Manae: And we have a title change
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Minecraft on their Minecraft show, of course! Game: Minecraft) at Tue 10:00 AM PDT (2m from now).
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a very glossy jpeg of a goat
Didero: How can a jpeg be glossy?
baltimore_667083: -shrugs-
Manae: Having not yet found a way to make seconds display on the clock in W11, sniping nexts is much more annoying in it.
Didero: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 9:58 AM
Didero: Oh, that doesn't have seconds either
Manae: @Didero And now I'm just thinking of that King of the Hill joke about jpegs
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Alma_v: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
GhostValv: amazonTasteTheRainbow amazonTasteTheRainbow amazonTasteTheRainbow
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Minecraft on their Minecraft show, of course! Game: Minecraft) at Tue 10:00 AM PDT (0s from now).
omdorastrix subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
omdorastrix: Time to Craft Some Clocks of Mine
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, omdorastrix! (Today's storm count: 1)
L0rdX33n: hello human faced meat assemblages
TheShokara: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
omdorastrix: Ugly bag of mostly water here
TheShokara: o/ hello chat!
beowuuf: sergeHi
brieandbacon: What up fools?!
Simriel: Some kind of... Mining? But also crafting? Seems fake
Xed_Regulus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
Xed_Regulus: The Quarter Year!!! lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xed_Regulus! (Today's storm count: 2)
Didero subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
Didero: Can't think of a better moment this month for a resub. Thanks to @beowuuf for my sub gift!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Didero! (Today's storm count: 3)
Tandtroll_OG: Minecraft?! On this stream?! lrrCrab
IbunWest subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IbunWest! (Today's storm count: 4)
northos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
northos: Minecraft?!?!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, northos! (Today's storm count: 5)
beowuuf: o7 didero
TXC2: here we GO!
Didero: @beowuuf Your generosity is always appreciated :)
Astramentha: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
TXC2: !uno
LRRbot: RebelliousUno is streaming as well. Be sure to check out his view of the stream and give him a follow!
brieandbacon: And Serge!!
Didero: Oh, they're playing a new game? Let's see what this 'Mine Craft' is all about
Dread_Pirate_Westley: And Serge!
beowuuf: @Didero as is yours with a certain bot :)
brieandbacon: !dos
LRRbot: RebelliousUno también está transmitiendo. Asegúrate de revisar su vista de la secuencia y darle una continuación!
TXC2: Hello James
DideRobot: LRR: For the first time since... I don't even remember James, Serge, and Uno are all back together playing Minecraft on our weekly Minecraft show! What a concept! It's Mine O'Clock baby! |
MungoDude: mornin
beowuuf: !tres
LRRbot: Anche RebelliousUno è in streaming. Assicurati di controllare la sua visione del flusso e dargli un seguito!
TheWooglie: new mine, who dis?
TXC2: !shi
LRRbot: RebelliousUno Sutorīmingu mo shite imasu. Ogawa no kare no kenkai o kakunin shite, kare ni shitagatte kudasai!
TheShokara: impuls35Wave
Genie_M: Hi James and friends
beowuuf: subs, what a novel concept
Toonela subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months, currently on a 46 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Toonela! (Today's storm count: 6)
hanzi_keat subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hanzi_keat! (Today's storm count: 7)
brieandbacon: !vagh
LRRbot: labtaH rebelIyuS'uno! much leghbogh ghaH 'e' yIbej ej' ghaH yItlha'!
Didero: Wait, 60 months is 5 years, I've been here that long already?!
Simriel: If there is only one of him, does that just make him a Jame
beowuuf: here forever...
protojman: WHAAAAAAAAaaaat!
TheWooglie: 10 years
GhostValv subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
GhostValv: almost a year :O
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GhostValv! (Today's storm count: 8)
rogerivany: 4 score and 7 years
L0rdX33n: 10,000 weeks
protojman: been a wild summer
PsychoI3oy: no because it was raft and terraria before your vacation
TXC2: "it's been 87 years)
TXC2: "
beowuuf: playing minecraft together. rather than provisionally just on the same side :p
jchinnock subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 96 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jchinnock! (Today's storm count: 9)
TXC2: Hello Uno and Serge
Tandtroll_OG: Wow all three
Statist42: Hi Friends! lrrSHINE
TXC2: hello Statist42 welcome
beowuuf: the real question is does james have any bruises, and are any of them serge's fault? :p
Anubis169: this is no longe a raft channel, this is now a Minec channel
Didero: Simply watch the VOD, James :p
TXC2: hi Anubis169
Anubis169: o hai
beowuuf: finishing tomorrow... maybe
MungoDude: halfpunched 4 chunks
Strawbrarian: ooooh!
northos: directional Serge!
protojman: Serge in Stereo
Genie_M: Stereo!
