BrowneePoints: wow…I started watching them just a few months after this…
LoadingReadyRun: We've got about 15 minutes left on the overnight, then I'll take the stream down for just a moment before coffee time!
micalovits: Oh yea, the "get up early" joke is great
gibbousm: thats poor role modeling Graham, putting pressure on your staff to get in so early
LoadingReadyRun: We've got about 15 minutes left on the overnight, then I'll take the stream down for just a moment before coffee time!
TXC2 returns!
Lord_Hosk: Does Bill's house count as the first moonbase even though it wasnt Moonbase Mark 1? have there been 6 or 7 moonbases?
BrowneePoints: YKnow I wonder HOW I didn’t stumble into Friday nights with as much magic as I played back then
bagfullofbees: I'm looking forward to Cam and Alex sharing a giant shirt
LoadingReadyRun: I think Bills house was Moonbase 0
RockPusher: well well well fancy seeing you here TXC2
Furyfire: Mornin all
LoadingReadyRun: Or maybe Proto Moonbase?
azninsect: you MOCK me sir
TXC2: hi RockPusher
josh___something: Nelly!
TXC2: hello Furyfire welcome
BrowneePoints: the Ur-Base
baltimore_667083: nelly!
josh___something: And serge?
Invitare: Serge is speaking my language
TehAmelie: Bill's parent's basement, the mark -1?
spicyFerret_: 5 color good stuff!
incslayer: but serge isnt in Friday Nights!
Desruprot: Serge is clearly Judging this event
99FineLines: Bill was a Mobile Orbital Platform by aerospace law
Furyfire: o7
Decaped: Sooorry
gibbousm: oh no
ArcticAtlantic: hehehehe
flatluigi: i love serge in this segment
TXC2: Calax !
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: ah, the 0th PPR
BrowneePoints: I remember this prerelease!
bagfullofbees: check out that stitching
thatguysteve2709: How much time we need to get to the end now?
TheWriterAleph: put calax back through the transporter, please
flatluigi: i think about the 'hmMM?' and the "HMmmmm." a bunch
gibbousm: remember when Judge Shirts were good?\
AragornKeuken: Ooh, my favourite Friday Night!
99FineLines: judge shirts were never good but some of them looked better than others.
NornsFelidar: remember judge proprogram existed?
frnknstn: 30 mins is a short deckbuild for me
BrowneePoints: man I did this prerelease in the tiniest side room at an lgs I’ve ever played in
gibbousm: wait, was that Adam as an extra?
BrowneePoints: legit had claustrophobia the entire time
RockPusher: lrrGibb
flatluigi: lrrGibb
azninsect: lrrGibb
TehAmelie: hmm was Gatewatch when they started building up the five planeswalkers gang as the main characters of Magic?
DeM0nFiRe: lrrGibb
definenull: lrrGibb
ThePixelSavage: @99FineLines they sure look good on Serge duggerShy
ArcticAtlantic: lrrGibb
glitched_goddess: I really wish I kept my boxes from oath.
Furyfire: lrrGibb
gluonquark: lrrGibb
TXC2: lrrGibb
themercenary1987: Gibb!
josh___something: lrrGibb lrrGibb lrrGibb
gibbousm: Gibb <3
Furyfire: LUL
definenull: LUL
ExachixKitsune: sergeOwl
ArcticAtlantic: hehehehehe
FarleyF: you mean to tell me Graham is the voice behind gibb - situation broken
99FineLines: 2spoopy
TXC2: good frump face from Serge
TehAmelie: good lrrFRUMP from Serge
trainpants: good bit
josh___something: God I love that scene
TehAmelie: whoa, nice drift
definenull: i mean this video is proof the Graham isn't Gibb
frnknstn: my fav Gibb video was the Switch release night video
ExachixKitsune: Jo in the background! sergeThankJo
RockPusher: sergeThankJo
BrowneePoints: this prerelease also made me haaaaaate 2hg sealed
josh___something: @definenull wdym, that's always been established
TehAmelie: that'd be silly, like saying Jim Hensen is Kermit
ArcticAtlantic: Serge!
flatluigi: thank you serge
TXC2: if anything Gibb pilots Graham
Astramentha: lrrSERGE
gibbousm: lrrSERGE <3
RockPusher: sergeHi
spicyFerret_: lrrJUDGE
flatluigi: hmm? hmm.
definenull: hmm lrrAWW
Sunidesus: poor sad Serge
jumping_point: Awww. xD
DeathWarrior555: lrrSERGE
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART
TXC2: hello RandomTrivia welcome
flatluigi: gdqClap
azninsect: RandomTrivia VoHiYo
hedonistic_mushroom: In the Philippines, PRs in 2000s were held in two venues in the North and South of the Capital. Imagine around 500 people lining up to get into a mall in the morning in the middle of summer. The line of people trying to get their DCI number cards.
RandomTrivia: Made it back just in time for The Final CoffeeDown
Simonark: Wait, is Jo playing Jer White?
themercenary1987: hElLo jAmEs
Simonark: That hat seems familiar.
DeM0nFiRe: rpgSleep
FarleyF: funny enough thats the scene playing right now
RandomTrivia: lrrGIBB
RandomTrivia: lrrGibb
gibbousm: lrrGibb lrrPAUL
flatluigi: i want like a ten minute video of gibb and beej playing mtg
micalovits: Slintertwin Gibb! Lets go!
TheWriterAleph: LUL
warpstonewarlock: oh god, splinter twin
josh___something: @hedonistic_mushroom In SUMMER... dear lord, do they want to be fried filipino?
Earthenone: yes this one!
themercenary1987: Yes, Yes I Am
RandomTrivia: YEESSSSS
ADTalks: Twin, so fun and interactive
RoeDent89: Couch!
definenull: gibb in beejlander when
Inkymouse: COUCH
Furyfire: 2013 - SO YOUNG
DeathWarrior555: COUCH!
ExachixKitsune: Couch!
josh___something: COUCH!
marmalade_pen: sofa!
Didero: oh no, this one is over a decade old? D:
RandomTrivia: Another absolute classic
TehAmelie: the gold standard of sketch comedy here
TXC2: ah yes the Couch AKA me when I was 15 :p
99FineLines: did this one win awards?
spicyFerret_: Couch my beloved
Riiiiiiis: is goood
ExachixKitsune: @Didero : the couch that defies time and space
BrowneePoints: I just got flashbacks to my 22nd
Fanklok: Can Gibb read?
Lord_Hosk: The loading time for this was better than the video
TehAmelie: hmm i know The Pair won awards
Oakinwode subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Oakinwode! (Today's storm count: 52)
forcedreject: If this doesn't seugeway into james being on coach in the morning...
azninsect: oh hey The Couch
emberBecky: man this has to be one of the first sketches I saw new
marmalade_pen: this one won the lrrscars eleven years in a row
TheElrad: ooh, 11 years ago, I was 27 then :P
bagfullofbees: aw man, I was gonna go to bed but I've gotta stick around for the couch
TXC2: Fanklok he read's tweets at least
popcatholic: @Lord_Hosk agreed! it was so goofy seeing them setting up those shots
RoeDent89: We must be close to the cap now
Just_Herby: An absolute classic
Nathan Longhair: Yay the couch
LoadingReadyRun: Like... just over an hour left to cap
ThePixelSavage: @TheElrad me too ... oh god duggerSweat
BrowneePoints: did yall know when all the bar goers know your older siblings you get like 25 shots on your birthday?
TXC2: 75 mins ish to the cap
Furyfire: Oh that's right, we got Ians Roast today too
RoeDent89: Oh that slightly more than I thought
BrowneePoints: how I didn’t get a hangover I’ll never know
Irsaan: How many of us are waiting until there's like 10 left and hoping to snipe the cap?
99FineLines: this was a punishing shoot because they had to do like six full set builds, including a christmas scene.
AugmentingPath: Vancrevou
EMNetwork: i owned that couch....
TheElrad: @ThePixelSavage I'm grabbing on to that 3 in front for life XD
Riiiiiiis: @Irsaan schhhh.....
KilrenKrae: Did we hit cap?
TXC2: KilrenKrae not yet
Irsaan: @KilrenKrae ~70 left
ThePixelSavage: @TheElrad duggerMmhmm
marmalade_pen: why do you have dog hair in a bottle
Halinn: This one is fun
ThorSokar: haha, this skit is so good
TehAmelie: it's always a nice summer day at least
AragornKeuken: @99FineLines Not to mention dragging a couch into the middle of nowhere
definenull: OH NO
themercenary1987: 1.316 hours left to hit cap
99FineLines: I mean who throws a shoe, honestly??
bisaflau is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 24 in the channel!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to Aarquus!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to SonicFox!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to klug_alters!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to bangbangg001!
bisaflau gifted a Tier 1 sub to ravencrowrpg417!
marmalade_pen: no ones ever judged me for drinking non-alcoholic but that "really?" gets to me
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, bisaflau! Welcome to Aarquus, klug_alters, ravencrowrpg417, SonicFox, and bangbangg001! (Today's storm count: 57)
TehAmelie: umm what is that in minutes?
TXC2: bisaflau lrrHEART
RockPusher: I really like James' work on this sketch lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: I love the big misdirect with this segment
bagfullofbees: @RockPusher it's pretty peak
bisaflau: 65 left to go :D
hackingducks: that one's a real jerk move
Furyfire: Ohj no
Furyfire: XD
gibbousm: wow, the couch fit in the car, neat
loufghyslaufey: Heh
josh___something: imagine if the couch stayed there
definenull: man James should really pursue a career in this
loufghyslaufey: James was appalled
ThePixelSavage: if it worked he wouldve have trapped himself in a locked room ...
Diabore: the couch misses you james
andvuaranaut: im pretty sure at this point i would tried to rob a bank and then escape by drinking alcohol
TheElrad: I think James has access to to a mini van
Ritaspirithntr: ummmmm
Decaped: Love the Primer ref
RandomTrivia: They so carefully set up the whole "wake up in a storage locker" thing but I love that fakeout that the couch cannot be contained
loufghyslaufey: & on Crimmus twoes?
TehAmelie: i think Paul was talking up Menthor there
TehAmelie: the lord of freshness
definenull: RIP
Desruprot: limesBlink
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Riiiiiiis: lol
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TXC2: what a nice day on Xmas
definenull: LUL
azninsect: HypeLUL
RealGamerCow: fart chair
loufghyslaufey: Wait, did he just- "time-slip into the couch!?
RoeDent89: Fartsponge
nyoomgoom: chair :0
Carlioo: hah, forgot the end
Spades_Slicc: free furniture
spicyFerret_: Bus chair!
SimplyDaveMN: Seems like he could make a fortune selling secondhand couches.
Didero: Wait, why did that say 'copyright 2015'?
NornsFelidar: nice weather for Christmas!
NeuterCommuter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NeuterCommuter! (Today's storm count: 58)
Furyfire: Christmas... in Canada
RoeDent89: And thanks for the watchalong
Desruprot: the couch clearly its own dimension
TXC2: Didero it was reuploaded
Furyfire: :D
marmalade_pen: beej being a chair turtle in the behind the scenes
definenull: dawn of the last day?
99FineLines: think it was an Escapist video that they had to rerelease in 2015
LoadingReadyRun: Ok, stream is going offline for a second
ExachixKitsune: goodbye stream, I'll miss you
Irsaan: lrrFINE
Didero: @TXC2 Oh,that kind of makes sense, thanks
bagfullofbees: @Furyfire it's more likely than you think
Sunidesus: I'm curious how hot that couch got during the time it took to film all that
Lord_Hosk: wait that was 2013? I thought it was later
ExachixKitsune: lrrFINE cakejuFine
PMAvers: Rotate. Those. Cushions!
mljesus6222: bye stream
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun 1. times up Kappa
northos: lrrFINE
TehAmelie: really a sad commentary about how society makes it incredibly hard to not drink hehe he's going to assemble a whole house around the couch and live there
RockPusher: Streamcycling
dagonlan931: Matt broke it..
LoadingReadyRun: Ok, we should be back
j_crane330: Hi sergeHeart sergeSergeBanner sergePeek sergeGift
RandomTrivia: lrrSIG !
hedonistic_mushroom: Readying my Gift Sub Launcher...
ADTalks: lrrFINE
Earthenone: lrrSIG
definenull: lrrSIG !
northos: lrrSIG
frnknstn: lrrSIG
Irsaan: lrrSIG lrrSIG
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
Ashmantle: lrrSIG
medmora: lrrSIG
DeathWarrior555: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG
josh___something: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
mljesus6222: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Desruprot: lrrSPOOPY We are back
Riandisa: xivCactuar
ArrestedHouse: lrrSIG
GazzyInferno: lrrSIG
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
16AngryBears: lrrSIG
ArcticAtlantic: lrrSIG
Irsaan: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
snowewolf: sub a thon end?
Furyfire: lrrSIG
emberBecky: lrrPistachio
RandomTrivia: DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY sergeHeart jlrrIronball lrrHEART
Astramentha: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
Cunobelenos: lrrSIG
Furyfire: Still got about 7 hours
jordorowsky: Morning y'all
Thane1607: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
aitsu100: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
j_crane330: Hi sergeHeart sergeGift sergePeek sergeSergeBanner HSCheers
Jean_Jacques_EB: lrrARROWS lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
jolly6100: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Desruprot: 8 hours remain
TXC2: hello jordorowsky welcome
Tweygoh: lrrARROWS
GrassVortex: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
DeathWarrior555: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
hypperstar2280: Dawn of the final day 7 hours remain.
Inkymouse: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
hackingducks: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
Irsaan: lrrJUDGECALL
josh___something: PopGhost PopGhost PopGhost
medmora: lrrJAMES
jacqui_lantern234: morning friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!! <3
forcedreject: and now we cut to james on a couch
Irsaan: @jacqui_lantern234 lrrSHINE
cle0deen: Hi
bagfullofbees: ok, I'm taking this chance to actually leave and go to bed before I get sucked into another segment. Bye y'all!
josh___something: Hi Jacqui!
Lord_Hosk: They are never coming back! The subathon burned down LRR forever!
lirazel64: Are we at pizza yet?
TXC2: so long bagfullofbees sleep well
Riiiiiiis: @bagfullofbees do it, and sleep well
Irsaan: @bagfullofbees bye have a good sleep !
HesGotNoPants: I remember the first dawn of the final day back on wensday
TXC2: lirazel64 not yet
tezzatipoca: *buffetted by the aggressiveness of your love* ow
Desruprot: @bagfullofbees hopefully that segment doesn't have a couch
ProcyonFlynn: Happy Coffee Everyone penaddCoffee penaddCrab penaddCoffee
cle0deen: Night night @bagfullofbees
CmdrMadMoe: @lirazel64 Not yet, we're at soup
TXC2: blip
Booster6: Good morning all
TXC2: here we GO!
DeathWarrior555: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
RockPusher: Hello!
TehAmelie: halo
Didero: Hello!
Tweygoh: every time
incslayer: Hello
frnknstn is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 30 in the channel!
RandomTrivia: So many friends today!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to Brennander!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to shotgunsplicer!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to TaylorHistory!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to dtb_haades!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to realityyyx!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to gl0ckalacka!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to Alyindar!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to m1gr3nA_!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to yngbld1!
frnknstn gifted a Tier 1 sub to Exoulos!
azninsect: hello!
PharaohBender27: Morning!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, frnknstn! Welcome to Brennander, shotgunsplicer, TaylorHistory, Alyindar, dtb_haades, realityyyx, gl0ckalacka, m1gr3nA_, Exoulos, and yngbld1! (Today's storm count: 68)
pn55: seabatClap
TXC2: frnknstn lrrHEART
Lupus2253 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
Riiiiiiis is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 12 in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lupus2253! (Today's storm count: 69)
TheWooglie: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
josh___something: Oh bonus kathleen?
Riiiiiiis gifted a Tier 1 sub to its_north_or_nothing!
Riiiiiiis gifted a Tier 1 sub to Majolic_!
Riiiiiiis gifted a Tier 1 sub to Thrancat!
Riiiiiiis gifted a Tier 1 sub to dramabug01!
Riiiiiiis gifted a Tier 1 sub to TonyMRTN!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Riiiiiiis! Welcome to its_north_or_nothing, dramabug01, Majolic_, Thrancat, and TonyMRTN! (Today's storm count: 74)
jumping_point: Heya!
Molator: hi
definenull: ooh this is a very good squad of friends
TheAinMAP: Hello.
Riandisa: Good morning
tezzatipoca: lrrSHINE lrrARROWS
Irsaan is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 66 in the channel!
TXC2: Riiiiiiis lrrHEART
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to hriior_cthulhu!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to MurkHound!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nihilist_Zealot!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to 1s4cG!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to evilpadre1!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to raisinraisin!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to lills_streams!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to lockneff!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to callmekylo_za!
Irsaan gifted a Tier 1 sub to NipTweak!
FarleyF: It's the charlies angels of LRR
Earthenone: is this time for teen girls on the street?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Irsaan! Welcome to hriior_cthulhu, Nihilist_Zealot, lills_streams, lockneff, MurkHound, NipTweak, 1s4cG, evilpadre1, raisinraisin, and callmekylo_za! (Today's storm count: 84)
snowewolf: Morning
Jillexie is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 41 in the channel!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to mommahelly!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to RoseAce!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to azipfer!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to daxmaxter!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZuNy77!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jillexie! Welcome to ZuNy77, mommahelly, azipfer, daxmaxter, and RoseAce! (Today's storm count: 89)
trainpants: good morrow
Irsaan: get it y'all
Makhiel is paying forward the Gift they got from raulghoulia to the community!
Makhiel is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
the_phantom_game_player: Hello
Makhiel gifted a Tier 1 sub to MarykaOniki!
Makhiel gifted a Tier 1 sub to sig__man!
Makhiel gifted a Tier 1 sub to Drek2U!
Makhiel gifted a Tier 1 sub to Baijson!
Makhiel gifted a Tier 1 sub to aethergearhulk!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Makhiel! Welcome to MarykaOniki, sig__man, Drek2U, Baijson, and aethergearhulk! (Today's storm count: 94)
TXC2: Irsaan lrrHEART
marmalade_pen: hello lovely people
Furyfire: Almost time for Ian's meat! To eat.
RockPusher is gifting 69 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
definenull: here come the sub artillery
TXC2: Jillexie lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: Ah, here comes the carpet sub-bombing :D
TehAmelie: whatever deities people bring into the privacy of their bedroom is their affair
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to gildo443!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to bacchusboy023!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to happyflowerguy!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to UnitB216!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to nopalrexx!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to prisongamer_05!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to creeperhunter788!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to HickMessiah!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to stimie!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Iam_Jose10!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to EZ_Stevie!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rarden!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to baebipie!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Samuelate99!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nanny!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to TureTapir!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vezon46!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Buffalol10!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to justmayo_!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to CaseofTastykakes!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to TurboIsGoneee!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to n0mistake91!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Karnasis_MtG!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to sabby_abby!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to WastedSaturday!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to aavanin!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to JimmeeC!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mynameislondon!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to MelindaWoodring!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Its_Rifleman!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheAntiEnemy!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheMadKoW!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to WaffleUnleashed!
OVERKiLL!: 🔹️🔹️🔹️🔷️ 💙
PharaohBender27: lunarj1Heart
jacqui_lantern234: ok so who's gonna be aiming their water-balloons at James's balls? :p
definenull: glad you were able to meet it in the middle
gluonquark: PIZZA!!!!!
TehAmelie: James could have been both roasted and dunked
RandomTrivia: lrrDARK
RockPusher: lrrDARK
the_phantom_game_player: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
nyoomgoom: can we make a dunk tank happen at some point though 👀
TXC2: Desruprot lrrHEART
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
AugmentingPath: sticky, burning fluid
definenull: kathleen no
99FineLines: could be a Desert Bus thing
TheElrad: oooh, what if you put napalm in the balloons?
corpocracy: milk based napalm
harke_: I think boiling would pop the balloons?
josh___something: Kathleen, you're making it worse
KWardJenx: Friends?
Simonark: I’d love it if, after the balloons, you have another countdown with a random image you never ever explain or acknowledge. “A Horse in a lab coat for 500 subs?”
Metalupis: yay friends
TXC2: ExachixKitsune thanks for that, when did desertbus log in? :p
BrowneePoints: you should put food coloring in the balloons and make a collage of James’ pain!
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 626 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to TalkingNonsense2!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to dareth_shiral!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to callmewallet!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hanshenkjes!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to BCal!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to sleepyboi1o1!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dra456_!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to jonno98!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to CarterJWallace!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to la_croixlover!
jacqui_lantern234: as someone who's hand a severe burn at age 3, theyre SUPER NOT FUN
RockPusher: Excellent friend selection
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to sleepyboi1o1, jonno98, CarterJWallace, TalkingNonsense2, dareth_shiral, callmewallet, Hanshenkjes, BCal, Dra456_, and la_croixlover! (Today's storm count: 107)
TXC2: Hello Jordynne, Heather, James and KAthleen
ExachixKitsune: hehehehe TXC2
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
aitsu100: I love James and the Chaos Gremlins
GhostValv: cheer510
HesGotNoPants: Dunk serge in a coffee Kathleen
Herbert_Erpaderp: They've been real good streams
RoeDent89: Pizza
Avery316 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Avery316: finally in a position where I can resubscribe, thanks for awesome content
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Avery316! (Today's storm count: 108)
cle0deen: Breakfast pizza
AugmentingPath: 12:31pm
Booster6: Kathleen doing her make up coffee with james
BrookJustBones: Serge 1v1 a treatza pizza as well?
Simonark: These morning streams have been really great and very well done, James, you should be proud of the results.
Desruprot: limesShrug
jonno98: @red_shoes_jeff thanka for the sub.
RandomTrivia: THAT is what I meant by "Heather knows what's up" :D
RockPusher: jlrrCai jlrrLlou seabatUseless
TheWriterAleph: jlrrNo
lirazel64: How much more do we have to go?
red_shoes_jeff: @jonno98 benginFingers
TheAinMAP: jlrrNo
simplydavemn: #MoistenJames
Wolfstrike_NL: Could we get Sarah over in time for the waterballooning?
IslandersCaper: Cheer400
Ugunark: Jordan killing it with the fit every day
TheElrad: does James have to sing the Caiou song while getting waterballoned?
99FineLines: is waterballooning permitted by the Geneva Convention?
Furyfire: BlanketFort
definenull: burrito kathleen
micalovits: Kathleen... Didn't you write the high tide bit?
TheWooglie: will Ashley be here for the water balloons?
nyoomgoom: stretch goal where kathleen gets a nice relaxing day
nqbw: Cheer400
lirazel64: Cheer1000 Cheer100 Cheer100
RoeDent89: To the wiki!
Furyfire: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Irsaan: Who?
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
NornsFelidar: morning James is ruthless
hypperstar2280: So how was everyone's childhood
Furyfire: Survive James Conversation
hypperstar2280: Damn he beat me to it
simplydavemn: James doing an unboxing stream - unboxing childhood trauma.
Furyfire: Achievement
RandomTrivia: OOF
PharaohBender27: Oooof
cle0deen: Brutalism? Kathleen's in
RockPusher: James, Y‽
TXC2: I was also up at 4am today :p
Metalupis: btw, Kathleen, hyped to hear about book progress
BigDaddyBland87: As I called it one day...Coffee (and Counseling) with James
Angreed66: this seems to be a trend. I also woke up at 4
Pteraspidomorphi: I had a great full night of sleep, which was *not* the case throughout the week
RockPusher: [says the person who just woke up from a nap to do a 1am to 9am]
CraziestOwl: I woke up at 3am
definenull: oh no D:
thejester5411: Well I woke up at midnight and I'm actually going back to sleep. Hope you guys can roll me into slumber.
the_phantom_game_player: Its fine
thejester5411: Loll
TheWooglie: oopsy boingo is a great phrase
TXC2: thejester5411 sleep well
cle0deen: Oopsie boingo has become a full part of my vocabulary btw
Driosenth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
Driosenth: Have Ian or alex build a slingshot to absolutely lauch water balloons at James?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Driosenth! (Today's storm count: 109)
TacitusVigil: Too early!
RockPusher: Heather with my strategy :D
doormar: Good morning from Hamilton, Jordynne
nyoomgoom: shoutouts to beej hanging out in chat during the overnight watchalong and going like "I LOV MY EIFFEE" at that commodore hustle bit where heather deleted the internetless stream vods
RoeDent89: It was a dark and stormy night
Didero: Humblebrag :p
Lord_Hosk: Alex, and now Kathleen and Jordynn are set to be on late night followed by early morning
hedonistic_mushroom: This has been the best weekend for this to happen. I am wholeheartedly thankful for LRRs hard work.
RockPusher: James "Boring & Nice" Turner lrrHEART
Tarnius: How dare you flex on us James
flatluigi: @nyoomgoom
BrookJustBones: Jordyne is still experiencing it
cle0deen: @rockpusher hahahahaha
incslayer: what about vimeo?
RoeDent89: How was your adulthood?
nyoomgoom: @flatluigi that's the one lol
ExachixKitsune: livestreamed therapy is probably not an audience that should exist
crushcastles23 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months, currently on a 73 month streak!
crushcastles23: I know I'm late, but I made it for some
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, crushcastles23! (Today's storm count: 110)
SnowBuddy18: Those discussions are reserved for the gods and my therapist
NornsFelidar: sir booxalot?
Sunidesus: different books for different moods
thebeardedpadre subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thebeardedpadre! (Today's storm count: 111)
RockPusher: How about writing books? lrrDARK
micalovits: I CANNOT read more than once at the same time
hackingducks: I can do it, but I hate doing it, because my brain wants to mix the books into one book.
TheWooglie: love murderbot
jpost042: hell yeah Murderbot
Earthenone: what are your bad reads? goodreads sound so tame :P
LJ_Alkes: im trying to force myself to read pathfinder 2e remastered rules, begginings are the hardest :D
nevermore913: I can only do one at a time
ProcyonFlynn: Yes! Muderbot lrrSHINE
RockPusher: … the eyes… are the best part?????!
Lamebert1415: Murderbot is a great series
Kidror: Hell yeah Vampire Chronicles and Murderbot
hypperstar2280: We should play who can tell what has been moved around the background of the set!
frnknstn: Niice ee cummings
TheWooglie: Babel is great
99FineLines: !upnext
jacqui_lantern234: hehehehehe "cummings"
TehAmelie: i used to literally have books open with books on top of them in my lap
Metalupis: Murderbot are great books
hedonistic_mushroom: I am reading through all of MTG's published available stories...
Earthenone: Thick cummings, yup sure is a lrr morning show
TehAmelie: now, i'm proud i've read almost three whole books this summer
99FineLines: !next
hedonistic_mushroom: I'm only at Theros
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Coffee w/ James & Guests at Sat 06:00 AM PDT (21m ago).
TehAmelie: hey, i read that
jacqui_lantern234: @hedonistic_mushroom i LOVE The Ros! T Heros was such a fun set :p
djalternative: oh hey we hit pizza!
ThirdGames: I'm reading Frankenstein for the first time and it's pretty awesome. Not at all what I had been expecting.
BrookJustBones: @djalternative It is a countdown to pizza
RandomTrivia: @djalternative Not yet, overlay is counting DOWN
djalternative: ah. okay
nevermore913: Gotta be close to cap
micalovits: I could see how that could be understood as "We got pizza, counting down to icecream"
NovaTiempo: OHYEA
RandomTrivia: O_o
An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to zagreus11!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to zagreus11! (Today's storm count: 112)
jacqui_lantern234: OH MY
TXC2: nevermore913 we're past the cap, on to pizza stretch gaol
jacqui_lantern234: im just waking up, Jordynne
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to nevermore913!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nevermore913! (Today's storm count: 113)
TehAmelie: ShowLove100 for the 'za
Sunidesus: because Bloom County is awesome?
99FineLines: Za is Lasagna! Pizzuh Zuh! LaZAgna ZAgna Za!
hedonistic_mushroom: @jacqui_lantern234 Theros is my favorite plane and sets too because Greek Mythology is my JAM. I am gonna linger reading Theros for like a week
RockPusher: Heck yeah unsupervised library loitering!
Fanklok: Kathleen has a sister????
Simonark: Cathy should have been a pirate
hedonistic_mushroom: What does pizza do for the Sub count? Do WE get pizza?!
cambo212: lrrHAM_HF
TXC2: hedonistic_mushroom only if you go and get your own
RandomTrivia: That sounds neat
AragornKeuken: The Spelunky Boss Fight Book is also phenomenal.
BrowneePoints: Speaking of Books, Andy just published one!
eshplode: I haven’t heard about that series, but that sounds cool
nevermore913: Those are supposed to be goode
mercano82: The audio book of Night Watch is my can’t fall asleep book for the same reason, I know it so well.
Sunidesus: Yeah, my bedtime books are always re-reads so I can fall asleep.
SnowBuddy18: There's a bunch of classic books as audiobooks on Spotify that I've been using as nighttime material
jacqui_lantern234: wow!
TehAmelie: the library i roamed had absolute anarchy on the comics shelf: Lucky Luke Asterix and Maus and puerile Swedish gross-out humor comics
hackingducks: lol. reminds me of my own tragic wow story.
serramarkov: Good morning!
KilrenKrae: Kinda reminds me of the guild
TXC2: hello serramarkov welcome
Laserbeaks_Fury: I can draw a line from WoW to me finding LRR
powerflapjack: Yeah, Ninty was trying super hard to avoid the pitfalls of Atari in the early 80s
hackingducks: i got wow, played it for literally 15 straight days, realized that if I kept it, I would drop out of college and lose my life because I was *addicted*... so I sold my copy to a friend. he dropped out of college after three months u_u.
Mangledpixel: like Noah's Ark 3D, the reskin of DOOM
powerflapjack: Spiritual Warfare is the funniest Zelda clone on the planet
LathosTiran: "stealing pens for jesus"
SquidVorb: Capitalism!
Masslost: i need to get back to reading the older forgotten realms book cause they can be a trip
FadedOasis: Good [time of day], everyone
TXC2: hello FadedOasis welcome
powerflapjack: "nah, you just winged him and made him a unitarian" -The Simpsons
Lord_Hosk: Andy just published a book
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to LathosTiran!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LathosTiran! (Today's storm count: 114)
TehAmelie: i've got the weirdest drink. it has "strawberry flavor" that actually tastes like strawberries instead of the chemical strawberry flavor smell
frnknstn: The countdown was so cute!
LathosTiran: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub!
Didero: Here's Andy's Mastodon post about it:
jacqui_lantern234: @frnknstn YOURE so cute! #Gottem
hedonistic_mushroom: Oh I am reading other books. Also MTG lore. Back in 2003, our bookstores had, for some reason, a bunch of the books my Scott McGough. I bought and hoarded all those books and forgot some of them. I even got Agents of Artifice.
Didero: It's called Astrid Falls: A Legend of Vancouver
frnknstn: @jacqui_lantern234 NO YOU
GazzyInferno: god, andy sure is a renaissance man
hypperstar2280: Thank the gods for the mods
bytecaster: Did you know the Trojan war actually happened
Cunobelenos: I like the pic. the “Legend of Vancouver” is right above his name, so I thought it was about him.
hedonistic_mushroom: ODYSSEY STAN'S LET'S GOOOOOO
AragornKeuken: Jordynne, have you read Emily Wilson's translation?
99FineLines: i don't "stan" anything because i am over the age of 14.
NoxStryx: Ok so my OCD must know are Jordynn's socks different lengths? I thouth is was just one was pushed down the other day but now this is the second day they are like this
RockPusher: Jordynne has translation opinions gabyLul
flatluigi: hell yeah
jacqui_lantern234: @frnknstn no u MORE
TehAmelie: such accomplishment, very inspire. i now think i may finish my book i've worked on since 1999 this year
mowdownjoe: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow is such a good book.
shadowmaster132: The only reason I read the odyssey earlier this year was because of the Emily Wilson quotes about translation choices
powerflapjack: "All those guys were actually Romans" -The Aenaed
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
ArrestedHouse: LUL
TXC2: NoxStryx she might just like it that way
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
ArcticAtlantic: pride200
SnowBuddy18: Dante's Inferno is also self insert fan fic
Nigouki: Speaking of Odyssey, apparently Ralph Fiennes is playing Odysseus in a movie later this year D:
hackingducks: pfft. achilles. he's like the Ur action hero.
gibbousm: 99.99% Lesbian sounds like a light novel
jacqui_lantern234: man, i ADORE Jordynne's brain XD
theamc2000: you went for the Dilf? the question is double check if he is a dad
powerflapjack: Dragon Quest of classic literature
Simonark: Which is great because Virgil then gets to star in the number one self insert fanfic of all time.
BrowneePoints: Hector of GOT BODIED is more like it
powerflapjack: @Simonark ..Devil may cry?
NoxStryx: @txc2 very true could be a comfort thing
mostly_minerals: Fictional men doesn't count Jordynne /s katesSip
unleashenlightenment: Morning y’all. it’s great to see faces I’ve never seen before
hypperstar2280: The Trojan war wasnt real
99FineLines: has Homer ever passed the Bechdel test
TXC2: hello unleashenlightenment welcome
glitched_goddess: hector is like one of the only smart guys in a room full of idiots
TXC2: hypperstar2280 a version of it was
Fanklok: That was me and Berserk, there's so much that directly cribs from that
Simonark: @powerflapjack Well, the Devil does feature.
SmithKurosaki: I hear we reached cap
SmithKurosaki: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TXC2: SmithKurosaki we did
frnknstn: My leige, your waifu are trash
jacqui_lantern234: @SmithKurosaki sure have >:)
DarknessKingCoH subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DarknessKingCoH! (Today's storm count: 115)
bytecaster: You have all this rizz, why would you choose the cringe daughter
CelticGeek: What's your favorite Iliad translation?
SmithKurosaki: Was hoping the commend had the stretch goal info
SmithKurosaki: *command
TehAmelie: Cameron likes to hype this literal translation of the Odyssey that's completely unreadable and useful only as a reference to ancient Greek
RandomTrivia: D'awwww
incslayer: !findquote stretch
LRRbot: Quote #4514: "It's important to stretch before you become a boyband." —Paul [2017-11-22]
shadowmaster132: Oh wow the I have brothers explanation for a girl beating up people is an _old_ trope
RockPusher: SmithKurosaki pizza number on overlay is a countdown
NoxStryx: Someone need to give the illiad the Hamilton treatment, the Ill-iad
ExachixKitsune: awww
SmithKurosaki: Thanks Rock
BrowneePoints: and then Hector kills the wrong Gay Man (Patroclus)
mostly_minerals: that souds beutiful omg
TehAmelie: but they were cousins! (in the movie)
TXC2: Patoclus being a bottom, still beter then the movie :p
KV1NN4: io clearly need to re-read the Illiad
YeomanAres: There's a new Odyssey movie staying ralph fiennes coming out
Simonark: How does the chat feel about Age of Bronze?
TacitusVigil: @TehAmelie Ugh, I hate the movie Troy so much.
jacqui_lantern234: Jordynne, youre are WAY too powerful. youre ACTIVELY selling books to an ADHDer who HATES the act of reading!!!
josh___something: Don't worry, kathleen. You do that with magic story :p
RandomTrivia: Jordynne, can we take a second to appreciate the delivery of that infodump? That was a joy to witness.
definenull: a lot of things didn't age well
jumping_point: @RandomTrivia Indeed!
BrowneePoints: at least Redwall is still good benginCry
AugmentingPath: I just rewatched The Couch (2013), it was horrible Kappa
bytecaster: Can't wait all the young people rediscover Skibidi Toilet in their early 20s
DNAli3n: now that we are tangentally in myths, how do you like the norse myths, if you know anything about them?
TXC2: oh Heather no
Houseboy23 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
Houseboy23: lets go PPR is this weekend yes?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Houseboy23! (Today's storm count: 116)
josh___something: Ugh... All the minecraft youtubers I've watched were... UGH
jacqui_lantern234: @BrowneePoints can confirm, Redwall STILL SLAPS
asthanius: good videos?
the_phantom_game_player: No
Astral_Apache: magic?
Tweygoh: all james
josh___something: Repeating?
ArcticAtlantic: there were a couple of repeats...?
RandomTrivia: There were themes? Neat.
powerflapjack: At least Liar Liar and The Mask still whip
TehAmelie: i felt that way bout Legend of Korra after everyone talked for years about how gay it was
rogerivany: I wasn't awake
TXC2: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
ExachixKitsune: we were supposed to be paying attention?
Didero: All LRR All The Time?
gibbousm: I finally watched Evangellion over COVID. I understand it being revolutionary for its time, but later series have done everything better and further so it felt super dated and slow
TheElrad: but why was one of them run twice?
RandomTrivia: I didn't see all of any of them
NonUniqueGuy: Had Roadtrip Episode 1
RandomTrivia: Oh cool
j_crane330: There was a couch in one
AragornKeuken: Was it on purpose to go directly from the Couch to James sitting on a couch?
NovaTiempo: *sign here* bonk
Snowcookies: there were a few duplicates
PharaohBender27: :D
RandomTrivia: Good job Matt! lrrSHINE
ManOCatherby: I heard the first episdoe of Road Quest and was sad it didnt keep going
frnknstn: Wait where was James in Wizard Chat?
NoxStryx: Anything translated has an extra layer of hard to read. I believe it is impossible to translate russian not boring
TheTekkieman: @frnknstn Yep. James was Dave.
josh___something: Well, 1 duplicate from this night, and 1 from last night
frnknstn: Ooooh smart
j_crane330: There was supposed to be themes?!
josh___something: James was on screen on the stinger
jacqui_lantern234: ooh, sneaky >:)
NonUniqueGuy: I will just have to continue rewatching Road Trip after the sub-a-thon ends.
RockPusher: lrrSHINE Editors lrrSHINE
NonUniqueGuy: Road Quest*
RandomTrivia: As ever, well done editors! lrrSHINE
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: lrrDARK
NoxStryx: Editing dept had been killing it
usmu1976: <3 <3 <3
TXC2: Editors lrrHEART
j_crane330: Language ha ha
TehAmelie: might as well practice not swearing for the bus time am i right
thejester5411: Bleep!
powerflapjack: "I can swear!?" Kathleen out here like Goku taking off the weighted training clothes
qrpth: !time
RockPusher: Randy was doing his best
BrowneePoints: I swear all day
Rasputyne: Swearing is fine, but be careful with the racist tirades.
MaddogM: got 4 months to get in practice for desert bus :P
ThorSokar: composNotes Find out how Jordynne knows my morning routine
Herbert_Erpaderp: I'm very sweary in the morning, but I am also in Australia
jacqui_lantern234: yeah i go "fuck, im still me!!! >:("
polygonalpizza: Nightime words
TXC2: (wakes up) "ah fuck not again"
Eklinaar: my spouse wakes up swearing
darkcyril: BIG mood Jordynne
RedNightmare7: More like really tired, thinking "EFF, that me?"
TheWooglie: was Kathleen saying something about editing?
glitched_goddess: does “Fuck, why am I awake right now?” count?
j_crane330: Well get early I suppose
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 big mood there
RandomTrivia: Oh no, the murder baby
Redpandarama: The linguistic dessert
neogetz: Morning routine, wake, discover I haven't been magically cured of all ailments, swear
PharaohBender27: Oooof
thejester5411: Kathleen looks like the most comfortable of the group
Laserbeaks_Fury: my morning cruse after waking up is more like "Ah shit, here we go again..."
RockPusher: sergeSipp
RedNightmare7: Can coffee please pay my taxes?
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
Scy_Anide: My cat Kiwi sits on me for 20 minutes when I wake up cuz he wants to cuddle and it's the best.
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
MaddogM: self care?
neogetz: Alas, coffee isn't a stimulant
TacitusVigil: Do you know what would wake you up, James? 50 pushups
Durugai: not even prop cocaine ?
IaCthulhuFthagn: Ah yes, "in the 80's".
djalternative: how many subs for James cocaine
jacqui_lantern234: jokes on you, i have an emphetamine to wake me up #ADHDgang
TXC2: djalternative no!
Simonark: There is no cocaine in the Moonbase. Wink.
Fanklok: Our one cat is very large very strong and very very pointy
Diabore: someone get the couch
trainpants: you'll wake up on a couch
MatzerKat: I once tried to say "I love you" with needles. My friends and family were not flattered by their voodoo dolls.
aitsu100: maybe Ashley with a spraybottle will wake James up
nevermore913: James expecting too much of coffee
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Simonark And there is less than ten nuclear warheads.
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
NovaTiempo: but... no... why?
BrowneePoints: that’s a ROOM full of farts
definenull: oh no
jacqui_lantern234: BAHAHAHAHA
aitsu100: oh no
TheWooglie: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
ArrestedHouse: LUL 󠀀
RedNightmare7: Good recover dude
djalternative: Daniel, why AREN'T your friends doing drugs?
hypperstar2280: Let's fill the water balloons with cocaine for James
Simonark: @iacthulhufthagn Conventional ballistic missiles, sure. But less than ten nuclear.
Sibwow: puppy coded
TXC2: a Xantos gambit right there
NonUniqueGuy: You could hang out and do drugs with her.
Kidror: Adam's not here so I'll ask - is she single? Is she baptized?
NoxStryx: You can just hang out with people older than you.
NovaTiempo: Explain?
TXC2: does she work for Nickalodeon ? :p
NoxStryx: See for example..right now
RandomTrivia: KATHLEEN
Simriel: Oh, heather got a haircut? Looks lovely
josh___something: Kathleen NO
Eklinaar: My niece makes slime, it's a whole thing in that age bracket
RedNightmare7: KATHLEEN!
roefizzlebeef: kathleen!!!!!
jacqui_lantern234: KATHLEEN
IaCthulhuFthagn: 15 Kathleen! NO!
TheWooglie: lrrWOW
Ohpea: friend with a gal in the slime game
Astramentha: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
marawr_arts: Cheer1000 omg kathleen
josh___something: KATHLEEN dear lord
GhostValv: aww
Izandai: awwwwwwwwwww
cookiebeard: yeah you gotta charm the mother
RockPusher: tqsWow tqsFlower
definenull: well played
Lamebert1415: Kathleen No lrrWOW
thejester5411: Is her name Lucy or Ethel?
ThePixelSavage: can we maybe tone the music down a little? @LoadingReadyRun
Simonark: Almost to half pizzas!
jacqui_lantern234: my selling-thing was chewing gum
RockPusher has used a typewriter in anger
ThePixelSavage: thank you
MaddogM: Did James go to flip the vinyl? :P
NoxStryx: @jacqui_lantern234 do you live on the US mexico border?
Simonark: @rockpusher Sometimes it’s the only weapon at hand
jumping_point: That music sounds a bit like LoopHero to me.
qrpth: !subathon
PsychoI3oy: I typed several Jr High school papers on my grandmother's portable smith-corona
Lord_Hosk: Typewriters are SOOO cheap
j_crane330: I couldn't start a business
TXC2: typewriters were always so heavy1
ThePixelSavage: typewritten grocery shopping lists here we go
Simonark: Tom Hanks will be your friend?
NoxStryx: LRR Coloring and Activity book?
RedNightmare7: Oh good, I thought we were going to rob Tom Hanks
IaCthulhuFthagn: Typewriters are cool but heavy and in the way and an absolute pain to fix when something goes wrong.
jacqui_lantern234: @NoxStryx no! i lived in subsidized student housing in vancouver
Mangledpixel: ah, oh COURSE it's Johnny
stevefromdetroit: my spelling isn't good enough to use a typewriter
TehAmelie: my grandfather ran a typewriter repair shop. so many mechanical typewriters i was allowed to destroy with hammers. and yet i never owned one
Wolfstrike_NL: Graham did find one during the Swap and Shop
HalloweenCandii subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 7 month streak!
MaddogM: Do you use the typewriters to leave the theft card?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HalloweenCandii! (Today's storm count: 117)
NoxStryx: Road Quest 2: The Nanaimo Caper
thejester5411: Orange ribbons just carbon paper?? Or ink? Like I'm sure you can get them on the Internet
hackingducks: if you get a typewriter with a ribbon cassette like one of the more recent IBM ones, they still make the cartridges for them.
popcatholic: my favorite christmas gift was a 1937 refurbished typewriter - solid black and just so elegant
thejester5411: Aren't**
jacqui_lantern234: @MaddogM DONT do that, typewriters are SUPER tracable. many criminals have been caught this way
RedNightmare7: That woman must have been swole AF then
Hoplon42: i was sure ribbions where very easily repalceable, as in "have a couple of spares in a draw" replaceable.
Q_sic is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
Q_sic gifted a Tier 1 sub to adoodwithgood!
Q_sic gifted a Tier 1 sub to ohsogeking!
Q_sic gifted a Tier 1 sub to spidermike08!
Q_sic gifted a Tier 1 sub to alyssbear!
Q_sic gifted a Tier 1 sub to dareal_aiman!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Q_sic! Welcome to spidermike08, adoodwithgood, ohsogeking, alyssbear, and dareal_aiman! (Today's storm count: 122)
TXC2: Q_sic welcome
TXC2: Q_sic lrrHEART
stevefromdetroit: i only recently stopped doublspacing when i type ..i'm old
ThePixelSavage: our apple flat keyboard trained fingers arent used to typewriting anymore duggerMmhmm
TXC2: I'm starting early with the mistakes today :p
voren_chalco: Also where QWERTY comes from. So the arms wouldn't jam as much.
Fanklok: I was that awkward point of computers being more ubiquitous but also parents being old so there was one kid who didn't have a computer at home and had to write reports with a type writer
RockPusher: I ascribe my fairly heavy keyboard typing to effectively learning to type on a typewriter
Izandai: ooooooooh
RandomTrivia: Oh that is delightful
Simonark: I am old enough to have learned to type, as a kid, on typewriters, and the level to which things are better now…
Mangledpixel: in metal type, which typewriters emulated, the standard English space between sentences is a em-width space. Using a single space (which is now the standard) is French style.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @ThePixelSavage Go get yourself a full Cherry MX Green keyboard to practice before graduating to bucking spring.
RandomTrivia: EE Cummings eat your heart out :D
Simriel: Pizza counter is going down nicely
MatzerKat: Ooh, JetPens!
miniMacGuru: JetPens is so dangerous to one's wallet.
MaddogM: @jacqui_lantern234 that's why you're using the typewriters you're stealing
jacqui_lantern234: oh no, Heather, what have you done?!?!?!
NoxStryx: Jetpen is a MOOD!
Simonark: Cummings was a really unpleasant man, he should have to do that a LOT
Riandisa: I had a typewriter as a kid, but my family got a Macintosh with a dot matrix printer not long after so I swapped to typing there if I had to for anything
jumping_point: Huh. stationary.
TehAmelie: my school had neither computers nor typewriters. instead we learned to write with and care for ink pens. in 1997
ThePixelSavage: @IaCthulhuFthagn oh I dont own Apple products, I already have a cherry red key keyboard. I also dont really care about typewriters duggerNerdge
TacitusVigil: Stationary stationery.
CelticGeek: Jordynne, check out !
SnowBuddy18: that's the life, make 1 silly thing a day and just rest
NotCainNorAbel: goulet is so good
Eklinaar: I buy replica Model Ms. They fill me with joy. I hate typing on anything else.
Nigouki: James the clicky keyboard man is RIGHT THERE
Sunidesus: I type faster on the mechanical ones, the chiclet style keyboards slow me down
RockPusher: but how else will you know when you are typing? lrrBEEJ
Izandai: I have never understood the lust some people have for mechanical keyboards.
malfnord: I bought a replica IBM keyboard specifically for the clickyclicky noise
rozodru: but the clicking and clacking is soooooo satisfying
AragornKeuken: I want to *feel* every keypress in my bones
azninsect: time to get heather a low profile keyboard
Pteraspidomorphi: It's all about tactile feedback
RandomTrivia: RGB typewriter HypeLUL
malfnord: Maybe it's an old computer nerd thing?
GhostValv: that's cool :)
NornsFelidar: Growing alongside LRR is so fun. From early sketch comedy and video games, through MTG and tabletops, to stationary obsession 🥹
amative1: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
pimiento: i'm sad my model M got killed by coke being spilled on it and not being immediately rinsed
ThePixelSavage: @Izandai its the whole experience. the sound the feel the spring of the keys duggerMmhmm
MatzerKat: I've got a mechanical keyboard. Got the Cherry MX switches with a similar press response to a membrane keyboard
Eklinaar: I think the noise is beautiful, I love hearing other people typing in a mechanical keyboard.
NoxStryx: I keep fighting the urge to buy the 8bitdo C64 keyboard
voren_chalco: Punch the keys!
definenull: some people like the clacky clacky
AragornKeuken: I love them, but I would never use a mechanical keyboard in an office environment.
ThePixelSavage: just imagine its fireworks for ants Heather
azninsect: i just wanna spend a bunch of money on nice switches and keycaps T__T
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RockPusher: Get these people pizza!
Earthenone: i used to live with a semi pro starcraft player who used mechanical, it wa a TIME
SnowBuddy18: I completely get that, and also a deskmat underneath if you're using a mechanical keyboard
Genie_M: I spent so much time finding a good non mechanical keyboard
doormar: @voren_chalco for God's sake
CmdrMadMoe: capped, no cap
Sunidesus: I work with someone who honestly seems bothered by the SPEED I type, not the noise itself, it's bizarre. It's like he's offended by it or something.
IaCthulhuFthagn: A full open plan office of nothing but Cherry MX Blues... music to my ears...
ALLxISxLOST: meekapLick cdawgCry
jacqui_lantern234: @AragornKeuken i 100% would, but only if i hated my coworkers
drfox17: Now imagine a typing pool of 20 typewriters going at the same time
Nigouki: every sub will reduce the number of pizza slices they have to eat
Eklinaar: I'm a speed typer, 120 wpm, my spouse is used to it but whenever spouse's friends are visiting they tell me the sound I make in my office is terrifying
hedonistic_mushroom: I personally really like Keychron's low profile mechanical keyboards
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pizzarat!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Pizzarat! (Today's storm count: 123)
butt_ghost: does everyone in chat get pizza too
djalternative: and the crew REALLY wants to throw things at James
dinkyspond: o o b m b b
ThePixelSavage: dont hurt yourself ... dont make the balloons too heavy
mysteenova157: Morning all!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Eklinaar!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Eklinaar! (Today's storm count: 124)
RandomTrivia: 4 hours 10 minutes per stretch goal
Astral_Apache: Cheer500 horray for pizza
TehAmelie: can i say i appreciate the new technology that counts all bits, not just donations of increments of 400
TXC2: hello dinkyspond and mysteenova157 welcome
Mangledpixel: btw, the story that the QWERTY layout was deliberately made to slow down typists because they were jamming the machines is a complete and utter MYTH. The layout was made before rapid touch-typing was even a thing.
atinyspacemarine is gifting 25 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 66 in the channel!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to AluraPlaysGames!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to yarnfriend!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ponscus!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to KokoTheBlueDog!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to TwizzleDizzle!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to YoJayTi!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to A_Literal_Bag_O_Dicks!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to digivicesquad!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hoodoo66!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to heyitsvic96!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to DragconicSonOfOdin!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to allergychime!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to meoww1226!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to darthsj9!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThePikkleMan!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to N1GH7M4RE!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to MisterAngryPants!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to firionze!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to NaughtApplicable!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to RabzKC!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to Alice_the_Menace!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to Slurpee_E!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ventarael!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to SinCityScales!
atinyspacemarine gifted a Tier 1 sub to benoit_de_risky!
BrowneePoints: Jordynne and I being JoJotakus today
ALLxISxLOST: meekapLick lrrHAM
Nemosaur: Try finding a TOOL album under 100 $
jacqui_lantern234: fun fact: Jonathan Joestar is a significant reason i am the way i am in chat
butt_ghost: casettes are coming back thankfully
Eklinaar: We imported an entire hand-embroidered outfit from Poland for like $200, that's peanuts for the hours and hours of really skillful hand embroidery on it.
BlueMechanic: time to bring back wax cylinders
TehAmelie: i thought i went way overboard paying about £30 in 1999 money for the Final Fantasy 6 orchestra album
AragornKeuken: I use casettes cause I have an old car.
Niehilius: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
NornsFelidar: CDs were produced soooo much in comparison
NoxStryx: CDs feel the most junky
pimiento: it's frustrating when you buy a record and they don't include a download code for the MP3 version of the album
Sunidesus: @Eklinaar Oh wow. That is amazingly inexpensive.
malfnord: Depends on how much gold-plated cabling you use. *ducks*
PharaohBender27: @AragornKeuken One of the nice things about my family's car, a 2006 Toyota Avalon, is that it has a 6-CD changer
flatluigi: appears to be laufey
Lord_Hosk: Difficult to listen to vinyl on a walk. It keeps skipping and scratching.
djalternative: I have a "broken" paramore vinyl
ManOCatherby: cover art loves vinyl
Alness49: Would it BE Miku on a Vinyl? Is she going to be okay in analogue media?
GrassVortex: I have old vinyl covers as wall art. They rule
flatluigi: my music rn is just looping chappell roan's album
NoxStryx: Vinyl is best when it comes with digital copy, the vinyl i want for the artifact and the rutialistic listening experience.
Shaneusm is gifting 3 Tier 3 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 3 sub to Copilot11!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 3 sub to dank_memes!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 3 sub to JourneyHome_!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Shaneusm! Welcome to Copilot11, dank_memes, and JourneyHome_! (Today's storm count: 130)
Kidror: I own vinyl more or less for the aesthetic and the art
PsychoI3oy: PharaohBender27, mine's 2009, 6 disk changer and it plays mp3 burned onto cd-r
roefizzlebeef: a very small part of me thinks it would be super cool to collect king gizzard albums on vinyl, but the rest of me needs to afford retirement
Nigouki: i miss anime LaserDisc artwork cuz they were HUGE and beautiful
BrowneePoints: I’m still on the waiting list to get some of the Hollow Knight Vinyls
AragornKeuken: @PharaohBender27 I really like the way cassettes loop. It sorta makes it feel like an album doesn't have a beginning or end.
Shaneusm is gifting 2 Tier 2 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 12 in the channel!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 2 sub to VakaViolator!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 2 sub to ArizonaAngels!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Shaneusm! Welcome to VakaViolator and ArizonaAngels! (Today's storm count: 132)
PsychoI3oy: also have a 3.5mm aux port but no bluetooth
BrowneePoints: my first CD was a Bagpipe cd
Shaneusm is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 13 in the channel!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to shooting1000!
TXC2: Shaneusm lrrHEART
RockPusher: 1st CD I bought with my own money was The Lion King soundtrack
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Shaneusm! Welcome to shooting1000! (Today's storm count: 133)
BrowneePoints: I uh…am a nerd
Mangledpixel: my first album was the Matrix soundtrack
jacqui_lantern234: mine was Let Go by Avril Lavigne
azninsect: time for some sleep. see you all for the finale
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrSHINE sergeGift
amative1: My first album I bought was Weird Al Running With Scissors
Izandai: @BrowneePoints We're all nerds, you're not special!
PsychoI3oy: James, columbia music is how I got Chevelle Point #1 back in the day. So you can blame them for my album suggestions
Metalupis: speaking of music, i did not expect to get a new Weird Al polka mix but i am so excited that we did
RandomTrivia: Sleep well, azninsect, see you later!
j_crane330: sergeGift sergeGift sergeGift sergeGift
the_phantom_game_player: lrrGOAT
stevefromdetroit: matchbox 20
Eklinaar: First album I bought was A Night at the Opera by Queen
NoxStryx: @aragornkeuken you must have a fancy 2 headed cassette player
LordZarano: It's funny because CDs are THE highest quality audio that's widely available. Uncompressed 2048kb/s
Redpandarama: I vividly remember buying Metallica's Kill em All as my first CD
TXC2: I think the first song I got was Pretty fly for a white guy :p
cookiebeard: my first album was offsprings americana, still a banger
butt_ghost: weird al straight outta lynwood
Gascitygaming: Matthew Broderick gorilla soundtrack
aitsu100: Danger Days by MCR
corpocracy: I think the first real band I got into was REM
snowewolf: The Motley Crue
IaCthulhuFthagn: I don't remember what my first CD was, but the first I bought for my own money was Bomfunk MC's Freestyler single.
Gascitygaming: Godzilla*
MatzerKat: The Else by TMBG, I think
Dalrint: My first album was Alanis Morrissett.
voren_chalco: Music inspired by the Lion Ling (not the Lion King OST)
Philocalist: Queen Greatest Hits
malfnord: The Matrix soundtrack was the first US release I illegally downloaded!
the_phantom_game_player: The first album I bought was Weird Al
djalternative: my first CD was Move Along by All American Rejects
xxhanlonsrazorxx: stop making sense was my first cd i bought but my first proper record was the best of ELO double album on vinyl
ClockTamer: linkin park reanimated
ArrestedHouse: Mine's was either Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park, or All Killer No Filler by Sum41
Ms_LadyMix: Ace of Base the Sign and it was a tape lol
Alness49: Linkin Park, Meteora was mine
Tweygoh: gorillaz first album
Bobtheninjagoldfish: the first thing I bought with my own money was the original Ghostbusters soundtrack. started my love affair with OSTs.
TehAmelie: i've bought like 8 CDs and 5 of them were Metallica
doormar: @matzerkat great album
flapjacksofwar: Cheer6800 Pizza time!
hackingducks: lol mine was also something i imported, it was some sailor moon ost I bought off ebay >_>
v_nome: I think my first might have been Ever Worse by Weird Al
Shaneusm: first CD I bought for myself was Wolfmother...
jumping_point: I think mine was a sampler of early 2000's Club-Music.
Irsaan: The first CD I ever bought was The Eagles Greatest Hits. I was ~13.
couchboyj: Collective Soul self titled and Smash by the Offspring for me
Smythe283: Green Day: American Idiot, much to my parents chagrin.
ALLxISxLOST: my first album was a Green Day album
hesterbyrde: mine was a soundtrack... probably Jurassic Park?
MrSarkhan: Green Day's American Idiot was the first album I bought
NoxStryx: I think Meteora by Linkin Park was one of my first self bought cds
jacqui_lantern234: ya know, upon reflection there were some SIGNS early on that im trans
TXC2: flapjacksofwar lrrHEART
Simonark: I think mine, and I was very small, was Colour By Numbers by Culture Club.
j_crane330: jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrDance
Metalupis: @ArrestedHouse mine was Hybrid Theory
Midnightskypoet: Third eye blind was my first cd system of a down was second.
ExachixKitsune: HMV <3
Lord_Hosk: I signed up for Columbia record club 4 times. 12 CDs for a penny. Turns out, if you order under a fake name They can't make you order more CDs
Rhylon42: My first was the Mission Impossible 2 Soundtrack
BrowneePoints: my first 2 cds were a Bigpipe Compilation and Styx Greatest Hits. and now I own Grand Illusion on Vinyl
GhostValv: noice
Mewr11: I think my first CD was me and my sister pooling our allowance money for Kelly Pickler's debut album
jacqui_lantern234: HELL YEAH
malfnord: First CD I ever bought was the Back to the Future III soundtrack.
mysteenova157: I believe it was Time, Love & Tenderness, Michael Bolton for me
atinyspacemarine: A friend's older sister brought me shopping for my first CDs. I got Good News for People who Love Bad News and Arctic Monkeys, and the Return of the King soundtrack.
Philocalist: I remember heading to Hot Topic for release day of Nightwish albums
ArcticAtlantic: mine was Won't Go Quietly by Example but I *chose* McFly albums long before that, just my parents paid for them because I was 8 😂
PharaohBender27: :D
NapalmSideburns: Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden was my first CD
Brozard: Don’t remember, but it was probably a Weird Al CD. I was buying cassettes before. Maybe it was 311 or Reel Big Fish?
hedonistic_mushroom: The first cassette I bought for myself Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory... The first CD I bought was Meteora
singinnonsense: it was Ottawa is there was a french casher :P
singinnonsense: wasn't*
flapjacksofwar: My first CD was a Genesis album...
BrowneePoints: it’s like when new goths experience Siouxsie or Bauhaus for the first time
definenull: LUL
Masslost: “ I must be emo” there’s a memory unlocked
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
aitsu100: second Cd was the first Cage the Elephant album
StrifeTgZ: The first cd i got with my own money was the bevis and butthead do america soundtrack
atinyspacemarine: Millennial Catholic experience
RandomTrivia: Amazing
RockPusher: lrrDARK
jacqui_lantern234: HELL YEAH
RandomTrivia: lrrdARK
MrSarkhan: Hell yeah!
RandomTrivia: lrrDARK
ProcyonFlynn: I think my first album "for money" was actually trying Bandcamp for the RoadQuest OST. Thank you for recommending Bandcamp BraveNewFaves lrrHEART
baltimore_667083: HELL YES
TehAmelie: \m/
GirlPainting: good choice
MrSarkhan: lrrDARK lrrDARK
IaCthulhuFthagn: Kathleen, don't say you are 12 years old like that on Twitch :P
Tweygoh: heck yea
BrowneePoints: it’s a good album
powerflapjack: first CD I bought with my own money was like... either Early Days and Latter Days Led Zeppelin or the Final Fantasy Tactics OST at the MN State Fair
jessieimproved: My first CD specifically was Jagged Little Pill
Eklinaar: @singinnonsense There are tons of Francophone cashiers in Ottawa, most of them Haitian.
NornsFelidar: I don't remember first cd, but I recall vividly my first casettes: Europe final countdown, Texas the best and Duran Duran the wedding album. I kept listening to them and nauseum. I still haven't reached that point
jdr_42: my first CD was Phil Collin’s. 8th grade me needed help.
ManOCatherby: First CD I got was Baja-Men. HAd to find out who let the dogs out
powerflapjack: Maximum Carnage? lmao
darkcyril: Maximum Carnage was a banger of a game.
Dalrint: Spider Man: MAXIMUM CARNAGE!
BrowneePoints: i didn’t get into music until I started singing in 4th grade.
Simonark: It actually contains minimal carnage.
voren_chalco: Maximum Carnage? The game is about 1000 times better than the comic it's based on.
StrifeTgZ: Second tape metallica black album
atinyspacemarine: My parents didn't like violence in video games, but I eventually got them to let me play Halo when I was 13 and stuck at home with a broken leg
Dalrint: Well, I get to spend the rest of the day in airports, so good luck with the last day of the Subathon!
Therberus: Did we hit the cap? Are we now contributing to the pizza fund?
roefizzlebeef: I vividly remember the first time I convinced my parents I was old enough to play teen rated video games, and it was to play super smash brothers lol
BrowneePoints: OH YEA! My 3rd cd I ever got was Wicked the Broadway Soundtrack when I saw it in Chicago freshman year of high School!
IaCthulhuFthagn: "You can't buy music outside of the catholic music store, but video games? Yeah, Diablo sounds like a good, Christian name for a game"
momalyd: My first cd was either the Brainbug or Meet her al the Lover Parade single
measureofhope: Oh, pizza counter, I just noticed
BrowneePoints: I still have my Wicked CD!
ProcyonFlynn: !addquote "Pizza is Lunch" - James [2024-07-20]
thejester5411: What time is pizza time? Because I might coordinate and eat with you guys.
usmu1976: @Therberus yes and icecream and waterballoons
jacqui_lantern234: @measureofhope it counts DOWN
LordZarano: @ManOCatherby omg! Have you heard the 99 Percent Invisible episode about Who Let The Dogs Out? It's SO GOOD
TehAmelie: haha, i remember reading Maximum Carnage and then mostly quitting comic books
SnowBuddy18: @Therberus yes, the countdown is below the timer
Philocalist: I got a Prozzak album because it had cartoon characters on it, no problem
PharaohBender27: :D
powerflapjack: Captain Novolin, the iconic Diabetes video game
Niehilius: That barbie game was speedrun at SGDQ - it was fun lol
atinyspacemarine: Coffee is sweet, pizza is lunch, baba is you
darkcyril: That Barbie game actually just got stage time at this SGDQ.
powerflapjack: betusNovo
jacqui_lantern234: Jordynne has been ACTIVATED XD
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
j_crane330: While I was sent to Christian schools they were fairly open to all forms of media
aitsu100: Barbie Horse Adventure
ManOCatherby: @LordZarano I havent! I need to get on that
RockPusher: Horse club idea :D
Therberus: Playstation house, let's goooo
mysteenova157: My first PC game was Saddle Up: Time to Ride
Kidror: Wait are you telling me that Jordynne never got to play Nintendogs?
GirlPainting: How about Grand Tourismo on PS1?
Tweygoh: i only got a GameCube to play ChibiRobo
NoxStryx: My steam friendgroup got really into the "Secrets of the Magic Crystal" horse game for a while
TehAmelie: what a different world it would be if Nintendo and Sony had pulled off their collaboration
jumping_point: That is so sweet!
Pteraspidomorphi: darkcyril: I saw that too! I love the silly games at GDQ
Kidror: Wasn't yesterday literally FFXs 23rd birthday or something
atinyspacemarine: I want a new Jak game but there's no way it'll A) get funding or B) be good
RedNightmare7: Damn!
RockPusher: James!
PharaohBender27: JAMES
jacqui_lantern234: i mean, i AM gonna be on Horse Club on the 29th. Cori and i could STILL pull an audible into Barbie Horse Adventure >:)
Izandai: JAMES NO
IaCthulhuFthagn: JRPG. Completionist. Oh deat.
BrowneePoints: I hope the rumors of FF9 getting a FF7 remake are true
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL James that's evil
IaCthulhuFthagn: dear*
ProcyonFlynn: wow ... that's terrifyingly dedicated.
PMAvers: Oh wow, a mom with good taste.
TXC2: don't curse someone like that James
darkcyril: @Pteraspidomorphi Was a super fun block. Konception is also a great entertainer.
Philocalist: MtG Completionist is a big no-no
Eklinaar: Time to give mom a turn on Play It Forward
AragornKeuken: My dad has a complete Lotr TCG set. You'll never guess who named me.
aitsu100: heck YEAH
NoxStryx: "Is she single?" "Is she baptised?"
Therberus: @browneepoints god I hope so, I keep thinking about downloading the "alternate fantasy" mod
GazzyInferno: we're not talking about the crow remake
j_crane330: Oh
BrowneePoints: Bill
PsychoI3oy: Bill is Alexander's dad, IIRC
BlueMechanic: they're are a lot of Skarsgard siblings
PharaohBender27: Oooof
BrowneePoints: no
aitsu100: oh no
SnowBuddy18: oof
ArcticAtlantic: lrrWOW
BrowneePoints: Stellan is Bill and Alexander’s dad
RandomTrivia: Welp
GhostValv: good analogy
shadowmaster132: Apparently it's a remake and not just another Crow story which seems like a slam dunk
jacqui_lantern234: OMG JORDYNNE XD
Serpens77: the dad is Stellan, Bill and Alex are brothers
atinyspacemarine: Of the Connecticut Skårsgards?
BrowneePoints: Pizza cutter is a terminology from DND James
TXC2: so the exact opposite of the OG Crow ? :p
PsychoI3oy: BrowneePoints, that's what it is, right
j_crane330: We don't need to reboot everything
Radjack: New movie review burn unlocked, thanks Jordynne!
jacqui_lantern234: ive completionists FFX
PsychoI3oy: I only knokw of Alexander from Generation Kill
RockPusher: rayfkKing
GhostValv: lightning dodgers here :O
LijahHart: All i remember about the Crow is that the author HATES the Crow.
Scarbble: jordynne's mom sounds rad as hell
Tweygoh: You did the lightning dodge?
stippledotter: That's a precious early memory omg
jumping_point: I love the vibes of Kingdom hearts.
BrowneePoints: hey chat, more of yall should play 9
l0gin4me: I failed for way to long at the cerberus fight in the colliseum
Spooky_Noises: 8 or 13
Sevinon: FFX is good
holo_raptor: 10 is best known for tidus' laugh
Traion: 8 is bad. 13 is bad. 9 is peak
BrowneePoints: 8 and 13
BigDaddyBland87: @jacqui_lantern234 I did once I discovered the Yojimbo strat...don't at me
RandomTrivia: We have activated Kathleen
GazzyInferno: noone really dislikes any of them that much these days
bytecaster: The lightning ones are not quite popular
aitsu100: 13 sucks
RedNightmare7: Was gonna say, 13 is one people dislike.
IncredibleFrown: 2 is also not popular but you probably aren;t thinking of it
IronwoodWizard: 8 is the best!
BlueMechanic: I think 8 is okay but people didn't like it because it wasn't 7
ThirdGames: 8 is my favorite one and I will DIE on this hill.
MrSarkhan: 8 is amazing
RandomTrivia: Into another rabbit hole! FBtouchdown
ProcyonFlynn: Somewhere I can hear Jacob screaming :p
aesir_blade: James might be thinking of 10 2?
jacqui_lantern234: @holo_raptor hot take: the laugh scene is actually really good
TXC2: 8 is "bad" because it's not more of 7
momalyd: 8 was my favourte back in the day
RedNightmare7: We are all looking forward to Cantwearhats suffering through that on his FF gauntlet :D
shadowmaster132: I watched kathleen play 10 on saves the world and I liked itthrough that medium
Therberus: 13 was the start of the bad FFs
IslandersCaper: 8 is my favourite
NoxStryx: James just activated a BUNCH of arguments
BrowneePoints: 8 is a good story and a mechanical bumblefuck
jessieimproved: I liked 8
aitsu100: 8 has Laguna
baltimore_667083: wasn’t 15 basically just a cup noodles ad in disguise?
AshcopseDryad: ff9 ♥
RandomTrivia: @TXC2 Ah, the Metroid Fusion effect
Shaneusm: 8 is decent... but has some odd mechanics for FF games
darkcyril: EVERY Final Fantasy has a strong core of supporters and detractors both.
Traion: Kathleen they all grow up in the same orphanage and forgot about it. And the villain was their teacher! IT is bad!
jessieimproved: The music in 8 is really good
holo_raptor: @jacqui_lantern234 the scene is good, a lot of people just miss the point because the laugh is. what it is
bytecaster: Come on, gunswords!
j_crane330: 4 is my favorite
jacqui_lantern234: @holo_raptor ok good we can be friends
IslandersCaper: but I got into final fantasy from kingdom hearts PrideLaugh
RockPusher has never finaled a fantasy
BrowneePoints: 9 has Vivi!!!
aitsu100: 9 was a throw back
Therberus: 9 is the one with the boy with tail
Fanklok: 8 is in my top 3
Jayrod1220: I'm currently replaying 1, and the Soundtrack is so good.
Alness49: The story is stupid, the vibes are on point
Tweygoh: Eyes on Me is my friend's favorite song
Brozard: Final Fantasy 8: “Whatever.”
Traion: 4-6 is the best stretch imo
ExachixKitsune: I love 10
glitched_goddess: I like 9 more than 8
jacqui_lantern234: yes, chat, i will throw hands for FFX. i love that game so much
Alness49: 10 is amazing to revisit
NoxStryx: 8 has the best CARD GAME though
Jillexie: 10 is my favourite
BrowneePoints: I personally think 10 didn’t age well
Ms_LadyMix: I’ve tuned into two of these and James has been made to chat final fantasy both times. Perfect.
Kidror: It was just 10s birthday so people were posting clips from it on twitter and I forgot how good the story is
jacqui_lantern234: also KHIMARI MY LOVE 😭 <3
LijahHart: 9 gave teenage me Kuja and it has shaped who i am now
aitsu100: 10 was Blitzball
Traion: TBF 8 is very enjoyable the first time. Just for the sheer hilarity of the plot
jdr_42: Let’s not skip 9!
Therberus: Fully voice acted helps a lot with ffx
ThirdGames: I know it's absolute garbage schlock, but I also LOVE X-2. It's so bad it's good.
jessieimproved: I took my PS1 to college and play FF9 in my Freshman dorm. The other kids on my hall would come watch me play.
FrostyKaze: I started with 10 and 10-2 so it has a special place in my heart
Philocalist: Hymn of Faith gets stuck in my head so often
jacqui_lantern234: Kimahri*
ExachixKitsune: to be fair, I've played 7, 10, and 14
bsudo: Maaaaaannnn. I never got 10. It's when I stopped playing ff.
ArrestedHouse: 12's my fave
Bobtheninjagoldfish: If you take the story of what 8 was supposed to be, what we got looked like it was put through a cheese grater and about a third of it was stuck back together with glue in random orders
thejester5411: Are you on from PS1 to PS2 so yeah sounds X is goonna to look a lot better
aitsu100: 12 was learning to code
mysteenova157: Crisis Core is my favorite!
Riandisa: 8 annoyed me to where I stopped playing it and only finished it years later out of completionist spite. Love Triple Triad though
itmightbemikey: FF9 hits a lot different once you're in your 30s, because then the themes of existentialism and death really come through
dredshift: XII da best
Going Jome: I love FFXII, myself
BigDaddyBland87: @ThirdGames I replayed that about a year ago...still didn't care for it
Kidror: I'll be the one to say it, X-2 is actually really good. A lot of insecure men just didn't like an all women cast
Izandai: 11 is an MMO
darkcyril: 7 especially suffered real bad from poor localization at the time. It also suffered bad from having a VERY KEY scene about what the fuck was up with Cloud hidden in a MISSABLE CUTSCENE
Astral_Apache: FFX is the GOAT. you cant change my mind
Decaped: 12 is a political thriller
GazzyInferno: XI is cool but highly niche
niccus: 11 is *still running*
Traion: 12 is great. But the ending is rushed
momalyd: I had 11, but no credit card so I could never play it.
Carlioo: I love shakespeare
holo_raptor: 12 is good, but it's got the wrong main character
SnowBuddy18: my DM speedruns 10 and 12
Therberus: 10 is about the party, 12 is about the world
ztghostie: XII is just full of content, it was amazing
Scarbble: 12 is ok. weird system but neat story
Philocalist: 12 said we got stories down, let's experiment with gameplay more
TXC2: 12 is phantom menace, but good
IaCthulhuFthagn: FF14 is my favourite by far. Too bad they took it down and replaced it with ARR Keepo
Underachiever28: wasted so much time on 11. it was fun
FrostyKaze: There is the meme that 12 is just Star Wars
Kajamakuji: 12 had good elements, but its fighting against itself so hard.
BlueMechanic: I've heard 12 is very similar to Star Wars
BrowneePoints: 9 and 12 were under respected in their own time
Alness49: 12 has great worldbuilding, even if the characters get the short end of the writing stick
TacitusVigil: If he doesn't want to finish his books, I see no reason why I should start them. Kappa
PMAvers: Jacob comes barreling through the wall
Scarbble: 13 is uhhhhhh not great
ThirdGames: 14 is sooooo good
Decaped: 13 is one of the most memeble final fantasies.
bytecaster: 13 is more of an engine in want of a game
BigDaddyBland87: @Kidror I didn't like because the story was meh and I really dislike ATB
aitsu100: 15 was Boy car trip
GrassVortex: 15 is a glorious mess. I love and hate it :D
dredshift: XV took a decade to make mid
Traion: 13 isn't the worst reviewed mainline FF anymore. FF14 Dawntrail dethroned it this month^^
Izandai: 13 is fine but only just, 13-2 is actually fun, 13-3 is just bad.
BrowneePoints: 16 is edgy screaming kaiju simulator
gibbousm: Insert FFXIV copypasta
BlueMechanic: 16 has the mighty hero Clive
TXC2: 15 was the boys don't kiss 0/10 Kappa
Genie_M: I loved 12
Pteraspidomorphi: It's very on the nose
jumping_point: Any thoughts on Crash Bandicoot?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: 13 is the one that you have to read an entire in game wiki to understand things are being said and done as very little of it is actually explained.
NoxStryx: I'm playing 12 right now, WHY in a world with so many sentient species are all the playable character humans?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
PawssumFable: 12 is AWFUL. My spouse is playing it.
holo_raptor: 15 is great right up until the ending
aitsu100: 16 was final fantasy does Devil May Cry
ArrestedHouse: LUL
FrostyKaze: @Traion are you serious? Jesus Christ
Pinwiz11: 16 is the one that hasn't launched yet. (Yes, I'm ignoring the PS5 release because I don't own one.)
momalyd: ff13 the 30 hour tutorial corridor simulator
Jillexie: I tried 12. Try being the key word
j_crane330: That wes specific
BigDaddyBland87: I liked 12 once the Zodiac Age made the grinding more tolerable
EmmaPartlow: And here I am waiting for a remake of FF VI (wishful thinking!)
IncredibleFrown: 16 is okay but it does sort of indulge the weakest habits of the 14 team
PawssumFable: At the time it didn't seem so bad because it was so pretty for that era and it was just behind like 10-2
PawssumFable: But now oh boy
Earthenone: drakenguard was so fun!
fiftymcnasty: Funny enough, 15 is the only one Wiggins couldnt finish
glitched_goddess: 14 is the best since 6 imo
BrowneePoints: on stream
TXC2: 13 only works if you headcannon Vanile has a time travilar
PawssumFable: I want to stab Fran, she's so bad.
momalyd: Grandstream Saga. lest save spec by not giving our charactors faces
GhostValv: drakengard at least is novel in its grimdarkness
AragornKeuken: Xenosaga > Xenogears
GazzyInferno: I have a very soft spot in my heart for 16 because the english vo was recorded basically down the road from my family grew up
EmmaPartlow: Oh Xenogears slaps
Gascitygaming: 3d dragonquest gsme fan here
Kidror: That's me talking about how KH 358/2 Days is a cinematic masterpiece, with it's 3 whole pixels
NapalmSideburns: oh boy, Drakengard 3, with that very very good final ending that's in no way bullshit to play
Bobtheninjagoldfish: 12 was let down by the mechanics. I'm also really sad it seems I'll never play a mainline FF again as 5 and 16 have turned more into action fighters/specitacle fighters and my hands just can;t do that due to my disability
jacqui_lantern234: 4 whole frames?! let me introduce you to Virtual Hydlide >:3
BrowneePoints: I love Xenoblade
aitsu100: i dont know why but i want to go back to Legend of Dragoon now
NoxStryx: Legend of dragoon anyone?
Riiiiiiis: which god?
RandomTrivia: Ah yes, classic JRPG stuff
hesterbyrde: 8 was my first and I LOVED it but I was also 15 at the time so I loved all the pretty boys
kristof162028: I think xenoblade is also good
BlueMechanic: the part where you kill god is the best part of every RPG
BigDaddyBland87: @aitsu100 Oh hell yea!
BrowneePoints: Xenoblade has some dumb stuff but are overall good
PawssumFable: I love legend of Dragoon, but the gameplay doesn't hold up well
lady_olynder: Isnt that ending the one that led to Nier?
niccus: they did the same thing for 1. they warned youy
RandomTrivia: @jacqui_lantern234 Oh you monster :D
PMAvers: Man, imagine if a rhythm game that you had to 100% perfect, but they remove the visual notes at the end and the screen goes to black and you still have to hit it.
EmmaPartlow: Suikoden was also fun too
BigDaddyBland87: Legend of Dragoon matter what Wiggins thinks
Gekyouryuu: wait, I missed it, what game was Kathleen talking about?
LadyLockwood92: Howdy folks~
jjcard: my friend was on the QA team for Drakengard! (US side)
Carlioo: if you haven't played drakengard 3 by now, you're not gonna play it
AragornKeuken: The best JRPG series is still Trails/Kiseki.
MrSarkhan: I loved Legend of Dragoon
IaCthulhuFthagn: So that's the opinions on the main line FF games... what about Tactics?
rxpalindrome: Xenogears is still my favorite game of all time and I've never found exactly the right follow up from that
hesterbyrde: and also Quistis... which it should have been a sign I loved the teacher with the whip and boots
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
BigDaddyBland87: @PawssumFable I disagree. It's still fun to play
darkcyril: @MrSarkhan Har-POON!
mysteenova157: I played Eternal Sonata back in the day only jRPG I think I've experienced
Gekyouryuu: No, Drakengard 3 leads to Drakengard 1. Drakengard 1 leads to Nier.
jacqui_lantern234: @EmmaPartlow 😭 cmon remaster, announce a date
GazzyInferno: everything yoko taro has a hand in is canon to the same universe. Everything. EVERYTHING.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @mysteenova157 I'm so, so sorry.
lady_olynder: It gets even more wild when you consider that the Nier raids in FFXIV are also canon to Nier
BrowneePoints: speaking of Jrpgs. Kathleen you should try the Mario & Luigi series. the writing is VERY good
mysteenova157: Yeah it wasn't good
EmmaPartlow: @jacqui_lantern234 RIGHT!?!?
ExachixKitsune: Yoko Taro needs to be stopped but only so he can get more unhinged
couchboyj: Chrono Trigger narrowly beats Xenogears for best JRPG of all time only because of Xenogears rushed ending.
PawssumFable: Legend of Dragoon story is great though. Watch a streamer play it though, do you don't have to do the tedious button mashing.
NapalmSideburns: oops, you missed the one during the fade out, do it ALL again!
Bobtheninjagoldfish: @hesterbyrde I have no idea what you are talking about. heheh ahem.
IncredibleFrown: the remake's worse honestly
Izandai: @PawssumFable *sucks teeth*
Gascitygaming: Also, play the super mario RPG remake!!!
dredshift: GBA CoM is better than the PS2 version
Pteraspidomorphi: I vaguely recall hearing Xenogears was so ambitious they ran out of money before they were done
Kidror: Re:CoM is so much worse than the GBA version
aitsu100: Re:chain has better combat yeah
PawssumFable: Have you tried it in the past 5 years?
Izandai: @dredshift 100 emoji
TriChronos: I really wished Yoko Taro and that director actually went on that van trip to sell more of the Nier Remake
ztghostie: "what if we shoehorn a card combat system into an action JRPG LUL "
jacqui_lantern234: @couchboyj Chrono Trigger is a weird way to spell "Suikoden 2" Kappa
BrowneePoints: @pawssumfable we watched Matt stream it less than 7 months ago. it’s baaaaaaaaad
Izandai: ^
PawssumFable: What?
Kidror: Jordynne: Opinion of Ruler of the Skies
fiftymcnasty: CoM mechanic is interesting, not good
Kajamakuji: @Pteraspidomorphi Well there was that and FF8 started pulling resources from other departments because it was having trouble. It also effected Chrono Cross. Yet another reason Im still miffed at 8
glitched_goddess: The World Ends With You has some amazing mechanics
ztghostie: I still sometimes wonder if I'm still stuck in the RUler of the Sky boss battle
GhostValv: D:
jacqui_lantern234: D:
EmmaPartlow: Skies of Arcadia also slapped because AIR PIRATES
Spritz_T: Have to stick in a good word for Mother 3 and Skies of Arcadia
Kidror: We can't be doing this, I'm already in the middle of playing KH on PC in its entirety, you can't make me want to also replay TWEWY
ThirdGames: I was afraid to go hard on that game, I didn't want to fuck up my touchscreen
Jigokuro: Huh, I didn't claw that at all, and 100%d it.
GazzyInferno: I liked how NEO TWEWY adjusted the mechanics to not make my hands into mush
LadyLockwood92: Bring back Skies of Arcadia, oh my god
ztghostie: @Kidror Wait until you get to Dream Drop Distance :D
tsp397: Fantastic game
incslayer: @LadyLockwood92 agreed SO MUCH
LijahHart: Neo TWEWY on the switch was really great too
Kidror: It works but it's pretty awkward
dredshift: The Switch version is just the phone port
tsp397: I really need to play Neo
ztghostie: I DO
BrowneePoints: but yeah, if you really like JRPG’s, I highly recommend the first 4 Mario & Luigi Games. even paper jam is pretty decent
Nigouki: Speaking of DS: Radiant Historia. I absolutely loved it, especially the art style of the original. ....and then the remake took away the art style :\
Kidror: @ztghostie I love that game more than I should
IncredibleFrown: i miss the original combat but final miz is still pretty good
ztghostie: Wonderful 101?
IaCthulhuFthagn: Best named Nintendo console of all time.
Malkmaven1176: Congrats on hitting the cap!
dredshift: It's actually better to play with just the touch screen
IaCthulhuFthagn: They really called it that.
AragornKeuken: I played Yoshi's Wooly World on my Wii U this week. Great game.
Duffadash: Affordable Space Adventures!
darkcyril: Nintendo - great for inventing gimmicks for their systems and then not using them.
Simonark: I’ll second Wonderful 101
PMAvers: I miss the map on the WiiU controller all the time when I'm playing later Splatoon games.
Thandres: its so good
Eklinaar: Metroid Blast was great on the Wii U
NoxStryx: The World Ends With You
Irsaan: Gonna sneak in a nap so I can be up for the finale since it takes place while I'm normally asleep due to 3rd shift shenanigans. Catch y'all soon!
PharaohBender27: Oh right, the game that Kathleen did as a PiF in 2020
lady_olynder: I should replay tokyo mirage sessions...
TXC2: a game Kathleen has played on stream
Diabore: mario party was also gas on the wii u, i still go rewatch the lrr stream sometimes
voren_chalco: Nintendoland's 1v4 minigames are the best couch multiplayer and I wiill die on this hill
CelticGeek: LEGO Undercover was good on the WiiU
Irsaan: lrrSHINE
RedNightmare7: James realized he was redundant for this RPG fans discussion
Izandai: mattlrLul
RedNightmare7: Just chilling now :D
jokerzgrave: Good morning to all
glitched_goddess: Tokyo mirage sessions gave me whiplash lol almost as weird as a combo as Pokemon Conquest
TXC2: hello jokerzgrave welcome
Jean_Jacques_EB: YES
darkcyril: Shadowhearts!
bytecaster: You can make Marth fist bump? I should play this
GazzyInferno: weird that they've done "characters that have a fire emblem character as a stand" as a game concept twice now
darkcyril: YES!
GhostValv: :)
lightfut: Heck yeah
momalyd: Koudleka!!!!!!
lightfut: Covenant
rozodru: omg ShadowHearts is so good!
chubbyvboii: so Goodddd!!!
FrostyKaze: shadowhearts from the new world is fuckin WILD
Jean_Jacques_EB: The sequel to Kou delka!
Riandisa: Shadow Hearts was so good
couchboyj: Both Shadow Hearts were great!
itmightbemikey: Shadowhearts: Covenant is one of my fav RPGs of all time
lightfut: What a crazy mythos
BrowneePoints: Ben also talked about it on let’s nope a couple weeks ago
NoxStryx: Didnt play it, remember it
Brozard: I stand by one of the best two screen games is 999
Jean_Jacques_EB: played Koudelka, SH, SH2 and SH3!
Kajamakuji: Which one was Shadowhearts, was that the one where you play with your time traveling mom?
rxpalindrome: Shadowhearts and covenant were amazing. I want more games where you transform into demons!
Riandisa: I'm so sad that the spiritual successor kickstarter for it is struggling to find a publisher
incslayer: shadow hearts was one of those games i wanted to play but never had the chance to when it was "relevant"
itmightbemikey: @couchboyj (there were three, and a prequel Kouldelka)
darkcyril: 1 was great. Covenant elevated the series. 3 we don't talk about.
goatprince: but did you play the first one, Koudelka?
IaCthulhuFthagn: Chat, I need to go cook food, but I can't bear taking the five seconds it takes to switch watching the stream over to mobile... send help.
djalternative: James, what's the weather forecast for today?
