beowuuf: me looking at the monty python holy grail myg announement: what? why? me seeing tim the sorcerer: oh, of course, every decision for thirty years was in service to this...
beowuuf: *mtg
GreatWahooney: hello chat!
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
beowuuf: sergeHi
GreatWahooney: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Strebenherz: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
dumbo3k: Hmm, this was a game I was tempted by. will be interesting to see them play it
GreatWahooney: does this have anything to do with that Club Penguin thing
3 raiders from Luminaire_p have joined!
DideRobot: LRR: Cameron and Cori are building a making a safe place for penguins! It's United Penguin Kingdom on Talking Sim |
beowuuf: sergeHi
Strebenherz: Looking forward to this, the style reminds me of timberborn. Curious of how similiar/different it is
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW PridePenguin
KinkerbellRose: Ohai loverlies!
mrMorphius: foxmarHI
GreatWahooney: hello!
emberBecky: o/
TheAinMAP: Hello lrrCAMERON lrrCORI
Luminaire_p subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Luminaire_p! (Today's storm count: 15)
j_crane330: PopCorn
GreatWahooney: I saw a clip of a snail crossing a gap and that was a whole thing wow
GreatWahooney: they can reach so far
j_crane330: Fun
SnackPak_: o7
GreatWahooney: yikes
MWGNZ: PowerUpL hifunkSickest PowerUpR
TheAinMAP: mattlrWoof
veelofar: now I’m wondering how snails sense speed/balance. this is the sort of thing that made me become and entomologist, so I’ll try to find out
ThorSokar: how on-brand for you
Luminaire_p: I hope yuo fall off a seacliff
iDangero: F
KinkerbellRose: Been huffing things off sea-cliffs before it was a thing.
ThorSokar: that's what we call natural selection
j_crane330: Cruel world
Gadora: Eight hour sleep? Dang, that's a flex.
dumbo3k: My dad has butt dialed me 3-5 times in a row before
GreatWahooney: penwings!
ThorSokar: I mean, better than a small child giggling in the darkness I guess
veelofar: so, snails do not have an inner ear, but they DO have organs called statocysts that are little balls filled with liquid that serve the same function
ghyllnox: Timberborn with penguins? Hell yeah
TheMerricat: Are all the places to live on the grid? Can you live off the grid?
mrMorphius: PridePenguin PrideFlower
epsilon_vee: "gotta get whistler on the line to figure out where the car is going" type calls
MWGNZ: punkguins
beowuuf: a+ music already
TheAinMAP: Never?
NotCainNorAbel: my understanding is that lots of people use herbs to chill out
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Humans never fight...oh, wait. I was thinking of penguins.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: hello. Is this game narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch?
GreatWahooney: arachnosyndiwhat?
Gekyouryuu: Do you think penguin Britain has Emperor Arthur and his wife Guin-evere?
j_crane330: Happy Feet
Trahas: is this the new watch and play time slot and cast?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: don't penguins steal each other's children?
ed_v0n_schleck: Is this the bougie version of club penguin?
Gekyouryuu: Covid in this setting is called Corvid, and is a strain of Bird Flu
squidddo: are these all tux?
abslomdaak42: Welcome back, Club Penguin. You've been missed.
GreatWahooney: Pengland
Luminaire_p: ain't it inglamorate
BusTed: kind of halfway between the Jetsons and the Hulk
BusTed: club penguin
sgowell: an orphanage?
jacqui_lantern234: WELL WELL WELL!!! if it aint a beautiful group of lovely friends whomst i cherish and value more than words can express!!! <3
LowUpsideCJ: This feels like one of those mobile games that's all tutorial, except as a real game
KV1NN4: ngl thoguth Cameron was going to say "entirely within the penguin"
abslomdaak42: Anarcho-syndicalist penguins? I can get behind that
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @KV1NN4 outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
Masslost: so does seal team 6 raid the village at some point?
Strebenherz: WHELP
CaptainSpam: Great, we'll need a Seal Clubber. I'll contact the Kingdom of Loathing.
Gekyouryuu: @masslost only if they're looking for Osama 'Guin Laden
abslomdaak42: Never works
Nigouki: going full Dr Breen on them
Masslost: @gekyouryuu lol
thedepthandbreadthofseth: wow, igloos in the antarctic.
KV1NN4: Kril from Another Crab's Treasure??? 8U
Nigouki: do we at least get the blubber?
jacqui_lantern234: lmfao cam
KV1NN4: @thedepthandbreadthofseth lol
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
KodeMage: More towers!
LordZarano: According to some quick searches, penguins live around 20 years, get their adult plumage at 1 year, and take 3-5 years to reach full maturity
jacqui_lantern234: palpatine underscore queue it dot wav
GreatWahooney: hello chair!
dumbo3k: maybe bottom right would be a better placement?
Gadora: Krill issue.
dumbo3k: Woosh! Whee!
tergonis: M-M-M-Multikrill
TheMerricat: So that basic cooler needed plastic are we already getting plastic?
Clockwork_Penguin: My people!
Gekyouryuu: Can't get as much food as the others? Krill issue.
Nigouki: now I want Morgan Freeman to do FPS killstreak announcements
thedepthandbreadthofseth: we're right on the coast. surely we have all the microplastics we could ever want.
Nigouki: March of the Penguins arena shooter
Nigouki: fuk, it was right there
rabbitgta: Aren't they supposed to be?
RockPusher: Are these seals a navy?
Rourke9: this is making me want to play Against the Storm again
BusTed: tqsSmug
CaptainSpam: Courageous Courage In The Line Of Courage
CaptainSpam: For The Honor of Courage
Laserbeaks_Fury: A Fish Too Far
CaptainSpam: They have no needs, besides MURDERING SEALS.
BusTed: take 'em down!
ghyllnox: Nice of them to tell you when they're coming
Lord_Hosk: Excuse me, hate to interrupt, but Cameron, Cori, you are without a doubt, in my top 5 LoadingReadyRun Streamers currently streaming and I wanted to let you know how awesome you are.
