Diabore: ah, its not wolfy this week, i was wondering because the website wasnt updated earlier and i know adams on the mend
Juliamon: yeah it got updated a couple hours ago
AugmentingPath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: The Classrooms) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (1m from now).
Kuhfeek: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Diabore: well thats different
TheBehemothBarn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheBehemothBarn! (Today's storm count: 28)
Nigouki: noooooooooo i dont wanna go back to school :(
James_the_Dabbler: jokes on you I’m still in school
Earthenone: 2 cool 4 school
Reduce_Sanity: As a person who quit teaching this year: I DONT WANNA GO BACK TO SCHOOL
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
Nigouki: strem?
SnackPak_: lrrFINE ?
SeaDiegoFC: RIP?
AugmentingPath: good stream. good night Kappa
Earthenone: great work everyone
dumbo3k: School is canceled! Wooo! Snow Day!
malfnord: we did it chat
LostThePirate: lol
SnackPak_: we beat school!
SeaDiegoFC: Do we get to curse Shaw here as well?
GenericHerooo: 👀
patrick_stonecrusher: Nice stream, see yall next week! FutureMan
Lysander_salamander: Is this like, "the backrooms" but with a school as the setting? I mean, schools are already limnal spaces so I guess that scans
Nigouki: if the streamer doesn't show up in the first 15 min we can all leave
protojman: jlrrBreak
TehAmelie: graduation party in 5?
Earthenone: the contract said to stream starting at 5 not for how long :P
Lysander_salamander: !neat
SnackPak_: lrrSIG we're back
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: The Classrooms) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (2m ago).
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Reduce_Sanity: We regret to inform you that school operations are closed at all Moonbase locations today. Stay safe.
Mr_Horrible: More like Da Assrooms send tweet OpieOP
ph0enix__42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ph0enix__42! (Today's storm count: 29)
TehAmelie: school's back from summer♫
ButterBall000: Looks like them Spoop Boys is at it again!
SeaDiegoFC: I didn't know Fables went to school...
protojman: gee Adam and Ben how come mom lets you have TWO streams
ButterBall000 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ButterBall000! (Today's storm count: 30)
ButButTheJesus: hi folks, how was your Regular Crispy Day. I had a mexican pizza
vouru subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
vouru: That's almost 3 years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vouru! (Today's storm count: 31)
kragmabutch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kragmabutch! (Today's storm count: 32)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThreeTwoOnePantsOff! (Today's storm count: 33)
Eille_k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
Eille_k: finally, an actually prime number
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Eille_k! (Today's storm count: 34)
Skye_Stryke subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Skye_Stryke! (Today's storm count: 35)
bootsmalone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bootsmalone! (Today's storm count: 36)
TehAmelie: i had some mild chili nuts
Earthenone: i had hot pockets for regular crispy day
ghyllnox: Aww no movie night
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: @butbutthejesus I had some really good potato chips
korvys: Oh, I like this going online screen
QuixoticScrivener: we didn't finish wolf amoung us, did we?
Earthenone: this was a rare crossover holiday, it was also tuesday the 17th for psych fans :)
Juliamon: no, Adam's sick at home
Earthenone: doggos are waiting until adam recovers
Bengineering: Hmmm apparently I'm dropping frames all over the floor
Bengineering: Idk why this worked fine yesterday
Dog_of_Myth: Oh noooo
ghyllnox: @Juliamon Riiiight, I'd forgotten
TehAmelie: Horse Club had some frame trubs too, i heard
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: poor Adam. I hope he feels better soon
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: Everyone send Adam soup. Fill that man’s house with soup
Bengineering: Do things look/sound okay to yall??
baltimore_667083: yea all seems good on my end
Mazrae: Not going to lie this music is kinda chill
Gildan_Bladeborn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months, currently on a 110 month streak!
Gildan_Bladeborn: Seems okay at the moment.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gildan_Bladeborn! (Today's storm count: 37)
saucemaster5000: Sound good volume here, game looks good
Mr_Horrible: looks fine, sound is just background music but also seems okay
Rhynerd: so far so good
ghyllnox: Frames seem okay to me
thatguysteve2709: No issues on my end
Dog_of_Myth: Seems smooth for me
TehAmelie: yeop
DarknessKingCoH subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months, currently on a 60 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DarknessKingCoH! (Today's storm count: 38)
Mazrae: Oh no I just saw a ghost pass by on the screen lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
Its_Wish2025: Spoop time
CastleOtranto: Whew, just barely made it
TehAmelie: hmm i hope the whole game plays on that CRT at an angle
TehAmelie: hiii
Lysander_salamander: hi hi hello
lamina5432: good evening
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
Nigouki: show the babby kitty!
Kramburger: The internet hampster at twitch needs more water
ghyllnox: Twitch for once, not super twitchy
Mr_Horrible: that face when frames
HorusFive: Show Frames Streamer
saucemaster5000: Yeah you are looking just fine. The stream is good too.
TehAmelie: maybe you're just frame perfect lrrSHINE
neisan2112: Spoop time!
RatherLargeToad: seems ok at the moment
PMAvers: Is it a Twitch problem? seabatCHOICE
Masslost subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
Masslost: hi confused, I'm mass
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Masslost! (Today's storm count: 39)
Mr_Horrible: OBS stands for Old Boozin' Software
ghyllnox: OBS go lay down for a spell
wastetalent: sound cuts out periodically
DarthRagnar815: Producing enough frames make dropping a few okay?
