Mazrae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Doom) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (1s from now).
LordZarano: !next
Mazrae: Off by one.... Eh good enough
SnackPak_: the off-by-ones have escaped mine o'clock containment
TehAmelie: close enough for rock and roll
LordZarano: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Doom) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (1m ago).
Coloneljesus: yippiee
Veste: ROCK and STO- wait
warpstonewarlock: Rip and Tear!
LordZarano: Dangit, thought I could get the 59s
GreatWahooney subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
GreatWahooney: this is that game what runs on anything, right?
Thanks for subscribing, GreatWahooney! (Today's storm count: 20)
GreatWahooney: hello chat! hope everyone's having a nice day
PotatoWraiths: you're huge, you must have huge guts
PotatoWraiths: the banner ad x_x
phoenixletmeuseadashd: that was a baaad ad
PotatoWraiths: imagine only celebrating the TENTH year of Doom
phoenixletmeuseadashd: but points for doing a got ripoff years after it stopped being relevant I guess
TehAmelie: g'day
MungoDude: hewwo
erloas subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Thanks for subscribing, erloas! (Today's storm count: 21)
warpstonewarlock: Hello Cori, Hello Cam!
BrindleBoar: brainrot vs nature
KV1NN4: how does the Phone thing work? (or am i mixing it up with soemthing else Alien)
GreatWahooney: *shakes fist at Seth Whatshisface*
No Black month is February
KV1NN4: also that one episode of Star Trek and Picard trying to communicate witht hat tube finger alien captain on that planet.... something something Tenagra?
iris_of_ether: oh no
GreatWahooney: @KV1NN4 Darmok!
iris_of_ether: psychic damage
ghyllnox: First grade, thanks
BrindleBoar: mood
Juliamon: I was in calculus class
SymphonySolstice: also first grade
EvilBadman: Senior Year, AP Physics
iris_of_ether: First year of college
ghyllnox: No wait... third. Third grade?
AugmentingPath: Like how Watson always served in Afghanistan no matter when the Sherlock adaptation is set
TheAwkes: Who gave the demon trumpets?!
KV1NN4: @GreatWahooney Thanks! One of my players was creatively swearing in that 'language' last sessioin <XD
phoenixletmeuseadashd: it's a map editor
TehAmelie: @AugmentingPath when or in what universe, i know two alternate history Holmeses and somehow he always ends up having been in Afghanistan there too
ghyllnox: Doomn't
ShaneLeeAtk: So much Quake
RockPusher: Get a good WAD
TehAmelie: i enjoyed Doom on SNES. how little we knew
KV1NN4: my brother was a Quake babbo
ShaneLeeAtk: The halcyon days of the early Inter-Tubes.
@TehAmelie Makes sense
that's called "immersion" cam
GreatWahooney: I don't think that was actually a thing in Duke Nukem 3D but it's been a while, so wouldn't bet on it
phoenixletmeuseadashd: UT2004 is still pretty fun, if visually dated
iris_of_ether: I think I only Thief'ed
drcthulu: Tribes but with exploding discs
TehAmelie: for me it was Warcraft 2
TheMerricat: Could you do the slide Cam?
drcthulu: It paved the way for Halo
DaxStrife: Star Wars: Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight.
BrindleBoar: ctrl shift esc
Coloneljesus: ctrl+shift+esc
Desruprot: well this is a twist on the Talking part
Coloneljesus: ctrl+win+shift+B to restart the GPU driver
TheMerricat: If your game is not in borderless full screen mode you may not be able to pull out of the game without restarting the computer or signing out.
MMoritz: I bought this version of Doom because of Cam and Alex's Talking Sim on this, back whenever that was
ShaneLeeAtk: Only anecdotally
GhostValv: I hate when the crashing includes difficulty to alt tab into program manager
Morrigan9: when you rip and tear so hard you get asset overload
TheMerricat: Chat is this the doom where they had to deal with the duct tape mod or is that the older version of Doom?
MMoritz: that w as doom 3
WetPaperSack: That is Doom 3
iris_of_ether: I skipped the Eminem section of the 2000's music skill tree and invested a bit heavily into numetal
ShaneLeeAtk: ^
WetPaperSack: Considering that one Doom 2 level literally had an arrow on the ground showing you where to go, I'm not sure they always followed that either
Gaz_L: a bit of the old ultra-violence?
Juliamon: I splashed a couple points in Eminem, in that I have the censored Walmart edition of the Marshall Mathers EP
Gaz_L: i believe so?
Coloneljesus: pretty sure yes
Coloneljesus: what's wrong with slouches?
TehAmelie: i always thought Nightmare with the respawning enemies was way too much #fakegamer
Coloneljesus: shout out to Mick for this absolute beast of an OST
WetPaperSack: If this was Eternal, I'd definitely say to go with Hurt Me Plenty until you get the gameplay loop down
Gaz_L: pistol charges up
Thisbymaster: no reloading at all
Coloneljesus: this is not a slow game
ravenlord_xix: I remember Cam and Alex playing this years ago, and being charmed by the shotgun racking in time with the title song
GreatWahooney: does this game have silly reload animations? feels like it might
Coloneljesus: @GreatWahooney don't think so
WetPaperSack: The good news is that the pistol is only really relevant for like 30 seconds.
TehAmelie: it has no reload animations
thmanwithnoname subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 101 months!
