BrowneePointz: Ah yes, Folder Borris
TheMerricat: Emotes working for me...
TXC2: emotes fine here
WiJohn: Working on this end
TheMerricat: lrrSIG
Desruprot: Rock Wood
Desruprot: isn't that like a place in Blazing Saddles?
Desruprot: limesCorn
TXC2: may need to refresh your browser window
Juliamon: Twitch being Twitch
satyropodobny: I bet local government was ecstatic when they figured out they can just build dirt ramps instead of roads
Desruprot: emotes are fine here
jedi_master_zll: lrrCrab
couchboyj: They showing as the text instead of the emote? I get that occassionally on mobile.
Didero: There's no problem that can't be solved by shooting things!
Didero: And then Kay was locked in this room forever, the end
Didero: aw
TheDevil_Risen: heheh Cyberpunk Nyx plz
TheDevil_Risen: <3
TehAmelie: Nix Noir
BrowneePointz: WEVE GOT GARTH NIX!?
Desruprot: Detective Nix is on the case
Didero: "Just press Use on the yellow marker, Kay, jeez"
northos: something something I hate sand
satyropodobny: I hate sand
TheMerricat: googles won't protect your teeth. :P
Mangledpixel: sand in your everything
DrLigmaPhD: I grew up with dust storms this aint shit
TheAinMAP: duDudu
TXC2: so Gritty we become communist
TehAmelie: sand in places no one in Star Wars knows about
Firewhiskers: Sand is just glass that hasn't reached its full potential yet.
Desruprot: sand its course and gets everywhere
Didero: "Must've been the wind, that we stole"
Desruprot: probably not over those giant fans
satyropodobny: a hole for all
Didero: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PDT (6m from now).
Ninja_DEN: This is my hole it was meant for me.
TehAmelie: jeez, time goes so fast
gsyhiap: It's a good job that the building regs require all these nix holes...
Krektogar: I think you just talked to one in the bar
TheDevil_Risen: least you don't have to cut open a space yak and sleep in it
satyropodobny: big fan
TehAmelie: and those 1x1 vent shafts
Didero: @TheDevil_Risen ...yet :p
Mangledpixel: you know the space spiders would be done by the Jim Henson Company
TehAmelie: 1x1 meter
TheAinMAP: HyperParkour
TehAmelie: i think this is Super Mario Galaxy now
Firewhiskers: Ye cannot save ye game
Didero: tsk, Ben on his phone while he should be working
Didero: Kappa
vinopinguino: hahah
TXC2: smol chat
0x6772: You let Kay think about it too long.
Krektogar: can everyone scooch over a little?
TheAinMAP: foxmarFALL
Firewhiskers: Yellow or YOLO?
TXC2: hmm? hmmm! oh ho!
Didero: We tried shooting everything, so now we're all out of ideas
TehAmelie: oh no, we have become Siegmyer
WiJohn: We're learning a lot about gravity
satyropodobny: Star wars Outlaws is an ambitious platformer
Didero: If everything is yellow, nothing is
Didero: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PDT (2m from now).
TehAmelie: [Coldplay intensifies]
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PDT (2m from now).
DrLigmaPhD: Horse time
WiJohn: Something something shrek horse
Didero: Can't Draw Banthas Club
TXC2: the horses await
TehAmelie: Jabba the Horse
Invitare: Cori will be knocking on your door, telling you to hurry up
TheDevil_Risen: thanks for the distraction BenBen
vinopinguino: bye and thanks Ben!
TXC2: thanks for streaming Ben
Didero: Eh, Twitch Chat is a lost cause anyway :p
Firewhiskers: Thank you Ben!
Krektogar: bye bye ben
Didero: Thanks for the stream, should you ever read this!
protojman: thanks for the stream and for showing us your kitty
Krektogar: it's ok ben, the voices are still there
Riiiiiiis: Wait, Ben can hear us??
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Didero: @Riiiiiiis No he can't, he just said so :p
TehAmelie: lrrSHINE
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
QuixoticScrivener: See you on Thor's Day!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
nqbw: Thanks Ben!
TXC2: Frogs are gone!
Riiiiiiis: :-D
TehAmelie: everything is breaking now D:
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
TheAinMAP: bbirbNotes Note for Cori
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
TehAmelie: or is it just me getting choppy video and audio?
TXC2: TehAmelie I wouldn't say choppy, felt (very) slight desynced though
tyrsredritehand: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PDT (1m ago).
beowuuf: offline now
Juliamon: Ben's homestreams are usually ever-so-slightly audio-desynced
TehAmelie: hm. well, rip that stream anyway
Juliamon: so that's not unusual
TXC2: Juliamon ah Ok
Juliamon: I did get an error message instead of the offline screen though
Dwachak: @TehAmelie I'm having issues with most LRR folks this last week. A bit odd
Earthenone: error 2000 is the usual offline screen for me
Earthenone: what error did you get? :P
TehAmelie: it was definitely chopping like that cooking robot earlier for me,not that it matters i guess
Juliamon: I wasn't paying attention and already refreshed to get rid of it, oops
Didero: Good night everybody, thanks for the fun stream and talks!
TXC2: goodnight Didero sleep well
TXC2: I also got Error 2000 instead of stream ending
TXC2: title change!
