TheWriterAleph: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
YawnLance: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
quasi79fu: hai chat..i excited for this i hope everone having greata night
quasi79fu: karaJam karaSing
ThorSokar: composA1 composA2 Party time! DinoDance
Pteraspidomorphi: Hello
squ3e: Theyre gonna need subtitles lol
Seth_Erickson: From what I've seen of Still Wakes its pretty good
Seth_Erickson: I'm sure Adam will love the accents
thatguysteve2709: This game is awesome
LoadingReadyRun: don't know why the music isn't working, sorry!
Naesiir: lrrSPOOP Time for spoops lrrSPOOP
LoadingReadyRun: sit in the silence of your regrets
Pteraspidomorphi: What music isn't working?
thatguysteve2709: I can hear music
Pteraspidomorphi: We hear music
LoadingReadyRun: oh
LoadingReadyRun: nvm
e_bloc subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months, currently on a 78 month streak!
e_bloc: lets goooooooo
thatguysteve2709: There is no one behind the curtain
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, e_bloc! (Today's storm count: 18)
quasi79fu: am i in wrong reality? I hear music
DideRobot: LRR: What's more spooky than Irish people? | How about a horror game full of Scottish people? | How about a horror game on a SPOOKY OIL RIG with Scottish people???? | You're not ready for the next step of this, so you should just tune in and watch. | |
ThorSokar: We are currently Biceps Blasting DinoDance
jessieimproved: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrSPOOPY
Simriel: Hey wait a minute, I am Scottish people, should I be offended? :p
YawnLance: Spookier than Irish people huh Ben? :p
Earthenone: twitch seems to know it opens with a podcast so it starts at 160p
ThorSokar: IDK do you look like The Scottsman from Samurai Jack Simriel ?
PawssumFable: There are a lot of ways to be scary
ThorSokar: Do you have a big belly laugh when people ask what's in haggis?
quasi79fu: the world is scary
Simriel: @thorsokar I can neither confirm of deny that ya wee pajama wearin pansie!
ThorSokar: HAHAHA
muscle_taur: :O
quasi79fu: Have you seeen outside..there is this horrific thing callled grasss
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSPOOPY
SmithKurosaki: Evenin' chat
ThorSokar: composNotes Stay out of grenade range from Simriel
saucemaster5000: good evening all you penguins
quasi79fu: whats worse there is also this thing callled the Sun
Bruceski: There are bears out there
SmithKurosaki: @ThorSokar What'd Sim do?
Simriel: @thorsokar The daft that I DO have a big belly laugh is... Awkward right now :p
Gildan_Bladeborn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months, currently on a 108 month streak!
Gildan_Bladeborn: Setting this on an oil rig decreases the likelihood of haggis factoring in something fierce. Kappa
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gildan_Bladeborn! (Today's storm count: 19)
muscle_taur: I will never touch grass. this I pledge to you. microplastics only
Simriel: @smithkurosaki I was Scottish
ThorSokar: hahaha
SmithKurosaki: @Simriel lol
BrowneePoints: @yawnlance I mean *gestures at the Sidhe*
quasi79fu: i touched grass bit me
Earthenone: time to get loch'd in
Nebula662: Scotland forever?
ThorSokar: we're making Samurai Jack jokes SmithKurosaki
Mr_Horrible: coming in with a hot take: Let's Yes, actually
QuixoticScrivener: Spooky boys!
SmithKurosaki: mkay
PawssumFable: whats up
TheWriterAleph: hullo
muscle_taur: oh hey it's those guys from road quest?
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
squ3e: MAWP
wastetalent: gottem
MrSarkhan: LUL
SmithKurosaki: RIP
quasi79fu: Hello?
BusTed: hello
itira: aaaaaow
quasi79fu: hahhaahah
electra310: LMAO, RIP
YawnLance: RIP Adam's ears
Naesiir: streamer down!!
quasi79fu: Can you hear me now?
ThorSokar: been a while since you RUPTURED Adam's eardrums
roefizzlebeef subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
roefizzlebeef: RIP adam savidan
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, roefizzlebeef! (Today's storm count: 20)
Mathwyn: Adam got mawped
wastetalent: hell ya, white freezies are the best
NorthstarTex: f
Dog_of_Myth: Adam went to 11
frank_the_great: LUL LUL LUL
Makrosian_Tay: I MADE IT
Mr_Horrible: I'm enjoying this petard-hoisting
PawssumFable: It's so weird, I'm eating a freezie
protojman: hai Adam and Ben
quasi79fu: im a pewphead?
glowingnova: chat broke it
betweenmyself: Adam rocking the haircut riffGasp
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
TheMerricat: That's a long candy bar
raulghoulia: miss you? we saw you for a week
muscle_taur: video's game
Mr_Horrible: Adam learned a new word, I see
dumbo3k: Shithead reporting for duty o7
YawnLance: Actually scary?!
finestotter: wooooo
prince_infidel: Were you gone?
Sarah_Serinde: This one's real good
Gaelan_Maestro: Jumbo mr freezes bring back childhood summer memories
ThorSokar: and you got FREEZIE POPS
frozenphoenix7: I will always miss you two
jchinnock: love ya! ya shitheads
ChrisTheLemming subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
ChrisTheLemming: We missed the sub-a-thon, so here's this
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ChrisTheLemming! (Today's storm count: 21)
muscle_taur: thicc accents
frank_the_great: Isn't there a thing with Youtube where you're not supposed to swear in the first two minutes?
squ3e: Real thicc
saucemaster5000: I refuse to believe anything played here is scary
YawnLance: Thicc accents 👀
GhostValv: they have a nice accent :)
PawssumFable: Oh so they went realistic
Mr_Horrible: "I cannae unnerstan!"
Bruceski: I can watch Vera without subtitles, so we'll see how this goes.
YawnLance: heh away
Blakemcm: accents lookin thick and nice
squ3e: XD
Xafty: its so good
Mathwyn: If we are little shitheads are Ben and Adam big shitheads?
NotCainNorAbel: ha ha ha away
frank_the_great: LUL LUL LUL
quasi79fu: theee heeeee
glowingnova: Come From Away is my fave musical! I have a quote from it tattooed on my arm <3
TheWriterAleph: huh huhuh he said 'away'
Simriel: Hey Scottish people are easy to understand, by other Scottish people, totally...
Darleysam: shouldn't have been doing that on 9/11, should they
BrowneePoints: it’s about the Gander Plane People!
niccus: some of the translation is a bit gratuitous, but some you'll definitely need
electra310: It's a very good show!
BrowneePoints: It’s really good!!!
eric_christian_berg: Just stick with it. By the time I got to the end of reading Trainspotting, I was thinking in the accent.
SmithKurosaki: Gander NL iirc
TheMerricat: They rerouted a bunch of planes there
Juliamon: My sister's seen it like 3 times
electra310: 38 major plans landed there, it was a lot of planes
Blakemcm: by all accounts the canadian people there were lovely to the passengers
BrowneePoints: Gander Newfie
frank_the_great: It's cool that they have movies in Canada
quasi79fu: hai juliamon n hugs
quasi79fu: im behaving i swear Juliamon
LithelyUnshod: Come From Away is great
muscle_taur: tastes like the suburbs
Darleysam: green is best flavour, always
BrowneePoints: I highly recommend come from away chat. there’s a professional recording on apple Tv
mulligan2six: Red is so good!
frank_the_great: The worst is still okay
EmpressTila: "White is the best." - Ben Wheeler, 2024
protojman: purple best
itira: blue is best
ThorSokar: Red is 1000% the worst flavor
YawnLance: Blue slaps
SmithKurosaki: Red sucks ass
Mischievous_Catgeist: Red worst
bethy_kins24: blue!
Mr_Horrible: the infamous Cherry V Strawberry debate
jessieimproved: pina colada ftw
gualdhar: we found it folks, this is how Ben and Adam get divorced
YawnLance: Yeah 100% agreeing with Ben here
bethy_kins24: ew no yellow
saucemaster5000: green is worst
Yolysses: my Dad's on a business trip to Canada, what candy bars should we ask him to bring back?
SquareDotCube: Yellow. You don't know if you've got lemon, pineapple or artificial banana.
0x6772: I might be able to help here: those are colors, not flavors.
jchinnock: never eat the yellow ice
LithelyUnshod: Coffee Crisp
Simriel: @yolysses A whole beaver
betweenmyself: Grape Otterpop pennyWhat
Mazrae: Get the orange ones out of the list
SmithKurosaki: White > Blue > Purple > Orange > Pink > Red
EmpressTila: @Yolysses COFFEE CRISP
Mathwyn: Watermelon good
JuneBlue58: Personally I'd prefer an actual ice cream to flavoured ice.
frank_the_great: Watermelon is S tier
bethy_kins24: watermelon best melon
itira: watermelon = gross
mrjujubeans: water malooone
glowingnova: watermelon tastes like nothing
gawag_: watermelon juice is goated
Geldaran: Twist, they all taste the same and and it's just the food coloring tricking your brain.
Gildan_Bladeborn: I despise actual watermelon; fake watermelon, on the other hand, is delicious.
veelofar: Same, I also don't like Red, Blue, or Yellow. Gen 2's where it's at
xVoxtric: watermelon is good because of the water, it's refreshing
NimrodXIV: hot take
NorthstarTex: blue > white
Pteraspidomorphi: Good watermelon can be quite flavorful
quasi79fu: watermelon chocolate?
PharaohBender27: *Good* watermelon is delicious
Simriel: Watermelon: Not Chocolate
YawnLance: I mean he's not wrong, watermelon isn't chocolate
SmithKurosaki: Alright, it's too bloody hot here, Smoothie time
muscle_taur: fruit OP
bethy_kins24: You can male a vodka watermelon too!
BusTed: they're nature's candy 🙂
thrythlind: is "Still Wakes the Deep"?
quasi79fu: chocolate covered watermelon?
AugmentingPath: fruit is lowkey goated when sweetness is the vibe
Saintnex: super agree with Adam :D
Yolysses: @Simriel beaver sounds super exotic, can I get one chocolate dipped?
frank_the_great: Wrong - vanilla is the best of the main three
saucemaster5000: chocolate suuuucks
BrowneePoints: as I’ve gotten older I’ve recognized Vanilla is the GOAT
bo_brinkman: I. What. Is this bizarro world?
Gildan_Bladeborn: See, here I am preferring the vanilla in that trio.
PawssumFable: I got some candy recently, put it out on the counter with my plums and ended up eating more plums than candy
muscle_taur: thx for reminding me to eat lunch lol
bo_brinkman: I feel very trolled.
frank_the_great: Vanilla > Chocolate >> Strawberry
electra310: Canada is more different from the US than I realized
Darleysam: these days, you can't sleep the deep any more, because of wake
betweenmyself: the jury is still out on the “Is broccoli caramel” debate. riffThink
YawnLance: Okay chocolate ice cream is dogshit
Simriel: @yolysses Ask your partner
Rourke9: chocolate way worse yeah
Makrosian_Tay: Ok chocolate ice cream is NOT OK
TheBob58: Hey chat, do any of yall remember the name of the game where you're a hand who hates those spooky birds?
thrythlind: good vanilla is amazing
glowingnova: y'all gotta try coffee milk tho
veelofar: If I'm getting Neapolitan Icecream, I'm gonna get a scoop of all three at once
shurtal: chocolate icecream flavoring is damaged by being frozen
Juliamon: Orange milk best milk
Mr_Horrible: chocolate ice cream needs a complement to balance it out
ButButTheJesus: @bo_brinkman apparently chocolate is evil nowadays
PawssumFable: I might have to like, psychology myself.
LithelyUnshod: Vanilla is super common for a reason
protojman: choccy milk!
NorthstarTex: Chocolate Ice Cream alone is great if its from the right people.
jchinnock: so freeze stawbmilk
Rourke9: strawberry smoothies/milkshakes etc can be great
Mr_Horrible: it can't really stand on its own
ThorSokar: Strawberry Milk enjoyers are Serial Killers
Blakemcm: im gonna milk!
Saintnex: oh Ben lol
Fanklok: I just got here, are we having bad opinions again?
Azralorne: I have strawberry milk in my fridge *right now*
frozenphoenix7: But does Ben know about banana cows
PawssumFable: Make a resin candy jar and put fruit near it
Simriel: @thorsokar I love strawberry milkshake!
iris_of_ether: I like strawb milk though....
NorthstarTex: @jchinnock that sounds cursed...I want to try it.
EmpressTila: SIR
frank_the_great: All this strab talk is making me want to play Celeste
xVoxtric: I buy frozen strawberries and rasberries covered in chocolate
EmpressTila: Strawberry Milk is awesome and this is all heresy.
BrowneePoints: I was eating some DQ last week and I realized how fucking good Vanilla is and then I went “oh god I’m officially over 30”
shurtal: show of hands, who here when they had cookie dough icream would eat all the ice cream, saving the dough for last, so you had a giant piece of cookie dough in your bowl at the end
ThorSokar: You're REALLY not helping your case Simriel
veelofar: Egg salad is amazing if it's home made
saucemaster5000: egg salad is tuna salad for weird uncles
frozenphoenix7: @BrowneePoints K, but I'm not over 30 and I've had the same thoughts before
ButButTheJesus: urls
Juliamon: shurtal the only way to eat it tbh
Simriel: @thorsokar Listen here laddie
shurtal: @Juliamon exACTLY
ThorSokar: hahaha
Mr_Horrible: Them "I made a meal for myself" Adam "Don't trust this person with a knife""
LithelyUnshod: @shurtal Hell yeah
itira: Earls is expensive and not good LUL
quasi79fu: Show me potato salad
SnackPak_: its got the juice
gawag_: corn in potato salad????
Mr_Horrible: and its only sin is ruining our economy Kappa
Enki1256: So its a really nice Diner.
saucemaster5000: just suck on the cob
MacabreAurora: i despise egg salad because of my last job
niccus: have you ever had street corn/elote?
bethy_kins24: butter and salt
ladyjessica: like a typewriter.
BrowneePoints: ELOTES dude?
DoomBringerIL: WHAT is Ben eating?!? @LoadingReadyRun
protojman: sweet corn or non-sweet
ButButTheJesus: nom nom nom turn nom nom nom turn
veelofar: @shurtal You know they sell just the safe to eat raw cookie dough they have in the icecream. You can just buy a tub of the stuff.
BrowneePoints: in my MOUTH dude!?
BusTed: radial
shurtal: @LithelyUnshod i recently made a milk shake, but i bought ready to eat cookie dough chunks that were the size of golfballs, and plopped like 3 of those in the shake. DECADENCE
bethy_kins24: typewriter
QuixoticScrivener: I go around
NorthstarTex: Typewriter is best.
Juliamon: DoomBringerIL An ice pop
TheWriterAleph: typewriter for my WHOLE life
PharaohBender27: Corn on the cob is a good way to force yourself to floss :p
quasi79fu: ive never had freeezies before
Gildan_Bladeborn: There's... another way you eat corn on the cob?!
frank_the_great: Beat that heat!
Mr_Horrible: I usually rotate, yeah
electra310: Typewriter is for people who learned to eat corn from cartoons
BusTed: It's a jumbo!
AtomicAlchemical subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
AtomicAlchemical: Spookum Times!
saucemaster5000: freezies are better warm
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AtomicAlchemical! (Today's storm count: 22)
Mathwyn: Sounds like some knock off Zooper Dooper
SK__Ren: I do both? I carve a wide zigzag
BrowneePoints: Elote>>>>Corn on the Cob
dougma: hahahahahaha
bethy_kins24: Yall need some Rocket Pops!
ladyjessica: I remember cartoons showing the typewriter
finestotter: @electra310 True!!!
Mr_Horrible: typewriter ends up messier in my experience
whitebadgerwolf88: Typewriter all the way
ladyjessica: nothing at all :)
DoomBringerIL: ohhhhhh..... i thought it was like cotton candy in long form @LoadingReadyRun
Blakemcm: just a couple of lads enjoying a freezie
quasi79fu: i dont ding
SK__Ren: I orangepeel my corn
SnackPak_: ! ding everytime
dougma: hahahahhahaha
BusTed: In case he has to go sky diving
BusTed: obv
niccus: ever eat a fish cartoonwise
Geldaran: Typewriter style was good enough for my grandpa, and it's good enough for me.
gualdhar: why is Adam stealing silverware
Mr_Horrible: because I can't just put a giant turkey leg in my mouth and then pull it out as a femur
frank_the_great: Good joke streamer
BrowneePoints: I only Rolodex Corn when I’m speed eating in a contest
Blasteg: >Tunes in >See Adam yeet headphone
PawssumFable: It was a long walk with a chuckle at the end
patrick_stonecrusher: I also put whole fish in my mouth and pull out the skeleton
quasi79fu: long walk offf a short pier?
betweenmyself: a sensible chuckle
veelofar: It's a long walk off a short pier, but at least you had a parachute.
jchinnock: socks!
quasi79fu: i dont get it
jchinnock: Si!!
bo_brinkman: It does, actually ... right?
SnackPak_: wooooow
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
dougma: Sir
AugmentingPath: it means "it is what it is"
electra310: Oh wow, this was a commercial from when I was a kid
BrowneePoints: eso si que es
ghyllnox: ESO si que es are definitely words
Makrosian_Tay: LUL
squ3e: It is what it is
EMNetwork: fired
jchinnock: bueno!!
James_the_Dabbler: it DOES mean something
ladyjessica: wow that…
BrowneePoints: it literally means it is what it is
Mr_Horrible: maybe put that one back in El Oven
finestotter: "This yes what is it"
frank_the_great: Aloha
Saintnex: boo this man!
James_the_Dabbler: “It is what it is”
Makrosian_Tay: Porque no los once?
austintatious89: Speaking of Spanish, my favorite corn is elote style
Geldaran: it's from an old commercial. it almost sounds like something that means something.
Bruceski: Doesn't it mean "that's what it is" or something like that?
YeomanAres: "Rise up lights" is "razor blades" in Australian
Mr_Horrible: Third base
Strebenherz: You've made a skit
Dog_of_Myth: Third base
quasi79fu: whats on second
ButButTheJesus: @YeomanAres :D
bo_brinkman: Ben is ready for Spanish Vacation!
DoomBringerIL: i love how ben was like waiting for an answer while staring adam and suckling the ice pop LOL @LoadingReadyRun
Bruceski: That's the basic "Spanish is easy" gag.
betweenmyself: to be fair, “it is what it is” means nothing riffYeti
ghyllnox: LUL
korvys: Saying "My cocaine" sounds like Michale Caine saying his own name
finestotter: It's close to "it is what is" but it has a random yes in the middle
saucemaster5000: sluuuuurp
James_the_Dabbler: It has the juice
ladyjessica: got a popsicle because of Ben.
Afxxthemad subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months!
Afxxthemad: somehow I'm at 4 months on my first sub
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Afxxthemad! (Today's storm count: 23)
thrythlind: I got to explain to a coworker while I lived in Japan that "ninja" had become an English verb
glowingnova: the long succ
ButButTheJesus: the what now
James_the_Dabbler: They make my throat hurt :/
Mr_Horrible: Adam drinks it like a hamster's water bottle
NorthstarTex: slurp it up
saucemaster5000: pour it in a glass you chld!
JusticeJuice: Mush the freezie then suck it.
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 that's just wasteful tho
thatguysteve2709: Is garbie returning
Dog_of_Myth: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Marvoleath: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
quasi79fu: Eeeek he left us alone with ADAM
Fanklok: Gotta suck the freezie pretty hard to get all the juice out
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible you're wasteful
LithelyUnshod: @justicejuice the best way
DoomBringerIL: it's a food AND a prop... 2 for 1
saucemaster5000: boom gottem
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 true but irrelevant
quasi79fu: karaPanic
Blakemcm: Whens Mahvel?!?
veelofar: A comedy troop is about the only place where I could see someone saving a bunch of freezy tubes
RealGamerCow: I was hoping for Mansion speedruns
YawnLance: !cw
LRRbot: This game contains, or we have found it to contain, material that may be upsetting to some of our viewers. If that content is a problem for you, it's okay to not watch this stream. Self-care is more important.
Pteraspidomorphi: There might be blankets
Seth_Erickson: no dogs dying this game that I know of yet
Simriel: Is heather the Arch-Mod
quasi79fu: MOds are amazing here
Larkonus: You rock, mods!
DoomBringerIL: did u play Alan ~Wake 2?
NorthstarTex: <3 the mods.
Mr_Horrible: Me, getting shot: *spells Socks*
tr3ewitch88: TBAngel
Juliamon: Heather is beyond mod
ghyllnox: If your parents get you things they like, such as socks and books, get them things you like, such as the merchandise at
YawnLance: Just take the shot, be chill
RealGamerCow: *gets shot* That's on me.
saucemaster5000: getting shot just means you are free
ladyjessica: the subathon was nice
ThorSokar: you can't take the timeout, maybe you shouldn't be here
shurtal: go back to the lab, figure out WHY you got shot, so you never get shot again
Seth_Erickson: Game looks quite good
Makrosian_Tay: Oh no
saucemaster5000: like signalis
shurtal: dpm
Seth_Erickson: This one isn't a Daymare situation
betweenmyself: speaking as a nincompoop, I find my corral to be warm and comfortable
shurtal: don't forget subtitles
bethy_kins24: ohhh spoopy season !
Darleysam: The Deep would like to snooze for another 10 minutes
dougma: Noooooo!!! it's too early to start the game!!!!
Astramentha: We’re gonna learn a LOT of Scottish swears
ghyllnox: Never put the dance before the song
ladyjessica: horse and buggy
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 can't believe Sauce hates the gays
quasi79fu: game is ..uhh good in at least my opinion
Simriel: It occurs to me I have only ever been timed out as a bit
Mathwyn: More like underwhelmingly positive amirite folks
veelofar: I've heard "Seen this Dog and Pony" as in a dog and pony show
Fanklok: Still the wakes deep
Seth_Erickson: someone get mr horrible in here
roefizzlebeef: so full of beans today
Rourke9: punchy today
jchinnock: This Old Cart is my favorite PBS show
BusTed: Make sure language is set to English (UK) for everyone's sanity
shendaras: He is no coward.
Simriel: But I have been timed out as a bit several times xD
Blakemcm: it was ART!!!
Mr_Horrible: and Adam says he never bullies me
TheWriterAleph: cor blimey it the sco'ish game
Seth_Erickson: What about Neir
Seth_Erickson: Adam?
ButButTheJesus: yeesh
dougma: I feel seen
quasi79fu: wow Adam chose violence today
raulghoulia: somebody told me it was Darkcloud 2
Simriel: Adam woke up and chose violence today hub
saucemaster5000: while we're at it fuck final fantasy
Seth_Erickson: okay okay
Strebenherz: Adam out to throw hands
Mathwyn: Putting the horse in the cart
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 I mean its entire fanbase wants to
AtomicAlchemical: Was the Fossil Fuel Industry the real monster?
Seth_Erickson: that's very cool
BusTed: English (United Kingdom) will be the best experience
Seth_Erickson: actually
Simriel: @thewriteraleph Cor Blimey is not a Scottish phrase xD
ButterBall000: No horse in this cart before the race
betweenmyself: I thought this stream was about deep sea oil drilling, not Adam fishing riffThink
Fanklok: Gaelic is indecipherable
Seth_Erickson: I don't fuck video games
TheWriterAleph: @Simriel i don't follow Kappa
Seth_Erickson: it's against my religion
mirshebs: ive got no horse hitched to this cart
yarghs: I demand you play this in Gaelic
Seth_Erickson: can we get the sound up alittle
dougma: Many people really wish they could f ff
thatguysteve2709: Plz listen to @busted
Mr_Horrible: the OSHI-
quasi79fu: i love the voice acting in game
Rourke9: the SEA
HadesLeprechaun: Oh hey, Still Wakes the Deep! I LOVED this game, one of my favorite horror experiences of the past couple years
YawnLance: Cannae run forever smh
Strebenherz: Huh. Signalis has a heck of a steam rating
Blakemcm: suze and caz 2 pees in a pod
Sarah_Serinde: There are subtitles that do that Ben
TheWriterAleph: omg change the subtitlessss
30teracyte: the english (UK) subtitles do that
patrick_stonecrusher: I tried once but l got stuck 8n the disk :(
inconsideratehat: Yeah, I think it's funny that they translate some of the scottish into english. XD
Sarah_Serinde: This one translates for you :D
NimrodXIV: there are different subs for that
Mathwyn: I think on of the language options does that
LithelyUnshod: Game quiet
thrythlind: I used to do transcriptions for English-to-Korean translators and I got one movie where my client said "some of the English here has really heavy accents" on my initial watch through, I came back to them saying "That's not English, that's Scottish Gaelic."
frank_the_great: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:25:21. lrrSPOT
Seth_Erickson: damn
Mr_Horrible: you love *ME*, Suze?
Kramburger: Oh, so the one week I'm running late you DON'T do a 45 minute podcast? this is BS
Simriel: Okay she just sounds like a woman I would meet on the bus. I am so used to Scottish voice acting in games being awful, but this sounds like a Scottish person saying Scottish words
Mr_Horrible: we don't even know each other
saucemaster5000: wow her handwriting sucks
korvys: Ok, I'm already assuming the monster is going to be his guilt or some shit
Makrosian_Tay: First impression is good
PharaohBender27: @saucemaster5000 Better than my cursive :p
Rourke9: @thrythlind fully different language family!!
Simriel: Okay, fuck is being used as punctuation, it really is Scottish
NorthstarTex: that paper isn't college ruled :|
Mr_Horrible: "Aye!" Subtitles: "Yeah"
Fanklok: Cursive needs to die
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible are they wrong?
DoomBringerIL: y'all should try Stasis: Bone Totem... that game is Bonkers and scary @LoadingReadyRun
Seth_Erickson: can we get the voices up just a tad?
Saintnex: and subtitles right? Kappa
Rourke9: at least if it was Scots it would be the English's most closely related language
thrythlind: @Rourke9 yup, I transcribed the English there, but it was about 60/40 English/Gaelic
Sarah_Serinde: It's pretty quiet
kimmiekoneko: we're here???
Getter404: Extremely quiet
kingandcommoner: I have never understood motion blur as the default option
EvilBadman: Thank god there's subtitles. Not for the accents, just for not being able to hear the vocals.
Seth_Erickson: well it might just be me
Pteraspidomorphi: There must be a motion blur illuminati that puts motion blur in every game enabled by default even though everyone dislikes it
CaptainSpam: "December 18, 1975... but it's 2024 now... who is Suze?"
ThorSokar: it's REAL quiet
korvys: Pretty quiet, relative to you, yeah
PharaohBender27: @Fanklok I've got good news for you!
quasi79fu: theyre kids
Kramburger: Compared to your mic level it's quiet
Makrosian_Tay: Kids' haunted
YawnLance: Nah, they're just Scottish
frank_the_great: I turned my volume booster up to 300
Seth_Erickson: Ok at least it wasn't just me
saucemaster5000: this kid has to sit next to the teacher
goombalax: I blame Brexit
rosesmcgee: that was one of his coworkers
kingandcommoner: They took the HRT our of Merry Christmas!
SquareDotCube: That's 1975 education for ya
NimrodXIV: every playthrough of this I've watched has made fun of that spelling :D
tr3ewitch88: CoolStoryBob
quasi79fu: ding
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
saucemaster5000: bling!
GhostValv: D:
Marvoleath: That's the kind of kid that accidentally writes a letter to Satan
raulghoulia: come in
dougma: we asked for that
Kramburger: Can you change the local app data?
thatguysteve2709: Thank you Ben
Rourke9: *different branch I guess, still indo-european family
Nigouki: finally, the dingle got bingled!
goombalax: do Sandstorm
Strebenherz: LUL LUL LUL
yarghs: Ben playing the song of his people
betweenmyself: Ben has declared war against headphone users
Seth_Erickson: sounds better yeah
JusticeJuice: Fries are, frie, fr...
frank_the_great: Look at this graph
Simriel: Also it's raining, authentic Scotland
Sarah_Serinde: This game is gorgeous
Seth_Erickson: Overwhelmingly positive Adam
Sarah_Serinde: In looks and sound
thatguysteve2709: AA
saucemaster5000: aa battery game
kimmiekoneko: an a and an a?
goombalax: 9Volt game
raulghoulia: "join your union"
Seth_Erickson: I'm planning on being the first AB studio
Mr_Horrible: the only AAAA game advertised as such so far iird was Callisto
korvys: Oh, this is The Chinese Room
Mr_Horrible: so, take that as you will
gualdhar: LOOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH, every time I do it makes me cry because my wife left me
betweenmyself: it is “a” game… should be enough
quasi79fu: the lore
YawnLance: Fuck yeah unions
saucemaster5000: coward for not using the vaguely european voice
Nigouki: it's a horror game, butchering is fine
DoomBringerIL: lots of reading
LithelyUnshod: @rourke9 Scots and Scots Gaelic are different languages
Rourke9: union going on strike due to horror game happening
Makrosian_Tay: Abject? Holy shit
Gildan_Bladeborn: "AAAA game" was a poor way to market "a blatant lie that wasn't worth the asking price" though.
Simriel: @loadingreadyrun As a Scotsman, I give you permission to do the accent :p
Fanklok: Oh cmon Adam, let us hear your Scottish dolphin
radioshackraider: Thank you for not doing the accent
Kramburger subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months!
Kramburger: 120 blaze it am I right gamers?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kramburger! (Today's storm count: 24)
YawnLance: Ben, you know I'm Irish
Getter404: @Mr_Horrible Back before Perfect Dark was formally announced recruiting ads for it called it "a AAAA project"
saucemaster5000: they were hunted for their kilts
Makrosian_Tay: Is Scottland a myth?
raulghoulia: famously landlocked country, Scotland
wiganlass subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
wiganlass: thanks for the stream will have to catch up on YouTube up early for the dentist zeroleSleepy
Seth_Erickson: I actually think Adam will like this game, from what I've seen of it.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wiganlass! (Today's storm count: 25)
frank_the_great: Not since the incident
Simriel: We have had dolphins in the Clyde before
Kramburger: Abject failure? Is that you dad?
I_Am_Clockwork: heyho spoop friends. Hope things are going well
Mr_Horrible: @Getter404 whoof
PawssumFable: Dark
Rourke9: @LithelyUnshod yes, that's why I was saying that because it was Scots Gaelic its a completely different branch, but if it was Scots at least it would be the closest related language to English
BusTed: rayfkKing
saucemaster5000: u poopin bro?
IsSecretlyPaul: raise your hand if you are poopin
Makrosian_Tay: Play on my phone
LithelyUnshod: @rourke9 gotcha
Seth_Erickson: usually I don't do anything
Kramburger: All the scottish dolphins were deep fried and eaten
Seth_Erickson: as well
Makrosian_Tay: That's what mobile games are FOR man!
I_Am_Clockwork: singular fecal focus
Mr_Horrible: it's a place of business, Ben
Mr_Horrible: not leisure
YawnLance: Raw dogging pooping
Rourke9: @Rourke9 because Scots and English are both Germanic and very closely related
saucemaster5000: I play an entire game of slay the spire while pooping
gawag_: raw dogging the poop, as they say
Nigouki: don't ruin sacred poop time with electronics
Seth_Erickson: well it's inside the boat Ben
Saintnex: it’s bad to sit on a toilet for a long time Ben
Seth_Erickson: usually the water isn't inside the rig
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 that's either a long bowel movement or you're dying to the jacked-up gremlin on floor 1
ghyllnox: Yeah those are some 70s-ass curtains
dougma: I was 2
NorthstarTex: I know a scotsman but when he turns up the accent it isn't as intangible as its more...*dreamy girl noises*
Kramburger: This game is amazing
Seth_Erickson: The accents are so good
saucemaster5000: push the ladder
goombalax: shite count 1
NorthstarTex: this feels accurate.
goombalax: shite count 2
korvys: I love it
Blakemcm: love this accent
quasi79fu: OH wait...the c word is in this game ..I just remembered
Makrosian_Tay: that's great
ghyllnox: LUL
BusTed: You have the power to fix it in the options
TheWriterAleph: lrrFRUMP
Sarah_Serinde: Ben you should be able to change the subtitles if you want
DoomBringerIL: thank god for subtitles
gawag_: caz will regret that
NorthstarTex: darts? fuck yeah!
ghyllnox: Darts??? Do we know what darts are??? Kappa
saucemaster5000: I think they are funny this way
30teracyte: english (UK) leaves the words as is
Saintnex: Turn off Subtitles Cowards Kappa
betweenmyself: translation? nah fam, this game been localized
Laserbeaks_Fury: Different English
Sarah_Serinde: Language at the top?
Juliamon: The language setting.
saucemaster5000: head bob 100% btw
BusTed: English -> English (United Kingdom)
Blakemcm: maybe change the language to the scottish?
