midnightcurryjazz: lrrJUDGECALL my opponent is late
Juliamon: counterpoint: you are early
Nigouki: counterpoint:
Nigouki: !fart
LRRbot: The mouse on a motorcycle!
quasi79fu: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: biscuits!
quasi79fu: yay snacks
quasi79fu: does anyone know where i can get some tea?
quasi79fu: i tried fishing for some in the boston harbor but couldnt find any... badum tisss...
quasi79fu: teeehee bad joke
KeytarCat: I always get my tea from the local farmers market, but thgat's probably not helpful
Earthenone: tea hee even?
quasi79fu: karaEscape
KeytarCat: hehehe
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a live cat
brainbosh: Oh *that's* why I didn';t get an alert a half hour ago
brainbosh: not because twitch messed up again
RitualGlitchZ: wheelerBrat
KeytarCat: !findquote cat
LRRbot: Quote #7986: "Is the cat our soul?" —Heather [2022-02-27]
Juliamon: they tooted, tweeted, posted on Discord, and posted *in this chat* about it. James also mentioned it when he ended the stream earlier. They even changed the time on the schedule. They did their best to let you know.
SnackPak_: lrrSIG
Crispy042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Crispy042! (Today's storm count: 10)
kusinohki: meows
gualdhar: slowpoke says: oh hey, is AFK running late? /s
kusinohki: also *air guitars*
Decaped: pgeMEOWDY1 pgeMEOWDY2
DideRobot: LRR: It's time! Join the Ben's as they try out Elestrals for the first time! | https://twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun (has image) | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/112844306951043568
isiah_jenner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, isiah_jenner! (Today's storm count: 11)
gualdhar: what is the name for a group of Bens? like how a group of crows is a murder?
Earthenone: i love when they play games for the first time on stream so i can go in at the exact same knowlage level :)
KeytarCat: @kusinohki Was actually air drumming when you sent that
Sethalidos: @gualdhar a flannel
ihlendrax: !card Ben-Ben
LRRbot: Ben-Ben, Akki Hermit [2RR] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Shaman [1/1] | {T}: Ben-Ben, Akki Hermit deals damage to target attacking creature equal to the number of untapped Mountains you control.
James_the_Dabbler: @KeytarCat Guess I'll *air accordion*
kusinohki: chiptune legacy remix - near impossible not to do something while it's playing
CaptainTalon447: Wasn’t Elestrals in some controversy or something?
raulghoulia subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, raulghoulia! (Today's storm count: 12)
kusinohki: a comedy of errors of bens??
shurtal: Wheeler: Welcome to North 100 showdown, a cana- Ben: Wrong show. Wheeler: -dian Into to AFK!
shurtal: intro*
Earthenone: welcome to is this your card, the new weekly stream on loadingreadyrun
superdude097: Did you know that, in baseball, if one player strikes out 4 times in a single game it's called a "Golden Sombrero"?
PharaohBender27: :D
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Orxolon: good evening !
thraximore: Wheelhere
vinopinguino: ben squared!
Nouxatar: card games!!! woawoawoawoawoa....
Kramburger: When he thanks me for having him till it's great to be here and I hello
CaptainTalon447: bebenn
Earthenone: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the hairiest gherkin
CaptainTalon447: a Ben inside a Ben
KeytarCat: Card games, Wai wai!
annoyingcameraguy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, annoyingcameraguy! (Today's storm count: 13)
LesBeauxPlastiques: 👀
Kramburger: Pocket mans?
Lushian_Cybasi: wat a game my friend back this stuff all the time....Wheeler there is a Bear deck
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL How's the music volume?
vinopinguino: its good
hiFunko: Good levels
Kramburger: I'd say music is at max level
KeytarCat: @Lushian_Cybasi Like, the animals or the gay men? 👀
Kramburger: Let's talk about the toad
LesBeauxPlastiques: no u! [gi oh]
ShaneLeeAtk: Frog The Jam!
Nouxatar: I feel that personally
Nouxatar: about both yugioh and about eating that much ice cream, I mean
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Earthenone: !pride
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
Earthenone: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
djalternative: TIL that YuGiOh didn't trademark most of its verbage
vinopinguino: did you mention mats?
Shadowsoflife: what about shirts?
northos: @djalternative honestly I don't think you can generally trademark just terminology
MacbethSeemsSus: You're selling Matt now?
midnightcurryjazz: come on paul
kusinohki: sentinels of the multiverse? think LRR would really like it...
Mai_Andra: What about Ds?
KeytarCat: Mr Krup is the principal from Cpt Underpants?
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby boosties
vinopinguino: lrrWOW lrrWOW
LesBeauxPlastiques: don't worry. i'll crup with you, bart
pleonasticTautology: holy crap
pleonasticTautology: that's a lot of stuff.
vinopinguino: more swag plz!
djalternative: @northos magic absolutely has so it's possible
djalternative: something being "tapped" is owned by magic
LesBeauxPlastiques: it's why we don't untap in lorcana xD
vinopinguino: elestrals said trans rights
YawnLance: Bisexual overlay!
KeytarCat: It's Adam's "learn a hard thing" itch! Sometimes you need the rush of a pre-knee learning curve
pleonasticTautology: oooooo.
LesBeauxPlastiques: this game is giving me big early PS2 character platformer vibes 👀
stinsanity89: Gonna need that Ben Ben Card Game Show
Rourke9: oooh interesting
Orxolon: So,the card backs look different depending on the set?
James_the_Dabbler: Kinda skimmed the rules. Do not understand this at all, but looks cool
KeytarCat: @stinsanity89 Benben Cardcard Showshow
Despoiler98: foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG oh noooooo
Juliamon: literally life as a resource
LesBeauxPlastiques: your life total is a resource. winning at 1 counts the same as winning at 20
gualdhar: so I'm guessing there's no "gain life" effects?
vinopinguino: wake up card reader, new tcg just dropped!
jacqui_lantern234: so what youre saying is that "life is a resource"?! :p
KeytarCat: Ben playing a Tuff deck!
pleonasticTautology: oh those are so cute.
