baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: THE PLANK
TXC2: Hello Everybody
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Play it Forward (Ben "Outlaw, Scoundrel, Cutie" Ulmer is jamming Star Wars Outlaws on PiF! Game: Star Wars Outlaw) at Mon 10:00 AM PDT (0s from now).
TXC2: Manae lrrHORN
Manae: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrSIG lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
MrVirite subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrVirite! (Today's storm count: 1)
bisaflau subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bisaflau! (Today's storm count: 2)
Jillexie: How much of the stream will be playing Sabacc?
Zhedor subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zhedor! (Today's storm count: 3)
TehAmelie: this is a new look
iris_of_ether: It's PiF's!
TheAinMAP subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
TheAinMAP: Using Sub-tember to resubscribe and it gets to be a Ben stream!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheAinMAP! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: Here we GO!
QuixoticScrivener: scratch that Begineering itch.
baltimore_667083: hi ben!
TXC2: Hello Ben
TheAinMAP: Hello.
TehAmelie: hi Ben!
KidAmn: bello hen
wastetalent: hullo
iris_of_ether: benginHey
Jillexie: Greetings, outlaw.
Anubis169: Haaaaaaai Ben! lrrAWESOME travHert manLOVE
Orlantia: benginChamp
lonestarbl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lonestarbl! (Today's storm count: 5)
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Star Creed: Assassin Wars.
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Jillexie: I finished the main game last week and thoroughly enjoyed it.
iris_of_ether: benginHype
OmnipotentTrevor: Well hot dang, Mondays and Thursdays are my days off. I guess this PIF was meant for me to watch.
QuixoticScrivener subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months, currently on a 14 month streak!
QuixoticScrivener: subs for the doms!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, QuixoticScrivener! (Today's storm count: 6)
TXC2: all I know from having to do the clips for the bonus of this, Stealth is optional :p
Earthenone: is a link to the vod of it if anyone needs it
TXC2: hello RayFK
accountmadeforants: Alex did the same thing with Pacific Drive, it OK
RayFK: Man I LOVE Outlaw Star
RayFK: This is it right?
saucemaster5000: I wish, RayFK
Jillexie: My favourite parts are when you try to stealth and then it falls apart and you have to blast your way out. Reminds me of the detention level scene in Star Wars.
Anubis169: 'Stuff' happened... and 'Things' may have been involved too.
TXC2: Previously on Avata....LRR
QuixoticScrivener: itโ€™s an excuse to gamba
OmnipotentTrevor: It looks better than the Avatar game, and that was the last Ubisoft game I played and largely enjoyed.
Orlantia: Is there any Pazaak to play?
TXC2: old fuddy duddy Ben
156 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
GapFiller: JAMES RAID!!! jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPillow jlrrPillow jlrrPillow
accountmadeforants: OG Star Wars had more Scoundrel energy, anyway, it wasn't until the prequels that we really got the whole noble Jedi fighting for the fate of the universe shtick.
Narcuru subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 76 months, currently on a 54 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Narcuru! (Today's storm count: 7)
SymphonySolstice: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
TheDevil_Risen: RAID! :)
TXC2: Hello Raiders
brieandbacon: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3
herph: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Barb4rian: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
TheDevil_Risen: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG lrrSIG
TheAinMAP: jlrrPillow jlrrPillow jlrrPillow
MrSarkhan: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
red_shoes_jeff subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months, currently on a 79 month streak!
red_shoes_jeff: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrPunch jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, red_shoes_jeff! (Today's storm count: 8)
Bacon_Trail: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
accountmadeforants: Oh hell yeah
JadedCynic: ONE OF US <#
iris_of_ether: Yesss
shurtal: hashtag GAMER
Ritaspirithntr: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Anubis169: lol
PsychoI3oy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
PsychoI3oy: almost nice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PsychoI3oy! (Today's storm count: 9)
Didero: A copilot!
Coloneljesus: couple gaming yess!
momma_tatts subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
momma_tatts: Happy Monday Ben!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, momma_tatts! (Today's storm count: 10)
MrSarkhan: heck yeah!
Anubis169: Co-op room!!
LordZarano: escher3WMAGE
saucemaster5000: Nicole is a chair now?
Bacon_Trail: player 2!
TXC2: a His and Hers gaming desk ?
brieandbacon: sergeNewChairBanner sergeNewChairBanner
SymphonySolstice: woooo gaming
accountmadeforants: She's already got the Racing Car Gaming Chair too!
rogerivany: She's so small I can't see her. ;)
wastetalent: ah yes the save-on-foods PC special
OmnipotentTrevor: Is that a crack in your desk?
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Anubis169: hahahaha
Didero: Why are you not sitting on it right now?
iris_of_ether: foxmarSHINY
Coloneljesus: decadent
TheDevil_Risen: O lord, RGB puke :D <3 Kappa
SymphonySolstice: damn, the luxury
MagicalAttackGecko: wtf, link plox
accountmadeforants: The chair agrees, it says "Mee Nice"
TXC2: OmnipotentTrevor looks like it could be an unclosed draw
TheDevil_Risen: :) glad to know you're keeping to Classy :)
rogerivany: Wow, giving us free chair and taking it away. Rude. ;)
red_shoes_jeff: That's a way better feature than mine. Mine just... falls apart and injures my back, because they didn't assemble the component parts properly.
jacqui_lantern234: HEY BEN!!! reminder that youre loved AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Anubis169: ahh the gateway drug
SymphonySolstice: that seems to be the gateway drug for a lot of people
Arazien: Skipped the gateway drug and went right into the hardcore drug
jacqui_lantern234: also HAI CHAT!!! <3
iris_of_ether: Yuuuup
jacqui_lantern234: pfft XD thats so good
SymphonySolstice: welp, she's really in it now
shurtal: Harry and Kim 4 evah
TheDevil_Risen: haha awwww
jacqui_lantern234: ONE OF US!!! ONE OF US!!!
accountmadeforants: Disco Elysium is an all-time banger, if nothing else
Darleysam: but if I go to bed, Kim will be disappointed in me
RatherLargeToad: Disco will do that to you
QuixoticScrivener: is she going inland empire?
Didero: James is a good friend
iris_of_ether: Good pal James
saucemaster5000: I heard nicole tried SF6 too, lmao
shurtal: I need to get me a framed photo of Kim
Anubis169: Obra Dinn maybe
jacqui_lantern234: Good Guy James out here being a friend
TheDevil_Risen: i've not played it either but it does look good :)
MrSarkhan: That's awesome
jacqui_lantern234: @saucemaster5000 shes probably better than i am now
Didero: Nicole on OOF Club when
MrSarkhan: When is her first appearance on Oki Oki?
Juliamon: haha yesss I knew she'd go for Aki
Jillexie: Disco and BG3? Hard to top those.
Earthenone: when she goes on it will be aki aki fight club
red_shoes_jeff: Good mug.
TheDevil_Risen: o/ TXC and Juliamon
TXC2: hello TheDevil_Risen
Didero: Just switch computers, she won't know
TheDevil_Risen: shiny!
SymphonySolstice: dang
Darleysam: dang, four thousand and sixty graphics, that's a lot
red_shoes_jeff: DOUBLE CHAIR...
Anubis169: Ladies and Gents, this is "The Room"
MrVirite: Enjoy the room? Oh hai Mark
Anubis169: Oh hi Mark
jacqui_lantern234: oh, chat! the theme of Horse Club later on is "Songs From Chat". if you wanna see me paint a meaningful song, send it my way
Anubis169: :D
MrVirite: eyyy
jacqui_lantern234: so how ya doin, hazoret?
Ritaspirithntr: hey Ben! howโ€™s the kitty been doing?
Ritaspirithntr: and remy?
TheDevil_Risen: also, must compliment you on that deck construction for the PPR BenBen, that thing was bonkers :) lrrCrab lrrSHINE
Darleysam: @jacqui_lantern234 what's the best way for me to nominate Bones in the Ocean...?
OmnipotentTrevor: Ben could just write up computer upgrades as a work expense. jlrrPongchamp
Anubis169: oh there you are ๐Ÿ‘“
SymphonySolstice: mew
jacqui_lantern234: @Darleysam ill add it to the playlist
Darleysam: @jacqui_lantern234 heck yeah chilli152Heart
ShaneLeeAtk: Sounds like an orange cat
Anubis169: oh thank heavens, rescues are lovely but they're 50/50 as to whether they'll take to you
shurtal: most non feral cats will just go "i got a great thing now, let's goooooooo"
shendaras subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
shendaras: benginHi
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shendaras! (Today's storm count: 11)
uneactrice: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
iris_of_ether: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
herph: barrYgood
TXC2: nah nah nah nah nah nah CATDAD!
ShaneLeeAtk: Welcome to the Cat Dad Club!
SnowBuddy18: cats are wonderful
Darleysam: chilli152Blanket yessss, cats!
TheAinMAP: HahaGingercat
Coloneljesus: cats are the best
DentedPockets: Garfield?
iris_of_ether: escher3MEOW escher3MEOW escher3MEOW
uneactrice: The best cat parents are converted cat parents.
jacqui_lantern234: this is just ben's evolution into the TQ vibes :P
Anubis169: Ben: Dogs have owners, Cats have staff. You don't get a choice if you're a cat person, the cat decides that :P
shendaras: benginHype
ShaneLeeAtk: Better be Heathcliff
malsareus: Simbaaaaaaaaa?
RayFK: Little Duck L'orange
protojman: learning to talk to cats is like learning to talk to any individual :) everyone is a lil unique
Darleysam: li'l James Turner
TXC2: Anubis169 the realness right here
TehAmelie: Two Robocops?
GapFiller: ohhh hes that kinda cat eh
KidAmn: if not for pee, why warm?
iris_of_ether: Oh nooooooo
MrSarkhan: Oof
Zhedor: I am currently sitting here with a (borrowed) cat on my lap :D (I'm cat-sitting)
Juliamon: oh, yeah, box training takes a lil bit
jacqui_lantern234: uh oh! Piss Bed!!!
malsareus: ah the marking of territory
TehAmelie: ah yes been there
protojman: are you a bed-sweater?
Angnor33: But your bed is so soft! Where else should one pee?
Coloneljesus: yeah! Ben can pee on his bed himself!
uneactrice: Does Remy sleep in y'alls bed? It could be marking over Remy's smell.
Darleysam: cat's a pisser, eh?
SymphonySolstice: his bed now
measureofhope: Yeah, kittens and beds is a combo that brings back stinky memories
goombalax: He's gonna be at it until he's neutered but you can train him to be more nice to where he goes
Ctabbe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ctabbe! (Today's storm count: 12)
ContingentCat: try orange scent to keep him away, we had a cat that would go behind the desk, cat's don't like citrus
Anubis169: gappy 116 Ctabbe!
malsareus: not dying is good
malsareus: I recommend not dying
MehallD: I cannot rate the folks we got our kitten from highly enough. Got her at like 10 or 12 weeks and she was good to go from then
LostThePirate: My 19 year old cat recently passed, and we want to get a new kitten, but we need to rent a carpet cleaner first because the old gal was kinda senile and didn't always go where she was supposed to...