Mr_Horrible: I just got my shot for that today
ButButTheJesus: wolfie mungie
AugmentingPath: us between the wolf
Earthenone: now that you are doing streams from home, do you have a studio name for it?
vinopinguino: WE ARE IN YOUR HOME
vinopinguino: jumpscare
PMAvers: More importantly... how 's the BABY?
ghyllnox: We're in your house!
teeyeezey: we love it here though
RatherLargeToad: Wolf: Not Currently Among Us
Diabore: next thursday as in tomorrow?
saucemaster5000: I have pacifico and a metric fuckton of chinese food, ready for this
gamercat88: we all up in your space
Mazrae: How are you doing Ben
Kramburger: James shot a gun at Ben's feet and told him to dance
korvys: We getting some jump scares tonight?
hatboozeparty: Hello Mr. Streamer
Earthenone: this is NA, we live in the past!
saucemaster5000: more like
RayFK: Peace Nuts
vinopinguino: tacooo tuesday, as the kids say
SurfDownstage subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SurfDownstage! (Today's storm count: 40)
saucemaster5000: pooosday
Mai_Andra: "but for me, it's Tuesday!!"
Kramburger subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months!
Kramburger: Streamer-bate? LEWD
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kramburger! (Today's storm count: 41)
ProcyonFlynn: penaddCoffee Happy Coffee o'Clock Future-People
jokcourtz: First time catching a live stream !! Yaaaaay
malfnord: ooh, I like bait
Mr_Horrible: we can't enjoy Tuesdays, Ben. The Great Vault has returned, so Tuesdays suck again Kappa
TehAmelie: i started feeling good and de-stressed as soon as the clock passed midnight and i got my paycheck in the bank. so pavlovian
Kramburger: Beej is the master streamer-bater
Diabore: theres the dropped frames
ghyllnox: You DID say that we should tell your bosses how much we like you
teeyeezey: wait if i email beej will he make you open up the project zomboid server again
Dog_of_Myth: Cheer1000 Glad to spend my birthday with LRR. Hope Adam gets well soon.
ghyllnox: Ahh yep there's the frames
Mazrae: Back pocket, rainy day game
Earthenone: @Dog_of_Myth neat, a birthday twin in the wild!
korvys: BABIES!
ghyllnox: Michaelphone
raulghoulia: that game was fun
Mr_Horrible: I'm tellin yeah, No One Lives Under The Lighthouse is a good emergency game for y'all. Solid, and runs about 1 stream
ProcyonFlynn: that was a beautiful supercut.
Kramburger: My mic sounds nice check one
Dog_of_Myth: @Earthenone Heck yeah
TehAmelie: happy birthday Dog!
ghyllnox: Dredge is also horror
vinopinguino: put that in the back pocket
vinopinguino: with the bacon
ghyllnox: And seems like you liked that one
ghyllnox: Oh there's a lot of frames on the floor there huh
Kramburger: One of those observation duty style games would be good for let's nope
ghyllnox: Covid does suck
Wicker_Guide: COVID is not friend shaped
Mr_Horrible: we also get to see how spooked Ben gets while solo streaming after being forged in years of the Let's Nope
Diabore: KITTY???
neisan2112: Yeeee
PMAvers: baby baby baby BABY BABY
BusTed: 🐱
Wicker_Guide: noodle?
NotCainNorAbel: kitty kitty
Juliamon: BABY TIME
Mr_Horrible: I have a suspicion
Mazrae: Remy or kitty??
neisan2112: Show us the Baby!
MWGNZ: jamiePuphug ?
Sarah_Serinde: yesssss show us the baby
jessieimproved: the baaabeeee
spinebustertee: KITTY
Mazrae: Or noodle
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
saucemaster5000: kitty????
gamercat88: kitty...hype!
GhostValv: voxyWeaselshake
Buxx345: I would like to see the baby
gualdhar: IT'S HAPPENING!!!!11!1
ButButTheJesus: BEN HAS KITTEH?!
saucemaster5000: (never comes back)
ghyllnox: Wait what kitty?
Diabore: KITTY!
notthepenguins: "Start with good vibes, so I'm leaving"
neisan2112: Twitch why you stoppin so much
NotCainNorAbel: KITTY!!!!
Mr_Horrible: HE'S BABY
korvys: BABY
BusTed: tqsWow tqsWow tqsWow
saucemaster5000: ROWR!
Juliamon: stream do NOT die now
Gaelan_Maestro: KITTY!!
gamercat88: is smol
Nigouki: YES
Kramburger: BABY
Nigouki: BABY!
ghyllnox: Awwwwwwww baby!
notthepenguins: Omg!!!!!!!!!!
Gildan_Bladeborn: FBtouchdown lrrSPOOP FBtouchdown
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: TINY!!!
Wicker_Guide: Ack, a murder-floof
Traion: BABY
baltimore_667083: KITTY!
Juliamon: TINY
ghyllnox: Babyyyyyyy
Jillexie: Baby!
Sarah_Serinde: Yay!
raulghoulia: oh snap
James_the_Dabbler: OH MY GOD SO SMALL
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby baby
NimrodXIV: the baby
ButButTheJesus: Cheer100 ITTEH BITTEH KITTEH
Mr_Horrible: very good name
IsaTheEngie: Kibby!!!!!!!!!!
aprilmoxt: kittty!
