Pharmacistjudge subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months, currently on a 113 month streak!
Pharmacistjudge: Oh button
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Pharmacistjudge! (Today's storm count: 2)
Gascitygaming: is that new sub scroll with combined bits a subs going to be used going forward or was that just more for the mass of things from the subathon? I thought it was great.
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the single Livin' in a box from the album Livin' in a box by the band Livin' in a box.
Pharmacistjudge: !vaselineorbarcode
LRRbot: Barcode!
Pharmacistjudge: water it is
Mangledpixel: !destroyallhumans
Gascitygaming: !badadvice
LRRbot: Shake hands with danger.
Pharmacistjudge: Lady Danger is quite lovely and shaking hands with her is fine.
ihlendrax: !secret
LRRbot: That's my secret, I'm always hoping for a TPK.
Mangledpixel: !killallhumans
LRRbot: Executing command.
Mangledpixel: there we go
Pharmacistjudge: oh no, we can't kill command. we might have more outages.
DoodlestheGreat: AC kicked in at a quarter to 10. It's going to be another toasty day here in L.A. lrrSPOT
flatluigi: !card kill command
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
flatluigi: it's three damage, five if you have a beast lrrbot
flatluigi: usually to face
GredGredmansson: !card kill destroy
LRRbot: Kill! Destroy! [1BB] | Instant | Destroy target nonblack creature. / Gotcha โ€” If an opponent says "kill" or "destroy," you may say "Gotcha!" When you do, return Kill! Destroy! from your graveyard to your hand.
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a little bit of squid love
Creideiki_SE: !vaselineorbarcodealloneword
LRRbot: Vaseline!
KitteyWolf: its been a long time since i watched a PPR... but i mean. i'm awake. so i might as well be here right? lol
Mangledpixel: !play cruel angel's thesis
LRRbot: No.
ihlendrax: !hole
LRRbot: Do you ever just think about rest holds?
Gascitygaming: I do, and they're necessary
cmdrud87: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bloomburrow PPR (Join the LoadingReadyRun crew for your first look at Bloomburrow sealed in action! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Sun 10:00 AM PDT (6m from now).
Gascitygaming: this ppr is all LRRfolk i believe yes?
airylan: !badadvice
LRRbot: Don't do what Daddy Ian didn't.
baltimore_667083: !advice
LRRbot: Scan the taint.
Mangledpixel: cute adorable forest LRRfolk, yes
Gascitygaming: I mean, that's every ppr is it not?
Mangledpixel: you'll see
Alex_Frostfire: But what animals would they all be?
UnknownFriday: The only one we know for sure is that Kathleen is a bintarong.
Gascitygaming: MAngledpixel actually made some lovely art to represent that I believe! :)
flatluigi: ben serge adam graham kathleen nelson wheeler and cameron
Mangledpixel: Gascitygaming that would be Featherweight
flatluigi: that's who's playing today, as of tcg day
Spades_Slicc: gorilla adam truthers rise up
Earthenone: kathleen said there are no binturungs alowed
Gojan474: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bloomburrow PPR (Join the LoadingReadyRun crew for your first look at Bloomburrow sealed in action! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Sun 10:00 AM PDT (4m from now).
Gascitygaming: ah, featherweight, my B
IaCthulhuFthagn: 4 minutes and a dream.
flatluigi: a binturong would probably be a calamity beast. the lrrfolk are regular animals; maybe friday nights crew would all be calamity beasts
DoodlestheGreat: And now, Loading Ready Run presents the Bloomborrow PPR, brought to you by Crowdst*404 FILE NOT FOUND*
Mangledpixel: but I did the backgrounds, you;ll see whatr I mean
Diabore: @Mangledpixel ooh exciting, cant wait
Gascitygaming: well I'm very excited :)
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART I'm ready to see some adorable creatures! (and hopefully watch them play Magic)
Earthenone: until im proven wrong in a few minutes i will choose to belive they all got v-tuber rigs
IaCthulhuFthagn: @RandomTrivia Serge is probably judging and not playing?
Diabore: you know bens gonna have at least facepaint
Diabore: @IaCthulhuFthagn i think serge and nelly rotate judge duties and play in all lrr ppr's
Gascitygaming: over under on kigurumis? (sp?)
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy PPR Sunday, friends!!! lrrJUDGE lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: @IaCthulhuFthagn True, but all the other adorable creatures will be playing
TXC2: Hello everybody!
fele_of_Cardmarket: Hello!
Sage0fMadness: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
TXC2: hello fele_of_Cardmarket welcome
Gascitygaming: Howdy! (no wait that was the last set) *chitter*
Diabore: my first live ppr in a while, i usually go into sets with no prep nowadays
TXC2: hello Gascitygaming and Diabore welcome
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Diabore @Diabore: I could have sworn them playing on camera was the exception rather than the rule, but I trust your memory more than I do my own :P
IbunWest: merlekTap
protojman: allo! Aaaaallo!
Spades_Slicc: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bloomburrow PPR (Join the LoadingReadyRun crew for your first look at Bloomburrow sealed in action! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Sun 10:00 AM PDT (2s from now).
Manae: !next
Fanklok: !next
IaCthulhuFthagn: Two long seconds.
Manae: I have been pre-empted
TXC2: no winner, better luck next time
DoodlestheGreat: SOONโ„ข lrrAWESOME
Gascitygaming: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the Hatchet Men from Jackie Chan's Drunken Master 2
Mangledpixel: ZUNEโ„ข
GreatWahooney: hello chat, are we having a good day
return_of_floki4242: lrrGibb lrrFINE
malfnord: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This is a Twitch (or Discord) channel, not the woods.
Gascitygaming: ooo i love that movie!
TXC2: hello GreatWahooney and return_of_floki4242 welcome
fele_of_Cardmarket: @GreatWahooney Woohoo! every PPR day is a great day!!!
bertezbertezbertezbertez: minute late how dare
ChickenManPhil: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bloomburrow PPR (Join the LoadingReadyRun crew for your first look at Bloomburrow sealed in action! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Sun 10:00 AM PDT (2m ago).
TXC2: Soon! Spoon! Saloon! Pontoon! Macaroon!
Gascitygaming: who's going have the most feel bads for killing adorable creatures (in game) today?
squidpeanut: Woo! So excited to see the cute cards in action
ChickenManPhil: @Gascitygaming Probably whoever wins the most
TXC2: Gascitygaming not Cameron that's for sure Kappa
bertezbertezbertezbertez: I hope with get animal versions of the cast in the intro
Gascitygaming: I can't decide which side Kathleen would fall on
GreatWahooney: I hope I open all the frogs at my prerelease, that archetype looks dope to play
GredGredmansson: @bertezbertezbertezbertez Wheeler is a Bird. Unhatched.
fele_of_Cardmarket: @TXC2 Racoon!
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Gascitygaming Feels like it will be less of a thing than in sets with just one adorable 1-drop to bolt.
laikagoat: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
RandomTrivia: lrrSIG !
Easilycrazyhat: !findquote critters
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
TXC2: fele_of_Cardmarket damn, how could I forget a revalent one :P
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Earthenone: lrrSIG mbtygoFrogtheJAMMIN lrrSIG
IbunWest: lrrSIG merlekTap lrrSIG
McMenno: letsgo
Gascitygaming: @IaCthulhuFthagn moreso just growing numb to it, i can see that
NewtyNewts: lrrSIG
Radjack subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
Radjack: Lets gooooo!
MTGRanger: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Radjack! (Today's storm count: 3)
GredGredmansson: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Melfina__: lrrSIG lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW lrrSIG
bertezbertezbertezbertez: @Gascitygaming Kathleen is a cat and we know how the feel about small furry animals
flatluigi: starting out with the appropriate song
laikagoat gifted a Tier 1 sub to squidpeanut! They have given 280 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, squidpeanut! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: GREAT song to start with
airylan: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Alma_v: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
squidpeanut: Woot
Bazingabacca subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
Mangledpixel: apt RQ track to start with
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bazingabacca! (Today's storm count: 5)
Alas_Babylon: We have critter sign
red_shoes_jeff: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Gascitygaming: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
abslomdaak42: Can't wait to see LRR fursonas
malfnord: Appropriate opening track, 10/10 nonotes
superdude097: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Xed_Regulus: Weird. That took two refreshes.
GredGredmansson: fitting song
MaxTurkeyFlaps subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months, currently on a 51 month streak!
MaxTurkeyFlaps: Halfway to a metric year!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaxTurkeyFlaps! (Today's storm count: 6)
northos: wow after the subathon I completely forgot this was today, I just happened to come here to go watch part of the subathon vod at exactly the right time :D
AshcopseDryad: g'day @all
GrassVortex: lrrSIG lrrSIG extraBongos
laikagoat gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChickenManPhil! They have given 280 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ChickenManPhil! (Today's storm count: 7)
James_the_Dabbler: I'm so ready
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe
mumblepunk: Frrsonas
Sage0fMadness: Fursuit Vehicle, or Rolling Hamsphere as the kids are saying
CheshireCake: Bets on how much sleep the crew's gotten in the meantime?
Graham_LRR: @fele_of_cardmarket Hello friend!
GredGredmansson: here's hoping someone's going Frogs
KitteyWolf: lrrSIG
Daemyx: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LRRMTG_Judge: Hello and happy Sunday to everyone - Natedogg
GredGredmansson: rnjrFROG
ZealokBoi: zyzxDance zyzxDance zyzxDance
Orxolon: good afternoon everyone!
patrick_stonecrusher: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Bentoja: First stream I'm here for lets goo
Lordofironstorm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months, currently on a 29 month streak!
Lordofironstorm: Pee Pee Arr!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lordofironstorm! (Today's storm count: 8)
RandomTrivia: lrrJUDGE lrrSHINE
Gascitygaming: if Adam's playing he owes it to youtube viewers to go Frogs
Ashimablackraven subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ashimablackraven! (Today's storm count: 9)
josh___something: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
Flyingdelorion: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
soramayura: Don't forget to hydrate and self care as we enjoy the show, chat!
super731: howdy gamers :)
TXC2: LRRMTG_Judge hello Nate
laikagoat gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bentoja! They have given 281 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bentoja! (Today's storm count: 10)
carbunclegirl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months, currently on a 92 month streak!
carbunclegirl: 92 months, thats a lotta months
MarkovDescendant: RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack Let's go!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, carbunclegirl! (Today's storm count: 11)
Easilycrazyhat: Just looked through the spoilers today. There's some pretty neat stuff!
Verrain2: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
Astrovore: Hello YouTube!
Alan Baldwin: hello!
Ferdi Istre: Hi
J13Productions: fursuit vehicle, how fitting lol
EllieoftheVeil: yippee!
Arkouda Chien: oh wow this is sooner than I thought
Xed_Regulus: I just need to know: Are there foxes!? I have loved anthro foxes since Disney's Robin Hood.
00busyhands: lrrBartleby letโ€™s gooooo lrrGibb
Bentoja: @laikagoat Thanks for the gift sub! <3 <3
GrassVortex: The art in this set is ridiculously cute and good
sadfleck: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
CheshireCake: I hope someone plays overprotect so they can quote BLOR THE IMPERVIOUS
Valandriel1: SUBprise
BaconL0rdes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months, currently on a 33 month streak!
BaconL0rdes: MAGIC
TehAmelie: wow, and it feels like the marathon just ended. maybe cause i slept for 12 hours since then
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BaconL0rdes! (Today's storm count: 12)
senorhowdy subscribed with Prime.
awilko: <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, senorhowdy! (Today's storm count: 13)
zzroadkill subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
Spades_Slicc: What an appropriate song
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zzroadkill! (Today's storm count: 14)
8 raiders from patch_witch have joined!
Lordofironstorm: I'm optimistic about this limited format, but I've been wrong before
NarfBlinko subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
AnimeKitty: TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NarfBlinko! (Today's storm count: 15)
Marvoleath subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
Marvoleath: Burrow those blooms!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Marvoleath! (Today's storm count: 16)
falcn120 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
Spades_Slicc: oh the song changed
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, falcn120! (Today's storm count: 17)
invickthus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
invickthus: Iโ€™m just here for the cute art (this is a joke, happy to be here!)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, invickthus! (Today's storm count: 18)
TXC2: hello Raiders
CheshireCake: (best flavortext in the set hands down)
Verrain2: Otter tribal! Let's go!
fjorner subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fjorner! (Today's storm count: 19)
seathblood: so stoked for the furry set <3
superdude097: Welcome raiders!
ExachixKitsune: why hallo thar
alikaoz: Roadkill time
ardor_edi: Rooting for the bats, elt's go
Lordofironstorm: I thought New Capenna was going to be cool and varied
DideRobot: LRR: Yโ€™all wanna see some extremely cute humans play with some extremely cute Magic cards? Well good news, weโ€™re live with the Bloomburrow Pre-PreRelease! | 6 rounds of #MTGBloomburrow sealed gameplay action, and some excellent prizes to give away! #MTGPartner (has image) |
Decaped: nextemoteExcitedcat
ShadowboyTyler subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months!
ShadowboyTyler: PPR Hype! letโ€™s goooo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ShadowboyTyler! (Today's storm count: 20)
Ashimablackraven: Ppr ppr ppr lrrJUDGECALL lrrFINE lrrHERE lrrARROWS lrrSIG
squidpeanut: @xed_regulus there are two foxes we know of, Jace and a secondary commander in group hug precon
senorhowdy: lets goooooooo
That1GuyBen: i heaaaar big giant circles you know what that meaaaaaaans
Xed_Regulus: @squidpeanut Yay!
djalternative: I missed most of the spoilers because of the subathon so I'm here to see new magic cards
mark_cimino: Greetings Chat! How's everyone's day today? CoolCat
ChickenManPhil: @laikagoat Thanks for the gift sub!
BlueMechanic: Inside this set are two foxes
Gascitygaming: we're HEEEEEEERE!
senorhowdy: how's wheeler going to introduce himself today
RecklawGaming: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Astrovore: I'm hoping to see some Trash Panda action today, what about everyone else?
SnakeEyes: it is time ๐ŸŽ‰
Alexetodi: Hello
zac rance: yo. love the streams
J13Productions: I'm hyped for the pre release next week
Jon Grayson: hello
Jon Anderson: Trash pandas for the win
GredGredmansson: @Xed_Regulus unfortunately no cards in the main set but they do exist on the plane
fungal_bird: Finally able to catch one live! Yay critters!!! <3
MTGRanger: @senorhowdy Plot Twist: he sends someone in to replace him
msartivisual: Excitement!!
aussie_rob_w: Snowcones is such a good song you guys
GreatWahooney: @That1GuyBen haha thanks it didn't go on my end but I saw this and knew to refresh
Jostech subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jostech! (Today's storm count: 21)
senorhowdy: @MTGRanger oop
chrisvonclause subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chrisvonclause! (Today's storm count: 22)
Shadowsoflife: o/
hotgreenflames: wearetPop wearetPop wearetPop
Ashimablackraven: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrGOAT
Testosteros: first set I've ever preordered a draft box for lets go
hotgreenflames: wearetHype wearetHype wearetHype
SenshiSun: lrrSIG lrrSIG
maclenrac: Tree City Baby!
Jon Grayson: I'm interested in the rabbits with the population features
Ahren Starr: It's the ffinal countdown... till the next PPT
Jon Anderson: Hello from Oregon
Jon Grayson: trash pandas are cool too
Astrovore: Offspring looks like a neat mechanic
fungal_bird: First set where I preordered all 4 commander decks <3
SenshiSun: time for cute
th3gentleknut: Who else ordered a starter kit for the first time because of this set?
Kirgo: I didnt feel the last 3 sets settings. But this one I did. Even got me two displays.
Julian_Rogue: Is it stuck on 2:16 for anyone else?
TheDevil_Risen: unarmeHeart braven10HEX lrrCrab
MarkovDescendant: I skipped MH3 to save more for Bloomburrow.
Kirgo: @Julian_Rogue Try refresh?
arkhamrefugee: PPR LET'S GOOOOOOO
aussie_rob_w: it's counting down!
squidpeanut: Definitely getting some stuff from this set to introduce my parents to draft
TXC2: now remember chat: please keep emotes to 7 or less, no all caps, be nice, and have fun!
senorhowdy: @Julian_Rogue Have you paused it
newershadow subscribed with Prime.
GreatWahooney: DinoDance
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, newershadow! (Today's storm count: 23)
RTwo28: Time for PPR!
Lordofironstorm: As someone who can recite most of the Redwall battle cries from memory, this set has me excited
That1GuyBen: SoonTM
Verrain2: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
ChickenManPhil: Ngl, Bloomburrow has gotten me back into magic after a year clean
TehAmelie: is there small cute animals in this set? i think that's about the only thing i've heard
Kirgo: @TXC2 OK
patrick_stonecrusher: lrrCrab
Kirgo: No wait!
Julian_Rogue: @senorhowdy No the music is still going
fungal_bird: SOON
Alas_Babylon: @TehAmelie There's one or two or seven
themercenary1987: @Lordofironstorm Martin The warrior battle cry?
couchboyj: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
jolire subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jolire! (Today's storm count: 24)
Diabore: @ChickenManPhil welcome back and im sorry
thatonefergie subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thatonefergie! (Today's storm count: 25)
roastbeefsandwitch: @TehAmelie Oh I'm sorry.
TXC2: going left down !
TallynNyntyg: Time to study for the prerelease.
That1GuyBen: @Lordofironstorm but none of the cards in this set have battle cry!
Astrovore: and a great excuse to draw cute tokens
Nick R: just in time
TheW1ldcard: Got a good feel for how the commander decks play thanks to Spike Feeders, really stoked to see how the limited environment is now with this PPR!
KismetSoul: LRR is AWESOME!! This set is really cool too.
Mark Brierley: Watership Down action is all I need.
Mike Gorgone: Eulalia!
troglodytes_wren subscribed at Tier 1.
brad8808 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, troglodytes_wren! (Today's storm count: 26)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, brad8808! (Today's storm count: 27)
gluonquark: This set will be otterly ridiculous
TXC2: Here we GO!
fele_of_Cardmarket: Here we go!!!
TXC2: Badger!
Easilycrazyhat: Lets gooooo
bertezbertezbertezbertez: woo won a game of splatoon right as the stream starts
fungal_bird: Lfg
Gascitygaming: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
MarkovDescendant: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
GredGredmansson: AMINALS
phoenixfeather14: lrrSIG
TheUltraCutie: let's go
BaconL0rdes: canโ€™t wait for the joy of the pack opening vid
senorhowdy: Yeah let's gooo"
maclenrac: ya!!!
GrassVortex: extraBongos extraBongos
Shadowsoflife: BATS
aussie_rob_w: charging badgerrrr
gamerman123: lrrSIG
CheshireCake: They really shoulda put Charging Badger in this set as a reprint.
Alas_Babylon: Amcient Aminals
seathblood: oooootttttterrrrrrssss! Cmon open all the ottie bois
super731: PogBones
TheDevil_Risen: PrideRise PrideRise PrideRise
RocknGrohlNerd: Hello Gamers
xJETSDADx: New set hype!
Voidhawk42: Badger Badger Badger
fele_of_Cardmarket: OMG!!!!
TXC2: lets go Adam
baltimore_667083: YESSSSSS
TheWriterAleph: yessss
accountmadeforants: Hell yeah
GrassVortex: extraShiny PrideGasp
Lordofironstorm: @themercenary1987 Mostly "Eulalia!" "Logalogalog!" and "Give 'em blood and vinegar!"
Tarnius: Yeeeees, gooood.
invalidCards: yessssss
Wolfii_TV: OMG so cuuuute
ExachixKitsune: so many friends
Peregrine234: oh the art is wonderful
RecklawGaming: oh these are adorable
Makhiel: YES!
The_cake_of_lies: Cute!
Grimnus: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
BusTed: Awesome
themercenary1987: Friday Nights?
GreatWahooney: awww!
KitteyWolf: this is adorable
fele_of_Cardmarket: Batleen!!!
MrDrLewis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
Ra_V1237: YESS!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrDrLewis! (Today's storm count: 28)
0011110000110011: hello everybody!
That1GuyBen: Oh this is Featherweight art isn't it
Gascitygaming: omg featherweight these are AMAZING!
brningpyre: I knew Kathleen would be a bat
TallynNyntyg: Of course Kathleen's a bat.
balendilin42: Hello
silentguy256: Oh, right, this is today... Last ones were on fridays, right? I remember them fitting better into my schedule...
Sarah_Serinde: Incredible
TheWriterAleph: yes. yes this ALL tracks
GredGredmansson: Frog Nelson yeah
gluonquark: Wonderful
Easilycrazyhat: Perfect. No notes
mweepigeon: awwww
KaleidoscopeMind: ok these are spot on
Kirgo: Where my frogs at? iahfyFrogjam
MikeProvencher: I love that it's *very* obvious which person is which animal before the name comes up.
vinopinguino: HELL YEAH
Jon_CoffeeRobot: perfect intro
Decaped: zizHmm
phoenixfeather14: Perfect!
drroxorphd: Amazing friends! So cute.
accountmadeforants: Wheeler has finally become as Rabbit
RandomTrivia: Oh Featherweight, you've outdone yourself yet again
MurphEP: Omg
Earthenone: why does serge look like franklin>?
Pharmacistjudge: so...umm...Playmat?
MarkovDescendant: No raccoons among the crew?! *sad*
laikagoat: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
seathblood: cute asfuck
Larkonus: A+ intro cinematic.
TuckstheRulesLawyer: haven't seen these folks steram in a while
gualdhar: Benjamin Ulmer where's your pants?
red_shoes_jeff: AMINALS
Mr_Horrible: very good very good
Davlenagain: that was so damn cute....
TXC2: Hello Graham and Serge
abslomdaak42: Absolutely wonderful
Gaz_L: Frogson good, bunny Wheeler extremely good
Sandeon: awww, no fursuits?
MrSarkhan: That was amazing
groulux: The best!!
fele_of_Cardmarket: Ahhhhh I want all of them as stickers pretty please!!!
KatNBows: Dam new fursonas just dropped
The_cake_of_lies: Hello!
couchboyj: lrrJUDGECALL that art is TOO GOOD
Saintnex: oh no, theyโ€™re adorable! :D
Leonhart321: Going to assume we're thanking Featherweight for that
soramayura: awwww
RandomTrivia: benginLove benginLove benginLove
falgar_: I will definitely buy a playmat with those arts!!
Spooky_Noises: amazing
aussie_rob_w: lrrAWESOME An animated intro?! :D
maclenrac: A Blooming Good Time
Gascitygaming: playmat Yesterday please!
Alas_Babylon: @MarkovDescendant Amy the Amazonian isn't at the moonbase
josh___something: I guess badger was the closest to Bear, huh :P
firehawkzoa: Adorable intro
AnyaSilverfur: Oh no, they're hot
randus2003: that intro was amazing
Underachiever28: letโ€™s go!!!!!!
Mark Brierley: glhf already posted their EDH vod
Erik Lidstrรถm: And nos this
Waves of Babies: still disappointed there is no Red creature that's a Wall in this set.
Erik Lidstrรถm: Nos
Astrovore: here we gooooo
Erik Lidstrรถm: Now
Caseyuptobat: let's gooooo!
Seams Deece: 225 watching and less than 20 likes? that doesn't seem right. click the things that make the dings etc etc
Morgan Nerenberg: Lets freakin GOOOOOO
Astrovore: ohhhhh mg
TheOnlyOrk: the lil animal avatars!!!
KismetSoul: Haha...Animal versions of the crew...Love it!
Lily the Otter: CUTE
Ahren Starr: great intro, love it
Astrovore: those were extremely cute
loufghyslaufey: The FeLRR-Ship of the Bloomburrows, it shall be!
TheDevil_Risen: That Featherweight art :)
Diabore: @silentguy256 subathon was scheduled and then they got the ppr contract iirc, so it was rough scheduling
TheDevil_Risen: sooo good
Gaz_L: hi G, Serge and Chair With Box
brningpyre: LET'S GO
LoremasterMonty: Nooo I missed the intro!
drroxorphd: Well done folks!
th3gentleknut: noice
KWardJenx: Wonderful art and intro
Ashimablackraven: Hi llr
darkcyril: @silentguy256 This one would have been last Friday, but Subathon was happening.
TXC2: Mangledpixel Featherweight lrrHEART
alikaoz: The Bens were instantly recognisable
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I hope you had a relaxing *checks notes* 19ish hours off.
Leonhart321: Mangledpixel as well
TheWriterAleph: way to go @Mangledpixel and featherweight!
BaconL0rdes: of course it was Featherweight.
Y2A_Alkis: Is the volume a tad low? Or is that on my end?
MarkovDescendant: @Alas_Babylon LMAO true
GredGredmansson: What is Serge? I'm assuming a Bird
pizzaaaqueeen: Frogs for life ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ
seathblood: furry hype =D
FPNY41: so good!
AnyaSilverfur: I have never touched Magic, but so here for the critters!
patrick_stonecrusher: Official LRR fursonas
KitteyWolf: @Y2A_Alkis its a bit low for me too
MTGRanger: Mangledpixel and featherweight lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Easilycrazyhat: @GredGredmansson Turtle
fiftymcnasty: @Y2A_Alkis you i think
fele_of_Cardmarket: that Intro! SOOO GOOOD!!!!
phoenixfeather14: lrrSHINE Featherweight and MangledPixel!
loufghyslaufey: Its a "Fel-LRR-Ship", right?
Malkmaven1176: Oh man, that was some awesome artwork
Davlenagain: Can that be made into a playmat?
protojman: volume lowing for me too
00gogo00: does anyone have a clip of that? I missed the art of the LRRsonas
MrMatternot: Hellow Judge Serge
brieandbacon: Serge, care to tell us about the zoology of the crew?
TXC2: Y2A_Alkis seems ok here
The_cake_of_lies: Yes, very
aussie_rob_w: MangledPixel and Featherweight knockin' it out of the park as per uje.
serramarkov: Hi, all!
MarkovDescendant: Turkish Delights?
Gaz_L: @patrick_stonecrusher LRRsonas
RandomTrivia: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a messenger
GredGredmansson: @Easilycrazyhat oh i think i wasn't paying enough attention to the names
SpiritedChampignon: Put them on a playmat!
Lordofironstorm: So when are those characters going to be avilable as plushies?
MikeProvencher: Delights come in a box in Canada?
arkhamrefugee: BEN = OTTER is the wholesome content I didn't know I needed
DoodlestheGreat: And of course, Paul on the monitor!
fungal_bird: Oooh can we get another Draft in the Forest fir this set maybe? :O
bertezbertezbertezbertez: @00gogo00 will be on youtube at least
OldUncleDan: I like boxes and delights!
TXC2: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Boss Juice
tehfewl: Judge fight!
razorswift: goodies!
slopoppotamus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
mark_cimino: seems like so long since we had a rotation, no?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, slopoppotamus! (Today's storm count: 29)
acolossalsquid: Ugh.. 11 adds
00gogo00: @PharaohBender27 thanks
RandomTrivia: Swag, you say?!
Diabore: whats in the box???
Dread_Pirate_Westley: What's in the box!
TXC2: !yt
freshmaker__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, freshmaker__! (Today's storm count: 30)
Easilycrazyhat: Check out that booty
Waves of Babies: no one is an otter v_v
Ahren Starr: so this is Redwall meets MTG
Sarah: Yup
Lily the Otter: box of delights!
Leewood Lane: Playmat when?
Lily the Otter: swag
Waves of Babies: Wheeler isn't a rat. Ratthew would be disappointed
Ahren Starr: ty
aussie_rob_w: I'd buy another playmat of those!
ThibbleBird: woot woot!
vinopinguino: swag swag swag
Jundinator: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the hairiest gherkin
Orxolon: it's ok,i never win XD
sharker037: Heck yeaah
senorhowdy: RIP YouTube audience
Easilycrazyhat: accurate
RecklawGaming: gotta stick around to find out
xJETSDADx: Twitchers>Tubers
vinopinguino: is it a bunny?!!
Gaz_L: oh, right! Mystery Box!
vegetalss4: The honesty is funny
sharker037: Legit best set
grotesqueri3 subscribed with Prime.
RedSunKnight: Let's gooooooooo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, grotesqueri3! (Today's storm count: 31)
Wa_Pox: I'll settle for the empty box - Cat
MikeProvencher: There is a 100% chance I stop watching eventually. Otherwise I'm in some sort of time loop, and nobody wants that.
Creideiki_SE: Wait, Heather will have to read the YouTube comments?
Bluedevyl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months, currently on a 64 month streak!
Bluedevyl: A full stack of months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bluedevyl! (Today's storm count: 32)
OldUncleDan: You don't know what I could possibly want!
Spades_Slicc: Is there any protection for someone winning a twitch giveaway and the youtube giveaway?
richi_198: yoooo this is sick!
Peevvi: TWO codes, actually
Sarah_Serinde: Heather always reads the YouTube comments
ssmoknbobjd: Very cool
MikeProvencher: The Starter deck cards are Standard legal.
TopHatPeezy: hawt โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ
0011110000110011: oooooh
That1GuyBen: i heard one of the commander deck has skullclamp as a reprint????
smoljigglybug: I am here for Peter Rabbit With a Knife
RandomTrivia: Oooooooh
TXC2: WavesOfBabies easy on the all caps please
TheUltraCutie: nice
NonUniqueGuy: So much stuff
fele_of_Cardmarket: you left out 3! ^^
seathblood: =O
dorox1: OoH!
StarWarsTHX1138: Damn
Saxaman29: 4??????
ralphthellama: woooo
MrMatternot: Heather Is a real Hero
Sarah_Serinde: If you're acting up in the YT comments, Heather knows what you did
senorhowdy: @That1GuyBen Squirrel one does
fungal_bird: Mmmm delicious cardboard
arkhamrefugee: Holy smokes
Larkonus: Best of luck to everybody!
MurphEP: Now THAT'S a box
NullOfSpace: some good value Iโ€™d say
pleonasticTautology: that's soooo much swag
AllTheWeasels: lrrWOW
MehallD: four is a lot!
umbrakittygirl: WE're Here!
TheDevil_Risen: oooo shiny!!!
richi_198: All of that for 3 people??
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @fele_of_Cardmarket 3 isn't real.
Creideiki_SE: @Sarah_Serinde My condolences.
roastbeefsandwitch: omg I thought I was done with Commander deckbuilding... temptations
arkhamrefugee: That's AMAZING
foopoiuyt: Wow...
Astrovore: Hello Graham
Sarah: We got a Middle Lrrth playmat so it's possible
Lily the Otter: oh shoot, time to swap chats
Erik Lidstrรถm: No
Kevin K: Leaving comments!
Lily the Otter: Sheesh!
Simriel: shouldn't wheeler be Monke? :p
Hello Moonkay: Kewl!~
Rook: Twitch has shitty, unavoidable ads. Youtube live doesn't
pleonasticTautology: (also hi everyone!)
Bentoja: PogChamp
Diabore: identical* (commander deck different)
Orxolon: i hope this is how i get into commander
kortenhoeven: Wow!
abslomdaak42: Damn!
richi_198: You are awsomeeeee
Gekyouryuu: RNGsus, if ever there was a time to smile down upon me....
loufghyslaufey: Boxing Day in July? Absurd!
TXC2: and you wouldn't want to disappoint Heather
ProcyonFlynn: Which Commander deck is the odd one out though? penaddDoom
lyricthepossum: Those fursonas are amazing
MKgorgone: Eulalia!
Gaz_L: @Diabore contents of boostys may also vary
ralphthellama: Everyone knows the count is 1, 2, 5
titanprime231: Do you have to type something in chat or anything?
Qaylen: So nice! Me want! Looking forward to this set so mutch!
fele_of_Cardmarket: @Dread_Pirate_Westley BibleThump
Peevvi: moar?
TXC2: Famjam!
Diabore: wednesday
mark_cimino: set is almost like when magic meets lorcana...
carefreewill: I missed, where do we leave the comment on youtube?
Sarah_Serinde: @titanprime231 You will when the time comes, yes
methodical_monk: Iโ€™m here!
fele_of_Cardmarket: FAMJAM!
xmann1076: Argh!! Strange echoy badness! Lol YouTube on the TV, twitch on the phone
googoltudoris: @ralphthellama 3 sir!
TallynNyntyg: Paul: "No."
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Wednesday
RandomTrivia: A Familial Jamilial
the_brainfist: Fam Jam's a good time
IbunWest: love me a fambly jamblu
oh_its_ged: Woo!
OldUncleDan: Paul is the hardest working LRR on tech.
0011110000110011: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
GrassVortex: extraLUL
razorswift: Clap
fungal_bird: Excellent
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
arkhamrefugee: EDSC Bloomburrow when?
Sarah_Serinde: @carefreewill When the vod of this goes up, not now
MrSarkhan: LUL
qwertiest_mint: how do we enter the give away on twitch?
DoodlestheGreat: Well, that works!
aussie_rob_w: LUL
MrMatternot: Paul: I love you, Graham.
TopHatPeezy: @ralphthellama monty python reference spotted ๐Ÿ‘€
ralphthellama: @googoltudoris 3!
Melfina__: LUL
Larkonus: It's uncertainty all the way down. katesGigl
00busyhands: LUL
Jundinator: Early Access is Wednesday
Lycodrake: Bloomburrow hype is giving me so much joy
LRRMTG_Judge: Wednesday is the Early Access streamer event - Natedogg
loufghyslaufey: "Winds-Dazed?"
ShadowboyTyler: voxyWeaselshake
Funk8u11et: LUL
SentinelStormer subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SentinelStormer! (Today's storm count: 33)
jirriki1984: wooo! pre-prerelease time!
TXC2: qwertiest_mint that will be revealed later
Diabore: oh, not the same time this year
Lordofironstorm: @MKgorgone Give 'em blood and vinegar!
NonUniqueGuy: @qwertiest_mint Probably say a word at the time
Slick_011: Hi everyone!
RandomTrivia: Famjam not yet on the schedule calendar
Sarah_Serinde: @qwertiest_mint They will tell you when it's time
Jundinator: Amy didn't get an invite sadge
carefreewill: ah, I see. Got distracted for a moment and missed
JDazzani: lets gooo
Brendan Dery: Lvl 5 Super Judge checking in.
David Whitley: I'm so excited!
Simriel: These are so many Things.
SmithKurosaki: Hi Beej :)
Brendan Dery: Can you believe they made me a modโ€ฆ
Astrovore: Hi Beej!
Dustin King: you mean twitch
Lily the Otter: beej!
Jesse Kachnycz: Seems good
Jon Grayson: I'll keep watching now, but I'll be back in a few days to comment
annasaurus13: hello!
smoknbobjd: very cool
SmithKurosaki: I can!
WhiteWizard42: wait, so we enter by chatting here?
Pharmacistjudge: Hello Youtube chat. Mere L3 MTG Judge here, but if you have rules questions, feel free to @ me.
princerombur: I've been looking forward to them playing this set since it was announced.
Veronica Duran: Would be totally cool to win that box!
Simriel: As a level 5 super judge, how does one Floop the Pig
Nathan Wood: I want to play this set.
Ahren Starr: no the other thing
CodenameJD: Does live chat count as comments, or do we need to go to comments later?
SmithKurosaki: Sounds like entry is just on Twitch
Brendan Dery: Hi Kuro. Hi folks.
anastenazontas: yes! An LLR live I get to watch!
Matthew Tenk: That box is insane
Beckbat: I do like this aesthetic
Twixxie120: So exciting :o
StalePasta: Pogged for the PPR
Jon Grayson: Beej is a mod? Awesome
SmithKurosaki: @Pharmacistjudge Hey friend ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad to know you're herer
SlurpeeE: Set looks interesting.
TXC2: hello Slick_011 welcome
brningpyre: MAGIC WORDS
qwertiest_mint: ok thank you @txc2 ๐Ÿ‘
computercolinx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, computercolinx! (Today's storm count: 34)
Rebelattack: giveaway is international?
unleashenlightenment: rooFlag rooFlag
gualdhar: !themagicword
raijustletmedie: ok
Goban3: Holy crud I just had 8 straight ads
qwertiest_mint: and thank you Serge ๐Ÿค™
senorhowdy: Titch?
OrangeOwl327: so excited for this set
WhiteWizard42: I really hope the magic word is "Badger"
ImmortalLen: Can I guess the magic word?
wulfram77: Please?
flatluigi: the magic word is 'fursuit'
razorswift: activate the magic words!
Jostech: Hyyype!
Davlenagain: @LoadingReadyRun can we get that cast as animals as a playmat?
Jon_CoffeeRobot: which set code is TBD?
Easilycrazyhat: Peewee's Playhouse rules
00gogo00: hi its me active in chat
oa888: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
RabidSkatBadger: Magic word!?
Orxolon: active in chat!?
brningpyre subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, brningpyre! (Today's storm count: 35)
OldUncleDan: But know I am worried!
GreatWahooney: yes!
TehAmelie: i cast power word "please"
RokuNalaar: So just send random words all evening, got it!
capricornacopia13: prerelease letโ€™s go
MaxThatBoi subscribed with Prime.
Jostech: So excited for bloomburrow
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaxThatBoi! (Today's storm count: 36)
ExachixKitsune: the magic word will be revealed at the moment of the giveaway, it's not now
seathblood: @flatluigi perfect =D
CoffeeTime88: Aren't "please" and "thank you" the magic words?
howlinglotus: Hamsters keeping the server alive
super731: yipee rules video
TotallyNotaBeholder: Let's hear it for gifting!
ralphthellama: @TopHatPeezy *rides off with coconuts*
Slick_011: Iโ€™m here for the Otter-folk!
Sandeon: I want squirrels and bunnies
MikeProvencher: The Magic Word is...adorable.
maclenrac: Rules!!!
EonSemal subscribed with Prime.
zook_ningel: set looks sweet
Gaz_L: we doing live deckbuild this time?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EonSemal! (Today's storm count: 37)
CobaltCG: These guys are great
t7112: cool stuff
MorriganDesChain: Finally get to watch live!
Diabore: well uh, tuesday the 30th is blank soooooo...
Dread_Pirate_Westley: lrrJUDGE
TheDevil_Risen: Offspring \m/ \m/
LaskoReadsComics: This set looks delightfully fun
grotesqueri3: alright
SmithKurosaki: @Davlenagain Youtube chat also interested in this
IbunWest: the magic word isโ€ฆfurries. merlekYes
brningpyre: lrrGRAHAM lrrSERGE
EllieoftheVeil6: im so excited to see thisssss im super hyped for Bloomburrow
Obos_TAB: I heard the put my favorite crazy taxi artists in bloomburrow
MaxThatBoi: Wahoo
Rebelattack: super excited for bloomburrow, first pre release I am joining myself this year
LibraryWitchKei: @Jon_CoffeeRobot I think that's Theros Beyond Death
Gaz_L: the modal pawprint cards are neat
Timpmaster7: this is the set thatโ€™s gonna get me to buy packs
Nydestroyer: classic
varazeal: Tiny critters, also Ben great chice with the otter
RecklawGaming: i was so excited to see more classes
skelepop: rules question: am i allowed to play bloomburrow if i'm not a furry
titanprime231 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
titanprime231: Bloomburrow Hype
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, titanprime231! (Today's storm count: 38)
invalidCards: the hype is real
seathblood: @IbunWest our time has come =D
Obos_TAB: Bllomburrow "It's all I waaaaaant"
GredGredmansson: @skelepop trick question; everyone is a furry
Gaz_L: sagas but mirrored
AutumnVixenIX: classes were a big surprise to see
ThibbleBird: furries? stormi10Awh
goldtitansemarium: Yooo, the intro looked sick!
Technotrout: Hurra. now in the right chat (ie giveaway running :) )
file_maker: @skelepop if you play bloomburrow you become a furry
Spades_Slicc: @skelepop Yes but your "not furry" status is subject to change
00gogo00: they're more like cases than sagas IMO
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @skelepop Yes, but I think it helps.
JDazzani: coolest set ever
Rob McKenzie: I mean, I'm an actual Level 5 judge, and hanging out doing chat judging today, but Beej beats me as a superjudge, obv
Nate Yow: He said it starts now
Lily the Otter: and you have to do so on twitch, not here on youtube
arbiterE27: all hail the superjudge :)
Dustin King: but who could ever tell us how to play?
Sarah: I don't believe this live chat counts as the youtube comments, no
digiman619: Oh, good. I didn't miss this
Brendan Dery: I will not be here long. I just saw we were going live and thought Iโ€™d drop in to see how everyone was doing.
SmithKurosaki: Yea live chat is not the same as comments on the posted video
David Neiberger: Raccoons are in this set. Need I say more?
Simriel: Oh yeah the new U.S judge program brought back level 5 didn't they
Astrovore: Very excited for this set
TXC2: Judgement time !
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @LibraryWitchKei Haha, that's THB but searching set:tbd on scryfall gets it regardless
celestial_lion1: my first live ppr!
thatonefergie: Booo lol
GreatWahooney: oh, no rules prerecord this time?
pleonasticTautology: being a furry is great
NonUniqueGuy: Explains why there was nothing on that Tuesday for the schedule
LibraryWitchKei: @Jon_CoffeeRobot That's great. :D
Swaggerstickbyaah: I am seriously hoping to see someone play some freakin squirrels
soramayura: no rules video?
Tommadness: itโ€™s actually pronounced Jift
MarkovDescendant: No more judge pre-records with Serge and Nelson?
00busyhands: lgwClap lgwClap new set hype
Diabore: @GreatWahooney subathon was a lot i imagine
Mishapp53 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mishapp53! (Today's storm count: 39)
fele_of_Cardmarket: Serge is the real GIFT!
razorswift: ENTER!
TXC2: GreatWahooney Subathon makes recording hard :p
WhiteWizard42: (you do CHOOSE whether to give the gift as you cast the creature)
GredGredmansson: ENTER
JosVanTongeren: I gift you a lrrHAM
Ukon_Cairns: impromptu rules PogBones
invalidCards: Jift
GreatWahooney: @Diabore yeah I realized immediately after sending
grotesqueri3: honestly i'd be pretty down to make a Hugs commander deck
flatluigi: @soramayura they've been slightly busy the last week
Gaz_L: i think the pre-recorded rules vids are harder to do with PPRs being kind of short notice now
viotech3: I gift you a cat
Easilycrazyhat: Not a huge fan of that change :\
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Is that what they're calling "comes into play" now?
NonUniqueGuy: @soramayura They were probably pretty busy due to the sub-a-thon
viotech3: Pet the cat
Ra_V1237: ETB is now E!
nova_plushie: @LoadingReadyRun Whats the name of your Bloomsonas???
ThibbleBird: only E
josh___something: I assume the subathon conflicted with any prerecord plans
soramayura: yeah, fair XD
fele_of_Cardmarket: @nova_plushie I also want to know!
Featherweight_: Lrr just did a week of streaming and there's only so many hours in a day
Sarah_Serinde: They have been *very* busy this last week or so :D
Saphling subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Saphling! (Today's storm count: 40)
RokuNalaar: As gifts should be
dewrules235: no real judge video?
BSengenYT: Unfortunatly, I don't think I'll ever get ETB out of my head
tipulsar85: Classes work less like Sagas and more like Levelers from Rise of the Eldrazi... For those of you that remember 2010.
SmithKurosaki: @Brendan Dery Thanks for popping in :)
digiman619: Oh, good. I didn't miss Beej
Josh: This set looks so cool
Simriel: Beej you will need to be promoted to a Level 6 Super judge now that Level 5 is back
DMGoodBoy: Where my fellow furries at excited for Bloomburrow?
Patrick Targoล„ski: Preordered Racoon precon, so some playing is to be had
Brendan Dery: Gotta write my next exams, then.
Tiellae Kitsune: Hello friends!
JDazzani: really ccol set
Rob McKenzie: Both Judge Foundry and IJP have 5 levels, basically making a wider scope from above L2 so we can differentiate people that have strong large event experience more granularity.
mweepigeon: 4
Alas_Babylon: @Dread_Pirate_Westley Yep. "When this creature enters, draw a card."
vinopinguino: 3
Diabore: no idea
varazeal: 4
fsforwardsound: 3
iris_of_ether: Group hug decks eating well
GredGredmansson: 4
TheWormbo: Notably the choice to gift happens on cast, as it affects whether things might target..
djalternative: 3
jirriki1984: 4
soramayura: 4
That1GuyBen: 3 iirc?
Redundacy: wait, gift is a mode and not an additional cost?
Mr_Horrible: 3, I think?
Alas_Babylon: 4
Wa_Pox: Fish, food, card?
NullOfSpace: like 4 I think
th3gentleknut: 4?
TheDevil_Risen: @Featherweight_ Amazing art dude
MikeProvencher: Fish, Card, Food.
LaskoReadsComics: 4
Mindfire13: 5
Nouxatar: Draw, Fish, Food
AllTheWeasels: draw a card, tapped fish, food?
mweepigeon: treasure (1), food, tapped fsih, card
invalidCards: 4: Card, gift, fish, food
CobaltCG: 4
That1GuyBen: Fish, Card, Food
varazeal: Fish, card, food
00gogo00: Food, tapped Fish, Treasure, Card
owlinthesnow: 3 card tapped fish and don't know the last one
Obos_TAB: Cards, Turns, Fish, Food
TallynNyntyg: 3: Gift a card, gift a fish, gift a slap
Mr_Horrible: fish card food?
wingless85: 5
josh___something: At least 1
Peevvi: Four. Fish, Card, Food, Treasure
teajunkie1234: 5
lady_olynder: Gift a tapped fish, card, food
RecklawGaming: card, fish, treasure, food?
James_the_Dabbler: Fish, food, treasure, and card so 4
DrChillbrain: food, fish, card i think in the main set
GredGredmansson: Card, Food, Fish, Treasure
thatonefergie: 4, gift a card, food, tapped fish, fish?
tipulsar85: Gift food
Marvoleath: @BSengenYT I still use CMC
RandomTrivia: sergeThankJo
superdude097: Card, Tapped Fish, Food, Treasure
seathblood: fish food card treasure
Ra_V1237: Fish, food, card, treasure
knightoftheblackrose: fish, cards, food?
maclenrac: Fish, treasure card
raijustletmedie: fish!
nyoomgoom: feesh
Lordofironstorm: @nova_plushie Obviously there's Bathleen and Bun Wheeler
invalidCards: I believe Commander has extra turn
Bentoja: Extra turn
fele_of_Cardmarket: a turn?
MarkovDescendant: Gift a turn
kynelwynn: Fish, food, card, turn
arboreal_blazer: Don't forget the extra turn
RedSunKnight: Fish, treasure, card, food? Also extra turn in the commander deck
James_the_Dabbler: Gonna tap that fish
brningpyre: food, treasure
th3gentleknut: Gift a card, fish, food, and treasure?
RecklawGaming: octopus
Mr_Horrible: right, forgot about treasure
aussie_rob_w: My favourite is the extra turn.
Deathsdoor1996: Turn and octo
vinopinguino: and an extra turn
BSengenYT: @Marvoleath same
sophieghost: Fish are not food
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Not that order.
GrassVortex: O_o
acolossalsquid: I love "gift a tapped fish"
fele_of_Cardmarket: Octomancer!
FixTheJames: If I had, just one wish, I would wish, for one tapped fish.
KaleidoscopeMind: fish!
josh___something: Eugh
Lycodrake: food, treasure, fish, food, octopus, extra turn
SentinelStormer: There was an octopus in the commander product???
Jon_CoffeeRobot: that's interesting, when you copy a spell with Gift the rules says it's got the same gifted state, but does it then resolve a gift for each copy?
pleonasticTautology: what
MycroftB: When I see "gift a fish" I think back to the art of Noggin Whack
brningpyre: Wait, there's Gift a Turn?
Wa_Pox: GivePLZ SabaPing
pleonasticTautology: hey what
Gaz_L: yeah, what does the spell that gifts a turn do?!?
Debatra: You would think, but not really.
That1GuyBen: the BABIES
TheWriterAleph: noice segue
Swaggerstickbyaah subscribed with Prime.
Deathsdoor1996: @brningpyre yeah the gift gives you teferi protection essentially
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Swaggerstickbyaah! (Today's storm count: 41)
TotallyNotaBeholder: Monty Python fish sketch
GrassVortex: PrideGasp babies
flatluigi: @Diabore because in commander you can give them to players you don't want to goozle
Purestorm_: How does baby work
00busyhands: wowee
GredGredmansson: @Gaz_L its Teferi's protection, plus 4 birds
LowUpsideCJ: heck of a segue
jirriki1984: offspring is kicker!
0011110000110011: I really like the gift a turn card
invalidCards: That was a smooth segue
Spades_Slicc: Love that band
Mangledpixel: pay the babbo cost
maclenrac: Sweet band
CodenameJD: Gift an extra turn is just wild. It turns a token generator into a Teferi's Protection
TheDevil_Risen: \m/ \m/ Offspring \m/ \m/
00gogo00: how is babby formed
cmdrud87: I gift myself a Colossal Dreadaw and you 6 damage with trample every turn going forward
hiFunko: But what if *I* want a turn with the octopus??
LoadingReadyRun: !cardview on
LRRbot: Card viewer enabled
josh___something: BABIES, whatever the rest of that clip was
CoffeeTime88: "The gift of life" LUL
Mr_Horrible: I mean they get a choice in that one, G. Consent is important
00busyhands: the baby tokens are sooooo cute
NonUniqueGuy: So that is how babies are made
MilkInBags: wait, they added the band The Offspring in an mtg set? I thought it was not Universes Beyond
JeysieC: Magic birds and the bees
Mal2mad: The octopus one can also give YOU an octopus
tomnar: ah, kicker
Korolan: Show me the Baby
Alas_Babylon: @SentinelStormer There's a Class that lets you create Octopuses in place of any Shark tokens you would create (and the Class can let you create Shark tokens)
Marvoleath: !card PerchProtection
LRRbot: Perch Protection [4WW] | Instant | Gift an extra turn / Create four 2/2 blue Bird creature tokens with flying. If the gift was promised, all permanents you control phase out, and until your next turn, your life total can't change and you gain protection from everything. / Exile Perch Protection.
Rob McKenzie: L5 in both programs is very similar to the old L3.
Dustin King: 3
digiman619: 4
Astrovore: fish, card...
Markus Spitznagel: heyyy pre release
Lily the Otter: fish gift!
Astrovore: gift a turn?!
Astrovore: wow
Brendan Dery: WHAT
Tiellae Kitsune: Wow
Carlos: the gift a turn is incredible i love it hahahaha
Dustin King: oh babies
TallynNyntyg: Offspring - remember to keep
RandomTrivia: It's very possible that "Gift a tapped Fish" even beats "The land continues to burn" as Best Ever Phrase Printed on a Magic Card
Korolan: I would like to see the Baby
jirriki1984: kicker! kicker! kicker!
TheWriterAleph: so many BABIES
TallynNyntyg: em separated.
maclenrac: Nice tokens
couchboyj: Offspring is pretty fly (for a kicker guy)
fanofmosteverything9: No twins allowed.
flatluigi: you cannot multikick a baby
Sage0fMadness: Bloomburrow has a single child policy
Alas_Babylon: "You either have a baby, or you don't" The millennial lifestyle
howlinglotus: little babu
varazeal: No twins?
MagmaTheLionhearted: So we re being told to kick babies. got it.
accountmadeforants: Until they release multikicker, I mean multioffspring
WhiteWizard42: @hiFunko the card that makes it also gives you one
unleashenlightenment: squad with birth control # Kathleen 2024
TXC2: so no litters
freshmaker__: Offspring?! My friend's got a girlfriend and he....
Sandeon: what is this, China?
grotesqueri3: no siblings
cmdrud87: So, offsspring is literally kicker
BaconL0rdes: Ah so Bloomburrow works on China rules
Larkonus: Reproduction is Kicker, confirmed.
janMelantu: itโ€™s kicker with birth control
GredGredmansson: @RandomTrivia you need a lot to beat "Cowards Can't Block Warriors"
jirriki1984: the kids aren't kicker
Alas_Babylon: Offspring does not contribute to mana value
gaia_arcade: I love the line of you can only have one baby! That is all!!
file_maker: So the copy does not itself have Offspring?
Nydestroyer: wait is there no way to have a creature with multiple instances of offspring?
IbunWest: thatโ€™s a sick teferiโ€™s protection
SmashTCG: I need an offspring card with both mentor and training
fele_of_Cardmarket: @TotallyNotaBeholder Yes! Isn't there also an Arthur in this set? Does all of that go into my Tim deck now, SOMEHOW ^^
RandomTrivia: @GredGredmansson Good point, but I think this might
PhuzNutz: You can get offspring for multiple creatures, right?
TheM8: can you have multiple offspring keywords on a single card?
Gaz_L: @LRRbot ahhh, so just "You, the scariest person, kill everyone else, peace!" :D
TehAmelie: in Sweden giving someone a fish is considered assault, and that's if the fish is fresh
Alas_Babylon: @file_maker It does, but it's meaningless
LRRMTG_Judge: Expend counts all mana spent on a spell, including additional costs - Natedogg
gualdhar: do the offspring go far, kid?
TXC2: Chat: Caina got rid of one child rule over 20 years ago
GredGredmansson: @TheM8 not in main set
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Babies are a binary ability
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @Nydestroyer There's a card in the commander decks that gives your spells offspring.
gameboy350: @Nydestroyer There is a commander card that gives other creatures offspring
Mr_Horrible: it's a cost spent to cast the spell, but it's not part of the mana value
razorswift: even: Accounting
MurphEP: lrrSPOOP
TheWormbo: MV is always the cost in the corner, with {X} filled.
Diabore: off by one
RandomTrivia: sergeOffByOne
Swaggerstickbyaah: If you activate an ability does that count against expend?
Sage0fMadness: "you're gonna go far kid" when you kick a spell
Alas_Babylon: sergeOffByOne
TheM8: and if you do can you trigger both of them?
maclenrac: Math
fishjellyfishjelly: pacify the parent, doom blade the child
brieandbacon: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This is an airplane. Where are you even planning to go?
MilkInBags: i can only count to 3
Sandeon: Note: Only after 11
ExachixKitsune: Do not beleive his lies
GredGredmansson: I'm afraid we'll need to use....MATH
dasdardly: counterpoint
MrSarkhan: sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne
DeM0nFiRe: sergeOffByOne
datastorm17: but i want more babies
Dread_Pirate_Westley: sergeOffByOne
LRRMTG_Judge: @Dread_Pirate_Westley One of the face commanders, in fact. ๐Ÿฐ
Purestorm_: Ironic that the Gruul mechanic cares about counting
LibraryWitchKei: I don't believe you
Alma_v: sergeCounting sergeCounting
GredGredmansson: "ON SPELLS"
pleonasticTautology: did the screen just go black for anyone else
Invitare: [X] Doubt
Melfina__: hehe sure thing buddy :)
abslomdaak42: Serge is a +1/+1 counter confirmed?
NonUniqueGuy: Is it late enough for Serge to do math?
cmdrud87: @TehAmelie So, gifting Surstrรถmming is attempted murder?
mittyrim subscribed with Prime.
fanofmosteverything9: Am Gruul? Then count!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mittyrim! (Today's storm count: 42)
GFreeGamer: notably, expend can look backward
jacqui_lantern234: WELL WELL WELL if it aint a beautiful group of stellar friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!! <3
SmashTCG: Like, "nontoken creatures have mentor, token creatures have training"
Orxolon: spent like storm for mana paid
BSengenYT: @NonUniqueGuy nah hes a rev counter
CuriousBookWyrm: What have I missed?
jirriki1984: is expend only for spell mana? or does it include activated abilities?
TehAmelie: @cmdrud87 at least
ipoddodd: @CuriousBookWyrm big rules
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
Nouxatar: it has to be on spells and not abilities, correct?
TheM8: there is a commander that gives offspring how does that affect cards that already have offpring?
Mr_Horrible: @Purestorm_ we finally have a literal instance of Friday Nights' "not school? Then die!" joke
TheWarbo: "to cast spells" also being a very important phrase
Shadowsoflife: Hey @jacqui_lantern234 o/
GredGredmansson: @jirriki1984 yes it is spells only
Sage0fMadness: @jacqui_lantern234 lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
grotesqueri3: oh that's neat
Alas_Babylon: @CuriousBookWyrm Very cute art by Featherweight and MangledpIxel, but no gameplay
James_the_Dabbler: Storm-adjacent
phoenixfeather14: Hi Jacqui!
00gogo00: most of the expend creatures cost less than 4
GredGredmansson: "ON SPELLS"
ekplayscards: hello fellow nelson fans
00gogo00: so you can activate them the turn they come down
thatonefergie: But it does trigger each turn, so instants and flash count on opponent turns
djalternative: expend also doesn't count abilities
ipoddodd: But Serge! How does this interact with trinisphere?
Diabore: coming into this without looking at any spoilers is wild
CuriousBookWyrm: @alas_babylon Thanks!
JoeSubject: I was playing with the starter kit decks on TTS
flatluigi: you can expend on your opponent's turn!
maclenrac: the fourth mana
jacqui_lantern234: @phoenixfeather14 hai most stellar-est of LRR Fans!!! lrrSHINE
fishjellyfishjelly: "expect count is ..."
TheWormbo: So mana spent, not mana generated.
RecklawGaming: oh i had actually missed that nitty gritty
UltraVioletVodoo: if you spend 5 does that count for expend 4?
MarkovDescendant: I wish it counted abilities but I cna imagine it would be too busted if it did
BSengenYT: when does the expend trigger resolve?
Swaggerstickbyaah: Question answered
patrick_stonecrusher: Spoilers
KaleidoscopeMind: spoilers G!
capslock42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, capslock42! (Today's storm count: 43)
MilkInBags: succinct
RandomTrivia: Concise?
snortablecola: BEREFT?
SmithKurosaki: @phoenixfeather14 Afternoon nerd lrrSHINE
Alas_Babylon: @UltraVioletVodoo Yep!
dasdardly: brief was fine
GredGredmansson: @UltraVioletVodoo if you have spent 5 mana on spells, you have spent 4 mana on spells
00gogo00: @UltraVioletVodoo yea
yahweh69: Pithy
niccus: concise
ProcyonFlynn: Expand tracks in total? - not just on what the permanent has seen on the battlefield?
GreatWahooney: antiverbose
fanofmosteverything9: Brevitic
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
LRRMTG_Judge: @BSengenYT It goes on the stack above the spell and resolves first. ๐Ÿฐ
snortablecola: my bad mods didn't mean to all caps
yeentoberfest: Can you just burn mana for expend, or does it have to go toward spells?
TehAmelie: more mana more problems
TotallyNotaBeholder: Pay (mana) 2 win
jfwong: Mana is my money
howlinglotus: watching money is important, true
GredGredmansson: @ProcyonFlynn yes, total
themercenary1987: How does this work with priority?
LibraryWitchKei: A bit on the nose
razorswift: 5 > 4 makes sense
Sarah_Serinde: I do also very much care about how much money I've sent
sadfleck: Does Convoke help with Expend?
pleonasticTautology: aww, 20 mana? but i wanted a peanut.
Sarah_Serinde: *spesnt
LRRMTG_Judge: @UltraVioletVodoo Yes it does. You've spent your fourth (and fifth) mana on spells, so it counts for expend 4 - Natedogg
Sarah_Serinde: bah
alikaoz: Cashmana
Invitare: Serge: "MTG is pay to win"
CodenameJD: I think Expend will become simple and natural over time. I think it's a mechanic likely to return on other planes
Alas_Babylon: @themercenary1987 Nothing. Expend 4 is just a thing you've either done or haven't done.
RandomTrivia: You cannot overpay for a spell just because you want to pay extra mana
00busyhands: LUL
phoenixfeather14: @SmithKurosaki afternoon, to you too! Hope you're having an awesome day!
Gaz_L: @yeentoberfest has to be on spells, even abilities don't count
MegaTrain: "money": never been anything truer
Grinnin_Gin: how does expend interact with panglacial wurm
LRRMTG_Judge: The expend trigger goes on the stack above the spell that triggered it - Natedogg
GredGredmansson: @themercenary1987 I'm not sure how it could
Gaz_L: @RandomTrivia unless it's an X spell, obvs
flatluigi: so the stack never resolves
datastorm17: money is a factor, probably wont get to play bloomburrow irl because of it lol
TehAmelie: if only my money returned untapped every turn
Wa_Pox: ugh, one more reason to hate the stack...
ArcOfTheConclave: spending mana is part of casting a spell.
abslomdaak42: "But how many DOLLARS have you spent this turn, hmmm?"
OldUncleDan: Serge does not know how I wash dishes!
Purestorm_: But Serge, I stack plates sideways
SmashTCG: Manamorphos into manamorphos is the expend4
howlinglotus: Squirrels :D
IbunWest: lrrHEART lrrJUDGE
James_the_Dabbler: It's literally a stack from a programming sense
file_maker: Whom amonstus has not said "i tap three red dollars" etc
senorhowdy: Oh they hungy
yeentoberfest: @gaz_l Thanks.
notthepenguins: If you cast something with expend 4, but you spent your fourth mana already, can the ability never trigger that turn?
RandomTrivia: @Gaz_L True, but you pay extra mana by choosing a larger value for X, and you cannot overpay beyond that
sharker037: It counts nontoken food right
SeismicLawns: as opposed to threeage
Alas_Babylon: @themercenary1987 Or rather, you don't spend mana until the spell is cast, so you don't activate Expend abilities just by tapping four lands
GredGredmansson: @notthepenguins correct
notthepenguins: okay, thanks @gredgredmansson
Nydestroyer: food decks hitting critical mass
Jostech: Sooo hungy
00gogo00: @Grinnin_Gin same way anything else that triggers on stack works, it waits for the next time SBAs are checked, so it doesn't go on the stack until after the effect that made you search finishes
jacqui_lantern234: @SmithKurosaki hai wonderful, amazing friend whomst i treasure <3 sending hugs to you and the partner
LRRMTG_Judge: @RandomTrivia Correct. You spent the mana before the ability existed, and it tracks all mana spent, if it was on the battlefield or not. ๐Ÿฐ
Caryotip: should forage give you food instead of losing it?
themercenary1987: @Alas_Babylon Right got it
thatonefergie: It's either collect evidence and bargain
Grinnin_Gin: @00gogo00 I was just joking kek
ralphthellama: 3 is the number of the Expend, and the number of the Expending shall be 3. 4 shalt thou not Expend, neither shalt thou Expend 2, excepting that thou then Expend 3. 5 is right out.
GredGredmansson: Escape
senorhowdy: @sharker037 Yes, you can use any food
josh___something: If you cast a 5 drop at the start of the turn, does it expend 4? I assume it does. lrrJUDGE
Easilycrazyhat: What if I exile 1 card and 2/3 food? lrrBEEJ
SmithKurosaki: @jacqui_lantern234 Hes home already, but thank you <3
sharker037: Sweet!!
flatluigi: @Caryotip you're either eating good food or offal when you forage
Lordofironstorm: @Caryotip You either eat what you have, or scrounge for more, so no
UrielAngelSpy: For Expend, what if the Spell gets countered? Does the cost still count toward how much you've Expended?
file_maker: @Caryotip depends whether you ask a judge or a story team member
Pinwiz11: Pause or Paws? :)
00gogo00: @UrielAngelSpy yes
Alas_Babylon: @sharker037 Food is Food. It has no bearing on what form it takes.
RandomTrivia: @LRRMTG_Judge I think your reply button got sniped
accountmadeforants: @sharker037 Yes, this is why the "all other creatures are Food" legend works.
sharker037: Ygra is going to be SO fun
James_the_Dabbler: That also means you can't activate things in response, say Flashback
Orxolon: split second like?
alexetodisk: So Forage is Hungry kicker(?
GredGredmansson: @UrielAngelSpy you have still spent the mana on a spell
Shadowsoflife: @Pinwiz11 yes
Marvoleath: @UrielAngelSpy it does, you spent the mana
maclenrac: Priority on the stack
themercenary1987: I think Expend just broke my brain and i hate the mechanic. Its not bad, just my brain doesn't like it
jacqui_lantern234: @SmithKurosaki fair 'nough, still deserves hugs :p
LRRMTG_Judge: @josh___something yes it does, but if your 5 drop has something that triggers with expend 4, it won't be on the battlefield to see it. pharma2Vial
Purestorm_: Heroic at Home
Halinn: Aw, missed the beginning
Caryotip: isn t forageing the fact of gathering food?
GredGredmansson: @themercenary1987 its not nearly as complicated as the words make it out to be
Marvoleath: Heroic, but different
LRRMTG_Judge: @josh___something You've spent your fourth mana of the turn on a spell, so expend will trigger. It doesn't need to be exactly four mana, just the fourth mana spent on a spell - Natedogg
grizzlybeer40: Historic brawl is the worst format in mtg
TXPumpFIST: Hi all
Kendo_thorn: yeah they canโ€™t say are you going to sac a food or exile cards from your graveyard and when you say exile they want to remove your graveyard
razorswift: if forage is on a Triggered Enter effect, can my opponent interact with my GY before the ability resolves?
Alas_Babylon: @Caryotip The Food is laid out there (on the battlefield) for you to find and forage
maclenrac: Crime
TXC2: hello TXPumpFIST welcome
TehAmelie: just realizing there's way more people in chat than at any point i saw or heard about during the week long subathon lrrAWESOME
ArcOfTheConclave: @UrielAngelSpy do you get the mana back? the (4th) mana was spent.
gamerman123 subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gamerman123! (Today's storm count: 44)
Nydestroyer: tiny heroic
file_maker: @grizzlybeer40 heresy. I will be behind the waffle house
sadfleck: If I tap 4 creatures with Convoke, does that count as Expend 4?
00gogo00: pawprints!
Orxolon: and a sort of return to confluences
MilkInBags: paw patrol
djalternative: I'd call it Heroic Cherry
friedrichk95: paws
TXC2: grizzlybeer40 good thing we're not playing then I guess :p
sharker037: Paws!!!
Ukon_Cairns: paws for effect
IbunWest: the best mechanic ever
msartivisual: The paawwssssss
RandomTrivia: THE TINY PAAAAWS! benginLove
Alas_Babylon: @razorswift If Forage is part of a cost, it cannot be interrupted by graveyard hate or artifact removal.
GreatWahooney: the seasons give me paws
howlinglotus: tiny grips
notthepenguins: I love the paws idea
Lordofironstorm: Critter mana
LRRMTG_Judge: @sadfleck No. Tapping creatures for convoke doesn't count as spending mana - Natedogg
IbunWest: abatPAWB
super731: paws are so adorable
SenshiSun: the little paws
gogt200: Gift a turn spell is basically a Teferi's Protection.
David Hearnden: no twins :(
Simriel: I mean you either have a baby or you don't is true in real life too
Brendan Dery: No litters.
BakerBear: really looking forward to playing this set.
Xmann1076: NG are a band
digiman619: @David Hearnden Just get a Doubling Season /s
lilldiesel: no pre-recod this time?
Lily the Otter: doesn't seem so
Sarah: They were very busy with a subathon right before this
JDazzani: you get twins if you have doubling season :)
Sarah: Streaming 24/7 for the last week
Lily the Otter: I think they were a little pressed for time because of the subathon
gogt200: Serge has never been off by 1 in his life.
Brendan Dery: I have been assured the crew is well-rested this morning and eager to get to gameplay. They are HUNGRY to play this.
Lily the Otter: BTW, did we hit the cap for that?
Sarah: I believe it
Sarah: We did hit the cap!
Astrovore: expend triggers on other turns too, eh? That's cool
Sarah: As well as the extra goals to get the crew pizza and ice cream, and to pellet James with water balloons
David Hearnden: i think we hit all the bonus goals for the subathon too
Sarah: It was great
Brendan Dery: Oh yeah, James got SOAKED.
Kamelontti: Haven't played MTG in nearly 10 years but it's cool to see that they are still releasing new stuff
SmithKurosaki: Yea, I had to hit the vod mines to catch most of yesterday. Was great
Kamelontti: The old LRR skits rocked
Steve The Box: thats just "triggers only once each turn" with extra steps
Lily the Otter: I can't wait to see the vod
Brendan Dery: Look forward to more new episodes of Friday Nights, coming later this year.
Lily the Otter: that too
JDazzani: wait, to get counted for the giveaway, do you just need to comment here? or in the twitch?
Astrovore: pay2win confirmed
Lily the Otter: on twitch, later
Markus Spitznagel: greatings from Berlin. still waiting on the cardmarket crossover episodes:volcano-green-lava-orange:
gogt200: Giveaway is on Twitch.
JDazzani: me confuse
Lily the Otter: when they announce that the giveaway is happening
Greys N. Owman: PPR hype
Sarah: There will be two giveaways on Twitch and you will have to say a word in chat *when they tell you to*
Sarah: There will be a giveaway on youtube later when the vod goes up, and you will just have to leave a comment on that vod
Sarah: For YouTube live streams, this video goes away when the stream is over, and LRR puts up an edited version later like they do for all their streams
frankieh: Oh fuck, the Bloomburrow ppr is this weekend. You LRR folks are nuts. Subathon into this?
SmithKurosaki: :)Beej has assured us this is fine
Sarah: Yeah the planned the subathon before they knew the timing of this set
Sarah: Tomorrow they rest
frankieh: No doubt
Lily the Otter: eepy monday
gogt200: Paws!!
Lily the Otter: the PAWS!
GredGredmansson: @razorswift Forage is always a cost
fele_of_Cardmarket: OMG the tiny paws! I love them so much!
James_the_Dabbler: The little paws so cute
RandomTrivia: They're SO CUTE
MilkInBags: i want the paws nfts
TXC2: RandomTrivia yes, but easy on the all caps please
fanofmosteverything9: No pawprint futures.
ipoddodd: can I short paws
Nydestroyer: pawspeculation
xJETSDADx: ๐Ÿพ ๐Ÿพ ๐Ÿพ ๐Ÿพ ๐Ÿพ
SenshiSun: no speculating on the paws
LRRMTG_Judge: @sadfleck the game looks specifically for mana spent. alternate methods of mana payment do not count as mana spent. pharma2Vial
djalternative: I'd like to speculate paws
Nigouki: just some Good Beans
math_magics: I'm investing in paws
Easilycrazyhat: Use it or lose it
w4llh4k: @sadfleck no, you need to cast using 4 mana. Not cast a spell above 4
themercenary1987: @GredGredmansson Absolutely fair, and once i play with it It'll become normal, but at the moment, Just something feels wrong. Feels like a great arena mechanic, not paper, but this is agin just me
TheLawlzFTW: aww i wanted to invest in paws
dasdardly: paws for effect
LRRbot: Season of Gathering [4GG] | Sorcery | Choose up to five {P} worth of modes. You may choose the same mode more than once. / {P} โ€” Put a +1/+1 counter on a creature you control. It gains vigilance and trample until end of turn. / {P}{P} โ€” Choose artifact or enchantment. Destroy all permanents of the chosen type. / {P}{P}{P} โ€” Draw cards equal to the greatest power among creatures you control.
bertezbertezbertezbertez: investing in pawprint futures
00gogo00: would you like to buy my Pawprint NFTs?
TallynNyntyg: Aw, I can't speculate on what kinda paws made the prints?
Grinnin_Gin: I will invest in cute toe beans all I want serge, you actual monster
Kendo_thorn: @tehamelie itโ€™s because most magic players are excited about this set
Creideiki_SE: Can I insider trade paws?
phoenixfeather14: mattlrHeart mattlrHeart
RixtonSnek: my favourite mechanic from this set, I wish there were more of them~
SenshiSun: i want paw futures
grizzlybeer40: Pawprint tribal when
Larkonus: Goodness, Serge has such a clear and concise teaching voice. It's fantastic.
alikaoz: But my Paw futures...
ipoddodd: @00gogo00 NFP's, if you will
Mangledpixel: this design was first tried on an Unset card, IIRC
KaleidoscopeMind: they dont gather interest, got it
JoeSubject: The paws give me pause.
CmdrMadMoe: internalk to the card resources
Grinnin_Gin: Pawstreet will be the new financial center of the world
James_the_Dabbler: Love the little peets
Jethrain: paws-es
Dandyfloss: PAWS-es
Ukon_Cairns: hehe, pawses
Lobo_Apache: Paewes
00gogo00: @Mangledpixel mystery booster playtest card, I think, not unset
file_maker: If they use this mechanic again but don't use the paw icon, there will be hell to pay
Jon_CoffeeRobot: finally, a spell that can resolve literally nothing
msartivisual: The game pawses?
00gogo00: but yeah
Sage0fMadness: Normal Furry Paws
razorswift: @GredGredmansson Treetop Sentries is not a cost :/
NullOfSpace: I love a 6 mana sorcery that has no effect
Robe1Kenobi: very explicitly, not energy lol
Pinwiz11: The game paw-es and you spend your pauses
LRRMTG_Judge: you could just cast it to count the toe beans and then not use any of them. pharma2Vial
Lordofironstorm: Cast a Season just to increase the storm count
Swaggerstickbyaah: Good to know opponents can't respond to me finding buried acorns
wulfram77: Its basically a "choose a mode" but with different powered modes
RandomTrivia: This is Pick Your Poison (the Mystery Booster one)
Grinnin_Gin: pawseses
Kendo_thorn: everyone typed the pun ๐Ÿ˜‚
swampfortress: the games PAWSes
aussie_rob_w: "I cast this spell. I spend no paws. I'm keeping all of them for myself."
ExachixKitsune: Paws for thought
invalidCards: Ayy
GredGredmansson: @00gogo00 Yeah, Pick Your Poison (not the one in Karlov Manor)
UltraVioletVodoo: because theyre not counters you cant proliferate them correct?
seathblood: pawbs
RandomTrivia: sergePun
00gogo00: the card was called "Pick Your Poision" but it's not the one youy
alikaoz: @mangledpixel Pick your poison! (Test card)
BrowneePoints: this was first on a PlayTest Card
fele_of_Cardmarket: haha Serge pawsed there
TheWormbo: @msartivisual escher3PUN
TheMinionGM: Five paws, clearly the result of Felix's bloomburrow-sona
fanofmosteverything9: Serge has been derailed
TheDevil_Risen: no a-paw-logy required @LoadingReadyRun <3
SmithKurosaki: Its very pun0ishing
Sage0fMadness: @TheMinionGM good one LUL
fele_of_Cardmarket: ok paw puns let's go!
Grinnin_Gin: ohhhh, interesting
Alas_Babylon: @UltraVioletVodoo They're absolutely not counters at all, and there would be no way to proliferate them anyhow because they just "exist" as a mechanic and would go away immediately afterwards
fanofmosteverything9: There could be a season off frame to the right, we don't know.
Orxolon: you can'tยฟ?
fele_of_Cardmarket: @SmithKurosaki paw-nishing!
acolossalsquid: It's pawsome
Alas_Babylon: @UltraVioletVodoo It's like a card saying "You have $5 to spend on these abilities"
RandomTrivia: Serge sergeOffByOne on the rule of three there :D
GredGredmansson: @razorswift "When it enters" can be responded to. You aren't foraging yet before it resolves.
grizzlybeer40: Imagine being Canadian
swampfortress: these pun are apPAWlling
file_maker: trying to think of a toe-beans pun of some sort. Im thinkin bout thos Beans
MTGRanger: @RandomTrivia he's so good at counting
TheMrFriend: i just got here. what'd I miss? they play any games yet?
ExachixKitsune: you want to be sure to use those cards with... paw-purse
finestotter: They don't actually have targets right? They are just choose as part of the resolution
RAICx: @msartivisual lrrHEART jamieCare jamieJamjar
Purestorm_: DansGame
Nydestroyer: Cant wait for the legendary in a few years called The Pawnisher
Leonhart321: Graham loading Chekovs Gun there
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Crack-a-Packs!
Julian_Rogue: oh the pawsabilities
fele_of_Cardmarket: Is PAWl on tech today?
ipoddodd: If you choose the same mode multiple times, will that introduce multiple triggers, eg +1/+1 counters on a creature triggering "when a counter is put on this creature, do x"?
Nydestroyer: gives extra paws
MTGRanger: @TheMrFriend we're in the intro
Easilycrazyhat: No likey
t7112: paws ? is each of the five one paw actions is five different triggers?
LRRMTG_Judge: there is a difference between Enters and "Enters with"
razorswift: @GredGredmansson ๐Ÿ‘ thanks!
Gaz_L: one less stair than you remembered
TheMrFriend: @MTGRanger nice!
GredGredmansson: Fun Fact: there are no cards that referencing a card "entering" anything other than the battlefield
Sage0fMadness: @TheMrFriend nah just judge explanations
RandomTrivia: When carrot cake enters my face
cmdrud87: haven't thed already done that since WoE?
BrowneePoints: they changed pre-and post combat main phase too right?
Mangledpixel: it's like what they did with 'shuffle'
Orxolon: hello,Orxolon here,why no more judge videos?
Alas_Babylon: @ipoddodd Yes, but they will resolve after the entire spell resolves
ghizmou: Were there any cards in the draft that are not legal to put into your deck?
IbunWest: still donโ€™t like Enters. it is not very clear for new players imo
TehAmelie: we've optimized stairs
vargasbball3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
vargasbball3: This is my Peter Rabbit ๐Ÿ‡ set ๐Ÿ˜
NullOfSpace: weirdly Lilypad Village says โ€œentered the battlefield this turnโ€
DidacticDad: whatโ€™s up chat
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vargasbball3! (Today's storm count: 45)
ZealousCrow: My brain is uncomfy
Grinnin_Gin: when the carrot cake enters my bant game objects deck
0011110000110011: clearly they needed the room on that card
Nydestroyer: gotta wait for more questing beasts
Bugberry: It's just like "Then Shuffle" which has been the wording since Strixhaven.
GreatWahooney: When enters the dragon...
fanofmosteverything9: Cards can leave zones other than the battlefield.
Nydestroyer: for leaves
djalternative: because "leaves the graveyard" is also a thing
LowUpsideCJ: I think because cards can leave multiple zones
LRRMTG_Judge: @ipoddodd Yes, since you're putting counters on at different times (even if it's the same spell), it's multiple instances of adding counters - Natedogg
James_the_Dabbler: Makes sense, you can leave many places
MilkInBags: i will consider that it works for entering the graveyard too, maro can't stop me
gameboy350: mmmm leaves
file_maker: now if they could just do something about playing cards from exile
sharker037: I guess cuz a card can leave multiple places
flatluigi: that's because leaves could also be other zones
invalidCards: They kept it "leaves" because it's also used for leaving the GY
foopoiuyt: Does that mean that rather than etb it's just 'e'?
Kendo_thorn: it just saying enters is really dumb
flustered_blue: shoulda been โ€œenters playโ€
howlinglotus: the babies
friedrichk95: they are so cute!!!
TotallyNotaBeholder: The cutest of tokens
acolossalsquid: These puns are pawful
sharker037: But inly really enter one
Bugberry: They no longer say "Shuffle your library"
grizzlybeer40: Ben Wheeler for Prime Minister
revhologram: if you have a 4-drop with expend 4, does that spell's casting cost trigger the expend when you cast it?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: What's a mana value? Is that anything like a Converted Mana Cost?
senorhowdy: The tokens are ADORABLE
RandomTrivia: The offspring tokens are absolutely BUSsing adorable
file_maker: it's always SO MANY WORDS
GredGredmansson: @flustered_blue what is "play"
Lordofironstorm: I feel like Leaves needs more context because things can leave your graveyard, your hand, and your library
Easilycrazyhat: smol
RandomTrivia: They are very smol
LowUpsideCJ: offspring tokes are fantastic
NullOfSpace: cards can enter the graveyard too though
freshmaker__: I think that's because cards *can* actually leave other zones... unlike enters.
fele_of_Cardmarket: OMG the baby tokens are sooo cute!
abslomdaak42: smol
CoffeeTime88: Smol <3
Creideiki_SE: When we get leaves, we also need eats and shoots.
TheDevil_Risen: just a smol guy!
TXC2: I want WotC to make a set with no ETBs, just to see if they can ;p
NewtyNewts: they just wee
LRRMTG_Judge: @revhologram no, it will not see it pharma2Vial
superdude097: Personally, I've been doing just "Enters" mentally for a long time so I guess I'm lucky
LRRMTG_Judge: @revhologram It does not, since it's not on the battlefield when the fourth mana was spent on a spell - Natedogg
TallynNyntyg: I love the token of Manifold Mouse.
Grinnin_Gin: serge not talking about how mana burn went away smh
super731: carrot cake has the best art
TheWormbo: offsprings still have the same manacost as their characteristic, right?
TheWarbo: that's because things can "leave your graveyard" but don't "enter your graveyard" (they "are put into your graveyard"
friedrichk95: girlcr1ButterflyL girlcr1Wolfheart girlcr1ButterflyR
Nydestroyer: best thing about arena is going to be having all the offspring tokens
The_cake_of_lies: And the same mana value which they have a handy reminder for
MillerDark: What's the mana value of an offspring token?
TallynNyntyg: 'Cuz it's so adorable, dancing with knives.
Jostech: @lrrmtg_judge if you copy a spell that you already have gifted a thing for, will you gain the additional ability on the copy? Or do you have to Gift on the copy aswell?
Spades_Slicc: How much of a pain is it gonna be to get a couple copies of all the offspring tokens?
teejayrivers: @TXC2 With no Es you mean? Kappa
Bugberry: @Dread_Pirate_Westley it's been Mana Value since Strixhaven, replaced CMC.
TXC2: TheWormbo yes
Grinnin_Gin: show me that box art plz
mweepigeon: @NullOfSpace they do not. on every magic card ever, enters only referred to the battlefield. for the graveyard, they die, or they are put into your graveyard
TallynNyntyg: @MillerDark The MV of the parent.
Nydestroyer: I hope the custom art cards on arena have custom offspring
CodenameJD: I want to have something with offspring and eternalize, get a 1/1 and a 4/4
niccus: hey now, they tried with MH3! they're just cast triggers...
revhologram: @LRRMTG_Judge thanks!
benjamin_wheeler: leaves can be used for other zones, but thatโ€™s not a great argument for practicality when it comes to newer/less invested players not understanding cards
ThisCatHasSeenGod subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months, currently on a 65 month streak!
ThisCatHasSeenGod: Oh no, the tokens are too cute.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThisCatHasSeenGod! (Today's storm count: 46)
Vampyre_Lord: have there been any rules text that talk about "entering a graveyard" or any other zone? i think its always been "is put into" right? so "enters" only referring to the battlefield isnt that weird,right?
GredGredmansson: @TheWormbo correct, they are copies of the original card except they are 1/1s. copies of cards have the same cost of what they copy.
Porsgaard81: I cannot get over how cute the mechanic "offspring" is. It's just perfect.
Alex_Frostfire: Interestingly, only Season of the Burrow (the White one) can have targets on the stack.
KaleidoscopeMind: judge fight!
IbunWest: @txc2 Technically speaking all future sets will only have Es instead of ETBs lrrBEEJ
LRRMTG_Judge: @MillerDark Same as the original creature. The offspring token has the same mana cost (and thus mana value) as the original creature - Natedogg
ZealousCrow: Did I miss drafting?
TXC2: Hello past Graham
Bugberry: People didn't make a fuss when Shuffles was shortened, so I imagine Leaves will be the same.
RokuNalaar: Wow, starting with judge showdown
ExpeditionToGamesEnd subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ExpeditionToGamesEnd! (Today's storm count: 47)
josh___something: For complete clarity, let's say you've cast a 5 drop with expend 4. Does a second spell activate the expend? Or will it only activate "expend 6(and up)" abilities? lrrJUDGE
QTL7: oh boy it's that time already?
LRRMTG_Judge: @Jostech Copies of spells do remember what additional costs were paid, so yes, it will know the gift needs to be given.
methodical_monk: I'm over the hill!
UltraVioletVodoo: love that sweater g
Orxolon: crack a kit!
GredGredmansson: @Vampyre_Lord No, they are always "put into"
richi_198: tu
BITs19_: I love that shirt
richi_198: estas?
NewtyNewts: No pack opening vid?
flatluigi: @ZealousCrow only sealed at pprs
invalidCards: @ZealousCrow Nop, just the rules
TeacherSeanTV: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Larkonus: The tear strip worked all the way through!
fele_of_Cardmarket: @TXC2 lorewise it should be a plane that is completely self contained cut off from the rest of the multiverse so no-one can leave or enter!
Gaz_L: side effect of subathon, we know exactly when Graham shot this
TheDevil_Risen: Crack a Kit Alert!
WhiteWizard42: @CodenameJD Zinnia and Scarab God can do that to any creature
TehAmelie: Graham has become a videotape!
richi_198: y
RokuNalaar: @josh___something Only 6 and up
TheDevil_Risen: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Splash4Mirrodin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Splash4Mirrodin! (Today's storm count: 48)
The_cake_of_lies: I love the packaging art for this set
Swaggerstickbyaah: In it for the cute animals on the box alone
TXC2: fele_of_Cardmarket cool idea, but that was Ixalan
QuasarAnts: Is there no Judge Video this time around with Serge and Nelson?
MTGRanger: @The_cake_of_lies all of the art is just... so good
ZealousCrow: @flatluigi ty, and sorry I meant deckbuilding
grizzlybeer40 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, grizzlybeer40! (Today's storm count: 49)
TallynNyntyg: QUICK!
Diabore: code!
BrowneePoints: probably no cracking vid cuz subathon was this week
TheLawlzFTW: LUL
invalidCards: enjoy lmao
ipoddodd: NOTED
00gogo00: lmao
BrowneePoints: same for judge vid
notthepenguins: lmao
bertezbertezbertezbertez: think the skull counter is actually a finality counter
Sarah_Serinde: QuasarAnts No, they were very busy with a subathon right before this
MurphEP: Go go go
fele_of_Cardmarket: @TXC2 damn it...
gameboy350: will it even be active yet lmao
TXC2: QuasarAnts sadly no, Sereg just did it him self
aussie_rob_w: who
Gaz_L: @QuasarAnts sadly no, G and Serge just went over the mechanics live
teddywhosabear: who was fastest on their screenshot
TXC2: *serge
Sage0fMadness: @fele_of_Cardmarket "E doesn't work on this plane"
LarkSachrosis: Would that code even be live yet?
Y2A_Alkis: Ohh, Rottenouth Viper
senorhowdy: Snek
TotallyNotaBeholder: fish
Diabore: feesh
everybody1982: @gameboy350 Not yet
alikaoz: Fairly sure those were finality counters
thedepthandbreadthofseth: little gys! so many little guys!
msartivisual: oooohhh the foilyness
TXC2: the Arena code wont be live yet
phoenixfeather14: feesh!
aussie_rob_w: that's a good point it might not be active yet, so hold onto the screenshot!
gaia_arcade: I'm so excited for all the bat cards cause they're my favorite in magic!
TheLawlzFTW: Clap
LRRMTG_Judge: @josh___something expend abilities triggers only when that mana of mana spent is hit and is not retroactive. so if it was not around to see it, it will have to wait until next turn to try again. pharma2Vial
Kendo_thorn: canโ€™t believe the code is still just for packs and not a sealed ticketโ€ฆoh wait WOTC is greedy af so this isnโ€™t surprising at all
HLP_The_E: @Sage0fMadness are you sure
00gogo00: are there no art cards in this set's play boosters?
TXC2: "thanks past me"
Orxolon: thanks me!
invalidCards: and then the darkness
aussie_rob_w: goodbye Graham
Lordofironstorm: Are there still list cards in Play Boosters? Those wildly affect the format for the worse, imo
MikeProvencher: @00gogo00 There are.
KustarKnight: void
brieandbacon: !picnic
senorhowdy: Uhhhhh
teejayrivers: kojPausechamp
BaconL0rdes: void
super731: v o i d
msartivisual: Bye past Graham
gameboy350: Season of darkness
TheM8: void!
Halinn: Hello darkness my old friend
rasterscan: Goodbye forever
Walla_tv: ?
BSengenYT: by everyone!
MrSarkhan: lrrHERE
TXC2: Gaze in the abyss
GreatWahooney: lrrFINE
froschizero: F Kappa
senorhowdy: We have entered the void
Purestorm_: Wait, no unboxing reaction montage this time? Sad
aussie_rob_w: ebloomFine
sharker037: Hello darkness my old frind
invalidCards: there we are
MTGRanger: lrrHERE
That1GuyBen: brain was wondering why there was no deckbuild video and then i remembered the subathon just ended
juuzou00: Is it just me or are the deck building vids getting shorter and shorter
TheM8: Hello!
Derekwillis: Oh god I'm alone with my thoughts!
as_ever_ellesandra: @lordofironstorm no they phased that out
theneatestburrito: and thatโ€™s it!
Orxolon: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! Have you ever been on a horse before?
singinnonsense: video was too short :P
patrick_stonecrusher: Calm
DidacticDad: does anyone else have a delay on their audio?
Danecookiemonster: Pew
grotesqueri3: darkness, imprisonning me
TXC2: Hello Nelson, Adam and Serge
alikaoz: Thanks for coming everyone
LibraryWitchKei: I'm die thank you forever
00gogo00: @MikeProvencher why weren't they in the video?
coolbond: panic?
superdude097: Judge fight!
tetsuoooooooooo: more liek blackburrow
fanofmosteverything9: Yay, we're out of the calamity beast's stomach!
Radjack: lrrHERE
Spades_Slicc: Careful about showing chat the ppr arena codes, might get a bad case of the pinkertons
CodenameJD: Thought it broke on my end for a second
super731: froge nelson
Gekyouryuu: @00gogo00 art cards for the past few sets aren't guaranteed in a pack and randomly show up sometimes in place of either a land or token, iirc
Patron_of_the_Moon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Alex_Frostfire: Judge fight!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Patron_of_the_Moon! (Today's storm count: 50)
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Adam, the light in the darkness
loufghyslaufey: I suspected Duskmourn creeping in?
LRRMTG_Judge: @Lordofironstorm there are no list cards in the playboosters anymore. Special Guests replace the list cards. pharma2Vial
RaginCaucaJhin: silence
TXC2: DidacticDad seems ok here
Jundinator: JUDGE FIGHT
josh___something: Hi weasel adam
ducksoup10: Toe Beans!
LRRbot: Season of Gathering [4GG] | Sorcery | Choose up to five {P} worth of modes. You may choose the same mode more than once. / {P} โ€” Put a +1/+1 counter on a creature you control. It gains vigilance and โ€ฆ
Lily the Otter: pawses?
Tiellae Kitsune: pawsen
Dustin King: paws-es
Jack Bross: Important to note that itโ€™s the paws that refreshes
David Hearnden: reminds me of migloz
Dustin King: when carrot cake enters I eat
digiman619: I love how hyped the rabbits in the art of Carrot Cake are
Greys N. Owman: Weโ€™ll get used to it soon
Astrovore: I bristled when I first read about the templating change, but I think I'm getting used to it now
Jack Bross: Enters has entered the chat
SmithKurosaki: @Astrovore I'm a little out of the loop on mtg these days. What changed?
Lily the Otter: pwewewease
Greys N. Owman: Enters the battlefield is now just enters
digiman619: If nothing else, we never use the word enters for any card going to any zone other than the battlefield, so it makes sense
Astrovore: The rules haven't changed, but "Enters the battlefield" is now just "Enters"
Rob McKenzie: "Enters the battlefield" has become just "enters" on new cards, which will change the oracle text of old cards shortly.
digiman619: It's like how "Add [mana] to your mana pool" got shortened to just "Add [mana]"
SmithKurosaki: Thanks chat :)
David Hearnden: honestly, I would've really liked a video like this before my first pre-release
SmithKurosaki: Right? My first one was very 'wtf am I doing?'
Lily the Otter: nice
Lily the Otter: the darkness
lilldiesel: man, they really were busy
TeeElBayBay: oh no everyone died
Cheshire Creeper: The darkโ€ฆ
Ozy: hello darkness my old friend
TheOnlyOrk: void
SmithKurosaki: The void is a nice break
VanIsleWhimsy: okay so I'm not the only one who saw that lol
TheOnlyOrk: adam! <3
cameron hall: running through Scryfall in advance. How is Brightblade Stoat an uncommon??
VanIsleWhimsy: hi guys! best of luck!
pipshardfour: would have loved a live sealed pool build those are always a lot of fun to watch
fungal_bird: J u d g e f i g h t
GredGredmansson: @DidacticDad no try refreshing
fishjellyfishjelly: no live deck building?
00gogo00: @Gekyouryuu ah nice
thedepthandbreadthofseth: lrrFINE lrrHERE lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Tarnius: Yes, Redwall!
Sarah_Serinde: I never watched Redwall but I devoured the books
brieandbacon: There were SHOWS?!
PixelArtDragon: Did I miss deckbuilding?
Riverbirdman: Judge fight! Judge fight!
Grinnin_Gin: Nelson looking in peak form today
Lordofironstorm: EUALIA!!!
flatluigi: furries
dasdardly: watership down lite
DidacticDad: thanks Iโ€™ll tey
aussie_rob_w: i didn't even know there were redwall shows.
razorswift: peoplemals
Bugberry: I didn't realize there were 22 books in the Redwall series
seathblood: ffffurries <3
fele_of_Cardmarket: Bloomburrow Judge Tower let's go!
TheLawlzFTW: people animals NODDERS
Icarus865: lrrCrab Redwall set redwall set
Aneranium: chat, I missing the beginning. are they doing giveaways today?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
DidacticDad: try*
James_the_Dabbler: I loved the Nihm series growing up
GredGredmansson: @Sarah_Serinde please don't eat the delicious books
aussie_rob_w: Woo-arlia!
ZealousCrow: Redwall, mouseguard, give me little people animals
Grinnin_Gin: But Adam, there's so much value in this set.
Voidhawk42: Redwall = Game of Thrones with fluff
Sarah_Serinde: @Aneranium Yes
TXC2: Aneranium yes
DerangedChickn: JUDGE EM OUT
GreatWahooney: at least they're not in jars
Alas_Babylon: Secret of NIHM is The Good Bus
pipshardfour: yes doing giveaways
Pharmacistjudge: If you want little critters going to WAR, then yes, Redwall.
Senseiwoo: The Offspring are too cute.
RixtonSnek: "furries"
vinopinguino: adam, this will warm your cold heart
PixelArtDragon: Legally-distinct Redwall
iris_of_ether: I love Secret of NIMH
Bugberry: Adam didn't grow up with Fieval Goes West
tipulsar85: Adam not a fan of Zootopia?
00gogo00: folk
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man: i perfer watership down
hd_dabnado: animalfolk
WishyWashyofSaddleArabia: FURRIES
senorhowdy: Ori and the Blind Forest gang rise up
Bugberry: Animalfolk
00gogo00: animalfolk
frostownik: animalfolk?
Sarah_Serinde: @GredGredmansson But they have so much delicious food in them!
TXC2: DerangedChickn easy on the all caps please
NonUniqueGuy: People animals
Alas_Babylon: animalfolk
CodenameJD: Animeeple
PixelArtDragon: Needs more abbeys
RandomTrivia: Heh, gottem
RedNightmare7: Is it surprisingly dark in Redwall despite the animals. That'll get Adam on board
odmaco: Anyone else's stream keep freezing?
James_the_Dabbler: Animalfolk
tehcrashxor: Watership Down
Jturbobanana: Anthropomorphized animals
Redpandarama: f u r r i e s
Marvoleath: Animalfolk is the term used by Magic
SmithKurosaki: Animalfolk, Anthros....
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun Focus is a bit off <3
grizzlybeer40: All the Gen Z ppl are confused
josh___something: Furries works Kappa
BrowneePoints: Redwall is Realistic European Fantasy but with Anthro Animals
LowUpsideCJ: Characters having a hard time is adam's motif in general
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @TheDevil_Risen yup, Adam is soft
todeswillen: Furries
super731: little guys dot deck
Lycodrake: little guys
LiveFaust: Critterfolk?
Shadowsoflife: anthros?
BrowneePoints: also Mouse Guard
Mehayo: The Folk. We call them The Folk.
IncindiumX: bong rare
Obos_TAB: damn did nelson get farmered?
rasterscan: !card bristlebud
LRRbot: Bristlebud Farmer [2GG] | Creature โ€” Plant Druid [5/5] | Trample / When Bristlebud Farmer enters the battlefield, create two Food tokens. / Whenever Bristlebud Farmer attacks, you may sacrifice a Food. If you do, mill three cards. You may put a permanent card from among them into your hand.
odmaco: Little guys dot set
Technotrout: Adam is such a Dour Port-Mage :D
Jon_CoffeeRobot: thank you!
IaCthulhuFthagn: I remember Redwall as having an at times uncomfortable amount of fantasy racism...
ladyjessica: just call them furries you cowards.
RandomTrivia: Yep, that was from OTJ
Grinnin_Gin: TWO pprs ago
odmaco: Let's play!
razorswift: otj is already 2 pprs ago ;)
RandomTrivia: Or rather, one of the subsets that were also in that set
Walla_tv: bill?
TXC2: Brisstly Bill ?
Icarus865: Bristly Bill?
GFreeGamer: From the vault
TheDevil_Risen: @Jon_CoffeeRobot glad its not just my eyes at 3:30am :D
James_the_Dabbler: This guy doesn't know bristlebud farmer
GredGredmansson: that was on the Big Score wasn't it
lyricthepossum: You're allowed to say furries it works too
UrielAngelSpy: Anthropomorphized mammals and amphibians is much easier to say.
mexgirlmindy: The word they are looking for is Furry
richi_198: piano vision
00gogo00: oh that one
CodenameJD: Too many cards
00gogo00: that one is silly
mexgirlmindy: Furries
senorhowdy: That was good ol' Bill
PixelArtDragon: These aren't actually anthropomorphic, they're just bipedal and sapient
ZealousCrow: WHAT
rasterscan: Why the fuck is it a 4 mana 5/5 trample that draws you stuff
dasdardly: close
Dread_Pirate_Westley: 4 mana 5/5 with trample is already too much.
Wa_Pox: @GredGredmansson yes it was
loufghyslaufey: am as lost as anyone here
h3rsh3yb4r: !card bristlebud farmer
LRRbot: Bristlebud Farmer [2GG] | Creature โ€” Plant Druid [5/5] | Trample / When Bristlebud Farmer enters the battlefield, create two Food tokens. / Whenever Bristlebud Farmer attacks, you may sacrifice a Food. If you do, mill three cards. You may put a permanent card from among them into your hand.
Bugberry: !card bristly bill
LRRbot: Bristly Bill, Spine Sower [1G] | Legendary Creature โ€” Plant Druid [2/2] | Landfall โ€” Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. / {3}{G}{G}: Double the number of +1/+1 counters on each creature you control.
ZealousCrow: That's amazing anyway
jazzfox subscribed with Prime.
super731: gottem
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jazzfox! (Today's storm count: 51)
rasterscan: Why the fuck is MTG in 2024 so pushed with every card?
MurphEP: Thank you, Judge Wheeler
Grinnin_Gin: thank you judge wheeler
TheLawlzFTW: akshually
That1GuyBen: Adam looking completely nonplussed
dpj2009: Um actually
super731: double gottem
vinopinguino: dang wheeler
loufghyslaufey: REL:AXed, anyone?
JaymicUnyielding: I'm sad the pool-opening video isn't in here... my favorite part of the ppr
ninja_theory_ashrams: I move that we only refer to them as "Little People Animals" or "LPA's" for short
Alas_Babylon: @rasterscan Because otherwise no one would play creatures
The_cake_of_lies: Wow already a game loss Kappa
fele_of_Cardmarket: lots of good bristles in OTJ
boorango: greetings
Alas_Babylon: @rasterscan I'm not even kidding, that's pretty much what they want us to do
ExachixKitsune: Praise Judge Wheeler. largely because I am afraid of him
razorswift: yung follow
TXC2: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
grizzlybeer40: Wheeler > Trudeau
Grinnin_Gin: I'm surprised Wheeler didn't win that dice roll
gameboy350: Minor card stats mistake. Judge: crush him.
Sandeon: what did Nelly roll?
GredGredmansson: Nelly on Bats
imthegrnranger subscribed with Prime.
Daemyx: samuelcasting
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, imthegrnranger! (Today's storm count: 52)
Icarus865: Oh these deck names are the actual best holy crud
jevinmor: hyped!
BSengenYT subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BSengenYT! (Today's storm count: 53)
TheWarbo: Rules Enforcement Level may be low, but the Offhand Card Rememberign Level is very strict
rasterscan: @Alas_Babylon Green has always been so solid tho
teejayrivers: Samuel casting crystaPog
RokuNalaar: Wait, getting humbled and THEN playing magic? I've been doing this all wrong
Sage0fMadness: @HLP_The_E I don't make the rules Kappa
LRRbot: Mudflat Village | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add {B}. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell. / {1}{B}, {T}, Sacrifice Mudflat Village: Return target Bat, Lizard, Rat, or Squirrel card from your graveyard to your hand.
mastershake29x: @JaymicUnyielding am sure it wlll be back for next PPR
Alas_Babylon: @rasterscan ... yeah, about that...
Orxolon: today we are playing tournament like?
00gogo00: the uncommon monoclor lands are cool
winstondarktide: muddy buddy
dpj2009: Writes down creatures
LRRbot: Uncharted Haven | Land | Uncharted Haven enters the battlefield tapped. / As Uncharted Haven enters the battlefield, choose a color. / {T}: Add one mana of the chosen color.
wingless85 subscribed with Prime.
arboreal_blazer: I'm watching on YouTube in the TV with my sister and on twitch on my phone to give accurate viewer numbers
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wingless85! (Today's storm count: 54)
Artificer_Evan: the thick dice show up on the camera better.
00gogo00: Idk if any of them are constructed playable tho
Orxolon: Did Serge drar?
grizzlybeer40: Wheeler made me like gingers
Orxolon: *draw
Alas_Babylon: @rasterscan Put it this way: they printed essentially a 4 mana 6/6 with upside in Ixalan and it *still* saw no play
fele_of_Cardmarket: I love cool lands and I cannot lie
GredGredmansson: it is going to choose? how did you know what color it chose serge
LRRbot: Agate-Blade Assassin [1B] | Creature โ€” Lizard Assassin [1/3] | Whenever Agate-Blade Assassin attacks, defending player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
BrowneePoints: @pixelartdragon I feel thatโ€™s being very pedantic about what Anthro means
IaCthulhuFthagn: Strictly worse thriving land!
kevsta47: As a YouTube Premium subscriber, is it better for y'all if I watch over there?
Lordofironstorm: A-get
GredGredmansson: Aggit
senorhowdy: A gate
super731: a singular gate
SpiffGames: aggit
00gogo00: Ay-gate
Frostwriter111: AGG-it
fungal_bird: Aggit
vegetalss4: Another of cycle of these is sweet
ipoddodd: aggit
josh___something: Aggit
Pharmacistjudge: a shuffleless evolving wilds
Alas_Babylon: Aggit
Boomyakalolo: ag git
BrowneePoints: Ah git
teejayrivers: Agg-it?
baneless27: i thought he said 8-8 lol
Grinnin_Gin: a-ga-te
fanofmosteverything9: Agatรฉ-Bladรฉ
odmaco: Wow 2 decks playing the worst color in the set
arboreal_blazer: Aggit
anonarat: Ah-gate
PhuzNutz: It's a rock
ZealousCrow: a-get, it's a rock
razorswift: A gate
msartivisual: Ahh, gat it
Larkonus: Thank you, Judge Wheeler.
TheWarbo: Agg-it is a gem.
NewtyNewts: Egg-it?
vinopinguino: lol how many judge wheeler heres are we going to get?
kevsta47: Aah-get
Swaggerstickbyaah: its the stone agate
arboreal_blazer: Agates are rocks
brningpyre: We love judge Wheeler
niccus: yall ever enter tapped
James_the_Dabbler: Hmm that's not a bat
fele_of_Cardmarket: Agade Lizzassin
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
dasdardly: agate soul cauldron
finestotter: Enables everyones favorite mechanic Freerunning
TheWarbo: or stoen or something
GredGredmansson: bnuuy
teddywhosabear: bnuuy!
teejayrivers: bunbun crystaPog
RandomTrivia: Bunny! benginLove
TheDevil_Risen: 10/10 Serge
MTGRanger: bnuuy!
That1GuyBen: oh this card is gonna kill people
ladylinzington: bunner!
Ritaspirithntr: tqsSmug
gameboy350: bnunby
super731: what a good fren
James_the_Dabbler: Bnuuy
BrowneePoints: the art is SO GOOD
MurphEP: Floppy eared bear
LiveFaust: Agรกtรฉ
Mehayo: @odmaco Based on what? This is the first anyone outside WOTC is playing the set.
Pharmacistjudge: Hold on...isn't that a Selesnya Guildmage?
acolossalsquid: It's little animal people!
flatluigi: @odmaco this is literally the first time the cards are getting played with publicly, you can't make that call that early lmao. it's also sealed
TheLawlzFTW: LUL
janMelantu: itโ€™s a mini-evoker
IbunWest: hang on that rabbit is neither a bird not a beat
drroxorphd: Got em!
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Easilycrazyhat: Bearly a rabbit
TheWormbo: Upside Rabbit
ipoddodd: good bit
booplesnootlovesyou: bnuuy
mexgirlmindy: Furries
kijata: rabbear
ZealousCrow: bear sized rabbit wow
shaneandkk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 67 months!
Pharmacistjudge: !card Selesnya guidlmage
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shaneandkk! (Today's storm count: 55)
GredGredmansson: @odmaco source on this being the worst color
Icarus865: lrrJUDGE Serge's opponent burned him
LRRbot: Shrike Force [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [1/3] | Flying, double strike, vigilance
RandomTrivia: !birb
LRRbot: Peck your beak!
00gogo00: shrike force is great
TheLawlzFTW: Marvel shrike force
GredGredmansson: CACAW
LRRMTG_Judge: @acolossalsquid Guildmage had 4 mana to make a token as well, which was the real good ability.๐Ÿฐ
00gogo00: I love this card
James_the_Dabbler: What IS this
fanofmosteverything9: Delicious keyword soup.
Alex_Frostfire: It's a shrike force.
notthepenguins: bro
aitsu100: Blahaj
DerangedChickn: love shrike force
razorswift: shrike force one
vinopinguino: real good bird
tehfewl: its a Shrike
Bugberry: And a Knight
TXC2: I need this for Odric
jazzfox: Birbs plural =V
ZealousCrow: 3 power double strike lmao
randombillfolds: Cacawcaw.
TheBloodsparrow: okay I was having trouble chatting on YouTube so I came here to say this, Serge says, โ€œIโ€™m an excellent counter.โ€ I say to my screen, โ€œWell thatโ€™s great because you make a terrible window.โ€
Dread_Pirate_Westley: 1/3 stat-line-al?
LRRbot: Fountainport | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice a token: Draw a card. / {3}, {T}, Pay 1 life: Create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token. / {4}, {T}: Create a Treasure token.
RandomTrivia: That bird wears swords very well
senorhowdy: Isn't Sword of Fire and Ice in the set? Could you equip that with it?
couchboyj: It's a knight, cacaw m'lord
thedepthandbreadthofseth: it's bird nighthawk
Dmc3628: sure does
hd_dabnado: TRADING POST
GredGredmansson: Newtopia!
Bugberry: There is some nice equipment in this set for that bird to hold
seathblood: ono the sacrificial fountain for children
00gogo00: fountainport is hot
fele_of_Cardmarket: The fountain makes fish?
kynelwynn: I's a baby Zetalpa
flatluigi: fountport, where the fountain meets the sea
kijata: trading post on a land?
IronLucario2012: Oh hey, Mini-Zetalpa!
pipshardfour: or the Stoat
JDMan94: Trading Land
Mal2mad: Double strike and vigilance?!
RandomTrivia: Trading Fountain
BrowneePoints: Trading Croak!
TXC2: hd_dabnado BrowneePoints easy on the all caps there please
ChickenManPhil: fountainport's flavor is interesting
super731: little baby trading post
TheBloodsparrow: oooooh
seathblood: 2 tap kill a child: draw a card
trevorwisn: love that trading post
ChickenManPhil: Do they sacrifice their children?
logophile99: do you know what a shrike does to cute widdle animals IRL
gameboy350: what if mirrex could block
tehfewl: its giving trading post
IaCthulhuFthagn: I love the idea of using the second ability to sac a clue.
James_the_Dabbler: @logophile99 Shrikes them
TXC2: !card mirrex
LRRbot: Mirrex | Land โ€” Sphere | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. Activate only if Mirrex entered the battlefield this turn. / {3}, {T}: Create a 1/1 colorless Phyrexian Mite artifact creature token with toxic 1 and "This creature can't block."
LRRbot: Nocturnal Hunger [2B] | Instant | Gift a Food / Destroy target creature. If the gift wasn't promised, you lose 2 life.
alikaoz: @super731 you can trade a baby for a card, yes
Mars_romangodofwar: The princess auto reference!!
TheLawlzFTW: gifts Pog
Ukon_Cairns: huh, also two token making abilities to feed the card draw ability
PJ VC: the screen was blacker than my exgf's heart
Carlos: oh no i almost got the arena code hahaha
Greys N. Owman: Itโ€™s always relevant to specify if the promo is playable or not, as that changes set to set
Lily the Otter: ah, no live deckbuild or box opening compilation
gogt200: Everyone loves the furry set.
Jazzfoxrules: Good gosh the intro was great, lets see how this goes, all in on BloomBurrow animal dorbs!
Lily the Otter: just say furries
Partytime: Anthropomorphic is the word
Pharmacistjudge: I default to say critters
SmithKurosaki: I liked twitch's suggestion of Animalfolk
Matt Brown: My tail is wagging for this set
Lily the Otter: animalfolk is what the story calls them, yeah
Tiellae Kitsune: that's here!
Lily the Otter: HIIII
A Dance In Yellow: high roll is making me think of zelda
Astrovore: I understand the reason why but I do miss the pack opening montage. They're always excellently edited
LRRbot: Mudflat Village | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add {B}. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell. / {1}{B}, {T}, Sacrifice Mudflat Village: Return target Bat, Lizard, Rat, or Squirrel card from yโ€ฆ
Lily the Otter: so muddy
LRRbot: Uncharted Haven | Land | Uncharted Haven enters the battlefield tapped. / As Uncharted Haven enters the battlefield, choose a color. / {T}: Add one mana of the chosen color.
LRRbot: Agate-Blade Assassin [1B] | Creature โ€” Lizard Assassin [1/3] | Whenever Agate-Blade Assassin attacks, defending player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
Lily the Otter: ag-it
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
Lily the Otter: BNUUY!
gogt200: Bun Bun!
Lily the Otter: rabbear
drigerslash: Bunner
LRRbot: Shrike Force [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [1/3] | Flying, double strike, vigilance
MagicExpress: RABBEAR
Simon De La Cruz: Love from Philippines! ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ญ
MagicExpress: Bird=good
Lily the Otter: thats a good bird
LRRbot: Fountainport | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice a token: Draw a card. / {3}, {T}, Pay 1 life: Create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token. / {4}, {T}: Create a Treasure token.
MagicExpress: Is fountain port not cracked?
Lily the Otter: there's a couple of equipment in red/white, so it seems good in that deck
Greys N. Owman: Trading Post on a land
LRRbot: Nocturnal Hunger [2B] | Instant | Gift a Food / Destroy target creature. If the gift wasn't promised, you lose 2 life.
fanofmosteverything9: Serge the Stingy
Dromos_GHG: @loadingreadyrun how hard to get each players animalfolk art on screen with them? like in the corner of their player window.
josh___something: No gift, dang...
fele_of_Cardmarket: first blood...
kynelwynn: Serge stingy, no gifts given
ipoddodd: serge, notable party pooper with NO Gifts
tehfewl: Any Nocturnal Hungerer's in chat?
djalternative: that was a..... gift ungiven
rasterscan: Is that strictly worse murder?
LRRbot: Lifecreed Duo [1W] | Creature โ€” Bat Bird [1/2] | Flying / Whenever another creature you control enters, you gain 1 life.
TheLawlzFTW: @tehfewl 1
Bugberry: There are some Bat cards that want you to lose life on your turn, so it can be good to not gift with that card sometimes.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @tehfewl In a few hours, maybe.
super731: bat fren
TXC2: flying guild of souls Kappa
Kamotetop: !uptime
benjamin_wheeler: strictly different Murder
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 33:48.
Lordofironstorm: The flavor text on the duos cycle is so good
Gaz_L: Nelly's playing flying bird-men
The_cake_of_lies: With great flavor tet
TXC2: *gilde
The_cake_of_lies: *text
TheBloodsparrow: @dromos_ghg I second that request for animal avatars on screen if possible
Shadowsoflife: flying soul warding?!
fanofmosteverything9: Nana nana nana nana, Bat Bird!
rasterscan: @benjamin_wheeler fair
flatluigi: @rasterscan in commander, you can gift a player other than the one you're using the spell on
Orxolon: Forrest?
LRRbot: Three Tree Rootweaver [1G] | Creature โ€” Mole Druid [1/3] | {T}: Add one mana of any color.
razorswift: MOLE
DerangedChickn: @rasterscan less color-intensive
acolossalsquid: Does it get double flying if it's two flying creatures?
ipoddodd: 2 mana dork of the set spotted
rasterscan: @flatluigi Ohhhh, interesting.
ChickenManPhil: a one/tree :o
Jethrain: did somebody say moles??
BrowneePoints: da mole!
grizzlybeer40: @benjamin_wheeler will you run for PM?
hd_dabnado: there is also one skunk
flatluigi: @ipoddodd there's actually a few different mana dorks
GredGredmansson: I think this is the only mole in the set
TXC2: Lordosis gives them big booties Kappa
benjamin_wheeler: Moley moley moley
RandomTrivia: sergeMoly
baneless27: mole............
Bugberry: Second Mole mana dork in Standard.
OldUncleDan: I know it isn't an Angel, but that Lifecreed duo would seem perfect for an Angel deck.
foopoiuyt: That's a lot of druids.
TheBloodsparrow: Iโ€™m just here for the raccoons!
James_the_Dabbler: Holey Moley
rogue6119: Nice birds and bats!
BorgarWithAShotgun: we now need a mole mauler
fele_of_Cardmarket: Now we know who was the mole...
TXC2: ZealousCrow easy on the all caps please
PixelArtDragon: Maybe instead of it having big booty, say it has a large tail?
fanofmosteverything9: Taps for any color, but the downside is that it's a non-relevant creature type.
TheOnlyOrk: MOLE
TheLawlzFTW: fish farm
Nouxatar: I do think there's actually a strictly better Murder in this set?
JoeSubject: My man Fred Savage
DerangedChickn: @Nouxatar that one's a sorcery
ChickenManPhil: @TheBloodsparrow I really hope my pr gives me enough of them
GredGredmansson: @Nouxatar 2 mana sorcery speed murder
TheBloodsparrow: of crows?
Gaz_L: @TheBloodsparrow #Run with us...#
LRRbot: Starseer Mentor [3WB] | Creature โ€” Bat Warlock [3/5] | Flying, vigilance / At the beginning of your end step, if you gained or lost life this turn, target opponent loses 3 life unless they sacrifice a nonland permanent or discard a card.
Nouxatar: No, the other one
BrowneePoints: that art!
ZealousCrow: @TXC2 sry just memeing
ravenlord_xix: Gotta break out the Atlantis The Lost Empire Mole memes
Nouxatar: not Fell
razorswift: this is truly a blocker's paradise
Purestorm_: Blinky!
teejayrivers: BAT
BrowneePoints: the bat deck looks REAL good
Sage0fMadness: Serge is dazzled by the star booties
AllTheWeasels: oh this kills the Serge
Tz_BG: Nelson needs High Alert
acolossalsquid: That's a good bat
razorswift: also Blinky!
TheOnlyOrk: oh that's scary
TXC2: ChickenManPhil easy on the all caps please
CaptnCheesebeard: @Nouxatar It's called Fell.
janMelantu: serge youโ€™re playing against Orzhov aka big booty dot deck
vinopinguino: damn that bat is good
rasterscan: Starseer is so oppressive.
RokuNalaar: This truly is the Pixar set, I guess
RandomTrivia: Nice little Torment there
maclenrac: Torment
fanofmosteverything9: Aurax and Blinky have aligned.
ChickenManPhil: @TXC2 ok sorry
JDMan94: Yeah bats seem so fun
TheBloodsparrow: @chickenmanphil same I wanna make a deck with my fancy bois from New Capena
TheLawlzFTW: mentor is batty Kappa
Swaggerstickbyaah: Nicol Batlas
IbunWest: That is a very strong uncommon
Bugberry: All of the Mentors look really good.
