GapFiller: rewatching this weeks CP+ and having just gotten to the 40K story anyone care to offer a pithy primer (as one word Y/N) on Asmongold to somebody totally unfamiliar w/ the guy
GapFiller: quick googling doesnt clear up whether my initial verdict of unspecifiiably sus is on the money
Invitare: He's a Prince of Nurgle and part of the alt-right sewer-pipeline
Invitare: emphasis on sewer in his case
dumbo3k: I've heard the name, but couldn't really tell you who he is. One of a score of youtuber reaction people I think
GapFiller: cheers
dumbo3k: I've also never heard good things about him
GapFiller: oddly reassuring that my sizing people up at first glance ability is good at least
Invitare: he has stated he doesn't need an alarm clock because there are dead rats in his walls and they start to smell when the sun warms them
Earthenone: i remember his pressence ruining a world of warcraft server
GapFiller: also my vague feeling of resentment over BC Ferry arcade games not being a part of my childhood presumably has absolutely no basis in reality
GapFiller: nalvThink hmm also also it figures the PPR technically means last weeks CP+ was required viewing ahead of this weeks ChillPoint on top of yesterdays episode but F that tbh
mtvcdm: I've been on the ferry literally twice, back in my first trip to Victoria, and the first thing I remember about it is how obviously dated the arcade was.
mtvcdm: It's more dated than Katy Perry's new album
GapFiller: nalvCool
TehAmelie: hmm still sounds much more fun than the Sweden-Finland ferry
TehAmelie: no videogames, just coin slot gambling devices
GapFiller: oooh gambling
RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Wandering Monster!
mtvcdm: Oh, like they have in bars and restaurants
RockPusher nods at the wandering monster, and the monster nods back, then they both go for ice cream floats
GapFiller: like to think (w/ no evidence) that Scandinavian gambling emporia share the same grotty decor demeanor and smells as their counterparts over here in Dear Old Blighty
TehAmelie: bars, restaurants, hundreds of coin slot machines, tax free shops and a ball pit. that's largely all you get to entertain yourself on the 8 hour round trip
GapFiller: for smells read stale tobacco and much hard currency laden w/ sweat and oils ect
TehAmelie: you got it
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (0s ago).
cmdrud87: !next
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN
TehAmelie: spot on
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
GapFiller: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN eyyy NO REFRESH
mtvcdm: No refresh needed today, how about that
ButButTheJesus: SIJNOL
Earthenone: i still needed mine
fhorrigan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fhorrigan! (Today's storm count: 11)
fhorrigan: Popping into an LRR Twitch stream and getting ads? What nonsense is this!
GapFiller: Earthenone thats oddly reassuring to me since it figures by this point Twitch getting their backend shit together is surely a sign The End is Nigh
TehAmelie: i needed a leetle refresh. actually just clicked the screen and hit spacebar
TehAmelie: you could call it a simple "fresh"
kusinohki: meows
kusinohki: also *air guitars*
sallomon33: hello everybody
UnboundLaconicness subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UnboundLaconicness! (Today's storm count: 12)
RockPusher: lrrFINE
GapFiller: !picnic
TheAinMAP: lrrFINE
DideRobot: LRR: Time for Chillpoint! Hang out with Beej, Heather and Paul and chat about the week's gaming news. (has image) |
Invitare: ye-oh
ButButTheJesus: PAUL NO
GapFiller: good evening lrrPAUL P lrrBEEEJ B lrrHEATHER H lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
loufghyslaufey: Aw, geez it's Chill'd On Point ImTyping
GapFiller: lookin dapper Beej
sallomon33: nothing gets improved by those lol
loufghyslaufey: Say, hey, hi chat
ButButTheJesus: ICREAM
djalternative: wait. you're saying we can't unlock cosmetics for Paul, Heather, and Beej?
TehAmelie: headlines that ask questions, the original clickbait
stippledotter: Chillerpoint!
Gekyouryuu: that's what makes it "chill"
RubikDarkwill: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
kusinohki: are you saying the super rare Paul clone I got from a loot box is worthless??
SquareDotCube: To DQ!
GapFiller: YES!
fhorrigan: Love that hoodie. I waited so long for my size to restock. Bought it immediately, then decided to lose 100 it's a nighty on me now.
ButButTheJesus: ♪ meet meee at deeee quuue ♪
GapFiller: James is up for it when the topic came up on his channel
malfnord: That... seems like a profoundly bad idea
betweenmyself: improve Chillpoint by adding Cryptids riffYeti
mtvcdm: Heather there's Oreo of *everything*. There's probably mayonnaise-flavored Oreo coming up at some point
djalternative: lrrFINE
loufghyslaufey: Just brought to my attention, anyone like me just heard about Cards Against Humanity apparently taking a jab at SpaceX or something? LUL StinkyCheese MindManners
GapFiller: lrrFINE !?
loufghyslaufey: Weh?
GapFiller: !chat
LRRbot: Seriously, just never listen to chat.
djalternative: !picnic
RockPusher: Heather immediately jumping to the more Machiavellian approach lrrDARK lunarj1Heart
loufghyslaufey: Thanks, LRRbot
mtvcdm: Just make one of the going-online messages 'You Are not Dropping Frames'
GapFiller: mtvcdm ohhh thats just asking for it
kusinohki: going online message - "it's supposed to look like this"
sallomon33: smh my head how could they
SquareDotCube: I think one of the theories behind the Oreo flavors is that the more space Oreo takes, the less space competitors have (like Hydrox)
RockPusher: Inconsiderate Jerks making news after the filing deadline
SquareDotCube: So they just make a bunch of flavors without any consideration if they're good or not
mtvcdm: @SquareDotCube Yeah, some brands do that on purpose, make flavors for the sake of taking up store shelf space instead of if they actually taste good.
loufghyslaufey: @squaredotcube but I thought Hydrox was mid
lirazel64: What is this "quickly" of which you speak?
loufghyslaufey: And my local market no longer offers Java Chip Oreos! TableHere FlipThis NewRecord AnotherRecord NomNom
TehAmelie: they still are trying to figure out new ways to extract money from users
ButButTheJesus: @loufghyslaufey katesYell
kusinohki: why write 1 article when you can write 2 to help make word count quota?
