SkylerRingtail: @LRRbot That's horrifying, LRRbot
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: You should always trust things that feel good.
omdorastrix subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
omdorastrix: Subscribing into the void... :P
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, omdorastrix! (Today's storm count: 42)
Mortimew: Squid1 PrideLion Squid4
UnknownFriday subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 94 months!
UnknownFriday: Six months 'til one year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UnknownFriday! (Today's storm count: 43)
Bobtheninjagoldfish: hello LrrChat Friendos.
Mortimew: lrrAWESOME
Fruan: I am here and I am ready for dick jokes.
TheAwkes: Jackbox Naughty Pack: Oops all Wholesome Edition
BigDaddyBland87: LRR's getting naughty? Never!
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: isekai Timbits
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Jackbox Naughty pack: isn;t this just redundant?
Thefluffiestguineapig subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months, currently on a 18 month streak!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh man, subversary during a Jackbox nonsense stream? So happy
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: Jackbox Party Pack) at Mon 05:00 PM PDT (0s from now).
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Thefluffiestguineapig! (Today's storm count: 44)
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN
Manae: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Bobtheninjagoldfish For these people? Where they see "jackbox" on schedule and begin prepping the gutter? NOO
Thefluffiestguineapig: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a dead cat
Thefluffiestguineapig: D:
DiscordianTokkan: orz
Fruan: Do we know who's playing?
Thefluffiestguineapig: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: Jackbox Party Pack) at Mon 05:00 PM PDT (56s ago).
Bobtheninjagoldfish: @Thefluffiestguineapig heh
LordZarano: !next
Thefluffiestguineapig: Damnit! I was late!
Bobtheninjagoldfish: @Fruan ben ran it down at the start of his outlaws stream. I can;t remember though
TheMerricat: Graham is the only name I remember from the list
Thefluffiestguineapig: For the naughty pack the true all star line up would include Beej and Ian
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I'm pretty sure cori was on there.
Fruan: Do we have Jordynne?
TheAinMAP: Yes.
TheMerricat: That's gilding a lilly. Beej and Ian are naughty by default.
goatprince: ian and beej are always upstanding individuals.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheMerricat But for me it just instantly sets the tone for the rest of the line up
Fruan: I was trying not to get my hopes up too high, but it seems like the important bases are covered.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: @TheMerricat Jackbox is naughty by default.
SkylerRingtail: Can't have naughty Jackbox without Serge
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Like jackbox games are defined by TTBS; time to "Butt Stuff"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @goatprince Oh absolutely, they are fabulous humans
TheMerricat: @Bobtheninjagoldfish LRR Jackbox. I've actually seen a few wholesome streamers play it. :D
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah a lot of Jackbox is what you bring to it
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Bobtheninjagoldfish Or TTSQ "time to Serge questions"
ButButTheJesus: hi all
ButButTheJesus: IAN.
ButButTheJesus: Sorry, that was preemptive. I am sure he will deserve it.
Sarah_Serinde: He will definitely deserve it
Sarah_Serinde: Personally I'm happy to have tiltyhPLS at hand
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ButButTheJesus If you get one in now you may keep up with the ones he deserves, otherwise you're always behind
ButButTheJesus: true
laikagoat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
laikagoat: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, laikagoat! (Today's storm count: 45)
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
PharaohBender27: lrrSIG
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
SkylerRingtail: @Sarah_Serinde After what Ian pulled with chat in Monster Seeking Monster...
Riandisa: xivCactuar xivCactuar xivCactuar
Going_Medium: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrSIG
iarethel0ser: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Earthenone: lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
BigDaddyBland87: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
airylan: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jazz remix?
Fruan: Oh, new music. Obvious in hindsight, but I didn't think about that.
undecided44 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, undecided44! (Today's storm count: 46)
hieroglyphica: Hello all!
ShaneLeeAtk: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
CouldntPickAUsername subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months, currently on a 92 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CouldntPickAUsername! (Today's storm count: 47)
Uzumaki15 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Uzumaki15! (Today's storm count: 48)
gibbousm subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
gibbousm: Time to get naughty?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gibbousm! (Today's storm count: 49)
aitsu100 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aitsu100! (Today's storm count: 50)
BrowneePointz: OHOHOHO nawrty
Drasvin: Spicy jackbox night?
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is the most "we didn't want to pay for Pony or Barry Manilow" music
Dog_of_Myth: After today, I'm looking forward to some laughs.
hi_im_emily: good evening y'all, i see we are jacking it
BrowneePointz: sohr nawrty
SkylerRingtail subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months, currently on a 116 month streak!
SkylerRingtail: *notices ur new game* OwO, what's this?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SkylerRingtail! (Today's storm count: 51)
sloth6942 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sloth6942! (Today's storm count: 52)
hieroglyphica: I just received my scooter helmet I've been excited for (safety! ♥️) but the visor assembly is broken and I need to return it :(
hi_im_emily: i have heard... mixed things about this one
Julian_Rogue: my favorite time --:--
Fruan: --:--
Earthenone: time for more LRR after dark! now in broad daylight
Drasvin: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: that stick that you light on fire and then Dale describes it in a gross way
RTwo28: How nawhty will this be
ClodiumSoride: --:-- is Cosmic Arc in ASCII
nyperold: Hmm. Interesting.
airylan: !badadvice
LRRbot: Don't use computers.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @RTwo28 It would take a Hurculean effort to make it more than LRR Jackbox is usually
Thefluffiestguineapig: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: beefy jeefy
paronomasiac042: --:-- is a minimalist ascii space station
TheMerricat: @hi_im_emily It's OK, if the Naughty Pack isnt' Naughty enough, they still have access to all the other Jackbox packs. :D
hi_im_emily: tietuesday and his buddies ran this earlier this month and didn't like it at all, but maybe you could pull some gold out of it
maxthefourth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, maxthefourth! (Today's storm count: 53)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheMerricat Or, OR just let Ian talk for 30 seconds between rounds LUL
Juliamon: It doesn't have enough for a full stream even if it goes well
Juliamon: so very likely there'll be normal packs too
Oreo1369: 11 ads
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Oreo1369 Bro that sucks
Oreo1369: Yep
kusinohki: meows
Nigouki: Saxophone music desperately trying to sound sexy certainly fits the spirit of the pack
BrowneePointz: last day of subtemby
Bruceski: My hunch is it'll be like my opinion of Cards Against Humanity: it's more fun when the game isn't handing it to you.
aitsu100 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Oreo1369! They have given 33 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Oreo1369! (Today's storm count: 54)
Thefluffiestguineapig: I hope you don't live in the US, about 70% of my ads recently have been political
aitsu100: no more ads for today
BrowneePointz: get that cheap sub and help out LRR
nyperold: Basically the inverse of Drawful with family-friendly turned on, Fakin' It with new categories, and a new game.
Oreo1369: Thanks
zerragonoss: Twitch has been getting real aggressive with the adds.
Thefluffiestguineapig: And percentage is rising
Sarah_Serinde: The reason you get a lot of ads at the start is because they run them before they start doing anything on stream. You don't miss any content, and people joining the stream in the next while don't have to see any ads at all
Darleysam subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
Darleysam: happy subtember y'all
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Darleysam! (Today's storm count: 55)
wifi12345678910: @Thefluffiestguineapig I don't even live in a swing state and I'm getting political ads ugh
Oreo1369: Twitch is broken
TheAwkes: I wouldn't call this background music bad, but I would call it music that doesn't seem to know what it's trying to be.
Cptasparagus: @wifi12345678910 north carolina is a hellhole of ads, im so glad I dont have cable
Earthenone: i have been gtting "recomended streams" of the majhor parties canidates, its rough
Thefluffiestguineapig: @wifi12345678910 I do, someone did a calculation about the number of hours of political ads aired in the US in the 6 months before an election and it was eye watering
CastleOtranto subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 134 months!
CastleOtranto: Let's get knotty!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CastleOtranto! (Today's storm count: 56)
Sarah_Serinde: LRR chooses to run multiple minutes of ads right now so that you don't get them in the middle of the stream when things are happening. This isn't Twitch choosing to give you 3 minutes of ads before letting you watch
zapshakur subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
zapshakur: time for some streams to cross!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zapshakur! (Today's storm count: 57)
Earthenone: also no, i cant type today, thanks for asking :P
BrowneePointz: yea behind the scenes if you don’t run x minutes of ads every Y mins they slap pre rolls on you, people hate prerolls, so some folks run big blocks while going ready so you don’t get them mid stream!
RTwo28: I'm glad twitch let's the streamers choose how ads happen
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Earthenone I'm jealous you can ever be articulate in a written form, I struggle with that
Sarah_Serinde: Granted, getting political ads sucks regardless
snikerony subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, snikerony! (Today's storm count: 58)
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig Glad I don't have a TV. Though instead I keep getting texts. >_<
CastleOtranto: Thank you chat for making me realize that setting my VPN to a swing state might be part of my political ad problem
kusinohki: I guess I'm lucky. no ads when watching twitch on tv. no idea why. I didn't do anything to set it up that way...
PharaohBender27: @CastleOtranto Oh nnoooooooooo
BrowneePointz: the tv app is goofy
justoutoffocus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, justoutoffocus! (Today's storm count: 59)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PharaohBender27 Oh, this is in Hulu, I don't have normal TV either
SkylerRingtail: Living in a swing state, the political mailers are atrocious. And incredibly mean-spirited.
Sarah_Serinde: Anyway I always appreciate LRR running ads at set times when they take breaks, because it's so disruptive on other channels when they just start abruptly and you miss stuff
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SkylerRingtail Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Oreo1369: My ads are random as all hell. Like toco, cars, shit rocks, skin care, kind bars, glasses
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Sarah_Serinde ^^^^^^^^Hard agree
Earthenone: my ads arent even in my native language half the time
letfireraindown: wooo
SkylerRingtail: But tonight we're not here for politics, we're here for lewd. Well, I guess polyamory is sorta like communism...
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
Sarah_Serinde: Personally though since I'm in Canada, we have a smaller variety of ads to be shown on Twitch and they get old real fast
Thefluffiestguineapig: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
BrowneePointz: yea I gotta remember to mode my breaks after them. I keep forgetting to launch ads in a way that affords me time to use the restroom
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Banger Alert
baltimore_667083: DinoDance
wifi12345678910: @CastleOtranto They also do it for sports teams located in swing states, even if you aren't in one, but are watching a game featuring one.
RTwo28: It's time!
PharaohBender27: I remember when Twtich thought I wasn't subbed to channels I was subbed to and every 20 minutes played the *same* Amazon Music ad like 6 times in a row.
BrowneePointz: either way, ad integration is stressful and irritating
KyranTheWalker: This should be fun. Don't know how different it'll be from normal considering some of the stuff they've done on jackbox.
TheMerricat: @kusinohki So fun fact, the twitch TV client for a lot of streaming devices seems to have it's own rules for when ads are played. I've watched hours of channels I haven't been subbed to without getting ads from them only to get slammed by them once I swap to my phone.
RTwo28: lrrBartleby
CouldntPickAUsername: oh Chatptain, my Chatptain
BrowneePointz: but at least twitch ain’t crunchyroll
Earthenone: small ad batches can be really funny though i remember getting 11 mario X rabbids ad in a row once
iris_of_ether: benginHey
Dog_of_Myth is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1571 in the channel!
We added 1 Gift Subs to Dog_of_Myth's gift!
hi_im_emily: crotching the streams!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to XedMada!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to shakabra09!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Eri_Shouma!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to js2062!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Seventy111!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Excalibur_1867_!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Twitch! Welcome to XedMada! (Today's storm count: 60)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Dog_of_Myth! Welcome to js2062, Seventy111, Excalibur_1867_, shakabra09, and Eri_Shouma! (Today's storm count: 65)
HungryHungry_Hobo: Jackbox Afterdark?
iDangero subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, iDangero! (Today's storm count: 66)
jae_dorian subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months, currently on a 9 month streak!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ooohhhh I'm so happy with this lneup
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jae_dorian! (Today's storm count: 67)
BigDaddyBland87: Let's get naughty naughty
TheWriterAleph: ALL up in? Kappa
ButButTheJesus: all up in there
SkylerRingtail: Oooh this is a good crew for these shenanigans
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks Dog_of_Myth for the reminder that Twitch is still giving out bonus subs whenever someone gifts 5 or more :D
TheAinMAP: NomNom
TheWanderingNomad: All for the cookie?
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
PharaohBender27: 90-year old jacket? Dang, it looks to be in good shape
Oreo1369: Let's go LRR time!
Kramburger: Ooooh boy, someone's going to say BUMHOLE hehehehehehe
ButButTheJesus: so i can get that nookie?
betweenmyself: I think the true test of skill is to play the Naughty Pack, but provide answers that are 100% wholesome yet related to the prompt
bytecaster: Lets have nice clean PG-13 night
KyranTheWalker: This should be a very fun group for this.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SkylerRingtail Honestly best part is Ian and Jordynne inflicting psychic damage back and forth
NewtyNewts: I did it for Tanooki!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: and me, I’m here too!
undecided44: You can take that cookie and stick it up your yeah!
ButButTheJesus: @Kramburger hehehehehe
Dog_of_Myth: @Sarah_Serinde Just doing my part. o7
BrowneePointz: Jordynne why did you steal a 90 year Old’s jacket?
DoodlestheGreat: What the hell could be any more perverse than what folks already do with Jackbox games?
TheAinMAP: SUBtember
flatluigi: dom those subs
PharaohBender27: Is it me or is lrrGRAHAM mildly echo-y?
Kramburger: On to Toptober
Earthenone: i saw someone get 51 bonus subs on a 10 gift rng is a thing
Thefluffiestguineapig: That is a fascinating table to roll on
Diabore: im hearing a faint graham echo from someone else
niccus: twitch will top your sub batches
OldUncleDan: So you can gift subs while you gift subs!
Oreo1369: Uh oh 😮
NarishmaReborn: get em
BrowneePointz: we got an echo
Sarah_Serinde: Guaranteed at least one additional sub for every 5 subs you give, with the potential for more on top of that
BrowneePointz: somewhere
Sarah_Serinde: Possibly a *lot* more
flatluigi: @PharaohBender27 someone's headphones are bleeding into the mic
ah_fantastico is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 14 in the channel!
We added 1 Gift Subs to ah_fantastico's gift!
ah_fantastico gifted a Tier 1 sub to echochrisx!
ah_fantastico gifted a Tier 1 sub to Azathoth__!
ah_fantastico gifted a Tier 1 sub to wafflesoup!
ah_fantastico gifted a Tier 1 sub to ArcadeEngineer!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to SuperWriterAndy!
ah_fantastico gifted a Tier 1 sub to severin_art!
StageMgrRob: Does anyone else hear an echo when Graham is talking?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Twitch! Welcome to SuperWriterAndy! (Today's storm count: 72)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, ah_fantastico! Welcome to wafflesoup, echochrisx, Azathoth__, ArcadeEngineer, and severin_art! (Today's storm count: 73)
SkylerRingtail: I volunteer as one of the subs! Er, wait
Nigouki: For every 5 Subs twitch will provide one Dom
RealLegitStreamer is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 298 in the channel!
We added 1 Gift Subs to RealLegitStreamer's gift!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Redalus!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to NoodleBoiJ!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to bluejaydreamer!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tikosh_!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to ShooterZee!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Anaerin!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RealLegitStreamer! Welcome to bluejaydreamer, Redalus, Anaerin, Tikosh_, and NoodleBoiJ! (Today's storm count: 78)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Twitch! Welcome to ShooterZee! (Today's storm count: 79)
Sarah_Serinde: So if you give 10 subs Twitch is guaranteed to add at least 2
Thefluffiestguineapig: Loot boxes of subs?
Dog_of_Myth: Twitch is now a Gatcha
korvys: I'm getting faint echoing audio... Like someone has the discord audio open and their mic is picking it up
CastleOtranto is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 22 in the channel!
We added 1 Gift Subs to CastleOtranto's gift!
CastleOtranto gifted a Tier 1 sub to BrainWrap!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to jaimeblacken!
CastleOtranto gifted a Tier 1 sub to RoastedGravy!
CastleOtranto gifted a Tier 1 sub to kirbytronic!
CastleOtranto gifted a Tier 1 sub to relaxorcist!
CastleOtranto gifted a Tier 1 sub to baneless27!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Twitch! Welcome to jaimeblacken! (Today's storm count: 83)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, CastleOtranto! Welcome to BrainWrap, RoastedGravy, kirbytronic, relaxorcist, and baneless27! (Today's storm count: 85)
Oreo1369: Hell yeah
HungryHungry_Hobo: Soft g gambling?
RealLegitStreamer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RealLegitStreamer! (Today's storm count: 86)
Voidhawk42: Let's Go Gambling! ...AW Dang It
Thefluffiestguineapig: New goal: get entire chat subscribed with additional scrubs
hi_im_emily: aw dangit
Jennie_Fuchsia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 112 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jennie_Fuchsia! (Today's storm count: 87)
bytecaster: Graham, now with builtin effects
nyperold: They heard you like gifting subs, so they added gift subs to your gift subs so you can give while you give.
Oreo1369: 1-100
DarthRagnar815: If Twitch is now a gacha, does that make chat the waifus?
kusinohki: LoZ - echoes of Graham Stark
Nigouki: Did they add a "glue" brush to the drawing games?
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
GhostValv: Muy picante
quasi79fu: this pack is hilarius
AnSq_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
SaxPython: Naught-ier
Dog_of_Myth: So Jackbox then
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AnSq_! (Today's storm count: 88)
Cptasparagus: does this count as workplace harassment? Isn't Beej HR?
KaleidoscopeMind: so... normal jackbox
VorlonScout: So... like every Jackbox session
quasi79fu: oh just wait it will get wild
bytecaster: Rude humor?!?! On my christian stream?
NewtyNewts: What a warning
Despoiler98: auriiShade non graphic violence? LAME
KyranTheWalker: They should definitely do a round trying to be as CLEAN as possible.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Soooo, in front of all your future Jackbox stream?
Sarah_Serinde: If you don't want to be naughty in regular Jackbox games you don't have to be naughty. It is what you bring to it (I'm sure there are exceptions but *generally*)
quasi79fu: hai chat n hugs
Pinwiz11: Jackbox got Beej-dropped?
Driosenth: or you could play it completely straight
BrowneePointz: chat the games THEMSELVES are no m rated.
NotCainNorAbel: light drug use? ever just inject some light?
NewtyNewts: *what's a warning
BrowneePointz: now*
ContingentCat: is that a challange?
mtgnorthman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
mtgnorthman: wooooo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mtgnorthman! (Today's storm count: 89)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KyranTheWalker Triple score ultimate challenge mode?
EvilBadman: Filmed in front of a studio audience
nyperold: I mean... most games have a mix. This will not be a mix.
Earthenone: is the plugin working with the naighty pack? the butt plugin
Sarah_Serinde: Good good
Thefluffiestguineapig: @EvilBadman Is it me? Am I the audience????
SkylerRingtail: Monster Seeking Monster definitely fits the spirit of the night
hi_im_emily: remember the safeword
SkylerRingtail: Hooray, consent!
DoodlestheGreat: o7
TheMerricat: Jackbox Session 0
hi_im_emily: "lufthansa"
CouldntPickAUsername: no one step back this time eh Serge?
patrick_stonecrusher: Light drug use, all-right forgottenSmirk
Thefluffiestguineapig: Respecting humans! Consent is best!
BrowneePointz: yay consent!
RTwo28: Like rational human being! Huzzah!
ladyjessica: always important to have a safe word.
RatherLargeToad: I don’t think it’s possible to get more naughty than your Job Job games
aitsu100: filmed infront of the gremlins in twitch chat
DaxStrife: Consent is important, especially in games.
CodeIndigo: @Earthenone important question for beej
Fruan: Continuous! Enthusiastic! Consent!
Despoiler98: foodvi2OK foodvi2OK foodvi2OK consent is COOL
ContingentCat: yay healthy boundries
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: explicit consent is great!!
Kramburger: Rule Zero Jackbox
Oreo1369: Graham is Echoes of a Thousand Little Bears in a human skin suit
NimrodXIV: continuous enthusiastic consent!
SaxPython: Session 0 for Jackbox is strange but cool
GhostValv: All my homies love consent
Sarah_Serinde: You can always go to and enter the code there
Thefluffiestguineapig: Starting good
gibbousm: BigSad
KyranTheWalker: So they discussed lines and veils. Good.
Sarah_Serinde: Once there's a room code visible
RTwo28: I summon forth the flying fuck skull!
flatluigi: all penises
Sarah_Serinde: good ol' alliteration
quasi79fu: this group will be fantastic for this
aitsu100: omg
Earthenone: caked up owl
raulghoulia: wow
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
PharaohBender27: O_o
ButButTheJesus: oh my
KyranTheWalker: Oh god...
LordZarano: WXAG
niccus: the prompts are extra difficult, good luck
NightValien28: good start
korvys: Sexy owl
Oreo1369: Of course boundaries are important
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm already laughing so hard
Despoiler98: foodvi2Sussy foodvi2Sussy foodvi2Sussy foodvi2Sussy
BrowneePointz: Stripper Owl
LoadingReadyRun: code is WXAG
Despoiler98: auriiSussy auriiSussy auriiSussy draw THISSS
BigDaddyBland87: Language!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrGARBO
hi_im_emily: the original drawful once gave me the prompt "reacharound" so i can't imagine how spicy this is gonna get
NewtyNewts: Huh.
Oreo1369: Damnit twitch
DoodlestheGreat: FailFish
Earthenone: lrrSACK is my lucky boner free real estate
BrowneePointz: that line delivery
ButButTheJesus: ♪ My Lucky Booonerrrrrr ♪
quasi79fu: yay lucky bone errr
BrowneePointz: has me in tears
SquidVorb: This is already ridiculous
DraygoSmith: Welcome... to Jr. High!
AugmentingPath: "mature"
BigDaddyBland87: That was my nickname in college
raulghoulia: the only adult beverage is water
thatguysteve2709: 0 to boner this got dirty
omdorastrix: lrrGARBO lrrGARBO ?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh that line reading was so astounding
CouldntPickAUsername: unlucky boner is funnier
saucemaster5000: Yeah adult stuff like insurance and mortgages
Sarah_Serinde: How do you identify which boners actually I don't want an answer to that
ContingentCat: dang I've only got my unlucky boner
Juliamon: really is kind annoying they never have the extension update ready for launch. But I guess that's the gaming world we live in.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Interesting
AnAnonymousGifter is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
We added 1 Gift Subs AND 1 Bonus Gift Subs to AnAnonymousGifter's gift!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ziggie_QI!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to thewizardcops!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to FirefuryAmahira!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to zedelielincoln!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tokenbg1009!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to phockney!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to samsoni1!
Juliamon: unlucky boners feature regularly on Oglaf
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to thewizardcops, FirefuryAmahira, zedelielincoln, ziggie_QI, and Tokenbg1009! (Today's storm count: 94)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Twitch! Welcome to samsoni1 and phockney! (Today's storm count: 96)
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: narrator sounds a bit like Kate Micucci from Garfunkel & Oates
Sarah_Serinde: @Juliamon pfft yeah okay that tracks
patrick_stonecrusher: My lucky boner... 😥
quasi79fu: emo owl
KaleidoscopeMind: i thought jordynne was going to say "i recently turned (insert age) so im allowed to play this"
betweenmyself: Jackbox Naughty pack overcomes B&W mode… Jackbox is ALL POWERFUL!
cptcobalt: i think this will be an incredible cast for this
LoadingReadyRun: @ThreeTwoOnePantsOff I think so too!
quasi79fu: hmmm
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey Paul, can you see the percentage of chat subbed on your end
SaxPython: I love my non-player prompts
BrowneePointz: @juliamon the ice queen sequence from oglaf sticks in my brain forever horrified
Sarah_Serinde: Poor t-rex
quasi79fu: sexual t rex?
LoadingReadyRun: @Thefluffiestguineapig I don't think so
BrowneePointz: Tyrannosaurus Sex
BigDaddyBland87: Get rex'd
betweenmyself: Tyranosaur doung libes of coke
Cjcaesar: Says room doesn't exist?
betweenmyself: *lines
NewtyNewts: What's up with the emotes?
MomoNo9: Sexy Rexy? No, wait
ButButTheJesus: put the teeth away
Thefluffiestguineapig: @LoadingReadyRun Damn, I was hoping we could see percentage left necessary of gift subs to 100%
GrassVortex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months!
