SaxPython: What's good pre-Point chat? I hope you're having a cool and good day.
Juliamon: Squeezing in today's gvlog before chillin'
SaxPython: I'm on Spain 3. I'm a little behind.
SaxPython: I'm glad I get to see slices of Penny. I lhave a 6 yr old daughter and I really use the Stark family as mentors at a distance.
SaxPython: I know we want to have big family adventures, but the logistics scare me. I appreciate being able to see it
GapFiller: gdi just rewatched the episode and cant remember any of it
GapFiller: blame it on watching the Opening Ceremony for the rest of the nite
GapFiller: boats thats ingenious so it is
Juliamon: You'll enjoy today's then. G talks a bit about how he's being careful about keeping her off film as much as he can until she's old enough to make an informed choice about it, and then we get lots of glimpses of her throughout the episode
SaxPython: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Wandering Monster!
GapFiller: were that more parents who have spent the past twenty years in the trenches of the evolving neu media were that responsible abt exposing their children to the trade eh
RockPusher wanders what the monster is wandering about lrrBEEJ
DideRobot: LRR: An opportunity to film a LoadingReadyLIVE prerecord came up fairly last minute, so we've made the call to move this weeks episode of LIVE to next week. Tune in August 3rd at 6:00PM for the next LIVE! |
TokenMickus: Pensive minotaur contemplating leg
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCrab lrrSIG
GapFiller: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG NEU1
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
RockPusher: I saw LRL had moved on the calendar and assumed it was just resting after a Very Busy Week™ but I am down for unexpected prerecord shenanigans
niccus: beware of unexpected bits
GapFiller: this sounds alarmingly close to what they were dancing to on the Seine (in the rain)
GapFiller: prob just a coincidence
KV1NN4: THis is a good thing hoeslty because my brain was somehow thinking it wa sinexplicably next week before July wraps up* adhd man..
kusinohki: meows
GapFiller: woof
kusinohki: nearly forgot about chill point. totally forgot to do my homework for it though...
DideRobot: LRR: Time for Chillpoint! Hang out with Beej Heather and Paul and chat about the week's gaming news. (has image) |
GapFiller: who the Hell stans homework enough to equate it watching a comedy internet video
kusinohki: erm.... I forgot to watch the pre-trailer for the main show??
TheMerricat: NGL, if I could return to the world where all I had was homework and not WORK WORK. I'd stan homework.
GapFiller: to be so innocent eh
TheMerricat: Also chat, can we discuss how the use of homework assignments as children prepared us for a shitty work life balance as adults who thought it was OK to bring work home?
GapFiller: YES!
BusTed: tqsShrug
RockPusher: I mean if poetry and architecture can be…
GapFiller: good ebening lrrPAUL lrrBEEEJ lrrHEATHER lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
kusinohki: olympic speed dating....
SaxPython: I'm here for competitive infographics
CranstonSnord: Microsoft Office Suite Pentathlon?
SocraticMethod: "CAD $20,000, CAD $15,000 and CAD $10,000, for gold, silver and bronze, respectively"
BrowneePoints: 1980s polos
BrowneePoints: they do like nice
GapFiller: CranstonSnord if they can talk of Olympic esports why not Olympic Microsoft Office
GapFiller: saying that as a joek but honestly feeling half srs abt it
Earthenone: speaking of fangamer, they are doing a reprint of db shirts right now
SocraticMethod: MS Excel Championship is already a thing
BrowneePoints: Mongolia's Olympic uniforms are FIRE
Roughly21Smurfs: sponsoring yourself sounds like the start of a pyramid scheme
Roughly21Smurfs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Roughly21Smurfs! (Today's storm count: 14)
Mollylele: lrrDOTS lrrHEATHER lrrPAUL lrrBEEEJ lrrDOTS
kusinohki: wiggins and samwonk will represent...
GapFiller: BrowneePoints if anyone wants proof of that statement check this out:
LordZarano: Having seen the PeopleMakeGames video about Excel esports it absolutely could be in the Olympics. They could even switch to LibreOffice to avoid the corporate conflict of interest
jimmynationrules: for the guy in the blue shirt, thoughts on what happened to the civilians on java island during the 1883 eruption of mount krakatoa?
