nyoomgoom: @Sethalidos just like, accidentally kirby inhale the whole room
TXC2: hieroglyphica monthly, if that for me, I assume you've seen a doctor about that
pyronils80: @hieroglyphica I would say about 2-3 times a month maybe even less
nyoomgoom: if i could clean house by being literally kirby then that would solve a lot of problems
TXC2: being Kirby would solve so many problems
nyoomgoom: it sure would
pyronils80: 1-2 times a day sounds not right... I would get checked by my gp
nyoomgoom: some folks are just built different (*built so that they hiccup a lot)
hieroglyphica: Yeah, doctors are real uncertain about that part. As far as we know everything is normal in the ol' brainpan
TXC2: I'm built Different! (incorrectly)
hieroglyphica: Well, not normal but normally not normal. People have more congenital oddities than they think. Brains can vary a lot in structure apparently
hieroglyphica: Mostly in the vein department
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyThink
hieroglyphica: Like, veins don't know what they're doing in there. Sometimes they straight up make loops apparently. You know, not TO anywhere but just cause they can. Like, get a diff hobby veins jeez
DigitalSeahorse: brain, you probably thing this song is about you
DigitalSeahorse: you're so vein!
hieroglyphica: Also your heart can be like any angle. Apparently sideways, inverted, not on the left side but the right instead. It's wild
hieroglyphica: I'm very vein as far as the docs say 😄
TehAmelie: did we win the pacific? i just got here
TXC2: Alex is facing tech issues
TXC2: had to restart PC
TehAmelie: that was gonna be my second quess
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBeans vicksyBeans lets pause to reflect
LoadingReadyRun: I am experiencing
nyoomgoom: mood
TXC2: fear? excitement?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDespair
LoadingReadyRun: deep hurting
Sethalidos: have you considered percussive maintenence?
nyoomgoom: mst3kDeep mst3kHurt
DigitalSeahorse: mst3kDeep_TK mst3kHurt
TXC2: Sethalidos I think Paul frowns on that
nyoomgoom: just like, two people get into a donnybrook to try to entertain the computer enough that it starts working on its own
TXC2: that's how it starts, and before you know it, humans have to fight in gladiatorial pits to please their machine overlords
TheMerricat: Computers, can't live with them, can't live without them. Am I right chat? Kappa
LordZarano: lrrSIG lrrSIG
Nigouki: hallo
TheMerricat: So I just got a blink and the live indicator is going but...
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
GapFiller: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
TehAmelie: the blink is the refresh signal
jacqui_lantern234: lrrSIG
TheMerricat: There we go! lrrSIG
Earthenone: lrrSIG
TXC2: right, BIG hype song to power us up
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSIG vicksyCheer lrrSIG vicksyHappy vicksyTap
lightfut: Ok we go agayne
TXC2: here we GO!
TehAmelie: yay
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
TXC2: Hello Alex
GapFiller: same Alex
lightfut: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
baltimore_667083: lrrGibb
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy
Nigouki: computers are FARTS
TXC2: !hole
LRRbot: Did somebody say holes??
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect hole
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunFoam
Astra7525: oh yea.... it has something you're probably gonna like
Astra7525: especially since you basically already did it
DigitalSeahorse: trailor sure is loud
nyoomgoom: i,, it's got the turbo strafe thingies from splatoon lmao
DigitalSeahorse: neat
Boiler_bot: we drivin'
TXC2: we get jukes, some smovement
lightfut: I love how spray painting the lights changed the color
Astra7525: The cosmetics are paid dlc though
nyoomgoom: the octarians with the jets that uh. do the thing the car was doing
DigitalSeahorse: potat
pyronils80: Hello and good evening! greetings from good old Germany! :) :) :)
TXC2: hello pyronils80 welcome
nyoomgoom: "looks like you got zone droned" but in a wrestler cutting a promo voice
Astra7525: It just tells you that there's stuff in the auto-vac taht will get deleted if you leave teh garage
vinewood_og: Throw your watch in the trash?
UnseenAcademical: Too fast, which makes Alex too furious
Astra7525: The powered tires are an active ability that gives you perfect grip but consume energy when active
Astra7525: I have found that junction stabilizer is pretty good if you wanna get rid of a junction with a storm in it: rerolls the junction and might remove the storm
TXC2: speaking of the subathon, if you've not seen the public movie night, you should chat, it's wild :p
Astra7525: yea, nah
Ace__of__Hearts: oh man can we drift race?
Ace__of__Hearts: can we get an AE86?
Ace__of__Hearts: it's the car from Initial D
Ace__of__Hearts: Initial D is great if you like Eurobeat while watching people yell in cars
DigitalSeahorse: time to hunt for things to scan?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
TXC2: so much marmalade spilled on this screen
DigitalSeahorse: me too
DigitalSeahorse: HONK
Astra7525: Got all your tools?
