DideRobot: LRR: enter the battle arena with Nelly and Adam today on Okay Okie dokie alright son Fight Club https://twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/112853859031200092
apocalyptic_squirrel: hi everyone!
deusvampire: Start
apocalyptic_squirrel: currently eating dinner but hoping to fight once I'm done :P
Metric_Furlong: Friday Night Fist Fight
Didero: I'm gonna guess Nelson wrote that going-live toot :p
hyperialguard: seabatOAK
Didero: Good evening!
apocalyptic_squirrel: @Metric_Furlong this is very good
LowUpsideCJ: If you can understand the stream title, you may be entitled to financial compensation
Metric_Furlong: @apocalyptic_squirrel thank you
LoadingReadyRun: hi its nelly i dont see any blue flashing lights did i start the stream?
TXC2: I was with it right up to light knuckle :p
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun yes you have started
v_nome: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LoadingReadyRun: tyty
AceGun_: lrrSIG
deusvampire: lrrSIG lrrSIG
Volus_dude: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
BusTed: tqsFists tqsFists tqsFists
ItsThugDimmadome: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrSIG lrrSIG
ItsThugDimmadome: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROWS
Earthenone: lrrSIG
TXC2: Here we GO!
TXC2: Hello Nelson
AceGun_: Goooood morning!
deusvampire: yah
themercenary1987: Nelly!
Nyxshade: Hello!
iconicshadow89 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, iconicshadow89! (Today's storm count: 2)
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
BusTed: The Adam has entered the building.
Nyxshade: By us?!
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
LMAOkai_: howdy Nelly
IbunWest: keliffExcite
TXC2: Smiles on our souls
deusvampire: :)
JeffNelson1961: Good morning
AceGun_: The house has been kept.
apocalyptic_squirrel: house seems reasonable
TXC2: house: KEPT!
BusTed: house sufficiently kept
josh___something: Streets?!
tod_vom_himmel: dont wanna lose your house
Nyxshade: you did not drop the house combo
tod_vom_himmel: keep your house
josh___something: (Hello friends!)
apocalyptic_squirrel: is only Ben allowed to say "dongle the bongle"? you could ask us to bongle-dongle
apocalyptic_squirrel: nelly audio good, game audio not
Nyxshade: no game audio
TXC2: hello josh___something welcome
v_nome: Yes Nelly, no game
Zaneysed subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zaneysed! (Today's storm count: 3)
apocalyptic_squirrel: it's ok we just have the fight stick ASMR instead
apocalyptic_squirrel: I can hear it quietly now
v_nome: Some for usd
deusvampire: Lov
Nyxshade: there it is
v_nome: *us
JinaMahavira: very quiet
thatguysteve2709: Very little
Nyxshade: sound low, but that's fine
deusvampire: very low
Nyxshade: double audio
TXC2: sounds ok to me now
v_nome: Is it echoing now?
JinaMahavira: instructions unclear, now surfing
apocalyptic_squirrel: if you just yell "SANDBLAST" at random it should replicate the experience
deusvampire: Still low
josh___something: Doubled, ye
apocalyptic_squirrel: yeah I think there's doubling
Nyxshade: echo is back
AceGun_: When Adam gets here, just have him make all the game sounds with his mouth.
apocalyptic_squirrel: that is clean I think (very quiet though)
Nyxshade: sounds fine
deusvampire: just low
apocalyptic_squirrel: oh no it is doubled. my bad
AceGun_: No, you sound good.
RurouniGeo: Hey everyone how was EVO weekend for everyone else? radonPPPPP
josh___something: Still doubled, seems like
Volus_dude: you are fine, game is bit quie
thatguysteve2709: Sounds good for me
Volus_dude: *quiet even
apocalyptic_squirrel: or at least kind of echoey? it might not be doubled per se, it sounds a bit "tinny" maybe
OldUncleDan: So, are you going to "Coach" us all on SF6 today?
v_nome: We can hear it
TK_Squared: The game is audible.
AceGun_: We can
apocalyptic_squirrel: I can hear the game
RurouniGeo: i can hear it
v_nome: it seems fine
TXC2: we can hear game
Nyxshade: we can hear it
OldUncleDan: Can hear it fine.
AceGun_: It seems fine.
apocalyptic_squirrel: it's just quiet, but not problematically so
deusvampire: Just low
thatguysteve2709: It's fine
TK_Squared: You fixed it.
OldUncleDan: Audio is fine!
TK_Squared: Masterful.
therepoman__: Howdy gamers
AceGun_: lmao
Volus_dude: perfect
TXC2: hello therepoman__ welcome
hyperialguard: Got mixed
Nyxshade: the echo is very subtle if its there at all
Mr_Horrible: one of those episodes where nothing happens Kappa
thatguysteve2709: Perfect fix
RurouniGeo: sometimes you just gotta turn the light switch on & off lol
TXC2: Hello Adam
Helrumyc: Did ya'll see the EVO sf6 grand finals?
Musicsquid: the audio was genuinely fine for me the whole time idk wtf was up with chat
apocalyptic_squirrel: @Helrumyc not yet! but I heard they were an excellent watch
cmdrzellgaudis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months, currently on a 36 month streak!
cmdrzellgaudis: Get some Oki Oki in you!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cmdrzellgaudis! (Today's storm count: 4)
itsr67: Damn
Nyxshade: he is larger than you
AceGun_: Adam hogging all the oxygen
TXC2: got bigger lungs to fill
apocalyptic_squirrel: Amnesia isn't projectile invulnerable iirc so he'll just get hit
xVoxtric: Hello people
themostjoast: HahaBall howdy gaymers i hope everyone is well c:
TXC2: hello xVoxtric welcome
Zaneysed: Adam does bloe a lot of hot air
Volus_dude: chat. are rabbits now better bears, after bloomburrow?
TXC2: hello themostjoast welcome
Strebenherz: What
xVoxtric: I raw dog flights all the time. Anything under 4 hours is a casual day.
Mr_Horrible: I mean, I usually just fall asleep
Nyxshade: horrid scenerio
Zaneysed: Bet
rin_the_kat: hi adam and nelly! have ya’ll seen the momochi vs. endingwalker? what do you think?
hyperialguard: Does meditating count?
ItsThugDimmadome: Mena RD says he's always done this. Good for your mental.
Nyxshade: Woolie said he labbed on a Steam Deck.
xVoxtric: I raw dog under 4 hrs , car or plane, all the time
TXC2: does watching the in-flight movie still count as raw-dogging ?
tod_vom_himmel: i cant even drive 10 minutes to a storwe without throwing on a podcast
ItsThugDimmadome: @TXC2 No stimlulation. Just your thoughts.
Metric_Furlong: do we have to call it 'raw dogging'
AceGun_: EndingWalker knows no fear.
TXC2: ItsThugDimmadome fuck that shit then :p
kumatsu: @TXC2 especially if you're on an airline that makes you do the inflight on your own device
tod_vom_himmel: so people cant see his votes
ItsThugDimmadome: Y'all see Hayao on SF3? The dude is LIMBER.
Nyxshade: no input reading
AceGun_: He's got to keep his EVO champion stick in mint condition.
therepoman__: Xiaohai won 4 EVOs in KOF so maybe there's something to it haha
TXC2: kumatsu that feels wrong to me somehow :p
tod_vom_himmel: its not really a thing, you hear it either way, its just old head thinking in my opinion
Nyxshade: you can telll if they are mashing super or wakeup reveral
Mr_Horrible: I feel like it's more a comfort thing than an actual practical advantage
ItsThugDimmadome: So is anyone here on GuiltyGear and can tell me how good this OoeyGooeyChewySnickers person is?
AceGun_: @ItsThugDimmadome Very very good.
Nyxshade: @ItsThugDimmadome Zato1?
corpocracy: the Magic equivalent of playing the same basic land art
hyperialguard: I played next to someone for the first time yesterday and, yeah, thought that might hear my jump-in SPD, lol
ItsThugDimmadome: @AceGun_ LIke top for their character?
AceGun_: @ItsThugDimmadome One of the best Strive players, but almost definitely the best Anji player, I would say?
tod_vom_himmel: MAPS
Vanatoth: They are currently the number 2 Anji player after Eddventure, so definitely up there
Helrumyc: faced against two bot scripts recently. It was surreal and annoying
ItsThugDimmadome: @AceGun_ I appreciate that name so much, I'm glad their skill could back it up.
deusvampire: Can anybody join the room if they wish?
AceGun_: @Vanatoth Oh, I didn't realize Eddventure was ranked that high. Nice.
TXC2: deusvampire yeap
deusvampire: @TXC2 Ty
Nyxshade: grounded approach
Mr_Horrible: as they deserved
LMAOkai_: Acegun won, on paper
starmute12: howdy friends starmu6Comfy
AceGun_: The best way to win.
josh___something: Oh, I can do a runback
TXC2: Hello starmute12 welcome
starmute12: hi hiii
Metric_Furlong: @LMAOkai_ who won on the computer? Kappa
AceGun_: It was a blast, yeah! It was really cool to have Cori there.
AFamiliarCalledEl: hello nelly and adam and chat
TXC2: hello AFamiliarCalledEl welcome
LMAOkai_: @Metric_Furlong some Ken player, can't remember their name for the life of me
josh___something: DI is too short IIRc
AceGun_: @LMAOkai_ It was Play_Guy
LMAOkai_: ^
saucemaster5000: manon DI reaches eagle spike, most don't
LMAOkai_: nerf manon
saucemaster5000: tru
OldUncleDan: Question: What is the difference between Drive Rush and Drive Impact?