GrassVortex: oh yeah!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GrassVortex! (Today's storm count: 97)
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think it's the coke one
BrowneePointz: unfortunately tyrannosaurus has two ns
quasi79fu: Omg
tehfewl: this is obviously tappy at MC Vegas (not really)
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig The distribution of non-targeted gift subs is a mystery to us mortals
flatluigi: @BrowneePointz drawful historically doesn't care about spelling in prompts
nyperold: And there are even games where, if there's naughtiness, the players brought it, because they weren't prompted to. See Tee K.O.
quasi79fu: uh oh
NewtyNewts: Uh oh
quasi79fu: am I seeeing this right?
mowdownjoe: Oh no
Brozard: nut therapy
wifi12345678910: I, for one, blame lag on Verizon
niccus: mr peanut's autopsy
SaxPython: And how does this make you feel my balz
MomoNo9: Sphinx cat on a chair
Lizardman175: cbt?
public_key_reveal_party: The one on the right is everyone of us watching
northos: @quasi79fu for better or for worse, yes
Going_Medium: testical therapy?
NewtyNewts: Oh, that's a BRAIN. I get it
luke1x: So far i see no difference from regular drawful
SymphonySolstice: tanuki in the waiting room
Julian_Rogue: Test ah clese goes to therapy
flatluigi: this is that cognitive ball therapy
Cptasparagus: CBT?
BrowneePointz: @flatluigi I meant that’s how you know it wasn’t the official one
hi_im_emily: 5:20pm PDT and it's already ballsack o'clock, lovely
TheWriterAleph: CBT (colossal balls therapy)
KaleidoscopeMind: i wish i didnt have to think about it
korvys: scrochiatry
cptcobalt: a cleft
DraygoSmith: Someone clearly stole the truck these belong to!
TheWanderingNomad: JEEZ
northos: @NewtyNewts not confident that's true
SnackPak_: man-spreading
flatluigi: @BrowneePointz no, that's what i mean, the official prompt is sometimes misspelt
quasi79fu: i love the couples therapy one lol
mowdownjoe: @newtynewts I mean, some people only think with it.
0x6772: The crotch area, Paul?
BrowneePointz: third down left side is sending me
OldUncleDan: Interview with Deez Nuts!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I recently had to not laugh out loud at a coworker who did not understand that was more than therapy
Scy_Anide: The couples therapy is real clever
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
quasi79fu: omg it was
Juliamon: Recent Jackbox games understand that typos happen, and deliberately include them to make it less obvious which is game-generated.
quasi79fu: bewbs ?
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
flatluigi: ahahahah
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
TheWriterAleph: oof
baltimore_667083: lrrWOW
korvys: Did you explain *why*?
DoodlestheGreat: NotLikeThis
Wrexadecimal: oh dear
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
Scy_Anide: I also used to work at the CBT (no relation)
KyranTheWalker: Oh no...
BrowneePointz: Boobouys?
public_key_reveal_party: lrrWOW
mowdownjoe: lrrWOW lrrWOW
Cptasparagus: "why do these people keep asking me to step on their balls?"
korvys: Closed Beta Test
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh Joyrdynne that made me cackle so hard I woke my cats up
BigDaddyBland87: shorthand is cursed
OldUncleDan: Totes Boob Worship.
HungryHungry_Hobo: CBT also is Closed beta testing
quasi79fu: rescue bewbbiesss
ContingentCat: lol I was watching a travel show with my mom, they kept talking abut "watersports" and I had to stop myself
patrick_stonecrusher: Weekend at Boobies
Thefluffiestguineapig: There's a 50/50 split on interpretation here
niccus: these boobs will get sued by the red cross
0x6772: Switzerland: dead.
Julian_Rogue: welcome to juras-tit park
NotCainNorAbel: who is #1
Voidhawk42: There are MANY CBTs. Here in the UK, there's Compulsory Basic Training for a motorcycle license for example
EvilBadman: Did someone Cool S the tree
Fruan: I think Graham's cracked it about how prescriptive these prompts are.
TheWanderingNomad: *Insert vuvuzela cover of Jurassic Park here*
kusinohki: "dee boobs! dee boobs!"
quasi79fu: omg
SnackPak_: wow
Bobtheninjagoldfish: how did noone go for "Boob Lagoon"?
hi_im_emily: @Voidhawk42 i remember there was a CBT hat for closed beta testers in a game i played
NimrodXIV: this game sure is inventing some phrases
raulghoulia: what an interesting meta
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheWanderingNomad Vuvuzela cover of ____________ is just the soundtrack for all these games
BrowneePointz: they zigged us
flatluigi: more cbt
quasi79fu: wheee?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hmmmmmmm
ContingentCat: Dn
SquidVorb: This is a Geneva Convention violation
KyranTheWalker: Jack-off in a box?
DoodlestheGreat: Yeah, most answers never use punctuation.
zerragonoss: Oh they are getting naughty with the grammar as well.
DraygoSmith: Does no one remember that Parker Stevens was on Baywatch? lrrHEART lrrHEART
SquidVorb: Lmao Paul got me
flatluigi: is this mickey's dick smasher
ContingentCat: yeah you don't want to break the geneva cnventions
TheAwkes: It's a pissercoaster, surely.
quasi79fu: peee coaster?
TheWanderingNomad: Poor guy's come down with censorship bar
Heckhoundbolt: Ever since the last Drawful, they have gotten better at making the correct answer seem fake
randombillfolds: They've got emotion sickness. :(
quasi79fu: yup Peee coaster
Thefluffiestguineapig: The Piss Trolley Problem
WetPaperSack: Dang, yo
DaxStrife: "Simpsons Censorship."
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh I'm laughing so hard
KaleidoscopeMind: fully convenient that it was just the right color then right?
drsattler subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drsattler! (Today's storm count: 98)
korvys: 40% of the audience
public_key_reveal_party: If your pee is that color please drink more water
quasi79fu: omg what?
DraygoSmith: Great I'm sad AND terrified.
bo_brinkman: It's the Great Piss Coaster!!
micalovits: SingsNote Rolle0rcoasters make me sad SingsNote
Thefluffiestguineapig: @public_key_reveal_party You're past water, you just need to go to a doctor
WetPaperSack: Only the first couple of seasons though, G
Fruan: Oh hey, did anyone remember to toot/tweet about going live?
NimrodXIV: wat
NewtyNewts: Uh oh
Brozard: Splatsune Miku
circusofkirkus: :O
hi_im_emily: wug
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm afraid
quasi79fu: oh its the baby penguin
Sarah_Serinde: Penguin amogus
quasi79fu: Pesto
KyranTheWalker: penguin furry.
RTwo28: Huh?
KaleidoscopeMind: uh why would this come up in therapy narrator?
ContingentCat: ummmm
TheAwkes: Aren't we all naked inside a penguin suit?
SkylerRingtail: Naked Mole Rat Fursuit
korvys: Oxegen tent, to get sexual powers
Going_Medium: nude in a penguin
Featherweight_: darn it G I was also thinking that
raulghoulia: "someone"
aitsu100: inside the penguin is a man
NotCainNorAbel: well, it isn't a horse
niccus: real weird treatment of venom but ok
NewtyNewts: What happened to his first leg?!
quasi79fu: its Pest o the penguin
BrowneePointz: if your pee is that color you probably had something with a LOT of dye
ContingentCat: anatmy of a penguin furry?
JKBalch: Reverse birth?
PharaohBender27: Michaelangelo's David inside a penguin
nyperold: If your pee is that color, stop drinking glowsticks.
ProcyonFlynn: The man piloting big-bird?
ButButTheJesus: katesHUH
RTwo28: Inside a wet penguin?
ArcLightningCanuck: When I played this we realized the prompts weren't all sexy, sometimes they were dark or adult in some other way.
underhill33: lmao
patrick_stonecrusher: Normal penguin behaivior
NimrodXIV: behold a man
underhill33: these are great
quasi79fu: ive no idea lol
quasi79fu: im scared
KyranTheWalker: It's the condom isn't it...
BrowneePointz: yes. their knees are way higher than you think
Thefluffiestguineapig: I was laughing so hard I missed the chance to vote
Simonark: Donatello’s David inside a gannet would be wearing a hat.
NewtyNewts: Graham's got my number
hi_im_emily: enamored with the idea that this is how you condomed david
quasi79fu: wow
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
SnackPak_: nailed it
ButButTheJesus: OKAY
DoodlestheGreat: All those art shows halped Cori.
quasi79fu: uh oh
eric_christian_berg: I came in late. What determines the correct answer?
TheWriterAleph: can't draw horses. CAN draw condoms on the Statue of David.
quasi79fu: dont drink it
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am afeared of what this might be
nyperold: I misread "statue" as "Star" and was like, "What?"
BrowneePointz: Folsom street fair poppers
Julian_Rogue: Tinker tailer sober fried?
tehfewl: potion seller
SaxPython: I've met him at my family reunion
niccus: this man is about to set a timer for 4 hours to call the doctor
NewtyNewts: @eric_christian_berg It's given to the drawer
Juliamon: eric_christian_berg It's Drawful
Oreo1369: Milk Man
Fruan: @eric_christian_berg The correct answer is the prompt that inspired the drawing
KyranTheWalker: What white liquid will it be...
TheAwkes: Calpis?
Going_Medium: civil war soldier yodelling for wine.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @tehfewl You can't handle my strongest potion traveller
RTwo28: The jar
TheMerricat: @eric_christian_berg It's just like normal Drawful, they are given a prompt to draw a picture to and then everyone guesses what the prompt was.
Sarah_Serinde: @eric_christian_berg The artist was given a prompt to draw from. Everyone else looks at the drawing and writes their own prompt hoping to fool everyone else. Everyone has to guess which prompt is the real one
eric_christian_berg: Ahhhh, thanks guys!
ContingentCat: lol Nigel thornbery
SnackPak_: holy moly
Fruan: Egads! Purple drank!
patrick_stonecrusher: Finally filled the pony jar
NimrodXIV: eff it I'm picking the funniest one
TheWriterAleph: the new "extra exclamation points" meta
BrowneePointz: LOL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Same Beej
KaleidoscopeMind: exclamation point!
GrassVortex: these are some cursed prompts :D
quasi79fu: iv e honest no idea
asddsa28: thats how im voting
raulghoulia: it keeps getting better the more you read
DraygoSmith: None. It must be none of these.
SaxPython: #TeamNigel
hi_im_emily: @patrick_stonecrusher PRISON
eric_christian_berg: Some saucy prompts.
ButButTheJesus: egads!
CastleOtranto: I get all of these references. I'm not sure if I should be happy about that.
ButButTheJesus: he vant some visky
KyranTheWalker: No...
quasi79fu: what????
cptcobalt: the ~space~
SymphonySolstice: gasp
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CastleOtranto Same
SymphonySolstice: they're LEARNING
ContingentCat: \that does look like an uncle yeah
Sarah_Serinde: They're tricksy like that with their prompts
TheWriterAleph: they're purposely messing up the promptsssss
raulghoulia: they keep goozling you
cptcobalt: how dirty of them
Oreo1369: Lets go
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jackbox has learned!
starlitdiscord: tricksy!!!!
DraygoSmith: Barely dirty -- should be Gizz for uncle!
KaleidoscopeMind: the original had typos yeah
BrowneePointz: Who put the Tom of Finland reference XD
quasi79fu: whipped cream owl
Oreo1369: Blow up
TheMerricat: dear lord
NimrodXIV: oh that's cursed
quasi79fu: uhhh im scared
NewtyNewts: yike
nyperold: You might even say they're playing... dirty.
TheWriterAleph: @Oreo1369 i hope you're happy LUL
SnackPak_: dont like that
Thefluffiestguineapig: The lack of motion from some of them initially makes me afraid of what the prompts are
ShaneLeeAtk: I need an adult
starlitdiscord: oh i dont like that owl(?)
CodeIndigo: i could have gobeene my whole life without seeing an owl in a gimp suit
quasi79fu: death has come
Thefluffiestguineapig: I love the Grim Hooter
NewtyNewts: both of these are bad
BigDaddyBland87: uhhh
KaleidoscopeMind: the cool S?
shendaras: the cool S?
NotCainNorAbel: cool S?
0x6772: So Jordynne's is the cool S, then
aitsu100: oh sweet a cool S prompt
Sarah_Serinde: @Arclight_Dynamo That is also the first thing I thought of :D
KaleidoscopeMind: lol one braincell here
Arclight_Dynamo: @Sarah_Serinde :D
quasi79fu: its back
Cptasparagus: why does the owl have breasts
BrowneePointz: Stussy S
wedge_x: duonippleingo
Korolan: Sora and Roxas is just... Selfcest
raulghoulia: wasn't expecting to see a bird in a gimp suit today
quasi79fu: i like that one
TheMerricat: Ah that's why the owl had so many eyes. :D
starlitdiscord: biblically accurate owl!
BigDaddyBland87: I said "uhh" but even I knew what she meant
KeytarCat: I'm back from grocer and my internet reloaded!
NewtyNewts: Uhhh
wifi12345678910: Biblically accurate owl was disappointing not enough wings
quasi79fu: wtf?
flatluigi: if you cum orange see a doctor
quasi79fu: what is it?
BrowneePointz: Chopper from one piece?
aitsu100: or that guy from Troy
TheAwkes: A gondoleer of some kind.
nyperold: Is it Black Hat from xkcd?
NewtyNewts: Head on a astick!
HungryHungry_Hobo: I hope Ham Strokers Ejacula comes up at some point in the stream
Thefluffiestguineapig: @flatluigi Or purple
Featherweight_: crocodile Dundee kills the grimace?
TheMerricat: That might be coming out of the other end flatluigi :D
Mai_Andra: "Orange you glad I practiced on a banana?"
ArcLightningCanuck: Wild night in Amish country?
Earthenone: im getting 4 kids oine peice rap vibes
couchboyj: Luffy, King of the Butt Pirates
serramarkov: Menagerie
SquareDotCube: Woody for Woody
asddsa28: i think i got it lol i know what i put but
patrick_stonecrusher: Amish man experiences Amsterdam
SnackPak_: i also saw steve irwin
quasi79fu: im going amish?
TheWriterAleph: banned. banned. all of you banned.
Julian_Rogue: Amish Paradies ?
0x6772: you can't ALL space before punctuation now
Fruan: Is there a none of the above option?
ButButTheJesus: CRIKEY
Thefluffiestguineapig: I want them to take some of these for future prompts
niccus: the good news is that they're all baffling
cptcobalt: im lost
northos: I like that at least one person put the space before punctuation :P
starlitdiscord: steve irwin...?
WetPaperSack: I read weiner as Weimar and was about to have questions
Featherweight_: people are 100% conflating Steve Irwin with crocodile Dundee
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did I accidentally get this????
cptcobalt: ?
Earthenone: for you see!~
Oreo1369: hype
quasi79fu: what???
Thefluffiestguineapig: HOW DID I GET THAT
NimrodXIV: wat
SymphonySolstice: ian,
Sarah_Serinde: Where's the confetti, Ian
ButButTheJesus: WUT
Scy_Anide: Cockfetti
cptcobalt: what
KaleidoscopeMind: oh
cptcobalt: incredible
underhill33: IAN
Sethalidos: IAN!
hi_im_emily: H:
flatluigi: H:
SymphonySolstice: H:
baltimore_667083: H
niccus: H:
Voidhawk42: OH IT'S A PREIST
public_key_reveal_party: Beej and Ian are officially drift compatible
korvys: H:
wifi12345678910: H:
starlitdiscord: H:
quasi79fu: welll hai there
KeytarCat: omg, that's a bris
PharaohBender27: It's all hats this round
baltimore_667083: H:
NewtyNewts: They're all fedoras!
DoodlestheGreat: Hat time!
pn55: H:
adept_nekomancer: The H: drive you say
hi_im_emily: free thinkers when "H:"
ButButTheJesus: H:
Julian_Rogue: H in chat
raulghoulia: wide brimmed hat. new meta dropped
tidehollowcat: Ian had a vision, and I commend that
NewtyNewts: H:
Phailhammer: H:
korvys: Well they aren't here to defend themselves
KiloRomeo058: H:
Fruan: H:
0x6772: That's what's on the network drive.
Drasvin: H:
NimrodXIV: H colon
cptcobalt: H:
DraygoSmith: net use H: \localnetwork\drive
Oreo1369: H i
BrowneePointz: Jordynne, they bust it down 1669 style
SquareDotCube: H: where you store your porn
micalovits: No comments
patrick_stonecrusher: Missonary position
CodeIndigo: uhhhhh
quasi79fu: cori lol
public_key_reveal_party: His name is h drive
wifi12345678910: nice
ProcyonFlynn: For when the whole drive is for H.
kusinohki: H for hentai
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah that *does* look like a fuckboy though
Thefluffiestguineapig: I love how much longer it's taking people to submit
Singenmeister: all the homies put their porn on the P drive
quasi79fu: purple hat?
couchboyj: Its getting all rumspringa up in here
BrowneePointz: fuckboy? but that doesn’t look like Luke from Street Fighter!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Everyone, everyone got tricked
DraygoSmith: Dirty Jackbox needs to choose their colors with more care
TheWriterAleph: omg
quasi79fu: wow
starlitdiscord: hi
TheWriterAleph: that's a madlib
emberBecky: ahhh I keep awarding likes to the real title >.<
quasi79fu: oh gahd
quasi79fu: uh oh
DaxStrife: Myth Busters Gone Wrong?
flatluigi: both of them are really sad to be pictured
Juliamon: emberBecky That gives points to the artist at least
Lazzared: mythbusters ?
VorlonScout: Why is Jamie Hyneman here?
ClodiumSoride: Pygmalion but inflatable?
BrowneePointz: why does that person have a dog face on their torso?
KeytarCat: Looks like a magritte
TheMerricat: If this isn't something from SCP I riot. :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: Um, the one on the left looks like a modified version of "the scream"
NewtyNewts: Red figure or blue figure?
NotCainNorAbel: scream blowup doll
hi_im_emily: edvard munch's "the cream"
ArcLightningCanuck: They're not real?
Dog_of_Myth: Ghostface Gimp Suit
ladyjessica: scream?
BigDaddyBland87: Mythbusters new Buster is...interesting
aitsu100: another hat
korvys: Blow-up Edvard Munch's The Scream
saucemaster5000: is that edvard munch's scream?
NimrodXIV: Scream blow up doll?
flatluigi: @hi_im_emily omg
TheWriterAleph: LUL
TStodden: Mythbusters went kinky\
DraygoSmith: Oh it's a lady version of those screaming zombies from Ocarina of Time
public_key_reveal_party: I think I've read the creepypasta the one on the left comes from
Earthenone: kiki is on the right
Lord_Hosk: @DaxStrife You mean... gone very right
CodeIndigo: don't forget, if you're having the other kind of stroke, that's a tos violation
Earthenone: red has big boba energy
Singenmeister: show us where the French person touched you
DiscordianTokkan: No that's Booba
NewtyNewts: Kiki's the red one
SymphonySolstice: boba and titty
Arclight_Dynamo: Booba or kinky?
adept_nekomancer: @TStodden Myth: busted. (other things also possibly busted)
hi_im_emily: jamie hymen
starlitdiscord: what if?
NSGReaper subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NSGReaper! (Today's storm count: 99)
quasi79fu: i like the mime
asddsa28: sad screem by poscso
cptcobalt: phenomenal
Earthenone: its gotta be the mime, i cant hear anything :P
ButButTheJesus: that's how blowup dolls be
public_key_reveal_party: I now have an incredibly niche business idea
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheMerricat It would be from either Are We Cool Yet or the art group that made the carnivorous graffiti
Scy_Anide: Don't mind me just googling the scream blowup doll.
RebaMcEncheese subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RebaMcEncheese! (Today's storm count: 100)
quasi79fu: omg
quasi79fu: im so bad at this
niccus: my sex doll won't review my novel
hi_im_emily: IAN
DraygoSmith: For that is the nature of sex dolls..?
Scy_Anide: (It does exist, but it does not have the requisite mouth hole)
BrowneePointz: my sex doll is ignoring me is just the plot to Ex Machina
PharaohBender27: The frown put that over the edge from "fighting a blowup doll" for me
raulghoulia: Is that New Jersey?
quasi79fu: uhhh ????
aitsu100: Pikachu?>
Arclight_Dynamo: Homestar?
niccus: that's homestarrunner right
quasi79fu: what?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Depression?
flatluigi: this is the saddest homestarrunner i've ever seen
Lord_Hosk: I agree... What is it
asddsa28: o i get this one
Sheikun07: It's Pikachu!
AugmentingPath: cyclops pikachu, yeah
Going_Medium: stabbed in the back by california?
WetPaperSack: It's dot com
NewtyNewts: Think I got it
CouldntPickAUsername: winged walking penis
hi_im_emily: @Sheikun07 it's clefairy!
starlitdiscord: inkblot
Malkmaven1176: Ah, naughty jackbox night
NewtyNewts: @hi_im_emily FUUUUUUUUU
SaxPython: <3
Julian_Rogue: Gib?
adept_nekomancer: His butt is on fire.
nyperold: Too many appendages for Homestar.
public_key_reveal_party: Homestarrunner if he was an angel?
Singenmeister: Convention stench
Sheikun07: cidersAngry
aitsu100: new OC bong Rippa
EvilBadman: Biblically accurate Cyclops
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hi_im_emily Or the broken teapot ghost evolution
starlitdiscord: dignity is very good
quasi79fu: dignity
Enki1256 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months, currently on a 59 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Enki1256! (Today's storm count: 101)
patrick_stonecrusher: Icauus Dicarus Cock
0x6772: "dignity" is strong
corefluxx: definately Dignity
BrowneePointz: speed walking fire squirrel sounds like a $10 insult
Earthenone: Brave and Brash
NimrodXIV: obviously
NewtyNewts: I thought it was going to be No Longer Twitter
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good question, next question
wifi12345678910: Which mascot?
Sarah_Serinde: Nice work G
Thefluffiestguineapig: I feel like all these could be followed by "Good question, next question"
ghyllnox: @wifi12345678910 Nintendo, thanks for asking!
hi_im_emily: what? WHAT
ButButTheJesus: wow
quasi79fu: what ???
asddsa28: i was right yay
korvys: wut
PharaohBender27: tqsWTF
NimrodXIV: no
public_key_reveal_party: Graham cleaning up
raulghoulia: the Sweep
BigDaddyBland87: I got it!
ProcyonFlynn: !wut
starlitdiscord: what does that mean....?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Graham expecting to be wrong and immediately corrected
Crad0k: it's sorbo on twitter
ButButTheJesus: wut
TheMerricat: Collusion. :D
Fruan: Graham are you a wizard? You have to tell us if youre a wizard
wifi12345678910: @ghyllnox vaporeon?
singinnonsense: all the points !
PharaohBender27: That was an ARM!?
flatluigi: feel the butt
quasi79fu: this is creeepy
NewtyNewts: Lookit them forks....
marxmarksman: A beefy Trogdor arm.
DraygoSmith: Pattycake.
Julian_Rogue: DJ Turnlrr?
starlitdiscord: touch....
Diabore: hands
eric_christian_berg: ET phone ass
corefluxx: Butt Forks!
Arclight_Dynamo: "Two people forking."
KiloRomeo058: smoosh
BrowneePointz: a man’s romance
niccus: when you try to caress the wacky flailing inflatable tube man
NimrodXIV: butt forking clearly
adept_nekomancer: "no butt please."
NotCainNorAbel: et butt home
TheMerricat: Salad fingers still a thing?
public_key_reveal_party: Salad fingers is different than I remember
Sheikun07: ironmouseBONGOCAT
ButButTheJesus: cheex
GhostValv: amazonTasteTheRainbow
sporkraptor: yeah, buttforkin'
aitsu100: clap them cheeks
SaxPython: pfffff
EvilBadman: Divining from dat ass
quasi79fu: lol Jordynne
Lord_Hosk: Edweena forkhands
starlitdiscord: rejected...
Fruan: That's the MtG planeswalker symbol
loufghyslaufey: whatever keeps you asleep, lrrBEEEJ
DiscordianTokkan: The
TheWriterAleph: plap plap plap plap
Sarah_Serinde: I'm worried
quasi79fu: braiile?
hi_im_emily: ASS BRAILLE
quasi79fu: seriously?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I want this to be ass braille
SaxPython: brrrrread
TheMerricat: that's an ASS!
Zanzabar_: fingers? I think chat has decided they are fork tines.
niccus: no thanks *politely closes*
PharaohBender27: WHAT
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah that's what I was worried about
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm glad the extra ees were intentional
quasi79fu: what??
SnackPak_: wow.