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
ContingentCat: lrrSIG
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
Riiiiiiis: wooooop
Earthenone: the signal changed my error message to 5000 lol
TehAmelie: now everything is perfect! by which i mean the stream loaded by itself on my end
UmbralCore8 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UmbralCore8! (Today's storm count: 22)
Earthenone: (refereshing still fixes it) just funny to me
beowuuf: 0 viewers...nm, 148 now
Riiiiiiis: @beowuuf We're reproducing at an exponential rate
beowuuf: and reaking maths and biology while were at it!
Riiiiiiis: @beowuuf I've never reaked math on my life!
beowuuf: math... not even once. or you will reak a math and then die
TehAmelie: did you know? n to the power of 0 is always 1
TXC2: here we GO!
bluejaydreamer: IT'S TIME
Critterbot: Shouldn't the category fot this be Art rather than Just Chatting?
Riiiiiiis: HOORSE :-)
TehAmelie: hello!
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS
TXC2: Hello Cori and Adzy
bluejaydreamer: You're looking FANTASTIC Adzy!
Juliamon: It sure is a day on Twitch
Riiiiiiis: Twitch knows..
TXC2: the ALWAYS Informative CDHC slideshow
iris_of_ether: We just don't know
Drasvin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
Drasvin: Can't draw horses, so we're going to use them to menace the PCs instead.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Drasvin! (Today's storm count: 23)
beowuuf: if shot why one?
TXC2: why do one shot? time
Drasvin: Chat is the great distractor
TXC2: Eng Lit? my bane!
The_Crab_Goddess subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 13 month streak!
The_Crab_Goddess: oh hey i know these people
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, The_Crab_Goddess! (Today's storm count: 24)
iris_of_ether: Yess, I love sneaking in lessons
Drasvin: How villainous!
TXC2: I read TV tropes, I know how to write right? Kappa
neacon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, neacon! (Today's storm count: 25)
TXC2: sci memoir chick
TXC2: what's the tone lrrbot?
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Make a rhythm game that uses a theremin.
TehAmelie: the most chaotic move would be something serious and somber
DrLigmaPhD: The vibe of reheated pepperoni pizza while hungover
The_Crab_Goddess: *prepares skydancers*
LordZarano: Weird, but also cursed
Metric_Furlong: can we also include squilk? Kappa
iris_of_ether: Most of my groups are whimsical, sad, and occasionally dark
The_Crab_Goddess: ye
beowuuf: @DrLigmaPhD but kathleen just released her pizzamas ttrgp one shot... seriously...
TehAmelie: it's like a whole park of themes
The_Crab_Goddess: waitaminute THERE'S NO Q
beowuuf: @The_Crab_Goddess it's a one shot, no time to q
Juliamon: Queer is a theme
PotatoQualityProductions: Queso is also a theme
iris_of_ether: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
TXC2: !addquote (Adzy) [now] Well Quebec is a theme.
LRRbot: New quote #9097: "Well Quebec is a theme." —Adzy [2024-09-23]
The_Crab_Goddess: oh hell yeah gimme that queso deep fantasy
ThorSokar: Theme: "Is it a sandwich?"
TehAmelie: theme: queens wearing jeans
beowuuf: dale's paranoia game that cori was in had a partlike that... but maybe after cori's part in it
ThorSokar: dizzyNoted Tell more lies composNotes
ThorSokar: Sci-Fi Horror here we come!
iris_of_ether: Deadlands Deadlands Deadlands
Metric_Furlong: miniature wargame that's not 40k mentioned!
TXC2: Fucking preach Slideshow
DrLigmaPhD: Thriller?
The_Crab_Goddess: hey now horror western is sick
The_Crab_Goddess: S H E L L S
ThorSokar: give 'dem bullets just an extra bit of that ol' magic juice!
PotatoQualityProductions: "The fastest cantrip this side of the capital, ah tell hyoo hwhat"
DrLigmaPhD: Classic evil land speculator?
LordZarano: Wizard With A Gun was the title of that recent videogame right?
The_Crab_Goddess: oh yeah with the naked wizard
ThorSokar: Or are we doing Warhammer Orks where everything just worked because they believe it will?
Onisquirrel subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 95 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Onisquirrel! (Today's storm count: 26)
TXC2: or a Gold rush allegory
ThorSokar: Sentient Flesh Trains?
The_Crab_Goddess: that was my kickname in highscho-... it wasn't
The_Crab_Goddess: that was not my nickname in high school
TXC2: so Dreamwork's Cars, but Trains in the Wild west ? Kappa
PotatoQualityProductions: "The Island of Sodor meets Mad Max"
ThorSokar: The flesh steam engine from Tormentum:
iris_of_ether: escher3CRIMES escher3CRIMES escher3CRIMES
TXC2: the Death metal cover of the Thomas theme
The_Crab_Goddess: :O
laconicsniffer: <message deleted>Do you want more viewers and to rank higher on the Twitch list? You can visit the website dogehype dot com @E95GlK7o
DrLigmaPhD: Do sentient trains dream of steam-powered sheep?
