FarleyF: join Site D and become a fellow Crabby
Lord_Hosk: Alex, Can I pretty please become a member of Side D and watch movies with you on occasion?
Lord_Hosk: Damn
wildpeaks: daang
Astra7525: If you wanna save some battery, you could pull off the fuel synth as that thing cannot be turned off.
MDK_Marshal: GetOut.gif
FarleyF: sorry no hosks
Juliamon: big sign on the door, "NO HOSKS ALLOWED"
DigitalSeahorse: read rules too cause we got some different ones
MDK_Marshal: Singular Hosk
Lord_Hosk: The hosklings are 100% NOT allowed on site D
ANeMzero: No lords allowed
MDK_Marshal: No more than N-1 Hosks allowed
Sethalidos: the sign says hosks, he's allowed to have one
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunGeiger voxlunRad Lord_Hosk is too rad
wildpeaks: one entire unit of Hosk
Lord_Hosk: Have you been on your own discord it is no childfriendly
wildpeaks: he has a particular set of skills
DigitalSeahorse: be age of majority in your state or province or territory
FarleyF: and if Alex doesn't our Resident Gremlin Jo will
wildpeaks: and it's drawing comics
wildpeaks: oh heck it's one of those things again
Astra7525: passenger seat
ANeMzero: Arc device is the orb eater.
wildpeaks: I like the "not exploding" plan
Astra7525: also: fix some quirks probably
FarleyF: so we on the home stretch
wildpeaks: a tidy working car, as gift for Future Alex
Juliamon: Saturday has been taken over by a Prerecord
FarleyF: a thing tm
roastbeefsandwitch: more LRR Lympics sounds fun. I enjoy those episodes
nyoomgoom: neat!
bo_brinkman: So, I got a little one-slide slide viewer at Goodwill and bought a random lot of 1960s slides from a Chevron office ... and it is brining me so much joy. Today's slide: The microfilm reading room.
Juliamon: (It was said yesterday that it's a prerecord)
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
FarleyF: or are you doing The thing, which would be rocky
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy surprise
nyoomgoom: they're going to The Thing? on I-10 some hour or so's drive outside of tucson az
Juliamon: Shming is kiki, shmeng is boba
MDK_Marshal: What's the texture of a long, stringy chip on a Lathe?
TXC2: thanks for streaming Alex
FarleyF: or they are encountering The Thing which means that Alex And Cam will be the final survivors
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (45s from now).
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySip vicksyNom
TXC2: so no live
Juliamon: Live is pushed back a week
TXC2: Back like Backstreet
Astra7525: I really missed garbage day
FarleyF: thanks for the fun times, and don't forget to read Spaceshiping
Juliamon: They've all been very short reads since last week
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Master_Gunner: Subathon stole all the subs
TXC2: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: http://gumroad.com/alexsteacy | Patreon: patreon.com/alexsteacy | Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/AlexSteacy | Home stream: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Twitter: twitter.com/alexsteacy | More: https://bio.link/alexsteacy
DigitalSeahorse: 1 vicksyLUL
hieroglyphica: Bye all! Thanks for streaming Alex
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
DigitalSeahorse: thanks, Alex
vinewood_og: lrrHEART
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeart
AngelicKnighthood: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (3m ago).
AngelicKnighthood: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the illusion of choice
AngelicKnighthood: Figures.
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
AngelicKnighthood: Laters!
LurkerSpine: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (5m ago).
Flyingdelorion: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Flyingdelorion: Hello!
iris_of_ether subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
iris_of_ether: Magic magic magic
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, iris_of_ether! (Today's storm count: 4)
uneactrice: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
TehAmelie: bleep bloops!
Earthenone: !findquote magic
LRRbot: Quote #5583: "I did not know Ian knew how to magic!" —Ben [2018-12-12]
tsp397: It's lurmtugging time
OrkaOrkinus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
OrkaOrkinus: sub sub sub
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OrkaOrkinus! (Today's storm count: 5)
Mr_Horrible subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 121 months, currently on a 121 month streak!
Mr_Horrible: we love squares of primes here
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mr_Horrible! (Today's storm count: 6)
JinaMahavira: yay magical cards
TheMerricat: Quiet intro compared to online music
Juliamon: Always is
Juliamon: Not worth mentioning anymore
Flyingdelorion: Hello Cori and Adam!
iris_of_ether: benginHey
LowUpsideCJ: What's up gatherers
LurkerSpine: Cheer100 We did this!
Juliamon: !ck
LRRbot: Card Kingdom: C.A.R.D.S.
Mr_Horrible: Mundane Players, we call the non-magic players Kappa
Juliamon: !cardkingdom
LRRbot: Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at http://www.cardkingdom.com/lrr and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
AtrusOfMyst: Sup gamers lrrGibb
iris_of_ether: Paint!
JinaMahavira: borgor
AtrusOfMyst: Hell yeah burrito time
LowUpsideCJ: It's three packs of small animals michael what could it cost
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS
LurkerSpine: well it looks like a few people were saving for BloomBurrow lol
Ravynn: Didn't regretsy stop like 10 years ago?
Ravynn: Lol sorry Cori
Juliamon: Etsy's become just a black hole of dropshipped shit now
Mr_Horrible: Cori was there for the Primal 'Net
iris_of_ether: Even like 5 years ago we found some particularly dank "adult" crystal products
Juliamon: there's no *good* trash anymore
Diabore: fleshraker pog
Mr_Horrible: just a bit Kappa
SilverHalcyon: but the dog though
LowUpsideCJ: Mythic common
ckupf: What if we put a signpost rare at common?
JinaMahavira: ondu knotmaster my beloved
Diabore: @JinaMahavira definitely read knobmaster at a glance LUL
JinaMahavira: @Diabore LUL
JCMaxw3ll subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
JCMaxw3ll: insert funny sex joke number here
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JCMaxw3ll! (Today's storm count: 7)
itsr67 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
itsr67: sup fruit eaters
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, itsr67! (Today's storm count: 8)
Semaph: Just watched the PPR back, think I'm ready for tomorrow. Thanks a lot guys!
LurkerSpine: rare draft?
JinaMahavira: the ghost of Cameron inhabits this man
frozenphoenix7: It's very good
OrkaOrkinus: that rare is insane
couchboyj: Yes
frozenphoenix7: (It's absurd in constructed too, for uh, other reasons)
uneactrice: That with Priest of Titania is VERY dumb
Tom_Bruise: now all we need is to draft the bird, and put that equipment in the format and then we can see what all the fuss is about
Flyingdelorion: Nantuko for the win!
JinaMahavira: make more priests
OrkaOrkinus: cast giant hydras
EvilBadman: We just open Nadu, simple
ckupf: We can get a 4th voidcraw
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
LurkerSpine: cast
jacqui_lantern234: WELL WELL WELL!!! if it aint a beautiful group of stellar friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!! <3
JCMaxw3ll: bless
djalternative: 18 is too many warped tuskers
lightfut: We are here to beat you to death
LowUpsideCJ: Uhhhh I don't know boss this is a lot of spawn tokens
LurkerSpine: I like Hydra or Worm
EvilBadman: Oh, worm
JinaMahavira: temur land too
Diabore: the repast is great
Lord_Hosk: Take the rare!
uneactrice: glimpse the implossible is fun
Diabore: our curve is a thing of something
Juliamon: big timmy time
LowUpsideCJ: Just temur things
djalternative: I'm trying so hard to be awake right now
GredGredmansson: that was my deck in my only MH3 draft
GredGredmansson: I cheated out the 7/7 Vigilance Eldrazi then put the Hydra Umbra on it for 6 counters
tsp397: Mana rectangle
Tom_Bruise: first time I drafted this format I drafted some dinky UR deck, and it made we question why anyone would willingly not play Green
Diabore: whats the split currently?
TRON17: Cut deserted temple
Diabore: we can afford to cut a creature
Diabore: i think one of the reef worms can go
youcantlistentobuttons: Yeah cut a wrom
GredGredmansson: you don't want to cut ALL your colorless mana generation?
Earthenone: maybe cut the draw spell?
DAC169: what about cutting a Drowner of Truth?
RetroHibiscus: seems nasty with reef wurm
Rhast0r: maybe keep colossal turn every small critter into a big thing
Diabore: @GredGredmansson we have 3 voidcraws and a worn powerstone, we should be fine
youcantlistentobuttons: Nah, want all the big things
jacqui_lantern234: LUL what a name
tsp397: Ball gets me every time
DAC169: I'm so mad at the MWM phantom draft. aipREE not only did the first pack each round have a mythic, but I only owned 1 copy between the 3 of them aipLost
Earthenone: i got to build around the tripple colorless eldrazi enchant in my phantom draft so i lvoed it :)
AtrusOfMyst: Warren Powerstone sounds like a supervillain name
Bugberry: what is not dead can eternal lie. names can return
Earthenone: it was a villan in buffy the vampire slayer
GredGredmansson: Warren Moon
Tom_Bruise: isn't Warren Powerstone the guy who screamed about how Tony Stark built it in a cave with a box of scraps?