Thanks for subscribing, thmanwithnoname! (Today's storm count: 22)
GreatWahooney: well I bet if it had any at all, some of them would be very silly
Gaz_L: tbh, given what we find out about Doomguy in Eternal, he might actually think these are ghosts
ReiyChanter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ReiyChanter! (Today's storm count: 23)
phoenixletmeuseadashd: doomguy says: yes
phoenixletmeuseadashd: just rip and tear coach open
TehAmelie: there's some weapon mode altering stuff, but it's not very silly
phoenixletmeuseadashd: ping 666
ShaneLeeAtk: When you have to have a demonic invasion alarm, maybe you are in the wrong line of work.
Invitare: resooolve
Thisbymaster: screw your dialog
PotatoWraiths: NYEH
Gaz_L: ID knew exactly the tone they were shooting for and they hit the bullseye
ShaneLeeAtk: Much like The Rock in the cinematic masterpiece Down.
ShaneLeeAtk: Doom
GreatWahooney: F to melee respects?
PotatoWraiths: meaty.
GreatWahooney: more like gory kills amirite
WetPaperSack: OK, here's the actual starter weapon
TehAmelie: Hayden explains they needed to mine hell energy, like it was an absolute need for the survival of humanity and worth all the demon invasions, because. reasons.
Coloneljesus: you mean to tell me this gun has been shot?
EvilBadman: yeah the system where the glory kills give health and the chain saw kills give ammo is very handy
Invitare: This is Doom Cori, you can shot all the guns you can dream of
Gaz_L: i believe they animated those at a more normal speed, and then during playtesting found players felt they slowed things down too much, so they solved it by making the Glory Kills like 1.5x speed
graal_smith: OK, so I appear to be under a misapprehension. I thought talking simulator was for VN type things, or at least non-action games. What qualifies a game or gameplay for Talking simulator?
TehAmelie: nobody needs ALL their legs
phoenixletmeuseadashd: "unsafe levels" so...above 0?
gehennam_reborn: Out of curiosity, is there any possibility of a Space Marine 2 Talking Sim in the future? I honestly been curious how much Cam would have to say on it since I've managed to miss every stream he's done of it
GreatWahooney: @graal_smith whatever the hosts feel makes for interesting discussion
PMAvers: implying there’s safe levels of demonic corruption?
Coloneljesus: @phoenixletmeuseadashd we can have a little demons. as a treat
Gaz_L: @graal_smith it has something interesting to discuss related to things like game design or narrative
gonna get good use of this emote this stream
or sometimes if Cam wants to play Space Chores
duckace11: unless you are in hell. then the demonic levels can be a bit higher
DrLigmaPhD: My demonic tolerance goes up to 3 imps. Beyond that is a handful
DaxStrife: It's weird that they have a safety warning for that at all. Like No Man's Sky's "biological horrors detected."
EvilBadman: One other awesome thing about this game: the music
This IS a visual novel though
Gaz_L: or ludonarrative consonnance in this case
RockPusher: Critical analysis of games of all genres
Thisbymaster: there is plenty of story, just inbetween the grunting
TehAmelie: not that weird. they had to expect SOME demonic invasions when mining for hell energy
Coloneljesus: it's for games that are games
KeytarCat: Point and click adventure!
graal_smith: So Tetris is out, then?
Boiler_bot: Any game that has something interesting to talk about, AFAIK
Alness49: This is a point and click. Your verbs are usually "gun"
PotatoWraiths: wait for it
Invitare: prepare for the best reload in gaming
duckace11: I remember your overwatch and Civ ones
accountmadeforants: MOOD
Morrigan9: can't wait for teh go fish talking sim
SquareDotCube: There is lore but it's side content
SymphonySolstice: DOOD
PotatoWraiths: hehehehe
ravenlord_xix: for the betterment of mankind *looks at dead guy* yea sure buddy
Gaz_L: Narrative: You are Doomguy, kill demons Game: You are Doomguy, kill demons
KV1NN4: I love hearing those discussions about the games you two play
SquareDotCube: you can totally stomp them
EvilBadman: @Gaz_L Hey! The try to explain doomguy a lil give 'em credit
EvilBadman: they*
Gaz_L: oh! you can goomba stomp the imps!
LordZarano: Did they really need the registered trademark symbol for the screen with the title drop?
TehAmelie: yeah there's like 48 different glory kills depending on your angle
graal_smith: I can't remember the name of the creator, but there was a video I watched last month that said "DOOM is slapstick comedy"
Ooooo, I get to see part of a Talking Sim live
GreatWahooney: @LordZarano how else would we know
WetPaperSack: Thank goodness for that too, otherwise this would be more like Duke Nukem Forever
Coloneljesus: "stop kicking your own face"
EvilBadman: @graal_smith Pat from Polygon
KeytarCat: @graal_smith It was either Polygon or Brian David Gilbert
KeytarCat: @EvilBadman that, yes
Gaz_L: Like A Dragon is a Very Serious Crime Drama AND a Very Silly Slapstick Comedy, for example
KV1NN4: Did Alex or Graham mention that Malaysian 'edutainment' game they 'played'?
About the "goomba-stomp", it's actually the finisher! One of the contexts for it is "while in the air"
Gaz_L: that's Rune Factory, in fact
accountmadeforants: E.g., Sakuna Of Rice of Ruin
EvilBadman: Pat's classification as "slapstick comedy" is mostly based on despite the amount of gore, etc it's so absurd in presentation it is more hilarious than gross
Invitare: "rogue-lite" does not need to exist
Boiler_bot: Roguelite/Roguelike discussions are so pedantic and boring
KeytarCat: sure, but fuck off
CataclysmicReverb: Despite the name similarities, they describe two different aspects
MAPBoardgames: I love that percussion of the shotgun with the music right there.
accountmadeforants: I will insist on the distinction between Metroidvanias and Metroidlikes, though
Alness49: Sure, but would I like it?