RockPusher: but that requires effort, Beej
RockPusher: you expect content-maker-bot-032 to spend time *reading* a press release before it cuts and pastes it‽
cmdrud87: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (15m ago).
loufghyslaufey: Premi/Sub services keep taking laboured efforts for granted? What other headlines are new?
mtvcdm: Nice hiss
GapFiller: trust is the easiest asset to lose and the hardest to regain yes
sallomon33: you could say it's "suffering from success", but I dunno whether to count such a situation as a succes
sallomon33: the Godot example, I mean
Datnade012 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Datnade012! (Today's storm count: 13)
RockPusher: Weeded out the non-captive customers so now they are free to bleed the rest dry lrrBEEJ
betweenmyself: Asking for forgiveness instead of asking for permission.
L0rdX33n: How many millions did those former C levels walk away with?
mtvcdm: We were communicated at through much talking
ghyllnox: "Involuntary consultation" LUL
ButButTheJesus: "after getting dunked on by the entire industry"
CaptainSpam: There WAS a Unity con.
betweenmyself: is there a commUNITY, if you will? riffThink
CaptainSpam: Japan also made Unity-Chan.
CaptainSpam: In the past, when Unity was the center of the indie gaming scene, there definitely was a Unity community.
mtvcdm: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
CaptainSpam: Nowadays... I doubt there's much unity in Unity, especially after The Shenanigans™.
betweenmyself: I want a National Holiday if I’m going to be expected to take time respond to customer surverys pennyWhat
bytecaster: Exactly, what do the lurkers think!?! They never speak up about it
ghyllnox: "Surely I'm not 'very hardcore'" I say, signing up for the VST while wearing my LRR hoodie
sallomon33: @CaptainSpam more like disUnity, am I right? Kappa
GapFiller: thanks google
mtvcdm: Just a casual LRR viewer who is also one of its mods
CaptainSpam: Anyway, about LRRcon 2... Kappa
mtvcdm: Yeah, I saw someone who was running a word frequency tracker thing... stopped, because AI had poisoned all the data and they didn't want to look like an AI scraper themselves
LordZarano: Does 77000 questions on StackOverflow, and another 16500 on the gamedev stackexchange count as a "community"?
sallomon33: well it's "coming" "back"
CaptainSpam: I'd say you'd need quotes around "it's", too...
sallomon33: right
bytecaster: Didn't GDQ did Flappy Bird IN Super Mario World?
sallomon33: "it's" "coming" back"
Morrigan9: 4K remaster when lol
mtvcdm: I said in the checkpoint tips line, it's still the most technically proficient crypto game going.
sallomon33: shoot, still messed it up
sallomon33: oh well
TehAmelie: Goat Simulator had a good one
bytecaster: The recent Dota 2 event had a Flappy Bird minigame
craftyf0xx0: Warframe has "Flappy Zephyr" in it lol
bytecaster: Valve better look out or they are gonna get sued for that
loufghyslaufey: Until it got axed at the same exact wrong time, maybe
mtvcdm: It's the old Kirby floating mechanic but an entire game.
betweenmyself: game clones, what is? *downloads Joker Poker Balala from the App Store*
LordZarano: Didn't a version of Android have flappy bird as its easter egg?
TheMerricat: Trademark.
mtvcdm: The dev didn't want to deal with the game anymore and let it lapse.
GapFiller: turns out ten years is a v long time
bytecaster: Old grift, gotta add AI stuff
LordZarano: @LordZarano Yup, Android 5.0 Lollipop
mtvcdm: Mining points
mtvcdm: "points"
GapFiller: jlrrFacepalm
mtvcdm: Ah yes, Telegram, the one whose CEO was arrested
bytecaster: Nobody ever asks how Web 1 is doing
TehAmelie: is the game just going to cryptojack your computer?
djalternative: god. every mention of Telegram in the news recently is terrible
malfnord: Web2 AND Web3?! :o
Julian_Rogue: @bytecaster Thats because its classified
mtvcdm: They'd have grabbed Drake of the 99 Dragons just as happily
bytecaster: Normally crypto grifts don't even get permission to use trademarks or intellectual properties, these are one of the good guys!
LordZarano: @bytecaster Oh I saw a video recently about that! It's doing very well apparently! They call it "the indie web" now
Julian_Rogue: @bytecaster "got permission" is kind a loose. given it was apparently "abbandoned" and they just scooped it up.
bytecaster: And the media of course went full "moral panic" mode about it
SocraticMethod: @Julian_Rogue Squatter's rights go?
LordZarano: @LordZarano They even have their own search engine, which was called margenalia iirc
mtvcdm: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
sallomon33: @LordZarano wait what
CaptainSpam: Forget Doom. Can it run Flappy Bird?
Julian_Rogue: @SocraticMethod yea but squatter's rights isn't the same as getting the creators permission.
