baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: beefy jeefy
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: He's just a little guy!
baltimore_667083: !advice
LRRbot: The Situation Report informs you of your current situation.
baltimore_667083: wait you mean it doesn't tell me about what happened back in '86?
Datnade012: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (Join James for the Bloomburrow Early Access Event! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Wed 10:30 AM PDT (7m from now).
TXC2: title change!
Earthenone: lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
samufranqu: ashlizBat ashlizBat ashlizBat
cle0deen: Me need cute things
Didero: Good evening!
TheShokara: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
TXC2: hello Didero and TheShokara welcome
TheShokara: impuls35Wave
DidacticDad: lrrSPOOPY
Anubis169: Hello TXC2 welcome
Anubis169: travBUTT
TXC2: Anubis169 how dare! Kappa
Anubis169: lrrSHINE
Desruprot: limesDance
Anubis169: all good man?
DideRobot: LRR: It's time for the BLOOMBURROW EARLY ACCESS EVENT on today's bonus LRRMTG w/ James! | Cute AF Magic: The Gathering cards? CHECK! | Cute AF James Turner? CHECK! | Cute AF Twitch Chat? CHECK! | (has image) |
RecklawGaming: lrrSHINE
TXC2: Anubis169 had some arena trouble earlier, but yeah, how about you?
Anubis169: Just finished the yearly shouting match with my car insurance company
TXC2: Here we GO!
TXC2: Anubis169 ooof, we at least it's over now
TXC2: Hello James
Didero: Hey James, long time no see :p
baltimore_667083: hi again james!
Anubis169: "You've had no accidents, no warnings, no speeding tickets. You've driven exemplary for the past year. We're putting up your premium by £90 because screw you for no reason."
invalidCards: Bloomburrow!!!!!!
Anubis169: managed to beat 'em down, but argh every year
Anubis169: Hihi James!! lrrAWESOME
Mangledpixel: Wednesday isn't real and can't hurt you
BrowneePoints: Um Excuse me. James this is the Furry Set, why is a Human on Screen?
TXC2: BrowneePoints we're not in game yet, then he'll turn into a fox
TXC2: Kappa
Earthenone: what if you win your first draft? wont you need to retire champion?
Anubis169: it's ok, mods have a defibrilator
Earthenone: elestrals
BrowneePoints: Elestrals
CrossXhunteR: show me that glorious 0-X record
djalternative: wait. we're supposed to win games on LRRMTG? I thought we just memed and winning was a bonus
Nouxatar: oh nice!!!
Gekyouryuu: Is Elestrals the NFT card game, or is that a different one?
djalternative: Mono-red draft challenge in Bloomburrow?
Earthenone: i dont think elestrals is nft based
Nouxatar: @gekyouryuu different one 100%
Didero: NFTs still exist?
Juliamon: Wheeler hard drops anything that has NFTs
Anubis169: technically they never did
TXC2: Wheeler almost played an NFT game, and then didn't, and that's how we got the Mahjong streams
BrowneePoints: Or hear me
BrowneePoints: we see how the draft environment is first
Didero: @TXC2 Ooh, NFTs finally did something good for once then!
vinopinguino: Nah let him cook
captain_goof: Or start with mono red sealed
Earthenone: what if we open a good red card though
TXC2: Didero exactly
djalternative: It's early access, absolutely no stakes
jiantwitch: I mean, mtg is a FT game, not a NFT. By definition. MTG cards is very fungible by design
Earthenone: its a bonus from watchingt elden ring
Gekyouryuu: Was only asking because the one person I know who has anything from Elestrals also said they got a ton of the "nft card game" and I wasn't sure if that was the same game or not
vinopinguino: LISTEN!
WrightJustice: sparky please!
vinopinguino: HEY!
yllwmstr: Sparky no
Anubis169: xxxP xxxPLICIT
TXC2: Sparky can not be stopped
Earthenone: phil seat, we need you
Mangledpixel: Sparky is just doing their job, don't be mean
djalternative: watch as Graham just sneaks into James' office without him noticing
Gekyouryuu: Why couldn't WE get de-sparked from march of the machine?
TXC2: duo mas !
BrowneePoints: like at least 5
Mangledpixel: Jame!
BusTed: Let's go Jame
Juliamon: Jame
BrowneePoints: it's spanish
Earthenone: lrrJAM
BrowneePoints: Hah-may
kumatsu: Famous Youtuber Jame Turner
Mangledpixel: one singular Jame
Scarbble: just the one jame
invalidCards: Only one Jame
Didero: Jame is the singular form of the plural James
djalternative: You're a singular Jame. Not plural James
accountmadeforants: Didn't even go for JameTG
Nouxatar: jame :-)
jacqui_lantern234: One Singular Jame
vinopinguino: My name Jame
TXC2: one jame please
Cosmonautilis24: Did you log into the wrong account and that's why there was the tutorial sprite?
jiantwitch: @LoadingReadyRun The name is cropped after a specific number of letters and then they add MTG at the end
Gekyouryuu: Jame Goodall, drafting monkeys
BrowneePoints: Ha-May Toor-nair
SkiaSymphonia: Jame is the nickname I've had since I was a kid. I often wonder if other James's get that too
TXC2: !vod
LRRbot: Streams from the last few days can be found at and the Archive of all streams can be found at
DaseBeleren: a single Jame
EvilBadman: @jiantwitch that's been a known thing for a while now
galleadden: PPR was fire as usual.
Mangledpixel: Cosmonautilis24 he wouldn't be able to access the Bloomburrow content if he was on the wrong account
BrowneePoints: Mana Leek
BrowneePoints: Maria Bertholdi?
TXC2: moxruby I sware
TXC2: *saw
Didero: Just pick the prettiest one, easy
BrowneePoints: Bartholdi*
BrowneePoints: i can spell
galleadden: oh dang got the gonti thoughtseize.
djalternative: I think that's thoughtsieze+
EvilBadman: It's thought seize + gonti
Earthenone: its not red though
jacqui_lantern234: ALSO!!! reminder that yall are loved AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!! <3
BrowneePoints: Mentor is a comittment but good
jiantwitch: Its toughtseize + cardsteal
djalternative: There's only two red cards actually though
djalternative: a red card might actually be the pick
CrossXhunteR: mentors are the sign post uncommons
Earthenone: parting gust is great
yllwmstr: Mentor good choice
Didero: Well you did spend a third of your pick time looking at the other people :p
TXC2: parting gust AKA Fart and walk away
djalternative: either a blink or full exile is very good
BrowneePoints: Swords to Fishmongers
jacqui_lantern234: @Earthenone YOURE great <3
galleadden: gotta be the gust
Melfina__: Fish Within
Gekyouryuu: @browneepoints swordfish to plowshares
djalternative: I think the only red card might be good to cut
Didero: "Rabbit Response" is a pun name, pick that one
EvilBadman: @Gekyouryuu it's a flicker not a full exile though
galleadden: The lifecreed duo did work during ppr
WrightJustice: up to one baby
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 i had a coworker who did that ALL THE TIME when i worked inventory, the snarky grin was the rudest thing about it XD
TXC2: that feels like a reprint ?
trebuchetboy: Is it just James today or are they taking shifts?
EvilBadman: I'd take the land or duo, but i'm not a smart man
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 well bus them then
yllwmstr: Baby murder
MacSquizzy: kills a creature and its offspring
vinopinguino: All pun deck or bust
djalternative: I think counters is GW?
yllwmstr: GW is go wide
djalternative: that bat is very good
TXC2: auto select on the black card ?
Despoiler98: a bear with pump? not bad
jacqui_lantern234: @yllwmstr i LOVE GamesWorkshop Go Wide Kappa
RAZRBCK08: Arena auto select is terrible
djalternative: Auto-select especially bad on day 0 with no data
jacqui_lantern234: ooh, yay! Family Jamily :D
djalternative: I think we might want to be hedging into black
TXC2: djalternative or day -6 as the case is here :p
MacSquizzy: changeling thing too
BrowneePoints: Triggers Mentor
RAZRBCK08: We would like things that target our mentor
MacSquizzy: Oooo yeah the birds trigger valiant
galleadden: Birds and mice workin together in perfect harmony.
BrowneePoints: Eli freakin Minaya
BrowneePoints: dear LORD that art
djalternative: yeah. birds and mice are your two creature types you're looking for
BrowneePoints: "here's the pitch. Mouse Guard and Redwall" *artists everwhere Pog*
jacqui_lantern234: "cute animals doing high fantasy stuff. think redwall" :p
LidofLoathing: adorable woodland creatures is a hit in art
TXC2: "we're looking for art that will put the people who look at it into diabetic comas."
djalternative: I think Gev's good. Just play post combat creatures and you get a bonus
MacSquizzy: Raccoon seems sweet with more valiant stuff
EvilBadman: War shock yourself is wild
EvilBadman: ward*
MacSquizzy: I kinda think you just take passage
jacqui_lantern234: hot take: good mana lets you cast your good spells
EvilBadman: You can splash green easily for that
Greendrag13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months!
Greendrag13: Howldy! Bloomburrow for my LRR-versary? Fantastic!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Greendrag13! (Today's storm count: 1)
xVoxtric: it's almost heroic, it's doing its mouse best
MacSquizzy: especially with passage you can afford a splash now
djalternative: I think you're still heavy enough on white to freely switch your second color
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 good thing my aggressive love and appreciation already has!!! >:3
djalternative: OOOOOHHH. 3 Tree City!
cle0deen: Conquering a personal demon over here at the dentists office. Hurray for cute distractions
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 from day 1
MacSquizzy: why did it make the warcraft gnoll sound lol
jacqui_lantern234: @djalternative you think it costs about tree fiddy? Kappa
garunkl: was that a Warcraft3 sound?
TXC2: cle0deen lrrHEART
BrowneePoints: snap keeeep
djalternative: Mable!
RAZRBCK08: I love Mabel
TXC2: Mabel the first we saw from the set
EvilBadman: bravekin duo is rabbit+mouse
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 pfft foolish mortal, since before the dawn of time. my eldritch existence knows more than the bounds of your understanding of reality
BrowneePoints: it's also good
squidpeanut: I II II L
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 forgive me oh dark one
BrowneePoints: we need to pick up some combat tricks tho
BrowneePoints: or creatures with targetting abilities like the boids
control_rig: But the creatures are so cuuuute
TXC2: or, what if more creatures ?
MacSquizzy: we have creatures that trigger valiant too though
jacqui_lantern234: @control_rig YOURE so cute <3
galleadden: Ay mabels sword will trigger valiant
cle0deen: Too cute. No attack
BrowneePoints: wow that's a really late strike
Gekyouryuu: Oh, did everyone see the Monty Python and the Holy Grail secret lairs?
TXC2: valiant does trigger off of abilities
BrowneePoints: OOO that land!
RAZRBCK08: Sonar Strike that late seems incorrect
BrowneePoints: that land is good!
EvilBadman: the land with the tap does valiant riggers
vinopinguino: Sugar coat cause it's funny
control_rig: Valiant Village
squidpeanut: Land is really good for mice
BrowneePoints: gotta be Repel or Rabbit
EvilBadman: Yee
Astrovore: removal is good
jacqui_lantern234: straight up removal? but when are we getting gay down removal?! :p
BrowneePoints: Sazacap's?
BrowneePoints: gift buffs your creature
TXC2: removal is interference, not interaction
Mangledpixel: Repel Calamity, whoops there goes gravity
xVoxtric: Carrot Cake is delicious though
control_rig: True
EvilBadman: roughshod duo
EvilBadman: maybe?
MacSquizzy: the burrowguard might be good
galleadden: racoon mouse baby
mediocre_mage: I love the expennd mechanic
Jethrain: I still don't get how we managed to have an entire forest creatures set with only one mole in it
mediocre_mage: best birb
RayFK: Shrike
TXC2: I'd take the bird
DiscordianTokkan: Shh-rike
TXC2: hello RayFK
Juliamon: Shrike, as in Strike
Mangledpixel: Shrike, rhymes with bike
Niehilius: @Juliamon I was about to comment this exactly LUL
galleadden: @jethrain wait for caverns of bloomburrow for the moles
djalternative: the duo might be my pick
cle0deen: Is shrike a word that exists outside mtg?