Sheikun07: ironmouseLOL
ButButTheJesus: ha
Earthenone: that would be peeka Buu in japan :P
Scy_Anide: *wink*
public_key_reveal_party: barrPeek
korvys: No one here would use multiple exclamation marks
Julian_Rogue: man I have poor object permanass
quasi79fu: uh oh
ladyjessica: definitly naughty
aitsu100: golf?
sporkraptor: uh. mini golf?
micalovits: Oh no
Thefluffiestguineapig: "I want to revoke my object permanence!!"
SymphonySolstice: BDSM tools.
starlitdiscord: is that a mailbox...?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Litter box?
TheMerricat: Minigolf with a crop.
Ogrekidd: putting those cant draw horses skills to good use
TheAwkes: A shallow grave on the putting green?
DraygoSmith: Cow Tools, I've seen this before.
Featherweight_: diggy diggy hole
JKBalch: Tools of the trade
TStodden: is somebody experimenting with the kill-a-gram again?
quasi79fu: the screams
sporkraptor: six-inch grave XD
ContingentCat: uhhhhh I'm not going to kinkshame but is that a llitterbox?
Singenmeister subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months, currently on a 13 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Singenmeister! (Today's storm count: 102)
0x6772: cow sex tools is a robust reference
adept_nekomancer: "cow sex tools" is very strong.
SymphonySolstice: thank god someone else went to cow tools
quasi79fu: golf
Sarah_Serinde: cow sex tools is sergeJustRight
Sheikun07: Far Side, nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: The winky frowny face is so gooooodd
Fruan: F in chat for Grimace
WetPaperSack: Damn Catalyst 2950s can go to hell
SnackPak_: they're all so good
iris_of_ether: lrrCOW lrrCOW lrrCOW
PharaohBender27: F
NewtyNewts: Cow Sex Tools for life
NimrodXIV: don't care. cow sex tools is best answer
sporkraptor: cisco router grave is *chefkiss*
raulghoulia: I hope it's office golf sey
SkipIives: It's more a WRT than a Cisco router
Lord_Hosk: One of these is correct, but they are all wrong
bootsmalone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bootsmalone! (Today's storm count: 103)
tehfewl: knew that was graham
Sarah_Serinde: Good one Matt
Thefluffiestguineapig: OOOOHH
northos: wut
Sarah_Serinde: Not naughty enough for us to guess it was real
We added 1 Gift Subs to Singenmeister's gift!
Singenmeister is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 18 in the channel!
Singenmeister gifted a Tier 1 sub to MisplayMatt!
Singenmeister gifted a Tier 1 sub to nawi_xo!
Singenmeister gifted a Tier 1 sub to judelawaski!
Singenmeister gifted a Tier 1 sub to destiny_angelique!
Singenmeister gifted a Tier 1 sub to WowDane!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to FirstPlay86!
korvys: Good avatar, btw
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Singenmeister! Welcome to WowDane, judelawaski, nawi_xo, MisplayMatt, and destiny_angelique! (Today's storm count: 108)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Twitch! Welcome to FirstPlay86! (Today's storm count: 109)
TheWriterAleph: 🍆
LordZarano: <message deleted>lrrGARBO
quasi79fu: i got one
jwholla: this game is fantastic
underhill33: lrrGARBO
quasi79fu: nice graham
KeytarCat: obergina
EvilBadman: So Jordynne drew a lot of shallow graves?
mowdownjoe: Graham!
Lord_Hosk: Solicited eggplant pics
Crad0k: graham no
CouldntPickAUsername: well that was drawful
wifi12345678910: Oh yeah!
vinopinguino: schweaty balls?
Dog_of_Myth: Oh yeah!!
TheWriterAleph: we have all been altered by this.
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHATTT
quasi79fu: oh yeahhhh
Earthenone: this is definitly south park music vibes
Dog_of_Myth: BopBop BopBop BopBop
NotCainNorAbel: jlrrCooltunes lrrWOW jlrrCooltunes
Fruan: @LoadingReadyRun Was a lack of a going live tweet intentional tonight, or did someone forget again?
sporkraptor: what's with the ocean sounds
flatluigi: hey i have a desert bus troll song suggestion
quasi79fu: hahahahahha
Scy_Anide: Wow, blueballed on the song.
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
quasi79fu: the timing
LordZarano: <message deleted>
xantos69: I say let it ride. song was bouncing.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @flatluigi Why troll song? It's got a good beat to dance to LUL
patrick_stonecrusher: Thing~
KiloRomeo058: This would be hilarious on the Desert Bus troll song list!
ButButTheJesus: its listening to us...
ClodiumSoride: reminder: the soundtracks for all Jackbox games are available at
flatluigi: PLEASE QUOTE
NewtyNewts: Not More-ass code?
Thefluffiestguineapig: IAN NOOO
Dog_of_Myth: IAN
kumatsu: cow sex tools is an A+ joke
adept_nekomancer: Ass braille -- for when you're suffering from blindnass
Sarah_Serinde: tiltyhPLS
Mollylele: something to asspire to
ProcyonFlynn: IAN jlrrNo
Sethalidos: IAN!
KiloRomeo058: IAN
xantos69: Do you... not?
quasi79fu: pooor cori lol
niccus: like hank hill your ass is monospaced
Earthenone: do you read your own ass left to right or right to left?
SkylerRingtail: Ooh this will be a challenge on stream
KiloRomeo058: "just those words in Times New Roman down your arm" is an amazing one-up on that
A_Dub888: What level of naughty are we on my dudes?
djalternative: original faking it is actually quite good
NewtyNewts: Don't think I can handle this game
quasi79fu: OH this is a fantastic one
hi_im_emily: "ass braille" in braille is ⠁⠎⠎ ⠃⠗⠇
ArcLightningCanuck: My group thought this one was the best of the mini pack.
Earthenone: hbbf
PharaohBender27: Oooh, right. Tried playing Fakin' It when I was playing Jackbox on Zoom during the height of the pandemic, and it doesn't work well in a remote setting
sporkraptor: kitty XD
146 raiders from benjamin_wheeler have joined!
LordZarano: <message deleted>⠠⠁⠎⠎⠀⠠⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑
xVoxtric: wooohoo CTS
hi_im_emily: wheeler hi!
wifi12345678910: horny jail lol
SymphonySolstice: good evening rodeo
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welcome raiders!
NewtyNewts: CAT on stream!
KaleidoscopeMind: yee and/or haw
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, raiders!
Scy_Anide: Have some balls Jackbox, say cock (I assume they can't).
gibbousm: Sonic the Hedghog : I found you... faker. Shadow the Hedgehog : Faker? I think you're the fake around here. You're comparing yourself to me? Ha. You're not even good enough to be my fake. Sonic the Hedghog : I'll make you eat those words.
CastleOtranto: Oh hey, a penis
DiscordianTokkan: Don't send them to horny jail! That's just concentrating all the horny people in one place!
A_Dub888: lie, cheat, steal- wait, that’s Eddie Guerrero
Singenmeister: Why does the spy have nipples?
quasi79fu: let the giggling start
LonelyTex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LonelyTex: Happy to be able to press this button again for the first time in a long while. Also happy to report I am recovering well.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LonelyTex! (Today's storm count: 110)
KiloRomeo058: The spy is in a hot tub
ButButTheJesus: ew
KaleidoscopeMind: uh
A_Dub888: @singenmeister spies can’t have nipples?
NewtyNewts: uhhhhh
niccus: hm.
Kramburger: Sex? nah, I don't get into trends
starlitdiscord: perfect 50/50?
KaleidoscopeMind: we are learning things
hi_im_emily: penis...
Bobtheninjagoldfish: "or something" means literally anything
BrowneePointz: glad you’re doing okay Tex
DraygoSmith: Oh that reminds me, it's laundry day...
SaxPython: lol
ClodiumSoride: is the name of Ian's icon Bernaise?
Heckhoundbolt: The fact Ian is dead silent is amazing
singinnonsense: what is the faker leaving behind ?
Singenmeister: @A_Dub888 I .... you know what I mean
ArcLightningCanuck: If you are accused, defend yourself!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh, interesting
salamisuperstar: Huh, so they made Horny Jackbox?
Heckhoundbolt: The faker is the same for these three rouns
ghyllnox: Having two people here who live together might be an advantage
NewtyNewts: Sure did
djalternative: nah. there's 3 rounds of this
LordZarano: Well fuck. There goes my no timeout streak. Guess Braille blank is banned
DraygoSmith: Never have I ever seen this game before
Sibwow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months, currently on a 39 month streak!
Sibwow: naurty
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sibwow! (Today's storm count: 111)
Juliamon: LordZarano It's "special characters" spam protection
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
SymphonySolstice: LUL
northos: LUL
WetPaperSack: A likely story
NimrodXIV: lol
korvys: Ian?
BrowneePointz: Juicy Little Sext is my Drag Name
public_key_reveal_party: Jordynne you lead the most interesting life
A_Dub888: That is why he's Beej
Scy_Anide: Uh huh...and what does ICBC stand for? :sus:
Thefluffiestguineapig: @public_key_reveal_party Second to the 1000000000 lives of Serge
Earthenone: Real, Ian
public_key_reveal_party: @thefluffiestguineapig good point
ekimekim: ok so it's Cori? their responses for round 1 were mismatched
MadmanOreo: So I feel like cori and ian not being on the same page makes them seem a little sus
gibbousm: are those their nipples?
quasi79fu: uh oh
SymphonySolstice: LUL
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
CouldntPickAUsername: I don't get this game
KaleidoscopeMind: lol
Its_VeeBot: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: None
iris_of_ether: :D
Despoiler98: gandHYPERS gandHYPERS gandHYPERS gandHYPERS USA USA USA
baltimore_667083: LUL
laikagoat: KKona
circusofkirkus: LUL
chriswr5: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
SaxPython: NotLikeThis
NimrodXIV: ooooooh
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
starlitdiscord: hahahahahahahaha
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
0x6772: rats
iris_of_ether: Hahahahaha
KiloRomeo058: XD
definenull: Well done
Scarbble: haha
adept_nekomancer: Excellent 50/50, faker
quasi79fu: ajjaajjahahahhahaha
SymphonySolstice: perfect no notes
PharaohBender27: Dang, the faker's too good!
DraygoSmith: Exceeelentt!
northos: playfr3Clap
ContingentCat: LUL
sporkraptor: uuummmm
wedge_x: amazing
Kikazi: yup, that tracks
underhill33: sonofabitch
quasi79fu: best one
public_key_reveal_party: The faker got lucky on that one
SquidVorb: YESSSS
BrowneePointz: someone guessed GOOD
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was the correct response
WetPaperSack: Well that certainly helped narrow it down
Cephallope: Perfect. No notes.
ButButTheJesus: YES. PERFECT
CouldntPickAUsername: so 5 people are just answering truthfully and one is lying is the idea?
MadmanOreo: oorah pumpkin pie!
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Sheikun07: Vote at random! Go!
just__fitz: America and Alberta are Different!!
DoodlestheGreat: Hell, I may as well be the faker.
Singenmeister: Remember, you legally own North Dakota
Sarah_Serinde: @CouldntPickAUsername One person doesn't know what the question is and is trying to pretend they do
KeytarCat: the faker on the bottom has a penus
Zanzabar_: @Scy_Anide an old BC film/promotion company Graham used to work for way back in the early lrr days.
spethycakes: @Singenmeister no take-sies back-sies
iris_of_ether: :D
quasi79fu: cori is a american patriot
Despoiler98: so that means Cori sends sext at work?
ButButTheJesus: ayyyy
Thefluffiestguineapig: The weird cackle is amazing
vinopinguino: cori, what a patriot!
BrowneePointz: Hell of a guess on that 50/50 Cori
KaleidoscopeMind: (bus is coming)
ekimekim: I feel like not being able to see in real time if other people are raising their hands breaks the game somewhat
Thefluffiestguineapig: !venga
LRRbot: I can feel the Venga Bus coming in the air tonight, oh Lord.
PharaohBender27: @Zanzabar_ Actually it's BC's equivalent of the DMV. Graham had to process ticket payments, IIRC
BigDaddyBland87: heyo!
hi_im_emily: oh my
NewtyNewts: OH my
Scarbble: for free?
starlitdiscord: pff
hi_im_emily: the whole hand
HavenDragon: umm
Zanzabar_: @PharaohBender27 oh yea I got that mixed up with the other job he had.
KiloRomeo058: Four fingers!
bo_brinkman: I'm so used to cartoons that when Cori held up 5 fingers it just looked really wrong to me.
salamisuperstar: Is "Task" and "Finger Blast" a slant rhyme?
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Its_VeeBot: In the original one, this was called Number Pressure
vinopinguino: loool
quasi79fu: hahahahaha
definenull: Lmao
SymphonySolstice: LUL
NewtyNewts: Oh bot
NimrodXIV: SUS
sporkraptor: oh jee uh
SnackPak_: hmmm...
chriswr5: LUL 󠀀
patrick_stonecrusher: 👉 forgottenBoom
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ContingentCat: Uhhh
NewtyNewts: *boy
quasi79fu: uhhhh
BigDaddyBland87: easy mode
LonelyTex: LUL
KiloRomeo058: XD
ButButTheJesus: hahaaaa
starlitdiscord: aww
quasi79fu: grahaham?
vinopinguino: hes actually NOT the faker
HungryHungry_Hobo: He had cancer guys!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup, can't stand being the boss otherwise
hi_im_emily: today's word is "three", because i smoked three bowls today!
vinopinguino: plot twist
public_key_reveal_party: Graham lrrAWW
heartofgoldfish: hello, highlights!
Going_Medium: It's how many he needs, not how many he actually rips.
adept_nekomancer: But what would be left for the tarp budget?
GrassVortex: extraLUL
Zanzabar_: the question was how many does he need not how many he actually does.
ekimekim: that's the problem, there's zero information if you can't see other players
A_Dub888: Graham "Middle Ground" Stark
northos: remember graham, enlightened centrism is not the answer :P
northos: dammit Matt
TheWriterAleph: o7
BrowneePointz: this game is legitimately fun for rug pulls like that
DraygoSmith: NGL three bong rips and it's nap time for me
Cptasparagus: get a group bong that everyone can hit at the same time
0x6772: So 5, Graham?
ProcyonFlynn: Surely you get a Volcano, Ring of Fire and all that :p
BrowneePointz: sometimes the faker gets BODIED
public_key_reveal_party: It would have been easier to make it a joke if you did 4 or 5 even tbh
Arclight_Dynamo: Okay, but everything else aside, the art for this game is great.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh no
MrBrightside1: the communal bong rips
Juliamon: Volcano and pass the bag
ClodiumSoride: @Cptasparagus so a hookah?
NewtyNewts: This should be fun
KeytarCat: Just one emojum
Heckhoundbolt: The faker has some help with this one thankfully
NotCainNorAbel: lrrAWESOME
quasi79fu: uh oh
Thefluffiestguineapig: This could get nonsense very quickly
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cori looking for something not there LUL
adept_nekomancer: If they don't have lrrCrab , they don't have all of them
ProcyonFlynn: penaddCrab
kumatsu: an Analysis Paralysis of Emoji
Spooky_Noises subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Spooky_Noises! (Today's storm count: 112)
A_Dub888: But y'all are already funny
NewtyNewts: No comedy on this comedy show!
public_key_reveal_party: Comedy is forbidden here at lrr
Thefluffiestguineapig: Comedy? In Jackbox???
Drasvin: lrrSPOT
public_key_reveal_party: Huh
vinopinguino: the world?!
NimrodXIV: welp
BigDaddyBland87: welp
SymphonySolstice: understandable
Sarah_Serinde: Honestly not bad though
definenull: Technically not wrong matt
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welp
tehfewl: hes not wrong
raulghoulia: This Spaceship Earth
sporkraptor: uuuhhhhhhh
Arclight_Dynamo: Spaceship Earth!
Fruan: Spaceship earth
quasi79fu: matt?
Its_VeeBot: Ian...?
0x6772: Starship earth, Matt. Strong!
adept_nekomancer: The planet is very much a sort of vehicle.
KiloRomeo058: Blue Boat Home?
baltimore_667083: beej is objectively correct
ProcyonFlynn: I mean - statistically :p
ButButTheJesus: TRUE THO
micalovits: Nature is a vehicle
MrBrightside1: get bodied by the prompt
Scy_Anide: A stationwagon is pretty great, just space-wise.
kumatsu: please don't get busy at EPCOT
DraygoSmith: "That's us. That's home."
niccus: the ambulance?
darkcyril subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, darkcyril! (Today's storm count: 113)
BigDaddyBland87: I mean earth is a vehicle....IN SPACE!!
Its_VeeBot: Please don't boink at Disney World
KiloRomeo058: Wait Ian picked the ambulance??!
aWabbajack: EarthDay
A_Dub888: I thought the hose was because it was the Naughty Pack
PharaohBender27: :O
vinopinguino: it was IAN
NimrodXIV: gasp
public_key_reveal_party: lrrWOW
GrassVortex: :O
hi_im_emily: HELLO?
korvys: What?
SquidVorb: WHAT
ButButTheJesus: HWAT
Its_VeeBot: IAN
Thefluffiestguineapig: IAN
Diabore: IAN
NewtyNewts: uhhhhh
quasi79fu: Ian lol
starlitdiscord: ian!!!
PharaohBender27: The Earth is a vehicle we are ALL traveling on
Sarah_Serinde: "semi-funny" could've been pre-emptively trying to explain why an emote didn't fit though
DraygoSmith: Best vehicle to FAFO in?
hi_im_emily: yeah nice save ian.
Sarah_Serinde: (I did believe Matt though :D )
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Sarah_Serinde I had the same thought
public_key_reveal_party: I mean, Matt's not wrong to be fair
hi_im_emily: i ABSOLUTELY would have put cop car
DraygoSmith: Do not LITERALLY F- the police
ekimekim: por que no los dos, Matt
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm so happy
quasi79fu: hahhhahaha
vinopinguino: lol
vinopinguino: the broken hand
definenull: Oh honey
adept_nekomancer: Climb that skeleton!
baltimore_667083: isn't that the tokyo tower?
quasi79fu: jordyne?
DraygoSmith: No no, you don't go up to bone town you go down to bone town
Its_VeeBot: Please don't climb a synagogue, Beej
A_Dub888: Jordynn just wants to jump some bone
niccus: oh no character sets...
Its_VeeBot: that looks like the Tokyo tower
ekimekim: yeah the emoji locally would be your font, whereas on screen is their font
PharaohBender27: :O
vinopinguino: ian is too good at this
Sarah_Serinde: Okay I enjoy the chaos we're getting from the emoji rounds
public_key_reveal_party: The emoji inconsistencies are killer here
Thefluffiestguineapig: @vinopinguino Said about many Jackbox games
LordZarano: That's not the Eifel tower. That's Tokyo tower. Because emoji started in Japan
SaxPython: Faker is crushing it this round
NewtyNewts: @public_key_reveal_party Gives a little bit of cover
Its_VeeBot: I saw the preview of this at PAX West, and there are categories in which Cookie just openly swears
ekimekim: I've had some jackbox games completely fail due to missing fonts
PharaohBender27: Yeah, turns out the emoji round is killer
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is the same thing that hosed Alex during that one LRL game, the emoji inconsistency
Thefluffiestguineapig: Drinks
wifi12345678910: @SaxPython I thought Faker was in Europe for Worlds?
northos: unlike Graham just getting "0 to 5 fingers" LUL
Sarah_Serinde: @Its_VeeBot But he couldn't even say cock in the opening? Disappointing :P
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig Right!
DentedPockets: Majong?
EvilBadman: Faker is probably surviving by folks doing jokey answers
vinopinguino: mahjong COULD...
DiscordianTokkan: lol, Ian
Aceviru: I mean
adept_nekomancer: Mahjong is 100% correct here though.
definenull: Ian is not wrong
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
niccus: mahjong is classically known to do this
nyperold: Mahjongg?
ekimekim: yeah i'm with Ian
Its_VeeBot: Ian isn't wrong
RainyMint: LUL
airylan: I mean, Mahjong.
iris_of_ether: tiltyhPLS tiltyhPLS tiltyhPLS
heartofgoldfish: ian has the MOST CORRECT answer
Juliamon: Ian's answer is valid
justalog96: Mahjong could do it for sure
quasi79fu: ian lol
public_key_reveal_party: I believe Ian could have meant that to be fair
EikoandMog: Ian ahs a point.
hi_im_emily: mahjongg is 100% the correct answer though
Sarah_Serinde: It's true
Oreo1369: ian is right
KiloRomeo058: Real tho ngl
Pinwiz11: So you rage quit MahSoul, we've all done it!
A_Dub888: What's the Yaku?
damn_i_am_pretty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, damn_i_am_pretty! (Today's storm count: 114)
ButButTheJesus: its totally not Ian right
30teracyte: water pistols are fun
SaxPython: I'm not sure it's ian
KaleidoscopeMind: toilets dont ruin it. its the hiding spot
DraygoSmith: "Shitter's full"
DudelidouX: Yes boardgames like monopoly will ruin family
PharaohBender27: I see a case for ALL of these
micalovits: Mahjongg has ruined the most except for sickness
Sarah_Serinde: I do suspect Ian anyway though
Thefluffiestguineapig: Singular toilet is always the answer
Singenmeister: Ben has proven Majong ruins things
vinopinguino: WHAAT
Sarah_Serinde: aww :D
flatluigi: :O
ButButTheJesus: untimely clogs
Its_VeeBot: Huh?!
0x6772: Beej!
quasi79fu: what?
chriswr5: I KNEW IT
Arclight_Dynamo: Yeah, Ian's just Ian.
30teracyte: I knew it
asddsa28: beej good job
vinopinguino: OMG
Sarah_Serinde: Good job Beej
wifi12345678910: It was beej duh
quasi79fu: it was BEeeej
ekimekim: yep, got it since round 2
raulghoulia: Beej was very qiet
quasi79fu: ????
Its_VeeBot: Nicely done, Beej
ButButTheJesus: IAN. YES
KiloRomeo058: Beej! GG!
Scarbble: ggs beej
wifi12345678910: Water guns don't ruin family gatherings though?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also my family ruins family gatherings
GrassVortex: Well played
aWabbajack: lucky round!
Scarbble: ggeej
aWabbajack: nice round too
JollyGee29 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel!
We added 2 Gift Subs to JollyGee29's gift!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThatveryYOLOguy!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Elder_Cat!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Slick_011!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to GanixU!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to JoSt42!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kadenus!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tummykissess!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to whoppernugget!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to duckace11!
JollyGee29 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CalliopeThorn!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kirgo!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheGameD0c!
Fruan: That gives you SO much more info than the raise a number of fingers round
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, JollyGee29! Welcome to ThatveryYOLOguy, Elder_Cat, JoSt42, Kadenus, Slick_011, whoppernugget, GanixU, duckace11, CalliopeThorn, and tummykissess! (Today's storm count: 124)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Twitch! Welcome to TheGameD0c and Kirgo! (Today's storm count: 126)
quasi79fu: oh this one even the faker wont know they are faker until end
ButButTheJesus: mungi
LizzyTPau: :O
Scy_Anide: Oooh, I think I understand this game now. With the last question I thought Beej was the only one with an unusual answer.
Dog_of_Myth: PogChamp
ClodiumSoride: tick tock, you don't stop stop, to the heart
nyperold: Water guns doing ruin family gatherings; PEOPLE ruin family gatherings.
LurkerSpine: Is there a 'traitor' game where the traitor doesn't know they're a traitor?
nyperold: *don't
Thefluffiestguineapig: PogChamp such generosity
ekimekim: but it's not septemb....oh right timezones
AugmentingPath: @nyperold but monkeys do too, if they have water guns
HungryHungry_Hobo: But are we going to get a Domtober?
KeytarCat: I parsed the water gun as just Gun...
RecursiveAcronym is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
We added 1 Gift Subs to RecursiveAcronym's gift!
RecursiveAcronym gifted a Tier 1 sub to Skeezicking!
RecursiveAcronym gifted a Tier 1 sub to TrappLegacy!
RecursiveAcronym gifted a Tier 1 sub to othon_xxd!
RecursiveAcronym gifted a Tier 1 sub to tetradd01!
RecursiveAcronym gifted a Tier 1 sub to polluxr!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to astrosmasher!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Twitch! Welcome to astrosmasher! (Today's storm count: 129)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RecursiveAcronym! Welcome to TrappLegacy, Skeezicking, othon_xxd, polluxr, and tetradd01! (Today's storm count: 132)
ClodiumSoride: @lurkerspine A Fake Artist Goes to New York, I think
EikoandMog: Uhm
ArcLightningCanuck: @LurkerSpine Hypnotorious is bit like that.
starlitdiscord: uh
EarlyAccessLover subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
Fruan: Today?!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EarlyAccessLover! (Today's storm count: 133)
Sarah_Serinde: That's practical
gibbousm: Today?!