Mollylele: sir this is a gaming news show
jimmynationrules: ive got to have the answers
LordZarano: !ser
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! DUALSHOCK 4 battery level low.
lightfut: "this has boss baby energy" - someone that has only ever seen boss baby
Mollylele: you are going to get answers to different questions here
Mollylele: !maam
GapFiller: LordZarano had to double check whether LibreOffice was infact open source just then but it was and honestly thats not a bad solution to the whole copyright thing in general re esports
TheMerricat: ""The only thing that’s different this time around is that we’re not doing this with Nintendo, which means if we make something that’s really good, we are amazing. And if we make something that doesn’t come out as good, well hey, then Nintendo is pretty amazing." - is another line the devs said out loud so... :D
incslayer: two bedroom apartment? what luxury is this that Beej speaks of?
GapFiller: itll be fine is nxt to trust me bro on the red flag scale
BrowneePoints: very few end up like Might No. Oof
BrowneePoints: Mighty*
noSmokeFire: it's a videogame, michael, what could it cost? $10?
kirealx: Hi Brownie
loufghyslaufey: Oh, you mean today's ceremony?
dumbo3k: @noSmokeFire You all have Phones, don't you?
loufghyslaufey: Why, yes. I heard people on Mastodon have notes over the initial event(s).
loufghyslaufey: *Or had notes regarding today's Olympic formalities?
RockPusher: If you want independent, evergreen e-sport then the game community needs to build a selection of FOSS e-sport games
TheMerricat: NGL chat, till the Checkpoint episode, I forgot the Olympics were even a thing happening this year...
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Will they play patched chess, or keep the castling bug?
SaxPython: Nerf en passant
TheMerricat: The true answer to what video games should be showcased in the Olympics eSports category MUST be "California Games" - if you fail to include this... you have failed.
LordZarano: There's a few games they could pick from, Osu! for example
dumbo3k: I think the best kind of game for an Olympic esports would be one of those games where characters are chained together
bytecaster: StarCraft 1!
SaxPython: @dumbo3k PogChamp lrrSHINE PogChamp
Desruprot: @bytecaster sadly that has gore, so not likely
TheMerricat: The Olympics don't have a problem with guns, they have a problem with shooting them at people.
SaxPython: Competitive Time Crisis
RockPusher: What would cover the bases? Team-FPS, Fighter, RTS, Football Sim, Racing Sim…
Desruprot: Wii Sports Resort
LordZarano: There's a training app people use for FPSs that would be a very good fit
BrowneePoints: But they can't have a competition judging how good people are hurling slurs at Devs and Voice Actors on social media Paul!
SocraticMethod: Biathlon uses real rifle, just really small caliber AFAIK?
bytecaster: Aren't there the official Carbot Skins for SC2, those are cute!
Desruprot: the strategic and reaction time testing
LordZarano: KovaaK's aim trainer. Extremely generic and takes extremely precise measurements of your gameplay
Laserbeaks_Fury: If you aren't fighting giant robot dinosaurs, it's not Archery Kappa
RockPusher: For archery I would use Probably Archery
RockPusher: The Surgeon Simulator of Archery :D
Voldiren subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Voldiren! (Today's storm count: 15)
TheMerricat: So when 'the arts' were parts of the Olympics, the point of them being included was to accentuate sports. The grading/scoring criteria was based on how they linked whatever was submitted back to the Olympics and/or sports...
Laserbeaks_Fury: You know, if the Olympics wanted to build their own games so they can control the standards, that's not a terrible idea
Desruprot: e-sports should also be winter not summer
GapFiller: the opening ceremony is literally live rn yes
Desruprot: the opening ceremony happening as we speak
GapFiller: missed Canada in the Parade of Nations earlier lrrAWW
Izandai: Unless you're watching this four years later in which case it might be happening again!
TheAinMAP: Cauldron has been lit.