LRRbot: Druid of the Spade [2G] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Druid [2/3] | As long as you control a token, Druid of the Spade gets +2/+0 and has trample.
Purestorm_: Orzhov bats seems pretty good
Orxolon: i love what black and white is doing
LRRbot: Feather of Flight [1W] | Enchantment โ€” Aura | Flash / Enchant creature / When Feather of Flight enters, draw a card. / Enchanted creature gets +1/+0 and has flying.
grotesqueri3: shovel...
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @CaptnCheesebeard There's a better Hero's downfall that gets discounted by B if a condition is met. Don't remember what it's called.
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
maclenrac: Main phase flash
fele_of_Cardmarket: wowsa
fanofmosteverything9: Magic feather!
TheBloodsparrow: those bats tho
protojman: feather of flight is my favorite card of the set
protojman: best art
protojman: great flavor trxt
TXC2: Main phase flash is to pysch people out
acolossalsquid: It looks adorable
Nouxatar: Fell is not strictly better Murder, I'm talking about Feed the Cycle (don't remember how to call the bot)
TXC2: get in their heads
bertezbertezbertezbertez: @protojman this lizard is so into it!
GredGredmansson: !card feed the cycle
LRRbot: Feed the Cycle [1B] | Instant | As an additional cost to cast this spell, forage or pay {B}. / Destroy target creature or planeswalker.
Bugberry: Flash on Main Phase for that Addendum value
rasterscan: !card Feed the Cycle
LRRbot: Feed the Cycle [1B] | Instant | As an additional cost to cast this spell, forage or pay {B}. / Destroy target creature or planeswalker.
Nouxatar: thank you
senorhowdy: Welp that's another card I need for Three Dog
super731: no every thinks of the main phase flash
ipoddodd: playing around the mana tithe
maclenrac: continue
vinopinguino: adamn...
TheBloodsparrow: Main Phase Fish is my next band name
OldUncleDan: "Gain or Lost life this turn" What if you gain and then lose one life in a turn equaling out? Does it still work?
LRRbot: Thistledown Players [2W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Bard [3/3] | Whenever Thistledown Players attacks, untap target nonland permanent.
TheLawlzFTW: @protojman will look great foil
teejayrivers: MOUSE BARD
rasterscan: Oh, Feed the Cycle is literal better murder.
kynelwynn: "Right. Graham's an idiot!" - Adam
GhostValv: a bit of a delightful person :)
benjamin_wheeler: make a little love
GredGredmansson: @OldUncleDan you still gained and lost life, did you not?
jirriki1984: bards get dirty and make offspring
northos: @OldUncleDan yes, it's just checking if either of the events "gained life" or "lost life" happened this turn
CaptnCheesebeard: @OldUncleDan Yes, counts for both.
couchboyj: Nelson is a bit of a GOOD SPORT
TXC2: get down tonight
fele_of_Cardmarket: out of the BRISTLES into the THISTLES?
Alas_Babylon: Flavor text is in iambic pentameter!
JoeSubject: Love the bat and mice cards
protojman: @bertezbertezbertezbertez seriously theyโ€™re so happy ๐Ÿ˜
TheBloodsparrow: Mouse Bard! It me!
BrowneePoints: moonlight sonata is also just a good name for a bat deck
TXC2: teejayrivers easy on the allcaps please
PhoenixPaladin: Life gain triggers
JeysieC: Mouse Bard is the best follow up to Plant Bard from Thunder Junction.
DerangedChickn: ah yes, a mard
Nouxatar: even better than Hero's Downfall, which was already better Murder
OldUncleDan: Cool! Thanks for the cascade of responses.
fanofmosteverything9: A bouse?
SconeforgeMystic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
SconeforgeMystic: Oh hey, a PPR!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SconeforgeMystic! (Today's storm count: 56)
Boomyakalolo: b/w seems strong
LarkSachrosis: The flavor text is in pentameter, I approve.
mumblepunk: mouse bard, love those comics
fele_of_Cardmarket: new best party member. sorry PAW-r-TEY member
maclenrac: Nelson bringing the spice
raijustletmedie: I think serge didn't lose life last time nelly attacked with the soul warden flyer
BrowneePoints: I canโ€™t wait to see the bat deck in draft
Alex_Frostfire: I'm just happy we got a couple Bird Bards.
jjcard: this might be the first prerelease I've done in years. Set looks fun
Lordofironstorm: @LarkSachrosis Iambic pentameter, no less
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL was anyone else annoyed by the way Brian Jacques wrote all the mole's dialog in dialect in the Redwall books? :p
LRRbot: Heirloom Epic [1] | Artifact | {4}, {T}: Draw a card. For each mana in this ability's activation cost, you may tap an untapped creature you control rather than pay that mana. Activate only as a sorcery.
Goboxel: @raijustletmedie I noticed it too
super731: such a cute art
GredGredmansson: Convoke on an ability!
fanofmosteverything9: Convoke on an activated ability!
AllTheWeasels: pretty
BSengenYT: there once was a minotaur,
Bugberry: @raijustletmedie He went from 14 to 11, then discarded to the trigger end of turn.
rasterscan: @LoadingReadyRun I don't remember dislking it, but it's been ages
ipoddodd: Notably, Bards cannot be part of a party, as it's not one of the 4 types
fanofmosteverything9: Heh, Gred beat me to it.
Pharmacistjudge: sorcery convoke is not as good though ><
grotesqueri3: convoke 4 draw a card?
raijustletmedie: @Bugberry no the turn before
teejayrivers: Convoke-like cost
Morgan Nerenberg: Iโ€™m loving Gift so far
LRRbot: Lifecreed Duo [1W] | Creature โ€” Bat Bird [1/2] | Flying / Whenever another creature you control enters, you gain 1 life.
Lily the Otter: Stellaluna!
drigerslash: i think gift is the best commander mechanic made in forever
Lily the Otter: love that they made that reference
LRRbot: Three Tree Rootweaver [1G] | Creature โ€” Mole Druid [1/3] | {T}: Add one mana of any color.
Lily the Otter: theres a couple of creature types that have only a few cards each
Lily the Otter: like mole and weasel
Morgan Nerenberg: It seems like there are lots of mana dorks in this this set
LRRbot: Starseer Mentor [3WB] | Creature โ€” Bat Warlock [3/5] | Flying, vigilance / At the beginning of your end step, if you gained or lost life this turn, target opponent loses 3 life unless they sacrifice โ€ฆ
SmithKurosaki: oooo death and taxes card right thrtr
SmithKurosaki: there*
Lily the Otter: baby's first torment of hailfire
LRRbot: Druid of the Spade [2G] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Druid [2/3] | As long as you control a token, Druid of the Spade gets +2/+0 and has trample.
LRRbot: Feather of Flight [1W] | Enchantment โ€” Aura | Flash / Enchant creature / When Feather of Flight enters, draw a card. / Enchanted creature gets +1/+0 and has flying.
gogt200: Feather of Flight is a great Aura.
Lily the Otter: go on...
LRRbot: Thistledown Players [2W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Bard [3/3] | Whenever Thistledown Players attacks, untap target nonland permanent.
gogt200: This set has such good flavor text!!
Cheshire Creeper: Bats look sick
LRRbot: Heirloom Epic [1] | Artifact | {4}, {T}: Draw a card. For each mana in this ability's activation cost, you may tap an untapped creature you control rather than pay that mana. Activate only as a sorceโ€ฆ
Aria Rose: Is serge playing the group hug bunny deck?
TopHatPeezy: @LoadingReadyRun as a SouthWestern UK person, totally not. Really cute lol
loufghyslaufey: "Show lrrSERGE What You Got, lrrNELSON " lrrHORN lrrHORN
fele_of_Cardmarket: uhhhh convoke ability, nice...
themercenary1987: @LoadingReadyRun Not majorly, but then i grew up in the area of westmidlands farnming in the UK, so i heard that accenty all the time
kynelwynn: read them a beddy time story
mumblepunk: man, remember when people played jayemdae tome?
BrowneePoints: power crept jayemdae tome baby!
LRRbot: Beza, the Bounding Spring [2WW] | Legendary Creature โ€” Elemental Elk [4/5] | When Beza, the Bounding Spring enters, create a Treasure token if an opponent controls more lands than you. You gain 4 life if an opponent has more life than you. Create two 1/1 blue Fish creature tokens if an opponent controls more creatures than you. Draw a card if an opponent has more cards in hand than you.
tehfewl: you put them to sleep
super731: does that trigger the assassin?
TheLawlzFTW: oof
gameslayer013: ELK
PixelArtDragon: Why is this card different from all other cards?
msartivisual: Woww
maclenrac: Bam!!
Alas_Babylon: Does it actually do anything right now?
TheOnlyOrk: uh oh
Dmc3628: the commander all in one
Alas_Babylon: @PixelArtDragon Which one?
IaCthulhuFthagn: If this ability is somehow given a coloured cost, you could still pay it by tapping a colourless creature, right?
Pharmacistjudge: !card arcane encylclopedia
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
acolossalsquid: That one is gorgeous
Sage0fMadness: does Nelly get anything lol
themercenary1987: @themercenary1987 Plus all my family is from somerset, so just reminded me of their accent
RandomTrivia: This Elk looks so incredibly good
niccus: beza for... no... value...?
Purestorm_: Maximum value
fanofmosteverything9: The catchup Calamity Beast.
Lordofironstorm: 4 mana vanilla 4/5 lmao
IbunWest: The big whiff
teejayrivers: 4 mana 4/5 vanilla let's go!
GredGredmansson: that's a nice Chillwind Yeti
Hadouken_lol_catz: just flexing on em with the mythic
margieargie: Swing and a miss!
niccus: 4 mana 4/5 let's go
TXC2: you get nothing, good day sir!
Knightor: ah yes the vanilla mythic 4/5
flatluigi: what about the card draw
Bugberry: Beza is taking pitty on Serge
GredGredmansson: the rich explicitly do NOT get richer
rasterscan: The crazy part is by virtue of being a 4 mana 4/5 this is still solid.
as_ever_ellesandra: Still slaps
CodenameJD: Real talk: card seems... fine. Kinda mediocre
msartivisual: I love Timely Reinforcements, their music never disappoints
kevsta47 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
kevsta47: Agate is a valid word for today's NYT Spelling Bee! 5 points closer to Genius, thanks to Magic: The Gathering and LoadingReadyRun!
TXC2: GredGredmansson if only we had that IRL :p
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kevsta47! (Today's storm count: 57)
Tom_Bruise: the rich just kinda sit there, that's the law of the land
ipoddodd: oh no the mythic only cantripped
dasdardly: "there is one more line of text"
as_ever_ellesandra: Card's busted
Yuguro subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Yuguro! (Today's storm count: 58)
Marvoleath: @CodenameJD much better in multiplayer
rasterscan: @CodenameJD Great for stabilizing in commander.
teejayrivers: Chillwind yeti that draws a card? Value crystaNod
PixelArtDragon: Oh man, gifting a fish or a card so that you get to timely reinforce
Nouxatar: oh yeah this card is Nuts
loufghyslaufey: Card's a ripened Devil's Egg, lrrWHEELER
accountmadeforants: "The Whitest Card You Know Has More Lines Of Text"
RandomTrivia: !birb
fanofmosteverything9: "Behold, a bird!"
AccessKOde: This is going to be a wonderful pre-release.
tehfewl: what is this FF9?
Spades_Slicc: emrakul = bird
GredGredmansson: that's tapped Nelson
RixtonSnek: the bird-bat duo is tapped?
tehfewl: (Thats a joke for 5 people)
Fovulonkiin: yo that was tapped
TheM8: the bat bird is tapped!!!
Lordofironstorm: Temporarily
Valyote: that was tapped, wasn't it?
LRRbot: Fountainport | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice a token: Draw a card. / {3}, {T}, Pay 1 life: Create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token. / {4}, {T}: Create a Treasure token.
Alas_Babylon: Bird Bat is sideways ;-;
OldUncleDan: The Duo cycle are all two creature types.
kynelwynn: duo is tapped because book
clockworkmenagerie: 'it's like tibor and lumia'
gameboy350: lifecreed duo was tapped
sabthevagslayer: Cheater
GredGredmansson: lrrJUDGE
Swaggerstickbyaah: I think bats are about to win, holy crap starseer mentor is carrying
GreatWahooney: Between Tibor and Lumia, who's the bird and who's the bat?
50keyz: @tehfewl quality joke!
fanofmosteverything9: Love this set's Treasure token.
grizzlybeer40: I will only play chatterfang
senorhowdy: That treasure art is so precious
TheM8: Woo he saw it
GredGredmansson: @GreatWahooney lumia is probably the bat
acolossalsquid: Can we see the token on the card reader?
fele_of_Cardmarket: The bat mouse elk has got this
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
flatluigi: woooow
Alas_Babylon: Daaaaaamn
Lordofironstorm: WOw
maclenrac: Never
AllTheWeasels: lrrWOW
MurphEP: lmao
GhostValv: D:
TheLawlzFTW: woooooow
Jturbobanana: hooglMino
Lordofironstorm: RUde
Orxolon: hahahah
Mizucrux: gottem
TXC2: the board state, it's just so big
SmithKurosaki: Bodied
Dmc3628: already at the mistakes must be made line
grotesqueri3: broooo
Qaylen: Was just about to write about the "cheat" ^^
Knightor: serge got that wrath?
Phaers: omg Becky look at that batt
RixtonSnek: hoooly moooly that treasure token <3
Halinn: Thta treasure token is so good
ipoddodd: cuuuute treasure
acolossalsquid: That's such a cute treasure
pipshardfour: it is so big!
NonUniqueGuy: Convince Nelson that you are too cute to lose.
RandomTrivia: And we thought the critters would be murdered first, but this time it was Serge :D
fele_of_Cardmarket: That's such a nice treasure art tho!
Nouxatar: Becky!!!!!!
fanofmosteverything9: First to flinch, first to lose.
theevilslime: Mordor Trebuchet informs us that boulders are creature type Construct
Jturbobanana: amazonTasteTheRainbow
Boomyakalolo: best treasure art ever
BrindleBoar: This judgematch just became a grudgematch
LRRbot: Glidedive Duo [4B] | Creature โ€” Bat Lizard [3/3] | Flying / When Glidedive Duo enters, each opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.
Tom_Bruise: waiting for others to do something stupid is my specialty
kynelwynn: I can't bring myself to crack that treasure!! It;s too precious!
Swaggerstickbyaah: The treasure tokens are so freakin cute
seathblood: d'awh, raccoons are a treasure indeed <3
Alex_Frostfire: I love the flavour text on that one.
TheDevil_Risen: BLizzard
gameboy350: man I wanna play orzhov lifedrain now
super731: the lore text
MurphEP: That's good flavor text
rasterscan: Wasn't it when Graham said he could mess up and lose, it was Adam who said "Oh yeah, Graham's an idiot!"
fanofmosteverything9: Bats go slurp.
fele_of_Cardmarket: Bat Lizard! I love this set!!!
TXC2: welcome to Standard chat Kappa
grizzlybeer40: Serge is cooked
Esperance_Dream: Just got here have they already done the giveaway?
gameslayer013: that uncommon bat is sick in Nelson's deck
Bugberry: The Mentor is carrying this game.
Dmc3628: hey look Nelly built ruin evening in limited (serge got the joe)
ipoddodd: PrePreRuin your evening
James_the_Dabbler: Bats like big butts
grotesqueri3: go very wide
Genasi_Gaming: game1?
TXC2: Esperance_Dream nope
Knightor: nelson likes big butts and they fly lol
TallynNyntyg: Just misread "Glidedive" as "glivedied".
TheBloodsparrow: I do like big butts and draining lifeโ€ฆ.
Esperance_Dream: Thank ya
Caryotip: i do like big bats and i cannot lie
senorhowdy: @Knightor They fly now?
Mr_Horrible: ironic that Nelly has picked the idyllic woodland critter set to Do A Violence
Sage0fMadness: Somewhere you will find me, lost beneath the Glidedive
Badchop: This feels like "trade your entire board to live one more turn" territory at best
Knightor: @senorhowdy apparently
DerangedChickn: @TallynNyntyg oh no, not glive!
jazzfox: BW Bats seems just plain batty so far
kynelwynn: The biggest butt ratio power:toughness is Ms. Bumbleflower in the Commander product. She got that Pixar rump
Grinnin_Gin: @jazzfox and squirrels seem really nutty
Lordofironstorm: @jazzfox It was a pretty good curve out, tbf
That1GuyBen: serge will now resolve starfall invocation
TopHatPeezy: pour one out for glive
Spades_Slicc: duneblast
IbunWest: abatWIGGLE
TheLawlzFTW: @Grinnin_Gin well done
JRandomHacker: Oh I don't think it's that slow Serge
LRRbot: Lifecreed Duo [1W] | Creature โ€” Bat Bird [1/2] | Flying / Whenever another creature you control enters, you gain 1 life.
maclenrac: Not so slowly
grizzlybeer40: Serge = cooked
synthalanar: I like big butts and I cannot lie. My other brother also likes big butts and cannot tell the truth. How shall you escape our dungeon?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I wouldn't say "slowly"
drocathekorok: Can someone say what all has happened?
fele_of_Cardmarket: it's a bird! it's a bat! no! it's a bird bat!
GredGredmansson: @drocathekorok magic has happened
LRRbot: Sonar Strike [1W] | Instant | Sonar Strike deals 4 damage to target attacking, blocking, or tapped creature. You gain 3 life if you control a Bat.
TXC2: synthalanar I show my big butt Kappa
drocathekorok: Woooooooowwwww
LRRbot: Beza, the Bounding Spring [2WW] | Legendary Creature โ€” Elemental Elk [4/5] | When Beza, the Bounding Spring enters, create a Treasure token if an opponent controls more lands than you. You gain 4 lifโ€ฆ
Lily the Otter: beeg elk
Lily the Otter: way to rub it in, nelson
Vaeldarg: Value begets value.
Aria Rose: Look at the sunflowers on the card
Simriel: if your bats look sick, call a vet :p
Demon Ralph: a 4/5 for 4 that draws a card???? the power creep is real
Aria Rose: Plus it gives you 1/1 fish
LRRbot: Fountainport | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice a token: Draw a card. / {3}, {T}, Pay 1 life: Create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token. / {4}, {T}: Create a Treasure token.
Morgan Nerenberg: Lifecreed duo should be tapped
gogt200: More team up cards! It is MoM all over again!
William James Riven, III: duo needs to be tapped
Vaeldarg: (goblin types + squirrel cards = many "deez nuts" jokes)
LRRbot: Glidedive Duo [4B] | Creature โ€” Bat Lizard [3/3] | Flying / When Glidedive Duo enters, each opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.
Greys N. Owman: So many bats
Kiel Coyle: Dang. That's a lot in the box.
Waves of Babies: oh my God Becky look at their butts
Morgan Nerenberg: This set feels like itโ€™s made for 2 colours and not 3 lol
Ian Weaver: FR tho this deck is insane
LRRbot: Lifecreed Duo [1W] | Creature โ€” Bat Bird [1/2] | Flying / Whenever another creature you control enters, you gain 1 life.
Morgan Nerenberg: I love that the treasure is Family!
synchrohomie: With this set, do you all think grixis is viable in standard?
LRRbot: Sonar Strike [1W] | Instant | Sonar Strike deals 4 damage to target attacking, blocking, or tapped creature. You gain 3 life if you control a Bat.
ipoddodd: @drocathekorok we did rules, what's in a prerelease pack, and we're in G1M1
DerangedChickn: @Grinnin_Gin snd rabbits seem really bunny
JoeSubject: I want to see a moose squirrel
Boomyakalolo: @Grinnin_Gin the 2 drop menace with each opp loses life equal to the number of squirrels is god tier
Sage0fMadness: Nelson's bats have invaded Serge's belfry
TheBloodsparrow: @drocathekorok Big butt bats and little guys
flatluigi: @drocathekorok this is the first round of game 1, everything else has been an intro to the set and mechanics
Underachiever28: I tuned off for a minute. no deck building this time?
Mangledpixel: he screm
Swaggerstickbyaah: thats not enough bro!
TXC2: Underachiever28 nope
drocathekorok: @ipoddodd Great! thanks!
That1GuyBen: @Underachiever28 presumably because of the sub-a-thon
MLPCopperMoon: Serge did it!
accountmadeforants: Serge has the secret Abzan Mindslaver effect to force Nelson to make a mistake OpieOP
grizzlybeer40: Serge = cooked but in French Canadian
fele_of_Cardmarket: Serge stabilizing?
Gaz_L: @Underachiever28 subathon probably made it impractical
MLPCopperMoon: @grizzlybeer40 Cuisinรฉ
TheBloodsparrow: @underachiever28 I didnโ€™t see any deck buildingโ€ฆalso sad
Lordofironstorm: @grizzlybeer40 Baguette
dasdardly: lotta bangers
silenceaux: The 'or tapped' is very nice
Alex_Frostfire: Yeah, that's just solid.
James_the_Dabbler: Little surprised Serge isn't using his treasures to draw cards
LowUpsideCJ: great art too
Sandeon: a sorcery targettting an attackign or blocking creature would be kinda bad
Pharmacistjudge: I don't think there are any pre-records to this PPR
rasterscan: "a lot of words on a common, eh?" MTG 2024 in a nutshell
flatluigi: @James_the_Dabbler he has to threaten an activated ability
fanofmosteverything9: "All that to go to 6."
alexetodisk: Serge is surviving for now
TXC2: it's bad that removal is good
LRRbot: Feather of Flight [1W] | Enchantment โ€” Aura | Flash / Enchant creature / When Feather of Flight enters, draw a card. / Enchanted creature gets +1/+0 and has flying.
drewm1022: "You gained all your little life and you're at 6 still?"
Sage0fMadness: Just means more time for Magic tbh
Alex_Frostfire: Way better than, say, Gideon's Reproach.
maclenrac: Flash
ipoddodd: @James_the_Dabbler Probably on endstep to hold up the threat of blocking with a 6/4
TheBloodsparrow: Prolly because of the subathon
James_the_Dabbler: True
Lord_Hosk: Back in my day we paid 5 mana for a removal spell. AND WE LIKED IT
Swaggerstickbyaah: @grizzlybeer40 That made me giggle
That1GuyBen: angelic gift eat your HEART out
James_the_Dabbler: @ipoddodd Hmm makes sense
benjamin_wheeler: removal being good is a good thing
TXC2: Lord_Hosk damn right
Graham_LRR: We actually have some Collector Booster Crack-a-Packs today!
richi_198: nana
Lordofironstorm: Strictly Better Angelic Gift
fanofmosteverything9: Flying elk incoming.
Angreed66: tapped is more of a restriction now that they gave blue vigilance
richi_198: ya le daremos en otro momento
phyrexiansteven: I won't be able to watch fully at the moment, I'll have to watch the vod, but do we know when the giveaways are being done? Between rounds?
Pharmacistjudge: @Lord_Hosk lies, back in the day you paid 1 mana for Swords to Plowshares. pharma2Vial
fele_of_Cardmarket: @Graham_LRR nice!
baneless27: ya murders was rough with removal being bad
richi_198: no tengo la fortaleza mental pa shooters ahora jajajajaj
TheBloodsparrow: @graham_lrr yay!
super731: good removal at common is great
Sage0fMadness: @Graham_LRR awesom!
fsforwardsound: oh man he could untap the book to draw an extra card. the value
Graham_LRR: @fele_of_cardmarket Hello Fele!!
rasterscan: @Lord_Hosk I think MtG still has the cheapest removal out of any other TCG, right?
Pharmacistjudge: I stand corrected.
fele_of_Cardmarket: @Graham_LRR Hello!
Jundinator: Hai Graham
GredGredmansson: @rasterscan yugioh
rasterscan: @GredGredmansson Is it even cheaper there?
Lycodrake: normally i'm all in on GW/GWx things in magic but this set has me drawn very much towards the bats. Stargaze's art clinched it
sharker037: I believe in you serge
Angreed66: @rasterscan no mana
raijustletmedie: there's an attack trigger to tap a creature
drewm1022: Now is ze time on Schprockets when ve cast ze tricks.
Lordofironstorm: @rasterscan All cards are free in YuGiOh
GredGredmansson: @rasterscan yugioh does not have a mana system
sharker037: Starfall his invocarion
Pharmacistjudge: You can only 'back in my day' when you are back in theros. you can say "Back in my day we paid 6 mana for Sip of Hemlock, and we liked it"
RocknGrohlNerd: @lord_hosk not only we liked it, we had to attack and block uphill
rasterscan: @GredGredmansson Riiiight, I forgot about that. So it's just one card kills one card guaranteed?
raijustletmedie: that mouse bard
GredGredmansson: !card Raigeki
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
TheBloodsparrow: serge is a great counter!
LRRbot: Thistledown Players [2W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Bard [3/3] | Whenever Thistledown Players attacks, untap target nonland permanent.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: One will be zero if the lizard assassin attacks again.
maclenrac: 27 life to go
ipoddodd: can you deal 27 in a turn
TheBloodsparrow: terrible window though
fanofmosteverything9: Surely Serge can one-shot him from here.
Paranundrox: time to chain Berserks
Lord_Hosk: @RocknGrohlNerd Both ways! And our LGS's didn't have tables, we had to play on the concrete! With no sleeves!
zook_ningel: time to make a fish'
MLPCopperMoon: Do foil cards do foil damage?
flatluigi: serge has lethal if he makes a fish
shaduko07: man I got am I late.
KustarKnight: death by fish?
Dmc3628: the teddy long special
Pharmacistjudge: come on serge, activate your fountainport
SentinelStormer: Whew just came back after missing most of the game, did I miss any of the giveaways?
GredGredmansson: @SentinelStormer no
Dmc3628: now with Corm we have a legendary UNdertaker
razorswift: Oh man, Teddy Long reference!
super731: bat gaming
TXC2: I'm making it a Tag match playah!
SentinelStormer: Thx @GredGredmansson
fele_of_Cardmarket: @MLPCopperMoon surely?
kynelwynn: Looks like some sor of Three Tree City slam
0011110000110011: LUL
Lordofironstorm: Big Butts and Life Drain: The Nelson Salahub Story
piggyback101: Timely teddy long reference
TXC2: SentinelStormer nope
Gaz_L: Game 3 goes for 2 hours
LowUpsideCJ: Adam's played some limited before I see
gameboy350: 1-1-1 draw to time, classic pre-release tradition
fanofmosteverything9: Imagine a 2/2 bouncing off a 1/3, forever.
owangel1: You will go one-on-one with The Undertaker!
flatluigi: "it costs a life to make a fish" would be a good embroidery
soramayura: woohoo
titanprime231: lrrNELSON lrrADAM lrrSERGE
The_Ninjurai: lrrEFF_SG
TXC2: which Undertaker? cause if it's current Undertaker I could maybe take him :p
Pharmacistjudge: You mine for fish with blood?
gameboy350: Give a man a fish, it is tapped. Teach a man to fish, he must pay 1 life.
file_maker: @flatluigi or just sing to the tune of Too Many Cooks
TheNewDruid subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months, currently on a 44 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheNewDruid! (Today's storm count: 59)
Easilycrazyhat: It's a whole archetype in this set
benjamin_wheeler: weโ€™ve seen the tweets that bat made a couple of years ago
accountmadeforants: @MLPCopperMoon The official term is "premium" damage KappaHD
fanofmosteverything9: Oh yeah, the new IGI.
accountmadeforants: !card super secret tech
LRRbot: Super Secret Tech [3] | Artifact | Premium spells cost {1} less to cast. / Premium creatures get +1/+1.
Lordofironstorm: I drafted 3 of them once
Boomyakalolo: gift a man a a fish you combo for a day... something something about teach a man to combo...
gogt200: Grixis is always viable if you're Crim.
synchrohomie: @gogt200 , man you're good. :)
Vaeldarg: We went from dinosaurs and death machines to "bat attacks with sonar" level of power.
Cheshire Creeper: White looks stacked
LRRbot: Feather of Flight [1W] | Enchantment โ€” Aura | Flash / Enchant creature / When Feather of Flight enters, draw a card. / Enchanted creature gets +1/+0 and has flying.
Dustin King: yes it's a bat
Morgan Nerenberg: One is not None
LRRbot: Thistledown Players [2W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Bard [3/3] | Whenever Thistledown Players attacks, untap target nonland permanent.
gogt200: Do we know how many rounds today is?
Astrovore: 6!
Naihmar: What round is this?
gogt200: Thanks!
gogt200: 1
Astrovore: 1!
xDNRx: I'm so late,... but got to see most of this round.
Naihmar: ooooh.
Pharmacistjudge: I will deal 3 "Booster Fun" damage
Mr_Horrible: died 2019(?) born 2024 welcome back IGI
jazzfox: Still lives on in Indominus!
Bugberry: there's a new Ajani's Pridemate but a Bat that gains Flying and Vigilance.
Angreed66: cowards live
Icarus865: Ill-Gotten is currently seeing play in pauper mono black control and it's still misrible
mweepigeon: clear the mind <3
TheWarbo: wheeler is correct
wharra: Revenge of ravens was a thing
MurphEP: Thank you, Judge!
walkeroftales: Dovin's a cutie mentioned?
ipoddodd: Judge wheeler has some excellent and insightful rules clarifications
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @Icarus865 That's my go-to when pauper is mid-week magic on Arena.
LowUpsideCJ: just realized we're seeing the judge battle round one
benjamin_wheeler: those who donโ€™t, teach
mweepigeon: the miserable part of pauper isn't IGI, it's writhing chrysalis ponza
DaniellNaruta: โ€œproblematic batโ€ - I have a new band name
Shadowsoflife: @Bugberry this and bat warden? life gain decks let's goo
Mr_Horrible: IGI is the proof positive that I will never have any moral high ground in magic. It is my favorite way to play, just nickel-and-diming people to death
Mr_Horrible: ponza is land attack
fanofmosteverything9: "Writhing Chrysalis Ponza" is a hell of a band name.
Lordofironstorm: It's a kind of finacial scam
senorhowdy: One land spy is where it's at
Norburger: ponza is a type of sandwich
A_Dub888: You know what's NOT miserable? The fine folks at LoadingReadyRun!
Lordofironstorm: Kappa
James_the_Dabbler: Give a man a tapped fish, and he eats for a day. Teach a man to tap fish and *I am slapped with a tapped fish*
Swaggerstickbyaah: I think I am happy with Comander and limited
Metric_Furlong: "Hey beej! Get the problematic bat!"
TallynNyntyg: @mweepigeon What is this, a Ponza scheme?
Pharmacistjudge: To be fair Adam, Grief is still legal.
wharra: Oh oh can we tell Adam all the garbage explanations of why Ponza is called that?
grizzlybeer40: The miserable part of pauper is playing pauper
xVoxtric: If you're not curving into stone rain on turn 3, you're not playing magic
notthepenguins: gross
LunchB0x_13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months, currently on a 34 month streak!
LunchB0x_13: bunny time
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LunchB0x_13! (Today's storm count: 60)
kiba509: basicly a you dont play the game match
fele_of_Cardmarket: Ponza is my fav pauper archetype it's so much fun!
ipoddodd: Thank you Judge Wheeler!
accountmadeforants: I have played several Solitaire decks over the years, I have no moral high ground, but I am having fun in constructed.
slickslickman: also its named after a pizza
Alas_Babylon: The only important thing to know about Ponza is that it's named after a calzone
RandomTrivia: Wow, can we give Wheeler a warning for Stalling? lrrBEEJ
LRRbot: Brave-Kin Duo [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Mouse [1/1] | {1}, {T}: Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. Activate only as a sorcery.
mweepigeon: @grizzlybeer40 nah man spy rocks
BrowneePoints: no
stormsomething subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, stormsomething! (Today's storm count: 61)
PixelArtDragon: We've hit Constructed Legal storm count
Mr_Horrible: loved to be hit by a 4/4 magnivore on 4 while I have An Forest
fanofmosteverything9: My dear pine cone!
LowUpsideCJ: top tier flavor text
TallynNyntyg: Hey, what's a Plains do again?
fele_of_Cardmarket: @slickslickman for real?
A_Dub888: they so smol
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
Icarus865: Even with it's current issues, pauper is still my favorite magic format
unleashenlightenment: sorcery speed on these buffs is so annoying
Bugberry: I hope we get the duos in return to Lorwyn, since they also had them in Shadowmoor.
aussie_rob_w: supercreatures
Easilycrazyhat: Fun Bun
James_the_Dabbler: Bnuuy
grizzlybeer40: @mweepigeon I play 1 land spy lmao
TXC2: TallynNyntyg taps for a white mana, OP I know
warpstonewarlock: @Lord_Hosk Luxury. We didn't have an LGS, we had to play in a cardboard box on the bottom of a lake.
Alas_Babylon: @fele_of_Cardmarket Yes, it's a restaurant in Wisconsin or something that the creator liked going to
Tom_Bruise: rabbits also like to make the creatures full stop
Mr_Horrible: I'm interested to see if Duo's ability is still good as a sorcery
RandomTrivia: You would think that Rabbits would go wide, rather than tal
Technotrout: Rabbit-breath?
senorhowdy: A 1/1 that's two creatures? Who has the power and who has the toughness?
TheWormbo: Joy in numbers.
RandomTrivia: *tall
LowUpsideCJ: so many bnuuy
Greyah: So that's the Welder.
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : Finally, my name on a Magic card.
TheWriterAleph: a rabbit *would* say that, though
jazzfox: <3 Such adorbable flavor text
nova_plushie: can ge get a gif of adams face as wheeler discribed ponza
benjamin_wheeler: Iโ€™m alright with onboard tricks being sorcery speed
Greyah: There's also Elkementals.
Invitare: Hell is other people
Mr_Horrible: because usually that kinda activated is cracked
fanofmosteverything9: Rabbits like math.
TheWarbo: is it weird that when I hear "Warren" I still think of the character in Empire Records
Angreed66: Rabbits love smacking lifetotals
Pharmacistjudge: Proof Adam is not a bun-bun
LRRbot: Sonar Strike [1W] | Instant | Sonar Strike deals 4 damage to target attacking, blocking, or tapped creature. You gain 3 life if you control a Bat.
BrowneePoints: Ponza is a swear in Halffoot from Delicious in Dungeon Wheeler duh
fele_of_Cardmarket: @Alas_Babylon the more you know
LRRbot: Uncharted Haven | Land | Uncharted Haven enters the battlefield tapped. / As Uncharted Haven enters the battlefield, choose a color. / {T}: Add one mana of the chosen color.
Bugberry: If you are a rabbit, large groups are how you survive.
gameboy350: That 1 drop is actually just a nerfed mercenary
grotesqueri3: rabbitfolk obviously extroverts
LRRbot: Persistent Marshstalker [1B] | Creature โ€” Rat Berserker [3/1] | Persistent Marshstalker gets +1/+0 for each other Rat you control. / Threshold โ€” Whenever you attack with one or more Rats, if seven or more cards are in your graveyard, you may pay {2}{B}. If you do, return Persistent Marshstalker from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped and attacking.
gualdhar: Pretty sure Adam could tell it to the bun buns, and could take multiple in a fight
TriseAlpha: Warren-portently?
gameboy350: oh wait it gives toughness
A_Dub888: @TXC2 Magic powercreep's getting out o hand
Caryotip: with rabbits its more joy brings number than number brings joy
nessiah_aries: Inb4 Nelson untaps and plays Elmer Fudd from the Bonus Sheet.
kamkazi: my favorite falvor
maclenrac: Nice
fele_of_Cardmarket: Pawserker
TXC2: A_Dub888 right?
ipoddodd: no persist, flavor fail
fele_of_Cardmarket: true
OldUncleDan: My Cheese is a Ticking Clock RATZERKER!!!!!!!
grizzlybeer40: Timeless is an underrated format
Bugberry: Even more relentless rats.
LRRbot: Mudflat Village | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add {B}. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell. / {1}{B}, {T}, Sacrifice Mudflat Village: Return target Bat, Lizard, Rat, or Squirrel card from your graveyard to your hand.
arkhamrefugee: My love for you is sneaky rat BER-SER-KER
fanofmosteverything9: Rat-assembling Skeleton
Spades_Slicc: oh gross, mono B Rats in standard are gonna love that
super731: rat jamming
Alas_Babylon: People love Bloodsoaked Champion
TheWarbo: dies easily, but the death doesn't take
LRRbot: Heirloom Epic [1] | Artifact | {4}, {T}: Draw a card. For each mana in this ability's activation cost, you may tap an untapped creature you control rather than pay that mana. Activate only as a sorcery.
xVoxtric: Black gets the "it dies on purpose" 3/1 for 2 at rare every set
Tom_Bruise: blessed be us all, for still there is worship at the altar of bloodghast
Nouxatar: I forgot we got one as recently as OTJ lol
Greyah: Real good at dying. Real bad at staying dead.
TriseAlpha: a very relentless Rat, you might say. Kappa
LRRbot: Vinereap Mentor [BG] | Creature โ€” Squirrel Druid [3/2] | When Vinereap Mentor enters or dies, create a Food token.
zook_ningel: how does marshstalker work in multiples if you have exactly 7 cards in your graveyard? can you still get them all back if you have mana?
LunchB0x_13: the people yearn for bloodsoaked champions big narturals
senorhowdy: A what now
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
synthalanar: Would you like to gift a fish? BER-SER-KER
grizzlybeer40: This card slaps
TheWormbo: it's "Vinecrap" now
Kingsgrave: Vinecrap Mentor!
howlinglotus: nom
TXC2: Vinecrap is on youtube now Kappa
Bugberry: The squirrels probably do dig through crap
TheWarbo: vine good, tiktok crap Kappa
Swaggerstickbyaah: Squirrel!!!!
Nouxatar: this card is so good
ExachixKitsune: Squirrel Druid?! Squ-id?!
rasterscan: Adam is correct.
singinnonsense: the new bloodtite
Pharmacistjudge: Serge, Reminder you are supposed to be in the "Year of not pronouncing cards incorrectly"
arkhamrefugee: @synthalanar this human gets jt
MLPCopperMoon: This looks pretty cool for the foodsstuff deck!
LowUpsideCJ: great art
benjamin_wheeler: powerful squirrel
GredGredmansson: @zook_ningel when the second goes to resolve you will be unable to spend 3 mana since you will only have 6 in the graveyard by this point
fanofmosteverything9: They're not "vinecrap," Darrel, they're grapes.
James_the_Dabbler: Chat does he rotate the rat?
TallynNyntyg: So, if we were to complete the 'Bear Grylls meme' set of abilities of "Improvise, Adapt, Overcome" what would Overcome do?
Caryotip: serge read words that are not on the card
BorgarWithAShotgun: In youth, we fertilize. In death, we sow.
PixelArtDragon: This looks like that "underratedly very good uncommon" of the set
nova_plushie: adam the easily impressed
cmdrud87: at uncommon, no lss
maclenrac: He reguritates
xVoxtric: @fanofmosteverything9 haha
abslomdaak42: Squirrel Druid is such a fantastic typeline
unleashenlightenment: @benjamin_wheeler rooLove thanks for all the content
Sandeon: ratate!
LRRbot: Feather of Flight [1W] | Enchantment โ€” Aura | Flash / Enchant creature / When Feather of Flight enters, draw a card. / Enchanted creature gets +1/+0 and has flying.
Tom_Bruise: he had the high ground, I know that much
Alas_Babylon: @TallynNyntyg That would be the keyword for "combat damage = toughness"
yarghs: If Serge is the apprentice Sith, who's the master?
Gaz_L: from Serge's perspective, Nelson is evil!
fele_of_Cardmarket: Oh no! a Swamp!
TXC2: yarghs Snerge
PixelArtDragon: @yarghs Wheeler
sharker037: Beej
The_cake_of_lies: It going to be even better with Valiant
flatluigi: @yarghs also serge
kynelwynn: @yarghs Adam
grotesqueri3: @yarghs Wheeler?
accountmadeforants: My love for you is like recursing RAT BERSERKER Do you want to making Offspring RAT BERSERKER
rasterscan: I love Adam just reacting to these new cards
TriseAlpha: @yarghs Adam
LRRbot: Longstalk Brawl [G] | Sorcery | Gift a tapped Fish / Choose target creature you control and target creature you don't control. Put a +1/+1 counter on the creature you control if the gift was promised. Then those creatures fight each other.
senorhowdy: Feesh
sharker037: Its 9bviously beej guys
fele_of_Cardmarket: THE FISH was given!!!
Genex13: fish
RandomTrivia: A tapped Fish has been gifted! FBtouchdown
Pharmacistjudge: What kind of Tapped Fish?
RokuNalaar: All my homies follow Serge on OnlyVibes
Pharmacistjudge: A trout?
Nouxatar: le fishe!!
Ashimablackraven: Is this still first round?
as_ever_ellesandra: Yup
TXC2: Ashimablackraven round 2
Sarah_Serinde: Yes this is round one
Rabidkittens subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rabidkittens! (Today's storm count: 62)
Alas_Babylon: Rules thing for chat: You cannot target the Fish. In case you were wondering.
grotesqueri3: 1st set of players ye
Swaggerstickbyaah: tapped fishie!
rasterscan: @Ashimablackraven Yeah, they have a round tracker on the bottom left
h3rsh3yb4r: Round 1, game 2
Tom_Bruise: Serge's sith master is some incomprehensible eldritch power that compels us all to flub card name pronunciations.
tsp397: Huh, that has flash
TXC2: round 1 game 2 I mean
Sarah_Serinde: You can see it on the bottom left of the screen
James_the_Dabbler: Rat has been rotated!!!!
acolossalsquid: Wow, a flying squirrel
gameboy350: Some poor bird was plucked completely before this match
howlinglotus: flying squirrel is on brand, in a sense
Waves of Babies: man, I need to play mono black control in Pauper apparently
Cheshire Creeper: Pauperโ€™s great
Cheshire Creeper: You should all play it
LRRbot: Brave-Kin Duo [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Mouse [1/1] | {1}, {T}: Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. Activate only as a sorcery.
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
gogt200: Bnuuies!!
Waves of Babies: very good flavour text
gogt200: Brave-Kin Duo has such cute flavor text.
LRRbot: Sonar Strike [1W] | Instant | Sonar Strike deals 4 damage to target attacking, blocking, or tapped creature. You gain 3 life if you control a Bat.
LRRbot: Uncharted Haven | Land | Uncharted Haven enters the battlefield tapped. / As Uncharted Haven enters the battlefield, choose a color. / {T}: Add one mana of the chosen color.
gogt200: Warren Elder is good too.
LRRbot: Persistent Marshstalker [1B] | Creature โ€” Rat Berserker [3/1] | Persistent Marshstalker gets +1/+0 for each other Rat you control. / Threshold โ€” Whenever you attack with one or more Rats, if seven orโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Mudflat Village | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add {B}. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell. / {1}{B}, {T}, Sacrifice Mudflat Village: Return target Bat, Lizard, Rat, or Squirrel card from yโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Heirloom Epic [1] | Artifact | {4}, {T}: Draw a card. For each mana in this ability's activation cost, you may tap an untapped creature you control rather than pay that mana. Activate only as a sorceโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Vinereap Mentor [BG] | Creature โ€” Squirrel Druid [3/2] | When Vinereap Mentor enters or dies, create a Food token.
kasper1787: really excited for this set
LRRbot: Feather of Flight [1W] | Enchantment โ€” Aura | Flash / Enchant creature / When Feather of Flight enters, draw a card. / Enchanted creature gets +1/+0 and has flying.
LRRbot: Longstalk Brawl [G] | Sorcery | Gift a tapped Fish / Choose target creature you control and target creature you don't control. Put a +1/+1 counter on the creature you control if the gift was promisedโ€ฆ
Vaeldarg: Remember when 2 mana just gave 1+/+1 OR flying?
Vaeldarg: (on an aura)
benjamin_wheeler: take me to the river
RandomTrivia: @nova_plushie Yes, yes you can
TriseAlpha: Ratzerker
Ashimablackraven: Thank you
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Tom_Bruise He jealously held back Anakin Skywalker from attaining his full potential as the greatest jedi that ever lived.
TriseAlpha: Ratzkreig?
arkhamrefugee: Nelson, he will block with fish BER-SER-KER
grizzlybeer40: Nanaimo bars are overrated
fanofmosteverything9: He will squeak into Valhalla, shiny and chrome.
nerdsta82: I can't wait, bloomburrow PreRelease is happening on my birthday
LRRbot: Starseer Mentor [3WB] | Creature โ€” Bat Warlock [3/5] | Flying, vigilance / At the beginning of your end step, if you gained or lost life this turn, target opponent loses 3 life unless they sacrifice a nonland permanent or discard a card.
abslomdaak42: What a lovely day
Pharmacistjudge: Serge is very far from threshold
SmithKurosaki: Serge /is/ from Alberta
howlinglotus: just need to use that rate ro crew a vehicle. WITNESS ME
Bugberry: As Maro says, Squirrels are just rats with good publicity.
howlinglotus: rat*
A_Dub888: YOU'RE PRECIOUS Serge!
singinnonsense: do you have a lot of other rats Serge ?
Jethrain: "just" a 3/5 flying vigilance
That1GuyBen: it trades with the mentor
Nouxatar: interesting that the gifted fish is always tapped, and it usually makes a significant difference tbh
grizzlybeer40: @smithkurosaki that sounds like a made up place
bertezbertezbertezbertez: @grizzlybeer40 As an american who had some once you sound insane
fele_of_Cardmarket: foil forest tho
xVoxtric: I like this Bat Warlock
LRRbot: Nocturnal Hunger [2B] | Instant | Gift a Food / Destroy target creature. If the gift wasn't promised, you lose 2 life.
TXC2: A_Dub888 he is, please easy on the all caps
methodical_monk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
methodical_monk: 40 months to freedom!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, methodical_monk! (Today's storm count: 63)
HolyHadouken: !subathon
LRRbot: The Sub-a-Thon cap has been reached! Additional Twitch subs and bits (in increments of 400) will contribute towards stretch goals: 250 subs for a Pizza Party, 500 subs for Ice Cream, and 750 subs for "The Water Balloon Massacre". Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
dunkleskog: biden just dropped out of the race
kaziel0: Okay, now I'm in the present (watched a bit of the VOD since I missed the start of the stream). Serge, your deck name is amazing!
Alas_Babylon: @dunkleskog Not the time or place
Pharmacistjudge: @bertezbertezbertezbertez if you don't like coconut, that makes sense.
Sarah_Serinde: Chat this is not the place for politics
AricWest: everytime he says nocturnal hunger i think he's going say something else
Lycodrake: maybe some day i can't sub ;~;
bertezbertezbertezbertez: @dunkleskog oh thank christ
Lycodrake: can
Swaggerstickbyaah: @Alas_Babylon Agreed
anonarat: I thought you could count Serge
LRRbot: Thistledown Players [2W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Bard [3/3] | Whenever Thistledown Players attacks, untap target nonland permanent.
zook_ningel: serge its after 11
Rabidkittens: hunger seems like early pick for removal.
howlinglotus: dont hate the playa
TheOnlyOrk: wait that's a common?
unleashenlightenment: 20-8-5=7. math very hard, especially when under pressure
vinopinguino: teddy long!
bertezbertezbertezbertez: @Pharmacistjudge oh yeah I forget people don't like coconut
ExachixKitsune: @HolyHadouken : FYI, the subathon is over, and things won't contribute to time, pizza, ice cream, or water balloons
TXC2: Undertaker and who ?
grizzlybeer40: @bertezbertezbertezbertez Shush
Tom_Bruise: thistledown players don't play
kamkazi: +2 great reference
Pharmacistjudge: whoa there player, stay thy course and indulge the old man
LRRbot: Consumed by Greed [1BB] | Instant | Gift a card / Target opponent sacrifices a creature with the greatest power among creatures they control. If the gift was promised, return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.
James_the_Dabbler: <message deleted>@dunkleskog If he has this hasn't hit the news yet
arrowbounce: Is the prophecy coming true? Will they both mull to 5 next game? :P
twirid: this guy who is not playing has way toooo loud microphone :(
ponbern subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months, currently on a 60 month streak!
ponbern: Rats, Bats and Nerds!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ponbern! (Today's storm count: 64)
diesel4u: dleselPopegaArrive HeyGuys
shaduko07: this is the first set where every color combo looks fun to draft. I normally only like one or two archetypes but this set is different.
TXC2: hello diesel4u welcome
LRRbot: Crumb and Get It [W] | Instant | Gift a Food / Target creature you control gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If the gift was promised, that creature also gains indestructible until end of turn.
Kingsgrave: I thought that said _tap_ target permanent for a second. That card is nowhere near as nutty as I thought.
TXC2: Chat this is not the time nor place to talk about politics
Alex_Frostfire: Baguette assault!
fanofmosteverything9: The power of baguettes compels you!
bertezbertezbertezbertez: @grizzlybeer40 ?
maclenrac: Clutch
BorgarWithAShotgun: Bun Barrage!
The_Ninjurai: Is the gift part of the cost to cast the card?
TriseAlpha: Gotta have them combat tricks for the Mouse deck
MrPipboy3000: Lets not gloss over how great "Crumb and get it" is for acard name
Spades_Slicc: @The_Ninjurai part of resolution
howlinglotus: Maybe if Adam spends enough time with the set, he'll be the meme about when dads don't want the pet dog
Bugberry: @The_Ninjurai it's an additional cost you choose to pay.
WhiteWizard42: @The_Ninjurai promising a gift is an additional cost, but the gift is given on resolution
wouter215: The rat doesnโ€™t have persist?
GredGredmansson: @The_Ninjurai you announce whether or not you are promising a gift as you cast it
joiner2468: Question: I heard that there were going to be prizes, what is the process on that?
MehallD: @The_Ninjurai deciding to gift is done when you cast, like a cost, but the gift isn't actually given until the spell starts resolving
BrowneePoints: that bat is carrying a fat blunt on crumb and get it
TXC2: joiner2468 we will be told just before it happens
nova_plushie: Crumb and get it. AKA Bat pass the blunt
flatluigi: @joiner2468 it'll be between rounds at some point probably
Jethrain: @joiner2468 there will be a magic word to write in chat when they announce it (they have not announced when it will be)
ExachixKitsune: Rage against the drawing of the card
GreatWahooney: therefore stay tuned
LRRbot: Banishing Light [2W] | Enchantment | When Banishing Light enters the battlefield, exile target nonland permanent an opponent controls until Banishing Light leaves the battlefield.
Marvoleath: @joiner2468 at some point during the stream a giveaway will be announced, then you enter a keyword in chat to get a chance at the prize
Marvoleath: keyword will be announced later
LRRbot: Wick, the Whorled Mind [3B] | Legendary Creature โ€” Rat Warlock [2/4] | Whenever Wick or another Rat you control enters, create a 1/1 black Snail creature token if you don't control a Snail. Otherwise, put a +1/+1 counter on a Snail you control. / {U}{B}{R}, Sacrifice a Snail: Wick deals damage equal to the sacrificed creature's power to each opponent. Then draw cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.
nerdsta82: hmmmm this game needs more Otters
TriseAlpha: Amass Snail!
howlinglotus: rat huffing that snail
flatluigi: snarmy
fanofmosteverything9: Snail rat! Snail rat! Snail rat!
super731: snail fren
Nouxatar: Amass the snails!!!!!
gameslayer013: snail time
Jethrain: amass snail!
nessiah_aries: Johnathan?
IaCthulhuFthagn: Referring to another card as Feather confused me for a split second.
GrocerySaur: SNAIL
GreatWahooney: twitch thumbnails showed me that Beej played some more Fallout during the subathon - can't wait to see those vods on youtube!
Tom_Bruise: please tell me Serge is splashing UR for the activated ability
Swaggerstickbyaah: Snaaaaaiiill!!
Marvoleath: Amass Snail
unleashenlightenment: snail time!
Bugberry: I like to imagine it's one big snail rather than an army of snails
ipoddodd: I'm a snail enjoyer
Alas_Babylon: haha get Wickwhorled
ActualFactual: Uzumaki?
benjamin_wheeler: um actually
JoeSubject: Snail abider.
IaCthulhuFthagn: Snails are amazing. F*** slugs, though.
Alex_Frostfire: Strictly speaking no, it's not a Snail Army. ;)
ExachixKitsune: Ah, like that Enya song. Snail away, snail away, snail away
GoblinPieromancer: My favorite card of the set
A_Dub888: Let's escarGO boys!
nerdsta82: amass snail!
Swageki: gary now i know i was wrong
Icarus865: That card is gross
Jethrain: @Bugberry A mass snail, then
TriseAlpha: Amass the Snail. Explode the Snail. The Circle of Life...
Marvoleath: Flings snails at them
benjamin_wheeler: erm, amass would make it a 0/0 army
GredGredmansson: running this card in an Abzan deck is a choice
fanofmosteverything9: Fling your snarmy
bertezbertezbertezbertez: amass snail one would make a snail army which is a horrifying thought
Banrael subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Banrael! (Today's storm count: 65)
wouter215: Things are about to get slimy!
savorycookie: Amass snail
Swageki: 86 snails
ardor_edi: !card skullcap snail
LRRbot: Skullcap Snail [1B] | Creature โ€” Fungus Snail [1/1] | When Skullcap Snail enters the battlefield, target opponent exiles a card from their hand.
Tarnius: Heck yes, snail and rat in one card? That's just value.
unleashenlightenment: omg that token
BorgarWithAShotgun: Pump the Snail!
ipoddodd: @benjamin_wheeler so help me wheeler
ardor_edi: snail power!
flatluigi: @bertezbertezbertezbertez snarmy!
Leijonknight: Uzumaki vibes
Bugberry: @Jethrain just keeps spiraling and spiraling, outward and outward.
ActualFactual: @benjamin_wheeler Be nice.
googoltudoris: snail++
Alas_Babylon: Escargot to end step
Technotrout: Is Serge gonna snail Nelson? :)
LRRMTG_Judge: @benjamin_wheeler no labmansplaining
nerdsta82: it's a snail race
todeswillen: Snail is Cute
Tom_Bruise: this is, like, the second card that is about snails
Deebster122: more like snail-mass
BearHandsHero: this set fuels my desire to make the small critter typal decks of my dreams from almost a decade ago...
Morgan Nerenberg: Can I offer you a tapped fish in these trying times?
Vaeldarg: @BearHandsHero Kiara companion deck?
LRRbot: Starseer Mentor [3WB] | Creature โ€” Bat Warlock [3/5] | Flying, vigilance / At the beginning of your end step, if you gained or lost life this turn, target opponent loses 3 life unless they sacrifice โ€ฆ
Pharmacistjudge: what kind of fish is gifted? A trout?
LRRbot: Nocturnal Hunger [2B] | Instant | Gift a Food / Destroy target creature. If the gift wasn't promised, you lose 2 life.
Vaeldarg: @Pharmacistjudge A goldfish
BearHandsHero: @Vaeldarg mostly just squirrel decks, now with things more than token generators lol
LRRbot: Thistledown Players [2W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Bard [3/3] | Whenever Thistledown Players attacks, untap target nonland permanent.
gogt200: A GOLDfish!? I'll sacrifice it for a mana, without having to tap it!
LRRbot: Consumed by Greed [1BB] | Instant | Gift a card / Target opponent sacrifices a creature with the greatest power among creatures they control. If the gift was promised, return target creature card froโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Crumb and Get It [W] | Instant | Gift a Food / Target creature you control gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If the gift was promised, that creature also gains indestructible until end of turn.
Morgan Nerenberg: Big brain play form Serge!
xDNRx: WoW,... That was a nice play
xDNRx: Night & Day from the last game play
LRRbot: Banishing Light [2W] | Enchantment | When Banishing Light enters the battlefield, exile target nonland permanent an opponent controls until Banishing Light leaves the battlefield.
LRRbot: Wick, the Whorled Mind [3B] | Legendary Creature โ€” Rat Warlock [2/4] | Whenever Wick or another Rat you control enters, create a 1/1 black Snail creature token if you don't control a Snail. Otherwiseโ€ฆ
Monty Lastabond: Snails are cute Adam is weak
Anakin Skytoker: wick about to be my new fave commander
cmdrud87: doesn't toxrill make snails?
TallynNyntyg: Is it my imagination, or is that Snail Token infected by parasites?
alexetodisk: Is a little silly snail
maclenrac: Toxril slug
JoeSubject: Snarmy brat.
fanofmosteverything9: Oh yeah, Toxrill tokens.
Alas_Babylon: @cmdrud87 It makes slugs
Icarus865: Toxril my beloved
super731: that snail token is great
TriseAlpha: Amass-ish. Amid?
That1GuyBen: that's the Toxril token and as the resident toxril hater in my house
TheWormbo: homeless snail
TallynNyntyg: *infested
acolossalsquid: Oh no... Those eyes of the snail indicate a parasite that controls its bran
LRRbot: Fell [1B] | Sorcery | Destroy target creature.
AricWest: @Alas_Babylon win
A_Dub888: Slugs are mollusks right?
nerdsta82: slug is a homeless snail
That1GuyBen: just acutal factual Fell
fanofmosteverything9: He fell
h3rsh3yb4r: a slug is just a snail with a housing crisis
Kingsgrave: Are there different creature types for slug and snail!?
Tom_Bruise: this and Skullcap Snail are the only two cards that are about snails
TallynNyntyg: @acolossalsquid Exacly.
Anonyman41: somewhere a snail-oligist is offended at them being referred to as the same as a slug
fanofmosteverything9: @Kingsgrave There are, yes.
Fovulonkiin: beautiful art on Fell
fele_of_Cardmarket: @nerdsta82 naw, slug is FREE SNAIL!
That1GuyBen: @Tom_Bruise skullcap snail my beloved
nova_plushie: I cant belive Wick Fell off
cmdrud87: also, Murder is just two mana now. Talk about power creep...
ipoddodd: !squeak
tehfewl: who's slugma?
TXC2: slugs and snails are both Gastopods I think
maclenrac: Shock off the top
QuixoticScrivener: someone make it a shell with a sticky note.
TallynNyntyg: Fun fact: the difference between slugs and snails is the exact same difference between peaches and nectarines.
Kirgo: @cmdrud87 Isnt murder instant speed?
Lordofironstorm: Or is a snail a slug who's a van life influencer?
8 raiders from starmute12 have joined!
RandomTrivia: @cmdrud87 Fell is a sorcery, thankfully
Tom_Bruise: @tehfewl slugma nice day I'm having
TXC2: Hello Raiders
carefreewill: not murder, sorcery speed
Nouxatar: thank goodness it's sorcery speed
LRRMTG_Judge: @cmdrud87 Well, this Murder is a sorcery instead of an instant as well - Natedogg
Debatra: @cmdrud87 Fell is a Sorcery. But still.
BrindleBoar: @tehfewl slugma deez raaaaaats
Mehayo: @TallynNyntyg Please keep talking
starmute12: starmu6Jam starmu6Jam starmu6Jam
enbyrage: 2020ByeGuys starmu6Jam
LRRbot: Glidedive Duo [4B] | Creature โ€” Bat Lizard [3/3] | Flying / When Glidedive Duo enters, each opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.
ipoddodd: vigilance... fish... fishilance
TallynNyntyg: They're the same thing, just a less-appealing outer part.
TXC2: people are MASSIVLY underating Fell
maclenrac: Gains 2!!!
Didero: Good evening!
Nouxatar: people are genuinely overrating fell tbh sorcery speed hurts it so much
vinopinguino: the duo cycle is so fun
LRRbot: Corpseberry Cultivator [1{B/G}{B/G}] | Creature โ€” Squirrel Warlock [2/3] | At the beginning of combat on your turn, you may forage. / Whenever you forage, put a +1/+1 counter on Corpseberry Cultivator.
TXC2: hello Didero welcome
roastbeefsandwitch: @TXC2 people are obsessed with instant-speed tricks. unnecessarily.
fanofmosteverything9: Tendril & Agony
TheWormbo: the lizard doesn'T seem to enjoy this glide
Pharmacistjudge: 2 creatures, singular agony
freshmaker__: Friendrils of agony.
BrowneePoints: Tendrils of Batgony
The_cake_of_lies: Tandem of agony
TXC2: roastbeefsandwitch indeed
Gekyouryuu: Glidedive Duo = Batbat and Robin
randombillfolds: Twindrils of Agony?
RandomTrivia: Skwerl!
howlinglotus: fat little guy
flatluigi: squirrelock
Ukon_Cairns: the bat is Ten and the lizard is Dril
PoorMansPoison: Tendi and agny
TheWarbo: Anole of Agony?
DarkMorford: Hey chat!
LRRbot: Finneas, Ace Archer [GW] | Legendary Creature โ€” Rabbit Archer [2/2] | Vigilance, reach / Whenever Finneas, Ace Archer attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on each other creature you control that's a token or a Rabbit. Then if creatures you control have total power 10 or greater, draw a card.
TriseAlpha: Finneas!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Squarlock!
RandomTrivia: A rare!
gameslayer013: bnuy
senorhowdy: Tendies of Agony
TXC2: hello DarkMorford welcome
RandomTrivia: Hey there DarkMorford sergeHi
That1GuyBen: oh this card is gonna kill people
josh___something: Where's ferb?
ExachixKitsune: Squirrel Warlock?! I love it
Nouxatar: bnnuy!!!!!
MeagenImage: Why does it matter the rabbit is ace
MrPipboy3000: EACH!
theworldsmith1: love to see ace representation
JonHerzogArtist: Adam LUL
acolossalsquid: I am a biologist.... But I specialise in life in water
TheUltraCutie: ew dude!
00gogo00: each other, it doesn't put a counter on itself
balendilin42: Tendrills (lizard) and Agony (bat)
SentinelStormer: Zoologist here: Tendrils of Agamid-y??? Agamids are one of the largest groups of lizards
DNAli3n: hello, forgot about the time, just watched the first half hour ish of the stream, did i miss a giveaway?
Alex_Frostfire: @roastbeefsandwitch As someone who actually played Lava Coil in constructed, card's good. No exile, but kills anything else.
freshmaker__: brother eww
Spades_Slicc: Say the line Adam
Kingsgrave: adam freaking out about every card is hilarious
BrowneePoints: Finneas doesnโ€™t buff himself but still a good card
RandomTrivia: @MeagenImage It doesn't matter, but we're happy that they are comfortable in themselves
Bugberry: Notably, it doesn't give counters to itself, so it remains a 2/2 attacker.
nova_plushie: Adam when he sees a card
maltan_ankka: wait is the cards name actually crumb and get it...
GredGredmansson: he doesn't buff himself but he does count for the 10 power
Alas_Babylon: !card Crumb and Get It
LRRbot: Crumb and Get It [W] | Instant | Gift a Food / Target creature you control gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If the gift was promised, that creature also gains indestructible until end of turn.
thanatoscar: each other, you still need to find a way to keep him alive
treesinland subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, treesinland! (Today's storm count: 66)
freshmaker__: you're welcome adam\
Dmc3628: this bunny got reach and massive deities don't
goombalax: those snails are gonna get swole
TriseAlpha: Finneas doesn't buff himself, but you know who buffs both of them? Burke.
TXC2: is there a way to make everything a rabbit in white/green ? ;p
whiscash_enthusiast: ewwwww brotha
wouter215: no counter on the snail?
benjamin_wheeler: so many bunnies
GredGredmansson: rabbit is the gw strategy
ExachixKitsune: They're a critical part, they're bun-damental
Ukon_Cairns: has adam seen Jacked Rabbit
BrowneePoints: rabbits are the WG archetype too
excalgold: Rabbit token generator very much checks out...
Alas_Babylon: @wouter215 Wick is dead, and the Squirrel can only buff itself
nerdsta82: bunnies' together strong!!!
Spades_Slicc: So called free thinkers when bnuuy
vinopinguino: rabbits do be doing it
Angreed66: Typal is the right term
LRRMTG_Judge: snail gets counters when the rabbit attacks. pharma2Vial
GredGredmansson: @wouter215 finneas didn't attack
Bugberry: @wouter215 the token doesn't have the ability.
Greyah: Kindred rabbits. Krabbits.
nova_plushie: Show adam "tempt with bunnies"
LRRbot: Lifecreed Duo [1W] | Creature โ€” Bat Bird [1/2] | Flying / Whenever another creature you control enters, you gain 1 life.
Lobo_Apache: instead of kindred, would it be "den-dred"?
LRRbot: Starseer Mentor [3WB] | Creature โ€” Bat Warlock [3/5] | Flying, vigilance / At the beginning of your end step, if you gained or lost life this turn, target opponent loses 3 life unless they sacrifice a nonland permanent or discard a card.
Tom_Bruise: @Greyah Did they give us my favorite musician, Lenny Krabbits?
nerdsta82: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 Squid4
fele_of_Cardmarket: Guess who's back
TheWarbo: Typal is the term for the kind of deck (Kindred is the term for the in-the-typeline card type)
revhologram: Nelly with the Mallrats reference
BorgarWithAShotgun: would Brother Ewe been a Transgender Sheep Priest?
LRRbot: Consumed by Greed [1BB] | Instant | Gift a card / Target opponent sacrifices a creature with the greatest power among creatures they control. If the gift was promised, return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.
arboreal_blazer: No, Serge was right, Kindred is the card type, typal is the strategy
wouter215: oh, when it attacks. then it puts counters on tokens.
googoltudoris: nelly demonstrating that 2 life is not 0 life
TheUncannyGirl: Kindred Rabbits.... OR Wraskly Wabbits!?!?!
fanofmosteverything9: The comeback!
GreatWahooney: @Tom_Bruise lrrCrab
RandomTrivia: Consumed by Greed also seems very strong
grizzlybeer40: Ggez
Rootpotato: @arboreal_blazer im calling them both Kindred fight me
gameboy350: Royal Bat Authority
Angreed66: I wish people stopped using the wrong term. It is typal.
Zoltaris: Consumed by Greed is 10/10
GredGredmansson: this set has a shocking number of removal in it
TXC2: Kindred or typal is fine, tribel isn't
abslomdaak42: Breaking News: Being consumed by greed is actually good for you?
GredGredmansson: (does not include Shock)
nerdsta82: never sacrifice bill the slug
as_ever_ellesandra: Both Kindred and Typal are valid. I don't really see the problem
todeswillen: Neli was at 2 and Kralld back it is Amaising
SmashTCG: Next time we're back in here, it's gonna be really modern, and the primary city will be called zootopia
arboreal_blazer: @rootpotato I'm not trying to fight you, I just think it's needlessly confusing to have the same word mean two distinct things
BorgarWithAShotgun: @GredGredmansson White and Black usually have those.
Rootpotato: @arboreal_blazer thats just english my friend
Nouxatar: all the removal in Bloomburrow is good in limited but tbf removal in general is usually okay at worst
grizzlybeer40: Magic is a game folks
howlinglotus: I know it's only a few games, but bats moving up from first impressions.
LRRbot: Dewdrop Cure [2W] | Sorcery | Gift a card / Return up to two target creature cards each with mana value 2 or less from your graveyard to the battlefield. If the gift was promised, instead return up to three target creature cards each with mana value 2 or less from your graveyard to the battlefield.
GreatWahooney: can we get a secret lair with some Root art now
Patrik Caes-Sayrs: crumb and get it ala molon lasagna
xDNRx: He just wanted to be a ๐Ÿฅท ๐Ÿข
Greys N. Owman: Whereโ€™s my snails, I have no snails in my headphones
LRRbot: Fell [1B] | Sorcery | Destroy target creature.
Anakin Skytoker: slufs are just naked snails
Devil On Your Shoulder: Slug tokens are actually worth some money
Anakin Skytoker: slugs****
Morgan Nerenberg: Bedtime Story OP
LRRbot: Glidedive Duo [4B] | Creature โ€” Bat Lizard [3/3] | Flying / When Glidedive Duo enters, each opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.
LRRbot: Corpseberry Cultivator [1{B/G}{B/G}] | Creature โ€” Squirrel Warlock [2/3] | At the beginning of combat on your turn, you may forage. / Whenever you forage, put a +1/+1 counter on Corpseberry Cultivatoโ€ฆ
xDNRx: Fern Gully
LRRbot: Finneas, Ace Archer [GW] | Legendary Creature โ€” Rabbit Archer [2/2] | Vigilance, reach / Whenever Finneas, Ace Archer attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on each other creature you control that's a token orโ€ฆ
Morgan Nerenberg: Squirrelock
Wiking Viklund: Oh man, I cannot put into words how excited I am for this set! Thank you so much for doing this LRR ๐Ÿ˜
Creature Type: Sorcery: Any specific lore reason they are Warlocks instead of Wizards as a creaturetype?
LRRbot: Lifecreed Duo [1W] | Creature โ€” Bat Bird [1/2] | Flying / Whenever another creature you control enters, you gain 1 life.
LRRbot: Starseer Mentor [3WB] | Creature โ€” Bat Warlock [3/5] | Flying, vigilance / At the beginning of your end step, if you gained or lost life this turn, target opponent loses 3 life unless they sacrifice โ€ฆ
LRRbot: Consumed by Greed [1BB] | Instant | Gift a card / Target opponent sacrifices a creature with the greatest power among creatures they control. If the gift was promised, return target creature card froโ€ฆ
malacorath: was there any giveaways mentioned? i wont be here long, didnt want to miss any
ZaOscelot: To avoid tag spread afaik. Witches are also counted as warlocks
Rob McKenzie: There will be two giveaways in Twitch chat, and one later in the Youtube comments of the edited/reposted video.
malacorath: also to give black a second spellcaster type
ZaOscelot: Ooooo
malacorath: sweet
Morgan Nerenberg: Warlock is spooky wizard
LRRbot: Dewdrop Cure [2W] | Sorcery | Gift a card / Return up to two target creature cards each with mana value 2 or less from your graveyard to the battlefield. If the gift was promised, instead return up tโ€ฆ
Marvoleath: Kindred is the card type, typal is generic term they use to describe decks with (sub)type synergies
fele_of_Cardmarket: @grizzlybeer40 That's a bold statement in this chat! ^^
LRRbot: Finneas, Ace Archer [GW] | Legendary Creature โ€” Rabbit Archer [2/2] | Vigilance, reach / Whenever Finneas, Ace Archer attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on each other creature you control that's a token or a Rabbit. Then if creatures you control have total power 10 or greater, draw a card.
SentinelStormer: @SmashTCG I mean, Dsney's already okay enough to let a Marvel crossover happen right? I could see a Secret Lair in the works for that
LRRbot: Persistent Marshstalker [1B] | Creature โ€” Rat Berserker [3/1] | Persistent Marshstalker gets +1/+0 for each other Rat you control. / Threshold โ€” Whenever you attack with one or more Rats, if seven or more cards are in your graveyard, you may pay {2}{B}. If you do, return Persistent Marshstalker from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped and attacking.
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
That1GuyBen: god dewdrop cure is NOT ok
Nouxatar: magic?? a game???? no way .........
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TXC2 Maskwood Nexus?
fanofmosteverything9: That's one heck of a dewdrop.
SmashTCG: Hmmm... Zootopia secret lair
accountmadeforants: That was an awesome hit on Dewdrop
TXC2: IaCthulhuFthagn oooooh!
kilnfiendpotter: Hello hello friends! So happy to see amazing people playing the BEST set ever!
Swaggerstickbyaah: That's a fantastic run of that card
abslomdaak42: Damn, Finneas is just 2 mana!
super731: triple unearth pog
grotesqueri3: looks like it's gonna be 2/0 to nelson
TXC2: IaCthulhuFthagn that could work, thank you
arboreal_blazer: @rootpotato but this isn't English, it's language for a game that was designed by people to facilitate the playing of that game. Maro said explicitly that tribal meaning both the card type and the deck strategy was a bug, not a feature
Alas_Babylon: !card Sevinne's Reclamation
LRRbot: Sevinne's Reclamation [2W] | Sorcery | Return target permanent card with mana value 3 or less from your graveyard to the battlefield. If this spell was cast from a graveyard, you may copy this spell and may choose a new target for the copy. / Flashback {4}{W}
TXC2: hello kilnfiendpotter welcome
Pharmacistjudge: Hey! hope all is well
RandomTrivia: Hey there kilnfiendpotter - aren't all the critters so goo!
vinopinguino: judge wheeler count? 5?
RandomTrivia: *good
JoeSubject: Thanks judge.
TheLawlzFTW: LUL
kilnfiendpotter: Cutest PrePrerelease *ever*
Bugberry: And Flashback to get two back.
grizzlybeer40: @arboreal_blazer are u fun at parties
LRRbot: Feed the Cycle [1B] | Instant | As an additional cost to cast this spell, forage or pay {B}. / Destroy target creature or planeswalker.
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL We need a BLB/Root tie-in to go along with the MKM/Clue game :p
Spades_Slicc: oh new hero's downfall\
maclenrac: All hail head judge Nelson
arboreal_blazer: I certainly like to think so! I just care passionately why linguistics and game design, that's all
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TXC2 Shields of Velis Vel is the other I can think of, otherwise it's mostly blue and black.
gameboy350: But mayyybe Lion's Eye Diamond is a special guest? You never knooow!
LRRbot: Sonar Strike [1W] | Instant | Sonar Strike deals 4 damage to target attacking, blocking, or tapped creature. You gain 3 life if you control a Bat.
A_Dub888: @kilnfiendpotter You're the cutest ever
Lycodrake: serge at 6 right?
fele_of_Cardmarket: OOFFA DOOFFA
LRRbot: Wear Down [1G] | Sorcery | Gift a card / Destroy target artifact or enchantment. If the gift was promised, instead destroy two target artifacts and/or enchantments.
Nouxatar: oh Wheeler, always thinking about the CanLander context. Never change
nova_plushie: LETS GO NELSON
Kirgo: Where my frogs at? iahfyFrogjam
TXC2: nova_plushie easy on the allcaps please
googoltudoris: what a comeback
ardor_edi: Win for the Bats! Let's go, well played
TriseAlpha: This set has far and away the cutest Tokens I've seen in Magic.
superdude097: Nelson coming back from 2 life!
TheLawlzFTW: @Kirgo OSFrog
abslomdaak42: Nelly getting back from 2 life... Great stuff
vinopinguino: nananananana BATS!
ScaledLibra: To fish or not to fish
MorganteMaggiore: the real gift was the opponents we had all along
AshcopseDryad: nice match!
jazzfox: GG to our judges!
ThibbleBird: wooo!
accountmadeforants: That was rad
Easilycrazyhat: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: We already unlocked the achievement: Gift Tapped Fish, good job on that
kiba509: woo what a match
TheLawlzFTW: thelaw26Gg
Grinnin_Gin: damn rip serge
kamkazi: wubbyPog
fele_of_Cardmarket: good start
bruiserhammerfist: Perfect, lunch break
Esperance_Dream: This limited format seems fun
GreatWahooney: woo!
ThibbleBird: HEY
RandomTrivia: Oop
accountmadeforants: He- Hey!
nyoomgoom: he
GrassVortex: extraTech
SnackPak_: lrrFINE
GreatWahooney: HEY
Tom_Bruise: HYUP
TheWriterAleph: wooop
Orxolon: heeeeeeeeee
Alas_Babylon: He
senorhowdy: HEY
fele_of_Cardmarket: Oh no
gameboy350: Graham jumpscare
Debatra: Hey!
Mr_Horrible: HE-
whoppernugget: He
CodenameJD: HEY
Jostech: He!
McMenno: HE
RandomTrivia: Hut, hya-
TriseAlpha: wut
NewtyNewts: ueh
Zoltaris: H-
thatonefergie: HE-
arboreal_blazer: HYUP
RassilonDND: Hyatt
fanofmosteverything9: Hyah!
nova_plushie: Hi g. Bye G
Jigokuro: bitterLOL
Swaggerstickbyaah: Hey!
Lordofironstorm: What did you just call me?!
Peevvi: another?
Kingsgrave: Different graham!
nessiah_aries: Wat'chu just call me, Stark?
Grinnin_Gin: wow graham just called me out with that 'mistbreath elder'
TXC2: PhuzNutz easy on the all caps please
nyoomgoom: i love a perfectly cut "hey"
Decaped: I was hoping for the intro again. I want to see the the pretty illustrations.
Alas_Babylon: Uwuoomburrow
Gekyouryuu: "another" collector booster?
grizzlybeer40: Thiccc
jazzfox: What indeed shall bloom?
fele_of_Cardmarket: That's what MBE stands for!
medmora: OwO
MeagenImage: Aha, I saw the VHS shirt on TTC
TheWriterAleph: blรถmbro
Kingsgrave: I wish that there had been a Bloom Burro in this set
RandomTrivia: That is a very pretty bird
Marvoleath: missed breath elder? I do miss my breath because of being old sometimes
josh___something: They would also chew through the cards,cI would think
Nihilist_Zealot: just chew through the packaging whenever required
Kingsgrave: Birds just wanna have fun
TriseAlpha: The Birds deck is weird...
grizzlybeer40: Nelson is giving me dentist vibes
richi_198: vrfree pc vr
fele_of_Cardmarket: Do foil creatures have foil flying?
seasikberry subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
seasikberry: 50 months? Thats half a year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, seasikberry! (Today's storm count: 67)
fele_of_Cardmarket: That's what www stands for!
super731: beeg bat
kynelwynn: Say that name three times fast
vinopinguino: say that three time fast. wax wane witness
GredGredmansson: i really like the idea of hybrid commons
fanofmosteverything9: Wall of Blood synergy!
TriseAlpha: Fat Bat
datastorm17: bat with a butt
richi_198: Whot, why did my keyboard type and send that on its own?
baneless27: ya gred, makes draft more fun
fele_of_Cardmarket: @kynelwynn I'm struggling with once ^^
Vampyre_Lord: important not: gaining/losing life during opponent turn you dont get the buff on blocks
A_Dub888: WaxWaneWitness.Flying.Vigilance
freshmaker__: hehe anyways.. activate my necropotence
accountmadeforants: We did it, we finally broke Fastbond
PhuzNutz: @TXC2 sorry, I was being facetious.
TheWriterAleph: @A_Dub888 "It's Dot Com!"
bwk789: hi @fele_of_cardmarket hope youโ€™re doing well!
superdude097: We broke Fastbond!
Marvoleath: @richi_198 ghost cat lrrSPOOPY
TheWarbo: Sazeracs?
fele_of_Cardmarket: @bwk789 I am thank you! Hope you too!
Alas_Babylon: Sam Guay, no relation (though a student of hers!)
googoltudoris: love me some fligilance
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
kynelwynn: Sam Guay, not related to Rebecca, but trained by
richi_198: @Marvoleath for real D:
JoeSubject: Gift a tapped fish to a loved one this holiday season
accountmadeforants: The bat also combos with Channel OpieOP
Nihilist_Zealot: gift... a tapped... fish...
LRRbot: Finneas, Ace Archer [GW] | Legendary Creature โ€” Rabbit Archer [2/2] | Vigilance, reach / Whenever Finneas, Ace Archer attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on each other creature you control that's a token orโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Persistent Marshstalker [1B] | Creature โ€” Rat Berserker [3/1] | Persistent Marshstalker gets +1/+0 for each other Rat you control. / Threshold โ€” Whenever you attack with one or more Rats, if seven orโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
xDNRx: Man, the back & forth is so entertaining. Nelson is making a comeback
Morgan Nerenberg: Yeah, this is a great game
ZaOscelot: Hey mods- โค
ZaOscelot: Hope itโ€™s been smooth today
Sarah: It has so far and fingers crossed it stays that way, thank you
Vaeldarg: @Creature Type: Sorcery The lore reason would probably be b/c they're not exactly going off of a wizard's education
LRRbot: Feed the Cycle [1B] | Instant | As an additional cost to cast this spell, forage or pay {B}. / Destroy target creature or planeswalker.
LRRbot: Sonar Strike [1W] | Instant | Sonar Strike deals 4 damage to target attacking, blocking, or tapped creature. You gain 3 life if you control a Bat.
LRRbot: Wear Down [1G] | Sorcery | Gift a card / Destroy target artifact or enchantment. If the gift was promised, instead destroy two target artifacts and/or enchantments.
malacorath: probably in the rules vid, but do we know how gift interacts with stax? ie gift a card with notion thief?
Morgan Nerenberg: Dayyyym!!! What a comeback!!!
ZaOscelot: Excellent. Also hey Sarah XD didnโ€™t know you were modding over here too
SmithKurosaki: @ZaOscelot Before they picked up Simriel and myself, someone had to keep an eye over here :)
Silver Story Author: I made it to watch my favorite Canadian's play with cute critters!
ZaOscelot: Ahhh true
Tiellae Kitsune: Whaaaaaaaat not just one round
Tiellae Kitsune: SergeSnerge
William Mak: HE
Simriel: Yes hello, I am mods
onetricktofani: I miss Ben's deck techs
ZaOscelot: Aight, Iโ€™m out for now. Gotta get these errands done. Enjoy!
Creature Type: Sorcery: @Vaeldarg Thanks ๐Ÿ˜€
Silver Story Author: :0 THICCCCC wrapping
Morgan Nerenberg: SO thicccc
Silver Story Author: squire fetch my seed pod!
VoltVizenti: man I Hope they open a """"Value"""" Booster
Shaun Fischer: Woo, hoo Blooming Animal Set. i want to enter the contest.
Sarah: Yeah as usual I am in too many different places :P
Pharmacistjudge: keep track of two chats is alot
Silver Story Author: Wax on wane off-Karate Kid probably
Sarah: This one is fairly chill and having a good number of other mods helps a lot :)
Sarah: But still, yeah
Silver Story Author: The mods have their work cut out for them
nessiah_aries: Fift a Gish?
TriseAlpha: "Throw a fish at your opponent"
wontedfive30282: The bats look incredible
cmdrud87: Verleihnix - Fische- Krutentiere
Mr_Horrible: @Alas_Babylon oh interesting, I didn't realize she was his mentor
TheWriterAleph: "ey yo u want dis feesh?"
j4bon: where is grahams awesome sweater(sweatshirt?) from?
Tom_Bruise: gift a magic player a tapped fish, they'll block once. teach a magic player to play fish kindred, they'll block for life
RocknGrohlNerd: @fele_of_cardmarket foil flying only if you used foil mana
bwk789: @fele_of_cardmarket I caught all the team at mc Amsterdam but didnโ€™t spot you. Were you there?
GredGredmansson: @TriseAlpha "I THROW the fish, and it comes BACK to me!"
TXC2: I feel like a tapped fish means it's been gutted :p
RandomTrivia: Gift a man a fish, and he will have edict fodder for a turn. Teach a man to fish, and "Oops, all your nonbasics are Islands"
Pharmacistjudge: A Tapped Salmon? A tapped Tuna? or is it just a tapped sardine?
00gogo00: woah that's good
Marvoleath: Gift is target, so politics in multiplayer
fele_of_Cardmarket: @RocknGrohlNerd makes sense....
Alas_Babylon: @Pharmacistjudge A tapped whale
accountmadeforants: And yeah, the bats seem to finally make the W/B lifegain deck interesting again in draft.
00gogo00: is this our first instant speed tormenting voice?
00busyhands: power creep on thrill, letโ€™s go
Alex_Frostfire: To note, it targets a player to avoid getting blown out if the gift was promised and the creature removed.
Bugberry: Target player is in case they remove the creature you are targeting, so the spell doesn't fizzle
00gogo00: it's target player draws 2 so it doesn't get countered if they kill the creature in response
Decaped: past nelson probably figured out why it was target player
theevilslime: @00busyhands nope, had a few of those
00gogo00: presumably
GredGredmansson: @00gogo00 isn't Tormenting Voice already an instant?
00gogo00: @GredGredmansson idk
Sandeon: I think its so you still get the cards if you gift and they remove your guy
Alas_Babylon: !card Tormenting Voice
LRRbot: Tormenting Voice [1R] | Sorcery | As an additional cost to cast this spell, discard a card. / Draw two cards.
fele_of_Cardmarket: @bwk789 someone had to hold up the fort... stayed in Berlin but next time!
ardor_edi: easily give a fish if you have slicshow show off
Bugberry: @GredGredmansson nope, that's THrill of Possibility
Alex_Frostfire: !card Thrill of Possibility
LRRbot: Thrill of Possibility [1R] | Instant | As an additional cost to cast this spell, discard a card. / Draw two cards.
Alas_Babylon: That's the one
00gogo00: ah cool
Tyabann: I think it's really funny that Fish is now a defined token type, like treasure
GredGredmansson: I'm thinking of Thrill
Woodthorn: Flavour fail that the bats don't care about Day/Night Kappa
JoeSubject: you can gift a tapped fish but can you tip a fapped gish
GredGredmansson: we also have Demand Answers
TriseAlpha: Bun Jump
kynelwynn: Triggers Valiant
googoltudoris: pie stride?
GFreeGamer: awww, a worse Sudden Spinnerets
bwk789: @fele_of_cardmarket fair. maybe next time mc comes to Europe
RocknGrohlNerd: Hi, Stride๐Ÿ˜
fele_of_Cardmarket: That thing gives reach?
fanofmosteverything9: Note: This is a Neon Dynasty reprint.
todeswillen: Surprise Reach
GredGredmansson: we have had this exact card; its a reprint
fele_of_Cardmarket: @bwk789 definitely!
Bugberry: @Woodthorn bats mostly hang around dusk or dawn.
TriseAlpha: There's a LOT of "Wait, that has REACH!?" cards in Bloomburrow
kynelwynn: This set has a LOT of reach to handle all the birds and bats
The_cake_of_lies: Reprint from Kamigaway Neon Dynasty yeah
A_Dub888: "Uncharted Haven" I thought Thunder Junction was the previous set
TXC2: the stride is high, but I'm holding on
gameboy350: we had this in otj as a desert too
DarkMorford: Is ETB just shortened to "enters" now in templating?
Gekyouryuu: the thriving lands in Jumpstart
Gekyouryuu: iirc
GredGredmansson: @DarkMorford yes
zook_ningel: @DarkMorford yes
fanofmosteverything9: Squirrel Fusion!
TXC2: DarkMorford yeap
The_cake_of_lies: Love this art
Woodthorn: @Bugberry The flavour text mentioned worshipping day and night.
RocknGrohlNerd: @txc2 LUL
Y2A_Alkis: Mirage Mesa, yes
LRRMTG_Judge: @DarkMorford Yes, "enters the battlefield" has been replaced with "enters" as of Bloomburrow - Natedogg
TXC2: RocknGrohlNerd thank you
Mr_Horrible: god I love the death artwork in this set, with the animal shapes in leaves, sticks, foliage...
A_Dub888: @TXC2 Great, now that's stuck in my head
ladyjessica: just listening while doing stuff. I kept trying to rewind because I thought this was just a regular crack a pack.
TriseAlpha: Squirrels are brutal monsters
fele_of_Cardmarket: OMG getting ETB out of my system is gonna take even longer than getting rid of CMC... LUL
LRRMTG_Judge: They refuse to change leaves because "Leaves the battlefield and Leaves the graveyard" are both used in trigger templating currently.
GredGredmansson: nelson really likes tendrils of agony, i'm learning
tehfewl: G Y R E
TXC2: A_Dub888 lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
IaCthulhuFthagn: There's been a better Tormenting Voice in almost every set for a while... Invasion of Mercadia, Bitter Reunion, Demand Answers, Saheeli's Lattice...
Gekyouryuu: Bullet Seed
fanofmosteverything9: Petal Gear...
datastorm17: its a fire flower
GredGredmansson: think that's a mouse
super731: flower gun
RandomTrivia: @fanofmosteverything9 sergeJustRight
superdude097: @fanofmosteverything9 LUL
IggyMTG: snap dragons
TriseAlpha: Lizard uses Fire Flower
RocknGrohlNerd: @fanofmosteverything9 FBtouchdown
neveth: a weapon to surpass Flower Gear
singinnonsense: it's a plant mech
Austin__Abridged: Petal slug
malifeca: I hope I don't run into any Bullwinkle cards at pre release that moose looks nasty
raulghoulia: literal Pistil
vinopinguino: its unsettling...
cheshiregleam: It's legit called the Squirting Cucumber, I am sorry to say
razorswift: @fanofmosteverything9 A weapon to surpass Petal Gear!
Kingsgrave: Pent up is right!
daviddolan: Mice don't want zombies on their lawn.
Zoltaris: aaaaaOr... it's magic?
Metric_Furlong: that plant is called a squirting cucumber
TriseAlpha: Fun fact: Moose works with Squirrels
GreatWahooney: @Austin__Abridged you win :D
Pharmacistjudge: is this the pokemon attack "bullet seed?"
brieandbacon: Searing Blood without the RR cost
accountmadeforants: I hope that some future Modern Horizons set we get "Gift a (thing). Search your library for up to four cards with different names and reveal them. Target opponent chooses two of those cards, if the gift was promised, you choose two cards instead. Put the chosen cards into your graveyard and the rest into your hand. Then shuffle." So it's Gifts Ungiven if no gift was given.
wouter215: This is good art from Jakob.
ralphthellama: @trisealpha I love that flavor!
GredGredmansson: BR wants their opponents to lose life
Tyabann: this is one of the best uncommons ever
msartivisual: Okay but the A R T W O R K
GredGredmansson: Otter Electromancer
malifeca: Which squirrel is rocky?
gluonquark: otterly adorable
datastorm17: not this wizard, its the otter one
senorhowdy: Goblin Electromancer shaking and crying right now
fele_of_Cardmarket: They made soooo many LUTRIS in this set!
GredGredmansson: @malifeca not sure; none of them have flying
Bugberry: Wizard is also relevant
TheOnlyOrk: I love them so much
GredGredmansson: Autumn Plains
IaCthulhuFthagn: Spells matter Otters has been a theme for a while now.
Tyabann: that otter goes right in Veyran. so good
Dschuncks: sandbox trees and jewelweed plants have exploding seed pods
walkeroftales: also, like, "otter" is a hard creature type to reprint, and they reprint electromancer into the ground
Didero: Basic land card art is my favourite card art
fanofmosteverything9: Eepy bat
super731: girlnap
WishyWashyofSaddleArabia: I want to build Zoraline so much...
Lycodrake: eepiest bat
Lobo_Apache: white black bat!white black bat!white black bat!
TXC2: is this not the God to the Ixalan Vampires? :p
TriseAlpha: Otter has Prowess... and Goblin didn't have Stormsplitter to play with
GredGredmansson: !card solemnity
LRRbot: Solemnity [2W] | Enchantment | Players can't get counters. / Counters can't be put on artifacts, creatures, enchantments, or lands.
fele_of_Cardmarket: ayayay need to build Zoraline!
Bugberry: Dies. You can flicker finality counters off creatures.
Bannin: Just tappin ya do.
Simriel: We had a level 5 supermod earlier on, but I think he's gone :p
Silver Story Author: F I S H
Bannin: They hate me at the supermarket. Always tappin the fish
Sarah: I didn't realize he picked up a mod hat on top of his judge hat
Silver Story Author: Reel Big Fish's cover band: Reel Gift Fish
Greys N. Owman: This is absurd in Zada, Heston Grinder
Greys N. Owman: Hedron*
Silver Story Author: @Bannin You really are a fishy person
Vaeldarg: There's a gift card that gives an extra turn in exchange for getting lot of protections...
Drew Johnson: So excited about this set
Bannin: @Silver Story Author I always choke on water, hoping my gills came in. Hasn't happened yet
Silver Story Author: @Bannin don't get lost in the sauce. or I guess more accurately...sea
Bannin: I do like that it feels very Redwall-like, harkens back to my childhood reading those books
s4p3rlip0p37: watching what i can from work set looks like fun so far
J K: Hello everyone!
Vaeldarg: @Bannin There's also the "Warriors" books, if want to go further up the food chain.
Bannin: I haven't seen much, but every color combo has a race associated with it?
Silver Story Author: @Bannin They just couldn't get the rights to Redwall
Bannin: @Vaeldarg Yeah, read about 3 of those series too
Vaeldarg: @Silver Story Author Maybe will be a future secret lair for this set
Morgan Nerenberg: Bleric!
ThePixelSavage: goes straight into my Ratadrabik deck ...
Diabore: Sure can
TriseAlpha: Zoraline is super good in Bats. She does all the Bat things
TallynNyntyg: I would find it hilarious if Ral remained an otterfolk after planeswalking back to Ravnica, and his husband and Niv-Mizzet had a tough time motivating him and fish just make him like Cam and Alex in the ice cream cH episode.
WhiteWizard42: @ThePixelSavage batadrabik
humbro12: Just tuned in. Did i miss a giveaway?
thatonefergie: Sun bat cleric titan
TehAmelie: when i hear "bat cleric" i picture a cleric with a baseball bat of healing
GredGredmansson: @humbro12 don't think so
Sarah_Serinde: humbro12 Not yet
ThePixelSavage: @WhiteWizard42 duggerWheeze
singinnonsense: seems good with deep-cavern bat
janMelantu: I love how happy the bats are
00busyhands: @tehamelie LUL
RandomTrivia: @Bugberry Amusingly, even if was "exile instead of any other zone", you could *still* flicker Finality counters away
abslomdaak42: It's funny, Zoraline isn't particularly... vigilant in the story
TheLawlzFTW: Pog
Bugberry: @TallynNyntyg I'm more curious about Bloomburrow natives leaving the plane. I haven't read the recent stories so I'm not sure if that came up.
howlinglotus: bun buns
DarkMorford: CUTE
Trixalicious: Bunnies!
senorhowdy: Bunnies!
msartivisual: It must be bunnies
GredGredmansson: bnuuies
razorswift: tempt with bunnos
fanofmosteverything9: The bnuuy!
RandomTrivia: YES PLEASE I would like some bunnies!
JoeSubject: D'aaaw
super731: bnuuies
ExachixKitsune: bun!
TXC2: ah what this set did to TQ :p
kaziel0: @TallynNyntyg Yeah, but then we could see Ral just holding hands with his BF which would be the CUTEST thing!
00gogo00: aren't the bunnies people in this set
nevermore913: Great name
RocknGrohlNerd: wheelerY wheelerH
Tom_Bruise: Tempted
TriseAlpha: Tempting Buns. Wait...
Alas_Babylon: tempt with rabbos
pete_haderlein: best buns
TheLawlzFTW: i cannot be tempted with bunnies
MLPCopperMoon: I am tempted with the bunnies
LRRMTG_Judge: Bunnies, bunnies it must be bunnies! - Natedogg
That1GuyBen: Live picture of Cameron holding the bunny
sharker037: Nver saying no to this offer
AllTheWeasels: I accept
walkeroftales: SO TEMPTING
TallynNyntyg: @kaziel0 Yes.
Pharmacistjudge: Chat, are you EVER saying no to bunnies?
00gogo00: this could be "tempt with men" in any other set
Kirgo: One could say the set Bloomburrow is tempting us all with bunnies.
accountmadeforants: What this set is doing to Wheeler
Ritaspirithntr: tqsSmug tqsSmug tqsSmug tqsSmug
GredGredmansson: wait, Offer is capitalized now?
00gogo00: which is a better name
gaia_arcade: @tehamelie I would love a DND character like that! That would be awesome!
Tyabann: this is about as insane as Tempt with Discovery tbh
sharker037: They werent lying, it do be tempting
IaCthulhuFthagn: Every single one of those bunnies would eat your face off in an instant.
Scarrboros: I accept
SmashTCG: I know there's gonna be an alter of that
Sage0fMadness: @LRRMTG_Judge what do they need such good eyesight for anyway?!
Didero: Ooh,fancy-looking card
TXC2: janMelantu easy on the all caps please
TriseAlpha: Tempt is Proto-Gift (kinda)
JoeSubject: Killer art
fanofmosteverything9: Prophecy: Jace will kill us all.
GoblinPieromancer: god I love art like this
humbro12: Who else will be reading the card "hop to it" like Hawk tuah?
Diabore: Ooh thats nice
TheWriterAleph: Shooketh Frog
Bugberry: @RandomTrivia kind of like Unearth. It only exiles if the creature goes anywhere other than the graveyard, so flickering those also sends it to exile, satisfying Unearth.
dasdardly: this art is just so good
27Farya: oooooh that frame is gorgeous
dasdardly: i love this border
00gogo00: oh this is the bad atraxa
singinnonsense: draw a card AND get a bunny ? Who is gonna refuse that ?
TallynNyntyg: Also, I wanna see what Quint and Ajani would become on Bloomburrow, but I think they might be mice because of their color centers and how they operate.
RandomTrivia: @Bugberry Exactly!
Lithobraker: There's NINE card types nowadays?!
Marvoleath: !card portent calamity
LRRbot: Portent of Calamity [XU] | Sorcery | Reveal the top X cards of your library. For each card type, you may exile a card of that type from among them. Put the rest into your graveyard. You may cast a spell from among the exiled cards without paying its mana cost if you exiled four or more cards this way. Then put the rest of the exiled cards into your hand.
GredGredmansson: "The kings in the dark will return. The mage in blue will bring about the end."
TriseAlpha: Draw at least 1 card and maybe get a free spell. Not bad
ThePixelSavage: @Lithobraker battles do exist duggerMmhmm
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TallynNyntyg Dog Ajani would be amazing.
Anubis169: sounds interesting!
Bugberry: Unlike a lot of X spells, you only get anything if X is 4 minimum
sharker037: For them atraxa decks
ipoddodd: @Lithobraker Battles were introduced with ONE, and have not been seen since
Diabore: New infinite mana thoracle win?
GredGredmansson: @ipoddodd MOM, but yeah
WhiteWizard42: @Lithobraker nine that can be in your library. artifact, creature, land, enchantment, planeswalker, battle, instant, sorcery, Kindred (used to be Tribal)
AramBos: it doesn't say card types, just cards right?
TallynNyntyg: @IaCthulhuFthagn But are there doggos in Bloomburrow?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Lithobraker There's a LOT more, but not on cards legal in any meaningful format.
sharker037: Does it count snow??
WhiteWizard42: @WhiteWizard42 there's also planes, schemes, dungeons, etc.
GredGredmansson: @AramBos yeah but you can only add one of each type to hand
GreatWahooney: @sharker037 that's a supertype sadly
razorswift: @AramBos you exile one per card type
WhiteWizard42: @sharker037 no. snow is a supertype
TheWormbo: @Bugberry lower X still gets you something, but only into your hand
TriseAlpha: This guy is gonna end games on its own
sharker037: Huh nakes sense
GredGredmansson: the Critters list are not Special Guest
fele_of_Cardmarket: oooh special guest chatterfang, nice!
dasdardly: the collector booster bonus sheet right?
TehAmelie: his fangs, they're so talky
jazzfox: I believe they said Chatterfang ISN'T from Bloomburrow =O
TXC2: ugh this ass, only ever see this when I'm playing green in Brawl :p
ThePixelSavage: chatterfang should have been human
TriseAlpha: Oh wait, it's Chatterfang. I meant the other one... He's pretty awesome too
krfsm: I think we've been told Chatterfang explicitly isn't from Bloomburrow
jazzfox: His OG card references elves who aren't from Bb!
IaCthulhuFthagn: @sharker037 ...same as Basic or Legendary, for instance.
theworldsmith1: unfortunately, he fights orcs and drakes, so hes not from bloomburrow
GredGredmansson: Chatterfang is Dominarian I believe
TriseAlpha: Such Boldness!
TallynNyntyg: According to Scryfall, Chatterfang was initially printed for MH2.
tehfewl: god thats good art
sharker037: Makes sense
ExachixKitsune: !card Chatterfang
LRRbot: Chatterfang, Squirrel General [2G] | Legendary Creature โ€” Squirrel Warrior [3/3] | Forestwalk / If one or more tokens would be created under your control, those tokens plus that many 1/1 green Squirrel creature tokens are created instead. / {B}, Sacrifice X Squirrels: Target creature gets +X/โˆ’X until end of turn.
Ukon_Cairns: paws for effects Hhhehehe
ipoddodd: @GredGredmansson I thought it was Kaldheim, but dominaria is possible
IronLucario2012: Mildly annoyed there were so many Imagine:Critters cards that were originally animals anyway. :p
GredGredmansson: this is the WORST Season, btw
gaia_arcade: I love the idea of paws with this
IbunWest: A sorcery that damages from the graveyard is weird
accountmadeforants: @ipoddodd Kaldheim was Toski
lordofkatz: Still, the worst season is good company
50keyz: how does it deal damage if its been cast? from the graveyard? if you exile from the graveyard does it still work?
Sage0fMadness: @IronLucario2012 same tbh
WhiteWizard42: paw-p off
TriseAlpha: Bold isn't the best Season, but it's hardly *bad*
humbro12: Pawp off?
super731: bob bat
thatonefergie: Paw-p off for sure
kaziel0: @WhiteWizard42 Beat me to it! XD
ardor_edi: Batty bob
00gogo00: bat bob
GredGredmansson: BATBOB
Purestorm_: BatBob
00gogo00: bat bob is crazy
TriseAlpha: Baby Bob Bat
thetimelord93: batbob
LRRMTG_Judge: @50keyz It sets up a delayed trigger. Even if it leaves the graveyard, the delayed trigger will still trigger - Natedogg
TXC2: nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah BATBOB!
Diabore: So many tokens
50keyz: @LRRMTG_Judge thank you so much!
TriseAlpha: BatBob and Baby BatBob
fele_of_Cardmarket: coolest part of set CONFIRMED!
TXC2: TallynNyntyg wasy on the all caps please
Mr_Horrible: I didn't realize they made tokens for all the offspring triggers, that's super cool
accountmadeforants: @IronLucario2012 Ant Queen is still hilarious to me. They didn't even make it cuter or anything.
Debatra: I'm just a few cuts away from finishing a Zoraline Commander deck.
Swaggerstickbyaah: the chatterfang art is amazing
squidpeanut: Did serge pull through?
SentinelStormer: God how much would a Collector draft cost
Mr_Horrible: Seasoning of the Bold
TXC2: squidpeanut sadly no
fanofmosteverything9: The power of toe beans compels Graham.
GredGredmansson: he did not @squidpeanut
ipoddodd: @squidpeanut serge got batted, and drained to death
phoenixfeather14: @squidpeanut Nope, Nelly won
TriseAlpha: @SentinelStormer Too much.
TheWormbo: @squidpeanut Serge was pulled through
gameboy350: We had a few collector boosters in our chaos draft recently
TallynNyntyg: @TXC2 I'm just worried people'll forget the second "P".
Debatra: !card Season of the Bold
LRRbot: Season of the Bold [3RR] | Sorcery | Choose up to five {P} worth of modes. You may choose the same mode more than once. / {P} โ€” Create a tapped Treasure token. / {P}{P} โ€” Exile the top two cards of your library. Until the end of your next turn, you may play them. / {P}{P}{P} โ€” Until the end of your next turn, whenever you cast a spell, Season of the Bold deals 2 damage to up to one target creature.
Tyabann: can you even do collector draft? the boosters aren't collated for draft, right?
Heiru: pennyPleased
MrMatternot: Greetings Programs.
freshmaker__: I assume the creatures were all animals because they wanted the printed creature types to match, but you can mix it up with planeswalkers because they don't have creature types.
TheLawlzFTW: Clap
Silver Story Author: @vaeldarg A Redwall Secret Lair would be incredible!
Simriel: So this set is speed running "new best creature types" huh
Silver Story Author: I'm totally Batty about this set!
Vaeldarg: "tempt" aka "bait"
Silver Story Author: This card is totally hopping right into an EDH deck.
Ty_Sylicus: Tempt with Bunnies is my fav card of the set!
Vaeldarg: I'm just crossing fingers for more good legendaries for my Esika Arena deck.
Vaeldarg: Guessing Season is a cycle
Greys N. Owman: @Vaeldarg It is
Astrovore: cool that they've printed offspring tokens
AstroBase: Got my Squirrel preorder set up yesterday, can't wait! Anyone got good ideas for which sleeve color to use?
Simriel: I want all of the offspring tokens
Mlem: nut brown for the squirrels!
Pharmacistjudge: how many of you here are willing to say no to a bunny?
Mystee: Those offspring tokens look amazing!
Vaeldarg: @AstroBase brown/grey? Depends on which is favorite squirrel species
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Swaggerstickbyaah: Also, the offspring tokens are going to be the cutest
TheWormbo: @Tyabann you can draft anything if you're brave enough
brieandbacon: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
GredGredmansson: @Tyabann you can draft with whatever packs you want; its not recommended but some people don't care
sharker037: I was in the bathroom for a while; can someone explain me the details of the giveaway? I didnt quite catch anything. Did they do it already?
brad8808: lrrSLOTH_TK
Pharmacistjudge: I know the song is called Canadian Frontier, but I remember driving around the hawaii coast playing this music.
kaziel0: @Swaggerstickbyaah The one 4-mana white rabbit's offspring makes me squeal each time I look at it.
IronLucario2012: @freshmaker__ That makes an annoying amount of sense but I still don't like it. :p
Lycodrake: are the giveaways only to those with a subscription? ;v;
RocknGrohlNerd: this song is so darn good
TriseAlpha: Confirmed: people become Folk in Bloomburrow. Both Ral and the Kolaghan got fursonas.
Lycodrake: one of Kolaghan's brood*
accountmadeforants: @SentinelStormer Assuming you can get the boosters for 25 (currency), it'll cost you 600 (currency) for a full pod with 3 packs each.
mastershake29x: @Lycodrake no, anyone can enter
fanofmosteverything9: Still disappointed that Dragonhawk didn't get a Kolaghan watermark.
GredGredmansson: @TriseAlpha and Jace
SentinelStormer: @TriseAlpha Well a Kolaghan brood dragon did at least
Dsulltv: Thanks judges
sharker037: How do you enter @mastershake29x
AntianSiridean: Love getting the Bloomborrow ad in the ad break
jazzfox: With that reminder, shout out to the Judges on hand helping today!
googoltudoris: judges, could i get a terrible pun please?
Didero: Oh, sub-a-thon 2025 confirmed Kappa
TriseAlpha: @GredGredmansson Jace doesn't have a "real" Bloomburrow card, but yes. Him too!
mastershake29x: @sharker037 all will be explained when the time comes for the giveaway
sharker037: Makes sense
Lycodrake: i grew up on redwall so this set matters so much for me. and unlike almost any other set, i'm not solely looking at the GW/GWx things on offer because the bats interest me so much more :)
EtherswornDragon: WotC are cowards not reprinting JtmS into standard. I was gonna play it again, but not now.
Omega_Orion subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Omega_Orion! (Today's storm count: 68)
sharker037: One more for the storm count guys!!!
LRRMTG_Judge: @googoltudoris I could, but it might drive you a little batty - Natedogg
Omega_Orion: Aw dang I was one off
WhiteWizard42: oh dang, finally looking at the Imagine Critters list and I need this Broodmoth
Ukon_Cairns: kinda funny to have jace kinda hovering just outside the set yet again.
LRRMTG_Judge: I only send write high quality puns. I would not dare gift a tapped pun.
DNAli3n: is it only way too hot here? i can hardly think
sharker037: Jace has been hobering outiside all sets since he appeared
Omega_Orion: I think this is going to get me to sign up for my local Prerelease, I wasn't sure I'd like the format beyond the cute art but the first match was great
sharker037: He was a deity for a solid ten sets
DarkMorford: This set feels like Ferngully transplanted into MtG and I'm totally here for it
SentinelStormer: On the note of the fact interplanar visitors get animal-shifted: Who the heck was Jace travelling with? In the story we hear he was travelling with a lizard, but when we see Vraska's secret lair she's a snake. Or do we think that was just a miscommunication between departments?
TriseAlpha: So tell us more about this Otterball?
aNormalJohn: Kathleen jumpscare LUL
BrowneePoints: he was with vraska
fele_of_Cardmarket: woohoo! bat-leen!
Lycodrake: @DarkMorford Secrest of Nhim a bit more for animated movies
ExachixKitsune: @TriseAlpha : it's otter madness
sharker037: Its basically an never ending calvinball game @trisealpha
GredGredmansson: @SentinelStormer could be miscommunication, seems like Snakefolk aren't normally a thing, and maybe Helga didn
ThePixelSavage: the Goth Crew! duggerMmhmm
TallynNyntyg: @SentinelStormer Helga may've been mistaken.
jazzfox: THING
RandomTrivia: The box!
Grinnin_Gin: cardboard boxes are a good thing?
RandomTrivia: benginChaos
Omentuva: Kathleeeeeeeen!
GredGredmansson: didn't get a vision of Vraska's entire body
MarkovDescendant: LUL LUL LUL
A_Dub888: lrrFINE
thanatoscar: half a box yay
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
GreatWahooney: is it time?
kiba509: XD
JonHerzogArtist: I want that one!
Sarah_Serinde: lrrDARK
mweepigeon: "Near Mint"
DidacticDad: yooo
fanofmosteverything9: Otterball is basically Calvinball, but in a river.
That1GuyBen: Oh that's such a katlheen blunder lmao
vinopinguino: ill take the one that kathleen just broke
frostownik: @SentinelStormer it's possible that there was a mixup, but also Helga didn't know what an eel is, so she's not super reliable
RandomTrivia: Somewhere, Erika just shivered :D
boredkid07: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
Tom_Bruise: Slightly damaged? Cam, that doesn't function as a box anymore!
Boomyakalolo: broke ot in one
Jillexie: Box break
ElektroTal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
SirPlumpy: aye a box!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ElektroTal! (Today's storm count: 69)
TXC2: Kathleen is a PROFESSINAL
Primary_Stig: Sweet
kaziel0: Professionals! <3
flustered_blue: ooooh
nic_nax96 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
TehAmelie: 9.998% mint
RocknGrohlNerd: still near mint
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nic_nax96! (Today's storm count: 70)
00gogo00: lmao
AmewTheFox: the wonders of being live
Krillin_fan: perfection
Omega_Orion: Oh no <3
MrSarkhan: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
TriseAlpha: I wish to subscribe to the Otterball podcast
mexgirlmindy: I'm here for it
hiryuu1115: "Comedy!"
cmdrud87: "near mint"
Naarius: oop
viotech3: Fantastic
Tom_Bruise: That box is no longer functionail
ExachixKitsune: Near Mint, as in, It's abdly damaged but we put it near some mint
kiba509: amazing
wontedfive30282: Ooopsie
TotallyNotaBeholder: Lightly Dropped
Jon_CoffeeRobot: prize entry word: DAMAGED
secretspud: take 2
GredGredmansson: @fanofmosteverything9 please they aren't even wearing masks
sharker037: The kathleen damaged set will be worth more now
Lamebert1415: Near Mint
adi_pie: Call it signed
Tarnius: Excellent, yes.
Banrael: I'm ready for this.
aussie_rob_w: We appreciate you Kathleen
FourTwo0ne: So good.
TwoSenses: it's no longer crack a pack, it's break a box
razorswift: Cam's broken
GreatWahooney: lrrFINE
TriseAlpha: "Neat Mint"
GrassVortex: extraLUL
CodenameJD: No notes
th3gentleknut: I'll pay for the shipping for the "near mint" give away
tehcrashxor: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
mastershake29x: don't do this at Desert Bus
Swaggerstickbyaah: lighlty played
0011110000110011: LUL
Travilogue: "The Kathleen Touch"
Ukon_Cairns: the value cannot be contained PogBones
bwk789: clip it please
Taskmaster1995: love Cameron. He makes things better
maclenrac: Get some
wouter215: Iโ€™ll still take it!
mexgirlmindy: Near mint lol
Krillin_fan: it's this level of professionalism that we all tune in for
CommiePuddin: Ever gracious, Kathleen De Vere
atium_of_ruin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
gameboy350: <message deleted>This LIGHTLY-played starter pack
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man: LOL
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, atium_of_ruin! (Today's storm count: 71)
slickslickman: "Near" mint
TXC2: so Cameron's dead
Halvhir: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
Omentuva: Cameron straight up corpsing.
Lycodrake: bless you, kathleen
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Kit300: Discounted lol
Omega_Orion: "Lightly dropped"
gaia_arcade: Love Kathleen
Mr_Horrible: "Previously disregarded"
sharker037: Kathleen touched
tyrew0rm: oh no, Cam down
MKgorgone: That just mean the pack is building character.
LRRMTG_Judge: @SentinelStormer My headcannon is that they know about lizards on Bloomburrow, but aren't familiar with snakes, so they saw a snake but thought it was a lizard - Natedogg
ThibbleBird: HAH
nessiah_aries: Cam, breathe!
Mehayo: Poor, lovely Cam.
the_clam93: woo! lightly dropped!
Ritaspirithntr: tqsLOL tqsLOL
RatherLargeToad: itโ€™s still good! itโ€™s still good!
thegiftedgrifter: Lightly dropped condition lol
50keyz: wow - with that damage do you work for canada post?
Jillexie: Cameron ded
RandomTrivia: Actually, I withdraw my previous. Somewhere, Erika is SCREAMINBG
RabidSkatBadger: Hahaha
t_peazy: Broke cam
nova_plushie: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
FixTheJames: The drop adds to the value!
TallynNyntyg: "Lightly used" booster.
iris_of_ether: This kills the Cameron
popcatholic: Please remember, she's a professional writer
msartivisual: This customized bundle is now available!
Ghstsnpr159 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ghstsnpr159! (Today's storm count: 72)
marxmarksman: Subathon Punch Drunk
baltimore_667083: am cameron okay?
leoflare subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
arkhamrefugee: Kathleen broke Cam!
jazzfox: We only request a NM label on the prize if we win it =D
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, leoflare! (Today's storm count: 73)
gmanjones: Cam, let it out!
thecampingviking: new version of Mic drop
fanofmosteverything9: Everything is fine.
mexgirlmindy: Boosie
AutumnVixenIX: pristine condition
fele_of_Cardmarket: we need several clips here asap!
RandomTrivia: lrrDARk
MedicCasts: You can win 'Prize set, slightly damaged' :P
IbunWest: merlekClap
randombillfolds: New giveaway just dropped!
t7112: great one Kathleen
mexgirlmindy: Boostie
Strebenherz: Amazing
Ritaspirithntr: lrrDARK lrrDARK
flustered_blue: lightly dropped still better than โ€œnear mintโ€
shaduko07: does Kathleen damaging it make it more or less valuable?
RocknGrohlNerd: Iยดd sell it on cardmarket as NM, no problem :D
kaziel0: Good job Cameron!
Peevvi: if it hasn't been dropped I don't want it
razorswift: lovely handled
That1GuyBen: Adam is one of the most capable of corpsing amongst the entire LRR crewa nd he's GONE
Fire_Summoner: love
TheRatKings: I hope I get the one Cathleen dropped
Godofmuffins: Professionals, years of experience.
JoeSubject: Dropped stuff only please.
RealGamerCow: Card grade may not be mint
JonHerzogArtist: Now its all dropped!
NonUniqueGuy: Drop the rest of the stuff
ladyjessica: camโ€™s dead
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby box
Mr_Horrible: incredible
Grinnin_Gin: what about the box
sharker037: Werent there four boosties
GredGredmansson: "handle with care"
MikeProvencher: Do we get the broken box too?
CodenameJD: If Cam breaks we're having a good time
CobaltCG: The nearest to mint cards I've ever seen
valkyrisprime: ah yes near mint
TwoSenses: this would NEVER happen on Desert Bus
super731: holy moly
Pharmacistjudge: And a box!
TXC2: in...near Mint condition
LRRMTG_Judge: And a box! A free box! - Natedogg
GoblinPieromancer: and the box?
ElektroTal: Cam
vinopinguino: does it get shipped in that box?!
DNAli3n: do we get the box too?
Mr_Horrible: such reverence on display
gluonquark: lightly damaged
NiceMrCaput: It's ok if I won it I'd drop it anyway
kirdape28: All cards HP
fele_of_Cardmarket: boxes are overrated anyway
thylordy: "Didn't get dropped." Immediately drops it.
TheOnlyOrk: This bundle is the best of the three clearly
roastbeefsandwitch: certified pre-dropped!
Jethrain: and presumably a new cardboard box
mexgirlmindy: I like cracking packs
bruiserhammerfist: Let's go. Today is my 17th wedding anniversary, what a gift this would be!
glencc91: NM
IbunWest: cam is gone
00gogo00: this is amazing
Dandyfloss: is that a first for LRR? LUL
totumusmaximus: ooooo
Sandeon: Does Kathleen dropping it increase or decrease the value?
Iam_Dead: Yippee graphi49Yipee
TallynNyntyg: Cam's trying hard not to laugh.
cobaltius: cam jedi mindtricing himself is the funniest to me.
TriseAlpha: Do we also get the legendary Silica Gel?