Juliamon: yes
TXC2: cle0deen yes
Juliamon: shrikes are birds
Jethrain: @cle0deen it's a type of bird
djalternative: Max Shrike
DreadPantheon: shrike is a type of bird
TXC2: I know Shrike from WH40K :p
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon was that a description or you taking an action? Kappa
Dromos_GHG: meeces
djalternative: I think you cut it
RAZRBCK08: I don't think we need to
captain_goof: i don't think you can splash
TXC2: !card ace archer
LRRbot: Did you mean: Finneas, Ace Archer; Sacellum Archers
djalternative: fabled passage is fine
NovaeCorvidae: it gets a land out of the deck
djalternative: yeah. start with non-mice
jacqui_lantern234: @NovaeCorvidae more importantly, its a dual land
control_rig: I think the Junkblade as a 3RR is... merely ok
squidpeanut: Focus in on mice and stuff that goes well with mice
ladyjessica: I think fabled passage is ok, it’s only bad on the first 3 turns and unless we’re really aggressive it should be fine..
EvilBadman: t: cre
squidpeanut: Fable passage is good
TXC2: cut one of the brews ?
djalternative: maybe the coyote?
squidpeanut: Lifecreed is good
BrowneePoints: i'd play 1 Conduct. Coyote is just good
BrowneePoints: Bruiser is iffy? but big
control_rig: Coyote is good. Bruiser is iffy
RAZRBCK08: Idk about 2 Wax Wane Witness
galleadden: also coyote makes a funny sound. Cant say no to that
squidpeanut: That expensive raccoon looks not worth it
BrowneePoints: i think one witness is fine
control_rig: Seems right
MacSquizzy: how many ways do you proc the bat?
Astrovore: I'd cut a witness
BrowneePoints: and makes a good curve
BrowneePoints: you cut it already
TXC2: ship it
vinopinguino: Yolo
invalidCards: leggooo
Astrovore: let's play to find out
squidpeanut: I’m delayed sorry
TXC2: did pay close attention, aren't getting brain taken to another dimension
49 raiders from GoodTimeSociety have joined!
MacSquizzy: that's the neat part about arena, you can just play the cards and see what happens
TXC2: Hello Raiders
invalidCards: yoooo
baltimore_667083: hello raiders!
NightCatNotABot: goodti5Werk goodti5Peek goodti5Werk
Astrovore: the little raccoon face on the expend card!
TXC2: they almost never add clickables to boards these days
invalidCards: carrot carrot cake carrot cake carrot cake
Lord_Hosk: jlrrCarrotmilk ?
TXC2: !carrot
LRRbot: Soundcloud for the hit single: by MDrift314
TXC2: correct
Astrovore: and you can target the mouse for valiant
Mindfire13: MyrMatch
Didero: Sure, you're good at drawing new lands
Didero: see
Astrovore: I didn't think this far ahead, I just saw the synergy :D
djalternative: Of course it's a land. You're Jame Turner
TXC2: did you forget who you are James? what your powers are? Kappa
MacSquizzy: Tame Journer
Bugberry: "I did the thing!" "was it good?" "I guess"
galleadden: Gotta put some respect on the name Jame
BrowneePoints: i'd hold up calamity for whatever they equip(hopefully mabel)
MacSquizzy: is the land ability sorcery speed only?
MacSquizzy: huge
djalternative: you could've triggered valiant after blocks since the mouse has flash
TXC2: remember: expend ONLY works with mana spent to cast spells, not abilities
captain_goof: okay forcing mice at the prerelease this is sweet
BrowneePoints: New format
BrowneePoints: new cards
galleadden: oh dang that is a sick line
Bugberry: Instant speed Valiant and Expend are surprisingly good.
MacSquizzy: that makes trapper fell big strong
TXC2: my brain ALWAYS adds "your mom" after enters now :p
djalternative: it's a blink if not promised. exile if promised
TXC2: I say yes
BrowneePoints: blink if no gift, swords if gift
Desruprot: good ol nontarget
CrossXhunteR: turn Mabel into a fish
Bugberry: Turn their thing into a 1/1 fish or flicker your stuff.
Astrovore: nontarget for the anti-crime
BrowneePoints: Swords to PlowScales
BrowneePoints: we just have a giant abyss
vinopinguino: This music slaps
TXC2: combat trick? or slow internet? :p
BrowneePoints: Guardmouse is a house
Didero: Or they also don't know what the cards do :p
Gaz_L: fish is tapped, so you can still get in though
TXC2: BrowneePoints is a group of them called a hice then?
Bugberry: TUrn their thing into a 1/1, yes
Mangledpixel: Today's fish is trout a la creme. Enjoy your meal.
invalidCards: feesh
BrowneePoints: Guardmouse seems REAL strong
Gaz_L: @Mangledpixel Fish!
djalternative: yeah. woof
Didero: My suggestion would be to hit more and get hit less
TXC2: !findquote help
LRRbot: Quote #5806: "Help! I've lost grandma!" —Adam [2019-02-09]
Mangledpixel: have you tried not dieing?
MrTea3: Have you tried not doing that?
KhazzyB: 1, unfortunately, is not zero
cle0deen: Could you though?
BrowneePoints: land doesn't give birds haste I think
RAZRBCK08: Valiant only triggers once
blackroseimmortal7: village doesn't target bird right?
invalidCards: you can't haste the bird
Didero: It's the only thing you CAN do, so why not try it?
djalternative: wait. does land target birds
GiraffeStache: they have a food
unrivaledaesthetic: oof
ThanhtTheBoss: Don't they have food? >.>
Carlioo: awww
Bugberry: they do have food too
invalidCards: the lands only work for the creature types in their color
BrowneePoints: Hey, we did great while flooding out. can't predict a hasty prowess rare
TXC2: can't haste the bird, it goes at it's own pace
unrivaledaesthetic: just ded
lilbeezie259: sorry dude, just dead on board now
Gaz_L: they have 5 creatures, and we have 2 blockers, ye
BrowneePoints: oh hey wait they were in our pod! They dun scooped our cards!
Astrovore: well played OP
BrowneePoints: Our mice!
vinopinguino: Dang that cake is good
dungeonmasteralek is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 4 in the channel!
dungeonmasteralek gifted a Tier 1 sub to dantedad222!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, dungeonmasteralek! Welcome to dantedad222! (Today's storm count: 2)
Bugberry: That horse is amazing!
walkeroftales: yeah, IMO ditch a plains
vinopinguino: Are horses like gods in bloomburrow?
Gaz_L: drawing cards is good
Dromos_GHG: don't want the horse?! But it's a gift horse. Way to look it in the mouth!
djalternative: yeah. it's thrill of possibility with gift
dungeonmasteralek: The gift was promised
mattiratti: @Bugberry does it taste just like raisins?
TXC2: remember when tormenting voice wasn't an instant with upside? :p
Bugberry: @mattiratti give it a lick
BrowneePoints: the flying double striker or the Duo i think
walkeroftales: shrike force is the best name\
RayFK: I swear you're saying it wrong on purpose
invalidCards: oh my god they're ramping
BrowneePoints: ope they have Clemont
BrowneePoints: or Glarb
TXC2: RayFK as is his right Kappa
dungeonmasteralek: FAbled passage is in this set??
Bugberry: Sultai Slaw
invalidCards: Yep!
TXC2: dungeonmasteralek sure is
Didero: !magic fabled passage
DaseBeleren: a shrike is one of the more brutal birds they could have put in this very cutesy set
Didero: !card fabled passage
LRRbot: Fabled Passage | Land | {T}, Sacrifice Fabled Passage: Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. Then if you control four or more lands, untap that land.
Didero: Oh it's a land, that's why it doesn't list a cost
GiraffeStache: Expend creature is better imo
GiraffeStache: Needed to keep it alive last match instead of trading for it
northos: @DaseBeleren there's a shrike mentioned in Redwall so it fits :p
mattiratti: knowing what shrikes do, kinda wonder how they're in the same colour set as mice
Chmecal: is this draft or sealed?
djalternative: play the 4 and then you're have 6 next turn?
TXC2: draft
dungeonmasteralek: James' deck looks sick. Boros "heroic" is so fun in draft
RAZRBCK08: Veteran, next turn we can play Mabel and Shrike
TXC2: 5 toughness seems like it's gonna be big in this format
snortablecola: shrike force seems like a great sword holder
Didero: so how do you know which cards have reach
Didero: Kappa
Gaz_L: now we're cooking with mice
Astrovore: the value!
super731: pretty mice turn
Gaz_L: removal?!? is that allowed?!
Didero: At least they lost 2 life and a combat trick
djalternative: hey, we keep the double striker
northos: birb with sword!
OzyOnline: you can equip twice to trigger expend
dungeonmasteralek: Is this caw blades?
Astrovore: expend is only on spells
Gaz_L: @OzyOnline nope, only spells
Greendrag13: @OzyOnline Nah, Expend is spells only
WrightJustice: no expend is spells only
TXC2: OzyOnline no you can't
Desruprot: This is Cawblade at home
OzyOnline: oh nvm
Bugberry: @OzyOnline Expend is only spells, but it does trigger Valiant
RAZRBCK08: We can kill the 6/6 if they attack and lose nothing if they have nothing
dungeonmasteralek: yep
TXC2: Gods I love when I have trample doublestrike
dungeonmasteralek: Double block
BrowneePoints: yep
galleadden: yeh first strike
djalternative: yeah
GiraffeStache: yup
niccus: they also have 8 mana up...
TXC2: think positive, it WILL die
Bugberry: At that point, why use Sonar?
BrowneePoints: BIRD WITH SWORD!
Semaph: lol
WrightJustice: LUL
Bugberry: oh, double strike!
Desruprot: second swarm
Astrovore: oh no
Desruprot: we've had one yes
TXC2: the same Swarm
walkeroftales: I mean, we're still winning the race
MrTea3: Move the sword twice to expend?
Bugberry: And they have a squirrel to bring it back.
BrowneePoints: can't
BrowneePoints: expend only triggers on spells
accountmadeforants: Just like Wormcoil Engine :)
accountmadeforants: *Wurmcoil
BrowneePoints: the final mana amount HAS to be a spell
whoppernugget: whoa that triggers on sac too? that’s nuts
dungeonmasteralek: All of the mana, no?
MrTea3: I guess that would be a bit too strong
TXC2: counts for valiant, not expend
SeismicLawns: yeah it only counts mana used for spells
blackroseimmortal7: wow attacking here seems bold
walkeroftales: james....
MrTea3: The flood it real
invalidCards: jame*
super731: landlord
SeismicLawns: james why'd you draw lands
DaseBeleren: one jame, 9 land
Gaz_L: imagine having an ability that can be repeatably triggered just by moving equipment... Kappa
TXC2: !findquote Curse
LRRbot: Quote #8439: "This is the cursed sheep area. Don't put sheep here." —Nelson [2023-01-23]
LSRubin: shuffler why
lilbeezie259: What does Mindwhisker do?
galleadden: Wait but how thats a james cures not a jame curse!!
BrowneePoints: their attacks still aren't GOOD
Didero: Of course the moment you go with slightly fewer lands, you draw none, right?
Earthenone: !quote dana
LRRbot: Quote #6331: "If you're cursed, it's your fault." —Dana Fischer [2019-08-15]
TXC2: Gaz_L surely such a card would be broken and be promptly banned from multiple formats no? Kappa
Didero: Double-block the scary creature? (I don't know much Magic)
BrowneePoints: I think we die cuz of unblockable Rat
accountmadeforants: Wow, that condition seems a bit unnecessary on a 5 mana 3/4
BrowneePoints: and menace
djalternative: what's with the 2/4 they just played?
invalidCards: Can we just give that shrike force lifelink, it already has so many keywords anyway
lilbeezie259: @invalidCards Agreed XD
RAZRBCK08: We can live this turn yes
Didero: "I think I'm alive?" that's also my first thought when I have to wake up at 7 am
mattiratti: giving shrike's lifelink would be...less than fitting. Butcher birds and all
dungeonmasteralek: !card cragflame
LRRbot: Mabel, Heir to Cragflame [1RW] | Legendary Creature — Mouse Soldier [3/3] | Other Mice you control get +1/+1. / When Mabel, Heir to Cragflame enters, create Cragflame, a legendary colorless Equipment artifact token with "Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has vigilance, trample, and haste" and equip {2}.