TXC2: "but what if I don't like citrus?" :p
RayFK: Turn your room into an Orange Grove
BusTed: Hey all.
RayFK: Huff an orange before bed
anhakha: Try keeping a wild hyena. Cats don't tend to piss on beds occupied by wild hyenas.
RayFK: Tropicana: Victoria
ContingentCat: @txc2 have you considered if you're a cat?
BusTed: is this kitty talk
TXC2: hello BusTed welcome
TXC2: ContingentCat oh I am 30000% a cat boy
uneactrice: There is a plug-in that has no scent for humans, which is really good for helping deter bad behavior. It's called Felliway.
AlsoSopranoCat: citrus doesn't alwasy work too guys, playing and treats is much more likely to work
MehallD: feliway is amazing, helped so much
BusTed: aww
ContingentCat: Any new member of the home has some adjustment
Darkstorm257 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Darkstorm257! (Today's storm count: 13)
ShaneLeeAtk: SMOL
northos: illegally smol? :p
malsareus: the litlest lion
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Anubis169: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
ContingentCat: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 22:02.
LostThePirate: Ben too used to the Let's Nope Podcast, heh
northos: I'm hype for this
jacqui_lantern234: there are dollars in my bank account? Kappa
measureofhope: Great plug, good job
Coloneljesus: superwanks O.O
GapFiller: Adam is here in spirit
anhakha: What we playing 2day? I need cheering up.
GapFiller: if not in form eh
saucemaster5000: coffee time is chill time
RayFK: Superwanks would DEF get you banned on YouTube
iris_of_ether: benginHeart benginHeart benginHeart
AlsoSopranoCat: Feliway can be awesome but try it on only one thing that you can move/get rid of because some cats it makes anxious instead of calm, and then instead of giving them a calm place they'll be afraid to go there
RayFK: Cold coffee
GapFiller: speaking of lrrSHINE lrrADAM hes had a rough week
Coloneljesus: sparkly water
TXC2: water
iris_of_ether: Green tea
LostThePirate: Rockstar, lol
ShaneLeeAtk: Sweet tea
Spluuga: tea :3
valhalla_11: Water
Critterbot: Should probably not turn the stream into a Just Chatting stream, though.
TheDevil_Risen: Coffee its 3:20 am and and im working
Nashlake: lemon ade
measureofhope: Hot chocolate, I'm staying in denial about Summer arriving
uneactrice: Espresso!
Critterbot: Like you do on Let's NOPE.
jacqui_lantern234: i should make myself some tea
red_shoes_jeff: Pop Shoppe Orange.
Juliamon: Just water because I just took my meds, can't have coffee for another 30m
Volus_dude: cider thuluSIP
SnowBuddy18: is it regular crispy or extra crispy?
Anubis169: I'm drinking half fizzywater half applejuice
TheDevil_Risen: yeah aussie night shift
TehAmelie: i like sparkly water with caffeine and sweetener in it
GDwarble: Crispy water? Well, tomorrow *is* regular crispy day!
GapFiller: Ben what is a Canadian equivalent of hot Bovril (eg gravy water)
Invitare: no she just left
AlsoSopranoCat: @Anubis169 frobskiddle!
anhakha: Bees.
just__fitz: Is there a in game gambling minigame that you can spend hours on, ala witcher and RDR
Jillexie: Her mom did not die
Anubis169: AlsoSopranoCat: ooo is that what you call it?
TXC2: Invitare and thus WILL show up then :p
Juliamon: just__fitz you betcha
Jillexie: And Nix is the real outlaw
Invitare: @TXC2 I mean, probably.
BusTed: tqsShocked
SymphonySolstice: dun dun duuun
GapFiller: well to incur risk is to live
GapFiller: briefly
aerohydra: omicron-persei 8
paronomasiac042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
RayFK: Blitzball?
AlsoSopranoCat: @Anubis169 My sister was big into BFG when she was little so anytime there's fizzy apple juice we call it frobskoddle
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, paronomasiac042! (Today's storm count: 14)
Jillexie: Toshara
shurtal: Wakka, bruddah?
QuixoticScrivener: planet plot development
Invitare: relevant meme:
TXC2: planet Ubisoft game
malsareus: crime clans
just__fitz: Ooh geometric head shape boys
anhakha: Crypto?
just__fitz: from the cartoon
CanPlayGames subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
CanPlayGames: Ben for the Ben Throne
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CanPlayGames! (Today's storm count: 15)
malsareus: sourdough starter?
GapFiller: just kick it onto Horse Club Kappa
Invitare: apparently the Pykes and Crimson Dawn are both from the Solo film
Jillexie: Pykes were first seen in Clone Wars
just__fitz: Pykes are from Clone Wars Cartoon
AlsoSopranoCat: okay, i need a nap so I'll catch the VOD, have fun everybody!
TXC2: so long AlsoSopranoCat sleep well
Waterscorpion: Did I miss the Star Wars Unlimited draft?
TheAinMAP: Pykes are in both "The Clone Wars" and "Book of Boba Fett."
saucemaster5000: The Danka Badanka mission
Didero: Is this very linear, or do you get to choose who to help and who to steal from?
saucemaster5000: star wars classic
just__fitz: Is this a Outpost clearing game with stealth sniping and instant melee kills where you have to disable alarms that summon reinforcements?
QuixoticScrivener: Iโ€™m sure our actions will have zero consequences.
malsareus: Cause and effect? surely not
I_Luv_Pokeymanz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
I_Luv_Pokeymanz: <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, I_Luv_Pokeymanz! (Today's storm count: 16)
Juliamon: Didero So far linear
Invitare: press X to Jason
TehAmelie: the four emotions
Angnor33: Can't remember the buttons? Time to start a new playthrough!
Didero: @Juliamon Thanks!
rhapsodyblue92 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
rhapsodyblue92: 37 months! A prime number, but a twitch sub. A beautiful contradiction
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rhapsodyblue92! (Today's storm count: 17)
TXC2: ah good, yellow paint on stuff we need to use
Didero: @TXC2 Of course, that's mandatory nowadays
protojman: reminds me of a spot from attack of the clones
malsareus: you know what I'd love to see? Ubisoft eating WB gaming to get their mitts on the Nemesis system for the Ubisoft game
just__fitz: Ahh little dog instead of bird or drone. Completely unique game with no notes
malsareus: I want more games with the nemesis system
Didero: Why is there grass here?
anhakha: Those look like stealthy plants.
TXC2: an axolotl dog, a dogolotl
adept_nekomancer: We are lucky these outlaws never mow their outpost.
NojhLivic: Camera guy is all like "The vegetation is restless today"
Angnor33: Space WEeed
TehAmelie: Horizon Zero Dark goes to space?
prince_infidel: People like plants
malsareus: that was uncalled for Ben
NojhLivic: Is the arrow on the subtitle showing the direction? That's awesome.
anhakha: Metal gear + Horizon + Star Wars?
TehAmelie: they have forums in here too?
just__fitz: Man I love talking to myself on Guard duty. They should have more guards who are realistically listening to podcasts and going to dark corners to pretend they are actually working
TehAmelie: "this post is terrible" jokes
NojhLivic: He wasn't surprised enough I guess
Coloneljesus: oh well, we tried
Didero: Why do they fall over after two punches in stealth but stay up after 5 punches when fighting?
tyrsredritehand: Punching helmets not good.
BusTed: huh.. just a box
TheAinMAP: lrrFINE
YururuWell: gAMBA!
anhakha: Get in a cardboard box!
SnowBuddy18: the wind is shooting people now? damn
Anubis169: they've got danger impermanence
prince_infidel: Task failed successfully
saucemaster5000: "someone left the tv on" "we don't have a tv"
Anubis169: R2 to interact? huh?
TheAinMAP: "If the blaster fire isn't aimed at me, it's not my problem."
just__fitz: Sounds like a key rebinding is needed
Critterbot: Having muscle memory is nice, but it can also mess you up. :D
YururuWell: "Trigger detonation" "Pet" right beside ieachother lmao
TXC2: Didero hitting someone unawares does A LOT more damage then when they are reddy for it
TXC2: *ready
Volus_dude: space gun noises and bodies around is another day at the office, for criminals at star wars universe tbh.
just__fitz: Its the time out force field from phantom menace
malsareus: see the wave sounds like space wizard talk Ben
Didero: @TXC2 Hmm, I should pick more fights then, to verify that :p
Anubis169: Sorry game-assist, you're gonna have to look this time :P
just__fitz: Get to have awkward half time between battles
Invitare: there is that ability
Invitare: you don't need to be in Nix mode for it though
Anubis169: LOL
TheDevil_Risen: F
Anubis169: lrrCOW
Invitare: NotLikeThis
jacqui_lantern234: BWAHAHAHAHA
Andymonium: WELP
Didero: It's ok, the critter is fine
Critterbot: Okay then! xD
Coloneljesus: LUL
InconsiderateHat: PFFFFF
Izandai: They might wanna?
GapFiller: nalvRip2
just__fitz: Realistic Shrapnel blast
iris_of_ether: benginO7
YururuWell: LMAO
TehAmelie: these are good red barrels
goombalax: Your Head A Splode
malsareus: explosions have an AOE confirmed
Anubis169: you're right in the blast radius dude :D
jacqui_lantern234: get blasted, ben!!! XD
TXC2: impromptu yoga session there
Anubis169: it's a fuel cell :D
Volus_dude: thuluRIP
malsareus: the barrels have gas
adept_nekomancer: These criminals have the good stuff
anhakha: I looked away for a second. What happened?
YururuWell: The ragdoll stretch
NojhLivic: Note to self, no standing anywhere near barrels
jacqui_lantern234: hes too gamer brained!!! :p
Anubis169: fair manLOL
Didero: That ledge did look like a good place to be safe, yeah
LordZarano: @just__fitz Nix is a Merqaal. And yes, SW:Outlaws is the first and only appearance of Merqaal. Because of course
Andymonium: we expect video game realism, not realism realism
SnowBuddy18: so true Ben
prince_infidel: That was big boom for a red barrel
just__fitz: I sense a stream highlight
red_shoes_jeff: "GOOD barrels!?" One axolotl bites into it, it detonates!
Didero: It's Star Wars, we're not used to things making sense!
anhakha: If ur weapon a blackjack...?
malsareus: maybe they go down easy but they don't blow themselves up
anhakha: Just *Thonk*?
Andymonium: GOOD foley
tyrsredritehand: Wait. Indoor stealth reeds.
TehAmelie: bonkus of the conkus confirmed
just__fitz: Its because Vulcan Neck Pinch would be out of cannon
TXC2: so we have adamantium bones right? :p
StarShock2002 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months, currently on a 129 month streak!
