couchboyj: Arena is not letting me play ATM either, fwiw.
SnowBuddy18: the odds are not the evens
BrookJustBones: Time for MTGO?
penemue_93: Played button still grayed out. sadness.
Wolfstrike_NL: While there's no game, check out youtube for the latest Crapshhot?
kirbytronic: Ben, give Kathleen Gus to keep her occupied
TallynNyntyg: How do you cut a saw?
theymerLoviatar: Guess I have to go pack boxes for my move instead of watching people play Magic, thanks Arena :I
Gaz_L: New Crapshot was excellent, especially Graham's delivery of the punchline
public_key_reveal_party: It's like an inverted curve
petey_vonwho: Oops all 7 Drops is a thing in this format, right?
A_Dub888: You're pool is rocking devil horns (appropriate given the literal Demon in the room)
thephantomnishoba: sealed seems to be working but no more drafties
theymerLoviatar: Chainsaw is v good
couchboyj: Match making seems to be down.
Jillexie: Oh jeez
lightfut: Let's go network error!
lamina5432: the day after maybe
Jillexie: Why do many people play?
thephantomnishoba: kenjis making a sealed deck but who knows if it plays
TallynNyntyg: Is it just me, or does blue seem to be the dominant color in this set?
Sarah_Serinde: hell yeah Kathleen
couchboyj: Magic the Gathering: Excel Edition is probably working fine :p
kirbytronic: You can deck build, but not actually play
TheManaLeek: Static has returned
luke1x: Quick vamp for 20 mins
Wolfstrike_NL: heavy static suddenly
SymphonySolstice: ohno, the Sounds
TallynNyntyg: Someone's mic turned into a can.
lamina5432: static is back
thephantomnishoba: for sealed? @kirbytronic
Brozard: Oh, that's some weird vocal distortion
Mazrae: Static
tsp397: Oh no ghosts are back
Abavus: In fart noise form
Jillexie: What a morning
TheMerricat: Ok chat, don't laugh... or maybe do laugh. I had the stream on my TV while I was working on something else and thought I heard sirens outside for the longest time... them just switching scenes in stream just caused me to realize that the 'sirens' were actually the background music for the stream. :D
kirbytronic: @thephantomnishoba Yup
Flyingdelorion: My eaarrs!
luke1x: Dang spoopy ghosts
TehAmelie: Kathleen's power is too much for the audio
kaijuknight428: Cursed stream, wait!!!
thephantomnishoba: @kirbytronic RIP
TheDevil_Risen: hyea LRR Fam
Aceviru: The glitch ghosts are here
BlueFingers5: anyone notice any weird moths around the moonbase?
baneless27: LOL
OmegaPlatinum: I know nothing about pizzamas but this is *SO COOL* congrats Kathleen! :D
Gaz_L: oh mighty Vidal Sasoon
kumatsu: Duskmourn is invading Kathleen's lav mic
Ard_Rhys: The ghosts are screeming into Kathleen's mic
theymerLoviatar: Could we get some other issue for the jam pls
A_Dub888: Valvagoth, I thought you WANTED more people?
lightfut: The demons of Duskmourn have escaped
couchboyj: Look outside and make sure it's outside and not part of a bigger house!
TheDevil_Risen: whos killing the Mics?
public_key_reveal_party: I'm digging this new merzbow track you're creating
Masslost: let’s start the stream over?
BlueFingers5: is the time door an omenpath?
lirazel64: Haunted set, cursed launch.
betweenmyself: riffGasp
TheManaLeek: Far more glitchy than before
Wolfstrike_NL: it's all audio
Jethrain: it's happening with everything
thephantomnishoba: duskmourn is escaping from the microphone
Abavus: It's everyone
Sarah_Serinde: It's pretty bad
TheManaLeek: Seems to be on everyone
Brozard: It's rhythmic and all mics are affected
theymerLoviatar: Audio is going SKRONK every couple of seconds
TallynNyntyg: Fun fact: I got Hauntwoods Shrieker and Valgavoth in the prerelease, and used neither of them because my best colors were Blue-White.
novrdd: Oh well
Gaz_L: yeah, it's even on Paul
kirbytronic: Ben, the demons from the Classrooms have followed you into the moonbase
luke1x: We will be here when you get back thanks Paul!
brieandbacon: Good luck with the gremlins!!
TehAmelie: step 2: turn MORE things off and on again
Geldaran: Restart Everything! Good luck!
ButterBall000: take a break everyone, hydrate, etc. reconvene
thephantomnishoba: goodluck
Keab42: lrrFINE
TheMerricat: Heather's going to be so pissed. :D
Benjamin Klahn: So, we had walls before, now we have rooms and doors. What's next? Windows? Roof?
River Elliott: time to listen to sweet tones of ben while at work thanks famjam
chifii: Time for the ol' MTGO FamJam!
PartisanGamer: smol indy company Hasbro again incapable of handling basic IT
princess_intell: nerdfighters ftw! DFTBA everything
princess_intell: * everyone
Papperslappen: Cursed stream
HWDesperado: the horror! the horror!
princess_intell: my two internet communities intersect at last.
River Elliott: rip
Aceviru: Liquid cycling (1)
Mangledpixel: Time to do the Technical Difficulties dance!
adept_nekomancer: Gotta uninstall the ghosts.
TallynNyntyg: Actually, Black and Green were awful in my pool aside from those.
TallynNyntyg: Oh no, the toilet ghost haunted the stream room!
thephantomnishoba: i just wanna play my cool UG deck :'( and watch the famjam
TallynNyntyg: @thephantomnishoba MtGA decided to be UG(h).
thegreatwyrdling: Hey chat let's rap
northos beatboxes
thegreatwyrdling: unts
protojman: *slides into backwards chair*
TallynNyntyg: Birds and cats and birds and cats and birds and cats and
thephantomnishoba: i get it!!
TXC2: Moderators, Moderating every part of this chat, can't be not geek off the street, gonna earn your keep
thephantomnishoba: its back. kenji is back in queue
TXC2: (that was a reference to Regulate by Warren G)
Kentosaurus: I am back in a game
Aceviru: (in reference)
Sarah_Serinde: ಠ_ಠ
TXC2: Aceviru thank you
Abavus: ModLove
Aceviru: @Sarah_Serinde (Also, sorry if I gave you a mini heart attack)
Sarah_Serinde: don't worry about it :D
thegreatwyrdling: Hearts and minds for Sarah_Serinde 's blood pressure
Sarah_Serinde: for more reasons that you know...
Sarah_Serinde: Anyway chat, just so you know
Sarah_Serinde: !pizzamas
LRRbot: Kathleen has written a D&D one-shot for this year's Pizzamas fundraiser! Pick up a copy here:
Sarah_Serinde: is a thing you can use now :)
Aceviru: Oh, thnx for the link
TehAmelie: lrrSIG again!
tsp397: Paul's reboot fixed Arena?
EvilBadman: lrrARROW_TK
g0lg0r0th subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, g0lg0r0th! (Today's storm count: 18)
ThePerrBearr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThePerrBearr! (Today's storm count: 19)
Redbassist: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Dark Esch: :face-purple-sweating: We back?
brieandbacon: Red 5, standing by
TXC2: Here we GO!
ShaneLeeAtk: Red Foxx, cracking wise
TXC2: for the first time!
kumatsu: yay!
brieandbacon: Now with 100% fewer gremlins!!
kumatsu: banished to the basement of the House
Earthenone: lrrSIG
lirazel64: No static thus far...
midnightcurryjazz: Pretty brave playing Arena while its still under matainance
brieandbacon: Your playmat's a little frayed there
pinbloodfang subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pinbloodfang! (Today's storm count: 20)
TheDevil_Risen: lets gooo!
krfsm: plus it's a clown on a unicycle
Foxmar320 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 124 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Foxmar320! (Today's storm count: 21)
TallynNyntyg: Daggermaw Megalodon's the worst of the landcyclers this set.
TallynNyntyg: Second-worst.
TallynNyntyg: The one with Ward is the worst.
brieandbacon: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
TXC2: TallynNyntyg that is a heck of a sentence when you think about it :p
TallynNyntyg: The other 3 have evasive abilities: Flying, Trample, and Menace.
pinbloodfang: I found yall by looking up videos for heros of barcadia
brieandbacon: Locker Room, fly in, draw land, unlock other side?
TallynNyntyg: Not having evasion kinda makes the other two a bit weaker.
OmegaPlatinum: Now that the stream is back, hey Kathleen, congrats again on the Pizza thing
A_Dub888: Creepy Peepee
TallynNyntyg: Y'ever get an opponent that's super-slow but still doesn't get the bar?
TheDevil_Risen: Read the first two parts of the new DnD one shot Kathleen, its exactly more amazing than I imagined it would be :)
Kendo_thorn: it’s really sad how it seems with every new release arena is going to have problems supporting all its players 🤦🏻‍♂️ guess they can’t use any of the massive profits they made selling $250 boxes directly to consumers to actually hire employees
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL good to hear @pinbloodfang! We stream all sorts of things on this channel (including Barcadia!)
TXC2: !pizza
LRRbot: Kathleen has written a D&D one-shot for this year's Pizzamas fundraiser! Pick up a copy here:
TXC2: TallynNyntyg every single game
googoltudoris: pizzamas should be a holiday where i pay money to charity, then they fill me with pizza
Abavus: Clap
TXC2: we're on the board !
Aceviru: @Kendo_thorn Everyone is queueing up on day 1. They can't be hiring additional staff that they will then lay off. These kinds of things are expected to happen.
TheDevil_Risen: oh god
TheDevil_Risen: double audio
TallynNyntyg: Oh no, two mics!
TheOtherTracy: FamJam!
brieandbacon: There was double audio on that scene
EvilBadman: already fixed
A_Dub888: Cool Technology!
brieandbacon: But cool table!!
Sarah_Serinde: !pizzamas
LRRbot: Kathleen has written a D&D one-shot for this year's Pizzamas fundraiser! Pick up a copy here:
TheDevil_Risen: i need to download that app
That Guy Aric: Yay! The Fambly Jambly!
Simriel: We back
princess_intell: if the stream gets phyrexianized, am I gonna turn into a mite
WiseGuy57: Fear of Mic Feedback
Sarah: !pizzamas
Sarah: We'll see how long LRRbot needs to return that link
Jethrain: Are the game stutters a computer thing or a server thing?
TallynNyntyg: Probably server.
TXC2: Jethrain almost always Server
googoltudoris: so... kathleen doesn't know how to write nice things?
anbuagent12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
anbuagent12: <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, anbuagent12! (Today's storm count: 22)
Sarah_Serinde: lrrDARK
TheDevil_Risen: its ok Kathleen
MyClosePersonalFriendJohn: Kathleen, we appreciate and respect your ability to corrupt good in the world. :)
TheDevil_Risen: its designed for a new GM
TheDevil_Risen: its amazing
TheDevil_Risen: im so happy i grabbed it
TallynNyntyg: What is a Seneschal?
TheDevil_Risen: I want to run it for my teenager's DnD group
googoltudoris: "prime number of lands" LMAO
TXC2: TallynNyntyg the guy who runs a lord's house
TallynNyntyg: @googoltudoris Imagine if it was a Fibonacci number.
Gaz_L: @googoltudoris the reminder text is good because it basically gives every number that could be in a Magic deck, including Commander
TallynNyntyg: Welp, lost all my games in my draft. :/
Gaz_L: survivors are gonna be real good once the deathrace set is out, i think, cuz vehicles are a good way to get them online (in Standard, I mean)
googoltudoris: yeah, this set is very "pay money to lose" as far as drafting is concerned for me
TallynNyntyg: @Gaz_L Mounts are still in Standard, too.
LRRbot: Kathleen has written a D&D one-shot for this year's Pizzamas fundraiser! Pick up a copy here:
Sarah: Not long! Good job, LRRbot
SmithKurosaki: Guessing LRRBots on 1 min
Sarah: It helps when it's not also returning a lot of card info
WiseGuy57: hit tuberculosis
Tantusar: I enjoyed the potential bonus scenes!
WiseGuy57: Tyvar so scary now that he can count.
TimberTrannel: The Status Page still says Under Maintenance, FamJam got started alright?
TXC2: TimberTrannel no, we had issues
Gaz_L: started rough, but rolling now @TimberTrannel
TallynNyntyg: Ghost Vacuum's a pretty cool card.
TallynNyntyg: I used it to pull someone else's card that sacs to tap itself and become invincible, then deal a damage.
Aceviru: lol
Aceviru: ty Paul
TheDevil_Risen: ty paul
SpoonfullOfSugar: Thank you for that info Paul, I had been worried about my connection
Diabore: traditional is 2
Jethrain: mercifully 9 isn't a prime number
brieandbacon: Nine is not a prime number
TallynNyntyg: Kathleen, the next prime is 11.
Radjack subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
Radjack: What's behind this door?! Another month of awesome content! :D
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Radjack! (Today's storm count: 23)
TheOneInquisitor: I dont think opponent will be going up to 11 lands here that dog probably dies a 7/7 forever
TallynNyntyg: Anyone else feel like a deathtoucher past 3 power is a bit overkill?
Diabore: hey look, it is a 9/9, take that chat
Gaz_L: I liked this week's EDSC, but it does seem like some of the schemes are just turbo unfun. the Zimone deck seemed really fun (damnit, Ben, I can't keep buying Simic precons cuz you make them look awesome)
TheOneInquisitor: @TallynNyntyg Nah, it's niche but perfectly fine
TheOneInquisitor: For when they have 5 1/2s to block with
TheOneInquisitor: Or whatever
VTheSilvercrow: to be fair kathleen's opponent hit all four colours
VTheSilvercrow: gross
Nick R: hey it's back
AugmentingPath: 10/9 deathtouch trample is tough to beat, yeah
Diabore: arabella?
blackroseimmortal7: I'm interested to see if non-aggro is viable
TheOneInquisitor: Play boosters made it really weird but also *everyone* feels like they're picking aggro rn
TheManaLeek: I miss pre-play boosters...
brieandbacon: Just realised that the background is the kids carpet/mat with the town, but in the shape of a moth
TXC2: agrro is always picked highly early in any limited format
TheOneInquisitor: In a week or two things will probably stabilize and we're gonna see a lot more non-aggro things
northos: eyeballsoft
TallynNyntyg: Paul, that's a lamp.
Jethrain: It's a lamp
northos: yeah and it's a lamp that looks like the Ubisoft logo :p
Gaz_L: the TVs getting all angy when your opponent does things is neat
TallynNyntyg: The Ubisoft logo's just a poop emoji from above.
TXC2: thanks to the work men on my street, I've had no gas all day :p
Empurress: I like this set! Good riddance to Bloomburrow! TPFufun
Gaz_L: oh... they made All That Glitters cost 1 mana and give first strike...
kirbytronic: So if I put the Konami Code into the controller on the screen do I get to play Mario
MajorFrostbyte: Mr Pigglesworth?
Gaz_L: i mean, the 'activate just once' abilities seem OK with Marvin?
Simriel: oh is LRRbot actually reacting in reasonable time today?
Kentosaurus: Welp, I just got run over by aggro 3 times in my draft
Flyingdelorion: I am back from making dinner, still audio issues I hear? This Fam Jam is really cursed.... I feel sorry for you Paul!
RevolverRossalot: I love the Marvin Goats!
Gaz_L: audio sounds fine to me
Jethrain: The mics are fine but the games are stuttering like mad
TXC2: Paul managed to fix most of the audio issues
Flyingdelorion: @Gaz_L It's the audio from Arena thats stuttering
TXC2: ward 2: backbreaking when Opp has it, worse then useless when I have it :p
TheOneInquisitor: TBH so far it feels like black might be the weakest colour in the set despite the whole horror theme.
LoadingReadyRun: ya, I'm having a bit of stuttering from the gameplay views, not sure why. I hope it isn't too distracting
northos: @LoadingReadyRun it adds to the spooky factor :P
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun ah, I thought it was my twitch acting up
Stormgod519: We're heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere!
Flyingdelorion: @LoadingReadyRun Maybe turn it down a bit, please?
TXC2: hello Stormgod519 welcome
Stormgod519: morning!
Stormgod519: how ya doing friends?!?
TXC2: beeeeg fiiiiish
Aceviru: @LoadingReadyRun It's not as distracting, it's fine. It may be a capture/OBS thing. But overall it's good :)
PerryThePlatypusBear subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PerryThePlatypusBear! (Today's storm count: 24)
Flyingdelorion: Thank you, Paul! Good luck figuring out what the cause is!
Aceviru: Ouphe story of my life
MajorFrostbyte: So an MTG Player?
TXC2: winner!
Gaz_L: ding!
brieandbacon: gz!
Stormgod519: oh my god, there's a mono white flying spirit that unlocks a room on etb that also makes spirits on etb trigger, and it was so damn good. it made my prerelease deck insane
Gaelan_Maestro: dashing bloodsucker is just Blade
LoadingReadyRun: @Aceviru ya, the OBS NDI plugin seems to be acting funky, but I don't know why :(
Gaelan_Maestro: PROVE ME WRONG
Stormgod519: BIG WURM!
Stormgod519: !card Ghostly Dancer
LRRbot: Ghostly Dancers [3WW] | Creature — Spirit [2/5] | Flying / When Ghostly Dancers enters, return an enchantment card from your graveyard to your hand or unlock a locked door of a Room you control. / Eerie — Whenever an enchantment you control enters and whenever you fully unlock a Room, create a 3/1 white Spirit creature token with flying.
Sarah: well we only have one data point, so hard to say :P
Sarah: !patreon
Sarah: "reasonable" might be a bit of a stretch
Stormgod: Im here toooo!
Orellien: Cheerleaders can do a LOT of damage. Like all flying bears should :D.
Stormgod: the cheerleaders were a pain to deal with for me
Stormgod: all of my opponents at the prerelease had one and they always had it on turn 2
googoltudoris: counter with BIGGER BULLY
Stormgod519: this card is cracked ^^^
Gaz_L: give me the humble bannister wurm any day
DirectorStephanie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
DirectorStephanie: Greetings fellow Runners!
AugmentingPath: Is Helm of Obedience a special guest this set?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DirectorStephanie! (Today's storm count: 25)
AugmentingPath: If not you're probably fine
Stormgod519: in public, ben?
Stormgod519: GG Kathleen!
googoltudoris: sorry, *CAN BE countered with bigger bully, was not trying to suggest that as correct course in this game
Stormgod519: let's go nelly!
MajorFrostbyte: GG EZ
Banrael subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Banrael! (Today's storm count: 26)
Gaz_L: win with that one alt win con for 8 rooms?
matthaus_c subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
matthaus_c: jamily resub
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, matthaus_c! (Today's storm count: 27)
TXC2: some (most) days the win is just surviving
kirbytronic: Now I want Lasagna. And nachos.
googoltudoris: god i wish american food had less salt and preservatives so i could do that more often
TXC2: !card unstopable slasher
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Stormgod519: brb chat
Stormgod519: got a meeting
brieandbacon: !card unstoppable slasher
LRRbot: Unstoppable Slasher [2B] | Creature — Zombie Assassin [2/3] | Deathtouch / Whenever Unstoppable Slasher deals combat damage to a player, they lose half their life, rounded up. / When Unstoppable Slasher dies, if it had no counters on it, return it to the battlefield tapped under its owner's control with two stun counters on it.
Gaz_L: ooh, cheevo for hard-casting the Doomsday Excruciator?
TXC2: brieandbacon thank you
brieandbacon: np
AugmentingPath: kinda like the murder, yeah
TheDevil_Risen: yeah murder
northos: I agree, big fan of murder Kappa
TheDevil_Risen: :D, its on colour pie
ardor_edi: "I have given into violence and it's not enough" - Nelly, 2024
TXC2: Handsome man, killer of flan, Handsome man, got no plan
brieandbacon: @TXC2 to the tune of "Florida Man" from that one Feed Dump?
TXC2: brieandbacon sure, why not
TheDevil_Risen: so far i've gone 2-3 in my 2 sealed pools, not the best haha :D also keep hitting alll my lands off manifest dread
Gaz_L: (that would be the tune of Particle Man by TMBG)
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Sarah: *pats LRRbot* 6's okay, you did your best
malacorath: I love the survivirs, because I get to use the junkies card in magic. the Orb of Dreams
Stormgod: lol
SteveHeist: Can I make a suggestion? don't die
VTheSilvercrow: sick play, it even replaced itself
VTheSilvercrow: cracked
snortablecola: Nelly’s deck looks cracked
matthaus_c: we take those!
TheDevil_Risen: mono white go wide seems legit there Nelly
theymerLoviatar: My opponent just had a very bad time with T2 Grand Entryway T3 Rampaging Soulrager T4 Hospital Room
Aceviru: Oh no
Aceviru: haha
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
TXC2: 11 menace
BorealMage: Hah, that's fun to do under Dissection Tools, too
matthaus_c: rooms are so cool
BusTed: FBtouchdown
AugmentingPath: take that, vile mutilator
TheDevil_Risen: ta daaa
brieandbacon: sergeGG sergeGG
Gaz_L: Constellation is always good
Aceviru: Every time the tvs flicker red in that background, it makes me think the opponent is conceding
Gekyouryuu: Eerie, or Jason-stellation Voorhees
TheDevil_Risen: also shot out to BenBen's partner for being a BAWS
4AMDonuts: won with the room alt-win con rare in my first draft (pretty sweet start to the format)
Aceviru: ^ ty Nicole!
kirbytronic: The only thing I don't like about Tunnel of Hate is it can't go into my "Aminatou goes to the Carnival' commander deck
RevolverRossalot: Valgavoth's Totally Bogus Constellation is a fun way to bridge the set mechanic with the rest of Magic, at least
AugmentingPath: creepy peepy
MajorFrostbyte: RB Ticket Booth plays. Spiderman meme
matthaus_c: best two colours in magic
Gaz_L: i could see bringing some of these mechanics back with an Innistrad or other spoopy set later, too
TheDevil_Risen: izzet real or izzet just fantasy?