Juliamon: oh no, they ARE cute
jacqui_lantern234: oh no!!! these are so damn cute!!!!!! <3
KeytarCat: omg Lycarus is so good
Earthenone: wow
Earthenone: eff me i guess :P
RatherLargeToad: Ao no Captain Planet
saucemaster5000: sorry earthenone, get out
AllTheWeasels: RIP Earthenone
AFamiliarCalledEl: Lycorice is one of my favorite flavors
LesBeauxPlastiques: mono earth destroying the meta when?
quasi79fu: Urf is a myth
shurtal: Earth E: none
jacqui_lantern234: @Earthenone but youre name is CLEARLY Ear The None Kappa
Decaped: So we expend the souls of cute animals. Neat.
RitualGlitchZ: Is this game related in any way to Wildfrost? The branding looks similar
Welbog: Neck phase
LoadingReadyRun: @RitualGlitchZ I don't think so? The ice/snow theme is just because this is the Frostfall set
Juliamon: I think it's just a common visual language. Krosmaster Frigost also looked like this
vinopinguino: LOOL
RitualGlitchZ: gottem
jacqui_lantern234: OH MY GOD WHEELER LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Orxolon: wow
SnackPak_: he's unstoppable
LesBeauxPlastiques: LUL
hiFunko: Another day back at the TCG mines for Ben
KWardJenx: Never didn't have it
RAZRBCK08: Classic Wheeler
James_the_Dabbler: Wheeler
vinopinguino: the swag
James_the_Dabbler: Stop this
bennybartez: wtf lol
James_the_Dabbler: Please I'm begging you
Fruan: It's not the man, it's the chair - left side always wins.
KeytarCat: Oh, this is how I've been teaching math! Explaing the basics, then walking through each step real slow, then walking through a turn real slow
LesBeauxPlastiques: graveyard matters players mulling down to 2 for the bantz
superdude097: Is your spirits deck randomized? or does it not matter?
KeytarCat: Are there deck names?
stinsanity89: Austin Powers TCG next?
superdude097: Gotcha, thanks!
KeytarCat: Oh, like the special summon deck from YGO
sorenplays_0: welcome to the wild and amazing world of elestrals
Seth_Erickson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
Seth_Erickson: well dang isn't that a number of months
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Seth_Erickson! (Today's storm count: 14)
Welbog: Morves
vinopinguino: woooow
jacqui_lantern234: LUL damnit, ben-ben
Seth_Erickson: Here's a question unrelated to anything other than you're playing a tcg. Has lrr done anything with the One Piece tcg?
James_the_Dabbler: The WHAT
vinopinguino: yeah baby yeah
LordZarano: !pobox
LRRbot: LRR has a PO box! Bionic Trousers Media Inc., PO BOX 8132 Victoria Main, Victoria, BC V8W 3R8, Canada. If received, your mail may be featured in a Mail Time. Please ship responsibly.
djalternative: Do you have the costumes to play the Austin Powers TCG though?
midnightcurryjazz: like the pokemans
jacqui_lantern234: quick!!! someone send them those austin powers cards!!!
Orxolon: aaaawwww
SoaringDragon42: e's so cute!
stinsanity89: Heard Wheeler is the premier Mini-Me pilot of the format
Wrexadecimal: the ice box
30teracyte: that sounds extremely yugioh
KeytarCat: I was saying it like Ermine ('er min), but now I'm going for flurr amina
Welbog: Very specific tutor
pleonasticTautology: there are pokémon cards like this too
pleonasticTautology: that let you evolve it outside of usual evolution conditions
Orxolon: is that the one ring!?
LesBeauxPlastiques: you just activated my trap-mon
LordZarano: So you could mulligan a bunch of ice and have it instantly ascend first turn?
Welbog: Is this an instant?
quasi79fu: ruins...runes
HorusFive: Fishing LRR
pleonasticTautology: fishing lrr
Tz_BG: two yoots?
dumbo3k: Fishing LRR?
pleonasticTautology: snrk
pleonasticTautology: same brain cell
dumbo3k: xD
gualdhar: LRR fishing trip confirmed?!? is Ben leaking new content?
HorusFive: We talking about fishing LRR- call James?
Orxolon: @LordZarano good question
SoaringDragon42: LRR fishing would be great prerecorded content
KeytarCat: spike the center of the map with three lines to indicate? Probably not worth it, but if it becomes a problem
Welbog: What interaction is there? Ben is having a big turn. Can Wheeler do anything about it?
LesBeauxPlastiques: does ulmer need to go down to 17?
djalternative: is it except turn 1 like in YGO?
Orxolon: Ben:you could mulligan a bunch of ice and have it instantly ascend first turn?
Twilight_Spark: Is that true on the first turn?
Thaeus_Amrunion: How the heck do you even FIND all these TCGs, Ben?
KeytarCat: er, to mark the four lanes of play*.
Orxolon: @djalternative yes,first player doesn't draw nor attacks
LesBeauxPlastiques: i don't feel like this is a game i would enjoy but i feel like it's a game i'd watch the crap out of especially in lrrland 👀
Welbog: Kyon from Haruhi?
KeytarCat: Kyun~ <3
LesBeauxPlastiques: nvm. ice lady has sold me where do i buy? xD
epsilon_vee: a nice lady
James_the_Dabbler: Excuse me why she hot, thought she was an ice lady
vinopinguino: seems good?
Earthenone: remember its yugioh dont rotate attackers :P
vinopinguino: can you move it into defense mode after attacking with it?
KeytarCat: Oh no, there's no center lane
Tz_BG: Is there a game play reason for having both decks discard to the same pile?
spacedinov2: when you attack into an opponent’s elestral you actually take damage equal to the difference in spirits enchanting them
thecatismari: It actually deals damage equal to the difference in enchanting spirits
superdude097: Is there a second Main Phase after Battle?
finestotter: Khione returns elestrals to your hand not spirit cards right or are those the same thing?
Welbog: CMC of 1
KeytarCat: MV 1, CI frost
big_blue_man subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months, currently on a 21 month streak!
big_blue_man: yep
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, big_blue_man! (Today's storm count: 15)
Orxolon: the underworld is "the graveyard"?
Welbog: Ben "spirits are a resource" Ulmer
RatherLargeToad: M-M-M My Khione
Welbog: We call this "losing your cool".
thecatismari: Zones don't matter a whole lot, but they technically are static, once you put a thing in a zone you aren't supposed to move it
vinopinguino: you activated his trap shield
RatherLargeToad: Isn’t Achilles whole deal that he didn’t need a shield?