DiscordianTokkan: Oh no!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @nyperold My family is what ruined family gatherings, hence why I don't have any contact with them anymore
Juliamon: ekimekim It goes until noon Oct 1, so it is bullshit no matter where you live
KaleidoscopeMind: that is perfectly practical
Sarah_Serinde: You found a private space
Angreed66: the water gun can be understood as a gun which would ruin the gathering hence not getting caught.
Lord_Hosk: I was watching a streamer, someone gifted one sub, and got 9 bonus subs. They only had 4 viewers at the time, they started crying.
Scy_Anide: A watergun is the innocuous flying under the radar but not knowing the exact prompt answer.
Going_Medium: Was it a historic landmark?
ButButTheJesus: that's practical!
HungryHungry_Hobo: Is Domtober after Subtember?
Cephallope: That's just being in a public bathroom
kusinohki: @lurkerspine BSG boardgame?? you can start non-traiter but halfway through the game become a traitor. *shrug*
NewtyNewts: You didn't do it IN public though. Sensible
quasi79fu: ballista
EikoandMog: Uhm.
starlitdiscord: no ballista is good
vinopinguino: the ballista is a great answer
adept_nekomancer: Dungeon [literal]
ContingentCat: water and snacks is good
vinopinguino: its a DUNGEON
A_Dub888: For that maximum penetration
Scarbble: baja blast, amazing
ButButTheJesus: <3 beej
Voidhawk42: Beej is ALWAYS fucking with us
Fruan: It's for sounding
Thefluffiestguineapig: Um, I can think of something
spethycakes: a sex ballista drdootHmm
Earthenone: its a conversation peice
jae_dorian: dildo launcher?
EikoandMog: I mean, I've seen a picture....
raulghoulia: bougie sex dungeon
quasi79fu: uh oh
ContingentCat: Yes Ian I think you would have to stretch first
Thefluffiestguineapig: And I hate it
ButButTheJesus: just, WHAM!
DraygoSmith: Whatever it is wash your hands first
SnackPak_: hell yeah matt
DrLigmaPhD: More a sex armory really
Scy_Anide: Protein bars very strong.
ArcLightningCanuck: Matt
ProcyonFlynn: Matt jlrrNo
adept_nekomancer: Why are you having an orgy at SOUP?
vinopinguino: brisket honestly is a goated answer
ButButTheJesus: the practical one, yes
A_Dub888: Matt be blasting
Thefluffiestguineapig: NO IT"S NOT
KiloRomeo058: Gosh darnit Matt
hi_im_emily: whenever i see brisket now i just think bridget guilty gear
wedge_x: what kind of soup Cori? WHAT KIND OF SOUP
CodeIndigo: for the record-- hard baja blast is vile
Its_VeeBot: Neither is brisket!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Soup is so much harder to eat when you're tired
DaxStrife: "Why are you having sex at the soup store?!"
KiloRomeo058: Beej's is a pun
Scarbble: i mean the brisket is gonna take a while to cook, might as well have an orgy while it smokes i guess
CodeIndigo: hard baja blast lube is dangerously vile
micalovits: I mean, you just get whatever is in the buffet...
Thefluffiestguineapig: Pineapple, concrete pineapple
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
baltimore_667083: YES
quasi79fu: mattt lol
Its_VeeBot: Whelp, sorry Beej
KiloRomeo058: A swing
vinopinguino: yall all know a little TOO much
BrowneePointz: impossible sliders is what happens DURING the orgy
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's what it actually is
vinopinguino: about swingers
Scy_Anide: Birdbath full of keys is also terrific
DraygoSmith: Birdbath, but like... kinky
ContingentCat: really?
Earthenone: as a psych fan i hear it all the time
starlitdiscord: i didnt know pineapples were associated with swingers
notthepenguins: huh, i did not know that
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's how you signal you're having a party, it's upside down
Juliamon: Pineapples are associated with a *LOT* of things
ghyllnox: The birdbath is great
mastershake29x: upside down ones are
Lord_Hosk: It still is a meaning of welcoming
spethycakes: "turned on its fruity head"
salamisuperstar: "I've read a lot about the lifestyle" lmao
hieroglyphica: I woulda gone with 'a pineapple tree'
Juliamon: rightside-up ones are "420 friendly"
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAMN
ThorSokar: Which started with Pineapple being a sign of EXTREME wealth, they were impossibly expensive for a long time
Earthenone: (psych has a bit where they hid a pineapple in most episodes)
vinopinguino: lol
A_Dub888: "Welcoming" or "Well-COMING"
public_key_reveal_party: I do want a sex balista though
Thefluffiestguineapig: TRUE tho Graham
ContingentCat: @Juliamon what about when you're both....?
hi_im_emily: AND HE STILL WON
Echo__AJ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Echo__AJ: The pandini was 4 years ago?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Echo__AJ! (Today's storm count: 134)
vinopinguino: LOL
vinopinguino: "fancy"
Its_VeeBot: Beej Dog Butt
hi_im_emily: why is courage the cowardly dog showing everyone his ass
0x6772: Fancy does not mean "fancy dress".
Kramburger: B E E J
ProcyonFlynn: Beej, live your truth lrrSHINE
NimrodXIV: HAH
Its_VeeBot: Good
Kramburger: Fucking Nerdds
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
KiloRomeo058: XD
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
SymphonySolstice: good game
baltimore_667083: LUL
NewtyNewts: uh.
Pinwiz11: I. Um. Uh...
Thefluffiestguineapig: The jiggle is hilarious
CodeIndigo: !adult
BrowneePointz: Beej as a Canadian is 30% Beaver by volume
ButButTheJesus: *smack*
ghyllnox: The faker looks so pleased
Scy_Anide: Oh, new advice, spank the faker.
wedge_x: rest of the stream right here
DandyGeek: the *cheeks*
chriswr5: Director: Tim from Sniffies
DoodlestheGreat: Break time!
Its_VeeBot: Tim Sniffen's also a really nice guy, I've met him lmao
Earthenone: was Tim's middle initial B?
quasi79fu: the spankin lol
EikoandMog: I wanted to hear the slappies...
Thefluffiestguineapig: I wish more jackbox games had a credits fun game
NewtyNewts: @Scy_Anide That might be bad advice more than advice
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH NO
Its_VeeBot: Tim Sniffen is the voice of the cat from Split the Room
DiscordianTokkan: "Going down.... the rows"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah
EikoandMog: I'm gonna do that on my cruise next month.
ghyllnox: Did you need to tell your mom to remove the pineapple from her twitter profile
aWabbajack: PizzaTime PizzaTime
Oreo1369: what does that mean?
flatluigi: miniature pineapples
ContingentCat: Now adays there's apps for it
mastershake29x: cruise doors are magnetic so lots of people do magnets
Pinwiz11: Wasn't that Tales From the City?
EvilBadman: And there's actual cruises for that stuff, surprising no one
DrLigmaPhD: There is a whole neighborhood near me known for swingers, the KKK, and Stepford ass energy
starlitdiscord: what
AugmentingPath: I feel like the thing Cori is explaining should be being told to me by Ice T on SVU
definenull: What
hackingducks: once you know the pineapple code, psych takes on a whole new meaning.
Arclight_Dynamo: This is why I'm always terrified I'll be signalling something I am entirely clueless about.
vinopinguino: huuuh
KiloRomeo058: wait what
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's just hanky code
BrowneePointz: that sounds like the most Christian daring thing ever
laikagoat: zoeyDuck zoeyDuck
KiloRomeo058: what the heck
SymphonySolstice: this is birds of paradise type beatt
PigmyWurm: What?
Its_VeeBot: Nobody ever gets busy on JoCo Cruise, I should be safe.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Same brain Matt
iris_of_ether: :D
ProcyonFlynn: Never been happier to be ace lrrSPOOP
vinopinguino: this is modern day hobo code
Oreo1369: what the hell is ths ?
SymphonySolstice: mating rituals going on here
korvys: :D
Pinwiz11: It's literally the story that started Tales From the City. :)
BrowneePointz: Gen Alpha Zoomer Christian Hanky Code
starlitdiscord: im so baffled by this information
DoodlestheGreat: I am so glad I'm completely obtuse.
Angreed66: I'm with Paul here
public_key_reveal_party: Illegal lentils
ghyllnox: Presumably you say no
KiloRomeo058: I am never going to the grocery store again
Thefluffiestguineapig: THAT:S a quote
niccus: you have to stop smashing into other people's carts
definenull: Where god can't see you
salamisuperstar: What about just like... Talking to people?
Kramburger: Friends
ekimekim: i feel like a badge saying "wanna fuck?" would be much simpler
JKBalch: After corn flakes, lentils are the least horniest food
HavenDragon: its a good thing i don't like lentils
ContingentCat: @salamisuperstar in this economy?
Earthenone: just order online, thats safe now right?
SymphonySolstice: "I got you blue"
Fruan: @ekimekim right?!
Sarah_Serinde: @Thefluffiestguineapig You know what, you're right
ihlendrax: And then there’s the loofa code at that senior community in Florida….
Scy_Anide: Lentils, for when you're DTC (down to commit)
BrowneePointz: god I’m glad the queer community is MOSTLY direct
xantos69: @ekimekim I'll take 12!
gibbousm: commit to the bit
KeytarCat: What if I'm buying pineapple and am clumsy?
wedge_x: hey streamer show ads
Sarah_Serinde: !addquote (Graham) [now] I can't let anyone see me buying lentils, they might think I'm horny.
LRRbot: New quote #9104: "I can't let anyone see me buying lentils, they might think I'm horny." —Graham [2024-09-30]
saucemaster5000: At the grocery store today I bought heavy whipping cream and parmesan..... what did the cashier think I was doing????
Thefluffiestguineapig: @JKBalch Even more than Graham crackers which were designed to make people not horny similar to corn flakes?
salamisuperstar: @contingentcat Emotional economy in shambles
Pinwiz11: And then there's the CostCo variety...
Dog_of_Myth: BopBop BopBop BopBop
hackingducks: @Sarah_Serinde this will be a fantastic out of context quote some day in the future
starlitdiscord: corn flakes were designed to make people not horny??
TStodden: !advice
LRRbot: Learn to enjoy the fruits of victory!
omdorastrix: @saucemaster5000 Alfredo Sauce?
ghyllnox: I looked for "grocery store dating code" and perhaps unsurprisingly landed at
ContingentCat: !advice
Its_VeeBot: @starlitdiscord Kellogg was a very strange man
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 If it's your normal grocery store, making sauce? Cashier isn't the issue, fellow shoppers are
nyperold: Makes me think of pineapple on pizza, but in terms of that one CAH card.
NewtyNewts: @Pinwiz11 You go to Costco for bulk... so, orgy seekers?
TStodden: !badadvice
LRRbot: Aim for Third.
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's the best other Jackbox quote
quasi79fu: im buying subs tomorrow and a bag of chips and maybe some soda is that a code for something or just my dinner?
niccus: nothing but lactase and a gallon of milk
Julian_Rogue: I'm having weird flashbacks to the peanut butter jelly music video
wifi12345678910: !advice
LRRbot: Don't lick the dead body.
omdorastrix: @quasi79fu depends on where you're buying your subs?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @quasi79fu Why not both? Having been in the kink community the number of times it's both is unnecessarily high
quasi79fu: at gas station
Earthenone: if you are buying subs after subtember that is code for being well off :P
quasi79fu: hahahaha
quasi79fu: chat you are awesome
xantos69: So in highschool I worked at Target. The cashiers always had a competition at the end of shift to determine who was the horniest customer they had. We quit playing after the guy who bought: 1 single banana, 1 disposable camera, 1 role of duct tape, 1 bottle lube, & 1 pint of heavy whipping cream.
mateusz2001_official_back: !quote
quasi79fu: thank you for being so tolerant of me
Thefluffiestguineapig: @xantos69 DAAAMMN, yeah that would stop that game
DoodlestheGreat: "Lady, it's just a bag of carrots. I'm making curry."
Julian_Rogue: sometimes a sigar is just a sigar
SaxPython: Hey Iris of Ether, thanks for your CDHC. That was a black. #VorseXHorseHole
SaxPython: Blast* but nice autocorrect
Its_VeeBot: ????
DoodlestheGreat: @xantos69 Sounds like a typical Boy Scout outing to me.
DarkMorford: I just had some thick, hot, juicy sausages (bratwurst) in my mouth KappaPride
NewtyNewts: It was a Black. Hole.
iris_of_ether: @SaxPython You're welcome! It was tons of fun :D
Its_VeeBot: Oh lmao
whitebadgerwolf88: What if you are buying Baja blast and lube?? It that being too forward??
BrowneePointz: I saw some weird stuff in retail and I worked at a video game store
quasi79fu: is chat enjoying the naughty pack though?
Sethalidos: @DoodlestheGreat 0_o
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz I worked at a board game store and same my dude
quasi79fu: ive personally benn having fun watching this
NewtyNewts: @quasi79fu Think I'm enjoying it more because of the players than because of the prompts
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Sethalidos NO, bad Doodles!
Its_VeeBot: I'm more excited for the Jackbox Survey Scamble next month
nyperold: You see, the thing about black holes is, they're black. And the thing about currants is...
Its_VeeBot: Which Jackbox accidentally announced, and recently formally announced.
Sarah_Serinde: This pack definitely feels kinda childish but it's been entertaining enough
quasi79fu: what exactly is a currant? ive never had one
DoodlestheGreat: Look, I just got back from a furry con (not a joke) so y'all need to get on MY level.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NewtyNewts As always for me, Jackbox is similar to monikers or CAH, if the group is good it will be fun/funny
NewtyNewts: @DoodlestheGreat Which level?
Julian_Rogue: @DoodlestheGreat there was sat least one yiffing joke?
Juliamon: When I was employed at the supermarket and a customer asked us where a product was we were supposed to walk them to it. People didn't like it when I did that for condoms.
mateusz2001_official_back: Hello
BrowneePointz: @thefluffiestguineapig I didn’t expect to see trilby guy in track pants walk in with his girlfriend in a tube top wearing a metal collar attached to his chain wallet when I was working at GameStop
Sarah_Serinde: The reaction emotes on Drawful really gave me the impression that you're supposed to go "lol sex is gross, I don't wanna hear about it!" or similar
quasi79fu: poor juliamon lol
BrowneePointz: but it stuck with me
Its_VeeBot: @Sarah_Serinde Yeah that was kind of my fear with this pack, is that it'd lean on the puerile for the majority of its content, and sadly that's kinda what I got
saucemaster5000: At a cafe, a person stopped at a busy downtown green light, jumped out of their car, ran inside and yelled at me "I NEED ICE!" I gave them a cup of ice, thyey ran back out and peeled off
DoodlestheGreat: I'm not really impressed by this pack.
saucemaster5000: I never got the rest of the story...
Its_VeeBot: I'm a huge cheerleader for this company but even I can admit when something they put out has limited appeal
BrowneePointz: I think this also works better at a party
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz The thing tripping me up is wallet chain there. I saw a group (for reference this was June) who were dressed in full outfits themed after chocolate, strawberry and normal milk.
BrowneePointz: with more socially repressed people
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah it's not necessarily that it's objectively bad, just probably not aimed at us
quasi79fu: people dress up as food?
BrowneePointz: and not emotionally adapted amazing folks with consent in mind
quasi79fu: is that a thing?
Its_VeeBot: Yeah, definitely.
Julian_Rogue: @Its_VeeBot This kinda feels like they leaned into just to scratch the itch or shut up people asking for this?
BrowneePointz: (I’m still having fun)
Juliamon: and like, I was just completely numb to everything after stocking pregnancy tests and lube alongside everything else (spermicidal condoms have EXPIRATION DATES yall) so it didn't even occur to me WHY people wouldn't like being walked to them
quasi79fu: i lurned something new today
Sarah_Serinde: Juliamon Oh dear :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz Yeah, I think a lot of these games stop working "as intended" when people know how to have discussions about triggers and consent
Sarah_Serinde: lol
Boon_33: Bums!
DiscordianTokkan: lol
Sarah_Serinde: G you're so wacky
GrassVortex: luckybunBuns
KiloRomeo058: Bums!
Thefluffiestguineapig: What's the code?
NewtyNewts: Is This Your Card?
EikoandMog: hifunkFart
LoadingReadyRun: code is ITYC
Thefluffiestguineapig: uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh
korvys: "no that's not why"
hi_im_emily: no, but i HAVE felt that about a watercooler
Kramburger: It's Beej's game
public_key_reveal_party: I do think this is the best game in the pack
Juliamon: that was big Fibbage 5 vibes
quasi79fu: and we begin
pleonasticTautology: oh hello hi i just saw the masto post
spethycakes: aeropress is the easiest to -- I mean
ContingentCat: yes?
EikoandMog: I mean, I -HAVE- had impure thoughts about my toaster...
NewtyNewts: Amazing roomcode. Is This Your Card
0x6772: Ian, it's shaped like a penis pump, you figure it out.
DraygoSmith: Mr. Coffee is sooo slutty
noSmokeFire: how do you get a small cylinder out of an aeropress
Sarah_Serinde: @Juliamon I definitely assumed that's what this was
definenull: Is this the date everything game? \j
Earthenone: wow that was the real code, thats excelenet
flatluigi: is this your cock
wifi12345678910: Where's my key jingling?
drewm1022: Has anyone else been on a King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard kick for about the last three or four days?
hackingducks: I know which one I think it is. he just looks so happy
Fruan: I don't understand this game at all
GrassVortex: oh, that is not a lot of time
quasi79fu: so which radio has a closet of leather
Scarbble: statistically yes and it's kathleen drewm
Kailvin: @EikoandMog Alright there Gaius Baltar
BrowneePointz: Fun fact, Date Everything is being made by Robbie Daymond chat (tuxedo mask in sailor moon crystal, akechi in P5 etc)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hackingducks Honestly people with leather sex outfits are very self aware
DrLigmaPhD: As a barista who until recently was dating a barista we are, in large part, extremely bi and extremely in need of positive human contact
hieroglyphica: I don't know about y'all, but that lower right one looks real naughty
drewm1022: Heh, true.
DideRobot: LRR: Time for Crossing the Streams! Tonight things are getting spicy with the Jackbox Naughty Pack! (has image) |
DoodlestheGreat: FailFish
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ClodiumSoride: pareidolia for the win?
Arclight_Dynamo: So, functionally, this is Patently Stupid, right?
SymphonySolstice: understandable have a nice day
NotCainNorAbel: good answer good answer
Sarah_Serinde: @BrowneePointz Fun fact, I know one of the other people writing and voice acting on it
quasi79fu: hhahaahah
Thefluffiestguineapig: The short explanations tend to be so good
hieroglyphica: Hard agree!
Juliamon: Cori is correct
spethycakes: sometimes you just know
Thefluffiestguineapig: I love Cori's opening line
korvys: That's clearly the sexiest radio
quasi79fu: cori on point lol
Fruan: That little radio is a pervert, agreed.
hackingducks: it's not which one has the outfit on now, it's which has a closet full of them.... it's definitely beej's!
Sarah_Serinde: pffgt
Earthenone: "Who pleased you the most?" is great phrasing
BtEtta: That's definitely a harness on the lower right...
BrowneePointz: honestly this game seems like a lot of fun but the announcer is a loooooot
hi_im_emily: two points!!
Its_VeeBot: Quiplash!
Sheikun07: I was with you, Beej!
BrowneePointz: I KNEW IT WAS YOU
zimmercj: Cori and Matt are correct
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fair
BrowneePointz: Matt has read the Queer Histories
DraygoSmith: In all my years of anthropomorphizing inanimate objects, I never thought it would come in handy
AugmentingPath: Could also see that radio in Rapture
Thefluffiestguineapig: THAT's soo true G
DaxStrife: Gonna side with Graham on that.
KaleidoscopeMind: top middle is ace
iris_of_ether: I need to start the Riven remake....
zimmercj: The bottom right is a radio that effs
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: IAN
circusofkirkus: Ian
BigDaddyBland87: uhhh...IAN?
quasi79fu: oh gahd
Fruan: A group of comedians are obviously ALL going to jump in.
KaleidoscopeMind: im with ian. that one is a dom
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why didn't I expect Ian to use that logic
Sethalidos: IAN! NO!
chriswr5: gimp mask radio oh ian why
korvys: Yeah, but that's more like... cowboy leather, Ian, not sexy leather
NewtyNewts: What an Ian moment
ghyllnox: Worked in leather, huh
hackingducks: ian going full g-suit?
FarleyF: tiltyhPLS tiltyhPLS
Sarah_Serinde: You can have leather outfits that don't cover much up
KiloRomeo058: It makes ya face do the thing that go "mmm!"
Texan_Reverend: Ian is 100% correct.
public_key_reveal_party: Cori is experiencing emotional damage
definenull: IAN
DraygoSmith: brb, hitting up eBay
BrowneePointz: the leather ACCENTUATES the curves Beej
Scarbble: the tongue, duh
quasi79fu: hey thats my sndal
NotCainNorAbel: you say that yet no one can find it
NewtyNewts: Jahdynne and Grah'm
Sarah_Serinde: What tongue?
jae_dorian: the toes
BrowneePointz: I love this game. it’s so dumb
Juliamon: Treat it like the G-spot
quasi79fu: how did they get my sandal?
noSmokeFire: who says it only has one
aitsu100: its the heel strap
Lord_Hosk: Lower right doesn't keep them in the closet. the purple cute one has the closet full and you are like "Wait.. .what? Dorothy I never suspected"
Mokkun: "Science"
public_key_reveal_party: Science has no place here
korvys: The part where the strap folds over
iamzensballs: It's the instep.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hackingducks Fun fact full gimp suits are rarely leather, the masks are, but the full body suit is too laborious to maintain to have appropriate flexibility
hackingducks: not a birk, minus ten points
Mollylele: definitely the insole
iamzensballs: It has to be.
Julian_Rogue: choncla g spot
DraygoSmith: Not visible in this picture
korvys: Also, second leather-related question in a row
ghyllnox: It's a place that doesn't get much friction in daily wear
KiloRomeo058: It's the Velcro, right?
hieroglyphica: Um, obviously the tender but on the side where the behind the foot strap and the front straps join?
DiscordianTokkan: Also, looking at the scores... The game LIKED Cori's response
Its_VeeBot: It's the straps. It's the part that makes the sandal actively scream
nyoomgoom: "where is this [sandal]'s erogenous zone?" "i'm bringing science into this" science!!
ContingentCat: Is that it?
vinopinguino: hmmmm
SnackPak_: I'm learning so much
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
circusofkirkus: brrrrr burrito bowl
DiscordianTokkan: wheelerOok
quasi79fu: things i wish i didnt lurn today
Mokkun: i dont know that monkeys have foot fetishes
YeomanAres: Flat footed people in shambles
Artificer_Evan: it has got to be the tongue
vinopinguino: hahaha
HavenDragon: what about ppl who just wanna be stepped on?
NewtyNewts: It's... just the tip?
ContingentCat: Thamk Jordynna I'll keep that in mind next time I
hackingducks: nobody's going with the lewd ankle?
Artificer_Evan: o I'm bad at typing
Spooky_Noises: brrrrrrreedable
Sarah_Serinde: Or you're just edging it all day
EikoandMog: I love that both said "It was obvious" and had two different answers.
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
DiscordianTokkan: That's the sandal's clit?
Tangsm: It has a toe tickler
quasi79fu: oh gahd
KeytarCat: Gooning shoes
ContingentCat: Thanks I hate it
whitebadgerwolf88: Correct G!!
Fruan: Now I'm wondering just how much Jordynne is into feet. Not that it's any of my business.
MrBrightside1: what a terrible day to have ears
DaxStrife: Coming and going, and going and coming... and always too sooooonn.
BrowneePointz: Jordynne almost spit taked
definenull: Oh god
ShaneLeeAtk: That isn't foot sweat
SymphonySolstice: thank u
grgriffin3: H O L E
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
hieroglyphica: I agree Matt!
Dog_of_Myth: hahahah
quasi79fu: hole
EikoandMog: hypeLUL
starlitdiscord: cori and matt are both correct
stevefromdetroit: I need an adult
DraygoSmith: Ero zone just slamming into the ground all day.
Drasvin: !adult
LRRbot: Sorry, Beej is unavailable.