TheDevil_Risen: Kappa
northos: uhhhh
theymerLoviatar: phrasing?
TXC2: TheDevil_Risen boooooo! Kappa
matthaus_c: I still need a peepy plushie
Gaz_L: heck, rooms could be cool in the next Arcavios set, as like rooms at Strixhaven or something
TheDevil_Risen: @TXC2 PrideHeartL PrideHeartR
Alex Cohen: I just got to cast Marina Vendrell on turn 4 in draft
JustMeJude: Hey chat! What is a FamJam?
northos: @JustMeJude it's like a LAN party where they hang out and play the new Magic set
JustMeJude: Neat!
Gaz_L: @JustMeJude the whole LRR Fam Jamming out games of Limited with the new MTG set
TXC2: hello JustMeJude welcome
theymerLoviatar: Anyone else keep thinking Rooms are Battles or is it just me
ardor_edi: The family are the magic players of LRR, the Jam is them jamming games
kirbytronic: @theymerLoviatar I kept thinking I had to attack them at my prerelease.
MajorFrostbyte: @matthaus_c Nah, Golgari and Jund for Life!
TXC2: theymerLoviatar no, they have that vibe
JustMeJude: And we're watching Ben Ben right now?
Diabore: i did
Jethrain: we are indeed
TXC2: JustMeJude yes
BorealMage: Yep
Gekyouryuu: I did 2
AugmentingPath: @JustMeJude Yeah, his square is large
JustMeJude: Cool, thanks chat!
GredGredmansson: missed it this time
TheDevil_Risen: I've been working :(
theymerLoviatar: I went to my friend's 40th birthday party instead
Xed_Regulus: I did for my first time ever
chanterelleton: My wife and I are doing one at home! It's her first magic set :)
googoltudoris: i haven't made one since MOM :(
kirbytronic: I went 3/0 with Green/White survivors
lamina5432: went to 2
Gaz_L: i... was at a store doing a pre-release? (I was playing Commander)
memnus: I did! Went 3-1 with Grixis Clowns
BusTed: seabatBRAIN
lvl_zeo: I did. Went 4-0 somehow.
theymerLoviatar: Because I think I'm the only one who was at the party who even knows what Magic is
Mindfire13: Went 3-0 with a red-black deck with 7 rooms, including both on-color mythic rooms
Ryban89 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ryban89! (Today's storm count: 28)
orellien2773: Went 2-1, even though my deck had like zero synergies, just by virtue of throwing lots of flyers at the enemy.
theymerLoviatar: Also the theme of the party was the 80's, which is before Magic was invented!
Gaz_L: (I at least won a game by making 3 copies of Avenger of Zendikar and having like 200 power on the board - the other 2 remaining players scooped when their topdecks didn't help)
RustyVenture: I got to meathook massacre II somebody then watch them look in confusion as i killed them on their attack phase by bringing my fear of burning alive back
matthaus_c: @theymerLoviatar anachronism is so 80s tho
BorealMage: I got my butt kicked by Golgari mono-five-power-creatures
theymerLoviatar: Phrasiiiing
ardor_edi: Petition to ban the word peepie
matthaus_c: she saw my peepy til I jumpscare
ardor_edi: Or peepy
googoltudoris: sark with a saw SHARK WITH A SAW
The_FlyingDutchman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months, currently on a 53 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, The_FlyingDutchman! (Today's storm count: 29)
Gaz_L: i underestimated how funny the Fears are when players talk about their Fear of Exposure/etc
Seth_Erickson: only on rooms
Gaz_L: shark with a saw?
Diabore: saw dude
Seth_Erickson: a fuckin saw dude
AugmentingPath: two mana: Red (Room), Red (Room)
TXC2: the Steven Spielberg masterpiece: Saw Kappa
GredGredmansson: i mean we have our own potentially
ShaneLeeAtk: Trampopiline?
theymerLoviatar: How would a shark trample, it has no legs
Gekyouryuu: Gyo?
orellien2773: Wouldn't it be 12 in the air? Double Strike and +2/+0 from the Saw on a 4/4?
matthaus_c: cycling 2 is so much more than cycling 1
matthaus_c: twice as much, even
Seth_Erickson: !card Saw
LRRbot: Saw [2] | Artifact — Equipment | Equipped creature gets +2/+0. / Whenever equipped creature attacks, you may sacrifice a permanent other than that creature or Saw. If you do, draw a card. / Equip {2}
GredGredmansson: anything we want to play from hand first for eerie?
AugmentingPath: 7/7 double strike seems like it attacks okay into this board
matthaus_c: basically questing beast
GredGredmansson: or a land
orellien2773: Yeah, give the spirit the saw and you have lethal in the air next turn.
MerlinZero: Heyo FamJam Fam! how have the decks gone today?
googoltudoris: surely not
TXC2: hello MerlinZero welcome
GredGredmansson: well dang
Gaz_L: maybe they just misplayed and don't see the line?
Gaz_L: nope, they saw it
BorealMage: Fear of Burning Alive seems less like an existential fear and more like one that is really experienced in the moment.
matthaus_c: this shark is the abyss now
GredGredmansson: "a permanent"
AugmentingPath: now you see
theymerLoviatar: alright, Saw, I saw you
TXC2: BorealMage it's a fear, not a phobia, so it is rational
adamtjames subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, adamtjames! (Today's storm count: 30)
googoltudoris: "did you enjoy these connection issues?"
GredGredmansson: the black one is just a big ward dummy
Aceviru: I like big Sharks and I cannot lie
googoltudoris: "boros vibing" sounds like me in sealed
Kaijuknight: i just won a game with 2 cards left in library
matthaus_c: print more cards that say twice per turn! that couldn't go wrong! :p
orellien2773: (well, when you're on the wrong end of it...)
AugmentingPath: attack all?
Aceviru: bless you
TXC2: bless you
theymerLoviatar: possess you
matthaus_c: hex you
CaptainSask subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
CaptainSask: Fam Jam! What a perfect time to hand deliver some Bezo's bucks!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CaptainSask! (Today's storm count: 31)
matthaus_c: back to the opponent mines
AugmentingPath: Morale victory is a wincon in all multiplayer games
GredGredmansson: no.
AugmentingPath: just hope to draw into a bogle, seems great
tsp397: I think it's probably fine
GredGredmansson: on the play you don't see if your opponent mulligans before you
AugmentingPath: beep beep all in glimmer
matthaus_c: this glimmer is doing 20 points of damage
googoltudoris: imagine getting killed by a rabbit with a flashlight
GredGredmansson: the opponent attacked with a 4/4 flyer, you didn't attack at all. back and forth.
AugmentingPath: three turn clock if we go all in on ethereal armor, nothing can stop us
matthaus_c: I like diversifying the basket a bit
Diabore: kaito
lamina5432: niko
GredGredmansson: oh gosh it DOES work with Kaito
ShaneLeeAtk: !card marvin
LRRbot: Marvin, Murderous Mimic [2] | Legendary Artifact Creature — Toy [2/2] | Marvin, Murderous Mimic has all activated abilities of creatures you control that don't have the same name as this creature.
Dark Esch: super glimmer
GredGredmansson: !card leyline of hope
LRRbot: Leyline of Hope [2WW] | Enchantment | If Leyline of Hope is in your opening hand, you may begin the game with it on the battlefield. / If you would gain life, you gain that much life plus 1 instead. / As long as you have at least 7 life more than your starting life total, creatures you control get +2/+2.
AugmentingPath: that leyline seems like it might be annoying in Pioneer Angels, not sure it's any good in limited
matthaus_c: bogleless bogles
googoltudoris: i kinda want to put ethereal armor in my tom bombadil "sagas matter" deck, but no idea what i'd cut...
ShaneLeeAtk: Only a bit
AugmentingPath: Nelly unafraid of burning alive
matthaus_c: burning alive? at work, dude?
ShaneLeeAtk: Safety meeting?
AugmentingPath: the heart of a lion, the meow of a housecat
googoltudoris: canadian osha does not approve
GredGredmansson: @AugmentingPath because its midnite?
Krillin_fan: banana bread at work dude?
ShaneLeeAtk: My mother randomly delivers banana bread to the house if the bananas at the family restaurant go too far. I cannot complain.
matthaus_c: y'know what, play boosters are a good time
Gaz_L: behold, this colourless face down 2/2 is... a colourless 2/2!
Judders__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Judders__! (Today's storm count: 32)
kristian_fischer: Remember that Phyrexian set (MOM?) that had teeth everywhere and how we thought that was bad as it could be? Duskmourn said "hold my horrible beer".
lamina5432: threats around every corner is really fun when your opponent gives you a manifest dread
Diabore: @kristian_fischer all will be one was the teeth
theymerLoviatar: @Diabore All will Be teeth
kristian_fischer: Ah. Well otherwise my point stands.
matthaus_c: I just know I'm gonna lose to a mox start enduring innocence next time I go to canlander night
Diabeto3241 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months, currently on a 20 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Diabeto3241! (Today's storm count: 33)
kristian_fischer: Now I reminded myself that the card "Incisor Glider" exists and I'm discomforted.
matthaus_c: Flensing Raptor is my homeboy
Aceviru: lol
Scarbble: orphans of the wheat still cracks me every time as a card name
cobthegreat: for a second i thought nelly said huantwood streaker and was like that is terrifying
brieandbacon: Gottim
matthaus_c: hell yeah
theymerLoviatar: draw a free tutu
TehAmelie: maybe we have to start a tradition of announcing the OP name at the start of combat
brieandbacon: Paul.
AugmentingPath: while not afraid of burning alive, Nelly is afraid of some ghosts
Stormgod519: IM BACK!
theymerLoviatar: wb
TXC2: welcome back Stormgod519
ThankYouUro subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThankYouUro! (Today's storm count: 34)
Stormgod519: lrrSHINE
kirbytronic: Anyone else suddenly want to play Luigi's Mansion?
Stormgod519: lol
jimber_jam: Nelly's opponent over here running a seminar on having it all
mykawalu: 9GB for a soundtrack and some images LUL LUL LUL LUL
Stormgod519 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 195 in the channel!
Stormgod519 gifted a Tier 1 sub to FlipPhysics!
Stormgod519 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChrisMackGames!
Stormgod519 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BTownMC!
Stormgod519 gifted a Tier 1 sub to WowoT!
Stormgod519 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Emoney447!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Stormgod519! Welcome to BTownMC, ChrisMackGames, WowoT, FlipPhysics, and Emoney447! (Today's storm count: 39)
Stormgod519: 195 babyyyyyy
Stormgod519: BIG WURM!
Stormgod519: very true, beastie
TXC2: Stormgod519 lrrHEART
kirbytronic: I like Patchwork because he stole Crash Bandicoot's mask
matthaus_c: look how far Gnarlwood Dryad has come
theymerLoviatar: I'm working on making a pair of poofy pants out of old t-shirts in a patchwork
AugmentingPath: also: wide
googoltudoris: that board needs a wipe
theymerLoviatar: that board? a paddlin'
GredGredmansson: 2 left?
GredGredmansson: you have 8 lands yeah?
Seth_Erickson: Batman Begin
AugmentingPath: trigger the lion again, yep
memnus: FOMO / Tunnel of Hate is an incredible combo
GredGredmansson: !card untimely malfunction
LRRbot: Untimely Malfunction [1R] | Instant | Choose one — / • Destroy target artifact. / • Change the target of target spell or ability with a single target. / • One or two target creatures can't block this turn.
matthaus_c: samwise voice but what about second combat
Stormgod519: LOL
GredGredmansson: you control two, Kathleen
Stormgod519: oh dang
Stormgod519: well
Stormgod519: that hits 2 things
Dark Esch: good wurm
Tinker Tezz: "Whats the point of all those push-ups if you can't lift a bloody log?"
Stormgod519: nothing crazy
Stormgod519: like the glimmer anthem is still kicking
Stormgod519: no
Stormgod519: LOL
Stormgod519: that is funny
Stormgod519: got got by the ward
GredGredmansson: yes it was their friendly ghost
Stormgod519: damn
TheDevil_Risen: GG Kathleen
Stormgod519: I believe, Ben!
GredGredmansson: where's the smashy
matthaus_c: am I nuts or does Role Model look like Paul Cheon
TXC2: it do go like that, it do
kirbytronic: You've got Serge in your deck, you can't lose.
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
matthaus_c: turtles /are/ cool
Stormgod519: aight, no i truly need to bounce chat. take care all
GredGredmansson: !card glassworks
LRRbot: Glassworks // Shattered Yard | Glassworks [2R] | Enchantment — Room | When you unlock this door, this Room deals 4 damage to target creature an opponent controls. // Shattered Yard [4R] | Enchantment — Room | At the beginning of your end step, this Room deals 1 damage to each opponent.
matthaus_c: broooodspinner, he's the man, the man with the spider's touch
TXC2: so long Stormgod519 stay safe
Stormgod519: @TXC2 lrrSHINE
GredGredmansson: i'd kill the 3/4 personally
Diabore: i have a small complaint with the board so far, i wich the tvs started off
GredGredmansson: we could landcycle the spirits, then reanimate them next turn
GredGredmansson: why not reanimate the flyer?
TheDevil_Risen: drafted UB, its kinda rough :(
TXC2: 10, double digits baby!
theymerLoviatar: @TheDevil_Risen oofa, I'm drafting UB as we speak
matthaus_c: black overlord looks so good
karmic_guide: Is Nelson sealed or draft?
GredGredmansson: oh sealed
Timerquack subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Timerquack! (Today's storm count: 40)
matthaus_c: 80% sure I've seen beasties at carnaval
theymerLoviatar: You could probably install a fan inside the costume
GredGredmansson: oh, Marvin can copy the goat
dumbo3k: @matthaus_c Could definitely do some of them like those Chinese Dragon multi-person costumes
GredGredmansson: Jump scare gives flying, right?
theymerLoviatar: @GredGredmansson yes
princess_intell: whose voice am I hearing?
princess_intell: thought I heard a DB helper's voice
LoadingReadyRun: @princess_intell Ben and Kathleen have both been on Desert Bus, if that's what you mean
TXC2: GredGredmansson yes, it's like the card Jump in that way
GredGredmansson: !card jump scare
LRRbot: Jump Scare [W] | Instant | Until end of turn, target creature gets +2/+2, gains flying, and becomes a Horror enchantment creature in addition to its other types.
GredGredmansson: well that could be an answer for Role Model
RevolverRossalot: It's not called "Manifest Good Vibes", I suppose
matthaus_c: nooo Paul Cheon got jumpscared
LoadingReadyRun: @RevolverRossalot could we have that mechanic?
GredGredmansson: oh god i forgot that too
kirbytronic: Nelly, you might want to read him again
matthaus_c: Atraxa is beatable in limited, right?
GredGredmansson: egon spengler, rest in peace
TXC2: matthaus_c Atraxa isn't beatable in Brawl Kappa
theymerLoviatar: In keeping with opp names, I'm playing someone named Stank Magoo
DAC169: @matthaus_c kill spells, exile spells, blocking with a deathtoucher...
finestotter: My experience after one draft is that if you play against a red deck, you cant keep a single creature. And you are always playing against a red deck
GredGredmansson: give the flyer double strike?
volraths_bane: Every green opponent I've faced today played at least two of the deathtouch indestructible combat trick during the game. I kept getting utterly wrecked
googoltudoris: power of love?
Flyingdelorion: A dire straits song
lightfut: There was a song bushes of love
GredGredmansson: lrrGRAHAM
TXC2: Love hurts, love wounds, love mars
lightfut: But that's a different sort
TXC2: !pizza
LRRbot: Kathleen has written a D&D one-shot for this year's Pizzamas fundraiser! Pick up a copy here:
TheDevil_Risen: its definately worth it
jamwno: Love hurts but sometimes it's a good hurt
TheDevil_Risen: im enjoying it!
marmalade_pen: its something a clock, do you know where your husband is?
Sarah: !pizzamas
TXC2: A segue smoother then cheese on a pizza
Robot_Bones: What is Love (love love love) baby don't hurt me
thegreatwyrdling: Cheer100 Hey Kathleen I bought your oneshot!
ThorSokar: Is that Huey Lewis and the News I hear in the distance?
OmegaPlatinum: YOU did not bungle it. The stream bungled it.
TehAmelie: segueing flawlessly into marketing, that is true love
Diabore: !card veteran survivor
LRRbot: Veteran Survivor [W] | Creature — Human Survivor [2/1] | Survival — At the beginning of your second main phase, if Veteran Survivor is tapped, exile up to one target card from a graveyard. / As long as there are three or more cards exiled with Veteran Survivor, it gets +3/+3 and has hexproof.
googoltudoris: feed me, seymour
googoltudoris: i'm just imagining nelly on the witness stand "and yeah, i probaly shouldn't have murdered that cheerleader, but..."
Aceviru: lol nice one Paul
A_Dub888: !findquote ranch
LRRbot: Quote #4223: "I don't wanna be friends with anybody who doesn't like Cool Ranch Doritos" —Ben [2017-05-27]
cobthegreat: you cant handle the ranch
TXC2: maybe they're conflicted about HOW they killed, they're like "damn, I should have used the golf clubs!"
pcglbrock subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 15 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pcglbrock! (Today's storm count: 41)
A_Dub888: Selesny-ope
googoltudoris: blue cheese superior
Gaelan_Maestro: hickory and brown sugar bbq sauce
Jethrain: definitely didn't parse that as "king gizzard and the tater tots"
Robot_Bones: Ranch can suck a lemon
Ukon_Cairns: idk, D is kinda high for ranch, could go lower
jamwno: Mayo better than ranch
matthaus_c: I'd rather the gayonnaise
jamwno: Blue cheese way better than ranch for buffalo chicken
matthaus_c: ketchup is F tier
LRRbot: Kathleen has written a D&D one-shot for this year's Pizzamas fundraiser! Pick up a copy here:
Sarah: ooh so timely
SmithKurosaki: Well timed indeed
A Dance In Yellow: Nelly's right everyone
TimIAm: tbf the places drenching stuff in ranch also slather stuff in mayo until it's unrecognizable too
Robot_Bones: I know people who would drink the ranch from the bottle
TXC2 also likes Ketchup
jamwno: Marinara sauce way better than ranch for fried cheese curds
Diabore: slam dollmakers
theymerLoviatar: hot condiment take: condiments shouldn't be hot
lirazel64: Whole-grain mustard forever!
Seth_Erickson: Overlords are pretty good
jamwno: Ranch's best home is the flavor profile of cool ranch Doritos
Wicker_Guide: Yeah I really don't think people's problem with ranch is a problem _with ranch_ so much as a problem with the idea of ranch as a ubiquitous condiment alongside ketchup and mustard
matthaus_c: sometimes I like ranch dressed salad
Seth_Erickson: one's technically a foil
DrLigmaPhD: Sauce hipsterism?
Wicker_Guide: c.f.e. Rick and Morty
TXC2: so Ranch is the batman of condiments ?
Kipory: So is nacho cheese a dressing or condiment
gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man: howdy howdy1
Frankenstain: I like the idea of a Ranch fanbase
jamwno: Ranch is... Never the right condiment, but acceptable in a wide variety of contents. I will give it that
TXC2: hello gcu_pure_big_mad_boat_man welcome
Diabore: i think ben is getting the ranch
matthaus_c: just give me aioli or spicy mustard every time
jaimeblacken: ben what happenedddd
TXC2: Hexproof is not indestructible
matthaus_c: some rescuer you are!
jaimeblacken: not dead yet
GredGredmansson: oh the wincon room
loufghyslaufey: when is every one at in this here room? drafts? Or sealeds?
Haroldholmes25: oops all the room payoffs
Diabore: 4 fully unlocked rooms
4AMDonuts: I did it in my first draft today, pretty sweet
RandomTrivia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months, currently on a 52 month streak!
RandomTrivia: Sweet, a Family Jamily!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RandomTrivia! (Today's storm count: 42)
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART
TXC2: hello RandomTrivia welcome
loufghyslaufey: Millable blue?
JayRedd00: Ranch is white culture
A Dance In Yellow: we better embrace it, it's allw e have
JayRedd00: Ranch and gender reveal parties, quintessential white culture
SmithKurosaki: Maybe we can skip over the stereotyping there chat :)
TXC2: loufghyslaufey there's been a mix of draft and sealed
loufghyslaufey: plus Killable black?
Diabore: its roomy in this deck
DAC169: ROOMS!! aipOMG
Mindfire13: Time for Izzet Rooms?
loufghyslaufey: @TXC2 cool, I think I did mean, at this specific moment
Wicker_Guide: swerve in pack 2 == disappointment
Haroldholmes25: I think doll is just a good two drop
Diabore: shrieker seems poggers
TXC2: loufghyslaufey ah, sorry
Haroldholmes25: if it was not double pips. I could see the splash
loufghyslaufey: among this "quantumonium" ImTyping ?
DrLigmaPhD: Kinda sad rooms weren't part of the MKM Clue thing
loufghyslaufey: Rooms almost just... right about... Battles 2.3?
Mr_Horrible: "The Sealed Gamer" sounds like a light novel
Diabore: ticket booth is a creature
theymerLoviatar: Kathleen is a selkie, a seal gamer
TXC2: Rooms feel more like classes to me then battles (in terms of function)
RixtonSnek: I mean some non-creature spells make creatures?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: welcome to the Fam.. come on and Jam.. or something
GredGredmansson: yeah ticket booth manifests dread
cmdrud87: the horror set having reanimation spells? who'd have tunk it...
Diabore: fwiw i count the rooms that manifest dread as creatures, but arena doesnt
Aceviru: Aside from the initial static and arena maintenance, the rest of this famjam is doing pretty good.