The_Crab_Goddess: oh like stephen king
The_Crab_Goddess: gotcha
The_Crab_Goddess: disagree
Mangledpixel: boop
The_Crab_Goddess: "get in the golem, shinji"
TXC2: welcome back Mangledpixel
ThorSokar: Steam Barron of Flesh Train Industries
The_Crab_Goddess: that's just dracula
Mangledpixel: Steve Parron the Steam Baron
The_Crab_Goddess: steampunk dracula
The_Crab_Goddess: not saying that's a bad thing, that's where my mind went
iris_of_ether: Do do do do do do do, Steve
ThorSokar: Steve Allaburton
TXC2: Steve's steam and seam scheme
The_Crab_Goddess: Steav Gogetterm'n
BusTed: Tootington
The_Crab_Goddess: TOOTINGTON
The_Crab_Goddess: GLORIOUS
ThorSokar: Steven von Hornblatt
TehAmelie: Stellan Montbatten
The_Crab_Goddess: idk flatulant ham is pretty great
TXC2: Tottington from Tootmouth
PotatoQualityProductions: Cockermouth
The_Crab_Goddess: cockthorpe
ThorSokar: Duke Steven von Tootingham
The_Crab_Goddess: the shenanigans begin in earnest
TehAmelie: Stanktrousershire von Toot
ThorSokar: Yea, "pulling more than a team of horses" was always the contest in the early steam days
Mangledpixel: literal tug of war with horses
PotatoQualityProductions: A laden chicken or an unladen chicken?
ThorSokar: A train car full of awful
The_Crab_Goddess: extremely large chickens
TehAmelie: two tons of cheese from the US strategic cheese reserves
SpacePotato01: the cargo is a smaller train
TXC2: Chickens the size of brown bears
iris_of_ether: Bawk.
The_Crab_Goddess: i mean there is the italian cheese mafia, isn't there?
SpacePotato01: magic nitroglycerin
The_Crab_Goddess: or did someone go on the internet and tell lies
Mangledpixel: one halfhundreddrammel of gold bullion
ThorSokar: cargo could be an entire team of similar horses and their load they're pulling as a flex
PotatoQualityProductions: and if the golems drop below 50mph then-!
ThorSokar: "Explosive Gelatin"
Mangledpixel: boom goo!
The_Crab_Goddess: kablooysticks
TehAmelie: evocation reagents
iris_of_ether: Adzy we had a 40% lifetime PC kill rate in Deadlands, mostly due to dynamite
SnackPak_: lrrGibb
iris_of_ether: But you're also correct it's hilarious
The_Crab_Goddess: boom goo is peak
Metric_Furlong: boomgoo: the squilk of explosives
The_Crab_Goddess: @PotatoQualityProductions WAIT I KNOW YOU
The_Crab_Goddess: *waves*
iris_of_ether: We Speed now
TXC2: or it has to be kept moving and it only explodes when it stops
TehAmelie: if it goes slower than 10 mph the wind chill will set it off
PotatoQualityProductions: You do! :P I rebranded "for legitimacy" lmao
ThorSokar: and the rush of air from moving is the only think keeping it cool
Metric_Furlong: you're welcome Adzy
Juliamon: That's the point of squilk
Juliamon: to be abhorrent
TXC2: you're surposed to dislike squilk
Juliamon: classic skibbons
iris_of_ether: It's time to peel the skibbons
ThorSokar: or Railk
PotatoQualityProductions: I think the back-up supply of the Dog Squilk is objectively worse
The_Crab_Goddess: what in the sweet and sour bus is happening
Metric_Furlong: everyone hates squilk, that's what makes it realistic Kappa
TehAmelie: chat also hates squilk but we can't stop making it. just like the agriculture department can't stop paying farmes to make cheese
iris_of_ether: Beak Feather and Bone
The_Crab_Goddess: sounds kinda nightlords
iris_of_ether: It's mostly chat let's be clear
Juliamon: A lot of LRR has an awkward relationship with milk
The_Crab_Goddess: this entire conversation is delightfully uncomfortable
TehAmelie: people may have to get out of the train and push
ThorSokar: Yes, but this is early train times, so the "unsustainable grade" is 2%
PotatoQualityProductions: It's Tokaido; it's a racing game where you get rewarded for going slower
DrLigmaPhD: Under control so far
TXC2: like the train is moving slower then a person can walk
The_Crab_Goddess: hold the phone, salmon arm has strange connotations and questions
SpacePotato01: What if they're being chased by a creature or enemy that is equally slow.
The_Crab_Goddess: is the rising action literally an increase in elevation
The_Crab_Goddess: sweet lord
PotatoQualityProductions: "We need to go faster!" - "Well if you want to get out and push?!" - "... that would LITERALLY HELP at this point!"
iris_of_ether: I appreciate how the 3 act structure is mirroring the rollercoaster analogy
iris_of_ether: Like literally
The_Crab_Goddess: LITERALLY
Riiiiiiis: The train is perfectly optimized for running horisontally
TehAmelie: man was not meant to travel at such speeds!
beowuuf: brisk walking pace :D
The_Crab_Goddess: this is a snail riding a frog level of "you're going too fast"
ThorSokar: yea, get it REALLY wound up there, MAX speed!
DrLigmaPhD: When we get this baby up to 8.8 miles an hour, Marty
TehAmelie: Mad Max villains attack the train riding on each other's shoulders instead of having cars
ThorSokar: and the boiler LEAKS out the front like crazy
ThorSokar: anyone standing close to the engine gets sprayed with SCALDING hot steam
Drasvin: Less engine boiler and more tea kettle
TXC2: ThorSokar it would leak out the back in a real engine coming uphill, so leaking out the front is funny now I think about it
PotatoQualityProductions: this entire thing has to be narrated by Ringo Starr
ThorSokar: @TXC2 Exactly!
The_Crab_Goddess: this is giving me the mental image of it being very small scale, like model train and small rodent scale
The_Crab_Goddess: bloomburrow train heist
TXC2: Denouement = Golem good, train bad
PotatoQualityProductions: it takes so long to roll back to town that there's plenty of time for everyone to evacuate... but will they get far enough away?