Lysander_salamander: kitten!
gamercat88: hi Gus!
Nigouki: SO TINY
Kramburger: GUS
GhostValv: Gus :O
neisan2112: GUS!!!
MWGNZ: jamieCry
ghyllnox: Gus!
saucemaster5000: HI GUS!!!
spinebustertee: GUS GUS
superdude097: baaaaby!
Gildan_Bladeborn: Awwww.
Lysander_salamander: Gus!
Charlie_Victor7: GUS!!
ghizmou: lrrGibb
emberBecky: GUS!
NotCainNorAbel: Gus, is so cute
Dog_of_Myth: Hi Gus
Jillexie: SMOL
Saintnex: kitty!!!
korvys: Is Gus short for anything?
bethy_kins24: ORANGE BABY GUS
NimrodXIV: Hi Gus!
Kramburger: I WILL DIE FOR GUS
frank_the_great: :OOOOOOOOOOOOO
jokcourtz: SHOW US YOUR KITTIES !!!!!
DarthRagnar815: <3 DxCat <3
ProcyonFlynn: CoolCat !
couchboyj: Smol!
Buxx345: is a cutey pie!
TehAmelie: lrrAWESOME
arkham1981: awwwwwwwwww
protojman: Gus is amazing
Anubis169: KITTYYYY!!!! manWOW
ghyllnox: Gus is like *bright*
Rhynerd: kitty!
CoderBugsworth: Hi Gus! :-D
vinopinguino: gus i would die for you!
randomblathering: Adorable!!!
hieroglyphica: Yessss!
patrick_stonecrusher: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo
Charlie_Victor7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Charlie_Victor7! (Today's storm count: 42)
jessieimproved: omg perfect
Sarah_Serinde: No it's fine
Anubis169: Cuteness overload!!
Nigouki: we can see baby
BusTed: s'ok
Tweygoh: lrrSHINE
Mai_Andra: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis
Mazrae: Oh my goodness cuteness overload
Saintnex: they’re so smol!
PMAvers: Gus is too powerful
Wicker_Guide: nope, stream functioning
Dram_of_games: Hello Gus
hieroglyphica: Such an orange baby!!
KeytarCat: BABY!!
Nigouki: perfect baby
Mr_Horrible: it's been hitching a lil bit, like a half-second at a time
chisidragon: lrrSHINE
Anubis169: So cute!!
RatherLargeToad: Neck warmer!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: @korvys yeah, he has small legs
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: Gus is so perfect
bethy_kins24: Bless orange kitties are the best
Anubis169: lrrAWESOME
Symphoneers: dayJoy
gualdhar: stream pls
thatguysteve2709: Ohhh gus is going to have orange cat energy
randomblathering: we can see Gus!
NeonSRK subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
Mr_Horrible: he's SO BABY
Mazrae: Such a tiny baby
couchboyj: Too cute for television
ghyllnox: Oh he love you already
Sarah_Serinde: Well, more or less fine
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NeonSRK! (Today's storm count: 43)
neisan2112: Just hicuping randomly
Spirrie: what does Remy think?
gamercat88: orange cats are the best!
korvys: @ThreeTwoOnePantsOff buh dum tsh
I_Am_Clockwork subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 121 months!
I_Am_Clockwork: My sub months are some kind of palindrome
Charlie_Victor7: SO SMOL
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, I_Am_Clockwork! (Today's storm count: 44)
Earthenone: im proud of you for not choosing Kevin
bobokiddo: tiny support kitten for scary stream
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: congrats on growing your little family with Gus!
bethy_kins24: @gamercat88 agree
emberBecky: little orange ;_;
arkham1981: is it short for Gustav?
10of9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 10of9! (Today's storm count: 45)
ghyllnox: So how many aminals is this now?
Mazrae: Poor baby
Anubis169: he's cleaned up lovely <3
ghyllnox: Awwwww :(
MWGNZ: so he was a sappy lil guy?
TheAwkes: Hope he gets to borrow the brain cell once in a while.
Styxseus: extraBless !
Mr_Horrible: Gus feels like one of those names where the groupchat will just respond "Gus" for like 2 hours
aerohydra: so the cat distribution system works
Kramburger: GUS
Jadaris: Cat distribution system strikes again
James_the_Dabbler: oh poor thing
ButButTheJesus: HIMB SMOL
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: ahhh the classic cat adoption story lrrSHINE
Anubis169: Shoulder cat!
PharaohBender27: katesAw
AnimeKitty: BABY!
raulghoulia: not big enough to have a brain cell yet
bethy_kins24: the cat distribution system worked for you
Mazrae: Ben how are the allergies doing
Charlie_Victor7: Orangeboy!
vinopinguino: DOGG
Dog_of_Myth: Remy!
Kramburger: REMY
Anubis169: o hai doggo
korvys: Hi Remy!
NorthstarTex: Classic orange cat
gamercat88: and Remy yay!
NotCainNorAbel: and remy!
BusTed: Doop
ghyllnox: Oh nooooooo
Mr_Horrible: he can legally say he grew up on the mean streets
neisan2112: And Remy!
saucemaster5000: Hi remy!
NorthstarTex: and Remy!!
Kramburger: FRANDS
SnackPak_: getem, Gus!
PMAvers: The other baby!
a_serious_moose subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, a_serious_moose! (Today's storm count: 46)
gualdhar: you have been marked
Dreamlettuce: Aim needs work.
ladyjessica: smol kitten!