TXC2: they'll nerf Manon only after the Olympics Kappa
LMAOkai_: only if the French win all of the olympics
saucemaster5000: Fucking hate that boomer means that. just call us old, don't put "boomer" on us
starmute12: @saucemaster5000 agree
josh___something: @OldUncleDan Drive impact is the 2-hit armored move, Drive rush is the green move that's basically a dash that buffs your next move
AceGun_: @OldUncleDan Drive Rush is a very fast dash, Drive Impact is an armored move that can break guards in the corner. They both use the same resource though (the Drive gauge).
TXC2: reclaim "boomer" to mean submarine
LMAOkai_: i just think of Boomer from Battlestar Galactica.
saucemaster5000: damn
OldUncleDan: Thanks for the answer all.
AceGun_: Tachikawa used Manon as a secondary a few times.
saucemaster5000: don't make me come in there and show nelly "playable"
josh___something: that was NOT a reaction
entrophant: I tried watching idom as a Manon player, but she spends all stream complaining about how bad he things Manon is... or SF6 is, in general.
josh___something: That was a cry for help
entrophant: * he
saucemaster5000: ngl, idom is not the manon to watch -- randumb, akutagawa etc
entrophant: I'll check them out.
LMAOkai_: the Manon player to watch is saucemaster5000
AceGun_: iDom only plays SF6 so he can tell people to play Marvel 3.
starmute12: love watching idom play testament in strive tho
TXC2: "a perfect? huh Parry the perfect!"
josh___something: I think you might be able to counter DI in that instance(?)
saucemaster5000: oh and justin wong has weirdly double down'd on manon
Zaneysed: Nox is pressing buttons
josh___something: Wait, doubled down how?
saucemaster5000: it's now his usual/fav char when he plays sf6
josh___something: I mean, Justin wong is a mystery
RurouniGeo: got kicked from room
itsr67: i think so
josh___something: The dab-looking move? yes
josh___something: If you can't punish with the Drive Rush, taking space is also a good consolation
Woogachaka: what a delight, Some oki oki FC
TXC2: 3 hours a week for 8 months is not that much time in some ways
josh___something: ^
tod_vom_himmel: nelly for context, it took me a year of playing an average of 3 hourss EVERY DAY
tod_vom_himmel: to get to a point where i think i kinda know how to play
josh___something: Max range DI crumple, booo
Helrumyc: why does watching a fighting game feel slower than playing one?
starmute12: @tod_vom_himmel and ur goated!
tod_vom_himmel: cus no mental stack for watching
TXC2: Helrumyc you're not panicing
josh___something: Why is it always rashid players that go ham on the sticks like it owes them money?
itsr67: cause you're not making a billion decisions
tod_vom_himmel: oh hey starm!
MAJORchris_: Better see y'all at EVO next year. That shit was so hype in person
Helrumyc: @TXC2 Good point
Nyxshade: you are getting a lot better
TrueTransSoulAlesha subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 79 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TrueTransSoulAlesha! (Today's storm count: 5)
Nyxshade: that match had me sweating
AceGun_: Make it a Patreon tier.
starmute12: @tod_vom_himmel howdy howdy
itsr67: the second that you connect the spectator spot with when you're behind the stick and slowing things down is a big step forward
TXC2: hello tod_vom_himmel welcome
Nyxshade: im also stuck at home with covid so maybe that's why im sweating
starmute12: oof feel better soon
Helrumyc: It just always feels that if someone jumps, they're in the air for three years for that anti-air, but if I'm playing it's barely enough time to react
LowUpsideCJ: @Nyxshade RIP get well soon
TXC2: Nyxshade yeah, that'll do it :p get well soon
tod_vom_himmel: lol the walk up parry meets the walk up crouch block
Nyxshade: @LowUpsideCJ lrrSHINE
RurouniGeo: @Nyxshade get well soon
MAJORchris_: I mean I'll drop A ticket.
Nyxshade: thank you for the wellwishes everyone. dogded it for 4 years, but not forever
MAJORchris_: Nelly deserves it
LowUpsideCJ: how is my wired connection fighting me more than wifi usually does
apocalyptic_squirrel: get well soon Nyxshade!
Sibwow: thats so true nelson
MTGRanger: lrrSHINE
OldUncleDan: Using "Pog Champ" like that isn't very "Cash Money" of you. lrrBEEJ
139 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
LordZarano: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
TXC2: hello Raiders
MrSarkhan: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Helrumyc: get well soon Nyxshade. COVID sucks
TK_Squared: I love it at a Jay-Z concert when he just shouts "NO".
wench_tacular: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
LadyAiluros: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
SymphonySolstice: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
measureofhope: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
PsychoI3oy: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
AceGun_: broski4Jaypee broski4Cow
Mr_Horrible: BABEH
tod_vom_himmel: hits you with his aegis setup
Nyxshade: the main thing that you seem to have trouble with Nelson is figuring out what is going on with defense. Which is natural, a lot of it is a knowledge check of the cast.
Nyxshade: you eventually develop a sense for what is 'real' and what isn't
MAJORchris_: lrrFINE
Mr_Horrible: a fair whack of defense is knowing when someone's trying to bullshit you
LowUpsideCJ: Fighting Geo earlier I think I got hit by every single Akuma overhead chop
Mr_Horrible: the knowledge stuff is always gonna take more exposure and practice than you think
Mr_Horrible: it's a *lot* of hours
Nyxshade: To me it's a flow thing. I've been playing since SF4, and I can just sort of intuit how it works from years of playing fighting games.
Bearudite: if it hits it was real
LowUpsideCJ: As I've learned more I realize how short range Ed's jab is
Nyxshade: much like with early elden ring, a win is a win is a win
Mr_Horrible: that's more a caution that especially while learning, you shouldn't necessarily refrain from doing something because it isn't real
apocalyptic_squirrel: @LowUpsideCJ it's so diddy
Nyxshade: it's really funny to me that the boxer's jab is so mid
apocalyptic_squirrel: i'll check Ed's jab in training mode actually
apocalyptic_squirrel: one sec
raulghoulia: hello oki enthusiasts
TXC2: hello raulghoulia welcome
starmute12: howdy
saucemaster5000: since when does ed want to be up close and not midrange?
TXC2: a short, stiff jab is still a useful jab
apocalyptic_squirrel: starting from point blank, you get exactly 3 of st.lp and cr.lp in any mix
Blakemcm: week 1 opinions
apocalyptic_squirrel: yeah he has a 4 frame chainable low, could be worse
Blakemcm: @apocalyptic_squirrel thanks for doing the legwork to get the data
Iluvatardis: i feel like that's true about new characters in most games
AceGun_: And start the dream combos
BorgarWithAShotgun: yeah, some of the labmonsters or casuals just never show up on the proradar until they have climbed or encountered a pro
apocalyptic_squirrel: @Blakemcm np! I had the game open and had just left the lobby so it seemed like a good idea
Blakemcm: he says Laurel
xylek___: Hey everyone
Blakemcm: and Yanni for the spikes
TXC2: hello xylek___ welcome
starmute12: LUL
josh___something: GGs, nelly!
Zaneysed: Fight me nelly
apocalyptic_squirrel: @josh___something that level 3 was so clean, what a way to end the set lol
TXC2: we're all olds here
josh___something: Holy moly, I'm so happy about that lv3
Bearudite: some of the best third strike ever played
apocalyptic_squirrel: @josh___something You should be!
apocalyptic_squirrel: I blew out a DI with Akuma level 1 when I was burned out the other day and was so chuffed lol
LowUpsideCJ: I booted up third strike on my ps2 because of it
josh___something: Are you close enough to throw?
themercenary1987: I'm battling in iron and noticed 3 things. 1 Kimberly always walks backwards forever 2 a massive overuse of DI 3 That I'm loving Bison. Thanks for getting me into this!
apocalyptic_squirrel: Charged or perfect knuckle is indeed +4 on block
LowUpsideCJ: @themercenary1987 Unlearning the DI is a fun road
Omthebox: Bison is great
josh___something: Bison is sick af
Mr_Horrible: *taps mic* "Prepare."
apocalyptic_squirrel: Bison is really fun
Blakemcm: prepare! its bison
apocalyptic_squirrel: and if you like Luke's cr.mp then you're in for a treat
josh___something: 3 rentals lasts you the whole stream if you cared for it :p
rin_the_kat: adam, does playing ed still feel awkward?
Bearudite: yeah it was a instinctual read
apocalyptic_squirrel: @LowUpsideCJ been trying this myself. In unrelated news I'm getting hit by DI a lot atm
josh___something: So... yes?
Bearudite: blanka
Blakemcm: Hell yea Ryu gamer! rise up RYU's
dankmemeter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
dankmemeter: One more minute for the subathon! Wait, huh?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dankmemeter! (Today's storm count: 6)
josh___something: Ryan, from STREETS?!
themercenary1987: @LowUpsideCJ I'm desperately trying not to do "monkey see monkey do" and practicing what Coach Adam preaches, But I try and do footsies and get demolished! But I am feeling I'm getting better each time I play, so having fun!
josh___something: Do we need a KI vacation again? Kappa
Blakemcm: only thing im ever gonna suggest. is to lobby out the uppercut fully drive gauge punish.