RixtonSnek: Come Back Wrong is amazing
Diabore: whats going on with kathleens black cards?
Aceviru: pupper
RandomTrivia: Such a good doggo benginPet
Diabore: the border looks weird
Mr_Horrible: Courage the Enduring Dog
loufghyslaufey: the duck is a "Glimmer?"
Mr_Horrible: created by John R Dilworth
cmdrud87: this set s great foor Ben... creepy dolls, clowns...
GredGredmansson: if they don't give Kefka the Clown type when the Final Fantasy set comes out I don't know what to say
RandomTrivia: Doggo Battledriver
Diabore: arabella is so good
couchboyj: Can I pet cho dog?
Mr_Horrible: In The Web Of Dog
Diabore: theyre not chuu chuusing cards
Tingeltangelibach subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Tingeltangelibach: More fam AND more jam this set? ludicrous Kappa
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tingeltangelibach! (Today's storm count: 43)
GredGredmansson: !findquote orphan
LRRbot: Quote #9026: "Isn't it Obama that gets 13 orphans?" —Wheeler [2024-06-16]
Wicker_Guide: To the tune of the song by The Neighborhood: "the horizon tries but it's just not a knife in the eyes, like Arabella"
budbjinxed: Ben: Orphans are pretty good
Mazrae: Orphans of the wheat, are they the cousins to children of the corn??
Mr_Horrible: "Orphans of the Wheat" this is stolen Iowa valor
Mr_Horrible: fugouddaheah
lirazel64 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 225 in the channel!
lirazel64 gifted a Tier 1 sub to goobasedlifeform!
lirazel64 gifted a Tier 1 sub to JediMasterRon!
lirazel64 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nickiatori!
lirazel64 gifted a Tier 1 sub to brennylax!
lirazel64 gifted a Tier 1 sub to hipsterkitteh27!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, lirazel64! Welcome to goobasedlifeform, Nickiatori, JediMasterRon, brennylax, and hipsterkitteh27! (Today's storm count: 48)
cmdrud87: also, Orphans of the Wheat is a great name.
A_Dub888: !findquote coffee
LRRbot: Quote #8359: "Cat! Cat! Coffee." —Carrie [2022-11-17]
GredGredmansson: oh hey a mana rock
kirbytronic: This is a very good stream for quotes
Wicker_Guide: I do like the line form the PPR that it should have been, "Waifs of the Wheat" or "Orphans of the Oats"
VTheSilvercrow: the little engine that couldn't
Jed: The Boilerbill Jizzripper???
Aceviru: TY Graham!
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks Graham!
TheDevil_Risen: ill have what Nelly is having
Mr_Horrible: glacier freeze gatorade please and ty
ghizmou: can I get a keychain jiggling
thegreatwyrdling: Ccan I have a burger+
couchboyj: That human clown berserker has got the Gizmo Duck wheel
loufghyslaufey: pranks Durhan
TheOneCalledStu: yeah can i get a choco shake please and thanks
kirbytronic: I'd like some Nachos, and a Lasagna, and some Banana Bread, and all the other food everyone's talked about today
Krillin_fan: i'll take a chicken sammy G, thanks!
josh___something: The dulcet tones of tech booth graham
jamwno: Everything 🥯, cream cheese, toasted. Thanks!
neisan2112: I'll take a cold brew w/ oatmilk
Robot_Bones: You're stronger with big red
Jethrain: Just a double espresso over ice pls
lamina5432: just grabbed some Oreos otherwise
DrLigmaPhD: I have assembled esper bears I think?
theymerLoviatar: goth boyfriend!
loufghyslaufey: cool wintress?
Chartle: twist his stick!
Mr_Horrible: maybe he's born with it, maybe it's jund
cmdrud87: I am sure winter is good... in cmmander
couchboyj: The eyes have it
loufghyslaufey: "Edward, The Peeble-Juiced?"
Seth_Erickson: Blue Black Eerie
Seth_Erickson: I think
Seth_Erickson: use control and tempo to get it in
Commodore_Perry_GG: big booty
loufghyslaufey: Norin, the whomst?
Mindfire13: My opponent's Winter let me win my final round in the prerelease
loufghyslaufey: !card Norin
LRRbot: Did you mean: Norin, Swift Survivalist; Norin and Feldon; Norin the Wary
loufghyslaufey: !card Norin, swift survivalist
LRRbot: Norin, Swift Survivalist [R] | Legendary Creature — Human Coward [2/1] | Norin, Swift Survivalist can't block. / Whenever a creature you control becomes blocked, you may exile it. You may play that card from exile this turn.
couchboyj: There are 2 ways in blue to make it unblockable
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
cmdrud87: if I knew it was two colours, yes...
Diabore: !card skinripper
LRRbot: Sawblade Skinripper [1BR] | Creature — Human Assassin [3/2] | Menace / {2}, Sacrifice another creature or enchantment: Put a +1/+1 counter on Sawblade Skinripper. / At the beginning of your end step, if you sacrificed one or more permanents this turn, Sawblade Skinripper deals that much damage to any target.
Morrigan9: betterknife skinripper
Morrigan9: butter
TXC2: "I'm gonna rip his skin off with a spoon!"
Krektogar: not fun for anyone involved
couchboyj: As opposed to the rusty spoon skinripper
loufghyslaufey: What kind of bedtime horror stories do you tell to your kids, Nelson? After what I just heard ImTyping LUL ScaredyCat NotLikeThis
Mr_Horrible: yeah, that's not gonna be clean
AtomicAlchemical: Paul that's just the Genosagi
Mr_Horrible: don't tempt me with a good time, Nelson
Mr_Horrible: saviseSmugg
Commodore_Perry_GG: Sunburn Skin Peeler
TheOneCalledStu: lmao
couchboyj: The itching powder skinripper
JayRedd00: yo I could go fer a coffee
VTheSilvercrow: I'm a 200 grit sandpaper skinripper myself
cmdrud87: well, you CAN... the better question is if you should...
TXC2: I mean you COULD show it to your kids if you really like having to wash bed sheets every day :p
jessieimproved: My kids actually introduced ME to Don't Hug me I'm Scared, but they are a little bit older
Mr_Horrible: ngl getting degloved prolly feels real good for a second
loufghyslaufey: Clearly R&D hasn't named enough cards with the word "Ripper." Eh, chat?
A_Dub888: You're getting you skinripped but in a controlled way and more palettable
cmdrud87: who's that girl? what girl? that girl with the power
matthaus_c: I loved this Kaito when I first read him, and that was when I totally missed he had Hexproof too
loufghyslaufey: As if it were the scarcest word you'd coin within the metal music genre
lirazel64: I couldn't watch The Wizard of Oz as a child. Terrifying monkeys, disappearing mother being replaced by a witch... way too much like my actual life.
Mr_Horrible: Fear of Yalling - a fear of being called on slang that doesn't seem to fit your affect
couchboyj: Maybe the Sawblade isn't the variable part. Sawblade Teethripper, perhaps?
matthaus_c: his name is Nelly Knoxville, and welcome to Puntfam
loufghyslaufey: If were all talking about the same Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, I think my max capacity of that show is duck.
LoadingReadyRun: @lirazel64 The Return to Oz movie is total child nightmare fuel
loufghyslaufey: Most scenes with Duck I found either tolerable or tame
mossknight497 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 5 month streak!
mossknight497: Hooray!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mossknight497! (Today's storm count: 49)
jessieimproved: Return to Oz is one of my favorite movies from my childhood
matthaus_c: KITTEN
matthaus_c: brother hell yeah
matthaus_c: oh yeah, Reanimator got a bunch of toys from this set
GredGredmansson: kathleen's getting there
googoltudoris: DEAD CATS
DrMagnify: cat oven.png
Aceviru: haha
Mr_Bitterness: Building Cat Oven to express my feelings
GredGredmansson: 6/8 rooms
loufghyslaufey: I imagine that audiences reacting to someone call a character like Duck being unusually tame would react most baffled with my opinion
petswinprizes subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, petswinprizes! (Today's storm count: 50)
TXC2 concedes just to Ben's description of his deck
accountmadeforants: Alchemy should have a card that starts as two rooms but keeps adding more rooms to unlock every time you complete one, until it stretches off of the screen. That is all.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: how do we feel about attack in the box?
GredGredmansson: cmon kathleen get there
couchboyj: Looking forward to updating my Xira insectocrats deck with the insect cards from Duskmorne
JusticeJuice: Whichever player has a standing deck after the cat has been placed on the board wins.
A_Dub888: nighto kaito
jamwno: Isn't it just this set and then Foundations?
TXC2: Kaito the new Kellan, who was the new Jace?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: that sounds like a good plat, kathleen
GredGredmansson: Neon Kamigawa, All Will Be One, and this set. That's it
thedepthandbreadthofseth: plan
GredGredmansson: 3 sets over what 4 years?
loufghyslaufey: R&D format notes...: "exile target "Kaito."" (You may win the game this turn.)
googoltudoris: hey kids, remember kaito? well he's back, in pog form!
jamwno: Kaito is the new Jace, at least as Foundations is concerned
TheOneInquisitor: He's a NINJA WIZARD
loufghyslaufey: They never updated or tweaked any animation for the meld triggers
kirbytronic: @accountmadeforants An Alchemy card that just turns the game into Betrayal
matthaus_c: gee Nashi how come you get to lose your mom 3 times
A_Dub888: Anyone else hear the AIM door opening sound whenever someone unlocks a room?
accountmadeforants: They've had the board react to specific set mechanics before, so it wouldn't surprise me. (Ravnica even had the music change based on what Guild card was last played)
jamwno: Probably partly because Kaito is super popular in Japan, but also because Jace sorta seems to be going Face Heel turn
accountmadeforants: @kirbytronic Exactly
LoadingReadyRun: RB Funky Rakdos
accountmadeforants: @accountmadeforants In fact, with Perpetual, you could implement Betrayal Legacy OpieOP
chrysaliss: you’re particularly incredible, Ben
kirbytronic: Apparently the commander party theme for this set is just 'What if Commander, but Betrayal?"
RandomTrivia: lrrCOW
Krillin_fan: i'm always very interested in the next episode of Dragonball Z
loufghyslaufey: @accountmadeforants yep, a bit biffed they left that out in MKM? Unless they didn't?
jamwno: Also samurai
TXC2: Ninja, the ultimate jump scare
Bruceski: haunted houses are all about weird noises, and ninjas famously make no noise.
couchboyj: Feels like the Duskmorne story might be axing Jace's heel turn, we'll see
theymerLoviatar: You can click on the eyes
Commodore_Perry_GG: Most haunted house movies have ninjas. They're just competent ninjas
loufghyslaufey: I haven't committed to one limited format since Lost Caverns.
Ukon_Cairns: interesting, is the house really haunted, or have they just not caught the ninjas?
chrysaliss: george w and hw bush notably have eyes
kumatsu: I thought the sequel was The Hills have Pies
TheOneInquisitor: oh shit promising stairs real
couchboyj: The spiders have eyes too
jamwno: See if you have the fear of burning alive, you can't also fear ninjas
Bruceski: yup, the TVs flicker for Eerie
accountmadeforants: @loufghyslaufey They don't do it for every set, sometimes they have more things to fiddle with instead. And sometimes they have a flute melody that just won't stop.
jamwno: Because ninjas can't catch you if you are on fire
TheOneInquisitor: An island lets you unlock one more room
kirbytronic: @couchboyj I'm not sure it was ever really as much a heel turn as people thought it was. But also, are we talking about the story where he left Kaito to die?
loufghyslaufey: The Arena team seem really stunted from rotating older sets on a separate limited queue
Bruceski: I'd have Trapped the wincon room, personally
Lord_Hosk: Is 1 = 0 chat?
Mr_Horrible: 3 colors? In limited? How queer! I must inform my supervisor about this post-haste!
TheOneInquisitor: 5/8, just gotta live like, two more turns? Surely this is manageable
manwiththegoldencard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, manwiththegoldencard! (Today's storm count: 51)
GredGredmansson: kill it with the room in your hand?
DrMagnify: !card roaring furnace
LRRbot: Roaring Furnace // Steaming Sauna | Roaring Furnace [1R] | Enchantment — Room | When you unlock this door, this Room deals damage equal to the number of cards in your hand to target creature an opponent controls. // Steaming Sauna [3UU] | Enchantment — Room | You have no maximum hand size. / At the beginning of your end step, draw a card.
Bruceski: sure they're *probably* gonna win trapping that creature, but I play safe
GredGredmansson: oh wait no that's cards in hand
GredGredmansson: its an upkeep trigger Kathleen
DrMagnify: i think the win is also an upkeep yeah
Jethrain: you'd need to survive until the next upkeep anyway
loufghyslaufey: @GredGredmansson Wait, she had it?
arock901: land win game lol
matthaus_c: I really really like Rooms as a take on Fuse
drewm1022: If she'd unlocked the doubling room and then played the damage room, would it have done two damage?
GredGredmansson: @drewm1022 it would deal 1 damage, twice
Earthenone: ohh no, the snake eyes have escaped yugioh containment!
drewm1022: Well. Yes.
A_Dub888: !findquotw graham
Sogheim: Graham with the foodstuffs
matthaus_c: Graham is so sweet, someone should marry him
A_Dub888: !findquote graham
LRRbot: Quote #1445: "Graham, there are skeletons everywhere." —Alex [2014-01-17]
GredGredmansson: ben no
Aceviru: Only the best crunches.
Mr_Horrible: pog
Krillin_fan: mmm month old chicken sammy
loufghyslaufey: Graham-nace The Candid
Lord_Hosk: Rumor has it, there is a skeleton inside you... RIGHT NOW
googoltudoris: i just want my pizza from pizzamas
loufghyslaufey: @googoltudoris What even is that?
googoltudoris: @Lord_Hosk aaa!
TXC2: Lord_Hosk Lies! lies and slander!
Lord_Hosk: I got a Email from Kathleen from Pizzamas yesterday!
loufghyslaufey: Its trending in nearly every social platform feed...
TXC2: !pizza
LRRbot: Kathleen has written a D&D one-shot for this year's Pizzamas fundraiser! Pick up a copy here:
matthaus_c: twas quite a clobbering I say
loufghyslaufey: jumpscares are face-down? Heh
vogon_poet: Whoever approved the eating of chips on stream needs to serve 6 weeks duty on the worst games being played on Crossing the Streams.
ShaneLeeAtk: What you got, CorgiFatPaws
loufghyslaufey: Rakky-Saccy
chrysaliss: is there gonna be a fam v fam part of the stream?
GredGredmansson: classic rakrifice
memnus: Rakking it up
KingTaltia: Oh no, someone needs to call for help. Ben's Red-Blacking out.
loufghyslaufey: teeth counters?
Bruceski: can trade up into 2 toughness, and that's on the low end of teeth shenanigans
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: oh dang the fam is jammin
DrLigmaPhD: She Rakdos on my Carnarium til I Spectacle
loufghyslaufey: ha. Ha, Ha!
TXC2: chrysaliss not really, we used to have different teams, but now we just add up all the wins these days
GredGredmansson: no relation to TappyToeClaws
chrysaliss: @txc2 ty!
GredGredmansson: no
TXC2: KingTaltia that's funny to me because you can also red-out IRL
RandomTrivia: Scryfall says only human clowns
GredGredmansson: i think there are only 3 clowns in the set and they are all human
A_Dub888: !card clown extruder
LRRbot: Clown Extruder | Artifact — Attraction | Visit — Create a 1/1 white Clown Robot artifact creature token.
4AMDonuts: being a clown is a pretty human trait
googoltudoris: is there not a zombie clown? i feel like there should be a zombie clown
Krillin_fan: one clown band is a robot
RandomTrivia: @googoltudoris Nah, that's a Yugioh card
Sogheim: Clown Zombie is a YuGIOh monster
Krillin_fan: as is celebr-8000
loufghyslaufey: But then- we would still have goblins without saying clown, Paul. SingsMic MindManners
Mindfire13: Undead Sprinter is just a zombie
krfsm: yeah, I think the Unfinity Clowns are all Robots
GredGredmansson: Urabozo the Honking
googoltudoris: @RandomTrivia i tried believing in the heart of the cards but my cardiologist said i gotta stop doing that
loufghyslaufey: Wait, I probably meant goblins the other way around
theymerLoviatar: of all the earworms I could have watching this stream, Pink Pony Club is one of the more incongruous
TheOneInquisitor: 5 mana pyroclasm eh
Gekyouryuu: They should make a creature that's a clown noble who act of treasons an enemy thing. That way they're the Clown Prince, and they commit a crime. Kappa
loufghyslaufey: TableHere FlipThis -last opponent
googoltudoris: wait you guys are pulling wincons?
Mr_Horrible: Bro seeked glimmer. The Seekerrrrrrrrr
A_Dub888: Is pulling out your win condition allowed by TOS?
nostra83 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nostra83! (Today's storm count: 52)
Sogheim: there's only so much Paw Patrol they can watch, Nelson!
Mr_Horrible: Nelly teaching his kids that they gotta spend 5 hours in lab a week to lock in their combo inputs
A_Dub888: Nelson "Cool Dad" Salahub
cobthegreat: My dad just put a third TV in is living room this last weekend
loufghyslaufey: That's likely how some tried to pivot to handhelds growing up?
Randall Kelly: I honestly love the izzet rooms deck, I just wish there was a good commander for it.
googoltudoris: "if you want a second tv, hit your siblings" lrrNELSON
virgil82: No lie, we ended up getting a tablet and a laptop in addition to the livingroom tv to avoid those fights among the kids
RatekStormcrow: thats a lot of removal
theymerLoviatar: I just got a P2P8 Niko while in UW. pray for me chat
loufghyslaufey: a family with 2 kids would fork maybe 160 USD for two new Game Boys?
Bruceski: When I was a kid my brother and I just learned to play single-player video games with two people. Wing Commander crowded around one keyboard going drift compatible.
artacuno53: Does anyone else hate the flavor of the set? The references are all so modern and contemporary it feels like a Universes beyond set and I hate the precedence that sets
theymerLoviatar: @artacuno53 HeyGuys
loufghyslaufey: As kids we didn't think it through when our parents could only buy one Game Boy.
chrysaliss: shardmage’s rescue is a great tempo play
RandomTrivia: Ogre Battledriver confirmed still a good card in 2024
chrysaliss: one mana blank their removal, trigger eerie, leave behind +1/+1
chrysaliss: doggo is nuts yeah
Kaaosa: oh my stars it's magic the gather
chrysaliss: great choice of Mountain, Ben. Same one i use for my draft lands
Juliamon: Niko was very "here is a they/them character, have fun"
nuthouse01: @artacuno53 I don't like it, but only faintly, wouldn't say "hate". Kamigawa sorta set a precedent for "techno places do exist in the multiverse"
Lord_Hosk: At least Magic storytelling has moved away from "What is Jace doing this week"
artacuno53: @nuthouse01 The problem isnt tech/modernism, its that its too close to the real world
jamwno: Describing the Monty Python secret lair sadge
Bobtheninjagoldfish: now it's just "And Jace is also there for some reason"
chrysaliss: @juliamon felt
nuthouse01: @artacuno53 on that axis, no, I don't particularly mind
artacuno53: @artacuno53 I feel the high fantasy worlds that reference real world cultures is now gone
GredGredmansson: yeah i hate to be negative about that but Niko reads a lot to me that they're filling a quota
jamwno: Blade
TXC2: identified hovership = orinthopters ?
GredGredmansson: Lost Boys?
artacuno53: Duskmourne isnt referencing A culture, its referencing pop culture
GredGredmansson: but i think its mostly Blade
Brozard: Kinda looks like Eddie Murphy in 48 Hours?
artacuno53: and I hate that
Robot_Bones: Eddie Murphy in Vampire in Brooklyn
Juliamon: yeah they feel a lot like just an apology for Ashiok being a villain-type
thefirstjeebus: He reminded me of the imaginary friend from don't look under the bed
Brozard: @Robot_Bones oooohhh
Gekyouryuu: @loadingreadyrun funny you say that, because I made this when it was spoiled:
thefirstjeebus: "FRANNY"
cobthegreat: What's the Nicolas Cage vampire movie
A_Dub888: @TXC2 Anything from Kaladesh make it into the house?
VTheSilvercrow: Come on down to Dave's Hoverships and Shover Hips. For a limited time buy one abduction, get one hockey check for free
theymerLoviatar: @cobthegreat Renfield or the older one?
DrMagnify: and the slasher grows
GredGredmansson: @Juliamon before this said i said that Niko was in "spark limbo" which is where they hold planeswalkers that they don't want to bring back until they realize they "need" them
TXC2: A_Dub888 I'm not a lore person, but lets say yes
cobthegreat: The older one where hes going crazy
theymerLoviatar: Vampire's Kiss
artacuno53: It makes me think magic will now lose its own identity and in place just make references on references. This is no more clear than actual UB where its literally just doing "funko pops but card game"
artacuno53: see marvel product incoming
RandomTrivia: You don't get your guy
RandomTrivia: They made a better Skyclave Apparition
RandomTrivia: I guess not better because it only hits creatures
A_Dub888: @RandomTrivia I mean, it is an apparition in the skky
CrossXhunteR: you heal off of sticktwister’s ability due to lifelink, right?
DrMagnify: the delirium ability is it dealing the damage
GredGredmansson: !card diversion specialist
LRRbot: Diversion Specialist [3R] | Creature — Human Warrior [4/3] | Menace / {1}, Sacrifice another creature or enchantment: Exile the top card of your library. You may play it this turn.
GredGredmansson: THIS turn? aw.
Diabore: rare
SmithKurosaki: @VTheSilvercrow Sounds like a great thing to write up for DB reading
VTheSilvercrow: So skate on down to Dave's Showerheads and Flowerbeds, you can till your garden and also get clean?