Inari_Kitsune: Hooray I'm awake for diving time!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
TXC2: hello Inari_Kitsune welcome
hieroglyphica: Oh man, I got really absorbed sketching my sleeping dog so I totally missed when Alex fixed the stream lol
DigitalSeahorse: brrooooom
Astra7525: right-click you can pull the map
hieroglyphica: Diagnosis: good dog, ok sketch
Inari_Kitsune: @txc2 lrrSHINE Thanks
DigitalSeahorse: the floaty rocks pushed us?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPeek
Astra7525: me too
nyoomgoom: the designated spare tire that you never use for anything, you just have it so that you have a tire
TXC2: same in Fallout new vegas
TXC2: repair your sniper rifle with a BB gun :p
Astra7525: Correct. Stabilizer allow you to open a gateway home WITHOUT having enough anchor energy
Astra7525: DO NOT pull the lever unless you wanna leave ON THIS map
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyShrug
Astra7525: let's hope it doesn't shear off
hieroglyphica: This sounds like a conversation with my brother circa his 20s
Astra7525: The quirk might be triggered by "car moves slowly"
TreeVor84: Wait, so you can only go straight, is the door homophobic?
nyoomgoom: ah yes, a ghost entered the vehicle through the open door and politely shut it behind them
DigitalSeahorse: I was about to say that
DigitalSeahorse: this door wants only straights
PixelArtDragon: The door's a centerist
nyoomgoom: ghost decided politeness is over and kicked the door off
TehAmelie: is the door setting you up for straight lines
TheMerricat: I mean you've found the wa yto head back
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPride vicksyPrider katesPride
Astra7525: It's probably not a good idea to go to the deep zone with this particular quirk
TXC2: some light scaving to start the day
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDespair mood
gualdhar: Oppy sees dead people?
hieroglyphica: Called it!
DigitalSeahorse: yeah even if he's a ghost, let him talk to us
TXC2: sure would be nice to not have to ALWAYS bury the gays :p
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPride
nyoomgoom: "too many unknowns" two-star yelp review of ruins of alph johto region
UtilityPunk: We offroading lrrAWESOME
TXC2: uppies!
DigitalSeahorse: nice air
DigitalSeahorse: jazz hands
TXC2: you make a wish, the monkey's entire fist closes and punches you in the face.
DigitalSeahorse: now we got no door
Astra7525: wait what?
Astra7525: it might be
TXC2: Alex driving real well for only being able to see about 6 inches in front of ourselves :p
MDK_Marshal: @DigitalSeahorse Where we're going, we won't need doors!
Astra7525: fuel might also become a problem fast
Astra7525: nope. looks like you need all three
Astra7525: suspension: gone
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed
TXC2: the struts must have loved that Kappa
Chantzzzzz: strut towers ejected through roof
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyCheer
Astra7525: Another problem with the constantly opening door: It disables the radiation shielding from the car
Chantzzzzz: customer states "clunking sound coming from suspension" please check and advise
Astra7525: It's open. Go
DigitalSeahorse: now we have a door again
DigitalSeahorse: sort of
DigitalSeahorse: hehe
DigitalSeahorse: oof
TheMerricat: :F
TheMerricat: :D
Chantzzzzz: what hill
DigitalSeahorse: we did a loop
Nigouki: so we have the jumping jacks, DLC giving us side jets, are we gonna get top jets for maximum traction?
DigitalSeahorse: loopy
TXC2: how dare the state of Washington have mountains!
TheMerricat: @Nigouki That's what the powered tires are fore. turn them on, you are spiderman.
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunGeiger voxlunRad
Nigouki: @TheMerricat but do they also work mid-air like jets would?
Dalrint: Any drive you can walk away from
hieroglyphica: TBF we do have kind of too many mountains, there's a lot
TXC2: twitch just crashed on me there, fun :p
Astra7525: You don't get loot from items with a star marker (forgot the name of that attribute.. "precious"? )
Astra7525: You kept making new one ;)
Nigouki: I hope at the end the game gives us stats on how many cars worth of putty we used
hieroglyphica: Everything seems paltry compared to that one epic haul you got that one time
TXC2: like people do with duct tape
hieroglyphica: Hahah my bro has had a series of junker cars. I am sooo familiar with the extent you can use (or try to) JB weld for
Chantzzzzz: JB Weld crimes
DigitalSeahorse: or welding your mug back together and drinking from it
hieroglyphica: @digitalseahorse noooooo
UtilityPunk: Yeah, they use JB Weld, Duct Tape, and Crazy Glue to make vehicles that Red Green would be jealous of
DigitalSeahorse: looks kinda skimpy
ANeMzero: overclock'd ur fuel pump
TheMerricat: So in one of my apartments my fridge had a clogged defrost drain. The problem was I couldn't get to the drain hole because there was a plastic cover secured by four screws and one of the screws was both seized and had the head stripped...
hieroglyphica: Oh man I had a whole conversation with somebody earlier about how people will drink out of all sorts of things like 3d printed mugs, unsealed painted glasses... Gawd I get messed up thinking about water contamination
TheMerricat: there wasn't enough room in the freezer compartment to get anything like a power drill in to drill it out, so I came up with the awesome idea of jbwelding driver bit to the screw ....