Sarah_Serinde: tiltyhPLS
Thefluffiestguineapig: !adult
LRRbot: I need an adult!
quasi79fu: OMg Ian
Sarah_Serinde: jlrrFacepalm
definenull: IAN
Fruan: Ian says circumsize your shoes.
Scy_Anide: That's the most sensitive, but I agree with Jordynne. I think the front bit is the g spot.
betweenmyself: people who wear sandals are soulful, therefore the sole is the correct spot
undecided44: Secret answer C... if your doing it right, there are no non-erogenous zones.
quasi79fu: man this poor sandal
grgriffin3: I hate that I can see the logic of all these arguments
chriswr5: okay we're cooking now this game rocks
saucemaster5000: I like you can choose "no one"
HavenDragon: thank you beej for one i actually agree w
aitsu100: both i have agreed with Ian
Scy_Anide: Tongue the toes, don't lick the boot.
NewtyNewts: Aeiou?
hackingducks: uhhh pass.
quasi79fu: hahahahahahah
DarkMorford: OH MY
ContingentCat: as usual feet are surprisingly valuble
quasi79fu: im ded
Tangsm: My brain is really trying to turn this into letters
WiJohn: #4
Juliamon: This seems pretty clearcut
0x6772: Only one's in bondage.
Scy_Anide: In a bad way?
SymphonySolstice: something something long and thin will get you in,
grgriffin3: I plead da fif
ekimekim: one of them is uh, a double?
Heckhoundbolt: what does that mean
KiloRomeo058: Those meats spell "Sunday," right?
BrowneePointz: this game has me CACKLING
starlitdiscord: i dont know
ghyllnox: Couldn't handle this question as someone who's really adverse to meat
ContingentCat: uhhhhhhhh\
zimmercj: Middle...for reasons
hieroglyphica: Middle?
Shadwhawk: Well, it's clearly the one that's tied
DrLigmaPhD: Who else knew witin 0.1 seconds?
nyperold: Yeah, that was the wurst question.
SpicyNapalm: I got these same sausages but "Which one most wants to be called daddy"
Its_VeeBot: yeah I feel like this game needs more non-"naughty" content mixed in
goombalax: gotta be the loin right
hackingducks: this is a 'thanks I hate it' moment for me
BrowneePointz: nah, meat 5 is the jackhammer
CastleOtranto: @KiloRomeo058 Sure do
Lord_Hosk: one of them is the Klingon... it has two
Sarah_Serinde: tiltyhPLS
Juliamon: KiloRomeo058 I I saw "surimi"
Scy_Anide: Is...I assume if Paul also wanted to play then he could :eyes:
definenull: This is an excellent game concept even without the naughty bits
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
SymphonySolstice: thanks ian
public_key_reveal_party: lrrWOW lrrWOW
FarleyF: um the land yager
stevefromdetroit: this sounds… infectious
quasi79fu: why ian from boston?
ghyllnox: Uhhhhhh....
Thefluffiestguineapig: Graham visibly recoiling
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
hackingducks: mold should probably never be mentioned in this context. ever.
Scy_Anide: #5. Long and thin will get you in.
DraygoSmith: But which is the most sensitive sausage?
Gekyouryuu: It's the big U because it can get both holes
stevefromdetroit: phrasing
Sarah_Serinde: gabyFacepalm
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAMNIT
iris_of_ether: Cori.
KiloRomeo058: Ew ew ew. Yeah all this is gross.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I couldn't vote because it was so fast
Zanzabar_: pbtvCLAP
grgriffin3: The thicc one is ribbed, for your pleasure.
quasi79fu: hahahahaha
FarleyF: tiltyhYAS
ButButTheJesus: ew
Sarah_Serinde: I hate to say this but I think I'm with Beej on this one
KaleidoscopeMind: same with beej
ClodiumSoride: that was exactly my reasoning
BrowneePointz: Beej is right
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
stevefromdetroit: but no flared base
starlitdiscord: jordynne's RIGHT
ContingentCat: LOL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Beej and Jordynne are both right
GrassVortex: extraLUL no lies detected
Thefluffiestguineapig: hahhahahah
RainyMint: LOL
0x6772: girth
Fruan: T H I C C
cptcobalt: GOES HAM
spethycakes: jamon
quasi79fu: thiccc
Dog_of_Myth: lrrHAM
starlitdiscord: goes ham...
hackingducks: "goes ham on it" LUL
LizzyTPau: HypeLUL
CodeIndigo: G I R T H
BrowneePointz: nah. wide meats are careful
iris_of_ether: lrrHAM
ekimekim: no, that one's so wide that it knows it can hurt people, it goes slow and careful
BrowneePointz: sorry graham
KaleidoscopeMind: too thicc cant hammer. gotta go gentle
definenull: HAHA
RainyMint: lrrHAM
TheAinMAP: lrrHAM
Its_VeeBot: My bologna has a first name, it's N O P E
Scy_Anide: Hebari
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrHam
Juliamon: Surimi (fish)
ContingentCat: I see Suriiiii
ekimekim: aaaaahhh do not want
starlitdiscord: what is it?
quasi79fu: bewbies
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is that pottery?
grgriffin3: I'm not even sure what this thing is
raulghoulia: Is that the Dune popcorn bucket?
ghyllnox: Is this AI?
ContingentCat: um?
Caffine1138: sea sponge?
Its_VeeBot: What, pray tell, the fuck?
EikoandMog: I think that's coral, yeah.
stevefromdetroit: I love the phrasing on the question
KaleidoscopeMind: what
nyoomgoom: specifically its tittays
saucemaster5000: is that an escaped sarlac?
hieroglyphica: Well she said plural, so the bottom
KeytarCat: It doesn't need titties! In so many ways
BrowneePointz: it’s the asteroid from Empire
0x6772: That's not the back, Jordynne.
Julian_Rogue: caveman bong
Fruan: This game is neat. A non-lewd version of this game would totally work too.
wedge_x: bless shai hulud bless his coming and coming
chriswr5: SHAI HULUD
Thefluffiestguineapig: @raulghoulia You and Beej are on the same wavelength there, not sure if that's a good or bad thing
SymphonySolstice: nids
Its_VeeBot: nipnops
SymphonySolstice: nods
korvys: @LoadingReadyRun It's a stock image named "Egg of stick insect"
stevefromdetroit: nip nops
starlitdiscord: nipnops!
aitsu100: agreed Cori
pn55: nipnops, that is all
RainyMint: Nipnops!
Mai_Andra: to insert dominance?
ContingentCat: speaks for itself the nipknobs yup
Sarah_Serinde: tiltyhPLS
Dog_of_Myth: IAN
EikoandMog: I firmly disagree.
KaleidoscopeMind: the udders
flatluigi: the _quest nipples_?
Thefluffiestguineapig: IAN
public_key_reveal_party: The what
quasi79fu: hahahahah
0x6772: up?
iris_of_ether: tiltyhPLS
grgriffin3: They accidentally made a nice face with their drawings
Scy_Anide: Yak...uzzi.
Sarah_Serinde: The Yakuza mini map has a dot on it to point you where you need to go for your current mission. That's why Ian calls them that
iris_of_ether: It's true
Juliamon: "Follow the quest nipple" has been in !advice for a long time
AugmentingPath: Then why don't you stop him?
Sarah_Serinde: As part of Ian's chat this is correct, we do not
niccus: oh like marsupials
KaleidoscopeMind: care to elaborate?
micalovits: Graham No
definenull: So it's an innie
iris_of_ether: Graham are you implying that the boobs are everted
quasi79fu: omg jordynne
zimmercj: Amazon Prime for Milking
grgriffin3: They're not tittays, they're udders, I see
quasi79fu: im so dying of laughter
shurtal: is this a "nutte sacke" situation?
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
SaxPython: So we think this object is mammalian
Scy_Anide: Good ol' armtits
quasi79fu: sagggy bewbbies
ContingentCat: gravity effects us all
Juliamon: Gravity has a finger on the evolutionary scale when it comes to tiddy
stevefromdetroit: I appreciate Grahams artistic interpretation
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SaxPython Has to be in order to have milk producing breasts
SymphonySolstice: I'm sad no one said all of the nubbins at the top
SymphonySolstice: 10,000 tittays
niccus: everyone's touching on the same points
raulghoulia: we award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul
korvys: It's a stick insect egg
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup
Julian_Rogue: snits
undecided44: As it is above, so below
NewtyNewts: That's a hell of a question
ThorSokar: Snitty Milk Best Milk!
quasi79fu: oh gahd
quasi79fu: oh no
eric_christian_berg: Nobody picked all the little top nubs. I'm disappointed.
Mollylele: show me the tittays on a praying mantis
spethycakes: ohlindYee ohlindHaw
raulghoulia: Mastodon means Breast Tooth
zimmercj: Left, it looks scetchy as heck
hieroglyphica: Cori!!
DrLigmaPhD: All, next
SymphonySolstice: none of those words are in the bible
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ian with the bird zoom in
Scy_Anide: Trick question, none of them.
BrowneePointz: I just laughed so hard my neighbors pounded on the wall
aitsu100: not the crow
starlitdiscord: do birds masturbate?
pleonasticTautology: isn't masturbating to the twilight books how we got fifty shades of grey?
Sarah_Serinde: You can be into things that are not good and still respect yourself
Its_VeeBot: I love you, Jackbox. Why have you done this to us
public_key_reveal_party: @symphonysolstice I'm sure "to" is in there somewhere
DraygoSmith: I just want to know what part of the books?
ClodiumSoride: the hawk with the hood prefers Fifty Shades of Gray
Mazrae: those look like some good chess pieces
saucemaster5000: The one on the left jerkks it to "the fountainhead"
grgriffin3: Based
quasi79fu: ahahhaha
Fruan: How does one masturbate with a cloacca? ... you know what, question recinded.
wedge_x: actually an ortolan
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
zimmercj: Reverse Ortelan situation?
Getter404 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Getter404: I need an adult.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Getter404! (Today's storm count: 135)
ghyllnox: That one is confident enough to wear fetish wear in public, it actually knows its shit
Sarah_Serinde: @Fruan Don't get Ian started on cloacas...
Shadwhawk: The one with the long neck has a vampire fetish, so it has to be that one
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fruan Ask with Ian on stream and we will never be able to forget the answer
micalovits: How is the vulture not the most goth?
DraygoSmith: Bella Bird
nyoomgoom: wow
GrassVortex: extraLUL extraLUL
iris_of_ether: JORDYNNE
RainyMint: LOL
grgriffin3: DAMMIT Jordynne
NewtyNewts: JORDYNNE
definenull: Omg
BrowneePointz: that’s a crow, it knows what it is
randombillfolds: Would goth birds accessorize with jesses?
DiscordianTokkan: Hummingbirds: More goth than vultures
hieroglyphica: Jordynne!
starlitdiscord: socially??
grgriffin3: DAMMIT Graham
ghyllnox: Socially???
stevefromdetroit: i would never leave the house
noSmokeFire: -Jonathan Frakes
kdefinition: I think my favorite interpretation of Twilight is that the self insert is actually Edward
quasi79fu: omg cori
Thefluffiestguineapig: Woooooooooooow
stevefromdetroit: same Matt. same
Arclight_Dynamo: JESUS Matt
ekimekim: i didn't come here for a personal attack
baltimore_667083: IAN
Thefluffiestguineapig: IAN
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
SnackPak_: lrrFRUMP
RainyMint: IAN
Sarah_Serinde: gabyFacepalm
quasi79fu: oh dear gahd
Its_VeeBot: Honestly, us going IAN is pretty much redundant here
GamemasterAnth: "HELP! HELP! I'm being repressed!!"
Diabore: they need like 5 more seconds
SymphonySolstice: it was only a matter of time before ian made a cloaca reference here
DraygoSmith: First one looks like it's wearing an overcoat
public_key_reveal_party: Beej contributes to the peer review
SymphonySolstice: straight up jorkin it
wifi12345678910: Straight jorkin it?
BrowneePointz: cloca
NotCainNorAbel: sooooo glad we are workshopping this
ClodiumSoride: figging?
starlitdiscord: NO
Despoiler98: is that a piece of ginger?
asddsa28: o in food
RayFK: I quit
HavenDragon: thats ginger?
quasi79fu: Oh my gahd it just didnt ask that
aitsu100: lol
ContingentCat: Welll
grgriffin3: Ohhhh, I just got there too
Angreed66: In a good meal
BrowneePointz: like an echidna
GamemasterAnth: I have yet to meet a ginger that pleased anyone.
Juliamon: chat, please do not look up figging
ghyllnox: Have you ever heard of figging
ThorSokar: WELP
30teracyte: home made ginger ale
DaxStrife: Serve it with sushi?
Texan_Reverend: In five pieces for five figgings.
Gekyouryuu: financially
CastleOtranto: Snick her doodle
korvys: In some soup
DiscordianTokkan: In an ale
micalovits: As a Ginger, that sounds exhausting
Diabore: ribbed for pleasure
0x6772: Heya, Ginger!
Fruan: Are we about to learn about figging?
aitsu100: mmm ginger cookies
starlitdiscord: noo
Going_Medium: in cookies?
A_Dub888: @RayFK Can I have your Gunpla?
ThorSokar: OR look up figging if you're not a coward
saucemaster5000: @Juliamon immediately whdere my mind went
Julian_Rogue: I'm having flashbacks to the 3 headed dildo joke from feed dump
serramarkov: How can a ginger fail to please
orangeceltic71: I think you should grate it into good food.
Its_VeeBot: Clearly, it'd please them... gingerly.
ekimekim: i'll be mad if no-one goes for "put it in dfood"
RayFK: @A_Dub888 Taking them with me, they can't handle this filth
patrick_stonecrusher: Pumpkin spice lattes
omdorastrix: Grind up, marinate beef with it, feed to them.
baltimore_667083: very good matt
SymphonySolstice: REAL
asddsa28: yess
definenull: Mm yes
quasi79fu: hhahahahahah
aitsu100: yes BEEJ
grgriffin3: #Real
Juliamon: Beej gets it
Dog_of_Myth: YES
starlitdiscord: mmmm
RainyMint: Mmmmm yes
DiscordianTokkan: Yes
Sarah_Serinde: I am literally doing that tomorrow so yes
EvilBadman: Gingerly
iris_of_ether: Correct
KaleidoscopeMind: i was also thinking grated into a thai curry
RayFK: awwwww yeah Beej, talking to me about Beef Strips
starlitdiscord: the correct answer
ButButTheJesus: mmm tasty
EikoandMog: I was gonna say Figging.
Scy_Anide: Hell yeah, correct answer.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I mean.. I'm glad noone has mentioned figging...
definenull: Surprisingly wholesome
Julian_Rogue: I hate the stream delay makes me miss voting
Its_VeeBot: Yes, he is
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Bobtheninjagoldfish NOO don't do it!
nyoomgoom: cooking!!
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Its_VeeBot: Beej is definitely cooking
grgriffin3: Mind-link, baby!
Juliamon: mmm
Thefluffiestguineapig: The strength of that prompt crashed my entire computer
serramarkov: Ginger ice cream is my FAVE!
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I think that's good
quasi79fu: what?
0x6772: Silence.
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
quasi79fu: mime stream
Its_VeeBot: RIP Ian
TheAinMAP: bbirbKnife
SnackPak_: good bit
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
RainyMint: RIP Ian's mic
aitsu100: same brain cell
starlitdiscord: everyone just wants food
SaxPython: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
pn55: Everyone is getting hungry maybe :D
Sarah_Serinde: Look ginger is delicious
nyoomgoom: yummy!
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
spethycakes: hahahahahaha
ghyllnox: Beej, the Ian translator
quasi79fu: hahahahahaha
RayFK: Is this... brat?
quasi79fu: omg jordyneee
GrassVortex: extraLUL
DrLigmaPhD: Correct
ContingentCat: Goddamnit I just took a drink
Fruan: She's not wrong
pn55: HypeLUL
public_key_reveal_party: Jordynne perfect answer, 10/10 no notes
baltimore_667083: BEEJ
Getter404: Precisely 3 brain cells
GamemasterAnth: Okay...all these cooking ideas are making me hungry, and I just had a delicious chicken fried steak!
quasi79fu: that drawing
0x6772: Merged art!
hieroglyphica: I CAN do anything!
Pharmacistjudge: no.... you spoon the ginger
DrLigmaPhD: I'll smash a ginger
0x6772: Butch hiding in the reeds.
Thefluffiestguineapig: The merged drawing is amazing
nyoomgoom: all the drawings on top of the ginger kinda slaps as a visual design
BrowneePointz: you peel ginger with a spoon
omdorastrix: I might be hungry
NewtyNewts: WOW
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
Julian_Rogue: BEEJ
NotCainNorAbel: BEEJ!
starlitdiscord: wooooooow
definenull: Poor matt
pn55: lrrWOW
Thefluffiestguineapig: WOOOOOOW Beej
A_Dub888: BEEJ
baltimore_667083: BEEJ
GrassVortex: Wow
RainyMint: lrrWOW
ContingentCat: it
hieroglyphica: I'm mainlining a massive apple pecan salad and I'm still ravenous
Julian_Rogue: Is this your carb
ContingentCat: lol we all have the skills we opted out of
definenull: Oh wheeler would crush
djalternative: honestly, great game
Its_VeeBot: Thanks for having us, it's great to be here
Bobtheninjagoldfish: @Thefluffiestguineapig WHAT? it's a thing!
DoodlestheGreat: So that was it?
Julian_Rogue: quiplash!
spethycakes: here for a good time; not a long time
ProcyonFlynn: I feel like Faker has more potential
SkylerRingtail: Monster Seeking Monster!
Fruan: Let me finish is great, and Jackbox should make a non-lewd version of it in a future pack.
Diabore: tmp?
grgriffin3: Oh yeah, definitely wanna see this mixed in
TStodden: more fakin' it?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Bobtheninjagoldfish yes, it's a thing, it's technically part of "chemical play" and I have never heard anything good about it
Sarah_Serinde: Huh
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah that was fun
0x6772: Strong disagree.
Juliamon: It didn't seem *that bad*
NarishmaReborn: those reviews are wrong
EikoandMog: What?
flatluigi: are people just bad at improv
Fruan: Really?!
asddsa28: what that was the best one
HavenDragon: what??
grgriffin3: I think that's because most people aren't good at improv
goombalax: Depends on the crowd
Oreo1369: I liked that one the best
KaleidoscopeMind: i think it just requires good improv
GrassVortex: huh? It was great!
ekimekim: i thought it was the only good one
Tangsm: That's the most creative one, I love it
aitsu100: gamers arent creative
ProcyonFlynn: least "game" most "improv" ... yup
northos: it seems like the one that requires the most effort and creativity
BrowneePointz: wut? that one was the best(besides drawful)
DoodlestheGreat: In fairness, none of them are all that good.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Bobtheninjagoldfish Wait, I think you were being sarcastic, sorry, my brain is short circuiting from laughing so hard
public_key_reveal_party: Steam reviewers need to learn improv
Arclight_Dynamo: It is the least structured game, so is likely the least fun for people who aren't professional improv folks.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: @Thefluffiestguineapig wait.. chemical play? I heard about it from horse racing....
grgriffin3: Jackbox: Much like EDH, in that the playgroup matters a LOT
ClodiumSoride: of the three, I would most want to see the last one again.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Bobtheninjagoldfish Yuuuuuuuuuuuuup
0x6772: Sliders, Graham.
KaleidoscopeMind: some soup
korvys: I think the faker one was probably the worst? Just a bit shallow
Scarbble: get em some baja blast for sure
ThorSokar: A lot of people were disappointed that there was no raunchy quiplash
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Bobtheninjagoldfish Why not both?
stevefromdetroit: some impossible sliders
EvilBadman: Time for an entirely clean stream now
Oreo1369: split the room
Julian_Rogue: a banglista
Scy_Anide: The baja blast lube is for the ballista
SaxPython: #andABallista
wifi12345678910: SPLIT THE ROOM!
ekimekim: Sokar: implying normal quiplash isn't that?
Thefluffiestguineapig: #notacult
Its_VeeBot: So the voice you just heard was that of Tim Sniffen
Oreo1369: LETS GO
Julian_Rogue: no ita cilf
ThorSokar: ekimekim yes
wedge_x: blahaj blast
NewtyNewts: It's a Fat Tom
orangeceltic71 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, orangeceltic71! (Today's storm count: 136)
wifi12345678910: Join us
TheMNWolf: It was good for me
BrowneePointz: mmmmm girthy Mayo
NorthstarTex: OwO I wish to join (the audiance)
pleonasticTautology: wait, so mayonnaise IS an instrument?
BigDaddyBland87: meow
ProcyonFlynn: "You can now drink mayonnaise"
DrLigmaPhD: They call me "The Ballista" cause I'm Italian and operate using incredible and constant tension
NotCainNorAbel: meow
LoadingReadyRun: VPZQ
Thefluffiestguineapig: @pleonasticTautology Anything is an instrument if you are creative enough
BrowneePointz: Sound of Mayonnaise is my favorite Simon and Garfunkel cover album
GamemasterAnth: @pleonasticTautology No...but yogurt can be if you are cultured enough.
CodeIndigo: those three words everyone wants to hear: "get the mayonnaise"
saucemaster5000: I loved Julie Andrews in THe Sound of Mayo
Its_VeeBot: lrrPAUL
FarleyF: yeah each time i see this i remember adams "oh no the cat is hot"
Its_VeeBot: Press-enter-too-soon-man
ProcyonFlynn: He's got a great voice, let him go SirUwU
Thefluffiestguineapig: This example is not good because I think everyone would choose yes
Scy_Anide: Well they're not skippable, so by default they're worse.
TStodden: Vice President Zachary Quinto?
DaxStrife: The more Mayonaise the better, I say.
spethycakes: Remember, chat, it's Nelson's first time playing!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Old men tap dancing is infinitely better than ads
ekimekim: Thefluffiestguineapig: this example is not good because who isn't already blocking the ads?
SaxPython: Please Vote
Its_VeeBot: (Repeating that this is the aforementioned Tim Sniffen playing Mayonnaise)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ekimekim Nope, old men tap dancing is just better than capitalism
KeytarCat: I'm *trying* to block ads
A_Dub888: @spethycakes Who's meat husk is Nelly wearing?
ContingentCat: reminder americans please please please vote
BrowneePointz: I realized why I dislike Mayo’s animation! it looks like gross era Ren and Stimpy!
Arclight_Dynamo: 1
Sheikun07: oh wow
aitsu100: itd be his first time
NewtyNewts: Dang, he hasn't played this one before?!
NotCainNorAbel: 1
TStodden: 3
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hm 1 will split the room
Mcgwee: 2
DoodlestheGreat: 3
NorthstarTex: 1
Julian_Rogue: 1
fatherllymic: 3
RatherLargeToad: 3
Sheikun07: 1, yeah
Thefluffiestguineapig: 3 everyone will vote no
Kikazi: causeiQuack
Dog_of_Myth: 1
Lord_Hosk: I feel like Nelson would enjoy this game if he ever got to play it
tidehollowcat: 1
saucemaster5000: 1
quasi79fu: oh i got a bad one
wifi12345678910: RIP nelson I miss him already
RatherLargeToad: everyone would vote Yes for 1
0x6772: @Thefluffiestguineapig Same with 1, one may hope.
BigDaddyBland87: 2
Julian_Rogue: wait the cats name is mayonase
Oreo1369: i misrmisread and chose 2
Heckhoundbolt: 2
BrowneePointz: Tim Snuffkin and Michael Moomin
goombalax: "Known Terrorist, Moomin" is something I wasn't expecting
Sheikun07: Mumei no!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @0x6772 I think it's less universal than one would hope with certain caveats
noSmokeFire: petition to send v-tubers to moomin valley
DiscordianTokkan: lol
BigDaddyBland87: lol
aitsu100: no
ClodiumSoride: no no no no
Gekyouryuu: never
mkaybuddy11: that's so real
Drasvin: Yep. The cat is name Mayonnaise. And he's one of Cookie Masterson's cats
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Kramburger: Nope
NorthstarTex: no no no no
0x6772: Well, I guess we're on split sides of the room. :^>
ghyllnox: How is this any different than usual
DaxStrife: BRUTAL
TheWanderingNomad: I mean that seems relatively tame :D
raulghoulia: Tunnel Snakes rule!
ekimekim: of course no, i help my friends find dates
Julian_Rogue: Highlight reel!
Oreo1369: nope
BigDaddyBland87: windmill slam no
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean they picked the one person who might actually say that
ContingentCat: sounds like they're making a comercial
ButButTheJesus: nope! keep rolling!
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
public_key_reveal_party: We gotta let them advertise it
korvys: No? Why do you think we hired her?