VTheSilvercrow: (Crapshots honk)
SmithKurosaki: Graham does get Daves Spokesman challenges for Desert Bus too, so if you watch DB and want him to do the bit, theres a possibility
GredGredmansson: i mean that's basically "your creatures have vigilance" but with bonuses
GredGredmansson: lrrJAMES
theymerLoviatar: @GredGredmansson ah, but survival
GredGredmansson: like i said, bonuses
Trahas: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
juuzou00: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
Lord_Hosk: "Rooooooommates"
googoltudoris: has there been a friday nights about james' utter inability to draw a normal curve? or is friday nights james too separate for that?
RandomTrivia: How appropriate!
Sogheim: Friday Nights James doesn't play a lot of MtG, he retired champion of a lot of formats
nuthouse01: What's the rules interaction for cheating a room into play?
TXC2: nuthouse01 neither room is opened
jamwno: @nuthouse01 both are locked
Robot_Bones: This vexes me
Lord_Hosk: Rocking... Rocking and rolling... Down to the beach im storlling
prankprogenitus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 17 month streak!
prankprogenitus: Damian fun time! good luck with the matches!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, prankprogenitus! (Today's storm count: 53)
Lord_Hosk: But the seaguls... Poke at my head not fun, I said seaguls... Stop it now
ShaneLeeAtk: Oo ah oo oo oo ah
prankprogenitus is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
prankprogenitus gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gedisti!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, prankprogenitus! Welcome to Gedisti! (Today's storm count: 54)
ghizmou: it worked for me...
Trahas: !card osseous
LRRbot: Osseous Sticktwister [1B] | Artifact Creature — Scarecrow [2/2] | Lifelink / Delirium — At the beginning of your end step, if there are four or more card types among cards in your graveyard, each opponent may sacrifice a nonland permanent or discard a card. Then Osseous Sticktwister deals damage equal to its power to each opponent who didn't sacrifice a permanent or discard a card this way.
GredGredmansson: do it again chat wasn't looking
GredGredmansson: wait you're just starting your turn? did you think it happen on EVERY end step?
Lord_Hosk: You can't just bring up seaguls without getting the yoda song
bex_cool_screen_name_tbd subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
bex_cool_screen_name_tbd: just bought the pizzamas one-shot, can't wait to read the stuff for noob DMs, been playing 5e for almost a decade but am lacking confidence when i run it
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bex_cool_screen_name_tbd! (Today's storm count: 55)
Diabore: oh my god the mastery orb this time around is eyes
Diabore: its super unsettling
GredGredmansson: they sacced their room
TXC2: !pizza
LRRbot: Kathleen has written a D&D one-shot for this year's Pizzamas fundraiser! Pick up a copy here:
googoltudoris: when i was like 10 our parents took us to disneyworld, and a seagull stole my mom's ice cream and shit on her
Sorator13: yeah, that sounds like disneyworld
Sogheim: hold up, the 5/7 has vigilance?
Sarah_Serinde: Been there, Kathleen
Lord_Hosk: Honk... Not even once
protojman: oh good that's my plan. i want to build up some experience and read box text. and i'm all out of experience
KinkerbellRose: Twist his Stick!
A_Dub888: One time when my family went to the beach, someone was handing me some stringcheese and a seagull went and snatched it out of their hand
Leonhart321: For someone who knows nothing about it, can someone explain Pizzimas?
TXC2: twist their stick until they osseous
bex_cool_screen_name_tbd: i met hank back in 2013 at leakycon london, before i stopped supporting that author because trans rights are human rights
Coloneljesus: been looking forward to this. just bought it!
dumbo3k: Can I ignore them if I don't know what I'm doing?
Lord_Hosk: Leonhart321 ummm noooo? but kinda
Juliamon: Leonhart321 There's an FAQ on the site
TheDevil_Risen: It's also amazingly well laid out
A_Dub888: @TXC2 can you twist your stick on twitch?
Leonhart321: @Lord_Hosk So Blaseball rules, got it XD
TXC2: A_Dub888 yes, once Kappa
TheDevil_Risen: and very visually appealing and easy to read :)
DAC169: Mindskinner?! aipNope
Leonhart321: @Juliamon Appreciate it Julie
theymerLoviatar: Principal Mindskinner steams a good ham
GredGredmansson: ohhhh
GredGredmansson: they have mindskinner
TheDevil_Risen: Yeah I said earlier, im totally going to try and organise to run it for my son's D and D group
Lord_Hosk: Leonhart321 Hank and John green Started making youtube videos back and forth every day for a year to reconnect. Then they switched to once a week... then they invented pizzamas, where they go back to doing videos every day for two weeks and sell silly stuff for charity. The lore beyond that is deeper and weirder than desert bus.
bex_cool_screen_name_tbd: 76 pages....i may need to buy some more printer ink lol
ghizmou: the power of math
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown seabatClap
WiJohn: Aristocrats!
HalloweenCandii subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 9 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HalloweenCandii! (Today's storm count: 56)
Molator: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
GredGredmansson: regular mean girls magic
TheDevil_Risen: sergeGG sergeGG
BrowneePointz: oh crap I didn't know famblesjambles was today
Sarah: !pizzamas
Kraxos sl: oh, it's on YouTube, neat
JayRedd00: Grab his Stick and TWIST IT
TXC2: hello BrowneePointz welcome
WiJohn: Fear of Burning Alive, now where did I see someone do something impolite with that card?
Mr_Horrible: it works, I think, since red has rummage and green has mulch effects, so exploring that design space makes for some interesting crunch
TXC2: !card repercussion
LRRbot: Repercussion [1RR] | Enchantment | Whenever a creature is dealt damage, Repercussion deals that much damage to that creature's controller.
GredGredmansson: @WiJohn why the latest episode of Elder Dragon Social Club!
Mr_Horrible: closest thing we'll ever get to a Fresno Nightcrawler card
RandomTrivia: It's a rug with giant legs
TXC2: so fear of burning alive is close to repercussion
CrossXhunteR: they show up on the jace counterspell, at more normal size
Mr_Horrible: Soulherder?
TheDevil_Risen: i've had the BBB BBB Demon twice now with no reanim spells, I am sad
cmdrud87: soulherder
Molator: looks like pants
Mindfire13: Fresno Nightxrawlers
chrysaliss: people say they’re like Fresno crawlers
Mr_Horrible: very ethereal, vaguely humanoid but missing key features
Sogheim: looks like pants monster? giant Fresno Nightcrawler
Sogheim: gotta be
Mr_Horrible: it honestly more reminds me of something out of a Miyazaki film
Mr_Horrible: like they wouldn't be out of place in Spirited Away
Diabore: only the flytrap
Lord_Hosk: If I could offer some helpful drafting advice... Take the rare... its the best or it wouldn't have been made the rare.
Gekyouryuu: I got to 6 types in bin at prerelease and the flytrap turned the goat into having 10 counters
definenull: It's also 2 types
TXC2: "The monkey is two type" has to be an activation phrase :p
CaptainSpam: The best drafting advice is to take all the cards. That way you will have more cards than your opponent, which means you win.
LRRbot: Kathleen has written a D&D one-shot for this year's Pizzamas fundraiser! Pick up a copy here:
Reach: uh oh rippiiiies
boyesie: Back from my evening swim, hows the fambily jambily going?
EvilBadman: Chievo Unlock: Synchronous Skinrippin'
TXC2: boyesie we're up to 17 wins, so it's a goning
TXC2: *going
BlueFingers5: I've been enjoying jund in this set
Kentosaurus: when in doubt, jund 'em out
theymerLoviatar: welcome to the Jundle
TXC2: skin: ripped
Juliamon: the Junderdome
CrossXhunteR: man, other people must be vacuuming nelly's green
boyesie: @txc2 nice! How long do these 3 have left?
RandomTrivia: The Phantom Table is what keeps attacking Cameron's knee
TXC2: boyesie I don't know, sorry
CrossXhunteR: Don't Make A Sound was the card featuring the shroudstompers
Dog_of_Myth: Afternoon all. How goes the FamJam?
boyesie: @txc2 no worries lrrSHINE
TXC2: hello Dog_of_Myth welcome
CrossXhunteR: is that Shroudstomper number 3 we've seen in nelson's draft?
BrowneePointz: which room is that?
EvilBadman: Survivors tap for Fear of Exposure too ;)
CrossXhunteR: @BrowneePointz ramp/manifest big dread
lightfut: Live the dream!
Diabore: last pack
Diabore: one more
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL Can a Boilerbilges Ripper change careers to be a Skinripper? Maybe if he takes night classes?
RandomTrivia: But your opponents won't know that!
powerflapjack: dread?
Diabore: big sads
BrowneePointz: it turns into a big big
CrossXhunteR: Screen was a house for me during prerelease, when i was GW splash U
powerflapjack: bright side: that's 4 easy cuts
BrowneePointz: Screen turns into a Big/Big late
dumbo3k: !card say it's name
LRRbot: Say Its Name [1G] | Sorcery | Mill three cards. Then you may return a creature or land card from your graveyard to your hand. / Exile this card and two other cards named Say Its Name from your graveyard: Search your graveyard, hand, and/or library for a card named Altanak, the Thrice-Called and put it onto the battlefield. If you search your library this way, shuffle. Activate only as a sorcery.
TheDevil_Risen: amazing to see murdur wheeling
TheDevil_Risen: *murder
TheDevil_Risen: HAI CORI!
TXC2: thanks for streaming Ben, Kathleen and Nelson
vinopinguino: ew mono clowns
powerflapjack: penelope audibles over to Bloomburrow draft
noSmokeFire: I'm imagining Penelope drafting in a mask, for privacy
BrowneePointz: Kathleen, as a Vibes person, are you most excited for Death Race, Return to Tarkir, Space Opera, or Return to Lorwyn next year, thematically?
LibraryWitchKei: Draft esper, got it
powerflapjack: @noSmokeFire penelope in Beastie cosplay, lmao
LibraryWitchKei: Fear of isolation
theymerLoviatar: @powerflapjack Penelope, the Infinite Gyre
powerflapjack: @theymerLoviatar Penelope, The World Anew
RandomTrivia: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Mr_Bitterness: Hit 'em with the Fubuki: Bye Friends!
TXC2: right chat I'm off
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming LRR
Wolfstrike_NL: Goodnight TXC2
shurtal: night @TXC2
theymerLoviatar: night TXC2!
shurtal: man, everytime i hear millenial bloop, i just wanna rewatch Road Quest
RandomTrivia: Night TXC2, sleep well! sergeModLove
Aceviru: night @TXC2
TheDevil_Risen: night @TXC2
TheDevil_Risen: lrrSHINE unarmeHeart sergeModLove jlrrDance3
CoffeeHamster subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
CoffeeHamster: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CoffeeHamster! (Today's storm count: 57)
vinopinguino: brucegSkank brucegSkank brucegSkank
coffeegremlinofdoom subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, coffeegremlinofdoom! (Today's storm count: 58)
Aceviru: o/
RandomTrivia: Cori demonstrating where her avatar comes from
Bruceski: Welcome back to Duskmorne! As if you'd be allowed to leave...
CaptainSpam: The Quiche.
HalloweenCandii: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
Kentosaurus: The spookiest of egg dishes: quiche
TheDevil_Risen: Heya Cam! Heya Cori!
3schr: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
TheDevil_Risen: welcome back Kathleen!
Rainbow's end: my prerelease had 2 altanak and one say it's name.
Aceviru: He does always look great
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
googoltudoris: "sad boys playing sad songs"
RandomTrivia: nooooo
RandomTrivia: Thanks Paul :D
Aceviru: haha
RandomTrivia: Oh, that was James
CaptainSpam: Hi, James!
CrossXhunteR: hi james
Aceviru: We're setting up the vibes James
tsp397: I'm assuming Cori is forcing bats
memnus: Screamisis is great
prankprogenitus: it’s can jam time! lrrCAMERON lrrKATHLEEN lrrCORI
CrossXhunteR: more clowns
AugmentingPath: Marvin, Wordy Bear
CrossXhunteR: nothing but
Wolfstrike_NL: I didn't come here for Magic, I came for the wholesome and witty sidetalk
hd_dabnado: "The Mana Leek" huh, never heard of them Kappa
RandomTrivia: Someone at my prerelease had Marvin and Kaito. It was disgusting
neisan2112: This just reminds me of Jonathan Snipes from Clipping. He will have just a bowl of crushed glass and shove a mic into it
ylegm: The real question is where is Uncle Istvan
couchboyj: I like a nice jar of Fam Preserves, but Fam Jam is good too.
TheOneInquisitor: @RandomTrivia ... WAIT THAT WORKS?
RandomTrivia: @TheOneInquisitor Sure does, Kaito is a creature on your turn!
RandomTrivia: (and loyalty abilities *are* activated abilities
RandomTrivia: )
googoltudoris: so melvin can get loyalty counters?
BrowneePointz: it's "Free" fixing
couchboyj: The land is an enchantment, triggers eerie
krfsm: it's an enchantment, that's not useless
GirlPainting: Math is for blockers!
RandomTrivia: googoltudoris Yes, but only one each turn because the limit on loyalty abilities still applies
DAC169: never trust the auto-tapper aipBooli
couchboyj: Its great if you are doing eerie stuff, good for splashing otherwise
TheOneInquisitor: Wait so can you play Marvin in Gideon Tribal
tsp397: There's no flute
CrossXhunteR: that's a big booty on that creature
TheOneInquisitor: Or rather, of course you can but is he good in Gideon Tribal
Falannt: no music for me
DAC169: nope
hd_dabnado: game audio but no music
tsp397: Yes but no music
BrowneePointz: yes. game audio low, no music
neisan2112: I hear sound effects, no music
googoltudoris: hello and welcome to brave new faves!
CrossXhunteR: low game audio, no music
Aceviru: Its very quiet
neisan2112: Oh kind of music
lirazel64: I faintly hear music
CrossXhunteR: some Sandstorm?
Aceviru: DinoDance
RandomTrivia: !cori
Matt Cassidy: i hope Cam streams that live set
Study Music: yay it's Cam
JayRedd00: oh no, I am Kathleen
TheSurface OfTheMoon: Cam out here building Stomp.deck
JayRedd00: Cams deck is sounds like it's gunna be nuts
VTheSilvercrow: man, talk about three Glassworks
Study Music: Unlimited Glass Works
RatherLargeToad: Siri, play Duskmourncito
LoadingReadyRun: can y'all hear music now?
Aceviru: Yes
BrowneePointz: Yep! Thank you Jamesiroquai
LoadingReadyRun: Is it an ok volume?
KingTaltia: Volume's good
Aceviru: Also yes
GirlPainting: volume is hearable but not eardrums shattering
KingTaltia: Loud enough to hear, Quiet enough to hear people speak under their breath so we don't miss the salacious "Crap, I misplayed".
BrowneePointz: Kathleen, as a Vibes person, are you most excited for Death Race, Return to Tarkir, Space Opera, or Return to Lorwyn next year, thematically? (Cori and Cameron's vibes appreciated as well)
GirlPainting: GG
Wolfstrike_NL: rooms seem to feel a lot better then battles yea
BrowneePointz: Heck yea! Weird Celtic Folklore let's GOOO!
RandomTrivia: Kathleen yes
Mr_Bitterness: @BrowneePointz Death Race and Final Fantasy for me personally
mmmbop1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mmmbop1! (Today's storm count: 59)
neisan2112: I'm super excited to go back to Tarkir. The OG was my first plane, wanna see what they do after a decade of playing.
BrowneePointz: yea they've only called it "Space Opera" so far
BrowneePointz: they DID show a Kavu in a power loader though
KingTaltia: @Mr_Bitterness Sorry, I've not been in the know lately, repeat that last bit?
RandomTrivia: Yes, we gathered that from Heat Death
couchboyj: I want to hear about Phyrexia getting clowned on in Lorwynn
JohneyS: I am excited for the upcoming Dog the Bounty Hunter Universes Beyond.
TophTheHermit: Holy cow, I just noticed the car rug in the center of the duskmourn board
BrowneePointz: @KingTaltia next year we're getting full Marvel and FF UB sets
googoltudoris: Rocianante would totally kick Serenity's ass
Mr_Bitterness: @KingTaltia The Final Fantasy set? Covers all 16 games and Tactics
hd_dabnado: !phrasing
LRRbot: Have we ever done phrasing? Like, actually?
BrowneePointz: Words heard on the Fam Jam AND in a Horror Movie!
powerflapjack: print space beleren into standard you cowards
KingTaltia: As a die-hard FF fan, I think I might get back into Magic.
DAC169: it someone say Final Fantasy Tactics?! sinphoPog sinphoPog sinphoPog neveah1LOVE
powerflapjack: @Mr_Bitterness It's tactics too? I thought it was just 1-16
Mr_Bitterness: @TophTheHermit Check out how the streets are arranged
hd_dabnado: it will break mine in the best way
BrowneePointz: I want Vivi to break Eternal Formats
Mr_Bitterness: I was assuming a villains Deck and I'm hoping for a Cid deck
RatherLargeToad: All four commanders are Cid
hd_dabnado: I think FF16, FF14, FF7, and then like FF1-3 make the most sense as commander decks?
VTheSilvercrow: Amal Gam
Reach: I imagine it's whatever kind of space opera lets them sell the most Gundam tie-ins
Cthulhu3C: Ayyyy
JayRedd00: I would rather be blasted by that cheerleader
hd_dabnado: or something like that
powerflapjack: My guess for Commander decks are something similar to Doctor Who, where they divide it by era, 2D, PS1/2, modern era, villain set
hd_dabnado: yeah same
neisan2112: I assume we'll be getting new Classes too.
Falannt: i think 6, 7, 10 and a newer one
KingTaltia: I just suspect that the Commander decks will be themed either on individual FFs, or maybe the four iconic classes of BLM, WHM, WAR, and RDM or Thief.
Mr_Bitterness: I'm just hoping its not all FF7, 13, 15 and 16
Mai_Andra: oh, they could build FFXIV decks based on the combat "roles", filled with examples from across all the games
BrowneePointz: he's vampire raving
RatherLargeToad: I’m thinking things like an equipment deck, with Bartz or Firion, an Evoke deck with Rydia or Yuna
EvilBadman: It will be super interesting if they keep any FF1-6 stuff as the pixel art or get more modernized representations
neveszao_: i just installed this game and i can’t even beat the starter bots, i feel like a pro
BrowneePointz: @Mr_Bitterness Gavin already said it's not
googoltudoris: "aerith's death" as a removal spell is gonna make some people very sad when the set comes out
powerflapjack: @Mr_Bitterness They said they were doing a full set so everything got representation. given how easily they could've shelved some of the retro Who stuff, I believe it
BrowneePointz: and Gavin is set lead
powerflapjack: Also that
powerflapjack: Gavin's a huge nerd, and he'll want to have everything
Mr_Bitterness: I'll still be sad if we get the entire FF7 cast but only like, Terra or Celes from 6.
KingTaltia: Given how we often get more mechanics with these sets, like Party with D&D, I wonder if FF will add a new mechanic like that.
Mr_Bitterness: But yeah, I'm hopeful with how Dr Who went
BrowneePointz: HAHA you're not wrong
RatherLargeToad: A monster themed commander deck, with everything having Flash to simulate random encounters
AFamiliarCalledEl: Everything disappoints _someone_
powerflapjack: in fairness, wedge in FF4 is a jobber that isn't even named until the sequel that nobody cares about
shtevie3: "where is my Mystic Quest representation?!?!"
BrowneePointz: I just wanna see "Spoony Bard" as an Epithet on a magic card Cam
EvilBadman: @RatherLargeToad I would not be surprised at a GF/Summon/Eikon themed deck
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I *NEED* a Freya Crescent card and if there isn't one I will be SO sad
maybe_games: as an outsider, FF seems like it has big glorp shitto vibes
KingTaltia: Oh, that's a good one. I wonder HOW MANY Alt-arts there will be for the eponymous "Biggs" and "Wedge" partner cards.
RandomTrivia: How likely is that, though - it's not called Stoppable Slasher, after all
kirbytronic: As long as I get a Farris I will be a happy Kirby.
GirlPainting: I demand a redemtion arc for FF the spirits within!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @maybe_games lmao I got called out immediately
powerflapjack: @shtevie3 Ok, but seriously I would die for some Mystic Quest shit even though the best part of it is the music
KingTaltia: @GirlPainting NGL, if you remove the FF from that movie, it's not half-bad IMO.
GirlPainting: i love that movie
shurtal: i want an artifact that's just an Otamatone blasting out "La-HEE"
BrowneePointz: Muder "it's just Aerith"
TheDevil_Risen: RIP FFBE
BrowneePointz: Murder*
EvilBadman: Oh gods, Spirits Within reference would amuse me greatly
KingTaltia: You'll have to wait for the Mana series packs coming the year after that, clearly, Cameron.
powerflapjack: in the World of Mana Secret Lair, Cameron
Robot_Bones: @BrowneePointz Saw in half reprint
BrowneePointz: wait no
Juliamon: Stab Wound
kaziel0 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
kaziel0: Oh hey! It's the fambly jambly! Spooky-style!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kaziel0! (Today's storm count: 60)
boyesie: !card enduring courage
LRRbot: Enduring Courage [2RR] | Enchantment Creature — Dog Glimmer [3/3] | Whenever another creature you control enters, it gets +2/+0 and gains haste until end of turn. / When Enduring Courage dies, if it was a creature, return it to the battlefield under its owner's control. It's an enchantment.
BrowneePointz: the kill a legend spell from Kamigawa
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (the card) will require 4 copies, specific sleeves for each player, and another deck to actually play it
shurtal: is it a common?
Gekyouryuu: oh, Balustrade Wurm?
