TXC2: Hello Everybody
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Hello LrrsFrends.
xantos69 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months, currently on a 90 month streak!
xantos69: 90 Months!
Thanks for subscribing, xantos69! (Today's storm count: 1)
TXC2: hello Bobtheninjagoldfish welcome
Nigouki: Time for Gus! (and gambling!)
TehAmelie: pretend gambling for high stakes!
When you're work computer doesn't block Twitch, Muahahaha!
Didero: Good evening, everybody!
TXC2: hello GasCityGaming and Didero welcome
TehAmelie: boss makes a dollar, i make a bit♫
Jillexie: Sabacc time?
Didero: @Jillexie That's Ben's secret, it's always Sabacc time
TXC2: outlawing first, then Sabaccnana
dm818: When are we eating via QTE?
I'm doing that right now IRL
TehAmelie: something about then paying the bit forward to twitch streams at work. . .i should have thought that rhyme through more
Didero: Thinking is overrated
Didero: And I mainly say that because I spent most of my workday staring at a document and trying to have thoughts about it but failing
BusTed: sabacc sabbatical
Didero: And looking forward to this stream, of course!
thinky stinky
TehAmelie: ha
TXC2: here we GO1
Didero: Hello Ben!
GasCityGaming: @Didero Saaaaaaaame, but i;m still at work
BusTed: Mornin'
TXC2: Hello Ben In studio!
Jillexie: Hey Ben!
TehAmelie: hiya!
TheAinMAP: Hello.
Didero: did you at least bring the kitten
mountaindudepdx: He's loose and juiced!
Jillexie: Are you training Gus to distract people so you can OUtlaw in real life?
RocknGrohlNerd: And noted famous person Ben Ben
Defrost: !test
Desruprot: the LRR-Live was good, I saw some of it live and the rest in the vod
Desruprot: I would like to see Where in the Moonbase is ____ again
Scarbble: hi ben! have you recovered from your pie experiences? live was great
Didero: Always reassuring when you see growth in your work
otakubox0: Loved the pie segment
Nigouki: It was a cackling good Live
TXC2: i 2nd for more where in the moonbase
knightWarrior82: Pie segment was awesome
kumatsu: I was so blown away by the Carmen Sandiego parody
Scarbble: as they say, it was a TTBB - top to bottom banger
ChillyCru: good morning. did you hear the news WOTC owns Commander now?
RayFK: Remember 9 and 10 when we were babies?
vinewood_og: Going face for all 4 in Face or Fork is a pro move!
qrpth: !advice
TheManaLeek: Hell yeah outdoors in Fall
Didero: Here fall started very rainy, so not exactly outdoorsy weather
TXC2: ^
kumatsu: I really want to do one of the theme park haunts this year
The_FlyingDutchman: at least its outside weather then, noting but rain here
Scarbble: jumpscaring serge in the corn maze was so hilarious
Simbionis: was that the train place too?
Didero: I did go for a bike ride through a light drizzle though
vinewood_og: Serge Scare-a-palooza 2024!
unless I'm our running in it, I'm basically the wicked witch when it comes to rain
malsareus: biking in the rain is fine, I do recommend getting rainpants with intergrated footsies
xantos69 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 43 in the channel!
We added 1 Gift Subs to xantos69's gift!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to MattStuckintheMoonGoo!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to hendersw!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ふぇるめ!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rickjames420999!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ShredsTheRaptor!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Elarsus!
Thanks for the gift, Twitch! Welcome to MattStuckintheMoonGoo! (Today's storm count: 2)
Thanks for the gifts, xantos69! Welcome to ShredsTheRaptor, hendersw, ふぇるめ, Elarsus, and rickjames420999! (Today's storm count: 7)
187 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
Genie_M: Whomp
TheDevil_Risen: RAID
TXC2: Hello Raiders
Mazrae: just got to have some hidden dolls
We added 1 Gift Subs AND 1 Bonus Gift Subs to Desruprot's gift!
Desruprot is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 31 in the channel!
Desruprot gifted a Tier 1 sub to jdk5232!
Desruprot gifted a Tier 1 sub to ting96530!
Desruprot gifted a Tier 1 sub to saffroncorjay!
Desruprot gifted a Tier 1 sub to AAndyToy!
Desruprot gifted a Tier 1 sub to ETY877!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sovvan!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to the1redknight!
Thanks for the gifts, Twitch! Welcome to Sovvan and the1redknight! (Today's storm count: 13)
Thanks for the gifts, Desruprot! Welcome to jdk5232, saffroncorjay, ting96530, AAndyToy, and ETY877! (Today's storm count: 14)
vinewood_og: RAID!?!?!
brieandbacon: What up neeerrrrddds!
red_shoes_jeff subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months, currently on a 80 month streak!
Tevildo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
Tevildo: Good morning, Ben
Thanks for subscribing, red_shoes_jeff! (Today's storm count: 15)
Thanks for subscribing, Tevildo! (Today's storm count: 16)
anclag subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Thanks for subscribing, anclag! (Today's storm count: 17)
kumatsu: oh yeah, isn't Zoochosis out today?
MagicalAttackGecko subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months!
Thanks for subscribing, MagicalAttackGecko! (Today's storm count: 18)
TehAmelie: around here we say "you're not so sweet you'll melt in the rain"
2 Ben streams today? Heck yea
TXC2: !events
Didero: Yeah, here it is "You're not made out of sugar"
Desruprot: doppleBen
Wolfstrike_NL: Wait...it's monday....Thhere's no let's nope today
measureofhope: Bens are fungible, right?
luke1x subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
luke1x: Did I make it in time
Thanks for subscribing, luke1x! (Today's storm count: 19)
TXC2: all Ben all week
teeyeezey: we arent mad at it
Desruprot: Ben5ever
LordZarano: Do we know who's on Jackbox?
measureofhope: Don't work too hard
Bobtheninjagoldfish: awww ben likes us.
SymphonySolstice: gasp
Mazrae: Ben, how difficult was it to wash the pies out of your beard
Darleysam: 👉👈us?
Desruprot: its funny they had to make a naughty one, when there have been those jokes in Jackbox since it existed
Jillexie: If Beej is there, it is always naughty
xantos69: Well that will be a good group.
measureofhope: I second the enquiry about your beardpie situation
Didero: I can't often watch LRR streams live due to timezones, but the VODs are great to have on while working
SymphonySolstice: welp
the real winner is who can call back to cum the fastest
GasCityGaming: Spicy cherry pie
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Chat don't be too proud ben likes you, he'll try to troll you in raids lol
Didero: @TXC2 I don't think doctors recommend that
pn55: Maybe just the acidity of the cherry
TehAmelie: hard not to let it get to my head when the internet crashed immediately after i heard that
TheDevil_Risen: it was Hangry BenBen?
measureofhope: The cherry pie filling was so red, your faces looked BLOODY
Vander_Demimori subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Vander_Demimori! (Today's storm count: 20)
luke1x: How is Gus doing
TXC2: luke1x he's doing great
CodeGorilla subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
Thanks for subscribing, CodeGorilla! (Today's storm count: 21)
NoxStryx: It looked like you just lost a hardcore match
yes we needed kibten right now @LoadingReadyRun
Scarbble: starting with the cherry was a choice
RayFK: Just douse it in soap
RayFK: It'll fix it
kumatsu: gotta reinstall 14, the moogles are getting out
Wolfstrike_NL: Bath it ^
NoxStryx: ReVODretory
measureofhope: I haven't heard the cat origin story. Did you choose Gus or did he choose you?
RayFK: Or Soup
RayFK: It's fall after all
hammith: OMG, it'sa BENGINEER!
Lobo_Apache: Successful cat distribution service then!
Quaseymoto: I just finished cleaning up wiring underneath my desk. feels like a brand new start.
measureofhope: Ah, the cat distribution system chose you.
Barb4rian: Aww buddy
TXC2: so Gus is a Disney princess you say?
man work is busy
Didero: hot robot buddy
measureofhope: You completed the 30 hour tutorial?