RockPusher: Looking forward to the horrible corrupting game *checks notes* Stardew Valley being R-18 rated lrrBEEJ
bytecaster: You heard it here first: Waifus are now illegal
djalternative: ban the waifus
Julian_Rogue: ban the waifus!
bytecaster: Finally, someone is taking out the trash!
mtvcdm: The Mario RPG remake is 18 rated then
RubikDarkwill: The M rating is an advisory. R is an actual restriction
sallomon33: @RockPusher I dunno if I would want to give a child a game where there's a girl who just eats rocks Kappa
prestonhd: anyone know what the MtG stream is tonight, if anything?
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Astramentha: beej they’re in high school
Julian_Rogue: I'd be impressed if a 5 year old could afford any video game M or not
SocraticMethod: So Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow will get R18 rating in australia lrrBEEJ
mtvcdm: Duskmourn draft
djalternative: they all at least ask "you're 18, right?"
LordZarano: You Should Check Out the Indie Web, by You've Got Kat
dougma: uhhh.... just got an e-mail from Cards Against Humanity... they are sueing Elon Musk....
bytecaster: @Astramentha Do you know how long it's been, those girls have long been to college and gotten jobs by now
Faulpyr: Except steam!
prestonhd: @Juliamon @mtvcdm thanks!
mtvcdm: I think what this does is start devaluing the 18 rating.
mtvcdm: @dougma They deserve each other at this point and I'm not commenting further.
Julian_Rogue: ah yes the government said "video games are for kids. and only kids."
sallomon33: dunno if that's funny or saddening
Gizmoloid: ah yes, the "good" old "refused classification"
RockPusher: I just hope this current silliness doesn't have the flow-on effect to NZ
Julian_Rogue: @sallomon33 Yes
JDogg2K4: Exactly what happened
breadisbest1: !nex7
Lord_Hosk: Roblox?
breadisbest1: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (41m ago).
bytecaster: It's to make you feel cool when you play those games as a teen!
Lord_Hosk: that is rated 99+ no one under the age of 99 is allowed to play roblox
Julian_Rogue: I love slimy business practices all the way down/up
sallomon33: @Lord_Hosk genius solution
djalternative: yes. we should make a 99+ rating
LilyOfTheVeil6666: It's like film ratin9
sallomon33: hire that person
Julian_Rogue: This movie? classified
Gizmoloid: has any employee ever been fired or gotten grief for selling M rated games? I thought ESRB was just to inform parents?
LilyOfTheVeil6666: ratings"
bytecaster: Robolox is rated Tuesday, as in, you are only allowed to play on Tuesdays
Julian_Rogue: @Gizmoloid without googling it I wouldn't be surprised. a lot of american consumer culture boiled down to "the customer is alwayrs right" and forgot the rest of "In taste"
djalternative: I remember Hitchcock sent the same exact cut of Psycho to the ratings board like 8 times until he got the rating he knew was correct
JDogg2K4: had slots until.....heart gold?
djalternative: Pokemon had the Game Corner
Gizmoloid: UK on the other hand - I think their PEGI system was actually a law and you could get into legal trouble for selling games to kids
Juliamon: It was slots until these laws started popping up
Earthenone: team rockets game corner
Earthenone: it was slots until the remakes yeah
Invitare: I believe they changed it from Gen 3 onwards
sallomon33: @djalternative there's also the whole story of how the South Park film was created
RockPusher: *any* simulated gambling
kusinohki: was told this story - parent calls store to yell at them for not letting their kids rent Ninja Scroll (very hard R rating anime). Parent comes to store and rents the movie. 45 min later parent calls the store back to yell at owner for letting the parent rent it to show to their kids...
kingandcommoner: all the dragon quest games too
bytecaster: So now they can't sell Yakuza to 13 year olds anymore, darn
Julian_Rogue: I wonder how Balatro would deal with the minutia
Robot_Bones: Flip replaced the slot machines
Earthenone: yeah its why fallout new vegas has that rating, the violence is secondary :P
Invitare: in the case of pokemon it was specifically due to EU laws
djalternative: It's not gambling, it's jambling. legally distinct
Earthenone: i do like the idea of ausies having to go behind a red curtain to download magic arena
Julian_Rogue: @kusinohki Having worked in retail. I 100% believe this could happen.
Lord_Hosk: When my friends and I went to see the South Park Movie there was a mother with some 8-10 year olds in there... WHen Uncle Fucker came on they got up and ran out while the kids were laughing. When we left she was still yelling in th lobby that "its a cartoon movie!" and they were like "its rated R maam, we told you when you bought your tickets it wasn't for children"
JDogg2K4: because magic cards ARE loot boxes
SocraticMethod: Nooo, my Mario 64 DS blackjack minigame ;_;
LordZarano: PEGI ratings are legally enforceable in the UK, Iceland, Lithuania, Malta, and possibly other places
sallomon33: @Lord_Hosk oops, you would think it was the kids that somehow tricked their mom to buy the tickets lol
bytecaster: loot-ish boxes
Julian_Rogue: ah yes the age old can't legislate "don't be a dick"
kingandcommoner: because your dad's credit card isn't on file in the magic card shop for you to buy cards without him knowing
bytecaster: @kingandcommoner yet
Julian_Rogue: @kingandcommoner Mine is :D
mtvcdm: You don't want unintended consequences
RubikDarkwill: @kingandcommoner What about MtG:A?