KeytarCat: @Alness49 dunno, but rogues like it
Alness49: @KeytarCat And we can all trust Rogues!
KeytarCat: @accountmadeforants I call them exploventures
TehAmelie: they eventually recover 25% of their life and stop being staggered
Coloneljesus: @accountmadeforants how do you feel about the term Metroidbrainia?
KeytarCat: Nonlinear puzzle game?
Boiler_bot: Metroid, but mostly puzzles?
Coloneljesus: things like Animal Well, Tunic, Fez
accountmadeforants: @Coloneljesus That sounds fun
LordZarano: Is this orange a rouge-like?
metroidvanias are just platformers with backtracking
KeytarCat: The Witness is a "metroidbrainia?
graal_smith: Industrial Dancing Machines
Coloneljesus: yeah
SquareDotCube: ah yes, IDM, or why you didn't want to admit you too liked the same four notes in repeat
Gaz_L: we found the blue key!
accountmadeforants: Mortal Kombat fatalities still squick me out for some reason, like, they're just increasingly unnecessarily violent and gory
TehAmelie: these days i get nightmares from Eve Online, like an adult
TehAmelie: (i haven't played it in like 5 years but yeah)
GreatWahooney: as a teen I'd sometimes have dreams about hiding from stroggs in my school, but I don't think those were nightmares
MAPBoardgames: Here's a question: Which game is more violent? These DOOM or Space Marine 2
KeytarCat: Charged pistol might work for you
TehAmelie: "at this particular moment in time i don't believe i have healthier or more deeply felt respect for any object in the universe than this shotgun"
SquareDotCube: honestly you could just glory kill all the unarmed possessed
Coloneljesus: DOOM is more close up
Gaz_L: ok, for clarity, i looked it up: You can do a Glory Kill from above/in mid air, so not just 'jump on head' but it felt similar in my memory
Gaz_L: ABC: Always Be Charging
eff_the_bard: apologies if you've already answered, I just got here, what's your thoughts on the idea that a sufficiently well-designed video game will only have one difficulty level?
TehAmelie: funny, grenades just recharge. your suit must be building grenades somewhere
Boiler_bot: Literally only one difficulty level, or dynamic difficulty?
KeytarCat: I think a sufficiently well-designed game has diegetic difficulty levels
Coloneljesus: slow-mo, god-mode
eff_the_bard: not that I believe that, it's just an idea I've seen float around
Coloneljesus: infinite dashes
Single-player chess against yourself has a single, adaptive difficulty level
TehAmelie: i think Minecraft may be the epitome of design with how easy it is to mod everything in it to tailor the game for yourself
Veste: what ARE they piston in?
graal_smith: I haven't checked
Nigouki: is it not the literal hell energy?
StrideTheEarth: @eff_the_bard Do they give examples of what they consider a 'sufficiently well-designed game'? I don't think I've ever seen a game with only one difficulty setting or level that's been accessible to everyone.
SquareDotCube: it's home to Olympus Mons
Desruprot: a dead planet in dead space
eff_the_bard: @StrideTheEarth Dark Souls and Mario 64
Gaz_L: Doomguy knows only punch
RockPusher: Hmmm, trying to do fully diegetic or limiting yourself artificially to not having some form of difficulty selection I think just cuts off technical and game design space
eff_the_bard: the only original thought that I have about game difficulty is that if games were good only because they were difficult then I Wanna Be The Guy would be the greatest game of all time
TehAmelie: Doomguy is very goal oriented
accountmadeforants: I feel like the opposite is true, a sufficiently well designed difficulty setting will let you configure for different skillsets. Like, maybe people are just bad at puzzles but still enjoy combat, or the other way around.
StrideTheEarth: I figured Dark Souls would be one of them, and I don't think it's a good example. It very much is not accessible to everyone, and many people bounce off due to the difficulty.
SquareDotCube: Doomguy is deep-seeded rage in a power suit
KeytarCat: The example my brother and I talked about yesterday is Elden Ring hammers. There are a lot of ways to play that game, but your rewards for landing a hit with a hammer are much better than other weapon types
Alness49: Doomguys's hyper aggression means he lacks one very human trait, the ability to pack bond with *anything*
BrindleBoar: IIRC yeah, not having a magnetic field is the "we can't overcome this with elbow grease" obstacle to terraforming Mars.
LordZarano: "Like Earth, Mars appears to have a molten iron core, or at least a molten outer core. However, there does not appear to be convection in the mantle. Presently Mars shows little geological activity." - Wikipedia
TehAmelie: he loved his bunny, but then the demons killed it
Coloneljesus: @Alness49 he has/had a bunny pet
RockPusher: indeed, accountmadeforants I think is more aligned with my thinking — give users choice. Have reasonable defaults but don't be afraid to give people dials to twiddle
eff_the_bard: Tetris has often been called a perfect game
Gaz_L: and Go depends on AI or opponent
TomatoKigu: Tetris progress in the same way as go progress, imo
7gorobei: there was a NASA proposal to put a satellite at the mars/sun L1 point that would generate a mag field to shield mars from the radiation, no answers on how to power/generate that field
TehAmelie: really, all he's doing here is bending his entire being to stopping the demon invasion. perhaps motivated by the feeling he's the only one in the world who thinks demons are bad and have to be kept away
graal_smith: Not today Satan! But I've got an opening on Thursday afternoon.
LordZarano: "On 25 October 2023, scientists, helped by information from the InSight lander, reported that the planet Mars has a radioactive magma ocean under its crust."
DeathWarrior555 subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 46 months!
DeathWarrior555: Hello folks!