TheMerricat: I ended up 'jbwelding' the screw to the cover....
hieroglyphica: Yeah sadly I felt that part of the story
hieroglyphica: JB weld is magic, but it's also our folly
Astra7525: Do you have any lim magnets (resource)? The magnetic hammer is really good and you're gonna need hammers for the new resources
5 raiders from AdzyandJaneComics have joined!
TXC2: hello raiders
AdzyandJaneComics: Legeeeend of the Magnetic HAmmar
Astra7525: dang
Astra7525: It's a basic resource you gotta... "find"
Astra7525: no
TheMerricat: you picked front.
AdzyandJaneComics: you make lim mags by feeding scrap metal into the magnetisers in the deep zone, but you can also just find them
TheMerricat: The first time you guessed you picke front door.
Nigouki: could it be wheel goes left/right it opens and swerves hard it closes?
ANeMzero: Oh uh... so the doors are just a bit buggy and fucky and this might not actually be a quirk
Nigouki: wut
Astra7525: ask for a hint on the second column
AdzyandJaneComics: Yeah, it's a bug, not a quirk
Astra7525: really?
gualdhar: you mean the physics bug with the rear left door?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyEmpty
TheMerricat: :D
AdzyandJaneComics: but something DOES happen when you turn the wheel since the quirk lit up
Astra7525: I suspect the trigger for the door is "car moves slowly"
gualdhar: you weren't
ANeMzero: It wasn't tagging door for hints at all
hoveringhalibut: Maybe when you're in drive?
DigitalSeahorse: you were saying rear left door
TXC2: aren't we all going insane?
gualdhar: it's not a quirk with the left door, you already got the possible quirk locations in column 3
DudelidouX: Is it a mix of quirks?
Astra7525: The hint thing only gives hint for the currently active column.
Astra7525: Select "steering wheel" then ask for a hint for the green column and it should tell you, what the condition of the steering wheel is
TheMerricat: So it really is just a physics bug? doesn't that like... fuck you hard in this phase of the game if the door is just randomly opening then?
ANeMzero: if the door was a quirk there would be an exclamation point next to it after Alex bought a hint for that column
gualdhar: It can, yes
Astra7525: "dashboard flickers"?
gualdhar: But yeah it's a known bug, if you leave the rear left door open and get in/out of the driver's door, the rear left door can fall off
DudelidouX: Fix that one and try again?
Astra7525: But it wasn't "fall off". The door opened when the car started moving or Alex turned the wheel
DudelidouX: Could it be that multiple quirk with similar trigger can happen but he can't check multiple and only targets the first one?
ANeMzero: @DudelidouX That is not how that works
gualdhar: I didn't see it. It's possible he had a quirk that went away, sometimes you randomly lose quirks, or they change when you get to the garage
gualdhar: It not perfect system
TheMerricat: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1458140/discussions/0/4517757613969148621/ - looks like they've got a hotfix scheduled to be incoming on the 29th.
Astra7525: Do the doors close when you open the trunk?
DigitalSeahorse: front left door shuts :P
Astra7525: THAT looks like the bug mentioned
UtilityPunk: Did the door fall off when the radio/light was on?
Nigouki: wut
UtilityPunk: What a buggy game lrrSPOOP
DudelidouX: rear
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyD vicksyPanic
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBounce vicksySquish vicksyJammin
gualdhar: No it's a station wagon, not a beetle
Dalrint: Huh. That recording is the first time I remember something being actively malicious in the zone
hieroglyphica: I don't know, the tourists can be a little malicious
Nigouki: weird qwerpline episode but ok
hieroglyphica: I guess there not very active tho
Dalrint: I think they are just reacting to your body heat?
Dalrint: Like the way they react to flares
vinewood_og: It's up, and it's good!
BusTed: yeet
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDespair
ANeMzero: I think the catch field trigger is a bit in front of the recycler and so if you're too close it just doesn't trigger.
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
hieroglyphica: Noooooo I just dropped the gasket for my volcano! Oh darn this is gonna be a hunt brb after break
Nigouki: microphone noises?
TXC2: and we're back
dumbo3k: @hieroglyphica Don't tale your volcano gaskets for granite
Astra7525: They need olympium
hieroglyphica: Aaah what a pun
gualdhar: have you tried painting the bioheadlights?
TXC2: just like LED lights in real life :p
gualdhar: might make them dimmer
gualdhar: new game feature
gualdhar: use spray cans
Astra7525: It was only added recently
Astra7525: Can we spray the lights... black?
TXC2: fancy
gualdhar: you don't want to see the stains
Strebenherz: Evenin' pacific drivers. Alex, haircut?
wildpeaks: color checks out
TheMerricat: :D
Astra7525: yea... no light
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint
Astra7525: naturally
TXC2: hello Strebenherz welcome
vinewood_og: Well yeah...
Nigouki: we have defeated the headlights
Astra7525: we... uh.. might wanna remediate that
DigitalSeahorse: lrrHERE lrrHERE
sydnius: need a black light poster
Astra7525: you built... two bio lights didn't you?