SocraticMethod: @kingandcommoner Parental controls and family accounts block purchases in modern consoles
Julian_Rogue: @mtvcdm I don' usually want intended consequences XD
RockPusher: In this case they could have just left it to the discretion of the classification office
bytecaster: All you need to do is make a giant man grunt in a game, and people will go: "Finally, a non-political game"
Julian_Rogue: you'd think if it was the real one and he was really atool he would've payed the muskrat for the fancy verifcation badge
Julian_Rogue: oh no wait this was on youtube not twitter nvm
GapFiller: theres point missing then theres this
Julian_Rogue: @GapFiller This is like. Storm trooper shooting a redshirt. level of missing
bytecaster: He is certainly playing to the crowd
Earthenone: spec ops the 40k
Julian_Rogue: Biege "sure if you strip out the politics its not political"
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Warhammer doesn't always do a great job of pushing back against the fash unfortunately
Julian_Rogue: @LilyOfTheVeil6666 It doesn't help that media literacy is at an all time low.
grgriffin3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 133 months, currently on a 133 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, grgriffin3! (Today's storm count: 14)
mtvcdm: Because if there's one underserved demographic in games or indeed all of culture it's men
Julian_Rogue: @mtvcdm specifically white men. super under served /s
bytecaster: Similar to Graham, I also learn anything I know about Asmongold against my will
mtvcdm: Beedoop
GapFiller: yall heard that right
Juliamon: hi windows
LathosTiran: windows noise
Julian_Rogue: the windows alert was hella loud paul
Joecool190: so did we
FarleyF: windows has opinions
RubikDarkwill: Hello windows
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Same @bytecaster
ButButTheJesus: thought it was me
urist_mc_wazdakka: frantically looking for message
djalternative: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 6:10:45. lrrSPOT
malfnord: Oh okay that wasn't y laptop
sallomon33: @bytecaster the video and the comments is the first time I learn anything about him, before that I just knew him as "Yet Another Twitch Streamer"
djalternative: still good. you've been online for 6 hours
Julian_Rogue: @djalternative The fact that command works is great
Lord_Hosk: Everyone should disconnect from the internet once in awhile
djalternative: it works and it gives the time in dog time
bytecaster: Crazy Taxi is now finally political!
ButButTheJesus: it wut
ButButTheJesus: oh right
GapFiller: turns out Tim Walzis hella into the DC
JDogg2K4: That's VP material
prestonhd: someone even made a Crazy Taxi mod with Tim Walz in it lol
sallomon33: I wanted to say that this piece of news is a bit more wholesome, but now I am not too sure
mtvcdm: I mean, games have been around long enough that you should really expect this sort of thing by now
djalternative: If Tim Walz is made VP, he gets the dreamcast back
fhorrigan: I love the story on the Resetera forum where as user was like "Oh, that's my Dreamcast, I bought it from them like however many years ago"
sallomon33: wait what
EikoandMog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EikoandMog! (Today's storm count: 15)
sallomon33: TWO arcades
Lord_Hosk: Tim Walz has has a secret account on a Potluck forum where he compliments people's pictures of hot dishes and wishes them a good weekend.
mtvcdm: Like I said prestream, I've been on that ferry twice, and the first thing I remember about the ferry is the arcade was more dated than Katy Perry's new album.
bytecaster: It paints a vivid picture
GapFiller: the takeaway here is clearly Beej too knows a thing or two abt dingy arcades filled w/ the tell tale scent of sweat laden coins and stale tobacco
JDogg2K4: The arcade at evo made me miss arcades and all their gimmicky junk so much
mtvcdm: The only thing the ferry arcade needs is one of those 'love tester' machines
kusinohki: random thought - pinball on a ferry.... how messed up would playing that be??
mtvcdm: so many tilts
bytecaster: Yeah, when on holiday in the past, when finding an Arcade, it was always exciting to see how old and at what state of disrepair those games were.
TehAmelie: the tilt meters would need a bit of slack
FarleyF: or removed entirely
GapFiller: cant speak to any experience other than mine but there were certain arcade games yr tended to look for in these kinda places
bytecaster: I have seen many a Crazy Taxi machine
mtvcdm: I did see a proper arcade in downtown Victoria, I checked it out, Quazar's. I didn't play anything in it but it looked pretty decent.
JDogg2K4: the simpsons
sallomon33: well, I am 21, so...
baskwalla: SImpsons, anyone?
iris_of_ether: X Men one was great
Gizmoloid: I found sad arcades like that a couple of local cinemas, probably exactly for the reason of parents with kids who could with some distraction while waiting for their movie
sallomon33: probably just barely missed it
EikoandMog: I ran in to an caravan park with a Simpson's Arcade machine.
FarleyF: I played captain commando with my brother on a cruise ship
bytecaster: Once, I saw a Metal Slug machine
EikoandMog: Daytoooooonaaaaaaaaa
kusinohki: My fav was the double screen 6 player xmen
GapFiller: bytecaster OMG
iris_of_ether: Gauntlet Legends
betweenmyself: the sadly uncommon Capcom DnD beat em ups
LordZarano: DDR on a rolling sea ferry would be a hell of a thing
iris_of_ether: lrrGREED lrrGREED lrrGREED
GapFiller: from slightly later Crazy Taxi tended to rub shoulders w/ eg Star Wars Trilogy and the latter Time Crisis games
djalternative: lrrGREED
GapFiller: lrrGREED !?
CaptainSpam: Gotta roll with pinball. Though that's absolutely a no-go on a sea ferry.
fhorrigan: God I miss the disgusting old arcade/Dick-E-Dee place in my home town. Just cigarette smoke and scary teens and Street Fighter 2.
FarleyF: I’m old enough to have played mad dog McGee on the arcade
kusinohki: the only arcades I know about now are nostalgia bars....
bytecaster: See, that is kinda cute, I want politics to be more of this thing and not the current hellscape
mtvcdm: Oh really
mtvcdm: Game-Used Dreamcast
GapFiller: important question Paul
bytecaster: I cannot wait for the breathless article "Does Tim Walzes VMU disqualify him for office?"