Diabore: op making choices this game
Earthenone: also a villan in sky high
AtrusOfMyst: Warren Buffy the Vampire Slayer
RetroHibiscus: She goes by Willow now
Rhast0r: I hate horrific assault, but just because there are 2 antagonistic creature types in the set and I've only memorized that I do have to control a baddie. Lost a game the other day because phyrexians arent eldrazi
SolarBlitz1: Well that's a problem for OP
itsr67: springheart nantuko was an idea
JinaMahavira: next turn we can copy and play another one LUL
KeytarCat: @RetroHibiscus good for her! (I don't know what's going on in chat)
novrdd: What a weird 🤔 token
RetroHibiscus: @KeytarCat Adam said Warren was a dead name, is joek
Bugberry: @Rhast0r there are other antagonistic types, but only one that matters mechanically.
KeytarCat: Oh, my stream didn't load :P
itsr67: k
EvilBadman: Blunt too burnt
adambomb625: fair
tsp397: Fair
novrdd: They gave up
AtrusOfMyst: Here's a bunch of large chungus'
SolarBlitz1: Yeah that's a lotta beef
DAC169: "it was then that the OP realized that they had, in fact, lost"
ShaneLeeAtk: But I just finished burning my blunt
novrdd: Beeg things
CharredSpark: oppo burnt a blunt too far
Invitare: The Sun
youcantlistentobuttons: Springheart... why Wizrds?
EvilBadman: when they realize they lost like 5 minutes from now is gonna be a big bummer
CypherRaze: I want a cup of that deck's piss
Simonark: The Milky Way?
AFamiliarCalledEl: Pretty sure the sun is the biggest thing I've seen... I guess it depends on what a "thing" is
Earthenone: large dumpy?
AtrusOfMyst: Is the dump truck single?
Simriel: Magic: The Gathering
djalternative: cranberry?
youcantlistentobuttons: Technically, plenty of visible stars in the sky bigger than the sun
jacqui_lantern234: is it baptized?!
MegaDosX: You should see the heavy machinery they use in those huge open cut mines, those things are gargantuan
Simonark: Chunkytown, BC
Bruceski: 7 or 8 years ago they were widening a mountain highway that I drive, and the machinery they had for that was MASSIVE. The sense of scale when you see a backhoe and suddenly realize how far away it is and your car could firt in there without even making a dent.
CypherRaze: Cranbrook is the private school where Clarence went. In the movie 8 Mile
novrdd: Brother... Eww @atrusofmyst
AFamiliarCalledEl: @youcantlistentobuttons that's fair, but I couldn't really identify them from memory
Diabore: unsealing always first
EvilBadman: bestowing the priest seems like good ramp time but may too magical xmas land
Diabore: imop
AtrusOfMyst: @novrdd I had to shoot my shot
youcantlistentobuttons: @AFamiliarCalledEl Aye, bunch of em probably don't even have names.
CypherRaze: chat, I just got my Doctor Strange Omnibus and it's fucking sick
AngelicKnighthood: The Shapeshifter is a ETB effect if I saw right.
MegaDosX: Nantuko the Priest is kinda gross
Earthenone: so many elves
uneactrice: Yay! live the dream
GredGredmansson: exponential ramp
DAC169: use Kozilek's Unsealing first?
novrdd: @atrusofmyst LUL
MegaDosX: Unsealing first makes sense now
MegaDosX: Yes
GredGredmansson: all eldrazi are on cast
Bugberry: Eldrazi love "when you cast"
Rhast0r: @GredGredmansson thoughtknot seer would like to know your location
GredGredmansson: !card thoughtknot seer
LRRbot: Thought-Knot Seer [3C] | Creature — Eldrazi [4/4] | When Thought-Knot Seer enters the battlefield, target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from it and exile that card. / When Thought-Knot Seer leaves the battlefield, target opponent draws a card.
Earthenone: elf first
Earthenone: it generates more mana
GredGredmansson: ramp more first
MegaDosX: Land first for more mana
Earthenone: they will tap for 3 when you elf
LurkerSpine: they'll tap for 3 if you dupe
GredGredmansson: they'll tap for 3 after
DAC169: I'd land, duplicate, 7-drop
Sage0fMadness: duplicating them is mana-positive
MegaDosX: This is vile, well done benginLul
ztghostie: I love bestowed springheart nantuko is just "enchanted creature is now packrat"
Sage0fMadness: you can still pay
Diabore: we can pay
DAC169: you can pay!
Earthenone: we can pay
RetroHibiscus: oh rip opp
Earthenone: with a scone
tsp397: Oh opp
uneactrice: yessssssssssss
SolarBlitz1: Oof
AtrusOfMyst: This is a deck
Daggerpeak: lrrFINE
Diabore: they should have either done in response to trigger, or payed 4
novrdd: LUL
MegaDosX: Whoops!
ztghostie: So do we have an eldrazi titan for all this mana LUL
Sage0fMadness: LUL
Simonark: A genius of Eldrazi murder.
tsp397: Fair
MegaDosX: You built something gross
ztghostie: wait titania counts EVERYONES elves?
Rhast0r: oh titania counts every creature on the board lol
uneactrice: yep
Bugberry: Casting Eldrazi draws you into more Eldrazi which draw you into more Eldrazi
Daggerpeak: holy crap priest is symmetrical, I didn't even realize
novrdd: Eyy platt
Earthenone: yeah titania is very fun
MegaDosX: !card priest of titania
LRRbot: Priest of Titania [1G] | Creature — Elf Druid [1/1] | {T}: Add {G} for each Elf on the battlefield.
houssem037: Why are you bullying bronze?
EvilBadman: It was old kindred templating, so yeah
Bugberry: @ztghostie it's an old card
MegaDosX: Symmetrical effects lmao
Earthenone: !card wellwisher
LRRbot: Wellwisher [1G] | Creature — Elf [1/1] | {T}: You gain 1 life for each Elf on the battlefield.
RetroHibiscus: so you're running changelings are you?
Earthenone: was my old tech against elves
MegaDosX: "I tap Priest for...fifty mana?"
djalternative: and then bestow a nantuko onto it
DudelidouX: I've been in a commander deck with 2 elf deck...so much mana...
Bugberry: And Goblin King pumps your opponent's goblins. Things used to be weird.
jacqui_lantern234: Elves?! more like SMELLVES!!! Kappa
EvilBadman: On this day, you see clearly
MegaDosX: Everything has come to light
werth_it subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
werth_it: Its symmetrical. it must be fair
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, werth_it! (Today's storm count: 9)
AtrusOfMyst: It is fortuitous, the Glunch smiles upon us this day
Earthenone: i would have taken the 3
LurkerSpine: I would have taken the devourer but I'm greedy
djalternative subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
djalternative: psst. let me tell you a secret: ButtsQ
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, djalternative! (Today's storm count: 10)
Lord_Hosk: (puts pressure on Cori and Adam) DO THE THING!
Artificer_Evan: *Adds pressure to streamer*
dumbo3k: "Under PRessure!"
MegaDosX: Yeah you do
MegaDosX: Unsealing lmao
werth_it: did you all draft a overrun effect lol
Simonark: Look, does it only make things worse if we believe in you and think this is going great?
AtrusOfMyst: Simply become larger than your opponent to defeat them
Lord_Hosk: He's singing the dings!
SolarBlitz1: Ice Ice baby...
Bugberry: 5 mana 4/5 reach that stuns a thing is basically superior Chillbringer without evasion.
MegaDosX: Your overrun is several giant Eldrazi
werth_it: ya fair
BlueDaNewb subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BlueDaNewb! (Today's storm count: 11)
Artificer_Evan: @Lord_Hosk I think you are a faster typist than me because we both thought of the same joke at the same time and you posted before me
GredGredmansson: !card solstice zealot
LRRbot: Solstice Zealot [2W] | Creature — Rhino Cleric [2/3] | When Solstice Zealot enters the battlefield, you get {E}{E}. / {T}, Pay {E}: Tap target creature.
Diabore: alright, im off to watch a dead man fight a wolverine for 2 hours, have fun chat
djalternative: I wish I was able to see that tonight
Juliamon: I'm hoping to see that next week
LurkerSpine: wait does specimen not work on abilities?