Astra7525: one dropped
wildpeaks: are there UV lights ? would be fun
DigitalSeahorse: something tells me white would make it brighter
wildpeaks: ohh, lots more storage space than the last time I saw the stream
TXC2: a black light in the zone would show....things we probably wouldn't want to see
dumbo3k: that made it a slightly warmer color
Astra7525: grey would probably dim it
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
sydnius: love dr. Jacoby headlights
Lysander_salamander: nice
wildpeaks: kobe
hieroglyphica: Hello @lysander_salamander 👋
TXC2: hello Lysander_salamander welcome
wildpeaks: "don't even worry about it"
dumbo3k: I think it would count
DigitalSeahorse: I think it does as long as the ground isn't out of bounds where it hit
DigitalSeahorse: and that he didn't travel
wildpeaks: such is car maintenance in the Zone
DigitalSeahorse: car is owned by a log driver vicksyHaha
dumbo3k: "Go the Fuck Away", the Hiit Sequel to "Go the Fuck to Sleep"
Juliamon: LUL
UtilityPunk: Bnnuy
Astra7525: You wanted to go full ATTs but didn't have enough parts to make four
Astra7525: and I must rescind my earlier statements: Offroads are good, but ATTs actually drive better.
wildpeaks: blue mood lighting
wildpeaks: didn't we try this last time too ?
Astra7525: Yea... I suspected my offroads kept getting punctured, because they only have a B-rating on road and I drove a lot on the road#
Strebenherz: what is the thing alex is holding? without game knowledge, it appears to be like.. a punching device
dumbo3k: Pacific Walk
wildpeaks: occupado
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
TXC2: Strebenherz an impact hammer
Astra7525: I suspect that the probability of defects with tires also depends on the underground they drive on compared to their rating for it
hieroglyphica: Which to be fair, is a living device, just an industrial strength one
Strebenherz: @TXC2 okay so it's legit just for smashy xD
hieroglyphica: *punching, not the best day for my fingers
TXC2: Strebenherz sure is
dumbo3k: @Astra7525 Did you have insulated panels and doors attatched? apparently that severely reduces tire puncture resistance
Lysander_salamander: I saw there was an update that added jets you could attach to your car which would let your car do side-steps
Astra7525: @dumbo3k Oh I got screwed by that earlier too
TXC2: the juke jet
Strebenherz: slam car trunk, car jumps ten feet to the right
vershike subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vershike! (Today's storm count: 3)
Astra7525: insulatated parts give a -300% piercing resist and their resistances get shared with adjacent components, soo... the tires
DigitalSeahorse: oh wait, our bobble head changed
Strebenherz: Did the bobble.. glitch, or did it come like that
TXC2: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: http://gumroad.com/alexsteacy | Patreon: patreon.com/alexsteacy | Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/AlexSteacy | Home stream: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Twitter: twitter.com/alexsteacy | More: https://bio.link/alexsteacy
wildpeaks: congrats
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyCheer
FarleyF: Heya Alex, looking fine as always
wildpeaks: 1 page is lightyears better than 0 page
Viscount16: I really enjoyed the various "-crometers" gag
Astra7525: @Strebenherz Oh that would be a funny quirk: Openign the trunk changes the bobblehead
DigitalSeahorse: it looks great!
FarleyF: and folks read Spaceshiping over at Webtoons
Strebenherz: !
dumbo3k: @Strebenherz looka like a godzilla breathing fire
Strebenherz: @dumbo3k Okay now i see it correctly. I was seeing the fireball as the head
TXC2: always remember: perfection is the enemy of done
bo_brinkman: 100%
ProcyonFlynn: CortextPodcast talked about this too - it's a sort of avoidance for sure.
bo_brinkman: Our therapist agrees, that it is often anxiety/avoidance related.
sydnius: physician, heal thyself
UtilityPunk: Perfectionism is procrastination and worry wearing groucho glasses 🥸
Strebenherz: It's an easy trap to fall into
hieroglyphica: For me, I have this intense anxiety and fear that I'm going to 'ruin' the work. Once I'm at the point when it's 90% complete all I can think about is how much I'm going to duck it up now that's it's 'good enough' but not done.
hieroglyphica: But I also lost a bunch of my paintings, all my early work, in a house for and I think there's some trauma there about losing my creations or them being ruined in some way
hieroglyphica: *fire
TXC2: embarrassment is the entry price to success
wildpeaks: now if only execs could realize this too
vershike: Reminds me of something my grandpa always said. "Screwing up is better than doing nothing."
hieroglyphica: I just tell myself over and over that learning to fix mistakes or manage my flow is also a good thing and that it's not the end of the world
TXC2: "do not wish for an easy life, wish for the strength to endure a hard one."