Gizmoloid: huh, that vmu would've been a cool artefact
GapFiller: idk what the experience across the pond was but a fairly hefty proportion of arcades encountered in my travails tended to be attached to bowling alleys eg which sounds abt right
ShaneLeeAtk: Labs are petty like that
sallomon33: that's what politics should be lol
fhorrigan: Living embodiment of avuncular warmth
sallomon33: the showdown of teh pets
Astramentha: It’s sad how refreshing it is to see a NORMAL HUMAN
TheMerricat: "Tanner went on to tell me that while the Dreamcast he purchased at the time came with a VMU, a third-party rumble pack, two controllers, and a controller extension cable, the VMU didn't have any data on it." Dang.
Juliamon: I don't know that I'd call them arcades but bowling alleys in America did typically have a handful of machines
bytecaster: @TheMerricat Dang, Tim Walz is even good at VMU op sec
GapFiller: it has been abt 20 years so we are prob hitting just the right moment for DC nostalgia
iris_of_ether: We got one for like $20 back in 2001 :P
bytecaster: Finally, the DreamCast starts selling
bytecaster: Little late for Sega, but it is something
atinyspacemarine: Hi all
Juliamon: Heather coughs in Vita
richard_ermen: I remember the Dreamcast Record of Lodoss War Game. it was...strange. You could play as the canonical bad guy from the anime.
GapFiller: Ikaruga was a biggie
flouncy_magooo: @atinyspacemarine Finally a user name that has me as a target demographic
GapFiller: Rez too
richard_ermen: Dreamcast games were...unique.
GapFiller: a budding games journo friend from back then once called the Dreamcast the Alamo of 2D Gaming which just abt sums it up
bytecaster: I'm still confused about Sonic Adventure
TheMerricat: @richard_ermen given Lodoss War was adapted from an "actual play" That's not that surprising. :D
CaptainSpam: I remember the Gamecube version. Where they changed BD Joe's and Gus's voices and the music was mashed into mono, but poorly, meaning one channel was just completely gone.
DandyGeek: Dreamcast was designed to *mostly* have parity with its arcade counterpoint, the Naomi. Ports were trivial for home, which was a big draw for me
richard_ermen: True, true. There's also a translation of the original Lodoss Wars Actual Plays on IIRC. They're...fascinating.
Foxmar320: Sonic Adventure was a hot mess and super janky... I love that game
bytecaster: It had a physical release?!?
mtvcdm: For now
sallomon33: Jesus Christ
JDogg2K4: awww
mtvcdm: oh nooooooo
GapFiller: DandyGeek hai Ben nalvHi5 aiui the arcade parity was a big deal among a certain type of game dev
Wicker_Guide: lrrAWW
ButButTheJesus: awww
sallomon33: they put ALL their eggs in the basket and then some
bytecaster: Oh, no, now I'm sad
Wicker_Guide: reminder that video games are made by people lrrAWW
GapFiller: it was certainly a major reason indie devs kept on doing DC games for nearly a decade after the death of the console proper
richard_ermen: I remember dreamcast getting ads with "it goes online" and no one in my vicinity ever used that feature.
DandyGeek: Sonic Adventure had some big setpieces that I remember flooring people at the time @foxmar320
mtvcdm: Unique Historical Artifact
Foxmar320: Hi DandyGeek foxmarHI
GapFiller: richard_ermen Phantasy Star Online was ahead of its time
flouncy_magooo: Concord is back! In Pog form!
Foxmar320: @DandyGeek Yeah everyone remembers the orca chase
SocraticMethod: The best part of Concord debacle is watching the price tag on in balloon. It's 400M USD according to "someone worked on it" now
bytecaster: Destiny is one of those games I like hearing about while I will never play it
cmdrud87: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're drafting Duskmourn: House of Horror. Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PDT (1:52 from now).
Faulpyr: The Final Shape goes in the square hole.
Wicker_Guide: the "very definitely absolutely the end we promise" finale
DandyGeek: @gapfiller yeah, I recall the DC being hot for JP arcade imports in a big way
ButButTheJesus: Final*
CaptainSpam: The Finaler Shape
richard_ermen: The Final'est Shape``
bytecaster: Destiny: Actually there is another shape
mtvcdm: The future of Destiny 2 is Destiny 3 should be along soon
Gekyouryuu: "the final-er shape"
DandyGeek: Codename “We Definitely Want You To Keep Paying, er I Mean Playing”
sallomon33: it's like a less wholesome version of Terraria developers
Wicker_Guide: the story and the universe have ended, but the daily space chores must continue
CaptainSpam: Destiny: "Oh, wait, there's also heptagons, we keep forgetting those"
Gizmoloid: @socraticmethod only 400? Last time I saw numbers someby was claiming 800 million. No idea what their source was if there was any.
Dalrint: FFXIV just did the same thing. their story ended, so they started a new one
Foxmar320: Destiny 2 is kinda already Destiny 3 at this point
SocraticMethod: Spoilers: the players stopped the final shape from happening. So it hasn't happened yet in game
DandyGeek: Marathon might be the “all hands on deck” product for Bungie right now
mtvcdm: Super Destiny Fighters 2 Hypermix: The Newly Shaped Challengers
SaxPython: They didn't call it the Intermediate Shape
CaptainSpam: Splatoon 3's major updates ended, and they just went out with one hell of an in-game bang.
bytecaster: Now that we did light and darkness, how about Destiny 3, now in TechniColor
SocraticMethod: There have been D3 rumors, but couple years ago
Juliamon: "That was ACT ONE"
SocraticMethod: Now D2 is more or less infinite game
RatherLargeToad: Now Destiny can start the Xehanort saga
ButButTheJesus: what if SEVERAL SHAPES AT ONCE
richard_ermen: "Somewhere, Cam sees a Destiny 2 Lore Logo displayed into the night sky and knows, his time has come"
Gekyouryuu: gonna be really awkward when they cut off mid-story to come out with Destiny 3 someday
DandyGeek: Light and Darkness saga is the whole of both D1 and D2, I thought?
bytecaster: Live service games are supposed to NEVER end after all
richard_ermen: What if the next game is actually Destiny 2.1?