GapFiller: nalvCool
BusTed: 🤔
niccus: ah next lrrmans is going to be an obstacle course
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeSteer katesSteer
abslomdaak42: LUL
Dread_Pirate_Westley: So realistic! That looks just like when I was on the highway earlier.
Izandai: huh
RockPusher: The hopsital is in the sub ocean?
GhostValv: o7
GapFiller: omg if only no clipping yr car was possible irl
itThatWearsBlack: Sometimes you need an amberlans in the sub-ocean
Juliamon: If you find yourself in the subocean, you probably *do* need hopsital
Laserbeaks_Fury: Cross-Country Clipping
Gizmoloid: That's why I miss old system of releasing patches - the player had the option to update and didn't have to jump through as many hoops to downgrade if needed.
dumbo3k: @Juliamon My Insurance doesn't cover Sub-Ocean-Hospitals. What do?
Gizmoloid: Though this is admittedly hilarious
Izandai: The Ross Chastain.
udzmmu: There was actually this very problem at Evo last weekend I understand. A MK match had to be redone because it was the wrong game version, and the match results flipped
pyronils80: The Nascar driver who did the videogamelike wallride! That was awesome!
Izandai: ough
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Yeah, but Delta Squad didn't do it WELL.
LurkerSpine: Yeah, I was there, the crowd for the top 6 was not pleased
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's the 2080 E-Lympics. A new record for Racing is achieved when an athlete discovered driving backwards at the starting line opened a secret route,
Izandai: BEEJ NO
SocraticMethod: Nova Squadron tried Kolvoord Starburst. It didn't end well
Earthenone: the marquis dressage?
GapFiller: Furry Olympics!
RockPusher: Mascot Wrestling?
Izandai: I thought you meant large hairy gay men.
Earthenone: sumo, but kuma, so kumo?
GapFiller: thats what we need
itThatWearsBlack: Oh that kind of bear
DiamondMX: All sports are improved by making the competitors wear a fursuit.
BrowneePoints: Gonna see Chiitan double dropkick someone
Lord_Hosk: I assumed Heather wanted to burly hairy gay dudes to fight
LordZarano: If dressage can be an Olympic sport why not videogames?
RockPusher: dixGRITCHAMP would clean up
Strebenherz: I thought you meant the garmin bears >_>
abslomdaak42: Doesn't have to be just bears, twinks can also join the fight
Laserbeaks_Fury: An unprecedented 8-way tie for Gold is achieved when all competitors earn the same frame perfect speedrun of SMB
RubikDarkwill: Mr Floaty!
GapFiller: more places need this tbh
SquareDotCube: @laserbeaks_fury nah, they discovered that there wasn't a max speed cap on going backwards
LurkerSpine: wait what?
TheAinMAP: 2020Unroll
omdorastrix: The ocean, everyone's toilet
LurkerSpine: ewww
RubikDarkwill: He ran for mayor but they refused to put him on the ballot
mtvcdm: Oh, right, hi hello I definitely haven't been away for hours watching Opening Ceremony
GapFiller: mtvcdm phunnily enough guess what we are discussing rn
Strebenherz: Just add more human hands
Jean_Jacques_EB: chillpoint after the jo ceremony cool night
Koios7: succinHead
SquareDotCube: Mascots, a stable source of work for yaoi
mtvcdm: A clipboard means you can make anyone do anything
RockPusher: Heather inflicts horrors on the crew *is* and evergreen LRL bit lrrBEEJ
Laserbeaks_Fury: Would it be an automatic DQ if you don't choose Fox?
mtvcdm: Okay.... speaking of, sort of, there's a question I never asked you guys when I was in town. Why was there a wacky waving inflatable tube man on top of the Salvation Army building?
SquareDotCube: Could be a cryptid, mtvcdm
mtvcdm: If you're in the middle of a rug it means someone is actively murdering you
BusTed: 🏅
RockPusher: why shouldn't there be a wacky waving inflatable tube man on top of the Salvation Army building?