Rourke9: so true
dumbo3k: Wheeler is currently streaming, Adam was streaming a bit earlier
LowUpsideCJ: Adam's internet worked all day today
TheMerricat: Look, if you've got three monitors you can't put all three of them on the same stream.
Rourke9: yeah street fighter stream was good
BusTed: A minor miracle
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Top 5 is good. James, Serge, and Uno were in Hosk's top 25 LRR Minecraft streamers.
dumbo3k: oh, that said Snow Block Maker. I misread it as Snow Black Market
RockPusher: #BlameChat
GreatWahooney: ooh, we get to be penguins? sweet
Strebenherz: PFFFT
Nigouki: It feels like on top of just General Canadian Internet Bullshit, Victoria gets the bonus of dealing with Island Internet issues
CaptainSpam: Oh crap! We're responsible now!
ThorSokar: ooo0o, so we get a scapegoat!
Rourke9: tectonic plate herbs
abslomdaak42: Oooh, blaming the chat, now even more directly!
RockPusher: Herb Collectors Big Band
rabbitgta: Wet gress, so extra dank?
Strebenherz: Are you suggesting we burn the ocean Cori?
Laserbeaks_Fury: I look forward to setting up mines over all the landfills we've been forming for centuries
dumbo3k: Let the Ocean Burn!
ThorSokar: I stand by my "garbage farming old dumps is the future" prediction
Nigouki: once we get enough microplastics into the ocean, it become flammable!
Nigouki: oh right
Nigouki: CO2 makes us dumb
Laserbeaks_Fury: Self-Regulating Systems
Rourke9: oh yay
NotCainNorAbel: good news everyone
GreatWahooney: oh thank god
Strebenherz: So earth's immune system, will be making humans stupider
RockPusher: … how do we know that hasn't already started happening…
Rourke9: yeah I remember one of the secret most important parts of Against the Storm was optimizing transportation times
Lord_Hosk: Take that Humans, you're generationally too dumb to destroy the planet you are too dumb to save for yourself
Rourke9: oh, and Dwarf Fortress
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yup
Laserbeaks_Fury: And *listened* to his advisors
Lord_Hosk: Are your elections in November?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Why not a Facehugger Egg?
Nigouki: @RockPusher current atmospheric CO2 is ~420ppm. It starts getting unhealthy ~800, cognitive decline ~1,000. Keep in mine indoor CO2 levels are routinely higher than atmospheric average up that window!
TheAinMAP: Forever.
TacitusVigil: God save our penguin king, long live our penguin king-
tyrsredritehand: Next TTSF, vacufoem alien head bowls
ThorSokar: you're thinking of AvP 1, Cori
niccus: i should get a xenomorph pez dispenser
TheAinMAP: Nope
LowUpsideCJ: I've seen a specific facehugger gif from the new move too much
rabbitgta: An IV of popcorn flavor, give this man an award
TacitusVigil: I just think Alien Romulus is in bad taste, considering Romulus blew up. Too soon. Too. Soon.
ghyllnox: And the eyepieces are 3D glasses
Featherweight_: 7 movie theater hotdogs in a feed sack
NoxStryx: I always thought the face hugger was supposed to be more a vulva than a scrotum
tyrsredritehand: Hot take from 1978
rabbitgta: So happy they put her bush back in
TacitusVigil: It's both!
LowUpsideCJ: I gotta stop doing my therapy with HR Giger
KeytarCat: I've seen enough hentai to know that imagery!
Earthenone: is this club penguins gritty reboot?
NoxStryx: I'd watch that
tyrsredritehand: Is there climate change in the game?
abslomdaak42: I'm betting on penguins
Featherweight_: Penguins the only being with saceir mouths then the predators
TacitusVigil: Imagine if the Thing wasn't near the base and it was just around Penguins. And just assumed this was life on earth.
rabbitgta: Saw a clip where a humpback knocks over a boat and I was surprised by how much joy it gave me
niccus: theoretically penguins have always co-lived with The Thing, so i think they have a good chance
Nigouki: Salesman voice: "It got fingers! It got sacks! It got a tentacle! It got everything you want in a-" *gets facehugged by the sample on the table*
Mazrae: It's SvP seals vs Penguins
NoxStryx: @tacitusvigil The Thinguin!
TacitusVigil: @NoxStryx Noot noot!
GreatWahooney: oh no we're sealed in
TacitusVigil: Do you think the communist faction in the Alien universe is smart enough to not try and weaponize the "xenos" or are they dumb too?
dumbo3k: Wait, do the penguins pay taxes either?
GreatWahooney: is it from the atmospheric CO2?
Alex_Frostfire: How are the polar ice caps today?
Invitare: why would you even want to weaponize them?
Invitare: wait there was a Crapshot about this
LowUpsideCJ: Regular people get owned in space on behalf of idiots as well
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
Jillexie: Deep ocean cooling
GreatWahooney: that's not how it works... yet!
DoodlestheGreat: Hi. Man it's hot. This is the perfect game for today.
DoodlestheGreat: It's okay. I live in L.A. Happens every year.
Lord_Hosk: Let me check
DoodlestheGreat: We're 39C today.
GreatWahooney: sigma balls lol got'em
RockPusher: ooof, P killed a man
novrdd: Time...
novrdd: Sprints
DoodlestheGreat: LUL
KeytarCat: Red hot chili peppers as dad rock
Gekyouryuu: Shrek 1 is a retro movie
Lord_Hosk: "What the sigma" is the phrase... But none of the hosklings are aware of what the heck it means, they have just heard it in many different contexts from "that was bad" to "that was good" to "I don't understand"
Jillexie: Whiskey Tango Sierra?
rabbitgta: Classic or retro feel like cusre words
DoodlestheGreat: You know, the stuff old people listen to, like Shaboozey.
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
KeytarCat: "What the sigma" is just wtf. It comes from omegaverse nonsense, but it very jumped linguistic bounds
thedepthandbreadthofseth: oh no!