Waka turned out to be a disappointing kind of obsessive tech nerd
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Hows the Crippling Sabaac addiciton?
luke1x: You son of a bitch I'm in
red_shoes_jeff: What are we, some kinda... Star Wars Outlaws?
vinewood_og: You son of a BUS, I'm in!
Wolfstrike_NL: I only recall you being a gambling god.
teeyeezey: pick up people and gamble!
Invitare: explosives expert
dm818: Chadrafan
Kentosaurus: chadra fan
teeyeezey: i am a fan of chandra as well
Didero: Can you get every faction to like you?
red_shoes_jeff: Gotta Bet 'Em All!
hammith: Ben, important message: that kitten is adorable.
Invitare: @Didero it's really easy
Jillexie: Yes you can
Didero: @Invitare So one faction's rep won't go down when you increase another faction's?
Invitare: nah, the repeatable non-quest jobs don't have negative rep usually
Nigouki: presumably there's a finite amount of negative rep so we can annoy one fully, do stuff for others and then claw back the rep?
Didero: Disappointing, but it kind of makes sense
Jillexie: Only the main quests tend to have ones that increase one rep while reducing another one.
NightValien28: good morning ben ben good morning everyone
Invitare: you can
teeyeezey: wait no betting on the ponys?
xantos69: I am so happy I am able to catch this live. These streams are at a time I work, but today I am on vacation. Yay Gambling!
Hi friends! I've missed most of the broadcasts for this PiF, so glad I'm in time for this one
TXC2: hello NightValien28 welcome
TXC2: hello Bassios welcome
circusofkirkus: wow fixing in horse races, who would've thought
TehAmelie: "huh, all this time i been robbing people and running for my life, but if you take their money at the sabacc table they respect and admire you for it"
Bobtheninjagoldfish is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 324 in the channel!
We added 1 Gift Subs AND 2 Bonus Gift Subs to Bobtheninjagoldfish's gift!
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to teeyeezey!
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to NymBomer!
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to kobolddreamer!
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to mvxiaypylftmarfq23054!
Bobtheninjagoldfish gifted a Tier 1 sub to Youn8_!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to 420_blazing1!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to saritheran!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to GzavierGaming!
Thanks for the gifts, Bobtheninjagoldfish! Welcome to teeyeezey, kobolddreamer, NymBomer, mvxiaypylftmarfq23054, and Youn8_! (Today's storm count: 26)
Thanks for the gifts, Twitch! Welcome to saritheran, 420_blazing1, and GzavierGaming! (Today's storm count: 29)
Didero: Once again you're too good at gaming
haaaaaaaai Ben
Bobtheninjagoldfish: To hopefillu fund Ben;s sabaac addiciton
teeyeezey: @Bobtheninjagoldfish Thanks for the gift sub!
TXC2: hello Anubis169
hihi TXC2
Jillexie: The slicing kit is the Slicer quests back on Toshara
teeyeezey: Im a sub, im important!!
prince_infidel: Is slicing kit plot based?
JKBalch: Whoops
Bassios: Oops
TXC2: gotta extort that money out of Twitch
NightValien28: wow
TehAmelie: no witnesses!
Didero: weird reflexes
Invitare: er... did anyone see the guy that did that?
Desruprot: uh
malsareus: well that was uncalled for
BusTed: 😬
Good start
Lazarus2511: XD
Ritaspirithntr: ooops!!
xantos69: ok, so that was just assault for no reason.
TXC2: "you all saw, he had a gun"
TheAinMAP: Quite the interaction.
Desruprot: oh no, anways
Izandai: If it makes you feel better, Matt did that too.
malsareus: leave 5 credits and an apology note
Bassios: Just walk away whistling nonchalantly
were you able to get what you wanted across?
Desruprot: Petards
TXC2: Picards
red_shoes_jeff: Guess it's time to go out for a Dart.
Invitare: I wish we knew who Farrik was, and why he's so famous for being dank
they had it coming
baskwalla: “To finish this quest please find and speak to Jerry… Jerry’s in the hospital?”
Desruprot: ouch
Kentosaurus: savage
TXC2: how long before ND calls us a meatbag ?
SymphonySolstice: didn't have to kill her like that but go off king
SymphonySolstice: omg
TehAmelie: looks like they kept a chair for us
Diabore: its a hoty
Anubis169: owlkittyclops
TXC2: Owlclops
Lazarus2511: cuuute!
anclag: HootieCat!
JKBalch: It's an sabaac anti-cheat measure
Desruprot: oh
RocknGrohlNerd: Hootiecat is rad
Invitare: ooh THIS table
Best Sabaac in the galaxy
RocknGrohlNerd: *player
OmnipotentTrevor: As long as this isn't like FF8's card game, where the specific rules for one place can spread everywhere and make the game unplayable
NightValien28: OmnipotentTrevor I forgot about that and on disc three everywhere was random, it ruined my playthrough
Jillexie: You are still impacted by a rules change
Invitare: specifically targeting you I believe
Say, say ?
Invitare: incidentally, this is the hardest table I've played so far
Barb4rian: Buddy isn't the most subtle
red_shoes_jeff: DEWIT.
NelJanDik: I guess cuteness beats subtle
Barb4rian: @Lazarus2511 Right?
Invitare: you can draw his discarded cards
Invitare: well you could have
the old " you in particular" gambit
Lazarus2511: skrrrt
Invitare: yeah you're immune remember
whole table is fucking this guy in perticular
Invitare: but she is absolutely the worst
Invitare: you were lucky you used it
@TXC2 Look, when you make that play you know everyone is going to hate...
Diabore: shes out
TXC2: TheMerricat indeed
Didero: So when are you playing Sabacc on AFK?
Desruprot: This is a Sabacc stream not an Outlaws stream
Nigouki: whenever Ian builds the dealer bot
kumatsu: oh I know where to get one, I just need to get it to you
Diabore: ian or beej
BusTed: That would be great
shendaras: Would you draft the tokens or something?
Bruceski: I appreciate that people cap at their starting 7, instead of some gambling games where one opponent will get a bunch of chips off the other NPCs and then you need to chew through a massive amount of funds before you actually win.
Veste: sabeej
Invitare: on the Subreddit, someone posted a homemade Sabaac table. They're in Vancouver
xantos69: I just ordered a Sabacc Deck and all the shift tokens on Etsy for an RPG campaign I have coming up. Do you want a link Ben?
Desruprot: we are all in I guess
SeaDiegoFC: Pretty sure I have a Sabacc deck that I got at star wars land a few years ago
Diabore: last hand
Nigouki: i do love that the camera framing leaves room for Nix on our shoulder
Diabore: winner winner
BusTed: gaming
Veste: and only a lil cheating
Nigouki: wait we wrecked them in two rounds? D:
Desruprot: nice
CanPlayGames: Check under your chair for the token
brieandbacon: It said you won the deck if you won the table
Lazarus2511: noice!
JKBalch: Wait, I thought Ante was banned
Invitare: yeah that table took me several tries to beat. Very impressive
xantos69: Run it back?
pn55: Got some rep too!
Didero: It's almost as if Ben plays a lot of card games
Desruprot: @Invitare Most Impressive
red_shoes_jeff: Pure Paz-AHEM, I mean, Sabacc.
xantos69: Exhaustion seems busted in half.
TehAmelie: Kay, the quickest gun on the sabacc scene
Critterbot: Impostor.
0x6772: So don't discard the five the player on your left lacks.
Invitare: it'd be quite funny if the cyclops owl was cheating for one of the other players
TheMerricat: So chat, do we know if this is a 'fixed' deck or can there be any number of a specific card because it's RNG and not actually tracking a deck?
Desruprot: It is double Ben day, he is in the TTC
TXC2: the only bad thing about PiF on mondays is I have to wait 'til tomorrow to watch TTC
itira subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
Thanks for subscribing, itira! (Today's storm count: 30)
BusTed: womp
itira: nuuuu
Jillexie: Gambling!