Scy_Anide: Shadow Hearts is a rhythm game too (just for the combat)
RandomTrivia: Resident Evil is definitely at least medium anime bs
Earthenone: so like parasyte eve?
gibbousm: what game?
jacqui_lantern234: but Resident Evil is ALREADY super anime
FrostyKaze: @darkcyril is 3 "from the new world"?
darkcyril: @FrostyKaze Yes.
BigDaddyBland87: I learned a lot about Koudelka/Shadowhearts from Majjular
aria1027: what is the pizza count, I missed it
NoxStryx: Lets cafe?
ExachixKitsune: Cafe Nope
LadyLockwood92: Jordynne lookin' super cute btw~
Angreed66: @IaCthulhuFthagn VODs will exist food is important
IaCthulhuFthagn: Let's Cafe!
KaleidoscopeMind: rhythm nope is solid
micalovits: Cafe Nope is good
ztghostie: Nope Cafe
ThirdGames: Rhythm? Nope!
RandomTrivia: We already get the occasional Watch+Cafe, crossovers are great
TXC2: I think Lets Cafe is just this show :P
dredshift: Let's Rhythym, Nope!
IaCthulhuFthagn: "Rhythm: NOPE!"
jacqui_lantern234: @LadyLockwood92 literally all the time, tbh
Izandai: @IaCthulhuFthagn Keep the stream live on your computer until it comes up on your phone?
Shaneusm: @aria1027 Countdown till Pizza party
TacitusVigil: Watch + Nope
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
FrostyKaze: @darkcyril Ah ok thank you. I can see why
baltimore_667083: tonight’s forecast: dark
Radjack: Cloudy with a chance of Pizza? Awesome.
PMAvers: Forecast of Raining Water Balloons in James' Immediate Area
rocketjohn: the weather forecast is heavy chance of water baloons
TacitusVigil: Beejs Eats the Entire Pizza?
LadyLockwood92: @jacqui_lantern234 true true
Alness49: And if we don't hit the Pizza Party, LRR unionizes!
Tzimisce_Joe: Lol
SpoonfullOfSugar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months, currently on a 75 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SpoonfullOfSugar! (Today's storm count: 134)
shadowmaster132: I spent like a year saving up for a game boy
momalyd: I sold my bass guitar for my ps1
Simriel: 64 slices of American cheese?
ztghostie: oh yeah
Gekyouryuu: I got my first N64 as a birthday gift or something, I forget what, but then I got the Hey You Pikachu N64 bundle with the console that had Pikachu on it as a gift for graduating elementary school
RedNightmare7: Banjo-Kazooie was ours. Still freaking love that game
Tzimisce_Joe: My first game was Mario 3
TacitusVigil: Dash Rendar!
IncredibleFrown: mine was star fox i think
shadowmaster132: and then I coudn't get many games for it because my parents didn't get why I liked it
Simonark: That was my first console I bought too. Once my better half and I got our first apartment, they were really confused it hadn’t occurred to do so earlier. So many consoles since.
elysium_21: My first one was starcraft
Gekyouryuu: oh, Heather's birthday is in October? fellow October kid, high five.
EmmaPartlow: Mine was Pokemon Stadium
ztghostie: My families first game was Mario Kart 64 and Snowboard Kids
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 79 in the channel!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to berlyqs!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to sfquavoland!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to depressive_lenin!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to DarmokAndJaladOnTheOcean!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to tnuf!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to fede_salem!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to OmegaTemplar7!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to EnvyTheKiwi!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to bunkcephus!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to PaleGreySky!
LijahHart: N64 is the only nintendo console that i never owned. i've owned all the others at some point
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, ThreeTwoOnePantsOff! Welcome to tnuf, berlyqs, depressive_lenin, sfquavoland, DarmokAndJaladOnTheOcean, PaleGreySky, fede_salem, OmegaTemplar7, bunkcephus, and EnvyTheKiwi! (Today's storm count: 144)
TXC2: ThreeTwoOnePantsOff lrrHEART
bladed_shadow is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 8 in the channel!
bladed_shadow gifted a Tier 1 sub to BillNonGrata!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, bladed_shadow! Welcome to BillNonGrata! (Today's storm count: 145)
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrSHINE
jacqui_lantern234: my first N64 games were Mario 64 and Pokemon Stadium 2. the issue is that i had no friends and wanted to play the minigames
Shaneusm: Deck of cards to pizza
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: that’s my third Ten-Bomb of the week!
bytecaster: What a cool dentist
KaleidoscopeMind: my dentist had a n64. my sibs and i played so much pokemon snap there
Izandai: My dentist as a kid had a SNES running DKC.
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: my orthodontist had a few N64s in the waiting room
ExachixKitsune: Spyro my beloved cakejuShades
stippledotter is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel!
nyoomgoom: spyro!!
stippledotter gifted a Tier 1 sub to FloralFoxGal!
stippledotter gifted a Tier 1 sub to Syncronis!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, stippledotter! Welcome to FloralFoxGal and Syncronis! (Today's storm count: 147)
mysteenova157: First game I remember was Duck Hunt but that was NES
LijahHart: Spyro taught me about motion sickness
Tweygoh: first two games I played were Spyro 3 and Medievil
Earthenone: !card debt to the deathless
LRRbot: Debt to the Deathless [XWWBB] | Sorcery | Each opponent loses two times X life. You gain life equal to the life lost this way.
Nigouki: university books are a scam anyway
L0rdX33n: first console was a gameboy
Tzimisce_Joe: @mysteenova157 yes I had duckhunt too
ExachixKitsune: Spyro 3 was the first game I properly 100%ed
L0rdX33n: i loved it very much
RockPusher: I still have my uni textbooks
FrostyKaze: The first gaming-related thing I got was the Gameboy Colour with Pokemon Yellow
momalyd: Spyro with floating point graphics correction on emulation is so good.
RockPusher: because I am a book hoarder
jacqui_lantern234: @L0rdX33n i love YOU very much!!! <3
GhostValv: :O
Izandai: mattlrPika
Riandisa: @LijahHart That was the second game I found myself motion sick to. First being Descent
BigDaddyBland87: @Nigouki yea I found an online site where people sold used textbooks. Saved a ton of money that way
mysteenova157: First hand held I bought was Game Boy Advanced and Pokemon Leaf Green was the first game I got for it
RockPusher: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
thejester5411: Riptor's Rage??
KaleidoscopeMind: i mean they might kinda care if you know all the good hangout spots
TehAmelie: the way i hear, textbooks are "multiple" scams, from professors publishing their own book at a huge markup to the printer and the store giving huge markups
PharaohBender27: :D
TXC2: despite living in the same town all my life, I haven't met anyone I went to school with in 15 years :p
ztghostie: LUL
Izandai: mattlrLul
NotCainNorAbel: this is why I went to school across the state where no one else from my HS went.
ArrestedHouse: LUL 󠀀
RedNightmare7: Huh
RockPusher: How do you feel about some of the old cartoon stuff Kathleen?
RedNightmare7: Never considered that
GhostValv: well aggooded
Izandai: mattlrWoof
goatprince: for more details on these origin stories, go watch the 20th anniversary retrospective podcast series
TXC2: ^
aussie_rob_w: I'm technically on facebook but I don't use it anymore myself either.
mrverbal: I am still friends with some people I was in kindergarten with
Pteraspidomorphi: TXC2: Likewise. There were some people in high school I genuinely thought I was good friends with and would have liked to stay friends with, but I never saw any of them again
Gekyouryuu: I'm "on" facebook in that I need to use messenger as a way to keep in touch with a couple groups, but I otherwise never even go on the site
fhorrigan: Low five Kathleen. Child abandonment childhoods rock.
glitched_goddess: pretty sure everyone I went to high school with thinks I’m dead lol
BigDaddyBland87: I have a few immediate friends from HS I still hang out with...less so as time goes on. Most of the rest, I never see anymore and thats ok with me
aussie_rob_w: oh, I use instagram and messenger.
KaleidoscopeMind: lots of parents
bytecaster: I was against facebook when it came out and I have been vindicated
shadowmaster132: Facebook messenger is where my group chats are :(
jacqui_lantern234: @fhorrigan except me
jessieimproved: I have school aged kids and there is information I can only get from Facebook, and that sucks
hesterbyrde: I'm in a discord with some of my high school crew but we are literally on opposite sides of the country from each other.
Eklinaar: Everyone I went to high school with can go F themselves
frankieh: Low five Kathleen
Gekyouryuu: and I've never kept in touch with anyone I knew in High School except for one time I ran into someone at random for like 5 minutes
Lord_Hosk: ohhh yeah, mom groups and playdates are HUUUUUGE on facebook its horrible
stippledotter: Oof you're probably healthier for not being in the parent groups
fhorrigan: @jacqui_lantern234 I was not being serious. It's awful.
Peacememories: my view is that the things that are only going on on corporate media are probably worth missing out on...
RockPusher: There are tradeoffs to not Facebooking, but I think it will work out long-term
Earthenone: i assume in a few years you not being on facebook will be good for her social life, so it will all even out
jacqui_lantern234: though to be fair, i was abandoned about 50% of the time
NoxStryx: Facebook used to be so useful when i was in college to find and continue talking with people i met randomly on campus
Mangledpixel: I deleted my FB account, but my Spotify account was linked to it - this caused my Spotify to change my name to an unreadable garbled mess, and the gender field to blank
jacqui_lantern234: that was the good half, tbh
Izandai: @Mangledpixel That's kind of awesome.
Nigouki: they were forced by the EU i believe
accountmadeforants: That used to be the case
ClockTamer: I’m not on Facebook and it 100% keeps me out of the loop of ALOT of local table top communities
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
mysteenova157: I've been off Facebook for years now. Been much happier
definenull: Wow
Genie_M: EU said them they can't do that
Earthenone: @Mangledpixel sounds like life goals :)
42MiLLyWays: very wild!
fhorrigan: I use Messenger, but got rid of Facebook
TacitusVigil: They used to, they split them up.
incslayer: no it just forces you to have a AN facebook account but you dont need to use the facebook app thanks to the EU
NoxStryx: @mangledpixel sounds like a upgrade
jacqui_lantern234: @Mangledpixel that rules
Pteraspidomorphi: They probably track you either way, so they'd rather keep you happy
jessieimproved: I also have Messenger but not Facebook on my phone. I only check Facebook on my computer.
BigDaddyBland87: I have FB only to keep tabs with family
RandomTrivia: I assume they're just training LLMs on it at this point but such is life
RedNightmare7: You're welcome
aussie_rob_w: Thanks EU! <3
Tzimisce_Joe: I use messenger for family but yes
shadowmaster132: I put facebook on my phone for Buy Nothing groups after not logging in for years
Genie_M: You're welcome 😁
TacitusVigil: Yes, "good"
bytecaster: I miss when I computers brought me joy
Nigouki: Also thanks EU for universal USB-C connectors instead of proprietary ones
Izandai: Seize the means of communication! Or something.
kainboa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kainboa! (Today's storm count: 148)
fhorrigan: My favourite part is the personal info out there. Infosec is a fantasy.
TXC2: yeap these time sure do inspire set things on fire
Pteraspidomorphi: Most of the EU is held hostage by Meta's WhatsApp for comms
bytecaster: Lines in the sand
marawr_arts: yay, cake is my fav band and first red rocks concert!!!
TitanicBark68 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TitanicBark68! (Today's storm count: 149)
krfsm: I have distant relatives on the other side of the pond I'm tempted to get Facebook to keep in touch with on the level "christmas card/find out if someone died" level
jjcard: Cake is from where I grew up
TXC2: Pteraspidomorphi the fact that politicians use whatsapp should be ringing alarm bell :p
NoxStryx: It's like the song "breakfast at tiffany's" but with cake
accountmadeforants: @Pteraspidomorphi Yuuup, most of my family and my neighborhood group chat are on there, so I can't escape it
Izandai: mattlrLul
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
ArrestedHouse: LUL
definenull: Oh....
trilemma85: LUL
jessieimproved: learn to buck. up.
LadyDesco subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
accountmadeforants: @accountmadeforants The worst part is just about everyone I know joined well before Facebook bought them
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LadyDesco! (Today's storm count: 150)
jumping_point: Oh they were so sneaky. xD
Izandai: That's hilarious.
Izandai: mattlrLul
RockPusher: gabyLul
Pteraspidomorphi: accountmadeforants: Sounds about right
rozodru: ugh every sunday morning my Mom would put on the phantom of the opera record every time she cleaned. I will forever associate cleaning with a deformed opera singer.
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
baskwalla: I used to skip swear words in songs when my kids were younger
SnowBuddy18: my dad was just super blatant when he was skipping a sing because I was too young
shadowmaster132: My older nibling is such a little rule follower it's adorable
Pteraspidomorphi: Zuckerberg is pretty smart, he knows it's easier to just buy out competitors
RedNightmare7: I guess that's one way of realizing swearing isn't always appropriate
SandbaggerOne: In my house the car trip music was either Abba best of or Les Mis.
shadowmaster132: Their younger sibling otoh is not
RockPusher: Raging against the hypocrisy of the world
bytecaster: Don't say that at school or on desert bus
Izandai: mattlrWoof
jacqui_lantern234: my first swear was telling my mom to "fuck off!"
McArgh: Cheer800
accountmadeforants: @Pteraspidomorphi I'm still shocked they were allowed to buy Instagram.
doormar: Sounds like Hamilton
jacqui_lantern234: i was 5
AragornKeuken: My parents were always clear that you should only swear at situations; not people
mysteenova157: My parents got us CD players so we could all listen to our own cds on car rides
lucky_lux subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lucky_lux! (Today's storm count: 151)
RockPusher: That said - it's good to cultivate the impression you don't swear cause then you get very good reactions when you deploy an F-bomb
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
Izandai: mattlrLul
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
GhostValv: jhahahah
definenull: Baby jordynne is amazing
jacqui_lantern234: BAHAHAHA
PharaohBender27: :D
RandomTrivia: Based smol Jordynne
Gekyouryuu: I said a swear when I was 4, because I was FOUR and didn't know any better, and my biological father's immediate reaction to me repeating a word I HAD JUST HEARD HIM SAY was to drag me into the bathroom and use a bar of soap to was my mouth out.
TehAmelie: i tried out swearing to express a strong emotion once when i was like 9 and mom got mad so then i became a writer
BigDaddyBland87: @RockPusher That's what I do with my friends.
jessieimproved: I've literally never heard my Dad swear. My mom, a few times.
ExachixKitsune: @Gekyouryuu well that's rude :( sorry to hear that
Decaped: ther'es a quote for the database
LarkSachrosis: I think the worst word I've heard out of my dad's mouth is 'damn'
SandbaggerOne: My wife recently mentioned to her parents that when not around them I swear like a sailor.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Okay, so speaking of swearing, has anyone conducted any tests as to why Cameron can always deliver the perfect deliver of the word "FUCK" in any situation?
TXC2: I think I could count on one hand the number of times my Mum has sworn :p
RandomTrivia: YIKES
PharaohBender27: D:
jacqui_lantern234: WHAT
GhostValv: hand soup D:
Izandai: wtf
TehAmelie: Cameron is the lrrEFF master
holo_raptor: yeah it's a deeply unpleasant sensation
Riiiiiiis: what other soap would it be?
rocketjohn: soap can look like cheese
micalovits: I have bitten into a soap thinking it was white chocolate
TXC2: Riiiiiiis a bar of soap ?
Trahas: @Riiiiiiis bar soap
alexsteacy: YACK
TacitusVigil: Yay, anti-cilantro buddies!
jacqui_lantern234: fun fact: "The Cilantro Gene" makes it NOT taste like soap
Izandai: mattlrLul
Izandai: Serves him right!
Riiiiiiis: @TXC2 ahh ... I don't differentiate hand soap and liquid hand soap...
krfsm: "this tastes like brake fluid." "no, I've tried brake fluid, this is worse."
Izandai: mattlrWoof
GazzyInferno: what.
krfsm: immortal exchanges
accountmadeforants: I mean, dog shampoo is probably fine
shadowmaster132: Like many things my mum threatened us with it but never followed through
Fanklok: I have some soap that smells just like froot loops
RockPusher: Being "the good kid" means you can get away with some truly bad ideas
Izandai: I think I got spanked exactly once.
SnowBuddy18: "maybe what happened to me ISN'T the best way to raise my kids"
GhostValv: yeah I'm glad that was fading away by then
Herbert_Erpaderp: I was always threatened with chilli sauce.
enbycephalopod: anyone else with long or curly hair use horse shampoo??
TXC2: I used to smacked in the face :p
iPoding: hotwheels tracks leaves weird marks, can confirm
TXC2: *to get
Mangledpixel: between me and my sisters being born was around when smacking became less of a thing in the UK
momalyd: Main and tail
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Star in a Reasonably Priced Forklift at Sat 08:00 AM PDT (24m from now).
OtherEdgeworth: I got the belt from my dad once. *once*
Eklinaar: @enbycephalopod I didn't but I grew up in the country and aaallllllllll the horse girls did.
RandomTrivia: So benginHype for that
Fanklok: Using violence makes them stop the behaviour around you so the problem is solved
hesterbyrde: I def got a wooden spoon but it was usually just to chase me out of the kitchen when I was being a nuisance and not really to hit and cause pain.
rocketjohn: only 43 more things for pizza, let's get it done in 30mins friends
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
trilemma85: You are bringing an entire forklift into Studio A?
fhorrigan: This was a good subathon folks, I really enjoyed this week and boy....needed it.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: how is The Pork Belly doing?
accountmadeforants: @enbycephalopod Not me, but a male friend of mine does and his (blonde, wavy) hair looks great, so uh, probably works alright.
TXC2: fhorrigan lrrHEART
jokerzgrave: 43 slices to go
AtrusOfMyst: Approaching Pizza Nexus
Lord_Hosk: My mother broke so many wooden spoons on me. I would laugh at her when she would hit me, so she would hit me harder and harder. and then hit me more because "I" broke her spoon.
RandomTrivia: Who is currently bad at golf?
definenull: And not the "pizza party" in the negative sense
jacqui_lantern234: @fhorrigan lrrSHINE
Izandai: @Lord_Hosk mattlrWoof
momalyd: Water Balloon assault party!!
krfsm: 16800 bits if my mental math works out
Gekyouryuu: and then tomorrow you get to come back exhausted and run a PPR
TehAmelie: the pizza point break approaches
margieargie is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 514 in the channel!
margieargie gifted a Tier 1 sub to JaeHollow!
margieargie gifted a Tier 1 sub to yourboytect__!
margieargie gifted a Tier 1 sub to hey_kelvin!
margieargie gifted a Tier 1 sub to quistie!
margieargie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Noah_Perez23!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, margieargie! Welcome to hey_kelvin, JaeHollow, yourboytect__, Noah_Perez23, and quistie! (Today's storm count: 156)
TXC2: margieargie lrrHEART
Morrigan9: aww, you came down from half a billion bits
Fanklok: Every sub deletes some of Serge's treatza
GhostValv: it's almost like we like yall :)
jacqui_lantern234: @Lord_Hosk i feel ya. there are also wooden objects larger than spoons that my body has broken
hesterbyrde: @Lord_Hosk I definitely still have one of my grandmother's spoons with a crack in it :D
charlietrotter123 is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 51 in the channel!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to AnalyticBard!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dacbruh!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, charlietrotter123! Welcome to dacbruh and AnalyticBard! (Today's storm count: 158)
PharaohBender27: ShowLove969 lrrSHINE
enbycephalopod: @accountmadeforants can confirm that it works as an owner or very curly hair. But now I use purpose made human stuff that comes in a giant capri sun
TXC2: remember chat: YOU DID THIS!
KBKarma: Good afternoon! Cheer100
NekomimiNinja: lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 93 in the channel!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to retroghost513!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zakaw!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to SwarleyBarker!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to rxyxxq!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to bunevan!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RandomTrivia! Welcome to Zakaw, SwarleyBarker, retroghost513, rxyxxq, and bunevan! (Today's storm count: 163)
TXC2: RandomTrivia lrrHEART
jacqui_lantern234: I FEEL ATTACKED
jacqui_lantern234: i use main and tail
RockPusher: gabyLul
krfsm: my sister was horse smitten 'til she got horse bitten.
malfnord: (h o n s e)
Izandai: @krfsm mattlrLul
Sarah_Serinde: Hullo friends
Sarah_Serinde: Heather your haircut looks great
RandomTrivia: Hey there Sarah_Serinde!
enbycephalopod: Funniest part is I freaking HATE horses
TXC2: hello Sarah_Serinde
TacitusVigil: Must Love Horses Club
krfsm: (not a *serious* bite, but quite the nip apparently)
Izandai: awwwwwww
RockPusher: but what if… Jodhpurs…
IaCthulhuFthagn: @krfsm "A Møøse once bit my sister"
jacqui_lantern234: @Sarah_Serinde hai friend whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY <3
Simriel: Paul is pretty well adjusted right?
accountmadeforants: @enbycephalopod That's a delightful image. But yeah, he's a vet who works with horses, and didn't like something in his human shampoo, so tried it out is the story, I believe.
fhorrigan: The heavy oppositional side is so fun sometimes. No matter how reasonable the request my brain screams "How dare you, go fuck yourself"
Gekyouryuu: "Unicorns? no, none of that. Horses only. no horns. young women aren't allowed to be horny."
shadowmaster132: I was a huge saddle club girl but i don't think I ever really wanted to hang out with a horse
Izandai: mattlrLul
definenull: Horse archery!
micalovits: Good choice
krfsm: @IaCthulhuFthagn I've seen their teeth, I would not want anyone I like to get bit by a moose
jacqui_lantern234: LUL i love you jordynne
alexsteacy: Okay we know who's leading the LRR cavalry charge now
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
ExachixKitsune: gosh I wish I still did archery and I'd totally try to do horseback archery
PsychoI3oy: alexsteacy, are you armored cav, then?
malfnord: Come for the Mongol cosplay, leave for the 1%ers
jacqui_lantern234: my ex WAS a horse girl. now hes a well adjusted man
Gekyouryuu: "You want to be Moguls, I want to be a Mongol."
RockPusher: oh, 'mornin' Sarah_Serinde
hvhTim: Cheer1000 Cheer50 what cars have you previously owned through your life?
alexsteacy: I'm NBC warfare and morale XD
jokerzgrave: Laughs in trauma. I was told to get on my knees next to an anthill and not move an inch by my gma. A trip to the emergency room and plenty of bug bites later memories were made.
krfsm: wife's last name has a "von und zu" suffix
IaCthulhuFthagn: @ExachixKitsune How about the flying cavalry?
Sarah_Serinde: Evening RockPusher :)
jacqui_lantern234: dude got a MASSIVE glowup with his T shots
GazzyInferno: ah
Eklinaar: Not a girl but I grew up with horses, there were so many horse girls and horse girl parents
jumping_point: xD Brilliant idea, Alex! Jordynne in armour on a horse leading the charge is a very cool image in my head right now!
alexsteacy: Awkwarrrd
enbycephalopod: @psychoi3oy he strikes me as a combat engineer
Simonark: Being given a bow and several rich people at once, that seems… hard to resist.
Brozard: Well, we know a place in BC that does (did?) horse archery
ExachixKitsune: @IaCthulhuFthagn : if I could find a pegasus....
RockPusher: Sarah_Serinde I mean, it's approaching 3am so either works tqsShrug
JustChrisWood subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JustChrisWood! (Today's storm count: 164)
Cptasparagus: I do biomedical research in partnership with an equine focused veterinary hospital and I found out where all of the horse women ended up. It's a world of its own.
alexsteacy: Stop fhorsing her
PharaohBender27: @Brozard Glad someone else also remembered that Road Quest moment
NeoOfTheDark: "I want to shoot a bow and cut down orcs from horseback, you just want to own a horse. We are not the same."
krfsm: (I've visited the place von und zu'd, the noble family ancestral manor is an old folks home nowadays, appropriately enough)
Sarah_Serinde: @RockPusher Haha fair enough, I guess morning works for both of us
ArcticAtlantic: if anything she sucked way more in the return
AragornKeuken: Rory is the pinacle of character regression
Lord_Hosk: The Return SUUUUCKed
Seru: what is the pizza counter?
shadowmaster132: Jordynne I believe you are better than Rory
TitanicBark68: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1
AtrusOfMyst: You got to hang out with Sam Winchester from Supernatural in the Gilmore-verse
jacqui_lantern234: @shadowmaster132 if anything, IM the Rory Kappa
alexsteacy: Cori teaches Jordynne archery lets gooo
jumping_point: what?! oof.
iPoding: sweet, i got the anxiety
Gekyouryuu: I worry I've done both
GhostValv: oh...
RandomTrivia: oh no
GhostValv: that explains thing
alexsteacy: NotLikeThis
ProcyonFlynn: #PersonallyAttacked
jacqui_lantern234: @alexsteacy fun fact: i ALSO know archery. i was taught by a REAL ACTUAL MARSHAL
SnowBuddy18: that explains everything
Wolfstrike_NL: Alex is at least LRR's champion axe thrower.
malfnord: I'm pretty sure I did both but sure
shadowmaster132: Alexis Bledel was in Tuck Everlasting though which was good
Sarah: They've hit the cap of the subathon, so now subs and bits go towards a pizza party
42MiLLyWays: yes!
UrbanSamurai_22 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 8 in the channel!
UrbanSamurai_22 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sen1920!
UrbanSamurai_22 gifted a Tier 1 sub to championbruh!
UrbanSamurai_22 gifted a Tier 1 sub to packardxpower!
UrbanSamurai_22 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Trutie!
UrbanSamurai_22 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Phyrexian_Toaster!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, UrbanSamurai_22! Welcome to sen1920, Trutie, championbruh, packardxpower, and Phyrexian_Toaster! (Today's storm count: 169)
AragornKeuken: Emily is the best part of the return
ArcticAtlantic: I think I would describe original Rory as immature, but in the return just *super* entitled
TXC2: UrbanSamurai_22 lrrHEART
Lord_Hosk: Rory and Logan were perfect for each other, Logan was like "I support your dreams and I will wait for you while you pursue your dreams" and then he was just GONE
42MiLLyWays: Emily had real growth in that!
Jigokuro: Hey, I didn- wait I did develop anxiety I just got lucky that medical permanently cured it years ago.
enbycephalopod: best thing I bought at a ren faire was a mongolian style bow
RockPusher is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to IncredibleFrown!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to kur11zma!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to EnsoulArtifact!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Supertek!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Svejk98!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheRealDawnreaver!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to 1337Dedrea!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to whiskeyscribe!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tehbeard!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Aigra!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to wizarus!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to wars128!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to grimkingxx!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to ArkusSatorius!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Xyvan!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to BioRockMonk!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Himyul!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to GreasyJoe!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to trilemma85!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to eagleeyesjwc!
RockPusher: Have some pizza
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RockPusher! Welcome to IncredibleFrown, Supertek, TheRealDawnreaver, whiskeyscribe, 1337Dedrea, Tehbeard, Aigra, wizarus, wars128, grimkingxx, kur11zma, Xyvan, BioRockMonk, Himyul, GreasyJoe, trilemma85, EnsoulArtifact, Svejk98, ArkusSatorius, and eagleeyesjwc! (Today's storm count: 189)
superdude097: Cheer100 Guess who just turned on their coffee machine and walked away without putting a cup to catch the coffee!
TXC2: rocketjohn lrrHEART
Diabore: PIZZA
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrSHINE sergeGift
RandomTrivia: PIZZA TIME!
PharaohBender27: PizzaTime !
malfnord: And RockPusher in with the snipe again.
BrowneePoints: well I was away from my phone and cooking but Jordynne just supplexed me through the floor with the Gifted Anxiety pipeline comment
IncredibleFrown: oh, ty
jumping_point: Holy moly RockPusher!
the_phantom_game_player: I cream!
Tzimisce_Joe: Nice!
TheAinMAP: voxyPizza voxyPizza voxyPizza
RandomTrivia: jlrrIcream SOON
PharaohBender27: @superdude097 D:
ArrestedHouse: PizzaTime
Sarah_Serinde: Gotta hit the "throw water balloons at James" goal after this :D
ArcticAtlantic: Pride200 alright time to get that ice cream!
Laogeodritt: Rewaching Gilmore Girls in adulthood was a real ride. Going from admiring Rory as a gifted kid myself, to really getting to analyse her character (faults and all) and the trauma and qualities of characters I didn't like as a kid...
hypperstar2280: Lunch secured!
Stanley L: @Seru its a countdown to another goal. if it hits zero they have a pizza party. then a new goal of ice cream, and if they hit that its getting to throw water balloons at James.
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrDILLY
Viewers_Like_You: Hooray, LRR get to eat today!
TXC2: a haha
BrookJustBones: will Serge 1v1 a treatza-pizza
Gekyouryuu: is the third timer just a wet version of the James emote?
BigDaddyBland87: time for icream!
micalovits: Can we change the order of ice cream and water balloon?
Therberus: Just desert bus
JollyGee29 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LowDash_!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Fayili!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to GaianLuck!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to valdinzar20!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to the_szalai!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to RoswellFortySeven!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to babywildbill!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rumham1917!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to anje_falkenrath!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Peacememories!
rogerivany: Ice cream after pizza is not something I've done.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, JollyGee29! Welcome to LowDash_, valdinzar20, Fayili, the_szalai, GaianLuck, anje_falkenrath, babywildbill, RoswellFortySeven, rumham1917, and Peacememories! (Today's storm count: 199)
fhorrigan: Ice cream is delicious gut poison
momalyd: The Pizza Bus is coming!!!!
TXC2: JollyGee29 lrrHEART
Didero: It's your own fault for having good ideas, Heather
jacqui_lantern234: *I* need him to get pelted
PawssumFable: I need someone to get water ballooned
TehAmelie: rip the chat
bytecaster: Serge 1v1 Pizza Final Destination?
djalternative: James, who's currently bad at golf? I lost track
RandomTrivia: Hot damn
superdude097: @PharaohBender27 The worst part is that it's not the first time it's happened
ProcyonFlynn: Serge can certainly >try< to 1v1
PawssumFable: It's not about James, I just need to see it happen to SOMEONE
BigDaddyBland87: goal for next year: get a dunk tank
BrowneePoints: speaking of dramas growing up, I was a closeted queer boi and was WAY too into Charmed as a tween
jchinnock: nothing is stopping yall from pelting water balloons just off camera
Diabore: am i hearing dunk tank next year?
PsychoI3oy: ironic
lady_olynder: Dunk Tank bit for Live prerecord?
accountmadeforants: If Serge soloes the pizza, the pizza definitely needs a healthbar
Seru: ah, we're into the ice creams now :D
accountmadeforants: And for the second phase, another pizza comes in
ArcticAtlantic: did she cheat on Logan?
Statist42: right... the golf thing. had not seen it at all the whole week
Earthenone: logan was trash, but yeah perfect for lorelai
NotCainNorAbel: wait, we are not going to pelt James with pizza, then icecream, and then balloons?
L0rdX33n: i have donated .2% of the subs. i can feel good about that
rogerivany: @NotCainNorAbel Seems like a missed opportunity doesn't it. ;)
Simonark: Rory’s ideal partner was the ghost of Lenny Bruce from Mrs. Maisel, but that’s a niche view.
enbycephalopod: @notcainnorabel no the water balloons are filled with milkshake
jacqui_lantern234: @BrowneePoints when i came out as trans, my 2 best friends from elementary (both sisters) told me they had a bet on *WHEN* i would come out. WHEN!!!! NOT IF!!!!
ArrestedHouse: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: Everyone should feel good about their contributions, even if those contributions are just watching, chatting, or spreading the word lrrHEART
RockPusher: ^
L0rdX33n: Fallout has destroyed my sleep schedule, I just wanted to be there for Beej
cookiebeard: my controversial gilmore girl opinion is that digger was the best boyfriend for loreli and i will die on this hill
AtrusOfMyst: "No Cellphones!"
Eklinaar: How many bits to get an extra 4 hours of Gilmore Girls Talk
L0rdX33n: but soon I can catch up on sleep
Morrigan9: sin city?
incslayer: sin city?
Earthenone: evey generation has a goth girl
PawssumFable: Kathleen: When is the detective EVER writing back instead of pounding whiskey and breaking rules? LUL
42MiLLyWays: Amber Tamblyn
Laurence72: Elvira?
BrowneePoints: @jacqui_lantern234 i told the story at her Celebration of Life but when i told my Mom “I have to tell you something” she said “I know” and I replied “you knew I was Bi?” and she replied “I THOUGHT YOU WERE GAY!”
wildoneizzy: Amber Tamblyn
kodalith: Amber Tamlyn I think
TheMerricat: So chat, it might have occured while I was downstairs, but did they discuss at all if Gilmore Girls actually _meant_ to make Rory horrible or if it just occurred naturally? I felt like listening to people talk about in back in the day the show never actually behaved as if she was doing anything wrong.
Zu_o: Amber Tamblyn is goth? what?
Izandai: @BrowneePoints mattlrLul
jokerzgrave: Rewatching gilmore girls as an adult, I could not tolerate lorelais relationship with Luke, it seemed lorelai needed to grow up and luke was too good for her. Anyone else feel the same
BrowneePoints: don’t even get me started on fat phobia in media
PawssumFable: I'm joking but also yes please
BrowneePoints: it’s LITERALLY my job to destigmatize Fatness in public perception and it’s TIRING
fhorrigan: Homer Simpson is the fattest man in the room at 239 pounds and too fat for clothes at 300. As an adult, what a laugh.
jacqui_lantern234: @Izandai 1st, thats an awesome story. 2nd, my classmate won $10 from her little sister. i got 5 of it
shadowmaster132: the book of sisterhood of the travelling pants only came out four years before the movie??
Simriel: I wonder if we will hit Dilly'ed Bars
Izandai: @jacqui_lantern234 mattlrLul
PawssumFable: I do need some new books
jacqui_lantern234: ive been literally given money for being trans
Laogeodritt: @TheMerricat It was very much told from her POV in a lot of cases. You got the undertone that the Dean situation was very wrong and that she handled the fallout with her mother poorly but...
TXC2: fhorrigan even at the time that was off base :p
adi_pie: Ah, me. Can't write a report in a week, but I can sure finish six in the last 12 hours before a deadline lol
L0rdX33n: i recently binged all of Sherlock Holmes
fhorrigan: That's what I meant. Like, how offbase were those numbers
TehAmelie: also writing noiry description with run on sentences and grimy metaphors dripping over them like dirty rain is super fun
jacqui_lantern234: LOVE my Egg-Breaking story
42MiLLyWays: so cute!
Izandai: d'awww
Laogeodritt: @TheMerricat I feel like shifting discourse over time and the Four Seasons special shifted her portrayal and the discourse a fair bit.
jacqui_lantern234: *THATS* cute
Seru: surely we will :D
Seru: people are way too generous <3
L0rdX33n: sorry, Kathleen, what was the book recommendation?
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE
Kidror: Sorry I wasn't looking I got distracted by the Oathkeeper tattoo
SnowBuddy18: love that cheese
jacqui_lantern234: 😭 MY HEART
stippledotter: I read Raymond Chandler in my 1900s American fiction class in college, and it was one of my fave things to read. Recommended him to lots of folks at my library
stippledotter: Awwwwwwww
AtrusOfMyst: Amazing
TXC2: fhorrigan very insular world Hollywood :p
Williams4jesus: I missed this, but what increases the ice cream count?
Izandai: @Williams4jesus Subs and bits.
stippledotter: @williams4jesus subs and bits
SnowBuddy18: @Williams4jesus subs, bits, same rate as the timer
Earthenone: ever sub or 400 bits reduces icecream count
Sarah_Serinde: @Williams4jesus Subs and bits, we've hit the cap so they go towards this instead
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
jacqui_lantern234: LMFAO HOLY FUCK
ArrestedHouse: LUL 󠀀
TheMerricat: @Laogeodritt Thanks!
shadowmaster132: That's so funny as a take
TheMerricat: @L0rdX33n I missed the book but I'm fairly certain she was talking about Raymond Chandler's works.
CrossXhunteR: if the left one has to go, i think you'll be all right
stippledotter: They currently have to throw 238 dilly bars at James
Izandai: mattlrLul
snowewolf: Dr we have to Remove your Left Butt cheek
lightfut: I'll take one Edward Elric, please
gluonquark: tomorrow BLB-PPR!!!!
jacqui_lantern234: when my grandma told me she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, i paused before saying "i should go to the bathroom to check myself, eh?"
jacqui_lantern234: i dont have cancer
j_crane330: Now I want a dilly bar lrrDILLY
jvetting83: LA Noire
stippledotter: Chandler's The Big Sleep was excellent
djalternative: remember, 1940's LA is going to reak of ciggarettes
L0rdX33n: added to audible queue
shadowmaster132: Sometimes I see 40s fashion and hae some sort of nostalgia for a time i've never been part of
Gekyouryuu: 1940s LA has sadly been replaced by several other LAs in sequence
Therberus: You get 10k for the first finger you chop off, and 10x that amount per extra finger. How many do you cut off?
TXC2: djalternative you could probably taste the smoke in the air :p
Simonark: The best mystery writers of the period aren’t in it for the mysteries. Chandler’s all about mood, Rex Stout is all about spending time with his cast of characters.
shadowmaster132: I read the book. The writing style is interesting and the book is pretty good actually
L0rdX33n: i could lose both pinkies and left ring
krfsm: Jordynne, look up "The Bloody White Baron" by James Palmer. it's a book about a *fascinating* and *terrifying* guy who managed to become the last khan of Mongolia by invading it with cavalry during the Russian Civil War.
TehAmelie: @Therberus 3 would be enough to lead a life of comfort. . .
thatguysteve2709: @therberus 4
shadowmaster132: Hot take Spare could have benefitted from a couple more years of therapy
fhorrigan: I need my fingers for doing things like crafts!
jjcard: I'm a programmer, so kinda need all my fingers to type fast
PawssumFable: The the smallest fingers on my left hand for $1M? Fuckin done.
L0rdX33n: The only thing I know about Raymond Chandler is his response to writer’s block: Have a man with a gun burst into the room.
itmightbemikey: RuPaul sucks for many reasons
stippledotter: @shadowmaster132 this is also my hot take oof
jacqui_lantern234: but yeah, my grandma died after recovering from ovarian cancer and her ex-husband died of breast cancer. now i gotta check basically everywhere religiously
TacitusVigil: The problem I have with celebrity books is that I just assume they're all ghostwritten and meh.
MomoNo9: I think it's safer not to. They have good security.
asthanius: I forgot Ru Paul was in But I'm A Cheerleader
TehAmelie: @L0rdX33n i'll respond by a quote from a Chandler book i memorized: "He had a gun. I took it from him."
L0rdX33n: lol
PawssumFable: I loved But I'm a cheerleader
Shaneusm: Woooo
esherone: Current fucking fracking
andreagustafson: That is a great movie
BrowneePoints: I hate her music, but I love how uncomfortable chapel made Jimmy Fallon
Shaneusm: Icecream countdown go!
ArcticAtlantic: the song currently playing is delightful
jacqui_lantern234: @ArcticAtlantic YOURE delightful lrrSHINE
Cptasparagus: Wait wtf he's Cory Bookers cousin?
ckupf: Poker Face
KV1NN4: Dial Town was a hell of a ride
djalternative: "Do you think god hides in heaven because he too is afraid of what he created?"
ArcticAtlantic: @jacqui_lantern234 daww lrrHEART
Gekyouryuu: I think my favorite way I've ever heard of saying if a woman is straight or gay is "Meat Eater or Vag-itarian."
cookiebeard: first season good, second season meh
shadowmaster132: Russian Doll was god the mystery show was something else
Laogeodritt: Turns out the gay requires at lesat 50GB of disk space and her boot volume was already full.
BlueMechanic: second season went a very different way and I fell off it
shadowmaster132: *good
TheWooglie: Poker Face was brilliant
momalyd: The second season was good, they changed up the time travel
rogerivany: Not Poker Face? It's filming season 2 now.
djalternative: Any of you watching The Getaway?
RockPusher: SNW is very good
Viewers_Like_You: Heck yeah SNW
CrossXhunteR: is star trek still on Crave?
Krektogar: @rogerivany oh, that's great news
jacqui_lantern234: hey chat!!! reminder that i STILL fuckin treasure you all lrrSHINE yall VERY MUCH bring an unreasonable amount of joy to my life
Lord_Hosk: Season 2 of Strange New Worlds is THE BEST
malfnord: Hoist the Jolly Roger?
SnowBuddy18: Strange New Worlds is very good and I can't wait for season 3
Niahlah: Anyone watching "The Bear" ?? seeing a lot of advert for it and would like info
ThorSokar: I hear a truck in the distance.....
TacitusVigil: Star Trek Prodigy is amazing.
Angreed66: You can always follow in Ian's footsteps
just__fitz: We had to get the paramount plus on amazon in order to watch Lower Decks
Izandai: Watching things legally is deeply underrated.
RockPusher: I need to get around to watching Prodigy S2
bytecaster: Friggin' sell me an mp4
shadowmaster132: When I watch legally in theory the people making might know that I want more
jacqui_lantern234: TRU JORDYNNE
stippledotter: And DVDs!
micalovits: As a European, I have given up legally watching so many things...
CrossXhunteR: i just have Prodigy season 2 to watch, and then i will have watched all of Star Trek in the past 3-4 years
GrassVortex: that is the life in Europe as well. So random what service things are on, if any :(
Simriel: Second season got WEEEEIRD but not in a bad way
Kathryn Raven: second season of Russian doll was great
Kathryn Raven: yeah, weird and timey wimey
Saga: Trans people and RuPaul are not friends.
Sarah_Serinde: Random US person: Yeah this is on Netflix. Me in Canada: IS it though?
TacitusVigil: @RockPusher It's so good.
Viewers_Like_You: "Just sign up for Scrumpl, they have $show for the next five days" - the experience
Earthenone: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
atlr: i thought the first season of Russian Doll ended in such a satisfying way that ehen a second season was made I decided to not watch it.
rogerivany: SNW is still free from CTV Sci-Fi for me James.
gibbousm: Prime interface sucks so much
Mangledpixel: it's deliberately complicated
Sarah_Serinde: Yep
PawssumFable: YES
stippledotter: More like Amazon Slime
Sarah_Serinde: And now you have to pay more or have ads all the time
mister_nibbles: thats all on purpose lol
LordZarano: There's a website that tells you what service shows are on for each country
itmightbemikey: Prime's interface is the worst
BrowneePoints: speaking of streaming TV they confirmed yesterday Jamie Lee Curtis won’t be in the second season of one piece due to scheduling conflict, which broke my heart
BigDaddyBland87: yea prime video can go do one
fhorrigan: Canadian AEW fan. Streaming SUCKS.
PharaohBender27: Streaming has become the new cable
esherone: remember to use your Amazon Prime sub gamers
ArrestedHouse: plus Fallout was good
goombalax: yeah we've been trying to watch survivor comprehensively for months
djalternative: This is why JustWatch is bookmarked
just__fitz: The only consistent stream I have now is Dropout
TXC2: Streaming is not just cable :p
Sarah_Serinde: Relatable, Kathleen
SnowBuddy18: mood
TXC2: *now
Creature_Comforts subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
Creature_Comforts: It is good for giving money to streamers!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Creature_Comforts! (Today's storm count: 200)
Laogeodritt: Amazon Prime *itself* is turning into cable television, with its multiple subscription sub-packages and all. Let alone the streaming ecosystem as a whole.
Angreed66: @BrowneePoints Who did he play again?
TheWooglie: @djalternative justwatch is so useful
malsareus: that 0.5 makes a real difference
HaltBen2514: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 7:58 AM
PantherTuer952: hi everyone, what's the plan for today
rogerivany: and it's still before 8am
Saga: Some individual Queens, not RuPual. He's a major wad when it comes to transwomen especially.
ScrapyardGhostTrain: You stop yawning?
RockPusher: TacitusVigil it's one of the things that got me to watch Fallout when I realised Ella Purnell was Gwyn
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
shadowmaster132: Netflix pasword sharing rules booted me off which is a bummer
TXC2: hello PantherTuer952 welcome
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
RockPusher: This is a fun group lrrDARK
neisan2112: Yeah like I have AMC+ solely because it also get me Shudder, instead of just getting Shudder. Its odd
PantherTuer952: @TXC2 thank you
BrowneePoints: Speaking of the Netflix, one piece live action if you have not seen it I highly recommend it. It was a great time.
mister_nibbles: oh god this song is so good
Laogeodritt: probably definitely! =3
TacitusVigil: @RockPusher I realized after the fact when I saw all the jokes online teasing the similarities in the characters.
GrassVortex: I love these "just chatting" streams extraHeart
RandomTrivia: The morning streams have been great, a chill hangout every day
stippledotter: Also, your outfits today coordinate well with the room aesthetic
RandomTrivia: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
CrossXhunteR: i just noticed that 3 of you are wearing new balance
Genie_M: Just chatting is a good time
richard_ermen: Though I very much enjoyed the longer morning show last year as well, this was nice every day =)
TacitusVigil: So, where is the best place to get a Philly cheesesteak in Vic? Kappa
micalovits: These just hanging out parts have been amazing :D
hedonistic_mushroom: LRR Morning Radio please
Didero: The Streamer Mixup, where LRRfolk stream with people they don't normally stream with
Lord_Hosk: Just Watch is kinda broken now, I think they got hit with some kind of lawsuit or got bought out. Stuff shows up on services that don't have it, and don't show up anywere when multiple services have it
Simriel: I love the morning coffee streams yeah, they have had fantastic and interesting chat
BrowneePoints: Kathleen missing just chatting with the Friendos
SnowBuddy18: I'd like a third hour, but I also think 2 is better, the third hour could mean there's less to talk about
Earthenone: jordynne at least wear Jordans :P
CrossXhunteR: i love my new balances
just__fitz: As a Biomechanist, New Balance is good
Dread_Pirate_Westley: This will be mentioned in your review, Jordynne.
Viewers_Like_You: And for anyone who enjoys similar vibes on an ongoing basis, don't forget that James does Punch-a-Chunk thrice weekly over at James_LRR
novrdd: TwitchConHYPE
kataanglover1 is gifting 13 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 30 in the channel!
kataanglover1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to eugenebwhitaker!
kataanglover1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to insertcolorhere!
kataanglover1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to PiGuy2000!
kataanglover1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to towledyouso!
kataanglover1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mick_myage!
kataanglover1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BeardedBardiche!
kataanglover1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gazthedungeonmaster!
kataanglover1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to susucr!
kataanglover1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to iamwavenotweb!
kataanglover1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to happyrailgun!
kataanglover1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Oythebrave!
kataanglover1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to nekobun!
kataanglover1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZealousCrow!
momalyd: They dont make new ballance for big feet. Booo!
KaleidoscopeMind: honestly same (small selection)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, kataanglover1! Welcome to eugenebwhitaker, PiGuy2000, insertcolorhere, towledyouso, BeardedBardiche, mick_myage, susucr, Oythebrave, nekobun, Gazthedungeonmaster, ZealousCrow, iamwavenotweb, and happyrailgun! (Today's storm count: 213)
Mewr11: I have super wide feet so NB extra wide is the only way my feet don't die
Gekyouryuu: Jordynne's balance is retro, clearly Kappa
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrSHINE
TXC2: kataanglover1 lrrHEART
Sarah_Serinde: Jordynne me tooooo
hvhTim: As a mailman I swear by them for narrow feet
krfsm: there's a simple solution to Jordynne's problem!
happyrailgun: @kataanglover1 Thank you!
nekobun: yooo thank'ee
aussie_rob_w: :O
TacitusVigil: Same Kappa
Featherweight_: wah big feels
Krektogar: no Jordynne, it's us that's parasocial with you
CrossXhunteR: kataang, a katara and aang ship
TheWooglie: Bye
PharaohBender27: lrrGibb
RockPusher: Thank you!
fhorrigan: Parasocialism is rough line to tiptoe
ExtraWubs: James has become the viewer
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
lady_olynder: Buttons!
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
abslomdaak42: Bye!
TheWooglie: lrrSHINE
mweepigeon: bye!
RandomTrivia: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
hedonistic_mushroom: Bye!
micalovits: See you later friends!
Viewers_Like_You: Fare thee well
ArrestedHouse: lrrGibb
MikoKisai subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
xantos69: Chat says bye
Ashmantle: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MikoKisai! (Today's storm count: 214)
ExachixKitsune: Thanks for the chattin!
stippledotter: Bye y'all!
GhostValv: have a nice day yall :)
marmalade_pen: <3
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Didero: Thanks for the fun stream segment!
the_phantom_game_player: Good bye. It was fun
ProcyonFlynn: lrrBartleby - have a good one, thanks for the coffee chat
ExtraWubs: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
apennamedquill: lrrSHINE
superdude097: Bye bye!
ArcticAtlantic: woah, being parasocial with your own friends sounds wild
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Jayrod1220: supral1TrueHeart2
baltimore_667083: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: Let's get the forklift fired up!
TXC2: thanks for straming Jordynne and Heather And Kathleen and James
Gekyouryuu: time for Four Klifts
Lamebert1415: BYE lrrSHINE
protojman: loving this
Riandisa: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
ArcticAtlantic: seeeee ya lrrSHINE
TXC2: bye
BlueChloroplast: 2020Glitchy VirtualHug bleedPurple LuvHearts LuvGift <3
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Mangledpixel: fork! fork! fork!
RandomTrivia: Biiiiig stretch
BrowneePoints: I’ve been living alone for the past months mostly isolated due to disability and EVERYTHING feels parasocial. it’s…odd
Uzumaki15: Perfect song timing
stippledotter: That music timing tho
BlueChloroplast: lrrSHINE lrrHEART
Didero: Oh right, the forklifts are happening now, how could I have forgotten?
LadyLockwood92: Bye~
incslayer: !finquote ian
BrowneePoints: 7 months*
incslayer: !findquote ian
LRRbot: Quote #3700: "When Ian and Beej are left unsupervised in the moonbase, sometimes fire occurs." —Kathleen [2016-12-05]
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
RockPusher: !quote ian
LRRbot: Quote #2035: "I like a good flasty pastry." —Ian [2016-03-04]
Morrigan9: about what time was that pork done?
PharaohBender27: !quote 7000
LRRbot: Quote #7000: "Ian, never stop being Ian." —Kathleen [2020-06-17]
stippledotter: Anyone know the name of this song?
hedonistic_mushroom: Horner-Sensei lrrIAN lrrIAN lrrIAN lrrIAN
fhorrigan: @BrowneePoints I was working alone for a full year from everyone, just following what they were doing on social media. I know exactly James' feelings there.
ArrestedHouse: DinoDance
Mangledpixel: work it!
GhostValv: amazonPumpkinDance
RockPusher: rock on Jordynne
fhorrigan: Jordynne dangnce
asthanius: absolutely eating it up
superdude097: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
asthanius: greate6Gummydance
HaltBen2514: James’ turn?
HaltBen2514: awww
BrowneePoints: @fhorrigan I’ve basically become an hikikomori since my mom died and it sucks. I do not wish it on anyone
Kidror: Wow Jordynne destroyed James in that dance off, it felt like he didn't even try
asthanius: JADE
PharaohBender27: Doggo!
TehAmelie: me, momentarily terrified as i find out i have a "brand account" on youtube
itmightbemikey: DOGGO
lady_olynder: Doggo!
RandomTrivia: HI JADE!
Radjack: Doggo!
baltimore_667083: jade!
Wolfstrike_NL: Doogo!
superdude097: PUPPY!
NimrodXIV: Jade!
stippledotter: DOG
incslayer: DOGGO!
RandomTrivia: benginLove
RockPusher: Jade tqsWow
BlueChloroplast: Dogggo
TheWooglie: angeli188Clivee
BrowneePoints: and I’m saying this AS a massive introvert @fhorrigan
Risuchia: DOGGO
stippledotter: lrrSPOT
ElementalAlchemist: yay, I'm not late!
Genasi_Gaming: did they make the cap?
RockPusher: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
TheWooglie: squidp6Dance
incslayer: Jordynne do Karameldansen :p
PharaohBender27: DinoDance
asthanius: greate6Gummydance greate6Gummydance
itmightbemikey: yeah, cap reached
baltimore_667083: DinoDance
GhostValv: amazonPumpkinWiggle
Simriel: This is going to be an extremely Ian segment isn't it
Unpronounceable: good doggo
Sarah: Any segment with Ian in it is an extremely Ian segment :P
Seru: great dance, jordynne
TXC2: Genasi_Gaming yeap
itmightbemikey: about 2 hours ago
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
CodeIndigo: @BrowneePoints I'm so sorry to hear this.
stippledotter: Flossing is important!
NekomimiNinja: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Lanthess: Does James have to buy 223 Dilly bars?
Risuchia: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
incslayer: no we are 223 from dilly bars
Gascitygaming: @Lanthess It's counting down the subs until he buys dilly bars
50keyz: midnig380NAJAMMIES
TXC2: Lanthess no, it's counting down to ice cream
TXC2: steady !
PharaohBender27: @Lanthess No, there's just 223 minutes left to fund until ice cream party
LadyLockwood92: I may or may not also be getting pizza~
TXC2: hold
50keyz: wait - did we hit cap?
TXC2: here we GO!
Mangledpixel: squeeeeeky door
Gascitygaming: Then after that another 250 until water balooning James
RockPusher: Gathered humans, start your engines!!!
HaltBen2514: losing a parent fucking sucks. remember to be kind to yourself @browneepoints :
TXC2: 50keyz yeap
ElementalAlchemist: Hello, forklift!
Viewers_Like_You: spooky door noise
thedatatap: lrrCIRCLE lrrCIRCLE lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrIAN lrrHORN
TXC2: Hello Ian
BigDaddyBland87: SingsNote This is the song written for this segment. Let's have some fun with Ian and friends. HE TRIIIIED TO KILL ME WITH A FORKLIIIIIIIFT!!! SingsNote
Didero: Hello Ian!
Gascitygaming: about 6Am PST cap was hit!
ElementalAlchemist: Hi Ian ^_^
marmalade_pen: hey it's the room tone guy
50keyz: @TXC2 YAY!
Durugai: a LRRster
RockPusher: Elevate!
hedonistic_mushroom: Horner-Sensei lrrIAN lrrHORN lrrIAN lrrHORN
PharaohBender27: Cheer2400 SingsNote He trriiiiiieeeed to kill him with a forkliiiiifft! SingsNote
the_phantom_game_player: Hello Ian
BigDaddyBland87: I have waited all week to do that
TXC2: !gant
ArdCollider: hi bob!
MTGRanger: lrrIAN lrrHORN lrrIAN lrrHORN
RockPusher: !gant
Laogeodritt: Hello, Ian! ~~Is it Yakuza hour already?~~
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeSteer katesSteer
ArcticAtlantic: oh thank christ I thought we had actual forklifts
Decaped: Are they faster than Sergio Perez?
PharaohBender27: @BigDaddyBland87 Same braincell, I see :D
Sunidesus: somewhat
TheWriterAleph: i thought it was forklift simulator, but this is even better
Sunidesus: ?
KaleidoscopeMind: how much heavy lifting is "somewhat" doing in that sentence
mister_nibbles: WE'RE HEREEEE
Viewers_Like_You: "Strictly speaking, it operates"
excalgold: ForkLrrft
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: It's a beaut
aussie_rob_w: it's not forklift simulator?
nekobun: in which we find out Ian is not actually forklift certified, and by "take" a forklift, he means "steal" a forklift
ArrestedHouse: yup, that's a forklift
RockPusher: Tuned‽
TehAmelie: gasp
ElementalAlchemist: toe to tip, that's a forklift
Shadowsoflife: @Laogeodritt those are on Fridays :p
E_Westra: @KaleidoscopeMind As much as a forklift can handle
Seru: hey ian, is this the le mans 24 hour run part of the subathon? :D
Sarah: Basically
ElementalAlchemist: RIP Shenmue
kusinohki: meows
margieargie: @PharaohBender27 Ole!
hedonistic_mushroom: Baptized, Thriving, and Forklift Certified
NekomimiNinja: It can reach speeds.
Laogeodritt stares at kusinohki
ExachixKitsune: Laogeodritt: an laurabun!
Malkmaven1176: It's LRR stars in a reasonably priced forklift!
Laogeodritt: @ExachixKitsune kitsu da!
jvetting83: Nurburgring?
LadyLockwood92: It is a go kart? /spokesmanvoice
kusinohki: *slowly blinks* @ lao
Mangledpixel: heh
RockPusher: I wondered if you would
hedonistic_mushroom: LRR racing game
Nigouki: lulz
singinnonsense: is this an electric or propane forklift ?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: DUNSFORD!
NotCainNorAbel: 'the standard track'
ElementalAlchemist: Ah, nice
SnowBuddy18: oh, THAT track
rocketjohn: gambon? gambon.
ArrestedHouse: oh yes
Bobtheninjagoldfish: been a minutes since I've been there
baltimore_667083: why was i expecting zeltweg...
TXC2: I was hoping on Leguna Seca :p
Seru: I am surprised I guessed it correctly just by the fact it's ian
Sarah: XD
stippledotter: Oh, the TRACK track
Philocalist: Digital Road Quest?
mtvcdm: Morning. I'm gonna be sleeps a fair bit today from the travel but I'm not missing the end.
RandomTrivia: That is the airfield I'm thinking of, isn't it?
ElementalAlchemist: Not quite the Shenmue warehouse but pretty good
ExachixKitsune: !tme
PantherTuer952: wait, is it the track i am thinking of, where the white suited racer drove his rounds?
ExachixKitsune: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 8:07 AM
mtvcdm: I see we've capped too, good job
Diabore: first competitor one James "Tiberius" Turner
BlueChloroplast: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
baltimore_667083: hi james!
ElementalAlchemist: Hi James!
jchinnock: heh “top”
HyruleGirl9: Hey chat I have a question about subs: if someone starts a multi-month sub, does each month go towards the sub count, or is it just the one for this month?
TheAinMAP: lrrBartleby ?
TheWooglie: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
BusTed: seabatClap
TXC2: clap clap clap
RockPusher: mtvcdm and have pizza
Viewers_Like_You: wild applause
lightfut: 👏👏👏👏
50keyz: is bartleby the stig?
CodeIndigo: James will be driving, not on the tines
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrBartleby
Diabore: james head is see through
ELD_Winterlight: You just reminded me that my tea's been soaking for over an hour!
BrokenGolem: interesting hair clipping
Statist42: when he said "airstrip" I thought Ian recreated the Woodcook 500 "racetrack"
TXC2: HyruleGirl9 no, only the first month counts to the subathn
MTGRanger: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
RockPusher: How much can people rememeber the track
stippledotter: @hyrulegirl9 it's seemed to only add one month
TXC2: *sub a thon
Sarah_Serinde: @HyruleGirl9 I believe only this month counts, because you still get to trigger all the subsequent months when they come up
TheWriterAleph: ooh it forks automatically?
Nigouki: but he's the TURNer, he'll make it turn!
Diabore: @BrokenGolem we couldnt tell when it was just ian
LarkSachrosis: cheer 36
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrHORN lrrFINE lrrHORN
TheElrad: but you are talking to DJ TunrLLR
PharaohBender27: @Diabore Dark colors seem to be translucent witb this green screen
Seru: aww, it's not the airfield from road quest :3
Simriel: Rotate the fluids!
Mangledpixel: game is a little loud
MikoKisai is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 110 in the channel!
HyruleGirl9: Got it, thank you!
MikoKisai gifted a Tier 1 sub to duma_x71!
MikoKisai gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bloodrosh!
MikoKisai gifted a Tier 1 sub to weltanschlong!
MikoKisai gifted a Tier 1 sub to Snowythesnowman!
MikoKisai gifted a Tier 1 sub to gal_xc!
MikoKisai gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jensling!
MikoKisai gifted a Tier 1 sub to thephantomnishoba!
MikoKisai gifted a Tier 1 sub to jphoiting!
MikoKisai gifted a Tier 1 sub to NoxImmortalis!
MikoKisai gifted a Tier 1 sub to MVlat_!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, MikoKisai! Welcome to duma_x71, Snowythesnowman, Bloodrosh, gal_xc, Jensling, jphoiting, thephantomnishoba, MVlat_, weltanschlong, and NoxImmortalis! (Today's storm count: 224)
RockPusher: nyyoooooooom
TXC2: MikoKisai lrrHEART
DentedPockets: Why does it have such a huge engine?
ElementalAlchemist: That's an intense sound for a forklift
RandomTrivia: James being instructed by the Stig's Canadian cousin
50keyz: @Sarah_Serinde Sarah is right - this is what i did and it came up as 1
Sunidesus: forklift is very loud
Didero: Either the game is loud or the mics are quiet
CodeIndigo: engine is a bit loud
PharaohBender27: @Sarah_Serinde I tested this, and it only counts for one sub in relation to the subathon count.
nekobun: when the cargo absolutely needs to get there on time
RockPusher: Game is very hot vs mics
NapalmSideburns: game sound is a bit to high compared to the commentary
RandomTrivia: Game very loud compared to voice
gualdhar: game is a bit loud, can't hear Ian
margieargie: The forklift is reasonably priced, nobody said anything about the engine
hedonistic_mushroom: It's 11pm now... I am not sleeping on this
Mangledpixel: game is a bit loud
TomCatFrost: game is like loud loud
BrokenGolem: the center of gravity must be interesting
amative1: @LoadingReadyRun game sound down mics up please?
Diabore: is this actually the top gear test track?
LordDestont: missed the turn
rocketjohn: you are going the wrong way
jphoiting: Thanks for the sub MikoKisai
RandomTrivia: Oops
rogerivany: Are we going the wrong way?
PharaohBender27: lrrFINE
JustChrisWood: is this the Top Gear test track? looks familiar
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
amative1: can barely hear Ian
NekomimiNinja: TG track lrrHEART
margieargie: lrrFINE lrrFINE
LordManiMani: Hooray
jchinnock: Ian you haven’t said what the Lift Capacity is yet
rocketjohn: it's a figure-8 track
TheAinMAP: lrrFINE
RandomTrivia: jlrrPit
Malkmaven1176: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
tyrew0rm: Oh ive missed this track
AugmentingPath: back to the pits
terribleplan: Very loud forklift
aussie_rob_w: lrrFINE lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
stippledotter: This is some good nostalgia
Sarah_Serinde: Ian can you bring the game volume down?
j_crane330: Having driven forklifts in the past this scares me
gualdhar: mawp
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL Great start
TXC2: good start :p
RockPusher: eh! they even have the plane!
BrokenGolem: @JustChrisWood yes, it's a track in "dunsfold england"
Diabore: @j_crane330 same tbh
CelticGeek: It's hard to hear Ian when the forklift is running
RandomTrivia: "Consider reducing force feedback gain"
rentar42: why does the animated steering wheel rotate counter to how the hands move ...
aussie_rob_w: it's fine.
Noy2222: I'm starting to think forklifts aren't reliable vehicles
HaltBen2514: is the sunbathing Wind down an hour at the end or longer?
BusTed: Turns on a dime!
gibbousm: is James forklift certified?
RandomTrivia: @rentar42 Because we're looking "backwards" across the wheel at James
superdude097: Is it just me or are the hands and steering wheel in game turning opposite directions?
ExachixKitsune: I'm beginning to think these are speeds forklifts should not acheive
BrokenGolem: @Noy2222 or are they moooore reliable?
JustChrisWood: @brokengolem thanks for confirming. what game are they playing? I’d love to take a spin on that track sometime.
shadowmaster132: I had the morning off school to do my learner's test and have lunch
Diabore: @gibbousm if he is he wont be after this
CodeIndigo: @BusTed " long as you've already had a dimebag"
ExachixKitsune: @superdude097 the image of the studio may be flipped horizontally
singinnonsense: welp, if that was a real forklift, it would have tilted to the side
BrokenGolem: @JustChrisWood that i didnt catch, sorry
RandomTrivia: Conside which way James would turn the wheel to go left, and how the ingame driver would turn the wheel
HaltBen2514: idk why autocorrect decided sunbathing was the word I was going for but here we are
rentar42: @RandomTrivia no, I don't mean the one that james handles, I mean the virtual one
BusTed: @CodeIndigo LUL
Riiiiiiis: this seems a bad choice
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
RandomTrivia: Oh shit I completely failed to notice that HypeLUL
AugmentingPath: full speed into the airplane
margieargie: You know, those tires in the runway are gonna cause problems with airport operations. FOD and all that
RandomTrivia: Must be the model being janky
MikoKisai: @ExachixKitsune no, the in-game steering wheel and the in-game hands are reverse of each other; presumably an issue with the forklift model
ArdCollider: the slow forklift something something the shield
ExachixKitsune: @MikoKisai oh! interesting
ExachixKitsune: oh I see it now eurgh
Redpandarama: Genuine question, would a driving sim like this be a good place to learn how to drive?
Therberus: this is just the top gear track isn't it 😅
Unpronounceable: I don't like how the hands go the opposite way as the wheel
Didero: This engine noise is getting grating
RandomTrivia: And now I can't unsee it :D
ElementalAlchemist: Turning in that thing does look to be very miserable
JustChrisWood: “Some say he is at least 70% Dilly bar…”
BrowneePoints: game audio is drowning you two out quite a bit
mtvcdm: Into Follow Through now.
BrokenGolem: the chicane!
CaptainSpam: The animation bug on the steering wheel is still getting me.
CodeIndigo: @Redpandarama Not really. Driving is more about situational awareness than just the mechanics
RandomTrivia: "and that he only bathes in poutine"
BrowneePoints: particularly the engine drone
margieargie: Yeah, game is very loud compared to people
rentar42: @mtvcdm i heard that in his voice ... not sure I liek that
Riiiiiiis: @LoadingReadyRun Can we turn the game audio down quite a bit?
mtvcdm: Oh wait no, this is Hammerhead.
MrSarkhan: why are the forks all the way up?
RandomTrivia: *CRONCH&
ArrestedHouse: LUL
LordManiMani: Volume
mtvcdm: Now James can open it up.
kusinohki: @redpandarama honestly? I dougt it. driving a car is very different when sitting in a moving vehicle feeling every bump of the road... *shrug*
RandomTrivia: Ian will read Chat about the volume balance eventually
JustChrisWood: straight into the production office
j_crane330: You're dead
Thadrin46: This IS the Top Gear track, right?
Noy2222: And THIS is why they didn't rent a real forklift
Astrovore: This is a hard track to navigate :D
Unpronounceable: It could use some big flashing arrows
L0rdX33n: forks are crumple zones, right?
mtvcdm: THAT'S a follow-through
TXC2: we've told them about the volume chat
stippledotter: James is just looking for a hole to fall down
CodeIndigo: @L0rdX33n for whatever they hit, maybe
hedonistic_mushroom: We need some Eurobeats blasting my dudes
brainbosh: The steering wheel turning in the opposite direction of the hands is messing with me lol
TXC2: Thadrin46 sure is
Didero: @TXC2 Thanks!
Singenmeister: @noy2222 real ones don’t hit 90
morgoth_bauglyr: fork, do you even lift?
Simonark: It’s only minor damage to the points of the fork! Just in the nick of tine.
L0rdX33n: In that they crumple whatever they hit
tyrew0rm: into the 2nd to last
BigDaddyBland87: @CodeIndigo yea you lose situational awareness. Plus every vehicle has it's own kind of "feel" that a sim just doesn't replicate.
Noy2222: Not with that attitude
Lord_Hosk: The fact that its basically a unmarked track is weird
terribleplan: Gambon!
TXC2: In to gambon!
niccus: you're not supposed to read chat and drive, after all
gkingrat: @hedonistic_mushroom I was going to wait until the *second* driver to make a deja vu joke.
NathanLonghair: @loadingreadyrun would it be possible to turn down game volume a fair bit? it is so loud compared to you
NekomimiNinja: Almost did a Gambon at Gambon!
RandomTrivia: That *was* Gambon
terribleplan: And across the line!
tyrew0rm: and across the line
BrokenGolem: and across the line!
RockPusher: and across the line!
Astrovore: *this* is Gambon
aussie_rob_w: lrrFINE
Noy2222: Go left
L0rdX33n: 🏳️
RandomTrivia: Noy2222 HypeLUL
rentar42: So has anyone seen Ian and the Stig in the same room at the same time? Asking for a friend ...
ClodiumSoride: Looks like it's possible to follow the tire marks to see the course.
mtvcdm: We'll call that the out lap
ElementalAlchemist: we're in Assetto Corsa, so: which part of this runway is GANT?
Critterbot: I can't help but notice that the steering wheel and the driver's hand are moving in opposite directions. :D
CaptainSpam: Huh, we've lost the map.
JustChrisWood: Can James go slower than Jimmy Carr?
mtvcdm: Wilson first
kusinohki: with a forklift, every part of the track is gant gant...
ClodiumSoride: @Critterbot they're flipped horizontally, so they're not looking at the outside of the screen.
aussie_rob_w: @Critterbot mildly discombobulating, now you've pointed it out.
Didero: Seems like the route you're supposed to drive has darker tarmac?
stippledotter: Love Top Glrr
RandomTrivia: Because it adds corners without needing extra acreage
Willow Briar: the game is fairly loud
L0rdX33n: They shoot your engine with an AMR
mtvcdm: Some track limits generosity into Chicago
ClodiumSoride: @Didero tire marks from previous laps, probably added by whoever made the course.
Didero: @ClodiumSoride Yeah, so James could follow those
mtvcdm: And James is lost
Noy2222: Where are we going?
TXC2: coming up to the follow through
NathanLonghair: @loadingreadyrun would it be possible to turn down game volume a fair bit? it is so loud compared to you
rentar42: I didn't check the minimap, but it rotating when you don't expect it (or the other way around) can be disorienting
accountmadeforants: @Critterbot There's clearly little planet gears in the gloves, interfacing with the steering wheel.
Astrovore: Someone should tell James that teh camera looks towards the track, he's waaay off :D
mtvcdm: That was a weird way to do Hammerhead
hedonistic_mushroom: James cannot fall in a hole
Laogeodritt: @ClodiumSoride The hands and steering wheel *in game*, not James video vs. in-game hweel.
JustChrisWood: two corners left
CodeIndigo: @hedonistic_mushroom ..........................wanna bet?
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun can we get game volume down please, it's drowning you out
TheWriterAleph: @hedonistic_mushroom don't test him, he'll find a way
ClodiumSoride: @Laogeodritt oh wow, I just noticed that. Weeeeird.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Ian, you are hard to hear over the game
DeathWarrior555: How's it going chat?
aussie_rob_w: the minimap is only partially visible, is that weird?
RockPusher: through Gambon and across the line!
ExachixKitsune: I wanna say, maybe don't put runways lights on a disused runaway...
TXC2: hello DeathWarrior555 welcome
Mangledpixel: thank you!
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
MikoKisai: Thank you Ian
hedonistic_mushroom: @codeindigo A bet I would Happily Lose
TXC2: thank you Ian
Didero: Oh finally. Thanks Ian!
mtvcdm: 3:20.21.
margieargie: There we go, thank you
marmalade_pen: arigato sensei
LordManiMani: Thanks for volume
TXC2: slow is smooth, smooth is fast
CodeIndigo: I believe that Ian and/or Cori found the subocean during a lrrmans
rentar42: maybe a top-down view of the whole track would help with orientation?
PsychoI3oy: it's a figure 8, you go through that part twice
RandomTrivia: Does Asetto Corsa have the ability to replay a full lap from chase/fixed cameras? I would love to see the chaos from outside the forklift
aussie_rob_w: Very high forklift was my nickname in college.
TXC2: Cori, Cori finds the suboceans
Krektogar: @CodeIndigo Cori definitely did at some point
BrokenGolem: chicane!
RockPusher: 2 left into 3 right into hairpin
terribleplan: Following the tire marks is good, you just have to know which set of tire tracks to follow in the crossover part
TXC2: the hammerhead is the hardest turn
Valhallan597: Is this like desert bus?
amative1: "through the hammerhead..."
LowUpsideCJ: Just woke up and can't math, did we max out the subathon?
Noy2222: We did
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
hedonistic_mushroom: Oh, SUB OCEANS, RIGHT... JAMES CAN FALL I A HOLE!
jvetting83: Just the Stig being mostly silent.
TXC2: LowUpsideCJ yeap
LowUpsideCJ: @Noy2222 hell yeah
RandomTrivia: Welcome to Car Talk- LEFT HERE, my guest today is- OTHER SIDE OF THE TYRES
PsychoI3oy: LowUpsideCJ, yup, and pizza, now ice cream
stippledotter: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
SnowBuddy18: @LowUpsideCJ time yes, working on ice cream
mtvcdm: We have indeed capped the subathon, we're into bonus goals.
incredulouspasserby: yanno, when someone needs an external coach just to tell them where the track is, your track might need some work.
CodeIndigo: Now, if you wanted to give someone the full experience, strap on a VR headset and let them feel in full non-control of the thing
SnowBuddy18: this seems like a good track to be in 6th gear around though
TheWriterAleph: doogCLAPPING lrrJAMES
JJ Sandee: I like how the steeringwheel rotates in the opposite direction.
TXC2: this track is in an undisclosed UK location
margieargie: Hey, a 270-degree right hand turn also works
TheElrad: you did say right here, Ian
mtvcdm: I also note for the stretch goals, every hour that would have been added to the clock from here adds an additional stroke to the cursed minigolf scorecard.
Simonark: It’s that Fry and Laurie talk show sketch. “Learning To Fly A Light Aircraft Without Any Formal Instruction With…”
Biggjudicem: to be fair ian did say and right here
bo_brinkman: Panic!!
Lord_Hosk: Ian "and right here" (James goes right) Ian "no no the other way"
nyoomgoom: just doing some donuts for good measure
MikoKisai: 3:13:41
BrokenGolem: didn't roll over, so a win :P
mtvcdm: So the more you sub, the worse I-presume-James becomes at golf!
RandomTrivia: You've got this James!
rentar42: it's set to PRACTIVE again, in case that matters
LordDestont: still on practice?
rentar42: -v
TheWooglie: still says practice?
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
slugdumb gifted a Tier 1 sub to Toastman1745! They have given 2 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Toastman1745! (Today's storm count: 225)
kusinohki: so I was kind of expecting something like in shenmue where you had to race while picking up crates and placing them somewhere...
Seru: someone should tell james that the dark marks on the road are his line :D
Astrovore: Ian "Right here"
Astrovore: James < turns right >
Astrovore: Ian: "No, left!"
TheWooglie: ah
ClodiumSoride: Thanks, Ian.
hedonistic_mushroom: Playing deja vu in the background right now
SpacePotato01: Any chance we can get a versus race with multiple people actually racing against each other? The lift arms would be great for that. I want to see forklift destruction/wrestling derby.
CaptainSpam: With no headphones, James can't hear the engine complaining when he redlines a forklift. :D
nevermore913: This is just like driving s minivan right
DoomBringerIL: how long till Sous-vide stream? @LoadingReadyRun
Zatengo: but how much is reasonably priced for a forklift?
Didero: I wouldn't mind the game volume even quieter
SnowBuddy18: the track figure 8s
LordManiMani: @spacepotato01 what do you think this is, Mario Kart 8? (I agree tho)
aussie_rob_w: The Lethal Gambon.
ElementalAlchemist: This is going well so far
mtvcdm: Right now we're on 207 extra sub units, which means three extra theoretical hours. Which puts the minigolf scorecard now at 14 over par (its base value was +11.)
TheElrad: and here's where James definately got DQd
SpacePotato01: @LordManiMani It would be... uplifting.
TXC2: foot down into the follow through
stippledotter: @zatengo can get one on ebay for $13k
mtvcdm: 206 sorry
Zatengo: @stippledotter this exact model?
marmalade_pen: lookit him go
margieargie: Finally, the chat advice of "go left" works here
JustChrisWood: “Of course no music in the forklift because it doesn’t have a radio, and so the VoD doesn’t get muted.”
Zu_o: Does this make Ian The Stigian? is this how Ian ascends into an ancient god from beyond time?
TXC2: margieargie only took ten years :p
RandomTrivia: That was CLEAN
lirazel64: What would be an unreasonably priced forklift?
TehAmelie: !findquote go left
LRRbot: Quote #503: "Go left, go right, lrrEFF !" —Cori, Beej, and Ryan [2015-07-20]
Laurence72: Counter for ice cream goes down, that is 206 more needed to achieve it
Viewers_Like_You: And over the stripe!
stippledotter: @zatengo I'm not sure, but it's a Toyota
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Zu_o: Our Beige lord who lifts with forks?
BrokenGolem: and across the line!!! great run!
Seru: as someone used to racing games, the spacial unawareness is just amazing :D
Simriel: Go Left!
ElementalAlchemist: 3:01
TXC2: smooth!
aussie_rob_w: a real one.
margieargie: Almost!
TheWooglie: so close
SnowBuddy18: 3 minutes was possible
ElementalAlchemist: So close
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
BusTed: 🤏
TXC2: so close
ExachixKitsune: sergeOffByOne
Earthenone: classic turner, off by 1
TheWriterAleph: off by 1
KBKarma: Hooray! I get to have coffee with James!
MrSarkhan: sergeOffByOne
Nuha subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
Nuha: Woo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nuha! (Today's storm count: 226)
RockPusher: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
TXC2: so were do you think you've come ?
TheElrad: only medium big cheats
RandomTrivia: He's got a board! FBtouchdown
KBKarma: Is Bartleby the Stig?
ArrestedHouse: lrrBartleby
jjcard: is that the Top gear track?
BusTed: Bartleby hax
RockPusher: lrrBartleby
stippledotter: Board!
Sarah_Serinde: Woo top 2!
BigDaddyBland87: lrrBartleby
TXC2: Podium!
ArdCollider: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
RockPusher: later James
RandomTrivia: @KBKarma No, but he is the Stig's Canadian cousin
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap
JustChrisWood: @jjcard yes
tehfewl: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
ttandmore: oh goodness how fun is this
finestotter: 2:41 on the board right now, ya Fortnite we bout to get down?
KBKarma: @RandomTrivia That makes sense.
PharaohBender27: lrrBartleby
jchinnock: now tell us about what projects you have going on James?
aussie_rob_w: So close to 3!
DoomBringerIL: sous-vide stream? @LoadingReadyRun
RandomTrivia: Oh goodness
RockPusher: oh dear
Laurence72: Bartleby is too rude to be Canadian, IMO
Simriel: I think James is doing pretty well for someone who doesn't play this genre
SnowBuddy18: eyelashreks
BrokenGolem: @jjcard it is "a track in Dunsford England"
TehAmelie: a ghost Shrek
TXC2: Hello Jordynne
aussie_rob_w: we have a board!
marmalade_pen: jordynne drive the forks!! represent our age group!!
DoodlestheGreat: It's a-la ugarte!
YeomanAres: I feel like knowing the lap is the most important thing here
mtvcdm: Morning Jordynne, it was lovely meeting you this week
Shaneusm is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 18 in the channel!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ed25519!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to Skioles!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to xSnowySky!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to a_chex!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to vivalldii!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Shaneusm! Welcome to Ed25519, xSnowySky, vivalldii, a_chex, and Skioles! (Today's storm count: 231)
TXC2: Shaneusm lrrHEART
gameboy350: saaaame
Earthenone: what about your LRRners permit?
RockPusher: The utes?
IslandersCaper: same jordynne
KBKarma: Some say he's a pink penis puppet. Some say he's a terrifying monstrosity. Some even say he's The Stig's Canadian cousin. All we know is that he's Bartleby.
stippledotter: @jjcard it is Legally Distinct Abandoned English Airfield
TXC2: the utes
JustChrisWood: real talk, I’ll take Ian over Clarkson every day and twice on Sunday.
Earthenone: just pretend its a barbie game
TehAmelie: i never even drove stick in a videogame. maybe that's something one should try
TXC2: JustChrisWood damn right
kusinohki: the yurts??
SnowBuddy18: @JustChrisWood very much
Earthenone: either adam or alex
ScrapyardGhostTrain: It's going to be Serge.
NotCainNorAbel: I thought Ben have one?
Fanklok: What's it like to live in a place you don't need to drive any where
L0rdX33n: I’m forklift certified
KBKarma: What about Serge?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Serge has done everything, apparently.
KaleidoscopeMind: i'm guessing serge
NimrodXIV: Serge might
lirazel64: I'd bet Serge.
KaleidoscopeMind: serge has done everything
ArdCollider: I had an illicit one in high school.
Angreed66: I'm pretty sure alex isn't
TheWriterAleph: i'm lift-a-fork certified
stippledotter: @scrapyardghosttrain from one of his 12 past lives
nekobun: anyone's legally allowed to drive a forklift if they don't get caught
enbycephalopod: what is a reasonable price for a forkllift
krfsm: getting a certification in California can apparently be done online for $30
AragornKeuken: I feel like Beej could have a forklift certification somehow
Diabore: serge has a wild and sordid past, i bet hes forked a lift once of twice
MrSarkhan: I was forklift certified but that expired many years ago now.
Thadrin46: All we know is he's called the Serge?
Makhiel: does it also mean you can be carried by a forklift?
ElementalAlchemist: jam on the gas, JAM ON THE GAS
BigDaddyBland87: Serge definitely drove a forklift in one of his previous 500 jobs
tehfewl: The stickshift shake is important
voren_chalco: Jam on the gas on down
CodeIndigo: jam on the gas on down
lirazel64: For that matter, Jacob has had an interesting life.
mister_nibbles: jam on the gas on down to Dave's remainder gokarts
Earthenone: i rememb er alex did a lot of rodie work, a forklift might have occured during that time
Fanklok: I will not reverence the deep Adam forklift lore
baltimore_667083: @mister_nibbles they are go karts?
JustChrisWood: the spin!
nyoomgoom: check, turn, the signals to the right
PharaohBender27: @ElementalAlchemist Man, that's quite the deep cut :D
Morrigan9: reverse course
L0rdX33n: That is the least surprising Ian fact
AugmentingPath: good sta (into the field)
TXC2: ABC: accelerate, Brake, clutch
mister_nibbles: @baltimore_667083 they can achieve speeds?
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrFINE
novrdd: TwitchConHYPE dirt gang
BigDaddyBland87: Donuts AFTER you cross the line
stippledotter: That start was great for content!
Laogeodritt: Immediate beautiful chaos =3
mtvcdm: Okay, so.... I've been made aware the ice cream counter is a countDOWN and not a countUP, so... it sounds like we've actually hit the *fifth* added stroke. The scorecard stands at +16, will add another at 140 until ice cream.
gogoGadgetApathy: appreciate the enthusiasm
baltimore_667083: @mister_nibbles where's my free lance Kappa
Erik Josefsson: oh dear...
RockPusher: *stomp*
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RandomTrivia: oh no
kusinohki: so a cat just walked across the outside of my windowsill...
BusTed: wuh oh
TXC2: that sounds dangerous :p
ExachixKitsune: @kusinohki #blessed
RandomTrivia: Welp
AugmentingPath: hit the hard grass
L0rdX33n: @kusinohki show cat?
ElementalAlchemist: invisible wall status: found
novrdd: Invisible wall SabaPing
Diabore: @kusinohki what floor do you live on?
terribleplan: Invisible wall?
ArrestedHouse: damn, the grass wall
marmalade_pen: back to the pit
eshplode: I love that this forklift has a pit crew maintaining it
RockPusher: jlrrPit
Fanklok: Don't listen to the lies Jordynne, the gas pedal is a binary
marmalade_pen: @RockPusher thank u
TXC2: Schrodinger's bottom
ElementalAlchemist: Can't be in last if you didn't register a time
TXC2: DNF is kind of a time :p
Diabore: @ElementalAlchemist glurp has told me a dnf is last though
KBKarma: Is there a button for raise/lower forks?
mtvcdm: Didn't Canada's Worst Driver like doing their final test in Hamilton?
Didero: Better than James's first try :p
margieargie: Forklift drifting!
jvetting83: Drift that forklift.
r10pez10: oh what have i walked in on
TXC2: very nearlly held there
micalovits: That was a good drift
Sarah_Serinde: @Diabore But it's also taught us that there can be different ranks of DNF :P
lightfut: I love the pspsps for the steer
ElementalAlchemist: The fork-cat responds to a pspspspspsps
Genie_M: Forkdrift
Earthenone: please caht, forkdrift, its right there
Psychic_Ketchup: Ah the forklift whisperer
nyoomgoom: actually yeah i just brought up the driving test song from parappa the rapper and this combination *rules*
Diabore: @mtvcdm maybe? i do remember one final test being in toronto which was a choice
RandomTrivia: @r10pez10 Pure, wondrous chaos
BigDaddyBland87: we got a natural
KBKarma: The engine doesn't like that.
Krektogar: is it not on automatic?
TXC2: this is auto right?
asthanius: it should be
KBKarma: It is. Apparently.
Asimech: "The engine will remember this." @KBKarma
MrMatternot: Hullo.
ElementalAlchemist: I thought it shifted earlier
PsychoI3oy: auto says noooooo
asthanius: or did restarting it put it into manual?
RandomTrivia: We may have already buggered the transmission
SnowBuddy18: @mtvcdm I think they changed every season, I remember using Montreal and Niagara too
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TXC2: did we kill the gearbox allready ? :p
ManWithTheMask13: Angry Zen Driver
CodeIndigo: !addquote
Viewers_Like_You: We can scream if that would help. Aaaaaaaaa.
novrdd: DinoDance
ElementalAlchemist: It chose to shift to neutral for some reason?
ManWithTheMask13: Empty your gas tank!
Diabore: why is it neutral now?
SnowBuddy18: how did neutral?
ElementalAlchemist: oh, what
jvetting83: It sounds like there is something wrong with the tires.
KBKarma: Why don't we just fire a shotgun into the gearbox? It would be more merciful.
Fanklok: Wow jordynne is way better at driving than James
ElementalAlchemist: oh, no, that's neutral
aussie_rob_w: Wheeeeee!
RandomTrivia: lrrFINE
SK__Ren: The sight of my mother frantically and repeatedly gripping the door handle in my perherphiral vision is a core memory of me learning to drive
KBKarma: Oh, there was a hardware switch for auto.
SK__Ren: No screaming though thankfully
0x6772: donuts on the grass is a good look
Earthenone: turn to stage left
BigDaddyBland87: @SK__Ren Same...which is why my dad taught me
KBKarma: I remember when I was being taught to drive, and nearly drove into a lamppost in an empty parking lot. My dad lunged over me to grab the wheel.
JustChrisWood: @0x6772 vegan donuts
incslayer: @Earthenone no no turn to ian left :p
stippledotter: Just pick up the tires with a forklift
novrdd: This is thrilling PogChamp
KBKarma: Ian seems to be a decent driving instructor.
malsareus: it's a very Ian thing to be doing
Mattmitchell45: What a lovely Saturday of LRR Parenting
KBKarma: Slash co-pilot for a racing car.
Cptasparagus: can you raise the fork
DiamondMX: Oh, you've got an actual wheel that takes three turns to reset to center? That's an oddly specific device.
shadowmaster132: My mother like to "unobtrusively" point when she felt like I wasn't left enough in the lane. And she also loves to announce speed limit signs as if I would otherwise miss them
Diabore: how much do we need to sub to get a real forklift next year?
