DigitalSeahorse: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PDT (11m from now).
beowuuf: titlechange!
TXC2: title change!
beowuuf: sung to the tune of posture check
Metric_Furlong: let's get ready to Horse!
Juliamon: my brain volunteers: horse, horse, horse horse horse horse EVERYBODY (shots)
TehAmelie: everybody horse now♫
beowuuf: jlrrDance
iris_of_ether: Y'all ready for horse
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PDT (0s from now).
Juliamon: Horse Jamz Volume 2
beowuuf: !nexthorse
TehAmelie: i'm putting my newfound obsession with The Newsroom on hold for horses
TXC2: Manae lrrHORN
beowuuf: i assumed there was no point trying to beat manae and went for the joke :p lrrHORN
Manae: :P
iris_of_ether: I like to horse it, horse it
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
beowuuf: holy crap, no refresh this time
TXC2: where as I got Error 5000 :p
SnackPak_: lrrGibb
beowuuf: twitch is a cruel roulette playing mistress
Drasvin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
Drasvin: Horse
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Drasvin! (Today's storm count: 3)
TehAmelie: playing duck duck goose with refreshes
TakobiRabbit: I've heard very good things about this
TheExactSame subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheExactSame! (Today's storm count: 4)
SoapboxJesterGames: My silly self thought they were going to do another round of Pre Prerelease. SMH the email header got me
beowuuf: horse!
TXC2: "another round of PPR" is kinda what the Fam Jam is, and that's nect week
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
TXC2: Here we GO!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to SoapboxJesterGames!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SoapboxJesterGames! (Today's storm count: 5)
TXC2: Hello Cori and Jane
beowuuf: hey jane! hey cori!
8 raiders from AdzyandJaneComics have joined!
TXC2: Jane of Adzy and fame
AdzyandJaneComics: the family is heeere
TehAmelie: hiya
Drasvin: It's a raid!
TXC2: speaking of, Hello Raiders
Juliamon: Heck yeah slideshow
The_Crab_Goddess: henloooooo
abslomdaak42: Hello lrrHEART
TXC2: hello abslomdaak42 welcome
The_Crab_Goddess subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months!
The_Crab_Goddess: yes hello I am crab i am in your window watching Jane of Adzy and Jane fame
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, The_Crab_Goddess! (Today's storm count: 6)
SoapboxJesterGames: WHy are horses so hard to draw?
The_Crab_Goddess: the nose
AdzyandJaneComics: I'm here
iris_of_ether: HahaSweat
TXC2: it may not be professional, but it WILL be informative as always
AdzyandJaneComics: I HALP
TXC2: SoapboxJesterGames their legs are fingers, and fingers are always hard to draw Kappa
SoapboxJesterGames: @The_Crab_Goddess That better not be Voxy in disguise #sideeye
Khyrberos: Preprerelease?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Bodies in contact, a.k.a. that thing game animators have still never figured out.
nyoomgoom: blonde-with-red-tips bunny reminds me so much of someone i knew in like 2003. just like, conceptually, abstractly
kazumin88: preprerelease?
SoapboxJesterGames: @Khyrberos The email header got you too?
Khyrberos: Wait yesterday... Then why did I get a notification just now?
SoapboxJesterGames: This is WILD
Khyrberos: @soapboxjestergames I don't know what that is, but probably 😅... It was on my phones notification bar.
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Khyrberos Because Twitch's tools for changing stream settings suck. CDHC has always had this problem.
effin_steffin41: @khyrberos same
Khyrberos: Dang. Thanks
TXC2: Closer!
SoapboxJesterGames: @Khyrberos same scenario, different form of delivery
TXC2: a venn diagram of love/ horny
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Most LRR "from home" streams (that don't involve Paul) don't have the correct stream title in the email header. Because Twitch sucks.
TXC2: ScrapyardGhostTrain a problem we have been dealing with since the pandemic :(
SoapboxJesterGames: How is LRR able to stream both on YT and Twitch?
SoapboxJesterGames: I was super impressed with that
TXC2: Paul is magic
Juliamon: SoapboxJesterGames Cool multicast technology
SoapboxJesterGames: I am too cheap LMAO
ScrapyardGhostTrain: TXC2 Well, since ever, but it only became a common issue post-Covid. :p
TXC2: ScrapyardGhostTrain true
Juliamon: Twitch is not designed with multi-person channels in mind.
PMAvers: Fiiiiiiingertiiiiiiiiips
The_Crab_Goddess: you ever think about H A N D S?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: I'm not sure Twitch is designed full stop.
AugmentingPath: In today's episode of "art reference or acid trip:" staring at your hands
The_Crab_Goddess: wait you people don't investigate things with a headbutt?