KeytarCat: That feels like a mechanic that will either get complicated or forgotten
northos: @RatherLargeToad but what if he had one anyway? :p
Tz_BG: Wheeler is down 2 more life
LesBeauxPlastiques: and wheeler goes to 17
Orxolon: wait,wasn't it supposed to go to the hand?
James_LRR: did Ben show off our sick pull?
big_blue_man: i was about to say that's a weird way to say pot of greed
James_LRR: oh shit
joinempiretoday: nagU Pot of Greed
KeytarCat: @RatherLargeToad The shield is like achilles! It doesn't defend from the back
Tz_BG: Is there a hand limit?
Orxolon: but pot of greed is free
Goboxel: is there any cost for drawing 2?
Goboxel: sorry I missed it >_>
LesBeauxPlastiques: @Goboxel yo lose 2 resources
Earthenone: 2 "life/mana"
Goboxel: thank you!
Welbog: It seems like they're spending a lot of life. Is there a way to get the life back?
vinopinguino: my son!
thecatismari subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months!
thecatismari: Been a fan for years but elestrals I'd definitely a reson to turn my sub back on lol
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thecatismari! (Today's storm count: 16)
KeytarCat: In elestrals, you tap yourSELF for mana!
superdude097: Spirit card goes under the Elestral, not to the bin, right?
spacedinov2: no the order doesn’t matter
thecatismari: @tz_bg there is no handsome limit
thecatismari: Handsize*
Tz_BG: @thecatismari Thanks for the info.
thecatismari: Np
OmnipotentTrevor: Using your life to cast spells reminds me a lot of Magi Nation. The simplest TCG I know of because it only made you have to keep track of a single number.
vinopinguino: whaaaa
vinopinguino: you got a serialized card already!?
Orxolon: WHAT!?
Welbog: Sounds impressive
drone00alter: OhMyDog
Orxolon: sick!
spacedinov2: that is a stellar it’s like a shiny pokemon. they are all serialized
James_the_Dabbler: BEN WHAT
gualdhar: like, there's only 10 with that foil art, or there's 10 different pictures?
Orxolon: Post Malone is in the phone
gualdhar: didn't change at all
nightsreach: nothing changed on stream
James_the_Dabbler: Sounds like you just opened one of the Nine Rings
Heckhoundbolt: card is a good $80+
finestotter: That's a website where I guess people can list there * of * cards to see which ones have been pulled
thecatismari: You can either cast or ascend an elestral each turn
KeytarCat: It's a Hokusai wave!
Earthenone: its a windstorm of etaqua!
Earthenone: all your frost is under your lady right? :P
superdude097: Ben's things don't auto switch to attack mode, do they?
vinopinguino: wheeler is already poppin off. what a gamer.
RAZRBCK08: They don't automatically do it but he was going to anyway I'm sure
superdude097: @RAZRBCK08 Ah, you can do that more than once per turn. I misunderstood
Earthenone: the chocobo is an etb thing right?
thecatismari: @superdude097 you can do it once per turn per elestral
superdude097: @thecatismari Gotcha, thanks!
Earthenone: magic-starwars-lorcana was my last in person tcg day, so i know your pain ben
superdude097: Did Ben just goozle himself?
Orxolon: what Ben is calling bin is actually called bin?
Tz_BG: Hoping cyrovern is not all ice
RAZRBCK08: Oh boy
thecatismari: the starter decks have some spirit issues especially the kryoscorch deck
Earthenone: starter decks with usable mana bases? not in my tcg day
thecatismari: if both are in attack they will kill each other and the controller of the one with fewer spirits (if they are not equal) will take damage
thecatismari: the difference in how enchanted
thecatismari: wheeler only loses 1
RAZRBCK08: All precons seem to have resource issues
tehfewl: like maybe 5 or 6 my dude
finestotter: Can Ben move spirits from his Divine when he ascends or is it only from other elestrals?
thecatismari: only from other elestrals
thecatismari: runes can use spirits from any other card that isn't also a noncontinuous rune
engineerbudy: I had no idea this was the game today. I am trying to get into this I love it
TheTekloFoundry: as a long time magic player ive been enjoying this game a ton!
Orxolon: The bin Is called divine?
thecatismari: the card in ben's backrow is a divine rune
Orxolon: Ah right,got it,thanks
engineerbudy: is this the starter decks or a drafted deck
Orxolon: Starters i think
superdude097: Yeas, starter decks
thecatismari: i had 9+ years in magic and 5+ in ygo and this is one of the most fun games i've ever played tbh
MTGRanger subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
MTGRanger: Woo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MTGRanger! (Today's storm count: 17)
engineerbudy: the way I described this is the fun parts of Yugioh and Pokemon
PMAvers: “It’s in a sleeve,” he says, as Wheeler slowly starts to eat the card.
Gascitygaming: Tsunami, fog but moar wet
thecatismari: ah, nexus lol
midnightcurryjazz: tp back we are getting nexus'd
RunningMonkeys: That's good for ben, get ice back on the creature
midnightcurryjazz: stupid jungler
Nouxatar: wait did he spend the resources for the tsunami
gnomebot1: no
Orxolon: Ben, tsunami cost?
gnomebot1: ben has to pay for the tsunami.
engineerbudy: did i just miss the paying of the spirit for circle the sky?
engineerbudy: or was that the tsunami payment
TheTekloFoundry: he paid for circle
engineerbudy: ok cool
Orxolon: No problem,I'm learning as well
thecatismari: also worth it to note that the stack in this game works more like chains in yugioh, where once stuff starts resolving everything has to before anyone can do anything else. and state based effects are not checked until the chain has fully resolved
LordZarano: You should register the Stellar Emperowatt. Out of the 10 one other has been pulled so far https://collect.elestrals.com/stellar-registry/catalog/3843
TheTekloFoundry: cool thing if you wanna do it is you can pay for spells with enchanting spirits. so you could pay for the eruption with 1 of the spirits on kryovern
James_the_Dabbler: Uh
LoadingReadyRun: I feel like we haven't seen a way to move spirits back into the spirits deck, which puts a pretty big time limit on the game
Mindfire13: So this game is like everything is Phyrexian Mana
engineerbudy: there are a bunch of elestrals do it too
engineerbudy: they are element limited too
Mazrae: So 0 is not dead yet
pleonasticTautology: i really like watching you all play games like this, and all sorts of other games. we (tautology) missed a lot of board game stuff for a while, and folks on AFK always do a good job of teaching, and also learning and making mistakes and not making each other feel bad for making mistakes
pleonasticTautology: it's nice
pleonasticTautology: it's appreciated
Orxolon: You die at -1?