GapFiller: that this discussion involves two Albertans who presumably have personal (2nd hand) experience of the summer rodeos feels not irrelevant
Juliamon: Clearly the Salvation Army realized they could be annoying outside the Christmas season as well
Koios7: NLRB?
udzmmu: NLRB yeah
Koios7: I choose to see it as Bethesda and ABK being happy to have their employees unionize so Microsoft can’t just fire them all again
JoeKim: hello nerds
JoeKim: oh yeah. the new game pass stuff is nuts
incslayer: they can do that though
LurkerSpine: The FTC demonstrated itself incompetent in that hearing
Laserbeaks_Fury: You gotta dust the chainsaw off every few decades
LurkerSpine: if they go after anyone, I really hope they hire better
mtvcdm: It depends on how much the people in charge of the FTC are inclined or instructed to care.
Doc_Layzah: Didn't they threaten to split Microsoft around 2000?
GapFiller: Beej nobody needs that prompt
GapFiller: everyone takes it for granted thats what theyre there for
mtvcdm: Is it true they got removed for some sort of error or was that a satire thing.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Seems like Cybertrucks in Fortnite would be kinda OP with their innate ability to run people over
JoeKim: they also have fancy dogtags now
saiarcot895: so this is the sneak peek for next week's checkpoint
mtvcdm: Yeah, this sucks, Humble Games was good, they put out really good stuff.
JoeKim: the official phrase they settled on
Juliamon: They """restructured"""
KV1NN4: mmmmm...yeah it affected a game i've been following
JoeKim: "restructured"
mtvcdm: Typically I'd be putting up the command for the LRR Humble partner link but it seems.... *wrong*, right now.
Izandai: OH GOD
mtvcdm: (flips table)
GapFiller: jlrrFacepalm
patbaer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
patbaer: have fun with your cards.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, patbaer! (Today's storm count: 16)
Laserbeaks_Fury: I mean, firing all the staff is techincally restructuring
KeytarCat: "Not being" is pretty stable
GapFiller: common Community Note W
JoeKim: razing is restructuring
Coloneljesus: the new structure is none structure
JoeKim: just saying
TheMerricat: Just a preliminary reminder to chat, while they share the Humble name. Humble Games and Humble Bundle are two different divisions of IGN.
JoeKim: 36
Coloneljesus: none structure left beef
mtvcdm: I mean zero now
RubikDarkwill: "Start over" is ... optimistic
gnyrinn: Restructure: As in the Great Restructuring of London.
patbaer: "restructuring" in this case means laying off everyone and hiring an outside company to do the work
Izandai: mattlrLul
Koios7: succinHead
SaxPython: pffffff
GapFiller: nalvLUL DAMN Paul
GapFiller: savage
TheMerricat: lrrWOW
Mollylele: thank you for sharing that good joke
mtvcdm: Carto was in there, Dodgeball Academia
mtvcdm: They just had a really good lineup
Laserbeaks_Fury: thasta shame, Teal Lotus looked interesting
TheMerricat: So again another preliminary reminder - Humble Games was not a developer, they were a publisher. The devs of all the games that Paul listed are still around.
Laserbeaks_Fury: ah
DiamondMX: So the devs might not be fired, but their games and jobs are definitely at risk.
mtvcdm: @TheMerricat Yeah, true, Peej survived the cuts because he's on the Bundle side but you can imagine how he feels about that.
mtvcdm: And the publisher might not let them have it either
TheMerricat: I imagine the whole "who owns the publishing rights" question was 10% of the reason why the announcement was made that Humble Games was 'restructureing' and not closing.
Lord_Hosk: Toys For Bob Developed Star Control, they made Star Control 2, but Accolade published it, and because Accolade went out of business we have all the lawsuits over the Star Control IP
Sarah_Serinde: The games still exist but apparently the devs may have trouble doing important things like pushing console updates, so it may still affect games that are already out
pyronils80: just make a federal law to protect the devs!
Sarah_Serinde: I saw one studio say they didn't have access to the console stuff and currently have no way to control that with Humble Games basically gone
RockPusher: The contracts task was really good
LordZarano: The contacts episode was great
mtvcdm: Ah yes. The artists tried to do that to you before it was an actual challenge didn't they?