Thanks for subscribing, DeathWarrior555! (Today's storm count: 24)
GreatWahooney: my favourite difficulty level is however much it takes to stop me from zoning out and playing on autopilot
warpstonewarlock: 7 day work week? So the humans are the true demons.
Gaz_L: there's also something to say for this kind of design where the game makes you feel powerful from square one.
MWGNZ: like space marine (in theory)
StrideTheEarth: Same, I really enjoyed the original Space Marines game for this, I haven't place SM2 yet
TehAmelie: we haven't died since we picked up the shotgun, right
StrideTheEarth: Gears of War did it to an extent too I think?
StrideTheEarth: Even the Gears of War tactics game too.
LordZarano: Radioactive Magma Ocean has to be a metal band, right?
eff_the_bard: I could never get into this game, it never felt exciting
Invitare: Abominable Intelligence! Purge it!
TomatoKigu: oh no we've got chatgpt as our copilot
gualdhar: "Hi, I'm an AI that can try to kill you faster, in exchange for being slightly stronger! OSHA approved!"
TK_Squared: You are a crowbar.
Gaz_L: Crowbar? You'd need a pHd in theoretical physics to use something like that!
duckace11: I never been to a Crowbar a Raven tavern on the other hand
Coloneljesus: she looks like one of the good guys
malfnord: #totallyacult
Mazrae: I love this game
TehAmelie: Joyce Messier
zerragonoss: Is a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of the thing you're worshiping a necessary component of a cult?
eff_the_bard: @malfnord very different from #TotalYakult
TehAmelie: well, the cult members do have to misunderstand the power dynamic in their relationship to the leader at least
ThankYouUro: @eff_the_bard funny, my cult worships Japanese sweetened probiotic milk beverages
KeytarCat: one more unique glory kill for the upgrade!
SquareDotCube: these demons need jesus
TehAmelie: we don't have time to fart, Doomguy!
Gaz_L: i like the implicit concept of 'safe demonic presence' levels
tryllebanjo: Let's sing the Doom song!
TehAmelie: can barely even call them health pinatas, they're more like health thimbles
SnackPak_: time out, need to upgrade
richard_ermen: I'm happy. I'm currently taking some vacation days and I get to watch some TalkingSim live? Yay.
Gaz_L: it's an alt-fire mode, i believe
KeytarCat: It's an alt fire. gotta charge it
Gaz_L: probably?
CataclysmicReverb: 4's usually thumb
Coloneljesus: definitely figure out how to use alt fire
zerragonoss: 4 is usually the most convenient thumb
Coloneljesus: rude
TehAmelie: heey the glory kills are supposed to go in the other direction
richard_ermen: Does this mean in a way Doom is basically a Soulslike?
Coloneljesus: check or remap controlls?
TehAmelie: i set the mod button to R myself. helped train me not to try and reload
kusinohki: meows
TehAmelie: chainsaw, the great communicator!
Coloneljesus: I think I put mine on right mouse?
Coloneljesus: what is right mosue by default?
eff_the_bard: I thought this chainsaw was so lame when I found out you only had three goes on it
Gaz_L: even better, full of bullets!
zerragonoss: Chainsaw is closer to an ammo potion than a weapon mechanically.
TehAmelie: you need to upgrade the ammo capacity to even have enough fuel to saw some chunkier enemies
Juliamon: eff_the_bard Could you use a different word please?
EvilBadman: Welcome to this game's cycle: glory for HP, Chainsaw for Ammo
eff_the_bard: why would you put a chainsaw in a game then take it away after only three? you can't even shoot while you're holding it
Styxseus: A big part of this at the start (at least on pc) is figuring out a control-scheme that feels right-- and once it clicks, it *really* clicks
2Flower: So what's the bigger bad here, demons or capitalism?
kusinohki: random thought - doubt this is dan floyd's kind of game, but it would be quite interesting if he compared the animations of the original to the remake I think...
PMAvers: nom noms done
Coloneljesus: @2Flower captialism unlocks demons. it's teamwork!
Coloneljesus: teamwork is the biggest evil
TehAmelie: it's an instant kill that mostly refills all your ammo, imagine what would happen if you could get chainsaw fuel everywhere
Juliamon: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
KeytarCat: @2Flower Demons are only doing their thing, Capitalism put them in a place where they cause enormous problems
PotatoWraiths: I forgot this was live and hit the pause button ><
warpstonewarlock: I tried to skip the break
TehAmelie: capitalism opened the door for the demons, but demons fear Doomguy, so. . .
accountmadeforants: *pause* *ANGRY CYBORG BEES*
KeytarCat: Doomguy started this game in a sarcophagus, so something's going on there
Juliamon: that is a remarkably precise ad
KinkerbellRose: I was getting insecticide ads for awhile.
KinkerbellRose: They don't have a clue what to show me anymore.
KeytarCat: I stopped targeted ads, so I don't know who is buying this space or why
KeytarCat: Ooh, Starstruck on Rhythm Cafe!
Juliamon: yeah!!
Juliamon: I'm so hyped
accountmadeforants: Oh yeah, super hyped for Starstruck
TheDevil_Risen: wb
TehAmelie: greetings
richard_ermen: My ears are ready.
StrideTheEarth: And what a return it is
richard_ermen: Is TalkingSim actually ASMR?
TehAmelie: my eyeballs are protected
accountmadeforants: @LordZarano I knew about much of the history, but I struggle to picture ASXC
RockPusher: We did this to ourselves‽
KinkerbellRose: I accept blame.
iris_of_ether: Yay, we're culpable!
accountmadeforants: We opened a portal to LRR on Mars, as a source of infinite comedy
TomatoKigu: …Just follow the yellow grip road?