Mindfire13: -1 is not 0
KeytarCat: Game is zero indexed
engineerbudy: I love watching someone play this game so i can fully understand it as I only have the rulebook ive learned from
LoadingReadyRun: you die if you have to draw at 0 cards
RAZRBCK08: The life and deck resource loss condition is like Magic's mill condition where you don't lose until you try to draw or use mana you don't have then you lose
thecatismari: you draw your card for turn first, then kryovern triggers
Tz_BG: Can you do the special ascension since it came in as a vanilla? Or did adding the extra ice enable it?
thecatismari: pop all the backrow
TheTekloFoundry: oh were cooking
thecatismari: then you can mill your entire spirit deck to neg5 your opponent
Gascitygaming: ben has to do a min of one? so does he accidentyally lose?
James_the_Dabbler: Want to not must
TheTekloFoundry: you can keep the 1 spirit and mill it to the effect
thecatismari: you do have to attach a spirit from deck
werts888: Do i see Elestrals Hello!
TheTekloFoundry: oh interesting
James_the_Dabbler: Huh
Gascitygaming: ah, a 'may' kind of
TheTekloFoundry: so you always have to attach a spirit when you ascend?
werts888: @TheTekloFoundry yes
TheTekloFoundry: good to know ty
thecatismari: the first part is triggered, the second part is activated
werts888: If you need any questions feel free to ask me!
thecatismari: they try really hard to keep text boxes short
Earthenone: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
werts888: Goal is 5 lines of text or less and always fit in the text box
RAZRBCK08: I appreciate not wanting to have too much text on cards
KeytarCat: I'm partial to caesura // Love you, chat! // I have popcorn
thecatismari: i'm so happy that they're playing elestrals, i've really high on the game for a while now
werts888: Cards are also written to be parseable by non TCG players, so the text is pretty plain and nomral looking but it is particular in its wording
RAZRBCK08: I feel like I need a jeweler loupe to read some of the Yugioh cards
werts888: you read ygo cards?
RAZRBCK08: Not anymore
werts888: Coulda sworn we just assume all ygo cards attk the moon and speical from anywere XD
thecatismari: fun fact, as part of beginning a game of yugioh, both players temporarily forget how to read
KeytarCat: @werts888 Yeah, particular but not complicated
werts888: If anyone has Elestrals questionst though im on Elestrals staff XD
Earthenone: i imagine the "meta" of this game will be interesting since all these cards seem to do something only to other elements
werts888: I also happen to watch LRR mtg alot XD
engineerbudy: @werts888 oh thats really cool
RAZRBCK08: In terms of the Elestrals text being fairly plain I think coming from playing tons of tcgs just figuring out how the game uses the words is one of the biggest hurdles, but that was also game 1 for Ben and Wheeler
thecatismari: mhmmm
werts888: Most people pick it up by 2 ganmes
KeytarCat: Oh beans! Good to know we have an expert, @werts888 <3
niccus: elestral is that game with sho minamimoto's likeness right
thecatismari: i'm hoping they come out with a slightly more detailed rules document at some point but overall i haven't had any situations that are unintuitive
werts888: @thecatismari Its being worked on! we also have 2 Judge modules out as well
engineerbudy gifted a Tier 1 sub to werts888! They have given 3 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, werts888! (Today's storm count: 18)
Kramburger: Uh....
RitualGlitchZ: wheelerMute wheelerMute wheelerMute
thecatismari: @werts888 awesomeeeee can i dust off my mtg judge shirt and slap a big elestrals logo on top of it?
RitualGlitchZ: wheelerPeel
werts888: @engineerbudy Thanks for the gift sub!
engineerbudy: no prob :)
KeytarCat: And now do they mull-again? :P
werts888: Omg hes already doing the Yolo strat mull XD
werts888: its not good but its fun lol
midnightcurryjazz: there is the degen
thecatismari: this is great lol
RAZRBCK08: But if it works you'll look like a genius
betweenmyself: Ben dies without giving Wheeler a turn
thecatismari: just keep going until you find it obviously
werts888: cough cough walked right into the problem lol
pleonasticTautology: snrk
thecatismari: there are 3 yeah
paulthemapguy: Frostfall? Don't we call that snow?
werts888: 3 1 drop 2 2 drop 1 3 drop
pleonasticTautology: astrabbit is cute omg
thecatismari: yessss the rabbittttt
thecatismari: it's so good
betweenmyself: riffHurrHurr
paulthemapguy: I regret picturing "assed rabbit"
pleonasticTautology: also @werts888 you should prolly reiterate yr expertise now that the bens are looking at chat again :P
TheAwkes: Ass Trabbit, huh?
RAZRBCK08: That rabbit is adorable and seems pretty good
werts888: Oh yeah HEY im on Elestrals Staff lol if you have questions you can direct to mee XD
Earthenone: so i assume ben goes all in on a large man paying all his life in mulligans, then loses to unsummon :P
thecatismari: it's (one of) the focal point of one of the top decks rn, you nexus a bunch of spirits onto it and bury your opponent in card advantage
LoadingReadyRun: @werts888 nice to have you here!
werts888: Penguin 2 Dischants from board when it triggers yee
TriforceDrummer: heck yeah glad to see aDrive got back to you in sending you some stuff!
werts888: I did not lol but ive been a LRR MTG fan for awhile dunno why i wasnt part of the convo lol
Earthenone: !pkmn rare candy
LRRbot: Rare Candy | Trainer — Item | Choose 1 of your Basic Pokémon in play. If you have a Stage 2 card in your hand that evolves from that Pokémon, put that card onto the Basic Pokémon to evolve it, skipping the Stage 1. You can't use this card during your first turn or on a Basic Pokémon that was put into play this turn. / You may play any number of Item cards during your turn.
ghyllnox: Is the special card they got 4/10 ever printed or just variant 4 of 10 special variants
YareNiDaze: Oh yeah, aDrive made this game - I remember him from PokeTube WAY back in the day before that community blew up from... certain people being as they are.
werts888: @ghyllnox Depends , there was a print error on Emperrorwat Full art
BrowneePoints: hey! that’s not ambrosia it’s dragonfruit!