Foxmar320: @DandyGeek Yep now we go beyond!
sallomon33: riiiight
sallomon33: that story
Foxmar320: That gun is huge
GapFiller: it IS a neat lookin gun
SocraticMethod: Hasbro made TBF
Foxmar320: Paul I posed a pic in the Slack you can use
EvilBadman: "They made a big gun." Destiny, 2014
TheAinMAP: katesGun
Juliamon: a lil BTS for yall
Foxmar320: Keyboard for scale
TheAinMAP: foxmarLOVE
EikoandMog: Holy shit, that's HUGE
mtvcdm: That's our new checkpoint tips line
Wicker_Guide: that's... preposterous
richard_ermen: That's...a single hand gun???
CaptainSpam: That is very large, yes.
Foxmar320: It big
ButButTheJesus: handcannon
GapFiller: Chonky yes
Julian_Rogue: guys. its a hand CANON
CaptainSpam: Like... very, very large.
EikoandMog: I mean, they are called Hand CANNONS
sallomon33: that's the size of a shotgun, jeez
Wicker_Guide: what hand is supposed to hold this thing?
SocraticMethod: @richard_ermen They are classified as "Handcannons" ingame
mtvcdm: That's a hand RPG
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs
bytecaster: It's made for a Space Marine
TheAinMAP: PopGhost
EvilBadman: They're rezzed by the floaty boys (ghosts)
ANeMzero: they died and got ressurected by a Ghost
richard_ermen: @SocraticMethod wow.
sallomon33: @Wicker_Guide Wreck-It Ralphs, I guess
Wicker_Guide: they're magical space zombie wizards
SaxPython: A Gif of that looks like Beej is holding Heather and Paul hostage
sallomon33: I wonder whether the size was also ripped off
SocraticMethod: Destiny player characters are liches, more or less
bytecaster: Can we get a mold off Etsy?
Julian_Rogue: I don't see why we need AI we can plagiarize all by ourselves. /j
Foxmar320: It has a lot of weight to it.
mtvcdm: Hot Topic is the Internet in a store, Spencer's Gifts is the *actual* Internet in a store
bytecaster: Companies always cease and desist, for once, I want to be the ceaser and desister
SaxPython: LinkHack
flouncy_magooo: Sadly, it uses AI art :(
RatherLargeToad: Sounds like the type of thing where they could just make their own assets and actually sell
sallomon33: @flouncy_magooo really? that's... unfortunate
bytecaster: Legend of Welda with protagonist Bink
flouncy_magooo: @sallomon33 Yeah, parts of the manual booklet were made with Midjourney
RatherLargeToad: it’s not really on homage if it’s just the thing remixed
SaxPython: See also: Tunic
bytecaster: Why would you raise that flag so hard?!?
sallomon33: @bytecaster Legend of Welda with protagonist Tink
Wicker_Guide: Tunic
sallomon33: then you can make it a robot theme or whatever
LordZarano: Hard to stand out among pixel art roguelikes
bytecaster: The lesson here is: Only big corporations are allowed to break copyright as much as they want, individuals aren't
Wicker_Guide: err, no, copyright kills corporations too. the lesson is have copyright, defeat all others
bytecaster: @Wicker_Guide Tell that to OpenAI
ghyllnox: How functional are these consoles?
Lord_Hosk: OpenAI is currently getting sued... Court cases take time
SaxPython: Lol
GapFiller: fantastic
EikoandMog: Some of the handhelds you can get are FANTASTIC quality.
LathosTiran: 241 copies of Mr pac person
Doc_Layzah subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Doc_Layzah! (Today's storm count: 16)
sallomon33: China? but why would China have naything to do with that? /s
GapFiller: o7
LurkerSpine: Eh, more like a retropie
LordZarano: Would this hit Anbernic (sp?)?
ANeMzero: generally speaking they're incredibly low power android devices that will have a couple hundred games from like the PS1/N64/Saturn they can't even run properly
EikoandMog: When I got an anbernic one, it had ROMs pre-loaded.
ANeMzero: they're sort of selling it based on Big Number and hoping the customer doesn't really know enough to know they're getting fleeced
SaxPython: The value of the raspberryPis alone
Izandai: I just hope by "destroyed" they mean "recycled".
bytecaster: "Honey, erm, I might have bought 20000 game consoles."
LordZarano: @LordZarano I spelt it right!
EikoandMog: Speaking of Action 52, try UFO 50
EikoandMog: Damn it, Beej beat me to it.
LurkerSpine: Cheer100
GapFiller: this being Italy it figures a none zero amount of them mightve been palmed off for a few Euros
SaxPython: Not 49 games + Balloon Fight? Kappa
GapFiller: a suitable car boot being mislabelled as an incinerator eg
Izandai: Huh
sallomon33: oopsie LUL
iris_of_ether: Hahahaha
bytecaster: It's hard to stand out on LinkedIn
sallomon33: what a surprise!
RatherLargeToad: and then they included classified tank specs. that’s how that usually goes, right?
bytecaster: But what if I want to know how much Lucina has made specifically in FE Heroes?
ghyllnox: Excel does go pretty deep
Dalrint: @bytecaster 70% of the money.
RubikDarkwill: So much of the world still runs on Excel Spreadsheets...