StarShock2002: my Sub baby is 10 years old
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StarShock2002! (Today's storm count: 18)
malsareus: the stealthy spray of fire
just__fitz: X
Angnor33: Q
Andymonium: X
SnowBuddy18: X
protojman: x/square
NojhLivic: X
jacqui_lantern234: R
Coloneljesus: the R button
KidAmn: Square/X
Anubis169: normally "shoot outside the screen"
Didero: Hold down Right Stick Kappa
prince_infidel: Reload?
Diabore: @Anubis169 arcade gamer here
jacqui_lantern234: im a wierdo who prefers Right Bumper
anhakha: F8 is reload.
Anubis169: Diabore: Time crisis ftw
NojhLivic: Does Nix get hazard pay?
MehallD: You're not safe, and don't call me shirely
Anubis169: You are safe there, and don't call me Shirley
Izandai: mattlrLul
Anubis169: so are they
Elenodul subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months!
just__fitz: Man this was an impromptu survey of xbox vs playstation owners
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Elenodul! (Today's storm count: 19)
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Critterbot: Come on video game...
Andymonium: "Not my problem"
Didero: "I'm not getting involved in this"
malsareus: is this a normal day at the office around here?
adept_nekomancer: "Welp, our friends are dead. Better walk away casually."
NojhLivic: Two people just died. But the patrol must go on!
Angnor33: These are the PIkes, random barrel explosions are normal...
prince_infidel: "Not paid enough to care"
Diabore: "wow that sucks for them, glad it wasnt me... wanna go get a beer after work?"
TXC2: "heckin gassy today"
tyrsredritehand: When you work in the cartel sometimes explosions hapen.
TehAmelie: "i'm not paid enough to worry about the other guards"
Izandai: Wait, what are the days of the week in Star Wars?
just__fitz: Nah every boss chokes you if you bring up problems, so you have to pretend nothing ever goes wrong
Gaz_L: I believe there's a Galactic Standard Week
TXC2: the weeks are metric no doubt
Didero: I guess each culture will have their own names
malsareus: how do you measure weeks in a civilization spread across a galaxy?
anhakha: If I saw a big ol' explosion and i'm being paid minimum wage, I saw nothing.
LordZarano: To wookiepedia!
Gaz_L: presumably based on Coruscant
MehallD: Primeday, Centaxday, Taungsday, Zhellday, Benduday
Didero: They do have standard years
Izandai: So apparently in Star Wars a week is five days and a month is 7 weeks.
CanPlayGames: Primeday Centaxday Tungsday Zhellday benduday
Anubis169: Star Wars: Misclicks
PhanTom_lt: [speaks in Pyke]
anhakha: 2 dudes dead. Nothing unusual.
Izandai: Days of the week: Primeday, Centaxday, Taungsday, Zhellday, Benduday
NojhLivic: 368 days in a year
Izandai: So they do all end in Y, that's fine.
anhakha: Like d&d has a week be a tenday.
malsareus: 5 days
PhanTom_lt: 6 days
Anubis169: 'Yes'
tyrsredritehand: Hopefully 3
northos: you think they have weekends in Star Wars?
bisaflau: probably 6 days
Didero: What do you mean "off"?
Mahtamori: Day off? What's that?
NojhLivic: I dont' think Star Wars has labor laws or unions, so no weekends
KidAmn: 2 days off a fortnight
saucemaster5000: people don't have jobs in star wars
PhanTom_lt: Star Wars has no unions to fight for a weekend
jacqui_lantern234: probs 3-4
just__fitz: My wife is from a different culture than me, really messed me up when she counted to 16 on one hand
malsareus: a week and a workweek are the same thing
Angnor33: Time off is for Force Users only.
RatherLargeToad: Work week is โ€œYesโ€
MehallD: @PhanTom_lt Union?! Sounds like Rebel behaviour!
Anubis169: Thermal Detonator?
Invitare: under Capitalism all labour is forced, comrade
MehallD: "Take cover!" Stays still
malsareus: so this is still stealth yes?
Diabore: "stealth"
Critterbot: Well, that takes care of that! :D
Gaz_L: the New Republic's biggest hurdle is calendar reform
TXC2: Stealth is more of a suggestion
anhakha: Did we kill the droid?
Didero: I want a Star Wars game where you're a droid
anhakha: If not, are they the new boss?
Andymonium: I feel like I grade most stealth games by how fun they play when, not if, the stealth goes bad (which is why Hitman is the best)
Diabore: it wasnt the droid we were looking for
Anubis169: it didn't do anything against us, it can live
Izandai: mattlrLul
Anubis169: LOL
jacqui_lantern234: lmao
Andymonium: XD
just__fitz: Droids are like guys in reflector vests with ladders, they are too powerful and can go anywhere
Gaz_L: i did see an article that suggested they're going for the vibe of 'we're all... fine .... here... *blasts intercom*' in the stealth sections
Anubis169: "Look at him... where!?"
malsareus: I am concerned, the vault has an explody container in it
RayFK: Ben that's twisted
QuixoticScrivener: leave the droid to take the fall
anhakha: Beep boop whistle EVERYBODIES DEAD doot oot whi-stle
Gaz_L: "must've been the wind"
Didero: "Full"? That's nonsense
Diabore: damn bullets coming from nowhere
jacqui_lantern234: @RayFK TWISTED
malsareus: joke's on you, I have the week of
PhanTom_lt: aren;t you at work right now?
RayFK: Monday Funday
saucemaster5000: this is my second week off work on staycation and it's getting.... wierd...
RayFK: Working
NojhLivic: So I missed the first stream. Can you explain this lock picking? It makes no sense visually.
protojman: airhorn noises
Gaz_L: it's a rhythm game
InconsiderateHat: I'm off today because I worked through the weekend
Diabore: i wanna try akaba spice
RayFK: Only a few giant things happening, you know... typical Monday
anhakha: Like Monkey Island recipe maps.
KidAmn: Spob Bob Sqob Pob
Izandai: 12111810?
Gaz_L: gotta hit the button in the same rhythm as the lights/beeps
NojhLivic: Capital letters?
just__fitz: Brotherhood and Blackflag had the best mechanics when leaving stealth. Having all your trainees come out to help/arrow rain or just pulling 12 flintlocks in rapid succession
RayFK: Trying to keep in mind that Vegas is like a month away and not being stressed
Izandai: Oh okay
QuixoticScrivener: how much is an imperial credit even worth, like 10 bananas?
red_shoes_jeff: Make sure the spob is fresh, it can turn quickly.
Didero: @red_shoes_jeff Yeah, nobody wants pobs
Andymonium: \o/
SnowBuddy18: it's wordle
racoonius: hi there Ben :D
NojhLivic: Wonder what happens if you had to go into the red zone? An alarm?
prince_infidel: Symbol wordle
anhakha: I wonder if the download symbol in star wars is still a floppy disc symbol.
racoonius: all good here how are you?
Didero: What time period is this in?
NojhLivic: @anhakha You mean the save icon?
Andymonium: lrrFINE
adept_nekomancer: Crime boss doesn't like people solving his space wordles for him.
anhakha: Yeah, my brain is frazzled. @nojhlivic
anhakha: Got Covid again, so bit fuzzy.
TXC2: now we Assassins creed
Angnor33: The finger strength on these RPG protagonists...
racoonius: get well soon @anhakha
Izandai: Up
Didero: uppies?
raulghoulia: you can turn on always run in the accessibility options
Juliamon: strongest girl alive
cosarprime: @Didero I believe it's post revenge of the sith, pre-a new hope
MehallD: gamers dont looke up
Didero: @cosarprime Thanks!
Andymonium: uppies?
Izandai: Gotta get up to get down.
LostThePirate: Gamers never look up
malsareus: force of will
Anubis169: You jumped
Anubis169: the camera was screwy
red_shoes_jeff: Slipped the editor a fiver.
anhakha: Nix did it.
Andymonium: "Nix did it" should be the answer to everything honestly
Anubis169: is there a colourblind mode?
NojhLivic: Always run in a stealth game seems like it might cause issues?
Gaz_L: Accessibility in this is good yeah
Juliamon: yeah, I really like how they have a directional indicator for dialogue
malsareus: time to shooty shooty
Andymonium: "subtitles were auto-on" god BLESS
Izandai: ooh
anhakha: Sniper...
Gaz_L: sniper rifle grew legs
TXC2: indoor sniping!
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Much as I dislike Ubisoft, I have to respect default-on subtitles.
Critterbot: Pew pew! :D
NojhLivic: The shield, it did nothing!
Anubis169: Dude!
prince_infidel: Space America!
Anubis169: manGRY manFIST
adept_nekomancer: Just gotta have your dog bring you a sniper rifle
anhakha: *puts on shield*... realises shield only comes upto their upper chest...
TXC2: when you think about it, shouldn't every laser be a sniper weapon? :p
LordZarano: Ubisoft is right up there with Sony first-party studios for accessibility stuff
Izandai: Dinger
Andymonium: goodbye sniper wifle
Anubis169: no sling?
anhakha: Too beeg
Jensling: Secret tunnel? SEEEECRET TUNNEL!
prince_infidel: She travels light?
cosarprime: The sniper gun doesn't bring her joy.
anhakha: Might be a thing u need for l8r.
TXC2: through the crime base
Gaz_L: Kay only has one holster, and she's using it
malsareus: you a rogue, not a Mandalorian style walking arsenal
Sacrenos: yea that is one of the points of critique of this game... No actual new guns, only blaster and situational weapons.
anhakha: Got to kill 44 gungans so you can craft a sniper holster, RDR style.
TehAmelie: we should have picked fighter instead of rogue if we wanted rifles i guess
Critterbot: Some very strong wind down here.
TXC2: not an archer rogue build
Gaz_L: i should look out my Edge of The Empire TTRPG books
Izandai: It's a lot harder to hide a rifle down one's pants.
anhakha: That's why han solo has Chewy. Every time han picks up a big weapon and tries to go down a corridor he drops it.
Anubis169: FailFish
malsareus: can't be
TheDevil_Risen: sergePeek
prince_infidel: Look up?
Diabore: videogames!
creasehearst: they do a lot of that kind of directional hinting
Angnor33: Subtle
raulghoulia: that symbol means hooks
QuixoticScrivener: are we a Malcolm Reynolds type or a Jane Cobb type?
red_shoes_jeff: lrrDOTS
Gaz_L: gamers don't look up
Andymonium: signposting with actual signs!
PhanTom_lt: you can turn it off
TXC2: there's guiding people, and then there's just calling them dumbasses :p
Izandai: In fairness. You did just say you didn't think you were supposed to go that way.
raulghoulia: or climb
Anubis169: (HLORF)
Izandai: mattlrLul I actually love this.
malsareus: this game really believes in you Ben
Critterbot: Okay video game... okay.
PhanTom_lt: you're just seeing what you want to see
LostThePirate: Literal arrows
red_shoes_jeff: WE GET IT, game.
Andymonium: I unironically love this XD
Anubis169: Ankles! lrrSPOOP
anhakha: Actual arrows is kinda insulting xD
accountmadeforants: Oh, they *playtested* this alright
TXC2: if there's an in story justifaction, then fine, otherwise....