Laserbeaks_Fury: I assume for antyhing on the internet, there's a Werewolf AU for it
ghyllnox: Your mum discusses an awful lot with you huh
KV1NN4: Honestly thoguht it was What The S(igma) instead of 'shit'
Lysander_salamander: Not all omegaverse is erotica
niccus: i think it's more perpendicular to omegaverse, the alpha-beta thing diverged and in one universe there was shipping and on the other there's male grindset
TacitusVigil: More references that make me feel old. I'm still trying to deal with whatever brat summer is.
novrdd: StinkyGlitch
ghizmou: I don t want to live in a world where omegaverse is relevant
thedepthandbreadthofseth: ^
KeytarCat: We've talked about "no cap" in chat before
Gekyouryuu: There are, sadly, omegaverse anime and live action dramas in east Asian countries
Lysander_salamander: Hey some omegaverse is good. It's like any fandom. It's a spectrum of quality
LordZarano: Space cooling is actually a thing. There's a certain frequency of infrared that isn't absorbed by the atmosphere. If you cover something outside with a surface (I hesitate to say paint) that emits that frequency it will get cooler than stuff around it. NightHawkInLight has been figuring out how to make it at home
niccus: it would be better if it was just about dicking down
DoodlestheGreat: Yeah, humans are eternally on the down low...
TacitusVigil: What a crazy episode of Sliders that would be.
LowUpsideCJ: Humanity will pay for that bad wolf study in ways we have yet to reckon with
Lord_Hosk: In the mid 90s we had exchange students from Germany in our high school. And the first thing they asked us was "Is Bad good or is Bad bad? you know like Michael Jackson"
Strebenherz: the fact that the omegaverse legal thing made it to an official court and a judge had to read omegaverse terms still kills me
Jillexie: Teach at the university I went too (though after I wqas done). But still
Lord_Hosk: and we were like "its both depending on context of the conversation, but no one uses that anymore"
Strebenherz: think so?
ThorSokar: I have hated a teacher enough to get them fired
Gekyouryuu: "Love languages" is apparently some sexist BS some dude invented to justify being a dick to his partner, saying her love language was acts of service
Nigouki: bwahahaaha
KV1NN4: so a massive high-way sandwich board for Infowars/Alex Jone sin New Zealand, I coudln't stop myself from uttering "Fuck that guy!"... inf ront of my mother hwo was driving. >.>;
DoodlestheGreat: Oh gods, Cam, you reminded me of Andrew Dice Clay nursery rhymes...
ThorSokar: That's an interesting question actually
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Gekyouryuu It was a preacher in the fifties.
Gekyouryuu: @thedepthandbreadthofseth that tracks
TacitusVigil: I know implicitly that Cameron meant the US SC and not the Canadian SC.
KeytarCat: There was an XKCD that claimed the internet at time of writing could be contained in one 18-wheeler full of flash drives
Laserbeaks_Fury: Turns out all those chalk pictures were actually photographs
Lord_Hosk: The weight of Youtube must include the emotional tole it has taken on society
KV1NN4: I asusme the sing was bought by alcal fan
KV1NN4: local fan
ThorSokar: Hard mode: the Seals have Bazookas
DoodlestheGreat: In hard mode, the seals are given Los Angeles class attack submarines.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @TacitusVigil There's an SC in Canadia?
KV1NN4: and also i apologised to my mother immediately and emphasized how terirble he is to justify my outburst
Lord_Hosk: KeytarCat Flashdrives have gotten pretty big
TacitusVigil: @thedepthandbreadthofseth There is! It's actually professional and competent!
DoodlestheGreat: Anubis weighs, Ammut eats.
Gekyouryuu: All of 'em anubis
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @TacitusVigil oh. I thought you meant South Carolina.
Nigouki: how much energy does it cost to flip a bit? does that change as technology changes?
ThorSokar: Storing a 1 vs a 0 does actually "weigh" more, not that whatever moron asked that question would even remotely begin to understand why that is
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I'll go sit in the corner now.
TacitusVigil: @TacitusVigil In a recent ruling, they basically made a burn against the USSC too
novrdd: Milord
dumbo3k: M'lord *tips hat*
forcedreject: @DoodlestheGreat "and then Anmut ate them both"
Laserbeaks_Fury: Weighing hearts is a low skill job because they always make a noob do it
KeytarCat: @Lord_Hosk My theory is that the volume remains roughly constant as the internet and flash drives each get larger
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @TacitusVigil awesome
Lord_Hosk: So... Data is stored as 1s and 0s... a empty drive is all 0s, which is all the bits switched ON, the 1 is a bit switched off, so the more data you write the lighter a flash drive gets
Gekyouryuu: "My lady, league of legends." "Death."
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I'm worried we're gonna need a new constitution soon.
Jillexie: Pleading the Fifth in Canada won't work well
TacitusVigil: Pleading the fifth, 2nd amendment, Miranda rights.
LowUpsideCJ: We have the right to bear manitoba
TehAmelie: hi friends. are we ruling the penguins with an iron fin?
DoodlestheGreat: @LowUpsideCJ Is there a moose manitoba?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: do y'all use 911? because I think the UK had to add it to their phone services.
Lord_Hosk: The Prime Minister forms the government at the request of the king
Xed_Regulus: Technically, any Canadian could be named PM if the House of Commons voted for them
TacitusVigil: "Real"
ghizmou: and spend money
thedepthandbreadthofseth: It can also be the second (or 3rd, 4th, etc.) largest party, if the other fails to create a coalition.
QuixoticScrivener: as real as any government, which only exists because we agree they do
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: the few canadian police procedurals Ive ever seen make it seem a so simple. Like no legal protections simple.
Lord_Hosk: To be fair...
KV1NN4: why does htis music make me think of the chill float aorund music from Kingdom Hearts
TacitusVigil: The current one is an...astronaut I want to say?
Gekyouryuu: is it bad that you mentioned coalitions, and my first thought was "a lobbyist who has to appeal to coalitions is called a coal' miner"?
Lord_Hosk: Most Canadians are from Eastern Canada
TehAmelie: we've got 112, 911 and 999. and i think 90 000 from back in the time of rotary phones
LordZarano: I think basically every country has 999, 911, & 112 all go to the same place so visitors aren't left out
thedepthandbreadthofseth: so, is the number for emergency services 9-1-1?