Jijin0: chaos hahah
secretspud: throw it harder to gaurentee good drops
humbro12: Hey
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man: can the word be "dropped"
mexgirlmindy: My husband wants the cards
Trixalicious: Daily Drop makes a surprise return
LadyAtarka: a word
vinopinguino: AHAH
Limit_Q: the bird is the word
oa888: This is peak content
Fovulonkiin: Is that US only?
BananaF4p: ha
LadyAtarka: lol
ElektroTal: I have never seen cam lose it like that
PhuzNutz: no caps
thatonefergie: A word
RedTag83: How do I like this stream harder lol
CaptnCheesebeard: !damaged
kortenhoeven: A word!
ralphthellama: a word on twitch
fele_of_Cardmarket: sorry youtube
DreadPantheon: word
thecampingviking: drop #2
FofoATL: !nearmint
TallynNyntyg: Hey, Cam: sneep snorp!
lordofkatz: Sorry youtube
CamazotzJr: Neat
MKgorgone: In for a penny...
MedliKupo: a word!
matthaus_c: I know we can't pick but I /want/ that one
Tom_Bruise: That box can't get anymore broken I guess
Banrael: "Lightly floored"
A_Dub888: Got it *covers self in glue*
malfnord: a word?
gameboy350: <message deleted>Tell me the word magic woman
InsaneVioletMage: Ooooo a word
Jon_CoffeeRobot: [[Tempt with Mayhem]]
sharker037: A Word
wmakker: word
RandomTrivia: benginChaos
Tyabann: sure, I'll put a word in.
Alex_Frostfire: My soul hurts.
Diabore: Can i give bits though?
notthepenguins: the other giveaways better have the Kathleen Drop feature
mexgirlmindy: A word on twitch
RatherLargeToad: a word in chat. on Twitch
Halvhir: It's just more unique now!
ButButTheJesus: hi folks, just came in while Cam was dying. I think I gather what happened
xantos69: At this point, just step on it.
yllwmstr: Bird
badrat_: a word
tonylowetv: WORD
kaziel0: Should be watching on Twitch. *nods*
Iodine953: I'll take damaged goods so long as theyre still cute
benny6298: a word
MysticProtogen: word ay
Purplesandpaper1: hello
jirriki1984: word
miniginger94: word
Cahzin: WORD
Swaggerstickbyaah: Why is she yeeting them lrrKATHLEEN
mexgirlmindy: Wors
DidacticDad: a word
BrainDedPanda: a word
CharredSpark: a little floor spice makes everything nice
Cahzin: a word
everybody1982: I am watching it on both now then
Tempest_of_Thought: I just want it more now
sharker037: Word
MLPCopperMoon: A word
maclenrac: Drop a box give away
TXPumpFIST: Aloha
ipoddodd: look, it's on theme
Kezzig_: jeeeez
WolfgangCloud: a word
Tz_BG: a word
mr_mad_march: A word XD
Dhrall: A word
straightshifty: a word
Kezzig_: a word
Sandeon: DOes it come with a live Squirrel?
dustineiden33: a word
fanofmosteverything9: Mildly foraged prize pack
TriseAlpha: Confirmed delicious prize pack
mexgirlmindy: Furry set
Myrniss: a word
DNAli3n: !quote drop
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Caineghest subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months, currently on a 30 month streak!
macintose: That adds more value cam
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Caineghest! (Today's storm count: 74)
ipoddodd: a word
Omega_Orion: Please sign any dents
BorgarWithAShotgun: a word
denofaiz: a word
benr1823: a word lmao
Killahpt: a word
Niemii: a word
Adderkleet: Cameo's big song gonna be stuck in a lot of people's heads soon.
baltimore_667083: a word
Morthamus1: a word
jjcard: thanks wotc for the prizes
birbtribul: Word
JoeSubject: rabid gnawed
Woodthorn: Wod is not the word, right?
Chartle: a word
mibukotaro: The word totally needs to be dropped
RandomTrivia: We certainly are having an experience
wordcandy70: a word
dragonloot: a word in chat
totumusmaximus: a word
Nelligrand: Word
DanTheMediocre: please make sure you didnt leave any rareness on the floor
ancienthangover: lightly gnawed
toopy3: rizz
Stavaro : A word
thegentlepus: A word
axhilhrus: a word
Teddy_Beats: a word
Woodthorn: Word*
Viewers_Like_You: a word
phyrexiansteven: A word
RixtonSnek: a word
drocathekorok: Word
MrEliteInsanity: a word
webbaba: sorry youtue
KodeMage: a word?
mexgirlmindy: Furries
Lordofironstorm: a word
gameboy350: <message deleted>if I just say every word beforehand, I can enter every giveaway
eye_h_bar: A word
RealGamerCow: Lightly thrown about by a Canadian Possum.
wordcandy70: word
w4llh4k: A WORD
V01D10: a word
baneless27: a word
Asher535 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Asher535! (Today's storm count: 75)
RandomTrivia: benginLove
Sarah_Serinde: You can sit in emote only until you all stop making the same spammy joke
Sage0fMadness: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
GreatWahooney: DinoDance
A_Dub888: lrrPistachio
superdude097: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
ExachixKitsune: cakejuPop
Kit300: lrrWOW
TriseAlpha: coxChicken
MyrddintheWizard: sharkf11CLAP sharkf11CLAP sharkf11CLAP
RandomTrivia: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
TXC2: thank you sarah
ipoddodd: jorbsG jorbsB
AllTheWeasels: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Foppish: lrrSPOOP
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe seabatClap
dtrain_67: lrrJUDGECALL
AstroBase: Id been thinking purple but maybe a muted brown or maybe the copper ds would look nice
Vaeldarg: @AstroBase brown isn't any of the colors, grey might make look like an artifact deck
Ty_Sylicus: Lefties Playmat is just mirrored. lol. love it
Silver Story Author: @astrobase my favorite MTG color, purple!
Vaeldarg: @AstroBase There's also just actual squirrel-printed sleeves, of course
Vaeldarg: squirrel-themed*
Simriel: mod advice: do not attempt to Sleeve actual squirrels. They will not appreciate it. I will not elaborate further
Vaeldarg: @Simriel Even in one of those little tuxedos?
SmithKurosaki: Especially those ones
SmithKurosaki: They hate wrinkles
Simriel: That would be elaboration @vaeldarg
Geo Pine: squirrels look cute, but I once saw one with a denuded tail... and those things are just Tree Rats
Jack Bross: Do little Rocky & Bullwinkle aviator glasses count as sleeves?
AstroBase: I can second the horrors of attempting to sleeve real squirrels
Simriel: I mean I also love Rats so tree rats are great :p
Simriel: Lightly Yote
Astrovore: don't worry, we'll put it in a new box
Geo Pine: Rats are highly underated. True
Eyal Brown: "Lovingly damaged"
AstroBase: omg
Vaeldarg: Of course it happens to Kathleen
Vince M: and immediately they all broke, love it
TheFedoraProject: little loose after the subathon are we?
AstroBase: hahaha "probably"
Simriel: Cameron is clearly actively trying to hold himself together and not doing well at it :p
PocketEngi: hype
Robb Young: โ€œSlightly Bruised Prize Packโ€
VoltVizenti: i Hope I win the broken one
OVERKiLL!: :face-purple-crying:
Sarah: Reminder: if you want to enter this upcoming giveaway you will need to be in Twitch chat
Carmen: the word should be hurt
Sarah: There will also be a youtube giveaway when this vod goes up later
Silver Story Author: I love how chaotic everything is everytine Cathleen is on stream
Vaeldarg: Worse likely happens as they're being put onto the store shelves anyway.
Ruud van Wanrooij: the cuttest set ever
Silver Story Author: everytime*
super731: <3
cobaltius: :)
ladyjessica: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
FickleMuse: PrideParty PrideParty PrideParty
SenshiSun: lrrAWESOME
Leonhart321: lrrHERE lrrHERE lrrHERE
iris_of_ether: escher3MEOW escher3MEOW lrrPistachio
The_cake_of_lies: lrrSHINE
MartonyTho: aspike1 aspike1
notthepenguins: sergeModLove sergeModLove
nova_plushie: lrrEFF lrrEFF lrrEFF
dtrain_67: fallen241RainbowSmug fallen241Rainbowblank teresa10Rave ahriha1Party
Julian_Rogue: kikulaHype kikulaHype kikulaHype kikulaHype
Creideiki_SE: lupiarMe lupiarEp
CaptnCheesebeard: tukandSorin tukandSorin tukandSorin
CelticGeek: lrrCAMERON lrrADAM
warpstonewarlock: lrrJUDGE
hotgreenflames: wearetPop wearetPop wearetPop
Hansk_and_Boo: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
msartivisual: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
MrPipboy3000: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
bammayhem: lrrBEEJ
j4bon: FortOne
MTGRanger: lrrFINE
as_ever_ellesandra: sergeModLove
design_constraint: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
samu_btdp1985: <message deleted>lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man: wheelerBrat wheelerBrat wheelerBrat wheelerBrat wheelerBrat wheelerBrat
Lobo_Apache: lrrDARK lrrDARK
cmdrzellgaudis: lrrCAMERON lrrCAMERON lrrCAMERON
TriseAlpha: edward26Lets edward26Do edward26This
kortenhoeven: <3 <3 <3
Decaped: pgeSilkJAM pgeSilkJAM pgeSilkJAM
Dragonpaladin1332: lrrFINE
brieandbacon: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3
yllwmstr: KomodoHype
Astramentha: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Sage0fMadness: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
mapguru: unarmeGameplay
MysticProtogen: lrrJUDGECALL lrrJUDGECALL
gameslayer013: hollytonesRat
cmdrud87: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
81ackR0se: sergeModLove sergePrideLove sergeModLove
thegentlepus: PoroSad
celestial_lion1: lrrHEART
LadyAtarka: sergeIntoTheSea sergeIntoTheSea
Creideiki_SE: jlrrCool
Sage0fMadness: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
Quagsniper: lrrJUDGE lrrJUDGE lrrJUDGE lrrJUDGE lrrJUDGE lrrJUDGE
j4bon: PokGarchomp
Pharmacistjudge: sergeModLove pharma2Vial sergeModLove
Testosteros: <message deleted>a word
m1f3rg: word
mastershake29x: giveaway sponsored by WotC (product) and LRR (floor)
abslomdaak42: lrrADAM lrrKATHLEEN lrrCAMERON
nyoomgoom: ModLove
Taliesin_21: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Y2A_Alkis: Adam playing blue? How novel! :-O
zombub: yagistShake
Tallher: SingsNote
gameboy350: <message deleted>a word
KodeMage: oof
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
msartivisual: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
Drewind: what do we have to do?
malfnord: I am honestly impressed how many us are both very literal and complete smartasses.
samu_btdp1985: <message deleted>a word
protojman: jlrrFall
micalovits: Yikes
TheBloodsparrow: lol
matthaus_c: chat.
Hansk_and_Boo: Emote
j4bon: PokCroagunk PokCroagunk PokCroagunk
TheDevil_Risen: HAHAHA
TXC2: DAMN cameron :p
SentinelStormer: Is Bird the Word? ;p
Julian_Rogue: Thanks mods <3
revilomagnifico: oof
Stavaro : Can't whait for de Pre release in my legs next week
TriseAlpha: edward26Ahrah
Metric_Furlong: Cam!
fele_of_Cardmarket: show the tokens!!!
AstroBase: Fine Ill switch to here but I dont like how aggressive the twich ads get
m1f3rg: ward
aussie_rob_w: Cam!!!
dunkleskog: TransgenderPride
iris_of_ether: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
TheDevil_Risen: <3 Cam
dasdardly: the deepest cut
Th3Hypn0Toad: word
The_cake_of_lies: Wow
Lycodrake: a word
cmdrzellgaudis: wheelerY wheelerH
Easilycrazyhat: Mom's of the Round Table
Queginn: too soon man
Grinnin_Gin: Cameron is playing Tooth and Tail over here
Melfina__: LUL
jazzfox: Ah, we're playing by Mattimeo rules instead of Redwall!
42MiLLyWays: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
SmithKurosaki: sergeModLove
irenrose: CAM
Swaggerstickbyaah: The... what?
RandomTrivia: Cameron has selected violence
AutumnVixenIX: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
TallynNyntyg: That goes Sommewhat over my head.
Tallher: Yeee
Mehayo: I never, ever, get tired of Cameron making extremely deep cuts.
Mastermind1429: Word
TriseAlpha: Certified Tokens
wordcandy70 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
wordcandy70: Almost 3 Baker month years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wordcandy70! (Today's storm count: 76)
rxpalindrome: a word
TheBloodsparrow: MORE of the content Iโ€™m here for
PoorMansPoison: I hope I win the giveaway:)
TheDevil_Risen: DONT EVER CHANGE <3
LegoMamateur subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Sandeon: Cameron playing "bring your kids to work day"
Julian_Rogue: Damn Cameron
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LegoMamateur! (Today's storm count: 77)
em0burrito: Cam LUL
krfsm: a ref Cam likes to come back to
gluonquark: AsexualPride
MKgorgone: The greatest WW1 humor in the game.
IaCthulhuFthagn: Chat... are there Lizard Wizards in this set?
drocathekorok: I was trying to spell word with emojis
Bugberry: Sounds like Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon. Child soldiers and nepotism.
maclenrac: Ya
MTGRanger: closest emote I have to modlove is lrrJUDGE
groulux: Pacify the parent, Doomblade the offspring!
lyricthepossum: Cam is deeply specific we love it
yuloncelestial: BangbooBounce BangbooBounce BangbooBounce
frostownik: @Swaggerstickbyaah the Somme Offensive
Lobo_Apache: Wow Cam. That was so obscure I got that joke
ElektroTal: That is cam as fuck
gmanjones: are you planning to eventually return that commission, Cam?
thegentlepus: I Hope I win the broken box!
TheOnlyOrk: Words
Hansk_and_Boo: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Omentuva: Was not expecting a World War 1 reference at a Bloomburrow PPR
iris_of_ether: unarmeHeart unarmeHeart unarmeHeart unarmeOkay
TallynNyntyg: XD
Timpmaster7: โ€ฆCam
RocknGrohlNerd: as is your right Adam
Kingsgrave: a word
KodeMage: 1066
em_sassafras: BegWan
alikaoz: Tolkien fantasy redefined
fanofmosteverything9: Love the deck names.
TallynNyntyg: Adam's deckname!
Dandyfloss: subscribe offspring facts
MLPCopperMoon: @thegentlepus Near mint!
southernwolverine: Wow, didn't expect WW1 humor
shiningelbow: both banger deck names
TheDevil_Risen: im crying
SusanTD: Broken box best box.
JoseStones1: Adams deck name killed me
Kit300: Magic the droppening
LRRbot: Agate-Blade Assassin [1B] | Creature โ€” Lizard Assassin [1/3] | Whenever Agate-Blade Assassin attacks, defending player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
zook_ningel: great dueling decknames here
shabe_x_roc: Are we round 2?
Marvoleath: Left side wins the die roll again, coincidence?
Tarnius: I like Adam's deck's name.
kaziel0: Deck names on point!
humbro12: Round 2 in overlay
MusicalEsscence108: Finally following the Twitch
TriseAlpha: Spike Lizard
maclenrac: All star
frizzell66: test
TXC2: Adam's deck name is spiting facts
ipoddodd: Ahgahtee
Julian_Rogue: These deck names *chefs kiss*
kynelwynn: Adam, I love your deck name
VAB0L0: A word in chat
RandomTrivia: As we learned last round :D
abslomdaak42: xDDD
SirLoinOfBeef_: a gate
em_sassafras: a word?
MusicalEsscence108: So I can Twitch with excitement for Bloomburrow
CaptnCheesebeard: Seems like Twitch Drops are active. Literally.
janMelantu: bring your daughter to work day
groulux: Nelson!
WolfgangCloud: Adam has the best deck by far
toastk4w4ii subscribed at Tier 1.
TriseAlpha: A Gato?
Diabore: its abare
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, toastk4w4ii! (Today's storm count: 78)
ExachixKitsune: Domo Agate?
TotallyNotaBeholder: Agate like agave
Alas_Babylon: A gate, a man, a plan, Panama
swiftdestruction: This looks like fun
Swaggerstickbyaah: GF is rooting for Adam
carpongos3 subscribed with Prime.
Julian_Rogue: aglet?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, carpongos3! (Today's storm count: 79)
neveth: Adam's Deck title is killing me I love it
nova_plushie: lrrSCOOP
gluonquark: a new gate just droped!
Angreed66: It's a type of stone
Dedwrekka: "A Gate Blade"
accountmadeforants: LUL
BrowneePoints: Domo agate Mr robote
razorswift: agate gosaimasu
nessiah_aries: Kokanium
TheOnlyOrk: Agaaate
yllwmstr: Bird is the word
toastk4w4ii: hi there
fele_of_Cardmarket: does agate go into Aristocrats?
TheWarbo: but where are the Bgate assassin and the Cgate Assassin
lyricthepossum: Adam's deck name is life
SentinelStormer: I love Ronald Schwarzenagger XD
Anubis169: 'ello all
TXC2: hello toastk4w4ii welcome
RandomTrivia: Hey there Anubis!
TXC2: hello Anubis169
AstroBase subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: Starlit Soothsayer [2B] | Creature โ€” Bat Cleric [2/2] | Flying / At the beginning of your end step, if you gained or lost life this turn, surveil 1.
Julian_Rogue: Hi @Anubis169
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AstroBase! (Today's storm count: 80)
serramarkov: 'Ello!
Anubis169: finally free
macintose: Is this round 2? What'd I miss?
TriseAlpha: omg, it's a drain lizard
bubblybooper: Word
gluonquark: I wasn't sure what my fursona was, I now know it is otter
matthaus_c: such a Blue cardname
KodeMage: bat cleric is a D&D character I want to play
jiantwitch: Camerons deck name makes me wonder: Is bloomburrow speciest/racist against humans? No Humans allowed.
Hansk_and_Boo: That's not bad
Pharmacistjudge: Agate is only a 7 on mohs hardness. would it make a decent blade?
CypherRaze: Oh Adam is GAMING
AstroBase: I always forget the prime sub is a thing
LRRbot: Druid of the Spade [2G] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Druid [2/3] | As long as you control a token, Druid of the Spade gets +2/+0 and has trample.
BrowneePoints: Adam with the based Deck Name browne26PearPride
kirbytronic: @macintose Someone exploded into a pile of bunnies and kittens
GredGredmansson: @jiantwitch bloomburrow does not know what a human is
accountmadeforants: @Pharmacistjudge You can stab people with wood, so yes
TXC2: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Artificer_Evan: Are we really still in round 1 ?
Genasi_Gaming: @Pharmacistjudge i appreciate the fast google
KodeMage: @jiantwitch yes, no humans allowed, ral became an otter
RandomTrivia: @jiantwitch The inherent magic of the plane turns humanoids into animals upon arrival
Adderkleet: @Pharmacistjudge I think fragility matters more than hardness.
SirLoinOfBeef_: actually, it's pronounced "ra bite"
GreatWahooney: drood the ozifrence!
cmdrud87: someone called me?
GredGredmansson: @Artificer_Evan no this should be round 2
cartermatic313: adam has to snap every card.....
A_Dub888: @Artificer_Evan We're always in round one
GredGredmansson: lrrPAUL
gamerman123: @Artificer_Evan no its 2
BrowneePoints: @pharmacistjudge ONLY a 7! A 7 is really high!!!
Testosteros: whoops, got timed out. I had the stream muted while I took a phone call and thought I was missing out on the giveaway LUL
TXC2: has Ral tried to explain what a human is ?
TriseAlpha: People become Folks in Bloomburrow.
ipoddodd: probably the impact tremors one
JoeInsurgent: Here is my "word" in chat.
macintose: @kirbytronic lrrWOW
Sarah_Serinde: We've just started round 2 give, Paul a chance to update the overlay
Hansk_and_Boo: Cam stop trying to kill the babies
jiantwitch: @RandomTrivia Yes, but humans are also animals, hence camerons deck name
fele_of_Cardmarket: i hear lemmy in my head now "the druid of spades, the druid of spades..."
goombalax: sometimes you gotta skullclamp a bunny
accountmadeforants: It's still Round 1, Nelson and Serge started a subgame OpieOP
Dedwrekka: I think "The Kids Aren't Alright" goes into Aristocrats
LRRbot: Sinister Monolith [3B] | Artifact | At the beginning of combat on your turn, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life. / {T}, Pay 2 life, Sacrifice Sinister Monolith: Draw two cards. Activate only as a sorcery.
SmashTCG: At least there's no blood artist with offspring
niccus: family bob is probably not quite good enough but a fun pick?
Artificer_Evan: Any of the giveaways happen yet?
howlinglotus: its just stuck there. menacingly
maclenrac: Skillz
DMGoodestBoy: I hope everyone is having a good day. Shout out to my fellow furries!
razorswift: very sinister
fanofmosteverything9: New cards
fele_of_Cardmarket: intwesting...
SmithKurosaki: @Artificer_Evan, At end of this round
TXC2: a sinnister monolith, instead of all those friendsly, inviting monoliths :p
LRRbot: Rottenmouth Viper [5B] | Creature โ€” Elemental Snake [6/6] | As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may sacrifice any number of nonland permanents. This spell costs {1} less to cast for each permanent sacrificed this way. / Whenever Rottenmouth Viper enters or attacks, put a blight counter on it. Then for each blight counter on it, each opponent loses 4 life unless that player sacrifices a nonland permanent or discards a card.
TheBloodsparrow: @txc2 also. If youโ€™re on the iOS Twitch app you canโ€™t see the Prim Sub option. Yo can log on through the web browser and do it there. FYI
ipoddodd: the bat sleeves are powerful
MusicalEsscence108: @dmgoodestboy Greetings fellow furry
super731: sick sleeves adam
RandomTrivia: @Testosteros Worry not, when the giveaway is actually running I'm sure the mods will pin a message
AllTheWeasels: snek!
Diabore: a mythic???
TriseAlpha: Oh noes...
dyxoncox: How do the giveaways work?
Bugberry: Reanimator time
Artificer_Evan: @SmithKurosaki neat
hippitybobbity: Cameron, avowed vegetarian, not because he loves animals but because it's the only thing keeping him from throwing baby bunnies into a blender
IbunWest: Cool to Hate(bears).
galleadden: Lol wut
Grinnin_Gin: oh god this snake
CodenameJD: So soft-spoken, Adam & Cameron could make Magic asmr
ThePixelSavage: "Some sources on โ€œfluffleโ€ credit the Wikipedia entry for โ€œrabbit,โ€ though the word does not currently appear there. The entryโ€™s edit history reveals a claim was inserted on July 30, 2007: โ€œA group of rabbits or hares are often called a โ€˜fluffleโ€™ in parts of Northern Canada.โ€ The line was deleted a few years later by a Wikipedia editor who couldnโ€™t confirm its veracity, but in the meantime, โ€œfluffleโ€ had already begun multiplying all over the internet."
A_Dub888: @SmashTCG Where do you think the artist got they're blood?
rasterscan: Who rang and ordered more Ill Gotten Inheritance?
ardor_edi: woah mythic in the grave, revival incoming
MTGRanger: the black/x lifegain decks feel really good
GredGredmansson: milling the mythic, not suspicious at all
maclenrac: Snake to the Grave
howlinglotus: big snek
thylordy: The Bliper
FofoATL: in the grave??
ipoddodd: Pardon???
patrick_stonecrusher: The glassier agates get concoidal fractures, like obsidian and flint do
enbyliza: A word for the giveaway: I can't wait to play with cute animals. One of the few sets I'd actually consider building a cube of but alas no friends to play cube with. Yet it will enable me collecting all the critters!
MusicalEsscence108: Slippery Snek
Hansk_and_Boo: What a sinister monolith. It's probably nothing.
RandomTrivia: This snek gets out of control VERY fast
TheBloodsparrow: I keep forgetting that and rediscover it every month
Angreed66: Too much about how humans view themselves is about separating themselves from other animals so Wotc has done the same.
Diabore: so many words
BurntRope: brother ewww
Alex_Frostfire: @Adderkleet For reference, steel is around a 4-4.5.
TriseAlpha: He's got the Rebirth snek card, doesn't he?
Bugberry: Each
fanofmosteverything9: May have wanted to leave that on top.
shaduko07: lrrFINE
EnsoulArtifact: some commander player on twitter said this card should have ward
Genasi_Gaming: this is a calamity beast?
BananaF4p: eewww
Earthenone: im terified that that got binned
CypherRaze: Adam's deck is scary
Nathanoearl: Amazing!
razorswift: torment of hailfire on a stick
50keyz: WOW thats gross
42MiLLyWays: brother, eww
Ukon_Cairns: putting it in the graveyard where it will be gone forever never to return for sure.
dalek_kosh: reanimation spell incoming
TallynNyntyg: Props to Adam for having such a steady hand that when I left for a second and came back I thought I'd accidentally paused the stream.
howlinglotus: how often that comes down for a single black mana. sheeeesh
Dmc3628: get that to the database
JonHerzogArtist: Yes it is
snydepels2: That's nasty
00gogo00: yes, it's a calamity beast
Lycodrake: it is a calamity beast
fanofmosteverything9: It is a calamity beast.
Alex_Frostfire: I think it is a calamity beast.
GredGredmansson: @EnsoulArtifact translation, they want only their copy of it to have Ward
Bugberry: All elementals are calamity beasts
Alas_Babylon: @fanofmosteverything9 We don't know his hand, and sacrificing three permanents to potentially get blown out by a removal spell is A Bad IDea
00gogo00: it's just not legendary
Marc_IRL: That's terrifying in limited... and constructed...
Sage0fMadness: yes it is
Diabore: yknow what you do with counters? proliferate them
izatrep: eww indeed
Ukon_Cairns: yup, calamity beast
goombalax: its a non-legendary calamity beast
fanofmosteverything9: Just a minr beast.
That1GuyBen: brother eewwwwww that Is a calamity beast
clockworkmenagerie: The elementals are calamity beasts
Angreed66: it is a clamity beast as it is an elemental
00gogo00: but it's still a calamity beast
Sandeon: Writes down "reanimation spell in hand"
Land_Manatee: Yes, it is a calamity beast
BrowneePoints: itโ€™s a calamity beast
SeismicLawns: all the elementals are calamity beasts
gameboy350: The elementals are calamity beasts
valkyrisprime: danger noodle
lyricthepossum: Gross
AstroBase: <3
TriseAlpha: Big, stinky snek is real bad.
Diabore: each
IonizedRadiation: The elemental animals ARE calamity beasts
dyxoncox: Oh I can't wait to put this in Mortarion
Hansk_and_Boo: It's just snake mid
mysteenova157: Brother ewwww! ๐Ÿคฃ
Lycodrake: Calamity Beasts aren't only the legends
Dandyfloss: boss music begins playing...
jiantwitch: @LoadingReadyRun Its a minor calamity beast, only the majors ones are legendary
Morgenmvffel: ewwwww
RandomTrivia: Uh, read it again Adam
That1GuyBen: no it's EACH
Genasi_Gaming: therea blight snake thats a calamity beast imentioned in the story
t7112: are all the elementals the calamity creatures?
Lamebert1415: It is a Calamity Beast
Diabore: adam its each blight counter
ipoddodd: no, it does
GredGredmansson: I think this snake is the embodiement of Plagues
Earthenone: no its EACH
nyoomgoom: snake!
rasterscan: Oh wait no, Elementals? Wasn't Elemental Tribal a thing a few years ago?
Iluvatardis: it does stack. it says EACH
Jethrain: "for each blight counter"
Sage0fMadness: each Adam
lyricthepossum: All of the elementals are calamity
notthepenguins: *proliferate
dunkleskog: It's a calamity for Cameron for sure
DanTheMediocre: no it stacks
Land_Manatee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months!
Land_Manatee: Oh boy, the small animal people set!
maclenrac: Clone it
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Land_Manatee! (Today's storm count: 81)
Flyingdelorion: it is a calamity beast!
dasdardly: for each
thatonefergie: EACH
Caryotip: it has an escalating anihilator
LRRMTG_Judge: Adam, it say say Each pharma2Vial
nova_plushie: its just a snek. grow up lol
RandomTrivia: Wait for it
as_ever_ellesandra: it is for each Adam
Bugberry: There's many nonlegendary calamity beasts
RandomTrivia: There it is :D
50keyz: its for each
James_the_Dabbler: Kathleen, the elemental creatures ARE the calamity beasts
Tom_Bruise: "for each, [ROTTERMOUTH VIPER]"
LRRbot: Lifecreed Duo [1W] | Creature โ€” Bat Bird [1/2] | Flying / Whenever another creature you control enters, you gain 1 life.
as_ever_ellesandra: yeah card is nutty
Earthenone: its 2024, of corse its each
goombalax: its "A" rottenmouth viper, not "THE" Rottenmouth Viper
howlinglotus: brother eww x infinity for "each"
Icarus865: brother eeeeewwwww
TriseAlpha: Uh oh...
Genasi_Gaming: it feels like it should be legendary
Hansk_and_Boo: It's batman and robinโœจ
razorswift: truth
as_ever_ellesandra: that is fair and valid
Lycodrake: there are many calamity beasts. some are legendary. some aren't.
brieandbacon: Wait, LRR was busy this week?
TXC2: it sure doesn't Kathleen lrrHEART
Genasi_Gaming: what novel?
A_Dub888: "sometimes"?
howlinglotus: @Genasi_Gaming they probably didnt want that effect in the command zone tbf
gibbousm: I feel you Cam
kamkazi: the story is very simple and cute, take yuor time with it
00gogo00: what novel?
kirbytronic: What could you possibly have been doing for the last week, Kathleen
Teddy Beats: When is the giveaway?
Silver Story Author: Cameron is just like me. Constantly chugging caffeine
Lily the Otter: rats! rats! we're the rats!
Vaeldarg: Children's War?
LRRbot: Agate-Blade Assassin [1B] | Creature โ€” Lizard Assassin [1/3] | Whenever Agate-Blade Assassin attacks, defending player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
Simriel: Sweet Agate Sword
LRRbot: Starlit Soothsayer [2B] | Creature โ€” Bat Cleric [2/2] | Flying / At the beginning of your end step, if you gained or lost life this turn, surveil 1.
Pyre Dynasty: Wait, is there a lizard wizard in this set?
LRRbot: Druid of the Spade [2G] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Druid [2/3] | As long as you control a token, Druid of the Spade gets +2/+0 and has trample.
LRRbot: Sinister Monolith [3B] | Artifact | At the beginning of combat on your turn, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life. / {T}, Pay 2 life, Sacrifice Sinister Monolith: Draw two cards. Activate oโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Rottenmouth Viper [5B] | Creature โ€” Elemental Snake [6/6] | As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may sacrifice any number of nonland permanents. This spell costs {1} less to cast for each peโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Lifecreed Duo [1W] | Creature โ€” Bat Bird [1/2] | Flying / Whenever another creature you control enters, you gain 1 life.
James_the_Dabbler: That's so valid bestie
Pharmacistjudge: I gave up on the hobbit 4 times.
Lycodrake: Dragonhawk isn't a Calamity Beast because it is from Tarkir as one of Kolaghan's brood
RassilonDND: Does bloomburrow have snorses or any other crossbreed animal?
LRRbot: Mind Spiral [4U] | Sorcery | Gift a tapped Fish / Target player draws three cards. If the gift was promised, tap target creature an opponent controls and put a stun counter on it.
Swaggerstickbyaah: Braids' big brother
themightygerg: I've been rereading the first chapter about halfway each time before something distracts me and I have to start over later.
Banrael: I'm still trying to read Malazan fwiw D:
CelticGeek: It's okay to put a book down because it's not for you
MusicalEsscence108: I have been so overwhelmed recently as well Kathleen. I am so behind on the story
RandomTrivia: The fish has been gifted!
Bugberry: @Lycodrake and not an Elemental
loona898: @Genasi_Gaming and yet they made the random chicken dragon a legend
TriseAlpha: Hypno Snail
gameboy350: Is this the same one that made you angry
A_Dub888: who's spiral?
goombalax: it was published postumously which might explain why its a hard read
UltraVioletVodoo: you feel like you should like it, but it just doesnt work for you
ContingentCat: sometimes the vibe is just off it's ok Cam
djalternative: I tried to read The Gunslinger like 5 times. I feel you cam.
fele_of_Cardmarket: @Hansk_and_Boo mind blown
Diabore: cam gains 1
nova_plushie: but cam doesnt eat fish
Grinnin_Gin: mind spiral is such a banger
MrPipboy3000: Its a 4/3 now ...
MusicalEsscence108: We are really fighting upstream with this one bois!!
itomeshi: I'm now curious what novel is incompatible with the current version of Cameron.
GredGredmansson: Cam: Adam cannot legally target the fish
Orxolon: you can gift thing you don't have?
ElektroTal: What the hell is this deck adam
fishjellyfishjelly: did cam mentioned the novel's name?
RocknGrohlNerd: @A_Dub888 steve jobs ?
dead_delver: A word
dunkleskog: Mind Spiral sounds like a classic card name, surprised it just got printed now
TriseAlpha: Rats are scary in this set
nessiah_aries: Druid: a FISH?! *stunned by this sudden turn of events*
t7112: the bat is only Cam's critter
ContingentCat: @fishjellyfishjelly nope
loona898: @RassilonDND probably not as they would die very easily and not really been recorded at all aside from maybe some grolar bears but they would not be able to reproduce so :b
Jethrain: @Orxolon who doesn't have tapped fish to gift?
Sarah_Serinde: Chat, "a word" will not enter you into the giveaway
LRRbot: Overprotect [1G] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +3/+3 and gains trample, hexproof, and indestructible until end of turn.
aussie_rob_w: I'm a little disappointed that Mind Spiral isn't some kind of Time Spiral variant.
TriseAlpha: Bubble Wrap!
Alex_Frostfire: Love that flavour text.
Greyah: Blor!
Diabore: thats so many things
thylordy: Blor!
RandomTrivia: The smol has been protecc
Decaped: BLOR!
snydepels2: Blor!
That1GuyBen: blor's defenses are impervious!
Sarah_Serinde: They will tell you what word to use when the time comes. The time is after this round
GredGredmansson: BLOR
RatherLargeToad: Blors!
fanofmosteverything9: Blor is impervious!
fele_of_Cardmarket: strictly better than underprotect
Hansk_and_Boo: @fele_of_cardmarket I think it also references something else in the flavourtext, just not sure what. ๐Ÿ˜…
SmashTCG: Traaample?
Angreed66: Adam that's a UB deck not a UR fursona.
The_cake_of_lies: Love the art and flavor text for this card
gameslayer013: dang that's a good card
ardor_edi: ig DS1 Havel vibes
RatherLargeToad: He is impervious!
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
alikaoz: Blor!
macintose: Seems deec
Jon_CoffeeRobot: best flavour text of the set
dasdardly: blor blor blor
James_the_Dabbler: Go Blor GO!
LoadingReadyRun: Give fish and stun? Mind Spiral = Fish Slapping dance?
ContingentCat: a worthy goal
dead_delver: Is there more than the whorl-mind in terms of gasteopodal support in this set?
Dandyfloss: blor looks like an albinauric
Trixalicious: Mind spiral seems a lot more like "slap your opponent's creature with a fish"
TriseAlpha: "I will beat you to death with your own fish" - Cam, 2024
LRRbot: Pawpatch Recruit [G] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [2/1] | Offspring {2} / Trample / Whenever a creature you control becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control other than that creature.
aBoredBarista subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Yuguro: get past the gunslinger and its all up hill from there
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aBoredBarista! (Today's storm count: 82)
brieandbacon: That's some good wisdom
lyricthepossum: Blor is Impervious BTW citation: Blor, an Autobiography
itomeshi: That's a sentence "I want to kill you with your own fish."
dead_delver: Because after the Midnight Hunt legendary I have a hankering for such a brew.
TXC2: "you'd kill a man with his own fish?" "well it;s the safest way isn't it?"
kamkazi: Burly Bugs Bunny
Diabore: ???
MusicalEsscence108: Billy Bass about to put in work!
superyahoo2: a lot of people will probs die because of gifted fish
NornsFelidar: Gift a man a fish and he will slap you with it
kilnfiendpotter: Gonna make Adam sleep with the fishes by slapping him with the fishes.
AstroBase: Is the word of the day "fish"?
RandomTrivia: Oh no it's adorable!
Anubis169: Give a man a fish, he'll stun for a day. Slap a man with a fish, he'll be stunned for what seems like a lifetime.
James_the_Dabbler: Did Cam Draw that???
Mark_D_Stroyer: mYaAgIc tHe gAtHeRiNg!
razorswift: cam's artwork looks amazing
Vampyre_Lord: i kinda wish overprotect also gave like "cant be sacrificed" and "cant be exiled from the graveyard" and "toughness cannot be reduced below 1". you know. REALLY over protect it
A_Dub888: !card noggin
LRRbot: Noggin Whack [2BB] | Kindred Sorcery โ€” Rogue | Prowl {1}{B} / Target player reveals three cards from their hand. You choose two of them. That player discards those cards.
TriseAlpha: Cutest. Tokens. Ever.
kamkazi: does the offspring token not come in the pack of the offsrping card?
RaidenFirewing: CAmeron WOW that looks amazing
GredGredmansson: i love flail rabbit
Dandyfloss: can we get a zoom on cam's drawing??
James_the_Dabbler: Cam's art is SO good
MusicalEsscence108: Smack him so hard you make sushi!
gameslayer013: awww that'd adorable Cam
seathblood: Cameron makin that furry arts =D
aussie_rob_w: quality cam art
Dedwrekka: Can we get a closeup on Cam's token?
chel094: I think Cam should be at 12 life, at the beginning of the last turn he had 15 and lost 3 so 12 not 13
Tarnius: I could believe it. Cam does good art
Earthenone: is there a rabbit with multi-offspring?
Mark_D_Stroyer: I do actually love the dueling deck names
A_Dub888: @gameslayer013 You're adorable
Diabore: @chel094 cam had gained 1 from fish
Dedwrekka: Very fair
GredGredmansson: @chel094 he gained life from a bunch of creatures entering
LRRbot: Vren, the Relentless [2UB] | Legendary Creature โ€” Rat Rogue [3/4] | Ward {2} / If a creature an opponent controls would die, exile it instead. / At the beginning of each end step, create X 1/1 black Rat creature tokens with "This creature gets +1/+1 for each other Rat you control," where X is the number of creatures your opponents controlled that were exiled this turn.
TriseAlpha: Oh my gods
GredGredmansson: rats rats we are the rats
chel094: ooh ye right
RealGamerCow: Insert Monty Python Fish Slapping Dance
Dandyfloss: vren and six
howlinglotus: rats, rats, we are the rats
GoblinPieromancer: Adamโ€™s deck is everything I want
fele_of_Cardmarket: Vren and Nyx!
SmithKurosaki: @Earthenone Only one per I think Serge said
TheWormbo: @Omentuva ^ the close-up
Decaped: This Skaven set looks pretty cool
MusicalEsscence108: Cam coming in with the fish SLAM
Bugberry: Relentless gets more relentless
JonHerzogArtist: Exiled this turn.
carpongos3: OMG
Saintnex: good lord
nessiah_aries: Vrenrentless
GredGredmansson: "that were exiled this turn"
LRRbot: Fell [1B] | Sorcery | Destroy target creature.
Bugberry: !card relentless rats
LRRbot: Relentless Rats [1BB] | Creature โ€” Rat [2/2] | Relentless Rats gets +1/+1 for each other creature on the battlefield named Relentless Rats. / A deck can have any number of cards named Relentless Rats.
lyricthepossum: I want to build all the decks
Dmc3628: straight up Elden ring stuff
That1GuyBen: two counters!
TriseAlpha: Relentless Pack Rat Packs Rats Relentlessly
TallynNyntyg: We're gonna have a Ratt problem.
GredGredmansson: two counters
Anubis169: that's a very serious card
fanofmosteverything9: Two, two counters! Ah, ah, ah.
81ackR0se: Cam posted pictures of the tokens on twitter
James_the_Dabbler: He's the giant rat who makes all of the rules
TXC2: what if a souls like, but with these kinds of animals?
Bugberry: The Relentless Rat Authority
KodeMage: rat token
MusicalEsscence108: Rat Pack packing up the oppenents
DevillReaper: Chat sorry for asking I'm a vod viewer, how many give aways has there been so far?
Caryotip: why exiled?
SirLoinOfBeef_: R@
KodeMage: gold rat
Dmc3628: Vren static
Hansk_and_Boo: I keep seeing that art as if the tail is its body ๐Ÿ˜…
Dedwrekka: Cue Ghost's "Rats"
dasdardly: vren says they can't die
razorswift: @DevillReaper none yet
Spades_Slicc: @DevillReaper none
GredGredmansson: @Caryotip because Vren's passive
Myrniss: The owl looks awesome!
TXC2: DevillReaper none yet, but theres one after this match
BrowneePoints: so am I the only one who thinks this set has BIG Lorwyn vibes? maybe Iโ€™m just old but this is hitting the same kind brainspace
MusicalEsscence108: Adam really is a rat bastard LUL
Orxolon: coat of arms
ladyjessica: โ€œdaddy no!โ€ the offspring
Anubis169: DevillReaper: There haven't been any yet, but soon :)
nova_plushie: you rat bastard
CypherRaze: I really like Adam's deck
Caryotip: @GredGredmansson ohh right thx
TriseAlpha: Jund em out with Dimir Rats
GredGredmansson: lrrFINE
XxbkgamerxX: Thought Cameron would put the counter on the fish
LRRbot: Flowerfoot Swordmaster [W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Soldier [1/2] | Offspring {2} / Valiant โ€” Whenever this creature becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, Mice you control get +1/+0 until end of turn.
DevillReaper: Thanks all!
ipoddodd: @BrowneePoints lil' guys in the woods are prominent themes
Bugberry: @BrowneePoints both have distinctive soft and cozy storybook vibes.
msartivisual: That is such a good name tho
MrPipboy3000: The creature has Offspring, but I like to think the token has Orphan
Alex_Frostfire: The artists did so well on this set. I wonder how many of them were excited when they were given the prompts?
clockworkmenagerie: And characters interacting with each other
jjcard: I was thinking of forcing otters at the prerelease, but rats also look fun
Sage0fMadness: Bloomburrow even further on the Cottagecore spectrum
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits!
jeemtg: Cam should be at 16? Life wasn't gained when the offspring creature was played, right?
greenlennon_101: gain 2 life
ardor_edi: Both decks are doing the thing, pretty cool
GredGredmansson: i want to force frogs
WhiteWizard42: @jjcard hard to force in Sealed D:
JoeSubject: Better than a sourpuss Floormaster
Bugberry: @BrowneePoints When we get Lorwyn back next year, I'm curious how it will compare.
TXC2: BrowneePoints it's kinda wild he have this set given Lorwyn is next year ;p
TriseAlpha: All ten archetypes look super fun
GredGredmansson: yeah Cam gains 2 life here
BrowneePoints: I donโ€™t just mean visually: Design/Playwise itโ€™s been giving me old Lorwyn vibes too
That1GuyBen: cam's deck is siiiick
GredGredmansson: SeemsGood
jeemtg: Now should be at 18
GredGredmansson: @jeemtg no this is correct
LRRbot: Nettle Guard [1W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Soldier [3/1] | Valiant โ€” Whenever Nettle Guard becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, it gets +0/+2 until end of turn. / {1}, Sacrifice Nettle Guard: Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
dead_delver: Rats, Bats, Squirrels, Lizards. Such is my clique.
t7112: Cam gains a life
Bugberry: @BrowneePoints types mattering, especially with the Duos, and big scary elementals, very much Lorwyn.
LRRMTG_Judge: life totals are correct. pharma2Vial
MusicalEsscence108: Cam is going to be called Ratcatcher because he is catching them rat hands.
razorswift: life!
w4llh4k: lrrCAMERON_SG
GredGredmansson: cam gains 1 life
Sandeon: can we get the offspring token on the card reader please?
ipoddodd: Cam's deck needs a nadu and a shuko
Anubis169: we have judges on the judge account keeping track <3
LRRbot: Mind Spiral [4U] | Sorcery | Gift a tapped Fish / Target player draws three cards. If the gift was promised, tap target creature an opponent controls and put a stun counter on it.
LRRbot: Overprotect [1G] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +3/+3 and gains trample, hexproof, and indestructible until end of turn.
JoxerJ: Blor my beloved
LRRbot: Pawpatch Recruit [G] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [2/1] | Offspring {2} / Trample / Whenever a creature you control becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, put a +1/+1 counter oโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Vren, the Relentless [2UB] | Legendary Creature โ€” Rat Rogue [3/4] | Ward {2} / If a creature an opponent controls would die, exile it instead. / At the beginning of each end step, create X 1/1 black โ€ฆ
LRRbot: Fell [1B] | Sorcery | Destroy target creature.
Vaeldarg: What's the point of the bot mentioning what the card does, if it can't fit everything into the comment half the time?
Jason Bragg: PPR baby!!!
SmithKurosaki: @Vaeldarg YT has a lower character limit than Twitch does\
LRRbot: Flowerfoot Swordmaster [W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Soldier [1/2] | Offspring {2} / Valiant โ€” Whenever this creature becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, Mice โ€ฆ
Simriel: Offspring are literally PPR babies :P
LRRbot: Nettle Guard [1W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Soldier [3/1] | Valiant โ€” Whenever Nettle Guard becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, it gets +0/+2 until end of turnโ€ฆ
Greys N. Owman: Offspring looks like a great limited mechanic
SirLoinOfBeef_: Cam is living SO HARD
RandomTrivia: D'awwwww, the token is SO CUTE
Diabore: will this round end? who knows, theres so much lifegain
BrowneePoints: and a lot of clean designs, with small advantages @bugberry
Sage0fMadness: I *think* Lorwyn/Shadowmoor has semi-stabilized somewhere in between? So it wouldn't be quite so cutesy
Caryotip: it s a show off between mice and rats
Orxolon: didn' Adam's artifact miss 2 or 3 pings?
KodeMage: churning cream into butter
jeemtg: @gredgredmansson okay, thought the 2 life was missed when the rare was played. Thanks.
lyricthepossum: This set is everything I've needed. The cozy art, the cool mechanics, a focus on creature types, and cute animal people. My poor bank account :(
The_cake_of_lies: I feel like Lifecreed duo is going to do a lot of work in Limited
fele_of_Cardmarket: i can't get over those tokens
LRRbot: Coiling Rebirth [3BB] | Sorcery | Gift a card / Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. Then if the gift was promised and that creature isn't legendary, create a token that's a copy of that creature, except it's 1/1.
GredGredmansson: @Orxolon no?
TriseAlpha: There it is!
fanofmosteverything9: Ah. There it is.
Alas_Babylon: Ooooooh no
mysteenova157: I love the tokesn!
kamkazi: oh nasty adam
razorswift: snek time!
Dmc3628: there it is
RandomTrivia: Oh my goodness
thylordy: DOUBLE SNAKE
howlinglotus: brother ewwwwwww
Anubis169: ๐Ÿ
maclenrac: Snak time
GredGredmansson: BABY SNAKE
LRRbot: Rottenmouth Viper [5B] | Creature โ€” Elemental Snake [6/6] | As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may sacrifice any number of nonland permanents. This spell costs {1} less to cast for each permanent sacrificed this way. / Whenever Rottenmouth Viper enters or attacks, put a blight counter on it. Then for each blight counter on it, each opponent loses 4 life unless that player sacrifices a nonland permanent or discards a card.
Sage0fMadness: oh JEBUS
That1GuyBen: brother EWWW
00gogo00: holy hell
TriseAlpha: Snek and Babu Snek
OldUncleDan: Going wide? In a Selesnya deck? Rediculous!
Jethrain: holy-
RealGamerCow: That is a gorgeous card
Diabore: barf
MLPCopperMoon: Oh wow that's going to hurt
JonHerzogArtist: Very exciting
RandomTrivia: Brother. EWWwwwww
TheMinionGM: ewwwwwwwwwwwww
50keyz: OH NOOOO
em0burrito: Brother. Eww.
fsforwardsound: game is about to get real
falgar_: That's gross!
TheOnlyOrk: OH NO
Caryotip: ouch
dasdardly: flavor
Bugberry: @BrowneePoints I just want more Kithkin. They should have been White's characteristic race all along.
Dr_fragenstien: this is so fucking gross
Ukon_Cairns: oh my gawd PogChamp
samuraiwalrus: brothea eww
razorswift: OH NO
gamerman123: brother eww
fanofmosteverything9: One is a 1/1.
TXC2: ohhh snake, it's a snaaake
gameslayer013: OH NO
dasdardly: flavor flavor flavor
aimeez821: doesnt the gift card happen first
FofoATL: couple of snakes
brieandbacon: Eww, what's that! Brother, Eww!!
fsforwardsound: brother eww
Anubis169: sweet jebus
dasdardly: delicious
snydepels2: Brother, eww
razorswift: Adam, EW
aimeez821: that is a sick play lol
That1GuyBen: it's also a 1/1
howlinglotus: can we just rename adam's deck to "Brother, Ewwwwww"
TriseAlpha: Double Snek Action
TheM8: its a offspring
Vampyre_Lord: each gets a blight, cam sac's 2. gross.
lyricthepossum: Dis gus tang
Debatra: Confirming for Cameron: There is one Offspring creature with a death trigger, and one that makes even more bodies to sac.
Icarus865: brother EW
MusicalEsscence108: That's value town brother!
SentinelStormer: It's like an undead offspring
SirLoinOfBeef_: absolute value
dasdardly: spawn in half
Sage0fMadness: The Kids are Not Alright
GredGredmansson: @aimeez821 yes, but he can't do anything with that card while Adam gets his snakes
BrowneePoints: also thatโ€™s the viper on the art for Rebirth. thatโ€™s flavor win Brother!
Anubis169: Blight dice
Glayce: that's not legendary?!
Tarnius: Wahahahoooow.
NornsFelidar: gross
googoltudoris: did cam draw his gift?
Anubis169: secret tech!
Dedwrekka: Two snakes on a a caduceus?
WolfgangCloud: The flavour is amazing!
RAZRBCK08: Did Cam draw his card
TXC2: Glayce sure ain't
GredGredmansson: nonland permanent
TheM8: the copy is a offspring that important
RandomTrivia: Yes, Cam drew a card
giantwerewolf: brother ewwwww
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
patman5296: that token of the viper is a 1/1
MusicalEsscence108: All up in Cam's asp!
Orxolon: "did you get your gift?"
RandomTrivia: That snake is so absurdly not ok
dvercell: EACH
Bugberry: @Glayce there's a few rare/mythic nonlegendary calamity beasts.
Diabore: barf
TriseAlpha: Two triggers twice.
dasdardly: yeeeeaaaaa buddy
TriseAlpha: Snek is scary
Diabore: barf barf
razorswift: disgusteng
GredGredmansson: nonland permanents
em0burrito: Next turn is 4 triggers, ~yikes~
TXC2: card goes into an Isshin deck :p
MusicalEsscence108: Here's a present *proceeds to punch cam to death*
BSengenYT: I think that anything that's an elemental is a calamity beast, but idk
LRRMTG_Judge: well 2 triggers with 2 counters. pharma2Vial
TehAmelie: is Adam going Room of 1000 Snakes on us?
fele_of_Cardmarket: WHUT::?
GGsLive: Thats sorceery only right?
kaziel0: @em0burrito Vroom vroom!
Bugberry: @BSengenYT yes
GredGredmansson: @BSengenYT you are correct
BorgarWithAShotgun: this might go into anything that can play it....
dalek_kosh: Dear lord ... well that's a lot
Diabore: @GGsLive second main
ipoddodd: that's only as a sorcery, probably in second main
Sage0fMadness: @BSengenYT that's right yeah
RAZRBCK08: That Viper is gross
carpongos3: How do we participate in the dinamic after this set?
as_ever_ellesandra: @BSengenYT correct
LRRbot: Peerless Recycling [1G] | Instant | Gift a card / Return target permanent card from your graveyard to your hand. If the gift was promised, instead return two target permanent cards from your graveyard to your hand.
MLPCopperMoon: D:
lyricthepossum: All the people worried about Gift being too nice to your opponent
50keyz: that would be awesome with winding constrictor
clockworkmenagerie: Titanoviper
TriseAlpha: We call him "Old Warren"
tehfewl: "You will Not receive a Gift"
pete_haderlein: you will NOT receive a gift
raulghoulia: great deck name, Cam
Dmc3628: he;s under 20
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL Rotmouth Viper is doing a good job teaching its offspring the family business (which is killing)
RandomTrivia: It's a shame none of the Praetors came to Bloomburrow, I want a rabbit version called Warrenclex lrrBEEJ
dasdardly: rats inc
rxpalindrome: I can't wait to use some of these cards
maclenrac: Eat the fish
Caryotip: is there any proliferate in the set?
Sage0fMadness: take your child to work day (Derogatory)
Tarnius: I do like Cam, but I also like rats and snakes, so I'm conflicted.
BSengenYT: @LoadingReadyRun i know it's your job, but lrr is very funny
TriseAlpha: Name: Calamity Beast, Occupation: Calamity Beast...
Anubis169: this is why i keep a python and not a poisonous noodle
ElektroTal: JFC what is this deck Adam
TXC2: RandomTrivia booooo Kappa
00gogo00: baby rotmouth viper is disbgusting
brieandbacon: @RandomTrivia lrrJUDGE sergePun
TheM8: does camron know the other snake is a 1/1
th3gentleknut: Oh? You made a second snake? NO GIFT FOR YOU Muwahahahaha
MusicalEsscence108: @loadingreadyrun *Killing In The Name Of plays in background*
AugmentingPath: Tarnius seems like you'd already be conflicted just by liking both rats and snakes
thylordy: Snaked up, as the youth won't say
Vampyre_Lord: @RandomTrivia jin-giBATias
GredGredmansson: two triggers, each of 2 hits
Alex_Frostfire: Huh. I guess if you remove them in response to the ETB trigger, you don't end up losing anything, because no counter will have been placed.
IgorApp: Can you choose to discard having an empty hand? It comes up a lot on Commander
maclenrac: Profilerate still standard
TheM8: good!
00gogo00: it's a 6/6?
kamkazi: adam is showing the mono-b dream in standard
00gogo00: isn't it a 4/4?
LRRMTG_Judge: @IgorApp In what context - Natedogg?
LRRMTG_Judge: @IgorApp You cannot
Anubis169: !card rottenmouth viper
LRRbot: Rottenmouth Viper [5B] | Creature โ€” Elemental Snake [6/6] | As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may sacrifice any number of nonland permanents. This spell costs {1} less to cast for each permanent sacrificed this way. / Whenever Rottenmouth Viper enters or attacks, put a blight counter on it. Then for each blight counter on it, each opponent loses 4 life unless that player sacrifices a nonland permanent or discards a card.
Tarnius: @AugmentingPath Yeeeeeah. This is a thing occasionally when I watch snek videos. I just don't keep both of them.
TXC2: maclenrac rotates out no?
Sage0fMadness: @IgorApp no
Anubis169: it's a 6/6
TriseAlpha: About a million rats
Skeletonman1100: @IgorApp I dont think so. . .
00gogo00: oh
brieandbacon: @RandomTrivia UrabRATsk
mysteenova157: brother ewwwww
00gogo00: it is a 6/6
gualdhar: Again, brother eew
coomslayer_1030: pog
TheBloodsparrow: damn
CypherRaze: But that ability still triggers before blocks right?
LRRMTG_Judge: Pretend that ? wasn't after my name - Natedogg!
Diabore: the copy is 1/1 yeah
Icarus865: Adam. This deck is messed up
GredGredmansson: @IgorApp Then for each blight counter on it, each opponent loses 4 life unless that player sacrifices a nonland permanent or discards a card. you can't discard a card
Chippystickss: he has to sac first?
slyrz: he has to sac before blocks
MrPipboy3000: 16 rats in a trench coat is a great deck name
MusicalEsscence108: It's a Snex/Snex๐Ÿค“
Orxolon: first triggers?
themightygerg: I fully appreciate that the Rats semi-worship spirals, like it's some sort of Bloodbourne-esque cult in Bloomburrow. -Rats, Rats, Rats'll make you crazy...
RixtonSnek: triggers first, yeah~
GredGredmansson: sac first
dead_delver: "Humans are already animals" "stop being a coward and admit its ur fursona" My fursona is my Human self.
Spacecarl: I assume hes just planning it out
RandomTrivia: @brieandbacon And the black tortoise, Shelldred
howlinglotus: ooof
Alex_Frostfire: I respect that.
aimeez821: shouldve kept land in hand
razorswift: sending a message
Anubis169: good grief that snake tech is nuts Adam lrrSPOOP
pete_haderlein: BOLD
TriseAlpha: Cam beat Adam's snake with his fish. Magic, everybody
TheWriterAleph: kabam
That1GuyBen: what a CHAMP
coomslayer_1030 subscribed with Prime.
CypherRaze: wow
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, coomslayer_1030! (Today's storm count: 83)
AugmentingPath: gutshot
keinbesserername: yikes
The_cake_of_lies: Ouch
RandomTrivia: Look at the value from that fish!
CodenameJD: Dang
accountmadeforants: @RandomTrivia Elesh Norn, Moth of Machines.
LRRMTG_Judge: @IgorApp since the game makes make a choice of Lose 4 life, Sacrifice a non-land permanent or discard a card. You have to choose one that you can actually pay. pharma2Vial
pete_haderlein: lrrCAMERON
SirLoinOfBeef_: call an ambulance
Sage0fMadness: That's the line lol
democappy subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, democappy! (Today's storm count: 84)
zook_ningel: the agate blade
Dandyfloss: this is fine cptdandyFire
RandomTrivia: @accountmadeforants FBtouchdown
TXC2: takes 16 and asks for more
cmdrud87: to shreds, you say
IgorApp: @gredgredmansson Bummer (thx)
Anubis169: somebody call the Cambulance :S
Iluvatardis: sweet sealed decks
Skeletonman1100: HOw did Adam make a copy of the snek?
00gogo00: kill the fish
fsforwardsound: adam's deck is gross
Orxolon: the copy is 6/6?
Sage0fMadness: "I ain't hear no bell,, ref"
50keyz: now imagine this with "notdead yet"
Dmc3628: gifted reanimation
Goboxel: fish dies too, right?
RandomTrivia: Being at 1 is basically like being at 17, right? lrrBEEJ
Anubis169: Orxolon: the copy is a 1/1
RocknGrohlNerd: @zook_ningel yeah it would be lethal
BrowneePoints: Still getting back Rottenmouth with the Reanimation spell that Rottenmouth is reanimating IN THE ART of, is a massive flavor win. so Adam wins today on that alone
LRRbot: Hazel's Nocturne [3B] | Instant | Return up to two target creature cards from your graveyard to your hand. Each opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.
Diabore: LUL
Tom_Bruise: RUN IT BACK
RandomTrivia: Oofa
Orxolon: @Anubis169 ok
howlinglotus: Cam needs to watch out if Adam and his snakes try to gift Cam an apple.....
as_ever_ellesandra: @Skeletonman1100 coiling rebirth
DanTheMediocre: did someone's phone just ring?
Anubis169: hahahahaha
samuraiwalrus: Adam
Sage0fMadness: LUL
LRRbot: Coiling Rebirth [3BB] | Sorcery | Gift a card / Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. Then if the gift was promised and that creature isn't legendary, create a token thaโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Rottenmouth Viper [5B] | Creature โ€” Elemental Snake [6/6] | As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may sacrifice any number of nonland permanents. This spell costs {1} less to cast for each peโ€ฆ
Simriel: Cameron is going wide, but Adam never skills Back Day, so it's hard to be wider than him
OVERKiLL!: flavor win ๐Ÿโ˜ ๏ธ
SmithKurosaki: Adam's deck name :)
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
Simriel: I read that cause you said it, and laughed out loud
SmithKurosaki: yw :)
Sarah: I enjoy the conversation between both of their deck names
SmithKurosaki: Cam's is also excellent
Greys N. Owman: "Except itโ€™s 1/1" is also new templating, isnโ€™t it? Instead of โ€œit has base power and toughness 1/1โ€
LRRbot: Peerless Recycling [1G] | Instant | Gift a card / Return target permanent card from your graveyard to your hand. If the gift was promised, instead return two target permanent cards from your graveyarโ€ฆ
SmithKurosaki: I think it's been that way for a bit Greys?
SmithKurosaki: But my memory might also be shorthanding
Riki: I just looked at the names for the decks. They feel like a conversation between two friends.
Greys N. Owman: No it has existed for a while indeed
Greys N. Owman: I just never noticed it
Gladsuperfly: adams sleeves are great
Riki: @Sarah I just noticed you made the same comment. ๐Ÿ˜… Didn't mean to steal it from you
SmithKurosaki: Same braincell :)
Simriel: Cameron is no coward
Sarah: Haha no worries
Astrovore: oh no, so many rats
LRRbot: Hazel's Nocturne [3B] | Instant | Return up to two target creature cards from your graveyard to your hand. Each opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.
th3gentleknut: The only life that matters is the last one
Swaggerstickbyaah: yipe
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL Yeah that makes sense Cam
zook_ningel: adam hes already dead
IgorApp: @lrrmtg_judge thx
brieandbacon: Oooff
fele_of_Cardmarket: ayayay
lordofkatz: And the scoop
LRRbot: Coiling Rebirth [3BB] | Sorcery | Gift a card / Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. Then if the gift was promised and that creature isn't legendary, create a token that's a copy of that creature, except it's 1/1.
Skeletonman1100: @as_ever_ellesandra Thanks!
NornsFelidar: gross
kamkazi: the oroboros snake, it will never die
Fovulonkiin: oof
RealGamerCow: Adam's deck is brutal
samuraiwalrus: That was sick
razorswift: coiling offspring
Goboxel: wow that was brutal
howlinglotus: That card is basically necro-spring
Anubis169: That was beautiful
BorgarWithAShotgun: btother, eeew
Orxolon: you offspring it
maclenrac: offspring
aussie_rob_w: Babysnake
AugmentingPath: that beast sure was a calamity
MusicalEsscence108: Call an ambulance *proceeds to shoot snakes out of every orfice* but not for me! LUL
Sage0fMadness: Adam that was sick (complimentarY)
MagicLand74: Adam deck it's so good
clockworkmenagerie: Rottenmouth proving to be as amazing as we thought
TheBloodsparrow: wow
Dmc3628: then raise deaded the viper
EnsoulArtifact: the snake is VERY strong
The_cake_of_lies: Very strong deck Adam
gualdhar: It's like offspring without the keyword
coomslayer_1030: how do we enter the giveaway?
pete_haderlein: GG
TheBloodsparrow: W O W
aussie_rob_w: Snake is REAL gross
maclenrac: etb and attack
TriseAlpha: Oh yea. Rottenmouth is nuts.
accountmadeforants: I thought it was 1 life per counter, somehow
Spades_Slicc: 2024 mythics
Draken03: GG close game
AutumnVixenIX: much respect to cam for just taking all the life loss
Tom_Bruise: PROBABLY
GredGredmansson: @coomslayer_1030 step 1; wait for giveaway to happen
alexetodisk: Cool snake
razorswift: @coomslayer_1030 there will be a word you have to say once the round is overt
TXC2: that's gonna be good in commander :p
as_ever_ellesandra: its pretty castable on turn like 3
BrowneePoints: thatโ€™s the Viper in the rebirth art too
jirriki1984: snake seems kinda awesome
maclenrac: reanimate it
TheWormbo: SaffronOlive was like "it dies to removal"
Joric_Art subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Joric_Art! (Today's storm count: 85)
ghizmou: and if you proliferate the counters....
kamkazi: lots of tokens from WOE to sac to the snake
BrowneePoints: nope she rotates
RAZRBCK08: 6 mana in standard isn't too much
EnsoulArtifact: you can copy it with fable of the mirror breaker in a few formats
tehfewl: yay more sheoldred
MarkovDescendant: Black convoke. Sac em
alikaoz: Snek
DanTheMediocre: with the amount of 1 drops that snake can hit the table on 4 easiluy
jirriki1984: and the eye of the snake in Suffer
soldsktdiver7774: thiw sets art is adorable
00gogo00: there's lots of 1 mana cards that make multiple tokens
Qaylen: Sick card...
BrowneePoints: Sheoldres rotates with this set
umbragladius subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, umbragladius! (Today's storm count: 86)
Kaiye12: That card is just bonkers
jirriki1984: i mean Savor
Skeletonman1100: I can see a BW deck built around the snake with lots of the token makers in white.
Goboxel: you can sac some artifacts too like maps and such
SydPreviouslyHeadache: oh shoot i overslept. i'm so excited for this set
humbro12: Is bird the Word?
BrowneePoints: Sheoldred*
maclenrac: Snak win
fele_of_Cardmarket: Standard? Who dat?
Alex_Frostfire: !card Conduct Electricity
LRRbot: Conduct Electricity [4R] | Instant | Conduct Electricity deals 6 damage to target creature and 2 damage to up to one target creature token.
coomslayer_1030: word ty\
00gogo00: you can sac any nonland permanent for the snake
jirriki1984: nadu is the bird, it is the word
samuraiwalrus: Shelly will not rotate
trevorwisn: sheoldred doesn't rotate
kamkazi: sheoldred does not rotate
RandomTrivia: Sheoldred does NOT rotate this year
MysticProtogen: whats standard lmao
JonHerzogArtist: It did not rotate.
Erspel: Sheoldred doesn't rotate
goombalax: shelly doesn't rotate
thanatoscar: she does not rotate
xJETSDADx: Sheoldred does not rotate
KodeMage: sheoldred rotates means cheap sheoldreds for commander
AugmentingPath: Sheoldred is in Dom U, she won't rotate
sharker037: How balanced do you think this format is? Is it too bomb heavy?
EnsoulArtifact: sheoldred still has another year LUL
Orxolon: sacrificing itslef or the pay off?
Pharmacistjudge: Sam black mean that for free sacrifice outlets
50keyz: next year for shoeldred
TallynNyntyg: That would probably decent in Commander.
NornsFelidar: sheoldred is around for another year
irishmaniag: did the snake say "each" opponent?
trevorwisn: anvil rotates, not shelly
thylordy: Standard rotation is all sorts of weird now
kamkazi: Oni-Cult anvil will rotate
BrowneePoints: oh wait Shelly DOESNT ROTATE!?
accountmadeforants: Don't forget, Sheoldred is here forever
Nouxatar: Sheoldred has another year
SydPreviouslyHeadache: New Capenna, Kamigawa, and the Innistrads are rotating out, i believe?
th3gentleknut: Vorinclex would turn that snake into a soft nuke
RandomTrivia: Anvil rotates, it's from Capenna
TriseAlpha: Ygra plays nice with Snek
ElektroTal: Sheoldred isn't leaving.
Fovulonkiin: yes it rotates
maclenrac: Kamigawa
Sandeon: oni cult anvil is
TheStrongFalcon: Anvil is rotating
Goboxel: anvil DOES rotate
Omentuva: Oni Cult will rotate.
00gogo00: you can sac the cursed role from your spiteful hexmage
Spades_Slicc: oni cult anvil rotates but sheoldred doesn't
thatonefergie: Oni is rotating
tsuuisalie: anvil is rotating
00gogo00: comedy
janMelantu: Anvil is Rotating, Sheoldred isnโ€™t
Diabore: sheoldred lives through rotation
Mark_D_Stroyer: Anyone else shocked by the existence of non-subs in chat after this last week?
jirriki1984: snake in Atraxa
thatonefergie: Shelly rotates, in Alchemy
TheBloodsparrow: What does rotate mean?
patman5296: sheoldred is not rotating
jiantwitch: Sheoldred is in standard for 1 more year
cmdrud87: I could see this gong into imskir or sth similar
TLBlitz: Sheoldred will be here for another year
Peevvi: Innistrad, Innistrad, New Capenna, and Neon Dynasty are rotating
howlinglotus: snake + the class that mills someone on sacrifice
Spades_Slicc: sheoldred only rotates when she attacks
Alex_Frostfire: They changed the rotation recently.
kamkazi: sehlly is in DMU
James_the_Dabbler: This is so confusing
squidpeanut: @thebloodsparrow older sets wonโ€™t be standard playable
BrowneePoints: I apologize this is the first rotation since the change and it discombobulated my brain
Diabore: all good, standard is dookie
Marc_IRL: The snake seems like a kind of card that might cause you to sacrifice your friend group too ๐Ÿ˜‚ Big Torment of Hailfire vibes
TheStrongFalcon: Innistrad through Cappenna is leaving
Skeletonman1100: Midnight Hunt, Crimson VOw, Neon Dynasty, and Streets of New Capenna are rotating out with Bloomburrows release.
Bugberry: Standard rotation did change somewhat recently
ElektroTal: Dominaria united is the oldest set not rotating
TriseAlpha: Rotation got weird when they dropped Blocks
TXC2: TheBloodsparrow for standard, some sets leave it while new sets enter
singinnonsense: or the food from the 3/2 squirrel
Gekyouryuu: @Alex_Frostfire again?
RandomTrivia: Somehow, despite everyone being VERY sick of Sheoldred, it doesn't rotate until next year
clockworkmenagerie: DMU will be the oldest set in new standard, iirc
LRRMTG_Judge: @TheBloodsparrow Standard is only the last 3 years of sets, and it changes, called "rotation". ๐Ÿฐ
gibbousm: Triomes are gone which I guess is big
Tom_Bruise: everything going forward from DMU remains in standard, including Sheodred
Ratchet215: Shelly rotates in another year
CaptnCheesebeard: Only rotating Sheoldred is doing is in her grave.
MusicalEsscence108: I'm more of an EDH person, so I have no idea either
fele_of_Cardmarket: more boxes being mistreated!
CodenameJD: @mark_d_stroyer I've just moved house and been too busy to watch the subathon, today's my first break in a few weeks
TheBloodsparrow: ahhhhhhh
RAZRBCK08: Sheoldred barely missed the 2024 rotation
Spades_Slicc: triomes rotating is huge
tehfewl: good thing about capenna rotating is no more triomes in standard
TriseAlpha: and then got Snaked to death
carbunclegirl: Can't wait for Sheoldred to be in Foundations
TheBloodsparrow: thank you
tri_nitro_: sheoldred in foundation Kappa
niccus: imagining a clown timeless deck with ozolith and the snake
MLPCopperMoon: Cameron also lost a lot of like
Sandeon: but not enough
noteaforthecats: Already love this set!
margieargie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, margieargie! (Today's storm count: 87)
MLPCopperMoon: life*
maclenrac: Sheldred rotate when she wants to rotate
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man: rotate? more like rattate wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat
coomslayer_1030: bloomburrow looks fun
kamkazi: Has adam seen the guilty gear strive season 4 trailer?
Dmc3628: basis of ruining evenings
Lobo_Apache: white black bat!
jiantwitch: I mean sheoldred doesn't even see much play at the moment, red and white are the strongest colours right now in standard.
drfox17: Can we see the token?
Orxolon: Cam i think that match wasn't an ability thing
BorgarWithAShotgun: i guess now we know why they are called CALAMITY beasts
teajunkie1234: What about the Oni-Cult anvil that was printed in the Mishra Precon from Brothers War?
Alex_Frostfire: @Gekyouryuu I mean, maybe a year ago? But also yes, there's that "legal at least until 2029" set coming up.
Redpandarama: The bats seems SPICY
roastbeefsandwitch: WotC will finally ban Sheoldred in the last 2 months of her Standard lifetime. "Opps, sorry, we should have done this when we banned the other powerful black cards, on release"
TXC2: jiantwitch just like Historic Kappa
singinnonsense: bat bird
Spades_Slicc: @jiantwitch we have very different experiances with standard
The_cake_of_lies: Same Adam
Bentoja: Hey has the giveaway already happened? Just been in and out of the stream
serramarkov: Just sharing because I'm so happy: Steelhead Trout lox are a tasty substitute for salmon lox. They have an added benefit for me, that they don't make me stop breathing!
TriseAlpha: Bats, Rats, Squirrels, and Rabbits all have insane synergies
RandomTrivia: Graham posting a sneaky sneaky Friday Nights update in the middle of the PPR :D
Spades_Slicc: @Bentoja not yet
TXC2: Bentoja not yet, but there will be on after this match
jiantwitch: @Spades_Slicc I suppose, but the fact is that none of the teir 1 decks even play black in standard atm
LRRbot: Valley Questcaller [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [2/3] | Whenever one or more other Rabbits, Bats, Birds, and/or Mice you control enter, scry 1. / Other Rabbits, Bats, Birds, and Mice you control get +1/+1.
Bentoja: Cheers
thylordy: There's gonna be a gnarly white black deck that uses cheap token makers to power out the blight snake and then protect it, just letting it kill folk.
accountmadeforants: I'm calling it, that's a quest
coomslayer_1030: pog
signorpino subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
signorpino: brother jeeez
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, signorpino! (Today's storm count: 88)
just__fitz: oooohh
frostownik: 2 mana 2/3 lord kappa
Bugberry: All of the White type pairs.
That1GuyBen: brother ewww
JonHerzogArtist: Gaming
fele_of_Cardmarket: If it's literally the same hand, did you even mulligan at all?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @serramarkov Sounds like an advantage.
TriseAlpha: Big bun bro
humbro12: Cam with the beatboxing
LRRbot: Thought Shucker [1U] | Creature โ€” Rat Rogue [1/3] | Threshold โ€” {1}{U}: Put a +1/+1 counter on Thought Shucker and draw a card. Activate only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard and only once.
Gekyouryuu: @Alex_Frostfire oh, ok. I knew about the last rotation change, but wouldn't have surprised me to have them change it again and I'd just missed it
kynelwynn: Batching by color pairs. If you know what guild each animal is in
fele_of_Cardmarket: oh shucks!
acolossalsquid: All the callers seem verry good
howlinglotus: rat rogue, shaggy
tehfewl: Any Shuckers?
razorswift: rat rogue shaggy
Tom_Bruise: IT shucks thoughts!
SolarBlitz1: Ruh Rogue
TallynNyntyg: Rat Rogue, it's a Thought Thucker.
TriseAlpha: brain = snail
Dandyfloss: i'm going to mispronounce thought shucker many times
ElektroTal: Brother , they won't even let me shuck the thoughts
Pharmacistjudge: Rat Rogue, Scooby
GredGredmansson: Once, PERIOD
BananaF4p: OSFrog
TriuneSystem: Island? Brother ewww
kamkazi: you fluffin' shucker
James_the_Dabbler: Well shucks
GreatWahooney: not even once per turn, just flat out once? that's unusual
Marc_IRL: The card requires that you shout "Get shucked!" whenever it attacks.
aimeez821: once a turn or only once?
tehfewl: @ElektroTal thats good
LRRbot: High Stride [G] | Instant | Target creature gets +1/+3 and gains reach until end of turn. Untap it.
GredGredmansson: "only once" @aimeez821
thylordy: What is a brain, but a snail with a weird shell?
BoomerAang_Squad: @aimeez821 Only once
Marvoleath: Once per game
Orxolon: today so many animals had been called other animals' names
PBlackcoat: Threshold adapt?
aimeez821: boo
CalliopeThorn: Technically it's better than adapt.
maclenrac: mono blue
LRRbot: Nettle Guard [1W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Soldier [3/1] | Valiant โ€” Whenever Nettle Guard becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, it gets +0/+2 until end of turn. / {1}, Sacrifice Nettle Guard: Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
That1GuyBen: hey is that the mythic bunny warleader in cam's hand
Diabore: meese
Pharmacistjudge: I dont' want to hear that card. I had to deal with so many High Tide decks yesterday at a 1k budget vintage deck
Bugberry: They've done "once per game" effects in paper for quit awhile.
Mangledpixel: mouse, meese.
PBlackcoat: Hey @elektrotal
BSengenYT: we're gonna be upset at some broken offspring card in MH4 i'll bet
TXC2: Meese is moose chat Kappa
maclenrac: Adam control
Woodthorn: @That1GuyBen Maybe not comment on hidden information
jirriki1984: blue flood, uh oh
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you control.
GredGredmansson: @TXC2 Moose is Moosen
TriseAlpha: Rabbit
IaCthulhuFthagn: Things with reach in other sets: Archers, giants, things climbing in treetops. Things with reach in this set: Animals standing on their hind legs.
maclenrac: Cam's going off
goombalax: is bunny, do scry
Lord_Hosk: When you sit down to a family meal and your siblings start talking politics "BROTHER EEEWWWWW"
MKgorgone: Adam had that transformative sideboard into mono-blue, right? ... Right?
Diabore: rabbit?
LRRbot: Coiling Rebirth [3BB] | Sorcery | Gift a card / Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. Then if the gift was promised and that creature isn't legendary, create a token thaโ€ฆ
Cheshire Creeper: Sheoldred is not rotating
Astrovore: yeah, Sheoldred gets another year
Robb Young: ughโ€ฆ. sheoldred rotation needs to happen soon.
NS777: Is it not? I could have sworn it was.
Astrovore: Dominaria isn't rotating
Shawn McNaughton: The problem is that the planes bleed into each other for the story, which is cool, but hard to track what's from each set.
Ahren Starr: gaining life isn't the same as immunity to pain
LRRbot: Valley Questcaller [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [2/3] | Whenever one or more other Rabbits, Bats, Birds, and/or Mice you control enter, scry 1. / Other Rabbits, Bats, Birds, and Mice you control โ€ฆ
LRRbot: Thought Shucker [1U] | Creature โ€” Rat Rogue [1/3] | Threshold โ€” {1}{U}: Put a +1/+1 counter on Thought Shucker and draw a card. Activate only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard and only oncโ€ฆ
That Guy Aric: Why is it a 2/3?
Astrovore: Scooby Doo voice: "Rat Rogue"
LRRbot: High Stride [G] | Instant | Target creature gets +1/+3 and gains reach until end of turn. Untap it.
LRRbot: Nettle Guard [1W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Soldier [3/1] | Valiant โ€” Whenever Nettle Guard becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, it gets +0/+2 until end of turnโ€ฆ
Ccc Tonelarone: cant wait for sheoldred to get put into magic foundations for it's "simple" and "fun" design
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you coโ€ฆ
dunkleskog: has anybody played the Colossal Dreadmoose yet?
00gogo00: yes it's three
tyrew0rm: im really liking the look of white in limited
tsuuisalie: scry 1
Lamebert1415: Scry
GredGredmansson: is rabbit does scry
zook_ningel: scry also
Dandyfloss: vigilance
RixtonSnek: scry, vigilence
ipoddodd: vigilance!
superdude097: Scry again
Bugberry: @GreatWahooney There's a few "once per game" effects in paper. The first ones were the "Secret Choice" commander cards.
Lycodrake: scry
jirriki1984: scry!
Vampyre_Lord: also scry no?
themightygerg: Vigs
Lycodrake: scry 1
Jostech: Scry
absentaHC: scry
Ratchet215: Vifilance
Diabore: card stays on top
MaxThatBoi: they're gonna get to it
Gekyouryuu: Bunny Ribbit
TXC2: !relaxed
LRRbot: REL:Axed or Rules Enforcement level relaxed means we try to let the cards do what they are supposed to do, and not punish players for their mistakes. While we all try to follow the rules these cards are brand new to everyone and mistakes will be made, just sit back and enjoy the stream.
kaziel0: Oh jeez, that's a swing.
goombalax: we got there
AugmentingPath: Adam seems like a man in need of a swamp
grizzlybeer40: Adam is cooked
RandomTrivia: Adam seems to have a slight mana issue
RandomTrivia: Welp
TXC2: game 3 baby!
jirriki1984: big swing
razorswift: that was a hell of a swing
maclenrac: Whomp
Benjamin_the_Monarch: numotB1 numotB2
p_johnston: adam playing mono blue second match
Sandeon: Adam appears to have been missing swamps
fele_of_Cardmarket: whoopsie
CalliopeThorn: Variance.
nerdsta82: that was a bunny stomp
accountmadeforants: @Bugberry In Magic? I don't recall any non-Alchemy "once per game" effects. (Though there are some "for the rest of the game" effects, like the Epics)
Gekyouryuu: I'm calling that card Bunny Ribbit forever
Jostech: Brother eww!
ipoddodd: some days you shuck your thoughts some days your thoughts shuck you
kamkazi: the time walk mulligan into same hand was powerful magic
themightygerg: Games Gems Geems
munchingwalrus: Didn't the 3/1 have valiant?
thylordy: That's Ba Magic By
IonizedRadiation: Both of these games are a great example of why Casting Spells is important to winning games of Magic
gmanjones: Cam, how are you not melting? I'm just across the straight and you're making me feel hot
singinnonsense: narrator: He was cooked
samuraiwalrus: Free first mull in limited plz
OldUncleDan: And I prefer the Big Death!
Swaggerstickbyaah: Did Cameron win game 2?
baneless27: ya it gives 0+2 when you target it
NornsFelidar: is FamJam planned for bloomborrow?
Sandeon: yes, but not relevant valiant
TheRatKings: mulligan aka Le Petit Mort
Gekyouryuu: @gmanjones good AC?
Alex_Frostfire: Yes, but it would've only got +0/+2.
pleonasticTautology: @gmanjones they have air conditioning
Earthenone: muliganing is like losing 2 units in a battle in xcom, you are already dead even if the game continues for 8 hours
GredGredmansson: @munchingwalrus it did, but it only gains 2 toughness for the turn
fishjellyfishjelly: @IonizedRadiation abc cabs
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Reading cards? In this economy?
TXC2: NornsFelidar yeap
RandomTrivia: !quote 6517
LRRbot: Quote #6517: "Who reads cards these days? It's 2019!" โ€”Serge [2019-10-25]
eleric937: i take a quite bathroom break and cameron already won r2
MrBibz: also valiant literally Didnt Matter so Cool It
frizzell66: test
Orxolon: throw em!
themightygerg: Cam! What are you doing?! C: Leeeeaaarning
The_cake_of_lies: I am so excited for Prerelease weekend
DevillReaper: He was cooking, but he cooked to hard, and he got cooked
BrowneePoints: so what do the players think so far?I was thinking vibes wise it feels like Lorwyn meets Ravnica and so far it has felt like that too!
Dandyfloss: near mint
Banrael: "lovingly damaged"
jazzfox: Lightly Loved!
TriseAlpha: Box! Box! Box!
Omentuva: Lightly Damaged Collector Boosties.
accountmadeforants: The box is slowly disassembling
Badchop: Lightly damaged product is my favorite kind of product, honestly.
viotech3: Scry 1
TXC2: the damage ands vaule Kappa
MLPCopperMoon: Near mint, near mint!
IncindiumX: give that one to Youtube
Niehilius: right, there giveaways
Larkonus: The damage adds character!
thatonefergie: Can I get it more damaged
GredGredmansson: steadily increasingly damaged
super731: well loved magic cards
brieandbacon: Oh boy! I love lightly damaged merchandise!!
ThorOfKenya: Lightly damaged? My favorite kind of damaged!
Tevildo: !box
LRRbot: Box box box!
nerdsta82: my birthday is on July 26
Gekyouryuu: Lightly Prayed
Niehilius: how and when are the giveaway? :D
BorgarWithAShotgun: a word: damaged
g0blinslide: how do you enter?
slix_on_twitch: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: one Andrew from the teeming mass of humanity
gaia_arcade: Near mint lovely magic cards! I love you Kathleen โค๏ธ
acolossalsquid: I'm going to a two-headed giant pre-release
loona898: ^
Joric_Art: lightly damaged?! I'm in
viotech3: Who scrys when we can surveil
NornsFelidar: @txc2 do you know the date?
bobokiddo: Can kathleen sign something in the box
DeathWarrior555: set looks dope
Dschuncks: Very wabi-sabi
Woodthorn: I looked away for a moment, did they say what the *word* was?
Stellio_Cantos: That's great cuz I only try for slightly damaged product
munchingwalrus: Thank you Gred
Leijonknight: !box
thylordy: @browneepoints Extremely Lorwyn, yes
DevillReaper: !box
Marc_IRL: Kathleen, what are your pins?? Or at least, the favorite one there?
Quaseymoto: my cat demands that it includes the box.
themightygerg: Here on Mulligan's Isle
kirbytronic: Come on down to Kathleen's Lightly Damaged Magic Merchandise Warehouse!
IonizedRadiation: @fishjellyfishjelly honestly even not CABS spells are better than passing
Bugberry: @accountmadeforants the "secretly choose" commander cards have the reveal activated ability only happen once per game. There's also a few others in recent years. THere was were-person in one of the D&D sets in paper that changed only once. I did a recent search for them on Scryfall.
Sarah_Serinde: Chat the giveaway is after this round is over. They will tell you how to enter
JoeSubject: It just gives the items some character
fele_of_Cardmarket: you get a mulligan, and you get a mulligan!
aussie_rob_w: mono-greed! :D
frizzell66: cmon Twitch - video won't work for me - Watching video on Youtube and chat on Twitch - 1st world tech problems!
Gaelan_Maestro: !findqoute damaged
kirdape28: Wait until the Postal Service gets their hands on that box.
TXC2: NornsFelidar the 30th, but that may change
IggyMTG: <message deleted>!box
47MD: mulligan
zarbit: inflation's coming for your starting hands next
ArcticAtlantic: heyo sergeHi
Eille_k: <message deleted>!box
LRRbot: In the box is: Teeeeee-BUCK!
Th3Hypn0Toad: Dibs on the Kathleen's most bent collector booster pack
47MD: <message deleted>!box
JoxerJJ: <message deleted>!box
bruiserhammerfist: !box
maclenrac: No stage magic show
TriseAlpha: *charges the Spirit Bomb*
Kit300: Kathleen desperately needs some tape for that box lol
JoeInsurgent: I'd gladly accept some "lightly damaged" dual lands.
greglewis7: <message deleted>!box
LRRbot: In the box is: a mystery
CerealGremlin: <message deleted>!box
Sarah_Serinde: Chat !box will not do anything, please stop
NornsFelidar: @txc2 tyโค๏ธ
maclenrac: Real deal magic
Stavaro : <message deleted>!box
TXC2: chat don't spam lrrbot
Gaelan_Maestro: !findquote damaged
LRRbot: Quote #8819: "Like a responsible visitor to a state park, I shall leave only footprints and psychic damage." โ€”Kathleen [2023-11-16]
g0blinslide: <message deleted>!box
frostfox42: <message deleted>!box
JoeSubject: <message deleted>!box
RandomTrivia: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
richi_198: <message deleted>!box
hd_dabnado: chaaaat
Gekyouryuu: !y
Orxolon: come on swamps!
coomslayer_1030: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a distinct lack of rats
RandomTrivia: And here come the hammers :D
LadyAtarka: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
super731: chat pls
Badchop: Stop that, you gooblords
eisice_: so called free thinkers
cthulhudude23: Oh lord the spam
bentbranch: lrrBartleby_TK Always a fan of slightly bumped stuff.
AutumnVixenIX: why did Adam board out all his swamps?
jjcard: I'm so used to Commander where mulligens are always free
richi_198: Xddd
Sarah_Serinde: Chat I will put you in emote mode again. !box does nothing. Stop it
th3gentleknut: Go Buns Go! I believe!!
madcat2030: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a live cat
alikaoz: Help, we are going unboxed
SeraTheGremlin: <message deleted>!box
vegetalss4: Now I wonder what Magic would be like if people started with 6 cards instead of 7
Schoolbus93: <message deleted>!box
RandomTrivia: Presumably from Bylaw and Order?
Dhrall: the momentum that incorrect giveaway commands seem to always somehow get is always astonishing to me
Land_Manatee: No, you were playing Parks
kilnfiendpotter: No joke, I was so excited to open a Masterpiece in my Aether Revolt box that I forgot to add swamps to my deck.
Awexdio: If someone wins the prize pack, can they request it pre-spindled? Want to get all of the devaluation out of the way
Land_Manatee: I bet
Tallher: <message deleted>!box
LRRbot: In the box is: a hole where chat sees it all
cmdrud87: "sideboarding is an admission of defeat"
Sandeon: lol nelly
TehAmelie: remember the state park dating game?
Badchop: lrrAWESOME
Dmc3628: one of the masters sets?
Mehayo: When did you play the State Park dating sim?
Dandyfloss: magic players don't touch grass, don't be silly
ihlendrax: Yโ€™all are abusing a bot command.
drfox17: Cheese rolling?
DoodlestheGreat: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
00gogo00: did they say the secret word
Dr_fragenstien: better than being signed
Y2A_Alkis: But I can sit in my own box, right? rescBox
RandomTrivia: @TehAmelie Oh god, National Park Girls - that was a ride :D
Tevildo: was it food badminton?
the_phantom_game_player: The damage adds character
Anubis169: Chat...
randus2003: was it the state park dating game?
TXC2: 00gogo00 nope
Anubis169: travF1 travF2
daviddolan: But I want some damaged merch now.
gaia_arcade: When did we go outside in 2023, a great question in life
BananaF4p: i want my boken in half cards
AP4rk3dC4r subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AP4rk3dC4r! (Today's storm count: 89)
Dmc3628: i do remember the theater one
00gogo00: aw
gluonquark: why would you go out side? the cards are in the damaged box
Sandeon: "When did we go outside in 2023" is a great quote
Orxolon: the park walk?
TriseAlpha: Ooh, fancy Forest
fele_of_Cardmarket: @LRRbot I don't think it works if a bot looks tho
Artificer_Evan: !quote box
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
samu_btdp1985: ah thats why i got timed out i thought
giantwerewolf: so excited for lightly, lovingly mangled product
Th3Hypn0Toad: Can Kathleen sign the most damaged booster pack?
OldUncleDan: I can't touch grass.... I'm allergic!
LRRbot: Fountainport | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice a token: Draw a card. / {3}, {T}, Pay 1 life: Create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token. / {4}, {T}: Create a Treasure token.
The_cake_of_lies: It's time to think outside the box chay
Angreed66: Those swords aren't just for showchat.
JosVanTongeren: don't worry about the damage Kathleen,. the postal service will damage it more ;D
AntianSiridean: Can we request a more damaged box?
The_cake_of_lies: *chat
RixtonSnek: full-art forest makes full-art mana
SenshiSun: we need to relax
ardor_edi: full art lands make full art mana
just__fitz: Trading fountain port
Bugberry: @accountmadeforants In the Trenches from BRO had the once per game clause. The oldest I can find is Goblin Ski Patrol from Ice Age.
EllieoftheVeil6: calm the family channel down Chat
randomblathering: was it when you played โ€˜Parksโ€™ on AFK?
BrainDedPanda: damaged or not it may be my only way to get blumburrow
ArcticAtlantic: could it have been DB? it was the middle of November
Gekyouryuu: @randus2003 unless that got replayed in 2023, probably not
f_lundy: Fountainport is gas
maclenrac: What doesn't it do
titanprime231: lrrADAM lrrKATHLEEN lrrCAMERON
Destrohead15: Hi
owithey1: Professionally damaged by LRR is the new signed.
LRRbot: Thought Shucker [1U] | Creature โ€” Rat Rogue [1/3] | Threshold โ€” {1}{U}: Put a +1/+1 counter on Thought Shucker and draw a card. Activate only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard and only once.
Orxolon: when James ran a lap on a field?
cthulhudude23: When you guys went outside for road quest i did love that!
Anubis169: heya Destrohead15 <3
JonHerzogArtist: Trading Mostly
ExachixKitsune: @Anubis169 : That is a terrifying emote
Pharmacistjudge: it's a fishing mini game in MTG
super731: r a t
Th3Hypn0Toad: She left her mark
accountmadeforants: @Bugberry That's not once per game, it's "only once". Which means it resets if the permanent changes zones.
shiny_elva: Hello chat! I totally missed a bunch woops, at least there'll be a vod
th3gentleknut: So Foundtainport is gonna be a new EDH staple, right?
Sandeon: Is the giveaway geographically limited?
fele_of_Cardmarket: shucks. called it!
Anubis169: ExachixKitsune: it has the desired effect
That1GuyBen: did cam draw his card for the turn?
TXC2: hello shiny_elva welcome
singinnonsense: that rat is back on the shuckeletor again
gluonquark: all the vally callers are busted
AstroBase: Can you give that prerelease box a good shake I dont think the drop did enough damage and it would give it more flavor
DaniellNaruta: What if they added "Every time you mulligan, you start the game with +1 life?
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL I think Thought Shucker goes in the "fun to say" card list :p
frostownik: @Sandeon as long as it's on Earth, we good
lordofkatz: Every game that has a fishing mini game is great, including mtg
aimeez821: not like this :(
just__fitz: Thought Shucker is the most dangerous name since ___ Goblin
Bugberry: @accountmadeforants and that's the same as the Shucker, which started this whole conversation.
patrick_stonecrusher: Chat getting absolute bopped ModLove
LRRbot: Flowerfoot Swordmaster [W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Soldier [1/2] | Offspring {2} / Valiant โ€” Whenever this creature becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, Mice you control get +1/+0 until end of turn.
IonizedRadiation: I want the questcaller with that reddit "Qwest" critter
floweeboi: this game seems eerily familiar
shiny_elva: Thanks TXC2 :)
That1GuyBen: oh god
ardor_edi: rat rogue raggy, it's a thought rucker
fele_of_Cardmarket: Shought Thucker
accountmadeforants: @Bugberry Ah, that's my bad for misinterpreting your comment then
krfsm: @IonizedRadiation or Questing Beast
loxodon_anchor: That oof felt personal
Rustymagus: Have they done the giveaways yet?
brieandbacon: Nope
DrAngryMongoose: how do i win? ๐Ÿ‘€
Andy Shamel: How does one win the box of lightly-damaged magic goods?
Black Mage M: how to join the giveaway?
Simriel: The giveaway is on Twitch, and how to enter will be announced later
Greys N. Owman: Youโ€™ll need to write a specific word in Twitch chat at the end of this round
Simriel: There will be a seperate youtube giveaway once the PPR video goes up
SmithKurosaki: The giveaway is happening over in twitch chat. At the end of Adam and Cam's round, they'll say a word to enter into twitch chat
SmithKurosaki: There's also going to be the YT comment giveaway as Sim said once the YT vod is posted
LRRbot: Fountainport | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice a token: Draw a card. / {3}, {T}, Pay 1 life: Create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token. / {4}, {T}: Create a Treasure token.
LRRbot: Thought Shucker [1U] | Creature โ€” Rat Rogue [1/3] | Threshold โ€” {1}{U}: Put a +1/+1 counter on Thought Shucker and draw a card. Activate only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard and only oncโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Flowerfoot Swordmaster [W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Soldier [1/2] | Offspring {2} / Valiant โ€” Whenever this creature becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, Mice โ€ฆ
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you control.
Easilycrazyhat: Move to Bluff Step
Artificer_Evan: @Rustymagus not yet
frostownik: @Rustymagus end of this round
TehAmelie: coming up next year: Saddleback Legack Shucker
That1GuyBen: hey i think i've seen this movie again
TXC2: Rustymagus no, but theres one after this
cthulhudude23: That card is sick with all the offspring
dernerntyern: That's a rough start for Adam
Kit300: Swamp or riot for Adam lol
grizzlybeer40: Le cooked du Adam
Gekyouryuu: the Bunny Ribbit is back!
Alex_Frostfire: Oh no, math.
frostfox42: mouse counts as mice? some time magic can be weird so just asking
thylordy: Combat in Bloomburrow seems less like violent war and more like a neighborly dispute in Sark.
westerfarmer: dang
kismetsoul: lrrHEART
westerfarmer: thats hard
snydepels2: ouchies
razorswift: beep beep
gluonquark: math is for blockers
ardor_edi: rabbit math
nerdsta82: bunny stomp again
TriseAlpha: You gonna play Rabbits, you gotta be good at math
p_johnston: Math!
Bugberry: Big Mice
GredGredmansson: @frostfox42 mice is the plural of mouse
rabbiti3: The ribbit rabbit
Vampyre_Lord: people think blue is the thinky colors, but check out this math!
brieandbacon: Goo djob Serge isn't playing Cam's deck, too much math
Sandeon: Big mouse
Eelnairb: Do they no longer ETB? its just "enters" now?
fele_of_Cardmarket: What's going on here?
Tarnius: Dayum.
GreatWahooney: @brieandbacon but he's such a good counter
TriseAlpha: If you stomp someone with the Mouse deck, does that mean you're "rolling mice"?
razorswift: @Eelnairb yep!
Adderkleet: @Eelnairb Yep. Just like Sagas
accountmadeforants: @frostfox42 Yeah, they sometimes use plurals. (They also sometimes go for "Elves" instead of "Elf creatures")
kismetsoul: Yepp, ETB is just now "Enters"
Leebo140: Damn, mice got hands
GredGredmansson: @Eelnairb the phrase "enters the battlefield" is being shortened to "enters" for the majority of cards. There is no functional change
Gekyouryuu: @GredGredmansson no, Mice is the singular of Micen, and the plural of Mouse is Meeses.
GreatWahooney: @Eelnairb yup, it's just E now
SlyMaster9: Tragic
grizzlybeer40: BEEP BEEP here comes the rabbit bus
DoubleNterprises: lrrDOTS
Eelnairb: thx all
LRRMTG_Judge: As of this set, "enters the battlefield" has been replaced with "enter" - Natedogg
Sandeon: Wabbit season
frostfox42: @accountmadeforants thanks
maclenrac: 10 on board
gluonquark: no more ETB, it is now just "is"
jirriki1984: duck season!
EerieDude: I am very much into lightly damaged products
AugmentingPath: the appropriate abbreviate for "enter" is CIP
googoltudoris: if you make a rabbit hate dek, do you name it elmer fudd?
GredGredmansson: oh no addam
Marvoleath: Frog Rabbit, a Ribbt
LRRbot: Carrot Cake [1W] | Artifact โ€” Food | When Carrot Cake enters and when you sacrifice it, create a 1/1 white Rabbit creature token and scry 1. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice Carrot Cake: You gain 3 life.
bruiserhammerfist: Yum
nolder1: <message deleted>i do the same thing Adam lol
RandomTrivia: Sure is Magic the Gathering in this match
CrossXhunteR: rabbits are poggin
Domidwarcer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Domidwarcer! (Today's storm count: 90)
super731: best art of the set
gluonquark: No more ETB, it is now just "E"
nolder1: <message deleted>"be honest, am i dead"
TriseAlpha: Wabbit season
thylordy: Wonder what the secret ingredient is
maclenrac: scry
TotallyNotaBeholder: Is the wabbit wascally?
GredGredmansson: scry 1, then scry 1 again
TallynNyntyg: @AugmentingPath What does CIP stand for?
Sandeon: Scrabbit
IaCthulhuFthagn: @GreatWahooney Just E now? It's like the late 80's all over again...
razorswift: Bun Pog
ardor_edi: lands are the worst part of magic, thanks for the games anyway!
frostownik: yall should check out the video for the Carrot Cake that Hermit Druid cooked up
thatonefergie: And scry 1 twice
Lord_Hosk: Get the wabbit get the wabbit get the wabbit
cthulhudude23: These are breeding know...rabbits
Anubis169: TriseAlpha: Duck theathon!
thetimelord93: wascally
jazzfox: ! Someone said Carrot Cake appears they'd eat, they must now eat!
gaia_arcade: Wabbit season!
Ukon_Cairns: so many scry 1 x 2
AugmentingPath: TallynNyntyg "comes into play," used before the M10 rules change
HighXavier: So many rabbits
Nameless_Sword: this is some beatdown
GredGredmansson: cake also has a scry trigger
Anubis169: (i miss loony tunes :D )
neveth: oh my good lord that token art
aimeez821: carrot cake has scry too
vinopinguino: that rabbit token?!?!
vinopinguino: is so goddamn
vinopinguino: CUTE
TriseAlpha: @Anubis169 You'd have to, because the Wabbits are attacking!
maclenrac: flex
ContingentCat: tmi Cam
gaia_arcade: I love the card carrot cake! I'm so excited to add it to my collection โค๏ธ
Sandeon: POwer move from Cameron
Fovulonkiin: lol
codatski subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
codatski: Excited to get my hands on some Bloomburrow!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, codatski! (Today's storm count: 91)
thetimelord93: cake be caking
jirriki1984: rabbit token, may be cutest card in set
just__fitz: Will we get a Bugs Bunny universes beyond? We already got Coyote and Roadrunner in OTJ
Woodthorn: That rabbit token is adorable
BrowneePoints: yall should watch Hermit Druidโ€™s Bloomburrow Cooking series on Twitter
MLPCopperMoon: Poor adam, having to sit on two lands while Cameron tramples him with adorable rabbits.
LRRbot: Into the Flood Maw [U] | Instant | Gift a tapped Fish / Return target creature an opponent controls to its owner's hand. If the gift was promised, instead return target nonland permanent an opponent controls to its owner's hand.
BrowneePoints: he made carrot cake
Sandeon: 1U: board wipe
TheDevil_Risen: ggs
razorswift: ggs!
krfsm: oof
uncleardata: GG
Vampyre_Lord: i mean, if im adam im still super happy from that first game.
GrocerySaur: gg
oa888: GG
puzzzels_: gg
th3gentleknut: BUNS!!!!!
arkhamrefugee: Woof
brieandbacon: sergeGG sergeGG
cthulhudude23: They have defeated the snake
msartivisual: GG
Tommadness: gg
MysticProtogen: gg
th3gentleknut: GG
FoxBehindTheTree: gg
50keyz: gg
Vampyre_Lord: double snake is poggers
Jon_CoffeeRobot: gg
RandomTrivia: Adam's manabase :D
TheRatKings: rabbits
TriseAlpha: edward26GG edward26GG
drfox17: The bunnies seem powerful
qwertiest_mint: gg
Marc_IRL: What a reversal from game 1
bentbranch: GGs
gmanjones: gg
contrary13: gg
bojuka_pog: Tragic the gathering
Vampyre_Lord: wp both sides :D
Tallher: Gg!
Drewind: gg
LokiThePaladin: gg
AugmentingPath: the swamps, mainly
Lycodrake: gg
t7112: fun stuff!
IgorApp: Damn shuffler
platymage: gg
Sandeon: The mibbits
Goboxel: rabit lord is super great
Orxolon: the whole burrow
em0burrito: Rough last game for Adam
dabarles: gg! Adamโ€™s game 1 tho
oodwae subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak!
Fire_Summoner: gg
CordeliaCataclysm: OWLgg
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, oodwae! (Today's storm count: 92)
thetimelord93: gg
Redpandarama: GeeGee
Tevildo: the mibbits
hd_dabnado: rabbit glue
thesanitytoad: gg
andvincible: gg
acolossalsquid: Little animal people!
alexetodisk: Gg
fsforwardsound: bun alert
kynelwynn: Cam doesn't get dumpstered in a PPR? Unprecidented
jazzfox: Dang, The hares and mice of Redwall win over again
Fire_Summoner: sorry Adam
fele_of_Cardmarket: nice box!
wontedfive30282: Ggwp
grizzlybeer40: Adam got MTG Arena'd
kalkenmar: Gg
FixTheJames: Rabbits are mice with better PR.
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man: spilers
lacrem_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
randus2003: it was the rapid reproduction
Drewind: mice!!!
Bentoja: GG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lacrem_! (Today's storm count: 93)
maclenrac: Swag
BananaF4p: shattered cards@
enbyliza: Ggwp
MikeProvencher: I want the broken box.
RixtonSnek: harsh
keinbesserername: gg
Sandeon: wat
Swaggerstickbyaah: GG
GredGredmansson: what
brieandbacon: I preferred the book
noonetoday: gg
just__fitz: Secret of Nimh?
malfnord: what
MysticProtogen: hm
cmdrud87: thanks, cameron
macintose: Search me
kynelwynn: Blown away in the vents
Ukon_Cairns: the rabbits and mice both did a good job of going nowhere near a swamp
TriseAlpha: Box! Box! Box!
Stoli_V: rabbit
HaIIoweenCat: Rabbit
OctaveCello: rabbit
thylordy: Good shot, Adam. Sorry your mana didn't work for ya this round.
CodeHard_: rabbit
daviddolan: Rabbit
brningpyre: rabbit
Commodore_Perry_GG: rabbit
Senseiwoo: Rabbit
reaper_josh: Rabbit
Stellio_Cantos: rabbit
f_lundy: Rabbit
randomnumber39: RAbbit
Fenrir_Azazel: Rabbit
RaidenFirewing: rabbit
winstondarktide: Rabbit
fsforwardsound: rabbit
ThorOfKenya: rabbit
enbyliza: Bรถx of bny and friends
hd_dabnado: rabbit
BrowneePoints: I havenโ€™t read the book in a whiiiiiile
Jethrain: rabbit
Lushian_Cybasi: Rabbit
Woodthorn: rabbit
WishyWashyofSaddleArabia: Rabbit
kaivex: rabbit
howlinglotus: rabbit
boredkid07: Rabbit
00gogo00: rabbit
re_relentlessly: rabbit
BonusGhost: Rabbit
azndragon257: rabbit
googoltudoris: rabbit
mkkel84: rabbit
rentar42: rabbit
sandlotte: rabbit
Eviscerator14: Rabbit
PearlescentFerret: Rabbit
KodeMage: rabbit in chat
irishpaddys: rabbit
lashura07: rabbit
invalidCards: rabbit
DoctorBobHawk: Rabbit
TriseAlpha: rabbit
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man: rabbit
That1GuyBen: this lightly cajoled box
arkhamrefugee: Rabbit
spookittyAsh: Rabbit
samuraiwalrus: Rabbit
Ormmannen: rabbit
gmanjones: Rabbit
akkarin2304: Rabbit
lord_lowenthal: Rabbit
DeChunkandFriends: Rabbit
Hansk_and_Boo: Rabbit
Quagsniper: Rabbit
jirriki1984: Rabbit
putz12a: rabbit
GredGredmansson: "in"
krfsm: rabbit
Adderkleet: Rabbit
PhlibbertyGib: rabbit
gluonquark: Rabbit
RokuNalaar: Good Stuf!
lacrem_: Rabbit
just__fitz: Rabbit
DiscordianTokkan: rabbit
Harthic: Rabbit
giantwerewolf: rabbit
klutzy_boi: rabbit
vargasbball3: Rabbit
cthulhudude23: Rabbit
AllTheWeasels: rabbit
aiacovi: rabbit
courtjester69420: rabbit
Kirgo: rabbit
Revenant77x: rabbit
t7112: rabbit
Night_xD: rabbit
iLL_Pickle: Rabbit
Tommadness: rabbit
redikalususername: Rabbit
iAdrianRobin: Rabbit
th3_wildcard: Rabbit
InsaneVioletMage: Rabbit
Iodine953: Rabbit
GoblinPieromancer: rabbit
izatrep: rabbit
straightshifty: rabbit
imthegrnranger: rabbit
Magiccam5: Rabbit
Papstar: rabbit
thesanitytoad: Rabbit
tofupapi: rabbit
Towpath_60X: Rabbit
TheRatKings: rabbit
Lupus2253: Rabbit
Motherboards: rabbit
octavia__scratch: rabbit
Gen2Gengar: rabbit
0011110000110011: rabbit
Slyviticus: Rabbit
Raagentreg: rabbit
CodenameJD: Rabbit
CrossXhunteR: rabbit
AllTheMTG: rabbit
Drewind: rabbit
green_phantom97: rabbit
dvercell: rabbit
kiba509: rabbit
LithelyUnshod: rabbit
capslock42: Rabbit
Tevildo: rabbit
dasdardly: rabbit
totole654: rabbit
Hadouken_lol_catz: rabbit
NewtyNewts: Rabbit
keinbesserername: rabbit
Foppish: rabbit
BorgarWithAShotgun: rabbit
westerfarmer: rabbit
the_phantom_game_player: Rabbit
Nathanoearl: Rabbit
realbiglime: rabbit
baneless27: rabbit
OlePalnatoke: rabbit
singinnonsense: all habitants of Valley joined to defeat the big bad viper
valkyrisprime: Rabbit
Ridgenator: Rabbit
TheWarbo: rabbit
wastetalent: rabbit
OrangeFree: Rabbit
Vequenor: rabbit
planeswalkagogo: Rabbit
ferretmd: Rabbit
grizzlybeer40: Rabbit
orucsoraihc: rabbit
son_of_amoz: rabbit
whoppernugget: Rabbit
MrMatternot: Rabbit
TheWriterAleph: rabbit
titanprime231: Rabbit
kaifreyder0123: rabbit
lordofkatz: Rabbit
CaptnCheesebeard: rabbit
weslton23: rabbit
kijata: rabbit
loona898: rabbit
LoneGoat: rabbit
Eckuris: rabbit
cmdrud87: rabbit
dustineiden33: rabbit
Testosteros: rabbit
fjorner: Rabbit
DedZed13: rabbit
DeathWarrior555: rabbit
seemsdeece: Rabbit
dernerntyern: Rabbit
LowUpsideCJ: rabbit
MotoTy621: rabbit
durangil: Rabbit
TehAmelie: rabbit
troglodytes_wren: rabbit
SeraTheGremlin: rabbit
MikeProvencher: rabbit
booplesnootlovesyou: rabbit
manic588: Rabbit
Luminaire_p: rabbit
Friskycharizard: rabbit
CrazyWatermeloon: rabbit
TheConnectors: rabbit
xplodingpenguin: rabbit
mrMorphius: rabbit
lamechicken: rabbit
Mediocre_Man5: Rabbit
VladTheAlpaca: Rabbit
tcat13: rabbit
nolder1: <message deleted>rabbit
tyrew0rm: Rabbit
Lord_Hosk: Rabbit
Dhrall: rabbit
AutumnVixenIX: rabbit
Artificer_Evan: rabbit
jacqui_lantern234: rabbit
webbaba: rabbit
yog_soggoth55: rabbit
IdiotPigBoy: rabbit
teajunkie1234: rabbit
NornsFelidar: rabbit
BlindProphet32: rabbit
datastorm17: rabbit
AttoJoule: rabbit
DrunkenWarBee: rabbit
theworldsmith1: rabbit
nessiah_aries: Rabbi
black_napalm: Rabbit
ph0b0s_deim0s: Rabbit
LathosTiran: rabbit
Iodine953: rabbit
platymage: Rabbit
enbyliza: Lol
artanis00: rabbit
LesVox: Rabbit
RaynMurfy: Rabbit
falgar_: Rabbit
OlaffStout: Rabbit
DanTheMediocre: rabbit
dragonloot: rabbit
Symphoneers: rabbit
Funk8u11et: rabbit
regiella: Rabbit
Joric_Art: rabbit
50keyz: rabbit
Omega_Orion: rabbit
Vyolynce: Rabbit
Terrorof1991: rabbit
owenp1: rabbit
avi_miller: rabbit
Land_Manatee: rabbit
jacepo3053: rabbit
malifeca: Rabbit
Zael250: Rabbit
Peter_Chordash: Rabbit
Zarill: rabbit
NikeLaosB: rabbit
sundernik97: Rabbit
silentdragon0: Rabbit
accountmadeforants: Rabbit
CalliopeThorn: rabbit
thisnamemeanseverything: rabbit
Quaseymoto: rabbit
rabbiti3: Rabbit
Yoshiri123: rabbit
thatonefergie: Rabbit
MajorGeneralStore: rabbit
fuzzy_died: Rabbit
Nyokin: Rabbit
Maltorius: Rabbit
Astral_Apache: rabbit
kerniusmaximus: rabbit
holidayMD: rabbit
Jillexie: rabbit
themightygerg: rabbit
Nemeriss55: rabbit
Teddy_Beats: rabbit
ThisCatHasSeenGod: rabbit
secretspud: Rabbit
Kit300: Rabbit
azraxthefirst: rabbit
bo_brinkman: Rabbit
Holmeslice_: rabbit
SquirrelBoy25: rabbit
wontedfive30282: Rabbit
JosVanTongeren: rabbit
cmdrzellgaudis: rabbit
ThatsABigPanda: Rabbit
PhuzNutz: rabbit
Iroknight: Rabbit
pcglbrock: Rabbit
Amoothyst: rabbit
akashicarchivist: rabbit
creahmc: Rabbit
frameshifty: rabbit
FormerlyJustNumbers: rabbit
protojman: rabbit
Gnrt: Rabbit
RocknGrohlNerd: rabbit
BlueMechanic: Rabbit
shockcycle: rabbit
qwertiest_mint: rabbit
Clockwork_Penguin: Rabbit
crazyburrito7: Rabbit
morderschatten: Rabbit
Goboxel: Rabbit
twirid: rabbit
anonarat: Rabbit
darkmagicpi: Rabbit
WandersWithBlender: Rabbit
F2AceDagger: rabbit
redsaint_uk: Rabbit
Erdeanmich: rabbit
midnightbrush: rabbit
FPNY41: rabbit
tapewurm93: rabbit
Timpmaster7: Rabbit
Raagentreg: Rabbit
Debatra: rabbit
VallAmastacian: rabbit
taheema: rabbit
Atomskin: Rabbit
PicklePlop: rabbit
KeitaroFox: rabbit
Greg1756: rabbit
Strebenherz: rabbit
BlandSpice: rabbit
Dandyfloss: rabbit ๓ €€
Scren: Rabbit
p_johnston: Rabbit
a_randomfofar: Rabbit
gregoryvanmerrsquerr: Rabbit
buemmschaf: rabbit
nickypediauk: Rabbit
thaynethompson: Rabbit
suntone: Rabbit
Rasputyne: rabbit
Tempest_of_Thought: Rabbit
drfox17: The mice are the vanguard, the bunnies are the shock troops
Jigokuro: rabbit
FerretinaTheWeaselQueen: Rabbit
JungleQuack: rabbit
SkaespearesBoys: rabbit
seraphim_gdgrl: Rabbit
cmdrud87: Rabbit
Keleel: Rabbit
ReiyChanter: rabbit
ThatsNEET: rabbit
N30dude: Rabbit
Sarah_Serinde: Only once chat! Capitalization doesnt' matter
RAZRBCK08: Rabbit
RealGamerCow: rabbit
Jadaris: rabbit
BaconThePerfectFood: rabbit
TangleTrail: Rabbit
oa888: Rabbit
groulux: rabbit
MartonyTho: rabbit
jimmethjambo: rabbit
EternalRoxas: rabbit
anactualheehaw: Rabbit
loxodon_anchor: Babbit
bisaflau: Rabbit
SentinelStormer: Rabbit in chat
TheOnlyOrk: Rabbit
Esperance_Dream: Rabbit
StarSurveil: rabbit
Katsche__: rabbit
KidAmn: Rabiit
gibbousm: whats up doc
Kieselalge: Rabbit
mexgirlmindy: <message deleted>Rabbit
sgowell: rabbit
qwertiest_mint: rabbit in chat
red_shoes_jeff: Rabbit
Henshini: rabbit
IaCthulhuFthagn: rabbit
th3curator: Rabbit
luedongbin: Rabbit
regicold: rabbit
littlecanadaboi: Rabbit
Mangledpixel: rabbit
Saxaman29: rabbit
n1voN subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, n1voN! (Today's storm count: 94)
invickthus: rabbit
fizzymtg: Rabbit
Dragonpaladin1332: Rabbit
dtrain_67: Rabbit
atormented: Rabbit
firgnus: Rabbit
captain_goof: Rabbit
WhirlwindAbyss: Rabbit
misskale: Rabbit
TurnedToFrog: Rabbit
Spandex_Faffy: Rabbit
crono3453: Rabbit
TheBattleOfHastings: Rabbit
RTwo28: Rabbit
BCJazz: rabbit
tru_boredom: Rabbit
lilmissmousy: Rabbit
tetso_d: rabbit
MysticProtogen: rabbit
Malazim: rabbit
Merry3750: rabbit
jon1969df: rabbit
thalcot: Rabbit
Yurielx: Rabbit
Cal__9000: rabbit
azkovo: rabbit
wmakker: rabbit
B__Retro: Rabbit
iceprincess84: Rabbit
James_the_Dabbler: rabbit
vesped: Rabbit
janky_as_heck: rabbit
Harvest25: Rabbit
Cactus_Cactus: Rabbit
PBlackcoat: Chat go brrrt
Frostwriter111: rabbit
Terrorof1991: Rabbit
Magiccam5: rabbit
50keyz: its like a chaz and dave song up in here!
arkham1981: rabbit
pie_v: Rabbit
soldsktdiver7774: rabbit
secretspud: rabbit
Technomagus: rabit
TheJagerbombastic: rabbit
manabear12: rabbit
prymryb: Rabbit
Tukanda_xP: rabbit
Yomenz: rabbit
digitalkarma: rabbit
coronax_cj: rabbit
sumiku_art: Rabbit
Cheesie_Bee: rabbit
BertZZ: rabbit
offwhitemagician: rabbit
Primary_Stig: Rabbit
KeitaroFox subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
themercenary1987: Rabbit
richi_198: Rabbit
abaoa_qu: Rabbit
ohgeezitsbrad: rabbit
AmusedPottery: rabbit
Weriito: Rabbit
rxpalindrome: rabbit
slix_on_twitch: rabbit
Arelris: rabbit
WhiteWizard42: Rabbit
djalternative: rabbit
krabthecrab: Rabbit
TwoSenses: rabbit
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KeitaroFox! (Today's storm count: 95)
fr0gqueen99: rabbit
Twigznstuff: rabbit
munchingwalrus: Rabbit
pie_v: !rabbit
nymistrya: Rabbit
Timbertea: Rabbit
kamusari707: rabbit
Gascitygaming: Rabbit
andvincible: Rabbit
Pyroxx___: rabbit
matthix590: rabbit
DocTie: rabbit
OldUncleDan: Rabbit
wrapscalion: Rabbit
kortenhoeven: Rabbit
mr_jelis: Rabbit
zombiewillardgibbs: rabbit
RenegadePlaid: rabbit
shaduko07: Rabbit
Cycomiko138: Rabbit
enthralimund: Rabbit
bloodmoonorbust: rabbit
SkiaSymphonia: Rabbit
Asturiel: rabbit
CovetedPeacock: rabbit
ToddOnATangent: rabbit
Mierr: Rabbit
hurricanealpaca: Rabbit
Naesiir: rabbit
BoofTroupe: rabbit
81ackR0se: rabbit
CanPlayGames: Rabbit
SusanTD: rabbit
sirnobulus: rabbit
ilovebrownies3: rabbit
SomethingUncommon: Rabbit
Veshnikard: Rabbit
The_cake_of_lies: Rabbit
finestotter: rabbit
Frogasaurus90: Rabbit
Weriito: rabbit
tsp397: rabbit
Ritaspirithntr: rabbit
Easilycrazyhat: Rabbit
Astrovore: rabbit
rad_m8: rabbit
noonetoday: rabbit
njordmon: rabbit
carpongos3: rabbit
a_chex: Rabbit
RatherLargeToad: rabbit
RecklawGaming: rabbit
Bentoja: rAbbit
critiquequartz: rabbit
Mars_romangodofwar: Rabbit
Asher535: Rabbit
JR_Plays_Games: rabbit
CovetedPeacock: Rabbit
WeaselShaman: Rabbit
Qwex1: rabbit
Ktolos: Rabbit
morgoth_bauglyr: rabbit
ranoras: Rabbit
NonUniqueGuy: rabbit
carbunclegirl: Rabbit
gamer7831: rabbit
ajv7949: rabbit
42MiLLyWays: rabbit
bruiserhammerfist: Rabbit
benny6298: rabbit
brutusq13: Rabbit
Tarnius: rabbit
Dicebat: rabbit
randus2003: rabbit
Marvoleath: Rabbit
everyshotislucky: rabbit
mr_kiang: rabbit
Werecarpet: rabbit
manwiththegoldencard: rabbit
theneatestburrito: rabbit
puzzzels_: Rabbit
kirbytronic: RaBbIt
ZoeyValkyrie: Rabbit
Greyah: rabbit
moccles: rabbit
AP4rk3dC4r: rabbit
Friis111: rabbit
Azralorne: Rabbit
Jostech: Rabbit
Nemosaur: rabbit
LaskoReadsComics: rabbit
Euphemion_RFB: Rabbit
Tystnex: rabbit
Stavaro : Rabbit
Chartle: rabbit
Mind2Waste: rabbit
MrBibz: rabbit
Veraphage: rabbit
iAdrianRobin: Rabbit ,
chel094: rabbit
rosie_fanboy: Rabbit
BoofTroupe: Rabbit
Jaciopathic: Rabbit
tomnar: rabbit
maclenrac: Wabbit
mexgirlmindy: <message deleted>Rabbit ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ
hunkyduncy: rabbit
that_jake: rabbit
TubbyMcButters: rabbit
simic_yeti: rabbit
tricktophat: Rabbit
MysticProtogen: Rabbit
Tz_BG: rabbit
atavystheart: rabbit
soulcannons: rabbit
Nathade: rabbit
tophuwolf: Rabbit
grizzlybeer40: rabbit
gameslayer013: Rabbit
tommytomtom2000: rabbit
MWGNZ: rabbit
kr0nker: Rabbit
multiverse42: rabbit
finerinsanity5: Rabbit
mechamullet: rabbit
sasquatcherino: Rabbit
luci_geekery: rabbit
snortablecola: rabbit
selfirah: Rabbit
alikaoz: Rabbit
Centorii: rabbit
patman5296: rabbit
seasikberry: Rabbit
Julian_Rogue: Rabbit
SaltFreeJudge: rabbit
Vandallite: Rabbit
floatingtincan: Rabbit
enbyliza: rabbit
KodeMage: rabbit
newershadow: rabbit
Halinn: rabbit
Bentoja: raBbit
m_logan2000: Rabbit
bubblybooper: Rabbit
randombillfolds: rabbit
Mindfire13: Rabbit
HT_Thunder: Rabbit
just_like_aerin: Rabbit
daviddolan: Rabbit
horridcrustacean: Rabbit
Piecrust9: Rabbit
ChaoticGood007: Rabbit
Sandeon: forget kids, it works on adults
ScienceInChaos: rabbit
Benjamin_the_Monarch: rabbit
Jijin0: rabbit
stevefromdetroit: rabbit
Genasi_Gaming: Rabbit
as_ever_ellesandra: rabbit
MichiKitten: rabbit
sorceren: Rabbit
loxodon_anchor: Rabbit
belharion8: Rabbit
IronLucario2012: Rabbit
bainard656: rabbit
Trebs42: rabbit
blackmagem: Thanks shuffler for ending match early so i can sleep before 330am
kr0nker: rabbit
Drewind: Rabbit
vikram_031: rabbit
Quagsniper: Rabbit
mexgirlmindy: <message deleted>Rabbit
AchillesAndTortoise: Rabbit
public_key_reveal_party: Rabbit
just__fitz: Oh no Ribbit!
durangil: Rabbit
wolfedragon: Rabbit
Nathade: Wabbit
the_weremoose: rabbit
Aneranium: Rabbit
Stellio_Cantos: rabbit
ninja_theory_ashrams: Rabbit
mintnchipp: rabbit
Jesters_Grin: rabbit
Fovulonkiin: rabbit
TXC2: rabbit
MaidOfCake: Rabbit
Zoltaris: rabbit
Cinder656: rabbit
Slurpee_E: rabbit
BootTheBunny: rabbit
patch_witch: Rabbit
Tavahka: rabbit
meekowalrus: ravit
clementynes: rabbit
Gekyouryuu: rabbit
OrangeBeard: Rabbit
Bentoja: rabBit
Quyzbuk26: Rabbit
BananaF4p: lrrHAM
atium_of_ruin: Rabbit
superdeadsmurf: rabbit
crazycommie87: Rabbit
Bazingabacca: Rabbit
Dr_fragenstien: Rabbit
iAdrianRobin: Rabbit
ameliette: rabbit
Kendo_thorn: Rabbit
MrPipboy3000: rabbit
SmartySmarkHS: rabbit
RedTag83: rabbit
ronsuite: rabbit
Glayce: Ra
MurphEP: Rabbit
mitchmonkey_: Rabbit
WolfgangCloud: Rabbit
avoidreason: Rabbit
ScienceInChaos: Rabbit
Iam_Dead: Rabbit
Mars_romangodofwar: rabbit
consiliuhr: Rabbit
BriceShatzer: Rabbit
erfunk: Rabbit
nolder1: <message deleted>rabbit!