Simriel: I will say the track does NOT seem Intuitive
micalovits: Rent a forklift?
gogoGadgetApathy: perfect LRR sense
sephsays: I'm looking forward to Road Quest 2: Ian Teaches Jordynne to Drive (and James to Drive Stick)
novrdd: PridePog
stippledotter: Fascinating under(?)steer
Mattmitchell45: Bionic Trousers is expanding its business practices
Earthenone: jordynne has the gaming gene?
r10pez10: !addquote (Now) [Jordynne and Ian] You're teaching me to drive illegally." "Well, we're driving on an airfield in a forklift.
LRRbot: Could not add quote due to invalid date.
JustChrisWood: I’m thinking this should be a semi-regular segment on LoadingReadyLive.
incslayer: @Diabore we can rent one for a day for 200CAD on's victoria section
mtvcdm: I've seen worse through Hammerhead
Vinchenz: I feel like it would help if the mini-map was more visible.
r10pez10: !addquote (Jordynne and Ian) [Now] You're teaching me to drive illegally." "Well, we're driving on an airfield in a forklift.
LRRbot: New quote #9057: "You're teaching me to drive illegally." "Well, we're driving on an airfield in a forklift." —Jordynne and Ian [2024-07-20]
KirbySliver: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
KBKarma: The automatic isn't triggering again.
Mattmitchell45: A Modded PS1 household? Damn
RandomTrivia: r10pez10 sergeJustRight
singinnonsense: going 50 km/h with the forks up is really triggering me
TXC2: r10pez10 ok good, I'm not the only who makes that mistake :p
ElementalAlchemist: Aren't all the shows talk shows?
TheShameGranny subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
TheShameGranny: Ian! Ian Horner! Mavis tells me she has seen you "forklifting" with the youths! Such shameful behaviour!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheShameGranny! (Today's storm count: 232)
r10pez10: TXC2 i've deleted quotes accidentally too!
mtvcdm: Talk shows are just the way for Saturday
Laogeodritt: "turn left down the other runway" feels wrong without getting clearance from Tower =V
PharaohBender27: @ElementalAlchemist A Cam and Ian Christmas isn't "p
PharaohBender27: * :p
KBKarma: @TheShameGranny is that Mavis Beacon?
terribleplan: Proper Gambon execution
mtvcdm: And into Gambon.
ElementalAlchemist: @PharaohBender27 true, but it's not on the subathon
mtvcdm: And across the line!
incslayer: ohh i get those dreams
r10pez10: oh St Vitus' Dance
Creature_Comforts: same!
asthanius: gaming in your dreams
Mattmitchell45: Editing, even in sleep
CodeIndigo: those dreams are usually when you're waking up and your paralysis is wearing off
KBKarma: Jordynne eats the whole thing!
ElementalAlchemist: mmm, a burrito
Eklinaar: That's a good dream
asthanius: Jordynne why are you so fucking cool
DiamondMX: Have you tried rolling the scroll wheel forward in your dreams to change the camera position?
RedNightmare7: That sounds so freaking calm!
TXC2: I have only recently started having first person dreams, always used to be 3rd person
ExachixKitsune: That's a loading screen
Herbert_Erpaderp: I could do with a burrito
CaptynByrd: I wish that was all dreaming :D
abslomdaak42: Amazing
vegetalss4: Is it a good burito?
eshplode: That dream sounds amazing
neisan2112: That sounds great, but also sad cus you don't actually get a burito
Mattmitchell45: I'm living that dream RIGHT NOW
excalgold: wait you sleep 8 hours?!
Samarium13: is there gonna be a lifting and moving loads section?
Sunidesus: now I want a burrito
Viewers_Like_You: I mean, that's a stream idea right there
Diabore: about time for a real lap?
KBKarma: @vegetalss4 I presume so, she eats it for eight hours or so.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: "Go left"? One of us!
Laurence72: As long as when she wakes up she hasn't eaten her pillow IRL
RandomTrivia: CLEAN
ElementalAlchemist: so smooooooth
TXC2: Smooth
hedonistic_mushroom: Dammit I'm hungry now after hearing Burrito Completion Dreams
BigDaddyBland87: well done
JustChrisWood: “Could there ever be a burrito so big that God couldn’t finish it?”
nyoomgoom: ever since i got my nightguard to stop my teeth grinding at night, any food i eat in a dream is particularly difficult to chew :V
incslayer: there is supernatural martial arts in inital D?
gibbousm: is this how one becomes Fork Lift Certified?
RandomTrivia: Everything I know about Dodgeball I learned from that one arc in Hunter x Hunter lrrBEEJ
margieargie: Nice!
DiamondMX: @neisan2112 Yeah, but you get all the fun parts, and none of the calories. And if you're hungry, you can wake up an eat another burrito, then you had two!
BigDaddyBland87: painted that corner
Lord_Hosk: small cheats
nekobun: Ranma 1/2 anything-goes martial arts driving but it's just they hit everyone with a car
Fanklok: Jordynne "8 hours of consequence free burrito" last name
micalovits: Jordynne is a natural drifter
KBKarma: Oh, Jordynne is getting gooder every time!
stippledotter: Actively Gaming
itsaysTRUENO: "the forklift trains the driver"
Dog_of_Myth: Cheer1000 Bits for the forklift, bits for the ice cream
DiamondMX: @nekobun Did you know they're making a new series of Ranma now?
nekobun: @DiamondMX I am aware and I am stoked
TheShameGranny: Shameful youths today and their "edging"
Eepy Alice: there's a mini-map?
DiamondMX: @nekobun Same!
therepoman__: KINGDOM HEARTS WOO
BusTed: rayfkKing
RandomTrivia: Jordynne: "I'm trying to play up the bimbo thing" Also Jordynne: "I play a lot of JRPGs and I have a Kingdom hearts tattoo" Yeah, good try :D
kusinohki: new ranma? orignal content or adapting manga that wasn't in the original??
Laurence72: My only ask for the Ranma remake is to give it a better ending than the manga did
itsaysTRUENO: that forklift has an aura
Jethrain: The steering wheel moving the wrong way through the hands is very mildly tilting me
r10pez10: don't worry it's also tilting the forklift
DiamondMX: @kusinohki Looks like a reboot of the original story. There's an article on crunchyroll with a trailer. Cute art style.
ElementalAlchemist: And the line!
Seru: to right of the screen atm
Seru: top*
Vinchenz: Ya its under the sub notifier
Eepy Alice: OH ok
ArdCollider: oh god I could go for soon tofu.
ArrestedHouse: LUL
BorgarWithAShotgun: What is Takumis most hated Cocktail? A martini.
ArdCollider: (it’s epic drunk food)
Fanklok: Hehe clams
TacitusVigil: There's a quote
eshplode: What's the name of the place? I'm willing to drive to Mississauga for good food
Eepy Alice: yeah I didn't see it at all lmao
BorgarWithAShotgun: @BorgarWithAShotgun Because it is supposed to be Shaken, not Stirred.
Larkonus: Tofu doesn't deserve its reputation, it's a wonderful food.
margieargie: lrrJUDGE
AragornKeuken: @BorgarWithAShotgun That's just watered down!
nekobun: @DiamondMX Yeah, I've seen some of the teaser stuff. I like that it's emulative of the original style but still its own thing. Wonder if they'll keep all the filler that was in the anime version or just do the manga.
DiamondMX: @BorgarWithAShotgun Only if you ask Bond. If you ask anyone else that's the worst way to make a martini.
TehAmelie: tofu's got a bad rap in north Europe too. practically impossible to find for sale in my town
Earthenone: i love places with small menues
TXC2: what are these hands doing ?
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun whats the name of this place?
r10pez10: is that a "crack" in the "windscreen"
mtvcdm: The 'we know what we want to make and you're gonna eat it' restaurant
TXC2: r10pez10 I think it's a shadow
Viewers_Like_You: @TXC2 Operating a forklift the normal way
r10pez10: wait wtf the tines are up
haberley: Afternoon everyone :)
TXC2: r10pez10 yeap, all the way up
AugmentingPath: r10pez10 combat configuration
DiamondMX: @nekobun I'm just hoping they actually go somewhere with the romance, and don't give me 8 seasons of emotional blue balls. :D
TXC2: Hello haberley welcome
BorgarWithAShotgun: @DiamondMX well, I am not a drink guy. And I need better jokes
Samarium13: Been driving forks for 33 years and this is......something
ElementalAlchemist: oh no
haberley: This can only go well
simplydavemn: So Tofu won't work as a substitute Kidney?
Earthenone: is the ranma 1/2 remake going to go all kingdomhearts with the name and be like ranma 358/2 days
mtvcdm: You're the same height I am
kusinohki: speaking of ranma - ian seems to be describing akane cooking (just random substitutions)
PharaohBender27: Yeah, but LRRfolk are very tall :p
spicyFerret_: Imagine sitting properly
ExachixKitsune: Jordynne knows how to sit
haberley: Yeah but everyone in lrr is make
Samarium13: go
r10pez10: tall aura
JRandomHacker: Yeah but "lower half of height" in LRR is, like, 5'9"
TXC2: the lower half of LRR height is still tall :p
haberley: Massive*
Laurence72: Lower half of LRR is still around 6 foot, I would imagine
Viewers_Like_You: What is... güüd postür?
micalovits: I have never understoof people who tried to replicate meat dishes with vegan alternatives like a fake hamburger, when there are so so many good vegan dishes especially in asian kitchens
NekomimiNinja: Timer did start at 25 sec.
DiamondMX: @BorgarWithAShotgun In case you're curious: The reason people don't like it shaken is because it melts the ice much faster, so you get a watered down drink.
RandomTrivia: Jordynne has the normal LRR problem of being a normal height in a land of giants
mtvcdm: I'm like 5 10, 5 11, and when I was at the Moonbase I met Jordynne eye to eye.
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
JustChrisWood: Deja vu
amative1: kansai drifto
AugmentingPath: Squarely hitting the turn (sign)
SpacePotato01: forkdrift
Sorator13: LUL
baltimore_667083: LUL
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
MechaKuuga: LUL
amative1: <dog meme> NO BRAKE. ONLY GO.
BigDaddyBland87: thats my strat in racing games
BorgarWithAShotgun: +1 Bimbo point?
RockPusher: Who needs this stop malarkey
Lord_Hosk: No mulligan only goooooo
terribleplan: I am scared to ask where she is going...
mtvcdm: !addquote (Jordynne) [now] Where I'm going, I don't need stop.
LRRbot: New quote #9058: "Where I'm going, I don't need stop." —Jordynne [2024-07-20]
kusinohki: "no brake, only go"
Samarium13: dont get 'tired' haha
Sorator13: yesss
Mangledpixel: short, no-bottom barrels
tehfewl: Remember! The right foot is for both the accelerator and the brake pedal.
TXC2: mtvcdm beat me to it
Larkonus: Wow, we're coming up on 10,000 quotes.
JustChrisWood: “you don’t need a seatbelt because you believe in yourself.”
TXC2: Larkonus it'll be a little while before we hit 10,000
jacqui_lantern234: is the restaurant named Buk Chang Dong Soon?
amative1: wow, that's like something straight out of UNNAMED-CAR-SHOW
Larkonus: @TXC2 Oh I know it won't be soon per se, but the fact that we're at 9k is wild. That's a *lot.*
Atiota: goes pspspspspsps at the car so it goes faster
TXC2: Larkonus it sure is :p
RandomTrivia: Gotta hit all the signs for that sweet score bonus lrrBEEJ
AxxroyTovu: cmon girlie
Sorator13: "use the tires to go left"
JadedCynic: if anyone knows whether it would or not...
DiamondMX: New mode unlocked - hit all the signs.
margieargie: I feel there might be a conflict of interest there
JustChrisWood: Pro strat: bouncing off the tires helps with the drift.
Samarium13: reminds me of my first try of Test Drive on C64
BorgarWithAShotgun: @amative1 Top Bear?
Viewers_Like_You: A very thorough left
amative1: she's a natural Gambon...
JadedCynic: this is federal - Transport Canada
Simonark: @amative1 Now, the tirades were more of a Coffee with James thing.
CaptainSpam: It's the UK, the FAA has no authority there. :D
KaleidoscopeMind: as someone close to the border, licensed ontario drivers scare me sometimes
Mangledpixel: but this is in the UK, the FAA has no power here
stippledotter: Classic Gambon
RockPusher: through Gambon and across the line!
KaleidoscopeMind: so this is not unusual
ElementalAlchemist: And done!
amative1: ~4 min?
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
TheWriterAleph: doogCLAPPING
Earthenone: 2 seconds too slow!
PharaohBender27: sharkf11CLAP
TXC2: good time good time
Earthenone: err fast
RockPusher: tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap
Cptasparagus: is a racer's romance pooping in a toilet in the middle of a racetrack?
Mangledpixel: sub-420!
Sorator13: FBtouchdown
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Samarium13: gg
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap
kusinohki: @lao the plane is what brought the LRR crew and the forklift here??
stippledotter: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
marmalade_pen: good showing jordynne!
MTGRanger: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
r10pez10: blazed it
therepoman__: Did we reach the cap chat?
Laurence72: @Laogeodritt I choose to believe that that plane is a Boeing that has been grounded
BorgarWithAShotgun: semaClap semaClap semaClap semaClap
Sarah_Serinde: We did!
minislot1997: The clock is starting before Ian said go.
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
r10pez10: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TheWooglie: Third!
therepoman__: Wahoo!
Redpandarama: top 3!
TXC2: bye Jordynne
Haroldholmes25: jordynne all in on bottom
KBKarma: Cheer100 PIZZA Cheer100 PARTY! Cheer100
apennamedquill: @jacqui_lantern234 seems so! (there is also a mom and pop fresh tofu shop in the same building that's been there for /years/)
RandomTrivia: Hey whatever floats your boat
RockPusher: lrrGOAT
Sorator13: Chat, who has already gone?
RandomTrivia: Spectral Matt!
KaleidoscopeMind: bribery might shave some time off
Sorator13: (also hello, good morning)
Earthenone: does ians driving challange have a podium sequence this year?
JustChrisWood: James and Jordynne
RockPusher: lrrSPOOP
KBKarma: @Sorator13 James and Jordynne.
hypperstar2280: race guys doing races!
TheAinMAP: lrrMATT
Cptasparagus: Matt your head is transparent
Sorator13: ty ty!
Lord_Hosk: James, Jordynn and Gibb
TXC2: hello Sorator13 we've had James and Jordynne
margieargie: Bartleby has also gone, but offscreen
Samarium13: im voting Matt pulls a ripper lap
RandomTrivia: Ah yes, that went well
KBKarma: @Lord_Hosk Bartleby, not Gibb/.
DracoFire87 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
DracoFire87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LeatherBack101!
DracoFire87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Us3lessNPC!
DracoFire87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Argylin!
DracoFire87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Chavvers!
DracoFire87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pigalot!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DracoFire87! Welcome to Argylin, pigalot, LeatherBack101, Us3lessNPC, and Chavvers! (Today's storm count: 237)
RandomTrivia: DQ for going the wrong way in the pit lane - that way being SIDEWAYS
TXC2: DracoFire87 lrrHEART
Haroldholmes25: good bit
JustChrisWood: Psychic Paper
Sorator13: Excellent
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
DracoFire87: Got a new job, tripled my take-home pay...time to SUB!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Is Ian now bad at Minigolf?
ckupf: Was that the golf slip?
Larkonus: Slightly psychic paper, eh?
TacitusVigil: It just says "I can do whatever I want"
wharra: Multipass
BusTed: "This is just a $5 bill with a note that says 'don't ask questions'"
HyruleGirl9: Cheer100 that was slick
margieargie: "It is by my order, and for the good of the state, that the bearer of the present has done what has been done"
Vinchenz: matt ready with a literal bit in his pocket 😆
TehAmelie: who can truly decide what makes a worthy forklift driver?
TehAmelie: aside from Staplerfahrer Klaus
KBKarma: @TehAmelie The licensing authority.
RockPusher: rayfkSanic
TXC2: "you wont let me in? well maybe Mr Abe Lincoln will change your mind"
AugmentingPath: second plowing into the turn sign, love it
Sorator13: "I would take them about 30 km/hr or so" *goes 120 km/hr*
Patorik: Chat, I didn't see when we hit the cap. Does the counter mean that James has to buy 190 ice creams?
KBKarma: @TXC2 "I don't see Mr. Lincoln. Just some money. Which doesn't have the same impact."
Samarium13: forklifts weigh way more than a regular car
fredcheckers: Oh I expected you guys to be in Shenmue.
Critterbot: Whoops? :D
Laurence72: @Patorik That is how many more subs until ice cream
JustChrisWood: @patorik No, it’s a countdown to ice cream
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeOhnoes
TXC2: Patorik no, it's counting down
AugmentingPath: the old 'lift drift
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
PharaohBender27: @Patorik It means if we fund another 189 minutes worth, James has to get ice cream
JadedCynic: @Samarium13 yeah, the need to be
kusinohki: I _think_ it's 190 sub/bits until ice cream party...
wharra: Unless that golfcart was ungovernmed... If you get run over by a golf cart, that's on you.
Mattmitchell45: Confessions of Crimes on a Saturday Morning
Patorik: Ah, that makes more sense
Samarium13: a fork that lifts 1000kg weight at least 2000kg itself !!
TehAmelie: even if you could get away without a very heavy engine you'd want weight to keep it stable, eh
superdude097: LUL
ElementalAlchemist: RIP
KBKarma: Matt rolled the forklift!
Sorator13: Oh! Oh dear
RockPusher: wheeeeee!
BusTed: FBtouchdown
KaleidoscopeMind: Yay!
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
Samarium13: noice
jvetting83: The first rollover.
Shadowsoflife: Nice
amative1: DNF! DNF!
margieargie: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
baltimore_667083: whee!
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrFINE
ghizmou: sergeGG
KBKarma: Someone clip that!
JustChrisWood: I didn’t know you could roll it!
stippledotter: I love that we all just skipped over "ran over dad with a golf cart."
Mattmitchell45: Horizontal Mode
KaleidoscopeMind: Success!
wharra: He's just trying to eat Pasta
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
TacitusVigil: Matt wins!
JadedCynic: yeah, Forklifts are REALLY bottom heavy
superdude097: Highlights!
aussie_rob_w: Achievement unlocked!
Laurence72: Matt was getting 3rd gear, which nobody else seemed to be able to reach?
stippledotter: Driving straight is hard
BorgarWithAShotgun: Ian Horner: Too good a driver to intentionally play badly.
XandaxDK: Was about to say it had amazing downforce .... :D
Earthenone: if only there was a recording on twitch.tb
Atiota: lrrFINE
vegetalss4: Matt has got that special touch
Simonark: No one does to physics like Matt,
HyruleGirl9: we're definitely having a good time at least
MTGRanger: @Earthenone yeah, but all we've got is
RockPusher: Jam on the Jam
Asimech: "Does this mean I have a good time?" I think the only one who can answer that is you. Are you having a good time?
ClodiumSoride: @Earthenone the only site for streamers with tuberculosis?
DiamondMX: Umm, what happened there?
BusTed: He's consistent!
TXC2: Matt is the chosen one!
ghizmou: Matt is challenging the physics God to a duel
NightValien28: I didn't think forklifts could flip like that
AugmentingPath: DiamondMX hit the grass wall
XandaxDK: Ahhh - he thinks its a boat - that explains a lot
LesBeauxPlastiques: they call him matt the forklift tipper
MTGRanger: Will Matt find the subocean?
JadedCynic: @NightValien28 it's not IMPOSSIBLE, but they're designed to make it difficult...
TXC2: the tines are up, so who knows where the centre of gravity is on this thing :p
KidAmn: Ma'at, Bane Of Forklifts
NightValien28: JadedCynic and yet matt does it so easily
Samarium13: hyperspace freeway Matt!!!!!
stippledotter: lrrCrab
Laurence72: Matt's forklift has worse jiggle physics than most video games
DiamondMX: If you have time to lean, you have time for crab.
ContingentCat: Nice thing about screaming, you can do it while cleaning
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Those reflections in the mirror are really something
JadedCynic: being a kitchen worker with arthritis, I *LOATHE* that capitalist saying
RockPusher: Why sushi? It's fast food!
MTGRanger: @JadedCynic mm yeah
DiamondMX: @JadedCynic Oh yeah, it's funny because it's obviously a terrible thing to say.
ArdCollider: Molly Lewis inspired the sushi. 🤣
novrdd: TwitchConHYPE
ElementalAlchemist: And the line!
Viewers_Like_You: 2:59! Quite good
AragornKeuken: He beat James' time
ArdCollider: Molly and I enabled that heavily.
aitsu100: i remember Cori finding the subocean one Lrrmons
ElementalAlchemist: bonk
BigDaddyBland87: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
RedNightmare7: The other side
RandomTrivia: Welp
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
TXC2: how is he doing this?
Stauffy: Hat trick
BorgarWithAShotgun: DOUBLE
KBKarma: Good show, Matt! Break the car!
novrdd: TwitchConHYPE
JustChrisWood: This is a forklift, not a Reliant Robin.
Samarium13: early brake and accellerate into corners brah
RedNightmare7: Proper story telling: tension and release
RandomTrivia: Only the topside left to get :D
serramarkov: Is tomago the egg sushi?
Viewers_Like_You: Gotta go in and get a suspension adjustment, release the shockras
mtvcdm: DNF might be a point of pride for Matt here
novrdd: It's okay, touching the grass is good for our health
Philocalist: Suspension of disbelief, let's go
Samarium13: he's a topper !! lol
Simonark: I assumed it was a reference to the pierogi race at Pittsburgh Pirate games
JadedCynic: Define your own victory conditions! :)
trainpants: "better to go into a turn slow and come out fast than to go into a turn fast and come out dead"
PharaohBender27: tqsWTF
abslomdaak42: lmao
Creature_Comforts: we’ve got an office full of Sith
DiamondMX: A Sith uses blue shell.
L0rdX33n: my car judges my braking
vegetalss4: Sith's notoriously bad drivers
TXC2: that is some propaganda bullshit :p
TehAmelie: i've turned off my tracki, i mean turned on my signal
Gascitygaming: I still think of advice from the gran turismo 3 manual
Simonark: I’m starting to think Star Wars canon is secretly hard to take seriously
MTGRanger: @vegetalss4 do you think Anakin stopped being a good pilot when he lost his legs and arms and torso?
Samarium13: @L0rdX33n your car too new ?
r10pez10: i hate sand
novrdd: Omg...
vegetalss4: @MTGRanger He never won a podrace after that, I'm just saying
BigDaddyBland87: @MTGRanger I mean he had an impressive kill count in A New Hope
AragornKeuken: @MTGRanger He certainly doesn't do particularly well flying around the death star?
JustChrisWood: “Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueas the Sideways?”
JadedCynic: @MTGRanger the only time we saw him fly a fighter after that point, he did collide with another fighter
margieargie: @MTGRanger Considering the part where he couldn't get his ship back under control during the Death Star run, yeah
TehAmelie: if i remember those movies, Vader actually does the most that he does for the dark side flying a fighter ship
amative1: wow 3 min lap
L0rdX33n: @samarium13 Regenerate brakes, the more smooth and gentle I come to a stop the more it recharges the battery. I get a % score every time I stop
RockPusher: rayfkSanic rayfkSanic_HF rayfkSanic
novrdd: Watching my big brother playing video games is prolly one of my fondest memory PrideUwu
Gekyouryuu: the GOOD style of Gameboy
spicyFerret_: cakejuFine
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
Gekyouryuu: always the transparent plastic
Larkonus: I'm not even mad, I'm impressed.
TheWriterAleph: uh ohhhh tippyyyy
margieargie: Side% speedrun
TheAinMAP: lrrBartleby
novrdd: TwitchConHYPE
JadedCynic: he was an accurate gunner, but we saw nothing of skillful piloting from A New Hope on...
Earthenone: interesting, the forklift seems to rotate if you arent straight :P
Samarium13: @L0rdX33n seems rather judgy , but usefull
Mangledpixel: that corner is now Sideways Matt
Viewers_Like_You: Turns out coming into the turn at 90 and not 30 really helps you go sidewise
AugmentingPath: before we put you into a full... body cast
TristalMTG: Judge, I've demonstrated the loop
Simonark: I mean, after the first time, how was the second time a BIGGER surprise?
Jon Grayson: hey, I missed some stuff because of work. Will you guys be putting any of these segments up separately on the channel after the sub-a-thon?
MTGRanger: @Simonark third time
j_crane330: Will this be the first dnf
Philocalist: Is this the difference between precise and accurate
r10pez10: rear wheel steering
aussie_rob_w: How now am I so tempted to go grab my switch and play some game boy games...
Samarium13: b/w gameboy !!! yay
Sarah_Serinde: My brother and I shared a gameboy pocket, then I got a GBC in translucent purple
aussie_rob_w: It's 2 AM I cannot be doing that.
L0rdX33n: @samarium13 It also has a digital garden that grows leaves and I do more fuel efficient driving and sheds leaves when I don’t
Samarium13: tetris with the link cable blew our minds
TXC2: sonic1 is the weakest yes
Mattmitchell45: Big Blaze the Cat fan?
Sarah_Serinde: We started with an NES and Intellivision though
JadedCynic: @r10pez10 it's supposed to be but we're not fully convinced it's being simulated by A/C
Simriel: I believe the whole subathon will be added to youtube in parts
jacqui_lantern234: those ARE some really good games and Link to the Past Kappa
aussie_rob_w: My first console was a clear plastic game boy. Donkey Kong Land 2, Pokemon Blue, and Game Boy Gallery... 3, I believe.
Gekyouryuu: Adventure 2 or Adventure 2 Battle?
ArrestedHouse: good choice
JadedCynic: even the 2600 technically wasn't the first - Coleco pong console with fake wood-grain decals
j_crane330: Wait looking at the shadow it shows that the forklift is fully extended
protojman: I played so much sa2 in middle school
amative1: 2:46.49
AragornKeuken: 2:46!
Samarium13: Go hot
TXC2: I should say Generations, but it might be 2 for the nostalgia
Simriel: Unsure what the segments are gonna be like
mtvcdm: It's so nice you're doing this segment in sync with Formula E's London E-Prix, Ian.
RockPusher: Hot laps in your area
L0rdX33n: Gamecube was first console I bought for myself new. I’d had gifts and hand-me-downs and buying second hand consoles from friends who were upgrading
RandomTrivia: You've got this Matt!
Mattmitchell45: Matt is doing the BEST and the WORST all at once
Samarium13: @Mattmitchell45 indeed
j_crane330: You never travel with forks fully extended
r10pez10: fun fact: two thirds of one million dollars in hundred-dollar bills is about the size of a gamecube
amative1: Ian's cheating. The timer starts when you select "Restart Session", so the clock already said 7 seconds when Ian said "go"
PharaohBender27: IAN
L0rdX33n: Be kind?
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
Metric_Furlong: Ian!
Creature_Comforts: Umm.
DiscordianTokkan: IAN
MrSarkhan: IAN!!
KaleidoscopeMind: ian
LadyLockwood92: Love Aerith.
ArrestedHouse: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: IAN
JadedCynic: HORNER
SolarBlitz1: IAN
GazzyInferno: ian...
margieargie: lrrWOW
RandomTrivia: IAN HypeLUL
Samarium13: jhuh?
TheWriterAleph: eyyyyy
malfnord: LUL
HyruleGirl9: happy pride
incslayer: IAN!
TheShameGranny: Ian Horner!
ContingentCat: LUL
Sarah: It'll make sense to split it up the way it's split in the calendar
Simriel: IAN
Unpronounceable: IAN
LadyLockwood92: Dilly Dally Shilly Shally
JustChrisWood: ba dum tish
LadyLockwood92: I mean...he's not wrong.
ContingentCat: it definitly was, a time
ExachixKitsune: Yes, call his... tool... Masamune
just_like_aerin is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 40 in the channel!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to PenguinEmperor!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to downsided!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to shockcycle!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to Randh!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to kiwisteve23!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to chadzer0!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to zzgarfieldzz!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to DiversionNL!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to Budenloui!
just_like_aerin gifted a Tier 1 sub to paintedpuffling!
ElementalAlchemist: "milves"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, just_like_aerin! Welcome to PenguinEmperor, shockcycle, DiversionNL, downsided, Randh, kiwisteve23, Budenloui, chadzer0, zzgarfieldzz, and paintedpuffling! (Today's storm count: 247)
TXC2: just_like_aerin lrrHEART
L0rdX33n: I fell in love with Jennifer Hale like 4 times
ScrapyardGhostTrain: It really did.
Metric_Furlong: he's right, it did
goombalax: Questis best girl
SK__Ren: Oh yeaaaah, now that you mentionit. Edea, Raine, Quistis kinda
MrSarkhan: Yeah he's not wrong.
Samarium13: milves et. plural ?
Critterbot: 8 has aged poorly for me.
Mangledpixel: !ing
LRRbot: nginginginging...
margieargie: There were SO many girls growing up who influenced me and I didn't realize it cause I didn't know I was a girl yet
DiscordianTokkan: Isn't Questis like, 18?
Eepy Alice: is ian wrong tho?
Jon Grayson: cool, I missed the Lorcana draft and half of the MH3 game play, wanted to see those
Simriel: Milves
LadyLockwood92: Speaking of Gunblades, I find how guns came about in FFXIV hilarious.
Gekyouryuu: I will still argues "Milves" is incorrect, because Mothers is the plural, like Surgeons General, so it should be Ms-ILF
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Quistis was like 22, I'm not sure she counts.
SK__Ren: @DiscordianTokkan Yeah but she's coded dommy mommy
hedonistic_mushroom: No, yeah... Wow... So I do have mommy issues don't, I...
Patorik: I would love to see what they would do with a remake
mtvcdm: 38 sub units until the next stroke is added to the minigolf scorecard (presently stands at 16 over par).
JustChrisWood: up to Gambon
MrSarkhan: I still love 8. My favorite of the series.
DideRobot: LRR: The Sub-A-Thon has been capped! The pizza party stretch goal has been unlocked! We’re well on the way to ice cream, and then bombarding James with water balloons is right around the corner! | 5 hours remain!! |
TheWriterAleph: woo!
fredcheckers: We're watching a man learn about braking.
Samarium13: dat abs
ElementalAlchemist: "Tip it; that's the ticket!" --James and Matt
ElementalAlchemist: gottim!
DandyGeek: when 8 came out in Japan, there was a regular at the import shop who saved in front of every cutscene across multiple memory cards
MrSarkhan: LUL
nekobun: GOTTEM
ArrestedHouse: LUL 󠀀
margieargie: Victory!
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
TheWooglie: FBtouchdown
PharaohBender27: :D
Gekyouryuu: Matt crashed enough to learn what NOT to do
mtvcdm: James, you're getting worse at golf today!
DiscordianTokkan: lol
JustChrisWood: burn!
GazzyInferno: let's go matt
KaleidoscopeMind: lol
RockPusher: lrrGOAT
Jethrain: i think the timer's been starting on different numbers?
TheWriterAleph: nice nice nice
ArvynEternal: PogChamp
nekobun: spin at the end for style points
malfnord: LUL LUL LUL LUL
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrGOAT
Erik Josefsson: wow!
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Samarium13: bartleby is the bot
TacitusVigil: The best part is James suffering
Samarium13: !
BusTed: New record!*
BeccaTingles: GG
MrSarkhan: sergeGG
Samarium13: gg
TXC2: Bye Matt
fredcheckers: GG
MrSarkhan: Let's go Cam!
TXC2: Hello Cameron
Wondermoo: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 247 (new subscribers: 218, returning subscribers: 29, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 0, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 19149, new followers: 9, YouTube super chats: 0, YouTube super stickers: 0
TehAmelie: yo
ManWithTheMask13: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown Cam spotted
RockPusher: unarmeGameplay
Eepy Alice: matt's a gaymer
Vinchenz: After all the flips he still managed to beat James! GG
mtvcdm: Are we just getting all the non-drivers on the crew to do this bit?
Fanklok: But does Cameron have his driving sock?
fredcheckers: Matt has learned about multi-pedal driving. Time to let him loose in a real vehicle.
Patorik: You heard the man, folks: Steal a car
melegaunt_: I wish I lived in an area where having a car was optional D: (Frickin' Florida)
ContingentCat: @Patorik just as long as you don't download it
BeccaTingles: Me too
deinonychus24: Matt ignored that advice and got the best time
fredcheckers: Little guy who weighs 9,000 lbs.
Mysticman89: After all this people will be ready to play shenmue
Samarium13: stay on the track line or the shift is bad
RockPusher: Dunsford
UnknownFriday: Dunsford
Samarium13: very hot
RockPusher: A Lotus Designed Test Track
nekobun: Dunsfold
Samarium13: work that supercharged 12 cyl
ContingentCat: Dunsford OoooOOoo
DuneAlien: is this the TG race track?
RockPusher: nekobun is correct
Samarium13: a standard in forklift motors
AragornKeuken: @DuneAlien Yep
TristalMTG: Cam that is the first time I have ever seen anyone pronounce that anime in a way that even remotely sounds correct
TheWooglie: that was Ian's fault
nekobun: when the copilot gets chatty
AugmentingPath: are we inside the grass wall?
DuneAlien: @AragornKeuken noice
logophile99: forklifts don´t handle like that i believe
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
JadedCynic: wow, I found the other person that remembers Clone High :)
r10pez10: i was wondering why this thing was hitting 80
Mangledpixel: fun fact, this airfield was built by the Canadian Army and in the 1940s was operated by the Royal Canadian Air Force
JustChrisWood: I had errands to do today, but heck that, I’m going to binge Top Gear as much as I can.
L0rdX33n: Clone High quote? I love you Cameron
Mysticman89: oh a map does a world of good on this not partiocularly obvious track
BorgarWithAShotgun: did... did Cameron jsut manage to actually total the forklift?
bolas_dnd: Congratulations on the subathon
Simonark: No one told Matt it was impossible, so he was able to achieve.
Samarium13: 2 tons of steel bro
Samarium13: it heavy
Athelgar: i dont see a single chicken cannon
vegetalss4: @BorgarWithAShotgun I think he just got stuck on an invisible wall
JadedCynic: @BorgarWithAShotgun not even close
Laogeodritt: Control System Cameron is very underdamped, I see =V
Simonark: @athelgar The chicken cannons got married years ago.
Laogeodritt: Just don't rely on your vestibular system when flying! Turns out our sense of balance is not adapted to being off the ground.
Samarium13: hot tyres
RandomTrivia: Oh no
TehAmelie: senses of balance, motion, dread at traveling at speeds we've never evolved for. . .
RandomTrivia: Good start :D
RealGamerCow: how many people have finished?
Mangledpixel: while building this airfield, time was of the essense and there was a large amount of woodland to clear, so they used explosives
BorgarWithAShotgun: so, Matt manages to roll the forklift, Cameron manages to turn it off...
Patorik: Cheaper, too
therepoman__: God I wish I could drive standard
Athelgar: @Simonark good for them
Samarium13: Go Cam!
ExachixKitsune: @Mangledpixel ... does this mean the airfield is covered in unexploded stuff?
coachNelly: nelly owned a Chevrolet chevette that was barely older than himself before owning any other cards
Mangledpixel: ExachixKitsune they used the explosives, they all exploded
Samarium13: Camry! i crashed mine 3 days ago lol, sad face
baltimore_667083: soul?
Gascitygaming: Soul?
JustChrisWood: Never driven stick, and I love my modern conveniences and computer wizardry, but I’d love to drive a Mini with a manual gearbox at some point.
Samarium13: 15 years od solid service
MTGRanger: Oh, the stock pick of the day! A fine choice
ExachixKitsune: @Mangledpixel ahhh just wondering if they lost any
Mangledpixel: ExachixKitsune not as recorded
Mangledpixel: but you never know
stippledotter: Remember, it looks slow but it's actually fast
RandomTrivia: Cautiously feathering the accelerator
PharaohBender27: Wow, the sudden silence is kind of eerie, I got so used to the vroooming in the background
TehAmelie: i'd like a car model to be named "thing". Volkswagen Thing
ExachixKitsune: probably would've heard about it like "yeah, don't go over to that bit of the airfield"
BorgarWithAShotgun: @TehAmelie I would prefer a Volkswagen Dingens
Samarium13: Vader Shuttle, great van name
TehAmelie: or a Ford Thing
DuneAlien: into gambon and
mtvcdm: Second To Last Corner and Gambon is a nasty combo.
DuneAlien: across the line
ManWithTheMask13: The Audi TT, the house on the gulf coast
BeccaTingles: I learnt in a Nissan Micra, it would shake above 60 mph
krfsm: the Micra is *very* small
fhorrigan: I'm 6'3" and the best car I've ever driven was a Honda Fit.
Asimech: @BorgarWithAShotgun And then the SUV model, Volkswagen Dingaling?
TehAmelie: wait, is that what T in T-fort stood for?
JustChrisWood: oh the Nissan Micro, a car that TG “loved.”
RandomTrivia: lrrFINE
NotCainNorAbel: I see someone else watches Aging Wheels
jessieimproved: My teenager and I drooled over the very cute new Fiat 500E
TehAmelie: *Ford
Samarium13: micra is death trap
RockPusher: Take Cameron for a spin in the Mini, get him hooked :D
Eklinaar: I had to sell my Honda Fit when I immigrated, both my spouse and I miss it. Great car.
thegitrogsquirrel: what is the swiss car called?
L0rdX33n: I carry about 80 boardgames in my trunk, so cargo capacity is a high priority
Mattmitchell45: They wouldn't hurt a Little Car
DuneAlien: its fine it was a control slide xD
L0rdX33n: Smart
Fanklok: Cameron can have a little car as a treat
ContingentCat: I like a little car, I drove an SUV once and it was so weird being so far from the road
paintedpuffling: @just_like_aerin Thanks for the gift sub!
Samarium13: oh no
ElementalAlchemist: oof
PharaohBender27: Oh dear
krfsm: me and four friends once went on a 500 km road journey in my mom's Micra where the shortest of us was about 190 cm.
ContingentCat: OH NO
Samarium13: mm hm
PharaohBender27: O_o
SolarBlitz1: OH
flufff42: The Microlino suffers a bit from build quality not quite matching its price. But it did almast manage to revive the dream of the Swatch car
fhorrigan: @Eklinaar That stinks. What a great car. Effortless to drive.
Samarium13: too small a car, really
JadedCynic: learned on a manual hatchback, took driving exam in an automatic, first 'daily drive' was the folks' 'mid-life crisis' of a Pontiac Fiero. Then a series of minivans. a few sedans, a pickup or two. IIRC a long drive for the Red Cross in their station wagon...
jacqui_lantern234: man, FUCK suv's
RealGamerCow: I had a Nisan Versa, which is similar to the Micra. Loved that car, could throw it around, and it was a standard
ContingentCat: LOL
RandomTrivia: Hahahahahaha
JadedCynic: oh god
Viewers_Like_You: I would hope that the SUV operator experienced consequences. I assume the contrary, however.
ContingentCat: priorities
melegaunt_: And that is why trucks and SUVs are considered "crash-incompatible" with normal vehicles.
Samarium13: fuck SUV
MrSarkhan: That's a good friend
ElementalAlchemist: honestly, rad
Samarium13: indeed
SnowBuddy18: very good friend
AragornKeuken: I'm still driving a '94 Corolla. Love that car.
JadedCynic: ^^^^
wordnerdify is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
wordnerdify gifted a Tier 1 sub to davesummersdave!
wordnerdify gifted a Tier 1 sub to talicto!
wordnerdify gifted a Tier 1 sub to a_randomfofar!
wordnerdify gifted a Tier 1 sub to flyperson!
wordnerdify gifted a Tier 1 sub to beatset!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, wordnerdify! Welcome to davesummersdave, flyperson, talicto, a_randomfofar, and beatset! (Today's storm count: 252)
RockPusher: Micra sacrificed itself to absorb all that energy
ttandmore: that is a solid person
Samarium13: cars too big these days for no reason
TXC2: that's a friend with experiance
TXC2: wordnerdify lrrHEART
stippledotter: "You're alive, let's have good music"
DuneAlien: @Samarium13 to be fair, if you crash a micra into a motorcycle it would still get totalled xD
ContingentCat: yeah I'd really appreciate that, to be like hey at least this
TXC2: Samarium13 blame the EPA
IanAllenBird: kmjnkiolm
Sarah_Serinde: A gamer but not a Gamer
Samarium13: he can turn well, mostly
eshplode: "Unfortunately, yes" is a good answer to that question
mtvcdm: Look at what you do for a living
Samarium13: first thing i did when crashed Camry, removed stereo, lol
JadedCynic: @AragornKeuken my first taxi was a 2008 Corolla - very low maintenance and wonderful to drive - could u-turn in a side street, yet still carry three burly oil rig workers and their luggage on a long trip pretty comfortably
Samarium13: was aftermarket noice
TheShameGranny: Betty warned me about these new "gamers" and their shameful "gaming"
ContingentCat: that's a really cool project
ElementalAlchemist: that's a lap
mtvcdm: 3:26.84.
ElementalAlchemist: oh, dang, starting with Rogue
JadedCynic: yeahhhhhhh <3
AragornKeuken: @JadedCynic Fantastically low maintenance costs as well.
L0rdX33n: Oh nice
TacitusVigil: HMS Ship Of Theseus
Halinn: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LoadingReadyRun 2024 Sub-A-Thon Finale! at Sat 11:00 AM PDT (1:37 from now).
BusTed: Young start
Eggyism: wait are they driving a fork lift?
LadyLockwood92: Ah, a model ship of Theseus
HesGotNoPants: Yes
ContingentCat: @Eggyism yup
TXC2: Eggyism yeap
Eggyism: lol cool
fredcheckers: A very Cam sentence.
incslayer: a Tuned Forklift
L0rdX33n: I ever played Rogue, but I’ve played the bejeepers out of NetHack
Carlioo: they triiiied to drive 'round with a forklift
Mangledpixel: oh hey, unrelated, the company I work for recently released a port of Rogue for Nintendo Switch *shameless plug*
TheTekkieman: Ah, the Tandy Computer Whiz Kid.
hoveringhalibut: I remember getting nowhere in King's Quest II
Mysticman89: ah yes, king graham fashioned after robin hood
RandomTrivia: Oof
ExachixKitsune: aww :(
Irsaan: @Mangledpixel neat!
TehAmelie: my first encounter with games was Ice Climber when i was 6 or 7. it confused me how the players could see what happened behind their characters on the screen and then i was frightened of videogames for about 10 years
BtEtta: My earliest gaming memories were Chuckie Egg on the Amstrad CPC6128
RealGamerCow: I saved my games on my TI-99 and saved them to cassette tape
JadedCynic: @AragornKeuken ugh, my second was a Chrysler 300 - I went from popping over to walmart to get bulbs to replace by a car that needed the air filter and the bumper fairing removed to replace a headlight :p
L0rdX33n: @mangledpixel For real? I need to get me that
RockPusher: No tape storage? Noooooo
goombalax: oh man, thats way worse than trying to beat Majora's mask without a memory pack
wordnerdify: Commodore64 was my first computer. I learned how to type before I learned how to write
ArdCollider: Atari VCS Combat, 1979.
momalyd: I had a similat problem wit Tomb raider with no memory card
AragornKeuken: @JadedCynic The biggest issue I've ever had with the corolla is that the battery died once (big whoop)
JadedCynic: 2600 Adventure - I found EVERYTHING in that game, including the programmer's credit easter egg :D
Samarium13: Amiga Forever
BtEtta: Also 'Sorcery+' and 'Killer Gorilla' (which if you think that sounds like a shameless Donkey Kong knock off you are 100% correct)
Simonark: I think I’ve played Barbarian on the Amiga!
momalyd: I never got any typed out games to work on my c64
RockPusher: I find the ZX Spectrum loading sounds surprisingly relaxing nowadays
jdr_42: I remember encountering Kings Quest 2 at a friend’s house. I immediately tried swimming out to sea and drowned after a couple screens. That was cutting edge realism for the time.
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
TheWooglie: FBtouchdown
Samarium13: wooooooot
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
ContingentCat: FBtouchdown
KBKarma: No rolls, now two!
NekomimiNinja: FBtouchdown
L0rdX33n: There has been a computer in my home as long as I can remember. C64 is the oldest I recall
IanAllenBird: lrrBartleby
ArdCollider: lrrBartleby
Easilycrazyhat: Huzzah!
Thadrin46: Atari 2600, ZX Spectrum, NES.
DuneAlien: to flatten gambon
TheAinMAP: FBtouchdown
Samarium13: until the knife is sharp man
TehAmelie: you turned the whole thing on its head!
terribleplan: Everyone is Big Cheats at hammerhead.
stippledotter: lrrPistachio
momalyd: Barbarian had Wolf from Gladiators on the cover
KBKarma: My parents had a Sinclair when I was a kid.
Astral_Apache: Cheer400 THE TIP IS GOOD
tezzatipoca: I had a lincoln continental that went up in flames (we bought it used for $500 USD) A Pontiak Grand Prix whos head gasket exploded (also used $500 USD) And a Subaru Forester where BOTH head gaskets exploded 😄👍
RealGamerCow: I *think* that my first game was Armor Battle for the Intellivision in 80 or 81
JadedCynic: @AragornKeuken I was able to replace the brake pads (you go through them a fair bit when you drive 10-12 hrs a day), and with a tool, even replace worn bearings <3
KBKarma: After that, it was DOS, 3.1, 3.11, then 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, 10, and 11.
amative1: starting at 30 seconds, BIG CHEATS
RockPusher: A fresh time, for fresh people
Krektogar: Cam is not allowed a 30s head start
KBKarma: My first game was GORILLA.BAS.
NelJanDik: 626BHP forklift :D
melegaunt_: it starts counting before you click start :|
melegaunt_: oof
stippledotter: Started at 18
JadedCynic: @KBKarma o/\o
Ormmannen: Did have Harvest Moon on for a week so i could get a memorycard
L0rdX33n: Hard respect
momalyd: I played Rouge FP yesterday
Mysticman89: quest for glory 1, still on floppy disks labelled heros quest 1 was where I recall starting
Samarium13: started on Caleco
Atiota: my idea for a perfect "started game" for someone who's never played is Portal
BusTed: One of the first Roguelikes Kappa
Easilycrazyhat: Mine would've been my grandparents' pre-90s macintosh
Atiota: "*starter game"
JadedCynic: I was messing with "AI" before the IBM PC - copied ELIZA.bas out of a transcript book <3
Samarium13: recoverery!!
ClodiumSoride: got there!
Halinn: Nice save
tezzatipoca: The first video game that got me was OOT on N64
AugmentingPath: recovered!
RealGamerCow: saved it!
L0rdX33n: WOW!
Irsaan: Not flipping it there was incredible
ManWithTheMask13: That's why they're the goat
Aischeron: I guess my first game would have been Manhole on the Mac in 1984, lol
wordnerdify: nice recovery!
RealGamerCow: Does Cameron get style points?
JustChrisWood: I saw the light for a moment
JadedCynic: good job, cam <3
Critterbot: @momalyd You mean Rogue, rouge is french for red.
Simonark: Star Control 2 is my ideal starter.
wordnerdify: @Aischeron Manhole was great!
Samarium13: ooo'
AugmentingPath: ignore the giant arrows pointing at you
MAPBoardgames: LRRmans lift
Samarium13: the hottest fork
RealGamerCow: it's inertial
iris_of_ether: I'm so glad I'm in time for this
JadedCynic: cam really shafts it
Samarium13: ive ever seen in VR
gualdhar: is the windshield cracked or is that a wire?
BorgarWithAShotgun: What are those tires made of...
Eggyism: lol
RockPusher: Mulligan
RealGamerCow: Cameron, did you just look behind you to back up?
aitsu100: this forklift has skates for wheels
TXC2: gualdhar it's a shadow
Aischeron: The beatnik dragon and the walrus that said "indubitably" .
JadedCynic: it's HEAVY; it's meant to be so it can lift a heavy load well out of center of volume and not tip
Samarium13: @RealGamerCow LUL
Samarium13: they move ?
Simonark: I love that Matt and Cameron have really violated the physics rules in totally different ways
Samarium13: lower gravity centre is better ALWAYS
Samarium13: bah bah
JadedCynic: technically, I've never forklift *certified* but in a pinch I did operate one for a bit
BorgarWithAShotgun: @JadedCynic as someone who has worked in a relevant field, I have seen people taking curves on two wheels with a load.
nyoomgoom: watching this, at this point my monkey brain neurons are activating, making me want to try
Samarium13: HeyGuys
JustChrisWood: Smooth through that corner
the_phantom_game_player: lrrBartleby
MrSarkhan: LUL
TXC2: hello Samarium13 welcome
krfsm: I remember the .mp2 they ripped off for Crazy Frog
Samarium13: "i se eything"
krfsm: tvåtaktare.mp2
ManWithTheMask13: my body is a machine that--dammit, Ian
RealGamerCow: going slow is going fast
krfsm: impressive, twitch, turning that into a linl.
krfsm: linK.
Samarium13: short left
IncredibleFrown: a machine that takes facts and turns them into forgotten facts
maxdamnit: Tonight on Top Gear: Cam drives a forklift
JadedCynic: I was working as 'distribution manager' for a small book publisher - I had to reorganize their warehouse to make room for a big shipment; we rented a forklift, and a friend who WAS certified would use it...but he got delayed and I had to get working for like an hour before he could make it to us :)
stippledotter: Slow is smooth, smooth is fast
Samarium13: @IncredibleFrown the Internet Archive ?
RockPusher: break into corners, accelerate out
RealGamerCow: that was a fine set of turns
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
ElementalAlchemist: Wow!
nyoomgoom: clean clean clean
JadedCynic: BOOM
gogoGadgetApathy: sub 3!
TheWriterAleph: he's going there... and then he'll BE there...
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
ElementalAlchemist: Good job, Cameron!
TXC2: clap clap clap
kimmiekoneko: are we there yet?
RockPusher: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
JustChrisWood: Damn, Cameron!
Psychic_Ketchup: That was very good!
Sorator13: FBtouchdown
Ormmannen: Looking on the speed. I whould never go 90 km/h in a forklift
nyoomgoom: *clean*
GazzyInferno: oh dang
TheWooglie: lrrBartleby
TXC2: Holy moly!
DeM0nFiRe: Wow
wordnerdify: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap jlrrDance3 jlrrDance3
Samarium13: Goody lap
TheWriterAleph: oh!
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
melegaunt_: and don't forget, he started with 18 seconds on the clock
AugmentingPath: lrrBartleby lrrAWW
ManWithTheMask13: that's why they're the goat, simple as
Eklinaar: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
PharaohBender27: lrrHORN
ArrestedHouse: lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: @Ormmannen Most forklifts don't have 350bhp :D
therepoman__: ayy lmao
the_phantom_game_player: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
JadedCynic: how did bartlby do?
ghizmou: wow, and on his first try
MTGRanger: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
JKBalch: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Go Cameron!
thejadedthief: lrrHORN lrrHORN
MyrddintheWizard: nice lrrBartleby
ylegm: seabatClap
ManWithTheMask13: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
ArcticAtlantic: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
stippledotter: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: Rivals Slaughtered
BorgarWithAShotgun: semaClap semaClap semaClap semaClap semaClap semaClap
TehAmelie: you mean, locking the accelerator on "!ull" isn't the fastest way? Super Mario Kart lied to me
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
ExachixKitsune: Top Human
iris_of_ether: unarmeGameplay unarmeGameplay unarmeGameplay unarmeGameplay unarmeGameplay
PharaohBender27: tqsClap
TheWooglie: lrrBartleby
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrAWESOME lrrHORN lrrAWESOME lrrHORN lrrAWESOME
7gorobei: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey
Ormmannen: @RandomTrivia True
ElementalAlchemist: tiltyhPLS
RockPusher: unarmeHeart unarmeHeart unarmeHeart
RandomTrivia: IAN HypeLUL
MrSarkhan: #besthuman
ContingentCat: LUL
TheWooglie: suck it James
TXC2: congrats Cameron
AugmentingPath: wait, what was bartleby's time?
JadedCynic: lrrHORN lrrAWESOME
MAPBoardgames: LRRbot still on top
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
IanAllenBird: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
ManWithTheMask13: I knew it
wordnerdify: Dang, Ian
RebekahWSD: Woo winning the human division!
Psychic_Ketchup: Had to phrase it that way
Dread_Pirate_Westley: You want to take that again?
Mysticman89: And not necessarily big cheats either
TXC2: Bye Cameron
Strebenherz: "thank you for topping '
MAPBoardgames: !advice
LRRbot: Don't give the demon sphere to Dale.
marmalade_pen: flipping the car gets you the record
Sarah_Serinde: !quote 7761
LRRbot: Quote #7761: "Phrasing has never been a thing and I will never do it even once." —Ian [2021-09-05]
Sogheim: !badadvice
LRRbot: Partner your project with Warner Bros. Discovery.
RandomTrivia: We know you're thirsty, we heard you :D
RealGamerCow: summary of the times so far?
QuantumTwitch: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: lrrBEEJ
LesBeauxPlastiques: GG
Samarium13: @melegaunt_ vod shot time
stippledotter: Top Glrr has been ideal
AugmentingPath: oh, bartleby is 2:41, not 2:47. Oh well, humans will get it next time
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Was that 2:41 for Bartleby?
Simriel: Witness Him!
JadedCynic: @Psychic_Ketchup yes, it's ian
Samarium13: then some
ArcticAtlantic: we've gone from watching Friday Nights Cameron win a trivia contest by 10 million points to leading the board on the forklift time trials! what a day for Cameron
TheWooglie: lrrBartleby
PharaohBender27: lrrGibb
RockPusher: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
gogoGadgetApathy: what wheel and pedals are we using?
TheMandrew: woooo Adam!
Mangledpixel: wooo!
Sorator13: g'morning adam!
hatboozeparty: seabatClap
wordnerdify: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap tqsClap tqsClap
ManWithTheMask13: THE GOATTT
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
TheWriterAleph: he's heeeeere
SnowBuddy18: feliciaWave
tehfewl: gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
tezzatipoca: Congratulations you are now a top 🙂👍
BusTed: seabatClap
MTGRanger: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
TXC2: Hello Adam
IanAllenBird: lrrGibb
ghizmou: seabatHITBOX
e_bloc: Corgo400 hell yeah brother
TehAmelie: hi Adam
ManWithTheMask13: He's a Drive Baby
MAPBoardgames: At least 3 months
iris_of_ether: seabatHITBOX seabatHITBOX seabatHITBOX
ManWithTheMask13: I've seen this guy turn green so many times
Mr_Horrible: I wanted him to say "about 5 minutes" after that pause
Samarium13: i hope he crushes it
RandomTrivia: HAHAHAHahaha
KBKarma: So, is Adam forklift certified?
kataanglover1: Had to walk away from computer for a minute. What place did Cam get?
Samarium13: see the body language comin up on set ?
JadedCynic: @kataanglover1 2:48
ManWithTheMask13: Which button lets you drive rush
DuneAlien: throwing ben to the wolfs xD
accountmadeforants: Summoning your genie
Easilycrazyhat: They're fidget buttons today
TXC2: kataanglover1 top of the humans
KBKarma: Has *anyone* been forklift certified so far?
stippledotter: @kataanglover1 1st of all humans
e_bloc: "should do things but won't do anything today." yeah that's saturday for me
Scar_Red_Tiger: my dudes in the pipts
krfsm: card games on forklifts?
ghizmou: how else do you play yu-gioh GTX
JadedCynic: :D
kataanglover1: GG Cam... TY everyone :lrrheart:
JadedCynic: same
TXC2: badboy rogue driver
Scar_Red_Tiger: On the family farm theyy dont ask questions
malfnord: Ah, an off-the-books forklift operator
e_bloc: Adam's Ganthaus
roefizzlebeef: this aint your grandpappy's forklift
accountmadeforants: Adam is the most Forklift Certified Forklift Uncertified person out there
TehAmelie: a dark forklifter, if you will
TheShameGranny: Adam! Adam Savidan! Such shameful uncertified forklifting!
ManWithTheMask13: What's the drive gauge on this puppy?
kimmiekoneko: lotsa tiny horses under the hood
drawnbinary: they can fit so many horses in there
ElementalAlchemist: One horse has more than one horsepower
incslayer: doesnt one horse have something 8 horsepower?
ElementalAlchemist: tiltyhPLS
TXC2: no, cause a horse is like 12 horse power :p
iris_of_ether: tiltyhPLS
TheWriterAleph: LUL
AugmentingPath: Not a very strong guy, that Newton
Morrigan9: 1hp is not even close to 1 horse
TehAmelie: i think a horse has 17 horsepower
Mewr11: Wait that's not what a Newton is
Mysticman89: the force of one apple falling on a head
PharaohBender27: @incslayer Yeah, it's a really weird measurement
aitsu100: a horse runs at like 5 horsepower or something
fredcheckers: God, Newton was a wuss.
Laogeodritt: horsepower is a power unit, we should be using watts =P
Spades_Slicc: 1 horsepower = 745.7 watts
JadedCynic: kiloWatts?
DrakoniteDev: horsepower depends on breed
L0rdX33n: google says a horse can have up to 15 horsepower
Mark_D_Stroyer: “Let’s see how fast this baby can lap the Nürbergring!”
Simriel: The Newton: The number of horses Issac Newton could pull
fredcheckers: We should adopt Donkeyforce
TheWriterAleph: @L0rdX33n lrrFRUMP
Verrain2: But it should be the Newton def!
Boon_33: @L0rdX33n *shakes fist at measuring units*
RockPusher: should it not have shifted up?
Asimech: A lot of HP variance in these horses. Does it depend on the horse's class or how well they roll their HP dice?
Didero: Are you sure it's automatic? Shouldn't it have gone into 2nd already?
Snouut: You'll be pleased to know chat I am a certified forklift driver IRL.
Sogheim: @fredcheckers LLamathrust
Easilycrazyhat: Did your warehouse forklift corner this well, tough?
RockPusher: is autoshift still on?
JadedCynic: Hyster DOES make four models of forklift that have 350hp
Atiota: he just does it so casually
RandomTrivia: Adam sat down and immediately dialled in
SnowBuddy18: he's gaming!
Mysticman89: smooth and steady and 1st gear
Snouut: Is this the Top Gear circuit ahah, can recognise this from a mile away
ElementalAlchemist: He's doing so well
Mark_D_Stroyer: Oh this is the Top Gear track
Fanklok: He's starting to believe
DuneAlien: i mean he is stuck in first xD
JadedCynic: I think running it in 1st might be the pro strat...
Eklinaar: Brain too big
kimmiekoneko: this is pog-racing
e_bloc: seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN
fredcheckers: @Sogheim Zebrachutzpah
Boon_33: listen to those puppies purr
Niahlah: are you SURE it's automatic?
JustChrisWood: that poor transmission
Sorator13: It sure isn't
LordZarano: "horsepower" was a marketing term to sell stationary steam engines to mines and factories. So they based it on particularly weak horses so they could sell a bigger number
Niahlah: lol
Patorik: Sounds like he got stuck on a pylon
IncredibleFrown: last time it did this, you did have to click something
Snouut: If Adam doesnt full send Gambon (penultimate corner) i'll be disappointed
NekomimiNinja: You gotta really put the pedal down for it to upshift it seems
RandomTrivia: It's not going to be a transmission for long at this rate, it will be dust on the track
terribleplan: He did the hammerhead!
JadedCynic: @Niahlah yep, the autoshifter is...recalcitrant
ManWithTheMask13: Ian, did you know that Adam's actually has a year of being a Drive Baby under his belt?
Niahlah: wow...
TehAmelie: "what gear are you in?" "GEAR?"
RockPusher: Ian, want to try toggling autoshift off then on?
L0rdX33n: Horsepower is measured against Dwayne the athsmatic show pony?
Didero: This doesn't seem fair to Adam if it doesn't shift...
DuneAlien: being stuck in first for the first lap might be a blessing to learn it
Mark_D_Stroyer: Damn Adam, that’s a solid car history
Niahlah: that sounds like the forklift is gonna just fall apart
RandomTrivia: Adam is clearly accustomed to making small, gentle inputs
TehAmelie: @L0rdX33n they should have gone with Lil' Sebastian
ElementalAlchemist: oh, hey, finally
DrakoniteDev: the ui didn't say auto on like it did for cam's lap
Snouut: Star in a Reasonably priced Forklift
RandomTrivia: WE GOT SECOND GEAR! FBtouchdown
JadedCynic: to adam, a car is a device
AugmentingPath: ey, we shifted!
TXC2: my dream car is a train Kappa
Cinominn: high speed forklift gameplay
kimmiekoneko: that's car-ist
aitsu100: finally game
JustChrisWood: Third gear!
Boon_33: I've never seen a forklift with this much grip, clearly the track needs more floor polish on it.
tezzatipoca: Is that gravelly sound all the horses? #badjoke #yw
RockPusher: wheeeee
accountmadeforants: Adam doesn't know Taxinomy
Mark_D_Stroyer: He Gambon’d it!
rogerivany: I've owned 4 cars. All Corollas
JadedCynic: this was the FIRST time off the track <3
JadedCynic: good taste
Snouut: He flew off Gambon ahah
PharaohBender27: :D
DuneAlien: torque steer baby
JustChrisWood: give it the beans
BusTed: lrrSCOOP
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
RandomTrivia: That's why they're called "Booms", because that's the sound you hear when you bonk them lrrBEEJ
ManWithTheMask13: GET THE RESET
ManWithTheMask13: Run the set, brother
RockPusher: River Raid PogChamp
JadedCynic: oh man, river raid...memories
Laserbeaks_Fury: Pac-Man cabinet at the Piggly Wiggly
Herbert_Erpaderp: I remember enjoying river raid
Boon_33: adam played the sonogram invitro
Snouut: Savidan drifting in a forklift noiceee
SursaiKosecksi: 2600 gang
JadedCynic: ah, "the family gamer" <3
boy151 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, boy151! (Today's storm count: 253)
JadedCynic: @SursaiKosecksi o/\o
Snouut: Chat what does the ice cream mean at the top there?
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RockPusher: Boy!
Spritz_T: ice cream party count
MTGRanger: @Snouut I believe it means they've earned or are on track to earn ice cream
whitebadgerwolf88: It's kinda funny how casual Adam is with the steering wheel hand position compared to everyone else
Snouut: Oh I see thank you!
Sarah_Serinde: We are 167 subs/400-bit cheers away from ice cream for the crew
CaptynByrd: On the other hand, its only been two minutes.
Boon_33: sift into... o
Didero: Ugh, it feels so unfair when it doesn't shift
Snouut: @MTGRanger Hmmm depends on the flavour aha
Sorator13: The auto shifter really is a problem
Sarah_Serinde: After that, 250 will get James hit with a bunch of water balloons
Mark_D_Stroyer: What does this transmission refuse to shift?
quigonginnjuice subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, quigonginnjuice! (Today's storm count: 254)
Sarah_Serinde: So I'm hoping for that one
ManWithTheMask13: Option select into the right turn
JadedCynic: good mentality adam! <3
e_bloc: no crashes, you're the GOAT! best to ever drive a forklift
MTGRanger: @Sarah_Serinde who isn't?
TacitusVigil: The Zen of Adam
polygonalpizza subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, polygonalpizza! (Today's storm count: 255)
j_crane330: We÷
Sarah_Serinde: @MTGRanger James. gabyLul
Snouut: @Sarah_Serinde Ahah me too! Good to see you again lrrSHINE
GameSageZB: Those tires sound like they're _shredding_ themselves
MikoKisai: @Mark_D_Stroyer I think the game does that if you're off the track, and they technically keep doing that on that part
Sarah_Serinde: :)
AugmentingPath: the grass wall!
Samarium13: front end dumped it
Mai_Andra: Does 'Junimo Kart' count as a driving game?
Snouut: is this beamng?
j_crane330: He sticks the landing
JadedCynic: asseto corza
jessieimproved: I played the heck out of Need for Speed HP
ManWithTheMask13: I once saw this man fight a Hugo for an hour and a half with no fear
ElementalAlchemist: shifter pls
DuneAlien: this gear thing is driving me insane
Mysticman89: touched a few test drives in the earliest days
the_lone_bard: Gran Tourismo was "Dad game" territory for my generation.
TXC2: the racing game I played was Colin McCrea rally
DuneAlien: @ElementalAlchemist its stuck it wont change xD
the_lone_bard: We got Driver and Need for speed.
AugmentingPath: do you have to slow down and then accelerate hard to get it to shift?
ClodiumSoride: The winner will be determined by whose shifter actually decides to do something.
Sarah_Serinde: That's on them for having a different language that we don't know
Snouut: if youre not red lining a forklift then you're doing it wrong
vegetalss4: When Cam got stuck on a gear, Ian said something about "more throttle" and then he had much less trouble with it
Sarah_Serinde: That's how that works
Mark_D_Stroyer: Fort Za.
Samarium13: Driver
ExachixKitsune: @TXC2 : same!
TXC2: ExachixKitsune nice
Samarium13: PS1 Driver was mad
the_lone_bard: Anyone else play Rollcage on the PS1?
jacqui_lantern234: ian, i love you, but thats kind of a garbage take
SnowBuddy18: @Mark_D_Stroyer perfect place for a pizza party
Mr_Horrible: love going down to the Forza Parlor for a slice
DrakoniteDev: according to a coworker of mine that worked on forza, everyone pronounces it wrong. everyone.
JustChrisWood: I really want to see someone try the manual shifter. might corrupt the result, though.
Snouut: @SnowBuddy18 you're a genius LUL
DuneAlien: changing the songs in GTA 3, vice city and San Andreas was the best
BigDaddyBland87: My dad is a mechanic so I grew up with NASCAR games...that and Driver 1&2
aitsu100: sounds like a need for speed to me
Boon_33: ridge racer and jet moto series were fun
JadedCynic: I'd say the one 'racing' game I played the most was "Deathtrack" - kind of a car wars thing with leagues and persistent competitors...
malfnord: San Andreas had the best radio stations in a game ever
terribleplan: Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition
Didero: @the_lone_bard I played Rollcage on PC. I don't know if it was the game or our monitor, but it blew out two LCD (I think) screens, and then my dad didn't allow me and my brothers to play it anymore :p
accountmadeforants: What is a forklift if not a tall go-kart
Snouut: Are the forks being super high up not messing up the balance of the vehicle?
TXC2: malfnord yes
Mark_D_Stroyer: This forklift does look like it has incredible non-progressive understeer.
Angreed66: Unlike the other drivers Adam isn't cheating the hammer
Samarium13: yeh San Andre ws gold
aitsu100: Need for Speed Underground was very hiphop
SnowBuddy18: the rubber helps you stick
the_lone_bard: @Didero Hilariously fitting considering the game XD
RandomTrivia: There's literal rubber on the road
Atiota: thats wild
TehAmelie: Micro Machines on Amiga 500. boy did i play that more than it deserved
JadedCynic: that is what that dark shadow on the track is <3
Samarium13: i prefered the floaty speed racer game, um called , um,
ElementalAlchemist: That's a lap!
Snouut: looking impressive! just need to master the chicane now
Samarium13: Wipeout
JadedCynic: was that a sub-two minute lap?
SnowBuddy18: no
SnowBuddy18: 2:48
ManWithTheMask13: Adam's whiff punishing the shit out of these turns
BigDaddyBland87: Jet Moto 2
Laogeodritt: Rubber on the runway is bad for braking performance when you're trying to *stop* a plane on a landing, though =V
JadedCynic: @SnowBuddy18 ty! my eyesight isn't great and it rolled over before I focused completely
accountmadeforants: I was gonna guess F-Zero, Samarium13 PrideLaugh Same thing, basically
Samarium13: hold the darker track lines
LordZarano: Forza - Proper noun - a surname - /ˈfɔr.tsa/
Samarium13: hodl
LordZarano: - Wiktionary
Snouut: nice and slow adam!
Samarium13: classic Audi trans
Eklinaar: Don't worry about it
MrSarkhan: Transmission is not having a good time.
Didero: Did the other racers also have to fight the transmission?
Cinominn: i thought he was on manual and refusing to shift
TXC2: Transmission has exactly one tooth left :p
ArcticAtlantic: Pride200 heading down for dinner so just making sure I get my last bits in. will try to be back up for pizza lrrSHINE
Mark_D_Stroyer: It’s not the hammerhead, it’s the battleaxe
gogoGadgetApathy: forklift lives on the rev limiter
Sfalanga42: is this properly representing the rear steered nature of the forklift?
SnowBuddy18: There's been big cheats
Angreed66: they all cheated there
deinonychus24: Either losing time or big cheats
Snouut: this top gear track is very nostalgic
ManWithTheMask13: Ian, this portion has been incredibly entertaining. More entertaining than I would've guessed
TXC2: Sfalanga42 doesn't seem like it
Samarium13: @Sfalanga42 Nooo and i drive em for a living
urist_mc_wazdakka: can you lower the forks, I'm getting anxiety
TXC2: urist_mc_wazdakka it doesn't make a difference
Snouut: @Sfalanga42 Not all forklifts are rear steered. If theyre propane forklifts vs battery forklifts then the steering is different respectively.
MTGRanger: @Samarium13 Samarium which of these fine LRRfolk would you forklift certified, given the option?
Samarium13: @Samarium13 ok, but maybe ?\\
ManWithTheMask13: DIDN'T FLIP IT FBtouchdown
Cinominn: im always anticipating a flip but this forklift seems.... suspiciously grounded
AnimeKitty: Morning chat! Are we racing in a forklift?
TehAmelie: anyone remember Uniracers aka Unirally? they gave those living unicycles so much personality
accountmadeforants: @Cinominn Ian says they've tried flipping it but couldn't
Mark_D_Stroyer: Yeah thing looks like it goes from forgiving to frustrating at a serious clip.
TXC2: hello AnimeKitty we sure are
Laogeodritt meows at @AnimeKitty
Boon_33: @AnimeKitty sure are, time trials
Samarium13: @MTGRanger great Q, none have lifted and moved a load yet!
ExachixKitsune: Hello Animekitty!
Texan_Reverend: Yeah, being consistent and without major issues is how you get fast laps rather than maximum speed the whole time.
ClodiumSoride: @Cinominn Matt managed to roll it several times. Ian was never able to, despite trying many times.
Halinn: @TehAmelie I transposed some of those letters and read it way wrong
AragornKeuken: @Cinominn Forklifts are incredibly bottom weighted of course
AnimeKitty purrs at Laogeodritt
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to AnimeKitty!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AnimeKitty! (Today's storm count: 256)
Snouut: I'd probably trust Beej or Ian the most to drive a forlklift IRL
Samarium13: @AragornKeuken Yes
Cinominn: @TehAmelie i do remember that game, was fun as heck
AnimeKitty: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub anonymous goober!
urist_mc_wazdakka: yeah really hard to flip a lift unless the forks are up high!....
maxdamnit: If Ian is the Stig, should he be talking?
ElementalAlchemist: ooh, so smooth
accountmadeforants: Now I'm just picturing co-driver Ian hanging off the side of the forklift, giving instructions
MajorFrostbyte: That was a nice turn
Snouut: the balance triangle is way off with the forks being this high up aha, imagine if they were carrying a load as well
ManWithTheMask13: as smooth a buttah
JadedCynic: from what I've heard, Adam is the person I'd most trust using a forklift...still have yet to find someone with papers to appease the gummimint
AragornKeuken: Will Ian record a time for the board?
Samarium13: that turn makes me feel it IS rear wheeel aware
RockPusher: lrrBartleby
ElementalAlchemist: lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: Bartleby is the one who did the benchmark lap, he's the Stig's Canadian cousin
TXC2: lrrBartleby
BlueChloroplast: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Snouut: @RandomTrivia One of the stigs many cousins!
accountmadeforants: Oh hell, we've found 3rd gear
jvetting83: Ian strikes me as a James May.
neveth: just tuned in, and I am so glad Ian IS using the Top Gear track gfor this
50keyz: "some say his blood has been replaced my maple syrup"
Fanklok: I believe it is established lore that not a single LRRson has a forklift permit
TXC2: held it !
SnowBuddy18: this was a fast lap
marawr_arts: Party1000 go adam!
JadedCynic: I am eager for this...
Snouut: *queue top gear theme music*
RandomTrivia: @50keyz "and that he has a birthmark in the shape of Vancouver Island"
Two_Hats: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
AragornKeuken: Is the wheel centered?
Samarium13: hot larp
Cptasparagus: hot laps in your area
Samarium13: GO!
50keyz: @RandomTrivia love it!
accountmadeforants: gdqFAST
Samarium13: hahaha
ElementalAlchemist: the timer *started* at 15 seconds?
Mark_D_Stroyer: “Star in a Pointily-shaped car”
Fanklok: Yeah Adam it's July, gotta be straight again
urist_mc_wazdakka: can you put the forks in the middle of the view, cause that would be a fun hot lap
Simriel: Only The Sting would deny being The Sting
Samarium13: GO!
itmightbemikey: You have the VOD at least
MikoKisai: @ElementalAlchemist the timer seems to start ticking as soon as the game launches, not when you click through the menu
accountmadeforants: Also, the timer seems to start at a point after 0?
Samarium13: turn on traction control
RandomTrivia: benginTry
Easilycrazyhat: Got there
tehfewl: no power steering
Snouut: third times the charm
Snouut: go savidan!
Samarium13: Derp
Luminaire_p: The timer seems to start when it launches
RandomTrivia: @Samarium13 It is a forklift :D
Samarium13: GO!
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
amative1: @accountmadeforants The timer starts when Ian clicks "restart", so it's going the whole time he's counting down
JadedCynic: Bullwinke: "This time, fer SURE!" :D
Samarium13: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
tsp397: Go Adam!
Snouut: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
RockPusher: rayfkSanic
Mark_D_Stroyer: We’ve reheated this lap in the microwave
NekomimiNinja: oh we zoomin now!
deinonychus24: There's a fourth gear??!?!
ManWithTheMask13: LET'S GO ADAMMM
Snouut: a forklift going 130km/h seems realistic aha
Samarium13: heavy steering vro
RandomTrivia: Oh noooo the invisible wall!
PharaohBender27: NotLikeThis
RockPusher: wheelerHub
ElementalAlchemist: RIP
TXC2: it's Jover !
PsychoI3oy: that's the first time I've seen 4th gear
Jigokuro: bitterLOL
marmalade_pen: it sjover
Mr_Horrible: LUL
RandomTrivia: NotLikeThis
TehAmelie: did you nail a 720?
Atiota: NotLikeThis
Laogeodritt: Two whole rotations!
50keyz: take the mulligan
kataanglover1: This time... With Feeling!
MatzerKat: It's so Shenmover
Mischievous_Catgeist: once more with feeling
BigDaddyBland87: ok for real real this time
Fanklok: No Luffy you can't handle fourth gear
j_crane330: And you were doing so well
Snouut: adams trying to win the style contest
RealGamerCow: Adam went full send
TXC2: more?
WanderingOmen: straight weehl
Samarium13: early brake accel thru corner
foopoiuyt: Is this Savadan or Gambon?
Scar_Red_Tiger: Mull to 5
ManWithTheMask13: Nice 720
ManWithTheMask13: Bro was churning
j_crane330: Easy
Samarium13: good enough
Snouut: adams driving a lawnmower it seems
googoltudoris: DNF! DNF! DNF!
KBKarma: Do we know who else is gonna be on?
Samarium13: yes!!
Didero: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LoadingReadyRun 2024 Sub-A-Thon Finale! at Sat 11:00 AM PDT (1:05 from now).
50keyz: nice corner!
Samarium13: follow the dark line
Didero: Oh,there's a whole more hour, sweet!
Mark_D_Stroyer: More like DNF Duels
Samarium13: nice
NdroFox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NdroFox! (Today's storm count: 257)
JadedCynic: @Snouut interestingly, they DO actually make commercial forklifts with 350hp engines...
Alex Frank: why does the wheel move in the opposite direction of the hands?
mtvcdm: Scorecard update: Currently 16 over par. Next stroke added in 23 sub units.
JadedCynic: they're bigger than this little boi tho
holysnapx: Is it just me or is that the top gear track?
TehAmelie: the good thing with forklift racing is, if you wipe out you can make a meal out of it
TXC2: holysnapx it is
Mark_D_Stroyer: This is Top Gear, yeah
ElementalAlchemist: RIP cone
Snouut: @JadedCynic Is there a forklift racing league like there is for lawnmowers aha
accountmadeforants: Cone obliterated
Boon_33: that cone was 1 day from retirement!
Texan_Reverend: lrrEFF that cone!
TehAmelie: i bet that cone was with Gant
mtvcdm: Cone had it coming
ElementalAlchemist: ooooooh
Samarium13: YES
ElementalAlchemist: *that* was excellent
Snouut: cone looked at adam weirdly
trainpants: smooth
MatzerKat: Today's race is sponsored by VLC Media Player
Samarium13: sweeet
holysnapx: Forklift racing is on track for that show LOL
ElementalAlchemist: so buttery
PsychoI3oy: slow is smooth, and smooth is fast
Samarium13: hubris is the undooer
jvetting83: Don't jinx it.
Luminaire_p: his lap was... perfectly smooth
Marvoleath: and on the first try! ;)
nyoomgoom: video games!
50keyz: first time every time
RandomTrivia: Held it!
RealGamerCow: Adam picks up new things so quickly
NekomimiNinja: looking sweet!
ElementalAlchemist: lrrHORN
CmdrMadMoe: His lap was... perfectly smooth!
j_crane330: sergeGift
Samarium13: gambon
Samarium13: woot
mtvcdm: And across the line!
Snouut: im so happy this is Adam's first attempt!
RockPusher: around Gambon and across the line !!!!!!
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown seabatClap seabatClap FBtouchdown
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
ManWithTheMask13: Let's go gambling!
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
Samarium13: YAY
NekomimiNinja: FBtouchdown
Mark_D_Stroyer: Gambon’d it!
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
MTGRanger: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
terribleplan: HOLY
SnowBuddy18: perfect
WanderingOmen: nice nice
DeM0nFiRe: gdqFAST
PharaohBender27: lrrGOAT !
Mr_Horrible: FBtouchdown
Sorator13: LUL
50keyz: NICE
Didero: Oh wow
marmalade_pen: wowie
GazzyInferno: lmao
Fanklok: I cheered out loudf
nyoomgoom: :o
ExachixKitsune: holy moly
PharaohBender27: HOLY MOLY
ManWithTheMask13: LMAOOO
Psychic_Ketchup: Let's go Adam!
themercenary1987: WHOLY!
accountmadeforants: The pink thing is defeated!
Sorator13: \o/
AnimeKitty: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
BigDaddyBland87: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
ManWithTheMask13: WE GOT THERE
nekobun: dang
SymphonySolstice: GAMING
keely_lionheart: wooow
Didero: So glad the autoshifter cooperated!
malfnord: gdqWR
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
j_crane330: lrrJUDGECALL
Texan_Reverend: Wooooo! lrrGOAT there.
Atiota: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
ghizmou: seabatHITBOX seabatHITBOX seabatHITBOX
Samarium13: Legit
PharaohBender27: He beat lrrBartleby !
AugmentingPath: first try!
gibbousm: Gamer OP
Chronomagistrate: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
lirazel64: Wheeeee!
trainpants: FBtouchdown
nyoomgoom: *big clean*
e_bloc: Goated
the_phantom_game_player: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
ArdCollider: unarmeGameplay lrrBartleby unarmeGameplay
RealGamerCow: Adam with the Tom Cruise lap
aitsu100: crushed James
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Eklinaar: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby pbtvCLAP pbtvCLAP pbtvCLAP
ArrestedHouse: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
theeffohzero: What's the game? Stream is still on fallout
ElementalAlchemist: eat it, Bartleby
BlueChloroplast: lrrADAM lrrADAM lrrHORN lrrHORN
thejadedthief: lrrHORN lrrHORN
MrSarkhan: Adam the true gamer
LadyLockwood92: He's the Goat
MTGRanger: unarmeGameplay unarmeGameplay
RockPusher: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Cinominn: heck yeah
ElementalAlchemist: good job Adam!
ManicPixieDreamLurker: \o/
JadedCynic: lrrHORN
RockPusher: seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN
Samarium13: woooooot
IanAllenBird: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
saintguard: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
CaptynByrd: What a GAMER
LordZarano: lrrGOAT
TXC2: theeffohzero should be on special events
50keyz: ADAM!
tehfewl: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrADAM lrrADAM lrrADAM lrrADAM
Jillexie: Gamer
accountmadeforants: gdqTime
Mr_Horrible: that's why he's the goart
Didero: @theeffohzero It's on 'Special Events' for me
7gorobei: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Boon_33: what was the stig's time?
ElementalAlchemist: because Adam had such a smooooooth lap
jacqui_lantern234: DO NOT doubt the boshy
ManWithTheMask13: "Don't come to my neighborhood again, you weird little dick puppet"
Vinchenz: I saw it mentioned that the model might have the wheel set up incorrectly
Vinchenz: Wow!!
YareNiDaze: Just tuned in and omg it's actually Top Gear. Love it.
Vinchenz: Get wrecked Bartleby!
Simriel: Adam remembering "Oh right, I am good at videogames*
Pseudonym_Ken: SAV-I-DAN! SAV-I-DAN
marawr_arts: Cheer1000 bweh bweh bweh
Asimech: Adam with A Damn good result.
RandomTrivia: lrrDARK
JustMeJude: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LoadingReadyRun 2024 Sub-A-Thon Finale! at Sat 11:00 AM PDT (1:02 from now).
ElementalAlchemist: Hi Kathleen!
MrSarkhan: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
Atiota: nyawww
TXC2: Hello Kathleen
L0rdX33n: Adam’s gone full silver fox. It’s kinda sexy
TehAmelie: hello!
AugmentingPath: the racing blanket
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
lirazel64: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
whitebadgerwolf88: Let's go Adam!! lrrHORN lrrSHINE
RockPusher: Kathleen in the regulation racing attire
Texan_Reverend: Yay! Hi, Kathleen.
KBKarma: Kathleen is naturally warm blooded.
googoltudoris: adam savaDAYUM
ElementalAlchemist: tiltyhPLS
Snouut: We got a Kiwi behind the wheel! Lets goooo!
GameSageZB: I am surprised that I don't see Kathleen in a blanket more.
L0rdX33n: bathrobe forklift race
FrostyKaze: I'm very jealous. I'm just melting at home
JadedCynic: @Snouut the only thing I could find is seniors racing R/C forklifts, but it IS called The National Forklift Racing League...
CmdrMadMoe: cozy core bog hag is an aesthetic
Hareharee: isnt the PPR in 2 mins? or did i see wrong
RandomTrivia: This is definitely not bit-infringement or anything, nope, not at all
Nigouki: oh wow, I didn't know cookie monster had that much skin. must be reaaaaally long below camera
Snouut: @JadedCynic Okay. Now how do I sign up.
Sarah_Serinde: @Hareharee It's tomorrow
PharaohBender27: @Hareharee No, it's tomorrow
Sorator13: @Hareharee PPR is tomorrow, not today
TXC2: Hareharee it's tomorrrow
DuneAlien: did someone in tg turn out to be a monster? xD
mtvcdm: Now, Kathleen has an actual drivers' license.
Hareharee: oh rip
KBKarma: EVERYONE is smaller that Adam.
Alex Frank: yeah, I think I see Gambon coming up
YareNiDaze: He is the Boshy, after all.
Simriel: It's top gear, but no one is racist :p
YareNiDaze: So just James May?
Eric L: Forklift certified!
Samarium13: Kath got this
ElementalAlchemist: remember: jam on the gas (JAM ON THE GAS)
JadedCynic: @Snouut lifespark seems to be involved:
RockPusher: Kathleen "average height human in a land of giants" De Vere
AragornKeuken: The only good thing Clarkson has ever done is his rural farming advocacy.
j_crane330: And pedal
Snouut: We have a kiwi behind the wheel lets goo!
LadyLockwood92: Step on the gas. Step on the gas?
Samarium13: we all got one'
the_phantom_game_player: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Samarium13: NZ windy roads
Spades_Slicc: wait, who at lrr doesn't have a driver's license?
Snouut: @JadedCynic Im not aware what Lifespark is?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL oh no
mtvcdm: Famous last words
MrSarkhan: Same!
jacqui_lantern234: so a normal stick shift? Kappa
PharaohBender27: :D
mtvcdm: "I can drive basically anything." -Kathleen De Vere
accountmadeforants: It's wild that parents are allowed to teach their kids driving in other countries.
Scar_Red_Tiger: Confidence is key
MrSarkhan: LUL
Samarium13: indeed
KBKarma: @Spades_Slicc Alex, as I recall. Someone mentioned it in stream a few days ago.
Didero: Glad you have to get driver's lessons from a certified instructor here...
SeismicLawns: barely passed is functionally identical to perfect
nyoomgoom: heck i drive absurdly carefully and i flunked my first two driving exams, and barely scraped by the third
Sorator13: @KBKarma Graham as well, I think
j_crane330: Welcome to North America
ManicPixieDreamLurker: All the good drivers passed on the second attempt ;)
TheRealRedal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
TheRealRedal: <3 ALL yall are top tier!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheRealRedal! (Today's storm count: 258)
Laogeodritt: @accountmadeforants Here in Quebec, lessons from a certified driving school have become mandatory.
Eklinaar: Failing driver's license tests is pretty normal, I am a cautious driver and I had years of driving under my belt already when I took my test (grew up farming, started driving at 10) and I failed 3 times before passing.
Samarium13: get a dash cam, and join the vigilantee mindset, its dangerous trust me
ElementalAlchemist: like a forklift
itmightbemikey: Oh yeah, I had that lunatic driver friend that I took several rides with in High School. It was made worse by the fact that the car he drove was completely nonfunctional and yet somehow still moved.
RandomTrivia: Like a supermarket cage
Samarium13: forklifts are weird
Samarium13: like that
Fanklok: I want a compilation of this segment set to Deja Vu
KBKarma: @Samarium13 Why do we want Cam running?
RandomTrivia: Oh lordy
Mangledpixel: we're still on booth view
Samarium13: not a REAL forlift
LariatWest subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LariatWest! (Today's storm count: 259)
JadedCynic: SIX hundred?!?
Patorik: I guess the 2 wheels in the front need to hold the weight, and the one back wheel is like arudder
Boon_33: there's a reason why cars don't steer from the back
Snouut: imagine no practice laps aha
WolfGirlVeronica: so are we soaking james
RockPusher: *slaps roof of forklift* this thing can fit so many horses
TXC2: rear wheel steering means we are a boat Kappa
j_crane330: Only trained for my work place not valid anywhere else
Texan_Reverend: It just weighs _many_ tons.
Boon_33: 3-2-1 fork!
Snouut: @RockPusher LUL
Samarium13: 3 times a car weight
Krektogar: hell yes, mess up those pixels
mtvcdm: Even if you flip the car, you're not the first
miniMacGuru: My driver's license test administrator claimed that she "wanted" to fail me, but I had technically not done badly enough so I had enough points to pass. (I was a nervous student)
L0rdX33n: Forklifts can do an alarming amount of damage… I learned inadvertently
j_crane330: When you try it doesn't work
Samarium13: dats that rear steer
Snouut: Captain Slow!
Samarium13: early brake
Sorator13: @miniMacGuru What a confidence booster, that
AugmentingPath: sometimes!