Nigouki: F
gsyhiap: Oofa
TheMerricat: Amd tjat
Didero: Can't win 'em all, only most of 'em
markaci: Can't win them all, off
josh___something: Dang D;
Bassios: Oof
xantos69: Ok... well... we can win that back.
And that's why they all ganged up on him last game.
Critterbot: Dinger...
Jillexie: I once had the Exhaustion token played on me and ended up drawing the two Sylops.
0x6772: Pave the save!
circusofkirkus: gotta win it back
Nigouki: I wonder if the game adjusts difficulty so that first you earn the chips but then ramps up
TXC2: Do over!
So... try again?
brieandbacon: It's okay, we can win it all back, right?
JKBalch: Last roll
Didero: "Let's just win our money back", said the gambler
xantos69: I'm 100% here for an all Sabacc stream.
anclag: That strategy has never gone wrong in gambling, ever.
brieandbacon: So I know that we can cheat, but can our opponents?
exhaustion whoever takes the one
bv310 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months, currently on a 116 month streak!
bv310: 116!
Thanks for subscribing, bv310! (Today's storm count: 31)
BusTed: cyclopsowl just chillin'
Wolfstrike_NL: Would have been funny , for this table, cathootie could spot you cheating
Jillexie: It does, but it still plays to prioritizing a Sabacc
Volus_dude: what is that owl cat creature that has one eye?
BusTed: @Volus_dude just a li'l guy
mibukotaro: How are the other people at the table missing this
TXC2: they;re just chillin
Didero: @mibukotaro Nix is just THAT good
mibukotaro: He is so obvious... are they blind
TehAmelie: would they program a game they couldn't program the computer to play competently? i mean, yeah
Bruceski: I assume they can see Nix but don't know he can communicate cards
Jillexie: Nope
BusTed: eeyyy
everyone got imposter
markaci: \o/
xantos69: This man is a gamer.
Why not 1-UP with this sebacc between his own "Is This Your Card?" segments maybe?
Jillexie: Draw a 2 and win
Jillexie: Win
0x6772: … but maybe one more, for money?
circusofkirkus: quitting on a hot streak?
BusTed: we out
loufghyslaufey: Impostor? Do they mean "joker" in Star Wars?
brieandbacon: I mean, now we've got our money back, we could just win more?
TXC2: we have mentioned it to him
TehAmelie: for april 1, you and Adam could teach each other Sabacc and Spheda respectively
Juliamon: (Gwent, not Spheda)
Juliamon: wait nm
Juliamon: ignore me
Juliamon: I sleepy
Jillexie: I like the Embezzlement token
Juliamon: don't change topics on me like that
TXC2: TehAmelie give it to me!
loufghyslaufey: In return, share a bit of Spheda with the group maybe?
loufghyslaufey: Ah, sabacc pays to win.
Didero: Graceful
loufghyslaufey: Does it?
Didero: "Saving the world can wait, playing card games can't!"
TheDevil_Risen: Talking about Boosties, my Festival in a Box should finally be here today!
TXC2: buy a boster pack, eat the black lotus out of it
TheDevil_Risen: oooo nice new Kill Team
A_Dub888: Hi friends, how’s the axolotl game?
im waiting with baited breath for more AF40K
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 we just won a couple of games
RocknGrohlNerd: It is good @a_dub888
Lobo_Apache: Yeah, I got the new box on pre-order. It's gonna be the same day as our group's tournament
TXC2: are Kill team rules like 10th edition rules, or still closer to 9th ?
unfortunately I can't convince my commander POD to indulge me in warhammer, but I am getting them to do a draft with me
Didero: That is not a good business person
jacqui_lantern234: WELL WELL WELL!!!!! if it aint the most handsome ben at LRR!!!!!
Bassios: They got rid of measurements being utterly unrelated shapes, which was what put me right off Kill Team
Invitare: yeah it's there
Invitare: in the middle
Invitare: the shift token, I mean
Jillexie: Ashiga
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
jacqui_lantern234: also hi chat
jacqui_lantern234: yall are loved
Didero: Now we only need to win some more Sabacc games to be able to afford it. Or sell junk, I guess
Desruprot: its a Superior Waist
A_Dub888: @jacqui_lantern234 you’re handsome
@A_Dub888 then clearly you havent seen me appear on CDHC. if you had, youd know im definitely not
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Bassios The shapes were a good idea in theory, because between colour, shape & number, it should've given everyone a system they could process easily. Some idiot just chose the wrong shapes.
jacqui_lantern234: cant compain, not too bad
TehAmelie: our jacket seems to vacuum up snow
Mangledpixel: boop
LordZarano: Pentagon was 6
shendaras: Pentagon was 6 wasn't it?
TXC2: hello Mangledpixel welcome
shendaras: Like the number of sides of the shape not having anything to do with the length is weird.
oops I started an entire sub conversation sorry for distracting from the game BenBen
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Izandai Like I said, they were an idiot.
Izandai: Clearly.
Zu_o: @TehAmelie Aside from drying time, if it was properly insulative and could capture the snow like that, the snow would probably help with insulative properties. Conceptiually I kind of like the idea
Didero: I think it was the shopkeeper, yeah
TehAmelie: yeah
raulghoulia: Ben Plays It Forward Star Wars Outlaws. Or as I call it Pirate Radio: Is This Your Card Sabacc edition
TehAmelie: it would only be fully effective during snowfall though. maybe a niche item. except on this planet
LordZarano: It was (x-1)(x-2)/2 to convert from number of sides to inches iirc
Bassios: @ScrapyardGhostTrain Yeah if the shapes had been easier to match to the numbers, it'd have been fine. But the way it was didn't work in my dyscalculic brain
accountmadeforants: Ah, this is the planet of the Destiny Players.
measureofhope: They bugs
Invitare: they're insects
CanPlayGames: Do you not have a Carapace?
Invitare: those green plates are their faces
Invitare: they are blind
Didero: Wookieepedia calls them 'insectile'
TehAmelie: makes you wonder why they are completely humanoid in profile. seems like a waste of neck to have a head up there
Mangledpixel: designer fumes
TXC2: TehAmelie eyes up top gives better vantage point, one of the only advantages of being bipedal other then hands
prince_infidel: Have you failed a wordle hack?
0x6772: I wonder how long they play-tested the numbers of symbols/guesses/tries to get that "just make" nearly every time.
TehAmelie: but the bug people don't have eyes, i think i heard
red_shoes_jeff: I like ND-5
Invitare: yeah, though being blind doesn't stop the guards from seeing you
Didero: No eyes, no mouth. They sense with tiny hairs. Not sure how they talk then though
Izandai: @0x6772 I think you can just math that sort of thing out.
ShaneLeeAtk: How has today's gamba been doing?
TehAmelie Didero well I'm out of ideas then
Didero: The species is called 'Melitto'
TXC2: ShaneLeeAtk lost one, but won twice!
ShaneLeeAtk: Nice!
Izandai: @TXC2 Bipedalism also allows for more efficient gaits, since how fast your legs are moving can be totally disconnected from how fast your lungs are moving.
Didero: "The Melitto language consisted of humming sounds produced by their facial plates. To communicate with other species, they wore vocoders that translated their hums into an understandable voice."
Nigouki: did Beej start his air quality experiments yet?
ShaneLeeAtk: That what you get for being a little hottie
TehAmelie: if only we could skip like kangaroos. wasting virtually no motion on counterbalancing
Nigouki: haha
TXC2: Izandai really, I was under the impression that bipedalism was less efficient for movement
TheDevil_Risen: it was on Tinker Tailor
Bassios: Don't even worry about it
ScrapyardGhostTrain: He was setting up a CO2 sensor on TTSF.
Juliamon: The context is, he built a co2 tester
Nigouki: on TTSF he built a DIY air quality sensor
shendaras: You didn't sign the consent form?
TheDevil_Risen: he has an air quality monitor he got
TheDevil_Risen: for the moonbase
Mangledpixel: don't worry. In fact, forget we said anything, it might contaminate the data.