TheShokara: prox chat gogogogo!
hanzi_keat: I was not expecting stereo audio
rogerivany: We finally installed proxy chat?
Didero: Serge has been gone for a while
PsychoI3oy: needs more doppler
beowuuf: :D
TXC2: was that a call to prayer? :p
TheAinMAP: escher3DOOT
phoenixfeather14: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
LordZarano: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
beowuuf: minecraft 2???? weeks ago????
Didero: Oooh, old new Desert Bus shirts for preorder:
missa_hancock: @didero old new or new old?
GhostValv: wowie
Anubis169: oh hey it has channel crossfade
Genie_M: Binaural Minecraft
EvilBadman: @missa_hancock Reprints of 2017-2022
omdorastrix: Like some sort of early 3d movie crap
TXC2: has technology gone too far ?
Didero: @missa_hancock It's a pre-order, so presumably they're newly printed, except some of the most recent DB's leftovers
Genie_M: Naah
EvilBadman: Now folks can hear James fall in a hole with doppler effect
omdorastrix: There's still stereo pan happening... but yeah
MungoDude: reduced is less annoying
NerdWithoutName subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NerdWithoutName! (Today's storm count: 10)
EvilBadman: @Didero This is correct
Angreed66: I just realized James is still in the veteran skin
omdorastrix: Shenanigans
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Didero: Discord can kick rocks, so MoC can dig rocks
RomanGoro: Why does James' minecraft face look old?
brieandbacon: So Serge can grief James on the MoC streams?!
Barb4rian: #TeamOld
brieandbacon: Old Man Turner!
jchinnock: well you are 40 so it fits
TXC2: that is a fantastic rendering of the LRR 20 hoodie
Krat_Arona: Thank you Heather!
avi_miller: Oh hey, I did that
goose_g0053_goose: thank you Heather!
beowuuf: Cheer100 #teamOld #teamNew
missa_hancock: @avi_miller it looks great!
MungoDude: very nice avi
Simriel: Alex was peak Chaus during the punch a chunk
protojman: thanks avi!
TXC2: thanks avi_miller
protojman: thanks Heather!
avi_miller: lrrSHINE everyone
TXC2: James "this man" Turner
beowuuf: holy crap
brieandbacon: and also Serge
beowuuf: lrrHORN
Simriel: Do the meme streamer! :p
beowuuf: hardlaunch is the new james bond film
TXC2: the welcoming gazebo
crimineler: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
brieandbacon: Thx Erika!
LordZarano: escher3FOX
RAICx: RIP James
brieandbacon: Y'all remember James?
jchinnock: I just tossed that portal there and have a few rough paths to a few bases
jchinnock: in Nether
phoenixfeather14: She's on chunk 2
missa_hancock: trick has such a cute tree base
jchinnock: I need to buy an elytra, get that market up! 😂
brieandbacon: Ah man, I wanna watch it be difficult
w1gum: Near the water, so people can sail in?
w1gum: Make a cute dock XD
RebelliousUno: I vote for a floating island
thebeaz2: litematica is your friend. it can capture the build and the inventories in chests and barrels
avi_miller: With a canal right?
TXC2: things things things
brieandbacon: And 1.20.x
RebelliousUno: that means a spreadsheet stream
Wolfstrike_NL: @RebelliousUno A floating inverted pyramid island actual sounds pretty sweet
beowuuf: escher3BEE
jchinnock: gotta go Read at Joes!
missa_hancock: you can’t kick off a server without early game!