InconsiderateHat: Who's leaving all this yellow hose lying around??
Mollylele: you're gonna miss yer yellow paint when it's gone ๐Ÿšง
TXC2: *justification
raulghoulia: Louder Kay. Please shout this information
adept_nekomancer: Your crime base isn't up to code if you don't have safety arrows.
Anubis169: Molly, my eyes were instantly drawn to the end of your line, missing everything you wrote before it
TXC2: hello Mollylele welcome
TehAmelie: i hope there's like 15 secret areas you miss if you just follow the yellow cable
anhakha: Add a spider holster...?
anhakha: *sniper
WowDane: Evening :)
Anubis169: 'lo Dane :)
QuixoticScrivener: give it obstacle detection
TXC2: hello WowDane welcome
Gaz_L: i like the Mon Cala lady from this game, she feels like an archetype we were missing from Star Wars
Andymonium: just gonna let the spiders roam free? bold choice
anhakha: But where will you hold your spiders?!?
anhakha: Otherwise you have to hold them all.
TheDevil_Risen: yeah just ignore the arrows :)
BusTed: onstaWELP
DandyGeek: gamers donโ€™t look up, baybee
Izandai: I actually love the arrows.
WowDane: Doing ok, just got my evening coffee made, getting some what ready to play this myself. What I mean, grinding for the last collectibles :p This is my 2nd playthrough
InconsiderateHat: Hey now, just means you weren't NEEDING them...
adept_nekomancer: If you don't have a spider holster, your spiders get everywhere.
prince_infidel: Future content?
Diabore: strategic route blocking
anhakha: Look for arrows
Hpjones10: Does the speeder bike come with Fox racing gear?
just__fitz: Man what is the star warsy last name for Danka
Volus_dude: were darth darth binks and unkar plutt alive during the outlaws game?
Anubis169: they're a bit much though
raulghoulia: I'm imagining arrows in older 2d side scrollers...
creasehearst: the usual very obvious yellow paint is toned down a fair bit, in favor of using hints like the arrows instead in this game
prince_infidel: Sell your info to whats his face
LordZarano: The yellow paint has learned how to backseat
Andymonium: like a crow in a Windex commercial...
Ivannorr: This planet is run by a parkour enthusiast, so there is a bylaw requiring proper signage
anhakha: I wanna go through town IRL. Put on a luminous jacket so I look like I ca get away with it, then paint various edges on the sides of building with yellow bars.
Gaz_L: right that's her name, Danka, she's cool, the kind of chainsmoking auntie vibe for a criminal/fence/etc
Jillexie: At least when you stuck, Nix doesn't start giving you hints.
Anubis169: Could be worse, could be Horizon Forbidden West
raulghoulia: @Jillexie Listen!
WowDane: ?'s are areas not explored yet
LostThePirate: LUL
BusTed: Gambling?
prince_infidel: It's almost like the Stormtroppers are bad
Volus_dude: oooh gwent
TXC2: Balatro time!...oh wait
just__fitz: Now this is pod gambling
Invitare: Pure Sabacc
Andymonium: Triple Triad time
Jillexie: Wait till you get the other two cheat types.
Didero: Hah, the empty ones are Aurebesh question marks too :D
anhakha: Poker? I barely know er.
Mollylele: Sabacc the casbah SingsNote
Gaz_L: you know where it is
creasehearst: you have a hint of where to find it
Didero: Why does that white card have a Lorcana lore symbol?
Gaz_L: well, you're in luck, 1 in the discard
MehallD: easy game, easy life
TXC2: so it's Poker Baccarat ?
anhakha: Yeah buy they might nick ur cards, right?
anhakha: *but
TehAmelie: that's how James Bond wins at poker, by getting the best cards
Gaz_L: well, best hand is the 2 wilds/zeroes
QuixoticScrivener: second best hand, could have two wilds
anhakha: General tarrif...
anhakha: Hello there
northos: as long as it's not another scripted tutorial game :p
Jillexie: But if you see one Sylops picked up, then you know you can't lose.
Izandai: Shifting? Damn, this game would be real popular with two years ago TikTok.
TehAmelie: i want them to kick you out for collusion after showing your cards to Nix
TXC2: now do we confront, evade or acquire? Kappa (this is a DS9 joke)
NojhLivic: 3 of each card in a deck, and there are two decks yellow/red?
Didero: I like the minigame in Jedi Survivor, it was kind of an autobattler
anhakha: @txc2 hahahaha
Jillexie: Only one Sylop in each deck, but 3 of all others.
shendaras: Wow
TXC2: anhakha thank you
Izandai: Dayum
SnowBuddy18: dang
Coloneljesus: thaaaats numberwang!
prince_infidel: That 1 guy got hosed
QuixoticScrivener: think LRR would spring for a Sabbac table?
Gaz_L: @TXC2 there's a YouTuber i watch doing reviews of DS9 who has taken to calling tongo 'cardy cardy spin cash' because of how nonsensical it is
Angnor33 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months!
Angnor33: Gambling? As an Outlaw?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Angnor33! (Today's storm count: 20)
TXC2: Gaz_L sounds about right
adelius3: turn on lrr stream, see card game, this is normal
Critterbot: How does Nix convey the information?
Didero: I hear gambling is a good way to get a YT-300 freighter
TehAmelie: nothin but aces
NojhLivic: Gambling is easy!
anhakha: Wait, what are the dice for?
TXC2: did they make the rules for Sabbac for this game, or did it come up in Solo ?
baskwalla: That guy just has to sit there in shame?
Coloneljesus: anything stopping you from always cheating?
just__fitz: Man watching this with no context is like playing baccarat randomly
Gaz_L: imposter
Jillexie: This is unique to this game
goombalax: impostor
Gaz_L: sylop is the wild
anhakha: Neat
Jillexie: Up to 8 for the high roller tables.
TXC2: Jillexie neat
Jillexie: Also lots of crazy things like inverting the best Sabacc or making you redraw your hand.
Gaz_L: they did try and make it seem kind of consistent with lore by having 2 sylops be the best possible hand
NojhLivic: Can you fold?
Diabore: gamba
Ctabbe: can you cheat?
raulghoulia: Bring It On: All Or Nothing
Gaz_L: (sylop apparently being Old Corellian for 'idiot')
Jillexie: You can quit the game, though.
Juliamon: you can cheat, yes
Jillexie: Three ways to cheat by the end of the game!
prince_infidel: @Ctabbe Yes
Juliamon: But they don't tolerate much of it
NojhLivic: So there's no way to protect your chips outside of those special moves? Hmm. So a bit like Mahjong.
Gaz_L: no ben 2 dice
Diabore: no sabaac
Gaz_L: yes
creasehearst: the sylop matches your other card
Jillexie: Yup
Jillexie: Matches your other card.
creasehearst: and you can upgrade to a 1
Diabore: we could draw for another sylop for top hand
RayFK: Oh shit gambling has been found. Whole stream now set
QuixoticScrivener: baby game for babies
Rourke9: gambling? ben's in!
TXC2: gambling without consequences, the best
Strebenherz: fair enough there
NojhLivic: Oh wait, standing doesn't cost anything? Okay so that's how you keep from bankrupting if you know they have good hands.
saucemaster5000: why are the card/board minigames in ubisoft stufff always the best part?
Jillexie: Honestly Sabacc in this game is fun to play, and I typically don't do on game gambling.
Diabore: game over
NojhLivic: Is there a mechanic where they shoot you if you win too much?
TXC2: what a blowout
tryllebanjo: @NojhLivic LUL
Gaz_L: the reptile guy in theback is the same species as Prince Xizor from SOTE, right?
Strebenherz: +150, nice
goombalax: one more round!
northos: that animation at the end where the droid sweeps up all the cards from wherever they were sitting is very slick
Gaz_L: Kay Vess says gamble responsibily
Andymonium: oh nooo
Diabore: 90% of gamblers stop just before they make it big
anhakha: Always invest.
accountmadeforants: Will you gamble on this mans
anhakha: It's only money.
prince_infidel: Wow
Coloneljesus: aaaaand it's gone
saucemaster5000: cut to that guy buying a sandwich
Gaz_L: it's so funny seeing a Mon Cala with just a normal dude's voice
red_shoes_jeff: Little high, little low.
Strebenherz: Cut to that guy running a sandwich shop
prince_infidel: Well the room WAS privite
anhakha: That is a d&d session if ever I saw one.
Strebenherz: and then you get free sandwiches
Coloneljesus: step 1: denial
RayFK: The ball is rolling UP
Critterbot: Seems sus, but hmm... we'll see I guess.
Gaz_L: i love Danka's design
saucemaster5000: technically he's currently 500 up thanks to one rube
Diabore: who of who?
anhakha: I have the coat!
neisan2112: Oh shoot I forgot this started today! Hows the space gambling going Ben?
Gaz_L: Ryloth
goombalax: Ryloth
Didero: Ryloth
Gaz_L: where Twi'leks are from
anhakha: Morality.
Jillexie: Crimson Dawn baby
Didero: I should rewatch Solo, I keep forgetting what Crimson Dawn is all about
goombalax: Khaleesi Dawn
anhakha: I guess it depends which organisation u wanna advance with.
Jillexie: Eff the Pykes
ph0enix__42: Crimson dawn is cool
saucemaster5000: Pyke starts with P and that's the pee letter
saucemaster5000: ipso facto
anhakha: Probably be anti-slavery...?
creasehearst: the Pykes also sell Spice (aka drugs)
TXC2: are they communist ?
Gaz_L: i really liked in Rebels where Hera normally has an American accent except with her dad, where she goes back to the French/Ryloth
Jillexie: Qi'ra from Solo runs CD now.
Waterscorpion: Didn't Maul lead the Crimson Dawn?
measureofhope: Crimson Dawn is Darth Maul's syndicate
BrowneePointz: itโ€™s Darth Maulโ€™s Gang Han Soloโ€™s Ex GF runs
Didero: @Gaz_L Hera must've been away from Ryloth for very long for her to lose her accent
Jillexie: Maul is dead by this point
Didero: @Jillexie Maul never dies
Gaz_L: @Didero it's played as kind of a code-switching thing
Diabore: lasers dont break bones
red_shoes_jeff: She SAID it healed nicely.
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Diabore Good thing blasters are particle beams then.
BrowneePointz: Daenerys Stargaryen
Waterscorpion: Did you guys already do the Star Wars Unlimited draft stream?
Gaz_L: @Didero Obi-Wan went vertical the last time, not horizontal. He dead
Jillexie: Well played Brownie
BrowneePointz: Who is this Lady Mon Cal and why is she Mother
Didero: @Gaz_L Oh right, that Rebels episode, that was an amazing moment, thanks for reminding me of it!
couchboyj: Star Wars Unlimited is the MacBeth of AFK.
Waterscorpion: I'm loving the game and would love to catch you guys playing it.