Juliamon: ScrapyardGhostTrain If you compare it to Youtube, it's *definitely* designed
SoapboxJesterGames: I like the idea of video game playing with two other screens, one for camera on me and the other with movie playing.
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Juliamon Fair point.
beowuuf: (now for a twenty minute discussion of qimir and osha from the acolyte using nothing but hand holding screenshots)
beowuuf: :D
Scia23: OSHA *puts on her hardhat*
SnackPak_: Bortles!
beowuuf: manny something?
beowuuf: iy
beowuuf: it was on theme! hand / light saber holding!
TXC2: Manny Jacinto yes, who is Canadian apprantly
SnackPak_: lrrFRUMP
beowuuf: finger is a meronym of the hand
Mollylele: is this a pic of someone hugging Manny Jacinto?
AdzyandJaneComics: Jane, I don't know if Corey knew that was a FNV Reference
Drasvin: Hugs!
TXC2: !card hugs
LRRbot: Hugs, Grisly Guardian [XRRGG] | Legendary Creature — Badger Warrior [5/5] | Trample / When Hugs, Grisly Guardian enters, exile the top X cards of your library. Until the end of your next turn, you may play those cards. / You may play an additional land on each of your turns.
beowuuf: badger badger badger badger must hug must hug!
TXC2: not grabbing the upper arm
SquareDotCube: Is Darth Vader doing a force choke an uncomfortable intimate contact?
TXC2: SquareDotCube sure why not
beowuuf: murder squeezing is vadar's love language
AdzyandJaneComics: depends on the 'victim'
beowuuf: he really appreciated captain need'a apology
Metric_Furlong: "bullying"
abslomdaak42: LUL
mrsilenteye: hi
TXC2: hello mrsilenteye welcome
BrowneePoints: Big vampire lady and short werewolf puppy
TXC2: looking at this has activated my karate brain, and I'm trying to figure out how I would escape this "fight"
beowuuf: roll an opposed athletics check?
Drasvin: If one wishes to resort to violence to escape, knee to groin is always a decent option.
TXC2: Drasvin that would be the opener yes, but I would follow up with a hip toss
BrowneePoints: I just think of a young werewolf boy out on one of his first nights hunting creatures of darkness and just getting bodied by a buff vampire lady
BrowneePoints: Welcome to the underworld pup.
beowuuf: if marisa not vampire lady why so buff and roman?
ThorSokar: spinoff you say?!
PMAvers: That's how you summon a Jacob.
TXC2: CAN draw vampire ladies
SquareDotCube: Can't Sketch Goats
BrowneePoints: look, I played too much world of darkness to not internalize werewolves as protectors of the natural realm
Drasvin: Spinoff crossover between Horse club and Bite club?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: See, the werewolves in Not a Drop just ruined a perfectly respectable van.
measureofhope: Yes, werewolves are hippies in WoD, but also they will bite your face off so maybe don't give them too much shit about it
Juliamon: ScrapyardGhostTrain They aren't the ones who tore the backseat out
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Juliamon But they did *cause* it.
AdzyandJaneComics: @Drasvin Look, if that's what it takes to get on Dice Friends, I'll fund it
ThorSokar: This sounds like a philosophical question
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
abslomdaak42: Hyped for that
GreatWahooney: season 3 confirmed? :O
beowuuf: hunger check! hunger check!
TXC2: don't talk about can't draw horse bite club ?
The_Crab_Goddess: werehorses
The_Crab_Goddess: werehonse
BrowneePoints: you know there’s gotta be werehorses in WoD
ThorSokar: people play vanilla skyrim?
SquareDotCube: that definitely sounds like modded skyrim
BrowneePoints: they have Coyotes and HAD bears and other weres
TXC2: did turn them into a vampire? or a horse? or a vampire horse?
GreatWahooney: vanilla skyrim? I love that movie
BrowneePoints: but uh…the werewolves may have instigated a war for supremacy in the spirit team under the guise of “unification”
SquareDotCube: weretoads
ThorSokar: this is oddly specific...
measureofhope: Mostly neck
Drasvin: Werecreatures in dorf fort are !!Fun!!
ScrapyardGhostTrain: I play vanilla Skyrim, because when the mods inevitably break, it's a lot harder to console command fix them & unbrick the save.
AdzyandJaneComics: ok, giraffe fuelled tantrum spiral in not on my bingo card
SquareDotCube: Also werecreatures are vulnerable to specific metals, not just silver
BrowneePoints: if I remember correctly WoD werewolves wanted the secrets of immortality from the Werebears who were like Seers and Mystics of Gaia’s lore
jessieimproved: Time to go deeper!