Vilun: I feel like this is testable
ghyllnox: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Vilun True!
quasi79fu: nah let her live her life
fatherllymic: Gotta find love somewhere, somehow
GamemasterAnth: @Drasvin Darn...was hoping the cat's name was Schrodinger. Hopefully, I don't hve to explain why.
Its_VeeBot: The art director for this game (as well as a LOT of other Jackbox games, including Fakin' It) is Owen Watson. He tweeted earlier today that there's a rare intro to Split the Room that's a full-on Alfred Hitchcock parody
public_key_reveal_party: Everyone's supportive here
TheWanderingNomad: "You heard it here folks, my co-anchor is looking for a butch in her life so send your applications to 123 Place Street, Ottowa, Canada."
panpaladin: Hopefully no one has to review that work email!
Thefluffiestguineapig: If we thought it would embarass you we would
northos: "insert," huh?
aitsu100: yes
baltimore_667083: without hesitation
ContingentCat: look it can be difficult in this economy
DrLigmaPhD: Windmill slam yes
BigDaddyBland87: most people aren't gonna have context
Julian_Rogue: Imagine it doesn't work and you ahve to try again
KeytarCat: "Are you proud of what you've done?"
DraygoSmith: Gotta spend money to make money
ekimekim: jokes on you, everything is tap to pay
VorlonScout: 10% is pretty good, I'm in
DiscordianTokkan: Also, we have TAPPING
ghyllnox: Ehh sure?
Sheikun07: There's tap, and there's paying online!
Arclight_Dynamo: Fuck it, I pay and leave, so it's not my problem.
quasi79fu: can i split myself?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would use it at stores I dislike
Oreo1369: same also
hackingducks: 10% is aaaaamaaaazzzinng.
HorusFive: THE DEVICE!
xantos69: Yes. Then I just return things and get a refund and keep the 10%. Easy free money forever.
omdorastrix: Yakety Sax
DrLigmaPhD: You never GET to hear it
SquidVorb: Do Americans not tap?
SaxPython: <3
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is the opposite split
Its_VeeBot: Game written before tap became common 🤷
RatherLargeToad: my tap stopped working :(
VorlonScout: Of course *insertion* plays the sexy drawful music
coronax_cj subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, coronax_cj! (Today's storm count: 137)
Athelgar: does it play in Beej's office when i buy at
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, same , I enjoy that song
DrLigmaPhD: @SquidVorb Sometimes
EvilBadman: Shoulda went with Ian noise.wav
ekimekim: SquidVorb: America is 10-20 years behind in all finance tech
Zanzabar_: the really embarrasing part of that song wont play until after your long gone.
Its_VeeBot: Graham, do you report it?
omdorastrix: right into the bit bucket
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
HorusFive: Actual monster Matt G
aitsu100: lol
Its_VeeBot: Who does Graham report it to?
DiscordianTokkan: "Oh no! My drops!"
quasi79fu: hhahahaah fire him
panpaladin: That's a lot of paper
ContingentCat: which dropbox?
Thefluffiestguineapig: YOU MONSTER
Oreo1369: nope its everywhere now
hieroglyphica: @squidvorb no, we do, but some people still have older chip cards that insert only cause it wasn't a required changeover and cards typically last ~6-8 years
DrLigmaPhD: All my Dropbox gone!
omdorastrix: slash bin slash bin
BrowneePointz: Americans have a lot of tap but some places are still insert readers
DraygoSmith: Jokes on them, I'll never get a promotion!
korvys: inside baseball question here
HorusFive: So that's what happened to Season 1
public_key_reveal_party: Also is that a euphemism?
Lord_Hosk: biggest split so far
Kramburger: This kills the matt
ButButTheJesus: ooooh I will check that out
serramarkov: Fun episode!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz And a lot of places theoretically have tap and it just never works
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Its_VeeBot: Wait
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
NewtyNewts: The format switcheroo!
starlitdiscord: what
NimrodXIV: pull what out
ContingentCat: with Cori sure
Morrigan9: phrasing
mirshebs: lit just saw that last night cuz i was rewathing the sub a thon vids
ButButTheJesus: OMG
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is so gooooodd
notthepenguins: omg
Boon_33: which half?
DraygoSmith: How's your pull out game?
quasi79fu: what does that mean?
aitsu100: was cori the front or back of the horse
Its_VeeBot: The ol' reddit switcharoo
djalternative: I know who's prompt this is
DrLigmaPhD: Front or back?
panpaladin: I need everyone to hear me out real quick
baltimore_667083: the "of" is what really sells it
Sogheim: I love socially distanced pantomime horse
korvys: Love a good scansion joke
patrick_stonecrusher: "Of"
public_key_reveal_party: I will follow cori into hell and this is no exception
Julian_Rogue: Because Wheeler's jokes take too long
BtEtta: Can't in horses club
ekimekim: You can ask Andrew, he's good friends with the Tums horse
Its_VeeBot: Horse Tarp Budget
beckstromsavestheday: LRR is better than ever
flatluigi: the tums horse!
ThorSokar: The Tums Horse is ALWAYS on call!
EvilBadman: Can't Pull Out of Horses Club
wedge_x: burrolesque
Julian_Rogue: can't draw whorses club
beckstromsavestheday subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, beckstromsavestheday! (Today's storm count: 138)
baskwalla: Wheeler?
ButButTheJesus: *giggling continues*
Darleysam: speaking of Vancouver, @LoadingReadyRun saw you made it to the TLJ show last night!
korvys: I KNEW it was Graham - always a fan of playing with the grammer
stevefromdetroit: Jordynne - known horse girl
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm crying, I'm laughing so hard
Lord_Hosk: Which human?
KaleidoscopeMind: but which human
ProcyonFlynn: ^
Morrigan9: metal.....yea
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can I pick the human
HorusFive: Are they single?
cptcobalt: you can?
aitsu100: no comment
ThorSokar: WHICH human?
BrowneePointz: femme horse girl 4 femme horsegirl
KeytarCat: Ethically sourced, right?
Dog_of_Myth: IAN
Mai_Andra: only straight days?
GamemasterAnth: Everyone loves pantomime horses...except when they fight for jobs in chartered accountancy.
NotCainNorAbel: nice
SymphonySolstice: woo!
ContingentCat: which human and what kind of skin
NorthstarTex: YES!
Thefluffiestguineapig: YESSS
ghyllnox: If the human wanted their skin made into it, sure
pleonasticTautology: i mean yeah this is how burn surgery works
0x6772: woop!
DrLigmaPhD: Living or leather?
BigDaddyBland87: wow!!!
fastlane250: like the matrix, in a phone case
quasi79fu: hahahahahah omg Ian
Kadenus: LETSGO
Athelgar: ah, the necronomiphone
TheAinMAP: !
darkcyril: Good job us!
GrassVortex: we did it!
panpaladin: Konrad Kurze coded
Oreo1369: LETS GO
ClodiumSoride: we win!
starlitdiscord: woah
VorlonScout: I took a sip of soda at the WRONG time
Spooky_Noises: probably more ethatically...
Sheikun07: Holy cow it worked!
Juliamon: I would argue there's a lot of my skin in my phone case
Its_VeeBot: Donate your eyes, G.
wifi12345678910: Woo!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Matt don't sound so disappointed
BigDaddyBland87: The case is made of people!!!
mkaybuddy11: oh HELL yeah math
ekimekim: oh this is a Very American question
Dog_of_Myth: YES
hieroglyphica: I'm sorry y'all, the whole world is coated in human skin if you think about shed skin cells
ghyllnox: Absolutely
aitsu100: i would
DrLigmaPhD: Yes
NorthstarTex: yep
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES
Kadenus: what on earth is this
starlitdiscord: windmill slam yes
quasi79fu: definitly
Pharmacistjudge: pay the bill behind their back like a proper brother.
public_key_reveal_party: Is that like a DBZ power up scream?
ekimekim: no, because here WE PAY OUR WORKERS
BigDaddyBland87: I'm a math nerd. My bro wouldn't bat an eye
ContingentCat: as a gay I don't do math unless I can avoid it so no
VorlonScout: My hypothetical brother knows who he invited to this lunch
zimmercj: That's why I use my phone calculator
DraygoSmith: It's just lunch though
Diabore: can you stop just doing it in your head?
Angreed66: Always check the math even if they are trustworthy
darkcyril: Yeah, I don't see a drawback here.
micalovits: There is no downside
OtherEdgeworth: Absolutely. I didn't get my bachelor in maths for nothing
Arclight_Dynamo: Language foul. If she used she/her, it should be fiancée.
wifi12345678910: I'd be more likely to check math
Boon_33: we have a catchphrase, we have to
ghyllnox: I do it and pay what she wanted anyways
KiloRomeo058: make your brother's fiancee know your family is a wild-a** family tbh
Thefluffiestguineapig: For me the bigger issue is doing math at work where I work with animals and shouting is a problem, otherwise ABSOLUTELY
HorusFive: I'm now going to shout this anyway
Its_VeeBot: The problem is, does she know what that means in the first place?
Scy_Anide: Allegedly
AugmentingPath: Alan Turing destroyed
stevefromdetroit: it’s true. all gays are bad at math.
panpaladin: You gotta take every opportunity you can to say engorged
spethycakes: I always carry a pen and scratch paper with me for just such a purpose
Thefluffiestguineapig: @HorusFive In social situations, for real
EvilBadman: "Check out my math boner!!!" Coming soon to dirty drawful
hieroglyphica: That explains why I was so mad at math until I became a drug dealer. Really can't skimp on that when it's your profession
mkaybuddy11: stop
quasi79fu: hahahahahahah
mkaybuddy11: hzdufjcivbhgfiu hahahahaha
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ummmmmmmmmmm
zimmercj: Dashcon?
aitsu100: no
tidehollowcat: Are you secretly Tumblr
panpaladin: hell no
Julian_Rogue: Hi i'm hosting dashcon 2
SymphonySolstice: need an extra hour first
mkaybuddy11: very dashcon
BigDaddyBland87: guess I'm buying a ball pit
Diabore: im getting myself a fucking ball pit
ghyllnox: No?
aitsu100: its for a Live
Its_VeeBot: You can rent a ballpit for less than 10 grand
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, how do you have my bank details
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs
Arclight_Dynamo: Yes, because it's gotta be fraud on my part to take the money.
ButButTheJesus: I would totally fund a lrr ball pit
quasi79fu: its like robbbing people isnt it?
stevefromdetroit: what kind of balls?
Lord_Hosk: I take down... the $10,000 wooo hoo! I toook that money doooown
KiloRomeo058: Heather wants a ball pit! Get a ball pit for Heather!
Kikazi: I'll take the 10K, thanks
djalternative: 10k worth of ball pit rental
ThorSokar: It's the Dash Con Memorial Ball Pit
EvilBadman: That's free real estate
HorusFive: The prank is I get 10K? No problems
flatluigi: patreon dot com slash loadingreadyrun
panpaladin: I rent a ball pit for 15 minutes to appease the feds, and get free money
BigDaddyBland87: my kids'll be thrilled
public_key_reveal_party: I mean, listen, y'all volunteered for my dumb fundraiser, that's on you
DraygoSmith: Now if was for ballpit surgery...
MrBrightside1: you just get a ball pit, its just not 10k worth of ballpit
jedi_master_zll: What would have to be there to not take the money?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ButButTheJesus I funded the LRR tennis ball throw, so I would fund this
NorthstarTex: I'd take it
HorusFive: Jokes on you. Ball pits rent for way less than that
NewtyNewts: All them heckin' balls
ContingentCat: what kind of ball pit?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can I fund a LRR foam pit like at gymnastics places?
starlitdiscord: definitely getting that pit
NotCainNorAbel: I did the same for rubber ducks
Thefluffiestguineapig: YEAH
micalovits: Wait, they are holding a second dashcon?
hackingducks: @NotCainNorAbel as a rubber duck collector, I wish u_u
stevefromdetroit: gimme reusable water balloon pit instead
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NotCainNorAbel Are they also expensive? If not I may get some to make tiny outfits for
djalternative: Filling the moonbase with ball pit balls could be a sub goal if you want to put that on us
panpaladin: Being immersed in a tub of tapioca balls is high on my list of personal hells
EvilBadman: Gotta get a ball pit for lrrcon2
ContingentCat: feet is one of the better things a ball put might smell like
Arclight_Dynamo: 1
Diabore: 1
Sheikun07: 3
airylan: 3
RatherLargeToad: 3
Thefluffiestguineapig: 3
Julian_Rogue: 1
stevefromdetroit: 1
BigDaddyBland87: 1
DoodlestheGreat: 2, I already have that...
public_key_reveal_party: 3
notthepenguins: 2
spethycakes: 1
NotCainNorAbel: @Thefluffiestguineapig getting a few isn't that much; getting enough to fill a room adds up real fast
TStodden: 1
Mcgwee: 1
Dog_of_Myth: 3
Oreo1369: 1
aitsu100: sounds amazing
saucemaster5000: 1 is waay too harsh
tidehollowcat: 2
DrLigmaPhD: Ball pit but they're a mix of tungsten balls and mercury boba
NorthstarTex: 1 fees like it wont get a split
EvilBadman: 2 for sure
baltimore_667083: 2
NotCainNorAbel: 2
nyoomgoom: kittyh
starlitdiscord: mrow
hieroglyphica: Wow I want that
Arclight_Dynamo: Art exhibit pitch: a ball pit, but all the balls are painted granite.
public_key_reveal_party: 1 and 2 are funny, 3 could split
ekimekim: yeah 1 is too harsh, 2 is too easy
micalovits: 3 is good
Heckhoundbolt: 1
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NotCainNorAbel I feel like the quantity of anything to fill a room just gets prohibitively expensive, even my tiny closet sized bathroom
Oreo1369: 3 is valid
GamemasterAnth: I actually went to an art exhibit yesterday. Who here has heard of Meow Wolf?
flatluigi: which portland
Diabore: chat you gotta read the crowd, 1 can definitely split this room
ekimekim: Thefluffiestguineapig: what about air?
KiloRomeo058: 1
wifi12345678910: Make them split on the option to pick an alternative
ClodiumSoride: @GamemasterAnth Omega Mart is amazing.
public_key_reveal_party: Can we start a Kickstarter to just get Lrr a stash of ball pit balls?
sporkraptor: @GamemasterAnth I have! don't remember the context but I recognize the name
patrick_stonecrusher: O o o omega mart
Its_VeeBot: @GamemasterAnth I feel like an easier question would be who here *hasn't* heard of Meow Wolf
KeytarCat: @ekimekim rent
hieroglyphica: Man I love have dishware with measurements on it. I can safely say I ate 10 cups of salad!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ekimekim I live in America, existing is expensive
GamemasterAnth: @ClodiumSoride THe one I went to is Convergence Station in Denver.
BigDaddyBland87: oh we're back on naughty
Scy_Anide: Oh please, I already have an inability to sit on stools, it's called getting old. I need fricken' back support.
Lord_Hosk: The problem with Ball pit balls is.1 they aren't manufactured in north america, and 2. by their nature they take up a ton of space in shipping containers they can't be compacted.
GamemasterAnth: I once sat on my own stool. It was disgusting.
Angreed66: I already can't
ButButTheJesus: FUN
DrLigmaPhD: Fuck them kids?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Scy_Anide Same! I'm not giving anything up and gaining balance
NorthstarTex: decent split
Thefluffiestguineapig: If this includes kittens no deal
Diabore: i need to dookie
NotCainNorAbel: i don't want to find out
GamemasterAnth: O_O I WAS KIDDING!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: If you can't poop you die
Mokkun: um... hmm...
ekimekim: that's uh, a serious, fatal medical issue
SymphonySolstice: all piss
Julian_Rogue: Thats impressive how does the child dolly zoom
Angreed66: you die
Juliamon: VtM rules
hieroglyphica: Well this would disrupt my morning Tea and Perch routine, but I could adapt
wifi12345678910: I demand justice for naps
DraygoSmith: You explode when you're 50
Julian_Rogue: DIRIAH
sporkraptor: you asplode
0x6772: That's, um, letha.
starlitdiscord: do. do i explode
stevefromdetroit: as a bottom I have questions
KaleidoscopeMind: is it like in not a drop to drink?
SnackPak_: yeah, VtM rules
ThorSokar: In real life, it exits out the income shoot
Mokkun: liquid mess is a kind o stool
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ekimekim A rapidly escalating
korvys: Graham - you'll have to sit on chairs instead
Its_VeeBot: From what I remember, Graham has been through that once before
iris_of_ether: Ah, Not a Drop 2 Drink
BigDaddyBland87: welp
bytecaster: Tricky
NorthstarTex: hmmm
hackingducks: damn
DrLigmaPhD: Oh
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hmmmmm
starlitdiscord: mmm
ghyllnox: Booty
sporkraptor: uh
NewtyNewts: Naughty pack, I see
Mokkun: that's a room splitter one
cptcobalt: easy
betweenmyself: oddly enough South Park was right… If you don’t poop for a long enough time it can back up and come out the other end pennyWhat
Its_VeeBot: Easy one
DrLigmaPhD: Booty
aitsu100: thick thighs save lives
DraygoSmith: Where's anime thighs!???
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, why can't I enjoy both
hieroglyphica: Wow hard but I guess right?
wifi12345678910: Because that's what the game demands
SymphonySolstice: don't pit two bad bitches against each other
pleonasticTautology: labels are beacons, not boxes
OtherEdgeworth: I'm with G
bytecaster: Is this anything?
ekimekim: it depends G, maybe they're into it and the boxes have stragegically placed openings
Thefluffiestguineapig: SOLD
iris_of_ether: :D
HavenDragon: hey, a pineapple went by, is the cat a swinger?
KeytarCat: Can a girl not be two things??
sporkraptor: yep
ghyllnox: OOTY
quasi79fu: ooty?
Sheikun07: lrrBEN
ClodiumSoride: that's a Star Wars name
patrick_stonecrusher: Hey a pineapple
Its_VeeBot: We love you Ben
KiloRomeo058: OOTT
aitsu100: hooty
eshplode: lrrBEN
public_key_reveal_party: I just want everyone watching to be confused
EikoandMog: Does legs count as booty?
KiloRomeo058: OOTY*
Oreo1369: hooty?
iris_of_ether: benginButt
GamemasterAnth: I knew a Ooty Benthusiast in high school.
hieroglyphica: @eikoandmog the age old question!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @public_key_reveal_party Same, I'm on a damn dating show, everyone else gets to suffer too
Diabore: too real
flatluigi: a hug
GhostValv: a bullet
Dog_of_Myth: death
shurtal: herpes
Thefluffiestguineapig: DEAL
aitsu100: lol
SymphonySolstice: their electric bill
ClodiumSoride: there's a board game about that
sporkraptor: *windmill slam*
ghyllnox: FOR WHAT
baltimore_667083: windmill slam b
zimmercj: Jizz-o-gram
MadmanOreo: "fresh squeezed"
Its_VeeBot: I, too, remember this episode of Showcase Showdown
Julian_Rogue: Those arent' the same thing?
aitsu100: i brign the revelution
public_key_reveal_party: Singing Instagram for you!
EvilBadman: Freshkraut. Wait shit.
ContingentCat: the rich are weird
hackingducks: let's be honest folks: when is sauerkraut ever the right answer to this question?
goombalax: did he say Artis-Anal?
ekimekim: Beej please, the VST already has enough work
ButButTheJesus: they don't know how to internet
Arclight_Dynamo: Like... one at a time?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Single use?
ghyllnox: Single use???
AugmentingPath: why are they single use?
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH Good point Matt
KaleidoscopeMind: have... they been used first?
hieroglyphica: WHAT
Its_VeeBot: Nope
quasi79fu: ewwww
micalovits: NO
Mokkun: O_o
DiscordianTokkan: Aren't those just suppository pills
Thefluffiestguineapig: NO Jordynne NOOOO
starlitdiscord: NO
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
GhostValv: oh no~
Juliamon: anal boba
NorthstarTex: JORDYNNE!
spethycakes: YES
NotCainNorAbel: JORDYNNE
SnackPak_: lrrFRUMP
baltimore_667083: JORDYNNE
nyoomgoom: oh noooo
ProcyonFlynn: At least they didn't say edible
public_key_reveal_party: lrrGARBO
quasi79fu: nopenopenope
DraygoSmith: Who's not recycling their ben-wa balls?
Its_VeeBot: Stop. No. No. Stop.
aitsu100: NO
ContingentCat: LUL Jordynn
Julian_Rogue: JORDYNNE XD no
GamemasterAnth: >_< OH GAIA...
KeytarCat: SAME
0x6772: Boba would help with that stool problem.
Oreo1369: like bubble rap
DrLigmaPhD: Internally lubricated
AugmentingPath: Jordynne that's a suppository
SaxPython: BibleThump
ghyllnox: No Matt, kiNki
heartofgoldfish: wait, would that --
nyoomgoom: oh god the old shower beads
hieroglyphica: All of them!
SymphonySolstice: woo
Diabore: we win!
bytecaster: All of them?!
ClodiumSoride: we win!
wifi12345678910: We won!
BigDaddyBland87: Chat wins!!!
Its_VeeBot: Chat gets lickies!
DiscordianTokkan: FBtouchdown seabatClap
Kadenus: GO TEAM
nyoomgoom: when they sit unused and just melt in the container
starlitdiscord: we win!!!
0x6772: woooooo
NorthstarTex: YES!
public_key_reveal_party: We did it chat!
Thefluffiestguineapig: WE WIN!!!!
darkcyril: Yay!
aitsu100: WE WIN
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
EvilBadman: What an absolute casserole
ghyllnox: \o/
GhostValv: ashlizLizard
saucemaster5000: let's goooo
NotCainNorAbel: lrrBartleby
Heckhoundbolt: huuzah!
NimrodXIV: yooooo
spethycakes: ryanst14Clapclap lrrBartleby
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
hackingducks: we are the champions!
KaleidoscopeMind: by a lot too
DraygoSmith: Well played!
underhill33: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
KiloRomeo058: WOO!!
djalternative: but Twisted Ass Freaks got a really good Amazon Show
Mokkun: we uh... licked them
GrassVortex: DinoDance
GamemasterAnth does the Snoopy happy dance.
ekimekim: it's because you're all too funny and funny = one sided
HavenDragon: eyyy!
Amentur: extraBongos extraBongos extraBongos
jedi_master_zll: lrrBartleby lrrPistachio lrrGibb
Sheikun07: Our choices split the room, but they definitely didn't get the most laughs.
stevestein: I just got here but I'll take that W!
Oreo1369: GG chat
korvys: No, there's 8 of them, though
aitsu100: DinoDance DinoDance rubiehRaichu rubiehRaichu
Sogheim: Ice Spiders!
Sogheim: yes!
SnekBowl: The single-use-anal-bead booty enthusiasts win!
DoodlestheGreat: ironmouseBONGOCAT ironmouseMeltdown ironmouseHEADBANG ironmouseChatmeltdown
KiloRomeo058: Idk, I'm not here to be funny. :P
UnknownFriday: How many wins is that for us, four? I know it's at least 3.
wifi12345678910: lrrAWESOME
bytecaster: Blender is hard, Graham!
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's like an arachnaphobia filter
DillonEA: That was a good pop noise
NewtyNewts: They've got 8 legs in everything
Mattmitchell45: Eight Legged Freaks with David Arquette
RatherLargeToad: of savings, at Menards!
ContingentCat: Speaking of giant spiders I miss being able to go see Maman in Ottawa
hieroglyphica: Oop that's not how spiders die. I have an infestation of Giant House Spiders and I have a large amount of experience
Arclight_Dynamo: Oh, wow, that IS bad CGI.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @RatherLargeToad Save big money!
saucemaster5000: In ice spiders, when the scientist is asked why he made ice spiders he says "they are going to save mankind!"
MadmanOreo: "am I thinking of ice spiders" and a phrase that has never been said has entered the world.
DraygoSmith: Adam at home just shaking his head at this one.
Diabore: 3.2 on imdb
Texan_Reverend: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
sporkraptor: or... boxjacking? eh? eeehhh???
wifi12345678910: What about a non-profit break?
Sogheim: man, now I wanna hunt down more made for tv sci fi channel films
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Sogheim Am I remembering correctly there was one that was about the mega volcano under Yellowstone or Yosemite or something suddenly becoming active?
BrowneePointz: 2012 had Yellowstone blow up
BrowneePointz: that was a theatrical release
ChaoticObserver subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ChaoticObserver! (Today's storm count: 139)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Sogheim Also look up Lava Spider vs Sharktopus, that was so funny
damn_i_am_pretty: @BrowneePointz kinky
ButButTheJesus: I just got an ad for mtn dew and the Borderlands movie
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz No, this was much smaller scale and worse, hold on, consult the book of armaments
BrowneePointz: it also looked sick as fuck. 2012 was kind of a dumb movie but the vfx went haaaaaard
GamemasterAnth: @ButButTheJesus Same. I hated it.