BusTed: benginLurk
protojman: so happy for yall
ghyllnox: Dog!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: @raulghoulia he’s orange, he’s lucky if he ever gets the cell
ButButTheJesus: HAI REMY
Mr_Horrible: awwww that's very cute
vinopinguino: and they were roommates!
Wicker_Guide: Warning I'm sure you've heard already, but having tried to raise a wild-born cat it never quite got comfortable living inside
bethy_kins24: @threetwoonepantsoff so true
Kramburger: Ben what happened to your parrot's feathers?
Gaelan_Maestro: longhair is worse for allergies
I_Am_Clockwork: so no Horse allergies, then?
ButButTheJesus: him perch katesL
RedcoatsRevolt: wait come back!
Gildan_Bladeborn: My sister is very allergic to cats, but nonetheless lets them sit on her lap all they like.
Mr_Horrible: "Big bro come back, dad's being cringe"
protojman: being around him as he grows is a great way to slow roll getting over mild allergies, from personal experience
DarthRagnar815: Well, lucky for you cat's own you, not the other way around.
ghyllnox: How many does this make, with the kitten, the dog, and the snakes?
RedcoatsRevolt: @protojman Can confirm for myself also.
saucemaster5000: I mean he's very young for a feral, Makes it easier (have done this as well)
Mai_Andra: the biggest concern with a cat, is they do not respect rolling chairs. You have to always check first before you move even a little...
I_Am_Clockwork: if you get em young enough, they acclimatize faster, in my experience. They have less "learned" feral behvior
couchboyj: That smol he hadn't even learned to be feral yet
ghyllnox: Cat piss also stinks like a lot
IsaTheEngie: I got a feral from the cat distribution system and he was sleeping on me two hours after I trapped him. Cats are strange like that.
Gildan_Bladeborn: My current cat was "at least partly" feral; she immediately latched onto me as her steadfast forever friend/source of all security like on the 1st day.
Kramburger: Popping them in the litter tray after they eat helps
ButButTheJesus: oh wow
AnimeKitty: So long as they don't have a urinary infection the litter will simply take time
RayFK: You're turning into a menagerie
Mazrae: My mom got a orange tabby kitten about a month ago, who's mom had died, his name is Nilla as in Manilla like the son of Godzilla, which is the name of the other orange cat my mom has
Gaelan_Maestro: the cat distribution system gave me 20 kittens at one point, all have good homes now
ghyllnox: @RayFK Yes, turning into...
Gildan_Bladeborn: Super happy that she's finally starting to "not immediately hide from" my nephew, who adores her.
vinopinguino: lol
bethy_kins24: To help with the cat pee smell, get the clorox urine remover spray. Works the best foe both animal and human pee
vinopinguino: honestly, same
Mr_Horrible: and yet you're still supposed to clap when they roll over Kappa
protojman: saaaame
Earthenone: same
Wicker_Guide: thaaaaaat's cat-life
protojman: does this make your place Serge-proof?
AnimeKitty: With cats they're very consent based creatures so petting whenever you want to isn't going to go over well all the time
James_the_Dabbler: He’s clearly pretty love-y
Wicker_Guide: ah, he's trying to mark you as his
NotCainNorAbel: now we just need to domesticate Ben
protojman: rip your bed
gamercat88: Gus has claimed you
Kramburger: @NotCainNorAbel You can't domesticate otters
ghyllnox: @protojman Oh don't worry he'll do that too
Bruceski: A friend of mine in college had a cat like that, Medea. Had some abuse and other issues in her past, she really wanted affection but didn't want to be touched. Came around well to my friend, really suspicious of anyone else.
Mr_Horrible: @AnimeKitty my friend taught me a good heuristic, to just hold out the hand and see if they're vibing with it first
Jhoiraful_Chaos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jhoiraful_Chaos! (Today's storm count: 47)
gualdhar: SHAW!!! *shakes fist*
NotCainNorAbel: @Kramburger that's what my SO says too
AnimeKitty: @Mr_Horrible Exactly!
bethy_kins24: You need to get rid of then enzyme smell from it
saucemaster5000: god saw you did not get piss the first time and that was no good
Kendo_thorn: i would definitely get that jumbo card off the floor to protect it from the kitten
vinopinguino: he's just an excited boy
Diabore: twitch please, ma frames
gualdhar: lorge
neisan2112: Forward?
Mr_Horrible: he's bigger than them and also enthusiastic LUL
protojman: Cat owners: they want pets on their terms My cats: Pet me, Seymour!
yalc321: He's a good boy!
MWGNZ: Remy will learn quick
ButButTheJesus: yep that's my relatives' cat/dog relationship too
emberBecky: my brave orange guy lovess dogs
Gildan_Bladeborn: 1st secret to cat lore: with - vanishingly - rare exception... when they roll over and present their soft, soft tummies for pets, it is a trick.
AnimeKitty: ^^
James_the_Dabbler: Golden retriever and black cat energy, just palette seapped
Tweygoh: my brother’s dog is obsessed with kittens
James_the_Dabbler: *swapped
kid_flashionable: You can do it Ben!
Kramburger: Sorry, sleep deprived for9 onths
AnimeKitty: Awwwwwwww
emberBecky: ooo fun
gamercat88: heck yeah
ButButTheJesus: oooo
kid_flashionable: benginChamp
gualdhar: oh fuck yes
GhostValv: wowie
CastleOtranto: Oh, that's rad
RayFK: A gamer cave
Dreamlettuce: One of us.