KrivKobold: Rabbit
cryovandalism: Rabbit
phantomfox369: Rabbit
lordofthelights: rabbit
CallerOfStorms: Rabbit
Banrael: rabbit
stizzet: Rabbit
maagipoiss: Rabbit
SeraTheGremlin: Rabbit
patrick_stonecrusher: Damaged
Omega_Orion: Rabbit
BorgarWithAShotgun: kids?
CodeHard_: Rabbit
SuperPenguinWizard: rabbit
TheBearBee: rabbit
cmdrud87: still counts a LP
MTGRojo: Rabbit
awilko: Did she say go yet??
DeM0nFiRe: rabbit
Thaezar: Rabbit
Thegreatkoe: rabbit
nolder1: <message deleted>rabbit
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: get 'em hooked while they're young LUL
the_grand_nan: Rabbit
doctorjones_fi: Rabbit
IamTheMicah: rabbit
RokuNalaar: rabbit
Glayce: rabbit
DentedPockets: Rabbit
224_shoe: Rabbit
SentinelStormer: Rabbits
GameFanMarcus: rabbit
toopy3: rabbit
Halvhir: rabbit
Bentoja: rabbIt
Redpandarama: rabbit
pixieproxy: Rabbit
BubblyBubblesPop: rabbit
bwk789: rabbit
RTwo28: Sharp pointy teeth!
oa888: rabbit
rosie_fanboy: RABBIT
MyhticRain: rabbit
deathjester7d: Rabbit
CerealGremlin: Rabbit
TheStrongFalcon: rabbit
KeitaroFox: rabbit in chat
Shragon: Rabbit
SenshiSun: rabbit
glencc91: Rabbit
Nameless_Sword: rabbit
dooppatrol: Rabbit
Amoothyst: rabbit
irobin591: rabbit
sarah5491: rabbit
msartivisual: rabbit for the customized box!
AntianSiridean: Rabbit
the_brainfist: Rabbit
TheUltraCutie: rabbit
bubblybooper: rabbit
manic588: ๐Ÿ‡
wegenguard: rabbit
Oneiros96: Rabbit
WavesOfBabies: Rabbit
Papercurse: rabbit
foucault4pay: rabbit
mexgirlmindy: <message deleted>Rabbit ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡
return_of_floki4242: Rabbit
nolder1: <message deleted>rabbit!
tiredstateofmind: rabbit
theghost101: rabbit
Publo_AT: Rabbit
ccctonelarone: Rabbit
nukacola_singularity: rabbit
Natedogg2: rabbit
webbaba: Rabbit
xanbot999: rabbit
BasilRobintail: Rabbit
ihlendrax: rabbit
jazzfox: It has a Rabbit Tamiyo inside too, thematic! =D
carpongos3: Rabbit
signorpino: Rabbit
soramayura: rabbit
unquietmagpie: Rabbit
rogueiguana: Rabbit
MagnusVir: Rabbit
kirdape28: rabbit
CodeHard_: rabbit
WVUBird: rabbit
contrary13: Rabbit
nolder1: <message deleted>rabbit
ramgam180: Rabbit
JoxerJJ: Bunny
Amoothyst: Rabbit
ursus_unusual: rabbit
Destrohead15: Rabbit
Born2EatPie: rabbit
OrangeFree: Rabbit
RedSunKnight: Ooooh this is the edh decks I'm looking to build!
00gogo00: did they say start
destrostark1: Rabbit
Bentoja: rabbiT
Lawblades: Rabbit
PrancingMad: rabbit
jvetting83: rabbit
Flyingdelorion: Rabbit
izzyppotter: rabbit
dabarles: hip. hop. hippity hop and rabbit donโ€™t stop
aeowynn1: Rabbit
Land_Manatee: Chat is producing rabbits like... well... rabbits
Unas84: rabbit
Bruceski: rabbit
gmanjones: rabbit
Toastman1745: rabbit
Fovulonkiin: Rabbit
Pionosis: rabbit
critiquequartz: no I want the slightly damaged cards
coomslayer_1030: Rabbit
QAraignee: Rabbit
JoePerraa: Mouse
BustaKev: Rabbit
ArcLightningCanuck: rabbit
N1tro_: Rabbit
CalliopeThorn: The balance!
darian_jax: rabbit
0011110000110011: ๐Ÿ‡
Sergets: Rabbit
Slyviticus: rabbit
nolder1: <message deleted>rabbit!
Brascharr: Rabbit
Kawarri: rabbit
macintose: Rabbit
SentinelStormer: Rabies
OzyOnline: rabbit ๓ €€
xepicduck: Rabbit
just__fitz: rabbit
bobinite: rabbit
hanzi_keat: Rabbit
theknightwhosaysni22: Rabbit
HanHavos: Rabbit
mr_mad_march: Rabbit
MichiKitten: Rabbit
medmora: Rabbit
xSkiron_: rabbit
JoxerJJ: Hare
elderfishman: Rabbit
nolder1: <message deleted>rabbit
Sandeon: why not on the bottom?
beissman: rabbit
themercenary1987: Rabbits
Stellio_Cantos: Rabbit
Nathanoearl: rabbit
Amoothyst: rabbit
quigonginnjuice: Rabbit
Enki1256: Rabbit
Jericu: Rabbit
mexgirlmindy: <message deleted>Rabbit ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ
brieandbacon: Do it!!
oatway: rabbit
tr0mo: rabbit
VoodontWoW: Rabbit
pipshardfour: rabbit
zombified5: rabbit
Krovikz: Rabbit
absenteehaddock: rabbit
owangel1: Rabbit
nolder1: <message deleted>rabbit!
FrostyKaze: rabbit
singinnonsense: no !
ghizmou: rabbit
warpstonewarlock: raabbit
2501ElPIlz: rabbit
fracturedorb: Rabbit
finerinsanity5: rabbit
RixtonSnek: Kathleen no
theambivalentagender: Rabbit
celestial_lion1: rabbit
IkariFate: Rabbit
zstarburst: Rabbit
h3rsh3yb4r: rabbit
nolder1: <message deleted>rabbit
Yolysses: Rabbit
spsworkz: rabbit
8_Bit_Unicorn: Rabbit
RetroGuernsey: Rabbit
wontedfive30282: Are these rabbits rascally?
johnhouk01: Rabbit
tehfewl: Rabbit
viotech3: Rabbit
DarkMorford: rabbit
Andy_Rantalot: rabbit
TheDevil_Risen: rabbit
jjcard: rabbit
Melkarth_: Rabbit
warpstonewarlock: rabbit
Grusommegeir: rabbit
thebinturong_: rabbit
Kiloken: Rabbit
SocraticMethod: rabbit
invalidCards: damage it harder!
duckace11: Rabbit
SonofAntaeus: Rabbit
Naarius: rabbit
theevilslime: rabbit
nolder1: <message deleted>rabbit!
ACZeppelin: rabbit
RusstyECE: Rabbit
gamerman123: Rabbit
janlws: Rabbit
SentinelStormer: Rabbit
CheshireCake: rabbit
Rustymagus: Rabbit
Foppish: rabbit
Niemii: Rabbit
JoxerJJ: Rabid
Rafgmorais: rabbit
Durdenstein: Rabbit
nolder1: <message deleted>rabbit
Br0kuyasu: rabbit
glencc91: rabbit
Of_War_n_Peace: Rabbit
Earthenone: rabbit
gonz0games: rabbit
dittowill: rabbit
rosealynda: rabbit
Leliale: rabbit
DNAli3n: rabbit
moepmoepmoepmoepmoepmoep: rabbit
ARabidMonkee: rabbit
izzetraichu: rabbit
zook_ningel: MORE DAMAGE
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: rabbit
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown seabatClap seabatClap FBtouchdown
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: rabbit
TallynNyntyg: Ta-da!
Jaciopathic: Rabbit
accountmadeforants: FBtouchdown
Nydestroyer: rabbit
m7m8m9: Rabbit
TXC2 drumrolls
JoxerJJ: Robot
McMenno: Rabbit
IaCthulhuFthagn: Time to make these cards LP!
Marcanius: rabbit
Bentoja: TA DA
AshcopseDryad: Rabbit
WhiteWizard42: how many people are saying Rabbit multiple times?
frostfox42: lightly damage is my favorite type of damage
BananaF4p: rabbit or ribbit?
Dumori: rabbit
urbydizzy: rabbit
Cromalisc: Rabbit
superyahoo2: what a stack
SouverenaLimperator: Rabbit
humbro12: That's what she said
saworms: rabbit
CZ_TMC: rabbit
Diabore: rabbit
IonizedRadiation: KATHLEEN YES
linearorbit: rabbit
NekomimiNinja: FBtouchdown
Tucrt3: rabbit
nyoomgoom: rabbit
TallynNyntyg: KATHLEEN!
CaptainRedRam: rabbit
ophis969: rabbit
Merry3750: rabbit
hd_dabnado: LOL
Bentoja: oops
Saintnex: Just a little more damage :D
JoxerJJ: Rabbit
cyunem: Rabbit
jiantwitch: Rabbit
richi_198: Rabbit
Leebo140: rabbit
rogue6119: Rabbit
northern_ronin42: Rabbit
kiba509: XD nope
Skimatar: rabbit
nolder1: <message deleted>rabbit!
vinopinguino: oh god
Demolion13: rabbit
renegadEgg14: rabbit
Mwiiy: Rabbit
FenrisSchafer: Rabbit
Spritz_T: aww
Woogachaka: rabbit
zuuuuuuul: rabbit
LurkingFarmer: Rabbit
wegenguard: Rabbit
Lycodrake: Rabbit
raulghoulia: rabbit
kahlerbillinghurst: rabbit
Sandeon: timber!
drocathekorok: Rabbit from work
Desdae: rabbit
mfgjhd: Rabbit
DoubleNterprises: Rabbit
mexgirlmindy: <message deleted>Rabbit ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ
anje_falkenrath: Rabbit
CharredSpark: rabbit
Moizes_Tav: Rabbit
Musicsquid: rabbit
swampfortress: rabbit
vinopinguino: lol
Doc_Rider: rabbit
WynneCluster: Rabbit
TheUncannyGirl: The chat is poppin' like bun buns are populating!
viowof: rabbit
JonHerzogArtist: Now its all extra dropped
patrick_stonecrusher: FBtouchdown
Stavaro : Rabbit
sharker037: Rabbit
Jon_CoffeeRobot: (was said earlier the commander deck is randomised out of the ones they were sent)
goombalax: even more damaged
RocknGrohlNerd: FBtouchdown
k0nfusius: Rabbit
CamazotzJr: Rabbit
SmartySmarkHS: Rabbit
KidSpanner: rabbit
Swakling: Rabbit
jeqar: rabbit
MotoTy621: rabbit
Diabore: near mint
drtangar: rabbit
Mars_romangodofwar: Rabbit
king_pengui: Rabbit
NighSeptem: Rabbit
Dread_Pirate_Westley: RabbiT
th3gentleknut: Frog? No? Rabbit
boredkid07: she took it, AND THREW IT ON THE GROUND
AstroBase: YAY more value!
AnimeKitty: Rabbit
crest_revort: rabbit
kanarde: rabbit
mussezera: rabbit
VAB0L0: Rabbit in chat
aqualeung: Rabbit
MyMalady: rabbit
SaltFreeJudge: rabbit
Omega_Orion: lightly dropped
zarbit: slightly more lightly damaged
MrMonkJones: Wabbit
nolder1: <message deleted>rabbit
enbyliza: rabbit
macintose: Good effort
snydepels2: Rabbit
Yiria777: rabbit
Frankenstain: no my cards!
TheGreatMizuti: rabbit
SmashTCG: Rabbit
Vequenor: rabbit
popcatholic: Rabbit
titanprime231: Near mint
frostownik: TCG mint
adept_nekomancer: Stacked too close to the sun
GreatWahooney: LUL
00busyhands: rabbit
MrDrLewis: Rabbit
frostfox42: hahahahahaha
RusstyECE: rabbit
ramfox410: rabbit
meekowalrus: rabbit
p_johnston: welp they weren't damage before.
KidSpanner: more damage!
chaps_the_goblin_king: its free no complaing
Adderkleet: Almost new.
Mierr: Rabbit
jiantwitch: rabbit
gualdhar: rabbit
everyshotislucky: rabbit
GameFanMarcus: Rabbit
akkarin2304: Rabbit
brieandbacon: Mint-from-pack
Every_Way: Rabbit
Jaolen: rabbit
Joric_Art: wabbit
schonwiedertot: rabbit
Swaggerstickbyaah: damaged
CovetedPeacock: Rabbit
MLPCopperMoon: Near-er mint?
critiquequartz: rabbit
MartonyTho: LP
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man: rabbit
Technotrout: Rabbit
TXC2: close mint
PackOfHoundooms: rabbit
Chronomagistrate: Rabbit
littlecanadaboi: Rabbit
bobokiddo: LP cards
wouter215: Rabbit
sharker037: rabbit
emberBecky: rabbit
Awexdio: rabbit
mexgirlmindy: <message deleted>Rabbit
Vincent_VonDoom: rabbit
robbit_mn: rabbit
Dothewhatnow: rabbit
Marethyou: Rabbit
mauricciuss: Rabbit
iliteratsqirel: Rabbit
Littlefingered23: Rabbit
LivorMortis: tcgplayer near mint
MagmaTheLionhearted: rabbit
aiacovi: rabbit
Nimriye00: rabbit
prymryb: Rabbit
Icarus865: Rabbit
green_phantom97: lrrGibb
just__fitz: LRR condition
GunmadMadman: rabbit
TruPhantomAngel: Now its worth more cause Kathleen dented it! :D
FadedOasis: rabbit
math_magics: rabbit
atavystheart: rabbit
kirbytronic: Kathleen letting the intrusive thoughts win xD
jdkaiba: rabbit
AstoundingBacon: Rabbit
hellomoonkay64: rabbit
IonizedRadiation: Well loved, slightly played
kismetsoul: Rabbit
schwitty_26: rabbit
50keyz: "new to you"
themercenary1987: Rabbit
noctis_wren: rabbit
TallynNyntyg: Also:
pineapple5280: rabbit
LethalPapercut: rabbit
Dedwrekka: With Authentic battle damage!
DoubleNterprises: Also, Biden just dropped out
MatthewJudesGhost: Rabbit
lincolnic: Rabbit
ramfox410: Rabbit
TallynNyntyg: Rabbit
pewpew_laserbeams: the chaos is lovely XD
elderfishman: nearly new
zzgarfieldzz: Rabbit
JeysieC: Rabbit
eva0093: Rabbit
crest_revort: wabbit
contrary13: Rabbit
spinebustertee: rabbit
straightshifty: rabbit
mercury145: rabbit
enbyliza: Rabbit
the_phantom_game_player: Rabbit
carpongos3: Rabbit
Lichenbeard: Rabbit
lifaen__: rabbit
seathblood: rabbit
rkk667: Rabbit
AstroBase: Rabbit
KydrouKair: Rabbit
fungal_bird: Rabbit
TheUncannyGirl: "Light Play"
Manae: rabbit
gogt200: Rabbit
maclenrac: Kathleen Customized
TimGaedke: Rabbit
piratethealex: Rabbit
Patron_of_the_Moon: Rabbit
SentinelStormer: Rabbit in caht
g0blinslide: Rabbitt
IgorApp: Rabbit
MarkovDescendant: Rabbit
TheStrangeGarden: Rabbit
Stoli_V: Rabbit
elementofzero: Rabbit
Exidimusius: Rabbit
8_Bit_Unicorn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months!
spikesparrow2313: Rabbit
ndgc: rabbit
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 8_Bit_Unicorn! (Today's storm count: 96)
00gogo00: when do we type it
TheMrFraser: rabbit
Peevvi: Rabbit
Kirgo: Rabbit
Destrohead15: Rabbit
224_shoe: Rabbit
ginga_ninja207: Rabbit
call_me_Aras: rabbit
green_phantom97: rabbit
jojo_habbit: Rabbit
teddywhosabear: Rabbit
Slick_011: Rabbit
JusticeJuice: Rabbit
BlindProphet32: rabbit
TheGeneralThomas: rabbit
ArcticAtlantic: rabbit
Jostech: rabbit
FinalShowFilms: rabbit
whoppernugget: Rabbit
krushlimbaugh19: Rabbit
Primary_Stig: wabbit
tigerdrottning: Rabbit
Boomyakalolo: rabbit
Niehilius: Rabbit
notthepenguins: Rabbit
Weagle: Rabbit
digitalkarma: rabbit
Jiba86: Rabbit
hippitybobbity: Rabbit
oatway: rabbit
msartivisual: Are we in the rabbit dimension
RedSunKnight: Rabbit in chat
Amoothyst: rabbit
IdiotPigBoy: rabbit
Nameless_Sword: Rabbit
Lamebert1415: rabbit
badrat_: Rabbit
ke6960: rabbit
Runewyse: Rabbit
MysticProtogen: Rabbit
Tommadness: rabbit
DoodlestheGreat: Rabbit
DaimyoAmerica: Rabbit
ogier300: rabbit
thasmiel: rabbit
00gogo00: rabbit
black_napalm: Rabbit
brieandbacon: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
Skye_Stryke: Rabbit
Swordsman_24: rabbit
m1f3rg: rabbit
Angreed66: Cam knows what's up
garion99: rabbit
thanatars_1: Rabbit
ItzA_aron: Rabbit
ChargeAh: Rabbit
unquietmagpie: Rabbit
BCJazz: rabbit
shortnsweet1970: Rabbit
hammith: Bnnuy
NextLevelTabletop: Rabbit
ScrapyardGhostTrain: rabbit
ChaoticGood007: Rabbit
inoxx84: Rabbit
Omega_Orion: Ribbit
Caryotip: Rabbit
Dainebob: rabbit
Caineghest: rabbit
Pyroxx___: rabbit
Sandeon: Rabbit
Travilogue: rabbit
mexgirlmindy: <message deleted>Rabbit ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡
EerieDude: Rabbit
shaunleung: Rabbit
Kolossion: rabbit
avoidreason: Rabbit
crest_revort: rabbit
GreatWahooney: lovely jenga set
captain_goof: Rabbit
t7112: wabbit
IonizedRadiation: @50keyz YES
RevolverRossalot: Rabbit
AllRandomSocks: rabbit
roverandomness: Rabbit
Dyosy: Rabbit
Sarah_Serinde: Chat only write it once. Doing it more does not help you. Capitalization does not matter
dabarles: Rabbit
Fire_Summoner: Chaos team!
deejford: Rabbit
eli_9121: rabbit
jiantwitch: Rabbit
Ktolos: Duck Season
t7112: rabbit
LunchB0x_13: rabbit
Rinth_BAW: rabbit
nonegenderleftgirl: Rabbit
TriuneSystem: Lovingly dropped
mandu7014: rabbit
MTGRanger: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
wheeleigh: rabbit
diphthamide: Rabbit
the_rushed: rabbit
finestotter: rabbit
tyrew0rm: so many wabbits in chat
levi_ethan0: Rabbit
kaifreyder0123: rabbit
panhead096: Rabbit
nolder1: <message deleted>rabbit
sabthevagslayer: RABBIT
TyrisUnbreakable: Rabbit ๓ €€
TheRatKings: rabbit
m1f3rg: Rabbit
hexchosen: rabbit
swiftdestruction: <message deleted>Rabbit
Gwentian: rabbit
Dum_Dum_Dugan: rabbit
JollyAnchorKing: rabbit
AstroBase: rabbit
Bentoja: rabbit
Astral_Apache: rabbit
lifaen__: Rabbit
Chronomos901: rabbit
PearlescentFerret: bnuny
squeezely: rabbit
Uzumaki15: RABBIT
felder14: Rabbit
SmashTCG: Hey, I'm actively delivering cam.
Sage0fMadness: rabbit
Teddy_Beats: rabbit
Glayce: Rabbit
T0mIrish: rabbit
RiverGloom: The amount of that word in chat is like real life ones
cabelinho_natal: rabbit
jon1969df: Rabbit
alex0071992: Rabbit
UnknownFriday: Rabbit
Halinn: ribbit
NikeLaosB: Rabbit
MaxThatBoi: Rabbit
No_Luck_Rico: Rabbit
Orxolon: rabbit
Wa5tedPixel5: Rabbit
KitteyWolf: rabbit
super731: thats alotta rabbits
swiftdestruction: <message deleted>Rabit
msartivisual: It feels like we're in the rabbit dimension
garunkl: rabbit
thesilence9: rabbit
GrassVortex: rabbit
lord_wertornion: rabbit
MrMatternot: Lagomorph
zshunter: Rabbit
Angreed66: rabbit
Jaciopathic: Rabbit
Uzumaki15: rABBIT
JemiPrt: rabbit
ke6960: thats alot of bunnies
Piecrust9: Love alll te wabbits
ThorOfKenya: ๐Ÿ€
lyricthepossum: Rabbit
NiceMrCaput: rabbit
Domo_VanDomington: rabbit
enbyliza: rabbit
trevor_impersonator: rabbit
kaden_dragon: rabbit
Stavaro : Rabbit
re_relentlessly: rabbit
RedArrogantKnight: Rabbit
nova_plushie: Rabbit
nikykita: rabbit
luckyowlbear: rabbit
Ard_Rhys: rabbit
swiftdestruction: <message deleted>Rabbit
xJETSDADx: ๐Ÿ‡ ๐Ÿฐ ๐Ÿ‡ ๐Ÿฐ
Durdenstein: "Rabbit in chat"
Golbiez: Rabbit
Uzumaki15: Rabbit
Papercurse: bnuy
Jericu: rabbit
Boring_Ninja: rabbit
Hansk_and_Boo: wabbid
MrMatternot: Hare
unicornery: Rabbit
MeldonTaragon: Rabbit
Daircrow: rabbit
m1f3rg: rabbit
crash006: rabbit
levi_ethan0: rabbit
EternalRoxas: rabbit
anandapandas: Rabbit
johnpreest: rabbit
viicttorr2: rabbit
coraudo: rabbit
sundernik97: Rabbit
solorpg: rabbit
Mnerenberg: rabbit
Snampo_ok: Rabbit
phelan_wci: rabbit
Piecrust9: Rabbit
mexgirlmindy: <message deleted>Rabbit ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡
GredGredmansson: it would have been 3
super_ashura: Rabbit
JoleneCoda: Rabbit
Gabe_Fox: rabbit
popcatholic: rabbit
ABetterPlayer: rabbit
sawbladetornado: rabbit
mensched: rabbit
fjorner: Wombat
enbyliza: Rabbit
Grinnin_Gin: rabbit
swiftdestruction: <message deleted>Rabbit ๐Ÿ‡
carpongos3: Rabbit :3
bsquared18: rabbit
Akhlysia: rabbit
LadyKatelynna: Kathleen really channeling that one episode of AskMaster
MahJunior17: Rabbit
bellachen1818: Rabbit
VVrenwick: Rabbit
onyxdragongaming: Rabbit
seathblood: Rabbit in chat
Xobulo: rabbit
themercenary1987: Rabbit
Grinnin_Gin: and wabbit
just__fitz: Chat is multiplying like rabbits
littlecanadaboi: Rabbit
224_shoe: Rabbit
EternalRoxas: the word looks wrong now
Garuuk_Predator_of_Scrubs: rabbit
IgorApp: Rabbit
Julian_Rogue: The chat is getting really hairy
themightygerg: Poor Elmer Fudd, impossible challenge here.
0011110000110011: it's like a cadira deck in here
kismetsoul: lrrHEART lrrHEART
milk_the_cow_to_earn_gems: rabbit
Dedwrekka: lil bunny foo foo
Ramiel117: rabbit
xanbot999: lrrFINE
superyahoo2: rabbit
Obos_TAB: Adam, please turn your chair around and play cards like your at a candy cab
mensched: Rabbit
swiftdestruction: <message deleted>Rabbit
randus2003: i feel like this stack needs Paul's head underneath it
BananaF4p: rabbit
drfox17: I choose to type bunny because I don't play MTG but I enjoy the PPR
ObliviousLawyer: Rabbit
riderluard: rabbit
yog_soggoth55: rabbit
Mastermind1429: Rabbit
WarCorrespondent: Rabbit
destrostark1: Rabbit
mexgirlmindy: <message deleted>Rabbit ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡
durangil: Bnuuy
Boomyakalolo: rabbit
BaronVonPoppinOff: rabbit
IgorApp: Bunny
karmic_guide: rabbit
maclenrac: 4 5/5s
Asturiel: rabbit
Iam_Dead: reonufBongobun
modernner0: Hare
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you coโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Carrot Cake [1W] | Artifact โ€” Food | When Carrot Cake enters and when you sacrifice it, create a 1/1 white Rabbit creature token and scry 1. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice Carrot Cake: You gain 3 life.
LRRbot: Into the Flood Maw [U] | Instant | Gift a tapped Fish / Return target creature an opponent controls to its owner's hand. If the gift was promised, instead return target nonland permanent an opponent โ€ฆ
Sarah: Okay friends, if you want to enter this giveaway, you should go over to and *wait* until they tell you what word to use to enter
Ryan P: Rabbit
Pilot Joe: Rabbit!
Andy Shamel: rabbit
Honest Iago: rabbit
JemiPrt: rabbit
kyle patterson: RABBIT
Pam Appelquist: rabbit
Aidan Serres: rabbit
Miguel Pereira: rabbit
Coco Moroo: rabbit
GunmadMadman: Rabbit
Marshall Wentworth: Rabbit
Timothy5509: rabbit
TheViperZed: rabbit
Luness: Rabbit
Deane McNamee: Rabbit
The Neon Viking: Rabbit
David Stewart: rabbit
Dstar House: rabbit
Finer Insanity: rabbit
Aerin S: Rabbit
Collin Ball: Rabbit
Q: rabbit
Tiellae Kitsune: Remember: not in chat here, but over on Twitch
Simriel: This is twitch only Chat
Josรฉ Eduardo Ferreira: rabbit
Doug Chapel: rabbit!!!!!!
Kajetan Kupis: Rabbit
Brice Shatzer: rabbit
Jan-Hendrik Dรถring: rabbit
kyle patterson: Rabbit?
TNTNinjaTC: rabbit
D. Schnadt: Rabbit
Kydrou Kair Renner Oudre: Rabbit
SmithKurosaki: Typing Rabbit here DOES NOT ENTER YOU
ThatsNEET: in twitch chat yall
kyle patterson: Ribbit?
Angry Seal: rabbit
Mario Chรกvez Ballesteros: Rabbit
OVERKiLL!: :face-blue-covering-eyes:
Sarah: Not in this chat
Simriel: Twitch only. not youtube
Sarah: None of you are entering
Takoyaki Onigiri: Rabbit
SmithKurosaki: Please go to TWICH CHAT to ENTER
Pyre Dynasty: On Twitch people not here
Spencer Worms: rabbit
Rafael Monteiro: rabbit
Seiichi Sin: Twitch chat for all the rabbits.
Sarah: Go to if you want to enter
Vorsa: rabbit!
Astrovore: sorry mods
xDNRx: Rabbits
devilturtl3: Rabbit
KensanOni: HAWK! HAWK! I'll eat all the bunnies!
kyle patterson: my son is so excited for this, RABBIT!!!!!
xDNRx: rabbit
turnerr sansafrod: Rabbit
Chris Cordell: rabbit
Tiellae Kitsune: No longer Near Mint, lightly used
SmithKurosaki: Go to if you want to enter. The bot IS NOT READING YT CHAT
Federico Amici: rabbit
Jan van Wanrooij: Rabbit
Filip Horvath: rabbit
Merry3750: rabbit
Clubbeats97: rabbit
Max Waldor: Rabbit
Michael Branchini: Rabbit
Jan van Wanrooij: rabbit
Kevin Corlett: rabbit
WarCorrespondent: rabbit
Jordan Kirschenheiter: Rabbit
Adam Brown: rabit
Cromulorf: Rabbit
Jens W.: rabbit
ThirdMaynard: rabbit
SmithKurosaki: Go to if you want to enter. The bot IS NOT READING YT CHAT
Matthew Farr: Rabbit
Matt Wass: Rabbit
HamSneak: rabbit
Greys N. Owman: Stop writing it here, go to Twitch chat
Michael Macinnis: Rabbit
Simriel: Please do not type Rabbit in this chat, the giveaway is only at
spookittyAsh: Duck
Maxblaster5000: rabbit
jazzfox: >> Is it okay to ask when it was good to start typing? Don't want to multi-enter but wanna check I didn't too early
ContingentCat: yeah, I can confirm at the door isn't the first time your delivery has been thrown lol
dabarles: ratbits
MysticProtogen: reddit
hotgreenflames: can i pay extrafor adam to step on it? Kappa
Friis111: rabbit
SentinelStormer: Man we are going RABID for prizes
IgorApp: Rabbit
Timothy5509: rabbit
Bazingabacca: Rabbit
DemonRalph: rabbit
MartonyTho: rabbit
GredGredmansson: they'd ONLY be 5/5s
AccessKOde: Rabbit
glencc91: Rabbit
Icarus865: rabbit
CygnusMusic: rabbit
enbyliza: rabbit
dooppatrol: Rabbit
Bulllizzard: rabbit
arrowbounce: rabbit
themightygerg: Duck, Fire!
JonZero14: rabbit
Sarah_Serinde: Chat if you've written it once, you have entered. DO NOT WRITE IT MORE THAN ONCE.
w4llh4k: RABBIT
rad_m8: Bun bun
Gaelan_Maestro: !findqoute rabbit
Every_Way: Rabbit
crest_revort: rabbit
Hansk_and_Boo: hamster
marsplanet182: rabbit
iPoding: rabbit
LiamNeesonsKneesSon: Rabbit
yllwmstr: Rabbit
BrowneePoints: The rats in this set, Cameron are reclusive mystic that can see into the past through objects and make psychic bonds with insects
Obos_TAB: rabbit
sharker037: Bnuuy
foucault4pay: rabbit
xJETSDADx: Rabbit
wontedfive30282: So many rats
joshuawellsoh: Duck season!
xXxDNRxXx: RRabbit
TXC2: please keep emotes to 7 or less chat
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Sarah_Serinde Paul should really make true of his threat from a few PPR's back of making it take you out of the pool if you type more than once.
nova_plushie: I wonder if after this Adam is gonna watch EVO
CodenameJD: Wabbit
Gaelan_Maestro: !findquote rabbit
LRRbot: Quote #8308: "The rabbit doesn't need a gun!" โ€”Graham [2022-11-07]
AstroBase: Okay no more Bunnies
mrshazboto: rabbit
ramfox410: Leporidae
dead_delver: Tempt with rabbits &c &c.
t7112: bunny
xXxDNRxXx: Rabbit
joshuawellsoh: rabbit
Sinkillas: Rabbit
sharker037: Bnuuy..........
TwoSenses: rabbit
dabarles: rabbit season!
wontedfive30282: Rabbit season
swiftdestruction: <message deleted>Rabbit
Nelligrand: rabbit
theotherdragoon: Rabbit
Ctabbe: rabbit
mattydubs82: Rabbit
PostModernVorthos: Rabbit
qzzyozzy: rabbit
slyrz: rabbit
Sandeon: He also removed 24 life loss on attack
imitional: Rabbit
skelepop: rabbit
cubepresidente: rabbit
MysticProtogen: duck season
Mindfire13: Rabbit
tonylowetv: rabbit
Bulllizzard: rabit
00gogo00: what if I want to write it more than once
w4llh4k: rabbit
47MD: rabbit
gamerman123: hampter
Radjack: Rabbit
Daircrow: rabbit
Krektogar: Rabbit
IdioticZombie: Rabbit
ChillEPenguin: rabbit
themercenary1987: @Sarah_Serinde Thank you for clearring that up, sorry!
TriseAlpha: I just saw the Guest cards... Domri is a porcupine
CanPlayGames: Case Sensative?
Commander_Taz: Rabbit
sptrashcan: Rabbit
snikerony: rabbit
xanbot999: duck season
karmic_guide: is it case sensitive?
LDUrquhart: rabbit
lirazel64: Rabbit
fhorrigan: rabbit
aussie_rob_w: rabbit
WurschtelGaming: Rabbit
EOstby: Rabbit
tonylowetv: Rabbit
Katakas_Yule: Rabbit
0011110000110011: LUL
wharra: Rabbit
Anubis169: manLOL
tehcrashxor: rabbit
RandomTrivia: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
sharker037: Sorry mrs kathleen
kismetsoul: rabbit
AdgcorE: Rabbit
richi_198: rabbit
bkpally: Rabbit
tehangryseal: Rabbit
AllTheWeasels: based Kathleen
Agnememnon: Rabbit
Sarah_Serinde: Doing it as a joke will only make the mods mad at you
KodeMage: yes chef
jbrossy15: rabbit
MrDrLewis: Sam the lagomorph?
MrSarkhan: lrrDARK lrrDARK
Sundrall: Rabbit
27Farya: rabbit
wulfram77: rabbit
wattyFathom: you can just stop talking OSFrog
clarinetman: rabbit
wouter215: rabbit
benrbls: rabbit
Cahzin: i am tempted with bunnies
dunkleskog: Rabbit
Larkonus: Bonus cool points for using the scientific classification, but no bonus entries.
MysticProtogen: hahahahahaha
rodnir_wolfgarde: Rabbit
binaryviking22: Rabbit
Harvest25: lrrKATHLEEN
47MD: Rabbit
Ritaspirithntr: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
level5chronicles: we sorry
Spectre97: Rabbit
Bentoja: Is that not what chat is for lol
Rustymagus: Rabbit
jimmethjambo: rabbit
acolossalsquid: Fine! I'll shut up
ben_burnes: rabbit
public_key_reveal_party: not talking is always an option
tre40469: Rabbit
ContingentCat: you can always just not talk LUL
slugdumb: rabbit
YetiStrike: rabbit
TheWooglie: rabbit
phoenixfeather14: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
bbritt1030: rabbit
zook_ningel: mom deveere here
Trixalicious: Can you imagine the sound of two thousand+ people all saying "rabbit" together?
lingonberry1: rabbit
V0ba: rabbit
Aneranium: rabbit
Chamberslord: rabbit
karmic_guide: thank you much
DeChunkandFriends: A nice feature I've seen is disqualifying multiple inputs
Astrovore: rabbit
maclenrac: Rabbit or nothing
adept_nekomancer: lrrDARK
CommiePuddin: Rabbit
Koshindan: rabbit
UltraVioletVodoo: rabbit
Jon_CoffeeRobot: rabbit
tetso_d: rabbit
SentinelStormer: Says hamster -> Flashbacks to being bodied by Minsc and Boo
Hansk_and_Boo: Im so sorry. ๐Ÿ™ˆ
BlightningHelix: rabbit
RakitoBoktoso: rabbit
TheShokara: rabbit
aussie_rob_w: yes Kathleen. lrrDARK lrrWOW
mawsura: Rabbit
ShadowboyTyler: lrrDARK lrrWOW
yakbop: Rabbit
Jondare: rabbit
planeswalkagogo: Lepus?
ShebanatorHula: rabbit
Bentoja: We are speaking into the ether
bullfritters: Rabbit
Sandeon: But we wanna chatter
thatguysteve2709: Enjoy evo when you get home
Peevvi: do we know the number of rabbits in chat?
the_phantom_game_player: lrrWOW
Every_Way: RABBIT
crest_revort: bumble rabbit
Cahzin: kitties
bkpally: rabbit
t7112: rascalory?
Grinnin_Gin: Halana and Alena in the style of Elmer Fudd would have been a very funny inclusion in this set
Cyberegg: rabbit
AwkwardOtter: rabbit
namagem1: Rabbit
minifootwear: Rabbit
zarbit: *lurking*
DaimyoAmerica: What about wand?
enbyliza: RABBIT
xmann1076: Rabbit
bojuka_pog: lrrDARK
Harvest25: lrrDAR
seathblood: What if I just like saying rabbit?
omnibusdriver: rabbit
itomeshi: rabbit
kismetsoul: glad to know that it's not case sensitive now :)
ExhaustedElox: rabbit
Iam_Dead: But Kathleen, my important input!
rhyzian: Rabbit
ASilentBark: rabbit
ajv7949: rabbit
aNormalJohn: rabbit
JKTKops: rabbit
frostfox42: poor mods today
rabbiti3: How many peeps in the chat with Rabbit as their username?
Lawblades: rabbit
Pywodwagon: How bout them Third Strike finals adam
ulifernando01: rabbit
twitch_xeo: silence is mythic rare
spookittyAsh: Lagomorph
KSCommie: rabbit
lordofkatz: You know, I want to hear what Kathleen has to say
septomin: rabbit
lunor3013: Rabbit
LukaBryzant: rabbit
Kirgo: iahfyLurk
IgorApp: lrrWOW
dtrain_67: Kathleen bringing out mom mode
FathomSage: rabbit
Paradachshund: rabbit
Mythallian: rabbit
steelwind47: Rabbit
Astramentha: rabbit
kamkazi: duck season
toddbepraised: rabbit
NarfBlinko: @lrrmtg_judge would vren make rats for "exiled" tokens?
Tempazria: rabbit
KevinEnax: rabbit
Wa_Pox: -_-
embermage34: rabbit
00gogo00: so you're saying it's going for the next hour
FireBasilisk53: Rabbit
googoltudoris: wait spamming chat is wrong? (very kidding mods, lrrSHINE )
CanPlayGames: So its like a Subaton but for Rabbit?
Bentoja: rabbit
Eda8: rabbit
h3rsh3yb4r: Rabbit
leachjus: rabbit
oslalee: Rabbit
Nemo_Rasa: Rabbit
Gladsuperfly: Rabbit
Kavehes: rabbit
ExtraWubs: rabbit
koushiroux: stop saying it pls so i have a better chance
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : This wall of 'rabbit' in chat reminds me of the end of that episode of Spaced.
00gogo00: rabbit
wulfram77: (Are we just typing rabbit for fun or is there a competition, my ads are running?)
kewkyc: Rabbit
Protond: rabbit
wouter215: Spongebob case sensitive? RabBiT
accountmadeforants: A likely story
Gen2Gengar: rabbit
InfinityD4: rabbit
Cahzin: rabbit
Flibspeak: Rabbit
LazyPizzaGamer: rabbit
GeoffreyWinn: rabbit
Koolcat54: Rabbit
hotgreenflames: PopNemo
DadlyPuns: Rabbit
Vampyre_Lord: gosh kathleen, youre so funny
CheshireCake: Gosh, Kathleen, you're so funny.
tehcrashxor: gosh Kathleen you're so funny!
TurtlesSquared: rabbit
TheArgentPhoenix: Kathleen you know magic players don't think!!
dabarles: thinking isnโ€™t my strong suit.
scopi778: rabbit
squiggles9218: rabbit
bruiserhammerfist: What a1900s concept
viowof: Kathleen high off of BraveNewFaves
p_johnston: think but no type? No understand
Nameless_Sword: Gosh Kathleen you are so funny
prymryb: they multiply like .....
Stellio_Cantos: Wait... you guys have an inner monologue?
Julian_Rogue: But I have a nuerolink when I think it types
TheWooglie: gosh Kathleen you are so funny
ContingentCat: lrrWOW I can think things and not saty them?!?!
BorgarWithAShotgun: rabid
themightygerg: GOSH, Kathleen, you're so funny
Harvest25: lrrEFF
CalliopeThorn: Gosh Kathleen, you're so funny.
tonylowetv: Gosh, Kathleen you're so funny!
whoppernugget: But if I donโ€™t type them who will know Iโ€™m trying to think?
ImmutableMan: rabbit
xmann1076: Lagomorph
aine1978: rabbit
galleadden: MercyWing1 BangbooBounce MercyWing2
Dedwrekka: I keep hearing "based" as "baste"
swiftdestruction: <message deleted>Gosh Kathleen you're so funny
northern_ronin42: Gosh Adam, Kathinee and Cameria, you're so funny.
cmdrzellgaudis: Kathleen is so funny
AKMarmot: rabbit
masterdud1: rabbit
nova_plushie: you have to sit here and stare at us till its over
Jigokuro: and capitalization doesn't matter, don't say Rabbit separately!
James_the_Dabbler: @wulfram77 Competition
wattyFathom: pull the lever SMOrc
Koshindan: Wait, there's a giveaway? I thought we were just rabbiting.
artanis00: What is "think"?
Ormmannen: You are funny
Ugly_Rabbit: Rabbit
Lobo_Apache: Gosh Kathleen, Cam, and Adam you're my favorites
KriegerSan: Gosh Kathleen you're so funny
thirsty_kitteh: It's true, I do control the buttons :3c
gloamsworn: gosh kathleen your so funny
SentinelStormer: Gosh Kathleen you're so funny!
TallynNyntyg: Kathleen, do you need a Jenga tutorial?
JosVanTongeren: Kathleen what pins are on your jacket???
IdioticZombie: Gosh, Kathleen, you're so funny.
nephila_zel_lumere: rabbit
Caryotip: rabbit
malifeca: Which squirrel is rocky to the Bullwinkle moose?
Raagentreg: Gosh, Kathleen, youโ€™re so funny
Kotzbart_im_Aufgabegriff: Rabbit
stevefromdetroit: the only button i cant help myself pressing is subscribe
dannycabby: rabbit
S33bs: rabbit ๓ €€
firehawkzoa: Rabbit
Medeiis: rabbit
Spikee26: Rabbit
RedTag83: lrrGARBO
felipaid: Rabbit
BoofTroupe: @wulfram77 there's a giveaway
hix888: rabbit
AstroBase: Kathleen is pro bunny agenda
kismetsoul: The word is multiplying like the animal in chat. Lol
w4llh4k: ok, let's put emojis on at 3 min of ppl spamming
DarkNacht: Free will does not exist.
thefarrmnyc: rabbit
gluonquark: gosh Kathlean you are so funny
lifaen__: ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฐ
Shiny_Elva: <Kathleen "I'm Helping" gif>
Kendo_thorn: what if we do this instead ๐Ÿฐ
jazzfox: We got 2825 viewers in here, that's a lot of people saying the magic word to check
MysticProtogen: Its doom season ladas
TheRealRawWiking: Rabbit
ke6960: lrrWOW
00busyhands: lrrWOW
Trymantha: Nah i wanna type in chat how much I find Adam funny :)
drocathekorok: I have neuralink, I tap everything I think
Mishapp53: showed up and its all rabbits
webbygold: Rabbit
Taliesin_21: you funny PogChamp
karmic_guide: the presentation of the prize at the start of round was very funny
stpeterscatheter: Rabbit
Poisoneddonut: rabbit
ItzColder: Rabbit
RAZRBCK08: They did one of those starter kit things for the Assassin's Creed set
accountmadeforants: Sajam loves to make a point that "anyone can make an account on [site], you can just start typing shit"
Yondaime233: Rabbit
Genex13: rabbit
nerdsta82: Squid1 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4
TXC2: wulfram77 there is a compation on, type rabbit to enter
msartivisual: Gosh Kathleen, Cam and Adam, you are all so talented and beautiful
Stavaro : Rabbit
tr0mo: I wonder how many fursona memes are gonna come about this set
jon1969df: gosh Kathleen your so funny
alikaoz: But if I don't tap out the thoughts, are they real?
mehfromBL: rabbit
branchini2: Rabbit
Genex13: Rabbit
KodeMage: I control which buttons I try and press... I'm not always successful at hitting the right one
TXC2: *or giveaway I mean
LRRMTG_Judge: @NarfBlinko yes it will count those. pharma2Vial
Julian_Rogue: wabbit
loxodon_anchor: Chat is about a minute ahead of the video from my internet so I saw the stream of rabbits and was like what the heck
VAB0L0: Rabbit
nonine789: rabbit
monsterwonder33: rabbit
TuvaLaPourpre: lrrADAM lrrCAMERON
serramarkov: hop to it if you haven't entered the magic word!
Durdenstein: Help! I do not control the buttons I press!
teeelbee: rabbit
fierysea: Rabbit
avoidreason: WOOO kglw
TheDevil_Risen: was super fun!!!
Alyssa_Swift: Rabbit
siklr: rabbit
crest_revort: is Ms. Bumble flower a better bant grouphug deck than the hippo?
JoeSubject: comfy
MysticProtogen: duck season
Vargen_HK: rabbit
LowUpsideCJ: banger albums for sure
stablermeerkat6: Love nonagon infinity!
Kirgo: I use my froggy abilities iahfyFrogjam To rig the raffle into my favour.
aine1978: rabbit
gramantik: rabbit
M4n4_scr3w: Rabbit
Craigo717: rabbit
SentinelStormer: How sad are you at the lack of Lizard Wizards in the set Kathleen?
themightygerg: Are all the Wizards in Bloomburrow Otters? Are there any Lizard Wizards?
nerdsta82: MercyWing1 BrainSlug MercyWing2
StreetRach: rabbit
Boomyakalolo: rabbit
Harvest25: lrrAWESOME
Sorator13: rabbit
abslomdaak42: Lizard Wizards are Bloomburrow-appropriate
prymryb: Elmer Fuddd
SacrificialToast: rabbit
nizkiz_: rabbit
Inspaders: rabbit
g0blinslide: Rabbitt
Kitsumekajime: honestly i wanna get the squirrell lilliana for my green black decks
ShebanatorHula: rabbit
ProcyonFlynn: rabbit
branchini2: rabbit
Aneranium: rabbit
Baseclef: Rabbit
CrazymattCaptain: rabbit
SkaespearesBoys: rabbit
KongPhantom: rabbit ๓ €€
swiftdestruction: <message deleted>Rabbit
Vandallite: rabbit
branchini2: Rabbit
IgorApp: Rabbit
thegiftedgrifter: Rabbit
00gogo00: gonna say it one more time for luck
Keleel: Rabbit
sirwhitefang: rabbit
00gogo00: rabbit
SlaveToBolas: Rabbit
eye_h_bar: rabbit
Smoke108: Rabbit
just__fitz: Its like popcorn, you have to wait seconds between pops
Mishapp53: rabbit
RixtonSnek: lots of otter wizards instead
RandomTrivia: There were some in OTJ
ExtraWubs: rabbit
TheStrangeGarden: rabbit
Stellio_Cantos: Viashinos count right?
Lavalot: Rabbit
00gogo00: there was one in mkm
frostfox42: 11 years ago now wow... god im old
bruiserhammerfist: My albums are the new 21 pilots and all Phoenix albums
The_cake_of_lies: Rabbit
razorswift: Modern Horizons has a Lizard Wizard
frostownik: there's at least one Lizard Wizard
gluonquark: there are lizzerd warlocks
kevbun: rabbit
Teddy_Beats: rabbit
Ugly_Rabbit: Rabbit?
Myrmice: rabbit
Splash4Mirrodin: Rabbit
googoltudoris: can i blame the buttons i press on a cold, uncaring, predestined universe?
yawg_dawg: rabbit
Genasi_Gaming: that was 4 years ago
tones137: rabbit
lordcrocodile: rabbit
karmic_guide: mh3 had a lizard wizard
yawg_dawg: Rabbit
cmdrud87: definitely on ravniica
avoidreason: is there a king gizzard though?
irishpaddys: Party Trasher in MH3
Atiota: lrrBartleby
Toabgut: rabbit
Bentoja: Otter wizards now tho
protojman: party thrasher
Piecrust9: Pop goes chat over wabbits!
lyricthepossum: Bunnies
cmdrzellgaudis: Strixhaven
weltanschlong: rabbit
maclenrac: Prowess Otters
tsuuisalie: rabbit
shiningelbow: most lizards are outlaws
ulises87g: Rabbit
xanbot999: lizzard wizard
ecredragon: Will the subathon episodes be on YouTube?
northern_ronin42: We're fat on lizard wizards. Fat like a lizard with a cute fat tail!
GredGredmansson: Viashino are Lizards now
prymryb: I am hunting.....<Elmer Fudd>
nova_plushie: If i win i want kathleen to knock the tower onto the ground
Ukon_Cairns: plenty of lizard outlaws tho
Grinnin_Gin: zendikar is no longer recent I'm sorry adam
msartivisual: King Gozzard and the Otter Wozzards
floofy_huskee: rabbit
Kitsumekajime: it was a lizard on a wizard
WavesOfBabies: Viashinos are lizards now
jazzfox: Welp, I may have said the word already, but I can only holler Eulalia! In hopes of victory!
GredGredmansson: there was one in MKM too I think
AstroBase: Im getting a weird desync
00busyhands: MH3
ihlendrax: Listening to the Spotify playlist of last nightโ€™s stream in the background of this one.
tr0mo: How upset are we about Vraska not being a lizard and being a snake despite the story saying she was
KodeMage: there's room for more lizard wizards
ContingentCat: but have there been any King gizzards?"
NornsFelidar: this rabbit hole is bottomless
Halinn: C'mon me
patrick_stonecrusher: Venus Women something something goshdangit Roger Corman!! (Rest in peace Roger Corman)
TXC2 drumroll
TheGreatDeox: Rabbit
kismetsoul: GL All
grizzlybeer40: Glhf
Anubis169: drumroll~
floofy_huskee: Rabbit
MacSquizzy: I'm saying it a second time because I'm scared I mistyped it the first time sorry mods
crest_revort: my video is like 5 seconds behind and its very annoying
ExachixKitsune: pearlieNugget pearlieOlive sergeBongo cakejuBongo
ardor_edi: Congrats!
razorswift: Clap
TriseAlpha: *drumroll*
whoppernugget: drumroll
RedSunKnight: 3K sided die
Stellio_Cantos: congrats!
MurphEP: seabatClap
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Nameless_Sword: Congratulations!
falcn120: Congrats!
public_key_reveal_party: lrrHORN
GrassVortex: PrideParty
Kazman20a: congrats
MacSquizzy: Rabbit
KodeMage: clap
Kirgo: Clap
Commander_Taz: gratz!
JoeSubject: grats
brningpyre: CONGRATS
Lushian_Cybasi: grats
Owlslayer: Clap
dalek_kosh: Congrats
teddywhosabear: clapclapclap
Harthic: Congrats!
Orxolon: congrats!
RixtonSnek: congrat~
JosVanTongeren: GG
Bentoja: not me smh
snydepels2: Grats
Shiny_Elva: Congratulations!
vinopinguino: grats
OlePalnatoke: gratz!
soramayura: congratulations
Saintnex: congrats!
gmanjones: clap!
lilford_the_legend: gz
themercenary1987: Congrats!
TXC2: congratulations
kaziel0: Congrats!
HanHavos: Clap
whoppernugget: Congrats!
CaptnCheesebeard: gz
frostfox42: congrats
iris_of_ether: seabatClap
GoblinPieromancer: gz!
Naesiir: seabatClap
chaps_the_goblin_king: grats
Mindfire13: Congrats
invalidCards: Grats!
tsuuisalie: Clap
acolossalsquid: Congratulations
TopHatPeezy: ggz :)
Anubis169: congratulations!!
littlecanadaboi: Congrats !!
aimeez821: congrats!
Kingsgrave: congratulations!
seathblood: Rabbit!
Badchop: Congrats!
nonine789: clap
m1f3rg: gg
Sandeon: *clap*
Tarnius: ๐Ÿ‘
James_the_Dabbler: Solid
CaptainRedRam: Congratulations
JoleneCoda: gz!
Kendo_thorn: congrats
ItzColder: gz gz
GredGredmansson: GRATZ
AstroBase: Clap clap clap
macintose: Gratz
karmic_guide: congarts
dannycabby: clappppp
Plasterboard: Clap
TallynNyntyg: Congrats, guy.
MeagenImage: Grats!
thylordy: Congerts!
Yuguro: clap
cmdrzellgaudis: Congratulations
Flibspeak: Grats!
infinity_225: congrats
Goboxel: Gratz
Krillin_fan: grats!
themightygerg: Eyyyyy gratz
camhume1: Ch
EerieDude: Clap!
ArcLightningCanuck: congrats
nobodez: grats
pineapple5280: Clap
em0burrito: Gratz!
qzzyozzy: ggs
DarkNacht: *clap*
badrat_: grats
the_piebandit: GG
izatrep: congrats
MaxThatBoi: Clap
brieandbacon: sergeGG sergeGG sergeGG
CosSinII: congrats
MajorFrostbyte: Grats!
thetimelord93: clap
super731: congrats!
FixTheJames: Grats!!!!
viotech3: Congrats!
Jostech: Gz
Ormmannen: Congrats
AccessKOde: clap
xplodingpenguin: gratzi!
protojman: congrats!
eleric937: congrats!!
Ryuuzakii93: gratz
jirriki1984: congratz
LokiThePaladin: congrats
CodenameJD: ๐Ÿ‘
slugdumb: congrats!
Raagentreg: GGs
clockworkmenagerie: Congratz!
Musicsquid: ggs
Drewind: congrats!!
Quaseymoto: Congrats.
KaiTerranova: grats~
groulux: bravo!
50keyz: midnig380Clap
Qaylen: Clap!
Strebenherz: Grats!
ThisisKellcore: Congrats!
titanprime231: Clapping emjoi goes here
Greg1756: GG's!
Spikee26: Clap
juuzou00: GG
Rustymagus: SeemsGood
Nathade: congrats
MacSquizzy: Wooo
PBlackcoat: Ajony!
everybody1982: CONGRATS
ArcticAtlantic: congratulations!
frostownik: seabatClap
MysticProtogen: Well done!
Owl_on_Caffeine: Congrats!
deathjester7d: grats
DeathWarrior555: congrats
Patron_of_the_Moon: Congrats!
vegetalss4: congratulations!
tre40469: Clap
RocknGrohlNerd: big grats
OrangeOwl327: cpngratrs
qwertiest_mint: congratulations :D
JonHerzogArtist: gg
VladTheAlpaca: Gratz
maltan_ankka: congrats!
randomblathering: congrats!
durangil: Bnuuy victory
Brenni01: congrats!
rhyzian: gratz
MagmaTheLionhearted: congrats!
lilmissmousy: Congrats
nizkiz_: Gz!
rad_m8: Clap clap
awilko: Congrats!
red_shoes_jeff: Wark Wark!
Xobulo: GG! (now back to youtube!)
PearlescentFerret: Gratz
shortnsweet1970: Grats!
garion99: gratz
CanPlayGames: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
aeowynn1: Congrats!
mrMorphius: lrrHORN
noteaforthecats: Yey! Congrats!
rogue6119: Grats
pewpew_laserbeams: congratz!!!
namagem1: CONGRATULATIONS (Eva intensifies)
NonUniqueGuy: Congrats
Every_Way: Rabbit?
LRRMTG_Judge: I'm not sure who was asking aboutrVren/tokens, but this is from the Release Notes: Vren's last ability counts any creatures your opponents controlled that were exiled this turn, including creature tokens. - Natedogg
drfox17: Congrats!
CoffeeTime88: Congratulations!
Testosteros: gratz
Valandriel1: congarts
Easilycrazyhat: benginDance benginDance benginDance
Rustymagus: Congratulations!
BorgarWithAShotgun: semaClap
Lord_Hosk: Paul, you mispronounced my name.
gaia_arcade: Congrats barrLove
Omega_Orion: Looks like we've got 5 Lizard Wizards now due to the Viashino/Lizard update
youcantlistentobuttons: Gratz!
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
DoubleNterprises: Congrats!
Dedwrekka: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
superdude097: Congratz!
sallomon33: congrats
zarbit: yeah, LRR isn't CardKingdom
Iam_Dead: LET'S GOOOO! Congrats critique!
DoctorPackmule: Sadly no "Otter Chaos" card in the set.
DarkNacht: Congradulations.gif
TehAmelie: my country confirmed ridiculous
theneatestburrito: Congrabbits!
singinnonsense: alannamClapgif alannamClapgif alannamClapgif
Marc_IRL: There are 5 lizard wizards in paper magic, all of them printed in the last 5 years.
Swaggerstickbyaah: congrats friend!
JKTKops: sweden = whimsical
MyrddintheWizard: Congrats!
skelepop: europe = ridiculous ok
acolossalsquid: Sweden is ridiculous?
M0D3Uz: Congrats
Friskycharizard: congrats!
CodenameJD: Sweden, so ridiculous
LoadingReadyRun: The winner is critiquequartz!
CosSinII: Sweden mention!
leachjus: โ€œsome place ridiculousโ€ฆ like Sweden.โ€
LesVox: Sweden is a silly place
wingless85: Congrats
sharker037: Congrats
KydrouKair: gratz
Marc_IRL: Sweden's shipping is indeed whimsical sometimes.
Darantei: Congratulations!
GreatWahooney: it true, Sweden has no whimsy
em0burrito: I'll have you know Sweden is very whimsical this time of year
TallynNyntyg: Yes, the ridiculous place of Sweden.
gluonquark: what if I live in bloomburrow?
Anubis169: Lord_Hosk: You misspelled paul's name
Ritaspirithntr: tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap
bloodstar: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
PearlescentFerret: I live on the First? In the Crystarium
camhume1: Good job
regicold: lrrFINE
public_key_reveal_party: no you nailed it in one kathleen
Koshindan: Have to localize it for the Swedish wildlife.
kismetsoul: Grats!
8_Bit_Unicorn: Congrats!
Technotrout: As a dane, I love that you called sweden ridiculous :)
Angreed66: Lrr hasn't master teleportation just yet.
Qaylen: Hey why call out Sweden! ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿคฃ
TriseAlpha: Congrats!
MichiKitten: dayoCLAP dayoCLAP dayoCLAP
frostfox42: LLR kingdom shipping?
Shiny_Elva: "Delayed by reasons of whimsy" is a very good reason though
TheDevil_Risen: yeah takes a while for a wombat to deliver the mail down here in australia :D
JaymicUnyielding: Congrats
LoremasterMonty: We are not that silly here in Sweden, I'll have you know
krfsm: Sweden does not hold with whimsy!
the_phantom_game_player: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Dschuncks: Congratulations
Grinnin_Gin: on second thought lets not ship to sweden, tis a silly place
YueGung: Congratulations
RatekStormcrow: Kathleen needs a button or shirt that says "I could have phrased that better"
yog_soggoth55: rabbit
iris_of_ether: Yay LRR! Yay PPR!
alikaoz: The whimsy tax is real
NornsFelidar: Kathleen why would you alienate Sweden?
M0D3Uz: are you guys comming to commandfest london?
Anubis169: One moar goa! lrrAWESOME
DocTie: That sounds like a challenge
Ormmannen: As a swed i feel targeted
JosVanTongeren: You never know how dented that one will be
Lord_Hosk: @Anubis169 you didn't huggle me
frostownik: there's a Lizard Wizard in the commander set, and it's Impact Tremors
nova_plushie: No. handle all of them
Myrniss: sorry, caps lock
Mehayo: Congrats. That is my favorite of the commander decks this set
critiquequartz: yay!
Anubis169 huggles Lord_Hosk
Durdenstein: There is a total of five official MTG Lizard Wizards, and on Playtest Lizard Wizard.
Anubis169: fixed
medmora: lrrBartleby
MurphEP: Grahameron!
nerhydas72: What if they're in Antarctica?
googoltudoris: i for one enjoy the magic content produced by loadingreadyrun
Lord_Hosk: That better
singinnonsense: now undo the tower without crashing it
loona898: oooo who won
JoeSubject: woohoo
Anubis169: Myrniss: all cool manYES
fele_of_Cardmarket: Greeler!
just__fitz: Father vs Son
TXC2: !addquote (Kathleen) [now] I could have phrased that better: the Kathleen De Vere story.
LRRbot: New quote #9064: "I could have phrased that better: the Kathleen De Vere story." โ€”Kathleen [2024-07-21]
Stellio_Cantos: awww
Viewers_Like_You: "I want to say it's you. It's not, but I want to say it."
James_LRR: @critiquequartz please DM me here on Twitch if you see this.
Lord_Hosk returns Anubis169's huggle
RandomTrivia: Rip in pieces Adam
frostfox42: bye adam
karmic_guide: goobye forever
zarbit: Bye Adam
MeagenImage: bye Adam
JosVanTongeren: Bye ADAM!
ExachixKitsune: Gooodbye we'll miss you
valkyrisprime: bye adam
Harthic: Goodbye forever!
Pharmacistjudge: Enjoy EVO
TXC2: bye Adam
accountmadeforants: PrideWave
Testosteros: bye adam!
Spacecarl: Have a good one Adam!
Viewers_Like_You: Farewell Adam!
Hansk_and_Boo: Bye Adam!๐Ÿ’–
super731: o7 adam
snydepels2: Goodbye Adam
Anubis169: <3 Adam
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @fele_of_Cardmarket Wham!
capslock42: Bye Adam
NonUniqueGuy: We will miss you Adam
shiningelbow: bye adam!
CaptnCheesebeard: Goobye forever, Adam!
JinaMahavira: bye Adam enjoy Evo
zook_ningel: bye adam
public_key_reveal_party: bye adam o7
sallomon33: bye Adam :<
clockworkmenagerie: Bye Adam!
baltimore_667083: bye adam
vinopinguino: noooo adam come back
LowUpsideCJ: adam's got top 6s to watch
janMelantu: goodbye forever
Anubis169: <3 Lord_Hosk too
The_cake_of_lies: Bye Adam
macintose: Bye Adam, taker easy man
TXC2: more pack cracking !
Jethrain: More content coming up after this content
kaziel0: Have a good day, Adam!
nova_plushie: Enjoy EVO adam
Melfina__: Enjoy evo Adam!
TXC2: !greetings
LRRbot: Greetings, you Relentless Rats!
fjorner: Brother nooooooo!!!!
raulghoulia: bye Adam
capslock42: Have a wonderful day
LowUpsideCJ: o7 champ
Easilycrazyhat: bye Adam!
invalidCards: Crack! That! Pack!
dabarles: Iโ€™ll miss you, Adam!
kilnfiendpotter: Bye Adam!!
prymryb: Shhhh be vewwwwy quiet i am hunting RABBITS!!!
abslomdaak42: Bye, Adam! lrrHEART
blackmagem: Adam we miss you already
MurphEP: Bye, Adam! seabatTROG seabatBRAIN
hotgreenflames: bye adam!
Iam_Dead: Enjoy them fight games Adam!
TheOnlyOrk: <3 Adam your deck was cool
Orxolon: bye Adam
neveth: Have fun watching Evo Adam!
maclenrac: Where Adam going?
Lamebert1415: Bye, Adam
Spritz_T: whoa
Harvest25: More Adam
thetimelord93: bye Adam!
sharker037: Farewell adam
medmora: Bye Adam!
AutumnVixenIX: bye Adam have fun watching evo
sharker037: Rest well adam....
nerhydas72: I thoroughly enjoy LRR events including the PPR which is wonderful and I would love for it to continue in perpetuity
Anubis169: !!!
42MiLLyWays: lrrADAM lrrSHINE
Larkonus: Oh my goodness that rabbit. katesAw
iris_of_ether: oh no I love them
chewie_the_familiar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chewie_the_familiar! (Today's storm count: 97)
ElektroTal: Rabbit
iris_of_ether: The birds in this set are gonna *get* me
MeagenImage: MtG entering its "entering" era
RandomTrivia: The widdle mouse with the widdle tiny spear! benginLove
Zoltan Gramantik: rabbit
AceProfessor: rabbit
Marcio Vetter: rabbit
Luka: rabbit
Michael Piper: Rabbit
SmithKurosaki: Go to if you want to enter. The bot IS NOT READING YT CHAT
Chantel Bennett: rabbit
Demon Ralph: bunny
Demon Ralph: hare
Rory Oguma: Rabit
Rory Oguma: Rabbit
Michael Branchini: Rabbit
captainvol: rabbit
SmithKurosaki: Entering Rabbit here /does not enter you into the giveaway/
Terrorof1991: fun stuff
Simriel: Please do not type Rabbit in this chat, the giveaway is only at
LordLightning764: rabbit
Jessie Eckles: rabbit
Dylan Baley: what about the rat under my chef's hat? What if HE'S the one pressing the buttons?
Simon Grossman: Rabbit
SmithKurosaki: @Dylan Baley Then tell them to enter in twitch chat
Simriel: Please do not type Rabbit in this chat, the giveaway is only at
Andrew Vroman: rabbit
SmithKurosaki: Typing rabbit here DOES NOTHING :)
JustSomeSkin: rabbit
Luke Laredo: rabbit
Veelofar: Oh! I love Nonagon Infinity! I got into King Gizzard because of Kathleen
Pharmacistjudge: I am waiting for the mods to do something like block the word in youtube chat when the twich giveaway starts.
Jasper: Rabbit
Jasper: rabbit
Jasper: Congrats!
Simriel: @Pharmacistjudge Youtube Mod tools aren't as robust as that
SmithKurosaki: Giveaway is done. No more rabbits :)
Simriel: Like Sweden or New Zealand, two equally distant places :P
OVERKiLL!: ๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿ’™
Waves of Babies: enjoy Evo Adam
Simriel: Adam walks off into the sunset and is never seen again by gods nor man
Marheri: RABBIT
Anubis169: it does all the things
Spritz_T: solid common
rasterscan: Why does the finch token have a mana value?
grizzlybeer40: I like soup
Sage0fMadness: They're taking the mice to Nettleguard
Sarah_Serinde: The giveaway is over, you cannot enter now
RokuNalaar: @rasterscan Because its a copy
Iluvatardis: @rasterscan offspring copies mana value
sallomon33: it's nice they wrote out the cost of the Offspring tokens on them :D
TXC2: every time, EVERY time I here "enters" my brains adds "your mom" :p
GredGredmansson: @rasterscan because its an offspirng token, its a copy of a printed card
RandomTrivia: @rasterscan The Offspring ability makes a token copy, which includes mana cost
Bugberry: @rasterscan it's a copy of 2U card.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: If you make this into an artifact or enchantment, it can trigger its own Valiant. You shouldn't, but you can.
ExachixKitsune: nooo don't sacrifice a fox D:
Anubis169: LOL
rasterscan: @Bugberry Got it, thank you!
DocTie: Oh hey, that guy
northern_ronin42: Finch Formation depicting a single finch is a crime.
howlinglotus: aye, im shucking here
nerhydas72: Real ones remember Silverchase Fox
nyoomgoom: shuck those thoughts
fele_of_Cardmarket: haha called the Shought Thucker!
TheWriterAleph: "Hey all you THOUGHT SHUCKERS."
jumpfolf: <message deleted>RABBIT
TehAmelie: i raise you Pithing Shucker
TXC2: jumpfolf giveaway is over
Didero: Once per what? Game?
Tiber727: That card shucks.
datastorm17: im going to be saying shot thucker i know it
fele_of_Cardmarket: It's a thought shucker! It shucks thoughts!
Kingsgrave: Monstrosity makes a thing monstrous
northern_ronin42: @Didero Lifeitme.
Bugberry: Yes
Spades_Slicc: @Didero once per card
RandomTrivia: It even also uses a +1/+1 counter as a memory aid
jumpfolf: Thanks missed it, haha.
Alex_Frostfire: Vaguely Adapt-ish.
abslomdaak42: "Thought Shuckers" as a future crac-a-pack opening
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Furries: Beyond Death
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Monstrous, past Graham.
TriuneSystem: Welp, he's now Shought Thucker forever
Smoke108: That one anthem in white
janMelantu: thereโ€™s an anthem that can o-ring once
GredGredmansson: @RandomTrivia stinks if it gets a counter from another source
Anubis169: jumpfolf: THere is another one in the future, fear not :)
EternalRoxas: Duggan from the Dr who saet can fight something only once
Spades_Slicc: there's an anthem that can exile something once
the_phantom_game_player: Adapt is that
Bugberry: !card Goblin Ski Patrol
LRRbot: Goblin Ski Patrol [1R] | Creature โ€” Goblin [1/1] | {1}{R}: Goblin Ski Patrol gets +2/+0 and gains flying. Its controller sacrifices it at the beginning of the next end step. Activate only once and only if you control a snow Mountain.
MrPipboy3000: There a 1WW anthem that has a O-ring for 5W only once
GredGredmansson: oh right Duggan
TriseAlpha: once per Threshold trigger
kynelwynn: Wind Drake with upside
Sage0fMadness: !card In the Trenches
LRRbot: In the Trenches [1WW] | Enchantment | Creatures you control get +1/+1. / {5}{W}: Exile target nonland permanent you don't control until In the Trenches leaves the battlefield. Activate only as a sorcery and only once.
RandomTrivia: @GredGredmansson Awkward but that's easy enough to track in-game
Viewers_Like_You: "I activated that ability once. _Once._" -Danny Vermin
Bugberry: @TriseAlpha there isn't a trigger on that card.
Anubis169: aww it's a mole!!
GredGredmansson: @TriseAlpha threshold isn't a trigger
CalliopeThorn: All the bats in this set are premium.
MorganteMaggiore: i was AFK, did they already did the gift drop?
Badchop: You shouldn't activate that ability.
Ukon_Cairns: magic needs more mana moles
thylordy: Mana Maketh Mole
GredGredmansson: @MorganteMaggiore yes
Mr_Horrible: Leaf Gilder eat your heart out
noteaforthecats: So cute as well!
fele_of_Cardmarket: Who wouldn't be happy surveiling 1? Shoutout to my boy Sinister Starfish!
krfsm: how does the Thought Shucker work with Blink effects? @LRRMTG_Judge got some input?
Badchop: My mother activated that ability once.
TXC2: MorganteMaggiore yes
Anubis169: MorganteMaggiore: Yup but there is another later on :)
sallomon33: the amount of 1/3s in this set is... surprising lol
DoctorPackmule: The Mole is so cute
Badchop: (sorry I saw someone else with the Danny Vermin ref and had to)
MorganteMaggiore: thx yall
GredGredmansson: @krfsm favorably
Mr_Horrible: Collaselk Dreadmaw is gonna get people so bad
RocknGrohlNerd: @kynelwynn but my collection of Wind Drakes, ruined, useless, worthless even
TriseAlpha: @GredGredmansson I bet if you took a minute to think about it...
prymryb: @MorganteMaggiore YES
aussie_rob_w: gonna get moooooosed
Bugberry: @krfsm it's a new game object
krfsm: neat!
GredGredmansson: one of two changelings in the set
LRRMTG_Judge: @krfsm when it is flickered, it reenters are a brand new permanent. so you can use that ability again. pharma2Vial
aussie_rob_w: Fixy little guy
Badchop: The three tree problem
Kingsgrave: That's also going to be the baddest beat bluff in the whole set. Pass on 6 with a hand full of forest and have a 0-mana fog.
tr0mo: cheap changeling means it goes right into my atla deck
PearlescentFerret: rabbit
IbunWest: it makes sense that there are a lot of low power hiigh toughness creatures given how many small critters inhabit the plane
GredGredmansson: Three Tree City citizen
TehAmelie: i wish i had one three
DarkMorford: CAMERON
Anubis169: ๐Ÿ’ฏ
Mr_Horrible: "The Three Tree Group" makes them sound like VC firm, Graham, don't do that to them
JoeSubject: Zing
Pharmacistjudge: can't see the forest for the three trees
singinnonsense: three tree is cosmopolitain
RocknGrohlNerd: three trees? how rustic
Jigokuro: Dang it Graham I was typing a cookie joke!
fele_of_Cardmarket: @tr0mo Is Mascot big egg?
kilnfiendpotter: Three Trees offers free chocolate cake
aqualeung: I have 3 PSTrees
Sage0fMadness: Outclassed by Moles: the Teen Acne story
squidpeanut: Oh three tree fixes cause all the colors meet together
Mr_Horrible: *Gesturing at Three Tree* "You can't build walkable cities like this on Lorwyn"
Jigokuro: It was basically the same joke as @kilnfiendpotter
loufghyslaufey: Three-Tree-Flavor Fail; doesn't add three of any colorless or any one color lrrJUDGE lrrSPOOP ImTyping lrrDOTS NotLikeThis
Bugberry: !card Surge Engine
LRRbot: Surge Engine [2] | Artifact Creature โ€” Construct [3/2] | Defender / {U}: Surge Engine loses defender and gains "This creature can't be blocked." / {2}{U}: Surge Engine becomes blue and has base power and toughness 5/4. Activate only if Surge Engine doesn't have defender. / {4}{U}{U}: Draw three cards. Activate only if Surge Engine is blue and only once.
thraximore: did I miss the giveaway?
JoeSubject: mushroom, mushroom..
thraximore: bummer
RandomTrivia: Mr_Horrible HypeLUL
daviddolan: Nadu needs more help
Bugberry: for another "once" paper card.
RocknGrohlNerd: @fele_of_Cardmarket oh no, we better hope Wheeler doesnยดt see this :D
kynelwynn: The creature batches all have a shared color from their "guild"
TXC2: thraximore there will be another one later
TriseAlpha: Bird, Frog, Otter, Rat: "a Blue major tribe"
GredGredmansson: i want to make a frog deck
thraximore: aight
Anubis169: thraximore: there is another one on later, however there are more kickass matches on between then and now so double good
tr0mo: @fele_of_Cardmarket theres an egg hidden inside
TXC2: one of the Gitrogii
ArcticAtlantic: i've played against a Rat based commander deck at my LGS
Mr_Horrible: iirc OG gitrog likes lands going to your yard from anywhere, so surveil works?
westerfarmer: GROLNOK!! The frog that mills
RatherLargeToad: yay big frog
Angreed66: many frogs outside blomburrow deal with the GY
myceliamuncher: <message deleted>rabbit
nan_de_mo_nai: @Mr_Horrible yup, surveil a land into the yard and draw
TXC2: giveaway is over
RandomTrivia: They are, of course, connected by Forage
Anubis169: giveaway is over myceliamuncher :)
GredGredmansson: aka "if you foraged this turn" but without actually having to forage
TheM8: thats a forage
thylordy: The Gitrogs, those are the alien folk what hate Mindflayers, right?
kynelwynn: Tap, lose a life, draw a card if you've Foraged
Pharmacistjudge: speaking of these creature types. If any of y'all see me at Gencon next week, Ask me for a Bloomburrow creature type riboon
datastorm17: a squirrel warlock? also an outlaw
Alex_Frostfire: "If you built your own forage this turn."
westerfarmer: !card Grolnok the Omnivore
LRRbot: Grolnok, the Omnivore [2GU] | Legendary Creature โ€” Frog [3/3] | Whenever a Frog you control attacks, mill three cards. / Whenever a permanent card is put into your graveyard from your library, exile it with a croak counter on it. / You may play lands and cast spells from among cards you own in exile with croak counters on them.
Mr_Horrible: IDK if he's as much a jerk, but I can't see the Fountainport leader as anything other than Spatch II from Rice Boy
GredGredmansson: saccing a food normally also enables this
nerhydas72: @fele_of_Cardmarket Hey I recognize you! I Love the Cardmarket videos
fele_of_Cardmarket: @tr0mo isn't there in all of us tho? ^^
MorganteMaggiore: @TheM8 when the cards left the gy... thats-a forage SingsNote
Mr_Horrible: I love the B/G aesthetic in this set
Angreed66: @Mr_Horrible Notably is a jerk
TehAmelie: squirrarrrlock? it works better spoken out loud
kilnfiendpotter: Every time I hear "Fountainport" I remember the musical episode from Game Changer
GredGredmansson: its been in the squirrel's family for generations
Gekyouryuu: "good, ol' big-head Jim."
Mr_Horrible: @Angreed66 this makes me wonder if inspiration was drawn, then
TriseAlpha: Marowak Squirrel?
RandomTrivia: "Kill a child, draw a card"
fele_of_Cardmarket: @nerhydas72 lrrSHINE <3 lrrSHINE <3 lrrSHINE
Koshindan: Upcycling squirrel skulls.
MorganteMaggiore: @kilnfiendpotter the one with a muntain city on the sea?
Halinn: Kill target kid
RocknGrohlNerd: @RandomTrivia LUL LUL wheelerRita wheelerRita
kilnfiendpotter: @MorganteMaggiore How can that be?
GredGredmansson: !card dismember
LRRbot: Dismember [1{B/P}{B/P}] | Instant | Target creature gets โˆ’5/โˆ’5 until end of turn.
tr0mo: I can't wait to kill someone with playful shove
AstroBase: Next giveaway word should be GiftFish
Cahzin: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis
OVERKiLL!: was it santa that walked off into the ocean? which skit am i thinking of?
Chaos Treader: I believe thatโ€™s a crapshot?
Simriel: Paul has done it, and I believe also Ian as Santa?
Greys N. Owman: Santa walking in the ocean was played by Cori
Chaos Treader: Oh yeah. Paul did it in the one about bioshock.
OVERKiLL!: haha good looks. i gotta watch that one again now lol.
JPVersus: what round are we in?
Chaos Treader: 3. Weโ€™ve seen Nelson v serge and Adam v Cameron
Simriel: The Tree cost is multiplicative
Seiichi Sin: That joke from Cam was great.
Pyre Dynasty: Cubone squirrel
RandomTrivia: Cameron holy BUS
Yurielx: "Kick the baby, draw a card"
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
Anubis169: easy chat
Mr_Horrible: Cameron on board for the Watership Down bonus product, then
sallomon33: Cameron once again dropping a disturbing bombshell xD
Bugberry: Lorwyn also had goofy removal. Like the once showing a Kithkin getting bonked by a fish tied to a brick.
ArcticAtlantic: oh cool free fursona
GredGredmansson: Affectionate Indrik
krfsm: cut in half is in one of the commander decks!
SlyMaster9: No, don't kick the baby!
NornsFelidar: Bloomborrow normalizes sending kids to the red zone and other war crimes
Graham_LRR: @fele_of_cardmarket I sent you that thing you need (at least I think it was you)
Alex_Frostfire: @Bugberry Ah, Noggin Whack!
kynelwynn: What's the one black removal? "Fall"?
GredGredmansson: Flick A Coin
Mr_Horrible: @Bugberry or the giant dropping a sewing needle
Spades_Slicc: @kynelwynn past tense
CaptnCheesebeard: Doesn't Flick a Coin also make a treasure?
Bugberry: Also Pulling Teeth which is super gross but relatively benign.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: hey, Redwall is way more violent than people think, Dismember would fit right in
nerhydas72: Kills Offspring tokens
Mr_Horrible: all offspring tokens, yeah
The_cake_of_lies: Little guy set
fele_of_Cardmarket: @Graham_LRR oooohhh! yep that was me. awesome! we are very proud of "it"
kynelwynn: Thrashing Bront statline
kazuchii: <message deleted>Rabbit
Bugberry: Combat tricks also good with Expend.
Decaped: The kids aren't alright.
MorganteMaggiore: @kilnfiendpotter "theater i suppose"
TXC2: kazuchii giveaway is over, there will be another one later
kaziel0: Thank you, mods, for all that you do. lrrSHINE
kilnfiendpotter: Did anyone see that pic of a Cybertruck covered in raccoon prints? Apparently they thought it was a dumpster.
CanPlayGames: !card Plains
LRRbot: Plains | Basic Land โ€” Plains |
TXC2: kaziel0 lrrHEART
Pharmacistjudge: redwall were novels about wars
Anubis169: thank you for being here kaziel0 lrrAWESOME
gameslayer013: TURT
TXC2: kilnfiendpotter YES!
northern_ronin42: @kilnfiendpotter It wasn't that wrong.
MTGRanger: @kilnfiendpotter ah, poetry
Mr_Horrible: "Who're you called fecund?"
Adderkleet: Words I did not expect on MTG cards: fecund.
walkwithoutrhythm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, walkwithoutrhythm! (Today's storm count: 98)
Marvoleath: a different season full art plains
kynelwynn: How does a turtle have reach?
kirbytronic: @kilnfiendpotter Wait, it isn't?
TehAmelie: we have isolated the basic element of turtle
RandomTrivia: Very lorg Risen Reef
invalidCards: love a good fecund greenshell
Mr_Horrible: I like that the turtle is pogging
Bugberry: @Adderkleet Fecundity is already a card I believe.
fele_of_Cardmarket: AHHH! I love all the toitles!
MasonzeroGaming: @Adderkleet wait til you hear about the card Fecundity
sirnobulus: question regarding the give away: if you type the word more than one, do you get taken out of the pool?
NiceMrCaput: @kynelwynn gu
TruPhantomAngel: @kilnfiendpotter Hello! Yep! My partner showed me. XD
invalidCards: !card Fecundity
LRRbot: Fecundity [2G] | Enchantment | Whenever a creature dies, that creature's controller may draw a card.
themercenary1987: @Pharmacistjudge For me they were mostly about riddles and food
googoltudoris: turtle likes big butts and cannot lie
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Pharmacistjudge Redwall was about food, with incidental war. :P
Anubis169: sirnobulus: no, it just annoys people :P
Anubis169: once is enough though
Bugberry: I'm surprised Enters is getting more reactions than Shuffle did.
Meyari subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 113 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Meyari! (Today's storm count: 99)
Spritz_T: interesting to see how well that does in commander
sallomon33: it's funny looking at all these toughness higher than power creatures in these packs cuz the PPR has so far seemed somewhat aggressive lol
xVoxtric: I really wish they had gone with "enters PLAY", it feels so much more complete to me at fewer characters than "battlefield"
nerhydas72: Cheer100 I don't know where these bits came from so I'm giving them to you in case I somehow stole them
Texan_Reverend: @googoltudoris And you other reptiles can't deny.
TXC2: they are reptiles, so no gills
public_key_reveal_party: I've not thought about how elementals exchange gasses
Jethrain: @xVoxtric Very much this
Dread_Pirate_Westley: The is definitely room on the last line to add "the battlefield"
sirnobulus: @anubis169 thank you ๐Ÿ™‚
Bugberry: There's room at the bottom for "the battlefield under your control.
ipoddodd: shame it isn't a treefolk
Greyah: Turtlelemental
Spades_Slicc: Turtles . . . have something similar to gills
SeismicLawns: oh god you nadu it?
Anubis169: sallomon33: Nature is tough as flarp
Graham_LRR: @nerhydas72 happy to launder your bits
GredGredmansson: so its a weird coiling oracle
Mr_Horrible: @Bugberry it just feels weirder grammatically (and theoretically *could* mean more than shuffle more readily, even though it practice it does not and probably now never will)
invalidCards: @SeismicLawns At least this thing isn't legendary
GredGredmansson: this set has a LOT or reach creatures
Kingsgrave: Why does the turtle have _reach_???
kynelwynn: I'd presume elementals don't ingest or expel anything gaseous unless it is an elemental of air
Tyabann: people still ignore the bow and arrow lol
yukimakingart: how does the turtle have reach
Foxmar320: I really like Graham's VHS shirt
Vampyre_Lord: torterra
RandomTrivia: Shoutout to the Paul tech from the Sub-A-Thon TCG day, adding the bow
sallomon33: @xVoxtric I guess they already had the "enters" terminology with Sagas, so they just extended it onto more permanents
RocknGrohlNerd: @Bugberry I didnยดt even notice that shuffle changed. *laughs in azorius blink*
Vampyre_Lord: or venusaur
Sandeon: torterra, you mean
fele_of_Cardmarket: <message deleted>TMNT SECRET LAIR WHEN!?
googoltudoris: @Texan_Reverend when a badger walks in with a itty bitty mace...
Dog_of_Myth: Just got off work, how goes the PPR?
MorganteMaggiore: can we please have clippy saying "btw this has reach"?
Jigokuro: *torterra
Benjamin_the_Monarch: actually torterra but ok
MTGRanger: @Foxmar320 it's a nice shirt
TallynNyntyg: @Sandeon Grotle.
McMenno: more of a torterra
Anubis169: please mind the allcaps fele_of_Cardmarket <3
Diabore: ???
Angreed66: keywords are almost always at the top
TallynNyntyg: Torterra has a tree.
squidpeanut: @yukimakingart the stuff shooting off of it
Mr_Horrible: there are only 151 pokemon, people, you're hallucinating Kappa
GreatWahooney: Torterra was my starter in that game, yay
Bugberry: @RocknGrohlNerd it was back in Strixhaven. Same set that introduced Mana Value and Ward. Likely the Mana Value change overshadowed the Shuffle change.
yukimakingart: @squidpeanut good point yukima18Loading
Diabore: "cool cool, board wipe?"
CodenameJD: This could easily have been in the main set
TallynNyntyg: @Mr_Horrible There are also only 3 sets of Magic. We're all hallucinating.
Silvertunga: @Mr_Horrible The game had 150. I got a diploma for getting all of them.
tr0mo: can you pay the offspring multiple times? like multikicker?
Mehayo: Actively playing PokeRouge in the other window...
MorganteMaggiore: 5 mana for your opponents using 2 removals on them, seems dece
raulghoulia: Hey Hey eh come out and play
Graham_LRR: okay fine, chat, youโ€™re right, itโ€™s Dunsparce
GredGredmansson: @tr0mo no
kaziel0: I'm not sure I'll ever hear "offspring" without my brain equating it with the band...
Decaped: Stormy weather.
nyoomgoom: shoutouts to dudunsparce
MorganteMaggiore: who's that pokemon?
MrPipboy3000: The creature doesn't have Offspring, the token has Orphan
Lycodrake: Clem
McMenno: HUH???
LadyAtarka: Don't tell chat that they are right!
Lycodrake: not her husband
JonHerzogArtist: Love that frog
RocknGrohlNerd: @Bugberry yeah that would do it for sure, good point
Mr_Horrible: @Silvertunga see, this just shows how much I've kept up - I don't know the modern stuff and I've forgotten the details of the old stuff
TehAmelie: no no, always lightning bolt the parents first
super731: froge
nerhydas72: Don't bolt me or my son ever again
Gekyouryuu: Mabel the mouse married a frog?
howlinglotus: OSFrog
trebuchetboy: Watching Evo so I'll be watching the VOD enjoy everyone
Decaped: @kaziel0 I have already been making puns all stream XD
Anubis169: ribbit
Lycodrake: Clem is her husband. not Clement
maclenrac: Turn it around before you bolt it's baby
Dog_of_Myth: !chat
LRRbot: Always listen to chat, Never listen to chat.
Sage0fMadness: uhhh
GredGredmansson: Clem is not Clement, Cam
goombalax: hes the mayor
urbydizzy: Her husband is Clem not Clement
cmdrud87: I think thid iid pretty fly... for a white guy
call_me_Aras: Um, no.
TheM8: thats not a may?'
Lycodrake: cam please
Diabore: @TehAmelie thats how you get batman, do you want batman?
gameslayer013: frog bounce
public_key_reveal_party: Frog druid, well, found my next D&d character
GredGredmansson: @goombalax the mayor is a rabbit
niccus: i guess clem is inclement
TopHatPeezy: @kaziel0 those little 1/1s do Come Out Swinging Kappa
TheM8: oh its up too
Anubis169: this segment is pre-recorded chat
Mr_Horrible: I dig the frog mechanics in this set, yeah
TXC2: Gekyouryuu the heart wants what it wants
Graham_LRR: hold on, Clem and Clement are different people?
kaziel0: @Decaped Gotta keep the tokens separated?
thylordy: Yeah, they are.
Simriel: Hey, people died in Redwall, people forget
oldschoolgamerOo: Looking forward to this set, was a Redwall fan
Pyre Dynasty: Bolt the baby
gameslayer013: YO
Dog_of_Myth: Yo
zigboy22: squirl
RandomTrivia: Oh hello there
DoctorPackmule: Bouncing Frogs still gets me
TehAmelie: Liliana has changed her hair or something
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: DAYUM
fele_of_Cardmarket: jowsa!
TXC2: with diferent Liliana art
Dog_of_Myth: That's just Olivia
Sage0fMadness: Mabel doesn't have babies with a frog, no
thraximore: SICK
kismetsoul: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
NekomimiNinja: Lily is Skorl?!
aussie_rob_w: Oh dang very old school!
jiantwitch: The segments between games are prerecorded, Only the game portions are live
nyoomgoom: squirreliana
tr0mo: Hey liliana's fursona!
Niehilius: Yo
The_cake_of_lies: Hello Liliana
adept_nekomancer: Squirreliana
MorganteMaggiore: @RandomTrivia general liliana
Yurielx: Hey, Squirrelfriend!
LilyOfTheVeil6666: It me!
GredGredmansson: @Graham_LRR you didn't think it was strange that Mabel had a bunch of mouse children with a frog?
JoeSubject: Mockingbird has a beautiful borderless art
Mehayo: Special Dark, squirrel promo
goombalax: @GredGredmansson well I guess we all wrong here
ArcticAtlantic: oh hi
kynelwynn: Was supposed to be Dreadhorde General
Omega_Orion: "She's a squirrel now!"
tr0mo: im still mad they made vraska a snake, not a lizard
DeM0nFiRe: Can you imagine if critters?
DanTheMediocre: oh it's this lili? sweet I wanted to pull one for commander
niccus: ever imagined a critter
RandomTrivia: I like to imagine critters frequently, they're cute
TallynNyntyg: Liliana being a Squirrel makes sense, since squirrels are graveyard-matters cards.
Kingsgrave: Yes
TheM8: they wanted to print a fursona
Mr_Horrible: it's popular in commander iirc, and only had 1 printing
Spritz_T: i'm generally not much for liliana cards, but this one i may be
trebuchetboy: Karn is a tree
omdorastrix: Does Lilianna go in squirrels now?
themercenary1987: Likely meant to be Dreadhorde General due to art
Mr_Horrible: @trebuchetboy that art is so cursed
AugmentingPath: I'm a squirrel now! Race me Hannah, just around the library
janMelantu: Of the Dark Realms is like $40
Alex_Frostfire: I like red-wattled lapwing Narset.
Vampyre_Lord: im def getting an alter of this art ON dreadhorde general
TXC2: omdorastrix she does on anrea now :p
thatonefergie: It's in the dread horde pose
MorganteMaggiore: fun fact that has been pointed out to me, the art is very similar to dreadhorde general
thylordy: It had 2 printings, but it's been a while
RandomTrivia: Welp
trebuchetboy: @Mr_Horrible I love him wubbyHe
Mr_Horrible: is this loss?
TheWriterAleph: LUL
The_cake_of_lies: Is this loss?
MorganteMaggiore: not again
Pharmacistjudge: I'm glad they designated "These people are not here in the story" unlike Thunder Junction
GredGredmansson: | || | |_
the_phantom_game_player: I'm at a loss
tr0mo: theres gotta be loss hidden in there
RocknGrohlNerd: or is ir Chatterfang cosplaying as Liliana?
Mr_Horrible: @trebuchetboy I mean I do too but that boy ain't right
sallomon33: tbh this Liliana is still somewhat passable were this "subset" to occur in present... Domri's presence would be harder to justify lol
Orxolon: who is that wolf that appears in any epic art?
Gekyouryuu: @Mr_Horrible they should've used Scion of Urza so he could make karns-trunk-ts
malfnord: @GredGredmansson Well played
NornsFelidar: season of Ls?
TXC2: Loss is high art, I will not take questions on this
squidpeanut: I II II I_
Technotrout: I am trying not to judge, but are you saying the mouse is married to a frog?
niccus: paws for effects
Laserbeaks_Fury: You always do the modeas in order they are printed, yes?
nerhydas72: @trebuchetboy Karn resents being immobile once again
Anubis169: next person to do a loss meme.. i swear..
TehAmelie: you do the first once and the second twice, or, yeah
RandomTrivia: @Laserbeaks_Fury Correct
Smoke108: Akarns
Norburger: you can't do the third mode twice, that would be a faux paw
Vampyre_Lord: @Laserbeaks_Fury yes, resolve in order from top to bottom
GredGredmansson: @Orxolon that's Wildsear, Fire Wolf
RandomTrivia: @Norburger sergePun :D
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @Norburger booooo <3
Anubis169: thank you G <3
MorganteMaggiore: @Norburger ... did you just....?
Pharmacistjudge: Lost had more than 1 season I thought
Orxolon: season of Lost?a lot of ppl liked that show
TXC2: Norburger boooo KAppa
ipoddodd: @Anubis169 jorbsG jorbsB
Orxolon: @GredGredmansson thx
McMenno: is it great to be here
Sage0fMadness: Land of the Loss?
GredGredmansson: @Technotrout she's not, her husband just has a very similar name
Anubis169: ipoddodd: is that a jorbs emote?
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
stsindre: I want the VHS sweater โค๏ธโค๏ธ
Technotrout: @GredGredmansson Thanks
LRRMTG_Judge: So chat. What critter type is your favorite? pharma2Vial
ipoddodd: @Anubis169 sure is!
GredGredmansson: @Orxolon i realize that looks like a card name, so the actual card name is Wildsear, Scouring Maw. Its the backup commander in the Gruul precon
Omega_Orion: I keep hearing the Rent cast sing "Season of Loss" instead of Seasons of Love, great card no notes
maclenrac: cookie
MorganteMaggiore: @LRRMTG_Judge Paul
LadyAtarka: @LRRMTG_Judge Racoons
dumbo3k: @LRRMTG_Judge All of them
noteaforthecats: OTTER!
baneless27: @ judge Raccoon!
kaziel0: Break time? Seems like a good time to get more coffee!
Anubis169: the mice <3
GredGredmansson: Frogs!
TheRatKings: Rats
nyoomgoom: @LRRMTG_Judge i already don't remember what the options are
RocknGrohlNerd: turtle
JoeSubject: bat, rat, rabbit
ghizmou: badger
Anubis169: manPOT and lrrGARBO time
Orxolon: @GredGredmansson thx
JoeSubject: frog's not bad
abslomdaak42: @LRRMTG_Judge Frog OSFrog
Swaggerstickbyaah: @Norburger :D
Alex_Frostfire: I'm a bit of a bird nerd.
nerhydas72: Mouse
xVoxtric: There aren't many, but there's a cool B/R Weasel iirc
Sage0fMadness: The Trash Gang has my allegiance
AutumnVixenIX: bats and lizards are best
fearagent1988: lrrGREED
joiner2468: @lrrmtg_judge In honor of this set and a film, Mice!
RocknGrohlNerd: @Alex_Frostfire a Berd if you will
baneless27: trash technician for a racoon is an amazeing name xD
Anubis169: Snakes a close second, but all the ones in this set are scary :S
Technotrout: Squirrels all day long. Love Toski.
sallomon33: btw do I hear this right, or did the other break music track inspire the Road Quest theme? They sound very similar to me
MorganteMaggiore: no wait, paul was a criptic, not a critter, my bad
IaCthulhuFthagn: @LRRMTG_Judge Otter, same as before the set.
stsindre: Mouse Guard ftw ๐Ÿ’ช
Orxolon: @GredGredmansson cascade on enchanments?ok
Sarah_Serinde: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
CMDRNuffin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months, currently on a 60 month streak!
thylordy: All aminals are good
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CMDRNuffin! (Today's storm count: 100)
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL how come no lrrSLOTH representation in Bloomburrow? lrrAWW
nyoomgoom: @sallomon33 it was a track from the road quest soundtrack i think
alikaoz: Hey now. I've yet to see a bad pun by a judge here
BrowneePoints: cuz sloths are jungle creatures PAUL
nerhydas72: Yo this track is awesome
Boomyakalolo: @LoadingReadyRun they'll show up next set
Mr_Horrible: @LoadingReadyRun didn't make it to the casting call in time
midnight_0il: Sloths are so slow they'll be in the next set
Anubis169: Mr_Horrible: ๐Ÿ’ฏ
gluonquark: @LRRMTG_Judge this is otterly rediculous, obviously otters!
Technotrout: @LoadingReadyRun too lazy
squidpeanut: @loadingreadyrun they were too slow to make it
stsindre: A 1/1 sloth with Triple Strike?
laff_o_tron: Have we gotten the rules doc for bloom? Really want to know how gifting a card interacts with narset/notion thief
MorganteMaggiore: @LoadingReadyRun they will probably showup in the return to the plane
BrowneePoints: You canโ€™t have Sloths in a Seasonal Temperate climate. theyโ€™d DIE
nerhydas72: Is there a song command?
Elysiana89: is it over, or starting?
IaCthulhuFthagn: Sloths are not small woodland creatures, they are average size woodland creatures.
public_key_reveal_party: sloths are from the set I assume is coming up based on dante's inferno
Anubis169: nerhydas72: This is Big Giant Circles
squidpeanut: A sloth card should randomly show up in duskmorn
TXC2: Elysiana89 we;re on break
Artificer_Evan: @Elysiana89 between rounds
Elysiana89: tyvm
Decaped: Elemental Sloth was too dangerous for the set.
Anubis169: hello!
TXC2: and we're back
nerhydas72: @Anubis169 Thanks!
lyricthepossum: Lmao poor sloths
MorganteMaggiore: @public_key_reveal_party you mean conspiracy 3?
SmithKurosaki: I really like that lil\
Christopher: I like this deck so much better than the last two
Morrowcrow: Clem, Mabels husband is also a mouse
Pyre Dynasty: Hey now you're a squirrel now
JPVersus: I get that the Bloomburrow frogs "bounce" (get it?) but it would be fun if they got flying till end of turn, cause they "leap" (get it?)
RonnocLoki: given the ears is she not a rabbit?
Simriel: Loss should have 4 modes :P
Curio: Is this loss of draft?
kaziel0: @Elysiana89 Just on break. Or not on break anymore.
RandomTrivia: lrrCAMERON lrrHEART
AugmentingPath: lrrFRUMP
Fovulonkiin: haha
niccus: how dare you
Runewyse: Lols
maclenrac: What up yo
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man: wheelerCrat wheelerCrat wheelerCrat wheelerCrat wheelerCrat wheelerCrat
The_cake_of_lies: How dare you
matthaus_c: what did you just call me
Earthenone: !upgamers
Artificer_Evan: round 3!!
accountmadeforants: What's up gamers!
TXC2: Bloomberruh ?
MeagenImage: Cam sees me :)
shurtal: cam with the double down!
krfsm: bloorow
CalliopeThorn: Does anyone else smell the upgamers in here?
aussie_rob_w: it's us! we're gamers!
Tom_Bruise: 'sup motherffffrenchmen
BigZoz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
BigZoz: And he Doubles DOWN!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BigZoz! (Today's storm count: 101)
aussie_rob_w: oh no i'm feeling very loopy
Technotrout: No deck introductions?
RocknGrohlNerd: yes Iยดm kinda gamer. I feel welcomed
LadyAtarka: Lets go Trash Pandas!!!
maclenrac: Coon life
GredGredmansson: @laff_o_tron the gift is given as part of the spell resolving; so those should still interact with that as you want
cotillion1850 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
cotillion1850: Hello LRR sorry I forgot to use my Bezo's money last month but have it this month please
RandomTrivia: OH no
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cotillion1850! (Today's storm count: 102)
Jethrain: I haven't seen any bees here
Tyabann: we're in a loop!
Atiota: oh no theyre stuck in a loop
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
aussie_rob_w: that may be something to do with the fact that it's nearly 6 AM and I haven't slepped.
nyoomgoom: bless
pleonasticTautology: THANK YOU GRAHAM
razorswift: it's a draw we're stuck in a loop
Redpandarama: Raycoons!!
SnackPak_: a loop! Graham wins
titanprime231: lrrWHEELER lrrCAMERON lrrGRAHAM
jazzfox: Thank you for the bit XD
Foxmar320: cards cards cards
anonarat: Infinite loop
themercenary1987: Stuck in a loop!
Newbiespud: Okay, we've demonstrated the loop.
BatenicYork: i've demonstrated a loop
kaziel0: Thank you graham
northern_ronin42: Hard reset them, they got stuck in a loop.
Hansk_and_Boo: Its great to be hare
abslomdaak42: Oh no, they're stuck in a loop
gluonquark: we are stuck in a loop?
Diabore: they got stuck in a loop
Anubis169: ouch
Gekyouryuu: you WERE having a bit
SirPlumpy: oh thank god, we were in a loop lol
pleonasticTautology: great FF1 reference
public_key_reveal_party: we have demonstrated an infinite loop
tyrew0rm: stuck in a loop, MTGO must conceed
Leonhart321: Third base
maclenrac: Chomping a bit
Lycodrake: the loop broke
themightygerg: Break that cycle. Graham!
Plasterboard: loop breaker Graham! \o/
TXC2: pleonasticTautology easy on the all caps there
aussie_rob_w: thankyou Graham :D
TehAmelie: was that an 8-bit theater homage?
GredGredmansson: "casts Lightning Bolt to break the loop"
Greg1756: @TXC2 Bloomburrah for the Aussies
Dothewhatnow: dave spokesman plays magic: i LIKE cards
pleonasticTautology: @TXC2 sorry
Anubis169: sure was
TheWarbo: Graham with the 8bit
CastleOtranto: Aw fudge, I can't believe I forgot about this.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Cameron and Wheeler have demonstrated a loop. Graham must concede.
malfnord: There is the theory of the mobus
TXC2: Greg1756 ah of course
aussie_rob_w: Bloomburra!
GredGredmansson: @TehAmelie Welcome to Corneria!
JeysieC: Infinite damage combo blocked
MurphEP: Wheeler lost a die roll?
laff_o_tron: @gredgredmansson nothing good comes with this knowledge. But this is good
TehAmelie: I like swords!
public_key_reveal_party: that is a pretty forest
Anubis169: that forest is BEAUTIFUL
Sandeon: Cam and Wheeler were demonstrating a loop, and Graham interrupted it and broke their loop
MorganteMaggiore: good choice good choice
SirLoinOfBeef_: Bolas's Tanukis
accountmadeforants: That deck name, poor Wheeler
invalidCards: Powerful magic
steelwind47: Cameron, don't be rude
cotillion1850: I briefly had the stream on two screens that was VERY disorenting
RocknGrohlNerd: @MurphEP did he? smh
spookittyAsh: Bloomburrow Wheeler be like, "Thank you for having me, it's good to beaver."
rogue6119: Thanks guys, it's great to have cards!
LRRbot: Bark-Knuckle Boxer [1G] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Berserker [3/2] | Whenever you expend 4, Bark-Knuckle Boxer gains indestructible until end of turn.
foopoiuyt: Racoons mean we're closer to qwerpline universes beyond.
Caryotip: powerfull magic
Diabore: @MurphEP wasnt on camera, seems sus
arkhamrefugee: Move to rename Flash Moose to "Canadian Ambush"
Technotrout: nice lands, Graham
BrowneePoints: Ope Iโ€™m betting. Graham has Muerra
viowof: oh man Wheeler playing unsleeved
TXC2: Graham on Dank ruggintons ?
LRRbot: Blooming Blast [1R] | Instant | Gift a Treasure / Blooming Blast deals 2 damage to target creature. If the gift was promised, Blooming Blast also deals 3 damage to that creature's controller.
fireeclipse007 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fireeclipse007! (Today's storm count: 103)
howlinglotus: First Round KO
JeysieC: Those land arts Graham's got are amazing.
Halinn: Is Bark-Knuckle Boxer Canlander playable?
Mr_Horrible: nice flammable armor, idiot Kappa
public_key_reveal_party: @foopoiuyt you're not allowed to suggest something I want that bad
LRRbot: Heaped Harvest [2G] | Artifact โ€” Food | When Heaped Harvest enters and when you sacrifice it, you may search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice Heaped Harvest: You gain 3 life.
ArcticAtlantic: the shine on Graham's forest is very cool
Larkonus: Oof, Graham with the amazing basic lands. Those look great.
Mr_Horrible: I love this card
The_cake_of_lies: I really like this card
super731: very excited to play this in pauper
LRRbot: Forest | Basic Land โ€” Forest |
MorganteMaggiore: i just noticed there a not "duck folks" so no joke about rabbit vs duck season
sallomon33: @foopoiuyt well, we already got that hasty goat in MKM, so there are even more candidates already there!
foopoiuyt: @public_key_reveal_party I'm trying to will it into existence.
50keyz: wow thtas a cool card
Caryotip: food ramp
raulghoulia: dang. this card's sweet
Bugberry: 5 mana to gain 3 life and ramp 2 sounds good.
LRRbot: Thought-Stalker Warlock [2B] | Creature โ€” Lizard Warlock [2/2] | Menace / When Thought-Stalker Warlock enters, choose target opponent. If they lost life this turn, they reveal their hand, you choose a nonland card from it, and they discard that card. Otherwise, they discard a card.
The_cake_of_lies: They have been making great 3 mana ramp spells lately
jazzfox: @Larkonus Unfinity lands need more love <3
maclenrac: nice
IaCthulhuFthagn: "[...] you may search your library for a basic land card, put it onto tapped, then shuffle."
CmdrMadMoe: have other lands from main sets had characters on them before?
TXC2: so it's Greif? Kappa
IaCthulhuFthagn: With the new templating.
IaCthulhuFthagn: Keepo
Mr_Horrible: really enjoy that all the lizards seem to be either pogging or laughing maniacally
AugmentingPath: thoughtseizer warlock
LRRbot: Mountain | Basic Land โ€” Mountain |
MedliKupo: i hope we see at least one otter deck
SmithKurosaki: @CmdrMadMoe Ixalan had castaway Jace on them iirc
CmdrMadMoe: neat
00gogo00: what's a shufflecat
MorganteMaggiore: i really like the one duress that check the top of library
maclenrac: sweet season lands
kynelwynn: seasonal full arts
Angreed66: Notably this can backfire if they only have lands
TXC2: 00gogo00 racoon
GredGredmansson: Gruul Flash incoming
Diabore: @SmithKurosaki good ol "stupid island"
Bugberry: I've noticed a lack of birds and otters in these games.
RocknGrohlNerd: @00gogo00 a racoon
00gogo00: I have never heard that
BrowneePoints: the seasonal lands are so good
Anubis169: MedliKupo: it'll be in the otter matches on the otter table over there :P
LRRbot: Stickytongue Sentinel [2G] | Creature โ€” Frog Warrior [3/3] | Reach / When Stickytongue Sentinel enters, return up to one other target permanent you control to its owner's hand.
raulghoulia: I was curious so I looked it up. there are 6 lizard wizards in magic
nan_de_mo_nai: oh noey
RandomTrivia: forg
TXC2: 00gogo00 it's an Ian-ism that has spread to LRR
public_key_reveal_party: @00gogo00 it is only a LRR thing, i think from qwrpline
Mr_Horrible: I legitimately cannot remember if "Shufflecat" was already slang or if it really did come from that QWRP episode
M0D3Uz: @LoadingReadyRun are any of you planning comming to commandfest in London?
Diabore: whats etb? this just e's
MorganteMaggiore: the value
invalidCards: but it doesn't ETB anymore
nerhydas72: Good name to use for a future Crack-a-Pack
BrowneePoints: chat donโ€™t be pedants. wheeler will elbow drop you
GredGredmansson: there's no rules change that's just being unhelpfully pedantic
Bugberry: Just like CMC, the fact that people needed an acronym likely indicates why the shortening was a good choice.
thylordy: From what height?
AugmentingPath: when it comes into play
GredGredmansson: ah yes, Red, the color of lifegain
gluonquark: there is no red artifact in the set
thatonefergie: He's got flask elk mana now
Caryotip: right now ETBs are just Es, that s gonna be weird
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
public_key_reveal_party: I love that art so much
DarkMorford: @BrowneePoints Is his pedantometer going off again?
Anubis169: never underestimate the damage of a flying teapot full of fresh tea
Vampyre_Lord: @Caryotip why is it weird?
SirLoinOfBeef_: Molotov herbal tea blend
SmashTCG: The black one would be poisoned pie
Anubis169: (personal experience)
MorganteMaggiore: it's tea time motherbusser
AugmentingPath: Bugberry on other hand, "mana value" and "enter" are both longer to type that CMC and ETB
BrowneePoints: people still shortcut cmc, donโ€™t be butts
LRRbot: Longstalk Brawl [G] | Sorcery | Gift a tapped Fish / Choose target creature you control and target creature you don't control. Put a +1/+1 counter on the creature you control if the gift was promised. Then those creatures fight each other.
ccctonelarone: in the words of saffron olive "e just doesnt work"
Gekyouryuu: it is itself the 4 this turn, so it can't trigger currently
Iluvatardis: graham expended 4
BrowneePoints: that badger got BONKED
super731: froge
LRRbot: Junkblade Bruiser [3{R/G}{R/G}] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Berserker [4/5] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, Junkblade Bruiser gets +2/+1 until end of turn.
DapperKoala2: It's going to take me awhile to replace "ETB" with "enters." I still find myself saying "CMC" instead of "mana value."
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Caryotip "When [THIS] drops E. [...]"
BrowneePoints: That ART
GredGredmansson: @Iluvatardis correct; before the card that cares about it entered
call_me_Aras: Doesn't Graham's creature get a counter
Mr_Horrible: I love when Omar paints trees
TXC2: Racoonserker
Mr_Horrible: Stingmoggie, my beloved
RandomTrivia: "Enters" is fewer syllables than saying "ETB" out in full
00gogo00: @call_me_Aras only if he gives fish
Quon84: forgotten text? He was supposed to gift a fish
call_me_Aras: @00gogo00 Aah
MehallD: @DapperKoala2 It's only in like the last 2 years I stopped saying "Comes into Play" as the default
GredGredmansson: @call_me_Aras graham didn't gift
Iluvatardis: @GredGredmansson funny enough, my mistake was misreading the mana cost. i thought it was 2R.