Simriel: @quasi79fu ayeah in Scotland C nut is nowhere near as bad as other places consider it
thatguysteve2709: English uk
Darleysam: that's for subtitles
Juliamon: That controls what the subtitles say, yes
Laserbeaks_Fury: You want English (UK)
DiscordianTokkan: English UK
Mr_Horrible: it explains it on the right
NimrodXIV: yup
Sarah_Serinde: It is a bit weird that they're separate
Kramburger: English (English)
saucemaster5000: let's play in spanish!
Darleysam: espana? socks!
frank_the_great: Oi govn'r
Sarah_Serinde: But also, nice detailed explanations there
Scy_Anide: Colonialism
Sarah_Serinde: pfft
gualdhar: TOS
ghyllnox: Taxes
Kramburger: BEN NO
frank_the_great: LUL LUL
Makrosian_Tay: Jesus
ButButTheJesus: BEN
empyreon: LUL
quasi79fu: just wanted to warn tho that C word is in this game
Dog_of_Myth: Ben
Mr_Horrible: Ben immediately creating a hostile workplace
Makrosian_Tay: LUL LUL
Kramburger: CONSENT
CypherRaze: BOOTY
Blakemcm: awww yeaaaa gimme dem cheeks
saucemaster5000: bbpbpbpbppbb
Zeal_Wyman: DAMN
Seth_Erickson: my man caked up
gawag_: rip tos
PawssumFable: ASK FIRST
thatguysteve2709: It's 2024 it's cool again
Getter404: T O S! T O S!
niccus: now we know why lrr doesnt have an office shower
eric_christian_berg: You Millenials! :)
thrythlind: as an American who has been asked to teach American English out of British and Australian text books...... THEY ARE SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT down to grammar
NorthstarTex: continuous! ENTUSIASTIC. CONSCENT!
empyreon: riffYeti clappin'
mirshebs: thats how you get pink eye ben
saucemaster5000: ever boat a friend after gym?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Translators Notes: Bum means Ass
ButButTheJesus: we have fun here
Sarah_Serinde: Yep
Dog_of_Myth: Boo that man
Mathwyn: Gross
betweenmyself: dog may not identify, but Ben just murdered that Bum riffGasp
YawnLance: Yikes
Kramburger: National Front YINKS
TheBob58: What's the name of that game where you're a hand doing parkour and you hate those spooky birds?
PharaohBender27 dries teeth
Seth_Erickson: yuck oh
Blakemcm: addair you to kick their ass
ContingentCat: brother ewwwww
Simriel: National Front are actual fuckin Nazis
Mr_Horrible: Britain was never great
YawnLance: Okay, kill Adair got it.
Fanklok: Christmas crackers??? It could be a blue party hat
RockPusher: Given the time and location, this behaviour would've got ya murdered with a big-ass wrench by now :D
goombalax: 2016 reference in 1975 nice
Mr_Horrible: trick question
betweenmyself: *dog may not die… what the hell happened there?
NorthstarTex: let him die
saucemaster5000: addair gets no shower motorboats
SmithKurosaki: I award that poster a single YIKE
PawssumFable: I'll give it several yikeS
Darleysam: genuinely glad though that this game chose to address the politics of the time
PharaohBender27: @goombalax Oh, those same sentiments were present in 1975
PawssumFable: A yikes for every thing it listed lol
Getter404: Cozy with an S, how bri'ish
Seth_Erickson: bottom
saucemaster5000: dobbie the fucking house elf???
radioshackraider: @goombalax That's not a 2016 reference. That was a legit historical reference there.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I like Top
korvys: Notice non one was bunking with the racist guy
NorthstarTex: top
wiganlass: Jesus the BNP!!?? a bad time for British politics when they actually had an MP in parliament
ghyllnox: Bunk? Top
jamesinor: I couldn't sleep on an oil rig. It loses out on all the best parts of sleeping on a boat bunk
Kramburger: Bottom bunk, less effort yo're tired
saucemaster5000: bottom bunk get top farts
frank_the_great: I'm a bottom - now what's this about beds?
Gaelan_Maestro: bottom bunk cause i used to fall outa the top
Fanklok: Top bunk doesn't die if the bed collapses
Simriel: I would probably end up fighting someone with a national Front poster
gualdhar: bottom bunk gets sandwiched when the bunk collapses
Seth_Erickson: but you're on a boat ben you're always floating
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
BusTed: Ben coming to some revelations
ThorSokar: Adam won't fit in the bed anyways, either way his feet are hanging off the end
Simriel: I like bottom bunk, it's better for topping :p
xVoxtric: having been a top bunk person for a while, the overall structure is less stable, so it wobbles as you move
raulghoulia: Adam's so tall it doesn't make a difference to him
Blakemcm: hot air rises
UltraVioletVodoo: oh man, i assumed youd still be vamping
PharaohBender27: For those unaware, per Wikipedia: The National Front (NF) is a far-right, fascist political party in the United Kingdom. It is currently led by Tony Martin. [. . .] Founded in 1967, it reached the height of its electoral support during the mid-1970s, when it was briefly England's fourth-largest party in terms of vote share."
ButButTheJesus: yeah it go up
empyreon: I gots short leggies, top bunk is too much effort
YawnLance: Ben's getting his whole world view challenged
PawssumFable: clap clap
ladyjessica: fart air rises.
Dog_of_Myth: Adam is big brain tonight. LUL
quigonginnjuice: Bottom bunk slaps. You can hang blankets from the top bunk and make a fort.
PawssumFable: Pros and cons
SquareDotCube: The Fart Also Rises
CaptainSpam: Heavy metal farts.
saucemaster5000: I take middle bunk
kimmiekoneko: oxygen not included told me about fartrise
Seth_Erickson: sure can
BusTed: that's true
empyreon: YES
Simriel: I prefer bottom bunk cause my knees are fucked xD
Izandai: Incorrect. It's fun to be high up.
eff_the_bard: awrite pal! ken whit - av bin body horrored tae fuck an aw
goombalax: as someone who lived in a room with 2 bunkbeds in an enclosed space, bottom bunk is king
quasi79fu: thank you pharoahbender
Blakemcm: here in texas in the summer, bottom bunk is way better because top bunk is hot
Mr_Horrible: the "Baby On An Airplane" move
HavenDragon: top bunk better because higher up, nearer the sky :D
Going_Medium: Harder to fall out of the bottom bunk and get hurt
rosesmcgee: Hot take, bunk beds suck
Kramburger: I did that to my brother and one day the slats fell off and he landed on me
Rourke9: uh-oh
finestotter: I feel like moving in the top bunk has an increased effect on the shaking of the bed as a whole.
saucemaster5000: sorry your lad was wee
quasi79fu: Pharoahbender if we were in a other channel there would a affectionate term i would use because of that lore drop
Mr_Horrible: after that poster I'm not sorry to hear about Adair's lad
raulghoulia: bunk means bad
xVoxtric: lofted beds rock
jamesinor: I prefer a Funkbed
Seth_Erickson: you never know what might radicalize someone
jacqui_lantern234: OH LOOK!!!! a beautiful group of stellar friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
xantos69: The people who say "top bunk is better" have all been tricked by people who like safety and convenience.
saucemaster5000: more efficient to sleep on floor
ButButTheJesus: use a loft
Mathwyn: Just stack people like logs
PawssumFable: I had bottom bunk, the number of times I hit my head was
Fanklok: But is there a race car bunk bef?
Dalrint: There's so much space for hobbies
PawssumFable: nonzero
Diabore: this a really big boat
BusTed: damn
kimmibeans: I never slept in a bunk bed, but as a kid I always wanted top bunk because I wanted to feel tall
kingandcommoner: top bunk is better because you can jump off of it
AMuseOfFirebane: Hiii I just got here, has anyone explained the UK subtitle thing yet?
SquareDotCube: awesome, billards
Mr_Horrible: oh wait maybe the mechanic really *did* mean darts
Seth_Erickson: caz is correct
quasi79fu: caz
BusTed: we are caz
thrythlind: Brodie!
NorthstarTex: Caz
saucemaster5000: finlay knows to play top tier
Blakemcm: caz nation rise up
Simriel: If I heard someone say "Sorry about your wee lad" I would probably think they meant their dick
kimmibeans: As a short queen now, I still always want to bunk so I can feel tall
PawssumFable: But I never had to climb a tiny ladder when I was dead ass tired
goombalax: oh I thought darts was a cigarette slang, they're literally playing darts
Mathwyn: All us are Caz
gawag_: finlay we gave the lighter to i think
saucemaster5000: gibbo
kingandcommoner: you are spartacus
Larkonus: Hopefully the game won't require us to be good with darts, because apparently we aren't.
bethy_kins24: or try harder
saucemaster5000: g'heh. tots is on YOUR team
shendaras: seabatClap
eff_the_bard: oan yersel pal! gie it tae they westminster cunts
Mr_Horrible: let Trots cook
Rourke9: hes right!! gotta strike
Mr_Horrible: Unionize
gawag_: industrial action lrrAWESOME
Blakemcm: fuckin love O'connor
thrythlind: think Industrial Action = Strike
Astramentha: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
BusTed: got his ass
quasi79fu: i love the lingo
goombalax: (laughter)
Simriel: He was right, Westminster DID want to steal Scotlands oil. And then they did do it
Darleysam: @thrythlind it does
frank_the_great: Leccy?
trebuchetboy: I showed up 30 min late and they are playing the game? Is Let's Nope taking a break this week?
Mr_Horrible: it's 2 slices of toast
BusTed: baked be-ans
ghyllnox: Leccy = Electricity
niccus: translator's note: "Leccy" as in electricals
Seth_Erickson: it does look like a big slab fo meat
thrythlind: @Darleysam cool, thanks
radioshackraider: That's a full english breakfast
saucemaster5000: a single dry wheatabix
30teracyte: a tattie scone?
NorthstarTex: slab of [meat]
Makrosian_Tay: My rapper name is Big Triscuit
Darleysam: my guy's eating beans on toast
Fanklok: Triscuits are goated
Marvoleath: Beeg trisc
Getter404: The Big Cheez-It scares and confuses me
PawssumFable: Electric
Simriel: Gas and leccy is a common phrase
MilkInBags: can i have some pud
Mr_Horrible: "Cullen Skink"
epsilon_vee: because "hydro"
jacqui_lantern234: GIGA PUDDY
Kramburger: Neeps are turnips and tatties are potatoes
eff_the_bard: black pudding is nice!
frank_the_great: Just According to Keikaku
xantos69: Ok, you Canadians are no better. The "Hydro"? You serious?
MilkInBags: americans call it the coaly
jacqui_lantern234: cause its hydro electricity
Earthenone: we call it dr zappy
Laserbeaks_Fury: Are breakfast beans typically sweetened or savory
saucemaster5000: triscuits are bad wheat thins
sounderfan84: scottish people are spooky? I resemble that remakr!!!
DiscordianTokkan: It's shorter than "Hydro-electric Dam energy" yea
goombalax: scunnert bro
gawag_: "scunnert"
MilkInBags: are they speaking the old ones language
eff_the_bard: scunnert means sick and tired
korvys: Oh, I bet Trots is a nickname
Dalrint: OH. Trots like Trotsky.
MilkInBags: cthulhu phtang mage
Mr_Horrible: I like Roy so far
eff_the_bard: like, i'm so done
MilkInBags: mate*
Strebenherz: shots fired
Kramburger: They call him trost because Trotsky, because he's a unionist
Izandai: This is some fun dialogue.
Simriel: That is a deeply Northern man
Pteraspidomorphi: That insulin detail is definitely not going to be important later
kingandcommoner: insulin? sounds like a surprise tool to help you later
gawag_: something with his wife?
Mr_Horrible: He has either assault or murder charges
quasi79fu: YE trouble in with law
Sarah_Serinde: We done fucked up
ghyllnox: He killed a guy
Seth_Erickson: sounds like he caught someone cheating or somesuch with his wife
Darleysam: might've done a violent, yeah
Blakemcm: it was the 70's
Simriel: Slagged off means insulted
Makrosian_Tay: It was murder
ButButTheJesus: a crime occurred
Blakemcm: you could do that back then
Mr_Horrible: @Seth_Erickson "slagging off" so bad-mouthing
Rourke9: someone was insulting his wife i think
30teracyte: beat up a man who insulted his wife
Lyropithic: Cops are lazy, yeah
frank_the_great: They can't arrest you, it's Christmas
Darleysam: international waters, sorry officer
Sarah_Serinde: Chat no actual spoilers, the game will get into it more later
xantos69: I mean... he will come back from the oil rig at some point. Just arrest him them. Makes sense to me.
gawag_: he barely touched his beans and triscuit
Simriel: That's a lotta beans, I want them
Blip2004: silly place to hide, they just have to wait a few weeks and they know exactly where you'll land
NotCainNorAbel: I know someone that went to work the ice road to avoid some 'issues'
Seth_Erickson: @Mr_Horrible ah see I'm american so I don't know what all these new words mean
saucemaster5000: adam is learning!
BusTed: thanks adam
SmithKurosaki: @Simriel I'm glad we've got a Scots-English translator in chat :p
kingandcommoner: sounds like it might have been somehting that happened on the rig
Blakemcm: full english breakfast
Simriel: I thought that was a giant tatty scone
frank_the_great: The food looks solid, like novelty food
finestotter: I do feel like the experience of the game is probably hurt less by not understanding a couple of words compared to losing the flavour in the translated subs
ladyjessica: did you know when Viggo kicked the helmet he broke his toe?
MilkInBags: they have the funk
BusTed: viewer beware
tr3ewitch88: I think it's toast.
Simriel: And now I want a tatty scone that size
korvys: As we know, on oil rigs they eat Krutsy Burger Ribwiches
Mathwyn: Too many beans for too small a space
YawnLance: Oh the racist, fun
quasi79fu: hahaahah
Seth_Erickson: do we want to meet this guy
dougma: how about we dont
Darleysam: wonder why he's sat on his own :)
SquareDotCube: it's 70s food, moreso 70's food meant to have a long shelf life'
Kramburger: Eating alone, figures
rosesmcgee: It's canned beans and toast every single day. Even someone that eats british food has to have a limit. Kappa
SmithKurosaki: @Simriel What is a tatty scone/
Blakemcm: it means electricity
Kramburger: Give us peace
30teracyte: give us peace
Makoforte: 'Give us peace'
Mr_Horrible: damn, looking at the environmental storytelling with this jackass eating alone
jacqui_lantern234: @Blakemcm stfu XD
MilkInBags: why not say give us peace
Simriel: Days graft is a day of work
Tangsm: Graft is work
BusTed: see, look at all the engagement
Makoforte: anyway he's the racist
Larkonus: Well he's as pleasant as expected.
ghyllnox: So he's a skinhead and nobody likes him
Blakemcm: i love the learning
kimmibeans: Chat doing the Lord's work
Izandai: demipyroBigBrain
Simriel: @smithkurosaki Potato scones, they are fried and delicious
Laserbeaks_Fury: those yolks are MASSIVE
frank_the_great: I hate bait, but it sure is tasty
thefightnerd: Lookit me engaging! I'm part of the solution!
Dog_of_Myth: Rolls look good
Sarah_Serinde: Genuinely I adore how this game sets the scene and gives you little bits of character for everyone, including the rig itself
Mr_Horrible: "Hut of Parliament"
goombalax: MP sauce
SmithKurosaki: @Simriel ooo sounds tasty
ladyjessica: brown sauce
patrick_stonecrusher: Watch my mouth? Or what? Ill be -more- fired??
kingandcommoner: they work for capsule corp?
YawnLance: You'll be able to get the leccy sponsorship with all this engagement
MilkInBags: if you get more than 1 message per second in chat for an hour, john twitch comes to congratulate you in person
quasi79fu: do i have to engage?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: What's up in this abandoned prison cafeteria?
thefightnerd: Those eggs are yolked
DoomBringerIL: it's a waffle @LoadingReadyRun
saucemaster5000: I represent g-fuel and we heard folks were translating irish slang for you
Pteraspidomorphi: I played A Highland Song recently and I feel like it helped prepare me for this
ghyllnox: Damn
yllwmstr: I'm engaging
inconsideratehat: Got some jumbos
Blakemcm: they got them big as eggies in the UK
BusTed: they've got ostrich eggs
ghyllnox: They keep geese on this rig?
empyreon: gat damn, them eggies thicc
Seth_Erickson: they're not working with 100% Ben
rosesmcgee: Practice bites
jchinnock: those Huevos!
Lyropithic: Maybe those are regular eggs, and everyone else is small
Darleysam: @Sarah_Serinde agreeeeeeed, I love seeing this again and getting to appreciate the atmosphere
kimmiekoneko: use the knive ON the meal
PawssumFable: My theory is that it's eggy bread
Simriel: Those rolls aren't authentic, they aren't extremely well fired
NorthstarTex: guys, you gotta actually eat the food, stop pretend eating
Mr_Horrible: @Sarah_Serinde honestly I've got my gripes about The Chinese Room but this aspect of their games is not one of them. They always do a great job with that stuff
Seth_Erickson: do love some cornbread
Tangsm: 70% yolk eggs
Dog_of_Myth: Cornbread is goated
saucemaster5000: corn bread with butter and honey?
ghyllnox: You've only had cornbread ONCE?
eff_the_bard: is cornbread a kind of cake
Izandai: mattlrLul
BusTed: add more butter
ghyllnox: Do they not have cornbread in Canada?
Simriel: Eggy bread is the goat, fuck I want French Toast now, but Diet
kimmibeans: Corn bread is amazing
Makrosian_Tay: SingsNote Cos you ain't ever had my cornbread SingsMic With a little bit of heaven and a little bit of heall-yeah SingsNote
LithelyUnshod: Have you never been to Montana's, Ben?
sgowell: hush puppies
Dalrint: Cornbread is supposed to be sweet...
Dread_Pirate_Westley: BBQ places have the best cornbread.
Blakemcm: we make it spicy and peppery where i am
MilkInBags: cornbread is for cattle
gawag_: there is a big difference between northern and southern cornbread'
PharaohBender27: @eff_the_bard Not quite
xantos69: good cornbread brings a meal together.
jessieimproved: There are two different kinds of cornbread, and they are both valid but very different
TheWriterAleph: Corn Bread Opinions are real
kingandcommoner: who doesn't like sweet cornbread?
lamina5432: I like corn bread with chili.
xVoxtric: There's two types of cornbread, sweet and savory. They have different purposes.
Sarah_Serinde: @Darleysam I think it makes a fantastic contrast to when everything goes to hell, and it gives everything a bit more meaning because we've gotten to know people
inconsideratehat: LOL
bethy_kins24: cornbread either sweet corn mixed in
BusTed: do you like whole kernels in your corn bread
DiscordianTokkan: Canadian cornbread is tortilla chips
YawnLance: After the great cornbread wars of 2012
xVoxtric: Savory cornbread is saltier with a grittier texture, better with certain foods
ladyjessica: lrrJUDGECALL
MilkInBags: pierre poilievre will make cornbread legal again
Mr_Horrible: leave it to Canada to have Tame Prohibition Kappa
SquareDotCube: The quality of cornbread really depends on thickness. Thick cornbread can be terrible
jacqui_lantern234: cornbread is electricity in canada Kappa
Earthenone: corn bread, a part of their heritage
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @eff_the_bard I don't know the technical definition of cake...
kingandcommoner: they call it pain de maize
Makrosian_Tay: We're not allowed to own OR operate cornbread Kappa
UltraVioletVodoo: i make corn bread with crystalized honey to get some cronch
Laserbeaks_Fury: A Part Of Our Haritage
Kramburger: Canadians dumped cornbread into the harbour when they seceeded from the union
Mathwyn: Illicit cornbread
lazermeow: Controversial opinion, I hate corn chunks in my cornbread.
PharaohBender27: Corn bread, IMO, should be a little sweet but not *very* sweet
quasi79fu: OMg
PawssumFable: Cornbread with corn kernels, onions, cheese, jalepenoes
Diabore: if youre found with corned bread whoo boy you in trouble
frank_the_great: Similar story here but with Kinder Eggs
Makrosian_Tay: AC CD
Tangsm: The underground Cornbread speakeasies must be pretty great, though.
saucemaster5000: @PawssumFable spitting
gualdhar: wait, cornbread? why
tr3ewitch88: I feel like what kind of corn bread you like is regional.
GokuAshNaruto: the cornbread massacre
VrolikSyndrome: The Corn Rebellions of '92
rosesmcgee: The government cultivates cornbread for medical research only
eshplode: I still rewatch the Heritage Moment on corn bread once every few weeks
MilkInBags: Maxime Bernier will make it legal
TheWriterAleph: tru story maek mi cry every teim
zimmercj: sweet be savory cornbread is an actual culinary debate
kimmibeans: To be fair, Southern corn bread is definitely the better cornbread
BusTed: AD DC
30teracyte subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 108 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 30teracyte! (Today's storm count: 26)
Simriel: I am gonna go, both to sleep and cause I wanna play this powerfully northern game
electra310: All cornbread in the Salish
gawag_: not true anymore
saucemaster5000: And yet we have guns. curious
SmithKurosaki: gnight Sim
ThorSokar: composHmm Sounds suspicious but these 2 haven't lead me wrong yet....
saucemaster5000: much to think about
ghyllnox: We're too stupid for Kinder eggs
Dalrint: To be fair, we eat the scissors a lot.
inconsideratehat: You don't really get cornbread in restaurants here in my part of Canada, at least not unless it's like a southern-themed one
Darleysam: @Sarah_Serinde Yup, like I've seen plenty of games open up in this fashion but this really feels like one of the best versions of it
PawssumFable: And gotta make it in cast iron
thrythlind: we have some kinder eggs in supermarkets here in San Antonio, but I believe sans toys
TheManaLeek: Americans think they have Kinder eggs now but they still don't
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @gawag_ wait, what?
radioshackraider: I can translate!
Diabore: who the fuck left the fridge open?
SmithKurosaki: @inconsideratehat same
kimmibeans: I also recommend trying corn cookies. It sounds weird but they're absolutely amazing
jchinnock: hey I almost choked on a kinder egg toy…thrice!
MilkInBags: Adam, Quebec wants to become independent to make cornbread legal again
PawssumFable: We don't actually even care about kinder eggs so
Lyropithic: More evidence that this is a crew of oompa loompas
saucemaster5000: jokes on all you kinder egg countries when you choke and die
glowingnova: are these counters high up or does this man crouch mad low
Laserbeaks_Fury: No, those look about right for a pint
Fanklok: Lager is Yuengling
Simriel: I love that my leaving caused immediate fear xD
kingandcommoner: look, we can't be trusted to not stick things in our mouths when chocolate *isn't* involved. Kinder eggs are a step too far
Going_Medium: Push hotdogs into a pan of cornbread (before you cook it) and get redneck corndogs. Yum.
jacqui_lantern234: i came out when i was 18, so i PROVABLY didnt Trans Later KappaPride
xantos69: So far, this oil rig looks fun.
MilkInBags: hey
frank_the_great: Larger? I hardly know er
ladyjessica: the arms when you jump.
Blakemcm: lager is brewed cold and stored in a barrel for a little.. longer
itira: honestly tho
SmithKurosaki: @MilkInBags Better than the rest of the reasons lol
saucemaster5000: Yeah what's the loss?
WiJohn: You all laugh now, but just wait until Ferrero initiates protocol 66
BusTed: like bugs bunny with florida
Mr_Horrible: Adam doing the bugs bunny
thesimbiote: You gotta get cornbread as a combo with the bbq the place is selling, because usually its sweetness is at the right level to counter the spice or tanginess of the meats
MilkInBags: alberta will do it first, bye bye sask
Dog_of_Myth: Or Florida
ThorSokar: wanna bugs bunny Quebec eh?
Rexsplosion: Not California, Ben, Florida
thrythlind: cornbread is really good fresh, hot and with better... it really dries you out otherwise
zimmercj: That’s what the USA wants to do to Florida
Diabore: if we get rid of quebec what happens to nova scotia?
DiscordianTokkan: As long as you stick New Brunswick and the Maritimes back on then fine
MilkInBags: there's a party for independence in alberta
PawssumFable: @thesimbiote IF the place is good, yes.
Simriel: Fuckin hell, I have BEEN in that "Mens club"
Saintnex: but our diamonds Adam, our diamonds!
saucemaster5000: albertans use velcro shoes
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Alberta got rid of rats, right?
jchinnock: to Florida 😂😂
xantos69: Well that is Canada's fault for letting them have sports.
zimmercj: They lost to a state with no ice
Simriel: Like that last room with the snooker tables exists in almost perfect replica all across Scotland and the north of England
thesimbiote: @pawssumfable To be fair, if the bbq sucks, I'm not going there for cornbread either
HadesLeprechaun: Exit behind Roy
Saintnex: also excuse you, I’ve celebrating for the last month after the oilers lost
jacqui_lantern234: @saucemaster5000 please, Albertans are too low class for velcro shoes
Darleysam: @Simriel yep, the detailing in this is top notch
MilkInBags: not our fault NHL is rigged TheIlluminati
baltimore_667083: hello Ben & Adam sorry I’m late
PawssumFable: @thesimbiote Yeah, but they could have killer BBQ and just not pair the cornbread well.
BusTed: @Simriel definitely did their research
ThorSokar: lost to a state that hasn't had ice since the last Ice Age
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Does Victoria have any farm teams?
Kramburger: Is the cornbread baptised?
Simriel: @darleysam The absolute "I have had a pint in this room"
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Did you bring cornbread donuts?
Mathwyn: Cornbread donuts
baltimore_667083: actually I’m from Oklahoma LUL
UltraVioletVodoo: you think your boss will be angy since you got lost on your way to his office?
Dog_of_Myth: Bring enough cornbread for chat
Rexsplosion: Cornbread is more of a southern thing
thesimbiote: @pawssumfable Ah, true. And that's a sad situation
kingandcommoner: cornbread donuts sound good
saucemaster5000: baltimore -- the cornbread capitol of the world
zimmercj: I’m a Wild and Kraken fan so I had no horse in that race
Makrosian_Tay: BIG SHELL
CastleOtranto: That's bait, chat
thrythlind: have you thought about Aliens: Dark Descent for Let's Nope? Or would that be good fit?
Pheonix888: Hey, our premier basically has a subscription to Acme magazine!
quasi79fu: Ms baltimore Crabs
tehfewl: crab state
VrolikSyndrome: Is the cornbread single?
bosqueofpines: Maryland is crabs
MilkInBags: they don't make cornbread anymore because corn is more valuable for fuel
Rexsplosion: Maryland is Lobster and Crabs
kimmibeans: Not really. Vv
saucemaster5000: crab cakes, ffs
tehfewl: crab cakes
YeomanAres: Crab and old bay seasoning
Dalrint: We have crab fries?
tr3ewitch88: Now I need to go make corn bread
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Crab cakes are a thing.
Going_Medium: crab cakes
baltimore_667083: I do have ballpark pizza and some water
Izandai: Florida
SK__Ren: They're called crabcakes adam
0x6772: No no, hang on. What the fuck is "crab bread", Adam?
BusTed: lrrCrab
Astramentha: lrrCrab
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Maryland has hush puppies!
Juliamon: Old Bay corn bread
thatguysteve2709: Texas
kimmibeans: Baltimore is the Old Bay State
baltimore_667083: I thought Iowa was corn
Blakemcm: Texas
SquareDotCube: Baltimore has Old Bay, Adam.
PawssumFable: Southern US is the cornbread place
Izandai: Georgia
Mathwyn: If you have time to breadgab you have time for breadcrab
ArkhamArchivist: The Whole South
Dog_of_Myth: Anywhere in the South honestly
frozenphoenix7: Probably something Rust Belty
e_bloc: somewhere south
Mai_Andra: Alabama
jessieimproved: The Southeast basically
ThorSokar: composCorn Iowa
kingandcommoner: Kansas probalby
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Cornbread feels deep south to me.
PawssumFable: Like, all the ones that touch the gulf of mexico
BusTed: chili
bosqueofpines: One of the Carolinas I think
xantos69: Iowa is technically the state that makes the most corn.... but the south tends to claim cornbread
saucemaster5000: nebraska is the plain oatmeal state
tr3ewitch88: I feel like it's New Orleans.
MilkInBags: they're just naming states
Blakemcm: We have many things in Texas
BlandSpice: The entire bible belt?
zimmercj: old bay gold fish were amazing
Izandai: There's really not a cornbread state, but cornbread is a southern thing.
Enki1256: Its alot of old deep south states.
couchboyj: Cornbread is a southern thing, yeah
electra310: Nooooo, not Texas
thrythlind: feels further west than Texas
Blakemcm: They cant cook in Nebraska
Dog_of_Myth: Nebraska has nothing
BlindProphet32: Maryland is crab, also cornbread is here, and then pretty much everyone south of us does cornbread too
UnkeptFlea: bread is illegal in Nebraska
shendaras: If this is to be believed, Georgia.
thrythlind: Cornbread is mostly Southern US
thesimbiote: Cornbread originated in the deep south
UltraVioletVodoo: nebraska is known as the emptiest state
CastleOtranto: Bread is illegal in Nebraska
NotCainNorAbel: get that logic out of here
quasi79fu: Texas is the Lonestar state
ghyllnox: Cornbread is a southern US dish
Izandai: The cornbread states aren't really the states where corn is grown.
electra310: Texas has good Mexican food, okay barbecue, and nothing else
Juliamon: Corn bread is portable grits
thrythlind: Nebraska is too far north
jessieimproved: @shendaras Am in Georgia, can confirm
Makoforte: no you see cornbread is only made in places where you need to flour the corn because you can't have it fresh
Catcard: what about Ohio :3
ThorSokar: No, they just have no education, no one knows HOW to cook
CaptainCoriale: nebraska has a college football team named the Cornhuskers
BusTed: frito-lays
Dalrint: And stealing potatoes from Idaho
Makoforte: (I am making things up totally)
frank_the_great: You think Nebraska is real?
kimmibeans: Nebraska is where you get your fair foods
TheWriterAleph: *crunch crunch*
tr3ewitch88: Don't fall over there.
muscle_taur: colorado has the world's most instagrammable breakfast bowls. it's vile
SquareDotCube: now if you want to start an argument, ask various Sotherners how they like their grits
gualdhar: but the crunch is great
thatguysteve2709: 7/11 are big in nebraska
tehfewl: i don't want soup
Diabore: what if i dont want soup
saucemaster5000: boiling water gets you 30 to life
xantos69: Fun fact, Nebraska has the most millionaires per capita of any state in the US. (Cause Warren Buffet)
tehfewl: i want crunchy
Makoforte: (I'm not American at all, but as an Australian it is my obligation to contribute to potential bullshitting)
inconsideratehat: It was a kid thing in my case
Cptasparagus: itchy banned?
Dalrint: I bet they fry butter in Nebraska
ghyllnox: They're pre-cooked! I don't need all that salt
UltraVioletVodoo: when did you visit nebraska adam that sounds like authentic nebraskan cusine
Mr_Horrible: sometimes you want that crronch, Ben
kingandcommoner: As the only triply landlocked state, Nebraska has to import their own water
Saintnex: what??? that was the shit Ben!
thesimbiote: Ohio has that crazy Cincinnati style chili con carne they put on spaghetti
Mai_Andra: Texas is definitely BBC, but I've only seen token cornbread.
Makrosian_Tay: Chups
Mathwyn: @makoforte Doing the Lord's work mate
Mai_Andra: Texas is Western, and cornbread is very much Southern. These are not the same.
BusTed: this is the hill ben dies on
Makoforte: what about noodle stirfry?
gualdhar: but I want crunchy noodles
itira: why should we not have the noodles too Ben. are you the keeper of noodles???
squ3e: I wanna annoy my neighbors though
DandyGeek: what if I wanna use them as a burger bun
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I like the noodles fried as a topping
kimmibeans: My partner eats dry pasta as a snack and it kills me for inside
Laserbeaks_Fury: Snap into some spaghetti
patrick_stonecrusher: Raw ramen was potato chips when you were too broke forchips
YawnLance: Ben's preaching the truth
electra310: Ramen is cheaper than chips
Saintnex: It’s BETTER than chips!
UnkeptFlea: Im boiling water for my chips next time, Ben told me to
Mr_Horrible: so who's to say who is right? Kappa
niccus: ??? but potatoes are better tender
Simriel: This is tattie stones btw
eshplode: Fair enough
couchboyj: Someone said "Wait, let them cook" in reference to Nebraska, and we as a country said absolutely fucking no.
epsilon_vee: you have awakened ur-ben
Izandai: mattlrLul
Blakemcm: ben is right
glowingnova: deconstructed soup
xantos69: ban that man
raulghoulia: they will turn this stream around
baltimore_667083: frying butter? I’m pretty sure I remember a place when I was younger that literally deep fried Pepsi
Lyropithic: It's only MOST of the ingredients for soup
tr3ewitch88: What is happening right now 😳 🤣🤣🤣
SmithKurosaki: Why are you at SOUP?
jacqui_lantern234: @Saintnex now THATS a fucking lie
niccus: you're supposed to wet the chips to make mashed potatoes
itira: have you ever tried it?
saucemaster5000: pizza pringles are better
TheManaLeek: Depends what flavour of chip...