RayFK: a Gave
gualdhar: make them do the silicon legos
kid_flashionable: That's very exciting!
Mr_Horrible: can't wait for their first mirror farm OpieOP
AnimeKitty: This is the goal my partner and I have too. A dual gaming office set up
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
pn55: Awww! Little gamer buddy!
Bruceski: @Gildan_Bladeborn When their eyes turn into black voids it's already too late.
Earthenone: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
raulghoulia: forcing you to work, and then coming over to change your office. James is a monster
Fanklok: Dude gets a second pet and calls it a menagerie
ProcyonFlynn: Shorter than usual podcast - but still a good one lrrHEART
Mr_Horrible: my Cat Tip is: show me pictures of them :3
Mai_Andra: butt.
teeyeezey: Do not put the cat in the microwave
RayFK: Also they have to be accompanied by Bits. It's the law Kappa
yalc321: Keep their food and water bowls separate
HorusFive: Pet tips will only be accepted with donations !patreon
iris_of_ether: Some cats like licking ice cubes
UnusuallyLargeMoth: school? SCHOOL? I'VE HAD NIGHTMARES ABOUT THIS! [comical tone but I really have had nightmares about being back in class before]
Ogrekidd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ogrekidd! (Today's storm count: 48)
Earthenone: so things like poutting tinfoil on top of the fridge to stop the cat sleeping on it?
finestotter: Cats need oxygen to survive
Fanklok: Snake's don't count
Cptasparagus: hes counting all the pokemons
Sarah_Serinde: my friends' cat got used to getting affection in the kitchen when one of them got home from work to cook, so now when he wants some love he will lead you in there
Sarah_Serinde: It's adorable
frank_the_great: Here's some advice I've picked up: Avoid bright light, Don't get them wet, Don't feed them after midnight
Juliamon: snakes ABSOLUTELY count
Gildan_Bladeborn: I randomly pick my cat up and take her to various in-house locations, then put her down, all of the time... so that she doesn't make the connection the times where I'm picking her up to trim her claws.
Mai_Andra: If the cat won't scratch the scratching post, you can try putting a toy on top of it. The cat will get used to putting their paws on it by trying to knock the toy off.
kid_flashionable: We have no tips and tricks, we're still trying to teach our cat how to do the bird watching chortle cats do
saucemaster5000: the frames are dropping a bit
TehAmelie: Ben "Beastmaster" Ulmer
TheManaLeek: Twitch is definitely pausing every now and then
Nigouki: evety time twitch stutters it delays a bit more
teeyeezey: twitch is an angy god tonight
neisan2112: Frame droping is probably not helping
RayFK: Wait you play video games on this stream?
neisan2112: Twitch doin twitch things
brainbosh: If the cat ends up trying to escape outside to explore, every time it rains take it out.
vouru: Weird cat thing that worked? Put their head in their mouth when their kitten. They realize how much bigger you are then them and will be more respectful
Fanklok: For the purposes of me being right snakes don't count
hatboozeparty: I like that Back 2 School is a horror name by default to me.
HadesLeprechaun: I get a brief pause like once every few minutes, just refreshing the page every 5-10 minutes or so so I don't drop too far behind
bethy_kins24: Tip: IF you have trouble getting up to an alarm, set a routine for feeding and they will let you know when to get up
Scy_Anide: My 1 weird trick is Churu. My cat doesn't give a damn about dry treats but Churu is like crack.
Mr_Horrible: it's been hitching very briefly periodically, yeah
Naesiir: Only Mr. John Twitch knows for sure
Scy_Anide: It is not at all a weird trick.
Orxolon: hellooo everyone
Mr_Horrible: your fiber's haunted lrrSPOOPY
ghyllnox: @vouru "Well shit I guess he'll just eat me if he doesn't like me enough"
hedonistic_mushroom: I heard "Three Steaks"... Why was Ben talking about having a Dog and Three Steaks
Gildan_Bladeborn: Yeah, looks perfect and then a brief stutter every so often.
Orxolon: 1 on 1 with Ben?cool
Mazrae: I have 2 cats and a small dog in my apartment plus 3 unofficial (a mom and her 2 female kittens) that live outside
Diabore: fucking shaw
BusTed: ben getting shawshanked?
Cptasparagus: Telussy?
Orxolon: is Adam ok?
frank_the_great: Bell Canada?
CastleOtranto: Neighborhood Wireless
saucemaster5000: It's Mr_Horrible
ButButTheJesus: Gus pulling on any cables?
TehAmelie: shanked in the shaw
SmithKurosaki: Telus based on the LRRsaga
SeaDiegoFC: Fucking Shaw!
RayFK: @BusTed JESUS Ted
gamercat88: Tip: cats like different enrichment things, some like to hunt toys, others like to watch tv, others want a few places to snuggle around the house, having variety helps them feel safe.
Gildan_Bladeborn: @Orxolon - Down with the sickness.
dumbo3k: @Orxolon home sick
Mr_Horrible: orxolon recovering from Covid
Mazrae: Someone what uses ethernet cords
Saintnex: which provider? it’s doesn’t matter, they all suck lol
Orxolon: @Mr_Horrible COVID!?
LithelyUnshod: Aren't you glad Rogers bought Shaw?
gamercat88: one more time
Orxolon: f**k Covid man
Fanklok: Cats chitter at birds to trick the birds into thinking that said cat is also a bird.