TehAmelie: it's made out of coal power plant byproducts
Riiiiiiis: boom goo light in the dark and attracts moths*
DrLigmaPhD: Why is it edible?
ThorSokar: well, don't you need 2? the players succeed vs the players fail?
Drasvin: "That's why the old shaman said not to mix pitchblende into the boom goo"
TXC2: "and that kids is how I met your mom"
TehAmelie: denoment: a good scientist goes "what if we gave a golem a steam powered exoskeleton?"
Mangledpixel: Riding off into the sunset. The sun then explodes for an inadequatly explored reason.
SpleenLord subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 95 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SpleenLord! (Today's storm count: 27)
DrLigmaPhD: New theme: It's a living
TXC2: I mean this is not that much worse then the actual first trains
PotatoQualityProductions: @Mangledpixel Beautiful. 10/10
TehAmelie: narrator: and then the walk back to town took three hours
The_Crab_Goddess: the two of you absolutely losing it while making this is glorious
Mangledpixel: thoomp
ThorSokar: And if they fail: The get back to town and find the entire town is now just a crater
TXC2: "oh right the goo"
PotatoQualityProductions: We come back in the sequel and this time it's golems versus a boat!
The_Crab_Goddess: this slide title is beautiful
DrLigmaPhD: It is with deep, deep regret that I realize we can call this "The Great Goo-ning"
Drasvin: But I brought my toolbox
TehAmelie: Boom gooes the dynamite
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Riiiiiiis: beeeees
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Cori and Adzy
AdzyandJaneComics: we're not done, get back here
AdzyandJaneComics: <3
TehAmelie: by the way happy birthday to Bruce Springsteen
Juliamon: I'm still here
Wolfstrike_NL: Someday we will get Live C's
TehAmelie: and on the last day, live Ds
TehAmelie: it'll be the last day due to the bans
Wolfstrike_NL: live deez nutz?
Anubis169 tags TXC2 out
TehAmelie: hi again!
Wolfstrike_NL: (Jordan aint here, so someone ad to say it)
ThorSokar: well, are the players rooting for the horses or the train?
iris_of_ether: Okay listen here
ThorSokar: yes "insert random U's in words and berate anyone who asks why they are there"
PotatoQualityProductions: "The Mayor, Sir Toppem Hat-" - "THE FAT MAYOR!" - "He has a name!!!"
TehAmelie: the mayor just wants to be governor one day
Wolfstrike_NL: Mayour *
iris_of_ether: lrrGREED
TehAmelie: changing horses mid-stream, that's the Addams way
TehAmelie: (genuine Gomez Addams quote)
PotatoQualityProductions: ahh yes the Vox Populi
beowuuf: "you're right, but you're being an arsehole"
PotatoQualityProductions: British Accent
tediouscalico: <message deleted>Do you want more viewers and to rank higher on the Twitch list? You can visit the website NEZHNA .com @SfoWoXJ4
ThorSokar: They hadn't invented train breaks yet
ThorSokar: Oh the villain absolutely has a British accent
TehAmelie: i see someone who's convinced boom goo is harmless, driven to promote its use for heating it to get revenge on the snow which killed their family
ThorSokar: "They can't push past putting random U's in to words"
ThorSokar: Only pure Ikarrans must remain!
The_Crab_Goddess: OSPmagnificentbastard.gif
The_Crab_Goddess: magnificent bastard is a great trope
PotatoQualityProductions: OH NO our villain is a goddamn train tech bro! ><
Wolfstrike_NL: Always rooting for the underdog, lets go engineer
ThorSokar: Yea, then you find out he's COVERED in tech bro tattoos
PotatoQualityProductions: "Why are you doing this? You could solve all the problems of transportation!" - "I don't want to solve logistics, I want to make boom goo boom!"
iris_of_ether: Fabiolem
LadyFoxTrot27: but he stillwears glasses
ThorSokar: Here I was hoping Cori was gonna bring up one of the Fire Giants
The_Crab_Goddess: bigg
PotatoQualityProductions: The Engineer's name is Ser Vitor
PotatoQualityProductions: The Golem is a himbo?
TehAmelie: or, imagine if they can only say "hubba hubba"
ThorSokar: Is the start location: Horseville?
TehAmelie: Horsetropolis
The_Crab_Goddess: Great Plane
TomfooleryFox: lol shout out I’m in Somerset
ThorSokar: people of the land, simple folk, ya know.... morons
TehAmelie: Metropoflat
TomfooleryFox: I thought I detected a Devonshire accent!
TomfooleryFox: I’m in Wells (where they filmed Hot Fuzz)
TehAmelie: the wrong side of the tracks, it'll also have to be there
The_Crab_Goddess: Big Uppies
The_Crab_Goddess: iunno
ThorSokar: A gorge named after a teacher who fell in to it?
The_Crab_Goddess: burl is very good
The_Crab_Goddess: I can't listen to this and eat soup, I'm one clever zinger away from covering my monitor in veggies and ground beef
TehAmelie: maybe use a straw?
PotatoQualityProductions: If you use a boba tea straw you can even get the soup chunks
PotatoQualityProductions: what is soup if not savoury bubble-tea?