Wolfstrike_NL: netherite farming :) ?
tyrsredritehand: Bed blast and Beyond?
brieandbacon: The MoC annex
goose_g0053_goose: base building sounds fun
Malazim: go vault hunting?
shurtal: they play minecraft on this stream? weird
SymphonySolstice: good morning block party
TXC2: hello SymphonySolstice welcome
SymphonySolstice: o/ TXC2
TXC2: everyone got elytra before the trains got put in
omdorastrix: "Distortion effects?" or similar - it also turns off some of the FOV changes for potions, etc
TXC2: Fort yard looks like it's built to play spleef
TXC2: why should someone need a reason to punch chunks James ?
Khyrberos: Hey it's Minecraft
brieandbacon: Serge, that third door is hinged the other side to the rest
TXC2: ^
asddsa28: i love that idea
dougma: Death to the pyrotartrate!!! Social Exchange for the People!!!
GhostValv: Mall Food Court
uchihab7: a mall?
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: junk stores?
NimrodXIV: Miner's Market
Ravynn: So it's more like a Garage Sale or a Community swap
ProcyonFlynn: There's always "custom villagers" for trading the consumables that are farmable but either time or server/process intensive to produce.
MarsIsDead: What is people's motivation to keep it stocked?
Sacrenos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
Sacrenos: so close to a year...
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sacrenos! (Today's storm count: 11)
MarsIsDead: Also, concrete and terracotta suck to make a ton of
TheMerricat: Socialism! :D
rogerivany: Wasn't that Jo?
Tser1ng: What about a communal factory district?
TheElrad: just say that you want to undermine the Diamond Queen Jo, James :p
Angreed66: communal doesn't solve the supply issue
Tevildo: more like a garage sale
TheMerricat: The problem with any sort of concept of economy in Minecraft runs into two issues. 1. Infinite time. 2. Infinite resources.
CrazySliver: How about an autofarm district instead of a shopping district?
TXC2: the motivation is content
TheShokara: Motivation = community and clearing up space in your storage system
MrDrLewis: Are we seriously having a capitalism v communism debate on MineOClock today?
MungoDude: something something social contract
EvilBadman: Some sort of community-ism.
TheShokara: Its the Community storage room!
MarsIsDead: I like a community factory district
asddsa28: how about a wish list as well
Angreed66: counterpoint don't split by person
dougma: Give something, take something. Anyone could contribute iron, etc.
MarsIsDead: You need something, you afk for everyone
MrDrLewis: Why not just have an "Iron Store" and a "Rocket Store" or whatever and everyone who has something to contribute contributes to that store?
bekit_tavern: What about a shared sorting system? Everyone can just dump whatever they want in it. An MoC project could be building a fancy sorter.
MTGColorPie: Why not but a need/want boards? Like with Fantasy sports with trades.
undecided44: in before "we take it in turn to act as a sort of executive officer of the week, but all actions of that officer must be ratified in a bi-weekly..." [sound of diamond sword swinging]
sitsalot: Whatever they decide to do, in the end they'll end up just raiding each other's bases when they aren't around. That's the most fun, anyway.
MarsIsDead: @bekit_tavern Thats a great idea
dougma: Even HermitCraft has massive economy issues
Tser1ng: Hermitcraft can barely make it work too. How many permits are still outstanding?
l0gin4me: the problem I see with this is that, if I build an iron farm (and was on the server), I am not likely to afk for more iron than I need just to give it away. I would be more likely to invite others to just use my farm.
Tandtroll_OG: Fruit basket? I see an open burrito
bekit_tavern: It's debatable if it is "working" this hermitcraft season :-)
TXC2: because of the parkour streams, I am always compelled to look behind the art :p
dougma: most hermits don't even use the shopping district most of the time and instead do 1:1 trades
Tser1ng: A single farm district probably makes the most sense. Would be a fun sorting system project.
MarsIsDead: @l0gin4me Thats why I thought someone's community factory district was a good idea
phoenixfeather14: Off by one on some boots
GhostValv: D:
fry_dx: Take the booties!
dougma: Serge: We need a shopping district w/o bartering Also Serge: Take anything you want
TXC2: Serge is the MoC angel investor
MarsIsDead: @txc2 Hasnt he always been?