AtrusOfMyst: Couldn't they have blocked then tapped? Idk I'm not good at this gane
AtrusOfMyst: Game*
tsp397: Fair
djalternative: specimen would have worked there, yes
MegaDosX: Had to tap before combat to stop a thing attacking
LurkerSpine: no, they have to tap at the beginning of combat
AtrusOfMyst: Yeah GGs
novrdd: PopNemo
BusTed: seabatClap
werth_it: ya but like imagine if you had an overrun
AtrusOfMyst: ahhh that makes sense
MegaDosX: Imagine if you had Triumph of the Hordes
GredGredmansson: unless they had vigilance they'd already be tapped, and tapping a creature midcombat does not remove it from combat
djalternative: oh yes! reef worm bullshit
AtrusOfMyst: We can throw down a reef
djalternative: here we go
Bugberry: bolt that weird bird
GredGredmansson: ITS
MegaDosX: Show me potato removal spell
MegaDosX: Menace? Gross.
AtrusOfMyst: Its got bad mouthfeel
couchboyj: Moist Slyph
TheWooglie: ndhi
RatherLargeToad: Enemy of the Jledi
MegaDosX: Make them have it
MegaDosX: Don't live in fear of the bolts and blades
youcantlistentobuttons: oh yeah, how bout slilth
drewm1022: All mimsy were the borogroves and the mome slith outgrabe.
Bugberry: sheev, dark lord of the slith
djalternative: I don't remember B combat trick
DAC169: you forgot to manually tap
werth_it: arena tapper got crazy
djalternative: you only had 1 blue and needed it
30teracyte: you only have one island, no?
iconicshadow89: you only hacve one blue source
chaostreader: there is the mdf GB trick.
TheWooglie: only 1 blue?
AtrusOfMyst: Autotapper claims another victim
MegaDosX: You only have one Island and you need blue for Unsealing
GredGredmansson: yeah you only have one blue source
DAC169: auto-tap for some reason prioritizes leaving open those lands so you can sac them aipSRSLY
AtrusOfMyst: We got ourselves
MegaDosX: Yeah that one had nothing to do with the auto tapper >_>
youcantlistentobuttons: Breath Your Last
werth_it: yeesh draw 4 a turn goes nuts
youcantlistentobuttons: Fell
DAC169: don't you need to kill the flyers more since you can block the menace?
RedArrogantKnight: oh brutal
CypherRaze: oof
Semaph: It is, depending on the opposing deck
MegaDosX: Just draw a colourless land, easy
MegaDosX: I think you've found the mirror
couchboyj: hooglSpider1 hooglSpider2
MegaDosX: Taps for four mana now
DAC169: you can Petrifying Meddler or Horrific Assault it
MegaDosX: Scion going into the red zone!
AtrusOfMyst: They had Warren Powerstone too
GredGredmansson: devoid cards are colorless
youcantlistentobuttons: does horrific assault target?
GredGredmansson: yes
MegaDosX: !card horrific assault
LRRbot: Horrific Assault [G] | Sorcery | Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature or planeswalker you don't control. If you control an Eldrazi, you gain 3 life.
DAC169: could still kill the 4/4 with Horrific Assault
4LavaAxe: lmao
GredGredmansson: yes.
MegaDosX: Well.
DAC169: and that's why
CypherRaze: oh
SnowBuddy18: F
rentar42: u ded
Bugberry: Eldrazi dominance
MegaDosX: You lose now
TheWooglie: Hubris
youcantlistentobuttons: f
youcantlistentobuttons: dang
LurkerSpine: what a bullshit card
ImNotAPleb87: Well that was a board state
ImNotAPleb87: and yes
Tom_Bruise: Emrakul just wanted some friends to play with
MegaDosX: Always bolt the bird, especially when it makes four mana benginLul
Simonark: Emrakul, the Nonsense Anew.
CypherRaze: yeah that's new Emrakul
LurkerSpine: honestly why do they keep making cards like that
BorealMage: I pulled two of those during prerelease and didn't cast it once
CypherRaze: Literally every Emrakul is broken
youcantlistentobuttons: This is Attack By Titan
MegaDosX: Also, to be fair, Emrakul always does things like that
Bugberry: Each Titan has a new card in this set.
GredGredmansson: look if you can get enough mana you deserve it
DAC169: if you can destroy things that make a lot of mana, that's usually the play
GredGredmansson: yeah there's a new Ulamog and Kozilek as well
burburz328: making 4G is what made it playable
MegaDosX: Aeons Torn is an extra turn stapled to a 15/15 and a million other words, Promised End Mindslavers someone
CypherRaze: Yup. the new Ulamog is kinda cool
chaostreader: the only time I’ve had Emrakul in draft it got stolen one game by crabomination.
ImNotAPleb87: Are you guys looking forward to the Bloomburrow pre-release/set release etc?
Flyingdelorion: I believe there is a new Emrakul, Kozilek and Ulamog!
Bugberry: @LurkerSpine it has answers, and it's expensive. People like big splashy cards they can try make work.
Simonark: I assume Adam knew about new Ulamog and Kozilek, but sincerely believed WotC had learned their lesson and wouldn’t Emrakul again.
LurkerSpine: @Bugberry nah it's a bad design
GredGredmansson: @LurkerSpine elaborate.
MegaDosX: There's always a bigger fish: the card
LurkerSpine: Permanently losing creatures to a card like that in limited is just unfun and backbreaking
Bugberry: @LurkerSpine how? Magic has never been a purely competitive game. And again, it does have answers.
LurkerSpine: they might as well make it be "13 mana you win the game"
GredGredmansson: @LurkerSpine and how often are you getting to 13 mana in limited?
LurkerSpine: in this format? often enough
Bugberry: @LurkerSpine but it's not "you win the game" and getting to the point of being able to cast it isn't guaranteed, and it's a Mythic so it shows up extremely rarely.
MegaDosX: Nah, kill Marionette now
MegaDosX: That thing would be a problem if it stuck around
LurkerSpine: I disagree, but you do you
Bugberry: @LurkerSpine I was making an objective statement. You said it was "you win" which it isn't.
DAC169: but do you WANT to play the Drowner before the Unsealing?
AtrusOfMyst: I think we have the right idea -- more Mana for our big creatures
LurkerSpine: @Bugberry I said it might as well have it. How often can someone beat it? I guarantee you it almost always wins
GredGredmansson: @LurkerSpine only if they can cast it
Bugberry: @LurkerSpine if they get it in a draft, if they build their deck around it, if you draw it, they aren't dead, and THEN cast it.
GredGredmansson: you'd have to build your entire deck around it in order to have a hope of casting it
GredGredmansson: and you have to make sure you get it in hand
LurkerSpine: whatever
DAC169: @Bugberry card rarity means NOTHING on Arena aipLost
iconicshadow89: the flyer cant block
Bugberry: @DAC169 for Limited it does, which is what this is about. For Constructed, people are more likely to have the necessary removal.
MegaDosX: Got 'em
Bugberry: LIke there's lots of Planeswalker ultimates that are basically "you win the game", but getting to those is usually a hassle, and many give the opponent the opportunity to kill you in response anyway.
uneactrice: I love that Nantuko card so much
SnowBuddy18: someone call Wheeler'
iconicshadow89: we like to call that the savidan special
SnowBuddy18: land for Nantuko
ztghostie: you need a land to trigger nantuko
Bugberry: I'll be honest, I underestimated Serum Visionary in this format and kind of still do, but the numbers don't lie.
Rhast0r: it aint a tapped land
Ukon_Cairns: the weird is an untapped land yeh?
burburz328: it is untapcland
SnowBuddy18: we can sac the spawn, it'll be fine
ztghostie: greatness at any cost and all that
TheWooglie: Cori!
LurkerSpine: lul
ztghostie: LUL
ztghostie: We rampin' now
Bugberry: We'll have so many Spawns!
burburz328: oooops
novrdd: LUL
Ukon_Cairns: well, now when we make mana we make mana PrideShrug
geail: gigaboOtsDino1 gigaboOtsDino2
lightfut: He just said LUL
GredGredmansson: no, the opposite of that
fastlane250: Too quick? Relatable.
DAC169: play the land, UNTAPPED
GredGredmansson: in this house we eat our mistakes
Bugberry: Opponent must be befuddled
SolarBlitz1: Arena only misplays, gotta love them
TheWooglie: don't worry no-one saw it
tyrsredritehand: We are playing so gotta go fast.
Krokaar: saw wut?
DAC169: Adam! What did you DO?! aipWhiney
bytecaster: But I heard that to become an ESport professional I needed to improve my APM
Falannt: hi @LoadingReadyRun , hi chat
couchboyj: Adam!
burburz328: rip 4/3 run
ThorSokar: IDK... kinda feels like Adam did something..
TheWooglie: you get a free blocker every turn now LUL
GredGredmansson: that's 3 life instead of 4 life
bytecaster: You gotta look at this in a positive light: If this was StraCraft, you'd be praised by the commentary team for your great APM.
couchboyj: Up 1 life on that block
DAC169: Okay. aipThink Cori! What did Adam do?! aipWhiney
ztghostie: uh oh
GredGredmansson: ok that's cheating
youcantlistentobuttons: ohno
novrdd: SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing
GredGredmansson: that's a commander card
James_the_Dabbler: Horrific Assault?