LowUpsideCJ: @themercenary1987 Yeah same! Just hanging out in mid bronze trying to learn and improve fundamentals
apocalyptic_squirrel: someone on reddit gave me an amazing bit of advice t'other day which said that in order to "play footsies" the traditional way you first need to convince your opponent that their neutral skips or whatever don't work, which is very difficult
Blakemcm: you can do mad damage and its Hk HP Parry over and over
josh___something: The heavy mental stack is a BIG pain point for SF6, isn't it?
josh___something: ALso, you did start the day with JP(tilt central) and Rashid(Random BS go, the character)
starmute12: the friends we made along the way
apocalyptic_squirrel: look at those anti-airs
Blakemcm: hella anti airs this round nelson! awesome
Bearudite: losing sucks but is also rewarding. I went like 20-2 against Drizzt's Hugo and I had a blast. send Hugo to the Hippo pit tho
Bearudite: hate hugo
LowUpsideCJ: Hugo beats the hippo first try
starmute12: i like to think my opponent is just as scared of me as i am of them LUL
Blakemcm: instead say " they really schmixed my ass up"
saucemaster5000: you got two games against hugo's drizzt? hell yeah bearudite
apocalyptic_squirrel: yeah crediting the opponent is always good imo
themercenary1987: @apocalyptic_squirrel Same, friend. I've learnt things that may help? DI has only 3 hits of armour, which I learnt when mine kept getting broken, so sometimes a fast jab might save you. Also a lot of people use it as a get off me button, so maybe through a block in there at times. I'm finding I have a lot more time to block than I think. But I'm still learning, so am in no way actually knowledgable!
apocalyptic_squirrel: sorry my point about neutral skips was pretty summarised, but obviously those moves are valid and in the game for good reason. I was more bringing it up to reassure about worrying about footsies
starmute12: oh yea im the same type of player, passive, always want to figure out the right solution to everything
OldUncleDan: So, Coach, a few months ago, what would you honestly think your odds against a Gold Ranked Cammy would have been?
starmute12: sick tech
apocalyptic_squirrel: @themercenary1987 yeah I've been trying to figure out how to apply pressure in a way that is inherently DI-safe, but that is pretty difficult
Nyxshade: huge part of fighting games is playing the opponent not the match, like poker
apocalyptic_squirrel: yeah I'm also a very slow player
josh___something: Playing defense is also hard. (and I'm currently mashing jab for my life to see what's fake)
Cpt_P: hello adam and nelson
TXC2: hello Cpt_P welcome
measureofhope: There's a certain amount of grind in learning most skills. Passion will only get you so far, the rest is just work.
josh___something: Yeah, SF6 ranked is grind city
josh___something: But it IS a good way to get a LOT of games in, by volume
OldUncleDan: That's fair. But I do think the OPP's rank can get into folks heads.
pointproven214: ranked is the wild wild west
apocalyptic_squirrel: right I should hop out, got a friend coming over soon. glhf all, enjoy pressing those buttons :)
Cpt_P: she can wait a bit
Bearudite: pretty late
apocalyptic_squirrel: (yeah hooligan choice can be delayed a bit)
Cpt_P: she has til she starts coming down from the jumpy bit
TXC2: so long apocalyptic_squirrel stay safe
apocalyptic_squirrel: @TXC2 thank you <3
themercenary1987: @apocalyptic_squirrel Just hearing others have the same struggles makes the hard work so much more bearable for me. Thanks for the support, honestly!
Blakemcm: its a read
nessiah_aries: I mean, the speed at which people pick up certain skillsets also varies from person to person.
ManWithTheMask13: What's up, gamers
starmute12: the moment i realized hitting a low stops people from walking away from you was a huge level up
apocalyptic_squirrel: @themercenary1987 any time! next stream we should have a match :)
josh___something: Does jump out "beat" shimmy?
themercenary1987: @apocalyptic_squirrel Absolutley!
TXC2: hello ManWithTheMask13 welcome
josh___something: The DR cancel 👀👀
Cpt_P: adam i introduced vegan to vanguard last night
Zaneysed: its +2 with od dive kick
violetblight: if theyre autopiloting the shimmy you get them but if theyre patient with it you will still get caught
Twilight_Spark: PogChamp
codeflicklive: LoadingReadyRun playing Street Fighter! sweet
OldUncleDan: IMHO Cammy's and A.K.I.'s Level 3 combos feel a lot more brutal than their CA's.
Nyxshade: sensing when your opponent is running on autopilot is important.
pointproven214: alot of people in ranked just do shit
themercenary1987: @OldUncleDan Same with Bison... But I love the "Worm" line too much
Blakemcm: if ya aint doin shit ya aint damaging shit
Cpt_P: im a "check this shit out" gamer but thats as far as my doing shit goes
TXC2: that's Ruby
TacitusVigil: Are we playing Masters of Teras Kasi?
themercenary1987: I think so?
RurouniGeo: Roxy
Cpt_P: thats not poison thats uhhh
Bearudite: its a poison alike
Cpt_P: roxy
Ravynn: Roxy
TXC2: Roxy that's it
saucemaster5000: rxy indeed
Nyxshade: one of the other goons that poison is based on
Cpt_P: she was the alt color for poisons character in final fight
Cpt_P: actually poison might be the alt i dont remember
Bearudite: saw punish counter on screen so many times that last round
Bearudite: gaming
TXC2: I think it's fair to call Roxy the alt at this point
Nyxshade: Is ken an alt of ryu? Kappa
fsforwardsound: I have to decide between Path of Exile league start and MtG PreRelease today dolphinCry
themercenary1987: Only from clips of ECW
saucemaster5000: I was too busy playing video games in the 90s
themercenary1987: Wasn't allowed to watch wrestling in my formative years, also was in the uk, so we didn't get the fun stuff
nessiah_aries: People not liking the way you play the game perfectly describes every discourse in the Yu-Gi-Oh community.
Bearudite: pre release is more ephemeral imo
Cpt_P: chris wilson is a magic head yea
Bearudite: but also more money
Mr_Horrible: I'd never even considered that but it makes a ton of sense
TXC2: themercenary1987 same, didn't have sky, so had to settle for Sunday heat :p
Cpt_P: im sittin in queue rn
Bearudite: that was killer Nelly
Nyxshade: Remember when they made a MTG Diablo-like and then it died in the crib?
Omthebox: I'm at 11k in queue
Cpt_P: a cool 16 thousand people ahead of me
Mr_Horrible: getting in on server-up is only relevant to like, the top .5 percent
Omthebox: My magic buds dont wana do a pre-release so I'm free to be a gremlin
themercenary1987: @TXC2 Oh my god, Sunday Heat!
Cpt_P: bosses, maps, specific league mechanics
Cpt_P: each league mechanic has an endgame encounter to grind
Mr_Horrible: in-game currency, chase items, good gear, etc
fsforwardsound: its just that i have a bunch of friends who do both and the zeitgeist of league start is super fun
Talin06: this league is going to be nuts
Cpt_P: you can backrise to avoid throwloops midscreen
Mr_Horrible: it's very much "this game has existed for a decade+ and there's so much different stuff in it now"
Omthebox: I'll trade you in mats Adam.
Cpt_P: you can just mash the shit out of it til you get up
AceGun_: You can hold the buttons, at least.
yukimakingart: you can hold the buttons too right?
Cpt_P: oh yea you can hold it now
Nyxshade: PoE and Warframe were both impenetrable when i tried to get into them with the explosion of material
OldUncleDan: Every so often I try to play PoE, but then I will get to a point early when I feel so damn Overwhelmed and kinda stupid.
saucemaster5000: I just hold the buttons
Cpt_P: i forgot you can do that now lol
themercenary1987: What buttons?
Zaneysed: Im so sloopy ahhhh
Cpt_P: mostly you should default to backrise
Zaneysed: ggs nelly
themercenary1987: Throw Buttons?
AceGun_: @themercenary1987 any two buttons
LowUpsideCJ: Glad to have just learned something today
JinaMahavira: wow a close set
Cpt_P: theyre the same amount of frames in this game so theres really no downside to backrising
themercenary1987: Just any two? .... Does it work if your using modern ?
Zaneysed: Nelly holding back so much makes me play much worse, im so used to people online slaming buttons
Blakemcm: these fists of yours... will choose RYU
yukimakingart: it works the same with modern
Mr_Horrible: mister Lucas Sullivan
shendaras: waiting for the 'sim arc
RisingCosmos: Time to take a small guy to Memphis
themercenary1987: Hell yeah new tech!
drizztnailo: howdy gamers
TXC2: Adam on Luke you say?
Zaneysed: Do you wanna hop out and switch?\
TXC2: hello drizztnailo welcome
Nyxshade: I'm waiting for Elena to have healing and for people to get big mad about it.
Cpt_P: healing isnt gonna be so bad
Cpt_P: healing was obnoxious because throws were hard knockdown in 4
Cpt_P: hard knockdowns arent that much of a thing in this game
TXC2: I will be shocked if Elena has a healing move
Cpt_P: she probably will
Blakemcm: @Cpt_P the moment you posted this comment "hard knockdown" showed up on screen lol
Nyxshade: I mean, regardless of how good it is, i think people will be mad, because we are on the internet.
Cpt_P: hard knockdown doesnt mean the same thing in this game
Cpt_P: it means you cannot backrise
Cpt_P: in old games you were on the ground for like
Cpt_P: a full 2 seconds
OldUncleDan: Elena is upcoming? I thought Terry and Mai were going to be before then.