Strebenherz: I love how the vibe of this game manages supernatural and mundane bullshit driving hazards
hieroglyphica: I seriously had to stop doing watercolors tho, they are the least forgiving medium for mistakes and it def maxed my anxiety right out
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
TXC2: practice makes permanent
Mollylele: there's no such thing as perfect, perfect shouldn't be the goal
hieroglyphica: Oh yeah you can get real invested in a style made up of shortcuts
roastbeefsandwitch: It makes for a great conversation topic too. If, for instance, you know the story and mechanics behind why Nerf weapons work
Strebenherz: Thank you Alex
roastbeefsandwitch: Yes and yes, Alex.
wildpeaks: the illusion of control in a chaotic world
roastbeefsandwitch: However, perfectionism is also awful curse of Gifted Kids
hieroglyphica: I like beading because it had been very freeing. It's part of the process to change a pattern around and string, string, and restring strand after strand. Feels very low stakes.
FarleyF: um hate to break the train of thought but your back driver tire looks to be busted?
hieroglyphica: I sometimes finish a project and I've learned so much and improved my skills enough, that I have to go back and do a better version of it. But hey, I'm advancing
Astra7525: @FarleyF eyup
DigitalSeahorse: try vicksyCheer
Strebenherz: galloping abs got published, y'all can too
KeytarCat: I'm a p3ercussionist, but I'm not very dexterous, so a lot of rudiments folks tried to teach me just didn't land. I learned a lot about "faking", which is just "doing differently"
Astra7525: uhoh
wildpeaks: oh dear
vershike: A bit of damage
TXC2: turbo Fd tire there
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed
wildpeaks: it will buff out surely
Astra7525: You are also in an unstable junction, so time might be of the essence
ProcyonFlynn: The way I'd heard it phrased was "if all you want is the outcome, you'll never have the motivation to get there - and that's the same energy you need to continue past that goal"
CodeIndigo: done is better than perfect
CataclysmicReverb: Maybe it comes from "if this isn't a success then I'm was a mistake and I've wasted my time" or something like that?
Strebenherz: Huh
ProcyonFlynn: @CataclysmicReverb Get out of my head lrrSPOOP
FarleyF: oh yeah I sold neglected to mention you can also fuel your car from the side tank and it will fill the same tank
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted vicksyHeart
FarleyF: urgh also bloody swype
DigitalSeahorse: exactly !
TXC2: Eggs!
wildpeaks: omelette du marsh
Strebenherz: That's a good way to put it. There's.. no character to what ai art.. extrudes
hieroglyphica: That's why every portrait is digital realism with vaporware bi lighting
TXC2: not even in your own brain
DigitalSeahorse: very true, it's why I like Alex's comics drawn by Alex
DistrustingSpectator: also emotions aren't measurable. they're detectible to some extent.
Earthenone: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: http://gumroad.com/alexsteacy | Patreon: patreon.com/alexsteacy | Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/AlexSteacy | Home stream: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Twitter: twitter.com/alexsteacy | More: https://bio.link/alexsteacy
DigitalSeahorse: I had a calf run along beside fence as I was biking by
roastbeefsandwitch: that's why you should hire your artist friends (with money, not free beer). also, pay teachers who can teach us these life skills more!
Strebenherz: An extra little detail here, making the light like you saw it, thinking of a good or bad experience while putting it to paper or digital
nyoomgoom: sometimes there's a level of "i don't get it at all but i love when i don't get things"
Astra7525: I was wondering about that too
TXC2: what makes art worth doing, worth keeping, worth saving
SquareDotCube: The paperclips problem with AI is something that takes years, perhaps decades to develop against, unfortunately investor trends don't have the patience for that.
wildpeaks: people care in a universe that doesn't
Strebenherz: Why is the car splurting green ooze
hieroglyphica: We've been hit with acid
TXC2: Strebenherz it's not, we're in "rain"
FarleyF: don't uh don't worry about it
hieroglyphica: As a projectile I mean
Lysander_salamander: it's inspiration
Astra7525: YOu also got another flat tire
Astra7525: Acid loves to eat tires
FarleyF: and you get a flat and you get a flat
Lysander_salamander: besides it's the "heck yeah two cakes" thing. People will want to see more of what they love.
Astra7525: uh.. look up
TXC2: I mean, we made 80 billion cowboy movies back in the day, sometimes people want slightly different version of the same thing
Astra7525: at the thing with the red light
Astra7525: you gonna hat those
gualdhar: Awww fuck yeah
Astra7525: *hate
gualdhar: Those things are awful
Strebenherz: The entire fender
Strebenherz: amazing
MDK_Marshal: Flare gun clearly has SOME Stopping Power
Lysander_salamander: nice
TXC2: tires filled with Helium? :p
MDK_Marshal: Actually, that reminds me of a Dumb custom tool idea. A Morticing Chisel for woodworking, that's 0.45 inches wide, with CHOPPIN' POWAH engraved into it
Chantzzzzz: don't you hate it when your shoes get pickpocketed?
vinewood_og: Isn't that how Ghost Rider does it?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
Lysander_salamander: :D
Astra7525: simulacrum?
TXC2: do they stay sharp longer?
MDK_Marshal: A more accessible set of Japanese-style chisels definitely sounds cool - I've got a set of "normal" Narex chisels that I've barely had the time to use. Would definitely be interested in investigating Japanese woodworking tools at some point!