Samarium13: Ferrari
googoltudoris: james may is actually the best driver of the presenters
JadedCynic: okay, yeah. THIS is is beyond what you can find in real life - maybe the army has big powerful ones for their logistics...but...not Ryobi, eg.
RandomTrivia: Good drifit
RandomTrivia: *drift
Fanklok: You can tell Kathleen has been to Tokyo
mtvcdm: Nice handling of Wilson
RockPusher: WolfGirlVeronica currently James remains dry - 157 sub equivalent to ice cream unlock
TXC2: somehow held that
Mark_D_Stroyer: @googoltudoris Especially driving to 20th Century Schizoid Man
Samarium13: its a mixed turn track
RandomTrivia: Still embracing the James May then with the sense of direction :D
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
ElementalAlchemist: I, too, have seen Redline
MatzerKat: Other BBC motoring programs are available...
mtvcdm: Well, okay first try around Chicago
PharaohBender27: lrrSPOOP
YareNiDaze: @MatzerKat Fifth Gear does exist.
RandomTrivia: Forklift's haunted
ASilentBark subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ASilentBark! (Today's storm count: 260)
Samarium13: re-vucanize those tyres post haste
incslayer: during my drivers license test we got stuck at a train crossing for about half the alotted test time so the examiner had to "skip" several steps
Samarium13: the transmission is Audi so be p a t i e n t .
mtvcdm: I love the wheel and the hands don't match up.
RealGamerCow: I am guessing Kathleen has a lead foot
mtvcdm: This is Hammerhead.
Samarium13: Go NZ! gambon is the last turn to finish
Crokoking: why do the hands go the opposite direction of the steering wheel...
mtvcdm: Hammerhead is the quick left and the long right.
xVoxtric: this fork lift has four wheels? I'm used to the three wheelers
RandomTrivia: @Crokoking Because Asetto Corsa is a well built simulation game :D
RandomTrivia: Welp
RockPusher: trying to explore the woods :D
RandomTrivia: Wheel centre!
TXC2: Crokoking kathleen is facing us, the forklift is facing away
Mark_D_Stroyer: This is also, to be fair, a very confusing and poorly-marked version of this track.
TXC2: Jesus take the wheel !
Mark_D_Stroyer: The version in For(t/z)a 5 was way more legible.
RockPusher: It Not Perfect System
L0rdX33n: … Is *that* what they teach you?!?
RandomTrivia: @TXC2 Have you seen the in-game wheel?
AugmentingPath: because you're in the field, that's how you tell
MikoKisai: @Crokoking most likely the forklift model is wrong and the steering wheel is facing the wrong way
Samarium13: its your hands, not the wheeel surface
googoltudoris: man i really wish i had room for a sim driving wheel
TXC2: RandomTrivia the hands are more concerning to me
Samarium13: ignore the wheel
Samarium13: eat the wagon wheel
TehAmelie: 50 km/h in first gear, how fast does a forklift need to be able to go?
xVoxtric: I know you're talking about km/h but my mind works in m/h, 50 sounds so slow haha
SandwichKed: This needs a fleet of traffic cones.
RockPusher: gabyLul
Mark_D_Stroyer: @tehamelie It’s “Tuned”. The answer is “faster”
RockPusher: lrrDARK
Herbert_Erpaderp: Kathleen asking the important questions
Boon_33: @TehAmelie gotta go fast
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
TXC2: me thinks big cheats are in store Kappa
Samarium13: the hands
mtvcdm: Hammerhead is quick left, long right.
accountmadeforants: Why don't we just do a donut over the finish line and skip the entire track?
deinonychus24: Kathleen found a much more optimal line
AugmentingPath: send scouts ahead to see deeper into the FOW
YareNiDaze: Yeah, Hammerhead is always fun.
Samarium13: hammer is long at 200 kmh
4 raiders from WordsGreenwood have joined!
Mark_D_Stroyer: Hammerhead is one of the hardest turns on tracks, period
googoltudoris: the VoteLizard racing team is in full force today
mtvcdm: Hammerhead is rough.
Samarium13: in a fork
Samarium13: yes
mtvcdm: And now you can open up.
TXC2: hello raiders
Samarium13: righ
MAPBoardgames: Kathleen has been listening to music for a long time
Samarium13: long pen
RealGamerCow: Kathleen, I understand, I had a 2008 Versa and they just *ask* to be whipped around
mtvcdm: Follow Through is relatively okay, then past the tires.
mtvcdm: And then Second To Last Corner and Gambon.
mwlsn: oh hey, it's Kathleen in a reasonably priced forklift!
Samarium13: we watched too much Grand Tour
Samarium13: ducks
xVoxtric: America is a great place to go fast
jumping_point: How did Adam place btw?
SnowBuddy18: I go to the race track when I want to go fast
Samarium13: indeed
TXC2: jumping_point he's in first
mtvcdm: Now into Gambon.
Samarium13: science
RockPusher: Moose are well know enemies of speed
jumping_point: Oh, nice!
loufghyslaufey: Pallet Javelins!?
Samarium13: gamboooon
mtvcdm: And across the line
Samarium13: finish
PharaohBender27: Oh, is it now evening in-game?
jumping_point: Thanks, TXC2!
abslomdaak42: a wizard did it
YareNiDaze: They're called the Worst Witch!
Sarah_Serinde: The Young Wizards series by Diane Duane
Samarium13: woot
betweenmyself: the insane maneuver known as a left followed by another left
TheMerricat: I just realized, 50 minutes till the finale chat.....
goateedave86: The books of the Belgariad are fantastic
Samarium13: victory wiggle
L0rdX33n: I enjoyed the Bartimeous trilogy
jumping_point: Temepst and Slaughter by Tamora Pierce!
abslomdaak42: I'm reading A Wizard of Earthsea, it's quite good!
AugmentingPath: through the grass, let's go
jumping_point: *Tempest and Slaughter
MTGRanger: Redwall doesn't have a *ton* of magic (at least in book 1, which I have read) but it's quite good
loufghyslaufey: Not a book, but the name of the title is probably Frieren. In case any parents are looking.
loufghyslaufey: I think.
loufghyslaufey: I guess its manga, initially
jumping_point: @loufghyslaufey Frieren is so good!
ManicPixieDreamLurker: Apparently if you go to Dunsfold for a track day, they don't let you do the figure of 8 so you don't crash into other people on the opposite part of the lap...
Viewers_Like_You: It's a shame we'll never know whether Kathleen has a story to tell
Ctabbe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ctabbe! (Today's storm count: 261)
Atiota: brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr
tomnar: Doesn't desert bus count? :p
KaleidoscopeMind: @Viewers_Like_You she just never gets the opportunity :(
Clockwork_Cthulhu: Ash Ridley and the Phoenix by Lisa Foiles is a fantastic book about wizard at a school if you need alternative to the other books.
theeffohzero: Tractor top gear
theeffohzero: Woot
Nigouki: I dislike that I have to live in a suburban hell that requires a car because driving just ain't great if you have anxiety
Atiota: an image just appeared in my mind of little witch kathleen puttering around town in a forklift and attempting to sell her potions and tonics to the townsfolk
ContingentCat: I like to do that but bus there and walking home.
public_key_reveal_party: I miss living somewhere with options to walk or take the bus
TehAmelie: i'm reading the last of the Broken Earth books. it's a difficult read cause i get so angry i have to put them down every 5 pages, but in a good way
ylegm: big think let's all the intrusive thoughts bury themselves
ContingentCat: @public_key_reveal_party yeah it's a major part of why I live where I do
theeffohzero: Tho I think this would be better if another computer is spectating and Ian commentates the footage afterwards
DuneAlien: wait you said that so casually
harke_: I feel that, a surgeon royally messed up my foot almost 2 years ago and I've barely been able to walk since. My mental health has TANKED
loufghyslaufey: oh, its been "5 hours left" an hour ago?
Samarium13: i think my no car situation now will help me get fitter, gotta ride a bike to work now
MTGRanger: @harke_ lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
PharaohBender27: @harke_ lrrAWW
TXC2: harke_ sorry to hear that lrrHEART
loufghyslaufey: !quote cori
LRRbot: Quote #503: "Go left, go right, lrrEFF !" —Cori, Beej, and Ryan [2015-07-20]
theeffohzero: My condolences @harke_
Samarium13: its a ferrrari in a 2 tonne steel cage with rear wheeel steering
loufghyslaufey: @LRRbot OMG, hahahahahha
nyoomgoom: the forklift just wants to do some donuts
Samarium13: insane
theeffohzero: Dat quote
Niahlah: who's the boss now? GRAVITY
goateedave86: Entropy is the real boss
harke_: Thanks All <3 I'm on surgery 3 to try to fix it and it's not looking super promising so far
incslayer: Elton John?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RockPusher: Springsteen
TehAmelie: who eats donuts with a fork?
krfsm: Springsteen?
Krektogar: Kthleen taming the wild mustang that is the forklift
DrakoniteDev: kathleen the chaos gremlin
Carson Chavez: Chat, what are we playing?
theeffohzero: Forklifts aren't designed to go fast like thst
mtvcdm: (15 sub units from adding a stroke to the minigolf scorecard.)
loufghyslaufey: How did the LRRBot read that in this circumstance? LUL MindManners lrrSPOT lrrGOAT lrrBartleby lrrPistachio
BusTed: tqsFine
Mark_D_Stroyer: The reverse Gambon
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
RockPusher: gabyLul
MrSarkhan: sergeHubris sergeHubris
UnknownFriday: I'd love for Kathleen to just be sandbagging the heck out of this and end up putting in a sub 2 minute lap.
jumping_point: @TehAmelie I don't know, but now I want donuts.
RandomTrivia: sergeHubris
theeffohzero: As I've peeked at the qualification certification documentataion
Didero: I'd try at least one practice lap at full speed
googoltudoris: no one can stop kathleen except kathleen!
Angreed66: @UnknownFriday I think sub 2 min is impossible without cheating
Simriel: It was definitely proven that Angelo is the boss :p
Zu_o: I like Kathleen's Warp message.
TXC2: Maximum effort
theeffohzero: @googoltudoris you can't tell her what to do
RockPusher: braven10HEX braven10EYE braven10KNOT
PharaohBender27: braven10HEX
BusTed: Wheels turning
theeffohzero: @txc2 you gonna watch deadpool and wolverine?
TehAmelie: i've been trippin on Hildegard von Blingin' latest hit for days
CaptainSpam: This is the song SingsNote Playing on the race track SingsNote This is the race SingsNote Ian and LRR SingsNote HE TRIIIIIED TO KILL ME WITH A FORKLIFT SingsNote Olé!
xVoxtric: woh we made it into second gear
ArdCollider: the new Los Campesinos! is great
KBKarma: Sad times. I'll be missing BNF again due to timezones.
TXC2: theeffohzero probably not, I have to take a train to get there :p
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
GameSageZB: Novel?! !!!
jumping_point: Oh, you do?
BusTed: Self publish!
TheWooglie: Andy
TheMerricat: Self Publish!
BigDaddyBland87: @CaptainSpam HEYYYY...I already did that joke LUL
Sorator13: Hey, Andy just published one!
krfsm: Tor does books
MrSarkhan: I'd love to read a book by Kathleen
LadyLockwood92: Hehe
BrokenGolem: self publishing has gotten easier
Mollylele: you do buy MTG in packs 🚭
MrSarkhan: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
theeffohzero: @txc2 understandable
Mischievous_Catgeist: amazon kindle special
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
Rekos3: Kathleen, did you see the new Mitski cover of Bella Ciao?
public_key_reveal_party: I am going to buy that book as soon as I am able to
Fanklok: I would 100% buy your book Kathleen.
KBKarma: Hey, Kathleen, Jill Bearup published a novel and did quite well, so don't sell yourself short.
Fanklok: In hard back even
ContingentCat: I can't wait to buy your book Kathleen
KBKarma: And then there's yer wan who did the Hobbit videos.
ThorSokar: And then you get a big TV show before the books are finished, TV writers completely ruin it, and then you just retire
RandomTrivia: Hey, we had The Wiggles in the UK
RandomTrivia: (at least, they appeared on our TVs)
stippledotter: Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Big Oramge Forklift
kimmiekoneko: and kevin parker joined them on stage!
KBKarma: So there's precedence for YouTubers releasing great novels.
theeffohzero: As long as there is an audience, you're bound to get exposurr out there
stippledotter: Have you heard the Wiggles EDM album?
LadyLockwood92: Hozier used to be a Wiggle iirc
Damaris1034: My mom once told Gavin Rossdale to pipe down when he was rehearsing for a show in the same building she was having a meeting in
vegetalss4: I think the invisible walls would disagree
RockPusher: I should get around to watching The Wiggles documentary
RealGamerCow: You can be a good musician with bad taste
TheMerricat: So once Ian gets the crew used to driving an empty forklift, he needs to find a mod that includes a LOADED forklift for them to race with!
TXC2: !findquote pride
LRRbot: Quote #5693: "My pride is sodden." —Cameron [2019-01-07]
OrionPax21 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months, currently on a 97 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OrionPax21! (Today's storm count: 262)
RandomTrivia: @KBKarma I mean, "Fuck Yeah, Videogames" did VERY well, and deservedly
RockPusher: around Gambon and across the line!
ElementalAlchemist: yeah!
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Fanklok: Braking is a cowards move
PharaohBender27: lrrGOAT !
Featherweight_: I should get back to writing my trashy web novel.
themercenary1987: HEYA!
TXC2: Lets go!
TehAmelie: there ought to be forklift races that includes segments of shifting loads with the forklift. sort of like biathlon
BigDaddyBland87: not the worst
margieargie: Not last!
Herbert_Erpaderp: mtbROCK
ElementalAlchemist: It's not the bottom, either!
LadyLockwood92: Hell yeah~
DrakoniteDev: no cheats
RandomTrivia: Not even small cheats!
MTGRanger: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Angreed66: @Fanklok cowards live
AnimeKitty: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
RockPusher: rayfkSanic rayfkSanic rayfkSanic
theeffohzero: At least she didn't flip the tractor
Tarnius: Not the top or the bottom! Just like me!
PharaohBender27: Cheer400 Not last place!
ElementalAlchemist: tiltyhPLS
brieandbacon: Wooo! Top ten!!
RandomTrivia: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
theeffohzero: Poor jordynne
iris_of_ether: tiltyhPLS
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
Niahlah: YAY!!! not LAST!!! WOOOO!!
TXC2: bye Kathleen
RockPusher: lrrDARK
MTGRanger: lrrDARK lrrDARK
mwlsn: thank you Kathleen!
ElementalAlchemist: Hi Graham!
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap
jumping_point: About magic. Are there any Rumors of a MagicCon for next year?
TehAmelie: no special treatment for the out of town visitor, respect
Viewers_Like_You: Oh hey, it's him!
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Mangledpixel: iiiiiit's a G
jumping_point: Hi Graham!
gibbousm: lrrGRAHAM
TehAmelie: hi Graham
Nigouki: Stark In Reasonably Priced Forklift
MTGRanger: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Mark_D_Stroyer: G star racing driver
LadyLockwood92: Big G Money~
BtEtta: *Gasp* THE G*?
BusTed: HypeWave
TXC2: Hello Graham
L0rdX33n: It’s that guy! Love that guy
Fanklok: Graham is wearing ghost pants
theeffohzero: The only guy I know who doesn't have a license in lrr
Samarium13: Go Graham
WolfGirlVeronica: Ian hosting meme car testing in AC sounds like it would be like.. a fantastic show
Texan_Reverend: Big G$!
RockPusher: !advice
LRRbot: Congratulate the teeth.
protojman: send Paul around too!
RandomTrivia: This must be a normal experience for Graham, readjusting from Kathleen's comfort to his own
Samarium13: no clutch
Mark_D_Stroyer: @randomtrivia G-Money is not a driver
amative1: They're a pretty good band...
terribleplan: Congratulations lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Foxmar320: Hello
RandomTrivia: D'awww
MTGRanger: @Foxmar320 Hey Foxmar!
theeffohzero: Eep creepy doll
RockPusher: foxmarLOVE foxmarLOVE foxmarLOVE
Samarium13: feels like a mini, drives like a rear wheel steer tractor with a V12 supercharger
RandomTrivia: Oh hey Foxmar
MTGRanger: foxmarPULSE foxmarPULSE foxmarPULSE
TXC2: hello Foxmar320
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
RandomTrivia: IAN
Samarium13: beware!!!
BusTed: yes and?
Foxmar320: :D
ElementalAlchemist: maybe
asthanius: ???
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
amative1: Graham did go-karts as part of Strip Search
ArrestedHouse: LUL
MrSarkhan: LUL
BusTed: oh yeah
Samarium13: Ian , the great distractor, love him
incslayer: Brian O'halloran? the guy from the Kevin Smith movies?
theeffohzero: Half a decade ago now
Foxmar320: Huh
Easilycrazyhat: With both your brains combined
marmalade_pen: superfan ian
Vinchenz: What?
singinnonsense: I'm not even supposed to be here today !
TXC2: He's been in an ENN episode
the_lone_bard: Long enough ago that it was one of Ians early memories of knowing you?
theeffohzero: And Yahtzee has 2 kids now
rogerivany: I was going to say "The guy from Clerks"?
TehAmelie: i remember his ranting at the Dante's Inferno display
Gekyouryuu: I met Brian O'halloran at a local movie theater once for the first showing of either Infinity War or Endgame, I forget which
NonjaBiru: Brian O'Halloran? The reporter from Dogma?
Samarium13: eird eh
Samarium13: watch the thumbs!
ElementalAlchemist: it's an intense forklift
kalira77: i've sadly missed most of this segment. can I ask who has driven and who of them has any real driving experience?
TheShameGranny: Graham! Graham Stark! Shamefully thumbing your wheel in public!
mtvcdm: Kathleen's probably the most accomplished driver of the field
PharaohBender27: @kalira77 Jordynne, Matt, Cameron, Adam, and Kathleen have been on.
Spades_Slicc: i call that turn "doing a socialism"
TXC2: kalira77 we've had James, Jordynne, Matt, Cameron, Adam, Kathleen and now Graham
Foxmar320: Graham doing ok so far
hypperstar2280: mainly adam had driving experience james and bartleby are topping the charts
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown Graham nailing it
RealGamerCow: Graham is doing very well
Mark_D_Stroyer: Having a mouse is actually a weirdly powerful co-driver tool
RockPusher: Lotus Test Track
ElementalAlchemist: Thanks, Canada!
Didero: Luckily the loading screen doesn't say 'T-p G--r' every time :p
kalira77: thanks for the answers everyone! lrrSHINE
goombalax: if every guest has said the phrase, then can we really claim to not say it?
mtvcdm: Hammerhead now
Samarium13: dah mouse is good
Mark_D_Stroyer: Graham is doing exceptionally
RandomTrivia: That was CLEAN
theeffohzero: Ian the unofficial stig of lrr
ElementalAlchemist: oooh, good turn
mtvcdm: A fine Hammerhead
as_ever_ellesandra: @goombalax yes
Featherweight_: there was a whole defunctland on kid cities that covers safey towns
amative1: thrice!
MTGRanger: @Featherweight_ oh thanks for reminding me to watch that one
Samarium13: Ian has standing on driving games eh?
RockPusher: Matt is some sort of forklift whisperer
mtvcdm: Follow-through clean
Gekyouryuu: @Featherweight_ saw that. it was good.
margieargie: Oh, beautiful turn there
Metalupis: This is the Upermost Cog track
MTGRanger: stunning
Samarium13: hit it
RandomTrivia: Holy moly Graham found FOURTH!
Mark_D_Stroyer: This is powerful enough to lift an airplane
Samarium13: missed
margieargie: Missed the sign, too, unfortunately
mtvcdm: Man I think Graham could almost go straight to hot lap
Samarium13: gambon
MTGRanger: @TXC2 Eorlingas? X is how much?
bytecaster: Is there also a Warlock turn?
theeffohzero: Gambon ! GAMBON!
AugmentingPath: is there a way to downshift other than by hitting something?
TXC2: MTGRanger uh.....6 ?
googoltudoris: how is graham the best driver on his first lap?
ElementalAlchemist: lrrGOAT
Foxmar320: Well done
MTGRanger: @TXC2 GGs
Fanklok: Do we have any Initial D midis available?
theeffohzero: Rip Micheal Gambon
Mangledpixel: the Belenor Loreweaver turn
Sorator13: @AugmentingPath Slow down and it'll downshift... eventually...
TXC2: MTGRanger GGs
Samarium13: first car Gray?
Cinominn: is the subathon capped?
Viewers_Like_You: G over here driving remarkably well for a not-drivesm'n
Simonark: Please, it’s Singing Detective Corner
amative1: @Fanklok I could just start singing Deja Vu...
Boon_33: multi_track_drifting.gif
themercenary1987: A particular show involving cars
asthanius: the film, Cars
mtvcdm: Adam under serious threat here.
TheMerricat: @Cinominn Capped, Pizza party funded, working on ice cream.
AragornKeuken: Who produced Road Quest again?
PharaohBender27: @PharaohBender27 Oh, right - James also went
Samarium13: Carpool corner ?
TehAmelie: i have found real drivers have more trouble adjusting to a fictional racing world
Featherweight_: cars, cars 2, cars 3, you know all of them
themercenary1987: Potentially a show refering to the numbers on the stick in the middle
Irsaan: Hey, I'm two of those things he jsut said.
Mark_D_Stroyer: That is a super fair comparison, G
TheMerricat: @TheMerricat The Ice cream cone in the notifier is how many cones we have to fund to get the ice cream.
LadyLockwood92: @AragornKeuken Serge. Graham directed.
TheWooglie: Graham did a road quest
themercenary1987: Y'know that channel 5 show 5th Gear
xVoxtric: Is there a Papyrus car?
RockPusher: An electric conversion E-Type would be nice
mtvcdm: Graham might beat Adam without even NEEDING the hot lap!
KOneSix: Isn't the fictitious character version of Graham the one who doesn't have a license and crashed in the parking lot for a skit?
WolfGirlVeronica: is it just me or is graham crushing this?
Boon_33: @WolfGirlVeronica he's flying
TXC2: instead of the mosaic car? Kappa
googoltudoris: so why are we not saying to_ ge__?
frogmaster1982: they are making the hatchback again
RealGamerCow: Graham's dad seems like an MG-B kind 9f guy
Gekyouryuu: it's not? my family had a hatchback growing up
mtvcdm: Officially Adam at 2:37.5 (amative1 has some adjustments in the mod slack based on when they actually took off but)
TehAmelie: my stepdad, best driver i've ever met or seen from a distance, never could accept the concept of using a feather item in Super Mario Kart
TheMerricat: Chat... I assume that Electric forklifts exist and probably existed well before mainstream electric cars.
Samarium13: take the wear lines G
themercenary1987: Copy right? The show having some questionable history? Idk really
fredcheckers: @TheMerricat Correct
ElementalAlchemist: very buttery
AragornKeuken: 2:37
amative1: 2:37.91 lap
Zu_o: that was a nice lap
gogoGadgetApathy: Graham actually using the brakes, nice
NelJanDik: Graham personifying "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast"
mtvcdm: That nearly beat Adam right there!
zeathean: is this the top gear track?
Foxmar320: Nice
Boon_33: @zeathean yes
AtrusOfMyst: Canyonaroooooo
TXC2: zeathean yes
theeffohzero: To quote Clarkson: the most boring lap is usually the fastest
zeathean: neat
amative1: That's a 2nd place time if G can replicate
Mark_D_Stroyer: That was the tiny, barely more than two-seater eighties civic. Car seats don’t fit in the back, so not an only family car unfortunately
Samarium13: @zeathean yes but we cant say that. lool
Jethrain: Off a rolling start, bear in mind
LadyLockwood92: Beep Grandcherokeeper.
AugmentingPath: oh hey, LRRlive is playing jackbox
as_ever_ellesandra: a Lrrning Program
TehAmelie: the gas takes priority over the brake? that seems risky
PharaohBender27: Who's playing Jackbox at the Moonbase? :p
nyoomgoom: hehehe secrets
Didero: I did that with a real-life go-kart once, pressing both pedals. It started to smell odd, and an employee pulled me aside and asked me politely but firmly to never do that again :p
theeffohzero: Behind the scenes game while the show is going on
Samarium13: ziggy zag
RockPusher: G has me reminiscing about my mum's cars - I miss those cars
ExachixKitsune: Box volvo was good volvo
Samarium13: my ma had hat Volvo
fredcheckers: Electric forklifts typically use lead-acid batteries. They have massive counterweights anyway, so the weight isn't an issue.
AugmentingPath: grass wall strikes again
ForOhForError: akira slide, nice
Samarium13: "make a Mat" lol
theeffohzero: Tractors do not have a lot of grip, what with the tyres also steering the darn thing with the weight fully on it
CmdrMadMoe: and I'll make a Matt out of youuuuu~
jacqui_lantern234: nintenDOS NUTZ!!! GOTTEM :p
Sibwow: sounds like a dont care
Foxmar320: I know that feeling
Eille_k: Why does the middle symbol under the time stand for?
loufghyslaufey: gawd
ElementalAlchemist: lrrWOW
Sibwow: oh the kid not the grandma
PharaohBender27: Ooof
AugmentingPath: Eille_k subs til ice cream party
GameSageZB: :(
Makrosian_Tay: My first console was a Sega Genesis, and then LATER I got an NES, and after THAT, I got a PS1, and after THAT I got a Super Nintendo
loufghyslaufey: Gawsh, dang it. I thought the month would be over by next week!
Makrosian_Tay: I didn't everything out of order LUL
amative1: @Eille_k How many more subs needed until ice cream is added to the pizza party
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
5 raiders from zapshakur have joined!
Samarium13: the delay steer
TXC2: Hello Raiders
amative1: Welcome raiders!
Kathryn Raven: star in a reasonably priced forklift
Foxmar320: I didn't know SEGA channel was a thing until LRR
loufghyslaufey: same, Stark
Gekyouryuu: LRL is playing Jackbox you say?
Samarium13: PS1 Wipeout man!
Samarium13: best racer
ArdCollider: Sega Channel was wild.
loufghyslaufey: I never saw og Bandicoot ONE.
Makrosian_Tay: Sega channel was ahead of its time and should be brought back
Izzieon: @Samarium13 So good man
Critterbot: I agree with G, FFVII is the best video game.
Irsaan: I remember wanting to go with my mom to pay our cable bill because they had SEGA channel in the lobby area
Viewers_Like_You: Now that's how you navigate hammerhead
loufghyslaufey: cool
Fanklok: Well.... Cloud was the only Mercenary
TehAmelie: i still have trouble believing SNES in Japan had Internet servers
Critterbot: Or, well, it's my favorite.
zeathean: hey, Cloud was being paid in the beginning for that op
Fanklok: Everyone else was an eco terrorist, ninja, a dog
Samarium13: heavy vehicle
Foxmar320: At least this forklift works, unlike the one in Sparrow Racing from Destiny 1
LadyLockwood92: One Soldier of Fortune...and all his friends.
AugmentingPath: not to forget flower seller Fanklok
iris_of_ether: My spouse met his first girlfriend using the SNES modem I guess??
Samarium13: gambon1
googoltudoris: ok chat, recommend me a sim wheel
PsychoI3oy: 231
TehAmelie: did they like send out special limited edition levels to games or did i dream that?
serymew: Two questions: Why and how is he racing a forklift?
theeffohzero: @zeathean with his head screwed up with memories not his own mind you
abslomdaak42: He's the wizard
Makrosian_Tay: Track's haunted *cocks gun*
TheWooglie: Burnout
Foxmar320: Burnout?
TheMerricat: For those who never saw the OG FF7 commercials -
Chronomagistrate: Burnout PAradise?
Zatengo: now i kind of want to see full contact nascar style forklift racing
cthulhudude23: Vigilante 8 was my fave
NonUniqueGuy: Burnout?
amative1: 2:31.34, which beats Adam by 6 seconds (though it's a rolling lap)
SolarBlitz1: Cell Damage?
momalyd: Toca raceing
Makrosian_Tay: Burnaout babyyyyyyyy
RealGamerCow: @googoltudoris how much money do you want to spend?
Jigokuro: if not Burnout, Cell Damage?
Texan_Reverend: @googoltudoris Do you have any sort of budget in mind?
margieargie: Destruction Derby, yes!
themercenary1987: I KNOW THAT GAME
BigDaddyBland87: oh hell yes
Radjack: Yes, I remember that game!
Didero: Oh wow, Destruction Derby, that rings a bell
Samarium13: Psygnosis made great stuff
eshplode: Oh man. I've been looking for a copy of Destruction Derby 64 for years
electric_claire: I think Graham missed his calling as a racecar driver
rosesmcgee: burnout 3 takedown?
Doomlewa: burnout 3 takedown?
Wrexadecimal: we forklift racing? PogChamp
Gekyouryuu: Burnout Revenge?
Athelgar: Paradice?
stippledotter: Clearly Mario Kart
themercenary1987: I had that, it was a single circle and you just drove
RealGamerCow: Driving wheels can be $80-$8000 dollars
BigDaddyBland87: Destruction Derby rulled
maxdamnit: burnout 3: takedown
theeffohzero: Wreck fest is good driving time
Mangledpixel: that's the second Psygnosis title mentioned on this show (Barbarian being the other)
ThorSokar: Burnout Paradise City?
Foxmar320: Takedown
Fanklok: My first Final Fantasy was Mystic Quest, my first main series Final Fantasy was X
rosesmcgee: also, great soundtrack
RockPusher: Destruction Derby was the first game to give me motion sickness :D
googoltudoris: i have a budget in mind and my monkey brain is looking at how fun this is and saying "but what if no budget?"
Wrexadecimal: Revenge was my favorite
TehAmelie: Burnout had some significant changes in many sequels and yet it's so hard to remember which is which
theeffohzero: Paradise city was weird
maxdamnit: still the best one in the series
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Oddly enough, I've been down a B3 rabbit hole for about a week now!
mwlsn: takedown was a fantastic couch game in college
jedi_master_zll: I loved Takedown, didn't like Paradise.
RealGamerCow: I was 90% finished with Burnout: Takedown when my house lost power and the save file got erased
urist_mc_wazdakka: I got to like 99.9% with takedown until real life caught up
SandwichKed: Paradise City was awesome.
Makrosian_Tay: I owe MUCH of my musical taste in the past 20 years to the soundtrack of Burnout Takedown and Revenge
Samarium13: stunt car racer on Amiga 500
serymew: I wouldn't have thought a forklift could even go this fast.
Didero: I think you can still buy that Burnout on Steam right now
PharaohBender27: @RealGamerCow D:
SkylerRingtail: It was such a good game. Graphics sadly do not hold up, at least on an emulator
Doomlewa: I liked the dj in takedown more than later entries too
loufghyslaufey: they tried to open world genres in game since before the ps1?/
crazyburrito7: Hell yeah, takedown was awesome
HbombAndFriends: How dare you besmirch the good name of Burnout Paradise!
Samarium13: great corner
Samarium13: then
Lucario2012: Oh hell yeah, that's a nostalgia trip to hear! Loved that one myself, too!
TehAmelie: Burnout Dominator was the one i played the most cause my brother owned it, yet i liked Revenge better
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : @jedi_master_zll The open world killed it, I think.
loufghyslaufey: *games
Foxmar320: 2049 was amazing
Texan_Reverend: @googoltudoris We can talk about it some this afternoon/evening.
Izzieon: Ridge Racer was my first i think
L0rdX33n: Favorite driving game: Crazy Taxi
ArdCollider: 2049 is a perfect game.
Samarium13: Gambon !!
themercenary1987: Anyone count Wipeot 2099 as a racer?
theeffohzero: R4 is best classy racer
jacqui_lantern234: gosh, i forget my BC Ferries cabinet
TehAmelie: my favorite racing game is Twisted Metal World Tour
jacqui_lantern234: i WISH i could remember
accountmadeforants: @googoltudoris "No budget" is very very dangerous for sim racing peripherals.
Makrosian_Tay: Graham, do you also remember that crazy Wave Rider game on the ferries? You played speed boats with goddam nitro
bjergmann101: Maybe if he took the fork up it would go better... It might push the weight further back onto the backwheels
UnknownFriday: @themercenary1987 The Wipeout series is along the Mario Kart lines, but I'd count it.
theeffohzero: It oozed style
ExachixKitsune: Oh I loved Wipeout
Samarium13: @themercenary1987 always
Irsaan: The most fun I ever had in a racing game (though I'm not sure how much it counts) was Hydro Thunder arcade cabinets
loufghyslaufey: @Foxmar320 lowkey suspect; were still 25 years away lrrSPOOP ImTyping lrrFINE lrrHERE
BlackIsis: has anyone pointed out that there is video evidence of literally everyone from LRR playing driving games professionally? ,) For hours at a time, even!
F1skTV: Hey @LoadingReadyRun when are you gonna do the next Fun with microwave?
theeffohzero: Wipe out was hard
GazzyInferno: god i loved extreme g racing
ThorSokar: I've driven hundreds of thousands of miles and I hate Grand Tourismo, I think those games are plain out unfun, Arcade-Style Racing games for life
kalira77: omg i forgot about xtreme g
Wondermoo: Party5000
jedi_master_zll: I've liked the Forza Horizon series, I wish they'd release 6 already.
simplydavemn: Just dropping in to ask how is Ian's meat doing?
CardboardHorde: I played a lot of Jet Moto
TehAmelie: Wipeout was blamed in nerd circles for making videogames mainstream
jacqui_lantern234: extreme lrrGRAHAM 3?! :p
Samarium13: those floater racin games were hard, fun!
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : I remember Kinetica on PS2 being pretty fun.
Cinominn: extreme g 3 was a sequel
AugmentingPath: I guess we learned not to do it again. damned if I know what we did
theeffohzero: Eyes on the road, Stark
themercenary1987: Just remember unlocking the piranha for infinte machine gun
RevolverRossalot: Ever play a Micro Machines or Circuit Breakers?
nekobun: Extreme G 3 is a sequel, though. The first two were on N64.
googoltudoris: @accountmadeforants i already have a HOTAS and flight pedals. i want to upgrade them. why are there so many fun hobbies aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Samarium13: Yes te music
themercenary1987: Prodigy music t for me
amative1: @F1skTV Probably won't be any time soon, they don't regularly have microwaves they're getting rid of
Desruprot: limesNodders
iris_of_ether gifted a Tier 1 sub to tried2killmewithaforklift! They have given 56 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tried2killmewithaforklift! (Today's storm count: 263)
Samarium13: Wipeout is icinic
WolfGirlVeronica: I wana like fourza horizon but the "haha roll on a wheel if you want cool cars" makes me hate it.. its such a skinnerbox its why i like the need for speed games better
Desruprot: Mario Kart, why?
PharaohBender27: @iris_of_ether tqsLOL
loufghyslaufey: what? Forklifting?
RandomTrivia: @iris_of_ether sergeJustRight
theeffohzero: Cars cannot jump
TXC2: not mario cart, but I did play Crash Team racing
austintatious89: My friends played Gotham racing or grand Turismo and I could hear their friends screaming at me over their headphones because I was playing like burnout, crashing into everyone.
theeffohzero: Unless you hit something
Foxmar320: Mario Kart with my rules when? amative1 knows the chaos I create.
googoltudoris: that's not correct, jordynne and adam both went for the item boxes!
loufghyslaufey: As a Mario-Kart title?
Didero: @WolfGirlVeronica I think in at least FH4 you can also buy the cars directly
AugmentingPath: a sonar
GazzyInferno: Soner
bjergmann101: I would love to see graham join the Le Mans stream... Just too see if he could make a lap
Samarium13: Sonrio?
Featherweight_: theeffohzero don't tell speed racer that
betweenmyself: Rock and Roll Racing and Micro Machines. Gimme more 3/4 Isometric racing! riffScream
krfsm: sonee-chan
Mollylele: Sony jabroni
Didero: @Didero With in-game cash, I mean, not real money
nekobun: Sonysta
Gekyouryuu: Sony Jim
PsychoI3oy: 2.20
CaptainKranok: Playstationeer?
ElementalAlchemist: Graham is doing *very* well
pctjoe: a station player
themercenary1987: LESSSSGOOo!
margieargie: Whoa, 2:20
mtvcdm: I'm excited for this.
Samarium13: Sonario?
Desruprot: If this is a Forklift, it makes me think of a line from an MST3K thing
TXC2: Graham gonna smash this
theeffohzero: Eyes on the road
abslomdaak42: My first racing game was Crazy Frog Racer on PC ._.
WolfGirlVeronica: @Didero i know in the one i played it was full of cool cars but if you wanted them you needed to get them through wheel spins or grinding absurd amounts of money to buy them off other players
mtvcdm: Your theoretical time blasts Adam out of the sky.
Samarium13: GO!
Mathwyn: Bonus point if you can flip the forklift upside down
TehAmelie: remember that non-name Super Mario Kart clone that added the feature of eight-way multiplayer? on the SNES? what a concept
theeffohzero: Good luck!
themercenary1987: Good start there
WolfGirlVeronica: it just killed the vibes i
Fanklok: Jeebus Graham is a driving genius
RealGamerCow: wow, 10 seconds before the go
Samarium13: on solids
KBKarma: Graham is a driving savant.
themercenary1987: Holding a good line
Didero: @WolfGirlVeronica Yeah, that is frustrating, especially if you want a specific car
Samarium13: probs not
Desruprot: Forklift with a super engine
themercenary1987: beautiful apex
Samarium13: neat
Samarium13: indeed
MrSarkhan: LUL
abslomdaak42: Yeah, that's true
RandomTrivia: Did we definitely give Graham the same forklift? Nobody else managed to get anything higher than second gear
simplydavemn: Sony Boy - I recall an interview where someone said the name came from the idea that the guys founding it thought of themselves that they were Sunny Boys.
TXC2: slow is smooth, smooth is fast
Samarium13: clan is neat
theeffohzero: The most boring lap is usually the fastest
malfnord: The Show-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named
mtvcdm: I mean we can normalize to when the drivers actually accelerated.
RockPusher: The enormous buffoon gabyLul
JadedCynic: The Enormous Buffoon™ - I like that
Samarium13: neat is fast
nekobun: @TehAmelie Oh, Street Racer. I was only familiar with the PS1 version, though I think there's a port on Steam now too
bjergmann101: We are at stalling speed
TehAmelie: that's the name
accountmadeforants: I really enjoyed the NFS Undeground games, something deeply funny about just adding more and more *stats* to a shitty car to make it go absurdly fast
WolfGirlVeronica: @Didero and like in a game built around "hey heres cool cars" saying "screw you grind for 20 hours if you want the cool car or Get it out of loot boxes (real money or not its gatcha)
Samarium13: dont drift, drive
RandomTrivia: Uh oh
Fanklok: good recovery
ElementalAlchemist: Pretty good save, I think
mtvcdm: Ohhhhhhhh
BrowneePoints: good recovery g
CaptainSpam: Good recovery.
Samarium13: IAN!
Irsaan: Strong recovery
theeffohzero: Recover it and go
themercenary1987: Back on you're good
Critterbot: Well recovered, though.
themercenary1987: Here we go
Didero: I feel like Graham should get his round time lowered a bit because he at least didn't cheat that corner :p
Samarium13: weight shift
Irsaan: racing games are like 80% vibes
themercenary1987: Thats follow through
Samarium13: dont over think it
ElementalAlchemist: lol
themercenary1987: Here we go....
stippledotter: Yes, you're following through
RandomTrivia: Well held!
Samarium13: still good
Foxmar320: Getting better
themercenary1987: Gambon
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Samarium13: recoverd well
ElementalAlchemist: Good job!
themercenary1987: YES
CaptainSpam: Nice.
BrowneePoints: 2:35!
mtvcdm: GRAHAM WINS!
PharaohBender27: tqsClap
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Samarium13: BAM\
Sorator13: Nice
DeM0nFiRe: gdqSanic
stippledotter: Well done!!
Didero: Incredible!
Desruprot: fillyClap finameClap darksl5Clap
themercenary1987: Not Bad at All!
DrakoniteDev: he gamboned that
TehAmelie: wowsers
ArrestedHouse: lrrBartleby
Atiota: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
RockPusher: tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap
TXC2: this is gonna be close
nekobun: blastin'
LesBeauxPlastiques: GG
lirazel64: WHEEEEE!
TheWooglie: FBtouchdown lrrBartleby
iris_of_ether: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
marawr_arts: Cheer1000 noice
Critterbot: Went maybe a bit slower than necessary through some parts of the track, but still a good time!
Foxmar320: Heck yeah!!!
Didero: And he should get 3 seconds less because of Ian's countdown
TXC2: Good job Graham
MurphEP: Damn, he's good
LordZarano: Nice
nekobun: now that's what i call an extreme G
RAICx: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
abslomdaak42: Wow, that was really goo
bjergmann101: The Graham
Irsaan: lrrGRAHAM lrrGRAHAM
morgoth_bauglyr: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
ArdCollider: damn
themercenary1987: Thats like 2:30!
josh___something: Nice!
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
LadyLockwood92: Hell yeah G~
DrakoniteDev: grahambone corner
themercenary1987: YEAH!
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap LET'S GOOOOOO
IanAllenBird: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
SmashTCG: Woooo
Samarium13: wooooooooooooooot
ElementalAlchemist: lrrHORN
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
GazzyInferno: G Star Racing
Foxmar320: First!
CaptainSpam: BOOM
themercenary1987: Lets GO!
Samarium13: GG
TheWooglie: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
public_key_reveal_party: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
AnimeKitty: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
ElementalAlchemist: tiltyhPLS
Texan_Reverend: Niiiiiiice!
Tarnius: Woooo!
Didero: Grats!
baltimore_667083: WE HAVE A WINNER
margieargie: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Risuchia: woooooo
gibbousm: a new record!
Samarium13: BAM
MurphEP: FBtouchdown
Herbert_Erpaderp: lrrAWESOME
Veraphage: gdqClap
abslomdaak42: OH WOOOOOOW
theeffohzero: Champion!
Atiota: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby CERTIFIED!!!!
Zu_o: lol
TXC2: Lets go!
BigDaddyBland87: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Jigokuro: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Strebenherz: Well dooooone
RockPusher: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
baltimore_667083: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
LesBeauxPlastiques: ian has a job for another week!
serymew: Wait... Bartleby's on the list? I call hax!
Featherweight_: Gaharm gets to keep the company!
vegetalss4: Bartleby is still on the podium
danisaur3: grannCEO grannCEO grannCEO
SytYoshi: pennyBwomp
austintatious89: My favorite racing games in chronological order are hot wheels:turbo racing, need for speed hot pursuit, and burnout. Kudos!
amyg87: lrrGRAHAM lrrGRAHAM lrrGRAHAM
Samarium13: noice
SolarBlitz1: Klaus is proud!
L0rdX33n: Profession gamer?
Mr_Horrible: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
LilyOfTheVeil6666: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Desruprot: fillyClap finameClap darksl5Clap
Makhiel: HypeTrophy
kalira77: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
DrakoniteDev: lrrBartleby
Noy2222: The gear has been topped
nekobun: Savidan more like SaviDONE
abslomdaak42: Congrats!!!
Makrosian_Tay: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Redbassist: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby FBtouchdown
stippledotter: lrrHORN lrrSACK lrrBartleby lrrBartleb
themercenary1987: Grahma "the Ariel Atom" Stark
bjergmann101: TOP top Top top TOP
Samarium13: i certify G
mtvcdm: MEANWHILE: We've now added a stroke to the scorecard. It now sits at 17 over par. Next stroke added at [80 subs to ice cream], 56 subs away.
RandomTrivia: What a fantastic segment
TXC2: bye Graham
BorgarWithAShotgun: TURBO forklift certified.
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
theeffohzero: Uh... Not exactly G
googoltudoris: that 2 20 lap was NUTS
Fanklok: Hmm the CEO gets first place? Right around employee review time???
RandomTrivia: ZOOP
Simriel: Wait is G actually forklift certified? XD
Samarium13: how
krfsm: time for G to get his forklift ticket as a bit for upcoming LoadingReadyLive?
BeccaTingles: I have never been so invested in a motorsport
KaleidoscopeMind: pistachio and gibb next?
TehAmelie: the racing suit was unexpected
TheNerdWonder: I love the driver skin
malfnord: That explains why it's so top-heavy!
SymphonySolstice: god that's so silly I love it
Gekyouryuu: that's why they call him Graham Start
stippledotter: This looks amazing
aClonedPickle: the reflection makes it look like a second, smaller forklift is inside the helmet
Samarium13: never realized they were UP !!
EricTheOrange: do you have to have the forks up or is that by preference
Samarium13: madness
stippledotter: That's right, it's the Storg!
ArrestedHouse: LUL
Samarium13: me neither!!!!!!!!!!!
AchillesAndTortoise: Majestic
theeffohzero: There must always be a stark at the throne
Samarium13: crazxzee
serymew: Maybe it's a drift strategy?
theeffohzero: Aerodynamics
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
Desruprot: LUL
Kass: I really want to see if someone can get down to 2 minutes or below. Not Ian, obviously as he knows it well
Samarium13: LUL
abslomdaak42: Forklift certified for sure
BeccaTingles: Time to go listen to Forklift Simulator Remix again
ForOhForError: the modders know what people want
TehAmelie: doin nearly 100 with the forks up
50keyz: the next mass effect minigame
ElementalAlchemist: The imagery of this camera angle is amazing
LarkSachrosis: Forks raised, to assert dominance
austintatious89: It's to keep the torque and center of gravity low. That's all I know about cars
MrSarkhan: it was a good recovery
ElementalAlchemist: Driving a forklift in full racing gear
Mattmitchell45: 2 wheels in the air
Wrexadecimal: This is clearly a mod right? LUL
L0rdX33n: that was a beautiful recovery
accountmadeforants: It's for attacking giants on the track
EricTheOrange: I mean in real life having more weight up top would make you more likely to fall over on turns.
TXC2: a diffusior
theeffohzero: Boring lap is best lap
RandomTrivia: The follow-through was great
bjergmann101: You Forked Up
amative1: Just dipped in to 100 kph
Samarium13: explains the lean while on the solids
nekobun: it lifts the wind resistance over the vehicle
RandomTrivia: Even has the correct camera angle!
Samarium13: melt
Desruprot: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 He Tried to Race me with a forklight
gogoGadgetApathy: it steers from the back, so you have a spoiler on the front
Foxmar320: When I worked at Walmart we did this all the time with pallots of kitty litter on top. Maybe...
TXC2: that's the money shot
Samarium13: mint physics on replay
accountmadeforants: Excellent freeze frame
Sarah_Serinde: So chat, 135 more subs until the crew gets ice cream, and then 250 more after that to throw water balloons at James
Sorator13: Quality
JadedCynic: ohhhhhh, yeah that makes perfect sense
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
ElementalAlchemist: yup, it's night now :P
RevolverRossalot: One *very* long day ;)
greatknightgaramond: Woop woop!
TehAmelie: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1d, 8:46:18. lrrSPOT
Greyah: Tonight's, today's, this week's, and even this year's subathon.
theeffohzero: I say this as I've spun out at gambon in an M3 in GT6
v_nome: what's our time to beat?
Marvoleath: Graham's best practice was 2:21 I believe
bjergmann101: We believe in you Canadian Stig
Samarium13: its 350 am here in Melbourne Aus
Nigouki: topping is done during the Dom-A-Thon, not Sub-A-Thon
Marvoleath: 2:37 on the board
UnknownFriday: Some say he's a bald man from Victoria Canada, and to this day he's still looking for sailors. We just call him the Stiang.
Samarium13: Bringit Ia
Samarium13: Ian
Samarium13: remeber the weigh
Samarium13: t
stippledotter: Some say he runs the seventh most popular fart-based comedy stream in Canada. Others say he doesn't drive at all. All we know is, he's called the Storg!
Samarium13: lol
theeffohzero: Ian "Stig's Canadian cousin" horner
PBlackcoat: @unknownfriday that's *really* good
ElementalAlchemist: it's fine, you landed
MrSarkhan: Well that was new
Ormmannen: 14?
Fanklok: Do a kick flip
DrakoniteDev: @LoadingReadyRun I appreciate the humor of the forklift, but I also think it'd be fun to see how the LRR crew does with a properly balanced car sometime
Samarium13: Kappa
TheMerricat: Whoooo
Desruprot: Lode Runner: Legend Returns such a good game
stippledotter: @unknownfriday Stiang is so good
krfsm: you ever play Dark Castle?
TXC2: DrakoniteDev we have LRRmans for that
Samarium13: head chopper
WolfGirlVeronica: like i would love to see this as a full series
WolfGirlVeronica: or a one off stream or a segment on lrl
AugmentingPath: I'm so lost without the minimap
L0rdX33n: earliest game I can remember…. Space Taxi? M.U.L.E.?
Samarium13: c64 choplifter made me think i could fly a helicopter
theeffohzero: An MX5 would ideal
TheMerricat: @wolfgirlveronica opposite of okie okie fight club :D
accountmadeforants: In a Desert Bus, then
CaptainSpam: For a second I thought the lap time board was casting a shadow on the track.
accountmadeforants: We still have the Shift Buses
AugmentingPath: oh wait, there it is behind the board
terribleplan: Gentle into the followthrough, then flat out
theeffohzero: Matt wiggins car
DrakoniteDev: yeah. rear wheel drive is just evil though :)
Desruprot: heh Car
stippledotter: @accountmadeforants get the mod for it that always pulls right
sephsays: Can we do "LRR Star in a reasonably priced Dilly Bar"? Is that a mod?
SandwichKed: is countersteer really the right way to go with RWS?
L0rdX33n: MULE had a banging soundtrack but a Commodore 64 Economic simulator may have been a little advanced for 5 year old me
Sevinon: Just checked back in, Graham of all people is leading?
BeccaTingles: Beautiful execution
Sevinon: (I say merely because of lack of license)
shurtal: Is this Internet Stars in a reasonably priced Forklift?
whitebadgerwolf88: If Ian can't best Gs time, then G takes over LRRMans next year??
BrowneePoints: Graham won! @Sevinon
bjergmann101: Some say one of his legs gets longer when he sees a pretty lady, and that I haven’t done one of these for some time and I’ve forgotten to make up a second thing. All we know is he’s called the IAN!
Sevinon: That's hilarious
TXC2: Sevinon he was VERY clean in his laps
amative1: off the mark at 7
Fanklok: If Ian beats G he gets Loading Ready Run
Fanklok: We race for pink slips here
AugmentingPath: Sevinon all the actual drivers complain about lacking the sense of balance from a real car
Gekyouryuu: @Fanklok he gets HALF. still has to share with Paul
theeffohzero: With a license you tend to overthink in a sim racer
stippledotter: Twitch Streams in a Decently Modded Lift Things
AragornKeuken: How is Ian getting the most bounce?
JadedCynic: @AugmentingPath turns out our inner ear helps our driving irl :)
Texan_Reverend: @fanklok Shhh, you'll spook him into throwing the race.
Sevinon: I'll have to check out the replay
theeffohzero: And that sim racers don't recreate the true feeling of driving
AugmentingPath: JadedCynic but if you never drive irl, you don't rely on it, making you better at video games (the most important thing)
Sevinon: uh
BeccaTingles: Help!
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
offbeatwitch: RIP
Symphoneers: LUL
RockPusher: Wheeeeeee!
Fanklok: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
accountmadeforants: Roll achieved!
AugmentingPath: lrrGOAT
MrSarkhan: LUL
NekomimiNinja: FLEEP!
Didero: Hey, you finally managed to flip it!
ClodiumSoride: save that replay!
Creature_Comforts: Hey, you figured it out!
DrakoniteDev: womp!
Sorator13: SUCCESS
Desruprot: hello pavement
margieargie: Congrats, Ian, you're in the rare flip club!
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
BigDaddyBland87: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
Mangledpixel: wow
terribleplan: Whoo!
Samarium13: best roll
abslomdaak42: Oh!!!
RealGamerCow: Do a barrel roll!
CaptainSpam: WELP.
AragornKeuken: Is this the only dnf?
DuneAlien: welp
Gekyouryuu: an excellent way to end it!
offbeatwitch: YOU DIED
SnackPak_: sick air
KharadBanar: We're tired and have to lay down.
L0rdX33n: O god
Mathwyn: Full roll!
Noy2222: DNF DNF DNF
tehfewl: Roll over Roll over!
amative1: DNF! DNF!
jacqui_lantern234: he flipped it!!! FBtouchdown
AnimeKitty: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Mangledpixel: GOTTA see the replay of that
MAPBoardgames: He flipped it more than matt!
Gaz_L: oh, neat, is this the actual Top Gear track?
mtvcdm: And you said you couldn't flip the forklift Ian
Laogeodritt: You did it, Ian!
TXC2: uno mas
GazzyInferno: got turtled
ArdCollider: *ian*
stippledotter: First ROLL
aitsu100: we got a ROLLLLLL
lightfut: Pulled the matt!
MajorFrostbyte: BEST FLIP!
bjergmann101: This is the Michael Schumacher Lap
BorgarWithAShotgun: yay, Ian managed to sideways. Progress
danisaur3: weirdnYay
Symphoneers: We figured it out dayKrablar
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
JadedCynic: @AugmentingPath as a professional driver IRL, I would dispute that ;)
BigDaddyBland87: hey you got your flip
theeffohzero: Gambon would be proud
AxxroyTovu: replay!!
Samarium13: hope u had seat belt on
Mathwyn: Do a barrel roll!
DuneAlien: i saw the intention xD
sephsays: I think that was more dramatic than Matt's flips!
drawnbinary: one more and then the replay?
Unpronounceable: Congratulations Ian!
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrAWESOME lrrHORN lrrHORN
BrowneePoints: More correctly, our inner ear helps a bit with driving, but a LOT with Driving Much fast quick turn
InvadedOath: It’s so weird seeing the track like this
JKBalch: Well Done
LadyLockwood92: Wait...did that land on it's back?
Foxmar320: uhhhhhhhhh One More?
amative1: @LadyLockwood92 yes
theeffohzero: It's a miracle he didn't tumble out of the thing
Sevinon: uh, Ian
Samarium13: Ian gonna....
DuneAlien: this was not the one that matter
TXC2: big shiny cheats
Tarnius: Startin' strong.
margieargie: To be fair, I don't think the cheats -helped- you
Earthenone: how has 3 hours of lrrmans been goin?
Spades_Slicc: I was gonna ask it it's fair that Ian essentially gets the track and the forklift's handling demo'd for him before doing his own lap but well
theeffohzero: Nuh uh Ian, no cheating
stippledotter: Flip it, that's the ticket!
TXC2: Earthenone it's been going great
iris_of_ether gifted a Tier 1 sub to forkliftmaniacs! They have given 57 Gift Subs in the channel!
Fanklok: Where was this t rack again?
Samarium13: well he knows the track better then...
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, forkliftmaniacs! (Today's storm count: 264)
DuneAlien: yes lets blame the transmission xD
mtvcdm: This is some track Ian found in England
bjergmann101: All we know is he’s called the IAN!
DuneAlien: he is indeed a pro
Samarium13: bad hammer
JadedCynic: @Earthenone this is Dunsfold, not Le Mans
AragornKeuken: @Spades_Slicc He atleast doesn't have someone operating the cursor for him.
Samarium13: bad hammers
theeffohzero: "Stig's Canadian cousin"
mtvcdm: That's not cheats, that's just you hecked the turn.
DrakoniteDev: fun fact: on the show that shall not be named, they did not have "one that mattered". they were allowed numerous attempts and just showed the best, usually pretending it was the only one
Gekyouryuu: off topic, I'm at my LGS right now, because Commander league is soon, and I JUST noticed we have a copy of King's Field here for $150
Samarium13: yes
Fanklok: Driving out in Dunsfold flipping it, and by it haha well let's justr say my forklift.
Samarium13: long turn
aesir_blade: Did we ever figure out what was up with the wheel / hands rotation?
Samarium13: hard barkae
Samarium13: nice
RealGamerCow: Good last two turns!
mtvcdm: Ian's got it.
JadedCynic: Gambon gone! :D
Samarium13: gambon wiaard
Foxmar320: Graham has years of driving Sparrows in Destiny. Very agressive driving.
InvadedOath: Aaaaaand acrooooos the line
Gaz_L: @DrakoniteDev they were fairly open about them having practice runs and would show outtakes sometimes
Desruprot: LUL
iris_of_ether: @Gekyouryuu Wait, like, the video game??
MrSarkhan: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Samarium13: wottt lol
DuneAlien: hahahahahahahahahahaha
aClonedPickle: photo finish!
margieargie: It counts!
terribleplan: hahaha
NekomimiNinja: FBtouchdown
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
GazzyInferno: technically across the line!!
Sorator13: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
marmalade_pen: woo!!
offbeatwitch: AND ACROSS THE LINE
baltimore_667083: SHEEEEESH
TXC2: aesir_blade we think it had to do with being rear wheel sterring
Mathwyn: LUL
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Samarium13: gg
DiscordianTokkan: FBtouchdown
polygonalpizza: That was a work of art
nekobun: breaking the plane with the fork
abslomdaak42: LUL
ElementalAlchemist: wow!
danisaur3: weirdnYay weirdnYay weirdnYay weirdnYay weirdnYay
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
RockPusher: FBtouchdown
Didero: Oh wow, that's very impressive!
Jillexie: lol
Samarium13: GG
Snowcookies: grats!
mister_nibbles: and laying across the line!
DuneAlien: that was perfection
JadedCynic: he slides across the finish line! :D lrrHORN
Cinominn: slide across the line
MajorFrostbyte: Sliiiiide across
mtvcdm: That's legendary
Gekyouryuu: @iris_of_ether for PS1, yes
Foxmar320: A+
Psychic_Ketchup: Let's go Ian!
BorgarWithAShotgun: LUL
Earthenone: we rotated the forklift!
pctjoe: you did it fliped it and got the time
theeffohzero: Dammit Canadian stig
Laogeodritt: What an ending! XD
BrokenGolem: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Texan_Reverend: Be! Aggressive! B! E! Aggr- Ok, not that aggressive.
KaleidoscopeMind: it counts!
Irsaan: I'll see you all in the highlight reel!
thejadedthief: lrrHORN lrrHORN
spicyFerret_: You tom cruised it lmao
Marvoleath: 2:20 and a flip lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
usmu1976: Over the line in style!
Mollylele: let's see that replay!!
as_ever_ellesandra: now - we just need to add the penalties
Samarium13: n3 over par
terribleplan: Please play the replay
Redbassist: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Strebenherz: GANT GANT
NelJanDik: What a finish!
BlueChloroplast: XD
NonUniqueGuy: I think you shoudl count both of those runs.
Mollylele: !gant
LRRbot: --· ·- -· - / --· ·- -· -
RandomTrivia: We NEED to see that replay
Symphoneers: We have to see that replay.
iris_of_ether: @Gekyouryuu Holy heck. We have a loved copy in our house :3
Simonark: Ian, RIP
NonUniqueGuy: So you are both on the top and on the bottom.
bjergmann101: Ian is the truest Stig (Michael Schumacher version)
RevolverRossalot: 2:20 and a concussion check
SymphonySolstice: replay! replay!
BtEtta: James Cameron?
Samarium13: serious
TXC2: Your boy Ian !
aitsu100: show the replay
themercenary1987: Lets seeb that replay
RockPusher: Thank you Ian lrrSHINE
TXC2: thanks for streaming Ian
GazzyInferno: dawww
DrakoniteDev: @Gaz_L not just the practice runs. after practice runs they were given several attempts at setting a time
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
jdr_42: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Redbassist: Replay
iris_of_ether: unarmeGameplay seabatClap unarmeGameplay
Zu_o: That was great Ian, Thanks
BeccaTingles: This was great!
Samarium13: madnes
ArdCollider: thx Ian
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LoadingReadyRun 2024 Sub-A-Thon Finale! at Sat 11:00 AM PDT (1m from now).
RealGamerCow: Is it dating game time?
Samarium13: gg
PharaohBender27: tqsClap
LadyDKat: Thank you for this segment, Ian!
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Sarah_Serinde: Only a few hours to get the crew ice cream and pelt James with water balloons!
LadyLockwood92: Cheers Ian~ Was a fun stream~
DrakoniteDev: therea48Wave
RoeDent89: Finale time I think
PharaohBender27: @RealGamerCow That was last night
Izzieon: Cheers, Ian!
Texan_Reverend: Tons of fun! Thanks, Ian.
Vinchenz: ayoo
Simriel: That finale had me in stitches
Astrovore: across the line on your side is not something I've seen before!
Vinchenz: Congrats!
Unpronounceable: What a finish
Sarah_Serinde: Yes I'm gonna keep pushing the "James will suffer" angle, I figure that's a popular one ;)
Metric_Furlong: Fill This Crew With Ice Cream!
Cinominn: anyone know how close we are to "the waterballoon massacre"?
TXC2: Sarah_Serinde it is lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Simonark: I believe in this community’s overwhelming desire for James to be pelted with water balloons
mtvcdm: SCORECARD STATUS: 17 over par (next stroke added in 53 sub units). I *presume* James has yet to manage to get rid of it.
Sarah_Serinde: Also, James subjects me to Caillou on his home streams all the time so he deserves it :P
mtvcdm: 54 sub units, rather
hypperstar2280: AAAh Chairs!
brieandbacon: @sarah_serinde that's not quite true... It's his chat's fault
Sarah_Serinde: It's been passed on off-screen before, I wouldn't assume one way or the other
CAKHost: So many chairs!
Gekyouryuu: the subathon, and similarly Desert Bus, both feel like an anime con, in the sense that you know how long it's going to be, generally, and you know the schedule ahead of time, so it seems like there's a lot, but then before you know it it's already over
teddywhosabear: I hope someone makes a scorecard compilation at the end
RoeDent89: This music is remarkably tense
CAKHost: And a couch!
KingOfDoma subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
KingOfDoma: Hey, just got back from vacation, what'd I mis-... wait
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KingOfDoma! (Today's storm count: 265)
RoeDent89: I feel like we're about to embark on a 90s gameshow challenge
Sarah_Serinde: @brieandbacon Chat did not make him play it for 69 times one stream and 402+ another stream, nor do they make him keep the bit reward :P
chrono2x: I thought that James got rid of it in about 5 minutes
RockPusher: Cinominn 384 for water ballooning James
hypperstar2280: so lets see thats a ben and an adam i believe
hypperstar2280: and a jordynne
amative1: @Sarah_Serinde 402+? So he didn't make it to 420?
RealGamerCow: and a Nelly?
hypperstar2280: do i spy a nelson?
serymew: lrrGibb ice cream nao?
Sarah_Serinde: @amative1 Look, typos happen gimme a break :P
Sarah_Serinde: He made it to 420 and then he played *more*
Redbassist is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
Redbassist gifted a Tier 1 sub to AcidBeaver!
Redbassist gifted a Tier 1 sub to mldenjoyer!
Redbassist gifted a Tier 1 sub to VemonRiot!
Redbassist gifted a Tier 1 sub to CloudHock!
Redbassist gifted a Tier 1 sub to Owl_on_Caffeine!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Redbassist! Welcome to AcidBeaver, VemonRiot, mldenjoyer, CloudHock, and Owl_on_Caffeine! (Today's storm count: 270)
Sarah_Serinde: It was a very long stream
RoeDent89: Playings of Caillou blur into each other
TXC2: Redbassist lrrHEART
amative1: @Sarah_Serinde actually didn't think that was a typo, thought James was just avoiding the meme
Astrovore: Did they mention which mods Ian was using?
Astrovore: I'll scrub back and see what I can find
Gekyouryuu: given we got a Steam notice for it during Graham's run, I'm expecting some Jack Box 9 for this, maybe
Redbassist: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
amative1: so that's on me
RoeDent89: Some were lost
Sarah_Serinde: @amative1 Haha fair enough
Sarah_Serinde: Both the 69 and 420 were very intentional
CraziestOwl: lrrHEART lrrHEART
amative1: Pizza party time. 128 subs until added Ice Cream.
Sarah_Serinde: We did get Jackbox during the kickoff to the subathon and we've got 3 hours left to fill now
serymew: lrrGibb Pizza! Yay!
RoeDent89: "How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer pizza?!"
Marvoleath: My sub ends tomorrow D:
KingOfDoma is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 17 in the channel!
KingOfDoma gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rocky_Wolf!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, KingOfDoma! Welcome to Rocky_Wolf! (Today's storm count: 271)
jacqui_lantern234: @Marvoleath oof
Fanklok: We get to watch Serge speedrun a treatza at ice cream goal
RealGamerCow: Nelson, Jordynne, Ben, Heather, Cameron(?) and Matt in the front?
Artificer_Evan: @Marvoleath you can get your sub read during the PPR
GredGredmansson: Cheer405 these are what i have lying around lets reach that cap!
mtvcdm: We are capped, but we are doing stretch goals.
Atiota: DOG
PharaohBender27: Doggo!
measureofhope: doggo!
RoeDent89: Doggo!
incslayer: DOGGO!
NekomimiNinja: lrrSPOT
IanAllenBird: : O
serymew: Blurry doggo!
Atiota: DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Redbassist: A fae!
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby Juniper
uncleardata: DOG!!!
Redpandarama: DOGE
gogoGadgetApathy: peepoHappy
KaleidoscopeMind: the creature
lightfut: Doggo!
AnimeKitty: Doggo!
abslomdaak42: Awwwwwwwww
red_shoes_jeff: benginLurk
RoeDent89: With wings!
Creideiki_SE: Beautiful butterfly!
iris_of_ether: Juniper!
CraziestOwl: dog!!!
Mathwyn: Dugh!
TXC2: Juniper!
Pinwiz11: Matt has a doggo???
CAKHost: Doggo!
packattack_0: FrankerZ
kataanglover1: Did you know that Matt has a dog?
RealGamerCow: Speed Dog
Krektogar: faery puppy!
GredGredmansson: @mtvcdm oh neat
UrielAngelSpy: Juniper!!
LittleVesuvius: doggo!
Atiota: lrrBartleby
laikagoat: Dog wheelerOok wheelerOok
Makrosian_Tay: Dogue
josh___something: PUBBY!
offbeatwitch: dog detected
Symphoneers: Dog! Dog! Dog!
Risuchia: A fairy!
serymew: Heckin' good doggo!
stippledotter: lrrSPOT perfect
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 636 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Eriandis!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to thefakeinyellow!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to paladin_of_onlyfans!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to badrat_!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to gettinggnashty!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Frettchenplay!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to tandaryel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dascylus!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to NoNameFae!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to IceCreemNinja!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to Eriandis, thefakeinyellow, badrat_, Dascylus, tandaryel, NoNameFae, Frettchenplay, paladin_of_onlyfans, IceCreemNinja, and gettinggnashty! (Today's storm count: 281)
IanAllenBird: wait is this not a digital filter?
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
Creideiki_SE: And confirmation on how the blur is implemented.
RandomTrivia: Got the oven on to join in the pizza party
josh___something: Also, the camera's just out of focus?!
TXC2: IanAllenBird turns out no, it's in camera
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah they've been doing this with phone photos all subathon :D
stippledotter: Whoa it's manual
RoeDent89: @josh___something They're on break
incslayer: but its a digital camera so therefore its a digital effect? :P
Juliamon: Turns out the simplest tricks are the most effective
RoeDent89: It's intentional
IanAllenBird: lol
red_shoes_jeff: Lead us to Treatza, @IceCreemNinja benginO7
Kass: DOG!
amative1: 116 away from Treatza
ThorSokar: OK chat, if you missed anything you can find it all here:
iris_of_ether: @ThorSokar Doin the lord's work
TehAmelie: did Ian win his own challenge? i had to step out
serymew: Much LRRs. Such wow.
RoeDent89: Oh cool I didn't know we got a spreadsheet
baltimore_667083: @TehAmelie yup
ThorSokar: @iris_of_ether composSalute
Sarah_Serinde: Ian did win, but to be fair he had a lot more practice :D
amative1: @jacqui_lantern234 yeah, wait, where's MY pizza!?
WolfgangCloud subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months!
WolfgangCloud: I haven't been able to catch you live very much but am excited to have a lot of VODs to watch
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WolfgangCloud! (Today's storm count: 282)
RockPusher: lrrSHINE Off-Season VST lrrSHINE
stippledotter: @thorsokar ur a hero
Fanklok: Is this how the VST trains for Desert Bus?
thejadedthief: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
Redbassist: lrrSHINE VST
PharaohBender27: @ThorSokar Dang, the VST never rests, does it? :D
jacqui_lantern234: @amative1 true! mods ALSO deserve pizza!!!
Sarah_Serinde: I made my own pizza during the subathon
josh___something: @roedent89 thanks for the clarification, but I knew that considering I've been watching and the gigantic "Stay Tuned"
Foxmar320: I want pizza
Leonhart321: So, I've been out touching metaphorical grass. We hot the cap yet?
RealLegitStreamer is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 293 in the channel!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to WolfGirlVeronica!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to IceHamsterUK!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to ForOhForError!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Wrexadecimal!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to pyronils80!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to IncarnateInfinity!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to RadioHupfen!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Red_Dead_Monkey!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to countingku!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to theshinyv!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RealLegitStreamer! Welcome to Wrexadecimal, WolfGirlVeronica, IceHamsterUK, ForOhForError, pyronils80, IncarnateInfinity, Red_Dead_Monkey, countingku, theshinyv, and RadioHupfen! (Today's storm count: 292)
Leonhart321: *hit
TXC2: I will pass on pizza (I don't eat cheese) but thank you
AnimeKitty: Oh damn I didn't think we'd get spreadsheet!
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TXC2: RealLegitStreamer lrrHEART
Leonhart321: Thanks Sarah
Sarah_Serinde: We hit the cap, now we're trying for bonuses, like making James suffer
Simonark: How does this channel always know what John Ritter movie I’m thinking of?
mtvcdm: 23 sub units to the next added stroke.
jacqui_lantern234: dang, now i wish i could invite all the LRR mods over for a pizza party. the only two to my knowlege who live within distance to me are SmithKurosaki and Sarah
AxxroyTovu: how many subs until water balloons?
Vlanoik is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 50 in the channel!
Vlanoik gifted a Tier 1 sub to Falannt!
Vlanoik gifted a Tier 1 sub to yonderra!
Vlanoik gifted a Tier 1 sub to probablyanerd!
Vlanoik gifted a Tier 1 sub to LadyDKat!
Vlanoik gifted a Tier 1 sub to iwtcs!
Vlanoik gifted a Tier 1 sub to Wassermannen!
Vlanoik gifted a Tier 1 sub to SupoxFlytrap!
Vlanoik gifted a Tier 1 sub to NisforNox!
Vlanoik gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dabari49!
Vlanoik gifted a Tier 1 sub to mehfromBL!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Vlanoik! Welcome to probablyanerd, Falannt, LadyDKat, yonderra, SupoxFlytrap, Wassermannen, NisforNox, Dabari49, mehfromBL, and iwtcs! (Today's storm count: 302)
incslayer is gifting 4 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel!
incslayer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Augury_38!
incslayer gifted a Tier 1 sub to blueblaze923!
incslayer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gabe3144!
incslayer gifted a Tier 1 sub to JuniperSkunktaur!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, incslayer! Welcome to Augury_38, JuniperSkunktaur, blueblaze923, and Gabe3144! (Today's storm count: 306)
mtvcdm: Well make that 13 then
TXC2: Vlanoik lrrHEART
Falannt: @Vlanoik Thanks for the gift sub!
Sarah_Serinde: Hey chat by the way: you're amazing
TXC2: incslayer lrrHEART
marmalade_pen: no u
TehAmelie: YOU're amazing!
Fanklok: Is there an alternative to pizza that doesn't involve so many calories?
jacqui_lantern234: @Sarah_Serinde NO U
Irsaan: @Sarah_Serinde no u
Sarah_Serinde: This includes folks who are just here chatting or lurking, we appreciate all of you lrrHEART
thejadedthief: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Redbassist: ModLove
mtvcdm: You're awesome, chat. All of you.
brieandbacon: Okay chat, be good, I'm going for ice-cream
amative1: @AxxroyTovu 250 + whatever the ice cream counter shows (currently 89)
TXC2: get ready !
GazzyInferno: for the final time this year...
TXC2: Here we GO!
Sorator13: @brieandbacon enjoy!
stippledotter: lrrSIG
serymew: I see the kindness roasting of chat has begun.
RockPusher: Sarah_Serinde tqsShy
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
KBKarma: OBS.
AnimeKitty: PrideLaugh
offbeatwitch: PRANKED
KaleidoscopeMind: yesss
ArrestedHouse: LUL
iris_of_ether gifted a Tier 1 sub to waterballoonxplosion! They have given 58 Gift Subs in the channel!
RoeDent89: Good start
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, waterballoonxplosion! (Today's storm count: 307)
abslomdaak42: LUL
Sorator13: LUL
TXC2: good start
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Redbassist: NotLikeThis
PharaohBender27: lrrGibb
Red_Dead_Monkey: @RealLegitStreamer Thanks for the gift sub!
RockPusher: Excellent video source
jacqui_lantern234: BAHAHAHAHAHA
Makrosian_Tay: Very good
Astramentha: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
Foxmar320: Flawless
TXC2: Hello LRR
Didero: Hello!
baltimore_667083: lrrGibb
LowUpsideCJ: That was perfect
RevolverRossalot: Oh BS
Sibwow: hi wheeler
IanAllenBird: lrrGibb
Leonhart321: Japed again
Redbassist: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Atiota: omg hai
TehAmelie: greetings, citizens
Amentur: lrrBartleby
Noy2222: HI!
bjergmann101: Enter on a laugh
RoeDent89: Hello!
Sarah_Serinde: yesss gabyLul
offbeatwitch: watch out
Sarah_Serinde: I believe in chat
An anonymous user is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Izzieon!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to GoblinMyra!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Porsgaard81!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to madcan!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to jeeves833!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ItsABitsy!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Spritz_T!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Solgaru!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to kamkazi!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to DragonOfTheVoidd!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to Izzieon, GoblinMyra, Porsgaard81, madcan, jeeves833, Spritz_T, Solgaru, kamkazi, DragonOfTheVoidd, and ItsABitsy! (Today's storm count: 317)
Falannt: Is there something better than obs?
PharaohBender27: This has been a blast. A final salute of gratitude:
LadyDKat: @Vlanoik Thank you so much for the sub! lrrSLOTH lrrSPOOPY
TXC2: anon lrrHEART
KBKarma: How much needed before James gets all wet?
MAPBoardgames: The i-cream number keeps going down
Wrexadecimal: @RealLegitStreamer thanks for the subberino! :D
KingOfDoma: We achieved it? No cap? ... :D
GoblinMyra: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub! <3
GwalchmaiOfHouseParadox: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Been holding on to these for a while
PharaohBender27 is gifting 27 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1827 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 646 in the channel!
Atiota: pitza \o/
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to crash006!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to LiamRos!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to AmtsboteHannes!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to weatherlight2!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to DuneAlien!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to BobROE!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to ShoriInTheCorner!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Calyte!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to S0ulc00kies!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to useless_ac!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to offbeatwitch!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to LiamRos, AmtsboteHannes, crash006, weatherlight2, DuneAlien, BobROE, ShoriInTheCorner, Calyte, S0ulc00kies, and useless_ac! (Today's storm count: 327)
Foxmar320: Pizza!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, offbeatwitch! (Today's storm count: 328)
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SoupiestMammal!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bsemdie23!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to windy_j3!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to yatagarasu1177!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to minislot1997!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to lifaen__!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shadoweater_Khatam!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Squirrel_Papa!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to danisaur3!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to two_minus_two!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to quarier!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheGreatMizuti!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zenelly!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Boon_33!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ProfK!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sellusi!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jpost042!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to brokngenesis!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to properlyfish!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jethrain!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to krivde_88!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Limilim!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CosmicDot!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to varazeal!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Finkelstein27!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to macbody2!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to biancaTree!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to SoupiestMammal, Bsemdie23, yatagarasu1177, minislot1997, Squirrel_Papa, lifaen__, Shadoweater_Khatam, quarier, danisaur3, TheGreatMizuti, two_minus_two, Zenelly, Boon_33, ProfK, sellusi, jpost042, windy_j3, brokngenesis, properlyfish, Jethrain, CosmicDot, Limilim, varazeal, Finkelstein27, macbody2, biancaTree, and krivde_88! (Today's storm count: 355)
TehAmelie: icecream pizza party?
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
Izzieon: Hey thanks so much Anon!
magicpokey: God I love this
Atiota: Thats a Lotta Subs
badrat_: @red_shoes_jeff Thanks for the gift sub!
SnackPak_: classic James
Melfina__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Melfina__: Do the things
Mathwyn: That monster
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Melfina__! (Today's storm count: 356)
incredulouspasserby: how many additional strokes above par are we
Sunidesus: that's just needlessly cruel
serymew: NO! James!
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
Jillexie is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 46 in the channel!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to LavaOx!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to meshue85!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Iodine953!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to deejay_82!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to LittleVesuvius!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jillexie! Welcome to LavaOx, Iodine953, deejay_82, LittleVesuvius, and meshue85! (Today's storm count: 361)
KaleidoscopeMind: not even give it to penelope?
mtvcdm: Scorecard adds a stroke. The scorecard sits at +18.
TXC2: PharaohBender27 lrrHEART
Sarah_Serinde: This seems like more reason to make sure James gets a lot of water balloons thrown at him
Foxmar320: He could just mail it to Florida, ill take it
TheElrad: what a foodwaste
varazeal: Thanks a lot! Also the crew deserves it :p
Metric_Furlong: #ShameJames
EricTheOrange: Well now I don't want to get their and see him throw it away
KaleidoscopeMind: or the nelly kids?
richard_ermen: "LRR - The Road to IceCream" sounds like a really nice Behind The Scenes title xD
CaptainChibale: are there limited mics for this?
wandering_t: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
FITorion: What happened with the Ham?
TXC2: Jillexie lrrHEART
offbeatwitch: dang i almost went the whole subathon without receiving a random gift sub
margieargie: I Can't Believe It's Not Water Balloon
BrokenGolem is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 27 in the channel!
BrokenGolem gifted a Tier 1 sub to Daimoify!
BrokenGolem gifted a Tier 1 sub to SmilingWorlock!
BrokenGolem gifted a Tier 1 sub to KierenWinter!
BrokenGolem gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lordventrue!
BrokenGolem gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThePaddyMcB!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, BrokenGolem! Welcome to Daimoify, Lordventrue, SmilingWorlock, ThePaddyMcB, and KierenWinter! (Today's storm count: 366)
Mathwyn: James Turner: History's Greatest Monster
Falannt: icecream is only sugar and water. not really a waste!
Didero: If we don't make the goal, just don't let the company pay for the icecream :p
GredGredmansson: by which I hope he mains "throws it away to a local charity or soup kitchen"
LowUpsideCJ: I can't believe it's not water balloons
spinebustertee: How much do I have to donate to make Serge actually 1v1 a Treatza Pizza
TheMerricat: Somehow I don't think it's going to matter, we just halved how much we needed in less than 5 min in. :D
TXC2: BrokenGolem lrrHEART
offbeatwitch: just gonna YEET
Featherweight_: come on dairy mega power hour
amative1: well, I guess ice cream is about to happen
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrSHINE
Criiisiis: cheer230
chrono2x: how many subs till water balloons?
terrence_too is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 35 in the channel!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to chimenea1!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to MonarchOfIthaca!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to WearingCats_CwC!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to ximmortalzoddx!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to 8000power!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to LunaLurkz!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to zeathean!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to Scar_Red_Tiger!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to bifroront!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to elah806!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to superdude097!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to DrasonSpike!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to AulusOvidius!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to Croly_t!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to EdTheDwarf!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to w1gum!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to nova_phanatic!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tzimisce_Joe!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to forbiddenskiesfm!
terrence_too gifted a Tier 1 sub to stankmongerjones!
measureofhope: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 EYECREAM
Astramentha: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
GazzyInferno: i feel that ice cream might end up working out
abslomdaak42: Damn, that's a lot of subs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, terrence_too! Welcome to chimenea1, MonarchOfIthaca, WearingCats_CwC, 8000power, zeathean, LunaLurkz, Scar_Red_Tiger, bifroront, superdude097, DrasonSpike, elah806, Croly_t, EdTheDwarf, w1gum, nova_phanatic, Tzimisce_Joe, forbiddenskiesfm, stankmongerjones, ximmortalzoddx, and AulusOvidius! (Today's storm count: 386)
quarier: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
TXC2: terrence_too lrrHEART
amative1: @chrono2x 250 after ice cream
KaleidoscopeMind: number go... down?
jacqui_lantern234: hey shoutouts to @PharaohBender27 theyve gifted SO MUCH this week
chimenea1: @terrence_too Thanks for the gift sub!
offbeatwitch: live! uncensored!
RockPusher is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to goldengopher01!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to HaltBen2514!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to RoeDent89!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to bogatyri!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Senor_Diablo!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to RPAlmeida!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Worido!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mrjohnson19!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to flam_hur!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Scrubbodiestobears!
PharaohBender27: @quarier No problem! :)
LunaLurkz: @terrence_too Thanks for the gift sub! lrrSHINE
mtvcdm: Scorecard adds ANOTHER stroke. It's now 19 strokes over par.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RockPusher! Welcome to HaltBen2514, RoeDent89, goldengopher01, bogatyri, RPAlmeida, Senor_Diablo, Mrjohnson19, flam_hur, Worido, and Scrubbodiestobears! (Today's storm count: 396)
TXC2: RockPusher lrrHEART
Falannt: over 1300 viewers! Yeeha!
TheMerricat: There went the icecream
zeathean: @terrence_too Thanks for the gift sub!
Sarah_Serinde: 2 hours, under 250 subs, chat's got this
margieargie: Aaaand ice cream got!
BrokenGolem: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
Irsaan: Ice cream get!
Redbassist: Number. Go. Down!
pyronils80: @RealLegitStreamer thx for the giftsub! :) :) :)
themercenary1987: Errr.... Theres the ice cream!
Frogasaurus90 is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 41 in the channel!
Patorik: Ice cream!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SerGarretCameron!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Scissorfarm!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Odinson819!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to yimmu!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Avawen1312!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Greydir!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheLodgium!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to KOneSix!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to h2oboy82!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SpecOpsGiraffe!
amative1: ICREAM
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to KingEnigma620!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Crafty_Jaye!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sudobyte!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to nameymcgee!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LesBeauxPlastiques!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sokolov23!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to NorthernSeas!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hungry_hamst!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MajorFrostbyte!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rich518!
Mangledpixel: wooo! ice cream goal met!
IanAllenBird: ice cream!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Frogasaurus90! Welcome to SerGarretCameron, Scissorfarm, yimmu, Odinson819, Greydir, KOneSix, TheLodgium, Crafty_Jaye, SpecOpsGiraffe, KingEnigma620, nameymcgee, Sudobyte, LesBeauxPlastiques, sokolov23, NorthernSeas, MajorFrostbyte, Hungry_hamst, Avawen1312, h2oboy82, and rich518! (Today's storm count: 416)
PsychoI3oy: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
incslayer: we are now at water balloon
RoeDent89: Ice cream!
Senor_Diablo: @RockPusher Thanks for the gift sub!
Sarah_Serinde: Chat is determined gabyLul
TXC2: Frogasaurus90 lrrHEART
Crafty_Jaye: @Frogasaurus90 Thanks for the gift sub!
Sorator13: FBtouchdown
Mr_Horrible: sofieLUL
Foxmar320: I cream!
PharaohBender27: lrrDILLY !
Criiisiis: ICE CREAM
CAKHost: \o/
abslomdaak42: Nice!
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown jlrrIcream
Astramentha: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
Noy2222: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
Makrosian_Tay: We have achieved ice cream!!
thejadedthief: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
serymew: James lrrGibb ice creams to LRR!
uncleardata: Don't you dare waste any ice cream!! lol
ArrestedHouse: LUL
Saintnex: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
RoeDent89: Thanks for the gift sub @RockPusher
danisaur3: thank you for the gift sub!!!
Hungry_hamst: @Frogasaurus90 Thanks for the gift sub!
w1gum: @terrence_too Thanks for the gift sub!
SerGarretCameron: @Frogasaurus90 Thanks for the gift sub!
josh___something: Not on our person
Sudobyte: oh cool, thanks frogasaurus
red_shoes_jeff: lrrDILLY
AnimeKitty: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
Wolfstrike_NL: Icecream will be forced upon all
Amoothyst subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak!
Atiota: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Amoothyst! (Today's storm count: 417)
baltimore_667083: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
drawnbinary: hell yeah
Frogasaurus90: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Mathwyn: Now to get enough so we can punish James for that idea
offbeatwitch: gigantic dilly bar inbound
Angreed66: But James shouldn't be allowed I cream for threatening food waste.
EricTheOrange: So is the tarp budget part of the water balloon thing?
RoeDent89: Curses! Foiled
HesGotNoPants: Hurray for James being evil
Boon_33: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub! lrrSIG lrrSHINE
Mr_Horrible is gifting 50 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 508 in the channel!
mtvcdm: Now we're at 20 over par. I'm having trouble keeping up with the added strokes now. Great work.
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to DrPhobic!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to abslomdaak42!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to optimalbook!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Geek4AllYT!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to RealitySoldier!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ivalenz_!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to RavenKlath!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Thandres!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to BrookJustBones!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to FadedOasis!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to PupSnap!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to hungrylikeme!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to froschizero!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to JinaMahavira!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to usmu1976!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zipro33!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to grRossi!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to rick0chet008!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to oldshotrob!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to marmalade_pen!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Patorik!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to stonerose21!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Atrosity!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to DracoFire87!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to daekonfrostgrave!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to RevanentOne!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to eclypse2003!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to green_movie77!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to forjizz!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to ockwardian!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Drillbiterr!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mr_Namazu!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to minervaofoceans!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to EmpressTopaz!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Linwey!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to boomblade01!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Oxaji76!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to martifma!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to dragonwithasuit!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Wormsbane!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to yukimakingart!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to thegitrogsquirrel!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to SytYoshi!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to DiamondSerpent!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to carbajac!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to mcdadly23!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zafariman!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Samzen!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to arcaelraen!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to mr_rheeno!
vanman229: itll eat into the tarp budget
SolarBlitz1: Don't nail icecream, it's un-sanitary
TheWooglie: GG Jordynne
Saintnex: also I feel like chat is determined to have James get pelted now :D
Atiota: lrrDILLY
Jillexie: WOW
brokngenesis: Thank you @pharaohbender27
themercenary1987: Mr Horrible?!"
PharaohBender27: @Mr_Horrible lrrSHINE
TXC2: Mr_Horrible lrrHEART
ExachixKitsune: sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly
danisaur3: grann9000 grann9000 grann9000 grann9000 grann9000
Porsgaard81: Thanks for the subscription, anonymous!
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly WOAH
TehAmelie: oh boy
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun so if the waterballoons get met, which one of you is gonna pelt James in the balls to carry on tradition?
iris_of_ether: CAM
RoeDent89: Holy smoke
RandomTrivia: sergeGift sergeGift sergeGift
brokngenesis: lrrSHINE
Jillexie: Mr Horrible!