TheDevil_Risen: Brave Exivus is being shut down, I am sad. Squre made so much money off me
RandomTrivia: !card balustrade wurm
LRRbot: Balustrade Wurm [3GG] | Creature — Wurm [5/5] | This spell can't be countered. / Trample, haste / Delirium — {2}{G}{G}: Return Balustrade Wurm from your graveyard to the battlefield with a finality counter on it. Activate only if there are four or more card types among cards in your graveyard and only as a sorcery.
TheDevil_Risen: never doing a gaca game again
Mr_Bitterness: RIP Global FFRecord Keepr
BrowneePointz: !card Hero's Demise
LRRbot: Hero's Demise [1B] | Instant | Destroy target legendary creature.
powerflapjack: @TheDevil_Risen you learned the right lesson
TheDevil_Risen: (while purchasing MTG and other TCGs) Kappa
BrowneePointz: This one @Juliamon
LordSaphni: would the Final Fantasy set ad a Chocobo Dungeon ?
Juliamon: ooh yeah
powerflapjack: @LordSaphni It might have the art style but it's going to be numbered series and maybe tactics?
TheDevil_Risen: heya @Juliamon o7
OldBenX: Bold of you to assume Square will acknowledge existence of any FF not numbered 7
GirlPainting: gg
VTheSilvercrow: Some bloodsuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill
VTheSilvercrow: wow that's gg, sick
TheDevil_Risen: sergeGG lrrCrab sergeGG
shurtal: @powerflapjack nah, like an actual Dungeon, to venture into
powerflapjack: @shurtal Oh. probably not
LordSaphni: @shurtal what if the dungeon we venture into is the Chocobo Dungeon
BrowneePointz: Flametongue Titan is gross
RatherLargeToad: Fat Chocobo, but it’s a Meld card
shurtal: @LordSaphni EXACTLY
BrowneePointz: FF13 Shiva, but it's a Meld Card
powerflapjack: So here's my hot takes for what's coming in the FF set: 1: Classes are back, with Onion Knight being a Class Lord
googoltudoris: correct, cam
RandomTrivia: Kathleen: "I'm at Plat 4? I'm way worse than that!" Also Kathleen: carefully manoeuvres a game to the point that one good draw wins
Mr_Bitterness: FF14 Eden Shiva, but its a Meld Card (Shiva + Ryne)
shurtal: @Mr_Bitterness i want titan car, just further ram home the "WoL has brain damage" meme
Juliamon: so, is Knights of the Round a stall deck or a storm deck?
BrowneePointz: i want Bahamut to be Dragon Avatar God
OldBenX: @Mr_Bitterness *Light Rampant PTSD intensified*
BrowneePointz: legendary sorcery @Juliamon
KingTaltia: Not gonna lie, I GREATLY want the return of Melt cards. I loved that mechanic
shurtal: @Juliamon por que no los dos?
powerflapjack: 2: DFCs are back, representing summons, ultimate weapons, and Meld for the final bosses, with one card being their first form and the other being the location where the fight takes place
johkmil subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, johkmil! (Today's storm count: 61)
BrowneePointz: Meld Mishra slaps
hd_dabnado: its wild they gave us TWO life-halfing effects
Wolfstrike_NL: Hard fought battle
KeytarCat: I finally made my clips from last night
KingTaltia: Better question; Is Knights of the Round a; A: Monster, B: Enchantment, or C: Spell
orellien2773: Unstoppable Slasher is just scary to face down.
powerflapjack: More importantly: We get another Battle. On the Big Bridge
googoltudoris: that was a quick comeback from "overlord and wurm? no thanks"
Mr_Bitterness: @powerflapjack Perfect
TheDevil_Risen: sergeOffByOne Opponent sergeOffByOne
Wolfstrike_NL: !pizza
LRRbot: Kathleen has written a D&D one-shot for this year's Pizzamas fundraiser! Pick up a copy here:
TheDevil_Risen: sergeGG
Falannt: maybe more looking at the people instead of your phone/chat, james? ;)
AdamYMHMI: Reading is for blockers!
KingTaltia: I thought Math was for Blockers?
BrowneePointz: So who at WotC is the Arctic Monkeys fan?
slotguts: *sad trombone* for no mountain
TheOneInquisitor: Oh yeah that doll
TheOneInquisitor: Sure is cracked
Aceviru: @BrowneePointz Now that's an idea
AdamYMHMI: @KingTaltia Reading, Writing and 'rithmatic are all for blockers.
TheOneInquisitor: Doll Tribal sounds fun I wish we had more than 5
Scarbble: best begin croyable because we're in one, cam?
powerflapjack: Two more: 3: There's going to be multiple shoutouts for famous song names in card names or mechanics (Kefka, Dancing Mad, Golbez, Clad in Darkness, Sephiroth, The One Winged Angel)
Bruceski: I love when you get a Jumpstart deck with synergy. Midweek Madness gave me Eerie Rooms.
AdamYMHMI: "If James starts in your deck, replace all other cards with lands."
CrossXhunteR: did they have a stop on your first upkeep?
RandomTrivia: Someone get that truck to stop reversing!
powerflapjack: and 4: The showcase style is going to be retro sprite art style and/or Amano art
BrowneePointz: No Cam! That's how you get 100 more bunnies!
GirlPainting: yes
KingTaltia: Cameron, you can't make the bunnies touch on Twitch! It's against ToS.
GirlPainting: we keep
OldBenX: @powerflapjack No way WotC doesn't lock Amano arts behind Secret Lair
RandomTrivia: On the draw? Snap it off
googoltudoris: keep. you got a gremlin
Aceviru: Ah there's the mountains James mentioned!
GirlPainting: we always keep
Wolfstrike_NL: There's James his promise of 3 mountains
TheOneInquisitor: I mean
TheOneInquisitor: I'd keep
AmphiDsf: Get slashed
BlueFingers5: texture is failing to load probably
powerflapjack: @OldBenX i mean they can have both.
Kairanie: It's just extra black
Aceviru: You don't keep. Remember the curse is active
GirlPainting: belive in your deck and it will provide the mana you need
Diabore: im sorry cam, thats not how the curse works
powerflapjack: also c'mon, we're wishcasting/theorizing, no need for cynicism
Scarbble: if james could turn it *off*, he definitely would have
Kentosaurus: Double black border. Cards are extra legal.
Peevvi: looks like the game forgot to render the border for the black cards
KingTaltia: "You can turn it off now" I... don't think that's how the Turner curse works...
powerflapjack: The cards have a law degree
AdamYMHMI: I think if there had been a card called, "The Turner Curse" this would have been the set for it.
OldBenX: OhMyDog
Flyingdelorion: Man, these are always so eeeh cozy I think is the word! Thank you for doing this!
Aceviru: "The fear of drawing lands"
powerflapjack: @Aceviru Fear of Flooding
BrowneePointz: Alas, Alack, A Lass, I Lack
KingTaltia: Is that... what... Pleuvophobia?
11 raiders from UKVersus have joined!
AdamYMHMI: "Enchantment: When the Turner Curse enters the battlefield, search your library for 5 lands, put them on top of your deck in any order. At the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top card of your library, if it is a non-land card, mill it."
KingTaltia: Antlophobia aparently, is "Fear of Flooding"
CrossXhunteR: great trades. we take those
Leenoco: UKVersus Raid Hype! HypeCoin HypeCoin
googoltudoris: but i don't WANT you to have a 6/4 with haste
CrossXhunteR: for some reason, i thought this dog was only empowering small creatures, not all creatures
novrdd: Ara ara
Aceviru: Having the James curse with manifest dread seems deece
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
ZombieHendrix: gremlin tamer kinda looks like Princess Diana
novrdd: Or the Goldberg's Mom
Cptasparagus: James's face down land sense was tingling
novrdd: SabaPing SabaPing
maybe_games: surely opp had lethal there
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
KingTaltia: To be honest, yeah, Most Juggalos are pretty okay folks.
EvilBadman: At least it's not a Sea
Scarbble: thanks for the advice opp
RandomTrivia: benginChamp
RatherLargeToad: Got beetlejuiced
KingTaltia: Not gonna lie, something like "A name, thrice said" being a way to cheat out a creature would be a very thematic MtG card.
protocol_gamma subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 6 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, protocol_gamma! (Today's storm count: 62)
Texan_Reverend subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Texan_Reverend! (Today's storm count: 63)
googoltudoris: bronze pride!
Scarbble: i would definitely have been amused by a spooky goose
RandomTrivia: Ah yes, the Limited Ontological Inertia Goose
thedepthandbreadthofseth: new head cannon unlocked. kathleen
bosqueofpines: Honks menacingly
TheOneCalledStu: To crush your enemies clearly cori
ContingentCat: isn't "demon goose" redundant?
kumatsu: Double big knife
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @ContingentCat ^
googoltudoris: @ContingentCat i believe those are swans
EvilBadman: they also love 3am honkin'
Mr_Bitterness: Very accurate Cam
ContingentCat: sounds like geese geesing yeah
EvilBadman: If they're anything like the geese I used to live near
kumatsu: Everything Nongoose is a card for the next Unset
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @RandomTrivia I'm trying so hard to parse this. Is 'Ontological Inertia' a thing I should know about?
TheDevil_Risen: Canada Geese or another goose species?
ContingentCat: at the park near me I'm sure they intentionally poop on the pathway
ContingentCat: *they being geese
TheOneInquisitor: Mmmm. 6/5 double strike lifelink swinging next turn is something they gotta deal with.
BrowneePointz: literally
Kentosaurus: pun intended?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @TheDevil_Risen aren't all the geese in victoria canada geese?
kumatsu: foul fowl
TheDevil_Risen: @thedepthandbreadthofseth well, technically yeah their in Canada but they could be different species as well
googoltudoris: @thedepthandbreadthofseth nah, some of them are merely canadian geese
slotguts: if you get mislead by geese would you say you’d been “goosled” instead of goozled?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @googoltudoris *feigned comedic ignorance* exactly. geese from canada. canada geese.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @slotguts I think it's goozled, unless they're all male. in that case, you
BrowneePointz: Canada Geese, but it's just the Fatal Fury character in Maple Leaf Hockey Gear
ContingentCat: @thedepthandbreadthofseth you'd think so but many haven't passed the citizen test
thedepthandbreadthofseth: you've been taken agander.
Mr_Horrible: hee hee hoo hoo
kumatsu: what better time for some self-actualization than in the middle of a game of Magic Arena
googoltudoris: @thedepthandbreadthofseth as opposed to canard geese, which have extra wings on their heads
loufghyslaufey: "Yes, Yes OP ImTyping let the hate flunge through u..."
Mr_Horrible: The pepper in my mccormick grinder
loufghyslaufey: @kumatsu What is that for though?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @googoltudoris I thought that was a crewly made explosive device.
TheDevil_Risen: C.B.I
BrowneePointz: Hercule Poirot, but a Cryptid Inspector
TheDevil_Risen: Cryptid Bureau of Investigation
Mr_Horrible: hmm, not Mothman, sorry, inspection failed
loufghyslaufey: ah, skinners!
Mr_Horrible: please pay your fee and try again
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @BrowneePointz I'd read that manga.
loufghyslaufey: There aren't enough skinners!
loufghyslaufey: vs. rippers
pyrock_mania: "A common misconception, my department inspects the id of your local crypt to make sure it's balanced against the crypt-ego and crypt-superego."
Aceviru: Woo!
Wolfstrike_NL: !badadvice
LRRbot: Ignore Graham.
Earthenone: !quote Graham
LRRbot: Quote #565: "What buttons are you pressing? All of them and incorrectly." —Paul & Graham [2015-08-05]
loufghyslaufey: @LRRbot wait a minute; um... in what context?
Wolfstrike_NL: @loufghyslaufey yes
RandomTrivia: It's basically Sword of Body and Mind
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @pyrock_mania oh, I thought it checked wallets and glove boxes to make sure crypts had proper documentation.
BrowneePointz: Who do you prefer, Mindskinner? Or Mindchalmers?
TheWriterAleph: manifest? best i can do is a dread
googoltudoris: and then we can ignore him
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS
TheDevil_Risen: unarmeHeart lrrSHINE sergeGG
KingTaltia: Kaboom? Yay, Kaboom!
TheOneInquisitor: Yes Rico Kaboom
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I'm six games into this format and I have yet to turn a creature face up...
TheOneInquisitor: Gremlins.....
TheOneInquisitor: I like that the glimmers trigger gremlin tamer, bunnies and gremlins confirmed friends
Wolfstrike_NL: take the foil one
zelukester: it's just a thing that can happen bc of play boosters
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Kathleen, if you want more gremlins, just get them wet.
KaiTerranova: entryway personally
loufghyslaufey: fixing, winding milled slam
Khalstrom: scream cuts blue
Robot_Bones: unable to scream? how will I watch this in scream-o-vision?
TheOneInquisitor: Oh man whites open
loufghyslaufey: Orzhy cards shimmer so hard from the eyes
CaptainSpam: JUMP SCARE!
Wolfstrike_NL: I don't think there's a tell for the foil one :P
loufghyslaufey: @Wolfstrike_NL These boosters have been structured differently since... Thunder Junction?
loufghyslaufey: I don't think MKM were curated like this just yet
thedepthandbreadthofseth: It is if you have a creature that does something on hit.
TheOneInquisitor: Arabella wheeled?
TheOneInquisitor: What a pod
TheWriterAleph: doll's haunted
Wolfstrike_NL: Glimmerlight didn't :S
Cptasparagus: give in to voilins
Cptasparagus: violins*
Xooszi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Xooszi: Wooo! Happy Fam Jam!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xooszi! (Today's storm count: 64)
loufghyslaufey: I kept thinking Kathleen would pivot to black watching it passed by
TheOneInquisitor: I'd be so tempted to pivot into WR here
RandomTrivia: The dog is both very good and Very Good
slotguts: puppy….
KingTaltia: So, in MtG would that make it "Gaspard, the friendly ghost"?
TheOneInquisitor: Oh hey Hedron Crab
zelukester: I'm leaning towards the land tbh
loufghyslaufey: later-duals?
loufghyslaufey: or belated?
slotguts: fixing!
loufghyslaufey: weh? wth? Gavin?
RandomTrivia: lrrGREED
loufghyslaufey: Are Gavin & his friends okay?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: fixing is life
TheOneInquisitor: Oh yeah ok sure
loufghyslaufey: That's six {B} ScaredyCat ImTyping
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Fix1
Khalstrom: Fix more
googoltudoris: is saw good here?
Nickiatori: just got home and while i was at work apparently i got a gift sub!
TheOneInquisitor: Two surgical suites sounds good to me
loufghyslaufey: not dope? probs 2/5 leyline scale ratio
ShaneLeeAtk: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 64 (new subscribers: 14, returning subscribers: 50, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 0, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 100, new followers: 2, YouTube super chats: 0, YouTube super stickers: 0
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Nickiatori congrats
slotguts: try and keep an eye out for some removal too I think
RandomTrivia: Welp
loufghyslaufey: If no "Casper's" card-insert then was Casper a missed opportunity?
BusTed: onstaWELP
Wolfstrike_NL: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
KingTaltia: Cori! XD
orellien2773: Hi highlights!
couchboyj: Hello highlight reel
googoltudoris: hi, highlight reel
schordash: StinkyGlitch
orellien2773: jinx you both owe me a soda
loufghyslaufey: Melina, the villain trap
googoltudoris: @orellien2773 all i have is diet surge
Kentosaurus: mindskinner is a build around
TheOneInquisitor: Oh the gremlin spawning spell
boyesie: lrrGREED lrrGREED lrrGREED
BlueFingers5: but Mill in limited
oh_its_ged: Mindskinner!
loufghyslaufey: maybe, I suspect her the first- vs. six black... StinkyCheese
loufghyslaufey: glim-glimms
Cptasparagus: Cori, your doll showed up in my draft
loufghyslaufey: watch, the {U}{U}{U} somehow wheels
boyesie: !card the tale of tamiyo
LRRbot: The Tale of Tamiyo [2U] | Legendary Enchantment — Saga | I, II, III — Mill two cards. If two cards that share a card type were milled this way, draw a card and repeat this process. / IV — Exile any number of target instant, sorcery, and/or Tamiyo planeswalker cards from your graveyard. Copy them. You may cast any number of the copies.
googoltudoris: not doll again?
Nickiatori: the windbreaker also fills out the three drop spot
loufghyslaufey: @LRRbot hm, a deceptively redding heir card?
googoltudoris: "white and whichever other color gives me ehough playables"
loufghyslaufey: That tale has to be an izzet piece, enough pieces in red can do it
loufghyslaufey: Vendrell, The Impostor
ShaneLeeAtk: !card lionheart glimmer
LRRbot: Lionheart Glimmer [3WW] | Enchantment Creature — Cat Glimmer [2/5] | Ward {2} / Whenever you attack, creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.
WiJohn: Maybe cut a plains since you have two cyclers?
TheOneInquisitor: Did Cam end up picking the FOMO?
loufghyslaufey: Buyback comeback when Gavin?
TheOneInquisitor: Or did he successfully resist the fomo about fomo
oh_its_ged: !card zimone, all-questioning
LRRbot: Zimone, All-Questioning [1GU] | Legendary Creature — Human Wizard [1/1] | At the beginning of your end step, if a land entered the battlefield under your control this turn and you control a prime number of lands, create Primo, the Indivisible, a legendary 0/0 green and blue Fractal creature token, then put that many +1/+1 counters on it.
loufghyslaufey: @LRRbot Wait. This... feels nerfed?
TheOneInquisitor: I wonder if Zimone is good enough for any constructed format
oh_its_ged: Shame it's a legendary creature token
loufghyslaufey: It doesn't have the landfall clauses we've seen from Nissa or the newest Landfall Omnath
loufghyslaufey: I guess... one eats the other?
Diabore: @oh_its_ged well you cant have 2, then itd be divisible
Falannt: in limited it is great!
loufghyslaufey: Well, I assumed the same Primo would just get biggers if the clause was worded differently
BlueFingers5: Mutate to get around the legend rule?
loufghyslaufey: *bigger
loufghyslaufey: My headcanon is that it just eats its own tail like a fractal having to shed its skin
loufghyslaufey: Or an "Ouroboros" mythos
couchboyj: The white generous visitor is a house
slotguts: so many of these white rooms need to go into my bunny horde deck
loufghyslaufey: Or their shared instance is them eating each other.
Jayredd00 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
Jayredd00: happy spooky season folks
TheOneInquisitor: The camera just zooms out and shows that the primo was just a fragment of a bigger primo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jayredd00! (Today's storm count: 65)
Falannt: turn off the emotes, problem solved
Robot_Bones: I consider any attempt to communicate from my opponent to be an attempt at rudeness
loufghyslaufey: Oh, Primo Oozilith; gawd, chat.
loufghyslaufey: the hells NotLikeThis ImTyping ScaredyCat ImTyping SingsMic StinkyCheese
loufghyslaufey: Gavin!
orellien2773: Limited feels like there's a lot of white and blue fliers, and not all that many reach cards. Seems like a flying aggro deck is kinda easy to build without many great synergies.
TheOneInquisitor: Jund Em Out
RandomTrivia: What was your control food?
iris_of_ether: I've done that with a Capri Sun and instantly felt bad
iris_of_ether: Did make a fun pop though
Jayredd00: why be ashamed, own it tell the cahshier your plans
Matthew Parsey: Hi from Australia 😎
WiseGuy57: I like Bitey Sky Fish
WiseGuy57: Sky Piranha is generic enough that it could appear in numerous settings.
WiseGuy57: Ooh, Grixis 'em... in?
Mr_Horrible: I'd prefer they honeydidn't HEYYO (for legal reasons this is a joke; I have no opinions on honeydew)
iris_of_ether: lrrHERE lrrHERE lrrHERE
slotguts: creepus peepus
Jturbobanana: creepy peepee is the reason for stranger danger
Kentosaurus: WOTC knew what they were doing when they named a card that
googoltudoris: jeepers creepers, where'd you get those peepers?
TheOneInquisitor: Opponent really wenr with the spell copying screen huh.
iris_of_ether: Suddenly a bunch of ridiculous 90s cartoon PSAs came rushing back to me
googoltudoris: do not the clammy prowler
slotguts: god twitching doll is Bad To Look At
TheOneInquisitor: Twitching doll is as bad to think about as it is good to have in your limited deck
iris_of_ether: ButtonMash
TheOneInquisitor: Are the buttons clicky
RandomTrivia: Wow, not even ice cream... how times change lrrBEEJ
TheOneInquisitor: Do they make satisfying noises?
iris_of_ether: Cameron no
RandomTrivia: CAMERON WHY
loufghyslaufey: punching, James? or chunking? Choose One -:
jan Melantu: LRR VODs are only occasionally cursed recordings
WiseGuy57: Cam trying to hide grin when he wins.
Jturbobanana: TWITCHing doll is just CHAT
accountmadeforants: @iris_of_ether gdqMASH sajamMash
kragmabutch: thanks i hate it
googoltudoris: "welp, it's spiders now"
iris_of_ether: That's what a pillow case and the dryer is for....
slotguts: that’s one large creepus peepus
loufghyslaufey: am assimilating entourages & entourages of minifigures though, so that doesn't really phase me anymore.
loufghyslaufey: What Cameron implored into chat's imagination
TheOneInquisitor: It's like Aftermath, but better.
Texan_Reverend: Afternoon @googoltudoris
loufghyslaufey: @TheOneInquisitor Better-Ever-After?
googoltudoris: @Texan_Reverend just one more day and then i can go outside again
CaptainSpam: I sure do love to perform verbs!
slotguts: I love to take game actions!
googoltudoris: aren't all aristocrats "von plunderberg"?
TheWriterAleph: cori oh noooo
RandomTrivia: Unlikely, but not impossible!
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
xantos69: Are we jamming fams in here?