TXC2: MarsIsDead he sure has
MarsIsDead: James needs to build him an Angel statue for the stuff
Angreed66: crafting boots is a waste anyway if you're going end raiding
rogerivany: That salmon looked big.
rogerivany: solid sandwich
seeweda: James just start punching a chunk in the middle of his base that should get you a diamond one way or another
sandra_redcap subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sandra_redcap! (Today's storm count: 12)
MarsIsDead: I want to see a MOC prismarine farm... That would be an entertaining project to watch
MarsIsDead: Is the beef Vintage in any way?
bekit_tavern: There must be some issues with that on 1.21. Fabulously Optimized doesn't have it yet, either.
Sarah_Serinde: Hi chat, I missed the start of stream, what are they up to today?
TXC2: hello Sarah_Serinde we end busting today
MarsIsDead: @sarah_serinde End Busting?
Sarah_Serinde: Nice
Sarah_Serinde: Hey James
avi_miller: Hi Sarah!
fry_dx: wow, serge is older than he looks
Sarah_Serinde: sergeHi
TXC2: 79 years? they need a union
MungoDude: ooh a ghast tear
ThorSokar: food James
rogerivany: We could've asked the chicken where they were.
avi_miller: So today's stream has taught me that James is younger than he looks and Serge is older than he looks.
TheShokara: no
fry_dx: no
TheWooglie: no
MarsIsDead: Nope
rogerivany: no
Didero: I don't listen to what Serge says
avi_miller: no
phoenixfeather14: sure didn't
Mindfire13: Yes
brieandbacon: We're meant to listen to Serge?!
TheShokara: Serge is really quiet though
MarsIsDead: Yuuuuuuuuup
TXC2: it not perfect system
SmithKurosaki: Afternoon chat
fry_dx: It's definitely possible that just none of us listened
TXC2: hello SmithKurosaki welcome
rogerivany: I don't see a dragon
MarsIsDead: Isn't that the first thing that Joe does when he gets on a server is set up and Ender farm?
TXC2: rogerivany it's been killed
ExachixKitsune: do you think he'll find one in the end
MTGColorPie: "Shoeless" James Turner
SAJewers: what if you find boots before you find a diamond? :P
rogerivany: At least we didn't bring any wood to make a crafting table
brieandbacon: It *is* peaceful there
TXC2: lots of open air
MungoDude: !seed
LRRbot: The seed for the Punch a chunk server is: 67974112
rogerivany: I always seed map the end to know I'm going in the right direction
RebelliousUno: that seed needs updating to 694202698796 I think
TXC2: thanks uno
brieandbacon: But also could be the closest un-busted cities
thymato: is this vanilla or modded, also hello al
TXC2: hello thymato this is vanilla with some tweaks
SAJewers: james you didn't have poutine in europe? lrrBEEJ
protojman: poutine can be a meal?
thymato: @TXC2 thank yuo
DudelidouX: It's not toward the center island but it's a big ass void
Kazman20a subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kazman20a! (Today's storm count: 13)
Genie_M: Just to refill Canada levels
Revenant77x: Pulled pork is not Texan at all. Almost impossible to find it here
EvilBadman: Just casual doxing between friends
MarsIsDead: We have "poutine" but it's not poutine
fry_dx: I've never poutined
Xed_Regulus: I had poutine on Friday at an outdoor festival
MarsIsDead: And you can find pulled pork everywhere in Houston... Brisket is more prevalent but it's around
MTGColorPie: Serge was going to pubs as a child?
nullzel: aaaayo someone gifted me a sub a few days back. I have an arrow!
protojman: :D
TXC2: nullzel congrats
nullzel: ty :D
TXC2: Dying in Canada is against the law
DudelidouX: That or never go to the hospital that nurse work at...
ExachixKitsune: it's something to endure, but you'll just have to poutine up with it
RebelliousUno: I'll create an upmarket place called Poutine on the Ritz
Arazien: No thoughts, only vibes
MarsIsDead: @rebelliousuno Thats brilliant
TXC2: RebelliousUno boooo Kappa
protojman: amazing gdqClap
Angreed66: James is?
TXC2: is it a ship?
brieandbacon: It's a sizable lad
missa_hancock: get James some boots!
rogerivany: Maybe we'll get some diamond shoes
lord_wertornion subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lord_wertornion! (Today's storm count: 14)
Didero: Reading the boots explains the boots
TXC2: boot HYPE
shurtal: now we need some cats
Ms_LadyMix: look shoes are shoes
Ms_LadyMix: better a curse than a stubbed toe
Ms_LadyMix: Hooray
brieandbacon: What season?
missa_hancock: my kid can’t go out to play today in Colorado at school today because of Canadian fires. at least that’s what the school says
mercano82: you mean smoked brisket, right? right?