BrowneePoints: the bears said no and the Werwolves did a genocide
AdzyandJaneComics: my best death in DF was the Superdeep Hell hole
AdzyandJaneComics: It turns out that I just built the Urist and Sons memorial Volcano
BrowneePoints: hey a common sense/executive filter is very important!
AdzyandJaneComics: Lava
AdzyandJaneComics: the lava wanted to come up and say hi
Drasvin: Ah, you didn't find the circus?
AdzyandJaneComics: I did not anticipate the lava coming up to say hi
AdzyandJaneComics: which was hilarious because I have build balrog defenses and guardposts all the way down
Drasvin: Fluid dynamics!
TXC2: but that's what lava does, if you give lava space it WILL fill it :p
AdzyandJaneComics: I was prepared for any monster, but not billions of tons of boiling rock
TXC2: Peak CDHC, an episode that is all slideshow presentation
beowuuf: escher3THUMBSUP
beowuuf: great is the enemy of good
ThorSokar: I also like "Perfect is the enemy of Finished"
ScrapyardGhostTrain: A sentiment that won WW2.
beowuuf: a year and a half!
ThorSokar: composOld We remember that edit
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Worth it, though!
BrowneePoints: look she still thrifts at Goodwill
BrowneePoints: they have good deals
TXC2: "are these two fighting or flirting?" "yes"
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
abslomdaak42: What the...
beowuuf: new music is what :)
beowuuf: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrNo
TXC2: wow I really like this
Mollylele: you're welcome / sorry
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Mollylele It's perfect, thank you.
beowuuf: seabatClap seabatYUNG
Alness49: This is certainly a song to tune in on
TXC2: Mollylele I love it
DandyGeek: his brain is perfectly smooth!
beowuuf: 13/10
abslomdaak42: This is probably my first time tuning into Can't Draw Horses Club. Is this... normal?
TXC2: abslomdaak42 yes
PMAvers: Oh god there's a Live this weekend?
beowuuf: @abslomdaak42 cori or friends derived musical break is.... this is a new tune though
nyoomgoom: lmao
beowuuf: we all win
TXC2: PMAvers yeap, a fact Kathleen and Ben did not know until Yesterday it seems :p
beowuuf: seabatOAK escher3BUZZ
abslomdaak42: @TXC2 @TXC2 It's wonderful
beowuuf: lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ
beowuuf: bees-lander
DandyGeek: oh right, there’s a new subathon’s worth of clips to sample now lrrBEEJ
beowuuf: :D
Mollylele: lotta people sure said things while throwing balloons at james's groin
TXC2: right chat I'm off
corianderd: night
beowuuf: ngiht txc2!
DandyGeek: g’night!
TXC2: Goodnight Everybody, and thanks for streaming Cori and Jane
beowuuf: escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE
yalc321: B E E S
bluejaydreamer: Thanks TXC2!
Mollylele: PridePog PridePog PridePog
beowuuf: wb
PMAvers: barrBEES barrBEES barrBEES
IslandersCaper: PrideWave
Mollylele: 👋 continuous! enthusiastic! content!
measureofhope: Exalted fanfic? Let's go!
beowuuf: voilins?
BrowneePoints: is that a shot of Rossiu getting clocked?
BrowneePoints: Ooooo Jane nabbed THE One Piece Punch panel too! good pick
measureofhope: Someone getting wrecked by a Dawn caste who is completely out of patience
measureofhope: Oh god I need to catch up on Girl Genius
ThirdFloorDraft: jailing body with the hers as well
BrowneePoints: god I’m a weeb
BrowneePoints: a lot of kineticism
NorthstarTex: I heard dishonor, its pronounced "german legos" :P *goes back to lurk*
ThirdFloorDraft: those muscles...
Mollylele: oh I just noticed that's a foot in there
ThirdFloorDraft: it's the hyperbole, they are accurate, but inhumanly toned
BrowneePoints: it reminds me of early JoJo
BrowneePoints: also the angles of the inner thigh draws the eye to the kick
ThirdFloorDraft: well there a knuckles where it should be... toe knuckles
j_crane330: PopCorn
ThirdFloorDraft: gross, can't wait to read it
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Ah, I see it now. Before you said that, I was thinking the orange outline was standing & failing to figure it out from there.
ThorSokar: looks like a "why are you hitting yourself" moment
50keyz: one punch man?
ThorSokar: the Netflix Castlevania series has some amazing ones
Mollylele: I liked (read: could follow) the combat in Polite Society but it was also silly on purpose
50keyz: i always found the stark contrast between teh static andimation and the VERY quick combat in one punch man
AdzyandJaneComics: this last pic is Adzy grappling with the anthropomorphised concept of business taxes
ThirdFloorDraft: fighting is insteresting, cause is it the narrative of a fight, or the style of the fight that make it great?