Mr_Horrible: I have to go call my leasing office but there's for operation #peltjames
shurtal: Jordynne, nice
TheMerricat: Ok the Dillybar emote embiggened is scary.
Lamebert1415: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
Patorik: Thanks Mr_Horrible!
LowUpsideCJ: Well done by Jordynne
margieargie: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Boon_33: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: The sub carpet-bombing has begun in earnest!
mister_nibbles: shout out to Jordynne on that one
Patorik: @Mr_Horrible Thanks for the gift sub!
CraziestOwl: lrrHEART lrrHEART
Makrosian_Tay: That's like SO many subs!!
marmalade_pen: i won the kindness roulette!! thank you mr horrible!
asddsa28: noo
thejadedthief: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RockPusher subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months!
RockPusher: Right, now my resub counts for James spite lrrAWESOME
BrowneePoints: Sometimes you wanna go WHERE EVERYBODY KNOWS YOUR SPRAAAAAY!
Sarah_Serinde: Remember chat, if you don't want to do subs or just happen to have some bits lying around, bits count too!
ContingentCat: not yet
KingOfDoma: @Mr_Horrible is more like Mr_PrettyOkayAllThingsConsidered
usmu1976: Thank you Mr Horriblle!
invickthus: Jordynne that was a gift.
KBKarma: Diaper tier for OF.
Gekyouryuu: all these subs are even more impressive since Twitch JUST raised the prices on tier 1 subs
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Sarah_Serinde: RockPusher sergeJustRight
KaleidoscopeMind: it's also cushioning
GredGredmansson: that's tarp budget
abslomdaak42: @Mr_Horrible Thank you, Mr Horrible! That's amazing!
Marvoleath: Graham: "we have 2 hours to hit the goal" - community: "2 minutes? no problem"
ElementalAlchemist: lrrWOW
thegitrogsquirrel: @Mr_Horrible Thanks for the gift sub!
ContingentCat: LUL
ThorSokar: haha
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
ExachixKitsune: I don't want to think about those words
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
TXC2: does lrrbot not like me or something? : p
malfnord: And now, the mad scramble to get in under the wire
Saintnex: lrrWOW
InfinityToPlanck is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel!
InfinityToPlanck gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jabba454!
InfinityToPlanck gifted a Tier 1 sub to Halinn!
InfinityToPlanck gifted a Tier 1 sub to missa_hancock!
InfinityToPlanck gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kantis97!
InfinityToPlanck gifted a Tier 1 sub to waywarddevil!
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
mister_nibbles: wheeler are you projecting on to chat again?
IsaTheEngie: lrrWOW
Patorik: See if Beej has a spare hose kicking around in his pockets
SytYoshi: @Mr_Horrible Thanks for the gift sub!
Zafariman: @Mr_Horrible Thanks for the gift sub!
Grantuu: What happens if someone gifts Subs, but there aren't people in chat without a sub?
TXC2: IncarnateInfinity lrrHEART
a_shortfall_of_gravitas is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 30 in the channel!
a_shortfall_of_gravitas gifted a Tier 1 sub to Leo_rhubarb!
a_shortfall_of_gravitas gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheAlienElement!
a_shortfall_of_gravitas gifted a Tier 1 sub to reiklandraider!
a_shortfall_of_gravitas gifted a Tier 1 sub to trellwalkdownshit20!
a_shortfall_of_gravitas gifted a Tier 1 sub to HeroOfMyth!
a_shortfall_of_gravitas gifted a Tier 1 sub to lord_raigen!
a_shortfall_of_gravitas gifted a Tier 1 sub to ort_chan!
a_shortfall_of_gravitas gifted a Tier 1 sub to glhfy!
a_shortfall_of_gravitas gifted a Tier 1 sub to luckykarms710!
a_shortfall_of_gravitas gifted a Tier 1 sub to RyanHunter!
RoeDent89: Diaper Up Super Cup
ThorSokar: pretty sure those people have a different drain on their income, plus they all live in Denver
LowUpsideCJ: thank god it's saturday
TXC2: a_shortfall_of_gravitas lrrHEART
jacqui_lantern234: wenDEEZ NUTZ
iris_of_ether gifted a Tier 1 sub to diaperjamesa! They have given 59 Gift Subs in the channel!
shurtal: quick, someone post to the diaper sub-reddit (PLEASE DON"T DO THIS)
sporkraptor: okay hello XD
Sarah_Serinde: TXC2 I feel like LRRbot might be struggling
mtvcdm: We had baked goods in the lobby after curch
Foxmar320: :D
Juliamon: Grantuu Twitch's algorithm knows how to handle it
TXC2: Sarah_Serinde indeed
KaleidoscopeMind: it goes to followers
PharaohBender27: It goes to random folks
amative1: It goes to followers and such
jacqui_lantern234: @iris_of_ether OH MY GOD LUL
Samarium13: how gift bits ?
stippledotter: We're donating directly to the tarp budget
IsaTheEngie: It goes to random followers, IIRC
GredGredmansson: @Grantuu it will send the gift to someone who has been in this chat before but not currently
CraziestOwl: lrrHEART lrrHEART
Sarah_Serinde: It picks from people who have been here before, who follow, probably even people who have never been here before
Sibwow: ive gotten random gift subs for channels ive never visited
iris_of_ether: @jacqui_lantern234 You're welcome lol
SolarBlitz1: It goes off historic viewers.
boredman42 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 35 in the channel!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to OsuRaven!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to d3act!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to DreamssNeverEnd!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kiatic!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zararthur!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to randomididot!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to NOFRIENDLY!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to levon7_!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Mr_Horrible! Welcome to all 50 recipients! (Today's storm count: 463)
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to renwest!
boredman42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to YumYumKali!
ThorSokar: goes to followers, then people who have been here, then to random twitch users
TheKarthe: lrrSHINE Woo! Gifted Sub Gang! lrrSHINE
offbeatwitch: i only got one just now
Thadrin46: Someone gifted me a sub at some point this week and I have no idea when it was or who.
TXC2: boredman42 lrrHEART
benjamin_wheeler: test
itmightbemikey: It will go out to random Twitch users. I've gotten subs to channels I've never once tuned into
benjamin_wheeler: fuck
JadedCynic: yeah, I've gotten gift subs when offline, but I'd visited the channel on a raid...
Xed_Regulus: I've been gifted to channels I've only visited once
asthanius: I saw SonicFox was gifted one randomly earlier today
TXC2: benjamin_wheeler hello
RandomTrivia: There are gonna be SO MANY arrows in chat
Sorator13: You failed, Wheeler
Sibwow: @benjamin_wheeler language!
BrowneePoints: Giving FiVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED subs will do that!
KaleidoscopeMind: ive been given subs while out of chat
mister_nibbles: test fuck?
Sorator13: but nice try
Foxmar320: Is that why I sometimes get gift subs to channels I may have looked at once 10 years ago???
rogerivany: I've gotten subs in channels I haven't been actively watching.
yimmu is paying forward the Gift they got from Frogasaurus90 to the community!
greatknightgaramond: yayayay :)
yimmu is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
yimmu gifted a Tier 1 sub to slayer4967!
yimmu gifted a Tier 1 sub to Seaal!
yimmu gifted a Tier 1 sub to thesailormer!
yimmu gifted a Tier 1 sub to babyhaeuss!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Wormsbane! (Today's storm count: 469)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dragonwithasuit! (Today's storm count: 470)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, yukimakingart! (Today's storm count: 475)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thegitrogsquirrel! (Today's storm count: 478)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SytYoshi! (Today's storm count: 480)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zafariman! (Today's storm count: 481)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, a_shortfall_of_gravitas! Welcome to Leo_rhubarb, TheAlienElement, reiklandraider, trellwalkdownshit20, HeroOfMyth, lord_raigen, ort_chan, glhfy, luckykarms710, and RyanHunter! (Today's storm count: 484)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, diaperjamesa! (Today's storm count: 486)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, InfinityToPlanck! Welcome to Jabba454, Halinn, missa_hancock, waywarddevil, and Kantis97! (Today's storm count: 490)
yimmu gifted a Tier 1 sub to OhCrapitsChris!
Travilogue gifted a Tier 1 sub to vessiot! They have given 3 Gift Subs in the channel!
Sevinon: I mean, have you looked at us?
yatagarasu1177: i also appear to have randomly gotten a sub! thank you to whomever! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
AugmentingPath: Empirically, chat is sub-only
Isaac3567: I think once I had my prime sub upgrade from a gift before but that was a while ago
mtvcdm: We're at 21 over par. Man, James is getting worse at minigolf by the second here.
Eklinaar: I've been gifted a sub to a channel weeks after I visited and didn't follow
EricTheOrange: unfortunately my sub does not renw until thursday
TXC2: yimmu lrrHEART
KBKarma: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RandomTrivia: You're good people and make good stuff
ContingentCat: It's one of the big green flags of this community
Jillexie: NOt a cult
Desruprot: limesDance limesDance
Ashmantle: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Gekyouryuu: we're a Sub MOSTLY Chat
JKBalch: We're a cult
drawnbinary: is james still bad at golf
jacqui_lantern234: @benjamin_wheeler sorry im ace, not into a test fuck Kappa
malfnord: Plan?
spinebustertee: chat: mainly subs, very few doms
Fanklok: Let's get every single user on Twitch a sub and see what happens when a gift happens when no one can possibly receive one
Desruprot: nice we made it to Balloons
badpandabear: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
NerdWithoutName is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
GredGredmansson: there are some channels that i follow that i regularly receive gift subs from every 3 months or so
NerdWithoutName gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ujai321!
NerdWithoutName gifted a Tier 1 sub to drawnbinary!
NerdWithoutName gifted a Tier 1 sub to tairum!
NerdWithoutName gifted a Tier 1 sub to ampharos15!
NerdWithoutName gifted a Tier 1 sub to AngelicJade14!
NerdWithoutName gifted a Tier 1 sub to BirdmanOSC!
NerdWithoutName gifted a Tier 1 sub to Synchroma!
NerdWithoutName gifted a Tier 1 sub to xEUNx!
NerdWithoutName gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jeremydium!
NerdWithoutName gifted a Tier 1 sub to ContrarianKing!
PharaohBender27: Cheer2400 Some love for bits amidst the subs
larix_laricina subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months!
larix_laricina: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: Hey remember last subathon when there had been so many subs gifted that Twitch was starting to be really slow to figure out gift sub recipients?
TehAmelie: i've got gifts from channels i definitely never even heard of
thesailormer: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
usmu1976: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
KBKarma: When does James get pelted with water balloons?
TXC2: NerdWithoutName lrrHEART
Veraphage: PogBones
RockPusher: ooer Drawful
Redbassist: Drawfees here dang!
morgoth_bauglyr: Cheer1000 TAKE MY FUNDS
josh___something: Custom Drawfee?! Kappa
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RockPusher! (Today's storm count: 496)
Metric_Furlong: [to the tune of late night dub fight] Custom Drawful
TheMerricat: @Foxmar320 I've received so many gift subs from accidently falling asleep without closing the window and getting taken on a raid chain till I wake up. :D
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to rogerivany!
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: Ooooh
Samarium13: have bits ,, how give ?
Earthenone: @KBKarma 124 subs from now in about 2 hours
KaleidoscopeMind: i repeat: i love how when we say noy's name, all of the 2's are said with different inflections
Sarah_Serinde: !test
drawnbinary: @NerdWithoutName Thanks for the gift sub!
LadyLockwood92: Woo~
Noy2222: These have been tested and work
GredGredmansson: has Custom Fibbage happened yet?
Gekyouryuu: @KBKarma today, if the goal is met within 2 hours
KBKarma: @Earthenone Thank you!
GredGredmansson: aw it doesn't work
grifta67: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
Jillexie: !cheer 500
zazamost: Woo
KBKarma is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 103 in the channel!
amative1: Aww, Fibbage broke? Sad amative...
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pockett_!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to danpeii!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to FallenZikiel!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to lucerna!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to mako_453!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to MaskedBandit236!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to nemmielicious!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to grax_strife!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to austrianloverboy!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to Volus_dude!
aleriacarventus: ooh jackbox time!
Juliamon: !cheer
LRRbot: Remember, in order to cheer you need to type "Cheer#" with no ! in front.
TXC2: KBKarma lrrHEART
Jillexie: !cheer500
KharadBanar: Drawful anime?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, boredman42! Welcome to randomididot, NOFRIENDLY, renwest, YumYumKali, OsuRaven, d3act, DreamssNeverEnd, Kiatic, Zararthur, and levon7_! (Today's storm count: 497)
GredGredmansson: i submitted one for custom fibbage too but oh well
Fanklok: Is Paul a Drawfee person?
Juliamon: Jillexie No !
TheWooglie gifted a Tier 1 sub to aleriacarventus! They have given 7 Gift Subs in the channel!
ContingentCat: Cheer100 thanks for all this
TuvaLaPourpre: Thanks Kazman for the gifted sub from two days ago
grax_strife: @KBKarma Thanks for the gift sub!
RandomTrivia: cheer698 Time to dump the rest of these into the water balloon fund
Sarah_Serinde: Chat the bot seems to be struggling at the moment so let's not try commands for a little while
SandwichKed: is the timer going up?
mtvcdm: After water balloons I'm hoping Paul has something in the overlay to track the scorecard because I'll lose track.
PharaohBender27: @TheMerricat Waking up after a raid chain to a random channel is wild
Sarah_Serinde: The timer is capped
CAKHost: So many people want to make James wet
Tantusar: do you have baloney in your slacks? you might be an animaniac
aitsu100: Wacko 100%
TXC2: SandwichKed we hit the cap, so it shouldn't
KBKarma: Has the sub counter broked?
Samarium13: how i give bits?
Jillexie: Cheer500 Third times the charm
ContingentCat: LOL I think I saw that tiktok
RockPusher: LRRbot also overwhelmed by the generosity :D
TXC2: Jillexie there we go!
KBKarma: Ah, it's delayed.
GredGredmansson: I feel like anyone who wears pants gets Yakko
serymew: Sub counter go down to goals.
Fanklok: I used to work with a lesbian couple, One was a Yakko the other was Wakko
Nismorack: Awww no Fibbage. But hey those questions are still around, so maybe a LRLive segment.
Juliamon: Tmer is just backed up
Coloneljesus: @Samarium13 click the cheer icon in the chat input field
Jillexie: I fail at cheer
BrowneePoints: Yea I've seen the Skateboard Lesbians. Backwards Cap, big Sweater, booty shorts. Just like Wakko
zazamost: Just tuned in. Did we hit cap?
uncleardata: Cheer1000
stippledotter: @samarium13 click/tap the diamond
TXC2: zazamost we sure did
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Samarium13: 500
Juliamon: jlrrNo
GredGredmansson: No money down? No, money down!
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon NO! :p
Sarah_Serinde: Do we though?
zazamost: Heck yeah
Sarah_Serinde: He doesn't
ExachixKitsune: do you have to be unbanned though?
amative1: No!
Sarah_Serinde: Wheeler has VIP
TheMerricat: @KBKarma In what way? the time is capped, we reached the top. The 'countdown' is now the balloons emote in the middle, we got to the pizza party and the ice cream so now we are working to the pelting James wiht water balloons.
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 656 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to AutumnVixenIX!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to knightoftheblackrose!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to yeentoberfest!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to return_of_floki4242!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to zsil33!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to garb10!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to zazamost!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mirfal!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to zleepytimetea!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to paullordofall!
Bengineering: Look at my cool sword
Singenmeister: !quote gibb
LRRbot: Quote #7582: "Please. Put me in charge of things." —Gibb [2021-04-24]
Travilogue gifted a Tier 1 sub to EmiTauriel! They have given 4 Gift Subs in the channel!
TimIAm: Wheeler simply is the trouble
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
Fanklok: If Ben can't be mod we should unmod Serge
Earthenone: hes got a sword!
josh___something: Ben flexing XD
Cinominn is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel!
Cinominn gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThatLooseCake!
Cinominn gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vailreth!
Cinominn gifted a Tier 1 sub to KTGrove!
Cinominn gifted a Tier 1 sub to bupplins!
Cinominn gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChuckSplatt!
Cinominn gifted a Tier 1 sub to MichelozzoOnTwitch!
Cinominn gifted a Tier 1 sub to PoopyPirates!
Cinominn gifted a Tier 1 sub to nevyn666!
Cinominn gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sonicenshadow!
Cinominn gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kelcore!
IncredibleFrown: i'm just here to do the super bowl shuffle
Sevinon: Wheeler that is an absolute lie
Boon_33: cool sword Ben!
Sibwow: wheeler should get mod privileges so i can be a grandmod
milow49: Cheer800
TehAmelie: i sense a quote database addition coming in the near future
NotCainNorAbel: cool sword
PharaohBender27: @Bengineering That's a nice sword
ThorSokar: I'm not sure Wheeler should have mod....
sporkraptor: the goal is to cause *entertaining* problems
Sarah_Serinde: @TheMerricat It's not borked but it is slow, because LRRbot is overwhelmed by chat's generosity
abslomdaak42: Wheeler doesn't cause trouble (usually)
offbeatwitch: love mayhem
TXC2: give Jordan's sword to Katheen Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: @Bengineering the one you deserve, king <3
Juliamon: I *tried* to use the command that explains how to cheer, but it's a lil overwhelmed
Mathwyn: Give Adam mod let chaos reign
TXC2: Cinominn lrrHEART
GredGredmansson: telling lies? i thought you said fibbage didn't work though Kappa
MatzerKat: Sometimes, it's just fun to bus with people.
knightoftheblackrose: @red_shoes_jeff Thanks for the gift sub!
KBKarma: @TheMerricat The counter in the top right hasn't displayed any of the new subs.
serymew: There is no wet James, only Zuul.
Falannt: 80subs for waterballoons!
LowUpsideCJ: Finale is up on the MAIN monitor today
Sevinon: @Mathwyn Oh god, we're all getting banned
as_ever_ellesandra: yknow- we might have enough time for a horse joke
RealGamerCow: So what's happening this segment?
red_shoes_jeff: @knightoftheblackrose benginO7
Wolfstrike_NL: It's only down
Sarah_Serinde: The timer is only going down
Earthenone: there are no more uppies
KaleidoscopeMind: no up, only down
RockPusher: We killed time
Sarah_Serinde: And the balloon counter is counting down
TXC2: Chat you are doing so fantastic
aitsu100: cheer600
RoeDent89: Entropy
KBKarma: No more time. Freeze!
mtvcdm: Time is over. Golf is eternal.
zeathean: Time is meaningless
amative1: time is counting down, water balloons are also counting down
goombalax: @RealGamerCow 3 hours of discussing what to do next
yatagarasu1177: time no longer exists we are free!
MatzerKat: Oh no, the Langoliers are coming
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, yimmu! Welcome to Seaal, thesailormer, babyhaeuss, slayer4967, and OhCrapitsChris! (Today's storm count: 499)
Jigokuro: You hit it TWICE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vessiot! (Today's storm count: 500)
Jillexie: Time can only go down for all of us
red_shoes_jeff: MAWP
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rogerivany! (Today's storm count: 507)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, larix_laricina! (Today's storm count: 508)
ExachixKitsune: LRRbot pls
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Sorator13: oh god lrrbot
Sarah_Serinde: Here comes LRRbot gabyLul
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aleriacarventus! (Today's storm count: 513)
ElementalAlchemist: welp
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, NerdWithoutName! Welcome to Ujai321, drawnbinary, AngelicJade14, ampharos15, Synchroma, ContrarianKing, tairum, BirdmanOSC, xEUNx, and Jeremydium! (Today's storm count: 516)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, KBKarma! Welcome to nemmielicious, grax_strife, Volus_dude, danpeii, Pockett_, FallenZikiel, lucerna, mako_453, MaskedBandit236, and austrianloverboy! (Today's storm count: 536)
KaleidoscopeMind: there's lrrbot
Samarium13: where do my bits go?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to knightoftheblackrose, AutumnVixenIX, return_of_floki4242, zsil33, garb10, zazamost, Mirfal, yeentoberfest, zleepytimetea, and paullordofall! (Today's storm count: 539)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EmiTauriel! (Today's storm count: 540)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Cinominn! Welcome to ThatLooseCake, Vailreth, bupplins, ChuckSplatt, nevyn666, Kelcore, KTGrove, MichelozzoOnTwitch, PoopyPirates, and Sonicenshadow! (Today's storm count: 544)
mtvcdm: Oh dear
Boon_33: for it's the end of history?
TXC2: oh Gods Lrrbot
josh___something: Womp womp
TheWanderingNomad: We've freed opurselves from the shackles of time!?
Juliamon: Ah, the laxative kicked in
amative1: oh hey there goes LRRbot
j_crane330: Did we get dilly bars
mister_nibbles: oh no lrrbot
RunicScribe is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 30 in the channel!
RunicScribe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Carigan0503!
RunicScribe gifted a Tier 1 sub to GETaKLU!
RunicScribe gifted a Tier 1 sub to nerdotronic!
RunicScribe gifted a Tier 1 sub to tsuuisalie!
RunicScribe gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThisJosh2!
RunicScribe gifted a Tier 1 sub to cris_robles_!
RunicScribe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shrek2_On_VHS!
RunicScribe gifted a Tier 1 sub to greysonha!
RunicScribe gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZincoFrappuccino!
RunicScribe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Conman2143!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RunicScribe! Welcome to ThisJosh2, tsuuisalie, Carigan0503, GETaKLU, Conman2143, nerdotronic, cris_robles_, Shrek2_On_VHS, greysonha, and ZincoFrappuccino! (Today's storm count: 554)
stippledotter: We established this with Hades 2
RockPusher: LRRbot reconnected
Kentosaurus: woah lrrbot, you have no chill
NonUniqueGuy: I just got back to find out that we are at the end of time.
Earthenone: did you ban bingjamin weedler?
TXC2: RunicScribe lrrHEART
stippledotter: Killing time
offbeatwitch: honk
Jigokuro: lrrbot just freaked out
j_crane330: lrrDILLY
jacqui_lantern234: LRRbot is doing its best :p
offbeatwitch: da bits
ameliette: lrrbot doing avisual mawp :D
GwalchmaiOfHouseParadox: Finally, we will be free of linearity
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
tsuuisalie: @RunicScribe tytyty!
Redbassist: :D
PharaohBender27: LrrBot is so tired
Samarium13: still not sure
Mangledpixel: timer is counting down, sub counter and bits counter are counting up, water balloon counter is counting down
Sarah_Serinde: Things Wheeler has put in chat so far: "test" and "fuck"
danisaur3: !subcount
little_lyons: lol
RockPusher: I broke LRRbot earlier too
offbeatwitch: post 10 unclogging a culvert
sporkraptor: shhhkoonk
TheMerricat: So what's the stretch goal post water balloons? :D
RandomTrivia: LRRbot has been working VERY hard for the last 6 days
Samarium13: so many buttons
Jillexie: Unclogging street drain videos are the best
inkablink is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel!
inkablink gifted a Tier 1 sub to BlackBlade_!
inkablink gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pylohn!
inkablink gifted a Tier 1 sub to james_massey!
inkablink gifted a Tier 1 sub to iboltmyself!
inkablink gifted a Tier 1 sub to Samarium13!
inkablink gifted a Tier 1 sub to Alavasgaming!
inkablink gifted a Tier 1 sub to redsevn!
inkablink gifted a Tier 1 sub to Viewtiful_Variety!
inkablink gifted a Tier 1 sub to gruulclaw!
inkablink gifted a Tier 1 sub to minhou74!
BrowneePoints: the ones they have to do by HAND
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, inkablink! Welcome to BlackBlade_, Pylohn, iboltmyself, redsevn, Samarium13, james_massey, Alavasgaming, Viewtiful_Variety, gruulclaw, and minhou74! (Today's storm count: 564)
terribleplan: The mud pipe cleaning
RockPusher: LRRbot doing its best
Earthenone: lrrbot's spider faucet was uncloging
TXC2: inkablink lrrHEART
red_shoes_jeff: The Champagne Cork!
terribleplan: Yeah
josh___something: "Clay"
Pywodwagon is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 18 in the channel!
Pywodwagon gifted a Tier 1 sub to JoxerJJ!
Pywodwagon gifted a Tier 1 sub to basilisk6!
Pywodwagon gifted a Tier 1 sub to grim_gnaw!
Pywodwagon gifted a Tier 1 sub to theMelinee!
Pywodwagon gifted a Tier 1 sub to Smeebob!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Pywodwagon! Welcome to JoxerJJ, basilisk6, grim_gnaw, theMelinee, and Smeebob! (Today's storm count: 569)
Sarah_Serinde: Chat please go easy on LRRbot right now in terms of using commands
TXC2: the best is when they do it to dams
epsilon_vee: when you gotta pump out your chatbot's septic tank
TXC2: Pywodwagon lrrHEART
j_crane330: Wow
PharaohBender27: Chat I think we might have hit water balloon, and LRRbot just needs to catch up
serymew: Bots only have chill when chat has chill.
ClockTamer: only about 50 until balloons already? damn
abslomdaak42: LUL
leondebowa: so whats the 53 counting down to?
Statist42 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
Statist42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to malexus101!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Statist42! Welcome to malexus101! (Today's storm count: 570)
Grantuu: What does Balloon Counter do exactly?
Sarah_Serinde: @PharaohBender27 Yeah I bet we have, chat's been going wild
Marvoleath: @leondebowa water ballooning
Metric_Furlong: @leondebowa throwing water balloons at James
iris_of_ether gifted a Tier 1 sub to uncloggeddrain! They have given 60 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, uncloggeddrain! (Today's storm count: 571)
Fanklok: Erasing is a cowards tool
TheMerricat: @leondebowa The last stretch goal is pelting James with water balloons.
Sarah_Serinde: @Grantuu When it hits 0, everyone hits James with water balloons
Earthenone: @leondebowa james getting hit by water baloons
Falannt: why is erase for cowards?
JollyAnchorKing: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
aitsu100: yes
bjergmann101: That sounded so Anime: "We got to draw our Avatars first"
00gogo00: what's going on
Mathwyn: Eras'er, you hardly even know 'er
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: many secrets
Grantuu: @Sarah_Serinde Poor James. :D
Singenmeister: @falannt commitment issues I presume
hypperstar2280: should we be seein ghte game?
abslomdaak42: lrrSHINE
TXC2: chat is THIRSTY to see James all wet Kappa
MatzerKat: So if he made a mistake in the bedroom, he could just rub it out?
Redbassist: goodbye matt
jvetting83: Probably normal sized for Bill.
TehAmelie: i still have some erasers i had since before forming memories. clearly i don't make enough mistakes
Sarah_Serinde: @Grantuu James volunteered for this, it's his own fault. :P
baltimore_667083: @LRRbot alright then, keep your secrets
goombalax: the interface not being up is so funny because it seems like everyone is just on their phone
Sarah_Serinde: Genuinely, I love James but sometimes it's nice to see him suffer a little
Costar_s: drawful!
aitsu100: yeah i see Noid there wheeler
serymew: Matt is become the owl!
TheMerricat: Did they lose two players?
bjergmann101: Peak-a-Matt
Angreed66: Also James has some caillou debts that have accrued interest.
KBKarma: Cheer123 Take my bits, Goku!
HbombAndFriends: Cheer902 #TeamOrder
Mathwyn: @sarah_serinde just a little james suffering, as a treat
Singenmeister: I think we hit balloons but the overlay hasn’t caught up
PharaohBender27: ^
mtvcdm: The scorecard reads +23 now... and unless Paul has an overlay thing to track it that's the last stroke I'm going to be able to notice before we hit water balloons; the next stroke is 10 sub units beyond the water balloons.
Sevinon: @HbombAndFriends Unfortunate ordering
iris_of_ether: Kathleen that's a super cute avatar
AnimeKitty: @Sarah_Serinde As is the job of all Mods :p
Grantuu: @Sarah_Serinde Yeah, that's usually how those bits go as far as I know.... still. Poor James. Unless it's as warm as where I am right now. :D
Alex Frank: can't really hear anyone other than Graham and Wheeler
Mollylele: wheeler askin the real questions
TXC2: AnimeKitty indeed
serymew: Just noticed we have an Adam!
Chipton: Cheer1600 Couldn't watch a lot of this live but I'm sure I'll love the VODs
Sarah_Serinde: @AnimeKitty I suffer for and because of him, it's only fair
Mangledpixel: Wheeler, similar question but with the Thanos snap
terribleplan: I think the WB count is live and disconnected from the sub/bit announces
Sevinon: Hey, the overlay caught back up!
SolarBlitz1: The rare in office "Get ON your phone"
RockPusher is gifting 50 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
RockPusher: Get wet James!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to deephaus!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to 8thy!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to munkshood!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to haudyrdk!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Triforcecwp!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to AttoJoule!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to merman42!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jahnic_!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Darksteel_Mike!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to altlavista!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to itsaysTRUENO!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to 1337_Nerd!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to eniik_!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to ElMambo88!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to rev_clone!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Frogman2100!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to HyruleGirl9!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to GrumbusForbids!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to capybarista_san!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to clutchalpha!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to leymcc!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to uchihab7!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to DobbyKroket!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ojovanoski2!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Backbone666_!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to jbbow333!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to jessicarose229!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to ronsuite!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Awexdio!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to thefrozenlake!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to GreenbudzTFC!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sergue_Thorien!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to KhanKerensky!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to PaxiiCoaching!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to 10lbpoo!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to 1i1i1i1i1i1!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to DessieLoso!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to krabben_kutter!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to lordbrat4!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to tsukasa_au!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to connorrunda!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to dirty8bit!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to butterflies!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheWorldsCutestGamer!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to L4NDOO_!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to nhojnaganalf!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to penguin_nr_2!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to Goatbait!
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to moepmoepmoepmoepmoepmoep!
Astral_Apache: Cheer6969 yay for ice cream
RockPusher gifted a Tier 1 sub to sprqn!
rogerivany: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub!
00gogo00: woah
Travilogue: Put your work down and get your phone out!
terribleplan: Jeez
TXC2: RockPusher lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
PharaohBender27: @RockPusher @Astral_Apache lrrSHINE
mwlsn: I'll have to go back and watch that later
00gogo00: that's a lot
themercenary1987: Well Theres james done
LowUpsideCJ: Shouts out Adam for continuing the longstanding tradition of animating a stick man hadouken
rrtycoon2: And James is all wet...soon
j_crane330: We did it
malfnord: And RockPusher with the last snipe!
usmu1976: WE got there!
Wolfstrike_NL: @Sarah_Serinde It's a shame you could not get over there for the balloon droppping
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly WOAH
Sevinon: Done!
RandomTrivia: sergeGift sergeGift sergeGift
incslayer: and we are done
GhostValv: heh
Sarah_Serinde: Look at that chat, you officially did it. Incredible
CraziestOwl: lrrHEART lrrHEART
j_crane330: sergeGift sergeGift sergeGift sergeGift
Redbassist: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: lrrHORN FBtouchdown FBtouchdown lrrHORN
serymew: Phrasing?
GameSageZB: New stretch goal?
moepmoepmoepmoepmoepmoep: @RockPusher Danke für das Geschenkabo!
frnknstn: Whooa
aitsu100: Balloon time
RoeDent89: Balloons!
Jillexie: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
adept_nekomancer: lrrSHINE
Dmc3628: more dots
TXC2: Gods I love you so much chat lrrHEART
NekomimiNinja: VERY slowly
TheWooglie: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Jethrain: oh heck, thank you for the gift sub earlier @PharaohBender27 !
Mr_Horrible: we're padding the meters, Kathleen
KaleidoscopeMind: carry over for next time?
Sevinon: "units"
Mr_Horrible: gotta get that parse up
MatzerKat: What about DIppin' Dots?
RockPusher: Practice responsible generosity chat lrrSHINE
Veraphage: there is not aggro reset
Mathwyn: Stop dots? ...
lichen_subscribe: disproportionately loud G
Sarah_Serinde: @Wolfstrike_NL It is a shame, but on the other hand, I got to visit his stream last year and spray him with the spray bottle, so that was pretty great jlrrNo
AugmentingPath: gotta get that lrrHEART up
aitsu100: on to 6K subs chat
KhanKerensky: @RockPusher Thanks for the gift sub!
RandomTrivia: Total number of "minutes"
PharaohBender27: @Jethrain No problem! :)
HbombAndFriends: Cheer308 Let’s try this again. #TeamOrder
Coloneljesus: Cheer100 bits! Cheer100 bits! Cheer100 bits! Cheer100
TehAmelie: on day 1, i do believe James made a hasty comment about serving sushi from his naked body if he got 1 million bits
red_shoes_jeff: lrrSHINE
Falannt: I'm so happy for you @LoadingReadyRun !!!
Desruprot: what is the heart for?
Earthenone: thats over 30000 usd! congrats!
Noy2222: These are all things that you've said
josh___something: Adam with the hadouken
iris_of_ether: Room Code or no?
Redpandarama: This rocks!
LittleVesuvius: thank you to whoever gifted me a sub (I just noticed it, got up to eat)!
ElementalAlchemist: EECA
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RockPusher! Welcome to all 50 recipients! (Today's storm count: 621)
KV1NN4: 700% love Adam's avatar XD
Mr_Horrible: Adam's honest mid-tier character
00gogo00: @TehAmelie got that clip?
serymew: @TehAmelie James! What rating are you trying to get on this stream?
BrowneePoints: EECA!? Like the DOLPHIN!?
iris_of_ether: benginO7
Sevinon: Alright, I'll have to check to rest of the finale on the VoD. See ya'll later!
RoeDent89: Ace! e
Marvoleath: EECCA
TehAmelie: i do not
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
leondebowa: under the subathon logo
ExachixKitsune: European Ecology Communication Authority
Marvoleath: EECA, dangit
Noy2222: This is all LRRBOT quotes
Sergue_Thorien: @RockPusher Thanks for the sub!
TXC2: Noy2222 oooh
RoeDent89: Top pencil is strutting!
mtvcdm: (please hold, working on scorecard math; it is still 60 sub units to add a stroke, which right now is the last stretch goal you've got)
Mangledpixel: Eastern European Clown Association
Mr_Horrible: you'd better... believe it
ExachixKitsune: @mtvcdm a stroke?
mtvcdm: For the cursed minigolf scorecard.
KaleidoscopeMind: for the minigolf
j_crane330: Mermaid cat
RandomTrivia: Oh my goodness
ExachixKitsune: ahh!
Falannt: why is paul never playing such games?
Earthenone: you probobly need to referesh for the widjet to show up
GredGredmansson: i think we missed getting the robot
macbody2: thanks to PharaohBender27
LittleVesuvius: @mtvcdm ???
TXC2: so long Sevinon stay safe
jarnatan: I wonder if Graham has ever said "oh good" unironically
invickthus: ok so then is bottom right just like head-hopping? it's not even a handstand...
macbody2: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
abslomdaak42: Yeah, you did this to yourself
Y2A_Alkis: So, you did this to yourself?
Singenmeister: !quote Gibb
LRRbot: Quote #8780: "I only came with the one stick." —Gibb [2023-11-13]
MTGRanger: All these fish suddenly remind me of Belopa
KaleidoscopeMind: oh overlay is having a moment
spinebustertee: of course you don't know how to play Nelly, it's your first time
asthanius: who are you, Drake?
RandomTrivia: WOW Heather
finestotter: Is Wheeler Drake?
TXC2: lrrWOW
RandomTrivia: Nelson holy shit
Foxmar320: :D
ElementalAlchemist: oooh!
Astral_Apache: lol i think we broke the sub counter. the numbers arent supposed to go this hight
TheMerricat: mermaid cat!
TXC2: finestotter now now lets not say things like that
ElementalAlchemist: lrrGOAT there!
PharaohBender27: :D
GredGredmansson: just in time
RockPusher: benginFingers benginHeart benginDab
RoeDent89: James is a hard taskmaster
RoeDent89: Enjoy yourselves, dammit!
Samarium13: cheer500
mtvcdm: @LittleVesuvius Some time back I had a bad game of minigolf. I transferred the card to a 'willing recipient'- James- which made him responsible for the minigolf game, and he would need to find another willing recipient to unload the card. After subathon cap, every hour that would have gone onto the clock adds 1 stroke to the scorecard, base value 11 over par.
Pywodwagon: could you understand Jacob through his thick accent
jarnatan: Pants-on-head
Gekyouryuu: volcanic zits
serymew: Can we get a DBZ cosplay photo if the subs get... over 9000?
TehAmelie: breaking a sweat?
CAKHost: Pants head?
Travilogue: Pompeii Pimple
Koshindan: It's like popping a pimple.
AugmentingPath: oh hey a foxerpillar
EricTheOrange: not that it matters that much but we can only hear the game from the room mics
josh___something: C... Cu... Y'know what, nvm
KaleidoscopeMind: ah yes, the corgipede
abslomdaak42: Oh god, is that a corgi-pede?
RoeDent89: Legs
spicyFerret_: I think his head just did that.
j_crane330: Zit volcano
adept_nekomancer: The dogapede is .... disturbign
RoeDent89: It's all legs
TXC2: this is like that scene in Red Dwarf
GredGredmansson: speed up
Mr_Horrible: POV Hatsune Miku mails a pipe bomb to your residence
Desruprot: OctoDad?
sporkraptor: head explodes like pants
TheMerricat: Long dog?
RoeDent89: And out the other side
serymew: Long dog is... disturbing?
DoodlestheGreat: They have chat blocked, right?
ameliette: corgipede is cute
LittleVesuvius: oh no lol
red_shoes_jeff: Long Long DOOOOOOOG!
sporkraptor: bustin bustin bustin
iris_of_ether: r/popping is 500% Cam
RandomTrivia: Oh I forgot about the centi-corgi :D
enbyKriss: @ameliette agree rays3
Mr_Horrible: well, one of them is *a* truth
Jethrain: oh the centipede corgi is very cursed
josh___something: Corgipede my beloved
AragornKeuken: zit seems like a term a hassled comedian wouldn't use
Sorator13: I definitely expected the centi-corgi to walk in front of the room cam
LittleVesuvius: centipede corgi makes me think of cat bus
KingOfDoma: @iris_of_ether I still call my Civ V religions "r/atheism"
Sorator13: ohhhh those are legs
TheWanderingNomad: Bustin bustin bustin busdtin
iris_of_ether: @KingOfDoma Yes correct as you should unarmeHmm
nickypediauk: Is there a code to join the audience?
PharaohBender27: Adam got me!
Sorator13: oh wait, that wasn't the real one, nvm
Mr_Horrible: I love that everyone's guessed different so far
jacqui_lantern234: @LittleVesuvius ngl, i read this as "Centipede Cori" and now im cackling XD
TXC2: heck of a avatar for Adam
ElementalAlchemist: huh
Samarium13: ur welcome
marmalade_pen: pop pop
RockPusher: !yay
LRRbot: Yaaaaaaay...
DoodlestheGreat: Got one!
GredGredmansson: !findquote volcano
LRRbot: Quote #8047: "It's Ok, I'm a volcano, I'll bring the hot cocoa." —Heather [2022-04-24]
Earthenone: was that from the national park girls?
Desruprot: woah
RandomTrivia: !quote 3033
LRRbot: Quote #3033: "I'm a volcano!" —Ian [2016-07-23]
UnknownFriday: Ian on Dusty Road, having just drank a base and an acid.
mtvcdm: Okay, so. Scorecard now at 23 over par, four sub units from adding another stroke.
j_crane330: Hello my name is
LittleVesuvius: r/idontworkhere
ExachixKitsune: "Kirby and the Forgotten Land on Play it Forward" apparently
Mollylele: this is about Heather killing someone for not putting something on the schedule
ExachixKitsune: was Heather; Ian's was "LoadingReadyLive on LoadingReadyLive"
zerragonoss: The password is dickbutt is my guess
KaleidoscopeMind: !quote 8047
LRRbot: Quote #8047: "It's Ok, I'm a volcano, I'll bring the hot cocoa." —Heather [2022-04-24]
GredGredmansson: except you WANT people to name yours
kalira77: "I'm a volcano" - Ian, in a LoadingReadyLive from 2016
UrielAngelSpy: My name is Lars Gerhardt and I was never here
serymew: Counting the exact number of doggo feets is hard.
GredGredmansson: @ExachixKitsune sometimes the source isn't accurate if the stream title wasn't
Foxmar320: These are great
KharadBanar: unnamed stalker is such a good one
jacqui_lantern234: #BlamesTurner
serymew: Your name is mine now, comrade.
EvilBadman: Oh wow I thought it was a Shawn of the Dead thing
TXC2: like Jesus, James takes the blames with him
Mai_Andra: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
jacqui_lantern234: @KharadBanar YOURE a good one!!!
sporkraptor: yes
ExachixKitsune gifted a Tier 1 sub to serymew! They have given 33 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, serymew! (Today's storm count: 622)
KharadBanar: @jacqui_lantern234 no u
jacqui_lantern234: NO U MORE
jarnatan: Less than 24 hours until the PPR!
Critterbot: Nice.
AugmentingPath: wow
serymew: @ExachixKitsune OwO Thankies!
Tarnius: Damn. Got me.
red_shoes_jeff: nice
ExachixKitsune: :3
stippledotter: Betrayed
Tarnius: What?
RandomTrivia: !quote 554
LRRbot: Quote #554: "Get a Brian, you morans!" —Graham [2015-07-30]
josh___something: !findquote morans
LRRbot: Quote #554: "Get a Brian, you morans!" —Graham [2015-07-30]
mtvcdm: I know that meme
dokuroyaiba: !ppr
Fluffy776 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fluffy776! (Today's storm count: 623)
TXC2: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
Mr_Horrible: that's gotta be a W+P
Samarium13: dont draw the truth
GredGredmansson: tomTeeth
sporkraptor: it's a bucket fulla ninjas?
josh___something: D... Diglett?!
KharadBanar: what is even happening here
j_crane330: Barrel of monkeys
TehAmelie: exactly as much fun as a barrel of monkeys (it's a barrel of monkeys)
kalira77: "Get a Brian, you morans" - Graham, reading from a sign in GTAV
Samarium13: how is baby formed?
Mr_Horrible: they're here in a birdbath to offer you knifes and tinctures
redsevn: Storm Monkey
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
iris_of_ether: Why are you buying sweaters at the blood store?
jarnatan: That's a cupcake turning into four toasts
marmalade_pen: trouble with tribbles?
Mai_Andra: The prop babies are multiplying...
BrowneePoints: "What if I fucked Cthulhu"-Bloodborne
serymew: Did someone get the mogwai wet?
Angreed66: mr mimes
neisan2112: Blood Menistration is not exactly subtle
NonUniqueGuy: This is the story of a girl. Who cried a river and drowned the whole world.
GredGredmansson: !quote 7479
LRRbot: Quote #7479: "What's the point of water, if you can't kill somebody with it?" —Paul [2021-01-27]
Earthenone: blood is a soup your heart makes
mister_nibbles: isnt blood a form of seawater?
Desruprot: return to Monke
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePoints more the reverse, but still accurate
Foxmar320: Everyone on the same page
krfsm: blood soup is a traditional Swedish dish
aitsu100: and so does the raven deliver the tarnished
abslomdaak42: Beep the Meeps?
Costar_s: so many monke
shurtal: why'm that corg got so much leg?
Featherweight_: iron mans
DideRobot: LRR: We have reached the final 2.5 hours of the Sub-A-Thon!!! Pizza has been unlocked, ice cream as well, and we’re extremely close to a barrage of water balloons! (has image) |
Foxmar320: I thought it was a kiddy pool
EricTheOrange: I thought it was the baby seller quote
RockPusher: wheelerRagavan
Jigokuro: I'm pretty sure I was around for "too many monkeys not enough barrel" becoming a quote.
jarnatan: @Featherweight_ Irons man, surely
Wolfstrike_NL: !quote
LRRbot: Quote #5900: "It only took about 15 minutes before my eyes glazed over, and fell out of my ass." —Graham [2019-03-14]
Jigokuro: Or I'm crazy
Mr_Horrible: I could honestly believe it's "oh good more monkeys"
Jigokuro: I'm not crazy!
TehAmelie: i'm almost sure the corgi has literally 100 stompers
TXC2: Wheeler cleaning up
GredGredmansson: love that one
RockPusher: wheelerMuldcb wheelerY wheelerH
ExachixKitsune: !findquote 312
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
RandomTrivia: !quote 312
LRRbot: Quote #312: "Oh GOOD... More monkeys..." —Cameron [2015-05-22]
amative1: !quote barrel
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Desruprot: Monke was conveyed
Marvoleath: wheelerMonkey
Samarium13: barrel monkeys
kalira77: you were, Cam
ArcLightningCanuck: I thought they were clown dolls.
Creature_Comforts: lrrCrab
Earthenone: lrrCrab
kragmabutch: i knew it was cameron because of the "oh good"!
mtvcdm: But on a crab note
GredGredmansson: lrrCrab
morgoth_bauglyr: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
Symphoneers: dayKrablarRoll dayKrablarRoll dayKrablarRoll
Veraphage: lrrCrab
Jethrain: I definitely thought "too many monkeys, not enough barrel" was a watch-and-play-ism
adept_nekomancer: lrrCrab
TXC2: lrrCrab
Dmc3628: time for
RockPusher: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
j_crane330: Crab love
TXC2: !crab
LRRbot: 🦀🦀🦀 On a crab note... 🦀🦀🦀
Samarium13: monkeys cling
Mr_Horrible: that's clearly a sarcastic "oh good" OpieOP
Costar_s: time for
nyoomgoom: lrrCrab
phoenixfeather14: lrrCrab
josh___something: This crab could be ANYTHING
TehAmelie: the crab is in love
iris_of_ether: lrrCrab sponge73Shank sponge73Heart
AugmentingPath: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
Viewers_Like_You: Make crab love, not crab war?
Travilogue: 🦀🦀 Time For Crab 🦀🦀
Melfina__: lrrCrab
Mollylele: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrEFF
josh___something: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
Travilogue: lrrCrab lrrCrab
stippledotter: I pinch
gibbousm: something about Maryland
jarnatan: Anyway, here's crabderwall
Saintnex: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
PharaohBender27: lrrCrab
LordZarano: lrrCrab
themercenary1987: That is one suave crab
Mr_Horrible: is this... matching one's freak? FBCatch
red_shoes_jeff: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
adept_nekomancer: Meanwhile, on a crab note...
Sorator13: JORDYNNE
AnimeKitty: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
SeismicLawns: if you've got time to gab...
badpandabear: 🦀🦀🦀
iris_of_ether: sponge73Heart sponge73Shank sponge73Heart sponge73Shank sponge73Heart sponge73Shank
serymew: Carcinization, the fate of all life on earth.
danisaur3: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
Jigokuro: "Giant frienemy crab"
mtvcdm: little peench?
GhostValv: voxyCrabdance
RandomTrivia: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
sporkraptor: crab romance absolutely should win
Mathwyn: "You look like a girl who has time to gab..."
Samarium13: always time to crab
amative1: !quote 8735
LRRbot: Quote #8735: "This crab's got dildo hands." —Cori, reading chat [2023-10-30]
jarnatan: Behold, a carcinesized man
TXC2: GhostValv good lord
serymew: Whoa-oa caught in a crab romance!
Samarium13: woop woop woop
paintedpuffling: lrrCrab
KaleidoscopeMind: !quote 8807
LRRbot: Quote #8807: "Who wants to hear about crab teeth?" —Kathleen [2023-11-15]
mtvcdm: Why are single emotes so large now
Astramentha: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
pctjoe: lrrBartleby
BrowneePoints: Crab Danna is a brilliant name
Mr_Horrible: "Would a crab wear a bandana like *this*... or like *this*?"
GredGredmansson: @mtvcdm because twitch found out how to monetize it
marmalade_pen: thank you graham
KBKarma: lrrCrab_SG
iris_of_ether: sponge73Heart
Wolfstrike_NL: @mtvcdm it's a twitch function now to pay for it with bits
Rafgmorais: voxyCrabdance
RandomTrivia: This is great :D
RandomTrivia: !quote 1188
LRRbot: Quote #1188: "Crambo!" —Heather, Cori, and Beej [2015-11-28]
Sorator13: Adam got me
PharaohBender27: Ooooohhhh
themercenary1987: BOOOOOOOOO
GredGredmansson: i thought that was a mustache
Desruprot: <3
mtvcdm: Do the bits for the big emote still go to the channel or just to Twitch
Mr_Horrible: LUL
kalira77: said while playing Cook, Serve, Delicious
themercenary1987: Good lord thats such a terribly good pun
ExachixKitsune: @mtvcdm just to twitch
Sarah_Serinde: @mtvcdm They go to the channel
ExachixKitsune: wait yes sorry
Sorator13: They go to the channel
mtvcdm: Okay cool
hatboozeparty: seabatClap
Desruprot: but theres only one
Noy2222: This is really good
ExachixKitsune: they go to the channel, but they don't get detected
TehAmelie: NIntendo sixtyyy foourrrr
Mr_Horrible: #peltjames
Sarah_Serinde: @ExachixKitsune LRRbot doesn't pick them up but they still go to the channel
Sorator13: but they are *not* counted in the points tally
RandomTrivia: Cameron HypeLUL
MrSarkhan: Cam!
RockPusher: unarmeHeart unarmeHeart unarmeHeart
malfnord: Cameron
abslomdaak42: LUL
Hangedman: twitch only takes a cut on bits when you buy em
Gascitygaming: is it a corgi-pede or a centi-corgi?
vengeancepaladin: oh my
KBKarma: And not restricted to his OnlyFans!¬
GredGredmansson: !findquote sopping
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
ExachixKitsune: @Sarah_Serinde ye that's what I meant oops
j_crane330: The last of the vcrs
TXC2: it's what I've always wanted
iris_of_ether gifted a Tier 1 sub to Soppingwet! They have given 61 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Soppingwet! (Today's storm count: 624)
serymew: My money's on Corgi-pede.
TehAmelie: i counted carefully and the corgi falls off after showing 72 feet
PMAvers: what if the water balloons are filled with exotic liquids at another goal?
incslayer: chat has not asked for that
OrionPax21: Gonna need a mop and bucket for this wet ass James
MechaKuuga: I am not into this fetish
Sorator13: IIRC Alex wanted to join James in the water balloon target range; is that happening?
PharaohBender27: Don't put words in our mouths, Wheeler!
Noy2222: I don't remember any of these, BTW. I wrote it nearly a year ago.
Costar_s: mods pls ban wheeler
Angreed66: pls don't wear a diaper
adept_nekomancer: Chat has not requested this.
TXC2: Costar_s we've tried, it doesn't work
AugmentingPath: no one wants this
Patorik: Celebrate a successful Subathon by breaking TOS and getting banned
ChampBlankman: Everybody do the Wii-ness!
CaptainKranok: Diapbendum
mtvcdm: One sub unit away from another added scorecard stroke.
asddsa28: we dont want this
RandomTrivia: Do NOT put that evil on us
Viewers_Like_You: @ChampBlankman I hear that's a dance
KingOfDoma: everybody do the wii-ness, the wii-ness is a dance, everybody is a genius who knows it in advance
Koshindan: Diapers are basically a reusable water balloon.
bytecaster: I just came in a gain, and I'm definitely against diaper
GredGredmansson: correct; no one wants this
Costar_s: @TXC2 BibleThump
serymew: 'Look at my elbow'?
Desruprot: problem is Wiis are a vertical console
MatzerKat: Absolutely no submissions to WikiDiap.
jarnatan: thicc diaps
nyoomgoom: gaming!!
CAKHost: We are responsible for many things but not that
couchboyj: Wheeler is in chat on occasion
Gascitygaming: just gonna say, we aren't toooo far from Ben's wish of 1 million bits
Saintnex: for once Chat is NOT the source of this evil :p
KBKarma: @ChampBlankman Apparently, everybody is a genius who knows that Wii-ness dance.
GredGredmansson: graham is so good at this
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap vicksyHaha
snowewolf: Wheeler got a free box of adult Dipers, and does not know what to do with them
mtvcdm: video games, such wow
Mr_Horrible: it is in fact a video game
ExachixKitsune gifted a Tier 1 sub to eorzeahopebot! They have given 34 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, eorzeahopebot! (Today's storm count: 625)
RandomTrivia: !quote 7526
LRRbot: Quote #7526: "Hey, look! It's a video game!" —Beej [2021-03-12]
Juliamon: Desruprot They can also be laid horizontal, the controller was the real issue
ExachixKitsune: mtvcdm : there :P
shurtal: everybody to the weenis! the weenis is a dance!
GredGredmansson: !findquote nelly
LRRbot: Quote #8719: "I don't like it when Nelly goes quiet." —Jacob [2023-10-20]
Mai_Andra: Haha. Well, let's just say my wii-ness.
mtvcdm: Cursed scorecard now reads 24 over par. Next stroke added at 7,680.
sporkraptor: coffee to go on a bike
Mr_Horrible: Nelson attempting to open pdf
randombillfolds: I haven't read Dune in 20 years but Nelly's plan reminds me of Leto II.
j_crane330: Coffee to go
abslomdaak42: "look at my wii-ness" is amazing
serymew: We have a James! A dry James even.
MrPandaaaGaming: What's that blue middle icon represent on the countdown?
kalira77: from a Checkpoint
Sorator13: @MrPandaaaGaming The "points" we've scored, since there's nothing more to earn.
Marvoleath: @MrPandaaaGaming sum of all points, subs, tiers and bits
TXC2: MrPandaaaGaming the combined total I think
AugmentingPath: @MrPandaaaGaming Total converted bits and subs
j_crane330: lrrSHINE
public_key_reveal_party: it was a mistake :(
MrPandaaaGaming: Oh cool
mtvcdm: @MrPandaaaGaming Total sub units for the entire subathon, in combined subs and bits.
RandomTrivia: Was that Krondor or is it before that?
ElementalAlchemist: No PC should be without it!
serymew: Drinks on bikes? At least it's not card games on motorcycles.
TXC2: Mug 4 lyfe
Costar_s: this is an earthbound enemy
Marvoleath: I thought this cup was shaving
TXC2: or Mug life to the tune of Park life
jarnatan: oh travel mug is so clever though
mtvcdm: Good job Kathleen
adept_nekomancer: It does look like a shaving mug
cmdrud87: pi$$ mug
PharaohBender27: @RandomTrivia A few months before Krondor, I think
KaleidoscopeMind: !quote 7213
LRRbot: Quote #7213: "The car is my avatar." —Cori [2020-09-19]
Mr_Horrible: actually based
Desruprot: oh
TXC2: really smart there Nelson
kalira77: in Assetto Corso, so LRRMans
danisaur3: roommates?
Jigokuro: This, too, is yuri.
public_key_reveal_party: happy pride
Desruprot: PrideBisexual
jacqui_lantern234: @Mr_Horrible based on what?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
iris_of_ether: Beej
GazzyInferno: two dios kissing
Mollylele: Beej has seen this anime
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
Fluffy776: levysc1Pride now kisssss
Saintnex: now kiss?
sporkraptor: and they were roommates?
GredGredmansson: PansexualPride
nyoomgoom: smonch
j_crane330: It's
serymew: They're blowing up a heart balloon together!
TXC2: so wholsome
MatzerKat: Faster. Slower... Now put on a diaper.
KharadBanar: they're gettin faster
Darksteel_Mike: They fight and then they keess -Molly
SerGarretCameron: Gaaaaaaaay (affectionate)
SnackPak_: so much
serymew: Such good friends. The best of friends.
GredGredmansson: !findquote love
LRRbot: Quote #3484: "FINE! I love the lrrEFF ing dog. Are you happy?" —Cameron [2016-10-06]
jarnatan: My phone background is also She-Ra
TehAmelie: could be about the John Cena dating sim, except for their long hair
Gaelan_Maestro: Centi-Corgi
Pywodwagon: only enough that we sent you a she ra mask in that mail time
Blip2004: they aren't bears though
malfnord: and they were roommates
KaleidoscopeMind: !quote 5733
LRRbot: Quote #5733: "Maybe we should change Now Kiss to Big Mood." —Kathleen [2019-01-18]
GredGredmansson: thanks i WILL participate in my own life
Foxmar320: Now kiss
RandomTrivia: Ah yes, I think I remember this one :D
EricTheOrange: theirs a highlight of beej saying "slow burn Yuri"
AugmentingPath: is "my blobs" supposed to be "my blorbos"?
j_crane330: Now they're real
jacqui_lantern234: why does "yuri the only one for me" seem UNCANNILY FAMILIAR
Gaelan_Maestro: Corgi pede
serymew: But we already had "Now kiss" last night.
RandomTrivia: WOAH
PharaohBender27: :O
jarnatan: Quiplash!
GhostValv: D:
RandomTrivia: HUGE
IanAllenBird: kjnhbyuijuh
RockPusher: G just nailing it
Fluffy776: levysc1Pride levysc1Pride levysc1Pride
RandomTrivia: !quote 5186
LRRbot: Quote #5186: "KISS!" —Kathleen [2018-07-17]
Foxmar320: WOW
Darksteel_Mike: Yooo
TehAmelie: gottem!
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown
ArcticAtlantic: ohnooooooo
GredGredmansson: DAMN
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
Featherweight_: feast!
baltimore_667083: WOW
Dmc3628: ate'em
ElementalAlchemist: gg G
Saintnex: WOOOW
amative1: !quote 5186
LRRbot: Quote #5186: "KISS!" —Kathleen [2018-07-17]
serymew: Graham op begins again.
Mollylele: WlrrW
red_shoes_jeff: GRA! lrrHAM
PharaohBender27: I got it right
public_key_reveal_party: I do remember that though
RandomTrivia: It made the highlight reel and everything
mtvcdm: now kiss!
Fluffy776: I love that highlight moment
Jillexie: Can anyone beat Graham at this game?
KingOfDoma: I mean, Graham's not WRONG
Mr_Horrible: I think I remember this clip from the highlight reels, yeah
GredGredmansson: welp graham won
GazzyInferno: well its a quote now for sure
KaleidoscopeMind: according to lrrbot, Octopath Traveler on New Day Tewsday
BrowneePoints: Crambo is most likely from Crossing the Streams- Cook, Serve, Delicious Ep 2. Nov 28, 2015
jarnatan: Ben flew too close to the non-heteronormative sun
jacqui_lantern234: MAKE WAY FOR KISS
RockPusher: !findquote smut
LRRbot: Quote #3274: "This is like... archetypal smut." —Cameron [2016-08-20]
BrowneePoints: Octopath Traveler
Foxmar320: Graham just ruined everyone
Sorator13: I was gonna say, that probably should've been "Kiss!" [angry]
TXC2: Octopath Travler
Dmc3628: Octopath
IsaTheEngie: I don't think I've thought about Yuri The Only One For Me in a solid decade
BrowneePoints: Octopath with Cori
TehAmelie: convert taxmen back to entertainers?
marmalade_pen: now this is bonk
Fluffy776: I think this is just Dark SOuls
PharaohBender27: I remember the clip from a highlight reel
Desruprot: finameBONK
sporkraptor: the pope knighting somebody
sporkraptor: @Fluffy776 yep
baltimore_667083: take taxmen to horny jail?
RockPusher: mattlrBonk
kalira77: there is only one quote with the word "lesbians" in the db.
serymew: Lolli-bonk king.
kalira77: !quote 3078
LRRbot: Quote #3078: "It's about high school lesbians with superpowers?" —eatenbyagrue1988
j_crane330: Off with their heads
ShifuDaxiongmao: Gardening with Greg? :P
jj_q: Thorny toad
kusinohki: might have been the first now kiss. the legally distinct ouran host club
Foxmar320: Horny jail lol
mtvcdm: What even ARE some of these
amative1: !quote 7933
LRRbot: Quote #7933: "Bonk, bonk, bonk-bonk-bonk." —Ian [2022-01-09]
Foxmar320: I recall ghost saying that
Samarium13: night thee Bonkers
Sorator13: yeah, that one's getting my bonus like
KharadBanar: !findquote jail
LRRbot: Quote #6665: "Put me in forklift jail!" —Ian [2019-12-29]
serymew: "We live there. You can't send us to horny jail. We have the keys." BG3 narrator.
7gorobei: i dub thee bonked
public_key_reveal_party: I hope that is the correct answer, I need to figure out what wunk means then
jarnatan: horny dungeon, surely
stippledotter: Wardynne
30teracyte: huzzah
amative1: !quote 1211
LRRbot: Quote #1211: "New clue: I'm dead." —Paul [2015-12-02]
CastleOtranto: @stippledotter Bravo
Sorator13: yeah, that's a reasonable confusion
mtvcdm: wheeler
Samarium13: wheeler!
Fluffy776: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
kalira77: playing Murdered: Soul Suspect
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: Thanks Noy! lrrSHINE
Fluffy776: That was fun!
jarnatan: Paul looks amazing for someone who's been dead 9 years
Noy2222: Woooo
TXC2: Noy2222 lrrHEART
Desruprot: 2222
Patorik: Tutu Tutu
Redbassist: lrrHEART
Samarium13: grats on the Sub a thjon peeps
Viewers_Like_You: Easily one of the top 2500 noys
phoenixfeather14: lrrHEART
Serivus: and completed that game at 2:22:22
serymew: Oh yeah, the homo-mortuous storyline.
Wolfstrike_NL: Noy2222 and everyone that helped on the jackbox games lrrSHINE
bytecaster: Anime and Manga Drawful?
usmu1976: Thank you Noy!
BrowneePoints: New Clue I'm Dead was Murdererd: Soul Suspect with Graham and Paul
Samarium13: so hungty
darkcyril: @bytecaster AniManga Drawful?
rogerivany: Does Nelly need a lifejacket? It looks like he's barely keeping his head above water. ;)
Samarium13: pineapple chicken plzzzzz
KBKarma: The person who created that book still draws.
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a mystery
jarnatan: Oh there's a couch back there, I just thought people in the back row were kneeling
shurtal: Everybody wants to draw Kenpachi ramasama
iris_of_ether: Let's Draw Manga are at _brick and mortar Michaels stores_
Veraphage: What's anime? What's aniyou?
Saintnex: functionally unchanged lol
Lord_Hosk: All the books are $5 too expensive
serymew: Bbq pineapple chicken pizzz? lrrGibb Plz lrrGibb
LordZarano: Let the drawing commence... -tinue
Mathonwy: They let you use the internet now, and it still gives money to your kids school.
Angreed66: 3 decades Ben
LordZarano: commentinue
LowUpsideCJ: My parents house had the same address number as the elementary school and Scholastic shipped all the book fair packages to our house
BrowneePoints: they also came under fire recently for some shitty choices too I think
Foxmar320: That reminds me I never got an order from Scolastic from 1993.
Featherweight_: skeleton in a tube!
aitsu100: Goosebumps
Wolfstrike_NL: @alexsteacy haha, great catch
Mai_Andra: Encyclopedia Brown
Samarium13: wheeler looks so Cal- Miami
jarnatan: Hey LRR, thanks for doing so much content for us, it's been a hell of a thon
fredcheckers: They were better before 9/11 stole joy from the world.
Patorik: The only thing I got from a Scholastic flyer was Virtual Springfield, and it was awesome
TXC2: I used to LOVE the usborn puzzle books at schoolastic fairs
iris_of_ether: Got me some Rats of NIMH books at those fairs, boss.
KBKarma: When I started reading in nursery school, the nursery had to give me the more advanced books because I blew way past their normal level.
RockPusher: gabyLul
Bellmoore subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bellmoore! (Today's storm count: 626)
Mathonwy: Well, thanks. Yet another reason Canada is better than America.
zeathean: Beej misunderstands taxes
fry_dx: Tax the kids!
amative1: Beej has /opinions/
krfsm: when I had a job as a youth I paid taxes!
Fluffy776: Children yearn for the mine
JadedCynic: But Beej, Scholastic started up in America where they don't WANT to pay taxes for schools...
Saintnex: Beej pls lol
AragornKeuken: Someone add that as a quote
Costar_s: cries in ontario school funding
krfsm: (I was delivering advertising)
Boon_33: tax their optimism!
MatzerKat: Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?
malfnord: And also the story of Rasputin!
KBKarma: I have a Modest Proposal...
spinebustertee: Good old Beejenezer Scrooge
TXC2: maybe rich people should pay taxes :p
BrowneePoints: So I got to do Ghost of Christmas Present for reader's theater multiple times
jarnatan: "wait that was the improved version" is a hell of a review
Viewers_Like_You: Aw, I wanted no colours and three eraser
Lord_Hosk: In fact... The Canadian Government should approve bringing in 2 teenagers and 1 pre-teen so they can soon pay taxes
BrowneePoints: and "Are there no prisons? are there no workhouses" that entire sequence? Goes *hard*
bjergmann101: This looks like a family dinner... Everybody on their phones
Mathonwy: @TXC2 But, for that, we'd have to close all those loopholes that rich people put into our tax code for themselves.
Noy2222: Three colors? In this economy?
TXC2: Mathonwy yes
Sabin Moonshadow: Coming into the stream, and its everyone sitting in their seats, scrolling on their phone. Perfect vibes
marmalade_pen: ohki ohki
Desruprot: limesPop limesPop limesPop
Noy2222: OH, KI
RockPusher: Jah dynne
KaleidoscopeMind: oh i thought it was a centaur
ElementalAlchemist: kenohki
BrowneePoints: I'd love to see a CTS: Gartic Phone some time
TXC2: Oscar Hotel Kilo India
spinebustertee: yo Adam's avatar rules
nekobun: ryo-
Fluffy776: Adam's is so good
mtvcdm: Ohki Ohki Draw Club
LiveFaust: Yung Nelly
amative1: that's an appropriate room code
BrowneePoints: Ben is just Sanji
adept_nekomancer: Adam shakes fist at cloud
AugmentingPath: I'm gonna mime brushing my teeth
BrowneePoints: Ben...WHY are you Sanji
SnackPak_: oh yeah
Sunidesus: I don't want to know what Wheeler's avatar is doing do I?
spinebustertee: Kathleen looks like... Nelly beat me to it
thedepthandbreadthofseth: room is ohki ohki drawing club?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: damn it ben!
bytecaster: It is Ohki Ohki Draw Club!
invickthus: ohki ohki fight club.
invickthus: I see we're all sharing the brain cell today.
Pywodwagon: thats just fighting herds
j_crane330: Inch worm
ExachixKitsune: Ohki Ohki Crossing Club
thedepthandbreadthofseth: yep
Mathonwy: Pencils can hurt!!!
GredGredmansson: @mtvcdm Can't Draw Half-Circles Club
andysoo89: @invickthus mum said it was my turn with the brain cell
Leijonknight: Ryo Ohki
stippledotter: Ohki D'ohki
Samarium13: in Aus we pay 19c per dollar between 18000 and 45000
Desruprot: DinoDance
josh___something: Getting mixed as a spinal in KI?
Sonoroho: Everything's OHKI.
badpandabear: I miss Corgipede
kusinohki: meow? was this round made for me??
BeccaTingles: Welcome to art, Kathleen
MatzerKat: Started drawing. Had a meltdown. Bon appetit.
KBKarma: James Acaster is great.
RockPusher: Would you still love me if I was a pencil-worm?
amative1: wuv, twue wuv
Spritz_T: Thanks to whomever got me the gift sub
Viewers_Like_You: Someone should tell HR.
serymew: Will the pencil worm escape the screen?
TXC2: Mawidge that Blessed awangment
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Love James Acaster. he pointed out that his two specials came out the same years as nannette and inside.
Spritz_T: relentless rats
j_crane330: Cat lady
BrowneePoints: he's da big rat dat makes all of da rulez
malfnord: oh rats
thedepthandbreadthofseth: he's never gonna win an award.
Desruprot: the first enemy of an rpg
amative1: @Spritz_T Looks like it was AnAnonymousGifter
MatzerKat: They DO move in herds...
PharaohBender27: I really like this particular music
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Ratthew?
adept_nekomancer: If he had a crown, I'd think this was a rat king
ExachixKitsune: Rat friends! I love them
Samarium13: Resident tax rates 2023–24 Taxable income Tax on this income 0 – $18,200 Nil $18,201 – $45,000 19c for each $1 over $18,200 $45,001 – $120,000 $5,092 plus 32.5c for each $1 over $45,000 $120,001 – $180,000 $29,467 plus 37c for each $1 over $120,000 $180,001 and over $51,667 plus 45c for each $1 over $180,000 The above rates do not include the Medicare levy of 2%.
mtvcdm: Relentless rats
badpandabear: Oh we have long paw instead of Corgipede
Samarium13: gotta love that unlivable pay rate
Izzieon: rats thrice?
serymew: Not the toesies!
nyoomgoom: i've built into myself a reflex reaction to want to say "gesundheit" to the drawful belch sound effect
Gaelan_Maestro: long paw!
TehAmelie: i just lightly brushed my eyeball with the arm of my glasses when taking them off. that's new >_>
amative1: (this quote WAS Alex, actually)
nyoomgoom: like, every time
SnackPak_: I don't think Thrice has a song about rats lrrBEEJ
amative1: !quote 1358
LRRbot: Quote #1358: "What the shit? Why rats?" —Alex [2014-08-01]
KingOfDoma: Graham's power is overwhelming
Desruprot: uh
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RandomTrivia: WAT
adept_nekomancer: Do not want
nyoomgoom: expardon
invickthus: Adam, crime.
serymew: Nope. Nope. Nope.
mister_nibbles: "what the shit" is very Alex
Samarium13: oh god let me ehat
j_crane330: Nightmare
iris_of_ether: um
GazzyInferno: that's kirby, from kirby
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Saintnex: NOEP
Blip2004: could be dark souls
GhostValv: :O
GredGredmansson: HypeHai
Costar_s: h e l o
stippledotter: no
Spritz_T: graphic poyo
msartivisual: What
invickthus: Adam what have you done here.
Noy2222: Aaaaaand DMCAed
Fluffy776: lrrSPOOP
Wolfstrike_NL: Gotta be a heather one
TheAinMAP: That quote's almost a decade old.
Costar_s: h e l p** is what i meant!!
L0rdX33n: I’m experiencing fear
Desruprot: its just Metaknight it is okay
Samarium13: ross would hard pass
cmdrud87: you'fe come to suck my blood?
RandomTrivia: WOW
iris_of_ether: Hahahaha
ExachixKitsune: it's best not to ask
nyoomgoom: evocative
RAICx gifted a Tier 1 sub to msartivisual! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, msartivisual! (Today's storm count: 627)
KaleidoscopeMind: !quote 9023
LRRbot: Quote #9023: "Why is Kirby real?!" —Cori [2024-06-15]
zeathean: I think we need an adult
7gorobei: noid campaign 2.0
shurtal: does grimace even have a prostate?
Sorator13: wait, do y'all NOT know the grimace milk saga?
brieandbacon: "Continuous! Enthusiastic! Consent!"
TXC2: I NEED it to be let me suck :p
WardsarTheWriter is paying forward the Gift they got from Sevinon to the community!
WardsarTheWriter is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
WardsarTheWriter gifted a Tier 1 sub to jomiak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, WardsarTheWriter! Welcome to jomiak! (Today's storm count: 628)
TXC2: darn :p
serymew: Boneathan! I mean, I didn't know you were into that... but okay.
googoltudoris: "yeah, can i get a succubus, extra succ?"
MaxTurkeyFlaps is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
MaxTurkeyFlaps gifted a Tier 1 sub to HalfHaf!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, MaxTurkeyFlaps! Welcome to HalfHaf! (Today's storm count: 629)
RandomTrivia: !quote 488
LRRbot: Quote #488: "Kirby is not consent." —Beej [2015-07-20]
amative1: !quote 488
LRRbot: Quote #488: "Kirby is not consent." —Beej [2015-07-20]
Dmc3628: robobot?
msartivisual: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
HbombAndFriends: Cheer100
invickthus: on a t shirt when.
Desruprot: big dorito
adept_nekomancer: Make way for piss!
BusTed: tqsKnife
Spritz_T: murderous afterthoughts
BusTed: drawfePee
serymew: Alex, no!
j_crane330: Oh dear
AragornKeuken: hungry caterpillar?
Samarium13: VAngelis blocked
electra310: What are the shiny LRR hearts counting?
nessiah_aries: Ah yes, piss grease. My favorite weapon coating in Elden Ring.
Juliamon: electra310 Total sub units
Technotrout: What the .... is this? :)
TXC2: electra310 the combind total of subs and bits
gameboy350: Uhh it's HOLY weapon oil!
KBKarma: What are U2 doing with Elden Ring?
gameboy350: The sap of the erdtree itself
PharaohBender27: Graham got me!
BusTed: loathsome
electra310: Have we maxed the subathon time yet?
krfsm: the LOATHSOME Dung Eater
amative1: !quote 6708
LRRbot: Quote #6708: "Violence is boring." —Kathleen [2020-01-16]
mtvcdm: We have indeed
TXC2: electra310 we sure have
KBKarma: @electra310 Long ago.
PharaohBender27: @electra310 Not only that, but hit all the stretch goals!
electra310: Yay! Good work everybody :D
krfsm: the adjective is important
SomebodyNowhere: !advice
LRRbot: Be crank yankable.
Desruprot: except the record of
josh___something: U rite, bestie
KaleidoscopeMind: checkpoint plus
serymew: Exercise is important. Be sure to stretch all your goals.
nyoomgoom: this is clearly pokemon
DigitalSeahorse: katesLoaf
GredGredmansson: !findquote pokemon
LRRbot: Quote #5250: "Wait is this Pokemon?" —Paul [2018-08-09]
nessiah_aries: That's a lotta Eevees.
Jon Grayson: some kind of drawing game
CaptainSpam: THE VST KNOWS YOUR SINS! Oh, wait, no, that's the quote server. Force of habit.
Spritz_T: this is just a window into kathleen's thoughts
adept_nekomancer: The cat evolved into... coffee?
j_crane330: Must get coffee
Samarium13: mouse lvl up ?
Sorator13: @CaptainSpam There may be some overlap
mtvcdm: @PharaohBender27 We do have my scorecard, which adds a stroke at every 60 sub units, no upper limit. But all of THEIR stretch goals are done. Golf strokes are always for sale.
Samarium13: burp
stippledotter: Is this serge
BrainBetter: Why is there an ad for a mobile game in Drawful?
serymew: Cat evolved into Catffee.
Samarium13: helooo
amative1: !quote 8898
LRRbot: Quote #8898: "I'm gonna start evolving sheep into their final form of bed." —Serge [2024-01-23]
HoshiSSB: :D
Dmc3628: evolving right?
mtvcdm: I know this quote.
nessiah_aries: I mean, Sinstea is a thing.
Dmc3628: think this is G
nessiah_aries: *Sinistea
mtvcdm: I know who this quote is from too.
mtvcdm: It's Carrie.
RandomTrivia: Oh this is CHEEKY
Samarium13: lvl up
Peronio: Oh, when is (or was) the movie stream?
Jon Grayson: Thursday night, it was an old Vincent Price movie that wasn't House On Haunted Hill
Samarium13: piss meow
KaleidoscopeMind: "final evolution is a cup of coffee" sounds like a serge quote
RandomTrivia: !quote 8359
LRRbot: Quote #8359: "Cat! Cat! Coffee." —Carrie [2022-11-17]
kalira77: said during DBfH 2022
KaleidoscopeMind: oh it was a desert bus quote
mtvcdm: It's Carrie being Carrie.
TehAmelie: is it just me who looks at Matt's avatar and sees a wide crooked grin and a cleft chin?
CaptainSpam: Ah, the next evolution of the 3D printer, the 3D hater.
GredGredmansson: the prompt is just someones IP address
GazzyInferno: Mikey knows who he is
SomebodyNowhere: you just gotta shake it off
BrowneePoints: But I heard Mikey LOVES Movies!
Fluffy776: Desert Bus South, one day
marmalade_pen: i feel like i know this
BusTed: oh, a dating profile
Samarium13: SeaWorld Mike hard quit
TXC2: me thinks this is also a DB quote
KingOfDoma: I guess Good Mr. Neumann isn't being invited back for DBfH 2024 XD
ArcticAtlantic: this feels like it may also have been DB
RockPusher: mtvcdm story checks out
j_crane330: Life Cereal
iris_of_ether: This Carrie approves that Carrie's quote benginO7
adept_nekomancer: Oh, it's a fish!
A_Dub888: is this Mikey’s tindr profile?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL This is great
nekobun: i showed you my bass plz respond
themercenary1987: Timder, is that a new app?
Noy2222: Only Tims
HbombAndFriends: Did I miss the finish of Ian’s pancetta?
RandomTrivia: !quote 4987
LRRbot: Quote #4987: "just swipe left already" —Paul, on 19th century romance [2018-05-17]
amative1: !quote 4987
LRRbot: Quote #4987: "just swipe left already" —Paul, on 19th century romance [2018-05-17]
Sarah_Serinde: @HbombAndFriends Nope
Fluffy776: The fish is such a good touch
adept_nekomancer: Timder. Tinder, but managed by Tim Hortons.
Desruprot: stuff
ElementalAlchemist: hmmm
nessiah_aries: That's just a nonsensical room puzzle in a Survival Horror game
HbombAndFriends: Thanks, @sarah_serinde!
kalira77: last quote was during a playthrough of RDR2
SnyperWoIf: Tim Hortons, the coffee company? Or Tim Horton, the hockey dude?
jacqui_lantern234: the blood moon rises once again
Samarium13: "her" ledger of AI nonsense
j_crane330: Metor 2024
TehAmelie: instructions unclear, please increase font size again
Smurfykins: Dont look down at the contract because if you look up the meteor will hit
Kilkomir: :_lrrHeart:
KaleidoscopeMind: !quote 8272
LRRbot: Quote #8272: "Some days you're the meteor and some days you're the dinosaur." —Adam [2022-10-09]
Zu_o: @SnyperWoIf Tim Hortons is just one of Tim Horton's philactery's
A_Dub888: Nelson “the trick is not to think” Salahub
Sorator13: Love the FF one
Mangledpixel: I think this is a Paul quote
Zu_o: Somewhere, there's a hockey stick and a jersey to match the unholy hockey lich's presence
RandomTrivia: I didn't clock this until I found it, but now it completely tracks
ElementalAlchemist: gg G
Spritz_T: wow
RandomTrivia: !quote 7521
LRRbot: Quote #7521: "We're probably going to be okay." —Cameron [2021-03-09]
RandomTrivia: Control
GredGredmansson: Graham Stark: Comedy Writer
Crazyginder22 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Crazyginder22! (Today's storm count: 630)
ElementalAlchemist: dang
ElementalAlchemist: pffft
Desruprot: desrupNoted
Smurfykins: Failing into Success
j_crane330: My life
GredGredmansson: !findquote fail
LRRbot: Quote #4980: "The racoon fails, and feels bad about its life choices." —Kathleen [2018-05-14]
TehAmelie: ever forward, never learning
Foxmar320: Mood
adept_nekomancer: Banana for mouth
themercenary1987: I fail English ? That un Possible
Samarium13: Guess the grades are life choices ?
nessiah_aries: Why is this mans arm a twisty straw?
KaleidoscopeMind: it says dice friends
SnyperWoIf: @GredGredmansson Graham Stark: suspected Comedy Writer
Marvoleath: F is for fantastic, right?
kalira77: it's from Camp Nettlebee
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Smurfykins: LUL
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
Smurfykins: love it
iris_of_ether: Hahahahaha
BusTed: LUL
Patorik: There's a bit in the music that makes it sound like a nearby phone is ringing. Gets me every time
Patorik: The previous song
ElementalAlchemist: I gave "f's get degrefs" a like because obviously
KaleidoscopeMind: !quote 3225
LRRbot: Quote #3225: "Now that I'm a government employee, I want them to question why they hired me as a government employee." —Ian [2016-08-15]
Foxmar320: Nice
Sunidesus: well, I gotta go to work, hopefully I can catch the last hour or so there
Samarium13: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
ExachixKitsune: that's a good quote
Sorator13: @Sunidesus hope you have a good workday!
RandomTrivia: This is delightful
ElementalAlchemist: ooh, good one Wheeler
RandomTrivia: !quote 1825
LRRbot: Quote #1825: "You get to be wrong." —Heather [2016-02-15]
TXC2: so long Sunidesus stay safe
mtvcdm: Good work Wheeler
kalira77: playing Super Mario Sunshine
AutumnGold: !quote 19
nyoomgoom: they're groovin
Saintnex: you’re more funny than old you :D
Juliamon: !addquote (Ben) [now] We're way funnier than our quotes.
LRRbot: New quote #9059: "We're way funnier than our quotes." —Ben [2024-07-20]
GredGredmansson: !findquote dance
LRRbot: Quote #5020: "I invented a new person with my dancing." —Cori [2018-06-03]
ElementalAlchemist: good quoting
j_crane330: Ow my hip
Mangledpixel: I remember this t shirt from the 90s
TXC2: Juliamon beat me too it :p
Samarium13: dance for meat provisions
TehAmelie: [lyrics to Karamelldansen goes here]
RandomTrivia: Alternate reading: You are all funnier than you were 10 years ago
AgentWynter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AgentWynter! (Today's storm count: 631)
ElementalAlchemist: I look forward to seeing "we're way funnier than our quotes" in a future quote-based game now
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon out here doin the lords work
Artificer_Evan: @TehAmelie heheheheheh
SnyperWoIf: paprika!
BrowneePoints: paprika is a good cut
nyoomgoom: "the npcs are ripping it at the club" lmao
Sorator13: paprika!
TehAmelie: oh wow i almost spat strawberry drink at "i'll crump with you sweetie"
A_Dub888: Tump to Crump
Samarium13: mprnig all ,bye
RandomTrivia: !quote 2095
LRRbot: Quote #2095: "She dances like I do!" —Ian [2016-03-13]
nessiah_aries: Dancing while wearing an upside down bucket.
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
kalira77: whilst playing Persona 4: Dancing All Night
TehAmelie: i'd like it to be known this strawberry flavor drink is really messing with my head, cause it tastes like strawberry and not "strawberry flavor"
Samarium13: great subathon pepps
RandomTrivia: Bens get degrefs
iris_of_ether: benginChamp benginChamp benginChamp
GazzyInferno: oh the double crown
danisaur3: gg
j_crane330: jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrDance
adept_nekomancer: @RandomTrivia Wouldn't Bens get degrens?
nyoomgoom: does this mean that Bs get da bees
bakerydragon: Bref-ity is the soul of wit
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Desruprot: meat
TheLodgium: Fs get regrefs
ElementalAlchemist: Meat!
smertmonkey: meat
RockPusher: Mmmmmmmeat!
baltimore_667083: MEAT!
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote meat
LRRbot: Quote #1994: "Your meat power is unstoppable!" —Ian [2016-03-01]
Mangledpixel: lrrHAM
BigDaddyBland87: MEAT!!
WardsarTheWriter: Ooh!
fry_dx: Meat!
GredGredmansson: !findquote meat
LRRbot: Quote #3186: "We don't need more meat! We have meat everywhere! Everything is covered in meat!" —Paul [2016-08-10]
Foxmar320: MEAT
malfnord: M E A T
Viewers_Like_You: Meats get degreets
Astramentha: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
A_Dub888: !findquote meat
ChaoticObserver: MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!
spinebustertee: meat meat meat meat!
Desruprot: ooooooooooh
Easilycrazyhat: Time for MEAT
cambo212: lrrHAM_HF lrrHAM_HF lrrHAM_HF
CastleOtranto: Fill me with your meat, Ian.
nessiah_aries: Meatbeef
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL Adam
jacqui_lantern234: who's ready for ian's meat?!?!
the_phantom_game_player: Meat time!
iris_of_ether: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
HbombAndFriends: Meat!
AnimeKitty: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
CaptainSpam: Well, someone should get on the Meat Helmet if you're having MEAT.
j_crane330: lrrBEN
simplydavemn: YES! The meat. I am very invested in the souvee saga!
stippledotter: lrrHAM lrrBartleby
KaleidoscopeMind: tos?
Bellmoore: lrrHAM
Artificer_Evan: is every one ready for meat - no context
HbombAndFriends: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
danisaur3: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
SomebodyNowhere: !advice
LRRbot: The reward for getting to the end of all music is haircut ASMR.
adept_nekomancer: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
brieandbacon: Meat, meat, meat, Meat! MEAT!!
RockPusher: Take the pizza, put meat on pizza
the_phantom_game_player: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
RandomTrivia: lrrHAM
GhostValv: porcheta on pizza D:
GoblinMyra: meat pizza
PharaohBender27: lrrHAM
Mathonwy: Yes, Ian give us your meat.
TXC2: do us mods get the pizza instead ?
RockPusher: best of both worlds
j_crane330: PizzaTime riffPizza lrrDILLY
DaSunao: lrrHAM
Saintnex: oooh
baltimore_667083: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
Mollylele: is Ian revealing his meat off camera?
rogerivany: lrrIAN lrrIAN lrrIAN
DoodlestheGreat: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
Saintnex: also Chat will take the pizza if y’all don’t want it Kappa
ExachixKitsune: He Soused so it could vide now
Patorik: Is there still a whole treatza pizza for Serge?
nessiah_aries: Steamed Hams?
heartofgoldfish: we never got ham cam :C
Mischievous_Catgeist: i need the treatza
RandomTrivia: Surely the Hamfather could make one final appearance
Desruprot: @nessiah_aries at this time of year?
A_Dub888: Show Meat!
jacqui_lantern234: so ian finished off his meat, James? Kappa
stippledotter: Show me the Hameron
adept_nekomancer: @Desruprot Localized entirely within this stream?
Viewers_Like_You: Just because Ian was planning on it, doesn't mean it was a good idea
SnyperWoIf: meat? meat! meat? meat!
simplydavemn: 36 hours.
SomebodyNowhere: jeez
marmalade_pen: db fo sho
baltimore_667083: wow
RandomTrivia: Confetti cannons leave their evidence to be found for YEARS
wargodmogis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
wargodmogis: One more month
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wargodmogis! (Today's storm count: 632)
ElementalAlchemist: the Desert Bus confetti is forever
amative1: meat-fetti
WardsarTheWriter: So, no chicken cannon then?
GoblinMyra: tqsHype
Patorik: Chicken Cannon!
Sibwow: meat confetti? my bachelorette party
adept_nekomancer: "meat confetti" is a terrifying idea.
Veraphage: carnfetti
TehAmelie: you had me at meat confetti cannon Heather
Saintnex: I assume you’ll be finding confetti until you move out from this moon base :D
RockPusher: Meatfetti
TXC2: Meat confetti was my nickname in college
SnyperWoIf: No hamfather for this one?
darkora: the meatm'n commeth
RandomTrivia: Chat, imagine the theme from the Godfather here
j_crane330: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
SomebodyNowhere: !badadvice
LRRbot: A Klobb.
PTElder: I kinda assumed the roof would be your designated BBQ/frying space...
fry_dx: Meat man, meet man
GredGredmansson: Meatconfetti is just ground beef
Mathonwy: So, Kathleen and Wheeler, agents of chaos.
Darksualc: rule of confetti: You will always find a piece of confetti from years ago
Mollylele: lrrCrab lrrHAM
drfox17: Is meat confetti just bacon bits?