Izandai: @TXC2 Well, one of us is wrong, and it definitely could be me.
TheMerricat: Beej had gotten a air quality monitor and was setting it up for TTSF. He's worried that some of the studios might have a CO2 problem with the door being closed and streaming for hours on end.
Izandai now now, we could BOTH be wrong
Fair point.
PMAvers: Round the outside, round the outside
Invitare: humans are the fastest land species over long distance in the world. Bipedal has some advantages
vinewood_og: Phrasing?
yeah, Road Quest was secretly a social experiment done by Beej
Didero: oh no, I was supposed to have my targetting computer turned on all this time? D:
SymphonySolstice: @txc2 humans in particular are less efficient because our knees are backwards from what would be peak efficiency iirc
Bassios: aww, but I put my peelings in the bin!
TheDevil_Risen: The GreeJ stinger at the end of the LLRive was perfect
They came from... BEHIND-
TheMerricat: Humans are the best marathon runners in the animal kingdom. We are so good they even named Marathons after a city we built.
TheDevil_Risen: it got me so hard
Izandai: @Invitare IIRC that depends on the temperature, and also specialized dog breeds still beat us out.
Jillexie: No
SymphonySolstice Knees are the weak point, sounds right to me
raulghoulia: You had to blast some Storm Troopers to get Bosnokk
KidAmn: naptime
Invitare: @Izandai yeah but if you have to create a species to beat you in a race, and it still only work in freezing climates, I'm not sure that counts
Didero: "Kay: [Breathes]" I don't think you have to be quite that detailed, subtitles
@raulghoulia so anyway, i started blastin
Izandai: @SymphonySolstice Technically it's not that our knees are backwards, it's that our feet are too short.
Nigouki: Just walk in like you belong, you're the relic inspector
Izandai: @Invitare Yeah, we definitely get some points for having to genetically engineer a species that was better at running than us.
Nigouki: COOL GAME
Cptasparagus: nyx went to fetch
ShaneLeeAtk: No notes
Didero: Yeah, the Nix command switched to 'Fetch' just before you pressed the button
raulghoulia: she shook her hand like it hurt from punching them but Not the Storm Trooper armor
Bassios: It's a good thing guards don't seem to get suspicious of bodies on the floor
dumbo3k: @Bassios Oh, they do, but they usually go investigate it
tdapenguin: @Bassios look, sometimes people wanna nap in inconvienet places, it's chill
SymphonySolstice: hackerman
A_Dub888: @bassios they’re goons, they probably see bodies on the floor everyday
Izandai: I enjoy the two different hacking minigames in this.
ScrapyardGhostTrain: "Huh? What was that noise?"
SymphonySolstice: "huh, nothing here"
Izandai: Oh, sorry, *slicing* minigames.
red_shoes_jeff: "Must've been the wind..."
Didero: Dude sounded angry
SymphonySolstice: dude is like I SWEAR
Cptasparagus: okay now give it to me with more of a mid-atlantic accent
kumatsu: Japanese MGS3 guard VA had some REAL fun
SymphonySolstice: she was here
TXC2: we call that ADR: Additional dialogue recording
Didero: Dead? You only knocked them out, no?
Bassios: I stand corrected. Damn these orthopedic shoes!
0x6772: There goes your perfect assassin rating for this mission… oh wait
SymphonySolstice: rip
Jillexie: Borning conversation anyways
Jillexie: Dead eye time
A_Dub888: why do the vents have open/close buttons?
OH!!! i have fun news, chat!!! i got all the stuff i need for wax sealing!!! now i can send fancy as heck letters
schordash: loool it’d be really funny to be working with a team on a
dumbo3k: @jacqui_lantern234 Wooot!
TehAmelie: fancy AND secure!
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 lets go!
A_Dub888: @jacqui_lantern234 but you’re already fancy
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
schordash: @schordash job like this and hear ya say “ahh sorry, guess we’re going~” when blowing our cover xD
raulghoulia: It's close to a shift change and they Really want to go home
Vars437: enjoying the AAAA game that definitely was made by an indie team Ben?
take a guess at what my stamp is a mold of. ill give yall 1 collective guess
TehAmelie: well, if someone does read people's mail wax seals at least present a novel problem
Didero: So in real life, when you knock somebody out like that, they should come to in like, a minute or two, tops, right?
dumbo3k: @jacqui_lantern234 I mean ,given the game we are watching, I really hope it's a Nix stamp
A_Dub888: Ben “Stealthy lil Ninja” Ulmer
@dumbo3k .......no. a jack-o-lantern. like my username
TehAmelie: ooh
Izandai: @jacqui_lantern234 OH
dumbo3k: @jacqui_lantern234 That makes a lot more sense
Ferisar: starlaw outwars
LordZarano: I was gonna guess a lantern with a heart on it
jacqui_lantern234: @Izandai wait, izandai, did you JUST NOW realize?!?!?!
Invitare: Forced combat encounter
Izandai: @jacqui_lantern234 Yes.
jacqui_lantern234: HOW
jacqui_lantern234: LITERALLY HOW
Didero: @Izandai Me too, but in hindsight, it makes a lot of sense
LordZarano: I also never made that connection
Ferisar: you’ll never catch her
h3rsh3yb4r: none health with left beef
red_shoes_jeff: "I'm being STEALTHY! HELLO!!!"
wow chat, I'm disappointed in you for not getting jacqui's question (he said, thinking it was a Shrek)
Izandai: That last guy's name was actually David.
Charlymandias subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Charlymandias: Nice
Thanks for subscribing, Charlymandias! (Today's storm count: 32)
Didero: 'Percussive Canon' sounds fun
Ferisar: I spent my whole life getting closer and closer to exploding barrels to build up an immunity
@jacqui_lantern234 That's ok, I'm also disappointed in me
jacqui_lantern234: ive DEFINITELY talked about it at length before
Izandai: Look, I still call you Heki, I think that gives me an excuse.
raulghoulia: @jacqui_lantern234 then we are living up to our reputation
Nigouki: soup tub?
Ferisar: the undertub
TehAmelie: the game keeps making you regret rolling rogue instead of warrior, seems worrying
Izandai: That's not actually why I didn't get it, but it's an excuse.
A_Dub888: @jacqui_lantern234 do you still love us aggressively?
Kentosaurus: A hot tub cover for when you're not in it?
Nigouki: we need to rob our friendly gangs from frequently
jacqui_lantern234: @Izandai ok, fair. izandai has a valid excuse. that typo is something i still think about
Izandai: hehehe
kumatsu: but I have Plot Power
dumbo3k: @jacqui_lantern234 my excuse is that I don'
kumatsu: the Gazpacho Cold Soak
raulghoulia: Bro(a)th
Invitare: on this planet the soup would probably contain larvae and eels
dumbo3k: is that I don't often sound out chat usernames
h3rsh3yb4r: oh no that's the chunkiest soup
SymphonySolstice: I feel like the salt would dry you out
A_Dub888: Ben, you’re delicious soup
TehAmelie: really how dull would the game become if all you could do was frontal assaults with big weapons
Cptasparagus: tomato, then you're skunk proof
Invitare: this vent
TXC2: Tomato
SymphonySolstice: tomato? milk is good for the skin
Vars437: Definitely not Clam Chowder
h3rsh3yb4r: Lobster Bisque
LordZarano: Mixed veg
jacqui_lantern234: Chicken Noodle
Didero: Open* World
h3rsh3yb4r: AAAA
Angnor33: Corn Chowder.
SymphonySolstice: game why
saucemaster5000: I'd be the bacon in some split pea anytime
TehAmelie: this is no time for sabacc, she said, weeping
jacqui_lantern234: @gsyhiap wait shit, 5d chess over here
Didero: At least you have a fast-travel point to get back here later?
Juliamon: I think a butternut squash soup would be nice
red_shoes_jeff: French Onion?