KinkerbellRose: Maritimes reporting in.
TacitusVigil: Also, they live mostly on the US border. Planning their invasion, no doubt...
thedepthandbreadthofseth: most Canadians live in Ontario, south of Boston.
KeytarCat: @TehAmelie Why would you us four 0s on a rotary phone??
Lord_Hosk: The Maritimes dont' count, they are on Island time.
RedGriffin42: "Central" Canada reminds me of the American "Midwest"
Xed_Regulus: Canada is the funny little place we call home
TehAmelie: @KeytarCat it's the easiest to dial
ThorSokar: I mean, american cops can just kill you for no reason
Strebenherz: ANY?
Jillexie: Then we have the fun Notwithstanding Clause
Lord_Hosk: So Canada needs roving bands of Judges?
forcedreject: In the US the president is a king (as of like a month ago)
TacitusVigil: Just as the Founders intended....wait-
rabbitgta: Getting lawyered sucks
Xed_Regulus: Oops...
LowUpsideCJ: Hey, relatable! :(
KeytarCat: @TehAmelie But 0 is the longest to dial, I thought? 0 is ten ticks, all the way around. Is it based on it being an end point of the ring?
forcedreject: Yours too? Samesies...wait that's bad
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I thought it was established to steal furs and kill First Nations?
Nigouki: is any police origin story actually not atrocious?
Lord_Hosk: I thought the Canadian Police force was established to subjugate the indigenous tribes.
TehAmelie: @KeytarCat not on the phones i've had, but maybe it's different in other countries
Xed_Regulus: Yeah, just because American Slaves were "free" in Canada, doesn't mean that they were welcome, unfortunately.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: ok, yeah. Y'all got a bay named after it, right?
forcedreject: wait is that why it's 9-1-1
forcedreject: tdil
KeytarCat: @TehAmelie Oh no, crossed standards!
LordZarano: It's also why it's 999 in the UK. Just to make sure you're really sure
TehAmelie: no one would ever know how to operate the dial if they were blinded, which is just the eventuality for which they decided to make it easy to dial by feel
7 raiders from AdzyandJaneComics have joined!
The_Crab_Goddess: raaaaaaaaaaid
The_Crab_Goddess: hihi
thedepthandbreadthofseth: can y'al turn up cam's mic by chance?
AdzyandJaneComics: Hembo
GreatWahooney: that's a lot of seals
Xed_Regulus: 613 area code here
thedepthandbreadthofseth: 412
ANeMzero: I mean at the time I think 604 was just... the entirety of BC?
Gekyouryuu: off topic, I just read something hilarious on twitter and want to share: "the opposite of a little goody two-shoes would be big baddie bare feet lol. nevermind I don't like this post anymore"
TehAmelie: i'm in 090 country
thedepthandbreadthofseth: are we just sounding off?
DoodlestheGreat: When I grew up, my area code was 213. Then it became 818.
RuiFaleiro: just outside of nyc, i was i grew up in 201
AdzyandJaneComics: I mean, in the UK, our area codes were 5 digits long, you had to want that long distance phone call
Strebenherz: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
abslomdaak42: LUL
TheWooglie: when I was little my UK area code was 4, they added the 5th when they started running out
TehAmelie: i have to disclose though, back in the last days of home telephones, my family had the best phone number, 200 56
bakerydragon: *wabbit season*
GreatWahooney: whale, whale, whale!
ButButTheJesus: hi folks, hows the pangwangs
TacitusVigil: The United Kingdom of Penguin and Whales
AdzyandJaneComics: @TehAmelie Dunkeswell was nestled deep in the folds of the puckered sphincter of nowhere so it was 01404
Gekyouryuu: which version?
The_Crab_Goddess: penguins and whales would be a tricky joint kingdom because at a certain point it'll just become the kingdom of whales, shuldn't it?
KeytarCat: doo doo doo da da da...DA DA DA WHALE
forcedreject: 18 games and counting?
Strebenherz: 2007 scape
Gekyouryuu: ah, Old School Runescape
TacitusVigil: Oh no, it's going to be Fortnite isn't it?
Strebenherz: or old school
LowUpsideCJ: Ye Olde Scaped Runes
bakerydragon: 1 game and counting but with the 8 from 18 lazily tipex-d out
niccus: we're finally playing bang bang mobile legends?
TheWooglie: how do you define popular?
GreatWahooney: ooh, I remember playing Old School Runescape back when it was just called Runescape
offbeatwitch: i love getting stats by doing actions
KeytarCat: Final Fantasy 2!
The_Crab_Goddess: concurrent player counter?
DoodlestheGreat: If it was most popular on Twitch, you'd be playing GTAV
ZombieHendrix: love that UO
Mazrae: Ultima Online was my first mmo
The_Crab_Goddess: *really?*
The_Crab_Goddess: @DoodlestheGreat *not* league??
The_Crab_Goddess: huh!
AdzyandJaneComics: Wurm Online, get involved in a high stakes territorial dispute over two square feet of mud
DoodlestheGreat: League's #2
TehAmelie: i beat so much of cookie clicker by putting a rock on my keyboard
ButButTheJesus: I remember Morrowind, your Acrobatics increased by jumping a lot
ylegm: I just got distinct memories of Maple Story and its grind
GreatWahooney: last year I was at a board game night where two of the players had laptops out with Ultima Online on, and they were grinding skills while we played the 2019 Dune board game. it was... strange.
AdzyandJaneComics: I gotta go sleeb
novrdd: PopNemo
AdzyandJaneComics: <3 to all
TheWooglie: more towers!
ghyllnox: It went for the hospital first, dang
abslomdaak42: The orca will return in Avengers: Infinity War
ylegm: "Next week on America's most expensive car chases!"
SK__Ren: Just got here. New Club Penguin looks good!
bakerydragon: that's why more cake is needed. it's for a demonstration
KeytarCat: The movement of time haunts us all
KV1NN4: hnngh i want ice cream..
TacitusVigil: Icream?!
SK__Ren: Beer and Sides ?