LordZarano: Scott Pilgrim?
BrowneePoints: non Saitama fights tend to be more contact and kinetic
BrowneePoints: like Metal Bat or Genos stuff
BrowneePoints: yes Tekken GG and SF screen shots are AMAZING reference
BrowneePoints: and the upcoming 2XKO has brilliant animations for reference too
DandyGeek: the reference models for SF6 are *amazing*
TehAmelie: i saw a drawing of Marissa as One Punch Woman the other day i now wish i'd saved
ThorSokar: Any of the new Mortal Kombat games got very descriptive on what punches do
ThirdFloorDraft: Oh, I saw a terrible fight recently, the most recent Kung Fu panda feels like they ran out of fight gags
BrowneePoints: oh also Kung Fu Hustle(or anything by Stephen Chow)
BrowneePoints: brilliant for fight reference
Mollylele: I'm never gonna get tired of watchin Jane just scribble out a hand like it's no problem. Take that, AI!
ThorSokar: They did some neat stuff with the old Invisible man movies
abslomdaak42: There's some great violent contact in Wonder Woman: Dead Earth
TehAmelie: thinking about it, Old Boy has some great moments of intimacy aside from that one fight scene and that one sex scene we all remember
BrowneePoints: Wonder Woman dead earth was a brilliant limited run
BrowneePoints: highly recommend
TehAmelie: the guy eating a living octopus. . .the home dentistry scene. . .
abslomdaak42: Nope, it's a comic
BrowneePoints: That’s the one where she covers the lasso of truth with Superman’s spine
abslomdaak42: Post-apocalypse with Wonder Woman. It's excellent.
BrowneePoints: it’s post apocalyptic
NorthstarTex: thats metal af
abslomdaak42: By Daniel Warren Johnson. He's doing the really popular Transformers right now.
BrowneePoints: Kingsman 1 for legs
BrowneePoints: with Gazelle
QuixoticScrivener: Trigun
ThirdFloorDraft: there were those wolverine villians, 'Wild bunch'... they were all missing limbs.... for reasons....
ThirdFloorDraft: though from the 'Logan' movie, they didn't have too many real fight scenes
BrowneePoints: Malenia
DandyGeek: pronounced “neil” but spelled Niall
ThorSokar: In Samurai Jack: The Scottsman has a machene gun on his leg
TehAmelie: Planet Terror, it's fantastic
QuixoticScrivener: Planet Terror
BrowneePoints: Planet terror
BrowneePoints: But yeah, gazelle in the first Kingsman movie has bladed prosthetic legs
TehAmelie: ooh, Glory, the short lived comic by Sophie Campbell and Joe Keatinge. no prosthetics, but there are some amputees. and a lot of staggeringly intimate violence with shape changing stuff
Mollylele: which piece needs no introduction? KappaPride
BrowneePoints: it’s also the 2nd highest selling comic book of all time behind Superman
BrowneePoints: which is WILD
AdzyandJaneComics: CLAP\
ThorSokar: composFive
TehAmelie: *finger snaps*
Mollylele: sharkf11CALP sharkf11CALP sharkf11CALP
CraziestOwl: clap
ThorSokar: wow, that's a tough one
abslomdaak42: Not a cinematic hug but I love twelfth Doctor's uncomfortable hugs in Doctor Who
AdzyandJaneComics: There's a good hug in Gundam: Yuri
BrowneePoints: I was a big fan of the one between Lylla and Rocket in GotG3
AdzyandJaneComics: WfM
AdzyandJaneComics: the antigravity glomp
novrdd: Tomaytah
BrowneePoints: also the hug between Falin and Laios in Delicious in Dungeon was an incredibly good example of intimate non-romantic hug
AdzyandJaneComics: Denethor's tomato eating lives rent free in my head and ignores all my eviction notices
TehAmelie: i'm thinking of the final scene in 12 Years a Slave when the guy gets back to his family. i don't really remember how the hugs went, but i remember the whole theater choking up in unison
BrowneePoints: that’s just a mouthing
BrowneePoints: mouth hug*
BrowneePoints: to a tomato
BrowneePoints: with violence
TehAmelie: teeth hug
ThorSokar: so, the first Men In Black movie...
AdzyandJaneComics: none of the wors you said are in the bible
public_key_reveal_party: I just got here just in time for that bit of life advice
BrowneePoints: Judas and Jesus, another good hug
Mollylele: this is piggyback ride erasure
BrowneePoints: and that was in the Bible
TehAmelie: RRR, now that was a lot of power hugs
ThorSokar: were you at a nudest colony or something?