Sarah_Serinde: Noodles *are* pretty great though
ladyjessica: just boil the noodles then fry them without the water.
ThorSokar: Don't you SWEETIE ME!
Kramburger: Fucking noodle kids coping
PharaohBender27: But Ben, I *want* to wreck my teeth! Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: @ButButTheJesus pfft XD
Juliamon: I would rather munch a noodle brick than plain Lays
kingandcommoner: what, nobody else eats uncooked pasta?
CastleOtranto: God, I want ramen now
Riandisa: If you season them, its like Chex Mix
MilkInBags: hey ben you're fun and greart
Mazrae: Whelp there are people in the apartment complex next to mine (there's a fence between the complexes) shooting off fireworks
Mr_Horrible: Normal Let's Nope stuff: the streamers are wrong and the chat is indignant Kappa
JusticeJuice: It was chips you could eat in school, back with no vending machine.
raulghoulia: you got it Adam
itira: fuck us i guess.
CastleOtranto: Wait. I have ramen. Crisis averted.
Darleysam: greart
baltimore_667083: I had ramen once in my life-I remember it being good
MilkInBags: p7
Laserbeaks_Fury: Okay, Uncle Scrooge
thrythlind: this reminds me of the people that complain about a recipe being "bad" .... after changing most of the major ingredients
Makoforte: god we got a gluten free ramen place recently and god
30teracyte: nebraskans claim that the reuben sandwich was invented in omaha
Makoforte: it was nice, I never got to try it before getting diagnosed coeliac
baltimore_667083: I love the thick scottish accents
Izandai: Yeah? demipyroSmug
Kramburger: Ben pls
jacqui_lantern234: @Mr_Horrible yeah, dry noodles arent bad like they say. theyre fuckin inedible
Blakemcm: spelling mistakes are ok while we are innundated with english talking mistakes from this gaem
YawnLance: Ayo???
Darleysam: that's why it paid well
saucemaster5000: adam would fall in the ocean before they left port
MilkInBags: average salary is like 150k for 4 months of work
Mr_Horrible: you like being wet but do you like being Perpetually Damp?
muscle_taur: better than a call-center
kimmibeans: Chat, you heard him. All connects are now meant directly for Adam lol
TimIAm: RoadQuest at sea
Tangsm: A wet Ben is a happy Ben.
xantos69: @muscle_taur True
bethy_kins24: really really moist
TheManaLeek: Good at getting along with others? I'm out.
korvys: Next to the ramp thing?
Seth_Erickson: How do you know Ben
Naesiir: right in front of my osha handbook
thesimbiote: All that mold, with your allergies, Ben??
EmpressTila: "I like being wet." "So, are we just not saying 'Phrasing' anymore?"
itira: theyre not your coworker, theyre your team
Lyropithic: This is definitely not Scottish OSHA compliant
Simriel: Average worker for this makes like £300,000 a year or something
HadesLeprechaun: They want you talk to the NPCs
Dalrint: Does Scotland have unions the way the mainland does?
Izandai: mattlrLul
thatguysteve2709: Ben you are the one not being work safe compliant
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Wait.... Were there pool tables in one of the rooms? When would the ship be still enough to play pool???
xantos69: You can't make us.
Dog_of_Myth: You can't make me
Earthenone: !findquote phrasing
LRRbot: Quote #2279: "'I should mute my watch' is a phrase I'm still not used to saying." —Graham [2016-04-11]
itira: LUL
Mr_Horrible: a BUBBLE, Doug
jacqui_lantern234: no, i will be lewd forever!!!!!
Sarah_Serinde: Has anyone anywhere ever done phrasing?
ghyllnox: YOU of all people can't tell us to grow up
radioshackraider: Scotland is part of the mainland?
PharaohBender27: @muscle_taur But it's easier to quit a call center, I imagine
Simriel: Do 4 months on, 4 months off, make 300 grand
spethycakes: Be better? More like Be Best
Lyropithic: Wets Nope?
radioshackraider: And yes, we have unions
GokuAshNaruto: KEKW wet
Pteraspidomorphi: Tutorial time?
EmpressTila: No! I refuse! I am a 43 year old child and proud of it!
Cptasparagus: adam gets 1,000,000 bits and all the sudden he's too good for dirty jokes
muscle_taur: throwing screwdrivers is an OSHA violation
circular7: You first Kappa
saucemaster5000: you do give good shower motorboats
YawnLance: We are grown up, that's why it's funny
MilkInBags: the office is 4000 meters under the ocean
Sarah_Serinde: Except for two people and so far they both suck
Simriel: @radioshackraider Unions, stronger together!
e_bloc: we keep the leccy running
bosqueofpines: Scrooge McDuck wants you in his office
BusTed: good to go
zimmercj: yeet
Diabore: ???
Seth_Erickson: only need the first 3
Tangsm: Check that box!
Mr_Horrible: the 4th one is for show
thrythlind: the fourth is a spare
Sarah_Serinde: If the awful people don't like you you're probably doing something right
Makoforte: also you now have a weapon to kill your boss with to kick off the horror
TheWriterAleph: zug zug
rosesmcgee: They get what they pay for
Dog_of_Myth: zug zug
Seth_Erickson: 4th is to be safe
Fanklok: There's no OSHA this is Scotland and also the 70s
xantos69: Wow you would be so fired for doing that.
Dalrint: That does technically fix it. You just have more points of failure.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Can anyone explain how they play pool on a ship?
saucemaster5000: oh my god elevator we got shit to do today
goombalax: don't like it, complain to the union
Tangsm: "Oh, something else is broken. Did you file a ticket?"
raulghoulia: 4th had no wire in the lead
Larkonus: [Warcraft 3 peasant voice] Job's done!
kimmibeans: Sorry y'all, got distracted. My dog is making me play "Human, fetch!"
snowyowlly: listen i'm sure that'll have no repercussions later
dumbo3k: of course hey like us. you always are nice to the person who keeps the power on. could you imagine being stuck there with no power?
MilkInBags: you stop it with your hands
Mr_Horrible: you think Rennick is gonna have his office *not* on the top floor?
Seth_Erickson: I could not ride these lifts they'd make me hella anxious
Mr_Horrible: with that kinda attitude?
ThorSokar: just an extra, they always over-engineer these things
Simriel: Scotland in the 70s did not have worker safety yet xD
Mathwyn: Time to get chewed out
Saintnex: look crunchy noodles let’s you control the salt levels and let’s you make use of all that damaged instant noodles, ergo better than chips :D
thesimbiote: I wish this game had a secret otome path for our lovable MC
MilkInBags: go on, say the third thing
saucemaster5000: unbaptized and off the leash
eff_the_bard: something homely and comforting about the phrase "aye, nae bo'er"
Kramburger: My cat plays fetch, you dog isn't special
PawssumFable: Teaching your dog to throw is a feat, make vidja
ButterBall000: baptized and circumcized
Mr_Horrible: he's wearing a fucking tie
tr3ewitch88: My dog is a cat
ghyllnox: Damn this guy's a tool
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Does your dog know how to make cornbread?
kimmibeans: He is single and was baptized by Starbucks he knocked over this afternoon
GokuAshNaruto: D:
Blakemcm: its a boat
Simriel: I know this man, I have met him, and I fuckin hate him
itira: oooh... ohhh k. tqsSweat
Makoforte: use screwdriver on man
Mathwyn: Caz stole the line from my mouth LUL
raulghoulia: "ned"?
SnackPak_: language!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Why isn't it a ship?
goombalax: shite count 3
Sarah_Serinde: Because it's an oil rig
MilkInBags: wee gobshite means 'milkinbags'
Scy_Anide: He's so red
dumbo3k: all dogs go to heaven, so they don’t need to be baptized. or you could consider them baptized by default
thefightnerd: Is it racist to say he sounds like Scrooge McDuck, because he does
goombalax: shite count 4
Mr_Horrible: this guy is 5'8" and cannot stand that fact
PMAvers: "Well, thankfully we built a guillotine."
Kramburger: Dude's as red as an inflamed hemorroid
goombalax: shite 5
Blakemcm: i think clatty means they talk a lot
Diabore: bahookie
Seth_Erickson: I'm so confused
PharaohBender27: So, this guy's clearly on a power trip
eff_the_bard: bottom
Simriel: Clatty gobshite is 10/10
Strebenherz: Bowkin: bad, unpleasant, horrible Clatty: Dirty, muddy, slimy; disagreeable
Fancy_frenchman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
Fancy_frenchman: The Scottish Accent is truly lovely (This is me being serious, it fills me with a weird yearning in my bones)
Simriel: Clatty is dirty
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fancy_frenchman! (Today's storm count: 27)
Rexsplosion: bahookie is butt, i think
Kramburger: To clatter someone is to hit them
MilkInBags: it means bikini bottom
eff_the_bard: bahookie is arse
Blakemcm: but sir its an old god or something
eff_the_bard: fud is vagina
Dalrint: I guess we're drilling into Hell by accident?
Going_Medium: I need English subtitles again.
Rhynerd: Just drill through it, nothing bad can happen.
Diabore: fuck
Makrosian_Tay: Short game
MilkInBags: get off my rrrrrrrig
PharaohBender27: ^
Saintnex: welp
ButterBall000: time to swim to land
spurius: well you go home, game over
raulghoulia: I feel like you should be escorted off
muscle_taur: kill him
DiscordianTokkan: Ah, Scotland
Makoforte: kill him
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Oh, we're @turnaroundalan?
Darleysam: second one
glowingnova: like a solid 40 minutes?
itira: doesnt phase me at all LUL
BusTed: ttc
Izandai: Wasn't there one earlier?
dankmemeter: Gary Oldman was angry
LithelyUnshod: At least second
Makoforte: second C bomb, actually
Makrosian_Tay: It's the second one actually
saucemaster5000: too long
Kramburger: Second
30teracyte: they had another one earlier
Rhynerd: also, I love how today bascially started with "Step into my office. You're fired."
Seth_Erickson: 30ish minutes
empyreon: it was the second
ThorSokar: 2nd one
Rexsplosion: C-Count stands at 2
Makoforte: yeah
30teracyte: in the cafeteria
NorthstarTex: I counted 2
Darleysam: he dropped another when you were talking to the chef
quasi79fu: welp short game got fired
empyreon: first one was with the chef
couchboyj: TTC, time to c word
Makoforte: yeah talking to the chef
Simriel: It's a game about Scotland, of course it was gonna happen
Makoforte: but yeah
Izandai: When we was talking about the guy that insulted his wife.
eff_the_bard: I'm surprised there's only been two
thrythlind: first what?
Seth_Erickson: off the rig
zimmercj: We have a Cunt-er going?
UnkeptFlea: roll credits?
eff_the_bard: you americans are so easily offended Kappa
MilkInBags: you're fired, so you have to uninstall
Mr_Horrible: now we leave and nothing spooky happens Kappa
BusTed: time to skedaddle
Gildan_Bladeborn: You were too busy not understanding regional ergot to notice, Adam.
Simriel: I've called the toaster a C word before xD
rosesmcgee: Day off. Time to go. Roll credits
NorthstarTex: time to go home :3
Saintnex: time to deal with the polis?
Makoforte: scots are like the only people outside aussies who can drop it so casually without you noticing
MilkInBags: what word
itira: I use that word all the time too >.>
Darleysam: "you just use it like punctuation, hey?"
Saintnex: yea ngl, I do use it a fair bit :p
muscle_taur: in amerika the c-word has a kind of misogynistic undertone which is a shame
PawssumFable: My first aussie friend said it once an hour at least
JuneBlue58: I'm Australian, I hear it all the time.
muscle_taur: oh shit
quasi79fu: 07
TheWriterAleph: jlrrFall
Mr_Horrible: seems bad
radioshackraider: I mean, it's misogynistic here too.
squ3e: quick game
MilkInBags: 7.5/10
Saintnex: oh we super dead
Catcard: ded
swaggytaco: GG
Makoforte: Brits can only use it aggressively in my experience? Americans can't use it at all unless it's in drag context
NorthstarTex: GG
Simriel: There is a fantastic sketch about how we scored are "good" at swearing
Tangsm: New character!
ButterBall000: If we lived, he lived
Dalrint: Like Squall in Final Fantasy 8!
raulghoulia: jacob's ladder
rosesmcgee: Talk about liability. Good thing he fired you moments before.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Oh, well, now I don't understand anything.
ButButTheJesus: it was alllll a dreameameam...
Fanklok: Bro you don't work here any more, not your problem
corianderd: @raulghoulia spoilers
PawssumFable: No, we use it as an insult, like cranking bitch up to 11.
BusTed: haha
electra310: How many baws usually go in a bawbag?
DiscordianTokkan: #3
deinonychus24: 3
eff_the_bard: @Makoforte English people only use it aggressively. Irish people use it fondly and Scottish people use it as another word for "person"
Rexsplosion: C-count is 3
Simriel: Left the wedding cake in argyle street! Fuckin perfect xD
DiscordianTokkan: Church
Mr_Horrible: church
Seth_Erickson: church
squ3e: church
Blakemcm: churche
Earthenone: !card tabernacle
LRRbot: Did you mean: The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale; Magus of the Tabernacle
quasi79fu: you guys have a C count is amazing
30teracyte: makes you pay 1 for each creature
Lyropithic: It's also a French swear
Kramburger: Tabernacle is where they keep the euchrist
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Why are we watching film melting?
Simriel: The fuckin Saracens? Holy shit that's a reference
Dog_of_Myth: Expensive magic card
kimmibeans: My best friend is marrying a Brit have we're so excited for all the culture shock moments, especially since he thinks we made up sweet potato casserole
ladyjessica: it’s what Quebecers call the church.
Simriel: The Saracens is a famous old pub
Earthenone: choose one tab or nackle
Darleysam: the dialogue in this game is so good
MilkInBags: @ladyjessica not really
Izandai: @kimmibeans Oh he's in for a treat.
ladyjessica: tabernak
Makrosian_Tay: Already impressed with the storytelling component
MilkInBags: it's not the church, it's an object at the church
Mathwyn: Just a little freezing to death as a treat
Rexsplosion: Yeah, long before i heard the Quebecois curse, i only knew it from Tabernacle Choir
Mr_Horrible: yeah, these VAs are selling this shit
Blakemcm: how can you tell?
Rhynerd: @kimmibeans oh that'll be fun to disprove
Mai_Andra: tabernacle comes from Jewish. some Christian churches use it. Saracens are Muslim.
HadesLeprechaun: the dialogue is such good conversational dialogue, too
Sarah_Serinde: It's incredibly good
ButterBall000: Maybe ot
Blakemcm: jkjk
thedepthandbreadthofseth: It was also the temporary housing for the Ark of the Covenant before they built the temple.
gualdhar: @MilkInBags it *can* be the church, depending on the religion
goombalax: horror game commece
ButterBall000: Maybe it's me but the voices blur together a little too much
MilkInBags: @gualdhar I was commenting about here in Quebec
Simriel: @mai_andra The Saracens head is a pub in Glasgow
Makoforte: god
muscle_taur: 100%
Rourke9: @Mai_Andra they probably meant the rugby club Saracens though
Makoforte: games where they have a cast on a soundstage are so rare and so good
eff_the_bard: yeah, this definitely feels like some of the workplaces I've been in
Mr_Horrible: the dev in my experience does a strong job with their voice work
itira: im i going to actually be scurd D:
saucemaster5000: I'm screaming right now, but I'm pretty far away
Saintnex: I’m expecting the rig to have gone complete horror now :p
NorthstarTex: why's the other door blocked?
Simriel: We also have a big street called Saracen Street, never found out why
BusTed: well that's precarious
YawnLance: Huh
NimrodXIV: lrrFINE
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
Rourke9: uuuuh
Mr_Horrible: read that as "the Divie Bell"
xantos69: Well that ain't right.
Lyropithic: That seems bad
YawnLance: Everything seems fine there
Astramentha: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Wtf?
ladyjessica: lrrFINE
Seth_Erickson: why don't we send that one back down
Saintnex: uhhhh
Simriel: @rourke9 the pub I think
Mr_Horrible: maybe having a *really* good time, depending
quasi79fu: im sure its fine
Rourke9: @Simriel ah that makes sense
thatguysteve2709: This sequence honestly made me anxious
PharaohBender27: Has that thing been depressurized?
Makoforte: (mostly joking suggestion) you should Let's Nope the old PS1 Horror JRPG Koudelka, just cause it still stands as like.... some of the best VO of the fucking Era up to PS3-4.
Scy_Anide: If the bathysphere is a rockin'...
Fanklok: Why bother you don't work here any more
muscle_taur: ma heid
Darleysam: the Deep hit snooze and is NOT happy about this disturbance
raulghoulia: "I was fired, so I can't help"
PharaohBender27: Because you dp NOT want to open one of those that hasn't depressurized
Mr_Horrible: "I'm on break... permanently"
Seth_Erickson: why are we trying to get this man out of there he does not sound good
Tangsm: "You'll have to pay my contract fee."
eshplode: "Sorry, I don't work here"
Mr_Horrible: I love that Caz gasps at you jumping
30teracyte: iirc the japanese localization is all in hakata dialect
Kramburger: The Chats, great Aussie band
Makrosian_Tay: Can we start a poll if Ben is gonna totally kill himself with self-imposed fall damage?
korvys: You know, I think that fact that we're an electrician is foreshadowing a lot of "find the fuse" and "start the generator" in our future.
NorthstarTex: what are the chances that ben dies from fall damage?
Rhynerd: I don't think Raff's going to be alive when that opens.
Saintnex: or, hear me out, we just leave the diving bell sealed?
Desruprot: a lot of running
GokuAshNaruto: so when are we waking up The Deep
muscle_taur: lmao I thought that bathysphere had a Chicago Cubs logo on it for a sec
kimmibeans: Unless he's already dead and this is a dying dream
Pteraspidomorphi: oh no did we wake up cthulu?
Blakemcm: hims a monster i bet
yarghs: Who would put so many different controls for the same system so far apart
RatherLargeToad: Don’t drill through Cuthulu kids
ladyjessica: yeah no that’s ok.
ladyjessica: let’s not open that
Mr_Horrible: @RatherLargeToad the fanfic begs to differ (also the actual story, to an extent)
Diabore: oh thats safe
ButterBall000: We're going to be doing everything for everyone since we've been fired aren't we?
zimmercj: @ladyjessica a real let’s nope
tehfewl: thats where the monsters are
eff_the_bard: I'm loving how aggressivly working class this game is
MilkInBags: im pretty sure they'll make you come back only when it's open and people have died
eric_christian_berg: "We didn't want to animate this. Go away."
raulghoulia: is this rig owned by the Cubs?
Gildan_Bladeborn: He might "as" you walk away though.
Rexsplosion: You know it's good dialogue when both Ben and Adam stop talking for it
itira: LUL
ghyllnox: He doesn't like being watched
Simriel: That's just how Scottish people run, it's all the cigs and booze
Juliamon: it got SERIOUS
Saintnex: oh god right, that was a fun stream :D
TheWriterAleph: LUL
Izandai: Huh
Blakemcm: yall played an incomplete version
Makrosian_Tay: It was amazing
MilkInBags: LUL
Lyropithic: Accidentally discover an actual strat?
PharaohBender27: Dang
Izandai: mattlrLul
Strebenherz: AMAZING
ladyjessica: awesome
Mr_Horrible: it was honestly incredible
ladyjessica: so awesome.
30teracyte: the version instead of the steam version
Izandai: That's amazing.
ButterBall000: Ben ran the 1.2 version while the runners found 1.3 That's great!
frank_the_great: So you still hold that version specific run? Pog
Sarah_Serinde: You did pretty great
MilkInBags: you got 'well actually'd by speedrunners
gibbousm: Speedrun Ben\
Izandai: That's hilarious.
Dog_of_Myth: Still on the board
xantos69: I would 100% tune in for a LRR speed run stream
Mr_Horrible: that's honestly the best pat
Mr_Horrible: *part
Laserbeaks_Fury: It would be like if you beat SMB on World 7
Diabore: its kraven manor who cares
Blakemcm: this aint super mario 3 lettem keep it
Naesiir: the Ulmer skip
Riandisa: It was fun to watch you learning it
Larkonus: Is Ben a speedrunning prodigy and none of us knew? (/j)
Seth_Erickson: I couldn't walk under rig like this
Mr_Horrible: "Eh, just keep it up, it's a good bit"
Lyropithic: I respect the heck out of speedrunners
Diabore: nope
Fanklok: I'm looking forward to the Summoning Salt video
HadesLeprechaun: bad
quasi79fu: this a nope
Seth_Erickson: I just would not do it it's horrific
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
dougma: whole lot of nope
Desruprot: thats not Osha complaint
CastleOtranto: LRR plays Nintendo World Championship?
Izandai: This whole thing is floating by the way.
NorthstarTex: nope
Dog_of_Myth: Flashbacks to Europa in destiny
frank_the_great: Shrek, I'm looking down!
Mr_Horrible: oh yeah no I'd cling to the railing and not move
Rexsplosion: same. Hate heights
shendaras: Didn't you climb?
Blakemcm: yea this would completely eff me up
Simriel: Fits shucked
Diabore: but youre so tall adam
ghyllnox: Bottom bunk then
GhostValv: heights and open ocean
muscle_taur: at this point I would just be like "well might as well let the waves take me"
gibbousm: as a Safety Professional, I NEVER want to work on an oil ring
PawssumFable: My legs would lock and I'm not afraid of heights, I hate the open mesh stuff
Makoforte: heights are *terrifying*
korvys: Who's afraid of open water? Cam?
Izandai: If you don't know how oil rigs work, they aren't anchored to the seafloor. They're floating.
OmegaPlatinum: I know it's not spooky, but do ya'll have top EVO moments from this past weekend?
Mr_Horrible: same diff
itira: LOL LOL
saucemaster5000: I'd try to jiggle the platform
Pharmacistjudge: might as well be
CypherRaze: Everyday Adam gets out of bed he screams
MilkInBags: you're 6 feet taller than me
xantos69: Adam: Declared afraid at all times.
thatguysteve2709: I am not afraid of heights this sequence drove me up a wall
raulghoulia: I mean. kind of yea
Tangsm: How's your Thallasophobia?
Seth_Erickson: if I had to I'd have to crawl
Mr_Horrible: Adam lives in the Hitchcock film "Vertigo"
ThorSokar: Heights are fine, it's the drop that's the problem
RockPusher: Ah yes, a rusty and moist under rig — common human problem that one. lrrBEEJ
Simriel: @korvys Nooo, Cam is fascinated by deep water
Sarah_Serinde: *yet
SnackPak_: cowards
Mathwyn: 6'5" is about 350m though Adam
Makoforte: OOH that's. Ooooogh.
ButterBall000: Who wants Mirror's Edge in VR now?
Mr_Horrible: I mean, it's The Chinese Room
thesimbiote: I love heights, but I'm pretty sure in this exact situation I'd lay down and wait for death
Desruprot: its tutorial right I would guess
PawssumFable: I can stand on the edge of a cliff, but walking over that grid stuff eugh
frank_the_great: Mind the gap
Blakemcm: parkour!!!
Riandisa: I'm not afraid of heights, but steep things make me uncomfortable
brainbosh: I mean tall people are even farther from the ground at high places
Mr_Horrible: you'll be allowed death when they want it Kappa
PharaohBender27: @MilkInBags You're 5 inches tall!? How tiny is your keyboard?
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Lyropithic: F
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
quasi79fu: hahahahahaha
Gildan_Bladeborn: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown lrrSPOOP FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
xantos69: Dead by falling count 1
Izandai: mattlrLul
varmintx0: they let you die
NorthstarTex: GG
Astramentha: lrrBartleby
TheWriterAleph: lrrHORN
GokuAshNaruto: fillyClap
ThorSokar: hahaha
Fanklok: Seriously? Making Adam watch a plunge from a high height into the ocean
MilkInBags: what do you mean
Sarah_Serinde: NotLikeThis
frank_the_great: You found the sub ocean! /jk
saucemaster5000: Just because you CAN read chat
Desruprot: something something scientists
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Clenching up high groin... Its magically disgusting.
muscle_taur: mirrors edge vibes... ooh
Mathwyn: FBtouchdown
GokuAshNaruto: my stupid messages are YOUR problem not mine
xantos69: Dead by falling count 2
Pteraspidomorphi: Would be fun in VR
Dread_Pirate_Westley: jlrrFall
Mr_Horrible: "My name's not Caz, this is fine"
MilkInBags: :)
quasi79fu: owie
MilkInBags: swat doesnt exist in canada
Makrosian_Tay: People totes know
Pharmacistjudge: do the canadian police do swats?
drcthulu: It was said on the internet, it has to be true. I mean who would just go on the internet and lie?
Sarah_Serinde: Doxxed yes, swatted no
Izandai: Does Canada have SWAT teams?
prince_infidel: Your welcome?
ghyllnox: The PO Box, on the other hand...
Blakemcm: stop inviting it!!!
Mr_Horrible: I like preserving the mystery
thedepthandbreadthofseth: What kind of asshat does that irl?
frank_the_great: Finally, some recognition
Earthenone: you were breifly marked as a tourist destination :P
circusofkirkus: can I send in the Mounties?
brainbosh: I assumed that was why it was secret lol
MilkInBags: getting RCMP'd
ThorSokar: It's not that hard to figure out, and is Swatting even a thing in Canada?
OmegaPlatinum: The Moon base is on the moon, right?
quasi79fu: uhhh
PharaohBender27: Also the mods made damn sure those types wouldn;t be here
0x6772: Horses couldn't make it up all those floors.
PawssumFable: You guys talk about places you eat enough that we could def find you
saucemaster5000: guess ben doesn't know about operation getheirass
Seth_Erickson: Perhaps a new Obelisk
Lyropithic: And getting mounted is something very different
AugmentingPath: In Canada, you don't get swatted, you get mounted
Diabore: oh god its destiny
snowyowlly: ah so that kind of game huh
raulghoulia: "Thank you for not Mounting us"?
ButterBall000: US FBI showin up at the front door
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is that the drill?
thatguysteve2709: People need to stop doing that it is not funny for many reasons
MilkInBags: malenia
radioshackraider: Oh no
Mr_Horrible: that doesn't seem normal, but I've never worked a rig before
PawssumFable: But it'd be a deep dig
Pharmacistjudge: and yes there are some of us who know where your office is. and we keep our mouths shut
Fanklok: It's the Olympic torch
ThorSokar: WOAH
SnackPak_: its the pale heart
Astramentha: Normal drill stuff
brainbosh: Never Mounted the LRR office....wait
Weagle: Sorry, I only know the *last* Moonbase location :P
betweenmyself: some Tree of Silver Wings shot therr
EvilBadman: There's no law enforcement on the moon you rube
Blakemcm: oh theres yer problem. you got old gods in the floors
DudelidouX: I've seen what the internet is capable of doing to find people. Yea if they wanted they would find you in a week.
quasi79fu: it sings to us
Feriority: I think I figured out what's wrong with the drill
squ3e: This man is doing a whole lotta work for a job he doesnt have
MilkInBags: it's the haligtree
Seth_Erickson: I think so yeah
Dalrint: I looked away for a minute, what happened to the guy in the bathosphere?
ghyllnox: Yuuup
ThorSokar: that is "GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE" level of structural damage
Makrosian_Tay: We Pacific Rim now
Desruprot: drill has seen better days
HadesLeprechaun: drilled too greedily and too deep
Laserbeaks_Fury: I think we tapped C'thulu
Mr_Horrible: they hit a bubblegum deposit and now it's all gunked up
Astramentha: lrrHERE lrrCrab lrrHERE
ghyllnox: @Dalrint He went to a farm in the highlands, don't worry about it
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I have never learned any of the moobeese locations'
eshplode: He had a bath
shendaras: "unlock"
raulghoulia: "unlock"
quasi79fu: Can u hear its song?
rosesmcgee: We hit a rich vein of "Hell Dimension"
ButterBall000: Like drilling up a bedsheet
Mathwyn: More like delock
malfnord: Couple hundred barrels of high-grade crude shoggoth
korvys: Yes
Rexsplosion: "unlock" with a crowbar
Mr_Horrible: they did Amnesia 2
Dog_of_Myth: He's eating a Subway
HadesLeprechaun: yes
Mr_Horrible: not the series
ladyjessica: love unlock
MilkInBags: if you got bitten by an alien, would you off yourself in case you infect others
corianderd: sea pig
Lyropithic: Sea pigs
Sarah_Serinde: @squ3e Ah yes, work like "trying not to die" and "trying to prevent other people from dying" :P
korvys: The Chinese Room, yes
YawnLance: Yeah, the Chinese Room
Blakemcm: a machine for pig squids
Pteraspidomorphi: Oh this is them?
Seth_Erickson: I would never ever do this even if I could die
BrowneePoints: Chinese room
BrowneePoints: ye
CataclysmicReverb: Ah, clickers, but coral instead of mushrooms
MilkInBags: also everything would be wet
thrythlind: I watched Insym do this game
frank_the_great: Imagine this in VR
Mr_Horrible: Amnesia is Frictional Games, Amnesia 2 was outsourced to these folks, The Chinese Room
ButterBall000: Amnesia spinoff not hte core games
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Yeah, I'd just die
3 raiders from McGurganatorZX have joined!
Pteraspidomorphi: frank_the_great: I love heights in VR
hesterbyrde: Ah! I'm so glad y'all are playing this. What's the current quest?
Desruprot: oh fire
Sarah_Serinde: @hesterbyrde They've only just started, so no spoilers :)
saucemaster5000: I got the wibblies falling off the carpet in "rainbow ride"
BrowneePoints: make Adam do alien isolation VR
dougma: motion sickness is a real thing
quasi79fu: current quest survive
lazermeow: Resident Evil VR!!!
squ3e: "I want not me to do VR Horror"
xVoxtric: I won one at a work raffle, and used it a couple of times, but it's hot and sweaty fast
Seth_Erickson: we've seen adam's fight or flight instincts in relation to real scares
inconsideratehat: Yeah these folks are understanding and taking advantage of the inherent horror of the environment.
thrythlind: I got nauseous in about 30 seconds and had to sit down
Desruprot: seems like this could lead to Rapture from Bioshock
gawag_: they tend not to work with my glasses
hesterbyrde: VR triggers my migraines unfortunately...
Gildan_Bladeborn: You might, or might not... become violently ill, by experiencing VR.
Rhynerd: I think we gotta get to engineering?
Nigouki: wait hold up, I was looking up the cast and the main character is voiced by Paul Atreides from the 2000 miniseries
eshplode: I've meant to check out RE4 VR for a while. I've heard its good
MilkInBags: i would irl die if i played a horror game in VR
Pharmacistjudge: also VR does alot of direction audio
PharaohBender27: @thedepthandbreadthofseth My take is, once a moonbase has been vacated, you may try to detective it. If it's the active Moonbase, you don't do shit in that realm.
Marvoleath: Geist?
Diabore: a couple of the resident evils have vr modes
betweenmyself: “Not my AGH fear.” *five minutes later the game starts throwing dolls and spiders at Ben*
Darleysam: there's a good few VR horror games
saucemaster5000: fromsoft did a VR game
finestotter: paranormal activity?
Rhynerd: There's some place on the lower ends of this building we're trying to get into.
corianderd: the office has a vive
BrowneePoints: if alien isolation is in vr do that
Simriel: Just don't do a full round of game with the booth view on like Ian did :p
MilkInBags: to be fair, a lot of people can't use them
Seth_Erickson: Deracine the fromsoft vr game is called
ButterBall000: Space and set up can be rough for streaming
muscle_taur: I like that the yellow paint is mostly diegetic
bethy_kins24: Play Alien Isolation in VR
dougma: LRR used to have one, beatsaber streams exist
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @pharaohbender27 or i don't do either.
Makoforte: a VR machine
Mr_Horrible: not much, what's a vive with you?
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
brainbosh: It's tough to stream, isn't it?
inconsideratehat: I know Cameron gets motion sick
eff_the_bard: lol
quasi79fu: Hai Cori
CaptainCoriale: I tried a coworker's VR headset, but since i'm nearsighted i was squinting at things and trying to move closer to read text
Feriority: Ian did VR streams of that rhythm shooter
xVoxtric: HTC Vive is a good VR
Pharmacistjudge: the LRR awesome has a pretty cool Vibe
ButButTheJesus: @finestotter I was gonna say that one, Paranormal Activity or Exorcist: Legion
DandyGeek: hell yeah, VR Let’s Nope let’s go
YawnLance: Weeeeee
saucemaster5000: and no one told adam about the time machine???