PharaohBender27: @Orxolon It's been going around of late
Gaelan_Maestro: ive trained my cats to come running to a treat bag shaking, and to whistling,
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 I take away 1 from their bitrate every minute they don't appreciate Signalis OpieOP
Kramburger: I miss Gus
gamercat88: daft punk-in it
PMAvers: Gus wanders over to his own PC to check on his torrent downloads
Orxolon: @PharaohBender27 really?
Sarah_Serinde: @PharaohBender27 I mean, it's always going around
Orxolon: sh*t
Dog_of_Myth: Got my boostie today
raulghoulia: Do you think Gus and Remy go on adventures when Ben isn't looking?
Dog_of_Myth: Yes
Orxolon: sure
Mr_Horrible: likewise, went for my flu shot today and threw in the covid booster too
PharaohBender27: @Sarah_Serinde True, but it seemed to be going around *less* back in the spring
Gaelan_Maestro: @raulghoulia absolutly
Mr_Horrible: I look forward to my left arm being unusably sore tomorrow LUL
Orxolon: Rugrats style
dumbo3k: @Sarah_Serinde singing " This is the plague that never ends" to the tune of "The song that never ends"
PharaohBender27: Speaking of, I'm getting my booster and flu shots next Tuesday
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible People like that game now? Kappa
Sarah_Serinde: @PharaohBender27 yeah probably, it varies depending on seasons and big holidays
saucemaster5000: hell yeah booster and shots folks
TehAmelie: here you can't get covid vaccines unless you're over 80, and then not until late october. it's Kafka land here
Sarah_Serinde: neither of those in Canada yet, too early
Nigouki: @PharaohBender27 new flavors are here?
Orxolon: @PharaohBender27 i did 3 vaccines already,should i get another one?
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 it's simply the only yuri to exist, that's clearly the only reason it's been latched onto Kappa
Orxolon: @Nigouki hahahaha
ProcyonFlynn: Just fyi. The Astrixs* breaks the filter for people actually using twitches built in censors.
Sarah_Serinde: I mean, you can get *a* covid booster whenever, as long as it's been long enough since your last one, but I don't think we have the new one yet
teeyeezey: I once read a thing that said modern cats meows evolved to what they are to slightly mimic a human baby, always thought that was a neat but unsubstantiable fact
saucemaster5000: so... what's everyone's snack for the show?
LithelyUnshod: @orxolon I always get the newest one
Dog_of_Myth: @Orxolon Covid is here to stay like flu. get that shot
Orxolon: got it
LithelyUnshod: I'm also Canadian, so it's free
PharaohBender27: @Sarah_Serinde I just know wastewater levels were testing minimal for U.S. PNW back in May, but for the past month or so it's been "very high"
dumbo3k: @saucemaster5000 well, my snack is dinner, which is chicken and rice atm, and bread
Mai_Andra: @saucemaster5000 Panda Express has a "hot" bourbon chicken now. It's actually a little spicy. xivCactuar
Sarah_Serinde: Here you can get a covid vaccine every 6 months (with exceptions based on health and such). Your immunity goes down the longer it's been since your last shot so it's good to keep up with it
Mr_Horrible: lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
korvys: lrrSIG
hieroglyphica: Woop woop
PharaohBender27: lrrSIG Also neat we see game title screen
Sarah_Serinde: @PharaohBender27 Everywhere keeps reducing or eliminating their testing and tracking, because of course they do...
Sarah_Serinde: Fingers crossed!
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
MacbethSeemsSus: He returns! As was fortold!
FoxBehindTheTree: foxbehCheer
Mr_Horrible: that's Technical Support baybeeeeeeeee
TehAmelie: yaay
Fanklok: Why did it take so long to boot?
bethy_kins24: oldest fix in the book
Orxolon: semi
Kramburger: Did gus ask about us while we were gone?
AugmentingPath: real time communication!
dumbo3k: @Sarah_Serinde can't be a problem, if we don't record any problems
Mr_Horrible: I can be parasocial even more efficiently now
ProcyonFlynn: GivePLZ Off and On TakeNRG
Dog_of_Myth: hahahah
aerohydra: semi real time, i live there
Sarah_Serinde: @dumbo3k NotLikeThis
pn55: lrrWOW
Orxolon: your car broke?
Juliamon: Ben, you need to jangle some keys for them
YawnLance: It's cause Gus isn't on screen
catchyuniquename subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
catchyuniquename: Hu-frickin-zah!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, catchyuniquename! (Today's storm count: 49)
KodeMage: my wife left me for my grandfather...
Mr_Horrible: you're playing a horror game, so yeah you probably can't "win", per se
Orxolon: semi broke
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
Kramburger: Ben, why are you complaining so much?
SeaDiegoFC: Play the game at 0.5x speed now
catchyuniquename: What're we playing?
bethy_kins24: yayyy
Orxolon: yeah
Mr_Horrible: laynaReach laynaReach laynaReach
Orxolon: live a little XD
bobokiddo: hey ben, you're great!
saucemaster5000: I'll pick on gus
teeyeezey: porject zomboid dont lag lolololol one day you will play it again
Mr_Horrible: I've never picked on Adam once in my life
MacbethSeemsSus: We can still pick on Adam if you want.
saucemaster5000: Get a job, cat
patrick_stonecrusher: 🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑
raulghoulia: babies raising babies
catchyuniquename: Cheer100 Cheer100
korvys: His old sensitive baby is at home sick
HorusFive: Look, just because Adam isn't here, doesn't mean we can't pick on him lrrADAM
Kramburger: Please, as someone who fostered kittens and has literal babies, teach me Ben
couchboyj: When Gus isn't on the screen, Twitch chatters should be asking "Where's Gus?"