GhostValv: there's a soup and sandwich joke there
MTGColorPie: Not with that attitude
SymphonySolstice: glad you're avoiding it but we've been blanketed in smoke for the past couple days in sask
Ms_LadyMix: August = the smokey half of summer
momma_tatts: Southeastern Alberta is under a smoke advisory rn
Angreed66: Only the last 5 years you I see.
mercano82: It’s not just the PNW, we got smoke from the Quebec wildfires in Vermont last summer.
Ms_LadyMix: Last year was worse for everyone BUT the PNW
SymphonySolstice: literally the instant it got warm here we got smoke
Ms_LadyMix: Peat's a 10/10 fuel
jchinnock: are wildfires Canadas number one export?
DudelidouX: To be fair we don't have those each year like the west coast so it's actually news over here
QuixoticScrivener: Ah yes, the three regions: East Coast, West Coast, and Chicago.
ExachixKitsune: as opposed to fire in the disco
Angreed66: watch this one is hit
momma_tatts: James got them city vibes
DudelidouX: Probably pearled to the boat?
ExachixKitsune: conserving rockets?
Angreed66: shulker floated up + pearls
Didero: nice on
brieandbacon: They might be on a buttress, with the xp orb
NimrodXIV: did they clip inside?
TXC2: ah, he did the thing!
Juliamon: It tastes like a dish sponge
Angreed66: it tastes like pain
ph0enix__42: Gently used sponge
brieandbacon: It tastes like dust and despair
hoveringhalibut: Sandy butter
jchinnock: it tastes like despair
GhostValv: dry tapioca
jchinnock: sorry…dis pear! 🍐
mercano82: Is BBQ chicken pizza pizza?
Angreed66: Walnuts don't belong on pizza. they're too hard.
CrazySliver: Normal boring pineapple and peas pizza please
Ms_LadyMix: I've had a pizza with grapes and walnuts and the cheeses and it slaaaaaps
mercano82: not a big salt guy, streams on Twitch.
samb6678: Salty about salt
jchinnock: James biting into a clump of salt: “I’m not a big salt guy”
TXC2: mercano82 he harvests the salt, he doesn't eat it Kappa
Angreed66: There needs to be a book at the end portal with coords for every city people hit.
ExachixKitsune: Uno Hax™, for when you need to see further
TXC2: that's optifine :p
Angreed66: it's a simple equation
DudelidouX: I mean I've done the void bridge to go to in the opposite direction then the egg to make sure I get new cities.
brieandbacon: Chat, should the void be staring back at me like that?
Angreed66: yes that is what the void does
TXC2: is the abyss that stairs back, the void screems
brieandbacon: mmkay, just wanted to be sure
rogerivany: Is there a way inside a trial chamber without punching into it? I didn't see one.
brieandbacon: lrrSACK lrrSACK
wench_tacular: lrrSACK jlrrFacepalm
wench_tacular: cool shame hole
Strebenherz: what are they after?
beowuuf: upwards! no one tries uipwards!
brieandbacon: Elytra, ender chests
Strebenherz: ahh
phoenixfeather14: gear and elytra from the end cities
Didero: @beowuuf All that darkness must be hiding SOMEthing
PsychoI3oy: 5176, -2168
wench_tacular: jlrrFacepalm
TXC2: oh the irony
missa_hancock: no
malfnord: ha?
Arazien: Please clap
Didero: good joke streamer
SnackPak_: hehe
beowuuf: ha ha ha ha ha
GhostValv: oh ... haha
MungoDude: ha.
SuddenlyARabbit: Ahahaha
Tandtroll_OG: Hah
NorthstarTex: why am I laughing?
7gorobei: ha ha
beowuuf: @Didero right?