TheWriterAleph: lrrCAMERON LUL
slotguts: ok LOVE the moth motif on the little road play mat on the ground in the background
arson0: PeePee Privilege
TheOneInquisitor: The moth motifs all over this set are very cashmoney
jan Melantu: idk I love recommissions
jan Melantu: I’m not sure arena is Turing-complete *yet*
slotguts: true and real
slotguts: killer mask4mask
luke1x: How has everyone been liking the set so far?
Falannt: how was the precon archenemy duskmourn game, @LoadingReadyRun ? =)
loufghyslaufey: More like... "Man-O-Vest": The hat tribal combo
TheOneInquisitor: Why is the centipede even looking for spines anywah
left_out: entity tracker is so good
left_out: and also triggers off fear of missing out 😭
RandomTrivia: Careful, that's someone's pet!
KingTaltia: Weird, why isn't that Gazeebo a creature card? Clearly it must have a flip effect.
loufghyslaufey: @TheOneInquisitor the better to dissect its prey
CaptainSpam: Oh gods. The horrifying gazebo. Lost most of my party to one.
Diabore: make mana anytime, explode into spiders only sometimes
TheOneInquisitor: Manifest Dread the Gazebo for a flavour win.
BrowneePointz: For fans of Japanese Action Games. Monster Hunter got a release date and Ghosts of Tsushima is getting a sequel. and 3 amazing people are currently being awesome and playing Magic!
Wolfstrike_NL: When are we getting our pet gazeebo on arena?
KingTaltia: @TheOneInquisitor You, dear sir or madam, have just won my internet points for the day.
Jayredd00: that happens in Yugioh
loufghyslaufey: the next printed arachnid artifact is obligated to explode into spider tokens; as is also a Servo's tribal
RandomTrivia: They might spill their mountain dew all over their keyboard
Jayredd00: man dies before delaceing winning attack
loufghyslaufey: I wish I found that funny
blackroseimmortal7: grimoire = only acceptable response
Wolfstrike_NL: OPP still has 2 more rooms to unlock
RandomTrivia: Welp
loufghyslaufey: I think an anime managed to pull it off funnier
KingTaltia: And this is why you do math before blockers.
TheWriterAleph: lrrWOW
BusTed: tqsClap
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
slotguts: lrrDARK lrrDARK
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
loufghyslaufey: heh, the doubt we felt spewed out only moments ago LUL StinkyCheese MindManners
RandomTrivia: Kathleen, put down the shovel
AugmentingPath: Penelope face reveal: lrrFRUMP
Wolfstrike_NL: lrrDARK
Flyingdelorion: Bye Kathleen!
Diabore: hi gram!
blackroseimmortal7: plaything + equip seems nuts
Flyingdelorion: Hello Mister Stark!
TheWriterAleph: evenin, graham!
baltimore_667083: hello graham!
CrossXhunteR: oh, it's a G
Falannt: no sound for me
CrossXhunteR: well, no mic sound
ThanhtTheBoss: Yeah, I was about to say...
ThanhtTheBoss: Oh there we go
CrossXhunteR: there it is
LoadingReadyRun: I have no idea what just happened.
Falannt: now i hear graham and cory.
CrossXhunteR: @LoadingReadyRun nothing to hear here folks. move along
blackroseimmortal7: that draw seems quite accurate
loufghyslaufey: I think a couple of brawl games ago I happened to win with 9 poison; once I managed to Breach the Multiverse Kaldheim Vorinclex AND my opponent's Tekuthal against their Axtraxa Deck? Much like Kathleen recently going to one
CrossXhunteR: solo graham stream?
Diabore: graham i want your take on this, do you think the tvs should start off and be toggled on or as is? (on default, toggle off)
CrossXhunteR: hell yeah
BrowneePointz: Late Night with Dad Graham and Aunt Cori!
RandomTrivia: Strap in, folks, Cori's driving! lrrBEEJ
Jayredd00: love scheduelin snafus
Diabore: yeah those
Jayredd00: @RandomTrivia Broken brain read in as on
KingTaltia: Y'know, it'd be real cute if Arena made the board react to your game. Imagine someone Manifesting Dread and the screen briefly loses some color and the tvs SUDDENLY turn on.
KingTaltia: Oh, that's new for me, I've not played in some time.
CrossXhunteR: brutal stun counters
Jayredd00: I love the board for this set
KaiTerranova: move the windbreaker and attack with glimmer?
CrossXhunteR: what's on that 'za?
KaiTerranova: nvm thought the windbreaker gave +1 power
Jayredd00: CD skipping
TheWriterAleph: jpg artifacting
ThorSokar: low-bitrate-blockyness
Going_Medium: spinny loading wheel
Juliamon: Buffer wheel
EvilBadman: Datamosh
TheAwkes: Posterization.
arson0: Videodrome was in 1983.
slotguts: there’s also like, SO many “haunted zoom call” movies now
Jayredd00: the USB disconnection sound
Diabore: froze at the perfect time so we didnt see graham slam that frowny face
Bruceski: A carefully restrained number of dead pixels.
iris_of_ether: I've cross stitched a creepy deer with chromatic aberration for a friend. Really cool and gave me like 3 headaches lol
Juliamon: Screen burn-in
neisan2112: I mean at least one of them is good. Go watch Host
Nickiatori: what was the haunted zoom movie with the hamster?
Peacememories: freezing video while the audio keeps working
oastrtoastr: When you copy an image and the checkerboard part of the image
slotguts: haunted cancelled Netflix show
TheBearBee: Had to fight someone with 5 murders
Ben Jones: No
jan Melantu: Oh yeah Deep Fried images
MrPipboy3000: Then after that the fear video prompt will be having to sign into a streaming service when you don't know the password
janMelantu: definitely deep fried memes
Jayredd00: imagine watchign a movie that had like a spooky face watermark to make it look like it's a burned in image
bex_cool_screen_name_tbd: npc tiktokers strike me as particularly creepy due to the uncanny valley vibes of how they deliver the emoji sayings
Juliamon: yeah I think burn-in has real good potential
EvilBadman: @bex_cool_screen_name_tbd Oh god I forgot about the npc trend
wallsh1: I always think it says silly squarium
Juliamon: I'm just waiting for a horror movie based on "Here comes the boy"
Nickiatori: I had a work friend who was new to magic and he was really excited when he reached gold on arena
KingTaltia: I dunno, I've been in such a situation in my life, since the 90s I've never ONCE in my life seen a screen burn-in in person.
Juliamon: there he is. he is here. hello, boy.
Diabore: or attacks adds 3 mana
Cptasparagus: my friend found a google doc published by the "Woke Content Detector Group" which rates about 1500 games by "wokeness". You guys might get a kick out of this.
Nickiatori: i miss whipping back obzedat in standard
Cptasparagus: Civ 5? not woke Civ 6? woke
Cptasparagus: it very much is sadly
Nickiatori: dave the diver is woke cause the sushi chef is black
Nickiatori: legit is on that list
iris_of_ether: lrrWOW
TheWriterAleph: it'd be funny if those wackadoos weren't so serious about it.
zelukester: @LoadingReadyRun you may need to use the "Validate Bundles" button in the Report a Bug section of the options menu
MeadyOchre: New stream show idea? The Woke Countdown; playing all 1,500 Woke Games until we get to the MOST WOKE
foolish_s4mwise: Splatoon is more woke on the list than it actually is in game.
s0lesurviv0r: Ghosts of Tsushima sequel Woke AF
zelukester: should fix most small issues like the borders
KaleidoscopeMind: on the list of "not woke" are the putt putt games
Jayredd00: I have a coworker who is very quiet about his beliefs but the only games I have ever heard him talk excitedly about are the ones held up as "antiwoke"
KingTaltia: @TheWriterAleph It'd be funny if those wackadoos weren't in charge of some countries.
foolish_s4mwise: perlina should be canon and I’m annoyed that it isnt
RayFK: The room where it happens
BrowneePointz: Central Elevator//Promising Stairs @LoadingReadyRun
Nickiatori: @RayFK the room where what happens?
Cptasparagus: Warhammer The Horus Heresy: Legions, not woke
Bruceski: putt-putt is a cartoon car who goes to the circus and space
Mr_Horrible: okay but is Spy Fox woke?
KaleidoscopeMind: the car
Jayredd00: you can't even goon anymore, becuase woke
foolish_s4mwise: is Space Marine 2 woke?
Nickiatori: i legit really enjoyed the put put streams they were the first lets nope i cought live
Mr_Horrible: @foolish_s4mwise they legitimately can't decide
googoltudoris: but any sports game with real players has to be woke, because PoC exist
Cptasparagus: @foolish_s4mwise They list it as yes because there is a female frontline commander lmfao
foolish_s4mwise: fantastic.
googoltudoris: imagine being that fragile
Mr_Horrible: @Nickiatori I still think about "They're FREE Putt Putt, just take them!" like a couple times a month
Cptasparagus: All of the hentai-ish games I can identify by title are considered woke because a lot of them have gay characters...
Jayredd00: fear of abduction is better than an O ring Cam read again
Mr_Horrible: @Cptasparagus wow, disrespecting Cadia like that, that's an inquisiting
MeadyOchre: @Cptasparagus DM me their names so I know what games to avoid
Gekyouryuu: oooooh, MonHun Wilds comes out in February, and they announced a Ghost of Tsushima sequel, Ghost of Yotei, set in 1603 at the start of the Edo period, and the MC is a woman with a samurai sword and a shamisen
Cptasparagus: 7/9 Liesure Suit Larry games are woke apparently
KaleidoscopeMind: oh also the freddi fish games are on the recommended "not woke" list
David White: Low-bitrate stream compression for sure
Jayredd00: @Cptasparagus h-how?
foolish_s4mwise: I honestly can’t think of a non “woke” game I’ve played in the past like 6 months.
wallsh1: whats the opposite of woke games?
xVoxtric: I thought SM2 was woke because of the female custodes?
hd_dabnado: that list is so funny if they were not serious
Invitare: also the person in charge of the guardsmen is a woman
r10pez10: pokemon sleep
Mr_Horrible: while that sequel does sound like a cool premise I still have to clown on them for calling their very basic black-n-white filter "Kurosawa Mode"" @Gekyouryuu
ThanhtTheBoss: @wallsh1 sleeping
xVoxtric: It's actually based for that very reason
Arael15 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
Jayredd00: @wallsh1 Hatred? Hoi4 if you're cringe? idk
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Arael15! (Today's storm count: 66)
Cptasparagus: @Jayredd00 forced cross dressing XD the same reason FFVII is
Nickiatori: 8/8 woof
hd_dabnado: LOL
foolish_s4mwise: I mean, I’ve mostly been playing Hades and Baldurs Gate 3, but still
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
KaleidoscopeMind: employment!
Mr_Horrible: that's just an evergreen sentiment right there
Jayredd00: that was a rad play
MeadyOchre: It's only woke if it comes from Sweet Baby Inc, anything else is just sparkling pandering
EvilBadman: Tight. Plays.
CaptainSpam: That there was one impressive power move.
hd_dabnado: !card Seized from Slumber
LRRbot: Seized from Slumber [4W] | Instant | This spell costs {3} less to cast if it targets a tapped creature. / Destroy target creature.
xantos69: I'm interested to see where they go from here.
Mr_Horrible: I keep forgetting Seized is an instant
MeadyOchre: Rooms are a cool mechanic
Jayredd00: I was cold on rooms until I saw tehm played
xantos69: What are the odds they have ANOTHER way to remove a blocker?
theamc2000: I was cold on rooms until I turned up my heating
Mr_Horrible: Stolen Iowa Valor
BrowneePointz: The only downside to ROoms is t he name since that makes them harder to use in other sets
Nickiatori: ooh that could be good with the insect enchant from murders at markov manor
Mr_Horrible: fugouttaheah
s0lesurviv0r: is that a digimon device hooked up to one of those monitors??
Gaz_L: that deathtouch is back on the escalator
KaiTerranova: Was Theresa May one of the orphans of the wheat?
wallsh1: shroud stompers a dope creature name
BrowneePointz: I mean Iowa is a misspelled Indigenous name, so it's already kinda stolen @Mr_Horrible
RandomTrivia: OUCH
xantos69: Impressive series of plays from OP.
janMelantu: it’s actually a Stefan Sultan story
RandomTrivia: Sometimes you just get done by Exquisite Blood
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz fair
GredGredmansson: Let's play a game, it's called "YOU F-ING DIE."
Jadaris: what a turn
BrowneePointz: also I say that AS someone from Iowa
RandomTrivia: Or, wait, the other half? Sanguine Bond?
GeckoLando: delirium is probably my favorite mechanic in this set
Jayredd00: I feel like where I live has no real personality
Mr_Horrible: call me when they manifest bed HypeSleep
Jayredd00: like stereotype
BrowneePointz: Mechanically it's great, but the theming has come off missed
Diabore: i like it so much more than bloomburrow
GredGredmansson: wait hang on, Tangled Islet is a commander card, what is it doing here?
slotguts: *to the intonation of Ancient Tomb* “Manifest Dread”
xantos69: Does Manifest Bed look at top 2 cards, put one into play as a 2/2, but then tap it and put a stun counter on it?
loufghyslaufey: @BrowneePointz Missed, not "mixed?"
Gekyouryuu: "The Amity Plane Horror"
Mr_Horrible: the anachronistics really take me out of it, personally
Khalstrom: Creepy stuff really works, 80's survivors dont
foolish_s4mwise: i am *not* a horror person but I feel like this set really nailed what they were going for.
loufghyslaufey: @xantos69 More like, Manifest Rest
RevolverRossalot: Similar to how Thunder Junction was the Villains Matter Set until it acquired the wild west theme
Gaz_L: i think it's just an inherent aspect of Magic being a brand where you need good guys/heroes, which doesn't jive with a lot of the type of horror they're evoking
slotguts: Rhystic studies has an interesting video out about how the aesthetics developed
BrowneePointz: Missed @loufghyslaufey
Mr_Horrible: like I think I would like the set more if it didn't have modernism or the ghostbuster stuff
BrowneePointz: Yea, every time the set leans into the "Living Mansion" theme it's amazing
Gekyouryuu: Manifesting a room feels like a flavor win. the house is literally attacking you.
Falannt: only creature, @cory
GredGredmansson: also its not a creature; you can't turn it up if it isn't a creature
BrowneePointz: the Modernist 80s thing just kinda comes off as a pastiche for me that detracts instead of enhances
Mr_Horrible: but it's also got some really cool stuff, so I gotta give credit where it's due. The whole premise of the plane and its backstory, generally, is A+
loufghyslaufey: @RevolverRossalot they should've doubled-down the villain roles; I think they kind of had it going with Roles too
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Duskmourn feels like one really solid idea that got heavily "fixed" via committee
Jayredd00: 2 green mythics and a green rare in my sealed pool feels like a pretty strong sign
Mr_Horrible: the fears (other than Failed Tests and Missing Out) feel like a great flavor take on nightmare creature type that strangely hadn't been done before, too
Gekyouryuu: @Jayredd00 to go red blue? Kappa
WarCorrespondent: ET goat home
GredGredmansson: its not a creature cori
theamc2000: why road trip music?
loufghyslaufey: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa yea, that's very overt prescreened meddling for just a card game
Gekyouryuu: one of my favorite moments from one of my Prereleases was having that goat and the Fly Trap and 6 card types in bin, so the Fly Trap made the goat go up to 10 counters instantly
Gaz_L: question: Is it just the juxtaposition that bothers people, or would a separate set really leaning hard into the more 80s pastiche stuff have also been an issue for you?
Mazrae: how goes the Fam and/or Jam
goombalax: @theamc2000 what was Road Quest if not a long epic FamJam
Diabore: its the clash
Mr_Horrible: @Gekyouryuu I'm picturing a gigantic demon just riding on this tiny goat
loufghyslaufey: @goombalax more like, a Dice-less Friends Campaign, idk
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: the existence of the 80s tech doesn't actually bother me, but the design of it is so wacky and toy-like that it feels off
Gekyouryuu: @Mr_Horrible Radan from Elden Ring
Mr_Horrible: @Gekyouryuu oh god you're so right
Juliamon: Half the set feels like leftovers from Midnight Hunt/Crimson Vow/MKM
CrossXhunteR: were there phones aboard the weatherlight for communication?
GredGredmansson: Norin the Wary must be SO confused
EvilBadman: There's even 2000s stuff (Saw)
Mr_Horrible: I understand *why* there's no guns in Thunder Junction, but it feels very weird to have the Not-Gun magical slingshooters in there and then however many months later have Ghostbusters shit and television sets
wallsh1: I just dont like the TV's and stuff personally
Gekyouryuu: there's definitely some modern "nostalgia" stuff, too, like the toy phone in white that's just the Skinamarink movie, right?
slotguts: the outfits honestly are the thing that makes me go “huh?” the most
GredGredmansson: speaking of which
loufghyslaufey: We've mostly had enough of nerfed Innistrad
ShaneLeeAtk: An old fashion whamjangle
Bruceski: They should have made "Fear of Mulligans"
Mr_Horrible: @Gekyouryuu if it were a true reference it would do nothing over the course of a paragraph of rules text OpieOP
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Mr_Horrible: (I say this having very much enjoyed Skinamarink)
pyrock_mania: what gets me is the haunted house theme is just so interesting and thought-out and meshes and then it feels like someone shuffled in a box of secret lairs.
RandomTrivia: To be fair, they both keep coming back
Gaz_L: i feel like it's a bit odd to have issues with TVs and stuff when Ravnica has the Izzet and we've had cyberpunk Kamigawa and stuff. but i'm not super into the lore so maybe less precious about that stuff? (I'm the rare MTG player who's not mad about Universes Beyond on principle, it seems)
Earthenone: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 4:20 PM
Mr_Horrible: @pyrock_mania yeah, that's a good read on the feel of it for me, as well
TheBearBee: Squee is the exact opposite in that he's very often not wary
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: like personally I found nu-Kamigawa "less fantasy" than this set, the aesthetics really turned me off of it
loufghyslaufey: Have not been to a single Innistrad prerelease between each awkward block respectively
blackroseimmortal7: so is ghostly dancers as unbeatable as it looks in draft
GredGredmansson: lrrFINE
iris_of_ether: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
Sogheim: I'm upset there's been no guns since Portal 2. I guess the world of Portal 2 isn't connected to the story in any way.
BrowneePointz: Graham, same question as Kathleen, what among Death Race, Tarkir 2, Space Opera, and Lorwyn 2 sounds the most exciting to you next year?
AugmentingPath: live to play more meowing lion spirits
loufghyslaufey: I hadn't begun playing between og innistrad
Mr_Horrible: Irgreverent Remlin
jacqui_lantern234: WELL WELL WELL!!! its a beautiful group of incredible friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!! <3
goombalax: Rite
AugmentingPath: all right, now we're pretty dead
RandomTrivia: lrrCOW
theamc2000: I like moths
Gaz_L: theme deck!
AugmentingPath: Bring the slasher back all the way to Jason X
jacqui_lantern234: @theamc2000 i like YOU!!! <3
Gekyouryuu: my first prerelease deck had THREE of the Grand Entryway/Elegant Rotunda, one of the Surgical Suite/Hospital Room, two of the green room that gets a land, the pool had two but played one of the white room that gives your creatures convoke and untaps your creatures every turn... it was VERY fun
GredGredmansson: lrrJAMES
TheBearBee: The Anabelle deck is sweet
loufghyslaufey: so, about Middle-Earth in a recap; the entire Tolkien works is anthologized in that set?
BusTed: haha
Juliamon: omg
Gekyouryuu: JayFK is Rordan
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
Juliamon: LUL
Jayredd00: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: LUL get fucking bodied, Jordan
EvilBadman: @RayFK Please watch the caps and profamity
RayFK: #wotcstaff no I can't
loufghyslaufey: Where's AFK?
JoannaTastic: I mean I think he was president once
AugmentingPath: He was a US president in the mid 20th century
wallsh1: maybe its a Kennedy
BrowneePointz: JFK is dead
Jadaris: @EvilBadman watch yo... profamity
loufghyslaufey: @BrowneePointz what? that blindsided me so hard
JoannaTastic: the cringe 20th century
RevolverRossalot: Incidentally, what's on the next AFK stream?
jacqui_lantern234: safe? CARED for?! Kappa
loufghyslaufey: Oh, like in Transformers ONE?
EvilBadman: @Jadaris 👉
jacqui_lantern234: im trans, wouldnt know it KappaPride
loufghyslaufey: did it have... "The Touch?"
KingTaltia: Wait... You felt safe and cared for Cameron? Man, I'm jealous.
AugmentingPath: right on time
GredGredmansson: music sync
loufghyslaufey: ow, Graham
s0lesurviv0r: when's the GI Joe Secret lair?
slotguts: scuzzers
GredGredmansson: is that Fuzzy Lumpkins' somehow even creepier cousin
Jayredd00: my permanent memory starts at like 2000
goombalax: My name is Scuzzy Montagne. You killed my Forest. Prepare to Die.
RayFK: My guy those haven't aged well
RayFK: No
xantos69: Does anybody else remember when you could play limited magic and it was totally ok to not cast a spell until turn 4 and you could still play a good and interesting game and even win?
RandomTrivia: @xantos69 Very few limited formats have ever been like that
RayFK: No I meant for your desired SL
KingTaltia: IS THERE a G.I. Joe that's aged well?
RayFK: Nah
GredGredmansson: @xantos69 we're going back to Tarkir in a few sets
theamc2000: gi Joe has a new comics series.
RevolverRossalot: GI Joe needs a siege with a spell named Knowing on the reverse. Because, of course, Knowing it's half the battle.
BrowneePointz: SCSI Lumpkin is my Dystopian Cyberpunk Powerpuff Girls Villain OC @LoadingReadyRun
Scarbble: i continue to advocate for magical girl secret lair.
loufghyslaufey: @GredGredmansson yea, that might not go exactly the way we think...