TXC2: Game over man!
TXC2: we're mostly dead
Didero: Does double strike count when blocking too?
invalidCards: Sure does
Didero: sweet
BrowneePoints: NOW we draw it Deck!?
accountmadeforants: @Didero Yes
invalidCards: I mean, you're pretty dead anyway
invalidCards: But at least Mabel's big
djalternative: all from Maria?
captain_goof: okay mr popular
snortablecola: james is too popular at school
Bugberry: die with sword in hand
djalternative: I'd believe it if you said they were all Maria
accountmadeforants: "The preview's not until tomorrow! Wizards is sending the Pinkertons!"
UncleCardboard: gg James!
northos: gg UncleCardboard!
TXC2: UncleCardboard GG
accountmadeforants: I think there is yeah
TXC2: I don't want a Dubya, can we get an Obama?
EvilBadman: There should exactly be that option
Jethrain: it's in the settings
lilbeezie259: Not from this screen XD
accountmadeforants: Just in audio settings (Most games have an option like that
TimIAm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months, currently on a 99 month streak!
TimIAm: Almost a century of LRR
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TimIAm! (Today's storm count: 3)
djalternative: At some point today I've got to read scripts for coverage
djalternative: like 3-5 of them. I hope they aren't too long
Teddy_Beats: hey James, how goes it?
northos: well, they're blue, mostly :p
djalternative: There's Long River's Pull but that's UU
XPheco: how do you like Bloomborrow so far ?
Didero: !card mabel, heir to
LRRbot: Mabel, Heir to Cragflame [1RW] | Legendary Creature — Mouse Soldier [3/3] | Other Mice you control get +1/+1. / When Mabel, Heir to Cragflame enters, create Cragflame, a legendary colorless Equipment artifact token with "Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has vigilance, trample, and haste" and equip {2}.
BrowneePoints: 2nd Sultai deck
dungeonmasteralek: dang
Didero: !card season of loss
LRRbot: Season of Loss [3BB] | Sorcery | Choose up to five {P} worth of modes. You may choose the same mode more than once. / {P} — Each player sacrifices a creature. / {P}{P} — Draw a card for each creature you controlled that died this turn. / {P}{P}{P} — Each opponent loses X life, where X is the number of creature cards in your graveyard.
djalternative: they picked 5 sac a creature??????
accountmadeforants: You've seen Hex, here's Penta
WrightJustice: why did they pick sac 5 times?
TXC2: 5 sacs? seems excessive
dungeonmasteralek: at least you keep the sword
BrowneePoints: I s2g if everyone just draft Sultai "ramp and removal" i'm gonna hate this format immediately
invalidCards: Looks like the other options didn't help them much
northos: none of the other modes would have done anything for them right?
snortablecola: is it maybe bugged right now and that's why we saw it table?
snortablecola: nope actually northos is 100 percent right
accountmadeforants: Now *you* get to play Oops All Removal
northos: I saw Kenji cast it earlier and it seemed like it worked fine, although admittedly he also picked 5x sac :p
TXC2: ETBs REALLY shouldn't be removal
EvilBadman: OP picked 5x sac cause the other modes did nothing, chat
Bugberry: @TXC2 on an overcosted 5/3, while also being conditional removal it makes sense.
invalidCards: Hi Jame
djalternative: I think we're still fine
WrightJustice: 4 colour deck?
whoppernugget: 4 color?
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Listen to your body. Keep breathing.
invalidCards: oof
djalternative: are they 5c?!?!?!
galleadden: Im so sad this deck looks so good and has to go out like this
n3ther: when do we get to have fun BibleThump
accountmadeforants: 4 colors, all answers
Mangledpixel: !findquote curse
LRRbot: Quote #6330: "It's not my fault I'm cursed! (It probably is.)" —James [2019-08-15]
AugmentingPath: what's the artifact token? A map?
bearfrogg100: Believe in the heart of cards
BrowneePoints: Cragflame @AugmentingPath
northos: *ding ding*
TXC2: AugmentingPath a sword
EvilBadman: here come ulamog Kappa
WrightJustice: was half expecting them to fetch a mountain then
RAZRBCK08: We have a conduct electricity in our deck
Lordofironstorm: The curse is real
captain_goof: wow a 4 color deck in blb draft anything it possible
whoppernugget: Wow the shuffler is out for blood
TXC2: you draw what you were always going to draw
AugmentingPath: aha, thank you BrowneePoints TXC2
mattiratti: always the way, either too much mana, or not enough mana
zendikonsage: RIP James Turner. died to mana screw
djalternative: okay. Mono-Red challenge here we come
QuixoticScrivener: how many is that?
zendikonsage: mana flood*
Gaz_L: Florida Man, Florida Man, casts a bird, it's real big, Florida Man
TXC2: fair
galleadden: thats fair
RayFK: Bye
spaigefault: welp bye
invalidCards: Okay bye Jame!
northos: cya
mattiratti: welp
Finalsora811: Do it...
accountmadeforants: Well thanks for streaming!
Mangledpixel: wooow
Gaz_L: thx for stream
Melfina__: It was a good stream
hd_dabnado: see you all later!
Dalrint: Hi James Bye James
galleadden: bye james, have a great day
BusTed: benginO7
creasehearst: Arena called the bluff
spaigefault: DO IT
LSRubin: rip
ThorSokar: Nice Seeing Ya
protojman: brave sir james
djalternative: bye Jame
milkydeew: Later Chat
whoppernugget: Cya James
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
ladyjessica: Jame is done.
SeismicLawns: have to do it now
lightfut: Not even mad, just impressed
mattiratti: au revoir
EvilBadman: Bluff CALLED
n3ther: james left us too soon :(
ThorSokar: composSalute
GiraffeStache: welp
Izzieon: Thanks James, later
youcantlistentobuttons: Thanks James, this has been fun, see you next time.
nitrosarcastro: been fun
Quaseymoto: MTG calling that bluff real quick
ladyjessica: time for James to rise
accountmadeforants: Magic doesn't want you to play magic
QuixoticScrivener: by yall
Gaz_L: Magic magic magic
ThorSokar: pretty sure "only draw lands" IS the type of magic you play
captain_goof: 5 color sealed deck now?
LSRubin: sometimes... Magic plays YOU
zendikonsage: @loadingreadyrun is it possible to see what arena avatars are coming with bloomburrow
northos: well if by "play magic" you mean "draft again," you get your wish! :D
EvilBadman: Welp, that's gonna do it for LRRMTG...
BrowneePoints: yea this is actual factual BS. flooded out all three games? 5 lands in a row game 3?
bearfrogg100: That's tuff
RAZRBCK08: This deck seemed way better than on 0-3
TXC2: like me drafting :p
djalternative: that deck was way better than 0-3
BrowneePoints: it was
BrowneePoints: arena shuffler bodied us
TXC2: wow that set collection symbol
djalternative: The cosmetics pack should be in your mail
northos: looks like weasel and beyond are new
WrightJustice: I have seen someone with a frog
galleadden: oh yeh gotta get the cute animal avatars
EvilBadman: become frog
BrowneePoints: Cruelclaw Helga Gev Zoraline and Finneas
protojman: It is Wednesday, my dude
bearfrogg100: Frog one is cute
accountmadeforants: Found Wheeler's new avatar
RAZRBCK08: Glad they gave us a Voxy avatar
zendikonsage: thanks!
WrightJustice: decks?
QuixoticScrivener: no Otter Ral?
dungeonmasteralek: GEv <3
BrowneePoints: Gotta use the Helga sleeves
accountmadeforants: Probably Bun(bun)dles, too
Lord_Hosk: bun
Lord_Hosk: bun
invalidCards: Infamous Cruelclaw!
djalternative: yeah. I vote helga
Bugberry: lots of mail piled up
accountmadeforants: Those were from MH3
invalidCards: That's the MH3 mastery thing
djalternative: that's MH3 stuff
TXC2: from MH3
galleadden: modern horizon stuff
northos: they're worthless is what they are :p
Teddy_Beats: I vote for mouse
Quaseymoto: You dared to take a vacation and therefore missed an entire set rotation
BrowneePoints: Helga
BrowneePoints: Look at those sleeves
mattiratti: Finneas or Gev
accountmadeforants: Heck yeah
zendikonsage: finneas
Izzieon: frog
invalidCards: Hell yea
TXC2: a version of the mastery pass with better mechanics and WAAAAAAY less value
WrightJustice: what's in decks?
BrowneePoints: in the bundle
galleadden: yeh mabel is a pet somewhere.
bearfrogg100: Preorder bundle
invalidCards: Does the account not just have it
BrowneePoints: is it under featured?
QuixoticScrivener: questing pheldagriff
Robot_Bones: Hons is ok
invalidCards: Guess not
Xed_Regulus: Mole!
spaigefault: hell yeah rock life
Gaz_L: googly rock!
galleadden: someone had it so maybe its in the mail? but rock is better
Gaz_L: lol, i forgot the rock was called Dwayne
LSRubin: what else would you name the rock?
mattiratti: best of luck
djalternative: oh no. we're 1
Bugberry: Horse is also somewhat on-theme with being a regular animal
Lordofironstorm: Is the queue time super long again?
accountmadeforants: Yeah, some people seem to have the Mabel pet. Might be Mastery?
QuixoticScrivener: force otters
accountmadeforants: (That said, I prefer Mole Man)
captain_goof: force frogs
TXC2: Hans mole man?
bearfrogg100: BLB finna be lit
Lordofironstorm: Force dragons
Desruprot: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
accountmadeforants: Force Superfriends
Aceviru: Force lands
Desruprot: @Aceviru last game it the game already did that to us
Hulyen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Hulyen! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: Force nothing and accept the grace of the universe?
wasterweiss: Can you show the mastery after the draft?
captain_goof: first pick the rare no matter what then force those colors
BrowneePoints: yea I wonder if the Mabel pet was on the Featured page
BrowneePoints: and our deck did us DIRTY
djalternative: So, James. Of the creature types on Bloomburrow, which is your favorite and which would you be?
Faulpyr: Force magic the gathering
captain_goof: wait okay this time first pick the bottom common and force those colors instead
Desruprot: @BrowneePoints Mabel pet is a pre-order, you can actually get it right now
galleadden: its really weird the early access always struggle to do draftz. feel they should let some groups hand out a tiny handful of early access accounts just to gurantee drafts
BrowneePoints: everyone is doing Sealed and Constructed
Desruprot: now its less than hundreds
djalternative: draft enables Mono-color shenanigans
BrowneePoints: Lots of folks test out new brews during the Event(like Day 9, Seth etc)
djalternative: Glarb!!!
djalternative: Sultai ramp
captain_goof: you gotta try it
Aceviru: Gas
BrowneePoints: Windmill slam the Frog with the Bedroom Eyes
Robot_Bones: Frog wizard Noble
TXC2: why deathtouch ?
snortablecola: Still is half an oracle of mul daya
Gaz_L: gets those lands out of the deck faster
accountmadeforants: That's a 2020 Commander card alright
wandering_t: Glarb! Glarb! Glarb!
DaseBeleren: all hail his moistness
EvilBadman: Become the Frog king
djalternative: this IS the day for it
AugmentingPath: always first pick 3 color cards, yeah
Aceviru: Surveil away all the lands
Bugberry: Surveil Commander
BrowneePoints: When the 3 color card is a bomb rare, yes @AugmentingPath
djalternative: wow. the 3 of you must've 0-3'd together
Desruprot: and the path is frog
Dromos_GHG: ribbit
Earthenone: its glarbin time?