Cpt_P: so elena would do like forward throw to send you fullscreen
Cpt_P: and just rip a healing
Cpt_P: and a lot of characters just couldnt do shit about it
TXC2: OldUncleDan that's the speculation yes, Elena being the last one
Blakemcm: @OldUncleDan they are, were all just prepping our complaint equity
yalc321: Lukewarming up
Bearudite: elena is last in the season
OldUncleDan: Ah, very well!
Bearudite: and I am just tappin foot
Nyxshade: @OldUncleDan they are, but i was talking about Elena because i have no interest in SNK characters.
Blakemcm: lol
yukimakingart: yukima18ReinaLUL
Blakemcm: Just OD kuckle plus hit again to DDT them
Blakemcm: another punch
OldUncleDan: I wish Capcom would make a new "Dark Stalkers".
Blakemcm: luke is special in that he can follow all his OD specials with an extra one for another bar
OldUncleDan: Morrigan is my fave Shoto.
Izandai: A shota is a young boy.
nessiah_aries: Shoe toes?
Bearudite: its short for Shotokan
Ravynn: Shota is something else
shendaras: touch fluffy tail?
MWGNZ: some fighters sure do Show Toes
themercenary1987: Has anyone been seeing these hilarious clips of people running auto parry/auto throw scripts? Super funny when they run into each other
nessiah_aries: Chode Toads
Nyxshade: @OldUncleDan much like mass effect, any series that has a trailed that says "don't worry, we're definitely making another one" is super dead.
OldUncleDan: @Nyxshade *nod* Unfortunately.
Cpt_P: thats arguable now
Blakemcm: @Cpt_P with the damage buff and easier denjin stuff right?
Snowwraith: Luke does have the mocking "hadoken" taunt which is very funny though.
TXC2: Nyxshade same with Command and conquer
Snowwraith: He's a little gremlin.
Cpt_P: denjin is better overall, ryu does prepatch luke damage
Cpt_P: luke does vastly less damage
Cpt_P: ryus fireball is better offensively
Nyxshade: @TXC2 I didn't know they did that for C&C. my condolences.
themercenary1987: It's partly why I love Bison. Just the sheer dismissal of opponents
nessiah_aries: Who does he think he is? The sandman?
Cpt_P: but largely it doesnt matter because akuma exists
TXC2: Nyxshade yeah, After C&C4 the franchise is dead as a dodo :p
themercenary1987: @nessiah_aries Well he hasn't brought me a dream
OldUncleDan: Go To Sleep. Luke is the C.M. Punk of Street Fighter! lrrBEEJ
TXC2: themercenary1987 really? isn't he the cutest you've ever seen? Kappa
themercenary1987: @TXC2 Well his lips aren't like roses, but are a little like clover...
Cpt_P: you can pretty safely just default to backroll
LordZarano: Arguably C&C was dead the moment EA shut down Westwood
Blakemcm: you can backdash on wakeup in the corner to dodge grabs
Cpt_P: in old games backrising was slower than in-place
Cpt_P: but that is not the case anymore
TXC2: LordZarano C&C3 was ok, but yeah
themercenary1987: But i hope he finds someone so his lonesome nights are over
OldUncleDan: Yeah... Eff EA for so many reasons. *cry* Dungeon Keeper. Alpha Centauri. *weep*
Blakemcm: correct
Cpt_P: yea backdash is throw invul
AceGun_: Yeah, you stay in place, but you can't be grabbed, yeah.
Cpt_P: loses to meaties
Blakemcm: its really not the best option overall but if you got a read on the opponent then go for it
Blakemcm: best option is to always OD uppercut..... jk jk its blocking =/
ManWithTheMask13: I heard that 3S Chun Li doesn't put the cart back
saucemaster5000: 3S chun li likes finnegan's wake more than ulysses
OldUncleDan: Ooooh... "That's Disney Evil!"
Cpt_P: 3s chun leaves the cart in the parking lot but nature aligns and the cart just finds its way to the cart dropoff
Blakemcm: it works if you get it timed perfect on the flash
Zaneysed: lol ggs adam
Cpt_P: because that character gets everything for free
josh___something: LMAO
Zaneysed: Ive found out when my bandwidth is all taken up ill just start hitting buttons. It's not great.
josh___something: @Zaneysed Same, but that button is 90% DI
josh___something: and I can and will die for pressing that
Blakemcm: if i had a nickle...
Zaneysed: Ive been trying to find a button that chases back roll and light spiral will catch them. Probabaly better to do drive rush shit
Nyxshade: instinct to fullscreen body projectile is strong, be it cammy, rashid, blanka or else.
Zaneysed: @Nyxshade No fireball? I am the fireball
Cpt_P: knee has to go
josh___something: The problem with Rashid's is that if you do that, you'll get sent to heaven if they block (and know how to punish)
Cpt_P: that is one of the most headass buffs ive ever seen
Zaneysed: @josh___something It's all real to me, idk where to punish
Blakemcm: nice on the fly combo!!
josh___something: Grapplers (Derogatory)
Zaneysed: Ight im out for the day, ggs thanks for the games
josh___something: @Zaneysed o/
Nyxshade: bai!
nessiah_aries: Seperated at birth: Gief and Potemkin
themercenary1987: That missed DI just gave me horror flashbacks of me doing that exact thing
hyperialguard: Doom is a Northman
Bearudite: why can you throw fireballs?
OldUncleDan: Aren't they all essentially Cartoon Characters?
josh___something: this MF SPD'ing on wakeup
TXC2: aren't they all cartoon characters? : p
themercenary1987: @Bearudite ... Fair Point
Mr_Horrible: as a wise man once said, "Sometimes you'll die for it"
OldUncleDan: @TXC2 Same Thought. *high five*
TXC2: Bearudite I wouldn't put it past Adam
Bearudite: the whole thing starts falling apart at the tiniest scrutiny
TXC2: OldUncleDan high five
Bearudite: if you wanted realism you should have played Hellish Quart with the rest of the HEMA people
Nyxshade: Thanks for the matchs nelly, I gotta go lay down.
nessiah_aries: I only play realistic fighting games like Bushido Blade Kappa
nessiah_aries: Where they gave one of the characters a friggin gun.
dairypoops: hello everyone
TXC2: hello dairypoops welcome
Mr_Horrible: seabatHITBOX
josh___something: Fuckin KNEEEEEE
themercenary1987: @nessiah_aries In the words of Stan from American Dad "There's only one thing to know about Karate. Guns beat Karate. Every Time.
Mr_Horrible: his knees are so powerful now
josh___something: LUL
Bearudite: now this is fighting games
Blakemcm: go skyrim on it and shoot an arrow to that knee
itsr67: LUL
Cpt_P: dont even have to space it on block anymore
TXC2: smooth brain, hard knee
AceGun_: "oops, I whiffed, guess I win"
Cpt_P: join me and nemo in the gief hater club
nessiah_aries: Zangriefed
dairypoops: oops all knees
Bearudite: John capcom said so
saucemaster5000: welcome to season 1 luke cr. mp haters club
BlueFingers5: is it new?
josh___something: That club is FULL 3 times over at this point, Cpt
ItsThugDimmadome: Yo, OP Knee son or Fixed Lariat daughter?
Cpt_P: jumps over lows too dont forget that
itsr67: if drive rushed it can't be less than +1
Cpt_P: if you get clipped out of the air you get hellstabbed
josh___something: Breaking News: Russian man's knee arrested for crimes against Fighting games, more at 11
Blakemcm: is this where the dark SIM path begins?
Blakemcm: hero sim origin story
josh___something: JP >:D
josh___something: Join the old man army
saucemaster5000: I've been learning lily... it is HILARIOUS how much easier gief is on her
Blakemcm: with his nerfs to Amnesia JP does not seem like as strong a pick as sim or lilly
Cpt_P: gief gets shot but dont guess wrong if he gets in
Blakemcm: amnesia used to counter command grabs
themercenary1987: In Europe Iron ranks I just fight an endless sea of Ken, Akuma and Cammy, with a sprinkle of Ryu. I'd love to fight a gief tbh!
BrowneePoints: it’s the old “zoner vs grappler” paradigm
josh___something: I mean, technically it still does, just not 40% lifebar counter
saucemaster5000: It's not just you, gief got given the keys to the kingdom this season
saucemaster5000: heck, akuma has fewer mixups on pressure
josh___something: ^
Cpt_P: akuma is not okay either lmao
Cpt_P: that character is ham
Blakemcm: some archetypes benefited more from a universal parry and rush mechanic... and its gief
AceGun_: less life though. 9K :)
josh___something: Not the akuma bit, but I agree with the gief keys
saucemaster5000: oh he's great, but the guesses are fewer
themercenary1987: Akuma sends me the way Gief sends you atm
Cpt_P: i dont think the guesses are fewer
ylegm: air fireball is the only thing hazanshu is good against lol
josh___something: 9k :)
Cpt_P: akuma makes you guess when hes not near you at all
BrowneePoints: speaking of Akuma how about that Roster Rep at EVO? 21/23 in the top 96!
saucemaster5000: I disagree but air firebal vs manon AA loses
themercenary1987: Just feel like "okay, Okay, OKAY, WHEN IS IT MY TURN!"
TXC2: Akuma has 9k health, but so does everyone fighting him :p
BrowneePoints: and 11 different chars in top 32 right?
Blakemcm: dj was my bad matchup when i played this a lot last year
themercenary1987: @TXC2 Need to learn Bisons modern 70% health combo and just have it ready for any Akuma
themercenary1987: And then instantly fail at it and die anyway!
