.
malsareus: Oh Ben did you see new game Flintlock?
malsareus: I have played it a bit, game fun
noSmokeFire: Patches as an assist trophy
noSmokeFire: he shows up and kicks your opponent off of a ledge
seanmrwick: so good news wheeler, finally printed my proxies for my Morksa Tokens deck
malsareus: it's a soulslike game, with a gun
amagikarpp: all he would do is kick you off a ledge and run away
gameboy350: if you select him he just runs away like when you summon him
BrowneePoints: I would like to see you TRY Lies of P sometime
Anubis169: hang on, in true chat style
Anubis169: Go Left Kappa
NightValien28: a gun and a fox
Bugberry: @nessiah_aries Swinburne is basically Patches in AC6.
seanmrwick: now I need to make my simic artifacts deck
Anubis169: TO ATLANTIS!! manGRY manFIST
malsareus: you told him he could go of the cliff Ben
razorswift: biggus bonkus
Anubis169: whee
gameboy350: We going ocean?
asthanius: got a rock in my barney
sxesuperstar: Gravity makes fools of us all
Coloneljesus: ocean, right?
Didero: i have no idea what you mean
Stratavarius: Yabba Dabba Do Damage
CrossXhunteR: you are the new Jacked Rabbit
Austere_Squire: i do not
Lobo_Apache: I don't understand what you mean. wou\ld you explain it?
petey_vonwho: I have no idea what you mean
vinewood_og: "Hey, it's a living!"
jchinnock: you slate to see it
Austere_Squire: is that a threat, wheeler?
accountmadeforants: I'd like to subscribe to Flintstone Flow
HorusFive: It not perfect system- but it work pretty good
l0gin4me: there is something truly satisfying about seeing an enemy try to block and be faceplanted by the club anyway
MilkInBags: knowers know
protojman: like, zoinks
Ciijay: I've got those.. plus frames that'll make you.. DI?
Sibwow: i edited the hannah barbera wikipedia page once
Anubis169: got that Bam Bam Bam action
Wormsbane: wheelerOok wheelerGuts
thimbles_edge: @l0gin4me yeah there is
Coloneljesus: naked in the club??
BrowneePoints: Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. Naked with the Great Club
nessiah_aries: I would unironically buy a Souls-Spinoff where you play as patches and the only way you can get gear and items is to swindle and lure hapless adventurers into traps/mob swarms.
nessiah_aries: Could be like the Tingle Games on DS.
sxesuperstar: Peak club build is all I'm hearing
BrindleBoar: Bunga Souls
tehfewl: the Great and Large, Large and Great Club Club
teejayrivers: bird
gnabaer: i love that they thought it was a good idea, that the only way to get pure bladestone is to farm a mob for a 1% drop when all the other purestones can be gotten once through other means than farming
YakkShakk221B: hur hur hur hur
captain_potato_pc: Birb boss!
Stratavarius: Cool boss with cool bird
YakkShakk221B: Big Fucker
teejayrivers: I love bird and fat guy, the comedy duo
h3rsh3yb4r: this isnt the penetrator
petey_vonwho: I fully expect this is an ice boss
awildshen: oh yeah the bird in a fat flesh mech
nessiah_aries: Berserk looking ass.
amagikarpp: fabulous
PhoenixMelior: Pudge from Dota 2?
abslomdaak42: Who is he adjudicating?
saberpilot subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, saberpilot! (Today's storm count: 208)
petey_vonwho: Oh, or not lol
Cavemanhar: body goals
jedi_master_zll: This room seems a little small...
Didero: That's a LOT of blood
amagikarpp: the fashion sense is on point
Coloneljesus: he has a beautiful voice
eshplode: That's a hell of a lot of jiggle that he's got going on
amagikarpp: its giving
gameboy350: I'm seeing a theme here
Stratavarius: BIRD VIOLENCE
PhoenixMelior: Noooo the bird!
HorusFive: hit the glowing spot for extra damage
TXC2: bolt the bird
shiny_elva: Good morning chat, I see we're playing some modded dota 2
CaptainSask: Bolt the Bird!
e_bloc: when he falls down I cant tell if you're hitting in the back or the dong
SymphonySolstice: I think he's leaking a lil
TXC2: hello shiny_elva welcome
Gascitygaming: do you have to hit that metal thing sticking out?
Makrosian_Tay: Oh
shiny_elva: Hey TXC2
Makrosian_Tay: Oh I do not like this
Didero: Where does a bird find a body like that?
EvilBadman: Oh the boss I stood above and flung spells at
nessiah_aries: Who'd win a fight between the Adjudicator and the Covetous Demon?
0011110000110011: is more games should guest star Patches
teejayrivers: @Gascitygaming Yeah, his whole body is super tough and leathery but someone stuck a sword in his side and that's his only weakness in melee range
Didero: This is why we shouldn't let birds watch Rattatouille
0011110000110011: wtf that's not what I typed
e_bloc: how do you think he showers
Anubis169: it's about not dying
e_bloc: hes a little dummy thic
Luminaire_p: Oh man, I love Birdatouille
Strebenherz: Why. Why is there a bird.... Is the bird posessing the jiggle monster?
nessiah_aries: The Level Design is what kills you in this game, not the bosses.
thimbles_edge: i just have so many questions about this bird
cmdrud87: it is about how much folds the graphic devs could fit onto that demon
eshplode: @e_bloc I'm worried he doesn't
Sevinon: The attack pattern seems pretty homogenous here
Didero: I kind of want a Soulslike without any bossfights, I found exploring in Elden Ring more fun than the bossfights
TXC2: you die on the way to the bosses
CaptainSask: The nipple piercings are really giving early 2000's Vampire the Masquerade art.
thraximore: except that the mechanics are centered around the bosses
Bugberry: I love Painted World in DS1 because the level is so interesting while the boss is secondary.
nessiah_aries: Maneaters are also no joke.
teejayrivers: Flamelurker is a menace, especially trying to fight melee
tehfewl: Gargoyles have entered the chat
YakkShakk221B: Fire Ape
Greyah: Flamelurker will mess you up.
YakkShakk221B: good bird shriek
seanmrwick: Ben, I feel pretty dang proud of myself for finally finishing my proxies for one deck. Now I'm going to pick up another copy of my commander deck later on today
Austere_Squire: this dude screech
YakkShakk221B: Infernape
theeffohzero: ive played the ps3 version sp much that falmelurker is easy to me
Stratavarius: Yeah, I think you die to level design more than enemies on average in Demon Souls
YakkShakk221B: so much blood
Strebenherz: The SQUACK
EvilBadman: @Stratavarius True boss is always camera
NightValien28: is there lore why the bird rides a meat golem?
Anubis169: i think flamelurker is easier in the remaster
nessiah_aries: Maneaters is difficult due to Arena-Design and the fact that the visibility inside their arena leaves a lot to be desired.
nessiah_aries: Keeping track of them can be a real pain.
Sevinon: Had to swap weapon at least for one boss in the DLC
theeffohzero: its mostly fast rolling his attacks
Sevinon: For Elden Ring
gnabaer: you need the flamelurker soul to unlock boss weapons
alexsteacy: Did they keep the og voice lines in this remake or record new?
theeffohzero: and knowing his attack strings
Bugberry: I know in Elden Ring, most of the late game bosses make holy weapons a bad choice.
Sevinon: @Bugberry DLC begged to differ
accountmadeforants: Club +0 can be upgraded I'm pretty sure
gnabaer: you need flamelurker
dm818: club/greatclub +0
seinka subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, seinka! (Today's storm count: 209)
matthaus_c: you'll die to the Penetrator but that's because you'll be distracted by the name
gnabaer: and then the +0 club or greatclub
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to gnabaer!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gnabaer! (Today's storm count: 210)
Anubis169: Latria in 20min?
Anubis169: it's possible
Bugberry: @Sevinon that I haven't played yet, but I recall a few bosses in the base game that you'd think would be weak to holy are not.
gnabaer: thanks anonymous
nessiah_aries: Purple Flame Shield is your best friend when going up against Lurker.
tehfewl: time to hear "The Scream"
Anubis169: This is a QoL update
malsareus: believe in the WHeeler who believes in you
Anubis169: multiple item usage
theeffohzero: maneaters are bitches
Leonhart321: Bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it works out for him
CrossXhunteR: draft?
Cptasparagus: theres never been a timing issue for magic events on LRR
theeffohzero: one would arrive when youre busy with the other
malsareus: MTG timing issues are a fabricated narrative meant to undermine our society
Sevinon: NOt levelling up?
nessiah_aries: Time to fight some legally distinct illithids.
l0gin4me: spend souls?
SwankyFlea: spooky scary moment
thraximore: it is
DoubleGrinch: Valley of Defilement is arguably worse
EvilBadman: It's the prison of Hope though, so y'know...oh. Oh wait.
Mahtamori: And mindflayers, don't forget the mindflayers
nessiah_aries: "Go forth, Garl Vinland. May you be unharmed."
Stratavarius: Yeah, I think the swamp is worse. Like, the swamp starts bad and keeps getting worse
DoubleGrinch: oh it's definitely up there. Or down there, as the case may be
Greyah: Tower of Latria 1 has always been my favorite area in this game. It's got such good atmosphere.
Bugberry: "Are we the bad guys?"
Anubis169: It's where they took the inspiration for Blighttown
PawssumFable: Hoy errybody
Firewhiskers: @Greyah Didn't Miyazaki say that Bloodborne was based on the Tower of Latria?
PawssumFable: Hoi?
PawssumFable: Whatever
gameboy350: What are the other top 2?
TXC2: hello PawssumFable welcome
captain_potato_pc: Squid friend!
thraximore: lmao
nessiah_aries: Look at him ringing his little bell.
NiceMrCaput: I mea this is jsut goth D&D, right?
Firewhiskers: Slorp
DoubleGrinch: they do suck...your brains out
Mahtamori: They suck in what way, exactly? Care to show us?
Anubis169: braaaaaaaaaains
malsareus: mindflayers are supposed to suck (your brain)
captain_potato_pc: I just love the visual of their grab attack
TheElrad: but he even has a nice little bell for you
matthaus_c: smooch the squid, Benjamin
nessiah_aries: Is this the GBJ?
DoubleGrinch: yeah, the amount of time I died to these guys is...high
noSmokeFire: jokes on them, I've mastered the art of fighting without a brain
BlueChloroplast: Suck out our braaaaaaains!
marmalade_pen: its a melding of the minds
PawssumFable: I love this aesthetic, hate the camera
Greyah: So how many people have been imprisoned in here for carrying illithid substances?
SuitablyEpic: miyazaki really was like "what if dnd and zelda but berzerk"
Invitare: I thought Lotus was banned
Fanklok: Don't need any loti
Notamys3000: you can kinda cosplay a mindflayer in elden ring with the octopus head
malsareus: the aquid just wants a hug Ben
gameboy350: How many points for noble lotus?
MTGRanger: @Invitare Demon's Souls is set before the ban
spicemelonge: @Invitare no just pointed
DoubleGrinch: you do not have my consent to touch me with your tentacles, Mr. Squid
nessiah_aries: Calamari surprise.
Bugberry: I was thinking what the coolest grab attack in a Souls game is, and It's got to be Hoarah Loux's
PawssumFable: And that's how you get the drop on em
Didero: "Fresh Spice"? Seems that Mindflayer was on cooking duty today
Anubis169: it's sad :(
TheElrad: that was a spice delivery, you just killed a deliveroo mind flayer
Firewhiskers: Take your *precious* Demon's Souls.
10of9: Are illusionary walls in this game?
Fanklok: B
Invitare: what is "normal" anyway?
TXC2: 10of9 yeap
Firewhiskers: @10of9 Yes we ran into a bunch earlier
matthaus_c: Hans... are we the baddies?
SuitablyEpic: bow?
nessiah_aries: Also, Garl hits like a veritable truck and can be a pain if you don't have the right build.
thraximore: you can shoot them with a bow
LadyLockwood92: 'Hey wait...wasn't this guy name dropped in the opening...?'
Fanklok: Is it e explained in Vinland Saga?
thraximore: I think the hanging bodies are basically just lotuses?
Anubis169: what do those steaming pots do again?
thraximore: in terms of loot
Sevinon: @Firewhiskers Weren't those mostly brerakable walls
Firewhiskers: @Sevinon Illusionary walls are breakable yes
nessiah_aries: Garl Finland: Same deal, 50% more perkele.
MilkInBags: you dont want to be caged
DoubleGrinch: Gael is such a cool fight
Vaiess_: Love ds3 dlc in general
HungryTanuki: Firede and Fathere is such a fun foght
Anubis169: Artorias is always my fave <3
Sevinon: @Firewhiskers Ah, I guess I was just differentiating in my head from the roll against and they disappear ones
DoubleGrinch: a true "end boss" feel<
Sevinon: Spoiler: it's good
gameboy350: Gael is the boss version of a broken-sword hollow which is like a full circle
h3rsh3yb4r: For me it's Nameless King
malsareus: the Elden DLC is very good
Anubis169: travF1 travF2
Redpandarama: Souls marathon on stream?
Greyah: The spooky bells of the mind flayers, the ominous singing in the background. Gosh this place rules.
Invitare: what about Oceiros?
SnackPak_: what a good gift
Anubis169: chat, don't tempt it
Bugberry: Maybe it's overhyped, but Artorias is just so cool on every front.
Vaiess_: Baby squish!
Austere_Squire: respectable, honestly
Invitare: Ignorant slaves
taco_cohen: There's some incredible DLC bosses in Elden Ring
h3rsh3yb4r: Ignorant slaves...
TXC2: Come out, little ocelot
malsareus: in order?
Firewhiskers: @Sevinon There isn't a difference between the two in any Souls game except 2
Cptasparagus: in one sitting
Redpandarama: YES
IronwoodWizard: i'd watch it
HungryTanuki: My fav from DS3 is the Undead Legion
DeM0nFiRe: That would be so long it would be a play it fiveward
missmollyjames: I really like Friede phase 3, I could take or leave phase 2
SnackPak_: a new challenger for longest PiF
geckoinasuit: dark sun Gwyndolin every time- I fought him ONCE and then every time after I’m like “nah”
Didero: "Wheeler's Souls"
sleepingrainbow: Abyss watchers is my favorite boss just for the boss music
Krillin_fan: every souls game, in order, non-stop
LadyLockwood92: Play It Forever.
RandomTrivia: It's a Souls game, surely EVERYTHING kills you
RandomTrivia: lrrBEEJ
Greys N. Owman: Dark Souls is the perfect fall game
taco_cohen: Big fan of the Abyss Watchers in DS3
Gekyouryuu: wait, your birthday's in October?
Hangedman: will there be a cheeky Shadow Tower Abyss playthrough? king's field but you have a glock for some reason
thraximore: lol
Austere_Squire: do you include Bloodborne in the Souls games?
JinaMahavira: And when they do, it interferes with other stuff
Greyah: And also that the games people pick are too short. Also definitely an issue you're having.
Sibwow: wheeler you could just play it forward in parallel on your own stream
marmalade_pen: i think you'll find that dark souls is truly the dark souls of card games so you can play it on is this your card
missmollyjames: Dark Souls 3 bosses are all bangers
Firewhiskers: @Austere_Squire Seeing as the ELden Ring DLC includes some aspects of Bloodborne, then yes
Sibwow: no instead of getting a play it forward slot on LRR you just borrow the brainding for your channel
Firewhiskers: Also Malenia is basically a Bloodborne boss
gameboy350: Royal Rat Authority top 3 for sure
Greys N. Owman: I *really* enjoyed the streams of Alex speed running DS1 way back when
Fanklok: What's preventing 2 simultaneously PiFs?
HorusFive: You find a man in a jar......
EvilBadman: @sibwow yeah that's not confusing at all
j0biwan: Any chance of you doing an Elden Ring DLC run with Adam?
Hangedman: welcome to Enjoy Game Progressively
gameboy350: Mayyyybe fume knight or alonne for me
MilkInBags: why does no one ever mention bed of chaos???
as_ever_ellesandra: Paul pulls out the gun and shoots your stream
h3rsh3yb4r: Sir Alonne or Old Ivory King maybe
gameboy350: Or old ivory yeah
Pywodwagon: the best DS2 boss is the adaptability stat
gameboy350: base game not so much
Anubis169: MilkInBags: I got Bed of Chaos on my 2nd try, and spent ages wondering why everybody found it so hard... then i watched a buncha streams and i'm like "Ahh... that's why"
h3rsh3yb4r: Mirror Knight is very cinematic and a neat idea when it actually happens
TheHalobox: So I'm hearing DS1 on a DDR pad?
Krillin_fan: wait...that's just a full on mind flayer. someone call wotc
Anubis169: DS2 has wonderful writing
nessiah_aries: Carried by it's DLCs mostly.
Anubis169: the story is top-tier, it's my fave
Hrrisn: That's my take too
EvilBadman: DS2 is the only one I haven't beaten and I'm like eh
taco_cohen: 100% Wheeler
SenshiSun subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months, currently on a 50 month streak!
SenshiSun: Crossed the line!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SenshiSun! (Today's storm count: 211)
nessiah_aries: Even though I don't care much for his fight, one boss I I constantly end up quoting is Micolash.
as_ever_ellesandra: its like a D&T card from 2010
Pywodwagon: someday we'll get a remastered/remake of it and that will be great
taco_cohen: I couldn't make it through the DLCs for DS2, they were too much for me
thraximore: the voice acting is superb
Austere_Squire: @nessiah_aries relatable
RassilonDND: i'd argue the attention to detail wasnt as good
geckoinasuit: it’s pinned between the two titans that are Ds1 and Ds3
Hrrisn: I'll never get over the 8-directional movement in ds2. it's a regression from 1 only to make it more difficult
Bugberry: I konw people who love DS2 praise the build variety.
dungeonmasteralek: What's the best to place to start for complete noob to the franchise?
goldengraham13: I started with DS2 and thought it was the bees knees. Now days it just feels like a 7/10.
Anubis169: dungeonmasteralek: honestly, anywhere
Gascitygaming: @dungeonmasteralek Elden Ring
Greyah: DS2 is the worst Dark Souls game. Which doesn't mean it's bad because all the Dark Souls games are good. It's just the worst of them.
Lobo_Apache: @dungeonmasteralek honestly, elden ring
TXC2: dungeonmasteralek Elden ring, then work backwards
HungryTanuki: @dungeonmasteralek DS3 or Elden Ring
Yolysses: so when do we get the Souls Born Sundays show w/ you and Adam?
Sevinon: Elden Ring for sure
Fanklok: What's the cowboy soulslike?
dungeonmasteralek: Elden ring it is!
thraximore: lovable sort ahead
gameboy350: Yeah DS2 had great pvp for one
as_ever_ellesandra: Is This Your Souls Like
SenshiSun: a cowboy soulslike sounds fun!
Austere_Squire: @dungeonmasteralek honestly, probably any but Sekiro; i think Elden Ring is easier than many of the others, but only go for that if you like open world?
as_ever_ellesandra: we just need a souls game with a card minigame
Bugberry: One weakness of DS3 following DS2 was how powerful straight swords were compared to the bigger weapons.
gameboy350: Probably best pvp of the souls games
dungeonmasteralek: succ
Vlanoik subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Vlanoik! (Today's storm count: 212)
goldengraham13: The re-do of the DS2 is better than the original release though
Anubis169: bye bye
Didero: It's ok, they also went overtime on the Co-op EldenRing section :p
JinaMahavira: LUL
Badchop: Mind: Flayed
nessiah_aries: What a bellend.
popcatholic: the dude just wanted you to listen to his chime mixtape!
Anubis169: are you continuing this run later?
Austere_Squire: oh, those guys are more violently mindflayers than the ones in bloodborne
Greyah: @as_ever_ellesandra Ok but then he'd also have to play all the non-From ones. The Surge (1 and 2), both Lords of the Fallen games, Lies of P...
Lobo_Apache: the wall hitting you
alexsteacy: Dark Souls 2 was unfinished and too video gamey imo
h3rsh3yb4r: @goldengraham13 in some places yes, in some places no. Iron keep in scholar is HORRENDOUS
10of9: I am in the camp that if I could turn off PVP without turning off co-op in every Souls game, I would. Am I unreasonable?
Anubis169: o hai alex
darkora: "Theres gonna be two hits, him hitting me and me hitting restart"
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
SenshiSun: @10of9 Nah, that's fair
Anubis169: pixel health!
Krillin_fan: that time wheeler got his brain eaten and survived
Dumori: A single pixle of HP
CrossXhunteR: we're so back
Cavemanhar: a god damn bees dick of health
RassilonDND: Spice must flow!
Greyah: I love how hitting the floor made the corpse jump up.
darkora: brain was smol enough to dodge the succ
Austere_Squire: the last hit point is the only one that matters?
TheWooglie: or couldn't find brain?
Commodore_Perry_GG: Good to see those enemies beating the crap out of you because I was always wondering why I sucked at this level. Sucked more than usual that is
l0gin4me: seabatBRAIN
Lobo_Apache: more like couldn't find it
alexsteacy: Thousands of years of eldritch mastery
as_ever_ellesandra: it could not eat the ghost brain
alexsteacy: Ha ha club smoosh
h3rsh3yb4r: too swollen from the concussions
Lobo_Apache: rIP ME
LegionofLashes: thank you for the gift sub :)
HungryTanuki: :D
Austere_Squire: brain too smooth to remove?
Strebenherz: Fast food brain, not enough vitamins
nessiah_aries: Now the Adjudicator: it could stuff your entire body in it's mouth.
Cptasparagus: it only eats the brains of quarterfinalists
Lobo_Apache: I can only count to 4, then I start again
BrowneePoints: Um, 1 2 skip a few 99 100. Checkmate
thraximore: lrrWOW
as_ever_ellesandra: too smooth of a brain to get a good grasp on
Shupendo: So whens DS1 on a DDR pad?
Firewhiskers: If you get mindflayed and you're a PHD you become a Masters graduate
Badchop: Wait, were you insulting the chatter or the mod banning them for 100 years
Anubis169: Could not ban user 'Lobo_Apache'. No valid reason.
goldengraham13: @h3rsh3yb4r I seem to have forgotten what they changed in Iron keep because I just remember it always sucking. lol
nessiah_aries: Also, Fools Idol imo is still one of the most unsettling Bosses in terms of atmoshpere.
TacitusVigil: @badchop that is what I was thinking
Angnor33: Oh, it's a survival horror game now.
as_ever_ellesandra: yeah, wheeler unlike other lrr members wouldn't ban a mod
nessiah_aries: *atmosphere
Firewhiskers: @Angnor33 Always was
h3rsh3yb4r: @goldengraham13 scholar iron keep the alonne knights have an aggro radius that's basically half the map
nessiah_aries: The sound of constipation.
TXC2: no one in LRR banned a mod, they were timed out, for good reason Kappa
Angnor33: @Firewhiskers So many keys...
BrowneePoints: I've never watched a full playthrough of this, nor did I play this myself...why do I remember so much of this game
HungryTanuki: I would get lost so much in this area, holy
thraximore: umbral4KEKW
Firewhiskers: "So you need White World Tendency...."
Coloneljesus: does the sack always drop?
goldengraham13: @h3rsh3yb4r Oh yeah, now I remember. Pretty much no way to just fight one as opposed to being able to selectively pull them
nessiah_aries: Havels Dragon Tooth kinda looks like a PP.
thraximore: @Firewhiskers umbral4Suffer
gameboy350: Recordered armor
Bugberry: Time for Speedrun mode
IonizedRadiation: I just got here, what's the challange we're doing?
Anubis169 A prediction has been started: "Will Ben be able to do this?"
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Firewhiskers: Mr. Wheeler have you told chat about World Tendency yet?
Didero: Rushing only slows you down
Anubis169: IonizedRadiation: we're doing a fresh playthrough
Pywodwagon: why is this just the Halo:CE multiplayer level Boarding Action
cartermatic313: will this switch over to the PPR?
TXC2: Chat has mentioned world tendency about 100000% more often then Wheeler has
Didero: @cartermatic313 The PPR is on Sunday
goldengraham13: @cartermatic313 PPR is Sunday
Robot_Bones: then he's gotta beat the next boss
Didero: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
Anubis169: hihi J :)
SenshiSun: he'll do this in four minutes. we just need to adjust when we start counting
BrowneePoints: *gasp* A Cutie! Also Ben!
HungryTanuki: Jordynne !
ALLxISxLOST: Mindflayers attack your town declaring they will drain the place of all intelligence but you are left completely alone. How insulted are you?
RayFK: Just give up
theeffohzero: hi jordynne!
RayFK: :)
TheWooglie: Hi Jordynne
TXC2: cartermatic313 no, the subathon is capped to Saturday
SenshiSun: jordynne!
SeismicLawns: Hi Jordynne
BrowneePoints: Loving the outfit Jordynne!
as_ever_ellesandra: inside of you there are two Jordans
Anubis169: !advice
LRRbot: Sometimes you have to un-release the kraken.
TXC2: Hello Jordynne
Bugberry: time to hollow out
cartermatic313: @Didero oh lol
RayFK: Double the Jordan
nessiah_aries: Instead of "Git Gud" people post "Just give up, lol"
Austere_Squire: be sure to go hollow
RayFK: Double the Fun
Didero: It's the premiere video editor of the format!
as_ever_ellesandra: one is Jordan the other is Jordynne
jacqui_lantern234: lmao hai Jordynne you heccin rock!!!!!! <3
taco_cohen: This is the worst level in the game, right?
Firewhiskers: There's a character in Elden Ring DLC which is basically the "just give up" NPC
BrindleBoar: real winners quit
Firewhiskers: Speed run strats
taco_cohen: Oh yeah, poison swamp
JinaMahavira: Who put crossbows in an iron maiden?
Simonark: Is Jordynne the manifestation of time’s cruel inevitable March?
Greyah: The worst? I'd say this is one of the best.
YakkShakk221B: James is gonna getcha
Anubis169: you have 51 seconds
YakkShakk221B: look out
Pywodwagon: Night and Weekend minutes
Juliamon: the spectre of James looms
eshplode: You're on borrowed time. You'll owe those minutes back with interest
SenshiSun: the final boss: demi-james
nessiah_aries: He's a god.
Simonark: James has no eyes, and yet is always watching.
cmdrud87: hi half-a-James
aClonedPickle: FBtouchdown
ElementalAlchemist: lrrGOAT
marmalade_pen: James has got his "firing-an-employee" pants on
flam_hur: shambu3Rollin
Anubis169: lrrSACK
BrowneePoints: Hi Graham!
zazamost: dang!
TXC2: hello Graham
Arazien: causeiFrames causeiFrames
Anubis169: nyyyyyyoooooooooooom
Stratavarius: You gonna dodge the invasion
Firewhiskers: Hello LRR bosses
HungryTanuki: Pressure is on !
YakkShakk221B: Dads said we could play Demons' Souls for a little bit longer
nessiah_aries: *Camerabeast has entered chat*
accountmadeforants: I love how it sounds like your character is actually rushing
mister_nibbles: "i cant do it, no way i can do it" proceeds to do it
h3rsh3yb4r: The Officials have arrived
MilkInBags: yeah james prefers elden ring
MilkInBags: way better game
Didero: Those stairs kinda gave me vertigo...
shiny_elva: Gosh so many people watching Wheeler! =o Almost like he's a big time streamer
baltimore_667083: hi graham!
0011110000110011: big stick energy
Anubis169: hihi G lrrAWESOME
shiny_elva: =p
Firewhiskers: Beat up a dude for no reason here
thraximore: personally I prefer lady + big sword
eh_yo_flake: Demons souls ps5 is the better game
josh___something: Hi G!
seanmrwick: hey G!
Simonark: As Graham dons the hoodie is temporal reminding.
HungryTanuki: :D
Coloneljesus: that demon's name? Graham Stark
seanmrwick: currently watching the old Loading Time videos of the old LRR sketches in the background
AutonomousTurtle: Oh god Graham's actually there. I just tuned in and he was standing still, and I thought he was just a graphic overlay.
SenshiSun: (joking) we've been streaming for days. of course he's a big time streamer!
gameboy350: You don't have the right, o, You don't have the right, therefore, You don't have the right, o, You don't have the right.
darkora: the real demons were the time constraints we made along the way
Pywodwagon: Demon Souls doesn't have a jump button, 0/10
SuitablyEpic: do bloodbourne and sekiro count?
as_ever_ellesandra: the real demons on your souls more like it
RayFK: Stamanagement
SourcePlaysGames: Demons... on my shoulders... make me happy...
theeffohzero: ask G to channel solar titan again
MilkInBags: [Sonic countdown theme]
Lobo_Apache: Does that mean that Graham is the angel on your shoulder?
red_shoes_jeff: Hi Demon Gra lrrHAM
LiveFaust: SOME people have an angel on one shoulder.
Sevinon: DS for PS5 may honestly be a prettier game (though goodness the ER DLC is so beautiful)
Firewhiskers: Graham, Wheeler just beat up a dude for no reason, he's a big meanie
Proprietous: I believe in you, Wheeler! I have no idea what's going on but I believe in you.
eshplode: wheelerRat
Bearudite: what does James make your world tendency look like
BrowneePoints: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
BrowneePoints: and now you have Gratthew
Firewhiskers: Invasion incoming
LeonisCo: Hi Gramthew
PhuzNutz: wheelerRat wheelerCrat wheelerBrat
Proprietous: LOL Graham Rotating in the background
tehfewl: wheelerBrat wheelerBrat wheelerCrat wheelerCrat wheelerRat wheelerRat
Firewhiskers: With the Baby's Nail
the_phantom_game_player: lrrBartleby
seanmrwick: for a second, I thought he was rotating off camera
PhuzNutz: wheelerRat sbmtgdSpreadLoveT sbmtgdSpreadLoveT wheelerRat
nessiah_aries: James hired an assassin.
BrookJustBones: What is the point of being invisible if you glow red anyway?
KidAmn: Ben "I didn't hear no bell" Wheeler
Didero: Wow, invisible enemies? That kinda sucks
YakkShakk221B: False propjet
YakkShakk221B: prophet
accountmadeforants: And then you can yell back "Show yourself, coward, I WILL NEVER LOG OFF"
wastetalent: first try!
Austere_Squire: you got this
tehfewl: did you kill the person upstairs
Pywodwagon: the babynutta?
nessiah_aries: Baby Nail...Bayle?
YakkShakk221B: James returns
Gaz_L: true challenge, beat the boss while drafting
theeffohzero: speedrun strats
accountmadeforants: Fool's Idol, pictured here:
Austere_Squire: no time for cinema, only murder
YakkShakk221B: FROM with their four-armed ladies
BrowneePoints: I can't tell if wizard lady has big dress or thicc thighs
Simonark: Even more of James has manifested! The process is near complete!
Austere_Squire: wow, this feels mean, actuallu
CAKHost: Oh hey, 4 armed lady
gameboy350: I love a good fourarm
0011110000110011: EleGiggle
Mahtamori: That particular invis enemy archetype is in DS1 and Elden Ring as well, though in ER she doesn't have a crossbow
TXC2: BrowneePoints por que no los dos ?
TheWooglie: I think you picked up an armour set
Invitare: oh it's Ranni + Crystal Sage
tehfewl: shout out to 4 armed women, gotta be one of my favorite genders
YakkShakk221B: Fool's Fool's Idol
geckoinasuit: first thing I do in these fights is panic roll around to break everything lmao
Stratavarius: Big spell I think
Greyah: The little guys walk to the real one.
CAKHost: Time to wreck some pews
YakkShakk221B: the nigh imperceptible James head shake
Leonhart321: Lock on, no health bar above them is the right one
Firewhiskers: She lasers you
theeffohzero: big fucking beam
0011110000110011: LETSGO
MilkInBags: FBtouchdown
Stratavarius: Yaaay
YakkShakk221B: bitterClap
Firewhiskers: Yaaaaaaaaay
Arazien: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
Anubis169: Latria in 24min!
ElementalAlchemist: lrrHORN
Redpandarama: CLUTCH
HungryTanuki: Nice !
YakkShakk221B: won!
jacqui_lantern234: FBtouchdown
Proprietous: Yaaaaay
Statist42: FBtouchdown
ALLxISxLOST: 3rd try!
HorusFive: lrrBartleby
ArrestedHouse: FBtouchdown
popcatholic: \o/
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHORN
thraximore: FBtouchdown
Firewhiskers: A power beyond human imagination!
BlueChloroplast: KPOPdance KPOPdance KPOPdance KPOPdance
baltimore_667083: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
CAKHost: \o/
TXC2: clap clap clap
Didero: woo
apennamedquill: FBtouchdown
eshplode: seabatClap wheelerRat seabatClap wheelerRat
marmalade_pen: You beat the enderdragon!!
ElementalAlchemist: ongClap ongClap ongClap
SeaDiegoFC: seabatClap
Anubis169: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Firewhiskers: Thanks for the lovely run!
Bearudite: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
BlueFingers5: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheAinMAP: emilym10Clap emilym10Clap
TheWooglie: we can't hear the clapping
shendaras: seabatClap
Risuchia: lrrBartleby
Hrrisn: First TRRYYY!
spicemelonge: claping
Cunobelenos: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
tehfewl: wheelerGiants wheelerGiants wheelerGiants
Molator: lrrBartleby
Frankenstain: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
Xed_Regulus: I didn't realize I was holding my breath
Krillin_fan: krilli151sttry krilli151sttry krilli151sttry
Wormsbane: wheelerGuts
theeffohzero: no more quitter talk wheeler
BlueFingers5: Got it in 2
thejadedthief: lrrHORN lrrHORN
wastetalent: lrrWHEELER
TXC2: 3st try
Firewhiskers: Gergayles
CAKHost: lrrBartleby
Gaelan_Maestro: Huzzah!
the_phantom_game_player: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Hrrisn: SeemsGood
Luminaire_p: Everyone's clapping just off camera for you (but really)
NazTMann: fragYay fragYay
Coloneljesus: thanks wheeler
Anubis169: Thanks for the stream dude!! lrrAWESOME
TXC2: thanks for streaming wheeler
HungryTanuki: Ty Ben !
kid_flashionable: Yay, thank you Wheeler!
50keyz: big ben!
Frankenstain: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
MilkInBags: that's ben getting kidnapped by gargoyles (james and graham)
0011110000110011: 👀
NiceMrCaput: yaaaaay
Fluffy776: <3 <3 <3
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: TCG Day at Fri 11:00 AM PDT (5m ago).
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Snowcookies: ty!
Leonhart321: Ooooh, spicy
PhuzNutz: Thanks Wheeler! We'll miss you!
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Ashmantle: lrrSHINE
BrookJustBones: Bonus stream from the end of the subathon until the start of the PPR
CAKHost: Thanks for the stream, Ben! lrrHEART
LadyLockwood92: Cheers Wheeler~
Fluffy776: I can't wait for this vod! Thanks for streamin' wheeler
Gaz_L: cards games
Molator: magic magic magic
Austere_Squire: did he just get kidnapped to anor londo?
MilkInBags: are you playing Vampire Jihad
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
YakkShakk221B: goobye
Anubis169: baaaaaaaaaai
aaronchpmn: SWU <3
PhuzNutz: F yeah! Starwars Unlimited
beowuuf: sergeHi
h3rsh3yb4r: Who are our drafters?
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Bearudite: card games? so mahjongg?
Earthenone: what if i wasent tuned to begin with
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
CAKHost: It's like TCG are a stable or something!
Simonark: We won’t untune!
red_shoes_jeff: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
nessiah_aries: Bath Salts
IanAllenBird: lrrSHINE
googoltudoris: i don't know if this chat like card games
the_phantom_game_player: Goodbye Wheeler
Alex Hamilton: Y'all ever think of adding Flesh and Blood to the card game rotation?
Anubis169: we'll give them a go on it googoltudoris, you never know
CAKHost: Blur Tuned
Anubis169: aaaaaand table!
vinewood_og: Full house nice!
CAKHost: People and Chair!
CAKHost: I hope they get an intervew
BeccaTingles: I hope they manage to get this lens clean soon
CAKHost: *interview
Gaz_L: @h3rsh3yb4r i imagine it'll be different for each game. i know Ian and Jacob like them some Lorcana, for instance
Mangledpixel: a whole table's worth of blurry shapes
Izzieon: good afternoon gang
megaknightro21: SWU draft!!!!
Anubis169: travHey
CAKHost: o/
incslayer: sergeHi
djalternative: someone's going to notice the camera's on the wrong focus plane by the end of the subathon
Sarah_Serinde: katesWave
0011110000110011: 👋
Duffadash: YMCA
Anubis169: Y... M. C. A!
cobalturge: lrrSPOOPY
leilei22: kandidkayLick
the_phantom_game_player: Hello everyone
djalternative: o/
IanAllenBird: :wave:
the_phantom_game_player: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Gaz_L: i believe no draft for SWU, it'll be Wheeler and Ben playing with some of the new product, i think?
vinewood_og: whacky inflatable flailing arms plastic streamers!?
marmalade_pen: hello draft people
CAKHost: Ello!
BrowneePoints: is there a low hum? am I going mad? I don't smell toast
Thisbymaster: no one here is burned out, nope no way
vinewood_og: Weeew!?
Firewhiskers: This isn't Demon's Souls
Earthenone: yeah SWU will be the new 2 player starter if it occurs
nessiah_aries: Time to tear into some shrink wrap.
googoltudoris: FOCUS! wait, forgot my glasses
Anubis169: moar coffee manYES
Austere_Squire: hullo, all
LadyLockwood92: Howdy~
CAKHost: This is going to be bizzare decks to draft if they are all going into one deck o.O
TXC2: Hello Ben and Serge and James and Graham and Kathleen and Nelson
eleric937 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
eleric937 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mustercull!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, eleric937! Welcome to mustercull! (Today's storm count: 213)
Pywodwagon: the real elden ring was giving Adam a machine gun
Didero: Ursula's Return
nessiah_aries: Time to build Eel Tribal.
nessiah_aries: *Typal
TheBattleOfHastings: No beejlander? lrrAWW lrrAWW
BrowneePoints: iirc she was Court Advisor but was hurled out of Atlantis?
Fluffy776: Draft! I mean Surge!
TXC2: Sure Serge
BrowneePoints: I don't know the Disney Lore
epsilon_vee: yes, and
finestotter: She does trick Ariel
seanmrwick: oooh this looks fun
Didero: No, in Ursula's Return Ursula tries to take over the Lorcana world. In the co-op game Illumineer's Quest: Deep Trouble, you play with Lorcana cards to defeat Ursula
geckoinasuit: i did a draft of the new swu set last night and it slaps
BrowneePoints: her name is Aboleth
BrowneePoints: she sucked
Invitare: Abeloth
BrowneePoints: those books SUCKED
BrowneePoints: Abeloth*
Krillin_fan: i'm sure there will be some revenge while she returns
Fluffy776: That goofy worm thing in that asteroid?
Mindfire13: Palpatine?
EvilBadman: Ursula's Revengence
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
SeaDiegoFC: The Mother
jacqui_lantern234: sauron definitely got defeated, went away, came back to get fully ended by Frodo
BrowneePoints: @Invitare SAME BRAINCELL! Fate of the Jedi SUCKED
CAKHost: Beejlander will return when the Level 5 Super Judge demands it (and they restock on the cards for it too)
seanmrwick: Im curious about how this Modern Horizons draft goes because I opened mainly that a sign?
Invitare: I've not even read the books
Mangledpixel: the Lance of Longinus
ClodiumSoride: Hey, that's also a Star Wars reference, since Return of the Jedi was originally called Revenge of the Jedi.
Invitare: I just know of her
betweenmyself: I’m sure she returns with apology notes and delicious baled goods
Luminaire_p: The prow of the boat?
50keyz: he read WEBNOVELS lol
betweenmyself: *baked good
CanvasWolfDoll: chat is god now
Frankenstain: hey G nice hoodie, I just got one that looks like it in the mail today!
raulghoulia: Tang. Where it's all Tang
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Fanklok: Gotta keep it going or we don't get a ppr this set
that_jake subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, that_jake! (Today's storm count: 214)
BrowneePoints: Can some of them be colored with Food Coloring?
BrowneePoints: for a Rainbow of Water Balloons
DideRobot: LRR: We’re fast approaching the final 24 hours of the LoadingReadyRun Sub-A-Thon and now it’s time for TCG Day! We’re gonna play Magic:The Gathering, Disneys Lorcana, and Star Wars!! | Come by, say hi, make the number go up to make sure we cap this thing? | (has image) |
TXC2: Damn Serge :p
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
MommaGart is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
MommaGart gifted a Tier 1 sub to ehrenic!
MommaGart gifted a Tier 1 sub to NFIZZLER!
MommaGart gifted a Tier 1 sub to Soniczephyr!
MommaGart gifted a Tier 1 sub to ashnbe!
MommaGart gifted a Tier 1 sub to dusgustedhen85!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, MommaGart! Welcome to ehrenic, Soniczephyr, NFIZZLER, ashnbe, and dusgustedhen85! (Today's storm count: 219)
AugmentingPath: Timbits, I believe they're called
SeaDiegoFC: How many timbits is it?
MommaGart: Happy drafting!!
TXC2: MommaGart lrrHEART
Krillin_fan: is what you're doing now considered a Canadian bit?
Soniczephyr: @MommaGart Thanks for the gift sub!
LoadingReadyRun: we've played Flesh and Blood on stream once or twice and had fun
River: hello
TehAmelie: so how modern are these horizons? 19302?
RandomTrivia: benginChaos
LiveFaust: Sorry, Serge. I hate to break it to you, but it's after 11. Time to do math.
seanmrwick: perhaps this draft will get me inspired to potentially get into playing MH3
TXC2: how much Norwegian Koerna is the bits? Kappa
EvilBadman: Speaking of Magic, also a PPR on sunday. Whaaaat
TehAmelie: *1930s?
Gaz_L: oooh, boosty car has been painted?
red_shoes_jeff: Cheer1500
GrizzlyMcGrowley: Y'all ever think of adding Flesh and Blood to the card game rotation?
Didero: Keep the good cards, pass the bad cards
Peevvi: Writhing Chrysalis
cartermatic313: thanks for tyhe gifted sub
Leonhart321: Always force Temur
MommaGart: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
seanmrwick: Serge, as a judge, is the Eldrazi ramp actually a thing in this set?
Cptasparagus: everybody hates Chrys
Gaz_L: @GrizzlyMcGrowley they've played it a few times, i don't think it clicked with enough people in the moonbase
ContingentCat: Hey LRRfolks, I've been lurking through this but I wanted to say I had to break up with my gf on Sunday and just having this to not be alone has been a big help.
TXC2: no one ever has just the one chrys
baskwalla: Serge
Fanklok: You first pick Monstrous Vortex
ALLxISxLOST: -2/10
Oxdans: Eww
geckoinasuit: serge no
incslayer: that was not a bad joke it was just bad
RandomTrivia: sergeSnerge
BITs19_: !card writhing chrys
LRRbot: Writhing Chrysalis [2RG] | Creature — Eldrazi Drone [2/3] | Devoid / When you cast this spell, create two 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature tokens with "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}." / Reach / Whenever you sacrifice another Eldrazi, put a +1/+1 counter on Writhing Chrysalis.
RandomTrivia: Get him, Kathleen!
pn55: HypeLUL
SnackPak_: time to explain the joke to Serge
Carson Chavez: C-
Joshua Trytten: SERGE!
MilkInBags: at least serge you don't talk about sun lotion in french
Krillin_fan: we're 5 minutes in and Kathleen has almost resorted to violence. It's gonna be a good draft
RandomTrivia: And there it is
GrizzlyMcGrowley: @Gaz_L ah gotcha, thanks. Do you know how long ago it was?
Sarah_Serinde: Ah Serge gabyLul
MommaGart: Excuse me, She Writhe on my Chrysalis till I Spawn
Anubis169: hehehehe
RandomTrivia: Serge "Actual Cinnamon Roll" Yager strikes again
TXC2: serge doesn't understand that people talk about sex it seems :p
Austere_Squire: i sympathize because i am the serge in my friend group
shendaras: sergeHi
seanmrwick: I actually want to add more King Gizzard in my youtube playlist, Kathleen. any banger songs that you suggest?
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
PawssumFable: @ContingentCat Aw, hugs. I've been there.
Earthenone: a tim bit is roughly 61 bits, so 12213 timbits raised so far roughly
yatagarasu1177: i see a green fight brewing
itsaysTRUENO: you'd never know Serge works at a company that's entirely online
DoctorHutch: Usually i give serge the benefit of the doubt, but it's simply not believable that serge don't understand d that reference
Austere_Squire: do eet, ben
TXC2: Serge is a dog that was granted a wish to be a human
Fluffy776: "She pintle on my gudgeon 'til I hinged" is my personal favorite
Eepy Alice: omfg serge
River: also hello Paul on tech
Swageki subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Swageki! (Today's storm count: 220)
Austere_Squire: are there bad MH3 packs
Krillin_fan: 28 years of drafting. Still say "left, right, left" at the start of every single draft
seanmrwick: that's a good pick, Nelson
mercano82: He took the one that's missing from the pack he passed you, Ben.
Gaz_L: @GrizzlyMcGrowley last time looks like May '22
MilkInBags: Ben don't
Austere_Squire: do it, ben
Gaz_L: it's on the LRR TT channel on YT
seanmrwick: Nelson's first pick is a similar thing I picked too
FenrisSchafer subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FenrisSchafer! (Today's storm count: 221)
TXC2: Ben there with the only 5c Commander that Brawl hasn't made aweful :p
leondebowa is gifting 12 Tier 3 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 23 in the channel!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to aidikay!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to Zamonium_!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to Oneiros96!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to toddbepraised!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to leilei22!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to EclipsedSkye!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to forth_and_back!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to Falcataa!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to aaadelnrrv!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to LuperMTG!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to WerdnaRac!
leondebowa gifted a Tier 3 sub to AutonomousTurtle!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, leondebowa! Welcome to aidikay, Oneiros96, Zamonium_, leilei22, toddbepraised, EclipsedSkye, aaadelnrrv, Falcataa, WerdnaRac, AutonomousTurtle, LuperMTG, and forth_and_back! (Today's storm count: 233)
TXC2: leondebowa lrrHEART
MommaGart: oh my goodness
clarinetman: PrideUwu PrideUwu PrideUwu
leondebowa: have an hour
gameboy350: I would simply take the extended art, it must be stronger
Earthenone: wow 12 3's?!
Didero: I'm not that familiar with drafting, why are they shuffling the cards?
Unas84: Nelson and Ben are gonna be in eachother's way for a while here :(
macintose: hell yeah brother
the_phantom_game_player: Ben maybe?
Malkmaven1176: That's a full hour added, Nice!
seanmrwick: actually....Bengineering's first pick is the same one I first picked
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART
JRandomHacker: @Didero If you're being super-extra-serious, the player you pass to might be able to tell which cards you had pulled to the front to look at
insanecat6mtg: Ooh! I'm in time to catch most of the draft!
JRandomHacker: But mostly it's habit
RandomTrivia: WOAh
GameSageZB: why does the streamer not simply construct five color good stuff?
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrSHINE
Juliamon: Didero It helps obscure the rarity of the card you took, which is an ingrained habit
Alas_Babylon: @Didero More force-of-habit than anything, but it's good to absolutely ensure that the order of the cards can't be memorized as it gets passed
theeffohzero: might wanna change the game in the description
FickleMuse: Ooo
leilei22: thank you @leondebowa
RandomTrivia: That was Heather, the Criminal, right?
Didero: Ah, that all makes sense. Thanks @JRandomHacker @Juliamon and @Alas_Babylon
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun twitch is still set to demon's souls
LoadingReadyRun: @TXC2 thanks!
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun no worries
theeffohzero: who's running tech? is it mr. Saunders?
nessiah_aries: Kathleen is drafting funny clowns.
TheWooglie: are Graham and Adam at the back of the table so their tallness is reduced by perspective?
nessiah_aries: Wait, that's just Rakdos.
eh_yo_flake: Graphics aren't as good.
ALLxISxLOST: What keywords is everyone at the table? I think Graham is landfall.
Didero: It only counts as Demon's Souls if everybody picks Black
seanmrwick: what's one of the best current sets to draft currently?
EvilBadman: Land - Poison Swap
Gaz_L: Patches would be one of those creatures that you cast but give to an opponent for a downside
BrowneePoints: well the former Warcraft General Manager is now President of WotC so we have to get UB Warcraft first right?
seanmrwick: Elden Ring would be very good for Mono-black or Rakdos
MommaGart: Modern Horizons 3 is the Demon Souls of MTG lrrSPOT
GrizzlyMcGrowley: @Gaz_L Ok, so it's been a sec then.. Hope they give it another shot, I'm really enjoying the more recent sets and the new one coming in September seems fun! Thanks for taking the time to respond
razorswift: BAYLE
Krillin_fan: you thought the names were bad last time? hold my beer
DrMagnify: good old placudisax
MilkInBags: can't wait for the Vine mtg set followed by the TikTok expansion set
Davlenagain: Have they said what people are part of the PPR this weekend?
RayFK: She's Ol' Rellanable
AugmentingPath: If you wear a mask and wear sunscreen you absorb a lot less Elden Ring from your environment
LowUpsideCJ: Good afternoon modern magicians!
seanmrwick: I mean....using the art work from Elden Ring would be interesting for Universes beyond for the full art lands
TXC2: hello LowUpsideCJ welcome
nessiah_aries: Bayleful Strix: an Owl that eats large dragons
Unas84: I bet Graham can't wait for the Star Trek set! :P
Gaz_L: @GrizzlyMcGrowley I'd be intrigued to see them try Prof's multiplayer box thingy
TXC2: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
snowewolf: are you playing the pre-cons sunday?
BrowneePoints: The set looks SICK. Very big Lorwyn Meets Ravnica vibes and so amazing
tehfewl: super fun and super cute
Mangledpixel: super fun, and super cute
theeffohzero: dat timing
Krillin_fan: the old sub-a-thon into PPR, classic
betweenmyself: I eagerly anticipate the logical endpoint where all Elden Ring boss names are a random assortment of lowercase L’s and uppercase i’s
Mangledpixel: tehfewl o/
TXC2: Unas84 don't you dare tease me with that shit :p
Sibwow: omg
50keyz: omg
Mr_Horrible: oh cute!
marmalade_pen: Oh my
RandomTrivia: AWWW YISSS
JRandomHacker: Official LRRSonas!
DiscordianTokkan: The Chosen Fursona
BlueFingers5: Lrr fursona reveal
thejadedthief: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
abslomdaak42: Oh hell yeah
seanmrwick: I may be skipping Bloomburrow
jjcard: this is going to be the first prerelease I've gone to since War of the Spark
TheWooglie: Ben is a spider
Unas84: @TXC2 Borg infect is gonna ruin standard :p
CrossXhunteR: im planning on attending my first prerelease next week, playing Magic for the first time in like 15 years
couchboyj: Task failed Kathleen. HYPE!
purposesunknown: Ben has to be a squirrel
Molator: lrrAWESOME
BrookJustBones: Bintherong
tehfewl: @Mangledpixel same mind!
electric_claire: angler fish
tru_boredom: Giraffe Adam let's go
RandomTrivia: benginHype
leilei22: yay
snowewolf: Kathleen is bat
50keyz: crow
rhapsodyblue92: LRR fursonas!!!
MommaGart: @Kathleen, my guess is you are an animal
SenshiSun: kathleen is clearly a bat
Verrain2: Raven or bat
LordZarano: I'm hoping Ben is a Pokémon
the_phantom_game_player: So Graham as a bear again?
Mai_Andra: Ben's is just a photo of Remy.
MrMatternot: Gobl-bat
BrowneePoints: Kathleen is 100% a Bloomburrow Squirrel Necromancer Queen
seanmrwick: I've always thought that Kathleen would be a Cat
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL Adam
tru_boredom: No giraffe Adam???
Sibwow: if a binturong planeswalked to bloomburrow what would it become
razorswift: my guess for kathleen is the obvious lizard wizard
hesterbyrde: fursonas for everyone!
jacqui_lantern234: LUL ADAM
snowewolf: +
EvilBadman: Ah, the Banturaung
seanmrwick: Adam I could see.....more as a wolf
PawssumFable: There are many possums
Jigokuro: Assigned Fursona At PPR
TXC2: Sibwow a panther natch Kappa
seanmrwick: like a Gray Wolf
Mai_Andra: wotc did put in a weasel for Voxy
Metric_Furlong: mandatory, management-assigned fursonas
Clockwork Cthulhu: I can see Kathleen as a Bat
Lasciel Woodburne: draft? draft!
CanvasWolfDoll: guessing kathleen's a shrew, graham's a badger... ben's a beaver and serge is an otter
insanecat6mtg: For some reason I'm picturing Kathleen as a badger.
Alas_Babylon: !card The Infamous Cruelclaw
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
BrowneePoints: a BUSTED weasel
RandomTrivia: Can weasels make that much sound?
abslomdaak42: Anyway, did Kathleen already say why she wasn't there for the morning w/ James and Jacob?
PawssumFable: Kathleen is A CAT YOU GOOF
seanmrwick: @Mai_Andra i saw that in Voxy's stream and it was actually pretty funny
nessiah_aries: Any rats in chat?
Alas_Babylon: They *did* put in a Badger Badger Badger Mushroom Mushroom though
TXC2: Weasel was put in for me, 'cause that's what I called in school :p
iris_of_ether: There's also frog and raccoon
seanmrwick: her reaction was priceless
50keyz: Serge clearly a friendly Otter
purposesunknown: They'll put in weasles but when it comes to Native Americans we just become non-sentient cacti :/
darkora: @nessiah_aries right here!
CanvasWolfDoll: they put in various weasels for me specifically to tempt me into getting back into magic
Alas_Babylon: Serge is 4000% an otter, and you can't convince me otherwise
hesterbyrde: i run a totentanz deck! rats represent!
seanmrwick: @Alas_Babylon yeah, Serge would 100% be an otter
abslomdaak42: @50keyz Nah, I think Serge is a rabbit
PawssumFable: I can get on board with Otter Serge
MilkInBags: if i went to bloomburrow I'd be a wasp :)
TXC2: hesterbyrde only if you don't have rat colony :p
raulghoulia: I'm upset that one card doesn'y Say Amass Snail 1
GrizzlyMcGrowley: @Gaz_L For sure! Ultimate pit fight would be neat to see
seanmrwick: I'm looking more for Mono-green Mana dorks
PawssumFable: Kathleen = Serval
hesterbyrde: I do not @txc2
Unas84: my Squirrel EDH deck sure is getting a boost
Cptasparagus: my druid kindred deck is VERY happy
seanmrwick: and/or Ramping so hard
TXC2: hesterbyrde well good then
RatherLargeToad: so many new good frogs
ALLxISxLOST: animal related decks seem wild to me. a bit beast like.
public_key_reveal_party: just got here, mh3 draft?
the_phantom_game_player: @public_key_reveal_party Yes
Gaz_L: from what i can tell, Bloomburrow is a 2 colour set with each pair/guild equating to one animal kindred deck?
razorswift: @public_key_reveal_party mh3 draft.
seanmrwick: why is MH3 mainly highlighting Eldrazi? Is there a story behind that?
Mr_Horrible: "Call a judge!... but not for me!"
seanmrwick: @public_key_reveal_party yep, just in time
hesterbyrde: @txc2 to be honest it's not a very good deck. I don't have any of the real power rat cards. like Marrowgnawer etc. But it's fun and sometimes I can look cute and innocent enough and chew on the baseboards long enough to surprise win
as_ever_ellesandra: @seanmrwick probably in part to have an excuse to re-post the articles
nessiah_aries: Final Boss of Bloomburrow is just gonna be Greasefang.
AsheCrimson: Hi everyone! Did the draft just start?
dungeonmasteralek: it's pack 2
PawssumFable: It's about 10 mins in
as_ever_ellesandra: @AsheCrimson we just cracked pack 2
TXC2: hesterbyrde fair enough, it's just I play brawl and Gods do I not like rat colony :p
seanmrwick: @as_ever_ellesandra that's fair. I don't really play Eldrazi in any of my decks
BlueFingers5: Still time to pivot
AsheCrimson: Ah, gotcha, good deal!
ElementalAlchemist: Pack 2 is basically still the start
public_key_reveal_party: plenty of time left to pivot, then regret pivoting
TXC2: hello AsheCrimson welcome
TheElrad: but it's too early for the pack 3 pivot
seanmrwick: I do however play a decent Goblin commander deck with Krenko Mob Boss as.....The Gobfather
TheWooglie: that line is very windy
ElementalAlchemist: #PowerStayTheLine
finestotter: Stay the course?
darkora: Good ol' "not dead yet" Yaeger
tehfewl: Knotmaster? i thought the Bloomburrow PPR was Sunday?
SolarBlitz1: I should hope it's real or I'm having a wild friday
AsheCrimson: @TXC2 Thank you for having me, great to be here!
Austere_Squire: true draft experience
TheNideon: MAGIC
Metric_Furlong: "is this what I thought I should be doing with my life?" Kappa
TXC2: and now the draft TRULY begins
Austere_Squire: kathleen honestly just made me feel better about every time i've ever tried to do
seanmrwick: magic magic magic magic magic
GrizzlyMcGrowley: Magic magic magic MAAAGIIIIC
Swageki: magic magic magic magic magic magic
seanmrwick: derp derp derp, I'm (insert name), this is how I talk
TXC2: GrizzlyMcGrowley "herp durp durp I'm Alex and this how I talk!"
Piecrust9: Oh hell yes in time for the drafting portion!
the_phantom_game_player: I'm sorry if this has been asked but when they draft, what happens to the cards? I guess all the card go to the LRR shared box or something?
tomnar: haha @TXC2 xD
ClockTamer: did you guys hear about the magic magic magic? it’s gonna be so magic!
seanmrwick: @TXC2 yeeessss, glad you got the reference right away
Piecrust9: Why does Ben have a nametag?
Lobo_Apache: Wait, is it Foul Strike or Fowl Strike?
CrossXhunteR: they salvage the tokens
TXC2: seanmrwick one of the jokes that hooked me on LRR
as_ever_ellesandra: @Lobo_Apache Fowl
seanmrwick: also @LoadingReadyRun if it wasn't for your amazing content in Friday Nights, I probably would not be invested in MTG right now
GrizzlyMcGrowley: @TXC2 <3
couchboyj: 2 is 2 fowl
public_key_reveal_party: I looked under my seat and just found a spare usb c cable. I think you had the wrong address
jacqui_lantern234: speaking of cards, what happened to the cards i asked Nelly and Adam to sign for me?!
HedgehogKnight: So who's off work today because of the outage?
NonUniqueGuy: Ben is a vampire zombie.
Swageki: Nelson I like your shirt!
public_key_reveal_party: @HedgehogKnight I had to do bonus support today because of the outage, so the opposite here haha
Mr_Bitterness: Lots of poor people stuck in airports
Pywodwagon: take the one card for the obvious pack 3 nadu
seanmrwick: oh no need to be sorry about that at all actually! I still play with the Morksa, Undersea Sleuth that Kathleen signed at Magic Con Chicago as my "good luck charm" for my commander deck
accountmadeforants: Lots of businesses use CrowdStrike for endpoint security, it turns out
accountmadeforants: Also, "CrowdStrike" sounds like an exploit all by itself
tomnar: @seanmrwick featuring LLR is hands down Hasbro's best investment in their portfolio :p
BITs19_: Fortunately my office doesn't rely on those services. Unfortunately most of our clients do
Gaz_L: noooooo
nessiah_aries: Chris Alice
DiscordianTokkan: dew it
drrek0: Me checking out magic by chance lead me to an episode of Friday Nights which was instrumental in getting me into magic
Piecrust9: Can't believe ben opened a mythic uncommon
SolarBlitz1: Who rotated Graham?
TXC2: you know, say what you will about Microsoft, there's reasons their updates come on Tuesdays :p
seanmrwick: @tomnar for sure! I still find of lot of good humor in their magic related stuff and old vintage and also LRR interestingly made me curious about legacy
geckoinasuit: this makes me want to open more mh3
jjcard: my work stuff is down because of CrowdStrike, luckily we also already had the day off :p
TXC2: pushing to Prod Midnight friday? get F'd :p
seanmrwick: @TXC2 our company had that happen but....I was out like a light sleeping when that happened. Luckily we didn't get hit too hard
jacqui_lantern234: that IS a nice jacket
SnackPak_: gottem!
RandomTrivia: Hehehehehe
jacqui_lantern234: lrrWOW
control_rig: Gottem!
TXC2: seanmrwick oof
as_ever_ellesandra: Paul grabbing the spear "Hullo!"
Iluvatardis: it's made of ... iron?
public_key_reveal_party: I always push my updates on friday at 4:30. then turn my phone off and throw it away. therefore it isn't my problem
jacqui_lantern234: @as_ever_ellesandra pfft
abslomdaak42: That spear is gonna be really useful today
betweenmyself: I too shall laugh in order to mask the intense emotional pain I am experiencing. HAHAHAHA riffScream
frameshifty: "light summer layers" always forget some people don't live in hot deserts
seanmrwick: @TXC2 since our company uses a software for retirement communities, we're letting the clients know "everything is 100% under control"
TXC2: public_key_reveal_party monster Kappa
nessiah_aries: Inb4 Adam puts Shadow Spear into his draft deck to give his opponents paper cuts with it.
Kingsgrave: "Paul, get the spear" vs. "Beej, get the bat"
ALLxISxLOST: is Ben more of a forestwalk or mountainwalk?
TXC2: seanmrwick ah well that's good at least
CrossXhunteR: a quiver for a beer
RandomTrivia: I love this mental image
as_ever_ellesandra: I think Graham just wrote a Crapshot
Davlenagain: That sounds like a Crapshot.....
seanmrwick: @TXC2 yeah, I'm glad none of the data was actually breached so we are safe
Gaz_L: "Geoffery? Break out Lucille!"
KinkerbellRose: Yes! For once it's not a breach! Just a really. REALLY bad oops.
TXC2: Gaz_L Great reference!
lamina5432: is it a wood or iron spear
Mangledpixel: and no, I am not CGI-ing that
NonUniqueGuy: The case or the spear?
as_ever_ellesandra: alright chat, someone send lrr The Spear
seanmrwick: not to sound like a typical lrr fanboy but the crapshots actually got me inspired to think about writing my own little short videos
LadyLockwood92: Paul is the Mysterious Stranger.
ALLxISxLOST: @LadyLockwood92 pew pew?
jacqui_lantern234: if i lived in victoria, id 100% let you borrow my rattan spear
TXC2: LadyLockwood92 whose Miss Fortune and why is it Missy ?
BrowneePoints: speaking of Secret Lair did Graham see the Badger Garruk?
seanmrwick: also, if it wasn't for MTG, I probably wouldn't be going back into doing commander nights with friends and former and current co-workers
geckoinasuit: Kiora is an axolotl
Mr_Horrible: yeah, a G/B garruk in the... commander? stuff
Bugberry: Teferi Secretary Bird is my favorite.
Mr_Bitterness: Vraska's a snake, despite the story saying she's a lizard
Austere_Squire: wait, i must see this
RandomTrivia: I'm so mad that they're holding certain Imagine Critters hostage
Mr_Horrible: oh, secret lair
nessiah_aries: Call Edge, he knows all about the Spear.
JRandomHacker: They didn't give Snake-Vraska people-hair
geckoinasuit: sorin is a bat, i wish they'd done more creative choices with him
Kingsgrave: Ok, but hear me out: Lizard with snake hair
LadyLockwood92: Yeah, briefly..
EvilBadman: And the Red Planeswalker critter is uhhh... Hrm.
CrossXhunteR: all gas, no brakes
seanmrwick: so if Vraska is a snek....does this mean we could boop the snoot or is Vraska nope rope/ danger noodle?
couchboyj: Adam would want a cup of that pack's piss
Koshindan: The longest matches are two people with bad decks.
seanmrwick: @couchboyj and then test it for drugs
TXC2: only Jace can boop Vraska' snoot Kappa
Jigokuro: What animals would the characters from Bylaw & Order have become if they landed there?
Austere_Squire: oh, i just looked that up and huatli is adorable
Gekyouryuu: wait... why is Vraska a snake? in the actual story, she's a lizard, and Ral is surprised and annoyed that she WASN'T a snake like he expected
seanmrwick: @TXC2 he tried once....and Chandra looked at him and yelled "what are you doing?"
Jigokuro: Not to distract Kathleen from drafting bitterHehe
SpineBusterTee: i like the nametag because it just implies ben might forget his own name
seanmrwick: whenever I see Vraska, I'm reminded of Medusa from the old Harryhausen "Clash of the Titans" for some reason
Pharmacistjudge: (sarcastic joke) everyone forcing Eldrazi?
as_ever_ellesandra: Leaf Gilder iirc
Juliamon: Gekyouryuu Probably for that reason precisely
as_ever_ellesandra: @Pharmacistjudge a chrysalis made the whole table. we're safe
JinaMahavira: After all, why shouldn't you
Xed_Regulus: Trooper, nice
ElementalAlchemist: "We're here for a time, not all time"
Strebenherz: wait is fireball in mh3?
as_ever_ellesandra: @Gekyouryuu because while she was the golgari queen she had snake energy - but after compleation and being re-fixed she now has lizard energy
LadyLockwood92: I love that the IC version of Luminous Broodmoth just looks even more like Mothra.
TXC2: seanmrwick are you trying to tell me that canonic lesbian Chandra knows more about straight sex then Jace? 'cause I'd believe you Kappa
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TXC2: *canonical
cobalturge: Please hold
red_shoes_jeff: jlrrBreak
finestotter: @Strebenherz Do you count an enchantment hydra?
ElementalAlchemist: @TXC2 pfffffffffffft
Gekyouryuu: @TXC2 actually, that just reminds me, one of my favorite reactions to Nissa's Imagine Critters card was "THEY'RE TURNING THE GAYS FROG!"
TXC2: Gekyouryuu :D
Juliamon: LUL
JinaMahavira: LUL
bakerydragon: @Gekyouryuu XD
marmalade_pen: how table get so smol
ALLxISxLOST: magic
morgoth_bauglyr: Rotate The Chairs
ElementalAlchemist: the gathering
TXC2: the magic of labour
googoltudoris: Jace reproduces asexually. he just casts himself, then copies the spell however many times he needs
cobalturge: @marmalade_pen is not smol. is shrunk. too much dryer.
TXC2: this is what happens during PRR's when Ben tells about commander cards
pyrehand is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
pyrehand gifted a Tier 1 sub to alakazimdk!
ALLxISxLOST: but can Jace make paper cranes?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, pyrehand! Welcome to alakazimdk! (Today's storm count: 234)
seanmrwick: @TXC2 @TXC2 yes? Is this before...or after Nissa gives Chandra a wink?
nessiah_aries: Wasn't Chandra stated to be bisexual or am I thinking of a different Planeswalker?
googoltudoris: speaking of commander, did anyone else see the new squirrels deck?
TXC2: nessiah_aries kinda, there's been back and forth on Chandra's sexuality
seanmrwick: @ALLxISxLOST so the newest "sequel book", Jace beleren and the 1000 paper cranes....and Servo facts
TXC2: however, most fans (me, it's me) see her as a lesbian
seanmrwick: is it weird that for the longest time I've had a crush on Chandra Nalaar?
ALLxISxLOST: I would probably actually read that
h3rsh3yb4r: Literal Flaming Pansexual
RandomTrivia: Chandra has been written pretty clearly as the pansexual hot mess
superdude097: @seanmrwick I don't think so. A lot of people have crushes on fictional characters
Blahguy_ssbm: I just got here chat what's going on?
Molator: mh3 draft
ExachixKitsune: @RandomTrivia: A position we all aspire too
TXC2: Blahguy_ssbm we're on break before our first game of MTG
PhuzNutz: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RandomTrivia: ExachixKitsune :D
Blahguy_ssbm: love mh3, hype. thanks chat
seanmrwick: @superdude097 I've kind of imagined some kind of "fan art" of me and Chandra as planeswalkers and I'm wearing matching armor as Chandra, except more fitted to me
googoltudoris: "i have ascended your mortal concepts of gender, and sexuality. i am beyond male or female. i am here to fuck anything and everything that consents"
PhuzNutz: @googoltudoris Hi Q!
Halinn: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: TCG Day at Fri 11:00 AM PDT (47m ago).
mival_rk: in how many hours is the preprepreprerelease?
TXC2: 1ppr
TXC2: !prr
Didero: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
CmdrMadMoe: youll get there
cobalturge: @googoltudoris -Jack Harkness
ClodiumSoride: got there
mival_rk: @Didero ty
Gaz_L: i spy a Jordynne
ALLxISxLOST: how many oreos until breakdown?
googoltudoris: @PhuzNutz yeah, but as soon as Q opens their mouth, things cease to consent
CmdrMadMoe: is movie night tonight or was it last night?
TXC2: lrr is gonna have to get a red wig to fake out chat :p
TXC2: CmdrMadMoe last night
CmdrMadMoe: dangit
TXC2: googoltudoris please, John De lancie could read a phone book into my pants
Defrost: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This is a Boy Scout jamboree.
CmdrMadMoe: uh
googoltudoris: @TXC2 sure, sure. john de lancie doesn't have an ego the size of the universe, though
TXC2: googoltudoris touché
MrGibberish: Only 9 more hours
WavesOfBabies: @LRRbot Is it? Or is it that you boys can't admit you have a problem?
seanmrwick: @TXC2 what was the first episode of Friday Nights that got you into LRR?
IbunWest: merlekWave
TXC2: seanmrwick the very first one, but what really got me into LRR was Commador hustle
missa_hancock: @seanmrwick the card for me
seanmrwick: @TXC2 ah the Magic episode of "it's magic"?
kragmabutch: @seanmrwick i think the first hero's path episode cause theros
TXC2: turns out watching Graham kick Matt Wiggins in the groin is peak comedy to me :p
googoltudoris: what's the difference between the boy scouts and the army? *xrnxrnxrnx* boy scouts don't have heavy artillery
TXC2: seanmrwick no, the first offical Friday nights
seanmrwick: @TXC2 I think it was around 2011 I started watching when it was either "constructed" or the very first episode of Friday nights
TXC2: 2012 for me
seanmrwick: @TXC2 I think it was the episode "Untap" as the first official episode
TXC2: watched DB5, few months later got into LRR
googoltudoris: am i the newest player in chat? BRO was my first set, ever
3schr: I seem to have a sixth sense that allows me to tune in on every break between content blocks
seanmrwick: I started watching Friday Nights when the episode "In Command" came out
fonkoncle: would an in universe ppr (like full stream rather than ep) friday nights be something you think LRR does in the next five years?
TXC2: fonkoncle I doubt it, that seems like A LOT of work
KinkerbellRose: I randomly caught DB 2023, and have been slowly absorbing/watching the lore. >>
TXC2: like that's basically a movie
KinkerbellRose: Been in love with these goobers since.
Juliamon: More than a movie honestly
fonkoncle: more like a compressed season
IbunWest: More like the entire LOTR trilogy
PawssumFable: Oh, you just wait. One day you'll have spent 10 years watching these goobers.
Juliamon: I mean, if you wanted to pony up another $200k, I'm sure they'd consider it
TXC2: and we're back
CanPlayGames: What? This isn't BloomBurrow?
wordnerdify: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
kiba509: Super hype
Flyingdelorion: Hellooo!
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
PawssumFable: Why is Adam mad?
fonkoncle: it would prob work if it was like a custom cube arc
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
GoRiLLa87: Cheer1000 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
HorusFive: This where we live now lrrHERE
jessieimproved: Days of our Lives: MtG Edition
RandomTrivia: We need to go DEEPER!
BeccaTingles: loopy host best host
itsr67: buenos dieas
MilkInBags: what's up big adam
42MiLLyWays: uni1000
HorusFive: Truth!
TXC2: Damn right Adam
wastetalent: true
jessieimproved: heck yeah
CaptainEnder7: As a teacher, agreed.
PawssumFable: Oh okay, youre right
LowUpsideCJ: He has to craft more arrows
PawssumFable: No, you were scowling when I typed that
Snowcookies: Adam is mad in the same way sad Keanu is sad
PawssumFable: My lag is so bad
seanmrwick: Adam is like the Genetic freak with 62 2/3 chance of winning
jacqui_lantern234: why does that sound like Phillip Glass, Nelly
HorusFive: Resting Caveman who ran a SF8 Tournament yesterday, king
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
BrowneePoints: I love the Dark Crystal so much
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Metric_Furlong: good job Nelson
jacqui_lantern234: LUL NELLY
wordnerdify: Brilliant, Nelson
noSmokeFire: PogChamp
beowuuf: sergeJustRight
BrowneePoints: I will never forgive them
cmdrud87: i can
seanmrwick: since we have both Adam and Graham here, I thought I'd make that old wrestling reference
BrowneePoints: Welp I have to end Nelson
BrowneePoints: Sorry Nelson you had a long run
Lobo_Apache: Get that ban hammer ready
queercrafting_chonk: canceled
MilkInBags: I can't believe they cancelled Halo 2
jacqui_lantern234: nono, nelly's right
CookieMom: Adam's Deck name is "Let Me Teach You".
queercrafting_chonk: I absolutely adored the show
TXC2: let nelly cook
queercrafting_chonk: and it is a crime it was canceled
BrowneePoints: @jacqui_lantern234 welp now I have to end Jacqui
jacqui_lantern234: as a fellow lover of Dark Crystal
fonkoncle: nelsons comments just cancelled the bloomburrow puppet show
queercrafting_chonk: how dare Nelson not like the thing I like /s
MilkInBags: it's dark joever
Krillin_fan: Nelson I demand you be less reasonable
macintose: transportation should be multifaceted and varied so we all have choice and the ability to move around more
seanmrwick: its over Nelson, Adam has the high ground
RandomTrivia: Oh no, Dark Jeskai flashbacks :D
TXC2: Henson studios response: Hmmmmmmm!
Invitare: Jeskai Henson's Dark Chrysalis
NekomimiNinja: Rest In Pirogies, Nelly.
SeaDiegoFC: Jeskai from Memphis
MilkInBags: adam drank 17 PBR this morning
razorswift: 6 hours?!
frameshifty: has twitch recently gotten worse with audio desynching over time? seems worse like this last week or so
Kingsgrave: Peak Adam humor right there
bytecaster: I have never once got up and went
Alness49: "Just"
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
MWGNZ: weights dont lift themselves
Leonhart321: How dare you Adam
HorusFive: Adam- Duilt Bifferent
jacqui_lantern234: Jes, Guy :p
SnackPak_: yeah, that just is doing all sorts of work there
Mr_Bitterness: Adam's built differently
Thaeus_Amrunion: I've gotten up and went to the bathroom.
wordnerdify: A wonderful weirdo
BeccaTingles: You also don't have kids...
ShaneLeeAtk: That's Graham in the corner
orangeceltic71: I love to get up and go!
seanmrwick: I've been up since 5:30 this morning watering my plants, doing laundry and printing proxy magic cards
thegiftedgrifter: Same energy as "have you just tried not being depressed"
TXC2: ok chat, the subathon timer is under Adam's life total
LowUpsideCJ: @frameshifty It gets bad for me, I just pause and unpause every once in a while
NonUniqueGuy: I mean, you are on LRR, so yes, you are a weirdo
MilkInBags: king
jjcard: no alarm gang!
macintose: nah, I'm right there with you adam
orangeceltic71: Same! No alarms.
vinewood_og: I slept like 5 hours after the movie night and feel like I get hit with the CrowdStrike outage!
razorswift: tell us
MrSarkhan: Adam is not human.
Pywodwagon: Theres a judge I room with sometimes at event who wakes up at 530 am to go to the gym before 8am call times
seanmrwick: doing the "cast cast cast" method
CrossXhunteR: i don't need an alarm anymore, but i do keep one on
lochnessseammonster: i could never PrideLaugh
hatboozeparty: Pls we need to know
Gascitygaming: same
TehAmelie: apparently we're all freaks and weirdos living in Vincent Price's world
Leonhart321: That's illegal
Gascitygaming: also only fall asleep in like a couple minutes 90% of the time
singinnonsense: it's probably working out
NonUniqueGuy: So if Adam dies, the stream dies?
LowUpsideCJ: Yeah that's how I operate as well
lochnessseammonster: i'm the weirdo that snoozes my alarm for an hour
Derekwillis: God I wish that were me.
Greyah: I can't remember a time I didn't wake up tired.
finestotter: Truly built different
eshplode: I always wake up before my alarm. My body hates alarms
SeaDiegoFC: As Adam takes damage, the subathon clock goes down faster /s
queercrafting_chonk: duilt bifferent
PhuzNutz: Haven't set an alarm in years and still get up a littlw ways before 6 even when changing timezones
SolarBlitz1: See I have part 1, but then I grab my phone and I waste the next 2 hours
jessieimproved: I can get up and leave bed instantly. I just can't go to sleep at night :-(
HorusFive: Nelson- you have kids. I haven't slept past 6am since they were born.
lochnessseammonster: my mom does that
TXC2: I exercise at 11a,
Chronomagistrate: I used to be able to operate like that. Now I take a while to climb out of bed
TXC2: *11am
ShaneLeeAtk: o7
DaniellNaruta: As someone else who does that, I think the waking up is connected to working out regularly
Didero: Once again, Adam is an example
LowUpsideCJ: I don't even do coffee
Mewr11: I'm like, pretty like adam in that regard
Julian_Rogue: I'm duilt bifferently
PhuzNutz: Must be an Adam thing
drrek0: I can fall asleep in less than a minute. Waking up is super hard for me.
MrSarkhan: I could never
goateedave86: I can do it...but it is a problem
anxietyparadingashuman: I am the same way, guess I am weird too, then again "normal" is overrated
PhuzNutz: <-- Adam too
GameSageZB: Look at you being a morning person!
jjcard: I haven't used an alarm in over a decade.
Flyingdelorion: Same Adam, apparently it's rare. Also I can sleep everywhere and anywhere, which is very convenient
cmdrud87: but then, he also goes to bed between 11:30 and midnight
Mewr11: I'll wake up between 6 and 7 and go read some news
RandomTrivia: Living the dream
Mr_Bitterness: I'm 100% with Nelson here
EvilBadman: Doesn't have to be kids, cats also pull that garbage
chrisvonclause: I'm also like Adam, however I trade that for it taking me a forever to fall asleep. My wife can't get up early, but falls asleep instantly. I'm not sure which is better.
lochnessseammonster: i built like nelson PrideLaugh
cobalturge: Adam energy here!
ElementalAlchemist: "at the crack of noon" honestly, same
xVoxtric: Once I stopped drinking I could really pop up in the morning
TXC2: Adam really turning every stream into Lets Nope eh? Kappa
MilkInBags: ok but can you play magic now Kappa
Underachiever28: if I don’t get up and work out immediately, I don’t do it. So what I’m trying to say is, I don’t exercise that often
Wolfendragoon: it takes multiple alarms to get me out of bed before 10am, I can not comprehend being awake normally at 6
SymphonySolstice: I wake up in the morning and feel like dying for the first 2 hours
LoadingReadyRun: !cardview on
LRRbot: Card viewer enabled
seanmrwick: im usually up at around 5 AM a lot of days
lochnessseammonster: we love pregame podcast PrideUwu
LRRbot: Crackling Falls (front: Rush of Inspiration) | Land | Crackling Falls enters the battlefield tapped. / {T}: Add {U} or {R}.
CrossXhunteR: we almost had an achievement
Swageki: almost
LRRbot: Smelted Chargebug [1R] | Artifact Creature — Insect [1/3] | Menace / When Smelted Chargebug enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / Whenever Smelted Chargebug attacks, you may pay {E}. If you do, another target attacking creature gets +1/+0 and gains menace until end of turn.
PhuzNutz: @chrisvonclause Yeah, with you there. It's usually an hour or two of reading before I can actually fall asleep. Been that way my whole life.
Haroldholmes25: the falls? crackling
CrossXhunteR: you might have sleep apnea
HorusFive: Nice Sleeves Nelson has. Where could one acquire such things?
HogarthUndead subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
HogarthUndead: Much love for all you do
thegiftedgrifter: Like first 2 for sure
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HogarthUndead! (Today's storm count: 235)
xVoxtric: 30 min to 6 hours, Nelson is so real for that
Austere_Squire: Adam, just scandalized
ContingentCat: consciousness isn't fun sometimes
Wolfendragoon: if I am awake before 10am I feel like death for hours
jessieimproved: If you wake up and feel awful you're waking up at the wrong part of your sleep cycle
seanmrwick: I feel when I wake up, I totally have to make coffee first thing or take a shower
MilkInBags: adam we don't all have the mental discipline to be active
lochnessseammonster: i like my slow mornings and then work better late in the day
Invitare: I think I feel terrible when I wake up. But I'm so zoned out that I can't remember
Didero: I only truly feel like shit when I have to get up earlier than usual to go to the office
googoltudoris: i wake up in the morning and feel like dying for the first 24 hours HEYOOOOO
Julian_Rogue: Today adam learns about depression and other chronic illnesses
tehfewl: its a depression thing for some....(myself included)
MWGNZ: nelson spitting facts
vinewood_og: Homer making noise in hell. Satan, "Be quiet, you'll wake up John Wayne!"
CrossXhunteR: my body is a temple, and i disrespect the hell out of it
ManWithTheMask13: Wassup Adam, Nelson, Graham, Chat ThankEgg
Brozard: I’m literally going to physical therapy for this now
MilkInBags: adam at 6:01 am seabatOAK
bytecaster: @CrossXhunteR I'm a blasphemer
TXC2: hello ManWithTheMask13 welcome
Lobo_Apache: Isn't there a theory where half t he population was meant to sleep/stay up later as a way to watch those who woke up early
Bugberry: My work schedule is all over place, so some weeks I have to get up early a bunch and then stay up late the next.
PawssumFable: Sleeping and sleeping well are different things too
Austere_Squire: i think that's fine as long as it doesn't interrupt REM
SymphonySolstice: brother I've been like this for 2 decades, I used to be nauseous every morning in high school
FoxBehindTheTree: my body is a temple and its in ruins
chrisvonclause: @PhuzNutz my wife comes to be like two hours after me most nights, and falls asleep instantly. It's maddening. Though when she gets up I've already been doing stuff for a solid 3 hours, so it definitely evens out.
rolanddegil: I think what can make the morning worse is when a sleep cycle is interrupted at the wrong time
neveth: My body is a temple, crumbling and cursed
ArkhamArchivist: Ancient, Cursed, and Crumbling
SageofShadowzF: My body is a temple, old dusty and broken
FixTheJames: Me, sitting in front of my computer at 4pm on a Friday, stuffing myself with Ruffles, when Graham says people need to move more. "Hey!"
noSmokeFire: my body is a temple and, buddy, I'm sacking it
ManWithTheMask13: @TXC2 VoHiYo
cartermatic313: touch card, slap it on the table
LRRbot: Amped Raptor [1R] | Creature — Dinosaur [2/1] | First strike / When Amped Raptor enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. Then if you cast it from your hand, exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a nonland card. You may cast that card by paying an amount of {E} equal to its mana value rather than paying its mana cost.
insanecat6mtg: Sometimes it's just a matter of having your schedule actually lining up with your internal clock.
PawssumFable: When I sleep well I need 6 hours
notsoc00l_guy: waking up in the middle of the night is more nature for humans, people used to do that before electric lights
bytecaster: That raptor looks aaaaamped
vinewood_og: My temple is a den of iniquity let's face it
seanmrwick: I think I also changed something in my day to day where after dinner over the summer, Spring and fall, I go for a mile walk so instead of walking 4 miles a week, I walk about 6 to 7 miles a week
LRRbot: Aether Spike [1U] | Instant | Choose target spell. You get {E}{E}, then you may pay any amount of {E}. Counter that spell unless its controller pays {1} for each {E} paid this way.
bytecaster: It stays in exile
MilkInBags: it stays exiled
Bugberry: Exiled
Brozard: My body is a temple, and I haven’t donated to it in years
MilkInBags: mountain is exiled
Bugberry: It's not Cascade
northos: mill plan activated
bytecaster: Keep the body temple jokes coming chat!
LRRbot: Snapping Voidcraw [1GU] | Creature — Eldrazi Turtle [1/3] | Devoid / {T}: Add {C}{C}. / {3}{C}, {T}: Draw a card.
orangeceltic71: I think maybe my body is the parking lot near the temple.
Austere_Squire: cards have downsides?
BeccaTingles: Trying to sit through my first full game of MTG and I already feel lost
jovens_v: oh oh
AugmentingPath: The most broken 1GU card in the set
JRandomHacker: @BeccaTingles This is _quite_ a set to attempt to jump in on
googoltudoris: my body is a temple, and i've lost faith in its god
LRRbot: Plains | Basic Land — Plains |
lochnessseammonster: lrrWOW PrideLaugh
Juliamon: My body is a temple that the government refuses to assist because it's not a church.
incslayer: my body is a temple and i am an agnostic
PawssumFable: My temple requires chocolate sacrifices. Leave them on my desk.
MilkInBags: my body is a temple to a dead and forgotten god
Brozard: That was my original idea, but is tithing universal?
Koshindan: My body is a temple; not open to the public before 11am.
bytecaster: Core Set: Modern Horizons
BeccaTingles: No worries, I'm here to chill with you guys
Underachiever28: just tuned in. we drafting?
SolarBlitz1: My body is a temple, a temple to unhealth
Austere_Squire: aren't there like 60 returning mechanics in this set?
bisaflau: my body is a temple, ancient and crumbling, probably cursed
bytecaster: There are so many words
noSmokeFire: is MH a better or worse introduction to magic than Roborosewater?
3schr: I'm lost, but I'm here for card content until we move to Lorcana
debtangel: Adam should probably actually exile those cards.