DoodlestheGreat: ~/Doom doom doomy doom doom doom doom/~
richard_ermen: @KinkerbellRose I'd rather accept BLAME!
KV1NN4: follow the trail of viscera!
iris_of_ether: You're gonna get pop-ins
TehAmelie: maybe we just have to be happy as long as we don't get telefragged by some lil' wiener
patbaer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
patbaer: 55 is a cool number
Thanks for subscribing, patbaer! (Today's storm count: 25)
Mishapp53: That was definitely a Grenooooo
LordZarano: @accountmadeforants Hand at a 45 degree angle, coming in from the corner of the keyboard?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Have we mentioned how this game kept the Blue=Health and Green= Armor from the original games?
Gaz_L: chainsaw is both ammo refill but can also be an 'oh shit' button
accountmadeforants: @LordZarano I tried that, but, it doesn't seem like it would work? (And this is coming from someone who uses a hitbox for fighting games, and owns a split ortholinear keyboard.)
TehAmelie: did you blow up the charged fireball? i didn't know that either
accountmadeforants: @accountmadeforants I could kinda see ASZX working at that angle, though. (With Z being back, and S being forward)
KeytarCat: opt-out sprinting
Laserbeaks_Fury: That's says something about the design philosophy that full run is the default state, and slowing down has to be the choice
KeytarCat: Laser door
StrideTheEarth: Supposed to learn shotgunning in college.
Gaz_L: you have insulted Cameron's honour
TheDevil_Risen: Ultra Nightmare?
Marvoleath: @Laserbeaks_Fury to be fair Im surprised more games that dont have limited sprint dont do this
Marvoleath: ppl will always sprint anw
kusinohki: what difficulty are we playing at?
KeytarCat: There's a weird thing I've found with boomer shooters: focusing enemies is generally less effective than being in momentary safe areas and shooting whatever happens to be available
KeytarCat: We're on UV
richard_ermen: I mean, ID did learn a lot from placing enemies in the dark from DOOM3
TheAinMAP: "See Tracks, Think Trains"
StrideTheEarth: What is this, Elden Ring?
StrideTheEarth: Whoops.
PotatoWraiths: LOL
Gaz_L: hello highlights!
PMAvers: Hello, armor. Goodbye armor
TehAmelie: when the train catches you
LordZarano: Someone call the Mars Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (MCOHS)!
StrideTheEarth: Hmm.
Brother, you are not meant to throw the frag at your feet
Bruceski: "I'm walking here!"
PMAvers: The cattle the cattlecacher was supposed to catch
BrowneePointz: Oh snap. We doomin up in here?
BrowneePointz: I do have to say, the reboot and Eternal have some of the best feeling movement and kineticism in any modern shooter. Period. @LoadingReadyRun
Gaz_L: it's this and Titanfall 2 (and, I assume, Apex)
Laserbeaks_Fury: Lets be fair, if they wanted to lock you into an arena fight, they would lock you in. That's a thing that just happens in this game
Marvoleath: "A coward dies a thousand times before his death"
Nigouki: wait if blood indicated danger in video games what's all the yellow stuff we follow?
UtilityPunk: Doom as a stealth puzzle game?
BrowneePointz: welp yall got me excited for Doom the Dark Ages all over again
TheDevil_Risen: Cameron passed the athletics check, rolled a nat 20 and superman punched that dude to death
PotatoWraiths: I remember an interview, and can confirm the Foley work was a blast
Laserbeaks_Fury: I love that line
Laserbeaks_Fury: "Demonic Presence at *Unsafe* Levels"
Fancy_frenchman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Fancy_frenchman: Bonjour friends
Thanks for subscribing, Fancy_frenchman! (Today's storm count: 26)
Akaiatana: It's a door to hell.
Gaz_L: it's interesting seeing Cam use the pistol, cuz i don't think i ever intentionally used it in this game after the intro
TehAmelie: leveling the pistol up for 100% completion was the most that the game ever felt like a chore to me
Laserbeaks_Fury: The bullet is enormous, there is no escaping!
BrowneePointz: the best thing about these games
BrowneePointz: is that ALL the guns are good
A flobelisk
BrowneePointz: i just wonder what the soundtrack for Dark Ages is gonna sound like
richard_ermen: Do you have an option active that switches automatically to weapons for whom you've picked up ammo?
Gaz_L: @richard_ermen can't be, pistol has infinite ammo
BlackIsis: always be smashing
BlackIsis: At least that's the answer in Space Marine 2
BrowneePointz: it's INCREDIBLY at how well it plays on a movement and feedback level
BrowneePointz: and in second to second gameplay
head_cannon: Ultra-Violence mode does make you more fragile, that is true.
Gaz_L: just demon shaped juiceboxes
BrowneePointz: some times you try to type two sentences at once and oopsy your own grammar
TehAmelie: full of delicious blue gatorate
BrowneePointz: oh yea. it's very kinetic intentionally
BrowneePointz: if you don't plan your movement, you will die
Gaz_L: remember chainsaw can get you ammo
Akaiatana: Gore Nest is a portmanteau of Honest To Gore
SquareDotCube: there is no reload
Gaz_L: it's an intentional throwback to the old games
SquareDotCube: just fire until you're out
SquareDotCube: like an action movie
They are just removing things you can blame other than yourself for dying
BrowneePointz: I wonder how this gameplay is gonna feel with the Shield they're adding in the next one
Gaz_L: but only one alt-fire active at a time
TehAmelie: and yeah you die really fast. it gets better when you have more options than running up to get the shotgun in their faces. but maybe the game start could be better balanced
Gaz_L: he tried his best
Akaiatana: "I needed the RED key." *Shoots them* "There we go."
phoenixletmeuseadashd: bye!