Didero: @Didero But that hasn't happened yet
Gaz_L: @Didero it's literal my favourite lightsaber duel in all of SW
Juliamon: let's turn everyone against the Pykes, what could possibly go wrong
just__fitz: Verrick sounds familiar, what other pop culture is that name from
anhakha: Varrick? U got taller. How's iron bull?
BrowneePointz: yes it has
Coloneljesus: yeah wth was that
TehAmelie: more like got wheeled over
prince_infidel: She's a terrible negotiator
goombalax: she was trying to wheel and then folded
Izandai: "Half up front." "No." "That works."
Didero: I like how they write the mission name in Aurebesh too
BrowneePointz: this game takes place post Death Star 1 @didero rebels takes place pre Rogue One
northos: gotta level that up first :p
anhakha: Varrick is a Dragon Age character @just__fitz
goombalax: we gotta get Nyx working these deals
TXC2: pretty
Gaz_L: we're the moon
Izandai: That's a gas giant.
northos: yeah we must be on a gas giant moon
Jillexie: She is very much Young Han, faking it til she makes it.
MehallD: that's a gas giant, we must be on a moon
TehAmelie: maybe it's a binary planet
Izandai: We're the moon.
MrGibberish: what was the other game that was cursed on AFK for the longest time?
OmnipotentTrevor: Avatar was also really good at great views in-game.
Didero: @BrowneePointz Oh, somebody earlier said that this took place closer to the end of Episode 3
Melfina__: We like the moon! it's real low! (under our feet)
MehallD: sorry, we've all missed the appropriate chat comment
MehallD: That's no moon
Volus_dude: money? for exposure works too
Invitare: our lucky charms
northos: @MehallD but it's not a space station either
TXC2: the tides must be something fierce on this moon
BrowneePointz: the opening cinematic dude made mention โ€œthe empire is mad someone blew up their little space stationโ€
Jillexie: It takes place between Empire and RotJ.
Gaz_L: @Didero might be getting mixed up the Jedi games by Respawn, which do take place between the first two trilogies
prince_infidel: Always taking me trader charms
anhakha: Har-dee-har... no1 steals me lucky charms...
Jillexie: It tells you what is safe to sell
Gaz_L: there is a handy 'sell all the stuff that is ok to sell' button at shops
anhakha: After 5 hours of this IRL, you build a whole ship from this junk.
northos: good try
Gaz_L: is this Trandoshan wearing just a leather jacket with no shirt?
Gaz_L: Fashion Wars
Invitare: better. There's food
Jillexie: There is gear
jacqui_lantern234: :O SHRT
Jillexie: And stuff for Nix
anhakha: "Fashion"
prince_infidel: It's very 70s
Jillexie: And gear sets.
anhakha: Holster for Sniper Rifle?
Gaz_L: good news, you can also glam gear to look like any other gear you own
malsareus: time to gamble together a wardrobe
Jillexie: Transmog ftw
Didero: @Gaz_L The 'Plot' section of Outlaws's Wikipedia article starts with "Shortly after the Battle of Hoth"
anhakha: Ur face is over the cost
Gaz_L: we are just a crime baby, not making much dough
anhakha: Centre.
malsareus: time for Bat-Ben?
anhakha: Put yourself in the very centre of the screen.
Angnor33: Just make the camera bounce around like a screensaver!
fiftymcnasty: dead center
Jillexie: Time to start doing some crimes.
anhakha: Perfect.
Gaz_L: put game in the small window, and your face on most of the screen Kappa
Izandai: Stupid video games making efficient use of screen real estate for their UI. Think of the streamers!
MTigress: just bounce around like the DVD screensaver yeah
TXC2: ^
ScrapyardGhostTrain: I remember Alex putting himself at the top, upside down, way back on IDDQDerp.
TXC2: and when it hits the corner we;ll all cheer
Jensling: @Gaz_L the DB special TPFufun
Anubis169: yyyyyyyup
Jillexie: This is how abilities are handled rather than via experience.
Gaz_L: it's kind of like Wolfenstein
Kentosaurus: @tx2 I admire your use of "when" and not "if"
northos: ya gotta check your spleen
goombalax: you got time to gamble
Gaz_L: got time to lean, got time to clean
Invitare: time to clean
Jillexie: You even get new abilities for Nix
red_shoes_jeff: You have time for crab.
ReddHaring: time to preen
Angnor33: "If you've got time to lean, we'll take your spleen!"
TXC2: Kentosaurus I live in hope
Astramentha: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab ?
malsareus: time to clean (your pillow)
TehAmelie: time to unionize
northos: @red_shoes_jeff no, that's if you've got time to gab lrrCrab
Gaz_L: i like that some of the stormies have fem voices
Jillexie: Shakedown!
Astramentha: ACAB
jacqui_lantern234: 1312
goombalax: Paunch
BusTed: tqsRoll tqsRoll
Invitare: you can't punch the cops
malsareus: you're not a Mandalorian or Jedi Ben
Jillexie: No violence allowed in cities.
Volus_dude: kay punchgood not living on her good name
Angnor33: @Invitare YOu can absolutely punch the cops. But there are consequences... :P
Didero: They should make a Star Wars game like Viscera Cleanup Detail or Powerwash Simulator, where you're a droid that has to fix stuff on a space station
Gaz_L: Astromech Sim
prince_infidel: Ya know, this Empire seems like bad news
malsareus: so Ben, how far under do you wear your shirts?
Gaz_L: or Gonk Droid Extreme
InconsiderateHat: Baroque?
goombalax: rather be Baroque than Chambe
TXC2: like music in the 1800's we are Baroque Kappa
Gaz_L: between the protons
saucemaster5000: don't permeate the Ben
Didero: Simply eat a kevlar vest to protect your insides
malsareus: Ben, spicced with a shirt
TehAmelie: my shirts are made of the fabric of spacetime
Jensling: Undershirt so under it's in the subocean
malsareus: this is how we learn Ben is Pyrexian
Kentosaurus: Belo Roovin is a good star wars name
dumbo3k: They probably figured you might be broke by this point, after playing Sabacc
Coloneljesus: nice save
BrowneePointz: Yknow seeing you play this makes me cross me fingers so hard for an Edge of the Empire Dide Friends some day
BrowneePointz: Dice friends
Gaz_L: put Glupp Shitto in the games, you cowards
Izandai: Hmmm
BrowneePointz: wow I had a mini stroke there
Izandai: Will this piss them off? Is there a way to do this without pissing them off?
Agnememnon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Agnememnon: Is waka flocka in star wars now?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Agnememnon! (Today's storm count: 21)
Didero: Yeah, lrrEFF the Syndicate
malsareus: Ben has learned how to know somebody
Invitare: tehre should be a little cafe stand around here, though I don't know if you have enough money for it
Volus_dude: kay shouting to siri middle of street:" siri where i can get illegal stuff?"
TehAmelie: do we want to get syndicated? or rogue 4 life
BrowneePointz: but yea I donโ€™t know if youโ€™ve thumbed through the Edge of the Empire TTRPG book yall have at the Moonbase Ben, but itโ€™s vibe is just *this*
BrowneePointz: its*
RayFK: Can't believe you'd call discord strangers
iris_of_ether: That's a mood
malsareus: that's a tautology
TehAmelie: coffee from Space Colombia
BrowneePointz: Caf
Gaz_L: i think it's near the Crimson Dawn area
RayFK: Like David yeah but the rest?
Invitare: I think it's right in the middle of the market, lower floor
BrowneePointz: I think Star Wars coffee is LITERALLY just called Caf
Gaz_L: it is @BrowneePointz
prince_infidel: @BrowneePointz Yep
Kentosaurus: How do you do, fellow syndicates
dumbo3k: @Invitare It's also more of a food cart than a cafe
RayFK: I saw Ben Vent
RayFK: Sus
BrowneePointz: the funniest thing about the whole Jizz Debacle is that Jatz is also JUST as perfectly stupid Star Wars
Gaz_L: Audible finally got the unabridged versions of the first Zahn/Thrawn novels so i've been re-reading/listening to those recently
TXC2: a little Venti
TehAmelie: reputation mechanics are always great
dumbo3k: No, they actually have to see it
Volus_dude: ventful day
Gaz_L: i don't think stealing counts if they don't see, no
Jillexie: They have to catch you
Jillexie: If they don't then you are fine
Jillexie: FYI in-city stealth is harder than when you are in the open world. In the open world you can start blasting if caught.
Jillexie: Though you will lose rep.
dumbo3k: You briefly got an alert saying someone was seeing you, but wasn't about to arrest you, so they could see when you stole
Jillexie: If the alert goes from yellow to red, you have been spotted.
Gaz_L: i think they said they were gonna patch these sections to be a little easier
just__fitz: Can you do Spice in this game
Didero: "[speaks in Pyke]" Thanks subtitles
MacSquizzy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 79 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MacSquizzy! (Today's storm count: 22)
TXC2: Ben "stealth" Ulmer they call him
Gaz_L: Garnet Luss, got it
Jogela: Wait, that is a sure thing, then it is no longer gambling
Jillexie: To the fathier table!
TehAmelie: unless they figure out who broke in here when they hear about your win. . .
TXC2: Canto bight is on Tatoone right?
Jillexie: Ni
Jillexie: No
BrowneePointz: Canto Bight is the casino planet from eight
Gaz_L: i love the chunky 70s computer aesthetic from SW
BrowneePointz: And where Kay is from
TXC2: BrowneePointz Jillexie ah ok
Gaz_L: well, Canto Bight is the casino city on Can...tonica? Cantontica?
Jillexie: Something like that. It is also a desert planet.
BrowneePointz: I donโ€™t give a shit about 8 enough to be pedantic about it
Gaz_L: it's where the keys are it told you
Didero: @Gaz_L Cantonica according to Wookieepedia
dumbo3k: @Jillexie But not super deserty, like Tatooine. Like, theres still some plants and such
Gaz_L: journal
Jillexie: Journal
TXC2: the point is, it's not the pod racing track on tatooene, like I thought :p
Juliamon: desert (not barren)
jolly6100 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
jolly6100: yeah star wars and ben lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jolly6100! (Today's storm count: 23)
BrowneePointz: ye is the Space Horse Racing @txc2
dumbo3k: I think the data you got would be in valuables, and its something you can trade for reputation?
Mangledpixel: boop
dumbo3k: inventory
TXC2: hello Mangledpixel welcome
Jillexie: I thought it was in Intel
Mangledpixel: how's the scruffy looking nerf herding going?
dumbo3k: somewhere in inventory I think
anhakha: Love when games do that :-)
MehallD: Hi TQ
Jillexie: It is not in inventory unless you found the keycard
Gaz_L: TQ would like to see Nix, Ben
Jillexie: Ben, show TQ the baby (is Nix)
QmonsterGames: The real question: Is it better than Starfield with Star Wars mods?
BrowneePointz: @witchytq baby still in the bassinet somewhere
TXC2: hello WitchyTQ welcome
BrowneePointz: yes, this is better than Starfield because some actual thought went into the world design
WitchyTQ: you're not a doofus, and if you are then you're MY doofus
Jillexie: It should be in Intel. I don't know why it isn't right now.