thecatismari: small note, the spirit you use to play the rune remains with it on the field until it finishes resolving, so you can never ambrosia the spirit you use to case it
Laserbeaks_Fury: The Lethe is the river that makes you forget if you drink from it, right?
engineerbudy: @Laserbeaks_Fury yes one of the 5 rivers in the underworld
pleonasticTautology: @Laserbeaks_Fury i don't remember
LoadingReadyRun: @werts888 oh! the plot thickens! What was the print error?
paulthemapguy: would that have been the first time that the bounce ruined you
engineerbudy: @pleonasticTautology i see what you did there
ghyllnox: @werts888 :o
Earthenone: dies to boombat
werts888: Full art Stellar emp wat got printed in Frost fall it was suppose to be a suplimentary set product
werts888: So its not a proper serioalzed card but it still very rare, we dont know how rare though
thecatismari: you could nexus spirits onto it or ad another spirit instead of casting or ascending next turn
KeytarCat: Some digimon-ass evolutionary lines there
thecatismari: what is the power of the kryoling?
thecatismari: 2 of the second level one
thecatismari: so one left
werts888: The whole Scroch line is just go big or go home good luck XD
werts888: two 2 drops
Earthenone: looks more like a dragon nut to me :P
werts888: AMbrosia is 2-3 of in every deck
werts888: Also there is a Drgaon Fruit Dragon line that does effects when ambro is cast
BrowneePoints: Thunder! Thunder! Thunder Deck! HOOOOO!
adept_nekomancer: I like the "mana resource doubles as life total" mechanic.
werts888: It almost happend....
werts888: it was scrapped very early before aDrive even annouced the game
BrowneePoints: wait like that PokeTuber?
engineerbudy: it takes a rune slot i think
thecatismari: it does
werts888: @BrowneePoints yes aDrive made this game
thecatismari: so you do need to pick a rune slot for it
Earthenone: two scepters? in this economy?!
YareNiDaze: Not surprised the PokeTuber tried to make a super effective mechanic, but this game does not need it.
engineerbudy: also dont the snow spirits stay attached to the scepter or are they just discarded @werts888 ?
werts888: Artifacts need to be enchanted still
RAZRBCK08: Those are still on your back row Wheeler
thecatismari: the spirits are on the sceptres
werts888: should be 2 frost under each one
thecatismari: and the sceptres are in slots, so you have 1 rune slot left
werts888: Also techhhhnicllly runes should be in the back row
thecatismari: yeah
werts888: you got it now!
YareNiDaze: Yeah, the same way Yugioh does it.
thecatismari: same way as in yugioh
Orxolon: imaginary line in yu gi oh as well
werts888: Yeah, and if that elestral is sent to UW or hand etc the artifacts go to UW as well
minor_deviation: rdropMeowdy
Earthenone: going to chill after playing an ice elemental lord?
thecatismari: only counters can be played on opps turn, everything else ios sorcery speed
werts888: Future sets will have the Rune types written
werts888: Only Counters on opp
werts888: Just whats on Necruff for dmg yup
Earthenone: both scepters are dead, you went all in
finestotter: Are there scenes popping up for playing Elestrals IRL or are most people playing over webcam?
thecatismari: @werts888 that will be soo nice lol, the icons are unique and easy to differentiate once you know them, but learning them is a little hard lol
werts888: @finestotter there are locals popping up here in there!
werts888: There was a locals ironicly at the YGO nationals last weekend lol
werts888: well near by
Orxolon: so,once a creature reaches a very high number that's game
Orxolon: (?
werts888: Spirits are not runes!
thecatismari: @werts888 i heard about that lol, i actually got into elestral because if mbtyugioh
Earthenone: thunderstorm is no mystical space tyohoon :P
thecatismari: you can just add another spirit to deal more damage
minor_deviation: Yup, you can do that!
werts888: Yup
werts888: You can Normal enchant for turn
werts888: @minor_deviation yoyo o/
minor_deviation: Hi there! <3
Earthenone: i assume wheeler is on ambrosia to recycle frost, or bust?
code1300: now on wheeler last turn he could have burned a spirt to draw right
werts888: THey could have yeah
werts888: but sometimes you need to weigh how much dmg you are taking to digging
Orxolon: question for people with a lot of games in:once a creature reaches a very high number that's game?
RAZRBCK08: Ben should take a damage for the bug dying right?
werts888: @Orxolon Game ends when a player goes to -1 spirit total in deck
RAZRBCK08: Right
werts888: @RAZRBCK08 bug had 1 sprirt, soarlet had 1 so no extra dmg
thecatismari: huge shield lol
gnomebot1: gnight all. work soon.
KWardJenx: GG
Orxolon: @werts888 i know,rule wise,but how do you recover from a high number monster?
Orxolon: like that?
Orxolon: only shield saves you?
werts888: @Orxolon Use removeal
code1300: do u need to separate the spirits
werts888: Thers a bunch of cards that remove elestrals under differecnt conditions
Earthenone: diabolomon was a heck of a thing
werts888: You have constructed lists?
werts888: what decks you runnin
thecatismari: morfrost plays really nice with the kryoling line too
Orxolon: aaahh there's removal,got it
Earthenone: they are running "what ben put together from 2 boxes and some lose packs they were sent"
werts888: Thats the alt art proably why its not showing
paulthemapguy: when a bear isn't bearlike enough
thecatismari: the art for this game is so adorable definitely one of my favorite parts
werts888: Morphrost + Kryovyrn is meta
thecatismari: ^
werts888: liek tier 1/ tier 1.5
Earthenone: this is two headed giant sponsorkit sealed :P
thecatismari: frost is real good, thunder nexus also also very up there
werts888: Litterly the cheapest deck to make, starter deck + morphrost(and morphs are normal rare and lower rarity)
RAZRBCK08: They had like 2 booster boxes and some extras and he just put 2 decks together from those cards
thecatismari: there's a lot of webcam play rn from what i've heard
werts888: We run a web cam and a app Event every month
LoadingReadyRun: @werts888 lrrPAUL I'd like to give a shout out to whoever is responsible for the Press Kits on the Elestrals site. Putting all the card images as well as logos, backgrounds, character art and even music is a huge help
Lushian_Cybasi: I have the Bear Deck its to cute with the Alt Art cards
werts888: One of them was here in chat a moment ago lol
LoadingReadyRun: although the press kit didn't seem to have some of the alt art cards, which is a little frustrating
werts888: Its a separate kit called SHaterd stars iirc
LoadingReadyRun: @werts888 ah! I see
Earthenone: forme change!