Naesiir subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Naesiir! (Today's storm count: 50)
Orxolon: Ben is it possible to see your PPR decklist?
TehAmelie: then become the Angry Zen Master
Orxolon: that was insane
IvanRussel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IvanRussel! (Today's storm count: 51)
vinopinguino: @couchboyj i get jokes
mvt9: no The Wolf Among Us?
Kramburger: "I don't know what a good sound level is" Ben, Audio Engineer
PMAvers: Cheer1500 BABY HYPE
KodeMage: what does the cool S mean?
PharaohBender27: @mvt9 Adam's off, so no
Fanklok: Last time a game listened to you we got comedy gold
Orxolon: no
Orxolon: XD
notthepenguins: hello SCP
Gaelan_Maestro: XD
Mr_Horrible: yump
Sarah_Serinde: Ooh they know Canada exists
Dog_of_Myth: yep
YawnLance: Cancon!
Gaelan_Maestro: my hometown is haunted
Sarah_Serinde: It's always exciting when media knows Canada exists
korvys: Anomalous Retrieval and Containment - yeah, that sounds like off brand SCP
brainbosh: h I thought this was that...korean? game you played years ago
Saintnex: yup
Kramburger: WINNEPEG? I'm OUT
Naesiir: the spoops are coming from inside the HOUSE
Gildan_Bladeborn: My current feline friend likes to carry her various catnip mice up the stairs and deposit them on my bedroom floor each night, for me to find in the morning: this is a 100% improvement because she originally started stealing the sponge from the kitchen sink and carrying that up the stairs to deposit on my bedroom floor.
Juliamon: that's not what a ViewMaster is
Orxolon: Wendigo?
jubale1: is this fiction?
raulghoulia: that's what LRR uses, right?
HorusFive: A classic model
PharaohBender27: Why would you name your video camera "ViewMaster"!?
SuddenlyARabbit: It's alright I'm pretty sure we've all got clearance to be watching this. Right, guys?
Gaelan_Maestro: she could have either frozen in the winter or melted in the summer
vinopinguino: i miss the old car models...
Mr_Horrible: that is not the voice of that teenager lookin kid
Orxolon: battery gaaaaameeee
Dog_of_Myth: Oh yesss
PharaohBender27: @Juliamon IKR!?
Sarah_Serinde: Definitely a horror game
Fanklok: Isn't a view master the thing that you use to look at those little circular slides?
ProcyonFlynn: !findquote battery
LRRbot: Quote #4900: "The battery can't explode if it's not being powered, right?" —James [2018-04-20]
SymphonySolstice: winnipeg is where all the fucked up shit happens
HorusFive: Check BATTERIES on the Bingo card
teeyeezey: batteries and keys batteries and keys
Mr_Horrible: maybe it's a fakeout and they're everlasting
dumbo3k: I guess we have a terrible flashlight that literally melts batteries
Orxolon: Ben is it possible to see your PPR decklist?
brainbosh: The horror game crutch
NotCainNorAbel: but durcells last forever
vinopinguino: you no clipped out
ghyllnox: I was disappointed Duskmourne didn't have battery packs for your flashlight
YFiddler: Whenever Winnipeg comes up I have to think of that one Venetian Snares album
Orxolon: cool thanks
ButButTheJesus: queue Alex from over 10 years ago: "STOP doing this! Stop! It!"
Fanklok: The Codex Astartes!?
TehAmelie: AA batteries, with a lifetime of exactly as long as it takes you to scream "AA" when the monsters show up
HorusFive: [Slaps van] You can fit SO MANY bodies in the back of this thing
Gildan_Bladeborn: The Codex does not support this action, brother.
Orxolon: so you read what you have to read
Orxolon: XD
PharaohBender27: Graham and Kathleen would have a FIELD DAY with this paper'
Mr_Horrible: look ya work with what ya got OpieOP
Seth_Erickson: How good are we expecting the Winnipeg Weekly News to be really
HorusFive: It's supposed to be a student paper Ben!
PharaohBender27: *paper's formatting
ylegm: Winnipeg huh
Rourke9: welp
Dog_of_Myth: The kerning!!!
Saintnex: oh honey nooo
Kramburger: Show this to Graham for the true spoops
Seth_Erickson: maybe this is a commentary on their local newspapers unprofessionalism
Fanklok: @dog_of_myth you mean keming?
gualdhar: Ben's out of control?
Orxolon: is that what student papers look like?
Saintnex: also turn off your van and the lights character!!
Seth_Erickson: stunt on those ghosts
Dog_of_Myth: @Fanklok Oh you....
korvys: If you push both, do you get double low?