SquareDotCube: two points!
Laserbeaks_Fury: That definitely a jump from the bigger room outside
Akaiatana: The forklifts are under heavy LOD
TehAmelie: hmm have we had a weapon upgrade station on this level?
Gaz_L: @TehAmelie we have
TehAmelie: ah yes i remember now. no missiles for Cori then
ShaneLeeAtk: Dakka dakka?
Akaiatana: I swear to quad, imps
TehAmelie: well we have reached peak rip and tear
Laserbeaks_Fury: *getting arms torn off by Doomguy* You, that's me. Bet you're wondering how I got here.
Gaz_L: i think it's just that you're not moving
Gaz_L: when the game is otherwise so kinetic
SquareDotCube: They did make a Vulkan version of this which might be a little more stable
Mazrae: I want to say something since I've played this game so much but I know better because hey chat hasn't been called
TehAmelie: something something give me a hand
Mazrae: The only thing I can say is that I love this game so much
Gaz_L: Hayden's voice sounds somewhere between Optimus Prime and Lance Henriksen to me
jj_q: These taxes are getting out of hand
Mazrae: There is a mini fig around here
SquareDotCube: some secrets are one-way, once you miss them you just have to play the level again.
SquareDotCube: otherwise most are suit upgrades
no Funko Pop
SquareDotCube: I think the jerry cans also explode
BrowneePointz: ah yes, the Harleyquinn of Willendorf
SquareDotCube: funko pops will be those French Garfield telephones
DrLigmaPhD: "There appears to have been fundamentally no design variation among them"
NiceMrCaput: I heard somebody say that after the bombs, baby groot pops will be currency
Akaiatana: The call of the sea.
SquareDotCube: Funkos, the new currency of the post-apocalypse
Gaz_L: i'm holding out for less Waterworld and more Pirates Of Dark Water
kumatsu: it only got 1 season and left NOTHING resolved
jj_q: Carry on doom strafing
Texan_Reverend: Noy jitat! I remember that show, too! It was great!
TehAmelie: Jar-Jar Binks tongue lollipops will be the highest unit of currency. as long as they're unlicked
CommanderCrossing subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 122 months!
Thanks for subscribing, CommanderCrossing! (Today's storm count: 27)
Akaiatana: Silence of the Jams
Akaiatana: Picket up, don't pick it up.
Nigouki: lmao
Akaiatana: Violet video games
Nigouki: I wonder if Foley Artist is one of those almost impossible to get into jobs because of how small and tight knit it is
SquareDotCube: *gets rocket launcher, uses it on one single imp*
Gaelan_Maestro: i was asleep when the walls fell
Gaelan_Maestro: naps are awesome
Akaiatana: One of my favourite bands mixed up Doom and Power Rangers thme and it's great
Nigouki: Is stream stuttering just for me?
Juliamon: It is fine here
Nigouki: hmm
BrowneePointz: also gives them a way to give you health on entering a room
Akaiatana: @Cori The Marsy Haul problem.
Aceviru: All systems are go
Aceviru: good*
Akaiatana: Monty Haul with Mars
Juliamon: It occasionally drops to 480 or even 240p, but ALL streams do that for me, so I don't assume it's relevant here
Akaiatana: Behind 90 percent of doors is a monster, 10% there is a goat. Don't shoot the goat.
TehAmelie: demons are bad team players
DaSunao: In Halo the Jackals are known for having forearm energy shields, but they're fragile little chickens not front liners
TheAwkes: Get Hell'd On, Nerd!
ArtemisHuntress: oh now we grabbed the thing too hard
ArtemisHuntress: silver
PMAvers: "Hey, uh... do you have more of those? Gimmie like twenty."
HortonFearsACoup: Get a nice energy thing and immediately crush it? This is why we can't have nice things
ArtemisHuntress: maybe it's from the argent people
BrowneePointz: I think it's Darin DePaul(Reinhardt from Overwatch) @LoadingReadyRun
BrowneePointz: dude has an INCREDIBLE basement Bass voice for a guy that's 5'3"
ArtemisHuntress: shots fired
PMAvers: Unless they're some sort of... cyber... demon?
TehAmelie: they couldn't like, put solar panels on Mercury, they had to open the gates of Hell. . .
accountmadeforants: Argent Energy didn't actually win the internet polls. User-submitted options like "Red Juice", "Hell McHellforce" won, but corporate decided to go with their own choice anyway.
Akaiatana: The struggle is wheel
BrowneePointz: Is it really stupidity Cori?
BrowneePointz: or merely your gung ho "Do it for the Vine" gusto
TehAmelie: ah, the map shows us all six "categories" of secrets to find
ArtemisHuntress: I would have guessed it was from Vienam
ArtemisHuntress: Vietnam*
ArtemisHuntress: pardon?
DaSunao: Everyone knows Annam speaks French
TehAmelie: this sounds just like the Warcraft 2 narrator
BrowneePointz: but yea, it means To Work Together as a shorthand for the Chinese Industrial Cooperatives
ArtemisHuntress: leprosy
BrowneePointz: fascinating drift into Western slang
DaxStrife: Juice. Juice research.
SquareDotCube: tongue popsicles
ButButTheJesus: hi folks, we saving that Hell Energy?
BrowneePointz: ah yes. SUPER Leprosy!