werts888: If you google Elestrals Press kits and then find the Shatterd stars should be there ( SS are Monthly Theme packs for alt arts and some bonus holos
KWardJenx: Grip it and rip it!
paulthemapguy: smoke a beverage live on cam, heck yeah dude
paulthemapguy: if that's a Griffin McElroy quote I love that
werts888: Normal Morhpose line is Lycan to search 2, Indus to dump 2, then you drop abom with 4-5 atk
werts888: Water
KWardJenx: @paulthemapguy You know it!
thecatismari: beautiful
werts888: *slow clap*
thecatismari: the new tcg player rite of passage
thecatismari: "wait this does nothing"
werts888: i saw nothing and i wont tell the judges i swear
minor_deviation: rdropXD
Earthenone: two foolish burials and an mst? i see why this is meta
werts888: @Earthenone You havent seen the dbl rota in archy :p
werts888: For YGO morhpost main line combo is Dbl Rota Dbl foolish, dropa big guy. Thennnn you spent so much frost on those you then play Kryo line to finish with big beatdown
pleonasticTautology: this looks so cool and i wanna see if there's a scene in seattle for this
werts888: @pleonasticTautology Still expanding, theres a store location on the Elestrals shop you can peek at
pleonasticTautology: @werts888 ooo thanks
werts888: Weve found too many LGS just use faceboook its willddd
Nigouki: geocities, angelfire, just make a website!
werts888: It makes it so hard to deal lol
pleonasticTautology: i don't have a facebook account lmao
SoaringDragon42: The hard part is them keeping that schedules updated. It's so frustrating!
Earthenone: my lgs is annoying to me, they are selling entrys to a prerelease on their site, but they arent on their calender
pleonasticTautology: also the nearest lgs to me is in tacoma
twistedsylvan: Or a Discord!
pleonasticTautology: which isn't a huge schlep but
MeadyOchre: What are you talking about? Facebook is great for targeting wargamers, because they're old and have huge amounts of disposable income
werts888: Discord lacks discoverabliity
itomeshi: Ben, Geocities has been dead for a long time.
NotCainNorAbel: how about flyers?
pleonasticTautology: i have two websites! they're hand-coded! it's so easy!
LordZarano: And have a Google calendar
James_the_Dabbler: This was brought to you by squarespace
thecatismari: i mean, also have a discord. but a website is so much better
itomeshi: Yes, Ben, because I'm OLD.
epsilon_vee: i mean lrrEFF squarespace in particular but at least you get a website out of the other end
MacbethSeemsSus: Carrier pigeons are the real secret tech
itomeshi: My LGS's site is decent, and at least has a Google Calendar on it.
RitualGlitchZ: I respect the one lgs in my town that has a website a lot more than the one that just has a facebook
pleonasticTautology: it's super easy to hand-code a site and host it on github even
thecatismari: @MacbethSeemsSus and here i've been using smoke signals the whole time
werts888: lots of dmg inc uh ohhh
MeadyOchre: I go to more events at the LGS near me that has a website, than my favourite LGS which doesn't. Because I only know what events are on through memory and word of mouth.
MacbethSeemsSus: @thecatismari Not bad but it's hard to differentiate ads with wildfires
NotCainNorAbel: Yellowpages, that's the answer. Then you can ca..c.cal...ca... call them and talk to a person to find the hours.
Earthenone: does the special cast come in with the spirit you discarded from the morphrost or just one from deck?
werts888: Heheh you're in danger
thecatismari: @Earthenone one from deck
minor_deviation: rdropXD rdropXD
thecatismari: the disenchanted one goes to the underworld
thecatismari: was responding to a chat message lol
thecatismari: you're good
Cptasparagus: @NotCainNorAbel the last time I couldn't find an LGS's schedule on their website, I called 5 times over a period of 3 days trying to get ahold of someone. Finally went in anyway and the store owner then realized their phone line was disconnected.
thecatismari: you are indeed playing the game lol
superdude097: OMG I love Nimbug!
NotCainNorAbel: @Cptasparagus That sounds right. If my cell phone wasn't getting calls I would really only notice less spam calls.
SoaringDragon42: Why is it so cute!
werts888: Nooo you can expend now
werts888: Expend is always from SPirit deck
MeadyOchre: You should Kan your Nimbugs, Wheeler
thecatismari: expend is deck, disenchant is field
werts888: Charoon is a 6def
werts888: go go go
werts888: Charoon counts as cirrucoon
engineerbudy: dont forget the nimbug is in the underworld
pleonasticTautology: ben wheeveler
werts888: Awk Abom to special indus only gets you to 6 atk :p
thecatismari: I unironically love the yugioh style of just having cards sound as cards with other names
thecatismari: count*
Mathwyn: Elephantel
werts888: The Elephants are all Cyclops in Elestrals because poeple thought Elehphant skulls were Cyclop skulls fun fact
Earthenone: does the "always counts as X" get in the way of deck construction like it does in yu-gi-oh?
werts888: @Earthenone yes
minor_deviation: @thecatismari There's two different name techs, the "forms" and the "counts as" effects. "Counts as" effects are MUCH rarer because they're more complicated, and impact deck building.
engineerbudy: @werts888 oh thats really clever
NotCainNorAbel: @werts888 That's a neat nod.
Mathwyn: Wheeler bugging out
werts888: do ti again
werts888: do it again lol
James_the_Dabbler: Does this bug you, Ben
thecatismari: @minor_deviation yeee i've noticed, i really like it
vinopinguino: nimbug! nimbug! nimbug!
engineerbudy: that nimbug is on the escalator again
werts888: Flammamoth or bust go go go o
RAZRBCK08: I think Ben accidentally grabbed something extra from his underworld and forgot to move the spirit back from the Morphrost to it
werts888: Usually if you plau Charcoon you run Heph to "cheat" fire spirts into play. buttt hes only in Fire SD from base set or SS fire month
RitualGlitchZ: I've been in and out since the start of the stream, so I'm pretty lost but I know Ben is winning
werts888: Heph is Hepheastus*
werts888: Shatterd stars , monthly element theme packs
vinopinguino: can you say...nimbug!?