Cpt_P: bison does a lot of damage but the giga damage is kinda not practical lol
Cpt_P: and if an akuma dps you with a bomb strapped to his chest he deserves it
TXC2: themercenary1987 sounds like my luck yeah :p
BrowneePoints: I was SHOCKED at how much bison rep was at EVO
Cpt_P: the giga damage requires you to have a bomb already set
BrowneePoints: Bison ran a CLINIC
saucemaster5000: bison is marisa with scissor kick
Cpt_P: however
Cpt_P: he does get a bomb off every knockdown
Blakemcm: turn off the microwave
themercenary1987: @BrowneePoints Whats the best way to search for Bison clips from EVO. With smash you search for the character, but with SF6 seems you need to search for the player?
josh___something: jumped to 6f of rollback there for a sec
BrowneePoints: you can cross reference the brackets with who got main stage play @themercenary1987
Cpt_P: the most important knockdown in that matchup doesnt give a bomb technically
Cpt_P: ex crusher is extremely good against akuma
BrowneePoints: but yea Bison put in WORK at this EVO
themercenary1987: @saucemaster5000 Scissor kick is nuts... and I'm still on modern. I haven't even seen its true power from classic
themercenary1987: @BrowneePoints Will do! thanks for the tip
Blakemcm: 4 characters. Luke Ryu Ken Akuma
Cpt_P: i dont even think scissors is that ham
Cpt_P: ex crusher is the goat
Cpt_P: that move is truly wild
LowUpsideCJ: @Blakemcm the way the game was meant to be played
saucemaster5000: ex crusher is wild, but scissors being unpunishable on most chars is also wild
Cpt_P: every character can punish a badly spaced scissors
Bearudite: time to have Nelly play Footsies
Blakemcm: street fighter praised for its diversity of roster even as far back as the 90's
Cpt_P: the point is to not badly space it
saucemaster5000: I mean, yeah, sure if they space it bad.
saucemaster5000: it's not rocket science to space
themercenary1987: Is Scissor into throw good at higher levels? Seems to work well for me at the mo
Blakemcm: lvl 3 goes thru fireballs
Cpt_P: on hit? yes
josh___something: Marisa can't punish scissor, but how well can marisa sc- *BANNED*
lochnessseammonster: afternoon fighty friends :)
TXC2: saucemaster5000 stares in NASA Kappa
TXC2: hello lochnessseammonster welcome
BrowneePoints: your instincts are still hella good Nelly
Cpt_P: scissors on hit is +2 basically in their face
Cpt_P: so you force a guess basically every time it hits
Cpt_P: id put scissors at like 3rd in my list of bisons best things
themercenary1987: Still learning all this frame data things. Still on a "Does this work? hey it does!"
Cpt_P: stand jab is first, ex crusher, then scissors
lochnessseammonster: time flies when you're having fun seabatOAK
Cpt_P: nah i dont think so but its very good
Cpt_P: punish counter scissors is pretty nuts
Cpt_P: pc scissors being +6 is wild lol
Cpt_P: in a game where low forwards are that good
BrowneePoints: Because he’s the Dictator that’s why
themercenary1987: @BrowneePoints "In My new Utopia, every One frame of yours is 6 of mine!"
Cpt_P: i get crack cocaine directly to the brain every time i scissors over juris fireball
Cpt_P: that shit is so dopamine
Omthebox: Lonk
Mr_Horrible: Canon Spike, that's when your series torpedoes your ship with the latest episode
Cpt_P: sure does
Mr_Horrible: makes sense, he *is* jumping (kinda)
Cpt_P: it is a low crush
Mr_Horrible: he's like a horse, all 4 feet are off the ground
Cpt_P: he is not airborne
saucemaster5000: bison deleted about 3000lp for me. my b for grinding ranked when he came out
Cpt_P: you can throw scissors at any point during startup
themercenary1987: @Cpt_P "the day Bison punished Countered into Scissors was the most Important day of your life. But For Me? it was Oki Oki Fight Club day"
themercenary1987: I gotta say, so happy they gave Cammy the throw move from SF2 Animated Movie. That is one of the most awesome kill moves ever.
Cpt_P: bison also has a throwbait move which is pretty good
Cpt_P: ex headstomp is frame 1 throw invul
tryllebanjo: Kick hiss ass!
BrowneePoints: their
themercenary1987: HEll yeah Coach!
tryllebanjo: Sorry, kick their ass!
Laserbeaks_Fury subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Laserbeaks_Fury! (Today's storm count: 7)
tryllebanjo: Oh, I thought it was you two duelling :P
themercenary1987: Its like when I'm writing formal letters at work.
Helrumyc: it's they/he
TXC2: the default being "he" is from 1800's English, so it's outdated AF :p
Cpt_P: mas sticks way a million pounds for a reason
Blakemcm: first to broken stick money match
BrowneePoints: No but I watched Hayao play Third Strike
Obsc: well mashing the supers did more damage back then rawrLUL
DandyGeek: yeeeep
BrowneePoints: love that Hayao was still killing it on Hugo 20 years later
Blakemcm: its a lot of mashing in those games
Cpt_P: theyre designed to be heavy to be put on the floor and take a beating
josh___something: I thought you were gonna randomly shoot ManWithTheMask again re: hammering buttons XD
Cpt_P: because you have to beat the shit out of your stick to get max damage out of your supers in most cases lol
Omthebox: They also formed those habits as a child/teen.
BrowneePoints: speaking of Hayao did you show EVO moment 38 to the class this morning Adam?
AceGun_: I think they just meant Mask being a loud masher.
themercenary1987: Is that the Hayhugo thing?
Bearudite: doom is using the tools available. the tolls are just obnoxious
josh___something: I was talking about how you can hear the churn from their mic
BrowneePoints: ye @themercenary1987
Bearudite: *tools
LowUpsideCJ: They should build the whole fight stick out of the airplane black box
Laserbeaks_Fury: My grandparents had a TV that was inset in a huge wooden case with shelves and drawers. That thing was a piece of furniture
tryllebanjo: Need knees nerfed? Bring a bow and arrow, easy!
JinaMahavira: Dont be mad someone's using a good button, be mad the button is good
Omthebox: More than 2 dollars
itsr67: "this fightsticks have the screams of the damned inside"
saucemaster5000: hit the wrong button, you just hear "WE"RE GOING DOWWWWN"
Omthebox: ooof. That's a steal
Blakemcm: i just googled it. 10k-15k
dm818: One necropolis map
Omthebox: 20 fuse for shipping Pog
Blakemcm: its cause its also a little computer
Omthebox: Cells
TXC2: Blakemcm I would have guessed 64K
Omthebox: eug
themercenary1987: @saucemaster5000 Oh good lord... Thats somedark humour and i love it!
Omthebox: This sounds like a curse
jacqui_lantern234: OH LOOK!!! its a beautiful group of stellar friends whomst i value and treasure AGGRESSIVELY!!! <3
Laserbeaks_Fury: Black Boxes were only designed to survive crashes, not Street Fighters
Omthebox: At least you'll know your stick will be safe when the game crashes
LowUpsideCJ: god's perfect di
Blakemcm: sandblast!
tryllebanjo: Nice one
Musicsquid: there is no lucky only Nelson the goat
saucemaster5000: Sam Blast!
Mollylele: rc
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
BrowneePoints: molly would play Strive
itsr67: ridiculous as hell
yukimakingart: gear heads? let's go yukima18Bridgetjam
saucemaster5000: so strive as usual
Bearudite: Strive is a music lover's game
Omthebox: When you die without being able to perceive what happened for the 40th time
AceGun_: What if you got to play Strive three times at once?
Cpt_P: dnf duel...
saucemaster5000: cpt has a problem
josh___something: They buffed elphelt though too D:
Laserbeaks_Fury: Piplup!
saucemaster5000: and the problem is more dnf
Cpt_P: yea i put vegan thru the gauntlet
Cpt_P: busted the vanguard out
yukimakingart: @josh___something hell yeah yukima18Potatoelphelt yukima18Potatoelphelt yukima18Potatoelphelt
Cpt_P: they picked the game up surprisingly fast tho
Blakemcm: life too short to play low tiers
Cpt_P: they got games on me on my actual characters so
Blakemcm: although i dont listen to that advice either
Mr_Horrible: the only actual honest low-tier grappler
Omthebox: I will never not play GoldLewis in strive.
saucemaster5000: just play sf6 where at worst chars are mid tier
lochnessseammonster: life's too short to not play what you want
LowUpsideCJ: life's too short to play characters you don't like, imo
themercenary1987: You gonna try 2XKO when it arrives?
Omthebox: He got machingun
violetblight: lifes too short
Mr_Horrible: life's too short
BrowneePoints: my smash main is Duck Hunt…DUCK HUNT YALL
itsr67: no
saucemaster5000: GIMME THE CELL I gotta say the life thing
jacqui_lantern234: never give jacqui the braincell, got it
BrowneePoints: Bayonetta? boring AF. Duck Hunt? low tier but is goofy
vinewood_og: oh my bad been using this thing as a door stop
BrowneePoints: next month
AceGun_: August, yeah.
Omthebox: DOOR STUCK
vinewood_og: Yarp
Luckssmith: 8th to the 19th
Mr_Horrible: the August of Nelly
Cpt_P: if i dont get in im gonna be so fuckin sad
LowUpsideCJ: I don't need brain cells I need frame advantage
BrowneePoints: Help me StepLuke. I’m Door Stuck
tryllebanjo: lukedoor stuckstep
JinaMahavira: Well cooked
josh___something: What was the timeline for valorant?
saucemaster5000: gimme the plus frames
BrowneePoints: Riot has Stupid Money. they move whenever they want
Omthebox: on block on god
jacqui_lantern234: jokes on you, adam, i dont deserve EITHER Kappa
lochnessseammonster: what is this blocking you speak of?