TehAmelie: and piggyback rides
ThorSokar: hahaha
BrowneePoints: And in recent decades because of Jesus Christ superstar
TehAmelie: and Ram at one point wrestling four men at the same time, one with each limb. so intimate
measureofhope: Are you saying they were roommates?
BrowneePoints: Andrew Lloyd Webber very much wrote JCS as a love relationship between Judas and Jesus
BrowneePoints: it’s VERY apparent
Mollylele: everybody talkin about the Last Supper but you never hear about the last brunch
BrowneePoints: @mollylele he didn’t have brunch the next day because he knew he was getting nailed
Mollylele: Jesus's besties were 12 dudes + 1 gal who was a sex worker, you try tellin me they never went to brunch
AdzyandJaneComics: sometimes a mimosa is just a mimosa, Frued probably
BrowneePoints: I think Molly was being serious but I made a bottom brunch joke
measureofhope: I thought brunch was boujie breakfast
Mollylele: just sayin the Judas x Jesus ship has legs
TehAmelie: they brunched it up so hard now nobody gets more than 12 seats for their group
Juliamon: everything has legs in Horse Club
ThorSokar: I assume because it walks like a duck and qucks like a duck
abslomdaak42: How many legs does the ship have?
Mollylele: Jesus did not paddle in the water, he was very much legs on water
Mollylele: that's canon
BrowneePoints: A Judas Jesus ship doesn’t hold water. Because it walks on it.
Mollylele: ^^
BrowneePoints: @mollylele *high fives*
TehAmelie: if it doesn't leak, no one can bail out of it
ThorSokar: getting your ex killed because of bad breakup is VERY Ancient Rome, just sayin'
TehAmelie: this metaphor may be sailing away from us
AdzyandJaneComics: nobody in this chat is free from sin
Juliamon: people hated the Uncle Grandpa crossover because it spoke the truth
BrowneePoints: Bernoulli’s principle. Bernoulli’s principle floats my boat.
BrowneePoints: NO OUR SHIPPPP
BrowneePoints: I sunk your ship with a head cannon
Mollylele: 🆓 ⁉️
Juliamon: I don't advise it actually
Juliamon: We might have.. a filter
AdzyandJaneComics: Juliamon says no
BrowneePoints: SU made me think: regular show is another one that shows good intimate contact of a variety of
BrowneePoints: ways*
BrowneePoints: More Mordecai and Rigby are a raccoon and Bluejay, but their boss is a gumball machine and one of their best friends is an immortal gorilla man
BrowneePoints: wow dictation HAAAAATE me today.
nyoomgoom: regular show is like thiiiiiis close 🤏 to being an adult swim show
BrowneePoints: hates*
TehAmelie: i forgot this, definitely my favorite violent scene in a movie
Juliamon: (like, I don't know if the filter is in place yet, but we were actively discussing it in modslack during the subathon to blacklist discord links)
TehAmelie: more of a gif than a movie, but still
BrowneePoints: my furry artists friends have trouble rendering it sometimes ye
BrowneePoints: And do you treat hand placement as a normal body or do you sell the density and depth of the fur?
BrowneePoints: lots of stylistic decisions
measureofhope: Come for the art lesson, stay for the werewolf erotica
AdzyandJaneComics: I've already started writing it, Jane
nyoomgoom: new OCs just dropped
BrowneePoints: just a small time boof. living with a leaky rooooof
LordZarano: And where do they fall on the hand-paw spectrum?
Mollylele: post it notes are great for practicing panel comics
SquareDotCube: that's how muscle touching fanfics get made Cori
nyoomgoom: actually speaking of the hand-paw spectrum: the internal conflict when you want humanoid hands but also toe beans. ough
Mollylele: pencil touching
Niahlah: What if you muscle someone else's muscles??
ThorSokar: composNotes Muscle Touch the comic faolkoNotes
BrowneePoints: but Braum from LoL told me the Heart is the Strongest Muscle
Niahlah: but the muscles touched
nyoomgoom: number of fingers and where the thumb goes, yuuup
AdzyandJaneComics: Their names are Vivienne and Oliver
ThorSokar: ok, now, take on me version
BrowneePoints: I mean, I literally went for a design with pads for a species that doesn’t actually have paw pads(red panda) cause it makes more sense in a world where you need to grip things. so for that Aesthetic choice beat Biology accuracy
TheAinMAP: escher3BEE escher3BUZZ escher3BEE
Mollylele: PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute
BrowneePoints: and yes chat if you didn’t know Red Pandas don’t have paw pads. Their paws are completely fur covered.