Earthenone: it only destroys when it dies in battle and only face down
KeytarCat: Is the setting based in greek mythology or are they just convenient names?
engineerbudy: @KeytarCat Yes
werts888: @KeytarCat Yup!
werts888: littttleee bit of egypt splashed in for set 3
Earthenone: do does that mean there is now 3 fire in play?
thecatismari: it goes in the stadium slot
werts888: Stadiums go in their own space
KeytarCat: mmm, ty
engineerbudy: stadium goes above the spirit deck
thecatismari: top left, above spirit deck
thecatismari: is there a spirit on the stadium?
Earthenone: should there be a fire energy on wheelers field spell?
engineerbudy: and it still needs a spirit
werts888: Forge should have a spirit on i
werts888: on it*
thecatismari: every card on the field has to have at least one spirit on it
werts888: Invoke and Counters are Instant and take spirits to the UW with them, Continuous runes keep them on board
thecatismari: double rota double rota double rota
werts888: Terror is at holo rare, 1/3 packs are holo rares.... popel usually only run 1-2 Terror though
Mathwyn: Take your spirits to the underworld because Hades loves vodka
engineerbudy: Metapod Wall go!
werts888: Also apologies for my terrrible typos XD
werts888: Must be from 1 location to 1 source!
werts888: Nexus is always 1 Source to 1 location
Earthenone: cheat step?
Earthenone: thats 3 fire, when does moth level up?
Mathwyn: Perfect Ultimate Great Moth?
werts888: you wont be able to ascend next turn you are outta spirits to ascend win :(
James_the_Dabbler: Moth-my? Sorry
Earthenone: ahh well letting ben cheat step in one more damage cost wheeler the match then :P
James_the_Dabbler: Or perhaps: Don't fall for big Moth's lies
James_the_Dabbler: That was excellent too Paul
thecatismari: fun fact about frigicub and elestrals in general, if disenchant spirits from them to activate an ability or play a card they stick around until the card or ability finishes resolving. so if you have a frigicub with one spirit and you nexus the spirit off it with it's ability, it will survive long enough to pick up the spirit from the underworld so it won't die
werts888: Ohhh hes gaming
werts888: 100% you are doin in right
werts888: you go tit
werts888: i know what you are doing
werts888: you got it lol
thecatismari: yeah, it just has no text
werts888: GAMMINGGGG
thecatismari: yeeee
thecatismari: gettim
vinopinguino: wooow
James_the_Dabbler: Wow, pro gamer moves
Earthenone: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
werts888: replace PELI!
KeytarCat: Pelican't forget to sideboard!
shurtal: L Ä M P
Mazrae: Let's ask when they get back if they replaced the card
cdbbpc subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cdbbpc! (Today's storm count: 19)
Mazrae: Did you guys replace the pelican card
Rodzos: Hi :)
Mathwyn: Wheeler last ate 930 AD he's been starving for over a millennia
adept_nekomancer: Having recently re-watched Roadquest, I was hoping for an "about five minutes ago" joke.
werts888: Its over gg pack it up
Mazrae: What's the max amount of spirits can you have in a deck
spacedinov2: 20
werts888: @Mazrae You have to run 20, but theres no limit on what elements you run
code1300: now wheeler need a fire spirit attached also
werts888: One of the judges who codified the rules was an MTG judge first XD hence the cast terminology :p
werts888: Imagine Emphrosting a Kryoling that just blew itself up to ascend
werts888: and poof thats the deck + morphs
thecatismari: @werts888 what was the reason behind 12 card sideboards rather than 15, do you know?
werts888: @thecatismari Card pool size is too small right now for anything larger without allowing players to baiscly just make a new deck for game 2
minor_deviation: "Cast" covers normal or special casting!
werts888: Cast covers both normal and special
werts888: if it reqs a normal or special it will note it
thecatismari: @werts888 awesome that's a really good reason i hadn't thought of. ty!
werts888: Hard cast moth Hard cast moth
werts888: DO IT DO IT
werts888: Its over
minor_deviation: @werts888 Oh hey just saw this. Actually the "Cast" terminology predates me! I cleaned it up a bit, but I didn't create those terms.
thecatismari: beeeg moth
werts888: @minor_deviation lies i reject your reailty and substitue my own... though i am surprised lol... atleast its not all just the word enchant over and over again lol
werts888: Sooo uhh did you put any removeal in that morph deck lol, cause youll need 2 at once
minor_deviation: Oh wait actually "Cast" might have been the pivot from "Enchant", you might be right. That happened EARLY, I think right after the prototypes.
werts888: in nomral constructed theres more removal and response cards for sure
thecatismari: so it lets you ascend on the same turn you cast
Orxolon: ok,i'm a cook,and one time i had a coworker pull out food from inside hot boiling oil because it was burning with her bare hands
Orxolon: she just put her hand in there without thinking
werts888: Tadlfoe bascily is a ramp to 2 drops
werts888: Its also good to drop it ascend to Abom so abom has a extra sprit on it to Dischant to revive a dude
thecatismari: the lack of second main takes a lot of getting used to yeah
werts888: Ive been playing Elestrals for about 2 years now... i still forget no MP2 its a hard habbit to break
minor_deviation: Big moth! rdropDreamy
werts888: Flammoth is like Tier 2 ish
werts888: Chrocoon tends to die to removeal too easy
4 raiders from Foxmar320 have joined!
werts888: So you use Tower of winds normaly to get it out
minor_deviation: Correct, you don't know yet.