Akaiatana: Bringing back Diablo
DaSunao: @ArtemisHuntress Magical Demonic Leprosy
SquareDotCube: AI generated feet, they're still trying to figure it out
BrowneePointz: from what i've garnered Gen Z doesn't like anything
ArtemisHuntress: but i'm poooooooor
mrharrydresden subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months, currently on a 72 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, mrharrydresden! (Today's storm count: 28)
15__uwu__02: as a gen z, I think it's funny
BrowneePointz: hmmm... I mean it's the modern reboot of THE boomer shooter
BrowneePointz: DNA it's a boomer shooter, but by Design it's not?
CataclysmicReverb: Also, boomers don't trust DPI they can't count on their fingers either
ArtemisHuntress: i'm pretty sure my dad's friends played OG Doom at the first LAN parties we set up
ButButTheJesus: robobuddy!
DaSunao: @BrowneePointz That's like saying humans are by DNA boomers
mrharrydresden: 6 years subbed lets go!
Akaiatana: They look like the aliens from Batteries not Included
BrowneePointz: @DaSunao I mean, like, Doom is THE Boomer Shooter. Archetypally, this is still Doom, but with much, much more modern design. so... *bobbing scale hand gesture*
SquareDotCube: And Cam immediately goes into Destiny 2 mode.
BrowneePointz: Baron of Hell?
BrowneePointz: or the other one
15__uwu__02: Oh yeah the melee in doom only does 1 damage lol
ButButTheJesus: Pinky is the stout charging one
BrowneePointz: Hellknight. Not a Baron
BrowneePointz: Barons have the horns
Getter404: Green lights instead of yellow paint. Innovation.
ButButTheJesus: Pinky is Moo Deng
BrowneePointz: and also a Shibboleth
ButButTheJesus: but its meaningful! the angy charging one, right?!
BrowneePointz: yea Pinky is the quadrupedal angy chargy one
BrowneePointz: so not wrong BBTJ
TehAmelie: fall damage? that's for regular guys, not Doomguy
BrowneePointz: technically it's only the GATEWAY to hell!
SquareDotCube: There's a really fun death animation in the main room here
Texan_Reverend: Your suit needed some reforging, right? So what if you're a little bit inside it at the time.
ButButTheJesus: oh right, lil easter egg if you die in the lava
BrowneePointz: also as a tangent, the DOOM movie is both really dumb and fun to watch
ButButTheJesus: @BrowneePointz agreed, I unironically enjoy it
15__uwu__02: The one with the rock or the new one?
BrowneePointz: the doom movie is so bad
BrowneePointz: but so fun
TehAmelie: i'd sooner recommend the Doom comic. it's unbeatably dumb and fun
niccus: alarms are like hydrogen sulfide, it's self-desensitizing
LordZarano: Speaking of which, Is Beej's air quality experiment in the room with you now?
SquareDotCube: we showed them our chainsaw
Gaz_L: Hellraiser is Clive Barker, i think?
SquareDotCube: tab should be your map
DaSunao: !left
LordZarano: Keep your hand on one wall? Maze style
Getter404: I think you just had to blow up the Red Lump and then leave?
SquareDotCube: just tie the intestines together and use that as a lead
Getter404: wow rude
ButButTheJesus: if you can punch the red barrel, you are too close
Getter404: Conversely, more ammo means better access to the Mobile Health Pinatas that are combat encounters
SomebodyNowhere: uhhhh
SomebodyNowhere: well
15__uwu__02: lmaoo
LittleVesuvius: oops
ButButTheJesus: YES
Gaz_L: i know now why you cry
100 glad you got to see that
PMAvers: I'm going to assume there's secrets hidden down there?
SquareDotCube: there's something very off about this version of DOOM 2016...
LittleVesuvius: you're alive because you're DOOM guy
niccus: slightly inconvenienced
I don't know what was better, the blind jump right into lava, or the defiant standing-still upon getting there.
iris_of_ether: "To hurt them"
TehAmelie: i'm not sure if there's any place where you need to teleport-glory kill to reach some secret area, but there should be
niccus: is the streaming computer sick enough to do the framerate-dependent glitches?
ButButTheJesus: @TehAmelie I got all the trophies and no, I don't that ever happens, you're right tho
DaSunao: You beat the hell out of it!
roastbeefsandwitch: I'm reminded of the Overwatched video of Commodore Hustle (note, great episode). "Today on Talking Sim, we talk about shooting mans in the name of men, monkeys, and... GET ON THE POINT"
DaSunao: Now its ascending to a better plane of existence!
15__uwu__02: The hoovers got me acting up
FarleyF: I love the old school doom door closing sound
Texan_Reverend: The luckiest stair rail in the game there.
BrowneePointz: someone's had to make a Bruce Campbell Doom Guy mod right?
ButButTheJesus: haha chainsaw go brrrrrrrrrrr
Nigouki: Have we considered not making such a hell-like industrial facility so as not to attract the demonic presence?
TehAmelie: it's the hellmouths that are key to extracting the hell energy that attracts the demons
TehAmelie: by the way who's played Doom 1+2? Id made a whole new Doom 2 campaign!
ButButTheJesus: @TehAmelie I did, got most of the achievements/trophies, was a good time
TehAmelie: i played like one level and got overwhelmed
PMAvers: The floor is literally lava
Getter404: That "if" implies the presence of enemies without heads
FarleyF: well there are coco demons
FarleyF: cacodemons
ButButTheJesus: @FarleyF but that's nothing BUT head
SomebodyNowhere: well
Getter404: @FarleyF Yes, but those are ALL head, the exact opposite of no head.
BrowneePointz: metal hellsinger?
TehAmelie: well, Doomguy can punch most of their heads clean off with his fists, so maybe they don't keep a lot of stuff there
Juliamon: That's the one with Hugin and Munin as huge NPC birbs?