Metric_Furlong: my body is a temple: it's slowly falling into ruin and all the valuable parts have been stolen by the British Museum
Alness49: My body is a temple and I'm really confused because I wanted one of those body shaped bodies.
GameSageZB: They're also not "explaining," and they're talking about other things at the same time! totally reasonable to get lost
Bugberry: Magic is not the ideal spectator sport
DaSunao: Ive been playing for a decade and I still can be completely lost
seanmrwick: sounds like when I was watching highlights of the older pro tours
PawssumFable: I played magic foever ago, and it's so different now
ConcedeToTheLeft: My body is a temple of Abandon, a bunch of satyrs getting drunk
NonUniqueGuy: I only watch MTG. I get lost on what is happening so often.
Brozard: My body is a temple, bustling on major holidays
FoxBehindTheTree: its helped hearing you all say "wait what does that do" or "i messed up" - makes learning MTG better knowing people who play it alot still do goofs
LRRbot: Aether Revolt [2RR] | Enchantment | Revolt — As long as a permanent you controlled left the battlefield this turn, if a source you control would deal noncombat damage to an opponent or a permanent an opponent controls, it deals that much damage plus 2 instead. / Whenever you get one or more {E}, Aether Revolt deals that much damage to any target.
bytecaster: My body is a temple so it comes into play tapped but scries
LowUpsideCJ: You also can't rewind the live stream to read cards. I do that a lot with vods
jessieimproved: I've been watching y'all play magic for a while now. I certainly have not "learned" how to play, although I have learned the terminology
Fanklok: My body is a temple and at this temple we worship pizza
seanmrwick: also Nelson, I have a question for you: in the format of Modern, why is the deck nicknamed "eggs" now banned?
CrossXhunteR: aether revolt is such a nuts card
IaCthulhuFthagn: Chat, have we already gone through any TCG's or was Magic first in the schedule?
LowUpsideCJ: Love the aether revolt deck
JRandomHacker: @IaCthulhuFthagn We just started
baneless27: what format is this?
TXC2: so Adam is running the Historic Boros deck? Kappa
LRRbot: Kozilek's Unsealing [2U] | Enchantment | Devoid / Whenever you cast a creature spell with mana value 4, 5, or 6, create two 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature tokens with "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}." / Whenever you cast a creature spell with mana value 7 or greater, draw three cards.
TXC2: baneless27 draft
Bugberry: Satya can easily run away with games
munocard: Energy Guy is ridiculous. You made the right choice
bytecaster: @baneless27 MH3
baneless27: @txc2 Thx!
TXC2: IaCthulhuFthagn this was first
Rogue_07 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 16 in the channel!
Rogue_07 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mr_kiang!
Rogue_07 gifted a Tier 1 sub to FWill134!
Rogue_07 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Venthis!
Rogue_07 gifted a Tier 1 sub to thadiuszho!
Rogue_07 gifted a Tier 1 sub to IsmaelRMurias!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Rogue_07! Welcome to FWill134, Venthis, thadiuszho, IsmaelRMurias, and mr_kiang! (Today's storm count: 240)
tehfewl: satya is just good
TXC2: Rogue_07 lrrHEART
tehfewl: energy not required
seanmrwick: last time I literally drafted was Theros block and I got super dumpstered
Rogue_07 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
Rogue_07: 5 gifted subs because Adam said Pay Teachers More!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rogue_07! (Today's storm count: 241)
bytecaster: Both players have drafted decks I enjoy drafting, so I am here for this!
IaCthulhuFthagn: The fact that Kozilek's Unsealing doesn't sac for the draw three is one of these things that doesn't matter (outside of Commander), but still feels wild to me.
LRRbot: Tempest Harvester [1U] | Creature — Merfolk Wizard [2/1] | When Tempest Harvester enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / {T}, Pay {E}: Draw a card, then discard a card.
CrossXhunteR: graham, you mentioned during last week's FNPF that you recently ordered more of those large numeral dice. Where do y'all get those from?
ThanhtTheBoss: My body is a temple, we're just having a funding issue right now so we've shirked the upkeep of the grounds to keep the lights on.
RevolverRossalot: My body is a monastery, and I'm being dissolved by royal decree
LRRbot: Drowner of Truth [5{G/U}{G/U}] (back: Drowned Jungle) | Creature — Eldrazi [7/6] | Devoid / When you cast this spell, if {C} was spent to cast it, create two 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature tokens with "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}."
LRRbot: Aether Spike [1U] | Instant | Choose target spell. You get {E}{E}, then you may pay any amount of {E}. Counter that spell unless its controller pays {1} for each {E} paid this way.
Kass: Adam has what those of us who were in the military or long term manufacturing jobs had. Just muscle memory to get up. But... that's not natural
LRRbot: Crackling Falls (front: Rush of Inspiration) | Land | Crackling Falls enters the battlefield tapped. / {T}: Add {U} or {R}.
LRRbot: Smelted Chargebug [1R] | Artifact Creature — Insect [1/3] | Menace / When Smelted Chargebug enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / Whenever Smelted Chargebug attacks, you may pay {E}. If you do, a…
Gravel Relevant: love that let's nope podcast energy
LRRbot: Amped Raptor [1R] | Creature — Dinosaur [2/1] | First strike / When Amped Raptor enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. Then if you cast it from your hand, exile cards from the top of your library u…
LRRbot: Aether Spike [1U] | Instant | Choose target spell. You get {E}{E}, then you may pay any amount of {E}. Counter that spell unless its controller pays {1} for each {E} paid this way.
LRRbot: Snapping Voidcraw [1GU] | Creature — Eldrazi Turtle [1/3] | Devoid / {T}: Add {C}{C}. / {3}{C}, {T}: Draw a card.
LRRbot: Plains | Basic Land — Plains |
Aviv Fa: couldn't adam cast the spell and just not pay any energy to gian 2 energy back at least?
AubieMan001: I don't think he had a legal target
LRRbot: Aether Revolt [2RR] | Enchantment | Revolt — As long as a permanent you controlled left the battlefield this turn, if a source you control would deal noncombat damage to an opponent or a permanent an…
LRRbot: Kozilek's Unsealing [2U] | Enchantment | Devoid / Whenever you cast a creature spell with mana value 4, 5, or 6, create two 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature tokens with "Sacrifice this creature: …
LRRbot: Tempest Harvester [1U] | Creature — Merfolk Wizard [2/1] | When Tempest Harvester enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / {T}, Pay {E}: Draw a card, then discard a card.
LRRbot: Drowner of Truth [5{G/U}{G/U}] (back: Drowned Jungle) | Creature — Eldrazi [7/6] | Devoid / When you cast this spell, if {C} was spent to cast it, create two 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature toke…
LRRbot: Aether Spike [1U] | Instant | Choose target spell. You get {E}{E}, then you may pay any amount of {E}. Counter that spell unless its controller pays {1} for each {E} paid this way.
RandomTrivia: """just"""
mweepigeon: oh no, no eldrazi. just three cards
rolanddegil: I played MH3 sealed on Arena, somehow went 6-3, got my gems back. Sealed is usually such bad luck
AugmentingPath: Did Nelson take the Aether Spike damage?
elias2718: Did Nelson not take the 2 to the face?
LRRbot: Unstable Amulet [1R] | Artifact | When Unstable Amulet enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / Whenever you cast a spell from anywhere other than your hand, Unstable Amulet deals 1 damage to each opponent. / {T}, Pay {E}{E}: Exile the top card of your library. You may play it until you exile another card with Unstable Amulet.
singinnonsense: yeah I think he should be at 7
LRRbot: Thriving Skyclaw [2RR] | Creature — Cat Dragon [3/2] | Flying / When Thriving Skyclaw enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}{E}. / Whenever Thriving Skyclaw attacks, you may pay {E}{E}{E}. If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on it.
bytecaster: Oh no
RandomTrivia: Well then
AugmentingPath: aether revolt: it ends games
IaCthulhuFthagn: Does anyone off the cuff know the number of cards that exist that have the same name as a set?
bytecaster: I like the Aether Revolt deck a lot
Mr_Bitterness: Aether Revolt is real
seanmrwick: ive never played Energy before in my magic games
rolanddegil: I love red enchantments
AugmentingPath: @IaCthulhuFthagn A lot. Like 20 or 30
Sandeon: doesn't Aether Revolt also trigger off paying Energy?
MrSarkhan is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 31 in the channel!
MrSarkhan gifted a Tier 1 sub to thanyt001!
MrSarkhan gifted a Tier 1 sub to yungchunk1!
MrSarkhan gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mordeka1!
MrSarkhan gifted a Tier 1 sub to Diablo3lod!
MrSarkhan gifted a Tier 1 sub to IamGreven!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, MrSarkhan! Welcome to thanyt001, Mordeka1, IamGreven, yungchunk1, and Diablo3lod! (Today's storm count: 246)
Shadowsoflife: was that the first match?
TXC2: MrSarkhan lrrHEART
the_phantom_game_player: @Shadowsoflife Yes
bytecaster: The revolt line is a nice bonus
TXC2: Shadowsoflife yes
Shadowsoflife: Nice, thanks
RevolverRossalot: Oop, sac'd my land. Time to zzzzap!
seanmrwick: @Shadowsoflife I think either Game 1 or Match one
Bugberry: Spawn are also good for revolting
Shadowsoflife: @seanmrwick Thanks
seanmrwick: @Shadowsoflife you're welcome!
seanmrwick: @Shadowsoflife ok, so they're on Rd.1, game 2
bytecaster: I wonder how many dice in total are in the Moonbase
LRRbot: Fanatic of Rhonas [1G] | Creature — Snake Druid [1/4] | {T}: Add {G}. / Ferocious — {T}: Add {G}{G}{G}{G}. Activate only if you control a creature with power 4 or greater. / Eternalize {2}{G}{G}
CrossXhunteR: that was me asking about the dice. i love how large and readable they are
LRRbot: Smelted Chargebug [1R] | Artifact Creature — Insect [1/3] | Menace / When Smelted Chargebug enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / Whenever Smelted Chargebug attacks, you may pay {E}. If you do, another target attacking creature gets +1/+0 and gains menace until end of turn.
doozard: Howdy folks, little late to card block. Any Beijlander on the docket today?
BeccaTingles: Eternalise, to Galvanise by the Chemical Brothers
TXC2: bytecaster thousands, given the giant wine bottle of spindowns
Shadowsoflife: @seanmrwick thanks again
LRRbot: Evolution Witness [2G] | Creature — Elf Shaman Mutant [2/1] | {1}{G}: Adapt 2. / Whenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Evolution Witness, return target permanent card from your graveyard to your hand.
seanmrwick: @Shadowsoflife you're welcome again
Juliamon: doozard No time for that
TXC2: BeccaTingles the time has come, to make a 4/4
RevolverRossalot: As a UK'er: please do
LRRbot: Cyclops Superconductor [1UR] | Creature — Cyclops Wizard [2/2] | Prowess / When Cyclops Superconductor enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}{E}. / When Cyclops Superconductor dies, you may pay {E}{E}{E}. When you do, Cyclops Superconductor deals damage equal to its power to any target.
doozard: @Juliamon Ahh
RevolverRossalot: I like big dice and I cannot lie
seanmrwick: you know what also works really well for storing dice? Bundle Boxes
macintose: I wouldn't mind, I picked up similar dice from the dice emporium
incslayer: that sounds like a place that sells dice
bytecaster: Love dice shop online
RevolverRossalot: Chef kiss
MrGibberish: That is such a generic name. Wonderful
Shadowsoflife: that branding
Diabore: Any big hits in the draft?
seanmrwick: I normally shop at my local game store for dice
ranger34ofthespine: nice
KierenWinter: I'd love those thicc Spike Feeders/CaH dice but the shipping makes me cry
LRRbot: Fanged Flames [1R] | Sorcery | Devoid / Fanged Flames deals 4 damage to target creature or planeswalker. If that creature or planeswalker would die this turn, exile it instead.
Aviv Fa: nelson shouldn't get spawns from the unsealing
LRRbot: Unstable Amulet [1R] | Artifact | When Unstable Amulet enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / Whenever you cast a spell from anywhere other than your hand, Unstable Amulet deals 1 damage to each o…
Aviv Fa: it says only 4,5, or 6
AubieMan001: Correct, it's off the cast of drowner of truth
LRRbot: Thriving Skyclaw [2RR] | Creature — Cat Dragon [3/2] | Flying / When Thriving Skyclaw enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}{E}. / Whenever Thriving Skyclaw attacks, you may pay {E}{E}{E}. If you do,…
LRRbot: Fanatic of Rhonas [1G] | Creature — Snake Druid [1/4] | {T}: Add {G}. / Ferocious — {T}: Add {G}{G}{G}{G}. Activate only if you control a creature with power 4 or greater. / Eternalize {2}{G}{G}
LRRbot: Smelted Chargebug [1R] | Artifact Creature — Insect [1/3] | Menace / When Smelted Chargebug enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / Whenever Smelted Chargebug attacks, you may pay {E}. If you do, a…
LRRbot: Evolution Witness [2G] | Creature — Elf Shaman Mutant [2/1] | {1}{G}: Adapt 2. / Whenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Evolution Witness, return target permanent card from your graveyard to …
LRRbot: Cyclops Superconductor [1UR] | Creature — Cyclops Wizard [2/2] | Prowess / When Cyclops Superconductor enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}{E}. / When Cyclops Superconductor dies, you may pay {E}{E…
Dakota Sommer: not sure if youtube comments are being read but just wanna put it out there that adam's arms look huge; good job bud!
SmithKurosaki: Good [timezone] chat
LRRbot: Fanged Flames [1R] | Sorcery | Devoid / Fanged Flames deals 4 damage to target creature or planeswalker. If that creature or planeswalker would die this turn, exile it instead.
bytecaster: It's really hard to resist the value
ItsEchelons: Looks like chessex is pre-ordering the large numerical dice
RandomTrivia: !card satya
LRRbot: Satya, Aetherflux Genius [1URW] | Legendary Creature — Human Artificer [3/5] | Menace, haste / Whenever Satya, Aetherflux Genius attacks, create a tapped and attacking token that's a copy of up to one other target nontoken creature you control. You get {E}{E}. At the beginning of the next end step, sacrifice that token unless you pay an amount of {E} equal to its mana value.
seanmrwick: is it wrong to say that Magic is the gateway game that can also get people into playing D&D and stuff like that?
CrossXhunteR: satya, from the commander product
MilkInBags: this card is not ok in limited
LRRbot: Satya, Aetherflux Genius [1URW] | Legendary Creature — Human Artificer [3/5] | Menace, haste / Whenever Satya, Aetherflux Genius attacks, create a tapped and attacking token that's a copy of up to one other target nontoken creature you control. You get {E}{E}. At the beginning of the next end step, sacrifice that token unless you pay an amount of {E} equal to its mana value.
RandomTrivia: @MilkInBags Profoundly not
Shadowsoflife: @seanmrwick I wouldn't think so, there even a DnD magic set
seanmrwick: I think I have one of those
TXC2: seanmrwick no, given it was invented to play between sessions of D&D :p
seanmrwick: @Shadowsoflife you're not wrong, I think it makes it more interesting
seanmrwick: @TXC2 that actually makes a lot of sense
MilkInBags: adam can wake up at 6 am and go to the gym, it's fitting he has an energy deck
LRRbot: Drowner of Truth [5{G/U}{G/U}] (back: Drowned Jungle) | Creature — Eldrazi [7/6] | Devoid / When you cast this spell, if {C} was spent to cast it, create two 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature tokens with "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}."
Bugberry: I used Satya with a Pinnacle Monk to get back an Energy spell. it was crazy.
TXC2: and on Arena
Diabore: Nelly doesnt get tokens, no colourless spent
TXC2: like Omo :(
elias2718: what is making colorless?
Shadowsoflife: Satya has menace?
seanmrwick: which of the precon decks for EDSC is your favorite to play, @LoadingReadyRun ? Mine is Morksa because I can get a lot of tokens and create possibilities to make more than one version
Seth_Erickson: Ulalek good in draft as well
TXC2: Shadowsoflife sure does
Seth_Erickson: or sealed at least
Seth_Erickson: in my experience
Mr_Horrible: love to print "worse pillarfield ox" on a Modern Horizons set Kappa
Shadowsoflife: wild
tehfewl: i used omo to make one of my creatures into an elf so my priest could tap for 2 mana
Diabore: lrrJUDGE nelly shouldnt have tokens
the_phantom_game_player: I guess you're going to try to have an episode of EDSC or Friday Night Paper Fight when ever a new batch of precons come out?
Bugberry: I played Ulalek once. It was fine.
seanmrwick: @the_phantom_game_player I'm talking strictly EDSC
LRRbot: Scurry of Gremlins [2RW] | Enchantment | When Scurry of Gremlins enters the battlefield, create two 1/1 red Gremlin creature tokens. Then you get an amount of {E} equal to the number of creatures you control. / Pay {E}{E}{E}{E}: Creatures you control get +1/+0 and gain haste until end of turn.
Mr_Horrible: wait, that's Chat
ylegm: that's modern horizons for you
Mr_Bitterness: I know I enjoy eating artifacts and living off ambient aether
itsaysTRUENO: i prefer scurry of gremlins 2
BrookJustBones: Yeah, I don't think Nelly spent any colorless mana on the Drowner of Truth
KinkerbellRose: @itsaysTRUENO Electric Boogaloo?
Diabore: @loadingreadyrun nelly didnt spend colourless on the eldrazi so he shouldnt have tokens
goombalax: I've opened one (1) pack of MH3 and got Ulamog
seanmrwick: one deck I'm looking forward to playing a lot of is Kruphix
seanmrwick: especially when I can make my Kruphix deck into Simic artifacts
LRRbot: Eldrazi Skyspawner [2U] | Creature — Eldrazi Drone [2/1] | Devoid / Flying / When Eldrazi Skyspawner enters the battlefield, create a 1/1 colorless Eldrazi Scion creature token. It has "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}."
SmithKurosaki: @Dakota Sommer Generally they're not.
Dakota Sommer: I thought so, thank you for confirming. Just good vibes from the unknown then lol
LRRbot: Satya, Aetherflux Genius [1URW] | Legendary Creature — Human Artificer [3/5] | Menace, haste / Whenever Satya, Aetherflux Genius attacks, create a tapped and attacking token that's a copy of up to on…
SmithKurosaki: They do occassionally check in, but they're predominantly reading Twitch chat
LRRbot: Drowner of Truth [5{G/U}{G/U}] (back: Drowned Jungle) | Creature — Eldrazi [7/6] | Devoid / When you cast this spell, if {C} was spent to cast it, create two 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature toke…
LRRbot: Scurry of Gremlins [2RW] | Enchantment | When Scurry of Gremlins enters the battlefield, create two 1/1 red Gremlin creature tokens. Then you get an amount of {E} equal to the number of creatures you…
LRRbot: Eldrazi Skyspawner [2U] | Creature — Eldrazi Drone [2/1] | Devoid / Flying / When Eldrazi Skyspawner enters the battlefield, create a 1/1 colorless Eldrazi Scion creature token. It has "Sacrifice thi…
Seth_Erickson: Adam started with 11 energy and made 2 with the bugs so had 13 total
CrossXhunteR: this is a board state for Arena
Ard_Rhys: the gremlins end up as 5 power each
ylegm: I'm gonna go get a coffee
macintose: magic the counting-ing
Lobo_Apache: Is this what energy decks are like?
ylegm: *tugs at collar*
BeccaTingles: It's very relaxing to listen to, like a nerdy Shipping Forecast.
Seth_Erickson: I missed that satya gives two energy as well
coachNelly: this right now is the closest to winning a game of magic I’m gonna get rn
ylegm: nelly lol
coachNelly: like at least I can physically hear the cartoon circus brass instruments
jacqui_lantern234: @coachNelly oofa AND doofa, together at last
TK_Squared: I believe in you, Nelly.
ManWithTheMask13: @coachNelly crouching medium punch him while he's doing match
ylegm: hahaha
coachNelly: lol
RandomTrivia: @coachNelly HypeLUL
Sandeon: Lol, Nelly in the chat
ManWithTheMask13: sandblast
RandomTrivia: Adam must be minus so many frames while he's counting
CrossXhunteR: i was not told there would be math
chewie_the_familiar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months, currently on a 9 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chewie_the_familiar! (Today's storm count: 247)
LRRbot: Shadow of the Second Sun [4UU] | Enchantment — Aura | Enchant player / At the beginning of enchanted player's postcombat main phase, there is an additional beginning phase after this phase.
Jogela: @coachNelly Is this outside interference at this point? Kappa
couchboyj: Math is for attackers
BeccaTingles: @CrossXhunteR My current theory is that Magic is stealth algebra homework with pretty pictures
HorusFive: @CrossXhunteR MTG famously math-less game
Pywodwagon: giving Adam a machine gun is a recurring theme of the subathon
itbedefii: @BeccaTingles LUL
Bugberry: !card sphinx of the second sun
LRRbot: Sphinx of the Second Sun [6UU] | Creature — Sphinx [6/6] | Flying / At the beginning of your postcombat main phase, there is an additional beginning phase after this phase.
LRRbot: Invert Polarity [UUR] | Instant | Choose target spell, then flip a coin. If you win the flip, gain control of that spell and you may choose new targets for it. If you lose the flip, counter that spell.
carbonoid12: good thing nelly had those tokens he shouldn't have gotten. he might have lost without them. /s
BrookJustBones: I had it in a big eldrazi deck and it was great, It goes at the start of the post combat main phase, so you can cast sorcery speed twice a turn
CrossXhunteR: it sometimes says "you win the game"
RandomTrivia: Half the time it's Cancel. The other half it's Aethersnatch
Bugberry: Invert is either Cancel or cheaper Mind Control
Pywodwagon: heads I counter your one ring tails I get your one ring
couchboyj: Amulet is super good too
Ard_Rhys: amulet is great in the energy deck so I think Adam chose correctly
CrossXhunteR: there is no downside
Jigokuro: Winning the flip on a board wipe is moistS though
Pywodwagon: its a deeply unfun card
itsr67: :)
drrek0: Invert Polarity often is "flip a coin, if you win, win the game"
Bugberry: Some people like coin flipping.
LowUpsideCJ: Guess for game mtg
CrossXhunteR: and it even sometimes goes through "can't be countered"
seanmrwick: so Adam went 2-0?
Slyguy46: Hello Drs. LRR and chat. How goes the magic?
itsr67: Wizards has definitely gone down the path of "As long as the person who cast it is having fun"
Silver_Drgn: we are playing Hearthstone now
noSmokeFire: I'm amazed we haven't gotten a legend named Heehee HooHoo
niccus: it's a pokemon level power level card
itsaysTRUENO: coin flips in MTGA got me to quit the game. great job!
TXC2: He he hoo hoo stocks have never been higher
SeismicLawns: it's unfortunately very played in modern
Mr_Bitterness: That's how I feel about the d20 cards from teh D&D sets
Bugberry: @itsaysTRUENO what about them in paper magic?
TXC2: hello Slyguy46 welcome
CrossXhunteR: the card is nuts
Slyguy46: Enjoying the subathon on my birthday!
seanmrwick: btw, Graham's "Hearthstone" kind of game format sounds promising, but I think 100 cards would do better
mossknight497 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
mossknight497: Hooray 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mossknight497! (Today's storm count: 248)
HorusFive: Seems like a coin flip without a downside
Pywodwagon: Adam can I interest you in t1 blood moons in legacy
seanmrwick: instead of the usual 60 cards or packs
TXC2: Slyguy46 happy birthday
Bugberry: !card stitch in time
LRRbot: Stitch in Time [1UR] | Sorcery | Flip a coin. If you win the flip, take an extra turn after this one.
RandomTrivia: And then the boys come to *MY* yard instead of yours
AugmentingPath: Yeah, MH3 is... generously, controversial in its impact on constructed
Slyguy46: thank you
VelvetFalcon: @Slyguy46 Happy Birthday!
PawssumFable: Man I have to watch that movie
DarkNacht: That is how I feel about card draw in MtG.
GiraffeStache: Adam is 100% correct
seanmrwick: is Stitch in time Commander Legal?
Lobo_Apache: I've ran into it a few times and it really does that a feel bad for those it's against
CaptynByrd: Its a lot worse in formats that are mostly 1 drops
SmithKurosaki: hi nelly
LRRbot: Shadow of the Second Sun [4UU] | Enchantment — Aura | Enchant player / At the beginning of enchanted player's postcombat main phase, there is an additional beginning phase after this phase.
LRRbot: Invert Polarity [UUR] | Instant | Choose target spell, then flip a coin. If you win the flip, gain control of that spell and you may choose new targets for it. If you lose the flip, counter that spel…
Eepy Alice: "that heeheehoohoo value is through the roof" would make a good button
WizardDanceParty: I had my commander stolen with it in Brawl, can confirm, it was unfun
cmdrud87: quite lterally, heads win, tails you lose
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Sage0fMadness: @seanmrwick yes
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Dialtown w/ Kathleen & Jordynne at Fri 08:00 PM PDT (7:33 from now).
Bugberry: @seanmrwick it was in Guildpact. It's Modern legal.
itsaysTRUENO: @Mr_Bitterness 30 tokens created in one turn and i uninstalled lol
PawssumFable subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
PawssumFable: I need twitch to stop nagging me about my sub-iversary
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PawssumFable! (Today's storm count: 249)
IaCthulhuFthagn: I misread Invert Polarity at first as only working against noncreature spells, and in that scenario, it felt like a much more "fair" 2 for 1 if you won the flip. As is now, it's Fractured Identity for 3.
LordManiMani: Did you know that Reverse Polarity and Reverse the Polarity are two different cards separated by almost 30 years
IaCthulhuFthagn: @AugmentingPath Compared to MH2 it's still nothing :P
PawssumFable: Test
Bugberry: @itsaysTRUENO But those are in paper too.
carbonoid12: @PawssumFable pass
PawssumFable: I guess my lag was letting the tab in firefox go so long that the chat was all still in memory LUL
Juliamon: lmao
PawssumFable: I'm gonna have to refresh on breaks
Bugberry: @IaCthulhuFthagn how does being timing and coin flip reliant make it that?
bytecaster: @PawssumFable long loooooong chat
Grumpingtoon: Using Peanut Butter Cupquakes by Big Giant Circles as the Break music does not get old. Honestly. Could listen to it on repeat for another 10 minutes
PawssumFable: Yeah, I've had my PC on since the subathon started
PawssumFable: I've refreshed maybe twice
PawssumFable: I haven't always been at the desk, just letting twitch think there's an extra warm body watching though
TXC2: do people not turn their PC's off at night? :p
PawssumFable: Oh, I usually do.
macintose: not often
TXC2: (or whenever they sleep)
CaptainChibale: I put mine in sleep mode
SmithKurosaki: @TXC2 I'll often sleep desktops. Laptops I dont like leaving on
PawssumFable: Just letting myself stay in the viewers for twitch algorithms
foopoiuyt: Not during the subathon at least.
PawssumFable: "Oh look a popular stream" I hope it will say
Logan Uyeda: I got got by Invert multiple times in one draft event, hell of a card
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Bugberry The "bad feels" outcome is that. I'm not saying the card on average is that good.
TXC2: and we're back
mostly_minerals: katesCheer
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
MrSarkhan: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
Sibwow: kathleen tells her sotry!
PawssumFable: WOO
Mr_Bitterness: Finally, Kathleen's opinions
mostly_minerals: Finally!! katesHypers
beowuuf: we're so back! but also back
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
TXC2: FINALLY it's time for HER story!
Decaped: lrrWOW
bakerydragon: Get to the polls!
insanecat6mtg: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
marawr_arts: Cheer1000 lrrDARK
hvhTim: how far are we from the cap?
PawssumFable: So summer
colonelkreiner: Cheer110
PawssumFable: I might pizza tonight
TXC2: Kathleen tells her story from DB2017 is legit one of my top DB moments
Diabore: i imagine we're very close to cap
LowUpsideCJ: Roughly 12 hours off the cap i think?
foopoiuyt: Wait, do we get to watch you pelt him?
jchinnock: Dont forget about the money, money is good
PawssumFable: God everyone has such good shirts
42MiLLyWays: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
razorswift is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
razorswift gifted a Tier 1 sub to skwisgaarr!
razorswift gifted a Tier 1 sub to OhHeyItsThatOneGuy!
razorswift gifted a Tier 1 sub to migerh!
razorswift gifted a Tier 1 sub to bloondie555!
razorswift gifted a Tier 1 sub to splintrdrulr!
razorswift gifted a Tier 1 sub to LaMonastery!
razorswift gifted a Tier 1 sub to mrbimmler23!
razorswift gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rannock57!
razorswift gifted a Tier 1 sub to Daraky!
razorswift gifted a Tier 1 sub to SkaespearesBoys!
MilkInBags: someone gift 100 subs so we can discover if it's capped Kappa
Leonworth is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
Leonworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to thatglockguy!
Leonworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to gabigabibou!
Leonworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to dragonstech!
Leonworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to birbtribul!
Leonworth gifted a Tier 1 sub to zeepie!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, razorswift! Welcome to skwisgaarr, bloondie555, Rannock57, SkaespearesBoys, Daraky, OhHeyItsThatOneGuy, migerh, LaMonastery, splintrdrulr, and mrbimmler23! (Today's storm count: 259)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Leonworth! Welcome to dragonstech, birbtribul, zeepie, thatglockguy, and gabigabibou! (Today's storm count: 264)
manfred909: tqsClap
simply_shi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
simply_shi: My first sub baby!
TXC2: razorswift lrrHEART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, simply_shi! (Today's storm count: 265)
PawssumFable: So violent
beowuuf: the goal is to be here this time tomorrow rewarding most and punishing one
todeswillen: lrrWOW
TXC2: Leonworth lrrHEART
Koshindan: MTG with punch a bit boons and banes.
Sandeon: There's a reason her name is CAT-leen
MilkInBags: is this a cold brew from tim hortons
Desdae: I think it's only 7 hours as it's 22 hours until the scheduled finale?
dungeonmasteralek: !cheer145 bidness
beowuuf: o7
big_blue_man is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
big_blue_man gifted a Tier 1 sub to oneslimboi!
big_blue_man gifted a Tier 1 sub to carbonoid12!
big_blue_man gifted a Tier 1 sub to sorrow_of_aria!
big_blue_man gifted a Tier 1 sub to Reemertastic!
big_blue_man gifted a Tier 1 sub to Denis_Dobrolubov!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, big_blue_man! Welcome to oneslimboi, carbonoid12, sorrow_of_aria, Denis_Dobrolubov, and Reemertastic! (Today's storm count: 270)
hvhTim is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
hvhTim gifted a Tier 1 sub to ikanz_ygrathiszil!
hvhTim gifted a Tier 1 sub to Resinmancer!
hvhTim gifted a Tier 1 sub to lysozyme!
hvhTim gifted a Tier 1 sub to velvet_phoenix!
hvhTim gifted a Tier 1 sub to grahilah!
baltimore_667083: @MilkInBags no this is Patrick
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, hvhTim! Welcome to ikanz_ygrathiszil, lysozyme, velvet_phoenix, grahilah, and Resinmancer! (Today's storm count: 275)
Juliamon: !cheer
LRRbot: Remember, in order to cheer you need to type "Cheer#" with no ! in front.
TXC2: big_blue_man lrrHEART
CrossXhunteR: this reminds me that i need to bring a coaster to my office
geckoinasuit: i would also like coffee please mail me some
TXC2: hvhTim welcome
TXC2: hvhTim lrrHEART
Didero: Brave of them to put the coffee so close to the table edge
TXC2: :p
sorrow_of_aria: @big_blue_man Thanks for the gift sub!
ClockTamer: watching Ben mix his drink was soooo satisfying
dungeonmasteralek: Cheer145 Bidness
vinewood_og: She throws it down, and she picks it back up! And she throws it down, and she picks it back up!
clarinetman: I am impressed that all LRR memebers dont spill drinks all the time. I know I would
TXC2: that's twice I've made that mistake now :p
lysozyme: @hvhTim Thanks for the gift sub!
jolly6100: Cheer160 lrrSHINE
hvhTim: might as well get those 12 hours during this match
Oecking subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Oecking: 43 Months?That's almost a year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Oecking! (Today's storm count: 276)
PawssumFable: @ClockTamer I should start a tiktok that's just me shaking drinks together like that
dm818: The invert polarity still on the card reader is menacing
Robot_Bones: Spending the ppr thanking a weeks worth of subs
LRRbot: Nightshade Dryad [1G] | Creature — Dryad [1/2] | Deathtouch / {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add one mana of any color.
MrSarkhan: LUL
0011110000110011: LUL
gualdhar: Kathleen literally can't get away with it, she's being recorded
mostly_minerals: Just a lil guy
Juliamon: btw shoutout to Paul for deftly incorporating the timer into the top-down overlay!
TXC2: ^
LRRbot: Accursed Marauder [1B] | Creature — Zombie Warrior [2/1] | When Accursed Marauder enters the battlefield, each player sacrifices a nontoken creature.
incslayer: LRR the only place where Ben would qualify as the "widdle" guy
AugmentingPath: Graham at the harvest festival, praying to Demeter: "Can you adjust our crop slightly?"
LowUpsideCJ: Love the eldraine lands
singinnonsense: marauding the dryad
fiftymcnasty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: The Creation of Avacyn [1BB] | Enchantment — Saga | I — Search your library for a card, exile it face down, then shuffle. / II — Turn the exiled card face up. If it's a creature card, you lose life equal to its mana value. / III — You may put the exiled card onto the battlefield if it's a creature card. If you don't put it onto the battlefield, put it into its owner's hand.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fiftymcnasty! (Today's storm count: 277)
couchboyj: Knife the Nymph?
Juliamon: big-winged goth gf
bytecaster: Knife the Knymph
cmdrud87: three turns for a tutor seems... slow
McMenno: this card is mid
LordManiMani: What weird design
todeswillen: Goth GF will by made
TXC2: cmdrud87 it sure is
JRandomHacker: Fun fact: if you grab Ulamog, the Defiler, it will see _itself_ enter from exile and come in as a 17/17 with Annihilator 10
JRandomHacker: Also you'll take 10
cmdrud87: @JRandomHacker lifee is a resource
seinka: Little bog witch
LRRbot: Eldrazi Repurposer [2G] | Creature — Eldrazi Drone [3/3] | Devoid / When you cast this spell and when Eldrazi Repurposer dies, create a 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature token with "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}."
LRRbot: Nightshade Dryad [1G] | Creature — Dryad [1/2] | Deathtouch / {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add one mana of any color.
LRRbot: Accursed Marauder [1B] | Creature — Zombie Warrior [2/1] | When Accursed Marauder enters the battlefield, each player sacrifices a nontoken creature.
LRRbot: The Creation of Avacyn [1BB] | Enchantment — Saga | I — Search your library for a card, exile it face down, then shuffle. / II — Turn the exiled card face up. If it's a creature card, you lose life e…
LRRbot: Eldrazi Repurposer [2G] | Creature — Eldrazi Drone [3/3] | Devoid / When you cast this spell and when Eldrazi Repurposer dies, create a 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature token with "Sacrifice this…
PawssumFable: Little witch certainly
JRandomHacker: @cmdrud87 I've won every game of limited I've done this in (which is surprisingly many)
JPedro_o_Recruta: Is this a draft?[
todeswillen: Nudel Boy
TXC2: LRR's Lil'st rascal
LRRbot: Emperor of Bones [1B] | Creature — Skeleton Noble [2/2] | At the beginning of combat on your turn, exile up to one target card from a graveyard. / {1}{B}: Adapt 2. / Whenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Emperor of Bones, put a creature card exiled with Emperor of Bones onto the battlefield under your control with a finality counter on it. It gains haste. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step.
PawssumFable: But like in a good way
Austere_Squire: small menace
macintose: bone daddy
Sandeon: Bone Emp
LRRbot: Seething Landscape | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}, Sacrifice Seething Landscape: Search your library for a basic Island, Swamp, or Mountain card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / Cycling {U}{B}{R}
CrossXhunteR: need an alter
Juliamon: JPedro_o_Recruta Yep
LRRbot: Deem Inferior [3U] | Sorcery | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each card you've drawn this turn. / The owner of target nonland permanent puts it into their library second from the top or on the bottom.
youcantlistentobuttons subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
youcantlistentobuttons: Watching for long, subbing for not quite so, but ENJOYING IT ALL
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, youcantlistentobuttons! (Today's storm count: 278)
schordash: SeemsGood81 ooowei~
TXC2: Ben bringing in a ringer
hatboozeparty: lrrJUDGE
Sandeon: Ben taking advantage of James' skills
MTGRanger: Oh I like Kathleen in the corner
cmdrud87: ben looks... different
gualdhar: James has two jobs, Project Manager and drawing lands
0011110000110011: LUL
HorusFive: lrrJUDGECALL
seinka: Wow ben's hair got much darker all of a sudden
LordManiMani: Is this an Un draft
Chaotically_Random: Ben looks an awfully like James
cmdrud87: tbf, drawing a couple land isn't the worst here
incslayer: lol
malsareus: The James tech never fails
TXC2: James used his powers for good!
AugmentingPath: LordManiMani MH3
Krektogar: Ben actively gaming the James curse
Elboron_Sr: Greetings and salutations all!
JKBalch: I can't believe that worked
NapalmSideburns: James is such a good friend for drawing Ben a land
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: performance enhancing hijinks
MTGRanger: but now he's touched the cards, does the James Curse remain?
todeswillen: James is a Wizard
oastrtoastr: Would malding landscape be mardu?
Dromos_GHG: Judge A James was used!
Sandeon: I was half expecting James to come to the table with a pen and paper and start drawing a landscape
PawssumFable: I'm tired and I've just been watching 90% of the subathon
singinnonsense: was the movie any good ?
Nommii77: Cheer400
finestotter: I choose to believe that James changed the card on the top of the deck
finestotter: With his aura
BrowneePoints: It meandered...a lot
Juliamon: It raised many questions
LRRbot: Six [2G] | Legendary Creature — Treefolk [2/4] | Reach / Whenever Six attacks, mill three cards. You may put a land card from among them into your hand. / As long as it's your turn, nonland permanent cards in your graveyard have retrace.
DiscordianTokkan: They fundamentally forgot that Garlic can GROW
BrowneePoints: but it was a heck of an attempt to adapt that book in 1964
PawssumFable: It was a movie you should watch while very stoned with your friends
RandomTrivia: Graham, you're allowed to say it was a bad movie
ShaneLeeAtk: It was no The Omega Man
youcantlistentobuttons: But VINCENT PRICE!
vinewood_og: That was an absolute blast I was up way too late!
NonUniqueGuy: Do any of the problems with the movie involve trunks?
jjcard: I've now seen all 3 films based off I Am Legend
Robot_Bones: DM I do that
TXC2: what was the movie?
Juliamon: TXC2 The Last Man on Earth
NonUniqueGuy: The Last Man On Earth
vinewood_og: The Last Man on Earth
PawssumFable: Not even Vincent Price could make that movie good.
LRRbot: Emperor of Bones [1B] | Creature — Skeleton Noble [2/2] | At the beginning of combat on your turn, exile up to one target card from a graveyard. / {1}{B}: Adapt 2. / Whenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Emperor of Bones, put a creature card exiled with Emperor of Bones onto the battlefield under your control with a finality counter on it. It gains haste. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step.
TXC2: Juliamon ooh interesting
AugmentingPath: TXC2 Vincent Price as Will Smith in Omega Man
RandomTrivia: That is VERY shiny :D
TXC2: thanks chat
Juliamon: aka Vincent Price Can't Physically Act
todeswillen: i asum it is not Legal too let somwane els draw your Card right?
LRRbot: Utter Insignificance [1U] | Enchantment — Aura | Flash / Enchant creature / Enchanted creature loses all abilities and has base power and toughness 1/1. / {2}{C}: Exile enchanted creature.
PawssumFable: You gotta watch it and try to figure out the eldritch secret of why he can't close anything
AugmentingPath: 6 is no longer a significant digit
Invitare: Six is now zero
youcantlistentobuttons: Vincent Price is that classic actor that looking back just wonderfully overacts everthing.
PawssumFable: Doors, trunks
PawssumFable: What else?
LRRbot: Accursed Marauder [1B] | Creature — Zombie Warrior [2/1] | When Accursed Marauder enters the battlefield, each player sacrifices a nontoken creature.
LadyLockwood92: Fun fact, Vincent Price was bisexual~
Pywodwagon: exiled
Bugberry: Dryad is exiled
Commander_Taz: is emperor adapt 2?
todeswillen: Exile
PawssumFable: @LadyLockwood92 Checks out
McMenno: adapt 2
jchinnock: feels good when you adapt your bones in the morning
AugmentingPath: Bones is a 4/4
pete_haderlein: a fine move lrrGRAHAM
todeswillen: Adapt 2
lordofkatz: The bones should be bigger
LRRbot: Crabomination [4BB] | Creature — Crab Demon [5/5] | Emerge from artifact {5}{B}{B} / When Crabomination enters the battlefield, target opponent exiles the top card of their library, a card at random from their graveyard, and a card at random from their hand. You may cast a spell from among cards exiled this way without paying its mana cost.
HorusFive: lrrCrab
RandomTrivia: lrrCrab
LRRbot: Emperor of Bones [1B] | Creature — Skeleton Noble [2/2] | At the beginning of combat on your turn, exile up to one target card from a graveyard. / {1}{B}: Adapt 2. / Whenever one or more +1/+1 counte…
LRRbot: Seething Landscape | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}, Sacrifice Seething Landscape: Search your library for a basic Island, Swamp, or Mountain card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / Cyc…
LRRbot: Deem Inferior [3U] | Sorcery | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each card you've drawn this turn. / The owner of target nonland permanent puts it into their library second from the top or on the…
LRRbot: Six [2G] | Legendary Creature — Treefolk [2/4] | Reach / Whenever Six attacks, mill three cards. You may put a land card from among them into your hand. / As long as it's your turn, nonland permanent…
LRRbot: Emperor of Bones [1B] | Creature — Skeleton Noble [2/2] | At the beginning of combat on your turn, exile up to one target card from a graveyard. / {1}{B}: Adapt 2. / Whenever one or more +1/+1 counte…
LRRbot: Utter Insignificance [1U] | Enchantment — Aura | Flash / Enchant creature / Enchanted creature loses all abilities and has base power and toughness 1/1. / {2}{C}: Exile enchanted creature.
LRRbot: Accursed Marauder [1B] | Creature — Zombie Warrior [2/1] | When Accursed Marauder enters the battlefield, each player sacrifices a nontoken creature.
LRRbot: Crabomination [4BB] | Creature — Crab Demon [5/5] | Emerge from artifact {5}{B}{B} / When Crabomination enters the battlefield, target opponent exiles the top card of their library, a card at random …
pete_haderlein: lrrCrab
lordofkatz: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
TXC2: !crab
LRRbot: 🦀🦀🦀 On a crab note... 🦀🦀🦀
Sage0fMadness: lrrSPOOPY
lightfut: Crabomina doot doo doo doo doo
bytecaster: Someone once cast an Ulamog from my hand that I could have cast next turn.
Lobo_Apache: That crab is so good
superdude097: Is Emperor of Bones Adapt 1 or 2? If 2 it should have 2 counters
bakerydragon: Crabomination sounds like such an Un-set card
Bugberry: Bones is a 4/4
TallynNyntyg: Gonna do a draft tonight at FNM, and I'd like some advice - how do I determine if a card is a bomb or a dud?
TXC2: I can, but only because he didn't know it was smuty
Juliamon: see, I *CAN* believe he made it, because it's extremely in-character for him to not know the actual origin
PawssumFable: I missed the joke
missa_hancock: aww I missed the rude serge joke
superdude097: !card Emperor of Bones
LRRbot: Emperor of Bones [1B] | Creature — Skeleton Noble [2/2] | At the beginning of combat on your turn, exile up to one target card from a graveyard. / {1}{B}: Adapt 2. / Whenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Emperor of Bones, put a creature card exiled with Emperor of Bones onto the battlefield under your control with a finality counter on it. It gains haste. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step.
bakerydragon: @Juliamon I'm almost scared to ask what the joke was 😅
superdude097: Yeah, Emperor of Bones should have 2 counters
Juliamon: (for those who missed it, he made a "she x on my y" joke)
vinewood_og: Busted!
Silver_Drgn: 3/3, 4/4, and a 5/5
EOstby: Quick, Kathleen, claim that you're in blockers step.
bakerydragon: @Juliamon lrrSPOOP
McMenno: they fixed it let's go
TallynNyntyg: I love the live Kathleen reaction in the bottom-left corner.
LRRbot: Wumpus Aberration [3G] | Creature — Eldrazi Beast [6/6] | Devoid / When you cast this spell, if {C} wasn't spent to cast it, target opponent may put a creature card from their hand onto the battlefield. / Trample
RandomTrivia: Wumpus isn't so lonely now!
FixTheJames: Ben getting Wumpy with it.
LordShadner: also should the bones exile another card? doesn't say may
singinnonsense: wumpus has trampus
bakerydragon: Thank you for explaining and I do appreciate the continuation of the "Team - Cinnamon Roll and the Guy Who Explains things to Him" from the mid year quiz
Juliamon: Hello, I'm Wumpus
LordShadner: missed the up to
TXC2: I'd looked up what a wumpus is, turns out it's not real, and neither is the Wampus :p
RandomTrivia: Wait
RevolverRossalot: Big wumpies got tromple?!
SeismicLawns: mid-year-mid-quiz
TallynNyntyg: Fun fact: in Tabletop Simulator, if you type in "Trample" it gets censored.
TXC2: the big Ohio Rizz quiz
RayFK: DB's Nuts
ylegm: I'd recommend adding that to the quote database
Sage0fMadness: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
BrowneePoints: LOL you love each other and appreciate each other! Groosssss browne26PearPride
jchinnock: youll also be unrelenting
SenshiSun gifted a Tier 1 sub to afsketch!
SenshiSun gifted a Tier 1 sub to neekstock!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, neekstock! (Today's storm count: 279)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, afsketch! (Today's storm count: 280)
SenshiSun is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 12 in the channel!
LRRbot: The Hunger Tide Rises [2G] | Enchantment — Saga | I, II, III — Create a 1/1 black and green Insect creature token. / IV — Sacrifice any number of creatures. Search your library and/or graveyard for a creature card with mana value less than or equal to the number of creatures sacrificed this way and put it onto the battlefield. If you search your library this way, shuffle.
mwlsn: unstoppable, or irrepressible, unrestrained, exuberant, uncontrollable...
DeathThirtyOne: ok I'm old, why did my state become slang for something?
Lobo_Apache: Honestly one of the big things that kept me coming back with the HUGE "I love my partner" energy between Kathleen and Graham. Then I stayed for the jokes and community
LoadingReadyRun: Thanks @SenshiSun!
epsilon_vee: unlike wumpty who presumably is real and can hurt you
Gadora: @TallynNyntyg And "Overpowered" gets rendered as "Ov***owered."
TXC2: DeathThirtyOne Ohio means mid, as in middling, not good nor bad
Juliamon: DeathThirtyOne It's slang for 'extremely average'
pyrock_mania: Grathleen are a killer comedy team for sure, always love watching them play off eathother.
mwlsn: ^
gnomebot1: Do you have any Dice Friends things happening soon? I would love to see Jacob run Exalted.
TallynNyntyg: @Gadora WTF is "erp"?
jjcard: as a weeb, when I hear "ohio" I just think "good morning"
bakerydragon: @TXC2 Playing a travel game of Name an animal for each letter of the alphabet. I was doing great then we got to R and I said Rootwall. Then devastated later to realise I was just remembering the magic card basking Rootwalla and it's not a real thing ¬.¬
TehAmelie: i liked "medicore" personally. that exclamation was very clear in its intentions
jchinnock: Probably about food or sleep
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Lysander_salamander: egad
0011110000110011: LUL
EmmaPartlow: Probably thinking about the Paris 2024 Olympics logo
Metric_Furlong: Graham "gaping maw" Stark
drewm1022: What has been seen cannot be unseen.
LRRbot: Wumpus Aberration [3G] | Creature — Eldrazi Beast [6/6] | Devoid / When you cast this spell, if {C} wasn't spent to cast it, target opponent may put a creature card from their hand onto the battlefie…
LRRbot: The Hunger Tide Rises [2G] | Enchantment — Saga | I, II, III — Create a 1/1 black and green Insect creature token. / IV — Sacrifice any number of creatures. Search your library and/or graveyard for a…
Shadowsoflife: @jjcard as a weeb who lives in ohio same
DeathThirtyOne subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
DeathThirtyOne: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DeathThirtyOne! (Today's storm count: 281)
TXC2: bakerydragon oh no
macintose: sometimes
LRRbot: Hydroelectric Specimen [2U] (back: Hydroelectric Laboratory) | Creature — Weird [1/4] | Flash / When Hydroelectric Specimen enters the battlefield, you may change the target of target instant or sorcery spell with a single target to Hydroelectric Specimen.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, SenshiSun! Welcome to all 2 recipients! (Today's storm count: 281)
jchinnock: Kathleen is feeling it today lol
Juliamon: huh, that's weird
LoadingReadyRun: Did the notifier just say someone gifted 0 subs?
TXC2: oh shit the Olympics are next week
EmmaPartlow: Yeah they are @TXC2 Can't wait :D
Gadora: @TallynNyntyg Not something I'm going into here. Just agreement that the Tabletop Simulator censorship is a bit absurd.
DeathThirtyOne: huh
Shadowsoflife: really? @TXC2
Snouut: I gift 0 subs all the time
drewm1022: Here I got this for you.
AshcopseDryad: i saw it too
Snouut: like 24/7
DeathThirtyOne: we overflowed the notifier I guess
NonUniqueGuy: It never mentions when I gift 0 subs.
Thisbymaster: How is everyone not always doing that?
Juliamon: LoadingReadyRun The notifications were rearranged so it displayed weird
TXC2: Shadowsoflife so says wikipedia :p
dungeonmasteralek: You're welcome
Shadowsoflife: Neat
Juliamon: The gifts went out before the notification that the subs were being gifted.
TallynNyntyg: Someone went, "You get NOTHING! Good day, sir!"
clamml: Bayle is laughing at you still today just to let you know
drewm1022: I SAID GOOD DAY SIR.
Juliamon: it's SUPPOSED to go the other way around, but today's a weird tech day
DeathThirtyOne gifted a Tier 1 sub to epsilon_vee! They have given 11 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, epsilon_vee! (Today's storm count: 282)
LRRbot: Gift of the Viper [G] | Instant | Put a +1/+1 counter, a reach counter, and a deathtouch counter on target creature. Untap it.
TXC2: Strong day 4 of 5 energy with all the tech :p
BrowneePoints: Dang Graham hit us with the whole Chamberlain
Chartle: reach also
DeathThirtyOne: worked that time joovToddVault
superdude097: Ooze goes to Ben's GY
Sandeon: wrong graveyard!
LRRbot: Toxic Deluge [2B] | Sorcery | As an additional cost to cast this spell, pay X life. / All creatures get −X/−X until end of turn.
TXC2: bloorf
Diabore: fuuuuuu
couchboyj: Toxic, the Loogie
TallynNyntyg: Heh, toxic Day-luge.
Thisbymaster: the board state!
Sandeon: That's really toxic Graham
TallynNyntyg: Only happens for a day.
LRRbot: Collective Resistance [1G] | Instant | Escalate {G} / Choose one or more — / • Destroy target artifact. / • Destroy target enchantment. / • Target creature gains hexproof and indestructible until end of turn.
couchboyj: Ya know that he's toxic
Diabore: the problem stays around
tomnar: cant the aura exile?
chaostreader: couldn’t Graham have exiled in response?
Sandeon: doesn't the weird get sacc'd?
Diabore: @tomnar for colourless
LRRbot: Utter Insignificance [1U] | Enchantment — Aura | Flash / Enchant creature / Enchanted creature loses all abilities and has base power and toughness 1/1. / {2}{C}: Exile enchanted creature.
LRRbot: Hydroelectric Specimen [2U] (back: Hydroelectric Laboratory) | Creature — Weird [1/4] | Flash / When Hydroelectric Specimen enters the battlefield, you may change the target of target instant or sorc…
LRRbot: Gift of the Viper [G] | Instant | Put a +1/+1 counter, a reach counter, and a deathtouch counter on target creature. Untap it.
Boomy Toadsmasher: lrr bot got them zoomies
LRRbot: Toxic Deluge [2B] | Sorcery | As an additional cost to cast this spell, pay X life. / All creatures get −X/−X until end of turn.
SmithKurosaki: yuip
LRRbot: Collective Resistance [1G] | Instant | Escalate {G} / Choose one or more — / • Destroy target artifact. / • Destroy target enchantment. / • Target creature gains hexproof and indestructible until end…
LRRbot: Utter Insignificance [1U] | Enchantment — Aura | Flash / Enchant creature / Enchanted creature loses all abilities and has base power and toughness 1/1. / {2}{C}: Exile enchanted creature.
tomnar: ah, thanks! :)
noSmokeFire: *quietly* "insignificance..."
TXC2: I swear to the Gods Village rites was 2 mana :p
Desdae: weird gets sacced to the bones ability
Sandeon: (exiled from finality)
EmmaPartlow: it's the final countdown
hvhTim: shout out to infinitokens
RevolverRossalot: Big Crablem
TXC2: "The Crab is the bigger problem" as it usually is
seinka: Refill implies using up the old ones. I assume someone was eating them?
RandomTrivia: lrrDARK HypeLUL
Mangledpixel: does Chessex still have that website that hasn't changed since the 90s?
TempestTcgOfficial: First time checking out LLR live. Ben gets blown out, Graham gets checked by chat. This is the true experience! haha.
hvhTim: @Mangledpixel yes
LithelyUnshod: I've bought from The Dice Shop!. I wanted more D6 and D4 to match my polyhedreal set
TXC2: hello TempestTcgOfficial welcome
JandAKgaming: we have very little time for crab
RandomTrivia: oh no
Mr_Horrible: it's the opposite (roughly) of Wrenn & Six's retrace ultiimate
JandAKgaming: Six is awesome but you have to build right for it :)
bjergmann101: That feeling you get when you actual read the card
DMGlol: nonland permanents are still pretty good
Mr_Horrible: which only affects your instants and sorceries
Desdae: Six is great! If you can draw lands...
LRRbot: Drownyard Lurker [7] | Creature — Eldrazi Trilobite [7/7] | Vigilance / When you cast or cycle Drownyard Lurker, create a 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature token with "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}." / Cycling {2}{U}
RandomTrivia: How's that "lots of life" looking now :D
Mr_Horrible: Eldroizi Spoin
LRRbot: Eviscerator's Insight [1B] | Instant | As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice an artifact or creature. / Draw two cards. / Flashback {4}{B}
Lobo_Apache: Still would
Mr_Horrible: I like to think they make a cartoon slide-whistle noise
Sandeon: its a trilobite. Mixed with an existential horror from beyond reality
Mangledpixel: I think they make noises that are both dry and wet at the same time
MDK_Marshal: None creatures, left beef
RandomTrivia: Wraths are good in limited
LordZarano: They even have fancy full sets in the jumbo size, like this:
couchboyj: I would assume the squelching continues through life
ladyjessica: oh wow. I need some evicerator’s insights for my decks.
Sandeon: The boar could have lived if Ben had given it indestructible, because it died from having damage on it
JandAKgaming: my favorite crab moment was stealing a Copycrook and making a second crab :D
drewm1022: Also kinda depends on how much self-targetting you have already.
ladyjessica is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
ladyjessica gifted a Tier 1 sub to holysnapx!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, ladyjessica! Welcome to holysnapx! (Today's storm count: 283)
bytecaster: To Nadu or to Nadont
RandomTrivia: It's a 3/4 flyer
Mr_Horrible: love that it's a 3/4 flier for 3 with all that
TXC2: Nadu is a 3/4 flyer for 3 for some Godless reason
lirazel64 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 220 in the channel!
lirazel64 gifted a Tier 1 sub to thefightnerd!
lirazel64 gifted a Tier 1 sub to final_diana!
lirazel64 gifted a Tier 1 sub to binkzz85!
lirazel64 gifted a Tier 1 sub to brinbrinbrin123!
lirazel64 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Blythewyn!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, lirazel64! Welcome to final_diana, thefightnerd, brinbrinbrin123, Blythewyn, and binkzz85! (Today's storm count: 288)
Lobo_Apache: Love the crisp deck cutting
TXC2: lirazel64 lrrHEART
Sandeon: 3 mana 3/4 Flying that at worst draws you a card when it eats a removal spell
LoadingReadyRun: @lirazel64 Thanks!!!
Mr_Horrible: Nadu really said "*and* a bag of chips thank you very much"
RandomTrivia: Yes, marginally
LoadingReadyRun: @ladyjessica Thanks!
noSmokeFire: Nadu passes the vanilla test, the french vanilla test, and the banana sundae test
Metric_Furlong: in limited: yes. in constructed: no
couchboyj: 3/4 flier for 3 that replaces himself if removed is the absolute floor, and thats still busted, yeah
final_diana: @lirazel64 Thanks for the gift sub!
Mr_Horrible: if you made the "twice a turn" GLOBAL
Mr_Horrible: it'd be fine
RandomTrivia: You can make it once per turn, you can make the lands enter tapped, you can make it twice per turn across your entire board
CrossXhunteR: ive heard someone say the quotation mark moving makes the rules text not work, but i am unsure of why they think that breaks the text
Mr_Horrible: "twice per turn per creature" is effectively a non-limit
LowUpsideCJ: He'd die to much more removal at 2 toughness at least
Ard_Rhys: Nadu's stats don't matter that much. Making it one more mana would help a bit, but not fix it.
LRRbot: Drownyard Lurker [7] | Creature — Eldrazi Trilobite [7/7] | Vigilance / When you cast or cycle Drownyard Lurker, create a 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature token with "Sacrifice this creature: Add…
LRRbot: Eviscerator's Insight [1B] | Instant | As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice an artifact or creature. / Draw two cards. / Flashback {4}{B}
Rogue 7: None creature left beef
Rogue 7: And Graham is like "Nah, dude."
bakerydragon: also the lands being untapped is WILD
Mr_Horrible: it literally just stops it from *trivially* go infinite, instead it just *easily* goes infinite
JandAKgaming: being 3 toughness would mean the lightning and -3/-3 spells can kill it, big diff in limited at least
RandomTrivia: It blocks DRC for free is an extra bonus knife twist
drrek0: There were like half a dozen safety levers they could have used on Nadu and they used none of them
Mr_Horrible: @bakerydragon it's so bad that I forgot about this part LUL
LRRbot: Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student [U] (back: Tamiyo, Seasoned Scholar) | Legendary Creature — Moonfolk Wizard [0/3] | Flying / Whenever Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student attacks, investigate. / When you draw your third card in a turn, exile Tamiyo, then return her to the battlefield transformed under her owner's control.
RandomTrivia: OOF
thewafflesareburning: Can't bolt this bird
Mr_Horrible: Graham's just playing the hits
RandomTrivia: Geez, Graham, this draft is absurd
LRRbot: Accursed Marauder [1B] | Creature — Zombie Warrior [2/1] | When Accursed Marauder enters the battlefield, each player sacrifices a nontoken creature.
Diabore: jesus graham your deck is cracked
abslomdaak42: Oh my...
loufghyslaufey: You could just petition that in house rules or kitchen tables or... Play arbitrarily anything else??
RandomTrivia: Tamiyon't
AugmentingPath: When Ben said "all right I can see" I thought the next thing we was going to say was "d"
couchboyj: Tami-nope
drewm1022: Tamiyohcrap.
TXC2: Big Mood there Kathleen
LRRbot: Seething Landscape | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}, Sacrifice Seething Landscape: Search your library for a basic Island, Swamp, or Mountain card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / Cycling {U}{B}{R}
LadyLockwood92: Oof.
goldengraham13 converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub!
RandomTrivia: Thanks Serge :D
loufghyslaufey: What? The audacity-
LRRbot: Expanding Ooze [1BG] | Creature — Ooze [3/3] | {B}{G}: Adapt 1. / Whenever Expanding Ooze attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target modified creature you control.
MrSarkhan: sergeHeart sergeHeart
ladyjessica: I’m glad that some magic content is still enjoyable for me, but this year’s releases have just been less than great for my mental state and enjoyment of the game.
Laurence72: Tami-oh-I'm-so-sorry-what-WoTC-does-to-you
LRRbot: Hydroelectric Laboratory (front: Hydroelectric Specimen) | Land | As Hydroelectric Laboratory enters the battlefield, you may pay 3 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped. / {T}: Add {U}.
loufghyslaufey: Tamiyo may be nigh sufferable, but compared to a "Beleren-Walker?"
Sandeon: That's a Weird butt
LRRbot: Eldrazi Repurposer [2G] | Creature — Eldrazi Drone [3/3] | Devoid / When you cast this spell and when Eldrazi Repurposer dies, create a 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature token with "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}."
Mr_Horrible: "The Back Half of the Weird" was my nickname in uni
LRRbot: Quest for the Necropolis [B] | Enchantment | Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, put a quest counter on Quest for the Necropolis. / {5}{B}, Sacrifice Quest for the Necropolis: Put target creature card from a graveyard onto the battlefield under your control. This ability costs {1} less to activate for each quest counter on Quest for the Necropolis. Activate only as a sorcery.
Wolfy098: And removal?
googoltudoris: kathleen i see you entertaining yourself
LRRbot: Age-Graced Chapel (front: Glasswing Grace) | Land | Age-Graced Chapel enters the battlefield tapped. / {T}: Add {W} or {B}.
McMenno: not that great
TXC2: I miss quests
Omthebox: What great technology that just shoots the tokens onto the field from offscreen OpieOP
LRRbot: Glasswing Grace [3{W/B}{W/B}] (back: Age-Graced Chapel) | Enchantment — Aura | Enchant creature / Enchanted creature gets +2/+2 and has flying and lifelink.
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Wolfy098! They have given 90 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Wolfy098! (Today's storm count: 289)
IaCthulhuFthagn: "Grove" is misspelled in Ben's deck name Keepo
LRRbot: Old-Growth Grove (front: Revitalizing Repast) | Land | Old-Growth Grove enters the battlefield tapped. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
LRRbot: Arcbound Condor [2BB] | Artifact Creature — Bird [0/0] | Flying / Modular 3 / Whenever another artifact enters the battlefield under your control, target creature an opponent controls gets −1/−1 until end of turn.
kristian_fischer: Threedular
singinnonsense: mdfc festival over there
altcheese subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, altcheese! (Today's storm count: 290)
CodeIndigo: threes
LRRbot: Signature Slam [2G] | Instant | Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control, then each modified creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature you don't control.
JandAKgaming: aww not the pre-crab
CrossXhunteR: signature slam, some of the best art of the set
Sandeon: It needs that top rope to reach
couchboyj: The people's monkey elbow
LRRbot: Cursed Wombat [BG] | Creature — Nightmare Wombat [2/3] | {2}{B}{G}: Adapt 2. / Permanents you control have "Whenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on this permanent, put an additional +1/+1 counter on it. This ability triggers only once each turn."
kristian_fischer gifted a Tier 1 sub to CrossXhunteR! They have given 91 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CrossXhunteR! (Today's storm count: 291)
kristian_fischer: Nightmare Womblebat!
Chartle: this is also once per creature
lirazel64: Kathleen, Chaos Goblin, Embraces Order, film at 11.
Bugberry: Uncommon vs Mythic
drewm1022: Nope
RandomTrivia: !card rabid wombat
LRRbot: Rabid Wombat [2GG] | Creature — Wombat [0/1] | Vigilance / Rabid Wombat gets +2/+2 for each Aura attached to it.
cheshire_creeper: nope
drrek0: combat wombat!
CrossXhunteR: lrrSHINE
GredGredmansson: i want to say there's one other
finestotter: Never new repast is allowed in English until that magic card
Laurence72: Rabid Wombat from Legends
ttandmore: its the IBS womp womp
RandomTrivia: And also Surgeon General Commander
0011110000110011: this "once per turn" is also in the quotes
Chartle: surgeon general commander is also a wombat
LordManiMani: We haven't been to the Top Down Australia plane yet
drewm1022: Rabid Wombat eating the heck out of some popcorn since 1994.
Sandeon: It's a triggered ability instead of replacement effect, which also means they get an extra trigger if they have one from getting counters
Spectre97: This is also once per turn per creature yeah
Sandeon: Like Emperor of Bones
Bugberry: Feels Mythic
Chartle: Wombat Bat Chameleon
RandomTrivia: Wombat Bat Chameleon is among the best typelines in the game
baskwalla: Too many giant spiders
TallynNyntyg: Ikoria's the Australia plane.
GredGredmansson: !card didgeridoo
LRRbot: Didgeridoo [1] | Artifact | {3}: You may put a Minotaur permanent card from your hand onto the battlefield.
MacSquizzy: Is that not just Ikoria
couchboyj: The triumphant return of toxic
Bugberry: !card rabid wombat
LRRbot: Rabid Wombat [2GG] | Creature — Wombat [0/1] | Vigilance / Rabid Wombat gets +2/+2 for each Aura attached to it.
AttackCowboy: Top down design is bottom up in Australia
JRandomHacker: Just learned about him on Jet Lag
MacSquizzy: @AttackCowboy BOOM GOT EM
LordManiMani: @attackcowboy winner
LRRbot: Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student [U] (back: Tamiyo, Seasoned Scholar) | Legendary Creature — Moonfolk Wizard [0/3] | Flying / Whenever Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student attacks, investigate. / When you draw you…
LRRbot: Accursed Marauder [1B] | Creature — Zombie Warrior [2/1] | When Accursed Marauder enters the battlefield, each player sacrifices a nontoken creature.
LRRbot: Seething Landscape | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}, Sacrifice Seething Landscape: Search your library for a basic Island, Swamp, or Mountain card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / Cyc…
LRRbot: Expanding Ooze [1BG] | Creature — Ooze [3/3] | {B}{G}: Adapt 1. / Whenever Expanding Ooze attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target modified creature you control.
LRRbot: Hydroelectric Laboratory (front: Hydroelectric Specimen) | Land | As Hydroelectric Laboratory enters the battlefield, you may pay 3 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped. / {T}: Add {U…
LRRbot: Eldrazi Repurposer [2G] | Creature — Eldrazi Drone [3/3] | Devoid / When you cast this spell and when Eldrazi Repurposer dies, create a 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature token with "Sacrifice this…
LRRbot: Quest for the Necropolis [B] | Enchantment | Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, put a quest counter on Quest for the Necropolis. / {5}{B}, Sacrifice Quest for the N…
LRRbot: Age-Graced Chapel (front: Glasswing Grace) | Land | Age-Graced Chapel enters the battlefield tapped. / {T}: Add {W} or {B}.
LRRbot: Glasswing Grace [3{W/B}{W/B}] (back: Age-Graced Chapel) | Enchantment — Aura | Enchant creature / Enchanted creature gets +2/+2 and has flying and lifelink.
LRRbot: Old-Growth Grove (front: Revitalizing Repast) | Land | Old-Growth Grove enters the battlefield tapped. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
LRRbot: Arcbound Condor [2BB] | Artifact Creature — Bird [0/0] | Flying / Modular 3 / Whenever another artifact enters the battlefield under your control, target creature an opponent controls gets −1/−1 unti…
LRRbot: Signature Slam [2G] | Instant | Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control, then each modified creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature you don't control.
LRRbot: Cursed Wombat [BG] | Creature — Nightmare Wombat [2/3] | {2}{B}{G}: Adapt 2. / Permanents you control have "Whenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on this permanent, put an additional +1/+1 coun…
Rogue 7: A combat wombat?!
Dumori: Gon be a lot of Minitors if Digeridoos are there
LRRbot: Toxic Deluge [2B] | Sorcery | As an additional cost to cast this spell, pay X life. / All creatures get −X/−X until end of turn.
JandAKgaming: make a spawn
Chartle: new spawn
TallynNyntyg: I love Graham's deck name.
BrowneePoints: What if Angrath's Home Plane is just Australia
Omthebox: Swan stays. We keep friends
LRRbot: Drownyard Lurker [7] | Creature — Eldrazi Trilobite [7/7] | Vigilance / When you cast or cycle Drownyard Lurker, create a 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature token with "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}." / Cycling {2}{U}
RevolverRossalot: My toxic trait is wiping the board
LRRbot: Boggart Bog (front: Boggart Trawler) | Land | As Boggart Bog enters the battlefield, you may pay 3 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped. / {T}: Add {B}.
TallynNyntyg: @RevolverRossalot Mine is wiping the board, but without cards.
Bugberry: I wonder, with Nadu existing, if people will make less of the complaints about the "once per turn" trigger condition being on cards.
GredGredmansson: 2nd quest counter
EmmaPartlow: Landfall trigger!
Omthebox: Suspicious, Graham doesn't want to go to 4 for no reason
LRRbot: Fetid Gargantua [4B] | Creature — Horror [4/4] | {2}{B}: Adapt 2. / Whenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Fetid Gargantua, you may draw two cards. If you do, you lose 2 life.
Bugberry: It felt kind of ridiculous to see those complaints after people complained about every set having broken cards.
finestotter: !card quest for the necropolis
LRRbot: Quest for the Necropolis [B] | Enchantment | Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, put a quest counter on Quest for the Necropolis. / {5}{B}, Sacrifice Quest for the Necropolis: Put target creature card from a graveyard onto the battlefield under your control. This ability costs {1} less to activate for each quest counter on Quest for the Necropolis. Activate only as a sorcery.
RevolverRossalot: @tallynnyntyg you monster! (affectionate cadence)
LRRbot: Accursed Marauder [1B] | Creature — Zombie Warrior [2/1] | When Accursed Marauder enters the battlefield, each player sacrifices a nontoken creature.
LRRbot: Nightshade Dryad [1G] | Creature — Dryad [1/2] | Deathtouch / {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add one mana of any color.
LRRbot: Kami of Jealous Thirst [2B] | Creature — Spirit [1/3] | Deathtouch / {4}{B}: Each opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life. This ability costs {4}{B} less to activate if you've drawn three or more cards this turn. Activate only once each turn.
Sandeon: this is where a bounce land would be real handy
JandAKgaming: that dryad is so good, i could first pick it in a bad pack and feel good about it
incslayer: Praise Kathleen!
LRRbot: Sneaky Snacker [UB] | Creature — Faerie Rogue [2/1] | Flying / When you draw your third card in a turn, return Sneaky Snacker from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
abslomdaak42: Kathleen's praise kink be like
JandAKgaming: Judgeleen
LordManiMani: They say, of the Necropolis,
GreatSacrificer: She helps you draw 3 cards a turn
Chartle: !card Tamiyo seasoned scholar
LRRbot: Tamiyo, Seasoned Scholar (front: Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student) | Legendary Planeswalker — Tamiyo [2] | [+2]: Until your next turn, whenever a creature attacks you or a planeswalker you control, it gets −1/−0 until end of turn. / [−3]: Return target instant or sorcery card from your graveyard to your hand. If it's a green card, add one mana of any color. / [−7]: Draw cards equal to half the number of cards in your library, rounded up. You get an emblem with "You ha…
IaCthulhuFthagn: @LordManiMani ...where the Parthenon is?
LRRbot: Lethal Throwdown [B] | Sorcery | As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature or sacrifice a modified creature. / Destroy target creature or planeswalker. If the modified creature was sacrificed, draw a card.
RevolverRossalot: Tamiyo would eventually get back Toxic Deluge, enabling you to pay the rest of your life
LRRbot: Revitalizing Repast [{B/G}] (back: Old-Growth Grove) | Instant | Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. It gains indestructible until end of turn.
LordManiMani: @iacthulhufthagn I assume it belongs to Erebos
RevolverRossalot: Sublethal Throwdown
JandAKgaming: that was the WWE Lethal throwdown
LRRbot: Scurrilous Sentry [3B] | Creature — Human Knight Rogue [2/3] | Menace / Whenever Scurrilous Sentry enters the battlefield or attacks, it connives.
Sandeon: its a fairy, not a myr
yourgmjay: this has been a long game for how much aggro there has been.
Dog_of_Myth is gifting 4 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1530 in the channel!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Warpzonius!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to rowanviolet!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to effin_steffin41!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to wgoforth!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Dog_of_Myth! Welcome to Warpzonius, wgoforth, rowanviolet, and effin_steffin41! (Today's storm count: 295)
drewm1022: I think I saw that Sentry beating Graham up in Elden Ring last night.
CookieMom: Let me here you LONDON!
IaCthulhuFthagn: @LordManiMani I take it that was not the reference you were going for, then ^^
TallynNyntyg: The Wall.
TXC2: Dog_of_Myth lrrHEART
CookieMom: *hear
LRRbot: Toxic Deluge [2B] | Sorcery | As an additional cost to cast this spell, pay X life. / All creatures get −X/−X until end of turn.
LRRbot: Drownyard Lurker [7] | Creature — Eldrazi Trilobite [7/7] | Vigilance / When you cast or cycle Drownyard Lurker, create a 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature token with "Sacrifice this creature: Add…
LRRbot: Boggart Bog (front: Boggart Trawler) | Land | As Boggart Bog enters the battlefield, you may pay 3 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped. / {T}: Add {B}.
LRRbot: Fetid Gargantua [4B] | Creature — Horror [4/4] | {2}{B}: Adapt 2. / Whenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Fetid Gargantua, you may draw two cards. If you do, you lose 2 life.
LRRbot: Accursed Marauder [1B] | Creature — Zombie Warrior [2/1] | When Accursed Marauder enters the battlefield, each player sacrifices a nontoken creature.
LRRbot: Nightshade Dryad [1G] | Creature — Dryad [1/2] | Deathtouch / {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add one mana of any color.
LRRbot: Kami of Jealous Thirst [2B] | Creature — Spirit [1/3] | Deathtouch / {4}{B}: Each opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life. This ability costs {4}{B} less to activate if you've drawn three or more c…
LRRbot: Sneaky Snacker [UB] | Creature — Faerie Rogue [2/1] | Flying / When you draw your third card in a turn, return Sneaky Snacker from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
LRRbot: Lethal Throwdown [B] | Sorcery | As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature or sacrifice a modified creature. / Destroy target creature or planeswalker. If the modified creature w…
LRRbot: Revitalizing Repast [{B/G}] (back: Old-Growth Grove) | Instant | Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. It gains indestructible until end of turn.
LRRbot: Scurrilous Sentry [3B] | Creature — Human Knight Rogue [2/3] | Menace / Whenever Scurrilous Sentry enters the battlefield or attacks, it connives.
Dog_of_Myth: Got to get that number up
aitsu100: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
LordManiMani: @iacthulhufthagn oh no it absolutely is. I appreciate you 🤝
LRRbot: Six [2G] | Legendary Creature — Treefolk [2/4] | Reach / Whenever Six attacks, mill three cards. You may put a land card from among them into your hand. / As long as it's your turn, nonland permanent cards in your graveyard have retrace.
Earthenone: !quote 6
LRRbot: Quote #6: "My ears dissolve plastic." —Paul [2015-01-28]
Diabore: six is such a great card
Mr_Horrible: pay 3, play 6
IaCthulhuFthagn: @LordManiMani lrrSHINE
JandAKgaming: at least 2/4 adds up to 6
ralphthellama: o/
CrossXhunteR: secret reach
JandAKgaming: need the holo-bow
RandomTrivia: I feel this has plenty of use cases, you're welcome Chat
Wolfy098: Does Graham nor get 2 or did I miss it?
TXC2: SURPRISE Reach almost claimed yet another victim
EvilBadman: But what if innovative lrr button
Derekwillis: Six is just a cheaper giant spider with two beneficial abilities.
ADTalks: Yeah Graham should be at 9, Ben still at 18
Mr_Horrible: excellent work
lirazel64: @wolfy098 you missed it
Mr_Bitterness: ExcellentGif.gif
Diabore: is it time to get a little bow 3d printed?
bakerydragon: @RandomTrivia *chef kiss*
jacqui_lantern234: @RandomTrivia YEEEESSS 😈
0011110000110011: LUL
MTGRanger: @TXC2 every year more than 100 creatures die to surprise reach. But with your help, we can change that
Wolfy098: Thanks lirazel
IaCthulhuFthagn: I mean... there are people in chat who could 3D print transparent bows to overlay the cards...
ADTalks: He was at 7?
TXC2: MTGRanger :D
drewm1022: He was at 6.
l0gin4me: ifr total is correct
shadoefax subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shadoefax! (Today's storm count: 296)
l0gin4me: life*
EvilBadman: Chat, doing math:
Derekwillis: Don't gaslight the nice people chat.
ZealokBoi: he went to 7 after taking 6 from deluge
drewm1022: At least I can be correct some way.
RandomTrivia: One of us was correct - that means we're all correct! FBtouchdown
TXC2: yeah, that gif is gonna be ever green
RandomTrivia: @EvilBadman I think that's the record for fastest second use case :D
ZealokBoi: correct
EvilBadman: @RandomTrivia working as intended
public_key_reveal_party: ah, the creature of thesius
LRRbot: Gift of the Viper [G] | Instant | Put a +1/+1 counter, a reach counter, and a deathtouch counter on target creature. Untap it.
public_key_reveal_party: LUL
JRandomHacker: Thanks James
0011110000110011: LUL nice
LordManiMani: Yaaaay
Wolfy098: oof
RandomTrivia: JAMES YES
TXC2: when you think about it, Life is just ship of thesusing yourself
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
cheshire_creeper: sfdljsdfjsd
abslomdaak42: Beautiful
Mr_Bitterness: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Easilycrazyhat: Now just move it whenever he moves the card ;p
abslomdaak42: Just like Arena
MTGRanger: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
noSmokeFire: FBtouchdown
LordManiMani: lrrDILLY
Sandeon: We need one on the agent too tho
jacqui_lantern234: holy crap
ElementalAlchemist: thank you James
RandomTrivia: James, doing overlay shenanigans
charlietrotter123 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 44 in the channel!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SeriousTyroo!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to HammerTheWise!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to PoisonSerpent92!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bokara32!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to eikaeros!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ryuukihiro!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to fundamentull!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rosiedog88!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to m3talhe4d!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Brodins_Swoldier!
TXC2: Paul levels of Power from James there
DaSunao: FBtouchdown lrrBartleby
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, charlietrotter123! Welcome to SeriousTyroo, HammerTheWise, PoisonSerpent92, eikaeros, Ryuukihiro, fundamentull, Brodins_Swoldier, bokara32, rosiedog88, and m3talhe4d! (Today's storm count: 306)
GredGredmansson: We neeed another one for the thing Ben just Vipered
Pywodwagon: I am here
TXC2: charlietrotter123 lrrHEART
singinnonsense: lrrJAMES
HorusFive: lrrCOW
LRRbot: Amphibian Downpour [2U] | Enchantment — Aura | Flash / Storm / Enchant creature / Enchanted creature loses all abilities and is a blue Frog creature with base power and toughness 1/1.
Pywodwagon: never mind
JRandomHacker: Time for layers!
CrossXhunteR: storm count?
Flyingdelorion: lrrJUDGECALL
cmdrud87: G is just fibbin
NapalmSideburns: For what it's worth Kathleen, I immensely appreciate your chaos!
JandAKgaming: counters are unchanged
neveth: fraowg
AzaleaCloud: Hey gamers. What's going on here, MH3 draft?
abslomdaak42: Ooooooh I LOVE Amphibian Downpour
niccus: urborg and yavimaya should be full-on blingee effects
Gooseblast: Cool card!
ElementalAlchemist: That's a pretty cool card
JandAKgaming: No you have the Six Ben
JandAKgaming: :P
BrowneePoints: I DRINK it up!
Mr_Horrible: "Yeah no one else was in these colors" Kappa
cmdrud87: well, K, maybe, you should have pivoted
TXC2: Six, Rare
Y2A_Alkis: Couldn't afford Ben 10, eh?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TXC2: hello AzaleaCloud welcome
wastetalent: rascal
Mindfire13: Six and Rares
public_key_reveal_party: kathleen, continuing to help
LRRbot: Unfathomable Truths [4U] | Instant | Devoid / Draw three cards and create a 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature token with "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}."
MTGRanger: get the gif again!
Sandeon: again, CATleen
Austere_Squire: ben's the scrappy underdog and graham is the monopoly man
lirazel64: I've not seen the frog rain cast successfully before
schordash: LUL
50keyz: LUL
Mr_Horrible: I would simply fathom the truths
JandAKgaming: Grahams deck rules
LRRbot: Six [2G] | Legendary Creature — Treefolk [2/4] | Reach / Whenever Six attacks, mill three cards. You may put a land card from among them into your hand. / As long as it's your turn, nonland permanent…
LRRbot: Gift of the Viper [G] | Instant | Put a +1/+1 counter, a reach counter, and a deathtouch counter on target creature. Untap it.
LRRbot: Amphibian Downpour [2U] | Enchantment — Aura | Flash / Storm / Enchant creature / Enchanted creature loses all abilities and is a blue Frog creature with base power and toughness 1/1.
LRRbot: Unfathomable Truths [4U] | Instant | Devoid / Draw three cards and create a 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature token with "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}."
TXC2: Austere_Squire Uncle Pennybags
Desdae: As far as I can find, the ability counters will not give their abilities if abilities are removed by the aura
RevolverRossalot: I understood ability counters were in the same bucket as auras granting abilities. When they conflict we use timestamp to determine which "wins", so AmpDoen can trump an older ability counters.
AzaleaCloud: Graham clearly needs to change his deck name to There Will Be Blood.
LRRbot: Serum Visionary [2U] | Creature — Vedalken Wizard [2/2] | When Serum Visionary enters the battlefield, draw a card, then scry 2.
Mr_Bitterness: Fathoming the truths tends to make one go crazy
Diabore: @RevolverRossalot i dont know layers enough to dispute this
TallynNyntyg: I 20,000 Leagues my truths!
public_key_reveal_party: I like when they turn spells into weird guys
Boomyakalolo: my lgs did a chaos draft of 2 mh3 and 2 assassins creed packs to make it draftable
Leonhart321: How many fathoms are you on my dude? "Oh at least 40"
Boomyakalolo: was kinda fun
LRRbot: Corrupted Shapeshifter [3U] | Creature — Eldrazi Shapeshifter [*/*] | Devoid / As Corrupted Shapeshifter enters the battlefield, it becomes your choice of a 3/3 creature with flying, a 2/5 creature with vigilance, or a 0/12 creature with defender.
abslomdaak42: They're unfathomable TO YOU. I fathom them though.
Desdae: Ability counters are applied in time stamp order, so they are given by the counters then removed by the effect, I hope this helps in future games
TXC2: Graham "Dice toucher" Stark
TallynNyntyg: Ew, you guys still use fathoms? I prefer leagues or knots.
RandomTrivia: benginWat
JandAKgaming: "For determining the interaction of continuous effects, the timestamp of a keyword counter on an object is the most recent time that any counter was put on that object. Removing a keyword counter doesn't change the timestamp of any remaining counters."
Wolfy098: GG Ben
MadnessDreamer: sorry, this is from a couple minutes back, but wouldn’t the lose ability from the amphibian storm turn off the death touch counter because it was applied after?
RandomTrivia: lrrDARK
CrossXhunteR: it's the rascal
Austere_Squire: reminds me of serge's unreal OTJ pool
HorusFive: That's what happens when you play against the guy who makes the rules
TheWooglie: lrrDARK lrrWOW
RandomTrivia: benginHeart
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
public_key_reveal_party: we believe in you kathleen
Tevildo: !badadvice
LRRbot: Bake your sword into a loaf of french bread.
Sandeon: @LRRbot you're not getting me out of bed
Juliamon: it's OK, LRRbot's not your parental figure
Tevildo: Does anyone know how close we are to the cap?
popcatholic: @MadnessDreamer removing an ability takes abilities printed on the card - it wouldn't remove the counter
TXC2: less then 9 hours from the cap I think
kamkazi: did the lorcana drafting happen yet?
TXC2: kamkazi nope
TehAmelie: soo what's cookin? what IS a modern horizon?
malfnord: About 8.5
NekomimiNinja: DinoDance
Tevildo: !quote serge
LRRbot: Quote #8156: "The problem is you, James!" —Serge [2022-08-02]
TXC2: TehAmelie MTG set that adds cards directly into the format know as modern
LRRbot: Serum Visionary [2U] | Creature — Vedalken Wizard [2/2] | When Serum Visionary enters the battlefield, draw a card, then scry 2.
LRRbot: Corrupted Shapeshifter [3U] | Creature — Eldrazi Shapeshifter [*/*] | Devoid / As Corrupted Shapeshifter enters the battlefield, it becomes your choice of a 3/3 creature with flying, a 2/5 creature w…
RTwo28: !badadvice
LRRbot: Cheese. Cheese no snap.
Tevildo: !findquote draft
LRRbot: Quote #1882: "I hate when good people watch our draft." —James [2016-02-18]
TehAmelie: i do have a vague understanding that Modern is a big deal
Tevildo: !holes
LRRbot: Did somebody say holes??
Boomyakalolo: @TehAmelie it's one of the few surviving non commander formats
qrpth: !cardview yt off
Tevildo: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! The old man is enraged by your pleasantries.
qrpth: !cardview yt on
TXC2: really what we need is 7 year extended to come back
Catcard: hello, I have just re-arrived, what is up next? still MTG?
TehAmelie: !advice
LRRbot: Use counters.
Boomyakalolo: i mean with foundations it kinda close
TXC2: Catcard yeap still magic
TehAmelie: damn, that's almost useful
Tevildo: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a live cat
Catcard: thank uuuuuu @TXC2
Earthenone: !lorcana yen sid
LRRbot: Yen Sid - Powerful Sorcerer [2, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 ◊] | Storyborn, Hero, Sorcerer | TIMELY INTERVENTION When you play this character, if you have a character named Magic Broom in play, you may draw a card. / ARCANE STUDY While you have 2 or more Broom characters in play, this character gets +2 ◊.