LordZarano: *contracts
mtvcdm: They did that with the WOTC contracts and you had to tell them, they're fine, we're on a schedule, please just actually sign them
GapFiller: thinking of Steve Albinis seminal Problem w/ Music essay here
mtvcdm: (btw nice haircut Heather)
mtvcdm: Ah I love bad translations
KV1NN4: lunarj1Snip
mtvcdm: I don't like AI but I like bad translations
BrowneePoints: Denpasmen
mtvcdm: This is NES-era translation shenanigans
KeytarCat: wituout
SocraticMethod: "wituout"
KV1NN4: oh there we go
KV1NN4: witOUOt?
electric_claire: LLMs can produce mispelled words
CaptainSpam: When a stupid comes all up in your grill...
RockPusher: baka baka baka baka
Coloneljesus: very rarely, they are even intentional
LordZarano: I feel like DeepL Translate would have done a better job than this
TheMerricat: after all if it's trained on chat transcripts, it's probably going to learn a lot of misspellings. :D
ercan86xp: <message deleted>all the division and degeneracy in our societies is made in the U.S.S.R.
TheMerricat: There are a few manga I read that use "ML translation" and god bless the folk who are behind the projects. They are trying hard but....
ercan86xp: <message deleted>look at them chabad lubawitch lovers
mtvcdm: Yeah I'm hearing a few of the stock prices are already starting to dip off AI
BrowneePoints: Google's emissions have also gone up like 48% in two years
ercan86xp: <message deleted>what a brilliant plan to brainwash our youth with nonsense
Izandai: And none of it is any kind of artificial intelligence.
GapFiller: good segue Paul
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Ugh_Sunlight: wow beej
LurkerSpine: American Federation of Television and Radio Artists
BrowneePoints: Game Performers subsidiary of SAG-AFTRA
SquareDotCube: This is the problem that thinking removing the human element of work will increase profits.
RockPusher: The problem is that unlike blockchain, machine learning has legitimate use cases, but is being spun into an enormous hype bubble
incslayer: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
TheMerricat: Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists
SocraticMethod: Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists
rogerivany: beej isn't wrong
SaxPython: lrrSHINE
cheshire_creeper: Super Awesome Guys-AFTeR All!
BrowneePoints: Midnight last night pacific
Izandai: Hot Labor Summer 2 finally kicking off.
SocraticMethod: @RockPusher Blockchain does have an use case but none of them are popular enough outside encryption researchers
BrowneePoints: Games made after Sept 2023 with 6 main targets I think but is a general strike
BrowneePoints: Interim Agreement ye
RockPusher: SocraticMethod I'm rounding down since the legitimate use cases can be counted on one hand
BrowneePoints: Their website was broken. Activision, Warner, Disney, Microsoft Ubisoft and someone I think
mtvcdm: this kills the beej
Izandai: uh-huh
GapFiller: lrrWOW
GapFiller: which good for them
mtvcdm: I love we have the LRR business manager here to just *die* at the press release language
BrowneePoints: After much pressure*
BrowneePoints: Sag-aftra left Voice performance as a massive loophole last year
RockPusher: 24 of 25 points, so much agreement! The last one is a just a little existential threat clause, no biggie
BrowneePoints: and then Game Performers pushed the greater Union in the past few months about how that wasn't good enough
SaxPython: Next: Card Capture?
KeytarCat: i missed it, what was the 25th point?
BrowneePoints: "Randy Pitchford assaulted me in an Elevator. No."
GapFiller: and what is that code for Paul
SocraticMethod: There was lots of calling people monkeys. It was bad.
KeytarCat: "The word I heard was-" "NO DON'T SAY IT"
Bruceski: @KeytarCat the contract included AI protections for, I think, voice actors and they said "no we want these protections for everyone. Mocap, et cetera."
KeytarCat: @Bruceski tyty
SocraticMethod: I think this has been brewing for a month or so? I remember reading about the drama a while ago. At least Nintendo did something.
Izandai: Excellent segue.