Cpt_P: valorant was also like way less community outreached as far as testing and involvement
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
lochnessseammonster: i get it this sunday!
bo_brinkman: I saw ads for Valorant in Venice Beach yesterday ... and like ... why?
Mr_Horrible: lochnesssticksmonster incoming
BrowneePoints: Riot also doesn’t usually Beta test unless it’s for stress test or fine tuning
saucemaster5000: come play us gremlins, none of us have a braincell
lochnessseammonster: i'm not sure... just an old one my friend wasn't using anymore
bo_brinkman: I guess I thought that it was over/old, I'm probably just misinformed. :)
Cpt_P: still a lot for a skin said the poe player
BrowneePoints: also of COURSE Ahri was the first champion showing off skins for 2XKO
TXC2: I wouldn't pay £100 for a full game :p
BrowneePoints: they released a $500 Ahri skin
BrowneePoints: Riot has no care
Mr_Horrible: I mean none of the PoE stuff costs that much, but there's a *lot* of it
BlindRift98: f2p games generally funded by a very small number of whales
JinaMahavira: All the PoE purchases are for tabs Kappa
AceGun_: That's pretty much what 2XKO is doing, yeah.
Cpt_P: a lot of the poe stuff costs that much
nessiah_aries: Nicol Bollocks
Cpt_P: a single armor piece tops out at 27 dollars last i checked
BrowneePoints: wait did Nelly just parry a DI?
Cpt_P: yes theres cheaper ones ofc
OldUncleDan: $100 for something you don't own and can only have for as long as the servers are still up.
Helrumyc: ggs! that was fun
BrowneePoints: yea they showed off Dynasty Ahri already for 2XKO
Mr_Horrible: the comparison point was like 100 bucks tho Cpt LUL that's what I was talking about
saucemaster5000: I'd pay $100 for manon centaur
Mr_Horrible: but yeah there's def sets that are still on the pricey side in PoE
josh___something: I WISH more fighting games were free. I wanna mash on a character for an hour then drop it
Mr_Horrible: and then the bundles go up that high always as well
Helrumyc: Hel is fin
Helrumyc: Adam has it
Omthebox: Adam is a Savant with twitch names. Put that on your Resume
JinaMahavira: I believe you :)
Helrumyc: Hel-roo-mick
Helrumyc: I get that
Mr_Horrible: no one ask itira about Adam's name-guessing prowess, maintain the illusion Kappa
Helrumyc: I need to face someone that jumps so much it becomes muscle memory, I'm still bad at anti-air
saucemaster5000: still has never gotten mine right smh
AceGun_: no-scoped
saucemaster5000: it's "SAA-OOS" master
saucemaster5000: true
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Cpt_P: sausagemaster
Omthebox: How do you pronounce the 5000
AceGun_: It's "saucemaster5-oooooo"
Mr_Horrible: bro put in a typo in his own name
lochnessseammonster: you were the first to catch the extra m in my name
LMAOkai_: more like sauce-amateur....amirite gamers?
Mr_Horrible: embarrassing
themercenary1987: Oh well that tells me, I thought it was Swawsmaster
Mr_Horrible: that's a 10%
BlindRift98: no thoughts only dragon punchs
jacqui_lantern234: @saucemaster5000 no! is "beautiful friend whomst everyone loves aggressively!!!!"
Omthebox: OooOOOOooo, exile
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatClap
Mr_Horrible: he loves his voltaxic sulfite, streamer
Mr_Horrible: charged dashing straight into an early grave
Omthebox: Fairgraves monologue
CypherRaze: Did you ever get your ISP stuff situated Adam?
Helrumyc: Nelly is so good at throwing on DI
Omthebox: This certificate says I can do maps
Mr_Horrible: and that's where we play PoE
Mr_Horrible: on paper
saucemaster5000: "on paper, I am plus, sir"
CypherRaze: big sadge
Mr_Horrible: "Ok Cool"
clamml: does anyone from Load Ready Run even know where it came from? the steamers from Magic dont know
saucemaster5000: they did some stuff
Mr_Horrible: that's not exaggeration
TXC2: I keep getting my Wifi disconnected while playing Arena :p
Omthebox: seabatApp
pn55: jlrrFacepalm
Mr_Horrible: Shaw out here just typing anything
JinaMahavira: It worked fine that one day too LUL
Omthebox: We did stuff :) hope it helps uwu
Bearudite: uwu
Mr_Horrible: okay boss
saucemaster5000: Nut today
Mr_Horrible: to be fair that one at least kinda fits
Mr_Horrible: Ed has never nutted in his life
LMAOkai_: nut today!!!
Omthebox: Oh he totally says that
josh___something: NUT TODAY
Cpt_P: cant do it nelly sorry
Cpt_P: poe league
themercenary1987: Is that what we tell the devil?
Cpt_P: no time
TXC2: Nut done yet ?
themercenary1987: NUT TODAY SATAN!
Cpt_P: yes
Omthebox: He has yeah
Mr_Horrible: yup, new filter's up
Mr_Horrible: login streamer
Omthebox: That man does the lords work
Mr_Horrible: kanagoFast
Mai_Andra: "Nut today!" - Satan (probably)
themercenary1987: @Mai_Andra Even better!
Omthebox: grab, grabgrab
Mr_Horrible: the fact that it got super quiet right there was perfect
AceGun_: Double whiff throw into "I never miss!"
Mr_Horrible: "PSYCHO KNUCKLE!" "I missed?!"
Mr_Horrible: strong case for it
Helrumyc: I thought bad horror games were
Omthebox: The worse you are at fighting games the funnier they get
ItsThugDimmadome: Nothing beats "WOSHIGE NOOOOOOOO"
saucemaster5000: Played an hr makoto mirror last night. Best stand-up set I've ever seen
Cpt_P: fgs fuckin clear jackbox
Cpt_P: and its not close
Iluvatardis: i'll bite. why are fighting games the funniest?
Mr_Horrible: very good Goof-Ass Moment production
josh___something: mario party is a SALTMINE
Cpt_P: people that laugh at knock knock jokes laugh at mario party
themercenary1987: That "Most out of pocket Fighting game Moments" thread makes me agree!
AceGun_: Homogenius is the factory that spits out all the goofy FGC products.
BrowneePoints: fighting games can’t quite hit the Lethal Company/Fall Guys tier tho. sorry
Mr_Horrible: there's a lot of very silly situations that happen in FGs, both surface-level and meta-level
DandyGeek: Funny = seeing someone get KO'd by Sean's basketball in 3S
josh___something: Drive rush into drive rush into drive rush into gief SA3
Helrumyc: pressing buttons to see cool shit but then whiff is peek
josh___something: (Also, lethal company)
ItsThugDimmadome: Pokchop's "I'M COOKIN' RIGHT NOW" is a c lassic
Cpt_P: once you get past the learning and competition
Cpt_P: you get to start doing funny shit
Mr_Horrible: FGs produced the Aegis Reflector meme, they're definitely in the top 3
TXC2: the humour is emergent gameplay in fighting games
lochnessseammonster: hi-lariat-us
saucemaster5000: games that are designed to "be funny" (ie cards against humanity) are never as funny as serious games
lochnessseammonster: shhhhh
BrowneePoints: what about the one with Akuma block stepping up to Gief and then Raging Demon’ing in their face?
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
themercenary1987: @ItsThugDimmadome Mine is when the guy gets up to celebrate and misses his final set. Just a NOOOOO! laughter moment
saucemaster5000: no shush, only stfus
josh___something: EPIC WIN
Bearudite: ladidadi dah
Cpt_P: i dont know why people always walked back after throwtech against urien
itsr67: ser, my footies game
Cpt_P: that shit worked a solid 80% of the time
LMAOkai_: nelly's footies game is on point
Zebra_monkey subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zebra_monkey! (Today's storm count: 8)
ManWithTheMask13: Your footies are immaculate, sire
Mollylele: got in a bit of a stooshy there bruv
saucemaster5000: da footies, da mixes
josh___something: keep going
themercenary1987: God... You british accent was so bad it crashed the stream here in the UK
Mr_Bitterness: What is this, Fallout London?
ManWithTheMask13: @mr_bitterness GTA London, unfortunately
ItsThugDimmadome: @themercenary1987 A permanent stain on your soul. If you can kill 20 mins, look up Sonic Fox vs Perfect Legend. There's a recap of a real brutal set.
Cpt_P: itd be ed and falke prolly
TXC2: we need Falke in the game for that
themercenary1987: @ItsThugDimmadome Is that the 13-0 because the dude falied to realise that SonicFox was king?
josh___something: that is not a nelly specific problem
LowUpsideCJ: ggs ggs
ItsThugDimmadome: @themercenary1987 Hell yeah it is.
themercenary1987: I don't know, the stream melted when you both started
josh___something: I die to maximum gorilla all the time
saucemaster5000: I'm more of an accent grave than an accent agu
BrowneePoints: Falke is Ed’s older sister
ManWithTheMask13: I got a new cat yesterday actually
LowUpsideCJ: Don't worry I'm just bad
themercenary1987: But my canadian would be just as bad!
saucemaster5000: @ManWithTheMask13 name?