Tevildo: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a silverfish!
TehAmelie: eeeeew
TXC2: looks like it's Serge Vs Kathleen with....Adam? as table friend
Boomyakalolo: Adam!!
KanisGamesTV subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
KanisGamesTV: i actually didnt know i had almost 2 years under my belt
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KanisGamesTV! (Today's storm count: 307)
Tevildo: !quote adam
LRRbot: Quote #5478: "In my world, cowboys tinkle. Okay Twitch chat?" —Adam [2018-11-03]
Boomyakalolo: we love a himbo
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
NovaTiempo: GAH
PawssumFable: whoa
TXC2: well shit :p
hb8u: i actually did
cheshire_creeper: whoa
HorusFive: resting caveman face?
LathosTiran: Mawp
TXC2: And we're back
BrowneePoints: GET! IT! BEN! browne26PearPride
Tevildo: !quote ben
LRRbot: Quote #3415: "I LIKE the tentacle monsters..." —Ben [2016-09-14]
AzaleaCloud: You thought it was Adam, but it was REALLY ME. BEN ULMER.
coolbond: are you sure you are not adam, Ben?
KaleidoscopeMind: i was thinking the table friend was too short for adam
bakerydragon: Get HONEY-ROASTED Adam
Omthebox: Definite side grade
aitsu100: ben was my first guess
MrMatternot: Serge legs. Niiice
CaptainChibale: I just got jumpscared lol
Sibwow: theyre green screened out
kamkazi: Serge got them LEGS on full force tonight PogChamp
CastleOtranto: Serge has secret tattoos?
Krillin_fan: how many Subs to see Serge's secret tattoos?
Boomyakalolo: Oh no Ben you caught the resting caveman face
JonnyH: Is Ben the Adam we have at home, or Adam the Ben we have at home?
DracoFire87: Serge with legs for days, dang
Diabore: oh so serge is scary
vinewood_og: Serge with a caffeine molecule tramp stamp?
RevolverRossalot: You could have a tattoo of God and anime on your side and we'd never know
Coloneljesus: Cheer100 Cheer100 have some bits for the 'thon Cheer100 Cheer100
anumbskull1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, anumbskull1! (Today's storm count: 308)
Thisbymaster: If you draw all your land in your first hand, you can't draw them later
Tevildo: !quote kathleen
LRRbot: Quote #5593: "I feel like if I was an actual animal I would be some sort of weasel. Long, furry, and ill-tempered." —Kathleen [2018-12-14]
RandomTrivia: Kathleen's deck is whatever black cards were left after Graham took all the rares
LRRbot: Sorin of House Markov [1B] (back: Sorin, Ravenous Neonate) | Legendary Creature — Human Noble [1/4] | Lifelink / Extort / At the beginning of your postcombat main phase, if you gained 3 or more life this turn, exile Sorin of House Markov, then return him to the battlefield transformed under his owner's control.
Diabore: oh
RandomTrivia: OOF
Diabore: oh...
LordManiMani: Uh ohh
chanterelleton: big "Yugi my boy" energy
RetroHibiscus: okay so who didn't open a mythic flipwaler?
neisan2112: Love this broody sad boi
Boomyakalolo: why's it good though?
loufghyslaufey: "....Adam-whomst!?" LUL ImTyping NotLikeThis lrrFINE lrrKATHLEEN lrrBEN lrrSERGE & lrrADAM somewhere StinkyCheese
LRRbot: Shattered Landscape | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}, Sacrifice Shattered Landscape: Search your library for a basic Mountain, Plains, or Swamp card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / Cycling {R}{W}{B}
RevolverRossalot: Extort gonna give it to ya
Leonhart321: Who let this kid sit at the adult's table?
BrowneePoints: He's Sephiroth Sorin
bakerydragon: speaking TRUTH
BrowneePoints: Like deadass he looks like Sephiroth
kamkazi: Livia Prima Sorin Kreygasm
incslayer: dondo esta biblioteka?
LRRbot: Solstice Zealot [2W] | Creature — Rhino Cleric [2/3] | When Solstice Zealot enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / {T}, Pay {E}: Tap target creature.
AzaleaCloud: Wait, the Evolving Wilds retrains have cycling?? How did I not notice...
TXC2: wiggle wiggle wiggle
jacqui_lantern234: why would you pass your library, Serge? Kappa
RandomTrivia: benginButt
MrSarkhan: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
BrowneePoints: full art of both sides
Chartle: ol' bean bag butt sorin
BrowneePoints: I shared both sides
RevolverRossalot: Sorin (built like a) house, Markov
50keyz: alucard
jacqui_lantern234: @BrowneePoints i dunno, not anime enough Kappa
LRRbot: Cranial Ram [BR] | Artifact — Equipment | Living weapon / Equipped creature gets +X/+1, where X is the number of artifacts you control. / Equip {2}
KeytarCat: Oh it alucard
LRRbot: Sorin of House Markov [1B] (back: Sorin, Ravenous Neonate) | Legendary Creature — Human Noble [1/4] | Lifelink / Extort / At the beginning of your postcombat main phase, if you gained 3 or more life this turn, exile Sorin of House Markov, then return him to the battlefield transformed under his owner's control.
RevolverRossalot: Extort trigger!
gloamsworn: now this is my kind of color pool
tehfewl: banned in pauper, cranial ram
AzaleaCloud: +Tarmogoyf/+1
LadyLockwood92: I kinda love that he has Extort
JonnyH: oh no he's hot
neveth: Budget Alucard
RandomTrivia: Oh no, he is definitely from a Shou*jo* anime
Leonhart321: That is Castlevania
KinkerbellRose: Truth
BrowneePoints: He's so Bishi
Diabore: its how sorin thinks he looks vs how other people see him
50keyz: LUL
Mr_Bitterness: Get that Sorin a big goth angel girlfriend
LRRbot: Sorin of House Markov [1B] (back: Sorin, Ravenous Neonate) | Legendary Creature — Human Noble [1/4] | Lifelink / Extort / At the beginning of your postcombat main phase, if you gained 3 or more life …
LRRbot: Shattered Landscape | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}, Sacrifice Shattered Landscape: Search your library for a basic Mountain, Plains, or Swamp card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / C…
LRRbot: Solstice Zealot [2W] | Creature — Rhino Cleric [2/3] | When Solstice Zealot enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / {T}, Pay {E}: Tap target creature.
LRRbot: Cranial Ram [BR] | Artifact — Equipment | Living weapon / Equipped creature gets +X/+1, where X is the number of artifacts you control. / Equip {2}
LRRbot: Sorin of House Markov [1B] (back: Sorin, Ravenous Neonate) | Legendary Creature — Human Noble [1/4] | Lifelink / Extort / At the beginning of your postcombat main phase, if you gained 3 or more life …
Simriel: That's a lotta magic cards
TXC2: "i can fix him "
PawssumFable: uh oh
Boomyakalolo: @neveth we have Alucard at home
BrowneePoints: Avacyn is his daughter chat I will bonk you
TallynNyntyg: Oh hey, it's Sorin Karlov!
bakerydragon: @TXC2 oh no
Leonhart321: Anime Sorin is how he thinks he looks, Normal One is how he is
LRRbot: Refurbished Familiar [3B] | Artifact Creature — Zombie Rat [2/1] | Affinity for artifacts / Flying / When Refurbished Familiar enters the battlefield, each opponent discards a card. For each opponent who can't, you draw a card.
AzaleaCloud: @TXC2 Narrator: "And that's when he became a vampire."
TXC2: BrowneePoints she has a choker :p
TallynNyntyg: @AzaleaCloud Cool vampire, Twilight vampire, or JoJo vampire?
jacqui_lantern234: you dont get 3 untaps, Serge Kappa
Stup1d_Bird: I've never been equally attracted to a father and his daughter before Sorin and Avacyn
ralphthellama: Is the transformed side also anime?
AzaleaCloud: @TallynNyntyg It's Sorin Markov. Pick the one(s) that applies to him. :p
ilovebrownies3: did serge pay for extort?
fungal_bird: Definitely npt a Last Man on Earth vampire though
TallynNyntyg: @AzaleaCloud Does he have a stand?
RandomTrivia: @ilovebrownies3 He did, the Familiar costs 1 less for his artifact
RevolverRossalot: I assumed Sorin/Avacyn was more of a Weird Science situation than parental
BrowneePoints: Sorin just uses Hamon
TallynNyntyg: Then JoJo.
ilovebrownies3: ah, my mistake
LRRbot: Thraben Charm [1W] | Instant | Choose one — / • Thraben Charm deals damage equal to twice the number of creatures you control to target creature. / • Destroy target enchantment. / • Exile any number of target players' graveyards.
AzaleaCloud: @TallynNyntyg Is Mindslaver a stand?
LordManiMani: Butt not big enough
TallynNyntyg: @AzaleaCloud Maybe Avacyn?
BrowneePoints: His Stand is "Brain Stew" and lets him Mind Control
LRRbot: Shattered Landscape | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}, Sacrifice Shattered Landscape: Search your library for a basic Mountain, Plains, or Swamp card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / Cycling {R}{W}{B}
AzaleaCloud: @TallynNyntyg You know what. That works perfectly.
AzaleaCloud: I can't believe Sorin killed his own stand. What a chad move.
KeytarCat: Germ named Bug
TallynNyntyg: Ah yes, Mario 3.
phoenixfeather14: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
Boomyakalolo: why you a last level in a mario game
accountmadeforants: They do call germs "bugs", so not entirely wrong
TallynNyntyg: Mario 3 was great.
eshplode: Mario's banned in Bloomburrow limited :(
TallynNyntyg: Mario 4 is better.
shurtal: tippity tappity smapidi flappidi
KaleidoscopeMind: it's probably in the contract somewhere. beej would know
TXC2: you can reference other companies, just not in the positive Kappa
Diabore: @eshplode what if tanuki mario?
LRRbot: Ondu Knotmaster // Throw a Line | Ondu Knotmaster [2WB] | Creature — Kor Rogue [2/2] | Lifelink / Whenever another modified creature you control dies, put two +1/+1 counters on Ondu Knotmaster. // Throw a Line [WB] | Sorcery — Adventure | Distribute two +1/+1 counters among one or two target creatures.
Gekyouryuu: Fighting germs you should sing doctor Mario music instead Kappa
ClodiumSoride: Fever or Chill?
Boomyakalolo: kor being black/white makes me so happy
Krillin_fan: begin...The KRUNDLING
CrossXhunteR: i didnt realize there were adventures in MH3
LoadingReadyRun: There is the Ondu Master and Ondu Not Master
LRRbot: Decree of Justice [XX2WW] | Sorcery | Create X 4/4 white Angel creature tokens with flying. / Cycling {2}{W} / When you cycle Decree of Justice, you may pay {X}. If you do, create X 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens.
IaCthulhuFthagn: Knotmaster is a name with... specific... connotations.
alchemistsavant: owo
GredGredmansson: did you pay X serge?
TallynNyntyg: @Diabore Only if fox Luigi can be in it too.
Boomyakalolo: that card getting down shifted to an uncommon is nuts
LRRbot: Furnace Hellkite [5RR] | Artifact Creature — Dragon [5/5] | Affinity for artifacts / Flying / {R}: Furnace Hellkite gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
AzaleaCloud: @LoadingReadyRun But which was destroyed? The Ondu Master or the Ondu Not Master?
Earthenone: knotmaster isent a bloomburrow card?
spiffinn: he paid 5 mana
GredGredmansson: gotcha thanks
tehfewl: i made the knotmaster bloomburrow joke earlier, it didn't land
j_crane330: Cast magic missile
LRRbot: Glyph Elemental [1W] | Enchantment Creature — Elemental [2/2] | Bestow {1}{W} / Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Glyph Elemental. / Enchanted creature gets +1/+1 for each +1/+1 counter on Glyph Elemental.
TXC2: (Paul Voice) I have FIVE 5 mana creatures
LRRbot: Refurbished Familiar [3B] | Artifact Creature — Zombie Rat [2/1] | Affinity for artifacts / Flying / When Refurbished Familiar enters the battlefield, each opponent discards a card. For each opponent…
LRRbot: Thraben Charm [1W] | Instant | Choose one — / • Thraben Charm deals damage equal to twice the number of creatures you control to target creature. / • Destroy target enchantment. / • Exile any number …
LRRbot: Shattered Landscape | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}, Sacrifice Shattered Landscape: Search your library for a basic Mountain, Plains, or Swamp card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / C…
LRRbot: Ondu Knotmaster // Throw a Line | Ondu Knotmaster [2WB] | Creature — Kor Rogue [2/2] | Lifelink / Whenever another modified creature you control dies, put two +1/+1 counters on Ondu Knotmaster. // Th…
LRRbot: Decree of Justice [XX2WW] | Sorcery | Create X 4/4 white Angel creature tokens with flying. / Cycling {2}{W} / When you cycle Decree of Justice, you may pay {X}. If you do, create X 1/1 white Soldier…
LRRbot: Furnace Hellkite [5RR] | Artifact Creature — Dragon [5/5] | Affinity for artifacts / Flying / {R}: Furnace Hellkite gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
LRRbot: Glyph Elemental [1W] | Enchantment Creature — Elemental [2/2] | Bestow {1}{W} / Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Glyph Elemental. / Enchant…
CrossXhunteR: is that a sanctum stompy creature
LRRbot: Angel of the Ruins [5WW] | Artifact Creature — Angel [5/7] | Flying / When Angel of the Ruins enters the battlefield, exile up to two target artifacts and/or enchantments. / Plainscycling {2}
BrowneePoints: I wasn't a Big Fan, but then I really plugged in and turned my life around.
AzaleaCloud: @TXC2 When you kick Rite of Replication targeting your opponent's Acidic Slime
ilovebrownies3: you may announce
LRRbot: Wing It [1W] | Instant | Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. Put a flying counter on it. Scry 1.
TXC2: AzaleaCloud backbreaking :p
LRRbot: Solstice Zealot [2W] | Creature — Rhino Cleric [2/3] | When Solstice Zealot enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / {T}, Pay {E}: Tap target creature.
RandomTrivia: Nom nom nom nom
LordManiMani: Wing It secret early Bloomburrow card
GredGredmansson: Scry 1
RandomTrivia: That card does more still
BrowneePoints: It's from Ikoria @LordManiMani
Flyingdelorion: Scy 1 Kathleen!
AzaleaCloud: @TXC2 "I have FIVE five mana creatures. And you now have zero zero mana lands."
BrowneePoints: the crystals in the background means it's ikoria
TXC2: AzaleaCloud ah, I get now, :D
BrowneePoints: That angel got that Dog in them
LRRbot: Dog Umbra [1W] | Enchantment — Aura | Flash / Enchant creature / As long as another player controls enchanted creature, it can't attack or block. Otherwise, Dog Umbra has umbra armor.
flustered_blue: ah the dumbra
Diabore: flashifism
LordManiMani: @browneepoints the vibe, yo
tehfewl: dog walked
LRRbot: Drossclaw [1B] | Artifact — Equipment | Living weapon / Equipped creature gets +1/+1. / Whenever equipped creature attacks, each opponent loses 1 life. / Equip {2}
RevolverRossalot: Ah, Da Gumbra!
GredGredmansson: that's a good wisdom.
CaptainSpam: Ha ba ba da ba ga.
qrpth: !cardview yt off
BrowneePoints: Pup play over
LRRbot: Cranial Ram [BR] | Artifact — Equipment | Living weapon / Equipped creature gets +X/+1, where X is the number of artifacts you control. / Equip {2}
Lord_Durin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lord_Durin! (Today's storm count: 309)
Boomyakalolo: booty booty booty rocking everywhere
Gascitygaming: 9 hours still needed to hit cap folks, we're doing great! only about 500 more subs!
LRRbot: Gravedig [1B] | Sorcery | Choose one — / • Target player creates a 2/2 black Zombie creature token. / • Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand. / Entwine {2}
Diabore: bring in james to draw the next card, worked for ben
AzaleaCloud: For 4 mana it's literally just Gravedigger
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
50keyz: i appreciate kathleen playing her deck unsleeved.
RandomTrivia: Serge saw a word beginning with C and got excited lrrBEEJ
ttandmore: when you pay more he does more funny how that works lol
LRRbot: Sundering Eruption [2R] (back: Volcanic Fissure) | Sorcery | Destroy target land. Its controller may search their library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. Creatures without flying can't block this turn.
ttandmore: you should see what happens when cards unionize
AzaleaCloud: Make coffee a keyword ability, you cowards
CrossXhunteR: note, sundering eruption can eat your own lands, including one you tap to pay for it
BrowneePoints: A Flyno
BrowneePoints: yes yes
RevolverRossalot: Given it comes in untapped, the sick tech is to target your own land in some cases.
just__fitz: Has a Flying Rhino Junior High Joke been made yet
ttandmore: @AzaleaCloud two brown brown i activate my roaster supreme
CrossXhunteR: a fifth land
RevolverRossalot: Oh, I'm slow. Ah well, the point stands
LRRbot: Wurmcoil Larva [3BB] | Artifact Creature — Phyrexian Wurm [3/3] | Deathtouch, lifelink / When Wurmcoil Larva dies, create a 1/2 black Phyrexian Wurm artifact creature token with deathtouch and a 2/1 black Phyrexian Wurm artifact creature token with lifelink.
Diabore: now its a problem
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to SergeYager!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SergeYager! (Today's storm count: 310)
Diabore: need black
LRRbot: Refurbished Familiar [3B] | Artifact Creature — Zombie Rat [2/1] | Affinity for artifacts / Flying / When Refurbished Familiar enters the battlefield, each opponent discards a card. For each opponent who can't, you draw a card.
LRRbot: Angel of the Ruins [5WW] | Artifact Creature — Angel [5/7] | Flying / When Angel of the Ruins enters the battlefield, exile up to two target artifacts and/or enchantments. / Plainscycling {2}
LRRbot: Wing It [1W] | Instant | Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. Put a flying counter on it. Scry 1.
LRRbot: Solstice Zealot [2W] | Creature — Rhino Cleric [2/3] | When Solstice Zealot enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / {T}, Pay {E}: Tap target creature.
LRRbot: Dog Umbra [1W] | Enchantment — Aura | Flash / Enchant creature / As long as another player controls enchanted creature, it can't attack or block. Otherwise, Dog Umbra has umbra armor.
LRRbot: Drossclaw [1B] | Artifact — Equipment | Living weapon / Equipped creature gets +1/+1. / Whenever equipped creature attacks, each opponent loses 1 life. / Equip {2}
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to sergeafterdark!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sergeafterdark! (Today's storm count: 311)
ttandmore: lol serge was not subbed
AzaleaCloud: Serge after Dark Roast
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to joallthedogs!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, joallthedogs! (Today's storm count: 312)
RandomTrivia: sergeThankJo
LRRbot: Ondu Knotmaster // Throw a Line | Ondu Knotmaster [2WB] | Creature — Kor Rogue [2/2] | Lifelink / Whenever another modified creature you control dies, put two +1/+1 counters on Ondu Knotmaster. // Throw a Line [WB] | Sorcery — Adventure | Distribute two +1/+1 counters among one or two target creatures.
Sarah_Serinde: Anon being thorough I see sergeHeart
LRRbot: Decree of Justice [XX2WW] | Sorcery | Create X 4/4 white Angel creature tokens with flying. / Cycling {2}{W} / When you cycle Decree of Justice, you may pay {X}. If you do, create X 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens.
AzaleaCloud: Wait, this is an uncommon now???
BrowneePoints: Yep downshifted from Rare
baskwalla: @AzaleaCloud Yeah, it's just okay
TXC2: it is in MH3
LRRbot: Aerie Auxiliary [3W] | Creature — Bird Soldier [3/3] | Flying / When Aerie Auxiliary enters the battlefield, support 2.
Christopher Peterson: 4 PS4s
ttandmore: feed the worm
TXC2: rarity only matters for limited really (card price not withstanding)
AzaleaCloud: That's why I'm kinda buggin right now, Decree is so good in limited. Downshifting it is a bold choice.
alchemistsavant: Unless your name is pauper
dungeonmasteralek: @TXC2 Don't forget pauper and block constructed tiny leaders two headed giant!
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TXC2 ...and Pauper/Peasant.
LordManiMani: Serge suddenly transformed into a Judge Magister midsentence and it was striking
TXC2: thanks chat
jacqui_lantern234: none rares left beef :p
Carson Chavez: This is a heck of a board state lol
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 my usual limited deck :p
AzaleaCloud: Wasn't the none pizza with left beef guy a Hollywood writer or something?
Diabore: @dungeonmasteralek i thought tiny leaders was mana cost not rarity?
jacqui_lantern234: also, cmon chat, LabMan-splaining aint cool :p
LRRbot: Siege Smash [1R] | Instant | Split second / Choose one — / • Destroy target artifact. / • Target creature gets +3/+2 and gains trample until end of turn.
jacqui_lantern234: but also not really joking
AzaleaCloud: @jacqui_lantern234 We're Magic players. We live for moments where we get to tap two Islands and say UM, ACTUALLY~
ttandmore: counter spell is my love language
50keyz: @ttandmore LUL
jadeye00: Shouldn't the knotmaster have 2 more counters?
LRRbot: Voltstorm Angel [3WW] | Creature — Angel [4/4] | Flying / When Voltstorm Angel enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}{E}. / At the beginning of combat on your turn, you may pay {E}{E}. When you do, choose one — / • Voltstorm Angel gains vigilance and lifelink until end of turn. / • Other creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
jadeye00: From the modified flier dying to combat the turn before
vinewood_og: Nicely done Kathleeen!
Diabore: @jadeye00 only 1 modified died
RandomTrivia: sergeSqueak sergeFriend
ElementalAlchemist: squeak has been called
spiffinn: but it had one counter on before, correct?
AzaleaCloud: Go birds :D
Ryban89 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ryban89! (Today's storm count: 313)
LRRbot: Drossclaw [1B] | Artifact — Equipment | Living weapon / Equipped creature gets +1/+1. / Whenever equipped creature attacks, each opponent loses 1 life. / Equip {2}
razorswift: @spiffinn incorrect :D
Diabore: @spiffinn no, it was a 2/1 and a modified 4/4
Diabore: that died
CrossXhunteR: what's under the dog umbra?
Diabore: @CrossXhunteR a scary 5/7 angel
spiffinn: ok. i saw it with one counter on it at some point and got confused. might have been before they caught that the trigger gives two counters
CanPlayGames: !card bribe with bunnies
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Metric_Furlong: pause before they remember the drossclaw trigger
PadawanTK16: dross claw will deal 1 on attack making both lethal
PatronSaintOfUncertainty: Dross Claw trigger?
theamc2000: Ben, in place of chat
elias2718: attacks haven't been declared yet right?
RockPusher returns after slumber with tea and Tim Tams
TXC2: welcome back RockPusher
Diabore: if serge still attacks
50keyz: cant he reequip now?
Goombill: Serge can reequip right?
Boomyakalolo: not at instant speed
Diabore: @50keyz not in combat
narset6691: trigger happens at beggining of combat
ElementalAlchemist: no, it's no longer main phsae
50keyz: its not comabt
Chartle: beginning of combat she taps
spiffinn: no, we're in beginning of combat
Chartle: the trigger is on attack
BrookJustBones: This happens in beginning of combat step
CrossXhunteR: we're moving to combat
Easilycrazyhat: Someone get the hatchet, it's REL-axed
50keyz: she tapped in responseo moving to combat
elias2718: gg
ElementalAlchemist: whoa!
AzaleaCloud: Wooooow.
ElementalAlchemist: gg
vinewood_og: gg
50keyz: GG
RandomTrivia: GGs
spiffinn: @50keyz not a thing you can do. she tapped in beginning of combat
fungal_bird: unsurprising that Ben likes the dog umbra lol
CrossXhunteR: lots of good enchantment auras this set
ghoti12890: @50keyz she tapped it in the beginning of combat step
15 raiders from ErinusTV have joined!
Wolfy098: I did not see Kathleen winning at any point of that game good play
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiders! lrrSHINE
TXC2: they slice they dice they make juileann fries
vinewood_og: Raid!?!?!
TXC2: Hello Raiders
LadyLockwood92: Welcome Raiders~
Seth_Erickson: no that's the red rare one
Seth_Erickson: it does have collective in the name though I think
KaleidoscopeMind: erinusParty
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Sarah_Serinde: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
TXC2: !prr
Seth_Erickson: !card Collective Resistance
LRRbot: Collective Resistance [1G] | Instant | Escalate {G} / Choose one or more — / • Destroy target artifact. / • Destroy target enchantment. / • Target creature gains hexproof and indestructible until end of turn.
ErinusTV: bloomburrow raddWiggle
cmdrud87: maybe, if you're finished with the sub a thon until sunday evening Kappa
RockPusher: tqsWow tqsFlower
tryllebanjo: !rule Escalate
Easilycrazyhat: Haven't played since WOE but want to try out Bloomburrow. It looks super cute.
AzaleaCloud: Otter Ral! :D
CrossXhunteR: i haven't played magic in like 15 years. quite excited for bloomburrow
Mr_Bitterness: Ral's the only one who's acctually there I think
BrowneePoints: it’s like a new Generation’s Lorwyn/Ravnica
50keyz: bunny tamiyo is adorable
MrMatternot: Redwall is all on youtube as an audiobook
Bugberry: I do like seeing non-natives react to being turned into furries.
Bruceski: Have they made Oko an actual deer?
Strebenherz: Goated
RockPusher: ♫ Badger mom has got it going on… ♫
flustered_blue: Constance?
Ctabbe: good ol constance
Leonhart321: You all quoting Redwall, and I'm here referencing NIMH
spaigefault: The fish out of otter, I mean water, stuff with Ral was executed perfectly in the story imo
fungal_bird: praxis
Inspaders: I get it Ben. I may or may not have a crush on Raltter
TXC2: right chat I'm off
Lobo_Apache: Alright y'all, Good luck in the rest of the draft. I've got killteam to play!
RockPusher: 'night TXC2
LRRbot: Retrofitted Transmogrant [B] | Artifact Creature — Zombie [1/1] | {3}{B}: Return Retrofitted Transmogrant from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped with two +1/+1 counters on it.
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming LRR, and keep on subbing chat!
RandomTrivia: Night TXC2, sleep well! sergeModLove
Flyingdelorion: Bye @TXC2 Thank you for all what you do!
StarWarsTHX1138: I listened to the stories they were amazing
BrowneePoints: I had a crush on Orlando the Ace
Bugberry: One thing I find weird in the Bloomburrow art is how sometimes the animals are similar sizes while in others they are realistically sized.
BrowneePoints: Axe
BrowneePoints: calamity beasts beeef
LRRbot: Distinguished Conjurer [1W] | Creature — Human Wizard [1/2] | Whenever another creature enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life. / {4}{W}, {T}: Exile another target creature you control, then return it to the battlefield under its owner's control.
BrowneePoints: beeeeg*
Bugberry: Like in one a racoon and squirrel are the same size and another one is much bigger.
LRRbot: Gravedig [1B] | Sorcery | Choose one — / • Target player creates a 2/2 black Zombie creature token. / • Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand. / Entwine {2}
DasCoomas subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DasCoomas! (Today's storm count: 314)
Diabore: move to panic step
LRRbot: Metastatic Evangel [1W] | Creature — Phyrexian Human Cleric [3/1] | Whenever another nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, proliferate.
LoadingReadyRun: Each conjurer is more distinguished then the last!
LRRbot: Refurbished Familiar [3B] | Artifact Creature — Zombie Rat [2/1] | Affinity for artifacts / Flying / When Refurbished Familiar enters the battlefield, each opponent discards a card. For each opponent who can't, you draw a card.
Leonhart321: Ocelot Pride worries intensifies
noSmokeFire: is the audio _very slightly_ delayed or is that on my end?
LRRbot: Molten Gatekeeper [2R] | Artifact Creature — Golem [2/3] | Whenever another creature enters the battlefield under your control, Molten Gatekeeper deals 1 damage to each opponent. / Unearth {R}
ElementalAlchemist: with *foil* unearth
AzaleaCloud: @noSmokeFire It is for me too, not just you
LRRbot: Expel the Unworthy [1W] | Sorcery | Kicker {2}{W} / Choose target creature with mana value 3 or less. If this spell was kicked, instead choose target creature. Exile the chosen creature, then its controller gains life equal to its mana value.
Sandeon: unearth is really good with blink
LowUpsideCJ: @AzaleaCloud Try pausing and unpausing
AzaleaCloud: Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaames
ElementalAlchemist: RIP
LRRbot: Solar Transformer [2] | Artifact | Solar Transformer enters the battlefield tapped. / When Solar Transformer enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}{E}. / {T}: Add {C}. / {T}, Pay {E}: Add one mana of any color.
ThorSokar: oo0o lala
theamc2000: legs
clarinetman: Blinded by the light
LRRbot: Cranial Ram [BR] | Artifact — Equipment | Living weapon / Equipped creature gets +X/+1, where X is the number of artifacts you control. / Equip {2}
Seth_Erickson: transformer is tapped Serge
ghoti12890: serge cant do that. it enters tapped
Seth_Erickson: can't cast the ram yet
LRRbot: Refurbished Familiar [3B] | Artifact Creature — Zombie Rat [2/1] | Affinity for artifacts / Flying / When Refurbished Familiar enters the battlefield, each opponent discards a card. For each opponent who can't, you draw a card.
LRRbot: Aerie Auxiliary [3W] | Creature — Bird Soldier [3/3] | Flying / When Aerie Auxiliary enters the battlefield, support 2.
McMenno: serge it's tapped
jadeye00: transformer enters tapped. cant cast ram yet
37 raiders from GoodDayInternet have joined!
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiders! lrrSHINE
LRRbot: Pearl-Ear, Imperial Advisor [1WW] | Legendary Creature — Fox Advisor [3/4] | Lifelink / Enchantment spells you cast have affinity for Auras. / Whenever you cast an Aura spell that targets a modified permanent you control, draw a card.
Sandeon: did we remember to ungain Serge's life?
RandomTrivia: It is a good day to internet, unless you got CrowdStruck
DeathThirtyOne: @RandomTrivia or need to fly anywhere
lirazel64: Fuzzy females unite!
RockPusher: need to get the insulation ready for winter
Sunidesus: Leg shaving is highly overrated
cartermatic313: he missed 2 life earlier but too late now
AzaleaCloud: @RandomTrivia Don't try to order Starbucks online either. Or do any banking ever.
Chartle: counter on a player
notthepenguins: energy is a counter
DeathThirtyOne: yep starbucks is down for the count today
RandomTrivia: @AzaleaCloud All of those things come under the umbrella
345tom: its odd watching this stream without sound everynow and then
CrossXhunteR: yup, energy is a counter
itsr67: you can always proliferate counters on players, thats how poison works
NornsFelidar is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
NornsFelidar gifted a Tier 1 sub to Xochitl_Khae!
NornsFelidar gifted a Tier 1 sub to ecocd!
NornsFelidar gifted a Tier 1 sub to silv3r_54!
NornsFelidar gifted a Tier 1 sub to Transient_Bea!
NornsFelidar gifted a Tier 1 sub to death17angel!
DeathThirtyOne: ^
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, NornsFelidar! Welcome to Transient_Bea, ecocd, silv3r_54, death17angel, and Xochitl_Khae! (Today's storm count: 319)
LRRbot: Shattered Landscape | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}, Sacrifice Shattered Landscape: Search your library for a basic Mountain, Plains, or Swamp card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / Cycling {R}{W}{B}
LRRbot: Cranial Ram [BR] | Artifact — Equipment | Living weapon / Equipped creature gets +X/+1, where X is the number of artifacts you control. / Equip {2}
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrSHINE
jadeye00: remember to gain the life for the germ
DeathThirtyOne: @jadeye00 germ is a token
LRRbot: Solstice Zealot [2W] | Creature — Rhino Cleric [2/3] | When Solstice Zealot enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / {T}, Pay {E}: Tap target creature.
mjiig: I'd never previously thought about the fact that if your opponent has energy you can't proliferate their poison without giving them more energy
cartermatic313: yeah is it non token
LRRbot: Thraben Charm [1W] | Instant | Choose one — / • Thraben Charm deals damage equal to twice the number of creatures you control to target creature. / • Destroy target enchantment. / • Exile any number of target players' graveyards.
bytecaster: @mjiig Finally, Poison counterplay
jadeye00: @cartermatic313 @DeathThirtyOne conjurer does not specify nontoken
cartermatic313: ohh i thought it did
RockPusher: Ben hummed it earlier and now The Little Ships is stuck in my brain benginOh benginNo benginHeart
CrossXhunteR: note, paw prints from bloomburrow are not counters
AzaleaCloud: Glistener Elves across the multiverse in shambles
bytecaster: They should call it "Counter Uppy" instead of "Proliferate" send tweet
LRRbot: Voltstorm Angel [3WW] | Creature — Angel [4/4] | Flying / When Voltstorm Angel enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}{E}. / At the beginning of combat on your turn, you may pay {E}{E}. When you do, choose one — / • Voltstorm Angel gains vigilance and lifelink until end of turn. / • Other creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
twitchysmile: @bytecaster LUL
silv3r_54: @nornsfelidar thank you for the gifted sub lrrSHINE
LRRbot: Sorin of House Markov [1B] (back: Sorin, Ravenous Neonate) | Legendary Creature — Human Noble [1/4] | Lifelink / Extort / At the beginning of your postcombat main phase, if you gained 3 or more life this turn, exile Sorin of House Markov, then return him to the battlefield transformed under his owner's control.
LRRbot: Ondu Knotmaster // Throw a Line | Ondu Knotmaster [2WB] | Creature — Kor Rogue [2/2] | Lifelink / Whenever another modified creature you control dies, put two +1/+1 counters on Ondu Knotmaster. // Throw a Line [WB] | Sorcery — Adventure | Distribute two +1/+1 counters among one or two target creatures.
silentclownhorn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, silentclownhorn! (Today's storm count: 320)
AzaleaCloud: PogChamp
CrossXhunteR: this angel is large
LordManiMani: @bytecaster sounds like street fighter slang
AzaleaCloud: What format is it????
Halinn: If not master then what?
DeathThirtyOne: draft
Shadowsoflife: draft
AshcopseDryad: MH3 draft
AzaleaCloud: Thanks chat, I'm making a joke about how high their life totals are. :p
LRRbot: Molten Gatekeeper [2R] | Artifact Creature — Golem [2/3] | Whenever another creature enters the battlefield under your control, Molten Gatekeeper deals 1 damage to each opponent. / Unearth {R}
the_beardzilla subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months, currently on a 58 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, the_beardzilla! (Today's storm count: 321)
Chartle: no extort
LRRbot: Furnace Hellkite [5RR] | Artifact Creature — Dragon [5/5] | Affinity for artifacts / Flying / {R}: Furnace Hellkite gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
CrossXhunteR: that's 3 life for the turn
xTR8T0Rx: gatekeeper also pings for hellkite etb
Sandeon: awww, no blinking unearthed shenans :(
Diabore: @Chartle why no extort?
Chartle: i posted that in response to the is unearth a cast question
Chartle: it's all good
LRRbot: Sorin, Ravenous Neonate (front: Sorin of House Markov) | Legendary Planeswalker — Sorin [3] | Extort / [+2]: Create a Food token. / [−1]: Sorin, Ravenous Neonate deals damage equal to the amount of life you gained this turn to any target. / [−6]: Gain control of target creature. It becomes a Vampire in addition to its other types. Put a lifelink counter on it if you control a white permanent other than that creature or Sorin.
Seth_Erickson: the angel is only a 5/5 right?
thrashingkangaroo: gatekeeper got haste?
Diabore: @Seth_Erickson 6/6
miniMacGuru: Unearth gives haste
Diabore: @thrashingkangaroo unearth
Seth_Erickson: nvm I thought it was initally a 3/3
thrashingkangaroo: ah he didnt cast it
LRRbot: Voltstorm Angel [3WW] | Creature — Angel [4/4] | Flying / When Voltstorm Angel enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}{E}. / At the beginning of combat on your turn, you may pay {E}{E}. When you do, choose one — / • Voltstorm Angel gains vigilance and lifelink until end of turn. / • Other creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
Seth_Erickson: I keep thinking the angel gives itself +1/+1 with their ability
gamefreak3072: How is youtube chat?
The_FlyingDutchman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, The_FlyingDutchman! (Today's storm count: 322)
lirazel64: A glam guy with a huge sword shows up....
Diabore: 31 to 25, sure is limited in here
CrossXhunteR: that's much manas
AzaleaCloud: So long, Mr. Sorinson
Boomyakalolo: @lirazel64 no that's next year
Xiff_: scooooooop?
vinewood_og: Great song!
lirazel64: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Shadowsoflife: @lirazel64 but then it's just nahiri with long hair :p
macintose: Is sorin getting the best, the best, the best, the best life gain
stsindre: Hiya! Is there a PPR this time?
lirazel64: 😉
Philocalist: Serge: What do you want to do today? Serge: I dunno, what do you wanna do today?
thrashingkangaroo: @stsindre sunday
vinewood_og: Were you born to untap, or just unflunge?
AzaleaCloud: @stsindre Bloomburrow PPR this Sunday
Shadowsoflife: nope @stsindre just a draft for Sub-a-thon
Boomyakalolo: @Shadowsoflife you dare insult my angst coded blacksmith wife?
AzaleaCloud: o_o
LRRbot: Wrath of the Skies [XWW] | Sorcery | You get X {E}, then you may pay any amount of {E}. Destroy each artifact, creature, and enchantment with mana value less than or equal to the amount of {E} paid this way.
Shadowsoflife: @Boomyakalolo She wouldn't show up with a big sword to kill sorin?
vinewood_og: VoteYea
Boomyakalolo: @Shadowsoflife no fair called shott but fair
Diabore: i thought kathleen had no rares
LRRbot: Perilous Landscape | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}, Sacrifice Perilous Landscape: Search your library for a basic Island, Mountain, or Plains card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / Cycling {U}{R}{W}
LRRbot: Hexgold Slith [1W] | Creature — Slith [2/1] | When Hexgold Slith enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / Whenever Hexgold Slith attacks, you may pay {E}{E}. If you do, it gains first strike until end of turn. / Whenever Hexgold Slith deals combat damage to a player, put a +1/+1 counter on it.
Shadowsoflife: @Boomyakalolo Heh
AzaleaCloud: Clock online
Halinn: Uh-oh slithy
LRRbot: Fanged Flames [1R] | Sorcery | Devoid / Fanged Flames deals 4 damage to target creature or planeswalker. If that creature or planeswalker would die this turn, exile it instead.
Strebenherz: That +1/+1 counter looking really good now
AzaleaCloud: Clock dismantled LUL
RockPusher: gabyLul
0011110000110011: back to top decking LUL
Strebenherz: NEVERMIND
vinewood_og: lrrSERGE
LRRbot: Drossclaw [1B] | Artifact — Equipment | Living weapon / Equipped creature gets +1/+1. / Whenever equipped creature attacks, each opponent loses 1 life. / Equip {2}
clarinetman: Top <3 Deck <3 Wars
LRRbot: Decree of Justice [XX2WW] | Sorcery | Create X 4/4 white Angel creature tokens with flying. / Cycling {2}{W} / When you cycle Decree of Justice, you may pay {X}. If you do, create X 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens.
AzaleaCloud: PFFFSHHHHHyeeeeoooow
bsbcosplay: is this 1v1 commander or something else (i can’t remember format names)
twitchysmile: PogChamp PogChamp
josh___something: oof
vinewood_og: lrrFRUMP
50keyz: bomb uncommon
DeathThirtyOne: @bsbcosplay french
Boomyakalolo: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2d, 10:51:26. lrrSPOT
NeoOfTheDark: @bsbcosplay nah, it's just draft
CrossXhunteR: not enough mana for that? or am i bad at math
CrossXhunteR: i am bad at math
razorswift: relatable
fungal_bird: mood
RayFK: Gotta say in game on Twitch
Fluffy776: big mood
bsbcosplay: @neoofthedark thanks
vinewood_og: I was always terrible at MTG but this is objectively great
JustMeJude: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Dialtown w/ Kathleen & Jordynne at Fri 08:00 PM PDT (5:34 from now).
LRRbot: Glyph Elemental [1W] | Enchantment Creature — Elemental [2/2] | Bestow {1}{W} / Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Glyph Elemental. / Enchanted creature gets +1/+1 for each +1/+1 counter on Glyph Elemental.
NornsFelidar: noo
LRRbot: Wither and Bloom [1B] | Instant | Target creature gets −3/−3 until end of turn. / {1}{B}, Exile Wither and Bloom from your graveyard: Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control. Activate only as a sorcery.
Graham Stark: NB, how about you?
jimber_jam subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jimber_jam! (Today's storm count: 323)
NornsFelidar: you withering bloom beginning of combat :D
vinewood_og: GG gamers
RockPusher: sergeGG
macintose: Wowie zowie
ThePixelSavage: whats next on the schedule?
ThePixelSavage: and hello everyone
ThePixelSavage: duggerWave
Bugberry: Very different from the first round.
Sage0fMadness: Grind 4 Subs
Isaac3567: @ThePixelSavage Lorcana draft once MTG is done
ThePixelSavage: thank you!
AzaleaCloud: Gotta pick up those terrible-on-rate kill spells to deal with Colossal Dreadmaw :D
gamefreak3072: I'm good. just got back from errands chilling enjoying the stream. also HAI G! <3
Bugberry: Stellaluna faction
RayFK: Food Fight
50keyz: "this one is 'blinky'"
singinnonsense: strixhaven orhzov was also very aggro
kamkazi: Crime Lizards in standard is going to be so fun
NornsFelidar: commander
bisaflau: commander
CrossXhunteR: i think it's commander
RandomTrivia: Farseek is NOT in standard
SeismicLawns: it's commander
RayFK: Commander #wotcstaff
Graham Stark: Hello!
Aviv Fa: its nice to have someone in chat. this is my first time on youtube stream, and it just works better than twitch
Alex Goldberg: really great games, Gresham!
Kentosaurus: that would be wild in standard
macintose: @thepixelsavage lorcana draft is next after thus draft
Bugberry: A lot of the lizards are also Outlaws
CrossXhunteR: it has adorable art
AzaleaCloud: Farseek getting surveil lands would be sick
ThePixelSavage: @macintose thank you duggerMmhmm
Gaz_L: maybe in Foundations?
RayFK: None Lands Left Beef
Chartle: left spells none lands
Krillin_fan: but Serge, you need lands to cast your spells!
CrossXhunteR: going to 5 is one step away from going to 4
vinewood_og: lrrJUDGE
BrowneePoints: A big thing is Jasper Flint is also a lizard for standard Ben.
Aviv Fa: like on twitch i ofthen had drops or the stream stuttering, but up till now the stream was really smooth
Aviv Fa: graham, you drafted literally my dream deck, it was so cool
beckbat: Youtube is just a better streaming technology for the viewer
Graham Stark: Good to hear! We know a lot of folks prefer YT, even if it's a little weird for us on the backend.
ThorSokar: There's a land on top, but only if your name is James
Mindfire13: Just ask James to draw you lands
0011110000110011: do you have Sorin mana?
NornsFelidar: the loot is better on hard mode
Sandeon: just ask James to draw for you
theGuidingLark: dual face, modal is "choose [x]"
macintose: Live your best life serge. But listen to past serge don't keep two land hands...
RockPusher: gabyLul
LRRbot: Shattered Landscape | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}, Sacrifice Shattered Landscape: Search your library for a basic Mountain, Plains, or Swamp card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / Cycling {R}{W}{B}
Fluffy776: levysc1Cry Sorin waiting for the lands
Sandeon: no, it is one of your colours
public_key_reveal_party: serge :|
TheWooglie: lrrDARK
50keyz: oh man for the "premiere lands pilot" ... dude makes some questionable decisions on lands
ThePixelSavage: hubris. duggerDeadge
Graham Stark: Thanks Aviv! Not pictured on stream, Strix Serenade and Flare of... the blue one
Alex Goldberg: seems like there a ~10 minute delay on YouTube, discovered by accident when my Google TV switched from one to the other, but YouTube does seem much more stable
Graham Stark: Is there? We'll look into that, it shouldn't be 10mins
Aviv Fa: wow, thats ridiculous
RockPusher: sergeHubris
LRRbot: Solstice Zealot [2W] | Creature — Rhino Cleric [2/3] | When Solstice Zealot enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / {T}, Pay {E}: Tap target creature.
Fluffy776: One is the loneliest number 🎶
RandomTrivia: Uh oh
RayFK: Yes. Good.
singinnonsense: get James back in here again
RandomTrivia: Oh Serge...
RockPusher: sergeBuckets sergeIntoTheSea
lilmeaches: buckets!
RandomTrivia: sergeHubris
BrowneePoints: look with the hand serge kept this quickly became coughing baby versus atomic bomb
Sandeon: Serge needs to pull a Ben and ask James for help
Plasterboard: He did it to himself. Don't feel sorry Kathleen
public_key_reveal_party: you don't keep a 1 lander 99% of the time
LRRbot: Decree of Justice [XX2WW] | Sorcery | Create X 4/4 white Angel creature tokens with flying. / Cycling {2}{W} / When you cycle Decree of Justice, you may pay {X}. If you do, create X 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens.
macintose: Ahh justice
Graham Stark: Try and click where it says "Live" they're in sync for me, you might have slipped
Graham Stark: They're in total sync on my end
gamefreak3072: Thanks for chatting with us Graham. :3
Greys N. Owman: Yeah, the overall experience on my phone or TV, which is where I watch stuff, is much smoother on YT
Graham Stark: Happy to gamefreak!
Alex Goldberg: I was watching Ian's TTSF stream and there was a *large* delay between YouTube and twitch. I remember just looking at the subathon countdown timer and seeing a bit different
Alex Goldberg: ah that might have been it, I was fairly sleep deprived at the time😅
Evo 331: youtube has been fairly smooth for me
LRRbot: Drossclaw [1B] | Artifact — Equipment | Living weapon / Equipped creature gets +1/+1. / Whenever equipped creature attacks, each opponent loses 1 life. / Equip {2}
homerjwho: what is this some kind of card game
LRRbot: Angel of the Ruins [5WW] | Artifact Creature — Angel [5/7] | Flying / When Angel of the Ruins enters the battlefield, exile up to two target artifacts and/or enchantments. / Plainscycling {2}
AzaleaCloud: I thought it was some kind of Sidewalk Slam
public_key_reveal_party: this is now a game of magic
RandomTrivia: And Serge is off the line!
AzaleaCloud: As in Kathleen, slamming Serge's head, into an actual sidewalk
LRRbot: Grim Servant [3B] | Creature — Zombie Warlock [3/2] | Menace / When Grim Servant enters the battlefield, search your library for a card with mana value less than or equal to your devotion to black, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle. You lose 3 life.
Graham Stark: Just beside the volume controls (on desktop) there's the word "Live" with a little red dot, and if it's grey then you're not LIVE-live.
Alex Goldberg: guess mine might've slipped or paused, think I'm the dummy here, my apologies!
OVERKiLL!: the cursed one will rip a land
Graham Stark: no worries!
Havok4 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months, currently on a 127 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Havok4! (Today's storm count: 324)
50keyz: yes unfinity reprints - now do comet!
PharaohBender27: Oh no! lrrAWW
unleashenlightenment: you have to reveal it rooWaddle
BrowneePoints: It’s in the squirrel deck
Wolfy098: 4? 1/1 +2/3?
CanPlayGames: !card saw in half
LRRbot: Saw in Half [2B] | Instant | Destroy target creature. If that creature dies this way, its controller creates two tokens that are copies of that creature, except their base power is half that creature's power and their base toughness is half that creature's toughness. Round up each time.
clashowenbash8: "The audience always loves it, but volunteers are divided."
Angreed66: Comet not as smart as the bloomburrow residents
CrossXhunteR: he's eepin
kamkazi: they are most likely saving comet as a bonus sheet/ collector booster card for space opera set
vinewood_og: eepy boy
Aviv Fa: also, i love that since this is a subathon, i actually get to watch you
hatboozeparty: silently judging every play
RandomTrivia: sergeJustRight
RockPusher: lrrDARK
BrowneePoints: Ben, I find it hilarious the card from the acorn set is in the squirrel preconstructed deck
public_key_reveal_party: I forgot what saw in half's flavor text was, and it made me laugh first time, and when I looked it up again now I laughed again
LRRbot: Distinguished Conjurer [1W] | Creature — Human Wizard [1/2] | Whenever another creature enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life. / {4}{W}, {T}: Exile another target creature you control, then return it to the battlefield under its owner's control.
Bugberry: It'd be funny if Comet got a reverse Imagine Critters art, as one of the Ainok dog people from Tarkir.
LRRbot: Wither and Bloom [1B] | Instant | Target creature gets −3/−3 until end of turn. / {1}{B}, Exile Wither and Bloom from your graveyard: Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control. Activate only as a sorcery.
Riiiiiiis: Hi Chatters
Aviv Fa: usually im just a youtube vod watcher
Evo 331: I am sleepy, Ben
LoadingReadyRun: youtube allows you to timeshift the stream, which can be confusing if you don't notice you aren't watching the live stream
Evo 331: me too, timezones really don't help haha
LRRbot: Inventor's Axe [R] | Artifact — Equipment | Flash / When Inventor's Axe enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / When Inventor's Axe enters the battlefield, attach it to target creature you control. / Equipped creature gets +2/+0. / Equip—Pay {E}{E}.
kamkazi: good tim allen by serge
LRRbot: Fanged Flames [1R] | Sorcery | Devoid / Fanged Flames deals 4 damage to target creature or planeswalker. If that creature or planeswalker would die this turn, exile it instead.
BrowneePoints: are you saying your conjuror died from cheap trick?
Ratchet215: no PPR today?
ClodiumSoride: PPR on Sunday
vinewood_og: PPR sunday
Gaelan_Maestro: @Ratchet215 sunday
stippledotter: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
CrossXhunteR: sunday, sunday, sunday
jimber_jam: I was only able to catch game 1 in Ben/Graham's game, who won?
baskwalla: @jimber_jam Graham
Mangledpixel: well well well, three holes in the ground
Diabore: @baskwalla graham 2-0
LRRbot: Expel the Unworthy [1W] | Sorcery | Kicker {2}{W} / Choose target creature with mana value 3 or less. If this spell was kicked, instead choose target creature. Exile the chosen creature, then its controller gains life equal to its mana value.
Bugberry subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bugberry! (Today's storm count: 325)
LRRbot: Sorin of House Markov [1B] (back: Sorin, Ravenous Neonate) | Legendary Creature — Human Noble [1/4] | Lifelink / Extort / At the beginning of your postcombat main phase, if you gained 3 or more life this turn, exile Sorin of House Markov, then return him to the battlefield transformed under his owner's control.
Chaos Treader: I like the YouTube stream because it lets be go back to a joke I just missed and then watch at 1.5 to catch up without missing anything
RayFK: He got that dog on him
LRRbot: Voltstorm Angel [3WW] | Creature — Angel [4/4] | Flying / When Voltstorm Angel enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}{E}. / At the beginning of combat on your turn, you may pay {E}{E}. When you do, choose one — / • Voltstorm Angel gains vigilance and lifelink until end of turn. / • Other creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
BrookJustBones: !card dog umbra
LRRbot: Dog Umbra [1W] | Enchantment — Aura | Flash / Enchant creature / As long as another player controls enchanted creature, it can't attack or block. Otherwise, Dog Umbra has umbra armor.
razorswift: BEN
ThorSokar: woooow, ben
AzaleaCloud: GG! :D
theamc2000: well Siri. has been impounded before
fungal_bird: nice ggs
macintose: Gg gamers
BrowneePoints: Soren 100% wears a dog collar. That’s why Avacyn
RockPusher: foxmarGG foxmarGG foxmarGG
vinewood_og: lrrWOW
Wolfy098: gg
BrowneePoints: has one
singinnonsense: getting dogged is better then getting stoned
vinewood_og: gg Kathleen!
TheWooglie: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
Chartle: I'm gonna be a PPR PeePer
cmdrud87: what happens if the subathon is running till sun evening?
Bugberry: Can't wait for the PPR, probably make it for the second half after work.
Juliamon: cmdrud87 it can't, it's capped
xVoxtric: @cmdrud87 subathon is capped into saturday
mtvcdm: Subathon caps tomorrow, presuming we reach said cap.
WardsarTheWriter: Woo!
vinewood_og: Threw it on the gorund
Chartle: returnsula
TotallyNotaBeholder: Ursula's Big Night
Boomyakalolo: lrrDARK_SG
WardsarTheWriter: So Kronk went to work for Ursula?
emberBecky: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
ChickenManPhil: LMAO I came in wondering about Bloomburrow PPR and was conviently greeted with that graphic
Aviv Fa: thats also nice, yeah
Evo 331: sad i have to go to work, watching lorcana would be really fun
Krillin_fan: Sisu
cmdrud87: @Juliamon stupid LRRfolk, being all professional afteer doing this for more than 20 years
mtvcdm: I think we're still... 7-ish hours from cap. Getting near.
CrossXhunteR: lorcana, the game with the craziest paper tcg errata ive ever seen
Boomyakalolo: lrrDARK_SG lrrDARK_SG lrrDARK_SG lrrDARK_SG lrrDARK_SG lrrDARK_SG lrrDARK_SG
vinewood_og: SWU oh yeah
Earthenone: !lorcana bucky
LRRbot: Bucky - Squirrel Squeak Tutor [2, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [1/1, 1 ◊] | Storyborn, Ally | Ward (Opponents can't choose this character except to challenge.) / SQUEAK Whenever you play a Floodborn character, each opponent chooses and discards a card.
LadyLockwood92: Good for her.
vinewood_og: thanks all!!! lrrSHINE
jamesinor: I've been loving Unlimited
LowUpsideCJ: Lrrbot reminding us of what once was
samwiser_: Sisu
rolanddegil: @CrossXhunteR What errata?
Earthenone: bucky the card i just pulled up was heavily erratad
jamesinor: @rolanddegil Bucky got his cost increased to 3, lost ward, and his ability only triggers off shifting
OVERKiLL!: darn, wanted more of that star war
OVERKiLL!: sweet
LoadingReadyRun: ya, youtube definitely has some advantages over twitch from a player technology perspective.
BrowneePoints: Bucky, the squirrel is so ridiculously broken. They are giving him a Rata so hard he is functionally different.
BrowneePoints: errata*
LowUpsideCJ: Buck got ink nerf, lost ward, and only triggers on shift floodborn now. the triple nerf
Krillin_fan: when you really want to make sure the squir't see play? the triple tap
NeoOfTheDark: Seeing some of the ways people were playing Bucky, that card deserved to get nerfed that hard
Boomyakalolo: oh so it's companion rules for Bucky
Strebenherz: I don't play lorcana and i ran across that nerf info, it's.. it's funny thinking of disney characters getting nerfed
HedgehogKnight: Should of just banned it
themercenary1987: 8 hrs till cap
Strebenherz: @HedgehogKnight yeah like for a wholy paper game isn't it?
human_pirate: Wait I just came in, what tgc are they playing rn?
LowUpsideCJ: Ban it and print what is functionally a new card as a new card
NeoOfTheDark: @human_pirate Lorcana
rolanddegil: @CrossXhunteR thanks
Earthenone: im still hoping a whole new world gets banned as its first ban :)
ClodiumSoride: I love that they have two different trapezoidal tabletops.
mtvcdm: 8 to cap? Sure. Knew it was in that range.
Jethrain: @human_pirate They're switching to Lorcana
CrossXhunteR: @human_pirate lorcana draft soon
Boomyakalolo: soon:tm:
BrowneePoints: I think part of it is Ravensberger being afraid of having to ban a card in the first year of the games life
human_pirate: Cool thanks
Earthenone: !lorcana a whole new world
LRRbot: A Whole New World [5, Steel, Non-inkable] | Action | Song | (A character with cost 5 or more can ⟳ to sing this song for free.) / Each player discards their hand and draws 7 cards.
Kamotetop: Kronk quote flavor text
themercenary1987: so 480 subs left i think?
Aviv Fa: by the way, i know it is still a little off, but do you think desert bus will be multi-streamed?
LowUpsideCJ: @BrowneePoints Isn't this kinda worse? Optically to players anyway
RandomTrivia: This is, I think, the first time the clock has dropped below 15 hours remaining since it first went UP on day 1
mtvcdm: 8 hours would be 480 subs, but not sure on exactsies for where we sit.
Juliamon: Banning a card sets a precedent, when a card game is this young the last thing you want to do is tell players they're potentially buying an unusable product.
MrQBear: @Kamotetop i read this and my brain was trying to formulate something along the lines of 'kronk quote / no, Kuzco has the bottom text'
malfnord: In terms of time, just under 8 hours needed to hit the planned cap
BrowneePoints: The biggest thing I know about this set is I believe it added functional convoke for songs?
BrowneePoints: It also added a multiplayer game format, I think?
LowUpsideCJ: @Juliamon I totally agree but I think completely functionally changing a card does the same thing but with more mental overhead for players
Krillin_fan: Multiplayer has been in since set 1 @BrowneePoints but your'e right on the convoke
Juliamon: Functionally changing a card still leaves the card as playable though.
2 raiders from 321_tv have joined!
mtvcdm: But I feel we may be nearing that point where at any time chat could just go 'bus it time to cap this' and just goes until they do.
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiders! lrrSHINE
HedgehogKnight: They changed too much on the card
Earthenone: i think errata makes sense because it is is also the only card of the charicter, would suck to tell kids they cant play their favorite disney charicter
superdude097: Welcome raiders!
BrowneePoints: @krillin_fan they added a co op mode didn’t they? with this set?
Juliamon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months!
Juliamon: I'm doing my part!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Juliamon! (Today's storm count: 326)
Krillin_fan: yeah the PvE mode
LowUpsideCJ: @Earthenone This is a great point. I think lorcana probably has a big audience that will never hear about any errata
mtvcdm: Gonna shut the phone off now, my first plane home is boarding soon.
LowUpsideCJ: I guess that audience wouldn't hear about bans either but still a very valid point
Juliamon: Safe travels mtvcdm
Bobtheninjagoldfish: @mtvcdm safe travels
Evo 331: ok, i have to head out, have fun guys!
Mr_Horrible: safe flight mtvcdm!
Boomyakalolo: stay safe stay as sane as you came here at least
RockPusher: Have we chosen who is doing the intro?
BrowneePoints: oh this is the Encanto set
Diabore: roll for intro?
BrowneePoints: that was the other big thing
BrowneePoints: this set has a lot of Encanto, little mermaid, Mulan and Hercules cards
Krillin_fan: yup! and next set we get Wreck-it Ralph!
BrowneePoints: Hopefully the card game acts like the sequel never happened
Boomyakalolo: YAs!! might start playing if there's a god tier vennilope
Diabore: i think i recognize all the silhouettes
Krillin_fan: @Boomyakalolo the spoilers we've seen have included a playable one, but nothing over the top
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
BusTed: FBtouchdown
RandomTrivia: No Graham, Lorcana!
nessiah_aries: No, this is Lorcana.
Jethrain: wait no this isn't magic, this is lorcana
RandomTrivia: benginFingers Chat
RockPusher: Literal lrrSLOTH Wizard
jamesinor: It's Disney Maic
baltimore_667083: FBtouchdown
jamesinor: Magic*
Boomyakalolo: Jacob draft good
hb8u: Urza's Lorcana's
Bruceski: Theese poor unfortunate souls
Krillin_fan: WOOO Lorcana!
ThePixelSavage: No this is Patrick
josh___something: LRRcana
TheWooglie: Jacob's first draft?
RandomTrivia: benginWat
RockPusher: benginFingers benginHeart benginDab
nessiah_aries: The Eels are hissing at Graham.
BusTed: Squid2 Squid4
jamesinor: Ursula's Can Return
ClodiumSoride: Jacob has drafted Lorcana at least once before.
Austere_Squire: i think you almost killed ben, graham
DoodlestheGreat: Fella & Ursula?
Boomyakalolo: it's been a day :tm:
Diabore: @ClodiumSoride jacobs even drafted magic
Texan_Reverend: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Earthenone: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
josh___something: Sabaton
Sibwow: subathon tablet
Pleijpje subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months, currently on a 68 month streak!
Pleijpje: Happy Sub week a thon thing! Thanks for being at MAgiccon A'Dam.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Pleijpje! (Today's storm count: 327)
nessiah_aries: You poor unfortunate souls.
Pywodwagon: Subathon, the witch queen
tehfewl: su bath on
TuringsGhost: Many Suathons died to give you this content
CanPlayGames: We're already your sub... missive received.
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
taruan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
OVERKiLL!: 👉🏽🔮
x3ryn: this is going to make the crummy day better :)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, taruan! (Today's storm count: 328)
PhilanthropyLich subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PhilanthropyLich! (Today's storm count: 329)
ClodiumSoride: @Diabore oh yeah, just commenting re Lorcana. The Ducktales cards kinda wrecked him last time.
Austere_Squire: that just makes it funny to end there, tho
Earthenone: and legally, if we end at 6 james cant have any coffee
CaptainSpam: It's the sub-Athlon, so basically anything K7 or earlier.
Num3r1cal subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Num3r1cal! (Today's storm count: 330)
emberBecky: we gotta at least make it 8AM for lrrHAM
tehfewl is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
tehfewl gifted a Tier 1 sub to magicwiz!
tehfewl gifted a Tier 1 sub to fuyuhan8!
tehfewl gifted a Tier 1 sub to pandam406!
tehfewl gifted a Tier 1 sub to badgerz123!
tehfewl gifted a Tier 1 sub to tokanawa!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, tehfewl! Welcome to magicwiz, tokanawa, fuyuhan8, badgerz123, and pandam406! (Today's storm count: 335)
Mr_Horrible: you mean like this?
GenesisJester subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
Gaz_L: is the YT thing due to Twitch rules or a purely technical thing?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GenesisJester! (Today's storm count: 336)
Dallusional subscribed with Prime.
ontario_watson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dallusional! (Today's storm count: 337)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ontario_watson! (Today's storm count: 338)
Mr_Horrible is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 458 in the channel!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to raisins4life!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Teonly!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to tri_nitro_!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to namagem1!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to gelbatr0n!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Mr_Horrible! Welcome to raisins4life, Teonly, tri_nitro_, namagem1, and gelbatr0n! (Today's storm count: 343)
aitsu100: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
EvilBadman: @Gaz_L Tech, doesn't talk to the count
Doncromatic: grahm i am still driving
Austere_Squire: we're back over 15hrs
Diabore: wonder how long the sub roll will be this year
badgerz123: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Doncromatic: i cant be stoped
Mr_Horrible: we love examples here
Earthenone: @Gaz_L it is a technical thing
AFamiliarCalledEl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
AFamiliarCalledEl: lrrHEART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AFamiliarCalledEl! (Today's storm count: 344)
SimplyDaveMN: Sub on twitch to see Ian's Pork!
Astrovore: we're a small but passionate minority!
SnixT subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SnixT! (Today's storm count: 345)
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to EvilBadman!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EvilBadman! (Today's storm count: 346)
jamesinor: A few sundays ago
Earthenone: about 5 minutes ago
EMNetwork is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
EMNetwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to lifecharacter!
EMNetwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to MyhticRain!
EMNetwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to karlmartin001!
EMNetwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to cjsmith1971!
EMNetwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Foxalina!
EMNetwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Quentoxic!
EMNetwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to whenjeremygames!
EMNetwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to arceus121!
EMNetwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheFickleCat!
EMNetwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Elboron_Sr!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, EMNetwork! Welcome to lifecharacter, karlmartin001, MyhticRain, Foxalina, Quentoxic, cjsmith1971, whenjeremygames, arceus121, TheFickleCat, and Elboron_Sr! (Today's storm count: 356)
EvilBadman: Oh damn, I dodged the sublottery until now. how dare you.
Saphire282 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Saphire282! (Today's storm count: 357)
cogito_ErgoSam subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cogito_ErgoSam! (Today's storm count: 358)
RatherLargeToad: If PvE thing that they released with this set is surprisingly good
ClockTamer: I wish they would add Owl House to Lorcana
Pywodwagon: it hasn't been eratted yet
RandomTrivia: oh dear
Pywodwagon: it doesn't take effect for two week
RatherLargeToad: It’s kind of like Archenemy
CanPlayGames: Its not in this set...
Krillin_fan: he's not in the set :)
maywecomein: Cheer1500 enjoy the extra time! I'm definitely working this Friday afternoon!
Saphire282: Here, take my sub so James can have enough time to finish his coffee
Sogheim: there's a Jacob?!
Krillin_fan: he was in set 2
LowUpsideCJ: Set 2
CanPlayGames: Set 2
Pywodwagon: previous set yea
HedgehogKnight: It's in the 2nd one
jamesinor: It's not in this set, but good god that card is awful to play against
Krillin_fan: Sisu
maywecomein: Sisu
CanPlayGames: Aquafina
HedgehogKnight: Sisu
RandomTrivia: I'm sure Ben's lighting rig can give you some aerials lrrBEEJ
ArmstrongRGM96X: Ariels, in the sky?
RatherLargeToad: Aquafina
BrowneePoints: Awkwardfina
maywecomein: "Sisu and the last Raya", as I like to say with my kid.
Strebenherz: As best I understand it, it's less the "they can't errata" more "errata to physical cards will make a bad experience for people?"
Krillin_fan: let's see an enchanted this draft!
nessiah_aries: I only have Times New Romans...sorry, I had to get it out of my system.
AugmentingPath: no no no
RatherLargeToad: Locations are backwards equipment
Earthenone: !lorcana the wall
LRRbot: The Wall - Border Fortress [4, Steel, Inkable] | Location [2 ⭳, 8 ⛉, 0 ◊] | PROTECT THE REALM While you have an exerted character here, your other locations can't be challenged.
Criiisiis: Cheer369
Diabore: im hearing a lot of try
Lysander_salamander: :D
KV1NN4: Raya really could've hired more South East Asians for the project...
Easilycrazyhat: try*
Jillexie: Jacob is trying.
Gaelan_Maestro: how do you tell rarities in Lorcana
Lysander_salamander: picking cards based on the art is probably how I would play too
DNAli3n: hi everyone, back from fnm
Simonark: Tell Jacob it's ok, we all knew this was what would happen, and are good with it.
NonUniqueGuy: Just need to start Jacob Crack a Packs
eshplode: This is going to be fun. I haven't caught any of the other Lorcana streams, and I have 0 idea how this game is played. I assume you draw and play cards?
Earthenone: im so annyoed the feather duster dosent count as a magic broom
DNAli3n: what pack are we on?
Gaz_L: book
LithelyUnshod: lots
RatherLargeToad: the more sides the shape has the more rare it is
Krillin_fan: enough, but it'll be rough wheeler
PhoenixMelior: Lots in every set
HedgehogKnight: Yes
Earthenone: it is a draftable archtype
jamesinor: There's 3 different brooms in the set, and Yen Sid
Mr_Horrible: I mean she's the French Maid, Graham
Mr_Horrible: if I'm remembering right
tehfewl: wheelerBrat wheelerBrat
MrGibberish: Enjoy the cards Jacob, dont worry!
superdude097: What's the deck size for Lorcana?
RandomTrivia: Speedrunning MtG's mistakes
Gaz_L: doesn't Beauty & The Beast take place in France, tho? So any maid is a French one?
Strebenherz: Do it ben
nessiah_aries: So do individual sets focus on specific Disney properties or are the inclusions mostly all over the place?
LoadingReadyRun: @Aviv Fa we'd like to, the main issue is youtube it stricter than twitch about copyright music/content in live streams which is tricky for random dance parties and other singalong stuff
StarWarsTHX1138: I love when Jacob is gushing over fandoms
JoanneG110: 60 card constructed 40 card limited
RatherLargeToad: if you can get that deck working, it is very fun
Earthenone: wheeler is living MY dream
jamesinor: There's two common brooms, Ben, it should be alright
CrossXhunteR: is sora kingdom hearts in this
Strebenherz: Is wheeler just recreating THAT movie scene
Juliamon: nessiah_aries A little of both, the first set is fairly all over the place but the newer sets are more focused
MrGibberish: Everybody gets one!
RandomTrivia: In case anyone wants an idle animation for waiting
Lysander_salamander: Was that Vampire Masquerade card game good?
asddsa28: theaming
LowUpsideCJ: Ramp off the top of the deck is also functionally card advantage right?
Gekyouryuu: @nessiah_aries I think it's like the final fantasy tcg where one or two titles might have more focus on one set or another, but there's bits and bobs from all over in every set
MrGibberish: @RandomTrivia Thats is a good loop
jamesinor: Well, it's Limited here too, Ben! It's draft
Simonark: How can they go around the table if Ben always takes them?
Koshindan: Yeah, those don't go around the table because Ben's taking them.
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
PMAvers: @Lysander_salamander Yes? It's definitely interesting to see a card game that's actually built for multiplayer instead of having it wedged in after the fact.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyKissy vicksyKissy vicksyKissy
Lysander_salamander: cool
Simonark: Wait, is Wheeler having a love affair with the camera?
Austere_Squire: james will take it
DigitalSeahorse: good thing he washed behind the ear
Earthenone: in this economy?!
Austere_Squire: is it her sister from 2?
DeChunkandFriends: Is that her sister from Little Mermaid 2?
CanPlayGames: Ursala+
jamesinor: No M-ursula
RatherLargeToad: that’s her sister from the sequel, I think
tehfewl: cooler ursala
HedgehogKnight: Normal and Dreamborn?
Lysander_salamander: one of the alternate universes?
jamesinor: Sist-ursula
couchboyj: Bedore there was Ursula there was Firstula
Austere_Squire: her sister she's always had, graham
CanPlayGames: No its actually Floodborn Ursala
CrossXhunteR: the little mermaid 2 has ariel's daughter, i think
Krillin_fan: storyline wise, it is two Ursulas and they teamed up to conquer lorcana. predictably one betrayed the other
asddsa28: its not her sister her sister is sikiny
aitsu100: LM2 was bad and Straight to DVD
RatherLargeToad: it was a direct to video sequel
Lord_Hosk: Wait... Ursala's EVIL sister? because Ursala WASNT evil?
avjamethyst: I don't think that's the one from 2, she was much thinner
EvilBadman: But the Lore(cana)
Lysander_salamander: it was the era for it
RockPusher: Remember video
BrowneePoints: it is a flood born Ursula that teamed up with her to take over all of lorcana
Shadowsoflife: @Lord_Hosk she was just drawn that way
BrowneePoints: but it broke down because one betrayed the other
Boomyakalolo: so we're just gonna stuff this and the final fantasy mtg set together to make the kingdom hearts tcg right
Lord_Hosk: Thats still evil!
Strebenherz: PFFFFFT
Strebenherz: Take it Cori
Strebenherz: Embrace the dark side
boredman42 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, boredman42! (Today's storm count: 359)
couchboyj: But what about second Ursula? I don't think they know about second Ursula, Goofy.
Austere_Squire: it would have been the funniest thing in the world if james did take it
nessiah_aries: @Boomyakalolo Can't wait to make my Xehanort Typal deck.
jamesinor: I do love the Broom deck in constructed
CrossXhunteR: like, not type of card, but a specific card by name?
Krillin_fan: no rotation yet
LowUpsideCJ: @CrossXhunteR Both but i think he means the latter
Krillin_fan: nothing announced about rotation either
samwiser_: Just testing the other layout? Lol
x3ryn: Cheer100
HedgehogKnight: It's come up on a year out
Boomyakalolo: @nessiah_aries I really hope it's just opps all equipment and vehicles
x3ryn: Cheer100
Sibwow: 48
TheGuri42: anyone tried optcg yet?
Krillin_fan: G, did you get that horse?
Earthenone: Avalanche? this IS kingdom hearts
x3ryn: optcg? I am curious now
jamesinor: Wheeler is living the dream
Krillin_fan: 5 cost horse, you got him :)
Krillin_fan: he's berry stronk
RandomTrivia: Ursula, the Forbidden One
Krillin_fan: ursula is 3x3
LithelyUnshod: Old Town Road is in the new Weird Al polka
Lysander_salamander: nice
Krillin_fan: the other ones were 2x2 so she's a "big" deal :)
Bruceski: I really like the mix of animators they got for the polka
Boomyakalolo: oh no he's hot
LithelyUnshod: @Bruceski So great
nessiah_aries: If the Final Fantasy MTG set doesn't have a legendary Kefka, I'll riot.
jamesinor: Yuuuuuup
Austere_Squire: in this economy?!
x3ryn: same @nessiah_aries
jamesinor: It's in my Jafar Villains strategy
Gaelan_Maestro: if you play encanto cards you GOTTA sing the songs
couchboyj: Kefka is a layup
Krillin_fan: @Gaelan_Maestro the best part of playing Lorcana is singing the songs
Gaelan_Maestro: @Krillin_fan awesome XD
Shadowsoflife: @Gaelan_Maestro but we don't talk about bruno
Austere_Squire: having no idea about the game, hearing about broom meta is giving me life
Lord_Hosk: Wheeler is really... Cleaning up this draft
Austere_Squire: it's very funny
asthanius: Ursula With The Hair
Boomyakalolo: @nessiah_aries i kinda want it to be heroes vs. villains , but also need a mono white Sepihroth for my angel deck
AugmentingPath: deep lorcana
jamesinor: Oh yeah, no, lorcana has some wild lore
Bugberry: It's still amazing to me that Rosa from Brooklyn 99 is Mirabel from Encanto
Austere_Squire: some deep... lorcana?
eshplode: Lore-cana?
Earthenone: @Lord_Hosk he is going for the clean sweep
GameSageZB: dang it, two people beat me to the joke
Donald Houser: they were doing the preprerelease today as well right? did that happen already?
Greys N. Owman: PPR’s on Sunday
Austere_Squire: @GameSageZB it's okay, when one chatter makes the joke, we all make the joke
AugmentingPath: @Austere_Squire Like Banding!
nessiah_aries: @Boomyakalolo The question for me is rather, is Exdeath gonna be a viable Treefolk commander?
Donald Houser: oh is it okay thanks
Lysander_salamander: :D
Boomyakalolo: @nessiah_aries is summon a mechanic and can I make a 5 color summons deck
Philocalist: Y'know, the floor thing-a-ma-mop
Lord_Hosk: Somehow... Ursala has returned
Shadowsoflife: again
RockPusher: Lord_Hosk in pog form‽
Mangledpixel: Lord_Hosk as announced in a Fortnite event
Strebenherz: Go the distance Ben
BusTed: -man who was gorshed
CmdrMadMoe: Main Gorsh
Earthenone: like flunging
LordManiMani: @busted ty, you got there first
Lord_Hosk: Why aren't Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbaca, and Princess Leia in Lorcana? they are in Disney animation now thanks to the Star Wars Holiday Special and the purchase.
BrowneePoints: reminder that Goofy is the only Main Mascot that Canonically Hyucks
EvilBadman: He Garwshed and I felt Yahahahahooie
Sage0fMadness: @cmdrmadmoe great deep pull 😂
yourgmjay: how's wheeler's brooms deck looking, people who know this game?
Strebenherz: Be prepared, that count?
DeChunkandFriends: @BrowneePoints Does Pete not count?
Bugberry: Brooms are ready to clean up
nessiah_aries: It's gonna sweep away the competiton?
BrowneePoints: I GUESS Pete is a Mascot?
Aviv Fa: but isn't copyright content only a problem for monetized streams?
jamesinor: You got two of the major pieces actually, Wheeler, it looks pretty decent
BrowneePoints: but Max shows up in other things Pj does not
BrowneePoints: so as far as Disney is concerned only Goofy Hyucks
jamesinor: I play a broom deck in constructed. You got two pretty nice pieces
alphashados: When you sing a mob song, do you sing like a canary?
Shadowsoflife: Also Pete has two kids
DeChunkandFriends: True, Pete Jr and Pistol are not around as much as Max
Strebenherz: @Lord_Hosk If it's not legal weirdness stopping them from being used in the TCG, maybe they want to keep it to certain characters?
Earthenone: you opened the mythic for the broom deck, i dont even have that in my constructed one, so you are doing great wheeler :)
jamesinor: @BrowneePoints Canonically, don't Pete and Mickey both have kids?
Austere_Squire: draft, baby
BrowneePoints: also chat, the actual name for the kill the beast song from beauty and the beast IS “The Mob Song”
DeChunkandFriends: @jamesinor Mickey does not, he has nephews
Aviv Fa: if i remember correctly, desert bus is not monetized, and we should not sub to the stream
00busyhands: DIABLO!
Strebenherz: PFFFFFT
RandomTrivia: SICK
Austere_Squire: wild to watch this draft because I have no idea what's going on
RockPusher: tqsClap
Strebenherz: Oh that looks cool
yourgmjay: broom sweep, broom sweep, broom sweep
x3ryn: sweet
RandomTrivia: Oh hey, the made a tribute to the key art from BfZ lrrBEEJ
Twilight_Spark: Oubliette-er-rate
JoanneG110: diablo is like $45
Austere_Squire: oh, that was a very pretty coaster
RandomTrivia: Or the image of Emrakul looming above Thraben
BrowneePoints: @jamesinor Mickey has nephews Pete had Peej and a daughter in law? in goof troop and peej in Goofy movie but he’s not mentioned anywhere else
BrowneePoints: That’s the highest rarity I think
Pywodwagon: oh yea that card is messed up
LadyLockwood92: Pete has Peej and Pistol.
Pywodwagon: its an evoke elemental
nessiah_aries: I may have little interest in Lorcana in general. BUT if they ever make a Darkwing Duck-focused set I'm gonna start throwing my money at them.
Earthenone: its part of the reason bucky was errataed
x3ryn: let’s get dangerous
CodeIndigo: Anyone played the Deep Trouble co-op quest box? Pretty awesome IMO
Pywodwagon: yea that card was with the squirrel
DeChunkandFriends: Pete had a daughter, and he got divorced pre-Goofy Movie, and the wife, Peg, got custody
tehfewl: you draw card? I draw card.
Kindlebee92: I got the chance to shift Diablo turn 1 in draft, I never felt so dirty
JoanneG110: it dropped a little its $35
Twilight_Spark: I don't steal your card draw I share our card draw, comrade.
excalgold: if they ever throw in Gargoyles cards i will probably have to invest in it....
jamesinor: It might drop a bit moe since the whole Bucky situation
LoadingReadyRun: tbh I'm not totally sure about the limits on youtube. I do know that, unlike twitch, youtube does contentID in real time on streams and can kick you offline
hiFunko: good morning card fans
BrowneePoints: For chat, if you have not played this. As a very invested magic player myself, this is the one card game that has felt the closest to magic gameplay wise.
x3ryn: good morning @hifunko
BrowneePoints: I quite enjoy this game as a very invested magic player
ArmstrongRGM96X: @excalgold My saving grace is they haven't gone into live action stuff yet, the second there's Tron cards I'm done
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to hiFunko!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hiFunko! (Today's storm count: 360)
RockPusher: hifunkPopcorn
asddsa28: gram
hiFunko: oh ty
ClodiumSoride: @BrowneePoints it's mechanically similar to MtG, except players win by inflicting 20 damage instead of reducing their opponent to zero life.
jamesinor: Occasionally one of the creators comes to the shop I play at, and I honestly would love if they did Muppets
CodeIndigo: I am heavily into magic but lorcana solves my biggest issue with it, because there's no lands-- every card is gas
BrowneePoints: This is also the end arc for the first year of story across the sets
gamefreak3072: no copyright is any kind of distribution without a license. so its worse if tis monetized but its still "bad" if it's not.
gamefreak3072: and even though the RDP's are 30ish seconds which is inside fair use. the algorithm don't care and will kick the stream :(
GameSageZB: is it better or worse than Kingdom Hearts?
BrowneePoints: If I recall correctly
Mangledpixel: just remember, Kingdom Hearts is Light
Earthenone: @mang
Bugberry: Disney tv characters have to be coming eventually. Like Kim Possible or American Dragon.
CodeIndigo: @GameSageZB it's different, hard to make a comparison
BrowneePoints: khan is the name of Mulan’s horse
jamesinor: The lore is a lot more straightforward than Kingdom Hearts
nessiah_aries: Only thing I want is a card of Negaduck wielding a chainsaw.
Commander_Taz: I've never had the chance to play lorcana in person
ClodiumSoride: @CodeIndigo not quite, since not every card is inkable. The new Star Wars CCG does let every card be turned into a resource.
notthepenguins: this is having the incredible feeling that I imagine other people have when hearing magic talk, where all the words they're using are real words but make absolutely no sense to me in this context
jamesinor: If they make Ratatouille or Muppet cards, I'm done
jamesinor: @ClodiumSoride I've been loving SWU
Coloneljesus: @notthepenguins as someone who doesn't understand either: yup
CodeIndigo: @ClodiumSoride true, but you're seldom as badly resource screwed as you can get in mtg
jamesinor: Enchantments that can be attacked
Earthenone: they are planeswalkers for the most part attackable enchantments
BrowneePoints: SWU is also good, but this game, while different rules wise, FEELS the most similar to magic strategy wise
excalgold: just a card called 'I LIVE AGAIN' would probably make me very happy....okay time to put gargoyles on my TV....
Twilight_Spark: Horse!
ClodiumSoride: @CodeIndigo I don't play MtG but I do play Eternal, so I know all about being flooded and screwed.
jamesinor: Get two copies of The Wall and nobody can ever challenge your locations
Gaz_L: Goliath should have the keyword where you can play him tapped and protect your other dudes
jamesinor: I say we just brush that under the rug
Gaz_L: because "Gargoyles protect"
Austere_Squire: there's more than one broom?!
LoadingReadyRun: In any case, DB on youtube will be a decision for the DB broadcast team, which is separate from LRR
0011110000110011: 🧹 🧹 🧹
Strebenherz: Apparently
Philocalist: Boom, pile
LowUpsideCJ: I miss Duel Masters being printed in the US. And the WOTC version too
jamesinor: @Austere_Squire Oh yeah, there's been at least 1 in every set so far
nessiah_aries: Would also love that because then you could build a David Xanatos deck and never shut up about how 'everything is going according to plan'.
CodeIndigo: in terms of disney deep cuts, i was thrilled that sword in the stone was in the first set
CaptainSpam: Brouhaha? Ha ha ha.
jamesinor: There's also a location that brooms move to for free, and the brooms all quest for one more, it's nuts
CodeIndigo: locations really opened up the game
LoadingReadyRun: I can pass along that a youtube multistream would appreciated, though
Davecheesefish: Being able to pause and rewind the live stream is pretty great for my squirrel brain 😅
jamesinor: I made my pirate locations deck, and it's pretty solid
Shadowsoflife: @CodeIndigo we can really see the world wit them.
BrowneePoints: For Graham, the Enchanted(secret/promo rare) variant of that Diablo you pulled is almost $200
tehfewl: someone didn't play Kingdom Hearts
Kindlebee92: @codeindigo did you see the new madam mim card?
BrowneePoints: But yeah, the normal one goes anywhere between 30 to 45
CodeIndigo: @Kindlebee92 not yet...
Luhhha: What's Lorcana black lotus?
gamefreak3072: YOU CAN DO THAT ON YOUTUBE?!
Davecheesefish: Yuuuuup 😄
gamefreak3072: Thanks Dave I learned something new today
Davecheesefish: 😎👍
Awexdio: @tehfewl You just made me think: Kingdom Hearts should be the Lorcana x MTG crossover event as a sequel MTG set to Final Fantasy
Kindlebee92: I don’t want to spoil much, but it might be insane for the bounce package … or too expensive
DeChunkandFriends: A set that would kill me is one with Gargoyles, Atlantis, and Tarzan
snowewolf: New Crap shot Idea
Thadrin46: We'll sweep the floors together, now and til forever
Earthenone: !lorcana just in time
LRRbot: Just in Time [3, Amber, Non-inkable] | Action | You may play a character with cost 5 or less for free.
Earthenone: thats kind of black lotuis
jamesinor: @Luhhha Not really is one, though there are some spendy promos from D23 the first year
KinkerbellRose: I have heard TWO seperate renditions of Venga Boys today, in two seperate instances. Today's wilding.
CodeIndigo: @Kindlebee92 i'll look into her.
BrowneePoints: yeah, the early promos for the princesses are extremely expensive
ClodiumSoride: the bees
Thadrin46: The Vengabrooms are coming
Kindlebee92: @codeindigo it’s Madame mim elephant
nessiah_aries: You'd need to unfreeze him first to take a proper measurement
thatguysteve2709: So how much time do we need to get all the way through tomorrow
Pywodwagon: I'm working Lorcana at Gencon and hoping we get new shinies
IslandersCaper: ohhh I'm home in time for lorecana! HypeApplause
BrowneePoints: I think another seven hours? Or six?
Mr_Horrible: Planet Thebes? Where Samus was raised?
gsyhiap subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months!
gsyhiap: Number go up
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gsyhiap! (Today's storm count: 361)
BrowneePoints: They confirmed that is getting a live action treatment by the way
malfnord: About seven hours
Thadrin46: Hard deadline was 1400 BC time, so another 8 hours?
Kindlebee92: @dechunkandfriends they’ve added Atlantis already, unless you’re just saying you want more
Gaelan_Maestro: i like the backs of the cards
BrowneePoints: Absolutely zero casting, only producers or directors is attached I think? But they did confirm a Hercules live action.