Mokkun: @ButButTheJesus what are ads?
PrinceNimzar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PrinceNimzar! (Today's storm count: 140)
Thefluffiestguineapig: GOT IT. It's called Magma Volcano Disaster
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mokkun Another sign the hyper capitalist dystopia is consuming us all
Drunk_Owl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Drunk_Owl! (Today's storm count: 141)
ClodiumSoride: That was the title they settled on at 3:00 AM before launch day.
Juliamon: Triassic Attack was my group's fav. The monsters are all dino skeletons, and at the end they become a Megazord of dino skeletons that we dubbed "Megabone-o-saur"
BrowneePointz: @mokkun a miserable little pile of capitalism
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ClodiumSoride It was the place holder that people forgot to change
GamemasterAnth: @Juliamon Question: Rifftraxed or no?
TheAwkes: I was cooking while watching for a while there so I pulled out my phone to keep up with the games. Finally experiencing the mobile app update for the first time. It's.... not good.
Juliamon: GamemasterAnth Dunno.
Mokkun: @Thefluffiestguineapig Funny, I thought that died sometime after Rockafeller and friends did.
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon "Megaboneosaur is reeeeaddyyyyy"
lear1987 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lear1987! (Today's storm count: 142)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mokkun Temporarily when the monopoly laws were respected, it's been resurrected and is a 28 days later fast zombie
Gekyouryuu: suuuuure
Xafty: [X]
fastlane250: jaerb jorb
NewtyNewts: Figured
GamemasterAnth: @ButButTheJesus I almost read that as Megaboner is ready...
Thefluffiestguineapig: Mx Bubbles!!!
BusTed: LUL
nyoomgoom: internet is foreboden
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nothing dirty here
TheWanderingNomad: JORDYNNE
ButButTheJesus: oh nooo
Gekyouryuu: They/Them, no?
BrowneePointz: THEM
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ian, are you ok?
fastlane250: Marketable Water Cooler
BrowneePointz: MX BUBBLES
Nicarrow subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nicarrow! (Today's storm count: 143)
DrLigmaPhD: Submissive and breedable coolers
dzee_szed: Ian with that OL fetish... except it's more like OWC fetish?
ButButTheJesus: spray me, boss buddy!
Dog_of_Myth: Time for posters chat!!
flatluigi: can you buy a bodypillow?
RatherLargeToad: the lewdest game
LoadingReadyRun: room code is TIAU
fastlane250: It's great! I have one!
Juliamon: (it also led to a board game session where the answers given to "What is the most dangerous animal?" were "Man" "Man" "Man" "Man" and "Megaboneosaur")
ekimekim: if you are...into...that?
fastlane250: uhhh
betweenmyself: on the riffYeti
ContingentCat: IAN
Its_VeeBot: *looks at bubz plushie in corner of room* no
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon That's so good
LoadingReadyRun: the jackbox extension should be working for this one
quasi79fu: allright i tired thanks for stream gnight chat
GamemasterAnth: Okay, let's see if get to see the desk vore the computer mouse.
Gekyouryuu: TIAU = This Is Alarmingly Unprofessional
public_key_reveal_party: I think Job job is like, the perfect jack box game
nyoomgoom: don't they also have the drawful owl or is that like, out of stock, or my brain is inventing stuff?
NotCainNorAbel: water rocken
saucemaster5000: chess if
airylan: water cooler big
KaleidoscopeMind: cooler is
Thefluffiestguineapig: Chess camper
Heckhoundbolt: water cooler knockin
Dog_of_Myth: water rocken
TStodden: pawn don't
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon which Man did you vote for
hackingducks: water cooler a-rockin'
KiloRomeo058: ooh it's Job Job!!
SymphonySolstice: cooler go
BigDaddyBland87: water a rockin
LordZarano: water camper
Juliamon: ButButTheJesus I was the one who wrote Megaboneosaur
Gekyouryuu: *clap clap* three prompts this time. sliiiide to the left.
DoodlestheGreat: Not happy with any of the choices.
Oreo1369: water rock-in
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon ah, very good
nyoomgoom: i have actively witnessed someone giving someone who had a crush on her the "you're a great friend!" on facebook in 2007
hackingducks: three prompts this time. right prompt left stomp. left foot left prompt. chacha real smooth y'all
Sogheim: I look forward to someone sending M. Bubz plush to LRR during mail time
saucemaster5000: success hurtful
NotCainNorAbel: camp hurtful
DoodlestheGreat: stretching parrot
TStodden: Camp history's
airylan: success hurtful
Riandisa: office hurtful
Thefluffiestguineapig: Stretching parrot
GrassVortex: camping history
Dog_of_Myth: camp hurtful
ButButTheJesus: that photo is erotic
Arclight_Dynamo: Office hirtful
Oreo1369: greatest
SymphonySolstice: camping hurtful
Arclight_Dynamo: *hurtful, even
dzee_szed: joke boat guy
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to corianderd! They have given 84 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, corianderd! (Today's storm count: 144)
hackingducks: office hurtful
corianderd: @ThreeTwoOnePantsOff Thanks for the gift sub!
flatluigi: you can see the prompts in the end credits! it's worth sticking around for that
Angreed66: Sincere prompts make it better
BrowneePointz: they show some of them at the credits
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff gifted a Tier 1 sub to goatprince! They have given 85 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, goatprince! (Today's storm count: 145)
DraygoSmith: "Olive Garden: Our Staff Dislikes You"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DraygoSmith Olive Garden: dear god why
Arclight_Dynamo: Cat ranch
NotCainNorAbel: cat ranch
saucemaster5000: cat ranch
SymphonySolstice: cat ranch
public_key_reveal_party: Cat ,
Oreo1369: cat straight
BigDaddyBland87: to the cat ranch
hackingducks: cat ranch is such a winner
DoodlestheGreat: cat dressing
airylan: rope ranch. ("Straight" *can*)
Tangsm: cat ranch
TStodden: cat ranch
SymphonySolstice: I'm glad we're all in agreement
Dog_of_Myth: cat ranch
GamemasterAnth: Of course we're hurtful at the Olive Garden! We're making them broke with the unlimited breadsticks!
DrLigmaPhD: Red Robin: Get Fucked
HavenDragon: cat straight
Juliamon: I don't have the audience thing open but I agree with cat ranch
dzee_szed: dressing can't hurt you
Sheikun07: I like cat ,
Juliamon: just inherently a good thought
LordZarano: cat as
Mokkun: cat french?
Tangsm: Just herding cats
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Dog_of_Myth That sounds like madness
SkylerRingtail: Knot straight
Heckhoundbolt: !findquote gorilla blood
LRRbot: Quote #7969: "Chat, stop saying gorilla blood." —Paul [2022-02-14]
AnjaZeta: cat straight
ButButTheJesus: does cat ranch require cat herding?
SymphonySolstice: I remember the gorilla blood
SymphonySolstice: centaur boat
Arclight_Dynamo: Centaur it
TStodden: computer will
airylan: centaur it
saucemaster5000: centaur boat
NotCainNorAbel: laptop but
Sheikun07: centaur boat
Angreed66: Ranch is nasty imo
hackingducks: centaur butt
dzee_szed: there's power in but
ContingentCat: !advice
LRRbot: Never go full Frost.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Centaur but
underhill33: centaur sink
0x6772: Centaur but! C'mon
Oreo1369: man strong
HorusFive: Ranch isn't real. It can't hurt you
BigDaddyBland87: computer ir
BigDaddyBland87: it
DrLigmaPhD: Cat french, cat ranch, cat straight. Mayonnaise fanfic?
Juliamon: Ranch has hurt a lot of people based on how many people aggressively hate it
sporkraptor: centaur sink
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also why the hell does that centaur stock photo exist????????
Dog_of_Myth: centaur it
HavenDragon: centaur but
DraygoSmith: <centaur></centaur>
Mokkun: cat caesar
ContingentCat: proud ehhhh, happy yes
northos: cat thousand island
sporkraptor: boat?? XD
Sogheim: @Thefluffiestguineapig people like centaurs? wasn't there an old spice centaur for a time?
Its_VeeBot: Jackbox have revealed on socials that M. Bubz' parents are a watertower for a dad and a barrel for a mom
GamemasterAnth: @LoadingReadyRun You should be proud. Pride is an abomination.
baltimore_667083: boat
GamemasterAnth: You should NOT be proud.
HorusFive: Beej- getting called out
Zyme86: There's coffee in that boat
BigDaddyBland87: "it: woulda been so much better
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Sogheim Yes, but it's a man with a second set of business pants, not a horse body
GasCityGaming: Is it baptised?
sporkraptor: is that centaur baptised
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is it baptized
Scarbble: star trek TSG was under rated for sure
Thefluffiestguineapig: @GasCityGaming @sporkraptor We shared that Let's Nope braincell
DraygoSmith: The 1am sketch
MomoNo9: Is it just me or are responses dirtier when not playing the naughty pack?
Thefluffiestguineapig: The first one is the inside thought during the job interview
HorusFive: Why anything, really
ButButTheJesus: YES
flatluigi: @MomoNo9 it's the apples to apples effect
kdefinition: @MomoNo9 Context and contrast is everything
Mokkun: I mean...
HorusFive: Out of a cannon
Its_VeeBot: Also I looked for the Instagram posts where they showed M. Bubz' parents and there's one piece of artwork they reposted that's... questionable
GamemasterAnth: We need Quiplash next. Let's go FUL raunch!
DraygoSmith: Never crank halfway
0x6772: "Sir, I said 'how', not 'why"!"
Thefluffiestguineapig: How are either of these effective
Scy_Anide: It'd be fine if you crank it some, but you crank it ALL.
BigDaddyBland87: #blameJames
gibbousm: Get Heather to do it
ekimekim: you gotta relax first
EvilBadman: Is "fire coworker" a euphemism
northos: surely it would be "intraoffice"
GamemasterAnth: Hugh Jackman?
DraygoSmith: The sex% speedrun
public_key_reveal_party: I don't know what that means but I support it
ekimekim: alas, poor Jackman. I knew him biblically, cum Horatio.
HorusFive: That's why they call it Head
darkcyril: Keep a little bit of jack under my pillow for the jackman?
Scy_Anide: How big is the jackman? Is he Hugh?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think that's another good quote "Ever had so much Benedryl you pop the Jackman?"
CommanderPulsar: Put a little Jack under my pillow for theJackman...
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
GamemasterAnth: Wet, Goth, Cool, and Shitty sounds like an anarchist law firm.
hackingducks: that would be a funny shirt
SymphonySolstice: the.
ContingentCat: "wet goth cool and shitty is roughly how I'd describe my aescetic lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: the.
Sheikun07: Beeftrayal!
ekimekim: the.
baltimore_667083: the.
DiscordianTokkan: the. make ankles lingerie
NotCainNorAbel: the.
micalovits: Traitor of beef is one hell of a titelt
Dog_of_Myth: hhahah
nyoomgoom: the.
Thefluffiestguineapig: What is traitor of beef?
BigDaddyBland87: define "traitor of beef"
NimrodXIV: sexy ankles
starlitdiscord: traitor of beef!!!
KiloRomeo058: the.
sporkraptor: @Sheikun07 yep XD
5 raiders from Foxmar320 have joined!
darkcyril: @Thefluffiestguineapig They make the Impossible Sliders
dzee_szed: Traitor of Beef is my favorite prog rock jam band
nyoomgoom: welcome to th:|
ButButTheJesus: Beef knows what it did
ContingentCat: welcome Foxmar and co to this
ekimekim: so an abbatoir worker?
Thefluffiestguineapig: That is a hell of a thing to come raiding into
DraygoSmith: Impossible sliders=beef traitors
SymphonySolstice: golf oregano
Arclight_Dynamo: Golf shambles
NotCainNorAbel: golf life
airylan: iceberg sprouted
dzee_szed: golf shambles
underhill33: golf shambles
AnjaZeta: iceberg shambles
DoodlestheGreat: iceberg shambles
Oreo1369: ice shambles
Dog_of_Myth: golf oregano
Scarbble: golf life
saucemaster5000: iceberg shambles
Drasvin: golf oregano
sporkraptor: ice shambles
public_key_reveal_party: Golf shambles
Sheikun07: iceberg ,
DillonEA: Bubz!
Kalectotite: golf shambles
SquidVorb: Which one?
BigDaddyBland87: iceberg shambles
Lizardman175: golf shambles
HavenDragon: iceberg in
Thefluffiestguineapig: Iceberg shambles
hackingducks: iceberg shambles
nyoomgoom: gesundheit
SymphonySolstice: 7/10
GamemasterAnth: Still waiting if we see computer mouse vore.
NotCainNorAbel: goat creatures
Arclight_Dynamo: Goat actually
underhill33: goat goblins
Diabore: goat friends
airylan: goeat friends
HavenDragon: goat mine
SymphonySolstice: goat creatures
ballesta25: goat friends
hackingducks: that poster is the story of my life
Oreo1369: goat goblins
KaleidoscopeMind: goat .
Thefluffiestguineapig: Goat ghouls
dzee_szed: diver mine
Kalectotite: goat goblins
korvys: goat . (period)
NorthstarTex: goat goblins
Dog_of_Myth: goat goblins
micalovits: 100% goat goblins or goat "."
BigDaddyBland87: goat friends
ClodiumSoride: goat friends
hackingducks: goat ghouls
sporkraptor: goat, but I couldn't pick a word, so I'm good with goblins
Sheikun07: goat .
saucemaster5000: goat friends
sporkraptor: goat, also: cheese
darkcyril: Ernest Shambleton
GamemasterAnth: Printer had a bowel movement there...
Oreo1369: itas so good
DoodlestheGreat: Finnish Goblins?
Dog_of_Myth: Goblin Slayer has entered chat
MomoNo9: Synergy
hackingducks: the doctor? (EMH?)
GamemasterAnth: THERE it is!!!
MomoNo9: Thank you, Matt
ClodiumSoride: @GamemasterAnth there you go
GamemasterAnth: @LoadingReadyRun I knew a Holly Graham in high school.
VorlonScout: Oh, you know what, yeah, a Nat Geo cover was mine too
NewtyNewts: Was it the scratchy thing?
nyoomgoom: whatever mine was, it came from the book fair
djalternative: oh. I thought Ian was talking about actual holograms which is light trapped in silvered glass
djalternative: I've made a few of those
DraygoSmith: First hologram was that Time Traveler Sega game
DoodlestheGreat: balloons shots
BigDaddyBland87: balloon shots
Diabore: candle shots
airylan: candles aunt
Oreo1369: candle shots
HavenDragon: candle aunt
SymphonySolstice: baloon shots
Heckhoundbolt: The stapler she keeps in the jello?
AnjaZeta: candle aunt
Thefluffiestguineapig: candles shots
sporkraptor: candle aunt XD
Arclight_Dynamo: Candle shots
spethycakes: balloon here
dzee_szed: balloon shots
Dog_of_Myth: balloon aunt
GamemasterAnth: @DraygoSmith Oh Gaia, I remember that game...
hackingducks: i wish I had done balloon shots, but I did candle shots. they didn't go down as well
korvys: candle shots
LithelyUnshod: Upper Deck team logo baseball stickers
Texan_Reverend: I know I saw holograms in science museum gift shops first, but the ones that stick with me are the cards that were glued to the covers of the Fatal Attractions arc of X-Men/Marvel comics.
iris_of_ether: I think it was stickers from a vending machine, yeah
0x6772: @hackingducks Those baloon shots'll repeat on ya.
MomoNo9: That robot should be banned Bitsy or something
eric_christian_berg: Does watching 'Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone, in 3-D' in the theater count?
Arclight_Dynamo: Birds animals
NotCainNorAbel: eggs animals
Diabore: birds window
saucemaster5000: bird animals
wifi12345678910: 27th
SymphonySolstice: birb animals
airylan: egg wild
Thefluffiestguineapig: E G G 27th
hackingducks: eggs past
DoodlestheGreat: bird animals
BigDaddyBland87: E G G wild
HavenDragon: egg 27th
Oreo1369: egg wild
AziraphalesShop subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AziraphalesShop! (Today's storm count: 146)
korvys: bird on
micalovits: Bird Past
dzee_szed: birds animals
Texan_Reverend: There were also some holo pogs.
sporkraptor: birb wild
public_key_reveal_party: Egg 27th
Kalectotite: egg just
spethycakes: bird past
Dog_of_Myth: egg 27th
baltimore_667083: birbs animals
Tangsm: bird pack
Drasvin: egg just
KiloRomeo058: NEMO!
wifi12345678910: egg 27th
sheqesi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
sheqesi: So naughty!
Oreo1369: egg wild
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sheqesi! (Today's storm count: 147)
sporkraptor: yessss
DoodlestheGreat: Egad, that one almost works.
MomoNo9: Collaboration IS wild
ProcyonFlynn: jfc ... that hurts
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
NewtyNewts: "That's me in the corner"?
Thefluffiestguineapig: What on earth is this in grocery store code?
GamemasterAnth: Of COURSE you do, Beej!
ghyllnox: Yes Beej and how do you indicate your preference
HorusFive: So does G apparently
BigDaddyBland87: Graham is killing it
DraygoSmith: Smash could mean anything depending on how you feel about the manager
nyoomgoom: omg
0x6772: So "crunt" replaced the C word?
SymphonySolstice: ok dishwasher is good
NimrodXIV: crunt?
ghyllnox: Crunt?
fastlane250: The Ryzen-powered dishwasher not good enough?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good special or bad special
public_key_reveal_party: The dishwasher one feels too real
BigDaddyBland87: I'm officially old enough to pick the 2nd options
noSmokeFire: have you not crunted crank?
hackingducks: a small subset of everyone
ghyllnox: Can't say that on Twitch either I suppose
VorlonScout: No one said "help", only "make special"
Mokkun: we need a new microwave
Inkompetence: It's not special if that's every night.
hackingducks: crunt it real good
dzee_szed: who put CRUNT into their prompts
NorthstarTex: Bring Oblivion!
Diabore: how does this make you feel graham?
DiscordianTokkan: Crunt Manager Hard
nyoomgoom: "huff drugs" and then the rest is incomprehensible
ghyllnox: Can eat paintball
GamemasterAnth: That second one has WAAAAAUGH!!! energy.
DraygoSmith: I've seen more crunt today than I have my entire life up to now
ekimekim: is this implying that you get off on following orders at work?
VorlonScout: I'm getting crapshot Alex vibes from the one on the right
hackingducks: you gotta lean into it.
flatluigi: @ekimekim fuck yes sir
spethycakes: @ekimekim there's a word for this
Thefluffiestguineapig: Purge office?????
nyoomgoom: wooowww
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
hackingducks: LUL best prompt yet
NimrodXIV: clams plural?
DrLigmaPhD: Nope
ButButTheJesus: clams? plural?
ShaneNeebus: new euphemism just dropped
0x6772: Swimsuit Clams was the name of my band in high school.
gibbousm: Stunlocked Beej
DraygoSmith: I'm calling in sick on purge day
Tangsm: That's what Ariel had, right?
Scarbble: jordynne you are an absolute delight
starlitdiscord: the less than three is good
ekimekim: you shouldn't call him "the trash can"
sporkraptor: Cori literally crying
LithelyUnshod: Oh no, Jordynne's broken
djalternative: yeah. Ariel had swimsuit clams
HavenDragon: breaht different is what i am experiencing currently
gibbousm: I mean, they are sometimes called oysters
SnekBowl: Breathe, Jordynne, breath!
Gekyouryuu: @Tangsm no, she had sea cup c shells
nyoomgoom: breath different was strong
MattStuckintheMoonGoo: thanks @Twitch for the giftsub
NotCainNorAbel: swimsuit clams
GamemasterAnth: #swimsuitclams
nyoomgoom: new connotation for clambake
flatluigi: swimsuit tacos
Arclight_Dynamo: Snail one
NotCainNorAbel: snail horse
Oreo1369: gram is killing it
sporkraptor: snail horse
HavenDragon: snail horse
SymphonySolstice: snail guy
public_key_reveal_party: Snail horse
Sheikun07: snail horse
Lizardman175: wave horse
ekimekim: wave guy
fastlane250: snail guy
airylan: wave guy
underhill33: snail horse
saucemaster5000: snail horse
spethycakes: wave guy
NewtyNewts: Jordynne's choking on the comedy
TStodden: wave one
NimrodXIV: snail horse
BigDaddyBland87: wave horse
hackingducks: wave horse
korvys: Snail horse
iarethel0ser: wave horse
OtherEdgeworth: wave horse
DoodlestheGreat: You all realize "swimsuit clams" is, by itself, a million times more naughty than anyting in the first three games?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Snail hse
ProcyonFlynn: Thuco Thursday?
Thefluffiestguineapig: *horse
Dog_of_Myth: wave horse
ballesta25: wave horse
baltimore_667083: i wish etrade was an option here
starlitdiscord: snail
Rhynerd: wave horse
Tangsm: snail horse
sporkraptor: @DoodlestheGreat yep XD
DiscordianTokkan: horse, tbh
Oreo1369: wave guy
Arclight_Dynamo: Taco Tuesday implies THAC0 Thursday
DoodlestheGreat: snail horse
WetPaperSack: @DoodlestheGreat 1000% agree
betweenmyself: thacO Thursday is for oldschool DnD enthusiasts
goombalax: THACO Thursday, we playin' AD&D
PrinceNimzar: @ProcyonFlynn THAC0 thursday?
dzee_szed: Wave Horse opened for Boards of Canada
si_valael: You're not supposed to see our brainstorming!
sporkraptor: snail horse vs wave horse
aWabbajack: mrweebHorse
korvys: 110%
nyoomgoom: we're all doomed when the melee players learn to wavehorse
starlitdiscord: we've breached containment
sporkraptor: yesss, horse
GamemasterAnth: AD&D...the more you quest, the better we sound. *sing-songy* Reach out and maim someone!
DraygoSmith: Taco Hits Armor Class 0
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes
iris_of_ether: Yes
Diabore: ladder panicked
Arclight_Dynamo: Dog that
saucemaster5000: dog rudimentary
Sheikun07: ladder panicked
NotCainNorAbel: dog rudimentary
spethycakes: ladder panicked
ekimekim: dog .
sporkraptor: panic dog
airylan: ladder panicked
SkylerRingtail: dog jewels
TStodden: Dog That
underhill33: same ian
BigDaddyBland87: dog that
Endraste: dog rudimentary
Oreo1369: dog rudimentary
SymphonySolstice: dog so
ballesta25: dog rudimentary
DiscordianTokkan: sad dog rudimentary
Tangsm: dog rudimentary
HavenDragon: dog rudimentary
DoodlestheGreat: dog panicked
iarethel0ser: dog panicked
AnjaZeta: dog rudimentary
Riandisa: ladder panicked
Going_Medium: ladder panic
NorthstarTex: dog panicked
Rhynerd: dog that
hackingducks: ladder rudimentary
A_Dub888: dog rudimentary
Dog_of_Myth: dog panicked
LizzyTPau: Yes lol union work so resumes all the way
tidehollowcat: dog that
Lizardman175: dog panicked
baltimore_667083: dog rudimentary
Blip2004: I think my resume might have gotten my last job. Or someone knew me
LordZarano: dog actually
SymphonySolstice: I gave my current job me resume and I swear they only read a single line of it
fastlane250: dog rudimentary
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dog panicked
GamemasterAnth: @LordZarano The spoof of "Love, Actually"?
LizzyTPau: my networking skills suck so no job offers for me via friend recs
DraygoSmith: How I got my last job: "I'll work for whatever your base salary is"
public_key_reveal_party: I got my current job by sending my resume to a totally unrelated company
Heckhoundbolt: press the button
DillonEA: Isn't it from Press The Button?
DiscordianTokkan: I think it might've been a Press the Button alien?
sporkraptor: yah, it seems familiar
Heckhoundbolt: It was releasedd in 2018, the same time as among us, though before among us got popular
sporkraptor: aw, rudimentary dog
GamemasterAnth: Dang...we got the double vore! That's rare!
SnackPak_: I miss Paul
northos: Paul's not here, man
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm so glad Graham also enjoys Paul's reads of the posters
MurphEP: lrrPAUL
baltimore_667083: lrrPAUL
EvilBadman: Paul is still at the Longest Johns show
Oreo1369: pauls crosses the river styx
ekimekim: well, render unto caesar...