GapFiller: it made this weeks post show at least
bytecaster: It would be funny if they just called their new company "Interactive"
accountmadeforants: I'm really curious if they already had a new job lined up or start-up planned.
TheMerricat: They were originally going to fold the company into the 'parent company' and they were attempting to negotiate having it be spun off as a separate unit independent of the main company. They all quit after the owner, Larry Ellison's daughter refuse to show up for meetings.
j_crane330: lrrIAN
SaxPython: Megan Ellison (if it matters)
Juliamon: names matter
SaxPython: Supe Giant BibleThump
Juliamon: oof
mtvcdm: I almost feel dirty mentioning we're a Humble partner
niccus: IGN very recently put out some more investigation, but it will be a while to read
sallomon33: eeeeh
SocraticMethod: @TheMerricat Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior'
GapFiller: YIKES
sallomon33: @SocraticMethod OOFA DOOFA
SaxPython: J.k. J.K.
SocraticMethod: Dorito Pope!
Wolfstrike_NL: #guy
Wicker_Guide: good "friend" Keighley
niccus: most covered person on the show
GapFiller: hey chat didyr know Geoff is Canadian? lrrBEEJ
betweenmyself: Known Individual
sallomon33: an associate I guess?
Izandai: Acquaintance of the show.
SaxPython: Oh rip me. It's Geoff
GapFiller: every console needs a shill
LurkerSpine: Headline: Dorito Pope loves PS5 Pro
JDogg2K4: Geoff kinda sucks up to just about every dev though doesn't he?
LilyOfTheVeil6666: I'm not exactly surprised that Geoff is a corporate simp
GapFiller: erk
ANeMzero: I'd be excited for a console too if I knew my status as a high profile person in games media means I will 100% get one for free
Wicker_Guide: Headline: professional hype man does job
bytecaster: Not having the stand is sooo funny
SocraticMethod: @JDogg2K4 Just big ones he likes. Small devs can go kick rocks
Invitare: it's fascinating that it seems to go Expensive > Cheap > Expensive
EikoandMog: 599 US DOLLARS
KeytarCat: Also wages haven't kept up with inflation, so it's missing an entire factor
Juliamon: five hundred ninety nine us dollars
JDogg2K4: Famous for SOMEONE buying three of
SaxPython: #3PS3s
JDogg2K4: @SocraticMethod Ahhhh
sallomon33: it's interesting seeing that, adjusted for inflation, PS1 and PS5 had basically the same price
Anubis169: I don't think that takes into account the sheer amount of scalping the PS5 had during its release in lockdown
ButButTheJesus: yeah at the time the 360 models were $300/$400 and the Wii was $250
Lord_Hosk: Paul had 3 extra jobs
Texan_Reverend: So expensive that people coined the term Wii60 as an alternative purchase to save money.
mtvcdm: I remember the *line havoc* for PS3's
Earthenone: 360 models were about 360$\
jacqui_lantern234: so how are your 3 ps3's doing, paul? Kappa
ANeMzero: the quote was Ken Kutaragi "for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else."
ANeMzero: and yeah, it was the PS3
GapFiller: nalvThink hmm will Paul trade in any of his current 5 PS5's (or his 4 PS4's or even his 3 PS3's) for a Pro?
SaxPython: Pfffff
LurkerSpine: I think it's in his interest regardless though
SaxPython: Spokesman: I have spoken!
Jillexie: It also leaves out a key thing. I already have a PS5
Wicker_Guide: direct quid pro quo, probably not, but in his case there's many indirect ways to compensate him
Juliamon: He's 100% doing it for suckup points (money)
DiscordianTokkan: Rather than spending... That for a Pro version of a console I already hardly use, I'm spending a fraction of that to figure out getting a GameCube and PSP modded. Much better use of my time, I think
SocraticMethod: He loves the access he gets. Anything for Kojima-san
sallomon33: you don't underSTAND Heather, you need to have the VISION Kappa
mtvcdm: I agree, Heather, I saw literally no difference
lirazel64: I have to count Cloud's eyebrow hairs.
CaptainSpam: Oh, thank god, my timing kept getting screwed up by lack of clarity in audience_male_16b's cheering.
niccus: we barely have 4K non-videogame content and somehow we're trying to push 8K
sallomon33: but yeah, I agree with Heather
Texan_Reverend: Who needs more than 240p anyway?!
mtvcdm: This is what happens at a certain point in the graphics wars. Eventually there's no more blood to squeeze out of that rock.
UnknownFriday: @Texan_Reverend 640k of RAM is all you'll ever need. - Bill Gates, probably.
Texan_Reverend: Yup
ButButTheJesus: I sit very close to my 4k oled, I have a lot of PS games, I assume I would be the target demo for this, but eh, I'm fine with upgrading things every 8 years
GapFiller: whats your New Years Resolution Cam? VGA my dude
sallomon33: like GTA5? Kappa
mtvcdm: Games age better when their art doesn't care about realism anyway
LurkerSpine: There will absolutely be another Xbox console
Julian_Rogue: xbox as a services XAAS
Texan_Reverend: Big agree @mtvcdm Just look at most of the SNES era
Wolfstrike_NL: How many ps5 exclusives are left now that FFxvi also hit pc? like 5 or 6?
Foxmar320: @mtvcdm Big agree!
TheDevil_Risen: FF7R:II hasn't hit yet :(
Wicker_Guide: @mtvcdm I mean, "realistic" art styles can still hold up (e.g. the original Mass Effect series) but I absolutely agree that consistent direction will always hold up better than maximum polygon count
DeM0nFiRe: PS4 Pro was also required for PS VR
mtvcdm: Here's a screenshot of the original Starfox. The only part of it that held up was the headshot of Slippy.