Quon84: Gift a fish to fight target creature
Simriel: Cameron Plz
Pyre Dynasty: Dude I just realized we get loss in the set with offspring as a key mechanic
LRRbot: Bark-Knuckle Boxer [1G] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Berserker [3/2] | Whenever you expend 4, Bark-Knuckle Boxer gains indestructible until end of turn.
LRRbot: Blooming Blast [1R] | Instant | Gift a Treasure / Blooming Blast deals 2 damage to target creature. If the gift was promised, Blooming Blast also deals 3 damage to that creature's controller.
LRRbot: Heaped Harvest [2G] | Artifact โ€” Food | When Heaped Harvest enters and when you sacrifice it, you may search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / {2โ€ฆ
LRRbot: Forest | Basic Land โ€” Forest |
LRRbot: Thought-Stalker Warlock [2B] | Creature โ€” Lizard Warlock [2/2] | Menace / When Thought-Stalker Warlock enters, choose target opponent. If they lost life this turn, they reveal their hand, you choose โ€ฆ
LRRbot: Mountain | Basic Land โ€” Mountain |
LRRbot: Stickytongue Sentinel [2G] | Creature โ€” Frog Warrior [3/3] | Reach / When Stickytongue Sentinel enters, return up to one other target permanent you control to its owner's hand.
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
LRRbot: Longstalk Brawl [G] | Sorcery | Gift a tapped Fish / Choose target creature you control and target creature you don't control. Put a +1/+1 counter on the creature you control if the gift was promisedโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Junkblade Bruiser [3{R/G}{R/G}] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Berserker [4/5] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, Junkblade Bruiser gets +2/+1 until end of turn.
fele_of_Cardmarket: @RandomTrivia not if you say it in a pirate voice tho
MorganteMaggiore: it's like those cards that say "second spell this turn", it does not count itself unfortunate but fair
LRRbot: Hearthborn Battler [2R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Warlock [2/3] | Haste / Whenever a player casts their second spell each turn, Hearthborn Battler deals 2 damage to target opponent.
Sarah_Serinde: Chat calm down about etb, it looked to me like one or two people making a joke, not being pedantic. It's a new change and it's gonna take some getting used to, and people are going to riff on it
Sarah_Serinde: If you're not being a jerk to other people it's fine
Mr_Horrible: this card is such a bruising
RandomTrivia: @fele_of_Cardmarket If you want to pronounce it as "ent-arrrrrrrs" then be my guest
LRRbot: Polliwallop [3G] | Instant | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each Frog you control. / Target creature you control deals damage equal to twice its power to target creature you don't control.
Anubis169: I love that name
Mr_Horrible: "I play lots? You take 2. You play lots? You take 2."
Koshindan: Frog Fighters
JRandomHacker: G with the "All Bear Straight Punch" deck
Stellio_Cantos: jazz hands
Decaped: what a turn!
Scarbble: big turn
thanatoscar: gruul doing gruul things
thylordy: Polliwhollop is such a good name.
GredGredmansson: tomFist OSFrog
as_ever_ellesandra: none cards left beef
thatonefergie: None cards left beef
Bruceski: Big Tern is a different card
Mr_Horrible: season of loss inc
LazyPizzaGamer: isn't expend creatures only?
SentinelStormer: Wowza Graham is loaded with removal
Gekyouryuu: big tern? but neither of them are playing birds
nan_de_mo_nai: reprint mind twist into standard, cowards
GredGredmansson: @LazyPizzaGamer spells only
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you control.
Stellio_Cantos: they should replace the term hellbent with jazz hands
Gekyouryuu: bunny ribbit!
SirLoinOfBeef_: frabbit
BrowneePoints: Racc Attack jeez
TXC2: "and what noise does a big tern make?" Backstreet boys!"
LRRMTG_Judge: @LazyPizzaGamer only cares about spells. pharma2Vial
RocknGrohlNerd: @SirLoinOfBeef_ thank you
LRRbot: Hunter's Talent [1G] | Enchantment โ€” Class | When Hunter's Talent enters, target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature you don't control. / {1}{G}: Level 2 / Whenever you attack, target attacking creature gets +1/+0 and gains trample until end of turn. / {3}{G}: Level 3 / At the beginning of your end step, if you control a creature with power 4 or greater, draw a card.
TheM8: trigger
TheM8: yea
Bugberry: And Ben takes 2
Anubis169: yo, a levelled card
BrowneePoints: @txc2 a Ternโ€ฆAn Arctic Ternโ€ฆ
Gekyouryuu: @TXC2 no, that's an ARCTIC tern. a BIG tern says "N'SYNC!"
Mr_Horrible: love hunter's talent
TXC2: BrowneePoints Gekyouryuu :D
thylordy: I love the Talents. Glad to see classes back
Diabore: chat wait for them to miss the trigger before calling it out
GredGredmansson: love that classes are back
LRRbot: Bakersbane Duo [1G] | Creature โ€” Squirrel Raccoon [2/2] | When Bakersbane Duo enters, create a Food token. / Whenever you expend 4, Bakersbane Duo gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
GredGredmansson: this is almost certainly a prelude for even more classes in Final Fantasy
raulghoulia: @GredGredmansson fr fr
The_cake_of_lies: I did not expect to see Class cards in this set but am happy nontheless
nan_de_mo_nai: the bane of the bakers
sallomon33: Hunter's Talent seems like another of these uncommon bombs we've been getting recently in limited, it just does so much
level5chronicles: second spell was cast by ben
Anubis169: ๐Ÿ‘€
kaziel0: OMG that card was adorable!
Anubis169: manAWW
TXC2: remember chat
TXC2: !relaxed
LRRbot: REL:Axed or Rules Enforcement level relaxed means we try to let the cards do what they are supposed to do, and not punish players for their mistakes. While we all try to follow the rules these cards are brand new to everyone and mistakes will be made, just sit back and enjoy the stream.
AugmentingPath: sadly, food is not expensive
thylordy: Oh my God, you're right, Gred
tehfewl: Hermit Druid Twitter mentioned
kaziel0: (arguably, that will be... most of the cards in this entire format)
GredGredmansson: @level5chronicles Wheeler knew and was triggered
as_ever_ellesandra: @level5chronicles yup the damage was already taken
nan_de_mo_nai: great googly moogly
MorganteMaggiore: i wish the would had put "class" in the name in AFR and used a diffrent type name, but eh, whatever i hope they have enough set when they can put classes
Mr_Horrible: Welcome back Morsel Theft
Bugberry: @GredGredmansson and like Tom Bombadil caring about Sagas, likely a legend that cares about Classes.
Lobo_Apache: What a delicious looking reward
public_key_reveal_party: @AugmentingPath this game is so unrealistic
Trymantha: @level5chronicles yes he was on 11 and now he is on 9
AugmentingPath: @public_key_reveal_party yeahh
GredGredmansson: @Bugberry Bartz. FF5 cared most about classes.
LRRbot: Thought-Stalker Warlock [2B] | Creature โ€” Lizard Warlock [2/2] | Menace / When Thought-Stalker Warlock enters, choose target opponent. If they lost life this turn, they reveal their hand, you choose a nonland card from it, and they discard that card. Otherwise, they discard a card.
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL BLB food gives the vibes of the Red Wall books spending 5 pages describing each feast :p
Caryotip: took his jerb
LRRMTG_Judge: the life totals are correct. pharma2Vial
raulghoulia: @GredGredmansson oh, you have made my day
Anubis169: GredGredmansson: Bartz or Butz?
Bugberry: @GredGredmansson doesn't the Onion Knight from FF care about mastering lots of jobs?
GredGredmansson: @Anubis169 depends on what version you got
wulfram77: Got a graveyard for forage anyway
Gekyouryuu: immediately topdecks a forage card?
Dothewhatnow: @LoadingReadyRun Redwall was just prepping us for the Food Wars anime with how they described their feasts
maclenrac: Draws forage card
GredGredmansson: @Bugberry i'll be honestly i don't know much FF before 5
LRRbot: Feed the Cycle [1B] | Instant | As an additional cost to cast this spell, forage or pay {B}. / Destroy target creature or planeswalker.
BrowneePoints: feed the cycle is not okay
Diabore: @GredGredmansson good choice tbh
Decaped: 8 drop? oooooo
Bugberry: @GredGredmansson same, I just know Bravely Default has lots of oldschool callbacks to that era.
MorganteMaggiore: is james in the building?
maclenrac: forrest card
Anubis169: jebus, destroy planeswalker?
Mr_Horrible: even the *critters* get Better Hero's Downfall, we're truly living in 2024
red_shoes_jeff: @LoadingReadyRun I was just thinking about that, yeah...
Pharmacistjudge: Bravely Default has a pharmacist in the Salve-maker, so it has my vote
Mr_Horrible: well, I guess this one can be Spell Snare'd, so that's something
yargle: theman20Lands theman20Lands
SquareDotCube: what if it's the Wilhelm Scream?
Gekyouryuu: Graham clearly representing Moose
GredGredmansson: my FF knowledge is 5-7, 9, a little bit of 8/10 via KH, and unsorted memes
grizzlybeer40: If your opponent is having fun you're playing magic wrong
Anubis169: Look at my laaaaaaand, my land is amaaaaaaazing~~
Bugberry: @Pharmacistjudge I loved the Merchant since they have big hats and throw money everywhere.
finnniklas1510: What's the level up card? Missed it being played
TehAmelie: i guess FF9 doesn't count where each PC just is stuck with their own personal mostly unique class skills
fele_of_Cardmarket: It took me a while but now I finally got that artwork... yikes
zook_ningel: @finnniklas1510 hunters talent
Anubis169: finnniklas1510: Hunter's Talent
MorganteMaggiore: i just noticed there are no guests, any reason? in any case love to se more of the llr folks, so nice
GredGredmansson: !card Hunter's Taent
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
LRRbot: Tender Wildguide [1G] | Creature โ€” Possum Druid [2/2] | Offspring {2} / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / {T}: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.
The_cake_of_lies: !card Hunter's talent
LRRbot: Hunter's Talent [1G] | Enchantment โ€” Class | When Hunter's Talent enters, target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature you don't control. / {1}{G}: Level 2 / Whenever you attack, target attacking creature gets +1/+0 and gains trample until end of turn. / {3}{G}: Level 3 / At the beginning of your end step, if you control a creature with power 4 or greater, draw a card.
RandomTrivia: D'awwwww
RandomTrivia: The babyyyy
finnniklas1510: Thank you
AllTheWeasels: oh! baaaaaby
super731: good baby
SydPreviouslyHeadache: Possom! Woo!
Swaggerstickbyaah: baby
sallomon33: wittle babby!
fele_of_Cardmarket: this might be the cutest yet
ArmstrongRGM96X subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
ArmstrongRGM96X: Ah, there it is. Missing the sub-a-thon by roughly 24 hours lmao
CrossXhunteR: just a little baby
Sage0fMadness: Tenderized Wildguide
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArmstrongRGM96X! (Today's storm count: 104)
SentinelStormer: That may be my favorite offspring omg
mysteenova157: It's sooo cute!
MorganteMaggiore: is offspring "child support"?
RandomTrivia: With the little tiny stick!
TXC2: widdle babo
zook_ningel: @Sage0fMadness now why would you say that
Greys N. Owman: The bruiserโ€™s art has big Lorwyn energy
LRRbot: Hearthborn Battler [2R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Warlock [2/3] | Haste / Whenever a player casts their second spell each turn, Hearthborn Battler deals 2 damage to target opponent.
LRRbot: Polliwallop [3G] | Instant | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each Frog you control. / Target creature you control deals damage equal to twice its power to target creature you don't control.
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you coโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Hunter's Talent [1G] | Enchantment โ€” Class | When Hunter's Talent enters, target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature you don't control. / {1}{G}: Level 2 / Wheneveโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Bakersbane Duo [1G] | Creature โ€” Squirrel Raccoon [2/2] | When Bakersbane Duo enters, create a Food token. / Whenever you expend 4, Bakersbane Duo gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
LRRbot: Thought-Stalker Warlock [2B] | Creature โ€” Lizard Warlock [2/2] | Menace / When Thought-Stalker Warlock enters, choose target opponent. If they lost life this turn, they reveal their hand, you choose โ€ฆ
Justin : I took a 140mg edible and this happened to be on. Most intense pre prerelease Iโ€™ve ever seen lol
LRRbot: Feed the Cycle [1B] | Instant | As an additional cost to cast this spell, forage or pay {B}. / Destroy target creature or planeswalker.
LRRbot: Tender Wildguide [1G] | Creature โ€” Possum Druid [2/2] | Offspring {2} / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / {T}: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.
Simriel: I love Shufflecat, that never gets old
The_cake_of_lies: Probably my favorite offspring token
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you control.
JoeSubject: Good eatin' on one them..
SirLoinOfBeef_: big "AAA" little "aaa"
bobAkirafett: @MorganteMaggiore ppr kinda snuck up on everyone, and the subathon
NornsFelidar: it's a quartet!
hd_dabnado: a second treeguard duo has hit the field
MorganteMaggiore: @bobAkirafett fair, i guessed something like that, but just checking
Ukon_Cairns: i think i like mana mole more, but mana possum has child. tough choices.
TehAmelie: is it just me or does Treeguard Duo feel a lot like Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn?
TXC2: menace, trample, menample
GredGredmansson: uhoh
MorganteMaggiore: @TXC2 not tremplace?
baneless27: lizzard has vigialnce?
Gekyouryuu: @TXC2 ample men
GredGredmansson: i know what's coming
The_cake_of_lies: Hunter's Talent putting in work
LRRbot: Take Out the Trash [1R] | Instant | Take Out the Trash deals 3 damage to target creature or planeswalker. If you control a Raccoon, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card.
SydPreviouslyHeadache: just realized, i'm going to have to make some changes to my R/G Human Boar mana dork deck
GredGredmansson: @baneless27 from the frog rabbit yes
TehAmelie: menarche! no wait
TXC2: Gekyouryuu yeah you get it
Incarnate5: Did I miss the first giveaway?
baneless27: thx gred!
Mr_Horrible: the Golgari player saying "please stop drawing removal" is a very Pot Kettle Moment
Gekyouryuu: @Incarnate5 yes
TXC2: Incarnate5 yes, but there will be another
zook_ningel: @Mr_Horrible yes it already hapened
Laserbeaks_Fury: Did they reprint Feign Death for the Possums?
GredGredmansson: aw
fele_of_Cardmarket: How do you like them menamples?
TXC2: fele_of_Cardmarket :D
SydPreviouslyHeadache: @Laserbeaks_Fury sadly they did not, that'd be really good though
sallomon33: @Laserbeaks_Fury sadly no, probably becuase they're not one of the supported creature types in the set
AugmentingPath: olympic podium blocker ordering
brieandbacon: @fele_of_Cardmarket I prefer amplemen, but beggars can't be choosers
LRRbot: Agate-Blade Assassin [1B] | Creature โ€” Lizard Assassin [1/3] | Whenever Agate-Blade Assassin attacks, defending player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
MorganteMaggiore: "no fatheeeeeeeer"
SirLoinOfBeef_: Agate? Which gate?
Stavaro : Why does Benjamin play without sleeves? You can hear him bend the cards, is this a thing now because he does it since a few Pre Pre releases
CalliopeThorn: That possum has a revenge arc now.
MorganteMaggiore: @SirLoinOfBeef_ not the witch gate, the warlock one
GredGredmansson: @Stavaro its his cards he can do what he wants
fele_of_Cardmarket: @brieandbacon there should be more like you! lrrSHINE LUL
Anubis169: OUCH
thanatoscar: i am possum montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die
TheM8: ow
Diabore: mwap
macintose: And yet so far
Gekyouryuu: mawp
Blip2004: mawp
Foxmar320: wow
MikaelFoxy: mwap
invalidCards: ouch
Tom_Bruise: BWAH
Mr_Bitterness: Mawp
SquareDotCube: s'mawp
Mr_Horrible: oof, that was a rubbed mic
TylerBrave: thine ears
TXC2: CHAT down!
Jigokuro: bitterShook
red_shoes_jeff: mawp
yargle: theman20Lands SMOrc
RandomTrivia: Ben "Real Estate" Wheeler over here
spiffinn: to annoy chat
maclenrac: landlord
sallomon33: jeez
Tom_Bruise: Who ate their microphone just now?!
bojuka_pog: Mawp
TehAmelie: Wheeler feels the call of the wild
SmashTCG: Mawp
Gekyouryuu: @RandomTrivia Wheel Estate
RandomTrivia: Ben *has* drawn 2 cards a turn for the last however long
Runewyse: Apply fabric directly to the aural canal
sallomon33: if only Wheeler had that mythic bear lol
Pharmacistjudge: graham is error?
GredGredmansson: card has text
fishjellyfishjelly: just came back from a break, jesus how many lands is that
RogueRaile: Yay
JRandomHacker: I was going to say "it's a reader" but it's the PPR - most of them are readers
Ravynn: Ack
razorswift: ooow
invalidCards: augh
Gekyouryuu: mawp again
GredGredmansson: 12 lands for wheeler, 8 for graham
AugmentingPath: careful the mic
TylerBrave: someone be rubbing mic
nan_de_mo_nai: auuuugh my ear bones
Diabore: feels like its grahams mic
TheM8: who is doing that?
RocknGrohlNerd: @Pharmacistjudge surely the full text forest :D
ShifuDaxiongmao: Graham with the "did I really put this in my deck?" expression :D
MorganteMaggiore: mic 5? i think?
JRandomHacker: @GredGredmansson G has two in the bin too
RandomTrivia: Sounds like a loose connector, rather than rubbing
Anubis169: yeah it does
yargle: @RandomTrivia MVGame
LRRbot: Rust-Shield Rampager [3G] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [4/4] | Offspring {2} / This creature can't be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less.
Anubis169: yargle: manMVG
vinopinguino: aww
vinopinguino: look at that lil guy
Foxmar320: The art in this set is so good!
Bugberry: There is a Red pseudo-pyroclasm in this set.
kaziel0: @JRandomHacker "most of them are readers" just feels like a lot of cards these days in general. *shrugs*
zook_ningel: land 14 lol
TXC2: when are they gonna keyword that cant be blocked ?
dooppatrol subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
dooppatrol: Love this set, love lrr!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dooppatrol! (Today's storm count: 105)
AugmentingPath: how many lands are you playing? Kappa
IaCthulhuFthagn: @RandomTrivia Or a damaged wire.
BatenicYork: that little raccoon is so mad :)
GredGredmansson: @Bugberry yeah the one that you can give something to deal 1 extra damage to a thing
kynelwynn: That Class card did a kot of work
yargle: fireball for 7? Kappa
JRandomHacker: @TXC2 That'd shorten Questing Beast's text by like 5%!
LRRbot: Roughshod Duo [2R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Raccoon [3/2] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains trample until end of turn.
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you coโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Take Out the Trash [1R] | Instant | Take Out the Trash deals 3 damage to target creature or planeswalker. If you control a Raccoon, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card.
LRRbot: Agate-Blade Assassin [1B] | Creature โ€” Lizard Assassin [1/3] | Whenever Agate-Blade Assassin attacks, defending player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
Rin: ayo which turn are we on?
Greys N. Owman: Mawp
SmithKurosaki: Match one of round 3 I believe. Wheeler has something that let him ramp hard I think
LRRbot: Rust-Shield Rampager [3G] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [4/4] | Offspring {2} / This creature can't be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less.
RandomTrivia: @IaCthulhuFthagn It's the sound of a piece of copper being discontinuous, somewhere :D
Jigokuro: MAWP again
TXC2: JRandomHacker great, we can add more then Kappa
Anubis169: does somebody have a loose connection to their lapel mic?
LRRbot: Wildfire Howl [1RR] | Sorcery | Gift a card / Wildfire Howl deals 2 damage to each creature. If the gift was promised, instead Wildfire Howl deals 1 damage to any target and 2 damage to each creature.
Bugberry: There it is
Swaggerstickbyaah: that class card is doing work
TylerBrave: mic goes mawp
MorganteMaggiore: @JRandomHacker not a small discount
MrPipboy3000: @TXC2 I hope that they call it Around ... just have to be careful of templating if it also has Reach ...
UltraVioletVodoo: sombyds mic is having issue
GredGredmansson: oo that's so good
LoadingReadyRun: sorry folks, just trying to figure out which mic it is coming from
TXC2: MrPipboy3000 oh you :p
GrassVortex: nice move
Anubis169: manYES
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks Paul
Anubis169: Praise tech!
TheUncannyGirl: Any chance that damaged microphone ๐ŸŽค could be replaced? I don't want to blow a speaker to continue watching.
LRRbot: Galewind Moose [4GG] | Creature โ€” Elemental Elk [6/6] | Flash / Vigilance, reach, trample
RandomTrivia: Thanks Paul!
nan_de_mo_nai: MOOSEC
super731: ty paul
PhormDjinni: moooooose
yargle: LUL Rekt
RandomTrivia: WELP
CrossXhunteR: get moosed
GredGredmansson: MOOSE
GrassVortex: oof extraLUL
TXC2: no worries Paul
ArcticAtlantic: ahahahaha ohnooooooooo
WrightJustice: LUL
control_rig: Dreadmoose
Dog_of_Myth: MOOSe
Dmc3628: get Canada'd
tyrew0rm: MOOOSE
RixtonSnek: moose'd
Owlslayer: moose.
Nameless_Sword: ouch
vinopinguino: DAMn
Sage0fMadness: Mooooose
RAZRBCK08: Our first Moose
SlyMaster9: The moose is loose
thatonefergie: MOOSE
gluonquark: MOOSEEEEEEE
Leonhart321: Moosed
jevinmor: MOOSE
kaziel0: Oof.
nan_de_mo_nai: graham immediately moosed
tehfewl: imagine not seeing a moose coming
LazyGogma: Vamoose'd
GrocerySaur: MOOSED
Sarah_Serinde: @TheUncannyGirl They're working on it
gryfyn1: gift of Moose!
Easilycrazyhat: That's an uncommon ?!
Icarus865: Why does the moose have flash?
gameslayer013: MOOOOSSSEEEE
The_cake_of_lies: Graham did warn us about it before
Viewers_Like_You: Galewind Moose is on the loose
Goboxel: True canadian experience
Abavus: Absolutely moosed out
thanatoscar: canadian win
AugmentingPath: graham's mic wire is sad
math_magics: Gift a moose
johnobriant: Mousse!
MorganteMaggiore: flashing beast
googoltudoris: you got moosed
nerdsta82: lrrSCOOP lrrSCOOP lrrSCOOP lrrSCOOP lrrSCOOP lrrSCOOP lrrSCOOP
Boomyakalolo: green moos giant snake standard confirmed
vinopinguino: you should never look a gift Moose in the mouth
level5chronicles: love me sum chocolate moose
kaziel0: mOOF!
Senseiwoo: MOOSE
BrowneePoints: cuz itโ€™s an elemental moose
gluonquark: GOT MOOSED!
super731: m o o s e
Redpandarama: alas moose beat raccoons
Bugberry: @Icarus865 have you seen how fast they can be?
SlyMaster9: That moose will kill so many players in limited
th3_wildcard: Colossal Dreadmoose
alikaoz: The canadian ending
ArcticAtlantic: immediately regretting promises feels flavourful in some way
arkhamrefugee: MOOSE ATTACK
falgar_: Ooof, I anticipate that being the end of many games of Bloomburrow!
call_me_Aras: You could say the moose... was let loose
Jon_CoffeeRobot: you don't wanna see my mic where my hip be at
GredGredmansson: !card Colossal Dreadmoose
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
ChaoticObserver: Moose with Flash? I find it hard to believe a Moose can hide that it is coming
TXC2: arkhamrefugee easy on the all caps please
Swaggerstickbyaah: Do I hear hoofbeats?
maclenrac: Radio silence
DoodlestheGreat: Try turning it off then back on again.
TheM8: thanks paul!
codatski: Thank you Paul!
RAZRBCK08: Thanks Paul
GrassVortex: @ChaoticObserver they move *fast* in the forest :D
Pharmacistjudge: marshallELMER marshallELMER marshallELMER
MeagenImage: Set so good tey've been struck speechless
Stellio_Cantos: this kind of tech adjustment is what I'm here for.
finestotter: That was scary
Swaggerstickbyaah: We need an orca card
JosVanTongeren: thanks Paul!
GredGredmansson: !card Galewind Moose
LRRbot: Galewind Moose [4GG] | Creature โ€” Elemental Elk [6/6] | Flash / Vigilance, reach, trample
spiffinn: moose can go fast
KodeMage: running right into it
foopoiuyt: A Mรธรธse once bit my sister
krfsm: very easily
control_rig: Very true Cam, very true
RandomTrivia: You know when people hit a moose? They say "it came out of nowhere!"
JusticeJuice: Gravity?
Anubis169: because it's a living frieght train?
Tom_Bruise: moose are fast, man
cthulhudude23: Megafauna=mega sneaky
Omega_Orion: I got surprised by a moose in the middle of a lake
Tom_Bruise: and great swimmers, apparently
TehAmelie: "can't be blocked except by", or CBBEB. . .we can just make the keyword "cebeb"
goosevonkaiser: moose moves caboose quickly
finestotter: Forests are thick, and moose are quick
Anubis169: snowbanks mean nothing to it
ShifuDaxiongmao: by being too focused on the dangers of canadian geese :P
twitchysmile: Hi LRRfriends, back from an amazing day out with friends here in the U.K. and happy to come back and spending a couple of hours catching some PPR!
red_shoes_jeff: SingsNote Suddenly MOOSE!
level5chronicles: loose that moose
TXC2: hello twitchysmile welcome
DudelidouX: coming from my hunting friends moose make surprisingly little sound when walking.
RealGamerCow: Thats like people trying to hug the bison in the US.
malfnord: A problem with an obvious solution
ExachixKitsune: you need to.. moose out of the way
SlyMaster9: 6/6 with 4 of the most relevant keywords seems veeeeery busted in limited. Even at 6 mana
Anubis169: twitchysmile: welcome back in <3
Jigokuro: love the 'invincible moose' road signs.
Anubis169: gret you had a lovely day out!
lashura07: Who would win in a fight a bison or a moose?
rogue6119: I'm always surprised by Bullwinkle!
RandomTrivia: Oh nooooooo
control_rig: Oh noooo
MorganteMaggiore: i got surprised by a boar family, quite cute... kinda dangerous, but really cute
TXC2: lashura07 moose
stippledotter: "Sir, please step away from the extant megafauna"
Sunidesus: just saw a video today of a Mom moose trying to convince her baby to go across a road. It was quite adorable (and thankfully all the people in cars behaved themselves and were patient)
loufghyslaufey: Moose
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man: i was on a 4 mile hike in the woods and on the path comes along a momma moose and 2 lil kid moose. the most terrifying experience of my life
brieandbacon: My understanding is that if you think "Hey, is that a moose?", then it's a deer. If you think "What the HELL is that?!", then it's a moose
Mal2mad: I starring to believe all canadians have a variation of this story, I've heard it so much.
SmashTCG: That happened near me in Lake Louise with a grizzly
loufghyslaufey: What are we 'Moose' for?
Easilycrazyhat: Don't mess with bears, y'all
math_magics: rude to black bears
SmithKurosaki: Wow WHeeler
RealGamerCow: I have a neighborhood blackbear, and kid
JosVanTongeren: nom nom nom human meat
Foxmar320: If bear then NOPE. Just NOPE
TXC2: remember: there is no animal on earth that can beat a bear one on one
RocknGrohlNerd: was it bad news bear?
BrowneePoints: black bears donโ€™t like people and can be scared off
FixTheJames: A nurse I met once said a Texas trucker who hit a moose in Newfoundland called them "Swamp Donkeys" and I've never agreed more.
SentinelStormer: Rude to the Best Bear
Laserbeaks_Fury: A Sweedish man crashes into a tree. What causes the accident?
maltbeverage: black bears are huge chillers
Dog_of_Myth: All bears are bad news
Tom_Bruise: from what I've gathered, black bears are just giant dogs
SirPlumpy: I could take a black bear in a fight :)
Anubis169: I've seen a moose charge through a snowdrift like it was fog...
loufghyslaufey: Any... LRR-MOOSE Emotes, Sub-a-thons?
SydPreviouslyHeadache: if not fried, why friend shaped
Viewers_Like_You: Black bears are merely very dangerous
Anubis169: they are scaaaaaaaaaary
ShifuDaxiongmao: Wheeler has experiences with bears?
AugmentingPath: get behind the black bear, mash r1
SmashTCG: It was a mother grizzly too
Bugberry: Sun Bears are the real pushovers.
The_cake_of_lies: I just don't mess with animals in general and it hasn't failed me yet
gluonquark: still choose the bear over the man
IaCthulhuFthagn: @ChaoticObserver As someone who have stumbled upon moose several times (once ending up between a cow and her calf... that was not great)... they are pretty well camouflaged.
TribblesFoxfolk: A bear is a bear; don't mess with it. They are not there to take selfies with, they are wild animals.
Mr_Horrible: Black Bears are the ones that are actually scared of you standing on a picnic table
twitchysmile: Unless the momma has kids, then you better look out
KodeMage: polar bears are car sized, like minivan sized
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Mal2mad: Black bears are the reasonable ones
MrPipboy3000: I know they aren't technicall bears, but I could kick the shit out of a Koala Bear ...
BrowneePoints: black bears are basically giant raccoons. you can scare them off(unless itโ€™s a momma with cubs)
red_shoes_jeff: I forget if this was a Banff or Jasper, but it was in a hotspring parking lot, there was a moose standing over an OVERTURNED CAR. Suffice it to say, everyone decided to walk WAY around the moose.
acolossalsquid: Colossal dread moose
Koshindan: bearating it?
control_rig: Black bears are a bit too humanized
RocknGrohlNerd: get roasted, bear
northos: @BrowneePoints I was gonna say exactly that lol
goosevonkaiser: bear baiting is out, bear berating is in
finestotter: I heard it was black bears are fine, but if there is a kid it's a problem, and you don't know if there is a kid
krfsm: I might be able to kill a black bear ... with a rifle, from a hunting tower. *MIGHT*.
MorganteMaggiore: bearly a safe situation
Pharmacistjudge: is he rolling intimidate against the bear? what is the bear's wisdom save?
Rabidkittens: @acolossalsquid epic man
brieandbacon: You promise, Cam?
Anubis169: Pharmacistjudge: 2
DoodlestheGreat: A grizzly makes you into chutney.
gluonquark: so black bear is a 1/2?
Bruceski: Black bears can easily kill people if need be. Grizzlies enjoy it.
Radjack: "Soup-like homoginate" is a wonderful phrase, thank you Cam.
LRRbot: Mountain | Basic Land โ€” Mountain |
Viewers_Like_You: swamp
maclenrac: Beware the moose Graham
LRRbot: Wandertale Mentor [RG] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Bard [2/2] | Whenever you expend 4, put a +1/+1 counter on Wandertale Mentor. / {T}: Add {R} or {G}.
goombalax: @krfsm they can climb
Texan_Reverend: @MrPipboy3000 Yeah, but you'd get chlamydia in the process from handling the koala.
ExachixKitsune: @gluonquark : yeah but most humans are 0/1s
arkhamrefugee: Bears - Beets - Battlestar Galactica
Bugberry: Sun Bears are the smallest bear in the world, measuring 4-5 feet on their hind legs, according to google.
MorganteMaggiore: really nice curve
lirazel64: My son was at a camp where the kids did a solo night in the woods, which they did around a lake. A moose patrolled through every campsite. He said that the smell and the number of insects that stayed behind were both remarkable.
kaziel0: Racoon Bard? Cool!
krfsm: @goombalax hence "might".
sallomon33: oooh, this one seems very good
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
Diabore: @goombalax thats what the rifles for, cant dodge if youre climbing
fhorrigan: Bears used to walk between my tent and my grandparent's farm house in the summers when I'd want to camp outside. Never noticed until the next day all the tracks and stuff.
TheUncannyGirl: Surprise Moose is appropriate for the Set that has the Canadian Flag as the set symbol! ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ
LRRbot: Stickytongue Sentinel [2G] | Creature โ€” Frog Warrior [3/3] | Reach / When Stickytongue Sentinel enters, return up to one other target permanent you control to its owner's hand.
RixtonSnek: You mean game 3? :3
anhakha: It's a 3/3 for 3 with reach. 5 years ago that's a rare!
gluonquark: @ExachixKitsune I'm a 0/1 otter with deafander
Fovulonkiin: those Unfinity space lands are soo nice
LRRbot: Roughshod Duo [2R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Raccoon [3/2] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains trample until end of turn.
LRRbot: Wildfire Howl [1RR] | Sorcery | Gift a card / Wildfire Howl deals 2 damage to each creature. If the gift was promised, instead Wildfire Howl deals 1 damage to any target and 2 damage to each creature.
LRRbot: Galewind Moose [4GG] | Creature โ€” Elemental Elk [6/6] | Flash / Vigilance, reach, trample
PandaAeryck: Elked
Curio: get MOOSED SON
Cheshire Creeper: Galewind Moose is a beast
Simriel: Sunbears are my favourite, they look like a man wearing a good bear costume, but they are a REALLY bad actor
Vaeldarg: "I can take it on." - Wheeler
Cheshire Creeper: It is the largest base power and toughness in the set
Vaeldarg: It's all fun and games until you realise it's a black bear CUB.
LRRbot: Mountain | Basic Land โ€” Mountain |
LRRbot: Wandertale Mentor [RG] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Bard [2/2] | Whenever you expend 4, put a +1/+1 counter on Wandertale Mentor. / {T}: Add {R} or {G}.
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
Greys N. Owman: Damn that mentor is a good card
LRRbot: Stickytongue Sentinel [2G] | Creature โ€” Frog Warrior [3/3] | Reach / When Stickytongue Sentinel enters, return up to one other target permanent you control to its owner's hand.
Bruceski: I grew up with deer and elk (American elk) and had trouble conveying to people how much more an elk is than "just a big deer". I cannot imagine what seeing a moose feels like.
LRRbot: Tempest Angler [1{U/R}{U/R}] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [2/2] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Tempest Angler.
GredGredmansson: Counter Prowess
LRRbot: Take Out the Trash [1R] | Instant | Take Out the Trash deals 3 damage to target creature or planeswalker. If you control a Raccoon, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card.
IaCthulhuFthagn: Bull moose that get tipsy eating decomposing fallen apples in peoples' gardens are always a fun time, by the way.
SydPreviouslyHeadache: something that has me excited about a frog deck: Green seems like the ones that bounce and blue has the etb effects mostly, it hink
control_rig: I love that card so much
Anubis169: btw regarding polar bears, scientists visiting their areas have changed the polar bear feeding/hunting habits. They now actively hunt humans because we're easy pickings.
fhorrigan: @Bruceski I'm from deep swamp donkey territory. They are ENORMOUS.
Dmc3628: Brother EWW
GoblinPieromancer: this is a scary curve
The_cake_of_lies: Great synergy
Mr_Bitterness: This is T E M P O
Sage0fMadness: @Bruceski They're like that but more so. It's hard to describe to people for sure
LRRbot: Rust-Shield Rampager [3G] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [4/4] | Offspring {2} / This creature can't be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less.
sallomon33: @anhakha technically just a set/two sets ago it was also a rare, I think freestride lookout it was called lol
TXC2: Anubis169 o_O
Tom_Bruise: nu rummaging means "uh oh all their cards are good"
Viewers_Like_You: G over here sounding like Wheeler during the sub read yesterday
00gogo00: is poliwhallop lethal here
LRRbot: Junkblade Bruiser [3{R/G}{R/G}] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Berserker [4/5] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, Junkblade Bruiser gets +2/+1 until end of turn.
Diabore: @sallomon33 freestrider also ramped though... a lot
invalidCards: trundle
Spades_Slicc: bigger than before
control_rig: WHufff
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
namagem1: That was *dominant*
BrowneePoints: @anubis169 yea itโ€™s been observed for a while that Polar Bears are one of the few animals that actively stalk humans
maclenrac: Racoon gang
Decaped: Rabbits got ran over
MorganteMaggiore: well... that was fast
fhorrigan: The wild bison up here are crazy too. Their heads are so fucking big. It's like a batter ram on a cows body.
TribblesFoxfolk: WOW. That was a convincing game.
macintose: I just watched a wheeler judges tower with serge recently
CrossXhunteR: wizards: "please pay mana to play cards"
Anubis169: TXC2: Only animal that actively hunts a human on sight, when given the chance. Sharks and killer whales and the like, they're just investigating. Polar bears are like "That's a human, mine!"
ArcticAtlantic: I love that this is indirectly assigning animals to ravnica guilds
sallomon33: that mana dork REALLY helped speed up this game lol
felrender: Just what RG needed, an excuse to tap out
Tom_Bruise: Hey look, we deserve to go Unga Bunga every now and then
SirLoinOfBeef_: not mana value, total mana spent on spells
Sage0fMadness: Polar Bears have just cause tnh
ExachixKitsune: @Anubis169 : I recall that Polar Bears have learnt humans' schedules and will remember and hang around for when a human usually leaves their house
singinnonsense: There's like 4 2 mana mana-dork in this set
Viewers_Like_You: Hey gang - I blinked there for a fraction of a second. Are we still shuffling up for game 2?
Anubis169: ^ they have
Mr_Bitterness: That was max Unga Bunga
TXC2: Anubis169 and they're starting to move south, oh goodie :p
mcfootsoldier: no sleeves tuppChefskiss
BrowneePoints: @anubis169 thereโ€™s several big cats and a species of Wolf that will actively stalk humans as well
Anubis169: yyyyyyup
MorganteMaggiore: that 2 drop remind me of the werewolf... really good
PatronSaintOfUncertainty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PatronSaintOfUncertainty! (Today's storm count: 106)
just__fitz: Are there any dual faced cards or is this a chill unsleeved set
fhorrigan: @TXC2 They'll probably just breed with grizzlies and readapt.
TribblesFoxfolk: I love red/green for that. Just tap out and throw hands.
ExachixKitsune: anyway it's nice to be unhunted
djalternative: Diskus strats all the way
notthepenguins: sorcery elden ring is hella fun
jiantwitch: @Sage0fMadness Polar Bears don't understand that "just" cause. Their actions have nothing to do with prior confrontations.
Anubis169: BrowneePoints: I stand corrected then... which ones? Did they adapt to human presence too?
Foxmar320: I don't believe either of you are bad at video games
TXC2: fhorrigan that's still not better :p
Greyah: Graham knows what's up.
alikaoz: Shadow Wizard Money Gang
Anubis169: that has to be recent, like last 50 years or so
Mr_Horrible: Cam claims to be bad at videogames, yet I have never 1-tapped Ludwig
Sage0fMadness: @jiantwitch it's a joke about destroying their habitat?
Mr_Horrible: so truly, who is the scrub?
SolarBlitz1: I for one would simply get hit
call_me_Aras: Ya, spells in Elden Ring just become a problem when the boss doesn't give enough time to cast a spell
Mr_Bitterness: If you can warp the basic physics of a game via magic, highly recommend that route
Tom_Bruise: Never send a shieldless shmuck to do a shielded shmuck's job
MorganteMaggiore: Piccolo would like to have a word with Graham
jacqui_lantern234: why dodge and ruin your advantaged position? :p
BrowneePoints: Iโ€™d have to double check but they are animals that have historically lived around humans @anubis169
Greyah: Rolling is for mashers.
notthepenguins: there are some cool sorceries in the dlc...
IaCthulhuFthagn: Graham plays the same build as Day[9]? Cool.
maclenrac: quite the motto Graham
CodenameJD: Man I'm a sleebgy little guy
gluonquark: Gram is the protagonist of "I maxed out my defense"
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man: there are some really interesting sorceries
TehAmelie: faith ALSO lets you throw fireballs at enemies that have no way to deal with it
macintose: That sounds like day9's brick with a stick build
LRRbot: Sunshower Druid [G] | Creature โ€” Frog Druid [0/2] | When Sunshower Druid enters, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature and you gain 1 life.
jiantwitch: @Sage0fMadness No. But they bears don't know that humans are the ones that destroy their habitat.
Kaaannaaa: shield is easily the strongest, if not fastest build
Bugberry: Faith was really shafted in the Elden Ring late game prior to the DLC. So many bosses resisted Holy.
Makrosian_Tay: Da sun
MorganteMaggiore: praise the sunshower
Diabore: thats a really good 0/2
TheWriterAleph: rain frog!
Krillin_fan: praise the sun
Makrosian_Tay: Prays da sun
felrender: I like the incantation that lets you throw rocks at things
A_Dub888: to quote a button "It's better than going to five"
sallomon33: yay, da sun frogge!
50keyz: slots right into the druid deck
1y1e: \[T]/
TribblesFoxfolk: \o/
Mangledpixel: pwaise \[+]/
IbunWest: 1 mana 1/3 talk about power creep
LRRbot: Raccoon Rallier [1R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Bard [2/2] | {T}: Target creature you control gains haste until end of turn. Activate only as a sorcery.
Earthenone: a 1 mana 1.3 that gains life wow
TXC2: Prise the sun, it's a refuge of the enermy, but without it there is no life
fele_of_Cardmarket: I'm a huge MH fan but this might be my fav set this year
TheUncannyGirl: Raise your arms for the Spirit Bomb!
Decaped: HONK
Viewers_Like_You: Ah, the Ricola Raccoon
LRRbot: Hunter's Talent [1G] | Enchantment โ€” Class | When Hunter's Talent enters, target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature you don't control. / {1}{G}: Level 2 / Whenever you attack, target attacking creature gets +1/+0 and gains trample until end of turn. / {3}{G}: Level 3 / At the beginning of your end step, if you control a creature with power 4 or greater, draw a card.
roastbeefsandwitch: so many Bards!
kynelwynn: There's a great DLC sorcery (That I used to beat the last boss with) but won't say the name for spoils
Bugberry: @IbunWest we had one before, but now it gains life.
LRRbot: Pond Prophet [{G/U}{G/U}] | Creature โ€” Frog Advisor [1/1] | When Pond Prophet enters, draw a card.
Sage0fMadness: @jiantwitch yes that's why its called a joke
Dmc3628: yeah talent not an up to
Earthenone: froggish visionary?
Mr_Horrible: why would you pawn your prophet?
The_cake_of_lies: Love this card, simple but effective
A_Dub888: Ponphet
LRRbot: Roughshod Duo [2R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Raccoon [3/2] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains trample until end of turn.
fhorrigan: Bloomburrow feels like a Magic set. MH3 feels like some power gamer's fever dream from 10 years ago.
bojuka_pog: Pond orb
GredGredmansson: I am convinced all Bloomburrow Frogs are actually just this plane's equivalent of Elves
Mr_Bitterness: That flavor text is amazing
MorganteMaggiore: next season on CBS
Revimpx: I've seen people call the frogs bouncing each other as "hopping"
razorswift: now if that prophet only pondered about his pond
LRRbot: Agate-Blade Assassin [1B] | Creature โ€” Lizard Assassin [1/3] | Whenever Agate-Blade Assassin attacks, defending player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
Bugberry: I love how every duo supports the mechanical themes of each creature type they comprise.
Mr_Horrible: I also like the throwback cycle to the Shadowmoor Duos
Lobo_Apache: Flavour text on Roughshod is so good
LRRbot: Hearthborn Battler [2R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Warlock [2/3] | Haste / Whenever a player casts their second spell each turn, Hearthborn Battler deals 2 damage to target opponent.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @fhorrigan Both as they should be, then. I'm happy you are happy.
piratethealex: Wait a minute, that blade isn't a gate
jumping_point: Good evening everyone! Hope you're all doing alright?
vegetalss4: I am surprized the raccoon can't speak
Sage0fMadness: They'll run roughshod over you for sure.
Dmc3628: there sure is
TXC2: hello jumping_point welcome
jumping_point: Hi TXC2! Nice to see you again!
BrowneePoints: High Stride
GredGredmansson: High Stride
fhorrigan: @IaCthulhuFthagn I'm not saying it's a bad set or I didn't like. It's just kind of unhinged design-wise.
TheKarthe: Genuine question: is that a question judges can answer?
NotCainNorAbel: it gets REACH!
fele_of_Cardmarket: this thing gets reach?
Bugberry: It's also a functional reprint of a card already in standard.
LRRbot: Tempest Angler [1{U/R}{U/R}] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [2/2] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Tempest Angler.
LRRbot: Take Out the Trash [1R] | Instant | Take Out the Trash deals 3 damage to target creature or planeswalker. If you control a Raccoon, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card.
LRRbot: Rust-Shield Rampager [3G] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [4/4] | Offspring {2} / This creature can't be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less.
LRRbot: Junkblade Bruiser [3{R/G}{R/G}] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Berserker [4/5] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, Junkblade Bruiser gets +2/+1 until end of turn.
Vaeldarg: These cards' bite is worse than their bark.
Vaeldarg: That's why the best spells have "This spell can't be countered." on them.
Luna: that wandertale mentor could not go into my BEEG mana deck fast enough, turn 3 hulking raptor turn 4 old gnawbone is gonna feel good
LRRbot: Sunshower Druid [G] | Creature โ€” Frog Druid [0/2] | When Sunshower Druid enters, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature and you gain 1 life.
Simriel: Faith is great until the endgame, when every boss has like 90% holy resist XD
Cheshire Creeper: The best 1 drop common
LRRbot: Raccoon Rallier [1R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Bard [2/2] | {T}: Target creature you control gains haste until end of turn. Activate only as a sorcery.
Luna: on god it is perfect froog
El Doc Bruh: I can HEAR that racoon's art
LRRbot: Hunter's Talent [1G] | Enchantment โ€” Class | When Hunter's Talent enters, target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature you don't control. / {1}{G}: Level 2 / Wheneveโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Pond Prophet [{G/U}{G/U}] | Creature โ€” Frog Advisor [1/1] | When Pond Prophet enters, draw a card.
Vaeldarg: @Simriel Anyone find the harem anime protagonist ending that no doubt exists in that game yet?
LRRbot: Roughshod Duo [2R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Raccoon [3/2] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains trample until end of turn.
Luna: @Vaeldarg demon token tribal?
LRRbot: Agate-Blade Assassin [1B] | Creature โ€” Lizard Assassin [1/3] | Whenever Agate-Blade Assassin attacks, defending player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
Luna: or any slime deck
LRRbot: Hearthborn Battler [2R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Warlock [2/3] | Haste / Whenever a player casts their second spell each turn, Hearthborn Battler deals 2 damage to target opponent.
Vaeldarg: @Luna Simriel's comment was referring to Elden Ring
Luna: because you know people will commit 20 slimes against humanity to get their slime waifu
Luna: oh lol sorry
Vaeldarg: It's a very....Japanese-style game.
Vaeldarg: (even if not in art style)
Diabore: LUL
hd_dabnado: unless you do
MorganteMaggiore: i know that this is rel:axed, but is it possible to ask judges questions about cards in the set? i'm curious
hd_dabnado: (you likely dont)
sallomon33: @Bugberry the only one that's kinda off is that rabbit mouse, it doesn't really have much to do with the rabbit go-wide theme besides "you have another creature? good"
LRRMTG_Judge: @TheKarthe not normally, this is definitely only allowed at Rel:AXed
DiscountDoubleCzech: It would have been really funny if after all this Wheeler had that pump spell in his hand the whole time
gluonquark: +1/+bagilion
Daircrow: @TheKarthe If you can describe most of a card they can tell you the rest
TheKarthe: Interesting to know.
MorganteMaggiore: @LRRMTG_Judge ah yes, that tracks, thx
LRRMTG_Judge: like a "One mana green combat spell" is too vague pharma2Vial
Bugberry: @fhorrigan have you seen Future Sight? All the MH sets are like that.
LRRbot: High Stride [G] | Instant | Target creature gets +1/+3 and gains reach until end of turn. Untap it.
TribblesFoxfolk subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TribblesFoxfolk! (Today's storm count: 107)
LRRMTG_Judge: @TheKarthe No, in general, you can't just ask an open ended question like that of a judge and expect an answer - You can't just ask if there's a combat trick in the format at that cost. -Natedogg
RocknGrohlNerd: @DiscountDoubleCzech wheelerRita wheelerRita
nerdsta82: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
magnetronman123: Just joined up, Shufflecat attack is a fantastic name
Bugberry: !card leaping ambush
LRRbot: Leaping Ambush [G] | Instant | Target creature gets +1/+3 and gains reach until end of turn. Untap it.
LRRMTG_Judge: If you can uniquely describe a card, we can give you the name - Natedogg
MorganteMaggiore: it's like talking with a geenie, haha
rogue6119: One green for +1/+a bagillion is NEXT set!
rasterscan: I can't tell how much mind games are going on here
GredGredmansson: @rogue6119 i thought only white got those
TheKarthe: Thanks! I only really do live events like once a year at magicCOn, lol
MorganteMaggiore: btw thx everyone for the interesting case
The_cake_of_lies: This confirms that math is indeed for blockers
fhorrigan: @Bugberry Yeah, but Future Sight wasn't overly pushed. It had some powerful cards, but not like MH3. There's pushed Magic sets and there's MH3.
sallomon33: @Bugberry tbh with all the Frogs I'm surprised we got a new trick instead of that card's reprint
Fovulonkiin: lmao
kaziel0: @LRRMTG_Judge This is kinda what I was thinking because it would give players a lot of information that they might not otherwise know. "Is there a 1-mana combat trick?"
gluonquark: @rogue6119 +1/+a bagillion is a great pin for cardkingdom
MorganteMaggiore: not yet
CrossXhunteR: the foil
tehfewl: thats some good hollywood if he did
AugmentingPath: +1/+a foil bajillion
rasterscan: Dun dun dunnnnnnnn
A_Dub888: Hi stride benginHi
McMenno: gottem
rasterscan: What sound effects does Paul keep in the soundboard these days?
macintose: It totally went over his head
Bugberry: @fhorrigan arguably MH1 or 2 were more relatively impactful on their releases. As for what "feels" like a Magic set, both do.
SlyMaster9: Green looks stacked this set
maclenrac: Got em
LRRbot: Junkblade Bruiser [3{R/G}{R/G}] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Berserker [4/5] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, Junkblade Bruiser gets +2/+1 until end of turn.
NornsFelidar: competitive tournaments test your skill and format knowledge is part of that
gluonquark: @SlyMaster9 what set recently green wasn't?
LRRbot: Sunshower Druid [G] | Creature โ€” Frog Druid [0/2] | When Sunshower Druid enters, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature and you gain 1 life.
Decaped: Curving out with expend seems real good
Decaped: XD
DidacticDad: which critterโ€™s expend was triggered?
rasterscan: Mana Screw T_T
titanprime231: Man I love gruul
sallomon33: @gluonquark LCi I would say, in MH3 it also wasn't the best colour
50keyz: ggs
maclenrac: Scee-oop
Laserbeaks_Fury: High Stride: Winner of the new declarative "*That* has Reach" award for Bloomburrow
RandomTrivia: oh no
rasterscan: Oh no poor Jamesothy
jiantwitch: Can expend trigger if the creature with expend is still on the stack?
CrossXhunteR: burrito, you say?
jiantwitch: I assume not?
gibbousm: Bloomburritos you say?
malfnord: cloudstrike strikes again?
razorswift: a deck should be able to do the thing
RocknGrohlNerd: lrrCrab
ArcticAtlantic: ah good I'm glad
Porsgaard81: I really like the racoons in this set.
MrPipboy3000: love me a salty runback
just__fitz: A fuzzy runback if you will
Yurielx: Wheeler has declared "salty run-back"
yargle: mercur3Bongo mercur3Bongo
jacqui_lantern234: damnit! now i want a burrito!!!
Viewers_Like_You: Fifteen lands and a moose
LRRMTG_Judge: @jiantwitch it cannot. pharma2Vial
MorganteMaggiore: @CrossXhunteR tho shred you say?
TribblesFoxfolk: I think "expending" will still happen, but the creature won't see the expending happen.
SmashTCG: What a wild day
jiantwitch: @LRRMTG_Judge Thank you
BloodnBullets: Bonus game!
Spades_Slicc: We would like Wheeler's deck to do its thing, right Cameron?
ZipElseworth: <3
Bugberry: Creatures only do things off the battlefield if they say so.
ExachixKitsune: it was unexpended
jiantwitch: @LoadingReadyRun Thanks Judge and Graham, i was just abit lost.
kaziel0: Much like I thanked the mods earlier, thank you @LRRMTG_Judge for your work today as well! lrrSHINE
just__fitz: Kragnos has always been there
maclenrac: expenditures add up
RevolverRossalot: You're only Expendable in play!
sleepmaster1011: good afternoon ya'll, is the giveaway still going on or has it ended?
MorganteMaggiore: we didnt start the expending
everbeyondreach: burito rollback
A_Dub888: lrrJUDGECALL Is Expend tax deductible?
Luna: what elden ring? i'm aware of it
Curio: Giant Growth is also in the set
Simriel: I mean I don't really agree, but I also don't think this is the place for discussion on Elden Rings deep game design
Luna: yeah i agree
LRRbot: High Stride [G] | Instant | Target creature gets +1/+3 and gains reach until end of turn. Untap it.
Luna: which legend is everyone excited for in bloomburrow, for me it's Eluge for my marine biology dekc
Vaeldarg: @Simriel It's the usual "the main character dies so many times they get good, learning all the details of the whole story from pieces in each timeline" kind of plot.
Kirgo: @Luna Mr. Foxglove. He is so dreamy.
Luna: @Kirgo FR FR
Kirgo: Does no one play a simic Frog deck?
Simriel: That would be the Biggest Brain Play
Vaeldarg: @Simriel So the way they tend to go is lot of misery, until the main character makes all the perfect choices to produce the best outcome.
LRRbot: Junkblade Bruiser [3{R/G}{R/G}] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Berserker [4/5] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, Junkblade Bruiser gets +2/+1 until end of turn.
Luna: is it me of do bats seem really good this format
Simriel: @Vaeldarg Please respect that I said "I aldo don't think this is the place for it"
Vaeldarg: The game design is certainly deep. Anime plot lines on the other hand very much are not.
LRRbot: Sunshower Druid [G] | Creature โ€” Frog Druid [0/2] | When Sunshower Druid enters, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature and you gain 1 life.
El Doc Bruh: How does it see itself expending :v
Vaeldarg: (the downside of when a set has new legendaries for my Esika deck is I then need to figure out what to replace w/the new cards....)
El Doc Bruh: Oh it was the duo! This man can't keep getting away with all these expenditures
Pharmacistjudge: it's like Landfall. they tend to give you more bonuses on things you already do
TXC2: Slanessh was always the 4th Chaos god
jumping_point: Good luck!
SlyMaster9: @sallomon33 It wasn't too busted in MKM either right, I don't fully remember. And I missed the OTJ Prerelease
DidacticDad: nice - thanks for explaining- donโ€™t know the cards of course and canโ€™t read them *adjusts spectacles*
Jturbobanana: You can't expend X multiple times in a single turn, right?
singinnonsense: outlaws expanding crimes
Tweygoh: It was on the stack at the time gives "As was the fashion at the time"
Bugberry: Like Descending or Comiting Crimes. it's always been there.
TXC2: the rules don;t matter
MorganteMaggiore: it was always costing since the world was turning
RandomTrivia: Sick draws
vinopinguino: this doesnt matter Wheeler, remember? lol
level5chronicles: i wonder why its only for mana spent for spells and not for abilities; whether this would make existing cards too broken/complicated
Diabore: @Jturbobanana correct, you never reset expend in a turn
TheUncannyGirl: "Expend 4, 5, 6 triggers..
gluonquark: it's like genstealer in 40k
TheUncannyGirl: Storm Count 3
jacqui_lantern234: 8 =/= 4
Thebossman40k: uhm actuallly the warp wasnt always there the chaos gods were @LoadingReadyRun
TXC2: 4th mana ON SPELLS
ArcticAtlantic: the run-back is the inverse of judge's tower
sallomon33: @SlyMaster9 yep, white seems to have overtaken green's role as the best colour in most of the recent sets (at least in Limited)
MorganteMaggiore: just like you only cast one "second spell" each turn
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Alex_Frostfire: It's just like "When you cast your second spell each turn..."
GredGredmansson: its "your 4th mana" not "ever 4th mana"
howlinglotus: Magic: The Arena. Where people gather.
Koshindan: But can you spend 4i the first time?
excalgold: Wizard Duels in....MAGIC THE ARENA
SydPreviouslyHeadache: looking forward to BLB Alchemy Expend Multiple of 3
googoltudoris: are ANY of us doing alright?
Keylometers: ahoyhoy
maclenrac: 9999
Peevvi: they should have used an int64
Mr_Horrible: I like that the expend effects are more sane and uncommon than the crime triggers
JKTKops: surely the expend counter is not a 16 bit int lmfao
eye_h_bar: You 65,336th mana might just break the client
fishjellyfishjelly: it's not the 80s, it's probably stored in a 4 byte int
ArcticAtlantic: woo
MorganteMaggiore: is cam cosplaying a cat?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Amazonian figured it out once by copying the minotaur that doubles damage.
ThePixelSavage: Magic: The Arena ... if you order MTGA on Temu
jumping_point: Cam goes cat mode. xD
GredGredmansson: @Koshindan its not "spending 4" its "spending your fourth"
Keylometers subscribed with Prime.
Alex_Frostfire: "Whenever you expend prime..."
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Keylometers! (Today's storm count: 108)
Tom_Bruise: I do know Arena won't let you put more +1+1 counters on a creature than 2^30
just__fitz: Its like a marginal tax bracket, you can only expend your first 30000 once
Viewers_Like_You: Ooh, lah-dee-dah, mister reasonable hand over here
JonnyH: I spend -1 mana
zarbit: lands AND spells?!
RandomTrivia: 2 and a bit million, probably
Laserbeaks_Fury: Expend Pi
LRRbot: Pond Prophet [{G/U}{G/U}] | Creature โ€” Frog Advisor [1/1] | When Pond Prophet enters, draw a card.
LRRbot: Wandertale Mentor [RG] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Bard [2/2] | Whenever you expend 4, put a +1/+1 counter on Wandertale Mentor. / {T}: Add {R} or {G}.
Gekyouryuu: mods, as bats are relevant to this set, may I post a link to a cute gif of a bat?
kaziel0: @LRRMTG_Judge Apologies if this has been already answered, but if you spend 5 mana in a single spell, does Expend 4 still trigger?
JKTKops: although good luck spending that much mana in one turn timer on arena
Bugberry: @sallomon33 White was great in Limited even when everyone was dunking on White being weak and saying Green was OP in constructed.
MorganteMaggiore: @Laserbeaks_Fury let's not get irrational
TXC2: Gekyouryuu yes
SlyMaster9: @sallomon33 As my play groups resident white mage, I agree. Though Red is rarely bad in prerelease. Blue and Black are very hit or miss
LRRbot: Pawpatch Recruit [G] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [2/1] | Offspring {2} / Trample / Whenever a creature you control becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control other than that creature.
JKTKops: @kaziel0 yes
RandomTrivia: A bunny! benginLove
DoodlestheGreat: BNUY
GredGredmansson: @kaziel0 if you spend 5 mana on a spell, you have spent your 4th mana on a spell
LRRMTG_Judge: @kaziel0 yes, you have passed the "spend 4 mana this turn" count. pharma2Vial
maclenrac: infinite mana goes around the mobius
RandomTrivia: D'awwwwww
TXC2: Gekyouryuu wonderful
Dread_Pirate_Westley: A rabbit? (This is not me entering the giveaway from earlier)
fishjellyfishjelly: @MorganteMaggiore expend 3i + 5
phoenixfeather14: that is sooo cute!
SirLoinOfBeef_: ๐Ÿšจ bun alert
CMDRNuffin: @eye_h_bar They gotta have overflow protection for that, so instead of creating an invalid game state you just crash the server.
vinopinguino: so good!
Easilycrazyhat: awww
BrowneePoints: the big one
Kingsgrave: Hops!
LRRbot: Warren Warleader [2WW] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Knight [4/4] | Offspring {2} / Whenever you attack, choose one โ€” / โ€ข Create a 1/1 white Rabbit creature token that's tapped and attacking. / โ€ข Attacking creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
IanAllenBird: ohhhh
MorganteMaggiore: @fishjellyfishjelly ok now you're just imaginin stuff
TheWriterAleph: uwu
fele_of_Cardmarket: aw man, i feel like that might have been a bad move though Wheeler, telling chat that...
TXC2: dangerously cute
RandomTrivia: benginLove benginCry
McMenno: YOOOO
razorswift: the KIVES
The_cake_of_lies: I love this set\
LRRbot: Manifold Mouse [1R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Soldier [1/2] | Offspring {2} / At the beginning of combat on your turn, target Mouse you control gains your choice of double strike or trample until end of turn.
sallomon33: ooooh, so c00t!
jacqui_lantern234: :O I LOVE THESE TOKENS
KaleidoscopeMind: erinusStabby
ArcticAtlantic: kniiiiiiiiiiives
Easilycrazyhat: NO!
HadesLeprechaun: WHAT DO YOU HAVE??
Viewers_Like_You: Two nos!
SlyMaster9: Best tokens ever?
MorganteMaggiore: YES
GredGredmansson: "and if you get hit, its your OWN FAULT."
aussie_rob_w: oh my god i love the warren warleader token
TopHatPeezy: hellionNiff
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I've never listened to any Manifold Mouse
TalpTheScot: talpthToncheer
BrowneePoints: two knives and magical haste
oa888: The best one is the offspring Van Gogh Bat
maclenrac: Easy Britney
howlinglotus: who is this sassy lost child, and why do they have knives
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 HadesLeprechaun easy on the allcaps please
NornsFelidar: Kids, don't run with the knives
codatski: Serena Maylon got to do so much art for this set and it is all very good
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 sorry ๐Ÿ˜…
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : I should've realized how many of these would have my name on them, what with all the bunnies in the set.
Tom_Bruise: I'm partial to the Prosperous Bandit offspring
steffex2: Neat TTours
razorswift: CAM
jacqui_lantern234: cam!!! LUL
kaziel0: @NornsFelidar But it's a way to learn valuable lessons!
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
BrowneePoints: if you target any thing they both trigger they just canโ€™t put counters on themselves
SirLoinOfBeef_: expendicration
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you control.
dunkleskog: can't believe they didn't reprint Bile Blight smh
fele_of_Cardmarket: few, toxic deluge for 1? ouch...
The_cake_of_lies: Expenditure
rasterscan: Beep beep
insanecat6mtg: Hello everyone! I've just come from breakfast and oh my gosh, they're so cute!
Viewers_Like_You: Expension has good word-sound, I like it. Expension.
jamesinor: they see the expense on the company reimbursement report
Bugberry: @BrowneePoints they can put counters on themselves another creature is targeted.
alikaoz: Brb checking the Expension tag
orucsoraihc: expenditure sounds right
zarbit: two triggers?
as_ever_ellesandra: !card Pawpatch Recruit
LRRbot: Pawpatch Recruit [G] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [2/1] | Offspring {2} / Trample / Whenever a creature you control becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control other than that creature.
TXC2: hello insanecat6mtg welcome
RandomTrivia: Gotta balance your mana expenditure with your mana income
as_ever_ellesandra: this card is so stupid
rasterscan: Treeguard duo -> Beepbeepguard duo
MorganteMaggiore: @kaziel0 GNU STP
zarbit: oh, opponent controls, ignore me
GredGredmansson: @zarbit Wheeler is not his own opponent
LRRMTG_Judge: @BrowneePoints it says "target creature you control other than that (the targetted) creature" pharma2Vial
control_rig: Harsh
vinopinguino: skill issue
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
NornsFelidar: @kaziel0 you don't need first hand experience to learn those lessons๐Ÿ˜‰
vinopinguino: lol
zarbit: so many words on these cards!
sascha454: is there a reason this isnโ€™t also streaming on YouTube?
The_cake_of_lies: Wow
50keyz: LUL
ShifuDaxiongmao: You need to challenge Serge for a rabbit-off :D
TheKarthe: Instead: Oops all Siflay.
rogue6119: Expindature
Tom_Bruise: a war in here or a warren here?
bobAkirafett: @sascha454 it was earlier?
just__fitz: Sword of Warren Please
Anubis169: Tom_Bruise: win
DanTheMediocre: these hands were made for bunnin'
LRRMTG_Judge: @sascha454 it is going on youtube.
everbeyondreach: new north 100
cmdrud87: so, you're saying,, erge is bad at Magic
IaCthulhuFthagn: @sascha454 It isn't?
DoodlestheGreat: Earl Warren.
LRRbot: Longstalk Brawl [G] | Sorcery | Gift a tapped Fish / Choose target creature you control and target creature you don't control. Put a +1/+1 counter on the creature you control if the gift was promised. Then those creatures fight each other.
The_cake_of_lies: Can't wait for the rabbits vs rabbits North100 showdown
GredGredmansson: lrrFINE
bobAkirafett: it's on the main channel, not lrrmtg
stippledotter: @sascha454 I think it is on tje main loadingreadyrun page, not lrrmtg
Runewyse: A BUNus round?
Conkers32: Put down the bunny Lenny
neveth: I promise you NO fish.
johkmil subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, johkmil! (Today's storm count: 109)
hvsoccer909 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hvsoccer909! (Today's storm count: 110)
rasterscan: !card Pawpatch Recruit
LRRbot: Pawpatch Recruit [G] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [2/1] | Offspring {2} / Trample / Whenever a creature you control becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control other than that creature.
jacqui_lantern234: North 100 Showdown: A Canadian BunBun Throwdown
Pharmacistjudge: @sascha454 it is going on the main loading ready run account, not the LRRMTG account
LRRbot: Heaped Harvest [2G] | Artifact โ€” Food | When Heaped Harvest enters and when you sacrifice it, you may search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice Heaped Harvest: You gain 3 life.
TehAmelie: that is a very long stalk of broccoli
Klev: That guy in the middle really do be just staring straight into our souls
Kirgo: @Vaeldarg Surely one land less wont make a difference. :clueless:
Vaeldarg: @Kirgo Already down to 40 =/
Luna: go down to 39
Vaeldarg: @Kirgo No basics, only multicolor-tapping lands is a fun manabase
LRRbot: Pond Prophet [{G/U}{G/U}] | Creature โ€” Frog Advisor [1/1] | When Pond Prophet enters, draw a card.
LRRbot: Wandertale Mentor [RG] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Bard [2/2] | Whenever you expend 4, put a +1/+1 counter on Wandertale Mentor. / {T}: Add {R} or {G}.
Luna: my targ nar deck runs 35
LRRbot: Pawpatch Recruit [G] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [2/1] | Offspring {2} / Trample / Whenever a creature you control becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, put a +1/+1 counter oโ€ฆ
Luna: OMG
LRRbot: Warren Warleader [2WW] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Knight [4/4] | Offspring {2} / Whenever you attack, choose one โ€” / โ€ข Create a 1/1 white Rabbit creature token that's tapped and attacking. / โ€ข Attacking creโ€ฆ
Simriel: He's so wee!
LRRbot: Manifold Mouse [1R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Soldier [1/2] | Offspring {2} / At the beginning of combat on your turn, target Mouse you control gains your choice of double strike or trample until end of turโ€ฆ
Luna: i love all the offsprings
Simriel: "what have you got there!
Luna: I will use it as a placeholder for any token watch me
Simriel: I want all the Offspring tokens and I don't even play paper anymore
Luna: @Simriel "A knife"
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
Vaeldarg: @Simriel If only could play Arena without the timer....
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you coโ€ฆ
Vaeldarg: That timer feels like a personal attack against combo/value decks
Luna: I cant wait to actually cast defenestrate on one of these babies from my opponents just so I can say "I am gonna defenestrate your child"
LRRbot: Longstalk Brawl [G] | Sorcery | Gift a tapped Fish / Choose target creature you control and target creature you don't control. Put a +1/+1 counter on the creature you control if the gift was promisedโ€ฆ
Simriel: "You have been promised 0 fish"
LRRbot: Heaped Harvest [2G] | Artifact โ€” Food | When Heaped Harvest enters and when you sacrifice it, you may search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / {2โ€ฆ
Pharmacistjudge: this all started with landfall
TXC2: maybe is No with a small o to mean number
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL Graham yes
TXC2: I promise you number fish
LRRbot: Glidedive Duo [4B] | Creature โ€” Bat Lizard [3/3] | Flying / When Glidedive Duo enters, each opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.
tehfewl: you have to tell me if you have the high stride
jumping_point: Bunnikin. xD
Sage0fMadness: LUL
Luminaire_p: Fennekin
RocknGrohlNerd: new mechanic rewarding for playing magic? you mean landfall 2?
fele_of_Cardmarket: heaped harvest is exactly the kind of jank i love to put in my commander decks!
anhakha: Obunny Kenobunny
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
kaziel0: Reward for playing magic: Always one of the best mechanics...? See Landfall for a previous example.
RandomTrivia: By Obi-Bun Kenobi
singinnonsense: glivedive duo aka a lizard dies
rasterscan: See Glidedive duo seems like a normal card for like M19
howlinglotus: rabbit stew
Koshindan: "You were the chosen Bun!"
BusTed: tqsFine
LRRbot: Hearthborn Battler [2R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Warlock [2/3] | Haste / Whenever a player casts their second spell each turn, Hearthborn Battler deals 2 damage to target opponent.
jacqui_lantern234: @RandomTrivia Obi-Wan Kenobun
super731: darth bunnakin
MorganteMaggiore: darth vad-hare?
Earthenone: its ok, he will come back as darth hopper
RandomTrivia: Or just Obi-Wan Kenobi, later known as Old Bun
Sage0fMadness: Darth Tater
RocknGrohlNerd: @fele_of_Cardmarket ok Fele, we know from CM videos you have milion commander decks. which one is your pet deck?
anhakha: Bun kenobi
Bugberry: @Pharmacistjudge really it goes back further. Bloodthirst cared about the opponent losing life, the thing you already want to have happen in most games.
sallomon33: @rasterscan funnily enough, M19 had a very similar card to it, that one was a vampire though
jumping_point: Oh lord the puns are real. xD
TXC2: "I have the high stride bunikin!"
Like17Badgers: REF, COME ON
stippledotter: I thought rabbits feet were supposed to be lucky
just__fitz: Spinning thats a good trick
AboveGolf: Oh Darth Hopper is awesome!
MorganteMaggiore: so any away i did backflip and saved the day
IaCthulhuFthagn: I too remember that scene when Anakin gets sliced into cubes by the laser grid outside the Red Queen's chamber.
as_ever_ellesandra: Obi Paw Kenobi
RocknGrohlNerd: @TXC2 another great one
howlinglotus: how many do you have? yes
Caryotip: fun fact except size bunnykin and anakin would look exactly the same after the lava bath
anhakha: @stippledotter they are, for other people...
kaziel0: How many pump spells do you have? At least one!
anhakha: Not the bunny though.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Red ROver
tehfewl: i know i might get roasted for this, but Rabbit is good meat.
jamesinor: โ€œsorry sports fans, but that mistake is probably gonna cost the offense an arm and a legโ€
phoenixfeather14: It's over Bunikin! I have the High Stride!
Viewers_Like_You: !card overdover
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
rasterscan: @sallomon33 I believe it, it's a card much more balanced for a different era
Ordsmed: A MTG-RougeLite where game actions grant you meta progression. Please Beige!
steffex2: to soon
just__fitz: 4 mana Dog with Flying
TXC2: RocknGrohlNerd thank you again
Grimnus: Too soon Nelson
YeomanAres: Too soon Nelson
theevilslime: and of course, Emperor PAw-patine
fele_of_Cardmarket: @RocknGrohlNerd I have two, but you're gonna hate me... it's Inalla and Thrasios/Vial Smasher
CodenameJD: Too soon Nelly
Pharmacistjudge: don't bring Jo or Joe into this!
zook_ningel: !card its joever
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
The_cake_of_lies: Way too soon Nelson
HungryHungry_Hobo: It is in fact Jover now
BrowneePoints: bad timing nelsont
SentinelStormer: Oh it certainly is Joever todya
super731: owfer
MedliKupo: it literally is joever he dropped out
teeelbee: Nelson may not know, but also, lol
Jigokuro: Wow, was not expecting that referenced HERE. bitterLOL
MorganteMaggiore: judge my opponent is making me lose value, is it legal?
Sage0fMadness: lrrNELSON
LRRbot: Overprotect [1G] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +3/+3 and gains trample, hexproof, and indestructible until end of turn.
Halinn: You got that overprot in you
ArcticAtlantic: that was impressively soon is what it was xD
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown There it is!
CrossXhunteR: hey, Blor
RandomTrivia: There are SO MANY uncommons
as_ever_ellesandra: Blor the Impervious would like you to know
Angreed66: it always has been
McMenno: sure is the uncommons
as_ever_ellesandra: Blor is Impervious
dunkleskog: BLOR
BrowneePoints: Blor!!!
Sage0fMadness: Blor 2024
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Blor the Impervious' last words!
MorganteMaggiore: to be fair now the commons are ALSO really good... so yeah
Alex_Frostfire: Secretly, uncommons are very good.
SmashTCG: It's jover isn't it, isn't it
BrowneePoints: can we read the flavor text?
RandomTrivia: "Blor's defenses are impervious!"
rasterscan: See, I want you to show this combat trick to someone in 2015 and watch their eyes bug out at the value
Pharmacistjudge: Yes. do you know how HARD is now to try to be a common cosplayer when they make few of them now?
Tom_Bruise: how many uncommons reward you for playing Magic
loufghyslaufey: Draft boosting > Play boosting??
sierkovitz: Uncommons are the new commons
vinopinguino: not enough bunnies!!
sallomon33: @rasterscan yeah, that one from what I remember was a premier black uncommon, this one seems like just a fine common
MorganteMaggiore: @sierkovitz don't tell pauper
JonnyH: I always build my pools based on art. I don't do well.
RandomTrivia: It's absolutely perfect flavour text
haberley: did LRR have any say on flavour texts this time around?
Bugberry: Giant Dad
Angreed66: pauper is a silly format
TXC2: there's more uncomoms then commons in sets now
CosSinII: Blor do be impervious
loufghyslaufey: I mean, its logistically more stressful in the Play structure, or not?
Easilycrazyhat: Dark Souls troll
Tom_Bruise: And yet Blor is nowhere to be found
TheKarthe: It's also very Borderlands
RatherLargeToad: if you canโ€™t trust Blors, then who can you trust?
TXC2: haberley not that I know of
The_cake_of_lies: I am so in love with this set
macintose: Let him solo her
loufghyslaufey: As far as booster designs go?
BrowneePoints: and a turtle shell
everbeyondreach: Let me solo Bunniken!
Viewers_Like_You: "What are you gonna do, vince me?" - Dude the Invincible
BrowneePoints: and magic defenses
MorganteMaggiore: @Angreed66 true, also a very fun format
LadyKatelynna: and the albanoric mask, of course
CrossXhunteR: do you know off the top of your head if these dice are 25mm or 34mm?
stippledotter: Bro gonna get vinced so hard...
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
tehfewl: you know what you gotta do for people to call you Blor the Impervious?
RevolverRossalot: One unit of Magic potential
maclenrac: is it high stride?
Halinn: Be honest with me Graham, how magical is your remaining card?
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you control.
Sage0fMadness: looks like the OG dancing frog meme
jumping_point: That's so cool!
TXC2: SO British there :p
control_rig: That's SUCH a Kathleen line
BorgarWithAShotgun: is "Dude the invincible" gonna be the nickname for that card?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Grimnus: Its based on a spanish tv meme
howlinglotus: rabbies
50keyz: LUL that flavour text is 10/10
MorganteMaggiore: "you uncultured swine"
ExachixKitsune: love it
RandomTrivia: That is Beatrix Potter in full rage mode
mysteenova157: I love that flavor text hilarious!
IaCthulhuFthagn: @CrossXhunteR Take a measurement and scale to the width of a Magic card?
brieandbacon: "You boiled that water in a WHAT?!"
BrowneePoints: I heard that in Rockets voice
sallomon33: premier flavour text lol
TXC2: that Racoon could be the Prime Minister :p
zook_ningel: offspring trigger
NornsFelidar: that's the most British red card ever
twitchysmile: Ever since the earliest spoilers for this set I've loved the text direction. So tongue in cheek.
Halinn: @BorgarWithAShotgun Impervious
The_cake_of_lies: This just proofs that I might be more red mana aligned than I would like to admit
jamesinor: it absolutely feels like Redwall meets Beatrix Potter, and Iโ€™m here for@it
TribblesFoxfolk: @The_cake_of_lies Embrace is. Red is life.
LRRbot: Heaped Harvest [2G] | Artifact โ€” Food | When Heaped Harvest enters and when you sacrifice it, you may search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice Heaped Harvest: You gain 3 life.
Tweygoh: Your creatures are mostly raccoons
fele_of_Cardmarket: @zook_ningel that sounds like something a new parent would develop...
Bugberry: I like how Heaped Harvest looks like a landscape, since it gets land.
SquareDotCube: saffron or capers
jumping_point: I love the flavour of that set already...
LRRbot: Glidedive Duo [4B] | Creature โ€” Bat Lizard [3/3] | Flying / When Glidedive Duo enters, each opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.
Dorape Kun: expend is just for cast spell, not abilities
LRRbot: Hearthborn Battler [2R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Warlock [2/3] | Haste / Whenever a player casts their second spell each turn, Hearthborn Battler deals 2 damage to target opponent.
Simriel: "you were my offspring token bunnikan!"
El Doc Bruh: Bunnykin getting both his legs, an arm and both ears lopped off ๐Ÿ˜†
Vaeldarg: So many fish shall be targeted with Fling, for the joke.
Luna: run fountainport in a borborygmos enraged deck to fling every fish
LRRbot: Overprotect [1G] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +3/+3 and gains trample, hexproof, and indestructible until end of turn.
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you coโ€ฆ
Vaeldarg: Especially don't call it a "trash panda".
LRRbot: Heaped Harvest [2G] | Artifact โ€” Food | When Heaped Harvest enters and when you sacrifice it, you may search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. / {2โ€ฆ
anhakha: You can eat it, therefore it's edibles.
BlueMechanic: Snails would be very easy to herd
TXC2: can a judge cut a deck ?
MorganteMaggiore: serious question... are there snails in africa?
Viewers_Like_You: Wait... is that on a cutting board? Is that the "girl dinner" I've heard so much about?
TheM8: expend!
squidpeanut: I love how the harvest card has all the colors as food
razorswift: are they slinging it back and forth?
LRRbot: Polliwallop [3G] | Instant | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each Frog you control. / Target creature you control deals damage equal to twice its power to target creature you don't control.
Gekyouryuu: does that not trigger the first?
PhormDjinni: What's the tea? Pain, apparently.
fele_of_Cardmarket: Partywallop!
haberley: this feels very like Humblewood as well, which I'm currently playing :)
alikaoz: The Racoons did Boston
Gekyouryuu: the second slinger doesn't
BrowneePoints: as far as new planes im mostly excited for this and next years Space Opera set
TXC2: MorganteMaggiore there has to be non native ones at least
RevolverRossalot: You want triggers? We got triggers.
Tarnius: @MorganteMaggiore As their name suggests, African land snails are native to Africa, particularly East African countries like Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique. However, they've since spread to every continent on Earth barring Antarctica, mainly through accidental introduction and the exotic pet trade.
RocknGrohlNerd: @fele_of_Cardmarket no no, no hate here. you play what you love :) I actualy never played agains Inalla, on the other hand thrasios/vial thrashed me many many times. So any off meta pet cards in those decks?
MorganteMaggiore: @Tarnius interesting, thx
Diabore: can rabbit target itself?
SlyMaster9: This set looks amazing, probably most hype I've been since like LotR or one of the Eldraine sets.
RevolverRossalot: Threepot Slingers?!
Caryotip: pawparch can t target itself
TheM8: @Diabore yes just not the card targeted
RandomTrivia: @Diabore It can target any creature except the one that was targeted by the triggering spell
frostfox42: loved the kickstarter update BTW
SolarBlitz1: Jeeze Graham, how come your judge allows you to have 3 Pot slingers
Tarnius: To be fair. Africa is maaaaassive. It's got a lot of different biomes, not just desert, but grasslands, savanasa, jungle. With such a wide range of biomes, the humble snail would be an inevitable inclusion in the ecosystem.
Bugberry: It can target itself, but only if another thing is targeted.
sallomon33: @BrowneePoints for me it's this set and our return to Lorwyn, which is funny, cause I don't particularly care for kindred decks. But the art direction and the lore of the planes is just too good!
LRRbot: Stickytongue Sentinel [2G] | Creature โ€” Frog Warrior [3/3] | Reach / When Stickytongue Sentinel enters, return up to one other target permanent you control to its owner's hand.
LRRMTG_Judge: pharma2Allow pharma2Allow pharma2Allow
Caryotip: !card pawpatch recruit
LRRbot: Pawpatch Recruit [G] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [2/1] | Offspring {2} / Trample / Whenever a creature you control becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control other than that creature.
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you control.
NornsFelidar: @txcs technically, judges can cut a deck. the question is why you would want a judge to do that. and if you want them to do that you probably want them to do something else, like investigate?
Ordsmed: Can expend trigger for the Teapot Slinger that enterd that turn, or did it 'lose' the oppertunity since 4 mana was used before it entered?
macintose: Gah foiled again
Desdae: Does lizard trigger off any player?
rogue6119: People who work at dispenseries should be called pot slingers.
LRRMTG_Judge: @Ordsmed yes it does lose the opportunity. pharma2Vial
zook_ningel: @Ordsmed second one
sallomon33: @BrowneePoints oops, nvm, misread it lol
RiverGloom: i just finished watching wheeler's BLB review on his home stream before tuning in today
LadyKatelynna: foil teapot slinger slings foil tea
RiverGloom: soo good
raulghoulia: Potmonger
Bugberry: @Ordsmed you only spend your 4th once a turn, which you already bypassed.
anhakha: Edibellhops
ArdCollider: budtender is pretty standard North American usage.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Mana is expended when the spell is cast, and before the spell resolves
McMenno: lmao
ExachixKitsune: cute but bad
CrossXhunteR: apothecaries
GredGredmansson: @Ordsmed expend 4 cares about "the 4th mana" being spent, not any instance of 4 consecutive mana
TXC2: weed slingers
rasterscan: "Hi, I'm Bud Tenders"
UltraVioletVodoo: thats what theyre calld here in colorado
50keyz: gross
zook_ningel: butt ender
SirLoinOfBeef_: butt enders
Viewers_Like_You: I mean, if you're going that way, why not Bud-rista?
dunkleskog: yeah budtender is standard
Bruceski: butt-enders
creasehearst: that's a bartender that only serves Budweiser
SquareDotCube: better than butt tenders
jamesinor: Uhโ€ฆ The milk in my fridge frozeโ€ฆ
DanTheMediocre: weedmongers
th3gentleknut: They're just Buddies
Commodore_Perry_GG: A stoned termite walks into a dispensary and asks, "Is the budtender here?"
anhakha: Or butt enders
RiverGloom: there also called budtenders here in ontario
LRRbot: Moonrise Cleric [1{W/B}{W/B}] | Creature โ€” Bat Cleric [2/3] | Flying / Whenever Moonrise Cleric attacks, you gain 1 life.
nerhydas72: budbearer
spookittyAsh: Bundtenders, for cakes :9
senorhowdy: I'm waiting for the Teapot Slimger alter that's just Link yeeting a pot across the room
50keyz: budristas is better for sure
fele_of_Cardmarket: @RocknGrohlNerd I would say Inalla is pretty average although there's definitely a lot of "old" cards in it. Thrasios/VS is really just my shell where I put all the latest mana expensive shiny cards I pull in drafts, it's actually not that good SeemsGood now i need to know, what's your pet deck?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Halinn: Weedmonger is good
diablolar: Bud-ologist
MrPipboy3000: Buddies?
squidpeanut: Bud tenders sounds like a 4 mana green creature
Ordsmed: @LRRMTG_Judge Got it, thanks!
Keylometers: What about Cannbuddy?
50keyz: cannibus driver?
MorganteMaggiore: "charming"?
just__fitz: Registered Dealer, an RD
Viewers_Like_You: "Weedwich artist"
jamesinor: Weedly Wonka
TheUncannyGirl: When I first heard "Bud-tenders" tossed around, I assumed it was tied to order delivery McNuggets from McDonald's.
MorganteMaggiore: "oh that's nice"
BrowneePoints: @sallomon33 oh Iโ€™m mega excited for the two returns next year, but for new planes Iโ€™m more excited for Bloomburrow and Space Opera vs Oopy spoopy and Death race
Bugberry: quaint
fele_of_Cardmarket: Moonshine Cleric. Must be best buds with the Winecrap dude...
Keylometers: Mr. Juana
LRRbot: Bark-Knuckle Boxer [1G] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Berserker [3/2] | Whenever you expend 4, Bark-Knuckle Boxer gains indestructible until end of turn.
maclenrac: canni-soir
RiverGloom: A cannabilla buddy
Hansk_and_Boo: In the place where I used to work we called the dealer the "groenteboer", which is Dutch for a vendor of vegetables.
laff_o_tron subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
laff_o_tron: how many woodland babies can you have in 102 months
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, laff_o_tron! (Today's storm count: 111)
LRRbot: Roughshod Duo [2R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Raccoon [3/2] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains trample until end of turn.
MorganteMaggiore: pret a pot-er?
LRRbot: Whiskerquill Scribe [1R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Citizen [2/2] | Valiant โ€” Whenever Whiskerquill Scribe becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card.
LadyKatelynna: read the barknuckle boxer flavor text out loud right now
Viewers_Like_You: Some-weed-elier
Laserbeaks_Fury: So which trigger happens first: Expend 4 or casting 2nd spell?
dewrules235: I keep hearing Recoome instead of Raccoon
The_cake_of_lies: Yes
just__fitz: Wight of the Weliquary
McMenno: glidedive duo
shurtal: Riverwheel Aerialists REVENGE
The_cake_of_lies: I fully believe that
ArcticAtlantic: little do they know these folks made it through over 1000 sub names yesterday
sallomon33: @BrowneePoints right, we had that death race set! I also can't wait for it, though I hope they manage the multi-plane feel better than MOM
ThePixelSavage: when you release a set almost every month you just run out of words/names at some point
fele_of_Cardmarket: eqiup my whisper silk cloak and my silverquill to my whispersquill scribe
RandomTrivia: Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar lrrBEEJ
nerhydas72: whiskey scribbey
MrPipboy3000: Saddleback Legack
jacqui_lantern234: Whiskers Kill Scribe
raulghoulia: Nug Sommelier
Tom_Bruise: misterspill cribe
sierkovitz: My favourite from OTJ was Treasure Dredger
VoidSpinner: Wiver wheel airwyalist
brieandbacon: They pronounced Asmoranamardicodaistinaculdicar, let them try this
Pharmacistjudge: don't y'all have connections to the creative text team? :P
Krillin_fan: wiskersquill skwibe
GreatWahooney: Riverwheel Aerialists say hi
aussie_rob_w: Whisky Skill Scrithe
LRRbot: Polliwallop [3G] | Instant | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each Frog you control. / Target creature you control deals damage equal to twice its power to target creature you don't control.
Cheshire Creeper: Snails My Beloved
LRRbot: Stickytongue Sentinel [2G] | Creature โ€” Frog Warrior [3/3] | Reach / When Stickytongue Sentinel enters, return up to one other target permanent you control to its owner's hand.
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you coโ€ฆ
Patrik Caes-Sayrs: buh-tender
Waves of Babies: They should just be call Buddies
Vaeldarg: It's a dispensery. They're dispensers.
LRRbot: Moonrise Cleric [1{W/B}{W/B}] | Creature โ€” Bat Cleric [2/3] | Flying / Whenever Moonrise Cleric attacks, you gain 1 life.
dreynip: Now I want to open a bakery and call myself a Bundt Tender
LRRbot: Bark-Knuckle Boxer [1G] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Berserker [3/2] | Whenever you expend 4, Bark-Knuckle Boxer gains indestructible until end of turn.
LRRbot: Roughshod Duo [2R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Raccoon [3/2] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains trample until end of turn.
LRRbot: Whiskerquill Scribe [1R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Citizen [2/2] | Valiant โ€” Whenever Whiskerquill Scribe becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, you may discard aโ€ฆ
Easilycrazyhat: Wickersquill Sribe
Bugberry: @sallomon33 I felt MoM had an amazing multi-plane feel, so for me it'll be a tough act to follow.
vinopinguino: wax wane witness
Tom_Bruise: whistletilk sbrike
alikaoz: We know design thinks of creators
Hansk_and_Boo: Dont forget that set that had slithers and slivers :')
LRRMTG_Judge: @Laserbeaks_Fury The triggers are simultaneous, and can be ordered by the active player. -Judge Greg
RiverGloom: nickname idea whiskersquill
SketchyDetails: Expend4.dek
Ukon_Cairns: whiskerquill scribe lets out a whispersqueal when you hit it with a whisperkill spell
LRRbot: Feed the Cycle [1B] | Instant | As an additional cost to cast this spell, forage or pay {B}. / Destroy target creature or planeswalker.
teeelbee: move to take 2 damage phase
fele_of_Cardmarket: thanks I hate it
jamesinor: itโ€™s like all the mana that Graham spent got thrown at Wheeler
SketchyDetails: Why would twitch try to amke that a link D:
MorganteMaggiore: oh btw, is the nickname thing-y on hiatus still?
squidpeanut: Old (odd) acorn gang got me bad
LRRbot: Junkblade Bruiser [3{R/G}{R/G}] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Berserker [4/5] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, Junkblade Bruiser gets +2/+1 until end of turn.
gluonquark: so he did not take 2
fele_of_Cardmarket: Jundblake bruiser
TXC2: SketchyDetails anything with letters after a dot becomes a link
LesVox: Did they do the raffle yet?
ThePixelSavage: @LesVox several
TheWanderingNomad: A lot of Expend 4
frostfox42: raccoon berserker just so amazing to think about
Hansk_and_Boo: @fele_of_cardmarket good one
Tweygoh: Iwas a raccoon kid
TXC2: LesVox yes, but there's another to come
RiverGloom: i wish playing a removal spell called for more fan fare like in wrestling
Redpandarama: Graham is just like me frfr
sallomon33: are the commanders available in Play Boosters or was that purely an MH3 thing?
SketchyDetails: Noted. The joke will now be expend4,dek
lirazel64: I had a Davey Crockett raccoon cap.
trilemma85: Mostly dead is still somewhat alive!
TXC2: ThePixelSavage there's only been one so far
kaziel0: @LesVox They did 1. There's another one coming I believe.
SketchyDetails: Its european
fele_of_Cardmarket: Game 5!
ArcticAtlantic: the tie!
Ukon_Cairns: henyaCheerdance henyaCheerdance
Viewers_Like_You: Well Magic the Gatheringed!
LesVox: For this round I mean, cus it was one per round right?
crazycommie87: Noice
Hansk_and_Boo: lrrHORN lrrHORN
fele_of_Cardmarket: woohoo more shinies!!!
KaleidoscopeMind: both fight!
Thebossman40k: most amusing
vinopinguino: how about a tie break at a later time?!
MorganteMaggiore: from craking jokes to craking packs
Gekyouryuu: round 4 out of how many?
CobaltShuriken: i love death!
maclenrac: to the death
TXC2: !greetings
LRRbot: Greetings, you Homarid Warriors!
vinopinguino: 6
macintose: Good games lrrBartleby
Diabore: wonder who round 5 and 6 will be
yargle: I like pond profits
rogue6119: Trash Panda kindred ftw!
fele_of_Cardmarket: whiskersquill scribes!
RossIrelandPrime subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
RossIrelandPrime: I gotta remember to keep doing this
logophile99: go Cameron show her what is what
TXC2: right chat I'm off
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RossIrelandPrime! (Today's storm count: 112)
RandomTrivia: He said the thing! FBtouchdown
LarkSachrosis: He said the thing!
kiba509: some could say battle tooth and nail
Icarus865: Let's go Pond Prophits!!!! Who up Prophiting they Pond?
RiverGloom: does anyone know how many rounds there are going to be
MorganteMaggiore: give me cake or give me death
Diabore: @TXC2 night
super731: o7
MTGRanger: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming LRR
RandomTrivia: Night TXC2, take care! sergeModLove
Lordofironstorm: Blumborrough
gryfyn1: bloom Burritos!
AllTheWeasels: @TXC2 o7
MTGRanger: @TXC2 Seeya TXC2!
Anubis169: night TXC2, much hugs!
vinopinguino: @RiverGloom six
The_cake_of_lies: Good night TXC2
NornsFelidar: no hooves in the set
Bugberry: I hope we get Noggles, basically Donkeyfolk, back in Lorwyn
fele_of_Cardmarket: Blum'nbรผro
Lordofironstorm: Donkey kindred when?
jazzfox: Sadly think the Unsets killed us every seeing donkeys again, lol
frostfox42: give donkey!
ThePixelSavage: Donkey is not a "critter"
macintose: But is donkey horse?
SittingOx: LUL
SlyMaster9: Donkeys are too big
jacqui_lantern234: graham!!!
Gekyouryuu: Graham beat me to it
Scarrboros: LUL
Marvoleath: @NornsFelidar moose got hooves
singinnonsense: there is a changeling tho
Peevvi: "give donkey" sounds obscene
Angreed66: donkey too stronk
Badchop: lol
LRRMTG_Judge: They do still live in the Bloomborough. -Judge Greg
jazzfox: Never again will we be allowed those butt puns
as_ever_ellesandra: Donkey with offspring, but the 1/1 is a dragon
sierkovitz: Donkeys are exclusively silver bordered
Mr_Horrible: talking like FFXIV players
n3ther: the wheeler is pleased
LarkSachrosis: !card Smart Ass
LRRbot: Smart Ass [2U] | Creature โ€” Donkey Wizard [2ยฝ/1] | Whenever Smart Ass attacks, choose a card name. If defending player has no cards with the chosen name in their hand, they may reveal their hand. If they don't reveal their hand, Smart Ass can't be blocked this turn.
Gekyouryuu: one sided fight spell: donkey punch?
gluonquark: as(s)pirations
sallomon33: so far the PPR seems pretty aggressive tbh, and Sealed of a set is usually slower than its Draft. I enjoy slower sets more, so that worries me a bit
MadmanOreo: would it be a donkey or an a$$ because of unglued?
Bugberry: !card fat ass
LRRbot: Fat Ass [4G] | Creature โ€” Donkey Shaman [2/3ยฝ] | Fat Ass gets +2/+2 and has trample as long as you're eating. (Gum isn't food. We checked.)
northos: "when banishing light enters the well..."
General_Pants: enters my.... battlefield
Ilaian: I want to know where Graham got that shirt so bad
GredGredmansson: @MadmanOreo unhinged, and donkey
roastbeefsandwitch: why they didn't revert back to "enters play" instead of going back to "enters", I don't know.
GredGredmansson: @roastbeefsandwitch what is "play"
anhakha: Etb is now just E.
Bugberry: You can Leave Graveyard and other zones. You only Enter the battlefield.
Thebossman40k: good. let the hatred flow through you
nerhydas72: I imagine it's also confusing to new players
GredGredmansson: @Bugberry this
Lordofironstorm: Donkey Hote
LRRMTG_Judge: the word "play" has very specific meaning they don't want to open that box again.
CrossXhunteR: a gate
RevolverRossalot: You can enter any time you like, but can't just leave ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต
NornsFelidar: @marvoleath you are right. but also... that moose is a mistake๐Ÿ˜†
ExpeditionToGamesEnd: The problem is that the word "play" has specific rules meaning.
TheWriterAleph: RIP "enters the battlefield", 2010-2024
Diabore: thats really good
gryfyn1: a GATE!
Mr_Horrible: honestly this is just the Buyer's Remorse for changing "comes into play" finally coming home to roost
SydPreviouslyHeadache: Enters will be relevant in 10 years when WotC annouces another field
goosevonkaiser: enter the donkeys, gavin
bojuka_pog: Agatรฉ
Mr_Horrible: Abigbrade
ExpeditionToGamesEnd: You can't really use just "Leave" because cards can leave zones besides the battlefield.
Pharmacistjudge: himbo lizards?
mjiig: @SydPreviouslyHeadache The peaceful-discussion-field?
orucsoraihc: a gate a salt
northos: "King Gizzard and the Lizard Idiot" doesn't have the same ring to it :p
GredGredmansson: wheeler your bits are poisoning graham's mind
bojuka_pog: Stormed crow
dunkleskog: it would be fun if they had the same vibe as goblins
jacqui_lantern234: i LOVE that Van Halen album Kappa
Keylometers: @ExpeditionToGamesEnd Cards can enter zones besides the battlefield too tho lol
goosevonkaiser: you know whoโ€™d make great himbos? donkeys
GredGredmansson: @Keylometers Name one.
jamesinor: Why do many word when one word do trick?
malfnord: Isn't that a Mario 64 level?
Keylometers: @GredGredmansson graveyard
Mr_Horrible: "Dire Downdraft" is just me taking cards in pack 2
RocknGrohlNerd: @fele_of_Cardmarket that is exactily my jam, using new cards and mechanics as the come along. My absolute pet deck is Brago, I do not care for winning I use it to show off / look through my favourite cards. Biggest flex of the deck is not the foil The One Ring but foil Arena Promo basics
Ukon_Cairns: will say, bloomburrow probably one of the better settings to drop the battlefield from etb. less battlefield more bakers, gossips, and offspring
Badchop: Command.
sallomon33: @Keylometers yeah, but it's usually worded as "is put into" and not "enters"
ExpeditionToGamesEnd: @Keylometers But the word has never been used on cards for any of those zones besides the battlefield.
gluonquark: what's updraft elemental?
GredGredmansson: @Keylometers No, cards are "put in" the graveyard. Try again.
Astrovore: I love these raccoons
LRRbot: Feed the Cycle [1B] | Instant | As an additional cost to cast this spell, forage or pay {B}. / Destroy target creature or planeswalker.
Cheshire Creeper: Expend seems really good
LRRbot: Junkblade Bruiser [3{R/G}{R/G}] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Berserker [4/5] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, Junkblade Bruiser gets +2/+1 until end of turn.
Waves of Babies: I didn't think there were enough cards with expend for it to work, but when you got 3 of one of em...
Waves of Babies: may this collectors pack have many rats and many buns
Alex: im so glad that they started streaming on youtube too, this is great
Waves of Babies: Legendary Ass
Simriel: You can Leave many things
Waves of Babies: you can enter many things
Simriel: TOS :P
Icarus865: @Mr_Horrible How do I like a twitch comment lol
aussie_rob_w: It's If you see it late it's dire down draft.
SydPreviouslyHeadache: @mjiig i was just being/doing a goof, but actually if they do another Un-set, i could see it working
Gekyouryuu: Red Deck at Night, Sailor's Delight, Red Deck at Morning, Tournament Players Take Warning
Bugberry: @Keylometers just because they go to other zones doesn't mean it's proper wording to say "enters" those zones. Creatures "entering" the graveyard die.
ancienthangover: art for Savor is so sick
Scarbble: @gluonquark not much what's updraft with you
A_Dub888: Which eye of the Beholder?
RiverGloom: im always curious what they do with the packs they open on CAP
frostfox42: savor seems good in limited
dreamcatcher_ttv: the foils look like pringles
lesbiandracula subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
howlinglotus: nooo! little guy
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lesbiandracula! (Today's storm count: 113)
Keylometers: Eh, I guess I am wrong. I still don't like "enters" though
super731: squirrels notable good food
gluonquark: @Scarbble lrrHEART
googoltudoris: TOP tier simpsons reference, wheeler
bwk789: @rivergloom sometimes ship to CK, sometimes keep or make many piles I believe
senorhowdy: The falafel?
Wolfii_TV: fluffle is agroup of bunnies
SydPreviouslyHeadache: fluffle of bnuuyies
frostfox42: fulffle?
brningpyre: A fluffle of rabbits
kynelwynn: A group of rabbits is called a fluffle
sierkovitz: Lebanese street food
Mr_Horrible: it's the term for a group of rabbits
aussie_rob_w: a group of bunnies is called a fluffle
Ukon_Cairns: cant wait to see more of this cycle, druid of the heart, druid of the diamond, druid of the club henyaDance
EricErik: would you say this preprelease is a little...nuts?
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
PhoxStyle: fluffer maybe :D
epsilon_vee: TIL
Omentuva: It's one term for a group of rabbits.
brningpyre: that's only if they're sad
Alex_Frostfire: It has a weird history that boils down to "someone made it up and it stuck."
Halinn: Ben!
RatherLargeToad: The Fluffle has big tromple sir blompy
Tom_Bruise: a watership of rabbits
irikaj: It's a term someone created in a Wikipedia list
gluonquark: @sierkovitz that's falafel
aussie_rob_w: Wheeler no!
irikaj: And people liked it and used it
Easilycrazyhat: I learned from the BLB story that a group of rats can be called a 'mischief' of rats, which is wonderful.
TehAmelie: a hostile fluffle is a kerfluffle
whoppernugget: Shadows over Bloomburrow
00gogo00: the escort is crazy
nerdsta82: it is a fluffle
00gogo00: better rattlechains
RiverGloom: @bwk789 the amount of piles in the early days must have been crazy
Lichenbeard: bloomburrow 2: weatherlight down
RandomTrivia: I'm sorry, this was too good to pass up
UnknownFriday: Fun fact: Watership Down used to be in the kid's section at the local video rental store.
DanTheMediocre: @gluonquark isnt that the final fantasy small folk?
00gogo00: and rattlechains is already great
ExpeditionToGamesEnd: @Keylometers Sure. That's totally legitimate. Not saying anything plus or minus to "enters," just explaining that rules-wording-wise, just "leaves" wouldn't work.
Jon_CoffeeRobot: first result says a fluffle is specifically a Canadian term for a group of rabbits
Marvoleath: @whoppernugget Emrakul as actual octopus?
sallomon33: @Alex_Frostfire from what I see in dictonaries it's still labelled as "informal" though, so that's something
RocknGrohlNerd: @RandomTrivia breyaProfChamp
Angreed66: watership down is when ral connects ravnica to bloomburrow and invades the plane.
goosevonkaiser: birds eating rn
00gogo00: did you know there's 4 different 1U 2/1 flash fliers with upside in standard after blb comes out
Gaelan_Maestro: did i miss the second draw?
firstlevelwizard subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, firstlevelwizard! (Today's storm count: 114)
fele_of_Cardmarket: gregory peck? I love u guys
NornsFelidar: angelic steroids
00gogo00: no, second draw hasn't happened yet
Gaelan_Maestro: thanks
ardor_edi: aww, it's not a common for pauper
frostfox42: awww he has a fire ant
MadmanOreo: @fele_of_Cardmarket was he in one of those peck and paw movies?
Halinn: Kiki Combo
nerdsta82: i love his ant pet in the art
sallomon33: @ardor_edi yeah, somewhat counterintuitively this set seems mid for Pauper
Bugberry: !card enthralling victor
LRRbot: Enthralling Victor [3R] | Creature โ€” Human Warrior [3/2] | When Enthralling Victor enters the battlefield, gain control of target creature an opponent controls with power 2 or less until end of turn. Untap that creature. It gains haste until end of turn.
accountmadeforants: I think Enters is just about the cleanest they could make it. Initially I thought they might make it a keyword (like (ETB keyword): Thing happens.) But that wouldn't work with "other thing ETBs". (One other thing I can imagine happening in the future is "until end of turn" being implicit again, but that might make people even more upset.)
SoylentDoener: untap target kiki-jiki
ExachixKitsune: Otherwise it's just Enthralling
ExachixKitsune: oh
fele_of_Cardmarket: @MadmanOreo see, now you lost me... ^^
Dread_Pirate_Westley: This card wishes it had Entralling Victor's abs.
goosevonkaiser: @madmanoreo Clap
TheWriterAleph: @Dread_Pirate_Westley :O
tehfewl: looking respectfully
GredGredmansson: froe
RogueRaile: rabbit
Diabore: eat your heart out skittering surveyor
super731: froge
whoppernugget: forg
sallomon33: frogge!
fele_of_Cardmarket: Frog Scout for summer!
ProcyonFlynn: !lastcard
RatherLargeToad: OSFrog
SydPreviouslyHeadache: I love the frogs in this set, and i just lack the confidence i could pilot the deck well
GredGredmansson: this is very new player friendly i think this set is
Bugberry: Bugs Life did that kind of telescope
Diabore: at least they didnt reprint island right... right?
TehAmelie: the first microscopes did it for real
nyoomgoom: a dewdrop in a leaf used as a telescope is a thing they did in pixar's a bug's life lol
accountmadeforants: They reprinted mountain? Dang, not looking forward to another rotation's worth of Mountain decks.
razorswift: PogChamp
ExachixKitsune: Do they have a counter combat damage step that also gives the opponent a toad? A frog-give and fog-get?
Sunidesus: I don't Magic, but I might have to buy a couple cards now that I know there's frogs
ardor_edi: Crime Lizards go
SketchyDetails: Mountain is the most busted reprint since island
McMenno: sheesh
Marvoleath: Gevin!
Mr_Horrible: if other recent (and upcoming >_>) sets have felt a lil shark-jumpy, this one honestly feels like a reversal, a bit of a return, even if it's still very centered around the flavor
Ukon_Cairns: love the amount of lizard and outlaw synergy
NornsFelidar: @bugberry I was trying to figure for days where I've seen this telescope!))
roastbeefsandwitch: ooh, Bloodthirst.
Scarrboros: persist!
sallomon33: @ExachixKitsune ok, that's very good xD
Pharmacistjudge: gev looks so happy
Bugberry: @NornsFelidar Flick was all about inventing if I recall.
fele_of_Cardmarket: How is everything awesome and/or cute in this set?
firstlevelwizard: Lizards are anarchists
s0lesurviv0r: crimes! clzYumagnum
RandomTrivia: An outlaw that commits crimes!
ExachixKitsune: sallomon33 : thank you so much :3
niccus: converts your other cards into crimes
GredGredmansson: a LOT of the lizards in this set are outlaws
Viewers_Like_You: What an adorable little murderer
Pyre Dynasty: DS9
Cheshire Creeper: Fluffle
Waves of Babies: Fluffle
Nadav Franji: ?Falafel
Pyre Dynasty: What the fluffle?
Waves of Babies: a fluffle is indeed a group of rabbits
Chris Cordell: Ermagerd, flerffle
Lucky Draws: fluffle
Greys N. Owman: I canโ€™t believe Clifftop Lookout wasnโ€™t already the name of a card
Greys N. Owman: It sounds so much like a Magic card
TheInsaneGame: Clifftop Retreat is a thing
SydPreviouslyHeadache: idr when this happened, but i like pointing out Viashino got reclassified as Lizards
CMDRNuffin: @s0lesurviv0r it does in fact do crimes too, yes
NornsFelidar: rip viashino ๐Ÿฅฒ
GredGredmansson: @SydPreviouslyHeadache very recently, with OTJ
tehfewl: your Toxic I'm slipping under
frostfox42: hahahahahahaa
fele_of_Cardmarket: That one will make so many commander players so sad!
notthepenguins: oh NO
ardor_edi: anti treasure tech, lvoe to see it
LarkSachrosis: oof
krfsm: that one goes into my poisson deck
Bruceski: poisoned food
mysteenova157: brother ewwww
SydPreviouslyHeadache: @GredGredmansson OH! That is recent, thank you very much
Bugberry: Now everyone is toxic
frostfox42: i like the squirrel
GredGredmansson: thanks i hate it
PoorMansPoison: Brother EWWWW
notthepenguins: the counter tech to smothering tithe...
qzzyozzy: fuck treasure tokens so hard
alikaoz: Not sad. Dead.
jamesinor: Apothecary has me very excited
krfsm: *AND* their food!
razorswift: The fact that this is in the Group hug deck along with THREE alternate wincons is wild to me
Hallontagg: "surely you want to drink some coolaid"
Keylometers: Excited to bring that to commander night
General_Pants: its the fallout junk deck tech
00gogo00: Hearth
PhormDjinni: Dockside Extortionist in shambles
IronLucario2012: Hehehe, I want that to fuck over Prosper decks
accountmadeforants: Anti-Hullbreacher tech Kappa
Tom_Bruise: just holding the treasure player hostage until they start playing Bolt
Tweygoh: and their clues and maps
JeysieC: What if we made poison even more evil - someone at Wizards apparently
00gogo00: it's "Hearth"
Gekyouryuu: ah, that's why the card reader's been showing it extended
SlyMaster9: No Dockside for you!
ThePixelSavage: and food more importantly
00gogo00: not hearth
goombalax: @Pharmacistjudge they've just found the cure for capitalism
goosevonkaiser: hurthborne
thatonefergie: Heart-hborn
sallomon33: @accountmadeforants anti-Dockside tech!
Mr_Horrible: I get it, Wheeler
ipoddodd: yeah nice one
aussie_rob_w: wheeler!
senorhowdy: Uhhh Wheeler
SoylentDoener: its violent ledger lizard
neisan2112: lrrWOW lrrWOW
super731: huh
McMenno: wheeler...
zigboy22: booooo
Lordofironstorm: This is a family show!
gloamsworn: uhm this will be a thing
goosevonkaiser: wheeler said that joke from the hearth
Dread_Pirate_Westley: "Sweet" says past Graham, unaware that more recent Past Graham just did a bunch of damage to more recent Past Wheeler with that very card.
TehAmelie: haven't convoked in a while
excalgold: haha i genuinely chuckled Wheel
viowof: was that an Elden Ring reference?
Dedwrekka: What are those houses built out of?
excalgold: Wheeler*
Diabore: yup
RandomTrivia: As an enjoyer of Arguel's Blood Fast, I look forward to this card
Bugberry: !card Greed
LRRbot: Greed [3B] | Enchantment | {B}, Pay 2 life: Draw a card.
MegaTrain: if you gained AND lost life this turn?? is that right?
MegaTrain: or is it OR?
ipoddodd: @MegaTrain That's correct
Ukon_Cairns: what if the lizard warlok was just using like, lightning magic and the boneshards are just whats left of the previous target
squidpeanut: @megatrain yes and
GredGredmansson: @MegaTrain yes, AND
The_cake_of_lies: !card Arguel's Blood
LRRbot: Arguel's Blood Fast [1B] (back: Temple of Aclazotz) | Legendary Enchantment | {1}{B}, Pay 2 life: Draw a card. / At the beginning of your upkeep, if you have 5 or less life, you may transform Arguel's Blood Fast.
s0lesurviv0r: sorry what was the name of that BW enchantment??
GredGredmansson: Lunar Convocation
Diabore: @s0lesurviv0r lunar something
RandomTrivia: !card lunar convocation
LRRbot: Lunar Convocation [WB] | Enchantment | At the beginning of your end step, if you gained life this turn, each opponent loses 1 life. / At the beginning of your end step, if you gained and lost life this turn, create a 1/1 black Bat creature token with flying. / {1}{B}, Pay 2 life: Draw a card.
Marvoleath: !card lunar convocation
kynelwynn: There was an Eldrain enchantment that feels similar to this too.
fele_of_Cardmarket: this goes into my Teysa-face deck
googoltudoris: there are *7* orzhov bat clerics in this set
Diabore: jace?
Diabore: oh ant queen
McMenno: that's not a special guest smh
accountmadeforants: Heck yeah fellow Ant Queen enjoyer
ProcyonFlynn: Again, already a critter
NornsFelidar: ooooh Ant reimagined as Ant!
Scarbble: whoa, what if this ant was a critter? that'd be wild
zigboy22: ANTS
cmdrud87: I need ne of those
GreatWahooney: M10 actually!
GredGredmansson: M10, actually
BrowneePoints: love any queen. this shouldnโ€™t have been on the list
rasterscan: THat seems solid as a mana outlet
BrowneePoints: ant*
GreatWahooney: @GredGredmansson haha jinx
kynelwynn: @ProcyonFlynn Yes. Because outside of Planeswalkers, creature type wasn't going to ever change for these "Imagine" series
JeysieC: Imagine ants
aussie_rob_w: love Aunt Queen
cmdrud87: and ut's from M10
Skudd: Ant Queen is, in fact, how you get ants
TehAmelie: gonna plot out so many babies
ExachixKitsune: they're not
aussie_rob_w: aww Lop!
OfficerHoit subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OfficerHoit! (Today's storm count: 115)
Mr_Horrible: Redwall Feasts yum
brieandbacon: Chickens go in
accountmadeforants: Probably the least cute Ant Queen art so far, contrary to the Critters theme. (Also my favourite art so far, though)
goombalax: they imported the pork from eldraine
aussie_rob_w: dear god i really need to go to bed lol
northos: ngl that kinda makes me want to eat a strawberry as big as my face
AugmentingPath: my doctor's always telling me to eat more dandelions
aussie_rob_w: goodnight everybody
RandomTrivia: It's so precious!
Easilycrazyhat: A great, big, bushy bodyguard
RandomTrivia: benginLove
sallomon33: the Food token looks sweet, but have you seen the Treasure token? it's so wholesome and cute :D
firstlevelwizard: God bloomburrow would be terrible for avoiding seed oils
bwk789: Graham!! good joke
bwk789: the kids ARE alright
Badchop: don't mix up those tokens, gotta keep 'em separated
kynelwynn: @sallomon33 I cannot bring myself to break those treasures for mana.
Alex_Frostfire: I think the Critters stuff is less like, "what if this but animal," and more like, "what if this but on Bloomburrow."
trevor_impersonator: yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah
GredGredmansson: Wheeler: "I know nothing about this set." Also Wheeler: *Teaches Graham one of the set mechanics*
NornsFelidar: ant queen produces 1/1 at the same price unbestowed nantuko does
Lobo_Apache: black white bats!black white bats!black white bats!black white bats!
WhiteWizard42: @NornsFelidar nantuko makes insects for free
NornsFelidar: nah ignore that
ipoddodd: @NornsFelidar not true! It's on landfall
Tweygoh: nantuko an ant queen
benjamin_wheeler: that was a lie
C Beary: eeeevil squirrel
Simriel: But do we have a Secret Squirrel
Pyre Dynasty: Wow, Imagine if Ant Queen was an animal
Waves of Babies: no otters and no rats
Kass: Now if there's a red protection card called "Red Wall" I could get behind this set
General_Pants: may have called that putt too early
jamesinor: Oh thank god, fewer chrysalis's
laikagoat: LUL
SirLoinOfBeef_: say the line!
Boomyakalolo: @Tweygoh nantuko a hornet queen
Dschuncks: Hi Wheeler
RandomTrivia: Love it when Wheeler says the thing
alikaoz: Before the meese were revealed, I assume
fearagent1988: lrrGREED
squidpeanut: This limited environment seems scawy
ARabidMonkee subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ARabidMonkee! (Today's storm count: 116)
sallomon33: please Wheeler! Don't mention the name of that boogeyman NotLikeThis
kaziel0: @benjamin_wheeler No one could fault you for not seeing the future. ^^
SketchyDetails: Nantuko Anne, Hornet Queen
excalgold: only time i've ever been tempted to go to a release
excalgold: prerelease even
Gekyouryuu: @SketchyDetails Anne Tuko
TehAmelie: what do we call that kind of scalable token generation ability? tokenbreathing?
sharker037: @excalgold you should go, its super fun
s0lesurviv0r: anybody else just going to print a bunch of old Hannah Barbera characters for tokens?
Underachiever28: Iโ€™m watching on spotty airplane WiFi. did I miss the give-away?
Decaped: Are the bigger creatures people on Bloomburrow? or are they decidedly not people?
Gekyouryuu: @Underachiever28 the first was a couple rounds ago, still have 1 to go today
jumping_point: I still really like the LRR's Bizarre Playmat design. It's fun.
squidpeanut: @decaped They are elementals and not people
Marvoleath: @Decaped Fox and Badger is as large as it seems to go, at least in the valley
sallomon33: @Decaped the only kinda person we have seen on Bloomburrow is the in-plane reprint of that Halfling barkeep from AFR in one of the Commander decks
TehAmelie: seeing as we just aw a 5/5 ant, what does size mean
sharker037: @Decaped living forces of natures with little to no higher intelligence.