TehAmelie: they had to spare some beans for red beans
Juliamon: My spot on the spectrum was variable depending on my mood. Sometimes I did toe beans on proper paws, sometimes I did more human. Some situations demand certain things.
BrowneePoints: when I got my ref sheet done I didn’t specify, artist gave him paw pads and it looked better so they stuck browne26PearPride
Juliamon: (also some commissions had very specific requests, because of course they did)
nyoomgoom: the solid flat color people have a very strong "clip art in a powerpoint" vibe. but like the best kind of powerpoint: the powerpoint where you had a research assignment for english class and didn't do the research so you pick something funny to infodump about because the prof is cool and will probably pass it w a solid C
nyoomgoom: and you like, pick out really good clipart to decorate it with
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Mollylele Is this available anywhere?
Mollylele: Great question - I oughta put it on my Soundcloud with the others, I just haven't yet.
ScrapyardGhostTrain: I look forward to it, then. lrrSHINE
Strebenherz: Evenin' everyone. How's the shrek count tonight?
Mollylele: not to be confused with locked photos of people in head stocks
ThorSokar: Death by Snu-Snu here we come!
ThorSokar: exactly!
ThorSokar: hmm
AdzyandJaneComics: I NAMED THEM
AdzyandJaneComics: Vivienne and Oliver
Mollylele: Adzy coming in hot with the facts
BrowneePoints: Viv and Ollie. good names
ThorSokar: Carmilla and Carl
ThorSokar: hmm, good point
BrowneePoints: Straight Carmilla is Queen of the Damned
BrowneePoints: and I’ll plant a flag on that hill
ThorSokar: Who's name was: Akasha
ThorSokar: answer
ThorSokar: Yes
BrowneePoints: it’s the 2nd????? book? 1st???
BrowneePoints: Princess Bride has great intimacy shots!
ThorSokar: Queen of the Damned is the 3rd book BrowneePoints
TheMerricat: So I'm out of the loop on Anne Rice, last time I actually ever paid attention I thought she had gone older Christian and repudiated all of her books is that still true?
TheMerricat: Older -> uber
ThorSokar: "A really bad your-mama joke"
measureofhope: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?
AdzyandJaneComics: They're fighting over whether its pronounced aluminum or aluminium
measureofhope: Giff or jiff
Mollylele: J-eye-ff
ThorSokar: The Brits dug their own grave, they know what they did
SquareDotCube: I know the one! "Immanuel Kant was a real pissant that was very rarely stable, Heidigger Heidigger..."
AdzyandJaneComics: Aluminum is correct
SquareDotCube: and the story was two Russians who broke into a fistfight discussing modern philosophy
LordZarano: al.jʊˈmɪn.əm
Anubis169: funny way to spell aluminium
Anubis169 dives for cover
BrowneePoints: I still find it so weird being from a state with the “American Standard Dialect” means the way I speak sounds closer to colonial era English than any other current English speaking place
ThorSokar: Well, at least it's not the Daves I know fighting, again
Anubis169: Bonesaaaaaw's Reeeeeaaaaady!!
5 raiders from Luminaire_p have joined!
ThorSokar: Oh, that's a good question: what's a show people go back to, to watch again?
Luminaire_p: Hello!
Anubis169: Lumi!
Anubis169: anything on Rifftrax
Luminaire_p: Taskmaster is always an easy rewatch for me
3 raiders from 321_tv have joined!
BrowneePoints: the only show I do a yearly rewatch of is FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Anubis169: heya 321!
Mollylele: welcome raiders, we're just talking about our watch-again/comfort shows
BrowneePoints: actually that’s a lie I rewatch some JoJo parts too
Anubis169: Molly~
Anubis169: travHert
ThorSokar: Lucifer is fun
Strebenherz: degens? never
Anubis169: hmm... not specifically a show, but I keep running into repeats of Charmed no matter where i go
Anubis169: Freiren
letfireraindown subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months, currently on a 43 month streak!
letfireraindown: Excellent!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, letfireraindown! (Today's storm count: 7)
BrowneePoints: it’s very good. It’s about an elfwho outlived her old adventuring party.
ThorSokar: interesting concept...
Strebenherz: huh
SquareDotCube: I think the recognizable art is the elf with a giant suitcase
KeytarCat: A show about life, and loss is an important part of life
Strebenherz: pfft
ThorSokar: To answer my own questions: Babylon 5 (every 2 years or so), and the (first) Netflix Castlevania series,
measureofhope: I ran a Pugmire one-shot once. It was very fun. The setting is just the most delightful blend of silly and melancholy.
SquareDotCube: sounds very Being John Malkovich
Mollylele: if one must see a Spike Jonze film I think that's the one
KeytarCat: "neat! No!"