Blakemcm: the answer for both is "War Crimes"
josh___something: Well, one's been DEAD for the latter part of a year
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 Vara mrsilkSquishy
Mr_Bitterness: @ManWithTheMask13 I hope they find a lovely home with you!
josh___something: and one invested into NFTs
themercenary1987: @ItsThugDimmadome I've seen it, its Hi-Larious!
saucemaster5000: nice
TXC2: Shadaloo got shut down, so now Bison has no money
Cpt_P: bison crawled out of a grave and did not stop at mens warehouse on his way to do violence
LowUpsideCJ: Also I had the stream open to listen to any commentary and the delay was really throwing me off at the start
JinaMahavira: @josh___something LUL
ManWithTheMask13: @mr_bitterness Thank you! lrrSHINE
themercenary1987: jeeeeezzzz
ItsThugDimmadome: @themercenary1987 The back pedal hurt me.
saucemaster5000: it's the security blanket
Cpt_P: no he already had the shinguards
BrowneePoints: he already had the shinguards
bo_brinkman: Dumpster?
Cpt_P: his attire was already equipped
saucemaster5000: Bison is an arby's stan
Mr_Horrible: Bison ordering Moons Over My Hammy
Blakemcm: prepare... me a moons over my hammi weakling
BrowneePoints: bison only eats at Old country Buffet
e_bloc: easy Applebees
BrowneePoints: he yearns for the Country Kitchen
themercenary1987: Didn't he steal those off of three guys in an alley?
Faulpyr: Wafflehouse?
AFamiliarCalledEl: I think he just asks for handouts from food trucks
Mai_Andra: Bison woke up naked in an alley and was already wearing the shin guards.
JinaMahavira: Bison confirmed for the subwayverse
Mr_Horrible: Bison ordering: "Satisfy my hunger! That is all I need from you."
Mollylele: Bison seems like a 7-Eleven hot dogs kinda guy
Mr_Bitterness: What the hell, where'd he get that horse!?!
ThrashPriest: Dennys or something yea
e_bloc: oh he spent the shirt money on a horse
themercenary1987: Bison needs resturants that allow pets. He needs his horse
Mr_Horrible: the horse is a friend, Nelly
Mr_Horrible: not property
Talin06: is street fighter now in the Subway-virs?
Cpt_P: the horse found him technically
saucemaster5000: bison goes to applebee's but leaves if they don't have the sweet chili sauce and goes across town to the other
ManWithTheMask13: Shout-out to Hyperial, who, after I posted a pic of my cat in the server, said "A Loyal Fan"
Mr_Horrible: Bison actually died because IHOP briefly changed to IHOb
Mr_Horrible: that's what killed him
Helrumyc: I'm agreeing with Wafflehouse, since he wouldn't have to go far if he wanted to fight or eat
BrowneePoints: Bison is trying to invent a Time Machine to re experience Country Kitchen
Iluvatardis: A Horse and His Bison
Mr_Horrible: Bison goes to Waffle House but ironically has never gotten into a fight there
LowUpsideCJ: I'll say this, no one in bronze ranked anti airs as well as nelly lmao gotta work on that tendency
Cpt_P: what if my horse likes waffle house
AFamiliarCalledEl: Maybe the horse is the one who makes the money in the relationship
ManWithTheMask13: LMAO
JinaMahavira: Bison orders a black coffee and grits at a wafflehouse
BrowneePoints: Bison has a QUICK drive rush
Mr_Horrible: he's the guy just stoicly eating his eggs in the foreground of those photos
ManWithTheMask13: The ancient knowledge
ThrashPriest: He needs a good sleep schedule for global domination though, he misses peak wafflehouse hours
BrowneePoints: it’s not quite Deejay speed but it’s quick
Talin06: Bison is a puppet the horse is the real character
themercenary1987: I LOVE the mario stomp
saucemaster5000: I mean I order black coffee
Diabore: even serge
Mr_Horrible: black coffee yum kanagoPop
Helrumyc: Black coffee is my jam. Also just straight espresso is good
BrowneePoints: Does Adam enjoy a good Ham Steak with Red Eye Gravy and Pancakes?
Faulpyr: I order no coffee. It's gross
Naesiir: yay black coffee!!
Cpt_P: flavored black coffee doesnt count
AFamiliarCalledEl: I don't order black coffee, but I drink it black when I make it
themercenary1987: @Talin06 That would be the GREATEST twist
saucemaster5000: i don't need a fucking milk leaf just give me the bean juice
Mollylele: black coffee with a teeny bit of maple syrup tho
themercenary1987: you got bombed
bo_brinkman: Coffee + condensed milk because grandma said so.
Helrumyc: Granted, I'm weird, I grind my own beans and measure the bean to water ratio before brewing
Blakemcm: if you do any damage to bison while its on you it goes away
Naesiir: Bison is kind of like Aki in that way
AFamiliarCalledEl: @Helrumyc That's not weird, that's just how to make coffee :v
ManWithTheMask13: I've had black coffee with butter in it
JinaMahavira: @Helrumyc that's just crafting with love
Helrumyc: @AFamiliarCalledEl You're right, but some people thing it's weird to actually measure at home
saucemaster5000: I mean, my go to morning coffee is now just a double shot of espress with a half scoop of caramel ice cream
Blakemcm: coconut oil is good to cook with
BrowneePoints: if you like black coffee Adam, do you enjoy red eye gravy?
Naesiir: My friend uses Sweetened Condensed Milk
lochnessseammonster: i put spicy maple syrup in my coffee the other day... but i don't drink it black PrideLaugh
Blakemcm: and when its room temp it solidifies and you scoop it
Helrumyc: It's technically the correct way to make coffee because it'll be the exact same cup of coffee everytime
ManWithTheMask13: Evil Butter
CypherRaze: yeah there are people that put just plain butter in their coffee.\
AFamiliarCalledEl: @Helrumyc They're weird. I have so many scales
BrowneePoints: it’s a diner gravy you make with coffee
saucemaster5000: "sir, is the butter evil?"
ItsThugDimmadome: Yo Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk is sooooo gooooood
Helrumyc: @AFamiliarCalledEl I have a kettle in the office and bring my grinder and scale from home
ManWithTheMask13: Hits you with the wack ass mixup
themercenary1987: PREPARE!
Mr_Horrible: Bison pyscho-crusher-ing directly to the restroom after drinking that coffee
rin_the_kat: try the black Vietnamese coffee
themercenary1987: its how he orders at resteraunts
Cpt_P: whats that one coffee thats made of weasel dookie beans
Mr_Horrible: even better
JinaMahavira: Imagine being in a wafflehouse, and Bison just mantains eye contact while he puts sausage gravy into his coffee
ManWithTheMask13: Bison is like doing an ad for Evil Butter
Mollylele: civets
Mr_Horrible: civets or something Cpt_P
Diabore: oh, yeah, there civet shit coffee
TXC2: there's bat guano coffee
Helrumyc: Never buy civet coffee
Cpt_P: look like a weasel to me
ManWithTheMask13: Honda Civics
Mollylele: sharkf11BRAINCELL
BrowneePoints: Red Eye Gravy is a sauce made with Pan-fried ham drippings and Black Coffee. it’s usually served at diners with ham steak, grits etc @loadingreadyrun
saucemaster5000: I'm forming a heist team to take the braincell
saucemaster5000: who's the money man?
Naesiir: Kopi Luwak coffee is the civet coffee
Greyah: Kopi Luwak is also... generally not produced in an animal-friendly way.
Helrumyc: I stepped out of the room because my lunch is over, but I still want to play!
themercenary1987: Bison's hell dive jump is so versatile i'm finding, fake outs, late activations
Blakemcm: isnt that move called "evil Knee"
themercenary1987: its the CA for "Worm"
Blakemcm: i find that very funny
Mr_Horrible: "Punish that" *Nelly just bans them*
themercenary1987: Bison is kinda like Mono Red, all attack all day. It pleases my lizard brain
ManWithTheMask13: Block this 10 minute timeout
Blakemcm: sneak out with jabs was great
Omthebox: I woulda hit a fuckin button 10 times
Omthebox: And got hit 9 of those times
Naesiir: seabatClap
Seth_Erickson: yooo those footsies from nelly PogChamp
TXC2: lets go!
ManWithTheMask13: gohunt1Torch
lochnessseammonster: let us praise you nelson seabatClap seabatOAK
Naesiir: that legally-distinct Honda headbutt is rough
themercenary1987 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel!
themercenary1987 gifted a Tier 1 sub to crest_revort!
themercenary1987 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tapewurm93!
themercenary1987 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Drewind!
themercenary1987 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kurozukiyuu!
themercenary1987 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Midnightskypoet!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, themercenary1987! Welcome to tapewurm93, Midnightskypoet, kurozukiyuu, crest_revort, and Drewind! (Today's storm count: 13)
Omthebox: I remember a 40-2 set with Canadianbacon in a Nagoryuki mirror. Where I learned I can get very salty. OpieOP
TXC2: themercenary1987 lrrHEART
themercenary1987: For Nelson's hard work
shurtal: little does anyone know, Bison's latest body is part horse, that's why he moves so fast. and why he has a horse
Omthebox: They really do.
Omthebox: But its good because that meant I cared about being better I think
LMAOkai_: ggs Nelly!
BrowneePoints: much like Fatboy Slim Nelson, we’re trying to Praise You like we should
LMAOkai_: your defensive is coming together
LowUpsideCJ: @BrowneePoints well now I gotta play the song
Blakemcm: uppercut punish counter for 40%
themercenary1987: @BrowneePoints And thats now in my head. And i need to go listen to a bunch of fat boy slim. This is a good thing!