Juliamon: consider: bovril boba
Juliamon: thanks me, I hate it
iris_of_ether: I would like to not consider bovril boba
TehAmelie: or save the beef for last, when it's laid dry in the soup low tide
The_Crab_Goddess: i'm already in the long-running "soup is a beverage" debate with a friend, I can't have it here too
The_Crab_Goddess: (having a great time <3 )
LordZarano: Speaking of Kathleen box text:
TehAmelie: i like that nobody noted the problem a laugh attack blowback through a straw would cause re. not splashing soup on the screen
PotatoQualityProductions: shut up we nearly had Crab convinced to try it! It would have been funny!
PotatoQualityProductions: :P
The_Crab_Goddess: I DON'T HAVE A STRAW
The_Crab_Goddess: unless I hollow out my bread
TehAmelie: ooh
PotatoQualityProductions: that's thinking with portals
The_Crab_Goddess: but that'd more of a mess *I can't continue the shenans we're distracting the streamers*
BusTed: lost cori mic
BusTed: aha
iris_of_ether: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TehAmelie: the DM police is on the way already?
iris_of_ether: "Whine-1-1"
TehAmelie: hmm Honey Heist is a very simple system
TehAmelie: (where you are bears)
iris_of_ether: 🧸
The_Crab_Goddess: 10 candles mention!!
The_Crab_Goddess: *you're giving me writing ideas I can't do more aaaaaaaaaaaaaa*
iris_of_ether: You haven't played in the Kids on Bikes games I've been in
TehAmelie: i would love to see this in Exalted
TehAmelie: might be a problem to keep the train moving slow enough not to blow up
iris_of_ether: Exalted lets you use your fishbowl of d10s, too
ThorSokar: Here I was hoping for Blades in the Dark
iris_of_ether: Oh hey, my friend made that
iris_of_ether: I need to actually read Blades in the Dark one of these days
ThorSokar: It's a cool system
iris_of_ether: :D
wildpeaks: the best horse
beowuuf: O.O
PotatoQualityProductions: oh my god she RAILROADED US into the choices she wanted us to make!!!
ThorSokar: there are MANY jigsaw puzzles that use the exact same piece pattern
TehAmelie: the iron horse, if you will
ThorSokar: This horse does NOT skip leg day
SpacePotato01: well-trained horse.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: well, at least you can't be accused of putting the plot on rails.
Wolfstrike_NL: Does this still contain one horse power?
Mangledpixel: *an ungodly fusion of a train whistle and a horse neigh blasts across the scene*
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
Lysander_salamander: oh ick libertarians
ThorSokar: "All fire departments should be pay to play!!!!"
iris_of_ether: I've been in those meetings
ThorSokar: 'cause that didn't result in MANY entire cities burning down
Lysander_salamander: oh this is a Kids on Bikes scenario?
ThorSokar: Oh, no, the Plane was RIPPED off in the Tornado of '83
Lysander_salamander: Local DB Cooper fable
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I have traveled here from the year 1983 to tell you that this joke hits.
TehAmelie: i sense a Donnie Darko style tangent universe was involved but no one knows it
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
thedepthandbreadthofseth: *blush
ThorSokar: "How'd you get here?" "The Long Way"
Wolfstrike_NL: (don't let us hear it)
Mangledpixel: fun fact: I was only a few months old when the storm of 87 hit, and apparently I slept through it all, including the collapse of a large brick wall only 1 street over
Lysander_salamander: Is the plane in like, a junkyard/graveyard of planes?
The_Crab_Goddess: mmmm ok
Lysander_salamander: Those are the coolest mountains
The_Crab_Goddess: wait hold the front door
The_Crab_Goddess: wait
The_Crab_Goddess: what
thedepthandbreadthofseth: oh, like for smoothing and leveling?
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
The_Crab_Goddess: oh right pangea, forgot
ThorSokar: New doesn't mean better, Cori!
SnackPak_: those plates do get around
GapFiller: but what abt The Cascades then
Lysander_salamander: Mountains in the skateboarding phase of its life
Juliamon: yes, wood plane because this place is EXTREMELY flat
ThorSokar: yes, it's a place where a 2% grade is considered a "big hill"
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I actually think the scottish highlands are opposite mountains in the maritimes.
Lysander_salamander: no it works on a meta level
thedepthandbreadthofseth: the appalachians correspond to the atlas mountains in w africa.
The_Crab_Goddess: the characters know but don't need to describe it
The_Crab_Goddess: cuz the players don't know
thedepthandbreadthofseth: but, they were all lined up in pangea
Lysander_salamander: they do "sick ramps" with the golems, which is like a light hop
distractfulilly: supposedly the most common type of mountains are called Fold mountains
PotatoQualityProductions: "This is the pride of our Golem team; Ivor!"
The_Crab_Goddess: what the flippin' heck is that
Lysander_salamander: that's a cool train
The_Crab_Goddess: trorse
distractfulilly: time flies when you run up that hill
Mangledpixel: pssshtikoff psssstikoff
Lysander_salamander: more trains should have legs
The_Crab_Goddess: oh like choo choo charles
The_Crab_Goddess: "one of us has to sacrifice ourselves to close the door" *forgets that we don't need to do that*
The_Crab_Goddess: looking at @PotatoQualityProductions
125 raiders from SergeYager have joined!
joallthedogs: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
The_Crab_Goddess: raaaaaaaaaaids
The_Crab_Goddess: hihi raiders!