TheDevil_Risen: seems fishy
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon YOURE NICE
TheMerricat: Look Ben, the Queen is waiting, she doesn't have time fo you to go play Sabacc again.
jacqui_lantern234: @red_shoes_jeff just a soup with onions and a bunch of french people
dumbo3k: The game knows if it let you go play another game of Sabaac, that you'd just end up betting this priceless relic
TehAmelie: tastes like. . .freedom
h3rsh3yb4r: first time seeing this game, when do we get our lightsaber?
Didero: Does this stream do breaks?
Ferisar: she’s a known talker
Cptasparagus: send Nyx in, they're believable
0x6772: Kay the Wordsmith steps right up!
raulghoulia: I'll give this to Kay, she's still alive
TXC2: known rizzler Kay Vesss
Ferisar: rizzing up the queen
TehAmelie: Kay "Silver Tongue" Vess
dumbo3k: Bombs are a form of lockpicks
Invitare: [snaps in Mellito]
Nigouki: imaging coming in to work and have to answer to mommy still
Ferisar: when the crimson is dawning
Mangledpixel: can't please everyone
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: it's all percussive engineering innit, like hammers
TehAmelie: the trick is blowing up the doors without breaking the loot
Ferisar: But you’re skibidi or whatever
raulghoulia: racking up them valuable Ubisoft credits
prince_infidel: The Pykes hate for some reason
Didero: Now we can at least go back to that side path
Ferisar: it’s a stream that’s half full ben
Volus_dude: cd is like baskin robbins, they always find out
TXC2: Balatro levels of time sink
Didero: Probably also good for your and our eyes to take a break
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Didero: Gonna go swap some fluids
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 ......i just booted up balatro
A_Dub888: Quickie lil breakie
jacqui_lantern234 spooky
TXC2: and we're back
TXC2: a whole half left to go
Ferisar: brother
kumatsu: Work Ferisar is a sight to see
saucemaster5000: how many cans of corn chowder do I need to fill a bathtub asking for a friend
vinewood_og: 27
Ferisar: HUGE tub
TehAmelie: bathtubs fit so much more than you expect
itira: if you cant fully immerse yourself into the water in a tub. theres no point
TehAmelie: source: a story i heard of someone who won $10,000 in a lottery, had a big party and accidentally spent it all in an attempt to bathe in champagne
iris_of_ether: Take rough measurements of bathtub, calculate in square feet (or meters), convert to liquid volume, buy that many fluid oz or L of corn. You are welcome
saucemaster5000: depends on how chunky the chowder is
Volus_dude: it is easier to fill a tub when the plug is used
jacqui_lantern234: ozmosis 100%
iris_of_ether: Why yes I am an engineer
brieandbacon: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This unknown soul was killed by a terrible beast.
PMAvers: Become infused with the chowder
kumatsu: Writing down Semipermeable Chowder
Mangledpixel: crouton loofah
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Standard bathtub is 190 l, so... a lot.
GasCityGaming: a crouffa
jacqui_lantern234: @Mangledpixel a croofa, if you will
iris_of_ether: Entertainingly it's not even out of the question to get an interview question like 'how much corn go in tub' at certain engineering firms lol
Mangledpixel: jacqui_lantern234 I just might, you know
Volus_dude: that is called a baguette @Mangledpixel
Izandai: Wow.
jacqui_lantern234: BAHAHAHA
TehAmelie: a broth bath, that sounds great for a night like this
A_Dub888: We Sasso Creed now... he typed as Ben jumped off the roof
brieandbacon: We got a view
PMAvers: Vista unlocked
Ferisar: and what we have here is a nice vista
RocknGrohlNerd: I would take a broth bath, I love broth
Didero: It said 'Collectible'
Didero: So many menus...
Invitare: you trade them with merchants for thing
Ferisar: LOL
Ferisar: based
Gizmoloid: god how many menus do you need?
0x6772: Gee, thanks, Nix.
Wolfstrike_NL: SHHAPE
Izandai: Worth it.
jacqui_lantern234: S H A P E
Didero: How did Nix know they'd like the shape if it was buried under the snow?
A_Dub888: good space axolotl
Juliamon: he just thinks it's neat!
TheDevil_Risen: lol
Mangledpixel: Nix found a cool thing! Be proud of them!
ballesta25: Your dog thinks it's cool, is that not enough for you?
TheDevil_Risen: for the asthetic
A_Dub888: @Juliamon You're neat
DandyGeek: a perfect treasure, well found Nix
raulghoulia: This Enrichment for your partner. don't make fun
RocknGrohlNerd: Nix is not wrong
TXC2: weeeee!
A_Dub888: @DandyGeek You're perfect
Ferisar: find a thing, triumphant music plays, camera zooms out “wait, what the hell is this for”
Didero: And there was still a question mark section in the Collectibles menu too
Didero: hallo
Ferisar: LMAO
BusTed: This could be a Ben voice
itira: Hello.
Ferisar: hello.
Kentosaurus: hello
TXC2: Hello, how are you doing
Kentosaurus: much as m'sef
Juliamon: *this* is a Glup Shitto voice
northos: I really hope that's it
NightValien28: UBI JANK
Wait, he said 'I have spoken'!
Bonus robutt!
circusofkirkus: so many robits
Jillexie: Ughnaut
Mangledpixel: Ugnaut
DrLigmaPhD: He's in the room with you righht now
kumatsu: AAA gamiiiiiiing
NightValien28: kumatsu no no AAAA gaming
TXC2: Flawless masterpeice
malsareus: we can use this technology to clone ND-5
Critterbot: You're crude.
it's the same picture, Kay
red_shoes_jeff: Grenade launcher!
red_shoes_jeff: Oh...
Bassios: Slenade gruncher!
GasCityGaming: looks like the duck hunt blaster
TheMerricat: I still find it funny that the whole AAA thing was based on movie studios aping the gradings for stocks but then everyone forgot about it so we just keep adding letters to the end to turn the dial to 11
red_shoes_jeff: Looks like a Nerf gun.
Izandai: "Getting a lot of Hoth vibes from this..."
TXC2: slowly building the NERF hand gun
PMAvers: "Okay, lets try this." *gun explodes in your hand* GAME OVER
Kentosaurus: Why does the droid keep negging us?
anclag: looks like an NES zapper
Ferisar: if you truly want dank
@Kentosaurus Because he immediately recognised that Kay Vess is an idiot
He KEEPS teleporting around this ship
brieandbacon: ND-5 looks a bit like Bob from Beetlejuice, with the small head and the large lapels
0x6772: booooooo
Didero: See? Vess isn't exactly the sharpest blaster in the armory
Izandai: Kay, you're not following the instructions of the job.
TXC2: but we're a crew Kay!
You are a crew, not a Family.
anclag: There are actually ten ND5’s on the ship, they’re just doing that multiplicity thing where they all pretend there’s just one…
Didero: Same for the Jedi games, Cal Kestis isn't a very interesting person either
Ferisar: Family……
TXC2: fambily
DandyGeek: yeah the protag feels like a bit of a cipher
Jillexie: Hyperspace to Toshara
This was supposed to be an Open World, SINGULAR, I was lied to!
measureofhope: She's a small-time crook trying to act big-time. Got a lot to prove and not a lot of experience.
brieandbacon: *Wookie-yodel*
malsareus: calmly ignoring the distress signal
Mishapp53 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Mishapp53! (Today's storm count: 33)
A_Dub888: @brieandbacon The hell'd you just call me?
Jillexie: The Jet Korto vault
brieandbacon: @A_Dub888 You heard me
Ubisoft much?
Mangledpixel: a treasure map mechanic
malsareus: Ubisoft Ubisof'ed al over this game
Jillexie: Zoom out on the map
kumatsu: welcome to a Circus of Valuuuuuuue
TheMerricat: Star Wars Outlaws: "Look at me! Could I BE any more Ubisoft?"
TXC2: we need to go to fantasy Costco
A_Dub888: Nix, you sure you want your tail so close to the jet?