Dog_of_Myth: lrrHAM lrrHAM
Foxmar320: Meat!
jj_q: 'Tell me about your weaponised meat coverage'
red_shoes_jeff: Where I'm from, "Meat Confetti" is called "Bacon Bits."
msartivisual: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
ElementalAlchemist: mmmmm
bakerydragon: I'm now waiting for the future confusion when "Meat confetti" is included as a quote in future loading ready live "what context was this" bit
BusTed: oooo
GhostValv: wowie
Dog_of_Myth: Oh my....
TXC2: ooooh yeah
BrowneePoints: ooooo Poele!
josh___something: This is LEWD
TheAinMAP: lrrHAM
BrowneePoints: He Poele'd it!
adept_nekomancer: Impromptu TTSF
stippledotter: Gorgeous
GredGredmansson: Tureens On The Street!
Falannt: noone is vegetarian?!
the_phantom_game_player: It looks good
DigitalSeahorse: lrrHAM
j_crane330: It's the fairy dust of bacon
simplydavemn: Put that video on loop for 10 hours after this stream to fill the airwaves!
Easilycrazyhat: Jealous
GazzyInferno: you can't show this on stream, this is too good
GredGredmansson: @Falannt Cam is but he's not here
DoodlestheGreat: Ah.... It's a quarter after noon, and I finally have my undies.
cmdrud87: mmh
Gaelan_Maestro: oooooooo fooooood
GredGredmansson: i don't know where he is but that's not my place to ask
Foxmar320: Just that on loop for pls
gluonquark: How do I sigh up for the ham raffle?
SnyperWoIf: I respect those who do not eat meat and also, give me their bacon
Gaelan_Maestro: how good does it smell?
malfnord: That looks simultaneously delicious and terrifying
zerragonoss: what oil is that
Artificer_Evan: this is mean. by being in the same time zone it is also lunch time for me
drfox17: But where is the hamfather
ExachixKitsune: !nom
IaCthulhuFthagn: Cam only cheats for pocket bacon.
ExachixKitsune: wait wrong stream
ExachixKitsune: cakejuPop
zeathean: Porchetta?
frnknstn: I don't often deep fry things, what do you do with the oil once you are done?
Sorator13: Ian's mic is probably muted?
Malkmaven1176: how close to the pizza party?
stippledotter: !findquote eat
LRRbot: Quote #3171: "I hope everyone is eating something right now." —Beej [2016-08-10]
SomebodyNowhere: jeez
Foxmar320: foxmarSTAB
drfox17: @malkmaven1176 soooon
Desruprot: that looks good
thatguysteve2709: By the way Graham I am currently watching the hilarious house of Dr frightenstein. I did not grow up in Canada but love campy shows thanks for the recommendation
ExachixKitsune: cakejuShef
brieandbacon: @frnknstn You just flush it down the toilet
Saintnex: ooh we caught a bit of that meat cronch from Ben eating, sounds fancy
Falannt: thats not healthy...
Gaelan_Maestro: !findquote food
LRRbot: Quote #8634: "Food food food food yes yum." —Wheeler [2023-08-26]
ShifuDaxiongmao: just got here, what he made?
nessiah_aries: Chat wants oil
rosesmcgee: keep those fatbergs flowing
IaCthulhuFthagn: @frnknstn You can turn it into some pretty nasty soap ^^
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
RockPusher: seabatTROG
yatagarasu1177: !findquote oil
TXC2: ShifuDaxiongmao soue vide pork
ElementalAlchemist: @ShifuDaxiongmao sous vide and then fried pork belly
azureHaights: "I'm an Ian. Of course I 🎵keep a little oil in my drain for the Oil Man
Mathonwy: Oil down the drain, to make your landlord pay...
Veraphage: More of that strange oil? It's probably nothing.
ShifuDaxiongmao: @ElementalAlchemist thank you :)
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote tender
SnyperWoIf: Murloc? Rwlrwlrwlrwl
zerragonoss: Oil is good for 3-10 uses depending on what you are cooking and how while you strain it between uses.
CaptynByrd: I remember there being a joke about a LIVE segment called "Sus Vide" and I wanna see it
PharaohBender27: D:
AnimeKitty: Oh gods
stippledotter: @azurehaights thank you for this ear worm
TXC2: 3rd degree is the worst level of burns
simplydavemn: Porquetta is my fathers name - call me Porkie.
Malkmaven1176: Just remember not to eat too much pizza, there's a PPR tomorrow
brieandbacon: !mukbang
Argetbrisingr96: meat asmr
A_Dub888: EATSMR
DoodlestheGreat: I do, Paul.
SomebodyNowhere: !advice
LRRbot: Hit the butt.
RandomTrivia: That would be such a waste
Saintnex: love it, sounds like amazing meat
Melfina__: om nom nom
ExachixKitsune: noises give some good calories so I love eating them
Peronio: Aw, I thought it was part of the sub-a-thon
dm818: Beej will eat the whole thing
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRamen
Ormmannen: @brieandbacon Thats not leagal were i live
Serivus: Did Paul get some?
nessiah_aries: Porkmeat Mukbang
Foxmar320: Do mods get some? I can send you my address
AnimeKitty: Ian's mc isn't on I think
A_Dub888: You had me at “pork belly”
cambo212: lrrHAM_HF lrrHAM
stippledotter: I assume that's delicious?
brieandbacon: @Ormmannen it's only illegal if you get caught
zeathean: is an Italian thing I believe
RockPusher: Has Paul gotten some?
Leonhart321: Regular crispy day came early
TXC2: Chat please do not put fat and grease down your drains
TehAmelie: does the frying do anything to the deep meats, as it were, or just the surface?
azureHaights: the d e e p m e a t s
AugmentingPath: TXC2 can't hear you, too busy sewer-surfing on my rad fatberg
Mathonwy: @TXC2 I know exactly what it does, and do it on purpose.
TXC2: AugmentingPath Mathonwy monsters
drfox17: @txc2 also don't put rice down the drain. Really don't do both
zeathean: Has Ian tried his hand at carnitas?
JadedCynic: yay! you got yer pizza - we just popped out to get pizza for supper, too <3
brieandbacon: @TXC2 They're not my drains, they belong to my landlord
cmdrud87: the traditional consummation of the... ham
Patorik: Dear Dr. Ian, have you ever made gyoza on stream? I'd be curious to see how you'd do it
adept_nekomancer: A wild Paul has appeared!
Mathonwy: @TXC2 I'll stop once the landlord fixes my stove and dishwasher and bathroom vent and...
baltimore_667083: Paul!
Gaelan_Maestro: no one expects the surprise Paul!
TXC2: Hello Paul
A_Dub888: @txc2 what if I want to grease my pipes?
Foxmar320: Paul!
MaxTurkeyFlaps: If anyone has deep Twitch subbing lore: I tried to gift some subs, have been charged for them, but nothing appeared in chat. Any reason why?
RockPusher: lrrHEART lrrSLOTH lrrHEART
azureHaights: @AugmentingPath Rad Fatberg is the name of my hair metal band
SomebodyNowhere: !quote paul
LRRbot: Quote #7166: "'Am I gaming now? I can't see anything.' 'That just means you're gaming more.'" —Serge and Paul [2020-09-02]
Saintnex: @txc2 also, a smart way to dispose of the fat/oil is to pour it into a container to throw away or absorb it with paper towel to put in compose!
NornsFelidar: what is the temperature you need for oil?
Alex Frank: Peronio, it was part of the subathon. It happened Thursday
stippledotter: Did Paul say hello? Did i miss it?
TXC2: Saintnex exactly
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to fatburg! They have given 1531 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fatburg! (Today's storm count: 633)
Falannt: and now pizza and icecream!
AugmentingPath: @azureHaights omg I have all of your albums
simplydavemn: Paul is about to fall into a pork coma.
marawr_arts: any tips on sourcing good pork belly?
simplydavemn: Sorry, coama
adept_nekomancer: 355 F is approximately 180 C
aquinas_0: oh! the pork is done!
Falannt: ban fahrenheit!
JadedCynic: was it?
Saintnex: the Canadian use of measurements is absurd :p
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Fahrenheit is a lie. Real units only.
RockPusher: ♫ life is like oil down the drain / here in, Fatburg… ♫
SnyperWoIf: @marawr_arts I recommend sourcing pork belly from pigs
simplydavemn: Or maybe trance?
MomoNo9: Hey our fave studio cryptid
Critterbot: Fahrenheit? I believe you mean freedomheit.
IaCthulhuFthagn: Speaking of meal prep, I have spent the last... since the start of forklift racing... making cassoulet and a hot ginger carrot soup.
Patorik: Just keep a chart handy
marawr_arts: ty so much lol
Coloneljesus: adam is right
GazzyInferno: get its ass adam
NornsFelidar: Adam my dude
Mathonwy: They use freedom units, because we have the freedom seeds.
NornsFelidar: thanks Ian
Saintnex: oh no the tarp budget!
JadedCynic: @Falannt if you ever see 'Freedom Units' just subtract 30 from it, and divide by two and you're close enough to Common sense units...
Metric_Furlong: hell yeah Adam
GazzyInferno: everyone knows that Kelvin is the best measurement
ExachixKitsune: More thermometers should tell me the results in Kelvin
ScrapyardGhostTrain: ^
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a man trapped in a jar
MomoNo9: Kathleen that's good tarp budgeting
ProcyonFlynn: !jar
stippledotter: Okay, but when you go outside and it's 100 degrees Fahrenheit, you're ally do be like "yep, it's 100 hot"
malfnord: oooh
Sorator13: ohhhhh now I want that
MaxTurkeyFlaps: Oh, Wheeler, that's a beautiful idea
ElementalAlchemist: Tekken pork belly
mister_nibbles: i really dont understand why people get so upset about fahrenheit v celcius
Dog_of_Myth: Well, EVO is going on....
Viewers_Like_You: You don't have to Tekken, but you could
drfox17: That's how you make it tender
RealGamerCow: I smoked some pork for carnitas two weeks ago. It's really good
JadedCynic: @ExachixKitsune just add 273.15
Saintnex: but yea, the Canadian flow chart of when we use imperial vs metric, Fahrenheit vs Celsius, etc is hilarious
simplydavemn: Teken Pork Belly - you would think Adam would be fully on board.
TheKarthe: based
stippledotter: Flip it? That's the ticket
TXC2: you can tekken if you want too
Falannt: @JadedCynic yeah, very easy, instead of everyone uses SI...
bytecaster: Number go up
SquidVorb: Based
frnknstn: No Tekken Tacos for me, I have my Virtua Fighter Fajitas
Sorator13: Yknow, I have mixed feelings about cheese with pork, for some reason?
Jethrain: petition for recipes in kelvin
BrowneePoints: Nope not taking the bait
drrek0: I will die on the hill that Fahrenheit is the one place Imperial is better than metric
PharaohBender27: :D
bytecaster: Fahrenheit is so Ohio
HbombAndFriends is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 45 in the channel!
HbombAndFriends gifted a Tier 1 sub to HuggsBroson!
HbombAndFriends gifted a Tier 1 sub to the_biglarge!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, HbombAndFriends! Welcome to HuggsBroson and the_biglarge! (Today's storm count: 635)
krfsm: @stippledotter and when I go into a sauna that's 100 degrees Celsius I can say "yeah, that's for-real hot"
SolarBlitz1: Kelvin or bust
AnimeKitty: That's some shiny Bait
A_Dub888: Celciussy
nessiah_aries: I only eat meat that's been broiled charcoal black within the center of the solar core.
WardsarTheWriter: What about people who use Kelvin temperature scale?
ExachixKitsune: @ExachixKitsune : oh, I know i can do it simply, but that doesn't stop me wanting things to do it automatically :P
mister_nibbles: ok but its literally just what you grow up with
ScrapyardGhostTrain: If you want big numbers, Kelvin is the superior unit.
RockPusher: A little carpet beer, as a treat
ProcyonFlynn: Comfort Units vs "Easy Math" Units Kappa
Angreed66: If people want the best of both is Kelvin
BrowneePoints: Chat don't take the Bait
ExachixKitsune: @mister_nibbles : it's fun to get low-stakes and soft-argue about it, but not actually care
KharadBanar: 30 is hot, 20 is nice, 10 is cool and 0 is ice
SursaiKosecksi: scale shaming
Patorik: Celsius makes more sense, but we can't use it because all the recipes are fahrenheit
HbombAndFriends: Round number!
NornsFelidar: does it even go that high in Victoria, Beej? 30-40?)
simplydavemn: Paul - I am very jealous of you right now.
A_Dub888: @kharadbanar you’re cool
Angreed66: 100 is more like 38C
frnknstn: 100-degree C hot tub is nice and bubbly
BrowneePoints: Okay I can take the Fahrenheit slander
TXC2: NornsFelidar it does when there's a heat dome :p
BrowneePoints: but being likened to a Yu gi Oh Player?
JadedCynic: @Falannt I mean, if you REALLY wanna convert, subtract 32, then multiply by 5 and divide by 9, and that's more accurate than you'll need even for cooking
drfox17: As long as you don't measure your body in stones
16AngryBears: @KharadBanar Learned this in 1st, 2nd grade in the US and it stuck ever since
Viewers_Like_You: Just use tenths of degrees. "It's crazy, it got up to 290 last week"
drrek0: celcius is a 0-100 scale on what is hot for water. Farenheit is a 0-100 scale on what's hot for humans. I know which is more helpful to me
RevolverRossalot: Kelvin supremecy fact: Kelvin isn't in "degrees" because the scale is absolute, target then it's arbitrary cousins.
Pywodwagon: disgusting
Mathonwy: The big problem is, if you grew up with Fahrenheit, you will likely never understand Celsius.
putz12a: It's been like 35-40 all week in Edmonton :(
TXC2: we had it hit 40c in the UK in 2022, it was hell :p
PTElder: It was 30 down in Washington like a week ago.
MehallD: anything over 25C is death
TehAmelie: it's not that either has any utility over the other, beyond celcius being useful in some physics calculations, we just want everyone to use the same system to cut down on confusing
lord_bry0n: the heat dome was misserble on the island
MrPipboy3000: Canada uses both ...
TehAmelie: confusion
goateedave86: Real question, what's the humidity like?
SnyperWoIf: Why is a cool day negative in the Celsius scale?
bytecaster: I'm not a lizard
jacqui_lantern234: THANK YOU Wheeler and Adam!!!!!!
MomoNo9: @drfox17 I prefer to measure my body in cats
AnimeKitty: Ew
Williams4jesus: You think you've cleaned the plate, but Paul finds every last bite.
CrossXhunteR: i hate the humidity. heat is mostly whatever
AugmentingPath: this post has been approved by lizards
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote sweat
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Pywodwagon: Jordynne making the correct face here
IaCthulhuFthagn: It's easy to tell the difference between 35C and 40C... when it creeps above body temperature, the wind starts burning instead of cooling.
Artificer_Evan: @MrPipboy3000 have you seen the flow chart ?
Chris Rice: 30-40 is the difference between High 70's to 100 degrees!
fonk: it hit 31c here yesterday and was the hottest day on record
BrokenGolem: sunscreen? no, all that oil Ian's been saving. that's the way
SnyperWoIf: Like, it's not even that cold! What are you calling it negative 7!?!
DiscordianTokkan: That's Fine, if it's not humid. If it's humid I will literally die
NornsFelidar: Today i'm enjoying the fabled single day of summer in Norway - it's 25 here
JadedCynic: dude; Victoria is Death Valley for canada - Newfoundland is an island of habitable climate and that's only because we have an arctic ocean current running past us :D
jacqui_lantern234: if im NOT thinly covered in my own sweat, then assume im FUCKING FRIGID
CaptynByrd: Fellow lizard bois!
BrowneePoints: Heat Sucks, Cold sucks. give me Cool plz
jchinnock: let’s change locations Adam, glad to do it 😂
Viewers_Like_You: Reject tarp, embrace heat lamp
mtvcdm: !addquote (Heather) [now] I'm figuring out who among the LRR crew are the lizard people.
LRRbot: New quote #9060: "I'm figuring out who among the LRR crew are the lizard people." —Heather [2024-07-20]
Mathonwy: Heat is disgusting. I sweat like hell, and my sweat quickly becomes a musk... So heat is bad for me and everyone around me.
nessiah_aries: Oki Oki Shedding Club
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
Krektogar: everything over 25°C is hell
SomebodyNowhere: !advice
LRRbot: Keep yourself in the Molotov Range.
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Louisiana checking in; this is the time of year where it's usually around 95f and about 65% humidity.
Dmc3628: that's gonna be a great quote for future
Asolya: It's 36°C here in France and I'm dying
CrossXhunteR: i live in swamp territory, so i dislike the heat
Fanklok: I don't understand your C numbers
doubledbear: I can't do anything past 25
InfinityToPlanck: Were you aware that the End Permian Mass extinction had global annual average temperatures in excess of 35C with the tropics getting over 65C
Eklinaar: Hot weather is the best, winter lovers miss me with your awful bulky coats
Fanklok: Cumbers if you woill
ExachixKitsune: I can't do anything when it's above 30
Sorator13: did James get some pork?
jacqui_lantern234: BASED adam
ButButTheJesus: Hi folks, missed most of the subathon but hope y'all had fun <3
simplydavemn: Thanks for bringing up sunscreen - I almost forgot to pack some for when I run to the auto salvage yard in a bit.
JadedCynic: @Krektogar 'room temperature' is ~20c for a REASON - it's what a human is comfortable at
lord_bry0n: Lizard bois vs Blizzard boies
BrowneePoints: when it's 95 here(35c) it turns into a Sauna and a physically can't BREATHE
bytecaster: I hate being sweaty so much
Gaelan_Maestro: Paul, tell us your secret wisdom!
Viewers_Like_You: Oh man, I'm in the very rare sweet spot where the stream on my PC and phone are *exactly* synced, no audio echo. Very nice
TXC2: hello ButButTheJesus welcome
adept_nekomancer: it's the first day it's been below 30 where I am in like... a month.
Mathonwy: Any time it gets too hot around here, the corn sweat makes the humidity skyrocket.
GameSageZB: I'll stick with trudging through snow in shorts.
MaxTurkeyFlaps: I'm a heat boy, but my partner is from northern Minnesota and melts instantly. It's a rough combo in the summer.
Kass: I see future crapshots: The Lizard Boys are back at it again!
iris_of_ether: I also hate being sweaty benginRip
CrossXhunteR: sometimes it is hot enough that you sweat without doing anything
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ButButTheJesus!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ButButTheJesus! (Today's storm count: 636)
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
KaleidoscopeMind: i just prefer rain
bytecaster: I don't wanna be made aware of my body
RealGamerCow: Love snow.
ExachixKitsune: Snow's the best
Mathonwy: Snow is wonderful.
TXC2: Snow sucks
KaleidoscopeMind: would rather that kind of wet
measureofhope: 35C is revolting. I want to die in the QLD summer
Krektogar: snow rules
RealGamerCow: Gimme all that snow
MehallD: snow is great
Patorik: Snow energizes me
mtvcdm: Snow is pretty until you have to live in it.
ImmortalLen: L takes
Dog_of_Myth: Love snow. Ice is the worst
BrowneePoints: I got my KH3 preorder in -54 degree weather. Fuck Winter
SolarBlitz1: Adam and Wheeler like Hot Wet, not Cold Wet
frnknstn: Hot weather is great, sit around and watch the test cricket
Williams4jesus: I came in and it was only 30 degrees?
MehallD: big mood kathleen
horsesarereal4sure: ice is worst, snow is ok
RealGamerCow: Kathleen, bog witch
Eklinaar: Snow is the literal worst, I would love to never see snow again in my life
ProcyonFlynn: Complaining about snow in the middle of a heatwave MiniK
bytecaster: Great news, we are working hard on snow going away on a global scale
Foxmar320: Florida Man knows not this "snow"
doubledbear: Hell yeah Kathleen
AnimeKitty: Spring and Fall are the best seasons
Snowcookies: :(
CrossXhunteR: snow is too wet
jacqui_lantern234: PREACH IT WHEELER
putz12a: I will happily take -40C and Snow over 35C+
ContingentCat: Snow is beautiful
lord_bry0n: its not the heat, its the humminaty
nyoomgoom: i function best if i'm like, in a refrigerator
Fanklok: Room question, how many owls would it take for you to say "That's a lot of owls"
Jethrain: thunderstorms are the best
ButButTheJesus: awwww Thank You Anonymous Gifterrrrrrrr! lrrSHINE
SnackPak_: go off, Ben
MrPipboy3000: I'll take snow over tornados
nessiah_aries: I'm a Blizzard boy. I love sitting outside in a t-shirt at minus temperatures.
DeathWarrior555: Snow is indeed the worst
public_key_reveal_party: I deal with snow more than like it
asthanius: it snow angels
Mathonwy: Maybe your snow sucks, but around here is great.
Foxmar320: Humidity sucks so much
Sorator13: @Fanklok 4, I think
ButButTheJesus: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub!
BigDaddyBland87: I like one good snow per winter
malfnord: Snow is good. Snow keeps the FIRE away. - a Coloradan
InsaneVioletMage: Overcast is where it is at
Asolya: I haven't seen snow in years
bytecaster: I'm an enlightened 20 degrees centrist.
RealGamerCow: Give me a meter of snow please
Mathonwy: We actually have road crews that know how to handle snow.
SnyperWoIf: Snow sliding is the best!
wastetalent: snow is literally crystals falling from the sky. it's magic
ContingentCat: It's so much easier to get cozy but I can't tear my skin off too humid
Krektogar: @putz12a so true
GirlPainting: I am with Kathleen favorite operating temperature is between 12°C and 18°C
ghyllnox: Heat kills more in places used to snow
Falannt: Ooooh, little ben is not able to handle snowflakes
Metric_Furlong: drivers aren't people, it's fine Kappa
mtvcdm: Snow can be around for Christmas Eve and Day. Then it can leave.
enbyKriss: As a northern Swede, I would take snow over 30+ C heat any day raysL
Pywodwagon: Adam gatekeeping snow
doubledbear: Snow Curious
adept_nekomancer: Snow is fine if you live in an area where it's common, I guess. It's not common here, and people forget how to drive every time it happens.
putz12a: I can always put on a sweater when it's hot, I can't take off layers if it's that hot.
AugmentingPath: a foul weather friend
puzzgeek: Winter is better than summer
SnyperWoIf: I like snow in theory
Williams4jesus: Snow is great!!!!!
BrowneePoints: Look, I live in the Midwest. We get the Heat, the Snow, the Ice, The Humidity AND Tornados. This place is SHUNNED by GOD
putz12a: Er, add layers when it's cold
Gaelan_Maestro: i lived in winnipeg for 27 years. screw snmow >.<
Lichenbeard: no to be very finnish, but snow is fine
Williams4jesus: !findquote snow
LRRbot: Quote #716: "It's just snowing indoors." —Cori [2015-09-22]
Ctabbe: I think snow is pretty, but I'm more a cold vs hot enjoyer of winter
BrainBetter: Snow is for visiting. It should not visit me.
enbyKriss: It's 25C and I feel like melting hawkaLost
Mathonwy: @BrowneePoints Same...
TXC2: yes Matt yes
WardsarTheWriter: Winter is only great because I get to go skating outdoors sometimes. Though not the last two winters... it's been kinda terrible.
kragmabutch: the worst part about snow is it dries me out
spinebustertee: Snow requires massive infrastructure in place to handle... and even then, it can overwhelm it so bad
Mai_Andra: a "fair weather" snow enthusiast
jacqui_lantern234: no, Matt, snow is simply AWFUL
simplydavemn: I think Polar bears are cute but I wouldn't want them living near me.
horsesarereal4sure: capitalism is worst weather
ContingentCat: Maybe the problem of snow is it makes it harder for capitalism to exploit you
TXC2: fuckking Capitalism
Foxmar320: You can send me some snow, I won't complain
lochnessseammonster: matt is spitting
nyoomgoom: i'm that guy who loves snow and loves it even better if it's a coating that stays all season. which hasn't been a thing for a long time because of the reasons.
CanPlayGames: Exactly what I was going to say. Don't blame snow for how you're bound to a car
Gaelan_Maestro: `-40 winters, +40 summers auge
ImmortalLen: In many places in US snow absolutely pauses everything.
ContingentCat: yeah snow's great
mtvcdm: Victoria's fairly hilly.
drfox17: I mean, it's also the problem of people falling and hurting themselves
BrowneePoints: Yea i'm used to 8-9 inches and an inch of ice
TXC2: Hello Cori
lord_bry0n: we make snow diffrent out here
BrowneePoints: it SUCKS
Angreed66: Or maybe the problem is humans moving into regions that have snow.
NornsFelidar: Look, having seasons is great, I moved to the north sea coast and they don't have it here. it's dull!
krfsm: Adam was like "I've found my paradise"
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
RockPusher: tiltyhYAS
ContingentCat: let's see humidity give me a day off lol
stippledotter: I haven't made a snowman in so long :(
Mathonwy: Capitalism ruins fucking everything.
62MGcobra: I like winter, I like summer. I hate working in both extremes
AtrusOfMyst: The plow is the best tool
Sorator13: hi Cori!
putz12a: I would kill for 25C right now. It's been 35C for basically a week and a half, and is expected to stay there until like Thursday. Plus there's all the wildfire smoke.
Williams4jesus: Hi Cori!!!!
octavia__scratch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, octavia__scratch! (Today's storm count: 637)
ghyllnox: You're going to plow an inch of snow? LUL
Jon Grayson: I agree with Wheeler. Snow is the ultimate evil
Jon Grayson: and I live in Indiana!!!
Erik Josefsson: snow is rain that didn't get the hint to go home
iris_of_ether: Yeah Seattle area is *not* built for it
jacqui_lantern234: i see white people everywhere and i ALSO panic
malfnord: The last time Denver shut down due to snow it was multiple feet.
Lichenbeard: good weather is anything between -15C to +25C
drfox17: Victoria seems as prepared for snow as Dallas
Alex_Frostfire: In Ottawa, people see white in the air and they forget how to drive.
Gaelan_Maestro: @putz12a do you live in manitoba too?
Mollylele: Seattle "froze" the day of my 21st birthday, only Dammit Liz came through to drink with me.
mtvcdm: Victoria has downhill roads leading into big things of water. Snow isn't gonna be the best.
lord_bry0n: west coast snow is way more greasy makes it more slippery
BrowneePoints: Yea here the School Buses put chains on their tires in the winter
CrossXhunteR: i live in Georgia (the state) and we were a laughing stock years back for snow shutting down the state. we don't have snow capabilities
public_key_reveal_party: I failed my driving test twice, and only passed when I took it in an active snowstorm
iris_of_ether: We're from Wisconsin and went to get takeout in our hubris. Had to abandon the car and walk back
Viewers_Like_You: "Chains? No, I know how to drive."
MatzerKat: I've never put chains on myself either, but only because my Jacob Marley cosplay hasn't quite come together yet
BrowneePoints: it CRACKS
SnyperWoIf: I worked in Toronto in december, and they had a snow day. It was weird, because even my Kentucky-arse went to work _most_ snow days
WardsarTheWriter: @Alex_Frostfire As someone living in Ottawa, I'd argue they don't know how to drive any time of the year, but it is measurably worse in Winter.
BrowneePoints: the PAVEMENT
Fanklok: There was that one year Texas got one inch of snow and the entire state ceased to function
TehAmelie: everyone complains about the weather, but when i try to do something about it they call me "mad scientist", "rogue geoengineer" and "a danger to all life on the planet"
Mathonwy: I walked through a blizzard for a mile and a half just to visit a girlfriend when I was a teen. Snow is fine.
Zatengo: putting chains on while not on snow is illegal here in germany
wildoneizzy: Thunderstorms all the way ⛈️
InfinityToPlanck: salting is environmentally damaging
nessiah_aries: I dislike Summer for one main reason: the overabundance of Mosquitoes and Wasps...I'm extremely spheksophobic.
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Just get a tracked vehicle. I don't see the problem. Kappa
Gascitygaming: in Medicine Hat you have to clear the sidewalk in front of your house of snow or else you personally are held legally liable
Eklinaar: Implying that people in Ottawa know how to drive in any weather
goateedave86: and then the salt eats your car and makes all your car windows smeary
brieandbacon: See: the UK
putz12a: They use sand on the roads as much as possible here. They only use salt when it gets really cold and sand no longer works.
Mollylele: the Queen Anne Sedan Slam is funny at first
malfnord: Oh, incidentally: happy Moon Landing Day to those who celebrate!
BrowneePoints: but yea Pavement Salt CRACKS the PAVEMENT
enbyKriss: We have a HUGE issue with EU trucks driving north in the winter without chains and they end up in the ditch or splayed across the entire road and it's a fucking mess
jacqui_lantern234: @Zatengo now legs just make chains on cars AT ALL illegal and TEACH PEOPLE TO DRIVE :p
mtvcdm: Oh yeah, the salt eats at the car so bad
BrowneePoints: and RUSTS your CAR
Rumiir_the_Dragon: Texas water pipes are also not as deep underground so they froze
adept_nekomancer: They don't build buidings in the southern U.S. to handle snow or cold. If it's below freezing by too much, pipes start freezing.
Mathonwy: @InfinityToPlanck There are environmentally sound road treatments. We use them around here. Farmers hate salted roads.
iris_of_ether: @Mollylele Legit great article, though
simplydavemn: It often snows in MN, but for the first week or so you'd think drivers never saw it before.
randombillfolds: Cheese brine and beet juice?
Williams4jesus: Happy Moon landing day!?
mtvcdm: I've never seen sand on the roads to actually work.
GirlPainting: we germans use a mix of salt and gravel
Foxmar320: The only time it snowed here I was in hospital so ive still never experienced it
LittleVesuvius: I used to live in a place that regularly got so cold that salt was useless. They'd put out gravel and sand to improve road traction
Falannt: but that is the same problem with heat. if its so hot, that streets melt... very funny.
AragornKeuken: @malfnord The 55th anniversary is in about half an hour!
SnyperWoIf: below a certain temperature, salt no longer works for snow / ice. sand becomes an option
drfox17: @rumiir_the_dragon we also route them through our exterior walls!
enbyKriss: Salting the roads is stupid if you have proper long term winter
gluonquark: We don't get snow here ever and I wish we did
InfinityToPlanck: Sand is less hard on infrastructure and way better environmentally
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I was in Jerusalem one winter when it got six inches of snow. It was hillarious.
JadedCynic: @goateedave86 I mean, in newfoundland you're always within sight of the ocean so your car is going to corrode away from salt anyway, so why NOT fill the streets with salt
ProcyonFlynn: I used to live out in the desert - and whenever we got more than 2 inches of rain, it shutdown the roads and broke a lot of electrical infrastructure. Everytime they acted like "wow what a surprise, this never happens"
NekomimiNinja: Round my parts they have to sand because everyone and their mother drive big 4*4s with low-profile all-season tires...
public_key_reveal_party: functionally infinite stopping distance
pyronils80: and salting the pavement etc. is illigal in many towns here in Germany you are suposed to use sand etc. BUT literally no one cares!!!
Rumiir_the_Dragon: And prefab houses have exposed undersides
epsilon_vee: salt is only useful in a narrow temperature band
putz12a: It literally happens every year, and everyone absolutely forgets how to drive in the winter.
Foxmar320: Gross
goateedave86: @JadedCynic that makes sense. I'm in the UK and about 20 miles from the sea
BrowneePoints: and then it HARDENS
Coloneljesus: city snow sucks
Eklinaar: Snow is disgusting
MaxTurkeyFlaps: Last year here in St Louis there was so much ice that fire trucks were unintentionally whipping donuts through subdivisions. It was wild to see.
JadedCynic: Yeah, we get snow for FIVE MONTHS *every* year, and STILL the first snowfall in November has a rash of accidents - "What did you do last year?!?"
Alex_Frostfire: Yep. Yep...
iris_of_ether: Later viewing for chat: Capitol Hill snow in Seattle, with bonus BUS:
ContingentCat: oh god that reminds me when I found out the Ottawa LRT trains weren't designed for snow. In ottawa wtf!
DaSunao: In Maryland route 29 out of Silver Spring has a couple of up and down hills that turned into a multi hour commuter hell when the busses had to be pushed up hills
RandomTrivia: Adam parrying the gravel
bytecaster: Parry
KaleidoscopeMind: just catch them
RockPusher: Adam is just built differently
nekobun: gravel counter
WardsarTheWriter: @ContingentCat The LRT has been a giant disaster from day one.
Mathonwy: Same here. I don't even fix the windshield because it's just gonna break again.
superdude097: Oh! Someone gifted me a sub a while ago! Thanks!
bytecaster: Have you tried DI the gravel?
Metric_Furlong: @TXC2 we're out of Fucking Peaches, will a wanking nectarine do? Kappa
62MGcobra: R1 the gravel
stippledotter: @snyperwoif as a city government employee in Kentucky who is made to go to work, I feel that. It's not the snow that's the problem as much as the ice
Angreed66: All I'm hearing is humans should be banned from living in regions that regularly snow
JadedCynic: @ContingentCat biggest. boondoggle. EVER. :(
ContingentCat: @WardsarTheWriter ohhh I know I don't drive and live here
LittleVesuvius: oh no mowing the lawn with gravel? At that point i'd plant native grasses and be done
Gaelan_Maestro: they really should hire manitoba plow drivers for other provinces
drfox17: Point defence system
TXC2: Metric_Furlong well if that's all we have :p
Patorik: I would like to meet in the middle: Snow is awesome EXCEPT in BC, where it doesn't belong
TehAmelie: but snow falls from the heaven pure, so should we blame the snow for being stained as it touches the earth?
Fanklok: When the gravel hits your wind screen tap the brakes right at the moment of impact. This will execute a perfect guard reflecting the gravel back at the attacking car.
Mathonwy: @TehAmelie Yes. We do the same for people. :p
SnyperWoIf: @stippledotter Indeed. I am in Louisville and freezing rain is much more feared than a good cold snow
asddsa28: what
RandomTrivia: Those are slow and anticlimactic
krfsm: inertia says WHAT
BigDaddyBland87: @SnyperWoIf No kidding. Ice storms cause more dread than a blizzard
GazzyInferno: wow
TXC2: damn Cori :p
GameSageZB: Ineeeerrrrtiiaaaa!
Saintnex: yup
enbyKriss: @SnyperWoIf icy rain is soooo bad
putz12a: They use specifically Calcium Chloride for salting the roads, which tends to work pretty well in super cold weather. Way better than normal rock salt.
stippledotter: @snyperwoif thank goodness for UPS and Amazon keeping the roads passable
BrokenGolem: inevitability
RandomTrivia: The amount of inertia involved means they can know it's unavoidable from MILES away
return_of_floki4242: Where I live when it starts raining it's roll for random River because they go across the streets instead of having Bridges
Saintnex: Inertia and mass
asddsa28: o noooo
TXC2: you don't try to stop a boat, you make it do a circle
iris_of_ether: Momentum is a hell of a drug
ButButTheJesus: so many atoms
nessiah_aries: I live west of Munich...snow has barely been a thing where I live for a couple of years now.
adept_nekomancer: You used to have two boats, now you have one large boat.
simplydavemn: @Fanklok FlawlessVictory
RandomTrivia: "That will buff out"
bytecaster: "Enjoy the show"
62MGcobra: the start moving and they don't stop moving
Bruceski: It steers like a boat
InfinityToPlanck: even a slow moving cargo ship has similar amounts of energy as a literal Ton of TNT
JohneyS: Isn't that just the end of Speed 2 Cruise Control?
Travilogue: Is there a beeping in the stream, or do I have a mystery to solve in my apartment?
DaimyoAmerica: I used to drive over that bridge!
Grevas13: you ever see a video of a person in a jeep break their arm trying to push off a tree? same principle
Patorik: Incredibly slow boat, and then the bridge collapsed like a Dry Bones from Mario
Fanklok: Still no R in my name
mister_nibbles: and my drive to work every day is still fucked >.<
PharaohBender27: @Travilogue I don't hear any beeping
pyronils80: its the same with trains-extrem long breaking way
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Yeah, the stopping distance of large ships is measured in kilometres. At low speed.
azureHaights: um ACTUALLY parrying is forward, you have to feather the gas
DaSunao: Speaking as someone who has pushed an aircraft carrier, the violence involved with changing speeds fast is insane
adept_nekomancer: Just do a barrel roll to reflect the gravel.
WardsarTheWriter: Can you pause buffer it to get it frame perfect?
BrowneePoints: Fran Klok
bytecaster: That's how quoting works!
JadedCynic: yeah, watching the Evergiven in the Suez Canal...
Fanklok: I... ok well... thank you?
NornsFelidar: what if lag while driving?
BrowneePoints: Fan Klork
simplydavemn: I expect Adam to proclaim how he love fight-driving games now...
bytecaster: But how do you RNG manipulate in the new Earth patch?
KaleidoscopeMind: gotta clip through it
Gascitygaming: well first you have to coat the road in an eggwash, then a layer of gravel
Krektogar: does the gravel have rollback frames?
ButButTheJesus: @azureHaights have to gas and brake at the right time so you spin around the blow
SnyperWoIf: all driving is PVP if you are crazy enough
NornsFelidar: carmageddon or twisted metal
bytecaster: driving is PvPvE
JadedCynic: I see videos of 'maritime accidents' and all the comments are "why is it happening so slowly?" Kids, these ships are HUGE, they only LOOK like they're moving slowly! :D
LittleVesuvius: @putz12a That's a better option than rock salt, yeah. IIRC the issue where i used to live is it would be regularly below 0 Fahrenheit, and past i think -6F even the saltiest water freezes
BrowneePoints: The Twisted Metal show was quite alright
jacqui_lantern234: TWISTED
Mathonwy: Burnout
BrowneePoints: Samoa Joe killed it
ThorSokar: The Twisted Metal TV show was FANTASTIC
nessiah_aries: Hey kids? Wanna experience Carmageddon in real life? Get forklift certified.
bytecaster: Interstate 76 anybody?
Lichenbeard: the twisted metal show with samoa joe was pretty good.
Gascitygaming: to be fair, if you try hard enough, they're ALL violence based driving games
Critterbot: Twisten Metal: Black anyone? I used to play that game sooo much!
TehAmelie: i still have my TM World Tour PS1 disc and sometimes i plug it in. it holds up well
mtvcdm: WWE Crush Hour.
simplydavemn: Ian did Forklift racing, and now Pork-lift racing.
EricTheOrange: Out of curiosity chat who has the mini golf score card now?
ClockTamer: Jak X Combat Racing?
spinebustertee: oh man, I played so much Vigilante 8
KharadBanar: @bytecaster and also Humanity vs Atmosphere
RandomTrivia: And only some of that screaming was Heather and Cori
RoeDent89: They let Paul out of his glass cubby hole!
ScrapyardGhostTrain: @SnyperWoIf No, all driving is PvP all the time. Because you can't trust that everybody around you isn't an idiot.
BrowneePoints: Will Arnett/Samoa Joe did an AMAZING Combo as Sweet Tooth
excalgold: how much do we pay LRR to play old car fighting games?
TXC2: EricTheOrange James I think
CrossXhunteR: love me some dragula
nessiah_aries: Rob Zombie
JadedCynic: @ScrapyardGhostTrain I just hate the increasing number of bots...
Mazrae: Just woke up and I missed forklift game
lord_bry0n: come up Island and enjoy Crash to Pass racing
SnyperWoIf: @ScrapyardGhostTrain Indeed
mtvcdm: @EricTheOrange James. The card currently reads 24 over par; next stroke added at 7,680 sub units.
stippledotter: @snyperwoif ah, Louisville driver
azureHaights: fun fact: Dragula doesn't have Dragula in it
MatzerKat: Press X to dig through the ditches. Press Y to burn through the witches.
Fanklok: My cousin is friends with Rob Zombie
Mathonwy: @ScrapyardGhostTrain Best to just assume everyone is an idiot, and drive accordingly.
Critterbot: Yeeeees! :D
AragornKeuken: I think game development is just too long nowadays to have a tie-in series/game.
BigDaddyBland87: @ScrapyardGhostTrain It's what I always say...I have complete confidence in my driving. It's everybody else I have to worry about
putz12a: @LittleVesuvius Yeah, rock salt stops working around that range. Calcium Chloride works in way colder weather, though it stops working eventually as well.
Scar_Red_Tiger: So it's Fate Stay Night
WardsarTheWriter: Mortal Kombat by and far has the best fighting game story, and it's goofy as hell.
drfox17: What if you wish for 3 ply toilet paper
RandomTrivia: Like that old classic: "My uncle has the heart of a lion, the body of a gorilla, and a lifetime ban from the zoo"
Angreed66: the head is part of the body you pedants
TehAmelie: not to mention the guy who wanted everyone to see him
ButButTheJesus: FYI, both Twisted Metal 2 and Twisted Metal Black are on PS store for PS4/PS5, and I think are included free if you have the top tier or PSPLus
simplydavemn: Folk art can be very creepy.
Caffine1138: New idea for a future TTSF?
RoeDent89: You've willed that into existence
TXC2: "I want the body of a young man" is given a corpse
mtvcdm: (Which, yeah, if you want any more sub goals in the last hour and a half, I add a stroke to the minigolf scorecard every 60 sub units from the cap point on; the next is at 7680.)
LittleVesuvius: @TXC2 this sounds like the premise of a crapshot
nessiah_aries: Moonlight Great Truck
RoeDent89: CDHC will turn into Let's Nope before too long
ShifuDaxiongmao: So, who will volunteer to be Cori's new voodoo doll? :P
TXC2: LittleVesuvius indeed
drfox17: A VW the size of a moon
BusTed: racket peanut steering
Foxmar320: Theres a Twitsted Metal show???
Dmc3628: peacock
CrossXhunteR: samoa joe is a voice actor too
TehAmelie: "i've always been invisible. i want everyone in the world to be able to see me." *is stretched across the atmosphere*
mtvcdm: Samoa Joe is a brilliant promo.
BrowneePoints: His Physical Acting is really good in it
nekobun: Samoa Joe was clearly enjoying himself as Sweet Tooth, too.
BrowneePoints: but Will's voice matches Sweet Tooth better
Fanklok: Wrestlers are basically actors
Lichenbeard: Joe's body acting was really good, but yeah voice as well would have been fun
simplydavemn: @drfox17 (Peter Dinklage Voice)That Hippy came from the moon.
DaSunao: Wrestling acting tends towards lrrHAM
Saintnex: wrestling acting is very different from acting acting, as a number of wresters in acting have shown
SnyperWoIf: Pizza?
RoeDent89: Pizza!
RandomTrivia: Pizza has arrived! FBtouchdown
fungal_bird: and the tiny buggy is terrifying similar to FromSoft games where the normal human-sized bosses are terrifying
baltimore_667083: PIZZA!
ButButTheJesus: !yay
LRRbot: Yaaaaaaaay...
LittleVesuvius: pizza!!!
Fanklok: Di dyo uget enough for the whole class
hd_dabnado: oh dang!
RockPusher: lrrBartleby Pizza! lrrBartleby
GazzyInferno: god for a second i was looking to see who was driving and forgot this wasn't desert bus
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
Dog_of_Myth: I BBQ Chicken slice please.
hd_dabnado: how much jackbox did I miss?
nessiah_aries: Craft singles?
drfox17: Daaaang
shurtal: weh've got Cheese and Choese
Mai_Andra: pepperoni, jalapeno, and pineapple
hypperstar2280: James lord of the Bizza
BrowneePoints: Cheese Pizza is a Consolation Prize at Best
goateedave86: We've had one cheese, what about second cheese?
RockPusher: PizzaTime HypePizza
RandomTrivia: Somehow that's not the first Towers joke this week
SnyperWoIf: Quick, what does everyone's favorite toping say about them!?!
BrowneePoints: unless you're Vegetarian then we don't judge
TheAinMAP: HyperCheese StinkyCheese
stippledotter: That's an amazing variety
bytecaster: They are good cheeses bront
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNom
zeathean: low moisture motz
unleashenlightenment: did I miss the water bombs?
asthanius: queso fresco
baltimore_667083: not Kraft singles
Gascitygaming: kraft singles on a tricut in the microwave
drfox17: James has really delivered
CrossXhunteR: brie?
adept_nekomancer: Cheez whiz
Falannt: oh no! cheese in north america is crap!
RoeDent89: American cheese
Krektogar: "I'll take a slice of cheese" "That's great, but which pizza do you wnat?"
LittleVesuvius: the worst cheese is unironically cheese food product
stippledotter: Blue cheese is ick
DanTheMediocre: emmentaler on pizza is a letdown imo
BrowneePoints: Vegan Cheese on Pizza is hard because it's GRAINY
RandomTrivia: Jordynne selecting violence :D
the_phantom_game_player: @unleashenlightenment I dont think so
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNE
BrowneePoints: it's REALLY grainy
Mathonwy: Velvetta
spethycakes: Provel, although I refuse to call it actual cheese
Viewers_Like_You: Lego cheese
MrPipboy3000: Pub cheese
RoeDent89: Cheese whiz
pyronils80: American cheese
jchinnock: toe cheese
LittleVesuvius: if anyone has not heard of this, it is like kraft but worse.
DigitalSeahorse: feta
simplydavemn: American cheese - and Cori beat me to it.
RealGamerCow: Look up Altoona style pizza.
thimbles_edge: spray cheese
Mathonwy: Headcheese
lichen_subscribe: a kraft kasserole
SnyperWoIf: Pepperoni: you think good things are good. You generally like the most popular dish
JadedCynic: blue cheese is a potentially lethal fungus
Fanklok: kraft singles aren't real cheese thoiugh. It's cosplaying as cheese
Patorik: A friend wanted to try cheese for the first time, and made a pizza with Cheez Whiz. It didn't go well
Mai_Andra: cottage cheese
NonUniqueGuy: Limburger cheese would probably be the worst cheese for pizza
thedepthandbreadthofseth: fat free kraft singles.
jacqui_lantern234: 🍆 🧀
BrowneePoints: Sharp Cheddar
ManicPixieDreamLurker: blue cheese + spinach pizza is yum
BrowneePoints: it just overpowers it
Jon Grayson: Samoa Joe's out of wrestling to film Twisted Metal season 2
enbyKriss: Is it just me, or is the mic by James/Ian not actually on? raysT
Gascitygaming: why do people keep saying 'peter' in a boston accent? i'm confused :P
avjamethyst: I'm eating cheddar on my pizza right now
adept_nekomancer: Spray cheese pizza would be... awful.
kalira77: spray cheese
Dog_of_Myth: Cheddar does not work on Pizza.
baltimore_667083: cheddar is good for quesadillas and not a lot else
GirlPainting: I prefer Gauda or Edammer on my Pizza
hb8u: ricotta
TheKarthe: LIttle Ceasars did a pretzel pizza that was, like, salted pretzel crust, cheese sauce instead of cheese and tomato sauce and pepperoni and it was AWFUL.
azureHaights: In the vein of "kraft singles on a pizza" I've had """""poutine""""" that was okay fries, mid gravy and THREE SLICES OF AMERICAN MELTED OVER THE DISH god why
SolarBlitz1: The american cheeze in a can is the worst for pizza
thegiftedgrifter: Velveeta
Marvoleath: Cottage cheese pizza? :P
Aischeron: Goat cheese is great on pizza
Sunidesus: I start the stream back up and Ian is dissing cheddar?!?
Mathonwy: Provalone is great as an accent cheese. Makes it so much better.
SnyperWoIf: Mozz instead of provolone?
doubledbear: I've made alot of cheddar cheese pizzas and yeah it's a mess...
RockPusher: James getting that carb load for his ballooning
DanTheMediocre: emmentaler, that flavour throws off the whole thing
cookiebeard: @Marvoleath nooooooooo
TehAmelie: ironically, i have a four cheeses pizza just coming out of the oven
excalgold: Accent Cheese: Eyyy i'm meltin here!
gluonquark: I need gay blue cheese pizza
LittleVesuvius: My parents accidentally bought "cheese food product" rather than cheese once. Distilled essence of cheese, wrong texture.
mtvcdm: The worst cheese for pizza? Cottage cheese. Maybe pimento.
pyronils80: a real cheddar is fantastic for Pizza... real british Cheddar!
w1gum: im crying in NYC right now
BrowneePoints: Ian, my state made Taco Pizzas famous with a refried bean Base @LoadingReadyRun
MrPipboy3000: There is no such thing as cheddar that too sharp ... I want my mouth to bleed from how sharp it is
PharaohBender27: @Sunidesus Only in terms of using it for pizza
JadedCynic: @TheKarthe and there's an example of the diversity of human 'taste' - I loved it (but I'll brush the excess salt off the crust :) )
Thequickgreyfox: Just in time to catch the end of the subathon
Gascitygaming: I made a thanksgiving pizza, cheesy mashed potatoes, turket breast, stuffing balls, dollops of cranberry sauce with a gravy drizzle
simplydavemn: @Sunidesus Well, specifically on a Pizza, not in general.
yatagarasu1177: gouda pizza
DaSunao: @azurehaights That's not poutine, that's attempting to start a war
Coloneljesus: love verbing nouns
azureHaights: Is it spelled with a Z or an S
gluonquark: what iss the gayest cheese?
lichen_subscribe: velveet this man
excalgold: what creature do they get the velveta from it okay?
ghyllnox: He did that on a TTSF
firehawkzoa: Little Caesars does a pretzel crust pizza with cheese sauce
Sunidesus: @PharaohBender27 Yeah, I'm still not ok with that. My Dad's pizza is a mix of cheddar and jack and it's amazing.
DaimyoAmerica: Little Caesar's once did a "Pretzel" pizza, with neon nacho cheese on pretzel bread. It was terrible
fungal_bird: Ah yes, the Velveetized rabbit
Viewers_Like_You: Velveetize us, cap'n!
hd_dabnado: English loves Gerunds
MatzerKat: @azureHaights Both
Williams4jesus: Now I'm hungry for pizza
Therberus: Vel-YEET-ise
drfox17: Velvetize the beef in your wok
TheKarthe: @JadedCynic my friends loved it, lol.
epsilon_vee: i mean, there's chicago deep dish, but once you get into nacho cheese sauce it's becoming a soup in a bread bowl
bytecaster: Cheese discourse sure drives engagement
DanTheMediocre: but speaking of food, imma heat up my butter chicken now\
LittleVesuvius: now i want goat cheese pizza but we dont have gluten free crust, just ready made...
AragornKeuken: Why is there a strange orange colour on the couch fabric?
RealGamerCow: @MrPipboy3000 I have had a 18 year aged cheddar. It was mostly crystals.
iris_of_ether: Yeah sodium citrate is wild yo
thimbles_edge: when does velvetize become a mtg card and what does it do
jacqui_lantern234: also, Cori, i know youre doing the sub-a-thing, but i sent you a meme
lichen_subscribe: yo velveeto, tu velveetas, nos velveetamos
mtvcdm: Tostitos Cheese Dip.
stippledotter: Tinker Tailor Solder WHY
BrowneePoints: Pizza Ranch used to have a Beef and Blue Cheese with Red Onions that was SO good
JadedCynic: @TheKarthe and we're BOTH right - you didn't like it, and that's totally valid. <3
eshplode: That episode is great. I tried it myself, and I need to try it again
MrPipboy3000: @RealGamerCow SHARPER!!!
thegreatwyrdling: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 12:45 PM
drfox17: Ian is a wizard. Sometimes an evil wizard, but...
Williams4jesus: !findquote cheese
LRRbot: Quote #5387: "He's a floppy piece of cheese." —Ben, about James [2018-10-10]
bytecaster: As Ben once said Ian can do anything on "TTSF" and nobody will question it
jacqui_lantern234: >:D
TehAmelie: this unchecked velveetafication will not stand
TheKarthe: @JadedCynic Big true!
simplydavemn: Blind cheese identification could be a LRR Live game...
JohneyS: You wouldn't velvetize a car would you?
optimalbook: @Mr_Horrible Thanks for the gift sub!
bytecaster: Mythril Gouda
fungal_bird: Diamond is my favorite cheese
BrowneePoints: Yea. Velveeta is Whey Pressed back into Solid with Sodium Citrate Right?
TheAinMAP: voxyPizza voxyPizza voxyPizza
thedepthandbreadthofseth: you can velvet meat with baking soda and cornstarch
niccus: pure crystal parmesan
BlueMechanic: Ithink Yak cheese can be very hard
Williams4jesus: "Hard" cheese - phrasing?
RoeDent89: Ooh
ButButTheJesus: Dragonborn Cheese
nessiah_aries: Buy some Trader Joe's chocolate cheddar.
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL Cori
bytecaster: But what would be the title?
fungal_bird: Bedrock Parmesan
MorganteMaggiore: the hardest cheese is the cheese rolling down a hill conquering his freedom
jimber_jam: yak cheese is like a literal rock
groovemancery: The Velvetized Rabbit
lichen_subscribe: wheel of cheese
drfox17: Depleted Parmesan, it's self sharpening
TurnedToFrog: Sneak in some head cheese
KaleidoscopeMind: only velveetized cheeses, no texture info
doubledbear: They just did that on dropout it was great
ThorSokar: Oh?! we having an Event Horizon party?
bytecaster: Gotta blind the cheese first so it can't parry the teeth
WardsarTheWriter: That game would be DANGEROUSLY CHEESY!
Scar_Red_Tiger: This implies Ppotatoes are watchingg you
BeccaTingles: Okay fine, I'll go make myself a cheese plate.
gluonquark: if the cheese can see you, you have aged it too long
KBKarma: Has there been any suggestion of playing a particular Critically Acclaimed MMORPG on stream?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope
brieandbacon: Eww, diluted cheese
MatzerKat: You're not allowed to cut your cheese
Mathonwy: Ian not gonna live that down.
LittleVesuvius: wheeler no
Mollylele: is the hole in the fake cheese wheel big enough to get a hand into?
stippledotter: Add some ham and cheese Oscar Meyer loaf
TheKarthe: Oh no.
mtvcdm: "A piece of chhurpi can last two to three hours depending on the strength of your teeth."
adept_nekomancer: Don't traumatize the cheese. :(
SnyperWoIf: water steak
ExachixKitsune: the sobbing makes it more moisturous
TXC2: soaping like James ?
BeccaTingles: Can you get Wensleydale in Canada?
GazzyInferno: slop em up
LittleVesuvius: @SnyperWoIf i think i'll pass lol
nyoomgoom: now i'm thinking about a pizza where it's just a pizza crust and it's got brie and jam on it
drfox17: @kbkarma Ben has done it before
JadedCynic: @drfox17 BRILLIANT - tell General Dynamics and get in on that MI complex $$$
KaleidoscopeMind: sobbing because you threatened it with a knife?
MrPipboy3000: The Hardest Cheese was played by Method Man in The Wire
jchinnock: ah my new Metal Gear codename: Havarti Sobbing
bytecaster: Cheese Shield
RealGamerCow: I had a girlfriend whose mother *boiled* the Thanksgiving turkey.
Juliamon: Get Equipped With: Cheese
Angreed66: Humans are talented at expanding holes
TehAmelie: be Edward Cheesewheelshands
JohneyS: They can't stop you from ordering the cheese and a glass of water.
KBKarma: @drfox17 On LRR, or on his own stream? I know he still plays.
bytecaster: What is the weapon art of the cheese wheel?
LittleVesuvius: @bytecaster bonk?
Williams4jesus: Cheese really does make the world go round
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
JosVanTongeren: what is the weekness of cheesemen ??
jacqui_lantern234: ADAM
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
drfox17: @jadedcynic it goes well with various air dropped CBU- cluster bread units
MorganteMaggiore: i like a discworld reference as much as the next guy... but do dwarves ever eat cheese? i seems to remember that the perfect condiment for dwarfish bread is cat piss, according to witches abroad
Strebenherz: AADAM
niccus: remember when beyond good and evil introduced the cheese wheel
rosesmcgee: Megaman abosrbed the power of the Unibomber
mtvcdm: That cheese wheel was lighter than I thought it would be when I picked it up.
adept_nekomancer: Ah yes, Megaman's warcrime phase.
RandomTrivia: lrrDARK
jacqui_lantern234: JESUS CHRIST
Williams4jesus: lrrFINE
Singenmeister: lrrFRUMP I was less uncomfortable when Kathleen was playing as a goblin phone last night lol
bakerydragon: XD
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
RandomTrivia: HOLY SHIT
thimbles_edge: does anthrax work on robots?
BusTed: 😬
MrSarkhan: LUL
darkora: HAHA
ButButTheJesus: WTF
Williams4jesus: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
MaxTurkeyFlaps: Quote it!
abslomdaak42: LUL
KinkerbellRose: Pure. Gold.
Fanklok: Yo this Adam guy is funny
stippledotter: The ends justify the cheese
Boon_33: how very canadian
SolarBlitz1: Megaman 12: It's only a crime if they find out
MTBoot: Adam is on FIRE
Gekyouryuu: The Geneva Suggestion sounds like a wrestling move
MorganteMaggiore: it was mia
MatzerKat: Save that in the quotes!
xblue007: Oh Adam... That would be mega man 12
Mazrae: I'm going to miss the end, thanks for the stream
JadedCynic: "And this why Evil wins, because Good is DUMB!" - Dark Helmut, Spaceballs
BrowneePoints: Reminder, if they make a Marvel vs Capcom 4 they can put Lady D in
nessiah_aries: We need to find out who murdered Dr. Wahwee.
Morrigan9: megaman vs lawman
Mathonwy: Roll
krfsm: did you know: there's a FromSoft Monster hunter game!
BrowneePoints: Rock and Roll
SeismicLawns: if megaman kills the judge he gets his powers
OmegaPlatinum: roll is hiss sister
Williams4jesus: Geneva Suggestion is a wrestling move for sure
OmegaPlatinum: rush is the ddog
xblue007: rush the dog
incslayer: right so megaman kills the judge gets his powers and declares himself innocent
Fanklok: What about the Geneva Implication
TehAmelie: whih is funnier, Edward Fetahands or Edward Wendsleydalehands?
Gascitygaming: only if her head is up by the health bars
GredGredmansson: Proto man is Blues
fungal_bird: is her ultimate when she transforms into her eldritch form?
bytecaster: Nobody ever calls about Trebble and Bass
MorganteMaggiore: pseudo rock state... so lava?
Some kind of Garf: Adam's a Lock, Stock-style villain all of a sudden
jacqui_lantern234: The Geneva Suggestion is the name of my Megadeth cover band, cause listening to their music is a war crime Kappa
Bobtheninjagoldfish: did you see that they are planning to release in the west the 2 games in the phoenix wright saga that had only been released in japan?
j_crane330: PizzaTime riffPizza
RoeDent89: Obligatory CanCon fulfilled
sephsays: @TehAmelie Chedward?
Angreed66: Though we all know warcrimes designated as such outside of wartime are bound to be repeated.
nessiah_aries: The deadly cutsman
SnyperWoIf: The Geneva Suggestion's new album: Warcrimes Against Small Communities was pretty okay
nekobun: Beat's the bird, Tango's the cat
RandomTrivia: Alex is here! lrrHEART
TXC2: !addquote (Adam) [now] Megaman 10: the Geneva suggestion.
LRRbot: New quote #9061: "Megaman 10: the Geneva suggestion." —Adam [2024-07-20]
RoeDent89: Hi Alex!
the_phantom_game_player: If the Marvel vs Capcom Collection sells well then hopefully they'll mave MvC4
niccus: remember when fromsoft made a card-based rpg for the gamecube
TXC2: Hello Alex
RockPusher: ohai Alex
Dog_of_Myth: Hi Alex
bakerydragon: I don't want to watch that Wallace and Gromit movie
ButButTheJesus: Hi Owix!
abslomdaak42: Hi Alex! lrrALEX
jacqui_lantern234: Hai Alex!!!
GredGredmansson: @Bobtheninjagoldfish technically the first of the Edgeworth games was released in English but that's still a huge deal
Williams4jesus: Everyone say Hi Alex!!
BrowneePoints: the Miles Edgeworth Games
JosVanTongeren: hi Alex!
PharaohBender27: @TXC2 I think he said Megaman 11, not 10
BeccaTingles: Do you guys get Wensleydale in Canada? It's great on xmas cake
doubledbear: Pretty stoked for that
hd_dabnado: lrrALEX
asthanius: I'm so excited to get more of Kay
KaleidoscopeMind: we get the canon english pun names
DoodlestheGreat: Hiya, Alex!
BrowneePoints: Hi Alex!
Redbassist: Hi Alex!
MorganteMaggiore: with old quality of live or modern style?
mtvcdm: She would be excited
drfox17: Objection?
Leonhart321: AAI2 official port means I might have to grab that collection
bytecaster: Maybe the Edge was just not worth it before
GredGredmansson: RIP to the fansub pun names
TXC2: PharaohBender27 ok :p
RevolverRossalot: The Wensleydale creamery tour is perhaps unsurprisingly very Wallace and Gromit heavy
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I am SO excited to play the whole thing
bytecaster: Capcom sure likes to Capcom the people
Jon Grayson: "The Geneva Suggestion" sounds like a Megadeth album
GreyOrb: They just wanted to keep an Ace up their sleeve.
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun so, like, can I join Heather for a Play It Forward for AA I 2? :p
TXC2: !modquote 9061 (Adam) [now] Megaman 11: the Geneva suggestion
LRRbot: Modified quote #9061: "Megaman 11: the Geneva suggestion" —Adam [2024-07-20]
DigitalSeahorse: lrrALEX vicksyHappy
Singenmeister: @greyorb Now listen here you little
bytecaster: I'd just like a new Megaman game at some point
BrowneePoints: I've had Deep Fried Pizza
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyWave
BrowneePoints: it's actually really good
krfsm: deep fried pizza is a Scots thing
stippledotter: That's very state fair
SnyperWoIf: Deep Fried Calzone would probably be better
Gascitygaming: i believe it's now known as 'tempurize'
nessiah_aries: @bytecaster I want a new Megaman X game more than anything. Preferably one that's NOT anything like 6 or 7.
stippledotter: New segment: Will It Tempura
LordZarano: Wensleydale almost went bankrupt. being mentioned on Wallace & Grommit saved them
Williams4jesus: !findquote megaman
LRRbot: Quote #9061: "Megaman 11: the Geneva suggestion" —Adam [2024-07-20]
Leonhart321: I've taken that tour, can confirm
Greys N. Owman: Seeing people eat is making me hungry
niccus: fry bread pizza is also pretty potent
MehallD: wensleydale is a protected name, cant make it elsewhere
bakerydragon: To be fair, I think W&G saved wensleydale and stopped them going bankrupt
Singenmeister: The factory almost went out of business and W&G came out right at the right time and suddenly business exploded.
Leonhart321: And yes, they only make Wensleydale there. But there's a large variety. Official W+G ones too
RevolverRossalot: "Yorkshire Wensleydale" is a protected term from the region, but "Wensleydale" is generic
bakerydragon: Nobody was eating Wensleydale, then the animated filme got their brand recognition through the roof
adept_nekomancer: @MehallD From other regions it's just sparkling cheese?
MorganteMaggiore: why am i thinking about a "cheese sketch" but with magic cards? do you have any sol ring? but it's the most used ramp in commander!!!
Sunidesus: Adam...
Astrovore: yeah, now I want pizza
Jon Grayson: me, too
iris_of_ether: Yeah, we've been there, he's spitting truth
Gekyouryuu: fun fact, Graham: they actually REDUB power rangers and re-air it in Japan
BrowneePoints: Well, if you know anything about Austin St John maybe Zyu Red SHOULD be buried :I
asddsa28: thats vary japan of them
MorganteMaggiore: thanks linkara for keeping the fire lit, haha
ButButTheJesus: @Gekyouryuu madness!
drfox17: @gekyouryuu whaaaaaa
EricTheOrange: Sounds like their embarrassed of the power rangers
LittleVesuvius: where is this?
Fanklok: You're saying hentai room like there isn't one in every house hold???
TheArchitectX: The studio probably licensed out all their properties to other companies and didn't contract stock for their merch store.
bytecaster: If they have too many, they should just sell them as merchandise
Gekyouryuu: @drfox17 yeah, the semi-canon series Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger had the red Dekaranger guest star because he was also the dub actor for his Power Rangers counterpart and SPD was coming out at the time
hd_dabnado: @Fanklok Hentai condominium
bytecaster: A zord would make a great con outfit, Beej
GreyOrb: The Hentai room has different toys. Funnily enough, they all have the same names.
nessiah_aries: Goldar shows up to throw you out.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: like even as a Power Rangers Fan, and my dislike of MMPR, I would have been hype for that
jacqui_lantern234: CORIANDER
stippledotter: Strong opening, Alex
MorganteMaggiore: mic 5?
Critterbot: mic5?
Gekyouryuu: @bytecaster the 45th anniversary season from 4 years ago, 4 of the rangers are robot people, and their morphed forms are based on various megazords, actually
ButButTheJesus: CORI
BrowneePoints: America Missed and deleted it off the planet
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RockPusher: gabyLul
BrowneePoints: that's what happened
Foxmar320: :D
Jigokuro: lmao
Mathonwy: America happened.
chenhsi2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 93 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chenhsi2! (Today's storm count: 638)
the_phantom_game_player: lrrCORI
Greys N. Owman: My boyfriend is cooking Gan Guo so I just have to wait a little bit
DigitalSeahorse: not sure if the c is on
abslomdaak42: lrrCORI
DigitalSeahorse: Alex's
MorganteMaggiore: to be fair, it's pretty hard to forget as an event
Leonhart321: There's the A-Bomb hall though
mtvcdm: I imagine they want to be more about the recovery and rebuild than the actual event itself.
hd_dabnado: adam, adam no
ButButTheJesus: Adam
DoodlestheGreat: Hiroshima has an annual memorial event on the day the bomb dropped.
Pywodwagon: So speaking of cheese, theres a dumb question that has become a thing in the event judge community: What cheese is your P1P1, and what are you hoping wheels
MorganteMaggiore: @mtvcdm true, less this happened, and more "we survived and still live"
TXC2: that probabaly because most of Nagasaki survived, and Hiroshima didn;t
BrowneePoints: There's a new Netflix series
BrowneePoints: like new new
TimeToFry: There was a movie right
thedepthandbreadthofseth: can we turn up alex's mic?
jacqui_lantern234: i was born in '93 and im in my 30's :)
blasterprime: oh yeah the new yt series is good
Leonhart321: Netflix movie
Gekyouryuu: Ultraman is still around. the new season JUST started
AugmentingPath: I keep seeing ultraman memorabilia on the top of churches
BrowneePoints: err movie*
Despoiler98: There was a new Netflix Ultraman series
RealGamerCow: There's also Pluto on Netflix
blasterprime: its dubbed
KBKarma: Okusenman! Okusenman!
Featherweight_: a bunch of free ultranmans streams are just up on youtube now
drawnbinary: Is the mic by Alex really quiet?
MorganteMaggiore: ok what you're telling me is wotc is gonna make a universe beyond 1 year after the ultaman peak, probably
mtvcdm: @Pywodwagon From the looks of the fridge of the cheese I sent them, their P1P1 of what I gave them was likely the smoked muenster cheese curds.
JollyGee29: Tsubaraya started putting their stuff subbed on YT too, I think
KOneSix: @frogasaurus90 Thank you for the gift sub!
nessiah_aries: My only exposure to Ultraman is the SD the Great Battle Series on Super Famicom.
fungal_bird: He played the Ultaraman theme song on that one Rhythm Cafe game
jacqui_lantern234: please, Ian's just a regular ol' Weeaboomer :p
Billy Webb: New Ultraman Movie on netflix and a new show on youtube
EricTheOrange: Ultraman is Jesus
Frogasaurus90: @KOneSix lrrSHINE
Gekyouryuu: @JollyGee29 this current season and last year's season both got simuldubs with translated on-screen text
MorganteMaggiore: also he really liked the names, prob
KBKarma: Basically the only Ultraman experience is the song Okusenman.
RandomTrivia: The only Ultraman reference I have is this, which lives rent-free in my head
MorganteMaggiore: ?
TehAmelie: I'm Ultraman, and so is my wife!
SymphonySolstice: I'd bet good money there's an ultraman-themed church somewhere
iris_of_ether: @RandomTrivia I am *so glad* Twitch behaved and let me clip that :D
bakerydragon: wait WHAT??>?
BlueMechanic: automaton constable
bakerydragon: dang
Foxmar320: hahahaaa
jacqui_lantern234: @TehAmelie yo is your wife single? is she baptized?
SpacePotato01: Some huge pieces just slotted into place.
ButButTheJesus: but but
Mathonwy: American Jesus comes with guns. Because of course.
MrPipboy3000: Remember when Robocop shot that guy in the dick?
RandomTrivia: @iris_of_ether For science, I literally went to make a second copy of it once my first one was done, and it had ALREADY been obliterated
TXC2: "remember when robocop shot that guy in the dick?"
TehAmelie: sorry, i just made her up for that bit
jacqui_lantern234: @ButButTheJesus the jesus
iris_of_ether: @RandomTrivia Oh DANG
ButButTheJesus: @jacqui_lantern234 :D
asthanius: oh man that RULED
asthanius: the dick shooting scene is so good
MorganteMaggiore: oh like the simpson akira?
Jon Grayson: I remember an old Ultraman series from the late 80s or early 90s. it came out just before Power Rangers
asthanius: it's so long
teddywhosabear: it's SO long
niccus: can we put on the entire hour long lasagna cat talk
Azsedcf: Link?
GreyOrb: You could say he cleared the billiard table.
BusTed: graphically
Sibwow: new bottom surgery
adept_nekomancer: "Lasagna cat" sounds like "we have garfield at home"
SnyperWoIf: @Sibwow new bottom surgery just dropped?
kaboomjr26: Is this the ending special?
RockPusher: How you feeling James? Feeling dry?
TXC2: gangs all here
RandomTrivia: Is the gang all here?!
Viewers_Like_You: hello comfy ben
ButButTheJesus: eepy Ben
BrowneePoints: You know what's even BETTER than Hawaiian? Pineapple and Pepperoni
PMAvers: Lasagna Ben
RandomTrivia: Wait, don't make Cori wait for pizza until after the sub-scroll!
beowuuf: yay, i made it for theend
SeismicLawns: did serge get his entire treatza?
ClodiumSoride: and Serge!
brieandbacon: I've been expecting you Mr Chat
JadedCynic: Paul is always the evil boss
stippledotter: It's Everyone!
Lumb3rj4ck subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lumb3rj4ck! (Today's storm count: 639)
JadedCynic: CEO Evil Inc?
EricTheOrange: Beej eats the plates
Quaseymoto: You did it!
BrookJustBones: Is it time for Serge ot 1v1 a treatza pizza?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I've got a full lrrouse...
TehAmelie: Ian must be alone with his meat
RandomTrivia: Ian, dishing up pizza:
jacqui_lantern234: BAHAHAHA
TwilightAvalon: Beej IS a member of the Ginyu Force
BrowneePoints: Awex Wuvs Cweam
red_shoes_jeff: lrrDILLY
hd_dabnado: we need more Dairy-based cults
SnyperWoIf: drinking straight half & half on cam?
thegreatwyrdling: !findquote millenial
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Greys N. Owman: Crash that bus! Crash that bus! Wait…
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to thedepthandbreadthofseth!
HedWund: HypeCheer 2020Glitchy lrrSHINE lrrHERE
thegreatwyrdling: !findquote zoomer
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thedepthandbreadthofseth! (Today's storm count: 640)
nessiah_aries: Ian started Rhythm Cafe early.
MorganteMaggiore: and then there was none
BrowneePoints: but seriously chat if you've never had Pepperoni and Pineapple Pizza it SLAPS
Gekyouryuu: @hd_dabnado the US IS a dairy based cult. we have government cheese warehouses
TXC2: such tech
RandomTrivia: Arrow spotted missing!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to MorganteMaggiore! They have given 94 Gift Subs in the channel!
fhorrigan: Oh Jesus, cold Kathleen on this 900 degree day is peak.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MorganteMaggiore! (Today's storm count: 641)
IanAllenBird: ohno
WardsarTheWriter: Ian_noise.mp3
RockPusher: gabyLul
Foxmar320: :D
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Juliamon: BrowneePoints Personally I prefer pineapple and grilled chicken.
BrokenGolem: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
putz12a: @BrowneePoints Pineapple and Pepperoni Pizza is amazing.
Sarah_Serinde: So many LRR
TXC2: Jacob lrrHEART
beowuuf: 17?
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
iris_of_ether gifted a Tier 1 sub to subread! They have given 62 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, subread! (Today's storm count: 642)
BrowneePoints: @Juliamon that's also good
ElementalAlchemist: It's been fun!
fungal_bird: Pepperoni + pineapple + jalapeno is my fave pizza. if I'm feeling spendy I'll add garlic and bacon
IanAllenBird: lrrHEART lrrHEART
BusTed: onstaCHEER
thegreatwyrdling: No great loss.
margieargie: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
DanTheMediocre: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ArcticAtlantic: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
MorganteMaggiore: @RandomTrivia thx for the sub
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
GhostValv: o7
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
HedWund: Love all your silly faces!!
jolly6100: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
shendaras: seabatClap
mtvcdm: Thank you!
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
elmyra23: <3
NekomimiNinja: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
drfox17: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Marvoleath: lrrAWESOME
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
Foxmar320: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE foxmarPULSE foxmarPULSE foxmarPULSE
Astramentha: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
roefizzlebeef: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Sunidesus: !lrrheart
RandomTrivia: Thank you all for a fantastic week! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Anubis169: Thank yoooooooooou <3
AchillesAndTortoise: Wooooooo
Gekyouryuu: oh, is Jacob officially a LRRsm'n?
Redbassist: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Casualty_booth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
fhorrigan: You guys rock
Quaseymoto: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Krektogar: such people, much LRR
adept_nekomancer: lrrSHINE
GredGredmansson: you're very welcome
msartivisual: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
AnimeKitty: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Leonhart321: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
AutumnVixenIX: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
DanTheMediocre: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
ghyllnox: <3
apennamedquill: lrrSHINE
KaleidoscopeMind: time for wet james
incslayer: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
brieandbacon: lrrHEART lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrHEART
shendaras: lrrHEART
phoenixfeather14: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy vicksyHappy vicksyHappy vicksyHappy
NarishmaReborn: the whole company!
marmalade_pen: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ArcLightningCanuck: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Despoiler98: shugrvBongos shugrvBongos shugrvBongos shugrvBongos
SymphonySolstice: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
tyrsredritehand: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
beowuuf: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
red_shoes_jeff: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RoeDent89: So much crew
TheWriterAleph: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Sunidesus: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Frogasaurus90: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Tingeltangelibach: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
NornsFelidar: ❤️❤️
simplydavemn: In an Era when traditional media is in a steep decline, and even a lot of newer media is too, I am so happy you guys keep doing what you do.
Mr_Horrible: been pretty cool ngl lrrSHINE
Lamebert1415: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
HedWund: 2020Glitchy HypeApplause HypeLove1 lrrSHINE
Charlie_Victor7: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RockPusher: Thank you for the entertainment
micalovits: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
JosVanTongeren: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
drane10: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Makhiel: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
nessiah_aries: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Bellmoore: lrrHEART lrrHEART
abslomdaak42: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
superdude097: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to NarishmaReborn! They have given 95 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NarishmaReborn! (Today's storm count: 643)
amative1: 5456
Leonhart321: Anyone else have DB vibes with this?
e_bloc: I guess I didn't realize LRR was 20 people
MorganteMaggiore: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
aesir_blade: Has Serge 1v1ed the treatza pizza yet?
stippledotter: They're all Togethlrrr!
Fanklok: @Gekyouryuu He's their social media manager and the producer for Dice Friends
FenrisSchafer: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
JadedCynic: thank YOU for all the fun and entertainment you give us all year long <3 lrrHEART jadedc5LOVE
LlewellynZ: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TXC2: Leonhart321 yes
Mindfire13: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ContingentCat: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeart vicksyHeart vicksyHeart
WardsarTheWriter: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
JLHonors: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Decem_Lampas: lrrSHINE
SevenStarKiller_Tom: wow everyone is here
NornsFelidar: lrrSHINE lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
ExachixKitsune: it's fine, at least 2 of those are "x gave at least 3 subs"
Foxmar320: I look forward to seeing if I show up twice
red_shoes_jeff: lrrSHINE
Misslinnythebaker: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
margieargie: @Leonhart321 It's the finaaaal busdown!
Koshindan: On the plus side, the sub read after the PPR will be much shorter.
Angreed66: there are a lot of gift subs
Mai_Andra: Well, if you've read one, you've read them all.
RoeDent89: 17 on camera
Redbassist: Crash that james
KaleidoscopeMind: oh aggregated
whitebadgerwolf88: Thank you!! This was amazingly fun lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Anubis169: lrrHEART
dungeonmasteralek: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
InfinityToPlanck: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Redbassist: With water balloons
MorganteMaggiore: probably will finish right before the pre prerelease
mtvcdm: James has just over one hour to get rid of that scorecard or he's an awful minigolfer.
NonUniqueGuy: @e_bloc Not all of them work for it full time.
SevenStarKiller_Tom: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
JadedCynic: "I basicaly said your words - here's your book, now send me back, like in the deal."
ZweiVinter: Just read them at 2 times speed it'll be fine
RoeDent89: This has been so much fun!
ShifuDaxiongmao: lrrSHINE
JaceB147: you guys are the best, love y'all
CrazymattCaptain: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Gekyouryuu: @Fanklok oh, cool! I heard him mention working with a new video game publisher the other day and thought that meant that was his job and he's just with LRR as a friend guest
SevenStarKiller_Tom: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
TXC2: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
MorganteMaggiore: be there or be square
MrSarkhan: I will be there!
RockPusher: hahahaha
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to JaceB147! They have given 97 Gift Subs in the channel!
PharaohBender27: :D
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JaceB147! (Today's storm count: 644)
SevenStarKiller_Tom: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
beowuuf: :D
Foxmar320: Heck yeah!
RandomTrivia: Cameron no!
DidacticDad: YES PELASE
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
NarishmaReborn: @RandomTrivia Thanks for the gift sub!
brieandbacon: Doom Blade's in this set?
abslomdaak42: Really looking forward to Bloomburrow!
ThorSokar: You HAD me at DOOMBLADE
Anubis169: <3
drfox17: lrrPistachio lrrPistachio
Marvoleath: Just do a single aggregate chat name.
tyrsredritehand: Cam YES
GreyOrb: Be there and be Squirrel
excalgold: Bloomburrow looks adorable and i will be watching
jacqui_lantern234: cameron YES >:D
simplydavemn: Wheeler, you should train one of your mime-sons to take the picture
Gekyouryuu: outside of WotC you mean
PharaohBender27: PrideBalloons
RealGamerCow: I cast Shrew to Plowshares
niccus: we have very good removal this set
DaSunao: Absolutely wood chipper adorable animals
Leonhart321: I cast Murder on Ms Bunnyburrow
MorganteMaggiore: how many red baloons?
TXC2: Balloon HYPE
fhorrigan: Laser Sun Mega Wolf from Bloomburrow is maybe my favourite Magic art ever
krfsm: might be a Doomblade in one of the precons
SevenStarKiller_Tom: lrrARROWS
RandomTrivia: Bit total sergeOrder sergeOrder
MorganteMaggiore: ok, how many subs to have adam in a critter costume?
aww_shiiup subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aww_shiiup! (Today's storm count: 645)
SnyperWoIf: "Doomblade Fuzzy Woodland Creatures" is my band name
krfsm: or Murder or something
NonUniqueGuy: @MorganteMaggiore Are you trying to start a nuclear war?
DidacticDad: 10 o clock which time zone? I am in a post lunch coma
Alex_Frostfire: You'll have to settle for Fell, unfortunately.
NornsFelidar: oh yeah... cute creatures they said.... bloomborrow normalizes sending kids to the red zone
EricTheOrange: zopstrops/
JadedCynic: *zip strips Kappa
bakerydragon: Watching old Talking Simulator with Undertale was how I learned that Cameron Hates dogs 😄
MaxTurkeyFlaps: I still don't understand how I gifted a sub and instead received a subscription cancellation email.
Angreed66: animal control became furried though
Fanklok: Doomblade got a glow up
MorganteMaggiore: @NonUniqueGuy ... are you saying no?
nessiah_aries: Watership Down sure is different than I remember it.
Anubis169: Tweaked... chat, strap yourselves in
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to DidacticDad! They have given 97 Gift Subs in the channel!
Gekyouryuu: @krfsm I think one of them has Saw in Half
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DidacticDad! (Today's storm count: 646)
Odissian: ASPCA might have something to say about doomblade
EricTheOrange: Zippity whizbangs?
Timerquack subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Timerquack! (Today's storm count: 647)
DragonOfTheVoidd is continuing the Gift Sub they got from an anonymous user!
brieandbacon: lrrCrab lrrCrab
RocknGrohlNerd: FBtouchdown
TheArchitectX: I want a counter in the PPR for instances of making your opponent sacrifice one or more of their creatures.
xerjen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, xerjen! (Today's storm count: 648)
krfsm: @Gekyouryuu oh, rihgt!
ThorSokar: 873,000
DidacticDad: @RandomTrivia Thanks for the gift sub! OMG
Dog_of_Myth: Cheer69
mtvcdm: 873,000
amative1: 873000 bits
krfsm: you can saw a bunny in half!
RandomTrivia: Just tidying up any missing arrows lrrHEART
Anubis169: it's a Chum Balloon
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL Alex
Foxmar320: :D
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
nessiah_aries: Did he steal that from Plankton?
Jon Grayson: I'll be here for Bloomburrow PPR
frnknstn: Cheer400 oh right the bits
RoeDent89: If you wanna wash it's better than a balloon
beowuuf: so we're just re-enacting that scene from full metal jacket on james? cool
ThorSokar: Oh are we doing that Robocop Scene?
SevenStarKiller_Tom: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
drfox17: Wheeler, it's there for donating blood
TXC2: ThorSokar :D
Odissian subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Odissian! (Today's storm count: 649)
Anubis169: hihi Sokar <3
Sarah_Serinde: Hey Paul thanks for all your hard work on these things
ElementalAlchemist: That's probably for the best
TXC2: ^
ExachixKitsune: Paul does good work
Irsaan: I like that a lot better
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE lrrPAUL lrrSHINE lrrPAUL
Irsaan: Way to go paul!
Quaseymoto: Aggregating, not deduping
stippledotter: Paul is a hero and a genius
iris_of_ether: That's honestly necessary
PharaohBender27: lrrSLOTH_HF lrrSHINE lrrSLOTH
mtvcdm: So it's gonna be harder to snipe this one.
Lord_Hosk: Fixed it
Foxmar320: Paul is the best confirmed
adept_nekomancer: Paul with the tech wizardry
stippledotter: Y'all too popular
ThorSokar: composSalute Anubis169
DidacticDad: I'm with you fellers
stippledotter: *populrr
brieandbacon: Did you think about being less successful, to make your job easier?
qrpth: Cheer501 da bits da bits
roefizzlebeef: quick question for chat, what does the heart on the timer mean? gift subs perhaps?
RandomTrivia: @Lord_Hosk 10/10, good work
JadedCynic: that is a very good idea, Paul - you are brilliant and valuable to bring it about lrrHEART
drfox17: Thank you @lord_hosk
Juliamon: RoeDent89 Total sub units
avi_miller: Shoutouts to Paul!! lrrSLOTH lrrPAUL lrrSHINE lrrPAUL lrrSLOTH
RandomTrivia: Did I miss anyone active in Chat?
malsareus: the subscroll is being consolidated across the week
RandomTrivia: There shouldn't be any missing arrows
tyrsredritehand: Pride100
bolas_dnd: Great job with the subathon everyone! Can't wait for the PPR!
TXC2: roefizzlebeef it's the combined total
SnyperWoIf: So, last chance to do more subs / bits?
nqbw: Cheer730
youngfrey is gifting 51 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 51 in the channel!
roefizzlebeef: ahh gotcha, ty!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to jorshsparce!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to blu_smuthee!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to brogre81!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to deusvampire!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to kingupgaming!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to the_eggsit!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to sv_evo!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to deatril!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to matze465!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to EkyoHots!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to leonchameau!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to cambo212!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to burnight0!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to Deogin!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to neylok7575!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to Anna_Wayfinder!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to mibukotaro!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kamshir0!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gwandan!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to alexb241293!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to jolly_does_art!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to blasterprime!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to Etarran!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to pickles6232!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to MikaelFoxy!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to Exidimusius!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ergizic!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to Newbiespud!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to Edgeng!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to goodiejar!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to walter_ewald!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to agentpalmer!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to Schoolbus93!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to catacryptic!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to Clockwork_Penguin!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to eyesofmike!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to atrickofthelight!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to animaniacdot!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to MTBoot!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to rags86!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheShinyOne!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to CavemanKellen!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to K1ngtigerFIN!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vohdre!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to Doctor_Pockets!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to bkpally!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to fox_clouds!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to johnwash1!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to MonsterRP!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to 100BlackandWhite!
youngfrey gifted a Tier 1 sub to TwilightAvalon!
MorganteMaggiore: or maybe log in into the alt account and then donate again
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to bolas_dnd! They have given 98 Gift Subs in the channel!
TXC2: youngfrey lrrHEART
Dog_of_Myth: Cheer99
vinewood_og subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
vinewood_og: Thanks so much everyone! You helped get me through a year of a week! lrrHERE
Sarah_Serinde: Get your contributions in now :D
DragonOfTheVoidd: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, youngfrey! Welcome to all 51 recipients! (Today's storm count: 700)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bolas_dnd! (Today's storm count: 701)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vinewood_og! (Today's storm count: 702)
ZweiVinter: Showing all the individual donations would be a Bit much
RockPusher: lrrSHINE
ThorSokar: "so dump the warchest now"
RandomTrivia: sergeGift sergeHolyMoly
SevenStarKiller_Tom: wow
bakerydragon: 50 DKBit minus
WardsarTheWriter: More bits, more bits... ok, sotp bits!
yalc321 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 72 in the channel!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Realitybreaker1!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to iltaleevi!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Our_oBoros!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ielgon!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MechaKuuga!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pylon_tv!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Thrind!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to fstenkvist2!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to oneghst!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TeslaCoyle!
krfsm: 17*3 is 51
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, yalc321! Welcome to iltaleevi, Realitybreaker1, Our_oBoros, MechaKuuga, fstenkvist2, Thrind, ielgon, pylon_tv, oneghst, and TeslaCoyle! (Today's storm count: 712)
mtvcdm: The Cursed Scorecard now goes to 25 over par.
TXC2: yalc321 lrrHEART
TwilightAvalon: @youngfrey Thanks for the gift sub!
RandomTrivia: You can't tell Chat what to do
hd_dabnado: common Yalc W
Fanklok: Still have an hour to break 1 million bits
PharaohBender27: @youngfrey lrrSHINE
MorganteMaggiore: a free coke?... do you have a diet one?
bytecaster: Reverse psychology
KBKarma: @yalc321, how's Miller?
SevenStarKiller_Tom: do it
deusvampire: @youngfrey, tak for gaveabonnementet!
ExachixKitsune: yalc!
Dog_of_Myth: Cheer70
ShifuDaxiongmao: the +1 was just to spite Wheeler :P
Foxmar320: Id watch that
oneghst: Thanks @yalc321 !
nessiah_aries: "I don't want your chump change!"