Rourke9: yeah i remember at least one VR talking sim not too long ago
Fanklok: Now you're going to get 7 VR headsets in mail time
Pharmacistjudge: LRR office has a pretty cool vibe
Blakemcm: i dont think i could ever jump and catch on a ladder
TStodden: I'm sure Graham & Paul would requisition ~$600 for set-up (Quest 3 + cables)
xantos69: Dead by falling count 3
Seth_Erickson: mixed
YFiddler: now, who should be about it?
xVoxtric: how about that one Adam, do you make that one?
Rexsplosion: Ben treating this like it's freaking Mirror's Edge
Gildan_Bladeborn: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown lrrSPOOP FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Darleysam: Insomniac Games made the VR horror game Edge of Nowhere which I had a good time with
thatguysteve2709: Yes it does that
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I'd just dive into the sea.
Sarah_Serinde: I mean Ian and Cori have their own VR setup, so it's not a big stretch to assume they'd been using theirs for LRR VR stream
zimmercj: I got sick using the 3D on my 3ds, don’t think vr is for me.
Mr_Horrible: I honestly would not have expected that from these folks
Seth_Erickson: that's what we in the business call the mix
Makrosian_Tay: I feel like this was designed for controller
Juliamon: Please don't count deaths
Earthenone: you are responsable for the buttons you press ben
space_turbulence: How far into the game are y'all?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: That entire ladder should be caged.
frank_the_great: At least it's not keys and rotating objects
Mr_Horrible: ~45 minutes or so
Diabore: tha bad things have started
BusTed: Right after the Inciting Incident.
HadesLeprechaun: this section is mostly just introducing all the mechanics
thedepthandbreadthofseth: 15 mins, but not much story.
TStodden: IIRC, Death counts are like so 2015 (or thereabouts)...
Marvoleath: about 3 C-words in
patrick_stonecrusher: They're yellow!
ButterBall000: Oh damn, more of this in games, plz
Blasteg: What parkour actually feels -the game
JKBalch: wait, 45 minutes of gameplay or 45 minutes of lets nopecast
Kramburger: We calln that a flying fox
bethy_kins24: Dudes now a Ninja Warrior
Mr_Horrible: we woke up, got divorced (almost) by mail, called into the office, fired, and then an earthquake happened now shit's FUBAR
eff_the_bard: the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle VIP
space_turbulence: I mean "quick-time horror experience" definitely describes Machine for Pigs, their other game
gawag_: this would be fine except everything is probably wet
kimmiekoneko: lil ben was zippin and zappin all over the place
betweenmyself: monkey bars gotta be hard either those thick ass gloves
Mazrae: I was good at monkey bars as well, but I also broke my arm on some
brainbosh: This game does have plenty of the yellow paint lol
frank_the_great: I was goated at 4 square
DudelidouX: aka the kid who never let any one else play with it?
ladyjessica: did you play 4 square?
PawssumFable: Love tetherball
saucemaster5000: we were a handball crowd
Seth_Erickson: We were tether ball and then wall ball
YawnLance: Heck yeah, let it rip gamer
squ3e: 4 square and switch were amazing
space_turbulence: @Mr_Horrible Oh cool, I didn't miss much then
Earthenone: no one knew how to play tetherball, you just hit the thing
30teracyte: 4 square >>>
Blip2004: I liked them, but I also fell off one time and bit through my bottom lip, blood everywhere
Mathwyn: Handball was the thing at my primary school
xantos69: When I look at Adam.... I see a teatherball bully.
Feriority: We had tetherball, but 4 square was where it was at
PipeSmokingOwl: i was the tallest kid at jesus camp one summer when I was like 13 so i dominated everyone in tether ball
HadesLeprechaun: I was king of grade school tetherball
Mr_Horrible: @brainbosh to be fair, I can't really blame an oil rig for having hazard labelling
Seth_Erickson: 4 square is a banger game
ThorSokar: Tether-ball where the stronger bigger kid always wins
PawssumFable: We had BALLS ON ROPE
Simriel: I don't know what the problem is here tbh, this is just a normal glesga Tuesday
corianderd: four square is amazing
xVoxtric: "handball" was the important one
baltimore_667083: I remember four square vividly
SnackPak_: hell yeah 4 square
bethy_kins24: I miss playing 4 square
gawag_: its four squares, adam
Kramburger: We call it handball
Seth_Erickson: they love it here in utah as well
Juliamon: My dad bought us a tetherball because I loved it but nobody at school would let me play.
30teracyte: we also played red ass
squ3e: Ill giive you a hint, theres 4 squares
SmithKurosaki: We called it Kings Court here
space_turbulence: Tetherball vs. Beyblads: the two genders
Rexsplosion: 4 square was SUPER popular randomly when i was in high school, cause the outdoor lounge area had the perfect tiles for it
MilkInBags: in sask elementary school it's tetherball and in high school it's sniffing gas
saucemaster5000: four square is only for the cool kids
NotCainNorAbel: 4 square is great until people start making up rules
yarghs: Teatherball is how Adam go so tall, he stretched himself out to win more
raulghoulia: we graduated to 6 square
thrythlind: we had four square in Texas when I was a kid
Earthenone: maybe foursquare will make it to the sumLRRgames this year
ladyjessica: yup the red rubber ball
itira: four square was the shit at my school
TheWriterAleph: leggsy
gawag_: Leg C means electricity
ButterBall000: I was decent at wall ball
hesterbyrde: I loved 4 square. It was the only game I actually looked forward to participating in during gym
Desruprot: so this rig going to grow in size? I'd imagine oilrigs are not huge
varmintx0: I haven't been reminded that 4 square existed in like 35 years.
Kramburger: Leg C? More like Leg SEA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Mathwyn: Its called handball in civilised countries
ladyjessica: people would line up around the square.
Mr_Horrible: I never learned how to play 4-Square proper
betweenmyself: Australian school children with the Four Square and shrimps on the barbie pennyWhat
saucemaster5000: tho tbh I was too busy pretendng to be in final fantasy to play tether ball
shendaras: "minor"
Laserbeaks_Fury: "minor drill issue
Makrosian_Tay: "Minor"
Pteraspidomorphi: Minor and temporary
Seth_Erickson: Rennick already downplaying the situation
Mr_Horrible: "a minor issue" fuck OFF Rennick
Nigouki: holy shit this fuckers is definitely a manager
yllwmstr: He's gonna getcha
Seth_Erickson: yes
ThorSokar: "Temporary Drill Issue" HAHAHAHA
Diabore: red ass
Makrosian_Tay: I DID
quasi79fu: purple
TheManaLeek: That was called Red Ass at our school
30teracyte: red ass!
KeytarCat: Four square was my first experience with charismatic people getting away with cheating
finestotter: 9 Square is the true goated game
GhostValv: yep...
quasi79fu: somehting is purple
Kramburger: I hope the bossThe boss is a prick
ButterBall000: We had that until it was banned by the school
ladyjessica: oh yeah red ass.
ladyjessica: yeah
thedepthandbreadthofseth: This is the part where we establish our legacy..
saucemaster5000: we played a game called "slaughterhouse"
SmithKurosaki: Horse here
radioshackraider: I can just tell Rennick has had the shit kicked out him many times
spethycakes: Wahlball? A Marky Mark production?
frank_the_great: Do it, you wont
GokuAshNaruto: take a closer look and jump
Pharmacistjudge: I had to supervise kids playing wallball
DudelidouX: Us it was tether ball and pog while waiting to play ball
CataclysmicReverb: "run and touch the wall" ??? you mean stand against the wall while they practice their pitcher's throw until it hits
Cptasparagus: it calls to you
jchinnock: we had the best wall in junior high, three story windowless wall next to a 100ft parking lot
brainbosh: Wall ball, where you got pegged if you got caught?
xantos69: <message deleted>Dead by falling count 4
Desruprot: it was different
Kramburger: It's thinking
Diabore: its root of nightmares
Astramentha: o7
frank_the_great: The man did it!
ghyllnox: Thump
Seth_Erickson: the caz yearns for the fall damage
NotCainNorAbel: twisted ankle
Lyropithic: Rub some dirt on it
Mr_Horrible: rub some sea dirt on it
Blakemcm: probably shite himself
PawssumFable: @Pharmacistjudge I feel like this amounts to making sure no one needs the hospital LUL
saucemaster5000: walk it off! GROW UP!
kimmiekoneko: shite has been called
Juliamon: xantos69 I already asked chat to not count deaths
Kramburger: Ya big wee jessie
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TheWriterAleph: powt some deirt annit
xantos69: @Juliamon Fair enough. I missed that.
Simriel: Oooh I can send a list of Scottish insults if you want Adam
Juliamon: We haven't had a death counter since before the pandemic for a reason.
Simriel: An absolute banger is "Bampot"
tr3ewitch88: I didn't like the crunching sound when you fell 😕
Mr_Horrible: "A bee's dick away" (Editor's note: a bee's dick is wee)
Makrosian_Tay: I demand it
Mr_Horrible: because Gamers
frank_the_great: Ben turned it on
Darleysam: because Gamers!
NimrodXIV: muh immersion
Kramburger: "But MUH IMMErSION"
muscle_taur: yellow paint always rocks. I just like it more when it's diegetic
Izandai: Yes you do. Everyone does sometimes.
Tangsm: He's gained a lot of upper body strength from the punching people.
Desruprot: good ol Yellow for the stuff you can interact with
Diabore: send in the yellow paint man
Blakemcm: love the yellow
Seth_Erickson: also this is an oil rig they'll definitely show were you should go
SmithKurosaki: 100% with you there Ben
Laserbeaks_Fury: I love the bird poop markers
hesterbyrde: I honestly love it in this particular game because it's not immersion breaking for the railings to be OSHA yellow.
salamisuperstar: There are good and bad ways to do it
gawag_: not every game can be mario 64
muscle_taur: I'm a little immersion piggy but I'm not a masochist about it. lmao
ladyjessica: yeah, I prefer clearly marked ledges
YawnLance: Flashlight :D
saucemaster5000: video game haven't been good since 1997 anyways
raulghoulia: take the ppe
HadesLeprechaun: also if ANY game would have yellow paint, it'd be an oil rig
Mr_Horrible: @hesterbyrde exaaaactly
finestotter: IT also doesn't look thaaat bad usually
Izandai: HE'S RIGHT
KeytarCat: Realism != immersion
ladyjessica: it was what I liked most about the second horizon game.
ButButTheJesus: its me, I wanna be immersed in lasers
Scy_Anide: Never listen to gamer complaints
snowyowlly: there's a difference between normal traversal bc of gameplay and actual like puzzles/platforming
TheManaLeek: Adam, big head lamp fan.
BusTed: big pog
SnackPak_: preach Adam
therepoman__: I agree headlamps are goated
Seth_Erickson: we're playing a game on an Oil Rig that's basically the closest to immersed in a horror game we can get
Mr_Horrible: "Headlamps are goated" Adam, almost unprompted
YawnLance: Headlamps PogChamp
Darleysam: LFG seabatClap Headlamps! seabatClap
Tangsm: The goggles also seem useful.
Blakemcm: goated with the lamp, no cap but actually cap with lamp
bethy_kins24: hands free too
itira: That is the most dad thing iv ever heard
space_turbulence: HHeadlamps goated
lazermeow: Headlamps are Pog.
PhilanthropyLich: As a headlamp owner, completely agree
SmithKurosaki: Headlamps are in fact pretty heckin good
saucemaster5000: with a headlamp you can pretend to be an angler fish
tr3ewitch88: Adam loves lamp
quasi79fu: water
Lyropithic: Head TORCH, this is Scotland
Diabore: wait, there wasnt water when you jumped
Mr_Horrible: Caz: "Why the FUCK do I keep jumping everywhere?!"
yarghs: This is a scottish setting, it's a HEADTORCH
muscle_taur: I'm gonna drink the forbidden basement water....
PawssumFable: He's got neurodiverse t-rex arms
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I understand, Adam. I'm a real wind tunnel enthusiast. Big fan!
Strebenherz: oh damnl lrr lore
quasi79fu: game gets so claustrophobic
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @pawssumfable tracks!.
corianderd: it's like 50 a session
quasi79fu: also who would willingly walk in that water?
trainpants: I wish I still lived near a climbing gym :(
SnackPak_: I'm sorry you had to find out this way
quasi79fu: how cold is that water
tr3ewitch88: I'd love to climb again
drcthulu: my college had a free climbing wall in the gym as part of your tuition
BusTed: new gym buddy
GorgonsMind subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
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quasi79fu: also does anyone else hear strange noises
GokuAshNaruto: you just go there and climb up they can't stop you
raulghoulia: neat
saucemaster5000: they charged adam the gorrila prices
Simriel: @quasi79fu It's north sea water, it's cold as all fuck
hesterbyrde: It's just the wind
YawnLance: Sounds perfectly normal to me
muscle_taur: oh we're going SOMA mode now
Seth_Erickson: sick music sting yeah
0x6772: Climbing gyms can be a bit more expensive than a "regular" gym, but they do the same "subscribe more people than they've got room for, and charge less, knowing that most won't show up" thing.
shendaras: just.. pressure equalizing in pipes, no doubt.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: No response to my big fan line.
salamisuperstar: Probably nothing
CypherRaze: Well that doesn't sound normal at all
Blakemcm: repelling
baltimore_667083: oh I remember those too
BusTed: I do remember enjoying that
Blakemcm: repell on
Going_Medium: Rock!
MilkInBags: electricity
corianderd: boulder
eshplode: Bouldering
frank_the_great: Loved doing that in Scouts
Kramburger: Climbing
Naesiir: bouldering
NotCainNorAbel: nude climbing
themenace1: bouldering
saucemaster5000: boulder
Blakemcm: bouldering
drcthulu: spelunking
Going_Medium: Bouldering
spethycakes: Bouldering
tr3ewitch88: They got. What's his name out of the submersible?
Cptasparagus: falling down a wall
ButButTheJesus: uppies
PawssumFable: Climb big rock
Izandai: huh
bethy_kins24: Spunluking too if brave
Seth_Erickson: tripping on the steps
Diabore: cant land on stairs
CataclysmicReverb: busting your ankles
KeytarCat: The expensive part was renting the harness. so if you just boulder...
Blakemcm: we have found the limits of the game engine
saucemaster5000: bouldering has the "levels"
brainbosh: Feet keep sliding on the edge of the stairs
gawag_: it was meh imo
Mr_Horrible: I need to while it's in theaters
AtomicAlchemical: Yessssssss
raulghoulia: Twisters was a Banger
Asimech: @quasi79fu You get used to them when you get into your late thirties.
Mr_Horrible: it sounds like my jam
Nydestroyer: guy just got new glasses give him a break on jumping up stairs Kappa
Strebenherz: "I hear a strange feral noise, let's crawl into the vents it came from"
betweenmyself: the stair jump some new speedrun strat we trying out? riffThink
N30dude: Heck ya there is in like 3 weeks
PawssumFable: What movie?
goombalax: got the big popcorn bucket
Laserbeaks_Fury: ALien: Romulus
Simriel: My grandad owned that exact screwdriver
ladyjessica: oh really? I thought long legs might have been good :(
Earthenone: !russel
quasi79fu: new crow gonna suck
gawag_: its a good popcorn movie but not on the level of the movies its emulating
Gildan_Bladeborn: I've heard Longlegs is "a really, really good episode of Criminal Minds", essentially.
Blakemcm: would it be weird if you saw the crow 2 times in a day?
spethycakes: Can they remake it? Sure. SHOULD they? drdootHmm
NimrodXIV: The Crow should not be remade period
bo_brinkman: That is definitely not big enough for a human body.
TStodden: Don't Spoiler Twisters... I'll be off to see it in like 20m (after the first theater sold out).
kingandcommoner: @Gildan_Bladeborn That's fairly accurate
PawssumFable: You can't touch the crow. Not only is it gut-wrenching, a guy died for it. They're gonna TRY to remake the crow.
jchinnock: as a Texan I’m looking forward to the real horror film, Twisters
tr3ewitch88: I feel like it won't be as good remade
saucemaster5000: I just saw "bloodsport" for the first tme
prince_infidel: Alien movie looks good, Crow remake looks bad
Mr_Horrible: no offense to anyone but everything I've seen about Longlegs is it's a huge Normie Filter
eff_the_bard: I loved the bit in the crow where he dropped from the rafters and started hitting the NWO with a baseball bat Kappa
therepoman__: Subway surfers
gawag_: its a great slow burn but doesnt have the narrative payoff i was expecting
VrolikSyndrome: Family Guy episodes.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I heard some issues around the themes of long legs... The monster is derived from some insensitive trope or other?
KeytarCat: I had a roommate who told me Alien had bad pacing because nothing happened for the first hour
NotCainNorAbel: waiting for a theater to offer to play a movie a 1.5x
quasi79fu: alien romulus
YawnLance: Great foley
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
gawag_: good ass throw
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I don't know shit about shot though.
baltimore_667083: I remember one of my friends in high school telling us that the original cut of the first twister was filmed on his property
7gorobei: there is a 3rd Hellboy reboot, it is dipping into direct to video budget territory
goombalax: try to sit zoomers in front of the first alien and watch them gnaw their own leg off
Diabore: perfect game
PawssumFable: Dumb roommate
ghyllnox: They put bars in the vents? Someone watched Alien
Izandai: Good echoing.
eric_christian_berg: Yeah, its the first Alien movie I've been excited for in some time.
Rexsplosion: not a weapon
Dog_of_Myth: YES
30teracyte: caz can really whip that thing
BusTed: good clunk
ButterBall000: Just dome somebody with that
itira: LUL
TStodden: Surprisingly, today just happens to be "Matinee Day" (cheap tix)
Seth_Erickson: can you even melee with it
shendaras: melee build when it says throw, smh
malfnord: Doctor Frreeman
corianderd: if you can throw a wrench you can throw a ball
UnkeptFlea: they really give you oddjob's hat?
patrick_stonecrusher: Pipedrop.mp3
baltimore_667083: this is oil drilling meets backrooms
MilkInBags: plastic wrench
radioshackraider: If this is the 70's, then a gun isn't out the question, but it's unlikely
Monocerotis2010: @TStodden not to be confused with Manatee day
Simriel: There are like, maybe 3 guns within 200 miles of this place
raulghoulia: Imma gonnae need ma lighter back
ladyjessica: oh no
Mr_Horrible: oh cool we hit a Realmbreaker tendril
ladyjessica: ooh no oh no oh no
BusTed: maybe open with that next time finlay
Blakemcm: yea crawl thru that giant opening
ashteranic: this is the guy who beat us at darts
TStodden: @Monocerotis2010 I could see the aquariums offering that...
YawnLance: Time to go smooch the monster
Simriel: @ashteranic That's a woman
Seth_Erickson: I like Finlay
Laserbeaks_Fury: HEY GIBBO
Mr_Horrible: well he ain't beating no one at darts no more
quasi79fu: enviroments in game are sooo good
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Why wouldn't you go together?
salamisuperstar: Oh, they're NOT saying Cuz LUL
Strebenherz: I was wondering
Makrosian_Tay: Gonna say this right now, I LOVE the level of detail in these levels so far
Mr_Horrible: Comfort Wrench
xantos69: "Emotional Support Wrench"
Blakemcm: wham jangle gibble in the head with the wrench
eff_the_bard: "fuck" really suits the flow of the Scottish accent
Rexsplosion: it's a distraction, not a weapon
Dog_of_Myth: Dang I was just typing that Ben
muscle_taur: so I'm expecting an oily beastie of some sort. excited to see what direction they go with this
Mr_Horrible: ooh, the creeping strings
yarghs: we can wrench if we want to
ashteranic: was it? thought the dart matchup had us against them? maybe i mis-remembered the name
YawnLance: You ain't shit Gibbo
Mr_Horrible: very good, Game Music
MilkInBags: gibbo aint right in the braino
gawag_: cinammontography
salamisuperstar: Like om the internet?
Laserbeaks_Fury: It like a FIlm burn effect
thatguysteve2709: Brain damage I presume
ButterBall000: Could you throw the wrench up the ladder?
MilkInBags: explosive diarrhea
BusTed: it's all gooey
Mr_Horrible: seems like a sanitation problem
YawnLance: Cooool
ButButTheJesus: Narp
quasi79fu: and we begin
saucemaster5000: is he okay?
Astramentha: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
ladyjessica: it’s like the master in fallout 1
Izandai: I'm sure he's fine.
bethy_kins24: cooooolll
Mr_Horrible: not our department kanagoNoice
hesterbyrde: Oh I love that the subtitles tell you directional sound. What a great quality of life/accessibility thing
TheWriterAleph: uh ohhhh ickiesss
Diabore: oh a leg too
Dalrint: Do we know who that was?
ghyllnox: F L E S H
MilkInBags: scarlet rot reached us in here
Laserbeaks_Fury: You know what, I'm 100% fine with Headcrabs now
korvys: Nah, scottish people just do that sometimes
goombalax: he had a hardhat hesprobably fine
bethy_kins24: he'll be fine
ButButTheJesus: @saucemaster5000 just a flesh wound
Rexsplosion: looks like one of those flatworms that can spit out their entire stomach lining to escape predators
frank_the_great: He's just sleeping
GhostValv: damn... they're not gonna be in Still Wakes the Deep 2: Even Deeper
KeytarCat: very Zerg infested Terran
Simriel: We dug into the Permian Basin Super organism didn't we
Gascitygaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Gascitygaming: 59... nice. WAIT NO!
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MilkInBags: mars attacks?
MilkInBags: they're good
PawssumFable: What's wrong with his vision?
Mr_Horrible: more like Starcrap
saucemaster5000: starcraft is just bad warcraft 2
hesterbyrde: Kerrigan is all that matters. <3
EthirealPlayer: Hey just showing up, I assume they haven't been playing the game long
BusTed: we are from france
Makrosian_Tay: There's something on the screen. I think that's supposed to be your radar
couchboyj: This is Jimmy!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I'm a certified Big Starcraft Guy and I think it's neat
Izandai: mattlrLul
quasi79fu: hahhahhaahaah
xantos69: Ok, that was a good one.
shendaras: benginSpoop
Blakemcm: breathe the tube air
SnackPak_: mawp
Lysander_salamander: loud noises!
ladyjessica: jump scare got me.
Rexsplosion: -Ksch- We got 'em boys
Seth_Erickson: the mix
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
hesterbyrde: God fuck this game. XD
Makrosian_Tay: Game scary
bethy_kins24: sneak
ButButTheJesus: gottem
Desruprot: desrupD
Mr_Horrible: in the pocket of Big Starcraft
PawssumFable: Wait. WAIT, is he having DTs?
MilkInBags: the nope is back in let's nope
NorthstarTex: gotta get the safety hoodie
drcthulu: neat in the same way heather says it to be dismissive?
Izandai: huh
Blakemcm: parkour
SnackPak_: it was like 2 feet, dude
NimrodXIV: ladders are hard
vinewood_og: swarm (no pun intended)!
Lysander_salamander: aaa
salamisuperstar: The older I get, the less I find Dan Aykroyd is funny
Izandai: Speedrun strat?
muscle_taur: speedrun tech unlocked
ButterBall000: That's great
ButButTheJesus: @PawssumFable does that mean delirium tremens?
PawssumFable: Yeah
MilkInBags: hey ben what's your speedrun tricks
Blakemcm: Caz must be shredded
ButButTheJesus: I remember that from health class
30teracyte: the game did not plan around the player bunny hopping everywhere lol
raulghoulia: you've only had to do one leccy!
Makrosian_Tay: Volumetric comedy
saucemaster5000: More like Snoreterday night liv
Mr_Horrible: what about that "Wario goes to court" segment? Kappa
Strebenherz: There's a lot of snl that hasn't aged well
NotCainNorAbel: i hope he understands these steam pipes and isn't jsut blocking them off
xantos69: SNL is always a product of its time. The stuff they are saying now won't land the same in 30 years either.
MilkInBags: you can't expect a weekly show to always be good
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Bass-o-matic will never not be funny.
couchboyj: SNL is a few shining gems in a sea of skibidi Ohio
GokuAshNaruto: did you see it monkaS
Izandai: mattlrLul
YawnLance: It's just us now, Ben
betweenmyself: SNL been downhill ever since they got rid of the Muppet segments riffYeti
NotCainNorAbel: we will hold your hand Ben
AtomicAlchemical: They can't all be More Cowbell
ButterBall000: Never forget Wario Musk
Nigouki: Adam poops on company time
sounderfan84: the older SNLs were better than the newer stuff
saucemaster5000: BOO!
PawssumFable: It's also whoever's ON SNL at the moment
Rexsplosion: Dan Ackroyd playing goober-like characters like Ray Stantz is pretty good
Makrosian_Tay: lrrSPOOP
thrythlind: Dan Akryod I find reliably funny... Bill Murray is hit or miss whether I'll feel horrified but whatever he just said
ButButTheJesus: and Adam was never seen again
Astramentha: lrrHERE lrrHERE lrrHERE lrrHERE lrrHERE lrrHERE lrrHERE
quasi79fu: oh no Ben is alone
MilkInBags: adam is going to get a skin costume
Seth_Erickson: don't worry adam Ben will shit his plant too
Pteraspidomorphi: Chair will keep you company
PawssumFable: Cast rotates much over the years
vinewood_og: Adam Driver Oil Baron. Instant Classic!
30teracyte: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Also, spies like us. Also also, he was great in my girl.
Naesiir: you're never alone when you have your fear
0x6772: Time for everybody to leave!
Mr_Horrible: @MilkInBags you're literally watching one you philistine Kappa
bethy_kins24: we will protect you Ben
SnackPak_: free boot!
HadesLeprechaun: lets go say hi to Mr Gibbo
Simriel: BOO!
GokuAshNaruto: @sounderfan84 you mean the compilations of all the good stuff is better than the new stuff?
Rexsplosion: lrrHERE lrrHERE
space_turbulence: I'll say I definitely still go back and re-watch the Kristen Stewart tostinos sketch on a regular basis
eff_the_bard: ahe
shendaras: But it says exit
quasi79fu: Theyre in the wallls
xantos69: You can just wait for Adam.
MilkInBags: @Mr_Horrible i stand by what i said
eshplode: Hopefully it's just the boot with nothing in it
NimrodXIV: then don't
Mr_Horrible: that's just hershey's hot cocoa
salamisuperstar: Just have a nice seat on that bench till Adam gets back
Monocerotis2010: queue the most intense horror for the next 5 min
TStodden: Are we SURE it's blood?
eff_the_bard: he's jist cuttin a boot
dougma: and here I thought you were being canadian, but there really was a boot
Tangsm: The hardhats here don't seem to do much. They're always next to giant blood smears.
pyrock_mania: SNL has become a vehicle for internet comedy troops to make the leap into TV and movies really
quasi79fu: hahahahahha
MilkInBags: it was behind you, irl
GokuAshNaruto: Deadge
KeytarCat: Seth Meyers occasionally does sketches that didn't make the cut for SNL. If he has a fellow old cast member on, they find a script that got canned and perform it. They are not good sketches
Blakemcm: @pyrock_mania every dead body had a hard hat. are hard hats the problem?!? makes ya think
space_turbulence: Man, this game's got a surprising amount of verisimilitude
sounderfan84: @GokuAshNaruto yep
MilkInBags: this is like alien, a lot of atmosphere
YawnLance: Heh
Makrosian_Tay: In a fight, right?
HadesLeprechaun: the game takes its time to really set up tension
Himyul: what if the monster is Heather?
GokuAshNaruto: @sounderfan84 counterpoint: dick in a box
Strebenherz: The Hornerhole just shows up behind you
ladyjessica: but he’s in the bathroom!
goombalax: fool of a took
Laserbeaks_Fury: Fool of a Took!
Mr_Horrible: I'm impressed that can has balanced there to this point
Rexsplosion: @Laserbeaks_Fury drawfeGoodjoke
TStodden: Cue Bartleby?
muscle_taur: tfw u get that *oily* migraine aura
salamisuperstar: Uh oh LUL
YawnLance: Yesssssss
Izandai: mattlrLul
MilkInBags: why would i need lockers to hide
Blakemcm: ahhhhh
Mr_Horrible: oh I like that they did that
Makrosian_Tay: YEEEEEEESSS
MilkInBags: ooooooh
Mr_Horrible: LUL
Seth_Erickson: Adam we need you
noisyblizzard: LUL
Tangsm: Get in the locker.
Blakemcm: if you can hide then you will have to hide
Dog_of_Myth: YES
BusTed: here we go
PawssumFable: I think the can probably fell there during the INCIDENT
bethy_kins24: Oh noooo
xantos69: Normal reasons
Rexsplosion: playfr3YES playfr3YES playfr3YES playfr3YES playfr3YES playfr3YES
HadesLeprechaun: yeah, why would we?
ThorSokar: gotta love the "You don't have to be the fastest, you just have to be faster than the guy in last" approach
ladyjessica: no no no no
betweenmyself: the best horror game mechanic ever!
raulghoulia: Tactical Espionage Action
eff_the_bard: the best video game mechanic - doing nothing
DudelidouX: at least it turns off the lamp auto
Seth_Erickson: Gibbo ain't right Ben
pyrock_mania: it's 2024, every game needs lockers to hide, Ben
YawnLance: mslovelySprigatito2 monster time mslovelySprigatito2
hesterbyrde: I'm sure it's fine
salamisuperstar: Just stay here till Adam is back
MilkInBags: 😬
jamesinor: Just once, I want them to make a game where you can hide in lockers and there's no point to it
pyrock_mania: it's what makes it a video game
VrolikSyndrome: bwaaaaaaaaaaah
Blakemcm: wher my frend gibbo
Izandai: Wait we have an emote for this.
Rexsplosion: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrHERE
Dog_of_Myth: lrrHERE
Seth_Erickson: we can just wait here for Adam
itira: its spooopy out there
Makrosian_Tay: Good horror game doing it's job
ButButTheJesus: lrrHERE
xantos69: In one of these actual scenarios... I would just stay in the locker until help came.
YawnLance: Ben don't be a baby
MilkInBags: oh no a carpenter brut song is about to start
Izandai: lrrHERE
radioshackraider: Well you see Ben, there was thi law called Section 28, which made hiding in closets very important for some people in Scotland
hesterbyrde: Just stay there til Adam gets back. Adam is your safey safe.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: lrrJUDGECALL
voren_chalco: @jamesinor What a good fake out
drcthulu: hewwo?
spethycakes: GG, good game, very reassuring
Marvoleath: lrrHERE
Kramburger: I'd be light off rn
betweenmyself: btw, Gibbo looks like this riffWhizzo
ThorSokar: I wonder if you can just stay in there till you starve to death
jamesinor: @voren_chalco Just your character letting the intrusive thoughts win
carlosvdemex: lrrHERE lrrHERE
hesterbyrde: Ughhh the oil slick on the waterrr.....
niccus: @jamesinor not exactly lockers but there's Hiding Spot
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Get in the water!
yllwmstr: Gibbo gonna getcha
space_turbulence: @PawssumFable But it was just a minor drill incident!
Izandai: mattlrLul
MilkInBags: nooooooooooo
Blakemcm: why would we need that!??!?!!?
Makrosian_Tay: This game is pretty good
Gildan_Bladeborn: What an excellent and helpful feature!
xantos69: Should your light be off right now?
GokuAshNaruto: did you see it monkaS
Lysander_salamander: nice there's a dedicated look behind you button
MilkInBags: we're TRYING
korvys: Adam needs to be getting a spooky costume right now
Mr_Horrible: good tension-building so far
NotCainNorAbel: we are the monster at the end of this book
salamisuperstar: Would if we could my dude
tehfewl: show monster or riot
GokuAshNaruto: even better!
Seth_Erickson: think we go down
ButterBall000: into water?
Seth_Erickson: unless that's just back
MilkInBags: forward
itira: down?
Blakemcm: you loved the parkour up till now
bethy_kins24: down
Izandai: Follow the yellow.
GokuAshNaruto: if only they had yellow to show where to go
ladyjessica: nope I’m out. have fun everyone.
MilkInBags: big adam help us
Makrosian_Tay: This is amazing
Izandai: Oh I hate that.
itira: oof noooo
NotCainNorAbel: nope nope nope
niccus: adam's going to return right when it becomes an exploration game again
Darleysam: :)
Pteraspidomorphi: I hate this
bethy_kins24: damn
Gildan_Bladeborn: I'm getting the sense that our... friend out there, doesn't like it when you look at him.
MilkInBags: maybe?
Seth_Erickson: :)
Mr_Horrible: I think he was up on the catwalk above you?