Astra7525: oh hey, marsh eggs
TXC2: what we need is an obsidian chisel Kappa
roastbeefsandwitch: oh yes, sharp tools matter. sharp knives make a *huge* difference in how safely you cook and how clean the cuts are
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCult rainy
MDK_Marshal: Heh, I've used a £2 no-name hardware store chisel to put in door latches, and that was a LOT of work. The "nice" chisels, properly sharpened.... W H E W
wildpeaks: there's always more room for tools
TXC2: !pobox
LRRbot: LRR has a PO box! Bionic Trousers Media Inc., PO BOX 8132 Victoria Main, Victoria, BC V8W 3R8, Canada. If received, your mail may be featured in a Mail Time. Please ship responsibly.
Viscount16: Re: tools, how are you for hand planes? I have extras
UtilityPunk: Send your metal bnnuys to LRR
MDK_Marshal: I mean, do you want a vintage 22 inch wooden plane with an Iron that needs the back ground flat? :D
SquareDotCube: Alex, slowly becoming the guy that has a garage of old tools he rarely uses
ProcyonFlynn: Next time on MailTime "Why is there a hand-axe in this box?"
FarleyF: Alexs Antique Roadshow coming soon to LRL
Radjack: Graham on the next Mailtime: "Why have we been sent Turpentine?"
Nigouki: Beej a few weeks from now: "Hey Alex we gotta talk about all these 40lb boxes you keep getting..."
CodeIndigo: Graham: "Alex, I have here, duty owing, a package, manifest.... 'don't even worry about it'."
MDK_Marshal: See, what I'm hearing here is "Send Alex the full range of Lie Nielsen planes" ;)
gualdhar: caustic?
Lysander_salamander: no biohazards
vershike: So then where should I send my collection of radioactive explosive solvents?
wildpeaks: Beej must be protected at all cost
Viscount16: Do need any #5 size planes, or block planes? Just checked my garage and looks like I have extras for thos specifically
FarleyF: so no Demon Cores then gotya lrrBEEJ
TheMerricat: Customs and the post probably wouldn't be enthused either. lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
MDK_Marshal: A small part of me would love a recplica of the Cobalt-60 (?) "DROP AND RUN" specimen containers.... but also, uh....
roastbeefsandwitch: the LRR explosive garage: "You know, we would make a crapshot about this place, but it would be too accurate"
Dromos_GHG: what about cursed items?
Astra7525: so. a word of advice: check whether the map shows you an exit you can take. I think by selecting this junction as a destination, you are forced to open the gateway HERE.
SquareDotCube: Alex "Has more calipers than Oblivion" Steacy
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope voxlunGeiger voxlunRad
wildpeaks: do not send demonic possessed dolls either, these must be disposed in the correct recycling bin
MDK_Marshal: "I've made an exact replica of THE MOST DANGEOUS object in the world. You can't tell it apart, isn't that cool?"
TehAmelie: when people misuse the Red Cross at least the organization is around to lawyer them. . .
Astra7525: okay, I see an exit. you CAN leave
hieroglyphica: Oh yeah I have one of those as my pallette
wildpeaks: maybe we can even leave in one piece
hieroglyphica: Got it the same way
FarleyF: you don't have to go home but you can't stay here
Astra7525: swamp coral
ProcyonFlynn: I still can't get over how obvious it was when I learned you make surface plates by matching 3 different surfaces together. And the math just works.
Astra7525: they can be distracted with flares
wildpeaks: LUL
Strebenherz: PFFFFT
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Lysander_salamander: ramp!
MDK_Marshal: wheeee
wildpeaks: adventure !
SquareDotCube: need like a boxing glove, to bat those things away
ProcyonFlynn: !highlight
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
TXC2: Content Alex
wildpeaks: weeeee
Juliamon: it would be rude *not* to
Lysander_salamander: yeehaw
wildpeaks: worth it
Lysander_salamander: cowabunga it is
MDK_Marshal: Unfortunately, you did not miss the ground
Astra7525: MOVE
TXC2: it was all worth it
FarleyF: superman
hoveringhalibut: Sticks the landing
Astra7525: scan it and then move away
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp
MDK_Marshal: Ruh Roh
Astra7525: eyup
FarleyF: wasn't me
Lysander_salamander: yay
wildpeaks: according to keikaku
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp vicksyPoint
MDK_Marshal: Can you imagine if we had the technology to just stovepipe the car straight into the ground, and have it stick there? :D
Strebenherz: Did something just steal the windshield?
DistrustingSpectator: mattlrLul
CodeIndigo: duct tape and hope?
Strebenherz: ah okay
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
gualdhar: driving without a windshield would be so... windy
Astra7525: also we should try to steal some anchors
Boiler_bot: I love how this game is so Jalopy Meets S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Boiler_bot: Except a lot less random Space Nazis in camo shooting at you
SquareDotCube: too bad we can't replace the windshield with something more durable like lexan an inch thick
offbeatwitch: rude!
Astra7525: These fucking things makes you paranoid every time the dashboard flickers
SquareDotCube: no damage at all?