TheAinMAP: sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart
SergeYager: hello :)
PotatoQualityProductions: Yup, feeling pretty called out now aren't we, Crab? XD We'll always remember Allig and Hector
The_Crab_Goddess: his name was herman :P
tyrsredritehand: sergePrideLove sergePrideLove sergePrideLove
The_Crab_Goddess: huehuehue
PotatoQualityProductions: Yup. Good old Hector :P XD
The_Crab_Goddess: ya melon <3
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
ThorSokar: Oh lord he's comin'
The_Crab_Goddess: you know the terminator run? not like that
Juliamon: !dtrpg
LRRbot: Looking for TTRPG books and related products? Support LRR by using this affiliate link with DriveThruRPG:
ThorSokar: I was thinking more like down on all 4's like actual cannibal Shia LeBeouf
The_Crab_Goddess: i'd rather the axe through the wall
iris_of_ether: foxmarSHINY
iris_of_ether: escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ
avjamethyst subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
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KeytarCat: My players for a skeleton one-shot joked about a skeleton army revolting against the necromancer so I wrote a boss encounter based on that
TehAmelie: well if i get a player group at some point i'm definitely advocating for running this as a crime bears game
corianderd: there's a version of honey heist that's cats
R_Craddz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, R_Craddz! (Today's storm count: 29)
avjamethyst: fish heist, I've done that one
AdzyandJaneComics: don't forget Crash Pandas
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG
virgil82: Exactly!
QuixoticScrivener: you can write fireball into the one shot
TheAinMAP: RPGFireball
TehAmelie: a fireball can be your one shot
iris_of_ether: CurseLit
ThorSokar: "I didn't ask how big the room is, I said I cast fireball"
Juliamon: nice
ThorSokar: ~NICE~
beowuuf: *gary oldman gif enters the picture*
TehAmelie: now trying to imagine a story set on a fireball
iris_of_ether: Listen if they didn't want to get hit with a fireball why did they make the enemies fireball shaped
Mangledpixel: C sharp
ThorSokar: Tone: <Camera Opens> 1920s Cancer Ward sign
ThorSokar: hahaha
iris_of_ether: :D
The_Crab_Goddess: i did read the book The Terrorr
ThorSokar: Banjo?
The_Crab_Goddess: that was cool
ThorSokar: Is Comedy of Errors a tone?
The_Crab_Goddess: farce?
SquareDotCube: Now I'm imagining a used car lot that doubles as sacred grounds for some Eldritch being.
KeytarCat: Vanta-beige one-shot: Everyone is on their phones, but diegetically!
KeytarCat: Gruige
GirlPainting: we go to collage with this, duh!
GirlPainting: wait, what was the question?
SquareDotCube: Purpleose
Mangledpixel: Porpoise?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: greige? so this story is being written by a millennial homeowner *
The_Crab_Goddess: come on down to dave's used automobiles! we have honda, hyundai, unknowable horrors
GirlPainting: genre : isekai
thedepthandbreadthofseth: *(always remember to pronounce the meow in the middle of this word)
iris_of_ether: I would play that
The_Crab_Goddess: dig not too deep into the meaning behinds our great deals, lest you go mad at the savings!
SquareDotCube: This is just becoming Dracula Dead and Loving It
ThorSokar: Oh are we doing a paranormal fantasy set during a Sanford and Son episode?
GirlPainting: more existential dread
Mangledpixel: Contemporary horror? So, crypto?
beowuuf: status quo the band are vampires
SquareDotCube: Twin Peaks?
GirlPainting: thats pritty german...we wouldn´t miss work, just because the world is ending
SquareDotCube: Someone trying to find new purpose
LordZarano: Sawn of the Dead: Let's go to the pub and wait for all of this to blow over
LordZarano: *Shawn
The_Crab_Goddess: that is so bloody good, holy cow
ghyllnox: "You can't suck my soul, after 20 years in insurance sales it's already gone"
The_Crab_Goddess: Backroomsbucks
ANeMzero: hell, even if you see them again, they may not be recognizable.
SquareDotCube: Running the coffee shop in a town that's *too* perfect because it's actually a government facility
The_Crab_Goddess: oldest house/house of leaves is such a cool idea
SquareDotCube: Kind of like Quantico
The_Crab_Goddess: thanks sam lake, you finnish weirdo
Lysander_salamander: makes sense, late night shops do have a surreal energy to them. I remember a couple of older scifi/horror series that were set primarily at diners
thedepthandbreadthofseth: truman show, not ed tv?
GirlPainting: how about you just have a coffee stand outside of the SCP foundation
KeytarCat: Kinda like Eureka, that scifi show
PotatoQualityProductions: Even if weird stuff happens it doesn't phase you, because you spent a couple years working at Waffle House getting combat experience
GirlPainting: insert giant banana
The_Crab_Goddess: a great horror comedy I read was tales from the gas station by jack townsend, a guy who can't sleep working a gas station at the edge of a crummy town with all sorts of weirdness happening around him when he just wants to do his job
Mangledpixel: the coffee shop goes missing
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I think they made it. What was the one with John Turturro as a Jewish professor in the 1960s?
ThorSokar: Some kid throws a rock through the SCP containment window (that was supposed to be unbreakable)
ghyllnox: "Four free tickets to Las Vegas, any takers? No?"
PotatoQualityProductions: and even worse, the bisitors are 4 weird tweenagers and their great dane in a kombi van and they just *will not get the hint*
GirlPainting: WHAT if the employees of the coffee shop are secretly SCP foundation Spetial OPS, an outbreak in the town occures, contact to SCP foundation breaks and the players have to get the townsfolk safe
The_Crab_Goddess: no, scooby. goofy is a different dog
PotatoQualityProductions: gawrsh
v_nome subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, v_nome! (Today's storm count: 30)
The_Crab_Goddess: unknowable horros from beyond the pale, max!