Mangledpixel: Thadrin46 nah, 1400 BC was centuries ago
CodeIndigo: @nessiah_aries real life james woods screwed up james woods' hades
BrowneePoints: Triangle is rare, the silver diamond/square is super rare and the pentagon is legendary
Pywodwagon: @nessiah_aries well James Woods is a grade A chud, so
DeChunkandFriends: @Kindlebee92 Yeah, I'm saying more since those three shows were said to be linked, so having them all interact in one set would be what kills my wallet
Thadrin46: Dont think western canada is THAT primitive
Gaz_L: @BrowneePoints which is baffling. I love some of the songs, but narratively the film is just throwing Rocky, Superman and Jesus in a blender
Kindlebee92: @dechunkandfriends fair
Plasterboard: It finds Balrogs
Juliamon: I can't wait for them to screw up James Woods' Hades (pos)
Mr_Horrible: oh it's Dig
BrowneePoints: @gaz_l I wonder who those three characters are based off of
Juliamon: the sooner we can replace our old memories of Hades the better
mehfromBL: dig through time with convoke
Gaz_L: @BrowneePoints Moses? :P
kusinohki: 8 hrs 37 min to reach end of cap if I mathed correctly...
CodeIndigo: they should get the guy who did Hades in Hades to do Hades
malfnord: @Gaz_L Real talk, Disney doesn't seem to know how to do anything that isn't "mine the last century's worth of IP for remakes" anymore.
BrowneePoints: look as long as they don’t have a super pale white boy Hercules in 2025+ I will be happy @juliamon
Boomyakalolo: it's disney :tm:
Morrigan9: look at all but your last card.....
BrowneePoints: and also a full on Muse chorus like the animated
videowitch: doing good graham thanks for asking
FickleMuse: Big Dig? *Sobs in Boston*
MrPipboy3000: Bostonian here ... TRIGGERED!!
rosesmcgee: I'm putting Dig a little deeper in my MTG deck and when someone complains I'm calling it a functional reprint
Cyrohydra: they shut down the tunnel this summer...the big dig never ended...
theamc2000: oh no
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to kusinohki!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kusinohki! (Today's storm count: 362)
CodeIndigo: babby pegasus!!!!
Mr_Horrible: "Boston I can't heaaaaaar yoooooou" (because I have the word Dunk'n muted on social media)
Strebenherz: Don't bostonians react negatively regardless?
FickleMuse: G you have to understand...
AlgebraAce: Boston says hi
Connor Flanigan: jokes on you boston hears you
Connor Flanigan: The big dig, notoriously failed, but also notably successful
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to FickleMuse!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FickleMuse! (Today's storm count: 363)
Sunidesus: Look, that thing was traumatizing
coolbond: soooo... how do you PLAY this game?
kusinohki: TY anonymous!!
couchboyj: Yinz Tube is were its really at
Masslost: the big dig sucked as bad as the crowdstrike outage today
mehfromBL: there was also Scuttle being basically just Glint-Nest Crane
FickleMuse: Thank you to whoever that anonymous gift ghost was <3
RockPusher: benginHeart benginHeart benginHeart
NimrodXIV: okay Ben
Earthenone: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
CodeIndigo: madrigal deck is awesome, not as hyper as dwarves or ducktales
x3ryn: ugh, that outage made work a pain
BrowneePoints: what do Bostonian kids use to see over the table at a restaurant? a Worcester Seat
BrowneePoints: Let’s be clear, Abuela is the source of generational trauma
Bruceski: You play Big Dig to the stack and then have to wait a few decades to see if it resolves
Bugberry: @BrowneePoints really it's the war that caused them to go on the run and lose her husband.
FickleMuse: Yall remember of the museum of science slowly just tried to hide the Big Dig exhibit?
BrowneePoints: @bugberry yes I know. I was being slightly cheeky
GreatSacrificer: my 5 yo daughter says you should pick the princess.
Juliamon: Being traumatized does not justify inflicting trauma though
BrowneePoints: ^
asthanius: vanursula
Mr_Horrible: that just has the cadence of "Vanessa [derogatory]"
coolbond: @Bugberry yea but apparently a LOT of LatinX took psychic damage from that movie
BrowneePoints: Latine
Bugberry: @Juliamon agreed, I was just responding to what the "source" was.
coolbond: so i dont think you can blame the war exactly
Earthenone: !lorcana look at this family
LRRbot: Look at This Family [7, Amber, Inkable] | Action | Song | Sing Together 7 (Any number of your or your teammates' characters with total cost 7 or more may ⟳ to sing this song for free.) / Look at the top 5 cards of your deck. You may reveal up to 2 character cards and put them into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.
Bugberry: @coolbond oh it's definitely very relatable to many.
mehfromBL: @CaptainSpam i am now remembering phoebe's (from Friends( twin sister, ursula
Mr_Horrible: Ben, cosplaying as the bank:
Bugberry: @coolbond the war was the source, Abuela just perpetuated it.
shendaras: benginTraitor
CodeIndigo: so, question on Sing Together, if you have like an Ariel that has Singer, when you use her to Sing Together, do you use her Singer value or her ink cost?
Masslost: So Graham, fun fact about the Big Dig, the Big Dig debt was transferred to MBTA hence why the MBTA always seems broke
Mr_Horrible: it's not called Vibescana, Wheeler
Earthenone: @CodeIndigo singer
Coloneljesus: need vaati to make sense of the lorcana lore
Kindlebee92: @codeindigo singer value
CodeIndigo: Thanks, I thought so, but the official rules don't make it clear
harke_: @Masslost That explains SO MUCH
Mr_Horrible: @Coloneljesus Zullie showcasing weird OOB glitches in a tabletop card game Kappa
snowewolf: Vileness ben ? a house ? i did not know you where playing Betrayal at the House on the Hill?
niccus: i mean sometimes a story can have two beasts
niccus: as a treat
Masslost: @harke_ mhm
Kindlebee92: singer as an ability just overwrites the cards base ink value in all song related cases
BrowneePoints: Mirabel Pepa Julieta Bruno Isabella Luisa Abuela Dolores Camilo Antonio Felix Agustin
BrowneePoints: 12 of them
Earthenone: ATTENTION: you have 3 seconds
BrowneePoints: and Abuela’s name is Alma I believe
Coloneljesus: @Mr_Horrible LilAggy doing inkless challenge runs
CodeIndigo: your stream has been compacted into a cube, you have 15 minutes to pick up your cube
kusinohki: why is drafting so hard? just pick the best card... (this is a joke)
asddsa28: haha
Mr_Horrible: @Coloneljesus IronPineapple here's 20 more lorcana-likes that, well, you probably *have* already played, actually
RandomTrivia: lrrHEART
Toxxick: I have been activated
KV1NN4: lol that would be a hell of a cross over XD
BrowneePoints: my niece and nephew are mixed latine and I have probably seen that movie with more than 12 times
TheWonko: oh no ancient memory unlocked
WardsarTheWriter: And... copyright strike!
IndustrialRocketScientist: that show (at least in japanese) was *super* gay
goateedave86: Damn that theme was a bop
Sunidesus: what is happening right now?
KV1NN4: This is amzing XD
Thadrin46: No idea what that was
Mr_Horrible: love being able to pinpoint the exact years half the table grew up
BrowneePoints: that movie with them*
RandomTrivia: @IndustrialRocketScientist And all the better for it
ArmstrongRGM96X: Hell I almost just did a massive spit take all over my desk
Jillexie: Wheeler, do you need a nap?
x3ryn: that was great :)
hackingducks: too canadian for my blood. or... something...
KeytarCat: Cardcaptors was my first anime, and I liked it a lot more when I did a rewatch of the J release
Coloneljesus: @Mr_Horrible also lorcana bingo
SeismicLawns: anyone else smelling burnt toast?
IndustrialRocketScientist: @RandomTrivia oh, for sure!
Thadrin46: I am probably too old and not canadian enough
Mr_Horrible: @Coloneljesus really the possibilities are endless
BrowneePoints: if you HAVENT seen Encanto chat it’s the absolute closest Disney has gotten to their classical musicals in the modern era since Princess and the frog
WardsarTheWriter: I love how their first instinct as the break screen comes up is to wave their arms frantically.
BrowneePoints: And yes, I’m skipping over frozen because I despise that movie
Thadrin46: But Encanto isnt actually good storywise.
CodeIndigo: Thanks everyone for being awesome while I run tech tests
CodeIndigo: see yinz in a bit
coolbond: @BrowneePoints cant let it go huh? sorry had to
BrowneePoints: @thadrin46 *glares with flame in his eyes*
MrQBear: @WardsarTheWriter well i mean, that's so we know they're there. chat has bad object permanency. we might forget they were there!
Leonhart321: @BrowneePoints That seems like a strong opinion to have. Can't you just Let It Go? Kappa
WardsarTheWriter: @MrQBear Ah yes, I forgot we were all goldfish.
RockPusher: gabyLewd Naked Table sergeMoly
PharaohBender27: @Leonhart321 lrrWOW
Leonhart321: Dammit coolbond
kusinohki: I'm struggling to remember the last disney movie (cartoon) that I've seen (obviously not counting MCU and star wars)
MrQBear: @WardsarTheWriter Blub.
coolbond: you snooze you lose
marmalade_pen: hey the tables smol again
BrowneePoints: hmmm two adele dazeem references
BrowneePoints: can I get a 3rd
Thadrin46: Covo kicks Encantos butt imo.
345tom: Encantos songs are mainly great but the story is a bit lacking. I think Moana is the better package
Chaos Treader: Is bgm missing?
Greys N. Owman: No music on my end either
gamefreak3072: what does bgm mean?
gamefreak3072: OH back ground music
CanPlayGames: any chance we can get some big giant circles?
Thadrin46: *coco. Also Soul blew me away.
skysonglark: table looks so tiny from this angle
BrowneePoints: I said Musical
BrowneePoints: Moana is a musical coco is about music but is not a capital M musical
gamefreak3072: If I were a betting man they don't have it on the youtube side for copyright reasons even though they have the rights its just less headache
Sarah: No, there's no music on Twitch right now either
Greys N. Owman: They’ve had it for their other breaks
gamefreak3072: ah nvm then. good thing i'm not a betting man
Sarah_Serinde: Hey can we please not make "x is my favourite" into a fight where everyone who disagrees with you is wrong
Commodore_Perry_GG: The xx is my favorite
kusinohki: I remember seeing The Last Dragon listed as a musical various times. really confuses me...
Masslost: chat there is some light in the world today weird al has dropped a new polka
WardsarTheWriter: My favourite is... 2x+5
BrowneePoints: oh dear are we onto Star Wars XX already?
HolyHadouken: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RandomTrivia: @Masslost Oooooooh benginHype
Texan_Reverend: Similarly, let's not delve into "I was asked not to do the thing, so I'll do it jokingly."
Mr_Horrible: @Masslost bless that man
gamefreak3072: there it is
Shadowsoflife: @RandomTrivia It's good
Sarah_Serinde: To be fair, the xx jokes weren't making it a fight, so they were more or less doing what I asked them to :P
Lord_Hosk: @BrowneePoints They must be switching from draft to play tables
BrowneePoints: @lord_hosk I was making a Star Wars title joke
Masslost: @Shadowsoflife it is
BrowneePoints: as in episode twenty(XX)
WardsarTheWriter: As long as we don't approach 3 Xs, we should be safe for stream, right?
kusinohki: random tangent - I hate using X and Y as variables for algebra. my hand writing is so sloppy that I was solving for Y, but by the end it looked like an X so I had my answeres flipped flopped...
RockPusher: Sarah_Serinde Chat: More or less compliant :p
Lord_Hosk: How dare you make a joke I missed out on while I was going to pick up a child from friends house
BrowneePoints: please tell me at least know this child
BrowneePoints: you*
kusinohki: was the child on sale??
BrowneePoints: iPhone dictation you are being a butthole today
Goombill: @kusinohki That's why I was taught to make my 'x's really fancy and with some flourish, so they're hard to mistake for anything else. Also helpful for distinguishing multiplication symbols.
RockPusher: !findquote cards
LRRbot: Quote #2751: "I'm going to do the full George R.R. Martin here: Every time you ask me to play a green card, I kill a Stark." —Cameron [2016-06-10]
BrowneePoints: it’s why our algebra teacher told us to use n unless we were on a section where n was a constant
Lord_Hosk: One child is the same as any other. Sticky all over, full og plauge doesn't listen when you tell them to do things, cries that they hate the food you made.
Sarah_Serinde: @RockPusher That's chat! :P
protojman: happy friday all
BrowneePoints: kids are full of potatoes and spite
aitsu100: r1 G vrs James
MAPBoardgames: I love the sub-a-thon break screen
Grimnus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
Grimnus: lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Grimnus! (Today's storm count: 364)
AtrusOfMyst: @lord_hosk that description also describes Twitch Chat
Shadowsoflife: @MAPBoardgames Same
superdude097: Cheer100 ¡op uɐɔ I ʇɐɥʍ ʞoo˥
PharaohBender27: @superdude097 :O
WardsarTheWriter: @superdude097 Sending bits from the mirror dimension.
x3ryn: @superdude097 rad
BrowneePoints: I liked the polka vid except the part vivziepop did cuz I despise her art style
BrowneePoints: song was a banger tho
RandomTrivia: @Shadowsoflife I can confirm it is excellent. I'm so grateful that we get to live in the world with Weird Al
IncindiumX: the wap section had me laughing
Shadowsoflife: @RandomTrivia Same
megaknightro21: Almost SWU Time!!!
x3ryn: new weird al and this sub-a-thon. this day really turned around for me :)
gamefreak3072: I wonder if the camera is really out of focus or if its just a filter
Simon Pratt: I bet it's a filter.
Earthenone: this is the first time i noticed the category, im glad lorcana has one
ClodiumSoride: I knew I had fallen out of popular music culture when I could no longer recognize all of the songs that Weird Al parodied.
Gaelan_Maestro: the sword of wealth and power = the sword of WAP
RandomTrivia: @Gaelan_Maestro Oh BUS, I can't unread that
Gaelan_Maestro: XD
Shadowsoflife: @ClodiumSoride It's still a good song
kusinohki: why isn't it SWAP ??
Qwertiest_Mint: Hey y’all what’s on the agenda now? Just in :D
Sarah: Well, when the crew hold their phones up very close to this screen to show us a photo, we're able to see the photo fairly clearly...
gamefreak3072: They just finished the lorcana draft are about to have game 1
kusinohki: or SoWaP I guess...
Gaelan_Maestro: @kusinohki because the Sword of WAP is funnier
RockPusher: tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS
Earthenone: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Earthenone: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
nessiah_aries: The Sword of Fervor and Prudence
TheWriterAleph: point to the siiiiign
BrowneePoints: sword of Whack Ass Protections is more like it
iris_of_ether: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
WardsarTheWriter: We need to get a high score!
kusinohki: hard to argue with logic like that
ClodiumSoride: @Shadowsoflife I'll definitely check it out after the subathon, I'm just prepared to not recognize like half the included songs.
CanPlayGames: I’m subbed. and I’m athon-ed
PharaohBender27: Cheer969 I'm helping!
TuringsGhost: 20 lore or 2 data?
Shadowsoflife: the blured sub-a-thon logo looked like a hat for table friend
Sarah_Serinde: You're helping so much lrrHEART
Shadowsoflife: @ClodiumSoride Fair
KinkerbellRose: I've been Subbing 'n Thoning for 40 days, and 40 nights, BROTHER!
Qwertiest_Mint: Thank you @gamefreak3072 ❤️
OVERKiLL!: After Lorcana, we got Star Wars Tcg !
Pywodwagon: just a regular wall
LRRbot: Panic [R] | Instant | Cast this spell only during combat before blockers are declared. / Target creature can't block this turn. / Draw a card at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep.
Pywodwagon: not a great one
BrowneePoints: It’s not a great wall, just the
BrowneePoints: That’s Will Valdarama
PharaohBender27: @Sarah_Serinde Thanks! You will notice I have slowed down a little today. Donating responsibly and all that :D
BrowneePoints: Vallderama?
LordSaphni: do we have Deck Names?
Earthenone: evasive on your turn=reach
KypFox: Hey chat. Thank you for whomever dropped me a gift sub yesterday!
Sarah_Serinde: @PharaohBender27 Glad to hear it :)
RockPusher: gabyLul
IslandersCaper: PrideLaugh
OmnipotentTrevor: If Dreamworks would ever acknowledge Rise of the Guardians, maybe
Garfman314: how long have we been playing here?
BrowneePoints: Khan is such a bad ass name for a horse
Garfman314: i know nothing about lorcana
AMuseOfFirebane: @PharaohBender27 I got a gift sub from you the other day, only getting a chance to say thanks now! ^^
Shadowsoflife: this game just started @Garfman314
PharaohBender27: @AMuseOfFirebane No problem! :)
BrowneePoints: @garfman314 just started after the draft
Earthenone: @Garfman314 this is game 1 of round 1
PharaohBender27: Is Khan Genghis Khan's horse? katesHm
BrowneePoints: Mulan#
BrowneePoints: Mulan’s
Bugberry: Flyers can block nonflyers
jamesinor: Yes, Evasive characters can fight anyone
WardsarTheWriter: Where Shadowfax is the Lord of all horses, would Khan be King of all horses?
Earthenone: surely Khan would be the Khanate of horses
RockPusher: mmmm bubblefruit
Veste: hercales, hercales
BrowneePoints: we stan the bi icon Li Shang
Earthenone: Jerkules
sporkraptor: I learned yesterday that grapefruit in French is "pamplemoose" which is *hilarious*
Pywodwagon: Hercules can attack while wet
$20.00 from Dedicated Duck: "Shut up and take my money"
Bugberry: wet behind the earts
sporkraptor: "pamplemousse" is just a hilarious word in general
niccus: you are required to ignore the existence of disney for the remainder of this event
PharaohBender27: @BrowneePoints Slightly awkward name for a Chinese person to name their horse that, seeing as how Genghis Khan, you know, *invaded* China :p
Earthenone: horse is goaded, with or without sauce though?
OVERKiLL!: yo! shout out @Dedicated Duck🦆
LoadingReadyRun: @Dedicated Duck thank you!. Just to be clear, youtube memberships and gifts do not add to the timer, but they are very much appreciated
Shadowsoflife: Yes
BrowneePoints: The story of Hua Mulan, I believe drastically predates that event
IslandersCaper: alas, I suppose copyright means my partner's house rule of "you have to sing the song cards when you play them" also probably wouldn't fly :P
Kindlebee92: only with the sauce they use on ikea meatballs
Pywodwagon: the third one is about time travel, and is suprisingly good
Earthenone: does fairy godmother sitting on the mice awaken anything?
Garfman314: what is "inking"?
SwankyFlea: The urge to build a movie-themed deck instead of a good deck would be too strong if I tried to play Lorcana
WardsarTheWriter: That's a big hat, my guy.
Lysander_salamander: I don't think I ever watched any of the direct-to-video sequels. Not sure why. Snobbery?
Earthenone: @Garfman314 mana is called "ink" inking is using a card as a mana source
Garfman314: gotcha
x3ryn: @sporkraptor I just said pamplemousse out loud and giggled
Kindlebee92: that’s a shiny super goof!?
pipshardfour: this isn’t Demons Souls!
kusinohki: ranodm thought - I want to hear Dan Floyd read all the flavor text in various voices...
BrowneePoints: yeah, the original folktale started in fourth century China Genghis did not invade until 1211
LowUpsideCJ: @Lysander_salamander My reason was very simple: didn't have the videos
nessiah_aries: I only remember watching Jafar's Return and Lion King 2.
Garfman314: i loved return of jafar as a kid
Shadowsoflife: @kusinohki I would like to him play
onecelt is paying forward the Gift they got from cmdrud87 to the community!
onecelt is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
onecelt gifted a Tier 1 sub to Keleel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, onecelt! Welcome to Keleel! (Today's storm count: 365)
sporkraptor: @x3ryn see?? XD it's true!
Juliamon: Theater releases eventually got edited down and broadcast on TV, DtVs didn't
Juliamon: you either bought/rented it or you never saw it
Lysander_salamander: Oh wait, I did see Return of Jafar
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ashleyturnlrr!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ashleyturnlrr! (Today's storm count: 366)
x3ryn: now I need to name a character Pamplemousse
Gaelan_Maestro: Cori's thousand yard stare is amazing
BrowneePoints: To be honest, the director sequel era is also the point that people make fun of of the sequels directly doing the opposite of whatever the heck the thesis of the first film was
PharaohBender27: @BrowneePoints Yeah, but I'm going to guess that the horse being named that was a Disney thing, and not from the original tale
BrowneePoints: direct to*
Lysander_salamander: Was the sequel to Atlantis good?
BrowneePoints: no it was awful
BrowneePoints: It was several episodes of the cartoon that they were making that was canceled. Edited together into a movie.
Bugberry: @Lysander_salamander it was meh. It was a collection of what would have been the tv series episodes.
Simriel: I also don't believe your money will make them shut up
Shadowsoflife: @BrowneePoints that's butts
nessiah_aries: Can't wait for the Lorcana set based on Dingo Pictures properties.
PharaohBender27: @BrowneePoints Oh, so like the Sandy Frank "films" on MST3K
Lysander_salamander: was there an Atlantis Tv series?
Bugberry: @Lysander_salamander It was cool to see some other cultures represented.
BrowneePoints: no it was canceled
Lysander_salamander: bummer
Pywodwagon: That would involve the lorcana devs thinking about things
Gaelan_Maestro: we dont talk about Bruno
dingle_hxpper subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
dingle_hxpper: Subbing now because I would love to see more Lorcana content in the future! Love you guys always <3
WardsarTheWriter: Forbidden character!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dingle_hxpper! (Today's storm count: 367)
BrowneePoints: finished episodes were cobbled into a direct to tv movie
34 raiders from unarmedoracle have joined!
VigorishG: Lorcana! - it's been fun watching the sub-a-thon. Actually picked up a version of Camel Up to try and play with the family from yesterday. Quick question - are you all making any progress on the shipping issues with the LLR store? I know I'm not the only one with an outstanding order. @beej
Earthenone: welcome camily family
RockPusher: unarmeHeart unarmeHeart unarmeHeart
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, raiders!
Boomyakalolo: Cam Fam!!
Commodore_Perry_GG: amazonPumpkinWiggle
$20.00 from Dedicated Duck: "Okay, keep doing what you're doing, but also take my money"
Shadowsoflife: Raiders o/
x3ryn: Ahoy!
Simriel: I arrive with the Cammune, but now I must banish myself to youtube to Moderate
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiders! lrrSHINE
merdragonstarlight: Hello fam!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 2 sub to unarmedoracle!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, unarmedoracle! (Today's storm count: 368)
Bugberry: @BrowneePoints kind of had family friendly Hellboy vibes, going around the world dealing with mythological beings.
MTGRanger: unarmeHeart unarmeHeart
megaknightro21: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW lrrARROWS Almost SWU Time!!
LRRbot: Avalanche [X2RR] | Sorcery | Destroy X target snow lands.
BrowneePoints: that’s because Mike Mignola was Art Supervisor for the movie @bugberry
Bugberry: @BrowneePoints that explains a lot.
BrowneePoints: And yes, to the folks that don’t know, they got the guy who created Hellboy to supervise Atlantis
Boomyakalolo: lrr bot wrong lever
OVERKiLL!: Big Ups, 'nough respek' @Dedicated Duck 🦆
unarmedoracle: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub!
BrowneePoints: Because they were trying to crib his style and weren’t quite making it so they said why don’t we just hire Mike
merdragonstarlight: I know nothing about how Lorcana works but I love disney and am super interested!
Juliamon: VigorishG This question would be better asked via email or possibly the discord
VigorishG: @Juliamon Ok will do. Thanks!
Garfman314: what is the when condition?
Garfman314: win*
ClodiumSoride: geto to 20 lore
BrowneePoints: 20 lore
x3ryn: first to 20 lore
Earthenone: @Garfman314 a player reaches 20 "lore"
BrowneePoints: inverse magic scoring
kusinohki: first to 20 lore. players currently tied at 7
x3ryn: gotta bounce. thanks!
Bugberry: If one Disney franchise was to represent the "Mill" strategy, I wonder which it would be.
ArmstrongRGM96X: It's a bit like KeyForge, if you just collected amber and skipped actually forging keys
LRRbot: Gus [2G] | Creature — Gus [2/2] | Gus enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it for each Magic game you have lost to one of your opponents since you last won a game against them.
Garfman314: ah, so "damage" instead gives the attacking player points?
LRRbot: Genesis Ultimatum [GGUUURR] | Sorcery | Look at the top five cards of your library. Put any number of permanent cards from among them onto the battlefield and the rest into your hand. Exile Genesis Ultimatum.
kynelwynn: I had an Emerald/Steel deck built around board wipes and the discard your hand, draw 7 action, with the two character and card that got things back from your discard to keep doing it.
Earthenone: right now the main way to win via mill is "a whole new world" so maybe aladin?
ClodiumSoride: I see that character name and I think of a very non-Disney movie.
Alex_Frostfire: @ArmstrongRGM96X I'll call it KeyBlade then.
IslandersCaper: lrrbot seems a little confused HypeLUL
LoadingReadyRun: @VigorishG lrrPAUL As far as I know, the issues we were having with transactions stuck in processing is now resolved. If you are still having trouble, please email the store:
ArmstrongRGM96X: @Alex_Frostfire Yeah, that works
charlietrotter123 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 49 in the channel!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dabeebsess!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to WakoJakoDK!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to cincyjmac!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to themagician1!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Duven60!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, charlietrotter123! Welcome to dabeebsess, WakoJakoDK, themagician1, cincyjmac, and Duven60! (Today's storm count: 373)
SolarBlitz1: Taunt from Hearthstone
Earthenone: fortisphere=egg
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrSHINE
theamc2000: how many diamonds do you need to win?
Earthenone: items do not get wet
Boomyakalolo: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
Earthenone: yeah jumping your whole board sounds like a way to end a game
Shadowsoflife: @theamc2000 20
VigorishG: @LoadingReadyRun Excellent, I will wait another few weeks before emailing if there are no new updates on the order. Thanks! I'm looking forward to the new gear. lrrDOTS lrrARROW
Mr_Horrible: "Or I could challenge Donald Duck" - never a good plan
ClodiumSoride: When watching the first Lorcana stream, I missed that only exhausted characters could be challenged.
Snouut: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
PharaohBender27: FYI chat, we've gotten the timer to past 6 AM tomorrow, so if nothing else, at least this won't end in the midst of the watchalong
Boomyakalolo: at current time james gets a coffee
LoadingReadyRun: @PharaohBender27 lrrAWESOME
joeybear858: hi guys id watch more but its EVO Day
gamefreak3072: Plank? I thought this was dinsey what'd ed edd and eddy characters doing here?
Boomyakalolo: EVO?
ClodiumSoride: a big fighting game competitiong/convention
Lord_Hosk: The funniest possible sollution, but not the best... is to make James and friend come in for 20-30 minutes of coffee with James by stoping now.
Boomyakalolo: ahh glhf
nevermore913: I'm just hoping we get to real life in person forklift races
LoadingReadyRun: don't worry if you miss anything. it will all end up as vods on our various youtube channels
BrowneePoints: it’s the largest non game specific Fighting game tourney in NA
Astrovore: "It's a once-in-a-lifetime view" :D
Doncromatic: chat i need you to know i have come back into wifi in the truck
LRRbot: Gus [2G] | Creature — Gus [2/2] | Gus enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it for each Magic game you have lost to one of your opponents since you last won a game against them.
Twilight_Spark: Iiiinkable
ElementalAlchemist: pffffft
ElementalAlchemist: Gus seems great
Boomyakalolo: @Doncromatic congratulations
ElementalAlchemist: (thanks LRRbot)
hiFunko: Hey who put me on a Lorcana card?
RandomTrivia: Bahahahaha, the Un-card :D
kusinohki: gimme 2 lore, gimme 2 lore mister, gimme 2 lore towards the door...
ElementalAlchemist: Someone left LRRbot in Magic mode :P
SolarBlitz1: That seems, real good
Jillexie: Wow
Garfman314: are there "types" of ink?
Boomyakalolo: no
BrowneePoints: You could say James was...a Poor Unfortunate Soul
ClodiumSoride: @Garfman314 no, but in constructed play a deck can only contain cards from two factions.
BrowneePoints: @Garfman314 WUBRGY
stippledotter: I know that it's a virtual forklift, but I'm just imagining them getting all set up in a real life forklift, prepping a pallet, then just turning the camera off.
BrowneePoints: constructed you get 2
nevermore913: Did they draft these decks?
superdude097: Yep, drafted.
Boomyakalolo: ye
Cptasparagus: is there double colorless ink?
Earthenone: Sninks?
superdude097: In draft there's no limit on the number of colors you can play
TheOtherTrevor: Magic only took 2 years before they added snow
ClodiumSoride: disappearing ink, for a card you can retrieve from your inkwell later?
RandomTrivia: Do you want to cast a snow spell? lrrBEEJ
Earthenone: !lorcana let it go
LRRbot: Let It Go [5, Sapphire, Inkable] | Action | Song | (A character with cost 5 or more can ⟳ to sing this song for free.) / Put chosen character into their player's inkwell facedown and exerted.
heon22: Even after all these years I still think of Paul as the pro tour LRR person
Going_Medium: I love the Tattoo cycle... That's what they will call the pain inks.
BrowneePoints: i don't know if a better in game acronym has come up for it but WUBRGY White(diamond) Blue(Sapphire), Black(Amethyst), Red(Ruby), Green(Emerald), Yellow(Amber) @Garfman314
Chartle: didn't know eric was french
RayFK: uh ohhhh, inkyyyyyy
WardsarTheWriter: If you ink Khan, do they turn into glue instead?
Greys N. Owman: Why is the image for Prince Eric in French?
Spades_Slicc: Is this what you get if you take the final fantasy out of the kingdom hearts?
RockPusher: lrrAWESOME
RandomTrivia: lrrAWESOME
Casualty_booth: lrrAWESOME
RandomTrivia: lrrAWW
RayFK: It was a long ass time ago
Boomyakalolo: @Spades_Slicc yes
RayFK: I know that much
ElementalAlchemist: @BrowneePoints The best I could come up with in one minute was REDAAS, so probably someone should come up with something better
RayFK: That shirt has been consigned to oblivion many years ago
Bugberry: @Spades_Slicc the latest Kingdom Hearts already has very little Final Fantasy.
RandomTrivia: I would love a muffin shirt
hiFunko: the crossover power of muffins
enbycephalopod subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
enbycephalopod: I imagine they'll inevitably add multicolor cards to this game
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, enbycephalopod! (Today's storm count: 374)
Earthenone: yea hyou should reprint the duality of muffins
BrowneePoints: Do not ever call him Double D's ever again
RandomTrivia: Beej, please give me a box into which I may put my email address
Skye_Stryke: What is the origin of a win = muffin on these streams anyway?
RockPusher: I have been asking for a Yeah lrrAWESOME Muffin! shirt for years :p
Twilight_Spark: This is a primary part of your popular consciousness legacy.
Gaz_L: Daisy, Della, Dewey
Greys N. Owman: And it looked like Stitch was in Italian
Bugberry: Instead of "Donald Ducking it" now we can say "Double D-ing it"
BrowneePoints: I believe Paul was trying to come up with a way to copy the Match Advantage signifier the Pro Tour used @Skye_Stryke
LRRbot: Flotsam // Jetsam | Flotsam [1{G/U}] | Instant | Mill three cards. Investigate. // Jetsam [4{U/B}{U/B}] | Sorcery | Each opponent mills three cards, then you may cast a spell from each opponent's graveyard without paying its mana cost. If a spell cast this way would be put into a graveyard, exile it instead.
BrowneePoints: and the Muffin fit the Overlay theme
Bugberry: Jetstream Sam
UtilityPunk: The ghost is also an inspired design you don't need to know LRR lore to enjoy
Gaz_L: wasn't candle soot used to make ink for realsies?
Juliamon: does !cardview off disable ALL cardview or just MtG?
Boomyakalolo: Lrrbot wrong lever
RandomTrivia: Thanks, LRRbot
Bugberry: !lorcana flotsam
LRRbot: Did you mean: Flotsam - Ursula's Spy; Flotsam - Riffraff; Flotsam - Ursula's "Baby"; Flotsam & Jetsam - Entangling Eels; Flotsam - Wicked Defender
Juliamon: let's find out
Juliamon: !cardview off
LRRbot: Card viewer disabled
LoadingReadyRun: @Greys N. Owman I don't know. Apparently some of the card images I got are not the right ones :p
niccus: ""baby""
BrowneePoints: Yea Muffin and Spoopifer are good LRR Lore Agnostic Mascots
Earthenone: !lorcana jetsam ursula's baby
LRRbot: Jetsam - Ursula's "Baby" [3, Amethyst, Inkable] | Character [2/4, 1 ◊] | Dreamborn, Ally | Challenger +2 (While challenging, this character gets +2 ¤.) / OMINOUS PAIR Your characters named Flotsam gain Challenger +2.
RayFK: Ink-Lings are a different franchise
kynelwynn: Inkling? He's on strixhaven
RayFK: Gawrsh Sora
Shadowsoflife: @BrowneePoints lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
RayFK: It's Super Me
BrowneePoints: Here's here to HYUCK you up Graham
Earthenone: !lorcana super goof
LRRbot: Goofy - Super Goof [4, Ruby, Inkable] | Character [2/4, 1 ◊] | Storyborn, Hero | Rush (This character can challenge the turn they're played.) / SUPER PEANUT POWERS Whenever this character challenges another character, gain 2 lore.
stippledotter: Just wait till they drop that Tarmogoof
Chartle: ah, a pain land
Earthenone: G is playing a pain land
BrowneePoints: Ach, Hans from Frozen Run! It's the Tarmagoof!
RandomTrivia: There was this alter from a while back
Gaz_L: goof on goof violence
Garfman314: it appears that damage remains between turns
Gaz_L: yes, damage is persistent in Lorcana
Earthenone: scopa magica!
Sorator13: Is... is there a reason the broom is Italian?
Boomyakalolo: @stippledotter now i need an altar of goofy as dressed as tamiyo as a tarmogoyf
Chartle: eric was french iirc earlier too
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
ArmstrongRGM96X: Puella Magi Scopa Magica is by far the weirdest Madoka spinoff
WardsarTheWriter: @ArmstrongRGM96X By far one of the most dramatic, IMO.
SwankyFlea: @ArmstrongRGM96X bad French dub
Lord_Hosk: Which Pegasus is that Graham... there are so many of them ;)
kusinohki: I like watching a crocodile 15 secs at a time...
Bugberry: Tik-Tok almost has the same stats as Catacombs Crocodile in MTG.
LoadingReadyRun: let me test something
Bugberry: !card Catacombs Crocodile.
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
LoadingReadyRun: !cardview on
LRRbot: Card viewer enabled
BrowneePoints: @ArmstrongRGM96X in that version Charlotte kills Goofy's Wife
Bugberry: !card catacomb crocodile
LRRbot: Catacomb Crocodile [4B] | Creature — Crocodile [3/7]
ArmstrongRGM96X: @BrowneePoints LUL
Gaz_L: the Lorcana card backs are really neat
kusinohki: are they the card backs or sleeves??
Chartle: jetsam in ursulas lair, flavor
Shadowsoflife: @kusinohki card backs
BrowneePoints: It is REALLY good Graphic and Production Design
BrowneePoints: it's the card back
Bugberry: Inkjet printed
Earthenone: returning creatures to hand is so good because of being able to ink them
RockPusher: Cast your inkjet son into the sea!
Earthenone: james wins if he untaps with all
Earthenone: he has Lorethal
CaptainKranok: Lorethal
Lord_Hosk: I can't be the only one who is irritated that Pegasus (singular winged creature of legend) has become a whole race of winged horses.
RockPusher: gabyLul
Jadaris: was this a draft, sealed, constructed? i just got here
RockPusher: G plz
Twilight_Spark: Huh?
BigDaddyBland87: that sure was a line
RandomTrivia: Which is weird, because many people sing best while in the bath
theamc2000: Ariel prob could
Earthenone: @jad
WardsarTheWriter: I mean, if you want them to sound like a fish smacking their lips together, then sure?
DeM0nFiRe: @theamc2000 LUL
RockPusher: If WAP taught us anything it is quite the opposite
Earthenone: @Jadaris draft
kynelwynn: "The ink has not yet dried"
Jadaris: @Earthenone thanks friend
KingJimmeh: Graham does get +1 lore at start of turn from the Lair.
Bugberry: @Lord_Hosk there's a bunch of that in mythology. I believe "Triton" has been an individual and a grouping.
BrowneePoints: @Lord_Hosk wait until you hear about Sphinx, and Lamia, and Hydra
BrowneePoints: Triton is a God
Earthenone: in constructed you can interact far more
LowUpsideCJ: Lethal on board is anticlimactic sometimes
BrowneePoints: It's a bigger problem with Draft than Constructed
BrowneePoints: They are getting better at designing for draft but it's not QUITE fine tuned yet removal/interaction wise
Bugberry: @BrowneePoints Later on "Tritons" became a term for mermen.
Shadowsoflife: what's lorcana deck size?
BrowneePoints: nope. they started adding them in the 2nd set with one card I think?
LowUpsideCJ: It's a red effect to remove lor usually
HedgehogKnight: Mostly ruby
81ackR0se: At Disney Lorcana Challenge Bochum one of the decks in the quarter finals went from 0 to 17 lore in a single turn (and they were VERY close to that being 0 to 20)
LRRbot: Gunther - Interior Designer [4, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 2 ◊] | Dreamborn, Ally | SAD-EYED PUPPY When this character is challenged and banished, each opponent chooses one of their characters and returns that card to their hand.
Spades_Slicc: German aladdin
81ackR0se: @Shadowsoflife 60 card minimum for constructed, 40 card minimum for draft or sealed
Shadowsoflife: @81ackR0se thanks
BrowneePoints: Yea Ruby and then some Amethyst and Emerald cards remove lore
Earthenone: so how long until wheeler has german foil brooms?
mjiig: "and also mark that he won the last game"
LRRbot: Jaq - Connoisseur of Climbing [3, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [1/4, 2 ◊] | Storyborn, Ally | SNEAKY IDEA When you play this character, chosen opposing character gains Reckless during their next turn. (They can't quest and must challenge if able.)
Chartle: oh the card reader is hooked up to the bot now
Chartle: noice
Spades_Slicc: French eric
Earthenone: thanks paul!
LowUpsideCJ: English Jaq and French Prince Eric
Simriel: I hear Lorcana is superb, but I think I may be done with Card Games
Simriel: That's a sentence for sure
Lisuru: long time lurker here, just wanted to remind everyone to stay hydrated and have fun! 🙂 <o/
LRRbot: Gunther - Interior Designer [4, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 2 ◊] | Dreamborn, Ally | SAD-EYED PUPPY When this character is challenged and banished, each opponent chooses one of their characte…
Simriel: Ah the Advantage Muffin
LRRbot: Jaq - Connoisseur of Climbing [3, Emerald, Inkable] | Character [1/4, 2 ◊] | Storyborn, Ally | SNEAKY IDEA When you play this character, chosen opposing character gains Reckless during their next tur…
Chartle: or.. not?
enbycephalopod: lrrJUDGECALL
BrowneePoints: but that's cuz R/A/E are a bit more tempo/y. and Sapph/Steel will just have bigger questers or removal
dingle_hxpper: Graham just casually holding like one of the most expensive cards from this set...
KingJimmeh: Hercules can't get lore. He can only challenge turn he came out.
TabbyLavalamp: You can't quest with Rush, just challenge.
Earthenone: !lorcana devoted hearald
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Earthenone: !lorcana devoted herald
LRRbot: Diablo - Devoted Herald [3, Emerald, Non-inkable] | Character [2/2, 1 ◊] | Floodborn, Ally | Shift: Discard an action card (You may discard an action card to play this on top of one of your characters named Diablo.) / Evasive (Only characters with Evasive can challenge this character.) / CIRCLE FAR AND WIDE During each opponent's turn, whenever they draw a card while this character is exerted, you may draw a card.
DisneyLorcana: What we playing?
Gaz_L: knows only fight
BrowneePoints: Oh snap DisneyLorcana in chat
BrowneePoints: @DisneyLorcana Draft
Earthenone: @DisneyLorcana ursulas return drafyt
BrowneePoints: Urusla's Return
L0rdX33n: test
dingle_hxpper: oh hey Ravensburger
IslandersCaper: :o
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to DisneyLorcana!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DisneyLorcana! (Today's storm count: 375)
Juliamon: How many seconds delay was that sub?
BrowneePoints: @Juliamon someone sniped me to it
kynelwynn: Need more interaction for board states when one player has more characters than the other and can quest for the win
BrowneePoints: so like...15 @Juliamon
Chartle: the slaaab
Juliamon: haha
Juliamon: yall great
RandomTrivia: What a ridiculous card
Spades_Slicc: sphinx of revelations
Earthenone: !card fire the cannons
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
RandomTrivia: AND it's Evasive
Earthenone: !lorcana fire the cannons
LRRbot: Fire the Cannons! [1, Steel, Non-inkable] | Action | Deal 2 damage to chosen character.
BrowneePoints: But yea Diablo is doing dumb things with Bucky
dingle_hxpper: yeah Shift Diablo is cracked
WardsarTheWriter: Tous les objets!
Earthenone: thats how you deal with birbs
LowUpsideCJ: Such a powerful effect to bannissez those objets
Bugberry: !lorcana find em flatten em
LRRbot: I Find 'Em, I Flatten 'Em [4, Steel, Inkable] | Action | Song | (A character with cost 4 or more can ⟳ to sing this song for free.) / Banish all items.
dingle_hxpper: Steel/Green has been the top meta deck at all the store champs lmao
viowof: Lorcana images can't figure out if Canadians speak English, French, or Spanish
hvhTim: Disney Lorcana PPR if or when lol
ALLxISxLOST: does having your inkwells on the front here also make you scum in lorcana like it does in magic?
Spades_Slicc: So when diablo says "shift" is this the thing people on tiktok are on about?
dingle_hxpper: @ALLxISxLOST YES
TabbyLavalamp: So Graham's Diablo is a $60 CAD card.
ALLxISxLOST: cool, plans for the future
BrowneePoints: The Promo/Enchanted Variant is $180 US @TabbyLavalamp
WardsarTheWriter: @viowof High school me who took 3 years of French and 1 year of Spanish would've been capable of dealing with this.
RandomTrivia: What a stupid bird
BrowneePoints: The grosser part is he's combo'd with Bucky, who strips your opponents hand when you shift
BrowneePoints: so the squirrel shreds your hand as He draws crads
CaptainKranok: I can'
BrowneePoints: cards*
DiamondMX: Friday nights abruptly cancelled and replaced with Arabian Nights.
50keyz: its symmetrical draw what could be more fair lol
Gaz_L: @kynelwynn this is my biggest issue with Lorcana. games often technically end 1-3 turns before the game is officially won
TabbyLavalamp: @BrowneePoints Then there is the First Edition Enchanted Elsa...
darth_paradox: Very new to this game - what do the various card colors mean?
RockPusher: FWIW, DisneyLorcana does seem to properly check out as a legit official account lrrSHINE
iiieye: Next thing you know LRR is owned by Disney
dingle_hxpper: @BrowneePoints which is why Ravensburger downgraded Bucky REAL bad lmao
BrowneePoints: Yep
Shadowsoflife: @DiamondMX what about arabian days ?
NonUniqueGuy: @darth_paradox In constructed you are limited to two colors.
BrowneePoints: Bucky/Diablo is a gross play pattern but Bucky will just lead to more problems down the road which is why it got nuked
Lord_Hosk: Paul gets a phone call from Bob Iger, but tells him to F off and hangs up, Just like when Teller called on DB1
Earthenone: @darth_paradox colors are similar to magics in constucted, only 2 per deck but in draft they can be ignored
darth_paradox: @NonUniqueGuy Huh! Neat. Thanks
dingle_hxpper: @BrowneePoints I feel like they should have just banned it honestly.. the card is basically unplayable now
theamc2000: what is that Les mis Mickey?
WardsarTheWriter: @iiieye We joke but the possibility is startlingly more plausible than you think with how often Disney buys up small companies.
Spades_Slicc: German chicken
benjamin_wheeler: cartes tables
Chartle: first german card, instant wheeler
mercano82: curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
Earthenone: @benjamin_wheeler were you here for scoopa magica?
BrowneePoints: @darth_paradox Diamond(White) Sapphire(blUe) Amethyst(Black) Ruby(red) Emerald(Green) Amethyst(Yellow)
Gekyouryuu: @theamc2000 surely it's Les Mouse, short for Les Mouserables, yes? Kappa
Trenttkd: Lorcana is such a fun game
BrowneePoints: oops Amber is yellow @darth_paradox
KingJimmeh: @dingle_hxpper I believe the reason it wasn't banned was because the game is just about to launch in china/Japan and they didn't want those regions to have 1 less green card in their pool.
LithelyUnshod: @BrowneePoints Also Grey is Steel
BrowneePoints: yep
BrowneePoints: i said diamond cuz I was thinking of rarity
BrowneePoints: my brain broke
DisneyLorcana: @KingJimmeh This is correct.
LithelyUnshod: gotcha
RockPusher: gabyLul
RandomTrivia: Welp
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RockPusher: lrrGOAT there
mrverbal: morcana
RockPusher: Cori vs Jacob *without* Graham
KaleidoscopeMind: "graham"
Earthenone: presumably not graham and maybe not jacob he mentioned needing to leave at 5?
DiamondMX: Did LRR do a game where they explain Lorcana today, or on a previous stream?
dingle_hxpper: @KingJimmeh That makes sense!
Juliamon: DiamondMX A previous stream
Earthenone: @DiamondMX on a previous stream
BigDaddyBland87: oh I wonder who is gonna play the part of "Graham"
Juliamon: they've done a couple Lorcana nights before
DiamondMX: @Juliamon @Earthenone Thanks, I'll go look that up.
FarleyF: Graham on the phone with Disney i see
hiFunko: @DiamondMX it's on the LRRTabletop YT channel
Earthenone: i hope LRRcana takes off
iiieye: Maybe they have a gram of the Columbian marching powder
kusinohki: I think it would be in the LRRttg youtube channel??
IncindiumX: did graham win?
Boomyakalolo: James hath become Gram
Earthenone: G did win
IslandersCaper: I would also love more LRRcana
TabbyLavalamp: The problem with getting into Lorcana while still playing Magic is that I spend way too much on cardboard twice over now.
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to TabbyLavalamp!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TabbyLavalamp! (Today's storm count: 376)
hiFunko: Star Wars Unlimited is enough expensive cardboard for me
Trenttkd: I honestly don’t think Bucky should been nerfed. In the future maybe. There are so many draw cards in this game. Cards like Hiram keep you ahead.
BrowneePoints: Amber is Healing/Synergy, Ameythyst is Magic/Recursion, Green is Midrange/Disruption, Ruby is Aggro/CHallenging, Sapphire is Strategy/Synergy and Steel is Control @darth_paradox
TabbyLavalamp: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub!
BrowneePoints: for folks who want to know kind of what the colors do, this is an excellent article
accountmadeforants: @BrowneePoints I like how all of those are Something/Other, and then there's just Control.
BrowneePoints: Steel plays like honest to goodness Magic Control
BrowneePoints: removal and big finishers
BrowneePoints: and hard to remove pieces
darth_paradox: @BrowneePoints Thanks!
L0rdX33n: Am doggo sitting, have just gotten Twitch up on the big screen with chat via phone. This is sweet.
dungeonmasteralek: are there counter spells in lorcana?
Boomyakalolo: no
Earthenone: lorcana has no interaction on annothers turn
BrowneePoints: all interaction is sorcery as of yet
accountmadeforants: Based on those summaries alone (and nothing else), Amethyst and Steel seem like the winning colours.
LowUpsideCJ: I like that blue has a bunch of ramp grandmas
Trenttkd: you can’t play stuff on your opponents turn
RockPusher: [wubbins intensifies]
mistbornhoid subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mistbornhoid! (Today's storm count: 377)
BrowneePoints: @accountmadeforants the current top meta deck is Emerald/Something
Earthenone: @accountmadeforants amathyst/steel is the broom deck, so agreed
BrowneePoints: partially cuz of Diablo + Bucky
JoanneG110: Red purple is also strong
LowUpsideCJ: Blue red items had a moment in the sun as well but idk where it is now
Trenttkd: Emerald/Steel, Ruby/Amethyst, Sapphire/Steel, and Ruby/Sapphire are the best decks in the current meta
Spades_Slicc: Ruby/Sapphire was also toptier in steven universe
TabbyLavalamp: There does need to be more removal. Currently the only unconditional non-damage based removal is in Ruby.
PharaohBender27: lrrGibb
Trenttkd: Amber/Steel can do well too
WardsarTheWriter: Well-timed!
Earthenone: !lorcana let it go
LRRbot: Let It Go [5, Sapphire, Inkable] | Action | Song | (A character with cost 5 or more can ⟳ to sing this song for free.) / Put chosen character into their player's inkwell facedown and exerted.
BrowneePoints: 7ish
Earthenone: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
superdude097: ~6:45 am
PharaohBender27: It's like 6:45 AM tomorrow
ElementalAlchemist: and 56 minues
ElementalAlchemist: minutes*
KypFox: love that we get to see Jacob more these days
monkeyrama subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, monkeyrama! (Today's storm count: 378)
Gaz_L: about 7 hours to go
Sarah_Serinde: We need to get them to 2pm PDT tomorrow to hit the cap
Earthenone: wait is that notif correct? 67 months in advance?
Sarah_Serinde: @Earthenone No, it's displaying weird in some clients
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Garfman314: oh no! he's scottish!
RandomTrivia: Chat, cranking up the remaining time
Singenmeister: so we need another ~420 tier 1 subs or so (lol)
TabbyLavalamp: Does Jacob live in Victoria now?
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to darth_paradox!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, darth_paradox! (Today's storm count: 379)
accountmadeforants: Exert, but no the MTG ability Exert, which does tap, but isn't like... tapping tapping
Spades_Slicc: is there a purpose to specifying which cards get inked?
Sarah_Serinde: @TabbyLavalamp Jacob has lived in Victoria the entire time he's done things with LRR
KypFox: @tabbylavalamp I believe so
Earthenone: @TabbyLavalamp he does, also offical a canadian citizen
Vilun: @Garfman314 more like scot-ish
CaptainSpam: "Boy". Gotcha.
RandomTrivia: Hehehehe sergePun
NonUniqueGuy: @Spades_Slicc I believe it is supposed to be public info, but I can't be sure about that
An anonymous user is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to charcharmunr!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kirby_Jerusalem!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to pointn!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Reginscythe!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ragpa!
KaleidoscopeMind: "uh boy um"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to charcharmunr, Kirby_Jerusalem, Ragpa, Reginscythe, and pointn! (Today's storm count: 384)
TabbyLavalamp: That's cool. It is good to see more of him.
RockPusher: tiltyhYAS
LowUpsideCJ: @Spades_Slicc More important in constructed but it's also so your opponent knows they're inkable
Jadaris: @Spades_Slicc only certain cards can be inked, so you have to show what it is before you do it
L0rdX33n: The unled
RaklarLS: boo
Astramentha: Thanks anon! lrrSHINE
Bugberry: @Spades_Slicc only cards with the right symbol can be inked, so showing it ensures you aren't cheating.
0011110000110011: nardwuar?
darth_paradox: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub!
Jorsh029: one could think "A Mighty Wind" is a tongue in cheek fart joke
Philocalist: Arr Narr
Earthenone: cardnard is boxnards cousin right?
L0rdX33n: “mistakes will ne made”
super_ashura: St. Canard? More Tail Spin please?
Chaos Treader: I think it’s 8 more hours? But I’m not sure.
LithelyUnshod: We heard it just fine
HedgehogKnight: I heard Wheeler fine
Sethalidos: we could hear him
Martin_FcG: You mean we heard him that clearly being muted?
stippledotter: Waiting for Admiral Ackbar's "It's a Draft!"
TabbyLavalamp: You have to show the cards when inking, but you're not supposed to peek at them to remember what you have there.
eshplode: Maybe we all imagined we could hear Wheeler before
Chartle: Who's on second
goombalax: Dang WHAT? Dang WHO?
accountmadeforants: Well shit, Ursula has returned, that's the win condition, right?
Garfman314: cards can't be uninked, right?
HedgehogKnight: @garfman314 correct
PharaohBender27: :O
TabbyLavalamp: @Garfman314 Not yet.
Jadaris: i wanted to get into Lorcana, but my LGS decided that it's to be the game for casual players only, anyone who played competitively or to win got asked not to return voxyRage
Earthenone: the new yorker accent
itira: tqsSmug
PharaohBender27: I think Wheeler might be fucking with you, Jacob
ThorSokar: does Jacob not hear his own NY accent?
goombalax: did you keep the reciept?
Koshindan: Jacob immediately on tilt.
MommaGart: @Jadaris ??? that's so weird. what determines if you're playing to win or for fun??
accountmadeforants: Got the accendix surgically removed
DiscordianTokkan: Jacob IS Scottish, right? :P
RebekahWSD: Jacob always sounded like "Ohio Broadcaster Voice" with just a hiiiiint of NYC
Chartle: how can jacob be under contract if he never signed
BrowneePoints: I was born with the American Standard Dialect so *flex*
Fruan: So we're just bullying Jacob today, are we? Is that what's on the schedule?
TabbyLavalamp: The thing to remember about Ursula is that she was a character in a family movie where she got stabbed with a ship.
Bugberry: Everyone has an accent really
Jadaris: @MommaGart your guess is as good as mine!
KinkerbellRose: I love Wheeler. LUL
KaleidoscopeMind: that fact you don't say aboot?
Gaz_L: ready set go
NonUniqueGuy: Everyone has an accent
avjamethyst: big same, you know I'm angry when I sound a little southern
TheWriterAleph: you're giving our jacob a crisis, wheeler
itira: tqsFine <-- Jacob
betweenmyself: the struggle to remain professional is real riffYeti
Gaz_L: is literally the game terms, i think
hackingducks: wheeler putting jacob on tilt
stippledotter: This is gonna ruin the tour
RaklarLS: german foil Aurora
Skye_Stryke: Jacob officially joins the crew and is immediately scared off by Wheeler
PharaohBender27: Are we sure this isn't Wheeler's devious plan to give Cori an advantage? Kappa
niccus: he's not even in the game and he played thoughtseize, how'd he do that
Mr_Horrible: does Tuk Tuk have 3 wheels?
MTGRanger: tuktuk rubblefort?
goombalax: !card tuk-tuk
LRRbot: Did you mean: Tuktuk the Explorer; Tuktuk Rubblefort; Tuktuk Scrapper; Tuktuk Grunts
stippledotter: !lorcana tug-tuk
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
MTGRanger: @goombalax you want !lorcana, yeah
Garfman314: what was the MAN network show about tuktuks?
stippledotter: !lorcana tuk-tuk
LRRbot: Did you mean: Tuk Tuk - Wrecking Ball; Tuk Tuk - Lively Partner; Tuk Tuk - Curious Partner
MTGRanger: !lorcana tuk tuk liveley
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
RaklarLS: we're 201 days into 2024.
accountmadeforants: How could it be 2024? We've already had 30 new magic sets
MTGRanger: well now I can't spell either
Earthenone: !lorcanana lively part
Earthenone: !lorcana lively part
LRRbot: Arges - The Cyclops [2, Steel, Inkable] | Character [4/1, 1 ◊] | Storyborn, Titan
MTGRanger: !lorcana tuk tuk lively
Bugberry: The 1 toughness is for the 1 eye.
accountmadeforants: Y'orb
HedgehogKnight: Its the non-Canadian accent
singinnonsense: zug zug
niccus: you can make it less unambiguous by setting the lands in front of your creatures
CaptainKranok: Generimerican
bo_brinkman: That accent was cookie monster?
tenthtechpriest: rarely
HedgehogKnight: Need to say "sorry" and "aboot" more
RockPusher: Reading OP, plz nerf
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: I hear if you ponder your orb too much, you can go third eye blind
LRRbot: Scuttle - Expert on Humans [2, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 ◊] | Storyborn, Ally | LET ME SEE When you play this character, look at the top 4 cards of your deck. You may reveal an item card and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.
LRRbot: Arges - The Cyclops [2, Steel, Inkable] | Character [4/1, 1 ◊] | Storyborn, Titan
Greys N. Owman: Hey the adjudicator from Demons Souls is back
LRRbot: Scuttle - Expert on Humans [2, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 ◊] | Storyborn, Ally | LET ME SEE When you play this character, look at the top 4 cards of your deck. You may reveal an item card…
Earthenone: scuttle, look at the bottom 4 cards
Bugberry: Basically Auger of Bolas
Sogheim: if that feels familiar, there's a magic card just like it
Sogheim: !card glint-nest crane
LRRbot: Glint-Nest Crane [1U] | Creature — Bird [1/3] | Flying / When Glint-Nest Crane enters the battlefield, look at the top four cards of your library. You may reveal an artifact card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
itira: great
mehfromBL: @Sogheim Glint Nest Crane
mehfromBL: whoops too slow
BrowneePoints: The Thing to remember about Urusla is she was a Character in a Disney movie in 1989 based on a very Punk Drag Queen
syamakmin subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, syamakmin! (Today's storm count: 385)
BrowneePoints: browne26PearPride Divine
IanAllenBird: not gonna be a question about who killed wheeler
NonUniqueGuy: Someone get Jacob the spear. I think he is going to need it.
DoctorMcBoop subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months, currently on a 91 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DoctorMcBoop! (Today's storm count: 386)
BrowneePoints: Marble Magical Girl
stippledotter: Madri the Galthering
BrowneePoints: I love how Will Valderrama is on a tcg card
Bugberry: Those poor unfortunate souls
carbonoid12: Jacob, TMI
BrowneePoints: Wheelerb Sells
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
Gaz_L: James is... fine
Dog_of_Myth: That's what Wheeler do
SquareDotCube: Wheeler says tell the horse joke. From memory. Start again if you effed up.
CaptainKranok: James "Not Wheeler" Turner
mercano82: lrrWHEELER the Mindtaker
ClodiumSoride: Jacob must like Wheeler, since he hasn't murdered Wheeler live on camera yet.
ThorSokar: Is Wheeler speedrunning giving Jacob a stroke?
BrowneePoints: Jacob you're loved and appreciated and have a lovely smooth and slightly brassy voice that I am consistently envious of browne26PearPride
carbonoid12: @BrowneePoints and an accent
BrowneePoints: I just have a pinched thoaty Tenor benginCry
Bugberry: @CaptainKranok can't turn without a wheel.
BrowneePoints: @carbonoid12 nope I'm torpedo'ing that bit
Bugberry: yes chef
Simonark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
Simonark: Divide me by eleven!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Simonark! (Today's storm count: 387)
SquareDotCube: what if it's a Honda Accent?
CanPlayGames: Beauty and/or the beast
Spirrie: that guy looks like he’s from Robots
stippledotter: Beauty? *and* the beast? In this economy?
Strebenherz: Hey Jacob? You're awesome.
artemi7: I know it's just the channel name, but it is kinda funny watching Lorcana with LRRMTG on the mat lol
LoadingReadyRun: we've been meaning to get another playmat :)
Greys N. Owman: LRRTTC rebranding
artemi7: LoRRcana
BtEtta: There's going to be so much murder.
LiveFaust: Heh. Ariel with legs is Becky with the good air.
Koshindan: Jacob's never going to play card games with LRR again. :(
Sarah_Serinde: For anyone who needs to hear it: If Jacob (or anyone else on this stream) is genuinely upset or uncomfortable, trust that they will say so either on or off camera and people will respect it
Jillexie: Jacob taking a lot of Psychic damage here.
Sarah_Serinde: And also know that they are all performers and will exaggerate some reactions because it's funny
darth_paradox: I haven't seen Jacob this much on tilt since the Kindness Wars
hackingducks: the damage is merely psychic
ThorSokar: composNotes Desert Bus challenge submission for Jacob to talk about his accent
WhirlwindAbyss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months, currently on a 22 month streak!
SquareDotCube: "just git gud, or a better deck"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WhirlwindAbyss! (Today's storm count: 388)
Welbog: Jacob has 9 of whatever Cori has 3 of. Is that good for Jacob or for Cori?
hackingducks: @Welbog jacob. game is numbers-go-up
Welbog: TY
ClodiumSoride: @Welbog good for Jacob. Getting that to 20 is win condition.
DigitalSeahorse: achoo syndrome
Simonark: Think of the beautiful darkness?
Simonark: Sunlight is the villain
WhirlwindAbyss: Cheer1500 For Jacob's therapy bill
jadielady: mine do that too Cori
dumbo3k: I totally have that too Cori!
ElementalAlchemist: lrrWOW
PharaohBender27: escher3PUN
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
betweenmyself: I have a spot on my neck that if I scratch I occasionally feel a pinch in my left thigh… pennyWhat
hvhTim: i just realized that i didn't see and Madrigal cosplays in the Copa America crowds and i know what i need to do for the World Cup now
Going_Medium: Corie is tuatara confirmed. (Reptile with 3rd eye)
Earthenone: thats on you wheeler, you shouldent have gotten a german foil doctor
Gaz_L: goal is first TO 20, inverse from Magic
carbonoid12: maybe there are no accents, maybe wheeler's hearing is just cooked
Simonark: Try Therapy Wilhelm, primal scream therapy does wonders
Boomyakalolo: @Simonark that feels like a qwerpline joke
glitched_goddess: wow, the madrigal family is pretty good
Earthenone: fun fact "choose one" is the druid shapeshift mechaic in hearthstone
Simonark: @boomyakalolo It isn’t but maybe the sound engineer will sneak it into postproduction
OmnipotentTrevor: "you mean this card makes me do work each turn?"
BrowneePoints: that is a hell of a board wipe
ShaneLeeAtk: In 30+ years I have performed in A Christmas Carol 5 times. Every time as Bob Crachit.
Greys N. Owman: I meant LRRTCG
blackcoat: why, it's subathon day!
LT_84 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LT_84! (Today's storm count: 389)
Gaz_L: the passive Lore from locations is really hard to remember to do
CmdrMadMoe: @ShaneLeeAtk You just have "Big Bob Energy"
Strebenherz: Cheer1000 Jacob is great
Astramentha: @strebenherz ya he is lrrSHINE
Dog_of_Myth: I second the motion
Dog_of_Myth: That Jacob is great
GameAgeddon: Man, Rush/Haste not being called "Quick-Dry" is such a flavor loss
BrowneePoints: Cardwuar the Disney Serviette
carbonoid12: do you have to ink every turn?
BrowneePoints: you do not
DisneyLorcana: @GameAgeddon Rush is only able to Challenge right away, not use abilities or quest, so it wouldn't be accurate to use Quick-Dry, unfortunately.
hvhTim: Does Lorcana have an "Ancient Tomb Mana" set of cards?
GameAgeddon: Just something to do with Ink, I dunno
foopoiuyt: Cheer99
Spirrie: my favorite is asking “can you solve my riddle” when I’m presented with a loss
betweenmyself: One does not simply discover More Lore pennyWhat
mrverbal: Cababy
niccus: you have to let your opponent finish daily quests
RivanDarkStar subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 91 months, currently on a 91 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RivanDarkStar! (Today's storm count: 390)
Earthenone: cori is a regualr questing beast
carbonoid12: @Earthenone she has way too much text?
ThorSokar: Does Jacob think he doesn't have an accent?
DigitalSeahorse: Vincent Price accent?
RebekahWSD: lmfao
singinnonsense: everyone has an accent Jacob
TheWriterAleph: whaddy'allmean?
DigitalSeahorse: impression*
OVERKiLL!: 🩸 shout out Bite Club 🩸
artemi7: Isn't the first rule to not talk about Bite Club?!
asthanius: he knows everyone has an accent. he's just done a lot to get it as neutrally North American as possible
DigitalSeahorse: heheheh
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
TheWanderingNomad: Somehow Ursula returned?
BrowneePoints: As someone from the midwest, who has the "American Standard Dialect" yes, I am shocked when someone says I have an Accent
betweenmyself: when I get wound up my “insufferable ass” becomes noticeable
Shadowsoflife: I had a Arena game where only thing my opp did was sack land cards
Earthenone: reminder, you can mulligan in lorcana
hvhTim: i would tip a lot of bits for a full quebecois wheeler match commentary
DigitalSeahorse: juste un petite homme
DigitalSeahorse: I wish my spellcheck had French too
Earthenone: put any number of cards back on the bottom, then draw the same number once
RebekahWSD: These three are adorable humans
UltraVioletVodoo: ya you sound like youre from colorado jacob
asthanius: this is why they pay him the big bucks
epsilon_vee: this feels like really obscure VA jokes
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyEmpty
BrowneePoints: for folks outside the US, a lot of Journalists also get training to have a Neutral American Standard Dialect as well
TheWooglie: please don't break Jacob
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
ThorSokar: composKEKSlide composKEKSlide composKEKSlide composKEKSlide composKEKSlide composKEKSlide
Boomyakalolo: Jacob real quick say both
Makoforte: i think wheeler may be engaging true evil right now
WardsarTheWriter: Jacob.exe has shut down. Please restart.
Makoforte: and must be stopped
NekomimiNinja: Wheeler is quite good at that...
Makoforte: (This feels like it's going on the highlight reel)
accountmadeforants: wheelerY wheelerH
Sibwow: airfare food lodging and 2 days notice
TheWriterAleph: jacob is dying LUL
Earthenone: does wheeler voice the boys in mahjong soul?!
PharaohBender27: I'm hoping I'm spelling Fiver (sp?) right:
LowUpsideCJ: I'd love to see LRR make a parody of one of those war of kingdoms "entire society runs of your mobile game power" ads
accountmadeforants: Ex-artilleryman of indeterminate age?
Gaz_L: has Jacob ever sat in on a Garbage Day?
Sibwow: wheeler give us quebecois jfk
Earthenone: more legs are required
ClodiumSoride: @LowUpsideCJ not quite the same, but Alex did play a bunch of mobile games on Watch+Play
SwankyFlea: thats a goblin, not a bug
Boomyakalolo: Jacob on a trash day would be amazing
bytecaster: Is Wheeler trying to get hired as a voice actor, if so, I'm not sure it's working
Rogue_07 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MadamePhantom! They have given 17 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MadamePhantom! (Today's storm count: 391)
ThorSokar: Centipede man?
mercano82: am Jacob OK?
Makoforte: can we
twistedsylvan: sorry, Quebecois JFK?
Makoforte: can we take bits away to save jacob
LowUpsideCJ: @ClodiumSoride Oh yeah I loved those
PharaohBender27: @Gaz_L I . . . don't know. He was meant to come to the 10th anniversary Prayer Warriors, but weather prevented him
Twilight_Spark: Can you give us man who is also a sandworm who is also the Emperor?
Earthenone: !lorcana bad
LRRbot: Did you mean: Grumpy - Bad-Tempered; Pete - Bad Guy
Spades_Slicc: Daniel Powter
Midnightskypoet: Wheeler again but as doctor girlfriend
ShaneLeeAtk: David Powter
RebekahWSD: Great song
WardsarTheWriter: I just hear Jackie Chan from Jackie Chan Adventures saying "bad day, bad day, bad day!" over and over.
DigitalSeahorse: well I woke up this morning with a charlie horse cramp
ClodiumSoride: Jacob is playing this game under tremendous cognitive load.
FarleyF: Request for a wheeler soundboard of him saying "get on the point" in different voices
AtrusOfMyst: "So your day was pretty mid..."
Earthenone: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Earthenone: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
PharaohBender27 is gifting 6 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1797 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to InvadedOath!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lonewolfie22!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to AllTinker!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to GamemasterAnth!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TinkerTezz!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vanastar22!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to InvadedOath, TinkerTezz, GamemasterAnth, Vanastar22, AllTinker, and Lonewolfie22! (Today's storm count: 397)
boredman42 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 25 in the channel!
asthanius: get on the point, Gadget!
PharaohBender27: Would you accept 6?
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to notsoshorter!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to amyaltl!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to nick216317!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to billcarson121!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shadree!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, boredman42! Welcome to notsoshorter, nick216317, Shadree, billcarson121, and amyaltl! (Today's storm count: 402)
judelawaski: Dang the tech with Mulan mom
judelawaski: Is this sealed?
FourTwo0ne: How many subs for Jacob to go back to the deliberate Scottish accent?
LowUpsideCJ: That's a solid dgf
Spirrie: draft!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySmug
LowUpsideCJ: drgf
judelawaski: Oh nice
singinnonsense: Sois Fort !
QuixoticScrivener: it’s Dr. Mrs. The Monarch
PharaohBender27: tqsClap
ClockTamer: I legit thought Jacob just said Ursila the Mad Sea Bitch
Welbog: Wow
Sibwow: wheeler give us quebecois jfk please im begging
Welbog: Bravo!
Gaz_L: who was Dr Claw? Frank Welker?
RockPusher: Not bad, not bad
AtrusOfMyst: No Droopy Dog. 0/10
ThorSokar: Bravo
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCult
hvhTim: wheeler, have you seen Dante's Peak and can you "Put the town on alert" like Pierce Brosnan?
Midnightskypoet: Thank you, wheeler. I just had surgery today and laughing is the best medicine.
DigitalSeahorse: heheheheh
RebekahWSD: :O
Sylenctone: Cheer400 for whatever Wheeler is doing
LowUpsideCJ: Of course he plays Bastion, that's the most gadgets
Spectre0617 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
Spectre0617 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Fluffboll!
Spectre0617 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Igric_!
Spectre0617 gifted a Tier 1 sub to QuietAlien_!
Spectre0617 gifted a Tier 1 sub to YahBoiMax4!
Spectre0617 gifted a Tier 1 sub to wisteriairoha!
Spectre0617 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sirdakotaa!
Spectre0617 gifted a Tier 1 sub to RLGizmo!
Spectre0617 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pasteles_liriolis!
Spectre0617 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sqr_theword!
Spectre0617 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mage_Chaseara!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Spectre0617! Welcome to Fluffboll, Igric_, QuietAlien_, YahBoiMax4, sirdakotaa, wisteriairoha, RLGizmo, pasteles_liriolis, sqr_theword, and Mage_Chaseara! (Today's storm count: 412)
Sogheim: Jacob's trying so hard to stay focused
Bugberry: Wouldn't Claw play Doomfist?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksySellout vicksySellout vicksySellout
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
bytecaster: Can I gift some subs to give Jacob a break?
MadamePhantom: claw skin for doomfist when
Bugberry: Evil Hand Guys
goombalax: @Bugberry naw not since they made him a tank
Tiber727: Now I want to hear Ben's Foghorn Leghorn impression.
ThorSokar: long as the money is coming in, maybe that vein on Jacob's forehead will finally pop
Rogue_07: Who gets the Inspector Gadget skin?
hvhTim: wheeler keep going
hackingducks: @bytecaster of course! will it work.... eh?
PharaohBender27: Chat, we're now funded to past 7:20 tomorrow morning! (Moonbase time(
betweenmyself: Now with excitement to let the player know that getting on the point will provide a free game-linked NFT of a fun skin. pennyWhat
Shadowsoflife: they made Doom a tanks? @goombalax
goombalax: @Shadowsoflife yeah completely messed up his comp
Serpens77: so this is Lorcana huh? Now I know how everyone else feels when they're playing Magic Kappa
Shadowsoflife: Weird
ThorSokar: composKEKSlide composKEKSlide composKEKSlide composKEKSlide composKEKSlide composKEKSlide
Astramentha: XD
Midnightskypoet: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 for Jacobs metal health.
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Bugberry: Dueling Scotts
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
niccus: can... you... do... that on stream
ForOhForError: scott it in one
LRRbot: Arges - The Cyclops [2, Steel, Inkable] | Character [4/1, 1 ◊] | Storyborn, Titan
MehallD: That is correct, Wheeler. Glasgow #1
WhirlwindAbyss: ott off
CaptainKranok: You mess with the bag, you get the pipes.
Serpens77: him big
twistedsylvan: s4s
Bugberry: Who is the One True Scottsman.
RockPusher: wheelerClown
WardsarTheWriter: In this case, the point is playing the game of Lorcana.
Sevinon: (I feel like Jacob is just going to strangle Wheeler off camera)
hvhTim: Cheer100 scot for scot
Marvoleath: "Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!"
Rogue_07: Coving-19
KeytarCat: oop
AtrusOfMyst: Is "showing cove" the same as "hanging brain?"
RockPusher: Wait a minute, that cove isn't hidden — I can see it's right there!
twistedsylvan: @Sevinon that's assuming he can stop laughing long enough to do it
An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to IronAssassin75!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to IronAssassin75! (Today's storm count: 413)
betweenmyself: no matter what anyone tells you, we are absolutely *not* post-coving
bytecaster: Beast Thicc-Skinned
Decem_Lampas: Jacob's kermit is pretty good
just_like_aerin is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 30 in the channel!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to sunman_76!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to drjcarter!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to JayZShadow!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sfalanga42!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZorDonOfDoom!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to zmann0606!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to runner724!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to GlassbowlPrincess77!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to delphita!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to BrainWrap!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, just_like_aerin! Welcome to drjcarter, sunman_76, Sfalanga42, BrainWrap, ZorDonOfDoom, zmann0606, JayZShadow, runner724, GlassbowlPrincess77, and delphita! (Today's storm count: 423)
Sevinon: @betweenmyself People always talk about pre-coving but it feels total unnecessary to me.
bytecaster: It's not easy being green after all
Earthenone: so many sagans
Bugberry: Wakka Wakka
ThorSokar: Kermit vs Kermit lets goooo
devturp: streaming for 11 hours!? wow! found your stream
AtrusOfMyst: "Megan Thee Stallion, here"
CaptainSpam: ARE there Muppets in Lorcana?
Texan_Reverend: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Earthenone: this is a subathon, its been going on for 4 days @devturp
CaptainEnder7: Oh man, I would so be on board if they made a Muppets expansion for Lorcana.
Bugberry: Stitch is a Glitch
PharaohBender27: @devturp Well, after a refresh. This has been a subathon going since Monday
Juliamon: devturp Much longer than that, actually
OmnipotentTrevor: Is it just too dark to register?
powerflapjack: miss piggy told me to play a high tide deck at this year's canlander championship.
Gaz_L: the Christmas Carol MTG Brawl video still makes me laugh SO hard as Wheeler realises how terrible his peasant deck is in real time as Bob Kermit
Sevinon: @powerflapjack The monster!
bytecaster: I'm sure he'd enjoy some scritches
SmithKurosaki: @artemi7 idk what bit club is :p
SmithKurosaki: bite*
LRRbot: Arges - The Cyclops [2, Steel, Inkable] | Character [4/1, 1 ◊] | Storyborn, Titan
CaptainSpam: If there's no Muppets expansion for Lorcana, I declare Disney to be COWARDS.
Makoforte: Cheer400 buying Jacob a minute of mercy
Rogue_07: Why is that in a Romance Languagte I can't place?
Rogue_07: Either Portuguese or Italian I think?
powerflapjack: lmao
DigitalSeahorse: secretly 3 Kermits in a trench coat
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
Texan_Reverend: @CaptainSpam Just imagine the lore potential of also including the Muppet Babies.
Bugberry: Lantern control
Juliamon: Rogue_07 A bunch of the card files are in Italian for some reason
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Earthenone: an entire felterweight devision?
glitched_goddess: whenever I lose my Kermit voice, I just say “Hi ho! Kermit the Frog here!” and I get it back instantly
Chartle: we've also seen german and french
iris_of_ether: I'm lurking but CORI
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCult
Astramentha: noice
Rogue_07: @Juliamon that's definitely weird lol
WardsarTheWriter: Two times from now.
powerflapjack: can we get a wheeler megatron "you failed me again starscream?"
Juliamon: presumably it's a case of "unofficial card database = whatever language they had a clean scan of"
dpj2009: !card mikey mouse
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
1y1e: Clap
DigitalSeahorse: heheh
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Easilycrazyhat: Four?!?!
SnackPak_: how do we get Jacob to guest on Is This Your Card?
Chartle: the hidden cove encourages violence
powerflapjack: respected saluted
niccus: who's beaking
Chartle: and seen for the wonder i ma
Chartle: am*
Cptasparagus: Jacob just start doing JP lines
Sevinon: @SnackPak_ Does Jacob survive that experience?
Gaz_L: @Sevinon just have Angel there too
Sevinon: @Gaz_L ... I need this
powerflapjack: @Sevinon you're right, bring jacob in for a vintage cube stream with Da Boiz
Sevinon: Don't mind me, now just wishcasting a Wheeler, Angel, Jacob stream
hackingducks: the fates don't quite seal, but close enough.
Sibwow: jacob i believe its "topping deck"
Sogheim: Jacob needs to come back for the bullfighting game
LowUpsideCJ: Like fighting games in that way
DigitalSeahorse: as long as it's not decking top
malfnord: If you enjoyed it, it wasn't wasted
RockPusher: The Reaper of Enjoyment
Bugberry: Limited is also high variance for most games. Sometimes it's not in the cards.
Cptasparagus: that fates card looks like the green alien dude from Lilo and Stitch being summoned
Pywodwagon: and unlike some people at the table, you haven't reached the "washed up" stage yet
AtrusOfMyst: Anyone can farm Matthew for packs in Pokemon TCG for Game Boy
Sevinon: Hell yeah
IanAllenBird: yeag
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
WardsarTheWriter: Yes!
PharaohBender27: Yes
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
Shadowsoflife: yeah
stippledotter: Woo!
Jadaris: voxyCrabdance voxyCrabdance
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap
ElementalAlchemist: I mean, I am, at leasts
gualdhar: this is fucking hilarious
niccus: i am required to have a good time
SwankyFlea: yay
ElementalAlchemist: least*
Sogheim: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Gekyouryuu: I've never not had a good time with you on-screen Jacob
DeM0nFiRe: Cheer215 lrrHEART
powerflapjack: @Cptasparagus lmao, clotho atropos and lachesis summoning up pleakley
Astramentha: anubianWaggle anubianWaggle anubianWaggle anubianWaggle anubianWaggle
Buxx345: yay
RockPusher: BOP
PharaohBender27: Immediately followed by the mods activating
Earthenone: chat is just "paul play children laughing" in text form
WardsarTheWriter: Get the one who isn't part of our hive mind!
Cptasparagus: @powerflapjack yeah Pleakley
Masslost: I work in IT, today was not a good day
bytecaster: With all this questing, is Questing Beast in this?
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL apparently the card database quietly displays card images in other languages if it is missing the english image, which is not...ideal
Luminaire_p: *incredibly loud incorrect sound*
RockPusher: BOP sergeSqueak
Sevinon: @Masslost I am so sorry
CaptainCoriale: I've always liked that Jackbox game where the audience is a pile of spiders
Sogheim: that explains a lot, Paul
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBonk katesBonk
mtgnorthman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mtgnorthman! (Today's storm count: 424)
Commander_Taz: @LoadingReadyRun Can you use ?
PawssumFable: DO THE GATOR
PawssumFable: Sorry
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPride vicksyPrider katesPride
Commander_Taz: That's the site I use to build my decks
Earthenone: the big olive
LRRbot: Thebes - The Big Olive [2, Steel, Inkable] | Location [1 ⭳, 7 ⛉, 0 ◊] | IF YOU CAN MAKE IT HERE... During your turn, whenever a character banishes another character in a challenge while here, gain 2 lore.
Cptasparagus: Thebussy
niccus: you can always put your ink in front of your characters
hackingducks: the bees!
Gekyouryuu: I think it's pronounced theebs.
SwankyFlea: The Big Olive (Garden)
JAndersonCAD is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 131 in the channel!
SnackPak_: All Dogs go to Heaven remake, but instead of Billy Joel singing, it's Billie Joe
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to geekxism!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to wabiiisabii!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bernires!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to 123Space!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dvndy317!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to akimuhb!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to MajorMooch!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to baneofgalbatorix!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to IamPoys!
JAndersonCAD gifted a Tier 1 sub to fleetingtv!
ElementalAlchemist: yeah, you can't Tap™ in this game
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, JAndersonCAD! Welcome to geekxism, wabiiisabii, MajorMooch, Bernires, Dvndy317, akimuhb, 123Space, baneofgalbatorix, fleetingtv, and IamPoys! (Today's storm count: 434)
Diabore: !lorcana hidden cove
LRRbot: Hidden Cove - Tranquil Haven [1, Emerald, Inkable] | Location [1 ⭳, 6 ⛉, 0 ◊] | REVITALIZING WATERS Characters get +1 ¤ and +1 ⛉ while here.
PharaohBender27: @JAndersonCAD lrrSHINE
Cptasparagus: he's a questing beast
LoadingReadyRun: there are various other lorcana card database sites, was just the easiest download from. In future, I will use a different one :p
Bugberry: The Bes
TheWriterAleph: "not thebes! not the beeees! ahhhhh!!"
Chartle: thibbies
PharaohBender27: Chat, we're close to hitting 8 AM tomorrow, aka forklift time!
RockPusher: They call me Mister Thebes!
Sogheim: forklift time?
BrowneePoints: Paul you are appreciated browne26PearPride
DigitalSeahorse: katesPosh vicksySellout vicksySellout vicksySellout munny
Sevinon: How much card advantage is there in this game?
SeismicLawns: what time do we need to see in the left to get to the end?
Gekyouryuu: @PharaohBender27 depending on time zones, we've technically already hit 8am tomorrow
Sevinon: (Never played or really watched it)
BrowneePoints: There's quite a bit
PawssumFable: Friday Night Cider Time
Bugberry: If they do a Muppet expansion, I can't wait to see what songs get in.
MWGNZ: @Gekyouryuu almost 1pm tomorrow here rn
BrowneePoints: It's harder to get in one set draft @Sevinon
stippledotter: @gekyouryuu but not everyone's 8am summons a forklift 😔
PawssumFable: Nice
Gekyouryuu: Wheeler, this company is run by a mouse. it's all SQUEAK to me.
PharaohBender27: @Sogheim It's scheduled as "Star in a Reasonably Priced Forklift" I assume it's a Shenmue thing Ian will host
BrowneePoints: I think they said Asetto Corsa?
Diabore: @SeismicLawns at present time, about 20:30 by my count
Sevinon: @PharaohBender27 It's actually Asetto Corsa
Earthenone: i think its asetto corsa this year
PharaohBender27: @MWGNZ OK, 8 AM moonbase time, you smartasses :p
PharaohBender27: @Sevinon Oh. OH.
Earthenone: the fates? the fates are marching in?
Alness49 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alness49! (Today's storm count: 435)
Sogheim: Forklift Simulator 2023 has good reviews, maybe they'll be playing that tomorrow?
accountmadeforants: I do hope the Assetto Corsa track is actually that accursed Shenmue 3 warehouse, somehow.
ElementalAlchemist: ^
Diabore: whats the highest the timer has gotten during the subathon
LRRbot: Thebes - The Big Olive [2, Steel, Inkable] | Location [1 ⭳, 7 ⛉, 0 ◊] | IF YOU CAN MAKE IT HERE... During your turn, whenever a character banishes another character in a challenge while here, gain 2 …
ElementalAlchemist: It was over 24 hours a couple days ago
Sevinon: I think it was in the 30s at one point
PharaohBender27: @accountmadeforants The one on the dock?
accountmadeforants: @PharaohBender27 Yeah
stippledotter: The Shenanigans of this round have made this round roughly equal in length to the whole of James/Graham, I think
Bugberry: Big Pig
Diabore: i think i saw over 40 during punch a chunk but not sure so was polling chat
hackingducks: piglet's a tank
PharaohBender27: @accountmadeforants I remember the moment Ian got "EIGGHHT CRRAATES!"
goatprince: bröther
Sevinon: @Diabore That would check out
Sevinon: It was raising bits like crazy
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
SnackPak_: gottem
Rogue_07: Of course, Wheeler
protojman: can i see it?
goatprince: how delightfully devilish
carbonoid12: in this economy!?!?
Sevinon: Nicely done Wheeler
superdude097: Is this Wheeler's copy of Aurora?
Cptasparagus: its in german on the reader wheeler
Diabore: !lorcana aurora
LRRbot: Did you mean: Aurora - Briar Rose; Aurora - Dreaming Guardian; Aurora - Regal Princess; Aurora - Lore Guardian; Aurora - Tranquil Princess
hackingducks: she has gestaltwandel, is that good?
Bugberry: It's all Douch to me
Sevinon: @Bugberry Nah, that's just Wheeler's persona
accountmadeforants: @PharaohBender27 I was there, also. That whole Shenmue 3 playthrough was the slowest, wildest ride.
couchboyj: No no no, patented Burgess Burgers
LowUpsideCJ: Card game slang or canadian slang or random nonsense: it's all possible
WardsarTheWriter: Disney Hold 'Em!
asthanius: they/thebes
Bugberry: I feel like classic fairytales being in German is lore appropriate.
Montesque64: !lorcana aurora - lore guardian
LRRbot: Aurora - Lore Guardian [4, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 2 ◊] | Floodborn, Hero, Princess | Shift 2 (You may pay 2 ⬡ to play this on top of one of your characters named Aurora.) / PRESERVER Opponents can't choose your items for abilities or effects. / ROYAL INVENTORY ⟳ one of your items — Look at the top card of your deck and put it on either the top or the bottom of your deck.
PharaohBender27 squinting to try to read the German card and see if I can make sense of it FAKE EDIT: Not anymore!
couchboyj: What do you call a Lorcana Vorethos? A Milo? I think Timmys are Gastons.
Montesque64: Whoo, guessed right!
Sevinon: French this time?
Omega_Lairon: le grille!?
Montesque64: !lorcana transformed chef
LRRbot: Transformed Chef - Castle Stove [4, Sapphire, Inkable] | Character [3/3, 2 ◊] | Storyborn, Ally | A CULINARY MASTERPIECE When you play this character, remove up to 2 damage from chosen character.