Mr_Horrible: sounded like it
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Gibbo? is that what Gibb is short for? Is Gibb in this game?!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Jump scare in... 3,2,
ButterBall000: Might've been "on alert" buit can't reach you
CypherRaze: so we have an actual scary game. joy
Blakemcm: i never saw our frend gibbo
salamisuperstar: Adam jumpscare
SK__Ren: adam scared me lol
MilkInBags: it's even worse, we didnt see shit
Seth_Erickson: not yet he's been making spooky noises
eff_the_bard: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa probably gibson
spethycakes: Adam's entrance got me
hesterbyrde: @spethycakes Okay good it's not me
Rexsplosion: oh GEEZ, Adam coming back into the camera jumpscared me
BrowneePoints: Adam just made me shit myself I think
Kipstar: Adam got me too
AugmentingPath: yep, Adam definitely the most effective jumpscare so far
ButButTheJesus: it kinda looked like Adam stepping out of the green wall there
Gildan_Bladeborn: You missed some... very fun, not at all terrifying foreshadowing of the eventual "reveal".
Makrosian_Tay: Alien: Isolation flashbacks
hesterbyrde: Adam 100% jumpscared me
Strebenherz: Yeah I got jumpscared by Adam too
Rexsplosion: like his arm came out of no-where
MilkInBags: soda cream mr freeze?
jchinnock: holy shot adam jumpscare for real
KWardJenx: Adam! Give a warning when you walk in
Mr_Horrible: it did the good thing of telling you that's a mechanic before you needed to use it
YawnLance: mlem
Makrosian_Tay: mlem
Feriority: I don't usually get motion sickness from games but I do not like that look backwards button
ButButTheJesus: ew
ButterBall000: Most of the time, I think it's disorienting for players that aren't used to it
MilkInBags: is it soda cream?
hesterbyrde: mmmmfreezeee
BrowneePoints: plz don’t eat it like homelander drinks milk
Makrosian_Tay: RUN
space_turbulence: I feel like the "look behind" button is just there to let us freak ourselves out. Brilliant, if so tbh
quasi79fu: Ben found a friend?
ThorSokar: this some underground drum and bass club?
YawnLance: Guess we're gonna be seeing Doug-less of him
MilkInBags: time enough to lean, time enough to clean
BusTed: benginO7
packattack_0: o7
itira: Bennnn! ewww
ButterBall000: o7
Makoforte: that was abolutely you shoving him
Mazrae: Bleeding from the eyes??
CypherRaze: I don't think Douglas is gonna pull through
Mr_Horrible: no, that's Roy
BusTed: no
korvys: No, the chef is Ray
yarghs: That is the first time I've ever heard anyone call a freezepop a "freezie". My brain had to reprocess that a bit.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: That mans neck was all loosey goosey
Darleysam: not the chef, no
ghyllnox: Well, time to search his pockets
Seth_Erickson: no chef is ray
rosesmcgee: As Winston Zeddemore once said "This job ain't worth eleven five a year"
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: no tension is too thick that it can't be broken with ragdolls :P
Makoforte: no that's the guy who pulled you out
thrythlind: not the chef friend
quasi79fu: thats not the chef
Diabore: douglas was the guy helping with the dive bell
PawssumFable: Chef was a bigger guy too
spethycakes: He's so...noodly
Mr_Horrible: game said stop fuckin around Kappa
saucemaster5000: adam can't tell scottish people apart smh
ThorSokar: guess he won't be making Britain Great Again
Makrosian_Tay: Do not dilly dally
Blakemcm: the gibbo has moved
MilkInBags: he's at the plot point
Rexsplosion: GEEZUS, this game is doing spooky really well
PawssumFable: Chef is alive probably, they talked about his insulin. Chekov'sinsulin.
Strebenherz: For a game that technically has not shown the 'monster'
Gildan_Bladeborn: There was a ladder a moment ago Ben.
Strebenherz: this is scary af
YawnLance: 10/10 for atmosphere so far
MilkInBags: not showing the threat is way more scary than showing it
itira: right there with you Ben D:
hesterbyrde: I was about to say... it's been a minute since y'all got good and spooked
Seth_Erickson: but secret mcguffins
thefightnerd: There are some really big spoops
MilkInBags: i feel this is for when you come back
Pteraspidomorphi: I've been assuming the visual distortion on the edges of the screen points toward the threat?
Mazrae: Saw toolboxes
Gildan_Bladeborn: Oh well, worth a check.
PawssumFable: Yes Ptera
hesterbyrde: @Pteraspidomorphi It does yeah
Izandai: mattlrLul
Mr_Horrible: "jeans"
BusTed: tarp budget
Makrosian_Tay: LUL
tehfewl: Tarp
Seth_Erickson: ben are you alright
xantos69: There goes the tarp budget.
YawnLance: So that's what happened to your tarp
quasi79fu: weird looking jeans
QuixoticScrivener: tarp budget
bethy_kins24: wadders
Simriel: Put it in the tarp budget
Nydestroyer: tarp budget so low dont even know what it looks like
PawssumFable: Free tarp!
Mazrae: There's the tarp budget on work
Gildan_Bladeborn: I have a funny sense that we might have a "The Thing" scenario here.
Kramburger: Tarp Jeans and the new JINKO jeans
jchinnock: my denim tarp!
Makrosian_Tay: Ahuh
Lysander_salamander: yeah
MilkInBags: yeah we all did
Kipstar: Has anyone seen my enormous jeans?
Mr_Horrible: sure buddy
Dog_of_Myth: Sure....
itira: i thought it was coveralls but sure
GokuAshNaruto: haha... yeah... sure...
raulghoulia: adam's face
packattack_0: we?
quasi79fu: sure
NimrodXIV: sure
betweenmyself: damn, check out the button fly on these jeans! riffGasp
saucemaster5000: I was thinking about boo-eans
Pteraspidomorphi: awww he's lonely
Rhynerd: that’s an extra round of Machete Tarp Game for this year!
MilkInBags: he'll be ham soon
quasi79fu: awww poor gibbo
Gildan_Bladeborn: I'm deeply curious where Gibbo actually was all this time.
ghyllnox: Wasn't he the one in the bathosphere?
kumatsu: I thought it was Jorts SeriousSloth
hesterbyrde: Freezies are the best. What flavor is it?
MilkInBags: what flavour
YawnLance: Can we have freezies?
Mr_Horrible: no that was Raff
30teracyte: @ghyllnox I thought that was raffs
Mr_Horrible: p sure
quasi79fu: no Gibbo wasnt in bathosphere
thrythlind: that was Raffs
Seth_Erickson: that was a different guy yeah
xantos69: I betcha that they are just slow-rolling the monster reveal.
yarghs: How does one become "hame"? Is it like salting yourself like a ham?
quasi79fu: rafsss was in bathosphere
Makoforte: Gibbo was one of the guys you spoke to at breakfast, not the facist
saucemaster5000: chili???
Mr_Horrible: HeatCo
MilkInBags: use D to turn on
quasi79fu: I mean you are in north sea or somehting
Simriel: Hame means home
quasi79fu: It gets cold htere
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Swimming through water in the north sea, you can get cold?
SentientRatKing: love that burnt dust smell
brainbosh: oh we doing a heating survival huh?
Rexsplosion: Probably in shock from seeing his dead friend
niccus: man remember Cryostasis
betweenmyself: *Ben catches fire*
MilkInBags: do you have to save
brainbosh: Get that Near Death gameplay
hesterbyrde: Oh I love that smell
SK__Ren: When the store heater kicks on
muscle_taur: burnt dust smell is nostalgic to me for some reason. sorry to the haters
0x6772: "Press F to warm hands."
Mr_Horrible: is it Edward Crow calling again?
GokuAshNaruto: he doesn't know PepeLaugh
SquareDotCube: Or what about the offgassing of new electronics when you first turn them on
Simriel: @muscle_taur same
SK__Ren: I had one year that there was so much dust we called the fire dept because of the haze from the burning dust
Mr_Horrible: "et's naut seef"
SentientRatKing: I legitimately really like the burnt dust smell. It's nostalgic for me too.
GokuAshNaruto: brother ew
Strebenherz: Rennek boss man's gonna be like "Get to work it's just the end of the world"
dumbo3k: oh god, it's pulsing
MilkInBags: it's so wet
PawssumFable: I hate that smell with electronics
BusTed: so much stretchy bacon
eff_the_bard: boke is vomit
Makrosian_Tay: Eldrazi. Not even once
Simriel: Rank means disgusting
Larkonus: That's a normal fixture on an oil rig, right?
PawssumFable: It's a diaper
Nigouki: so almost certain that boss of ours is not calling for help to avoid paperwork
quasi79fu: kinda wanna see a movie adaptation of this
muscle_taur: goopy membranes... I can fix them
thefightnerd: that kid has huge feet
YawnLance: That kid has some big feet
Seth_Erickson: those shoes are thick as hell
Mr_Horrible: Damn kid, can you dad afford pants?
Diabore: got some big ass boots
CataclysmicReverb: double jointed
quasi79fu: rickets?
kumatsu: your dad put you in a Devo hat
Blakemcm: you see it was the style at the time
varmintx0: I don't like anything happening there.
SentientRatKing: Can see how some wouldn't like it though
Mazrae: Something's wrong with engineering?? Well good thing we got The Bengineering
ghyllnox: The shoes are his dad's shoes
MilkInBags: 'stralia
RatherLargeToad: he’s got Sora shoes
ghyllnox: That's his dad's hat
ThorSokar: If his dad was ACTUALLY safe, that little brat wouldn't exist
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Sparks can kill... Keep that in mind for when you fight the monster.
ButterBall000: Christmas game confirmed
Darleysam: kid would be wearing jeans, but his parents bought tarps by mistake :( :(
SquareDotCube: booties and booty shorts
Makrosian_Tay: You can close doors behind you
PawssumFable: Thor!
ghyllnox: Is Still Wakes the Deep a Christmas game?
malfnord: "National Safety Council of Australia" So we're in the South North Sea apparently
Diabore: this doesnt feel like a gun game
Mr_Horrible: Chinese Room? Unlikely
Tangsm: So is there a big problem with people wandering around an oil rig in flip flops?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Stuck? If only there were some oil around somewhere...
Seth_Erickson: no shot we're getting a gun on this oil rig unless the polis show up
saucemaster5000: taking your freezie and LEAVING
Gildan_Bladeborn: What if they give you a gun, and it's almost totally ineffective though?
eff_the_bard: DiD yOu KnOw ThAt DiE hArD... Kappa
RatherLargeToad: I could see a flare gun, maybe
Mai_Andra: a harpoon-gun with one spear.
YawnLance: Oooh shiny
rosesmcgee: There is no way they keep guns a a 70s era oil rig, right?
ghyllnox: What if they give you a gun but no bullet
Simriel: @seth_erickson Scottish police don't carry guns generally
quasi79fu: can you hear the song?
space_turbulence: My understanding is that it isn't that sort of game
Gildan_Bladeborn: That light seems like a good thing we should look at.
Seth_Erickson: @Simriel ah then surely zero games
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Flair gun?
Gildan_Bladeborn: Definitely not the opposite of that, no sirree.
CataclysmicReverb: Oh no it's the clowns again
Mr_Horrible: good restraint, yeah
MilkInBags: turns out the monster is mr poopybutthole
DaxStrife: Getting some serious "The Thing" vibes.
bethy_kins24: spoopy
Dalrint: Maybe the door will open now?
Seth_Erickson: I really like the music so far
quasi79fu: It sings to us
eff_the_bard: that's a good sofa
Makrosian_Tay: It's ok. It's no barrel skip
dumbo3k: well, they are revealing it, just to all your coworkers instead of to you
Izandai: Snooker
eff_the_bard: this game looks fantastic
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Seriously, get a pool cue.
Izandai: it's snooker
MilkInBags: mushroom pool
ButterBall000: Is this where pinball came from?
Mr_Horrible: @MilkInBags it's the peepeepoopoo man from famous movie The PeePeePooPoo Man
dougma: form of bumper pool
ThorSokar: Snooker
space_turbulence: When is this game set? 80's? 70's?
quasi79fu: snoooker
DreadQueen_Persephone: Bar billiards
quasi79fu: those arent mushrooms
HadesLeprechaun: @space_turbulence 75
yarghs: It's like the strange lovechild of billiards and pinball
Diabore: @space_turbulence 74 i think?
0x6772: Bar billiards is a pretty common thing in British pubs.
betweenmyself: turns out they drilled down into Santa’s undersea lair… “You’ve been a naught boy, Caz!”
Mr_Horrible: there was flesh growing in the other room and you're wondering how mushrooms appeared OpieOP
Makrosian_Tay: That's no moon!
0x6772: Kinda like pinball + bumper pool.
BusTed: shit, they're right
itira: whats with the branch on the table
MilkInBags: they're pixels duh
dougma: bat billiards, very common, and even boston bars have them
NimrodXIV: the table just got really damp
YawnLance: Good ol' table mushrooms
Simriel: @seth_erickson The u.k has specific firearms officers who's job is to respond to situations where you would need a Gun, like someone having a Gun, but not to normal arrests etc
dougma: *bar
Rexsplosion: there's definitely some homage to the sea ribbon worm that puts out this branching white lining when threatened
niccus: bar billiards
thedepthandbreadthofseth: There's a... Tom Scott? Maybe Matt Parker? Video on that. It's an old bar game.
xantos69: Ah, that damp bastard.
Mr_Horrible: "Me one true love... Da Sea"
TheWriterAleph: LUL
muscle_taur: snooker horror.....
Seth_Erickson: @Simriel interesting makes sense
quasi79fu: Ahab?
gualdhar: lewd
eshplode: That's a good looking rainy window
Nigouki: you live on an island
Mai_Andra: "Give me back my lawnmower, ya' damp bastard!"
muscle_taur: oof the tension is gettin me
Mr_Horrible: you can't say "Involved ourselves in the ocean"
Diabore: you sent cori walking into it
itira: LOL
Mr_Horrible: it sounds lewd
Izandai: Ben
ghyllnox: "Involved ourselves" LUL
GhostValv: :\
BusTed: LUL
quasi79fu: BEn?? what?
bosqueofpines: Jesus
PawssumFable: YES
Izandai: Adam
radioshackraider: I'd like to point out that this game takes place before the Dunblane Massacre, which is the event that led to far more serious gun control laws in the UK.
Tangsm: Amazing.
NimrodXIV: hoo boy
PawssumFable: Goddamn yall
salamisuperstar: The Poseidon Ocean
xVoxtric: Ben . . .
ButButTheJesus: its uhhh
KWardJenx: Ha!
ghyllnox: "It's complicated" but with the ocean
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Wait, what?!? You don't know???
Nigouki: well it's not the Atlantic North West is it
SquareDotCube: Technically it's the Salish Sea
ButterBall000: Just that ol' Pacific Lake
Izandai: mattlrLul
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Tangsm: Pull up a google map quick. We'll wait.
empyreon: LUL
Cptasparagus: Adam just claim brianfreeze
betweenmyself: we’re right next to… Sea number five? riffThink
Gildan_Bladeborn: Yes, you currently live on an island in the Pacific ocean.
Simriel: To be a Himbo one must be Hot
GokuAshNaruto: @radioshackraider can i smell a sequel? Kappa
Blakemcm: certified dummy thick dummy
rosesmcgee: The Canadian education system is at a race to the bottom with the US
Feriority: Is it doxxing to tell you what ocean you live by?
MilkInBags: wait, wait, is 'himbo' just 'HIM'bo for bimbo?
Mollylele: that classic catchphrase "protein, protein, protein!"
BusTed: haha
ThorSokar: Adam's here to look hot and laugh at our jokes
Seth_Erickson: you got a text message from the Pacific Ocean Ben :O
Makrosian_Tay: No, it's dumb and pretty
GokuAshNaruto: tell them chat says hi
Izandai: @MilkInBags Yes
drcthulu: himbo is a male bimbo
Mr_Horrible: I'd say Adam falls into the category of "hunky"
HadesLeprechaun: Ken from Barbie
Gildan_Bladeborn: Himbo is like "bimbo", but a hot dude.
xantos69: Yea, Himbo id predicated on attractive.
MilkInBags: damn
ghyllnox: It's the him of "bimbo"
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I think a himbo is sweet but ditzy.
MilkInBags: IT IS
BrowneePoints: no
eff_the_bard: a himbo is big of bod, pure of heart, and dumb of ass
YawnLance: The specific ocean
Makrosian_Tay: Wow rude
GokuAshNaruto: yes Kappa
Rexsplosion: HIMBO is Big, Strong, Hot, Dumb, and Good Heartened
Simriel: The Himbo Triangle, is Pure of Heart, Broad of Shoulder, and Dumb of Ass
ThorSokar: himbo = Johnny Bravo (more or less)
thesimbiote: Hot, dumb, polite
hotgreenflames: adam chat thinks you're hot too don't sweat it
BrowneePoints: Himbo is dumb smart and kind
SquareDotCube: Specific Ocean
salamisuperstar: It's pronounced Specific
malfnord: Himbo is pure of heart, hot of bod and dumb of ass
Pharmacistjudge: himbo has to be a "hunk"
Going_Medium: Yes it's a specific ocean
saucemaster5000: plays marisa
BrowneePoints: that’s a Jock
CypherRaze: ug ug
dougma: omg
Mr_Horrible: I mean, you *do* talk about hockey more than anyone I know
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @rexsplosion exactly!
space_turbulence: I believe the definition of a himbo is "pure of heart and dumb of ass"
BusTed: that's our adam
betweenmyself: like how Jimbo is a hot, dumb Jim
MilkInBags: it's not like i can google himbo, adam
EvilBadman: Kronk is himbo
SmithKurosaki: Look at this graaaaaph
NotCainNorAbel: wheelerOok wheelerOok
DaxStrife: Bimbo is like "hot but dumb," himbo is "big of heart, dumb of ass."
PawssumFable: Some of us are around long enough to remember Adam in the BEFORE TIMES
ButButTheJesus: to be fair, the way I remember is "cross Atlantic with Titanic" and Titanic meaning Europe to America
BrowneePoints: Himbo is Dumb Buff and Kind. Me lift and Sport is a Jock. a Lady Himbo is a Herbo. Bimbo is still derogatory @loadingreadyrun
Fanklok: Oh you like sports? Name 5 sports
tr3ewitch88: Oh that reminds me I saw a lady for Adam...she has to duck through doors
Seth_Erickson: I like Roy
ButButTheJesus: from the joke "What do you get when you cross the Atlantic with the Titanic?" "Halfway."
Blakemcm: lol but what about my boss?
NotCainNorAbel: and...i was fired
Pteraspidomorphi: "also I don't work here"
Saintnex: ye, fuck Rennick
ThorSokar: This is the 80s isn't it?
MilkInBags: CiGrip
GokuAshNaruto: they don't even care that they're covered in oil
thrythlind: Himbo generally is buff, friendly, a bit oblivious... similar to Golden-Retriever-Man
Nigouki: back then they had ashtrays in fucking SCHOOLS
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Sparks can kill... Important to remember.
Simriel: It's the 70s in Scotland, you can smoke in a hospital ward
eff_the_bard: yeah you could do anything in the 70s
hesterbyrde: Unfortunately Caz is a nice person who cares about other people.
KeytarCat: On an oil rig it's more dangerous to smoke
Seth_Erickson: Roy BibleThump
MilkInBags: o7 roy
BusTed: rayfkWelp
bethy_kins24: Aww
dougma: all the red flags
YawnLance: Roy you may be English but we're not gonna leave you
dougma: poor roy
bethy_kins24: he dying soon
ButButTheJesus: Roy the boyyyyy
Blakemcm: man upstairs means brain
Going_Medium: Apparently you are on the Salish Sea according to the googles... who knew?
Gildan_Bladeborn: Cause there's an exit from it.
Seth_Erickson: I wonder why that's there Ben
yarghs: There was a crawl hole in freezer
ButterBall000: Why is there a vent in the freezer?
xantos69: Oh.... I saw a vent entrance into the freezer. no way that man lives.
Izandai: Huh
Gildan_Bladeborn: For fun!
muscle_taur: lmao... video games!!!
BusTed: 🤔
Mr_Horrible: "Multiple pathways ruin my immersion"
MilkInBags: humidity balancing?
YawnLance: That might be a fun surprise for later?
PawssumFable: You'll be back
Saintnex: to crawl out Ben, obviously!
Strebenherz: gonna need it later
Seth_Erickson: we'll never know certainly the game won't make you everr loop back here
salamisuperstar: Definitely not hiding place or anything
YawnLance: Amongussies?
DaxStrife: Well that definitely means you're doubling back and everything's going to be bad when you do.
Makrosian_Tay: Amogeez NUTS
Fanklok: I got some root beer float flavored protein shakes. Hope they're not awful
tr3ewitch88: You want to open those up for later when you have to run from something.
Seth_Erickson: This part is real good
Pharmacistjudge: wouldn't a vent at the bottom of the freezer releaase all the cold air?
Nydestroyer: dont feed your amoguess after midnight
lazermeow: Looks like foreshadowing to me.
CataclysmicReverb: amogoozled
Gildan_Bladeborn: Ooh, it's all... pulsating.
eff_the_bard: 1 amogu, 2 amogus
JusticeJuice: A vent saves money on cooling the kitchen.
Izandai: mattlrDed
BusTed: bzap
Seth_Erickson: Killed by the leccy
quasi79fu: lol
shendaras: zap
gawag_: looks he wont make it to Still Wakes the Deep 2
itira: oopsie
MilkInBags: gg game uninstalled
Tangsm: Watch out for the leccy.
Gildan_Bladeborn: Electricity = bad.
Rexsplosion: Sparky sparky
Blakemcm: the leccy got ya
BusTed: you're the leccy guy
betweenmyself: well, the game warned ya
ButButTheJesus: stay away from the Bacon
Darleysam: not so good with the leccy, aye
AtomicAlchemical: Lecky. The Silent Killer
TheWriterAleph: ded o7
Saintnex: Leccy got ya
CypherRaze: turns out, loose wiring is bad
Mr_Horrible: and we thought Caz was good with the leccy
GokuAshNaruto: the checkpoint is right outside the vent KEKW
xantos69: I thought we were good with leccy
thedepthandbreadthofseth: But you're good with the lecky.
MilkInBags: claims he's good with leccy, dies to leccy
Fanklok: Amo deez nuts
hesterbyrde: You are somewhat fragile in this game
YawnLance: Me every day of my life
Gildan_Bladeborn: Oh that's a face.
Darleysam: :)
Seth_Erickson: So fucking sick
Makrosian_Tay: WOAH lrrSPOOP
YawnLance: Coooool
Pteraspidomorphi: Cute
hesterbyrde: FRIENDS
ButButTheJesus: there could be people out there
Saintnex: NOEP
eshplode: I'm sure it's fine
BusTed: ew
Seth_Erickson: The eyeball is me
PawssumFable: WOW
Blakemcm: the eye is moving!!!!
Tangsm: Oh no, the lidless eyeball.
Strebenherz: the eyes are still moving
SentientRatKing: the eye is moving
Gildan_Bladeborn: Yeah, this is 110% a "The THing" style scenario.
Rexsplosion: is that an eye in it's chest?
quasi79fu: welcome to the game
MilkInBags: I'm the bulb on the right
dougma: say cheese
YawnLance: I'm the weird moving eye
Mr_Horrible: I'm the upper blue vein
N30dude: oh gods thats multiple faces
Simriel: The eye fuckin moved!
Makrosian_Tay: Eldrazi: not even once
lazermeow: Time to call the Grey Knights for a purging.
HadesLeprechaun: that eye still peepin
bethy_kins24: The thing revisited
Rexsplosion: oh, that's another skull... goddamn
Seth_Erickson: slurp slurp
Strebenherz: Ben no
Mollylele: protein protein protein
Rhynerd: i’d rather not be in this image
MilkInBags: slayer starts playing
xantos69: Don't drink the tomb juice!
Fanklok: You Regileki, LEKI it's an electric type
30teracyte: this is where subway juice comes from
GokuAshNaruto: you're literally dying for this bit
KWardJenx: They say that?
eff_the_bard: oh you know that guy's conscious
MilkInBags: if it were me my sanity would not be affected
PawssumFable: oh hell it got me
Simriel: @lazermeow straight to Exterminatus
ButterBall000: Would make sense for Amnesia rules
Saintnex: that bad juju
HadesLeprechaun: yeah it's directional looks like
TheBearBee: I leave to cook dinner for 10 minutes and suddenly the Let's Nope Boys have meat all over the walls
BusTed: lick it
Strebenherz: The rig belongs to the monster now
Mr_Horrible: you've never seen a twizzler before, Caz? OpieOP
quasi79fu: i hear its song
PawssumFable: It just happened
radioshackraider: Somehow, Innistrad's Moon is off the coast of Scotland
finestotter: Sus
tehfewl: i don't think they do call you that
Makrosian_Tay: Cos we're in a hurry
dougma: video games!
Simriel: @radioshackraider I knew Innistrad looked familiar, it's just Fife
Gildan_Bladeborn: You're in a HURRY Adam, duh.
MilkInBags: because he's a MAN
shendaras: gotta go fast
Tangsm: He was fired. He doesn't care about the screw budget.
Gildan_Bladeborn: Speedy speed boy!
bosqueofpines: Disrespect your surroundings!
Darleysam: man's going mugging
BusTed: someone's been hoarding the corned beef
Mr_Horrible: Corned Beef Blaster
Nydestroyer: this guys just spamming
radioshackraider: @Simriel OW
TheBearBee: Corned Beef is not Spam!
Saintnex: hell yea, corned beef baby
xantos69: Adam aren't you going to explain to him that Spamming attacks doesn't work?
VrolikSyndrome: "It's called zoning"
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Attack, attack, attack, attack...
MilkInBags: it got pondered too hard
LordSaphni: Corned Beef Speedrun?
NorthstarTex: That is NOT spam
BusTed: conspicuous hidey holes
Saintnex: also Spam is pork :p
eff_the_bard: hit them with the corned beef and they'll die of cholesterol
protojman: yippee?
Gildan_Bladeborn: Ah, that's the radio.
Mr_Horrible: "Oh mein gott, zis cave ist full of bluntsmoken!"
PawssumFable: Jurassic Park
SquareDotCube: Time to Jurassic Park
YawnLance: Lots of hiding spaces
Simriel: @radioshackraider Zombies, mist, endless depression. Fife.
HadesLeprechaun: I've seen multiple versions of that meme
Darleysam: hell yeah, shipping forecast seabatClap
YawnLance: places, even
Gascitygaming: rough or very rough, occasionaly high, i'm in this game and i didn't consent
BrowneePoints: oh mein gott! it’s full of MeatenHuman!
PawssumFable: @Mr_Horrible Sorry!
Simriel: Yes. That's super authentic to the time
radioshackraider: @Simriel You're not wrong, but damn. I do live there.
hesterbyrde: Is that the shipping forecast?
Mr_Horrible: "Sorry, I really need this suit clean"
Blakemcm: hey im tendrillin in here
Makrosian_Tay: Give it time
Gildan_Bladeborn: Oh yeah, we're in "The Thing" country all right.
Darleysam: @hesterbyrde it is!
Simriel: @radioshackraider My condolences :p
Makoforte: Yeah, it's like.... I don't know if they used a clip of an actual 70s shipping forecast but yeah that'sa thing
PawssumFable: You just wait.
UltraVioletVodoo: was that the player character from carion?
TheBearBee: To be fair Spam is the Netflix adaptation of light niovel that is Pork
Mr_Horrible: they're giving ya the headfake
quasi79fu: yeah just wait
MilkInBags: holy shit you're an NPC in the game CARRION
Pteraspidomorphi: We made it!
quasi79fu: its only worse sooon
I_Am_Clockwork: how good would it be if they peppered all the levels with hidy spots and then NEVER have a use for them
hesterbyrde: @Darleysam I used to listen to that to fall asleep... before I discovered video game streamers with very soothing voices
BusTed: ah heck
Gildan_Bladeborn: Speaking of being "strung along".
Mr_Horrible: this is looking kino so far tho, might have to pick this up for myself
Makoforte: but also like... there's a certain BBC presenter voice that hits for me somehow
Saintnex: do we still have our support corned beef?
I_Am_Clockwork: just putting them because "Gamers" know what locker hiding means
MilkInBags: time to watch doon 2
drcthulu: they've been setting up the jumpscare for 105 minutes
Makrosian_Tay: Ewww
BusTed: awfully squelchy
Makoforte: the whole being in a commonwealth country thing and listening to too much old biritsh radio shows?
YawnLance: Boyd is not having a good time
Makrosian_Tay: lrrSPOOP
Gildan_Bladeborn: Oh that's a good and not upsetting noise.
MilkInBags: that was wet
30teracyte: mmmm no
AtomicAlchemical: One day I want to make a game with tutorials for hiding and running away but then not actually have a chase monster
Seth_Erickson: Don't think boyd is going to be in Still Wakes the Deep 2
ButterBall000: Well it says to "keep closed at all times"
CypherRaze: maybe we don't open that door afterall lol
quasi79fu: 07 boyd
Saintnex: Boyd is so lrrEFF d
Mr_Horrible: think Boyd might Deyd
PawssumFable: lrrSPOOP agree
Gildan_Bladeborn: "Gristly", that sound was.
NorthstarTex: o7 boyd
Darleysam: @hesterbyrde nice, I totally get that. Been on a bit of a chill late night radio kick myself
ThorSokar: I wonder if this is a "you can save certain people if you do certain things" situation, like the cook living if you close all the doors and that vent
radioshackraider: Slurpping on some people sketti
MilkInBags: hey look at all those jeans
Mr_Horrible: Rennick shut the FUCK up
ghyllnox: No shit Rennick
Saintnex: eat a bag of dicks Rennick
CypherRaze: Rennick kinda dumb huh
eff_the_bard: unionise!
PawssumFable: Wow they're REALLY kicking the puppy
Mr_Horrible: try boarding that, Ben
Rhynerd: oh yeah sure. these flesh horrors will just buff out.
quasi79fu: does it look like it works?
Makrosian_Tay: How would you GET into it?
UltraVioletVodoo: that would sink
MilkInBags: cut the metal wires, of course
Saintnex: no it would not Ben
BusTed: just roll real hard
eff_the_bard: Rennick is the scottish version of the beach owner in Jaws
SentientRatKing: It's several stories up. The boat would smash on the water
MilkInBags: must be a shitty lifeboat if you have to use it correctly
xantos69: Life boats are self-righting. It would work fine if you could get it to the water, then get to it.
dougma: it SHOULD work, they are designed for just that type of problem
Blip2004: fun fact, real ones can fall like that
SentientRatKing: Oh neat
Nigouki: I like that the name Rennick just really rolls together with lrrEFF ing Rennick!
BusTed: that is authentic
MilkInBags: when you yell FUCK you have 3% more grip
Mr_Horrible: I do like that Caz is responding with the same rhetoric I would
Feriority: How exactly are you going back for Roy
Fanklok: A log...fume?
Seth_Erickson: I don't think I could
MilkInBags: everything is wet, i would 100% be dead
BusTed: hell yeah dark souls shortcut
YawnLance: I would simply just die :)
varmintx0: I think I would die...quickly.
saucemaster5000: I fold like a book
Rexsplosion: nah man, this is a lot of stuff i would NOT be capable of
Makrosian_Tay: Yeah, but also, adrenaline runs out
dougma: ttgtfo
Seth_Erickson: have you seen how many times he's pulled himself up purely with his arms
UltraVioletVodoo: that is how the human body works
muscle_taur: I would definitely be like "welp I'm screwed, let's see how far I can get"
Tangsm: I wish there were collectibles so you stop in the middle of this like, "Oooh, a keychain!"
Saintnex: wow these life boats suck
quasi79fu: Titanic moment..NO liferafts
YawnLance: It needs to survive rough seas though
CypherRaze: kick that sumbitch and jump in
SquareDotCube: the winch is busted.
30teracyte: theres a big gash in the bottom
ButterBall000: At least take a lifevest
Nigouki: it's the north sea, the waves are gonna be like 10 times higher than the boat
yarghs: I think he's talking about the wench being broken
Talin06: it needs to no fill with water
Mr_Horrible: yes, an airtight vessel can surely be fine with a busted door Kappa
UltraVioletVodoo: its got a big ass hole on the side
betweenmyself: 90% of surviving deep sea oil rig disasters is not being on deep sea oil rigs in the first place riffThink
jedi_master_zll: I would definitely try to lower one, put on a jacket and dive down there after it.
Darleysam: the lifejackets help them fish your body out the sea when you fall, yes
Gildan_Bladeborn: Safety 3rd, that's our motto.
Fanklok: Human body limits itself so you don't literally rip your self apart. Adrenaline makes that turn off a bit
betweenmyself: there’s wiggle room in the other 10%, to be fair
xantos69: My dude... ROY IS DEAD
Seth_Erickson: You gotta find a way to get roy back down here
MilkInBags: let roy cook
saucemaster5000: be the marth to his roy
Seth_Erickson: the way you came isn't very safe
Gildan_Bladeborn: Remember the... sort of "noodly" fellow we ran away from?
MilkInBags: he's afraid
Mr_Horrible: we'll call him and Roy'll say "actually these tendril are pretty goated, Caz"
Gildan_Bladeborn: Who was in the way, from Roy to here?