SquareDotCube: Are our recruiters aliens, but the players don't know it?
TheAwkes: Anomaly: a Latin word meaning Year of our Molly.
ThorSokar: Is the group hired to break out the anomaly the A-Team!?
The_Crab_Goddess: but i like grinding beans
The_Crab_Goddess: coffee grinder go whirrrrrr
The_Crab_Goddess: :P
GirlPainting: you know, the SCP foundation found recently a 3rd kind of matter. there is the light matter, the dark matter and the dosn´t you whant to be the first one or the last? ^^
The_Crab_Goddess: so we *are* god
v_nome: Does one of them have a boyfriend that lives in Canada?
GirlPainting: so the coffee shop is itself an SCP
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I absolutely loved that in season 1 of picard. the android that didn't know she was an android.
ghyllnox: They've tried to franchise and it hasn't gone well, for some reason
The_Crab_Goddess: oh that's the horror, it's only decent but it never any real good....forever
ThorSokar: Is this Coffee Shop next to a "inconspicuous" banana stand?
SquareDotCube: Do we know or not know the other employee? Do we even know who pays us?
GirlPainting: scene 1...bana cori enters the coffee shop!
The_Crab_Goddess: see now we're getting existential after all :P
GirlPainting: banana
GirlPainting: sorry
iris_of_ether: Iirc someone made a one shot for Kids on Bikes like this, only it's the game Dream Daddy with the serials filed off
The_Crab_Goddess: banana knows only fight
ghyllnox: @squaredotcube Do we get paid?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: oh, is a member of the renegade secretly a double agent working for the government?
PotatoQualityProductions: @GirlPainting This is also entirely unremarkable as it happens EVERY DAY lmao
GirlPainting: lol
GirlPainting: banana cori is a regular
The_Crab_Goddess: how much do the coffee shop workers get paid? does it matter, if they ever leave?
GirlPainting: ^^
PotatoQualityProductions: YES
iris_of_ether: You notice more and more glitching
GirlPainting: WAIT A SECOND...are banana cori and copy beej both SCP´s?
GirlPainting: that would make SOOOOO MUCH sense
The_Crab_Goddess: BC is the containment zone
GirlPainting: yeah, that checks out
GirlPainting: ^^
The_Crab_Goddess: yeah that makes sense
iris_of_ether: Amazing
thedepthandbreadthofseth: yes, but that's a literal head canon, with one N. because she's a terminator, @LoadingReadyRun .
ThorSokar: like WHERE did they get a banana that big?
GirlPainting: we NEEED a crapshot now with banana cori being time traveld in, with the terminator DUN DUN DUUUN DU DUN....
The_Crab_Goddess: lol
Drasvin: I thought the banana suit made the banana immune to the beej drop
SquareDotCube: The banana is Beej, all timelines reconverge into one
GirlPainting: so the end of the one shot is the end of steephan kings "the room"? burn me alife?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: No, no. Data rigs the dice and the manager realizes the were the foreign investors all along.
ThorSokar: walk out the front door backwards? I'm a fan of a dumb-simple solution that no one just ever tried
Drasvin: The coffee shop wishes to serve coffee
thedepthandbreadthofseth: you trick the espresso machine into becoming the barista>
The_Crab_Goddess: love of baked giids
Tobenamed1: i just got here
ghyllnox: The employees replace themselves with an AI self-serve interface and back away slowly
Tobenamed1: what system are they using for this oneshot?
iris_of_ether: System is chosen at the end
ghyllnox: @Tobenamed1 Hm?
ThorSokar: ya, Garbage is allowed to leave
GirlPainting: there is a super firendly, always smiling "the cutomer is ALWAYS right" kind of store manager....and he stifles all tryes to cause troubble
SquareDotCube: Create a special order for one barista, delivered
thedepthandbreadthofseth: this has fantastic "weirdest choices in a choose your own adventure novel" energy.
iris_of_ether: There must always be a Buckbucks
ghyllnox: The bad ending is surely that they're back in the coffee shop
SquareDotCube: Get fired!
ghyllnox: Now that they're aware they can try repeatedly
ghyllnox: @SquareDotCube Oh that'd be fun
iris_of_ether: They're the *coffee*
ANeMzero: Ending 7: it turns out they were just background characters on Friends the whole time
Juliamon: softbank
iris_of_ether: escher3MEOW escher3MEOW escher3MEOW
ghyllnox: Cat!
SquareDotCube: Become cow level
GirlPainting: Do we have a Groundhog day kind of situation here, that when the players die they wake up the next day in the coffee shop?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: oh, the good ending is getting fired
thedepthandbreadthofseth: central perk
thedepthandbreadthofseth: happy Sisyphus?
The_Crab_Goddess: "what is my purpose?" "you grind beans"
LadyFoxTrot27: bad end: this break out attempt is part of the routine
v_nome: The bad ending is you get out only to discover the coffee shop was in a Walmart
The_Crab_Goddess: the breakout is a fire drill
beowuuf: hatoful boyfriend full pigeon ending
SquareDotCube: Another ending: finding that you actually want to be a completely different person
iris_of_ether: Hatoful Boyfriend is a work of art
SquareDotCube: Ooh, another idea: use the coffee shop against itself, keep making coffee until it's completely flooded
TehAmelie: a rogue coffee designer?