ExachixKitsune: *silence*
Strebenherz: Only if you fall
GizmoWhatsit: We're all chat on this blessed day
SergeYager: lololol
omdorastrix: roffle
Angreed66: sorry You've had better jokes
TXC2: yes!
beowuuf: !findquote jokes
LRRbot: Quote #8702: "I've never met a joke I don't wanna run into the ground." —Kathleen [2023-10-11]
TheElrad: if you've ever talked in twitch chat you now are forever part of twitch chat, James
rogerivany: Hi hungry I'm dad.
wench_tacular: sounds like a you problem
Didero: You should have Serge take you out for poutine
Didero: This does seem like a LOT of nothing, yeah
TXC2: End update scheduled for 2030 Kappa
Angreed66: The whole lot of nothing is the point
omdorastrix: most people are go to end once, get elytra, never again
Arazien: Some lore books found in various structures would be a nice addition that could nudge players in new directions
Chesul: Unless you're DarkSouls, then you hide an entire area behind two fake walls.
MungoDude: the end could use an update of the same sort of magnitude as 1.16's nether overhaul, or even a fraction of that
malfnord: The End is visually pretty neat, but it seems like such an absolute pain in the ass to get around without elytra I can't blame anyone for just doing it once and never coming back.
omdorastrix: Also lore wise: What are those big portal frames in the ancient cities? . At the very least make the stronghold be visible at the surface and I like the idea of having some of everything you need in the stronghold. Maybe an auto-crafter with the ingredients for eyes in it to show how it's made
omdorastrix: the end should be more easily navigable. With the boat design, boats should fly in the end,, logically
rogerivany: The worst is when the boat is cut in half with no elytra.
MTGColorPie: Finally an egg for these trying times of trying to find an eletrya
JoeKim: wow so far
Angreed66: Uno first it's in the name
TXC2: I wouldn't want the stronghold its self on the surface, but maybe some ruins that indicate a stronghold might be under them.
wench_tacular: gg
JoeKim: hello nerds. hows endbusting?
rogerivany: You missed an endcity @JoeKim ;)
TXC2: hello JoeKim bustin is being a bit of a bust so far
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby safety hole
MungoDude: water bucket is friend
TheAinMAP: lrrHERE
JoeKim: have i mentioned
JoeKim: i've gone end bustring
JoeKim: a decent amount
JoeKim: lmaoooo
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Looks like the Shulkers chose scissors.
Ms_LadyMix: you don't say
wench_tacular: no, really>?
Tandtroll_OG: It has been noted
Arazien: Absolute deforestation of The End
phoenixfeather14: we may have found the evidence, Joe
JoeKim: to be fair. i went west after i got my first ones
ALLxISxLOST: @Arazien sounds like a good time
DegHag: Did we just shoot Serge?
jchinnock: if James dies Joe gets this elytra
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
scuba_antney: James falls a lot.... Not having feather falling is going to catch up to him real quick.
JoeKim: any good clips of them complaining?
JoeKim: it gives me power
malfnord: "James Falls A Lot" could be the alternate title for MOC, tbh
TXC2: and we're back
SnackPak_: so rude
TXC2: bless you
Octagone: so who is JoeKim?
JoeKim: the best around
JoeKim: fite me irl
MungoDude: +x +z
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Left. Always left.
Octagone: a local friend?
Brutask: sweast
scuba_antney: JoeKim, creator of ender ender's spanning multiple server generations.
JoeKim: i seeee that's exciting
JoeKim: you said that in discord
Angreed66: Why worry about NSWE when coords are clearer?
Revenant77x: The Museum should be at +1000, -1000
scuba_antney: Use your shield?
scuba_antney: Seems easy to forget it's there with it lower
TXC2: Big Brain! (to the tune of big train)
Ard_Rhys: The question is do you need hundreds or thousands of shulkers as a server
ExachixKitsune: you don't have etho on your server, so you don't need like 10 double chests worth of shulkers
Angreed66: The question is are you a monster who destroys a species.
TXC2: are you destroying a species if you are forcing it too breed?
ExachixKitsune: and you never know, someone might get bored and make a shulker farm for fun
Didero: You could put a netherrack on towers you've hit
scuba_antney: I think it's 2 cities put together.
JosVanTongeren: Go west life is peaceful there... o no it is east
ChroniclerC: Good ol' Weast.
darkcyril: Dianne Weast?
JoeKim: do i need to deliver books
TXC2: Go Weast, they have korn
protojman: haha
brieandbacon: The good ol' Irish Goodbye
Didero: That should be the first lesson of MoC: Always question James and Serge :p
TXC2: abandoned Uno, tsk tsk
rogerivany: Lots of endstone around for blocks
anclag: hey everyone, welcome back MoC!