SquareDotCube: Makes you ask what happen to the other 65 buffalo
SnackPak_: lrrGibb
ThorSokar: composA1 composA2 oh HI cori!
TheAinMAP: lrrGibb
ThorSokar: He did all the Jackass movies
Mollylele: he didn't direct the Jackass movies, just wrote and produced
Mollylele: he directed Her, Where The Wild Things Are, Adaptation
abslomdaak42: I really love Adaptation
ThorSokar: well, Being John Malkovich was his first one in 1999
measureofhope: Yes, this is peak sister behaviour
BrowneePoints: but yea if you haven’t watched Frieren it’s considered one of the “New Big Three” or “Wholesome Trinity” alongside DunMeshi and Witch Hat Atelier
ThorSokar: I always like hearing answers to this one: What's the _WORST_ movie everyone has seen? (as in maybe even walked out of if you saw it in the theater)
AdzyandJaneComics: 300
Mollylele: I walked out of Kingsmen
measureofhope: I couldn't make it through Cloverfield, had to walk out because the shaky-cam was giving me a headache
TheMerricat: The Happening. Worse, I picked as the movie for my parents and I to watch when they visited.
OldManJohnsonMB subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
OldManJohnsonMB: months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OldManJohnsonMB! (Today's storm count: 8)
BrowneePoints: as far as paid to see? probably Suicide Squad 1 or Rise of Skywalker
AdzyandJaneComics: because
BrowneePoints: that I didn’t pay to see? idk my friend group loves to watch bad movies
Xed_Regulus: But THE Suicide Squad was good
ThorSokar: My top 2 are: I payed money to see Aliens: Resurrection, 2 of us in the theater total, we asked for our moeny back, and Box of Moonlight (rented) my dad and I fell asleep twice and it was STILL on
AdzyandJaneComics: Because I missed it, my favourite movies are: Redline and Fury Road
Mollylele: I fell asleep in The Hobbit so IDK if it was any good
j_crane330: I have seen a lot of bad movies because I like Mystery Science Theater 3000
NotCainNorAbel: while essentially bed bound I could not make it through Meet Joe Black
abslomdaak42: I hate Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Ultraviolet... But I have a specific place of dishonor for Hellboy (2019) as the worst film I've seen in cinema
BrowneePoints: part 1 was..okay
BrowneePoints: the 2nd and 3rd parts were SO BAD
Cptasparagus: I watch a lot of horror/suspense/etc so im not very sensitive to stress in movies, but the first time I saw Kick Ass I had a panic attack for some reason.
Mollylele: what is this, Polar Express?
measureofhope: Yeah the drawn-out Hobbit trilogy was not great
AdzyandJaneComics: I mean, if we're talking about bad movies, Le Chien Andalou is pretty rough to sit through
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Alien Resurrection is a better film than Alien 3. Take that how you will.
Cptasparagus: a bit of Fry and Laurie
ThorSokar: haha, I really like how so many people had _instant_ responses for that questions composKEKSlide
BrowneePoints: Iron Sky was pretty stupid. but it’s like intentionally pretty stupid
measureofhope: Stephen Fry was not what was wrong with that trilogy, but he didn't save it.
j_crane330: He was in V for Vendetta as the talk show host
AdzyandJaneComics: V for Vendetta, another crappy movie
Cptasparagus: I did not realize that he was the goblin king
measureofhope: Iron Sky is brilliantly stupid. I love it
ThorSokar: @Cptasparagus I could see that, there are some REALLY intense scenes in that movie
BrowneePoints: Jim Carrey pulled it off in A Christmas Carol
ThanhtTheBoss: I think Jennifer Hale was 3 people in World of Warcraft Legion. >.>
ThorSokar: I wonder how much of that is because of how you book a voice actor's time? Like "we have you for the next 2 days, and you already finished this stuff, lets do some other stuff!"
measureofhope: I love watching the credits for a movie and seeing that the animal companion with no dialogue is Alan Tudyk AGAIN
BrowneePoints: yea Critical Role taught me that Matt Mercer Liam OBrien and Taliesen Jaffe are vocal chameleons(when they aren’t directed to do their “voice”)
BrowneePoints: League of Legends is damning about that.
BrowneePoints: and fantasy media in general is bad about that
BrowneePoints: More Fat Heroes Plz
measureofhope: @BrowneePoints Matt Mercer is pretty recognisable to me after years of Critical Role brain rot.
emberBecky: who
emberBecky: oops part of larger sentnce
BrowneePoints: and chat if you are artists
emberBecky: can't type ;_;
BrowneePoints: there is a set of very good reference books on how to draw fat bodies. I highly recommend them highly
measureofhope: My fingers are freezing, I just take it slow. You can do it!