GirlPainting: Ally
TehAmelie: mixing coffee grounds together that no gods ever wanted
SquareDotCube: Cuthbert
GirlPainting: Dr. Ally Burghart
LadyFoxTrot27: the Scientist's feild of expertise is always unrelated to the first thing they ask for
GirlPainting: the villain is the friendly store manager
Drasvin: It's an antagonist
beowuuf: they don't recognise hypergeometery as a real mathematical concept :(
Mangledpixel: Applied Parascience
v_nome: Villain could be a middle manager that resists change because they have power here
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Is there a terrible manager who leaves passive aggressive notes?
Juliamon: Starbucks wants to take it over
SquareDotCube: "Phillip", the customer that shows up every day at 7:30 AM.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: also, are there regulars?
ThorSokar: The Thing(tm) that made the coffee shop?
The_Crab_Goddess: Bean team
GirlPainting: Taste force Brown
TehAmelie: passive aggressive manipulative manager who secretly hates coffee
ThorSokar: The Consignment Office
Juliamon: Percolators
beowuuf: Tea squad
iris_of_ether: Grind Set
SquareDotCube: Bruw-te Force
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Java
TehAmelie: Codename Cappuchino
tyrsredritehand: Level 6 Super Karen
ThorSokar: "Another languages name for large" The Task Force
SquareDotCube: Bad Mocha
thedepthandbreadthofseth: grande
The_Crab_Goddess: the health inspectors
TheAwkes: Task Force French Roast, the evilest coffee.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: venti
GirlPainting: The C-Team
SquareDotCube: Casque Force
ThorSokar: Could just go generic and go with "Task Force K" as to not let on that it's a Karen on a bad day
thedepthandbreadthofseth: what was the thing in lost?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: the taoist thing.
SquareDotCube: Daily Grind
ThorSokar: The Last Coffee Shop
TehAmelie: Agent Tim Horton and the Timmies
The_Crab_Goddess: pour over and over
GirlPainting: Star Trucks
The_Crab_Goddess: SHOOT grindhouse is so good
iris_of_ether: Grindhouse does feed into slowly-dawning horror
ThorSokar: Task Force: Cold Charlie
GirlPainting: Cinnamon Bowl
ThorSokar: Task Force: Deep Steep
SquareDotCube: Bean Squad
ghostchild99: Bean squad is good
TehAmelie: House of Tea Leaves
GirlPainting: Bean There, Brew That
The_Crab_Goddess: @TehAmelie that is so gooooood
SquareDotCube: Yum, bacon-flavored coffee...
GirlPainting: Caffeinated Corner
TehAmelie: the powerful chemical lemon smell of the cheap cleaning agent used in the bathroom
SquareDotCube: Actually what is our specialty coffee?
Drasvin: Combat free; unless the players do a dumb
ThorSokar: Scalding liquid has worked well, historically
Myrr_NC99: @SquareDotCube Why not. They have bacon-flavored everything, these days. =P
thedepthandbreadthofseth: is operation pour over a thing?
SquareDotCube: GURPS might just be fine
Styxseus: Is the task-force the cleaning staff? They're there to "take care of the mess" mundane or otherwise
thedepthandbreadthofseth: you could use something a little less intense
ThorSokar: Oh, it HAS to be a home brew system
TehAmelie: we can ask Serge to come up with a system, i bet he'd do it in ten minutes
ThorSokar: Here comes SQUIK through the wall like Kool-Aid man!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: can you do KERPLUNK instead of Jenga?
SquareDotCube: Charisma, Gossip, Creativity, Productivity
SquareDotCube: Oh and Taste
tyrsredritehand: In the old World of Darkness, there were barista mortals.
ThorSokar: is Ker-Plunk the one with the sticks you pull out ?
The_Crab_Goddess: yaaaaaaaaaaaay existential horror!!
The_Crab_Goddess: :3
thedepthandbreadthofseth: omg, kerplunk, but it's stirrers and espresso beans?!?!
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown
TheAinMAP: mattlrPika
ThorSokar: That's a good one
Lysander_salamander: ick no
The_Crab_Goddess: ADZY NO
ThorSokar: N O
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I am making a Ker-Plunk cup for this system, and you can't stop me.
The_Crab_Goddess: also on twitter, tumblr, mastodon
Lysander_salamander: awesome
babyjuices: <message deleted>would you get your nuts and weiner squashed in a hydraulic press to bring back harambe?
The_Crab_Goddess: yeyeyeyeye
The_Crab_Goddess: *i'm so lonely*
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I'm an adult?
ThorSokar: Task Force: Special K
TehAmelie: Taskforce Giv'em the beans. okay now i'm done
iris_of_ether: This was fun, thank you!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: team superperks?
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: Screencheat) at Mon 05:00 PM PDT (1:07 from now).
GapFiller: schedule sez Sceencheat
Juliamon: Incorrect
Juliamon: Famjam
GapFiller: jlrrFall !?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Juliamon ty
ThorSokar: Next ep: Cori comes in with a Heather-mandated Snidley Whiplash mustache
iris_of_ether: escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ
The_Crab_Goddess: o7 take care alll
Lysander_salamander: have a good afternoon!
ThorSokar: OK, byeeeeeeee
TehAmelie: obligatory reference to Cori in a mustache
AdzyandJaneComics: thank you all for coming out, please check out or comics at <3
TehAmelie: thanks for being here!
TehAmelie: uugh, there's snowfall in my region
TehAmelie: boom goo, i need you
TehAmelie: gotta show that winter what's what