BrowneePoints: oh look fixing
accountmadeforants: Bootstraps its own engine
n3ther: he's getting ready to glarb
northos: "calamity's augur" is such a FromSoft Boss kind of title, I love it
djalternative: yeah. the passage is great now
Gaz_L: my favourite bit of Glarb is when they say "it's glarbin' time" and glarb all over the OP's deck
30teracyte: the blue uncommon is good
Hansk_and_Boo: Fabled Passage seems fine
accountmadeforants: Respect the land, maybe the lands will respect you back
Hansk_and_Boo: Thins the deck, less chaance at flood
Aceviru: The lands taketh, now they giveth
galleadden: Glarbin all over the place
Hansk_and_Boo: MOOSE
lightfut: Fabled passage got reprint? Huh, nice. Interesting to have now that triomes are all rotated
Earthenone: mythic uncommon greed moose!
lightfut: Moose!
Hansk_and_Boo: Bad news moose!
djalternative: MOOSE
TXC2: Mooooose!
Desruprot: Moose is good
BrowneePoints: We c an flash it in
BrowneePoints: from the top of deck
BrowneePoints: with Glarb
n3ther: that is a giant flash creature lol
accountmadeforants: Good lord, I'd not seen Colossal Dreadmoose
DaseBeleren: the moose is loose
BrowneePoints: come again?
RatherLargeToad: Dreadmoose!
Aceviru: Those are words
northos: remember to glarb your moose everybody
Jethrain: "glarb the moose" is the new "drood the ozeference"
Lordofironstorm: Glarb the Moose
galleadden: Thats the sentence of the set
Hulyen: "We can glarb in a moose" is this secretly rosewatta?
Desruprot: !quote add "We can Glarb in our moose"
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
DaseBeleren: glarb! that! moose!
Mangledpixel: we can Mlarb in our Goose?
Desruprot: oh right
TXC2: !addquote (James) [now] We can Glarb in our moose?!
LRRbot: New quote #9067: "We can Glarb in our moose?!" —James [2024-07-24]
LegionofLashes: your going to retire champion...again?
BrowneePoints: plz someone clip "We can Glarb in a Moose"
TXC2: Desruprot only mods can add quotes
Hansk_and_Boo: In response I Glarb my moose - LRR Button, probably
QuixoticScrivener: “glarbin’ ma’ moose”
Desruprot: @TXC2 Thanks :D
Lordofironstorm: The duo seems neat too
djalternative: anything to ramp us I think is where we want to be
CommiePuddin: We can glarb a moose is not the line I expected to walk in on. Given James' streamer event history, I expect this to happen more than once in this draft.
TXC2: "I want to play green, I want to plaaaay greeeeen, I want to play green and cast 4/4s, I want to play green."
DaseBeleren: who up glarbing they moose
30teracyte: hard to go wrong adding 2 drops
chucklesaurus: heirloom good
Lordofironstorm: I think we want to be Simic splashing black
galleadden: When evaluating any card in a pack just ask " can it be Glarb'ed?"
accountmadeforants: Nope, you got the rampager
djalternative: I think that blue land is pretty good?
lightfut: Glarbing the ossiference
Juliamon: Will It Glarb?
djalternative: the lands are generally good
TXC2: to glarb or not to glarb
galleadden: I don't know "CAN" you Glarb?
BrookJustBones: Overprotect is sweet
wandering_t: brawl is pretty good
Earthenone: als a fight
Lordofironstorm: I also just wanna see how Simic plays
BrookJustBones: 2 mana 2/3? is that just okay now
wandering_t: take the cache glarb
SwankyFlea: if it glarbs we can kill it
101 raiders from SergeYager have joined!
joallthedogs: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
Chronomagistrate: @TXC2 That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the field, to suffer the slings and thistles of outrageous mice..."
TXC2: #Glarbable
incslayer: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
TXC2: Hello Raiders
Alma_v: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
Earthenone: wick can be glarbed
invalidCards: We might be playing black
Ravynn: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
TheAinMAP: sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart
mattiratti: snail
MajorFrostbyte: Hi James!
TXC2: Chronomagistrate :D
Quaseymoto: Uncommon combat trick is back
30teracyte: wick needs other rats
CommiePuddin: If it can be Oko'd, it can be Glarb'd!
BrowneePoints: another brawl too
Aceviru: Its glarbin' time
DaseBeleren: blor the impervious
EvilBadman: i think now you take overprotect
galleadden: Cant even Glarb the rare smh
EvilBadman: brawl could wheel last one did
Teddy_Beats: wick seems good, you are already in black
galleadden: ok
invalidCards: hi Ral
Earthenone: 2 mana 1/1 draw a card
30teracyte: eh
galleadden: that might be splashable
Desruprot: oh hai Ral
accountmadeforants: Surely we can splash for red OpieOP
TXC2: 4c baby!
accountmadeforants: Can Ral be Glarbed?
djalternative: are we 4c?
invalidCards: Otters splash very well
BrowneePoints: I wouldn't but it's your draft
mattiratti: I don't think 4c is solid
MajorFrostbyte: Splash red? What could go wrong
Hansk_and_Boo: Pond Prophet is nice
30teracyte: you arent set up for non creature spell stuff anyways
McMenno: pond prophet
TheShokara: @djalternative we are now
RatherLargeToad: nah. not a spells deck
EvilBadman: I don't think you're the Ral deck
Lordofironstorm: Prophet
Hansk_and_Boo: Play Rall an otter time
invalidCards: Don't hurt Glarb's feelings
captain_goof: you must play glarb
djalternative: with fabled passage I think we can still glarb
DaseBeleren: glarb is not cuttable
RatherLargeToad: no Glarb!?! Heresy!
Bugberry: Pond Prophet is a fun mini selkie, especially since Frogs love to bounce
BrookJustBones: Crier
chucklesaurus: fixing seems rare
Quaseymoto: Respect the lands
TXC2: but deck is so young and Glarbable Kappa
Hansk_and_Boo: Crouching Moose, Hidden Grotto
galleadden: that rat did WORK
wandering_t: mindwhisker seems good
BrowneePoints: i'd take the rat
Quaseymoto: You have a few surveil tricks already, can hit threshold
BrowneePoints: take the flier?
chucklesaurus: negotian's art is sooo good
djalternative: fliers are always good
chucklesaurus: *negotiation
BrowneePoints: take the flier imo
Desruprot: The Flier does fullfill the Glarbquirments
Hansk_and_Boo: Take the cake
TXC2: I take assassin
Hansk_and_Boo: NO
Hansk_and_Boo: its white
Hansk_and_Boo: sorry
galleadden: white being completely open 2 drafts in a row is abit weird
Uzumaki15: The flier also works well with the bounce/flicker cards
Hansk_and_Boo: That almost took the cake
BrowneePoints: it's either that or the other rat
DAC169: mana fixing?
wandering_t: feels like you wanna stay as green/blue as possible
BrowneePoints: take the draw 3
Imbadyoureworse: My plan is to force Boros mice every draft and lose
Aceviru: It loots
Hansk_and_Boo: Loot for moose tho
whoppernugget: does fill for threshold
Lordofironstorm: Oooo yes it is
Hansk_and_Boo: Funny with Glatb
galleadden: seems deece
BrowneePoints: take the bird
EvilBadman: I'd take the bird honestly
Earthenone: !birb
mattiratti: bird
TXC2: mock is probably better
walkeroftales: mockingbird seems incredible? clone that gets flying?
DAC169: birb
Hansk_and_Boo: Birb
EvilBadman: let someone else live the otter/ral dream
Fruytk: it can be a moose
satyropodobny: it's clone with flying
whoppernugget: there’s some good removal
Bugberry: Clone that flies
RatherLargeToad: the mascot is also good for later. fixes your mana
Hansk_and_Boo: It's also just a 1/1 flyer for 1
Earthenone: imagine cloning a moose
Imbadyoureworse: I concur on birb
dungeonmasteralek: Clone the glarb?
djalternative: a flying glarb
RatherLargeToad: mascot will likely wheel, though
BrookJustBones: Since the mockingbird has an X in it's casting cost, can ik copy a hydra and get the counters for X?
djalternative: I think we might want cache grab?
BrowneePoints: i'd take the tide Thought SHucker or Sentinel
wandering_t: haven or sentinel maybe?
BrowneePoints: or the land
captain_goof: take the land
RatherLargeToad: tongue sentinel?
MarylandJutsu: Man i can't wait to get my grubby paws on these cards
TXC2: BrookJustBones no
captain_goof: must support glarb
CodeIndigo: has anyone made the "moose and squirrel" joke yet?
BrowneePoints: CRAAAB
chucklesaurus: whats the class?
wandering_t: glarb the crab!
whoppernugget: crab!
BrowneePoints: lrrCrab
TXC2: BrookJustBones counters on creatures are not copyable
Bugberry: Land isn't a bad choice
BrowneePoints: crab or brawl
Hansk_and_Boo: I just registered for Pre-release and bought 2 of the commander decks. Can't wait fo friday.
Earthenone: crab is glarbable
invalidCards: aw crab
BrookJustBones: @TXC2 I understand the counters are not copied, but the text on the hydra is, and the mockingbird has a value for X
satyropodobny: but is Glarb crabable?
Hansk_and_Boo: Thanks!! Hope so too!
yllwmstr: lrrCrab
BrowneePoints: it's better than the other choices
chucklesaurus: bell fixes
EvilBadman: bell points a land on top gfor glarb
Earthenone: bell is fixing
BrowneePoints: oh bell
BrowneePoints: bell fixes
whoppernugget: Bell seems like a shoe in
wandering_t: bell yah
Hansk_and_Boo: Whar does bell do?
BrowneePoints: Nocturne
Hansk_and_Boo: Diresight is aso not bad
BrowneePoints: a 3 mana 4/4 with reach
wandering_t: nice rare
BrowneePoints: and upside.
Hansk_and_Boo: Hell yeah
Earthenone: 3 maan 4/4 reach with upside
EvilBadman: 4/4 reach for 1gg bybee
whoppernugget: lmao 3 mana 4/4
chucklesaurus: that is very good
BrowneePoints: oooh recycling
EvilBadman: I hope someone is living the Ral dream in this pod
Hansk_and_Boo: God i love that squirrel art
DAC169: no one wants Baylen aipCry
Hansk_and_Boo: 3 drops galore
nitrosarcastro: time to glarb
yllwmstr: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
wandering_t: cut non glarb black? Fixing is not great
Hansk_and_Boo: Glarb! Glarb! Glarb! Glarb!
RatherLargeToad: cut the black 3 drop?
djalternative: yeah. I'd cut black first
BrowneePoints: i'd cut Duo and Pearl
BrowneePoints: Nocturne and the Glidedive are dece
galleadden: daggerfang duo and the glidedive duo?
Lordofironstorm: Actually, the fixing is decent given what's available in the set
djalternative: seems fine. ship it
wandering_t: yah, that seems good
CanPlayGames: I think you seem okay
Dumori: Looks better
BrowneePoints: Do you value a Divination or a 5 mana 3/3 flier more
CanPlayGames: gottem
Hansk_and_Boo: That late Scrapshooter was pretty cool too
QuixoticScrivener: I’d keep nocturn and drop the corpse berry collector
BrowneePoints: get Pho
BrowneePoints: or curry
Earthenone: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
walkeroftales: if I were James, I would value a Divination more: it allows me to draw 2 lands
djalternative: korean fried chicken
Aceviru: Carrot cake seems good.
Hansk_and_Boo: I just had curry, it was awesome
djalternative: oh yeah. Carrot Cake
djalternative: gotta get something on theme
Finalsora811: Hey, James. If you're ordering food, can you get me some chicken tendies? Thanks.
TXC2: on theme? so rabbit stew? Kappa
Strebenherz: carrot milk carrot carrot milk?
sephsays: make sure to tip the delivery person with a tapped fish
Aceviru: There's fish, so sushi is also on theme
Strebenherz: Is Bloomburrow currently public for arena?
djalternative: clearly you gift the delivery person an extra turn
Juliamon: Strebenherz no, streamer event only
Strebenherz: @Juliamon Gotcha thank ya
djalternative: oh yeah. Sushi is also on theme
TXC2: Strebenherz it goes live next week
Strebenherz: @TXC2 o7
BrowneePoints: I already said Pho or Curry
djalternative: Carrot cake or sushi
CanPlayGames: Chicken Tendies
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Most Magic decks work best when they're about 40% land and 25% to 40% creatures. Some decks can work with other amounts, but start with these numbers if you're not sure.