RomanGoro: Those may be the worst ship chests I've ever seen
TXC2: hello anclag welcome
DudelidouX: Still surprised Serge didn't have a crafting table in his ender chest
Didero: Props for its determination then
phoenixfeather14: should we take the mast down on the boat to signal we've hit this city?
scuba_antney: Shells and chest, time to make a shulker?
Didero: Runnin' low on food
TXC2: an egg? light the Wheeler signal
rogerivany: How is the elytra doing James?
Juliamon: Any pick works, despite the obsidian
MungoDude: a silk touch wooden pick would work
DudelidouX: wiki says any pick
rogerivany: Lol, I thought Uno was a creeper there for a split second.
phoenixfeather14: same, but then I remembered that there aren't any creepers in the end
Didero: If the rest of the End wasn't so desolate, it could be kind of fun to turn one of these cities into a base
Angreed66: Based on that sound are the shulkers spitting on you?
malfnord: Or if you could use the End as a transport hub like the Nether.
Strebenherz: yeah bank before disaster
Didero: Your current Elytra is pretty damaged, James
TXC2: End: busted
ExachixKitsune: uno:mas
MungoDude: how's wing durability?
VonShnigglewitz: only time you'd want Serge to throw up on you
SnackPak_: gg
TheAinMAP: FallWinning
MungoDude: HypeGG
Barb4rian: GG, what's next?
TXC2: hello VonShnigglewitz welcome
DentedPockets: Now for Minecraft
rogerivany: I don't think that will count as a speed run
SAJewers: oh yeah, they changed the ending
ThorSokar: Now for Factorio?
phoenixfeather14: ooh, they changed the background for the end credits. It's not just dirt
VonShnigglewitz: has anyone ever tried just digging a big hole?
TXC2: VonShnigglewitz sounds risky to me
Angreed66: Time to die to free your feet
rogerivany: They need to kill James for his head
SnackPak_: nice hat
TXC2: what is respiration ?
Juliamon: lets you stay underwate rlonger
TXC2: Juliamon I would have thought aqua breathing covered that ?
rogerivany: James knows where one is too.
Juliamon: Aqua Affinity is a speed modifier
TXC2: Juliamon ah, I see
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
TheAinMAP: mattlrDed
ExachixKitsune: didn't you
Tangsm: Keeps your death stats nice and even.
ExachixKitsune: sergeFall
phoenixfeather14: in the ender chest
brieandbacon: Does James' headblock stay the same if he changes his skin?
Juliamon: Respiration is duration underwater, Aqua Affinity is mining speed underwater, Depth Strider is walking speed in/under water. It's confusing, yes.
SnackPak_: yeah, the head won't update with a skin change
phoenixfeather14: they've definitely made use of that in Hermitcraft
Angreed66: Affinity is the only confusing one as strider=walk and respiration is breathing
brieandbacon: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! Where is circle?
Juliamon: Angreed66 But you have to know the others exist to deduce that
TXC2: also how often do you walk underwater?
TXC2: :p
DentedPockets: Anvil?
Juliamon: More often than you'd think
SnackPak_: bye Serge
Xed_Regulus: Bucket of lava?
Juliamon: (typically it's more relevant when walking through flowing water)
varmintx0: Channeling some DB Family Feud there.
TXC2: Juliamon ah good point
Didero: So what is the 'trial' part of 'trial chamber'?
TXC2: honeycomb big?
Didero: Oh that's the trial, I see
Octagone: I have been er seen this before
Juliamon: Hated skellies before? You'll love our new POISON skellies!
Juliamon: (love not guaranteed)
Octagone: *never
SnackPak_: too many babies
Tser1ng: Ah, the oops all children spawner
TheAinMAP: What did Serge do?
TheAinMAP: mattlrDed
Didero: Because combat is everybody's favourite part of this game :p
Krat_Arona: What a quote
DudelidouX: There's more because there's 3 of you I think
SnackPak_: knockback strikes again
Didero: And also to smash that Like button
ContingentCat: serge it's a little early for a reminder to smash
TXC2: like, smash, and subscribe
brieandbacon: It's a cupboard
TXC2: very doom looking to me
phoenixfeather14: lrrSACK
NimrodXIV: lrrSACK
Didero: leeeerooooyy jenki-nope nope
engineerbudy: james youre muted again
Tser1ng: Breeze just punting silverfish is terrifying
rogerivany: At least the silverfish didn't have swords?