PawssumFable: You love Roy, you had a flashback
CypherRaze: @betweenmyself best thing about the deep ocean, is you don't have to go there. that's how I've stayed alive kekw
saucemaster5000: SHE CAME DOWN IN A BUBBLE ROY
Darleysam: he's manging his blood sugar levels
ghyllnox: He is to doing work, he's praying Kappa
Rexsplosion: You say that but these guys are friends, would you say that if you did this and Ben was waiting in the kitchen?
Saintnex: Also Ben, Adam, would you like to know Caz’s full name?
dougma: I would be happy with that
Mr_Horrible: "Damn, that deep sure did wake"
Seth_Erickson: banger of the century you mean
drcthulu: opening of skyrim starts up
MilkInBags: yeet
Nigouki: do you really want to go Into the Sea after the thing came From the sea?
ButterBall000: It's fine
salamisuperstar: Oops
SnackPak_: whoops
BusTed: rayfkWelp
PawssumFable: Actually when cthulhu is real, praying is real work LUL
quasi79fu: you were saying
Tangsm: Skipped those safety inspections.
tehfewl: capitalism!
Mr_Horrible: be free, friend
dougma: it should float
eshplode: It's in the water at least
jedi_master_zll: That boat is fine.
Gildan_Bladeborn: Can you pilot one of those? Because that might be an obstacle.
dougma: game logic fail
Orxolon: good evening every1
bethy_kins24: helochopter
rosesmcgee: Yeah, an untrained person could totally fly a helicopter
betweenmyself: the brain rot is real
SquareDotCube: Do you think Caz knows how to fly a helicopter
xantos69: Yea, legit that boat is A-OK
HadesLeprechaun: Do we remember Rennick really cheaped out on everything?
Seth_Erickson: I'm not positive the helicopter survived all this shaking
Orxolon: how we doin'?
0x6772: That boat's a kilometer away in that surf.
Rexsplosion: dude, look at those waves, you are not having a good time in those waters
Mr_Horrible: "You know, I didn't *want* to start the Root excavation"
Kipstar: didn't I fire you??
Saintnex: I’m gonna guess the boats doors weren’t properly sealed and filled with water
BusTed: You have unlocked Kick
Blakemcm: your still fired
jedi_master_zll: "Do you know how to fly a helicopter?"
MilkInBags: LUL
betweenmyself: safety door: just give it a lil kick
Seth_Erickson: I'm coming around on Rennick honestly
Mr_Horrible: honestly better than I'd have expected from Rennick
eff_the_bard: fud is vagina
ButterBall000: fuddy duddy?
quasi79fu: what a grrr man..I dislike Rennick
Gildan_Bladeborn: In Scotland, yeah.
radioshackraider: I'm like 99% sure fud is not vagina
Simriel: Scotland has infinite genital based insults
Saintnex: Everything in this rig is so poorly built lol
KV1NN4: oh Elmer...
eshplode: @Mr_Horrible Yeah, I expected him to not care about anyone dying
Simriel: @radioshackraider It is
BusTed: Like a real-time translation overlay
space_turbulence: These characters all feel very real, makes the horror more effective
Desruprot: text was not moving
gawag_: its the lowercase for ne
Gildan_Bladeborn: It's also "Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt", in marketing terms.
MilkInBags: so what is fud-ge
Enki1256: The Scottish, so many words for vag.
Gildan_Bladeborn: Which is funny for the Scots, I'm told.
CypherRaze: @MilkInBags vagina-ge. duh
BusTed: LUL
thrythlind: ceaselessly?
Gildan_Bladeborn: Because all the crypto folks are always saying "FUD" a bunch.
Makrosian_Tay: Yeah, you know, like a real fire LUL
ButterBall000: Point at the base
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
YawnLance: benginLul
Mr_Horrible: owned
MilkInBags: LUL
BusTed: benginFine
quasi79fu: hahhhahaha
NimrodXIV: fire hot
xantos69: Dude it is an oil fire.
eff_the_bard: I'm still smiling at "get tae fuck, then when you get there, fuck off again"
BluJester: LUL
Simriel: Fire is hot Ben
YawnLance: What perfect timing
UltraVioletVodoo: solid jump scare
dougma: gotya
BusTed: jingle bells
Mr_Horrible: Ben, *cavemen* mastered fire, what's your excuse Kappa
muscle_taur: industrial music!!!! \m/
HadesLeprechaun: Finish the job, Ben!
PawssumFable: Jingle bells why
Simriel: @eff_the_bard extremely authentic Scottish dialogue tbh
MilkInBags: ulmer, play despacito
ButterBall000: Original techno
patrick_stonecrusher: Jingle bells
bethy_kins24: remix
jedi_master_zll: Ben, discharging all over the place...
Desruprot: infinite exstinquisher
eff_the_bard: @Simriel yeah it feels like being at work lmao
muscle_taur: yessss
pyrock_mania: klagphonics is the best
PawssumFable: I wish I was a musician so I could sample that
NorthstarTex: pressure
Saintnex: so according to Wiktionary, fud can mean the c-word, an idiot, the tail of a rabbit or butt
MilkInBags: wazzaaaaaaaa
radioshackraider: Yeah, fud absolutely means idiot to me
MilkInBags: good thing he hung up before dying
quasi79fu: 07 innes
muscle_taur: this game is such a tease
PawssumFable: It's contextual, like fuck
YawnLance: Ayo???
MilkInBags: ben
muscle_taur: :D
itira: tqsSweat
korvys: phrasing
Strebenherz: BEN
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
SK__Ren: Ben...
salamisuperstar: LUL
KWardJenx: phrasing?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: and THEN show us the monster!
Blakemcm: thats what amnesia stuff is known for. really teasing it out
Seth_Erickson: get your head out of the gutter Adam
PawssumFable: Dead
quasi79fu: ayo?
xantos69: I mean..... if you just gonna say it
Astramentha: BEN
WanderingOmen: the prestige
quasi79fu: Ben???
Sliced_Tea: Uh Ben...
Saintnex: hehehe
Tangsm: *sigh*
niccus: that's not even prompted
Makrosian_Tay: Money shot can mean AT LEAST 2 things you know
Dread_Pirate_Westley: You want to take that again Ben?
PipeSmokingOwl: bloobyGasm
Nigouki: the monstrussy
Gildan_Bladeborn: Movies that make you wait for it are always the better ones though.
muscle_taur: not personally against monster moneyshots, that is valid
ThirdGames: No, no, I'm with Ben. Monster money shots.
MilkInBags: you can't talk about discharge and then say monster money shot
tr3ewitch88: Mmmm
mulligan2six: Weird. I was just googling monster money shot this morning!
eff_the_bard: I want the monster money sho
YawnLance: I mean if there's a money shot you'll definitely see the monster
ghyllnox: You said it, don't look all embarrassed now
Marvoleath: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
kumatsu: remember earlier in the stream when Adam yelled about phrasing? lrrBEEJ
tr3ewitch88: CoolStoryBob
betweenmyself: just huge spurts of absolute horror riffGasp
CypherRaze: fuck yeah. a nice little space heater
Blakemcm: ahh yes the heater, right next to the high pressure tanks
muscle_taur: yessss I prompted a funny moment I'm so proud of myself :D
Feriority: Don't forget to turn the heater off, don't want to leave that on next to the propane tanks
Saintnex: Hame sweet hame
MilkInBags: fun game in the 50s, is it a space heater or a radio
PawssumFable: You're gonna have to block a monster with that eventually
NotCainNorAbel: @MilkInBags in the 50's it's likely both
muscle_taur: goopy purple membranes... critical support
Darleysam: stamina meter, hunger meter, tiredness meter, piss meter
MilkInBags: urgency
HadesLeprechaun: I appreciated the heck that there weren
NotCainNorAbel: union rules
Blakemcm: aww man i saw the monster i better gobble these pills
YawnLance: He enjoys the crunch the vent makes
GreyThey: Faster animation PrideShrug
Gildan_Bladeborn: But not "time".
swaggytaco: LUL
Seth_Erickson: but he's saving time Adam
HadesLeprechaun: *werent Collectibles, to totally pull you out
ThirdGames: The bottom two are decorative. They cut corners building the place
eshplode: There's only 2 screws in the vent to save money
Seth_Erickson: time is more important
Kramburger: As alex says the best flashlights have infinite batteries, because you can choose to take them away from the player
ButterBall000: It's a design flaw that's very specific to these types of cheap, shitty vent covers
drcthulu: Drink your own pee
MilkInBags: yapping wastes energy
Gildan_Bladeborn: Time is money Adam.
niccus: the bottom screws are always stripped
Pteraspidomorphi: If these people made Dear Esther, they literally invented walking sims, right?
YawnLance: I wouldn't be surviving anyway, lemme play with the vent
Strebenherz: Adam you're assumin the bottom two screws are screwed in
xantos69: but what about those sick gains Adam? Being fit never takes a day off.
saucemaster5000: Time is 10 minute time out
BusTed: I understand wow references now
MilkInBags: D:
Strebenherz: because safety is a big priority here :p
Saintnex: and the lifeboats should work :p
MilkInBags: looks like it
MilkInBags: CARRION is sick
BusTed: It does feel like it
Gascitygaming: great game
Mr_Horrible: my money is on Super-Evolved Octopus
BrowneePoints: I think it’s Thing
Lysander_salamander: or, The Thing
BrowneePoints: it feels like The Thing
YawnLance: This is some real monster edging
Fanklok: That the game wher eyou play as that ball of mouths?
Kramburger: Carrion? The Steven King book
Tangsm: Maybe it's a giant angler fish.
Joecool190: It's basically the Thing
The_Color_Twelve: Carrion was also the Thing so it makes sense
BusTed: but the pre-patch is up
ThorSokar: Carrion is a game where YOU are the monster, it's very fun
Seth_Erickson: people have said it has big Thing energy yeah
SquareDotCube: for a cheaply built rig the drop ceilings are pretty strong
Dog_of_Myth: Good on the monster
MilkInBags: it's so........wet
Rhynerd: i have to agree with the folks saying Thing.
UltraVioletVodoo: straight up thats just the mob from carion
ghyllnox: Moneyshot!
BusTed: why won't it loooock
Kramburger: The colours won't bleed if they've been washed a few times
noisyblizzard: they seem frustated
protojman: same bestie
muscle_taur: so it's a goopy beast with brainy effects? hmm
MilkInBags: you got the monster money shot with the step sister stuck in the washing machine
betweenmyself: can’t wait for the big salty spray of terror absolute riffYeti
Makrosian_Tay: I couldn't watch Carrion. It actually made me gag. It was too nasty
YawnLance: So Ben, still want to see the money shot?
Gildan_Bladeborn: Time to go make friends with it!
hesterbyrde: Good news. It likes you too. And by likes I mean tentacles
quasi79fu: you were saying lol
bethy_kins24: 100% The Thing
protojman: the ritual of fridge to pantry to fridge
rosesmcgee: It's more like Virus from 1999 I think
quasi79fu: Trots
ButterBall000: I wonder if he'll be friendly?
rosesmcgee: except no cyborgs
MilkInBags: make sure the monster is on the level
30teracyte: trots is part of a new collective now
BusTed: ah, return to the hidey holes
Mr_Horrible: @rosesmcgee I feel like it needs more tech for that, but we haven't gotten a good look yet
Makrosian_Tay: This is so good holy shit
Saintnex: step monster, what are you doing in that washing machine? Kappa
BusTed: ah hell
N30dude: Hey ben, you wondered why they had hiding spots here..
spethycakes: maybe the jelly sinews just want to be friends?
MilkInBags: mope
Kramburger: I'd love if the game let you grab a saw as a weapon and then have it do no damage to the monster
rosesmcgee: @Mr_Horrible doubt it involves tech but it also doesn't seem to mimic folks
Mr_Horrible: well, Trots *did* want to unionize... Kappa
muscle_taur: something something trotskyism pun
Gildan_Bladeborn: Remember when you were complaining that the game was "edging you"? How much would you love to go back to that point now, hmm? Ha ha.
Talin06: Part of the crew part of the ship
yllwmstr: This is where I quit
MilkInBags: adam would you do this irl
korvys: I had a meeting - have we actually *seen* the monster clearly yet?
UltraVioletVodoo: gross
Mr_Horrible: @rosesmcgee yeah, seems more like assimilation than infiltration
Kramburger: Welcome to scenic Hanweir
xantos69: He such a goopy boi
muscle_taur: oh dear
Makrosian_Tay: lrrSPOOP
Mr_Horrible: @korvys not super clearly, this is our first real encounter
Gildan_Bladeborn: The tentacles are... really something.
theHazeSystem: my favorite part of horror games is when ur still safe in the beginning :)
BusTed: so many tendrils
tr3ewitch88: I like this 0%
itira: ahhhhggg
MilkInBags: BEN NO
PawssumFable: I might buy this game just for the privilege of having watched it
quasi79fu: hahahahaha
jae_dorian subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 7 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jae_dorian! (Today's storm count: 31)
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
Lysander_salamander: dang
MilkInBags: my hands are sweaty
YawnLance: This monster is so fucking cool
Makrosian_Tay: seabatClap
shendaras: seabatClap
gawag_: fuck this game is good
jae_dorian: love this game so much
Tangsm: Quality monster design.
Makrosian_Tay: That was terrifying holy shit., and I'm in the AUDIENCE
MilkInBags: bye
bethy_kins24: that was frighting
BusTed: HypeWave
rin_the_kat: lrrSPOOP
Astramentha: o7
quasi79fu: alll right thanks..
Gildan_Bladeborn: Method to their madness.
korvys: Why would you freezer have a vent?
Mr_Horrible: Ben, the fool, doubting the level designer
Strebenherz: maybe you should close off the freezer vent
lazermeow: Boom called it!!!
Seth_Erickson: sometimes
WanderingOmen: yes
Makrosian_Tay: I do
Lysander_salamander: yeah a bit
BusTed: sometimes
itira: im scurd rn
Mr_Horrible: no
gawag_: this one a lil
Saintnex: yup
quasi79fu: sometimes
lazermeow: I'm a genius.
YawnLance: Wow
MilkInBags: my hands are sweaty
GhostValv: occasionally
ghyllnox: Yeah
muscle_taur: I'm feelin kinda on tinterhooks tbh
PawssumFable: Yes, but usually not
Gildan_Bladeborn: Nah. Startled, sometimes.
saucemaster5000: I'm always screaming
Blakemcm: he needs his insulin
tr3ewitch88: Yes
YawnLance: Fuckin' rude
Kipstar: wow
ButButTheJesus: a lil spooped sometimes
rosesmcgee: thanks for that reminder, Adam
PawssumFable: THIS game
Seth_Erickson: how's the praying going btw Roy
Kramburger: Dude.
PipeSmokingOwl: lrrJAMES
betweenmyself: the tentacled glob monster can’t squeeze through tight crevices… he’a claustrophobic
MilkInBags: alone for the monster money shot
PawssumFable: Is fuckin excellent
KWardJenx: Really? This is scaring the Hell out of me. Grown ass man
Kramburger: ???????
kimmibeans: Watching? Not really.
mulligan2six: Adam "never-scared Himbo" Savidan
CaptainCoriale: i am already tabbed out to something else
HadesLeprechaun: I mean for such a cinematic story game like this? It's similar to watching The Thing, although the streaming comedy banter definitely tempers it
Blakemcm: bird means helicopter
Feriority: I got scared by jumpscares in the Resident Evil stream, yeah watching this scares me
muscle_taur: yeah I gotta tab out and go audio-only for this, too tense for me
Seth_Erickson: get his ass Roy
Strebenherz: PFFFT
Pteraspidomorphi: It *was* foreshadowing!
YawnLance: CAZ
itira: LUL
BusTed: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
quasi79fu: hahahahaha
Strebenherz: This feels extremely scottish I love it
Makrosian_Tay: LUL
Mr_Horrible: good bit
MilkInBags: LUL
xantos69: Roy is my boy
Seth_Erickson: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: hahahaha
CptMurphey: 10/10
Kramburger: I LOVE THIS GAME
PawssumFable: XD
YawnLance: This. Game. Fucking. Rules.
PipeSmokingOwl: this writing is a banger lol
ghyllnox: LUL
NimrodXIV: the banter in this game
dougma: sooooo gooooooood
quasi79fu: c word
ButButTheJesus: jeebus
Makrosian_Tay: Amazing
PawssumFable: Ball. er.
Strebenherz: Everyone's dying and they're taking the time to fucking ROAST each other
UltraVioletVodoo: this is a solid game
Nigouki: peak banter
frank_the_great: LUL
Blakemcm: for real though, he would help himself eating some sugar
bethy_kins24: tip teir
Simriel: I have heard Spock described as that before xD it's so authentic
NorthstarTex: 10/10 writing
Kendo_thorn: gotta catch the vod but so glad you guys are playing this!
Kramburger: Classic scots, always finding something to complain about
ButterBall000: It's great for a breather after the monster
UltraVioletVodoo: that was definetly a flag
betweenmyself: the deadest
muscle_taur: he's so dead-coded that now I'm wondering if they'll do a double fakeout on it
Fanklok: No in the 70s smoking was healthy
prince_infidel: I'm going to miss Roy
xantos69: The smoking is literally never helping anything.
Mr_Horrible: yeah, Smoking causes diabetes, Adam Kappa
MilkInBags: yeah in this game the smoking is the most dangerous
bethy_kins24: 100% dead man walking
quasi79fu: Omg admlol
Saintnex: well it’s not not helping
korvys: Like, yeah, but now's probably not the time to quit
rosesmcgee: Say what you will about the monster, everything is in once piece
NimrodXIV: let him enjoy that for ... a while
eshplode: I'd definitely start smoking in this situation
rosesmcgee: *one
AugmentingPath: Roy, I need you to make some lifestyle changes. Cut back on smoking and tentacle monsters
frank_the_great: This was the past - they didn't know that yet
virgil82: In 75' his doctor might have prescribed it.
Gildan_Bladeborn: Smoke em if you got em.
saucemaster5000: smokers deserve the gulag -adam
NotCainNorAbel: Roy, you might die to some mystery creature but maybe work out a little.
Gildan_Bladeborn: They had "doctor recommended" brands, back in the day.
PawssumFable: Roy lives and it ends up you're teh reason he pushes through his fear.
tr3ewitch88: Roy's not going to make it..let him smoke
pyrock_mania: Don't you mean you "Cannae" do it Ben?
PawssumFable: Guessing
DudelidouX: Maybe he as high blood presure, I've seen cigarettes be prescribe for that I think
betweenmyself: unfortunately the mysterious cellular growth that killed Roy would be ling cancer BibleThump
ButButTheJesus: J A AM
Seth_Erickson: look out over the deck again Bern
kimmiekoneko: jam is my jam!
betweenmyself: *lung
Saintnex: I mean let’s be realistic, they’re all probably gonna die, let em have their smokes
quasi79fu: the rig seeems on fire?
gawag_: that fire is cool
Blakemcm: to be fair, spock would also know that stuff probably
itira: LUL
quasi79fu: something is screaming?
muscle_taur: I'm imagining how nightmarish the collision-detection had to be to program in this thing... sheesh
MilkInBags: gojira song about to start
Seth_Erickson: The whales call for us
hesterbyrde: I wish I spoke whale
blumax1: wats new
Darleysam: I mean, they don't call it 'liveabetes'
xantos69: Yea, Spock was the science officer. He could have solved it.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Captain, there be whale here!
spethycakes: Dr. Spock was famously an infant- and child-rearing doctor who wrote books that have been largely discredited
Makrosian_Tay: The idea of being in a "wide open place" but also trapped is SUCH a good kinda setting
UltraVioletVodoo: @MilkInBags straight up
Seth_Erickson: fear of the deep sea
HadesLeprechaun: thalassophobia, yeah
kimmiekoneko: the last of phobia?
BusTed: Like the affliction in Darkest Dungeon
silenceaux: A fear of what lies beneath?
QuixoticScrivener: Fear of Thalia blink decks
gawag_: space is fake adam
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Mr_Horrible: "Space: not real" - Ben Ulmer
therepoman__: @MilkInBags Dugga dugga dugga dugga dun BWEE bum bum bum
YawnLance: Nani?!
averythetiger: Like Thassa, the Theros god of the sea!
PawssumFable: We're always in space
Enki1256: Fear of open water, and yup, what lies beneath.
Kramburger: Is 'space' in the room with us right now Adam
ButButTheJesus: we're suspended on nothing
dougma: I have that same fear Adam
VrolikSyndrome: @therepoman__ lmao
Gildan_Bladeborn: Yeah, but it takes... considerable effort to find yourself stuck in the empty void of space.
MilkInBags: @therepoman__ i love the heaviest matter in the universe
Mr_Horrible: actually the fish guy from RE8 is gonna pop up and shout "I'm the best!" and eat you
Nigouki: woooow
YawnLance: Ayyyyy
BusTed: damn
saucemaster5000: there's plenty of space n your 10 minute time out
Dog_of_Myth: wooooow
Gildan_Bladeborn: It's remarkably easy by comparison to find yourself in the middle of the ocean.
MilkInBags: sure adam, nice catch back
itira: good one Adam
Fanklok: His brain was perfectly austrailian
silenceaux: That is a bad evacuation plan
MilkInBags: YEET
muscle_taur: enjoy the soup, fishies
xantos69: YEET!
BusTed: benginO7
VrolikSyndrome: YEET
MilkInBags: fuck the TURTLES
BusTed: this one empty
YawnLance: Wow Caz can fucking thrtow
Mr_Horrible: someone on the lower deck: "MY SOUP!"
ButButTheJesus: that bish empty
SmithKurosaki: YEEEEET
ghyllnox: "Was"
NimrodXIV: littering
korvys: My stanley cup!
VrolikSyndrome: My Stanley cup!
Kramburger: You just see a tentacle reach up and grab it "...cheers"
NorthstarTex: my cup!!
betweenmyself: that was Gibbo’s thermos BibleThump
Gildan_Bladeborn: Oh hey, the leccy.
Rhynerd: imagine if that thermos ended up hitting one of the monsters and killing
PawssumFable: insulin needs to stay cold
MilkInBags: oh hey more jeans
tehfewl: Its the Ocean's Thermos now
PawssumFable: So uh
NotCainNorAbel: ughhh...that part of the deck is gone. don't look
Larkonus: My Manwich!
AugmentingPath: you did the leccy
PawssumFable: yes
MilkInBags: they do yes
Simriel: @tehfewl The thermos will s
xantos69: "Ok boys, we have accounted for everything on the wreck... except for Steve's red thermos. Anybody have anything to say?"
Simriel: Wash up off the coast of Norway
saucemaster5000: thermoses keeps thing from falling in the ocea-wait
DudelidouX: Just need to put ice in and it's fine, done it many times
Gildan_Bladeborn: Oh this is MUCH better.
MilkInBags: they're called thermos not heatos
Fanklok: It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold, but how does it know
BrowneePoints: Fear of the Void is Kenophobia so I guess fear of falling into space is Astrokenophobia
PawssumFable: pffft
Seth_Erickson: I'll be adding leccy to my everyday vocabulary
Kramburger: You know Adam, a thermos has a vaccum between the inner and outer layer...
Mr_Horrible: that's why I keep my insulin in a Coor's Light can, so I can tell when it's as cold as the Rockies
thatguysteve2709: I launched that into the sea
Bruceski: If your thermos will keep things hot but not cold, either you have broken the laws of thermodynamics or you're using an electric kettle and calling it a thermos.
MilkInBags: he was tired
frank_the_great: "Guess we can check the tapes"
Rhynerd: not be confused with his blue thermos.
ButterBall000: He's one of the lucky ones
Gildan_Bladeborn: I note that the subtitles said "Muir".
NimrodXIV: yoink
Nigouki: man got shlorped
Makrosian_Tay: He scootin!
YawnLance: Noooo not the one Irish guy
gualdhar: that was a GPU error, too much clipping
MilkInBags: i would 100% die here
bethy_kins24: Oh boy
BrowneePoints: YEEET
xantos69: Well that is a Scooty McBooty
itira: goopy spiderman
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown The Monster looks sick FBtouchdown
Gildan_Bladeborn: Oh he's a monster now.
korvys: I wouldn't have made it past the monkey bars
betweenmyself: @kramburger I have a fear of the vast, empty vacuum that makes my thermos such a great insulator riffThink
Kramburger: The tentacles feel a bit like an animation error that they just ran with
RatherLargeToad: Spider-Horror. Spider-Horror. Does whatever a Spider-Horror does
MilkInBags: no running around the pool
yarghs: Muir is the most intense hall monitor I've ever seen
Mr_Horrible: "Wait 15 minutes after eating before entering the pool!" *kills you*
Fanklok: ken means understand
Blakemcm: yea its a big monster ya dummy
frank_the_great: Muir money Muir problems
Gildan_Bladeborn: Also there are strict rules about running.
prince_infidel: Have you boys seen the Thing?
ButButTheJesus: EZ
mulligan2six: Theres the money shot
hesterbyrde: squidgy...
Mr_Horrible: animating that must've been an ass and a half
Makrosian_Tay: Oh, that is GROSS
ButButTheJesus: it wibble
Kramburger: He's so... VASCULAR
Gildan_Bladeborn: And lonely!
UltraVioletVodoo: think hes baptized
CypherRaze: Oh that's just an Eldrazi
BusTed: tqsWiggle
bethy_kins24: Thiccc
NotCainNorAbel: was muir in the chamber?
frank_the_great: He's also sleeping
BusTed: Someone's not going to be in Still Wakes the Deep 2
SK__Ren: Is this what it felt like on the Obra Dinn?
salamisuperstar: Is that a Half Life 2 Strider?
finestotter: Is he flirting with us?
Kramburger: Vince McMahon would give this monster a 6 month heavyweight title reign
Mr_Horrible: *look* Caz: "why did I do that?""
Rhynerd: I think a few years back Muir would’ve been a 100% “nope eff this I’m out.”
RatherLargeToad: hammer time
Lysander_salamander: hard to tell which way it's looking, considering it doesn't have a face
Saintnex: @ultravioletvodoo I mean it’s 50’s Scotland, I assume they are all baptized :p
Simriel: He just looks like the average averdonian to me
Makrosian_Tay: The sound design in this is HAUNTING
thatguysteve2709: This game definitely has a vibe
quasi79fu: i hear its song
Catcard: I'm so glad I'm not wearing headphones right now
kimmiekoneko: pls no steppy
betweenmyself: this is the scariest Spidermans I ever saw riffScream
Mr_Horrible: reminds me of those deep sea spider crabs
PawssumFable: Yeah you are
Simriel: Aberdonian
Rhynerd: mayhaps Let’s Nope, Hunt: Showdown, and the fact I’m not playing are softening how much mr. hellspawn daddy longlegs would be for me.
Makrosian_Tay: lrrSPOOPY
Blakemcm: cotton eye joe
PawssumFable: I'm getting my crunches in right now from tensing up
ButterBall000: Where ol' Tenticle eye joe
BusTed: oh
RatherLargeToad: “mUsT hAvE bEeN ThE WiNd”
SnackPak_: shhh monster, we're hiding
Blakemcm: because your hurting your friends Miur
quasi79fu: why is no one helping him LOL
ButButTheJesus: how does Ben do it, I died several times trying to get through there
MilkInBags: come on adam this is obviously not scripted
betweenmyself: yes, Muir, everything is all about YOU
Seth_Erickson: he's asking for help
JaymicUnyielding: someone please help him
frank_the_great: The monster speaking is a nice addition. Like the Bear from Annihilation
Saintnex: have we tried giving them a hug? Kappa
Darleysam: @ButButTheJesus Ben's playing Skill Wakes the Deep
saucemaster5000: on my playthrough I had this real useful thermos
Kramburger: "My playthrough I did everything perfectly, didn't even get fired"
xantos69: @saucemaster5000 10/10
PawssumFable: It's just using the body to say the words the body said, friend is gone
thatguysteve2709: Well played @saucemaster5000
Mr_Horrible: 10%
Seth_Erickson: have we tried hitting muir with the wrench
UltraVioletVodoo: that is a chonky wrench
Gildan_Bladeborn: Dip duck dive dodge and dive.
yarghs: That hammer was the real Muirnear, because we throw it when Muir is near
betweenmyself: gotta try for the “Santa saves everyone” ending
ButButTheJesus: ahn yer boike
quasi79fu: i like how reactive monsters are to your presence
Kramburger: Sounds like Muir-tinny
Seth_Erickson: what's that mean real quick Adam
goombalax: time for crab in a creel
Blakemcm: that means he is hurty wurty
Laserbeaks_Fury: Creel Creel Nickleback
salamisuperstar: That's what me and my friends say all the time
Gildan_Bladeborn: Where is his head, I wonder?
Cptasparagus: despite all my feels I am still just a crab in a creel
Catcard: this is the coolest horror game monster design I have seen in a long time.
Mr_Horrible: I'm sorry what?
xantos69: Sorry, what was that Adam?
quasi79fu: listening to what?
YawnLance: If one of us was listening all of us were listening
VrolikSyndrome: I was listening, I'm just not funny.
SnackPak_: nah, if one of us is listening, we're all listening
patrick_stonecrusher: Despite all my feels im still just a crab in a creel
spethycakes: I've never listened in my life
dougma: Did you say something???
goombalax: wow it really is just the Carrion monster isn't it
Kramburger: Why would I listen to my second moniter?
Saintnex: huh?
ButButTheJesus: what now?
tr3ewitch88: I think it's a food
mirshebs: if one of us is listening we are all listening
Lyropithic: If one of us is listening, we're all listening, no?
corianderd: just realised I had the stream muted this whole time :O
radioshackraider: Adam, how could be not be listening when you have such a melodious voice and inciteful takes
muscle_taur: it's a very monstery blobby tendril-y monster, I appreciate its total lack of sex-appeal
Fanklok: Sorry I was thinking about protein, what was a I supposed to listen to?
SmithKurosaki: rip cori
kumatsu: sorry what? I wasn't listening
Makrosian_Tay: The sound design is 11/10 in this game
ButterBall000: If you're gonna fail stealth do it at the beginning
ButButTheJesus: @corianderd you're missing all the wibbly squishing!
Gildan_Bladeborn: Yes Adam, that's the Insulin. You did it!
15__uwu__02: The monster designs are peak ngl
Kramburger: Is this... Insulin?
SnackPak_: I keep my insulin is a can of lube
betweenmyself: the dulcet tones of Adam “was that the insulin?” Savidan
quasi79fu: yes lubricant spray...truly is insulin
Gildan_Bladeborn: Insulin 100% comes in spray form.
JaymicUnyielding: Asking for help didn't help Muir
Rhynerd: spray-on insulin.
spethycakes: a real skibidi thermos kind of day
Darleysam: first mistake: not asking for help. Second mistake: not asking for insulin.
BusTed: 🤔🦋❓
Pharmacistjudge: as a pharmacist. definitely NOT insulin
MacbethSeemsSus: Maybe the insulin was inside us the entire time.
HadesLeprechaun: make go up
radioshackraider: What you don't know is that Muir is just displaying the Scottish's defence mechanism when threatened
SentientRatKing: Ah yes insulin also known as pancreas lubricant spray
goombalax: he's having the time of his life
Fanklok: Arguably Muir was a monster prior to the change
goombalax: hes like spiderman
Laserbeaks_Fury: Jesus, what was that poster
rosesmcgee: I want the game to put you in that situation. You and Roy creeping to the helicopter and you have to yeet his insulin to sneak by.
Blakemcm: what about when captain Picard became a Borg?!?!?
Kramburger: Some would say that Muir was ALREADY a monster because he was a MAN
HadesLeprechaun: you should be able to press the up button
SentientRatKing: the button does move the thing
SK__Ren: Compressed air
Kramburger: What's Up Button?
RatherLargeToad: “Shake Hands With Danger”
Gildan_Bladeborn: Yeah good luck with taht.
ghyllnox: Oh it's lube
betweenmyself: Innes owes you a Guinness
quasi79fu: Use adams insulin as distraction lol
Fanklok: Ben got his emotional support can of spray lube
Laserbeaks_Fury: Can we get a Guinness with Innes?
MilkInBags: tap tap
Gildan_Bladeborn: The fog super helps.
xantos69: I wonder if he can hear us
deinonychus24: Seagull
salamisuperstar: Wait, Adam did VO in this game too?
corianderd: squid got hands
VrolikSyndrome: Seagull!
Desruprot: it got foggier
Pharmacistjudge: Why are the Eldrazi invading?
Makrosian_Tay: Can I just say, I'm glad y'all are playing this during summer, when it's still LIGHT outside
RatherLargeToad: …a duck?
gawag_: yeah the smoke is amazing
Kramburger: Now we're part of the union
Mr_Horrible: good checkpointing
muscle_taur: they really nailed the fog effect
yarghs: Why the seagull!?