3PlayerPolitics: thai
Scarbble: tacos
Strebenherz: Enchiladas
thegiftedgrifter: Mac
Juliamon: Curry or sushi
Lushian_Cybasi: Frog Legs
captain_goof: i love the curry idea
Lordofironstorm: Curry
mattiratti: Nachos
nitrosarcastro: mexican
lightfut: Someone say tendies?
wandering_t: poutine
varmintx0: korean barbecue
Hansk_and_Boo: Curry!
satyropodobny: pho
Dumori: Donner
alicesedai: tacos!
BrowneePoints: Pho
morbis237: Just a sandwich
Going_Medium: Tikka Masala Pizza?
Mangledpixel: well, I just got McDonalds, so don't trust my judgement
Bugberry: pizza
djalternative: Anything Bloomburrow themed
Scarbble: korean fried chicken and send a picture to serge to taunt him
30teracyte: thai
sephsays: I'm now trying to work out what a thai taco would end up like
captain_goof: @djalternative you mean like frog legs?
Finalsora811: It IS Taco Wednesday, after all.
Teddy_Beats: Thai
thegiftedgrifter: Mmmm, good call
satyropodobny: ow my liver
BrowneePoints: Waffle Wednesday
Bugberry: a good salad, fits Bloomburrow
djalternative: Loaded fries?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Almost like totchos?
BrowneePoints: I don't like tomatoes
Lushian_Cybasi: on Nachos
BrowneePoints: soooo
Hansk_and_Boo: I love tomatoes
thegiftedgrifter: Always tomatoes
djalternative: yes tomatos
SnowBuddy18: I say no to tomatoes
Texan_Reverend: Nacho fries: faux-Mexican poutine.
Lushian_Cybasi: yes
nitrosarcastro: yes i would say no
sharker037: i would
whoppernugget: yes tomatoes
Juliamon: Real meh on tomato
youcantlistentobuttons: Yes tomates
Lordofironstorm: You should have engagement for lunch
Finalsora811: I don't like tomatoes on nachos.
3PlayerPolitics: yes
thedepthandbreadthofseth: It's summer
Xed_Regulus: I can't eat tomatoes
Going_Medium: No tomatoes extra hot sauce
BrookJustBones: I like tomato on the side
youcantlistentobuttons: Yes
SnowBuddy18: yes
BrowneePoints: Goated
Finalsora811: Yes.
Scarbble: love a green onion
nitrosarcastro: alot
BrowneePoints: WITH the sauce
morderschatten: No tomatoes.
alicesedai: must.
sporkraptor: grunions are life
Desruprot: I like Scallions
djalternative: yes to all of this
thegiftedgrifter: Absolutely
Greendrag13: LOVE green onions
CriticalHitsDave: Heck yeah green onions
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Tomatoes are a must.
mattiratti: of course
Jethrain: i prefer not to stand on them
TheShokara: neutral
sephsays: worse than tomatoes
whoppernugget: must have grunions
Bugberry: Hopefully those come with some good pico de gallo
SeismicLawns: 7/10
Izzieon: love them, top tier
sporkraptor: grunions on everything
pipshardfour: depends on what I'm doing the rest of the day
Teddy_Beats: def no to tomatoes
RayFK: Get me Boomtown
invalidCards: Hahaha
satyropodobny: scallions gang for life
Scarbble: eh
youcantlistentobuttons: Oooooo yes
TheShokara: no
mattiratti: no
Juliamon: Yes please
Strebenherz: why
sporkraptor: radishes are excellent
BrowneePoints: take em or leave em. inoffensive
Xed_Regulus: On tacos? No
QuixoticScrivener: have YouTube put their food orders in the comments
Finalsora811: Not really a fan.
RAZRBCK08: No for radish
SeismicLawns: not on a taco
3PlayerPolitics: eh
pipshardfour: love radish
alicesedai: just no.
Aceviru: Hit or miss
nitrosarcastro: sure
drroxorphd: Best day ever!
Lushian_Cybasi: not on Nachos
thegiftedgrifter: Dirt apples are a no
Izzieon: hard pass
Teddy_Beats: 100% on green onions
Hansk_and_Boo: I could rad
Didero: More like NAHdishes
Texan_Reverend: Why is that even an option?
djalternative: radishes? on nachos?
Desruprot: Taco for the Taco God, Rice for the Rice Throne
Chronomagistrate: Yes, good choice
whoppernugget: on tacos yeah
thedepthandbreadthofseth: 6/10. Authentic, cant hurt.
Aceviru: Depends on the dish
CriticalHitsDave: Radishes are thematic
satyropodobny: pickled?
morderschatten: They kinda rad.
sephsays: radishes belong to the rabbitses
youcantlistentobuttons: Pickled or no?
Strebenherz: spicy potatoes
Lordofironstorm: They're fine
Scarbble: pickled radish on a taco can be tasty but i'm meh on them
BrowneePoints: CHat. Mexican Street Tacos are SERVED WITH RADISH
nitrosarcastro: below green oninon and above tomatto
LibraryWitchKei: Radish on texmex is goooood
SeismicLawns: one entire radish on top
Teddy_Beats: bad
youcantlistentobuttons: YES
Teddy_Beats: very bad
Chronomagistrate: Yes
Desruprot: YES
thegiftedgrifter: Extra
Xed_Regulus: Yup
djalternative: YES
Juliamon: Required
TheShokara: YES
Texan_Reverend: I like radish in salad. In tacos/nachos? No.
Hansk_and_Boo: Just a bunch with the earth still on, the radishes
sporkraptor: nope
whoppernugget: Absolutely
Strebenherz: What about ranch?
sporkraptor: I will say nope
SnowBuddy18: no
Hansk_and_Boo: hgimme the sauce
Izzieon: eh
CriticalHitsDave: P1P1 chipotle sauce
RayFK: Chipotle is overrated as a sauce and flavor
Bugberry: if well prepared, I can see it.
nitrosarcastro: yeah more sauce always
Scarbble: i prefer verde sauce but chipotle is good
morderschatten: Totes saucy
Chronomagistrate: Doused in sauce
thedepthandbreadthofseth: On the side, just in case it's too spicy.
RayFK: It doesn't go with EVERYTHING
BrowneePoints: Jordan officially the whitest chatter in chat
youcantlistentobuttons: where da jalapenos?
drroxorphd: I didn't think i would like purple cabbage but they are great shredded on tacos
Texan_Reverend: Chipotle sounds great. If they have a tomatillo, I would pick that first.
CommiePuddin: Guac
TheShokara: yes
youcantlistentobuttons: What?
Chronomagistrate: Nah
Izzieon: @RayFK BASED
sporkraptor: of course
SnowBuddy18: hell yeah
Aceviru: Lactose intolerant
Desruprot: yes
3PlayerPolitics: yep
Ravynn: Yes cheese
thegiftedgrifter: Its nachos...
djalternative: We're drafting Nachos
Bugberry: Pico de gallo with nachos is the way to go
ghoti12890: on nachos? nah :)
youcantlistentobuttons: How is that a question
Aceviru: Yes still
Scarbble: @Texan_Reverend big agree
Izzieon: I'm lactose intolerant, extra cheese
Hansk_and_Boo: Vegan cheese?
CriticalHitsDave: How dare
thedepthandbreadthofseth: 13/10
Aceviru: Lol
sporkraptor: fake cheese is acceptable but sad
darkcyril: Lactaid exists for a reason.
Juliamon: It's not nachos without cheese
drroxorphd: Still do
TXC2: I don't eat cheese :p
nitrosarcastro: maybe s tier for ranking
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Would recommend.
Strebenherz: Believe in the ranch that believes in you, embrace the midwest ranch curse
mattiratti: as if lactose intolerance has stopped ANYONE eating cheese
Chronomagistrate: Not a cheese fan
SnowBuddy18: yes
Cyberegg: What cheese? its still yes but i want to know
Lordofironstorm: Yes
sporkraptor: nope
Strebenherz: yes
youcantlistentobuttons: Yes
SwankyFlea: no
Chronomagistrate: YUCK
alicesedai: soap.
Jethrain: hell yeah
TheShokara: meh, no thank you
GreatSacrificer: yes
MehallD: hell yeah cilantro
Aceviru: Yes
Ravynn: Yes
RAZRBCK08: Cilantro is fantastic
nitrosarcastro: yes
mattiratti: yes
BrowneePoints: I don't have the gene so I love it
Cosmonautilis24: soap
djalternative: yes
CriticalHitsDave: Yep
drroxorphd: Yes
dungeonmasteralek: soap
Scarbble: get that evil weed away from me
tri_nitro_: hell yeah
whoppernugget: GIMME
LidofLoathing: a sprinkling
Izzieon: Yes
RayFK: @BrowneePoints I am indeed white AF. But I would also argue that "Chipotle Sauce" is like...the most gentrified flavor of Mexican food at this point and falls short of everything else
Going_Medium: Meh, it's fine.
sporkraptor: I'm a cilantro = soap person
invalidCards: Tastes like soap to me unfortunately
thegiftedgrifter: Im the 1/8 who cant
SeismicLawns: no but I get the hype
3PlayerPolitics: meh
Juliamon: Diced fine enough it's ok
invalidCards: I really want to like it
Steelwolf171 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months, currently on a 97 month streak!
Steelwolf171: Cilantro absolutely
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Steelwolf171! (Today's storm count: 5)
Desruprot: I'm 50/50 I can deal with the soap taste, but other flavors can over power it
LibraryWitchKei: I unfortunately am one of those people
protojman: my SO doesn't like it and the more i don't have it the weirder it is when i do
satyropodobny: All cilantro all the way
Teddy_Beats: fantastic
Texan_Reverend: I enjoy cilantro. I generally get pico de gallo or salsa that already has it in there, though.
Hansk_and_Boo: Ohh coriander, yes pleae
Teddy_Beats: cilantro 100%
CommiePuddin: Cilantro great, but I understand the split
Texan_Reverend: I prefer that to just the fresh herb.
Juliamon: I don't understand the 'soap' thing, it doesn't taste like any soap I've tasted, it just tastes nauseating
DevDatul: Never too much Cilantro
Ritaspirithntr: oddly enough I’m only lactose intolerant to heated dairy like Hot Cocoa grilled cheese, but cold is just fine!
thegiftedgrifter: No black olives?
Bugberry: Cilantro is a mexican food staple
Aitsu111: Black olives are evil
Going_Medium: Grab me a chicken burrito.
sporkraptor: I'mna make myself nachos for lunch now XD
Desruprot: Cilantro is in a lot of cuisines as of late
Scarbble: yeah it's not exactly 'soap', it's just a weirdly sharp bitter "chemical" taste to me
alicesedai: juliamon theres a genetic malformation that causes cilanro to taste like soap to some.
BrowneePoints: Juliamon knows
invalidCards: I am a great fan of Mexican food but I have to put work into avoiding cilantro and I don't like that I have to do that
Aceviru: You forgot the milkshake
3PlayerPolitics: hot cocoa with grilled cheese in?!? @ritaspirithntr
Hansk_and_Boo: Most black olives are just rusted green olives
BrowneePoints: they're saying to them it doesn't taste like soap
Texan_Reverend: Cilantro lime rice is one of the things that Chipotle gets very right as a restaurant.
Juliamon: also how do so many people know what soap tastes like
Juliamon: this isn't the 50s
Scarbble: Magic: the Gathering
Ritaspirithntr: @3playerpolitics NO!!! just gave examples. ignore dumb dictation!
BrowneePoints: Cuz i've gotten it in my mouth while showering
invalidCards: I eat it for breakfast daily
Desruprot: @Hansk_and_Boo you mean the reverse right? Rust has a natural green hue
Going_Medium: I'm having left over pizza with left over chicken curry on top.
Going_Medium: It's good
Ritaspirithntr: or lack of dictation :D
3PlayerPolitics: lol it was just an amaxing mental image @ritaspirithntr
Aitsu111: Any good pets for bloomburrow on arena James?