James_the_Dabbler: !card Horrific Assault
LRRbot: Horrific Assault [G] | Sorcery | Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature or planeswalker you don't control. If you control an Eldrazi, you gain 3 life.
James_the_Dabbler: Oof
James_the_Dabbler: !card Warped Tusker
LRRbot: Warped Tusker [7] | Creature — Eldrazi Boar Beast [6/8] | Reach / When you cast or cycle Warped Tusker, create a 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature token with "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}." / Cycling {2}{G}
DAC169: Priest & turtle?
EvilBadman: the one in hand is gonna get double triggers and op won't need to actually attack you
James_the_Dabbler: Oh that's bad
Rhast0r: devoid
DAC169: can't
LurkerSpine: I don't think you can?
frozenphoenix7: Devoid
SymphonySolstice: devoid? at work dude? hell nah
GredGredmansson: they can pump it to a 9/10
ztghostie: LUL we are so dead
GredGredmansson: and now a 10/11
LurkerSpine: triple block?
GredGredmansson: 11/12
DAC169: triple block
DAC169: did OP not math correctly?
Ukon_Cairns: think opp wanted colorless mana more than beating the 4/5 over the 2/2
Falannt: is there a chance, we doing draft on mtgo? ^^'
MegaDosX: I think you have to pressure them, yeah
ztghostie: that kills us
DAC169: oh, that is BAD
Bugberry: Eldrazi machine gun
EvilBadman: that deck was a buzzsaw
James_the_Dabbler: That eldrazi is actually really good
Bugberry: We're just on Simic Ramp that happens to play Eldrazi
Omthebox: Turns out HMG's powered by spawn exist
Strebenherz: Oh no
Falannt: yeah! the king of morons!
Flyingdelorion: Well time to draft our own Eldrazi machine gun!
Mythallian: no YOURE stuck with US
MegaDosX: Cori come back, save us!
Lanthess: Or, consider, You're stuck with US
raulghoulia: what did you call me?
Skajetolaf: Yay! Jumping on the couch time
Strebenherz: Hope your day's been good Adam?
Lanthess: @Mythallian jinx
bytecaster: All I know is that I'm stuck with myself
Hansk_and_Boo: Adam!! Looking forward to Glarbing a moose next week?
DAC169: could do MH3, OTJ, or... Jump-Start?
Strebenherz: James's phrasing I think
Falannt: bloomburrow...
bytecaster: Glarbing a moose must be new slang, like that skibidi ohio rizz
MrsLlante: Was excited for bloomborrow this morning but it’s northern hemisphere 26th right?
Ukon_Cairns: what would Glarb do then if not Glarbing?
Hansk_and_Boo: Ask James. But yeah, it's bloomburrow. ✨
geail: I have experienced set burnout
Strebenherz: Fair, it is a lot of product in a short amount of time
RatherLargeToad: Frogs! Frogs! Frogs!
bytecaster: They might be releasing to much stuff, which doesn't really help
Skajetolaf: Is this the Magic equivalent of Hawk Tuah?
TheWooglie: You had a big axe
BrowneePoints: you were a badger
Bugberry: Creature Future Sight/ Elvish PIper
MrsLlante: I checked out of new sets for a bit as wasn’t entirely excited by Magic as Detectives and Magic as Outlaws so yay Magic as Furries
Hansk_and_Boo: Pretty sure you can Glarb some raccoons, too. But you'll need some nifty fixing.
EvilBadman: mythic common
Bugberry: Elidamri is really good
Skajetolaf: Raptor is sweet
raulghoulia: you were some sort of weasel or stoat
LurkerSpine: I think Eladamri is p good
AtrusOfMyst: Writhing Christopher
Musicsquid subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Musicsquid! (Today's storm count: 12)
KTO_Revenant: elf will be better that chrys tbh
Hansk_and_Boo: Eladamri is like Glarb
MegaDosX: Energy has been a beating in constructed
Hansk_and_Boo: Elvish Glarbing
Skajetolaf: It's Glarbing time
bytecaster: Yeah, Genku is pretty good
QuantumTwitch: tje green elf is busted
bytecaster: The fixing land leaves the battlefield
Bugberry: Colorless lands in this set leave th battlefield
BrowneePoints: your featherweight image was either a Badger or Raccoon I think Adam
Hansk_and_Boo: I loved it when Jame saw a moose on top of his deck and he went "hell yeah, it's glarbin time!"
youcantlistentobuttons: bant land at the bottom
bytecaster: Wait, we were talking about Murder in here?
bytecaster: Sagas leave the battlefield after the last chapter, Synergy!
bytecaster: Creatures leave the battlefield if they block, even more synergy
Bugberry: Ashling being in this makes me excited to see if any other legends from original lorwyn are going to be in the return next year. Specifically Brigid
Falannt: funny? meh...
bytecaster: I am already looking forward to building about Genku hard, and then never drawing them
ztghostie: "We need to really SELL that its shrieking"
ThorSokar: someone who was described a drake over the phone and that's what you got
Marvoleath: "it's a 1/1" "oh, so like, 10 times the size of a man, got it"
BrowneePoints: Picking Drake in a Kendrick meta is pretty Brave Adam
Skajetolaf: The Drake is hilarious
fastlane250: you're gonna let twitch chat dictate who's funny? Kappa
Hansk_and_Boo: Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Gift a man a tapped fish, you can exile one of his creatures forever.
bytecaster: Imagine being in energy
EvilBadman: Evangel cares about enters
Bugberry: Repaste might be worth it.
goombalax: aether revolt is monstrous
bytecaster: Jeskai are the energy colors, right?
EvilBadman: doo eet
QuixoticScrivener: that is a great pivot sign
Hansk_and_Boo: Aether Revolt was amazing last time I played it
DAC169: red, white, & blue energy aipEZ
bytecaster: Also flickering energy producers is good
Hansk_and_Boo: Ener-gg shake my hand
Strebenherz: with arena, you don't really have a reason to hatedraft, since you can play vs people outside your pod, right?
Bugberry: Eladamri is good, but the synergy of energy is undeniable
bytecaster: Gatekeeper does work with our Genku/Flicker subtheme
Hansk_and_Boo: Cursed in a mirror, smoke energy for life
BrowneePoints: Speaking of Cyclops who is your fave X-Man. A lister OR B lister?
bytecaster: Did they give him a second eye? :P
TK_Squared: To be fair, most people can jump out of a helicopter.
Hansk_and_Boo: Just saw Deadpool & Wolverine yesterday, that movie was a lot better then expected
Strebenherz: Did they jean grey jean grey again
BrowneePoints: they made Cyclops actually resonate with the comics and it made me happy
Hansk_and_Boo: Polyclops
ztghostie: I mean, he technically already has two eyes LUL give him a third so he can be a Triclops
bytecaster: M-m-m-multiclops
EvilBadman: @ztghostie grats on identifying the joke
BrowneePoints: He was already Polyclops. him Jean and Logan had shared bedrooms on Krakoa
Hansk_and_Boo: Shades of Jean
Mangledpixel: ah, the Monumenge
bytecaster: Yeah, it's pretty good
Featherweight_: glyph does work
bytecaster: I once stacked 2 glyph elementals on a single glyph elemental
ChroniclerC: Proliferate gets us Energy.
Hansk_and_Boo: GHWALE
Marvoleath: wheel... that... whale!
Omthebox: The whale has wheels?
ChroniclerC: No way the whale wheels, but I respect the greed.
Bugberry: Glyph ELemental makes things modified, and Dog Umbra.
Falannt: no way, whale weels
Hansk_and_Boo: Cyclops?
KeytarCat: The Cycl- means round, the -ops means eye. I don't know why, but they're called round-eyes. Similarly weird, -pter means wing, so pter(o)-dactyl means wing fingies and helic(o)-pter means spiral wing!
Falannt: let cori draft, she is younger
KeytarCat: Singlops or monops would be one-eyed
MegaDosX: Check what out Adam? :p
Omthebox: But nobody took these sick jelly fish
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hello, is this the weekly Yugio Stream?
Featherweight_: so many little wiggle fish
Mollylele: but Cori's a thousand years old!
ChroniclerC: Cori knows the art of "Yes and"
avjamethyst: cori just likes pressing buttons
rosesmcgee: Big "Yes and" energy
Hansk_and_Boo: Drake can rebuy energy etbs
raulghoulia: is ruby in the back of your hand blinking?
JoannaTastic: First thought best thought
bytecaster: Too Ohio to draft
youcantlistentobuttons: also drake is a creature
Omthebox: You went to far into the jock architype your affinity for computers has suffered OpieOP
thedepthandbreadthofseth: <message deleted>Adam, are you middle aged?