TheMerricat: So 0
Didero: But we can go back to pissing of the Pykes once we get their Sabbac cards, right?
kumatsu: -2
Ferisar: now you can ubisoft touch them
CanPlayGames: UBIXP!?
malsareus: rejoice, Ben has leveled his Ubisoft class
gsyhiap: NAN
TehAmelie: i think it was called something else back when i played Child of Light
malsareus: So Ben, what Ubisoft feat are you taking next?
Didero: phew
TXC2: "you earned Ubisoft connect points!" "Wow!...this is worthless!"
0x6772: But yeah, let's just leave Bichael here for people to see.
Bassios subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
Bassios: Awyis time to use my bezosbucks to fund my LRR habit
Thanks for subscribing, Bassios! (Today's storm count: 34)
ballesta25: No need to hide the speeder, though
RocknGrohlNerd: Chat dang it, stop being so funny🤣. I'm paying less and less attention to the actual game
kumatsu: Extreme Ragdolling
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
TXC2: android used a contraction
TheDevil_Risen: what about access to the secret cow sub ocean?
It's a good simulation of how bad Kay is at everything she does
Ferisar: pewpewpewpew
Jillexie: YOu can later do more than 3
RocknGrohlNerd: @thedevil_risen shh, dont tell them about the secret you know what *wink wink*
A_Dub888: We making chowder?
Bassios: A gnome smuggler?! We're smuggling GNOMES now?!
Ferisar: Y e s
malsareus: time for clam chowder
Didero: "Hard to be worse at this than you"
Nigouki: why are we so tsun tsun for the droid?
MurphEP subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
Thanks for subscribing, MurphEP! (Today's storm count: 35)
Kentosaurus: those speeders look cooler than ours
red_shoes_jeff: I like ND-5. Can we play ND-5 from now on?
TheAinMAP: See, Kay? That's what competency looks like.
malsareus: how does that stay on?
Didero: That looks dangerous to just have flapping about
TXC2: time to turn this into Pacific drive
LathosTiran: the force protects
brieandbacon: gdi Bichael
Didero: Or Nix pressed the accelerator
CanPlayGames: Bikel is Nix' mom now
RocknGrohlNerd: @didero It looks yes, but is it? If you think about it?
shtevie3: Are they telling us that the Pyke Syndicate is BAD??
Nix IS the better half of this pair
vinewood_og: It was all a setup
Didero: @RocknGrohlNerd I try not to think
teeyeezey: nix tired of carrying ur ass and you sending him into danger
LostThePirate: Horizon grass
TXC2: Nix is 99% of the power of this couple
gsyhiap: Smooth
Didero: Where's a strong capable robot when you need one
TXC2: Didero we're an independent woman, we don't need no strong, sexy robot
brieandbacon: Stupid sexy robot
malsareus: we'll just get killed GTA style
gsyhiap: Oopsie!
@TXC2 Just a strong nimble capable axolotl
TXC2: Didero exactly
RocknGrohlNerd: Everybody up, we didnt mean to kill/shoot ya
Didero: Wait, why does the bullet selection thingy have 'Y' twice? How does that work?
northos: that menu seems awful wtf
Didero: That's a bit confusing
gsyhiap: Y tho
malsareus: but Y
Nigouki: Why Ubisoft? Why?
TXC2: "controller optimised"
Mangledpixel: one of the prompts has a little arc underneath which means 'hold'. That's not great UI, tbh.
Critterbot: Yeah that's a bit unintuitive.
A_Dub888: Nixision
Boo both of you @nigouki @malsareus
Didero: Thanks for explaining!
thegreatwyrdling: Wow I can't believe it's less than 40 days to Desert Bus.
Mangledpixel: though to be fair there isn't a universal iconography for 'hold', other than just using the word
Mangledpixel: so good on them for trying something
TXC2: only dreams now
Every crafter, performer, and volunteer can believe it's 40 days to DB
thegreatwyrdling: What is tie?
malsareus: Vess' facepunch look kinda slappy
Mangledpixel: I've done button prompt design before, and it's... complicated
iris_of_ether: (There were *deadlines* lol)
TheAinMAP: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Fri 8 Nov 03:00 PM PST (39d, 3:52 from now)
Didero: But why not just put the orange bullet type in the Y-press rotation, instead of adding a hold? Just 'press Y'-> Blue, 'press Y' -> Yellow, 'press Y' -> Red
A_Dub888: Donky Bonky
Ferisar: classic
you just wait for them to bonk you over the head and then you get a headache
PMAvers: Gotta slot some anti-barrier mods to deal with these champs
"don;t let her use that" is a thing you say about the baby or the cat
Jillexie: Alarm going off like that means enemies will keep coming
Correction, there WERE a lot of them
dacbruh: what's a little murder between outlaws
PMAvers: All these pykes out for blood, what is this, bot lane?
QuixoticScrivener: I'm just surprised Ben isn't forcing a melee build.
TheMerricat: Is the arrow on the subtitle pointing to where the alarm shutoff is or just where the sound is coming from?
Didero: Sweet A-Wing
Jillexie: JUst go and steal the clam and run out I guess
Wolfstrike_NL: At least they are stormtrooper aiming
Didero: Low health making everything desaturated is always disorienting
dm818: Things seem to have gotten spicy since I walked away
Everybody here learnrd shooting from stormtroopers
Jillexie: Power Module is not the best weapon for combat.
malsareus: so, how does this fit into our Pykes charm offensive?
Desruprot: classic send an army after a PC
Carlioo: oh this looks like the area from when they showed off the game for the first time
Jillexie: Sniper
Nigouki: So is reputation proportional to the sheer amount of murder?
malsareus with fewer pykes, the charming that we have done doesn't diluted so much
Carlioo: interesting that they change tactics when you switch weapons
brieandbacon: Is it an open window?
Jillexie: Remember you are a team
TheDevil_Risen: NyxMainCharacter
Carlioo: but there's a cutscene!
saucemaster5000: video games!
gsyhiap: Strict no battle clam policy
0x6772: "Open" world.
teeyeezey: stealth game stealthed you
TXC2: CQC sniper rifle
dacbruh: well I guess no witnesses
Jillexie: HIde until combat drops
MurphEP: I guess we're gonna have to kill these guys, Nix
Carlioo: see that wasn't so hard
dacbruh: lol whispering
Carlioo: oh there wasn't even a cutscene lmao
brieandbacon: You cannot engage in crime while fighting, sorry
0x6772: The end of this is going to be that somebody just eats that clam, right?
gsyhiap: Wham bam, thank you clam1
xantos69: Stealth: The weapon of someone not interested in doing a genocide
malsareus: no witnesses is kinda like stealth
mirshebs: think there was a chest in there too
MurphEP: That was sick
DandyGeek: Definitely hasn’t impacted your rep with the Pikes, because it was already trash
TXC2: it's still stealth if there's no witnesses to say otherwise
Invitare: "were you seen?" not by anyone still alive
malsareus: "stealth"
prince_infidel: Were you seen? LOL
Carlioo: oh yeah this totally is that first gameplay showcase area
Invitare: random event
dm818: I mean how many times does a star wars infiltration actually work?
malsareus: I think you got likked after
Diabore: wtf was that
Didero: "Hey, you wanna do a thing?" "Yeah!" "WRONG"
DandyGeek: that was legit messed up
Ben got yanked because he 'left the area' for chasing hte sidequest.
mirshebs: thats ubi lol
tagonist_: Anyone else see that the commander RC handed over control of the format to WoTC?
NightValien28: "open world"
Critterbot: What, it just forves it on you? That's not nice.
malsareus: semi open world
Desruprot: its like the first ACs they were "open world" but you opened the world up
gsyhiap: Open world? They've heard of it
brieandbacon: The devs are the worst sort of DM
TXC2: tagonist_ yes, but this is not the stream for that discussion
xantos69: It smells like a rookie Dungeon Master who makes a claim like "It is totally up to you what you do next"... but has nothing written but the main quest line.