KV1NN4: but its too hot to go out and get any
abslomdaak42: That sounds nice
Lord_Hosk: Was it Ryan Gosling that she held?
KeytarCat: I made some frozen pudding, but it was peppermint, which I can now confirm my stomach dislikes
TacitusVigil: And Bowser!
SK__Ren: Don't forget the alien invaders
CaptainSpam: And legally distinct giant lizard monsters.
Strebenherz: timberborn had a constant drought/starvation anxiety. here at least so far, the seals seem more annoying than threatening
DoodlestheGreat: You trade sealskins for 'em?
CaptainSpam: (no, seriously, Toho did kinda get Not Pleased(tm) with the original versions of Sim City and the monster used therein)
GreatWahooney: imagine giving the seals jobs instead of shooting on sight
TacitusVigil: I'm not disappointed that penguins are capitalists, I mean they go around in tuxedos already.
TacitusVigil: I mean, I make that joke, but every game like this is basically a command economy by definition, no?
bakerydragon: If you command us to look it up does that mean this stream is a command economy?
Desruprot: in penguins we trust
TacitusVigil: Authoritarian, goes across the spectrum I'd say
RatherLargeToad: Whale hello again
TehAmelie: that whale had gold in its pockets!
KeytarCat: Command economy and planned economy are synonymous?? just looked it up and that's what I got. And a planned economy is pretty self explanitory
KeytarCat: so it's a tool, to be used as one sees fit
thedepthandbreadthofseth: the seasons should be "day" and "night"
Boiler_bot: @TacitusVigil Honestly, yeah? AFAIK
thedepthandbreadthofseth: may they aren't conveniently located?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: oh man... sleeping in the arctic must ALSO suck.
TacitusVigil: @Boiler_bot I always thought that was funny. Esp. in games like SimCity or Civilization. A bit of ludonarrative dissonance. Unless you're playing as an authoritarian.
TehAmelie: my mom found she was most comfortable sleeping in 4°C. not exactly arctic temperature but
DoodlestheGreat: Thaaaaaat's capitalism!
TheWooglie: @TehAmelie inside?
TehAmelie: yeah, we found that out the winter when their bedroom window was broken
Coloneljesus: hi fam
Boiler_bot: Yeah, it's a problem with video games that require the player to have an inordinate amount of personal power and autonomy, which can end up teaching strange lessons about how power within systems actually works. It's often uni-polar rather than multi-polar.
SK__Ren: I like to sleep with my head double wrapped and boiling hot and my feet exposed and icy cold
ZombieHendrix: Would your body wake you up before your suffer hypothermia?
Capt_clown: I like having a little bit of a breeze but also need a good blanket
iris_of_ether: Fun fact: memory foam turns into a solid brick in the 30-40F range. As we discovered during the multi day outage of 2006
TehAmelie: @iris_of_ether you mean it gets. . .bricked?
Coloneljesus: feet and arms: cold. neck and tummy: warmmm
ZombieHendrix: That'd do it
iris_of_ether: Just an Iris shaped cavity
LordZarano: Polygon has a whole video about how the algorithms that SimCity based it's systems on were created by people pushing a particular political ideology
DoodlestheGreat: @LordZarano What a shock.
Juliamon: My parents found that out when they bought a mattress in the winter. They had to sleep on the couches for a night while it was defrosting.
TehAmelie: ah, it can be rebooted?
Capt_clown: @LordZarano If you mean the newest version of Sim from EA then yes. It was pure capitalism LUL
Gekyouryuu: they live in igloos, so they're not just homeless, they're domeless
CaptainSpam: I still need to play CS:2.
iris_of_ether: But yeah the foam thing has to do with the temperature of plasticity (or whatever it's called) for foam being well below room temp. So in most situations it's soft, but gets rigid when below that temp
TehAmelie: all i remember is some staggering CPU requirements
maybe_games: oh paradox, where new releases are 2-3 years behind the game they replaced
Gekyouryuu: I'm remembering an older Zero Punctuation review, now, where he played Sims and "there's a poo map" was a major selling point for him
Gekyouryuu: life is the greatest teacher you'll ever have
CaptainSpam: A'narcist.
TehAmelie: an archist? well, i like some archs
SquareDotCube: Anarchist schools, aka Lord of the Flies Lite
Capt_clown: An Archist feels like an old timey way of calling yourself a yoga teacher
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Capt_clown I think you mean a gymno sophist.
Amras0x00: I always find Skulines easier to understand as something that grew out of Cities in Motion than as a traditional city builder - the core mechanics are roads, public transit, and traffic simulation, because the core of the game was originally a public transit game
LordZarano: Depends on the species, but around 20 years
TehAmelie: the game just assumes you know how long penguins live? i guess that's fair if you're the penguin lord
Invitare: stupid Zelda's Lullaby...
Bruceski: Oh no! Penguins can't read!
Cptasparagus: paul blart?
TheAinMAP: mattlrBalls
Capt_clown: "art" display AKA some bored metalworkers idea of a joke
SquareDotCube: any relation to Ed Balls?
forcedreject: YOU MADE THAT UP
empyreon: LUL
TehAmelie: ah, the inventor of balls
Desruprot: olde Ben Ball
maybe_games: designed by arkhan land
thedepthandbreadthofseth: oh, have we considered that our penguins may not have sufficient supply of colorful/shiny pebbbles
Boiler_bot: BB to their friends
iris_of_ether: So in terms of penguin misinformation, who else's HS boyfriend's mom try to proselytize to you by handing you a "truth about carbon dating and penguins" book? Just me? benginRip
niccus: does... stainless steel... leach?
cincyjmac: What this game about
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @iris_of_ether it's amazing to me just how much TERRIBLE pseudoscience there is out there.
Cptasparagus: someone got stuck in the balls
maybe_games: im american, whats public art
Capt_clown: Good lord, that's not even a fixer upper house out that way...
Nigouki: oh, 316L is a specific type of stainless. At first I was confused as it get a volume and then said varying size
thedepthandbreadthofseth: $600k is a lot for a medium sized city.