PharaohBender27: @Omega_Lairon What the hell is that!?
Rogue_07: A 2/2 for 1 has been my experience, I think
PharaohBender27: Also wait
Sevinon: @PharaohBender27 That's a fine looking deck
Dromos_GHG: do brooms just sweep?
PharaohBender27 gifted 3 months of Tier 1 to Omega_Lairon. They've gifted 1800 months in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Omega_Lairon! (Today's storm count: 436)
WardsarTheWriter: @Sevinon Why doesn't mine look like that!?
Sevinon: We did it chat
WardsarTheWriter: -confetti-
Grimnus: Its like in magic, realising when youre on the offense or defense
superdude097: Who's the Beatdown
artemi7: Wait Piglet starts murdering innocent characters when you're hellbent? Poor guy really does have a turn
powerflapjack: a lot of times with card games there's just A Moment that you see the gears and it just works, it sucks trying to get there though
asthanius: good ol' The Bees
powerflapjack: like with flesh and blood my moment was realizing that if I wasn't completely using my hand to attack or defend, it was wasted resources
MalevolentGFX: !lurk
WardsarTheWriter: Not much Elsa.
PharaohBender27: sharkf11CLAP
Earthenone: !lorcana let it go
LRRbot: Let It Go [5, Sapphire, Inkable] | Action | Song | (A character with cost 5 or more can ⟳ to sing this song for free.) / Put chosen character into their player's inkwell facedown and exerted.
FenrisSchafer is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 16 in the channel!
FenrisSchafer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Clatter_Buck!
FenrisSchafer gifted a Tier 1 sub to NonRandomMusic!
FenrisSchafer gifted a Tier 1 sub to 42eto!
FenrisSchafer gifted a Tier 1 sub to prince_waddles!
FenrisSchafer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Chandler_08!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, FenrisSchafer! Welcome to NonRandomMusic, Clatter_Buck, Chandler_08, 42eto, and prince_waddles! (Today's storm count: 441)
Sevinon gifted a Tier 1 sub to WardsarTheWriter! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WardsarTheWriter! (Today's storm count: 442)
PharaohBender27: Ben v. Ben
Earthenone: the benben
KaleidoscopeMind: ben-ben
Dromos_GHG: battle of the bens
WardsarTheWriter: @Sevinon Thankies for the giftie!
Gaz_L: with *CORIANDER DICKINSON* as table friend
Texan_Reverend: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
wichoman777: I seriously could not have gotten here at a better time! I'm currently working on an essay for my second to last class for my master's and just having you guys around, are helping me with this typing spree! Thanks so much!
Sevinon: @wichoman777 Good luck!
Gaz_L: my best attempt at doing TTS voice in chat
Shadowsoflife: @Sevinon Nice, good luck
PharaohBender27: @wichoman777 Best of luck with the essay! lrrHEART
stippledotter: @wichoman777 grad classes are no joke--happy writing!
FenrisSchafer gifted a Tier 1 sub to wichoman777! They have given 17 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wichoman777! (Today's storm count: 443)
stippledotter: Ooooo we've made it to forklift!
stippledotter: If we keep going, they may even do something with it
malfnord: Close enough to start the forklift then end the stream
PharaohBender27: Ohai Jordynne
Texan_Reverend: Hi, Jordynne!
WardsarTheWriter: Hi Jordynne!
megaknightro21: SWU Time????!!!
stippledotter: Cool hat!
vanman229: so fast!
Lord_Hosk: Did you all see that! It was Matt in a Jordynn wig dancing across screen!
Texan_Reverend: Nailed it!
chrono2x: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
malfnord: Which would be funny, but it's been a week. We need some forklift, right gang?
Pywodwagon: @Lord_Hosk I'm choosing to interpret this as Matt Wiggins, as it is objectively funnier
luke_warme: now this is real entertainment
Earthenone: hi-low piccalo
public_key_reveal_party: PogBones
Gaelan_Maestro subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Gaelan_Maestro: huzzah
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gaelan_Maestro! (Today's storm count: 444)
Lord_Hosk: Matt wiggins in a Jordynn wig and Tim in a whole Jacob Cosplay! Amazing!
vanman229: this is like watching the fish at the aquarium
Earthenone: i hope they do a break screens supercut
PharaohBender27: @Earthenone I will say, based on YT Vods from last subathon, these bits *will* be preserved
Rora_Borealis: uni100
PharaohBender27: Not as a supercut, but as the ending of a section, IIRC
LiveFaust subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LiveFaust: More time for the time throne.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LiveFaust! (Today's storm count: 445)
powerflapjack: @Earthenone i read that as "break the screen with an uppercut" and wondered when oki oki started back up
Texan_Reverend: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
WardsarTheWriter: Awaken Ben!
azninsect: make time number go up!
azninsect: (to a cap)
ElementalAlchemist: Ben is ready, and Ben is taking a nap
ZombieHendrix subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months, currently on a 11 month streak!
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ZombieHendrix! (Today's storm count: 446)
Astramentha: eepy
Dalrint: How much more time is needed?
powerflapjack: "I don't wanna grind arena ladder today, mom"
IanAllenBird: that's gotta be some sort of crime
malfnord: @Dalrint About 6-7 hours to hit the cap.
BrowneePoints: I'm malicious mean and scary, my sneer could curdle dairy
niccus: deglove the cards
ElementalAlchemist: eepy card reader
BrowneePoints: and violence wise my hands are not the cleanest
accountmadeforants: Brooms! Brooms! Brooms!
Sevinon: @niccus It would have cost you nothing not to type that
BrowneePoints: You're INKING your GUNTHER? in PUBLIC!?
wichoman777: @stippledotter my friend, you hit the nail on the head. The assignment is due Sunday but I want to get it done and submit by today. I'm almost done, need one more page!
OVERKiLL!: haha yall wild
WardsarTheWriter: This is sending a bad example. Playing with your cards unwrapped is dangerous. You'll be playing with every player your opponent has ever played against.
judelawaski: Him and so many broom
judelawaski: The guy libe his brooms lol
Sevinon: @WardsarTheWriter I double sleeve mine!
Chartle: wheeler has an illegal muffin
stippledotter: @wichoman777 heck yeah! Get that paper and Get! That! Nap!
Mazrae: So is Wheeler just going to sweep up the competition
KaleidoscopeMind: gotta earn the muffin
aClonedPickle: mods eat this man's muffin
Dromos_GHG: de-muffined
ShaneLeeAtk: Bucket?
accountmadeforants: That means the sub-a-thon now qualifies as an educational program
accountmadeforants: We teach assorted languages at random
Kentosaurus: "Clean like no one's watching" is great flavor text
Suffix: Oh good. Cori has a beverage. Thank goodness.
Pseudonym_Ken: hey, I’m in Alaska and it is indeed 5pm here!
WardsarTheWriter: Royal Funeral incoming.
vanman229: that explains the joke
BrowneePoints: Don Qui? Mr Xote?
jchinnock: something getting down to business
ThorSokar: I hear Wheeler has an amazing Horse-based Joke
twistedsylvan: keep Wheeler away from horses and jokes involving them
Chartle: i think wheeler is contractually obligated to save horse jokes for desert bus
stinsanity89: Did I miss Star Wars?
LRRbot: Brawl [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Action | Banish chosen character with 2 ¤ or less.
powerflapjack: that's next I believe
twistedsylvan: Has he done the horse joke more than once? Or was it just the one time, and it scarred us all?
Maya : get broomed
Maya : get swept *rimshot*
LRRbot: Brawl [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Action | Banish chosen character with 2 ¤ or less.
Shadowsoflife: You haven't @stinsanity89
Rogue_07: God, I'm terminally MTG poisoned
Rogue_07: I heard Ben say that he was inking BARAL
IaCthulhuFthagn: @twistedsylvan I mean, that one time was two times, so... yeah.
WardsarTheWriter: Poor Bruno's gonna get frozen into those walls when she turns it into an ice palace.
BrowneePoints: @WardsarTheWriter nah cuz his bars are fire
WardsarTheWriter: @BrowneePoints Truuuue!
e_bloc: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1
Chartle: it's so good
BrowneePoints: Encanto is very good and fun
Gekyouryuu: we just don't talk about him
Mazrae: At this rate we will put 1 million bits I think
hvhTim: As a Colombian, i cannot recommend the film enough
Rogue_07: Third Base!
superdude097: Cantalope
Chartle: i personally can't elope
Pywodwagon: Cantaloupe yea
Spades_Slicc: Who isn't a catalope person?
Lord_Hosk: Muskmellon
Suffix: Is watermelon an option
Boomyakalolo: huney dew
Shadowsoflife: watermelon
stippledotter: I, for one, am human
ClodiumSoride: honeydew over cantaloupe for me
malfnord: If it's in season, I'll go for canteloupe
Purplesandpaper1: Cantaloupe's the best
BrowneePoints: the worst part about Encanto is the songs WILL get stuck in your head
SquareDotCube: shame about the marital limitations on cantaloupe
hvhTim: @BrowneePoints feature not a bug :) lol
KV1NN4: love me honeydew and cantaloupe more than regular melon
AugmentingPath: SquareDotCube you can do it as long as there's a big ceremony, it's fine
Montesque64: Dang. I'm glad they changed the offense/defense stats to represent "willpower" or otherwise Mirabel as a 3/5 would be hilarious
Shadowsoflife: @BrowneePoints Have you hear the villian verison of them?
Lord_Hosk: I've never had a Cantaloupe because I live in North America and they are next to impossible to get here.
insanecat6mtg: Cantaloupe over honey dew, but watermelon over both of them.
Mr_Horrible: lrrWOW
Kentosaurus: lol
azninsect: HypeLUL
BrowneePoints: but they added weird mysticism not inherent in the original folktale!
hvhTim: @KV1NN4 wait, i thought cantaloupe was a regular melon
excalgold: @BrowneePoints that's just a disney thing..... *Hums Be Prepared and Hell Fire*
MaddogM: Blame James?
Montesque64: @Lord_Hosk I'm guessing you life in North North America, because they are all over the South
WardsarTheWriter: Funnily, I've never seen the Live-Action Mulan. I've been avoiding the live-action movies in general after having seen the Lion King.
Pywodwagon: The Fanfics on Jimmys book shelf would get him cancelled
KaleidoscopeMind: or just have a bunch of brooms
enbycephalopod: Watermelon is one of my favorite berries
Mr_Horrible: Bruno's Divining Top OpieOP
Earthenone: sadly yeah, you cant name "magic broom"
artemi7: Honeydew all the way here
Greys N. Owman: I hate all melons
Mr_Horrible: "Michael"
darth_paradox: Name a card, not name a character
megaknightro21: it's just the main name not the subtitle
Omega_Lairon: n+1 dalmations
Lord_Hosk: @Montesque64 You are likely refering to Muskmelon, which are often mislabled as Cantaloupe
Shadowsoflife: @excalgold look up Jonathan young youtube for encanto villain song
BrowneePoints: I'm not a huge Jonathan Young fan
WardsarTheWriter: The Madrigals are FIGHTING!
BrowneePoints: well, Jonathan Young singing fan* he does good compositions
e_bloc: can't not hear Wheeler's deck name in the style of Vengaboys
AugmentingPath: a skill giant
Montesque64: <message deleted>@Lord_Hosk These?
Montesque64: sorry, didn't mean to do that
stippledotter: !venga
LRRbot: To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield to the oncoming Venga Bus.
ElementalAlchemist: Always be careful with data URIs
ExhaustedElox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months!
ExhaustedElox: One more month for the big 10 year anniversary! :D
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ExhaustedElox! (Today's storm count: 447)
Juliamon: Always look at what you're about to send before sending.
Earthenone: !bus
Chartle: be kind, rewind
wichoman777: @ExhaustedElox awesome!
azninsect: mickey? in mouse form?
Rogue_07: qu'est-ce que le fuck?
Earthenone: !lorcana standard bearer
LRRbot: Mickey Mouse - Standard Bearer [2, Steel, Inkable] | Character [1/3, 1 ◊] | Storyborn, Hero | STAND STRONG When you play this character, chosen character gains Challenger +2 this turn. (They get +2 ¤ while challenging.)
Mr_Horrible: Michael Mousimillian
excalgold: Mickey is what you call friends, Michael Mouse is a terrifying figure
62MGcobra: wow almost at the cap, like 4 more hours I think?
ElementalAlchemist: ~6 if I counted right
62MGcobra: @ElementalAlchemist yep I can't count
Mr_Horrible: let it not be said Wheeler doesn't commit to the bit
BrowneePoints: 6 hrs under ye
Gekyouryuu: Wheeler got swept up in deckbuilding, clearly
Lord_Hosk: @Montesque64 Thats not a cantaloupe, you can tell by the netting like pattern on the rind
Montesque64: @Lord_Hosk Funnily, after googling, I don't think I've ever seen a muskmelon. They look good, though.
BrowneePoints: A French-Colombian Fusion cuisine
jchinnock: heard!
An anonymous user is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to InitialBird!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to DartsWithMart!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to shikacho5!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to WaffleMedia!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Citrus!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to HexInverted!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to GummiBearLord!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kain973!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shellieluvs!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to intrepidmonkey!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to shikacho5, DartsWithMart, InitialBird, HexInverted, WaffleMedia, Citrus, GummiBearLord, Kain973, Shellieluvs, and intrepidmonkey! (Today's storm count: 457)
teddywhosabear: subs subs subs subs
Earthenone: wheeler has lorethal
twistedsylvan: Lorethal is very good
WardsarTheWriter: It really is good at stoking my Disney nostalgia...
BrowneePoints: it's making me wanna rewatch Princess and the Frog
InfiniTokens: That's the subliminal messaging: WATCH MORE DISNEY MOVIES
KaleidoscopeMind: you are not immune to propaganda dot jpg
InfiniTokens: Lorcana is secretly a marketish push for Disney+
Montesque64: @Lord_Hosk See...that's how everyone in my region of the states identifies it as a cantaloupe, is the netting on the rind. Now I'm really curious what you're referring to as a cantaloupe.
Gekyouryuu: I've had a silly idea: since this game is supposedly only going to use main disney stuff and not include marvel, star wars, pixar, etc., they should put a magical weapon in this game called The Disney Animated Cannon
WardsarTheWriter: "You call me a broom! How dare you!? I'm clearly a duster!"
malfnord: Honestly, Lorcana needs to start digging into the Disney live-action movies from the 70s.
e_bloc: whats a song
BrowneePoints: a powerful spell that you can "convoke"
e_bloc: thank you!
Sunidesus: @Montesque64 same, I'm in the upper midwest and the thing you posted is absolutely what I'd call a cantoloupe
insanecat6mtg: lrrAWESOME
e_bloc: thanks Ben
Orxolon: Question:when a character Is in a location, wasn't the location supposed to be destroyed before you can attack the character in it?
BrowneePoints: yea it's not 1:1 but it's similar
WardsarTheWriter: Sing (Move), 15 PP, Accuracy 55%, Does not make contact.
BrowneePoints: I'd love to see a mixed Set Lorcana Draft
BrowneePoints: tbh
Earthenone: if only you had some sort of new weekly stream
shendaras: seabatClap
Chartle: is this your IRL card
Fe1ix66: don't think it would make the highlight reel
azninsect: dual bens playing card games
Sevinon: Ben-ben stream?
carbonoid12: and SWU as well
Patorik: Is This Your Ben?
Orxolon: With the Bens!
AtrusOfMyst: Is THAT your card?
mercano82: or replace some of the Friday Night Magic timeslots with some other CCGs
DeM0nFiRe: Is This Your Other Card?
Sibwow: wheelmer power hour
ThorSokar: I only saw a Majong stream
Cptasparagus: The Ben(d)s
powerflapjack: (thumps fists on table) More Flesh and Blood Please
e_bloc: Is Ben your Card?
avjamethyst: mahjong is like a card game
ashenveyll subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ashenveyll! (Today's storm count: 458)
niccus: Bridge Club
mwo2150: @DeM0nFiRe good name good name
Orxolon: Question:when a character Is in a location, wasn't the location supposed to be destroyed before you can attack the character in it?
e_bloc: Benn DIagram is pretty solid
AugmentingPath: powerflapjack love the combination fist thump and saying please
OmnipotentTrevor: It would be the crinkling sound of cracked packs
Malkmaven1176: No wonder the Bens are the last Lorcana match, they're the ones playing Star Wars Unlimited next
stinsanity89: I need to see you guys play goofy old tcgs like the WWE tcg lol
AtrusOfMyst: The Akki Hermits
powerflapjack: @AugmentingPath It's part of being Minnesotan
LowUpsideCJ: neopets tcg?
Pywodwagon: Europe hates trees
Montesque64: For all those interested in this melon debate:
Pywodwagon: confirmed
62MGcobra: is the cover just one circle over another circle?
MaddogM: As an Aussie, Europe is easy mode :P
BrowneePoints: I heard Jelly Jeff and started giggling
AugmentingPath: @powerflapjack yeah, that tracks
ElementalAlchemist: 🧹
emberBecky: @Montesque64 yeah that article's where i ended up too. =D It appears cantaloupe is apparently a variety of muskmelon.
Sibwow: @Lord_Hosk damn that muskmelon looking kinda thicque
accountmadeforants: "Just a few barnacles away from retirement", I sure hope nothing bad happens to this broom
Sevinon: @Lord_Hosk Muskmelon is definitely what I recall seeing in the North East
Montesque64: @Lord_Hosk According to the article and google, I think you're the one who's got things flipped, friend. They are apparently very closely related, regardless.
ElementalAlchemist: MY BROOM
Juliamon: We definitely have both of those in New England
Sevinon: @Montesque64 ... The one labelled muskmelon in that picture is what I recall seeing
Orxolon: Could you have quested and then banished it?
artemi7: I love Lorcana for prompting sentences like, "Well, I could kill Mickey..."
InfiniTokens: Who did you exert to play these songs, gentlemen?
Lord_Hosk: They lable muskmelon's as Canteloupes in a lot of stores because "Muskmellon" doesn't sound appealing
Kentosaurus: next do broom eyed girl
WardsarTheWriter: Where's the song list scroll?
azninsect: time to get this on vinyl
e_bloc: it would sweep the grammies
niccus: the record that's sweeping the nation
stippledotter: Available on 4 cassettes!
jchinnock: Now That’s What I Call Broom!
SquareDotCube: We don't talk about broom-o
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyJam
stippledotter: Causing a bit of a dust up
Montesque64: @Sevinon If you read the article, it says the cantaloupe has the netting, the muskmelon has veins. The pic Hosk sent is reversed.
InfiniTokens: Broom goes the dynamite.
BrowneePoints: Loving's easy cuz you're broo-tiful. Dooodin doot doo da doo. * high pitched screech*
Philocalist: Sweeping with my broom in the day, wasting time
ClodiumSoride: @Montesque64 Hosk might possibly have been making a jape.
SquareDotCube: Another One Brooms the Dust
spinebustertee: Our Broom... in the middle of our broom
Sevinon: @ClodiumSoride Hosk? Never.
Montesque64: Ah, defeated by lack of sarcasm indicators on the internet. Alas.
BrowneePoints: Sweeeeep are the Champion. My frieeeends
CocoaMix86: It's 8:25pm over here. How is everyone's evening?
Montesque64: Well, regardless, they both look delicious!
Twilight_Spark: Eleanor Broomly, picks up the broom that she keeps by the door. Who is it for?
Riandisa: And that's why they call it the brooms~
BigDaddyBland87: Broom Scootin Boogie
Sevinon: @CocoaMix86 Relaxing
Shadowsoflife: @CocoaMix86 broom
BrowneePoints: Broom Suit Riot RIOT!
stippledotter: Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, Broomy and the Sweep
WardsarTheWriter: Putting my Inked Belle in my inkwell.
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL Mr Broombastic
Philocalist: Welcome to the closet! We've got brooms for days!
Sibwow: mister broom sky
stinsanity89: Premier broom pilot of the format
BrowneePoints: Hello Mr Broom Sky
PawssumFable: Still pretty good
LRRbot: Arges - The Cyclops [2, Steel, Inkable] | Character [4/1, 1 ◊] | Storyborn, Titan
enbycephalopod: Broomspacito by Pitbroom
stippledotter: I'm Broom, da ba dee, da ba da
SquareDotCube: Our house, in the middle of our house...
Juliamon: Nobody knows what it's like, to be the bad pan... to be the sad pan, behind broom eyes...
Philocalist: I'm a broom man ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub yo da dub dub
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy Daisy duck!
Shadowsoflife: One day, my father took me into the city to see the brooming band
jchinnock: ducks are the rats of the water
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Duck1 digita435Raveduck
spinebustertee: Inking the Arges does go against Twitch TOS
Gascitygaming: Brooooooom Riverrrrrrrr
InfiniTokens: @jchinnock Aren't those Seagulls?
powerflapjack: a whole broom worrrrrld
mwo2150: BROOM gonna get it to ya. Broom Broom Blaght
jimbosliczor91: spoiler alert
Montesque64: I promise you you do not, Wheeler. Lol
BusTed: rayfkWelp
BrowneePoints: *sips tea and watches Wheeler*
LowUpsideCJ: broombastic side eye there
Montesque64: Are you sure he's not talking about the Incredibles?
WardsarTheWriter: Clifford the Big Red Dog's notes?
Juliamon: oh, this again
epsilon_vee: oh, you mean coles notes :P
enbycephalopod: [Instrumental] Broom! [Instrumental] Broom! [Instrumental] Broom!
e_bloc: and we get Cliff's notes here
ElementalAlchemist: oh man, dogpile
Patorik: That's actually a very Wheeler thing to say
SquareDotCube: AltaVista it
powerflapjack: I'd prefer to LexisNexis it
shea_wolfe: I'm gonna check Hotbot
niccus: honestly any of these would do better than google nowadays
InfiniTokens: Just don't ask the AI, it will be confident whether it is correct or not.
BrowneePoints: Organically Sourced Pornography
Mr_Horrible: like a True Knower
EvilBadman: He asked ChatIDK
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
Spades_Slicc: not secure
Philocalist: BroomHub
IanAllenBird: those sites are *not* secure
Marc Laporte just became a member!
LRRbot: Arges - The Cyclops [2, Steel, Inkable] | Character [4/1, 1 ◊] | Storyborn, Titan
Marc Laporte: :_lrrGoat:
Cptasparagus: wait isnt dogpile .com the porn site?
Gh0stHardware: No s?! insecure
Mr_Horrible: Wheeler typing "naked people" into the dogpile search bar
Montesque64: Very pretty art on that Belle
Spades_Slicc: 5 mana skinrender
BrowneePoints: I'm here for the Universe where Belle becomes a Wizard
BrowneePoints: she'd know SO many spells
Midnightskypoet: Broom Girl by Aqua
LRRbot: Fortisphere [1, Steel, Inkable] | Item | RESOURCEFUL When you play this item, you may draw a card. / EXTRACT OF STEEL 1 ⬡, Banish this item — Chosen character of yours gains Bodyguard until the start of your next turn. (An opposing character who challenges one of your characters must choose one with Bodyguard if able.)
BigDaddyBland87: a licky broom broom down
Mischievous_Catgeist: Great now I lost the game
WardsarTheWriter: @BrowneePoints The day she learns fireball is the day Gaston is absolutely screwed.
Shadowsoflife: Right? @BrowneePoints I would read that story
powerflapjack: @BrowneePoints would Belle be a summoner or scholar, do you think
KingfisherGames subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
KingfisherGames: twitch baby?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KingfisherGames! (Today's storm count: 460)
twistedsylvan: @WardsarTheWriter Nail him with Otto's Irresistible Dance and just let him go, forever
Montesque64: Belle as a wizard, Mulan as a warrior...which princesses would be our rogue and which our cleric?
HorusFive: @Montesque64 Jasmin has the makings of a good rouge
powerflapjack: @Montesque64 Rogue is Merida because archery and everyone forgets about her
Aarek: @Montesque64 Jasmine rogue
BrowneePoints: We gotta swap them. So Mulan is no longer a Fighter
Philocalist: Reminds me of Disney Mirrorverse Belle
KV1NN4: can Esmeralda be a rogue-cleric?
red_shoes_jeff: @Montesque64 Rapunzel's probably the cleric.
Shadowsoflife: @WardsarTheWriter @powerflapjack polymorph
Juliamon: Rapunzel *can* heal
powerflapjack: Aurora... Junior
jimbosliczor91: no contest!
Montesque64: @red_shoes_jeff Oooh, good call
Juliamon: or could, anyway
Ace__of__Hearts: hi gang Bloomburrow might be the thing that gets me back into magic I love me some Redwall
CrossXhunteR: Mr Game And Watch!
Patorik: Ganondorf.
powerflapjack: Bayonetta?!
BrowneePoints: Now do the nonplussed "Ganondorf"
TheTekkieman: It's Luigi he does that with.
LowUpsideCJ: Rapunzel heals but she's a rogue at heart
BrowneePoints: "....ganondorf"
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
Mazrae: Just the monotone ganondorf
KingfisherGames: SAME BRAIN
Juliamon: she would dualclass for sure though
IanAllenBird: 👀
goatprince: gay men watch what?
LowUpsideCJ: @BrowneePoints nothing makes me laugh more
ThorSokar: composSus
theamc2000: is it watching gay men or gay men watching stuff?
SwankyFlea: but who watches the gay men watch?
Montesque64: @LowUpsideCJ Trickster Cleric?
AdamYMHMI: @goatprince Everything
Sevinon: Subject versus object actually a bit ambiguous there
LowUpsideCJ: @Montesque64 Oooh nice read
powerflapjack: (in a very Bowser announcer voice) MAUI ... JUNIOR
jimbosliczor91: the one friend who picks Daisy just to spam “Hi! I’m Daisy!”
Lord_Hosk: Jyn Erso Is our Disney Princess Rogue... One
WardsarTheWriter: @Lord_Hosk I won't lie, I laughed.
Earthenone: 0 mana draw 5
RangerAlpha7: 0 mana draw 5s turn out to be pretty good
Juliamon: ok but which princess is explicitly the bard
powerflapjack: @Juliamon Yes
RangerAlpha7: French mulan, even LUL
CrossXhunteR: anna
KingfisherGames: So is Lorcana just the beer and pretzels magic mode where you can play any card face down as land?
Montesque64: @Juliamon Which one attracts the most forest detritus when they sing?
Sevinon: Banned, Wheeler
powerflapjack: @KingfisherGames They need to have the lil swirl on the top left
LowUpsideCJ: @KingfisherGames almost any card
Shadowsoflife: @Montesque64 Snow white?
shikacho5: Ben just casually dropping some of the best limited cards in this set
Philocalist: This guy wobbls
WardsarTheWriter: Quasimodo for Bard. Not much for looks, but he sings amazingly.
red_shoes_jeff: @KingfisherGames Almost. They gotta have that circle around the number.
Seth_Erickson: much to think about
KingfisherGames: Oh, cool, seems like a lot of fun for sealed or such
Montesque64: Actually, think Ariel would be the bard. She's the one who has the most attention drawn to her voice in-story.
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Duck1
CrossXhunteR: daisy is in smash now, right?
Lord_Hosk: Juliamon Bard is tough, all the princesses are kinda one note, they don't have much broad skill set
powerflapjack: @Montesque64 Also likes weird vaguely useless objects like forks, much like real bards
Earthenone: more like Drawlores
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, Marc Laporte! (Today's storm count: 459)
Marc Laporte: !subathon
LRRbot: Fortisphere [1, Steel, Inkable] | Item | RESOURCEFUL When you play this item, you may draw a card. / EXTRACT OF STEEL 1 ⬡, Banish this item — Chosen character of yours gains Bodyguard until the start…
Marc Laporte: does anyone here playor
Marc Laporte: lorcana
Marc Laporte gifted 5 LoadingReadyRun memberships
Brian Eland was gifted a membership by Marc Laporte
Austin Foster was gifted a membership by Marc Laporte
Musherino was gifted a membership by Marc Laporte
Julian Orlikowski was gifted a membership by Marc Laporte
jarzz3601 was gifted a membership by Marc Laporte
Chartle: how can there be 2 dolores, where is the legend rule
Montesque64: @powerflapjack Oooh! True! An "expert" in human lore
Chartle: who designed this
Philocalist: Give Ariel her dad's Trident, the biggest dinglehopper
CrossXhunteR: lorcana, as richard garfield intended
powerflapjack: @Philocalist you have any idea how many feats she's gonna have to burn to get that proficiency?
Montesque64: Well known undead warlock Walt Disney
GooberAJ: he is still alive
Morrigan9: lorcana the way walt intended
WardsarTheWriter: Walt Disney's preserved head in a jar.
Koshindan: Lorcana as Walt intended.
Mr_Horrible: considering this will be more remembered than EPCOT, he fucking *wishes* he designed this
Shadowsoflife: @Montesque64 Nice
glitched_goddess: his head is kept alive in a jar under Epcot
GooberAJ: they just froze him underground, thats why they made a movie called frozen, so if you search "disney frozen" it gets buried in the seo
Lord_Hosk: Juliamon Moana as bard
powerflapjack: @Mr_Horrible ok. ok. let's back up the fun bus. EPCOT rules
twistedsylvan: @Lord_Hosk 100%
powerflapjack: It's insanely fun to vibe, go to different countries and drink
frameshifty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
frameshifty: Perfect time for a sub renewal, go Bens!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, frameshifty! (Today's storm count: 466)
glitched_goddess: Epcot? more like Lunchcot
Irsaan: I've never watched any Lorcana limited play - does the 2 color restriction not apply in this case?
Juliamon: Correct
powerflapjack: In limited, no
Mr_Horrible: @powerflapjack y'know what, that's fair
CrossXhunteR: mickey mouse? from kingdom hearts?
Shadowsoflife: yes
yog_soggoth55: definately not mt type of game
BrowneePoints: Rapunzel is the Cleric, Belle is the Artificer, Mulan is the Fighter, Merida is the Ranger(bear companion), Queen Kida is the Paladin, Jasime is the Rogue and Tiana runs the Guildhouse
Earthenone: !lorcana be prepared
LRRbot: Be Prepared [7, Ruby, Non-inkable] | Action | Song | (A character with cost 7 or more can ⟳ to sing this song for free.) / Banish all characters.
Irsaan: Oh. That seems kinda weird to ignore a fundamental game concept.
BrowneePoints: Jasmine*
Irsaan: I get that you have to though.
Montesque64: @BrowneePoints NGL, really wanna watch that anime
powerflapjack: @BrowneePoints Tiana's the druid
PharaohBender27: @Mr_Horrible Yeah, but remember, Disney actually envisioned EPCOT as what would effectively be a company town. It stands for "Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow."
WardsarTheWriter: I want to see Belle Artificer very badly now.
powerflapjack: @PharaohBender27 Yeah, I know but what it became is y'know, a big place to vibe, eat authentic foreign food and drink. a lot.
glitched_goddess: steampunk belle when lol
SwankyFlea: ABD Illustrates has a really good video where they draw Disney Princesses as D&D characters, highly recommend watching it
LowUpsideCJ: @WardsarTheWriter There's definitely that on a lorcana card
Philocalist: I propose Moana or Ariel for Warlock
BrowneePoints: @powerflapjack I THOUGHT about it, but I like her being the workhorse business savvy ex-adventurer that keeps the business afloat
yog_soggoth55: where's OKO?
BrowneePoints: Moana is Bard.
excalgold: @PharaohBender27 I've looked at some of the ideas for that and it genuinely felt like he was trying for an arcology type thing
BrowneePoints: I think I like Moana as a Bard
spicemelonge: how much more till the cap?
LRRbot: Brawl [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Action | Banish chosen character with 2 ¤ or less.
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL I do kind of love the idea of Walt Disney as a nerd in college, designing lorcana with his D&D group, like Richard Garfield
Montesque64: @BrowneePoints Whyso?
powerflapjack: @BrowneePoints Oh yeah, I could see her revealing that she's a druid during some second act showdown setpiece
WardsarTheWriter: Apparently I missed that one. Looks great!
Shadowsoflife: @Philocalist Moana warlock of te fiti
Earthenone: !card kiln fiend
LRRbot: Kiln Fiend [1R] | Creature — Elemental Beast [1/2] | Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, Kiln Fiend gets +3/+0 until end of turn.
emberBecky: yeh I dunno, Tiana didn't enjoy being a frog stuck in a swamp, I don't think she wants to be a druid
Montesque64: @Shadowsoflife Or of the ocean
Earthenone: steampunk belle was set 1
Shadowsoflife: @Montesque64 Of the deep
Montesque64: @Shadowsoflife Oooh, there we go
PharaohBender27: @excalgold He was, but he also wanted companies to just test their products in the homes at their whim, and no retirees allowed - in short, a company town that maybe begins with a utopian vision but can quickly turn to a dystopia
stippledotter: @loadingreadyrun just drawing soooo many brooms
Lord_Hosk: @LoadingReadyRun And Disney Animation has been designing movies off his notes ever since. ;)
Sevinon: Hearthstone was such a tempo game in the first two sets...
LowUpsideCJ: I had a very similar read on it
BrowneePoints: @Montesque64 She's high charisma persuader, has high tactile skillset, also the history of telling history through song/folk tales
glitched_goddess: Ariel makes sense for warlock too, because bargain w Ursula
Orxolon: Long story short: weights busted
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and…
LRRbot: Thanks for the gift, Marc Laporte! Welcome to Brian Eland, Austin Foster, Musherino, Julian Orlikowski, jarzz3601! (Today's storm count: 465)
Simriel: Lorcana: As Walt Disney intended!
SmithKurosaki: (a note: YT memberships and superchats do not count towards the timer)
LRRbot: Brawl [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Action | Banish chosen character with 2 ¤ or less.
BrowneePoints: And i'm trying to find a fun arcane caster instead of "the demigod Ariel as a warlock or Sorcerer Elsa"
powerflapjack: @glitched_goddess now i have the mental image of Wyll having to pantomime his whole subplot in BG3 and i can't stop laughing
LowUpsideCJ: aurora as a barbarian. she's just waking up an additional degree
Shadowsoflife: Elsa 100% a Sorcerer
WardsarTheWriter: @powerflapjack Oh my god, that sounds amazing...
BrowneePoints: we don't include elsa. too easy.
BrowneePoints: never pick the low hanging fruit!
BrowneePoints: actually wait
BrowneePoints: Rapunzel as a healing Warlock
Lord_Hosk: Whats in the Disney Vault? A bunch of VHS's from the 80s and 90s, and Walt Disney's original Lorcana cards.
powerflapjack: elsa's the Lord British of the setting
yog_soggoth55: walt wouldn't like seeing mickey mouse die
Mr_Horrible: but *we* would
powerflapjack: there's a reference that proves that I should get some back medication
glitched_goddess: Walt wouldn’t like to see a lot of things from modern times lol
Shadowsoflife: Nala druid/fighter
Earthenone: the whole reason sora exists is because walt dident want to watch mickey die
hiFunko: @Lord_Hosk That TV movie with the creepy humanoid dog
Juliamon: Do they still include Pocahontas? That's the druid.
stippledotter: Broomshakalaka!
hidingbox: Brooms!
BrowneePoints: yea Rapunzel as Celestial Warlock bound to the entity that powered the Flower
WardsarTheWriter: @Shadowsoflife Nala's suffering from that thing that happens to animorphs when they stay in animal form for too long.
ClodiumSoride: @stippledotter flawless
Montesque64: @Juliamon Fair point. Actually, Esmerelda possibly has the most Rogue skillset
Chartle: ooh, bethesda has unionized
BrowneePoints: @Juliamon I tried to stay away from Nala/Tiana/Pocahontas as Druid
betweenmyself: Yen Sid! That’s the guy from Kingdom Hearts! riffYeti
MaseyFool: lrrCORI_BW lrrWHEELER_BW cori and wheeler have been inked lol
IaCthulhuFthagn: @BrowneePoints The flower is the patron, in the style of Flowey from Undertale :P
powerflapjack: @Juliamon I think she was never really part of the princess pantheon because of how... eeeugh Pocahontas the movie is
PharaohBender27: @Chartle Good for them!
Juliamon: BrowneePoints I know, but she's so deeply in touch with nature...
Shadowsoflife: @WardsarTheWriter Oh, 100% Been in lion form to long and can't shift back
Philocalist: Snow White could be Bard, Druid, or Ranger?
Earthenone: turns out engines are good in limited :)
Earthenone: unlimited power
powerflapjack: @Philocalist Snow White is the barbarian.
hiFunko: yay star war
megaknightro21: SWU!!!!!!!
Spirrie: Super excited for SWU! Player and judge here if any questions
betweenmyself: Also when will we get a Disney/Square crossover mascot racer?… Kingdom Karts!
BrowneePoints: also yall i wasn't trying to give ALL the princesses classes, I was trying to make a fun D&D party with a few of them
Shadowsoflife: @powerflapjack barb?
WardsarTheWriter: A long time ago... in a new frontier...
Shadowsoflife: @BrowneePoints To late.
powerflapjack: @BrowneePoints yeah but that's what happens when you start a thought experiment with twitch nerds.
hidingbox: It’s a Star Wars!
excalgold: Mulan is a battlemaster fighter.....
Juliamon: Oh oh oh can we count Giselle? I think she'd be a good barbarian.
Montesque64: @powerflapjack If she's a bard, her squeaky voice gives her bonuses to sonic attacks. Like a bat.
BrowneePoints: wait reverse it
BrowneePoints: Esmerelda is Rogue
BrowneePoints: Merida is Werebear Blood Hunter
BrowneePoints: Snow White is the Ranger
ClodiumSoride: I see the blurry screen and now I just start hearing the Road Quest theme song in my head.
ClodiumSoride: or that
BigDaddyBland87: @BrowneePoints oh but you pushed the snowball down the hill...there's no stopping it until it crashes
powerflapjack: i post a vague question of what color identity like... Terra from FF6 is and now there's a Final Fantasy set next year
BrowneePoints: I completely forgot about Matt Mercer's Class
Shadowsoflife: Feel like Snow white a healer
LowUpsideCJ: @BrowneePoints Next you'll tell me the princesses have a lot of overlap and multiple could be the same class
powerflapjack: @Shadowsoflife she's like a chemist from FFT
theeffohzero: I miss road quest
powerflapjack: but she throws food at people instead
Juliamon: I still say Rapunzel multiclasses
theeffohzero: Good day everyone
Shadowsoflife: @powerflapjack Yeah, that's fair
BrowneePoints: Nah Celestial Warlock Rapunzel
BrowneePoints: with LOTS of skills
BrowneePoints: like she took feats on feats on feats for skill proficiencies
BrowneePoints: wait fuck Rapunzel is the Bard
BrowneePoints: *facedesks*
Philocalist: Classic Bardlock
Shadowsoflife: @LowUpsideCJ they all have bard lives of singing
IanAllenBird: whoa, an object
PharaohBender27: So, Wheeler had . . . popcorn?
azninsect: FBtouchdown
BrowneePoints: Eyyyy they got it!
Chartle: Clap
ClodiumSoride: FBtouchdown
baltimore_667083: nothin but net!
yog_soggoth55: walts cartoons were mostly non violent and he wouldn't have wanted to have his characters murdering each other
excalgold: that was a smooth move Wheeler
R M: Hello Friday!
millenomi: Do Netrunner one of these nights!
Orxolon: What!?nice
WardsarTheWriter: @yog_soggoth55 There's no blood, so it doesn't count.
Orxolon: FBtouchdown
Lord_Hosk: @BrowneePoints REALLY REALLY? Snow white is your ranger? Nor Merida the one who is specifically created in lore to be a hunter and woodswoman?
Shadowsoflife: @yog_soggoth55 the disney version yeah
malfnord: @yog_soggoth55 Unless of course they unionized
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: cream-based money
powerflapjack: @Lord_Hosk i prefer my joke of merida being the rogue because archery and everyone forgets about brave so she goes unnoticed
baltimore_667083: @LRRbot i have many questions
BrowneePoints: @Lord_Hosk I remembered Blood Hunter exists so yes, Merida is a Blood Hunter with the Lycantrhopy Subclass-Werebear
Orxolon: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! That tree is TOO WIDE. Why is it so wide??
DirectorStephanie: katesWave
Shadowsoflife: @Lord_Hosk Merida a blood hunter
PharaohBender27: @DirectorStephanie lrrGibb
powerflapjack: which. one. is. the. paladin.
BrowneePoints: Queen Kida
Orxolon: I want to play Mérida
BrowneePoints: Specifically Oath of the Ancients I think
megaknightro21: The new set of SWU is awesome, took third in my release weekend tournament With Bossk!
IaCthulhuFthagn: What class is Leia?
DirectorStephanie: @PharaohBender27 lrrSHINE
Shadowsoflife: @BrowneePoints Oh Yeah
AtrusOfMyst: Yeah set 1 and 2 have been a blast
powerflapjack: @IaCthulhuFthagn Rogue but with heavy charisma skills
BrowneePoints: the Princesses are a certain subset
BrowneePoints: afaik Leia is not part of the Princess Line
powerflapjack: Oh no, she's not officially A Princess
powerflapjack: Disney usually makes a big deal when they introduce a new princess
powerflapjack: Or retroactively add one
BrowneePoints: Plus there's a Star Wars TTRPG in which she's literally one of the Job Archetypes
BrowneePoints: so Leia will not be included in this
powerflapjack: lmao
ShaneLeeAtk: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
powerflapjack: "Leia has an Actual Job. She's fine"
megaknightro21: Leia has a unit and leader card in set 1, but not set 2
BigDaddyBland87: I give it 10 years and Leia officially joins the club
powerflapjack: @megaknightro21 Leia's not a focus in this set, she probably won't be in the next one
amyg87: <3 <3 <3
Irsaan: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
BrowneePoints: @powerflapjack so I should explain how Edge of the Empire Works
IaCthulhuFthagn: @BrowneePoints You have made your point. So what about Eilonwy, what class is she?
Lord_Hosk: Leia is our Princess, our General, our Senator, our leader, Our Jedi, our hero who is above all. If anyone else gets a 10 in any catagory Leia gets an 11 its just the rules of the universe, I don't write them.\
Justin_Bailey: @BrowneePoints not sure if this counts, but Vanellope von Schweetz (Wreck-I
BrowneePoints: Vanellope is not included on account of that god awful sequel
BrowneePoints: and abandoning her best friend and family
Juliamon: look, that sequel never happened
Justin_Bailey: It Ralph) as a wild magic user?
powerflapjack: @BrowneePoints y'know what, fair
ClodiumSoride: Does/will SWU draw from Extended Universe stuff, or only from currently "canonical" Star Wars?
Selem: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Juliamon: Sequels don't count
powerflapjack: @ClodiumSoride Just current canon I believe
hiFunko: @ClodiumSoride Technically they can draw from Legends, they're allowed to, but they haven't really so far
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to amyg87! They have given 56 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, amyg87! (Today's storm count: 467)
BrowneePoints: @Juliamon browne26PearPride
amyg87: @Irsaan Thanks for the gift sub!
powerflapjack: They also won't really need to for a bit unless they really want to do Yuuzhan Vong kindred for some godawful reason
ClodiumSoride: @powerflapjack @hiFunko Thanks. I suppose they have many sets to go before they exhaust the core stuff.
Irsaan: lrrDARK
hiFunko: I would love for them to do a pure Legends set and get real weird with it
hiFunko: but yeah it'll be a while, if ever
BrowneePoints: Yknow what, maybe I should write these down and make premade sheets for them to run a "disney princess" one shot or post them in lrrcord to be used as they wish sometime
megaknightro21: The next set for SWU is the 'Twilight of the Republic' so the end of the clone wars
Mike Sugarbaker: A NetRunner night would be sick
powerflapjack: @hiFunko Ysanne Isard would rule as a control leader
ClodiumSoride: I want a L3-37 leader. If they make that, I'll have to play the game and make a droids deck.
Boomyakalolo: boomya1Boomyheart
Spirrie: I’m waiting for my Jawa leader
Boomyakalolo: lrrHAM
megaknightro21: waiting for ewok tribal
powerflapjack: Honestly, my dream is Rogue/Wraith Squadron typal
Spirrie: We got Wookiees this set!
powerflapjack: because I lived for those books as a kid
hiFunko: Space Leaders are set 4, I believe
hiFunko: so that's probably when the squadrons will be a whole thing
powerflapjack: @hiFunko (vibrates excitedly)
yog_soggoth55: a gomorrian leader would hog the spot light
powerflapjack: wedge wedge wedge wedge
Spirrie: We only officially know of 2 cards from set 3 for the farthest out info
ClodiumSoride: Oh, there is an L3-37 card, but just as a unit.
Lord_Hosk: Wedge is fine... But we all know Biggs is better
WardsarTheWriter: -Rogue squadron music plays in my head-
powerflapjack: @yog_soggoth55 you take that back, piggy is the best wraith. dude carried around a whole ass X-Wing cannon around as a gun
hiFunko: I'm getting in early with my custom Rogue Squadron box art playmat, gonna come up big next year
BigDaddyBland87: @Lord_Hosk And Porkins is the best
Irsaan: Hosk out here spitting facts
Brozard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
Brozard: 68 - Not Bad!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Brozard! (Today's storm count: 468)
powerflapjack: I mean Wedge himself said that Biggs and Porkins were better pilots than he was at that point. The only thing that saved him at Yavin was luck
hiFunko: I should reread all those Xwing books again, I wonder if they hold up
eleric937 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel!
eleric937 gifted a Tier 1 sub to marschmellau!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, eleric937! Welcome to marschmellau! (Today's storm count: 469)
powerflapjack: @hiFunko They do. I reread them like... this last year
hiFunko: I'm currently rereading the Zahn trilogy which has been mixed, but overall good
PharaohBender27: Chat, if my math is right, we will see at least 20 minutes of forklift racing
excalgold: @powerflapjack Ahem: Yub Yub Commanders
hiFunko: lol I forgot about that
powerflapjack: @excalgold i'm going to get you janson...
yog_soggoth55: what do gomorrians use to write letters home? PIG PENS
Lord_Hosk: @hiFunko I seem to recall that half of them do. They were written by two authors, and I think one set is really good and the other set is a lot of pilots making out.
Irsaan: @PharaohBender27 Now THAT'S podracing
hiFunko: I like the Stackpole ones yeah
powerflapjack: The Stackpole ones are very good, the Allston ones are very funny
hiFunko: I vibed with the scenes that were clearly Xwing and Tie Fighter game missions transposed to a book
SnackPak_: so casual here on the break screen
powerflapjack: Like, genuinely funny, Allston had a good head for writing Janson and Wedge bouncing off each other
mwlsn: We talking X Wing novels? They were all good but I loved the Allston ones as a teenager
excalgold: @Lord_Hosk i tend to include both I, Jedi and Mercy Kill in the X-Wing list....i THINK I, Jedi comes before Adumar and Mercy Kill is after
Sarah_Serinde: @PharaohBender27 Yeah I think we're 5.5 hours away from the cap, which adds up
Malkmaven1176: I've been waiting all week for this
hiFunko: let's goooooooooooo
TheAinMAP: Hello.
BrowneePoints: 3 Gingers: One Studio C
excalgold: and Mercy Kill is the last Wraith Squadron book too, hello !
Juliamon: barin' them soles
Sibwow: the mnm tcg
goatprince: if only i were there to complete the pale drew
MaddogM: A Pale Ale?
Irsaan: they're just like us fr fr
theeffohzero: Hi Bens and jordynne
Lord_Hosk: I Jedi Is probably the best book in the whole EU
ElementalAlchemist: yap!
goatprince: *crew
Spirrie: Building SWU decks while watching SWU? Friday is truly for the gamers
WardsarTheWriter: Pre-game podcast?
HorusFive: My question- does that bit-tracker go up to 7 figures?
hiFunko: Draft in SWU is sick
Earthenone: can we pipe in some jizz?
OVERKiLL!: 🔹️🔹️🔹️🔷️ 💙
mrverbal: you are playing starwars unlimited limited?
LariatWest: welcome to the pregame podcast portion of the show
azninsect: Oh hey Let's Yap!
Spirrie: SWU draft is super good
lordofkatz: Drafting is soooo much fun!
BrowneePoints: I Jedi is one of the best books in the whole EU. but I can't definitively say it's the best
malfnord: @HorusFive One way to find out
megaknightro21: SWU draft is the best!!
powerflapjack: @Lord_Hosk The most re-readable books for me were Bacta War and Starfighters of Adumar
jchinnock: make sure to pick the Teal’c and O’niel cards!
SeaDiegoFC: Oh shit I got back just in time for Star Wars! I have the Spark of the Rebellion intro decks still unused as I need to convince my magic playgroup still
Juliamon: Lewd...
Spirrie: SWU Judge here if you have any questions!
hiFunko: Yeah I'm excited to check out the scene at Gauntlet when I get back to Vic
AtrusOfMyst: Somebody call Xander at Fantasy Flight Games
Lord_Hosk: @jchinnock Zaathrus is OP in this set
SeaDiegoFC: Mondays? Damn. I'd take the ferry across to Victoria if it wasn't a work night
pipshardfour: Really excited for LRRs first SWU draft!
powerflapjack: If I was in a bad place, I just cracked Adumar, read through the wacky antics and was in a better place
super_ashura: I refer to that phenomenon as the "Curse of the LGS Employee"
hiFunko: It has a few clients at this point yeah
BrowneePoints: RIP Pixelborn
Diabore subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Diabore! (Today's storm count: 470)
hiFunko: and Tabletop Sim support
Fyurios: Disney is evil after all
Spirrie: ForceTable good, but Larabast unfortunately has bad rules
Spirrie: *Karabast
maestrith: Pay...purr?
powerflapjack: @Fyurios (tap tap tap) they're both disney
excalgold: @powerflapjack same here, Adumar helped me a lot with...situations
SeaDiegoFC: Star Wars is only technically Disney
Thefluffiestguineapig: WOWp
Thefluffiestguineapig: They tried to fire you for selling commander at an LGS?
BrowneePoints: Giancarlo
BrowneePoints: Esposito
pipshardfour: I want to see the baby
jacqui_lantern234: wow, sounds like a fun place, Jordynne :) (/sarcasm)
Mr_Horrible: Giancarlo?
Sibwow: hes great all the time
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, from clone wars
powerflapjack: @excalgold "Wedge, just promise me that we're not going to be wearing women's clothes" "we're not going to be wearing women's clothing"
Earthenone: i think the darksaber is the chase care
Thefluffiestguineapig: The cartoon
Earthenone: card
SeaDiegoFC: Man, first season of Mando was peak
WardsarTheWriter: Gustavo Fring vs. The Viper
pipshardfour: smart ben
Malkmaven1176: Star Wars Unlimited draft play is so cool, I can't wait to see the LRR crew try it out
hiFunko: Smuggle, Capture, and Bounties
BrowneePoints: Smuggle is Morph
BrowneePoints: I think
excalgold: @powerflapjack that was such an A-Team moment with the smash cut
pipshardfour: Smuggle, Capture
Earthenone: smuggle is morph for lands
powerflapjack: @powerflapjack (chapter break) "You lied to me"
Mr_Horrible: sofieSmug -gle
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does reading the card explain the card?
hiFunko: @Thefluffiestguineapig In some but not all cases
Earthenone: also bounties are a "thing"
Spirrie: You can play Smuggle cards from resource zone, Capture is exile until leaves, Bounty is opponent gets reward when defeated or captured
SeaDiegoFC: Are bounties bad? I remember people speculating that but they seemed fun in theory
pipshardfour: Yay paper packs!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hifunko Oh yeah, sometimes the “true” meaning is utter nonsense
Spirrie: If you have the setup, it’s very good
lordofkatz: Ben, have you seen Andor?
PharaohBender27: lrrBartleby
hidingbox: Please do not eat the delicious wrapping
hiFunko: Yeah they finally updated the weekly Organized Play packs to be paper too, not plastic. so it's now a 100% paper pack game
BrowneePoints: Yea for Ben and Wheeler Smuggle is like Morph from your Resources Row
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hell yeah! Not plastic!
SeaDiegoFC: Someone get Tappy to eat the packaging
until_may subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
until_may: the big 90
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, until_may! (Today's storm count: 471)
niccus: how does it taste
megaknightro21: best part of SWU it is all paper products, the boosters, and OP packs now too
AtrusOfMyst: It will degrade, no need to pick it up lrrBartleby
pipshardfour: ORANGE?!?
62MGcobra: ^
powerflapjack: @pipshardfour ben-ben may need to clean his glasses
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok, wanted to stop in and feel like a human before going back to my continued baffling lack of fall financial aide offer, be back later!
Lord_Hosk: very crinkly
pipshardfour: yellow :)
Thefluffiestguineapig: also how many hours left to cap?
excalgold: Din DjarBen and Moff GidWheeler ? nah that doesnt work sorry
Earthenone: manalorian seems to look like u/w heroic in theroes based on only seeing that card
powerflapjack: @excalgold The Bendalorian and Moff Wheeler
djalternative: all your base are belong to chat
WanderingOmen: big gideon
hiFunko: HE'S SO BIG
WardsarTheWriter: I forgot how looking at this playmat makes me feel like I'm going to fall into it.
Spirrie: Non copyrighted exhaust
pipshardfour: @powerflapjack Oh that's good
djalternative: Moff Chad
emberBecky: @Thefluffiestguineapig I think about 5.5?
yog_soggoth55: exhaust? you can get tired of this game really fast?
hiFunko: Makes littles bigger
Earthenone: ohh he is a wenies deck
pipshardfour: Love weenies
dumbo3k: Oh hey Funko! we got our resident SWU expert here!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, 5.5 is achievable! Also when is delicious pork time?
Spirrie: Moff Gideon with Cloud Riders and Enfys Nest at prerelease was very silly
hiFunko: More tempo but yeah in this matchup control for sure
djalternative: Oh. So this is a blue player's dream
pipshardfour: For sure Wheeler
Irsaan: I've yet to try SWU but it seems neat.
AtrusOfMyst: I like the action based system
hiFunko: There's now 36 leaders with set 1/2
voren_chalco: I like the look of this, but I can't justify it when I have so much of Fantasy Flight's last SW card game that never gets played.
BrowneePoints: Yea Twilight of the Republic comes out Q4
Spirrie: Yeah, hard control is just mill
hiFunko: and 36 x 4 combinations of leader/base
62MGcobra: play as fast as playing spit
Raincoast_Bear: Howdy LRR Bens. May the Force be with You, Always.
Irsaan: Wow, Wheeler winning yet another die roll
pipshardfour: Don't resource that one Wheeler
BrowneePoints: We also just appreciate seein ya around! browne26PearPride
Lord_Hosk: There was something interesting happening with set one. Because you couldn't get the cards. People were building around what they could get. So lots of variety happened. The two deck meta didn't happen because it couldn't the cards weren't available for it to happen.
Earthenone: remember you can shuffle all 6 back and draw a new 6 as its muligan system
BrowneePoints: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Raincoast_Bear: Hi hiFunko! How are thing in the Southern hemisphere?
emberBecky: @Thefluffiestguineapig iirc Ian said 8am is when pork's ready, but that's Fork Lift time so I assume it'll be served during finale? We're funded through 8:30am right now I think.
Earthenone: treatza pizza was discussed
Simonark: Under six hours to cap.
miniMacGuru: What is the cap/cut-off time again?
hiFunko: Very cold, but good ty!
Earthenone: cap time is 2pm saturday
BrowneePoints: Are you gonna fill the water Balloons with food coloring?
KWardJenx is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
KWardJenx gifted a Tier 1 sub to Chavo_!
KWardJenx gifted a Tier 1 sub to TeetzyBaby!
KWardJenx gifted a Tier 1 sub to CovetedPeacock!
KWardJenx gifted a Tier 1 sub to Qizce!
KWardJenx gifted a Tier 1 sub to iManny_Virgo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, KWardJenx! Welcome to Chavo_, CovetedPeacock, iManny_Virgo, TeetzyBaby, and Qizce! (Today's storm count: 476)
62MGcobra: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 7:11 PM
djalternative: Who is currently bad at golf?
Ashen_Prime is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel!
Ashen_Prime gifted a Tier 1 sub to danielsolisgames!
Ashen_Prime gifted a Tier 1 sub to flashn42!
Ashen_Prime gifted a Tier 1 sub to Army_guy87!
Ashen_Prime gifted a Tier 1 sub to woolchara!
Ashen_Prime gifted a Tier 1 sub to MsCheerio!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Ashen_Prime! Welcome to danielsolisgames, flashn42, Army_guy87, MsCheerio, and woolchara! (Today's storm count: 481)
pipshardfour: Ben keep the child
andy_ink is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel!
andy_ink gifted a Tier 1 sub to FullMetalUke!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, andy_ink! Welcome to FullMetalUke! (Today's storm count: 482)
BrowneePoints: "I would like to see the Baby"
Earthenone: a draw engine!
KWardJenx: You had me at soaking James.
pipshardfour: @BrowneePoints exactly
emberBecky: i heard "drop" water balloons on James which is similar but different in important ways.
goombalax: more like doctor Perishing-as-soon-as-Ben-attacks
Malkmaven1176: The doc can target himself with his action
Earthenone: for the rules experts in chat, is the doctor itself a friendly unit?
e_bloc: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
BrowneePoints: I WOULD LIKE
BrowneePoints: TO SEE THE BABY
lordofkatz: Cheer2750 May the Force be with You
Spirrie: @earthenone Yes!
Earthenone: a tapper and a draw engine, these decks are off to a great start
hiFunko: Units come in exhausted remember, not that it matters for T1
tipulsar85 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tipulsar85! (Today's storm count: 483)
hiFunko: Replaces
pipshardfour: One unique unit out on your side at a time
lordofkatz: Only one of each uniquely named unit
megaknightro21: can only have one unique at a time
Spirrie: Immediately one is defeated, then triggers occur
hiFunko: if it has the diamond you have to defeat one when you play it, but when played/defeated abilities still resolve
Earthenone: you wouldent recorce a baby would you?
Mike Sugarbaker: Fortunately SWU is barely different from Lorcana
goombalax: If you play 2 legends your deck is no longer canon
00gogo00: maybe this is a silly question, but why do the people using bits not use the bit effects (I guess twitch calls them "power-ups")?
hvhTim: i told the games rules manager to come watch but he's busy lol
hiFunko: Units do have summoning sickness (enter play exhausted, unless stated otherwise)
Earthenone: the power ups dont count
Earthenone: for the subathon
CaptainChibale: powerups dn't count towards the subathon total
hidingbox: @goombalax What if they are different versions from the different timelines?
00gogo00: ah
00gogo00: that makes sense
Spirrie: @hvhtim Ryan Serrano?
00gogo00: and is silly
hvhTim: @Spirrie yes lol
goombalax: @hidingbox then its a force flashback and its Disney approved
pipshardfour: it's fantastic
Irsaan: What is this, Florida?
62MGcobra: it's 50 years old
SmithKurosaki: Weird seeing a new Star Wars card game. Ive only seen the like 90s/00s ones
BigDaddyBland87: Grogu gonna shoot some fools
DaxStrife: Insert TomSka: "Baby! With a gun!"
e_bloc: baby's got a gun
Spirrie: You can attack whatever (unless there’s a sentinel in the same arena)
jchinnock: Baby used Castle Doctrine
Shaudius: I missed the lorcana?
Earthenone: i just had this problem last of my game nights, we did star wars followed by lorcana :P
Malkmaven1176: Could have tapped the doc
Earthenone: its hp 4 or less on the tappy
dankmemeter is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 30 in the channel!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to EIectroPizza!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to BiSKUiiTs!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to ArkaneDotA!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to elslammo!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to MaryJaneOsaurTTV!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mert_K_A!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to ninjanookzz!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to illestcardigan!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kirwinning!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to rbqdev!
Orxolon: When you played the gun Mando Let you exhaust something right?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, dankmemeter! Welcome to EIectroPizza, ArkaneDotA, BiSKUiiTs, illestcardigan, MaryJaneOsaurTTV, Mert_K_A, elslammo, ninjanookzz, rbqdev, and Kirwinning! (Today's storm count: 493)
hiFunko: Yeah the token art is new in set 2
excalgold: ah the outland TIE, the one withthe folding wings and tiny landing gear
pipshardfour: that playmat looks good on screen
hurricanealpaca is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 25 in the channel!
hurricanealpaca gifted a Tier 1 sub to ClankyLily!
hurricanealpaca gifted a Tier 1 sub to rillip3!
hurricanealpaca gifted a Tier 1 sub to Classic_Queen!
hurricanealpaca gifted a Tier 1 sub to NevermindNoobi!
hurricanealpaca gifted a Tier 1 sub to xCinnaAngel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, hurricanealpaca! Welcome to ClankyLily, Classic_Queen, xCinnaAngel, rillip3, and NevermindNoobi! (Today's storm count: 498)
e_bloc: #blameJames
Simonark: 5 hours to cap?
PharaohBender27: Chat, we've funded to around AM Moonbase time tomorrow!
Spirrie: Large baby
dumbo3k: I was about to ask if the playmat was actually there, or green screened like when they were doing that starfighter table top game. But then I realized they wouldn't be able to see the battle zones xD
Earthenone: ahh wheeler pre sided :P
WardsarTheWriter: MAN-DO!
excalgold: Karga/Carl Weathers was great in that show
KV1NN4 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jim_5582! They have given 3 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jim_5582! (Today's storm count: 499)
BigDaddyBland87: RIP Carl Weathers
hiFunko: draw two Ben
CaptainChibale: what does taking the initiative do mechanically?
mrverbal: did ben draw 2?
mrverbal: @CaptainChibale it makes you go first in the next turn
iris_of_ether: Dr Pepper is up there
goombalax: coke for sure
thmanwithnoname: sprite, IMOP
megaknightro21: @CaptainChibale initiative determines who goes first
CaptainChibale: ah
It's Just J: lol weiners
Mike Sugarbaker: rip grogu
Simonark: Vernor’s Soda
megaknightro21: it can change round to round
CaptainChibale: that kind of initiative XD
pipshardfour: I know there was this discussion last time but SWU we count health up. I know it's tough because the starting life total can vary
Kentosaurus: the art is sweet in this game
hiFunko: The Death Trooper effect resolves completely first
megaknightro21: Wheeker has priority since it is his trigger
lordofkatz: Ben will not, because the creature will dies first
megaknightro21: wheeler*
62MGcobra: hifunkBeard
excalgold: Hello yes what is the question?
Spirrie: The original effect has to resolve completely before the Bounty
hiFunko: Grogu comes in exhausted
excalgold: oooh i wonder if the Snow trooper Lieutenant is the one that got grabbed by the Wampa :D
LoadingReadyRun: @pipshardfour right, I should add a small number for the target health value
Spirrie: For starters decks, it’s always been 30
TheDexterKennedy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheDexterKennedy! (Today's storm count: 500)
HorusFive: Wait, are we the baddies?
hiFunko: Yeah starters are both 30, it's only the rare bases that are 25 and there aren't any rare bases in set 2
ElementalAlchemist: it's Ready, then Steady, then Go
megaknightro21: draw, resource then ready
Spirrie: Draw, resource, ready
yog_soggoth55: ss in ww2 supposedly killed infants
Spirrie: Or DDR (draw, down, ready)
goombalax: its early season
hiFunko: Grogu's art also has the wrong amount of fingers
Krillin_fan: you can give him mandalorian!
jacqui_lantern234: Jordynne, youre flawless, youre NEVER The Problem (tm)
megaknightro21: everything enters exhausted unless otherwise stated
Cptasparagus: IT?
Spirrie: Funnily enough, there’s an upgrade that gives the Mando tag with Grogu in the art
hiFunko: He only has 3 fingers
Spirrie: Grogu fingers was a controversy
Krillin_fan: Fingers make the best controversy
Juliamon: it's fine, it's just AI Grogu
AtrusOfMyst: This grogu are Thalia
AtrusOfMyst: Are*
Sibwow: ate
dumbo3k: "Why did you get fired from your last job?" I drew Grogu with the wrong number of fingers
Spirrie: People were very upset in the dev streams after Grogu art was shown
AtrusOfMyst: Yes
hiFunko: thankfully there is no AI art in this game, to my knowlege
AtrusOfMyst: Ate*
goombalax: they just wanted him to be incapable of flipping the bird
drturkey99 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drturkey99! (Today's storm count: 501)
Spirrie: The full value Tagge!
hiFunko: yeah no foils in the starter decks
Grinnin_Gin: I always pronounced it in my head as 'General Tag'
wontedfive30282: What does experience do?
Spirrie: Gives +1/+1
wontedfive30282: Thanks
Grinnin_Gin: wheeler ripped the last of my childlike wonder from my head with the psychic damage from that pronunciation
hiFunko: I believe the correct pronounciation is Tag yeah
dumbo3k: @Grinnin_Gin I like it being a soft G, like General Taj
Haroldholmes25: not the baby :(
Krillin_fan: Hello police, yes this man right here
Spirrie: Blood is on your hands, Wheeler
goombalax: is grogu a milkshake duck?
lordofkatz: Experience tokens are also upgrades, so they can be defeated with abilities that destroy upgrades
Grinnin_Gin: all I can say in response to wheeler's pronunciation is 'yeah, this will be a thing'
hiFunko: Yeah shields are upgrades too
megaknightro21: I have Spoken
Grinnin_Gin: he's resourcing over here
Spirrie: Exhaust that Kuil!
dumbo3k: @Lord_Hosk Who gave the Babby an assassin droid crib?!
ontario_watson: I mean, he’s canonically 50, so he’s what, Gen X?
josh___something: Is that his bloomburrow fursona?
hiFunko: yeah Kuil comes in exhausted, but Moff Gideon doesn't
MaddogM: Is moff Gidion Chad?
goombalax: @dumbo3k Carl Weathers
megaknightro21: leaders enter play ready
PharaohBender27: @dumbo3k Adult Yoda?
Grinnin_Gin: man I can't believe that Gus Fring is coming for the Rebel Alliance
hiFunko: Yeah he's playing it right, it's just for the game state
LoadingReadyRun: Vambrace Grappleshot sounds like a Star Wars character name
wichoman777: Everyone I'm taking a break from this essay! I need one more page!! It's nice knowing that there are many good people out there. See you all in a few!
Spirrie: I can’t wait until we get a Jizz Wailer card
PharaohBender27: @wichoman777 lrrHEART
hiFunko: Nope it was exactsies
WardsarTheWriter: @LoadingReadyRun You are absolutely correct, and that makes me both laugh and cry.
Haroldholmes25: tapped yes
pipshardfour: Yes it does goes back exhausted
hiFunko: yes leader goes back exhausted on defeat
megaknightro21: leader returns exxhausted
Spirrie: Yes, goes back to leader zone exhausted
Grinnin_Gin: its Vappleshot Grambrace in the original mandalorian
lordofkatz: @loadingreadyrun so does Jorbynnes Blorbos
ElementalAlchemist: no one ever bothers with the righttenant
Grinnin_Gin: Mandalorian Warrior with the big Skeleton Archer energy
pipshardfour: Yes it does
hiFunko: That includes himself
Grinnin_Gin: "Name? Mandalorian Warrior. Occupation? Mandalorian Warrior."
hiFunko: "other friendly" would exclude himself
BusTed: 🙂
northos: wotc take note LUL
ElementalAlchemist: "Pot of Grief allows me to..."
Spirrie: He would count if it didn’t have the 3 or less restriction
jchinnock: and then baby you got a stew honing!
Ohpea converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub!
Simriel: He was a fantastic character
Hbomb & Friends: Jordynne looks unimpressed.
Simriel: So he searches his library for a basic land?
ButterBall000: Would LRR be open to playing the old Decipher Star Trek and/or Star Wars games?
Sunidesus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sunidesus! (Today's storm count: 502)
Pywodwagon: currently playing a legacy challenge, match 1 and 2 were both against rescaminator, I hate this deck
MrMatternot: How many games have they played so far?
megaknightro21: @MrMatternot just 1
hiFunko: Yeah this is game 2
Sibwow: yeah people should be on high tide instead
Ohpea is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
Ohpea gifted a Tier 1 sub to plainfacts!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Ohpea! Welcome to plainfacts! (Today's storm count: 503)
Strebenherz: It took me a moment to realize grief is an actual card
yog_soggoth55: <message deleted>americans only like card games that have TRUMP in them
jacqui_lantern234: @Sibwow not much, whats high tide with you? :p
Sibwow: <3
AtrusOfMyst: I love spicy ginger ale/ beer
sounderfan84: speaking of ginger ale the cherry favor ginger ale is great
Grinnin_Gin: thanks to the mods for working so hard deleting bad messages from orbit
Juliamon: no current politics in here please
Sunidesus: I've almost always had to ask for the can
miniMacGuru: I need to find a local store that carries Blenheim ginger ale. I love the burn, but my one store stopped carrying it.
MrMatternot: The Stardew Valley Cookbook has a good recipe for ginger ale.
Cptasparagus: oh wow the two gingers love ginger ale big surprise :P
Spirrie: My flight came around with a 2 liter bottle to pour into cuos
jacqui_lantern234: dangit, now i want a good can of ginger ale
MaddogM: Often I get given the can and a cup, get given the choice
hiFunko: I get mad if they don't have a power port
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Grinnin_Gin The mods are in orbit? What a choice.
Grinnin_Gin: there are no good cans of ginger ale
niccus: yall hear about the fad of raw-dogging flights
WardsarTheWriter: @IaCthulhuFthagn They are fully armed and operational battlestations!
malfnord: @IaCthulhuFthagn All the better to rain death down upon wrongdoers
PharaohBender27: Damn feeling called out (I usually ask for ginger ale. Though last time I flew in May, I didn't ask for anything because I was masking and it was the first time I'd flown since pre-pandemic. And it was like an hour each way)
betweenmyself: If you ask politely they are federally mandated to drop your oxygen mask down for you so you can always be well-oxygenated. riffYeti
jacqui_lantern234: @Grinnin_Gin true! they range from stellar to flawless
Spades_Slicc: @niccus what does this mean?
Juliamon: hiFunko I've never been in a plane with ports that actually worked
Kentosaurus: tomato juice on a plane is amazing.
Sibwow: make a mimosa in your mouth
niccus: you take the flight with no entertainment or snacks
Krillin_fan: doesn't everything taste different on a a plane?
IaCthulhuFthagn: In orbit.
jacqui_lantern234: @Kentosaurus tomato juice is amazing. full stop.
Sunidesus: For some reason I usually crave apple juice when flying
Lord_Hosk: @Krillin_fan it does
MrMatternot: @Spades_Slicc No electronic media.
Spades_Slicc: book
Haroldholmes25: beach boy is correct
Grinnin_Gin: @Krillin_fan I ask for earphones and consume them while looking directly at the person sitting next to me
micalovits: Sure looks like a beachy boi to me
niccus: well ok apparently they allow for staring at the flight progress screen
malfnord: @IaCthulhuFthagn Mods are magic, just roll with it
SnackPak_: lrrFRUMP
Haroldholmes25: exhausted in ground lane just like brian wilson did
Krillin_fan: @Grinnin_Gin a great source of...iron?
DaSunao: Excuse me?
iPoding: Got my Skaventide box, so that's my weekend plans. :D assemble mini's and watch the PPR
Grevas13: words have meaning
jacqui_lantern234: nonono, let Jordynne cook
Sibwow: not in 15 years
MrMatternot: Wheeler, learn to monotask.
Pywodwagon: Don't gaslight Jordynne, shes right here
Sibwow: chats always on your side jordynne
WardsarTheWriter: Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss, Rawdog
josh___something: XD
Sibwow: turboshit
IaCthulhuFthagn: Chat doesn't take sides, we play sides out against each other.
Sibwow: you gotta poop as fast as possible without straining your colon
hiFunko: Back of the experience token should be shield toknes
Juliamon: poop n run, like a cat
Grumpel: I love Lorcana soo much
jacqui_lantern234: @Sibwow as taught by Sonic, gotta shit fast......... nope, hate that
IaCthulhuFthagn: Like in Yojimbo.
Haroldholmes25: the starter deck tokens are double sided if you've got those
megaknightro21: prevent the next amount of damage
RockPusher: If you mono-task while pooping then when will you shitpost?
Sibwow: sonic would never rawdog taking a dump hed chili cheese dog it
PharaohBender27: And now we know why that bag was on the table :D
lordofkatz: Shield is the next source of damage. Doesn't prevent defeated (destroy) effects
Grinnin_Gin: @RockPusher when you pee, duh
ClodiumSoride: I find it funny that they put the counters under the card so it's impossible to read the acutally important parts of them.
jacqui_lantern234: @Sibwow SIB IM CACKLING XD
betweenmyself: just gotta form an area of negative pressure into which you evacuate your bowels in the interest of reducing strain.
AtrusOfMyst: Lana Del Rey Skywalker
Sibwow: @AtrusOfMyst lana del rey palpatine
Grinnin_Gin: this is what the empire vs rebellion looks like without plot armor
pipshardfour: But he only has 3 of those cards
jacqui_lantern234: @Sibwow and her pal, lana del rey friendpatine
Haroldholmes25: I know exactly which card wheeler has LUL
Sunidesus: Peanut Butter M&Ms are best M&Ms
Sibwow: blue, green, orange
protojman: PB yee
Morrigan9: red, blue, brown?
goatprince: racinettes far superior
Grinnin_Gin: wheeler is Glup Shittoing all over ben right now
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
djalternative: red, green, and blue
Kentosaurus: @Sunidesus correct
jacqui_lantern234: LUL wheeler
LowUpsideCJ: Peanut butter is top 5 candy overall for me
Haroldholmes25: glad sibwow understood the assignment
Mr_Horrible: I'm a sucker for the crispy ones
dm818: there are mini peanut butter
iPoding: Crispy M&Ms
ClodiumSoride: caramel M&Ms are surprisingly unpleasant
rosesmcgee: There are jumbo peanuts
Krillin_fan: skittles are the shiny pokemon of mnms
lordofkatz: As someone with a nut allergy: minis all day
MrSarkhan: peanut butter M&Ms are the best
emberBecky: daring but true
Cptasparagus: we get it you're lesbian
WardsarTheWriter: That's just spinning out of control...
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
Shadowsoflife: Reees's pieces
Grinnin_Gin: peanut M&Ms are disgusting tbh
jacqui_lantern234: @ClodiumSoride so am i yet yall seem to put up with me Kappa
hiFunko: yikes
hiFunko: Ben is filtering all those units right outta there
Krillin_fan: agent of bolas is such a good magic card!
BrowneePoints: I have a big weakness to peanut butter M&Ms
BusTed: Peanut M&Ms, Peanut Butter M&Ms, Canadian Smarties
Grinnin_Gin: fight me wheeler
goombalax: the caramel ones are decadent
PharaohBender27: @Grinnin_Gin WHAT
OmnipotentTrevor: @Sunidesus For the longest time, I thought Peanut M&Ms were the best. Then I tried brownie M&Ms
hiFunko: Yep at 5
Sibwow: peanut mnms are great, caramel and pretzel also very good
hiFunko: He's the weenie king
HiCallMeRusty: Have we maxed out the subathon clock?
MrMatternot: No muffin score? Who won the last game?
micalovits: Sure won't gift subs to people who are so wrong
Sibwow: chocolate skittles are terrible
excalgold: I enjoy Reeses pieces and cookie dough bites....
jetpixi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months, currently on a 59 month streak!
jetpixi: sup
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jetpixi! (Today's storm count: 504)
Grinnin_Gin: In gladiator wheeler
Sibwow: they were around for like a summer 15 years ago
BusTed: tqsBORK
megaknightro21: Wheeler won game 1
betweenmyself: the best M&M’s is fun size Snickers bars pennyWhat
Shadowsoflife: @HiCallMeRusty don't think so
PharaohBender27: @Sibwow ... That's a thing? They sure sound terrible
Mr_Horrible: Sibwow oh jeez, I had forgotten those dark times
MrMatternot: @megaknightro21 Thank You.
Sibwow: they were so profoundly evil
Simonark: Technical point… is anything in a Spencer’s Gifts “special”?
Mr_Horrible: real "What were they thinking" hours
Grinnin_Gin: @Simonark the real gift is the overworked and under appreciated store workers
betweenmyself: @sibwow chocolate Pez was a terrible mistake
Mr_Horrible: holy shit, I don't think that's ever happened before
Sibwow: thank you kind and just jordynne
Juliamon: I can't say I've gone into one in the last... 20 years
Mr_Horrible: IDK how to react to this development
PharaohBender27: @Mr_Horrible "The kids like Skittles. The kids like chocolate. Why not combine the two?" And no one did any thinking or testing after that
Simonark: I’m more “Magical” but I’ll take it, with thanks.
goatprince: jordynne's a kind of just god
Malkmaven1176: lrrFINE
ImmortalLen: no, there's one in every mall in Texas
AtrusOfMyst: I could crush a bag of peanut m&ms
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNom
Shadowsoflife: @betweenmyself There are chocolate pez?
Mr_Horrible: @PharaohBender27 "Reese's Cups can't hog all the combinatory glory, we can do this too!" - sentences uttered moments before disaster
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySip
Grinnin_Gin: the razorcrest, aka the mandalorian schoolbus
WardsarTheWriter: Razor Crest is cool, but it's no Jaster's Legacy.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @AtrusOfMyst So could I, with a hydraulic press, to make throwing them in the garbage more space efficient.
Haroldholmes25: does the ship get buffed off moff?
betweenmyself: @shadowsoflife there were at least at one point. If there’s any justice in the universe they will have stopped making them.
Sunidesus: These were the USian version of Skittles? So chewy fruity thing but with chocolate? I don't understand how anyone thought that was a good idea
Krillin_fan: Snuggle cost
hiFunko: Yeah smuggle is great
Shadowsoflife: @betweenmyself Weird
AtrusOfMyst: I love it when Pedro Pascal gets deployed
Haroldholmes25: smuggle is great
megaknightro21: smuggle is a great new mechanic
hiFunko: That's one of the 3 big new mechanics this set
Juliamon: Bad candy choices are made yearly. Just... not usually so drastic.
hiFunko: The shoretrooper is bigger now
hiFunko: because of resources
Malkmaven1176: And the card you smuggle in can be used to pay its own cost
hiFunko: Yeah you can tap smuggle cards to pay for themselves
Juliamon: Jalepeno M&Ms were another mistake
PharaohBender27: @Juliamon I'm sorry WHAT
IaCthulhuFthagn: How about the chili Skittles?
micalovits: I need to try that
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon I'm gonna be upset to learn these were real, aren't I?
Juliamon: they were real, yes
Grinnin_Gin: blessed jordynne
WardsarTheWriter: Sounds like a LRL segment.
Mr_Horrible: She's spittin'
Juliamon: 2016
Sunidesus: OK, Jalapeno M&Ms def wouldn't be for me, but I can see the logic, chili & chocolate are a frequent combo
jacqui_lantern234: Jalapeno M&M's, but to the tune of Alexander Hamilton
Juliamon: we made a LOT of mistakes in 2016
MrSarkhan: Jordynne is correct
malfnord: I could get behind jalapeno M&Ms. Chile and chocolate go well together
Grinnin_Gin: give me caramel and chocolate or pretzel and chocolate
Haroldholmes25: nice
Shadowsoflife: @betweenmyself but why?
AdamYMHMI: Coconut flavor is good, dried coconut is awful
Grinnin_Gin: the only problem with pretzel M&Ms is that they can give you wicked heartburn
sagaspace5: Tres Leches for me
Mr_Horrible: @malfnord they do, but does it necessarily follow that jalapeno and M&M would go well together, is the question
betweenmyself: @shadowsoflife to be clear, they were made from the same chalky material as normal Pez
IaCthulhuFthagn: Double-track drifting in the nineties, if you please.
WardsarTheWriter: All I can remember in 2016 was Pokemon Go. Everything else has been forgotten. Probably because of all the mistakes.
Shadowsoflife: @betweenmyself That's what I though with the chocolate favored on the box
ogier300: Wheelers deck is so aggro.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @WardsarTheWriter ...probably because of all the Pokémon Go.
Grinnin_Gin: I mean it looks a bit less, uh, bleak than the last game
Juliamon: also it seems they're making pumpkin pie M&Ms for this Halloween
WardsarTheWriter: @IaCthulhuFthagn I dunno, Summer of Pokemon Go was pretty magical for me. The park near where I worked was always full of real cool people hanging out and playing it. It was about the only time I ever got to do stuff with fellow pokemon fans IRL.
Grinnin_Gin: pumpkin pie M&Ms?...weird
Shadowsoflife: ^
LRRbot: Confiscate [4UU] | Enchantment — Aura | Enchant permanent / You control enchanted permanent.
LRRbot: Confiscate [4UU] | Enchantment — Aura | Enchant permanent / You control enchanted permanent.
Juliamon: "Dive into the rich flavor of real milk chocolate infused with the cozy warmth of pumpkin spice, all wrapped up in vibrant candy shells. These milk chocolates aren't just a treat; they're a bite-size slice of pumpkin pie dreams!"
Grinnin_Gin: first strike while attacking, the empire aren't monsters ben
Haroldholmes25: I think the decks are closer in power level than it looks, but I think some of it is down to the draws
Juliamon: I don't know why they didn't add their coffee flavoring to it and go full PSL
ClodiumSoride: @Juliamon that doesn't sound entirely horrible. It'd at least be better than a lot of those weird Oreo varieties.
megaknightro21: incinerator trooper is a dumb/good card, not sure why they gave a 2 drop, han solo's ability that cost 7 before
hiFunko: Yeah Ben is getting a little hosed by draws
Grinnin_Gin: @Juliamon that'd be one way to make a killing at taylor swift concerts
BlandSpice subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BlandSpice! (Today's storm count: 505)
ClockTamer: I’ve forgotten, how many hours do we need until cap?
Malkmaven1176: At least it's not a shutout
Shadowsoflife: @ClockTamer 7 or more I think
Montesque64: @ClockTamer Trying to tame the clock, eh?
WardsarTheWriter: @ClockTamer About 5 I think?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @WardsarTheWriter As an outsider to the phenomenon it was pretty magical too... stories about people breaking into hospital maternity wards and onto airport runways to chase a Pokémon always brightened up my day ^^
PharaohBender27: So, don't know if I've said this here before, but it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that "pumpkin spice" meant "the spices you put in pumpkin pie" and so was like, "What, does pumpkin become a spice if you toast it long enough or something?"
ClockTamer: that’s not a lot at all
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah it's about 5 hours until cap now, I think
Lobo_Apache: Just got back from Killteam for Starwars, hell yeah!!
hiFunko: You also don't have to move an upgrade if you choose, since it's a may effect
WardsarTheWriter: @IaCthulhuFthagn There's always a small subset of people who ruin things and give it a bad reputation...
PharaohBender27: We are currently on goal for a little after 9 AM Moonbase time
Sarah_Serinde: And then after that we can work towards James getting pelted with water balloons ;)
ClodiumSoride: @PharaohBender27 "pumpkin pie spice" is just to many words to say
James_LRR: noooooo
PharaohBender27: @Sarah_Serinde tqsLOL
Juliamon: Really, they should have gone with 'pie spice' because you can use that spice blend for other pies
Sarah_Serinde: Yesssss gabyLul
pipshardfour: James!
hiFunko: Captured units return to play exhausted but don't do their when played abilities, so no ambush for Fennec
ClodiumSoride: James is all "oh no, I just can't stand being pelted with water balloons, I just hate being wet, I hope our fans don't donate so much to us..."
BrowneePoints: there was another term for the spice blend in pumpkin pie spice
Mr_Horrible: James monitoring the situation in chat
pipshardfour: LOVE that card
Haroldholmes25: LUL
Grinnin_Gin: wheeler just calling in an orbital strike on ben
hiFunko: It does work
Malkmaven1176: GG
Grinnin_Gin: wait so they just printed flash in this game
Grinnin_Gin: flash gideon's light cruiser
Grinnin_Gin: doesn't have the same ring to it as flash hulk but ok
Orxolon: Can i be honest?i don't think Ben's cursed,that deck sucks xD
micalovits: Now now, flash is broken because you don't pay for the card so that it gets to die for free!
hiFunko: It does require you to play behind curve, but Timely Intervention is definitely a great card
Wonder Moo: !storm
Grinnin_Gin: I think both ben is cursed AND the deck looks like it sucks in comparison
hiFunko: Veteran has 5 hp so I don't believe it can be tapped by Leader Mando's ability
hiFunko: Needs to be 4 or less health
zombub: Turns out Voltron decks have the same problems in every game
megaknightro21: fennic returns exhausted
hiFunko: Captured units return to play exhausted but don't do their when played abilities, so no ambush in this case
hiFunko: Fennec will get the token too
Haroldholmes25: I think that's correct
Orxolon: @grinnin_gin yeah,maybe that
asthanius: "twitch chat" it's all funko
pipshardfour: I think Fennec gets the token
AtrusOfMyst: Let Ben cook
Bobtheninjagoldfish: these decks do not feel balanced
pipshardfour: That ship is awful
hiFunko: Not a huge fan of the Hawk tuah ship
pipshardfour: Wheeler....your life total
AtrusOfMyst: Wait does it go to 69
asthanius: jordynne's killing him
Gaelan_Maestro: Jordynn looking awesome tonight
zombub: It feels like a 0 drop is worse in a game where playing a card passes priority
betweenmyself: new rule: preemptive rules-lawyering costs subs pennyWhat
niccus: shh... counting is in progresss
Montesque64: Needs a hexproof equivalent
merdragonstarlight: TO THE MOOOOON - Wheelers life total
josh___something: Awwwwww
AtrusOfMyst: flawless victory lrrBartleby
pipshardfour: no let's open packs!
WardsarTheWriter: Woo! Still fun, thanks guys!
Juliamon: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Dialtown w/ Kathleen & Jordynne at Fri 08:00 PM PDT (1m ago).