Juliamon: Hey, that's kinda rude
youcantlistentobuttons: gut analysis
Omthebox: I hope we dont see the scion machine gun deck again
Marvoleath: counting Rush as a land?
avjamethyst: bring it on
Simriel: Adam: Known Fighting Game Lover
Mr_Horrible: the Eternal Conundrum
avjamethyst: no way
LurkerSpine: Nah, Angel is a JP
bytecaster: Looking forward to the Oki Oki Horse Fight Club
Simriel: I love Gief, he's so big
Simriel: Just the Largest Man
BrowneePoints: she plays vamps
Omthebox: Good choice
BrowneePoints: famously
Greyah: Cori just plays random characters every time.
Wolfstrike_NL: Just play "? / Random"
Omthebox: If only that whale didn't vanish.
Simriel: I want shoulders like Zangief, but I don't wanna do a bunch of roids XD
avjamethyst: the snake lady? gives the creeps
DandyGeek: Respect for the “I’ll take randomizer” approach
Featherweight_: this deck is bad and will win many games
Mr_Horrible: adam becoming Up-Ball Enjoyer
BrowneePoints: Angel would play Slayer in Strive
Lord_Hosk: Adam, I just want you to know. If you win, Its not about the card, the the player in the seat that matters. If you lose however... the cards suck and it wasn't your fault
Omthebox: I'm so down for gorilla mode arc for Adam
Juliamon: I could see Angel being a Juri
ThorSokar: white on the top
Mr_Horrible: gun's drawn
Mr_Horrible: kanagoBang
ThorSokar: composSalute Nice knowing ya everyone
SymphonySolstice: blat blat
Omthebox: its got white in it
Mr_Horrible: "AAAAAA"
Mr_Horrible: no, Adam, now they're gonna play their 2nd one
Mr_Horrible: time is a circle
Bugberry: Now they play another, right?
Mr_Horrible: fuck that clip was so funny
EvilBadman: Discharge horse club
Omthebox: oh good. Elecrozoa
bytecaster: Good ol' 3 Mana 3/4 Lifelink with more text
Mr_Horrible: I'm sensing Bullshit on the modern horizon
youcantlistentobuttons: Dude, they took all your white cards
Omthebox: I dont think this is it fam
Simriel: Oh no, adam gonna get fired!
MegaDosX: I don't think anyone can help you now :)
bytecaster: @ThorSokar It's looking worse and worse for you with each passing minute
DAC169: so how many Plains did you have in your deck? aipThink
Wolfstrike_NL: @ThorSokar Welp, at least you're not banned during DB lrrBartleby
ThorSokar: @bytecaster it's not looking GOOD
Omthebox: GG GN
seanmrwick: aaay, it's Adam and Cori, we're in for a treat
Simriel: The devil split XD
wafflecat0513: listening while im at work lol
Dread_Pirate_Westley: But if you don't make your gems back, you'll lose your jobs!
bytecaster: Ooh, we are on three color number of the beast? Format classic!
Tol1as: 0/3 is 3/0 if you look at it backwards
Simriel: @Dread_Pirate_Westley Oh no that's just Adam, Cori is fine
youcantlistentobuttons: You can't divide by zero!
Mr_Horrible: also so-called because the only way it actually works is by making a satanic pact
MegaDosX: You're not their boss Adam
Dread_Pirate_Westley: !card divide by zero
LRRbot: Divide by Zero [2U] | Instant | Return target spell or permanent with mana value 1 or greater to its owner's hand. / Learn.
bytecaster: Cursed
Omthebox: Now white is on top
MegaDosX: Omthebox no
Wolfstrike_NL: !chat
LRRbot: Chat? At this time of year?
Mr_Horrible: Om don't miss
Omthebox: Tolda ja
wafflecat0513: na bro its totally empty today
pn55: HypeLUL
BusTed: @Omthebox seabatBRAIN
mjiig: First time!
MegaDosX: benginLul
bytecaster: Is that how you get hired by LRR?
ThorSokar: Dang, shoulda doubled down
MegaDosX: I wonder how long until they notice Electrozoa has flash :p
Mr_Horrible: @Omthebox quick, what should I league-start tomorrow, and what's my winning lotto number? Kappa
Simriel: ADAM! XD
MegaDosX: lmaooooooooi
Juliamon: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
GredGredmansson: see something say something
DudelidouX: When as Adam ever read a card?
lightfut: I'm told it explains the card
BrowneePoints: you noticed it cuz you’re younger Cori
Mr_Horrible: "Whaddya *want* me to do?" "Read the cards!" "No..."
Strebenherz: ook ook, it's a way of life
Omthebox: Mr_Horrible Retaliate skills, i dunno smash keyboard
Wolfstrike_NL: Hey uhm, Adam, I think you might be playing a bit to quick
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @Wolfstrike_NL He like hitting buttons!
tyrsredritehand: But in 2024 reading the card doesn't always explain the card.
Mr_Horrible: @Omthebox working it into the lacerate build as we speak kanagoNote
Omthebox: Also currently Adam is probably in better shape than everyone here was at any point in their life.
Simriel: In 6 years Cori will become Absolutely Yolked
DudelidouX: Complains coming from the man who wanted to cut off the province I live in...yea don't care
Simriel: Just Absurdly Swole
MegaDosX: Oh shit
Mr_Horrible: get this chatter a True
GredGredmansson: !card izzet generatorium
LRRbot: Izzet Generatorium [UR] | Artifact | If you would get one or more {E}, you get that many plus one {E} instead. / {T}: Draw a card. Activate only if you've paid or lost four or more {E} this turn.
BrowneePoints: I’ve never been in shape in my life so yea Adam has my ass there every time
Omthebox: I've TRIED to do a fraction of what you do and it KILLS me
DAC169: Did you know: most bug reports on the MtGA Bug & Feedback Forums are from players NOT reading cards?
MegaDosX: Kill Ajani right now >_>
MegaDosX: Order it correctly if you reiterate
MegaDosX: If the token dies first Ajani flips
Chichen: OH NO
Mr_Horrible: RIP
DAC169: FailFish
Simriel: @Omthebox Did you work up to it? Cause going in at high volume right away can often be a killer
Hansk_and_Boo: Oh. No.
bytecaster: Our APM is just too damn high
Flyingdelorion: stack got us!
Chichen: Oops.
DudelidouX: Adam we just talked about reading cards
Omthebox: Simriel yeah, been trying to. Mans just insane in the gym tho.
Lord_Hosk: Just innocent Cat
Dread_Pirate_Westley: But look at all those words. No one has time for that.
GredGredmansson: well that's less reading cards and more knowing the rules of the game
bytecaster: Is that what Ajani sounds like?
Simriel: @Omthebox Oh yeah his hypertrophy volume is stone nuts, but it's not something you can just Start at
Omthebox: I didn't know the backside of ajani played basketball
Omthebox: I cant even 1/10th at LUL one day, one day
MegaDosX: The flipwalkers for this set are varying levels of good, but Ajani in particular is bananas
BrowneePoints: Game Hard. No one is good at magic except Billiam "Good At Magic" Georg. Who is a statistical anomaly and shouldn't have been counted
Simriel: I love it's TINY meow
bytecaster: I can never get over the Skyclaw sounding like a tiny kitty
Hansk_and_Boo: -4 incoming
BrowneePoints: It's okay. We'll see his youngest son in Duskmourn
BrowneePoints: and if they kill Nashi in Duskmourn I WILL riot
MegaDosX: He can be with Tamiyo now
Simriel: Speaking of Gym, applying Deep head to my shoulders and neck so I can actually work out tomorrow without feeling stuff and crappu
GredGredmansson: @BrowneePoints ...Nashi's not related to Ajani
GredGredmansson: oh
youcantlistentobuttons: Why does ajani sound like Wilferd Brimly?
bennybartez: Hi team. How did you find the Bloomburrow set in the pre-prerelease Adam? Antoenelse played with the set yet?
Simriel: Wilferd Brimly 100% looks like a cat
Omthebox: Concede for Speed
bytecaster: If it helps, I once reanimated an Emrakul from the opponents graveyard, while knowing they had a flicker effect in hand and then died to that Emrakul next turn. It happens.
MegaDosX: It's a learning experience
Omthebox: And the jellyfish has flash.
Hansk_and_Boo: Al Jani is so strong
MegaDosX: There's Ajani, Grist, Ral, Tamiyo, and Sorin that flip into planeswalkers
BrowneePoints: Speaking of Ajani and Voices. Big support to all the Voice Actors striking tonight. #SupportVoiceArtists
Omthebox: Just play creatures and spells.