MehallD: @BrowneePointz the bar is under the floor
BrowneePointz: @mehalld right!?
randomino5: Does this game have Pazaak
engineerbudy: just to be sure was it picked up?
WitchyTQ: nah i figured you so good
randomino5: Awful
Mangledpixel: it's set a thousand years too late for Pazaak
WitchyTQ: i accept this and will take an offer of the baby later
mirshebs: @MehallD beth will still find a way to not make it over said bar
BrowneePointz: Pazaak is still played in some places
just__fitz: Man they should make a meta video game casino game. Just have Gwent, Liars Dice, Saabak, and all the other games that outshown their shells
Garfy400: Did you read pad?
BrowneePointz: Sabacc is just more popular in this period
Jillexie: Maybe you have to progress into the open world before it shows you.
Gaz_L: they're not all in the city, to be fair, the keys are all over the moon/planet
Jillexie: Some of the key cards are in the open world.
dumbo3k: FYI, the info on rigged races, you might want to write down, cause the hint it'll give you at the betting table is very vague
TXC2: BrowneePointz like Texas hold-em replacing 5 card draw
anhakha: Maybe we haven't unlocked whatever it was yet.
Gaz_L: and there's more than one planet!
RayFK: Uh ohhhhh sleeeepies
anhakha: Like picking up a sniper mod when we haven't unlocked weapon modding at all.
Jillexie: Yeah, the Intel should be magnifying glasses on the locations of the key cards. Maybe it is waiting a bit on the main quest progression.
CaKnuckleguy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 4 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CaKnuckleguy! (Today's storm count: 24)
BrowneePointz: I looked up the thing and it says that should have unlocked three new Intel quests for the key cards? Maybe we have to get further in the game
dumbo3k: @BrowneePointz oh right, it was that intel
Didero: Rewatching the VOD, I don't think the game told you what you grabbed, unless it was shown in the bottom right
Jillexie: Alas some doors are just painted on.
Mangledpixel: the age old scifi problem - "is this a door or a wall panel?"
Gaz_L: arrow!
MWGNZ: morning peeps, how much have we won on sabaac today?
malsareus: gotta say, the signase is superb
Gaz_L: we do need to takedown distracted guys for an upgrade
TXC2: hello MWGNZ we've one once in Sabaax
azureHaights: @Mangledpixel I thought the age old scifi problem was "what's a millenium falcon" "it's a ship that--" "no, what's a millenium, and what's a falcon"
TheAinMAP: mattlrHeck
Gaz_L: you get asked nicely to leave
anhakha: The quest was to not get caught... weird.
Didero: "We're very disappointed in you" "Luckily I don't care about your opinion!"
Gaz_L: in the city, anyway, outside they'd shoot at you
malsareus: so the consequences for doming that guy is a stern word of warning?
malsareus: seems kinda mild for a gang
TheDevil_Risen: well you fail the quest
dumbo3k: He didn't fail
Gaz_L: nah, you're fine
TheDevil_Risen: or does it not punish you?
Jillexie: You are on to the next step
TheDevil_Risen: WoW
Jillexie: Bike out to Jaunta's Hope now.
TheDevil_Risen: Never Punished haha
Gaz_L: there is a 'summon bike' button
Jillexie: You can call it like horses in other hwmes
Jillexie: Games
Didero: Oh that looks fun
TehAmelie: it means Ubisoft is your friend lrrBEEJ
measureofhope: Dinosauruses!
MWGNZ: rayfkWelp
TheDevil_Risen: oops
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Jillexie: Error!
TehAmelie: lrrWOW
dumbo3k: Wow
couchboyj: seabatClap
Coloneljesus: yeah, really earned that ubisoft experience!
anhakha: Wow! Realism!
MehallD: hi highlights!
anhakha: That's gotta make the reel.
ricky_ruth: lol never seen that
Mangledpixel: @azureHaights to which the answer is "allegidly George Lucas was butthurt by the show 'Space 1999' having a spaceship design called an 'Eagle' which looked close to the smuggler ship design he had for his new movie, so he had it redesigned to look like a burger, and named it the 'Millenium' (one more than 1999) 'Falcon' (rather than Eagle)"
measureofhope: Welcome to the highlight reel
malsareus: or under that ledge?
ricky_ruth: too much controller vibe lpl
Jillexie: Now you get to learn the fun of navigating terrain in this game.
MehallD: @Mangledpixel That's very funny, but also I will 100% back Gerry Anderson over George Lucas every time
Jillexie: And by fun I mean, oh God it can be terrible.
Mangledpixel: MehallD oh absolutely, the Eagle is a timeless classic
malsareus: man traffic is hell on this planet
MehallD: @Mangledpixel though I'm a UFO gal over Space 1999
Didero: The only benefit of the new Clips editor is that it processes the final result faster
CaptainSpam: Looking in the grass is a gas.
KodeMage subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
KodeMage: Execute Order 66
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KodeMage! (Today's storm count: 25)
TXC2: I maintain that UFO is 100% a show you could remake today
just__fitz: Man is this like the long unecessary horseback rides from AC1 or the fun horse rides from RD
MehallD: @TXC2 IDK, I'm not sure "Gay Ellis" is a name we'd go for now
KodeMage: do we have grenades?
KodeMage: oh, we do
malsareus: stealthg grenade
dumbo3k: RIP
mirshebs: @just__fitz lil bit of both it seems
TXC2: Didero well that and you HAVE to press a button to make the clip, so fewer nonsense clips now
Didero: @Mangledpixel That's very interesting, thanks! But a millenium is thousand, not two thousand
TXC2: MehallD fair point
anhakha: One of my favourite star wars experiences was playing a Star Wars TTRPG where I made an assassin druid called FK-U2. He was just an ass.
kaboomjr26 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months, currently on a 30 month streak!
kaboomjr26: roger roger
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kaboomjr26! (Today's storm count: 26)
Didero: @TXC2 Oh yeah, that's very important, especially to you moderators
DarthRagnar815: Don't worry, you have the high ground.
KodeMage: 4 v 1 was a brave engage
dumbo3k: I was going to point out that they wanted it stealthy, which meant no combat, but hey, it's stealth if no one is alive to report you, right?
Didero: Do you still have your sniper rifle?
anhakha: Would be nice to have that sniper rifle about now...
TehAmelie: if only
Jillexie: You kinda need the ion upgrade to the blaster to deal with droids.
Mangledpixel: Didero you know what I mean, it's 1 before a multiple of a millenium
just__fitz: axDog is grenade proof aparently
k_prinz: how's the game?
Jillexie: You can later have Nix kick back grenades thrown at you.
CaptainSpam: "I have grenades! I'm so stealthy! Oh crap they have shields and also grenades and they are immune to grenades oh crap".
Didero: @Mangledpixel Oh sorry, I wasn't trying to nitpick you, I was just questioning Lucas.
TehAmelie: hey, free car
wildpeaks: now we know, for Science
Mangledpixel: Didero there are much easier targets for that :D
Jillexie: Charms are gear you can wear.
Jillexie: You are a criminal. You rarely return stuff.
jacqui_lantern234: "its goofy" ben thats just ALL star wars :P
thirsty_kitteh: my brain is stuck going "ooo this area looks good for belts"
azureHaights: @Mangledpixel @Didero I mean if I were to go full um atchschually I could point out that 1999 is TWO before a millenium
Jillexie: Go to Equipment to put on charms.
KodeMage: do we know it's species? (wtf is that thing?)
just__fitz: He's the baby version of the fish jedi master from the cartoons
k_prinz: how's the worldbuilding on the planets you visit and in which sage does it play?
TehAmelie: where did this specific open world formula begin by the way? Shadow of Mordor was the first one i played. . .
KodeMage: @just__fitz the fist guy?
Mangledpixel: azureHaights *pushes glasses into skull*
anhakha: Some moisture farmers getting killed.
TXC2: k_prinz around the time of Return of the Jedi
just__fitz: @KodeMage Baby Fisto
anhakha: I'm sure their nephew isn't important.
azureHaights: @Mangledpixel your push, my skull, I'm guessing
Mangledpixel: azureHaights :D
KodeMage: Kit Fisto Jr
OmnipotentTrevor: @TehAmelie I think Assassin's Creed commonly gets accused of popularising this kind of game
measureofhope: Are you attacking the homesteaders?
k_prinz: age*
TehAmelie: i guess that checks out. wonder why we don't call hem Creedlikes
BrowneePointz: after 4
Jillexie: After Empire
Gaz_L: this reminds me more of Far Cry than AC
KodeMage: pre-empire strikes back
KodeMage: oh, after empire?
Didero: Wikipedia claims it's just after the battle of Hoth
malsareus: Luke just found an exhaust vent
anhakha: Which side did we side with...? The owners or the attackers?
k_prinz: ah I see, impeccable worldbuilding KEKW
Jillexie: After Empire for sure.
wildpeaks: just a typical monday for them
Mangledpixel: from what I've seen, it's a lot of pretty environments with not much depth
anhakha: They're shell-shocked.
KodeMage: death star dies in new hope, second death star is return, what happens in empire? cloud city?
NojhLivic: No rewards, steal their stuff? Oh they don't have stuff, then why were they being shot at?
Sacrenos: yea that is one of the criticisms you hear a lot about this game. The lack of NPC interaction is weird from time to time.
BrowneePointz: battle of Hoth
KodeMage: it's been a long time since I've seen the original trilogy
Jillexie: Cloud City, Luke loses a hand, han is frozen
red_shoes_jeff: Eats fingers, that's what it is.
KodeMage: when is luke on dagobah?
malsareus: well they apparantly want your fingers
Gaz_L: @Mangledpixel my issue is more that there's lots of effort in stuff like the ambient dialogue but the main story scenes all feel like they're terrified the player will get bored if they have to listen to more than 2 minutes of character development
KodeMage: that's the start of return?
Gaz_L: like "oh god, get back to gameplay ASAP!"
Didero: @KodeMage No, that's the start of Empire Strikes Back
KodeMage: ah ok
just__fitz: Its weird that they don't combine the good aspects from each game, climbing from AC, gunplay from ghost recon, side activities from farcry. They just end up making games that dont use things they already fixed elsewhere
brieandbacon: @KodeMage Empire, after running from Hoth
Mangledpixel: Gaz_L yep, that's a 2024 AAA game alright
anhakha: Yellow for hand climby, red for bike jumpy.
BrowneePointz: Empire is mega dangerous at this point. they are in rebuilding, alert is on high, and they whipped the rebels ass at Hoth and are riding high
wildpeaks: we radiant questing now
BrowneePointz: @mangledpixel please, 2024 Ubisoft gaming*
Didero: Steal the shuttle!
Jillexie: And Jabba has a new wall decoration.
malsareus: and this is when Darth Vader walks out
couchboyj: This Soft is so Ubi lrrSLOTH
TXC2: "another settlement needs your help..."
KodeMage: murder everyone, hijack the shuttle, go go!