GredGredmansson: good, neither do the rest of us
GredGredmansson: we know as much as you do
BrowneePointz: All us Oldies hyped for Lorwyn
goombalax: so stoked for lorwyn and FF
BrowneePointz: yea we don't know anything about them
BrowneePointz: we'll probably get their names next month at Magiccon
foolish_s4mwise: I’m so hyped for Tarkir. triple Khans is the GOAT draft set
GredGredmansson: tomMouth
Cptasparagus: I can't wait for the zoomer take of "Lorwyn is just Irish Bloomburrow"
Scarbble: if the 'race' set includes kaladesh i'm all in. also hype for FF
GredGredmansson: if we can include the Pelican Mouth tumblr post I'm all for it
trebuchetboy: I need a Banana Bread at Work secret lair
RandomTrivia: Almost assuredly not
KingTaltia: I kinda just want an Un-set that feels like it's a set made by Robo-Rosewater.
loufghyslaufey: Kolaghan deserved a better commander though; its Dragonlord print is a singleton NON-bo
Scarbble: chuck tingle secret lair when
foolish_s4mwise: I’m also excited about the Marvel set, but only if we get a Squirrel Girl card
RayFK: Please keep your dick twist out of Magic
loufghyslaufey: !card Kolaghan, Dragonlord
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
mitomanox: I miss BEN's Deck Techs. Are they still doing it? <3
GredGredmansson: @foolish_s4mwise you think Mark Rosewater WOULDN'T jump on the chance to make a Squirrel Girl card?
foolish_s4mwise: god I hope so
RandomTrivia: It a smol
shurtal: @RayFK but DT Tuesdays......
theamc2000: a little guy
Reach: well yeah, the mid part was 84 - 86, surely
Dark Esch: It is all coming together
slotguts: your smalls are quite biggie I fear
AugmentingPath: Has 2 power, hits for 12 anyway
AugmentingPath: 11, I guess
BrowneePointz: I also wonder where the Death Race set is gonna fall on the "Speedracer/Wacky Races/Redline" Spectrum
GredGredmansson: you know, my playgroup has a theory that one of the upcoming Marvel sets is going to be a Commander Draft set
GredGredmansson: which is how they'll get the bulk of characters as monocolored legends
RandomTrivia: @BrowneePointz If Duskmourn is anything to go by, probably a jarring mixture of all 3
AugmentingPath: Bloody candy juice, Bloody candy juice, Bloody candy juice
GredGredmansson: @BrowneePointz where does Mad Max fall into that
GredGredmansson: Doomsday
RandomTrivia: Keep reading
Gaz_L: no
Timagio: Probably not
GredGredmansson: You also draw an extra card each turn
AugmentingPath: I mostly see it kill the person who cast it
RandomTrivia: EVERYONE gets Doomsday except not really
Gekyouryuu: Graham, you reminded me, I saw this great tumblr post collecting a ton of things from an MtG subreddit where they've been making a Gary Larson secret lair:
Nickiatori: due to budget cuts players will no longer be allowed to play with their left hand
Mr_Horrible: me when I emerge from the cocoon::
EvilBadman: It's sorta doomsday
goombalax: good as a manifest dread tho
Gaz_L: guy at my LGS had it in his Commander deck and cast it on turn 6 last week
GredGredmansson: !card friendly teddy
LRRbot: Friendly Teddy [2] | Artifact Creature — Bear Toy [2/2] | When Friendly Teddy dies, each player draws a card.
Mr_Horrible: "Sorta Doomsday" just feels like a way to say "Monday"
Timagio: What's M.T. Chair picking?
Gaz_L: yup
RandomTrivia: "ok everyone, exile your library"
EvilBadman: @Gaz_L RIP Jeweled Lotus Kappa
RevolverRossalot: Game's gotta end :)
GredGredmansson: clearly they hadn't drawn dark ritual
KingTaltia: "A commander game you get to have lunch after" Those EXIST?!
TotallyNotaBeholder: I had a commander game that felt like we should get lunch after, problem was we started at 9pm
RandomTrivia: CAM HypeLUL
GredGredmansson: desist
Nickiatori: just watch the next highlight reel
RandomTrivia: Well that callback makes the perfect followup clip :D
Timagio: Twitch made clipping SO much slower
GredGredmansson: apparently that's fixed now
Timagio: The interface is way more bulky on the data plan
Juliamon: They janked it up
Mr_Horrible: "I don't know what happened with Twitch[...]" - an evergreen statement
GredGredmansson: the issue was that links of clips couldn't be posted in chat
GredGredmansson: oh wait you're talking about something else
Juliamon: GredGredmansson That part isn't relevant
CrossXhunteR: is there any sort of ETA on the Jace/Vraska Kiss sleeves being restocked?
Juliamon: LRRbot pulls from the channel, not links in chat
Bruceski: They always needed a name, they changed the interface to show both the video and a mobile version to encourage people trimming them.
Cptasparagus: I make about 15 clips a week to send to my GF, I will ramp up
Bruceski: And I, for one, kno that my computer now runs like crud when I try to clip anything
neisan2112: Its really trying to get you to use Portrait mode too
Bruceski: Huh, it always made ME enter a name
GredGredmansson: yeah its trying to turn clips into mobile shorts
CaptainSpam: Before, a clip was saved *before* you hit publish. So if you just clicked the clip button, it created an entry on the backend.
RandomTrivia: I was responsible for about 20% of the Reel for a while, and then work and timezones meant watching fewer streams :(
GredGredmansson: Goat is an enabler if you want to discard something to reanimate @LoadingReadyRun
Timagio: How dare they read the cards to explain the cards? Eating them is so much better.
Texan_Reverend: The overall push for TikTok-like features hasn't been...great.
GredGredmansson: @Timagio please don't eat the delicious cards
CaptainSpam: It might have required you to set a name if you clicked publish, but it didn't stop it from saving to the backend before "publishing".
BrowneePointz: Yea they did
Bruceski: Yup, clip interface still makes my computer run at 10fps now.
GredGredmansson: hi marina
theamc2000: their phone app sucks
Nickiatori: woah big cards in chat
BrowneePointz: as someone who has to use it to monitor my chat/mod actions the app changes fucking SUCK
Juliamon: We have a thread in Discord about this if you would like to contribute to the discussion! The mod team would love to know how you are affected.
iris_of_ether: Cow Tools
neisan2112: It has 2 sections of video, so I assume its pulling 2 full videos making it very clunky
Jayredd00: so cow tools,
Timagio: @GredGredmansson WotC can't make me, neither can chat!
EvilBadman: Null rod
janMelantu: can confirm, watching it on the app rn
h3rsh3yb4r: the plow?
RandomTrivia: Oh YES
KingTaltia: To be fair, this is the same company that still hasn't found a workaround past Apple and Google taking a cut of Subs and Bits on Mobile, If I remember right. So I'm not surprised.
Mr_Horrible: oh shit he's so right
Jayredd00: Cow tools is deff meathook massacare
Timagio: Stoneforged Cow Tools
GredGredmansson: Cow Tools IS the artifact though, isn't it?
BrowneePointz: Hornforge Mystic
Cptasparagus: A friend of a friend has a Rashmi deck thats all Simpsons proxies
Mr_Horrible: shadowspear
BrowneePointz: Stoneforge Moostic?
goombalax: shadowspear
Gekyouryuu: the one in the post was "Swords to Cowshares"
Timagio: What about the Dairy Phase?
Diabore: i think khaldra over sofi at this point
A_Dub888: Hi Fam, how goes the Jam?
goombalax: **Wrath
Seth_Erickson: I think the wrath is very good
GredGredmansson: oh, the Fallout Board Wipe where its that comic of the two fishermen. "I'll tell you what this means. No size restrictions and *screw* the limit."
Diabore: i like it, lets you make sneaky bad attacks
Gekyouryuu: Cori, I have tweeted you the link to the Tumblr post with the faked Gary Larson cards
Cptasparagus: They didn't post the Rashmi herself, but they have Seasons Past which is a picture of their Simpson's DVD collection, As Foretold is President Lisa, Akroma's Memorial is the statue of the Mayor, etc. They also did flavor text.
Diabore: i swung a 4/4 into a 5/5 then wiped their board at prerelease, it was great
AugmentingPath: it's a little bit 5 mana, but yeah, it does good things
neisan2112: I think Goat would have been good too
jacqui_lantern234: Orphans of the Hwaet :p
GredGredmansson: yeah goat can enable you to reanimate a thing
Timagio: Ah the RAT
DoomBringerIL: whT
A_Dub888: So were the orphans RAISED by the wheat or were they BIRTHED by it?
RayFK: Uh ohhhh, stompieeees (got taken)
Timagio: @A_Dub888 Don't worry about it.
DoomBringerIL: what happened to the cards borders? Looks off no texture @LoadingReadyRun
GredGredmansson: !card live or die
LRRbot: Live or Die [3BB] | Instant | Choose one — / • Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. / • Destroy target creature.
GredGredmansson: !card dissection tools
LRRbot: Dissection Tools [5] | Artifact — Equipment | When Dissection Tools enters, manifest dread, then attach Dissection Tools to that creature. / Equipped creature gets +2/+2 and has deathtouch and lifelink. / Equip—Sacrifice a creature.
Khalstrom: If they kill your creatures just reanimate them
ghyllnox: Oh we got the battle music going
zelukester: Now could be a good time to hit that Validate Bundles button!
TheBearBee: Cameron, I had an Op go chainsaw kill a thing, murder, murder, discard a murder, then murder in a row
zelukester: it was me- it's a visual thing
zelukester: there's a button in the Report a Bug screen
deinonychus24: Your bundles are real and we recognize them. Bundles validated.
RandomTrivia: "Do you validate bundles?" "Oh, I never validate my own bundles. other people validate my bundles"
h3rsh3yb4r: run 41 to counter mill decks
Humble: Your bundles are valid. :)
Gekyouryuu: cut a land?
Gaz_L: @h3rsh3yb4r doesn't beat the Doomsday demon
RandomTrivia: That sounds OMINOUS
LoadingReadyRun: @Humble I see what you did there
goombalax: I had my assets revalidated once
Timagio: So what visual error were people seeing?
Gekyouryuu: "revalidate your bundles" sounds like an !advice response
Diabore: slasher
slotguts: MR STABS
A_Dub888: Bundles, you are valid
RevolverRossalot: Telling my rabbits I love them
Wolfii_TV: waltz
Cptasparagus: revalidating assets is how they got Trump
Timagio: Your parking is appreciated.
KingTaltia: It's important for bundles to feel validated.
Nickiatori: it has power it has grace its the slasher with the scary face
RiverGloom subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
RiverGloom: did you know that almost half of octopuses the kind with the little weird spikey fingers arms don't have ink sacs, I'm learning.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RiverGloom! (Today's storm count: 67)
Timagio: Have your local files been Magic The'd?
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
bex_cool_screen_name_tbd: files: the gathering
zelukester: huzzah! that's the whole reason we added that button :)
BrowneePointz: Yea! they're name in the discord is zelukesterwotc lol
BrowneePointz: their*
BrowneePointz: i can type. words are hard. plz help
Ctabbe: well i managed to get past the only two wins bracket. and all I had to do was draft boros aggro
RandomTrivia: That'll do it
Timagio: MLP sleeves is a hell of a fit for this set.
slotguts: Who up boiling they bilges
Gekyouryuu: Boiler Bill, Jizz Ripper
BrowneePointz: Boilerbilge has amazing mouthfeel though. Some POWERFUL Plosives
Timagio: But it seems, that thou are boilerless.
RevolverRossalot: Bilgeless Boil-haviour
slotguts: he boils my bilges till I overlord
Nydestroyer: The temptation, drafted two skullcrabs and two fear of isolations.... do I run them and go full jank combo
Cptasparagus: the Orphans of the Wheat yearn for the Bilges
BrowneePointz: i DO love how Ghiblian the Boilerbilge overlord's japanese art is
googoltudoris: y'all, i'm trying to eat dinner here
Timagio: Manifest Dread
loufghyslaufey: @googoltudoris same, finishing but alls the same really
Bruceski: First time I saw someone play Manifest Dread I looked everywhere to figure out what they'd done to trigger that
OVERKiLL!: 🔹️🔹️🔹️🔷️ 💙
OVERKiLL!: shout out to the mods
BartholemewTheKitten: Time to split up gang
RandomTrivia: Oof
baneless27: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!
Timagio: Get your Wreckage Settled, opponent
zelukester: daySick
Seth_Erickson: as you can see graham the board wipe is good
neisan2112: Did that enough with the Dragon wrath
AugmentingPath: Elkball player gets ruined
loufghyslaufey: All Of Ours Butts Are Almost The Same! kind of insane...
Desruprot: that is definitely going to leave a mark
CrossXhunteR: at least they don't have the green enchantment that ramps when they manifest
Timagio: Me :)
Seth_Erickson: one of the creatures
Nickiatori: oh this song came on time to rewatch roadquest for the 10th time
Seth_Erickson: and I agree bad energy from left creature
BartholemewTheKitten: Is Cam facing Limp Biskit?
blackroseimmortal7: is buying gems on arena bugged rn?
AugmentingPath: RIP your flesh
Gekyouryuu: your problem, Graham, was you clicked YOUR left, not STAGE left
loufghyslaufey: Wait, but then- Island could come back as an Island...
alchemistsavant: this opponent sure is doing their best kathleen ppr impression
alchemistsavant: no, the pants can't scream anymore!
DoctorHutch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
DoctorHutch: Happly jambly!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DoctorHutch! (Today's storm count: 68)
Timagio: The game's stream is really patchy for me, but LRR themselves are fine. Anyone else getting that?
Scarbble: all my bilges, boiled
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: They boiled my bilges, Odo!
BrowneePointz: Bayle boiled bilged but Bobby boiled Bagles. @LoadingReadyRun
BrowneePointz: bilges*
A_Dub888: I prefer my bilges fried myself
Scarbble: bilge back beter
Scarbble: better
RandomTrivia: We can rebilge him, we have the technology
Timagio: Untap, Upkeep, Rebilge
Mr_Horrible: for the 756th consecutive week, it is Boilerbilges Week
googoltudoris: for breakfast today i had hard-boiled bilges. takes way less time than soft-boiling them
Timagio: Bill Murray Leech?
CrossXhunteR: maybe they misclicked
AugmentingPath: pathartic carting
Scarbble: catharting
BartholemewTheKitten: Catharty Party
A_Dub888: Experience Beelge
EvilBadman: Buddy they don't even let me cathart
foolish_s4mwise: isn’t that a BG3 ship?
Timagio: Boilerbeej
KingTaltia: I'm pretty sure "Pathartic Carting" is what they call me in Monster Hunter.
BrowneePointz: did you see they gave him a tragic backstory in the movie?
Nydestroyer: cathartic crusade
Timagio: @KingTaltia Ha!
Mr_Horrible: Garfield Kart 3 but it starts playing the Dark Souls 3 menu music when you get to the title screen
Seth_Erickson: can't believe they didn't make a Fear of Sharks card smh
Desruprot: Nah they just did a big shark
Cptasparagus: Graham you promised Destiny's Child singing
Imbadyoureworse: is there a thalassophobia card?
GredGredmansson: kathleen had that happen with two Glassworks earlier today i think
ghizmou: manifest dread is the worst part of self mill with the added bonus of you have to put the card yourself in your yard
GredGredmansson: wait does opponent have the full beetlejuice combo
Desruprot: double triggers fun
WalrusOntheCourt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WalrusOntheCourt! (Today's storm count: 69)
AugmentingPath: Isn't it legendary?
LoadingReadyRun: nice
GredGredmansson: opponent saw glowy cards and clicked glowy cards
Seth_Erickson: I wish the Beetlejuice creature was harder to cast. Because as just a 7 mama 9/9 it's a good creature that can sometimes be cast early.
Desruprot: limesBlink
AugmentingPath: Opponent got got by Altanak irl, apparently
RandomTrivia: That *is* nice
RevolverRossalot: We have one Altanack, yes, but what about second Altanak
A_Dub888: Dagger, Ma! Megalodon's back!!
Bruceski: Guy was looking for Altanak, said Candlejack by accident
Freezerassasin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Freezerassasin! (Today's storm count: 70)
GredGredmansson: pretty sure opponent has shame conceded
CrossXhunteR: can we take a small break at four hundred and twenty subs?
googoltudoris: theoretically we'd hit 420 first
farmall_farmer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, farmall_farmer! (Today's storm count: 71)
LoadingReadyRun: i will accept 420 subs
GredGredmansson: @Bruceski You can't just say Candlejack's name like that. Surely you know wha
Cptasparagus: if I gift 621 subs will James bring me a Dilly Bar?
LoadingReadyRun: where do you live cpt?
CrossXhunteR: i was at a dairy queen today but did not get a dilly bar
WalrusOntheCourt: Well. That worked.
RevolverRossalot: OP calling a haltanak to the game
CrossXhunteR: i regret not getting a box of them
Bruceski: died of embarassment
Cptasparagus: @LoadingReadyRun North Carolina
BartholemewTheKitten: Concede concede concede?
StageMgrRob: Question, in any of the FamJams have any of the crew played one another or one of the chat?
LoadingReadyRun: @Cptasparagus That's all the way on the other side. Meet in the middle?
RandomTrivia: Ewww
Cptasparagus: @LoadingReadyRun oof thats a lot of work, my car only goes 180 miles with a full charge XD
A_Dub888: Lubed up
GredGredmansson: kill the cheerleader, kill the world
WalrusOntheCourt: Duskmourn needs more Yargle.
LoadingReadyRun: @Cptasparagus Ok, you drive 180 miles west and tell me where that is and I'll meet you there with your dilly bar
Diabore: Yeah not a sun titan
wallsh1: I wish they didnt cap exp on mastery every day
WalrusOntheCourt: It was pretty exciting anyway
Bruceski: A manifested dread with a chainsaw
GredGredmansson: is that Drivnod?
googoltudoris: that could still be north carolina, depending on where cpt lives
iris_of_ether: CORI
AugmentingPath: good old growing clammy creepy peepy
Cptasparagus: @LoadingReadyRun ironically its still North Carolina lol. Its a very wide state.
Cptasparagus: @googoltudoris yup XD
Bruceski: I think chainsaw might be my fav pick for a thematic card
theamc2000: rip cam
GredGredmansson: gremlins, man
A_Dub888: Grestival
GredGredmansson: that's not a bear, graham
Falannt: more than 1 face on it?
GredGredmansson: bears don't have human faces on their chest
A_Dub888: oh hi WaruMonzemon
BartholemewTheKitten: Is Graham asking for Bear Toy One?
jacqui_lantern234: cause a "Bear Toy" is something else to gay men KappaPride
AugmentingPath: limited no-star leyline of hope
JAndersonCAD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months, currently on a 48 month streak!
JAndersonCAD: Hope you all are having a wonderful stream.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JAndersonCAD! (Today's storm count: 72)
AugmentingPath: slasher: stopped
TheWriterAleph: Unstoppable* Slasher
GredGredmansson: !card Valgavoth's Onslaught
LRRbot: Valgavoth's Onslaught [XXG] | Sorcery | Manifest dread X times, then put X +1/+1 counters on each of those creatures.
Voidhawk42: "Turns out the solution was fire." - protagonist in 90% of slasher films
Desruprot: not so unstoppable now
Strebenherz: Get clowned on I guess
A_Dub888: Chuckie hit the gym
TheDevil_Risen: you could say, the clown not clowning around
neisan2112: Got that as my promo for prerelease, didn't have the pool for G
theamc2000: are ‘t you all comedians on internet
googoltudoris: me at my first commander game: "what do you mean it dies to -4/-4? it says indestructable right on the card!"
Falannt: byebye lrr & chat, need go to bed. Very late here in europe. ;)
TheDevil_Risen: yay just finished work for the week :)
TheDevil_Risen: DSK time!
Mr_Horrible: oh it's Mickey's D*** Smasher
TheDevil_Risen: yep, roller crusher is a card
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: whoah black betty, cadaver lab
googoltudoris: just wait till graham reads the second half of that card
AugmentingPath: wow, that token art is bad to look at
AugmentingPath: okay it's gone now, good
Moonstruckragamuffin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Moonstruckragamuffin! (Today's storm count: 73)
GreatGodOm: Is there a tally of everyone's wins?
Juliamon: Upper left
GredGredmansson: build your own dreadmaw
Juliamon: the number is unfortunately overlapping a table element
HaphazardHaberdashery subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 112 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HaphazardHaberdashery! (Today's storm count: 74)
AugmentingPath: yeah, and you get a free horror
googoltudoris: shroudstomper? i hardly know 'er!
AugmentingPath: slayer: insufficiently valuable
KingTaltia: On the plus side, Calling horde is pretty easy. Ahem FOR THE HOOOOOORDE!
BrowneePointz: So if y'all were stuck on duskmourn, would you rather be stuck in the Hauntwoods, Mistmoors, Balemurk, Boilerbilges or the Floodpits?
northos: none of the above
Mr_Horrible: woods, not close
theamc2000: I would not wish to be their
KingTaltia: "Not, I'd rather Not, thank you"
alchemistsavant: Boilerbilges because I can make stupid jokes as I get murdered viciously.
Cptasparagus: Oh yeah, Graham, Kathleen said she wants to go to an ICP gathering... good luck with that.
GredGredmansson: !card arcade
LRRbot: Did you mean: Secret Arcade // Dusty Parlor; Arcade Gannon; Arcades Sabboth; Arcades, the Strategist; War Cadence
GredGredmansson: !card secret arcade
LRRbot: Secret Arcade // Dusty Parlor | Secret Arcade [4W] | Enchantment — Room | Nonland permanents you control and permanent spells you control are enchantments in addition to their other types. // Dusty Parlor [2W] | Enchantment — Room | Whenever you cast an enchantment spell, put a number of +1/+1 counters equal to that spell's mana value on up to one target creature.