Omthebox: no lands
bennybartez: Fair :)
Omthebox: trust me I was right once
Hansk_and_Boo: Drake it up
BrowneePoints: You'd lik Mouse Guard
BrowneePoints: those comics get DARK my dude
bennybartez: loved redwall
Simriel: I really wanna play the Mouse Guard RPG
bennybartez: and im hasppy its not universese beyond *eyes rolling*
Hansk_and_Boo: My Bloomsona would be a Squirrel and my Bloombuddy a raccoon!✨
BrowneePoints: the Mouse Guard TTRPG is very, VERY lethal
excalgold: Thanks to the PPR showing off the set i am attending my first Prerelease sunday
Simriel: Looks super fun, also so glad they got one of the Mouse Guard artists to do some bloomburrow art
Simriel: @BrowneePoints After playing so much 5e, good
bytecaster: Oh no
MegaDosX: Oh shit
MegaDosX: Phlage is the newest titan, like Kroxa and Uro
BrowneePoints: @Simriel not just the artist, Dan Petersen is the creator and Author too
BrowneePoints: @Simriel and it's more a warning. it is SURPRISINGLY lethal
BrowneePoints: Those books are SO GOOD.
Omthebox: I watched Redwall on PBS cuz it was one of the few channels we got on the rabbit ears
Simriel: I watched Redwall the TV show, but that was just the Mathius ark
BrowneePoints: And it's not all twee. Those books get to some DARK places
BrowneePoints: Redwall did the Redwall book AND Mattimeo
Gadora: I stuck with Redwall longer than I 'should' have, and actually got two of them signed in high school.
BrowneePoints: Redwall the Canadian Public TV Show*
GredGredmansson: they need a second white source too
Simriel: @BrowneePoints I mean it's inspired by redwall right? And that shit got Dark
Juliamon: Oh, it got through Mattimeo too? Neat. (I honestly know nothing about the TV series, it dropped too late)
BrowneePoints: yep. The Canadian Cartoon got through Redwall and Mattimeo
Simriel: Also I think the TV show had less of the Racism XD
Simriel: Do you get a Milkshake?
BrowneePoints: aw man I thought Cori had a Mt Dew Code Red and then realized it was a Daredevil can
Simriel: Like 0-3 is Milkshake bracket right?
DAC169: don't they only have 5 cards in their graveyard, including Phlage?
MegaDosX: Maybe you can draft an Ajani or a Phlage next draft :)
GredGredmansson: !card phlage
LRRbot: Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury [1RW] | Legendary Creature — Elder Giant [6/6] | When Phlage enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless it escaped. / Whenever Phlage enters the battlefield or attacks, it deals 3 damage to any target and you gain 3 life. / Escape—{R}{R}{W}{W}, Exile five other cards from your graveyard.
Simriel: I have 8 energy and 0 cards, why can't I have 0 energy and 8 cards
GredGredmansson: oh its FIVE cards
Wolfstrike_NL: Let's try again: White on top
BrowneePoints: You know what the Scariest part of Phlage is?
BrowneePoints: There's still a 4th Titan we haven't seen yet
youcantlistentobuttons: Blue Black?
DAC169: gonna draft OTJ now?
drcthulu: saw what?
MegaDosX: I'm curious when Skotha is going to show up
Simriel: I'm gonna tell Graham!
DAC169: GRAHAM!! aipWhiney
MegaDosX: Saw what Adam?
Kame89: Hi adam!
BrowneePoints: I'm so excited to return to Tarkir and Lorwyn next year
Strebenherz: pay up
BrowneePoints: High School/College Brownee is very excited
Strebenherz: PFT
lightfut: Gonna be funny when that ends up in the highlights
MegaDosX: There's the Disciple
youcantlistentobuttons: BIG SNEK
MegaDosX: Oh wait Fanatic
bondeulv: I hope the "new" plane is Vrynn
MegaDosX: Disciple is a different card
Lord_Hosk: Always take the rare, if it wasn't the best it wouldnt be rare
Bugberry: !card disciple of rhonas
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Lord_Hosk: See another rare!
Bugberry: Oooh nice
Omthebox: Rare draft go
Simriel: Cthonian Nightmare is nuts if you can build around it
Hansk_and_Boo: Chthonian nightmare is super fun tho
bondeulv: glyph elemental also good
Lord_Hosk: Rares are worth 10 tics
MegaDosX: @bugberry I had Disciple of Bolas and Fanatic of Rhonas mixed up in my head benginLul
Simriel: I might take the Glyph Elemental tbh
Omthebox: I've been hearing that for 10 years
Simriel: That thing is pretty good
youcantlistentobuttons: Prop drone is greta
youcantlistentobuttons: great*
Bugberry: Nightmare returns itself to hand so it self-generates Energy.
bondeulv: paid off
Strebenherz: Do it you handsome coward
youcantlistentobuttons: YEa
Simriel: Oh the green red deck in this format is absurd
MegaDosX: Time for Gruul
Bugberry: Gruuldrazi stompy
TWestCat: Play A Charizard
MegaDosX: Now you just need Chrysalis and the deck will build itself
Lord_Hosk: rare land! for fixing
Simriel: Doot Doot
Bugberry: It does nothing!
Omthebox: Froot Froot
Kame89 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
Kame89: Almost to the funny numbers
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kame89! (Today's storm count: 13)
MegaDosX: d o o t
Wolfstrike_NL: Give us the cloning landfall thing now
Simriel: Nothing, creation of Avacyn does Nothing XD
BrowneePoints: So Cori, as someone returning to Magic. Which of Next year's Themes(Multiplane Death Race, Tarkir 2.0, Space Opera, Lorwyn 2 Electric Boogaloo) are you most intrigued by?
Omthebox: Modern masters has a very high quantity of does too much and does nothing cards
Juliamon: more like no-a
youcantlistentobuttons: I mean, now you could take a feth
BrowneePoints: I'm VERY intrigued by how they're gonna make Lorwyn and Eldraine feel different
definenull: White seems open
Therberus: Well hello gentle-lrrs
Omthebox: Flooty Twooty
Omthebox: When's pack two
BrowneePoints: OH!
Bugberry: Naya Eldrazi/Counters?
BrowneePoints: I found Ajani's voice actor!
Therberus: I said maybeeee....
BrowneePoints: It's Evan Michael Lee who plays Nago in Strive!
Omthebox: free red card
Kame89: Just need chrys now
Marvoleath: @BrowneePoints Where were they?
GredGredmansson: SIX
Omthebox: Six is sick
BrowneePoints: @Marvoleath I never reveal my sources
Kame89: Or else we're playing simic
definenull: Pop!
GredGredmansson: Null elemental blast could save your life
GredGredmansson: you can cast stuff from your graveyard
stuckdazed: culler here probably
Omthebox: I am definetly biased for six
bartimus_thundercask: Six gives you inifnate rebuy on your spells
Marvoleath: Six is sicks
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Six wins games. Culler is also very good.
GredGredmansson: Retrace means you can cast stuff from graveyard if you discard a land
Omthebox: At wrost a 2/4 for 3 with reach
bondeulv: yes
Kame89: Ye that's absurd
GredGredmansson: that's lineBACKER
bartimus_thundercask: Yep absurd
Simriel: Needs more colourless sources but otherwise this deck is sweet
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS FBtouchdown tiltyhYAS
Omthebox: I would trust Cori with my Handegg team
youcantlistentobuttons: gatekeeper is good with spawn
lightfut: Cori is absolutely a football knower
Kame89: If you're breaking lines in football someone needs to go back to school
Dread_Pirate_Westley: You're already in 3 colors.
JoannaTastic: Eldrazi Tight End
iris_of_ether: seabatNogood
Bugberry: If we return to Battlebond's plane, we have to have a bunch of Sports references.
Omthebox: Shrekmobile!
Simriel: I'd take the Landscape here
bartimus_thundercask: Wagg
Simriel: For more colourless sources
GredGredmansson: vortex will wheel
BrowneePoints: If you were the Lock, who was the Stock? And the Two Smoking Barrels?
stuckdazed: vortex is bad
Gadora: Speaking of rugby, James Turner is playing for Australia in the Olympics.
BrowneePoints: the flavor text on that card goes so hard
Bugberry: Rosheen is another Lorwyn legend I hope we see again. Don't recall if she's still alive though.
BrowneePoints: Ugin just verbally BODYING Nicol
Falannt: james singular? jame?
GredGredmansson: see it wheeled
DrLigmaPhD: I return after a month and a half, how is the cute animal set?
Omthebox: The rest of the james's fell in a hole
Simriel: What is the multiple of Beej?
Kame89: Rugby is an Olympic sport?
Simriel: Yes
Simriel: Yes take it
GredGredmansson: We have a word for "Beej describing a second Beej"
stuckdazed: drone op
Falannt: because bj means a lot... ;)
Marvoleath: Jame5, J4mes, Jam3s
Marvoleath: 1ames?
EvilBadman: Aluren but with energy
Dread_Pirate_Westley: We don't have enough colorless sources to be playing Breaker right now.