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
RockPusher: LuvBrownL LuvBlondeR
Gaelan_Maestro: someone send them coffee!
nevermore913: Kissing all the phones
BlueChloroplast: LuvBlondeL LuvBlondeR
ElementalAlchemist: woo!
PharaohBender27: sharkf11CLAP
queercrafting_chonk: <3
Grinnin_Gin: thank you for having me it was great to be here
BusTed: HypeWave
merdragonstarlight: Thank you LRR@
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
ElementalAlchemist: see you all around lrrHEART
Fruan: We sure T'd some CGs.
PharaohBender27: lrrGibb
Sarah_Serinde: I'm so excited for more Now Kiss
IanAllenBird: o7
MatzerKat: Hey hey ho ho, LRR folks
magical_writer: thank you
ElementalAlchemist: me too
WardsarTheWriter: See ya!
BlueChloroplast: LuvHearts
shurtal: smoochin'?
ElementalAlchemist: I'm always excited when Now Kiss comes back
Malkmaven1176: If 5 more hours of time gets added, cap will be hit
AtrusOfMyst: lrrSHINE
BrowneePoints: you’re gonna rot regardless, so live your life how you want. ain’t no use in dying with regrets!
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
PharaohBender27: Chat, if you don't need to go to bed or work, I recommend sticking around. Because Kathleen and Jordynne are a proven GOAT pairing
BlueChloroplast: lrrSHINE
merdragonstarlight: Y'all wanna smash a Nokia, i bet you do
bekit_tavern subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bekit_tavern! (Today's storm count: 506)
Stormgod519: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
PharaohBender27: @shurtal Well, the next game is called "Dial Town," and it's presumably a dating game, so . . .
Sarah_Serinde: This nest segment is gonna go past my bedtime but it's Friday so we'll see how long I can stay up for it :D
Sarah_Serinde: *next
CaptainChibale: shoot who won
Simonark: Sleep is for tortoises
Simonark: I am a tortoise.
Sarah_Serinde: I enjoy sleep though
merdragonstarlight: @Simonark Oh, Ben did
PharaohBender27: @Sarah_Serinde Thank goodness for VODs! :)
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 505 (new subscribers: 395, returning subscribers: 104, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 6, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 48506, new followers: 28, YouTube supe…
Hungry Hungry Hobo: Played both these decks last weekend and we all kinda had the same problem with the Mando deck. Too many bounties and weapons, not enough units.
Sarah_Serinde: Guess I'll just have to sleep through James's segment tomorrow morning :P
LiveFaust: @pharaohbender27 GOAT pairing or OTP? tqsSmug
CaptainChibale: @merdragonstarlight I assume that was meant for me XD Thank you!
Silentfaythe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months!
Silentfaythe: Helping
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Silentfaythe! (Today's storm count: 507)
Orxolon: G night Bens!
PharaohBender27: @LiveFaust ... remind me what OTP stands for?
Sarah_Serinde: (But this game is going until 2am my time so odds are good I'll bow out before then)
merdragonstarlight: @CaptainChibale YUP, chat moves fast
zerragonoss: one true pair
LiveFaust: One True Pair
merdragonstarlight: @Sarah_Serinde You rest, good mod
SeaDiegoFC: Not that I'm not excited for Now Kiss, but what's the late night segment tonight?
PharaohBender27: @LiveFaust Oh, then I wouldn't say that because we all know Graham and Kathleen are that :p
betweenmyself: Ol’ Tirty Pastard? riffThink
PharaohBender27: @SeaDiegoFC IIRC, Beej playing Fallout 1?
JadedCynic: @SeaDiegoFC Beej Fallouts The Whole Thing ;)
Sarah_Serinde: @merdragonstarlight I like rest but I also really love Kathleen and Jordynne playing romance games, so I'm sticking around for at least some of it :)
Redbassist: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE
SeaDiegoFC: Sweet
Sarah_Serinde: And I've had more modding breaks during the day today so that helps
merdragonstarlight: @Sarah_Serinde <3
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART
CodeIndigo: I feel bad that I missed so much of TCG day, but hey, Let's Kiss!
NanoDelta: Was movie night tonight or last night?
CodeIndigo: @NanoDelta last night
CodeIndigo: Which reminds me, what WAS the movie?
NanoDelta: Darn, thanks!
Sarah_Serinde: The movie was The Last Man on Earth, with Vincent Price
PharaohBender27: @NanoDelta Last night. They watched "The Last Man on Earth," i.e. the 1960s adaptation of I Am Legend starring Vincent Price
RockPusher gets confused by timezone math until remembering Sarah_Serinde on the other side of the Canadas
Laogeodritt meows at @PharaohBender27 and @Sarah_Serinde and chat
TheManOfX subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheManOfX! (Today's storm count: 508)
Sarah_Serinde: @RockPusher Haha yeah it's 8pm for LRR but 11pm for me. Ian's home streams end at midnight for me
Sarah_Serinde: Hey Lao :)
PharaohBender27: And of course someone asked this morning what the movie was and I said "I Am Legend (the Vincent Price one)" because I forgot it was titled something else
Sarah_Serinde: Easy mistake to make though
PharaohBender27: @Laogeodritt escher3MEOW
Sarah_Serinde: They were talking about I Am Legend a bunch
Redbassist: lrrHERE
MatzerKat: @PharaohBender27 In fairness, "The Last Man on Earth" isn't particularly memorable
UrielAngelSpy: They left chat in a dark room...
PharaohBender27: Yeah, but I still went katesPalm when I realized my mistake later
ButterBall000: Does anyone else get a sort of convention-type vibe from the stream? LRR-con online?
Artificer_Evan: what is happening?
Dark_Destra subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 122 months!
VorlonScout: Settled in my hotel room, and ready to end my night with this glorious silliness.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dark_Destra! (Today's storm count: 509)
Juliamon: Shutting down Studio C for the night, then switching to Studio A
zerragonoss: I mean googling I am legend vincent price gets you the right movie so may as well be the name
Sarah_Serinde: They're done with this studio for the day, so they've been cleaning up and turning off the lights
Laogeodritt: @VorlonScout Ooh, what's the travel occasion?
Astramentha: @butterball000 I can see it, now you mention it
Artificer_Evan: @sarah_serinde thanks for the update
PharaohBender27: lrrGibb
Juliamon: tadah!
JadedCynic: o/
Artificer_Evan: I have been so busy lately.
josh___something: Abrupt stop
TheBorzoi: thebor2Wave
RockPusher: lrrBartleby
DeM0nFiRe: 👋
Redbassist: lrrBartleby lrrGibb
DaSunao: lrrSIG
Shadowsoflife: o/
ghyllnox: Music gone, new room
LiveFaust: Goodnight Moon, Studio C.
Artificer_Evan: I have missed so much.
JadedCynic: lrrPistachio
VorlonScout: @Laogeodritt Ironically, a random (planned before subathon announced) jaunt to Victoria.
Simonark: Oh, I'm going to miss "Identify That Silhouette" til next year
Laogeodritt: @VorlonScout Oooh, fun! Also, guess mtvcdm isn't the only one. XD (He was literally in the building on first day of subathon, according to some of the on-stream chatter.)
BlueChloroplast: Identify the silhouette is a fun game
Juliamon: yeah, he just went home today
Sarah_Serinde: Yesssss
Sarah_Serinde: Intro and everything
BusTed: eeyyy
TheAinMAP: An intro?
ButterBall000: Yaaaay!
josh___something: Wait, you still have the intro?!
ImmortalLen: I missed this intro!
aquinas_0: now kiss?
Celebrate_V_C: lrrHEART lrrHEART
RockPusher: Haven't seen this intro in a while :D
Laogeodritt: A proper return of Now Kiss. Glorious. =3
aquinas_0: Now Kiss!
Redbassist: A rare intro
Sibwow: now kiss <33333
Sarah_Serinde: Kathleen if you have the time and inclination to bring this show back outside of subathons I will be thrilled :D
ImmortalLen: mic 5
ElementalAlchemist: YES@
ContingentCat: yesssss Now Kiss!
ElementalAlchemist: !
Stormgod519: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
GhostValv: got there
chrono2x: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Strebenherz: Kathleen's gremlin face there
TheAinMAP: lrrDARK
RockPusher: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
azninsect: Now Kees!
TehAmelie: ohaio
Artificer_Evan: I have never seen this intro.
ElementalAlchemist: Hello! lrrDARK
Fruan: We're here!
Mollylele: aw hell yeah CoolCat
ArmstrongRGM96X: Huh, I now realize that I've never actually seen the Now Kiss intro before
emberBecky: \o/
TheAinMAP: Hello.
BlueChloroplast: lrrDARK lrrSHINE lrrDARK lrrSHINE
NazTMann: fragYay fragYay
IanAllenBird: PrideWave
Strebenherz: Who made that intro? That was wonderful
PharaohBender27: ShowLove6969 WOOO More Now Kiss with Kathleen and Jordynne!!!
insanecat6mtg: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
Laogeodritt: I second Sarah_Serinde. x3
Cptasparagus: Kathleen has phasing
Jobot180: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
AtrusOfMyst: lrrSHINE lrrDARK
Redbassist: lrrDARK
PharaohBender27: Ooooh
DaSunao: lrrDARK
BrowneePoints: oof ouchies my ears
nevermore913: We smooching?
RockPusher: LuvBlondeL LuvBrownR
TruPhantomAngel: Wait...the return of Now Kiss! OMG!
JadedCynic: @Artificer_Evan yeah, that was a first time for me, too <3
Laogeodritt: Oooh, a Jordynne selection.
VorlonScout: This is the subathon stream I have been looking forward to since last year’s ended
Jennie_Fuchsia: yaaaay lrrDARK
Sarah_Serinde: Accidentally?
DaSunao: KFC!
BlueChloroplast: LuvBlondeL LuvBlondeR LuvBlondeL LuvBrownR
Boomyakalolo: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrKATHLEEN
CodeIndigo: Accidentally nothin'
Orxolon: Good evening ma'ams
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE
Singenmeister: Please bring this show back more often. lrrHEART
Fruan: Jordynne is the funniest member of LRR and someone needs to say it.
CodeIndigo: and slightly translucent
PharaohBender27: Oh Jordynne did RESEARCH
Spades_Slicc: Oooh could we get Slay the Princess on the Now Kiss backlog?
Orxolon: Dream daddy?
head_cannon: I love that the subathon allows for one-shot Tabletop RPG sessions and Now Kiss streams and things like that.
BusTed: 👌
DaSunao: lrrSHINE
Strebenherz: Nice
RockPusher: nice
iris_of_ether: They played Dream Daddy
Juliamon: Dream Daddy was on the stream
GhostValv: :)
Redbassist: Nice
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah Abby!
roastbeefsandwitch: I watched through the Now Kiss! of Doki Doki Literature Club this week. That was a trip.
ThorSokar: Nice, Nice, Nice, ~NIce~
Tangsm: It's really really good.
PharaohBender27: Right, I still need to play that
Sarah_Serinde: She and her partner and the VAs did incredible work
DistrustingSpectator is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 21 in the channel!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to brylaxbro!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to razorix_dp!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to nullzel!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to SlackinMcCracken!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to pencilghost_art!
rin_the_kat: how about: sucker for love date to die for?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DistrustingSpectator! Welcome to nullzel, SlackinMcCracken, brylaxbro, razorix_dp, and pencilghost_art! (Today's storm count: 514)
Sarah_Serinde: Highly highly recommend
BrowneePoints: I mean, there are a bunch of them still that are new, but they are mostly furry visual novels and they have 18+ scenes so not able to stream
Spades_Slicc: Wait Abby Howard was in strip search???????
ContingentCat: Strip Search is how I found LRR
ElementalAlchemist: I'm so glad to see Abby has gone on to make some really cool games
PharaohBender27: I did buy it though
Spades_Slicc: chat what is strip search btw
Sarah_Serinde: Kathleen. For the record. If you need someone for a Slay the Princess stream I am so interested :D
PharaohBender27: This makes sense
micalovits: A general recommendation to everyone here: Play slay the Princess
kataanglover1: The bluray of strip search is literally sitting next to my work desk XD
chrono2x: @Spades_Slicc LRR helped Penny Arcade make a comics based reality show called strip search. Abby was on it
Tangsm: Scarlet Hollow is also amazing.
ElementalAlchemist: @Spades_Slicc Strip Search is a reality show LRR produced for Penny Arcade that was basically an artist competition; it was really wholesome and fantastic
shadowmaster132: Nokia flip phone
Juliamon: Strip Search was a PA-funded LRR-produced reality show searching for the next big comic artist
nevermore913: Strip search and desert bus were my introduction to lrr
PharaohBender27: In before someone goes "Oh no. The phone is hot"
korvys: Now Kiss schedule never aligned for me - Did she ever do Boyfriend Dungeon?
Simriel: Mic 5 :p
Stormgod519: first time watching a Now Kiss! strem
Sarah_Serinde: I mean, also check the content warnings for Slay the Princess, because it is also a horror game. But it's so good
Spades_Slicc: where can I consume strip search?
Juliamon: korvys It came out just too late
Sarah_Serinde: This does seem better
PharaohBender27: They sound good now
Stormgod519: seems decent now
nevermore913: Strip search is on YouTube
Lobo_Apache: It's so leveled I can hang a picture on it
DistrustingSpectator: they never get my name right, lol
Spades_Slicc: @chrono2x thank you
ElementalAlchemist: I think *someone* played Boyfriend Dungeon, didn't they? but it was after Now Kiss times IIRC
Sarah_Serinde: We need roughly 5 hours more to hit the cap
PharaohBender27: A few hours more
Spritz_T: crash the game?
BrowneePoints: Distrusting Kathleen
Gekyouryuu: I know nothing about this game, but inb4 the Nokia brick is a bit old fashioned and tech illiterate, but solid, dependable, and always there for you
Sarah_Serinde: And then if we get more subs we can work on getting James pelted with water balloons
Stormgod519: @Spritz_T watch and play has entered the chat
Artificer_Evan: @korvys I know Jacob did a play through over on the ysbryd games channel.
ElementalAlchemist: ooooh
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Jennie_Fuchsia is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to ilogicaldash!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to LunarSpy!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Almightysharkstr!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to AniLunchbox!
Jennie_Fuchsia gifted a Tier 1 sub to AfghanBradPitt!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jennie_Fuchsia! Welcome to ilogicaldash, AniLunchbox, LunarSpy, Almightysharkstr, and AfghanBradPitt! (Today's storm count: 519)
DoodlestheGreat: You're set for around 9 AM tomorrow at this point.
DistrustingSpectator: thank you @BrowneePoints
ElementalAlchemist: A game that starts like that is probably pretty good
PharaohBender27: Right now funded until 9:30 tomorrow morning (moonbase time)
LittleVesuvius: oh no, a god awful experience XD
frank_the_great: Chat, game?
Sarah_Serinde: I also hope that
PharaohBender27: @frank_the_great DialTown
Sarah_Serinde: I've only gotten to spray him with a spray bottle :P
BusTed: tqsBORK
iris_of_ether: benginBark
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to BraveNewFavesBot!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BraveNewFavesBot! (Today's storm count: 520)
TheAinMAP: lrrSPOT
BrowneePoints: put some food coloring in those water, balloons, and record that and make a collage of his pain
LittleVesuvius: doggo! :D
Fruan: waffle dog?!
frank_the_great: @PharaohBender27 Hey buddy, you dial it down /jk
RockPusher: tqsBORK mattlrBork2
Redbassist: lrrSPOT
zerragonoss: Smart of you to put the things chat wants most after the pizza and ice cream
Pywodwagon: mattlrBork2
nevermore913: So we are on track for live forklift racing?
dougma: ~280 subs away ish
phoenixfeather14: mattlrBork mattlrBork
MatzerKat: You could just throw water balloons at James regardless
PharaohBender27: tqsBORK
Sunidesus: @Sarah_Serinde that was some pretty excellent spraying tho
niccus: huh, not a Ren'py
dungeonmasteralek: Phoneus
Astramentha: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo
squ3e: maybe game sound at likie 80%? Feels loud to me anyone else think so?
ElementalAlchemist: oh, that's a good choice
Sarah_Serinde: @Sunidesus Thank you I had a great time
LordManiMani: My dad is not a phone!!
BrowneePoints: Enochia
BusTed: wow
asddsa28: can we trun the game down
Sarah_Serinde: The music volume is good but the borking is loud
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
Strebenherz: Amazing
josh___something: Ooh, borks a bit too hot on the mic. (it's a bit loud)
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP
BrowneePoints: the barks are a little loud
nevermore913: Dog is loud
IanAllenBird: the barking seems a bit loud for me
Strebenherz: Dog is a bit loud
Snowcookies: the sound effects need lowering too
IanAllenBird: ope, same hats
ArmstrongRGM96X: I'm sure it's fine
malfnord: D:
goatprince: the skin makes them work
squ3e: Glad it wasnt just me
googoltudoris: i just got back from DnD, walked in the house, and immediately exclaimed "i don't know what's going on but that is a dog with a waffle!"
micalovits: Kinky
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
JadedCynic: lrrFINE
Fruan: what was on the key order on that keyboard? I didn't catch it all in time.
Gekyouryuu: your smut doesn't come from your heart?
LittleVesuvius: w wat
frank_the_great: Sounds kinky, to be Frank
MrSarkhan: gay cyborg!
Lobo_Apache: Yes! Murderbot
Sarah_Serinde: Oh I also need to read those books
dougma: Murder Bot is soooooo gooooood
shadowmaster132: I have to go eat before my nibling's birthday party so I'll watch the rest when the vod comes out
JadedCynic: oh god yes, MB is SO GOOD
Juliamon: Me too
PharaohBender27: Someone make MrDestructoid rainbow-colored
Fruan: 1000% recommend Murderbot
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
Sarah_Serinde: So Kathleen and Jordynne, could you maybe cover less of the dialogue?
JadedCynic: (fwiw, I first read them, MB had Cam's voice, and ART had Dale's :) )
Gekyouryuu: this is amazing
azureHaights: "run along, ya scamp"
Gekyouryuu: 11/10
shadowmaster132: Murderbot is not a gay cyborg he's asexual and agender
BrowneePoints: yea the sound effects need turned down a smidge (also you’re covering subtitles)
shadowmaster132: *it's
dougma: @JadedCynic OMG!!! now that is stuck in my head....
ElementalAlchemist: That'll be better
micalovits: That should be better :D
jellybean57: PBR is a super great light summer beer tbh
BusTed: I literally just read All Systems Red today.
jellybean57: great in showers
zelukester: PBR's not bad, it's just. Decent.
jchinnock: over to the left side would work
ElementalAlchemist: um
Sarah_Serinde: That should at least help, thanks Jordynne :)
jchinnock: right*
Gekyouryuu: sinful creechur
MatzerKat: Passable Beer, Really
Pywodwagon: thats a lot of nips
Genie_M: Ew.
Laogeodritt: oh boy, this is looking like it'll have some wonderful graphical jank
Strebenherz: Game audio a little loud
josh___something: Dear LORD we're jacked
malfnord: I have regrets
nevermore913: Game is still a bit loud
Sarah_Serinde: Yup this all seems normal and legit
Singenmeister: my friends and I used to refer to PBR as pizza beer, not because you drink it while eating pizza, but because we thought it smelled like pizza.
squ3e: dude same
ElementalAlchemist: accurate
Astramentha: mood
AtrusOfMyst: Egg time
IanAllenBird: I don't know what I /was/ expecting but this is not it
josh___something: Better
korvys: Oh, are we a clown?
squ3e: Danke
JadedCynic: SeemsGood
ElementalAlchemist: still a fairground
nevermore913: Better
PharaohBender27: Is quieter, confimed
JadedCynic: also game is lrrFINE
BrowneePoints: PBR is far from the worst of the cheap beer. It is so far ahead of steel reserve in quality it’s not measurable
todeswillen: How mache die i miss
LittleVesuvius: everything is Fine.
korvys: Fairground, has eggs, sounds like a clown to me
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: I did not consent to my likeness being used like this in a game Kappa
korvys: I WAS JOKING
Juliamon: PBR: You Could Absolutely Do Worse™
Gekyouryuu: @IanAllenBird I'm not sure what I expected either, but this 100% feels correct for Now Kiss
squ3e: Is this a horror game or dating game?
epsilon_vee: @korvys :D
AtrusOfMyst: Oh no
azninsect: must waht
LittleVesuvius: @squ3e both?
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Simriel: pizza and Dilly Bar?
Simriel: Dating Sims truly have become a very surreal genre huh
azninsect: @korvys clearly you know things that you shouldnt :P
UtilityPunk: Hmmm, this is very Instruction for a THing esque
LiveFaust: I don't understand the question, @squ3e .
MatzerKat: That looked for all the world like an album cover featured on Brave New Faves last time 'round
ElementalAlchemist: yes
Astramentha: L A Y E G G S
Laogeodritt: @squ3e So far, I think the answer is "yes".
BrowneePoints: did they just quote master of disguise by Dana Carvey?
Lamebert1415: Cheer68
squ3e: Of course my mistake
PharaohBender27: @Juliamon On the one hand, this is undoubtedly true, but I still have my pride :p
JadedCynic: Hi, Gerry
AtrusOfMyst: Dating has horror elements in general
ElementalAlchemist: oh, dang, only $2
ElementalAlchemist: of course it is
DoodlestheGreat: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 520 (new subscribers: 406, returning subscribers: 108, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 6, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 55543, new followers: 28, YouTube super chats: 2, YouTube super stickers: 0
PharaohBender27: :D
StarWarsTHX1138: OMG totally getting Island of Dr. Quandry vibes from this esthetic
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
squ3e: XD
Strebenherz: Amazing
GhostValv: wowie
azninsect: wow
azninsect: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Sarah_Serinde: Excellent read thank you Kathleen
ElementalAlchemist: pffffft
Sylenctone: big Murderbot energy
harke_ is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel!
harke_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to nudibranch_art!
harke_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to DomunoBlade!
harke_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Borengarrr!
harke_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to rielop!
harke_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to 26diffeer!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, harke_! Welcome to nudibranch_art, DomunoBlade, Borengarrr, rielop, and 26diffeer! (Today's storm count: 525)
Sarah_Serinde: Incredible
Snowcookies: o.o
DiscordianTokkan: This game rules
TheNerdWonder: this game is SUCH Kathleen energy
micalovits: To real Gaame
todeswillen: Oh lrrDARK
Mollylele: lrrDARK lrrDARK
LiveFaust: Was this secretly written by Kathleen? This feels like Kathleen writing... lrrDARK
azninsect: Cheer5000 more bits for the subathon gods!
Strebenherz: Are we sure this game isn't made by Kathleen?
PharaohBender27: Is the background a reference to Mary Shelley and Percey Shelley's date?
Astramentha: lrrWOW
foopoiuyt: Well, that defines love pretty well.
Artificer_Evan: so it is a horror game
Tangsm: LuvSign
azninsect: this is a horror game definitely
UtilityPunk: Ticket guy has some baggage to unpack
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
BusTed: LUL
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
azninsect: HypeLUL
MrSarkhan: lrrWOW lrrWOW
Laogeodritt gifted a Tier 1 sub to UtilityPunk! They have given 2 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UtilityPunk! (Today's storm count: 526)
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
Redbassist: :D
Tangsm: Fair.
micalovits: F
azninsect: hahahahah
Sarah_Serinde: These are great images too
BusTed: damn
IanAllenBird: kmjnkimj
Strebenherz: AMAZING
azninsect: F
Laogeodritt: PAHAHAH
Snowcookies: lmao
malfnord: ROUTE LOST
ElementalAlchemist: so much for Jerry
Artificer_Evan: oh no
Strebenherz: The BUSSING BELL
josh___something: RIP ticket jerry romance XD
Astramentha: lrrBartleby
ElementalAlchemist: This is amazing
UtilityPunk: Oh man, thank you so much @Laogeodritt lrrAWESOME
azninsect: what even is this i love it so much already
Artificer_Evan: it least it tells you
TheAinMAP: katesDed
MatzerKat: Holy moly, this is something else
azninsect: incredible
Laogeodritt: @UtilityPunk Enjoy the emotes and ad-free-ness =3
magical_writer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months, currently on a 107 month streak!
magical_writer: This game is amazing, thank you.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, magical_writer! (Today's storm count: 527)
lampjas: Is the pc also a phone person?
Artificer_Evan: tent? you mean closet?
Sarah_Serinde: Hmm valid point
Artificer_Evan: &
Artificer_Evan: oops
Sarah: I mean it's not like they're all like this XD
Sarah: There's quite the range though
DiscordianTokkan: Cheer400 why is there a waffledog
josh___something: Oh we can DIE?!
PharaohBender27: I had trouble breathing a few moments ago :D
Drakas: dial town more like dial tone to pound town
todeswillen: A dog
Singenmeister: Waffle-dog is from old country
ElementalAlchemist: I think they just said we *should* save-scum the game
JadedCynic: Swans are just geese in formal wear - equally evil and dangerous.
azninsect: wise
excalgold: w-what?
ElementalAlchemist: You did just save
Sarah_Serinde: Get it out of the way now if it is?
BusTed: That's why we saved, afterall
josh___something: It's not... Bad advice(?)
Astramentha: we saved
Tangsm: Is that just the quit option?
Genie_M: Just told you to savescum
JadedCynic: I feel if I ever have to make use of that advice, I may have bigger issues to resolve...
DaimyoAmerica: Just got here...what did I miss
azninsect: oh.
Spades_Slicc: did the stream just drop for anyone else?
malfnord: D: D:
azninsect: yeah, accurrate question
josh___something: Why the butter knife?!
Tangsm: Just reload.
Mollylele: so romantic
JadedCynic: and not even a scalpel or any medical device, but just a table knife
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDespair
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySpook
josh___something: Owwie
azninsect: fasScared
PharaohBender27: Dang, the greenscreen is at times making Kathleen's headphones and jacket look like old-time TV static
Laogeodritt: Well, that was... eventful.
azninsect: bye paul!
1ne_intellect: lrrPAUL
Strebenherz: Take care Paul!
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSLOTH lrrSHINE
Gaelan_Maestro: good night paul!
Laogeodritt: @PharaohBender27 Wonderful, wonderful two-dimensional noise.
Gaelan_Maestro: Gilf?
KWardJenx: Bye, Paul? Doesn't Paul live in the Moonbase?
ElementalAlchemist: PILF
todeswillen: Bye lrrPAUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Sibwow: thilf
Strebenherz: Pilf
LordManiMani: Philph
azninsect: PhILpf
Singenmeister: lrrSPOOPY this town has a vibe lrrSPOOPY
Astramentha: philf
chrono2x: philf
AtrusOfMyst: Bye Paul lrrPAUL
JadedCynic: TILF - Typewriter I'd....
ThorSokar: a Philf in to filth!
PharaohBender27: NotLikeThis
azninsect: NotLikeThis
AtrusOfMyst: Brings a whole new meaning to, "Call Me by Your Name"
azninsect: hehehehhehe
PharaohBender27: Buildings look nice
Astramentha: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
JadedCynic: *gets out chalk*
TheNerdySimulation: they're perfect
definenull: Uhh
an_archist2: bork
azninsect: benginLul
Spades_Slicc: would
Astramentha: that is ABSOLUTELY a dev
AtrusOfMyst: That Dog has been to a Waffle House
TheNerdySimulation: if anything happens to Hound I will kill everyone here and myself
UrielAngelSpy: The music here makes me so happy
Redbassist: DinoDance
azninsect: the borks
azninsect: i cant
josh___something: Uhhh
Genie_M: I'm older than all the dinosaurs I've met
definenull: But still not older than dinos huh
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
hackingducks: author self-insert in a dating sim... huh
micalovits: We live in a society!
ElementalAlchemist: ew
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
AtrusOfMyst: Herculeggs
PharaohBender27: :D
Simriel: To quote Alex in response to... Alex "I am experiencing fear"
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Strebenherz: the kick me i'm god sticky note
Strebenherz: PUNCH GOD
josh___something: PUNCH GOD
Sarah_Serinde: [punch god]
chrono2x: you can save
josh___something: You can save, right?
TheNerdySimulation breathing intensifies
DigitalSeahorse: he read his own name backwards! GOD DOG
Sarusta: *what* did I tune into
josh___something: Forbidden nerds
Mollylele: is God romanceable
Kamotetop: Chocolate gravel
azninsect: oh nooo
TheNerdySimulation: me neither too, Jordynne
Singenmeister: @sarusta Art
Tangsm: Just get some Nerds. Satiate the urge.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInsane
jibkat: sooshRage
PharaohBender27: "Look I was bored and needed a project, OK?"
Spritz_T: kind of disappointed they didn't go for the 42 joke
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: shiny, broken trash
TheNerdySimulation: this is a god I can get behind
hackingducks: doggo seems like two
chrono2x: I like 4
neisan2112: That's the one that speaks to me.
ThorSokar: I'm on #4
LittleVesuvius: i like four but i'm confused
AtrusOfMyst: 3 is meta
ElementalAlchemist: 4 is a real mood
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDK
josh___something: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: Same
Luminaire_p: t**thbrush
josh___something: I forget LOTS of important things
LiveFaust: Dogs always need to censor h*ck.
MungoDude: jusdt a widdle guy
Sarah_Serinde: He's just a little guy!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout
azninsect: just a little guy!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInsane
josh___something: True
MrSarkhan: LUL
josh___something: They're spitting
chrono2x: I love just asking god to get you into the fair
LittleVesuvius: I LOVE this game
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown
Strebenherz: AWWW
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyThump
UrielAngelSpy: God is just a little guy but also a libertarian?
clarinetman: feels
SnowBuddy18: Mood
neisan2112: I was so hopping that would be an option
josh___something: Please, can we punch god
TheAlanHeffley: Punch
josh___something: PLEASE
TheAlanHeffley: God
azninsect: yeeeeah!
Sarah_Serinde: You can save at any time :D
Milleg2: Disco Elysium if it was a dating sim
azninsect: hahahaha
UtilityPunk: lrrJUDGE
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInsane vicksyInsane vicksyInsane
Morrigan9: lol
IanAllenBird: jnhbjuikmnhui
Strebenherz: Dagoth Ur Doggo
azninsect: this game is incredible
Gekyouryuu: was that a Dagoth Ur reference?!
azninsect: hahahhahaha
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
DigitalSeahorse: katesFight
BusTed: LUL
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
LordManiMani: lrrCOW
josh___something: We punched god and LIVED!
Mollylele: kathleen was born to play this role
DigitalSeahorse: kates7 vicksy7
ElementalAlchemist: earf
TheNerdySimulation: I created the universe not money
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah that was the ticket guy
PharaohBender27: :D
Alex Frank: What..... what is this?
Sarah: yes
Alex Frank: help
Sarah: It's...a very quirky dating sim called Dialtown
Gekyouryuu: what IS a phone shop in a world where phones are people?
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
Sarah_Serinde: There are people who have money there
azninsect: destiny!
Sarah_Serinde: Some of them may also be well dressed
azninsect: but that was a few nights ago
Kamotetop: What do the text colors mean? Which one is the lizard-brain?
Sarah_Serinde: That's cute
AtrusOfMyst: Kahjiit has eggs if you have coin
LiveFaust: No, azn. Destiny never ended.
josh___something: Red is ANGY
TheNerdySimulation: I think that's just a silly poster
LittleVesuvius: optionals? (what does this mean, are there optional routes?)
azninsect: wooooooow
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
azninsect: yoooo hey hold on
TheNerdySimulation: Next person I encounter I'm asking them "Were you born like that?"
TheNerdySimulation: sure it won't fuck them up for the rest of their life
mercano82: An inkjet printer seems like a very expensive date.
DigitalSeahorse: Honse
Milleg2: We can fix her
hackingducks: @mercano82 she's *so* high maintenance.
jibkat: mattlrWoof
Fluffy776: GoodOne
andy_ink: This is honestly my every day.
azninsect: HypeLUL
ElementalAlchemist: alright, Karen
IanAllenBird: f
PharaohBender27: 0/2
ImmortalLen: F
Fluffy776: harsh but fair
hackingducks: steeeeerike two
todeswillen: WE are amaising at dating lrrDARK
Sarah_Serinde: She asked us about our green, we should ask her about her head
Fruan: There has to be an ending for fucking up every route, right?
erased_citizen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
erased_citizen: lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, erased_citizen! (Today's storm count: 528)
Lobo_Apache: We do live in a society!
Fluffy776: It's a printer, it doesn't work
RTwo28: I just tuned in, whats this dating sim
TheNerdySimulation: fair
PharaohBender27: @RTwo28 DialTown, and it is wild
Sarah_Serinde: Then she should know how it feels to be asked about being green!
Lobo_Apache: I hear it's not easy being green
azninsect: It's not easy being a printer-head
ElementalAlchemist: Karen II
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: ohh can we feed the roaches?
ElementalAlchemist: Oh, good, someone else
TheNerdWonder: it's Ben!
Tangsm: Ben?
ElementalAlchemist: uh... thanks? Oliver
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint it's Ben!
josh___something: Th... thanks?
azninsect: benginLol
hackingducks: I love that everyone was like "hey ben" at the same exact time.
PharaohBender27: The architecture in that screen looks familiar, but I can't determine where it's from
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
TheNerdySimulation: you're welcome?
Mollylele: oh no lrrBEN
josh___something: Yes
micalovits: Yes
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint lrrBEN
Lysander_salamander: I didn't know this game existed
Lysander_salamander: nice
Austere_Squire: what, um... what did i walk into?
Shadowsoflife: dialtown
ElementalAlchemist: accurate
PharaohBender27: TOO REAL
IanAllenBird: whoa
Lysander_salamander: some good word-smithing
azninsect: damn
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
ElementalAlchemist: we have to compete with *Big Bertha*?!
Redbassist: :D
IanAllenBird: oh it's lindex
Austere_Squire: do you want nipple guy as an option
RTwo28: dont kill the projector
an_archist2: i like how we weren't interested in hooking up with this guy until we learned we could kill his old girlfriend
critiquequartz: does it seem like Kathleen is louder?
Laserbeaks_Fury: If you would like to go on a Date; Press 1 Now
Lysander_salamander: oh
alexsteacy: why is Ben a phone
Lysander_salamander: an art film
micalovits: I like snacks
LiveFaust: Sounds totally up Kathleen's alley. lrrAWESOME
IanAllenBird: kmjnikmjn
LiveFaust: OMG Alex. You can't just ask people why they're a phone.
TheAinMAP: PopGhost
ElementalAlchemist: EW
micalovits: Eeewwww
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
hackingducks: grose.
ElementalAlchemist: If they don't clean the machine, that's *baaaad*
josh___something: OH GOD
azninsect: "Is the soda machine single?"
Juliamon: I've had machines like that in my life
Cptasparagus: this reminds me of ben's "would you poop in a toilet if it liked it" question
itomeshi: I'd rather have a screaming soda machine than the one at the KFC I worked at after college.
ElementalAlchemist: goblin status: inspired
jibkat: yikes on trikes
Sarah_Serinde: Amazing
Lysander_salamander: I missed the beginning of this
BusTed: damn
ElementalAlchemist: aw, dang
Juliamon: it *IS* BEN
ElementalAlchemist: welp
LiveFaust: Same, Ben. Same
IanAllenBird: dang
Lobo_Apache: Respect
Mr_Horrible: Oliver knows what he's about and we respect it
BusTed: benginHeart
josh___something: I wanna fuck a robot
BrowneePoints: oh eeeeew racial preferences. we dodged a bullet
ElementalAlchemist: bye Oliver
Tangsm: Maybe you're more of a downtown typewriter.
Mollylele: is typewriter a race or a gender? we're a typewriter with skin?
Lysander_salamander: Phone shop. Is that like, a cathouse?
ElementalAlchemist: but I need repairs
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
azninsect: ohh
azninsect: oh hello
Sarah_Serinde: Nice sweaater
BrowneePoints: …is this a Gilt?
josh___something: fym CASES?!
Tangsm: A fellow typewriter. Perhaps you can bond over the terrible prejudice of the cinema.
Lobo_Apache: Isn't a skull just an empty case for a head?
BrowneePoints: a Grandma id like to type on
Lysander_salamander: this is delightful
Lysander_salamander: sort of a transhumanist thing going on
ElementalAlchemist: yes, Gabby, we do
gualdhar: Is she a self-learned cosmetic surgeon, or a human part broker?
BrowneePoints: SHE IS A GILT!
VorlonScout: Kathleen’s not using it, but I’m mentally hearing Gabby’s dialogue in the Sadie Casperson voice
chrono2x: @TheWanderingNomad We are also a typewriter
Strebenherz: @TheWanderingNomad Or phone, or printer. We're considering our options
Mollylele: TILF alert
ElementalAlchemist: well, we lost route with the printer
BrowneePoints: @mollylele GILT Grandmother id like to Type on
BrowneePoints: LORE!
excalgold: this is....weird
IanAllenBird: oh!
ElementalAlchemist: we need the weird, weird lore now
RTwo28: wtf happened in this world???
Lysander_salamander: worldwide dialup is an interesting euphamism
Mollylele: let's depress that space bar (ifyaknowwhatimean)
PharaohBender27: Ooooohhh
TheMerricat: so... we we aren't just weird people we were originally 'normal' humans and decided to replace our heads with appliances?
NotSoLuckyLydia: thats hatoful boyfriend
BrowneePoints: Oh, trust me there were a lot of monster fuckers about the vampires in the Will Smith one
Lobo_Apache: Why is everyone obsessed with our nipples
LiveFaust: Machinehead? Is it better than the rest?
iris_of_ether: Green to red!
TheMerricat: @Lobo_Apache They are green.
ElementalAlchemist: oh, mood
Juliamon: Lobo_Apache We are kinda just putting them out there
Sarah_Serinde: Plenty of people are into that, it's fine
Milleg2: In the head replacement apocalypse I'd want a chalkboard head
hackingducks: we should make sweet sweet sentences with her
BrowneePoints: She’s a mechanic granny!
Lysander_salamander: like, a radioshack
BrowneePoints: a Greasemonkey GILF!
LiveFaust: Damn, I miss Radio Shack...
Lysander_salamander: I miss raidoshack, with their tubs of miscellaneous electronic bits
LiveFaust: Exactly, Lysander.
PharaohBender27: "I need some discarded typewriter keys"
LiveFaust: And the smell of those free monomers.
BrowneePoints: gabby is based. She was totally a suffragette
micalovits: TransgenderPride
Fluffy776: levysc1Pride
Juliamon: She does also profit off of it though.
Strebenherz: D'aww
Lysander_salamander: oh, there's a demo for this
RTwo28: NOOO
ElementalAlchemist: that's fair
PharaohBender27: Spoilers: The woeld has always been a chaotic mess. It's just that the intensity and flavor fluctuate.
PharaohBender27: *The world
azninsect: lrrAWW
BrowneePoints: how did this game land being trans humanist when cyberpunk couldn’t
Lobo_Apache: She's tryin real hard to less us down easy
ElementalAlchemist: ongMegalul
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahaha
Strebenherz: Oh my god the red
azninsect: hahah oh nooo
Mr_Horrible: "Summon Gaby"
ElementalAlchemist: She was amazing
Jon Grayson: hello
gamefreak3072: ahoy hoy @Jon Grayson
Lysander_salamander: wow they're all staring
Tangsm: Oh no. Everyone was staring on the subway.
ElementalAlchemist: "CLOWN"
PharaohBender27: I wonder what country this takes place in Kappa
human_pirate: Wait I just came, why do we want to go to the funfair?
Lysander_salamander: oh
Lysander_salamander: wow
Mr_Horrible: no wait, we're spitting
Juliamon: human_pirate We wanna lay eggs there
Mr_Horrible: every clown has an egg, ergo...
Lysander_salamander: wow again
human_pirate: Ohh. . . .
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahahaha
BusTed: I guess you can opt out if you're not into clowns
ElementalAlchemist: pfffffft
Lysander_salamander: unlicensed clownery.
Lysander_salamander: oh dear
Mr_Horrible: oh dear
TehAmelie: $4, uncomfortably specific
goatprince: Please hire the clown.
azninsect: oh, its the IT clown
ReverseCreations: OH NO Not one of Todd's Clown Dentists!
Goorguy: I have just arrived and I'm terrified
Mr_Horrible: do you happen to float, Frongles?
Lobo_Apache: @Lysander_salamander isn't this just streaming?
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
Sarah_Serinde: @goatprince We have less money than the clown does
mercano82: Does Frongles have an Etsy store?
Gaelan_Maestro: pennywise had a kid
neisan2112: We all honk down here
BrowneePoints: @goorguy it’s like a…Reddit copypasta irony humor-horror dating game where we date phones
BrowneePoints: with some decent writing…kinda
ElementalAlchemist: oh, good, immediately into Frongles's chimp
Lysander_salamander: I'm guessing yes
BusTed: seabatTROG
electra310: Cheer400 It's only four dollars!
RockPusher: seabatTROG
RTwo28: are we paying the clown?
Lysander_salamander: eggs?
iris_of_ether: seabatTROG
RTwo28: call?
Juliamon: yes, the whole plot of this game is that we desperately need to lay our eggs in the FunFair
LiveFaust: In this world, is a phonebooth........
Sarah_Serinde: I wanna know what the game says to the first one :D
LiveFaust: Ok, answered.
Lysander_salamander: what are we?
IanAllenBird: you're like a pigeon with your choices in nesting sites
UtilityPunk: This is like Instruction for a Help as a dating sim
azninsect: yeah ill get attached thats the point!
BusTed: Shufflecat
ElementalAlchemist: time to name a raccoon ongLOL
Sarah_Serinde: "Toronto"
Juliamon: We are a gay cyborg
neisan2112: OH MY GOD
neveth: Canman
azninsect: accccccccident
ElementalAlchemist: ongMegalul
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon so wait, is the dating aspect just to get us into the FunFair, or are we actually searching for love and connection?
electra310: Cheer1000 Just realized I won't be around most of tomorrow, better spend the rest of my subathon bits now. :D
Juliamon: we are green and have six nipples and several gaping wounds
Gaelan_Maestro: shuffle the cat
Strebenherz: @Lysander_salamander a green skinned typewriter head.. being
Lysander_salamander: yay
ElementalAlchemist: yay!
BusTed: tqsClap
Mr_Horrible: incredible
Strebenherz: OMG
neisan2112: YEEEEEESSS Game Perfect
micalovits: RACOON GAIN
TheAinMAP: RaccAttack
PharaohBender27: RaccAttack
Juliamon: Mr_Horrible Yep, they're having a 2-for-1 Valentine's Day special
iris_of_ether: RaccAttack
Strebenherz: RaccAttack
neisan2112: God I want to befriend a Raccoon so damn bad.
azninsect: perfect
Juliamon: We're broke so we're looking for a partner to get us in for free.
azninsect: RaccAttack
Mr_Horrible: I see I see
Lysander_salamander: aw
Lysander_salamander: oh
IanAllenBird: capitalism strikes again and again
neveth: RaccAttack lrrHERE
goatprince: harry du bois simulator
azninsect: PogChamp
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
DiscordianTokkan: e g g t i m e
iris_of_ether: foxmarEG
ElementalAlchemist: pls Randy
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to goatprince!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, goatprince! (Today's storm count: 529)
korvys: @goatprince We already have one of those
goatprince: @AnAnonymousGifter Thank
Milleg2: Oh randy
Lysander_salamander: mood
LiveFaust: Their name ACTUALLY being "Randy" is a delightful touch.
Austere_Squire: i think randy needs help
NotCainNorAbel: hahaha 2024
Sarah_Serinde: It really is Toronto
ElementalAlchemist: bawk
Lanthess: This whole game reads like a Qwerpline script
Mr_Horrible: "Hostile swan" is redundant, surely
PharaohBender27: For real, swans can be REAL MEAN
Austere_Squire: swans are evil
an_archist2: randy can defend our eggs against the swan
adept_nekomancer: One cannot hope to stop swan havoc
NotCainNorAbel: do NOT FUCK with swans
RTwo28: @Lanthess Dialtown is three exits from Insburg
RockPusher: gabyLul
BrowneePoints: Swans are worse Geese with better PR
Austere_Squire: what IS this?
ElementalAlchemist: good call Randy
Lanthess: @RTwo28 I'm sure that was an Insburg town motto at some point.
BrowneePoints: I thought it was playing CBAT for a second
ElementalAlchemist: just swerve away from that sentence
RTwo28: Second one was funny
Austere_Squire: what?!
Sarah_Serinde: [don't pick this one, please] gabyLul
RTwo28: Poor Randy
Lysander_salamander: nice
Lysander_salamander: wow
micalovits: Mood
IanAllenBird: ohno
ContingentCat: so real
PharaohBender27: lrrAWW
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
Austere_Squire: i feel like randy really, really needs help
azninsect: a real catch
Lysander_salamander: dang
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
RTwo28: what does swan-massacre smell like?
ImmortalLen: Did it though?
Milleg2: So that happened
neisan2112: This booth was amazing! We got a date AND a Raccoon
Tangsm: The ticket salesperson is gonna love Randy.
Lysander_salamander: hahahaahahahahaha
MungoDude: no luck catching them swans then?
ThatForger: I LOVE RANDY
Singenmeister: @rtwo28 Presumable a bit of algae
azninsect: HypeLUL
human_pirate: Wait no he sounds cuteee
ThatForger: He iS cute
Austere_Squire: i don't understand what is happening but i really need to sleep and i can't tell if that thought fills me with regret or relief
BrowneePoints: I love that they went for the sex worker that is awful at dating route with Randy
goatprince: i'm egg,,,
Austere_Squire: so good night everyone and good luck with... whatever romantic venture this is
ThatForger: I'm almost finished with dialtown
BusTed: badum bum
Lysander_salamander: nice
azninsect: only truths here
RTwo28: cant wait for Randy to have a human flesh face
ElementalAlchemist: hello again dog
BrowneePoints: oh wow, it hit us with a PONR moment
ElementalAlchemist: BETTER [save] THAN SORRY
micalovits: Friend! We are bback!
ElementalAlchemist: because you work the ticket booth at the funfair
ElementalAlchemist: I don't think there's such a thing as "average day"
Sarah_Serinde: Ticket guy I have bad news: I think this *is* an average day at work
RTwo28: He's what
LittleVesuvius: oh no
PharaohBender27: Jerry, you work in customer service. This is average.
Mr_Horrible: Randipodes
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
Mr_Horrible: Jerry how dare
personalthesus: First (time participating in a LLR live chat in like 8 years lmao❤️)
Sarah: Welcome!
Mr_Horrible: he is quite put-upon
TheTekkieman: His head IS a Nokia! I know the design!
BrowneePoints: HES A NOKIA BRICK!?
RonaldMcDownload: EGG
Milleg2: Randy is a Nokia?
tehfewl: EGG TIME
RTwo28: Randy is a silly lad
Alephred: Well, we know his head is indestructible.
magical_girl_amelia: i love egg time
Sarah_Serinde: I enjoy how big "EGG-TIME" is
Dalrint: Does his label say Fuskface?
thymato: @BrowneePoints Beat me too it
Rhynerd: my god! he’a a nokia! a perfect match!
josh___something: Wait, we're MADE for each other!
Lysander_salamander: :D
Juliamon: Jerry you narc
RTwo28: Ticket jerry is actually probably trying to help his friend lol
azninsect: Jerry fasAngry
Sarah_Serinde: Oh buddy
Lysander_salamander: this is so sad
spethycakes: oh the self-esteem issues
excalgold: Randy needs a hug.....and a therapist
RTwo28: Can the new be objective "Help Randy"?
BrowneePoints: ….we need to change Randy’s life
RTwo28: second option is the best one I think
azninsect: HypeLUL
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Milleg2: Randy needs new dressings for his hands
Alephred: What kind of creature is the player?
Natural_Ones_Only: Is wheeler in this game?
Lysander_salamander: wow
Rhynerd: gay cyborg
PharaohBender27: NotLikeThis
Dalrint: Treating poor randy like this is way worse than being some kind of eggstrosity.
DiscordianTokkan: oof, Randy.
BusTed: tqsEgg
RockPusher: PrideGive tqsEgg PrideTake
Mr_Horrible: I mean if you get it outta the way, then you can have fun at the fair
Lysander_salamander: urgh
rayndeon: Is there a schedule for the subathon?
ElementalAlchemist: wow
Lobo_Apache: Cowards!
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
gualdhar: wow, this playthrough is so much tamer than I expected, I figured you'd go straight for egg sacs
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Lysander_salamander: !y
RockPusher: gabyLul
BrowneePoints: oh no,we’re gonna give Randy an oviposition kink
chrono2x: I love Randy
RTwo28: I really hope this game's characters are all the same guy in different outfits?
GameSageZB: Has there been a description of the protagonist? Or simply unspecified-egg-laying cryptid?
Juliamon: GameSageZB We are roughly humanoid, green skin, six nipples
GameSageZB: _Excellent_
chrono2x: typewriter for a head
chrono2x: flesh typewriter
Twilight_Spark: I'm not sure I'm fully processing this.
azninsect: HypeLUL
ElementalAlchemist: I have more questions
RTwo28: holy cow can Randy catch a break?
excalgold: this feels like something some one coded in a fever dream
foopoiuyt: I kind of feel sorry for Randy.
ElementalAlchemist: What are my eggs that they're *squirming*?
malfnord: I really need an adult.
RTwo28: in that specific pothole in front of Randy
NotCainNorAbel: Pride10000 - Eggs? Not expected.
iris_of_ether: this game "skibidi"?
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
PharaohBender27: @NotCainNorAbel lrrSHINE
adept_nekomancer: We need to have... high eggspectations
Mr_Horrible: @iris_of_ether ngl I do get Ohio vibes
iris_of_ether: foxmarEG foxmarEG foxmarEG
LiveFaust: Eggs? And WITHOUT Wheeler? Pity.
RTwo28: Shoulda found a nest in a ceiling, for ceiling egg
jibkat: mmm horse
NotCainNorAbel: @PharaohBender27 I'll steal another chatter: no u
Mr_Horrible: Randy that's just a fairground weiner
patience_zero: I just woke up, ....what is this? I heard phone dating game but er.....
Lysander_salamander: oh dear
Sarah_Serinde: Amazing
azninsect: oh.
BusTed: uh huh
neisan2112: They should get the new Ravnica sausage standard
ElementalAlchemist: oh, hey, we did it
RTwo28: Are you playing as a Yoshi?
eshplode: I should really go to bed. I feel like this experience is going to cause some very weird dreams
azninsect: thank you randy
RockPusher: :)
TheNerdySimulation: out of all the times to come back to the stream, this sure was one of them
Cyrohydra: so. are we a. sea turtle.
Lysander_salamander: yay
ElementalAlchemist: yes, deem the carp
SnackPak_: hell yeah Randy
RockPusher: benginOh benginYe
Juliamon: DEEM. THAT. CARP.
aerohydra: the eggs have been laid, but the night is still young, some great bad advice
adept_nekomancer: Eggs: laid. Carp: deemed.
TheNerdySimulation: Cairn? Heeded. Astrolabe? Consulted. Tree? Found. Carp? Deemed
PharaohBender27: NotLikeThis
Lysander_salamander: this is delightful
GameSageZB: "PANIC." is a wonderful dialogue choice.
BrowneePoints: oh God, this just reminded me of the amusement park episode of Aggretsuko
TheAinMAP: panicBasket
azninsect: panik
TheNerdySimulation: :o
chrono2x: we Big now
RTwo28: Amazing name
ElementalAlchemist: but she's out of order
RTwo28: also crystal ball head is funny
Milleg2: Is this the sequel to Big
Lysander_salamander: aw
IanAllenBird: 😔
ElementalAlchemist: aw, Randy
GameSageZB: _That's_ what runs him off!?
LiveFaust: Randy earned self respect!
FelidarSov is paying forward the Gift they got from TheDevil_Risen to the community!
FelidarSov is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
FelidarSov gifted a Tier 1 sub to hellurlol!
FelidarSov gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kozmik47!
FelidarSov gifted a Tier 1 sub to HighWind0101!
FelidarSov gifted a Tier 1 sub to 2am_official!
FelidarSov gifted a Tier 1 sub to Void_Of_Moon!
DiscordianTokkan: BASSARD
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, FelidarSov! Welcome to Void_Of_Moon, hellurlol, HighWind0101, Kozmik47, and 2am_official! (Today's storm count: 534)
Juliamon: :)
RTwo28: Oh to be a disembodied voice
GameSageZB: For the five eggs!
SimplyDaveMN: What game name do this?
kasper1787: need more K D and D
Goombill: Left the stream running when I left the house to play D&D. This was an experience to hear coming home.
azninsect: we did the egg
ElementalAlchemist: This is powerfully strange
ElementalAlchemist: It's *amazing* but so strange
Lysander_salamander: the biohazard stamp is nice
RTwo28: That box is labeled with a biohazard warning
SeaDiegoFC: This feels like some let's nope style art
GameSageZB: Is there a "Live Laugh Lay Eggs" sign just out of shot?
ElementalAlchemist: I read "epitome" a lot
Lysander_salamander: yes I used to think it was epi tome
Pywodwagon: I can't begin to imagine what thats like
Pywodwagon: my head wont shut up
Mr_Horrible: never rotating a cow in your mind
BrowneePoints: aphantasia
Mr_Horrible: hard to imagine, but the world is a vibrant place
RockPusher: Aphantasia
RTwo28: This is absolutely a horror game with a dating sim blanket
mercano82: Do you have dreams?
cdgentry1: That's me too
EvilBadman: You ever just look at characters and have a collective hallucination
RockPusher: interesting that you seem to have most things turned down
PharaohBender27: For years as a child, I thought the name Nathaniel was pronouned "Nathan-yell" because of the spelling
Lysander_salamander: nice
aerohydra: brains are weird
Dalrint: Do your dreams have stories that you are watching?
BrowneePoints: See my internal monologue is so loud that I can’t read or do anything else like that. That requires me thinking while audio goes on because the internal track is so loud it will cause sensory overload
BrowneePoints: humans are weird
AragornKeuken: I am once again asking visual novel developers to learn how to use correct “smart quotes”
Sarah_Serinde: Yeahhhh
Rhynerd: huh, I can’t really think of any dreams of mine that had a third person camera.
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
GameSageZB: I almost wonder if it's a stylistic choice here.
Juliamon: AragornKeuken This feels deliberate.
Lysander_salamander: dang
Rhynerd: except maybe the one that was literally of a third person shooter I haven’t played in a while.
LiveFaust: "Let's protect our butt. We might need it for sex later." ~Kathleen
RockPusher: anyway *adds Dialtown to Steam wishlist*
GameSageZB: The trees carry no dopamine.
PharaohBender27: Only the worst sort of monster hates trees
Juliamon: swan...
Gadora: @LiveFaust Oh, that's what might be needed? Huh.
excalgold: is the swan Zeus ?
tehfewl: a shredder on a swan is accurate
KeytarCat: It's a paper shredder?
TheWanderingNomad: You have to tell us if your Zeus swan!
PharaohBender27: I got that reference, Jordynne! :D
ggodopaste: I am way too sober for this
Sarah_Serinde: @RockPusher Yeahhh I might have to get this :D
ElementalAlchemist: poor Randy
sporkraptor: what the hell *is* this XD
IanAllenBird: bug facts!!
RTwo28: bug facts
GameSageZB: An _ADHD_ cryptid!
shurtal: did the pc just casually drop a "mayhaps"?
BrowneePoints: This game is a lot deeper than I thought
SimplyDaveMN: Monster Postpartum depression?
iris_of_ether: Tax benefits :D
ElementalAlchemist: ooh, the Yoshi option
Rhynerd: a nonzero amount of violence.
Rhynerd: and such
EvilBadman: Bug facts? We frog fractions up in here?
Mr_Horrible: to be fair some of these characters have looked like a megaten demon or thereabouts
LiveFaust: #BugFacts
Lysander_salamander: wow
iris_of_ether: lrrWOW
RockPusher: ♫ the bug facts are the literal reason, we are interacting! bug facts baby! [bug facts baby!] ♫
sporkraptor: like Jimothy!
adept_nekomancer: Quick, get shufflecat on the case. He can help us find randy.
Mr_Horrible: Brenthew
Lysander_salamander: Timodemous
underhill33: Grahamuel
Tangsm: Larold
EclipsedSkye: Timjamen
Mai_Andra: Wow. Callback to LRR Jackbox stream. 'Calvin Coolidge' has no other context. xivGoob
Rhynerd: would my name count as that?
LiveFaust: I use "Jimothy" for my nephew "James".
spethycakes: Jormathy
KeytarCat: Benstopher
LittleVesuvius: wouldnt it be beistopher?
ElementalAlchemist: "pls help me" --Randy
sporkraptor: Chuckithander
Rhynerd: i think my name would be more of a fake extension to a normally short name.
RTwo28: yay, randy can be saved
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to KeytarCat!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KeytarCat! (Today's storm count: 535)
Lysander_salamander: oh my
GameSageZB: Yes bring back rainbow text
LittleVesuvius: i just checked to see if the game was short. and. a lot has yet to happen
JeshuaWithAnE: Isn’t love wanting to fix someone? We love randy
KeytarCat: Oh beans, thanks for the sub!
Rhynerd: “Randy deserves better, let’s help him realize that.”
LittleVesuvius: why is god a tv head
ElementalAlchemist: um
IanAllenBird: whoops
chrono2x: oh nooo
ElementalAlchemist: it definitely was
Mr_Horrible: mmm, the delicious forbidden blue barber juice
LiveFaust: If it was sweet, it COULD have been antifreeze.
LittleVesuvius: i thought it was going tp be antifreeze
RTwo28: Swan bait?
Lysander_salamander: oh dear
GameSageZB: That was almost a sweet descriptor
Lysander_salamander: we're going on an adventure
RTwo28: Holy that was real funny
Mr_Horrible: also Rasputin did not, in fact, get up anyway (after a while)
LiveFaust: tqsLOL tqsLOL
BrowneePoints: that description hit too close
neisan2112: @Mr_Horrible Several times
RTwo28: I love this Rasputin tangent
Dalrint: Pretty sure Rasputin would A - Have more self esteem than Randy and. B - have been WAY more into the egg thing.
Martizz1e subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Martizz1e: i have no idea what this is but im here for the sub a thon, ill take a ham with mayo please
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Martizz1e! (Today's storm count: 536)
Zornamations: I just arrived. what is that???
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
Mai_Andra: ♪ Ra Ra Rasputin ♪ Lover of the Russion Queen ♪
neisan2112: Ah so that one scene from The Devils
ElementalAlchemist: thanks, Boney M
e_bloc: this is some great writing
RTwo28: I really like this character's dialogue
UltraVioletVodoo: thas a solid explanation for rasputin
e_bloc: Corgo1013
Lysander_salamander: wow
Tangsm: This game is educational.
RockPusher: :D
BusTed: history lesson
BrowneePoints: wait…are WE Rasputin Frankenstein’d back to life?
spethycakes: I learn so much tonight
GameSageZB: "Claiming to save the Tsarina's child" had something to do with it, I feel...
Mr_Horrible: I wasn't expecting a history lesson from this
LiveFaust: God, I love this game.
Fruan: @Mr_Horrible This does NOT count as a history lesson
Lysander_salamander: Tsar is the russian form of 'ceasar' I think?
Lobo_Apache: Am I stroking out? Is this game real? I've been here from the beginning and I'm still now sure if it's real
ElementalAlchemist: I love how long this tangent is
DeM0nFiRe: @Lobo_Apache Wake up, it's time to go to school
Lysander_salamander: The assassins were really terrible at it. Not professional
BrowneePoints: stabbed poisoned shot hanged then drowned
tehfewl: oh man
BrowneePoints: wait he DIDNT?
tehfewl: this game is great
RTwo28: This dialogue is beautiful
adept_nekomancer: That's not how the grassy knoll works...
MaddogM: I'll I can think right now is "Ra, Ra, Rasputin"
schordash: THIS is the screen i tune back in to StinkyGlitch StinkyGlitch StinkyGlitch
RTwo28: Is this local hobo Rasputin?
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Fruan: I'm given to understand this story has grown in the telling. It's probable that the shooting part worked, and everything that followed was just stupidity.
Mr_Horrible: oddly sound logic
GameSageZB: No, the local hobo is God (capital G)
malfnord: Ah, those Russians
chrono2x: @RTwo28 The hobo is god, so still a weird thing, but not rasputin
Twilight_Spark: I'm irritated, shocked, and impressed at the length of this conversation.
Uzumaki15: This is some delightfully bizarre dialogue
MaddogM: They end in tears?
chrono2x: Should we try to get Let's Nope to play this. I think Graham and Alex would also appreciate it.
malfnord: I'm pretty sure I've been on both sides of this conversation at some point in my life
Lanthess: I think this game needs to make its way to Talking Sim...and Rhythm Cafe...and Let's Nope.
RTwo28: Tangent time!
PrinceNimzar: and W+P
Laogeodritt: I've been listening while doing some desk cleanup and preparing to try and repair my other computer, and... my *god* this is hallucinatory.
Lanthess: @PrinceNimzar It's too good for Watch and Play
LowUpsideCJ: I popped in for some derangement and this delivers
tezzatipoca: boy did I just walk in on something
malfnord: Yeah, this is compentently put together, it's just insane and kinda uncomfortable.
Lysander_salamander: oh, a goblin
Sarah_Serinde: Okay I love all of this a lot, but it's 1am and I have *all* the tired so I'm gonna call it here
Sarah_Serinde: Have fun friends :)
ElementalAlchemist: good night Sarah!
Front_Ranger: 'Dat goblin lyfe...for the culture!
neisan2112: @Sarah_Serinde lrrDARK
Mr_Horrible: 'night Sarah o/
ElementalAlchemist: This is really such a ride
Texan_Reverend: Have a good night @Sarah_Serinde Sleep well.
RockPusher: 'night Sarah_Serinde
Lysander_salamander: Like Neverending Story?
neisan2112: Mood
smertmonkey subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, smertmonkey! (Today's storm count: 537)
PharaohBender27: Sleep well, Sarah_Serinde!
GameSageZB: That yellow-backgrounded dog just looks _so sad_
RTwo28: wait is god in this a dog with a waffle?
ElementalAlchemist: goodbye, background
ElementalAlchemist: hello again, background
JeshuaWithAnE: This is like if Kathlene’s eclectic music tastes manifested themselves into a game.
UltraVioletVodoo: this is super existential
BrowneePoints: I mean, this would be the kind of game of clown Core would sound good to.
Lysander_salamander: shrimp colors!
Milleg2: Did god just have an existential crisis
BusTed: more wavelengths!
ElementalAlchemist: yes
IanAllenBird: yeah
Lysander_salamander: wait, what if you could see shrimp colors, but didn't know?
GameSageZB: @Lysander_salamander Surprise! About 1 in 7 women have a fourth kind of cone and can see colors with more detail than the rest of the population!
ElementalAlchemist: oof
Lysander_salamander: oh that's cool
tezzatipoca: the glowy eyes ScaredyCat
Asimech: ABDD: Always Be Ditching Dreams
UltraVioletVodoo: like beej in that sketch
Lysander_salamander: that's just wrong
tezzatipoca: that's why women have more words for colors lmao
Asimech: Hm. ABCD: Always Be Chucking Dreams
Gaelan_Maestro: im colourblind and people do that to mee ll the time
Gaelan_Maestro: i hate it
BrowneePoints: A friend of mine liked to describe that he can tell what purple is because he knows what color it isn’t
RTwo28: Help the Randlethan!
tezzatipoca: @asimech 👌👌👌
ender4449: random dating game goes for triggering an anxiety attack.... nice
SimplyDaveMN: Actually yes.
SimplyDaveMN: To be fair - how many famous shrimp artists do you know?
tezzatipoca: @gaelan_maestro yea that's not cool
GameSageZB: Now I'm halfway down the Tetrachromacy Wikipedia article to verify my own statement... That "miscellaneous" set of choices was too real
Lysander_salamander: Harry has a rich fantasy
Milleg2: Everyone knows randy
Tangsm: Hulu's The Bear?
iris_of_ether: B E A R
spethycakes: 'bear'
foopoiuyt: Who wears a suit to work at a fast food restaurant?
BrowneePoints: There are a couple fast food places where the uniform is kind of suit like
Asimech: Someone who took "dress for the job you want" a touch too far?
IanAllenBird: normal hallway
RTwo28: shrimp colors?
dumbo3k: No, they worked at two different burger places, and Harry told you to go ask around at Randy's old burger place
chrono2x: clown door?
ElementalAlchemist: "There is no ESC from my love!" --the poster, which probably wants to remind you to save again
neisan2112: I thought we hated Clowns?
GameSageZB: Dialtown is Homestuck confirmed.
SimplyDaveMN: Telephone heads is one level of disbelife, but someone working at fast food being able to afford such a suit is just too far to belive.
Lysander_salamander: ah, of course
chrono2x: @neisan2112 We seem to like clowns, the narrator in our head HATES clowns
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
Lysander_salamander: darned police
Lysander_salamander: aw
josh___something: fair enough
hackingducks: yeah that's fair.
PharaohBender27: Welp
ElementalAlchemist: oh no
Lysander_salamander: wow
IanAllenBird: whoops
RTwo28: I think you normally say wrong door in that situation
ElementalAlchemist: wat
crazycommie87: lrrSPOOP
ElementalAlchemist: Wheeler?
Lysander_salamander: honse
RTwo28: HORSE???
neisan2112: Honse?
IanAllenBird: eep
crazycommie87: NOPE
iris_of_ether: O_O
hackingducks: yeah, also fair.
PharaohBender27: O_o
josh___something: We never speak of that again
malfnord: WE'RE LEAVING
josh___something: that never happened
bagfullofbees: HAUNTS
chrono2x: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
James_LRR: what the hell are you two playing?!
Gaelan_Maestro: thank you both for pronouncing my name Correctly, people always get it wrong
MrTheWalrus: I should go
adept_nekomancer: Welcome to "Can't date horses club"
Milleg2: So that happened
RTwo28: Howdy James!
Decem_Lampas: why the long face?
Lysander_salamander: burg it up
niccus: they are playing exactly what they warned they would play
Lysander_salamander: what
Lysander_salamander: oh
GameSageZB: @James_LRR It's no stranger than the lore in Elden Ring.
IanAllenBird: oh,
hackingducks: we broke out of a zoo?
Asimech: I choose to parse that as "Zoom-asster".
excalgold: if there was a credit in this that sad 'Ian Horner as Theoroar Rustlebelt' it would make total sense for me
FarleyF: i mean he's not wrong - we lost a war against emus so what does that tell you
ElementalAlchemist: so much for being a business
SimplyDaveMN: This is getting too real now.
ender4449: is alex watching this? cause this could be an interesting watch and play. its not bad functionally, but it pulls some beauty copter style moments
Gascitygaming: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Fallout w/ Beej at Fri 11:00 PM PDT (44m from now).
pleonasticTautology: (hi everyone!)
Milleg2: How many different people did they use as models for these stills. It's two right, I'm thinking two
Phailhammer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
Phailhammer: Almost a third of the way through the year.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Phailhammer! (Today's storm count: 538)
Spooky_Noises: what /are/ we?
ElementalAlchemist: +1
pleonasticTautology gifted a Tier 1 sub to magpieAria! They have given 25 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, magpieAria! (Today's storm count: 539)
Lysander_salamander: oh dear
LiveFaust: loveri1SNIFFA loveri1SNIFFA
RTwo28: wut did Randy do?
RTwo28: oh
Lysander_salamander: he charges him?
Tangsm: So he works two jobs to afford living in a dumpster?
Lysander_salamander: freaking landlords
ElementalAlchemist: CAT
RTwo28: Randy should join the tent home
pleonasticTautology: isn't that part of the plot of "two broke girls"?
spethycakes: I do know more than one person with a cat named Mingus
excalgold: @pleonasticTautology its a very NICE Dumpster though
spookittyAsh: Grow big and strong! Mingus!
pleonasticTautology: @excalgold lmao yeah
hackingducks: so is dialtown new york city or san francisco?
spethycakes: two cats and one ferret, respectively
Juliamon: hackingducks Toronto
hackingducks: or I guess for the canadians, toronto or vancouver.
ElementalAlchemist: lrrWOW
chrono2x: We are a goblin, soooo
Lysander_salamander: aaaaaa
Tangsm: You broke him.
pleonasticTautology: i love that randy's face says "fuckface"
IanAllenBird: I think route ended is the best outcome here for him
Singenmeister: I think I’m only just now realizing that the music in this game is a parody of hold music…
shurtal: i just got randy in his home?
Rhynerd: yes
Lysander_salamander: mood
chrono2x: @shurtal yes
Patorik: This game feels like an Adult Swim cartoon...
shurtal: @chrono2x i'm glad i still have a read on this game
LiveFaust: We've been on this screen for more than a minute and no one has aggressively promoted Mingus.
Lysander_salamander: oh dear
shurtal: @Patorik like, Xavier Renagade Angel could walk in at any moment
Lysander_salamander: lewd
crazycommie87: LUL
IanAllenBird: noooo
ElementalAlchemist: what? I mentioned the cat
josh___something: Oh he has a CHAIR!
josh___something: That's nice
ElementalAlchemist: password: omelette.exe (according to the dumpster, anyway)
Patorik: @shurtal Oh God, I forgot about that one. And also, yes
chrono2x: password: Omelette.exe
GameSageZB: He's got his wifi helpfully posted
BlueChloroplast: Hai chat
Juliamon: psswrd, not password. It could be piss-ward
chrono2x: true
RTwo28: Randy nnooo
chrono2x: Or the P5 Sword
Redbassist: P5swrd
shurtal: Psswrd sounds like a "manly, tough guy" brand of Depends
spookittyAsh: Five P5Swrds
LiveFaust: Ok, I'm sorry, ElementalAlchemist. I see spethycakes also acknowledged. But none of us are DYING for Mingus.
ElementalAlchemist: true
ElementalAlchemist: we should be
pleonasticTautology: @spookittyAsh osdnihg
pleonasticTautology: wait, he pays rent, it's not squatting
spethycakes: @LiveFaust speak for yourself, friend
spicyFerret_: What did iw
spethycakes: It's a quiet kind of dying
spicyFerret_: *i walk in on
Leonhart321: OK, I just woke up and saw the title of the game. This is NOT what I expected
pleonasticTautology: HoNk hOnK
RTwo28: honk honk government!
pleonasticTautology: "madame mediocre" lmao
SimplyDaveMN: @ender4449 Was thinking the same thing.
SimplyDaveMN: Dumpster Tardis?
spicyFerret_: @pleonastictautology you. aicHMMM
Lysander_salamander: is this, romance?
pleonasticTautology: ::::)
Alephred: I assume it's pronounced Med-i-o-CRAY
Mai_Andra: Are you the reason it's out of order?
magpieAria: :o)
Redbassist: oh no
RockPusher: gabyLul
excalgold: Mom?!
IanAllenBird: oh noooo
Therberus: This is a weird ass dating SIM isn't it???
BlueChloroplast: PrideLaugh PrideLaugh PrideLaugh HahaThisisfine
Bionull: Screaming like the vending machine?
pleonasticTautology: @excalgold PFFFFFF
Therberus: Wait phone dating SIM....
Mr_Horrible: I'm beginning to sense why this attraction was derelict
RTwo28: burn the machine!
Mr_Horrible: Randy that head is indestructible
ContingentCat: It's christmas somewhere
spicyFerret_: I have so many questions
IanAllenBird: randy don't call them that
magpieAria: oh dear lord
GameSageZB: But he's like a Nokia, how did his cranium split?!
jamesinor: What is this game?
ElementalAlchemist: and Gabby's shop
jamesinor: Is the Doctor just a scalpel???
IanAllenBird: please tell me gabby can fix this
RockPusher: Jordynne & Kathleen Now Kiss is a delightful? treat to us all lrrDARK
neisan2112: Ah he had a spicy pillow?
Bionull: Are pimples still a thing?
magpieAria: "Hot."? dgljhdg
RTwo28: and the doctor put the word "fuckface" on it
Juliamon: Bionull They aren't exclusive to heads.
ElementalAlchemist: oh NO
RTwo28: OH NO
spicyFerret_: OH NO
spethycakes: Oh Randy
icedsly subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 87 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, icedsly! (Today's storm count: 540)
Fruan: You could wear a hat.
RTwo28: was his home stolen by the horrifying horse?
Bionull: I too am deep in the fibers
jamesinor: Huh?
Redbassist: aww
IanAllenBird: hell yeah
RockPusher: screm
spicyFerret_: DEVOUR
spookittyAsh: aaaaa
RTwo28: screaming possum
Mr_Horrible: "he screm at own ass"
ElementalAlchemist: ongMegalul
DoodlestheGreat: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
iris_of_ether: This game is *a lot*
Fruan: I'm betting Randy is absolutely fine and that bandage could come off at any time with no side effects.
spookittyAsh: less possum antics, more poss semantics
ThorSokar: #LifeGoals
RTwo28: this is just depressing now
Singenmeister: @iris_of_ether I have genuinely never had such diverse and numerous feelings about a game.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
RTwo28: protec
Singenmeister: on the plus side, his head is basically indestructible
Bionull: Do we have acid?
ElementalAlchemist: cool, we spit acid now
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyThump
RockPusher: #TentLife
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint tent life
Elscorcho4965: Geese are jerjs
magpieAria: tent liiiife
Elscorcho4965: Jerks*
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
DigitalSeahorse: katesNoted
BlueChloroplast: Just cover it with more marker, black out the letters
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy vicksyHappy vicksyHappy
Mr_Horrible: this music is so perfect sofieLUL
RockPusher: Everything is coming up Randy
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
DoodlestheGreat: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 540 (new subscribers: 420, returning subscribers: 114, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 6, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 73356, new followers: 30, YouTube super chats: 2, YouTube super stickers: 0
GameSageZB: Randy we spit acid.
mrverbal: so what are...we
lightfut: 420, nice
DigitalSeahorse: yyyyyup
ElementalAlchemist: uh oh
RTwo28: WHAT
IanAllenBird: oh no I hope we spit acid
DigitalSeahorse: except for Spadina
adept_nekomancer: lrrCrab
Lysander_salamander: sir switchblade for a head
kragmabutch is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
kragmabutch gifted a Tier 1 sub to dankusgasus5!
ElementalAlchemist: ongMegalul
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, kragmabutch! Welcome to dankusgasus5! (Today's storm count: 541)
BlueChloroplast: lrrAWW
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGun vicksyKnife shot by a knife?
42MiLLyWays: uni1000
ContingentCat: ouch
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDespair
RockPusher is gifting 50 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Soupline!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dwigt_Maine!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Xixes19!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bananajelly16!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Fus0r!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to likelyDangerous!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Inbowned!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to artvandelay4488!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to LadyKosa!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gameshaker001!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to ConUK21!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to KryptonicKen!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrMarkCollins!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to SenpaiAo!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to EmilyMelodiam!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nickthesickjoke!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheSensibleInsane!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to NovaeCorvidae!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to ghost212789!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to cinqetoiles123!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to KittStargazer!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to PKSkinns!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Fubby123!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheRicch!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to NooseMuckless!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to anactualheehaw!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to celluo!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to bipanicattakk!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to juliekins02!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to banditgaming51!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to arikarinka!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bwillpoker!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to ManOCatherby!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to silverelf13!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to crazylegsjan!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to armydew123!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to ToastCharger!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to olympianchamp!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RockPusher! Welcome to Bwillpoker, crazylegsjan, armydew123, ToastCharger, and olympianchamp! (Today's storm count: 546)
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Datriuss!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Datriuss! (Today's storm count: 547)
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to DemonDezi!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ConUK21! (Today's storm count: 548)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DemonDezi! (Today's storm count: 549)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KryptonicKen! (Today's storm count: 550)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrMarkCollins! (Today's storm count: 551)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SenpaiAo! (Today's storm count: 552)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xixes19! (Today's storm count: 553)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EmilyMelodiam! (Today's storm count: 554)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dwigt_Maine! (Today's storm count: 555)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nickthesickjoke! (Today's storm count: 556)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheSensibleInsane! (Today's storm count: 557)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bananajelly16! (Today's storm count: 558)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NovaeCorvidae! (Today's storm count: 559)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, likelyDangerous! (Today's storm count: 560)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ghost212789! (Today's storm count: 561)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Inbowned! (Today's storm count: 562)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cinqetoiles123! (Today's storm count: 563)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KittStargazer! (Today's storm count: 564)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PKSkinns! (Today's storm count: 565)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, artvandelay4488! (Today's storm count: 566)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fubby123! (Today's storm count: 567)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheRicch! (Today's storm count: 568)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NooseMuckless! (Today's storm count: 569)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, anactualheehaw! (Today's storm count: 570)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Soupline! (Today's storm count: 571)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, celluo! (Today's storm count: 572)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LadyKosa! (Today's storm count: 573)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bipanicattakk! (Today's storm count: 574)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, juliekins02! (Today's storm count: 575)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gameshaker001! (Today's storm count: 576)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, banditgaming51! (Today's storm count: 577)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, arikarinka! (Today's storm count: 578)
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shingeki_0!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to onglor!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to notpalu!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to milehightravis!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to ysyaren!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to SoapwoodTV!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to lordsyth79!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to dissident001!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Alistic!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to pyjamasnz!
josh___something: oh he's so gonna die
RTwo28: 50 Subs holy cow!
lichen_subscribe: holy cow
magpieAria: thatsa lot of subs!
RockPusher: We've been well entertained these last few hours lrrDARK
IanAllenBird: : o
FailureOfAName: I'd never boo jordynne and kathleen
iris_of_ether: WHOA
TeacherSeanTV: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
spethycakes: lrrSHINE
Mollylele: RockPusher gets to punch God
Malkmaven1176: back up to just under 13 hours
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNotL vicksyLeave
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksySellout vicksySellout
BlueChloroplast: Punch him
malfnord: Hey chat, we're now literally down to the last 3 hours before the cap!
BlueChloroplast: Awww no acid
chrono2x: lie
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope
DigitalSeahorse: LOL
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
RockPusher: hehehe, LRRbot took a while to tot those up
Lysander_salamander: I'm going to have weird dreams tonight. Thanks!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fus0r! (Today's storm count: 579)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ManOCatherby! (Today's storm count: 580)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, silverelf13! (Today's storm count: 581)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, onglor! (Today's storm count: 582)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pyjamasnz! (Today's storm count: 583)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Shingeki_0! (Today's storm count: 584)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, notpalu! (Today's storm count: 585)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, milehightravis! (Today's storm count: 586)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ysyaren! (Today's storm count: 587)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SoapwoodTV! (Today's storm count: 588)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alistic! (Today's storm count: 589)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lordsyth79! (Today's storm count: 590)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dissident001! (Today's storm count: 591)
RockPusher: erm, I broke LRRbot ?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyClap Rockpusher
Juliamon: it's fine, it got there
neisan2112: Oh no, its doing each sub by itself lol
ThorSokar: I think so RockPusher, haha, good work
RockPusher: lrrBartleby
IanAllenBird: whoops
neisan2112: TRUE
LiveFaust: We can that "QA", RockPusher.
RockPusher: Oh well, er, enjoy the sub notifier for a little bit
theeffohzero: What visual novel is this?
GameSageZB: You can do it, Randy!
RockPusher: go get it Randy!
Singenmeister: @theeffohzero Dialtown
LiveFaust: tqsLOL tqsClap
ElementalAlchemist: to defeat the Huns
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDespair
Bionull: Bandage dress is in
Juliamon: oh my god
IanAllenBird: jnikmjnikmjni
ElementalAlchemist: wat
neisan2112: OH MY GOD
Lysander_salamander: Enemies to lovers?
josh___something: oh MY god
iris_of_ether: lrrWOW
chrono2x: oh noooo
Lysander_salamander: eugh
Lysander_salamander: he's a karen
Redbassist: lrrWOW
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyS
Bionull: This music
RockPusher: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
Lysander_salamander: :D
chrono2x: yay Randy!
GameSageZB: lrrBartleby
Mr_Horrible: spit fire, Randy!
theeffohzero: Grazie @singenmeister
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDK
VorlonScout: Cheer1550 You tell him, Randy
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer Randy
ElementalAlchemist: pfffft
theeffohzero: Whoa randy spitting fire
pleonasticTautology: WHOA
pleonasticTautology: HAHAHAHA
Lysander_salamander: oh wow
Mr_Horrible: LUL
iris_of_ether: Hahaha
Redbassist: :D
malfnord: oh the turns have tabled
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
theeffohzero: Woah that went 180 real fast
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap
shendaras: seabatClap
IanAllenBird: 👏
spethycakes: marshm3Clap
DigitalSeahorse: cute marshmellow
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahahaha
ElementalAlchemist: too chonkers
iris_of_ether: :D
pleonasticTautology: puss-puss too chonkers.
theeffohzero: My sides...
DigitalSeahorse: marshmallow*
adept_nekomancer: so very chonkers
LittleVesuvius: loooool im dying a bit
Rhynerd: that and why would the tiger go back to the zoo?
Lysander_salamander: oh lawd he comin
lightfut: Too chonkers indeed
tehfewl: puss-puss too chonkers.
LittleVesuvius: puss puss too chonkers and he scream at own ass
Mollylele: game of the year
tod_vom_himmel: how does this game have better writing than 90% of games
iris_of_ether: This game is *so much*
theeffohzero: @mollylele Game of all time
L0rdX33n: Why am I still awake? I am being a silly.
L0rdX33n: Hi Iris
GameSageZB: You need a new clutch, after all.
L0rdX33n: Oh dear
adept_nekomancer: Do we have more eggs?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy vicksyHappy vicksyHappy
theeffohzero: I got scared with jordynne being threatening
iris_of_ether: Hi @L0rdX33n ! Just doing some Lego and whatever the heck this is
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPet
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
LiveFaust: OMG they were tentmates!
theeffohzero: Hence why MC puts up with Randy
Mr_Horrible: with the save
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPog katesAw
DigitalSeahorse: katesFlower
gualdhar: nooo the rabbit fucking
ElementalAlchemist: hot dogs!
DigitalSeahorse: hehehheheh
lightfut: Right on time
RockPusher: gabyLul
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
GameSageZB: =O
pleonasticTautology: "hotdog!" is an incredible respones to getting laid
Lysander_salamander: turtle time
Mr_Horrible: truly incredible timing
itbedefii: LUL LUL
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyKissy vicksyGasm
RockPusher: sergeJustRight
L0rdX33n: @iris_of_ether Oooh, I too have lego.... no wait, it's nearly Fallout time
malfnord: [It's easier if you don't look]
RTwo28: Lol
theeffohzero: I mean... How else to describe your wiener?
ElementalAlchemist: The way they did this scene is fantastic
RockPusher: gabyLewd sergeMoly
pleonasticTautology: sdljhfbkgnslkm
Cptasparagus: omg the soundtrack for this game cost $2 more than the game itself
Singenmeister: nature finds a way to
heartofgoldfish: oh, have we hit subathon finale yet?
magpieAria: "hotdog" with two thumbs up is the perfect reaction to sex
ElementalAlchemist: I mean, this whole thing was fantastic
IanAllenBird: oh we do have acid spit after all
andreagustafson: omg this game is absolutely UNIHINGED
RockPusher: hahahaha
ElementalAlchemist: "the sexuals"
Artificer_Evan: @andreagustafson yup
SpaceBattery subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SpaceBattery! (Today's storm count: 592)
DigitalSeahorse: the sexuals
chrono2x: hahahaha
Lysander_salamander: :D
magpieAria: it counts
Genie_M: Perfect timing
SpaceBattery: Wow i sure came in at A Time
L0rdX33n: Ah, the Tuesday special
NathanLonghair: what is this game called?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHug
Juliamon: !game
LRRbot: Currently playing: Dialtown: Phone Dating Sim
chrono2x: @NathanLonghair Dialtown
pleonasticTautology: i know folks who'd sleep in it but not fuck in it
NathanLonghair: thanks!
DigitalSeahorse: katesAw
sporkraptor: this is horrible and I love it
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
magpieAria: thats SO REALK
ThorSokar: fuckin' dominated holy crap
pleonasticTautology: ook
RockPusher: wheelerOok
theeffohzero: My jaw and sides hurt now
VorlonScout: ”1 for 1”
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyThink
ElementalAlchemist: gottim
L0rdX33n: I pay taxes, where's my house?
andreagustafson: I need a tshirt that says "Feral and Proud"
DigitalSeahorse: ^
L0rdX33n: @andreagustafson I'd buy one
GameSageZB: That shirt definitely exists.
Mr_Horrible: Jordynne's penchant for called shots continues
Timlin 22: Wtaf did I just click into???
Timlin 22: P.S. not complaining just very confused
Therberus: what the actual bus?!
Timlin 22: Is this a Crytid dating sim?
ender4449: yes?
ender4449: yes
Timlin 22: ok
lightfut: Jerrodynne
Mr_Horrible: "All 150 of them"
ThorSokar: sounds amazing
IanAllenBird: lkmjnikomjniok
Mr_Horrible: we're learning so much lore for this world
L0rdX33n: Ha
goombalax: reference
crazycommie87: Oh
Lysander_salamander: metaphors?
ElementalAlchemist: lol, bewarlocked
RockPusher: No one is *merely* Randy
Lysander_salamander: is that a plug?
RTwo28: Moar!
Ben Eastwood: Is thus the return of Now Kiss!!!??
RockPusher: They can ♫ Siiiiing! ♫
RockPusher: delicious
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
lightfut: Are they single?
theeffohzero: I can hope so
pleonasticTautology: fortune machine tulpa [i can make this joke cos i'm plural]
ElementalAlchemist: The swans 100% know this
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPls
theeffohzero: Magic is funny like that
theeffohzero: I mean they're talking to an OUT OF ORDER fortune telling booth
Fruan: Placenta effect
GameSageZB: I love that this is in your head, so your head is correcting you.