Decaped: neat
GredGredmansson: @sallomon33 that's not set on bloomburrow; some of the new art cards are on other sets, like Zendikar and Ixalan
squidpeanut: @sallomon33 I donโ€™t believe that guy is in-plane
sharker037: they do have like, feelings and stuff. the owl got mad they stole her baby
Decaped: Ral is also a personanimal
BrowneePoints: They are literally sentient walking disasters
sharker037: i think the term is animalfolk
sallomon33: @GredGredmansson oh, I didn't know that
GredGredmansson: we don't know where this halfling comes from
sharker037: @BrowneePoints not exactly "sentient"
GredGredmansson: sapient
clockworkmenagerie: Yeah, Innkeeper is just the only in-multiverse art we've had. Otherwise only AFR and LTR afaik
squidpeanut: Also no animals that exist through domestication it seems
IaCthulhuFthagn: @sharker037 Kuro is in Bloomburrow?
Easilycrazyhat: muted
super731: hi james
Easilycrazyhat: oops nvm
Grimnus: James real
Hansk_and_Boo: Did you have a good food, James?โœจ
sharker037: hi jaaames
fele_of_Cardmarket: woohoo! more LRRfolk on LRRfolk violence!
Boomyakalolo: James exists
Decaped: If a Sergovian Leviathan planeswalked to BLoomburrow on an omenpath, how big would it be? XD
ThePixelSavage: James having a real old Judge shirt?
excalgold: is that famous Waterbaloon target James Turner as table friend?
macintose: Hi serge
Anubis169: ahh, he dried off
KeytarCat: heya fam I'm back from the market!
Technotrout: sound out of synch
n3ther: look at these friends playing magic together
jazzfox: And coffee! Very important!
Anubis169: Technotrout: ctrl-f5
t7112: Hi Serge!
McMenno: yoooo it's James
maclenrac: boss
RandomTrivia: sergeCrimes
TheWriterAleph: LUL
Anubis169: manLOL
JinaMahavira: LUL
Jigokuro: bitterLOL
MrSarkhan: lrrDARK
Mr_Horrible: here's to another 27! sofieCheeron
SlyMaster9: Jesus
n3ther: the temptation lol
0011110000110011: LUL
McMenno: LUL
ThePixelSavage: duggerSweat
Tom_Bruise: the answer is "things"
Lordofironstorm: Has it really been 27?
ardor_edi: james went to rehab for this
Tom_Bruise: you think "things"
janMelantu: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
macintose: How were burritos?
TheWriterAleph: 27 pprs? was that a few years ago? Kappa
LRRbot: Island | Basic Land โ€” Island |
AntianSiridean: What prp was that?
Anubis169: manAWW
SirLoinOfBeef_: thanks lrrbot
t7112: burritoes?
ThePixelSavage: @TheWriterAleph last year I believe
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
fele_of_Cardmarket: do pretty full art lands make pretty full art mana?
Haroldholmes25: alright chat, what season is that island?
djalternative: James was in the M21 PPR, right?
everbeyondreach: james sounding like a curling announcer
Lordofironstorm: Warren, Elder
firstlevelwizard: Hey, it's warren!
JeysieC: The full art lands have been yummy so far.
ExpeditionToGamesEnd: The Bloomburrow Planeswalker's Guide says Calamity Beasts are non-sapient.
Viewers_Like_You: I think I went to high school with a guy named Warren Elder
LRRbot: Lifecreed Duo [1W] | Creature โ€” Bat Bird [1/2] | Flying / Whenever another creature you control enters, you gain 1 life.
GredGredmansson: i missed the island so i don't know
sharker037: Its Warren again! Hes getting old
fele_of_Cardmarket: babababababababa bat bird!
firstlevelwizard: Which of you is the bat in your lifecreed duo?
Snampo_ok: Batman & Robin!
Waves of Babies: nah there needed a Red creature that was a Wall
RaidaTheBlade: Iโ€™d probably take the rakdjos 2 drop, but am probably wrong
Cheshire Creeper: Commercialโ€ฆ
Waves of Babies: I'm surprised the schedule for 22-27 isn't just "nap"
Simriel: LRR are truly committed to the bit :P
Kass: It's the joy of following a bunch of neurodivergent nerds. They get bored really easily, so give them 24 hours and they're antsy to get back to it
Simriel: I'm on team "the goth one" :P
LRRbot: Island | Basic Land โ€” Island |
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
LRRbot: Lifecreed Duo [1W] | Creature โ€” Bat Bird [1/2] | Flying / Whenever another creature you control enters, you gain 1 life.
holdoncaulfield: they just cut off "the battlefield" from text? weird
Anubis169: bomp bomp
TehAmelie: by this time next year he'll be Warren, Specter
Haroldholmes25: need more text on these cards
djalternative: oh my god it IS Batman and Robin
SirLoinOfBeef_: soul species
sharker037: we havent seen a lot of red this prerelease, have we?
409 raiders from Amazonian have joined!
razorswift: @holdoncaulfield as no other zone can be entered, it makes sense
jazzfox: "We two immortals="
red_shoes_jeff: Lots of double acts in this set.
Jundinator: TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid
Viewers_Like_You: Cam and Kathleen slamming the brakes on what has otherwise been a fast format
fele_of_Cardmarket: infinite criters on infinite planes!
sharker037: Amy!!
Anubis169: Welcome raiders!! lrrAWESOME
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiders! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
superdude097: Welcome raiders!
LRRbot: Bellowing Crier [1U] | Creature โ€” Frog Advisor [2/1] | When Bellowing Crier enters, draw a card, then discard a card.
SirLoinOfBeef_: "it is wednesday my dudes"
accountmadeforants: @sharker037 Graham's deck had red cards, but otherwise not really, yeah
Jundinator: aceRA aceID aceRA aceID aceRA aceID aceRA aceID aceRA aceID aceRA aceID
TehAmelie: oh hi new friends
macintose: Hello raiders
Amazonian: Hello gamers!
sharker037: Man, amy the amazonian is like the best arena streamer
wingless85: Welcome Raiders
Anubis169: What did you call us?
Anubis169: Kappa
goosevonkaiser: helltr7Hi helltr7Hi helltr7Hi
Amazonian: <3 @sharker037
LRRbot: Knightfisher [3UU] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [4/5] | Flying / Whenever another nontoken Bird you control enters, create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token.
komilatte: they took a life away instead of adding 1 yeah?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @holdoncaulfield Yeah, Reanimate just reads "Put target creature card from a graveyard onto under your control [...]" now, it's wild Keepo
baltimore_667083: hello raiders!
squidpeanut: *:O
Texan_Reverend: Thanks for showing up! Gentle reminder to please, keep emotes to 7 or fewer.
ShadowboyTyler: hi Amy!
LRRbot: Seasoned Warrenguard [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [1/2] | Whenever Seasoned Warrenguard attacks while you control a token, Seasoned Warrenguard gets +2/+0 until end of turn.
sallomon33: hi people of the raiding variety!
Anubis169: komilatte: She took two, then gained 1
Eipewassam subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months!
Eipewassam: More like King Me Fisher, am I ritye!?!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Eipewassam! (Today's storm count: 117)
ThePixelSavage: why are fish deemed ok to eat in this world of sentient animals?
Lordofironstorm: He's there to guard Warren
Anubis169: and now another, back to 20
accountmadeforants: This opens the possibility of a Rookfisher, a Pawnfisher, a Bishopfisher, and a Queenfisher
Radjack: Was not expecting a wild Flanderism
Graham_LRR: @accountmadeforants Iโ€™d say I was definitely playing red
PhuzNutz: SSF
komilatte: ah
GredGredmansson: @ThePixelSavage all animals are sentient even on our world
Amazonian: Wowie.
SquareDotCube: stupid sexy otter
JeysieC: @ThePixelSavage The fish all know what they did.
fele_of_Cardmarket: i feel like knightfisher should either have knightlifelink or at least tapped fishlink
Jundinator: How has the mana been without much for fixing
ShadowboyTyler: powerful magic
LRRbot: Nettle Guard [1W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Soldier [3/1] | Valiant โ€” Whenever Nettle Guard becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, it gets +0/+2 until end of turn. / {1}, Sacrifice Nettle Guard: Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
Anubis169: Amazonian: This set is so cute and beautiful <3
GredGredmansson: @JeysieC I thought the point is that they don't
SlyMaster9: @accountmadeforants I would unironically like a cycle of chess themed creatures.
SirLoinOfBeef_: When you block with Pawnfisher, it deals its combat damage to an adjacent attacking creature instead
Alex_Frostfire: Fun fact: there already is a Kingfisher card in Magic.
accountmadeforants: @Graham_LRR Right, understatement :D
holdoncaulfield: @IaCthulhuFthagn Sick great update
Amazonian: @Anubis169 For real! It's adorable
Ukon_Cairns: huh, occurs to me that flavorfully here, fish are food, not friends. tho i suppose mechanically the opposite is true.
LRRbot: Plains | Basic Land โ€” Plains |
Graham_LRR: @accountmadeforants fair
Graham_LRR: @amazonian Hi!
ShadowboyTyler: itโ€™s totes adorbs
GredGredmansson: @Ukon_Cairns Flood Gar would agree
Amazonian: Hello Graham_LRR!!! Will you be at MC Vegas by any chance?
nerhydas72: And no humans
Anubis169: This gives me Rats of Nimh, and Usagi Yojimbo vibes <3
matthaus_c: nonhuman twee
Graham_LRR: @amazonian I believe so!
trashyopossum: Oooo would kithkin be mice or hamsters if they came to bloomburrow?
LRRbot: Plumecreed Mentor [1WU] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/3] | Flying / Whenever Plumecreed Mentor or another creature you control with flying enters, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control without flying.
SeismicLawns: it feels like a mechanically coherent and cuter lorwyn yea
The_cake_of_lies: Cheer500 I have to go but thanks so much for a great Pre-Prelease so far!
TehAmelie: maybe a Pawnbaker, a Rookbutcher and a Bishopcandlestickmaker
Amazonian: @Graham_LRR Yay! I'll get to see you twice in one year. I;m a lucky duck
Fruan: best art in the set
badrat_: the omar rayyan art is also very lorwyn for me
Bugberry: @trashyopossum they are hyper-communal, so likely Mice.
Underachiever28: this set is nice palette cleanser from big Eldrazi
Dschuncks: Hi Graham
GredGredmansson: @trashyopossum there's no 1-1 type to type equivalence; it'd be based on their personality
sallomon33: @Ukon_Cairns I don't think giving someone away as a gift would be seen as a friendly behaviour towards the gifted one O_O'
accountmadeforants: @trashyopossum It'd probably be based on their personality. We've seen humans be lots of different critters
squidpeanut: Shout out to the mouse with a hanglider on ploomcreed
trashyopossum: Those are all totally fair points honestly
Bugberry: I hope Brigid is back in Lorwyn, she was a cool character.
GredGredmansson: that being said I am convinced all native Bloomburrow Frogs are basically elves
Graham_LRR: @amazonian no u! looking forward to it :)
zook_ningel: @GredGredmansson so the frogs are racist?
ThePixelSavage: "I become one'd" had strong "You kick Miette?"-energy
Ukon_Cairns: @sallomon33 tho they are specifically not food when it comes to gifting.
GredGredmansson: @zook_ningel not Lorwyn Elves
LRRbot: Mistbreath Elder [G] | Creature โ€” Frog Warrior [2/2] | At the beginning of your upkeep, return another creature you control to its owner's hand. If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on Mistbreath Elder. Otherwise, you may return Mistbreath Elder to its owner's hand.
sallomon33: @Bugberry I hope we get to see her Shadowmoor form, if that still works on that plane
Swageki: Cameron I love your plains! those are my favorite
sharker037: @zook_ningel In bloombourrow everyone is explicitly not racists
Lord_Hosk: Excuse me, Graham, Kathleen, Cameron, Paul, James, Nelson, Ben, Serge, Adam, Judges, Mods, and person Im forgetting. Thank you for putting on this event, you are all amazing.
maclenrac: green mist
kalatash: I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this, but there hasn't been a nicknames episode in a while? And I really enjoyed those.
Anubis169: travHert
NornsFelidar: remember underpriced cards having drawbacks?
Lordofironstorm: Missed breath elder
GredGredmansson: @kalatash same, they're kinda on hiatus right now
BrowneePoints: Mythbreast Elder
whoppernugget: Myth huh??
SirLoinOfBeef_: missed trigger elder (it's mandatory)
Bugberry: @sallomon33 Shadowmoor was "fixed" at the end of the story, and if I recall from the books she was mostly the same, as the other altered Kithkin found her odd compared to them.
northos: @NornsFelidar I mean...this one does
firstlevelwizard: He should get a cpap machine
Taveena: A one mana 2/2 that grows?
fele_of_Cardmarket: I feel like MBE should be a knight...
IaCthulhuFthagn: @kalatash Pumping one out every other week would be quite a work load, even with crowdsourced nicknames.
Amazonian: E!
RandomTrivia: E
Koshindan: Eeee.
djalternative: E
JRandomHacker: E
Scarbble: E
whoppernugget: E
LRRbot: Waterspout Warden [2U] | Creature โ€” Frog Soldier [3/2] | Whenever Waterspout Warden attacks, if another creature entered the battlefield under your control this turn, Waterspout Warden gains flying until end of turn.
General_Pants: E
bobmcbobface: The elder trigger at upkeep
Halinn: E
zook_ningel: eeeeeeeeeeeeee
Swageki: E
Anubis169: EEEEEEasy on the Es chat
Godofmuffins: E
TheDevil_Risen: EeeeEEEeeee
Chartle: E
itira: its in the E
PostModernVorthos: E
Dread_Pirate_Westley: CiP
firstlevelwizard: E
Amazonian: Oh no, chat's gone crazy with E
ExachixKitsune: cakejuRedE
just__fitz: Ent Effects
nerdsta82: eeeee
Radjack: Does that make aggro decks, Rush E?
Jundinator: E
kaziel0: F?
nerhydas72: My friends and I have always said ETs the B
SlyMaster9: I still think of Mana Value as "Converted Mana Cost" too, so.
nerdsta82: E
courtjester69420: <message deleted>can't say etb anymore. because of woke.
General_Pants: we've gone crazEE
Cptasparagus: Wait why doesn't that one just say entered
Ukon_Cairns: new cardkingdom button, just zoomer meme E instead of etb
Daircrow: Cam said ETB. That is forbidden now.
Sir Syzygy: It's Batman and Robin!
LRRbot: Bellowing Crier [1U] | Creature โ€” Frog Advisor [2/1] | When Bellowing Crier enters, draw a card, then discard a card.
LRRbot: Knightfisher [3UU] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [4/5] | Flying / Whenever another nontoken Bird you control enters, create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token.
LRRbot: Seasoned Warrenguard [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [1/2] | Whenever Seasoned Warrenguard attacks while you control a token, Seasoned Warrenguard gets +2/+0 until end of turn.
LRRbot: Nettle Guard [1W] | Creature โ€” Mouse Soldier [3/1] | Valiant โ€” Whenever Nettle Guard becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, it gets +0/+2 until end of turnโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Plains | Basic Land โ€” Plains |
LRRbot: Plumecreed Mentor [1WU] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/3] | Flying / Whenever Plumecreed Mentor or another creature you control with flying enters, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control withโ€ฆ
Astrovore: lookit the little mouse on Plumecreed Mentor!
R.J. Pedro: thanks guys to always one amazing experience
LRRbot: Mistbreath Elder [G] | Creature โ€” Frog Warrior [2/2] | At the beginning of your upkeep, return another creature you control to its owner's hand. If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on Mistbreath Elder. Otโ€ฆ
Jaime Grijalba: It doesnโ€™t even have to return if you donโ€™t want to
Jaime Grijalba: Wow
LRRbot: Waterspout Warden [2U] | Creature โ€” Frog Soldier [3/2] | Whenever Waterspout Warden attacks, if another creature entered the battlefield under your control this turn, Waterspout Warden gains flying uโ€ฆ
Simriel: Eeeee gromit
Greys N. Owman: If you have another creature, you have to return one. If items the only one, it doesnโ€™t have to return
wulfram77: That one still talks about ETBing
janMelantu: E effects? Trans women are really in charge of MTG
googoltudoris: chat this isn't a rave, please stop dropping E
accountmadeforants: In line with Firebreathing, Mistbreathing should be {G}: Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt this turn. OpieOP
shabe_x_roc: Magic, magic E < there goes a UK reference for people of a certain age.
Gekyouryuu: relevant to current chat:
fishjellyfishjelly: ebt->e is good, change my mind
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
nerhydas72: "Enters the battlefield"? In this economy?
JonnyH: And yet the frog clearly says ETB....
Viewers_Like_You: Pin idea: "EtB", but with "tB" crossed out
Bugberry: It's less that ETB is forbidden, but it's like saying "I will draw a card from my library".
trashyopossum: Easily my favorite flavor text in the set
sallomon33: @Bugberry I mean I know, she didn't transform because of that amulet she got from Sygg, which is why we still get to see her other form on our return. I believe Shadowmoor is now what Lorwyn looks like at night, doesn't it?
Spritz_T: so many buns
LRRbot: Banishing Light [2W] | Enchantment | When Banishing Light enters the battlefield, exile target nonland permanent an opponent controls until Banishing Light leaves the battlefield.
kragmabutch: i heard going crazy with the E and it summoned me TransgenderPride
sallomon33: @sallomon33 *I hope we get
TehAmelie: radical idea: you can keep saying enter the battlefield even if the rules text doesn't
Lord_Hosk: New Card Kingdom button "BROTHER EEEWWWWW"
senorhowdy: Removal? In this economy?
ThePixelSavage: @TehAmelie duggerMmhmm
Gekyouryuu: @trashyopossum I think mine might be from Starseer Mentor
janMelantu: Carmen Klomparens would approve of E
singinnonsense: you can ask Cameron to sac his mouse
kynelwynn: The 3/1 mouse can blow themselves up todisenchant
LRRbot: Finch Formation [2U] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/2] | Offspring {3} / Flying / When this creature enters, target creature you control gains flying until end of turn.
RandomTrivia: Here come the birds!
Lord_Hosk: Little did they know, they had both built mill decks
kaziel0: @Lord_Hosk *chefskiss*
Bugberry: @sallomon33 Oona was the villain of the story because she was the reason Shadowmoor only happened after long periods of time instead of more regularly. Now Lorwyn has a normal day/night cycle, with maybe slight changes.
ArcOfTheConclave: the double jump
jamesinor: Uh... Cam, you didn't happen to open the boardwipe, did you?
NornsFelidar: @northos it really doesn't, you don't have to bounce it
sallomon33: @Bugberry oh, well, we will see how exactly that plays out on our return (hopefully)
GredGredmansson: the what
RatherLargeToad: Yay big frog
northos: @NornsFelidar but you have to bounce something else if you have any creatures
red_shoes_jeff: The WHAT!?
BrowneePoints: THE palladium one!
krfsm: oh, man, "TMNT and Other Strangenesses"
GlorySeer: Big. Frog.
Tom_Bruise: B I G Frog
NonUniqueGuy: It was the first tabletop RPG I ever checked out.
BrowneePoints: Palladium Games One!
RandomTrivia: Frog status: BIG
SolarBlitz1: Frog, but bigger
Tom_Bruise: gotta love it
krfsm: it was a ... thing
Ukon_Cairns: the TMNTTTRPG?
sallomon33: the most random IP to get a roleplaying tabletop game lol
goombalax: ah the Gitrog
GredGredmansson: so Buff Frog from SVTFOE
SquareDotCube: Battletoad-level frog
GlorySeer: So they made The Gitrog Monster
Dhrall: that sounds amazing
ThePixelSavage: mutations? ... The Inquisition would like to know your location. duggerPeek
CygnusInfinity: Transition goals
haberley: Yargl?
Makrosian_Tay: OMG Cam, I have those thanks to a friend, and thanks to the Rifts rules you could cross-play them in the Rifts world LUL
krfsm: @sallomon33 no, that'd be Dallas.
ghizmou: did he eventually explode?
Aviator_Moonshine subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Aviator_Moonshine! (Today's storm count: 118)
Halinn: The Gitrog is just a little guy
Bugberry: @sallomon33 a lot has likely changed in the intervening years.
excalgold: Wait you can PLAY Palladium RPGs?! they are PLAYABLE?!
Amentur: They created a biblical plague? One possibly just huge frog
kiba509: offspring a gitrog
Mr_Horrible: "Also it's my birthday" - The Gitrog Monster
matthaus_c: there is a card with a baby Gitrog
bobmcbobface: Frog Horror Coward
GlorySeer: Gitrog now has Offspring, wonderful.
JoxerJJ: Visions of Dominance has baby gitrog
Lordofironstorm: The young Gitrogs are just called gits
ExachixKitsune: A tiny, smol, menacing tadpole
kaziel0: Gitrog Mini-ster?
JeysieC: Vorpal rabbit, but a frog
GredGredmansson: the Gitpole monster
AntianSiridean: There is a child Gitrog
nerhydas72: Baby Gitrog eating a Baby Thalia
Decaped: The Gitrog Momster
themightygerg: Nortrog the Wary
Marvoleath: There is Imagine Critters Gitrog, but not cute
krfsm: @excalgold that's perhaps putting it strongly.
IaCthulhuFthagn: Screw the Gitrog Monster, I want to see a baby Yargle!
ExachixKitsune: Baby Gitrog can eat baby Thalia
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL I have deep nostalgia for Paladium RPGs. TMNT, RIFTS, Heroes Unlimited, etc
LRRbot: Heirloom Epic [1] | Artifact | {4}, {T}: Draw a card. For each mana in this ability's activation cost, you may tap an untapped creature you control rather than pay that mana. Activate only as a sorcery.
accountmadeforants: @JoxerJJ Oh, right!
fele_of_Cardmarket: no-one knows how big gitrog really is... it's not like they painted a scale thalia in there or something...
sallomon33: that "gain 1" from Kathleen sounded so helpless, jeez xD
RandomTrivia: Then we have bad news for you Kathleen
Halinn: Sorcery
GlorySeer: Those 1/1 tokens are great for tapping to draw cards.
SirLoinOfBeef_: sorcery speed
00gogo00: it's activate only as a sorcery
D00kqc: sorcery speed
slyrz: its sorcery
remyjette: sorcery speed :(
Bugberry: Bring in all of the Offspring for story time.
RandomTrivia: Wait for it
excalgold: @krfsm i have a ton of the books, never managed to wrap my head around the rules yet
GredGredmansson: storytime
JonnyH: ability convoke
00gogo00: keep reading kathleen
FortunaeRota subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FortunaeRota! (Today's storm count: 119)
HedgehogKnight: Last line
Dread_Pirate_Westley: "Activate only as a sorcery."
viowof: you skipped a sentence
00gogo00: there's more owrds
mrf1shie: Finish the sentence kathleen
SketchyDetails: its just 4 little guys, drawing a card
brieandbacon: And the last four words
NonUniqueGuy: So cute
tehfewl: stopped reading right before the most important part
singinnonsense: lol keep reading
RandomTrivia: There it is!
fishjellyfishjelly: read the last line
GredGredmansson: and what's that last sentence Kathleen
t7112: can't use on Cam's turn
Spritz_T: activate only as a sorcery though
sallomon33: ooh, it's sorcery speed, I missed that before
remyjette: there it is
Anubis169: chat, calm down
GlorySeer: The children attempt to read the book. Sadly, they are too young to do so quickly. So no instant speed.
RAZRBCK08: It's still seems like a great card
SolarBlitz1: It's still good, but not as busted
TopHatPeezy: honestly still totally ddecent
SlyMaster9: Convoking to to reduce an activated ability's cost is bound to get an ability name in the future imho
Korolan: Visions of Dominance is Exactly "Little Guy Gitrog"
accountmadeforants: The kids read a book and sleep through your opponent's turn, very good
Spritz_T: drawing a card in prerelease generally strong
RevolverRossalot: No speed reading at bedtime. My kids agree with this
sallomon33: @SlyMaster9 (Magic: the) Gathering Kappa
Bugberry: @GlorySeer you gotta schedule story time accordingly.
zook_ningel: @SlyMaster9 theyd prob just errata convoke to refer to costs in general rather than casting cost
bobmcbobface: Can't a block with the bat and pump it with the rabbit?
GlorySeer: Exactly!
cameron hall: so that one still says etb?
Greys N. Owman: If it is the only one*
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
LRRbot: Banishing Light [2W] | Enchantment | When Banishing Light enters the battlefield, exile target nonland permanent an opponent controls until Banishing Light leaves the battlefield.
LRRbot: Finch Formation [2U] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/2] | Offspring {3} / Flying / When this creature enters, target creature you control gains flying until end of turn.
Robb Young: Thicc ribbits
LRRbot: Heirloom Epic [1] | Artifact | {4}, {T}: Draw a card. For each mana in this ability's activation cost, you may tap an untapped creature you control rather than pay that mana. Activate only as a sorceโ€ฆ
fele_of_Cardmarket: activate only as a sorcery is the second sadest phrase in magic
GreatWahooney: hey chat, remember when Jayemdae Tome was a rare?
Tom_Bruise: did cam enter his gaslight gatekeep girlboss phase just now?
GlorySeer: Cameron playing bounce-house.
GredGredmansson: Silly Cam, Kathleen can't block when its still here turn
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
slyrz: put the counter
ardor_edi: counter
slyrz: on the frog
Knightlyvalor: I am interested in playing with all these sorcery speed cards/abilities.
TopHatPeezy: @fele_of_Cardmarket after "triggers only once each turn"?
goombalax: Frog ++
ArcticAtlantic: increment the frog!
Amazonian: frog growth is serious
RatherLargeToad: OSFrog OSFrog
Anubis169: RevolverRossalot: Ok here we go, splits are ready. Tonight chat we are speedrunning "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" aaaaaand TIME>
LRRbot: Repel Calamity [1W] | Instant | Destroy target creature with power or toughness 4 or greater.
TehAmelie: [frog intensifies]
Bugberry: @SlyMaster9 I can see that being a Boast style mechanic rather than an evergreen one.
chaps_the_goblin_king: InKermit The Frog
ThePixelSavage: but that kills the frog
Amazonian: frog = frog+1
LRRbot: Overprotect [1G] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +3/+3 and gains trample, hexproof, and indestructible until end of turn.
fele_of_Cardmarket: @TopHatPeezy exactly! ^^
GlorySeer: "All of the keywords"
RatherLargeToad: Blors!
Feastf0rcrows: he has become Blor
ArcticAtlantic: further increment the frog!
Tom_Bruise: the teachings of Blor serve us well
Marvoleath: Frog too beeg
IaCthulhuFthagn: @zook_ningel This doesn't work like Convoke though, since a (theoretical) coloured cost could be paid by creatures of any (or no) colour.
Jillexie: Big forg
SirLoinOfBeef_: Blor's defenses are impervious!
RatherLargeToad: big frog
SlyMaster9: @Bugberry Boasting requires an attack though. This is entirely different.
RevolverRossalot: Leo Tolstoy's War and Elder
sallomon33: the power of Blor shield us!
tyrsredritehand: Frog frand
DiscordianTokkan: sergeSqueak
LRRbot: Kastral, the Windcrested [3WU] | Legendary Creature โ€” Bird Scout [4/5] | Flying / Whenever one or more Birds you control deal combat damage to a player, choose one โ€” / โ€ข You may put a Bird creature card from your hand or graveyard onto the battlefield with a finality counter on it. / โ€ข Put a +1/+1 counter on each Bird you control. / โ€ข Draw a card.
Koshindan: sergeSqueak
googoltudoris: counterspell in selesnya?
GlorySeer: The frog is not skipping arm day. It's tossing creatures back into the hand.
just__fitz: Do you think moving magic species name to ____folk makes it alot easier to translate them between languages? Or does something like Vedalken not get translated jus transliterated?
brieandbacon: sergeSqueak
WhiteWizard42: the call of Serge in the distance
Easilycrazyhat: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
RandomTrivia: sergeSqueak
ArcticAtlantic: sergeSqueak
Viewers_Like_You: That "eep" is the sound Blor makes
RandomTrivia: Oh that looks cool
GlorySeer: RIP
nerhydas72: So Serge is a mouse because of the squeaks, right?
Leonhart321: Go Birds
Bugberry: @SlyMaster9 I just mean in that it's a keyword that comes before the ability that has the reduction ability spelled out.
RevolverRossalot: @anubis169 ๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
super731: birb
Anubis169: that is very good
PostModernVorthos: Bless you serge
GlorySeer: I do love this style of alternate art.
accountmadeforants: @zook_ningel How'd you represent that on the card without fully spelling out what convoke does? {Cost}, {More cost}: Ability. Convoke.? {Cost}, {More cost}; Convoke: Ability.?
Caryotip: birds for free
yllwmstr: KASTRAL!!!
zook_ningel: @IaCthulhuFthagn but the colored cost is only theoretical so it is functionally the same as convoke
jacqui_lantern234: YOURE extremely gorgeous, Kathleen <3 #gottem
Bugberry: @IaCthulhuFthagn it's kind of like how Trample doesn't work on Burn spells because the rules for it specifically care about combat damage.
ArcticAtlantic: they should get a sergeSqueak as the arena sound effect ๐Ÿ˜‚
SlyMaster9: @accountmadeforants "this cost may be convoked"
tyrsredritehand: Am frog have reach?
00gogo00: is that a kingfisher in her hard
00gogo00: yard
niccus: what if arena had a table friend that hiccups
fele_of_Cardmarket: OG eldraine showcase is still my fav showcase frame but this comes pretty close!
lirazel64: ๐ŸŽต Oh, I'm in love with a big blue frog, a big blue frog loves me... ๐ŸŽต
LRRbot: Sonar Strike [1W] | Instant | Sonar Strike deals 4 damage to target attacking, blocking, or tapped creature. You gain 3 life if you control a Bat.
LoadingReadyRun: I bet there is a solid market for a line of "What if <iconic creature> had offspring" tokens. Baby Gitrog, Baby Yargle, Baby Questing Beast, etc
Jundinator: Except convoke specifically is for spells
Anubis169: tyrsredritehand: that tongue can lash
IaCthulhuFthagn: @zook_ningel The wording is not functionally the same as convoke, but the card would work the same if the wording was changed so that it was
accountmadeforants: @SlyMaster9 Where on the card does that go?
Leonhart321: @LoadingReadyRun Just giving away the next Secret Lair
sallomon33: @just__fitz as a self-proclaimed translator of MTG cards (just for fun), I would say that adding the -folk doesn't really matter, e.g. for Merfolk I had to get creative. As for Vedalken, I just left it as is
LRRbot: Knightfisher [3UU] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [4/5] | Flying / Whenever another nontoken Bird you control enters, create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @LoadingReadyRun Fblthp...
fele_of_Cardmarket: @LoadingReadyRun someone mentioned it before as a big MH4 prophecy
SirLoinOfBeef_: Bibblethip
Anubis169: LOL
Jundinator: Don't give Wotc ideas
SlyMaster9: @accountmadeforants Just on the ability? I don't know how I got dragged into this. I just think "convoking activated abilities" is a neat mechanic and has a lot of design space.
Jundinator: No more Horizons sets
Viewers_Like_You: I mean, one of the commanders has "Creature spells you cast have offspring {2}."
Bugberry: @SlyMaster9 we agree, it's just the keywording of it that has issues.
fele_of_Cardmarket: more Horizon sets!
just__fitz: @sallomon33 Very cool, that is an excellent hobby
stippledotter: @loadingreadyrun baby shabraz do do do do do do
Jundinator: @fele_of_cardmarket NO BOP BOP BOP BOP BOP BOP
LRRbot: Pond Prophet [{G/U}{G/U}] | Creature โ€” Frog Advisor [1/1] | When Pond Prophet enters, draw a card.
Knightlyvalor: @Viewers_Like_You I was just wondering if something like that was printed in this set, thank you.
nerdsta82: game needs more Otters
Viewers_Like_You: !card Zinnia
LRRbot: Zinnia, Valley's Voice [URW] | Legendary Creature โ€” Bird Bard [1/3] | Flying / Zinnia, Valley's Voice gets +X/+0, where X is the number of other creatures you control with base power 1. / Creature spells you cast have offspring {2}.
Anubis169: that frog is wonderful
SacrificialToast: @Bugberry well, convoke is already defined so it'd have to be a new similar keyword, which they've done a number of times
Bugberry: @Knightlyvalor it is in the commander decks.
fele_of_Cardmarket: @Jundinator ok you win. that's just too many hammers...
RatherLargeToad: Pond profits are up this quarter
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Jundinator Yeah, let's just reprint Homelands over and over and over again until the end of time instead!
Jundinator: LUL
NornsFelidar: you can choose it
Makrosian_Tay: @IaCthulhuFthagn Somewhere, and apocalypse chime has begun vibrating
Hansk_and_Boo: The Following Flyers sounds like a band I would enjoy.
GlorySeer: Welcome back Finch Formation!
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
LRRbot: Repel Calamity [1W] | Instant | Destroy target creature with power or toughness 4 or greater.
LRRbot: Overprotect [1G] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +3/+3 and gains trample, hexproof, and indestructible until end of turn.
Graeme Kennerley: Inkermit the frog ?
Erik Josefsson: Blor is impervious
LRRbot: Kastral, the Windcrested [3WU] | Legendary Creature โ€” Bird Scout [4/5] | Flying / Whenever one or more Birds you control deal combat damage to a player, choose one โ€” / โ€ข You may put a Bird creature cโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Sonar Strike [1W] | Instant | Sonar Strike deals 4 damage to target attacking, blocking, or tapped creature. You gain 3 life if you control a Bat.
LRRbot: Knightfisher [3UU] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [4/5] | Flying / Whenever another nontoken Bird you control enters, create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token.
LRRbot: Pond Prophet [{G/U}{G/U}] | Creature โ€” Frog Advisor [1/1] | When Pond Prophet enters, draw a card.
Ashimablackraven: Have I missed the 2nd giveaway?
Erdeanmich: @Ashimablackraven Nope
WhiteWizard42: SBAs are performed before triggers go on the stack, you can return it
slyrz: you can choose it
GlorySeer: It'll be in the graveyard by the time the trigger goes on the stack.
Anubis169: Not yet Ashimablackraven :)
Ashimablackraven: Thank you
Ordsmed: When were Finality Counters introduced? I feel like they were suddenly just.. there...
slyrz: damage happens and when the trigger happens the creature will be in the gy
irikaj: State based actions will put it in the gy before the trigger will be put on the stack
00gogo00: also notably the trigger doesn't target
irikaj: Finality is from LCI
RandomTrivia: @Ordsmed Lost Caverns of Ixalan
GredGredmansson: @Ordsmed Lost Caverns of Ixalan?
LRRMTG_Judge: It will be in the graveyard to target. -Judge Greg
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Ordsmed Suddenly just being there is how introduction of new things works.
sallomon33: @just__fitz thanks, I only really have been doing the cards available on Arena cuz trying to get through the whole backlog of cards would be too overwhelming, but with the frequency at which they release sets nowadays, I rarely have a moment where there is nothing to translate lol
accountmadeforants: @SacrificialToast Not necessarily, Lifelink and Deathtouch work on both creatures and spells on the stack. It's mainly Trample which is really awkward to add to other stuff (to MaRo's dismay).
tyrsredritehand: @Ordsmed Amonkhet?
whoppernugget: Does Kastral target?
Desdae: It's also not a target, importantly
googoltudoris: watching the bloomburrow ppr with a kitten in your lap may be TOO MUCH CUTE. i'll let y'all know
WhiteWizard42: @Ordsmed Dominaria United, I think?
RecklawGaming: Counter
MorganteMaggiore: bird is the word
Bugberry: @SacrificialToast then the question is, if there is enough varying ways to do it to justify keywording it. Like having a bunch of cards with varying versions of it in Limited, and not also have Convoke overshadow it.
niccus: that's play advice
McMenno: get bird
SacrificialToast: well that's play advice
Erdeanmich: Pump the team, break symmetry
Desdae: Bird brings fish
rogue6119: Finch formation? Is that like a raccoon platoon?
JonnyH: Ban chat for outside inteference
grimebringer: bird is the word
Dread_Pirate_Westley: That would be outside assistance.
AP4rk3dC4r: Lol
RandomTrivia: sergeCrimes sergeCrimes sergeCrimes
Skeletonman1100: Which one gives you lethal next turn?
accountmadeforants: I don't wanna get banned from 27 PPRs
zamyman: dies to state based action of damage before the abilities go on stack
slickslickman: James, don't look at chat!
anhakha: James would draw lands.
ELD_Winterlight: Get back the bird, it comes with a fish as chump blocker
00gogo00: notably, the ability doesn't target the card in the graveyard
aussie_rob_w: I'm not ending up in the James chair, banned for 27 consecutive prereleases!
dabudder: hey chat, wish I couldve been here when biden dropped, this chat must have been bumping
Anubis169: easy on the allcaps Cahzin
thatonefergie: When the trigger occurs, state based actions will kill the finch since it has damages marked. Then the trigger can target
squidpeanut: Bird back it triggers knight fisher
dabudder: hows the PPR going
Anubis169: it's going real good dabudder <3
RandomTrivia: As we know, Lightning Bolts don't kill creatures, State-Based Actions kill creatures
MorganteMaggiore: thx judge
just__fitz: Ooooh Professor Serge is here with your MTG honours course
SirLoinOfBeef_: ban state-based actions
Cahzin: birb birb birb
Hansk_and_Boo: Sjurge
LRRMTG_Judge: We had to chat about this in the judge chat with Serge, sorry for the delay. ๐Ÿฐ
munchingwalrus: Thank you serge
grimebringer: birb gives you a fish also
level5chronicles: Guns don't kill people, state-based actions do
whoppernugget: Thank you Serge!
ardor_edi: action state based
RandomTrivia: LRRMTG_Judge lrrJUDGE lrrHEART
Hansk_and_Boo: Sjurdge!
Skeletonman1100: Thanks to all judges, Serge and LRRMTG_Judge
bobmcbobface: Oh yeah, the bat is ALSO a bird
Like17Badgers: both the attacking birds are 4/5s, so counters is lethal right?
sallomon33: @SirLoinOfBeef_ layers too for that matter Kappa
MorganteMaggiore: a counter today or a bird tomorrow
IaCthulhuFthagn: @SirLoinOfBeef_ !card Rules Lawyer
maxthefourth: @LRRMTG_Judge Science!
SacrificialToast: @Like17Badgers damage already happened
Like17Badgers: ah
MorganteMaggiore: @maxthefourth what is good for?
slyrz: it has to be second main not end of turn
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @Like17Badgers Cameron still has a flyer.
Jundinator: !card rules lawyer
LRRbot: Rules Lawyer [3WW] | Artifact Creature โ€” Cyborg Advisor [1/1] | State-based actions don't apply to you or other permanents you control.
just__fitz: Extra credit with Dr. Serge
nyoomgoom: hehe, way the bird is worded
Ukon_Cairns: dont worry james, getting banned from the next 27 PPRs means we should still see you on camera before 2027
Anubis169: Jundinator: what set is that from? o.O
aussie_rob_w: We appreciate our judge team they're good judges
n3ther: it makes it harder to lose value
DeathThirtyOne: bird bird bird, bird is the word
neb_200: where does graham get the big dice?
Viewers_Like_You: Oh neat, target on trigger but choose on resolution (or some such, I'm not a judge)
LRRMTG_Judge: It doesn't target since we can put a card from the hand onto the battlefeld as well, and we can't target a card in the hand. - Natedogg
slyrz: @LoadingReadyRun tell kath that she has to activate artifact second main not end of her turn
GlorySeer: Is it a may?
ELD_Winterlight: It's not a may, he has to
Erdeanmich: Returning is not an option, it's a must
falgar_: Not optional
ardor_edi: you have to cameron
maclenrac: you got to
LRRbot: Hop to It [2W] | Sorcery | Create three 1/1 white Rabbit creature tokens.
laikagoat: Not an option
RandomTrivia: Bunnies! benginLove
RevolverRossalot: The way the word is birded
Decaped: There are too many things that don't target when they should and too many things that target when they shouldn't need to. IMO
NarfBlinko: not optional
ThePixelSavage: @Ukon_Cairns with the current release schedule around february 2026 probably
IronLucario2012: The return to hand isn't a 'may', Cam!
RAZRBCK08: Yea it's only an option if the elder is the only thing
munchingwalrus: Cameron frog wrong
LRRMTG_Judge: "Empty the Warrens (no not that one)"
Decaped: *shakes fist at Arena*
LordShadner: says may
TheUncannyGirl: Isn't the Mist Frog mandatory to bounce itself if you don't bounce something else?
LRRbot: Mistbreath Elder [G] | Creature โ€” Frog Warrior [2/2] | At the beginning of your upkeep, return another creature you control to its owner's hand. If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on Mistbreath Elder. Otherwise, you may return Mistbreath Elder to its owner's hand.
Grimnus: The self return is optional. the return another is required
jacqui_lantern234: @LRRMTG_Judge sweats nervously
McMenno: you have to return another creature you can't return the frog
RAZRBCK08: It's worded weirdly
dabudder: no no no
RandomTrivia: That's if you have NO other creatures
rogue6119: Freakin rabbits breeding like...rabbits!
Adderkleet: The first part sounds mandatory.
Iluvatardis: you have to return if able
dabudder: you do have to return a creature
NarfBlinko: first part doesn't say may
ELD_Winterlight: Read the card!
GlorySeer: That's if you don't have another target
Dread_Pirate_Westley: You must return another creature. If you can't, you don't have to return the frog itself.
macintose: Ikr
Ukon_Cairns: its a green card, they havent had downsides in years
LoneGoat: you MUST return something, if you can't then you have the option to return itself
Technomagus: Returning the other creature is not option, returning the Mistbreath is if it's your only creature
NornsFelidar: you have to return another creature
Texan_Reverend: Must return, if you don't (because you can't) you _may_ not return itself.
Erdeanmich: You MUST return something if you can
laikagoat: Noperead again
Cahzin: hahahahaha judge!
falgar_: The option is only if you're unable to return another creature
Bugberry: @Decaped there are a few things that target opponents in this set specifically, it seems for Crimes.
SeismicLawns: you have to return another creature you don't have to return the frog
Tom_Bruise: there's no "you may" so you have to do it if able
superdude097: if you have another creature you must return one
korvys: You still have to do the first part if you can
IronLucario2012: First part is mandatory! Second part is optional
Fovulonkiin: Only the second part is may
sharker037: no, if you cant return another creature
Lord_Hosk: There is no such thing as power creep
Alex_Frostfire: Strictly speaking, it does have a downside. You must return another creature if you have one.
GredGredmansson: returning ANOTHER creature is mandatory. Returning ITSELF if you can't is not.
LRRMTG_Judge: You must return something with the Elder if able. If you don't have another creature in play, you could return the Elder to your hand - Natedogg
MorganteMaggiore: you either do A or you may do B
OldBenX: Green cards having drawbacks is so 2014
Anubis169: there we go
Viewers_Like_You: Must return another if another exists, but if you *can't*, returning the Elder is optional
level5chronicles: An if you can't on that card wouldve been nice to clarify
GredGredmansson: ^
Kuchenfisch subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kuchenfisch! (Today's storm count: 120)
RAZRBCK08: It's worded very awkwardly tbf, took me like 7 reads to figure it out
NornsFelidar: it's still not a downside! it's an engine!)
GlorySeer: Only a 7/7
SmashTCG: That's cracked
GredGredmansson: @level5chronicles "otherwise" it says right there
squidpeanut: Downside with safety net
RandomTrivia: sergeSqueak
Anubis169: big frog
bobAkirafett: I thought Cameron said the meme from like a month ago when he said "hop to it"
RevolverRossalot: Frog only believes in personal choice
sharker037: "i return warren elder" is going to be cams new catchprhase
DiscordianTokkan: sergeSqueak
ArcticAtlantic: sergeSqueak
Jturbobanana: Did anyone else hear "Hawk Tuah" instead of "Hop To It" or was it just me?
SydPreviouslyHeadache: so excited for Frog Value dot deck. that or i bounce things i didn't want to have to and lose
Ukon_Cairns: not having 6 lines of text on a 1 drop also would be nice to clarify
foopoiuyt: Totally normal human sounds
TehAmelie: the "another" part must be just to keep people from looping it to get cheap storms
Tom_Bruise: was that squeak on my end no it wasn't, there's folks saying sqeak
bobAkirafett: @Jturbobanana lol for sure
LRRbot: Hop to It [2W] | Sorcery | Create three 1/1 white Rabbit creature tokens.
LRRbot: Mistbreath Elder [G] | Creature โ€” Frog Warrior [2/2] | At the beginning of your upkeep, return another creature you control to its owner's hand. If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on Mistbreath Elder. Otโ€ฆ
Jaime Grijalba: Itโ€™s insane
Greys N. Owman: You have to return a creature if you have one
Alex: no no, if you have something to bounce you have to. if you have nothing to bounce you dont have to bounce himself
dabudder: @sharker037 i mean, its no drood the ozophrince
lirazel64: Small animal noises courtesy of Serge.
MorganteMaggiore: it's not really poorly written.. but still it remind me of some early days programs with porrly written IF conditions, haha
Anubis169: flunge!
anhakha: My friend is intending to make a Turbo Frog deck.
kiba509: o no elder in danger
Alex_Frostfire: "If you can't" might be ambiguous. Someone might read it as "if you can't put a +1/+1 counter on this."
Bugberry: @level5chronicles I guess the full text would be "if you can't do that", so they shortened it to the "do that" rather than "can't".
Anubis169: MorganteMaggiore: If, then, else, unless
LRRbot: Crumb and Get It [W] | Instant | Gift a Food / Target creature you control gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If the gift was promised, that creature also gains indestructible until end of turn.
MorganteMaggiore: @Anubis169 yeah, basically
maxthefourth: Is it Pocket Bacon?
Anubis169: we had a rule at work, never write an unless condition
yllwmstr: Bird is the word
RandomTrivia: Take approximately a thousand damage on the backswing
kiba509: birbs are strong
NornsFelidar: da bears!
Ohpea: More MTG after the subathon is _wild_. Maybe _bloomingly wild_
Lord_Hosk: Pocket bacon!
fele_of_Cardmarket: the birds the birds the birbs!
Dedwrekka: Doesn't cam get the food before the other effects of the card?
Erdeanmich: Big bird is increbibly fun
SlyMaster9: I am happy to see that Birds is as good as the green craziness we've seen the past 2 matches
RandomTrivia: @Lord_Hosk That was nowhere near a pocket bacon moment
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Not even trading; Cameron would need to assign 5 damage to the indestructible creature and not have enough left to kill anything else.
sallomon33: tbh as a non-native speaker I still don't get the name of this trick, like yeah, crumb and Food etc. but what does the name like... mean exactly?
SirLoinOfBeef_: @sallomon33 come and get it
haberley: @sallomon33 it's a play on 'come and get it'
macintose: Hitchcock's birds?
dabudder: @sallomon33 its meant to sound like 'come and get it'
Anubis169: sallomon33: the phrase "Come and get it" is a dinner call
MorganteMaggiore: evasion good in sealed, who would have thunk
korvys: Deck name: *Squawking noises*
squidpeanut: @dedwrekka before but not interruptible between the other effects
sallomon33: oooh, right, thanks
Erdeanmich: @sallomon33 It's a play on "come and get it" with a hint to a crumb being a very small thing
gaia_arcade: Release the birds
maclenrac: splash otter
SydPreviouslyHeadache: when in doubt, u/w fliers?
OldBenX: oi. puns.
SlyMaster9: Alt border Kestral is also a sign from above
MorganteMaggiore: you can... should you?
Viewers_Like_You: Sometimes, your pool is subtle about what you should build. Other times, it beats you about the head and elsewhere with the correct decision
maclenrac: Otter splash
trashyopossum: the alt arts are so wonderful, I'm really hoping to to get one of the david peterson alters at the prerelease
sallomon33: well then, I will have to think really hard to keep the food thing when translating Bloomburrow lol
Alex_Frostfire: A lot of the birds play like signs from above.
nerdsta82: all decks need 100% more Otters
Anubis169: sallomon33: to which language?
Makrosian_Tay: OOOOOH
yeentoberfest: Can you drop it a bit, James?
Bugberry: The Imagine Critters Teferi being a Secretary Bird is a pretty cool choice.
sallomon33: @Anubis169 my native Polish lol
NornsFelidar: LRR, did you feel like you had enough cards to go two colours with the pools?
ThePixelSavage: there is a small dessync?
LRRbot: Lupinflower Village | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add {W}. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell. / {1}{W}, {T}, Sacrifice Lupinflower Village: Look at the top six cards of your library. You may reveal a Bat, Bird, Mouse, or Rabbit card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.
mysteenova157: ooooh
AntianSiridean: When was the 2nd one? I missed it
Swaggerstickbyaah: sticking around to find out
SirLoinOfBeef_: bun alert
LRRbot: Brave-Kin Duo [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Mouse [1/1] | {1}, {T}: Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. Activate only as a sorcery.
LRRbot: Valley Questcaller [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [2/3] | Whenever one or more other Rabbits, Bats, Birds, and/or Mice you control enter, scry 1. / Other Rabbits, Bats, Birds, and Mice you control get +1/+1.
Knightlyvalor: @sallomon33 cool job, good luck and inspiration while translating!
dabudder: consider my quest called
Mnerenberg: I love the Duo cycle
patrick_stonecrusher: Stealing lupins from the rich and giving them to the poor
LRRbot: Short Bow [2] | Artifact โ€” Equipment | Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has vigilance and reach. / Equip {1}
sallomon33: @Knightlyvalor thanks :D
dabudder: what would slivers turn into if they were on bloomburrrow?
Anubis169: sallomon33: what do you say when you call kids for dinner in polish?
Mnerenberg: I also love the Vally (noun)caller cycle
DeathThirtyOne: @dabudder ants?
Testosteros: @dabudder big ants
ardor_edi: I like that equipment for limited
Makrosian_Tay: Crumple? Oki Oki Fight Club mentioned??
Viewers_Like_You: Is there an "All Slivers have changeling" Sliver?
dabudder: @Testosteros nah cause those are the phyrexians
Spades_Slicc: anyone here familiar with 2001 broadway musicals about fascism and climate collapse?
ThePixelSavage: @dabudder locusts?
Ukon_Cairns: well now i want to see the duo cycle when slivers show up on bloomburrow. "rabbits and slivers get trample" and what not
Bugberry: @Viewers_Like_You there is the Sliver artifact that turns all your nonslivers into slivers.
GreatWahooney: @Anubis169 "chodลบcie na obiad"?
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you control.
sallomon33: @Anubis169 just "obiad" or "obiad na stole", I would say
Bugberry: Hivestone
Mnerenberg: @ardor_edi Using the equip ability will trigger the mouse keyword
googoltudoris: @Spades_Slicc springtime for h*tler?
LRRbot: Crumb and Get It [W] | Instant | Gift a Food / Target creature you control gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If the gift was promised, that creature also gains indestructible until end of turn.
Sentinel Storm: When is the stream over? I canโ€™t recall
Morgan Nerenberg: I left to go watch THE NEWS, but I'm back now
SmithKurosaki: @Sentinel Storm LRR Schedule says 6pm Pacific
Sentinel Storm: Thanks!
wraithbrood: How do you get rid of the viewer count
wraithbrood: When on mobile
Jaime Grijalba: The juice is lose
LRRbot: Lupinflower Village | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add {W}. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell. / {1}{W}, {T}, Sacrifice Lupinflower Village: Look at the top six cards of your library. You โ€ฆ
LRRbot: Brave-Kin Duo [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Mouse [1/1] | {1}, {T}: Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. Activate only as a sorcery.
LRRbot: Valley Questcaller [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [2/3] | Whenever one or more other Rabbits, Bats, Birds, and/or Mice you control enter, scry 1. / Other Rabbits, Bats, Birds, and Mice you control โ€ฆ
LRRbot: Short Bow [2] | Artifact โ€” Equipment | Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has vigilance and reach. / Equip {1}
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you coโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Run Away Together [1U] | Instant | Choose two target creatures controlled by different players. Return those creatures to their owners' hands.
SlyMaster9: That shortbow will be very sick in a lot of decks I bet
CygnusInfinity: @Viewers_Like_You there's Mistform sliver where they all get a 1 mana ability to pick one
ardor_edi: @Mnerenberg I would even play it in the lizard RB aggro deck
ThanhtTheBoss: Run Away Together is back!
LRRbot: Brave-Kin Duo [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Mouse [1/1] | {1}, {T}: Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. Activate only as a sorcery.
Spades_Slicc: @googoltudoris Urinetown was on my mind, because of the song "don't be the bunny"
LRRbot: Bellowing Crier [1U] | Creature โ€” Frog Advisor [2/1] | When Bellowing Crier enters, draw a card, then discard a card.
anhakha: Poggers froggers
Ukon_Cairns: OSFrog
LRRbot: Repel Calamity [1W] | Instant | Destroy target creature with power or toughness 4 or greater.
Anubis169: sallomon33: so "Okruchy na stole"? :)
TheDevil_Risen: imagine, frogs bouncing things!!
ArcLightningCanuck: The frog deck bounces. Touche.
TheDevil_Risen: flavour WIN!
anhakha: 12 rabbits in a trenchcoat trying to buy cinema tickets.
Bugberry: He could have a lot of little guys that turn 1 guy into a big guy.
LRRbot: Valley Questcaller [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [2/3] | Whenever one or more other Rabbits, Bats, Birds, and/or Mice you control enter, scry 1. / Other Rabbits, Bats, Birds, and Mice you control get +1/+1.
LRRbot: Hop to It [2W] | Sorcery | Create three 1/1 white Rabbit creature tokens.
Viewers_Like_You: @CygnusInfinity Interesting! I'm not familiar with that one
slyrz: he cant
slyrz: white is only for creatures
ardor_edi: hes bunnying off the scale
Diabore: does cam have double white for that?
theamc2000: scary 1 three times
McMenno: scry thrice?
Easilycrazyhat: That rabbit token is adorable
djalternative: where are we hopping to?
Mangledpixel: bun bun bun
Ordsmed: @Spades_Slicc I want to upvote you, but this will have to do ^^'
AutumnVixenIX: bnuuys!
LoadingReadyRun: Bellowing Crier basically just means Shouting Shouter
rogue6119: <message deleted>I think you mean "Hawk Tuah it"
theamc2000: flash in Elesh Norn
slyrz: cameron casted the bunny with the plains
laff_o_tron: torn between ppr and sleep. it is 10.30 and i have work in 6 hours
Anubis169: !relaxed
LRRbot: REL:Axed or Rules Enforcement level relaxed means we try to let the cards do what they are supposed to do, and not punish players for their mistakes. While we all try to follow the rules these cards are brand new to everyone and mistakes will be made, just sit back and enjoy the stream.
sallomon33: @Anubis169 sounds too simple for a card name, I would prefer to keep the pun in some way, but thanks for advice anyways :D
aussie_rob_w: lrrFINE lrrSHINE
MorganteMaggiore: "oh right, the child soldiers"
LRRbot: Carrot Cake [1W] | Artifact โ€” Food | When Carrot Cake enters and when you sacrifice it, create a 1/1 white Rabbit creature token and scry 1. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice Carrot Cake: You gain 3 life.
Pharmacistjudge: @laff_o_tron that's what vods are for
Lord_Hosk: Im unsubscribing if you don't play perfectly at pro tour levels with cards no one outside of RnD has ever seen before!
TheWooglie: the rabbits are so cute, they can't do damage can they?
laff_o_tron: to vod i ho
SlyMaster9: Another freaking rabbit, damn.
Omentuva: @TheWooglie Cute damage.
definenull: wabbits!
Bugberry: @TheWooglie have you seen monty python and the holy grail?
Anubis169: sallomon33: all good <3 my polish isn't the best (ex was from czech so i semi-get the declensions)
TehAmelie: we've seen what adorable kittens can do
Pharmacistjudge: @Lord_Hosk i know you won't
MorganteMaggiore: can we stop at mcbun?
NarfBlinko: and scry...
Lord_Hosk: @Pharmacistjudge SHHHHHHHHHHH
Mr_Bitterness: Are any of them a fussy little bun-bun?
definenull: That's so clever
3PlayerPolitics: You must construct additional BunBuns.
TheDevil_Risen: can we just agree that "Enters" is just SMS slang for Enters the Battlefield
Anubis169: easy on teh allcaps <3
irikaj: Chelsea
Lordofironstorm: Kaiser roll
Gekyouryuu: give them knives. turn them into Bunny Stab-its
flustered_blue: batard?
Texan_Reverend: Please, avoid allcaps, y'all.
haberley: my pet bunny is called Tilly, short for Attila the Bun :)
Taveena: fussy little bunbuns.
TheWooglie: @Bugberry yes. hence the question mark.
Jigokuro: Deez buns? bitterOK
ArcLightningCanuck: Hot Cross Bun
aussie_rob_w: Someone should buy Shibata a ciabatta.
itira: tqsRoll
Anubis169: that carrot cake looks like delicious as a salad item manAWW
Adderkleet: I feel obliged to mention the "blaa", a protected-term bread bun from the Waterford region of Ireland.
nessiah_aries: Snub Seed
Halinn: Dudes will look at the top of their deck and be like "Hell yeah!"
Adderkleet: (pronounced like "blaw")
Diabore: thats many beats
dabudder: @Diabore no its actually carrots
ardor_edi: night of the lepus, am i irght redlettermedia enjoyers
sallomon33: @Anubis169 ooh, interesting! <3 in the mean time I thought of a name for that trick in Polish: "Posmakuj tego"
NarfBlinko: Cam only had one scry to resolve, the second comes when he sacs the cake
drfox17: Cam has deployed a full regiment of buns
ShaneLeeAtk: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 120 (new subscribers: 40, returning subscribers: 80, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 0, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 650, new followers: 143, YouTube super chats: 0, YouTube super stickers: 0
ghizmou: silly rabbit, tricks are for kids
LRRbot: Crumb and Get It [W] | Instant | Gift a Food / Target creature you control gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If the gift was promised, that creature also gains indestructible until end of turn.
Jigokuro: No one in chat said that! But I bet there will be a YT comment bitterSmug
unleashenlightenment: WotC made the trick sorcery speed to make it worse. so WotC made your situation worse kathleen
fele_of_Cardmarket: Cam and get it
mizzytastic: a buntallion
Bugberry: A lot of the tap abilities that target your own stuff is at sorcery speed this set because of Valiant.
Anubis169: sallomon33: oh that's gooooood
thylordy: Seeing Carrot Cake again has just reminded me of how many little synergies there are in this set! Token creation, life gain. Food for Forage, each card does so much!
slyrz: you dont need to ive indestructuble
LRRbot: Run Away Together [1U] | Instant | Choose two target creatures controlled by different players. Return those creatures to their owners' hands.
Morgan Nerenberg: I really love the Duo cycle and the Vally (noun)caller cycle
LRRbot: Brave-Kin Duo [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Mouse [1/1] | {1}, {T}: Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. Activate only as a sorcery.
LRRbot: Bellowing Crier [1U] | Creature โ€” Frog Advisor [2/1] | When Bellowing Crier enters, draw a card, then discard a card.
LRRbot: Repel Calamity [1W] | Instant | Destroy target creature with power or toughness 4 or greater.
LRRbot: Valley Questcaller [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [2/3] | Whenever one or more other Rabbits, Bats, Birds, and/or Mice you control enter, scry 1. / Other Rabbits, Bats, Birds, and Mice you control โ€ฆ
LRRbot: Hop to It [2W] | Sorcery | Create three 1/1 white Rabbit creature tokens.
LRRbot: Carrot Cake [1W] | Artifact โ€” Food | When Carrot Cake enters and when you sacrifice it, create a 1/1 white Rabbit creature token and scry 1. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice Carrot Cake: You gain 3 life.
Jaime Grijalba: Deez buns
Simriel: Remember, the prize giveaway is available at not in the youtube stream
Simriel: There will be a youtuve giveaway once the VOD goes up on the youtube channel
LRRbot: Crumb and Get It [W] | Instant | Gift a Food / Target creature you control gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If the gift was promised, that creature also gains indestructible until end of turn.
ralphthellama: Kill da wabbit
ShaneLeeAtk: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Testosteros: @dabudder maybe Bloomburrow slivers could be fleas. They multiply quickly enough and prey on all the animals with fur
Dschuncks: @narfblinko one scry trigger off of the rabbit lord creature, one off of the cake
swiftdestruction: Oh no carrot cake! Lol
ardor_edi: extrude a rabbit please
NarfBlinko: thanks, missed the lord trigger
dabudder: @Testosteros good thinking. maybe theyre sliverfish :P
Omentuva: Table Friend? More like Draw Friend.
fele_of_Cardmarket subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fele_of_Cardmarket! (Today's storm count: 121)
Viewers_Like_You: That's what you get for showing up to the PPR, James
mohastgridlock: wakeup uppercut
munchingwalrus: James! Rabbit stat!
stevefromdetroit: drawings of words are drawings
Dschuncks: Yw :)
TheWooglie: also scry from cake
BrowneePoints: I mean, most of human existence was enjoying doing something even if you were bad at them
SentinelStormer: James being forced to rabbit - its Lucein all over again!
Sarah_Serinde: And you don't even have to ever get better at those things if you don't want to
Jigokuro: What a nice way of calling him bad bitterLOL
Testosteros: @dabudder I had that thought, and bedbugs. Ick..
LRRMTG_Judge: yes cam can scry again, but he knows what the card is. pharma2Vial
Anubis169: TheWooglie: I'm nicking that for general use outside of MTG. "Scry from Cake" sounds amazing :D
mizzytastic: ceci n'est pas un lapin
definenull: Has cam gained the 3 life?
sirnobulus: did Cam gain the 3 life?
LRRbot: Seasoned Warrenguard [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [1/2] | Whenever Seasoned Warrenguard attacks while you control a token, Seasoned Warrenguard gets +2/+0 until end of turn.
sallomon33: @Anubis169 thanks! <3 I am still a few sets behind, but when I get to Bloomburrow, I will certainly use this one
NornsFelidar: @anubis169 you might want to consider pondering your orb for cake
Anubis169: mizzytastic: en anglais s'il vous plait <3
ardor_edi: seasoned with thyme and basil cause he's COOKED
LRRbot: Hivespine Wolverine [3GG] | Creature โ€” Elemental Wolverine [5/4] | When Hivespine Wolverine enters, choose one โ€” / โ€ข Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control. / โ€ข Hivespine Wolverine fights target creature token. / โ€ข Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
Alex_Frostfire: Hivespine Wolverine fights target baby.
Anubis169: that wolverine looks vicious :S
mizzytastic: @Anubis169 sorry, I thought it would be ok because it was referencing "this is not a pipe"
TehAmelie: eek, a wolverine. and we thought it was all small game in this world
mexfire: does the carrot cake still trigger even if it was sacrificed by a different source?
Anubis169: it's just for the PPR
Sarah_Serinde: @mizzytastic Yeah I got the joke
Anubis169: <3
Omentuva: Buns!
RandomTrivia: Wait, that's what Graham called us earlier!
Mr_Horrible: the hivespine wolverine in the art is actually shouting "AAAGH, this sucks!!!". Little-known fact.
Bugberry: @mexfire it doesn't say anything about how it was sacced.
SlyMaster9: Attacking with 5 2/2s is good in pr
Ohpea: Cam is not the only person to miss the `creature token` line there. What a weirdly specific fight clause.
darthtuk: dang i knew i would miss the beginning - i wanted in on the giveaways qwq
soramayura: there's still one to go, don't worry
LoadingReadyRun: The buns will block out the sun!
SentinelStormer: Wolverine and badger being separate creature types will forever vex me
soramayura: plus the YouTube one
sallomon33: Imma eat some buns :D Imma eat some buns CaitlynS
NewtyNewts: James knows the counter-play to that strat
mohastgridlock: putting baby in the corner
Bugberry: @Ohpea Offspring being a big part of this set is relevant, and unconditional fight would be too good when it's already modal and allows other options.
TheWarbo: cam busting the bloomburrow meta wide open on day 1
Ukon_Cairns: magic the gathering VoHiYo
darthtuk: @soramayura there will be one? neat my tweet didnt go unanswered XD
Pharmacistjudge: I'm glad to see James also uses the dice bag to clean the infini-tokens
mohastgridlock: james adomian
GredGredmansson: the curse works both ways
maclenrac: statistically
NonUniqueGuy: You need to have him draw for you as we saw on Friday.
Gadora: This is how his curse charges.
JonnyH: It explains where all the lands went - James has them all
TheWooglie: I thought James's curse only works on arena and MTGO?
Anubis169: round 3, fight!
Ukon_Cairns: sometimes you draw a 4th land, sometimes you draw every 4 drop instead.
MrQBear: except provably, during the Lrr sub-a-thon, ben had james draw a land for him
Ohpea: @Bugberry it's 5 mana though for a bear. You'd think the bear can fight whoever it wants.
DeathThirtyOne: Domain Expansion: Mana Flood
bakerydragon: Hi Chat and hi LRR! glad I could catch some. How's the day been so far?
jimber_jam: one of my most memorable sealed games, I kept a 2-lander and my opponent didn't cast a spell until turn 6, and I still lost
rogue6119: That strategy is call Mana Screw You lol
drfox17: !quote dana
LRRbot: Quote #6331: "If you're cursed, it's your fault." โ€”Dana Fischer [2019-08-15]
Pharmacistjudge: @TheWooglie we have seen paper evidence of the curse before.
MorganteMaggiore: lands and spells has won the last 30 years of pro tours
MorganteMaggiore: or so i've heard
Knightlyvalor: @bakerydragon hi!
LRRbot: Plains | Basic Land โ€” Plains |
Anubis169: manAWW
GredGredmansson: shiny plains shiny plains
LRRbot: Lupinflower Village | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add {W}. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell. / {1}{W}, {T}, Sacrifice Lupinflower Village: Look at the top six cards of your library. You may reveal a Bat, Bird, Mouse, or Rabbit card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.
Bugberry: @Ohpea it's a 5/4, not a bear.
Alex Katz: plain. bun.
Jaime Grijalba: That oneโ€™s ciabatta tho
Jaime Grijalba: 3 life from the food
LRRbot: Seasoned Warrenguard [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [1/2] | Whenever Seasoned Warrenguard attacks while you control a token, Seasoned Warrenguard gets +2/+0 until end of turn.
LRRbot: Hivespine Wolverine [3GG] | Creature โ€” Elemental Wolverine [5/4] | When Hivespine Wolverine enters, choose one โ€” / โ€ข Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control. / โ€ข Hivespine Wolverine fightsโ€ฆ
Jaime Grijalba: Come on Cameron letโ€™s goo
LRRbot: Plains | Basic Land โ€” Plains |
LRRbot: Lupinflower Village | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add {W}. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell. / {1}{W}, {T}, Sacrifice Lupinflower Village: Look at the top six cards of your library. You โ€ฆ
Buddadragonmtg: nice to catch a live stream for once. big fan of lrr. is there an update on the Friday Nights series???
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
LoadingReadyRun: Lupin III: Flower Village
fele_of_Cardmarket: Hi bakerydragon, you've surely come to the right place, lots of buns here!
LRRbot: Harvestrite Host [2W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Citizen [3/3] | Whenever Harvestrite Host or another Rabbit you control enters, target creature you control gets +1/+0 until end of turn. Then draw a card if this is the second time this ability has resolved this turn.
Anubis169: Stand and deliver... I want your lupins!
ardor_edi: soul read
SirLoinOfBeef_: rabbitizen
TehAmelie: Harve's trite host
MorganteMaggiore: @LoadingReadyRun aka Lupin at sanremo haha
trashyopossum: Rabbit Gatherer
LRRbot: Shrike Force [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [1/3] | Flying, double strike, vigilance
Anubis169: jebus!
stevefromdetroit: oh that goes in my Kathril deck
theamc2000: shrikes are extremely violent
SlyMaster9: Flying, Vigilance and Double Strike on a 3/3 is sick.
Anubis169: that thing looks like it's about to divebomb a tree
LemonOnRye: Shrikes are scary little cute birds
Pharmacistjudge: yeah...birds are jerks.
Mr_Bitterness: I mean, the raccooons are all literal trash monsters
sallomon33: the fact they didn't make a card with the name Rabid Rabbit in this set is criminal lol
Spades_Slicc: Well it's a shrike
theamc2000: they impale their food
Hansk_and_Boo: A shrike is a very violent bird.
LRRbot: Lightshell Duo [3U] | Creature โ€” Rat Otter [3/4] | Prowess / When Lightshell Duo enters, surveil 2.
bakerydragon: @fele_of_Cardmarket Yay :)
SentinelStormer: I mean have you ever observed finches fighting over nesting Cam? Metal AF
logophile99: google shrike + mice
fracturedorb: They could have made a frog Creature called Warren Muffet, and show it sitting on a Tuffet, eating some curds.
SlyMaster9: @sallomon33 They did make a Jacked Rabbit though!
bakerydragon: the TTC episode on Bloomburrow definitely got me hyped for the set, and it's always good to see a PPR
Hansk_and_Boo: Don't Google Shrike with children present
Anubis169: please do not google that until after the PPR
Anubis169: and that's enough googling
sallomon33: @SlyMaster9 yeah, at least we have that
LRRbot: Seedpod Squire [3{W/U}] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [3/3] | Flying / Whenever Seedpod Squire attacks, target creature you control without flying gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
SenshiSun: now i'm curious
yllwmstr: Did they switch decks?
Bugberry: @fracturedorb since rats deal with bugs in this set, maybe they could be a ratfolk.
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL Shrike Force definitely has a choreographed pose they use when they introduce themselves
courtjester69420: seedpod squire a 3/3 flier is such a charming sentence
Tz_BG: @yllwmstr I was thinking the same thing
Anubis169: and their own intro theme song
courtjester69420: spectacular mouthfeel
Ordsmed: "See that you do" !
bakerydragon: @Hansk_and_Boo Oof! Yes. "Animals of Farthing Wood" cartoon show scarred me and many others as kids with episode on "butcher bird"
sallomon33: @Hansk_and_Boo after watching that Sam O'Nella episode with the shrike, I can't think of anything else when I hear that name lol
Anubis169: bakerydragon: I still have all the VHS cassettes of that show
bakerydragon: @Anubis169 lrrHEART
LRRbot: Kastral, the Windcrested [3WU] | Legendary Creature โ€” Bird Scout [4/5] | Flying / Whenever one or more Birds you control deal combat damage to a player, choose one โ€” / โ€ข You may put a Bird creature card from your hand or graveyard onto the battlefield with a finality counter on it. / โ€ข Put a +1/+1 counter on each Bird you control. / โ€ข Draw a card.
jumping_point: Gotta go to bed now. Have a good day, everyone!
TheDevil_Risen: i love that art
TheDevil_Risen: its amazing
mohastgridlock: caster oil?
TheDevil_Risen: so glad you pulled it in foil
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you control.
LoadingReadyRun: Kastral the Kestral?
ardor_edi: maximum shrike
SlyMaster9: I am so envious, if I get to play Kathleen's deck next week I'll be over the moon
Knightlyvalor: @jumping_point have a good night!
Anubis169: shrike squadron
Erdeanmich: shrikeforce is incredible in that combo
SydPreviouslyHeadache: wait, if you have a double striking bird, and it deals combat damage both times, does Kastral trigger twice?
zook_ningel: targeting the double strike creature seems good here
howlinglotus: that bird throws hard fists, for not having fists
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun yeah
Erdeanmich: @SydPreviouslyHeadache Yes
SydPreviouslyHeadache: Oooh! thank you
mexfire: kathleen blocked with her face
RandomTrivia: @SydPreviouslyHeadache It will! Including being able to put counters on the rest of your birds before THEY deal combat damage!
NewtyNewts: Blocked in the monster style
Viewers_Like_You: Sometimes you just block with your life points directly
LRRbot: Finch Formation [2U] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/2] | Offspring {3} / Flying / When this creature enters, target creature you control gains flying until end of turn.
sallomon33: @mexfire the best kind of blocking, just like player removal is the best type of removal Kappa
TehAmelie: my-face-to-your-fist style never gets appreciated
Anubis169: manBRO KAPOW
fele_of_Cardmarket: @bakerydragon we should start a support group...
LRRbot: Shrike Force [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [1/3] | Flying, double strike, vigilance
Bugberry: @TehAmelie we trained them wrong, as a joke.
brainbosh: Does Kathleen still have the "draw a card on second time" effect creature?
Ashe: *slaps top of deck* "you can fit so many rabbits in here"
LRRbot: Warren Elder [1W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Cleric [2/2] | {3}{W}: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
LRRbot: Harvestrite Host [2W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Citizen [3/3] | Whenever Harvestrite Host or another Rabbit you control enters, target creature you control gets +1/+0 until end of turn. Then draw a card ifโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Shrike Force [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [1/3] | Flying, double strike, vigilance
LRRbot: Lightshell Duo [3U] | Creature โ€” Rat Otter [3/4] | Prowess / When Lightshell Duo enters, surveil 2.
Jacob kristos: is that the dragonhawk in the background?
Simriel: @Buddadragonmtg They just sent out an update to the kickstarter backers, I imagine there will be more updates in the next few months
LRRbot: Seedpod Squire [3{W/U}] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [3/3] | Flying / Whenever Seedpod Squire attacks, target creature you control without flying gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
32puma: Love you guys so much, so glad the official official ppr is back!
LRRbot: Kastral, the Windcrested [3WU] | Legendary Creature โ€” Bird Scout [4/5] | Flying / Whenever one or more Birds you control deal combat damage to a player, choose one โ€” / โ€ข You may put a Bird creature cโ€ฆ
Simriel: Some kind of Big... Bird?
LRRbot: Treeguard Duo [3G] | Creature โ€” Frog Rabbit [3/4] | When Treeguard Duo enters, until end of turn, target creature you control gains vigilance and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you coโ€ฆ
Brian Pollock: go Cam go!!! huh's unity!!!!
LRRbot: Finch Formation [2U] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/2] | Offspring {3} / Flying / When this creature enters, target creature you control gains flying until end of turn.
LRRbot: Shrike Force [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [1/3] | Flying, double strike, vigilance
SlyMaster9: Yes
Anubis169: lrrFINE
SlyMaster9: Missed the etbs
TheDevil_Risen: aww RiP Kastral
RandomTrivia: lrrFINE
SentinelStormer: Bigger... for now
Bugberry: @brainbosh yep, but only triggers on rabbits.
unleashenlightenment: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
mexfire: @fele_of_Cardmarket my bruised face is my support
SlyMaster9: @Bugberry I rescind my missed triggers
bobAkirafett: did the double strike shrike deal 1 damage to kathleen?
googoltudoris: this is a good matchup
LRRbot: Repel Calamity [1W] | Instant | Destroy target creature with power or toughness 4 or greater.
Marvoleath: @bobAkirafett it was blocked and had no trample, so no
MagicLand74: @googoltudoris yes very interesting matchup
BSengenYT: did anyone else go community daying?
LRRbot: Crumb and Get It [W] | Instant | Gift a Food / Target creature you control gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If the gift was promised, that creature also gains indestructible until end of turn.
Anubis169: well played
ardor_edi: gg
Anubis169: ๐Ÿค
Fovulonkiin: gg
RandomTrivia: That was a really good match
MagicLand74: GG
DoughyDemon: yay good game
Fovulonkiin: great match
corrzzan: Gg
NewtyNewts: Winner winner birdfolk dinner
bobAkirafett: doesnt the first instance of damage kill the 1/1, then second go through?
Viewers_Like_You: Well Magicked, well Gatheringed!
SydPreviouslyHeadache: don't eat the ch icken, the birds won
TheDevil_Risen: GGs
AliceLovelin: Win through giving a fat blunt, sweet
mexfire: GG
Omega_Orion: Just called my LGS to sign up for the prerelease because of how much I've been loving watching this. Thanks for putting on the PPR LRR <3
zook_ningel: this was round 4 right?
Strebenherz: Nicely done
Anubis169: zook_ningel: indeed :)
DidacticDad: what a great match
MarkovDescendant: Seems like this can be a very fast format.
Team7T7Ninja subscribed with Prime.
ELD_Winterlight: @bobAkirafett not without trample
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Team7T7Ninja! (Today's storm count: 122)
TopHatPeezy: @Omega_Orion GLHF!
yllwmstr: BIRDS SWEEP!
Gekyouryuu: I missed the very end. who won?
RandomTrivia: It does seem quite snowball-y
Viewers_Like_You: Are there any one mana green tricks? lrrBEEJ
singinnonsense: prowess and valiant
sallomon33: @SydPreviouslyHeadache here it would mean dinner FOR chickens
bobAkirafett: i think i always get that wrong about double strike
Ordsmed: Prowes in this set *feels* like psuedo-heroic ^^'
Anubis169 huggles Omega_Orion
super731: poggies
Knightlyvalor: @Viewers_Like_You ask the judges... :-P
UrlorJkron: i hear a hum on the audio
Anubis169: what's crackin'
AntianSiridean: When was the other give away?
SydPreviouslyHeadache: @sallomon33 ah good call. thank you
Makrosian_Tay: I heard there was a....giveaway?
Anubis169: Makrosian_Tay: later on :)
BSengenYT: why is that drawer not called the "crack-a-packloge"
CodenameJD: I like Serge. And I'm not afraid to say it.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: James has managed to avoid being banned from future PPR's! Hooray!
TehAmelie: is it pronounced bloom-borough?
CygnusInfinity: @Ordsmed I mean, Valiant also exists
Anubis169: all 27 of them
kaziel0: @Dread_Pirate_Westley This time....
Ordsmed: @CygnusInfinity fair...
Anubis169: TehAmelie: I'd assume to rhyme with burrow
loufghyslaufey: "A Wild Crackle-Packle Apparates lrrDOTS !!"
dabudder: @TehAmelie how else would it be pronounced?
Lordofironstorm: OTJ failed to live up to the hype, but so far, BLB has delivered
General_Pants: I guess they recorded these before doing the colorless commander night, lol
50keyz: have we seen the art of th LRR cast as critters?
HalfHaf: I love the duos so much!!!! Best cycle of the year
Omega_Orion: Next unset better include a Boom Burro just to confuse people talking
mohastgridlock: betty
GredGredmansson: @50keyz yeah in the intro
Bugberry: @Lordofironstorm personally I loved it, but it hit some very specific personal interests.
mexfire: imagine wizards made an eldrazi in this set
GredGredmansson: history will say they were best friends
Makrosian_Tay: Don't forget Mouse Guard
Anubis169: oh hey
Anubis169: it's a Garbomancer
kaziel0: @mexfire Nope. Too comfy. Want those comfy vibes please.
Marvoleath: @mexfire have you seen the art for the raccoon vehicle? I was sure it's an eldrazi at first glance :D
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
GredGredmansson: !findquote raccoon
LRRbot: Quote #3338: "I like being a raccoon. If nothing else, this allows me to win." โ€”Ian [2016-08-31]
DidacticDad: the treatment is Dave Petersons Mable! Mouse Guard is so good
ThorOfKenya: That shirt is dope
SlyMaster9: @Marvoleath Do you mean the Hamsphere?
sallomon33: @Lordofironstorm tbh I didn't hear that much hype before OTJ came out, while since they announced Bloomburrow I have only heard how almost everyone is hyped for it
Simriel: I think she got Cameron right in the squiddlyspooch
LRRbot: Repel Calamity [1W] | Instant | Destroy target creature with power or toughness 4 or greater.
LRRbot: Crumb and Get It [W] | Instant | Gift a Food / Target creature you control gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If the gift was promised, that creature also gains indestructible until end of turn.
direavenger20: I bought my first booster box because I love the Redwall vibes of this set
HalfHaf: The art in the set is so good holy moly
Marvoleath: @SlyMaster9 nope, Tangle Tumbler
ThorOfKenya: Art is 10/10
GredGredmansson: @SlyMaster9 no there's one in main set too
sallomon33: @sallomon33 mei ncluded btw
sharker037: "judge, my racoon is running off somehwere with my stuff"
RandomTrivia: Nice to showcase this after it put up a good showing in the last match
sharker037: "skill issue"
Lordofironstorm: @Bugberry I just wish it had more worldbuilding than "We're awkwardly avoiding talking about Native Americans and Hey Look! We Gave Oko a Cowboy Hat!"
fele_of_Cardmarket: finch formation forms another finch formation
mexfire: @Marvoleath ya but im talking about an actual eldrazi
NewtyNewts: Hey, how relevant
GredGredmansson: @Lordofironstorm no legends article as well
loufghyslaufey: Or just- "double-flying the same two birds, somehow...
McMenno: rouge???
tealeaf87 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tealeaf87! (Today's storm count: 123)
GredGredmansson: no serge Rouge is a Bat, not a Rat
HalfHaf: She has a small little kid bullying people with her!!!
Bugberry: @Lordofironstorm they did specify it was a newly discovered plane, so not much "history", but I'm immersed in the old-west tropes and folklore.
Ukon_Cairns: huh, so its 3 life on that card but calamity snake says 4 life
Lordofironstorm: @sallomon33 The magicthecirclejerking subreddit had a running inside joke about a wild west set, that's where most of the hype came from for me
DidacticDad: you gotta keep em separated
loufghyslaufey: There are two of these now?
GredGredmansson: @Bugberry i'm just annoyed we don't get details on the legendaries
loufghyslaufey: "This is getting out of hand!"
NonUniqueGuy: I went to look at the vehicles from this set and saw the cat vehicle. Oh my
n3ther: serge isn't a limited player D:
GredGredmansson: @Lordofironstorm wild west set was on the shortlist for heavily requested sets, before this the most popular released one was Kaldheim
Yurielx: how does Serge know what a "cenote" is? :p
dabudder: >premiere lands pilot of the format || >doesnt know about conduit pylons
GreatWahooney: speaking of story, do we know if the phyrexians made it to bloomburrow during their last hurrah?
Anubis169: that's a big axe x_x
haberley: @Yurielx serge has lived twnty lives
Bugberry: @GredGredmansson I also found the bonus sheet with the newspaper look and focused on Crimes to be a flavor slam dunk.
BrowneePoints: Serge travels a lot
BrowneePoints: or did
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I never harbinge. I always har in moderation.
Yurielx: @haberley good shout, very true
MorganteMaggiore: @loufghyslaufey yeah, it makes sense really, the pilon being a desert was limiting for reprints
ThorOfKenya: Nothing make me sadder than "Only one each turn"
GredGredmansson: @GreatWahooney current officall statement is "we don't think so"
GreatWahooney: thanks!
RatherLargeToad: Lorb
GredGredmansson: flicker and blink are the same
sallomon33: @Lordofironstorm interesting, the only things I really cared about in OTJ was how in the world do Vraska nad Jace come back, the theme was whatever to me. And while the limited seemed right up my alley, the set came out near the end of my semester, so exams kinda took over my time and I didn't get to play it much
Viewers_Like_You: It's a flink
Makrosian_Tay: Flickerblink
super731: vibes based templating
MorganteMaggiore: it's like the dragon wing thing
HalfHaf: They are interchangeable but flickerwisp flickers so
Ordsmed: ~Vibes~
HalfHaf: Ghostly flicker blinks
loufghyslaufey: Just ask Wheeler, he'll sort the blinks & flickers out
GreatWahooney: I've seen people use blink and slow blink for clarity
Marvoleath: @HalfHaf but flicker of fate blinks?
xVoxtric: Bird is UW, Frog is GU, Otter is RU, Rat is UB. yea
Knightlyvalor: @ThorOfKenya it makes me sad too
HalfHaf: @Marvoleath Yes =)
GredGredmansson: fun fact: there had never been a nonblack Rat printed before this set
Anubis169: uh oh
Bugberry: @sallomon33 I'm from the south too so a lot of those themes were ingrained in school.
loufghyslaufey: eh
MegaDosX: I wonder how long after this Serge learned about the colour pairs and their animals in this set
GredGredmansson: MOOSE
Andy_Rantalot: @GreatWahooney Bad news, we use flick and slow flick
CodenameJD: Where my hedgehogs at
Angreed66: reminder that this is a prerecord
RandomTrivia: Ooh, Taxonomy with Graham!
Diabore: serge activated graham
MegaDosX: Oh is this a square and rectangle issue?
Tyabann: I think moose are called "elk" in europe?
Angreed66: all are elk
sallomon33: technically we got Flicker before Blink, but yeah, they're basically interchangeable
GreatWahooney: @Andy_Rantalot that's still plenty clear so I am neutral on these news
Alex_Frostfire: If chat's curious, the four-creature-type groups are the intersections of each of the two-colored creature groups.
niccus: i can't wait for the great dog unification of 2026
Sogheim: this is snake hydra all over again
mexfire: would the LRR crew play a peasant cube on stream
n3ther: meese are dangerous
GredGredmansson: and it did!
sharker037: dont even talk about the gerbil hamsters...
Incarnate5: There are no moose in Europe
Imbadyoureworse: Alces alces is called a "moose" in North American English, but an "elk" in British English. The word "elk" in North American English refers to a completely different species of deer, Cervus canadensis, also called the wapiti (from Algonquin).
Viewers_Like_You: Serge over here racking up reasons to get a degree in zoology
HedgehogKnight: @codenamejd that's what I'm asking
Pharmacistjudge: marshallELMER marshallELMER marshallELMER
generatrix: Maybe a ternโ€ฆ an arctic tern?
CodenameJD: The moose will kill me in limited and IRL
MorganteMaggiore: @Tyabann *in the uk, haha, technically
stippledotter: Serge found another need for a Zoology bachelors
Anubis169: the type should definitely be "Four Legged Freight Locomotive"
GredGredmansson: Bunnicorn but creatures only, but also trample
Dog_of_Myth: Moose has antlers for everyone.
HalfHaf: Hey, the three mana rare populated on hit. Don't shame!
Andy_Rantalot: @GreatWahooney Fast flick, and slow blink?
singinnonsense: we also have ferret, sable and weasel as types
loufghyslaufey: There was a DTK Stempede Moose that were still cast type as 'Elk', so ImTyping
MegaDosX: @generatrix And what sound does that make?
TehAmelie: ah yes, it's just North American elks that are weird
McMenno: this card is good imo
Tyabann: @Incarnate5 they're found in Scandinavia and Russia
GreatWahooney: @Andy_Rantalot now that's just silly
Angreed66: taxonomy is a study full of arbitrary distinctions.
xVoxtric: Lizard is BR, Mouse is WR, Otter is UR, Raccoon is GR. Yea.
GredGredmansson: we did
BenByTheWay: So rats are UB, Otter=UR
loufghyslaufey: This cycle could've been fine with the basic land types, or so I wished
HalfHaf: @xVoxtric You got it
Anubis169: lizards being BR scans, they love the heat and dark areas
Taveena: Elk lore!
Simriel: I thought Deer was just Big Dog
Murray Tait: Taxonomic issues huh? I thought Alex sorted all those most of a decade ago
Kass: If you look at it and think, "That's a big deer", it's an elk. If you look at it and think, "that's a creature from the dawn of time" it's a moose
GredGredmansson: Winter Island!
superdude097: Ooo, winter version
RandomTrivia: Hot damn all the full art basics are gorgeous
RatherLargeToad: Frog land!
BrowneePoints: RARE
MorganteMaggiore: viashino are not longer a type, right?
Halinn: Winter is the rare one, right?
bakerydragon: aww Lizard explorer
HalfHaf: @loufghyslaufey they don't tap for the colour without limitation, so not really working with the rules
Incarnate5: @Tyabann Yeah, good point. But also not what brits men when they say elk, as there are elk native to western Europe
sallomon33: Froggsplorer!
BrowneePoints: winter is rare!
BrowneePoints: 10%
Angreed66: winter is the 10%
MorganteMaggiore: oooh winter foil, pricy
obl1vionz: ohhhhhhh... how late i am?
loufghyslaufey: B-b-b-b-utt? Snow! Why? ...whwhwhwh- what? Gavin!
MagicLand74: So beautiful ๐Ÿคฉ
Bugberry: @loufghyslaufey the basic land types would make the restricted color tap ability irrelevant.
courtjester69420: FLUBS
SlyMaster9: Really? The seasons are rarity?
RandomTrivia: More paws!
Stellio_Cantos: hol up. It Flubs in those arts?
HalfHaf: The seasons are bonkers
Anubis169: Incarnate5: We say Elk :)
bakerydragon: heh nice edit
Dog_of_Myth: That edit
thraximore: LUL
Anubis169: (UK)
courtjester69420: thats the fool!!! ohhhhh i love himmm
NewtyNewts: Good edit
GredGredmansson: @obl1vionz i believe we have done 4 of 6 rounds so far
ThorOfKenya: Blue BLue?
xVoxtric: @Anubis169 tbh I wish Raccoon and Lizard were swapped, but the Raccoon Commander deck is R/G so hard to imagine.
Ukon_Cairns: paws for effects PogBones
sallomon33: the edit LUL
Genasi_Gaming: was there another give away?
Feastf0rcrows: not a fan of the foiling on this one
janMelantu: the wheeler tweet lmao
singinnonsense: gj Jordynne or Matt ?
CaptainRedRam: yes the odds are on the wizardโ€™s site for each season
Erdeanmich: @Genasi_Gaming not yet
NornsFelidar: AM Sartor art is top
dabudder: we did it. we fianlyl found the gathering
Anubis169: Incarnate5: But also because of influnences from across the border, some use Moose when talking about the ones from Canada and north
JoeSubject: wow
Yurielx: oh no, the fox is hot
xVoxtric: I had not seen this card before, wow!
RandomTrivia: Oh no he's hot
Makrosian_Tay: Fantastic Mr Foxglove
BrowneePoints: Sexy Fox!
GredGredmansson: Altmander!
Anubis169: the ocean border
bakerydragon: those *sleeves*!
loufghyslaufey: @Bugberry I? Guess? Though, no objections.. kay.
Anubis169: *
shendaras: ooh
n3ther: oh ya this is an awakening
kaziel0: From the commander set for anyone who wonders.
jamesinor: Mr. Foxglove gives real Jane Eyre energy
Angreed66: Got poison in his cap
Dedwrekka: Mr Fox-love
nyoomgoom: fancy!
control_rig: That's 100% someone's fursuit/cosplay
MorganteMaggiore: oh hey, it's legally dinstint robin hood
silenceaux: That was sure a line of text that ended with show & tell
Dedwrekka: The "g" is silent
Earthenone: how does foxglove not have deathtouch :P
n3ther: Graham is also intrigued by the art
GredGredmansson: Bant Bigstuff
CodenameJD: Fantastic Mr Foxglove
sallomon33: @xVoxtric tbh both fit RG, but Racoons seem much more RG than Lizards, so that's probably why they did it this way
direavenger20: alt commander for the group hug deck
HalfHaf: Mr Foxglove can come and fox his gloves with me any day
silenceaux: or whatever the effect is
Genasi_Gaming: would
Anubis169: Mr. Foxglove is giving me Puss In Boots vibes
Lord_Hosk: Judge... Could you One paw one paw (to pump your creature twice) then three paw? Or do they all happen at the same time?
Runewyse: Piper?
Desruprot: swooning bat
Halinn: He's so hot
dabudder: it is a commander card
n3ther: hahaha
Sarusta: Hell yeah Serge
Bugberry: @loufghyslaufey it would also need to enter tapped.
HalfHaf: Fox me mister
n3ther: serge pls
n3ther: lmao
yakbop: Mr Foxglove not wearing gloves
Anubis169: WAH!
BenByTheWay: Elvish piper that has to put their neck on yhe line
RandomTrivia: D'awwwwwwww
Incarnate5: @Lord_Hosk It resolves in order, so yes
n3ther: yess
Anubis169: Floof!
control_rig: AaaaaAaaaa
NewtyNewts: @Lord_Hosk They happen in descending order
neisan2112: AWWWWW
Yurielx: He Fox on my Glove till I...
GredGredmansson: @Lord_Hosk modal spells resolve in order
AP4rk3dC4r: Pedro
xVoxtric: @sallomon33 but Raccoons are about sneaking around and stealing trash (to me), feels black to me.
n3ther: raccoon <3
sallomon33: cute floof!
epsilon_vee: i think i know this curator irl :P
ballesta25: @Lord_Hosk They happen in order, so that works.
dabudder: its a watchwolf!!! that also graveyard hates!!!
Anubis169: it becomes a 7/7!?
neisan2112: I fing love these damn raccoons so much
Sogheim: bye bye scooze
RandomTrivia: Scavenging Raccoon
EMNetwork: wut
Omentuva: Scavenging Raccoon.
SlyMaster9: 7/7 trample is great
SacrificialToast: new scuze just dropped
CaptainRedRam: spring 40% Summer 30% Autumn 20% winter 10%
MegaDosX: Scoon
angstschreeuw0: new ooze?
LRRMTG_Judge: @Lord_Hosk You follow the instructions in the order listed on the card. So you'll do all of the 1 paw modes first, then move on to the next mode. So you'll add the counters twice, then draw. - Natedogg
TehAmelie: there is at least one Changeling in the set too
Desruprot: the great Three Tree City
janMelantu: Scooze Panda
anhakha: That card is dumb
Spades_Slicc: okay so it works out to a 7/7 for 6 which is fine
anhakha: And expensive.
GredGredmansson: Summer Art?
SlyMaster9: Yooooo that's a sick pull, love that card
HalfHaf: So much gold this is beautfiul
n3ther: that name is so mean
Angreed66: something to play on curve if the elf gets killed
IaCthulhuFthagn: How long until we can make a GW mono-3/3-for-2-with-upside deck in Highlander?
Invitare: I can only see one tree
BrowneePoints: wow serge had a money pack
Sandeon: I need that in my Squirrels deck
superdude097: Imma need about Three Tree Fiddy
Desruprot: better comparison is to Nykthos
Gaz_L: it's more like Nyx, yeah
Motherboards: It's more like Nykthos
s0lesurviv0r: "What did you find in the trash?" "A knife!" "NOOOO!"
HalfHaf: This is Nykthos for token decks
Marvoleath: Budget Cradle, yea
GredGredmansson: that you can run outside of Green
mrharrydresden: @superdude097 watch out for loch ness monsters
MegaDosX: Nyx's Cradle
SlyMaster9: Nykthos is way better though.
anhakha: Like Nyx's Cradle
Sandeon: Its the Cabal's Coffers/Gaia's cradle hybrid
Like17Badgers: it's a really really bad Nykthos
sallomon33: @xVoxtric trash seems to be associated with Red a lot actually in MTG, e.g. Goblins or Trash for Treasure
celestial_lion1: Spring art, summer art has a faded rainbow
jamesinor: It's Guy-a's cradle
Anubis169: superdude097: You ain't gettin' it! Go away Larch Ness Monster! Kappa
DidacticDad: itโ€™s a mythical critter city from the Paleolithic era
MorganteMaggiore: "in theros"... .yeah that one little card, haha
BenByTheWay: Leave me and my treefort of myr alone
HalfHaf: The cards are so pretty in this set
sallomon33: @sallomon33 (which is Goblin flavoured tbh)
Anubis169: oh that's gorgeous
HalfHaf: I want all of them
Desruprot: nice artwork
Ukon_Cairns: its not nykthos or gaeas cradle, but those cards are ludicrous theres a lot of breathing room above merely playable but below those 2 comparisons for this to sit in
angstschreeuw0: a good one
Feastf0rcrows: rdw card
lilmeaches: shuko will get more love!
swiftdestruction: Nice
Bugberry: With Valiant, that mouse wants to get Equipped.
SlyMaster9: @Ukon_Cairns Yup, and this rewards creature centric decks. Which are easier to disrupt with a boardwipe in EDH
DudelidouX: At least they started to make simili cradle that do something on an empty board better then having nothing or pay thousands of bucks for cradle.
sallomon33: a nice fit in that Equipment deck of yours, isn't it Serge lol
MorganteMaggiore: i am a leaf in the wind
Marvoleath: Goes into Habanero?
Bugberry: I wonder if Serge plays that in Boros Equipment.
Anubis169: That looks like a storybook cover
Wolfstrike_NL: Fireflies, and Serge could not believe his eyes?
loufghyslaufey: The mouse making a statement, pick one
Easilycrazyhat: @MorganteMaggiore benginCry
MorganteMaggiore: @Easilycrazyhat too soon?
Desruprot: varrekTap varrekTap
Motherboards: No, Battlecry is a Hearthstone mechanic
neisan2112: I'm taking the Raccoon for the raccoon
AntianSiridean: 1 or 2 rounds left?
Easilycrazyhat: @MorganteMaggiore always lol
Anubis169: 2
kaziel0: @MorganteMaggiore Forever too soon.
cameron hall: Magic The Gathering
Biscuits: Heyo, here on my phone and watching on my TV because I find the TVโ€™s twitch app a little clunky. Youtube gang!
Simriel: @cameron hall Incorrect :P
Simriel: I love this lil guy
M L: hi biscuits
Biscuits: I thoroughly enjoyed Sergeโ€™s reaction to seeing the art style he was looking for ^.^
MorganteMaggiore: in my defense they can't take the sky from us
Desruprot: @Motherboards Battlecry was in Magic before Hearthstone existed
SlyMaster9: Three Tree is pre-ordering for 40 euros on MKM. By far the most expensive card in the set. And that's just for the normal bordered one.
thylordy: I've been a bit occupied, have they only done the one raffle?
EllieoftheVeil6: gods this set rules
Anubis169: just the one, one to come up later
kaziel0: @thylordy Correct.
thylordy: Thanks!
krfsm: I can ^never* not hear Carola's Fรฅngad av en Stormvind in this track.
ryuhimora subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months, currently on a 15 month streak!
ryuhimora: Five whole years! Thank you for being my favorite entertainment for 1/6th of my life.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ryuhimora! (Today's storm count: 124)
Anubis169: happy 5 years ryuhimora <3
TehAmelie: @krfsm thank you, i thought it was in my head
Ordsmed: ~Captured by a stormy wind, night-and-day, here is just you and I~
Knightlyvalor: Anyone else thinks of 'Durgg of the Spade' (Temple of the Lava Bears reference) when hearing the cardname 'Druid of the Spade'?
Technotrout: Very good pack for Serge
Earthenone: @Knightlyvalor yup
GrassVortex: @krfsm same :D
Sogheim: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! I still don't get why it's called 'Go Fish'.
LRRMTG_Judge: so chat, Any new commander decks from Bloomburrow are you going to build?
bakerydragon: Thank you judges and mods lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Anubis169: xxxBEAT
WhiteWizard42: Where is the day? How many rounds left, and are the giveaways done?
the_brainfist: @LRRMTG_Judge Gotta make me a Flubs deck!
brningpyre: The Jeskai offspring one looks fun
Sogheim: I like the BG Commander precon that's coming out. squirrels!
BSengenYT: @LRRMTG_Judge the enchantment cascade thing looked interesting
googoltudoris: judges are here to PUNish, got it
RedSunKnight: Looking forward to figuring out a zinnia build
ThorOfKenya: @LRRMTG_Judge Bunny group hug. The extended art is SO CUTE!
swiftdestruction: All of them seem pretty fun
yllwmstr: @lrrmtg_judge kastral 100%
Sarah_Serinde: 2 more rounds, 1 Twitch giveaway left
Anubis169: 1) Day is here, 2) Two, 3) Nope one left to go.
MorganteMaggiore: lot's of cards to put potentially in other decks but no new commander for me
BSengenYT: @RedSunKnight fking zinnia
Swaggerstickbyaah: I am looking forward to getting the group hug deck, and updating my chatterfang commander with the squirrels
mexfire: @LRRMTG_Judge im going for a vehicles matter raccon
Anubis169: Hello non-prerecorded people!
super731: thank you for having us
trashyopossum: Yippieee!!!
corefluxx: Hello BunBun
w4llh4k: @LRRMTG_Judge my do the wolf cascade one, the precon comes caked up for that. And cascade is my fav mechanic ever
loufghyslaufey: !findquote Wheeler
LRRbot: Quote #8171: "So we learned Wheeler really likes having two hands." โ€”Nelly [2022-08-15]
angstschreeuw0: it is great to be here
MorganteMaggiore: @mexfire ah yes, rocket racoon deck
gameslayer013: bunjamin
Desruprot: G G G
BusTed: G*
CodenameJD: Oh what a great group of BOYS to see after the break
duncantm13: Ooh is it giveaway time??
Anubis169: hahahaha
tealeaf87: G
Spritz_T: BUNS!
Anubis169: not yet duncantm13
Sarusta: oml
GredGredmansson: the8bitWario
sallomon33: but what abilities would G as a Pokemon have?
loufghyslaufey: Two hands? You can do that in Magic? Now?
Easilycrazyhat: Me?
MeadyOchre: ME?!
kaziel0: Us?!
CanPlayGames: Iโ€™m lost on this bit
goombalax: holymoly Gee reference in 2024
XayedGames: OMG, Girls Generation reference?!
owlinthesnow: G
LadyAtarka: me!
Nemosaur: Kpop representation HahaCat
malfnord: Ain't nothing but a G thang
Anubis169: We?
LRRMTG_Judge: Hello! - Natedogg
Viewers_Like_You: Me? Whence?!
rkk667: Girls Generation!
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Earthenone: !pride
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
sawbladetornado: WHOMST?!
shurtal: i'm here? I don't believe it
Earthenone: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
TheWanderingNomad: Where's Jordan when you need him? :D
excalgold: Hello Paul on tech, Hello Ben, hello Wheeler and Graham
NotCainNorAbel: I'm a someone
Swaggerstickbyaah: Me?A
Imbadyoureworse: me? i could?!
BenByTheWay: What?!
Makrosian_Tay: Woooo
Ordsmed: Where's the neko-mimi at?
Dog_of_Myth: Oh my
MeadyOchre: Ben please stop flapping so seductively at me
Testosteros: God I haven't heard that song since highschool
Viewers_Like_You: That seems unlikely but tantalizing
theamc2000: y
Anubis169: duncantm13: Now maybe? :D
anhakha: I'm poor! Pick me!
GreatWahooney: oh me oh my!
MorganteMaggiore: A BOX, my favourite
annasaurus13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
Sandeon: I am some sort of one
a_Weakling: the hoard!
Owlslayer: this is whack!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, annasaurus13! (Today's storm count: 125)
WhiteWizard42: BUNdle full of buns
Desruprot: I hear Serge can't be your Two-Headed Giant Partner he is Judging the event
Sandeon: a BUNdle?
rkk667 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
rkk667: hugs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rkk667! (Today's storm count: 126)
brningpyre: A BAJILLION
Pyroxx___: Mind dropping all the stuff in the box?
Yurielx: gib pl0x
RokuNalaar: you swing it all around
SirPlumpy: can i get this one pre-damaged?
itomeshi: This one un-knocked.
bakerydragon: SO hype, you're being ludicrously generous with this
thanatoscar: are you going to drop it to make it special?
alikaoz: Can you drop it for extra value?
MeadyOchre: :O
Halinn: "
Splash4Mirrodin: Ooo
just__fitz: Thats like $10000 CAD
firstlevelwizard: ooh, extra special
trashyopossum: Sooooo many!
Halinn: <3
RatherLargeToad: You got your Kit from Knight Rider,,,
BlueFingers5: now I need it
brningpyre: OH DANG
NonUniqueGuy: Will you drop it?
JoeSubject: pucker up
tealeaf87: wheeler box
unleashenlightenment: ok I need it
Dog_of_Myth: Oh mai
tealeaf87: oh my
RevolverRossalot: ๐Ÿฐ-dle!
Fovulonkiin: Oh well NOW I want that
Sarusta: wdym bajillion it's not even a case of collectors.
brningpyre: <message deleted>I WANT THE WHEELER KISS BOX
animaniacdot: oOOooOo
fele_of_Cardmarket: can you make it a beejillion?
SkiaSymphonia: is that allowed post covid?
annasaurus13: yay
duncantm13: That's the best bonus lol
TopHatPeezy: Really pushed the value there wheeler
BenByTheWay: A kiss from wheeler? Let me at it!
enbyliza: A great box to be here
Angreed66: It's been double ben'd
definenull: Hehe BUN-dle
milkydeew: POG Box
zook_ningel: big spindown wants to keep you down
LadyAtarka: Awww a little smooch
stevefromdetroit: but will that box blend?
grizzlybeer40: If I win I want wheelers thumb in the box
Anubis169: Chat, easy on the allcaps!
maltan_ankka: Ok everyone dont enter into this raffle i need a wheeler kiss
GredGredmansson: fun laughs good time
AutumnVixenIX: if I win can I request that Kathleen drop the box?
Halinn: Can I have just the kiss?
WowoT: we just need to chat dont we ;P
kismetsoul: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
AntianSiridean: This one isn't damaged enough to give away
Spritz_T: the way graham said 'big spindown'
MrsLlante: A Kiss from the Ben
brningpyre: the tease
Desruprot: limesNodders
shendaras: seabatClap
prymryb: lrrSERGE
w4llh4k: MINEEE
excalgold: woohoo Magic!
MeadyOchre: Oh no, I have to watch LRR play Magic, what an awful cost
MorganteMaggiore: a magic? wow my favourite
Lord_Hosk: Stick around...
XayedGames: I want a kiss too
logophile99: i must have this one
sallomon33: @AntianSiridean need to "accidentally" sit on it or sth lol
lyricthepossum: I want the Benjamin kiss box
the_phantom_game_player: may i get the kiss?
totumusmaximus: how much longer until the end tho ?
Lord_Hosk: Is it me?
Keylometers: Entering just for the wheeler kiss PogChamp
toopy3: :3
Triforcecwp: Love that is ready to ship in a Canada Post box?
Anubis169: Isn't that nice
Desruprot: limesNoted
Wolfy098: I'm guessing it's not UK?
Lord_Hosk: Am I the one who won on the youtube replay?
prymryb: Give us KISSES
tealeaf87: love is contained in the bundle
marawr_arts: lrrSHINE
logophile99: get him Ben Bun
GokuAshNaruto: what if i'm watching it 20 years from now
General_Pants: rip wheeler
dabomb790: pretty nice box giveaway
LanceNorm: LUL
AntianSiridean: @sallomon33 you understnad
stevefromdetroit: can I go first?
kaziel0: Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
HalfHaf: Can Wheeler blow all of us a kiss so we don't feel left out
Desruprot: limesShrug
LadyAtarka: Wheeler if I win, I'll let you have one of the packs lol
Ukon_Cairns: but lrrGRAHAM think of how much you'll save on shipping
kaziel0: Thunderdome!
jamesinor: No no, Who's going second, I don't know is first
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
MorganteMaggiore: but the good news wheeler is that you can buy them from cardkingdom, a kingdom of cards, or so i've herad
Desruprot: that is a cool forest
MedliKupo: YESSS OTTERS!!!!
Simriel: Welcome to youtube
Simriel: They may have twitch prizes, but we have something they can never have
Simriel: I will not elaborate on what that is tho
OVERKiLL!: :yt::face-blue-question-mark:
Simriel: Graham! I choose you!
Taveena: puttin the bun in bundle
StabsofWar: fancy
Simriel: Remember, the prize giveaway is available at not in the youtube stream
Sarah: But it's also not being given away until after the round is over
KismetSoul: So glad that YouTube got some giveaway love too
James Gonzales: This set looks so much fun
Qwertiest_Mint: LETS GOOOOO
Kaspar Bakker: Comment
Panda_sad: lrrHEART lrrHEART
Viewers_Like_You: Right - no one blink, they've started the round
GredGredmansson: AND I'M HERE
aquastar67: Let's see this match!
SirClledroc: A fluffle of bunnies
GredGredmansson: TO REMIND YOU
bakerydragon: is that a space land for Graham forest?
LRRbot: Whiskerquill Scribe [1R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Citizen [2/2] | Valiant โ€” Whenever Whiskerquill Scribe becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card.
anhakha: First try.
MeadyOchre: Pronouncing names in this set is hard
dacbruh: SMH these players playing with sleeved cards tsk
Scourch_9965: been waiting for them otters
sallomon33: @AntianSiridean was about to comment that they should just smash it on the floor to make the quality equal before your message lol
bennybartez: Whiskery scribe?
howlinglotus: the Alanis reference for the otters is *chefs kiss*
Earthenone: choose one : whisk or quill scribe
zombub: Did I miss something about a kiss?
TehAmelie: wriskhesquillcirbe?
MorganteMaggiore: is it land?
tealeaf87: whiskerskrill cribe
LRRbot: Stormcatch Mentor [UR] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [1/1] | Haste / Prowess / Instant and sorcery spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.
Bugberry: create 1 content token
mexfire: who is going for ms. bunbun commander deck
Ukon_Cairns: it asks us to pronounce the sk and the sc but denies us the sq NotLikeThis
Lord_Hosk: He prefers if you use the name his friends call him "WHISSSKY"
Halinn: What I'm gonna do, is tap these lands for two
NekomimiNinja: skewerclique crimes
Alex_Frostfire: Well, Electromancer's a 2/2.
RandomTrivia: Electromentor
Bugberry: It also starts as a 2/2
jwholla: both players with perfect mana and a 2 drop, unbelievable
LRRbot: Hearthborn Battler [2R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Warlock [2/3] | Haste / Whenever a player casts their second spell each turn, Hearthborn Battler deals 2 damage to target opponent.
Ukon_Cairns: that said, in spells matter, otter might be the more relevant creature type
GredGredmansson: also +1/+1
Gekyouryuu: and it's a 2/2
SmashTCG: I mean, electromancervis bigger base
MeadyOchre: Mr Ulmer, can you please put together an Otter kindred list helmed by Ral, Monsoon Mage for an LRR commander night?
Desruprot: Gruul Smash
Alex_Frostfire: This one's smaller and slimmer. An otter to its bear. (No regrets!)
Bugberry: !card goblin electromancer
LRRbot: Goblin Electromancer [UR] | Creature โ€” Goblin Wizard [2/2] | Instant and sorcery spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.
sallomon33: @GredGredmansson I would continue but I don't remember the exact lyrics of that part :< but I apreciate an MTGRemy reference
LRRbot: Kindlespark Duo [2R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Otter [1/3] | {T}: Kindlespark Duo deals 1 damage to target opponent. / Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, untap Kindlespark Duo.
GredGredmansson: @sallomon33 a what i'm just referencing analis
jamesinor: It's a Fur-mo alchemist
mexfire: flip camder deck night
SirLoinOfBeef_: this set has like three thermo-alchemists
dabudder: @jamesinor BANGER
MegaDosX: !card thermo-alchemist
LRRbot: Thermo-Alchemist [1R] | Creature โ€” Human Shaman [0/3] | Defender / {T}: Thermo-Alchemist deals 1 damage to each opponent. / Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, untap Thermo-Alchemist.
TheWanderingNomad: A lizotter?
sallomon33: @GredGredmansson well then, you have a great MTG channel to discover lol
RandomTrivia: You thought it was a Thermo-Alchemist, but IT WAS ME, DUO! lrrBEEJ
super731: furmetal alchemist
Earthenone: that thermo alchemist downloaded sparknotes on their kindle
Desruprot: Ottizard
Ukon_Cairns: fur is the otter, mo is the lizard?
dabudder: hell is otter people
tehfewl: what kind of body type is a liz otter?
Omega_Orion: hell is otter people
MegaDosX: Ooh, strict upgrade, works off noncreature not just instants and sorceries
LordShadner: that is Amazing flavor text
JusticeJuice: Some call them Tim.
singinnonsense: Scalyfur Alchemist
planeswalkagogo: @tehfewl it's one of each
SirLoinOfBeef_: @MegaDosX 3 mana
MarsIsDead: Dropping in for an hour before going to see a Post Hardcore show... Everyone doing good today?
MorganteMaggiore: the flavour text sound like something that the team rocket would say, and that's great
Gekyouryuu: new joke Twitch chat member: I Drink to forget Furmo
LRRMTG_Judge: Well, note that Thermoalchemist does not target a single opponent, it deals damage to all opponents, but very similar in 1v1. ๐Ÿฐ
GredGredmansson: tomTeeth
Anubis169: Wolfy098: If you're still here, the giveaway is open worldwide, not just US/Canada.
seathblood: Went afk, have we done the second giveaway?
MegaDosX: @sirloinofbeef_ Seems worth it with the upgrade
Anubis169: seathblood: not yet
anhakha: Strict haven
Anubis169: until then, magic!
Gaz_L: the Expanse? i love that show!
MegaDosX: Also very strict of you Wheeler
LRRbot: Polliwallop [3G] | Instant | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each Frog you control. / Target creature you control deals damage equal to twice its power to target creature you don't control.
janMelantu: love that show
goombalax: !card baleful strix
LRRbot: Baleful Strix [UB] | Artifact Creature โ€” Bird [1/1] | Flying, deathtouch / When Baleful Strix enters the battlefield, draw a card.
Mnerenberg: Is that ban very strict?
Bugberry: Targeting the opponent instead of "each opponent" is relevant for Crimes
Flyingdelorion: Spandex?
Sarah_Serinde: @seathblood After this round is over
math_magics: that's too strict
kaziel0: Ooooh! The duos are combinations of two creatures who share half of the typal's color identity! I get it now!
Gaz_L: (i haven't actually watched it)
Spades_Slicc: A strict limit?
GokuAshNaruto: strictly strict
seathblood: woo thanks for letting me know =)
SirLoinOfBeef_: strictly inaccurate
EarlOfTheWorld: Some strict restrictions on the word strict? Kappa
theamc2000: strictly cuter
Ordsmed: Better words: Hardly, bearly, nearly, sufficiently, etc
mexfire: an otter cleric heals just by hugging would be cute
AutumnVixenIX: a strict ban on the word strict
Sarah_Serinde: Chat if you all spam strict now I will go put it into automod
seathblood: also, finally otters <3 go Ben, go!
lyricthepossum: That seems strict
MegaDosX: benginLul
dabudder: its a type, graham
Yurielx: whatever happened to Punt/Counterpunt?
Bugberry: @kaziel0 they all also support both type's mechanical themes. This supports Lizards dealing damage to the opponent and Otter being spells-matter.
goombalax: !card winding constrictor
LRRbot: Winding Constrictor [BG] | Creature โ€” Snake [2/3] | If one or more counters would be put on an artifact or creature you control, that many plus one of each of those kinds of counters are put on that permanent instead. / If you would get one or more counters, you get that many plus one of each of those kinds of counters instead.
IaCthulhuFthagn: <message deleted>@Sarah_Serinde That sounds like a very strict way to moderate chat.
Mnerenberg: Are you saying Goblins arn't cute?!?!
MegaDosX: "I tripped and fell"
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @Sarah_Serinde Wow are you...rigid.
kaziel0: @Bugberry Even cooler! I love it!
LRRbot: Otterball Antics [1U] | Sorcery | Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. If this spell was cast from anywhere other than your hand, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature. / Flashback {3}{U}
MorganteMaggiore: @Bugberry just like the ravnica spells with 2 guilds
MedliKupo: Graham is the heel of this match because you cant go up against otters and not be the bad guy
NornsFelidar: wheeler, is thermoalvhemist your type? asking for a friend
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL On Bloomburrow, otters seem to be like electric eels
MeagenImage: @Yurielx Probably no time to make one with the Sub-A-Thon all week
Anubis169: don't poke the mods :P
singinnonsense: @Yurielx they lost the budget basicly
GredGredmansson: Otterball is basically Calvinball without the masks
Desruprot: Otterball is like Calvin Ball
Spritz_T: love the otter art
vinopinguino: so so cute
Bugberry: The new Ral makes these otter tokens too.
mysteenova157: great art!
Yurielx: @singinnonsense D:
ghizmou: no one said they are great polo players
Alex_Frostfire: Otterball is basically Calvinball.
BrowneePoints: <message deleted>Sarah is the nofunallowed strict mod. Do not tempt her
NonUniqueGuy: it is a people animal
excalgold: this set is so wonderful
LRRbot: Uncharted Haven | Land | Uncharted Haven enters the battlefield tapped. / As Uncharted Haven enters the battlefield, choose a color. / {T}: Add one mana of the chosen color.
maclenrac: strickland propane and propane accessories
General_Pants: people do that in real sports
MegaDosX: This otter's smarter than the average Magic player
seathblood: ott ott ott ott ott <3
MorganteMaggiore: it's Dr Adorable Otter
sallomon33: @singinnonsense aaw, that's sad :<
DoubleNterprises: Graham brings up a good point...
slickslickman: maybe you earn points by holding the ball?
Boon_33: it's only a degree in underwater basket weaving
LanceNorm: i bet they get all fiesty when they think someone has put the ball in their pouch. complain to the ref
Pharmacistjudge: keep talking that way and that otter will jecht shot that ball in your face
theworldsmith1: how do you know thats not how you play otterball?