Kame89: Raptor
Simriel: Isn't James plural anyway, surely one is just Jame
Chaotically_Random subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chaotically_Random! (Today's storm count: 14)
definenull: A little light on interaction, yeah
GredGredmansson: raptor is more for an aggro deck
Bugberry: @Dread_Pirate_Westley we do have spawn token makers.
EvilBadman: hear me out snow wastes
GredGredmansson: the people asked for it
Mr_Horrible: I can only ever read that as Eldrazi Linebacker
Kame89: No waste snow waste
EvilBadman: You have diamond cost cards
BrowneePoints: That's snow wastes! *gets Shepherd's crook'd off stage*
Kame89: Altisaur
stuckdazed: alt
stuckdazed: ooze for Rona’s maybe
Bugberry: The only real reason to take Wastes is if you have ways ot tutoring for Basics.
GredGredmansson: yeah i like glimpse
Kame89: Beeg bear
GredGredmansson: wumpus heck yeah
youcantlistentobuttons: wumpem
Omthebox: hehe. wumpus
Simriel: Don't deck shame
DrLigmaPhD: Wumpy-Dumpy
GredGredmansson: Elk is removal
Chaotically_Random: Smoll DECK
stuckdazed: elk is playable
Bugberry: It's not about the size, it's about the performance.
BrowneePoints: Adam not a fan of Elk Bugles
Falannt: don't like the word small?
Omthebox: Elk sounds like its being removed
definenull: Oko ptsd flashbacks
Simriel: Just cause you are used to big beefy highlander decks doesn't make other decks less
Bugberry: !card nix
LRRbot: Nix [U] | Instant | Counter target spell if no mana was spent to cast it.
baltimore_667083: hearing an elk bugle in the dead of night is…an experience
Mr_Horrible: mods put em in the hippo room
EvilBadman: Bad new Cori, you get the basement now
youcantlistentobuttons: cut blast and go
BrowneePoints: I've heard a female mountain lion call at the dead of night and thought I was gonna die
iris_of_ether: Uh oh, morgies
Marvoleath: cut a fowl strike?
Omthebox: LRR mods are too kind to be land lords
GredGredmansson: we don't need TWO foul strikes
Kame89: Is that being gifted a teir 3 sub
Lord_Hosk: Describe the hippo room please
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: creatures have the best interaction, punching
EvilBadman: Ok, fine. <#
DrLigmaPhD: Is it a room adorned with or containing hippos? The question is relevant
Omthebox: They either run out of removal or we run out of creatures first
MegaDosX: Elk is interaction
Dread_Pirate_Westley: It has been said there are no wrong threats.
definenull: No more shrimping
BrowneePoints: oh hey. Metallica's first album is 41 years old today
BrowneePoints: *crumbles to dust*
Omthebox: Love ball
definenull: Oofa
Omthebox: ite
Omthebox: thats bad
Bugberry: That was also their top card, not even lands exiled.
GredGredmansson: what board is this?
GredGredmansson: Kaladesh?
Omthebox: free stuff
definenull: Give flyer menace maybe?
Mr_Horrible: whoof
GredGredmansson: ?!
definenull: Ow
Mr_Horrible: my bad og
Omthebox: Not much to do about that one
Mr_Horrible: crouchingguile
MegaDosX: Wow
Omthebox: Didn't know your game OP
MegaDosX: That was a bold move from the opponent
Falannt: pic raptor everytimeè
Dread_Pirate_Westley: The Boros energy deck can do silly things in this format.
Mr_Horrible: sometimes RNG stands for "Real Nice Game :) "
Omthebox: Boll
Mr_Horrible: Hearthstone: "Boy I hope my removal spell actually kills this thing"
GredGredmansson: treeth your last
Omthebox: If we had another six we could cast six.
Bugberry: Randomness isn't really a digital-only thing, it's just something Red loves more than any other color.
Omthebox: and then one would die and we could cast another one next turn
Kame89: Attack first
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Gambling? I'm in!
stuckdazed: how scary can red black be lol
MegaDosX: Attack first but sure, why not
Ukon_Cairns: whats the cam quote, "what a novel way to lose a game of magic the gathering"
Simriel: Emrakul
Kame89: That's nothing!
Mr_Horrible: it is exceedingly more prevalent in digital ccgs, because of ease-of-implementation
Bugberry: @Ukon_Cairns wasn't that in reference to Divine Gambit?
GredGredmansson: i was half expecting that affinity dragon
MegaDosX: To be fair, Emrakul would do nothing besides be big, it's a cast trigger to steal things
Ukon_Cairns: @Bugberry yup, i guess us having a 6/6 is slightly better than opp not having something PrideShrug
Simriel: @MegaDosX Yeah but it's a 13/13 flyer XD
Kame89: Yeah they don't have any good creatures
Simriel: Elkrakul
Chichen: elkrakul
Bugberry: @Mr_Horrible there's also examples of Alchemy taking already random effects in Magic and making them more consistent.
Strebenherz: eldritch elk
GredGredmansson: Elkrakul
MegaDosX: !card emrakul the world anew
LRRbot: Emrakul, the World Anew [{12}] | Legendary Creature — Eldrazi [12/12] | When you cast this spell, gain control of all creatures target player controls. / Flying, protection from spells and from permanents that were cast this turn / When Emrakul, the World Anew leaves the battlefield, sacrifice all creatures you control. / Madness—Pay six {C}.
MegaDosX: I did forget about that protection clause
TheMadS8nt: that was one mighty pissed off spawn
Kame89: So dead when linebacker hite
GredGredmansson: this looks like a job for snow covered waste
Kame89: Hits
Ukon_Cairns: so its very hard but technically possible to pacify emrakul. dont think bestowing elkdom on them is doable tho.
Bugberry: @Ukon_Cairns With Gambit and Wumpus, people seem to think it's like giving them a card when it's not. Even if they play a random common, that's still a good deal.
MegaDosX: Now that's brave
Kame89: Gg
Kame89: NO
Omthebox: look colorless mana
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Kame89: Missed lethal didn't matter
MegaDosX: Woo
GredGredmansson: @Kame89 missed how?
lightfut: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club (Join Oki Oki Bois for some Street Fighter 6! Game: Street Fighter 6) at Fri 10:00 AM PDT (17:18 from now).
Strebenherz: good bean
Mr_Horrible: uh oh
definenull: First to death let's go
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @GredGredmansson The linebacker can give haste, so one more attacker.
e_bloc: play straight through to Oki Oki
Mr_Horrible: but I need to pee
Omthebox: Shouldn't take long Kappa
BrowneePoints: oh woah Cori is going on Vacay?
Texan_Reverend: I guess Oko would be the only way to make an Elkrakul, huh?
Omthebox: Bal
62MGcobra: cori is not nobody she is somebody
Kame89: If emrakul for some reason doesn't hit oko
Chaotically_Random: What ever you do, dont leave Adam unattended, he'll yell at Twitch Chat
Falannt: whats the consequence to leave?
Omthebox: Thanks six
Omthebox: okay bye six
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Jokes on you. No you can't.
MegaDosX: Joke's on both of you I guess
GredGredmansson: oh hey a creature with flying
Ukon_Cairns: @Texan_Reverend theres that aura from eldraine that elks things. if you can put it into play without casting it, such as reanimating it with sun titan. that gets the job done.
Kame89: Kenriths trans formation
Simriel: Oblivion Ringing the Emrakul was a classic
MegaDosX: You can elk the 4/4 so they can't draw cards
stuckdazed: attack first
stuckdazed: yes
Mr_Horrible: you can
GredGredmansson: i didn't think so?
Mr_Horrible: it's an activated ability, so it's instant speed unless specified otherwise
Bugberry: @Simriel unfortunately the new one doesn't fall for that.
MegaDosX: No cards for you opponent
GredGredmansson: oh wait you can
GredGredmansson: i'm confusing it with outlast for some reason
Texan_Reverend: @Kame89 Emrakul doesn't have haste, so if you already had Oko out, you could elk on your turn. Otherwise, you'd have to be able to protect Oko from getting hit.
Simriel: @Bugberry Does with sun titan *taps forehead*
GredGredmansson: yeah it has to be an aura you control to be considered modified
RangerAlpha7: only auras you control count as modified
Kame89: What's a grave
Ukon_Cairns: or with several o rings.
Texan_Reverend: @Ukon_Cairns Yeah, that's another way around it.
Bugberry: @Simriel O-Ring isn't an aura, it has an Enters trigger that targets, which new Emrakul protects itself from.