A_Dub888: @BrowneePointz Whereever I'm not the racial minority
GredGredmansson: arcade is in the White one
Voidhawk42: Mistmoors, Balemurk & Floodpits are all too damp and/or moist.
northos: I would watch that GVlog :P
Mr_Horrible: Graham at the Gathering wearing a pith helmet and binoculars
BrowneePointz: Also they're good folks if just a lil loud and obnoxious
ContingentCat: Road quest 2?
Cptasparagus: being observed in their natural big tent
DoctorHutch: Jugs in the mist
TheWanderingNomad: "Going Among the Juggalos" sounds like a great documentary
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz damn they just like me fr fr
jacqui_lantern234: LUL gdi Graham
googoltudoris: @Mr_Horrible khaki shirt, khaki shorts, knee-high socks, hiking boots...
WiJohn: Aw man I was looking forward to chainsaw rat
A_Dub888: Creepy Peepy Sleepy
Cptasparagus: big natural juggalos
BartholemewTheKitten: Welcome to the Juggo
bo_brinkman: I'm embarassed to say I've seen that movie.
northos: CAMERON
BrowneePointz: Juggs in the Mist is a Sad Furry Novella about Anthro Gorillas
theamc2000: Jung them out
azidbern95: hey gang, are we going to see the Nicknames episode of TTC with this set?
bo_brinkman: Very tastefully done.
Desruprot: I see the nickname part is starting early
couchboyj: Researchers who have claimed to have taught Juggalos sign language may have greatly overstated their results
AugmentingPath: yeah, can flip up to draw three
googoltudoris: so what i'm hearing is if you go to the mistmoors you gotta watch out for juggalos
SnowBuddy18: ancestral freecall
myknorman: Can I just say that I absolutely love Cori's caricature on the screen behind you Graham
Cptasparagus: as a frequent clipper, the reduced time for it to generate the clip is very nice
GredGredmansson: oh THAT'S why
A_Dub888: lrrFRUMP
jacqui_lantern234: tiltyhYAS
Cptasparagus: wait is it Creepy Peepy or Creepy PeePee?
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
TheDevil_Risen: don't change Cori :)
Nickiatori: he haunts the moonbase every november
ContingentCat: lrrFRUMP
A_Dub888: @Cptasparagus Porque no los dos?
jacqui_lantern234: hot take, Cori's frown is better than Matt's
niccus: name said
TheDevil_Risen: LRR fam is so wholesome <3
foolish_s4mwise: I gotta say, while they did jump the shark at the end, I really do miss the nickname podcasts.
AugmentingPath: sure is a 9/9 trample
A_Dub888: @TheDevil_Risen You're wholesome
BartholemewTheKitten: The Lingering Ghost of Matt is a Duskmourn, righT?
loufghyslaufey: @Cptasparagus Probably wouldn't read into it
KeytarCat: I mostly do my clips after a stream. I hit the button then stop the tab from loading until I'm ready to actually edit the clip
KingTaltia: Part of me legit forgot Wiggeis for a second (sorry Wiggins) and I nearly had a heart attack thinking something had happened to Matt.
KingTaltia: *wiggins (facepalms)
Cptasparagus: @KingTaltia Juniper finally got him
Mr_Horrible: KingTaltia no no that works so well. The Wiggeist
googoltudoris: meanwhile the lingering ghost of maple is why snacks keep disappearing off the moonbase kitchen counters
Mr_Horrible: haunting the chat
loufghyslaufey: @KingTaltia Good on Wiggeis, wiggins
iris_of_ether: Cori.
GredGredmansson: just because a fear is rational doesn't mean its not a fear
TheDevil_Risen: you should see a Dr of game science about that
Nickiatori: pleas no moorland
AugmentingPath: mirror room for more sharks?
TheWanderingNomad: Gotta move five feet awayu from James to avoid the land flood Cam :D
GredGredmansson: 2 drop, hold up GU flash enchantment?
Nydestroyer: rathew with avengeance
azidbern95: I like Analyst into Dread
Desruprot: lol
GredGredmansson: lrrJAMES
TheDevil_Risen: dam Cam, that's rough
Fruan: Cameron's really getting Cameron'd tonight :(
edorian__ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, edorian__! (Today's storm count: 75)
GredGredmansson: suddenly wanderer
GredGredmansson: aaaand she's gone
AugmentingPath: seized from wide awake
GregsUsername: yooo red exile spell? nice
cobthegreat: You are being rescued don't resist
niccus: keep wandering, hoss
Nightmanflock: Flash Convoke Double Strike is a freaking heck of a keyword package
GredGredmansson: its almost as though she still had her spark
Diabore: Mpre like gonederer
BrowneePointz: that card is nutty
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Tony Danza?
GredGredmansson: is taht the one that gives our guy deathtouch
Diabore: Can someone tell the deck that a land jist wins
Nydestroyer: serge reasons probably
KingTaltia: Someone's channeling their inner Serge.
GredGredmansson: that's just the noise that our feeble minds interpret it as making
Nightmanflock: The shroudstomper has been playing a little too much Slay the Spire
Diabore: Everything is cacaw in the domain of serge
Nightmanflock: The Cultists got to it
Desruprot: ShourdBird Stomper
neisan2112: Reanimation targets that discard themselves are so great
Fanklok: The black land cycler seems brutal late game
AugmentingPath: What a chaotic sport.
deinonychus24: Ca-caw blade
northos: Grahamed Melee
Bobtheninjagoldfish: He also deffo knew what time all the coffee shops opened.
GredGredmansson: !findquote isolation
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
KingTaltia: I'm sorry "Esper Earie" Are psychics birds in this set?
GredGredmansson: i mean if you don't want complications later on maybe
GredGredmansson: oh you meant in the magic game
TheWanderingNomad: Wow just putting on the screen?
Cptasparagus: I showed you my creepy peepee plz respond
protojman: yay!
googoltudoris: "mr. president, a second creepy peepy has hit the clammy prowler"
ShaneLeeAtk: Nice
GredGredmansson: @KingTaltia "Eerie" its like constellation but a little more to it
MacbethSeemsSus: I predict at least one beer will be "nice"
BrowneePointz: Matt updated us in his discord. He got Fershnickered
kirbytronic: As a very frequent vlog viewer, I'm excited for it!
BrowneePointz: by the sounds of it
Painfully_Dyslexic: The gvlogs, are my chill out videos, so thank you!
GregsUsername: oh no it's burn with an exile if it dies. i mean still cool but not what i thought
kirbytronic: Also Graham, have you seen all the cursed Uncle Sam Eagle Olympic Mascot dolls that exist
AugmentingPath: slash 'em and split 'em
azidbern95: attack and split up?
QuixoticScrivener: destroy all them untapped
GredGredmansson: ooh, attack first, THEN split up
YeomanAres: I was watching your vlogs recently and just fyii think one of them is unlisted. You vlog after c2e2.
foolish_s4mwise: …which guy in Pompeii, Cameron?
TheWriterAleph: omg LUL
Gaz_L: i'm playing a similar BW deck to G, my opponent used Cracked Skull and made me DISCARD Doomsday Excruciator when i had the delirium tutor in hand and online
niccus: there were probably multiple
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
TimIAm: Somehow "Creeping Peepee" is worse than "Creepy Peepee"
Gaz_L: (i tutored Rite Of The Moth)
TheDevil_Risen: dam BenBen and the creepy_peepy
foolish_s4mwise: speaking of unlisted, any news on LRL episode 26?
etcox: Do you guys still do forced rare drafts occasionally? Those were fun to watch
kirbytronic: I posted this listing in the discord earlier. There's an awful lot of 'similar things' listings
QuixoticScrivener: double death touch!
Juliamon: etcox It kinda lost its lustre with there being more rares per pack.
niccus: permanently at soup
Juliamon: that said, they still do "force x" drafts
Gaz_L: this horror room is really good, btw
foolish_s4mwise: I remember it being a banger episode. including This Or That paint color or Enya song
cobthegreat: There's a combo if it in standard
kirbytronic: Also what button combination do you have to do on that controller to unlock Guile
etcox: ah bummer but that makes sense
googoltudoris: has graham discovered "bear trap" yet?
GredGredmansson: !card unable to scream
LRRbot: Unable to Scream [U] | Enchantment — Aura | Enchant creature / Enchanted creature loses all abilities and is a Toy artifact creature with base power and toughness 0/2 in addition to its other types. / As long as enchanted creature is face down, it can't be turned face up.
AugmentingPath: slasher will stay dead if you chump with it, but that's probably still right
Fanklok: What are the chances of Bear Trap being the bane of Adam's existence in this format?
BrowneePointz: A Bear Trap is just another Chubby Fella who COULD be their sibling
BrowneePointz: (that's an LGBT joke)
ectro24: Ah not commander discourse
KeytarCat: And not the one I was expecting!
Juliamon: waiting for Jordan to come in on his wotc account and yell at you
AugmentingPath: No rock baseball in the house!
googoltudoris: to me it almost looks like someone died there and only their nervous system remains
TheDevil_Risen: Im versing that bookwork right now.. its insane
Fruan: I think the Goose Mother looks particularly good on this new board too.
azidbern95: the Tools Manifest and attach on enters
Dane_VII: Oh I love this music so much
Earthenone: when will we get the genderbent goose mother, the honk father
azidbern95: Tools give Lifelink and Deathtouch tight?
GredGredmansson: @Earthenone when we get to the Eldraine sequel that is themed around the Godfather for who knows what reason
Fanklok: Dissection Tools and. Windbreaker, like some kind of fucked up Mary Poppins
BrowneePointz: It's Beetle Mary
BrowneePointz: It's Bloody Juice
GredGredmansson: its the beetlejuice / candyman of the set
BrowneePointz: in lore if you say it's name 3 times it just shows up and kills you
Voidhawk42: It's like if Bloody Mary was the T-Rex from Jurrasic Park
alchemistsavant: Candyjuice, if you will
AugmentingPath: his name is hard to remember, so we just call him "Thrice" instead
Mr_Horrible: when will I finally reach altanak about its car's extended warranty
Jadaris: @BrowneePointz katesNo
GredGredmansson: and people say its name because they think its part of a spell to banish valgavoth forever
BrowneePointz: Bloody Beetle Candy Juice Mary Man
googoltudoris: @GredGredmansson SingsNote who can take a suuunriiiiise SingsNote
Voidhawk42: @GredGredmansson Lol, that Valvagoth is such a jokester
ShaneLeeAtk: Now day it 3 times fast
thymato subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thymato! (Today's storm count: 76)
SmithKurosaki subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
SmithKurosaki: It's sub o'clock
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SmithKurosaki! (Today's storm count: 77)
Jeri: do you guys have any draft tips for a newbie? I tried a Bloomburrow draft and got absolutely dumpstered so I'm hesitant to try again
SmithKurosaki: Hows everyone doing?
LoadingReadyRun: sleepy
SmithKurosaki: Mood
SmithKurosaki: Finally got back from my trek out to costco. Wish there was one closer than an hour away on transit
Mr_Horrible: @GredGredmansson honestly I think this could be an interesting side-story space if Altanak was akin to an animal that preyed on moths
TheDevil_Risen: well i just milled the dude with the bookworm and the thrice called :)
KeytarCat: !card altanak
LRRbot: Altanak, the Thrice-Called [5GG] | Legendary Creature — Insect Beast [9/9] | Trample / Whenever Altanak, the Thrice-Called becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, draw a card. / {1}{G}, Discard Altanak, the Thrice-Called: Return target land card from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
GredGredmansson: lets see if opponent knows that they still control the chainsaw
GredGredmansson: they do not
GredGredmansson: tomDab
BrowneePointz: the Fly. Trap.
BrowneePointz: if you will
Diabore: I dont think it mattered gredgred, cam had 3 blockers to 2 attackers
Strebenherz: Holy bus Cam, nice yoink on that Altanak
Voidhawk42: @Mr_Horrible First part of the spell: call Altanak. Second part: cast Fling.
Mr_Horrible: if it's omnivorous, is it really still a flytrap?
Mr_Horrible: feels overly specific at that point
AugmentingPath: It wasn't much of a chainsaw, more of a bonesaw at that stage
Mr_Horrible: @Voidhawk42 yeah, like "We know this is a bad idea but we don't have any better ones"
KeytarCat: Stand Still, Stay Silent is a cool webcomic about trolls
singinnonsense: magic the gathering
GredGredmansson: oh?
Mr_Horrible: down on the shores of Lake Sideshack
TaVSt: Ssss is gorgeous
TheWanderingNomad: The synchonized groan
TheWanderingNomad: Never good :D
thegiftedgrifter: Oooo, we still fam jamming!
AugmentingPath: curiouser and curiouser
Mike Filemaker: the arena client for mac os won't launch since the update. that's one way to make sure i get some work done tonight
kirbytronic: Today's been a very good day for profoundly weird and or cursed quotes
ghyllnox: It sure is enduring
Cptasparagus: my favorite LRR show is Punch-A-Chungus
thegiftedgrifter: Damn this new playmat rules too
TheDevil_Risen: shark squid?
TheDevil_Risen: i sware it has tentacles
Desruprot: lest we forget the giant shark
GredGredmansson: lrrJAMES
GredGredmansson: i see how, its that they don't swing out
CrossXhunteR: nap time?
Juliamon: James is the problem
TheDevil_Risen: Bonus LRR
A_Dub888: #BlameJames
TheDevil_Risen: thanks :) <3
Fanklok: When isn't James the problem?
jacqui_lantern234: A B C - Always Blames Turner :P
Juliamon: Sometimes it's Twitch
TheDevil_Risen: More OMO everywhere!
Juliamon: Sometimes it's Telus
adept_nekomancer: Now you just need "Everything" and "All at once".
Fanklok: Basic land type is cowardice
Fruan: I hope this experiment with land tokens goes well and they start doing it more frequently.
etcox: hit em with the BM oops!
Ritaspirithntr: well, this is the second time we’ve seen land tokens Fruan.
Ritaspirithntr: first time was in BRO.
Mr_Horrible: "we drafting circles now"
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500 - thanks all
Fruan: @Ritaspirithntr Oh yeah. I forgot about that. Still, more than every 2 years would be nice.
Ritaspirithntr: right?!
blackroseimmortal7: just beat 2 hallcreepers and a valgavoth's onslaught
blackroseimmortal7: over the moon
Mr_Horrible: consulting my Farmer's Altanak
Gaz_L: no reanimation in white, surely
kirbytronic: I knew about the alien for a while, only today did I find out about the UFO
etcox: oops!
foolish_s4mwise: …relatable
Marenai subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Marenai! (Today's storm count: 78)
NevermorePainting: Vibing while cutting my collection down o just canlander playables
Nickiatori: CAM!
Gaz_L: i had someone cast it, and have a sac effect on it, AND had the Chandelier that gives anti-mill
azidbern95: Forest Cycle? Back in my day we Forest Walked!
TheWanderingNomad: Banished to the land of Wind and Ghosts
Wolfii_TV: Clip it. we can now use it against Cam
kdefinition: was it WTYP, cameron?
NotCainNorAbel: !findquote cam
LRRbot: Quote #8181: "Cam's always making us figure out our lives, it's the worst." —James [2022-08-20]
foolish_s4mwise: !quote cam
LRRbot: Quote #4351: "I would like a soul." —Cameron [2017-08-24]
Makyxx: Damn
CrossXhunteR: winter is an annoying card
kirbytronic: I managed to cheat it into play with the Beastie Survivor that puts something into play for free if it's tapped, so it was just a 6/6 flying demon that drew me an extra card each turn
Gaz_L: all my bottom 6 was my card draw in that game too
kirbytronic: I wasn't even playing black
kirbytronic: And no, he is not
Jadaris: winter is great
EldritchProwler: I just killed an opp with winter drawing them out
kirbytronic: Saw is actually not bad
Geldaran: All Edge, no point?
adept_nekomancer: If you pizza needs a rotary saw, you've made the crust too hard.
kirbytronic: It doesn't say non-land
Gaz_L: who doesn't love Howling Mine?
Mr_Horrible: cut to homer in hell eating donuts
kirbytronic: Howling Mine with a body that has a side of Jin-Gitaxis
GreatGodOm: Is it just me, or were all the stairs in duskmourn designed by Escher?
DrLigmaPhD: Shauntwood Heiker?
kirbytronic: That card's actually pretty good. But it's not the shrieker.
3 raiders from McGurganatorZX have joined!
Ikaboom718: is it just me or is the youtube stream really quiet
SmithKurosaki: seems fine to me?
Ikaboom718: like i can put it to a good volume, but it's quiet compared to other videos and stuff
azidbern95: Welcome Raiders!
CrossXhunteR: the cartographer never misses, but being 1 mana cheaper it only goes to hand instead of the field tapped
neisan2112: 3 G rares back to back?!?! wild
cheshire_creeper: That Wurm is SO GOOD
adept_nekomancer: Mono-green large things
CrossXhunteR: i used enduring vitality and valgavoth's onslaught to great effect during my prerelease
memnus: Good grief this set of packs
cheshire_creeper: Some Mono Green Cooking Tonight I See
Mr_Horrible: kermit stocks soaring
Gaz_L: 7
CrossXhunteR: it leads to turn 2 lethal in standard
WiJohn: Leyline of last pick
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Does it go in...never mind.
Nickiatori: catharting
etcox: I didn't realize that guy was uncommon
Strebenherz: Altanak having 9/9 trample is rude
kirbytronic: Bastion of Rememberence with Attached Lili Ult
CrossXhunteR: many green pips
CrossXhunteR: !card under the skin
LRRbot: Under the Skin [2G] | Sorcery | Manifest dread. / You may return a permanent card from your graveyard to your hand.
neisan2112: Great movie too
CrossXhunteR: having seen that card maybe twice, im surprised i remembered the name of that
ladyjojo1987: I really want to watch this deck get played now!
myknorman: graham how close are you to mono-g with big B room?
CrossXhunteR: good ol meatball
Mr_Horrible: meanwhile I see it and immediately think the DD2 boss
A_Dub888: how does it compare to Doom meatball?
CrossXhunteR: i am unsure if kona works that way with rooms
Gaz_L: yeah, rooms don't work with 'put onto field' effects
DrLigmaPhD: Some scientists believe there is only one meatball monster, moving impossibly fast, in the universe that accounts for all supposedly unique instances
Gaz_L: have to cast them somehow
CrossXhunteR: i had a losing teeth dream like a week or two ago. can't remember if it was after spoiler season or not
QuixoticScrivener: toot toot goes the mastodon
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheDevil_Risen: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrCrab lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
pn55: lrrSPOOPY
CrossXhunteR: more synthwave
KaleidoscopeMind: Kathleen doing some schemes
TheFroster: Will Cameron be at DB this year? I missed him last year :(
SmithKurosaki: @TheFroster They'll post who's on what shift on the website soonish
TheFroster: cool ty :)
OVERKiLL!: 🔹️🔹️🔹️🔷️ 💙
neisan2112: There was some STUFF that happened
northos: sure is
WiJohn: It's a good one if you haven't seen it
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks very much LRRfam!
azidbern95: Thank you for Stream! Look forward to meeting you in Vegas next month!
TheDevil_Risen is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 29 in the channel!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to dog_man_jack!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to thedevil_risen1!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, TheDevil_Risen! Welcome to thedevil_risen1 and dog_man_jack! (Today's storm count: 80)
TheWriterAleph: cool stream
lamina5432: gnight
A_Dub888: Wednesday Grahamnesday
TheDevil_Risen: lol somehow i hit my alternate account :D
Gaz_L: this is the co-op thing, right?
Gaz_L: i think it's an AI deck, yeah
Texan_Reverend: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
A_Dub888: What if Dusklessn?
Juliamon: They are not
CrossXhunteR: is it sushi decals?
Juliamon: It's plastic sushi
pn55: Just Ian doing Ian things
CrossXhunteR: canlander woo
tepet_mage: snaill8Wave Hi Graham, was at your table. Were you the only player in G or W? beezel1SIP
Gaz_L: ah, a crash blossom situation
ghizmou: amazonHype amazonHype
Gaz_L: it's 'sushi and dino' decals, not sushi, and dino decals
CrossXhunteR: canlander with the hot new DSK and maybe BLB inclusions
NotCainNorAbel: lrrBEEJ
adept_nekomancer: lrrCrab
A_Dub888: lrrGARBO
CrossXhunteR: i love madlibs
rxpalindrome subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rxpalindrome! (Today's storm count: 81)
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO
Dog_of_Myth: lrrGARBO
Frankenstain subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Frankenstain! (Today's storm count: 82)
CrossXhunteR: golgoroth, from the hit video game destiny 2?
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits
CrossXhunteR subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CrossXhunteR! (Today's storm count: 83)
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to nonothanku! They have given 50 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nonothanku! (Today's storm count: 84)
mymy0724 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
mymy0724: 30 months woohoo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mymy0724! (Today's storm count: 85)
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to Teeth! They have given 314 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Teeth! (Today's storm count: 86)
gamefreak3072: Very quick EDSC
gamefreak3072: @Ikaboom718 nah it's real quiet for me too. I just came from a Gvlog and had to up about 10 points
Ikaboom718: ah, kk thx
OVERKiLL!: that MDicki Watch&Play was 🔥
OVERKiLL!: what a lineup
Marenai: Mare-n-eye
Fruan: T E E T H
Dog_of_Myth: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
DirectorStephanie: CheersToThat CheersToThat
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Texan_Reverend: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
TheDevil_Risen: unarmeHeart lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME
Strebenherz: Take care!
NotCainNorAbel: @Bobtheninjagoldfish nice to see you