ButButTheJesus: right, this is where I died several times, and Ben just died too, now I don't feel so bad
snowyowlly: i mean now's the time to chuck shit at him
Catcard: forgiving checkpoint in a horror game. goty
MilkInBags: that's how adam sounds when he eats soup
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
ButterBall000: How far can you actually throw a wrench?
frank_the_great: No way? You killed it!
BusTed: hm
eshplode: Nice throw
Makrosian_Tay: You're so doomed LUL
Seth_Erickson: he almost snatched that
xantos69: You might have goofed it
MilkInBags: spawn camping
BusTed: ez
ThirdGames: "Must have been the wind."
Gildan_Bladeborn: He seems... nearsighted.
Mr_Horrible: okay a lil bit of breakage there LUL
Kramburger: I WONDER
MilkInBags: mixed
Gildan_Bladeborn: Because he can see you.
corianderd: you throw bad
Strebenherz: Object permanence
muscle_taur: oof brutal
VrolikSyndrome: Seagull! 󠀀
xantos69: Are you hucking the wrench off the map?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: kind of a quiet distraction noise
PawssumFable: That sound is going to be in my dreams
gawag_: lol that seagull
Makrosian_Tay: Take the slow way then LUL
Darleysam: seagull!
goombalax: are you throwing the wrench into the beesh?
0x6772: I understand why they didn't, but this game would rock if, after being caught, your objective changed as you became one of the monsters.
ButButTheJesus: this was me too
deinonychus24: More games should show you a seagull when you die
Kramburger: Ben got baited
frank_the_great: Enderman rules maybe
JaymicUnyielding: Maybe you can't go over?
BusTed: can we lube it up somehow
ButterBall000: I think he's already far from you
Makrosian_Tay: Yeah, maybe it landed somewhere it can't go
Kramburger: If we lube ourselves us, it can't grab us
frank_the_great: @BusTed THat's a different kind of game
Blakemcm: pills here
CataclysmicReverb: hrmmm meatal gear
ButButTheJesus: @CataclysmicReverb heh
betweenmyself: just kite him around the arena, throwing lubricant spray at him for a few hours… easy solo kill
Laserbeaks_Fury: I can hear your heart ot mine
DaFhaye: Oh no not the Scotts
Gildan_Bladeborn: Oh dear.
xantos69: You got this, just wait.
itira: heeees gonna getcha!
NotCainNorAbel: no steppy
yllwmstr: Help him
HadesLeprechaun: I think it probably just has a vision cone on its face, and it just wildly spins around when it starts running and it can spot you
Gildan_Bladeborn: I think we can say conclusively that this game is not, in fact, "a walking simulator".
NotCainNorAbel: ignore the bully
MacbethSeemsSus: How long before you report Muir to HR.
Mr_Horrible: Squelchkiro
dougma: fear is the mind killer?
PawssumFable: HR isn't any better
muscle_taur: dude the monster's tendrils are so weird. they've got a lot of heft at one moment and then *immediately* become almost as light as air
DaFhaye: I say just go for it
PawssumFable: ANd doesn't exist in the 70s
varmintx0: game is anxiety-inducing
goombalax: @MacbethSeemsSus they didn't get a chance to unionize HR probably won't do anything
muscle_taur: good weird monster design detail is what I'm saying
BusTed: benginO7
Gildan_Bladeborn: Oh that's unfortunate.
Lyropithic: RIP
eshplode: o7
Astramentha: o7
DaFhaye: I think he's okay
Kramburger: o7
Rhynerd: RIP Innes
ButterBall000: Well, he wasn't living anyway
Dog_of_Myth: o7
NotCainNorAbel: do we need to save Jesus too?
Makrosian_Tay: 07
Mr_Horrible: Innes is now an Outtes
Desruprot: o7
xantos69: o7
quasi79fu: Donnnt LEaaave meee
Saintnex: o7
spethycakes: o7
spurius: they shouldnt have waited for you
Tangsm: Sorry friend. You were a scripted death.
ButButTheJesus: kates7
BusTed: no longer innes game that's for sure
Blakemcm: helicopter can only hold so many people
15__uwu__02: o7
frank_the_great: o7
corianderd: that door is not safe
Kramburger: Now he's Outis
Seth_Erickson: No he was working out on the deck
bethy_kins24: 2
muscle_taur: full of delicious triscuit... monster goes after you
spethycakes: @BusTed booooo
ButButTheJesus: @BusTed @Kramburger heh
JaymicUnyielding: guys he's fine he just needs some help
xVoxtric: Giant triscuit or giant cheezit?
corianderd: gotta latch that gate
Rhynerd: his sister Lana is going to be devastated
HadesLeprechaun: I think he's the one who threw down the first screwdriver?
YawnLance: Gotta risk it for the triscuit
saucemaster5000: Gotta rtisk it for the triscuit
betweenmyself: pour out a Guinness for Innes
YawnLance: @saucemaster5000 same braincell
Matsunen: Well… He’s not going to be in Still Wakes the Deep 2…
Tangsm: So have you picked out whose identity you're going to assume to avoid the cops?
gawag_: this game coulda used a bonding scene at the beginning to get to know all these dudes being killed. like a darts tourney, say
PawssumFable: Innes wouldn't want you to pour out guinness
Gildan_Bladeborn: There was a leccy box back there Ben.
spurius: I am sure nothing bad is going to happen to the helicopter
gualdhar: can we watch Rennick get pulled out by a tentacle monster?
Saintnex: Rennick you absolute shite!
Gildan_Bladeborn: Oh dear.
BusTed: wow fuck those guys
CypherRaze: Rennick is a turd
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: surprised the heli didnt get pulled tbqh
Rhynerd: figures the boss leaves without ya’ll.
15__uwu__02: wow what an asshole
PawssumFable: He's gonna die
Juliamon: so, how you feeling about Rennick now LUL
BusTed: oh
frank_the_great: Maybe if you didn't dilly dally!
quasi79fu: uhhhh
PawssumFable: Yeah
quasi79fu: incoming
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: eh close enough
Lyropithic: That seems bad
Catcard: oh dear
Gildan_Bladeborn: Oh hey, upside.
0x6772: Yeah, that about figures for a helicopter in a fog bank.
Makrosian_Tay: lrrSPOOP
CypherRaze: Welp
Blasteg: uhh
therepoman__: oh
Mollylele: oopsie
Darleysam: if you're in a video game, *do not* get in a helicopter
Gascitygaming: they won't be in still wakes the deep 2
15__uwu__02: oop
corianderd: helicopters just do that sometimes
frank_the_great: o7
Nigouki: 5bux says rennick got infected
Fanklok: Oh my god are they OK?
radioshackraider: Buckfast probably. Cheap wine
saucemaster5000: bucky is captain america's friend
ghyllnox: Thanks for coming back, I knew you would Rennick
salamisuperstar: Do you get a check from a Noble Prize too?
Saintnex: Roblox oof
Darleysam: 'roaster' is such a good insult, thank you Scotland
MWGNZ: buckie might mean a buckfast
ButButTheJesus: @Fanklok I think they're fine
Rhynerd: if the helicopter blew up, then maybe Rennick just got incinerated and won’t get infected.
Simriel: Bucky is buckfast, an alcoholic drink, fortified wine with added caffeine
space_turbulence: I mean, did either of those guys know how to pilot a helicopter?
rosesmcgee: He's "good with the leccy" not "I'm a licensed electrician"
frank_the_great: Polis is police
salamisuperstar: Chef vs Cook is a bit of splitting hairs
Mr_Horrible: I mean, seems reasonable
muscle_taur: eh I've had worse breakups
Feriority: Do we know what Caz did yet?
Dalrint: The weird bubbling edge of the screen/loading screen stuff is very unnerving.
frank_the_great: Np ;)
Fanklok: Git swimmin
Simriel: It's made in Buckfast Abbey in England, it's popular among Scottish hooligans called "meds"
Gildan_Bladeborn: Go find your pal his insulin?
Makrosian_Tay: @Feriority Seems he "caved someone's head in"
Simriel: Neds*
Saintnex: @feriority assaulted someone messing with his wife
goombalax: fuckin scunnert bruv
Feriority: Ah, thanks
Mr_Horrible: "Muir? You still there? I changed my mind, lemme into the Flesh Mass."
yarghs: Get busy swimmin' or get busy dyin'
Raketon: after watching it a bit..I think the monsters kinda just float in place and the game pins the "legs" to hot spots. the jiggles are the physics engine dealing with all the sudden stretches/retracts. Someone really said "what if bethesda bugs, but monsters?"
ButButTheJesus: I gotta go bed, catch the vod later, night night folks, sweet dreams lrrSPOOP
Simriel: Neds are "Non educated delinquents" or as I call them, arseholes
Fanklok: ALestorm also wrote the song "Buckfast Power Smash"
betweenmyself: guess we open up a little of dialogue with Muir and immediately cede to all his demands
quasi79fu: i think monster design is just fine
salamisuperstar: LUL
YawnLance: God the writing is so good
Raketon: @quasi79fu I like em! very smart
15__uwu__02: This voice acting is so good
Blakemcm: im busy im taking a shite
silenceaux: Busy doing what...?
YeomanAres: Busy doing what?
itira: shite means shit
Mr_Horrible: no it's actually the Jennifers, Adam
Pteraspidomorphi: He's definitely going to have to do it
quasi79fu: its not like everything has to be perfect..cant we appreciate what they are trying to do..
gualdhar: BRodie's the word for that guy on the radio
AugmentingPath: Time to go to the basement for the generators, must be a let's nope game
frank_the_great: Shite means shit
KWardJenx: Did we meet Jenny yet?
I_Am_Clockwork: restart the generators on anyone's bingo cards?
Kramburger: Translator's NoteL: Gennies means Plan
Mr_Horrible: they run on hamster wheels to generate power
Gildan_Bladeborn: Shite means shit, but more emphatically.
quasi79fu: IM probably ggonna be timed out
itira: LUL
GhostValv: :O
Makrosian_Tay: Never has there been a more appropriate time to have the objective "fix the generator"
Fanklok: Oh good you have to fix the generator. It's finally a horror game
ButterBall000: nae is what you do after you whip it
NimrodXIV: in case you forgot this is a horror game, Generators!
spethycakes: Jenny Rayder
Seth_Erickson: I'd take a shit brother
xantos69: Stay exactly here in this room... and poop over the rail
dougma: busy with what???
Kramburger: Poop into the sea
TheBearBee: do it in a corner
CataclysmicReverb: You've never been to a Jennifer containment area?
betweenmyself: “fuck” means “cor bliney, gov’na!” pennyWhat
silenceaux: shit in the corner, 100%
SK__Ren: Sit on the rail
BusTed: the monster did it
itira: 100% just shit on the floor LUL
Seth_Erickson: what do you mean Ben
tehfewl: time to poop is time to poop
I_Am_Clockwork: the ocean is RIGHT there
Saintnex: shit over the rail
Gildan_Bladeborn: Cop a squat.
kumatsu: shit in the shower
NotCainNorAbel: call for a timeout
Talin06: how do you wipe?
frank_the_great: Animals go in the corner
Mr_Horrible: I'm not dying with a shit loaded up, Brother
CataclysmicReverb: Ass over the rails
Rhynerd: plenty of ocean for a crap.
rosesmcgee: This situation? I'd be actively shitting myself the whole time
PawssumFable: Flowerpot
Catcard: if I poop on the floor and we live through THIS SHIT then I will clean it up myself.
Gildan_Bladeborn: This is when you shit your pants.
DudelidouX: Shit on the run
PawssumFable: Bucket
frank_the_great: Off the deck
itira: Ben no one is going to care if you find a toilet LUL
PawssumFable: You'd find something
Raketon: provably safest to shit in the typewriter room
YawnLance: "Yo while everyone was dying did you just... pop a squat?"
15__uwu__02: Yeah, I'd just shit in a corner somerwhere where I can run
Nydestroyer: zombie land rules
Pharmacistjudge: the problem is the zombie dogs
Blakemcm: thats how elvis went...
Transmuted_Elf: what about tp adam?
Tangsm: He wants to die in a place with a view and a breeze.
DaxStrife: Literally one of the rules from Zombieland
AtomicAlchemical: Drop one right on the bossman's desk
Pharmacistjudge: they are way faster than oyu
tabbyphobos: Didn't they address this in Jurassic Park?
kumatsu: shitting in a stall means you become environmental storytelling
lazermeow: You and me both Adam.
betweenmyself: you have plenty of time to shot your pants when you’re torn in half by zombies
saucemaster5000: (Monster checks shit) "hm... still warm... he'sn here
Mister_Dee: But what if your run into a guy stuck in a jar?
prince_infidel: Just don't shit for few days
Gildan_Bladeborn: I think in these sorts of situations, having a "clean bum" is a low priority.
ThirdGames: Yeah in this situation with goopy monsters, I'd be hella sus about toilets.
quasi79fu: Oh i remember something
Mr_Horrible: we'll use the maintenance reports for this place, clearly they're as useful as TP Kappa
YawnLance: ruh ro
Blakemcm: i got the snacks CAZ
HadesLeprechaun: also that note you picked up and put down was the police report Rennick got about what Caz did
brainbosh: So Beej is the ultimate apocalypse survivort
BusTed: ruh roh
yarghs: "We're done cleaning up the wreck, and the one room that was left in tacked was missing a red thermos and had a pile of shit in the corner. Anyone care to explain?"
Darleysam: "...Caz please this is very serious"
Asimech: @Mister_Dee Depending on the diameter of the mouth on that jar that guy's about to have a real shitty day.
N30dude: going to the bathroom during the apocalypse just guarantees you'll be a cool environmental storytelling skeleton alter.
Mr_Horrible: Rie don runna rie, Raggy
shendaras: seabatClap
gualdhar: WHEN, BEN!, WHEN?!?!
yllwmstr: Simic slaw?
quasi79fu: they didnt listen to the phone call did they?
gualdhar: but... wait
HadesLeprechaun: dang, G lied about 2024
DaxStrife: Every time you ask "when" the release date gets pushed back another 3 weeks.
saucemaster5000: friday nights gets moved every time someone shits the floor
kumatsu: btw did y'all see someone listed Simic Slaw as their favorite food at the Arena Champs a couple weeks ago?
rosesmcgee: Jokes on you streamer. I get off on delayed gratificationb
gualdhar: is Adam calling Graham a liar, on national Twitch stream?!?
Nydestroyer: write your computer password on the note
kumatsu: damn, my joke was stolen
Nydestroyer: just incase
Strebenherz: Like the pompeii skeleton that was... enjoying themself during the eruption
radioshackraider: If a nuclear bomb drops, I wanna die shitting
Blasteg: so who's this iuri thing? I missed the beginning
NimrodXIV: get all the grunts in your audio log
Gildan_Bladeborn: If only I'd shat my paaaaaaants!!!
thrythlind: Well, family CoH time approaching... I'll leave y'all to oceanic carrion
Lyropithic: Make sure you scrawl a message of some kind of message on the bathroom stall
saucemaster5000: I'd be the one who shuts down all the generators before I die
Fanklok: "Dear diary, today I was murdered"
I_Am_Clockwork: I would purposefully put wrong passwords or wrong puzzel clues in my journal
Simriel: Take a teddy bear, and a pumpkin into the shitter with you to confuse players
Mr_Horrible: play a prank on the protagonist by recording an audiolog they can find near your corpse, but it's just you taking a shit
Tangsm: And be sure to leave all the 4 digit codes for your padlocks on the note.
Mathwyn: die next to some beer bottles and some psycho. Maybe a 10mm pistol
itira: a kazoo
Transmuted_Elf: look we have seen that Adam is willing to call anyone* out on their buff *anyone at LRR
niccus: @Mr_Horrible surprisingly, has happened in a high profile video game
saucemaster5000: "oh shit, it's bob dylan's corpse"
finestotter: I've already heard this, please change the channel
Mr_Horrible: @niccus this does not surprise me
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: how do you survive the apocalypse if you have loud movements that's just instant trouble
Feriority: I'm sure all that whatever in the air is totally cool and totally normal
HadesLeprechaun: "Hnnnnggghh...Oh, my god. Ben! Ben you gotta come see the size of this log!"
inconsideratehat: Ah, so the curse of the obra dinn, Adam
UltraVioletVodoo: amatures, i already wrote my "im dead apocolypse journal"
Gildan_Bladeborn: In this scenario, I don't think I'd call out anymore.
Mr_Horrible: (weighty slithering)
kumatsu: that's the handy closet
Mathwyn: weighty slithering
Makrosian_Tay: "weighty slithering"
itira: ahhhhg
corianderd: i like it
Dalrint: Wasn't he on the helicopter
roefizzlebeef: oh it's the baby head from toy story
Bruceski: I thought Rennick was on the heli?
BusTed: he was
NimrodXIV: bosses, amirite
Gildan_Bladeborn: We peak The Thing now, boys!
saucemaster5000: so......... no head?
dumbo3k: @Bruceski I guess thats why it crashed
Mollylele: from regular boss to Souls boss
BusTed: @saucemaster5000 LUL
itira: i dont like iiittt
Raketon: All that power really went to his head amirite?
Makrosian_Tay: Jesus Ben, stop asking and stop receiving!
Catcard: hey look, a place to shit!
ThirdGames: Time to poop!
DaxStrife: NOW you can take a dump.
Seth_Erickson: heli came down brother and then he got got
itira: oh look a bathroom
quasi79fu: welp we found Rennick
yarghs: Welp, time to toilet
Saintnex: oh god, I hated all of that
Mr_Horrible: boy go sklunched
DAC169: RUN!! aipWhiney
Blakemcm: your still fired!!!!!
15__uwu__02: Probably a Thing reference with the helicopter
Makrosian_Tay: Stop looking BACK LUL
MacbethSeemsSus: He's serious about finishing that performance review.
Catcard: holy shit
muscle_taur: dude lmao this sequence
Strebenherz: This is managing comedy and horror amazingly well
betweenmyself: I mean, Rennick seems lime the sort of guy who would absolutely make sure he turned into his own horribly swollen face
Catcard: what a great chase sequence
TheBearBee: GOOD GAME!!
Mr_Horrible: I like that even as a head he's still pissed at you
TheBearBee: Actually scary
finestotter: But I'm scaaared
drcthulu: be better twitch chat
Blakemcm: she was a witch bro
saucemaster5000: my head IS in the game. It's chasing you
silenceaux: I wish Rennick's head was no longer in the game...
Kramburger: It's like the people who only played PT looking at the floor
Makrosian_Tay: "Hideous flesh noise"
quasi79fu: NEver loook bacccck...
Kipstar: subtitle: Hideous Fleshy Collapse
KeytarCat: [hideous fleshy colapse] fuckin got me
Tangsm: He can't possibly turn a wheel.
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
NotCainNorAbel: you might pinched a tentacle
kumatsu: You're just a big head, you don't even have thumbs
Fanklok: Idiots doesn't even have thumbs
Gildan_Bladeborn: Ain't got hands no more, ha ha!
frank_the_great: Monster couldn't get through a chain link fence
tr3ewitch88: I don't have enough spoons for this 😭🤣
muscle_taur: yeah getting turned into a giant head monster is not worth a management salary imo
Darleysam: so many fingies to pinch
silenceaux: pressure
whitebadgerwolf88: This is so disorienting but really well done!!
VrolikSyndrome: We won't have to climb that.
rosesmcgee: that'll buff right out
Simriel: Saliva actually aids with healing
BrowneePoints: when you suck on it it causes a vaccuum that numbs it
Fanklok: It'll probably still work
Kaaosa: having things in mouth is good actually
Raketon: The other guys at least liked you, so the parts of them still left in there would leave you alone. Rennick hated your guts so he put in the work
VrolikSyndrome: We will I lied.
quasi79fu: welll that seeems safe
Gildan_Bladeborn: What do you think boys, can we salvage it?
Blasteg: do we know why the helicopter crashed
Mr_Horrible: lmao
frank_the_great: Do you think they're okay?
KeytarCat: surround a wound with low pressure?
Makrosian_Tay: Dang, so far every monster has been a special manually made one. No stock enemies so far
prince_infidel: Think the Helli salvageable?
Darleysam: F
Mr_Horrible: you know what you gotta do
Seth_Erickson: mmm unlucky
Blakemcm: me ankles
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
NimrodXIV: too far
prince_infidel: F
quasi79fu: lol
Strebenherz: ripperoni
RedGriffin42: F
Desruprot: o7
Makrosian_Tay: Just walk, I guess
ThirdGames: I think you need to jump ONTO the helicopter?
quasi79fu: i wannna see that again
frank_the_great: Walk off?
HadesLeprechaun: that's NOT where the board is pointed
saucemaster5000: jump better
xantos69: ouchie
Strebenherz: PFT
itsr67: LUL
Makrosian_Tay: Walk off?
Blakemcm: run off no jamp?
Strebenherz: maybe you go the other way
muscle_taur: yeah I'd say run without jumping mb
MacbethSeemsSus: Land on yellow bit?
Transmuted_Elf: try the helicopter
Gildan_Bladeborn: Nope.
NotCainNorAbel: grab the blade?
muscle_taur: huh!
Rexsplosion: grab the propellar?
Dog_of_Myth: Yellow
HadesLeprechaun: look where the board is pointed
silenceaux: Okay, now I don't know
xantos69: Use power slide bro
frank_the_great: No idea now
deinonychus24: Should've put some points in vigor
Strebenherz: WHAT
eshplode: Maybe we took too much fall damage earlier
DudelidouX: the yellow is toward the chopper
7gorobei: land on the railing?
tr3ewitch88: I hate the crunch 🤢
Blakemcm: parkour
Makrosian_Tay: Ok, this is amazing
dougma: well that was obvious
rosesmcgee: in a world full of options that seems to be one of the worst
Lysander_salamander: ok
muscle_taur: lol
YawnLance: Uhh
Gildan_Bladeborn: Ghost!
Mr_Horrible: LUL
Desruprot: wait
Tangsm: Woopsie.
drcthulu: sploosh
Gildan_Bladeborn: You're a ghost!
Transmuted_Elf: you got diced into pieces
Seth_Erickson: worst game of the year
dougma: I would like to file a bug report
KeytarCat: Frame ghost!!
quasi79fu: clippped through...ghost
ButterBall000: Ghost platform
frank_the_great: You got cheese grated
Darleysam: I think this is the bit where I died the most, for exactly these reasons
Mr_Horrible: to be fair, they *said* the rig was cheap
itsr67: don't you know you become intangible once you hit the killbox
Strebenherz: there's monsters everywhere in this rig
Darleysam: video games
NimrodXIV: video games!
Lysander_salamander: so silly
BrowneePoints: Gotta say Ben, on a pure Horror aspect, this might be the scariest thing you've played since like...Little Nightmares 2
Seth_Erickson: seabatApp
muscle_taur: ah! weird puzzle but interesting
Gildan_Bladeborn: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown lrrSPOOP FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Fanklok: obviously that's how it was done
Kipstar: did the blade change direction?
DAC169: Clap2
silenceaux: Betrayed by the yellow paint man
Tangsm: It didn't punish for it, though.
drcthulu: lrrBartleby
HadesLeprechaun: the plane door ahead of you was also yellow, but gamers dont look up
quasi79fu: hahahahahahaah
Seth_Erickson: into the deep it goes
Desruprot: all must succumb to the sea
Nydestroyer: Still wakes the deep 3
Mr_Horrible: you almost had him, Ben
Mr_Horrible: you were so close
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
DaxStrife: Alan Wakes the Deep
drcthulu: classic
Fanklok: Still Alan Wakes teh Deep 2
WiJohn: Still wakes the deep 2: the copter's revenge!
Blasteg: I feel like this whole thing is a fever dream
BrowneePoints: Still Wakes the Deep. The Deep Still Gets Up Off the Couch
MacbethSeemsSus: Still Wakes the Deep 2: Big Sleepy
Darleysam: oh you like waking the deep? name one
yarghs: Um, actually, I believe that helicopter is pretty deep in the sea-quel now
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
xantos69: Naw, that helicopter will be back in like 10 seconds, but with a whole mess of jelly legs.
JaymicUnyielding: The Wake STILL Isn't Deeper
eshplode: I clicked on Twitch to remember the name of the game
GhostValv: Still Wakes the Deep 2: Deep Harder
drcthulu: still wakes the deep 2: it gets deeper!
Mr_Horrible: you two embraced the Cheese aspect of it, which is honestly what it wants
Simriel: Ah this game holds to a true Scottish tradition: telling things to get in the sea
spethycakes: Alan Still Wakes the Deep
Seth_Erickson: I remembered the name
muscle_taur: I'm into this game, quality horror immersion tbh
thatguysteve2709: I can not wait for the physical copy
frank_the_great: I liked how Ben occasionally would spell out the plot
frameshifty: it was still one of the best streams though
Makrosian_Tay: At SGDQ when they did an alan Wake 2 speedrun they had the audience do the dance during the dance sequence. not even kidding!
Bruceski: when does the sea cliff show up?
BrowneePoints: Look, CHinese Room doesn't usually reinvent the wheel, but they make a VERY good Wheel
Kaaosa: yo
EthirealPlayer: I haven't seen a lot of this game, but the visuals in this game look great
Kaaosa: that phone RULES
tehfewl: That was a very cool bit
Kaaosa: this is a good game
Nydestroyer: dont bring us down
silenceaux: Pontoon going under
saucemaster5000: It's bruce springsteen
Astramentha: oh he monstering
drcthulu: Batman
TheBearBee: Bruce means Bruce
Strebenherz: Rip batman
itira: i know a dog named Bruce
quasi79fu: dont put me dowwwn Bruccce
frank_the_great: I blame Shark Tales
Mai_Andra: G'day, Bruce
Bruceski: I think Dark Ocean Summoning's the better song, it works as a song even outside the game, but dang Herald of Darkness is an earworm.
muscle_taur: everyone names their kids after Roman emperors and flower species nowadays
radioshackraider: I am very glad there's no Logan in this game
JaymicUnyielding: Bruce Willies
Fanklok: Name 5 Batmans
PawssumFable: My father in law is Bruce and he's 70
YeomanAres: Robert the Bruce
Going_Medium: banner
Seth_Erickson: damn tarp budget off the charts
drcthulu: One of my prof's was Bruce and he's a boomer
frank_the_great: Bruce Almighty
yllwmstr: Finding Nemo shark
MacbethSeemsSus: They're in Scotland so he's actually king
PawssumFable: haha
YawnLance: Asking the real questions
itira: oh myyyy
Gildan_Bladeborn: My nephew is named after a character from the Chronicles of Narnia.
dougma: You know who I feel bad for? Kids born ~15 years ago who were named Karen.
BrowneePoints: Dadther, The Fuck
Mai_Andra: Bruce Banner, though.
saucemaster5000: Bruce campbell best bruce
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
salamisuperstar: People would just name their kid Batman now
DAC169: in order to name your kid "Bruce" you need to either be very rich living in a dangerous area, or Australian NODDERS
NotCainNorAbel: down to faptize?
gawag_: is your father in law Bruce Willis?
finestotter: Springsteen is as young as they come, checkmate!
korvys: Down To Financial support
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
dumbo3k: Down To Finance?
frank_the_great: BEN
KWardJenx: Getting right to it then
Cptasparagus: adams into those widowers
Mr_Horrible: mmm, Din Tai Fung
tr3ewitch88: My ex is named Bruce and he is 38
muscle_taur: I would totally f a bruce to be fair
YawnLance: Down To Fall in love
Dalrint: Down to fraternize.
saucemaster5000: Down to Fave a nice day
7gorobei: SUBprise desktop format
JaymicUnyielding: No, not Willis. Bruce Willies, the horror game knockoff version.
ThorSokar: Bruce McCulloch
RedGriffin42: I love the way the hands flail in front of you
Feriority: Bruse Tarl is from 2016, that's kind of a Bruce
emberBecky: I don't think I've ever known a Bruce
NoxStryx: Does your father in law need to be reminded not to bring you down?
Darleysam: dancing the foxtrot
Laserbeaks_Fury: Bruce Leeroy
Lysander_salamander: have they shown us what Caz looks like?
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
GhostValv: down to friendship :)
James_LRR subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, James_LRR! (Today's storm count: 32)
josh___something: Hey friends, how's the oil rigging?
Juliamon: I worked with a Bruce
Fanklok: Bruce teh shark fro mShark Tail
korvys: Down to Follow and Subscribe
Gildan_Bladeborn: Or Bruce Kulick.
drcthulu: To be fair Batman was in his 30's in the 80's so he's a boomer
Gildan_Bladeborn: Also a musician.
spethycakes: Bruce Lee, please
NoxStryx: Big boss?
Bruceski: <-- (not actually a Bruce)
Blakemcm: boss of boring music
xantos69: He just bought LRR. Now he is YOUR boss.
Darleysam: 71 months? Not been here since the start?
emberBecky: or known one in person at least
Rexsplosion: makes sense
Kramburger: Sounds like a bot, better ban tham
muscle_taur: omicron persei 8
tr3ewitch88: I feel like Bruce is a popular Australian name.
dougma: I mean... makes perfect sense
Rexsplosion: why pay to give part of that money back to yourself
frank_the_great: Man's paying himself
korvys: 7 and 9
Nydestroyer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nydestroyer! (Today's storm count: 33)
muscle_taur: :3
protojman: <3
quasi79fu: woould you believe this section got me stumped for like a hour lol..Im a terrible gamer
xantos69: Ben I am sure you are sub to somebody.
Makrosian_Tay: MC is FREEZINE Ben
Simriel: @tr3ewitch88 I mean... It's the only Australian name :p
salamisuperstar: That's just free money from Amazon
Blasteg: is this water or oil you're walking in
Kaaosa: did you unsub
Kaaosa: wtf
KWardJenx: 71 months? Ain't this been in a wee bit longer? What was he using the Prime on before?
Kaaosa: that's my livelihood
muscle_taur: goddamn that water's gotta be so cold
Gildan_Bladeborn: Whatever it is, it's cold.
Kaaosa: like 2 years ago lmao
Laserbeaks_Fury: DAMN...THE GAS
YawnLance: What a way to find out smh
muscle_taur: developer of half life
Pharmacistjudge: I have left Marshall Sutcliffe sub on forever. marshallVALUE
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kaaosa! They have given 1532 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kaaosa! (Today's storm count: 34)
KV1NN4: damn, the gas!
Mr_Horrible: Pierce always with us, in spirit
rosesmcgee: Still subbed to this guy -> benginFingers
Kaaosa: i'm trying to lose my dayjob
NotCainNorAbel: Ben calling people out for not streaming
rosesmcgee: You have the best emotes, and pride was fun
YawnLance: Most of the pride parade
Mr_Horrible: "Stop calling us." - Shaw
BusTed: haha
Transmuted_Elf: laughing at this moment that is a bit of a breather from the chase they give you the gas....
Catcard: OMG
lochnessseammonster: lrrWOW
Seth_Erickson: lmao
itsr67: LUL
VrolikSyndrome: LMAO
SnackPak_: A+ email
TruPhantomAngel: That was nice, Ambi and I watched the stream Ben.
Blakemcm: That is how you know its legit
Gildan_Bladeborn: You know... "stuff".
therepoman__: bro
LithelyUnshod: I mean, that's Rogers for ya
Saintnex: “STUFF”
shendaras: seabatClap
NotCainNorAbel: That's how IT should be able to send emails
drcthulu: Stuff was doine
Catcard: seabatClap
muscle_taur: engineering... dun dun dun... this discipline requires mathematics
xantos69: That is 100% an e-mail from an engineer who knows their shit.
BusTed: They plugged in the thing that someone unplugged
emberBecky: they did an incantation
saucemaster5000: they turned the internet on and off again
BusTed: for sure
Blip2004: stuff aka, the tech got mad and started hitting shit
DAC169: Bengineering is entering Engineering! boom55POGSHAKE
JinaMahavira: WAIT I called it???
Fanklok: Shaw has a lag switch set up with some masking tape that says FUCK ADAM on it
MacbethSeemsSus: "What stuff?" "Don't worry about it"
JosephDeath: I work in IT, it totally can work like that
AugmentingPath: Flip the switch from magic to more magic
ButterBall000: electrons get confused after a while and need a reset
Darleysam: just opened your customer page and toggled a button from "bad" to "good"
BrowneePoints: I'm currently waiting on my Property Manager to get an Electrician to replace the old cables...for 2 weeks now
Mr_Horrible: someone accidentally flipped the Fuck Over Adam switch
BrowneePoints: *upside down smiley*
tr3ewitch88: At that point you just want to say. I don't know what you did but it worked.
NotCainNorAbel: as a Network Engineer - it is all magic
Nydestroyer: sort of like when they flip those big levers on the powerlines to restart the power
lochnessseammonster: i'm some sort of switch
eshplode: "We spent 20 minutes playing sudoku on our phones. Hope your internet's better"
Kramburger: They found some extra internet in the back room
NoxStryx: Do you guys know what the name of the ruler of Omicron persei 8 is name? LRRR
Kipstar: fuckin gettim Finlay
NoxStryx: Well i double said a word double there.