LoadingReadyRun: @EvilBadman such a good show!
DraygoSmith: "Holy Jacked Jesus Christ! Your taxes are awful!"
BigDaddyBland87: Henry Cavill is playing Jesus?
GhostValv: ashlizSweat
nyoomgoom: my goodness
Darleysam: @LoadingReadyRun JD sent me the picture he got of you with them!
iris_of_ether: lrrWOW
Thefluffiestguineapig: Same answer?
starlitdiscord: wooow
GamemasterAnth: *Takei* Oh my!
spethycakes: prickl8Blush
ekimekim: this is the same answer
A_Dub888: at the office!?
ButButTheJesus: aaand we're back
ProcyonFlynn: Well, it was the night for it.
SymphonySolstice: hatoful boyfriend
hackingducks: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
sporkraptor: aw matt XD
DraygoSmith: "Feeling peggable, chaps?"
noSmokeFire: impeggable taste
si_valael subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, si_valael! (Today's storm count: 148)
Diabore: classic rpg proggression
Rhynerd: "I do kill god."
ClodiumSoride: left side is JRPG protagonist
sporkraptor: look, dangerous goat bones are hard to beat
NewtyNewts: Hot out eat the food
Rhynerd: Or a Blaseball player
GamemasterAnth: @DraygoSmith I heard that in the Chaps voice by OneShotQuesters.
HorusFive: [Begin dissosiating here]
Boon_33: kill god, then we'll talk
EvilBadman: Under JRPGs
sporkraptor: woooow, Graham sweep XD
BigDaddyBland87: Graham just bodied everyone
VorlonScout: I don't have any *professional* god killing experience, only as a hobby
hackingducks: graham pitching a shutout
DiscordianTokkan: US!
GamemasterAnth: Graham slayed!
Oreo1369: GG G
Diabore: i think thats the highest score ive seen on this
SymphonySolstice: damn that's more than me
Kentosaurus: that's illegal
HorusFive: Yeah- Fuck allard
TheAinMAP: lrrGRAHAM 2020Victory
starlitdiscord: rip allard
Scarbble: get wrecked allard
Gekyouryuu: speaking of God, just saw a great pair of images. 1) "Things I can't eact as a Catholic Priest." 2) "1994 Toyota Corolla"
TacitusVigil: Is killing God nietzche or niche?
nyoomgoom: punctuation buffet
A_Dub888: What the krunt?
niccus: please crunt responsibly
Gekyouryuu: Quiplash~!
sporkraptor: crunt it up
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES
fastlane250: final quiplash
korvys: !tradition
Oreo1369: quiplash
flatluigi: cruntlash?
GamemasterAnth: YES!!!
korvys: As is tradition
A_Dub888: it wasn't already horny??
Drasvin: Lash those quips
SymphonySolstice: clitlash
DapperKoala2: If the prompts don't allow horny, are you going to force it in?
TacitusVigil: Time to quorp that borp
Oreo1369: crunt-lash is good
eric_christian_berg: "If the prompts allow?" You do you think you are kidding?
ekimekim: sometimes the prompts are written to make it horny though, then it's not funny
Rhynerd: then we do kill god
saucemaster5000: they are?
TStodden: guesspionage?
Dog_of_Myth: Are you though?
NewtyNewts: So now you CAN for the last round!
BrowneePointz: you're able to edge the jokes
public_key_reveal_party: That's on a different site
wordmogul: all professional funny people here
eric_christian_berg: Loading Ready Bukkake?
ContingentCat: some things you don't have to ask for
Dog_of_Myth: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
djalternative: you don't have to ask Jordynne for that. She's been making that for years
BigDaddyBland87: coming soon to Pornhub
DrLigmaPhD: LRR: The Cum Cut
DraygoSmith: Compilation, but spelled different...
fastlane250: SuperCUMt? ... I regret typing that immediately.
Foxmar320: What did I walk in on?
flatluigi: CORI
EvilBadman: Coumpilation, clearly
TacitusVigil: Where seminalsnowstorm when you need them?
GamemasterAnth: Awwwww...WHY NOT?!?
Arclight_Dynamo: The Twitch clip system sucks now.
ButButTheJesus: @TacitusVigil "cuuuum blizzaaaaardddd"
ProcyonFlynn: It no longer crashes my computer, which the first update sure did.
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
LoadingReadyRun: room code is IRHC
Sarah_Serinde: To be fair, *some* of that decrease has been unnamed clips that weren't anything useful anyway
nyoomgoom: in this one, some people got sniped by "dream warriors"
GamemasterAnth: Quiplash 3: Quiplash joins the Clay Fighters universe!
djalternative: iirc there was an actual bug with the clips system that got resolved
SymphonySolstice: yeah that's one good change, it won't actually make the clip until you tell it to save
DraygoSmith: If Freddy was stalking me he'd starve to death.
DapperKoala2: I've actually stopped clipping because I can't live-adjust the end of the clip while the clip is running; the clip preview resets every time I adjust the ending. I'm very precise about how a clip ends and this has turned me off clipping entirely.
GamemasterAnth: We're waiting for the players to complete their tasks. When did Quiplash become Among Us?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DapperKoala2 Yup, it gets extremely annoying
DapperKoala2: *resets to the beginning of the clip
Oreo1369: so in quip lash are we shit on a journey?
TheMNWolf: I'm just going to sing the Tee K O meow theme and think happy thoughts
Sheikun07: @GamemasterAnth Always has been
loufghyslaufey: @GamemasterAnth Amogus queue crew when? ...Again
DraygoSmith: IAN
A_Dub888: @Oreo1369 Quiplash is always a journey
si_valael: FELLAS
Rhynerd: Hidden Quipping
SymphonySolstice: *snitties
DoodlestheGreat: "Nice scales."
GhostValv: ashlizSweat
airylan: speaking of x-com, snake titties.
DiscordianTokkan: Sniddies
ProcyonFlynn: :)
HavenDragon: i love snakes...
DaxStrife: Snitties!
TacitusVigil: Snake milk?
GrassVortex: extraSnek
dzee_szed: She's dummy snicc!
DoodlestheGreat: Swimsuit Clams
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
leebenningfield: i'm gonna go tell my wife's snake that she looks torpid
SymphonySolstice: jesus
SnackPak_: holy shit
iris_of_ether: Oh NO
SkylerRingtail: And the alliteration!
nyoomgoom: oh god
Thefluffiestguineapig: Both are equally death inducing
GhostValv: ashlizNotLikeThis
ButButTheJesus: OH NO
Boon_33: why not both?
LordZarano: @TheMNWolf Tee KO mew theme
baltimore_667083: LUL
DraygoSmith: I'm going to hell
starlitdiscord: oh
pn55: HypeLUL
NotCainNorAbel: I'm going with IAN!
SkylerRingtail: And then a step to the faaaaaaaer right
Julian_Rogue: and a third to the right
TacitusVigil: It's just a jump to the reich
TStodden: Jump to the left, then a goosestep to the right...
baltimore_667083: of course it was beej and ian LUL
Zanzabar_: Ya know this isnt split the room
NimrodXIV: ol
SymphonySolstice: :3
Rhynerd: :3
Thefluffiestguineapig: Those are both very good
DoodlestheGreat: "Be quiet, Donald."
baltimore_667083: :3
Phailhammer: :3
starlitdiscord: :3
djalternative: :3
leebenningfield: I'm 12 and what is this
ekimekim: just an increasingly flirty series of escalating responses
Julian_Rogue: H:
Thefluffiestguineapig: 3
Sheikun07: What is that snipping sound?
Thefluffiestguineapig: 4 when they stop racing
jae_dorian: what is a man but a miserables pile of secrets
Thefluffiestguineapig: Both are terrible
DoodlestheGreat: Swimsuit clams.
QuietJay: sequel to squirrel with a gun
NotCainNorAbel: super squirrels
sporkraptor: I immediately thought "if one of these answers isn't a corpse..."
A_Dub888: Isn't the silo already underground?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Scale squirrel silo? That sounds adorable
BrowneePointz: my yard reaction
DraygoSmith: Boeing does it again!
LizzyTPau: @leebenningfield About to get banned cause Twitch has bots for these moments sadly
Sethalidos: yeah that's not mine.
MrPhlip: ICBM missiles are my second least favourite types of ICBMs
HorusFive: In my yard?! In this economy!?
ekimekim: inter-city branch missle
public_key_reveal_party: Suddenly every nuclear engineer squirrel relocated to your backyard
SkylerRingtail: A _firing_ solution
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
DoodlestheGreat: Fentanyl
GamemasterAnth: No idea what the first is, but I chose it.
sporkraptor: I did not google, I simply voted :D
TacitusVigil: Just like Homelander
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Chat, what's marbonne sante?
GreatSacrificer: Canadian content!
Rhynerd: google showed me a tomato and wondered what I was asking it.
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
SymphonySolstice: perfect
starlitdiscord: delightful
public_key_reveal_party: Both very good
Sarah_Serinde: They're both bad in very different ways
Julian_Rogue: these have been more room splitting
Thefluffiestguineapig: How could you chat????
Sarah_Serinde: pfft
A_Dub888: @Sarah_Serinde You know who's not bad? You
sporkraptor: jellyfish blorping blorpily down the stairs
Julian_Rogue: it jelly-fishily
Sarah_Serinde: Damn, roasted
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Is honda civic the result of car-cinization?
Rhynerd: Okay, so a Sante is a a non-food thing and a marbonne is apparently tomato-related.
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to honda_civic! They have given 1572 Gift Subs in the channel!
flatluigi: the moist demanding prompts of his mouth
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, honda_civic! (Today's storm count: 149)
djalternative: more come
TacitusVigil: Well *I* voted for Jordynne
A_Dub888: @TacitusVigil same
GamemasterAnth: More completing of tasks. I think Beej is sus. (But then, that's normal for Beej...)
NewtyNewts: Did they put in an order for it though? Because if not, you'll have to send them away
Oreo1369: as lewd as spoolable
sporkraptor: @A_Dub888 yep <3
dzee_szed: wait did a honda civic with the texture of a jellyfish just SUBSCRIBE
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Ian, is the civic the car-cinized fom?
eric_christian_berg: Do order cum by weight or by volume?
DapperKoala2: I don't care what they want, there's a natural cooldown.
Angreed66: @eric_christian_berg By mass
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @eric_christian_berg by count.
EvilBadman: You can emoji too
DillonEA: Isn't the font small caps?
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to civicjellyfish! They have given 23 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, civicjellyfish! (Today's storm count: 150)
DillonEA: With uppercase just being marginally bigger?
TacitusVigil: Danger quops
ekimekim: eric_christian_berg: I just googled bull semen and it seems to come by "the straw" which i assume is a volume
DapperKoala2: Everyone remember their safety Quip phrase?
fastlane250: show yourself, coward. i will never safety quip.
Arclight_Dynamo: Beej./
Thefluffiestguineapig: This feels like similar answers
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
NewtyNewts: The Tragically Whence
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cori looks so distraught
frank_the_great: Why do they call it an oven when you of out the hot
eric_christian_berg: @ekimekim I'd rather not have "bull semen" and "straw" in close proximity.
HorusFive: Tragically Whompst?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I can't breathe
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm laughing so hard
korvys: "Boobs 2: The Sequel"
Thefluffiestguineapig: My sides hurt
DoodlestheGreat: I have these leftover peaches...
DraygoSmith: But them's the good bits?
DiscordianTokkan: Oh BUS
SymphonySolstice: LUL
frank_the_great: LUL LUL LUL
ContingentCat: ummmmm
Dog_of_Myth: BEEJ
Rhynerd: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! You're showing too much imagination.
DoodlestheGreat: LOL
starlitdiscord: what
tidehollowcat: BEEJ
baltimore_667083: BEEJ
BigDaddyBland87: BEEJ
A_Dub888: BEEJ
HorusFive: Ian swore vengance that day on the prostate!
Thefluffiestguineapig: BEEJ NOOOOOOO
NewtyNewts: BEEEEEEJ
ekimekim: BEEJ
GamemasterAnth: I find it odd we talk of bull semen seeing as I had Rocky Mountain Oysters for lunch.
ContingentCat: BEEJ
SnackPak_: jesus
pn55: lrrWOW
fastlane250: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
BlueChloroplast: Waow
NewtyNewts: !CLIP
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
si_valael: BEEJ NO!
dzee_szed: safety clip!
nyoomgoom: incredible
LeokadiaBosko: avaciiWelp avaciiWelp avaciiWelp
ContingentCat: we can never explain you IAn
SkylerRingtail: I choked
CastleOtranto: This stream has been WILD
korvys: Oh hey, the same answert
BrowneePointz: we gotta get Beej to Missouri
baltimore_667083: the boss area is the resort right?
BrowneePointz: unfortunately the humidity will kill him
DoodlestheGreat: Metamucil
frank_the_great: Highlight reel!
NotCainNorAbel: holy shit
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Mattmitchell45: I've been too busy to catch streams
NorthstarTex: XD
ButButTheJesus: damn
frank_the_great: Yum
randombillfolds: Don't knock it!
HorusFive: Tastes likes the classics
hackingducks: perfection.
DraygoSmith: Lead is sweet
TacitusVigil: Tastes like malaise
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can you make clips of VODs? I am laughing too hard to clip right now
A_Dub888: @DraygoSmith You're sweet
TheAwkes: We mimic that all the time on film and TV sets. It's the bread and butter of SPFX.
Oreo1369: Wanna BET
sporkraptor: honestly both really good
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm crying
DraygoSmith: @A_Dub888 Aww <3
fastlane250: of COURSE that was G
Rhynerd: Your own salt?
Angreed66: chants
fastlane250: very good
HorusFive: #notacult
BigDaddyBland87: that's a deep cut
starlitdiscord: #notacult
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
NorthstarTex: #notacult
sporkraptor: callback!!
DraygoSmith: Lifetime supply of Kool Aid
randombillfolds: A lifetime's supply of koolaid.
GrassVortex: extraCult
GamemasterAnth: You have a lamb as a leader.
hackingducks: mmm, free koolaid? i'm in.
wifi12345678910: Lifetime supply of Koolaid
Thefluffiestguineapig: #notacult
LizzyTPau: @HorusFive For tax and legal reasons
frank_the_great: Koolaid would like to inform you that the cult used Flavoraid
MrPhlip: A lifetime supply (I'm so sorry)
kdefinition: @wifi12345678910 You can NOT
EvilBadman: Surprised no one referred to lrl
ContingentCat: but you enjoy it for the rest of your life
Sethalidos: @frank_the_great thank you MAJOR
TheMNWolf: *German accent* it was actually flavor-ade
fastlane250: You can take them. They're free. I have 524 jellyfish at home.
sporkraptor: Cori ruling this one XD
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cori had the primer of CDHC earlier
mishotem: Clever and witty in THIS economy?
DraygoSmith: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mishotem How can you afford both?
GamemasterAnth: More task completion...and the imposter hasn't been found yet.
DillonEA: Yeah, on that thriplash example, you can see that the first letters were *marginally* bigger because they were uppercase
ekimekim: clever...witty...if only there was a portmanteau of those words
DillonEA: But being small caps, it's really hard to tell
NotCainNorAbel: @mishotem yes, and the pay rate is 75% of what it used to be; plus get back to the office
ClodiumSoride: @ekimekim wever?
si_valael: doitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoit
Angreed66: do it
ekimekim: yes, of course, that's what i meant
DraygoSmith: @ekimekim Oh, cli... wait a minute...
Thefluffiestguineapig: To summon a priest for last confession
A_Dub888: do it Griffiths
SymphonySolstice: pull the trigger piglet
si_valael: take the shot, Matt!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Matt, we are the audience, shot needs to be taken
GamemasterAnth: Pull the lever! *falls* WRONG LEVEEEEEEEEEEER!!
Sarah_Serinde: *deep* cut
Forgotten_Sanity: YES!
korvys: Phailhaus cut
A_Dub888: that DEEEEEP cut
Juliamon: possibly the deepest cut ever on a Jackbox stream
NorthstarTex: ah friendship bread
TacitusVigil: It's joyful AND triumphant
A_Dub888: day 3 mush the bag
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
pn55: HypeLUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: DON:T MAKE ME CHOOSE
SnackPak_: well done
NorthstarTex: why do I have to choose?!
ekimekim: oh i love the format screw
ButButTheJesus: (anyone have a link to that cut?)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also the one on the right is around the wasteband of those booty shorts Jordynne keeps pitching
Mattmitchell45: Beyond Reading Comprehension
Sethalidos: Ian
DrLigmaPhD: But are the horrors hot?
ContingentCat: consent consent consent
DraygoSmith: Don't let someone make a documentary about tickle club
ekimekim: none piss with left beef?
frank_the_great: None?
baltimore_667083: IAN
BigDaddyBland87: IAN
tidehollowcat: IAN
starlitdiscord: nooooooo
NewtyNewts: IAN
Thefluffiestguineapig: IAN NOOOOOOOOOOO
ButButTheJesus: IAN
sporkraptor: IAN
ContingentCat: none kiss left princess
Sethalidos: IAN!!!!!!!!
GamemasterAnth: >_< DAMMIT IAN!!!
Mollylele: the queef left you
TacitusVigil: Non shall piss!
Oreo1369: in the shopping cart
Scarbble: it's from chicago
frank_the_great: LUL LUL LUL
NewtyNewts: i'm crying
GrassVortex: extraLUL extraLUL
MadmanOreo: @ContingentCat continuous. enthusiatic. consent.
ButButTheJesus: oh there's a lot to absorb
Sethalidos: !needanadult
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mollylele! They have given 1573 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mollylele! (Today's storm count: 151)
frank_the_great: Banana!
Thefluffiestguineapig: !adult
LRRbot: I need a different adult!
Julian_Rogue: and cori is the banana mini
GamemasterAnth: Cori: FLAWLESS VICTORY
baltimore_667083: same difference
DraygoSmith: Congrats to tonight's winners!
sporkraptor: moonana
nyoomgoom: moon is banan
TheAinMAP: lrrCORI HyperCrown
Julian_Rogue: moonana
Oreo1369: all banana
damn_i_am_pretty: Cori is moon
randombillfolds: Gardens of the Banana.
BlueChloroplast: :D
Drasvin: The moon is made of banana
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
DoodlestheGreat: The latter three games were WAY naughtier than the first three.
Texan_Reverend: !ytmember
LRRbot: LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR:
DistrustingSpectator: you are all wonderful people
Riandisa: Thanks for the fun stream
mishotem: you mean this is all OUR fault?
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
SymphonySolstice: sob tember
Texan_Reverend: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
flatluigi: only doms starting tomorrow
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to mishotem! They have given 1574 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mishotem! (Today's storm count: 152)
NotCainNorAbel is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 60 in the channel!
We added 1 Gift Subs to NotCainNorAbel's gift!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to DragonMZ!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to KydrouKair!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tsundereskull!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrBrightside1!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to AricWest!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to Raigne86!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Twitch! Welcome to MrBrightside1! (Today's storm count: 154)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, NotCainNorAbel! Welcome to DragonMZ, Raigne86, KydrouKair, Tsundereskull, and AricWest! (Today's storm count: 158)
ContingentCat: next month of domtember I guess
Lizardman175: domtober next month
Drasvin is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 221 in the channel!
We added 1 Gift Subs to Drasvin's gift!
Twitch gifted a Tier 1 sub to Grammis!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheLastCurryRice!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to ProCynic1027!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to grimshade!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to code1300!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ponyshment!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Twitch! Welcome to Grammis! (Today's storm count: 159)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Drasvin! Welcome to TheLastCurryRice, code1300, Ponyshment, grimshade, and ProCynic1027! (Today's storm count: 164)
mishotem: @Dog_of_Myth Thanks for the gift sub!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I really can't scroll back more than 90 seconds??? Is it possible to clip VODs?
nyoomgoom: twitch still does the thing when a streamer's offline
Drasvin: Yes, you can clip VoDs
ContingentCat: I'm looking forward to Swichvember
A_Dub888: cookussy
Dog_of_Myth: @mishotem lrrSHINE
LordZarano: "until October 1 at 12AM PT"
NewtyNewts: [X]
Texan_Reverend: @Thefluffiestguineapig Yes, you can clip vods.
BlueChloroplast: Ah so it's switch night
ContingentCat: thanks all
Texan_Reverend: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
flatluigi: beej what are you doing to those jellyfish
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Texan_Reverend Thanks for confirming!
Arclight_Dynamo: 1993?
Dog_of_Myth: Rip and Tear!!
Drasvin: Rip and Tear!
BlueChloroplast: Doom dooom dododooom!
DragonMZ: @NotCainNorAbel Thanks for the gift sub
0x6772: Oh, the new one.
flatluigi: amogus
hackingducks: wolf amogus
TacitusVigil: 2016? Yep that sounds right for doom
aeon_novachrono: mick gordon soundtrack hell yeah
Oreo1369: its good
SnackPak_: awoo
Texan_Reverend: "advice"
Thefluffiestguineapig: "advice"
frank_the_great: ඞ ඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞ
Drasvin: !badadvice
LRRbot: The other one is East.
mishotem: "and this is true, because it rhymes"
flatluigi: bite club!
pn55: Oooo
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: !advice
LRRbot: Do not take your baby into space.
A_Dub888: Fangtastic
ContingentCat: oooooo
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs <3
Drasvin: Bite club
jedi_master_zll: Not a drop to thrink?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Start wart, I would see that too
Rhynerd: Gambling? He's in.
fastlane250: Let's go gambling!
0x6772: Sometimes he drives a speeder into a rock.
Thefluffiestguineapig: None story, all sabac
Juliamon: He lost today
SymphonySolstice: he lost one today
ghyllnox: He's accidentally quit out of one
rogerivany: Gambling? I'm in.
TheAinMAP: Just one.
Rhynerd: Has he managed to land an Idiot's Array yet?
A_Dub888: Ignore plot, acquire Sabacc
spethycakes: You either quit a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a loser
Juliamon: stream's slack
TheAwkes: Big house with Vulgar Moth.
SymphonySolstice: slack noise Noticed
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeTrainn
Redbassist: Our house in the middle of our house
aitsu100: im sorry you unlocked Florida
flatluigi: is it your circus and your monkeys
ProcyonFlynn: "We Unlocked Florida" ... unique sentence.
loufghyslaufey: LONG lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS lrrDOTS game
Foxmar320: foxmarWELP
nyoomgoom: true
Thefluffiestguineapig: @rogerivany Wasn't his theory "since there's no money I win"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Florida: makes Australia look good and restrained
PharaohBender27: Gee I wonder what that Slack notification might be about (reminder: 39 days to Bus)
Sethalidos: Florida Clowns? How did clowns get worse?
TacitusVigil: Florida: America's phantom zone
TheAinMAP: RPGFireball
ContingentCat: remember corporations will only help us if we force them
Redbassist: lrrAWESOME
Oreo1369: thanks to all the gifters
AnderKryst gifted a Tier 1 sub to DillyBar09! They have given 35 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DillyBar09! (Today's storm count: 165)
albatros064 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, albatros064! (Today's storm count: 166)
Redbassist: GoldPLZ
ButButTheJesus: i assume pronounce MACencheese
Thefluffiestguineapig: The correct person read that lrrSHINE
xantos69: Cheer50 Thirst Bits? Thirst Bits!
SymphonySolstice: omg it's thicc mark
SymphonySolstice: aww now he's gone
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: me!
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: me again!
SymphonySolstice: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
Mollylele: oh snap! thank you @Dog_of_Myth DinoDance
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
SymphonySolstice: dabits
albatros064: on sale tonight only!
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeBits guyjudgeBits guyjudgeBits
Texan_Reverend: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
Thefluffiestguineapig: dabits dabits
Rhynerd: have a good one!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming
Rhynerd: thanks for the stream!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Thanks for the great stream!
ContingentCat: thanks y'all
Thefluffiestguineapig: And thanks to chat for a good time as always
Redbassist: lrrGibb
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: good night, internet friend people!!
Styxseus: Thanks for the stream!
Oreo1369: thanks everyone have a good night/day
Sethalidos: cue: foly noises of pratfalls
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ah_fantastico: happy October, everyone!
loufghyslaufey: hm?
TheAinMAP: Good night, Paul.
GrassVortex: extraLUL
SymphonySolstice: I can picture it
Sarah_Serinde: That's very helpful thank you Paul
mishotem: yes
loufghyslaufey: Brought to you by Chevron w/ Techron
fastlane250: Imagine a bus, traveling through the dese- wait no
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeSteer
ContingentCat: thanks paul that helps
SymphonySolstice: and twitch refuses to let me clip that, even in the vod
SymphonySolstice: cool website