Astra7525: quirks maybe
MDK_Marshal: Spicy
DigitalSeahorse: pumpkin
Astra7525: the shambler does that
Astra7525: Shambles have an aura of screwing with your electronics until they explode on you and give your car quirks (I think)
FarleyF: shambles just sitting in the corner singing "wasn't me"
Astra7525: I hate how they move... slowly lurching towards you
Astra7525: They're both deep zone
Astra7525: Tourists
Astra7525: They... throw things
Astra7525: they did
gualdhar: spoilers
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect throw things before they explode?
Astra7525: It's not a spoiler. We have seen them do it
FarleyF: it's the tourists calling explaining why they do that
Astra7525: You also have a resource scanner
jacqui_lantern234: anomoLEEZ NUTZ :p
ANeMzero: Because Oppy refuses to let you make useful stuff, like a plow or an alternator.
FarleyF: which reminds me have we found the lim magnet converter in the deep zone
TXC2: or a GUN!
ANeMzero: shit, she put "I strapped a lightbulb to some batteries" in tier 2 tech.
ANeMzero: just made a research tree from spite
Chantzzzzz: resource radar really puts in work in the deep zone - finding olympium is such a pain
gualdhar: do you want to know what it looks like?
ANeMzero: name implies a rock or metal
FarleyF: looks like a burning torch carried by a tourist lrrBEEJ
Astra7525: the drain is your fuel synthesizer.
Astra7525: If you siphon fuel from it, it turns back on and consumes energy
TXC2: looks like another car?
DigitalSeahorse: UFO?
Chantzzzzz: oh this is a fun one!
Strebenherz: at earlier, No snowplow because Oppy is against you having fun. Probably.
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunFoam
Astra7525: yea... be aware of THOSE things
ANeMzero: oh we found this friendly fellow
Chantzzzzz: and by fun I of course mean horrifying
DigitalSeahorse: unidentified floored object
Astra7525: that's the stuff you want
TXC2: oh we gonna be here awhile :p
Chantzzzzz: that's kinda how you have to get it until you get the better hammer which I think requires olympium
TheMerricat: Chat... I just watched an ad for a company that sells.... used tires... as in if one of your tires is flat, you measure the depth of the tread remaining on the other three and they will sell you a tire with a similar depth.... I mean... it fits the 3Rs but I'm not sure I'd trust a 'used' tire.
hieroglyphica: Oof, point in case of our previous conversation - I have made a mistake in this necklace that means I have to restring it. 😔 It is what it is, only a time drain really
Coloneljesus: @TheMerricat sounds perfect if you wanna build a tire swing
TXC2: TheMerricat sounds like a wrongful death lawsuit waiting to happen
LunaLurkz: @hieroglyphica Oh no the dreaded redoing of crafts, every crafters inevitable debuff
hieroglyphica: I have a lot of sympathy for knitters who have to frog a sweater. Bragging I think is very similar
Astra7525: You still have your mini-can and the synth has produced some new fuel. YOu are not completely screwed, it's become real hard to survive for long
DigitalSeahorse: has this area been scanned?
hieroglyphica: Beading! Damn this new swype
Astra7525: @DigitalSeahorse Nope
wildpeaks: sir
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunGeiger voxlunGeiger voxlunGeiger
DigitalSeahorse: scan
wildpeaks: gerat success
wildpeaks: *great
Lord_Hosk: Hey Alex, your in my top 10 Lrr folk streaming right now. you rule.
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby
roastbeefsandwitch: what's the giant hand in the center of the road here? the big grey-red thing?
wildpeaks: run Forrest run
FarleyF: tourist bus
wildpeaks: fiddlesticks
Sethalidos: Boinga Boinga
MDK_Marshal: Estoy Tourism
TXC2: beeping bad I assume?
MDK_Marshal: "London I can't hear youuuu... Over my deep seated traauumaaaaa"
FarleyF: luckily we have Tippin here to help
Radjack: And now we watch the crumbline of reality around us?
wildpeaks: yes ti's out \o/
MDK_Marshal: Either today or SoonTM
TheMerricat: It did.
Radjack: *crumbling
ANeMzero: yeah
wildpeaks: (I literally posted it in your discord, lol)
ANeMzero: After the debacle with the last big ambitious fallout mod I hope.. they at least don't have the same problems
FarleyF: join Site D and become a fellow Crabby
Lord_Hosk: Alex, Can I pretty please become a member of Side D and watch movies with you on occasion?
Lord_Hosk: Damn
wildpeaks: daang
Astra7525: If you wanna save some battery, you could pull off the fuel synth as that thing cannot be turned off.