Mr_Horrible: Ringu ain't ready for us to throw it back
dumbo3k: Absolutely a great idea to film your crimes
raulghoulia: Ben needs the yellow lines
Mr_Horrible: lmao
Kramburger: BAITED
Orxolon: Geeeee i wonder where a brick could be
RayFK: Ben's bricked up
brainbosh: looool
twistedsylvan: Hello Nopers! What have I missed
Gaelan_Maestro: Tink
AugmentingPath: thro brik gooder
TehAmelie: the bricks are clearly there as emergency keys
Gaelan_Maestro: XD
PharaohBender27: @Saintnex But how else will we ensure that our van's battery dies at a crucial moment? Kappa
Kramburger: It happens to a lot of men
Orxolon: 2 HP
neisan2112: Huh
MacbethSeemsSus: Why did breaking the glass mean you couldn't see through it anymore?
twistedsylvan: is this another "Don't Scream" game?
whitebadgerwolf88 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
whitebadgerwolf88: (Whispers so the game can't hear) Hi Ben!! lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, whitebadgerwolf88! (Today's storm count: 52)
Saintnex: that’s not… how that works?
Orxolon: 1 is entering,2 is vandalism
Orxolon: 3 is a crime
Mr_Horrible: does Ben think bricks are expended like bullets?
PharaohBender27: @twistedsylvan Introduction to Ben's new kitten, mostly
Seth_Erickson: that door has recently been wd40'd I'm positive
Juliamon: breaking the window to unlock the door, huh
Fanklok: The brick came back is my favorite Theory of a Deadman song
frank_the_great: If you love the brick, let it go. And if it comes back to you, you were meant to be
dumbo3k: The Brick is a Key
brainbosh: We've unlocked Vandalism Ben
Seth_Erickson: can we pick up the traffic cone?
TheAwkes: This guy needs to adapt his camcorder batteries to work with his flashlight. I'd last all night long!
Orxolon: and you have glass to use as a weapon
Cptasparagus: raise your hand if you werent alive on June 30 1996
AugmentingPath: @Juliamon you can reach through and hit the crash bar
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon I mean, from the sense of reaching through and unlocking it from the inside, I get iit
TehAmelie: two steps into the game
YawnLance: Break her room? I hardly know her room
Orxolon: but when alone....
BusTed: aww
Seth_Erickson: when there's two of you also the horror gets diminished
RayFK: Your beefy barrier is away
TehAmelie: but you must be brave for Gus
Dog_of_Myth: You have Gus and Remy now
patrick_stonecrusher: Restart generator ✅️
thatguysteve2709: No liminal space if you know where the door is, or if you have emotional support brick
ghyllnox: You have your little man, Gus!
raulghoulia: gus will protect you
Mr_Horrible: we need Adam on speakerphone baiting Twitch chat
Mr_Horrible: to make Ben brave
Kramburger: High behind the Savid****
LathosTiran: take an emotional suppoort brick with you?
ImmortalLen: You're not alone, you got 332+ people with you!
Seth_Erickson: ape alone in school; scared
Orxolon: does it?
frank_the_great: You have chat! /jk
korvys: Is there a battery bar somewhere?
vouru: @ghyllnox Exactly, you stick their tiny head in your mouth and they're like oh shit... hehe I'm in danger!
KeytarCat: Also it's a school, which was not great for some of us!
Mr_Horrible: @Seth_Erickson ape learn... but at what cost...
AugmentingPath: lrrSPOOP
Mai_Andra: wait, how are those doors locked? the bars are on the inside...
Orxolon: don't dead open inside
Fanklok: This protagonist sounds like the voice direction "try to sound like Solid Snake"
PharaohBender27: tqsWTF
Dog_of_Myth: Yes
empyreon: YUP
Mr_Horrible: that's my guess
Astramentha: bubzCOMFY bubzCOMFY bubzCOMFY bubzCOMFY bubzCOMFY bubzCOMFY
LathosTiran: are we allowed to scream? Kappa
Orxolon: oh oh
kingandcommoner: is the knowledge that we'll point and laugh enough to keep you brave?
TehAmelie: haha, we turned on the generator to generate the map
AugmentingPath: betteries
Mai_Andra: oh no, it's Silent Hill... =o
frank_the_great: Boo! (the spooky kind, not the dislike kind)
Dalrint: Battery+
Mr_Horrible: the actual haunting is that the people get sucked into Rogue Legacy 2
Cptasparagus: fishing minigame when
Mazrae: Ben just pretend Gus is watching you, can't be scared in front of the kitten
Dog_of_Myth: wow
twistedsylvan: Is this a Rougelike?
malfnord: oh god this is an AI game isn't it?
Orxolon: i never played this,can you use those as weapons¿?
Kramburger: You can't yell Ben. you'll scare Gus
Saintnex: god, our pick up and item movement is so sluggish
Mr_Horrible: bro's playing on a launchpad instead of a keyboard
YawnLance: gasp
korvys: Oh, the camera is covering the battery icons
Mr_Horrible: "Oh no, I'm back in school... and it's finals day... and I'm not wearing pants!"
Diabore: jesus this room is a blast from the past
CataclysmicReverb: Who's ready for Chipp's Adventure
ImmortalLen: Backrooms but school! The horror!
kaijub3ast: load up homestar
shamblingkrenshar: Hi chat, Hi Ben. I just got here, I assume Adam was not available to continue Wolf related investigations?
NotCainNorAbel: all of those CRTs
SquareDotCube: welp time to play some Quake
SuperWriterAndy: play some oregon trail
Mai_Andra: i have absolutely heard the Casio "door opening" sound effect in several TV shows.
KeytarCat: Time to play some cool math games
AugmentingPath: I think "classrooms" may be said to rhyme with "backrooms" here
TehAmelie: wait were the computers all flipped on when the school's power turned off?