Didero: I guess this is the srt of thing that made Ubisoft announce that they're gonna put more work into the game
Garfy400: This game makes some old ubi mistakes that I thought we were past
Diabore: also you didnt even get the whole 10 seconds, it cut at 5
Didero: Give him time, he's recharging
Mangledpixel: that was probably a loading issue
TXC2: and you can ND-5 ?
a new character betraying the protagonist
quatoria: hey so is this - y'know - good?
TheDevil_Risen: its not PC only is it
MurphEP: Hold on
NightValien28: omg
TheDevil_Risen: its cross platform?
Diabore: oh my god
Jillexie: Where is Danka?
Invitare: all Mon Calamari can do this
Omthebox: High Stealth Skill
Vars437: AAA game btw
quatoria: welpppppp
bv310: This game is incredible
teeyeezey: danka stealthed it
TehAmelie: Danka has gone full dank
NightValien28: HAHAHAHAHA
Boopity: Danka more stealthy than you were in that mission
TXC2: !clips
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
mirshebs: i think i saw her standing further in the room lol
gsyhiap: *slow clap*
bv310: Someone rolled a 20 on stealth
anclag: amazing.
NightValien28: they want people to pay over 100 for this
Diabore: this is the first stream im watching after the first, and gonna be honest, this is NOT selling me on the game
JKBalch: yes
teeyeezey: yes
bv310: Also the mouth flaps are wildly far off the actual dialogue
Juliamon: definitely
CataclysmicReverb: No
JKBalch: I bet there re
Mangledpixel: I would imagine so
TheMerricat: You think the Imperials would allow gambling?
Invitare: Imperials don't have rep, they just send death troopers after you
0x6772: I don't have a body!
Invitare: "haha, I'm not real"
schordash: 💀💀💀
NightValien28: no friend, no body, no problem
0x6772: But you're *not here*, Danka!
RocknGrohlNerd: Wait, our illegaly stolen money, you cant bribe with those
Invitare: never even left
Mangledpixel: so, nothing on the sabaac meta?
Jillexie: Yes
TXC2: a vox coder yes
measureofhope: I think that's their face
Didero: They have a vocoder that translates for them, yeah
A_Dub888: Is Danka a vampire?
quatoria: starting to get the vibe that this is a mediocre ubisoft game, but a decent star wars license use
malsareus: Danka is a force ghost
Carlioo: weird that the pykes doesn't like you anymore
Carlioo: wonder what happened
Garfy400: @quatoria That about sums it up yeah. I still liked a fair bit despite the jank
Didero: @quatoria Seems like it could be kind of fun in a year or so, when it's had a bunch of patches, some DLC, and a discount
malsareus: you jumped 2 stories down
A_Dub888: @Carlioo Not sure, can't find a witness
quatoria: oh she's master chief
quatoria: she's got master chief health
Jillexie: Yes he did
Mazrae: I was told there would be gambling, where's the gambling
CataclysmicReverb: They wanted to Wakka back his death
xantos69: Game... Good?
Diabore: game over
TheAinMAP: How?!
Garfy400: Died in a freak blitzball accident
MurphEP: You won't even look at her?!
Mangledpixel: uhhhh
A_Dub888: AAAA quality
tri_nitro_: we're looking out for danka
TheDevil_Risen: perfect
AAA game developer!
couchboyj: I refuse to look at the void were you should be!
Piratical_tendancies: AAA quality
NightValien28: this game need a restart and maybe another three years of development
TXC2: do we need to off and on this game ?
TheDevil_Risen: BROTHER you need to see a tech priest about that Neck issue
RocknGrohlNerd: Big oofa, but funny
teeyeezey: the beta testers only played for 6ish hours?
Boopity: Those are some powerful thigh muscles
Diabore: what happened, has it been like this the full PIF?
TXC2: Danka sure dont miss leg day
quatoria: wow i am delighted by these bugs
quatoria: YOU WIZARD
TXC2: Diabore there has been some cutscene mishaps, but this is new
Carlioo: is it a memory leak issue or something?
Invitare: "you know where to find me" No, you keep disappearing
malsareus: you telling me you don't teleport into the office?
TheDevil_Risen: game gave up, said it doesnt like mondays
quatoria: Crimson "Dawnprotunities," if you will
malsareus: look how about we kick all of the pyke shins before restoring our rep?
Invitare: the table on your ship has brokers on it. I usually just do space missions from there
malsareus: breakin 2, electric boogaloo
Carlioo: it's not like your rep can get worse
Ferisar: undeath squads presumably
malsareus: like 3 zombies with shotguns
Ferisar: yea
prince_infidel: I think you've been to this vault?
Carlioo: "hey we get paid to kill, not to search"
Don't use your real name, Kay
malsareus: new intel: "No"
Mangledpixel: try "swordfish"
ballesta25: Hard to make friends if you don't talk to anyone
TheDevil_Risen: try Password
Ferisar: name, address, ssn
MurphEP: I don't feel like they really tried very hard to become friends with us
malsareus: how about 12345?
Mangledpixel: @malsareus hey, that's the same as the code on my luggage!
Invitare: you need three
malsareus: wrong keycard?
TehAmelie: i also only talk to friends, but everyone's my friend
Diabore: thats so tedious
Critterbot: What's in there better be worth it.
Diabore: X
0x6772: Picture card #2
Didero: Maybe it'll even be another picture card!
TehAmelie: i like how they announce your relationship status in a way that it just reads "Pyke syndicate: terrible"
tyrsredritehand: We just have to have faith? Force? Somenthing.
TehAmelie: yeah they are
Garfy400: I called mine Roach
Orlantia: why do you think they changed the poker meta from Pazaak to Sabaak?
@TehAmelie It's not false
Didero: Stealth!
prince_infidel: You have grenades remember
A_Dub888: "Stealth Ulmer" Stulmer
Mangledpixel: it's an ironic name
Didero: Oh no, they fixed the alarm
SymphonySolstice: oh yeah, this one is....unintuitive
malsareus: so, why are we afraid of some assassins again?
Didero: Pretty rude of them that none of them dropped healing
Didero: Or is that an exit?
tyrsredritehand subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
Thanks for subscribing, tyrsredritehand! (Today's storm count: 36)
measureofhope: Are there any door terminals around that you haven't messed with?
mirshebs: is there a cargo crane to hang from on those roof tracks maybe?
A_Dub888: We were here not that long ago, how'd they get the alarm back up and running?
Nigouki: @A_Dub888 Game reloaded the area :V
tdapenguin: ruffian pants
Desruprot: were back here?
tdapenguin: the names
ghyllnox: Frankly I'm surprised they don't put a hit on Nix, you'd be much less effective/annoying
Desruprot: makes sense to stealth in case of respawn
tdapenguin: why does it still look like dos in the future
Diabore: hacker man
Desruprot: because Star Wars was always "future" with 80s tech
TehAmelie: isn't this is a long, long time ago
Izandai: It is.
tdapenguin: points
Izandai: This is the past.
Mangledpixel: or a zappy thing to shoot
malsareus: maybe a big lever
Diabore: its even far far away
tdapenguin: *those are all excellent points
Mangledpixel: good ol' monster closet
tyrsredritehand: Alien described it as Cassette futurism.
malsareus: maybe Nix has to do it
TheAinMAP: You would.
TehAmelie: i liked that as someone pointed out in the movies every financial transaction we see is done with cash. though the game doesn't like that apparently
Nigouki: what was the Activate prompt as you ran right in front of it?
Jillexie: Nix can help here
Diabore: use ladder
Izandai: Just press the console.
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
Izandai: Next to the box.
SymphonySolstice: I saw matt do this mission, it's on that pillar with the buttons, but it's on the corner
TheAinMAP: You have to look next to the box.
Desruprot: time to defeat another army, how do they keep recruiting these guys?
SymphonySolstice: you can't see it from the front
Nigouki: oof
Izandai: Yeah, Matt had trouble with this too.