TehAmelie: i'm guessing dying and respawning is the way to get full health
TXC2: pew pew
Gaz_L: only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise
malsareus: turns out the imperial army actually works
TehAmelie: stormtrooper kill count: 1
dumbo3k: stormtroopers don't F around
BrowneePointz: The biggest rule in Star Wars is storm troopers are the scariest people in the galaxy unless you are a main character
Waterscorpion: Guns blazing!
couchboyj: The Stormtroopers hit their targets? They're Stormtrooping wrong!
BrowneePointz: Storm troopers are actually deadly, source: I nearly TP K my edge of the Empire party with a squad that I misjudged the size of
TXC2: Stoormtrooper really good against non force users
KodeMage: slowly stealth archer them to death one by one?
Mangledpixel: stormtroopers are just bad against plot armour
Didero: I think canonically, they were only bad shots because letting the Rebels escape was part of the big plan
BrowneePointz: Stormtroopers are really good against characters without Plot Armor
Gaz_L: doesn't explain every other time, @Didero
KodeMage: and now he drowns while stunned
Jillexie: Gaming!
Didero: @Gaz_L All part of the plan! :p
Earthenone: !plan
LRRbot: Translator's note: Plan means Keikaku.
Jillexie: Fast talk!
just__fitz: Man why was that the friendliest looking darth maul person
BrowneePointz: Zabrak
mrhansen84: This game worth getting for a guy who plays around 2 times a month? :)
malsareus: Zabraks are great
TXC2: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! You should buy the fiber protection plan.
Didero: Must be a very muddy hill
BrowneePointz: and because Species arenโ€™t Monoliths Fitz lol
TheDevil_Risen: going to the sub ocean?
wildpeaks: "become one with nature"
Gaz_L: boring conversation anyway
tyrsredritehand: Why is the armor more effective when they are aware of you!?
TehAmelie: sneak attack baby
wildpeaks: reverse stealthology
wildpeaks: must have been the wind
TXC2: adrenaline kicks in when they see you, and thus they are harder to kill
Waterscorpion: I've done a stealth attack to one clipping into the ground. It caused by character to fall through the floor and get stuck, so watch out with that.
Waterscorpion: My*
Didero: But that was the commander, so good one to use it on
Gaz_L: bonk
Mangledpixel: clonk
wildpeaks: this stormtropper will not have his own squad after tonight
just__fitz: Vulcan Neck Punch
k_prinz: are storm troopers scary in this game?
Gaz_L: are we out of bacta?
TXC2: "wanna get blasted" sounds like getting drunk
Gaz_L: oh yeah, we are
k_prinz: sadly it looks like no, I really liked that in Andor
TheDevil_Risen: GG
BrowneePointz: yes, the one with the yellow pauldron was the leader
azureHaights: flames on the side?
TheDevil_Risen: How much HDR?
TheDevil_Risen: Yes!
TXC2: Brightness set to "HERE COMES THE SUN!"
Didero: Unless you want a side-job as an Imperial interogator :p
Gaz_L: oh, wait those are the creepy needle droids they used on Leia in ANH
BrowneePointz: Interrogation droid
Juliamon: I love how clear they are with sellables
Gaz_L: @BrowneePointz i said what i said
Mangledpixel: thereputic combat
inetro subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, inetro! (Today's storm count: 27)
MehallD: @Juliamon I hope there's a "sell all junk" button
dumbo3k: @MehallD There is
Gaz_L: there is indeed a 'sell all sellable stuff'
MehallD: then yeah, on board with flagging all the junk
BrowneePointz: well, going off the edge of the Empire TTRPG and E11 blaster rifle is a restricted weapon and you would have a hard time selling it
k_prinz: speeder driving through pretty ladscapes seems nice
MehallD: big fan of biguous games
BrowneePointz: Like, the tabletop game points out how some weapons are incredibly hard to fence
Mangledpixel: must be perfectly safe then
anhakha: But I might NEED 4 torn bat wings! I can't sell them....
Didero: Shortcut Unlocked
measureofhope: This seems fine
wildpeaks: ideally sellabe stuffs being converted to money directly is even nicer
inetro: Yeah I enjoy it when games label them Materials and Valuables, easy to tell what to sell
TXC2: shortcave
TehAmelie: shortcut discovered
dumbo3k: @BrowneePointz not mention a little hard to conceal, and the empire wouldn't like you having it
anhakha: Do I need the 32 broken key cards?
azureHaights: HDR so explosively bright, call it ka-bloom
TheDevil_Risen: Space Drifting! :)
Gaz_L: you can drift the speeder!
BrowneePointz: Now THIS is pod racing!
Gaz_L: i do like her hopping on top of the bike and walking down it
anhakha: Horse
dumbo3k: I mean, in Skyrim, you needed a horse to Skyrim Horse it
Critterbot: Well skyrimmed! :D
azureHaights: by the power of todd howard
JKBalch: The Skyrim horse was you all along
wildpeaks: you can mako it, we believe
Gaz_L: i call it Mako-ing it after Mass Effect
wildpeaks: @Gaz_L hive mind :D
anhakha: And sell our junk
dumbo3k: You do have a bunch of junk to sell
NightValien28: BEN BEN
NightValien28: hih ben ben, hih chat
TXC2: hello NightValien28 welcome
NightValien28: I would die for nix
dumbo3k: The charms from the sidequest aren't equippable charms
Didero: So optimally you'd switch charms anytime you open a container? That sounds frustrating
QuixoticScrivener: now you can hit four rocks while driving around, with minimal consequences!
Mangledpixel: Professor Oaked
Juliamon: I feel like the credits charm is a trap, credits already seem pretty easy to come by
BrowneePointz: oooooh snap chat Culverโ€™s Pumpkin Spice Shake is back and my wallet is not prepared
Didero: Break time? :p
dumbo3k: a little breaky-poo
azureHaights: cycle the fluids!
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TheMerricat: So I just want to make sure I understand what we just did... We took a side quest to find a tailor who sells tailoring supplies... Ran all the way there but we didn't buy any supplies we just bought Intel on how to find someone else? :D
Gaz_L: @Juliamon it does add a substantial amt of credits when it procs, to be fair
dumbo3k: odds on how long it'll take ffor some thug to attack?
Astramentha: bubzCOMFY bubzCOMFY bubzCOMFY bubzCOMFY bubzCOMFY
mirshebs: lol controller disconnected again
dumbo3k: @Juliamon you do end up getting more charm slots, as well
Gaz_L: @TheMerricat we bought a shiny for our charm bracelet
annra0i: is this game worth the purchase?
BrowneePointz: idk up to you
TheMerricat: @annra0i so far everything I've seen says it's an Ubisoft game with a Star wars skin if you like Ubisoft games...
annra0i: @themerricat fair enough, i donโ€™t think iโ€™d enjoy it lol
Mollylele: @annra0i you know you best then
annra0i: if it was an open-world mmo, iโ€™d give it a shot
Gaz_L: well, The Old Republic still exists, to be fair
annra0i: star citizen will fill my interplanetary open world needs for the time being
Juliamon: LUL
Gaz_L: whoops, maybe need to take that slide out
Juliamon: I forgot to remind Paul
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG
Didero: I hope the speeder doesn't have a healthbar :p
dumbo3k: @Didero it does xD
annra0i: what planet is he on?
Didero: @dumbo3k ohno
TehAmelie: oh yeah, +1 HP gave us a lot more health did it
Gaz_L: Toshara
Gaz_L: now your gun is two guns
Didero: Wait, wooden flooring?
Desruprot: limesLook
dumbo3k: You have Nix, why would you need anyone else?
Didero: That says 'Wanted'
Didero: See, learning to read Aurebesh CAN come in handy :p
Desruprot: bummer you can't Bart Simpson the wanted poster and put a mustache or something on it
Gaz_L: you got a box in the cargo bay you could open
Desruprot: toilet, kitchen, the life
4 raiders from Hulyen have joined!
Gaz_L: dress up to protec his lil head feelies
Hulyen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
Hulyen: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Hulyen! (Today's storm count: 28)
Juliamon: aww we match now
TXC2: hello raiders
Desruprot: It is blue, not sure
TheDevil_Risen: close :D
BrowneePointz: he has a dl44
TXC2: looks more Buck Rogers then colt 1911 now
TheMerricat: "Star Wars: Crimson Reign is a canon comic-book miniseries and crossover event created by Marvel Comics. "
Desruprot: @BrowneePointz thats the weird one with the high scope right?
BrowneePointz: its a heavy ass blaster
TheMerricat: "The story focuses on Crimson Dawn and Qi'ra after the events of Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters. The five-part series began publication on December 8, 2021. "
Didero: heavy ass-blaster, you say?
Desruprot: classic outlaw stuff messing with the Hutts
BrowneePointz: like, Han is packing a hand shotgun
Desruprot: Hutts seem to be outlaw's main enemy outlaws
BrowneePointz: its cuz theyโ€™re old money Crime Family
Didero: Oh, so this is before Leia murders Jabba then
TheMerricat: So whomever is responsible for security in Ubisoft games... I have notes about sticking your generators for shielding and such right in front of windows to easily be sniped out. :D
BrowneePointz: if you want my personal opinion, it shouldnโ€™t be Jabba
Desruprot: true there is a whole planet of Hutts to choose
Didero: @BrowneePointz Yeah, Jabba is overused, there's a whole Hutt family
BrowneePointz: Like, the entire species has over 20 crime families and five? Great houses of which Jabbaโ€™s is only one.
TehAmelie: it's the speeder of Thor
BrowneePointz: the Hutt Cartel is MASSIVE but its always the Desilijicโ€™s *sigh*
TehAmelie: always returns to its master
brieandbacon: !holes
LRRbot: Come see the Antler Arch in beautiful downtown Jackson Hole.
Juliamon: seriously though, our upper body strength is unreal
dumbo3k: Pretty sure those are the nests of the little flying bat lizardy guys
Critterbot: Oh ny my trypophobia! >_<
DoomBringerIL: why did james proxy ur deck on PPR? @LoadingReadyRun
Didero: @Juliamon Or gravity is lower :p
TehAmelie: slidin into their DMs like nothin
Gaz_L: she's so bad at this
Jillexie: I love her
TXC2: I have seen 5 year old lie better then Kay :p
Juliamon: Did the responsible thing
emonotony: "your sealed pool with flashlands?" argh
BrowneePointz: responsible and respectful
emonotony: fastlands too
just__fitz: A good boy move
atlr: i salute your precaution.
emonotony: dangit brain
saucemaster5000: so what you are saying is james stole from you
Jillexie: Good idea to not infect the visiting author.
Desruprot: How much do you care about MTG Lore?
ReddHaring: Running with a deck? recipe for disaster. Beats scissors I guess.
DoomBringerIL: canadians are so responsible.. we probab woul've said fuck it
TheDevil_Risen: I have not read the new story yet
TheDevil_Risen: that deck was busted with the sauce
BrowneePointz: I just thought of a hilarious pre-record of you all going go karting for the death race set next
Desruprot: The Tap Tap Concede was good, though still suggestions to read the story
couchboyj: Kathleen's deck was ridiculous too.