LordZarano: is only $5/year
PhoenixShaman: bpm bullets per min?
ExitPursuedByABear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ExitPursuedByABear! (Today's storm count: 29)
FarleyF: does the blind council meet in the halls of the blind
Getter404: There were those stairs up on the other end of this walkway
protojman: big fan of these
protojman: being Doomguy seems like a lot of work
iris_of_ether: The most violent flow state
TehAmelie: heck, when you keep dying you'll get angry and not even notice how much fun you're having
Invitare: Against all the evil Hell can muster, we shall send only you.
protojman: puzzle-esque
SquareDotCube: Speaking of shooters, they got 2006 Prey working on Steam again if Cam still wants to check that out. (Not sure if's for sale again?)
iris_of_ether: Yeah, it does seem like a combat puzzle
TehAmelie: high velocity puzzling
SquareDotCube: DOOM 2016 rebirthed the boomer shooter, sort of. Wolfenstein: The New Order brought attention back to the genra
MWGNZ: great soundtrack
TehAmelie: great hand acting
head_cannon: I love how completely indifferent the character is to all the horror that happened at the mars base.
ButButTheJesus: I came up with an explanation for that - the chainsaw is a 3D printer. gibs go in, ammo comes out
LordZarano: I don't know why just made me laugh as much as it did but it's $10 a year if anyone wants it
TehAmelie: Doomguy would be a great dad
TheMerricat: Doom is a solved genre.
SquareDotCube: DOOM 2016's first gameplay reveal was not kind to it, I think that was 2012 or 2013 so they had to completely rethink the methodology
TehAmelie: when you get double jumps and glides the movement gets even more physical too
niccus: parkouring is just halfway doing a finisher on architecture
TehAmelie: a moral we can mostly all get behind
ButButTheJesus: "If you lose or gain a limb due to Hell Energy, please see Jessica in HR"
SquareDotCube: would you kindly...
SquareDotCube: soul contribution, not sole contribution!
PhorrestGaze: they've got good bars
SquareDotCube: "You get to escape the hell on Earth to mine Hell on Mars"
TehAmelie: when the game starts the "incident" has killed 63117 people
Invitare: Mars is incredibly dusty
TehAmelie: gotta wonder how quick the turnover is on the 100,000 or so emplpyees on that facility
Invitare: the hayfever would be outragous
iris_of_ether: Oh noooooo
Mazrae: The lore behind how you got into that coffin is amazing
TehAmelie: it gets hilarious when you see how the demons have built a religion around their fear for Doomguy
DrSquiddPhD: Doom Eternal on the other hand imo felt too bibly or crusadery. Or maybe I didnt get it, idk
Invitare: The only thing they fear is you
SquareDotCube: Doomguy was just a marine that was consumed by so much rage to a point of near unstoppable force
Mazrae: @drsquiddphd Doom Eternal felt a bit cartoony compared to this one
ButButTheJesus: nice
GapFiller: Morty
Invitare: @SquareDotCube I believe at this point he's a dimension hopping demi-god
TehAmelie: thank you Cori, Cameron, Cameron's esophagus
iris_of_ether: Don't drink raw water!!!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
ButButTheJesus: thamk for strem!
Thank you for the stream
Driosenth: H2O4U
ButButTheJesus: cam no
Invitare: oh... goodbye Cam
Going_Medium: That's not what streaming means.
GapFiller: raw water feels like another one of those natural selection doodas
iris_of_ether: Listen Silicon Valley was trying to sell green water...
flowerdaddy: So proud to be British right now
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
DoodlestheGreat: I prefer Smashburger to Fatburger.
Skeletonman1100: As someone who worked with sewage treatment in the US, fatbergs happen and they get cleaned out on occasion.
Texan_Reverend: Cottonelle is the only _actually_ flushable wipe that properly breaks down.
Driosenth: "Flushable" != "degradable"
GapFiller: Vancouver Island dumping their waste directly into the sea oddly makes me feel better abt Britain doing it these days
ButButTheJesus: you know what would solve all that? Hell Energy
ThorSokar: You can flush most things if you're brave enough
Skeletonman1100: Yeah the big ones don't happen in modern systems usually.
Invitare: I don't think you should have fire anywhere near there
Texan_Reverend: !schedule
SquareDotCube: just light the fatberg, give it a viking funeral
TehAmelie: as long as anyone rinses grease off their pans into the sink, fatbergs will form over time i guess
Driosenth: Lighting any flame or spark near a fatburg may be inadvisable
GapFiller: NOT dumping shit in the sea wd be most ideal ofc but it figures like many ideal things in life its nxt to a unicorn in terms of things that can be reasonably expected in life
GapFiller: Ulmer muscling in on Wheelers card game stream racket w/ this PiF
ArtemisHuntress: @GapFiller Ben fight
GapFiller: ArtemisHuntress Two Bens Enter! One Ben Leaves!
tipulsar85 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months, currently on a 77 month streak!
tipulsar85: Lucky doom?
Thanks for subscribing, tipulsar85! (Today's storm count: 30)
Gekyouryuu: you needed Florida to get the circus? you already had the DC area, the ultimate clown show
Skeletonman1100: 2 Mystery 2 Booster?
Gaz_L: a thing Wheeler has No Experience of *nods*
actually Dandygeek always looks pretty handy so maybe make that a triple threat
Juliamon: You play a giant hand
ThorSokar: There are MULTIPLE people horribly addicted to TCG Card Shop Simulator, it is a surprisingly good game for early access
ButButTheJesus: woo alex art
Texan_Reverend: !prime
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