baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the single Livin' in a box from the album Livin' in a box by the band Livin' in a box.
protojman: yo dawg
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: Cheese. Cheese no snap.
mulligan2six: @protojman It's an old meme sir, but it checks out.
@mulligan2six Matt Damon looking at his hands, getting old
mulligan2six: @protojman Do not cite the deep magic to me! I was there when it was written!!
Nigouki: oh man, Golfing IS horror. Worst use of greenspace on the planet
thatguysteve2709 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months!
Thanks for subscribing, thatguysteve2709! (Today's storm count: 31)
Sarah_Serinde: Oh well this sounds like a fun and normal stream ahead of us
@nigouki not to mention, rich people
The_Color_Twelve: Man wisdom teeth are annoying when they want to be
NimrodXIV: Adam has been going through it lately huh
GasCityGaming: Another late night at work, another LRR stream while at work!
RTwo28: Ssppooookkyy Scottish balls
gualdhar: Why did Adam let Life play Wisdom Teeth in Attack mode?
baltimore_667083: i'm hoping to see at least one reference to st andrews here
paronomasiac042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Thanks for subscribing, paronomasiac042! (Today's storm count: 32)
lady_olynder: Howdy chat
SmithKurosaki: o7
BersonCorps: o7
HadesLeprechaun: Oh wait, I think I've heard of this one. This should be fun
CastleOtranto: Good time of day to you, chat
itsr67: goofy idea for a horror game
itsr67: love it
ButButTheJesus: hi folks is this a cozy friendly golf game?
Makrosian_Tay: let's gooooo
One frame ben
BusTed: Heyo.
ButButTheJesus: aww ben
One man podcast
saucemaster5000: The song to shame someone in pain
DiscordianTokkan: Wisdom Teeth, the spookiest of teeth
Going_Medium: We're here w you.
azureHaights: Aw, no key change
patrick_stonecrusher: 🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷
trevor_impersonator subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
Thanks for subscribing, trevor_impersonator! (Today's storm count: 33)
Makrosian_Tay subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 47 month streak!
Makrosian_Tay: You may be alone, but we're here for you Ben! 🫶
Thanks for subscribing, Makrosian_Tay! (Today's storm count: 34)
Wrexadecimal: Hi Alone, I'm Wrex!
ShaneLeeAtk: It's cool. Canadians have free license
Mr_Horrible: Oh I think I remember this one. Good for a one-shot
gualdhar: Butt on keyboard, or riot
ButButTheJesus: pls no
Makrosian_Tay: The POWER
thatguysteve2709: Weird choice but do you
Mai_Andra: Celine version? Go get it, Ben. ♫
Makrosian_Tay: !findquite butt
jessieimproved: Is that what that means though?
NimrodXIV: soooo Let's Nope is an IRL stream tonight?
NotCainNorAbel: do we NEED to write this law?
lady_olynder: Even a chair?
pn55: Them's the rules
Wrexadecimal: There was a whole CHustle about his
Nigouki: Next time on Where The Fuck Is This In The Moonbase?: Butt prints
Makrosian_Tay: !fundquote butt
CrossXhunteR: is this a new loadingreadylive segment
saucemaster5000: Wha... why would that ever be a law?
gualdhar: butt on dishwasher
Makrosian_Tay: dammit
It's not a crime if nobody catches you (Thats how that works, right?)
Makrosian_Tay: !findquote butt
LRRbot: Quote #8886: "What part of the crab is ... the butt?" —Paul [2024-01-05]
gualdhar: butt on coffee cups
ButButTheJesus: I used to, but then you mooned us that one time
pn55: Is the burrering just me?
Wrexadecimal: "Be the reason the employee handbook added more pages" is a great mindset.
HadesLeprechaun: stream dropping or that's just me?
Jigokuro: It's possible a few things might constitute harassment, which is varying levels of illegal.
Juliamon: stream is chunking
thatguysteve2709: I expect nothing but the best if that is your choice then the best choice has been made
otakubox0: buffering for me too
pn55: *buffering
Diabore: im getting drops
Wrexadecimal: @pn55 nah, me too.
ButButTheJesus: me too
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah it's buffering a ton for me
NimrodXIV: buffering here too
saucemaster5000: Ben is the enemy now #Buttzonall
WiJohn: It's dropping
wiganlass subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
wiganlass: saving my 10 month sub for the spoopy boi!!
gualdhar: yeah I'm getting hitches
patrick_stonecrusher: Im buffering too
Thanks for subscribing, wiganlass! (Today's storm count: 35)
shendaras: @pn55 me too
Makrosian_Tay: Same
a_serious_moose: same here
baltimore_667083: oh it isn't just me then
Mazrae: Buffering here as well
Diabore: its now stopped for me
Juliamon: you can't put your butt on the router, Ben!
Oreo1369: Ouch, good evening everyone
Diabore: as in the stream
Night_xD: no adam makes stream go mad
flatluigi: yeah stream's dead
pn55: Someone's downloading Naruto again
shendaras: Shaw?!
ChrisTheLemming subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ChrisTheLemming! (Today's storm count: 36)
Jigokuro: @juliamon best me to it!
ladyjessica: and back.
TomatoKigu: so it's not just me, good to know
ladyjessica: weird
ladyjessica: gone again.