ElementalAlchemist: @theeffohzero powered by cough nectar
sporkraptor: hit her up
ImmortalLen: But I must know what happens to Randy!
theeffohzero: @elementalalchemist gimme that honey
RockPusher: It means more of this silliness later lrrDARK
ElementalAlchemist: This has been so amazing
chrono2x: YES
RockPusher: Beej!
Pywodwagon: summon the beej
ImmortalLen: Is beej in the room with us?
m33pn8r: +1 Beej pls
ElementalAlchemist: lrrBEEEJ
RockPusher: Come be a cryptid with us!
an_archist2: beej... beej...
josh___something: Beej, I SUMMON THEE
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby Beej
Decem_Lampas: lrrBEEJ
spookittyAsh: beeeeej
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ
theeffohzero: He probably can read our eummons
Rhynerd: Summon Beej like@the god hobo
Bionull: Is this "beej" in the room with you right now?
theeffohzero: Brendan!
GameSageZB: Be-ej-eljuice theme intensifies.
todeswillen: Summen beej
lightfut: Beejery j beejington iv
TacitusVigil: Beejamin
mirshebs: lrrBEEJ
adept_nekomancer: I think we need the beejdrop to summon Beej
m33pn8r: It does need the reading though
RockPusher: Also when do you need to come back in in the morning?
ElementalAlchemist: The Rasputin bit was important, though
Tangsm: But we learned so much.
theeffohzero: BRENDAN!
lightfut: So much Rasputin lore
Rhynerd: how else are we to learn Russian History?
lightfut: Beejopher mcbeejery
Rhynerd: through a school?
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
LiveFaust: Heresy! One can never spend too much time learning about Rasputin.
RockPusher: Thank you Kathleen, thank you Jordynne lrrDARK lrrSHINE
IanAllenBird: o7
theeffohzero: Good session Kathleen and jordynne
SytYoshi: Thanks for the stream.
Gaelan_Maestro: now you HAVE to have more Now Kiss!
Redbassist: lrrBartleby lrrDARK
ElementalAlchemist: Thank you for having us; this was excellent
GameSageZB: Thank you for this lovely nonsense!
Tangsm: Rah Rah Rasputin indeed.
pleonasticTautology: g'night!
L0rdX33n: Ciao
iris_of_ether: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
spookittyAsh: thank you for strem
spethycakes: thank you! lrrSHINE
DigitalSeahorse: lrrDARK
Timlin 22: No not a cliffhanger for a game I have only 10 mins of context on, how will I cope?
Timlin 22: Ps this has actually been a really fun 10 mins
SimplyDaveMN: Beej is all in you mind - you chugged that Subathon this morning, remember?
Timlin 22: Who is this Beej we speak of I only know the level 5 super judge
LittleVesuvius: ty! sleep well
Riandisa: This was a lot of fun
theeffohzero: Good night ladies
Texan_Reverend: Night, y'all!
DoodlestheGreat: Tank u 4 strem
LiveFaust: Nini! lrrDARK
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap
m33pn8r: We learned about russian fuck jesus, so that was a thing
Rhynerd: goodnight!
Fruan: *pounding the table* BEEJ BEEJ BEEJ BEEJ
Redbassist: lrrGibb
RockPusher: lrrGibb
IanAllenBird: 👋
Mr_Horrible: thanks for that incredibly cerebral time you two
m33pn8r: o/
Texan_Reverend: lrrBEEJ
theeffohzero: That wave from jordynne is adorable
Redbassist: lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ
sporkraptor: so, that was Disco Elysium
theeffohzero: Hello Brendan
Texan_Reverend: Nowwwww, we Fall back out with BEEJ!
spookittyAsh: the prophebeej has come true
theeffohzero: Bye brendan
theeffohzero: Dance jordynne!
RockPusher: lrrBEEJ voxlunGeiger escher3SAFETY
theeffohzero: More wasteland time?
RockPusher: !quote beej
LRRbot: Quote #994: "They're more like water balloons full of eggs." —Beej [2015-10-30]
todeswillen: What ist Up next
Texan_Reverend: Ok, that's just entirely too much egg nonsense for one night, LRRbot.
Redbassist: whats the half-life of a Beej fallout?
Singenmeister: [grunting]
theeffohzero: Way too long I think? @redbassist
theeffohzero: They never seem to end
Texan_Reverend: @todeswillen Beej is playing Fallout 1-in-2. That's the original Fallout modded to run with the Fallout 2 engine and QoL updates.
theeffohzero: What with his beejdrops
lightfut: It's beejomus b beejrington
Redbassist: @theeffohzero ah yes gotta account for those
DoodlestheGreat: So, we're set now to end at 11:48 AM their time. To make it to 2PM would need 131 subs or 52,400 bits, or some combination of the two. Let's see how things go.
RockPusher: lrrSPOOP
L0rdX33n: Hello Beej
Texan_Reverend: Good evening, ghost Beej.
JadedCynic: Beej!
theeffohzero: Then get chased by banana Cori
Redbassist: lrrSPOOP
DoodlestheGreat: Hiya, Beej!
RockPusher: I did think Beej's shirt was green on the break cam :D
ShifuDaxiongmao: it is now Subeej-a-thon
Fruan: Ghost shirt!
EvilBadman: All hail floating head
Texan_Reverend: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
theeffohzero: Sir Brendan, how lovely to see through you!
RockPusher: No nonsense, only Beej :D
JadedCynic: Oh man, yeah - with this overstock of firearms in your pack, does this make you one of The Gunrunners? ;)
TacitusVigil: Time to go to the Brotherhood of Steve?
RockPusher: How's the tea this evening Beej?
L0rdX33n: You didn't find the parts for the hydroponic farm, right?
Mai_Andra: Has the game title been updated on the stream?
theeffohzero: Snakes, why did it have to be snakes?
JadedCynic: You manage to sell off all your spare guns, and these guys are gonna be calling out "BEEJ!" in greeting everytime they see you :D
JadedCynic: !HeyChat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
L0rdX33n: escher3THUMBSUP
finestotter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, finestotter! (Today's storm count: 593)
L0rdX33n: I like that your shirt is see through
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
JadedCynic: a *mostly* blind playthru
finestotter: My prime finally expired so I can subscribe again during the Athon
TacitusVigil: Combat +Beej = Combeej
Creideiki_SE: Good European morning! The game in Twitch is still set to "Dialtown".
Aeraliz: hey wait what's the difference between "a Gun Runner" and "a typical Gun Runner"
Malkmaven1176: Its floating head beej
Carlioo: ah, a slightly fading beej today
FinalBossFightLive subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
FinalBossFightLive: Woooo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FinalBossFightLive! (Today's storm count: 594)
theeffohzero: Stream is still on dialphone @loadingreadyrun
malsareus: good morning Beej and chat
theeffohzero: Morning
Carlioo: fallout is a dating sim right?
malsareus: wait is Beej a ghost now?
theeffohzero: He's wearing green
theeffohzero: Booj
Carlioo: yeah beej, you have to tell us if you're a ghost
JadedCynic: @Carlioo it all depends on the perks you take B)
L0rdX33n: @Carlioo Fallout 1, not so much. Fallout 2.... mayyyyyyybe?
JadedCynic: Come on, Chat! Beej is secretly a ghost or anything; he couldn't be more transparent about this!
JadedCynic: Kappa
PrinceNimzar: @Carlioo actually if i recall Sixth Sense correctly we are obligated to tell Beej that he's a ghost
RockPusher: malsareus now‽
Creideiki_SE: Is this what It's Not Easy Bein' Green is about?
theeffohzero: <message deleted>He looks exhausted, can someone grab him coffee if he's going for long
JadedCynic: @theeffohzero just washed out? Kappa
Texan_Reverend: @theeffohzero Please, don't comment on streamer appearance.
L0rdX33n: Remember, you're technically in fallout 2
theeffohzero: Im Just concerned about him isall
L0rdX33n: Plasma rifle is the 2nd best ranged weapon you can expect to find
Texan_Reverend: I appreciate that, but he's an adult and perfectly able to take care of himself.
theeffohzero: Understood
Shadwhawk: But I'm concerned Beej's body is translucent. Someone's fucking around in the timestream again.
L0rdX33n: Its in SMGs
FarleyF: So beej im sure that it's been asked before - are you considering playing this as a play it forward in the future, maybe for F1 and F2 only
theeffohzero: Did someone go through the door to the dinosaur past and fucked around?
JadedCynic: remember, it's not just the damage and rate of fire, the weight can be a factor too (sniper rifles are large and heavy for 'small guns' for example)
Mai_Andra: "You can hang onto some other things too, like this 'L' (starts blasting...)"
theeffohzero: Like seeing korg and telling him he doesn't have big guns?
L0rdX33n: Sniper rifle has a higher AP cost...
theeffohzero: Hence why beej is now booj
JadedCynic: not as much - they're often related to AP cost to fire - bigger takes more
L0rdX33n: Some weapons have hidden traits, like the 223 pistol is armor piercing
JadedCynic: and thus you fire less often in a 'turn'
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nightbot!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nightbot! (Today's storm count: 595)
Fruan: This is really more of a Play it Back
JadedCynic: cool!
JadedCynic: that's fine :)
iris_of_ether: Personal enjoyment is 500% valid :D
FarleyF: oh yeah - glad that your thinking of finishing the story in your own time. Well i hope that you do enjoy it and maybe consider the rest of the series
theeffohzero: Does this have the you are over encumbered thing that Bethesda games have?
L0rdX33n: Almost all guns cost 5 to fire, 6 for burst/aimed> Sniper rifle takes 6 to fire, 7 for aimed shot. There are exactly 2 guns that cost 4 to shoot, 5 for aimed shot.
JadedCynic: @theeffohzero sort of - you can't run when overencumbered, and I *think* when you travel overland, you're more likely to hit random encounters (because you're travelling slower)
Sorator13: Ahoy friends! (Does Beej know that the stream is still on the Dating Sim category?)
JadedCynic: it's all for you SeemsGood
Mai_Andra: making non-optimal plays is "Content"
JadedCynic: oh dang
L0rdX33n: I think so?
gameboy350: @Sorator13 this is in fact a courtship ritual
theeffohzero: You just don't stop in place because you are carry one pound above you max?
Texan_Reverend: Speaking of Geiger counters, L actually got one today. Fortunately, nothing in our home is radioactive.
L0rdX33n: @theeffohzero Correct, Beej was roided up and carrying too much but then the drugs wore off. He was encumbered and slowly walked through the desert for a week
shurtal: Been very ethereal tonight
Texan_Reverend: However, they're now on the hunt for spicy things at estate sales and antique malls and such.
theeffohzero: Oh no why am I imagining David Attenborough narrating the stream now
iris_of_ether: @Texan_Reverend oh dang
L0rdX33n: I notice the metal armor becomes lower cut when Katja is wearing it. Funny that
theeffohzero: Designs of the time
Woodthorn: What a coincidence
L0rdX33n: Swap meet! Party inventory!
theeffohzero: This gonna be a auditing session is it?
Kim H: remember he is doing a Beej-run not a speed-run!
L0rdX33n: I believe in you
WhirlwindAbyss: are we super close to the cap now?
JadedCynic: heh, older RPGs did that - the original Pool of Radiance: on winning a battle you'd have each character with a personal inventory screen, and then "the Pool" which was the loot they just found; and you could have everyone dump their packs into the pool and see all of it in one list (text-only tho) and then figure out who should get what, etc.)
L0rdX33n: @WhirlwindAbyss Barely halfway
FarleyF: if they havent healed they can from the blood of their enemies
theeffohzero: As I recall death claws are deathly in the older fallout games
theeffohzero: Sort of the dreaded like dragons in dnd
JadedCynic: they're not exactly NOT deathly in the newer ones, either :D
L0rdX33n: 3 here
L0rdX33n: and...
JadedCynic: and yeah, they're the iconic foe
Woodthorn: Oh! This is where I bricked my save and stopped playing
L0rdX33n: there's some stairs on this map
korvys subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months, currently on a 128 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, korvys! (Today's storm count: 596)
Sorator13: Ian may want to take a step to theside...
Lord_Hosk: Deathclaws are a lot smaller than I remember
dumbo3k: I appreciate your shirt semi chroma keying out so we can see behind you
JadedCynic: aren't you glad YOU took a step to the side? :D
theeffohzero: @jadedcynic yeah, but newer death laws are neutered by VATS and fat boys
JadedCynic: ZAP!
malfnord: here lizard lizard lizard...
josh___something: Are you still in the "Dialtown: Phone Dating Sim" category?
betweenmyself: yup, still shows Dialtown
JadedCynic: yeah, Paul called it a night before Kathleen & Jordynne finished...
theeffohzero: Oh twitch interface
JadedCynic: yay!
Sorator13: \o/
Texan_Reverend: Game shows as updated on my end.
theeffohzero: I mean why fix what ain't broken?
betweenmyself: phew! now I can rest assured Beej probably won’t be romancing any telephones in this nuclear wasteland pennyWhat
Woodthorn: How much longer can the subathon extend?
theeffohzero: I'd romance my life ld Nokia if I could ngl
L0rdX33n: If you don't clear out the basement on this map the deathclaws will respawn an hourt after you leave the area
theeffohzero: @woodthorn til Saturday before the ppr
JadedCynic: gotta keep an eye out for those toasters tho! (if you get that, say and I'll give you some free Advil for your back)
SimplyDaveMN: Deathclaw Trolly Problem.
SimplyDaveMN: If I recall correctly there is a nest of eggs here too.
Woodthorn: @theeffohzero I thought yhe ppr was on Sunday?
L0rdX33n: This is actually great for farming xp
JadedCynic: yes, and saturday is before it ;)
theeffohzero: Haha they want to rest before the ppr
theeffohzero: And get some prep done before the ppr
theeffohzero: Saturday is the limit afaik
Texan_Reverend: Sounds like a TTSF to me.
JadedCynic: stab the deathclaw in the EYES
L0rdX33n: Ian just feels stabby sometimes
JadedCynic: yeahhh
L0rdX33n: Yeah, probably
Lord_Hosk: is he out of bullets?
dumbo3k: @L0rdX33n Tinker Tailor Solder Stab
theeffohzero: Yeesh blind deathclaws? Aren't they more deadly since they would flail blindly?
JadedCynic: "Ranged then melee" is basically shoot at the target and if it gets close enough to stab, switch to the knife
Sorator13: Does he *know* that he has lots of bullets? :D
iris_of_ether: I have a half-painted deathclaw on my desk. I should really finish it :D
theeffohzero: I could never tell with the AI for older fallout games tbh
L0rdX33n: It'll get closer
JadedCynic: @iris_of_ether but if you finish it, it might have enough confidence to start bullying your other miniatures? ;)
Lord_Hosk: You can make Vincent Price Breakfast!
theeffohzero: Deathclaw omelette?
JadedCynic: oh crap: Mother Deathclaw
JadedCynic: it's blinded
iris_of_ether: @JadedCynic Fair! I guess I will also need to finish making a little biome (shelf) for it away from the other minis :D
theeffohzero: Mommy not happy you killing her children
L0rdX33n: Very yes
JadedCynic: :D
JadedCynic: it speaks!
L0rdX33n: Get closer :P
malsareus: that a lot of blood to not have inside you
JadedCynic: throw a flare?
theeffohzero: At this point I'm not sure if chat is daring beej to get closer or telling him to because it's what's recommend
L0rdX33n: Mother deathclaw is always in the dark basement, giving all the accuracy penalties
theeffohzero: If it bleeds we can kill it
JadedCynic: @theeffohzero I mean, accuracy is inversely modified by range...
theeffohzero: Hi yah!
TStodden: Deathclaw Omelettes anyone? lrrBEEJ
JadedCynic: I need some firewood, and flint & tinder, and a big skillet!
FarleyF: @TStodden nah thats in Fallout 4 lrrBEEJ
JadedCynic: mulligan! :D
theeffohzero: Ooh ooh me please with chillies and pepper added?
Lord_Hosk: Step one, do better this time. Step two... Step three profit!
thegreatwyrdling: I love how they have a nuclear moat
TStodden: Nuclear moats are much easier to maintain than lava moats
Lord_Hosk: Thats not nuclear, thats NucaDew
L0rdX33n: I still share that "shoot the leg" clip. It's usually worth a laugh
L0rdX33n: We don't know why
theeffohzero: I mean where would you get lava and the container to hold said lava?
L0rdX33n: Ian is back on "gun than knife"
Lord_Hosk: Step one, you did better
JadedCynic: @L0rdX33n I feel it's Beej's reaction :)
L0rdX33n: Pure gold
TStodden: True... & the heating requirements to keep lava as lava would cost an arm, a leg & possibly a soul.
L0rdX33n: @JadedCynic Sorry, "we don't know why" was in response to "I never reload my gun"
L0rdX33n: White coat
Lord_Hosk: Miles Obrien, the most important person in Starfleet history.
L0rdX33n: Re shirt
L0rdX33n: I remembered wrong
theeffohzero: Sigh... I'm remembering my time with fallout tactics
theeffohzero: Which is how I got in fallout
L0rdX33n: This is the most powerful weapon you can find without a lucky random encounter
theeffohzero: What are ya buyin?
theeffohzero: What are ya sellin?
JadedCynic: yeah, there's the other factor, heavier guns literally DO need a minimum Strength to use properly - less with pistols and SMGs but...if you go into Big Guns...
Lord_Hosk: Hello! has anyone seen a store around these parts!
vegetalss4: You could give a shooting weapon to the lady you took the plasma rifle from?
theeffohzero: I think that hooded fellow is a merchant but he keeps laughing everytime I buy something off him
vegetalss4: I just meant because you where encumbered
L0rdX33n: I'd be shocked
Lord_Hosk: You mean... A TURBO plasma rifle?
L0rdX33n: ah
theeffohzero: Plasma but speed?
L0rdX33n: As I recall, if you asked Smitty before the parts he would have told you he manufactured ammo but didn't sell it directly, go talk to {insert shop owner}
L0rdX33n: ooh
L0rdX33n: That guy
Scarletdemon_1: Just made some very good chocolate chip cookies, tip: add a spoon of instant coffee
L0rdX33n: The fortune teller guy... there's a thing
L0rdX33n: you should save
L0rdX33n: It's missable
L0rdX33n: Check the bottom left
L0rdX33n: No you did it right
L0rdX33n: Your Luck had permanently improved by one
L0rdX33n: Ironic, since the game crashed
malsareus: gone nuclear?
TheArtGremblin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
TheArtGremblin: Man I got so much video to catch up on XD
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheArtGremblin! (Today's storm count: 1)
definenull: uh oh?
malsareus: can you open task manager in a 2nd desktop?
Texan_Reverend: That's a powerful crash.
tidehollowcat: I didn't realize the game crashed and thought "wow Beej is really upset about that fortune teller, huh?"
Shadwhawk: I think that happened earlier this week, too
malfnord: um
jamesk902: You're on booth.
iris_of_ether: Still on booth
ThorSokar: still on the booth there Beej
L0rdX33n: That is one of the few ways your SPECIAL stats can increase
drewm1022: He didn't say "Hey chat, am I still on booth," :P
betweenmyself: actual game footage is overrated
SimplyDaveMN: ALT-TAB?
ThorSokar: You got one of the cursed K-series CPUs or something? That's the 2nd hard-crash I've seen this event
malfnord: Cuts out the middleman on a reaction video
ThorSokar: These old games were kinda text adventures the amount of dialogue in them was truly impressive
L0rdX33n: Thery will stop respawning if you kill mom and eggs
FarleyF: on it boss man
jamesk902: @ThorSokar It's the lack of voice acting - it makes large amounts of text easier.
FarleyF: in Fallout a mother deathclaw must be killed in order to stop her from hatching more of her young; the only way of eliminating the deathclaws from the Boneyard.
L0rdX33n: Good plan
bagfullofbees: did that one guy just say "blood and darkness!"?
jamesk902: The AI in this game is something else.
malsareus: they're trying to help each other
SimplyDaveMN: You have no weapon equipped.
SimplyDaveMN: Best to get something equipped so you don't waste action points in battle.
malsareus: it's a heartwarming tale of friendship in the face of adversity
vegetalss4: It's kinda funny to me that video game store people almost always assume the player is looking to *buy*, rather than wanting to *sell*
L0rdX33n: Ironically, he only has enough cash for the sguns you got off the guys you killed on the way into town
Seru: are we capped on the timer? :D
CanvasWolfDoll: ah. he's gone invisibeejle
TXC2: Hello everybody!
RockPusher: 'mornin' TXC2
TXC2: hi RockPusher
EdibleDragon: Cap laundering
Riiiiiiis: Morning
Alephred: Leonard Boyarsky says SPECIAL was originally ACELIPS.
TXC2: hello Riiiiiiis welcome
Kaktus021: Cap-italism
ThorSokar: haha, that is the way it worked in these games
TXC2: hey chat is active
mtvcdm: Hello. I've just made it through the door and am back home.
shurtal: Hey, Yooj
L0rdX33n: Not really, but they do have something you want a LOT of caps for
TXC2: I think they have a store, I'm not sure if it's better
aussie_rob_w: Hi Beej and Fallout and Chat
mtvcdm: Airports suck. Friends don't let friends do airports.
L0rdX33n: And only caps, no trade, no barter, cash
TXC2: hello aussie_rob_w welcome
FarleyF: from the looks of things yes
TXC2: welcome home mtvcdm
mtvcdm: Where are we on cappage?
malsareus: Friends help friends advocate for rail expansion
L0rdX33n: just shy of 18k
XandaxDK: Who knew the apocalypse would be bad for commerce :D
mtvcdm: Oh no I meant the subathon cap, not the Fallout cap
TXC2: like 3 hours from sub cap ?
Texan_Reverend: Yeah, that's about right @TXC2
malfnord: Just under 3 hours, I think. Like 2.75
Riiiiiiis: Metric hours??
Riiiiiiis: 😃
L0rdX33n: Good idea
mtvcdm: So like... 165.... ish, sub units, roughly?
hedonistic_mushroom: Like how many subs is that by conversion? It 3pm on a Saturday, I can't math.
SimplyDaveMN: @Seru I don't think so, but only donations/subs on the Twitch channel affect the timer.
Seru: oh yeah, I know that... if I see that right, we should be about 6 minutes off the planned end time
Seru: oh nvm. 2 hours and 6 minutes off :D
Seru: or maybe just 6 minutes off after all :D
Seru: hard to say
L0rdX33n: Books allow you to convert guns into skills
mtvcdm: Yeah, 2.75 hours would be 165 sub units, if 2.75 was the exact time remaining to cap.
mtvcdm: But then *after* that cap is hit then the cursed golf scorecard starts to get worse (at a rate of 1 stroke per hour that would have gone onto the clock).
L0rdX33n: And by the time you finish reading, Beth's will be open
TXC2: books get worse as you get smarter
L0rdX33n: You are too good for gun book
jumping_point: Good morning chat, good morning Beej!
RockPusher: ♫ your brain gets smart but your books get dumb ♫
TXC2: hello jumping_point welcome
TXC2: RockPusher exactly :D
hedonistic_mushroom: "Books get worse as you get smarter" No context Truth of the day
jumping_point: @TXC2 Hi TXC2! is chat behaving today?
theeffohzero: @hedonistic_mushroom what is the context of that quote exactly?
TXC2: jumping_point they seem to be, I only got here 15 mins ago :p
L0rdX33n: Drugs guy?
TXC2: theeffohzero I just said it regarding how skill books work in this game
theeffohzero: @txc2 i just rejoined the chat after training
TXC2: however, out of context, it's a fun joke about how "dumb" kids books can be more engaging and educational then "smart" adult books
jumping_point: @TXC2 Fair enough. ^^ Hope you had a good morning/day up until now?
L0rdX33n: I'm reminded of an Onion headline: Bureau Of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms Reaches Trade Agreement With Food & Drug Administration
theeffohzero: I may have been juked more than I like to admit by the onion
TXC2: jumping_point well I woke up at 4am so :p
theeffohzero: Oh dear, all good on your side? @txc2
ThatOverkillGuy: has anyone told beej hes a cutie patutie?
TXC2: theeffohzero yeah, just sleep is a harsh, fleeting mistress
theeffohzero: Narcoleptic problems?
TStodden: RIPCheer100 RIPCheer100 CAN I HAZ NUKOALA? RIPCheer100 RIPCheer100
TXC2: theeffohzero no, I may or may not have a sleep apnoea
FarleyF: OMG that reminds me has anyone played the Nuka World Theme song for Beej - just so it can be lodged in someone elses brain
TXC2: thr FAL: the right arm of Democracy
theeffohzero: 308 is a harsh caliber to control
L0rdX33n: Yeah, thjey changed the names for some reason...
theeffohzero: To avoid issues with licensing iirc
L0rdX33n: Drugsman has cash
theeffohzero: We getting in the endgame now
jumping_point: Not getting enough sleep sucks. Chat, I vote for us stayin very well behaved
theeffohzero: NO ANARCHY
L0rdX33n: Combat knife?
L0rdX33n: Too late for think
L0rdX33n: I understand that completely
L0rdX33n: Any game that lets me have a knife, keep a knife
Mikey 2DropZ: Is this a live playthrough or a rerun of a past stream?
DyingRice: never know when you need to shank someone
L0rdX33n: To the Steel bois!
Woodthorn: Casual 22k bottlecaps rattling away in your pocket
theeffohzero: Also remember crocodile Dundee: get a real knoife
theeffohzero: I'd imagine 22k bottle caps would weigh you down quite a bit
L0rdX33n: @theeffohzero That's sil;ly, rpg money doesn't have weight. Unless it does
theeffohzero: Had the misfortune to play new Vegas with a mod my brother installed that added weight to caps for "realism"
Shadwhawk: C'mon, Bob's Pre-Owned Car Mart
adept_nekomancer: @theeffohzero According to google, the mass of a bottlecap is around 2.2 grams, meaning that 22k of them would weight around 49 kg.
L0rdX33n: you did, there was nothing there
Ktolos: thats only 48 kilos
TXC2: there being nothing in that little town over there kinda pissed me off :p
theeffohzero: How much AT would you need to carry it effortlessly? @adept_nekomancer @ktolos
theeffohzero: ST*
L0rdX33n: By my math you could have 100 energy weapon skill next level
KittyKibitzer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
KittyKibitzer: Hello wonderful chat
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KittyKibitzer! (Today's storm count: 2)
adept_nekomancer: @theeffohzero With 49 kilos of metal at your disposal? Just fashion it into armor.
L0rdX33n: 90s RPG writing...
jumping_point: Hello KittyKibitzer!
XandaxDK: Do it :D
TXC2: If you play as a women you instead have a conversion about there being women in a brotherhood
theeffohzero: Black isle and subsequently troika knew how to pull them strings through their writing regardless of its intent
SimplyDaveMN: Or TRY to hit that...
L0rdX33n: Right?!
theeffohzero: @adept_nekomancer cap armor? I'm not sure that's practical
L0rdX33n: Wouldn't you?
Lord_Hosk: a jedi
TehAmelie: just hangin out in my office/bathroom
theeffohzero: Shitting on company time
theeffohzero: Oof working on a weekend, you have my sympathy @tehamelie
Lord_Hosk: We are more than friends... We are brothers
L0rdX33n: uh
L0rdX33n: don't go through THAT door
TXC2: only if you go into some places you're not allowed
theeffohzero: Wouldn't surprise me if they did
L0rdX33n: right in front of you
L0rdX33n: welp
theeffohzero: I hear clancy brown
TXC2: theeffohzero indeed you did
L0rdX33n: that office and the big store room up north are the only off limits areas
SimplyDaveMN: I think you get a locekr, in which you can drop all your extra stuff. BUt I also remember its really easy to say something wrong and get kicked out.
SimplyDaveMN: SOmewhat, but they will generally warn you.
TXC2: bless you
theeffohzero: Bless you
CaptainTeo: Bless you.
L0rdX33n: Don't forget to pick up your armor from the requisition guy
L0rdX33n: Mathias mentioned it
theeffohzero: Can't wait for beej to meet Sargeant dornan next game
Lord_Hosk: I need the good stuff
TXC2: seven six two millimetre, full metal jacket!
L0rdX33n: Better resistances
theeffohzero: Anyone know how long does beej have to get the water chip?
L0rdX33n: Water chip gotten
TXC2: theeffohzero he's got it already
theeffohzero: How long before the vault dies?
TXC2: intresting that it's showing item weight and not cap prices in this menu
L0rdX33n: They patched out the time limit, he has infinity days
theeffohzero: Really?
TXC2: there's still a time limit before the master attacks
theeffohzero: Hence why he's so chill about it
SimplyDaveMN: I think the aera you are in now is techincally your room
SimplyDaveMN: Or will be.
L0rdX33n: Yep, the original 500 day limit was just obnoxious, players hated it. It was patched out first update
theeffohzero: Grr... Why am I thinking of doctor who now?
TXC2: theeffohzero the robes ?
L0rdX33n: that north west room
theeffohzero: Robes do look gallifreyan
L0rdX33n: This is one of the other ways you can permanently increase your SPECIAL stats
L0rdX33n: Each one can be done once
jumping_point: This is the first Fall out, right? How far are we along in the story?
hedonistic_mushroom is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to woodlaphroaig!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to Skyplayer37!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to FiveColor202!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to NekominiZ!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to lukasjohansson1!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to ObieXD!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to dannysnotwhite!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to pacob_!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to flammenarsch!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cabecativa!
TXC2: jumping_point yeap the first one, this is the final 1/3 of the game
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, hedonistic_mushroom! Welcome to woodlaphroaig, FiveColor202, Skyplayer37, flammenarsch, ObieXD, lukasjohansson1, NekominiZ, dannysnotwhite, pacob_, and Cabecativa! (Today's storm count: 12)
TXC2: hedonistic_mushroom lrrHEART
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksySellout vicksySellout
jumping_point: @TXC2 thanks!
Lord_Hosk: Locked? How rude! don't you trust your brothers!
L0rdX33n: @jumping_point Yes. We were sent out to find a replacement chip for our vault's water processor. While we wer doing that we learned about an army of mutants and were told to go deal with that.
jumping_point: Nice gifts, hedonistic_mushroom!
Fruan: Bunks are shelves that you store sleeping people on
L0rdX33n: If you get the agility operation, you will have 9 AP all the time
theeffohzero: My brothers don't trust me so locking is a reasonable action to take
malsareus: so many knights
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Lord_Hosk: Hi paul
32 raiders from cgbuen have joined!
StillThatGuyJake: !raid1
cgbuen: cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes
sayviorr: cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes
TXC2: Hello Raiders
jumping_point: @L0rdX33n Are we canonically a one-man-army then?
StillThatGuyJake: cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes WE'RE WATCHING YOU cgbuenEagleEyes
r10pez10: oh man we're being watched
jumping_point: Welcome raiders!
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrHERE
sayviorr: mr beej big fan
malsareus: as chat isn't that our job?
theeffohzero: Raid! DEFENSIVE POSITIONS!
L0rdX33n: @jumping_point I guess? Agent provacateur, perhaps?
TXC2: I see you eagal eye and I counter with lrrHERE
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrHORN lrrFINE lrrHORN
Simriel: @Mikey 2DropZ This is a live playthrough of fallout
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
17 raiders from NightValien28 have joined!
NightValien28: what up
malsareus: this is getting out of hand, now there's 2 of them
TXC2: Hello Raiders
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrSIG lrrHORN lrrFINE lrrHORN lrrSIG
theeffohzero: I'm just kidding, welcome raiders. Try not to wipe to mechanics
jumping_point: @L0rdX33n Or are we not being trusted?
TXC2: oop north
jumping_point: Welcome raiders! Make yourselves comfortable.
Shadwhawk: And you have a ton of caps anyway
L0rdX33n: Gauche?
malsareus: Hello raiders, leftovers are in the fridge, please clear out the dryer when it's done
Lord_Hosk: Ill check it out for a set of power armor for everyone in my party, including my dog. Why isn't that an option
malsareus: not eveb the Mega Power Fist?
TXC2: Lord_Hosk the brotherhood are cat people Kappa
hedonistic_mushroom: Super Sledgehammer...
L0rdX33n: Most of these are top tier in their category
FarleyF: do you know what a super Sledgehammer is - its a sledge with a jet engine tied onto it
Shadwhawk: Remember how much your party likes to melee
theeffohzero: My siamese cat looks down upon dog people
todeswillen: i like Beej Shirt
Laurence72: New super powerful weapons for your team mates to accidentally hit each other with!
L0rdX33n: For small guns, big guns, unarmed, and melee
theeffohzero: Makes him a ghost, Booj if you will
L0rdX33n: oh!
L0rdX33n: Hidden stat
L0rdX33n: Magneto pistol has armor penetration
MWGNZ: beeg fist
MWGNZ: need a mod so dogmeat can have the sledgehammer
hedonistic_mushroom: Mega Power Fist while holding the Super Sledgehammer... Like GaoGaiGar holding the Goldion Hammer
TXC2: I vote laser pistol
Lord_Hosk: I vote for whatever no one votes for just to be contrarian
Shadwhawk: I doubt it matters much; I probably gave the sledge to Tycho
L0rdX33n: I havve a soft spot for the sledge
theeffohzero: Solid tool for destruction
Lord_Hosk: Lots of people have soft spots AFTER the sledge
theeffohzero: Of walls and heads
matthaus_c: it really is a pick your favourite
hedonistic_mushroom: For the hehe and haha
theeffohzero: Go with you beej
L0rdX33n: You have a better energ weapon and small arm, you're not skilled in the others
L0rdX33n: No hurry
theeffohzero: No rush
Irsaan: @Lord_Hosk Seconded
TXC2: it both does and doesn't make sense that it needs energy cells
matthaus_c: stop in the middle of a fight "hold up I'm reloading my fist"
theeffohzero: I used to til I saw the power fist in RE7
theeffohzero: And it clicked for me at that point
theeffohzero: Cells for more force
Durugai: ah my mornin' Beej!
TXC2: hello Durugai welcome
TXC2: theeffohzero oh indeed from a real world perspective it makes sense, I just think it's bad gameplay :p
matthaus_c: one of the fist weapons in New Vegas even has a Small Energy Cell in the model, but you don't do anything with it :p
Shadwhawk: Can you interact with the other console by the mainframe?
theeffohzero: Resources for power? A fair trade I would say @txc2
TXC2: theeffohzero eh, I'm a gremlin, I don't do fair trades :p
L0rdX33n: Just to be double sure you find that recon mission, I guess
theeffohzero: Then again fallout balance isn't as solid so fair enough @txc2
Shadwhawk: Aw, thought you might be able to talk to this computer like the one in the Glow
matthaus_c: I'd like to see animators take a crack at making a Power Fist reload that feels cool
L0rdX33n: There was a paul on floor 3
theeffohzero: @l0rdx33n my mind heard (lrr) Paul say "hello"
hedonistic_mushroom: Up to what time is Beej streaming Fallout? Is there a pre-record segment till Canadian morning?
TXC2: Beej will stream up to 2am
TXC2: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 1:32 AM
RockPusher: The meme scribe
L0rdX33n: 4 talking heads in the BoS, clearly they were a big deal to the designers
TXC2: and yes there is an over night watch along after this
Nauss_Valantis: two people giving the same quest in rpgs tends to involve picking sides in something
matthaus_c: it's like one of those fake laptops for children
TXC2: L0rdX33n one suspects there was going to be A LOT more to do with them that was cut for time
theeffohzero: Quick, get beej some coffee!
matthaus_c: how did you collect your data
Shadwhawk: A pile of supermutant corpses, like usual
TXC2: strap in :p
FarleyF: Beej - the opposite of Adam when it comes to Lore
theeffohzero: Or better not, Heather would kill me
Texan_Reverend: @TXC2 No strap available. Will a blanket do?
matthaus_c: @Shadwhawk I was hoping for uh, hands on experience :p
TXC2: Texan_Reverend yes, yes it will
Texan_Reverend: Blanketed in.
TehAmelie: is that a normal amount of bone? seems low
TXC2: 3.8% body fat? some stage ready bodybuilder states there
matthaus_c: sigma grindset genes
L0rdX33n: I'm no biologist...
ELD_Winterlight: no thats not how that works
Nauss_Valantis: how are they identify cell division in a retrieved corpse?
Shadwhawk: Human skeletons are about 14% of the total body weight of an average person. About 10.5kg.
theeffohzero: Dominant? Reccesive? Did we play metal gear solid all of the sudden?
jamesk902: In fairness, genetic diseases are usually recessive genes, Huntington's being a notable exception.
ghyllnox: Recessive and dominant just refer to how they're expressed
theeffohzero: Oh man RIP Bill
theeffohzero: Miss ya big guy
ghyllnox: Recessive genes are more insidious, because you can have two apparently healthy parents have offspring with recessive genetic disorders
ghyllnox: Dominant genetic disorders do exist and aren't uncommon, the recessive ones are just more interesting
TXC2: ghyllnox how sickle cell and childhood leukaemia happens :(
TehAmelie: +1 End, -3 Int?
L0rdX33n: It is the best way to be the deadliest thing alive
TXC2: that gun carried me through my playthrough
qrpth: !cardview off
ghyllnox: If you want to know more about basic genetics, look up Punnett squares
TehAmelie: or read Last Days of Fox-Hound
TXC2: ghyllnox just don't do your own punnet square and find out your dad isn't :p
Woodthorn: Didn't the surheon want "scrip"?
theeffohzero: @tehamelie great read, too bad mgs4 invalidated the whole webcomic
accountmadeforants: Hi lrrPAUL
GazzyInferno: hi paul
Didero: That's the same role our Paul has at LRR, right?
Didero: Also, hello!
theeffohzero: Paul:"hello"
TehAmelie: i prefer to think MGS4 invalidated itself and left the comic as the final word
theeffohzero: Fair
theeffohzero: Fwiw mgs4 is the peak gameplay of the series
accountmadeforants: I fully expected that "what kinda damage will this do to a person?" to be followed with an option to "Try it out: Shoot Paul"
theeffohzero: The plot is pants on head
accountmadeforants: Brotherhood of Fetch Quests
JuniorRoll: So glad my sub expired during the Sub-aRThon
JuniorRoll: ^##$^& "Prime Subscription will be available on July 20"
JuniorRoll: Darn time zones
L0rdX33n: This is a conversation you only get one chance at, so save before you try
vegetalss4: I wonder if Rhombus or Michael are an actual choice for how to proceed or if only Rhombus works
L0rdX33n: @vegetalss4 Both work, are you sneaky or talky?
L0rdX33n: yyyyyup
L0rdX33n: it's the middle of the night right?
matthaus_c: show up to the mechanic with a "Hang In There" poster
TehAmelie: tbf i barely remember anything of the game except everything in the story seemed like a giant unending series of asspulls that made much less sense than LDOFH
Mangledpixel: boop
Mangledpixel: how goes the falling out?
L0rdX33n: Save
L0rdX33n: Oh, you just did
TXC2: hello Mangledpixel we're gonna try to Clancy Brown, so it's going well
TXC2: *try to talk to
Mangledpixel: cool
accountmadeforants: Oh hell yeah, I'm gonna start giving away almost-expired batteries as a gift, too
L0rdX33n: 100 micro fusion cells, you had 50 before
TehAmelie: how micro are these fusion cells? seems kind of radical as a form of portable gun power source
theeffohzero: Lex Luther
theeffohzero: @tehamelie skip the story, play the gameplay, it's surprisingly complex
L0rdX33n: Charisma and luck are not improved by operations. Luck comes from the tarot reading, charisma from a folk singer
bagfullofbees: getting an operation on your "charisma" sounds like a euphemism for getting a dick implant
L0rdX33n: Score!
Mangledpixel: now you can motivate all the systolics!
accountmadeforants: Simply wave a clipboard at them, always works
KittyKibitzer: small part of machinery got!
theeffohzero: Do or do not, there is no try
Carlioo: sometimes you just need to act annoyed and people will do anything for you
Just_Herby: Dimplant
Mangledpixel: oof
RockPusher: oof
L0rdX33n: Sympathy
accountmadeforants: Ooof
adept_nekomancer: major oof
bagfullofbees: Yikes, I'm sorry that sounds awful
TXC2: I thought chicken pox stopped you from getting shingles ?
r10pez10: they're the same disease
accountmadeforants: @TXC2 No, it can stay dormant and become shingles later
TheUrbanSasquatch subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheUrbanSasquatch! (Today's storm count: 13)
Shadwhawk: No, you have to get chicken pox to get shingles
Durugai: @TXC2 Beej is too powerfull to be stopped
TXC2: accountmadeforants huh, ok then
AdamYMHMI: @TXC2 One of those old pieces of information that's since been disproven... apparently it actually makes it easier for you to get it later
L0rdX33n: lol
bagfullofbees: lol
TXC2: AdamYMHMI well shit :p
Shadwhawk: Not easier, you literally can't get shingles if you never got infected with chicken pox
Texan_Reverend: @TXC2 Yeah, it's the opposite. Having had chicken pox is what means you can develop shingles later in life. It's why the vaccine is important.
Shadwhawk: Which is why the chicken pox vax will also prevent shingles.
RockPusher: The series with a big floppy dong weapon might want to push the boat out on there "sex appeal" slider, say it ain't so lrrBEEJ
bagfullofbees: idk if you saw Graham & co. playing elden ring last night, but Graham had a pair of shoes that made his character's crotch bulge bigger
Shadwhawk: Can you get the shingles vax once you've had it?
L0rdX33n: gotta fix it first
Shadwhawk: Oh, Mayo Clinic does recommend getting shingrix if you've had shingles.
bagfullofbees: @Shadwhawk wouldn't that just be the chickenpox vaxine?
Texan_Reverend: @TXC2 PS: there is a shingles vaccine that y'all should discuss with your doctors. They advertise it for older adults, but you can get it in your thirties, too. It just means you have to get it again in your 50s/60s to booster it.
L0rdX33n: He gave you a repair book too, that was nice of him. Kyle is allright
TXC2: Texan_Reverend ah Thanks
Shadwhawk: @bagfullofbees No, they're two different vaccines
jumping_point: Glad you're feeling better, Beej!
Texan_Reverend: Yeah, the potential for long-term neurological issues and/or pain is high with shingles. Worth preventing that.
TehAmelie: new word of the day: motiwasted
TehAmelie: motivation to get wasted
NornsFelidar: should have expected a health and illness discussions when tuning in a 45yo playing fallout in 2024🤭
Shadwhawk: You can dump your combat armor, too
NornsFelidar: 💪Beej
Texan_Reverend: PPS: Covid can impact your overal immune system and make you more susceptible to other illnesses. If you've had Covid, it's worth checking in on all the vaccines you could be elligible for to help out your immune system.
L0rdX33n: Power armor increases your strength by 3 and therefore your carrying capacity by 75, if you can just lift the bastard
TehAmelie: the TV show really lacks a lot of medikit availability compared to the games
theeffohzero: !Time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 2:02 AM
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Texan_Reverend: Woo!
L0rdX33n: Yessssssssssssss
Jaqinta: Hello mate does anyone told you that with this fading effect you did on your web cam :) looks like a scene from back to the future :)
NonUniqueGuy: Yay!
jumping_point: Power Armor get!
TehAmelie: woo
jamesk902: Stompy!
Durugai: and we got more strong! Which means more carry capacity!
TXC2: Power armour HYPE
ThorSokar: woo!
RockPusher: Beej is now fully armoured
TehAmelie: so much room for activities in our pants
bagfullofbees: stronk\
TehAmelie: um
RockPusher: Thank you Beej lrrSHINE
TXC2: thanks for streaming Beej
Harukurochan: Yay!
jumping_point: Maybe as a PiF?
Durugai: Thank you for Beej, it was great to Beej
aussie_rob_w: I'm a big fan of Beej playing Fallot.
TheWooglie: no need for gamefaqs
bagfullofbees: Thanks Beej, have a good night lrrHEART lrrHEART
L0rdX33n: This has been my favorite thing all year
Texan_Reverend: If you decide to play more on stream, I'll definitely be there. This is always a good time!
jumping_point: Thanks for the stream, Beej!
Texan_Reverend: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
aussie_rob_w: lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
emberBecky: I think we have a little under two hours to sub?
theeffohzero: Good game beej
Shadwhawk: We have 12 hours left, so we need 120 subs
L0rdX33n is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 25 in the channel!
L0rdX33n gifted a Tier 1 sub to xertal98!
L0rdX33n gifted a Tier 1 sub to DinoCrys!
L0rdX33n gifted a Tier 1 sub to mojoejoey!
L0rdX33n gifted a Tier 1 sub to squishdeer!
L0rdX33n gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sai_Kahleek!
Texan_Reverend: Correct @emberBecky
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, L0rdX33n! Welcome to xertal98, DinoCrys, mojoejoey, squishdeer, and Sai_Kahleek! (Today's storm count: 18)
TXC2: L0rdX33n lrrHEART
TehAmelie: the finale be late evening here. and what a nice evening it will be
jamesk902: Bye Beej!
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Renkai_116: lrrHEART
TXC2: and Beej don't forget to change the game on twitch
jumping_point: Thank you L0rdX33n!
Texan_Reverend: Entertainingly, the PAX South being referenced there was my first PAX.
aussie_rob_w: oh no!
aussie_rob_w: not the soda!
L0rdX33n: Oh god it's 4 am I need sleep
aussie_rob_w: sleep well!
L0rdX33n: Goodnight everyone
TehAmelie: good use of evanescence
TXC2: so long L0rdX33n sleep well
theeffohzero: Take care
aussie_rob_w: An aftertaste of tax evasion!
LoadingReadyRun: Mods, what game should I put down here?
Texan_Reverend: Have a good one @L0rdX33n
LoadingReadyRun: Is it Just Chatting for the category?
theghostwiththemost subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
theghostwiththemost: Yo sub time at some point
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theghostwiththemost! (Today's storm count: 19)
NonUniqueGuy: Special Events?
TXC2: ^
jumping_point: Good night, L0rdX33n!
Texan_Reverend: @LoadingReadyRun Special Events is what we've been using.
LoadingReadyRun: Thx!
TXC2: thanks Beej
Texan_Reverend: Have a good night and sleep well, Beej.
theeffohzero: <message deleted>Damn, it's been a while since I've seen fat James
Texan_Reverend: @theeffohzero Yeah, nooooo. That's not ok.
theeffohzero: Okay got it
TeacherSeanTV: lrrFRUMP
jumping_point: "Human Frump" xD
Texan_Reverend: Y'all, remember not to comment on streamer appearance. Pretty much universally rude.
GazzyInferno: i think this is still my favourite friday nights ep
Durugai: ah yes the bright future of 2014
Renkai_116: 10 YEARS LATER LOL
NonUniqueGuy: 2014, the future
JuniorRoll subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JuniorRoll! (Today's storm count: 20)
EternalRoxas: If 2014 was living in the future, what does it make 2024?
NotSoLuckyLydia: The worst thing about the watchalong is that we cant pause to read the silly cards with the theme song
EternalRoxas: Also, good morning everyone
TXC2: EternalRoxas post apocalypse :p
Renkai_116: OMG GOD I WAS THERE!!!
Laurence72: So many cameos there, lov eit
azninsect: eyy watchalong!
TXC2: man remember walking the planes?
jumping_point: Hi EternalRoxas!
TehAmelie: a wizard who lived by the sea, perhaps?
TehAmelie: pff Smellsbeth
josh___something: That's a Scented can
NotSoLuckyLydia: Mmmm piney hot dog :P
boyesie: Are we at cap yet?
Renkai_116: LOL
GazzyInferno: JUND 'EM
TXC2: boyesie not quite
KittyKibitzer: background cat <3
Texan_Reverend: About 1:45 left.
josh___something: I believe a bar will pop up when they reach cap
Renkai_116: always send a message!
CAKHost: Hello everyone!
TXC2: hello CAKHost welcome
TehAmelie: i estimated it would take some 4800 subs and 800,000 bits. pretty good call, me
jumping_point: Hi CAKhost!
Renkai_116: JUND!!!
josh___something: A bar to track "sub points" to pizza, ice cream, and pelting james with water balloons
aussie_rob_w: But the germ is free!
RevolverRossalot: Good episode of Frinight Days
bagfullofbees: most wholesome Friday Nights episode ever
EternalRoxas: What a stinger
Renkai_116: man i miss friday Nights rip
GazzyInferno: oh this is also a classic
josh___something: Leak Mana 🥵
Laurence72: Surgeon General!
Durugai: ooooooh hell yeah
ELD_Winterlight: Oh this one is really good
Texan_Reverend: Top tier sketch here.
GazzyInferno: magical realism sketch
Durugai: Croneleen!
Herbert_Erpaderp: lrrAWESOME
aussie_rob_w: lrrAWESOME
Texan_Reverend: Beejcedes
incslayer: is this first apperance of "old lady" kathleen?
azninsect: lrrAWESOME
RainyMint: lrrAWESOME
CanvasWolfDoll: one of the best sketches, possibly the best later season sketch
TehAmelie: i showed this to someone who had SOMEHOW never heard of the "doctors hate her" style of advertising
josh___something: @Renkai_116 Well, friday nights is imminent technically. They have it filmed and is in production rn.
TehAmelie: very surreal for her
accountmadeforants: Yeah, this sketch is spectacular
ghyllnox: Ah, the "checking Facebook" days
KittyKibitzer: lrrAWESOME
NornsFelidar: @renkai_116 you know the new season is in production right?😄
Riiiiiiis: @TehAmelie I've never heard of it
TehAmelie: lrrWOW
azninsect: lrrWOW
TehAmelie: it's advertising for people who think doing things doctors say are bad for you is smart and cool
MrPhlip: it's advertising for people who think doctors are intentionally hiding all the good cures, because people being sick is good for business
bagfullofbees: the sturgeon general
GazzyInferno: inspired writing there
emberBecky: I think it's supposed to be like "use this one weird trick and doctors will hate you because you're so healthy they're losing business"
Renkai_116: @josh___something @NornsFelidar your both not wrong but right now they are rip and i am sadge
incslayer: Cam does this role PERFECTLY
DaSunao: I forgot about Cam
CanvasWolfDoll: the role cameron was born to play
Just_Herby: One of my favourite wrestlers
TXC2: "these promos just write themselves"
bagfullofbees: one of my all-time favorite characters
vegetalss4: Yeah, Cam is great as The Surgeon General
TheHaCoFo: That's one of the best Cam roles
GazzyInferno: full Matrix Agent ass acting from Cam here
josh___something: Missie is so good
TXC2: Andy!
Laurence72: Rare Andrew showing!
azninsect: andrew!
ghyllnox: What does Alex even have
TXC2: yes Andrew I meant to say
josh___something: LUL
RainyMint: LUL
RockPusher: mattlrBalls
azninsect: hehe
KittyKibitzer: @ghyllnox jumper leads?
vidStrickland: this is incredible, how have I never seen this one?!
Stratavarius: @ghyllnox I think a riding crop
Greys N. Owman: Fun fact: the US surgeon general has the title of admiral
jumping_point: What an exit. xD
andersgeek: This is such a silly video. So good.
Zu_o: I want an apple
josh___something: LUL
andersgeek: One of my favourites.
Laurence72: I hope they show the stinger/ bllooper
ghyllnox: @Stratavarius I was going to ask who would have a riding crop, but you know...
definenull: loading time next? maybe?
Zatengo: oh wait, this was the second ever lrr video i watched
Riiiiiiis: loool
jumping_point: xD
azninsect: hahaha
bagfullofbees: oh, Cam
ghyllnox: LUL
RainyMint: LUL
vidStrickland: rip beej
TXC2: why Beej?!
NonUniqueGuy: RIP Beej
razorswift: Rip
incslayer: i dont remember that
type_variable: i choose to belive beej blew them all up
GazzyInferno: lrrBEEEJ
Texan_Reverend: @definenull They're not running the Loading Times for the sketches during this Subathon.
jumping_point: That one was cool!
incslayer: ohh axe throwing it was ages since i watch this one
Cyberegg: I love the shutterstock watermark
definenull: lrrAWW
josh___something: James in perfect cosplay
razorswift: dual wield throw
NonUniqueGuy: I think bumpers would make it more dangerous
azninsect: eyy rek
MrPhlip: hi Rek
josh___something: DB friend, Rek!
Durugai: Rek! Rek! Rek!
TXC2: I wonder if this place is still runing
definenull: that jacket looks very comfy
incslayer: they need to redo this with Ben
NonUniqueGuy: I know the axe throwing place near me is still open.
TehAmelie: i wish they still did double javelin throws in sports
coriolis_storm: “loaner plaid” LUL
CAKHost: I forgot about the phrase "Loaner Plaid"
josh___something: A no shenanigans policy?! boooo
definenull: alex: 100% trigger discipline, 0% blade discipline
josh___something: no fun allowed, smh
TehAmelie: throw a spear with each hand, add up the distances. simple, fun, totally unfair to non-ambidextrous athletes
Texan_Reverend: Cori's face was priceless.
GazzyInferno: tink tink tink
KittyKibitzer: I found axe throwing really fun
josh___something: Axe-perts, hehehe
sephsays: @TXC2 their website lets you book for today, so I imagine they're still open!
NotSoLuckyLydia: I mean, its darts but bigger, it seems like a fun time
TXC2: sephsays oh neat!
noisyblizzard: they are axeperts LUL
azninsect: please dont catch em all
NornsFelidar: no no no don't catch
josh___something: Truly, catching them WOULD be a real test
adept_nekomancer: With axes you specifically want to avoid catching any of them, let alone them all
sephsays: also apparently they do knife throwing. i may need to mention this to my friends who do the local axe throwing range. i want to throw knives...
Zatengo: excellent camera work there for the points
RockPusher: Alright, imma take a nap before the run to the end - enjoy the watch along lrrSHINE
Texan_Reverend: Sleep well @RockPusher
razorswift: Axce Figfht!
azninsect: have a good nap RockPusher
TXC2: so long RockPusher sleep well
TehAmelie: Beej's line sounded at least 10% like "this is how my older bother died"
josh___something: Having the camera be ANYWHERE near axe throwing distance is bold
josh___something: Sick shot, beej
definenull: the shot from up the lane still gives me shivers lrrSPOOP
sephsays: I liked the underhand throw best. I got told it was like lobbing a shopping bag, and dear god it worked.
TehAmelie: i'm almost positive if someone died in an axe fight it would be a bigger deal though
NotSoLuckyLydia: They have gopros specifically for the purpose of putting them dangerous places
razorswift: Alex being yet again relatable
ExachixKitsune: oooh I should try axe throwing
CAKHost: I'm pretty sure the GoPro is fine... but I'm still scare for the one that's facing the throwers D:
definenull: especially the shudder when the axe hits
TehAmelie: what's the casualty rate for gopros? or life expectancy?
TehAmelie: you have to estimate a risk of destroying them almost any time you use them, right?
josh___something: IAN
ghyllnox: Did they have a camera *on* the target?
josh___something: too high
azninsect: not that high
CAKHost: It's in the middle of the targets
razorswift: get sign'd
Snowwraith: @ghyllnox It's in the middle.
RevolverRossalot: The target seems a pretty safe place for a camera so far
TehAmelie: ouch
definenull: the debris
razorswift: the way you can see the splinters fly LUL
josh___something: Seeing the splinters from the impact is great cinema
ghyllnox: Oh I see it now
azninsect: ooh
RevolverRossalot: 😱
CAKHost: I'm pretty sure LRR didn't lose a GoPro during Road Quest... though I guess there was the one they were trying to save during one muddy shot.
nyoomgoom: 2019... theoretically i should have seen this, but somehow i missed it
josh___something: Oh right, Cori's left handed
RevolverRossalot: The drama!
azninsect: yooo
definenull: lrrBartleby
josh___something: HELL YEAH
razorswift: YES
josh___something: LFG
marmalade_pen: bald man!!
ghyllnox: "Most Improved"
TehAmelie: the lumber monger must love this business
razorswift: Alex Objective: YEET
Texan_Reverend: @marmalade_pen His name is Ian.
GazzyInferno: alex is a champion at accuracy challenges
fungal_bird: I want a cup of that axe's piss
jumping_point: Wohoo! ^^
Laurence72: @fungal_bird And then I want to test it for drugs!
TehAmelie: axe steroids sounds like a reasonable thing to exist
josh___something: Oh, hi G
nyoomgoom: final frame, the final fantasy fatal frame crossover
TehAmelie: until you go "no not the body spray"
haberley: Isn't NASA trying to save us all from axe steroids? :p
josh___something: LUL
TehAmelie: oho
TXC2: haberley booo Kappa
jumping_point: The bating. xD
ExachixKitsune: @haberley sergePun sergeJustRight
Semaph: This is nice! Good luck!
definenull: overtime axes!
azninsect: eyyy overtime axe reveal
josh___something: The person in the background holding the overtime axes XD
Semaph: Hahahaha
razorswift: for some reason throwing a fireman's axe jsut seems so much cooler
azninsect: dangit rek HypeLUL
josh___something: SICK chunk
ritchards: there's an axe throwing place just down the street from me, but needs a group of people, not just a random someone turning up
definenull: i would love to see a different lrr team try this, I have a sneaking suspicion heather and jacob would be great at this
Semaph: @ritchards When you pay enough it's ok for them haha
NotSoLuckyLydia: @ritchards I feel like more people would be down to join your axe-scapades than not.
TehAmelie: i'm thinking of the bit in The Old Guard when Andy finds a firefighter's axe and gives it a two second examination like "this is a sturdy, fine edged and exquisitely balanced weapon"
TXC2: the raimi !
josh___something: Hi matt!
GazzyInferno: 62 points over 10 throws is incredible
razorswift: group full of hacks
RevolverRossalot: Victory for Alaxe
jumping_point: Ooohhh. xD
NonUniqueGuy: Canadian A&W
RoeDent89: 15 15 15
josh___something: XD
RoeDent89: ~honk
TehAmelie: i think Kathleen's character had a case of public service radio voice
NotSoLuckyLydia: That might be my favorite execution of the "strange support group" joke
bagfullofbees: sorry, homo cannabis?
marmalade_pen: iron ball
jumping_point: I love plaid so much...
Laurence72: Oh wow, a 2013 Iron Ball!
jumping_point: And I am not canadian.
josh___something: Oh hi Iron ball!
type_variable: james trying not to laugh face
TXC2: I saw James starting to smirk there
Texan_Reverend: James doing a glare and face stuff while the director was demanding more vigorous eating.
CAKHost: Is that the most Casual Cameron capture on sketch?
FarleyF: they are not the only people who do that - colour, honour and etc
RoeDent89: Me, a Brit: *feels seen*
GazzyInferno: oof
RoeDent89: @FarleyF *etuc
josh___something: "Living in canada discount" XD
nyoomgoom: @CAKHost i think rather than casual wear, he was wearing hospital scrubs?
NornsFelidar: Canadian shirts are worn back on the front?
NelJanDik subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
NelJanDik: Geez, 7 years
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NelJanDik! (Today's storm count: 21)
mrverbal: Australians are roughly the same as Canadians, except instead of Sorry we say "Yea Nah, Mate"
TXC2: this part made the front page of Imgur :p
azninsect: eh!
GazzyInferno: god the canadian mating dance
cmdrud87: he?
nyoomgoom: @nyoomgoom (unless he was wearing something even more casual in an earlier scene)
FarleyF: we use MATE as our call
Migelino164 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Migelino164! (Today's storm count: 22)
KittyKibitzer: @mrverbal or the kiwi equivalent of nah yeah?
azninsect: kathleen omg HypeCar
TehAmelie: multiple outtakes! what will they think of next
CAKHost: @nyoomgoom He was. He was in a button up plaid
RoeDent89: An entire Live?
incslayer: its Graham Wonka
RoeDent89: Ah no
ExachixKitsune: Just the pre and post sketches
aussie_rob_w: door to the whatnow
nyoomgoom: @CAKHost ohh i wasn't looking
ElevunWords: oh my GOD James glowed the f UP hasO
RoeDent89: *Ian noise*
josh___something: James is very handsome, yes
ExachixKitsune: if you fill a bidet with holy water will that make it holy shit?
jumping_point: This one is so good.
incslayer: or a pharaoh in chernobyl
TXC2: ensconced
azninsect: grahams shirt is so good
marmalade_pen: like theyve always been.
Mai_Andra: like they're always been.
aussie_rob_w: :D
ElevunWords: Also - same for Kathleen
azninsect: like they've always been
Durugai: mumbled "thank you for having me" *chefs kiss*
Mangledpixel: same as it ever was
nyoomgoom: the stack. the stack. the stack.
TXC2: super fast cridits theres
aussie_rob_w: cH Cam having a UB meltdown
malfnord: \
NornsFelidar: Cam and 40kxmtg reaction is gold
NotSoLuckyLydia: "Multilingual claxon" is a really good phrase.
GazzyInferno: man, cellar door does sound good though
Mai_Andra: i wish the keyfobs would still work. the leasing office mandated a change to app for everybody. =|
Texan_Reverend: God, listening to Beej go down the rabbit hole about the whole door/fob system while I was helping him setup at PAX was wild.
Texan_Reverend: This bit comes from a very real place.
ExachixKitsune: oh dear
Tuxbeej: I need everyone to realize that I did not make up ANYTHING in what I was saying.
TXC2: soured, like her candels
ExachixKitsune: wait really
definenull: jeebus
azninsect: Tuxbeej oh.
vidStrickland: oh no, I fully assumed this was entirely made up nonsense, not "based on a true story" nonsense
Tuxbeej: We have since been able to modify our door lock settings.
definenull: even the klaxon?
Riiiiiiis: lol
Tuxbeej: ESPECIALLY the klaxon.
definenull: telus....
marmalade_pen: how do you fit 6 cats in there
TXC2: Tuxbeej that seems important :p
TheWooglie: oh wow it's based on reality. not cool
Texan_Reverend: @Tuxbeej I'm very glad y'all were able to achieve a more reasonable system.
josh___something: oh god, the klaxon wasn't FAKE?!
incslayer: how AM james eating whole buffalo?
josh___something: yes
Metric_Furlong: yes, it is
RoeDent89: Hey!
Durugai: yes we are
Tuxbeej: The klaxon was… exaggerated.
azninsect: hey!...yheah.
Tuxbeej: but there was indeed an alarm.
jumping_point: Oh holy...
ritchards: little meow meows!
RevolverRossalot: Cam absolutely rocking this episode
vegetalss4: I still feel slightly sad about not getting this Cam stream for real
Tuxbeej: Also, Graham is not making anything up here. The mobile app SUCKS.
TXC2: like all mobile apps
NotSoLuckyLydia: The concept of a mobile app for a door fills me with dread
aussie_rob_w: oh god no
josh___something: oof
FarleyF: Thank you beej for giving us behind the scenes trivia
azninsect: mobile app for a getting too common and its gotta stop
squidddo: @vegetalss4 right, i would rearrange my schedule so i could watch it
Snowwraith: Apps for a door lock seem like a terrible idea. And I'm not just saying that because I literally do not own a phone it could run on.
ExachixKitsune: the "Opening between hours" is what seriously would worry me
terribleplan: Given my experience with the app my coworking space uses... door apps seem to suck universally
josh___something: RIP cH!G
Mai_Andra: ""
Tuxbeej: Also James is not making up anything in THIS scene either.
DavidIstDavid: But the real question is: How AM James eat whole buffalo??
MrDiscountNinja: Okay, that space marines are little meowmeows really got me
Tuxbeej: This whole episode is almost completely true.
BluJester: ouch
azninsect: hes been here the whole time
RevolverRossalot: Biiig oof
ExachixKitsune: He's been here the whole time!
azninsect: what about this part Beej?
warpstonewarlock: Beej, you're not Sam Reich
Tuxbeej: (The NTP thing is not true, though.)
josh___something: is that part true, beej? :)
warpstonewarlock: Unless you are Sam Reich?
FarleyF: hang on how are you both there and in the chat - are you a wizard lrrBEEJ
Makoforte: i think dropout should have some LRR folks on their shows anyway
Texan_Reverend: The internet saga was...well, a saga.
Mangledpixel: an Eyes Wide Shut nap is a very different thing
ExachixKitsune: I didn't beleive the key fob stuff was real, sad to hear it was - the failiure of internet is belivable
terribleplan: I should finally get around to setting up a local NTP with GPS as its source...
Tuxbeej: I had really expected to be able to just tap our watches against the reader.
TehAmelie: did someone say pinches? lrrCrab
marmalade_pen: pincher is my favourite mtg creature type
KittyKibitzer: this perfectly shows how much i hate apps so dumb things
josh___something: Ben's VERY spooked by dolls, right?
mrverbal: this episode is really great
TXC2: josh___something profoundly spooked
Aeraliz: Ben with the best line delivery ever
ritchards: who is playing the electician?
Texan_Reverend: Oh gods....I just realized that somewhere, somebody's doors probably didn't work because of the stupid CrowdStrike issue.
marmalade_pen: who played the dreaded internet villain
terribleplan: @Texan_Reverend Oh no
TehAmelie: there was someone here who said public transit in their whole city went down so yeah
incslayer: the crowdstrike issue only directly affected windows machines though linux and mac devices where fine
mrverbal: @marmalade_pen I seem to recall someone saying it was Ian? but I could be wrong
azninsect: lots of on windows. as we've...found out yesterday
josh___something: Not questioning heather... smart
CAKHost: Heather, fixer of problems
marmalade_pen: @Tuxbeej <3
terribleplan: So many crappy HVAC/security/etc systemy rely on Windows...
azninsect: i was at a team building event and came out to all of that news.
nyoomgoom: lmao beej
TheWooglie: Tuxbeej maybe it's bed time?
Mai_Andra: Expert Problem Solver
jumping_point: Awwww.
terribleplan: *systems
Metric_Furlong: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 2:59 AM
RevolverRossalot: Double clench
azninsect: @Tuxbeej HEMS LUV HIS WIIIIIIFE
TheWooglie: good book choice
TehAmelie: when Eve Online put out a patch that overwrote C:\windows\root it made less of a mess
tsukasa_au: Hopefully those HVAC systems are not connected to the internet... Right?
bagfullofbees: I like that Paul, the most powerful character in LRR canon, has such a healthy fear/respect for Heather
NelJanDik: @incslayer it affected all users. Windows users couldn't use their PCs and Linux/Mac users were too busy making memes
TehAmelie: possibly due to not that many players
warpstonewarlock: *HONK*
marmalade_pen: haha
azninsect: LRRbot
incslayer: @NelJanDik i know i work in IT
RoeDent89: *HONK*
squidddo: @TehAmelie thankfully nothing important runs on eve online
definenull: !y
azninsect: lrrHORN
azninsect: honk
richard_ermen: lol
josh___something: Honk!
terribleplan: @tsukasa_au Only the ones based on XP
KittyKibitzer: XD
aussie_rob_w: how many people had the phone app?
viowof: I don't ever think I've heard that quiet "what the..." from James before
TXC2: oooh the first Friday nights
warpstonewarlock: MagicMagicMagicMagic
Durugai: magic, magic, magic
Metric_Furlong: herp derp derp, I'm Alex this is how I talk
josh___something: The first FN! (that isn't "It's Magic")
The_Bob_Bobson: hur dur I'm alex
MattIsAMage: 12 years old 🌆
TXC2: top joke right here !
RoeDent89: Oh oh oh it's magic
azninsect: magic magic magic magic
hedonistic_mushroom: MagicMagicMagic~Magic~
mikessoul: the youth!
NeoGabi: Look at how young and innocent they were.
mikessoul: right!?
viowof: dunno about innocent, but they sure were young
Zu_o: I'm so sorry paul...
mikessoul: paul snas beard is weird for me
josh___something: OH right, the practical magic cards
aussie_rob_w: Ikea gun!
themercenary1987: Still waiting on that friday nights secret lair
mikessoul: man actual like card stores
RoeDent89: Procedures™
josh___something: Paul sans beard is as odd as ian with hair
mrverbal: it turns out that *is* how it works
mikessoul: man ian with hair
mikessoul: the head shave was such a power move
mrverbal: (you are, at least in old boxes, less likely to pull a duplicate rare)
Genie_M: Though you need a _lot_ of packs
nyoomgoom: "magic magic magic" accurate representation of the one time i went to a draft at my old college
TehAmelie: mythics sink to the bottom. . .there's a lot to unpack there
mikessoul: kathleen was so stylish!
TehAmelie: so to speak
ELD_Winterlight: That's a really nice haircut in Kathleen
hedonistic_mushroom: Alex and I had the same flip phones in 2012
nyoomgoom: i remember 2 things from that occasion: 1. how trample works, 2. mulldrifter cute
josh___something: *pop*
themercenary1987: Graham still with crack a pack moves
viowof: I could never get that popping trick to work
RoeDent89: Moonbase Mk. 3 (?) basically looks like a normal living room
mikessoul: pauls beard was his power move, to be dead honest
hedonistic_mushroom: I tried the pop once and maimed the mythic rare...
josh___something: OH, also. Cracking packs to get a collection... eww
Astral_Apache: Oh man, I love this episode
AndyDaMage: i love the live on the whiteboard
mrverbal: @josh___something gotta start somewhere
ExachixKitsune: I still quote "It's a lovely sunny day outside, so a perfect day to stay indoors"
Makoforte: i keep considering getting into magic but also I... don't have lots of money and also am very mentally ill it seems a disaster in the planning
RoeDent89: I'd love a pre-Magic haka
azninsect: im slowly getting into arena and back into mtg
themercenary1987: Whats this their playing? 1v1, no commanders, what is this eldritch format?
aussie_rob_w: Stirring indeed, Matt.
hedonistic_mushroom: What's the text under G and Matt's Nameplate?
viowof: @themercenary1987 Type 2
aussie_rob_w: Graham's hands always make me laugh with that joke.
josh___something: I JUST noticed the BG graham(?) on the dice rolling footage
aussie_rob_w: RIP those lovely little booklets from fat packs.
marmalade_pen: ooh scott pilgrim shirt
themercenary1987: Seems Deece
Makoforte: i tried arena but it somehow is. more frustrating to lose constantly against mystery opponents.
josh___something: "Full bleed"
viowof: oh man "full bleed"
Makoforte: Was this the first Friday Nights?
warpstonewarlock: yup
TXC2: Makoforte sure was
RoeDent89: Helmets on
azninsect: such a good crapshot this one
aussie_rob_w: now almost all the sets have full bleed basics and Magic is better off for it
themercenary1987: Except for the hidden pilot commodore hustle
josh___something: Oh, top tier Crapshot!
A_Dub888: NOW
definenull: *bonk*
terribleplan: My favorite crapshoot I think
RoeDent89: *bonk*
TXC2: chat helped write this one
bagfullofbees: @Makoforte yes, unless you count that one episode of commodore hustle
tyrew0rm: the box montage of this was so good
Tuxbeej: I still laugh
josh___something: It's SUCH a good joke
RoeDent89: First Crapshoot right?
aussie_rob_w: HA
Metric_Furlong: @RoeDent89 nope
type_variable: i remember when someone cropped this to the front page of reddit ;|
Tuxbeej: hey, my first appearance
warpstonewarlock: Oooh, Ian's and Beej first sketch
adept_nekomancer: There was the secret episode zero where we got the "angry kitties" deck too, but I don't think that was part of Friday Nights
TXC2: RoeDent89 the frenemies was the first crapshoot
TheWooglie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 99 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheWooglie! (Today's storm count: 23)
RoeDent89: @TXC2 Oh I love that one!
RoeDent89: "No, those are people from France" still gets me
themercenary1987: so anyone know how far we are from cap? gotta be very close!
RoeDent89: Is this ASMR before we had a word for it?
cmdrud87: @RoeDent89 ...and I prefer Belgians
TXC2: themercenary1987 less then 2 hours I think
RoeDent89: @cmdrud87 Tighter you asshole!
hedonistic_mushroom: Is there a Coffee with James this morning?
aussie_rob_w: "The raven will know the way" is a hard goin' line.
TXC2: or armature fight porn scenes ?
azninsect: punch. punch.
RoeDent89: Audio description
Sorator13: LUL
Sorator13: okay, I was not expecting that
RoeDent89: c r u n c h
josh___something: HA
TXC2: Like Adam west Batman
themercenary1987: That... was actually good choreography
azninsect: HypeLUL
TXC2: Cowards not showing the scene Kappa
josh___something: Strokestro-
TheWooglie: @TXC2 it was under NDA
josh___something: ALTER
TXC2: TheWooglie ah boo :p
Tuxbeej: I think we still have that bag of drugs?
josh___something: Wait a minute, wut?
Texan_Reverend: It's Beej Prime! The very first Beej-pearance.
josh___something: Oh it beej!
RoeDent89: Oh there he is
TXC2: also Leelee
warpstonewarlock: oh that's a good one
incslayer: ohh yes
NovaTiempo: Exxxxcelent
Durugai: this whole mess of a video
Riiiiiiis: love it
RoeDent89: LRR do good stuff, it turns out
azninsect: ahh this crapshot
cmdrud87: "I thought you liked me"
TXC2: chat also helped write this one
TXC2: and boy does it show :p
RoeDent89: PAX written Crapshot
definenull: ?!?
Tuxbeej: I cut my finger on that switch.
RevolverRossalot: Tau!
definenull: LUL
themercenary1987: ewwwwww
richard_ermen: I highly enjoy this xD
Texan_Reverend: Rude of that switch, tbh.
TXC2: correct reaction there
josh___something: HAH, you can't fool me HERE!
incslayer: ahh Grahams Frumpy face is soo good
Noy2222: Weeeeeelcome to Feed Dump
NelJanDik: I love the desert bus remixes of it
Makoforte: hahahaha
NovaTiempo: Yeeees
TXC2: NelJanDik same
incslayer: ohhh i havent seen the feed dump logo in so long
RoeDent89: Welcome to fwhat in the hell just happened
warpstonewarlock: RQ!!!
definenull: RQ!
terribleplan: ROAD QUEST!
RoeDent89: Quest time!
Genie_M: Woohoo road quest
Riiiiiiis: @NelJanDik Do we have links to those?
Tuxbeej: oh shit. I should go home.
nyoomgoom: 👀
bagfullofbees: stellar delivery from graham
azninsect: eyyy! road quest
themercenary1987: ROAD QUEST
adept_nekomancer: I was not expecting Roadquest in the watchalong
RevolverRossalot: Welcome to fffwhat 💖
jumping_point: Wohoooo!
TXC2: lets fucking go!
Genasi_Gaming: YEEEESSSSS
Durugai: nweeeeoooom! Time for a Quest! On a road!
definenull: full watchalong?
Makoforte: ROAD QUEST
TheWooglie: oh no. you're gonna make me watch it all again
thasmiel: \o/
type_variable: EYYYY
azninsect: Tuxbeej go to sleeb!
urmas400: YES
incslayer: ohhh yESSSSSSS!!!!
aussie_rob_w: Episode uno!
forcedreject: wait are we gonna see all of this tonight?
jolly6100: DinoDance
CAKHost: \o/
Makoforte: Probably just ep 1
TehAmelie: my favorite part's Graham's "how rude" face when he imagines the video crashing
MrPhlip: Oh no, this is gonna make me watch road quest again, again
themercenary1987: ITS THE BEST CAR SHOW.....
hedonistic_mushroom: YEEEEEEEESSSSSS
ExachixKitsune: @Tuxbeej : I love the timing; like home is the Yukon
GazzyInferno: the next nine hours are road quest rewatch, sure i'll bite
Texan_Reverend: @Tuxbeej Yes. Yes, you should. Have a good night!
Riiiiiiis: @MrPhlip same
Mai_Andra: oh no... i was supposed to be trying to go to bed...
CAKHost: Guess we are all rewatching Road Quest together!
Makoforte: road quest helped me greatly in hospital so I support it
hedonistic_mushroom: My kind of programming
jumping_point: Road quest, Road Quest, Road Quest!
aussie_rob_w: @Mai_Andra isn't this the perfect thing to have on while you fall asleep?
RoeDent89: This music is fantastic!
TXC2: 3 cars, only 3 cars, there was never more then 3 cars
incslayer: Saabine, Gandalf and the Fursuit Vechicle!
Riiiiiiis: best intro music every
HungryTanuki: DinoDance SingsNote DinoDance SingsNote
Riiiiiiis: ever
jumping_point: God I love this series!
KittyKibitzer: now we need to watch road quest again :)
GazzyInferno: it is an incredible theme song
josh___something: Oh neat, the ad break music :)
bagfullofbees: gotta crank the volume up for that intro song
DaSunao: I remember having this downloaded for being at sea
themercenary1987: LETS GO HOOTY!
jumping_point: DinoDance DinoDance
forcedreject: hell
NovaTiempo: Woop woop
nyoomgoom: the hell tanker 🤘
aussie_rob_w: Road Quest is a genuinely fantastic road trip show.
Mangledpixel: this was probably my favourite project to work on
TXC2: that roof needs cleaning :p
HungryTanuki: Roadquest is selfcare
jolly6100: off we go on an adventur
RoeDent89: Why hasn't LRR opened a restaurant yet?
josh___something: MAaaan, this is gonna make me watch road quest again
TXC2: Cheeki breeki !
adept_nekomancer: I discovered Roadquest during the covid lockdown days, and it helped brighten up that time.
josh___something: god bless you Alex
Mathonwy: This was almost five years ago???
aussie_rob_w: also 10/10 use of drone shots in this show.
themercenary1987: STALKER head gear
hedonistic_mushroom: Show of hands, how many of LRR watchers were moved to go to Canada because of these Yahoos
aussie_rob_w: Alex is PREPARED.
NelJanDik: @Riiiiiiis The general competition is on youtube as "DB10 - Runners up and winner of Graham's Remix LRR contest"
cmdrud87: 10k canadian, tho
TXC2: RoeDent89 no one wants to buy simic slaw Kappa
marmalade_pen: i like adams shirt
incslayer: the power of Beej compels you!
Riiiiiiis: @NelJanDik ohh. thanks!!! Will find that
TehAmelie: i've seen people deeply confused when i explain both Strip Search and Road Quest "like reality TV, but the people are. . .nice?"
warpstonewarlock: Nailed it, Alex
josh___something: Basically nailed it
themercenary1987: Gandalf!
azninsect: heheh heck yeah
HungryTanuki: Gandalf !
azninsect: gandalf!
marmalade_pen: mithrandir!
RoeDent89: Hi Gandalf
HungryTanuki: This is Gandlaf pre Balrog fight at Moria :D
RoeDent89: It does 0-60.......
nyoomgoom: today is monday which means gandalf gets to lick a graham cracker. idk how a car licks a graham cracker but yknow
TXC2: 0 to 60 when pushed out of a plane
Toturi91: Road quest!!!
TehAmelie: i like how through the show he turns into Gandalf of Muddy Colors
HungryTanuki: :D
RoeDent89: Doors don't open, get in
azninsect: HypeLUL
hedonistic_mushroom: Gandalf the GOAT
incslayer: and a History of Jets!
Metric_Furlong: a lineage of jets
TXC2: Saabine!
HungryTanuki: Saabine <3
themercenary1987: Ahhh... Sabine....
forcedreject: The piss is mandatory
jumping_point: Saabine! ^°^7
azninsect: saabine <3
incslayer: Saabine!
josh___something: Saabine <3
TXC2: look at that front bumper
NovaTiempo: o7 Saabine
TehAmelie: i'm from a Volvo family, we basically have a generaitonal blood feud with Saab
MrDiscountNinja: How could I forget how good this series is? LRR did Top Gear better than Top Gear.
ThePixelSavage: ooooooh Saabine ... I get it now! duggerHuh
themercenary1987: o7
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy
Genasi_Gaming is continuing the Gift Sub they got from jarnatan!
Genie_M: I'm always overwhelmed by the pure joy of ep1 intro to the cars
rougepenguinknight: o7
marmalade_pen: @TehAmelie me mum drove a saab
TehAmelie: i heard so many stories about how Saabs suck in this way, that way and the other way
hedonistic_mushroom: I need to make a LRR Roadquest themed Commander deck
NovaTiempo: A car you fight crime in you say.... :p
HungryTanuki: B-Beej ?
RoeDent89: Beej has chosen shanks' pony
themercenary1987: The Furrs.... err its Beej!
HungryTanuki: Ah yes, the roasting :D
Tweygoh: I just finished re-watching this last month
Snowcookies: Love Beej's roasting
nyoomgoom: the ian grumble
nyoomgoom: "hrrrmmmm"
aussie_rob_w: It's a GM! XD
TXC2: yes but there like 2 GMs worth of parts in one Saab
TehAmelie: hmm couldn't Beej have got the other one?
HungryTanuki: Prayge
themercenary1987: Bwhahaha!
azninsect: HypeLUL
HungryTanuki: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TheTekkieman: He chose. So many times.
josh___something: Fursuit Vehicle!
themercenary1987: THERE IT IS!!!
incslayer: Introducing the FURSUIT VEHICLE!
adept_nekomancer: And yet he ended up with an excellent road trip car
RoeDent89: Beej's reaction is priceless
azninsect: its the cops!
DigitalSeahorse: best gif ever incoming
RoeDent89: Cameo from Serge
themercenary1987: Its got cop tyres, cop shocks, cop engine...
hedonistic_mushroom: "Beej! WHY?! You were the Chosen One!" is the best Adam line ever
Tuxbeej: I was SHOCKED
Makoforte: the fursuit vehicle........
nyoomgoom: someone in town here is driving a crown vic that still has the black-and-white and residue from the police stickers
josh___something: Former cop, the Fursuit vehicle
TXC2: !findquote police
LRRbot: Quote #6129: "I thought police rhymed with face." —Ian [2019-06-16]
aussie_rob_w: I still have my sticker sheet somewhere.
Tuxbeej: But you could tell it cost $3k.
josh___something: God bless you, alex
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
aussie_rob_w: I don't have a car I can stick "fursuit vehicle" onto.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeart
azninsect: for 3k its still pretty good
jumping_point: What did the others cost?
Makoforte: any car can be a fursuit vehicle if you try hard enough
Texan_Reverend: Honestly, this was the one I immediately felt I would be most comfortable road tripping in.
nyoomgoom: i stuck the "fursuit vehicle" sticker on my computer PrideLaugh
josh___something: Graham, from a bit off camera :p
Invitare: well... two of them had a great car
adept_nekomancer: The duct-taped mirrors on the Fursuit Vehicle are a nice touch.
Invitare: maybe even one... didn't James' roof break?
Texan_Reverend: It helps that I've had two Lincoln Town Cars in my car history: '88 and '94.
RoeDent89: I forget this was filmed in spring/summer of 20*18*
josh___something: @Invitare don't you slander saabine like this
josh___something: sorry, libel
GazzyInferno: honestly writing Graham as the unseen Taskmaster-esque producer was an inspired choice for the show
NovaTiempo: Yay! Perished!
Invitare: you do not know which ones I was calling bad
TehAmelie: the illusion that Graham is nowhere near the action is pretty solid
Invitare: but yes, I was referring to the one that broke
Invitare: no regrets
MMoritz: Oooh, surprise RQ watchalong!
josh___something: @Invitare you JUST ruled out james' car with the second comment D:< LUL
azninsect: 2018 such simpler times
themercenary1987: good god this was 6 YEARS AGO
azninsect: only had to worry about scurvey
jumping_point: @GazzyInferno Definitely!
MMoritz: This is like that episode of Sweet Dreams in the Demon Castle
MMoritz: (or whatever that anime was called)
Tuxbeej: oh wow foreshadowing.
josh___something: foreshadowing
themercenary1987: That was exactly that animes name
TXC2: Saab to good for this sinnfu learth
ContingentCat: lol the foreshadowing
Texan_Reverend: From right at the beginning.
HungryTanuki: The adventure begins !
TehAmelie: ha, remember when they thought they would get RQ out the door before Desert Bus '18
RoeDent89: Swim
NotSoLuckyLydia: This show really does make me wanna go on a road trip
adept_nekomancer: I hope the siren light that got removed didn't leave a hole in the roof of the car.
TXC2: TehAmelie poor naive Graham
Tweygoh: I bet nothing happens to the crown vic
RoeDent89: Caulk the cars
josh___something: The difference in sound quality between the sunfire and the other cars XD
Mangledpixel: all these maps use open source map data, converted to vector graphics and stitched together, animated in After Effects with a shallow depth of field
themercenary1987: @Tweygoh ... how much...?
TXC2: I feel like there's a record for swiming across the sound
ThePixelSavage: man we need Roadquest Pan-American Highway Edition so bad. duggerPlotge
DigitalSeahorse: you can get scurvy on land, by not eating enough things with vitamin C. It's less common than on a ship with only salted meats
TehAmelie: Pixel with the inside info
TXC2: Mangledpixel fancy
TehAmelie: Mangledpixel that is
RoeDent89: Interesting that the Victoria-Vancouver ferry briefly crosses the US border and then back into Canada
azninsect: Mangledpixel its great work
marmalade_pen: @DigitalSeahorse eat your vegetables kids
jumping_point: The maps look so good!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNom
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRamen
themercenary1987: @ThePixelSavage It might be cliche, but i'd love a route 66 RQ
Sevinon: Morning everyone. We look pretty close to capped!
TXC2: hello Sevinon welcome
aynahl_feasting: Adam looks so baby in these episodes its wild
TehAmelie: real close!
type_variable: no trouble hmm
Carlioo: so much foreshadowing!
ThePixelSavage: @themercenary1987 at this point, 6 years later, Ill just take a new Roadquest no matter where duggerMmhmm duggerWaggle
TXC2: oh Beej, so much hubris right there
Mangledpixel: I got given little clips of the voiceover that would go over the maps, so I got these little keyhole looks into each episode - I only saw the rest of the episodes when they were publically shown
ExachixKitsune: sergeSipp
MMoritz: wasnt this filmed before Dominaria was released?
adept_nekomancer: Just all the foreshadowing
josh___something: @aynahl_feasting compared to NOW, yeah, adam looks like a baby. Adam is the definition of aging like a fine wine though, at least.