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to dontgiftme!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dontgiftme! (Today's storm count: 713)
KaleidoscopeMind: loading ready not live
RoeDent89: *The* live ending
SnyperWoIf: "make a new account and sub with those, Jesus Christ" Did, did Jesus Christ already sub!?!
red_shoes_jeff: Party100 Party100 Party100 Party100 Here, have the rest.
Jigokuro: Cheer100 lrrSHINE
TXC2: I'd buy that for a dollar
yalc321: @KBKarma Eepy
Tochisan7: Cheer502 take my bits!
Patorik: I don't think "Live" accurately describes it
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
DragonOfTheVoidd: Cheer100
excalgold: dont Code Red James....
dungeonmasteralek: Cheer100
Lanthess: The tennis ball special but with whole hams
MorganteMaggiore: how musch id the tarp budget?
ExachixKitsune: "We didn't find water balloons, so we filled bin bags with concrete"
EricTheOrange: Dip him in Liquid notrogen and shatter him like Boris from goldeneye
InfinityToPlanck: Cheer1000
adept_nekomancer: They're pockets for your feet!
RoeDent89: Heather!
Sunidesus: pockets are also portable pockets?
Anubis169 gifted a Tier 1 sub to excalgold! They have given 10 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, excalgold! (Today's storm count: 714)
TheArchitectX: cheer60
RockPusher: footsacks
bytecaster: Footsaaaaack
ChemicAlfs is paying forward the Gift they got from Welbog to the community!
ChemicAlfs is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
ChemicAlfs gifted a Tier 1 sub to cobalttulips!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, ChemicAlfs! Welcome to cobalttulips! (Today's storm count: 715)
GreyOrb: Feet sacks.
Fanklok: Freeze some oranges instead of using the soap
nessiah_aries: Stocking Stuffers?
RoeDent89: Put your feet in your pockets
beowuuf: @excalgold but we need james on that wall
simplydavemn: Pro tip: To keep water balloons fresh freeze them.
mtvcdm: And everyone who was gonna snipe is just pre-sniping now
DidacticDad: "Socks are just portable pockets"
stippledotter: Anything is reenactable once
Anubis169: Nonsub spotted!
drfox17: Renact the tennis ball video, but just James
Anubis169: rectified!
colonelkreiner: Cheer190
Foxmar320: Uhhhhh
korvys: As someone who watched DB9, we weren't ready for that
SymphonySolstice: fill this chat with subs *clap clap*
Seasikberry: crash that bus!
stippledotter: We ARE the sub ocean
thatjerkherc is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel!
thatjerkherc gifted a Tier 1 sub to Maackan135!
PharaohBender27: @stippledotter My God, you're right! :O
thatjerkherc gifted a Tier 1 sub to the_garfeet!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, thatjerkherc! Welcome to the_garfeet and Maackan135! (Today's storm count: 717)
ZeldaZach: zeldazBLEP
drfox17: No, that's Lindsey!
RockPusher: korvys Ian was witnessed that day
malsareus: So, when the rendition of the Final Countdown?
Gascitygaming: USD or CAD?
Fanklok: It's down to 5?
SnyperWoIf: @Gascitygaming both!
MatzerKat: Buy Monopoly money in bulk, got it.
Frogasaurus90: Cheer10000
DaimyoAmerica: 5 Norwegian Kroner?
RandomTrivia: Oh that's a good one
Dog_of_Myth: Cheer148
MorganteMaggiore: A FOOT
hd_dabnado: oooo
TXC2: Norwegian Krona Kappa
Angreed66: NO wheeler chat will not be bullied
krfsm: Zimbabwean dollars!
RandomTrivia: KATHLEEN
Redbassist: lrrDARK
jacqui_lantern234: a LOCK Kappa
ThorSokar: NAILS
Anubis169: Another sock
mtvcdm: !addquote (Wheeler) [now] If you see me, anywhere, you are obligated to give me a five-dollar bill.
LRRbot: New quote #9062: "If you see me, anywhere, you are obligated to give me a five-dollar bill." —Wheeler [2024-07-20]
DidacticDad: 6 lightbulbs
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
Morrigan9: a steel chair
ZeldaZach: @Dog_of_Myth <3
Sarah_Serinde: jlrrNo
NonUniqueGuy: I'm pretty sure I have seen that on some Korean show before
PMAvers: "Was that... my unpainted minis pile of shame?"
SevenStarKiller_Tom: 10k bits
bytecaster: Concussion speed run
RoeDent89: Make way for piss! *kick*
aitsu100: 10 spindowns
krfsm: 5 NOK is about fiddy cent
ElementalAlchemist: you'd have to be real careful with a game like that
bakerydragon: Call of the void has a direct line to Kathleen's vocal chords :)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
malsareus: would roofing nails we worse than a sock with a fish in it?
ClockTamer: *slaped* awww! it was moms spaghetti
RoeDent89: Farewell, hour counter
Gascitygaming: who's putting bits to 8s?
beowuuf: does the person at least get fed with the jam doughnut first?
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
nessiah_aries: I you can't guess what it is, you have to take it home and let it sleep in your bed.
mtvcdm: The Cursed Scorecard now reads 26 over par. Next at 7800 sub units.
jacqui_lantern234: a lot of spindowns or a lot of lube?!
simplydavemn: "Well, I know it was a syringe, but... used or not?"
bytecaster: When you pelt someone with 30 dice, it is always a critical hit
Anubis169: this is a Dire Sock
breadisbest1: discworld rincewind with a half brick
PywosMom: Cheer1000
SnyperWoIf: where DO ferrets come from?
EricTheOrange: A sock full of lube would be funny
Fluffy776: A sock of bed bugs vomit vomit vomit
DidacticDad: Do we want to know?
adept_nekomancer: Colossal dreadsock?
DiscordianTokkan: A lead Dreadnaght in a Sock
breadisbest1: iCarly sam with a butter sock
Greys N. Owman: Serge with the very smooth arm around Matt’s shoulder
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL Amazing
beastman309: Love you folk, thanks for doing what you do!
Odissian: As the premiere sock-pilot of the format...
bytecaster: Only Ral is
RandomTrivia: Vivien probably did
jacqui_lantern234: Planeswalkers ARE the rats
RealGamerCow: I blame Minsc.
ShifuDaxiongmao: The planeswalkers are
brieandbacon: Karn came with Japanese Knot Weed
Viewers_Like_You: yeah, but humans aren't cute
EricTheOrange: are they colonizers?
Fluffy776: Yup, all the native life is long since gone on that plane
ultraheyward subscribed at Tier 1.
ghizmou: Cheer1000
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ultraheyward! (Today's storm count: 718)
BrowneePoints: We know Ral, Jace, Vraska and Loot have visited
asthanius: apparently it's "animals native to the plane"
SnyperWoIf: Humans are the invasive species?
BrowneePoints: Vraksa turned into a lizard in the story
simplydavemn: The 'wabbasock'?
aitsu100: Bloomburrow land of no apes
drfox17: Planeswalkers introduced them, like munkjac deer
RandomTrivia: Deku Tree Karn is very weird
BrowneePoints: There are metallic petrified trees on Bloomburrow Alex
nessiah_aries: Aren't the frogs the assholes of the story this time around?
Fluffy776: I thought it was a joke alter?!
Scar_Red_Tiger: How Humanoid do you have to be to change?
BrowneePoints: that weep metallic sap
niccus: there's a commander card with a bloomburrow raccoon landing in Kamigawa
ShifuDaxiongmao: it's Karntreeversial
TXC2: what happens when a bloombroow native planeswalks ?
MorganteMaggiore: the moment they start to invent capitalism they became humans
RandomTrivia: @ShifuDaxiongmao sergePun
bytecaster: What power would kirby get after eating Karn?
Simriel: Old pweter dreadnaught used to be like 3-4 pounds?
DidacticDad: Karn is now the tree witch from Pocahontas
Kueller: @randomtrivia yeah, that is where i went too
Gekyouryuu: he makes karns-trunk-ts
AshcopseDryad: it reminds me of bernd das brot
Anubis169: <3
adept_nekomancer: @bytecaster He becomes Karnby
Fluffy776: levysc1Hype
AshcopseDryad: if somebody knows that one
Fanklok: It's not Karn socking it's Karn boxing Cori
Kirserella: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
aitsu100: Helga number 1
BrowneePoints: Also
jacqui_lantern234: cause hes an otter irl
BrowneePoints: it's REALLY GOOD
cmdrzellgaudis: I miss the MTG nicknames
bakerydragon: XD
abslomdaak42: Uuuh, looking forward to that TTC, even though I've already read the story.
bakerydragon: choice
asthanius: BE A GAY
BrowneePoints: Otter, Wolf, Bull, Bear, Cub
Foxmar320: LOL
niccus: how long will it be before tomik finds out
AnimeKitty: I'm sorry what?!
SquidVorb: A GAY
RandomTrivia: HOLY SHIT
Sibwow: a gay
Saintnex: SERGE
SymphonySolstice: LUL
ArrestedHouse: LUL
IanAllenBird: kmjnhuikjnhu
margieargie: tqsLOL
NornsFelidar: Serge
laikagoat: lrrWOW
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Foxmar320: Serge hold up
shurtal: SERGE
ProfessorFalconer: A GAY
elmyra23: i am screaming
baltimore_667083: SERGE
RockPusher: sergeJustRight
ButButTheJesus: SERGE
darkora: LUL
mtvcdm: Serge
Juliamon: a gay
jpost042: serge
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
Kirserella: Oh Serge
ContingentCat: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL
adept_nekomancer: Wow, that's a quote
TwilightAvalon: Serge is wonderful LUL
roefizzlebeef: LMAO wheeler
Coloneljesus: i love serge
aitsu100: omg
JadedCynic: the clips that are being made right now...
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
AnimeKitty: YAGER
iris_of_ether: Bless you Serge hahaha
wastetalent: serge walking right into the minefield
public_key_reveal_party: and that's how the entire lrr crew died
GreyOrb: You would need a bachelor indeed.
Kibbik: Hi there highlights reel
Fanklok: June hasn't even been dead for 3 weeks
Jon Grayson: I saw Lilianna as a squirrel and after that I was all in
Mr_Horrible: oh my
AnimeKitty: PrideLaugh
bakerydragon: I'm looking to take a laterl move in my sexuality career
Philocalist: Ask him about his dual lands too
Grevas13: step 1: be a gay
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL CAM
hd_dabnado: ALEX
abslomdaak42: LUL
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
youngfrey: I was once trying to find photos of the animal the otter eating. And I searched for "otter self feeding". I did not get the images I wanted.
Quaseymoto: lrrSERGE
brieandbacon: You should see the Dom Count
RoeDent89: And this is where LRR is cancelled
JadedCynic: Serge is just innocent; Ian knows better
ButButTheJesus: hoo boy
nessiah_aries: Serge hasn't had enough coffee.
phoenixfeather14: I love that Kathleen just threw the blanket over her and noped right out of that conversation
DidacticDad: There was a panel, *pulls down spectacles and looks at Serge* - sorry, no.
vinewood_og: Is the dom count increasing at least?
CrossXhunteR: james' baptism
sporkraptor: @youngfrey haahahahaha
Lord_Hosk is paying forward the Gift they got from an anonymous gifter to thelastsubneeded!
Lord_Hosk gifted a Tier 1 sub to thelastsubneeded! They have given 5 Gift Subs in the channel!
uncleardata: Didn't realize I got a degree in gay at the same time as my biology degree LMAO
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thelastsubneeded! (Today's storm count: 719)
BrokenGolem: extravaganza
NornsFelidar: 21 year was a good run
epsilon_vee: fight? festival? fisaco?
powerflapjack: i felt bad for wheeler always dumpstering serge on N100S. Nah, hit him again
RockPusher: Got him some towels for afterwards?
SymphonySolstice: baptism
Anubis169: Water Balloon in a sock
hedronhijack: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
WardsarTheWriter: You can say it, it's a kink.
Foxmar320: Good choice of words Paul
TehAmelie: the waterballoon massacre
ProfessorFalconer: Great band name
KaleidoscopeMind: it's accurate
jchinnock: enjoy the watersports!
Marvoleath: ah yes, JMBC
roefizzlebeef: james' water balloon circumstance is my king gizzard coverband
PTElder: I want to read that light novel.
vinewood_og: I like their old stuff better....
RoeDent89: Live from Victoria, BC, it's James's Water Balloon Circumstance!
royalplutonian: A punishtance
MehallD: James' Waterballoon Circumstance is my Presidents of the United States of America cover band
the_garfeet is paying forward the Gift they got from thatjerkherc to the community!
the_garfeet is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
the_garfeet gifted a Tier 1 sub to als96!
the_garfeet gifted a Tier 1 sub to valys24!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, the_garfeet! Welcome to valys24 and als96! (Today's storm count: 721)
Anubis169: <3
PharaohBender27: lrrGibb
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
bytecaster: You get reincarnated into Waterworld
AragornKeuken: Y'all. This minute marks the 55th anniversary of the apollo 11 moon landing!
DidacticDad: water balloon circumcisions? What?
Gascitygaming: can we get to 1 million bits?
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun just so yall know, im 100% gonna roast Serge for that on the 29th
PharaohBender27: Doggo!
TXC2: Doggo!
baneless27: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Francois_Le_Blendeur: SOUNDS LEVELS FFS!!!
micalovits: Friend!
drfox17: James will now be hit by waterbaloons delivered by the US air Force
nessiah_aries: Does this ceremonial act require the presence of a clergyperson?
lightfut: Pupper
Critterbot: Pupper!
baltimore_667083: doggo!
measureofhope: doge!
RandomTrivia: DOGGO! benginLove
SymphonySolstice: good dogy
superdude097: Doggo!
MorganteMaggiore: look at that dog
shurtal: DUG
Metric_Furlong: a dog
Fanklok: Fuck trucks, the Dungeons and Dragons Roller Coaster at the local theme park is the true Isekai vehicle
JadedCynic: jadedc5LOVE
Anubis169: is that a doggo?
TehAmelie: we've landed on the moon?
Lamebert1415: Doggo
adept_nekomancer: It's a blurry dog!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyW
DiscordianTokkan: a child
EricTheOrange: I hope these "better than balloons pop properly, they seemed kinda structurally sound
TheAinMAP: lrrSPOT
RealGamerCow: I can hear the breathing probklems
Dog_of_Myth: Dog!
RealGamerCow: of that dog
bakerydragon: really creeped out until close enough to parse it was a doggo
simplydavemn: Don't forget to leave your phones and other elctronics somewhere safe from the balloons.
tabbybabbyy: Nelly's Nessa
jarnatan: James' Water Balloon Circumstance: When waterballoons will happen to James
Alarnis: @hedronhijack nerd :p
Critterbot: Kitty!
TXC2: kitty!
Gascitygaming: kitties!
Anubis169: KITTIES!!
ElementalAlchemist: meow!
NornsFelidar: kitty!!!
baltimore_667083: kitty!
Metric_Furlong: cats
KaleidoscopeMind: baxter!
micalovits: Double kitty!
Foxmar320: Kittys!
SnackPak_: it's the boys!
eshplode: cat!
SymphonySolstice: flooooofs
nessiah_aries: CATS!
Lamebert1415: KItty
sporkraptor: two kitty!
WardsarTheWriter: Cats!
Viewers_Like_You: cattes
RockPusher: Disastercat
Mythallian: CAT
bakerydragon: YAY cats!
aitsu100: Lomg Kat
Sunidesus: they're friends!
KaleidoscopeMind: and finnegan!
SoaringDragon42: kitties!
Redbassist: Catte!
mtvcdm: Such floof
Gekyouryuu: kyat!
TehAmelie: the blur filter was defeaated
sporkraptor: crow!
Gascitygaming: birb!
Anubis169: Birdies!
Sunidesus: Birb!
KaleidoscopeMind: and birb friend!
Metric_Furlong: bird
Dog_of_Myth: Crow
measureofhope: borb
aitsu100: birb
Juliamon: BIRB
Critterbot: Birb!
SymphonySolstice: CROW FRIEND
RoeDent89: Birb!
mtvcdm: Birb
emberBecky: ohhh they're friends now
bakerydragon: CORVID
Mythallian: BIRB
tabbybabbyy: Ian's corvid son
RockPusher: Crow fren
avi_miller: Yes Ian!
Gekyouryuu: boid!
Redbassist: Snek
Gascitygaming: cheesesnake!
Mythallian: SNEK
Lamebert1415: Birddie
TXC2: snek!
randombillfolds: On Beak.
SymphonySolstice: DANGER NOODLE
eshplode: cake!
baltimore_667083: snek!
micalovits: Daaaaaw
measureofhope: I'm so good at identifying animals
sporkraptor: strawberry snekcake!
superdude097: Sneko cheesecake!
Foxmar320: Yes
mtvcdm: Ah yes, the cheesesnake
IanAllenBird: oh!
IsaTheEngie: noodle
Sarah_Serinde: I enjoy how these breaks have become show and tell
adept_nekomancer: cheesesnake
ElementalAlchemist: lrrBEEJ
RockPusher: cheese snek
Odissian: Cheesesnake
Juliamon: YES PLS
RoeDent89: Cheesesnek!
BlueFingers5: Yes please
measureofhope: snek
SnackPak_: thanks beej
Sunidesus: ok, that's adorable
NornsFelidar: mmmm a cheesnake
SoaringDragon42: omg that's a cute snek
DiscordianTokkan: No thanks, but thanks for the offer
aitsu100: love a cheesesnake
jolly6100: dame beej
beowuuf: Remember James, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, or consider the life choices that will lead to you getting pelted with balloons by your friends and collegues. Don't forget to ask them to wash their hands!
Astramentha: D:
Gascitygaming: snoot!
ButButTheJesus: cheesnek
Krektogar: snek cake?
KaleidoscopeMind: i love this break screen
micalovits: BOOB DE SNOOT
sporkraptor: NOSE
Atiota: ah dang it weve been sniffed
Dog_of_Myth: dog
Redbassist: 3D juniper
phoenixfeather14: snoot!
eshplode: Nose!
Lamebert1415: SNOOT
aitsu100: chat got booped
KaleidoscopeMind: just a slideshow of snoots
Sunidesus: boop
avi_miller: Juniper!
momma_tatts: boop
bakerydragon: Ooh Philly Cheesesnake yes please!
eshplode: wheelerMonkey
RockPusher: gabyLul
Gascitygaming: I enjoy our new blur cam meta
Rafgmorais: what
micalovits: AAAHHHHH
sporkraptor: WHEELER
jacqui_lantern234: WHEELER
IanAllenBird: jnhuikjmnhu
DiscordianTokkan: lol
superdude097: LUL
Grevas13: dammit wheeler
Atiota: bab y
Gascitygaming: me!
sporkraptor: DAMMIT
abslomdaak42: LUL
Plundy: pupper!
Simriel: Catte
Plundy: weird dogs!
Jon Grayson: oh, kitty!
wildoneizzy: danger noodle
Simriel: hee, snek
wildoneizzy: snoot
mtvcdm: wheeler
TXC2: babo ?!
NornsFelidar: wheeler!
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby spoon
adept_nekomancer: Wheeler, no
tabbybabbyy: a beautiful boy
Sunidesus: ah Renaissance art...
CrossXhunteR: wheeler with the Souls boss
Sarah_Serinde: Okay, *mostly* I enjoy it
Lamebert1415: Wheeler
WardsarTheWriter: Is that the merchant from RE9?
Critterbot: Err...
DylPage: I like how orderly they've lined up.
yalc321: Wheeeeler
ProfessorFalconer: Wheeler's baby photo
jarnatan: It's unfortunate that LRR doesn't have the technology to put pictures onto the screen
Marvoleath: Wheeler with the selfie
sporkraptor: KITTY
brieandbacon: Can I pet that Dawg?
Sunidesus: fuzzy!
RoeDent89: This is the end of the highlight reel
WardsarTheWriter: Er 8.
superdude097: Kitty!
Redbassist: Catte!
Atiota: kat
Lamebert1415: Kitty
eshplode: cat!
NekomimiNinja: kitty!
SoaringDragon42: kitty!
Gekyouryuu: kibby!
GreyOrb: Huh, young Wheeler
IanAllenBird: fluffyyyy
bakerydragon: Catto!
RealGamerCow: Catte!
Gascitygaming: kitten
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPog
mtvcdm: kitty!
PharaohBender27: Kitty!
abslomdaak42: Kitty!
tabbybabbyy: fur
Wolfstrike_NL: Fuzfuz!
DiscordianTokkan: floof
margieargie: escher3MEOW
Krektogar: furry murderer!
sporkraptor: Chat Identifies Animals: The Movie
nessiah_aries: CAKE?! Preposterous. When my pet snake brings me food it's usually a dead mouse.
RealGamerCow: NO.
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
SymphonySolstice: LUL
TXC2: I have now been joined by kitty IRL
sporkraptor: what
EricTheOrange: did they form a queue
IanAllenBird: oh,
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby shrek
Atiota: SHREK!
sporkraptor: um
bakerydragon: It's all Ogre
RockPusher: Cori y tho
sporkraptor: no?
nyoomgoom: this is basically social media but in real life, but online
baltimore_667083: SHREK
Redbassist: Purty shrek
aitsu100: yay shrek
Gascitygaming: album cover!
tabbybabbyy: horror!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSPOOP
Rafgmorais: shrek
avi_miller: Yes Cori!
Wolfstrike_NL: a-r-t
sporkraptor: noooooooo
Singenmeister: Is this music from Moonlighter?
jacqui_lantern234: cori
Metric_Furlong: perfection
PharaohBender27: Eyelashes Shrek!
brieandbacon: "Look at this graph!"
laikagoat: fionVoid fionVoid fionVoid
ThorSokar: The Shrek pour!
Azralorne: my boy!!!
adept_nekomancer: lrrSPOOP
Sunidesus: it's so sparkly
pipshardfour: I like this show and tell
hd_dabnado: @Singenmeister !roadquest
Atiota: doggo
Fanklok: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
sporkraptor: pupy
Redbassist: lrrSPOT
SnackPak_: I like the line that has formed
sporkraptor: big ears!
Anubis169: AWW!
DeM0nFiRe: FrankerZ
baltimore_667083: puppy!
Azralorne: He's as beautiful as the day I made him
ShifuDaxiongmao: doggo!
momma_tatts: moar boop
TXC2: Singenmeister this is the roadquest OST
Kirserella: puppers!
sporkraptor: doggosf!!
micalovits: Much better ^^
Lamebert1415: Doggies
IanAllenBird: : o
Atiota: TWO dogggos
Redbassist: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
Anubis169: double doggos!
baltimore_667083: double feature!
Sunidesus: awwwww
ProfessorFalconer: It's like we're the animals in a zoo, and they're showing us photos in the hopes that we react
jarnatan: @SnackPak_ The LoadingReadyLINE
sporkraptor: yeeee
red_shoes_jeff: benginLurk
epsilon_vee: aww
bakerydragon: I've definitely been to parties that were just queues of showing photos and memes
ShifuDaxiongmao: multidoggo!
momma_tatts: doggos!
TheKarthe: thekar12Bork thekar12Bork thekar12Bork
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
Anubis169: Friendos!
excalgold: haha
Some kind of Garf: great doggos and cattos and corvies and cakes oh my
KingKool2099: KITTY
Jon Grayson: KITTY!
wildoneizzy: :eyes-pink-heart-shape:
Jon Grayson: puppy
KingKool2099: Someone needs to show us Loss.jpg
Jon Grayson: puppies
Dog_of_Myth: CRIM!
micalovits: lol
sporkraptor: um wheeler! XD
JadedCynic: NGL, this is genuinely making me feel elementally happy
SymphonySolstice: LUL
korvys: What I love about this bit, is that it shows that this camera angle isn't just a post-effect blur, it's actually an out of focus camera
NimrodXIV: :D
roefizzlebeef: I feel like this is the stream equivalent of lrr sitting us down in front of a bunch of baby sensory videos
sporkraptor: and... ??
aitsu100: Krim
Atiota: :o o:
Anubis169: nice meme pic :D
Gekyouryuu: monkeys!
Fanklok: Oh Serge's pets Crim and Wheeler
Grevas13: @nyoomgoom from the bleak hellscape of 2024, i am convinced sharing photos is all social media ever should have been for
Redbassist: Crimson wheeler
sporkraptor: serge
abslomdaak42: :OOOOOO
sporkraptor: PUPY
superdude097: Awwwww
SnackPak_: baby!
RockPusher: babbo
SoaringDragon42: tiny puppy!
Sunidesus: so tiny!
Gascitygaming: mini Juniper!
brieandbacon: Don't tap on the glass, it distresses the chat
JaceB147: cute
sporkraptor: those eyes aaaaa
baltimore_667083: juniper!
Redbassist: Puppo!
phoenixfeather14: Aww, baby!
measureofhope: tiny pupp
momma_tatts: pupper boop!
sporkraptor: oh no wheeler again
Juliamon: Junipup
Sunidesus: bun bun!!!!!
RockPusher: bun
DigitalSeahorse: bnuy
SymphonySolstice: BUNBY
Atiota: bnuuy
sporkraptor: camer and... BUNY
IanAllenBird: bnuuyyyy
RockPusher: bny
Adeli3: Bunny!
EricTheOrange: BABY
bytecaster: Bun!
Foxmar320: Bun bun!
superdude097: BNNUY!
epsilon_vee: an bun
Gekyouryuu: bnuuy!
phoenixfeather14: Bun!
SoaringDragon42: tiny BUNNY!
momma_tatts: bun
sporkraptor: AAAAA SO CUTE
adept_nekomancer: bun bun!
brieandbacon: Bun Bun!!
avi_miller: bnnuy!
PharaohBender27: tqsFlower
Gascitygaming: must know more about heckin bunner!
measureofhope: kitten
RockPusher: tqsClap
Kirserella: Bunbun!! <3
tabbybabbyy: buunnnnyyyyyy
Redbassist: Bnnuy
KV1NN4: bunnu!
ShifuDaxiongmao: BUNNEH!
baltimore_667083: BNUUY
nyoomgoom: @Grevas13 accurate
jarnatan: A heckin bunner
aitsu100: bunn
RandomTrivia: BUNNY!
RandomTrivia: KIOTTY
marenello1159: bnuy
sporkraptor: KITTY
RockPusher: tqsLong1 tqsLong2 tqsLong3
TheKarthe: thekar12Bork thekar12Bork thekar12Bork
baltimore_667083: KITTEH
SoaringDragon42: kitty!
bakerydragon: Laughing so much whenever I see someone getting up to join the queue again
asthanius: Morley!
superdude097: Gato!
Adeli3: Wheeler is redeemed
Atiota: KITTY!!!!!!!
momma_tatts: kitteh!
Kirserella: Kiteh! <3
Redbassist: Catte
RandomTrivia: So many good fuzzy friends!
SymphonySolstice: LUL
nessiah_aries: Now this is the kind of content people actually subscribe for.
hb8u: LUL
RoeDent89: Wheeler!
marmalade_pen: d'aaaw
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL lrrWHEELER
Sunidesus: so is Wheeler Serge's pet?
IanAllenBird: kmjnjil
Anubis169: wait wait i got one
sporkraptor: okay why does Serge have so many pictures of wheeler
RockPusher: wheelerMonkey
Grevas13: y'all, this is a real weird stream.
Redbassist: You're son wheeler
Gascitygaming: board games!
marenello1159: LUL
Rafgmorais: the best fuzzy friend
ThorSokar: It's GREAT to be here!
Wolfstrike_NL: ahw what a nice baby
Gekyouryuu: columbo
thedepthandbreadthofseth: squirrels!
micalovits: Is Serge just showing us pictures of Wheeler?
Fluffy776: levysc1Cozy levysc1Yay
Atiota: LUL
EricTheOrange: Serge breaking the animal meta
Some kind of Garf: best break screen
Jon Grayson: silly wabbit
wildoneizzy: bun bun!
SnackPak_: is Serge saying Wheeler is his pet? lrrBEEJ
TXC2: why does Serge have all these pictures of Wheeler?
jarnatan: Good of Serge to show us a picture of Wheeler since he couldn't be here for the subathon Kappa
ShifuDaxiongmao: Is that housetrained, Serge?
Fanklok: @sporkraptor I just said that out loud to myself
GreyOrb: Nothing like pictures of cats, dogs and Wheelers.
sporkraptor: um
sporkraptor: BEJEEZUS
TXC2: Anubis169 cute
micalovits: I aprove
bytecaster: @TXC2 Maybe it's part of the studying he mentioned before
brieandbacon: What sort of animal is Wheeler, Serge?
Anubis169: 💪
BrokenGolem: saw it coming lol
aitsu100: heck yea
tabbybabbyy: reveal! serge's best friend has been Wheeler all along
Amentur: PrideStrong
offbeatwitch: thank you beej
Fluffy776: Oh hot she's lifting
Redbassist: Been yes!
RandomTrivia: Yeah that tracks for Beej
marmalade_pen: hecks yes
RandomTrivia: D'awwwwww
RockPusher: Gengar!
incslayer: GENGAR!
Anubis169: Mons!
sporkraptor: gengar
TXC2: bytecaster ah, of course
Fluffy776: Awwww Gengar!!
SymphonySolstice: gengar
superdude097: Pokemanz!
Atiota: gengar!!!
marmalade_pen: gemgar!!!
RockPusher: [wubbins intensifies]
GenericGlitterGoth: The gengar omg
ProcyonFlynn: PokGengar
aitsu100: Gengar my love
PharaohBender27: Gengar!
adept_nekomancer: lrrSPOOP
ExachixKitsune: adorable
mtvcdm: Gengar!
Redbassist: Gengar!
Juliamon: PokGengar PokGengar PokGengar
micalovits: Is that us Chat?
marmalade_pen: clefable!!!
asthanius: wheelerMuldcb wheelerMuldcb wheelerMuldcb
ExachixKitsune: kitty
micalovits: Bleb
CypherRaze: Gengar is best pokemon
RockPusher: blep!
kaziel0: Blep
sporkraptor: andBLEP
Anubis169: tongue out
baltimore_667083: BLEP
SymphonySolstice: B L E P
ExachixKitsune: blep
Atiota: BLEP! BLEP!!
Fluffy776: lrrSPOOP
superdude097: blep
IanAllenBird: : P
Redbassist: Blep
KaleidoscopeMind: blep
AugmentingPath: blep
RandomTrivia: FUZZY BLEP
Foxmar320: blep
beowuuf: wub wub wub wub
SoaringDragon42: blep!
avi_miller: blep
brieandbacon: mlem
DiscordianTokkan: blep
RoeDent89: LoadingReadyDub
SnackPak_: that's a good blep
Kirserella: mlep! omg <3
aitsu100: blep
vinewood_og: Belp
CypherRaze: CAT
hd_dabnado: wheelerMuldcb
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Wub factor 9.. engage
jarnatan: Beej and myself both love Catradora a normal amount
ShifuDaxiongmao: mlep
Krektogar: Blep!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyLick
GenericGlitterGoth: blep
tabbybabbyy: BLEPPPPPPPPPP
phoenixfeather14: We have been blepped!
Atiota: another wheeler jeezus]
sporkraptor: okay serge again... AND IT'S ANOTHER PICTURE OF WHEELER
ExachixKitsune: wheeeeler!
Anubis169: sip sip sip
Redbassist: So proud of wheeler
Grevas13: so cute
AugmentingPath: serge's cat, wheeler
ProcyonFlynn: Serge sure has a lot of photos of wheeler on his phone :p
Anubis169: boop snoot!
flapjacksofwar: Booooop
baltimore_667083: hello again juniper!
ExachixKitsune: a doggo! (Juniper!)
SeismicLawns: Dog!
Fanklok: Ok seriously Serge needs to explain why he has all these candid shots of Wheeler
Sunidesus: boop
superdude097: PUBBY
tabbybabbyy: babyyyyyyyyyy boooooops
Mischievous_Catgeist: more confirmation wheeler is serges pet
Redbassist: More puppo juniper
ImmortalLen: Does this imply Wheeler is serge's pet?
phoenixfeather14: Boop!
RockPusher: such a boopable snoot
ExachixKitsune: kitttty!
sporkraptor: okay new LRRlore: Serge has a folder on his phone for pictures of Wheeler
TheAinMAP: lrrSPOT
Anubis169: travHey Jordynne
WiseGuy57: this is like some sort of alternate universe asmr variant
wildoneizzy: lol, is serg implying wheeler is a pet?
RockPusher: eepy
RandomTrivia: Babiesssssss
micalovits: SO MUCH KITTY!
sporkraptor: kITTY SLEEP
superdude097: Kitties!
SoaringDragon42: KITTY!
Lamebert1415: Kitty
SymphonySolstice: kittiessss
sporkraptor: KITTAN
IanAllenBird: oh noooo
nyoomgoom: any time you're scrolling your home feed, the little elves in your phone are doing this to your screen
tabbybabbyy: babiessssssss
mtvcdm: Awwwwwww
Sunidesus: awwww, so many fuzz butts!
sporkraptor: KITTANZ
SnackPak_: a very good void
Kirserella: So much kitteh!
JadedCynic: Serge? I gotta admit - you got some photographer chops - these are really good pics of Wheeler SeemsGood
Redbassist: Kitties
aitsu100: kitty pile
CaptainKranok: Juniper looks EXACTLY how I pictured.
Krektogar: all the kittehs
TheAinMAP: guyjudgePeek
RockPusher: kitten bowl
hypperstar2280: its incrediblyquiet but i can hear them
sporkraptor: hi alex
GenericGlitterGoth: I'm melting over all these cute animal photos
quton: so smol
savagebuttons: How long is break
phoenixfeather14: Cuddle pile of kitties!
sporkraptor: something in water?
sporkraptor: ducks?
Redbassist: Water?
bakerydragon: ducks in the water?
Lamebert1415: Duck?
ExachixKitsune: wet!
sporkraptor: people?
Sunidesus: ducks?
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Duck1 digita435Raveduck vicksyPoint
baltimore_667083: otters?
ProcyonFlynn: !honk
SoaringDragon42: duckies?
asthanius: OTTERS
tabbybabbyy: otters!
Sunidesus: otters!
GreyOrb: Otters.
TXC2: otters
Anubis169: fishies!
RockPusher: Why we otter!
sporkraptor: otters!
Redbassist: Otters!
pyronils80: Otters
SoaringDragon42: OTTER!
Irsaan: is Serge's entire phone just pics of Wheeler?
danisaur3: OTTERS
aitsu100: ah otters
brieandbacon: Look at all those chickerns
Lamebert1415: Otters
avi_miller: otter!!
Th3Hypn0Toad: Ral?
Redbassist: A gay!
SnackPak_: sea pups
JadedCynic: tyvm! <3
sporkraptor: SERGE
IanAllenBird: kijuiokijuikjuikj
AugmentingPath: serge why
baltimore_667083: @Irsaan there's your answer
bakerydragon: awwww
epsilon_vee: look, ma, it's oneathem streamers!
Irsaan: I'll take that as a yes.
bytecaster: This bit is growing on me
WardsarTheWriter: Who is that man in the mask?! : O
DigitalSeahorse: why I otter
Fanklok: Serge this is hojnestly getting kind weird
Anubis169: lrrGOAT
sporkraptor: jGOATS
beowuuf: wheeler, please blink twice if serge is keeping you in a hutch and feeding you through tjhe bars with a water bottle?
PharaohBender27: lrrGOAT
AugmentingPath: lrrGOAT
SymphonySolstice: GOAT
avi_miller: Serge sticking to the bit
adept_nekomancer: This is a lot of Wheeler that Serge has on his phone
RockPusher: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
SoaringDragon42: goats!
aitsu100: goat
Gascitygaming: taht tracks
EJGRgunner: GoatEmotey
JadedCynic: lrrGOAT
Redbassist: Goat oats
Kirserella: Goats! :D
CypherRaze: confirmed. all of Serge's pics are just of wheeler
Sunidesus: hee! goats
Boon_33: lrrGOAT
superdude097: Greatest of all time!
sporkraptor: did y'all ever do the donkey???
danisaur3: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
spethycakes: lrrGOAT
margieargie: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
baltimore_667083: GOAT
iris_of_ether: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
jarnatan: Goats, eh?
laikagoat: fionGoat
Metric_Furlong: lrrGOAT
ShifuDaxiongmao: lrrGOAT
Redbassist: lrrCrab
baltimore_667083: lrrGOAT
KingKool2099: Kitties!
Jon Grayson: it looks like Wheeler IS Serge's pet
fonk: oh it's romorrow!
Grevas13: next pic is serge dressed in wheeler's clothes
DigitalSeahorse: lrrGOAT
MrQBear: dog
tabbybabbyy: awwwwwwwwww
sporkraptor: those eyes AAAAAA PUPY
spethycakes: jesscapBOWWOWWOW
Redbassist: Yessss puppy
Irsaan: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Kirserella: Junipup!
TheWanderingNomad: Pubby
An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
PharaohBender27: WUB WUB WUB WUB
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to insane_42!
SnackPak_: so wee, so precious
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to insane_42! (Today's storm count: 722)
sporkraptor: um
MrQBear: dog?
SymphonySolstice: ohno
WardsarTheWriter: Oh god why.
sporkraptor: nnnoooooooo
danisaur3: NO
micalovits: Friend!
Sunidesus: ummmm...
Gascitygaming: whelp i'm out
kemykatze: no ty
IanAllenBird: yeah ok
bakerydragon: This is like going to a discord image channel irl
laikagoat: fionVoid fionVoid fionVoid
tsp397: Ahhhhhhh
AugmentingPath: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
CypherRaze: uh
adept_nekomancer: lrrSPOOP
PharaohBender27: O_o
Critterbot: Err...
SoaringDragon42: why???
ProcyonFlynn: lrrSPOOP well done
Fluffy776: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
brieandbacon: Oh jesus
sporkraptor: HEATHER
JadedCynic: ooooh, cool
Lamebert1415: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
epsilon_vee: some kind of oc
Redbassist: Crytid
jarnatan: Best pic of Wheeler so far
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyS
PharaohBender27: :D
RockPusher: lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart
MrQBear: Dog!
bakerydragon: XD
GenericGlitterGoth: Okay that's just nightmare fuel
ihlendrax: LUL
sporkraptor: BEEJAMUN
amative1: NO
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
adept_nekomancer: lol
GenericGlitterGoth: hahahaha
asthanius: charge your phone first
Gascitygaming: cheer500
CypherRaze: LOL
JadedCynic: no.
themercenary1987: Damn
sporkraptor: no that was weheeler sorry
mtvcdm: The system works!
MrQBear: Okay definitely a dog.
aitsu100: cad right wheeler so like 1 dollar us
rraawwrrimabear: classic Serge and his pet Wheeler
sporkraptor: GOATZE
Mischievous_Catgeist: the fact that they are lining up for this is great
RandomTrivia: awwww
Redbassist: Boop dragon snoot
Mythallian: DURGEN
WardsarTheWriter: Breaking my heart again.
Krektogar: I think theres somethin wrong woth that goat
sporkraptor: okay that was beejamin
Sethalidos: gah WHY?
CypherRaze: IT'S A DARGON
tabbybabbyy: awwwwwwwwwwwww
IanAllenBird: : D
RockPusher: coachn3Nissathedog
SoaringDragon42: puppy!
MrQBear: Not a dog?
Redbassist: Nelly
iris_of_ether: Hi Nissa!
marmalade_pen: nelly dog!!!!
sporkraptor: AAAAA Nelsondog!
brieandbacon: It Nelly!
Sunidesus: those are some impressive ears
Grevas13: that's a good dawg
CypherRaze: Nellydog
sporkraptor: LITTLE MANS
tabbybabbyy: nissa!!!!
SymphonySolstice: 10/10
jarnatan: PoochNelly
bytecaster: Tiny mans
MrQBear: So many tiny plastic dogs!
wildoneizzy: So we should give Serge the $5 for the care and feeding of Wheeler
Gascitygaming: scions!
Redbassist: Good bois
mtvcdm: There's been so many subs and bits that adding more is starting to do things to the overlay it's great
Easilycrazyhat: XD
SoaringDragon42: oh, looking good!
sporkraptor: do not know whose army
Fluffy776: TOTK SPOILERS (On a scale of Link to Donkey, how upset are you that your wife is a dragon)
micalovits: Little Meow meows!
Krektogar: 1such cute bois
Th3Hypn0Toad: Nice edging!
sporkraptor: oooo, chaos...
jarnatan: Nice dolls
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: blooded!
Mythallian: SPIKY BOIZ
ImmortalLen: Best pets
abslomdaak42: Little guys
sporkraptor: hm... yes Cameron ofc
pyronils80: Purch the unclean!
Lord_Hosk: @Anubis169 Boop
sporkraptor: SERGE
phoenixfeather14: So many tiny plastic mans!
SymphonySolstice: omg
brieandbacon: hehehehe
WardsarTheWriter: Oh serge...
Irsaan: SERGE
RockPusher: Oh Serge
micalovits: I think Serge really likes Wheeler
Redbassist: Great!
IanAllenBird: kijuiokjiokijmikjjinikomjn
KaleidoscopeMind: lol
CypherRaze: LMFAO
ExachixKitsune: A wheeler!
sporkraptor: serge wtf XD
Anubis169: hahahaha
MrQBear: Look at those good humanoids
iris_of_ether: :D
ImmortalLen: Perfect
bakerydragon: Top notch
brieandbacon: Oh hej Jordynne
baltimore_667083: an unsuspecting wheeler
abslomdaak42: His forehead is so shiny
RoeDent89: The pets are in the room
Krektogar: Jordynne!
RandomTrivia: Bonus Jordynne content on Serge's reel of Wheeler
spethycakes: HypePat
mtvcdm: On brand for both of them really
sporkraptor: hi alex
Cunobelenos: sergeSnerge lrrWHEELER
sporkraptor: KITTY
RandomTrivia: D'awwwwwww
EJGRgunner: The implication that Wheeler is Serge's pet is kind of awkward
MrQBear: Dog!
morgoth_bauglyr: DOG
baltimore_667083: kitty!
spethycakes: lilyli11Colpet
Viewers_Like_You: gremblin!
powerflapjack: cyat
RandomTrivia: What a good kitty!
GoblinMyra: cat!
Gascitygaming: scooby cat?
sporkraptor: ANGY KITTEH
superdude097: Kitty!
Redbassist: Mow
Nigouki: angy
Lamebert1415: Cat
SoaringDragon42: angry kitty
MrQBear: Angy Dog
IanAllenBird: ohoho
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
danisaur3: piss
WardsarTheWriter: that's a cute Goblin.
RandomTrivia: EARS!
AugmentingPath: happy dog
TehAmelie: have some pandas being goofs
sporkraptor: GREMLIN
Sunidesus: that is an upset kitty!
tabbybabbyy: angry goblin!
Anubis169: kitty takes no prisoners
iris_of_ether: Angy kitty!
Krektogar: ooohhh, angry kitty
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySWA
nyoomgoom: hairy bbybey
SnackPak_: good ears
Irsaan: I want Serge's next one to be "give Wheeler $5"
baltimore_667083: no talk kitteh angy
momma_tatts: kitten
RockPusher: angy katte
GenericGlitterGoth: angy kitty
emberBecky: angy kit
Grevas13: spicy friend
Anubis169: BOOP
GoblinMyra: babbyyyy
jarnatan: Jordynne's understated chaos energy is legendary
Krektogar: boop!
Redbassist: Awoo
sporkraptor: aaaaaaa pupy aaaaa
RandomTrivia: JUNIPER AGAIN!
baltimore_667083: BOOP
kalira77: how did Alex get a picture of me on his phone?
flapjacksofwar: The most boopable snoot
momma_tatts: teef
sporkraptor: what
Sunidesus: @TehAmelie pandas are very good goofs
Jon Grayson: for only $5 a day, Wheeler can have access to food, clothes, shelter and all the Magic The Gathering products that he'll need to survive
sporkraptor: orphans? what
SnackPak_: wooow
Rafgmorais: what
RandomTrivia: benginWat
ExachixKitsune: oooh good job wheeler!
nyoomgoom: thirteen orphans
MrQBear: Congrats Wheeler on 13 dogs
iris_of_ether: Hahahahaha
CmdrMadMoe: cat meows like it smoked 2 packs a day for 25 years
Gekyouryuu: congrats!
mtvcdm: @jarnatan What do you mean UNDERstated, it's pretty stated
adept_nekomancer: lol... unexpected mahjong reference
TXC2: Wheeler finally got his orphans
Dreamlettuce: That's a baker's dozen!
spethycakes: HypePurr < me after pet time
ExachixKitsune: goodbye
Gascitygaming: bbye!
Nigouki: time for James pelting
RoeDent89: And everyone leaves
NimrodXIV: bye bye
JadedCynic: thank you LRR - that was LOVELY <3
Foxmar320: oh it must be time
mtvcdm: And now off to go do things to James
JadedCynic: cya outside!
RoeDent89: Except someone
sporkraptor: oh no! LRR went away! wheeeeere's LRR???
Gascitygaming: hi kathleen!
WardsarTheWriter: I'm guessing that's Adam back there.
MrQBear: Oh, they abandoned kathleen. Sadly, she will not survivet he winter
TXC2: ooh looks like the wetaning is starting
SymphonySolstice: time for james to get baptized
RandomTrivia: Ah, of course!
trainpants: what a lovely segment
public_key_reveal_party: only 1 remains
brieandbacon: Is it just Kathleen in the blankie?
mtvcdm: As Kathleen just hangs out
sporkraptor: they stopped existing! oh
RandomTrivia: TO THE WINDOW!
Gekyouryuu: I got my 13 orphans a couple weeks ago, it was great
BusTed: haha
IanAllenBird: oh right
stippledotter: James' Waterballoon Circumstance has a new album called The Geneva Suggestion
ElementalAlchemist: It's us!
Viewers_Like_You: hi G
RoeDent89: Live on location!
RandomTrivia: BY THE WALL!
baltimore_667083: hi james!
RockPusher: Reserved for James
jarnatan: @mtvcdm I mean relative to some other chaos energies on the LRR crew like cHustle Alex
SnackPak_: o7 James
public_key_reveal_party: reserved
sporkraptor: fffhaaaahahahaah
PharaohBender27: lrrGibb
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
Wolfstrike_NL: lrrAWESOME
kaziel0: Hello James!
Sarah_Serinde: Ah good James has eye protection
TehAmelie: it's getting real now
emberBecky: oh wow
danisaur3: oh no
marmalade_pen: kill a mans!!! (in minecraft)
nyoomgoom: this rules
IanAllenBird: completely forgot about the water balloons in the midst of all the photos
flapjacksofwar: Poor James
Gascitygaming: legit should have cup and face covering
kaziel0: Hello Ben and G
Foxmar320: He's not tied down. Sadness
Easilycrazyhat: Step 1: Place the James outside.
Anubis169: Inverse dutch angle
laikagoat: fionGoat fionGoat fionGoat
NimrodXIV: reserved for James
Redbassist: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
ClodiumSoride: Is James wearing a cup?
brieandbacon: Place James strategically agains the ground
ElementalAlchemist: Lying in a parking lot
JadedCynic: oh, Waterbombing
ArcticAtlantic: oh let's DO THIS
beowuuf: LOL
offbeatwitch: we've placed james in a car park and left him there. let's see what happens
sporkraptor: time to disturb the neighbors!
ButButTheJesus: just got back and am james ok
Irsaan: I love this actually.
thatguysteve2709: This is unfortunate for james
deusvampire: This wil be good :)
morgoth_bauglyr: james getting cooked in the oven
NonUniqueGuy: A spot reserved just for James
niccus: this looks like a documentary that's about to have timestamps to the minute
Fanklok: How many times does James get hit in the junk?
Lord_Hosk: That spot is reserved for James
jarnatan: RIP James, we shall never see his like again
RockPusher: bukkit
ElementalAlchemist: I hope no one hits the tripod immediately next to James
TXC2: to those who are about to be wetted, we salute thee
PresidentScr00b: To the Window! ... to the parking lot?
baltimore_667083: @Fanklok yes
AugmentingPath: Anubis169 belgian angle?
TXC2: o7
EJGRgunner: I'm not sure sunglasses counts as eye protection
ZweiVinter: Dear God
RevolverRossalot: James has been deployed
Grevas13: james please don't die
EOstby: Simic Slaw?
Sunidesus: I spy a tripod leg, I'm hoping that's for video goofs later
stippledotter: This must look amazing to the neighbors
TheWriterAleph: for our chum james
Y2A_Alkis: I hope James is wearing a cup.
Anubis169: AugmentingPath: LOL
SoaringDragon42: oh, that's gonna hurt?
Ralph Tiff: for less than the cost of your daily booster, you can save a Wheeler too
wildoneizzy: :hydrate:
Jon Grayson: water balloon time!
WiseGuy57: james ded
Some kind of Garf: Reserved James
beastman309: Get him!
zeraxilim: He might want to take off the glasses...
beowuuf: james also can't see chat nor the internet, probably the happiest he has been :p
mtvcdm: These are gonna hurt
insanecat6mtg: I'm here in time to see James pelted by water balloons! lrrHORN
margieargie: Laying on a parking lot in July is a brave act
HedWund: should have laid a towel or something between him and the ground, he'll feel the impact
Dog_of_Myth: Nerf or Nothing
DahudLefthanded: That tripod is worryingly close to the splash zone
ElementalAlchemist: Graham trying to save the tripod there
PTElder: Legit akin to the shots Dropout did for their escape room episode of Game Changer.
ArrestedHouse: space reserved for james
RandomTrivia: I'm glad they managed to get a reserved parking space for this
wastetalent: right in the nuts
Gascitygaming: first one to nut him gets a dollar
sporkraptor: y'all didn't put them in the freezer right???
korvys: What's the weather like right now in Victoria?
KaleidoscopeMind: are they... reusable?
jacqui_lantern234: AIM FOR THE JUNK
niccus: it's so nice to finally find out what a spot is reserved for
beowuuf: @Anubis169 i didn't think about that, but yeah...
RandomTrivia: NAILED IT
RockPusher: perfect!
teddywhosabear: oh NO
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
AugmentingPath: nice
Redbassist: lrrHAM
ExachixKitsune: inb4 camera death
adept_nekomancer: Direct hit!
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
danisaur3: bullseye!
RoeDent89: Nailed it!
filthwizard_1985: No need for tarp outdoors
DaSunao: lrrBartleby FBtouchdown
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
JadedCynic: "Pilot to Bombadier! Pilot to Bombadier!"
WardsarTheWriter: Direct hit!
Foxmar320: Nailed it
jarnatan: Bullseye
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
quton: oof
mtvcdm: Direct hit!
MehallD: great start
powerflapjack: AIM FOR CENTER MASS
NimrodXIV: 1 point
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
brieandbacon: Got his ass!
Grevas13: legend
teddywhosabear: those do not break
bytecaster: Critical hit
Krektogar: good shot!
aitsu100: perfect shot G
incredulouspasserby: It begins.
public_key_reveal_party: regret achieved
WowoT: are they reuseable?
BlueFingers5: just like the first video
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Melfina__: LUL
Astramentha: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
SytYoshi: Isn't that the point?
GreyOrb: 1 out of 1
krfsm: as is tradition
beowuuf: sergeJustRight
Nigouki: DId your boss ever balloon you at work?
Sarah_Serinde: See chat, you earned this, you got us here gabyLul
ArrestedHouse: LUL
ButButTheJesus: is he wearing a cup
GreyOrb: 2 out of 2
NimrodXIV: 2 for 2
sporkraptor: CUP
mtvcdm: Good aim!
drfox17: Lolol
Decem_Lampas: big loser piss piss baby
kaziel0: Good idea having your knee up.
TehAmelie: i'm assuming the water will evaporate within 20 minutes
Fluffy776: I'd cover for sure
Easilycrazyhat: Cover the bits
Cunobelenos: ow
jarnatan: Oh yeah nobody will be able to tell if James pisses himself
SymphonySolstice: LUL
margieargie: Going for the knees
ImmortalLen: Should have worn the cup
Sunidesus: I hope he has dry clothes somewhere
RandomTrivia: Big Poo Poo Loser Baby, I think was the full term? :D
RockPusher: gabyLul
GreyOrb: 3 for 3
7gorobei: protect the family jewels
EricTheOrange: james shoulda worn a cup
ElementalAlchemist: "ow" has been called
Mr_Horrible: get this man a cup
RoeDent89: You sure shimmying to your left was a good idea?
TXC2: right on the shin
marmalade_pen: the bits the bits
BusTed: Found the gap in the jeans
ContingentCat: lol protect the future generation LUL
ElementalAlchemist: and a miss!
GreyOrb: 3 for 4
RandomTrivia: Too much spin
jacqui_lantern234: James should be wearing a groin cup
incredulouspasserby: A week ago they recommended a cup. That would've been good.
RoeDent89: Swing and a miss
DaSunao: lrrAWW
TXC2: swing and a miss
sporkraptor: gravity is doing a lot of the work here
L0rdX33n: ben out for blood
jarnatan: James' bits in public
WardsarTheWriter: Streak broken.
beowuuf: this is exactly the scene in robocop
Anubis169: overhead is best
Anubis169: Kappa
sporkraptor: serge off by one?
brieandbacon: On the noggin
RandomTrivia: HOLY SHIT
GreyOrb: 3/5
amative1: Serge is gonna be OffByOne parking spot
RevolverRossalot: No shame on fortifying the engine room
Nigouki: hahaha
RandomTrivia: THE HEADSHOT
drfox17: Imagine if they had a tarp
RockPusher: hahahahahahaaha
margieargie: Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades... and water balloons I guess
Jigokuro: The Nicest Guy To Ever Strip Lock You
mtvcdm: NO DODGING
SnackPak_: wooooow
Cunobelenos: sergeSnerge sergeSnerge sergeSnerge
bjergmann101: Surge with the full power
beowuuf: lrrWOW
Makhiel: hope we get a nice James-shaped outline at the end
Easilycrazyhat: Serge whipped that one XD
Fanklok: Aim for the head or the "head"
Dog_of_Myth: James dodged
quton: hahaha
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
kalira77: serge says "hey buddy" and all i hear is Snerge
jacqui_lantern234: YOU DODGED >:(
Foxmar320: Serge going for the face wow
Fluffy776: Helmet, safety glasses, cup, a will
ElementalAlchemist: Serge pls
IsaTheEngie: the schmoovement!
TXC2: Damn Serge :p
IanAllenBird: kjnuikjn
excalgold: why is Serge's 'Hey Buddy' so sinister sounding in this situation?
incslayer: lrrJUDGECALL
RoeDent89: Yes!
Saintnex: COWARD Kappa
ghyllnox: SNERGE!
hey_there_Enfys subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
Graham_LRR: we couldn’t find the tarp!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hey_there_Enfys! (Today's storm count: 723)
SymphonySolstice: caw
GoblinMyra: tqsSmug
SilverHalcyon: he aimed for the head
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Dodging is against the rules.
Statist42: what makes these “better than balloons”?
niccus: serge is really rising the leaderboard
RandomTrivia: D'awwww
Nigouki: ahahaha
Foxmar320: LOL
margieargie: Well
IaCthulhuFthagn: Just gonna lie there and take it?
Dog_of_Myth: Awwwww
danisaur3: hot
sporkraptor: um
ElementalAlchemist: whiff
Sarah_Serinde: Uh gabyLul
GreyOrb: 3/6
powerflapjack: DUDES ROCK
aitsu100: awwww
SeismicLawns: uh
beowuuf: LMAO
WardsarTheWriter: Hmm....
azureHaights: Serge aiming for the ear again, it's field hockey all over again
LittleVesuvius: lol adam
TXC2: Friendship!
Easilycrazyhat: XDXD
EricTheOrange: *TWEEE* penalty james
jarnatan: Um
Fluffy776: protect
NimrodXIV: TOS?
Mr_Horrible: incredible
Azralorne: UM
adept_nekomancer: TOS
Redbassist: :D :D
ButButTheJesus: UM
RandomTrivia: And the shippers rejoiced!
kaziel0: Awww! :3
BusTed: get down Mr. James
Wrexadecimal: LUL
AshcopseDryad: hot
nyoomgoom: lmao
nessiah_aries: This Parking Lot will henceforth be colloquially know as 'James Turners' Pillory'
unleashenlightenment: coxManleee coxManleee coxManleee coxManleee
RoeDent89: TOS
Scarbble: hahahaha
GoblinMyra: the MISS
Grevas13: i hope everyone else missed now
wastetalent: get his ass
iris_of_ether: um
Foxmar320: Ok this is amazing
Sibwow: serge hungers for another ear
niccus: adam?!
JadedCynic: d'awww <3
L0rdX33n: I’m corrected. Serge out for death
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGasm
SeismicLawns: pretty gay
jacqui_lantern234: HOLY SHIT THAT LOOKS LEWD
marawr_arts: Cheer5000
bakerydragon: those are some good fitting trousers
CypherRaze: UHHHHH
SymphonySolstice: friendship
ChaoticObserver: TOS! TOS!
RockPusher: hahahahaahahahaha
beowuuf: nelson's thoughts on friendship
brieandbacon: Just guys being dudes
ClodiumSoride: @Statist42 they stay in one single, easy-to-find piece after bursting
GreyOrb: 3/7
Julian_Rogue: Full moon out this morning
Easilycrazyhat: Y'all need better aim XD
Anubis169: the protection! it's working!
darkora: "And they were baloon mates"
morgoth_bauglyr: ablative adam
KaleidoscopeMind: literally
teddywhosabear: the protection is so powerful
Fluffy776: I've read this fanfic
TXC2: come on matt!
Sibwow: adam your phone
Sarah_Serinde: Literally
flatluigi: happy pride
malfnord: I kinda want to know what the neighbors are thinking rn
RandomTrivia: AO3 is just exploding right nowe
powerflapjack: dudes rock dudes rock dudes rock
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
ButButTheJesus: "oh my god, they WERE gay!"
Mr_Horrible: Adam just deflecting the balloons
Foxmar320: Aim for the butt I guess
kalira77: i thought you DIDN'T want AO3 fics
jolly6100: aim for legs
thatguysteve2709: Is Adam helping or smothering
rin_the_kat: whoa they were roommates
Therberus: Sooo uuuuh friends?
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
L0rdX33n: lol
Azralorne: They were roommates
marmalade_pen: now its a hate crime
beowuuf: :D
LittleVesuvius: LOL
GreyOrb: 4/8
kaziel0: Still got James
Angreed66: booo not enough hits
WardsarTheWriter: Still getting James
NimrodXIV: still got James :D
roefizzlebeef: adam was no help at all lmao
Scarbble: serge pls
Foxmar320: hahahaa
Azralorne: Oh no
branchini2: hey was there a bloomburrow pre pre release?
Fluffy776: Oh no
SnackPak_: still got James lrrBartleby
Critterbot: So, is this better or worse for James? :D
ArrestedHouse: LUL 󠀀
IanAllenBird: oh no
margieargie: Oh my
DigitalSeahorse: ohmy
Alex_Frostfire: I would personally recommend at least a cushion for his head.
Spritz_T: oh dear
Sunidesus: squeesh the James
Jobot180: Happy pride
offbeatwitch: LMAO
ButButTheJesus: UM
nessiah_aries: Skill issue Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: JFC SERGE
Azralorne: This is worse
aitsu100: oh no
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
abslomdaak42: Absolutely straight
LittleVesuvius: oh my god hahahaha
drfox17: MATT
ContingentCat: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! Everyone has the right to take a bite out of their special treat!
GoblinMyra: tqsLOL tqsLOL tqsLOL
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
RockPusher: hahahahahahaa
NonUniqueGuy: Matt throwing balloons at 2 men
GreyOrb: 5/9
PharaohBender27: :D
beowuuf: TOS TOS TOS TOS
Astramentha: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
jarnatan: Serge you cant do that, you didnt graduate!
Fluffy776: art!
SymphonySolstice: LUL
RandomTrivia: Beej has seen this anime
Scarbble: @branchini2 tomorrow
teddywhosabear: spot on
DaSunao: lrrBartleby
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Grevas13: beej's face!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGasm vicksyGasm vicksyGasm
Redbassist: :D :D
ElementalAlchemist: Adam status: still dry
Juliamon: branchini2 Tomorrow
Easilycrazyhat: Beej with the bullseye
Azralorne: Exit exit abort leave
nyoomgoom: my *goodness*
RandomTrivia: BULLSEYE!
KaleidoscopeMind: an interesting... ritual
Lord_Hosk: Happy pride everyone
stippledotter: Hope this subathon helps the tarp budget
KBKarma: The fics just write themselves.
measureofhope: fwendship!
Mr_Horrible: Beej with the center-mass, the only professional
cookiebeard: what a sammie
SilverHalcyon: 3 "straight" men
ChaoticObserver: Usually you have to pay much more than 6 dollars a month for this
zeathean: tos?
RockPusher: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
nyoomgoom: things are happening
Scar_Red_Tiger: SErge learning to be a gay
Simriel: But James getting hit in the nuts is a time honoured tradition, how can he deny us that
Reach: Ben "Kneecaps" Ulmer
Reach: I need an adult
wildoneizzy: whelp, this is a thing lol
Some kind of Garf: TOS! TOS! 🤣
WiseGuy57: So do the powerups go away when
incredulouspasserby: Remember when Serge talked about becoming an gay
Blip2004: Beej with no mercy
Fluffy776: levysc1Pride levysc1Pride levysc1Pride
Coloneljesus: unironically the straightest thing imaginable
electric_claire: Serge trying to make amends for his earlier attempted assassination
Julian_Rogue: Why is beej the one with a bullseye?!
Foxmar320: Kathleen with the pure chaos grin
Eklinaar: Whew I'm sweating
sporkraptor: butt
NimrodXIV: phrasing
nessiah_aries: Look at this manpile.
Easilycrazyhat: Consent is important!
DoodlestheGreat: This is how you propose marraige in certain parts of the Southeastern U.S.
GreyOrb: 6/10
ContingentCat: LUL
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
RockPusher: thwack!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
DaSunao: lrrDARK
RealGamerCow: Whap
Redbassist: Well done
KinkerbellRose: NAILED IT!~
mtvcdm: Two in the back!
GredGredmansson: tomYoga
Anubis169: bahahahaha
TehAmelie: Beej got them directly in center mass, and he doesn't have 3D vision
ztghostie: they're dialed in now
EricTheOrange: that's a soaker
Texan_Reverend: @branchini2 That's tomorrow.
jarnatan: Right in the wingspan
steffex2: Suddenly everyone hits LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
CrossXhunteR: just got back. what's happening here
L0rdX33n: Serge is magnetic?
GreyOrb: 6/11
KharadBanar: Continuous. Enthusiastic. Consent.
Singenmeister: lrrCOW
beowuuf: they are so close that when serge gets hurt, james feels it!
Irsaan: this is the best thing that's ever happened
brieandbacon: Serge finding the danger of "Yes, and.."
MaxTurkeyFlaps: Which creature in the gay lexicon was that?
powerflapjack: lmao, good one wheeler
Alex_Frostfire: @CrossXhunteR Great question. Next question.
Juliamon: This after last night's Now Kiss is definitely something
GreyOrb: 6/12?
shiny_elva: Tuned in just in time for the waterballooning!
Anubis169: neck splash!
GreyOrb: 6/13?
RandomTrivia: Plenty!
IslandersCaper: ohhh I made it home in time for waterballooning james
sporkraptor: round 2, GO
Easilycrazyhat: Is that an Alex silhouette?
malfnord: @Juliamon I know, right?
beowuuf: james is just on the floor, each shot regrets some more, he's getting wetter he's sooooaking
hey_kelvin: one of the stranger bits to tune into out of context
GreyOrb: 7/14
Fluffy776: They finished ... protecting
Mr_Horrible: union-mandated smoke break, G
WardsarTheWriter: They only love him to a degree.
nessiah_aries: They ran out of HP.
Linwey: 'bodyguards'. Sure
Grevas13: i missed why this was happening, but i think i'm fine just enjoying the moment
sporkraptor: bodyguards wussed out
ElementalAlchemist: an important cuppage
RandomTrivia: HAHAHAHAHA
Simriel: The growing pile of Lads XD
sporkraptor: NELSON
Gascitygaming: ads are gone dps phase
RockPusher: hahahahahaha
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahaha
Fluffy776: Serge did take two hits
NimrodXIV: LOL
GreyOrb: 7/15
ArrestedHouse: LUL
Anubis169: HAHAHAHA
Foxmar320: wow
teddywhosabear: lmao
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
KaleidoscopeMind: nelly
Jigokuro: bitterLOL
RandomTrivia: The SPECTATORS!
Sunidesus: what did Nelly hit?
quton: ahahahahha
Wolfstrike_NL: NELLY?!
wastetalent: thanks dad
50keyz: thepoor window
ghyllnox: They came... and they left
Easilycrazyhat: Nelly!
superdude097: LUL
WardsarTheWriter: Who did they hit??
IanAllenBird: is your hand ok
margieargie: -James- is fine, yes
SilverHalcyon: oh no
ButButTheJesus: ANGERY
DeM0nFiRe: wat
Scarbble: ben PLS
EricTheOrange: attacking the audiance
Foxmar320: omg
TXC2: Grevas13 James made bad choices, Chat delivered
PharaohBender27: BEN
RockPusher: coachn3Thankscoachnelly
RandomTrivia: BEN benginLul
stippledotter: Friends are a gold shield
tabbybabbyy: sexual
aClonedPickle: am window ok
public_key_reveal_party: collateral
Sunidesus: how does that help?
Sarah_Serinde: @Grevas13 This was the third stretch goal after we hit the cap for the subathon :D
jacqui_lantern234: BENJAMIN
KBKarma: So many fics!
LittleVesuvius: what is going on hahaha
powerflapjack: this is just like my road quest fanfiction
GreyOrb: 7/16
drfox17: Well played!
GredGredmansson: oh that was Alex
Redbassist: Crush his head
Anubis169: oh jebus
Foxmar320: Now he cant dodge
ElementalAlchemist: Hi Paul!
Fluffy776: This is a weird workplace
jarnatan: Um James' head is not a watermelon
TehAmelie: what IS happening
adept_nekomancer: I'm not sure Ben is helping
Juliamon: Ben is about to deeply regret this
jchinnock: put the 2nd bucket in the freezer to make them more refreshing!
bakerydragon: less support and more that he's stopping him from dodging
Cptasparagus: whos giving birth
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
beowuuf: @Grevas13 james came up with a thing for excess monies sonce the sub was capped... past james writes many cheques future james needs to get pelted with :p
MatzerKat: HR! HR!
RandomTrivia: Get yourself friends that will protect you like this :D
Leonhart321: This went in a direction
ArcticAtlantic: i love the reveal when they come to the window
7gorobei: this usually goes on onlyfans
marawr_arts: Cheer10000
Mr_Horrible: the double-barreled Paul
ArrestedHouse: same place
GreyOrb: 7/18
Pywodwagon: good grouping
RandomTrivia: Consistency
sporkraptor: consistent!
WardsarTheWriter: Consistent aim.
Viewers_Like_You: I mean, consistent!
RoeDent89: Is this officially the weirdest thing LRR have done?
GredGredmansson: lrrPAUL lrrPAUL
RockPusher: consistent placement
YeomanAres: Lrr might need hrr
Jigokuro: Hi precision, low accuracy
Graham_LRR: thanks @marawr_arts
incslayer: very consistent
Anubis169: good grouping manYES
TotallyNotaBeholder: Good Grouping
TXC2: marawr_arts lrrHEART
wastetalent: 10 points for consistency
ElementalAlchemist: high precision, low accuracy
Krektogar: good grouping Paul
KaleidoscopeMind: good precision, low accuracy
CrossXhunteR: lightning struck the same spot twice
EricTheOrange: good consistancy
nessiah_aries: Lotsa Splash damage.
sporkraptor: good targeting, bad aim? XD
RocknGrohlNerd: Comedy gold, right there
PMAvers: "Hey, so, I put some of these water balloons in the freezer..."
DaSunao: Precision, but aim was off
Scar_Red_Tiger: HIgh accuracyy, llow precision
beowuuf: @marawr_arts lrrHEART lrrHEART
Grevas13: james hubris makes perfect sense. that's on brand
jarnatan: Bad yeet, great kobe
GreyOrb: 7/19?
drfox17: The bologna callback
ArrestedHouse: LUL
RockPusher: wheelerY wheelerT
Sarah_Serinde: We are preposterously close to 1M bits for this subathon, chat you're ridiculous lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: The arm shot!
Leonhart321: This is terrible aim
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
WardsarTheWriter: ouch
InkyGhoast: oof
GreyOrb: 8/20?
public_key_reveal_party: instant karma
sporkraptor: ben winged ben!
mtvcdm: The Cursed Scorecard now reads 27 over par. Next stroke at 7860.
PharaohBender27: Cheer1500
LittleVesuvius: looks like they're aiming for ben
EricTheOrange: he's hit
Timlin 22: comedy
WiseGuy57: they need an HR rep
beowuuf: @RoeDent89 eh, watermelon or cat anus of hornholing feels weirder?
NazTMann: What in the world did I come back to? rpgWhat
jacqui_lantern234: HOLY FUCK
TehAmelie: that specific spot on the pavement must have sinned in a previous life
RandomTrivia: Nice one Heather
Sunidesus: nice shot Heather!
GreyOrb: 9/21
sporkraptor: appendix shot!
Mr_Horrible: ON DA GWEEN
WardsarTheWriter: That was... a display.
Redbassist: Nice on Heather
mtvcdm: Good shot
excalgold: Waterbaloon centaur
InkyGhoast: nice on
Mollylele: @NazTMann technically this is our prize
RandomTrivia: ON TARGET!
GreyOrb: 10/22
sporkraptor: kneeshot!
TheAinMAP: How hard is the wind blowing?
TXC2: bullseye
CoemgenTaillear: had to think about james telling his dad's friends about what his job is while golfing haha
marmalade_pen: we earned this
GredGredmansson: RIGHT on the knee
sporkraptor: James used to be a comedian, then he took a water balloon to the knee
morgoth_bauglyr: We Payed For This
jarnatan: Dickysplash
ArrestedHouse: LUL 󠀀
RockPusher: hahahahahahaha
ElementalAlchemist: The revenge shot!
RoeDent89: YES!
WardsarTheWriter: Hahahahah
Sunidesus: HA!
Foxmar320: :D
margieargie: Revenge!
NimrodXIV: LOL
Wrexadecimal: o:
IanAllenBird: kjhuikju
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: AHAHAHAHHA
mtvcdm: WOW
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
adept_nekomancer: The return shot!
GreyOrb: 9/23
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
quton: LUL
Grevas13: nice
bakerydragon: REVENGE
nessiah_aries: I used to be a content creator like you, but then I took a water balloon to the knee.
RandomTrivia: Them's the rules!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
Anubis169: Return fire!
bytecaster: Retaliation
ArcticAtlantic: hahahahahaha
CypherRaze: LMFAO
nyoomgoom: wowie zowie
jarnatan: James used Counter!
insanecat6mtg: Return fire!
marmalade_pen: james specced in counter attack!!
EricTheOrange: hr's returning fire
TXC2: new celling egg
measureofhope: New ceiling egg?
bakerydragon: I had this on second monitor but I can't look away
KinkerbellRose: James is a ninja!
jibkat: lrrJUDGECALL
KBKarma: Go for the king, you better not miss.
RocknGrohlNerd: Gib james some, just to make it spicy
GreyOrb: 10/24
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
WardsarTheWriter: That's a lil personal, Kathleen.
beowuuf: Cheer1500 1M bits you say?
GoblinMyra: im lovin this
Cptasparagus: @EricTheOrange I thoguht Beej was HR
NekomimiNinja: hydrated, on his back...
KharadBanar: StrongWet answers your emails
RoeDent89: "Several"
sporkraptor: it's like the Ian hole corn toss
Mollylele: knees up feels like cheating
GreyOrb: 11/25
RandomTrivia: NICE SHOT
RockPusher: gottem
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
MaxTurkeyFlaps: @measureofhope Wallballoon is fun to say out loud
beowuuf: lrrWOW
abslomdaak42: Nice one
Grevas13: matt going for blood
adept_nekomancer: Matt showing no mercy
sporkraptor: except... not ian or corn or hole?
RandomTrivia: On target!
GredGredmansson: DIRECT HIT
quton: oof that was a nice one
InkyGhoast: splat!
kalira77: Matt is wetting the dries
GreyOrb: 12/26
Jon Grayson: oh! head shot
Some kind of Garf: I think James is the closest to an HR rep
WiseGuy57: man, canadian labor laws are wild
Gekyouryuu: @MaxTurkeyFlaps walloon
aClonedPickle: inner thigh shot!
RoeDent89: Leaking even more now
NimrodXIV: gottem
beowuuf: :D
TehAmelie: hehe, wet butt
sporkraptor: UNDERTHIGH
ghyllnox: Thwap!
mtvcdm: Aim is improving
RandomTrivia: Everyone is dialling in the targeting!
marmalade_pen: haha james pants are wet
jarnatan: Get wet with James
zebes232 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
SnackPak_: Molly is right
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zebes232! (Today's storm count: 724)
Singenmeister: 21 years later and people are still trying to hit James in the nuts.
KaleidoscopeMind: lol
GreyOrb: knees down balls up
nessiah_aries: Moist/Wet/Soaked James.
randombillfolds: The enemy's gate is down.
ShifuDaxiongmao: mind the wet spot :D
RandomTrivia: WOW
RockPusher: hahahaha
ElementalAlchemist: Caught it!
Spritz_T: nice catch
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: WOW
GreyOrb: 13/27
ArrestedHouse: LUL LUL LUL
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Always listen to Molly.
InkyGhoast: wheeler!
Foxmar320: Nice catch
ButButTheJesus: NO
Mr_Horrible: Cheer2500 I gotta head out, have the rest of my bits on the Road To One Milly
TXC2: lwed
sporkraptor: CREAMPIE
panhead096: Now open up lol
WardsarTheWriter: Intercepted!
beowuuf: trench run successful
Sarah_Serinde: jlrrFacepalm
sporkraptor: just giving up
KharadBanar: REF! That was hands!"
GreyOrb: 14/28
Anubis169: bely slap
Jigokuro: right on the belly
RockPusher: meaty slaps
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: Chat - we did this. This absurdity is our fault.
TimIAm: Imagine describing this day at work to someone
RandomTrivia: Good job everyone
GredGredmansson: dead center
SpacePotato01: are they getting better?
ElementalAlchemist: Still a few
KBKarma: I'm sure James is feeling nice, since it's apparently quite warm over there.
mtvcdm: A Few
micalovits: A bout a few
GreyOrb: 14/29
nessiah_aries: Is this the opposite of a dunk tank?
incslayer: @RandomTrivia fault? i think you mean reward
ProcyonFlynn: Still better than the tennis balls
DaSunao: hifunkGold
RoeDent89: You bought them James!
Mewr11: white shirt was a bold choice on James's part
beowuuf: @RandomTrivia #blameTHankChat?
TheWanderingNomad: "A Few"\
RandomTrivia: WOW BEn
NimrodXIV: *secretly refilling*
ArrestedHouse: LUL
ghyllnox: A few!
LittleVesuvius: how many is a few from Heather's perspective?
Foxmar320: YES
Gekyouryuu: 1 per sub
IanAllenBird: ijui9okju
ShifuDaxiongmao: I hope they're just filling more :D
teddywhosabear: it'll be these small ones, and then the last one is a surprise massive one
RandomTrivia: benginLul
RockPusher: ahahahahahaha
TheWooglie: smooth
PharaohBender27: :D
GreyOrb: 14/30
Foxmar320: :D
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
superdude097: LUL
incslayer: hahahahaa
jarnatan: This kills the James
Anubis169: misfire!
margieargie: Always a few, like how fusion power is always 30-50 years away
Sunidesus: welp
jacqui_lantern234: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
WardsarTheWriter: Whoops...
TXC2: :D
ElementalAlchemist: ongMegalul
50keyz: BEN!
CrossXhunteR: perfect
Redbassist: :D :D
MrSarkhan: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
GoblinMyra: this is the content i live for
morgoth_bauglyr: womp womp womp
themercenary1987: LOLOLO
kaziel0: A for Effort, Ben
AnimeKitty: LAMO
SilverHalcyon: I saw that coming
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyHaha
enbyKriss: whiff!
LittleVesuvius: lmaooooo
pyronils80: 10/10
GredGredmansson: well done
sporkraptor: I am *crylaughing*
Easilycrazyhat: whelp
KBKarma: Needs more tension.
MorganteMaggiore: comedy
excalgold: oh gosh i just choked laughing
DaSunao: Clown town
beowuuf: jlrrFacepalm
offbeatwitch: lmfao
GreyOrb: 14/31
RockPusher: benginNo benginOh
EOstby: Idea: good. Execution: poor.
Leonhart321: One Job Ben
TheWanderingNomad: Where did Ben even get that?
WiseGuy57: apparently
WolfSoldier: They should turn the hose back on him while his bodyguards was on him
wildoneizzy: Matt has good aim
Jon Grayson: it puts its knees down or else it gets the hose again
Timlin 22: Don't you love having summer fun with friends and work colleagues
Reach: NOICE
RevolverRossalot: COOL TECHNOLOGY! (arf)
PMAvers: Cori shows up with the crossbow
SoaringDragon42: I am crying I'm laughing so hard
GreyOrb: 14/33
L0rdX33n: Princess Auto
CrossXhunteR: split the goalposts
KBKarma: One didn't explode!
themercenary1987: 4 left
aClonedPickle: get his ass cameron
CrossXhunteR: hey, it's cam
Singenmeister: @thewanderingnomad The prop closet is bottomless
Graved: James strikes back!
Mollylele: benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos
GreyOrb: 14/34
beowuuf: xcom short, 99% chance
GreyOrb: 15/35
jarnatan: Gotta say, I would not do for my job what James is willing to do for his
jacqui_lantern234: GOTTEM
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
DeM0nFiRe: haha
ArrestedHouse: right on the buzzer
betweenmyself: Cam hits knee on window sill, explodes
TXC2: on the nip!
sporkraptor: CAMERON
Foxmar320: Nice shot
GoblinMyra: niccceeee
mtvcdm: 2 left make em count
MaxTurkeyFlaps: Is this parking lot visible from the street? If so, I wish we could see the passers by
PresidentScr00b: So after they run out of balloons, do they throw the chum bucket?
WardsarTheWriter: Cam renouncing pacifism.
beowuuf: got himself and james in the heart
SnackPak_: gettem G
vinewood_og: Center mass. Nice job, guardian!
Fluffy776: Miss 100% of the shots you don't take! Good shot, Commander!
GredGredmansson: !findquote defib
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
RoeDent89: Fill it with something
marmalade_pen: can james biff himself?
Anubis169: don't throw the bucket
pipshardfour: Fill it with "something"
RandomTrivia: You've got this, Graham! Score us a bullseye for the big finish!
jarnatan: Fill it with... something?
NimrodXIV: "fill it with something"?
Mollylele: full spread eagle, James, come on
Fanklok: Replace it with a tennis ball
GreyOrb: 15/35.5
PMAvers: Fill a balloon with Sprite
EOstby: "in the bucket", eh?
PresidentScr00b: As is tradition?
BrokenGolem: and now, the hose
Leonhart321: In the bucket you say?
WolfSoldier: Wrongful use of a sling shot
TH. ESP: Did James think to wear a cup this time?
wildoneizzy: nope
Simriel: I'm starting to think James should just Always Wear a Cup
Foxmar320: I figured G was siming
ElementalAlchemist: oooooooh
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
ShifuDaxiongmao: quote? :D
nessiah_aries: As a true friend would.
jarnatan: Fill it with fake blood
teddywhosabear: WOOF
WardsarTheWriter: Sterilization
jacqui_lantern234: GOTTEM
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
GoblinMyra: so closeee
SquidVorb: Ballseye
Spritz_T: there we go
CrossXhunteR: right on target
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
Critterbot: I mean...
Foxmar320: YESSSSSS
RandomTrivia: ALEX YES
GreyOrb: Final count 16 out of 37
public_key_reveal_party: LUL
ArrestedHouse: LUL
mtvcdm: That was CLOSE
themercenary1987: YYEEEEESSSSSSSS
rin_the_kat: nice!
marmalade_pen: !!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
Fluffy776: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
quton: hahaha
TehAmelie: surprise!
Sunidesus: YES!
Sarah_Serinde: THERE it is
abslomdaak42: LUL
beowuuf: perfect shot!
NimrodXIV: FBtouchdown
shiny_elva: "What's the worst that can happen" That
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
baltimore_667083: WOW
MorganteMaggiore: "bullseye"
Astramentha: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
morgoth_bauglyr: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
darkora: LUL
spethycakes: FBtouchdown
ButButTheJesus: HA
jarnatan: High tide!
GredGredmansson: !findquote aim
LRRbot: Quote #799: "Your aim is true, *** bird." —Graham [2015-10-07]
InkyGhoast: Alex!
IanAllenBird: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
ghyllnox: Perfection!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: yep!
Sarah_Serinde: I was waiting for that one :D
beowuuf: LMAO
TXC2: there it is
Saintnex: That counts!
Wrexadecimal: lmaooo
JadedCynic: LUL
50keyz: LUL
DaSunao: FBtouchdown lrrBartleby FBtouchdown lrrBartleby
adept_nekomancer: High tide!
RockPusher: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
vinewood_og: Careful what you ask?
jolly6100: lrrSIG
Juliamon: These things have remarkably low ratings on Amazon.
nfwise: goal
superdude097: Highlight reel!
lightfut: Bucket!
Lamebert1415: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Redbassist: Comedy bucket!
badpandabear: tqsClap tqsClap
AnimeKitty: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
aitsu100: nice Alex
powerflapjack: should've been Adam saying "HIGH TIDE!
laikagoat: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
sporkraptor: ALEX 15/10 PERFECTION
Mollylele: lrrGOAT
bakerydragon: Who wants to play High TIde?!
ElementalAlchemist: gg Alex
public_key_reveal_party: everyone who wasn't james saw that coming
DaSunao: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
ladiesloveloki: STEEE-RIKE!!!!
DudelidouX is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
DudelidouX gifted a Tier 1 sub to ScR3w_Lo0s3!
DudelidouX gifted a Tier 1 sub to teconstantin!
DudelidouX gifted a Tier 1 sub to iangmorris!
DudelidouX gifted a Tier 1 sub to Skaskull!
DudelidouX gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shakari_!
DudelidouX gifted a Tier 1 sub to adumhhh!
DudelidouX gifted a Tier 1 sub to mediumgargadon!
DudelidouX gifted a Tier 1 sub to DangerDiabolik!
DudelidouX gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ilaian!
DudelidouX gifted a Tier 1 sub to KamikaziManiac!
HedWund: thank you alex
Sarah_Serinde: Alex just lurking in the background all this time
Grevas13: alex loves us and wants us to be ahppy
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DudelidouX! Welcome to ScR3w_Lo0s3, teconstantin, iangmorris, Skaskull, Shakari_, DangerDiabolik, Ilaian, KamikaziManiac, adumhhh, and mediumgargadon! (Today's storm count: 734)
TheAinMAP: Oh bucket
cmdrud87: that, probably
Fluffy776: The bucket of damaclease strikes again!
CanPlayGames: Cheer150 Nut Shot
SymphonySolstice: o7
phoenixfeather14: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits for James soaking.
gluonquark: Gram has been aiming for his dick sinse lrr started
Dread_Pirate_Westley: lrrALEX lrrBartleby
DaSunao: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Geldaran: the Bucket returns!
GreyOrb: 16 for 37.
kalira77: beautifully played, Alex
Zulghinlour: That was amazing
beowuuf: alex was the traitor!
sporkraptor: we have no more water
Nigouki: Move to cleanup step?
GredGredmansson: ah, sonofa bitch
nessiah_aries: This kills the James.
RockPusher: tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap
SoaringDragon42: I love you Alex. So so much
RoeDent89: The bucket
Kirserella: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
petey_vonwho: Just water boards James at the end
jolly6100: get the hoes
KaleidoscopeMind: now give him the mini golf score card
TehAmelie: now we'll die of drought
thedepthandbreadthofseth: quick, now someone havve him fall off a cliff?
nyoomgoom: that was all the water in the entire island
PresidentScr00b: Next throw coffee, then soda...
excalgold: lrrFINE
KBKarma: Alex just walking off cackling. 10/10, no notes.
mtvcdm: You've got more water, you live in a harbor town
soulessgamer: Have we hit the cap?
Sarah_Serinde: Good work James thank you
iangmorris: @DudelidouX Thanks for the gift sub!
ghyllnox: Wet tshirt!
Anubis169: James has been endampened
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyTH vicksyLUL vicksyDerp
Mollylele: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Skaskull: @DudelidouX Thanks for the gift sub!
beowuuf: seabatClap
superdude097: At least these "Better than Balloons" will be easier to clean up
bytecaster: A quick break while be "dry the James" no euphemism
mtvcdm: You can dump him in the Strait of Juan de Fuca
Graved: All wonderful people and James
PharaohBender27: lrrGibb
WardsarTheWriter: Does James have to pick up after being the one hit? Poor guy...
Anubis169: travHey
TXC2: wonderful, thank you for making that happen chat lrrHEART
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
bakerydragon: hello
powerflapjack: "we'll be back once we towel off our James"
sporkraptor: more pupy cam?
spethycakes: marshm3Clap for James being a good sport
ShifuDaxiongmao: More pet pictures!
RandomTrivia: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE Absolutely incredible, worth every penny
Saintnex: Heres hoping James has a change of dry clothes lol
BrainBetter: All caps have been hit. No notes.
Krektogar: that was greatt, thank you everyone who made that happen!
RockPusher: support well placed lrrSHINE
Dog_of_Myth: Sooo worth it
PigmyWurm: my question is how visible their parkinglot is to their neighbors
aitsu100: resume the pet showing
nyoomgoom: that was beautiful
TH. ESP: Truly proving that old adage- always forward. never learning
Jon Grayson: 1000 points to Graham
Timlin 22: 1 billion points to Grahamidor
TH. ESP: now make him clean up all the broken balloons
bakerydragon: imgur time again
TXC2: back to animal pictures time
nessiah_aries: Sooo who got he most points?
GreyOrb: Back to the pet parade
DNAli3n: at least they seem way easier to clean up than actual water balloons
stippledotter: Dang, now he has to get hit with dilly bars
thedepthandbreadthofseth: was this a stretch goal or something?
RandomTrivia: benginLove
Anubis169: awwwwww
ExachixKitsune: A friend!
bytecaster: We are back on dog cam!
NotCainNorAbel: puppy
Dog_of_Myth: Doggo
Gascitygaming: 1 mil bits remains!
RandomTrivia: SHE'S SO GOOD
ShifuDaxiongmao: awww
shiny_elva: Dog dog dog dog 💜
sporkraptor: more pupy cam!!
Redbassist: Tiny june
marmalade_pen: juneberry!
TXC2: thedepthandbreadthofseth yeap
WowoT: could we have a LRR does JackA** ??
Graved: OhMyDog
enbyKriss: Puppy!
EricTheOrange: I think molly should be VIP. to stand out, cuz ya know were all subbed
red_shoes_jeff: benginLurk
KaleidoscopeMind: time for more wheeler photos
beowuuf: lrrAWESOME lrrSPOT
kalira77: is the puppy in a bucket?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: hello, I love you puppy
Krektogar: @thedepthandbreadthofseth indeed, the last stretch goal
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
mtvcdm: With 32 minutes to go, Cursed Scorecard Update: 27 over par, next stroke added at 7860 sub units (34 away).