ButButTheJesus: @DeM0nFiRe no, I played PSVR on my launch PS4
DeM0nFiRe: Oh really? My bad
sallomon33: @mtvcdm oof
TheStarwind subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
ButButTheJesus: PS5 is required for PSVR2, tho
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheStarwind! (Today's storm count: 17)
GapFiller: nalvLUL jlrrCool
Foxmar320: I just want the USB cable from that
Foxmar320: It's so cool
TehAmelie: but does it come with Sonic?
Texan_Reverend: @mtvcdm I was thinking more about the 2D titles, yeah. Though, I would argue Mario 64, a super early 3D title with few polygons, still looks great due to its art direction.
sallomon33: @Texan_Reverend the more cartoonish the game, the better it still looks
SocraticMethod: @mtvcdm I don't think that's fair comparison, it would be like comparing Super mario world to Atari VCS games
sallomon33: cartoonish/stylised, I guess
mtvcdm: @Texan_Reverend Oh yeah I know you were talking about the 2D titles. I was coming at it from the other direction, here's a game that was touted as this big graphical step forward, and now in 2024 it looks like ass.
bytecaster: Why doesn't Nintendo always make all the special edition Switches?
Texan_Reverend: Cel shading also helps games for that reason @sallomon33
EikoandMog: Special Edition Switches tend to be for GAMES not retro.
ButButTheJesus: I've heard various people say PS5 is beautiful or ugly. I kinda like it; I like to think it looks like a skinny roman numeral "5" V
Texan_Reverend: @mtvcdm Absolutely.
EikoandMog: I honestly kind of love the Scarlet/Violet switch.
Texan_Reverend: Leaning into strong art style and direction matters more than the techincal advancements.
Foxmar320: I want it so bad
ButButTheJesus: heh, cute
DeM0nFiRe: NIce lol
calhoujd subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
calhoujd: nice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, calhoujd! (Today's storm count: 18)
EikoandMog: Okay, that's RAD
bytecaster: The USB-C cable is hilarious
sallomon33: you would think with how colourful their logo is, they would make the console colourful too
Raincoast_Bear: Howdy lrrHEATHER lrrPAUL lrrBEEEJ ! The chill alternative.
Dalrint: All the news that's fit to print!
TehAmelie: i read this essay that talks about art in terms of making decisions. like Super Mario 64's graphics are probably based on several hundred thousand decisions. that probably matters more than any amount of rendering fidelity
mtvcdm: That was all the news. If we didn't talk about it, its not news.
DoodlestheGreat: All the news that's s#1+ to print.
mtvcdm: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
KeytarCat: The PS1 was more about shape than color. A big circle and two little circles, with a little color on each and a few lamps
mtvcdm: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
mtvcdm: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Izandai: I'd like to take the tack that "aging well" should not be the primary goal when it comes to art direction and graphics in video games. Looking good/impressive now should be more important, and a lot of games that look like ass now definitely were impressive when they came out, and if not for those games pushing the envelope, we probably wouldn't've gotten to where we are today.
Joecool190 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months, currently on a 36 month streak!
Joecool190: sweet, 3years
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Joecool190! (Today's storm count: 19)
mtvcdm: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
mtvcdm: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
EikoandMog: Man, I'm gonna have to give Astrobot a go...
mtvcdm: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
mtvcdm: Oh, Astrobot's amazing and cute
mtvcdm: I think the most common thing Heather said in her homestream Astrobot playthrough was 'I need to go back and play that'.
mtvcdm: It's a game that makes you want to play more games.
EikoandMog: Astro's Playroom was fantastic, imo.
mtvcdm: I'll have a link in your Discord
Texan_Reverend: Yeah, ICo is great.
Texan_Reverend: Ico*
Texan_Reverend: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
EikoandMog: Has Vib Ribbon been used for Rhythm Cafe?
Juliamon: yes
EikoandMog: Nice
Desruprot: ooh
Raincoast_Bear: Favorite Playstation game? Probably Katamari Damacy. Little Big Planet also a fave.
sallomon33: I don't think I will be there for the draft sadly cuz it's a bit late here, but I hope I will catch the vod
RockPusher: Twitching Doll is exquisite horror
DiscordianTokkan: It's a doll made of spiders
ButButTheJesus: #SoManySpiders
Earthenone: coming to mailtime near you!
Izandai: mattlrLul
GapFiller: awesome
EikoandMog: @Earthenone HypeLUL
Wicker_Guide: your doll is full of spiders
ButButTheJesus: what's a group of spiders called? a nightmare?
KeytarCat: What's your biggest fear? NOPE! Flaming Clown Spiders!
chaostreader: the art is horrifying
EikoandMog: @ButButTheJesus A cluster.
ButButTheJesus: @EikoandMog *shudders*
EikoandMog: Oooh, I playtested Screencheat!
EikoandMog: My only game credit!
sallomon33: Jeez
mtvcdm: That one LRR promoted once
sallomon33: seems fun but a bit tiresome
FarleyF: and where Alex and Graham are announcers
GapFiller: mmm tea
KeytarCat: I had a lot of fun with Screen Cheat when I was living near friends
ButButTheJesus: oh I just looked up the doll art too, nooooope nonono
jacqui_lantern234: "the other T day" is when trans masc's take their shots KappaPride
KeytarCat: Need to make local friends again
EikoandMog: Oh, Twitching Doll is a REAL nope.
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
GapFiller: thanks for streaming lrrPAUL lrrBEEEJ lrrHEATHER lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
sallomon33: thanks guys, bye!
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
ButButTheJesus: THX BAI
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart
Phailhammer: cya :)
rosiedog88: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.