TacitusVigil: VantaLime
TehAmelie: i wonder what the art is worth just in scrap metal
iris_of_ether: @thedepthandbreadthofseth Yuuuuup. Baby's First Young Earther Encounter
forcedreject: @maybe_games It's when you pay taxes to corporations so they can build fancy buildings
SnackPak_: wooow
forcedreject: Feed the balls
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @iris_of_ether But people just love stupid shit that preserves their ignorant pov.
Nigouki: Being stuck inside is punishment enought
TacitusVigil: It requires regular sacrifices.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: stupid lies.
KV1NN4: i remmeber hearing about the trapped dude! and wow!
Capt_clown: He owed just enough people money to people for everyone to collectively go "Do we really need to save him?"
thedepthandbreadthofseth: ok, can I get a link?
iris_of_ether: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
Boiler_bot: spoopy
SnackPak_: dun dun duuun
TehAmelie: like, hmm, what was it happened with that Munch painting that was stolen? i think the state of Norway thought the ransom was too high so they just let him keep it hostage
RatherLargeToad: clearly a vampire
ContingentCat: or fart
Nigouki: Duke Nukem voice: Balls
dumbo3k: You heard it here, folks! BALLS aren't REAL
forcedreject: Fart balls
TacitusVigil: OMG fake art SHOULD be called "Fart"
RedGriffin42: Vampire photographers are greatly underappreciated
TacitusVigil: @ContingentCat brilliant
Strebenherz: st louis arch
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Chicago
Cptasparagus: the bean is in chicago...
Dread_Pirate_Westley: CHICAGO!!! Them's fightin' words, Cameron!
iris_of_ether: "The Balls Must Feed" just makes me want to run a modern World of Darkness game again
niccus: regrettably the bean is in a significant city
Cptasparagus: Chicagoans are the only ones who found the bean
Coloneljesus: USA is new york, LA and grand canyon. nothing else
Nigouki: we don't know it by CHOICE, they project it and infect us with it!
TehAmelie: my excuse is i try to keep my memory banks clean of Anish Kapoor trivia
ContingentCat: Well it's a good idea to keep an eye on the neighbour that seems to be going through a time
thedepthandbreadthofseth: hold on.... knowing about Chicago is like knowing about Munich or Naples.
LowUpsideCJ: If americans can get slighted for not knowing geography then everyone else can too
jessieimproved: Americans don't even know everything about the US. It'
Invitare: the secret is being deliberately incomprehensible
jessieimproved: big
thedepthandbreadthofseth: It's a big important place.
maybe_games: its that movie with the killer whale that hunts people on land and blows up a gas line!
TacitusVigil: I'd say we have a cultural monopoly thanks to media, but half of it is made in Canada/Vancouver... :P
RatherLargeToad: That’s enough for penguin bowling
GreatWahooney: alright it's bed time for the Wahooney. goodnight!
jdr_42: apparently I should buy a vase?
Invitare: clearly it was named after the boss in Breath of the Wild
TacitusVigil: You should buy a vase.
LowUpsideCJ: Someone in chat said 316L is the type of steel
accountmadeforants: A vase sounds like a solid investment (I just got here)
TacitusVigil: So in this religion, is there a Penguin god? Or are they worshipping the found dead body of a frozen explorer, like Shackleton?
TheWooglie: @TacitusVigil I assume Cori is their god
iris_of_ether: r/avians
Cptasparagus: you actually have to live in LA to do art in the US, its like if you own a corporation you have to set it up in Delaware
TacitusVigil: @TheWooglie Good point. All Hail Cori!
Desruprot: whales can be exchanged for goods and services
Bruceski: whales can be exchanged for goods and services
DoodlestheGreat: Only in mobile games.
TacitusVigil: And in the 19th century!
TacitusVigil: And illegally today!
ContingentCat: !advice
LRRbot: Re-equip the chair.
accountmadeforants: I was hoping for Frostpunk But Cute (But Still Horrifying)
SquareDotCube: oh yeah, that reminds me Songs of Syx entered early access
Strebenherz: first thing i noticed comparing it to timberborn. it's just giving you a flat plain to build on, versus timberborn's variety you can and can't build on
epsilon_vee: penguin frostpunk
chaps_the_goblin_king: gonna tell my kids this was frostpunk
chaps_the_goblin_king: lolol
dumbo3k: @chaps_the_goblin_king This is the Frostpunk the person at the game store said you wanted
Strebenherz: the designated skating area
accountmadeforants: Before We Leave has like a 16 hour tutorial that seems to be the whole game until it isn't, so it is possible
Strebenherz: first comes sentience, then comes pointless rules, like where you can and cannot skate
Gekyouryuu: was Cam just quoting Bender after he swapped to Penguin language?
accountmadeforants: Building more houses for people to live in? Sounds like a bad idea.
iris_of_ether: PridePenguin PrideFlower
Strebenherz: perish then
Marvoleath: Did you know that some penguins have "strippers"? There are female penguins that will do a mating dance, then receive rocks from males showing interest in breeding, but do not breed with them and instead run away with the rocks.
Capt_clown: Yea, but the ones they are building are basically cardboard... I wouldn't buy a house built in the last 5 years
ContingentCat: aren't we all wabbling a long way just to die
Strebenherz: @Marvoleath what
accountmadeforants: @Marvoleath Okay but I need to see a gif of the penguin running off with the rocks
patrick_stonecrusher: Werner Herzog made a documentary that asks "can penguins go mad?"
Gekyouryuu: I'm reminded of a comic I saw of a cat talking to a pig landlord. "can I have a house?" "mortgage is too expensive for you." "how much is rent?" "twice the mortgage so I can afford more houses." "what a great system." "that's the one, officer. they were TALKING to me."