Shadowsoflife: Hey Foxmar o/
ProcyonFlynn: penaddSup good timezone
werts888: Abom is off itself
CanPlayGames: !card glarp
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
werts888: Ifff you restart your turn tyou can tadflow t abom to dischant
werts888: Flamm only negates runes
werts888: Abom is DE off self
werts888: not rune
thecatismari: it;s the khione eff
werts888: ohhhh
thecatismari: so it can be negated yeah
werts888: i thought he already used khione
vinopinguino: JUDGE
CanPlayGames: !judge
LRRbot: LRRmtg_Judge is staffed by certified Magic judges mtgdiversity, Zak_SHWAP, Pharmacistjudge, themanaleek, apocalyptic_squirrel, and Kyle_McQ. They are here to answer chat's rules questions with the current game and will try to answer other rules questions as time allows. If there are issues with things on stream they'll inform our on-site judges directly.
thecatismari: ohhh, you did try to do it twice
werts888: "You can" is once per turn during main at Sorcery speed
James_the_Dabbler: I would like to predict that Ben is going to win this game. Which Ben? You tell me
werts888: We use 2 color of sleeves for spirit and main
thecatismari: i recommend differnt sleeves for main and spirit decks lol
RAZRBCK08: Apparently you don't actually target with Khione as well so Wheeler doesn't know what you want back before he makes that decision
werts888: Usually you dont let them get to moth, orrrrr dbl EQ/ROYL (murder/ doomblade analogies)
werts888: Oh shit they found out the secret
werts888: quick run
minor_deviation: rdropXD
thecatismari: all of the game rules feel super smooth, and i really like that the very act of playing cards progresses thge game towards an endstate by default
werts888: Its like wagering your life is how most people put it
werts888: You wager how much life to make a board and you ropponents goal then becomes tryign to dismantle it more efficiently
thecatismari: also very minor thing, mari is pronounced as ma-ri and i hate the pronunciation like "mary" lol
werts888: normal tadfloe
thecatismari: you cast it, then mill a spirit and turn it into a 2
werts888: then tadflow tags into another dude
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Lobo_Apache: LRR ning
thecatismari: (or another 1 if you want like a morphrost abominable with 2 spirits on turn 1)
engineerbudy: fire on the charcoon?
werts888: Char needs its fire lad
RAZRBCK08: Mill 5 Ben
thecatismari: mill 5 ben
minor_deviation: Yooooooo rdropXD
thecatismari: you got it
werts888: Wind is a little bit like black in mtg, very expensive on life but tutors and is pretty consitsitnet
thecatismari: yep
vinopinguino: real gamer moves
werts888: Thats the combo
werts888: you did the ting
Earthenone: !pkmn rare candy
LRRbot: Rare Candy | Trainer — Item | Choose 1 of your Basic Pokémon in play. If you have a Stage 2 card in your hand that evolves from that Pokémon, put that card onto the Basic Pokémon to evolve it, skipping the Stage 1. You can't use this card during your first turn or on a Basic Pokémon that was put into play this turn. / You may play any number of Item cards during your turn.
betweenmyself: Everybody do the Nimbug! ohnoWiggle
thecatismari: congrats wheeler, you're playing powerful elestrals now lol
engineerbudy: 12
werts888: The Flammamoth Full art is superrr pretty too btw
werts888: Like favvv art of the set
thecatismari: @werts888 it isssss, i have one sitting on my desk rn lol
werts888: Its huddling its little nim babies its so cute
Lushian_Cybasi: I cant wait for a set to give us a Super Bear that is Frost/Fire
engineerbudy: the superbear would be super cool
engineerbudy: with all the synergy that would have
thecatismari: they both die yeah, but if one has more spirits than the other it still deals damage
engineerbudy: @werts88 do the different nimbug count as the same card for deckbuilding? or can you only run 3 total
engineerbudy: and by different i mean base set vs frostfall
Lushian_Cybasi: I think they different because of color?
werts888: @engineerbudy Same card just new art
engineerbudy: ok cool
engineerbudy: thanks
werts888: In Frost fall theres Race to the top... and in starters there SHeild of Achiles and boombatts uhmm not sure wha telse
werts888: Boombat outs Moth super easy
werts888: Do you want a link to a Tourney post
Lushian_Cybasi: i was confusing the spinymph with nimbug
werts888: App is 100% free right now, goal is to just monetize with special arts etc
ThirdGames subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
werts888: but its superrrr beta right now
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThirdGames! (Today's storm count: 20)
werts888: @LoadingReadyRun Can i Dm you a reddit post with Tourney top cuts stuff ot pass along if they are interested in peeking
Orxolon: i play a great Bravo
thecatismari: @werts888 i tried it out, and honestly the fact that it was unpolished just convinced me to buy in to the paper cards even sooner lol, so good marketing i guess
smelloscope: anybody know where LRR gets their dice?
thecatismari: can't wait to see how it improves tho
LoadingReadyRun: @smelloscope They are Chessix dice
werts888: Daybreak set 3 out mid august!
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Earthenone: !pride
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
Earthenone: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
vinopinguino: callback!
werts888: Do Elestrals... again :p not biased
avjamethyst: one vote for the resident evil deckbuilding game
groovemancery: Sorcery Contested Realm
LordZarano: @smelloscope The Dice Shop Online, Graham said during the subathon
Lobo_Apache: Congratz!
vinopinguino: @avjamethyst not before austin powers tcg
ALLxISxLOST: meekapLick lrrFINE
werts888: Someone write it down for me lol
werts888: or say it agin lol
thecatismari: this stream has been amazing, ty both of you for showing of an amazing game
RAZRBCK08: Just send it to Ben he can pass it on to Wheeler
Orxolon: i still have a question about the card backs,as they introduce new elements in the sets the back changes?
vinopinguino: the big one
shurtal: it's the Specific Ocean. tyvm
RAZRBCK08: Ben is BengineeringTV on Twitter @werts888
Earthenone: this is the awkward not bloomburrow stream following 2 bloomburrow streams
Juliamon: it was ugly
Earthenone: !live
Juliamon: I felt so bad
Earthenone: !dead
Juliamon: ooh a prerecord
Aceviru: But we moosed so that's all that matters
vinopinguino: hot dog!
werts888: Lol Twitter hit me with a anti bot thing tyring to link you lol
groovemancery: @werts888 Ben Wheeler: BWheelerMTG Ben Ulmer: BengineeringTV
Wrexadecimal: Yessss
shurtal: The LRRCrew commits a government sponsored arson, confirmed?
shurtal: it's got a bossanova beat? like Wiishop wednesday?
Earthenone: every week on horse club they make a fake thumbnail for a rhythem game to submit to james
tyrsredritehand subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tyrsredritehand! (Today's storm count: 21)
tyrsredritehand: Just in time!
KWardJenx: This was great. Thank you so much.
Orxolon: comparing to the 30 min sub read from the subathon this is piece of cake
thecatismari: ty wheeler! lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Orxolon: thanks for the stream!
tyrsredritehand: lrrSHINE
werts888: Great stream!
Orxolon: g night everyone