Mnerenberg: @maclenrac The best kind of Ball
PurpleRakath: Whose Otterball is it Anyway.
definenull: I hope ral got to play otterball
Like17Badgers: Graham explaining why I'm not allowed to play hockey CorgiDerp
Ordsmed: The Big Sad: Lutri cannot play with the other otters... :'(
Bugberry: Does the Otter play Blitzball?
stevefromdetroit: that otter went to otterwa university
Desruprot: were thinking about Otter Things right now?
dabudder: ben with an otterly absurd start
alikaoz: Lutri was banned from otterball (she was dopping)
lyricthepossum: Unban Lutri it's a war crime to keep him out of the otterball games
sharker037: because of his friends in the otter side
LRRbot: Byway Barterer [2R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Rogue [3/3] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, you may discard your hand. If you do, draw two cards.
GredGredmansson: "The score is still Q to 12!"
macintose: What otter nonsense
direavenger20: lutri should be allowed in the 99 to allow for the complete otter deck
nerdsta82: what does Graham think the Otter people are??
LordShadner: That is for distracting the other team or ref.
maclenrac: coffee time
Tangle Trail: neat, glad to hear UT watchers are getting some love
Sarah: Comments in live chat will not enter you to win anything
LRRbot: Whiskerquill Scribe [1R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Citizen [2/2] | Valiant โ€” Whenever Whiskerquill Scribe becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, you may discard aโ€ฆ
OrphanLeni: Nailed it
Sarah: The YouTube video will be edited and uploaded after this stream is over, and you will comment there in order to enter the contest
Greys N. Owman: The YT giveaway will be on the VOD, not on the stream
AshKnot: : )
LRRbot: Stormcatch Mentor [UR] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [1/1] | Haste / Prowess / Instant and sorcery spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.
R.T. Delaney: should I try for a pithy comment or just admit that I want free stuff?
LRRbot: Hearthborn Battler [2R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Warlock [2/3] | Haste / Whenever a player casts their second spell each turn, Hearthborn Battler deals 2 damage to target opponent.
Michael Carrigan: I cannot handle the adorability of all the Bun Buns!
March: leaving a comment for box. xD
LRRbot: Kindlespark Duo [2R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Otter [1/3] | {T}: Kindlespark Duo deals 1 damage to target opponent. / Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, untap Kindlespark Duo.
March: Woo!
Sarah: @March That will not enter you in the contest
Sarah: You'll need to wait until the edited vod of this stream is up on YouTube later, and leave a comment in the comment section. Comments in live chat will not enter you into the contest
Sylwester Buczkowski: Nice box , boxes :)
Greys N. Owman: Omg
Simriel: We will be very Strict about it
LRRbot: Polliwallop [3G] | Instant | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each Frog you control. / Target creature you control deals damage equal to twice its power to target creature you don't control.
CSDragon: It is directly better, in a way which is not a loose interpretation
Simriel: Not hey there bud, but hey there Bun
LRRbot: Otterball Antics [1U] | Sorcery | Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. If this spell was cast from anywhere other than your hand, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature. / Flashโ€ฆ
Rob McKenzie: Mmm, I'm not convinced of that. I've played a nonzero amount of Thermoalchemists in multiplayer, and the bonus damage to all opponents isn't a trivial thing.
Gabriel Francisco: Comment
LRRbot: Uncharted Haven | Land | Uncharted Haven enters the battlefield tapped. / As Uncharted Haven enters the battlefield, choose a color. / {T}: Add one mana of the chosen color.
Simriel: This otter went to Juliard
LRRbot: Byway Barterer [2R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Rogue [3/3] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, you may discard your hand. If you do, draw two cards.
Anubis169: Take me toooooooo the otter side~
ghyllnox: NOW you tell me
kaziel0: @Ordsmed Maybe they can now, with the... omengates? Portals between planes, whatever they're called.
PurpleRakath: Blitz ball has rules, unfortunately for all involved.
mexfire: otters with shell blades= pokemon
Anubis169: manPOT coffee
Viewers_Like_You: Just stick to the human Earthly sports that you're used to...
serramarkov: The otters play swamp ball.
Wolfy098: Thank you Anubis169
TehAmelie: "these prices are robbery" "sir that's racoon racism"
LRRbot: Take Out the Trash [1R] | Instant | Take Out the Trash deals 3 damage to target creature or planeswalker. If you control a Raccoon, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card.
Anubis169: Garbomancer!
stippledotter: A whole hand is a big sacrifice for a cardboard gamr
Ordsmed: @kaziel0 True! i wanna see the alt-art of Luttri playing Otter-ball!
BenByTheWay: Three triggers
nerdsta82: Graham thinks Otters are trash!!!!
GredGredmansson: its when you've spent your 4th mana on a spell
Pharmacistjudge: pharma2Allow pharma2Allow pharma2Allow
LRRMTG_Judge: Correct, 4 mana on spells, not abilites. ๐Ÿฐ
PurpleRakath: Take out the trash is the start of Graham's utility worker heel persona?
anhakha: It's fine. If you lose, you can day Graham paid you to do it. He's your boss after all.
theamc2000: I hope
anhakha: *say
LRRbot: Blooming Blast [1R] | Instant | Gift a Treasure / Blooming Blast deals 2 damage to target creature. If the gift was promised, Blooming Blast also deals 3 damage to that creature's controller.
tealeaf87: ben is otterly devestated right now
Yurielx: I believe the correct term is "noot noot"
A_Dub888: No gift? But Graham's been a very good boy this year
LRRbot: Frilled Sparkshooter [3R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Archer [3/3] | Menace, reach / Frilled Sparkshooter enters with a +1/+1 counter on it if an opponent lost life this turn.
vegetalss4: @anhakha Huh, you are right, technically Graham pays Ben to do anything he does on this stream
BrowneePoints: you know I was trying to back up Sarah in the โ€œdonโ€™t prickle the modsโ€ camp and then walked right into using the banned word because of how common it is in English >.>
RandomTrivia: The punish! benginChamp
Bugberry: basically Bloodthirst 1
sallomon33: @LRRMTG_Judge aww, I only noticed that, I have been trying to make an activated ability-focused deck for some time, oh well
BrowneePoints: Foot. Meet rake.
MorganteMaggiore: all according to cake (cake means plan)
Anubis169: that lizard looks like it thoroughly enjoys shooting things with arrows
Dread_Pirate_Westley: sergeSqueak
LRRbot: Roughshod Duo [2R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Raccoon [3/2] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains trample until end of turn.
PurpleRakath: Lizard living its best life.
MWGNZ: @Anubis169 looks very frilled about it
Texan_Reverend: @BrowneePoints You also referred to her as a nofunallowed mod. Maybe not great either.
stevefromdetroit: has anyone even seen a chicken
GokuAshNaruto: hey, i read a book about how to kill one of those in high school!
Pharmacistjudge: or are they....roommates?
fhorrigan: Anyone rocking the Sun Sphere Laser blasting Lynx?
lyricthepossum: Lizard loves letting loose
Anubis169: MWGNZ: ๐Ÿ’ฏ
Halinn: !card byway barterer
LRRbot: Byway Barterer [2R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Rogue [3/3] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, you may discard your hand. If you do, draw two cards.
LRRbot: Hired Claw [R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Mercenary [1/2] | Whenever you attack with one or more Lizards, Hired Claw deals 1 damage to target opponent. / {1}{R}: Put a +1/+1 counter on Hired Claw. Activate this ability only if an opponent has lost life this turn and only once each turn.
Mazrae: Whelp guess my prime sub ran out today
SlyMaster9: Gruul Expend seems really busted
Mazrae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mazrae! (Today's storm count: 127)
Texan_Reverend: @BrowneePoints And in general, please, just let the mods handle stuff. We don't need backup from chat.
Anubis169: Mazrae: Oh look, your prime sub came back
Ukon_Cairns: yeh, the slight difference between 4 and 4th
MorganteMaggiore: bless you
DaCardCzar: Rackdos glizzys
RatherLargeToad: Lizards are non-keyworded Spectacle
MegaDosX: !card gev,
LRRbot: Found 12 cards you could be referring to - please enter more of the name
LoadingReadyRun: I wonder if Arena will have a "expended" mounter
Alex_Frostfire: Secretly Boast. ;)
A_Dub888: Rak-lizzies my dizzies
MegaDosX: Ok yeah that was optimistic
Bugberry: How you expected Expend to work is why they started doing more "this triggers only once" instead of "the first time you do X" so the effect still worked after the creature entered.
kaziel0: Oh jeez... that's a 1-drop? DX
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun who knows?
LRRbot: Playful Shove [1R] | Sorcery | Playful Shove deals 1 damage to any target. / Draw a card.
SirLoinOfBeef_: "boop"
Angreed66: I think it most assuredly will
Mazrae: @anubis169 just had to wait for the ads to push prime back down the subscribing hole
Desruprot: Playful Shove kills offspring
Anubis169: Boop the snoot
Bugberry: !card needle drop
LRRbot: Needle Drop [R] | Instant | Needle Drop deals 1 damage to any target that was dealt damage this turn. / Draw a card.
Yurielx: let's go to an-otter game
seathblood: =( stop being mean to the otters!!
definenull: Not fatal push but still does the job
Grimnus: If you see Graham run
datastorm17: are there any gently screaming lizards in this set?
kaziel0: Thanks Ben!
HedgehogKnight: How many new cards are going in Wheeler's one drop cube now?
Orxolon: good tip
MegaDosX: !card gev, scaled scorch
LRRbot: Gev, Scaled Scorch [BR] | Legendary Creature โ€” Lizard Mercenary [3/2] | Wardโ€”Pay 2 life. / Other creatures you control enter with an additional +1/+1 counter on them for each opponent who lost life this turn. / Whenever you cast a Lizard spell, Gev, Scaled Scorch deals 1 damage to target opponent.
mexfire: Birgi, God of Storytelling + the storm otter is op in a zada deck or having them in a feather deck
Mnerenberg: @Alex_Frostfire It probably will look like Celebration from WoE
Viewers_Like_You: Hey gang, just got back from a medium-length blink - are they still shuffling up for game one?
Anubis169: datastorm17: Looking at the card art, a lot of lizards have the open mouth or snarl going on
bakerydragon: I need to practice the strat of opening a pool of removal.deck
Anubis169: so maybe yes?
LRRbot: Take Out the Trash [1R] | Instant | Take Out the Trash deals 3 damage to target creature or planeswalker. If you control a Raccoon, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card.
LRRbot: Blooming Blast [1R] | Instant | Gift a Treasure / Blooming Blast deals 2 damage to target creature. If the gift was promised, Blooming Blast also deals 3 damage to that creature's controller.
Greys N. Owman: Tune up for next weekโ€™s LRL for the third beating
LRRbot: Frilled Sparkshooter [3R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Archer [3/3] | Menace, reach / Frilled Sparkshooter enters with a +1/+1 counter on it if an opponent lost life this turn.
LRRbot: Roughshod Duo [2R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Raccoon [3/2] | Trample / Whenever you expend 4, target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains trample until end of turn.
LRRbot: Hired Claw [R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Mercenary [1/2] | Whenever you attack with one or more Lizards, Hired Claw deals 1 damage to target opponent. / {1}{R}: Put a +1/+1 counter on Hired Claw. Activate โ€ฆ
Wilkes Bourne: Itโ€™s bloodlust
LRRbot: Playful Shove [1R] | Sorcery | Playful Shove deals 1 damage to any target. / Draw a card.
MorganteMaggiore: racoons do count lands in the bin probably
NornsFelidar: thanks Ben for drawing those lands so that we won't
Wolfy098: Shufflecat beats Waterpuppy.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I'm counting in the bin.
Angreed66: @mexfire Ma we broke birgi!
RandomTrivia: In my day we walked uphill in the snow both ways to draw lands and we liked it lrrBEEJ
Dread_Pirate_Westley: It's a raccoon deck. You have to count the bin.
Halinn: There's a crapshot for you
MorganteMaggiore: a what now?
A_Dub888: lrrJUDGECALL I've drawn 23 lands in my 17 land deck!
XayedGames: a 40 card deck is so nice to shuffle
LRRMTG_Judge: @Viewers_Like_You We just completed the first game and are shuffling for the second game - Natedogg
SoaringDragon42: do it!
LadyAtarka: Hop to it G
Mnerenberg: Hot tip! If you just draw the right cards, then you'll win at Magic
Just_Herby: Four Ravnicans sketch
corefluxx: YES PLEASE!
silenceaux: live on stream
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
MorganteMaggiore: or a "cheese shop" sketch
Easilycrazyhat: Yorkshire is the place the sun doesn't touch
Alness49: Sure, close enough
RandomTrivia: benginLul
7gorobei: 4 o'york time
stippledotter: @viewers_like_you that would've been an otter-nity!
theamc2000: you are not getting 5 dollars from me today
NezumiiroK: its a region of the uk
Therberus: So how are y'all feeling after the subathon? Tired? Happy? Releved?
Sarah_Serinde: In *my* day, the best time to do that sketch was in the future, and you had plenty of time for it!
Viewers_Like_You: Ah yes, that classic Yorkshire accent - "I'm walkin' here!"
BenByTheWay: Dies Ben really not know his Monty Python history or is he trolling?
LRRbot: Stormcatch Mentor [UR] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [1/1] | Haste / Prowess / Instant and sorcery spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.
theamc2000: wheelerRat
RandomTrivia: Almost as surprising that they haven't done a Dead Parrot sketch about a dead creature
GreatWahooney: @Easilycrazyhat like in the lion king?
vegetalss4: Ben is doing a funny
A_Dub888: That otter's got the zoomies
Easilycrazyhat: @GreatWahooney bingo bongo
Sarah_Serinde: Not everyone is familiar with a thing you know, even if that thing is really popular
seathblood: such a speedy otty boy
dabudder: joe biden?
MorganteMaggiore: serious questions: how many lands are y'all playing? nowadays at pre release i usually play 16, as a base
KaleidoscopeMind: oh we're using lrrCIRCLE not lrrAWESOME ?
thraximore: @dabudder LUL ๓ €€
fhorrigan: Monty Python is 1000 years old and Ben is a young boy.
LRRbot: Pearl of Wisdom [2U] | Sorcery | This spell costs {1} less to cast if you control an Otter. / Draw two cards.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Someone with a really bad case of the flu?
MegaDosX: Good lord
3PlayerPolitics: Yorkshire represent!
LanceNorm: WOW
Alyssa_Swift: But what does Pot of Greed do?
Anubis169: ouch
kaziel0: Oh wowza!
definenull: Literally ancestral recall \s
GreatWahooney: GAVIN!
tealeaf87: otterly ridiculous
MorganteMaggiore: we cruising
adambomb625: POT OF GREED
LRRbot: Blooming Blast [1R] | Instant | Gift a Treasure / Blooming Blast deals 2 damage to target creature. If the gift was promised, Blooming Blast also deals 3 damage to that creature's controller.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: that's almost Ancestral!
Anubis169: This otter is deceased, it is no more! Hellooooooooo Otty!! (bonk bonk bonk)
tealeaf87: potter of greed
MorganteMaggiore: @adambomb625 what does it do?
corefluxx: "that is an excellent chateau de chasselas!"
vinopinguino: thats mean graham
seathblood: Stop Graham =(
SlyMaster9: 2/3rds of an Ancestral Recall there
TheFreak013: Ben confirmed cheater, we all saw it
kaziel0: Nooo! The otter! ;_;
patrick_stonecrusher: 2/3rds of ancestral
LRRbot: Otterball Antics [1U] | Sorcery | Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. If this spell was cast from anywhere other than your hand, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature. / Flashback {3}{U}
Lord_Hosk: @Sarah_Serinde Nuhhh uhh, Im on the internet I am therefor an expert on all subjects and never wrong! If you think im wrong about that, see previous statement
MorganteMaggiore: Ott of greed
LRRbot: Playful Shove [1R] | Sorcery | Playful Shove deals 1 damage to any target. / Draw a card.
Commodore_Perry_GG: right back where we started
Anubis169: ^ lol
Wolfii_TV: Ott er Greed
Ukon_Cairns: so with that otter and the calamity beast we can build our own pot of greed in limited PogBones
SlyMaster9: @MorganteMaggiore That is fantastic
Mnerenberg: That racoon needs to apologise NOW
LRRbot: Ral, Crackling Wit [2UR] | Legendary Planeswalker โ€” Ral [4] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a loyalty counter on Ral, Crackling Wit. / [+1]: Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. / [โˆ’3]: Draw three cards, then discard two cards. / [โˆ’10]: Draw three cards. You get an emblem with "Instant and sorcery spells you cast have storm."
Anubis169: WOW
RandomTrivia: Yesssssssss
MegaDosX: Oh shit
Nameless_Sword: woah!
definenull: OTTER
seathblood: OTTY RAL! <3 <3
TheDevil_Risen: WOW
RandomTrivia: He's heeeeere!
thraximore: oop
maltan_ankka: YOOO
vinopinguino: lets gooo
MedliKupo: YESSSSS
LRRMTG_Judge: Otter-ly ridiculous - Natedogg
GredGredmansson: oh hi Ral
SentinelStormer: WOOOOOAH
Mazrae: Just tuned in a few minutes ago but this set looks so adorable
xzarisx: is Grahamโ€™s deck busted?
maltan_ankka: Happy Pride
definenull: I love him
RandomTrivia: The boi!
loona898: ottyyy
direavenger20: wow, graham's deck is just all removal
MegaDosX: Always has been Graham
theamc2000: graham the mono red boy
PurpleRakath: Graham are you just removal dot dek?
BrowneePoints: Happy UK Pride
Nameless_Sword: why is ral an otter?
sallomon33: Otteral!
MorganteMaggiore: this ral? no the otter one
GredGredmansson: Storm in Standard
jamesinor: Oh boy! It's time for the wild Ral-pids!
slopoppotamus: Wasn't Ral already an otter>
bbritt1030 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bbritt1030! (Today's storm count: 128)
Easilycrazyhat: We're Ral'in ral'in ral'in. High hoooooo.
the_phantom_game_player: @sallomon33 Why not
LadyAtarka: Ral would be an otter
stippledotter: Oh I forg-otter bout that
MegaDosX: @nameless_sword Because he is
Knightlyvalor: @Mazrae have you seen the offspring tokens?
janMelantu: otter has always been an otter
Pr1de0_0 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Pr1de0_0! (Today's storm count: 129)
NezumiiroK: Pog
Dedwrekka: Ral, human otter, or a "hotter" if you will
Viewers_Like_You: @Nameless_Sword It's just the way he be
goombalax: @Nameless_Sword always has been
GredGredmansson: @Nameless_Sword that's what coming to Bloomburrow does to you
Nameless_Sword: fair enough
slickslickman: the grand return of storm to standard!
A_Dub888: that is a heck of an ult
seathblood: @slopoppotamus Yes, yes he was ^^
Pr1de0_0: Otter chaos
RandomTrivia: The loyalty will stack up surprisingly quickly with the triggered ability
Easilycrazyhat: Hey, never say never
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
Anubis169: Ral is the hotter otter
vegetalss4: @Nameless_Sword the plane turns visitors into animal people
datastorm17: wait his +1 is a baby
Morrigan9: track storm count for practice
MorganteMaggiore: hey menace is actually great against ral
Halinn: Reasonable candidate for best flavor text of the set
rogue6119: Is playful shove like a love tap?
adambomb625: By the way, what ever happened to the nicknames episodes?
GredGredmansson: what is "planeswalker redirection"
patrick_stonecrusher: Mandatory fursona policy
Lord_Hosk: I can't wait for the Ral Otter Cosplay at the next Magic Con
BrowneePoints: @adambomb625 restructuring how they work
Ukon_Cairns: why is he not human? bloomburrow. why otter in paticular? probably cause otters and ral both play with lightning and storms.
shendaras: teapot slinger doesn't see that 4 mana was spent, right?
ajackinabox: this set is awesome
BrowneePoints: @lord_hosk thatโ€™s called a fursuit
Viewers_Like_You: I think you may have creatures, and I think those can be turned sideways?
McMenno: like a decade ago
firstlevelwizard: You used to be able to redirect damage from players to planeswalkers prior to targeting them directly
Bugberry: @shendaras it's not in play to see it.
stippledotter: Love a planeswotter
MorganteMaggiore: that is the joke - gif
SlyMaster9: @Lord_Hosk There's surely a furry working on that
Alyssa_Swift: Planeswotter
MegaDosX: @gredgredmansson Used to be that when you dealt damage to players, you could choose to redirect it to a planeswalker instead, but like Serge just said the rule is gone
Mnerenberg: @Nameless_Sword He's too skinny to be a bear, but to hairy to be a twink
GredGredmansson: hasn't been a thing since OG ixalan
NezumiiroK: if i had a fursona it'd be a teapot throwing racoon
vinopinguino: a CRACKLING squad
RandomTrivia: Yessssss
Easilycrazyhat: It's simple. We kill the Ben.
seathblood: shiny ott!
powerflapjack: Wakka spotted!
Desruprot: what an otter dissapointment
MorganteMaggiore: surely there is gotta be an otter one
Voidhawk42: That Otter is getting drafted at the end of the season, no doubt
firstlevelwizard: Do you think furry planeswalkers get upset when their fursona doesn't match their bloomburrow form?
LRRMTG_Judge: @GredGredmansson Cards used to not deal damage to planeswalkers directly, any time you dealt non-combat damage to a player that controlled a planeswalker you could redirect that non-combat damage to the planeswalker. This changed quite some time back at this point, spells just say "any target" or include planeswalkers in their targeting. ๐Ÿฐ
dabudder: emblem or we riot
RandomTrivia: Eh, it's probably nothing :D
7gorobei: all o(u)tter stock
GredGredmansson: The Otters in this set was a test of how many different things WotC could trigger on Prowess
fhorrigan: Karn being a sad Tree in Bloomburrow made me smile
slickslickman: That otter plays for the Zendikar Abes
BrowneePoints: Graham what are the odds Wakka makes a Blitzbal token when we get his card next year LUL
kaziel0: All mana left untapped? Everything's fine, I'm sure.
TriseAlpha: Otterball: best sport 2024
sallomon33: @GredGredmansson worth mentioning that that rule is why Chandra, Torch of Defiance was so good - like, she is still good, but used to be better when you could redirect that dmg from first ability to enemy walkers
Gaz_L: i'd assume Ajani or the elephant dude from Strixhaven wouldn't change?
LRRbot: Bakersbane Duo [1G] | Creature โ€” Squirrel Raccoon [2/2] | When Bakersbane Duo enters, create a Food token. / Whenever you expend 4, Bakersbane Duo gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
Bugberry: The Redirection rule specifically changed with Dominaria the set\
firstlevelwizard: Tree are just wood golems
maclenrac: A little walk(er) in Bloomburrow
Mnerenberg: @firstlevelwizard Absolutely!
Desruprot: PIE
namagem1: Oh shit, I didn't notice that I was gifted! @mr_horrible Belated thank you for the gifted sub!
MorganteMaggiore: you eat the pie, i was born in it mold by it
silenceaux: Chess
PurpleRakath: Green lands? Is that even legal?
LanceNorm: the lil fella is pointing enthusiastically
NonUniqueGuy: I miss Strixhaven
TriseAlpha: Thievious Raccoonus!
Simriel: Yorkshire is a pudding
LRRbot: Stormcatch Mentor [UR] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [1/1] | Haste / Prowess / Instant and sorcery spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.
Hazel Oakley: so I'm Scottish, but my dad's family is from Yorkshire....
Kay Corey: Yorkshire puddings are the best part of a roast dinner.
LRRbot: Pearl of Wisdom [2U] | Sorcery | This spell costs {1} less to cast if you control an Otter. / Draw two cards.
Hazel Oakley: I eat them on their own as a snack
LRRbot: Blooming Blast [1R] | Instant | Gift a Treasure / Blooming Blast deals 2 damage to target creature. If the gift was promised, Blooming Blast also deals 3 damage to that creature's controller.
LRRbot: Otterball Antics [1U] | Sorcery | Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. If this spell was cast from anywhere other than your hand, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature. / Flashโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Playful Shove [1R] | Sorcery | Playful Shove deals 1 damage to any target. / Draw a card.
LRRbot: Ral, Crackling Wit [2UR] | Legendary Planeswalker โ€” Ral [4] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a loyalty counter on Ral, Crackling Wit. / [+1]: Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature tokeโ€ฆ
Simriel: I feel like ral was ALWAYS an Otter :P
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
grelgen: counter
grelgen: nm
LRRbot: Bakersbane Duo [1G] | Creature โ€” Squirrel Raccoon [2/2] | When Bakersbane Duo enters, create a Food token. / Whenever you expend 4, Bakersbane Duo gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
Nina B.: Am I late to the party?!
Anubis169: I want pie
LRRbot: Hearthborn Battler [2R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Warlock [2/3] | Haste / Whenever a player casts their second spell each turn, Hearthborn Battler deals 2 damage to target opponent.
Halinn: The squirrel just pointing is great
Easilycrazyhat: They definitely floated over to that window on the smell fumes drifting on the wind.
Viewers_Like_You: If you need to deal with a planeswalker, don't forget that you can always enact rule 100.6b to use the Magic Store & Event Locator at to find tournaments in your area
MegaDosX: What we need now is a creature like Apex Devastator, but Prowess instead of Cascade (so its only rules text is Prowess, Prowess, Prowess, Prowess)
James_the_Dabbler: Mmmm pie
KaleidoscopeMind: or potentially anything but apple, because they didnt use them
jamesinor: I would feel bad having to say no to the duo
fhorrigan: God all those Bloomburrow alt ard older reprints are amazing. Gilded Goose and the like.
LRRbot: Eddymurk Crab [5UU] | Creature โ€” Elemental Crab [5/5] | Flash / This spell costs {1} less to cast for each instant and sorcery card in your graveyard. / Eddymurk Crab enters tapped if it's not your turn. / When Eddymurk Crab enters, tap up to two target creatures.
RandomTrivia: Eddy!
Desdae: Damn, missed 2 damage ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Bugberry: Eddymurph Crab
stevefromdetroit: I could go for generic pie right about now
MegaDosX: Eddie Murphy?
RandomTrivia: It's Eddy McCrab!
GreatWahooney: Eddy Murkury?
GredGredmansson: lrrCrab
RandomTrivia: lrrCrab
anhakha: We found the Donkey!
Spades_Slicc: Eddy!
BrowneePoints: Eddie Murky
MorganteMaggiore: sure, terror with flash, why not
Ukon_Cairns: lrrCrab
Mnerenberg: Eddy Murkrab
brningpyre: Is that an Eddy Murphy reference?
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL Human Ral doesn't make humans, why does Otter Ral make Otters? What is he doing?
adambomb625: @brningpyre It is now
sallomon33: @GreatWahooney great pun!
TheFreak013: Might not matter, but Graham could've gotten 2 damage on Ben by playing the red creature before the duo.
TheBearBee: That crab is going to be a limited all sstar
Dandyfloss: wizards keeps printing good crabs lately
MorganteMaggiore: @LoadingReadyRun his best
Mnerenberg: @LoadingReadyRun HIS BEST!!!!
theamc2000: @loadingreadyrun recruiting teammates
James_the_Dabbler: Crab kindred deck when
brningpyre: lmao
GreatWahooney: @sallomon33 yay thanks!
squidpeanut: @loadingreadyrun making friends
PurpleRakath: I think Graham is getting the clamps.
MedliKupo: i want to live in the magical christmasland where ral gets to ult
Commodore_Perry_GG: amazonRoamingThrone
stevefromdetroit: has science gone too far Paul?
GredGredmansson: delirium is next set Graham
mexfire is continuing the Gift Sub they got from Drasvin!
seathblood: @LoadingReadyRun Otters are better than humans. Why would Ral want to make humans?
vegetalss4: @LoadingReadyRun good question - I'm guessing he's teaching them lightning magic
datastorm17: Ral making as many otter kids as possible
Pr1de0_0: Eddy is absolutely from new jersey
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @LoadingReadyRun The next Ral card will probably make humans. It's foreshadowing.
acolossalsquid: Another one for my crab kindred deck
rogue6119: Bloomburrow Hills Cop??
Anubis169: Ohh, i think harvest time for the cooking apple trees near here is near... I could totally make that apple pie next month manAWW
A_Dub888: lrrCrab
Ukon_Cairns: do like that they printed more calamity beasts than i had expected
firstlevelwizard: goblin wizard in an otter suit
sallomon33: @Dread_Pirate_Westley Ral, Adoptive Dad?
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
Tyabann: the fact that Ral makes fucking prowess creatures is fucked up
powerflapjack: nobody cast Falling Star on that Eddymurk Crab
James_the_Dabbler: It's the otter mascot
Makrosian_Tay: A goblin by any otter name would gremlin as sweet
Viewers_Like_You: Please, my father was Mr Slinger. Call me Teapot.
firstlevelwizard: monastary mentotter
Mnerenberg: @firstlevelwizard "It's been 5 days and the otters have begun to accept me as one of their own"
dabudder: @Viewers_Like_You like the doordash hacker?
Dedwrekka: Oh No, Graham's been Bane-d!
LRRbot: Run Away Together [1U] | Instant | Choose two target creatures controlled by different players. Return those creatures to their owners' hands.
control_rig: I love that art so much
Mnerenberg: So romantic!
GredGredmansson: ral triggers
invickthus: this card is adorable in every timeline.
Anubis169: THat card is wonderful <3
Anubis169 melts
sallomon33: the light effects on this art are so good!
LRRbot: Eddymurk Crab [5UU] | Creature โ€” Elemental Crab [5/5] | Flash / This spell costs {1} less to cast for each instant and sorcery card in your graveyard. / Eddymurk Crab enters tapped if it's not your turn. / When Eddymurk Crab enters, tap up to two target creatures.
vegetalss4: I love that flavortext
dabudder: **please let him emblem!!!*
LanceNorm: Harry Otter and the Sorceries Storm
Bugberry: @Tyabann I think there's at least 2 other PWs that have done that. I know the last Jaya Ballard did that.
MorganteMaggiore: it's called foreshadowing
LoadingReadyRun: Crap and racoon having a tea party
FarleyF subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 113 months, currently on a 113 month streak!
FarleyF: Call this a Serge Resub as it's off by one day from the subathon
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FarleyF! (Today's storm count: 130)
Desdae: Lizard trigger!
GreatWahooney: second spell!
stippledotter: I keep hearing "Freddie Mercury"
Awynze: Ben cast his second spell!
GredGredmansson: lizard pings ben
dabudder: @Desdae king gizzard and the lizard triggers
superdude097: Yeah, Second Spell
Mnerenberg: 8 loyalty? There's a STORM a brewin'!
BrowneePoints: Iโ€™m LIVING for Benโ€™s deck
lucaloveslrr: crab should be untapped?
BenByTheWay: Thanks chat
SlyMaster9: Is the storm emblem even good in limited?
GredGredmansson: @lucaloveslrr no its not ben's turn
Mnerenberg: @lucaloveslrr it comes in tapped
GreatWahooney: @lucaloveslrr nope, enters tapped on other player's turn
MorganteMaggiore: untipity tappity, this card is your calamity
dabudder: @SlyMaster9 have you no whimsy
definenull: Something something ral storm mage
Knightclasse: Nah crab entered tapped
IaCthulhuFthagn: @SlyMaster9 Not really, but the draw 3 is.
Wolfy098: You murdered the exchange student!
Blackcross187: if you think about it logically.... Purrowess should be a cat only ability
JonnyH: nearly at ral storm....
stevefromdetroit: it was a fair exchange @wolfy098
stippledotter: Anotter one!
James_the_Dabbler: Every otter oughta know
Anubis169: and anotter one... and anotter one... and anotter one... and anotter one...
TheDevil_Risen: lrrFINE
Diabore: wat card do?
rogue6119: Freedymirkcrabury
lucaloveslrr: @GredGredmansson thank you!
dabudder: PLEASE let ben get the emblem
definenull: Storms a-brewin
Fovulonkiin: A storm is brewing
GredGredmansson: !card otterball antics
LRRbot: Otterball Antics [1U] | Sorcery | Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. If this spell was cast from anywhere other than your hand, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature. / Flashback {3}{U}
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Normally you listen to Serge sergeSqueak in upkeep.
Yurielx: but on a crab note...
LRRbot: Otterball Antics [1U] | Sorcery | Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. If this spell was cast from anywhere other than your hand, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature. / Flashback {3}{U}
Halinn: Otter Ral or Twink Tomik, who to pick
LRRbot: Hearthborn Battler [2R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Warlock [2/3] | Haste / Whenever a player casts their second spell each turn, Hearthborn Battler deals 2 damage to target opponent.
LRRbot: Eddymurk Crab [5UU] | Creature โ€” Elemental Crab [5/5] | Flash / This spell costs {1} less to cast for each instant and sorcery card in your graveyard. / Eddymurk Crab enters tapped if it's not your tโ€ฆ
Greys N. Owman: @Nina B. Itโ€™s round 5 of 6
mike mcmillan: might have to try this preRelease will how see the money works out!
Nina B.: I will enjoy the rest of the pre-prerelease while I can then ๐Ÿ˜ญ
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
LRRbot: Run Away Together [1U] | Instant | Choose two target creatures controlled by different players. Return those creatures to their owners' hands.
LRRbot: Eddymurk Crab [5UU] | Creature โ€” Elemental Crab [5/5] | Flash / This spell costs {1} less to cast for each instant and sorcery card in your graveyard. / Eddymurk Crab enters tapped if it's not your tโ€ฆ
Towel: the lizard triggers"
Towel: there it is
Chris Rice: Eddymurk Crab is going to be with Murktide Regent and make a wombo combo deck from hell
Nina B.: Omg, Run Away Together has an Otter in it. How flavorful
Rafael Shinohara: 8Murk
Nina B.: You Otter Know
Towel: and a frog, and bounce is the frog's mechanic
Simriel: @Nina B. Remember, the VODS will be up on twitch, and will be uploaded to to lrrmtg in the not too distant future
LRRbot: Otterball Antics [1U] | Sorcery | Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. If this spell was cast from anywhere other than your hand, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature. / Flashโ€ฆ
TheDevil_Risen: that art on oterball... 100/10
Mnerenberg: Storm's a brewin'!
sallomon33: look at that happy floof!
SlyMaster9: Ral is crazy but this otter deck is perfectly built.
Yurielx: @Halinn windmill slam Tomik... I mean, what?
stevefromdetroit: @halinn I choose bearscape
James_the_Dabbler: Flashback being deciduous/evergreen is so nice
excalgold: Otterly adorable carnage
Pharmacistjudge: I am getting baman-piderman energy from that
MorganteMaggiore: honey, you've got a big storm coming
LRRbot: Wandertale Mentor [RG] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Bard [2/2] | Whenever you expend 4, put a +1/+1 counter on Wandertale Mentor. / {T}: Add {R} or {G}.
Mnerenberg: @James_the_Dabbler I love it
Gaelan_Maestro: let us play a rousing game of OtterBall!
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
TheDevil_Risen: its ruby with better upside IMO
Serpens77: I just got here, saw that Ben was playing Otters and though "I bet his deck is called.. YEP"
Bugberry: Not just for playing Magic, for playing Magic harder.
TheDevil_Risen: !card Ruby
LRRbot: Did you mean: Ruby Medallion; Ruby Collector; Ruby, Daring Tracker; Mox Ruby; Ruby Leech
brningpyre: Graham's deck looks sweet
dabudder: we need the storm babeyyyyyyyyy
sallomon33: !card zhur-taa druid
LRRbot: Zhur-Taa Druid [RG] | Creature โ€” Human Druid [1/1] | {T}: Add {G}. / Whenever you tap Zhur-Taa Druid for mana, it deals 1 damage to each opponent.
LoadingReadyRun: Ral goes back to Ravnica and becomes a human again but brings a whole team otters with him and they rule the Swampball circuit
GreatWahooney: Zyrtec Druid is my favourite
TheDevil_Risen: !card Ruby Daring
LRRbot: Ruby, Daring Tracker [RG] | Legendary Creature โ€” Human Scout [1/2] | Haste / Whenever Ruby, Daring Tracker attacks while you control a creature with power 4 or greater, Ruby gets +2/+2 until end of turn. / {T}: Add {R} or {G}.
Easilycrazyhat: *Crosses arms* "Well now I don't want to! Humph!"
Halinn: Graham, you're losing to Ral that's what
mexfire: what happens if there are 2 possibility storm on field
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun ^^^^ Box Text!
Diabore: watching a ral emblem happen
Viewers_Like_You: Playing a card game for the entertainment of strangers on the internet?
Ukon_Cairns: coming off of evoke elementals, and discover, and other cost reducers, i do appreciate getting a mechanic that begs and pleads that we actually pay mana for spells again.
yakbop: did the hearthborn battler trigger?
dabudder: ben we neeeeeeed to storm off
Desruprot: If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge an otterball
Desdae: So does that make Ral the team recruitment officer LUL
Alyssa_Swift: "Are ya feelin' it now, Coach Krabs?"
anhakha: Emblem time...?
Bugberry: Remember, Storm cares about how many of any spell Both players cast in a turn.
sallomon33: @LoadingReadyRun wait, right, what happens when creatures FROM Bloomburrow get to other planes? Have they said anything about that?
theamc2000: coach muck
TriseAlpha: "ya gotta eat lighting and crap thunder!" -Coach, "We already do that!" - Otters
dabudder: storm storm storm storm
Bugberry: And not just instants and sorceries
GredGredmansson: @sallomon33 we don't know
direavenger20: storm time?
dabudder: storm storm storm storm stormmmmmm
CanvasWolfDoll: question for wheeler: how does otterball compare to swampball?
SlyMaster9: @sallomon33 I think they said "nothing happens, they stay small animals"
MorganteMaggiore: hey ben, how is the weather there?
maltan_ankka: wasnt the mole from murder karlov from bloomburrow?
zook_ningel: @CanvasWolfDoll much cuter for sure
mexfire: @direavenger20 is storm tide in this set
carefreewill: if creatures native to bloomburrow work at all like that plane where everything is small, they stay animals
dabudder: ben I'm begging you PLEASE
sallomon33: @SlyMaster9 oh well, still good to know
LRRbot: Daring Waverider [4UU] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [4/4] | When Daring Waverider enters, you may cast target instant or sorcery card with mana value 4 or less from your graveyard without paying its mana cost. If that spell would be put into your graveyard, exile it instead.
dabudder: NOOOOO
CanvasWolfDoll: @zook_ningel but as lethal?
Jrmh97: what's the interaction with storm and gift?
TriseAlpha: @CanvasWolfDoll Very similar, but infinitely cuter.
TheDevil_Risen: Hang Loose!!!
Anubis169: Cowabunga!
trashyopossum: the otters in this set are so cool
stevefromdetroit: kwain was also from bloomburrow
LRRbot: Pearl of Wisdom [2U] | Sorcery | This spell costs {1} less to cast if you control an Otter. / Draw two cards.
LRRMTG_Judge: @Jrmh97 if you gift the spell with gift all of them. pharma2Vial
definenull: Storm count is 2 if ben ults now
seathblood: 1mana divination, free divination... pretty good divination!
enbycephalopod: DO IT
the_phantom_game_player: It gets exiled
direavenger20: @mexfire no, I just can't wait to see the ral ult
dabudder: YESS
GredGredmansson: exiled from graveyard
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Easilycrazyhat: WE GOT THERE
Diabore: exiled but i imagine the game wont go long enough for it to matter
MedliKupo: YEAAAAA
NekomimiNinja: FBtouchdown
RandomTrivia: Let's goooooooo!
superdude097: Storm is at 2
3PlayerPolitics: lessgooo
sallomon33: LET'S GO!
invickthus: multiball!
MarkovDescendant: lrrSACK lrrSACK lrrSACK
Makrosian_Tay: Got there seabatClap
Alyssa_Swift: YEEEAH
Jigokuro: bitterSweat
krfsm: cheevo get!
Mnerenberg: STORM'S A BREWIN!!!!!
enbycephalopod: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
TheWooglie: FBtouchdown
vinopinguino: yaaaay gay otter storm!!!
SlyMaster9: Alright Ben, that's great
mexfire: is pearl for 1 blue
GredGredmansson: MorphinTime MorphinTime MorphinTime
TriseAlpha: Storm! Storm! Storm!
Omega_Orion: WAIT Ral says WHAT
thanatoscar: achievement unlocked
singinnonsense: just keep swinging that tea Graham
alexetodisk: Let's go!!!
MorganteMaggiore: wait, hoe many cards?
invickthus: let's see how well Ben can count.
dtigertron: Storm count at 0
mr_mad_march: THE STORM IS A BREWING!!!
vegetalss4: benginDance benginDance benginDance
darthtuk: achievement unlocked
GredGredmansson: @dtigertron at 2
MorganteMaggiore: @dtigertron at 2
MagicLand74: GG for emblem ! ๐Ÿ‘
excalgold: BLERRRRRNS!
superdude097: Pearl of Wisdom should be exiled, no? Or does the ability not exile it?
Diabore: @dtigertron storm at 2 actually
stevefromdetroit: gay wrath has cometh
Anubis169: DayWatch Hackeysack unlocked
James_the_Dabbler: Honey there's a big storm coming
dabudder: chat shouldnt the pearl be exiled?
RandomTrivia: We have entered the SHOVE step
GredGredmansson: pearl should be exiled yes lrrJUDGECALL
macintose: Block is for mathers
PurpleRakath: Where is Cam to inform us of the storm count or comment on how well lit the space is.
dtigertron: It's retroactive?!
James_the_Dabbler: The odds that Graham survives is bad
stippledotter: Gorgeously done
howlinglotus: ral was secretly a dmc character all along. where is his plastic chair?
seathblood: storm just counts the number of spells cast each turn
definenull: Ye ye ye
LRRbot: Shore Up [U] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains hexproof until end of turn. Untap it.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Omega_Orion Cast Ancestral Recall and an unkillable Thousand-Year Storm, it's fine.
invickthus: that's for sure the one to have.
Diabore: ah, grahams dead
RandomTrivia: sergeHolyMoly
Voidhawk42: Three Shoreups??
TriseAlpha: Storm only cares about spells per turn, not when they gained Storm
vinopinguino: pew pew pew
dabudder: WERE SO BACK
sallomon33: @stevefromdetroit tbh it's sad that Kwain appeares in the Commander set, but his rival Archelos doesn't :<
zook_ningel: lethal right
squidpeanut: @dtigertron if it wasnโ€™t storm would never do anything
Easilycrazyhat: Now we're cookin'
Desdae: G dies?
dtigertron: Wow, good to know
CanPlayGames: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 130 (new subscribers: 43, returning subscribers: 87, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 0, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 650, new followers: 164, YouTube super chats: 0, YouTube super stickers: 0
SlyMaster9: Copies don't trigger prowess?
macintose: The "divination" should be in exile
anhakha: Planeswalker trigger
Dread_Pirate_Westley: So, just give the 5/5 +3/+3 and win?
ThePixelSavage: he has lethal?
AliceLovelin: Copies not triggering prowess is news to me
anhakha: Ral gets a loyalty
superdude097: @macintose It is now
AkiraLink: I love the new run away art
LRRbot: Wandertale Mentor [RG] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Bard [2/2] | Whenever you expend 4, put a +1/+1 counter on Wandertale Mentor. / {T}: Add {R} or {G}.
Chilledsky2: thanks as always for the PPR! always a blast. checking in a bit late today :)
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
Simriel: I mean the crab IS a Big Donkey
LRRbot: Daring Waverider [4UU] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [4/4] | When Daring Waverider enters, you may cast target instant or sorcery card with mana value 4 or less from your graveyard without paying its manโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Pearl of Wisdom [2U] | Sorcery | This spell costs {1} less to cast if you control an Otter. / Draw two cards.
Chaos Treader: Exile Pearl
LRRbot: Shore Up [U] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains hexproof until end of turn. Untap it.
GredGredmansson: lethal ben
Omega_Orion: Correct you dont cast copies
macintose: Oh nvm it is ahaha
KodeMage: crab is lethal
Voidhawk42: Three taps on the crab
Bugberry: @AliceLovelin copies aren't cast, and prowess cares about casting.
swordmaster2551: all shore up on crab lol
maclenrac: leathal
LRRMTG_Judge: Just how expend counts mana you spent even without an ability that cares. Storm is also counted. pharma2Vial
ahri134: lethal on the crb ?
Tyabann: the blowout holy shit
anhakha: The crab was 5. Pump by 3, hit for 8?
AliceLovelin: I always thought copies were cast too, thanks for letting me know I was wrong @Bugberry
Anubis169: LOL
gualdhar: we got there!
TheWooglie: GG Ben FBtouchdown
Joecool190: lol
qwertiest_mint: lol
Easilycrazyhat: This kills the Graham
KodeMage: lol
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Like17Badgers: LUL
TheDevil_Risen: GGs
McMenno: lol
lojer: They got there!
3PlayerPolitics: lol
seathblood: bet it all on the crab!!
sallomon33: @AliceLovelin well, that's basically the reason Magecraft exists lol
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
thatonefergie: Lol
definenull: LOL ggs ggs ggs both teams played hard
MarkovDescendant: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
tehfewl: Put it all on the CRAB!
maclenrac: win game
patrick_stonecrusher: lrrCrab
BusTed: lrrCrab
janMelantu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
janMelantu: Love Shore Up
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, janMelantu! (Today's storm count: 131)
Dread_Pirate_Westley: "Oh. I die."
TriseAlpha: Callous... like a Crab!
Grimnus: and yet you did
Mr_Bitterness: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
ThePixelSavage: if you win they dont die.
bakerydragon: First time playing these cards also and on camera
JonnyH: Do the ends justify the means?
Land_Manatee: Bet it all on Crab!!!
Krobster: lmao
KodeMage: they don't die, we don't get to state based effects!
Bugberry: @AliceLovelin some cards that make copies do say to cast copies, usually if they make a copy of a spell in a graveyard.
vegetalss4: I understand getting lost in the sauce there
James_the_Dabbler: Crab for the win
goosevonkaiser: otter callousness, chat
TheGeneralThomas: I am sorry, but there was no otter way
fungal_bird: Not the water puppies! :(
anonixmouse: Storm in a PPR for lethal, awesome!
angstschreeuw0: nice one gg
FarleyF: there was no otter way
Ukon_Cairns: Ben was min-maxing more time with a storm emblem
BenByTheWay: Graham almost sucessfully charisma checked him into missing lethal
PurpleRakath: Two were Goblins.
KodeMage: They don't die.
Keylometers: Creatures in bloomburrow don't die they just retire :)
BrowneePoints: Magic is a hard game
Grimnus: Theyre stuck in limbo forever
SlyMaster9: Seeing the otter deck go off is very fun
xzarisx: HEY BEN!!!! you do you.
seathblood: state based effects can't take effect if the game is over
Voidhawk42: Storm win in limited!!
GredGredmansson: which SBA happens first
Keylometers: They go to a nice farm upstate
TriseAlpha: many maths
KeytarCat: Player removal is creature removal!
angstschreeuw0: strom is back!
BrowneePoints: Eddie Murky
kismetsoul: Gotta save all your animal buddies. Lol
thatonefergie: They won't die, they'll still have damage marked when state based actions see that Graham is dead
LRRMTG_Judge: State based actions are checked at the same time, so the otters do die at the same time Graham loses. pharma2Vial
singinnonsense: also maybe he wanted to play more with the Ral emblem
RayFK: Graham playing 4d chess
Halinn: And that man at the horse track ended up winning
Greyah: Sir, that's not what Horseshoe Crab means.
Desruprot: DinoDance
howlinglotus: quick math
MedliKupo: I am so so happy right now
KaleidoscopeMind: The Crab is probably a horse name tbh
macintose: Yes but state based actions checks players life total before creature life... right?
rogue6119: Suicide Squad, but they are all otters!
IaCthulhuFthagn: @seathblood Opponent losing is also due to a SBA.
heartofgoldfish: Ben won but he didn't get the good ending
Easilycrazyhat: Making the mouse-trap is fun
RayFK: Uh ohhhhh, stoooooormies
TheDevil_Risen: OTTER STORM!
Desruprot: Ral
just__fitz: 9D Chess without learning tensors
maclenrac: blue giant growth
Deathsdoor1996: Maybe there was a 1 red bounce spell to play around
Tyabann: remember when the Storm scale was a term that made sense
GredGredmansson: !card how to keep an izzet mage busy
LRRbot: How to Keep an Izzet Mage Busy [{U/R}] | Sorcery | Return How to Keep an Izzet Mage Busy to its owner's hand.
Like17Badgers: sometimes you just need to kill a man with a crab
Diabore: what does this mean for the storm scale?
Pharmacistjudge: @RayFK don't you start!
Anomalous_Chime: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
mr_mad_march: Yall otter be kidding me! XD
seathblood: @IaCthulhuFthagn =( but I need the otters to live though. Graham scooped before damage
nic_nax96: I like how Ben played Ral, said Im not going to get to -10. Gets there easily.
RayFK: @Pharmacistjudge 2late
neisan2112: I miss playing Gifts/Pyro Ascend Storm in modern
ThePixelSavage: "Storm on a Standard legal Otter" - Magic in 2024
theamc2000: planesotter
Roger_Job329: Eddy Muck-crabbie
lyricthepossum: I love storm
bakerydragon: is this the second card with storm printed after M Rosewater talked about "the storm scale"?
CygnusInfinity: turns out storm isn't at the top of the storm scale
Katsche__: bless you serge
Desruprot: !card View From Above
LRRbot: View from Above [1U] | Instant | Target creature gains flying until end of turn. If you control a white permanent, return View from Above to its owner's hand.
Easilycrazyhat: SOI limited was so damn fun
XayedGames: I want o play 40 cards!!!
GredGredmansson: @Diabore a 10 on the storm scale means "I never say never, but it would require a major miracle"
janMelantu: @CygnusInfinity Itโ€™s Banding
NornsFelidar: well, we got phasing in standard back before we got storm so what do you know :)
ThePixelSavage: Serge.
Diabore: hells heart
IaCthulhuFthagn: @seathblood Telling the enemy you have lethal and hoping they scoop is one of the few lines where the otters never die.
theamc2000: thing in the ice got a really cool art promo
TriseAlpha: That's Otterball...
TheGeneralThomas: See you on the otter side
stevefromdetroit: everyotter wins!
MorganteMaggiore: from hells hearti pet ye
GrizzGrizzly: Bury me with my otters
goosevonkaiser: lmao
PurpleRakath: Storm on a planeswalker that is just Donald Ducking it around town.
just__fitz: When you seek otter vengance, dig 5 graves
Bugberry: @Tyabann it still does. It means returning to standard as a full return, on multiple cards. Storm on a single card that requires activating an ultimate is very different than a dozen cards at multiple rarities just having Storm.
JRandomHacker: One of my favorite Magic memories is doing 29 damage to someone using nothing but Thermo-Alchemist and burn spells in an EMN/SOI sealed
mexfire: otters kamikazzi into gram
JRandomHacker: (they hit me with Ormendahl, hence the extra 9)
maclenrac: through them in the grave with Graham
mr_mad_march: Is it otter time again?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Coach crab is left, surveiling a field of bodies, a single tear running down its...cheek?
TheArchitectX: I just got here, any count of how many times players were forced to sacrifice one or more creatures. An "Old Yeller" count, so to speak.
LRRbot: Hired Claw [R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Mercenary [1/2] | Whenever you attack with one or more Lizards, Hired Claw deals 1 damage to target opponent. / {1}{R}: Put a +1/+1 counter on Hired Claw. Activate this ability only if an opponent has lost life this turn and only once each turn.
seathblood: @IaCthulhuFthagn i had best hope they scoop, cause otherwise I'm not sure i could make that play q.q
TriseAlpha: @PurpleRakath To be fair, he's never had a tail before.
qwertiest_mint: what next mythology set like theros would folks like to see? Iโ€™d love to see and Irish mythology set โ˜˜๏ธ
LRRbot: Whiskerquill Scribe [1R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Citizen [2/2] | Valiant โ€” Whenever Whiskerquill Scribe becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card.
lyricthepossum: Irish myths hit different
Knightlyvalor: @bakerydragon I think it is even higher.
Bugberry: @qwertiest_mint Lorwyn had a lot of that, but one focused on it would be cool.
Omega_Orion: So when we read the set code are we reading it as Blub, Bulb, or Bloomburrow
BenByTheWay: @qwertiest_mint you mean shadowmoor?
MeagenImage: @Omega_Orion Blob
LRRbot: Tempest Angler [1{U/R}{U/R}] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [2/2] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Tempest Angler.
just__fitz: Eat the fish of knowledge and you win
GredGredmansson: @Omega_Orion wait, reading the set code?
TriseAlpha: Fight Otters with Otters!
Desruprot: otterly amazing
definenull: Traitor!
seathblood: Wait, now who do I root for?
TriseAlpha: What an Otter disaster!
SlyMaster9: Otter mirror
janMelantu: @qwertiest_mint given the Fomori were a big deal in LCI, I think youโ€™re onto something
googoltudoris: i'm so happy i got to see a ralstorm
Voidhawk42: "Permanent Prowess"
JRandomHacker: Hey, y'know what are noncreature spells? Most of G's removal
datastorm17: prowess upgrade
tealeaf87: perma prowess traitor
XayedGames: wait, green to cast blue?!
sallomon33: @qwertiest_mint from what I read, the Fomori are inspired by Celtic mythology, so we could get a set about them
control_rig: Anotter otter from anotter motter
qwertiest_mint: oh you think @janmelantu?!
austpow507: how does one enter the giveaway?
qwertiest_mint: that would be so cool
GredGredmansson: @XayedGames that's hybrid red/blue, Graham has two mounttains
LRRMTG_Judge: @bakerydragon The "storm scale" has been mentioned for years. Just in the last year, there have been Amphibian Downpour, Radstorm, Elemental Eruption, Crackling Spellslinger, Mordor on the March, and All of History All at Once that have or grant storm.
mr_mad_march: Tempest angler casting lines and casting spells bit also reeling in my heart. ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›
seathblood: @XayedGames It's got hybrid blue/red mana
TheWooglie: !card shore up
LRRbot: Shore Up [U] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains hexproof until end of turn. Untap it.
Desruprot: yes
Anubis169: austpow507: Giveaway isn't until after this match, there'll be a phrase you have to say in chat
Anubis169: until then, magic :)
TallynNyntyg: I just looked on Scryfall and it's hilarious there's a reprint of Thieving Otter from Ikoria, with the same flavor text.
LRRMTG_Judge: pharma2Allow
Viewers_Like_You: !card High Stride
LRRbot: High Stride [G] | Instant | Target creature gets +1/+3 and gains reach until end of turn. Untap it.
bakerydragon: @Knightlyvalor I believe it. I know of at least one other and wondered if more
Anubis169: it'll be explained in full when the time comes
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
GredGredmansson: @LRRMTG_Judge storm scale only applies to premium sets
CygnusInfinity: @TallynNyntyg it's in the starter decks
excalgold: i dont know why but 'otter wizard' is a very awesome creature type name
TallynNyntyg: It's literally the same otter, except with BLB set icon and such.
PBlackcoat: Yes.
bakerydragon: @LRRMTG_Judge WOW!
just__fitz: Do the gods of bloomburrow have a sorting hat system to change their visitors. The dragon-hawk and otter-Ral seemed like very easy picks for them
LRRMTG_Judge: @GredGredmansson i think you mean standard sets.
itomeshi: Magic and then the Phrase That Pays, only on QWRPFM(agic)
TriseAlpha: Storm Scale: Ral/10
Bugberry: @LRRMTG_Judge Storm Scale doesn't apply to supplemental sets.
GredGredmansson: @LRRMTG_Judge isn't that what Wotc calls standard legal sets? Premium? Or is that Premier?
MeadyOchre: Move the fuck over bird wizards, otter wizards are in town
Scourch_9965: What should one pair with otters? Tap into green for Racoon? have like a Mustelid alliance?
Gaelan_Maestro: otter tribal ftw
Jus7Lucky: ben.
Jus7Lucky: yay, he saw it
RaidaTheBlade: Bennnn
Ishtar's Donut: there we go
Kass: what we were all waiting for
Towel: eddy crab found shored up
cameron hall: the otters barely even see the graveyard
RaidaTheBlade: Yourube chat gets away with it again by being too small to chastise lmao
M L: lol yes
M L: can they even see us?
Towel: "The secret to victory is simple. Don't lose."
Simriel: The tech booth can see youtube chat, but they can't see us in the room
M L: neat!
RaidaTheBlade: Hi Paul-I-assume, then!
Rob McKenzie: Some of us that are judging also hang out here.
Pharmacistjudge: as a person who has been at the PPR, there are enough screens to look at.
Mathieu Leduc: players die before creatures when SBAs are checked
LRRbot: Hired Claw [R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Mercenary [1/2] | Whenever you attack with one or more Lizards, Hired Claw deals 1 damage to target opponent. / {1}{R}: Put a +1/+1 counter on Hired Claw. Activate โ€ฆ
RaidaTheBlade: Honestly, I enjoy lrrโ€™s twitch chat, but the laid back nature of the youtube chat being smaller feels nice
LRRbot: Whiskerquill Scribe [1R] | Creature โ€” Mouse Citizen [2/2] | Valiant โ€” Whenever Whiskerquill Scribe becomes the target of a spell or ability you control for the first time each turn, you may discard aโ€ฆ
Jesse Hicks: Ho does one enter the giveaway?
M L: totally fair
Kay Corey: Hi Judge Rob. ๐Ÿ™‚ Tell me you've had Yorkshire Puddings before?
Simriel: Remember, the prize giveaway is available at not in the youtube stream
9clawtiger: Especially on hives o high activity like today
Pharmacistjudge: although the youtube crowd may not know I've been at the PPR do my sneaky ways
LRRbot: Tempest Angler [1{U/R}{U/R}] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [2/2] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Tempest Angler.
Simriel: There will be a seperate giveaway on youtube once the PPR is uploaded to the LRRMTG youtube channel
Simriel: @Pharmacistjudge I've seen you in Gvlogs and everything :P
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
Rob McKenzie: I had a Yorkshire pudding the time I was in London, yes.
BoofTroupe: I thought they were called tentpole sets now
jamwno: @GredGredmansson it's Premier
mexfire: what next candelabra shanker
LRRbot: Coruscation Mage [1R] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [2/2] | Offspring {2} / Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature deals 1 damage to each opponent.
MorganteMaggiore: Ben i love your deck
RayFK: Botter for short
seathblood: @Scourch_9965 I'm guessing rats go well with otts in this set with the black removal
mr_mad_march: Whats the tea? Tea pot slinger: HERE CATCH! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ”ฅ
tealeaf87: weaponized children....
Anubis169: aww <3
Desruprot: otter adorable
powerflapjack: LIL GUY SPOTTED!
definenull: I love himb
Spritz_T: win
SlyMaster9: My god they are so cute
RayFK: You got the touch!
thegr8destroyer: child soldiers
TallynNyntyg: I think it's a Koikite, Graham.
fungal_bird: Otters and raccoons are both mustelids <3
vinopinguino: My fav card
seathblood: two otts!
excalgold: you got the POWAH!
Sandeon: I love the tokens this set
Desdae: That poor fish
sallomon33: @Scourch_9965 Mice also seem pretty good, with various noncreature enhancements for Valiant
janMelantu: Just a lil guy
mysteenova157: Huge fan of the offspring art! All of them are pretty good!
darthtuk: it's a kite
TriseAlpha: Otters pair nicely with both Mouse and Raccoon tribes, but can slip in just about anywhere running Blue or Red
direavenger20: one of the cutest offspring token
Bugberry: @LRRMTG_Judge There's also the Rabiah scale and yet we got Rabiah shown in MH2.
PBlackcoat: I want to build this whole otter deck so much
Desdae: That otter is slicing the fish with lighting ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Pharmacistjudge: Am I going to have to save an Otter Ribbon for Ben?
Larkonus: 3 mana for 8 total damage? That's a fantastic rate.
just__fitz: Bloomburrow is like Foon, so much offspring death
GredGredmansson: i want to make a frog deck
LRRMTG_Judge: @Bugberry True, I was trying to answer the question asked, though. It's hard to guess how people mean things sometimes. ๐Ÿฐ
macintose: Better than ragavan? Hmm...
Dog_of_Myth: @Pharmacistjudge You know the answer....
maclenrac: Franch
Pharmacistjudge: I am wondering how many ribbons I am carrying from Gencon into Magic Con Vegas
Scourch_9965: Bloomburrow recast of Iron blooded-orphans, when?
RatherLargeToad: Make a card for Blors!
invickthus: just want to compliment both players on their very good lands.
Bugberry: @LRRMTG_Judge I know Maro gets asked about that specific question a lot, usually when a new supplemental set with obscure returns comes out.
mexfire: the token shows mom a participation ribbon
Humanoid_typhoon_: frainch
cvaxsote: <message deleted>
Pharmacistjudge: the gencon ribbons won't fit on the the magic con badge. the badges are different sizes
Omega_Orion: i need them to put a new card on the overlay the cuteness of this baby otter is killing me lrrHEART
LRRbot: Tender Wildguide [1G] | Creature โ€” Possum Druid [2/2] | Offspring {2} / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / {T}: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.
mr_mad_march: @lrrmtg_judge Judge! Question. What is love?
powerflapjack: @Scourch_9965 (otter shoots someone in the head) what's next?
definenull: Show me the baby!
TallynNyntyg: He offsprang it!
Omega_Orion: no the possum is cute too! this is too much
XayedGames: POSSUM!
haberley: show the baby possum!
vinopinguino: I need to see the baby
seathblood: Graham don't bully the otters
powerflapjack: behbeh
SlyMaster9: Whoooo
vegetalss4: very cute
haberley: yayy!
Desruprot: HypeAwww
drewm1022: You gotta keep 'em separated!
Gascitygaming: how has no one made an Offpsring ((the band) joke yet? :P
LRRMTG_Judge: @mr_mad_march I need to rephrase the question as a rules question. pharma2Vial
austpow507: show the possum bab!
invickthus: I love the smols.
darthtuk: bebi <3
GredGredmansson: p o s s u m s
sallomon33: the possum babbi!
drewm1022: @Gascitygaming LUL
GredGredmansson: yes
BrowneePoints: yes
Anubis169: trashyopossum: easy on the allcaps :)
TallynNyntyg: @Gascitygaming We've done it plentty.
just__fitz: Three tree city
Alness49: Possums!
Bugberry: The land art for the set shows the trees and plants as huge
Ratchet215: a 1/1 is human size
Tyabann: not everything is scaled "properly" but the animals are very small yes
gameslayer013: normalish I think
carefreewill: theyโ€™re animal sized
MorganteMaggiore: i'm pretty sure they use a tree as a city
GredGredmansson: the fauna is MASSIVE
just__fitz: City Sized trees
LRRMTG_Judge: @mr_mad_march Oh baby don't hurt me, hurt me,no more - Natedogg
mysteenova157: I think in the preview of the set it is animal sized
direavenger20: they are animal size
Easilycrazyhat: Wildguide is too cute
haberley: they're animal sized - they use thistles as maces
Omega_Orion: @Gascitygaming I'll have some preloaded for my LGS
ThePixelSavage: we have seen bun buns with thistle maces
macintose: If you look at the land cards you will see scale
scopi778: the lands imply the creatures are small
Spades_Slicc: @Ratchet215 and a squirrel
googoltudoris: serge look at the full art lands- they're all animal sized
vegetalss4: I think they are a bit in-between, but mostly small
RatherLargeToad: Theyโ€™re all microscopic, much like Whooville
Sandeon: so cute
SlyMaster9: Normally a human is 1/1. In the scale of Bloomburrow, a mouse is a 1/1
angstschreeuw0: these tokens are really great
singinnonsense: there's a three tree city so either the tree are huge or the animal are small
trashyopossum: My apologies, possums are just lovely haha
mr_mad_march: @lrrmtg_judge ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›
Bugberry: "Three Tree City" is literally made of 3 trees, yet is a whole city.
sallomon33: OH, this makes it even more cute <3
brningpyre: DO IT
austpow507: noooo!!!!!
Desruprot: rip
Real_Deal_Collin_Beal: Wowowow ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
shendaras: how could you =(
tealeaf87: :(
powerflapjack: you will rue the day, Stark
Strebenherz: GRAHAM
kaziel0: How could you, Ben!?
dumbo3k: @trashyopossum Hmmm, name checks out
brningpyre: ANGER THEM
themightygerg: Man if they were people-sized the calamities would be MASSIVE.
austpow507: not the baby!
LRRbot: Lightshell Duo [3U] | Creature โ€” Rat Otter [3/4] | Prowess / When Lightshell Duo enters, surveil 2.
PurpleRakath: Everyone is properly scaled but the moose looks a little small.
CaptnCheesebeard: Graham, you absolute monster.
TallynNyntyg: Li'l guy was like "I got it!"
Morrigan9: babby got block
GredGredmansson: its a possum its just playing dead
XayedGames: baby down
mexfire: bloomburrow is middle earth + zootopia
TallynNyntyg: He don't got it.
Alness49: Don't worry, he's only pretending to be dead. Possum and all
Viewers_Like_You: First of all, HOW DARE YOU take a reasonable and tactical game action
neisan2112: So many babys will be going under the bus this set
Spooky_Noises: if an animal leaves the plane does it get a humanoid persona?
seathblood: Cutest art in the set
ThePixelSavage: "Ill block with the baby" - Mandalorian credits roll.
BrowneePoints: Gay Old Men!
KWardJenx: How could you?
Bugberry: They whole region they live in is called Valley, so it's a "normal" sized valley but big enough for a bunch of little animal people.
Ratchet215: @Spades_Slicc DOOOOD you just reminden me. Gotta get my unstable squirrel tokens out for pre release
themightygerg: 'Thank you for your service, child.'
RatherLargeToad: โ€œLightning and snail as one!โ€
TallynNyntyg: Ben, you can't say that word anymore.
seathblood: Love them mashin cheek floof! <3
Real_Deal_Collin_Beal: seasid3BearBreakdance seasid3BearBreakdance
Anomalous_Chime: G is a monster!
Scourch_9965: Ratotter is such a good name, I will build my deck that way
TheGeneralThomas: My headcannon is that they are the size of normal humans, since the Planeswalkers wear their normal clothes.
singinnonsense: aka a rat and an otter take a selfie
Alyssa_Swift: "My Ratotter is in the top percentage of Ratotters"
TheWarbo: i'm holding my rage for when one of them is sacrificed
LRRbot: Tempest Angler [1{U/R}{U/R}] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [2/2] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Tempest Angler.
rogue6119: A Ratotter is just a ferret
alikaoz: Ratotter? I believe it's rather a ratter
MeadyOchre: So the rule for the plane is that people who enter it become transformed into little animals by its magic right? So how many of the existing creatures in Bloomburrow are actually from other planes?
BusTed: ๐ŸŽฃ
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
powerflapjack: the flavor in this set is SO GOOD
mysteenova157: There's been some really good flavor text for this set!
Anubis169: lol
TallynNyntyg: @rogue6119 No, that's a snekat.
LRRbot: Kitnap [2UU] | Enchantment โ€” Aura | Gift a card / Enchant creature / When Kitnap enters, tap enchanted creature. If the gift wasn't promised, put three stun counters on it. / You control enchanted creature.
Bugberry: @TheGeneralThomas look at the full art land with the dandelions/flowers. Everything is bigger than normal
invickthus: honestly, I would windmill slam money so hard for a DnD campaign in this world.
GredGredmansson: @MeadyOchre for these cards, Ral, and the legendary Dragonhawk
neisan2112: I love sleepy raccoon bud
Senseiwoo: The flavor a PORCELAIN plate of messy burritos.
Erdeanmich: All the red raccoons have incredible flavour texts
mr_mad_march: Tempest Angler uses lighting a LIGHTING ROD to catch his fish. *slaps knee*
Jadaris: graham is the only person in the room with a child, he's allowed to block with child LUL
MeadyOchre: @GredGredmansson Yeah but I mean in general. Like, how many residents of this plane are not from this plane but are in disguise?
howlinglotus: @invickthus I think they've been making books for most sets lately, no?
seathblood: Cmon Ben you can do it!
LRRbot: Byway Barterer [2R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Rogue [3/3] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, you may discard your hand. If you do, draw two cards.
powerflapjack: @invickthus honestly i think given the enthusiasm around this set, they kinda have to. that being said, Root has a TTRPG
Bugberry: The size changing reminds me of Segovia the plane. Everything is a miniature.
Halinn: I'm also a big fan of Overprotect's flavor text
LRRbot: Clifftop Lookout [2G] | Creature โ€” Frog Scout [1/2] | Reach / When Clifftop Lookout enters, reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a land card. Put that card onto the battlefield tapped and the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.
General_Pants: clifftop, lookout!
RatherLargeToad: Cliff, Top Lookout
GredGredmansson: @MeadyOchre i wouldn't expect very much
CanvasWolfDoll: @Jadaris is penelope playable?
Real_Deal_Collin_Beal: PETPET
Kay Corey: They're a very good carb when paried with meat and gravy. :)
LRRbot: Coruscation Mage [1R] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [2/2] | Offspring {2} / Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature deals 1 damage to each opponent.
Vaeldarg: Ben got to ultimate his planeswalker, so he's already won this.
Kirse: I canโ€™t get enough of the otters ๐Ÿฆฆ ๐Ÿค
LRRbot: Tender Wildguide [1G] | Creature โ€” Possum Druid [2/2] | Offspring {2} / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / {T}: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.
Kirse: โœจPossumโœจ ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿค
Aqua hunter: Are they animal sized, or are they humansized and everything else is super huge?
LRRbot: Lightshell Duo [3U] | Creature โ€” Rat Otter [3/4] | Prowess / When Lightshell Duo enters, surveil 2.
Towel: yes
Tyler Lane: I appreciate that most otters have prowess. Shout out to Lutri
Kirse: Whatever size, theyโ€™re friend shaped ๐Ÿค
LRRbot: Tempest Angler [1{U/R}{U/R}] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [2/2] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Tempest Angler.
Pharmacistjudge: considering there is dimension warping magic that changes your species when you enter the plane...does it really matter?
LRRbot: Teapot Slinger [3R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Warrior [3/4] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, Teapot Slinger deals 2 damage to each opponent.
LRRbot: Kitnap [2UU] | Enchantment โ€” Aura | Gift a card / Enchant creature / When Kitnap enters, tap enchanted creature. If the gift wasn't promised, put three stun counters on it. / You control enchanted crโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Byway Barterer [2R] | Creature โ€” Raccoon Rogue [3/3] | Menace / Whenever you expend 4, you may discard your hand. If you do, draw two cards.
LRRbot: Clifftop Lookout [2G] | Creature โ€” Frog Scout [1/2] | Reach / When Clifftop Lookout enters, reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a land card. Put that card onto the battlefield โ€ฆ
CanvasWolfDoll: @powerflapjack well, root's game is pbta, so they can easily do better
LoadingReadyRun: I like the implication that the teapot slinger has a big pile of teapots that he's working through
thylordy: @howlinglotus The last D&D MtG book we got was Strixhaven. We haven't even had a book book since Ikoria.
LRRbot: Longstalk Brawl [G] | Sorcery | Gift a tapped Fish / Choose target creature you control and target creature you don't control. Put a +1/+1 counter on the creature you control if the gift was promised. Then those creatures fight each other.
themightygerg: Wait... so now if they were to make their own selves as Magic cards, would Graham have Offspring, then?
Dog_of_Myth: scoopsCHEER
howlinglotus: feesh
TriseAlpha: the Boomerang Fish!
ThePixelSavage: he is an otter he cant refuse a fish
Anubis169: Kevin the Fish! SabaPing
Makrosian_Tay: Feesh
definenull: Oh course it's Kevin
seathblood: Graham, friend of the otters. Giving us feeeesh!
mexfire: in the next set can we get "A Bugs Life" set
Alyssa_Swift: "Can I offer you a tapped fish in this trying time?"
stevefromdetroit: cyvin!
themightygerg: Kevin the Feesh
James_the_Dabbler: Tap that fish
Gaz_L: @TriseAlpha Lew Zealand would be proud
Dschuncks: Fish get
Grimnus: But if you fizzle it, youre essentially killing Kevin
lyricthepossum: Go kevin
CrossXhunteR: you may get a +1/+1 counter, but he gets a fish. who truly comes out on top here
brningpyre: you only get the fish if the spell resolves
howlinglotus: does offering a fish to the otters match fixing?
Yurielx: Ben's dad is the fish?
LRRbot: Shore Up [U] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains hexproof until end of turn. Untap it.
Spades_Slicc: @thylordy didn't one of the recent innistrad sets get a brandon sanderson?
BenByTheWay: Hexproof doesn't stop him from getting a fish
James_the_Dabbler: Ben's in trouble team
CanvasWolfDoll: @mexfire gradually working our way smaller and smaller
carefreewill: canโ€™t that resolve anyway if the target creature gets hexproof, because thereโ€™s another target
GokuAshNaruto: why didn't he pull out an entire fish
sallomon33: @themightygerg the new batch of Friday Nights won't be new set focused like the OG run, but if it were, it would be a great idea tbh
SketchyDetails: Wait, you can totally fight the fish
GredGredmansson: @Gaz_L "I THROW the fish, and it comes BACK to me!"
MorganteMaggiore: also this way you get a fish
SketchyDetails: "Here have this fish, I killed it for you"
omniep1c: fish os made after targets must be selected
goombalax: @SketchyDetails you need to choose targets before it goes on the stack
Anubis169: SketchyDetails: that's such a cat thing to say
Omega_Orion: Fish a teach to man
mexfire: @CanvasWolfDoll yup till we get to atom sized
Tz_BG: Red snapper. That's a very tasty fish.
sallomon33: the Fish token, in turn, looks very goofy lol
seathblood: @SketchyDetails You can't fight the fish because you declare targets as part of casting the spell, not upon resolution
anonixmouse: So long and thanks for all the fish?
SketchyDetails: Aw, bummer
LRRbot: Lightshell Duo [3U] | Creature โ€” Rat Otter [3/4] | Prowess / When Lightshell Duo enters, surveil 2.
Earthenone: it dosent even say TB
Bugberry: @Spades_Slicc there was a Brandon Sanderson story set on Innistrad, but it wasn't attached to an Innistrad set release.
SirLoinOfBeef_: giving otters fish? asking for trouble
GredGredmansson: @SketchyDetails what fish, I don't see any fish on the battlefield
austpow507: doesnโ€™t the fight still happen?
Earthenone: just when it E
zook_ningel: no etb just e
thylordy: @spades_slicc Nope. Children of the Nameless came out before War of the Spark, and while set on Innistrad, was unrelated to any plots.
ArcLightningCanuck: Fish says, "How come we're not all cute and sentient?"
CanvasWolfDoll: @mexfire 'i play blue red electron and proliferate'
mr_mad_march: @anonixmouse fishhhh glorious fishhhh!
SlyMaster9: This game is fun
tealeaf87: @ArcLightningCanuck gotta eat something on the plane
LoadingReadyRun: Are the token fish *not* sentient?
themightygerg: Belly bump!
Bugberry: Crosscounter!
SlyMaster9: Real back and forth
seathblood: Ben you just gotta cast 5 instants/sorceries this turn
TriseAlpha: Lightshell Duo = Thundersnail?
DaCardCzar: Wow i cant believe that graham payed G to give ben a fish. What a nice guy.
MedliKupo: I believe in you Ben!
austpow507: thanks for the response
squidpeanut: @loadingreadyrun not any more than normal fish
birbtribul: give him the old 1, 2
jamwno: @LoadingReadyRun MaRo has said that the fish are not sentient
definenull: Just take the throw
kirbytronic: If there's an Otter with Offspring does that make it an Otterpop?
just__fitz: Fish and Insects aren't people in this place.
themercenary1987: In redwall some fish were sentient and some weren't
excalgold: the token fish clearly just appears to be a non-sentient fish fish...sapient? what word do i want here
ampthedog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 112 months, currently on a 112 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ampthedog! (Today's storm count: 132)
MorganteMaggiore: and made him use shore up
XayedGames: the traitor fish
sallomon33: tbh the chat is so engaging I only half pay attention to the game lol
themercenary1987: So same here?
mexfire: @CanvasWolfDoll okay the that resolves
nerdsta82: i believe in Otters
Desruprot: fish are food not friends
James_the_Dabbler: Ben what
MorganteMaggiore: he asked the fish
Ratchet215: but how can the fish fight without a sentience
just__fitz: What is MaRo's bloomburrow species
IdiotPigBoy: @kirbytronic bueno
themightygerg: Don't worry, otters only eat fish! *Swim away!* Oh hey look fish!
zook_ningel: he asked and they didnt respond
GredGredmansson: @excalgold isn't "sentient" capable of thought and "sapient" capable of self-reflection?
SlyMaster9: @just__fitz Squirrel
NonUniqueGuy: @MorganteMaggiore But how does the fish know?
super731: game 3 has been so good
aitsu100: @just__fitz def a squirrel
excalgold: I think Ben Otter-be able to pull a victory from this!
Bugberry: @just__fitz Squirrel obviously
Morrigan9: should the fish have islandwalk?
ThePixelSavage: Rosewater is covering his butt from a class action lawsuit from the fish lobby
Real_Deal_Collin_Beal: Fish are sentient, but not sapient. The other animals are sapient.
CanPlayGames: Fish are not sentient on any plane.
Anubis169: Ratchet215: Ever seen a Pike when it's hungry?
TriseAlpha: Fish is Fish. Fish ain't Folk.
Cptasparagus: Merfolk seething
Ratchet215: @Anubis169 tru dat
mr_mad_march: If you give a man a fish, he fights you with it. Teach a man to fish, and he gifts you it.
ArcLightningCanuck: Mice and rats are food if you ask a cat, or some birds and others.
CrossXhunteR: math is for blockers
TehAmelie: clearly wizards are in the pocket of Real Big Fish
themightygerg: That one merfolk art card in special guests is actually looking at the surface world crying merfolk tears that cannot be seen because it's all water.
rogue6119: Stop drinking that fish's home!
ahri134: Last turn wasnt lethal ?
Anubis169: Reel Big Fish
SketchyDetails: Longstalk brawl says you choose targets, Not Target... woudlnt' that mean that you choose targets as it resolves
mexfire: fish is fish but fish is not cephalopod
LoadingReadyRun: Merfolk: "It's true, fish are stupid"
GredGredmansson: @TehAmelie alternatively, Reel Big Fish
TriseAlpha: @TehAmelie You saying they're making a Cache Grab? Kappa
TallynNyntyg: This is a pretty big boardstate.
QuixoticScrivener: when Ben flashes in a mooseโ€ฆ
TehAmelie: lrrAWESOME
dzee_szed: @GredGredmansson Shore Up, with me oh yeah, Shore Up, with me this turn
Anubis169: Flunge!
definenull: Cute critters but a tense board state? This set rules
RandomTrivia: Shove step
firstlevelwizard: Flunge!
LRRbot: Plumecreed Escort [1U] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/1] | Flash / Flying / When Plumecreed Escort enters, target creature you control gains hexproof until end of turn.
googoltudoris: graham has penelope outgrown the 1/1 token phase?
Bugberry: @SketchyDetails targets aren't declared that way.
Pharmacistjudge: @TehAmelie disagree. A colossal whale is only a 5/5
Anubis169: is that a hummingbird?
GredGredmansson: @SketchyDetails No, targets are always determined on cast. That's how you know what is getting targeted before you respond by saccing the targeted thing to a sac outlet
TallynNyntyg: @Anubis169 At least it isn't a thrummingbird.
Bugberry: afterimages
loona898: @Anubis169 thrummingbirds origins finally
j0hnicus: birb
LRRbot: Longstalk Brawl [G] | Sorcery | Gift a tapped Fish / Choose target creature you control and target creature you don't control. Put a +1/+1 counter on the creature you control if the gift was promisedโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Shore Up [U] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains hexproof until end of turn. Untap it.
LRRbot: Lightshell Duo [3U] | Creature โ€” Rat Otter [3/4] | Prowess / When Lightshell Duo enters, surveil 2.
Timothy5509: So is it no longer "etb", now shortened to "e"?
Towel: well people still say cmc
SmithKurosaki: Yea, people who started playing before this set will likely continue to say ETB. I see no reason to bother people over that
Towel: and "enters" don't really need shortening
Eon: there are still cards in this set that actually say "enters the battlefield" specifically in the "when another creature etb's" context, so the language is still officially correct
LRRbot: Plumecreed Escort [1U] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/1] | Flash / Flying / When Plumecreed Escort enters, target creature you control gains hexproof until end of turn.
solidazoriginal: I'm so late but let's go!!!
Towel: it was said to be used when it would not be clear in the release notes
yakbop: Rabbit
ArcLightningCanuck: Do the critter enemies of the rodents make mouse/rat traps? I wonder.
Anubis169: A hummingbird with a dandilion mace :D
mjblink: the wings are both in all those places and none of those places all at once
TallynNyntyg: It a birb with a seed pod as a mace.
niccus: if there's merfolk, what's a mer
sallomon33: @loona898 timewise it kind of doesn't work out though lol
j0hnicus: is this a plane where a humming bird is like a flying kawasaki
Anubis169: niccus: sea
mexfire: @j0hnicus yes but not birb wizard BibleThump
GredGredmansson: @SketchyDetails Imagine this: "I cast Lightning Bolt" "Targeting what?" "I don't know yet. Response?" this doesn't happen.
theamc2000: @niccus old word for sea
thylordy: @niccus I dunno, what's a m'er with you?
Bugberry: @niccus they are merely folk.
SketchyDetails: That means in the edge case where your opponent exchanges control of the two targeted creatures, they're still valid targets
just__fitz: Man its gonna be really crazy when the bloomburrow people omenpath away and just turn into random humanoids
squidpeanut: @niccus those little robot guys who make a sphere
LRRbot: Blooming Blast [1R] | Instant | Gift a Treasure / Blooming Blast deals 2 damage to target creature. If the gift was promised, Blooming Blast also deals 3 damage to that creature's controller.
seathblood: <3 give an ott a fish and he'll give you a treasure <3
GokuAshNaruto: All I think when I see that name is the Biden Blast meme.
CrossXhunteR: oh, i read that card wrong
loona898: @sallomon33 it does, simply believe
Pharmacistjudge: !card searing blood
LRRbot: Searing Blood [RR] | Instant | Searing Blood deals 2 damage to target creature. When that creature dies this turn, Searing Blood deals 3 damage to the creature's controller.
Earthenone: kill a thing and do 5 seems good here
WhiteWizard42: Graham surprised by Searing Blood mode twice today
Ratchet215: but its not RR
WhiteWizard42: once in a crack-a-pack and again now
GredGredmansson: works well with Lizards though
definenull: Can ben sneak lethal here?
RothonWylar: Is that Ben's second sepll to ping for 2?
mysteenova157: super cute treasures
zook_ningel: yea 2 does not kill a lot pf things
AliceLovelin: dat Treasure BibleThump
sallomon33: yay, the cute Treasure showed up!
LRRbot: High Stride [G] | Instant | Target creature gets +1/+3 and gains reach until end of turn. Untap it.
GredGredmansson: also it doesn't have to kill the creature technically
CanPlayGames: the treasure is family.
Desruprot: woah
Anubis169: Nicely done
carefreewill: Can graham not trigger the angry teapot weirder
seathblood: GRAHAM! How could you?
jazzfox: GG both!
RandomTrivia: GGs! seabatClap
loona898: gg
SlyMaster9: Damn that was a fantastic game of limited
mysteenova157: ggs
trashyopossum: wowzers
carefreewill: *weilder
Awynze: Gg
Bugberry: @GredGredmansson kind of like that black removal that loses you life. Bat decks sometimes want to lose life on their turn.
mexfire: <message deleted>is blooming a weaker chandra flame
Ashimablackraven: Gg
General_Pants: graham put on the way tall boots
CalliopeThorn: Legit close though.
sallomon33: GGs!
Real_Deal_Collin_Beal: seasid3BuffduckLeft seasid3BuffduckMid seasid3BuffduckRight
Anubis169: great match
LRRbot: Daring Waverider [4UU] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [4/4] | When Daring Waverider enters, you may cast target instant or sorcery card with mana value 4 or less from your graveyard without paying its mana cost. If that spell would be put into your graveyard, exile it instead.
MaceGoodboy: GG
celtoid subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, celtoid! (Today's storm count: 133)
ArcLightningCanuck: GG!
jazzfox: A Ral emblem, and full on otters and raccoon fur flying!
Real_Deal_Collin_Beal: Geegers
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
SirLoinOfBeef_: ott looks so happy
MorganteMaggiore: is it torrential otterhulk?
Nameless_Sword: GG
Desruprot: GG
ardor_edi: GG
crazycommie87: Nice!
MedliKupo: nooooo
excalgold: that was really fun to watch even if i had no idea what was happening half the time ! :D
MTGRanger: GG
fungal_bird: gg
Fovulonkiin: close match, GG
Makrosian_Tay: GG
wingless85: gg
owlinthesnow: This set looks sick
mexfire: <message deleted>GG
kalkenmar: Gg
itomeshi: GG
definenull: I live this set
ssmoknbobjd: Gg
alexetodisk: Gg
slickslickman: GG
macintose: GG!
milkydeew: GG
kaziel0: Gee Gee!
ajackinabox: gg
tealeaf87: GGssss
thetimelord93: gg
mr_mad_march: GGs
General_Pants: incGG
WowoT: gg well played
loona898: racoons represent
TriseAlpha: edward26GG
TheWooglie: FBtouchdown
flustered_blue: Ggs
Wolfy098: gg
Tallher: Gg
Woogachaka: noice, good game
TehAmelie: so many games threes, must be a balanced set
thylordy: Tight. Plays.
rkk667: GGs
capslock42: cfavreLunaGG
Dustjacket: gg great match!
maclenrac: King Graham
Viewers_Like_You: Heck of a game of Magic: the Gathering, well played gang
thecampingviking: GG
SlyMaster9: The small otter got like 3+ damage on Graham's dome though
McMenno: GG
brningpyre: Graham's deck is cool as heck
Shaena: gg
mexgirlmindy: Squirrel
TriseAlpha: You *could* sacrifice the otter... but why *would* you? you monster!
MrMatternot: Good Gaem
eli_9121: gg
thesanitytoad: gg
thatonefergie: Everything is kicker
thetimelord93: you otter know was true :/
TheDevil_Risen: gg
mweepigeon: there *used* to be a sacrifice archetype in the set! they cut that one
FlynnSmirk: Close game
BloodnBullets: Otter baby did a bunch of damage.
Anubis169: manWOW
just__fitz: We need offspring alters of other creatures
RandomTrivia: benginLul
LadyAtarka: Hey now
jamwno: offspring is the reason that there aren't sacrifice themes in the set
Real_Deal_Collin_Beal: Haha
Goboxel: Cat oven?
IaCthulhuFthagn: "I will enjoy casting Merciless Eviction on this board full of offspring"
Bugberry: Cauldron Familiar
Easilycrazyhat: That tracks
spookittyAsh: GG, Graham and 'Gineering
Frostwriter111: that's a nice callback
TriseAlpha: Cauldron Familiar
NornsFelidar: felidar cub!!!
thirsty_kitteh: I remind you of Cat Oven
niccus: it's the price for having multiple canine types
LordShadner: a cat would never
mysteenova157: hahahah
GredGredmansson: Ben, you should know that the set has explicitly avoided having effects that sacrifices creatures in this set
rogue6119: Cats aren't that dumb
dabomb790: woo, great match, close game 3s are always fun
Anubis169: LOL
Alyssa_Swift: We just throw cats in the oven here
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Bugberry: Cauldron Familiar wants to die over and over
Tyabann: Cauldron Familiar is about repeatedly murdering a cat
thegr8destroyer: Cauldron Familiar would like a word
Sandeon: Because cats are not the heroic sacrifice type
Seth_Erickson: It's could cat design
themightygerg: The dog's a good pupper, but the CAT just always comes back
the_phantom_game_player: lrrWOW
Seth_Erickson: good*
carbunclegirl: There was a whole meta in which we stuffed cats into the oven, over and over and over
CaptainRedRam: there is the white cat that you can sac to destroy and enchantment
NornsFelidar: felidar cub is a cat and a baby and sacrifices itself
Anubis169: what?
shendaras: seabatClap
Desruprot: limesDance limesDance limesDance
brningpyre: let's gooooo
TheKarthe: see: the upcoming Nine Lives Cat
Anubis169: a giveaway?
MTGRanger: To quote Kathleen from Friday Nights, That's because cats are better than dogs...]
TriseAlpha: Box! Box! Box!
WowoT: Hype!
Anubis169: wow!
the_phantom_game_player: Yay!
SilverHalcyon: I'm getting up
RandomTrivia: Good segue, Ben
extra_spicy_ramen: hype
just__fitz: But its soo warm here
Jturbobanana: NOW???
maclenrac: snap snap
DiscordianTokkan: Nyao
capslock42: cfavreLunaMTG
MorganteMaggiore: @LoadingReadyRun btw they said that Gideon would have been a dog for that reason
the_keycrafter: oh my
TheWarbo: do not hydrate
excalgold: 'own' ? you dont OWN cats, you allow them to room with you!
Real_Deal_Collin_Beal: 0_0
Shaena: Now ??
thecampingviking: Box!!
Houseboy23: but my hydration!
kaziel0: That smooth segue!
kismetsoul: Woot!!
thatonefergie: Right meow
anhakha: Blmbro
SpoonfullOfSugar: Oh, a drink sounds good
Grinnin_Gin: right nyao
macintose: Right meow
spookittyAsh: BB
mexfire: <message deleted>cats saks dogs
PhuzNutz: word
the_keycrafter: lets go
DidacticDad: NOICE
Asolya: oh my !!
Skaskull: nice
sallomon33: will the word be "cat"? Kappa
sharker037: yipee
Alex_Frostfire: Sacrifice another Cat: Target Human creature you control gains indestructible until end of turn. Tap it.
Andy_Rantalot: box!
SusanTD: blumburrah
swiftdestruction: Horray!
CanPlayGames: but my pizza.
Of_War_n_Peace: Box
Diabore: this one is mint
General_Pants: a bloombox
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I can't get up. I have to tell you about my cats.
TheRatKings: please drop it for us
CaptainRedClaw subscribed with Prime.
samu_btdp1985: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
alikaoz: we detonating this burro
ahri134: cauldron familiar used to be sacrified a lot
RossIrelandPrime: Whoohhoo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CaptainRedClaw! (Today's storm count: 134)
MaceGoodboy: Aaaand how owo
ghyllnox: Says a dog owner who always talks about him
tealeaf87: is the box sentient too?
samwiser_: I wants giveaways!
a_Weakling: in chat
Greyah: And this one hasn't been dropped!
MyrddintheWizard: Goodie!
Hinnybin: box!
Desruprot: limesBrows
CocoaMix86: talking box!
Deathsdoor1996: In chat
Redpandarama: uhm this is going to be a thing
KinkerbellRose: Words go here? :o
Incarnate5: Oh right, a box!
kiba509: wooo talking box
Maz_Mully: Ouuuuuu
TinyAwoo: :0
e_bloc: in chat
Creeper3291: yooooooo
Anubis169: hold
slickslickman: wait, the box talks?!
PandaByName: Engagement
DuckTheSystem: plsss
Dschuncks: Dog people always rag cats
suladan_the_serpent_lord: a talking box?
TXPumpFIST: Type
wmakker: add another kiss!
AV6Scott: So many critters!
underdogstory: talking box!
thecampingviking: mimic box
thecornishwriter: oooooh
animaniacdot: mine you say?!
jamesinor: Ooo
generatrix: can you mildly damage it first?
DracoFire87: in chat?
shurtal: the box TALKS!?!?
Derkatronic: Bloombororoo
direavenger20: in chat
Zoltaris: in chat
WowoT: talking box would be fun
brningpyre: Don't forget Wheeler has to kiss it
mexgirlmindy: Talking box
RothonWylar: In chat
aceofrimmer: big box
sharker037: type what in chat
BenByTheWay: What do we type?
Cptasparagus: In chat
squ3e: Oh baby
FranticJ3the3rd: chat!
Dunnston: lol "in chat"
Aviator_Moonshine: Type for Box?
Jijin0: what if I want a talking box?
Desruprot: typing
danbjorn: Wooo
MikeynJerry: in chat
Swaggerstickbyaah: box
CygnusInfinity: The box, AND the contents?! sweetdrPog
1324565792: <message deleted>cool
Prof_monkey: A TALKING BOX!?!?!
liluzifart: PLS
jaymightplay: In chat!
XayedGames: Box for me? thanks haha
ZealokBoi: typing in chat
rainlessme: froggerYAP froggerYAP froggerYAP
JonnyH: As presented by our beautiful assistant Serge
Houseboy23: my fluids that must be cycled!
SeaDiegoFC: In chat
NonUniqueGuy: I get a talking box?
Dustjacket: talking box ftw!
CaptainRedClaw: hello
Awynze: Sweet box
keltaklo: Insanely cool of y'all
Krobster: Type in chat
KaleidoscopeMind: and a wheeler kiss?
badrat_: im talking
Treer___: Box Hype!!!!!
stevefromdetroit: that box is a mimic
EmoMcHipster: box?
liluzifart: PLEASEEE
shurtal: What a STEAL!
bruce_lee_3000: Talk in the box!
wmakker: more kisses
Omega_Lairon: So much value! ^_^
ThanhtTheBoss: You get Wheeler air kisses
KinkerbellRose: inm chat
FranticJ3the3rd: blah
gfunksplash: lets go!
hexchosen: as a cat owner, can confirm haha
Imbadyoureworse: in chat
samu_btdp1985: MIMIC
lyricthepossum: Sweeeet
Aviator_Moonshine: Type for the box!
Izzet_Wizzet: in chat
Ceribai: I definitely want a box which talks
theamc2000: stuff
drewm1022: in chat?
MaceGoodboy: in chat
wordcandy70: talking box
owlinthesnow: But I want a talking box
Wolfstrike_NL: type :)
The_Silent_Assassin: talking in chat
Incarnate5: This is super interesting!
rotko_: yo
nfwise: in chat
Anubis169: HOLD
StarGuardianLyra: smiskPog
tikistylo: Talking box
IsabellaTheFoxgirl: Im down just for the talking box
vetr1c: yay box!
Philologia: talking box
jumpfolf: HAI
gsyhiap: But it is a fine talking box
homelands_was_great: Type
JohneyS: words and phrases
the_phantom_game_player: A talking box, I'm in
ClaudeCivil: Type?
DocTie: but is that box uniquely dented?
digitalkarma: box
yllwmstr: Blargh
the_keycrafter: yippeeee
FranticJ3the3rd: holy cow
Dinoman10101: type in chat
Real_Deal_Collin_Beal: in chat seasid3BearBreakdance PETPET seasid3BuffduckLeft
mysteenova157: all the goodies
jumpfolf: Talking in chat!
themightygerg: What's the word, ben?! What's the word?!
loufghyslaufey: LRRBox motes?
aquastar67: Wooo! Thank you for the giveaways
Ratafias: Chart?
Humanoid_typhoon_: say what?
Skipmich: Hey chat
carpongos3: 4 collector
KydrouKair: Type in chat
Dhrall: Mimic box
acolossalsquid: Fine, I won't hydrate
mexfire: <message deleted>plz
FranticJ3the3rd: type
rs_ls: Type
atlr: need to toss it around more
CaptainRedClaw: type type type!!!!
KWardJenx: Im here for the box
liluzifart: typing
SilasLunark: box
suladan_the_serpent_lord: i don't card about the cards i want that box
nerdsta82: talking box!
carpongos3: OMG
thylordy: But will we still get the Wheeler kiss?
em_sassafras: in chat
keinbesserername: type
SirClledroc: In chat?
digitalkarma: talking box
CypherRaze: Box in chat?
DracoFire87: in chat
Justin_Bailey: yo
Cardplayerwell: I barely box them!
lLotech: 10/10
Jaciopathic: Stuff?
SirLoinOfBeef_: but really, in life, do we ever get to choose?
MTGRanger: chat not ahain
FranticJ3the3rd: box!
milkydeew: Worldwide shipping?
PicklePlop: type
Makrosian_Tay: Woot woot
thecornishwriter: what if i ust want the talking box?
tealeaf87: box
mexgirlmindy: Buy me a drink
Testosteros: one talking box please
MTGRanger: again
shaduko07: you otter get one
lyricthepossum: Need dem goodies
Amoothyst: ๐Ÿ‘€
TinyAwoo: Bloomburrow best set
Gaz_L: hello chat i am talk
oastrtoastr: Is there a word?
Pr1de0_0: Chat?
ClaudeCivil: What do we say?
theamc2000: hi
Keylometers: Yippie!!!
dragonloot: type in chat
Tai114: One of us???
MrsLlante: sweet
FranticJ3the3rd: in chat
firstlevelwizard: How?
Calzac: A talking box.
Sarah_Serinde: Chat none of this is entering the context
Anubis169: sh
TriseAlpha: CurseLit CurseLit
Sarah_Serinde: *contest
Durdenstein subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Durdenstein: Woo!
theamc2000: wheelerRat wheelerRat
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Durdenstein! (Today's storm count: 135)
animaniacdot: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
junehawk: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
Dread_Pirate_Westley: jlrrFacepalm
CocoaMix86: bunny
ajv7949: PokCroagunk PokCroagunk PokCroagunk
Cannonfodder79: bunny
alexetodisk: Bunny
infinity_225: bunny
Deathsdoor1996: Bunny
randomblathering: bunny
mackstashmarshall: bunny
eleric937: bunny
Ghstsnpr159: Bunny
ke6960: bunny
MrDrLewis: Bunny
Pr1de0_0: Bunny
Kolossion: bunny
hotgreenflames: bunny
kijata: Bunny
CaptainRedClaw: Bunny
superdeadsmurf: bunny
JRandomHacker: bunny
paronomasiac042: bunny
VinKelsier: Bunny
Eviscerator14: bunny
super_ashura: Bunny
Zoltaris: bunny
vetr1c: bunny
ab50luteunit: Bunny
angstschreeuw0: bunny
the_only_pirate_in_hr: bunny
Lushian_Cybasi: bunny
aimeez821: bunny
firstlevelwizard: bunny
winstondarktide: bunny
Tarbage_Goilets: Bunny
TheConnectors: bunny
nfwise: bunny
cinemonk: bunny
snowyowlly: bunny
injuredpillow: bunny
foucault4pay: bunny
Sarah_Serinde: Type it ONCE
TheMrFriend: BUNNY
AmorphousCube: bunny
mortazza_e_vino: bunny
nerdsta82: bunny
AliceLovelin: Bunny
hb8u: bunny
trevor_impersonator: bunny
zzroadkill: bunny
Void_Of_Moon: bunny
ObliviousLawyer: bunny
extra_spicy_ramen: bunny
Lord_Hosk: bunny
kismetsoul: Bunny
mexgirlmindy: Bunny
Nimriye00: bunny
Shaena: bunny
Mierr: bunny
pcglbrock: Bunny
Neddy471: Bunny
Q_sic: bunny
everbeyondreach: Bunny
irenrose: bunny
anthonydarnell33: bunny
austpow507: Bunny
CordeliaCataclysm: Bunny
Incarnate5: Bunny
dchen10: bunny
DMGoodestBoy: Bunny
hedonistic_mushroom: BUNNY!
Cheagin: Bunny!
cidalfos: Bunny
1324565792: <message deleted>bunny
Fovulonkiin: Bunny
SusanTD: bunny
Mischief_Squid: Bunny
neisan2112: Bunny
Skaskull: bunny
Sk1nnee: bunny
jarowe20: bunny
shurtal: bunny
Makrosian_Tay: Bunny
Grompfan: bunny
PBlackcoat: Bunny
Joecool190: bunny
Snampo_ok: Bunny
winstonsdog: bunny
Tai114: Bunny
mindrevolt: bunny
OlaffStout: bunny
MTGRanger: bunny
Golbiez: Bunny
DemonRalph: bunny
kiba509: bunny
Cptasparagus: Bunny
duke_dice: bunny
flustered_blue: Bunny
MaceGoodboy: Bunny
TheGeneralThomas: Bunny
alikaoz: Bunny
wingless85: Bunny
Grinnin_Gin: bunny
j3an1uc: bunny
FitalShell: bunny
Af131313: bunny
FinalShowFilms: bunny
TheRevJesse: bunny
jamesinor: Bunny
TheMandrew: bunny
digitalkarma: bunny
Gekyouryuu: bunny
Tyabann: bunny
theotherdragoon: Bunny
mexfire: <message deleted>bunny
SirLoinOfBeef_: bunny
gamerman123: Bunny
BlindProphet32: bunny
MrBibz: Bunny
Desruprot: Bunny
atinyspacemarine: Bunny
phyrexiansteven: Bunny
SorryQ_: Bunny
remyjette: bunny
lordsherbert: bunny
badrat_: bunny
Jijin0: bunny
nobodez: bunny
finestotter: bunny
enbycephalopod: Bunny
Spooky_Noises: Bunny
thatonefergie: Bunny
nutamute: bunny
littlecanadaboi: Bunny
tehcrashxor: bunny
drroxorphd: Bunny
countingku: bunny
kaziel0: Bunny
TheAmazingRayce: bunny
gsyhiap: bunny
Xed_Regulus: Bunny
Splash4Mirrodin: Bunny
Onisquirrel: bunny
kerniusmaximus: bunny
Zulghinlour: bunny
popcatholic: bunny
eva0093: bunny
PandaByName: Bunny
McMenno: Bunny
ButtonMashingTrash: bunny
ZealokBoi: bunny
keltaklo: Bunny
drawkwardgames: I hope i get a good pre release box!
sasquatcherino: Bunny
vikram_031: Bunny
GlitchyStitch: bunny
HaphazardHaberdashery: bunny
mmmbop1: bunny
NezumiiroK: bunny
zook_ningel: bunny
heartofgoldfish: bunny
quazardude: Bunny
billydreamshake: bunny
MeagenImage: Bunny
Fallen_Angel_Elizabeth: bunny
lindonmichael: bunny
afterdark21500: Bunny
miniMacGuru: bunny
crono3453: bunny
kalatash: bunny
nope_nopeson: bunny
Doctor_Pockets: Bunny
LokiThePaladin: bunny
PadawanTK16: bunny
whitefirecomix: bunny
dm818: Bunny
anxietyparadingashuman: Bunny
AkaArt: bunny
SquirrelBoy25: bunny
NotAFireDemon: bunny
Mankiewix: bunny
Saintnex: bunny
Th3Hypn0Toad: bunny
sharker037: Bunny
CodenameJD: Bunny
Ctabbe: bunny
Philologia: bunny
lord_wertornion: bunny
Gen2Gengar: bunny
ExpeditionToGamesEnd: Bunny
Calhoun327: Bunny
meekowalrus: bunny
junehawk: bunny
TiltedTony: bunny
therealflyingtoastr: Bunny
Nielsch: bunny
Viewers_Like_You: bunny
sirwhitefang: bunny
Testosteros: bunny
lingonberry1: bunny
lorazx: Bunny
spinebustertee: bunny
RokuNalaar: bunny
laikagoat: Bunny
Night_xD: bunny
saworms: bunny
rainlessme: bunny
GreatWahooney: bunny
Veraphage: bunny
Weagle: Bunny
8_Bit_Unicorn: Bunny
dumbo3k: bunny
Yomenz: bunny
Ceribai: bunny
ambiance_minis: bunny
xzarisx: Bunny
Swaggerstickbyaah: bunny
keinbesserername: bunny
falgar_: bunny
NekomimiNinja: bunny
mapguru: bunny
MrQBear: bunny
BeKay088: bunny
JollyAnchorKing: bunny
StarGuardianLyra: Bunny
owlinthesnow: Bunny
Caryotip: bunny
bobAkirafett: bunny
CobaltCG: Bunny
Bentoja: bunny
northos: bunny
Sunidesus: bunny
xJETSDADx: Bunny
travisbloom: Bunny
Katsche__: bunny
janMelantu: bunny
Dedwrekka: Bunny
InfinityD4: bunny
RuiFaleiro: bunny
Tystnex: bunny
Deathlord288: bunny
ZombieHendrix: bunny
ForrestTail: bunny
wlsack: bunny
Anubis169: oh good grief
mowdownjoe: Bunny
kr0nker: bunny
tsp397: bunny
BSengenYT: bunny
Bazingabacca: Bunny
Pygme90: bunny
spookittyAsh: Bunny
tealeaf87: bunny
KingOfDoma: Bunny
generatrix: bunny
danbjorn: bunny
maclenrac: Bunny
the_brainfist: bunny
ToddOnATangent: bunny
firehawkzoa: Bunny
themightygerg: bunny
Princerombur: Bunny
joshuawellsoh: Bunny
Aneranium: bunny
atium_of_ruin: Bunny
grimniamh: bunny
PurpleRakath: Bunny
Real_Deal_Collin_Beal: seasid3BunnyNoU
Tucrt3: bunny
ancienthangover: bunny
Allandrow: bunny
clementynes: Bunny
inoxx84: Bunny
Pessistictimist: Bunny
dabomb790: bunny
Mercurial_Ouroboros: bunny
samu_btdp1985: Bunny
Magiccam5: Bunny
bbritt1030: bunny
Tulsaboxer: bunny
BenByTheWay: Bunny
captaintardigrade: bunny
ardor_edi: bunny
joshd_rng: bunny
HighXavier: bunny
ghizmou: bunny
dave8400: bunny
YeetTheRich_: bunny
TheUncannyGirl: Bunny
MrSarkhan: bunny
Of_War_n_Peace: bunny
MeadyOchre: bunny
kalkenmar: Bunny
TheModernSMoore: bunny
OhHeyItsThatOneGuy: Bunny
Pywodwagon: bunny
Omega_Lairon: bunny
XayedGames: bunnny
TheWanderingNomad: bunny
Cardplayerwell: bunny
jon1969df: Bunny
medivh9: bunny
Hayhook: Bunny
heartofgoldfish: bnuuy?>>
Gatorgoat68: bunny
Azralorne: Bunny
Qaylen: Bunny
Marvoleath: Bunny
stizzet: Bunny
Mx_Asher_: bunny
UrielAngelSpy: Bunny
Derkatronic: bunny
Dyosy: bunny
ShadowboyTyler: bunny
ramonaviking: bunny
jessbeholder: bunny
Anubis169: Elevator up!
ajv7949: bunny
tycoonbosh: bunny
luedongbin: Bunny
mastershake29x: bunny
Gooseblast: bunny
twinnAJ: Bunny
yalc321: bunny
lLotech: Bunny
SuperPenguinWizard: bunny
Painfully_Dyslexic: bunny
Ilecto: Bunny
HedgehogKnight: Bunny
unicornery: Bunny
ecredragon: Bunny
Kirserella: bunny
thmanwithnoname: Bunny
Awynze: Bunny
major2828: Bunny
Musicsquid: bunny
notsoc00l_guy: bunny
kewkyc: Bunny
Iodine953: bunny
AmusedPottery: bunny
SlyMaster9: Bunny
unquietmagpie: bunny
XayedGames: bunny
inaudibledaisy: Bunny
just__fitz: Bunny
mr_jelis: Bunny
goosevonkaiser: bunny
rin_the_kat: bunny
Phosfur: Bunny
WampaX: bunny
the_card_father: bunny
Flyingdelorion: Bunny
MyrddintheWizard: ModLove
PhuzNutz: bunny
Chesul: Bunny
Wolfstrike_NL: bunny
NotCainNorAbel: bunny
jchinnock: bunny
CocoaMix86: Wowee bunny
TehAmelie: bunny
a_chex: bunny
Dinoman10101: bunnybunny
schwitty_26: bunny
atormented: Bunny
regiella: bunny
TheMrFriend: bunny
dclem55: bunny
Sk1nnee: Bunny
abyss8128: bunny
beaverfondu: bunny
ryanthedespoiler: bunny
cobaltius: bunny
owlinthesnow: bunny
Jturbobanana: bunny
baneless27: bunny
RatherLargeToad: bunny
AntianSiridean: Bunny
discflame: bunny
Redpandarama: bunny
Monogoliensis: bunny
bkidney: bunny
booplesnootlovesyou: bunny
a_flying_runestone: bunny
TonyDLight subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
clockworkmenagerie: BUNNY
bullfritters: Bunny
maltan_ankka: bunny
Justin_Bailey: bunny
thegr8destroyer: oh, or maybe a tapped bunny
CaptainKranok: bunny
Veshnikard: Bunny
sharker037: bunny
suladan_the_serpent_lord: bnuy
Spritz_T: bunny
the_card_father: Bunny
KinkerbellRose: bunny rabbit~
Lithobraker: bunny
ninja_theory_ashrams: Bunny
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TonyDLight! (Today's storm count: 136)
Omthebox: Bunny
hedonistic_mushroom: Bunny
TubbyMcButters: bunny
falcn120: Bunny
Klandox: Bunny
the_phantom_game_player: Bunny
Sorteur: Bunny
jym_02: bunny
Ard_Rhys: bunny
Jaciopathic: Bunny bunoy
suladan_the_serpent_lord: bunny
FranticJ3the3rd: bunny
Phyrexian_Toaster: Bunny
luballoon: bunny
Tokenbg1009: Bunny
Ashimablackraven: bunny
Booster6: bunny
h3rsh3yb4r: Bunny
zniemann42: Bunny
drwoowoo: bunny
MeldonTaragon: bunny
Skeletonman1100: bunny 2
daey_le: bunny
Strebenherz: Bunny
Calhoun327: I want it more because of puppet box
bicce: bunny
djalternative: oh. this is fun
jjamz101: bunny
rosie_fanboy: bunny
jazzfox: Bunny
avi_miller: bunny
TonyDLight: bunny
birbtribul: bunny
Splash4Mirrodin: bunny
MuffinMTG: Bunny
ComradeMik: bunny ๓ €€
Thaezar: bunny
canyonms: Bunny
Grinnin_Gin: and remember, when you're done, stop spamming
PunpkinQueen: bunny
zeusdosjogos: bunny
Lord_Hosk: weeeeeeeee
hexchosen: bunny
ghyllnox: Not bnuuy :(
DidacticDad: bunny
James_the_Dabbler: Not Bnuuy?
rainbowolf13: bunny
thirsty_kitteh: bunny is a weird way to spell bnuuy
batsmcgee: bunny
Fovulonkiin: bunny
ephemeralhope: bunny
Ranatoki: Bunny
N0ts0much: Bunny
the_clam93: bunny
Mulgarat: bunny
Bionisam: Bunny
whiscash_enthusiast: bunny
Technomagus: bunny
TriuneSystem: Bunny
journojared: Bunny
himeh: bunny
TheMadEgyptian: Bunny
bbzidane: Bunny
IgorApp: Bunny
nephila_zel_lumere: Bunny
duckace11: bunny
SmithKurosaki: bunny
chenhsi2: bunny
suladan_the_serpent_lord: Bunny
VallAmastacian: bunny
InitialBird: Bunny
CocoaMix86: I like the bunny
tacosandbourbon: bunny
connorrunda: bunny
djalternative: bunny
rxpalindrome: bunny
sasquatcherino: bunny
KinkerbellRose: bunny
gfunksplash: bunny
RecklawGaming: bunny
singinnonsense: bunny
CMDRNuffin: Bunny
MrQwasu: Bunny
awaytome: bunny
Chadonric: bunny
AutumnVixenIX: bunny
jiantwitch: bunny
WRYYYhome: Bunny
SentinelStormer: Bunny time
suladan_the_serpent_lord: BUNNY
lyricthepossum: Bunny
thalcot: bnuuy
thatguysteve2709: Bunny
return_of_floki4242: Bunny
TriseAlpha: BunnyCharge BunnyCharge BunnyCharge
MidgardSerpent: bunny
multiverse42: bunny
Going_Medium: Bunny
ramfox410: Bunny
Unhappy_Hour: bunny
theknightwhosaysni22: Bunny
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>Bunny
Jturbobanana: Bunny
CerealGremlin: bunny
godlax: bunny
Marenai: bunny
Easilycrazyhat: bunny
SpoonfullOfSugar: bunny
fierysea: Bunny
DuckTheSystem: bunny
DemonicTutor: bunny
itsMelWoods: Bunny
08darknight1: <message deleted>bunny
NotCainNorAbel: lapin
JungleQuack: Bunny
zombified5: bunny
mr_kiang: Bunny
swiftdestruction: Bunny
Sim0wnz: bunny
ShadowFirelaw: Bunny
Garrisun: Bunny
CallerOfStorms: bunny
logophile99: bunny
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>bunny
RedSunKnight: Bunny
Jiggyx42: Bunny
animaniacdot: Bunny
Malopassant: bunny
Mr_Z0623: bunny
acolossalsquid: bunny
Crumpler64: Bunny
Keylometers: Good luck everyone!
Ilecto: bunny
theamc2000: Bunny
jumpfolf: bunny
TheBearBee: bunny
sarah5491: bunny
bakerydragon: bunny
smoljigglybug: Bunny
TheModernSMoore: Bunny
NonUniqueGuy: bunny
ohgeezitsbrad: bunny
Hedinnnnn: bunny
orellien2773: Bunny
ImmaPTato: Bunny
pipshardfour: bunny
HT_Thunder: Bunny
beardofsarcasm: bunny
SenshiSun: bunny
Shragon: Bunny
TokenMickus: Bunny
IggyMTG: bunny
jdwjester: bunny
VinKelsier: bunny
Yolysses: bunny
Coloneljesus: bunny
juuzou00: Bunny
darian_jax: bunny
Austellion: bunny
darkmagicpi: bunny
silentdragon0: Bunny
Tavahka: Bunny
CocoaMix86: bunny
TimeToFlipOut: bunny
suladan_the_serpent_lord: Bunoy
TheOnlyOrk: Look at chat go!