TehAmelie: it feels like a documentary Krog and the cave people would make
iris_of_ether: Yuuuuuuup
ContingentCat: that sounds like the opposite of a problem
TehAmelie: "little fancy-man bird has one rock"
patrick_stonecrusher: What an unfortunate side effect
Cptasparagus: bet on one and get Ian contracted to do the wiring
TacitusVigil: NON arson, Cori
niccus: i was cheering for a treatza pizza tontine
iris_of_ether: benginFine
Marvoleath: @accountmadeforants Gentoo penguin should let you find one, I don't have one at hand
TacitusVigil: Operation: Kiss of a Rose?
accountmadeforants: I assume this is the comic Gekyouryuu meant:
SquareDotCube: Maybe we should just have an ultimatum: Housing supply has to outpace demand, or two homeless people get bulldozers and free reign. :p
TacitusVigil: @squaredotcube ever heard the story of Killdozer?
ThePixelSavage: is this Timberborn ordered from Temu? duggerHuh
TehAmelie: propaganoot noot
Gekyouryuu: @accountmadeforants YES! thank you!
accountmadeforants: @Gekyouryuu I had to reverse image search for a bit because the top results I found had the credits cut off, because of course they would be :)
Coloneljesus: every day i'm huddlein
TheWooglie: a sneaky seal stole fish during the huddle party
Gekyouryuu: @accountmadeforants I couldn't even find it and it was driving me insane
TehAmelie: Neal McBeal, the thieving seal
accountmadeforants: @Gekyouryuu Glad to help, I'm saving it for future use either way :P
TehAmelie: huh why didn't i say "stealin'"
novrdd: #housing crisis please don't be
TehAmelie: based on what i learned from claymation, building a penguin igloo should take like two hand gestures
novrdd: Magic TwitchConHYPE
RadioHupfen: mmm, salted book, tasty
accountmadeforants: Good thing we can't read, or we'd be very upset about the books becoming unreadable
TehAmelie: come to think, penguins live in a mega desert
novrdd: These are spellbooks
patrick_stonecrusher: I bless the rains in Anartica
Marvoleath: Isn't Antarctica a desert?
iris_of_ether: Cori no
TehAmelie: a big and extremely dry one
TehAmelie: so far anyway
SquareDotCube: I imagine the news tower functions like a minaret
Buxx345: they pray for feesh
novrdd: #charity
TehAmelie: fishing church? that's in Gothenburg
patrick_stonecrusher: They got confused by the old Christian symbol
Sylenctone: Finally ran out of herbs
bakerydragon: Will they pray to Cod?
accountmadeforants: A challenge, probably
RedGriffin42: More dynamic threats/issues other than just combat
SquareDotCube: a focus on a specific problem. Like transporation
accountmadeforants: Polygon had a great video about Against The Storm, which is basically a roguelite city builder, and how it focuses very heavily on those early game challenges
TehAmelie: now i want a map in one of these games with infinite resources like Big Game Hunter. . .
SquareDotCube: City building if it were a roguelike
patrick_stonecrusher: Against The Storm is early/midgame city builder without the endgame slog
SquareDotCube: I also like the premise of amusement park builders being the same vein as city builders, but instead of building population you build on the enjoyment and time spent by park goers.
accountmadeforants: Yeah, you basically toss out the city once you finish the early game and then you do it all over again
Strebenherz: Accurate af
Strebenherz: I think that works for Civ 5 too
Strebenherz: Timberborn doesn't let you get complacent, and it's stressful, but feels extremely rewarding when you no longer fear drought
Gekyouryuu: Civ-tember
SquareDotCube: What I'd like out of Civ 7 is not to be such a rush to modern age. Interesting things did happen between the Bronze Age, antiquity and the Middle Ages.
Marvoleath: Serge would be a good resource for that
Juliamon: ooh, and you could have Matt or Serge guest!
vanman229: frostpunk
Bruceski: I'm pretty sure you guys could talk about toast for a month and it'd still be interesting
iris_of_ether: :D
Strebenherz: Coming from TB, I was expecting the seals to go on a mudering spree, not steal some food and run off hamburglar style
patrick_stonecrusher: For sure check out Against The Storm, that game's pretty great
Marvoleath: @Bruceski now I wanna see them play Toast simulator
SnackPak_: it is a pretty sad game
Marvoleath: @Marvoleath "I Am bread"
accountmadeforants: Frostpunk is a misery generator yeah
offbeatwitch: seemsgood
bakerydragon: oof
gualdhar: sounds damn close to a Rimworld player
ContingentCat: oh snerge
Nigouki: Serge has zero regard for ethics when efficiency is on the line
kumatsu: Serge ALSO made himself too sad to ever play that game again
niccus: for a game centrally about climate change, against the storm got surprisingly confused politics, it's a great talking subject
gualdhar: oh, the horror stuff too?
SquareDotCube: Nah, then you'd have to play Dwarf Fortress again.
Gekyouryuu: I hear "Rimworld" and all I can think of is the game "Amazing Cultivation Simulator"
protojman: yes to rimworld!!!
ThePixelSavage: Harebrained lost all theri licences and are creating "a totally new IP" ... which always makes the hairs on my neck stand up
SquareDotCube: Oh right, in terms of "builders" might as well add the Two Point games to the list
TehAmelie: i got through it once, and i thought i did pretty well with keeping like 180 people alive with just like one point in authoritarianism but then the game was all "you survived, but at what cost, Mr Stalin?"
SquareDotCube: I think it wants more penguins?
Gadora: I've fallen into the BattleTech circles, and apparently HBS wanted to make a BattleTech sequel, but was blocked by Paradox. I'm still bummed by that.
gualdhar: what is researched being blocked by? not too clear on the UI
Gekyouryuu: now I really wanna see Cam and Cori tackle Amazing Cultivation Simulator, actually
TehAmelie: ("it" was Frostpunk)
SquareDotCube: the music keeps reminding of Zelda's Lullaby. D:
bakerydragon: yeah, I like the idea of the game being another take on the Spec Ops The Line style "look what you've chosen to do", but it has the same issue that the game is the one presenting you with choices, and if some are basically punished, espec ially ones like education vs child labor then that feels like a real mis-step, and less "beware the slippery slope" and more "Lord of the flies is objectively true about huamnity's inherent cruel nature"
bakerydragon: That's talking about Frostpunk btw
Driosenth: how about playing Game of Sisyphus?
niccus: that's a window to a very successful but a very foreign genre, cultivation sim
accountmadeforants: One of the top reviews of Amazing Cultivation Simulator is "I am Chinese and it took me 20 hours to figure out the basics." and that's a fair representation
Gekyouryuu: @accountmadeforants that's amazing
TehAmelie: are penguin kids called buttons? i think they might be, and if they aren't we should start
Gekyouryuu: you are FOR SURE going to start as a yaoguai and have a "fun" time on your first run
gnomebot1: There is a new one called Norland. And Easier Crusader Kings and Rimworld crossover.
accountmadeforants: I really, really want this to pull a Before We Leave and now the Space Orcas come in
accountmadeforants: (But then, we haven't conquered the entire planet yet)
Gekyouryuu: on the one hand, I kinda want to recommend the comedy "review" I watch on youtube sometimes for ACS (it's actually a decent explanation of the game, to a point), but also not all the humor is exactly "recommendable" and I'd regret pointing people towards something they'd find upsetting.