MrPhlip: @mmoritz filmed may 2018, iirc
TehAmelie: @Mangledpixel couldn't risk any leaks eh
CobaltShuriken: this is when Beej became Adam’s dad. What a good family memory
azninsect: like a jet
TXC2: Jets have window controls? :p
malsareus: yes, it's called an ejector seat
Mangledpixel: TehAmelie well, more just to cut down on how much data we were transferring over the internet
NonUniqueGuy: Oh damn, Road Quest
TehAmelie: that makes more sense
Mangledpixel: no need to send me the whole ep, just the bits I needed for timing
ThePixelSavage: @malsareus its under the seat to jettison the canopy duggerWheeze can do it only once though
TXC2: malsareus touché
aynahl_feasting: @josh___something Oh definitely, that man is illegally handsome and just keeps looking better as time rolls on. It's just a surprise at how young he looks going back to these
josh___something: The audio quality from the sunfire STILL funny
incslayer: right this was before ian bought the mini
RubikDarkwill: Ah Kathleen's masterful audio editing of the wind noise in Gandalf
marmalade_pen: yeah i would want a wrist strap on the walkie
HungryTanuki: Gorgeous
MMoritz: i showed my wife this and she fell in love with Adam. She still to this day asks what makes a peanut turn to a life of crime
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Shatter the salt cellar.
emberBecky: so greeen
NonUniqueGuy: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: teeth
RoeDent89: teeth
marmalade_pen: aaw the box is teething
HungryTanuki: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
RainyMint: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: my last road trips have been driving from FL to VA in one day, alone. Would not recommend!
adept_nekomancer: I forgot that line about the siren. Guess that answers the hole question.
HungryTanuki: Vroom !
TXC2: ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa for a moment I thought you meant Vermont there and was very concerned :p
themercenary1987: And it starts...
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @TXC2 oh that sounds *miserable*
TXC2: the weebing of Adam beings
TXC2: ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa indeed
TehAmelie: i'm intrigued by how different James in the car and narrator James sound
themercenary1987: joke Foiled
jumping_point: Loving the voice over.
NonUniqueGuy: That look to the camera
incslayer: "the wheels can come of"
marmalade_pen: dont jim the camera
TXC2: Adam is the deadpool of RQ
RoeDent89: Fresh
josh___something: @TehAmelie I think that's probably from the lack of roof
adept_nekomancer: Live bees!
RoeDent89: You're driving the open air
josh___something: "in" the car
RoeDent89: In the general vicinity of the car
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: you think they'd get back bee back for RQ2?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: well those words came out vaguely in the order I meant them to, great job, me
TehAmelie: i don't know how long bees live. . .
Sorator13: Chugging a bottle of port sounds absolutely miserable
jumping_point: How big are port bottles in Canada? ...
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: port doesn't usually come up as a "fun" booze, yeah
adept_nekomancer: I think I might prefer a starboard bottle.
TXC2: Port is a brooding alcohol
Dayton Guo: Yooooo Road Quest!!
josh___something: what about a larboard bottle? :p
Herbert_Erpaderp: mtbLUL
HungryTanuki: The kids :D
TehAmelie: you might make it if your car doesn't lift off
themercenary1987: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa Port is my personal drink of choice, but drunk in small mesures, sipped, and whilst feeling like i'm at Oxford or Cambridge university
TXC2: port is drunk in units of snifters
TehAmelie: i like the name port. we call it port-wine here just to make things confusing
definenull: This is a lot of ominous foreshadowing
incslayer: yes "merely" a dormant volcano
nyoomgoom: one time i tried turning the interior light on in my car at night. a dark nighttime car interior is already a liminal space but with the light on makes it *extra* liminal
NovaTiempo: oooooh yeah
type_variable: foreshadowing
josh___something: foreshadowing
TehAmelie: i'm pretty sure it's far away from any supervolcano, at least
cmdrud87: cue the obscuring ian face
jumping_point: B.C is so gorgeous.
MMoritz: the onsen was in BC, right?
TXC2: MMoritz yes
Tuxbeej: I thought James meant his dashboard lights, not his overhead light.
josh___something: Oh, stream's about to start Kappa
ExachixKitsune: *After turning right to pick up more USB leads iirc
HungryTanuki: Fatser Beej !
Sevinon: @Tuxbeej Yeah, that makes sense. Morning (or I guess g'night) Beej.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBox
The E: ahh, Ian wishing the onsen into existance
definenull: More foreshadowing
Fanklok: Omomori prevents you from adding 2 curses to your deck
Sevinon: Almost!
josh___something: about that...
Mathonwy: It doesn't
TXC2: maybe the luck stack overflowed
bagfullofbees: @Fanklok clearly Ian's was out of uses
cmdrud87: well, it presumably helped them getting as far as they did
ExachixKitsune: I will say, the first watch of Road Quest is very good, the 2nd watch reveals so much more
TXC2: Fuck BC is beautiful
Decem_Lampas: I should watch roadquest again
nyoomgoom: for all we know the luck prevented an *earlier* disaster
Riiiiiiis: There's a netflix series, where they talk about a town called something like "Squa-hamish" is that the same, just pronounced differently?
josh___something: @bagfullofbees You don't know how much bad luck that thing prevented before the saab finally caved
TehAmelie: luck: it's unfalsifiable!
TXC2: Riiiiiiis probably given everything being filmed in Vancouver
Riiiiiiis: ok
MMoritz: you can never distract from nuggies for long
Fanklok: McDonald's nuggets are nasty though
bagfullofbees: @josh___something that's a fascinating question - how many more disasters would have befallen the saab if not for the omomori
adept_nekomancer: And with 6 of them, they'd only need to eat 82 or 83 each.
Sevinon: @Fanklok Agreed
TehAmelie: i think we'll see the signage with pronunciation guide soon
NonUniqueGuy: I don't think I have ever had McDonalds Nuggets.
Riiiiiiis: moose
NovaTiempo: Moose!
TXC2: Meese!
themercenary1987: MOOSE!
DigitalSeahorse: HahaDoge
Mangledpixel: møøse
definenull: Moosen?
RainyMint: Meese!
NapalmSideburns: The moose is loose in the hoose!
Sevinon: @Mangledpixel Was your sister bitten by one?
bagfullofbees: mooussy
Fanklok: Take a good nugget, cut it in half hamburger style and cover it in breading that functions more like armor
Mangledpixel: @Sevinon The people responsible for this response have now been sacked
HungryTanuki: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
Sorator13: fuyrsuit down! fursuit down!
nyoomgoom: opening the door to talk to the production ghosts
MrPhlip: Oh right, this ep is a cliffhanger... I wonder if ep2 will be in the watchalong...
Sevinon: "You know, this would make a great place to cut the first episode" was still such an excellent call in the moment
bagfullofbees: ^
TXC2: MrPhlip nah, this is a teaser to get people to watch it all Kappa
NonUniqueGuy: or rewatch it for the 10th time
TalpTheScot: which duo would you most like to road trip with?
TehAmelie: we'll do one episode a year, and ten subathons from now. . .
TXC2: NonUniqueGuy indeed
Sevinon: @TalpTheScot Slam dunk Beej and Adam
NonUniqueGuy: Beej and Adam
FarleyF: im going with Ian and Alex - helps they are both my favourite people in LRR
Riiiiiiis: James and Ben for me
TehAmelie: eh i can never remember if there's more than ten episodes
marmalade_pen: oh are we watching arrested development?
Sevinon: @TehAmelie Q&A episode if that counts
bagfullofbees: @TehAmelie pretty sure it's 12
accountmadeforants: I'd be torn between Ian and Alex, and Beej and Adam.
TehAmelie: ah yes. i just think of the ten days
HungryTanuki: I can't imagine how stressfull it must have been at the time
HungryTanuki: Having a car problem on the 1st day of shooting
Sevinon: @HungryTanuki Yeah, I think everyone basically talked about how stressed they were
TehAmelie: at least they're close enough to walk home if need be :p
Sorator13: Yknow, I just realized - all the cars Beej picked failed their mechanical inspections, and then this happened to the car chosen *for* Beej
Riiiiiiis: I want to see that view one day
MMoritz: and the hell road was a second episode from the drag race
Sorator13: so maybe Beej was cursed?
adept_nekomancer: At least it gave an excuse to get more extremely scenic drone shots of the coastline.
bagfullofbees: yeah, if I remember it's the first and the day with the hot spring that are broken up into two episodes
NovaTiempo: Epic nostalgia acheived
josh___something: All 3 of the copilots (Ben, Adam, Alex) would be the dream trio
HungryTanuki: Welp, now I have to watch Roadquest again
bagfullofbees: the drone shots are breathtaking
definenull: Ben plz
nyoomgoom: gesundheit
josh___something: But if I had to pick, probably Adam/Beej
CobaltShuriken: dab
themercenary1987: DAB
Sevinon: @bagfullofbees They really are. Just those alone are such amazing adverts for BC
TXC2: right chat I'm off to exercise, I'll see y'all for coffee, so keep on subbing!
bagfullofbees: bye!
HungryTanuki: Bye !
shadowmaster132: I hope that whoever in tourism that refused lrr money regrets it now
Riiiiiiis: c ya TXC2
jumping_point: Good luck,, TXC2!
josh___something: see ya TXC2 o/
marmalade_pen: goodbye txc2
Sevinon: Cya
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
CobaltShuriken: massive jinx
DigitalSeahorse: jinx
EternalRoxas: I reference this crap shot so often
HungryTanuki: :D
josh___something: LUL
MMoritz: LOL
RainyMint: LUL
elmyra23: i hd forgotten how much i love RQ
josh___something: Oh speaking of which
NovaTiempo: aww.
HungryTanuki: Oh no !
themercenary1987: The LAst... FOR NOW!
definenull: Oh boy this is ominous
TehAmelie: the have to, can, may paradigm
Sorator13: Oh, this is an interesting thing to include, the youtube updates
josh___something: *2019*
adept_nekomancer: More information... it now exists!
MMoritz: back in the days of Eldraine?
CobaltShuriken: lrrJUDGECALL
josh___something: Ooof
definenull: Just before the pandini
shadowmaster132: eff cancer
marmalade_pen: did you always have those tattoos?
josh___something: Eff both pandini AND cancer
type_variable: ooof
HungryTanuki: Panalyst !
TheWooglie: 2020 so many episodes
definenull: In 2020... Oh honey
josh___something: hah... 2020
Simonark: In 2020...
azninsect: Who could've foreseen...
MrDiscountNinja: lol Ian manifesting onsens
josh___something: oh, sweet summer child
Woogachaka: Oh wait, did we hit the time limit?
azninsect: Look we got there though! Soon. More soon.
Sorator13: Ohh, that was at the start of the actual episode, okay. That makes more sense.
chaostreader: More Panalyst! Panalyst is great!
Genie_M: Nice setup for the new series
NovaTiempo: Crysount
definenull: TRUE
accountmadeforants: Fuck now I know where I got "Croysant" from.
azninsect: Accurate
GazzyInferno: god that line kills everytime
Orxolon: Well,gonna sleep,see y'all later
azninsect: Croi sant
HungryTanuki: Croixcent :D
Sevinon: gnight
definenull: Quaso
bagfullofbees: just Ben being a gem
Glenn Fowler: “In 2020” (ish)
William Johnson: Oh 2019 predictions of the future, always a good dose of dramatic irony.
Sorator13: The lumberjack photo of Adam is excellent
Just_Herby: Night Orx!
ExachixKitsune: A LeCroix-soint
themercenary1987: still need that friday nights secret lair
IaCthulhuFthagn: Human Cardcam is a great creature type.
ExachixKitsune: @definenull : Quaso
josh___something: That illustration is GREAT XD
bagfullofbees: what a diagram
Unas84 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months, currently on a 79 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Unas84! (Today's storm count: 24)
HungryTanuki: Giant growth is still good !
Orxolon: @themercenary1987 uuuhhh i would buy'em all
HungryTanuki: Cameron D: ?
FarleyF: !card palukranos
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
warpstonewarlock: !card polukranos
LRRbot: Did you mean: Polukranos Reborn; Polukranos, Engine of Ruin; Polukranos, World Eater; Polukranos, Unchained
Orxolon: Giant growth Will always be giant growth
FarleyF: you know what i cannot spell magic cards
Sevinon: I have a sub expiring sometime today. Hopefully it sneaks in before the end of the sub-a-thon/when I'm off to visit friends
FarleyF: Also Giant Growth for the win
cmdrud87: Cam should apply to the RC
bagfullofbees: Paulukranos
Orxolon: Hahaha
warpstonewarlock: !card Polukranos, World Eater
LRRbot: Polukranos, World Eater [2GG] | Legendary Creature — Hydra [5/5] | {X}{X}{G}: Monstrosity X. / When Polukranos, World Eater becomes monstrous, it deals X damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures your opponents control. Each of those creatures deals damage equal to its power to Polukranos.
Orxolon: Paul u kranos
marmalade_pen: such a good gag
Sevinon: @LRRbot Pithing Needle naming Borborygmos
hedonistic_mushroom: LRRbot you rule
josh___something: Missie!
azninsect: 40min?!
accountmadeforants: I love the "Oh hey, a bed!" callback
Sevinon: It has lots of things!
definenull: Oh Graham, honey (again)
josh___something: about that...
Durugai: eeeh Oko
marmalade_pen: hes not wrong
cmdrud87: I mean, yes, but...
azninsect: Not wrong though
Molator: he's a little wrong
gluonquark: ban gremlins!
HungryTanuki: Kathllen building mono red D:
Sevinon: :(
GazzyInferno: oof
ExachixKitsune: ooof
josh___something: oof
Molator: ouch'
wildpeaks: BibleThump
vegetalss4: poor Missy
Sorator13: unending despair
gluonquark: burn!
marmalade_pen: kitte
azninsect: Graham.
josh___something: Hi baxter
HungryTanuki: lrrWOW
definenull: cat
thebuzzstreams: oooooof, pooor missy indeed
bagfullofbees: kitty!
marmalade_pen: foofer
jumping_point: Baxter!
ContingentCat: awwww kavrennn
itmightbemikey: Beeeg cat
ExachixKitsune: Oh the dream: "Stay here and pet my cats"
adept_nekomancer: Such a large cat
nyoomgoom: kitty
William Johnson: That is a lot of cat
hedonistic_mushroom: Boy would it be awesome if this episode transitions into the new Friday Nights
HungryTanuki: :D
Sorator13: I love FN!Nelly
jumping_point: Nelsons deliveries. xD
azninsect: Jer!
HungryTanuki: "Casual"
incslayer: right beej's variant of magic
Fanklok: Has anyone ever seen Beej and LSV in the same room?
themercenary1987: JUND EM OUT
Tuxbeej: I don’t remember a single thing about how any of that worked.
josh___something: I trust Ghost Alex
gluonquark: I'm with Ben on that
OVERKiLL!: so good
marmalade_pen: we're proud of you beej
josh___something: hehe
Sorator13: LUL
forcedreject: Sacer blue
azninsect: Oh Ben
HungryTanuki: Poor Missie
josh___something: WHEELER SPOTTED
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: well, as the french say, "sest levvy"
themercenary1987: remember 60 is just 12 4's, so every deck is just 12 cards
HungryTanuki: :D
hedonistic_mushroom: Dat Hareruya Hoodie... Want it
josh___something: speaking of...
Fanklok: The decadence of being able to run 2 different constructed formats for fnm
azninsect: Who
incslayer: its WHEELEER!!
ExachixKitsune: he's great to be here
CobaltShuriken: wheeler.
josh___something: Intimidating wheeler is spooky
luke_warme: the eye contact
Sorator13: Auspiciously *not* Wheeler's first FN appearance
EternalRoxas: wheelerKappa
Tweygoh: lrrWHEELER
NovaTiempo: Cams handwriting rocks
goateedave86: Cameron's handwriting is so good it's actually intimidating
HungryTanuki: Cameron's Big book of Grudges grows longer by the day :D
Mai_Andra: "It dies to removal."
RevolverRossalot: Pop quiz: what IS the adventure on Murderous Rider?
themercenary1987: Been there man
flojosch: Never lucky Jer
accountmadeforants: @RevolverRossalot Running from the law
HungryTanuki: @RevolverRossalot Destroy target creature or pw an opponent control. You lose 2 life ?
incslayer: heather!
josh___something: Nelson <3
Tweygoh: It's funny in the lore that Kathleen is playing mono red
warpstonewarlock: and Matt
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @RevolverRossalot as someone who got to Mythic in Eldraine standard on Arena running BW knights...I don't remember
incslayer: i missed mat
josh___something: LUL
incslayer: matt*
themercenary1987: DaNk
RevolverRossalot: It's one of the few adventure spells with a name I've retained: Swift End!
gibbousm: I miss Missy
IaCthulhuFthagn: Stompy? Ancient Tomb and Chalice were in Eldraine Standard?
gluonquark: you deserve that
azninsect: He deserves that
thebuzzstreams: Missy truly is a treasure
CobaltShuriken: He deserved that
josh___something: he deserved that
HungryTanuki: He deserved that
azninsect: Loved this episode
GazzyInferno: he deserved that
hedonistic_mushroom: Is Missie's hand raise at G a callback to G doing the samein the first F?
RevolverRossalot: @hungrytanuki has the correct text, aside from being able to target your own things too
gluonquark: now we just need to ban Nadu
themercenary1987: I mean... he has a point
Tweygoh: crap
TehAmelie: i saw someone in the credits named Aurora Walker. boss name
accountmadeforants: The only Adventure name I remember is Stomp. But I don't actually recall the name of the creature it's attached to (I've just internalized it as 4/3 giant)
NotSoLuckyLydia: Bonecrusher Giant
shadowmaster132: I remember this crapshoot
accountmadeforants: @NotSoLuckyLydia Right! I knew it had something with crush in it
NotSoLuckyLydia: I've been got by it enough in legacy to know
TheWooglie: LUL
Greyah: I always thought that adventure was called "Big Steppy"
themercenary1987: Ha!
HungryTanuki: :D
RainyMint: LUL
frnknstn: lool
CobaltShuriken: lol
josh___something: *chef's kiss*
frnknstn: Did we hit the cap?
CobaltShuriken: bright!
Riiiiiiis: Some of the crapshots just go directly over my head :-D
themercenary1987: I think we are 2 hours from cap
IaCthulhuFthagn: Perfect chain of crapshots into each other.
Sevinon: Ah, I see why this followed the last one
Phaers: anyone know the video name where cam is complaining about aggro player
TehAmelie: James perfectly cast as a not very good enlightened kung fu master
themercenary1987: When you bring a programmer into a philosphoy argument
Fanklok: This is a terry pratchett crapshot
Riiiiiiis: @Fanklok Sweeper?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TehAmelie I read him as enlightened, just not very pedagogical :P
CobaltShuriken: lrrPAUL
HungryTanuki: D:
Molator: angry zen master master?
josh___something: Hadouken!
azninsect: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE
CobaltShuriken: Kathleen? where was she?
Serpens77: oh there
The_Nat_Ones_: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
AugmentingPath: she was the pebble
Riiiiiiis: @CobaltShuriken ...
azninsect: There
sfot: hi, when do they go live again?
Sorator13: omg
Sorator13: I relate to that so hard
ceLaguna: but what about secondary pants
Inkymouse: omg I love this one
Sorator13: pants are one of my greatest enemies
Serpens77: the itnerface spoiler of Kathleen being in it
FarleyF: Alex's Brother
HungryTanuki: Uuuuh
GazzyInferno: uhhhhhh
azninsect: Uhhhhh
marmalade_pen: hhhhhhhuuu
RevolverRossalot: Relatable
OVERKiLL!: 6am innit?
William Johnson: In about an hour and 45 minutes
The_Nat_Ones_: So relatable
Inkymouse: "sheep?"
IaCthulhuFthagn: @RevolverRossalot Being forced to live in a bush, yeah.
Critterbot: Wait, blimp? :D
ExachixKitsune: Shark Shark and Remora!
warpstonewarlock: Ah, callbacks
azninsect: NHOP
josh___something: OH, it's Ian's Debut
CobaltShuriken: he appears!
josh___something: (technically)
Creideiki_SE: Notably not the first time Ian was in Hustle.
Tuxbeej: I keep that business card on my desk to this day.
EikoandMog: Yep. Was a throwaway joke for the halloween episode!
tyrew0rm: @Creideiki_SE Canonically that was an ian mask
EikoandMog: @Tuxbeej HypeLUL
Jon Grayson: I remember these episodes, they were funny
Molator: ian mask or ian skinsuit?
Just_Herby: Can we compromise and say "Ian costume"?
josh___something: The tiger, or the painting?
CobaltShuriken: ahead of their time with telecommuting
Durugai: lots of things
josh___something: HAH
Critterbot: D-don't worry about it.
EikoandMog: I love the white balance of the rest of the building being notably washed out.
Isyraq Zaki: !time
TheMerricat: Almost beige like
HungryTanuki: Y-yes ?
CobaltShuriken: i need a sign guy
Riiiiiiis: the beigening begins
hackingducks: it's just the backrooms before they had a name
shadowmaster132: Star wipes ahoy
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 4:21 AM
josh___something: EUGH
incslayer: it said sahara whipsers
EikoandMog: I'm a fan of recumbent walrus.
Durugai: top. shelf.
warpstonewarlock: Recumbent Walrus?
josh___something: those glasses tapping noise were great foley
jumping_point: What are those names?! xD
HungryTanuki: L i g h t beige
CobaltShuriken: tag yourself, i’m light beige
Serpens77: TaupeCon
EikoandMog: Oh look, Nightmare!
josh___something: heheeheh
CobaltShuriken: are those the mystery cookies then?
Simonark: And thus began the truncated "Biege" Arc.
josh___something: LUL
azninsect: Sure, why not?
josh___something: oh a CLASSIC!
MrPhlip: Yesss
bagfullofbees: oooooh, drugs!
EikoandMog: "You know what you did"
TehAmelie: yay drugs
Sevinon: Possibly my favorite sketch
Molator: drugs!
josh___something: "You know what you did"
MrPhlip: My number 1 favourite
warpstonewarlock: oh, we had it last year
Gulleko: oh I love this one
cmdrud87: "hey hey hey... wait till you're 18"
TehAmelie: still wanna try n-!-thron
ceLaguna: the devil's lettuce?
CobaltShuriken: “them dank nugs”
snowewolf: i love this Sketch
incslayer: i dont recognize the young woman amongst the students
bagfullofbees: the crystalline entity
Herbert_Erpaderp: Hahaa
TheWooglie: trust Graham to get a TNG reference in there
jumping_point: How many of those are real? xD
shadowmaster132: He's right, canada was four years from legalising the dank nugs
EikoandMog: Burma shave!
RainyMint: "Happy nose times" LUL
BluJester: I thought Speed 2 Cruise Control was a joke LRR made but then I found out that it is a thing that exists
MrPhlip: @incslayer they did a last-minute call on twitter for extras, and got one (1)
Sevinon: @incslayer Extra based on a twitter call out
cmdrud87: @EikoandMog still waiting for them to do sth around the old roadside ads
TehAmelie: yes, it's a movie no one wants to remember
CobaltShuriken: bbirbJAIL bbirbJAIL bbirbJAIL bbirbJAIL
Sevinon: @MrPhlip 2! But one had to drop out
TheWooglie: Kathleen is really good at playing disinterested
crashdownreg: we collectively repressed speed 2
hackingducks: it's hyphenated!
EikoandMog: That's Alex's throwing knife, I guarantee.
josh___something: HAH
Serpens77: @TheWooglie yes... "playing"...
Inkymouse: hehehehe I love the delivery on that line SO MUCH
spicyFerret_: NoooooOOOOOPE.
josh___something: Yes
RainyMint: LUL
josh___something: still a banger
CobaltShuriken: LUL
EikoandMog: They bought that pipe and returned it then next day.
TeacherSeanTV: LUL LUL
EikoandMog: Or maybe it was same day?
spicyFerret_: @josh___something a bonger?
JonnyGlitched: I
Metric_Furlong: oh here we go!
JonnyGlitched: Hello all
Fanklok: They "borrowed" it
hackingducks: they should 100% revive this
hedonistic_mushroom: Toxic Sagicity podcast
jumping_point: WZRD xD
CobaltShuriken: aita podcasts before their time
hackingducks: wizard chat is a banger
JonnyGlitched: I love my WZRD CHAT shirt
TehAmelie: i love the Photoshop Wizard poster
TehAmelie: they're just grabbing everything that's advertised as vaguely magical are they
Pteraspidomorphi: I see the subathon length is nearly at the cap
Sevinon: @Pteraspidomorphi And fortnately the modern wizard caps their cap
spicyFerret_: Wzrdchat as a podcast when
PMAvers: Next up, we've got a guest program from 1MHz on the Cosmic Wavelength, The Spirit of the Times.
JonnyGlitched: I love this bit
CobaltShuriken: Staff over wands all day
TehAmelie: ah yes. time to go grab some supplies for the finale now, before the liquor store closes :)
Just_Herby: 100% stadd
Just_Herby: Staff
JonnyGlitched: staff has the DPS
spicyFerret_: Is wzrd in the same continuity as qwrp
Just_Herby: Sure
GazzyInferno: Davé
JonnyGlitched: so that's where "get a wand, trust me" comes from
Just_Herby: Thaumaturgical is a Pterry reference, right?
Desruprot: a formal pointy hat
josh___something: Staves are useful for versatility, thermos. Once you get ambushed by a pack of bandits, you'll be wishing you had a hefty oak staff with you
Riiiiiiis: Reminds me of Hitchhikers - If humans are not interested in local affairs
hackingducks: thaumaturgy is just a kind of magic. kinda nebulously defined.
JonnyGlitched: the last secoind
IaCthulhuFthagn: Staves have their place, but you really need to take a look at your actual use cases. Do you actually need the extra power, or do you just want it available to shore up your insecurities? A wand is the right choice for 99% of wizards in today's modern urban environment.
hackingducks: variousy different canons take thaumaturgy in different directions.
IaCthulhuFthagn: Right, this... look.
JonnyGlitched: my god the fina; punchpine
EikoandMog: Honestly, I'm a firm believer of every day carry wand. Staves are for travelling.
spicyFerret_ turges your thaum
elmyra23: wig continuity?
JonnyGlitched: I can not speel
99FineLines: phrasing???
crashdownreg: Classic Davé
Molator: rip
marmalade_pen: hello
JonnyGlitched: yikes
Just_Herby: Staffs are useful for non-magical purposes. Try and clobber a disrespectful youth over the head with a wand, it's far less effective.
medmora: Pipedream Fairy, come to me!
spicyFerret_: Bowie and his very visible bulge.
josh___something: Staves are great for industrial level wizardry where the extra power is necessary to move large buildings
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Just_Herby You just have to think outside the box. Poke them with the thin end!
JonnyGlitched: wait how old am I
azninsect: relevant./
LathosTiran: a decade of phone numbers
Just_Herby: @iacthulhufthagn I think you should reword your suggestion to "poke youths with the thin end"
GazzyInferno: yike
ExachixKitsune: I assume she went to college and joined Sigma Theta Delta
josh___something: Channeling your magic through a wand to put your wizard tower in a pocket dimension needs a whole lot more mana as opposed to a staff
josh___something: Bisexual Fairy god parent?
JonnyGlitched: I've managed to keep 1 phone number
Durugai: Bagel time folks!
nyoomgoom: or is it, the bagel
RainyMint: Bagel Time!
Just_Herby: Only Sourcerers can even do that though, it's not usually relevant
JonnyGlitched: dafaq
marmalade_pen: baggles
DeM0nFiRe: Oh no it's either Bagel or Donut time and I don't have either NotLikeThis
ceLaguna: Bonuts
Desruprot: LUL
Molator: haha
ExachixKitsune: bagel time it's bagel time
IaCthulhuFthagn: @josh___something Exactly, but if you think about it, 90% of the staff wielders only ever take it grocery shopping or "camping" and will never use the heavy lifting capabilities in their lifetime... they only bought the staff in the first place because they were influenced by ads playing on their insecurities.
azninsect: HypeLUL
GazzyInferno: god damn it
Inkymouse: bahhaaha
JonnyGlitched: you can eat more donuts than bagels
spicyFerret_: Baklaclava
EikoandMog: BThat little "Bagel Time" ditty has entered my brainrot.
ExachixKitsune: this entire sketch is in my brain
ExachixKitsune: sergeScience
jumping_point: Now I want a bagel.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: see, this is why Graham got that pointer in the Swap n Shop video ~15 years from this one
IaCthulhuFthagn: Now this is how statistics work.
josh___something: Sound logic
CAKHost: So James got a bag of 4 accidents?
azninsect: science
hackingducks: james busts out the correlation is not causation.
hedonistic_mushroom: I have not watched enough YouTube for my algorithm to dig this up on my feed.
jumping_point: Give em to me.
JonnyGlitched: YES
cle0deen: Morning
josh___something: HAH
EikoandMog: The "Son of a Bitch" reference
spicyFerret_: (bap)
medmora: Must huck deadly bagels!
Just_Herby: 12 bagels seems like a lot to buy at once
Tweygoh: i really want a bagel now
cle0deen: Are there any safe bagels?
shadowmaster132: It burns
EikoandMog: @Just_Herby But not too many donuts.
nyoomgoom: oh, in 2012 i was living in that world. the one where wifi exists but i don't have it
cle0deen: Been in here for like 2 minutes and already want bagel
Serpens77: Icéd Mocha
Just_Herby: @eikoandmog fair point
Herbert_Erpaderp: Good sign
incslayer: was that Dales laugh?
azninsect: HypeLUL
JonnyGlitched: free wifi is a trap
ExachixKitsune: take a page from maia crimew and print "Your Printer is Unsecured"
ArcticAtlantic: oh good good we're still going
99FineLines: freudian slip there
FarleyF: Friendship is magic
JonnyGlitched: That seems like Matt
Serpens77: Wiggins secret Brony confirmed
warpstonewarlock: Secret?
Tweygoh: thieve's cant
themercenary1987: oh lord... torrents
JonnyGlitched: Gimmie that Wiggiens
99FineLines: Ghostleen??
hackingducks: whoa
RubikDarkwill: Platinum blond Kathleen
gibbousm: Blonde Kathleen feels.....wrong somehow
GazzyInferno: paul cuts a good businessm'n
hackingducks: it's the whole look. looks like a different person until she speaks
JonnyGlitched: I remember how this gave me amxiety
TheWooglie: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Coffee w/ James & Guests at Sat 06:00 AM PDT (1:12 from now).
azninsect: eyyy the persona episode
JonnyGlitched: Diablo 1 best Diablo
warpstonewarlock: Ah, CH: Persona 5 edition
GazzyInferno: ah, part of the "we played a game too much" era of chustle
TheWriterAleph: i didn't know kathleen like P5 /s
Molator: art so good
Greyah: That's fine, you don't wanna get to know Yusuke anyway.
IaCthulhuFthagn: Nowadays we just walk up to 1st floor apartment windows and scan their printed wifi password QR codes from across the room. Problem solved!
EikoandMog: lrrFINE
Irsaan: lrrFINE
RainyMint: lrrFINE
spicyFerret_: That is a conversation i have had with roommates multiple times.
the_phantom_game_player: I think we're an hour short to make it to the cap
ElevunWords: that P5 graphic was SOOO good
Mangledpixel: I really enjoyed making the graphics for this - the P5 UI is so friggin stylish
Riiiiiiis: I started a few years ago crossstitching the everything is fine sign... buuut i'm not good at finishing stuffs
BluJester: really nailed the look
taeasakura: I've accidentally called friendships social links before and that was when I knew I was playing too much P5
BluJester: basically flawless
TheWriterAleph: i love the art in this so much
JonnyGlitched: I can relate to this but with Skyrim
BrowneePoints: oh hey I haven’t seen this in a while
99FineLines: Ian having a persona is a terrifying idea.
ElevunWords: this is obscenely high-effort
BrowneePoints: Ian is a Persona
BrowneePoints: BAXTER
themercenary1987: Hey Kuriboh
azninsect: same, baxter. same.
taeasakura: his persona is his car
99FineLines: A Small Kuriboh???
ArcticAtlantic: omg hello Baxter
RainyMint: Baxter lrrHEART
josh___something: I mean, that feels like a compliment to be a rank 10 confidant
forcedreject: Frieza?
Inkymouse: Baxter <3
Aitsu111: Yay Martin
spicyFerret_: Hello furry menace.
RubikDarkwill: The chicken AND the tuna
JonnyGlitched: Baxxy Bax!
99FineLines: Why is he making a cameo when he should be MAKING MORE EPISODES??????
Riiiiiiis: Who's doing that voice?
nyoomgoom: hairy baby
Serpens77: are these M.Lumsfordisms?
BrowneePoints: Little Kuriboh
ElevunWords: I love this babby mattlrHeart
azninsect: little kuriboh!
JonnyGlitched: there is no platonic
Noy2222: Chicken AND tuna? In this economy?
BrowneePoints: him what did Yugioh abridged
Mangledpixel: that is an actual processed photo of Victoria in the background
Serpens77: ooohhh neat
gluonquark: "live and don't learn"
Mangledpixel: (in the date transition shot)
crashdownreg: @Noy2222 2017 was a different time where we could afford such luxeries
josh___something: ryuji?! damnn
Metric_Furlong: James "Ryuji" Turner
BrowneePoints: ryuji? woof
BrowneePoints: that’s insulting
BrowneePoints: like calling someone shadowheart
IaCthulhuFthagn: Are you entirely sure about the no stabbing?
josh___something: I mean, better than yusuke I guess.
JonnyGlitched: For the record: I'd always not to get stabbed
PMAvers: I mean that's not a 0% chance of stabbings
spicyFerret_: cakejuKnife
TheWriterAleph: implications.
99FineLines: "anime obsessive" does not make someone less likely to be stabbish.
azninsect: cowboy beep boop!
Tweygoh: Cori! Heather!
Metric_Furlong: good old cowboy beep boop
LathosTiran: deploy the defensive heather
BrowneePoints: @josh___something nah ryuji is about as bad as it can get outside of akechi
JonnyGlitched: I want Five Cheese!
Aitsu111: Lol
RainyMint: lrrCORI lrrHEATHER
Tweygoh: OK snack time
Noy2222: Five cheese? In this economy?
Harukurochan: Friendship achieved 👍
gibbousm: war on pants
EikoandMog: Mood, Alex.
Irsaan: I sure have literally no context for these references having never played a Persona game. Still a good sketch though.
Lord_Hosk: Don't dishonor Nihan Alex
Mangledpixel: oh right, deadname
MrQBear: @EikoandMog Heyo, Eiko!
EikoandMog: @MrQBear Hello!
JonnyGlitched: I'm a cat!
medmora: I'm a cat.
warpstonewarlock: uhhhh
josh___something: hey wait a minute
gibbousm: we've looped?
GazzyInferno: wait didn't we just have this one?
Metric_Furlong: Irsaan Adam streamed all of Persona 5 if you want to spend a ridiculous amount of time watching vods
TheWooglie: duplicates!
EikoandMog: Yeah, we just had this one.
bagfullofbees: I was about to say...
cmdrud87: yes, all is LRR now
crystal_bubbles: There's a glitch in the matrix!
FarleyF: well i guess there are no rules
ExachixKitsune: time to go grab a drink
Lord_Hosk: No one saw it Mangledpixel we are all blind to those things we can only see your real name
Genie_M: It's the most important rule it has to be said twice
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Imacatmeowmeow! They have given 2485 Gift Subs in the channel!
GazzyInferno: the first rule is that there are no rules. the second rule is good luck, have fun :)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Imacatmeowmeow! (Today's storm count: 25)
CAKHost: No Rule means Repeats Open!
luke_warme: this is the second rule
MrPhlip: There are no rules, including the rules against dupes
Mangledpixel: Lord_Hosk lrrHEART
IaCthulhuFthagn: A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the Watchalong. It happens when they change something.
RevolverRossalot: A second The First Rule is at least thematically strong
ExachixKitsune: Jen does good work TransgenderPride
crystal_bubbles: I do like the mysterious levitating pepple though
JonnyGlitched: Epistemology ftw
GazzyInferno: i hope the young student will get the first rule this time around
TheWooglie: where was Kathleen?
GazzyInferno: dang
azninsect: no rules means no pants!
BrowneePoints: I forgot the raiden line
BrowneePoints: I remembered it
FarleyF: ah and the professor is back
TheWooglie: we've had this one too?
crystal_bubbles: Another repeat??
bagfullofbees: uh oh
FarleyF: the replay is having desert bus fever
itmightbemikey: I think part of the list accidentally got duplicated
MrPhlip: This was last night I think?
FarleyF: someone light the paul signal
TheWooglie: someone had no faith and didn't think we get this far in the subathon
99FineLines: have we finally run out of LRR material to use?
RainyMint: We're trapped in the LRRLoop now. lrrFINE lrrHERE
TheWriterAleph: Tales From the LRRp
LordZarano: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 4:59 AM
IaCthulhuFthagn: 5 AM? That means James is up :P
avi_miller: And then Wheeler joined LRR
Just_Herby: Well, there isn't a lot of LRR content, they were bound to run out eventually /s
Aitsu111: PROF
Desruprot: oh hai Prof
RainyMint: Oh hi Professor! :D
spicyFerret_: Imagine storming for 70-something
mckblitz: I miss when I could keep track of magic. Used to know every single legend. Then 2021 happened
azninsect: he said the thing!
hedonistic_mushroom: RoadQuest EP 2 pls
RevolverRossalot: Huh. I didn't know Brian hosted The Panalysts
James_LRR: morning.
azninsect: James_LRR tqsHi
ghizmou: morning James
luke_warme: morning
FarleyF: morning James
DeM0nFiRe: 🌄
jumping_point: Good morning, James.
FarleyF: hope you slept well - or at all
baltimore_667083: morning James
James_LRR: dang. we are super close to capping this thing?
Herbert_Erpaderp: Hi James!
Tweygoh: Moggs obvs
FarleyF: is it time for Chat to put in their coffee orders
marmalade_pen: how can james be in chat and on screen
Herbert_Erpaderp: @marmalade_pen He has powers.
Ukon_Cairns: he is very talented
nyoomgoom: same way beej was in chat and on screen like, an hour and a half ago
James_LRR: 100 subs and we’re there.
spicyFerret_: Jmeschat
marmalade_pen: well of course beej can do that duh
99FineLines: are we learning about prerecorded content today
Simonark: James is myriad.
nyoomgoom: oh right, fair, forgot beej has certain powers
ladyjessica: it’s AI!
Irsaan: @James_LRR Are you trying to taunt people into doing it before you're live?
TheWriterAleph: hey, hey chat, remembering when machine learning was still a punchline
Just_Herby: @99finelines it's twitch, everything is live, that's the whole point
James_LRR: mayyyyyybe :P
Lord_Hosk: Machine learning is still kinda a punchline
TheWriterAleph: yeah but for different reasons
Riiiiiiis: @James_LRR morning James
TristalMTG: oh no, Paul invented AI art
ExachixKitsune: *nervous laughter*
terribleplan: Lol
Durugai: and thus, Paul invented AI art
TheMerricat: LRR predicted future
josh___something: Generative AI NotLikeThis
ExachixKitsune: pff Alison
cookiebeard: ooof
terribleplan: Indeed you were, Paul
Halinn: Congratulations, Cameron
marmalade_pen: excellent end line from prof
Tweygoh: very Q
Irsaan: Yay Cam!
RevolverRossalot: Common Cameron W
GhostValv: Hehe
Lord_Hosk: Fun fact, the professor actually has the power to teleport like that, but it consumes any and all rares he is holding. So its not worth using the power.
Mangledpixel: BALLS!
TheWriterAleph: yay!
TheWooglie: yay!
FarleyF: man famous youtuber james turner sitting next to the professor
marmalade_pen: tenisé boules
bagfullofbees: oh good, it's not a repeat
mcdadly23: morning all. what’s the schedule for today guys?
GazzyInferno: Balls Balls Balls!
azninsect: tennis balls!
spicyFerret_: FootBall
99FineLines: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
hd_dabnado: This was so 2014
Simonark: Christmas!
Halinn: @Lord_Hosk Are there times when he is not holding any rares (aside from when he's done teleporting)?
RainyMint: Balls! :D
cmdrud87: "anyways, this s wonderwall"
hedonistic_mushroom: Projectile Testicular Distress, yes
99FineLines: the schedule is balls
GazzyInferno: coffee begins at the top of the next hour
mcdadly23: @99finelines thanks for the link
marmalade_pen: hello caffein
TheWooglie: Hello Colin
ceLaguna: can't believe it's been 16 years since that kickstarter
99FineLines: an elegant launcher, from a more civilised age.
ExachixKitsune: it's an older machine but it checks out
josh___something: God, I can smell the tennis ball from here
Simonark: Why is that ball machine named for an Elliott Gould movie where Christopher Plummer robs a bank dressed as Santa?
99FineLines: Pavlov's Balls
Riiiiiiis: Experiencing fear
spicyFerret_: Julie!
ExachixKitsune: A Julie!
ExachixKitsune: sugars5Fluv
Desruprot: names on balls
LathosTiran: hairnet
GazzyInferno: Apology count is at 1
hedonistic_mushroom: *Projectile Thud* Beej:"I can do this" *Louder Projectile Thud*
Just_Herby is gifting 3 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel!
Just_Herby gifted a Tier 1 sub to SethPd!
Just_Herby gifted a Tier 1 sub to Onyx_And_Roman!
Just_Herby gifted a Tier 1 sub to the_og_turtles!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Just_Herby! Welcome to SethPd, Onyx_And_Roman, and the_og_turtles! (Today's storm count: 28)
99FineLines: I was told this is Comedy that makess No Apologies.
rXpCH: We hit the cap yet ?
spicyFerret_: When (witty name) ETBs, apologize.
Simonark: Close to cap, under 100 subs to go
Wesley Ackerman: i should try writing my name on my balls, t least i can pronounce it
rXpCH: @Simonark thank you :)
hedonistic_mushroom: Got U Fam
IslandersCaper: good morning (from Nova Scotia) chat
Simonark: The end time is 2PST and we are past noon
Simonark: But not quite 12:30
MrPhlip: End time is currently 12:28, I think
rXpCH: happy to see it is such a success
hedonistic_mushroom is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 30 in the channel!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to aketsumi_!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to LilypadOwO!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lazarus2511!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to SirDabs010!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to sentrtiek!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to sorenko!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gwynn_25Bullets!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to Netasph!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bepperrs!
hedonistic_mushroom gifted a Tier 1 sub to shonkababy!
usmu1976 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 170 in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, hedonistic_mushroom! Welcome to Lazarus2511, aketsumi_, LilypadOwO, sentrtiek, sorenko, Gwynn_25Bullets, SirDabs010, Netasph, Bepperrs, and shonkababy! (Today's storm count: 38)
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to katydid450!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to DSMF!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThingsNatSays!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to AlphaShadow192!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to suburbanguitarist!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to toxictinnaa!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to coiax!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to DimitriLivE_!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to treehouse_supergun!
usmu1976 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ShadowExalted!
Aquarionics: Hey! That's me! (Nicholas)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, usmu1976! Welcome to suburbanguitarist, katydid450, coiax, DSMF, ThingsNatSays, AlphaShadow192, toxictinnaa, DimitriLivE_, treehouse_supergun, and ShadowExalted! (Today's storm count: 48)
marmalade_pen: subs!!!!
IslandersCaper: bloojCheer
99FineLines: canadians unable to say Mackeij
marmalade_pen: the maquis from tng?
Simonark: Or the Maquis from WW2
luke_warme subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months!
luke_warme: lets get this to max!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, luke_warme! (Today's storm count: 49)
99FineLines: vintage diss there
Riiiiiiis: Looking forward to Camerons great performance
marmalade_pen: very cute graham
AugmentingPath: Riiiiiiis today is, in fact, gonna be the day
jumping_point: Why did they do that again?
Riiiiiiis: jup
bisaflau: @jumping_point Kickstarter Bonus
Aquarionics: It was a kickstarter pledge option
99FineLines: The balls? It was part of the Year of LRR kickstarter.
azninsect: donk
themercenary1987: Bonk
josh___something: great foley, TERRIBLE idea XD
v_nome: That helmet hit was a good sound
ExachixKitsune: Max Loy?!
josh___something: oh hey, max!
KBKarma: Ah, the balls.
josh___something: RIGHT on the fingies
josh___something: ow
Irsaan: I want a LRR retrospective that is just "10 years of kick-ass editing"
Aquarionics: I paid CA$50 in 2013 to hit James with a tennis ball with my name on it
marmalade_pen: @Aquarionics o7
Fanklok: If it were me I would simply punch the balls back into the launcher
KBKarma: This video is the first time I ever saw Ian. I had no idea who he was.
azninsect: money well spent
99FineLines: I never thought Tennis balls would hit my face, says voter for Balls Hitting Faces party.
ArcticAtlantic: pride200
Aquarionics: Absolutely
yjzwugygswp: <message deleted>10 viewers for free for you @loadingreadyrun. Activate the code GVP-XJHM-3G6J-213R google: getvie wers pro
TheElrad: fake Ian with all the hair on his head :p
Earthenone: thanks mods
Austere_Squire: thank ye, mods
AugmentingPath: I don't know, I think that random keyboard smash might be legit
FarleyF: love that ian looks like he's ready for the hunt
ArcticAtlantic: ohno Cameron
josh___something: I mean, you are shooting a thing, in a sense
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Ian with a bit of a sea captain thing going on there, I respect it
azninsect: perfection
Fanklok: Imagine advertising such a low view bot number to a channel with hundreds of people watching
marmalade_pen: newton cradle with tennis balls and test-
NovaTiempo: Excellent
bagfullofbees: beautiful, precious Cameron
WiseGuy57: a decade ago: we will raise money by suffering physically. today: what if we just did our jobs for a week
the_phantom_game_player: What did they end up doing with all of those tennis balls?
KBKarma: Nice one, mods. Reported the nasty shit as well.
99FineLines: implying scammers make good decisions
johnobriant subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, johnobriant! (Today's storm count: 50)
Aitsu111: The only real way to play Wonderwall
TehAmelie: feeling the reverb through the guitar high on his inner thighs i bet
josh___something: good parry
RoeDent89: Best gig ever
josh___something: less good parry XD
azninsect: right in the stomach
Lord_Hosk: I remember I got the mini-creepy doll,
momalyd: I guess they are more of Blur crowd
Riiiiiiis: last one....*ouch*
KBKarma: I think this is *also* the first time I'd seen Beej.
Austere_Squire: cam is wonderful
Fanklok: Cameron is fearless in the face of balls
JJ Sandee: And mainly get to do special stuff they normally don't get time for.
BrowneePoints: I still am so mad I didn’t join the community until a couple years after this
TehAmelie: it was a wild time
Halinn: So fashionable
KBKarma: I watched some of their stop, forgot a bit before this Kickstarter, then came back a few years after it.
KBKarma: *stuff
WiseGuy57: how do I get paid to build legos and play magic on the internet
99FineLines: the birth of a Level 5 Super Judge.
Lord_Hosk: They couldn't have done this a couple years later, the community would have been too big thats why they went to the walls. But then the community got too big for that even
Austere_Squire: i think my first interaction with lrr was desert bus 2016...? but i didn't watch them more consistently until a couple years after
MrPhlip: Beej was level 5 super judge, even then
FarleyF: so are we supposed to enjoy coke from Beej's crotch - because i dont know if i want to
Pteraspidomorphi: I must have been around at the time but I don't remember any of it from then, though I've watched this video several times since
Fanklok: Beej showed you his hat, pls respond
Halinn: @MrPhlip This wasn't before he'd eliminated the competition?
azninsect: this kickstarter was before my time so discovering this and the ISC video was wild and funny :D
TheWriterAleph: balls
WiseGuy57: do I have to be charming?
themercenary1987: I love everyone's latent hockey gene got activated once the balls started firing
Tweygoh: Omg with Beej's lack of depth perception that must be hard
Riandisa: I tried to join this kickstarter, but something between kickstarter and my bank keeps declining kickstarters with foreign currencies, so I couldn't get anything in
BrowneePoints: I started watching around the Eldritch moon PPR so I guess 8 years now this month
Tuxbeej: it was initially hard to judge where to be to be in front of them.
JJ Sandee: Well there's a whole bunch of magic streamers. So it's certainly possible.
99FineLines: @Riandisa as Graham often says, the money helps, but just being here watching and talking is the real thing that matters.
Aitsu111: Oh hi beej
baltimore_667083: hi beej!
MrPhlip: I think I heard Chrusher
momalyd: what annoyed me was I've been watching LLR since 2005, but avoided Desert Bus until the 10 one. I missed out so much
IaCthulhuFthagn: @99FineLines And boy do we talk a lot of BS.
baltimore_667083: also that looks like an olympique marseille jersey
BrowneePoints: I just wonder how different things would’ve been if I’d discovered this amazing community earlier(I technically watched stuff back in the escapist days but didn’t know it was them)
MrPhlip: How are you still awake, Beej?
TehAmelie: wait, how can Beej be on the screen and in the chat at the same time
Lamebert1415: Hi Beej!
spicyFerret_: Oh hi beejbeejbeej beej!
AugmentingPath: @TehAmelie screen is on a slight delay
Tuxbeej: i might nap or I might not. We’ll see. Bus rules now apply.
TehAmelie: ah, sneaky
Lord_Hosk: @BrowneePoints The escapist really tried to bury LRR because the head guy "didnt get it"
flatluigi: i love this video so much
BrowneePoints: like, when I realized Nunchuk Jousting was them I had a flood of checkpoint and unskippable and daily drop hit my memory @lord_hosk and I’d realized I’d watched them since middle school
MaddogM: rebound hit james in the balls - as is tradition
azninsect: hahaha
GazzyInferno: DEAD ON
josh___something: GJ cori!
Jillexie: Cori
themercenary1987: GODAMN
TheWooglie: GG cori
tezzatipoca: Ian: this is terrifying! Ian 5 min later: is that all you got?
Aquarionics: GJ Cori!
The_Color_Twelve: inconSniped
bagfullofbees: nice one Cori
99FineLines: I don't know if they were "buried" but they kept trying to pay them less money. And then stopped paying everyone.
cmdrud87: victory!
hedonistic_mushroom: I came into the LRR fold for the obtuse comedy sketch but my YouTube algorithm between 2014 and 2020 never even let on that there was dank MTG content. I can't even imagine how much more happy I probably would've been in my dark times. But I am all the more happy that I am part of this community.
BrowneePoints: @99finelines Hosk was there. he knows they tried to bury them
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I missed about a year and a half of LRR content because moving really mucked my brain up and I lost track of a *lot* of stuff, coming back to them not doing sketches anymore was a shock
BrowneePoints: Hosk is an ancient and terrible wizard and former Mod
marmalade_pen: hehe she said safety
Fanklok: I remember watching LRR's first try at "this streaming thing"
BrowneePoints: retired to be a FULL TIME MEMELORD IN CHAT mattlrAngy browne26PearPride
Aquarionics: I watched the sketches sporadically after I discovered them via the 2007 Halo sketch. Escapist made it easier for me to keep track. Now I'm most a YouTube watcher because timezones suck.
tezzatipoca: "so they wont lose their face" is a good precaution in any situation
TehAmelie: i just now put together i got into LRR mid-Desert Bus 5 and spent all 2012 catching up on all their things, which was the year my mom died. i'm one of the fans who could be saying LRR saved me
bagfullofbees: oh man, I'm expecting G to get hit right in the chin
marmalade_pen: @TehAmelie <3
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
azninsect: wham
azninsect: eyyyy
BrowneePoints: I’m also in the LRR saved me camp @tehamelie
TehAmelie: can you cancan?
Lord_Hosk: @99FineLines They set it up so that the LRR videos would go up on the front page for only a few hours, then be replaced by one of the other videos. the other videos got a day to themselves or all but a couple hours on a LRR day.
TehAmelie: yaay
themercenary1987: And now Jackass
flatluigi: i haven't seen a lrr cancan line in a long time
flatluigi: timetime
spicyFerret_: I love it!
Earthenone: ahh Literally Alex
hedonistic_mushroom: Best Darth Vader Cosplay
99FineLines: decent hit rate
Aquarionics: Any plan where you lose your cloak is a bad plan
tezzatipoca: Kids this is what we did before we had VR
BrowneePoints: he killed it with the Shinai
bagfullofbees: I don't want alex to be injured, but I also reeeeally wanted to see a ball get fed straight down the maw of that horse mask
azninsect: eyyy!
TehAmelie: i'm not sure any part of the mask makes an effective cumple zone
TehAmelie: or crumple
99FineLines: you don't put a gift ball in a horse's mouth or something
flatluigi: only with consent
azninsect: ooof
azninsect: the impact noises
Tarnius: Those sound painful.
resilientspring: Good morning! Did we cap?
Ritaspirithntr: that poor guitar!
Earthenone: no cap yet
99FineLines: cap is about 70 subs away
MrPhlip: @resilientspring about an hour and 10 left
resilientspring: Nice
ExachixKitsune: this is *not* a smart plan normally
jumping_point: @Lord_Hosk This sucks so much...
azninsect: eyyyyy
bagfullofbees: what great noises
Lamebert1415: Paul is getting pummeled
99FineLines: that one struck a chord
Ard_Rhys: poor guitar, what did it do to deserve this?
TehAmelie: it would be fun if we capped out during the closing party
spicyFerret_: Guitennis
99FineLines: and they never did.
flatluigi: my favorite ch
Pteraspidomorphi: It's nearly the tennis ball 10 year anniversary
Lord_Hosk: And if you wanted your signed tennis ball. You should have claimed it 10 years ago
TehAmelie: free candy!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: this is one of my favorite cHustles
TehAmelie: and there's a show too
TacitusVigil: They're learning!
flatluigi: this episode has my favorite jumpcut across all of lrr
Noy2222: So when are they doing this again?
99FineLines: the last ten years do not suggest they have learned.
SonofThoth: Watch that be the Christmas surprise for this year is something with tennis alls
Earthenone: alex reprising his role as "kitty"
flatluigi: time for the ian mask
kohlberticus subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kohlberticus! (Today's storm count: 51)
bagfullofbees: bonus Ian
gibbousm: Ian with Hair!
leggettor: the ian costume
Inkymouse: Isn't that the first time Ian was on Commodore Hustle?
Invitare: wait yeah, Ian didn't exist yet
gibbousm: I blame society too Alex
flatluigi: it is canonically an ian mask and not actually ian
Inkymouse: aaaand he's gone again
TehAmelie: the costume changes between cuts is such understated surrealism
RubikDarkwill: Random Ian
hedonistic_mushroom: Best bit ever
99FineLines: "we're not a non-profit, we're just........not...profit."
Tweygoh: funny that this came up earlier
BluJester: definitely not a place of honour
gibbousm: which Moonbase is this at?
TehAmelie: mk 3
bagfullofbees: @gibbousm mk 3
NovaTiempo: eep
bagfullofbees: mk 3 was the tall one
flatluigi: i love this episode so much
hedonistic_mushroom: Watching Alex throughout that whole bit
99FineLines: Bill was the tall one.
spicyFerret_: I would expect better trigger discipline from alex
asthanius: oh the dune popcorn bucket
flatluigi: i'm glad lrr predicted the dune popcorn bucket
flatluigi: gdi asthanius
asthanius: lol
BrowneePoints: Chustle Alex is a chaos gremlin @spicyferret_
Earthenone: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
TehAmelie: every time i see that stairway i just think of James' "sup c**ksuckers" story
gibbousm: Halloween is about eating ass?
flatluigi: @gibbousm with consent!
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSPOOP
Aquarionics: Those minutes haven't got any less spooky.
gibbousm: @flatluigi Of course, always with consent
flatluigi: here we go
bagfullofbees: first time I saw this sketch, I thought they were saying awful, not offal
TheWriterAleph: LUL
GhostValv: D:
Aitsu111: The Candy Core
Carlioo: subcritical gobstopper is my band's name
hackingducks: yum zone
99FineLines: "yum zone"
spicyFerret_: @browneepoints chaos gremlin and proper gun handling are not mutually exclusive! See: my sister lmao
Zatengo: (fires)
TehAmelie: what's the word for two words that sound the same and mean the same thing having different spelling? "English"
ThePixelSavage: is this pre-conscient laff-a-thron?
flatluigi: my FAVORITE jumpcut
Desruprot: weaponized Candy
bagfullofbees: yuup
99FineLines: this is mid-arc laff-o-tron
BrowneePoints: okay fair. The Chustle characters are caricatures of themselves @spicyferret_
hackingducks: @TehAmelie homophones
Inkymouse: Why would you need toner for party?
gibbousm: How else would you order offal Graham is not by volume?
Pteraspidomorphi: Inkymouse: Printing UN climate change meeting minutes?
Desruprot: every night Pinky, Try and take over the world
TehAmelie: i'll stick with "English"
Aquarionics: @gibbousm By weight
bagfullofbees: @gibbousm by quantity of sheep slaughtered to produce it
gibbousm: @Aquarionics now that just sounds rediculous
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: the loading time for this one was great too
BrowneePoints: they are called organ “meats” so I assume by weight?
flatluigi: oo, great friday nights. time for the getalong sweather
darkcyril: @bagfullofbees Americans will use everything bu the metric system.
flatluigi: sweater*
micalovits: You should order them by length
bagfullofbees: like, imagine 7.81 sheep's worth of offal
ArcticAtlantic: ooh i love this episode
Aquarionics: Possibly by the metre
BrowneePoints: throwin it back now means something different just a few years later
flatluigi: this intro is pretty fun
TheWriterAleph: LUL
BrowneePoints: good bit
hackingducks: @darkcyril america uses the metric system. we just use a weird form of it.
FarleyF: this is what 2 moonbases ago
bagfullofbees: @FarleyF yup
ArcticAtlantic: i think this is a Gibb episode
Lord_Hosk: 3 D 5 now 6
leggettor: A-hole landlord moonbase iirc
bagfullofbees: this is delta
99FineLines: looks like they left a lampshade behind
TehAmelie: current moonbase: mark 6 (3 in the US)
99FineLines: !moonbasenumber
BrowneePoints: wow…I started watching them just a few months after this…
LoadingReadyRun: We've got about 15 minutes left on the overnight, then I'll take the stream down for just a moment before coffee time!
micalovits: Oh yea, the "get up early" joke is great
gibbousm: thats poor role modeling Graham, putting pressure on your staff to get in so early
LoadingReadyRun: We've got about 15 minutes left on the overnight, then I'll take the stream down for just a moment before coffee time!
TXC2 returns!
Lord_Hosk: Does Bill's house count as the first moonbase even though it wasnt Moonbase Mark 1? have there been 6 or 7 moonbases?
BrowneePoints: YKnow I wonder HOW I didn’t stumble into Friday nights with as much magic as I played back then
bagfullofbees: I'm looking forward to Cam and Alex sharing a giant shirt
LoadingReadyRun: I think Bills house was Moonbase 0
RockPusher: well well well fancy seeing you here TXC2
Furyfire: Mornin all
LoadingReadyRun: Or maybe Proto Moonbase?
azninsect: you MOCK me sir
TXC2: hi RockPusher
josh___something: Nelly!
TXC2: hello Furyfire welcome
BrowneePoints: the Ur-Base
baltimore_667083: nelly!
josh___something: And serge?
Invitare: Serge is speaking my language
TehAmelie: Bill's parent's basement, the mark -1?
spicyFerret_: 5 color good stuff!
incslayer: but serge isnt in Friday Nights!
Desruprot: Serge is clearly Judging this event
99FineLines: Bill was a Mobile Orbital Platform by aerospace law
Furyfire: o7
Decaped: Sooorry
gibbousm: oh no
ArcticAtlantic: hehehehe
flatluigi: i love serge in this segment
TXC2: Calax !
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: ah, the 0th PPR
BrowneePoints: I remember this prerelease!
bagfullofbees: check out that stitching
thatguysteve2709: How much time we need to get to the end now?
TheWriterAleph: put calax back through the transporter, please
flatluigi: i think about the 'hmMM?' and the "HMmmmm." a bunch
gibbousm: remember when Judge Shirts were good?\
AragornKeuken: Ooh, my favourite Friday Night!
99FineLines: judge shirts were never good but some of them looked better than others.
NornsFelidar: remember judge proprogram existed?
frnknstn: 30 mins is a short deckbuild for me
BrowneePoints: man I did this prerelease in the tiniest side room at an lgs I’ve ever played in
gibbousm: wait, was that Adam as an extra?
BrowneePoints: legit had claustrophobia the entire time
RockPusher: lrrGibb
flatluigi: lrrGibb
azninsect: lrrGibb
TehAmelie: hmm was Gatewatch when they started building up the five planeswalkers gang as the main characters of Magic?
DeM0nFiRe: lrrGibb
definenull: lrrGibb
ThePixelSavage: @99FineLines they sure look good on Serge duggerShy
ArcticAtlantic: lrrGibb
glitched_goddess: I really wish I kept my boxes from oath.
Furyfire: lrrGibb
gluonquark: lrrGibb
TXC2: lrrGibb
themercenary1987: Gibb!
josh___something: lrrGibb lrrGibb lrrGibb
gibbousm: Gibb <3
Furyfire: LUL
definenull: LUL
ExachixKitsune: sergeOwl
ArcticAtlantic: hehehehehe
FarleyF: you mean to tell me Graham is the voice behind gibb - situation broken
99FineLines: 2spoopy
TXC2: good frump face from Serge
TehAmelie: good lrrFRUMP from Serge
trainpants: good bit
josh___something: God I love that scene
TehAmelie: whoa, nice drift
definenull: i mean this video is proof the Graham isn't Gibb
frnknstn: my fav Gibb video was the Switch release night video
ExachixKitsune: Jo in the background! sergeThankJo
RockPusher: sergeThankJo
BrowneePoints: this prerelease also made me haaaaaate 2hg sealed
josh___something: @definenull wdym, that's always been established
TehAmelie: that'd be silly, like saying Jim Hensen is Kermit
ArcticAtlantic: Serge!
flatluigi: thank you serge
TXC2: if anything Gibb pilots Graham
Astramentha: lrrSERGE
gibbousm: lrrSERGE <3
RockPusher: sergeHi
spicyFerret_: lrrJUDGE
flatluigi: hmm? hmm.
definenull: hmm lrrAWW
Sunidesus: poor sad Serge
jumping_point: Awww. xD
DeathWarrior555: lrrSERGE
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART
TXC2: hello RandomTrivia welcome
flatluigi: gdqClap
azninsect: RandomTrivia VoHiYo
hedonistic_mushroom: In the Philippines, PRs in 2000s were held in two venues in the North and South of the Capital. Imagine around 500 people lining up to get into a mall in the morning in the middle of summer. The line of people trying to get their DCI number cards.
RandomTrivia: Made it back just in time for The Final CoffeeDown
Simonark: Wait, is Jo playing Jer White?
themercenary1987: hElLo jAmEs
Simonark: That hat seems familiar.
DeM0nFiRe: rpgSleep
FarleyF: funny enough thats the scene playing right now
RandomTrivia: lrrGIBB
RandomTrivia: lrrGibb
gibbousm: lrrGibb lrrPAUL
flatluigi: i want like a ten minute video of gibb and beej playing mtg
micalovits: Slintertwin Gibb! Lets go!
TheWriterAleph: LUL
warpstonewarlock: oh god, splinter twin
josh___something: @hedonistic_mushroom In SUMMER... dear lord, do they want to be fried filipino?
Earthenone: yes this one!
themercenary1987: Yes, Yes I Am
RandomTrivia: YEESSSSS
ADTalks: Twin, so fun and interactive
RoeDent89: Couch!
definenull: gibb in beejlander when
Inkymouse: COUCH
Furyfire: 2013 - SO YOUNG
DeathWarrior555: COUCH!
ExachixKitsune: Couch!
josh___something: COUCH!
marmalade_pen: sofa!
Didero: oh no, this one is over a decade old? D:
RandomTrivia: Another absolute classic
TehAmelie: the gold standard of sketch comedy here
TXC2: ah yes the Couch AKA me when I was 15 :p
99FineLines: did this one win awards?
spicyFerret_: Couch my beloved
Riiiiiiis: is goood
ExachixKitsune: @Didero : the couch that defies time and space
BrowneePoints: I just got flashbacks to my 22nd
Fanklok: Can Gibb read?
Lord_Hosk: The loading time for this was better than the video
TehAmelie: hmm i know The Pair won awards
Oakinwode subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Oakinwode! (Today's storm count: 52)
forcedreject: If this doesn't seugeway into james being on coach in the morning...
azninsect: oh hey The Couch
emberBecky: man this has to be one of the first sketches I saw new
marmalade_pen: this one won the lrrscars eleven years in a row
TheElrad: ooh, 11 years ago, I was 27 then :P
bagfullofbees: aw man, I was gonna go to bed but I've gotta stick around for the couch
TXC2: Fanklok he read's tweets at least
popcatholic: @Lord_Hosk agreed! it was so goofy seeing them setting up those shots
RoeDent89: We must be close to the cap now
Just_Herby: An absolute classic
Nathan Longhair: Yay the couch
LoadingReadyRun: Like... just over an hour left to cap
ThePixelSavage: @TheElrad me too ... oh god duggerSweat
BrowneePoints: did yall know when all the bar goers know your older siblings you get like 25 shots on your birthday?
TXC2: 75 mins ish to the cap
Furyfire: Oh that's right, we got Ians Roast today too
RoeDent89: Oh that slightly more than I thought
BrowneePoints: how I didn’t get a hangover I’ll never know
Irsaan: How many of us are waiting until there's like 10 left and hoping to snipe the cap?
99FineLines: this was a punishing shoot because they had to do like six full set builds, including a christmas scene.
AugmentingPath: Vancrevou
EMNetwork: i owned that couch....
TheElrad: @ThePixelSavage I'm grabbing on to that 3 in front for life XD
Riiiiiiis: @Irsaan schhhh.....
KilrenKrae: Did we hit cap?
TXC2: KilrenKrae not yet
Irsaan: @KilrenKrae ~70 left
ThePixelSavage: @TheElrad duggerMmhmm
marmalade_pen: why do you have dog hair in a bottle
Halinn: This one is fun
ThorSokar: haha, this skit is so good
TehAmelie: it's always a nice summer day at least
AragornKeuken: @99FineLines Not to mention dragging a couch into the middle of nowhere
definenull: OH NO
themercenary1987: 1.316 hours left to hit cap
99FineLines: I mean who throws a shoe, honestly??
bisaflau is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 24 in the channel!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to Aarquus!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to SonicFox!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to klug_alters!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to bangbangg001!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to ravencrowrpg417!
marmalade_pen: no ones ever judged me for drinking non-alcoholic but that "really?" gets to me
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, bisaflau! Welcome to Aarquus, klug_alters, ravencrowrpg417, SonicFox, and bangbangg001! (Today's storm count: 57)
TehAmelie: umm what is that in minutes?
TXC2: bisaflau lrrHEART
RockPusher: I really like James' work on this sketch lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: I love the big misdirect with this segment
bagfullofbees: @RockPusher it's pretty peak
bisaflau: 65 left to go :D
hackingducks: that one's a real jerk move
Furyfire: Ohj no
Furyfire: XD
gibbousm: wow, the couch fit in the car, neat
loufghyslaufey: Heh
josh___something: imagine if the couch stayed there
definenull: man James should really pursue a career in this
loufghyslaufey: James was appalled
ThePixelSavage: if it worked he wouldve have trapped himself in a locked room ...
Diabore: the couch misses you james
andvuaranaut: im pretty sure at this point i would tried to rob a bank and then escape by drinking alcohol
TheElrad: I think James has access to to a mini van
Ritaspirithntr: ummmmm
Decaped: Love the Primer ref
RandomTrivia: They so carefully set up the whole "wake up in a storage locker" thing but I love that fakeout that the couch cannot be contained
loufghyslaufey: & on Crimmus twoes?
TehAmelie: i think Paul was talking up Menthor there
TehAmelie: the lord of freshness
definenull: RIP
Desruprot: limesBlink
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Riiiiiiis: lol
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TXC2: what a nice day on Xmas
definenull: LUL
azninsect: HypeLUL
RealGamerCow: fart chair
loufghyslaufey: Wait, did he just- "time-slip into the couch!?
RoeDent89: Fartsponge
nyoomgoom: chair :0
Carlioo: hah, forgot the end
Spades_Slicc: free furniture
spicyFerret_: Bus chair!
SimplyDaveMN: Seems like he could make a fortune selling secondhand couches.
Didero: Wait, why did that say 'copyright 2015'?
NornsFelidar: nice weather for Christmas!
NeuterCommuter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NeuterCommuter! (Today's storm count: 58)
Furyfire: Christmas... in Canada
RoeDent89: And thanks for the watchalong
Desruprot: the couch clearly its own dimension
TXC2: Didero it was reuploaded
Furyfire: :D
marmalade_pen: beej being a chair turtle in the behind the scenes
definenull: dawn of the last day?
99FineLines: think it was an Escapist video that they had to rerelease in 2015
LoadingReadyRun: Ok, stream is going offline for a second
ExachixKitsune: goodbye stream, I'll miss you
Irsaan: lrrFINE
Didero: @TXC2 Oh,that kind of makes sense, thanks
bagfullofbees: @Furyfire it's more likely than you think
Sunidesus: I'm curious how hot that couch got during the time it took to film all that
Lord_Hosk: wait that was 2013? I thought it was later
ExachixKitsune: lrrFINE cakejuFine
PMAvers: Rotate. Those. Cushions!
mljesus6222: bye stream
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun 1. times up Kappa
northos: lrrFINE
TehAmelie: really a sad commentary about how society makes it incredibly hard to not drink hehe he's going to assemble a whole house around the couch and live there
RockPusher: Streamcycling
dagonlan931: Matt broke it..
LoadingReadyRun: Ok, we should be back
j_crane330: Hi sergeHeart sergeSergeBanner sergePeek sergeGift
RandomTrivia: lrrSIG !
hedonistic_mushroom: Readying my Gift Sub Launcher...
ADTalks: lrrFINE
Earthenone: lrrSIG
definenull: lrrSIG !
northos: lrrSIG
frnknstn: lrrSIG
Irsaan: lrrSIG lrrSIG
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
Ashmantle: lrrSIG
medmora: lrrSIG
DeathWarrior555: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG
josh___something: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
mljesus6222: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Desruprot: lrrSPOOPY We are back
Riandisa: xivCactuar
ArrestedHouse: lrrSIG
GazzyInferno: lrrSIG
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
16AngryBears: lrrSIG
ArcticAtlantic: lrrSIG
Irsaan: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
snowewolf: sub a thon end?
Furyfire: lrrSIG
emberBecky: lrrPistachio
RandomTrivia: DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY sergeHeart jlrrIronball lrrHEART
Astramentha: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
Cunobelenos: lrrSIG
Furyfire: Still got about 7 hours
jordorowsky: Morning y'all
Thane1607: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
aitsu100: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
j_crane330: Hi sergeHeart sergeGift sergePeek sergeSergeBanner HSCheers
Jean_Jacques_EB: lrrARROWS lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
jolly6100: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Desruprot: 8 hours remain
TXC2: hello jordorowsky welcome
Tweygoh: lrrARROWS
GrassVortex: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
DeathWarrior555: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
hypperstar2280: Dawn of the final day 7 hours remain.
Inkymouse: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
hackingducks: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
Irsaan: lrrJUDGECALL
josh___something: PopGhost PopGhost PopGhost
medmora: lrrJAMES
jacqui_lantern234: morning friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!! <3
forcedreject: and now we cut to james on a couch
Irsaan: @jacqui_lantern234 lrrSHINE
cle0deen: Hi
bagfullofbees: ok, I'm taking this chance to actually leave and go to bed before I get sucked into another segment. Bye y'all!
josh___something: Hi Jacqui!
Lord_Hosk: They are never coming back! The subathon burned down LRR forever!
lirazel64: Are we at pizza yet?
TXC2: so long bagfullofbees sleep well
Riiiiiiis: @bagfullofbees do it, and sleep well
Irsaan: @bagfullofbees bye have a good sleep !
HesGotNoPants: I remember the first dawn of the final day back on wensday
TXC2: lirazel64 not yet
tezzatipoca: *buffetted by the aggressiveness of your love* ow
Desruprot: @bagfullofbees hopefully that segment doesn't have a couch
ProcyonFlynn: Happy Coffee Everyone penaddCoffee penaddCrab penaddCoffee
cle0deen: Night night @bagfullofbees
CmdrMadMoe: @lirazel64 Not yet, we're at soup
TXC2: blip
Booster6: Good morning all
TXC2: here we GO!
DeathWarrior555: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
RockPusher: Hello!
TehAmelie: halo
Didero: Hello!
Tweygoh: every time
incslayer: Hello
frnknstn is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 30 in the channel!
RandomTrivia: So many friends today!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to Brennander!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to shotgunsplicer!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to TaylorHistory!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to dtb_haades!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to realityyyx!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to gl0ckalacka!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to Alyindar!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to m1gr3nA_!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to yngbld1!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to Exoulos!
azninsect: hello!
PharaohBender27: Morning!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, frnknstn! Welcome to Brennander, shotgunsplicer, TaylorHistory, Alyindar, dtb_haades, realityyyx, gl0ckalacka, m1gr3nA_, Exoulos, and yngbld1! (Today's storm count: 68)
pn55: seabatClap
TXC2: frnknstn lrrHEART
Lupus2253 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
Riiiiiiis is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 12 in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lupus2253! (Today's storm count: 69)
TheWooglie: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
josh___something: Oh bonus kathleen?
Riiiiiiis gifted a Tier 1 sub to its_north_or_nothing!
Riiiiiiis gifted a Tier 1 sub to Majolic_!
Riiiiiiis gifted a Tier 1 sub to Thrancat!
Riiiiiiis gifted a Tier 1 sub to dramabug01!
Riiiiiiis gifted a Tier 1 sub to TonyMRTN!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Riiiiiiis! Welcome to its_north_or_nothing, dramabug01, Majolic_, Thrancat, and TonyMRTN! (Today's storm count: 74)
jumping_point: Heya!
Molator: hi
definenull: ooh this is a very good squad of friends
TheAinMAP: Hello.
Riandisa: Good morning
tezzatipoca: lrrSHINE lrrARROWS
Irsaan is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 66 in the channel!
TXC2: Riiiiiiis lrrHEART
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to hriior_cthulhu!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to MurkHound!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nihilist_Zealot!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to 1s4cG!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to evilpadre1!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to raisinraisin!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to lills_streams!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to lockneff!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to callmekylo_za!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to NipTweak!
FarleyF: It's the charlies angels of LRR
Earthenone: is this time for teen girls on the street?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Irsaan! Welcome to hriior_cthulhu, Nihilist_Zealot, lills_streams, lockneff, MurkHound, NipTweak, 1s4cG, evilpadre1, raisinraisin, and callmekylo_za! (Today's storm count: 84)
snowewolf: Morning
Jillexie is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 41 in the channel!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to mommahelly!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to RoseAce!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to azipfer!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to daxmaxter!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZuNy77!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jillexie! Welcome to ZuNy77, mommahelly, azipfer, daxmaxter, and RoseAce! (Today's storm count: 89)
trainpants: good morrow
Irsaan: get it y'all
Makhiel is paying forward the Gift they got from raulghoulia to the community!
Makhiel is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
the_phantom_game_player: Hello
Makhiel gifted a Tier 1 sub to MarykaOniki!
Makhiel gifted a Tier 1 sub to sig__man!
Makhiel gifted a Tier 1 sub to Drek2U!
Makhiel gifted a Tier 1 sub to Baijson!
Makhiel gifted a Tier 1 sub to aethergearhulk!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Makhiel! Welcome to MarykaOniki, sig__man, Drek2U, Baijson, and aethergearhulk! (Today's storm count: 94)
TXC2: Irsaan lrrHEART
marmalade_pen: hello lovely people
Furyfire: Almost time for Ian's meat! To eat.
RockPusher is gifting 69 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
definenull: here come the sub artillery
TXC2: Jillexie lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: Ah, here comes the carpet sub-bombing :D
TehAmelie: whatever deities people bring into the privacy of their bedroom is their affair
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to gildo443!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to bacchusboy023!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to happyflowerguy!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to UnitB216!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to nopalrexx!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to prisongamer_05!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to creeperhunter788!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to HickMessiah!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to stimie!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Iam_Jose10!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to EZ_Stevie!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rarden!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to baebipie!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Samuelate99!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nanny!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to TureTapir!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vezon46!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Buffalol10!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to justmayo_!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to CaseofTastykakes!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to TurboIsGoneee!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to n0mistake91!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Karnasis_MtG!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to sabby_abby!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to WastedSaturday!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to aavanin!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to JimmeeC!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mynameislondon!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to MelindaWoodring!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Its_Rifleman!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheAntiEnemy!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheMadKoW!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to WaffleUnleashed!
OVERKiLL!: 🔹️🔹️🔹️🔷️ 💙
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Heart
jacqui_lantern234: ok so who's gonna be aiming their water-balloons at James's balls? :p
definenull: glad you were able to meet it in the middle
gluonquark: PIZZA!!!!!
TehAmelie: James could have been both roasted and dunked
RandomTrivia: lrrDARK
RockPusher: lrrDARK
the_phantom_game_player: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
nyoomgoom: can we make a dunk tank happen at some point though 👀
TXC2: Desruprot lrrHEART
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
AugmentingPath: sticky, burning fluid
definenull: kathleen no
99FineLines: could be a Desert Bus thing
TheElrad: oooh, what if you put napalm in the balloons?
corpocracy: milk based napalm
harke_: I think boiling would pop the balloons?
josh___something: Kathleen, you're making it worse
KWardJenx: Friends?
Simonark: I’d love it if, after the balloons, you have another countdown with a random image you never ever explain or acknowledge. “A Horse in a lab coat for 500 subs?”
Metalupis: yay friends
TXC2: ExachixKitsune thanks for that, when did desertbus log in? :p
BrowneePoints: you should put food coloring in the balloons and make a collage of James’ pain!
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 626 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to TalkingNonsense2!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to dareth_shiral!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to callmewallet!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hanshenkjes!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to BCal!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to sleepyboi1o1!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dra456_!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to jonno98!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to CarterJWallace!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to la_croixlover!
jacqui_lantern234: as someone who's hand a severe burn at age 3, theyre SUPER NOT FUN
RockPusher: Excellent friend selection
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to sleepyboi1o1, jonno98, CarterJWallace, TalkingNonsense2, dareth_shiral, callmewallet, Hanshenkjes, BCal, Dra456_, and la_croixlover! (Today's storm count: 107)
TXC2: Hello Jordynne, Heather, James and KAthleen
ExachixKitsune: hehehehe TXC2
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
aitsu100: I love James and the Chaos Gremlins
GhostValv: cheer510
HesGotNoPants: Dunk serge in a coffee Kathleen
Herbert_Erpaderp: They've been real good streams
RoeDent89: Pizza
Avery316 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Avery316: finally in a position where I can resubscribe, thanks for awesome content
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Avery316! (Today's storm count: 108)
cle0deen: Breakfast pizza
AugmentingPath: 12:31pm
Booster6: Kathleen doing her make up coffee with james
BrookJustBones: Serge 1v1 a treatza pizza as well?
Simonark: These morning streams have been really great and very well done, James, you should be proud of the results.
Desruprot: limesShrug
jonno98: @red_shoes_jeff thanka for the sub.
RandomTrivia: THAT is what I meant by "Heather knows what's up" :D
RockPusher: jlrrCai jlrrLlou seabatUseless
TheWriterAleph: jlrrNo
lirazel64: How much more do we have to go?
red_shoes_jeff: @jonno98 benginFingers
TheAinMAP: jlrrNo
simplydavemn: #MoistenJames
Wolfstrike_NL: Could we get Sarah over in time for the waterballooning?
IslandersCaper: Cheer400
Ugunark: Jordan killing it with the fit every day
TheElrad: does James have to sing the Caiou song while getting waterballoned?
99FineLines: is waterballooning permitted by the Geneva Convention?
Furyfire: BlanketFort
definenull: burrito kathleen
micalovits: Kathleen... Didn't you write the high tide bit?
TheWooglie: will Ashley be here for the water balloons?
nyoomgoom: stretch goal where kathleen gets a nice relaxing day
nqbw: Cheer400
lirazel64: Cheer1000 Cheer100 Cheer100
RoeDent89: To the wiki!
Furyfire: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Irsaan: Who?
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
NornsFelidar: morning James is ruthless
hypperstar2280: So how was everyone's childhood
Furyfire: Survive James Conversation
hypperstar2280: Damn he beat me to it
simplydavemn: James doing an unboxing stream - unboxing childhood trauma.
Furyfire: Achievement
RandomTrivia: OOF
PharaohBender27: Oooof
cle0deen: Brutalism? Kathleen's in
RockPusher: James, Y‽
TXC2: I was also up at 4am today :p
Metalupis: btw, Kathleen, hyped to hear about book progress
BigDaddyBland87: As I called it one day...Coffee (and Counseling) with James
Angreed66: this seems to be a trend. I also woke up at 4
Pteraspidomorphi: I had a great full night of sleep, which was *not* the case throughout the week
RockPusher: [says the person who just woke up from a nap to do a 1am to 9am]
CraziestOwl: I woke up at 3am
definenull: oh no D:
thejester5411: Well I woke up at midnight and I'm actually going back to sleep. Hope you guys can roll me into slumber.
the_phantom_game_player: Its fine
thejester5411: Loll
TheWooglie: oopsy boingo is a great phrase
TXC2: thejester5411 sleep well
cle0deen: Oopsie boingo has become a full part of my vocabulary btw
Driosenth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
Driosenth: Have Ian or alex build a slingshot to absolutely lauch water balloons at James?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Driosenth! (Today's storm count: 109)
TacitusVigil: Too early!
RockPusher: Heather with my strategy :D
doormar: Good morning from Hamilton, Jordynne
nyoomgoom: shoutouts to beej hanging out in chat during the overnight watchalong and going like "I LOV MY EIFFEE" at that commodore hustle bit where heather deleted the internetless stream vods
RoeDent89: It was a dark and stormy night
Didero: Humblebrag :p
Lord_Hosk: Alex, and now Kathleen and Jordynn are set to be on late night followed by early morning
hedonistic_mushroom: This has been the best weekend for this to happen. I am wholeheartedly thankful for LRRs hard work.
RockPusher: James "Boring & Nice" Turner lrrHEART
Tarnius: How dare you flex on us James
flatluigi: @nyoomgoom
BrookJustBones: Jordyne is still experiencing it
cle0deen: @rockpusher hahahahaha
incslayer: what about vimeo?
RoeDent89: How was your adulthood?
nyoomgoom: @flatluigi that's the one lol
ExachixKitsune: livestreamed therapy is probably not an audience that should exist
crushcastles23 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months, currently on a 73 month streak!
crushcastles23: I know I'm late, but I made it for some
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, crushcastles23! (Today's storm count: 110)
SnowBuddy18: Those discussions are reserved for the gods and my therapist
NornsFelidar: sir booxalot?
Sunidesus: different books for different moods
thebeardedpadre subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thebeardedpadre! (Today's storm count: 111)
RockPusher: How about writing books? lrrDARK
micalovits: I CANNOT read more than once at the same time
hackingducks: I can do it, but I hate doing it, because my brain wants to mix the books into one book.
TheWooglie: love murderbot
jpost042: hell yeah Murderbot
Earthenone: what are your bad reads? goodreads sound so tame :P
LJ_Alkes: im trying to force myself to read pathfinder 2e remastered rules, begginings are the hardest :D
nevermore913: I can only do one at a time
ProcyonFlynn: Yes! Muderbot lrrSHINE
RockPusher: … the eyes… are the best part?????!
Lamebert1415: Murderbot is a great series
Kidror: Hell yeah Vampire Chronicles and Murderbot
hypperstar2280: We should play who can tell what has been moved around the background of the set!
frnknstn: Niice ee cummings
TheWooglie: Babel is great
99FineLines: !upnext
jacqui_lantern234: hehehehehe "cummings"
TehAmelie: i used to literally have books open with books on top of them in my lap
Metalupis: Murderbot are great books
hedonistic_mushroom: I am reading through all of MTG's published available stories...
Earthenone: Thick cummings, yup sure is a lrr morning show
TehAmelie: now, i'm proud i've read almost three whole books this summer
99FineLines: !next
hedonistic_mushroom: I'm only at Theros
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Coffee w/ James & Guests at Sat 06:00 AM PDT (21m ago).
TehAmelie: hey, i read that
jacqui_lantern234: @hedonistic_mushroom i LOVE The Ros! T Heros was such a fun set :p
djalternative: oh hey we hit pizza!
ThirdGames: I'm reading Frankenstein for the first time and it's pretty awesome. Not at all what I had been expecting.
BrookJustBones: @djalternative It is a countdown to pizza
RandomTrivia: @djalternative Not yet, overlay is counting DOWN
djalternative: ah. okay
nevermore913: Gotta be close to cap
micalovits: I could see how that could be understood as "We got pizza, counting down to icecream"
NovaTiempo: OHYEA
RandomTrivia: O_o
An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to zagreus11!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to zagreus11! (Today's storm count: 112)
jacqui_lantern234: OH MY
TXC2: nevermore913 we're past the cap, on to pizza stretch gaol
jacqui_lantern234: im just waking up, Jordynne
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to nevermore913!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nevermore913! (Today's storm count: 113)
TehAmelie: ShowLove100 for the 'za