BrowneePoints: Jennie is short for Jennieferator
Tangsm: He's good with the leccy, not the jennies.
Seth_Erickson: no he works the leccy not the jennies Ben
Blasteg: exploding jenny in 3...
ghyllnox: He's new
MacbethSeemsSus: Doesn't your best friend still need insulin?
Makrosian_Tay: But also, in-lore he's supposed to be a SUPER rookie
Mr_Horrible: to be fair I imagine he's more on, like, the fuse boxes
Kramburger: Jenny is short for General Electric
Blakemcm: back in 1970 you could get a job with no qualifications
drcthulu: Any level of technology that you don't understand is the equivalent to magic
hesterbyrde: I think Caz hasn't been here that long... like a few days
BrowneePoints: That's the smartest joke I've made all week
saucemaster5000: it me!
Lysander_salamander: guessing they found out really fast that Caz doesn't know jack about it
Darleysam: of Australia
BrowneePoints: EE DAY dah
josh___something: Thinking about it now, this game MIGHT be a story adam likes
Mr_Horrible: wait National Safety Council of *Australia*?
Gildan_Bladeborn: Fun story: we had a set of very, very expensive switches crap out in one of our locations, they would power on but then the fans wouldn't spin up, so they'd shut down with an error. The building they were in had had a sewage issue that caused some flooding... and a whole swarm of tiny, tiny bugs. Yeah, the fans had died because they sucked in and ground up all those bugs.
NoxStryx: Gotta love when a horror game give you hiding spots
frank_the_great: LUL
BrowneePoints: THAT'S Okayhay
Rhynerd: @Mr_Horrible we were trusted to handle one earlier, and it was marked as fine with us just swapping one for another
Mr_Horrible: that's capp
Kramburger: We need to be safer than anyone
Rhynerd: @NoxStryx and a bunch of throwables
muscle_taur: @Gildan_Bladeborn oh I hate this thanks
korvys: They mine it out and export it, it's why we have so little left
xantos69: But I heard the fronts of their boats fall off.
Gildan_Bladeborn: The network guys just RMA'd them back saying "there's a fan error".
Mr_Horrible: I blame my keyboard
frank_the_great: Then why are they so dangerous?
drcthulu: That's why they have all the snakes and spiders, so the rest of us can be safer
ButterBall000: Finley just watching you crawl around the floor
Mr_Horrible: this thing's 8 years old
Makoforte: We export all our safety and so we don't have any here
Raketon: @Gildan_Bladeborn oh...I HATE that
Saintnex: it’s why everything in Australia is so dangerous Kappa
NotCainNorAbel: @Gildan_Bladeborn gotta love when infrastructure is in 'wonderful' locations
Kramburger: But adam, you have no joy in your heart
couchboyj: Thats why everything in Australia is venomous, they export all the safety
CataclysmicReverb: heh
BusTed: WutFace
NoxStryx: If they didnt have all that safetly in austrailia everyone would die there
itira: icky
saucemaster5000: It would be a MUCH better song if Freddie mercury was doing the BA-DUPs and Bowie stops singing to say "dude, cut it out"
Catcard: ough
Mr_Horrible: sounds like a W for the bugs
SnackPak_: good story
Makoforte: also not everything is venomous, some stuff will kill in other ways!
BrowneePoints: Literally a Bug in the System
HadesLeprechaun: under the door
BrowneePoints: Adam is the most joyful person I've ever watched
varmintx0: good story, but it wasn't funny, banned
Laserbeaks_Fury: Where?
BrowneePoints: Except for Ben on New Pokemon Release Day
silenceaux: Adam has joy in his heart, despite our attempts
mulligan2six: @Laserbeaks_Fury Down in his heart
yarghs: Did anyone else notice the glove floating in midair?
kdefinition: I've met some joyless motherfuckers who play the vidya
betweenmyself: Adam enjoys the riffYeti emote, therefore has joy in heart
Pharmacistjudge: I absolutely do not recommend having the Dishwashing liquid Joy in your cardiac muscle
DudelidouX: With the kind of games he plays...doubt it's from games
The_Color_Twelve: I mean rage bait games are a genre
TheBearBee: You have joy in your heart because you get to fight chat every other day
HadesLeprechaun: look at the bottom of cabin door
thatguysteve2709: We've seen you talk about fighting games that's joy
josh___something: Despite chat, adam has joy in his heart :p
hesterbyrde: Oh god the bible school songs
Kramburger: IDK, I've seen some gamer streamers who just seem angry at everything
BrowneePoints: welp a bunch of repressed christian kid memories came flooding back
Seth_Erickson: go look at the blocked door again Ben
BrowneePoints: thanks Adam
Pharmacistjudge: NO bible camp! NO
Darleysam: oh I've not thought about that song for a LONG time. Core memory unlocked.
lochnessseammonster: oh gosh that brought me back PrideLaugh
saucemaster5000: this isn't the fucking campfire, people
SentientRatKing: It's the blocked door you've passed a couple times there's a crawl space
Mollylele: and if the devil doesn't like it he can sit on a tack
drcthulu: After playing the amount of League Adam has, the joy has been heavily salted
Blakemcm: boshy
VrolikSyndrome: @Pharmacistjudge Is that your professional medical opinion or like... vibes?
korvys: Boshi
AugmentingPath: league of legends
HadesLeprechaun: crawlspace under cabin door
Pharmacistjudge: Professional medical opinion. Do not put Joy in your heart.
NoxStryx: Adam plays rage bait games but enjoys them
Seth_Erickson: ben look at the blocked door from the stairs
ButterBall000: That one from watch and play was great
quasi79fu: adhd streamer lol
Mr_Horrible: and then Future Adam realized his error
dougma: still can't believe you are the double boshi
The_Color_Twelve: Wasn't talking about you specifically with that. Just giving an example that some people probably take other things from games
muscle_taur: dude.. for a second there was an optical illusion that looked like a face. wtf
saucemaster5000: I get frustrated playing candyland
drcthulu: Yes as a game League is good, the people are what make it fustrating
saucemaster5000: Fucking gumdrop forest
lochnessseammonster: my friend is delivering his old fighting stick on sunday PrideLaugh
lochnessseammonster: it begins soon...
Gildan_Bladeborn: Back when I was still playing Guild Wars 2, they had a cool mini-game called the Super Adventure Box, which was an homage to old platforming games. Then they introduced "tribulation mode", which was 100% one of those "rage bait" style modes.
VrolikSyndrome: @saucemaster5000 Game was rigged from the start.
Fanklok: the one place no one dropped their paint
DudelidouX: So gamers don't look up OR down...
CataclysmicReverb: League of Legends is the new Chutes and Ladders
LithelyUnshod: Woulda been helped by some yellow paint
Cptasparagus: Big Switch was my nickname in high school
Gildan_Bladeborn: It was super funny how unfair the instant death traps were.
Mr_Horrible: love to make noise on this rig
UltraVioletVodoo: pretty sure findlay could tell you turned it on
Mr_Horrible: "It became unfixed, Finley!"
Nigouki: it's fine Adam, Vince is gone
Catcard: don't o it
varmintx0: that's the worst
Catcard: do*
therepoman__: LMAO
BrowneePoints: Holding in sneezes can rupture blood vessels
Mr_Horrible: this implies you cum when you sneeze
BrowneePoints: no bueno
Pharmacistjudge: Am I the only one since they called the generator "Jenny" I have a song from Walk the moon in my head?
KeytarCat: I guess it's increasing the difficulty by removing yellow paint
frank_the_great: Vince would be disappointed, but fuck him
Catcard: @BrowneePoints but only if you like.... sneeze and pinch your nose
Gildan_Bladeborn: Like the helpful pointy hands on a wall, showing the way, would turn into rockets that would kill you. Or the checkpoints would collapse on top of you. And so, so many spikes, and "stompy rocks". Good times.
Astramentha: Narrator: he was not
lochnessseammonster: my mom always tries to hold in her sneezes and i told her we don't stan vince mcmahon in this house
saucemaster5000: holding in sneezes is how the witches can't find me
Saintnex: yea Vince is an absolutely PoS
Mr_Horrible: steam hurts me every day, Adam
Gildan_Bladeborn: Steam never hurt anyone!
Mr_Horrible: I see my backlog and god "oough, augh"
Fanklok: Steam definitely isn't over 100 degrees
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah that feels like a reminder of mechanics
Makrosian_Tay: Probably a reminder of how the mechanic works
ThirdGames: How can steam hurt you, you're playing it ON steam!
Blakemcm: touch it
Pharmacistjudge: you can *see* the steam, that makes it definitely less dangerous
kumatsu: lick it
Kramburger: It's frankly astounding that Vince turned out to be even worse than people thought
Strebenherz: ADAM
itsr67: LUL
YawnLance: lmao
CataclysmicReverb: As someone who almost didn't survive the winter sale, steam always finds a way to hurt you
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Mr_Horrible: classic
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
HadesLeprechaun: that gloop had an ENORMOUS hand coming out of it
Pharmacistjudge: owlbear
saucemaster5000: eggs are the first step to fucking ring around the finger
Lysander_salamander: dang
Gildan_Bladeborn: Oh that's a good noise.
tehfewl: pushing people off a cliff is such gold
Mr_Horrible: [squelchng] "My hammer now"
Nydestroyer: its good
PawssumFable: same
Seth_Erickson: I got to push that big gold money boss off the top of the building and it dying was so funny
ThirdGames: Man the sound design in this is great.
Rhynerd: @saucemaster5000 does this mean the oil rig’s getting mattied?
BrowneePoints: Download the Expanded Ancestry Mod
Gildan_Bladeborn: We last heard whale-ish noises when we were facing off against Muir, for reference.
BrowneePoints: it's good
Seth_Erickson: fucking love eldritch blast
Mr_Horrible: it's actually finished now, too
Rhynerd: *married
itira: gottem
Blasteg: do you think we're seeing luir or rennic here?
saucemaster5000: more like baldur's gate pee
saucemaster5000: am I right gamers?
JinaMahavira: the compliments are coming from inside the moonbase
tehfewl: i laughed so hard when i pushed that dark dwarf into the water
Nydestroyer: I remember in the EA they have a kick move instead of push, it was so fun LUL
hesterbyrde: I keep trying to restart BG3 to romance someone other than Astarion but I cannot resist
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: okay, it just tweening directly downward was a little funny
rosesmcgee: It was clearly one of your work associates, Caz. Keep up.
BrowneePoints: Beyond our ken
Blakemcm: they just hate their consonants
Kramburger: He's just a Kenner
Nydestroyer: canna do it
Darleysam: d'ye ken?
itira: sauce, go sit on the thinking chair. you know what you did
spethycakes: I'm just ken
Makrosian_Tay: A dinnae ken
Gildan_Bladeborn: That's not no, Ben.
voren_chalco: @Gildan_Bladeborn 'know'
Seth_Erickson: you don't eh bud
korvys: The choice to make everyone scottish in this was a very good one
Mr_Horrible: nobody thinks their accent is cool, Adam
TheBearBee: You have that one accent Adam
Nydestroyer: radio voice yall
saucemaster5000: your accent wears sweatpants pulled up too high
Kramburger: What's weird when LRR came to Aus your accents seemed a lot more noticable than on streams
niccus: once you have a cool accent you won't recognize it as an accent anymore
therepoman__: Can I get a true in chat
ThorSokar: People from Boston seem to really be proud of it
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Pharmacistjudge: you definitely are playing somewhat of characters
saucemaster5000: that's "Seabats" accent
TruPhantomAngel: I actually wonder if I have a California accent. No one ever mentions if I do.
SentientRatKing: you have a performance persona and probably use a kind of radio voice
frank_the_great: I'm from Boston and our accent is wicked
patrick_stonecrusher: As someone who says 'ope' l feel you with the 'ay?'
Mr_Horrible: IRL Adam always remembers the name of the game he's playing
Tangsm: Security corned beef can.
Kaaosa: canned corned beef block
WiJohn: Emotional support canned meat
Darleysam: Caz is looking to start some beef
tehfewl: fry up a little corned beef for brekkie
lochnessseammonster: you get all the talking out here
BrowneePoints: Which Southern. Texas Southern or Antebellum Southern
saucemaster5000: Californians are the only people who talk normal
Redbassist: Cannae corned beef
BrowneePoints: or Cajun Southern
Pharmacistjudge: I think Shakespeare in a southern accent is the best
Orxolon: Latam here,how about español?
shendaras: definitely not
Blakemcm: lololololol Californians
Strebenherz: You talking on performance reminds me of a cashier at my old job who was genuinely surprised to hear me swear
itsr67: no
dm818: I have a Wisconsin accent which sometimes people mistake for Canadian.
VrolikSyndrome: False, Sauce.
Nydestroyer: brah
Dog_of_Myth: No they do not
TheBearBee: Can we get a Hell Yeah Brother
Darleysam: lrrJUDGECALL
Seth_Erickson: not even remotely
SK__Ren: noooo
Bishops_Guest: hella normal.
Juliamon: lmaooooo
PawssumFable: uhhh
Gildan_Bladeborn: Yeah... hard no to that one.
drcthulu: Valley girl accent.
Mr_Horrible: [This post made by LA Gang]
SentientRatKing: Yeah hard disagree
BrowneePoints: Excuse the F me. I'm from Iowa. We literally have THE AMERICAN STANDARD DIALECT Saucemaster
kumatsu: As a Californian that is patently false
saucemaster5000: hella normal dude
josh___something: *extremely loud incorrect buzzer*
kdefinition: @TheBearBee Hell yeah, Brother!!
lochnessseammonster: bruh
CataclysmicReverb: Like totally
BusTed: LUL
emberBecky: nah we have an accent. varies around the state though
Kramburger: There is NOTHING normal about California
ProcyonFlynn: California is so awful the sub-regions hate each other's accents.
Feriority: *Northern* Californians are the only ones who talk normal, don't come at me with that LA accent
mirshebs: as a californian hard disagree
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
youcantlistentobuttons: PNW Checking in here, we got the most normal accent.
SnackPak_: nah, they're right
hesterbyrde: It took me a long time to own my southern accent. Lots of people make fun of people who have them
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: me watching Bill & Ted: "Yeah these guys talk just like everyone else"
lazermeow: I live in CA, and yeah, I talk funny.
frank_the_great: I believe the Mid-West is the "TV" accent for News channels
Gildan_Bladeborn: I'm from the part of the country they send broadcast journalists to for them to "learn a neutral accent".
Blakemcm: go listen to early 2000's pop punk to listen what yall sound like
saucemaster5000: LIKE YOU ALL DON'T SAY HELLA
ButterBall000: PNW has the most "neutral english accent
Kaaosa: it's me
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 no, I graduated high school
UltraVioletVodoo: chinese?
ThirdGames: Then it'd be something Chinese or Indian
Nydestroyer: I think TV has set it as midwestern in the US at least
quasi79fu: tubular dude..some gnarly waves out there
Laserbeaks_Fury: The Trans-Atlantic was designed to be a non regional accent
DudelidouX: what most people would call normal is the way news anchor talk
mulligan2six: "Normal" speech has a very bad connotation to it.
lochnessseammonster: @saucemaster5000 seabatCHOICE
muscle_taur: exact average of all languages. esperanto
NotCainNorAbel: News anchors in the US are typically taught US MidWest
quasi79fu: english?
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible that's just what they told you to make you go away
Simriel: Statistically probably Cantonese?
niccus: both are extremely split up
YeomanAres: The 1940s Continental voice
BrowneePoints: Nebraska Iowa etc have what is called "The American Standard Dialect" which is what News Reporters in the States are taught to speak like us.
thatguysteve2709: Problem with Chinese is so many dialects
UnsaltedHam: most call centers for north american english are based out of nebraska are surrounding middle america
SentientRatKing: Well in terms of population or how far spread the language is. Because Spanish is way more widely spoken.
ThirdGames: TransgenderPride
Saintnex: I got some bad news for you Ben, “Chinese” and “Indian” are real languages :p
4 raiders from Foxmar320 have joined!
betweenmyself: as a Californian from the Bay Area, can confirm that we speak without discernible accents and using only universally accepted English pennyWhat
mulligan2six: @muscle_taur With a heavy bias to white people languages
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 honestly, based, but I'm pretty sure my principal would not be smart enough for that
tr3ewitch88: I feel like so many people don't even know that they have an accent. Cause they just talk normal to themselves.
Gildan_Bladeborn: Real talk? You two have, apart from particular words here and there, an almost indistinguishable accent from folks in the heart of the Midwest, them what has no real accent to how they speak English.
Godeke: To me, the most hilarious accent was the Transatlantic Accent, which was made up to sound fancy in media, but nobody spoke it natively.
Saintnex: arent*
Simriel: I saw a cube the other day labeled "Trans cube" and thought "Good for cube"
Rexsplosion: what i do know, is that they export newscasters from Minnesota to other parts of the country because we sound "trustworthy"
xantos69: As far as English goes most linguists agree that the central mid-west has the most "neutral" accent.
muscle_taur: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
SentientRatKing: Population wise Mandarin is pretty high up there, but it's really only spoken in a few regions.
space_turbulence: You could say the ocean is gender...fluid
BrowneePoints: The Transatlantic Accent was partially to sound fancy and partially because old Recording Equipment sucked
Makrosian_Tay: It's teaching the player
Raketon: hidden loading screen?
tehfewl: no good, its full of steam!
Nydestroyer: I mean hallways of pipes do have those vavles
Mr_Horrible: how is that a "Video games" thing?
ThirdGames: I think it's to continually highlight how the place is falling apart
Mr_Horrible: it's just a thing breaking
saucemaster5000: Adam doesn't understand how steam works
ashteranic: it's to slow down the game a bit
Kaaosa: adam, if there's a steam rupture and you don't close the valve, you die eventually
spethycakes: You cannot tell me that small-town Iowa accents are neutral. Very rural Iowa has a very particular flavor and I could never describe it as neutral.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Lets Gabe Newell feel relevant
Blakemcm: its for sure a loading spot
itira: steam is fake
Dog_of_Myth: Gabe is heartbroken
lochnessseammonster: steam truther
drcthulu: Steam is fake news
shendaras: oh, it's back
ashteranic: Adam's an EGS guy
NotCainNorAbel: water isn't air
Gildan_Bladeborn: More insulin!
I_Am_Clockwork: hot wet air
BrowneePoints: Small Town Iowa has a SLIGHT twang in the way of Missouri's direction @spethycakes
Tangsm: Water comes in ice and liquid forms ONLY
Darleysam: thermos seabatClap
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: putting the solution directly in front of the problem is a bit boring, yeah
ThorSokar: Steam, Same thing as Birds to Adam
Simriel: Adam thinks we are all in the pocket of Big Steam
KV1NN4: Adam, that's wher ei get most of my games!
Saintnex: wouldn’t you want a release valve next to the switch?
dweebert91: When they put the key in front of the locked door
Mr_Horrible: a "Video Games" thing would make you go across hell's half acre to turn the steam off
HadesLeprechaun: it doesn't have to be a puzzle, just game interactions like "jumping" and "opneing doors"
finestotter: Is it like a video games thing in the way that it wouldn't happen that way in a story/movie?
Makrosian_Tay: 3 monsters
MacbethSeemsSus: Working for Big Water
itira: wait is that the red thermos?
saucemaster5000: uh.... steam is WATER, Ben, NOT air
Kaaosa: it'd be a shame if the steam continued to add heat to the space you're standing in and killed you
GreyThey: The steam adds an air of mist-ery
shendaras: =(
Nydestroyer: baka
ThirdGames: lrrHEART lrrADAM
frank_the_great: Yeet. That. Thermos!
ghyllnox: Steam hits you twice. Once as hot steam, and once as boiling water condensing on your skin
gawag_: is this a 1 stream game?
xantos69: "You think if you heat up water it becomes air? Grow up Steve."
Makrosian_Tay: What happens next week?
ThorSokar: PFFT, Liar, I know you got no where else to go
lochnessseammonster: BibleThump
Kramburger: Damn, they're not going to be in Let's Nope 3
Fanklok: Steam is a lie by big water to scare you into buying more ice
Gildan_Bladeborn: 3 distinct monsters and one we heard.
spethycakes: @BrowneePoints Yeah -- very different than what you'd hear in Des Moines and Iowa City
patrick_stonecrusher: Protien protien steam doesnt exist
Blakemcm: dinna tel me ya canna cum bek nex waek
YawnLance: Yay but also :(
Gildan_Bladeborn: Who may be the one we're currently... avoiding.
Mai_Andra: I mean... air...from water?! Wake up, sheeple.
youcantlistentobuttons: FUZZY BUDDY MAGIC
Mr_Horrible: wow, all my LN time being stolen, I'm writing a letter to LRR
ThorSokar: composKEKSlide
NotCainNorAbel: Can you do the famjam in a spooky voice?
lochnessseammonster: jokes on you i'm already home
Kramburger: Chat, you know that LRR doesn't Live at the office, right?
betweenmyself: familial jamilials
BrowneePoints: Speaking of which it's Iowa State Fair season and I'm pumped. Brother the new foods this year look SICK
Mr_Horrible: [Dom Pardo voice]
ghyllnox: @Kramburger Of course they do Live at the office, where else would they do it?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: the fam jam but you just play innistrad draft at the usual let's nope timeslot
Saintnex: can we feel Roy the fam jam?
HadesLeprechaun: Ben's compulsion to pick up all these objects may bite him in the butt when he needs to come back through
VrolikSyndrome: Ray?
hesterbyrde: We can have a Fam Jam/Let's Nope when Duskmourn comes out!
finestotter: @Kramburger Aren't they streaming from a Vault?
Simriel: It's a Racist Monster
Feriority: Don't like this
quasi79fu: le gasp..You mean they havelives outside of the offfice??
TheBearBee: I have been super burned out on Magic for the last few years, but BloomBurrow looks great. I am excited to actually play magic for the first time in a while
Fanklok: Oh good more insulin
Kramburger: DAMMIT ADAM
goombalax: dat deer doe
Gildan_Bladeborn: Nope, now it's 5 monsters.
VrolikSyndrome: The chef in the freezer!
Redbassist: Do'h
quasi79fu: Omg my reality is a lie?
Larkonus: We have another chance to save the thermos!
Mr_Horrible: oh look, it's the *racist* flesh blob
silenceaux: awoo.
VrolikSyndrome: it loved us.
tehfewl: any my Deer Friend Noko enjoyers?
Tangsm: That color was on sale.
Makrosian_Tay: @tehfewl right here!
Mai_Andra: it wouldn't stay away. it was sitting on the porch the very next day.
xVoxtric: @tehfewl shikanokonokonokokoshitantan
Kramburger: I can excuse being a flesh blob, but I draw the line at racism
SK__Ren: Technically thats Thermos #3. Remember, no Thermos were harmed in the making of this game
KeytarCat: Something something dogwhistle
itira: whippy
BrowneePoints: ooo that was a pig squeal
MacbethSeemsSus: Typical Addair
VrolikSyndrome: Good screeyonk.
Pharmacistjudge: occupado
SageofShadowzF: The thermases were a corporate gift in lieu of a raise
Makrosian_Tay: I think all of these monsters are hand made. No stock monsters
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: ah, the ubiquity of corporate suppliers. you get one color because it was the cheapest by 3 cents per unit
Makrosian_Tay: That's amazing
radioshackraider: Of course it's Addair that's been Spaghetti'd
gualdhar: oh that's the UK nationalist guy
Saintnex: dumbass flesh blob
voren_chalco: @Kramburger You can excuse being a flesh blob?
TheBearBee: If this rig is set up like a navy ships, it would make a lot of sense that all the thermos are the same brand. They're probs all sold from the store on site
josh___something: Yeet!
Mr_Horrible: "and succeeding at it!"
PawssumFable: That implies everyon4e forgot their favorite cup
Saintnex: what do you mean trying?
josh___something: Stop being so easy to trick, addair
Gildan_Bladeborn: Canteen game too strong.
muscle_taur: vent maintenance is thirsty work
PawssumFable: Thermos was ubiquitos in the 70s
Mr_Horrible: a CUP-ple more, you say?
Rhynerd: I ain't bringing my favorite cup to an oil rig. What if I lose it at sea?
DudelidouX: Wouldn't you finish your coffee as you work in the crawlspace?
ashteranic: Look, all that ammo belonged in that old people's home in Alan Wake 2, alright?
MacbethSeemsSus: Shhhh caz!
Kaaosa: i can't tell you how many cups i lost on the boat because i'd put it down and the boat would take an angle and my shit was gone forever
Kaaosa: there's probably still some in the vents
Mr_Horrible: I don't even wanna contemplate how much time these monsters took to animate
korvys: Use your leccy powers on the jennies
josh___something: Uhhh...
Gildan_Bladeborn: Uh oh.
Saintnex: ummm
betweenmyself: this is the good kind of “everything going dark and quiet”, right?
TheBearBee: stooshie?
TheBearBee: translation?
korvys: getting upset
Mr_Horrible: LUL
Darleysam: yeah it fits the NS accent too
Strebenherz: stooshie: a commotion, rumpus
korvys: a state of excitement or anxiety; a tizzy.
tr3ewitch88: Could you imagine if they should Gaelic words in here?
Simriel: You have permission to use Gobshite :p
Fanklok: Sounds like you're saying sushi but you went to public school
SquareDotCube: nobody wants stooshie sushi
Dog_of_Myth: Yep
radioshackraider: What if I were to tell you that the Canadian accent has some amount of Scottish influence in it?
PawssumFable: Stooshie
Mr_Horrible: "Ohh yah ya upset? Goin' out fer a stooshie dinner der eh bud?"
Gildan_Bladeborn: Well... I guess you'll find out.
KeytarCat: Game good
eric_christian_berg: INSP? Is that a Myers-Briggs thing?
Mollylele: stooshed out of his goord
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500 - you use what you want
HadesLeprechaun: @tr3ewitch88 they have a subtitle option for like, the original scottish language, used by like 2000 people in the whole world still
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK
Rexsplosion: Man, WoW servers STILL AREN'T UP
hesterbyrde: So glad y'all are playing this! Thanks for the stream!
korvys: Newfie's kinda similar, right?
The_Color_Twelve: No, not my Leafs!
VrolikSyndrome: what's snow?
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
VrolikSyndrome: This post was made by Florida Gang.
drewm1022: That's a Texas-sized 10-4 there bud.
BusTed: good times
Mr_Horrible: good shit, looking forward to more of this
LithelyUnshod: @korvys Closer to Irish
SquareDotCube: before you know it you'll be eating another man's toast and wanting to fight them
KeytarCat: French and Japanese have incredibly similar intonation, I wonder how slang transfers
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: cheer69
xantos69: Thanks for the great stream!
Pteraspidomorphi: Fun stream
SmithKurosaki: Tahnks for the stream yall
youcantlistentobuttons: Oh no, it's over?
Kaaosa: thank you streamer
youcantlistentobuttons: Thanks spookyboys!
shendaras: seabatClap
loufghyslaufey: Is it me, or do these 'Scots' sound Irish? StinkyCheese MindManners NotLikeThis lrrSPOOP
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Catcard: yo???????
BrowneePoints: what are you picking up?
BusTed: Nice
JinaMahavira: PogChamp
Strebenherz: Adam, you're awesome
loufghyslaufey: Just a tad, dough
Darleysam: oh hell yeah
hesterbyrde: Editor Adam! Very cool!
SnackPak_: too late
gawag_: adam youre cool
roefizzlebeef: hell yeah adam!!!
Mr_Horrible: this is how Adam sneaks Crocsnsocks into LN Express
gualdhar: Adam is so handsome
Kramburger: I'll fucking do it, watch me
spethycakes: Adam the coolest, confirmed
tr3ewitch88: Scariest thing is, I live 3 hours from Canada and it took me forever to translate Letterkenny
josh___something: I'm mad I didn't get here earlier, but off to the VoDs I go
muscle_taur: ;)
yllwmstr: Adam is cool
Juliamon: Adam is a very good editor
NotCainNorAbel: I love Adam's edits
drcthulu: Cool as Ice
therepoman__: OSFrog FROGS ARE GONE OSFrog
Laserbeaks_Fury: Blue It
Strebenherz: Adam is awesome and pretty cool too
hesterbyrde: Ben is also cool and handsome
lochnessseammonster: you're very cool and good boys
Mollylele: ty for stream
Simriel: Oooh what's Jordynne moving to working on?
frank_the_great: Sleep tight
josh___something: Adam is cool AND good
radioshackraider: Adam can't be cool cause he's hot
KeytarCat: Thanks for stream!
thatguysteve2709: Thanks for the stream appreciate it
Fanklok: Jajes is going to be tugging his LRRMs?
Mr_Horrible: James Turnip
KeytarCat: @radioshackraider Curse this strange language!
josh___something: Adam's cool AND hot?! Dang
JinaMahavira: you are on the normal one
Mr_Horrible: gesundheit
muscle_taur: olestra??
Redbassist: Good ol nightbook
MWGNZ: po-ghi oh
Juliamon: He's not even close
Fanklok: Yugioh with real rules?
hesterbyrde: BG3 is like well into the 20s of episodes
Juliamon: To the record
Simriel: Pacific Drive was like 40 hours for me
Mr_Horrible: LUL
niccus: this is taking a while but the frequency is also low
tr3ewitch88: Thanks guys ❤️ VirtualHug GayPride FBtouchdown HSWP
gualdhar: no he's in the third area right?
rosesmcgee: Alex gets to do whatever he damn well pleases
Lysander_salamander: He's about 2/3 of the way through
gualdhar: oh whew
Mr_Horrible: "It's just a car!"
Saintnex: No, he’s almost done the game
Strebenherz: Get got
josh___something: "block this wack ass mixup"
Juliamon: look I was living in my brain there
ProcyonFlynn: Wasn't Beej's Shadowrun a pretty long one too?
Saintnex: maybe 2-3 streams?
Fanklok: Just Ben them again Ben
TheBearBee: Don't get into a Stooshie Ben
Fanklok: ban
Juliamon: but yeah I think Alex could possibly finish this week, definitely next week
youcantlistentobuttons: MORE FUZZIE MAGIC
JinaMahavira: I'm pretty sure Graham said it was Adam and Cori on LRRMTg
Juliamon: There are nearly as many rhythm games as there are horror
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon we gotta find a crossover
tehfewl: rabbit and steel is a banger
Mr_Horrible: R&S is goated
YawnLance: Oh FFXIV Raid simulator
betweenmyself: need a spate of Rhythm Horror games for some crossover streams
josh___something: SURELY there are rhythm horror games
Rhynerd: oh heck yeah a watch and play!
Mr_Horrible: ITS SO GOOD
YawnLance: It's sooo gooood
itsr67: mhm
Mr_Horrible: no spoilers but ITS SO GOOD
BrowneePoints: This raid tier gives me HEART ATTACKS
Mr_Horrible: they've got a Vince
Kaaosa: it's fantastic
ThirdGames: Pls no spoilers
tehfewl: Ben, tell whats your opinion on horse girl?
Mai_Andra: Pacific Drive hasn't even been going on that long. He only started it the week ya'll were filming Friday Nights. That was just a week or two ago, right?
Mr_Horrible: it's perfect
Strebenherz: Oh ben, if you're on aether, the music is going for super expensive, for the second fight
varmintx0: the 4th boss probably has awaken something in many people.
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits!
loufghyslaufey: Maybe they're both a pair of game testers on the rhythmic fly, then they replay the full-punlished game on stream, eh?
gualdhar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
Kaaosa: @varmintx0 i was already wide awake :)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gualdhar! (Today's storm count: 35)
YawnLance: Of course lmao
Mollylele: !tellPaul
tehfewl: @varmintx0 already there brother
KWardJenx: Thanks so much for the stream. This was fun and spooky
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, lads seabatClap
youcantlistentobuttons: I just wnat y'all to know, this is my fav LRR stream
muscle_taur: such an intense game. good stream
therepoman__: Thanks for the stream gamers
JinaMahavira: byeeeeeee
spethycakes: Thanks for a fun stream!
Strebenherz: Y'all take care and thank you for stream
PawssumFable: bye
emberBecky: seeya o/
tr3ewitch88: Goodnight everyone
VrolikSyndrome: Woo!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Seth_Erickson: sushie is legal here as well Kappa
Redbassist: lrrBartleby
tehfewl: tfw no stooshie
Makrosian_Tay: Thanks for the stream boys! You're the best!
Orxolon: g night every1
Saintnex: soooo, what does stooshie mean anyways?
Makrosian_Tay: BTW, if anyone wants to see the GDQ audience recreate the dance from Alan Wake 2, check this out
Seth_Erickson: @Saintnex it's like throwing a fit people said
loufghyslaufey: Kay? Did they just repeal a motion that implored sushi to be illegal on Victoria or I almost keep forgetting where...
Saintnex: @seth_erickson thanks! and dinger, I was kinda hoping it was yet another word for the c-word and that Ben and Adam were just shouting that it was legal lol