BrowneePoints: (and yes I use the term fat as a plus size mode to destigmatize it as a negatively associated word) I’ll see if I can find em Cori
BrowneePoints: YES!
ThorSokar: OH, I just remembered I saw Edge of Tomorrow in theater, a film edited so poorly they RENAMED it for home release, holy crap that was bad, we were walking out of the theater and I looked at my friend and I said "I think that's the worst movie we've ever seen" and looked at me and said "Oh, for sure, by a LONG shot"
BrowneePoints: plus size model*
emberBecky: wehh it's too late and no one remembers what i'm talking about anymore XD
BrowneePoints: there’s no excuse not to include a variety of body types in one’s art
ThorSokar: very school-yard fight
emberBecky: was gonna be "who is very rarely stable" continuing the python reference unless I misheard you which is also possible
BrowneePoints: if you don’t know how to draw them? practice
Mangledpixel: Heidegger Heidegger was a boozy begger
Mollylele: There's nothing Nietsche couldn't teach ya
emberBecky: ah ok I've been in and out, yeah
ThorSokar: haha, oh yea
BrowneePoints: yea. no effort just feels more damning
ThorSokar: I do like the part 2's where people just showed up to have fun and screw around like Cannonball Run 2
letfireraindown: TAD! The Lost adventurer
letfireraindown: It is absolutely grey sludge
Mollylele: Yeah like I walked out of Syndecdoche New York feeling angry, but would prefer that to feeling Meh
Mangledpixel: one movie I was so angry at that I stopped watching was the TV movie adaption of A Wizard of Earthsea
Xed_Regulus: Just before the pandemic, the last two films I saw in theatres were Cats and Rise of the Skywalker.
measureofhope: @Xed_Regulus That's an oof
ThorSokar: Oh, I've seen that dumpster fire Mangledpixel, holy crap I had forgotten about it
BrowneePoints: he passed away 10 years ago this year. now we Philip See-Less Hoffman
Mollylele: Kaufman written & directed, I think? it was an interesting script & a great cast, but I found it hateful and dark.
Mangledpixel: apologies for reminding you, ThorSokar
abslomdaak42: I... like it? It's probably my least favourite Kaufman (out of the one's I've seen) but it's really interesting
measureofhope: Grave of the Fireflies is great if you want to have your heart ripped out and stomped on
ThorSokar: composHmm
Strebenherz: I forget which one, but a mothman movie that I fall asleep watching consistently
measureofhope: Oh, Conan the Barbarian, the Arnie one
TheMerricat: The Seven Samuri. :P
avjamethyst: I remember watching Batman Forever and wondering when the plot was going to start
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Apocalypse Now.
Mollylele: my high school BF made me watch all the directors cut LOTR in a single sitting
Mollylele: it was hell
Mollylele: I told him so
ThorSokar: Angel coming in spitting fire
j_crane330: I tried to water Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 and couldn't make it 10 minutes
Mangledpixel: well, I mean, Koyaanisqatsi, but that's kinda supposed to be slow
LordZarano: Spartacus
j_crane330: Watch
Mollylele: Satantango is statistically the slowest movie
BrowneePoints: David Lynch’s Dune is pretty slow
ThorSokar: I mean, Box of Moonlight is clearly the slowest movie I've ever watched since I fell asleep twice trying to watch it, nothing holds a candle to that for slowness
abslomdaak42: The Godfather? Or Metropolis, that's kinda slow as well.
emberBecky: The Straight Story jumped to mind first. But I have pretty low movie knowledge
Xed_Regulus: The Sound of Music
BrowneePoints: I’d have to go back through some of the Best Picture winners I’ve seen that are REAL slow burn dramas
j_crane330: Great
Mollylele: Best Idea Of All Time
Mollylele: oops that URL is brok
beowuuf: bonus feets
ThorSokar: I think the people who named that con intended for people to smirk at the name
Greendrag13: I've still never made it to an Anthrocon. Maybe 2025
beowuuf: o7
AdzyandJaneComics: nah, you good
ThorSokar: oh, is your brain a time-share?
AdzyandJaneComics: Iunno, watch strea, buy merch, join Discord
measureofhope: goodbye folks
Mollylele: fare well
j_crane330: Bye
beowuuf: sergeHi
ThorSokar: oh, that'll be a good time
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
BrowneePoints: RIP your sanity
abslomdaak42: Bye!
Strebenherz: LIVE BEES
ThorSokar: ok, byeeee
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: Chained Together) at Mon 05:00 PM PDT (1:05 from now).
emberBecky: o/
beowuuf: escher3BEE