TallynNyntyg: There's a cat that does kinda sac itself. Garrison Cat makes a 1/1 soldier when it dies.
stenthebear: bunny
srtreze13: bunny
WhiteWizard42: I've never seen so many people online spelling "bunny" correctly.
kurozukiyuu: bunny
discflame: bnuuy
the_phantom_game_player: bunny\
Wa_Pox: voxyHmm
isenfang: bunny
1324565792: <message deleted>bunny
seepete: Bunny
CoffeeTime88: Bunny
Clicklesly: Be you nn why?
krispy167: Bunny
sydinor: Bunny
xhjon: bunny
AutumnAuroch: Bunny
08darknight1: <message deleted>bunny again
justtad: Bunny
CanPlayGames: bunny
straightshifty: bunny
Oxdans: Bunny
Yuguro: bunny
reallamzydivey: bunny
The_Silent_Assassin: bunny
mexgirlmindy: Bunny
42MiLLyWays: bunny
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>Bunny
Wa_Pox: bunny
An_Ornery_Emu: Bunny
nobodez: bunny
squ3e: SeemsGood
disruptor_fe404: bunny
thraximore: bunny
Anumberix: bunny
Tukanda_xP: bunny
MeldonTaragon: Bunny
Erdeanmich: bunny
Rafgmorais: bunny
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>bunny
Darnessewolffang: bunny
Anubis169 Only once chat
Alness49: Bunny
parcival11: bunny
Blablor: bunny
medmora: Bunny
squ3e: bunny
ItsABitsy: bunny
DentedPockets: bunny
cardicLon: bunny
suladan_the_serpent_lord: bunny
asrrin29: bunny
DrDunnans: bunny
theamc2000: I might have typed it twice
SentinelStormer: bunny b-u-n-n-y
septomin: bunny
everbeyondreach: Bunny
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>Bunny
littlecanadaboi: Bunny
mexfire: <message deleted>bunny
Friskycharizard: bunny
ArcOfTheConclave: bnny
Voldiren: bunny
revilomagnifico: bunny
10000Ants: bunny
azndragon257: bunny
realmairzydoats: bunny
50keyz: bunny
math_magics: bunny
theworldsmith1: bunny
coopdawg_22: bunny
MetaSwan: bunny
protojman: bunny
27Farya: bunny
Bumbleton: bunny
slickslickman: bunny
excalgold: Bunny
kalatash: BUNNY
Prof_monkey: bunny
foucault4pay: bunny
sadbutt_: bunny
Eckuris: bunny
LowUpsideCJ: bunny
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>bunny
BearHandsHero: bunny
the_grand_nan: Bunny
eleric937: bunny
super731: Bunny
arkham1981: bunny
hideki101: bunny
Texan_Reverend: bunny
QuixoticZ: bunny
manmoose617: Bunny ๓ €€
jellyfisharecool: bunny
shendaras: bunny
KongPhantom: bunny
Gaelan_Maestro: Bunny
Gaz_L: Bunny
NevermorePainting: bunny
Dinoman10101: bunny
yamahako: Bunny
08darknight1: <message deleted>bunny 2 eletric bogaloo
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>Bunny
SilverHalcyon: bunny
SigiledScryfish: bunny
putz12a: bunny
NextLevelTabletop: bunny
Dustjacket: bunny
alexetodisk: bunny
SentinelStormer: bunny
Natedogg2: Bunny
greynecromancer: Bunny
SilasLunark: Bunny
ArcOfTheConclave: bunny
Moizes_Tav: bunny
maxwellthedecent: bunny
CapMalReynolds: bunny
the1stkezza: BUNNY
elementofzero: bunny ๓ €€
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>bunny
robbit_mn: bunny
xzarisx: bunny
Hedeakihitsugaya: Bunny
smertmonkey: bunny
Trollbonist: Bunny
jpost042: bunny
samu_btdp1985: Bunny
dchen10: Bunny
Vequenor: Bunny
TheDevil_Risen: bunny
Manae: Bunny
SacrificialToast: bunny
virgil82: bunny
RunicScribe: bunny
Awynze: bunny
loona898: bunny
itsMelWoods: bunny
kanarde: bunny
ArcLightningCanuck: bunny
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>Bunny
MaidOfCake: bunny
emberBecky: bunny
nukacola_singularity: bunny
IsabellaTheFoxgirl: I dont even want the magic cards, i want that talking box
CrossXhunteR: bunny
bellachen1818: Bunny
MedliKupo: bunny
paronomasiac042: bunny
gamerman123: Bunny
Criticvs_Failivs: Bunny
amam741: bunny
Silvertunga: Wow, Twitch saidI wasn't allowed to send messages because I send too quickly:O My last one was hours ago!
tealeaf87: bunny
dchen10: bunny
Imbadyoureworse: Bunny
patch_witch: Bunny
DuckTheSystem: rabbit
DarkMorford: bunny
Awynze: Bunny
Feknsek: bunny
r10pez10: bunny
Mulgarat: Bunny
FormerlyJustNumbers: Bunny
Coloneljesus: chat go zoom
Quentoxic: bunny
pprroogg: bunny
Creeper3291: bunny
Silvertunga: bunny
AntianSiridean: Bunny
Centorii: bunny
pixieproxy: Bunny
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>bunny
Duetic: bunny
dxdmingo: bunny
AntMan003: bunny
SeismicLawns: bunny
Enzan_Scarlet: Bunny
Goboxel: bunny
thesilence9: bunny
tsuuisalie: bunny ๓ €€
MegaDosX: Nobody will see this message lrrSPOOP
Sage0fMadness: bunny
MaidOfCake: Bunny
SigiledScryfish subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months, currently on a 28 month streak!
Jaciopathic: Bunny
Gatorgoat68: bunny
sagemaster: Bunny
FranticJ3the3rd: bunny
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SigiledScryfish! (Today's storm count: 137)
Skaskull: bunny
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>Bunny
squidpeanut: bunny
StabsofWar: bunny
thegr8destroyer: Bunny
thanatoscar: bunny
Timpmaster7: Bunny
ApocKane: Bunny
Storm1798: bunny
Sarah_Serinde: Chat, ONLY TYPE THE WORD ONCE
IaCthulhuFthagn: bunny
ramfox410: Bunny
Skudd: Bunny
discflame: I would like a bunny
AshcopseDryad: bunny
BeKay088: bunny
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>bunny
Domo_VanDomington: bunny
SpellNRD: bunny
dchen10: Bunny
bandgelo: Bunny
Just_Herby: bunny
Mulgarat: bunny
SaltFreeJudge: bunny
SmashTCG: Bunny
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>Bunny
TheWooglie: bunny
austpow507: bunny
hedonistic_mushroom: Bunny
theonetman: Bunny
diphthamide: Bunny
CanPlayGames: Bunny
Skipmich: bunny
YTFenderson: bunny
newershadow: bunny
CygnusInfinity: bunny
0dins0wn: bunny
Vargen_HK: bunny
cyrenman: me too
nikykita: bunny
loufghyslaufey: You guys had me a speed dating a random LRRBox MindManners lrrDOTS ImTyping
SlaveToBolas: bunny
LadyGrey21: Bunny
LegoMamateur: Bunny
jasperlion: bunny
backwardsgh0st: Bunny
Larkonus: Bunny
ancienthangover: bunny
simic_yeti: bunny
Real_Deal_Collin_Beal: bunny
Sim0wnz: bunny
Dunnston: <3
MehallD: bunny
Huullaagga: bunny
dchen10: bunny
teeelbee: bunny
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: bunny
captngreenie: bunny
DaniellNaruta: Bunny
Bentoja: bunny ๓ €€
CosSinII: bunny
andvuaranaut: LuvCool
HyramMTG: bunny
carolina__dog: bunny
dougma: bunny
TinyAwoo: Bunny
xhjon: bunny
1324565792: <message deleted>bunny
Garrisun: bunny
the_phantom_game_player: bunny
xblue007: Bunny
crazycommie87: lol
slugdumb: bunny
d13dannyboy: bunny
Earthenone: !pobox
LRRbot: LRR has a PO box! Bionic Trousers Media Inc., PO BOX 8132 Victoria Main, Victoria, BC V8W 3R8, Canada. If received, your mail may be featured in a Mail Time. Please ship responsibly.
toopy3: bunny
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>bunny
itsMelWoods: Bunny
liluzifart: bunny
Mulgarat: Bunny
InsaneVioletMage: bunny
billydreamshake: weehoo
hades31415: bunny
NezumiiroK: no
Tz_BG: Don't forget the kiss from Wheeler.
theknightwhosaysni22: Bunny
digitalkarma: bunny
TubbyMcButters subscribed with Prime.
KilrenKrae: bunny
swiftdestruction: Bunny
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TubbyMcButters! (Today's storm count: 138)
excalgold: there we go, it wouldnt let me send for some reason...
cyrenman: bunny
mexfire: <message deleted>bunny
CommiePuddin: bunny
wezle21: bunny
toopy3: rizz
wasterweiss: bunny
darkcyril: bunny
theamc2000: wheelerRat
p_johnston: bunny
dravman: bunny
anhakha: We require the box kiss wheeler
Vincent_VonDoom: bunny
ahri134: Bunny
LegoMamateur: BunnyCharge
LRRbot: Blooming Blast [1R] | Instant | Gift a Treasure / Blooming Blast deals 2 damage to target creature. If the gift was promised, Blooming Blast also deals 3 damage to that creature's controller.
Eon: I can't actually find the one im referring to with that but it was definitely there in the round with Kathleen in it
LRRbot: High Stride [G] | Instant | Target creature gets +1/+3 and gains reach until end of turn. Untap it.
Timothy5509: I trust you, I haven't read any release information.
Greys N. Owman: Youโ€™re thinking of Waterspout Warden
LRRbot: Daring Waverider [4UU] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [4/4] | When Daring Waverider enters, you may cast target instant or sorcery card with mana value 4 or less from your graveyard without paying its manโ€ฆ
Eon: oh yea, "if another creature entered the battlefield"
Eon: so like the past tense check has the words
Biscuits: What cat wouldโ€” yeah you get me Wheeler
Sarah: Okay chat. YOU CANNOT ENTER THIS GIVEAWAY HERE. Go to to enter.
Dan Sheremet: :D
StabsofWar: :D
Trollbonist: Right MEOW
Simriel: This giveaway is TWITCH only
Timothy5509: Thank you for the reminder Sarah
Andrew Hammer: Typing in chat
Simriel: If you wish to enter go to
SmithKurosaki: If people keep trying to enter the GA here, I will start timing people out
OVERKiLL!: :chillwcat:
StabsofWar: gotta go to twitch?
Buddadragonmtg: bunney
Buddadragonmtg: bunny
SmithKurosaki: Enter via TWITCH ONLU
DMGoodBoy: bnnuy
OVERKiLL!: twitch only
Dasdardly: bnuuy
James Frank: They just keep reminding us how much they hate us over here....
Towel: you gotta go to twitch
toopy3: bunny
OVERKiLL!: the word is twitch only
Abraham Dover: bunny
Sarah: Live chat does not count. You can't enter the contest here
cameron hall: ๐Ÿฐ
Tristan Baltazar: BUNNY
Simriel: ANyone entering here will be timed out
Kahless: Bunny nonetheless
James Frank: Rabbit
OVERKiLL!: ๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿ’™
FinalStanthony: ๐Ÿฐ
LithelyUnshod: bunny
Dinoman10101: bunny
sallomon33: bnuuys all around!
thecrownjules_: bunny
TruPhantomAngel: bunny
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>Bunny
OrangeFree: bunny
Sarah_Serinde: I see a lt of chat spamming this word 7+ times. It will not help you. Please stop.
XayedGames: bunny
Kawarri: bunny
vesped: bunny
Gaelan_Maestro: does than mean all otters go to ben?
CaptainRedClaw: does double messaging removet the chance?
mortazza_e_vino: bunny
stenthebear: bunny
manmoose617: Bunny
paronomasiac042: bnnuy
MegaDosX: Ooh, it's slowing down
winstondarktide: bunny
SweetSheepIggy: bunny
nerdsta82: you can have my rabbits if i can have your otters
charlatanheston: bunny
Lamebert1415: Bunny
gryfyn1: bunny
daviddolan: Bunny
vesped: Bunny
jomiak: bunny
MaceGoodboy: bunny
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>bunny
Tweygoh: Iโ€™ll keep all the raccoons and give the rabbits to wheeleer
Xavbull: bunny
mark_cimino: bunny
barrysmallsun: bunny
mmatthew1004: <message deleted>Bunny
Wolfy098: bunny
mexfire: <message deleted>bunny?
Awynze: Bunny
kaden_dragon: Bunny
Mognet_t: snailleSpin
TheFinalVillain: bunny
borginandburkes1430: bunny
Please only type the word one time.
UnknownFriday: bunny
charlatanheston subscribed with Prime.
liluzifart: bunny
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, charlatanheston! (Today's storm count: 139)
Testosteros: wheelerCrat wheelerBrat
1324565792: <message deleted>bunny
fracturedorb: Bunny
mexfire: <message deleted>bunny
loxodon_anchor: That's fine wheeler, can you send me lorcana puppies in return
Dread_Pirate_Westley: bunnY
Thesquirrellord: bunny
forloss: bunny
fancypantzz: bunny
XayedGames: Bunny
mexfire: <message deleted>bunny.
thetimelord93: ooh. the raccoons have been rocking.
tribaltazar: BUNNY
10000Ants: kbitty
Desruprot: threepot slingers
Earthenone: threepot slinger graham
DoubleNterprises: Bunny
sharker037: The temptation to write the keyword wrong....
MegaDosX: Imagine being lucky
kazuchii: Bunny
RandomTrivia: Threepot slingers
xhjon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
xhjon: Bunny
mexfire: <message deleted>bunny
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, xhjon! (Today's storm count: 140)
RayFK: Uh ohhhhh, slingiiiiiiiies
SubatomicAura: bunny
JonK235: Bunny
th3gentleknut: bunny
Keyboardmonkey: Bunny
Creeper3291: Bunny
suladan_the_serpent_lord: bunny
Greyah: bunny
malikani327: Bunny
HanHavos: Bunny
professor_ambrose: Bunny
bartimus_thundercask: Bunny
theambivalentagender: bunny
mexfire: <message deleted>bunny?
dreamweaver75: Bunny
sallomon33: Set boosters are a real thing aren't they? phew!
CaptainRedClaw: Bunny
CodenameJD: Ol' Threepot Graham
Cheesie_Bee: bunny
ousoos: bunny
sleepmaster1011: Bunny
Jensling: Bunny
sporkraptor: reproducing like rabbits
valkyrisprime: Bunny
Cosmonautilis24: bunny
vengeancepaladin: bunny
mjblink: bunny
rotko_: bunny ๓ €€
DanBaggins: Bunny
AP4rk3dC4r: Bunny
janMelantu: bunny
excalgold: now i worry i accidentally sent it twice...
noxgray: Bunny
mexfire: <message deleted>bunny
JollyAnchorKing: bunny
noxgray: bunny
Scarrboros: bunny
Redpandarama: Raccoons rockin' it
Mognet_t: LUL
1324565792: <message deleted>bunny
theamc2000: rabbits
ZealokBoi: the classic
TinyAwoo: Bunny
loona898: graham, master of raccoons
sallomon33: by that I mean Play boosters, oops, constantly mix up these names
A_Dub888: bunny
WanderingWinder: bunny
kaziel0: I'm glad G pointed out the flavor text on the Slinger. It's so good!
Pharmacistjudge: Someone get the spray bottle and discipline Jordan.
fungal_bird: bunny
xhjon: Bnuuy
MegaDosX: That pendulum gonna swing hard for Graham I guess
Real_Deal_Collin_Beal: bunny seasid3BunnyNoU
rosie_fanboy: bunny
austpow507: I wasnโ€™t sure if mine went through
CMDRNuffin: bnuuy
CaptynByrd: bunny
mtakaa: Bunny
bartimus_thundercask: Im sorry if i sent it twice the chat broke on mobile
Sarah_Serinde: Sending it twice isn't going to get you kicked out of the contest. Sending it many times will get you timed out
AlterForm: bunny
RothonWylar: ๐Ÿฐ
MedliKupo: did anyone open a stormcatcher
Taskmaster1995: Set Boosters are gone. Now we have Play and Collector
finestotter: bunny
ardor_edi: landfall
General_Pants: Bunny
mexfire: <message deleted>bunny
SirPlumpy: bunny
nope_nopeson: hare
Anubis169: Once. Only. Please.
Awynze: Bunny
dernerntyern: bunny
thesilentmau: Bunny
Anubis169: travF1 travF2
invickthus: would you like some more magic with your magic?
maclenrac: 2 two drops = 4
Taskmaster1995: Bunny
IronLucario2012: Expend is like landfall but even more fundamental of an action it rewards
professor_ambrose: Bunny
Bentoja: bunny
jackulhaups: bunny
Mal2mad: bunny
waitimmay: Bunny
RedRover505: bunny
zombiephysicist: Bunny
Gaelan_Maestro: b to the u to the n to the n to the y
Viewers_Like_You: It's like "Companion - Your starting deck contains lands and spells."
SkiaSymphonia: I got an error msg when I posted, so I'm going to post again sorry.
Dog_of_Myth: bunny
Vequenor: Funny story, my dog growing up was a little beagle/dachsund mix named Bunny, because the first thing she did after we got her from the shelter was to go chase after a rabbit
Testosteros: Monstrous used to mean something
theamc2000: Rabbit
direavenger20: can't wait for the set review for canlander. Just getting into the format, but seems like a decent amount of playables
DMGoodestBoy: BunnyCharge
loona898: @Sarah_Serinde oh phew, my twitch had messed up so had to send it again
SkiaSymphonia: bunny
hedonistic_mushroom: I just woke up. It's 7am here... Suddenly there's a giveaway contest mechanic...
Imbadyoureworse: i want some mice from this set so bad. love the redwall vibe
sharker037: i repeated it once cuz i was scared i missplelt it im sorry mods ;-;
CobaltCG: Bunny
Peter_Chordash: bunny
waitimmay: bunny
RayFK: Stompies
sallomon33: @Taskmaster1995 yeah, I know, I still mix Set and Play boosters' names despite the former not existing anymore lol
nerhydas72: bunny
rogue6119: Bunny
Aneranium: Bunny
Corbin888: bunny
hb8u: bunny
Cannonfodder79: bunny
munchingwalrus: Bunny
tantei22: Bunny
grimniamh: bunny
Patorik: bunny
CaptainRedClaw: bunny
ProcyonFlynn: bunny
Incarnate5: Bunny
mjblink: is it possible to look at your own chat history on twitch?
atinyspacemarine: Big stompo
anhakha: The box has been blessed now
alex0071992: bunny
suladan_the_serpent_lord: Bunny
MagicLand74: Bunny
SketchyDetails: bunny
suladan_the_serpent_lord: bunny
The_Silent_Assassin: Bunny
BaronVonPoppinOff: bunny
stippledotter: Bunny
Iam_Dead: Bunny
TinyAwoo: Bunny
GlitchyStitch: bunny
greynecromancer: bunny
schordash: bunny
th3_wildcard: Bunny
Kreiseler: Bunny
Awexdio: bunny
ambiance_minis: bunny ๓ €€
Awynze: Bunny
AxxroyTovu: bunny
Simonark: bunny
Bluedevyl: bunny
dchen10: bunny
atinyspacemarine: Bunny
regndo: bunny
sagemaster: bunny
Deathsdoor1996: Bunny
MikeynJerry: bunny
Father_Rhys: bunny
Malopassant: Bunny
RayFK: Rabbit.
PurpleRakath: Enchantments do not turn 90 degrees.
Mognet_t: ctvaComfy
atinyspacemarine: !
IgorApp: bunny
AllTheMTG: Bunny
MagicLand74: bunny
DiscordianTokkan: Start with the ears
Anubis169: LOL
MegaDosX: Get a hat ready!
BenByTheWay: Nothing wrong with stompy beatums
Makrosian_Tay: Can't draw bunnies club
SusanTD: bunny
drawkwardgames: bunny
Molator: bunny
krfsm: bunny
squ3e: bunny
kiba509: out of a hat pls
Commodore_Perry_GG: lrrSHINE
aClonedPickle: bunny
Prof_monkey: BUN ROLL
alikaoz: Do a barrel roll!
MyhticRain: bunny
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Fetch the ininitokens!
HaIIoweenCat: bunny
tidussquall2084: Bunny
GhostValv: sergeBongo
keltaklo: Bunroll!
phoenyxscorpiongod: bunny
firstlevelwizard: thump thump thump
jomiak: Bunny
ghyllnox: Bnuuy!
jimmethjambo: bunny
coolbond: bunny
sporkraptor: thump tappings
juuzou00: Drum roll
A_Dub888: @RayFK my dompies
Ratchet215: Bunny ๓ €€
DocRedfang: Bunny
Swaggerstickbyaah: bun roll
Shaena: bunny !
loufghyslaufey: Can't Draw Bunnies Hour?
RayFK: Thumpies.
plutowasaplanet: bunny
Real_Deal_Collin_Beal: PETPET seasid3BuffduckLeft seasid3BunnyNoU PETPET seasid3BuffduckLeft seasid3BunnyNoU
MichiKitten: bunny
CZ_TMC: bunny
Easilycrazyhat: Ben, tos
Keleel: Bunny
7gorobei: cant draw bunny club
Jturbobanana: BunnyCharge BunnyCharge BunnyCharge BunnyCharge BunnyCharge BunnyCharge BunnyCharge BunnyCharge BunnyCharge
Tai114: Friday night thumpin
sharker037: Lets gooo!!!!!!
jessbeholder: bunny
Incarnate5: thumpthump
Lord_Hosk: Paul You pronounced my name wrong
ashenveyll: bunny
aimeez821: congrats!
RandomTrivia: seabatClap Congrats! seabatClap
Mognet_t: snailleClap
StabsofWar: gratz!
Nameless_Sword: Congratulations!!
UrlorJkron: thumpin makes me feel good
ardor_edi: snek
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
badrat_: congratulations
3PlayerPolitics: excuse me?
Riandisa: Congrats!
TopHatPeezy: Yay lol gz
Dunnston: grats!
definenull: SNEK?
PBlackcoat: Congrats!
GoblinPieromancer: congrats!
CoffeeTime88: Congratulations!
crazycommie87: Congrats!
a_Weakling: say whatnow?
Ratchet215: LMAO
MegaDosX: You made that up
macintose: Gratz
laikagoat: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
kaziel0: Congrats!
RandomTrivia: What a name
mysteenova157: gratz
LadyAtarka: nice
JonHerzogArtist: gg snek
dalek_kosh: lol
Zoltaris: feknsnek!
BenByTheWay: BegWan
Tz_BG: Gratz
DecaDang: what the feck
Mognet_t: LUL
ajackinabox: congrats!!!!
gameslayer013: woo!
swiftdestruction: Congrats
Testosteros: lmao
MrMatternot: Fekinsek gg
RossIrelandPrime: Congratulations
Winner: Feknsek
alexetodisk: Congrats
Dog_of_Myth: Congrat
anhakha: Feknsek
Mindfire13: Congrats
LokiThePaladin: congrats
thraximore: LUL
KaiTerranova: grats~
TheWooglie: FBtouchdown
red_shoes_jeff: Wark wark!
thatguysteve2709: Gratz
thetimelord93: congrats!
mackstashmarshall: gratz!
kiba509: congrats
Easilycrazyhat: congrats XD
Imbadyoureworse: KEKW congrats
tsuuisalie: congrats!
vinopinguino: Lololol
Caryotip: got all the rabbit?
heartofgoldfish: grats feknsnek!
sporkraptor: feckinsnek!
Brenni01: congrats!
kaden_dragon: Gratz
samwiser_: Congrats!
bandgelo: Congrats
Treer___: Gratz!!!
AP4rk3dC4r: Great name
TallynNyntyg: WTF is that name.
Seth_Erickson: congrats
themightygerg: \o/
MangaGhoul: congrats
ZealokBoi: congrats!
hammith: Congrats! ๓ €€
Dschuncks: Feckin' snek
bakerydragon: congrats
Marenai: grats
insanecat6mtg: sergeGG
loona898: congratulations
hedonistic_mushroom: Gratz my dude
General_Pants: Ajony!
andvuaranaut: congrats
Harthic: Congrats
McMenno: wait....
trashyopossum: Congradulations!
Incarnate5: Congrats!
valkyrisprime: congrats
gaia_arcade: Congrats!
ForrestTail: snek snek snek
vegetalss4: congratulations
TheNako: Bunny
Moansters: Congrats
Friskycharizard: congrats!
Fovulonkiin: congrats
nobodez: grats
HungryHungry_Hobo: wooo grats
paronomasiac042: gz!
JoeSubject: grats
Gaelan_Maestro: congrats
Spades_Slicc: Congrats feknsnek
littlecanadaboi: congrats !!
keltaklo: Congrats!
sharker037: congrats!
MyrddintheWizard: Great name and Congrats!
mr_mad_march: Congrats Snek!
RothonWylar: Grats
CalliopeThorn: Good name.
ghyllnox: LUL
corrzzan: Congratulations
RayFK: Update your donor account.
Stellio_Cantos: sneky snek congrats!
Keylometers: congrats!
shendaras: Congrats!
FarleyF: so the Snek got the Bunny
qwertiest_mint: congratulations ๐Ÿฅณ
UrielAngelSpy: Congrats!!
Kingsgrave: congratulations
anhakha: Gratz
KWardJenx: Deserving winner!
serramarkov: Congrats!
flustered_blue: congrats
Ratznee: Congratz!
mrMorphius: lrrHORN
sallomon33: LUL LUL GGs for the win and the name!
seathblood: gzgzgz!
cardicLon: congrats ๐ŸŽ‰
Jaciopathic: Congrats
Mognet_t: Grats
MegaDosX: Conglaturation!
LoadingReadyRun: congratulations feknsek!
Quentoxic: grats
Kirserella: Snek!
DidacticDad: congrats - bawwww
KydrouKair: congratz snek
Qaylen: Gratz
jazzfox: GG Snek
Ukon_Cairns: henyaCheerdance henyaCheerdance
atinyspacemarine: Gratz sneknfren
pewpew_laserbeams: congrats!!
TallynNyntyg: Also, on the topic of Bunthumping...
SpiritedChampignon: Clap!
TehAmelie: hooray lrrEFF snek
Allandrow: grats
everybody1982: Congrats
brningpyre: congrats
Halinn: You can always get in my DMs, Serge
AllRandomSocks: Gratz
Anomalous_Chime: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
GredGredmansson: the8bitClappers the8bitClappers the8bitClappers the8bitClappers
Woogachaka: congratulations!
RedSunKnight: Let's goooo
gogt200: Congrats!
direavenger20: grats!
MagicLand74: Congratulations
ArcLightningCanuck: congrats
JoeInsurgent: golf clap
TotallyNotaBeholder: We were all tempted by bunnies
brningpyre: who was the winner?
BrowneePoints: bunthumping is my favorite chumbawumba song
3PlayerPolitics: snek v appropriate
Real_Deal_Collin_Beal: Grats
TallynNyntyg: I get knocked down, but I get bunned again!
Easilycrazyhat: Oooh, the swag is sweet? Yum!
MegaDosX: "Don't mind if we do"
Swaggerstickbyaah: congrats!
CaptainRedRam: congrats
lyricthepossum: Congrats Snek
loufghyslaufey: "Bun-gratulations!"
Anubis169: brningpyre: Feknsek
Mythallian: Congrats
maclenrac: Ben's magical kisses
TimeToFlipOut: Congrats!!
WeaselShaman: Congrats!
datastorm17: my dms are always open wink wink
medmora: Congrats!
superdude097: Gratz!
SydPreviouslyHeadache: and that's why i don't enter giveaways. also address sometimes an issue
fungal_bird: maybe they're related
Mognet_t: LUL
TriseAlpha: This fecund turtle...
Anubis169: SydPreviouslyHeadache: This is worldwide
MegaDosX: Good joke streamer
chanterelleton: woah, TOS Wheeler! you can't say Fecund on a sponsored stream
Anubis169: well... was
DoubleNterprises: Congretsnkelations!
loxodon_anchor: Conglaturations
ComradeMik: wheeler, you gotta warn people before you take them on a hike like that.
PurpleRakath: I feel like snek getting all the rodents and birds is the bad end.
sallomon33: @fungal_bird secret Bloomburrow lore? :O
Omega_Lairon: crackle packle
SydPreviouslyHeadache: not that kind of address problem
GreatWahooney: alright, time for me to catch some Zs. have fun everyone!
Grimnus: All Ben all the time
Scourch_9965: well, that otter do it for me. time to play dnd. Y'all have fun using your child soldiers to block.
AliceLovelin: What do you mean final round, I'm not ready for it to be over yet :(
ardor_edi: I have to go to bed, loved the games so far, hope everyone enjoys the rest of the PPR!
Mognet_t: @greatwahooney gn! reynatHeadpat
RandomTrivia: benginLul
TehAmelie: *rabbit noises*
Knightlyvalor: @GreatWahooney good night!
definenull: I wish I was a jacked rabbit
Desruprot: Jacked Rabbit is quite the card
Moansters: Gotta head to bed, it's late here and I'll watch the rest of tje
gruulclaw: So we have to subscribe and comment to youtube for 3rd box?
GredGredmansson: tomBicep the8bitThrashers
josh___something: Jacked ๐Ÿ‡
BrowneePoints: have you seen His waist on that art? More like snatched rabbit.
PhuzNutz: no breaks, all gas ::much enthusiasm::
SmithKurosaki: @gruulclaw, Once the YT vod gets posted yes
GhostValv: D:
jamesinor: Oh noooooo
Anubis169: OWW
definenull: NOPE
DiscordianTokkan: Oh geez
gameslayer013: OH NO
RandomTrivia: lrrFRUMP
Asolya: Ooouchie
josh___something: OWW
DecaDang: oh dear
Sunidesus: Owwie
A_Dub888: rayfkWelp
Dunnston: oh dear
kaziel0: Beeeennn! D: <3
Qaylen: Very late here in Sweden so time to sleep. Watch the rest l8er on YT. Night everyone!
TriseAlpha: (Jacked Rabbit is in Commander)
jamesinor: I uh... Have a very similar xperience
sallomon33: well, looks like BenBen's attitude changed since recording this video lol
Halinn: Not a lot of bugs, thankfully
seathblood: =( owie
red_shoes_jeff: lrrSPOOP
Anubis169: night Qaylen <3
Desruprot: lrrSPOOP
3PlayerPolitics: oh noo
Lysander_salamander: ahyuck
NotCainNorAbel: that will also run up your shorts
theamc2000: there
bobAkirafett: @gruulclaw when it gets uploaded on LRRMTG, there will be instructions, usually comment and sub
Sandeon: bees in your underwear suck. Found one when I was 6
fungal_bird: except the lizards
control_rig: Ant Queen?
neisan2112: There is the Ant Queen
WanderingWinder: Birds
KaleidoscopeMind: and the birds
SketchyDetails: frogs now charismatic mammals
RatherLargeToad: just hornetโ€™s wolverine
niccus: there's the wolverine that's a nest, was it
HadesLeprechaun: Well there is that Hivespine wolverine
Desruprot: I call the big one bitey
Dschuncks: It would be very funny if wasp queen was in this
josh___something: Well, there's ONE Nest animal abomination
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone, how's it going?
KaleidoscopeMind: charismatic chordata
gruulclaw: @smithkurosaki Thanks, wanted clarification.
Diabore: so they did have a snail!
definenull: Got bad news about those snails
SmithKurosaki: np :)
hideki101: there's the wasp nest badger calamity thingy
TriseAlpha: Snarmy!
Easilycrazyhat: Ooof, that snail looks a little...parasited.
JonnyH: Leucochloridium paradoxum snail?
ThePixelSavage: that snail is one of those infected ones with the worms in the eyestocks ...
Simriel: Bunny emotes are a fine line, don't risk it
Connor Ander: Talking Box?!
M L: what's your favourite rabbit, YouTube chat?
Aria Rose: This is my first live stream and this experience was amazing!
Simriel: @Aria Rose Glad you had a good time
SmithKurosaki: Welcome Aria :)
LoadingReadyRun: We love our youtube friends, but sadly the systems that youtube and twitch use to manager streams (and chat in particular) are incompatible with each other :(
Simriel: Thank you for explaining (probably Paul)
Kass: Blame Amazon? Didn't they buy Twitch?
Greys N. Owman: Like a decade ago
SmithKurosaki: As someone said last week - trying to get 2 apex predators to cuddle is a losing battle
Simriel: We can blame amazon for many things, but tech incompatability is pretty common
Simriel: @SmithKurosaki Twas a very good line
Towel: the wolverine omg
Greys N. Owman: Birds, lizard and frogs: famous mammals
Molator: those are mind controlled snails
sallomon33: hey! So they did have a Snail token!
Anubis169: ant queens don't really bite so much as splort out more ants 24/7
GredGredmansson: ben pick up your tokens
Marvoleath: Inb4 they open the wasp hive wolverine
Angreed66: That's a perennial problem though
NotCainNorAbel: PrideWingL sergePrideLove PrideWingR
Seth_Erickson: !card thundertrap
LRRbot: Thundertrap Trainer [1U] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [1/2] | Offspring {4} / When this creature enters, look at the top four cards of your library. You may reveal a noncreature, nonland card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.
Pharmacistjudge: sneaky happy pride there
Gaz_L: lizard also not a mammal
seathblood: lol otters happy pride <3 KappaPride
Gadora: Hot take: Scales of Shale should count snakes, too.
UrielAngelSpy: Isn't there a badger that is partially a hornet's nest?
sharker037: @Gaz_L neither are frogs
TriseAlpha: #Inclusive
Lysander_salamander: sure
janMelantu: NO
Easilycrazyhat: And one beeg feesh
TheDevil_Risen: sure ben
TriseAlpha: LUL
MorganteMaggiore: ben pls
Sunidesus: Ben no
RandomTrivia: Wow, Ben has reach lrrBEEJ
kaziel0: Ben
control_rig: sure ben
DecaDang: umm
invickthus: Ben.
WanderingWinder: How much I agree!
Mierr: I mean, sure
snowyowlly: ben, please try again
a_Weakling: *sigh*
Anubis169: lol
GredGredmansson: by definition no
niccus: moderately loud confused buzzer
NekomimiNinja: uhuh.
Asolya: frogs are not mammals
sharker037: mammal of the scales...
SydPreviouslyHeadache: rofl
JoeSubject: Undecided
soramayura: Had to dip for a bit, what match are we going into and have both boxes been given away yet?
TheWarbo: ben the word you're looking for is "vertebrate"
TriseAlpha: Everyone is Folk
SmithKurosaki: Theyre called scalies :p
Lysander_salamander: metaphorically, sure
00gogo00: just got back
RatherLargeToad: Subscribe to lizard facts
sharker037: YEAH!
Angreed66: no mammals are more furry lizards
Asolya: also birds aren't either lol
MechaKuuga: vibes only
00gogo00: did I miss the second drawing?
Anubis169: soramayura: both have been given away
Makhiel: vertebrates
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Yes, and
GredGredmansson: @soramayura 6, and yes
Anubis169: yes 00gogo00
sharker037: the mammel of the skies
nerhydas72: Taxonomically screaming is such a mood
00gogo00: rip
sharker037: other than bats
00gogo00: oh well
TheDevil_Risen: love that VHS shirt !
TriseAlpha: Squirlock
lucaloveslrr: BibleThump
Sandeon: love the flavour text
soramayura: Thank ye!
Anubis169: however
gameslayer013: so many alliteration names this set
Awaiko: time zones have meant that Iโ€™ve missed everything so far. Is the set sweet?
Anubis169: there is one final round!
kaziel0: I love that card's typing!
Zifnab1978: <message deleted>bunny
Anubis169: giveaway is already over Zifnab1978
00gogo00: yea I'm hanging around
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I'll never be unhappy for Squarlocks.
ArcLightningCanuck: Well, squirrels do love to make noise.
janMelantu: theyโ€™re so cute!
TriseAlpha: It's so adorable
definenull: I love flavour text of the rat otter
nyoomgoom: you know who's the mammal of the scales? dimetrodon
AugmentingPath: Is it the simic, or is it a teamup?
Pharmacistjudge: and they were roommates
Lysander_salamander: is there a turtle duck card?
seathblood: foil of the best art in the set!
sallomon33: @JonnyH oh no, I got reminded of thatone Tiktok...
h3rsh3yb4r: rabbit
Asolya: they're adorable
LadyAtarka: Now we need a turtle duck
Celebrate_V_C: When it E
thatonefergie: This is some Thalia and the Gitrog Monster nonsense
TriseAlpha: Rabbog
stippledotter: Hakuna RatOtter
Ukon_Cairns: bunny ribbit
thirsty_kitteh: and they were tree-mates
Lysander_salamander: my god, they were Treeguard Duos
seathblood: @Lysander_salamander Gotta wait until the Avatar The Last Airbender set
TheDevil_Risen: Lightshell Duo, definitely not a R(at)otter !!!
ThePixelSavage: @seathblood dont put that energy out there duggerHuh
josh___something: W i d e bunnos
TriseAlpha: Magic!
GredGredmansson: GU is ETB stuff too, i really want to want to go into that
A_Dub888: Hamsters!
Sunidesus: this set is just weaponized cute
TriseAlpha: Go for the eyes, Gerbils!
definenull: lrrHAM
josh___something: Hamster citizen XD
GredGredmansson: the8bitDerp
JonHerzogArtist: Minsc and Boo
sallomon33: and then with Lizards they kind of had to cheat a bit lol
Asolya: ????? Alright WOTC, whatever you say lmao
Like17Badgers: Hamptr
janMelantu: @JonHerzogArtist Actually Minsc, Beloved Ranger came first
Lysander_salamander: :D
Bugberry: !card minsc, beloved ranger
LRRbot: Minsc, Beloved Ranger [RGW] | Legendary Creature โ€” Human Ranger [3/3] | When Minsc, Beloved Ranger enters the battlefield, create Boo, a legendary 1/1 red Hamster creature token with trample and haste. / {X}: Until end of turn, target creature you control has base power and toughness X/X and becomes a Giant in addition to its other types. Activate only as a sorcery.
Lord_Hosk: Moose are Elk, Gerbils are hampsters, Where does it end?
xVoxtric: Good bat
Lysander_salamander: some great art here
kaziel0: I really want to play a bat draft deck.
JRandomHacker: Look, I like hamsters as much as the next person, but not when they are the approximate size and speed of a 747
xVoxtric: Offspring + Mutate gunna go crazy.
TriseAlpha: Batls looks rather... batty.
sallomon33: @Lord_Hosk Nagas are Snakes, Viashino are Lizards...
loona898: modern day exquisite blood when
neisan2112: BFZ lifegain deck was goated
GredGredmansson: Cephalids are Octopi
gameslayer013: MVB, most valuable bat
darkcyril: "We can't stop here. This is bat country."
MechaKuuga: TAX BAT
Sage0fMadness: Mentor looks so nuts in limited
Lysander_salamander: dang
Celebrate_V_C: Outlaw bat
mexfire: starseer mentor not having mentor
Desruprot: @mexfire its a whole cycle
GredGredmansson: all the signpost uncommons are mentors
TriseAlpha: Raccoons, canonically, great at recycling. They practically run the NSburg recycling center!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @GredGredmansson Without mentor. SMH my head.
sallomon33: @mexfire all the signpost uncommons in this set have mentor in their name
Like17Badgers: @mexfire the power of words having more than one meaning
stippledotter: So many gift cards to the fish store
dbhkyle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
dbhkyle: Ooh a button!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dbhkyle! (Today's storm count: 141)
MorganteMaggiore: @TriseAlpha no no, they run IN the center
thatonefergie: There are so many good cards for my Insidious Roots deck in this set
GredGredmansson: @Dread_Pirate_Westley "shaking my head my head"
mexfire: @sallomon33 i know that
GredGredmansson: Yes
jamesinor: I need them to stop printing so many beautiful full arts
Jan Eli Padilla: I need a token bin too
? the Platypus: โ€ฆ
Greys N. Owman: Mammal of the Scales sounds like the name for a Mythic angel
Pharmacistjudge: no tokens, only infini tokens for me
Bri Hul: bunny
Pharmacistjudge: and they were roommates
? the Platypus: โ€œNot a sponsor just a product we likeโ€
Simriel: That rabbit is from Rise of the Guardians
Simriel: @? the Platypus The PPR is a sponsored stream
Hello Moonkay: hello
? the Platypus: Hello moon Kay
Werewolfoverlord12: @pharmacistjudge: yeah I had the same thought about the lightshell duo xD
M L: hi moon kay
ThePixelSavage: Zendikar full arts are still the ones for me (all of them)
GredGredmansson: its like LCI they are no "normal" lands
Dschuncks: Mine will forever be K:ND ukiyo-e lands
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Still DMU stained glass lands.
Fruan: L A S E R K I T T Y
NekomimiNinja: Lynx spotted!
jamesinor: I do think that these are gonna be the lands I'll use for the foreseeable future
Gooseblast: Love this cat
MorganteMaggiore: @Dread_Pirate_Westley amazing in foil
Easilycrazyhat: Is this the red Calamity Beast? Or is that supposed to be the Dragonhawk?
Pharmacistjudge: I am missing the word Twice
nyoomgoom: kitty
Dog_of_Myth: Price of Pawgress
sharker037: this set NEEDS a nicnkames video
bakerydragon: Price of Mog-gress?
invickthus: price of paw-gress is very good.
MechaKuuga: VALUE CAT
Mr_Bitterness: That kitty is mean
josh___something: Purr-ice of progress
TriseAlpha: Pawice of Meowgress?
ArcOfTheConclave: half of PoP
Angreed66: reminder: run more basics.
Ukon_Cairns: if PoP was a cat that was also the ~sun~
jamesinor: Price of Paw-gress
excalgold: Price of Progress for Fridaynights Kathleen
sallomon33: PawGgers!
alikaoz: strawb
drewm1022: I've been watching too much twitch, I heard "Price of Pog-Gress"
DecaDang: monkaS
obl1vionz: The PAWWW
Pharmacistjudge: I want twice as many non-basic lands they control. not the Coke zero version of price of progress.
eleric937: @Easilycrazyhat in the cycle its dragon hawk, which isnt technically a calamity beast
maclenrac: Frugally
Easilycrazyhat: @eleric937 Right. That's what confused me. Ah well, still a cool card!
TriseAlpha: Confirmed: "frugivore" = "eats fruit"
janMelantu: Frugivore is a real word
AP4rk3dC4r: But you can flicker price of pawgress
TheWanderingNomad: *YOU* did this
definenull: It's foraging wrong
mexfire: fungivore is next
Gaz_L: nuke entire bin, make 20 foods
sallomon33: why does a Rat support the Squirrel thing lol
Bugberry: You only do it one additional time I think.
chibi_bento: I, too, am an insatiable frugivore. (I currently have 20 lbs of blueberries in my fridge)
eleric937: @Easilycrazyhat I was really hoping for sun hawk or a mono red wildsear in the main set
janMelantu: @sallomon33 both are black
Easilycrazyhat: This should really be a raccoon
maxthefourth: It's gonna find all the fruit in your bin!
TheMantyke: rats are squirelln't
LRRMTG_Judge: "The process in Insatiable Frugivore's first ability is repeated until you decline to exile three cards from your graveyard. You can't try to exile three cards from your graveyard if you don't have at least three cards in your graveyard."
Halinn: @sallomon33 Payoff for the rat thing of filling your grave
Ukon_Cairns: kinda wish reading the card explained the card
Desruprot: the opposite of hangry, fullgry?
GredGredmansson: !findquote rage
LRRbot: Quote #888: "It's moody, Graham. That mood is blind rage." โ€”Alex [2015-10-16]
maclenrac: Turn graveyard into 1/3 food
drewm1022: No, but I turn sadness into food.
Halinn: !quote
LRRbot: Quote #8731: "I was like, 'I can make a spreadsheet?' Hell yeah!" โ€”Beej [2023-10-28]
TriseAlpha: Your Mileage May Vary
Gaz_L: just chugging 20 litres of Sunny D and then going ham
Tyabann: if it could only repeat once it would say that
neisan2112: Truuuueee
Dread_Pirate_Westley: It's in a tokens deck, so you probably have a lot of things to get +x/+0 and menache.
jamesinor: Don't speak its name!
TheWarbo: Insatiable Frugivore = Strawberry Centurion?
Lysander_salamander: oh, why salty?
JoeSubject: nice
Lysander_salamander: oh that art is lovely
Dread_Pirate_Westley: PJSalt
TriseAlpha: Firstest Strike
NekomimiNinja: Is the three leading zeroes for the collector number a recent thing, or am I bearensteining myself?
sallomon33: nice, Ben opened a card here he later played in the games
TheDevil_Risen: love the Rootwalla/Frilled Lizard callback
thatonefergie: It's like boast, but better
mexfire: it that dino from jarassic park
janMelantu: @NekomimiNinja yeah itโ€™s new. started with MOM iirc. Mostly because there were more than 1000 secret lairs
superdude097: Here's the thing...
Diabore: want
Earthenone: soulshift
definenull: Aww that little mouse...
Diabore: want want
dabomb790: i hear you graham, i had the double down once as the "one time, i gotta try this" regret afterward, but was good
GredGredmansson: @NekomimiNinja since MOM I believe
mexfire: why no birb wizards
VinylMinty: HOLY moly
VinylMinty: bird cleric!
Sage0fMadness: flap trawler
TheDevil_Risen: Beak Beak step!
Gaz_L: be THE calm
TriseAlpha: Birbs love saving everyone and sharing Flying.
loona898: @mexfire oh yh, the indominous rexy
VinylMinty: Thats gonna be good for my cleric tribal deck
EternalRoxas: wingshift?
AP4rk3dC4r: So Jackdaw with Mothra is a problem...
gameslayer013: ^
TheDevil_Risen: @EternalRoxas yes
ArcOfTheConclave: remember the 1/1 for r that pinged on attack that was one of the best 1 drops of that format?
bakerydragon: Ooh, that would be great friends with the mega moth from Ikoria
kaziel0: Bats are white-color identity flyers...
josh___something: MICE!
Easilycrazyhat: I adore this art. So cute!
Anubis169: WOW
maxthefourth: Professional Stabbist!
definenull: So cute!
Dog_of_Myth: Combine that bird with Luminous Broodmoth
sallomon33: ooh, this art is so cute!
seathblood: adorable face <3
Sage0fMadness: Those kids are gonna go so far
Anubis169: hahahahaha
Easilycrazyhat: Two knives!
? the Platypus: I am surprised that there isnโ€™t a red with defender given the theme.
Tyrfing42: Got here super late, but I think this set looks neat
Greys N. Owman: This set has one of the best looking special frame
Simriel: Cool Borb
Simriel: Hey, he is totally saving that lil mouse friend and NOTHING else
Werewolfoverlord12: @simriel they meant the infinitokens. it's a saying from Tolarian community college
Greys N. Owman: Senbonzakura
Bugberry: YOu can give 2 things Double Strike, which is scary
MikaelFoxy: LUL
TriseAlpha: best tokens ever
bakerydragon: aww
McMenno: what was that sound
excalgold: that voice edit!
nyoomgoom: the pitch-up lol
Diabore: bird
Grimnus: Perfect editing
samwiser_: Wow that sound effect
mexfire: in the next secret layers who would get a shrek theme
kaziel0: Birb
Diabore: snap first pick bird
IaCthulhuFthagn: Offspring token "2 knives" Jackson?
GredGredmansson: Martin "2 Knives" The Warrior
Angreed66: In hindsight the gain life clause is good in limited
definenull: Oh that track doesn't need saving
GredGredmansson: jamba juice savior
TriseAlpha: Speeder Birb
Pharmacistjudge: Everyone rotation your cushions
Angreed66: hoses bats
josh___something: Jaques jams
TheDevil_Risen: Beak Beak step HYPE!
bakerydragon: 100% that'll be the nickname XD
Greyah: That Savior is real good friends with Luminous Broodmoth.
Diabore: so who else is building uw mono fliers in standard?
Yurielx: friendship with bird wizard ended, bird cleric is new best friend
Mr_Bitterness: Imagine that Savoir with the Moth that gives everything flying counters
josh___something: Heheh... Blinky
Desruprot: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
macintose: I would not could not in a boat I might with a goat
Anubis169: ๐Ÿ“
TheDevil_Risen: lrrHEART lrrBartleby lrrHEART
h3rsh3yb4r: sour patch scrawberries
Anubis169: so near the house here, there's a field with a patch of wild growing strawberries
djalternative: dope. bring gloves
Anubis169: lemme tell ya, they taste so much richer and intense than the store-bought ones
Diabore: @Mr_Bitterness sadly neither are legends, commander players in shambles
KriegerSan: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1d, 21:51:45. lrrSPOT
djalternative: we're nearly at two dog days
aggieblakers: Anyone have a recommendation for a bunch of cool D6s for magic? Trying to look outside of the standard Chessex bricks
Anubis169: but it's a 50/50 whether i beat the local wildlife to them
MeadyOchre: @aggieblakers Play exclusively with Tarmogoyf D6s
Korolan: Spike Feeders has big chungus dice that are easy to read
aggieblakers: I remember the 300 dollar foil Goyf that caused a controversy, and those dice were revolutionary at the time
Jadaris: i really like used Craps dice from your local casino
serramarkov: @aggieblakers I love microdice!
LRRMTG_Judge: @aggieblakers Either poker-style dice for readability, or I've started to pick up multicolor small-dice sets so I can use the same dice for both counters and color picking for the lands with "choose a color" on them. ๐Ÿฐ
MajinTy subscribed with Prime.
Knightlyvalor: I am also going to sleep. Thanks LRR and mods, have a great rest of your day chat!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MajinTy! (Today's storm count: 142)
Anubis169: night night Knight <3
MeadyOchre: The best dice I have for Magic are high contrast, solid colour dice of a reasonable size (about 1.5 cm cubes)
Easilycrazyhat: Wha?!
TehAmelie: eek
Lysander_salamander: Hello!
Jivan Pal: NYEHHH!
? the Platypus nods to @werewolfocerlord12
OVERKiLL!: ๐Ÿ—ก๐Ÿญ๐Ÿ”ช
? the Platypus: The nickname episode is going to be fun.
OVERKiLL!: ๐Ÿˆ ZETA shift, "i like to move it move it" jock jams mashup ๐Ÿ€
Simriel: Oh yes, very much looking forward to these nicknames
Pharmacistjudge: everyone please rotate your cushions
Pharmacistjudge: I do enjoy how was part of the group that made rotate the cushions a donation challenge often enough that it just part of Zeta now.
Zendikon Sage: Does LRR still do nicknames? The last one was wilds of eldraine?
OVERKiLL!: word up @Pharmacistjudge
Pharmacistjudge: they try, it's just the sets keep coming and they don't stop coming.
Greys N. Owman: Time for me to go to bed. Enjoy the last round, the set looks great
Kevin O Malley: Has the ppr started yet?
Simriel: @Kevin O Malley We are moving into round 6 of 6 right now
SmithKurosaki: @Pharmacistjudge I mean, Im hilariously familiar with wingdings because of you too
Kevin O Malley: @Simriel thank you!!
salfredo: I am also going to bed, see you in the vod:thanksdoc:
Werewolfoverlord12: @pharmacistjudge: yet they hit the ground running. doesn't make sense not to live for fun. the game gets smart
Pharmacistjudge: sure I play with it, but credit to Fugi for leaving that gag in the overlay code.
Pharmacistjudge: I do make work for the VST though, kudos to them too
Anubis169: Hello!!
RayFK: Lot of energy, not much brain
Lysander_salamander: deflates
MegaDosX: Aaaaaand it's gons
whitefirecomix: the final night of the game!
MegaDosX: Gone*
plainmitchell: Oh! I made it in time for the last game! Sweet!
TheDevil_Risen: WB
hedonistic_mushroom: Oh no there's more games!
TehAmelie: i slept 12 hours!
maclenrac: Expends all energy
nyoomgoom: "last night of the game" actively writing this down
aggieblakers subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
aggieblakers: Always happy to get my sub in during a PPR
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aggieblakers! (Today's storm count: 143)
Halinn: I think this is when I'll catch up on the vod, have a good night folks!
djalternative: It's bottom of the 9th
whitefirecomix: all games are done after this - only taxes from here on out
Diabore: i mimic'd sleeping
A_Dub888: @RayFK Energy, head empty
KaleidoscopeMind: "some of us" (others did a late night stream)
MegaDosX: I suddenly want to hear "Bloomburrow" as said in the Droopy voice
TheDevil_Risen: @TehAmelie i slept 10 less than that and worked overnight :D
Lysander_salamander: what
RatherLargeToad: Sadly, no frog decks today
AliceLovelin: Why 6 instead of 8 rounds this time? Also was there no cool guests this time?
kaziel0: lol
MeadyOchre: Kathleen has gotten a huge amount of mileage out of that jacket
maclenrac: ya go go go
LRRbot: Hired Claw [R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Mercenary [1/2] | Whenever you attack with one or more Lizards, Hired Claw deals 1 damage to target opponent. / {1}{R}: Put a +1/+1 counter on Hired Claw. Activate this ability only if an opponent has lost life this turn and only once each turn.
sallomon33: sadly, due to the time here, I'll have to go, but for my first time in LRR chat, it was great <3 I usually don't like bigger streams because it's really hard to get what's happening in chat, but here the speed's perfect, and people are real nice! bye everyone, and thanks for the great stream LRR! <3
ThePixelSavage: The Claw!
Dedwrekka: Oh no, it's lizzo
squidpeanut: Frogs have shown up in other decks though
seathblood: ooo the otters are back!
maclenrac: out the gate
RayFK: It's about damn time
MegaDosX: Oh hey it's a better Scorch Spitter
Bugberry: Pseudo-slith
nyoomgoom: lizart
Anubis169: sallomon33: Keep being awesome
Desruprot: I'll get you next time Gadget!
Dedwrekka: phrasing?
Grimnus: That lizard is honestly scary
LRRbot: Seasoned Warrenguard [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [1/2] | Whenever Seasoned Warrenguard attacks while you control a token, Seasoned Warrenguard gets +2/+0 until end of turn.
Tarnius: @sallomon33 <3
RatherLargeToad: Power Rangers Secret Lair when?
Sage0fMadness: @sallomon33 cheers!
Tai114: do not grow the lizard on the stream
googoltudoris: ben, she's married, that's rude
ArcOfTheConclave: that lizard looks really pushed
serramarkov: Love to the mods and judges!
Anubis169: manLOVE
MegaDosX: Pumping the lizard? Lewd.
LRRMTG_Judge: @serramarkov Thanks! <3 ๐Ÿฐ
Ukon_Cairns: i did google the song, it slaps
Henshini: What art is that mountin of Ben's
Seth_Erickson: Vince Guaraldi is a banger
gameslayer013: ohh that song!
PharaohBender27: braven10HEX
NekomimiNinja: DinoDance
Xavbull: Little Birdie is an Australian band as well
Lysander_salamander: nice
Bugberry: That's definitely not getting copyright struck
RayFK: I can't fathom why Graham thought this wouldn't get DMCA'd
jamesinor: Vince Guaraldi is a gift to Holiday Retail
janMelantu: DMCA
TheDevil_Risen: @Xavbull correct
whitefirecomix: is there a lighter emote I can hold up?
00gogo00: @Henshini I think that's the LCI fullart
seathblood: perfect
Anubis169: did anybody shazam that?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Video demonetized
LRRbot: Brave-Kin Duo [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Mouse [1/1] | {1}, {T}: Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. Activate only as a sorcery.
plainmitchell: Because Kathleen is planning on flying upside down?
thefluffiestzinogre: Just re-subbed because of Kathleen's singing
Dromos_GHG: or Ben has to sing his deck name
jamesinor: Were it not for Vince Guaraldi, I'd have lost my mind during the holiday season working retail
hedonistic_mushroom: Kathleen playing non-Dimir is my favorite. Let's see if the Dimir shows in her play style for this.
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul very smooth, Ben
AugmentingPath: Dromos_GHG well you're here, to remind him
Dread_Pirate_Westley: The studio version is ALWAYS better.
LRRbot: Otterball Antics [1U] | Sorcery | Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. If this spell was cast from anywhere other than your hand, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature. / Flashback {3}{U}
Seth_Erickson: nah the guaraldi version is also a banger both are spectacular
Pharmacistjudge: The Studio A version?
josh___something: Otterball!!!
definenull: They're so happy PrideUwu
Tai114: Blitzblah
Lysander_salamander: so cute
AliceLovelin: I appreciate the FFX reference
00gogo00: how did the hired claw get a counter?
maxthefourth: Islandball?
LRRbot: Lilypad Village | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add {U}. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell. / {U}, {T}: Surveil 2. Activate only if a Bird, Frog, Otter, or Rat entered the battlefield under your control this turn.
serramarkov: Swamp ball!
MaxTurkeyFlaps: @Dread_Pirate_Westley I'd agree with you usually, but the live version of "Dance Yrself Clean" by LCD Soundsystem is wilidly superior to the album.
Bugberry: @00gogo00 it's own ability
LRRbot: Pond Prophet [{G/U}{G/U}] | Creature โ€” Frog Advisor [1/1] | When Pond Prophet enters, draw a card.
theevilslime: @serramarkov its own activated abilityx
Ukon_Cairns: OSFrog
JonnyH: froggers
RayFK: Frogchamp
BrowneePoints: Vilypad Lillage
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL is the otter on the token wearing a swimming cap?
Lysander_salamander: frog of the game
TheDevil_Risen: Froggers!
00gogo00: @Bugberry oh it does do that
Pharmacistjudge: Frogchamp
Easilycrazyhat: poggers my froggers
theevilslime: agh, chat moving up making me reply to the wrong person
00gogo00: damn they make one drops good thse days
TheWarbo: Froggifers
RayFK: Froggies My Doggies
Bugberry: !card wistful selkie
LRRbot: Wistful Selkie [{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}] | Creature โ€” Merfolk Wizard [2/2] | When Wistful Selkie enters the battlefield, draw a card.
gsyhiap: OSFrog
RayFK: merde
Viewers_Like_You: Indeed, Frog Champion as they say
Jturbobanana: To protect the world from devistation?
SmithKurosaki: @Pharmacistjudge Thats what Im talking about :p
LRRbot: Hired Claw [R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Mercenary [1/2] | Whenever you attack with one or more Lizards, Hired Claw deals 1 damage to target opponent. / {1}{R}: Put a +1/+1 counter on Hired Claw. Activate โ€ฆ
LRRbot: Seasoned Warrenguard [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [1/2] | Whenever Seasoned Warrenguard attacks while you control a token, Seasoned Warrenguard gets +2/+0 until end of turn.
Pharmacistjudge: the best wingding snipe was still the first beer of graham after he announced he was lymphoma free. I almost got a spittake.
Matt White: Bats Rule!
LRRbot: Brave-Kin Duo [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Mouse [1/1] | {1}, {T}: Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. Activate only as a sorcery.
Werewolfoverlord12: @matt white: I'm so glad we got more. building zoraline as soon as it releases.
LRRbot: Otterball Antics [1U] | Sorcery | Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. If this spell was cast from anywhere other than your hand, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature. / Flashโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Lilypad Village | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add {U}. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell. / {U}, {T}: Surveil 2. Activate only if a Bird, Frog, Otter, or Rat entered the battlefield underโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Pond Prophet [{G/U}{G/U}] | Creature โ€” Frog Advisor [1/1] | When Pond Prophet enters, draw a card.
serramarkov: @theevilslime Oh, thanks
maxthefourth: If you have time to pog you have time to frog
Bugberry: Wistful Selkie predates Elvish Visionary, and it's another SHadowmoor/Eventide card. The callbacks just keep coming
Gascitygaming: !card hired claw
LRRbot: Hired Claw [R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Mercenary [1/2] | Whenever you attack with one or more Lizards, Hired Claw deals 1 damage to target opponent. / {1}{R}: Put a +1/+1 counter on Hired Claw. Activate this ability only if an opponent has lost life this turn and only once each turn.
LRRbot: Ral, Crackling Wit [2UR] | Legendary Planeswalker โ€” Ral [4] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a loyalty counter on Ral, Crackling Wit. / [+1]: Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. / [โˆ’3]: Draw three cards, then discard two cards. / [โˆ’10]: Draw three cards. You get an emblem with "Instant and sorcery spells you cast have storm."
MeadyOchre: Hey Graham, you could actually play Otter Ball in Magic. Give players Otter decks and let them both start with a Strixhaven Stadium in play.
BrowneePoints: best husband
seathblood: Ral!!
Gascitygaming: Yhe counter can only happen if Kathleen has lost life this turn.
gameslayer013: more like riverball
josh___something: Swampball potential recruits
Marvoleath: @Gascitygaming the lizard pings on attack though
Sage0fMadness: Riverballin' Nightmare Band
RayFK: My favorite Otterball Team is the Besaid Aurochs. #wotcstaff (but not speaker of canon)
Gascitygaming: Oh dang, didn't know it was that good!
serramarkov: So happy!
Easilycrazyhat: It slaps AND chops
AugmentingPath: well that ultimate is a heck of a thing
djalternative: does it jullienne?
seathblood: @BrowneePoints If he was, he'd have brought his hubby to bloomburrow too
BusTed: tqsKnife
Desruprot: Ral is very angry at Jace for being turned into an otter
Lysander_salamander: Are there planeswalkers native to Bloomhaven?
samwiser_: And it helps make a point.
QuixoticScrivener: is Ral problematic?
Viewers_Like_You: It's like that first guy shouting about Superman. "Look, up in the sky! It's a bird!" ...So?
RampG4mes: hi Ben I'm that kid with the purple beanie and was looking for grolnok cards
Earthenone: ben's one drop has done 10 damage so far
MeadyOchre: I'm looking forward to the Bloomburrow story summary episode of TTC because I have read... none of it
niccus: it sounds like jace is about to make a life choice for a lot of people
PBlackcoat: More evidence that Tomik shouldn't have married Real.
LRRbot: Brave-Kin Duo [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Mouse [1/1] | {1}, {T}: Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. Activate only as a sorcery.
LoadingReadyRun: @Viewers_Like_You "I like birds"!
Pharmacistjudge: Ral, I know Jace was a lousy boss (guildpact) but you don't have to go after him.
BrowneePoints: he did. heโ€™s following the shady telepath and it got him turned into an otter
Brozard: I thought Jace was always an otter
kaziel0: @Earthenone Seems good... *coughs*
janMelantu: @Earthenone Mono-red life
AugmentingPath: Earthenone it was sort of also his 2-drop, so it's fair
Gaz_L: if an inhabitant of Bloomburrow's spark ignites, would they turn into a people when they planeswalk elsewhere?
RampG4mes: hey ben I'm y
Desruprot: @Brozard Jace is a Fox
ContingentCat: @Viewers_Like_You he was just an unrerlated enthusiastic birder
Argonathium subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Argonathium! (Today's storm count: 144)
LRRbot: Repel Calamity [1W] | Instant | Destroy target creature with power or toughness 4 or greater.
seathblood: @PBlackcoat Real question is, what would Tomik be in Bloomburrow? I was *really* hoping for an Imagine Critters version of him
definenull: Got goozled
LRRbot: Plumecreed Escort [1U] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/1] | Flash / Flying / When Plumecreed Escort enters, target creature you control gains hexproof until end of turn.
PBlackcoat: @brozard I *just* got the otter joke and I'm angry
EternalRoxas: @LoadingReadyRun rapidfire callbacks, hell yeah
Lysander_salamander: drat
red_shoes_jeff: @Desruprot Yeah, but what animal did he turn into?
GredGredmansson: a bat i think
TheDevil_Risen: ouchies
00gogo00: the hummingbird is so good
josh___something: Also, I don't think jace is hairy enough to be an otter
PBlackcoat: @seathblood Turtle.
thefluffiestzinogre: That Humming bird was a real humdinger of a counterplay.
Desruprot: @red_shoes_jeff ....
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
TheWooglie: GG Serge
Lysander_salamander: nice
00gogo00: did she not have 4 power worth of creatures
MrSarkhan: LUL
Jturbobanana: Wooly BULLY!
SmithKurosaki: sergeJustRight
maxthefourth: sergeHolyMoly lrrSERGE
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Dread_Pirate_Westley: No, it doesn't. Only on non-creatures.
invickthus: thank you judge serge, you are a gift.
Dschuncks: You otter know
CZ_TMC: The longer i look the more i realize that english doesnt have words differentiating wild rabbit and domesticated rabbit
AugmentingPath: That was a creature, Serge
Desdae: Which speel? Bird is creature
BenByTheWay: Hummingbird isn't noncreature?
red_shoes_jeff: @Desruprot benginFingers
seathblood: @PBlackcoat I'd accept it =)
Lysander_salamander: oh no
howlinglotus: alanis morisserge
definenull: SERGE
Bugberry: @CZ_TMC aren't wild ones Hares?
Easilycrazyhat: Dead to a bit
ProcyonFlynn: lrrJUDGE - on the Judge?
josh___something: Womp womp
Brozard: @desruprot Iโ€™m learning
TheWooglie: lrrJUDGE lrrJUDGE
invickthus: Serge, I rescind my thanks but you still are a gift.
Dschuncks: JUDGE!
Desruprot: lrrJUDGECALL
invickthus: Ben.
McMenno: lol
TheWooglie: Boo Ben!
MrSarkhan: sergePun
Dog_of_Myth: Ben
itomeshi: Ben!
TheDevil_Risen: JUDGE!
nerhydas72: game loss
invickthus: Ben how dare you.
RayFK: Alanis MoriStop
BusTed: tqsSmug
Naarius: Benjamin
Sage0fMadness: lrrJUDGE lrrJUDGECALL
EMNetwork: I just died
aggieblakers: that needed finger guns
ContingentCat: mood
RampG4mes: hi Ben I'm that kid with the purple beanie
SmithKurosaki: sergePun
PBlackcoat: Ben, I love you
ThePixelSavage: I sure am upset now.
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
LRRbot: Knightfisher [3UU] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [4/5] | Flying / Whenever another nontoken Bird you control enters, create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token.
Bugberry: !card kingfisher
LRRbot: Kingfisher [3U] | Creature โ€” Bird [2/2] | Flying / When Kingfisher dies, draw a card.
Brozard: @pblackcoat benginFingers
Desruprot: !card Kingfisher
LRRbot: Kingfisher [3U] | Creature โ€” Bird [2/2] | Flying / When Kingfisher dies, draw a card.
AutumnVixenIX: doesnโ€™t ral also trigger off of otter spells?
djalternative: it's not royalty
JonnyH: Knights aren't royalty smh
00gogo00: I think it catches fish
AugmentingPath: Yeah, it's a fisher. It fishes (causes fish to exist)
00gogo00: I don't think it conjures them from the ether
LRRMTG_Judge: !card Ral, Crackling wit
LRRbot: Ral, Crackling Wit [2UR] | Legendary Planeswalker โ€” Ral [4] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a loyalty counter on Ral, Crackling Wit. / [+1]: Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. / [โˆ’3]: Draw three cards, then discard two cards. / [โˆ’10]: Draw three cards. You get an emblem with "Instant and sorcery spells you cast have storm."
Dedwrekka: G with the python references
lirazel64: Brings its own lunch
maclenrac: spits fish out
plainmitchell: I wish there was a kookaburra in this set...
RayFK: Welllll
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
falgar_: A true role model :)
maxthefourth: I think the otter trigger is a face commander or something
LRRbot: Coruscation Mage [1R] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [2/2] | Offspring {2} / Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature deals 1 damage to each opponent.
alikaoz: Kathleen is an inspiration, but not an aspiration
LRRbot: Ral, Crackling Wit [2UR] | Legendary Planeswalker โ€” Ral [4] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a loyalty counter on Ral, Crackling Wit. / [+1]: Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature tokeโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Brave-Kin Duo [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Mouse [1/1] | {1}, {T}: Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. Activate only as a sorcery.
LRRbot: Repel Calamity [1W] | Instant | Destroy target creature with power or toughness 4 or greater.
LRRbot: Plumecreed Escort [1U] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/1] | Flash / Flying / When Plumecreed Escort enters, target creature you control gains hexproof until end of turn.
Jeri: A+ bit
LRRbot: Knightfisher [3UU] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [4/5] | Flying / Whenever another nontoken Bird you control enters, create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token.
Kass: Otterly fantastic puns. Koality puns if you will...
LRRbot: Coruscation Mage [1R] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [2/2] | Offspring {2} / Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature deals 1 damage to each opponent.
Sage0fMadness: Cutest token in the set award goes to...
seathblood: No commander in this set cares about otters =( in fact, there's only a single otter in any of the commander decks
AutumnVixenIX: @lrrmtg_judge thanks, must be confusing it with another card cuz I swear I saw that line of text somewhere
LRRbot: Otterball Antics [1U] | Sorcery | Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. If this spell was cast from anywhere other than your hand, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature. / Flashback {3}{U}
Dread_Pirate_Westley: No, it's an Otter, not an Ouphe.
RampG4mes: hi Kathleen do you like the shirts my mom gave you
maxthefourth: !card alania
LRRbot: Did you mean: Alania's Pathmaker; Alania, Divergent Storm
maxthefourth: !card alania, divergent
LRRbot: Alania, Divergent Storm [3UR] | Legendary Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [3/5] | Whenever you cast a spell, if it's the first instant spell, the first sorcery spell, or the first Otter spell other than Alania you've cast this turn, you may have target opponent draw a card. If you do, copy that spell. You may choose new targets for the copy.
seathblood: There is a rare otter that triggers off of instants, sorceries, and otters though (the first you cast of each)
KriegerSan: Did we have a release date for the next EDSC (assuming precons)
tyrsredritehand: Wizards gave Ben an oops all otters sealed deck!?
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL What if Bloomburrow was attacked during the Phyrexian invasion but they all turned into fish when they got there, so no one noticed
LRRMTG_Judge: !card harnesser of storms
LRRbot: Harnesser of Storms [2R] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [1/4] | Whenever you cast a noncreature or Otter spell, you may exile the top card of your library. Until end of turn, you may play that card. This ability triggers only once each turn.
ThePixelSavage: @LoadingReadyRun duggerMmhmm
Sage0fMadness: @LoadingReadyRun what if they're the metal trees??
kaziel0: This is the last round?
TriseAlpha: otter destruction
Fruan: Ral seems pretty good
Izzieon: @LoadingReadyRun Gift weird oil
seathblood: @LoadingReadyRun They went to invade, saw that the animals in Bloomburrow were already complete, and left with no further questions
Lysander_salamander: otterly flummoxed
ThePixelSavage: what if the Phyrexian for some reason are scared of Bloomburrow and never attacked?
MedliKupo: they otter be
maxthefourth: If feel like "noncreature or Otter spell" has potential to be misunderstood
LRRbot: Shrike Force [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [1/3] | Flying, double strike, vigilance
TheDevil_Risen: who otter love?
alikaoz: They otta
Viewers_Like_You: Speaking of problems
powerflapjack: scree!
TheDevil_Risen: *whole
LRRMTG_Judge: They're winning, one way or an otter
AugmentingPath: any starfall invocations in Kathleen's deck?
seathblood: Phyrexians can't perfect perfection
Pharmacistjudge: Paul I put that question to Mastodon last week. Mastodon voted the Phyrexians appeared as bugs and got squished.
TriseAlpha: My headcannon is when Phyrexia invaded Bloomburrow, they all became Folk and severed their connection
LRRbot: Lilypad Village | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add {U}. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell. / {U}, {T}: Surveil 2. Activate only if a Bird, Frog, Otter, or Rat entered the battlefield under your control this turn.
CrossXhunteR: i think because they want to avoid "entered" for templating
drroxorphd: If it came from the graveyard
LRRMTG_Judge: Enters and Entered are different.
JonnyH: butt
invickthus: am mathematician, can confirm
LRRMTG_Judge: cause there is also "Enters with" which isn't a trigger at all. pharma2Vial
Sage0fMadness: otter end
powerflapjack: kathleen just lariats Ben
thefluffiestzinogre: I think if the land was "enters" you;
Ukon_Cairns: temporal difference ?
SmithKurosaki: Crossposting from YT chat: The release notes clarify that they reserve the right to use "enters/entered the battlefield" where space and desire for clarity permits
thefluffiestzinogre: you'd* have to activate it as it enters?
Desdae: Enters is a trigger, Entered is a static check?
definenull: Maybe the team just did an oopsie boingo
ProcyonFlynn: Anyone know if this template change is impacting other languages too?
Deathsdoor1996: Enters is currently happening, entered is checking for previous
Ukon_Cairns: like, trigger vs a condition has at some point been met?
KongPhantom: it matters if it resolved or not i assumed is the difference
maclenrac: reminder text of how it used to be
omniep1c: what other languages?
TriseAlpha: I can't wait to see EDSC Bloomburrow
Desdae: So it doesn't confuse where it entered to
xVoxtric: I think it's because of the "this turn" clause
Marvoleath: @ProcyonFlynn German printings still have "enter into play"
Desdae: Entered what? The graveyard xD
maxwellthedecent: "enters" is sooooo much more common than "entered"
Runewyse: Is it a similar difference between on attack and tapped and attacking?
Earthenone: just draw a land
maclenrac: mulli
ProcyonFlynn: @Marvoleath Gotcha - thank you lrrHEART
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Graham doesn't want to be banned from 27 PPR's.
Desdae: It's why they didn't change leave the battlefield to just leave
Dix: Howdy y'all
Sage0fMadness: hey @Dix !
MedliKupo: i dont know whats in your hand but id keep it
Ukon_Cairns: it can be both
50keyz: always choose greed
maclenrac: Hmmmmm
TriseAlpha: Eyy
kaziel0: Hey @Dix
Anubis169: Dix!! lrrAWESOME
Anubis169 hugs
lostharvy: What do you think is going to be the best commander precon?
RayFK: Also James didn't get banned from 27 PPR's. He got a vacation from 27 PPR's. Kappa
JonnyH: When did Greed ever go wrong?
djalternative: oh hoi dix
JoanneG110: I think it's so you can do it if you play the land 2nd main phase and had a creature enter that turn
LadyAtarka: DIX!
PBlackcoat: Greeeeeed
maclenrac: Bamger out
SmithKurosaki: hi dix
Dix: How's everyone doing
Chesul: "Enters" has to happen when the creature comes into play, "Entered" can be a thing that happens later, but only on the same turn the creature comes in. at least that's what the difference sounds like to me, I haven't read the spoilers or anything.
LRRbot: Coruscation Mage [1R] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [2/2] | Offspring {2} / Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature deals 1 damage to each opponent.
LRRMTG_Judge: Unless where they are VERY clear they are deviating from prerelease behavior. they tend to say so on stream...or minimally I'll say something in chat. pharma2Vial
LRRbot: Seasoned Warrenguard [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [1/2] | Whenever Seasoned Warrenguard attacks while you control a token, Seasoned Warrenguard gets +2/+0 until end of turn.
LRRbot: Otterball Antics [1U] | Sorcery | Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. If this spell was cast from anywhere other than your hand, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature. / Flashโ€ฆ
Aussie Dingus: Otters of the world unite!
LRRbot: Shrike Force [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [1/3] | Flying, double strike, vigilance
LRRbot: Lilypad Village | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add {U}. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell. / {U}, {T}: Surveil 2. Activate only if a Bird, Frog, Otter, or Rat entered the battlefield underโ€ฆ
Jivan Pal: The release notes clarify that they reserve the right to use "enters/entered the battlefield" where space and desire for clarity permits it
Simriel: That shrug
Jose Martinez: first time I got one of these live
SmithKurosaki: Welcome in
Jivan Pal: No outside assistance! ๐Ÿ˜›
LRRbot: Coruscation Mage [1R] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [2/2] | Offspring {2} / Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature deals 1 damage to each opponent.
Jivan Pal: We're gonna do a 2HG prerelease at my LGS, so inside assistance very much permitted, haha
LRRbot: Seasoned Warrenguard [W] | Creature โ€” Rabbit Warrior [1/2] | Whenever Seasoned Warrenguard attacks while you control a token, Seasoned Warrenguard gets +2/+0 until end of turn.
LadyAtarka: @Dix Tell the fam I said hi
Sage0fMadness: We're otterly enchanted by this set
KinkerbellRose: Ain't no mountain hiiiiihgh enough~
Anubis169: great dude, there's been an amazing PPR on, and I saw jousting at the weekend <3
TLBlitz: I believe Mark has been asked about the โ€œentersโ€ vs โ€œentered the battlefieldโ€ thing, and confirmed it was a This Thing vs Other Things
plainmitchell: Skip game 4, play game 5
LRRbot: Tempest Angler [1{U/R}{U/R}] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [2/2] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Tempest Angler.
definenull: Need more cute critters
LRRbot: Plumecreed Mentor [1WU] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/3] | Flying / Whenever Plumecreed Mentor or another creature you control with flying enters, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control without flying.
LRRMTG_Judge: !card spellgorger weird
LRRbot: Spellgorger Weird [2R] | Creature โ€” Weird [2/2] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Spellgorger Weird.
Sage0fMadness: !card quandrix pledge
LRRbot: Quandrix Pledgemage [1{G/U}{G/U}] | Creature โ€” Merfolk Druid [2/2] | Magecraft โ€” Whenever you cast or copy an instant or sorcery spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Quandrix Pledgemage.
Dedwrekka: "I want the deck to do what it's going to do" is sooo ominous at a PPR
lostharvy: Anyone have any thoughts on precons?
Bugberry: !card Spellgorger Weird
LRRbot: Spellgorger Weird [2R] | Creature โ€” Weird [2/2] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Spellgorger Weird.
powerflapjack: not enough of a US Southern twang, ben
Fruan: That little mouse has a hangglider and a dream
lostharvy: Oh nice!
Ukon_Cairns: yeh, that otter def has a touch more KKona to it
RayFK: EDSC, 4 capital letters, printed in gold
LRRbot: Agate Assault [2R] | Sorcery | Choose one โ€” / โ€ข Agate Assault deals 4 damage to target creature. If that creature would die this turn, exile it instead. / โ€ข Exile target artifact.
Marvoleath: @TLBlitz that would not check out for the landfall black card though, but that's "whenever land enters"
maxthefourth: That fisher is gonna cast a hilarious fish pun on a common spell, i feel it
pipshardfour: why wasnโ€™t there some sweet live deck building action to start the stream?
Marvoleath: !card iridiscent vinelasher
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Marvoleath: !card iridescent vinelasher
LRRbot: Iridescent Vinelasher [B] | Creature โ€” Lizard Assassin [1/2] | Offspring {2} / Landfall โ€” Whenever a land you control enters, this creature deals 1 damage to target opponent.
grave2057: have yโ€™all decided whoโ€™s going to be playing in the bloomburrow edsc?
Ukon_Cairns: i cant wait to see the mazes' end deck that plays and mispronounces these draft cards. on flavor.
LRRbot: Parting Gust [WW] | Instant | Gift a tapped Fish / Exile target nontoken creature. If the gift wasn't promised, return that creature to the battlefield under its owner's control with a +1/+1 counter on it at the beginning of the next end step.
Desruprot: Punt vs CounterPunt is always a fun segment
definenull: I miss punt counterpunt
Tukanda_xP: @Marvoleath In German you can't say "enter" without to mention where it enters... ^^'
Pharmacistjudge: And let WotC know so they can fly guests in
just__fitz: Why that rabbit so lorge
falgar_: How can we tell wizards we want you to be contracted for a full year at a time?
Viewers_Like_You: Swords to Fish
janMelantu: We need a new episode of Simic Linings!
JRandomHacker: My friend has this as "Best white card in the set"
invickthus: brb writing a postcard to wotc professing my ppr love.
Krillin_fan: Swords to Fishfood
dragon_pandaDnd: maybe in horse of duskmorrie
Desruprot: Path to Fish
maxthefourth: @Tukanda_xP Unless you're a pirate
Bugberry: Kind of like that Enchantment from Kamigawa you could discard to flicker something
UnknownFriday: Your angler caught you a fish!
JonnyH: If it matters this made me book a slot at our local pre-release because it looks fun - and I'm dragging a friend along too
Tukanda_xP: @maxthefourth Nice catch!
slamaham: Please bring back deck techs Ben!!
Bugberry: !card touch the spirit realm
LRRbot: Touch the Spirit Realm [2W] | Enchantment | When Touch the Spirit Realm enters the battlefield, exile up to one target artifact or creature until Touch the Spirit Realm leaves the battlefield. / Channel โ€” {1}{W}, Discard Touch the Spirit Realm: Exile target artifact or creature. Return it to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of the next end step.
Melfina__: Fish Within
Desruprot: Ben's Angler is the fish HahaThink
A_Dub888: Angler: My work here is done
definenull: "gone fishing"
falcn120: I really appreciated Serge going over the rules at the start of the stream, but I loved listening to the judge videos over new mechanics and sending them to friends when they went up on YouTube
TheDevil_Risen: Rods to Fishfarms
aggieblakers: Cheer100 WOTC I enjoy this
LRRbot: Lightshell Duo [3U] | Creature โ€” Rat Otter [3/4] | Prowess / When Lightshell Duo enters, surveil 2.
TheMinionGM: He fed you for a day
RevolverRossalot: Sorry about the sudden absence of your stuff. Here's a fish.
ThePixelSavage: I am not your pal, buddy
DMGlol: it looks like that otter and rat are posing for a selfie
maxthefourth: That sounds like a very otter thing to do
Sage0fMadness: @RevolverRossalot Rep-gar-ations
Technic_AL: Which set are Ben's mountain's from?
TriseAlpha: Thundersnail!
theevilslime: @Technic_AL looks like Lost Caverns of Ixalan
Marvoleath: @Technic_AL recent Ixalan
ThePixelSavage: @Technic_AL ixalan
Sage0fMadness: @Technic_AL LCI yeah
Technic_AL: Nice!
definenull: Fair, it was a good run
TheDevil_Risen: Yeah Punt Counterpunt really did come full circle, I enjoyed it.
LRRbot: Shrike Force [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [1/3] | Flying, double strike, vigilance
TheRatKings: i rewatch punt counter punts all the time love them
Ukon_Cairns: i like that this duo suggests that the otters magic of choice is lightning and the rats magic of choice is snail.
RandomTrivia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months, currently on a 50 month streak!
RandomTrivia: Oh hey this ticked over. THE HALF YEAR! FBtouchdown
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RandomTrivia! (Today's storm count: 145)
datastorm17: this set (and new capenna i guess) you can end a game and truly say "so long and thanks for all the fish"
maxthefourth: I cast snail lightning!
LRRbot: Otterball Antics [1U] | Sorcery | Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. If this spell was cast from anywhere other than your hand, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature. / Flashback {3}{U}
Bugberry: @Ukon_Cairns they are about mind magic, which involves controlling snails and insects.
Earthenone: two balls? in this economy?!
Sage0fMadness: @Ukon_Cairns doo doo doo doo doo doo doot doot doo doo doo SNAIL
50keyz: lrrFINE
gsyhiap: HahaThisisfine
ThePixelSavage: dont try it again.
themightygerg: 'Got 'em
MyrddintheWizard: lrrPistachio
LRRbot: Seedpod Squire [3{W/U}] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [3/3] | Flying / Whenever Seedpod Squire attacks, target creature you control without flying gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
Tukanda_xP: Ben should play against Graham. Both have insane decks!
Bladinus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
Bladinus: lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bladinus! (Today's storm count: 146)
couchboyj: Otterly adorable
TheDevil_Risen: Ding! Change!
RevolverRossalot: Still waiting for the next ep of Simic Linings, the best podcast on a single guild signpost.
LRRbot: Tempest Angler [1{U/R}{U/R}] | Creature โ€” Otter Wizard [2/2] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Tempest Angler.
SmithKurosaki: @Jivan Pal yea, but that's your partner already also playing helping, not your spectating buddy, right?
LRRbot: Plumecreed Mentor [1WU] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/3] | Flying / Whenever Plumecreed Mentor or another creature you control with flying enters, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control withโ€ฆ
Jivan Pal: @SmithKurosaki The joke was me saying "INSIDE assistance", hehe
LRRbot: Agate Assault [2R] | Sorcery | Choose one โ€” / โ€ข Agate Assault deals 4 damage to target creature. If that creature would die this turn, exile it instead. / โ€ข Exile target artifact.
SmithKurosaki: :)
Pharmacistjudge: There are different team events where you can also get help
SmithKurosaki: Neat :)\
LRRbot: Parting Gust [WW] | Instant | Gift a tapped Fish / Exile target nontoken creature. If the gift wasn't promised, return that creature to the battlefield under its owner's control with a +1/+1 counter โ€ฆ
Jivan Pal: Additionally, at Regular REL, and especailly at causal/introductory events like prereleases, as a Judge, we tend to be very okay with explaining available lines of play to clarify how cards work.
SmithKurosaki: I havent played magic, let alone organized magic in 5+ years
LRRbot: Lightshell Duo [3U] | Creature โ€” Rat Otter [3/4] | Prowess / When Lightshell Duo enters, surveil 2.
SmithKurosaki: @Jivan Pal Thats super cool
Jivan Pal: Subtly different from directly providing strategic input, and in any case very much a no-no at Competitive REL
Simriel: The Subathon was a big thing.
LRRbot: Shrike Force [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [1/3] | Flying, double strike, vigilance
LRRbot: Otterball Antics [1U] | Sorcery | Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. If this spell was cast from anywhere other than your hand, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature. / Flashโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Seedpod Squire [3{W/U}] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [3/3] | Flying / Whenever Seedpod Squire attacks, target creature you control without flying gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
Ukon_Cairns: @Sage0fMadness took a second, thanks i hate it henyaHenyaheart
Sage0fMadness: @Ukon_Cairns :D
Earthenone: no free shrike swings? or is there secret reach?
janMelantu: @RevolverRossalot โ€œwhere gold meets silver, and where bronze makes our minds wonderโ€
AliceLovelin: @Sage0fMadness I still don't get it :(
Earthenone: james isent here with the bow and arrow png :P
RevolverRossalot: @janmelantu ๐Ÿ’–
JonnyH: I'm waiting for the game to be decided by the fish
Sage0fMadness: @AliceLovelin Sail, by AWOLNATION
Ukon_Cairns: @AliceLovelin to the tune of Sail by AWOLNATION
AliceLovelin: @Sage0fMadness OH
Sage0fMadness: S(n)ail
AliceLovelin: Thanks
Sage0fMadness: <3
LRRbot: Eddymurk Crab [5UU] | Creature โ€” Elemental Crab [5/5] | Flash / This spell costs {1} less to cast for each instant and sorcery card in your graveyard. / Eddymurk Crab enters tapped if it's not your turn. / When Eddymurk Crab enters, tap up to two target creatures.
nerhydas72: Beverly HIlls Crab
Brozard: lrrCrab
Dog_of_Myth: lrrCrab
ProcyonFlynn: penaddCrab
thejadedthief subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thejadedthief! (Today's storm count: 147)
Yurielx: but on a crab note... again
LRRbot: Downwind Ambusher [3B] | Creature โ€” Skunk Assassin [4/2] | Flash / When Downwind Ambusher enters, choose one โ€” / โ€ข Target creature an opponent controls gets โˆ’1/โˆ’1 until end of turn. / โ€ข Destroy target creature an opponent controls that was dealt damage this turn.
RandomTrivia: lrrCrab
Krillin_fan: lrrCrab
stippledotter: I pinch
MrTheWalrus: lrrCrab
LRRbot: Lifecreed Duo [1W] | Creature โ€” Bat Bird [1/2] | Flying / Whenever another creature you control enters, you gain 1 life.
LRRbot: Jackdaw Savior [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Cleric [3/1] | Flying / Whenever Jackdaw Savior or another creature you control with flying dies, return another target creature card with lesser mana value from your graveyard to the battlefield.
Texan_Reverend: @stippledotter Maybe little peench?
Pharmacistjudge: just gotta let stuff happen, like crab note or Target Kids
Easilycrazyhat: Can savior target cards that die at the same time the trigger pops off?
djalternative: or the thwompilation
googoltudoris: oh lord we're only 4 months away from desert bus
Scarbble: the advantage muffin
LRRbot: Plumecreed Escort [1U] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/1] | Flash / Flying / When Plumecreed Escort enters, target creature you control gains hexproof until end of turn.
Anubis169: lrrAWESOME
RevolverRossalot: Jacked or Saviour? Yes!
seathblood: Otters crushin it this round =D
dragon_pandaDnd: he had goblin otter
Pharmacistjudge: is ben going to kill with the fish like Cam wanted to?
TriseAlpha: An act of Otter destruction!
Sage0fMadness: lrrCrab
Sage0fMadness: the great crab-otter alliance of 2024
googoltudoris: it's slOTTER!
RandomTrivia: First Shrike damage
LRRbot: Jackdaw Savior [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Cleric [3/1] | Flying / Whenever Jackdaw Savior or another creature you control with flying dies, return another target creature card with lesser mana value from your graveyard to the battlefield.
00gogo00: one can bring the other back
Garfman314: Are these drafts or precons?
superdude097: Fish should be tapped, no?
TriseAlpha: Sealed
CrossXhunteR: @Garfman314 Sealed
00gogo00: jackdaw savior is wild
Alex_Frostfire: I'm just realizing Jackdaw Savior works well with offspring tokens...
00gogo00: there's gotta be some kind of scrap trawler type of combo you can do with it
Yurielx: @Sage0fMadness but otters eat crabs D:
Viewers_Like_You: Golly gee, tell me more!
LRRbot: Fountainport | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice a token: Draw a card. / {3}, {T}, Pay 1 life: Create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token. / {4}, {T}: Create a Treasure token.
CrossXhunteR: im planning on attending my first prerelease this week. just have to figure out which day, since they are doing events all weekend
Bugberry: It's time to light the lights
obl1vionz: no +1 life?
maclenrac: Skyhaven
50keyz: i feel like if no one was around Graham would still talk like that
SmithKurosaki: @Alex_Frostfire Tokens fizzle when they die, so hopefully you've got something else in graveyard to grab
J2age: Holy cow don't think I've ever caught one of these live! awesome!
SmithKurosaki: Welcome in :)
J2age: thanks!
LRRbot: Eddymurk Crab [5UU] | Creature โ€” Elemental Crab [5/5] | Flash / This spell costs {1} less to cast for each instant and sorcery card in your graveyard. / Eddymurk Crab enters tapped if it's not your tโ€ฆ
Nicolas Velasquez: Finally live
LRRbot: Downwind Ambusher [3B] | Creature โ€” Skunk Assassin [4/2] | Flash / When Downwind Ambusher enters, choose one โ€” / โ€ข Target creature an opponent controls gets โˆ’1/โˆ’1 until end of turn. / โ€ข Destroy targeโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Lifecreed Duo [1W] | Creature โ€” Bat Bird [1/2] | Flying / Whenever another creature you control enters, you gain 1 life.
LRRbot: Jackdaw Savior [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Cleric [3/1] | Flying / Whenever Jackdaw Savior or another creature you control with flying dies, return another target creature card with lesser mana value fromโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Plumecreed Escort [1U] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/1] | Flash / Flying / When Plumecreed Escort enters, target creature you control gains hexproof until end of turn.
Simriel: They haven't answered at all today, Ot or What?
LRRbot: Jackdaw Savior [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Cleric [3/1] | Flying / Whenever Jackdaw Savior or another creature you control with flying dies, return another target creature card with lesser mana value fromโ€ฆ
Simriel: Added Value :p
LRRbot: Fountainport | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice a token: Draw a card. / {3}, {T}, Pay 1 life: Create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token. / {4}, {T}: Create a Treasure token.
TriseAlpha: For some reason, I keep reading that as "Fountain Goat"
Dschuncks: "Choice" there's only two in my state that do prerelease and their in the same city
stizzet subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, stizzet! (Today's storm count: 148)
googoltudoris: wait, are you saying I can play games of this magic: the gathering?
GredGredmansson: @SmithKurosaki its because the tokens have a mana vlue
Dschuncks: *they're
bubba0077: it make jullienne fries
janMelantu: @00gogo00 kci loops but with ashnodโ€™s altar
Angreed66: the only cameras in your house are yours
CrossXhunteR: graham at the grocery store "hey everyone, graham here..."
Alex_Frostfire: @SmithKurosaki It says lesser mana value anyway. I'm just suggesting something like Finch Formation gets you two triggers in one card.
stizzet: Hey mods, does lrr use obs?
ComradeMik: when you got a voice that can do the announcer voice, you do it.
BrowneePoints: bye Wotter Botter
Marvoleath: @stizzet they do
lirazel64: Just microphon3s, Graham.
LRRbot: Rabbit Response [2WW] | Instant | Creatures you control get +2/+1 until end of turn. If you control a Rabbit, scry 2.
stizzet: @marvoleath ty!
Easilycrazyhat: The dream is alive!
Bugberry: Graham does have cameras in his house that people can see him with. His streaming setup.
patrick_stonecrusher: LRR uses orbs lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE
DoomBringerIL: wtaching the VOD of the start of the stream... intro is hilarious... can Ben do his critter pose? @LoadingReadyRun
Pharmacistjudge: 1+2+1+1 no it's 1+2+2+1
Dschuncks: Stayin' alive
LRRbot: Shrike Force [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [1/3] | Flying, double strike, vigilance
drroxorphd: @Pharmacistjudge :D
FarleyF: @Pharmacistjudge Love any clue references people make
Viewers_Like_You: "Call now, and in addition to the three-CD compilation 'Now That's What I Call Graham Talking To Himself Vol. II', we'll throw in a copy of 'Graham Stark Makes Thoughtful Noises While Editing Video', a $39.99 value, yours free!"
JivanPal: "Daddy, what's a CD?"
Ukon_Cairns: fish are food, not friends.
50keyz: @Viewers_Like_You LUL quality joke
LRRbot: Finch Formation [2U] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/2] | Offspring {3} / Flying / When this creature enters, target creature you control gains flying until end of turn.
hammith: Did Shrike force die?
Easilycrazyhat: So, looking at the art for Fountain Port, is the implication that the animal folk built that? Or did they take it over after the inexplicable disappearance of larger beings?
Pharmacistjudge: At this point it's "Grandpa, what's CD's"
gsyhiap: Top tier scarf
itomeshi: I really want to see if there's a way kathleen can actually pull this off. I feel like she's turned the corner now.
Sage0fMadness: super fly
Desruprot: super flying
Fovulonkiin: Shouldn't Shrike Force still be there since the otter was sacced?
Angreed66: @Easilycrazyhat built
Fovulonkiin: or whatever blocked it
Flyingdelorion: Does the double striker not have vigilance?
MeadyOchre: Games of magic aren't won by blocking
obl1vionz: Cautious magic best magic
DiscordianTokkan: It's still wild to me that Planet B (or Infest the Rats' Nest) and Fishing for Fishies both came out at, like, the same time
Fovulonkiin: ok sorry couldn't really make it out
Flyingdelorion: OOps sorry!
DoomBringerIL: risk it for the bisquefish @LoadingReadyRun
LoadingReadyRun: The fish tokens should have "If all other creatures you control are Otters, sacrifice Fish"
djrfenton: how is bloomburrow limited so far?
TheDevil_Risen: Ben just needs fish fingers and custard sometimes :D
googoltudoris: now i want to play wingspan
LRRbot: Knightfisher [3UU] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [4/5] | Flying / Whenever another nontoken Bird you control enters, create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token.
itomeshi: @DoomBringerIL wooooow
BrowneePoints: You can't tell me Lightshell Duo isn't an old married gay couple
Bugberry: Stuffy Doll loves blocking.
BrowneePoints: ya just can't
StickInMud: Aristocrats loves blocking!
GredGredmansson: they also aren't lost by blocking
Sage0fMadness: Kathleen has stolen the knowledge of fishing
itomeshi: @BrowneePoints nah, they just met
Viewers_Like_You: "Now I have a 4/5. Ho... ho... ho."
BrowneePoints: @itomeshi i'm life gripping you into the a boss mechanic on thursday
LRRbot: Kindlespark Duo [2R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Otter [1/3] | {T}: Kindlespark Duo deals 1 damage to target opponent. / Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, untap Kindlespark Duo.
powerflapjack: dudes rock
Vaeldarg: If there's a fountain, does that mean there used to be humans on this plane?
Simriel: Why couldn't the animals with clothes and stuff have built a fountain? they built castles
LRRbot: Rabbit Response [2WW] | Instant | Creatures you control get +2/+1 until end of turn. If you control a Rabbit, scry 2.
Vaeldarg: @Simriel Why would animals build an over-sized fountain?
Simriel: @vaeldarg Humans build oversized fountains all the time.
LRRbot: Shrike Force [2W] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [1/3] | Flying, double strike, vigilance
Simriel: I live near a fountain I used to swim in as a child
Pharmacistjudge: and humans are animals
Simriel: Kingdom: Animalia for sure
LRRbot: Finch Formation [2U] | Creature โ€” Bird Scout [2/2] | Offspring {3} / Flying / When this creature enters, target creature you control gains flying until end of turn.
Towel: "The secret to victory is simple. Don't lose."
Vaeldarg: Whoever said games of magic are not won by blocking hasn't had the misfortune to play against control decks.
LRRbot: Knightfisher [3UU] | Creature โ€” Bird Knight [4/5] | Flying / Whenever another nontoken Bird you control enters, create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token.
LRRbot: Kindlespark Duo [2R] | Creature โ€” Lizard Otter [1/3] | {T}: Kindlespark Duo deals 1 damage to target opponent. / Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, untap Kindlespark Duo.
LRRbot: Short Bow [2] | Artifact โ€” Equipment | Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has vigilance and reach. / Equip {1}
ThePixelSavage: its so very short duggerMmhmm
Sage0fMadness: that's a clock
Desruprot: flying reach, so useful
itomeshi: @BrowneePoints s'alright, will be naturally countered by my propensity to walk into pits
dragon_pandaDnd: all duoes are so cute
Viewers_Like_You: A five-damage ping is some serious misuse of the ICMP protocol
Pharmacistjudge: Yugioh, where 5 damage is...umm...possible? maybe
A_Dub888: @dragon_pandaDnd You're so cute
LRRbot: Fountainport | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice a token: Draw a card. / {3}, {T}, Pay 1 life: Create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token. / {4}, {T}: Create a Treasure token.
ThorOfKenya: I swear that Knightfisher was a hippo LUL
azabelle06: I love how the short bow is twice the size of the rabbit holding it.
Diabore: its a trading post but land
MeadyOchre: @Viewers_Like_You Excellent joke
googoltudoris: chat doesn't understand the concept of platonic friendships. all duos must be shipped!
BrowneePoints: It's Trading Soak Graham!
dragon_pandaDnd: @A_Dub888 thank you you are cute too
BrowneePoints: or Trading Croak!
JivanPal: @Viewers_Like_You Sounds like a symptom of RAS syndrome
ThePixelSavage: this sounds like an endless treasure combo ...
TheDevil_Risen: More Fish Fingers and custard!
JonHerzogArtist: 1 life and 5 mana and 2 turns for a card!
ComradeMik: @Viewers_Like_You what does the P in ICMP stand for?
itomeshi: @Viewers_Like_You Brings new meaning to 'Ping of Death'. :)
dragon_pandaDnd: are you guys going to do nickname for this set?
Iluvatardis: "Trading Port" is right there
JivanPal: @ComradeMik Snap lol
LRRbot: Ral, Crackling Wit [2UR] | Legendary Planeswalker โ€” Ral [4] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a loyalty counter on Ral, Crackling Wit. / [+1]: Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature token with prowess. / [โˆ’3]: Draw three cards, then discard two cards. / [โˆ’10]: Draw three cards. You get an emblem with "Instant and sorcery spells you cast have storm."
v_nome: Aww Otter Ral is a cutie
LRRbot: Shore Up [U] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains hexproof until end of turn. Untap it.
seathblood: pingy otts!!
JonHerzogArtist: gg
CrossXhunteR: he found a line
MurphEP: Sickkkk
ThorOfKenya: GG
Easilycrazyhat: Put up a good fight
Fovulonkiin: clean
tsuuisalie: wow!
TheDevil_Risen: GG
Skeletonman1100: gg
marawr_arts: lrrSHINE
Sage0fMadness: spicy games!
Fovulonkiin: GG
50keyz: wow some solid gaming ben
superdude097: What a line!
gameslayer013: WOW
50keyz: GG
MurphEP: That was so good to see that
tealeaf87: GG!
KWardJenx: GG
nerhydas72: Judge! My opponent's popping off!
insanecat6mtg: sergeGG
corrzzan: Gg
itomeshi: @ComradeMik Internet Control Message Protocol. It's used for internet 'maintenance' messages, like PING to check letency.
macintose: Good job Ben!
Sage0fMadness: GGs
jamesinor: Who gave the otters a gattling gun?
Gaelan_Maestro: the otters win!
Anubis169: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee
thanzo: GG
MrSarkhan: sergeGG sergeGG sergeGG
Iluvatardis: ggs!
Krillin_fan: what a great PPR
AutumnVixenIX: that was sick
JivanPal: Ottrrrrrs
generatrix: So long and thanks for all the fish!
itomeshi: GGs!
Easilycrazyhat: LRR streams the Whole Thing
JivanPal: go brr
LRRMTG_Judge: @nerhydas72 I will allow it - Natedogg
LRRMTG_Judge: pharma2Allow pharma2Allow pharma2Allow
maclenrac: Good Times
yakbop: the amount of damage Kathlene missed with shrike force was distressing lol
thanatoscar: the set looks fun
jiantwitch: o7
Mallak22: ggs
clockworkmenagerie: GG!
Keylometers: Happy to catch it live!
yakbop: GG
stippledotter: Yau Ottlrrs!
djrfenton: gg!
Runewyse: Cheers
Desruprot: lrrJUDGECALL
McMenno: gottem
wingless85: gg
excalgold: the PPR was so fun to watch!
BrowneePoints: Otter-Poping off. Call him Ben-Shawn Wasabi
Gaz_L: that was literally a Friday Nights bit IRL
Sage0fMadness: lrrJUDGECALL good work judges
Anubis169: Thank you all so much <3
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Reruns?
DecaDang: the backseating is distressing
loona898: otters taking pride in the won
stippledotter: Y'all are the best and did accordingly
Bulllizzard: Thank you and goodnight!
Viewers_Like_You: Well magicked, gang
seathblood: Thanks LRR, this was a fun day!
KinkerbellRose: โ™ฅโ™ฅ
A_Dub888: lrrJUDGECALL You did good
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Oh, just got to the end?
50keyz: thanks so mcuh for all the mtg!
KriegerSan: Congrats to winners
TheDevil_Risen: Love you Ben Ben, Kathleen, Graham, Serge, Wheeler, Cam, Adam :) <3
googoltudoris: go enjoy sleep!
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Ukon_Cairns: henyaCheerdance henyaCheerdance henyaCheerdance
seathblood: moar otters!!
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks for the stream
JonnyH: How many otters exist... like in the world? Quite a few
nerhydas72: How dare a streamer allegedly make a misplay
Krillin_fan: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
OtterlyNova: More otters #notbiased
MeagenImage: Thank you for showing off the new set for us!
Sage0fMadness: Ben's pool had so many otters
samwiser_: "Please join us for another bonus round!" Please?
stippledotter: Wizards, Otter the Coast
dalek_kosh: So many otters
TheDevil_Risen: and Nelly! and Paul!
prymryb: BunnyThank you all
insanecat6mtg: I'm bowing out before the sub read. It's really stormy here right now. Have a good day everyone! lrrSHINE
superdude097: TY for the Stream! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Easilycrazyhat: lrrSHINE lrrPAUL lrrSHINE
prymryb: great Show
Skeletonman1100: According to scryfall there are about 15 of each main creature type in teh main set couting the duos.
Izzieon: Thanks! Get some rest, you've had a hell of a week! <3
medmora: Bunnies be with you!
NekomimiNinja: more otts, more otts. do not stop otts!
macintose: There are 20 otters Ben
theamc2000: there are 16 otters including real
protojman: <3
Texan_Reverend: lrrSHINE
MrSarkhan: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
itomeshi: @Bengineering: 20 Otters total across all sets (inc ELD and Ikoria)
JivanPal: G'night from London, gone 1am here
Viewers_Like_You: They're good mods bront
theamc2000: Ral
Dunnston: Thank you, as always, for giving us a peak into the set and providing great entertainment!
Larkonus: lrrSHINE Much love to just... everybody. You're all great. And we all need some love these days. lrrSHINE
Jigokuro: fifiHug
OtterlyNova: I won't be satisfied until I get my all otter commander deck
UrielAngelSpy: Thanks mods!!
LRRMTG_Judge: Thank you for the event, LRR, and everyone in chat for joining! -Judge Greg
Fovulonkiin: Thanks for the stream, hopefully I won't completely suck at pre-release.
TheDevil_Risen: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE PrideRise lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Anubis169: lrrHEART Chat
Flyingdelorion: You guys are awesome that you do this. Thank you very much lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
falgar_: Can we get a playmat with that art?
prymryb: lrrSERGE lrrSERGE
Jigokuro: sergeModLove
ArcLightningCanuck: Thanks for the critter showcase! lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Easilycrazyhat: Be the otter!
itomeshi: 15 in this set, excluding commander
thejadedthief: Awesome ppr, love the animal art! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ThePixelSavage: oooooor you could always quit twitter duggerMmhmm
LRRMTG_Judge: Happy to be here, it was a great time, thanks for a great PPR everyone. ๐Ÿฐ
KatNBows: Otter pilled
shaduko07: lrrFINE
DoomBringerIL: is james finally get to sleep? @LoadingReadyRun
Pharmacistjudge: pharma2Vial pharma2Vial pharma2Vial
dacbruh: lrrHEART
maxwellthedecent: much love
serramarkov: I FB'd it.
petey_vonwho: I missed the intro, I'll have to check it out on the YouTube later
maclenrac: More magic
Marvoleath: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
fracturedorb: <3<3<3
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Has anyone ever noticed that bearded lrr folks outnumber beardless lrr folks 5:3?
shaduko07: really looking forward to the EDSC with the precons
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
LRRbot: Short Bow [2] | Artifact โ€” Equipment | Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has vigilance and reach. / Equip {1}
LRRbot: Fountainport | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice a token: Draw a card. / {3}, {T}, Pay 1 life: Create a 1/1 blue Fish creature token. / {4}, {T}: Create a Treasure token.
ender4449: fountain-post
LRRbot: Ral, Crackling Wit [2UR] | Legendary Planeswalker โ€” Ral [4] | Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put a loyalty counter on Ral, Crackling Wit. / [+1]: Create a 1/1 blue and red Otter creature tokeโ€ฆ
LRRbot: Shore Up [U] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains hexproof until end of turn. Untap it.
Towel: gg
Simriel: That was the whole thing, which means Beej has to eat it right?
solidazoriginal: Heck yeah!!!
solidazoriginal: GG
gamefreak3072: and over before 10pm
OVERKiLL!: ๐Ÿ”น๏ธ๐Ÿ”น๏ธ๐Ÿ”น๏ธ๐Ÿ”ท๏ธ ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿฆ
Simriel: Paul can see your love Youtube
Walter: damn i just tuned in and its already over
Denny Snijckers: thanks for the great games
SmithKurosaki: Thanks for hanging out chat :)
Denny Snijckers: was really fun, looking out for the set
Gaming Bear: Great day thx gang.
jdblittle: ๐Ÿ˜‰
Simriel: Thanks for having us Chat, it was pretty good to be here
LoadingReadyRun: :_lrrHeart:
Texan_Reverend: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
mysteenova157: have a wonderful evening all!
stippledotter: GGs, and take care!
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
vinopinguino: thank YOU guys! fun stream!
dacbruh: no u lrrHEART
Dschuncks: Thanks, LRR! Bye all!
HaIIoweenCat: bye bye
A_Dub888: Thank you for having us, it was great to be here
ThePixelSavage: @thedepthandbreadthofseth there are more than 8 people in LRR
Tingeltangelibach: lrrSHINE
SmithKurosaki: o7
abslomdaak42: Bye
Fovulonkiin: byr
falcn120: lrrHEART
0011110000110011: lrrHEART
seathblood: don't throw the otters q.q
FarleyF: ๐Ÿธ
Texan_Reverend: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PDT (19:36 from now).
thanzo: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ContingentCat: who's left to sub?
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby horse
Timpmaster7 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Timpmaster7! (Today's storm count: 149)
SmartAssX: how come i have never been invited to prelease
KriegerSan: !nextnext
Sarah_Serinde: That's gonna be a time :D
connorrunda: lrrHEART lrrHEART
dacbruh: Oh yeah that game is hell, that'll rule
totumusmaximus: <3
Saintnex: itโ€™s gonna be something
MechaKuuga: LUL Chained Together is funny to watch
bubba0077: well-oiled machine
protojman: synchronization complete
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: 3 different responses, perfect
LariatWest: Have they done Pico Park before?
FarleyF: Bonus points if the crew are chained together IRL
Laserbeaks_Fury: You always finish each others sandwiches
KaleidoscopeMind: just the 2 of them
macintose: Edges
red_shoes_jeff: Bread and Fred and Ned and Jed.
NotCainNorAbel: not wrong
Saintnex: I could see Alex and Ian working well together too
Yurielx: wait, what's the way to participate in the giveaway on Youtube? D: just a comment on the VOD?
nerhydas72: Like a cat?
totumusmaximus: Each otter sandwiches?
SmithKurosaki: @Yurielx and sub to the channel
jokerzgrave: Have I missed the nicknames episodes or did Friday night's pause nicknames episode?
Sarah_Serinde: @Yurielx When the edited vod goes up on YouTube, yes
excalgold: Jam3s the return
ContingentCat: the reunification of the James
Dedwrekka: Minecraft...on Mineoclock?!
stippledotter: 3 James? In this economy?
FarleyF: James - Jamerge - Jamuno
v_nome: Whenever we have a problem and Kathleen comes around we immediately have a different problem. She's a helper!
MechaKuuga: 3 James is the best James
jchinnock: just a lil rascal tossing explosives
McMenno: wait... minecraft on mine o'clock?
Marvoleath: Jam3s
KaleidoscopeMind: bird
petey_vonwho: Kathleen shows up, fucks shit up, says "your welcome" and leaves
Sarah_Serinde: I love Cori's game suggestions
nerhydas72: You had me at Penguin
Laserbeaks_Fury: yaaaas
Sarah_Serinde: It's very good
Joecool190: thats a good one
RaginCaucaJhin: Bloomburrow Part 2: Icelandic Boogaloo
Joecool190: scottish
Sarah_Serinde: Largely Scottish
slyrz: who won the pre-prerelease?
KaleidoscopeMind: scottish
northos: @slyrz us
LRRMTG_Judge: @slyrz we the viewers did. pharma2Vial
KaleidoscopeMind: every scottish person i know cried at hearing actually scots
singinnonsense: horror on the North Sea
Saintnex: oh wait, weโ€™ve beaten Crow County? Iโ€™ve got to go check the vods :D
nerhydas72: Newest game in the Scottish oil rig horror game genre
SirPlumpy: oh hey, adrive's game
Juliamon: Saintnex Yep, and Ben guessed the twist like 3 minutes before it was revealed
the_phantom_game_player: I'm glad you still have energy from the subathon
Dedwrekka: Pugio?
nerhydas72: Yugimon?
rogerivany: But does it have otters?
toomanybears subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, toomanybears! (Today's storm count: 150)
itomeshi: I need to go back and finish Pacfifc Drive. It's so good.
Aygar subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 55 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Aygar! (Today's storm count: 151)
FarleyF: Last i checked he is close to the end
KWardJenx: nice
Saintnex: yea, Alex is in the final 1/3 - 1/4 of the game
stippledotter: You know, I'm starting to think these folks stream a lot
TheWooglie: LUL
TheDevil_Risen: Ahhhh!
KaleidoscopeMind: who planned that
ProcyonFlynn: !dbcountdonw
agentofsaruman69: kathleen please you gotta get the yawning on stream under control
ghizmou: no rest for the wicked
pn55: HypeLUL
macintose: Ahhhh!
MurphEP: Jump scared
TheDevil_Risen: so much content!
DoomBringerIL: WHEN do u guys sleep? @LoadingReadyRun
Gaelan_Maestro: on sat there is a medieval fest in manitoba
foopoiuyt: I think there may have been a failure in planning.
aggieblakers: I appreciate Kathleen's commitment to goth-dom, but everyone needs supportive shoes
KWardJenx: Finally, new content!
Viewers_Like_You: And coming up next week, another subathon!
marawr_arts: Cheer1000 go team!
BeldansFire: Is My favorite Romanian princess rocking the Fonz drip?
RatherLargeToad: Olympics is happening, so can do the great indoor games again
pseudosoldier: cackling
jchinnock: just a small heart attack as a treat
macintose: Don't worry you have, checks notes, six days!
laikagoat: fionLOL fionLOL
TheDevil_Risen: Cheer100
Sean Brown: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Denny Snijckers: goodbey :)
tucker nelson: Love you guys
Jessica Laurie-Robar: wooot! otters!
Sean Brown: Kathleen was super gonna win if Benben hadn't pull exactly what he needed ๐Ÿ˜Š
Rune Semey: thanks for a great prerelease.
Sean Brown: thanks for the wonderful stream!
Simriel: Adam is the Second James, but who is the third?
WiseGuy57: James
ender4449: Is Adam going to be ok with that one?
Simriel: Pacific Drive is very good, my run took about 40 hours to complete?
MaxTurkeyFlaps: It me!
Nigouki: yep, literally ticked over 28 min ago
foopoiuyt: @LoadingReadyRun Maybe 1 1/2 hours of people sleeping on stream?
Nigouki subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
Nigouki: boop
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nigouki! (Today's storm count: 152)
FarleyF: i wonder how many 'Serge' Subs are there (Off by One)
nerhydas72: @BeldansFire Congratulations! You have made a brand new sentence
Pharmacistjudge: I guess my sub was too early today
Lord_Hosk gifted a Tier 1 sub to Thelastsub! They have given 7 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Thelastsub! (Today's storm count: 153)
janMelantu: the j in my name is pronounced like y
BasilHunter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BasilHunter! (Today's storm count: 154)
BeldansFire: That was a deep cut from like LLR circa 2010? Maybe 2009? @nerhydas72
JonnyH is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 70 in the channel!
JonnyH gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mannequin_Z!
JonnyH gifted a Tier 1 sub to h1a4e!
JonnyH gifted a Tier 1 sub to ravenryan!
JonnyH gifted a Tier 1 sub to g10rd4n1!
JonnyH gifted a Tier 1 sub to icchhhhh!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, JonnyH! Welcome to Mannequin_Z, icchhhhh, g10rd4n1, h1a4e, and ravenryan! (Today's storm count: 159)
Lord_Hosk: MY JOKE!
jubale1: Is bloomburrow a Standard set?
Sarah_Serinde: @Pharmacistjudge It was more than 10 minutes early so yeah probably
Joecool190: yup
Dog_of_Myth: Yes
janMelantu: @jubale1 yes
Dog_of_Myth: Lots of new subs
Razorflowerpetals subscribed with Prime.
laikagoat: New sub hype
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Razorflowerpetals! (Today's storm count: 160)
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2490 in the channel!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Max_Peck!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to celesstegr!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChanommG!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to micos7777!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Reeeiiin!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to Max_Peck, ChanommG, celesstegr, Reeeiiin, and micos7777! (Today's storm count: 165)
jubale1: is it instead of year-named summer sets
JKBalch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JKBalch! (Today's storm count: 166)
whitebadgerwolf88: Welcome to all the new subs!! This is a great place to be lrrSHINE
macintose: "What ya mean" -Wheeler who streams on sundays
SpleenLord subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 93 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SpleenLord! (Today's storm count: 167)
SharktoothJack: lrrHEART
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
RandomTrivia: Nice
laikagoat: wheelerOok wheelerOok wheelerOok
McMenno: hey it's fele
nerhydas72: oh god who let a rabid monkey in??
FarleyF: Thanks Ben
Juliamon: nerhydas72 I guess someone thought it was a rabbit monkey
Viewers_Like_You subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months, currently on a 96 month streak!
Viewers_Like_You: The full eight years! That's almost two years.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Viewers_Like_You! (Today's storm count: 168)
nerhydas72: @Juliamon That sounds awesome
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to grapeshot!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, grapeshot! (Today's storm count: 169)
Lord_Hosk: I tried so hard
NotCainNorAbel: how!!
stippledotter: And got so far
JonnyH: Might have got it if amazon checkout didn't take 10 minutes :P
OVERKiLL!: thank you for the stream
Famous Stranger: are they wrapping up?
ender4449: yes
LoadingReadyRun: we are. The edited vod will be up on in a couple of days
bakerydragon: Goodnight all
LariatWest: we're so dead
Easilycrazyhat: So flipping dead
mysteenova157: You are all amazing!
BeldansFire: @nerhydas72 Why did no one get my Feed dump reference from 8 years ago!!! ใƒพ(*โ€™๏ผฏโ€™*)/
stippledotter: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 169 (new subscribers: 61, returning subscribers: 108, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 0, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 2350, new followers: 200, YouTube super chats: 0, YouTube super stickers: 0
macintose: So flipping dead
laikagoat: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
JonnyH: Now sleep for a week
RandomTrivia: Killed an entire commander pod
NekomimiNinja: lrrSHINE
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
TheDevil_Risen: baiii have a good night~!
Cptasparagus: go take a nap!
Anubis169: Thank yoooooooooou lrrHEART
pseudosoldier: <3
LariatWest: whole pod's ded
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
nerhydas72: bye bye
Seagulyus: grapeshot hits you, the table next to you, AND the table next to that
Viewers_Like_You: Thanks all
bobAkirafett: peace out ya'll
Easilycrazyhat: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
McMenno: thanks for streaming!
abslomdaak42: Bye lrrHEART
Anubis169: Aww!!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
bothendsburning: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
macintose: Bye
Saintnex: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: Thanks for the great time, everyone! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
thejadedthief: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
LRRMTG_Judge: See you all next PPR! - Natedogg
Tingeltangelibach: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
protojman: gud bai!
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Seagulyus Is that how multiplayer with tens of players works?
qrpth: !cardview off
Sevinon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 61 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sevinon! (Today's storm count: 170)
Molator: time to watch the replay
Lord_Hosk: BADING
Derkatronic: BRING
samwiser_: Sound?
Jigokuro: Windows would like a word, Paul.
Viewers_Like_You: bwung
samwiser_: Aw shucks.
jubale1: Thon-a-thon is over right?
Jigokuro: ^ Yes
stippledotter: Goes ding when there's stuff
samwiser_: That was a lovely thon-a-thon.
ender4449: unfortunately for us, the viewers, but a much needed break for the gang after this sub-a-thon
Simriel: Okay there HAVE to be multiple Viewers Like You right?
Famous Stranger: I hope they get good pizza
G G: o7
Lord_Hosk: Go home... Its over
Viewers_Like_You: In case anyone wants to relive the fond memories -
1 raiders from clausen94 have joined!
Juliamon: Sorry raiders, just ended