GapFiller: nice segue
CaptainSpam: Smooth transition.
TheMerricat: @SocraticMethod The X thread about it was posted June 11th, so a little over a month.
mtvcdm: ahhhhhh
Coloneljesus: ah, the old tetris trick
SquareDotCube: kind of like Pac-Man technically has 255 levels
TheMerricat: 640kb should be enough for anyone!
SocraticMethod: uint_32_t is right there and uses less instruction cycles lrrAWW
Laserbeaks_Fury: does the difficulty wrap back around to lvl 1?
SaxPython: @SocraticMethod FBtouchdown KomodoHype FBtouchdown
mtvcdm: Terminal velocity. I think I ran into that with the first WarioWare game when it let you just do a single microgame over and over.
abslomdaak42: LUL
EikoandMog: @Laserbeaks_Fury Yep. You go back to floor 1 at overflow.
Lord_Hosk: Grab him by the Turd and TWIST IT!
Laserbeaks_Fury: The rejected power 9 card Turdtwister
Izandai: mattlrLul
SaxPython: magnificent
HyruleGirl9: holy shit
HyruleGirl9: dedication
gnyrinn: Next up: Do it again, but in Hardcore Mode (or whatever PoE calls it)
Coloneljesus: no ragerts
EikoandMog: There's a point where you just say "I'ma do this thing" and it CONSUMES you.
j_crane330: sergeGift PopCorn
Coloneljesus: also stay healthy
maybe_games: @loadingreadyrun they have added shitstain steve to the game's new league as an NPC in a farmville like town named "Steve Schitt"
abslomdaak42: @HyruleGirl9 holy shitstain steve
HyruleGirl9: LUL
loufghyslaufey: Cool
loufghyslaufey: Kay, very... "Heh."
loufghyslaufey: Oh, that's a conspicuous "no-no"
Izandai: That seems like a bad idea.
loufghyslaufey: Do people even want this dev torrent that badly?
loufghyslaufey: From Russia's servers?
Mazrae: did heather get a hair cut, or is it just pulled back
Mazrae: also hello everyone
Manae: Oubliette servers
Driosenth: free beta testerings
Laserbeaks_Fury: yup
loufghyslaufey: Or The Glassworker! The Glassworker!
Izandai: You're probably not gonna die in the next three months. You can wait.
EikoandMog: Do the Marvel Blu Rays have a behind the scenes feature where youcan see that?
incslayer: i have watched movies in that state when i was younger its really not a good experience
TheMerricat: Why are your servers up and open for people to play it?
loufghyslaufey: Screening now in Pakistan? I only learned we can't watch out in the West just yet. lrrAWW
Izandai: @TheMerricat Testing purposes, probably.
incslayer: @TheMerricat because they ran a beta test
loufghyslaufey: *watch it out in the west
SaxPython: 90s style anti-cheat would be so great. You were going to be a space marine but now you're a grot
Izandai: Delete your Facebook.
GapFiller: YUUUP
loufghyslaufey: I'm trying to stay out of the YouTube app.
GapFiller: changing it is finicky af
loufghyslaufey: For a week.
mtvcdm: And if you click on certain now unmutable hashtags it spews American flags at you
KeytarCat: It's called Grok! I hate that they called it Grok!
SocraticMethod: Jokes on them, I only have twitter to be able to read threads
mtvcdm: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
Sarah_Serinde: Tweet with info and a direct link to the setting:
mtvcdm: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
loufghyslaufey: I only "X" on the browser; how dare people presume I have "X" on my phone.
SocraticMethod: I have provided 0 content to sell for their LLM
mtvcdm: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Sarah_Serinde: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
mtvcdm: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
Earthenone: comes out at midnight right? going to be a late stream :P
MrsLlante: whwats the drivethrurpg
loufghyslaufey: Bloom-Frier- duh, I mean -burrow. I meme'd to say -burrow.
BrowneePoints: at least for the next 5 weeks before Duskmourn preview season
BrowneePoints: Thanks WotC
MrsLlante: Sorry watching on TV just came in to ask for the link for DriveThru so i can buy some things
loufghyslaufey: I barely get to play any Modern Horizons anything...