TXC2: I've only just noticed we have no music :P
Barb4rian: I hear music?
Barb4rian: Its low, but its there
TXC2: ah, it's just quite, ok then
tyrsredritehand: This looks new?
TXC2: tyrsredritehand it is, this is a trail chamber added in 1.21
tyrsredritehand: Wow
Didero: That seems clumsy
ProcyonFlynn: Or the builders of the chamber decided "hey, this is neat" and left it ;p
rogerivany: Are we "Linking" the pots?
Mollylele: LA face with a BC booty
phoenixfeather14: Is the stream freezing every 4 seconds for anyone else or is my internet just shit today?
NekomimiNinja: carrot, carrot, ...beef.
Juliamon: It's fine here phoenixfeather14
Octagone: same here
Barb4rian: Fine for me
tyrsredritehand: Not bad here @phoenixfeather14
TXC2: was bad earlier for me, but good now
phoenixfeather14: lovely. :(
Octagone: that guy was smoving
MajorFrostbyte: It's not chaos, it's CONTENT
Octagone: I wonder if how fast you complete them affects the loot?
TrickJarrett: Hi friends
TXC2: hello TrickJarrett welcome
GhostValv: D:
Angreed66: The repeatable loot is likely why the table is so bad.
insanecat6mtg: Hello everyone! How's collecting all the things for 1.21 going?
TXC2: hello insanecat6mtg welcome
ProcyonFlynn: @insanecat6mtg Seems like the Mace is going to be "fun" like the trident.
Mazrae: Wooo just in time for the last few minutes of MoC
TXC2: hello Mazrae welcome
ProcyonFlynn: iirc Xisuma said it was 30min? But I think that was still during development.
brieandbacon: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3
ShhIAmARealCat: I LOVE the new songs ugh they are SO good
tyrsredritehand: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Tandtroll_OG: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
NimrodXIV: ResidentSleeper
TheAinMAP: SingsNote
RomanGoro: Ah, it's the version without the drop
DudelidouX: This basically a longer intro to the other one
Ms_LadyMix: Cute!
JoeKim: i still need to do one of these
TXC2: a music box with a little ballerina spinning around
ShhIAmARealCat: It's "Lore" lol
LordZarano: Density and Breach can both be obtained from enchanting tables and librarians. Erika has had them come up several times while rerolling her librarians
angelramos7294: hello
angelramos7294: spanish
Juliamon: English only, sorry
Dread_Pirate_Westley: T is for Serge.
jchinnock: cool so terraria next week?
Vandallite: has anyone ever told you, that you sound like Ryan Renolds
brieandbacon: Lots of raw material for a Wall
Strebenherz: what happened with terraria?
Strebenherz: fair nuff
TXC2: worse as in go higher ?
brieandbacon: After all these years
Tser1ng: Parkour maps are going to be more interesting.
TXC2: ah I see
SnackPak_: time for science
jchinnock: mending on the elytra first? lol
Tser1ng: We've got a big hole to test with.
Angreed66: you can land on waterlogable surfaces
nitrosarcastro: booooo
brieandbacon: the Fambily Jambily?
TXC2: Fam Jam hype!
ThorSokar: composNotes James Turner, yes that one, hates minecraft faolkoNotes
Octagone: the museum?
rogerivany: I thought they were giving the Wandering Trader better stuff?
Lord_Hosk: James, Uno, Serge, You are without a doubt, in my top 25 LRR minecrafters
brieandbacon: Definitely assume Un owas just about to murder that trader
TXC2: thanks for streaming James, Uno and Serge
MungoDude: bye bye
Tandtroll_OG: Happy too see you three back!
Didero: Thanks for the stream James, Serge, and Uno!
insanecat6mtg: Have a good day everyone! lrrSHINE
TXC2 waits
brieandbacon: I guess Minecraft does fit the vibe of this Raft stream, it can stay
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: United Penguin Kingdom) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (29m from now).
Tevildo: are you streaming tomorrow, James?
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
inconsideratehat: Oh rad
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
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TXC2: Goodnight Everybody