Texan_Reverend: @Juliamon If you think the "wash out your mouth with soap" thing ended in the 50s, I have bad news for you about the American South.
Ritaspirithntr: can’t fault you for that!! :D
Desruprot: I'm planning on making an Udon curry later this week. Japanese curry tends to be good
Hansk_and_Boo: @Desruprot No, They oxidise green olives to make them black, for most bigstore bought olives
3PlayerPolitics: @ritaspirithntr 😁
Juliamon: oh hell yeah udon curry
Ritaspirithntr: @desruprot hot take! Japanese Curry is the BEST CURRY!!!
SoapboxJesterGames: You good?
Juliamon: Japanese curry IS best curry
Ritaspirithntr: ^
TXC2: also taste is 90% smell, so if you know what something smell like, the taste will be similar
Aitsu111: Yeah it's Wednesday my dude
TXC2: Aitsu111 ahhhhhh!
Desruprot: time to Glarb it
Hansk_and_Boo: Glarb on wednesday, my dude
Ritaspirithntr: @txc2 I wish my teas tasted exactly as I smell them though. :(
Lordofironstorm: Glarb!
Juliamon: It's Glarbin' Time
Scarbble: i think most of the time 'tastes like soap' is just convenient shorthand for a weird bad bitter not-food taste
TXC2: Ritaspirithntr oh indeed
3PlayerPolitics: I live in the UK and got told by a teacher to wash my mouth out w soap and water my a teacher after an outburst (in the 90s). I left the room confused about whether it was rhetorical
Strebenherz: How's your bloomburrow experience been so far?
BrowneePoints: welp james just influenced me into getting Chipotle Chicken Queso Fries, some Tamales and Chile Verde
Desruprot: Leeks can be good, they are lesser onions
TXC2: Strebenherz we went 0-3 :p
Strebenherz: @TXC2 NotLikeThis
Hansk_and_Boo: Did someone say 3 drops?
RAZRBCK08: Our deck is basically all 3 drops anyway
BrowneePoints: Mine's from a local Mexican place
walkeroftales: it's "fine"!
Scarbble: i think james may have influenced me into ordering this taco pizza called 'el jefe' from a local pizza place
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Mazel tov!
djalternative: It's probably great mexican for Victoria
BrowneePoints: I live in a town that's roughly 40% Mexican American-Immigrant so I have that direct hookup
Lordofironstorm: This music is giving me Secret Tunnel vibes
RayFK: Chipotle seems like a weird addition to Victoria. It's way past the heyday and you have shockingly good tacos and burritos already
chucklesaurus: love the board
Juliamon: Sometimes you just want something quick and reliable
Hansk_and_Boo: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
BrowneePoints: It's the subway of Mexican food but won't give you food poisoning or buyer's remorse!
Scarbble: at least next year when evo rolls around adam might be able to snag a free burrito or two
Hansk_and_Boo: what are we duo here?
TXC2: Victoria gotta maintain that most restaurants per capita record somehow :p
chucklesaurus: didn't chipotle have an ebola outbreak a while back?
Texan_Reverend: One of my favorite meals from Chipotle is a bowl of just their cilantro lime rice and black beans. It gets charged as two sides and is quite tasty and filling. When I need a really cheap meal that doesn't make me feel greasy or gross, it's my go-to.
Strebenherz: Okay, the music is gorgeous
Desruprot: @chucklesaurus yes, among other outbreaks
Desruprot: !card Flinch formation
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Lordofironstorm: Yeah
Juliamon: Any restaurant with a focus on produce will have outbreaks at some point.
CanPlayGames: I mean. Do you even have Good TexMex Or fast casual Tex/Mex?
Strebenherz: Does MTG Arena have a way to purchase the music they use in games?
TXC2: Strebenherz nope
Hansk_and_Boo: This music and backgrouns is so serene omg
Juliamon: Texan_Reverend I do something similar at Qdoba (bc we don't have a Chipotle in town) and can agree, it's a good hack
invalidCards: Saw that one coming a mile away
Hansk_and_Boo: Cry and maybe brawl?
Strebenherz: Hey Wotc you make great music for arena, I'd throw money to purchase it legally >_>
Texan_Reverend: @Juliamon Bonus: it's a decently balanced meal. Rice and beans of some type is a stable combo in cultures all around the world for a reason.
Izzieon: Sorry for off-topic gang but I just received and accepted my degree offer and I'm so stoked, now to chill and watch jame
youcantlistentobuttons: Overprotect
darkcyril: @Hansk_and_Boo I quite enjoy how the mole familiar is positioned right over James's camera. Makes for some cute interactions with them looking down on James as the game goes on.
TXC2: the 3 drop?
3PlayerPolitics: grats! @izzieon
chucklesaurus: @Izzieon Congrats!
Strebenherz: @Izzieon Heck yeah, congratulations!
Izzieon: <3
Hansk_and_Boo: @darkcyril Nice, yes!
wandering_t: not save fight til you have 4 drop down?
TXC2: four four for four
BrowneePoints: and new set
Hansk_and_Boo: I heard Glarb is upon us
RayFK: I was trying to remember the last time you and I played Magic together
TXC2: remember: this is not the place for tight plays :p
Austellion subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Austellion! (Today's storm count: 6)
TXC2: no heart on fire, no strong desire
BrowneePoints: I wonder if they have Bat Wrath
Earthenone: i imagine it is a tough sell to spend money on something you could be getting paid for :P
invalidCards: Rip the removal spell
djalternative: I'm guessing they have Long River's Pull in their deck and have been looting for it
Astrovore: What does FInch Formation do on Enter?
youcantlistentobuttons: Gives things flying
drroxorphd: gives flying
Desruprot: give something flying
TXC2: !card finch formation
LRRbot: Finch Formation [2U] | Creature — Bird Scout [2/2] | Offspring {3} / Flying / When this creature enters, target creature you control gains flying until end of turn.
Astrovore: so we have two 4/4 flyers coming in
wandering_t: fly the 2/1 and 4/4
BrowneePoints: then you gotta keep em separated
wandering_t: so 2/1 can attack
CriticalHitsDave: @BrowneePoints It makes them fly (for a white guy)
Desruprot: sure more offspring
wandering_t: well, guess your play was better in the end :)
Bugberry: all according to plan
TXC2: no mistakes Turner
Texan_Reverend: Jame Turner: certified MTG genius
Texan_Reverend: Dangit. MTGenius was _right_ there.
Desruprot: more rustshield babs
Hansk_and_Boo: Next turn tho
Quaseymoto: next turn Flunge looks good.
Juliamon: Focused too much on the singular Jame
googoltudoris: (when he gets lands, but not too many)
TXC2: Texan_Reverend hindsight is 2020
chucklesaurus: next turn flunge for lethal
chucklesaurus: ooh brawl
invalidCards: Your problems are solved
Quaseymoto: Even better now
Hansk_and_Boo: The Flunge is strong with this one
Texan_Reverend: Indeed @Juliamon
invalidCards: Nooooo
Juliamon: aw muffin
TXC2: ewwww shore up?
Quaseymoto: the hexproof saved your creature though I think?
Earthenone: !card settle the wreck
LRRbot: Settle the Wreckage [2WW] | Instant | Exile all attacking creatures target player controls. That player may search their library for that many basic land cards, put those cards onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
Quaseymoto: was that a bite or a fight...
Jethrain: they can only block one of the rampagers
invalidCards: @Quaseymoto It did
SnowBuddy18: yes 󠀀
wandering_t: flunge it
TXC2: Earthenone get that sick flith out of here
Astrovore: flunge approved
Hansk_and_Boo: FLUNGE
Wolfstrike_NL: yes
Greendrag13: DO IT
djalternative: yeah. they can't block 3 of your creatures
yllwmstr: Math is for blockers
BrowneePoints: we have lethal
chucklesaurus: flunge!!
3PlayerPolitics: unlikely
Desruprot: math is for blockers
BrowneePoints: barring no effects
BrookJustBones: on board it works
Strebenherz: Math is for blockers, that's why I play red deck wins
Quaseymoto: run away together?
Bugberry: @Strebenherz you just gotta count to 20.
Hansk_and_Boo: They have nothing
Scarbble: one win for one jame
TXC2: digging
invalidCards: No way
Aceviru: If we don't win we just top deck glarb and get there
Quaseymoto: ooo I was right. Sorry
djalternative: ManaLeek is one of the LRRMTG Chat Judges. They wouldn't hurt us
Bugberry: babies, so many babies.
Desruprot: very populous rampager
Astrovore: so many baby raccoons
Bugberry: 400 babies
chucklesaurus: PowerThirst!
invalidCards: @djalternative With how this game has been going, I don't believe this for a second
3PlayerPolitics: Endless Ranks of the Babies
CalliopeThorn: Don't kill the Rampager, he has zero wives and three kids.
djalternative: @invalidCards it's true. they are one of the judges on that account
BrookJustBones: leave the flyer back at least
wandering_t: send all but flier?
Greendrag13: ^^^
invalidCards: @djalternative I mean the "they wouldn't hurt us" part :P
BrowneePoints: i'd send the babies and take em to 2
wandering_t: lethal next turn
Hansk_and_Boo: Just attack with the 1/1s?
Bugberry: @CalliopeThorn the classic trope of the retired badass who opens up an orphanage.
nikmn: attack with the flyer too
Greendrag13: because if you hit them to 1, they need an answer for ALL the babies next turn
wandering_t: flier just gets eaten
BrowneePoints: they eat our flier for nothing
BrookJustBones: No, the flier gets blocked by their flyer
Hansk_and_Boo: Flyer just dies
Caryotip: flier is a free block
BrowneePoints: and we save a board for a better attack
invalidCards: Kitsa has drawn so many cards
BrowneePoints: cmon Glarb
wandering_t: oppo has it all
djalternative: jesus. is their deck just all removal?
invalidCards: Sure seems like it
djalternative: how many pieces is that now
Xed_Regulus: Win a game of Magic? How does one do that?
Hansk_and_Boo: Just Glarb into moose
drroxorphd: cards in library?
invalidCards: Oh my god
Strebenherz: oh no
chucklesaurus: I guess we should've taken that otter
Desruprot: oh no they are banishing children
Wolfstrike_NL: forest into swamp seems correct
dougma: the turner curse strikes again
BrowneePoints: Game come the actual heck on. This is BS
invalidCards: STOP
Strebenherz: hey opponent you can stop now
BrowneePoints: oh cool they only get gas
Hansk_and_Boo: Oh. No.
Strebenherz: "Stop, he's already dead!"
drroxorphd: At the mercy of the shuffler. Always.
CalliopeThorn: One does not simply Glarb into moose.
CanPlayGames: !card glarb
LRRbot: Glarb, Calamity's Augur [BGU] | Legendary Creature — Frog Wizard Noble [2/4] | Deathtouch / You may look at the top card of your library any time. / You may play lands and cast spells with mana value 4 or greater from the top of your library. / {T}: Surveil 2.
Aceviru: To be fair they looted away lands
CanPlayGames: !card glarb into moose
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
SnowBuddy18: !card moose
LRRbot: Galewind Moose [4GG] | Creature — Elemental Elk [6/6] | Flash / Vigilance, reach, trample
TXC2: "i'm popping off, I want the world to know"
invalidCards: Not dead yet*
invalidCards: rip
mattiratti: yeesh
invalidCards: That was brutal
BrowneePoints: welp. it was nice having ManaLeek as a chat judge before James Fired them
CalliopeThorn: Liar.
Hansk_and_Boo: Sad Glarb sounds
invalidCards: GLARB
Desruprot: oh glarb
googoltudoris: oops all "not having fun"
BrowneePoints: cmon topdeck swamp
BusTed: OSFrog
Desruprot: all your glarb belong to us
CalliopeThorn: The Glarb Redemption
Lichenbeard: swamp off the top
lightfut: Let us glarb!
Lichenbeard: every card gets you closer to the swamp!
BrowneePoints: yea pressure them with beats
CalliopeThorn: 4/4 works.
CriticalHitsDave: Whichever play leads to more Glarbing
invalidCards: That works
Strebenherz: It could use variety but it's charming to listen to
Hansk_and_Boo: punch the 3/4?
protojman: they really milking that lotr vibe
djalternative: finch formation and brawl?