MDK_Marshal: GetOut.gif
FarleyF: sorry no hosks
Juliamon: big sign on the door, "NO HOSKS ALLOWED"
DigitalSeahorse: read rules too cause we got some different ones
MDK_Marshal: Singular Hosk
Lord_Hosk: The hosklings are 100% NOT allowed on site D
ANeMzero: No lords allowed
MDK_Marshal: No more than N-1 Hosks allowed
Sethalidos: the sign says hosks, he's allowed to have one
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunGeiger voxlunRad Lord_Hosk is too rad
wildpeaks: one entire unit of Hosk
Lord_Hosk: Have you been on your own discord it is no childfriendly
wildpeaks: he has a particular set of skills
DigitalSeahorse: be age of majority in your state or province or territory
FarleyF: and if Alex doesn't our Resident Gremlin Jo will
wildpeaks: and it's drawing comics
wildpeaks: oh heck it's one of those things again
Astra7525: passenger seat
ANeMzero: Arc device is the orb eater.
wildpeaks: I like the "not exploding" plan
Astra7525: also: fix some quirks probably
FarleyF: so we on the home stretch
wildpeaks: a tidy working car, as gift for Future Alex
Juliamon: Saturday has been taken over by a Prerecord
FarleyF: a thing tm
roastbeefsandwitch: more LRR Lympics sounds fun. I enjoy those episodes
nyoomgoom: neat!
bo_brinkman: So, I got a little one-slide slide viewer at Goodwill and bought a random lot of 1960s slides from a Chevron office ... and it is brining me so much joy. Today's slide: The microfilm reading room.
Juliamon: (It was said yesterday that it's a prerecord)
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
FarleyF: or are you doing The thing, which would be rocky
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy surprise
nyoomgoom: they're going to The Thing? on I-10 some hour or so's drive outside of tucson az
Juliamon: Shming is kiki, shmeng is boba
MDK_Marshal: What's the texture of a long, stringy chip on a Lathe?
TXC2: thanks for streaming Alex
FarleyF: or they are encountering The Thing which means that Alex And Cam will be the final survivors
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (45s from now).
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySip vicksyNom
TXC2: so no live
Juliamon: Live is pushed back a week
TXC2: Back like Backstreet
Astra7525: I really missed garbage day
FarleyF: thanks for the fun times, and don't forget to read Spaceshiping
Juliamon: They've all been very short reads since last week
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Master_Gunner: Subathon stole all the subs
TXC2: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: http://gumroad.com/alexsteacy | Patreon: patreon.com/alexsteacy | Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/AlexSteacy | Home stream: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Twitter: twitter.com/alexsteacy | More: https://bio.link/alexsteacy
DigitalSeahorse: 1 vicksyLUL
hieroglyphica: Bye all! Thanks for streaming Alex
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
DigitalSeahorse: thanks, Alex
vinewood_og: lrrHEART
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeart
AngelicKnighthood: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (3m ago).
AngelicKnighthood: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the illusion of choice
AngelicKnighthood: Figures.
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
AngelicKnighthood: Laters!
LurkerSpine: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (5m ago).
Flyingdelorion: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Flyingdelorion: Hello!
iris_of_ether subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
iris_of_ether: Magic magic magic
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, iris_of_ether! (Today's storm count: 4)
uneactrice: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
TehAmelie: bleep bloops!
Earthenone: !findquote magic
LRRbot: Quote #5583: "I did not know Ian knew how to magic!" —Ben [2018-12-12]
tsp397: It's lurmtugging time
OrkaOrkinus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
OrkaOrkinus: sub sub sub
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OrkaOrkinus! (Today's storm count: 5)
Mr_Horrible subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 121 months, currently on a 121 month streak!
Mr_Horrible: we love squares of primes here
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mr_Horrible! (Today's storm count: 6)
JinaMahavira: yay magical cards
TheMerricat: Quiet intro compared to online music
Juliamon: Always is
Juliamon: Not worth mentioning anymore
Flyingdelorion: Hello Cori and Adam!
iris_of_ether: benginHey
LowUpsideCJ: What's up gatherers
LurkerSpine: Cheer100 We did this!
Juliamon: !ck
LRRbot: Card Kingdom: C.A.R.D.S.
Mr_Horrible: Mundane Players, we call the non-magic players Kappa
Juliamon: !cardkingdom
LRRbot: Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at http://www.cardkingdom.com/lrr and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
AtrusOfMyst: Sup gamers lrrGibb
iris_of_ether: Paint!
JinaMahavira: borgor
AtrusOfMyst: Hell yeah burrito time
LowUpsideCJ: It's three packs of small animals michael what could it cost
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS
LurkerSpine: well it looks like a few people were saving for BloomBurrow lol
Ravynn: Didn't regretsy stop like 10 years ago?
Ravynn: Lol sorry Cori
Juliamon: Etsy's become just a black hole of dropshipped shit now
Mr_Horrible: Cori was there for the Primal 'Net
iris_of_ether: Even like 5 years ago we found some particularly dank "adult" crystal products
Juliamon: there's no *good* trash anymore
Diabore: fleshraker pog
Mr_Horrible: just a bit Kappa
SilverHalcyon: but the dog though
LowUpsideCJ: Mythic common
ckupf: What if we put a signpost rare at common?
JinaMahavira: ondu knotmaster my beloved
Diabore: @JinaMahavira definitely read knobmaster at a glance LUL
JinaMahavira: @Diabore LUL