TheMerricat: !drivethru
LRRbot: Looking for TTRPG books and related products? Support LRR by using this affiliate link with DriveThruRPG:
Desruprot: Redwall is one of my favorite book series
MrsLlante: Thanks!
MrsLlante: I don't came into chat often so i don't know the commands
SocraticMethod: @BrowneePoints Don't thank them yet. WotC giveth and WotC taketh away:
loufghyslaufey: Good on ya! Just run it back first thing of each 1st month.
TheMerricat: @SocraticMethod Yeah, that was shitty of them.
DeM0nFiRe: If the July one gets pushed a few more weeks, we can get two episodes of Live at the same time!
loufghyslaufey: You could, start each month with a LRL.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: This one is happening on July 34th.
RatherLargeToad: LRL every weekend!
RockPusher figures out the event and is EXTREMELY HYPE
loufghyslaufey: As for July... Good riddance. I'm loathing it on full blast!!
RockPusher: It's gonna be a very good pre-record
Earthenone: usagi yojimbo?
gualdhar: multiplayer MMO raids without the MMO
RatherLargeToad: It’s a 2D FF14 raid simulator
niccus: ffxiv raiding as a 4 player roguelike
Bruceski: FF14 fight simulator
loufghyslaufey: Another Jax/Daxter or Ratchet/Clank duo?
mtvcdm: Oh, Rhythm Journey looks hard and Heather will get deep in the sauce on it.
KeytarCat: Rabbit and Steel is a Raid Boss Rush
abslomdaak42: I thought Cori said at the end of Talking Sim that there isn't gonna be Can't Draw Horses Club next week?
loufghyslaufey: Bloomburrow LRR-Battles Jam!!
TheMerricat: "Disney Fam Jam A Disney Channel series where two families compete against each other in a dance competition. The audience votes for their favorite family, who receives a grand prize and a trophy. The show is based on Phil Wright's online dance classes, The Parent Jam." - so probably trademarked.. .just not by LRR. :P
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @abslomdaak42 I think she also said something about it during Lurmtug yesterday.
TheMerricat: Cori has said there was no CDHC Monday but I don't know that anyone has updated James yet.
Coloneljesus: Cheer100
loufghyslaufey: @themerricat James can be updated? lrrSPOOP
GapFiller: thanks for streaming lrrPAUL lrrBEEEJ lrrHEATHER lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RockPusher: gabyLul
RockPusher: lunarj1Heart lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart lrrSHINE
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeBits
Coloneljesus: :P
loufghyslaufey: How- how does that work, @themerricat ?
TheMerricat: @loufghyslaufey James is updating. Please do not turn off your James while this update is occuring.
Coloneljesus: yippire
mtvcdm: That post-subathon nap
gualdhar: Heather, that's how LRR people get laid off
loufghyslaufey: Abruptly spooked lrrDOTS ImTyping for James, specifically.
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart
mtvcdm: I won because Paul got my stinky minigolf scorecard
Earthenone: !advice
LRRbot: Dig up.
Earthenone: !findquote dig
LRRbot: Quote #8010: "Why would I do other stuff when I can just hang out and dig a hole?" —James [2022-03-22]
abslomdaak42: Bye! :lrrSHINE:
Desruprot: the subathon watchalong part was great
GapFiller: !badadvice
LRRbot: I need someone to definitely not be ghost bait! Got anyone slow and inexpensive?
RockPusher: Have fun with the pre-record!
mtvcdm: 31 over par, Paul, wow
Desruprot: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we draft Bloomburrow! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PDT (1:00 from now).
abslomdaak42: lrrSHINE
loufghyslaufey: !findquote James
LRRbot: Quote #6053: "That was your first mistake James, trusting Uno." —Serge [2019-05-14]
Earthenone: if tomorow is the pre record, is today the pre pre record?
loufghyslaufey: Dang it. James.
RockPusher: A pre-pre-record would be funny
KeytarCat: @RockPusher wait, that's a crapshoot
Desruprot: crapshots are good