BrowneePoints: kill the duo fly our finch and shwing?
invalidCards: Punch the 3/4 and attack with the unblockable thing?
Desruprot: PrideSaba
wandering_t: dont forget to fly the frog before attacks
invalidCards: The rampager was already unblockable
CalliopeThorn: Wrong target streamer.
TXC2: Jame need food bad :p
googoltudoris: now can you find the swamp?
BrowneePoints: GLAAAAARB
Hansk_and_Boo: GLARB
invalidCards: GLARB
CalliopeThorn: Glarb??
Aceviru: It's happening
Desruprot: holy Glarb
Lichenbeard: glarbtime
mediocre_mage: Hey all and chat!
wandering_t: crab probably too expensive
NovaTiempo: but large crab :(
Greendrag13: too expensive? But it has discounts AND is Glarbable!
Hansk_and_Boo: Glarb tho
TXC2: hello mediocre_mage welcome
invalidCards: found the swamp
BrowneePoints: birb
Desruprot: Crab was discounted
Strebenherz: GLARB
Hansk_and_Boo: Times of Glarb are upon us
wandering_t: wow the 4/3s
invalidCards: jeez
djalternative: if only we could kill that food
BrowneePoints: we topdeck our 4/4 that blows up artifacts?
loufghyslaufey: Because green go sideways
invalidCards: doesn't that gift them a fish
BrowneePoints: gifts a card
invalidCards: Oh cool
Hansk_and_Boo: This seems.... fine
Lichenbeard: unless they have one mana instant
invalidCards: 3
Hansk_and_Boo: 3?
CalliopeThorn: Probably about as good as you can do...
Bugberry: It says how much they have expended on the card
invalidCards: NOOOO
Hansk_and_Boo: It wasn't fine
Bugberry: It's the little icon on the bottom left
BusTed: NotLikeThis
BrowneePoints: Okay this OP can go straight into the dumpster
mediocre_mage: but ma glarb!
TXC2: Game pls
CalliopeThorn: Welp.
Desruprot: well
Strebenherz: This set's uhh cute and fuzzy, but also out to commit murder huh
loufghyslaufey: Get with it, "mathematicals..."
wandering_t: R
skuzzo: Magic: the Gathering
invalidCards: Removal too strong
Hansk_and_Boo: Today was not the day for Glarb
Strebenherz: You're a great mtg player you're just uhhh having some luck
djruhnke: 7-2 run incoming
Going_Medium: Your just low on Nachos.
lightfut: Need more glarb
BrowneePoints: You are. they had Meme dot Deck
Robot_Bones: In pog form
BrowneePoints: we can't keep this
RAZRBCK08: this hand is not keepable
TXC2: snap mull
invalidCards: nope
anbuagent12: Remember, no matter how good or bad you are, you are a Professional Magic Player, and you will have that over a lot of us.
invalidCards: yay moose
Desruprot: Moose
Going_Medium: Will it do the fandango?
invalidCards: too bad you won't be able to glarb the moose
RAZRBCK08: we do need a second green source
invalidCards: Finch?
invalidCards: rough
djalternative: I don't think finch was the pick to discard
BrowneePoints: "I see you flooded 4 games in a row. What If I then drought you the next 2?" thanks Arena Shuffler
invalidCards: (Disclaimer: I never claimed to be good at Magic)
TXC2: gottem
invalidCards: Double green attained
Desruprot: we have heard of second breakfast, but second Green Mana?
invalidCards: Seems good to me
invalidCards: Well there you go
Hansk_and_Boo: I mean, Banishing Light is a commn
fleetingtv: rewarded
Hansk_and_Boo: lol
RAZRBCK08: hey look a target
TXC2: sick plays Jame
Jethrain: it's a card not a fish, but still good
TXC2: "give me back my wife!"
LibraryWitchKei: Gift a card, but still worth it
djalternative: MOOSE
invalidCards: doesn't matter you can keep up moose
Hansk_and_Boo: MOOSE HAS FLASH
Hansk_and_Boo: Dont immeaditaly moose
RAZRBCK08: we have achieved flash moose mana
Hansk_and_Boo: Moose has flash
invalidCards: floose
Hansk_and_Boo: Dont prature moose
googoltudoris: get moosed, nerd!
invalidCards: Hehe
CalliopeThorn: The moose is loose?
Desruprot: LUL
invalidCards: They won't know what hit 'em
Hansk_and_Boo: BAD NEWS MOOSE
TXC2: the moose is loose aboose this hoose
satyropodobny: could be worse, could have hit the moose
TotallyNotaBeholder: The moose is causing math
Caryotip: looose
invalidCards: Keep trying
hypperstar2280: Is the moose?
Mal2mad: Inbound?
McMenno: winning?
CriticalHitsDave: Antici-
Desruprot: limesBlink
CalliopeThorn: The moose is quite impatient.
Aceviru: C'mon opponent step on the gas
QuantumTwitch: loose?
satyropodobny: but how is the moose these days?
Hansk_and_Boo: BAD NEWS MOOSE
invalidCards: We did it!
Strebenherz: MOOSE
seathblood: Moose'd em
Desruprot: BEHOLD! MOOSE!
satyropodobny: GET MOOSED NERD
tsp397: Oh that's why everyone thought that card was good
invalidCards: The moose has vigilance as well?
invalidCards: Sheesh
Hansk_and_Boo: Moose has vigilance lol
invalidCards: At uncommon????
ThanhtTheBoss: The Moose has everything.
northos: I mean, ever tried to sneak up on a moose? :p
CalliopeThorn: Keyword Moose.
undecided44: Moose bites can be very nasty, you know. A moose once bit my sister...
Desruprot: Rediclamoose
McMenno: they had to block otherwise death
Hansk_and_Boo: Questing Moose
Chronomagistrate: @undecided44 chrono173CatHeart
mediocre_mage: I kinda love having amazing creatures with just a ton of keywords over a paragraph of text
skuzzo: I won't stand for this Colossal Dreadmaw erasure.
northos: @McMenno right but they could have saved more life blocking the non-trampler
lightfut: Vig reach trample flash slice dice ice make your bed for you
Uzumaki15: I can't believe they made Colossal Dreadmaw better XD
Bruceski: Thde only thing more dangerous than The Moose is an actual moose.
invalidCards: But *only* moose damage
TXC2: undecided44 and now she;s a weremoose ?
Mal2mad: but not frog damage
Desruprot: @Uzumaki15 Dreadmaw was outclassed in the set it debuted in
CalliopeThorn: Gettin' the W off the Moose Boost.
Bugberry: @Uzumaki15 we did get moma dreadmaw in lost caverns.
12 raiders from TheManaLeek have joined!
invalidCards: YEAHHH
Hansk_and_Boo: GLARB
TXC2: hello raiders
Desruprot: oh hai ManaLeek
undecided44: @chronomagistrate and here I was, afraid that I was about to get sacked.
sascha454: just got here, when did I miss
TXC2: Flunge time
Thisbymaster: math is for defenders
TheManaLeek: Best game of the day, was sure I was toast :D
invalidCards: Doesn't matter!
googoltudoris: you could have glarbed to give the warden flying
CalliopeThorn: No flying though.
Chronomagistrate: @undecided44 I mean, you're not doing the subtitles, so you're fine :P
satyropodobny: oh snap it's beloved hero of all children GLARB
Bugberry: They have no reach
ThanhtTheBoss: Your flyer still comes through. lol
TotallyNotaBeholder: Spite the moose
fleetingtv: the clutch flyer
Dschuncks: Hi James
RAZRBCK08: still dead to the flyer but yea
Mal2mad: The moose is dead, long live The Moose
Jethrain: "from hell's heart I stab at moose"
invalidCards: lrrPistachio
Hansk_and_Boo: Good News Moose
ThanhtTheBoss: You got a win!
Chronomagistrate: HUZZAH!
TimeToFlipOut: They are doing it for spite
lightfut: Victory for glarb!
djalternative: at least one win today!
Aceviru: Wooooooo
Flyingdelorion: The kill the moose and loose!
TimeToFlipOut: congrats
saintguard: Moose? Loosed
Xed_Regulus: We won a game! We won a game!
TXC2: 7-2 LETS GO!
Dromos_GHG: Moose Power!
Juliamon: Only took 2 1/2 hours
djruhnke: 7-2 is happening, told you
invalidCards: Enjoy lunch!
seathblood: the comeback is real
Hansk_and_Boo: All we needed was a little luck... and a lot of moose
googoltudoris: @Jethrain meanwhile, "at hell's heart i moose at thee!"
holesinone178 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, holesinone178! (Today's storm count: 7)
hypperstar2280: Have a good lunch James
CalliopeThorn: Reverse sweep the draft.
Hansk_and_Boo: Enjoy your food James! ^^
Snampo_ok: Mighty moosin time
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
BearWithMug: Hello!
TXC2: hello BearWithMug welcome
TXC2: and we're back
Strebenherz: Oh snap that looks amazing
sporkraptor: niiice
sporkraptor: looks better than the nachos I just finished XD
TXC2: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
gualdhar: Shoukda been cool and put a sock on the camera like we did in college
Strebenherz: Home from work and glad to rest.
Xed_Regulus: I'm going to Come From Away next month
h3rsh3yb4r: no one i just got home from work
Hansk_and_Boo: I just saw Deadpool & Wolverine, it was awesome
Underachiever28: I spent all weekend sitting around airports. I’m just happy to be home
CanPlayGames: I watched a guy dig a hole earlier
Strebenherz: OH NICE
Caryotip: watched a lot of artisan TD, it s just out and i like tower defenses a lot
Hansk_and_Boo: Netherlands
varmintx0: I was watching this very silly Minecraft streamer earlier. All he does is dig a hole.
Didero: I played a boardgame during lunchbreak at the office, if that counts as 'cool plays'
djalternative: I've been "off work" all day
Xed_Regulus: Oh, you mean Magic plays? Never mind lol
youcantlistentobuttons: i went and saw Oddity. A new movie from the guy that directed Caveat. Quite spooky.
h3rsh3yb4r: i liked the James Turner cameo
Hansk_and_Boo: There was... a lot of things, all of them impossible to praise without spoilers, so I'll keep quiet about that
Bugberry: First week after finishing summer classes. Can now really enjoy summer for a few weeks.
djalternative: I'm trying not to hear anything about D&W until I see it. Then it's time to gorge on reviews
Hansk_and_Boo: Oh! I can say the soundtrack was also very epic
Hansk_and_Boo: I'm eating Burger King flavoured Doritos ^^
h3rsh3yb4r: Describe taste?
Snampo_ok: I went to see Deadpool with my bf, it was epic
Hansk_and_Boo: @Snampo_ok Your boyfriend sounds pretty cool
djalternative: you sure there's not snake in it?
djalternative: I hear that tastes like chicken
captain_goof: So what's your least favorite card to face so far?
Snampo_ok: He is, he's the best x ;)
TXC2: so no taco flavour?
Hansk_and_Boo: Bad news moose
djalternative: I'm sure there's taco seasoning on the chicken
sporkraptor: absurdmoose
AzaleaCloud: Eat your heart out, Colossal Dreadmaw
captain_goof: Feels like it will be months before we can safely attack into 4GG again
Didero: !card colossal dreadmaw
LRRbot: Colossal Dreadmaw [4GG] | Creature — Dinosaur [6/6] | Trample
djalternative: can you hover over glarb art?
TXC2: !card craw wurm
LRRbot: Craw Wurm [4GG] | Creature — Wurm [6/4]
TXC2: the OG
djalternative: no, I don't remember that time
Hansk_and_Boo: !card Plated Wurm
LRRbot: Plated Wurm [4G] | Creature — Wurm [4/5]
Hansk_and_Boo: No what am i thinking of
captain_goof: What deck seems most fun to play?
TXC2: I replayed old dules of the planeswalkers games earier in the year, boy magic has changed in the last 10 years :p
Teddy_Beats: what’s the record on the deck?