AceGun_: Maybe we could spend some time writing up a literal flowchart for nelly
Omthebox: Moderation in all things
Mr_Horrible: we're out here Walking With Grace
Naesiir: seems like a lot of information to internalize
Helrumyc: If everyone had time and interest, the oki hosts should all come in to the office to play 2XKO when they can, since it's a tag fighter
Blakemcm: get all characters to Plat series with seabats
saucemaster5000: manon is +3 on a confirmed vacuum combo
Helrumyc: could all come in, should is too demanding
Omthebox: Its nice to not get your face beat in without resistance.
saucemaster5000: lmao no -8
LowUpsideCJ: I tried my best!
Helrumyc: I completely forgot about that
Omthebox: Also where the heck is she hiding the vacuume
saucemaster5000: in ur butt
Naesiir: Who do you think you'll try out first in 2xko?
Omthebox: @saucemaster5000 dolphinS
Cpt_P: i mean you can technically just run it online offline if you have enough setups for it lol
BrowneePoints: Adam will 100% be on Illaoi Brain
BrowneePoints: Braum*
Diabore: isnt 2hko a 2 character game? or am i misremembering
Cpt_P: it is
Naesiir: yes, a tag team game
Diabore: so adam can play both illaoi and ahri
LMAOkai_: but....poro command grab
Cpt_P: 2 people is optional
Cpt_P: not in alphalab
Diabore: oh i thought it was like dbz and mvc
Cpt_P: in release you can
BrowneePoints: not in alpha ye
Cpt_P: its closest to mvci/power rangers
Diabore: cant wait for the first evo with 2hko, thatll be wild
Cpt_P: but also does not have incoming like traditional marvel
BrowneePoints: it’s like Marvel on a few less Uppers
Helrumyc: @BrowneePoints That's still a lot of uppers though
BrowneePoints: @helrumyc ya got me there
Helrumyc: As Cammy, doing the Hooligan Combination on a command grab feels great
saucemaster5000: the hitbox on manon's jumping heavy is wild
Diabore: and saved super
Naesiir: on a sliver let's go!!
DaVeganPolice: NotLikeThis damn
Diabore: dont notice the monkeys, they dont like to precieved
Helrumyc: I notice the general shape and color, details don't exist
BrowneePoints: Hope she’s an inevitable Poison tease Easter egg
Naesiir: they're biding their time to commit fruit crimes
saucemaster5000: the monkeys' tails just touched
saucemaster5000: that means they are married
virgil82: They have monkey business to take care of
Blakemcm: modern mommy manon
TXC2: remember: if you see someone (or some monkey ) stealing food, you didn't
Blakemcm: grab me
itsr67: o7
e_bloc: freedom
Omthebox: PoE time
saucemaster5000: we're freeee!
Naesiir: honestly fair
tod_vom_himmel: oki oki is over forever good job
Blakemcm: right at 3 hours. perfect
saucemaster5000: Time to go stare at some apples at the corner vendor
Omthebox: Its street fighter
Mr_Horrible: Haggar was mayor of Earth
Mr_Horrible: he made it legal
tod_vom_himmel: its justified in metro city by hagars anti crime bill
shurtal: Street fighter opperates on Yu-Gi-Oh rules
tod_vom_himmel: but why can you do it everywhere else
Cpt_P: not a single cop would be able to stop even the weakest street fighter character
LowUpsideCJ: Who is stopping fireball throwing guy and electric monster
Mollylele: and yet arenas to fight exist? so are these street fights unsanctioned?
themercenary1987: @Mr_Horrible Makes sense
BrowneePoints: easy. Luke could kill a cop with one punch. are YOU gonna arrest these weirdos?
lightfut: Not gonna lie, I don't trust most cops to be able to successfully subdue this cast
Cpt_P: dan hibiki can punch holes in a normal persons chest with little effort
shurtal: yu-gi-oh rules, everybody is into it. Wars are decided by street fights
darkhalcyon: well, also apparently these people can come back from the dead?
e_bloc: nah everyone in this world can fireball
saucemaster5000: "he asked the question, send out the capcom police" BWEEE BWOO
e_bloc: the guys in the background just dont care enough
Mollylele: if I were running this fruit stand where people are always fighting I'd be PISSED
themercenary1987: Because warriors can only communicate with their fists. Your basically playing through a friendly greeting
Saintnex: there are
BrowneePoints: Rose can have her Scarlet Witch moment and say “No More Fighters”
shurtal: i do. that's how i find out about yard sales in my small town
TXC2: we still get a free paper round here
LowUpsideCJ: Also, as a late night transit rider, people do fight in the street whether they're allowed to or not
saucemaster5000: make em pay for every apple
Blakemcm: these fighters are worse than the damn monkies!!!
lochnessseammonster: bruhhh
Blakemcm: Bananna
itsr67: nana
BrowneePoints: whichever one you like
Greyah: banan
Mollylele: peach
Saintnex: apple, so mushy
lochnessseammonster: true
Veggiekeks: i pay for an actual daily newspaper. The paper release is phasing out end of this year though
saucemaster5000: overly squishy peach sucks
BrowneePoints: Yall don’t even eat bananas at the right time don’t give me “banana”
rosesmcgee: Bruised nectarine
BrowneePoints: if your banana has no brown on it it’s NOT RIPE YET
Saintnex: also apples gets so grainy too
lochnessseammonster: bananas are always fine once you cover them in nutella
saucemaster5000: if we count em overripe avocado kinda sucks
e_bloc: tomatoes are no good
BrowneePoints: apples turn to mush when they’re overripe
measureofhope: Overripe bananas are diabolical
e_bloc: but at least you can puree a tomato
Blakemcm: @saucemaster5000 brown guac is sad guac
Faulpyr: I had a nutella donut this morning!
saucemaster5000: more like....
saucemaster5000: wait for it
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: european nutella > na nutella
saucemaster5000: poo-tella
measureofhope: You should cover a banana in nutella. I recommend peeling it first
Saintnex: I kinda consider Nutella as just better peanut butter tbh
lochnessseammonster: i once gave it up for lent cuz that's how much i was eating in university PrideLaugh
darkhalcyon: but hey now, NA street fighter is Evo champion level
TXC2: any and all Euro chocolate thing is better then NA
saucemaster5000: nutella and peach slices on crepes is goated
lochnessseammonster: if you're eating coward's peanubtbutter then yes
LMAOkai_: ew peanut butter, the worst
measureofhope: I wish there was crunchy nutella
mediocregopher: nutella is just candy
BrowneePoints: Yall realize that not all chocolate in the US is Milk Chocolate right?
lochnessseammonster: mood PrideLaugh
Blakemcm: niceeeeeee!!!!
saucemaster5000: I gave up lent for lent checkmate god believers
Mollylele: 50th time's the charm, as they say
Naesiir: I don't buy Nutella anymore because I'll just eat it straight out of the jar with a spoon like the degenerate I am
lochnessseammonster: @Naesiir the best way
Saintnex: @measureofhope oh god crunchy Nutella sounds god tier
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: you say that but if someone served me oatmeal bread and called it cake I would have many questions
Naesiir: the limit does not exist
LowUpsideCJ: 50th try is me charged knuckling into DIs until I get the kill rush cancel timing down
BrowneePoints: anyways I can’t do Crunchy Peanut Butter cuz one of my big Neurodivergent thing is food texture
Naesiir: @BrowneePoints I also can't deal with the texture
LowUpsideCJ: @BrowneePoints Most relatable thing I've read today
Blakemcm: one CA away you were very close
BrowneePoints: if I have something crunch in something smooth I will immediately void my stomach
Saintnex: do what some wwe wrestlers do with peanut butter and spread Nutella over a rice cake lol
LMAOkai_: ggs ggs
LowUpsideCJ: ggs all ggs
Saintnex: ggs
lightfut: Successfully fought the streets today
TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam and Nelson
themercenary1987: GG
Naesiir: thanks for having these streams!
Juliamon: My dad accidentally bought crunchy pb last time and I was like "eh it's not worth the gas to return it for smooth" and boy am I having regrets
Mollylele: ruined some fruit vendor's day, good job boys
TXC2: in this timeline
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Saintnex: poor Jasper :(
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
thatguysteve2709: Thanks for the stream
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (50m from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Cpt_P: time to instant transmission home and start charge dashing
Naesiir: who has time for magic when it's league start in PoE
lochnessseammonster: good to take a step back for sure
Mollylele: he smoked the whole pack of Magic
measureofhope: But there's otters and little squirrels now
LowUpsideCJ: yeah that's a painful one
TXC2: yeah I feel you there Adam
Blakemcm: the ultimate you either have lands and spells or you dont
Naesiir: Oooo secrets
LowUpsideCJ: oh nice!
Mai_Andra: hype
Naesiir: ffxiv boss fights let's go
AceGun_: Thanks for the stream!
LowUpsideCJ: ggs all
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, lads
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
Mr_Horrible: lrrSHINE
Saintnex: take care!
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Wolfstrike_NL: have fun with PoE!
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
LordZarano: Checkpoint: https://youtu.be/0NVhypJN5f8 (22 minutes)
dumbo3k: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (44m from now).
dumbo3k: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: The Real Sparky Sparkswall
TXC2: goodnight everybody
Earthenone: !advice
LRRbot: Parry everything.
Earthenone: !findquote parry
LRRbot: Quote #7061: "I am a Parry God in a faithless world." —Cameron [2020-07-16]