Grevas13: i have questions about how those feel to get hit with. they remained findable after bursting, so i'm intrigued.
HedWund: HypeWant
Pheonix888: Cheer432
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Graved! They have given 99 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Graved! (Today's storm count: 735)
spethycakes: HypeYesPlease
niccus: here's what the pods look like incubating
RandomTrivia: Missing arrow spotted and replaced
HedWund: HypeHeh
ladiesloveloki subscribed with Prime.
Ormmannen: Try to explain to your family that it part of your job to get hit in the balls James
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ladiesloveloki! (Today's storm count: 736)
RandomTrivia: @flatluigi Amazing
Viewers_Like_You: Oh, that's a fun layout phenomenon
bakerydragon: Cheeks got a workout from smiling and laughing so much
jarnatan: Those waterballoons looked less like waterballoons and more like fart cushions
HedWund: HypeEars
Gascitygaming: numbers too big and overrunning lol
wildoneizzy: wet t shirt contest of 1. Congrats James! 😂
Juliamon: They basically are whoopie cushions, yeah
HedWund: HypeCozy
RandomTrivia: SCREEE
Ritaspirithntr: hope someone clipped James’ return fire.
NotCainNorAbel: kitty
NekomimiNinja: meow
moscatete: i wasnt on time for that how did the pork turn out?
Redbassist: Catte!
nessiah_aries: MWEH!
IanAllenBird: aaa
Gascitygaming: I can hear that picture
Juliamon: a bingus!!
PresidentScr00b: The hell is that?
kalira77: i love this cat
Sunidesus: so much upset!
iris_of_ether: Kippa Kippa Kippa
PharaohBender27: @Ritaspirithntr I sure did!
measureofhope: nakey baby
CmdrMadMoe: juicy fart cushions jarnatan
jacqui_lantern234: can someone make a GIF of James getting pelted by Graham?
Dedwrekka: good kitty
spethycakes: HypePurr
baltimore_667083: kitty!
KBKarma: Angy kitty.
RockPusher: such anger in such a smol
Viewers_Like_You: angery
HedWund: HypeHide
brieandbacon: That's not a cat, it's an angry bollock
iris_of_ether: Love me a sphinx
KBKarma: Awww!
eshplode: Too bad my sub didn't come up this week. Guess I should do something else Cheer5000
roefizzlebeef: kudos to james on wearing a white shirt on a day he knew the odds were decent he'd be pelted with water balloons, that's commitment
NotCainNorAbel: nose
JRandomHacker: a friend!
Redbassist: Eepy
RockPusher: eeepy
Ritaspirithntr: @pharaohbender27 beautiful!!
SnackPak_: she slep
Graved: lrrEFF
jarnatan: @CmdrMadMoe thanks i hate it
roverandomness: puppy!
red_shoes_jeff: benginLurk
TXC2: eshplode lrrHEART
kalira77: if i hold my kitty up to the screen, will you be able to see her?
bytecaster: This was delightful!
TheMerricat: So for anyone wondering the better part of the better than balloons was twofold, apparently they're supposed to be easier to fill up because they come sort of like grapes on a bunch where you attach the hose to a central 'vein' and fill a sheet of them in one go. And secondly there's supposed to be designed to burst such that only one bit is left instead of 'balloon shards" so they're supposed to be easier to clean up.
KBKarma: I love everyone's pets. I wish I had one and was allowed to have one.
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: cheer70
LittleVesuvius: my cat keeps getting up to look whenever i go "kitty"
ThePixelSavage: @KBKarma duggerHug
RandomTrivia: Alright, NOW has everyone got an arrow?
Jon Grayson: James is always a good sport
wildoneizzy: demon kitty!
TH. ESP: in every era of LRR- James Turner being pelted with something
Dedwrekka: Are we firing them?
jacqui_lantern234: @RandomTrivia i do, but it should be taken from me Kappa
superdude097: Cheer103 That was fun! The whole Sub-A-Thon was fun!
Graved: Looking to get that 100 box, Trivia? Thanks for the sub, btw :D
BtEtta: kalira77 Sadly no, but tell them they're good kitty regardless.
BigDaddyBland87: Alright everyone. Gotta go. This has been fun!
jacqui_lantern234: CORI
mtvcdm: Yeah, so due to how the sub read is set up, you're only gonna be able to snipe if you haven't subbed or bitted AT ALL the entire subathon. Otherwise you have until whenever your own name pops up in the sub read.
SymphonySolstice: majestic
flatluigi: what a cute cat
NotCainNorAbel: shrek
RandomTrivia: @jacqui_lantern234 Only so we can hand it over again, as you deserve
Mangledpixel: gyahh!
Redbassist: It's back!
RandomTrivia: CORI NO
Graved: lrrWOW
KBKarma: @ThePixelSavage Not allowed any pets because my parents don't want any, and I'm not allowed cats unless a) they're vaccinated, and b) someone else cleans up, and also c) my immunosuppressants have been stabilised.
Saintnex: @TheMerricat Honestly, it does seem to have worked, so good tech :D
jacqui_lantern234: @RandomTrivia >:(
brieandbacon: It's all ogre now
Jigokuro: I feel like that's supposed to be cursed, but the blur is lessening it.
KBKarma: Adam's pet Wheeler.
Odissian: Rivendale!
Gooseblast: wheelerCyber
IanAllenBird: oh jeez
NotCainNorAbel: so many Bens
marmalade_pen: daaw
adept_nekomancer: Oh no, the infinite Wheeler tunnel
jarnatan: Infinity mirror!
BusTed: pennyYesChicken
Dedwrekka: Daww Serge brought pictures of their pet Ben
TheAinMAP: Recursion
Redbassist: Recursive Wheeler
marmalade_pen: child
tabbybabbyy: so cute
Redbassist: lrrSPOT TwitchConHYPE
TehAmelie: wheelers within wheelers
jumping_point: Doggo!
roefizzlebeef: Cheer500 in memory of james turner
TheAinMAP: lrrSPOT
Snowcookies: is this the Look At This Photograph meme?
NotCainNorAbel: kitty
RandomTrivia: Juniper just melts my heart on sight every time
Graved: lrrDARK
NarishmaReborn: void kitty!
RandomTrivia: FLOOFY
tabbybabbyy: beebeeeee
NekomimiNinja: ooh, a handwarmer.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Thank you for having an infinity of Wheelers. It's great for all of them to be here, and here, and here, and here...
Mythallian: what is the cutoff time again?
jarnatan: Look at the plumage on that one
nyoomgoom: @TheMerricat they seem to also have been more reliable at popping when they're supposed to
jumping_point: Good kitty!
RandomTrivia: BABYYYYY
tabbybabbyy: toe beans!
NotCainNorAbel: kitty beans
NekomimiNinja: eepy beans!
CrossXhunteR: it's eepin
bytecaster: Can I just say, James is such a good sport
RockPusher: beans tqsWow
TXC2: Mythallian we've hit the cap if that's what you mean
NullColaShip is gifting 4 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 16 in the channel!
ghyllnox: BEBEE
NullColaShip gifted a Tier 1 sub to RatekStormcrow!
NullColaShip gifted a Tier 1 sub to grandmastersson!
NullColaShip gifted a Tier 1 sub to Coinman1863!
NullColaShip gifted a Tier 1 sub to PsioNixs_Ash!
CypherRaze: beans
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, NullColaShip! Welcome to grandmastersson, RatekStormcrow, Coinman1863, and PsioNixs_Ash! (Today's storm count: 740)
InfinityToPlanck: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 for all the good pets
TXC2: NullColaShip lrrHEART
KaleidoscopeMind: creechure
TheAinMAP: guyjudgePeek lrrSPOT
Heckhoundbolt: what is the middle statistic? it was not there earlier in the week
RockPusher: mattlrHeart mattlrHeart mattlrHeart
Redbassist: Sock creature
Dedwrekka: Dogo: "why you do this too me?"
flatluigi: @Heckhoundbolt we hit all the goals, so it's just total points earned
Marvoleath: @Heckhoundbolt the sum total of "points" from subs & bits
ShifuDaxiongmao: lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: @Heckhoundbolt That is the total number of minutes (or "points") given over the subathon
mtvcdm: @Heckhoundbolt Total sub units- subs, bits, tiered subs, etc.
WolfSoldier: Remember the #Blame James episode
TXC2: owl eye butterflys
Sunidesus: cool! flutterbys!
NotCainNorAbel: pretty moths
Fluffy776: More memes pls lrrGibb
Redbassist: What is happening to the counter?
RoeDent89: @Heckhoundbolt Just "points" I think. All the stretch goals were reached.
ClodiumSoride: I think the bits are so high they're overflowing the onscreen tracker
grandmastersson: @NullColaShip Thanks for the gift sub!
Dedwrekka: Pet Mothras
TheMerricat: @Heckhoundbolt Total 'points' this subathon. I.E. subs, bits and the 'tiers' with their conversion values.
leondebowa: oh no only 30 min left
jarnatan: @Redbassist entropy
RandomTrivia: B E A N S
RoeDent89: Toe beans!
NotCainNorAbel: paw beans
brieandbacon: BEEEANS!
ghyllnox: Beans!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @ClodiumSoride Paul didn't design the bit tracker to handle high 6 figures? Why ever not?
tabbybabbyy: beans are good
RockPusher: mattlrHeart mattlrHeart mattlrHeart
Anubis169: bomp
Fluffy776: If I'm not supposed to pet them why are they so soft?!
Redbassist: Oh totally normal then
CypherRaze: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
manadorkpr: woooo
bakerydragon: so smol
mtvcdm: Well, I have the scorecard to add stroked to, sits at 27 over par now, next stroke added at 7860.
RandomTrivia: Is that smol Wheeler?
NotCainNorAbel: looks like the kids that cut off my ear
Anubis169: red panda!!!!
Halinn is continuing the Gift Sub they got from InfinityToPlanck!
RandomTrivia: RED PANDA!
tabbybabbyy: red panda so cute
RandomTrivia: benginLove
bakerydragon: Love red pandas so darn much
epsilon_vee: some kind of shufflecat
ladiesloveloki: MASTER SHIFU!!
TheAinMAP: That was young Serge.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPog
brieandbacon: I hope that Serge just had that photo on his phone
flatluigi: there's no stream audio, correc t
GreyOrb: The ginger racoon
FarleyF: that dead bubba serge
tabbybabbyy: pretty
Jon Grayson: oh God, yes. and the Crapshot where they thought he was dead
Anubis169: ooo what a beautiful one
ShifuDaxiongmao: @ladiesloveloki yes?
Dreamlettuce: Such a great hors.e
RoeDent89: Futterbly
insanecat6mtg: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Transmuted_Elf: lrrSHINE
bakerydragon: beautiful! what kind of butterfuly is that?
Dedwrekka: No fair, red pandas win every time. But they're all still good dogs bront.
Cinominn: did i miss waterballoons?
TXC2: flatluigi right, we're on break
mtvcdm: The cursed minigolf scorecard will lock, both in score and owner, as soon as the clock hits zero.
JadedCynic: biig buetufl moth
PharaohBender27: lrrGibb
RandomTrivia: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
TXC2: Cinominn sadly yes
flatluigi: there we go
Wolfstrike_NL: Hooooo!
RoeDent89: Hey!
TXC2: and we're back
IanAllenBird: lrrGibb
jarnatan: @Cinominn You did, they didnt!
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Heckhoundbolt: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap vicksyHappy
ztghostie: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: @GreyOrb what about me? -looks solemnly at the permanent shadow under my eyes-
Cinominn: damn, ill go back and watch it
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
ztghostie: Well he should've wore a cup
Fluffy776: As is LRR tradition
stippledotter: @cinominn yes, but we'll have the vod
LittleVesuvius: wow this stream jumpscared me
DigitalSeahorse: so close at the end
beowuuf: james brought this on himself :p
Singenmeister: cheer 52
GreyOrb: You missed more than half.
TheWanderingNomad: Wheeler came close
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNES FACE
Anubis169: lol
IanAllenBird: kojikoij
PharaohBender27: :D
RockPusher: gabyLul
Jigokuro: Graham got inner-thigh on the last one.
Genasi_Gaming: fee of context this is weird
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL lrrDARK
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ShifuDaxiongmao: Adam was the middle man
jarnatan: "please, please, I was on top of *Adam*" - Serge, 2024
mtvcdm: Jordynne has a face going
Transmuted_Elf: what did i miss?
NimrodXIV: submit your fanfic to
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGasm vicksyGasm vicksyGasm
Redbassist: lrrDARK
SolarBlitz1: I've only just come back and I have no context for these words
flapjacksofwar: Poor James, everyone aiming for the Dilybar
ContingentCat: When the shipping is more like cargo
GreyOrb: Layer cake?
nessiah_aries: Lotsa r34 happening on this day.
Critterbot: lrrWOW
Foxmar320: You almost nailed it Graham. Almost
CypherRaze: My favorite show is Adam-in-the-Middle
Texan_Reverend: Chat, we don't ship real people. We don't ship real people.
TheWanderingNomad: Are we still doing phrasing?
PresidentScr00b: Graham was gonna hit James, then he got high?
PharaohBender27: One sec
LadyAtarka subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
LadyAtarka: I love all these goofy goobers.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LadyAtarka! (Today's storm count: 741)
beowuuf: kathleen, you just don#t watch james early morning be mean to his mods using caillou - he deserved the super soaking :p
korvys: Serge took a couple of clean backshots
jacqui_lantern234: Jordynne's having *A TIME*
Redbassist: Tell that to them texan
incslayer: and we are proud of it
NonUniqueGuy: WE DID IT!
bytecaster: I take responsibility
malfnord: Yes we did!
JadedCynic: this was ALL US B)
jacqui_lantern234: CORIANDER YES
malsareus: And we'd do it again!
ShifuDaxiongmao: James shot stuck to the wall
Ritaspirithntr: it’s even more impressive that Adam NEVER got hit!!
Singenmeister: Cheer52
RockPusher: worth
darkora: "they were baloon mates"
Anubis169: 555555555555555555
RandomTrivia: sergeOrder sergeOrder sergeOrder
Cptasparagus: Balloonkake
drawnbinary: straight man yaoi
incslayer: sergeOrder
TXC2: Intersella 5555
randombillfolds: This euphemism train is snowballing out of control.
DigitalSeahorse: I so eepy
Odissian: Interstella 5555
Dread_Pirate_Westley: sergeOrder
GreyOrb: You need just a bit more
LadyAtarka: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE sergeOrder sergeOrder sergeOrder
MatzerKat: IntLRRstella 5555
jchinnock: call that last segment, The Slowest Enema
Tochisan7: Daft Punk Interstella 5555
Sarah_Serinde: 80k bits is still a *lot* of bits
bytecaster is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
Shakari_: @DudelidouX Thanks for the gift sub!
bytecaster gifted a Tier 1 sub to royalpolishcavalry!
bytecaster gifted a Tier 1 sub to hugogol21!
bytecaster gifted a Tier 1 sub to The_Voices!
bytecaster gifted a Tier 1 sub to jasperlion!
bytecaster gifted a Tier 1 sub to pinetreeq!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, bytecaster! Welcome to hugogol21, The_Voices, jasperlion, royalpolishcavalry, and pinetreeq! (Today's storm count: 746)
pipshardfour: Can I offer you some bits in these trying times
KaleidoscopeMind: who is in possession of the cursed scorecard?
TXC2: bytecaster lrrHEART
Sarah_Serinde: It's ridiculous that we got this close to 1M bits as it is
Texan_Reverend: @Redbassist Friends joking around is different from chat doing it.
Mai_Andra: Straight sluggin' it. And by "it", haha, well, let's just say my water balloons.
nyoomgoom: cool fit james
JadedCynic: Nice shirt, James <3
ExachixKitsune gifted a Tier 1 sub to teamchaos! They have given 35 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, teamchaos! (Today's storm count: 747)
marmalade_pen: hi james
jumping_point: Hi James!
TheMerricat: @Sarah_Serinde $8k USD, correct?
Foxmar320: Nice shirt
TrueNateNemesis subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TrueNateNemesis! (Today's storm count: 748)
beowuuf: please bit responsibly
Juliamon: It's just eepy
bakerydragon: Kenji would approve of that tho. 55555
qrpth: Hi, moist James
Mollylele: seconded on the good shirt
abslomdaak42: Those bits though...
mtvcdm: James, and it's now 27 over par.
jarnatan: James changed his clothes, why, did something happen Kappa
LadyAtarka: I did a 5555, that is a great chevo
abslomdaak42: This, too, was yaoi
jacqui_lantern234: @TheMerricat 800 usd
mtvcdm: Oh, Paul's the owner now!
Sarah_Serinde: @TheMerricat $800, 100 bits is a dollar
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500 - thanks for the great show
beowuuf: @jarnatan clearly pizza sweats
Fire_Summoner subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Jigokuro: cheer10000 80 thousand isn't THAT many. Lets get 1mil!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fire_Summoner! (Today's storm count: 749)
RandomTrivia: lrrHORN ROLL IT! lrrHORN
RockPusher: you can do it sub scroller!
TheMerricat: Doh, don't let me near NASA. :D
Anubis169: start the spaceballs intro!
CrossXhunteR: this is going to be a long roll
mtvcdm: Paul willingly accepted it, so wow Paul you're bad at minigolf.
TXC2: Jigokuro lrrHEART
RoeDent89: Thanks everyone for a wonderful week!
beowuuf: o7
Fluffy776: 🫡Thanks, fellow nerds lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
garunkl: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Crad0k: horray!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
NimrodXIV: woooo
xantos69: We did it?
jacqui_lantern234: BAHAHAHAHAHA
Foxmar320: Yay!!!
IanAllenBird: woooo
TXC2: Good job chat
Easilycrazyhat: good job team
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown
jarnatan: Bye!
ElementalAlchemist: Good subathon, everyone!
Eklinaar: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby pbtvCLAP pbtvCLAP pbtvCLAP
AnimeKitty: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
KaleidoscopeMind: wooo!
beowuuf: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
GreyOrb: Th end.
SnackPak_: good sub read
TehAmelie: we did it
RoeDent89: Everyone go home
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap
gibbousm: lrrFINE
PharaohBender27: tqsClap
Anubis169: gdqClap lrrAWESOME
RockPusher: Loading……
marmalade_pen: woo!
Th3Hypn0Toad: We did it!
Graved: Thanks for subscribing: everyone
Amentur: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
jarnatan: That's all folks
ghyllnox: \o/
ButButTheJesus: Ajony!
public_key_reveal_party: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
abslomdaak42: Yeeey!
Saintnex: wooo
ArrestedHouse: lrrBartleby
NotCainNorAbel: pauls has kept you here
teddywhosabear: lmao
spethycakes: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
beowuuf: thanks for nothing chat Kappa
Juliamon: It went so fast we all missed it
Strebenherz: Gj
adept_nekomancer: Oh no, it's been overloaded
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART lrrSLOTH
Gascitygaming: this has all been a dream, wake up Matt
TheWooglie: blame crowdstrike
TheMerricat: And now chat finds out Paul's true feelings about us. :D
flapjacksofwar: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
IbunWest: Hello highlight reel
GreyOrb: Restart the sub-a-thon.
nfwise: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
trousey627 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, trousey627! (Today's storm count: 750)
RockPusher: !paul
Marvoleath: The truth is you weren't even Live for the whole time!
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: cheer200
nessiah_aries: Turns out this is a nightmare and you're all about to wake up in a cold sweat.
mtvcdm: Cursed Scorecard now is at 28 over par. Next stroke added at 7920 sub units.
LadyAtarka: I managed to sub twice during this because of the sub timing lol
KBKarma: Oh, that was Foone!
Coloneljesus: crowdstrike not cloudstrife
Foxmar320: Thats correct
flapjacksofwar is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 95 in the channel!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to Inept_Hope!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZafarLink!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to brushfire44!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to Arimus221!
flapjacksofwar gifted a Tier 1 sub to mtglasalle!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, flapjacksofwar! Welcome to Inept_Hope, ZafarLink, Arimus221, brushfire44, and mtglasalle! (Today's storm count: 755)
abslomdaak42: Yeah, I saw that on tumblr
TXC2: flapjacksofwar lrrHEART
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Lord_Hosk gifted a Tier 1 sub to clowdstrike! They have given 6 Gift Subs in the channel!
Amentur: Ther Berlin airport was knocked out
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, clowdstrike! (Today's storm count: 756)
Gascitygaming: none of my 3 pcs were affected
ladiesloveloki: Cheer1000
ThorSokar: The SouthWest meme from that was FANTASTIC
RockPusher: !paullove
LRRbot: It's not Paul's fault, no matter what the streamer says.
Sarah_Serinde: Chat you're incredible
Gascitygaming: my work however....
TheAntiEnemy is paying forward the Gift they got from RockPusher to the community!
TheAntiEnemy is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel!
TheAntiEnemy gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kitmat!
TheAntiEnemy gifted a Tier 1 sub to childofbright!
TheAntiEnemy gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lady_Meh!
TheAntiEnemy gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mallak22!
TheAntiEnemy gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zertbirt!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, TheAntiEnemy! Welcome to Lady_Meh, Mallak22, Kitmat, childofbright, and Zertbirt! (Today's storm count: 761)
Texan_Reverend: The memes have been excellent. The effects on hospitals and such, not so much.
TXC2: TheAntiEnemy lrrHEART
KBKarma: @abslomdaak42 Foone was somewhat bemused that everyone on Mastodon kept explaining no, it was *CloudStrike*.
jacqui_lantern234: @Sarah_Serinde AND U TOO lrrSHINE
ShifuDaxiongmao: Imagine the person in future job interviews.. "So tell me about a time you caused a problem and how you resolved it"
PMAvers: We got sent home early that morning from work, turns out it *was* due to that.
GreyOrb: A massive windows crash, should have been called 'The great defenestration"
MaxTurkeyFlaps: @Texan_Reverend My friend was in surgery prep when it happened, and then sat in surgery prep for almost 7 hours.
BrowneePoints: apparently Mr Beast's plastic cleanup thingie did the thing
TimIAm: What can we throw at James for a million
bakerydragon: Just saw the startrek meme "Crowdstrike: When the Windows Fell"
Foxmar320: Oh... whatever?
TheWanderingNomad: Ohh my!
KBKarma: *Whatever* Ian wants?
ContingentCat: that's dangerous
NonUniqueGuy: Play a real card game
RandomTrivia: That's dangerous
ButButTheJesus: oh no
Sarusta: Day long horse joke.
MorganteMaggiore: can you tell us the horse joke?
Stanley L: global
TheWanderingNomad: ]OH MY
BrookJustBones: Did we even get a bit with a real donkey?
Fluffy776: That's like 7 people doing the 10k dumps again lrrGARBO
beowuuf: horse joke while everyone else gets to leave Kappa
LittleVesuvius: that's a dangerous empty check to write
ladiesloveloki: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
ElementalAlchemist: "Whatever Ian wants" is a potentially daring agreement
rabbitgta: He will become the bacon
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Whatever IAN wants? Think of the children!
AnyaSilverfur: My partner used to work for Crowdstrike. It was wild seeing the happenings from his former coworkers
TXC2: here we GO!
jarnatan: I think the "final" stretch goal is reaching an amount of subs that allows the LRR crew to retire to a life of leisure
ladiesloveloki: TAKE ALL THE REST OF MY BITS
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Crad0k: better what ian wants than what *we* want
RoeDent89: Names!
teddywhosabear: oh it's chuggin
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHORN
ihlendrax: 🎼 🎶 subs and bits and subs and bits -oontz oontz oontz- 🎵
Fluffy776: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown lrrHORN lrrHEART lrrSHINE
HesGotNoPants: I trust Ian's wants
Redbassist: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
IaCthulhuFthagn: @NonUniqueGuy A poker cash game on Is This Your Card Keepo
RandomTrivia: This is clever overlay technology, great job Paul
Redbassist: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: Hey Paul this looks great, fantastic work!
Crad0k: oh god, this is going to be looooooooooong
mtvcdm: Oh that's gonna be so long
RandomTrivia: E G G
flatluigi: that muffin is stationary
RoeDent89: The muffin is moving
RandomTrivia: That muffin is NOT MOVING
SnackPak_: thank you Wheeler
beowuuf: muffin just chilling at the start
RoeDent89: *just*
BrokenGolem: chornological?
ContingentCat: lol the muffin isn't moving
amative1: Reminder that this is AGGREGATE, so if your name shows up and you gift sub or give more bits your name WILL NOT show up again at the end
teddywhosabear: that muffin has NOT moved.
EricTheOrange: that muffin is moving real slow
beowuuf: it is moving though, not a mistake
JaceB147: slowest muffin
bytecaster: That muff in is not moving
RoeDent89: Hover the pause button and you can make it out
Sarah_Serinde: We're gonna be here for a while
teddywhosabear: it JUST started moving
ElementalAlchemist: Progress bar status: none
Foxmar320: Six hours later
KaleidoscopeMind: muffin taking its time
halfmoonprince: that muff is crawlingg
JadedCynic: <--- gets comfy
RandomTrivia: Everyone get comfy
incslayer: that is a sloooww muffin
Gascitygaming: there are over 1700 individual contributors
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHERE
marmalade_pen: dont die wheeler
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 661 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rares1st!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to DecemRobot!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to ivi1224!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sahdee!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to bogalizard!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to DecemRobot, Sahdee, Rares1st, bogalizard, and ivi1224! (Today's storm count: 766)
Marvoleath: lrrAWESOME lrrARROWS
NekomimiNinja: the single pixel nudges on the muffin lrrSPOOP
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
Earthenone: wheeler=let me solo it
mtvcdm: If you haven't seen your name yet you still have time
Alex_Frostfire: By the time this is over, the timer might end.
teddywhosabear: let wheeler solo it
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Redbassist: Wheeler pls
ContingentCat: lol let's see how long he can go
flatluigi: free wheeler
Crad0k: poor wheelr
margieargie: Oh yeah that is one SLOW muffin lrrAWESOME
Jean_Jacques_EB converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub!
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
flapjacksofwar: Cheer300 Congrats on the great Subathon!
ladiesloveloki: Will this be as long as the end credits of each of the extended cuts of Lord of the Rings?
MrGibberish: Cheer10000 Cheer10000
Sarah_Serinde: Wheeler can stop any time he wants
GreyOrb: 5574 subs, 2 sec apart - > Roughly 3 hours?
RockPusher: Thank you to all the lurkers, watchers, and everyone who makes this place special just by being here lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: Dang
TXC2: MrGibberish lrrHEART
Anubis169: That muffin is moving so slowly...
Sibwow: hi wheeler
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
JadedCynic: @ladiesloveloki concievably longer...
LoadingReadyRun: this is going to take us over the remaining time limit :)
TheWooglie: whose go is it?
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun good :)
Sarah_Serinde: @LoadingReadyRun You know, I think chat probably earned that :P
EricTheOrange: let'
mtvcdm: Cursed Scorecard reads 29 over par now. Next stroke at 7980.
Jigokuro: @MrGibberish Heck yeah, 1 mil incoming! lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: HOLY MOY
Sarah_Serinde: We are somehow only 50k bits away from one million total
TehAmelie: may as well start chanting names in unison, isn't that where this is leading?
RandomTrivia: *moly
Crad0k: jesus
marmalade_pen: red shoes jeff!!
beowuuf: sweet lord!
LadyAtarka: Holy bus
EricTheOrange: let's go chaos just shout out names at random, no order
ElementalAlchemist: It's me!
IaCthulhuFthagn: Hopefully Paul set the speed for this to finish before the PPR starts at least.
RandomTrivia: Serge with the Uno Reverse!
ContingentCat: LUL
IanAllenBird: kijnhuikj
jacqui_lantern234: SERGE LUL
KaleidoscopeMind: uno reverse
TXC2: the Uno card
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
red_shoes_jeff: lrrSPOOP Oh my.
Foxmar320: Skip is an option???
AllTheWeasels subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months, currently on a 50 month streak!
AllTheWeasels: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AllTheWeasels! (Today's storm count: 767)
Shadwhawk: That's like $1000 from Jeff alone
teddywhosabear: wheeler keeping them honest
RockPusher: you can do it scroller!
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
NekomimiNinja: Pride100 Pride100 Pride100 It's been great! Thank You Everyone!
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
animaniacdot: @youngfrey Thanks for the gift sub! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
margieargie: sergeSnerge
RandomTrivia: Must have been during Punch a Chunk - full Snerge was on display there
CaptainSpam: Snerge is multiplying!
marmalade_pen: gulleko!!
LadyAtarka: I'm here for Wheelers energy
ExachixKitsune: ah good, if you gifted a specific person, it still says that person
insanecat6mtg: sergeSnerge
IbunWest: Can we get a little less emotion from kathleen please
RevolverRossalot: Bonbonbonbons
beowuuf: awww, muffin is love
stippledotter: All on a 5 cd set
brieandbacon: Hoi sin crispy owl
margieargie: lrrDARK
ContingentCat: Wow Kathleeen calm down
Crad0k: ooh, me
beowuuf: anmeyoucanread sergeJustRight
JadedCynic: Edith Slump visits BC
GreyOrb: Cori sounds like when people miss with the robo voice
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
SymphonySolstice: jibothy
jarnatan: Ian has me in stitches
beowuuf: LOL
ArrestedHouse: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
beowuuf: dueling jimmies
Irsaan: remember everyone, WE did this lrrSHINE
hurricanealpaca: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: Hold it together, only another 40 minutes to go!
Anubis169: hahahahaha
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown TWO HUNDRED! FBtouchdown
SymphonySolstice: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
amative1: TEETH
mtvcdm: Teeth!
GreyOrb: Teeth?
Anubis169: lrrCREEPL lrrcREEPR
NekomimiNinja: lrrCREEPR lrrCREEPL
RandomTrivia: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
brieandbacon: Teeth!!
Alex_Frostfire: lrrSHINE
Redbassist: Well done Alex!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Teeth
DigitalSeahorse: teeth
Anubis169: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
phoenixfeather14: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Redbassist: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
red_shoes_jeff: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
marmalade_pen: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
jarnatan: Jordynne yes!
msartivisual: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNE YES
DiscordianTokkan: Perfec
beowuuf: seabatClap
teddywhosabear: some excellent names in here
Sergue_Thorien: Je vois que leurs esprits ont brissé
mtvcdm: Here's Borgar with a GUN
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
insane_42: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub!
MrGibberish: Cheer10000 Cheer10000 Cheer10000 Warchest eptied!
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RatherLargeToad: OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog
RandomTrivia: Keep up, Serge!
TXC2: MrGibberish lrrHEART
Sarah_Serinde: MrGibberish !!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Anubis169: Klaatu Barada Nikto!
themercenary1987: MR GIBERISH?
KBKarma: I recognise several people from a particular Discord server.
InfinityToPlanck: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Sunidesus: Wheeler is on a roll and I am loving it
Wolfstrike_NL: Wauw MrGibberish lrrHEART
badpandabear: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
TimIAm: Tree vore is vry specific
KBKarma: voxlunCarp
jacqui_lantern234: @MrGibberish WHAT THE BLORBUS
amative1: 20k away!
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly
Sarah_Serinde: 20k bits away from 1 million
incslayer: 20k from 1million
mtvcdm: Cursed Scorecard now reads 30 over par. Next stroke at 8040 sub units.
ButButTheJesus: @MrGibberish goodness!
beowuuf: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
marawr_arts: uni10000 uni10000 ya'll are seriously the greatest. thank you so very much for everything. you too, chatfriends!
Frogasaurus90 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 51 in the channel!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to natedesuka!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to javierpicon!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sycis_00!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mikemikethemikemike!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Seagulyus!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Usquebaugh67!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kieselalge!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to FlamencoSketched!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Who742!
Frogasaurus90 gifted a Tier 1 sub to HollowBonedBoy!
Krektogar: hey chat, have they said if the subathon money will be used for anything specific?
RockPusher: does this have the YT subs too
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Frogasaurus90! Welcome to natedesuka, sycis_00, Usquebaugh67, Seagulyus, Kieselalge, Who742, HollowBonedBoy, javierpicon, mikemikethemikemike, and FlamencoSketched! (Today's storm count: 777)
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Sarah_Serinde: Holy crap chat you did it
TXC2: Frogasaurus90 lrrHEART
Sarah_Serinde: Wild
flatluigi: one million!!!!!!
jarnatan: Nice thx
incslayer: 1 million BITS
RandomTrivia: ONE MILLION! FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
PharaohBender27: @marawr_arts lrrSHINE
j_crane330: sergeGift sergeGift sergeGift sergeGift sergeGift
ArrestedHouse: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Juliamon: Krektogar Nope
ElementalAlchemist: THE MILLION!
GoblinMyra: apsodifhjapos;
GreyOrb: A MIL
Saintnex: lrrHORN
Statist42: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
margieargie: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
BusTed: tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap
quton: ONE MIL
Redbassist: Don't die lrrBartleby
Fluffy776: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Anubis169: Million twamazon bits!
Earthenone: one million bitties!
kataanglover1: The million!!!!
eshplode: wheelerMonkey lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
baltimore_667083: ONE MILLION
ghyllnox: \o/
ghizmou: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ExtraWubs: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LittleVesuvius: holy shit
PharaohBender27: lrrHORN lrrGOAT
AnimeKitty: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy vicksyHappy vicksyHappy
beowuuf: lrrWOW
Melfina__: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
IanAllenBird: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown THREE HUNDRED! FBtouchdown
insanecat6mtg: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
mysteenova157: Made it!!
ContingentCat: lrrHORN FBtouchdown lrrHORN FBtouchdown lrrHORN FBtouchdown lrrHORN FBtouchdown
iris_of_ether: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Bellmoore: Million!
stippledotter: DA BITS DA BITS
KBKarma: They challenged chat!
marmalade_pen: the million!!
offbeatwitch: oooooooooooone million bitties
ArcticAtlantic: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
bakerydragon: WAHOOO yay
abslomdaak42: Oh damn!
Seagulyus: thanks for the sub Frogasaurus90 !
measureofhope: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
beowuuf: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
nessiah_aries: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
spethycakes: FBtouchdown
badpandabear: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Cheer10000000000: we did it gamers
bakerydragon: Ben Wheeler you are a champ
quton: ben no
Sarah_Serinde: Oh hey Longest Johns :D
ExachixKitsune is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 36 in the channel!
ExachixKitsune gifted a Tier 1 sub to thurman86!
LittleVesuvius: ONE MILLION!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, ExachixKitsune! Welcome to thurman86! (Today's storm count: 778)
JLHonors: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
phoenixfeather14: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Criiisiis: 1 million bits
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Gascitygaming: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Desruprot: limesPop limesPop limesPop
ArrestedHouse: da grips, da grips, da grips
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun whats it like getting 10,000 usd in 5 days?
Gekyouryuu: I can't remember if I resubbed during the subathon or not now
ArcticAtlantic: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
GreyOrb: Were at like 15%
TXC2: damn chat you rock lrrHEART
AerynsSun: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Simriel: That's just 10 grand right?
InfinityToPlanck: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
NazTMann: How many squats are we making Matt do since we hit 1,000,000 bits?
beowuuf: so ian has about 5000 subs to decide what to do with wheeler Kappa
Redbassist: Oh the shame ganny is here
mtvcdm: Cursed Scorecard now reads 31 over par. Next stroke at 8100.
Halvhir: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
nyoomgoom: 🙀
50keyz: lrrSHINE
MrGibberish: lrrSIG lrrHORN lrrHORN
Irsaan: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrSIG lrrSIG
jarnatan: Hyrulegirl, the sequel to Uptown Girl
cointosscryptid: lrrSHINE
ExachixKitsune: thanks G lmao
Jigokuro: Well bus, I had some warchest left for the mil but I guess I'll hold it for DB. bitterHehe
JadedCynic: @NazTMann Wheeler was the one who said "I'll do whatever you ask" (admittedly directed to James, not Chat)
Obos_TAB: Hey everyone congrats on an awesome sub a thon
mtvcdm: Nice
ContingentCat: I love how many names I recognize this community is so great lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: Lord Hosk? Sounds like a fake name lrrBEEJ
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDance vicksyTail
jacqui_lantern234: D: JORDYNNE NO
DiscordianTokkan: Nice
ShifuDaxiongmao: Lord_Hosk .. what kind of weird name is that? :P
RandomTrivia: Jordynne HypeLUL
mtvcdm: 69 subs, of course
jarnatan: Hatcha!
ContingentCat: NiiceMr Horrible
abslomdaak42: I love Jordynne's voices
JadedCynic: @Jigokuro sounds like a wise plan <3
jacqui_lantern234: ORASTES NUTZ!!! GOTTEM
jarnatan: Coopdoggydawg
BrokenGolem: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
LadyAtarka: BEN!
Aquarionics: ASubMR
pipshardfour: yassss
KharadBanar: is that mic even on?
abslomdaak42: ASMR Ben
jacqui_lantern234: the WHAT ben?!
Sunidesus: please no
Anubis169: MouthSounds
RockPusher: benginHeart
Fluffy776: whispering "saweeks" was uh very ASMR UwU
BrokenGolem: maybe 20% through?
Crad0k: ben, no, you're supposed to make people pay you to do that
jarnatan: The Kum....quat King
TXC2: so we about a quatre done :p
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown FOUR HUNDRED! FBtouchdown
brieandbacon: Saffron Olive, is that you?
Simriel: I love Jordynne's energy whenever she is on camera, it's so good
AnimeKitty: PrideLaugh PrideLaugh PrideLaugh
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
flatluigi: corefuck?
jarnatan: I think about now is where they really regret saying all of the names
Crad0k: @TXC2 remember when they used to read out everyone's messages too?
TXC2: Crad0k yeap :p
Anubis169: HAHAHA
ContingentCat: @Crad0k oh god this would take days
RockPusher: lrrSHINE PharaohBender27 lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: faROBenDer absolutely killed me :D
IanAllenBird: jnhbujikhuji
TehAmelie: Pharaobender with 11% of the bits
jarnatan: A-A-Ron
Sunidesus: egads PharaohBender, that is a huge total
DiscordianTokkan: I honestly have no idea where my sub would be on this list, lol
Anubis169: Pronunciation Guide with Wheeler
Pteraspidomorphi: That was a modest amount of subs and bits from PharaohBender27
mtvcdm: PharoahBender had over 360 subs and 110K bits
nessiah_aries: Wheelers Klingon is immaculate.
beowuuf: god i've been mispronouncing their name all this time MiniK
epsilon_vee: is wheeler ok, do we need the whambulance
jacqui_lantern234: @PharaohBender27 im still in awe of your generosity
malfnord: I feel like I'm having a stroke
GreyOrb: He is having a stroke, or am I?
jarnatan: Robotech!
ElementalAlchemist: thank you Wheeler
nyoomgoom: i think all of us.
teddywhosabear: wheeler is already on fire
Jennie_Fuchsia: this is being gay doing crimes
NimrodXIV: get Wheeler to hopsital
Crad0k: he's auditioning for the allo allo remake
PharaohBender27: Oh no, my total gift subs wasn't a multople of 3! Oh well
PharaohBender27: *multiple
nessiah_aries: G Man?
RandomTrivia: CAKE
TimIAm: Oh my god Wheeler made me cough coffee into my nose and almost barf
mtvcdm: CAKE
GreyOrb: cek
Crad0k: cake
nyoomgoom: a lovely cake
nyoomgoom: i wonder what's going to happen with that cake
SoaringDragon42: ice cream cake?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPog
Foxmar320: Can has cake
ghizmou: damienhaasCleverCake
50keyz: thats not a treatza pizza!
ElementalAlchemist: "non-dairy dillybar"
jarnatan: Who is getting pied?
Anubis169: DILLY BAR
Saintnex: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
marmalade_pen: billie dar
PharaohBender27: Oooh, I bet it's an ice cream cake
RockPusher: lrrDILLY
DigitalSeahorse: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrAWESOME
EricTheOrange: is that cake going in James face?
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeBirthday
Simriel: I just realised we are only a quarter of the way
Simriel: Ice Cream Cake? Lucky
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown FIVE HUNDRED! FBtouchdown
Redbassist: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
Sunidesus: so many ice cream options
RandomTrivia: Ooh, multiple cakes!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNom vicksyNom vicksyNom
KBKarma: Alex doing Torgo.
ButButTheJesus: CHOCCY
TXC2: Gods I'd like cake now, it's 10pm here :p
TheMerricat: Damn it, now I'm hungry
RockPusher: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
TehAmelie: the cake bits must be tapped out now
marmalade_pen: mod love
Anubis169: Molly~~
RockPusher: Molly lrrAWESOME
Aquarionics: 500 and the muffin inches so very slowly.
ElementalAlchemist: The whole country?!
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART chat
nyoomgoom: the entire argentina
korvys: Just, all of Argentina
KaleidoscopeMind: the entirety of argentina?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Serge Eats the Whole Thing.
Saintnex: The whole country?? Kappa
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
ExachixKitsune: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove cakejuRave
jarnatan: The entire country of Argentina subscribed to the channel
bytecaster: We are not even close to half
ArcticAtlantic: gracias Argentina!
GreyOrb: I didn't know Argentina had enough money to drop a sub
ElementalAlchemist: what'sup?
TimIAm: Wheeler is going to end me
Crad0k: wheeler no
LadyAtarka: What's up
TheWriterAleph: whasssuuuuuup
the_skeleton_druid: the ceiling?
Redbassist: Wassup
SquidVorb: With sop
mtvcdm: Wheeler going R-Truth here
jarnatan: Uncle Ardata
beowuuf: graham is helping :D
RandomTrivia: Jordynne and Matt HypeLUL
KaleidoscopeMind: the entire province?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: when did R trith get here?
jarnatan: Wheeler is an institution
bakerydragon: XD
bakerydragon: lrrWOW
bakerydragon: lrrHEART lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown SIX HUNDRED! FBtouchdown
ElementalAlchemist: James?!
Zack Hennings: Whats up?
DaSunao: FBtouchdown lrrBartleby
PharaohBender27: :D
Dog_of_Myth: YES
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
jarnatan: Oh my god
ArrestedHouse: RICHTER
RandomTrivia: Love the qwopter sfx
quton: LUL
TimIAm: But how is the TRAFFIC Richter
nyoomgoom: *the freak*
ButButTheJesus: so much traffic
adept_nekomancer: Simcopter 1 reporting heavy traffic
LittleVesuvius: i love Richter bits
Dalrint: Weee. Went to the airport, spent six hours waiting, had my flight cancelled, got back just in time to see the name crawl.
nessiah_aries: Sounds like a usual Richter broadcast.
jarnatan: Richter Chestslam
ElementalAlchemist: thank you Paul
mtvcdm: I love Heather and Beej just immediately pawn it off
RockPusher: I CREAM
RandomTrivia: jlrrIcream jlrrIcream jlrrIcream jlrrIcream jlrrIcream
MorganteMaggiore: WE ALL SCREAM
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
margieargie: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
AnimeKitty: I CREAM
Redbassist: Oooh
LittleVesuvius: i cream!!!!
WiJohn: iCream!
jacqui_lantern234: @TimIAm nah he was doing his job, listing all the people in the traffic jam :p
RandomTrivia: Wait, have we had that technology this WHOLE TIME?!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNom lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
RockPusher: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
Anubis169: not to be confused with a non-dilly dairy bar
phoenixfeather14: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
SymphonySolstice: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
amative1: it took 15 mins to get 1/3 of the way... we're not finishing this on time
LadyAtarka: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
RandomTrivia: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
OVERKiLL!: 🔹️🔹️🔹️🔷️ 💙
Reach: I CREAM
electra310: I cream!
AnimeKitty: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
insanecat6mtg: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
jarnatan: Triggerdotning Kappa
JadedCynic: hi Paul <3
bwk789: 3 mins left
NotCainNorAbel: lrrPAUL lrrPAUL lrrPAUL
Crad0k: paul? WHO'S RUNNING THE DESK?!
CaptainSpam: Wait, Paul's not at the helm... the subs are out of control!
doubledbear: "And this is just the subs for the first day"
Gascitygaming: I'm still here I'm just gonna start Destiny-ing :P
Redbassist: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
Saintnex: still not half way lol
JadedCynic: @bwk789 not even half way - we're not gonna make it ;)
Stellapacifica subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months, currently on a 111 month streak!
Stellapacifica: I'm Bilbo years old!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stellapacifica! (Today's storm count: 779)
Gekyouryuu: *if* I resubbed during the subathon, I think it was early enough I'm probably gonna have to rewatch this whole segment to see if I did or not
MorganteMaggiore: i'm pretty sure death likes curry, not cakes
jarnatan: Somebody Please did not subscribe to the channel though
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown SEVEN HUNDRED! FBtouchdown
ShifuDaxiongmao: Want fries with that, Graham?
MorganteMaggiore: diet or zero?
mtvcdm: FEET
NotCainNorAbel: Do you want any fries with that?
TehAmelie: we got teeth AND feet
doubledbear: feet feet feet feet
ArcticAtlantic: plate o' feet please
Mannequin_Z: feet :O
RandomTrivia: f e e t
malfnord: Sir this is a Wendys
bakerydragon: it's so tough when someone wants to order off the secret menu like this
mtvcdm: Sir, if I feed this to you you will die
Dog_of_Myth: lrrHAM
Redbassist: lrrHAM
KaleidoscopeMind: is pepsi ok?
RandomTrivia: lrrHAM
RockPusher: Jason!
MorganteMaggiore: sir, this is wendy's
RandomTrivia: Ja SON!
jarnatan: Unsalted ham: When you want to eat meat but don't like flavour?
ElementalAlchemist: oh, not a third Reach
RandomTrivia: Hail hydrate!
ElementalAlchemist: up to 750
OVERKiLL!: Thank You LRR , big ups Mods 🔧
RockPusher drinks water
RandomTrivia drinks
jarnatan: the Great Diabeto, not my favourite magician
TheAntiEnemy: Happy I was able to catch the end of this
teddywhosabear: wonder where in time we are
abslomdaak42: *goes to drink some water*
jarnatan: Almost halfway!
bwk789: 60 seconds.....
mtvcdm: One minute left!
beowuuf: wooooaaaaoooh
MorganteMaggiore: @jarnatan living on a prayer?
IaCthulhuFthagn: Six hours later, finally done with meal prep for the week. The stream has been great background listening ^^
jarnatan: Nobodez nuts
NotCainNorAbel: 30
public_key_reveal_party: almost halfway there
Krektogar: so, hard cut when the timer ends?
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown EIGHT HUNDRED! FBtouchdown
Simriel: Hello, I am Mod
Redbassist: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
amative1: 10
NimrodXIV: 5
amative1: 5
Hrrisn: PotFriend
KaleidoscopeMind: and time!
amative1: 4
RandomTrivia: Aaaaaaaand.... TIME! lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Dalrint: What was the shiny blue heart?
TXC2: three two one, HAPPY NEW YEAR
amative1: 3
beowuuf: lrrHORN we have a subathon! lrrHORN subathon achieved!
amative1: 2
kaziel0: Stream end
amative1: 1
ghizmou: voxyHype
insanecat6mtg: lrrHORN lrrSHINE lrrHORN
mtvcdm: THE CURSED MINIGOLF SCORECARD HAS LOCKED: Paul is responsible for a minigolf game of 31 over par. (Yes, James did get it transferred to Paul in the end; he put it on Paul's desk and Paul failed to object.)
NotCainNorAbel: Pride10000
DiscordianTokkan: seabatClap FBtouchdown
AnimeKitty: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
baltimore_667083: HAPPY NEW YEAR
MorganteMaggiore: crash that bus!
spethycakes: FBtouchdown
margieargie: Happy new year!
ElementalAlchemist: Goodbye!
DaSunao: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
ArrestedHouse: lrrHORN
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
kaziel0: Bye
NimrodXIV: cut the stream
marenello1159: ayyyy
jarnatan: Happy new lrr!
TXC2: NotCainNorAbel lrrHEART
Hrrisn: PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend
Mannequin_Z: 🎊
jibkat: mattlrDogchamp
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
ButButTheJesus: its all ogre
ArcticAtlantic: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
electra310: Wooooo!
flatluigi: Cheer100 congratulations you made it
jarnatan: Who's New years Steve?
marmalade_pen: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ElementalAlchemist: It's Paul!
pyronils80: PartyHat PartyHat PartyHat PartyHat
LadyAtarka: Not even half way
Anubis169: Happy New LRR! lrrAWESOME
chenhsi2: lrrHORN lrrHORN
teddywhosabear: hooray!!
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE
IanAllenBird: lrrHEART lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: mtvcdm Inspired bit, great job
AnimeKitty: Yay Paul's responsible!
CmdrMadMoe: MAN Paul is kinda bad at golf eh?
jarnatan: Somebody save Cori
Stellapacifica: I feel like maybe we shouldn't make them do this anymore xD
Dog_of_Myth: coxMog coxMog coxMog
Astramentha: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
jacqui_lantern234: DANG Paul, youre TERRIBLE at minigolf :p
jarnatan: Rhythm Café!
ButButTheJesus: IAN GDI
RandomTrivia: Excellent bit
Mannequin_Z: nice
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
AnimeKitty: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
flatluigi: space monkey mafia
RockPusher: gabyLul
TehAmelie: we didn't bake the pizza
Azsedcf: The pinned message is too long. Cant read the end of it.
IslandersCaper: DinoDance
measureofhope: We didn't start the subtrain, it was always churning since the world's been turning
Sarah_Serinde: @Azsedcf You should be able to scroll it
RandomTrivia: @Azsedcf If you're not on mobile you can scroll
mtvcdm: @Azsedcf Scrollwheel will help.
flatluigi: space monkey mafia, space monkey mafia
Anubis169: Erika!
RockPusher: escher3FOX escher3FOX escher3FOX
NightValien28: this was an amazing time
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown NINE HUNDRED! FBtouchdown
LordZarano: escher3FOX
TheAinMAP: escher3FOX
beowuuf: @Azsedcf james put it on paul's desk and paul failed to object :p
jibkat is paying forward the Gift they got from damn_i_am_pretty to the community!
jibkat is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 9 in the channel!
jibkat gifted a Tier 1 sub to Fragged_Templar!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, jibkat! Welcome to Fragged_Templar! (Today's storm count: 780)
ElementalAlchemist: Progress bar looks halfway-ish
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
OVERKiLL!: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
jarnatan: Gnomonclature is an inspired username
RandomTrivia: Nice
RockPusher: foxmarLOVE foxmarLOVE foxmarLOVE
ExachixKitsune: Foxmar hype
RandomTrivia: Destiny crew!
Sunidesus: wait, how many Foxmars are there?
jibkat: 3
amative1: d-d-d-double Foxmar
TehAmelie: at least 420
Foxmar320: Oh there are like six Foxmars
ElementalAlchemist: Graham!
jacqui_lantern234: @Sunidesus enough :p
Foxmar320: Im the real one
LordZarano: @Sunidesus At least 420
jibkat: Hold on
RandomTrivia: @Foxmar320 And how many of them are you?
jibkat: I thought it was 320
RockPusher: dixGRITCHAMP dixWTF
jibkat: jacqui_lantern234 pspsps
Foxmar320: @RandomTrivia Only one
RockPusher: joekimHeart joekimHeart joekimHeart
jacqui_lantern234: @jibkat that works on animals, not eldritch abominations
Simriel: Horton Fears a Coup is a fantastic username
Coloneljesus: this is impressive, ben!
korvys: This new version of the Ultimate Showdown is weird
flatluigi: mtv (music television)
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
ExachixKitsune: so this is whatever night the GVlog was on.. the first day of PAX U?
jarnatan: It's like Ben has improv experience
MorganteMaggiore: nice job ben
ExachixKitsune: maybe the 3rd day
TehAmelie: woo hoo we're halfway there
asthanius: almost got into the pokerap there, so close
yalc321: Yalc
ElementalAlchemist: ah yes, a good public key reveal party
MilkInBags: hey can you read my sub right now even if it's not on screen, thank you
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown lrrHORN ONE THOUSAND! lrrHORN FBtouchdown
Crad0k: 1000!
ElementalAlchemist: 1000!
ArcticAtlantic: 1000!
Anubis169: 1000~
jarnatan: @MilkInBags How do you even milk a bag
LowUpsideCJ: Oh my god I had this on mute and thought this was an incredible bit
MilkInBags: LUL
yalc321: @jarnatan carefully
AnimeKitty: @jacqui_lantern234 A two headed abomination PrideLaugh
jarnatan: Jandalf the denim-blue
Sunidesus: I mean, he's right there, I'm not sure it's a secret
red_shoes_jeff: lrrJUDGE lrrSPOOP
ArcticAtlantic: the secret is out!
Gekyouryuu: wait, LightningFelix? someone named themselves after my one Ikoria nickname (that went uncredited because it got sniped on me in the submission phase)?
CmdrMadMoe: that gasp was good
jacqui_lantern234: @AnimeKitty oh right!!! i forgot about that joke we had with Vi
ElementalAlchemist: it's Jordynne!
MAPBoardgames: Is that a million bitties I see?
TXC2: MAPBoardgames it sure is
ElementalAlchemist: and Alex!
teddywhosabear: yay!
teddywhosabear: it me!
ElementalAlchemist: Ho Chi Minh City!
Redbassist: lrrALEX
red_shoes_jeff: ALAX!
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown lrrHORN ELEVEN HUNDRED! lrrHORN FBtouchdown
TXC2: ho chi minh city!
jarnatan: Hochi mean city
Redbassist: lrrBartleby
Gekyouryuu: would anyone happen to have a link to that vst ninja spreadsheet for the events of the subathon?
RandomTrivia: !vst
viowof: oh no, did I miss the subathon?
ElementalAlchemist: @Gekyouryuu @ThorSokar
RandomTrivia: OH right, that doesn't work here :D
superdude097: These are my last Cheer bits. Is the counter still counting?
MorganteMaggiore: also saturn and all his rings, and last but not least god
PharaohBender27: @ElementalAlchemist
ElementalAlchemist tries to help
superdude097: Cheer100
jarnatan: @viowof you missed the war!
Gekyouryuu: @PharaohBender27 ty friends
ButButTheJesus: omg lol
abslomdaak42: Yay! Eath the rich!
ElementalAlchemist: ah, of course it got shoved in /south
mtvcdm: It does appear the counter's no longer counting.
MorganteMaggiore: this voice is too strong
jarnatan: Compost the rich
flatluigi: sir, this isn't a wendy's
RandomTrivia: DOGS GOOD
adept_nekomancer: Sir, this is still a wendys
RandomTrivia: As established
RockPusher: mattlrDogchamp
ExachixKitsune: oh good job VST
malfnord: Sir, we don't have any of that here
mtvcdm: The overlay must have locked at time expired.
marmalade_pen: lrrBEEEJ
ElementalAlchemist: lrrBEEJ
jchinnock: sorry the machine is down
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown lrrHORN TWELVE HUNDRED! lrrHORN FBtouchdown
flatluigi: @mtvcdm i had my bits notify after it hit 0
mtvcdm: Gotta get that jar of goats dessert, it ties the meal together
pn55: HypeLUL
MorganteMaggiore: pokemon!
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
jarnatan: Man I don't understand all these new pokemon
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Anubis169: hahaha
abslomdaak42: LUL
Redbassist: PokBlastoise
TH. ESP: welcome to Wheeler Reads the Whole Thing
mtvcdm: @flatluigi Notify yeah but it looks like it isn't incrementing the counter any longer.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Gekyouryuu: spicy take: Mordor is BAD
ButButTheJesus: @jarnatan "Tortreform!"
jarnatan: One can simply walk into mordor. Shouldn't.
doubledbear: it me!
bakerydragon: Mordor is bad- why would you say something so controverial and so brave
FITorion: This tracks
viowof: magic magic magic magic magic
margieargie: Magic magic magic
bakerydragon: back to the rosewatta cube
Kentosaurus: have they done the water balloons yet?
Jennie_Fuchsia: magic magic magic
Boon_33: don't worry, I speak jive
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
Nigouki: this is literally what magic content sounds like to me....
KharadBanar: Drood the Ozeference
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ButButTheJesus: katesGigl
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Redbassist: :D
jarnatan: Yeah this is about on par for a judge call
jacqui_lantern234: i HATE that my MtG player brain can parse this
margieargie: @bakerydragon "I drood the ozeference" "In response, abwatch"
MorganteMaggiore: so anyway i ended 1-2
Sunidesus: this is about what Magic sounds like to me normally
IanAllenBird: kmjnik
Blip2004: oh no, now I live in Ohio
korvys: Love everyone committing to bits that just make it impossible to keep up :D
Zenergy142: this is excellent
DracoFire87: Is this what having a stroke feels like?!
teddywhosabear: wheeler is the mvp of this read so far, oh my god
ButButTheJesus: halp
birbtribul: damn fhis bloomburrow preview is fire
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
heartofgoldfish: this is gonna be on youtube later right??
bakerydragon: @margieargie 100%
jarnatan: Somebody save him
ButButTheJesus: 11/10 no notes
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
TXC2: heartofgoldfish should be
Foxmar320: I think ive seen this movie
PharaohBender27: @heartofgoldfish Eventually, yes.
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap
singinnonsense: alannamClapgif alannamClapgif alannamClapgif alannamClapgif alannamClapgif
marawr_arts: *standing ovation*
TehAmelie: i won?
ExachixKitsune: please don't let this be on the exam
excalgold: wow Wheeler that was impressive!
Eklinaar: pbtvCLAP pbtvCLAP pbtvCLAP
Geldaran: Wheeler, you are amazing. damn.. just damn.
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown lrrHORN THIRTEEN HUNDRED! lrrHORN FBtouchdown
PharaohBender27: tqsClap
manfred909: tqsSweat
Gekyouryuu: what I'm learning here is: I'm not good at improv
PawssumFable: That was impressive
AnimeKitty: scribb21Clap scribb21Clap scribb21Clap
themercenary1987: Good lord Heeler
ButButTheJesus: @TehAmelie yes
marmalade_pen: @tehamelie u won!!
L0rdX33n: I think I just transcended
Singenmeister: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
PawssumFable: Mildly upset that clips are only a minute
ElementalAlchemist: The progress bar *is* advancing
ElementalAlchemist: oh, hey, it's Wheeler
JadedCynic: Jordynne, you realized what he just HAVE to put it on the highlight reel...
Fehlbrandschwele: How is wheeler ruling soooo hard at this???
Simriel: Passion (and adhd)
Anubis169: wub wub wub wub wub
viowof: clip it, that's the ticket
JadedCynic: @PawssumFable the 'streamer' has more flexibility...
mtvcdm: oh shit heather knows krav maga
thedepthandbreadthofseth: hey, wait! Did I get gifted a sub???
flatluigi: what did jordynne do
MorganteMaggiore: call a bondulance
jarnatan: Fuck, Raul Ghoulia is a legendary username
thedepthandbreadthofseth: omg, thanks anon
RockPusher: lrrCrab
Anubis169: hehehehhe
RandomTrivia: lrrCrab
Redbassist: Am Heather okay?
RTwo28: Oh hey that was me
Shadowsoflife: lrrCrab
Makhiel: lrrCrab
crimineler: Hi
ButButTheJesus: lrrCrab
JadedCynic: @thedepthandbreadthofseth looks like it - welcome <3
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
DigitalSeahorse: lrrCrab
Fehlbrandschwele: yep. that checks out.
Sarah: Also practice with things like the horse joke :P
Simriel: I've done the Horse Joke, but only managed to make it last about 10-15 minutes
Fehlbrandschwele: omg i haven't heard the horse jokes in years... the version I know is not that fast tho
Exachix Kitsune: oh yeah, how has the youtubes been this week? hi friends
Peronio: RaulGhoulia is top notch
Singenmeister: lrrCrab lrrCrab
TXC2: Redbassist no, none of us are ok ;p
ghyllnox: That's the neat part, she doesn't
mtvcdm: Thanks for having me this week
jarnatan: Runpnert the Brear vibes
flatluigi: and remember everyone, these people have to do a ppr tomorrow
Redbassist: Fair
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrCrab lrrDOTS
ElementalAlchemist: tiltyhYAS
thedepthandbreadthofseth: ty @JadedCynic . good to be back.
TXC2: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown lrrHORN FOURTEEN HUNDRED! lrrHORN FBtouchdown
ElementalAlchemist: lrrIAN
jarnatan: is a corianderd a type of nerd?
Anubis169: both of Ian!
Shadowsoflife: tiltyhPLS
flatluigi: @jarnatan it's coriander's name and last initial
Crad0k: we're at yesterday morning!
bytecaster: The crowd strike sub gives us an idea where we are on the timeline
flatluigi: @Crad0k can't wait for us to catch up to now and do all this again
jarnatan: @flatluigi I'm doing a bit, for comedy
Mollylele: lrrCrab
Redbassist: lrrCrab
ElementalAlchemist: Jacob!
ExachixKitsune: oh right, everybody was me like earlier today I want to say
RockPusher: lrrDARK Jacob
red_shoes_jeff: lrrCrab
flatluigi: @jarnatan people have notoriously not parsed the name correctly, including someone live on stream in a clip i don't think i'm going to be able to find quickly
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL OMG Jordynne
ExachixKitsune: oh no, yesterday
JadedCynic: I haven't been playing too close attention, because my resub was last week (darn), and then I got a shock - apparently late some night I threw them some bits :D
abslomdaak42: lrrCrab
jarnatan: @flatluigi yeah that's fair
brieandbacon: lrrCrab
TheMerricat: @flatluigi "Susan?"
mtvcdm: Never listen to buttons, they are not your friends
nyoomgoom: dirty thirty one brotherrrr
RandomTrivia: sergeHeart
Sarah: Hey Kitsune :)
ElementalAlchemist: Serge? AND Serge?!
RandomTrivia: sergeThankJo
brieandbacon: Dirty31, and her sisters Baptised31 and Single31
kalira77: lrrCrab_SG lrrCrab_SG lrrCrab_SG
ExachixKitsune: sergeThankJo
badpandabear: sergeThankJo
RandomTrivia: sergeModLove
RockPusher: sergeHeart sergeThankJo sergeHeart
AnimeKitty: sergeHeart sergeThankJo
excalgold: @ElementalAlchemist snerge bot got one earlier too
Redbassist: Secret serge
insanecat6mtg: sergeThankJo
jarnatan: Serge, get in the yaeger
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown lrrHORN FIFTEEN HUNDRED! lrrHORN FBtouchdown
marmalade_pen: Juliamon lrrSHINE
Shadowsoflife: ericbitMods
momalyd: My VR anime went long. I'm going to have to go back into the VOD. I do have my pizza and icecream ready though
BlueChloroplast: lrrPistachio lrrGibb lrrBartleby
Anubis169: Julia <3
Redbassist: Owo
MorganteMaggiore: uwu what sub
jarnatan: The uwu is strong with this one
j_crane330: sergeThankJo
bakerydragon: lrrSHINE Thank you all mods for helping keep this such a great space to be
RockPusher: hifunkPopcorn hifunkFart
Anubis169: ashley~~
TehAmelie: verily
ElementalAlchemist: Ashley! Cam!
TXC2: the crab move inexorably onwards
Anubis169: cam!
jarnatan: Notices subcount: Uwu, what's this?
TXC2: bakerydragon lrrHEART
RockPusher: lrrSPOT
lightfut: lrrWOW
Anubis169: Omega <3
flatluigi: i'm glad we're following up homestar runner with strong bad
Dog_of_Myth: Yes
Aarek: thats a pretty sweet dragon
MorganteMaggiore: is this rita repulsa?
ElementalAlchemist: 1550 :O
jarnatan: Wardsar the Writer, any relation to Yardsard?
flatluigi: french strong bad
ghyllnox: @MorganteMaggiore This is Adam's only accent
margieargie: Oh hey it's every voice Adam does for a gamebook stream ever :p
RandomTrivia: Meeeester Kenneedyyy
jarnatan: "oh, pee"
ghyllnox: "Vaguely Eastern European"
RockPusher: braven10HEX
Anubis169: travF1 travF2 nonsub spotted!
nessiah_aries: Not sure if this is supposed to be Ramon Salazar or Watto.
RandomTrivia: Oh boy, here we go again :D
Redbassist: Cude
ShifuDaxiongmao: lrrGOAT
Anubis169 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ghyllnox! They have given 11 Gift Subs in the channel!
GoblinMyra: Cheer100 <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ghyllnox! (Today's storm count: 781)
ghyllnox: NotLikeThis
MorganteMaggiore: this is still game 1 isn't it?
bakerydragon: @nessiah_aries XD
ghyllnox: Thanks!
Anubis169: travHert
HedWund: lrrGibb
iris_of_ether: lrrHERE lrrHERE lrrHERE
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown lrrHORN SIXTEEN HUNDRED! lrrHORN FBtouchdown
Gekyouryuu: Wheeler Flow
jolly6100: lrrHERE
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
Redbassist: lrrHERE
TheMerricat: God Wheeler is so good at this.
IanAllenBird: njuhk,h
TheAinMAP: lrrHERE
asthanius: this is just Dracula Flow
ExachixKitsune gifted a Tier 1 sub to punchachunkbot! They have given 37 Gift Subs in the channel!
jibkat: lrrHERE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, punchachunkbot! (Today's storm count: 782)
jarnatan: Soupline the lightning bolt
bakerydragon: @ghyllnox It's sub only chat the kind way
themercenary1987: Did they get a wheeler ai voicebox or something?
kalira77: the flooooooow thooooough
MrGibberish: @Anubis169 with the snipe!
beowuuf: lrrSPOT_SG -> lrrHERE
ButButTheJesus: katesCheer
themercenary1987: Sounds like something straight outta a russinbadger video
Anubis169: hahahaha
RandomTrivia: Oh hey, a random shot hit Nightbot :D
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
ElementalAlchemist: haha!
Crad0k: ian no
jarnatan: Kathleen with the flex
bakerydragon: The Mouse is coming for you all!
ButButTheJesus: wha happa?
Redbassist: Ha ha
jarnatan: Ian just got back from voicing Kingdom Hearts
RockPusher: lrrHERE
red_shoes_jeff: HaHA!
Eklinaar: nice catch there
DaSunao: Is this Mickey Mouse from Steamboat Willie?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Creature_Comforts: Hey that's me!
ElementalAlchemist: Ah, reached the forklift segment
MrGibberish: lrrHERE
Heckhoundbolt: lrrHERE lrrHERE lrrHERE
PharaohBender27: We've hit this morning!
KBKarma: Oh, is Hien here?
jarnatan: Wolfgang Cloud Strife
HedWund: HypeWut
Redbassist: lrrGibb
Gekyouryuu: I think we've hot today's joke subs
brieandbacon: lrrHERE lrrHERE
jarnatan: thicc diaps!
ContingentCat: eyyyy I didn't miss my name
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown lrrHORN SEVENTEEN HUNDRED! lrrHORN FBtouchdown
ElementalAlchemist: 1700!
Veraphage: The numbers don't lie
beowuuf: sooo cloooooose
jarnatan: Every single person deserves a raise for this performance
MorganteMaggiore: this sunday sunday sunday
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
flatluigi: @jarnatan to be fair we literally paid for it
mtvcdm: omg graham
malfnord: the number don't lie and they spell disaster for you
ButButTheJesus: like 17/3rds chance e to the i pi
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
Redbassist: He's got the blood mist!
jarnatan: I often think to myself "aww shiuuuup"
Jigokuro: Glad to be a part of THAT
Viewers_Like_You: Cheer50 Merry sbubathon!
amative1: so close....
KBKarma: Blast Hardcheese!
GredGredmansson: well done Graham
RockPusher: lrrAWESOME
L0rdX33n: huh, I was way later than I expected, I donated a bunch on day one but based on where I am in the list the it didn’t add me to the list until Beej’s last Fallout stream. weird
NimrodXIV: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: Total contributors: 1759!
ElementalAlchemist: It's us!
PharaohBender27: :D
teddywhosabear: flatluigi yay
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
ExachixKitsune: \o/
mtvcdm: Ah yes, Heather entering into Minnesota Mode
TheWriterAleph: ME?!?!?!
flatluigi: yaaay
kalira77: Heather is very good at sounding like she's being speech jammed
AnimeKitty: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown lrrHORN lrrHORN FBtouchdown FBtouchdown lrrHORN lrrHORN FBtouchdown
eshplode: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Saintnex: yay!!!
margieargie: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Viewers_Like_You: haha, got there
teddywhosabear: yaaaay
themercenary1987: YA!
IanAllenBird: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
bakerydragon: CHOICE!
SymphonySolstice: LUL
marmalade_pen: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
HorusFive: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
manfred909: tqsClap
ElementalAlchemist: The bit screen is behind
Gekyouryuu: ME?!
jarnatan: Amazing
RockPusher: tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap
ArrestedHouse: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
MorganteMaggiore: the sniper
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
BrokenGolem: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
LittleVesuvius: yaaaaay!
Veraphage: gdqClap
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
Redbassist: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Cunobelenos: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
BlueChloroplast: Perfect!
NekomimiNinja: FBtouchdown
ArcticAtlantic: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ghyllnox: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
insanecat6mtg: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
gibbousm: FortOne lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
msartivisual: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
chriswr5: Clap
Astramentha: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
spethycakes: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
bakerydragon: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
IsaTheEngie: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
vinewood_og: GG All!!!!
jarnatan: Threading the needle
Riandisa: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Heckhoundbolt: well done
HedWund: HypeCheer HypeApplause lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
badpandabear: tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap
measureofhope: Yaaaay! We all survived!
teddywhosabear: yaaaaaaay
ClodiumSoride: aw weird, my name wasn't in the sub crawl
GoblinMyra: tqsHype tqsHype
rin_the_kat: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
pyronils80: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Makhiel: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
BlueChloroplast: lrrBartleby lrrGibb lrrPistachio lrrAWESOME lrrGOAT
AnimeKitty: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
phoenixfeather14: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Nahmbra: lrrBartleby lrrHEART lrrBartleby
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeart vicksyHeart vicksyHeart
Coloneljesus: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Anubis169: WOOHOO
ElementalAlchemist: lrrSHINE
Statist42: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ContingentCat: nope it's got a 9 at the start
Shadowsoflife: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
excalgold: thanks for the great week of entertainment LRR!
ghyllnox: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Redbassist: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
SquidVorb: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
phoenixfeather14: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Redbassist: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap
NotCainNorAbel: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Hrrisn: PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend
Heckhoundbolt: well done to viewers like you
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeBits guyjudgeBits guyjudgeBits
TheWooglie: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
superdude097: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
nessiah_aries: lrrBartleby
msartivisual: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Lamebert1415: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Tingeltangelibach: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
GredGredmansson: @Viewers_Like_You thank you for your service
kragmabutch: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Melfina__: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Blue_Anteater: lrrSHINE
usmu1976: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
nyxlux: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
AerynsSun: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Anubis169: much hugs to all of you wonderful people, life's genuinely better for being here lrrHEART manLOVE
Irsaan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
red_shoes_jeff: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
baltimore_667083: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
AnimeKitty: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
wastetalent: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrARROWS
HorusFive: So what's Coming UP Next?
Hrrisn: PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend
shendaras: lrrHEART
eshplode: Time to go nap
marawr_arts: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
nick1n: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
EldritchProwler: yay
mtvcdm: A whole subathon!
DoctorHutch: lrrSHINE
Singenmeister: lrrBartleby lrrCrab lrrSIG
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyHeadbang
BlueChloroplast: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
kalira77: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
SymphonySolstice: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
mtvcdm: !next
ExachixKitsune: I didn't even see Viewers_Like_You it was very close to me not doing it correct! Good job
Sarah_Serinde: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bloomburrow PPR (Join the LoadingReadyRun crew for your first look at Bloomburrow sealed in action! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Sun 10:00 AM PDT (19:26 from now).
usmu1976: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
ghizmou: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
phoenixfeather14: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
doesnotcompute42: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Gekyouryuu: and now we wait less than 24 hours for PPR
TXC2: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
NekomimiNinja: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Redbassist: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
nfwise: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: What a great week, it's been amazing. Thanks everyone!
insanecat6mtg: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
themercenary1987: SEEE YOU TOMOZZOW!
ClodiumSoride: lrrSHINE
brieandbacon: "Some" time
emberBecky: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
OVERKiLL!: 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Fehlbrandschwele: worth it!
OVERKiLL!: 🔹️🔹️🔹️🔷️💙Loading Ready Love
momalyd: Wait a minuet! I'm a viewer like me.
ContingentCat: BRAVE NEW FAVES
NovaTiempo: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bloomburrow PPR (Join the LoadingReadyRun crew for your first look at Bloomburrow sealed in action! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Sun 10:00 AM PDT (19:26 from now).
samwiser_: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Anubis169: PrePre!!
j_crane330: Tomorrow
RandomTrivia: benginHype benginHype benginHype benginHype
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
mtvcdm: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
abslomdaak42: Hyped for Bloomburrow
red_shoes_jeff: The CONSOLIDATED sub list took a HALF HOUR. Crikey.
Hrrisn: TehePelo
mtvcdm: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
Anubis169: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Irsaan: Much love to everyone here! You're all wonderful, beautiful, kind souls.
Foxmar320: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Anubis169: "Everything"
GredGredmansson: PPR
ArcticAtlantic: this has been absolutely delightful, thanks everyone lrrSHINE
mtvcdm: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang vicksyNoU
Anubis169: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
keenersmash: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
L0rdX33n: Big hugs for all
RockPusher: gabyLul
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
HedWund: just realized graham and i are wearing the same db shirt today, so comfy lol
RandomTrivia: Comparatively speaking, a quiet one
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
mtvcdm: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TheMerricat: Kathleen, will there be a BNF tonight? Seems like you have a full schedule?
excalgold: Bloom Burrow and then Nap Time with LRR
Chartle: lrrSHINE
KingEnigma620: Awesome Subathon! Thanks all, this was great fun!
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: do a kick flip
jarnatan: Decorum!
TheWooglie: for co-owner Paul gets bullied a lot
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
j_crane330: lrrSHINE lrrSIG lrrARROWS
Irsaan: Coming up next is: everyone goes home and takes a nap
Aneranium: did I miss the subathon????
heartofgoldfish: Shapeability and gender?
Coloneljesus: @Aneranium yup
gregoryvanmerrsquerr: lrrSHINE
TXC2: Aneranium sadly yes
Gekyouryuu: @TheWooglie being in charge is WHY you get bullied
ArrestedHouse: oh god chained together LUL
j_crane330: All 5 days
thegiftedgrifter: Is this your card before ppr, yeah?
nessiah_aries: Who are the unfortunate souls that get plunged into the depths of hell?
Simriel: Paul is just like "Nothing"
Zatengo: ok but when will the vods be up? lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ
gualdhar: I already miss the subathon, when is the next one?
jarnatan: @Aneranium No, you're just early for the next one!
Mattmitchell45: Happy to have this fun community to be a part of
mtvcdm: Whatever you missed of the subathon will be up on YouTube as soon as Heather can get to it.
TXC2: thegiftedgrifter nope
Leonhart321: @gualdhar November, it's called Desert Bus Kappa
HorusFive: Show of hands- who is home streaming tonight?
ContingentCat: Is Brave new Faves still on?
Viewers_Like_You: "all the firings"
Sunidesus: "all" the firings?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: I can!
amative1: Oh, I get mad at Serge
MorganteMaggiore: this whole subathon was just a ruse to fire adam wasn't it?
Skajetolaf: Did we max out?
Leonhart321: He's a precious cinnamon bun
AnimeKitty: It's ok his Mods get mad at him plenty :p
jarnatan: Serge is the secret third partner of Bionic Trousers Media
Sarah_Serinde: Sweet
Mattmitchell45: wheeler, the Pokemon TCG is worth it though
TXC2: Skajetolaf yes
RandomTrivia: KATHLEEN
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
RandomTrivia: You have had a VERY busy week
RockPusher: braven10HEX
RandomTrivia: lrrDARK
TheMerricat: VirtualHug
bytecaster: If that naps hits just right
RockPusher: lrrDARK
marawr_arts: have the cats stream for you
ContingentCat: We'd totally understand not
Spacecarl: braven10HEX braven10HEX
ghyllnox: You may cancel
Redbassist: Lowkey lrrDARK
TheWooglie: !team
ghyllnox: Permission given
TXC2: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: | Alex: | Ben Ulmer: | Cameron: | Cori and Ian: | Heather: | James: | Kathleen: | Matt Wiggins: | Nelson: | Serge: , | Wheeler:
ExachixKitsune: @AnimeKitty : That's what we're there for
MorganteMaggiore: kathleen and everyone pls take care of yall's
Hrrisn: wheeler gonna do elden ring dlc??
jacqui_lantern234: @RockPusher i swear i want one of her pins of these
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: time to make people change seats
Earthenone: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Redbassist: :0
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
DigitalSeahorse: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: | Patreon: | Etsy: | Home stream: | Twitter: | More:
Earthenone: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
mtvcdm: !addquote (Kathleen) [now] We've got sugar and we have no boundaries!
LRRbot: New quote #9063: "We've got sugar and we have no boundaries!" —Kathleen [2024-07-20]
brieandbacon: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAH
ElementalAlchemist: aaaaaa!
NovaTiempo: :D
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
j_crane330: Suger rush
RandomTrivia: Gottem!
flatluigi: aaa
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
SnackPak_: gottem
ArcticAtlantic: aaaaaaaaaaaa
Foxmar320: :)
ArrestedHouse: LUL
abslomdaak42: lrrPAUL
AtrusOfMyst: LUL
Redbassist: lrrHERE
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSLOTH lrrSHINE
LittleVesuvius: expect what?
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Jigokuro: We already hit a million bits...
Coloneljesus: 1 million dollars
jarnatan: The stinger is the entire PPR
amative1: a million bits and 6k subs
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
RandomTrivia: WHeeeeeeeeeeee!
RockPusher: gabyLul
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Viewers_Like_You: nyooom
AnimeKitty: AHHHH
BusTed: FBtouchdown
baltimore_667083: LUL
Anubis169: TURBO SUB!!
LittleVesuvius: bye! lol wow
GoblinMyra: hahahahah
Earthenone: speedrun strats
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL LUL
vinewood_og: Good job evryone let's run it back!
ContingentCat: LUL
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
PharaohBender27: :D
NovaTiempo: woo
ExachixKitsune: nyoom
jacqui_lantern234: LMFAO PAUL YES
eshplode: I am speed
baltimore_667083: NYOOM
Sunidesus: Heee! Nice one Paul
Catcard: WHEEEE
adept_nekomancer: maximum speed!
IanAllenBird: lrrGibb lrrGibb
ArcticAtlantic: this is still going to take *some* time
margieargie: It's STILL taking a while to go by
Sarah_Serinde: It still takes so long!
RandomTrivia: VROOM
TXC2: Good lord
j_crane330: Weee
Nahmbra: Mach CHAT!
Spritz_T: big bucks no whammies
ArrestedHouse: LRRDQ
ThatJerkHerc: I hope Beej takes his pants off again.
teddywhosabear: it'smeyay
Leonhart321: Gas gas gas
RandomTrivia: Even at this speed it takes a good 20 seconds
beowuuf: ----> lrrAWESOME
Redbassist: Ludicrous speed!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap
RockPusher: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
AnimeKitty: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
jacqui_lantern234: LRR CHAT I CANT HEAR U
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
Anubis169: gas.. Gas.. GAS!!
jolly6100: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
NekomimiNinja: And viewers like You!
Redbassist: :D
jibkat: alissa3Dance
ButButTheJesus: haha chat go brrrrrrrrrrrrr
beowuuf: lrrDARK
ExachixKitsune: cakejuBongo
TheMerricat: They've gone plaiid!
usmu1976: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
ScrapyardGhostTrain: So what was the multiplier on speed there?
Irsaan: the high speed version really puts the last 5 days in perspective
Coloneljesus: WOOOOOOOOOO
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Aarek: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
ArcticAtlantic: fair enough Heather
vinewood_og: lrrSHINE
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy vicksyTap vicksyHappy
TurnedToFrog: lrrWOW
NovaTiempo: holy moly
PharaohBender27: lrrBartleby
ladiesloveloki: LUDICROUS SPEED....GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
ElementalAlchemist: alright alright alright!
beowuuf: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
frnknstn: Woooo
themercenary1987: VIEWERS LIKE YOU
AtrusOfMyst: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
marmalade_pen: thank you again mr horrible!! and everyone else lrrSHINE
bakerydragon: lrrDARK lrrSHINE lrrDARK
enumaelish7: so true bestie
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
abslomdaak42: Let's go, highlight reel
ArrestedHouse: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Viewers_Like_You: laters yall
BlueChloroplast: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
SurfDownstage: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
GoblinMyra: <3
nyxlux: byeeeeeeeeeee
Statist42: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ElementalAlchemist: See you, everyone! lrrSHINE
IanAllenBird: o7
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Leonhart321: Now ladies
jarnatan: Our bits flashed on screen!
Halvhir: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
margieargie: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Catcard: goodbye!
DiscordianTokkan: Byeeeee
JadedCynic: o/
xantos69: Ok, now off to the vod.
teddywhosabear: what a week
FromBrainToKeyboard: Bye!
Nigouki: thanks you for the strem!
RandomTrivia: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
KBKarma: Buh bye!
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Irsaan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Leonhart321: o7
TXC2: thanks for streaming LRR
Aischeron: Bye "-)
insanecat6mtg: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ghyllnox: Bye!
Ashmantle: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
beowuuf: o7
abslomdaak42: Byeeeee
Redbassist: Hey yaaaa
Jhoiraful_Chaos: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
BrokenGolem: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Anubis169: lrrHEART everybody
Riandisa: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
DaSunao: Bye! lrrSHINE
Boon_33: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
marawr_arts: its been real, its been fun
jarnatan: Thank you!!!
badpandabear: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ArcticAtlantic: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
leondebowa: bb
LittleVesuvius: bye!!
DigitalSeahorse: katesFlower katesFlower katesFlower
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: ggs
ContingentCat: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
ClodiumSoride: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Tingeltangelibach: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Foxmar320: what I miss?
RandomTrivia: Thanks everyone, and thanks Chat for being here!
Texan_Reverend: It's been a great time!
ButButTheJesus: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
NekomimiNinja: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
marmalade_pen: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE TransgenderPride lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
kalira77: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
j_crane330: lolipWave
brieandbacon: lrrSHINE lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrHEART
youngfrey: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
iris_of_ether: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ArrestedHouse: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
JadedCynic: so....cya tomorrow? :)
aquinas_0: adios!
AnimeKitty: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Leonhart321: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
letfireraindown: yay
justacrabgrass: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
jarnatan: Alright, heading into the vods now
TheWriterAleph: lrrHORN lrrSHINE lrrHORN
SnackPak_: GG chat
adept_nekomancer: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Foxmar320: can we run it back?
TXC2: you did it chat !
red_shoes_jeff: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
kataanglover1: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Misslinnythebaker: bye bye
Furrbahl: You're still here? Go home!
Coloneljesus: @Foxmar320 subread but very fast
baltimore_667083: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Strebenherz: Peace!
phoenixfeather14: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
ghyllnox: And now the rewatch begins!
jacqui_lantern234: soo, uhhh..... same time next year?
spethycakes: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
HedWund: be well everyone, see you next time
ShifuDaxiongmao: lrrARROWS lrrSHINE
TheWriterAleph: bye twitch chaaaat
Irsaan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ExachixKitsune: Alright, practice run over, time to start again
RTwo28: @Furrbahl never! This is my home!
Anubis169: Foxmar320: brb frame-by-framing the fast version
deusvampire: sooo now???
MrGibberish: lrrSHINE
Snowcookies: ty for the stream
TheMerricat: Rest well everyone!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPrider vicksyHeart lrrSHINE
Kyle Ladd Stobener: Love you LRR!
Riiiiiiis: C y a peeps!!
MrGibberish: So... Same time tomorrow?
A_Catastrophic_Success: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
ShifuDaxiongmao: now what...
Anubis169: So how about those <insert local sports team here>?
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
NotCainNorAbel: lrrSHINE seabatSEAL jlrrPillow unarmeHeart braven10HEX lunarj1Heart tiltyhEXTREME sergePrideLove wheelerMuldp benginHeart
Foxmar320: Anubis169 LOL
Irsaan: goodnight!
Saintnex: bai everyone!
djqj: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RTwo28: @Anubis169 Oh I love local sport team. Its great when they score point
jarnatan: @Anubis169 It was a ludicrous display last night
Irsaan: lrrSHINE
RockPusher: right, time for another nap
BlueChloroplast: PrideHeartL PrideWorld PrideHeartR
ExachixKitsune: good job everyone
The_Color_Twelve: It's so weird and quiet now.
Exachix Kitsune: have fun everyone!
RandomTrivia: Well, shit, now I have the shadow of post-Bus melancholy, where I don't want to close the window. Good thing there's a PPR to look forward to to break us back in gently
baltimore_667083: @Anubis169 their new pitcher throws well i hear
RockPusher: lrrSHINE stay weird and wonderful people! lrrSHINE
jarnatan: I think my only criticism of the subathon is that clearly the ratio of gab to crab could use improvement
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : lrrSHINE
ExachixKitsune: If you are feeling a bit like you miss people, try new discord
RandomTrivia: Chat, it has been a privilege to witness this with you
ExachixKitsune: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
ExachixKitsune: discord: it's like chat but not
The_Color_Twelve: Yeah big post db letdown mood. I'm sure it will pass
ExachixKitsune: time to catch up on hermitcraft
RandomTrivia: In case anyone missed it, Weird Al dropped a new polka yesterday. It slaps
bakerydragon: @RandomTrivia lrrSHINE
Graham_LRR: Finally gonna start to get those vlogs online tomorrow
bakerydragon: I need sleep now, but tomorrow I will watch the vod of the movie playthrough just in case it can't get on youtube
ExachixKitsune: ooooh vlogs
RandomTrivia: Chat, sub-bombing and giving bits after the cutoff:
bakerydragon: @Graham_LRR woo!
ThorSokar: If anyone needs to find something in the VODs the sheet is now complete:
bakerydragon: @ThorSokar lrrSHINE lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW Thank you VST , and thank you again mods
Leonhart321: Doing the champions work Graham o7
ThorSokar: composSalute I need a nap
GredGredmansson: @ThorSokar thx
stippledotter: Love a blog, hype!
Juliamon: My mom always picks me up a lemon ginger muffin from the Saturday farmer's market but apparently the baker is gonna stop making them because I guess I'm the only one that likes them, which is a tragedy because they're really fuckin good, big chunks of ginger
ExachixKitsune: are you able to get the recipe?
Juliamon: but he offered to make a batch for me to put in the freezer!
ExachixKitsune: oooh yay!
ExachixKitsune: even better
Sarah_Serinde: Aw that's so nice. And they sound delicious
Earthenone: lrrAWW lrrAWESOME both emotes seem quite apropriate to the situation
Juliamon: He's my former youth soccer coach, very cool dude
Juliamon: I have a big takeout salad en route
Sarah_Serinde: I *guess* I can cook something
Juliamon: oh actually it's here, good timing, that