Xed_Regulus: yOU MONSTER
Hansk_and_Boo: !card scaled wurm
LRRbot: Scaled Wurm [7G] | Creature — Wurm [7/6]
Teddy_Beats: sorry James, radishes are the worst.
Hansk_and_Boo: Kinda rad
TheManaLeek: Radishes are great, they're like black pepper in vegetable form.
TXC2: I have been confusing Radishes with beetroot this whole time :p
sporkraptor: @Hansk_and_Boo so would you say it's a rad... dish?
djalternative: Opinions are like buttholes. Everyone has one and they're a lot more flexible than you think
h3rsh3yb4r: radish is goku's brother
Hansk_and_Boo: @sporkraptor It's a rad-ish dish
kyookami_: @djalternative First time here and this is the first thing I see.
OrcishArtillery: Just need to lick the plate and we'll be ready to go
Didero: I gotta go, thanks for the stream!
kyookami_: I'm at the right place
djalternative: @kyookami_ congrats
TXC2: kyookami_ wellcome to LRRchat
Hansk_and_Boo: Wopperito's are amazing, too
Mazrae: Oooo just tuned in and I see that chair is drafting
TXC2: hello Mazrae welcome
gdann12: roaming throne any good with new tribal ?
Strebenherz: What is that, a puzzle set?
BusTed: whoa sick
Dromos_GHG: FUN!
TimeToFlipOut: lol, nice
NovaTiempo: whaaaaa
BusTed: Lego
djalternative: sparkley!
Angnor33: Ooooh
Strebenherz: oooh lego?
TXC2: !card roaming theone
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
TXC2: !card roaming throne
LRRbot: Roaming Throne [4] | Artifact Creature — Golem [4/4] | Ward {2} / As Roaming Throne enters the battlefield, choose a creature type. / Roaming Throne is the chosen type in addition to its other types. / If a triggered ability of another creature you control of the chosen type triggers, it triggers an additional time.
sporkraptor: if that's a lego set I want one *real* bad
Strebenherz: Lego is a valid problem to have
ChroniclerC: Is the problem "Not enough Legos"?
OrcishArtillery: Is the problem that you don't have enough room for all your Legos?
TotallyNotaBeholder: LEGO is never a problem, it is a solution to have any ammount of money and or space
TXC2: so Lego has reached the end of point of the whole galaxy
ghizmou: the lego problem is that ashley doesn't want more of them
MazemindTom subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
MazemindTom: Great to meet the crew at MagicCon Amsterdam! Thanks again for the rather unwieldy clue box 😂❤️
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MazemindTom! (Today's storm count: 8)
djalternative: I should really open the email "please for the love of god read the scripts you were assigned"
Hansk_and_Boo: @Snampo_ok You love to Glarb that moose
Snampo_ok: lrrSHINE
djalternative: I think you might need to passage for an island
Strebenherz: Your health first
TXC2: "she glarbed on my deck 'til I moosed"
djalternative: you can stream from the couch, right?
djalternative: just take the mouse and yell
BrookJustBones: they can sac in response
Mazrae: That board looks so good
Hansk_and_Boo: You can make that frog leap next turn
Desruprot: oh no
AzaleaCloud: That's... a problem
Hansk_and_Boo: Oh thats a bit scary
Hansk_and_Boo: They must have a trick
PixelArtDragon: This is a suspicious attack
Desruprot: Rabbits be rabbiting
RixtonSnek: loooads of rabbits
Hansk_and_Boo: They're rabbitting like rabbits!
AzaleaCloud: Ohhhhh -that's- why they're green-white
Desruprot: it is summer after all
AzaleaCloud: I JUST got that
TXC2: they're breeding as fast as...well rabbits
Aceviru: Can we still get that milkshake
Voidhawk42: Just got here in time to see James getting beaten up by bunnies
captain_goof: What deck we forcing?
TXC2: hello Voidhawk42 welcome
Hansk_and_Boo: Glarb?
Juliamon: it's been a rough beats kinda day
Hansk_and_Boo: No glarb
Hansk_and_Boo: Jackdaw is cool
RixtonSnek: that seems good~
TXC2: so abzan it is
Bugberry: And a bomb Black card
captain_goof: No glarb. Trash it and try again.
Mal2mad: Smelly Selenya
AzaleaCloud: A Dryad with mud on her shoes
Hansk_and_Boo: @captain_goof Yeah, too bad, we dont mae the rules
Bugberry: Black/White bat isn't too bad
AzaleaCloud: Starseer Mentor is at least playable
Voidhawk42: Some good black removal
seathblood: drop and re-enter, we can get an otter pool if we try
TXC2: we gonna have a lot red wont we ? :p
TXC2: ok good
Hansk_and_Boo: Batman and robin
Bugberry: double sonar even
Hansk_and_Boo: Mentors are mostly awesome too
Hansk_and_Boo: Did we get more moose?
TXC2: and one drop to hit valiant ?
Hansk_and_Boo: The moose has been excoosed
Hansk_and_Boo: Yo dawg, i heard you like tokens
snowewolf: there is that 4/ trampler
Mazrae: Any other mice not in the deck?
the_brainfist: I think that card is insane and you play it at almost any cost.
Hansk_and_Boo: If you can make a token of the snake, that would be awesome
Bugberry: Black bat? and bat/bird duo?
BrookJustBones: Starseer mentor if we splash black anyway
TXC2: the one drop and a bar
Voidhawk42: What;s the creature + token making count look like?
pn55: Any black removal?
TXC2: *bat
BrookJustBones: Also, we can play the hybrid white blue bird
Kyle4Prez: junkblade bruiser
Mazrae: What about the white/black mentor
Hansk_and_Boo: Bruiser seems cool too
Hansk_and_Boo: Hybrid gruul raccoon
Bugberry: There's something ironic about playing a Black spell that removes enchantments in a White/Green deck.
Bugberry: Double sonar strike is also better with bat
brieandbacon: A basic lrrBEEJ
Hansk_and_Boo: That black instant is 5mv, that expends 4 at instant speed
Bugberry: Probably not enough Offspring to justify
AzaleaCloud: It looks like the only tokens you make are Food
Mazrae: Take out cards that care about tokens?
Hansk_and_Boo: Oh no
BrookJustBones: should we try white black lifegain?
TXC2: kinda bad? time to go 7-2 with it then :p
BrightstormRising: Force storm?
brieandbacon: If you're going BW, remember to take out the green land
TXC2: no worries James
Piecrust9: Twitch turned my notifications off for yall again. Hope these drafts have been going well!
djalternative: that's fine. it'll mean I have to do work
TXC2: Piecrust9 oh the drafts have been good, the games not so much :p
Piecrust9: Oooh what was for lunch?
Texan_Reverend: We love the moose.
brieandbacon: Ah, the 0-2-lunch bracket
TXC2: Piecrust9 tacos
djalternative: based on what we've been running into, two removal spells and a 6 drop sounds like this format
sascha454: can you interact with anything on the new board?
TXC2: sascha454 not that we've seen
EvilBadman: x=0
BrookJustBones: Pay X, then X0
Desruprot: X Quantity
6 raiders from StokorcovyLes have joined!
TXC2: hello raiders
aiko_cz: helloooo
aiko_cz: BLB najz
TheManaLeek: 2024 Magic baybeeee!
Spades_Slicc: That snake is not alright
brieandbacon: gz
pn55: A win is a win James :p
TXC2: 7-0 here we come :p
StokorcovyLes: Hi! We were chatting about Bloomburrow. I wish you GL :)
northos: why do you not simply have a bomb in every game? :p
Mazrae: I love the art for these cards and the art for the board
Strebenherz: So what i'm hearing is, if you see moose in draft, GRAB moose
Texan_Reverend: Or that have _lots_ of keywords.
Piecrust9: Colossal dreadmay is so proud of its grandkids
djalternative: in a format designed around smaller creatures, 6/6s do seem very powerful
TXC2: "it doesn't do anything." "correction, it does nothing."
Piecrust9: Doesnt level 2 make a token?
TXC2: we've cast nothing, and we're all out of ideas
Bruceski: level 2 makes a copy of a token
Piecrust9: Riiiip
chaos_blast_exe: Is that mouse a cyborg or just wearing armor? Also i can't see the mole's full outfit because of facecam >:(
TXC2: chaos_blast_exe it's just armour
Hansk_and_Boo: Bloomburrow has dlc mice armor?
Mazrae: I'm going to need to find some money to be able to buy some packs for this set
TXC2: people keep telling me removal is good, and I should run more of it, then things like this happens :p
Hansk_and_Boo: Next turn snek
Hansk_and_Boo: Sneklemental
Mazrae: Your curse is real
invickthus: I see the James curse is in full effect.
Hansk_and_Boo: Today is not that day! (Draws snek)
Mazrae: Have you tried asking your deck nicely for a creature
xVoxtric: one. more. land. wooooo.
ghizmou: right on time
Desruprot: limesShrug
pn55: jlrrFacepalm
TXC2: le sigh
pn55: jlrrCoolgame
EMNetwork: It's all coming together
Hansk_and_Boo: lrrFINE
chaos_blast_exe: Everythin is great or terrible
Hansk_and_Boo: lrrFINE lrrFINE
wasterweiss: Arena Devs rigged your account
EMNetwork: LUL
TXC2: THAT's game
wasterweiss: It has to be
Hansk_and_Boo: Yesss
invickthus: lololol
pn55: HypeLUL
TXC2: from hell's heart!
Texan_Reverend: From Hell's heart, I stab at me!
Hansk_and_Boo: Go get some ibuprofen for your back
TXC2: thanks for streaming James
Hansk_and_Boo: And take a rest
invickthus: go be horizontal.
Riiiiiiis: Nah, don't hurt yourself
sporkraptor: take care of yourself, use a heating pad <3
brieandbacon: Gotta look after yourself!
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (The LoadingReadyRun crew play a board game! Game: Elestrals) at Wed 05:30 PM PDT (3:42 from now).
yllwmstr: It's 4:47 for me
pn55: Thanks for the stream James. lrrSHINE
Hansk_and_Boo: Thank you so much for streaming, James!
TheManaLeek: Good stream!
tsp397: Thanks James, hope you feel better
Texan_Reverend: It was great to see more of Bloomburrow, even if it didn't go super well for you.
brieandbacon: Thanks for streaming James
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Texan_Reverend: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Strebenherz: Thank you for stream James, take care and feel better soon
Hansk_and_Boo: Might go watch the FNPF after the prerelease
TXC2: !vod
LRRbot: Streams from the last few days can be found at and the Archive of all streams can be found at
Hansk_and_Boo: EDSC release date known yet?
TXC2: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
youcantlistentobuttons: james, thank you, i also got nachos.
Hansk_and_Boo: Ohhh enjoy!! Playing the decks, for whoever will be playing them.
Texan_Reverend: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Texan_Reverend: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
TXC2: bye
Hansk_and_Boo: Byeee!✨
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
DideRobot: LRR: Just a quick programming note for this evenings AFK. Instead of the 5:00PM Pacific start time, we'll be getting underway at 5:30PM instead. | Tonight on the show Ben and Wheeler are going to be playing Elestrals! |
TehAmelie: <message deleted>weirdestJag har talat med minst sex personer i den här tråden som tycker att vissa människor inte har rättigheter. Det är ingen som utsätter barn här. Det är däremot folk som utsätter pedofiler och folk de fantiserar kan vara pedofiler för lustfyllda hot om våld, förnedring och död. Att det finns utsatta barn är ett problem. Att det finns en folkmassa som törstar efter en fin ursäkt att sparka ihjäl nån som de utsett till undermänniska är et flavor i've tasted this month: coconut and lime cheese
TehAmelie: oh no please erase that mods
TehAmelie: apologies for pasting in waaste
TehAmelie: i wanted to say i just tasted a lime and coconut cheese
Anubis169: so uhh.. i read swedish
Anubis169: you ok?
TehAmelie: just a messy keyboard
Anubis169: alright manYES
TehAmelie: some more insipid than usual twitter drama that made it to my clipboard several hours ago
Anubis169: ahh gotcha, yeah best stay off that site, the algorithm's running wild right now and farming for more engagement by finding stuff that pushes people's buttons