TehAmelie: there's a type of "Crusader Kings player bewildered why high taxes improve society" stories i really like about those games
IronwoodWizard: I'd live to see your views on Dyson Sphere Program. but that may just be my love for fa tory games talking.
niccus: which simcity did the most damage to real life urban planning?
accountmadeforants: @Gekyouryuu Ah, the Sseth one? Understandable and same
epsilon_vee: wait, is this penguin UK
TacitusVigil: "Not enough roads"
Gekyouryuu: @accountmadeforants yep
LordZarano subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
LordZarano: one. One! ONE!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordZarano! (Today's storm count: 16)
SquareDotCube: I really with SNES Sim City would come to Online, if both Nintendo and EA would stop dragging their feet to bring it there.
Simriel: It explores
muscle_taur: accidental planned economy
Simriel: It just gets up and wanders away
SquareDotCube: Heck, EA could even allow the crappy Sim City 2000 port they made for SNES. Yeah, it's a thing that exists.
TehAmelie: I Can't Believe it's Not Planned Economy?
Gekyouryuu: it really says something about the size of this community that we're almost to the end of the second stream for the day, with a storm count of 16, and my first thought was "wow, REALLY low sub count today, that's unusual." before remembering that last week happened
Simriel: Last week, followed by a Pre-prerelease
Dreamlettuce: Banished?
Earthenone: yeah subathon + ppr drains a lot of coffers
Strebenherz: that was a heck of a subathon too
Gekyouryuu: ^
SquareDotCube: oh right, Talking Sim could cover Manor Lords.
Blasteg: mornin. what we bulding
Blasteg: talking sims on Crusader kings though
forcedreject: Weirdly the subathon's Elden Ring content just made me start playing Sekiro again lol
accountmadeforants: Before We Leave is also very interesting, if a bit simple at times
patrick_stonecrusher: Penguinized rectangles
Strebenherz: @Gekyouryuu MaxLOL
TehAmelie: Manor Lords is probably the most democracy-aligned of all king simulator city builder games since you can walk around with your lord on the street and probably die
muscle_taur: the moment I turned 30 I started losing track of the mouse cursor myself, LMAO
accountmadeforants: I have the PowerToys thing that puts a massive spotlight on my mouse cursor if I wiggle it hard enough
accountmadeforants: (Which I think they stole from MacOS?)
TehAmelie: love me a little criminalized onion
r10pez10: windows has an option to show a circle thing over the cursor if you hit CTRL
SK__Ren: I remember one of the steam achievements (Banished) was to hit 500 pop without trading which made for very tight margins. Survival sounds like a fair description
Gekyouryuu: @DanTheMediocre ha!
ContingentCat: but what about the spices?
Simriel: Don't invent Penguin Capitalism!
accountmadeforants: @r10pez10 Yeah, but I actually use Ctrl for other stuff. The PowerToys wiggling thing is less likely to trigger accidentally.
TehAmelie: aw, are we done with food already? don't we want to wash it down with some default_juice
gualdhar: time to kill some babies
bakerydragon: Goodnight /Good timezone all. I hope you have a great time with a dramatic collapse
niccus: that means it's 4 PM
Strebenherz: gnight bakerydragon
niccus: oh this part looks extra underbaked
BraveKingMax subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BraveKingMax! (Today's storm count: 17)
TacitusVigil: Mood
TehAmelie: thinkin how Beyond Earth fell flat mainly just because the factions had no personality
Gekyouryuu: Civ-tember
ThePixelSavage: I would watch you play Cities Skylines for hours
gnomebot1: You could do Rimworld Zobies for Halloween
Marvoleath: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
ThePixelSavage: duggerWave
Marvoleath: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
gnomebot1: zombies
accountmadeforants: HypeWave
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Still Wakes the Deep) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (37m from now).
accountmadeforants: I have also heard very good things about it
jamesinor: It seems pretty good
Marvoleath: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Darleysam: Adam and Ben are gonna learn some prime Scottish swearing
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
niccus: an extremely scottish game
jamesinor: From what I remember, if you have a fear, it will play on it
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
TacitusVigil: Armageddon? Kappa
TehAmelie: an oil rig is the endgame in a zombie apocalypse, if nothing else
Blip2004: there is an X files episode where they go to a rig to find out what happened
iris_of_ether: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Simriel: Thanks for having us. It was great to be here
Blasteg: wait pokemon traging card game 2, as in, the GBC one?
accountmadeforants: @Blasteg Yup
Gekyouryuu: that's Taddle Quest + DoReMiFa Beat, clearly, Cori
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
DoodlestheGreat: I like the plan, Cam, let's go with it.
TehAmelie: it was fun!
KWardJenx: Thank you!
OminouslyOminous: thank you!
TehAmelie: and 1thanks for this stream too
abslomdaak42: Bye! lrrSHINE
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TehAmelie: *thanks. an arbitrary number of thanks
Earthenone: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Still Wakes the Deep) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (32m from now).
Earthenone: !findquote deep
LRRbot: Quote #3418: "A deep knobbing." —Cameron [2016-09-14]
quasi79fu: oh ive played this one
quasi79fu: still wakes the deep is goodish game..cant wait to see their reactions to it