Kame89: 2 in a row would hurt
Simriel: @Bugberry You didn't CAST the Oring this turn, you brought it back with sun titan
GredGredmansson: that's antiramp
BrowneePoints: like a Movie Theater floor
Kame89: 2 drop lizard
Bugberry: @Simriel ah, I see.
definenull: Uh oh
Kame89: That's 5 more
Omthebox: This is certainly MH3
Marvoleath: finish the draft, so 1 more? Kappa
Mr_Horrible: oh, interesting, so Newmrakul's protection clause protects from other eldrazi triggers but not from blinked etbs
Kame89: Rattle em off
Omthebox: reasonable
Mr_Horrible: just a lot of "they printed that? Damn"
Falannt: all the same? really?...
goombalax: can't play a 3-mana 2/3 anymore
Marvoleath: Magic got too efficient
Kame89: Listening to wheeler a bunch huh
Falannt: very old man's shouting...
definenull: you better have a curve or you're dead on turn 2
Mr_Horrible: card efficiency has become a bit of an arms race, yeah
Omthebox: Lotta dont get behind in magic these days
Mr_Horrible: at least imo
Bugberry: The average complexity is different.
GredGredmansson: yeah bloomburrow feels like a very simple set
CypherRaze: that's why I enjoy commander more
SolarBlitz1: Do we have to clap for each creature that "Enters" now like a sitcom audience?
Mr_Horrible: War's just changed Kappa
Omthebox: I heart repurposer
Ukon_Cairns: yeh, theres a neat game somewhere within magic, not sure modern card pool presents it well often.
Marvoleath: Bloomburrow seems like the most "standard" set in some time
Texan_Reverend: It's ok to not connect with the game right now, or anymore.
stuckdazed: linbreaker swing both
MegaDosX: !card glaring fleshraker
LRRbot: Glaring Fleshraker [2C] | Creature — Eldrazi Drone [2/2] | Whenever you cast a colorless spell, create a 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature token with "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}." / Whenever another colorless creature enters the battlefield under your control, Glaring Fleshraker deals 1 damage to each opponent.
Omthebox: Time for fooball
Texan_Reverend: Agreed @Marvoleath
JoannaTastic: In Limited it's an LD40
Falannt: the most powerfull cards were printed at the beginning. So everyone whining about powercreep dont understand magic.
Bugberry: @Ukon_Cairns it varies set to set. It all depends on what an individual comes to the game wanting.
Omthebox: Like mock up POB builds
youcantlistentobuttons: STILL WAKES THE DEEP
Mr_Horrible: hee hee hoo hoo
MegaDosX: I actually wonder if it might have been better to cast the Fleshraker first since it'd let you cast more colourless pip stuff later on, but idk
Simriel: Sometimes it's good to take a break from magic tbh
Kame89: Hastings the titan here goes hard
Ravynn: I think my brain sort of hit capacity a few years ago on just memorizing/learning magic concepts and cards
BrowneePoints: It dries you out
bo_brinkman: You can die from drinking water.
BrowneePoints: from the inside
JoannaTastic: Or to have a 50% chance, right?
Marvoleath: LD50 means lethal dose, 50% of the time
ghyllnox: How much salt people have to eat before 50% of them will die
Dread_Pirate_Westley: How much of a dose that kills 50% of the people who take it.
Omthebox: Or a 7 drop.
Kame89: Slice goes face if the don't block
Mr_Horrible: "Local low-tier main used in revolutionary renewable brining strategy"
Bugberry: People can even die from drinking too much regular water.
ghyllnox: So LD40 would be the lethal dose that kills 40% of people
MegaDosX: Zzzzzzzzzap
BrowneePoints: and if that Lethal Dose involves fruit soda and Sonic that's a Crush 40 Cori
lightfut: Kapow
Texan_Reverend: @Falannt A handful of them, yes, but the overall average is still up now over recent decades. Also, I don't think we're whining here, just talking through why it doesn't feel the same/as good to play.
Mr_Horrible: Local comedian trapped by other local comedian
MegaDosX: Adam you're not sorry at all, don't lie
Xaunaught: Telling my boss i'll be late for work then
Lord_Hosk: Adam is too good to lose
Mr_Horrible: when asked for comment, responded with "I'm committing to the bit"
Kame89: Oh cool rare
Omthebox: Our first pick.
MegaDosX: This hand looks good
Kame89: Hopefully it doesn't die like six
Omthebox: The first game it stayed for two turns
Ukon_Cairns: @Bugberry its possible im just engaging with it in the worst way. just pullin the slots again and again until the match of brawl they present me resembles a game of magic the gathering*
Omthebox: sick
MegaDosX: Cool, opponent, but boo regardless
stuckdazed: games rigged
Falannt: dont feel the same was everytime a thing of magic. Before origin ixalan, the too much cards banned in standard. Then comes eldrain... Have fun. So if was a lot of times like now. Nothing new.
GredGredmansson: !card propagator drone
LRRbot: Propagator Drone [1G] | Creature — Eldrazi Drone [2/2] | Devoid / Creature tokens you control have evolve. / {3}{G}: Create a 0/1 colorless Eldrazi Spawn creature token with "Sacrifice this creature: Add {C}."
Mr_Horrible: "W machine's broke, man"
Bugberry: @Ukon_Cairns I also think people sometimes have a narrow definition of what "magic" can or is supposed to be. Magic has stayed relevant this long because of it's adaptability.
Omthebox: Okay well
Dread_Pirate_Westley: On the plus side, we're going to get to leave.
Mr_Horrible: kanagoFloosh
Strebenherz: !phrasing
LRRbot: Have we ever done phrasing? Like, actually?
ghyllnox: Well la-dee-da
Josefromthe925: nice
ThorSokar: composNotes Adam needs a crazy straw
Omthebox: Cori "Always find the Hole" Lastname (I forgot)
MegaDosX: RIP
Mr_Horrible: seems bad
Texan_Reverend: @Falannt Ok, but other people can have different feelings about or experiences with Magic. It doesn't make them wrong or bad for discussing how it feels for them.
GredGredmansson: attack and hope they block
stuckdazed: they could of done it regardless
Kame89: Cglimpse hope to altisaur next turn
Ukon_Cairns: @Bugberry fair, magic can very much be magic while no longer resembling the game i used to enjoy PrideShrug
Texan_Reverend: @Omthebox Dickinson
Omthebox: Thank you Texan
Omthebox: ADHD is a hell of a forget
stuckdazed: line breaker can still pull u in
Texan_Reverend: nbd
Omthebox: EHH EHH?
Omthebox: Wump
Mr_Horrible: @Omthebox ow my ribs
Omthebox: I'm helping your ribs grow stronger
Mr_Horrible: I don't want my ribs stronger tho
Omthebox: I'm helping
Mr_Horrible: if they rise up against me I'm in trouble now
Omthebox: Helping
Falannt: @Texan_Reverend of course it can make them wrong. Not every feeling is allright, because it is different. There are wrong things in our world.
Omthebox: Spawn go brr
Lord_Hosk: its a race
definenull: oh no
MegaDosX: Odds are bad
Kame89: 2 land??
MegaDosX: But maybe
definenull: get me out
rosesmcgee: Bye Cori!
Omthebox: You're all free now
MegaDosX: We're free!
Simriel: @Falannt I think you missed the point there, people being like "I don't/do like how magic plays anymore" isn't "right" or "wrong"
Mr_Horrible: perfectly timed tbh
Kame89: Mh3 poo poo
Texan_Reverend: @Falannt Regardless of your take on things, I'm going to ask you not to refer to people here discussing it as "whining." It's unnecessarily rude. Just be chill about it.
ProcyonFlynn: But you finished on time lrrSHINE
Omthebox: GG's Gg's
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
macintose: GG's
Mr_Horrible: M H Pee OpieOP
Mr_Horrible: channeling sauce
Omthebox: OpieOP
Texan_Reverend: !cardkingdom
LRRbot: Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at http://www.cardkingdom.com/lrr and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
Kame89: lrrGARBO
GapFiller: thanks for streaming lrrADAM lrrCORI lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Texan_Reverend: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
MegaDosX: Thanks for stream!
Falannt: sorrysorry. Evertime it always the different thinking, which is wrong...
goombalax: still need Serving Jund
Mr_Horrible: Wait, this button is just insulting my taste in games... did Adam write this?
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Hansk_and_Boo: New Checkpoint just dropped!
Simriel: Heard it here first, give LRR your grandparents money
Texan_Reverend: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Mr_Horrible: ze frogs, zey ave gone *drags cigarette*
Mr_Horrible: kanagoClassic
Texan_Reverend: @Simriel Nono, we're recouping some of their money from Bezos.
Simriel: Wait no live?
Juliamon: Pushed back
Omthebox: Ah sick
Marvoleath: Live got rescheduled, because they are recording something on that day
Mr_Horrible: that'll be fun
Falannt: jordyn!!!
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Texan_Reverend: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
MegaDosX: Later everyone, take care!
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, you two lrrSHINE
shurtal: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club (Join Oki Oki Bois for some Street Fighter 6! Game: Street Fighter 6) at Fri 10:00 AM PDT (16:55 from now).
LordZarano: Does this still exist
LordZarano: !nextfan
LordZarano: Ah it sends a whisper