BrowneePointz: LRRio Kart
Mangledpixel: boob shot!
BrowneePointz: TIDD PAWNCH!
just__fitz: Is one colour getting hosed in this set or are they all pretty equal
BrowneePointz: Swarmreaver
Ritaspirithntr: who knew your worst fears actually made a good limited deck! tqsSweat
Desruprot: Play Boosters adding the additional rares making limited more powerful, logically not surprising
DoomBringerIL: 4
TheDevil_Risen: there's a straight up infinite in the landfall precon deck too
caelin2019: i remember drafting 10 rares in bloomburrow once
Desruprot: @TheDevil_Risen oh right, so you must of seen that
dumbo3k: she had a moment to remember your face, before you clobbered her
LostThePirate: If Adam's sick, does that mean no Wolf boys tomorrow? Or gonna do a discord thing to continue with it?
Gaz_L: she'll wake up eventually... in theory
TehAmelie: i thought getitng lower rep with them was just a bonus
prince_infidel: Can you hide bodies?
just__fitz: How heavy is AxDog, dragging grown folks down like that is crazy
Gaz_L: the alarms are what makes me feel like this is more Far Cry
TXC2: just__fitz an animal doesn't have to be big or heavy to bring you down when it's biting hard into you
Juliamon: Especially an animal that just launched itself at your face
hieroglyphica: I gotta be honest, I once got taken down by a domestic cat. He just launched right at me and wrapped around my arm, ngl it sent me to the hospital
hieroglyphica: I'm not a titan of stamina tho
Garfy400: A making friends with the pikes rub eh
TehAmelie: they'll be our reputation dump
Garfy400: *run
prince_infidel: TF Ben
Juliamon: Being bipedal makes it very easy to be tipped over, turns out.
dumbo3k: It was dawn
Gaz_L: moon go zoom
TXC2: again, a moon turning fast would have CRAZY tides
Juliamon: probably not too much an issue on a desert planet
Desruprot: It might be scary if it was no moon
Gaz_L: Toshara's not a desert, this is just kind of scrubland... there's rivers
Desruprot: a Brawling Reputation?
just__fitz: @Gaz_L Its a Drumheller Alberta kind of planet
TXC2: Rivers wouldn't be so bad, as long as there's no seas or oceans
Juliamon: maybe everyone avoids the coast because of the tides
TXC2: Juliamon makes sense
dumbo3k: you got 1 of the vault keycards, there are 3
Desruprot: treasures for the treasure throne
Gaz_L: there's multiple keys for the vault
Juliamon: boy, that is a lax lock
ELD_Winterlight: THat seems like an immensely Ben ability
Juliamon: We're already Wanted by them, I don't know that we *care* about our rep going 'down'
Gaz_L: i really hope they had the VA record the 'yes, i bet you have' from the Greedo scene for the fast talk thing
dumbo3k: undercover thug!
Juliamon: really
Desruprot: LUL
josh___something: sick belt
Critterbot: New holster?
brieandbacon: The end-game is fashion
TXC2: yes
azureHaights: A ruffian belt to go with the ruffian pants
TheDevil_Risen: new belt HYPU!
atlr: oh it a meh
TheAinMAP: RPGEmpty
saucemaster5000: Yeah I really wanted to fuck that mimic....
dumbo3k: @saucemaster5000 o.o
measureofhope: Wasn't there a basement?
Desruprot: down to go up?
Coloneljesus: can't even play with rats in peace anymore
Coloneljesus: smh my head
JKBalch: Those were their pet rats
dumbo3k: yeah, knocked out, next to a bomb
Gaz_L: for... how long was the timer?
Juliamon: yeah, the bomb's the murderer
josh___something: I regret to inform you that you...
Desruprot: well
josh___something: yeah
Coloneljesus: yeah but not in peace. he'll now forever check behind his shoulder while playing with his rats
TXC2: still not murder
TXC2: just Manslaughter
josh___something: Industrial accident
Juliamon: no body no proof
Critterbot: Was the bomb rigged to tie up loose ends? Namely you?
josh___something: Tjat
Gaz_L: we set a timer, he had a fair shot
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
josh___something: That's just part of the job
JKBalch: Just because you left them their next to the bomb doesn't mean you murdered him. Kinda like Batman didn't kill that guy after throwing him off the belltower
gibbousm: How's the game so far?
QuixoticScrivener: this is Star Wars, some on screen deaths count as off screen
Desruprot: LUL
BusTed: LUL
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
prince_infidel: HAHAHAHAHAHAA
measureofhope: *slow clap*
josh___something: SEE YA NE*explosion in the distance*
TXC2: Ben I think you need driving lessons :p
dumbo3k: I think your one liners attract obstracles
Gaz_L: so we're getting a compilation of those at some point, right?
gibbousm: I've mostly been hearing its a "Ubisoft game" just with a Star War skin so I was hoping to hear some actual impressions
Critterbot: Nobody saw that. LUL
Juliamon: gibbousm It's that, but it's a good skin
Desruprot: Bandits, classic but this isn;t Bethseda
Desruprot: Bandits and they upgraded to Pirates
BusTed: benginO7
Critterbot: Dafuq? :D
TehAmelie: rocket propelled bandit
Desruprot: Thisi s getting out of hand now theres two of them
Orlantia: you knocked that lady's block off
gibbousm: Ah yes, the Big Three: Gangs, Pirates, and Empires
TXC2 has Fallout 4 flashbacks
Gaz_L: yeah, we need to turn it in
dumbo3k: you grabbed the cache, but you didnt deliver it
Metric_Furlong: well, I know you planned it
dumbo3k: yeah, Both of them are just chilling in the diner, waiting for you
spicydungus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
spicydungus: Hi :)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, spicydungus! (Today's storm count: 29)
dumbo3k: I think that was Soup
Invitare: big soup
TXC2: that's the 3 bean soup
QuixoticScrivener: itโ€™s an eternal stew
Coloneljesus: half up front? nah, half at the end.
Coloneljesus: kay: cool
27 raiders from wiggins have joined!
jibkat: mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2
Izandai: mattlrBork mattlrBork mattlrBork
SymphonySolstice: mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2
GapFiller: WIGGINS RAID!!!
damn_i_am_pretty: mattlrBork2
TXC2: hello Raiders !
Gaz_L: hello chatt
Coloneljesus: hey raiders!!
Izandai: The evil is defeated.
Metric_Furlong: Chatthew has arrived
jibkat: mattlrLurk whats this
SymphonySolstice: the evil has been defeated (sekiro)
Astramentha: hi Chatthew
Izandai: d'oh
jibkat: mattlrLul
LordZarano: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PDT (5m from now).
TXC2: SymphonySolstice Wiggins beat Skeiro? good for him
LostThePirate: Don't worry! Another stream is coming up right after
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
jibkat: CAT
jibkat: ๐Ÿ™€
TXC2: fingers crossed
wiggins: Hi Ben
Izandai: The Ubisoft Game
wiggins: "The Ubisoft game"
Izandai: #drift
NojhLivic: A "go around and do stuff" game.
TXC2: it ubisoft game, but it good ubidsfot game
baskwalla: So he started blast'n
malsareus: it seems like a solid Ubi game
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks for the stream BenBen!
TXC2: thanks for streaming Ben
Orktopus: Good to see you, Ben! Have a great one!
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
malsareus: I still say The Horizon games are better Ubi games than actual Ubi games though
Metric_Furlong: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
thatguysteve2709: Thank you for the stream appreciate it
malsareus: it might be to robot dinos
shendaras: benginHeart
Metric_Furlong: not drawing horses
SymphonySolstice: jaqui time!!
iris_of_ether: Jacqui is guesting
TXC2: Cori is doing ART with chat's own jacqui_lantern234
Mollylele: star horse
TehAmelie: a synaeshetics-o-rama
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
malsareus: got a kitten in your ear Ben?
Metric_Furlong: hell yeah, Quacks
Coloneljesus: wheeler was so sad he couldn't play quacks
iris_of_ether: Ben.
Gaz_L: Ticket to Ride
TehAmelie: Train lrrEFF ers, i think that's it
TXC2: a stacked week for us UK/EU peeps
iris_of_ether: :D
Didero: Thanks for the stream!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TXC2: bye
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TehAmelie: thanks for having us
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
Mollylele: thank you Ben, and also Nix
jacqui_lantern234: my time is here!!! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PDT (0s from now).
corianderd: nailed it
jacqui_lantern234: nailed it
Bengineering: like a well oiled machine
LordZarano: lrrHORN PrideRise
Bengineering: real gamer hours
Earthenone: lrrSIG
iris_of_ether: Here we gooooo
Redbassist: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TehAmelie: i didn't have to refresh, clearly a good omen
SymphonySolstice: and now, honse
jacqui_lantern234: also, here is playlist so far. ill ask for more songs when i get towards the end of it
TXC2: here we GO!
TehAmelie: at least, a horse of a different color
LordZarano: lrrSIG LuvSign lrrSIG
hieroglyphica: Oh wow that's the first time I haven't needed to refresh
iris_of_ether: sponge73Wave
TXC2: Hello Cori and Jacqui
Metric_Furlong: good
beowuuf: seabatClap sergeHi
iris_of_ether: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
BusTed: FBtouchdown
hieroglyphica: Woopo
TehAmelie: ohaio
Metric_Furlong: chat can just sing along Kappa
Mollylele: wow roasting us already, I see how it is
Metric_Furlong: oh is it?
TXC2: it's all your fault chat, good job
beowuuf: jlrrFacepalm
Metric_Furlong: since when have chat submitted music to things? Kappa
iris_of_ether: Oooooh
Metric_Furlong: you'd make animatics for raisins? I wouldn't think they'd be able to appreciate it
iris_of_ether: Take on Cori/Take on Cori
LordZarano: Jacqui quieter in the mix than Cori?
TXC2: LordZarano Jacqui is further away from the mic, so that's gonna make a difference
SymphonySolstice: I have a good song for jacqui once the playlist ones are used up
TehAmelie: the secret sausage recipes
TXC2: oh no, I'm seeing double, four Coris
Metric_Furlong: are we following any particular theme for song suggestions?
TehAmelie: now if my internet could give the stream more than 0.2 frames per second pls
TehAmelie: oh, the stream is dropping them too?
iris_of_ether: I have something for you later, Jacqui
SymphonySolstice: I do enjoy many musics
Metric_Furlong: I definitly did not involuntarily let out a cackle at 'nothing particularly off limits'
SymphonySolstice: nothing is TOS if we simply don't play it out loud
TXC2: lets pull up "my mix" on youtube and see what I can hit Jacqui with
Earthenone: cant draw norse club?
SymphonySolstice: speaking of, me and my sister might join our local SCA next month
iris_of_ether: @earthenone escher3PUN
Metric_Furlong: well, I have something in the chamber for when suggestions go live
LostThePirate: I think this is the first time I've been crafting during the crafty times... Crocheting ghosts.