Nigouki: not yellow enough
TXC2: good grief
MurphEP: You had one or two things going on at the time
gsyhiap: If in doubt, look under nose
Didero: That seems a level design issue, since there's more easily spotted dummy controls right next to it
Nigouki: ahahaha
A_Dub888: Kay pls
TehAmelie: a box of +20 evasion
Nigouki: gaaaaaaaaame
0x6772: Just getting some pull-up reps in.
ButterBall000: Assassin's Creed engine strikes again?
PMAvers: And then Kay dropped the ladder
tyrsredritehand: But at what cost?
Diabore: ???
Izandai: We take those.
quton: edgebug
Jillexie: YOiu have the one free life
Izandai: Flawless success.
Jillexie: The blaster belt restores your life when it drops to zero.
Jillexie: It has a 5 minute cooldown
Jillexie: (see the heart with a circle around it in the top right
KilrenKrae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 99 months!
Thanks for subscribing, KilrenKrae! (Today's storm count: 37)
just__fitz: Is LRR doing anything for T&R day?
Izandai: Well, you chose the blaster belt. You were just pregaming.
Jillexie: That belt buff has saved me multiple times
ballesta25: Choosing to wear the correct belt is surely a gamer move
Surviving the fight was because you're a gamer
quton: now this is podracing
Nigouki: ahahahaha
Metric_Furlong: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Didero: game says 'no'
gsyhiap: Goodbyyyyyyye
TheDevil_Risen: lol
jacqui_lantern234: WEEEEEE
Nigouki: this is amazing
Desruprot: yeeeeeee (fades off)
TXC2: wow, didn't even show the fall
ButterBall000: Boo Should have let you ride that to the bottom!
baskwalla: Punches, stronger than blaster fire.
Jillexie: Going off map doesnt count as a death IMO
brieandbacon: Please do not enter the open world
malsareus: ah that jump first look later liufestyle
TehAmelie: the fade to black and white made it such a cinematic death scene
A_Dub888: *Flies off cliff* Kay: Yup that's me, you're probably wondering how I got into this situation
BusTed: Next time!
@A_Dub888 "Not really, seems par for the course for you"
Jillexie: This is fun to watch, Ben!
SymphonySolstice: thanks ben
make way for PiF, i guess
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PDT (7m from now).
Jillexie: There are so many horses to can;t draw
jacqui_lantern234: YAY HONSE
TXC2: !patreon
TXC2: !store
Thisbymaster: Now that the commander announcement happened right when your commander video went live, will there be an update?
Didero: ~lasttoot
TheDevil_Risen: bingle the bongle and stalk the PeePee ?
@Thisbymaster tune in next week for more
malsareus: one of these days Bichael is gonna come koolaiding in from ofscreen during the outro
TXC2: thanks for streaming Ben
Wolfstrike_NL: I'm getting a speeder?!?!
thanks for the stream, BenBen
TehAmelie: at least don't jump before you look eh
TXC2: !events
A_Dub888: YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! *drives speeder over Grand Canyon*
malsareus: a whole horse????
Jillexie: So Can Paint Horses Club
Invitare: Can't paint horses
Boopity: Can't draw horses but _can_ paint them!
jacqui_lantern234: not painting with me, with iris_of_ether
jacqui_lantern234: at least i remember its her on, i could be wrong
Wolfstrike_NL: Love the wolf among us streams
Juliamon: oh ooofa
Thisbymaster: oh no they removed Adam's wisdon?
SymphonySolstice: the teeth bite back
all to Adam
thatguysteve2709: Thanks for stream have a wonderful rest of your day
Juliamon: and yeah it's Carrie up next
josh___something: amogus
iris_of_ether: It's me~
malsareus: bonus gambling
Jillexie: I took the Wisdom stat drop hand had them removed a while back
PMAvers: Oh yeah, did you see the latest expansion for Rivals adds in Werewolf factions?
jacqui_lantern234: @iris_of_ether IT U
quton: ohh MB2
Mangledpixel: ooooooh
TXC2: misty boosty
A_Dub888: 8 > 6 confirmed
PMAvers: Yes, because 8 is a bigger number than 6.
TXC2: it's 33% more people
jacqui_lantern234: its 2 more than 6, some might say
Jillexie: Very meta
SymphonySolstice: I'm so glad he's playing that
A_Dub888: You're cute
jacqui_lantern234: YOU LOOK REALLY CUTE
Juliamon: It's "cute"
Juliamon: it is a bonkers game
malsareus: the void has taken you by next week
TXC2: Nice
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
SymphonySolstice: dabits
xantos69: Bye Ben!
TXC2: right under the wire
Didero: Thanks for the fun stream, exactly what I needed!
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
iris_of_ether subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
Thanks for subscribing, iris_of_ether! (Today's storm count: 38)
iris_of_ether: The subs are coming from inside the streaaaaaaaam
Juliamon: love when it doesn't go live, so I refresh and it STILL shows offline but also "Art stream 7 seconds ago"
beowuuf: what a twist!
SymphonySolstice: and now, honse
iris_of_ether: Buckle up
Jeff_Alexander: Yes. Honse.
Juliamon: a Very Special episode with Very Special paint
TheAwkes: What's the buzz, tell me what's a happenin'. (Live Bees Intensifies)
SymphonySolstice: I'm at work with quite literally nothing to do, I am ready
kaivex: Saddle Up For Horse
TehAmelie: Ron Glass voice: "the SPECIAL paint"
beowuuf: i have locks instead, on the doors, so shrek's monstrous cousins cannot hurt me
Juliamon: I have some coffee and a bowl of coconut curry veggies, I am ready for nonsense
Juliamon I refresh twice, once to get stream, then again to make chat work properly
TXC2: Here we GO!
beowuuf: horse!
jacqui_lantern234: HONSEN
TXC2: Hello Cori and Carrie
TehAmelie: hello!
beowuuf: o7
SymphonySolstice: hiiii carrie and cori
Juliamon: Coming to you from the VOID
kaivex: Featuring: a presentation
TXC2: straight to the slideshow
SymphonySolstice: d a r k n e s s
Jeff_Alexander: Hello Darkness my old friend.
Void Carrie Best Carrie
Angnor33: Can we scream into it?
wait, youre drawing where i live?!?!
SymphonySolstice: [takes notes]
Jeff_Alexander: You cannot look at Eigengrau if you are Anish Kapoor.
beowuuf: get your orders for eigengrau in early before octoberfest
jokes on you, Cori, i STILL see colours with my eyes closed!!!
SymphonySolstice: nods nods
TehAmelie: we can paint them red first and then black
beowuuf: can we read stuff about The Doors?
SymphonySolstice: so true
beowuuf: i rate that presentation nine nails out of ten
what soul?! im a ginger!!!
TXC2: clap clap clap
SnackPak_: *claps*
kaivex: Giving up feels on topic, though.
jacqui_lantern234: WOW CORI
beowuuf: we've all succumbed to the call of the void, and everything nightmarish that happens today, happens
Juliamon: Funerals: they do happen
beowuuf: oh no
BusTed: sounds like an expense
SymphonySolstice: yes good
beowuuf: i see a horse head and i want to paint it black
SnackPak_: ooo
BusTed: Purdy
SymphonySolstice: very nice
beowuuf: lol
TXC2: Honse!
BusTed: "Punk's not dead"
TXC2: that is a box worth saving
TXC2: bagavire
SnackPak_: nice The Exploited reference
kaivex: Emergency air supply
SymphonySolstice: yeah same
SymphonySolstice: and bubble wrap
Juliamon: My mom has been hoarding those bags of air shaped as a cylinder for protecting bottles
Juliamon: because what if she needs to mail a bottle??
jacqui_lantern234: OMG CARRIE I JUST REALIZED!!!!! the bubble-fidget-toy you sent me a bit ago is a unicorn, technically horse shaped!!!!!
beowuuf: god has deserted ius
BusTed: oops
TXC2: ooh with the 70's future font 4
kaivex: Ahh, so, the Void also has motivation issues and only acts when it feels a looming deadline.
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