Sarah_Serinde: Can't rat Ben out if we can't see the stream properly
Nigouki: can't rat you out with the stream dying
Wrexadecimal: ISP was like "no butts on anything ever"
Driosenth: back
Wrexadecimal: Hewwo.
ghizmou: f
kumatsu: much cleaner
ButButTheJesus: the internet was aware of risk of butt and was like NOPE
Mollylele: sorry Heather
cuzuki: we back
ShaneLeeAtk: The app just booted me
gualdhar: hello!
The_Color_Twelve: I had assume it was me so good to know it wasn't for once
DiscordianTokkan: Oh, I thought that was on my end, lol
saucemaster5000: Ben challenged me to butt stuff
Styxseus: Oh I thought that was just on my end again, my internet has been acting up all day
saucemaster5000: I destoryed
Sarah_Serinde: If you can't see the stream properly, try refreshing
ladyjessica: closed and opened and good again.
Mai_Andra: The "B" in Butt is for bandwidth.
RTwo28: I think twitch did a oopsie-fucko
gualdhar: router antennas are not for butt stuff
Going_Medium: I don't know where Ben put his butt, it took down the stream.
TheManaLeek: Router butt stuff, the greatest taboo
Nigouki: it's the negative buttwaves interfering with the weefees
Juliamon: !addquote (Ben) [now] Maybe butt stuff on the router is not a good call.
LRRbot: New quote #9106: "Maybe butt stuff on the router is not a good call." —Ben [2024-10-01]
Mollylele: stream is gonna come back and we'll be inside Adam's mouth
w1gum: never test in production!
Butts on router: not good
Night_xD: whats next on the list to test where buttstuff is good on ?
what’s happening? thought it was my phone
0x6772: Maybe just once more, as a treat?
gualdhar: what what, router in the butt
Kipstar: the scientific method!
ghizmou: butt science
Sarah_Serinde: Stream is already back, refresh if you don't see it
ButButTheJesus: TEETH
spawnofhastur: teeth?
Wrexadecimal: ohmy
SmithKurosaki: BEN
ButButTheJesus: goodness
Mai_Andra: gestures to a butterfly "Is this... Butt?"
lady_olynder: Well that's a quote to come back on
ghyllnox: For the first time, right?
tycoonbosh: teeth stuff is my worst nightmare. Let's nope has met it's mark.
CastleOtranto: #JustTeethThings
Makrosian_Tay: Ben into vore confirmed?
Night_xD: ben playing actually spooky games ?
RTwo28: #Justteefthings
gibbousm: Happy Spoop Month
slamaham: alone in the moon base, no one can hear you scream…
The_Color_Twelve: Last week was certainly a ride
spawnofhastur: i should probably get my wisdom teeth removed
Dane_VII: Mechanics of this game is genius. Have fun!
otakubox0: oh! I think I saw this talked about by Jacob Geller, seemed cool
HadesLeprechaun: Yep, definitely just goofy golf!
Bobtheninjagoldfish: okay the stream just refreshed for me.. is Adam ok?
kumatsu: oh I think I watched Adrian do this one?
saucemaster5000: Teeth stuff + mouth stuff went wrong under 20 for kids
spawnofhastur: @Bobtheninjagoldfish dental issues
Asrimal subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Asrimal: Happy to continue to support LRR for 14 months, hope to continue for 14 more.
Sarah_Serinde: Adam is having wisdom tooth trubs
Thanks for subscribing, Asrimal! (Today's storm count: 37)
Bobtheninjagoldfish: oofahdoofah
wiganlass: did Ben put his arse on the router??
Styxseus: Adam is going through the IRL horror huh
DrStrangeAL subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Thanks for subscribing, DrStrangeAL! (Today's storm count: 38)
The_Color_Twelve: Ouch
Mr_Horrible: ah, my sympathies for the boss, wisdom teeth are no fun
Sarah_Serinde: At least he doesn't have to wait very long
SnackPak_: good riddance, stupid teeth
GasCityGaming: been there, not a fun time!
Sarah_Serinde: That seems optimistic
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Take our energy adam!!!!
Juliamon: sure, buddy
PMAvers: So what you're saying is that Adam is going to need some ice cream?
gualdhar: oh no buffering again
saucemaster5000: it's... NOT fun
NotCainNorAbel: oh honey
GasCityGaming: they got me sooooo hiiiiiiigh when i had mine out
Nigouki: i somehow assumed that if you make it to like 35yo with no wisdom teeth issues you'd be fine for life >_>
Jillexie: All four and yeah
Dalrint: I was born without wisdom teeth. Woo.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: James better get Adam some Ice cream
Sarah_Serinde: I had all 4 out at once. Soft foods for a while but it wasn't the worst (but then, maybe it's been long enough that I've forgotten)
gibbousm: Ben, have you been eating a bunch of ice cream because you keep freezing
ContingentCat: All 4 of my wisdom teeth were impacted, they put me under so I was out of commision for a while
CastleOtranto: I had one wisdom tooth out with only a local. Not fun.
The_Color_Twelve: I had a pizza for dinner after the morning removal of all 4. I was crazy lucky.
Juliamon: Dalrint *high five*
ladyjessica: when I got mine out I did go to a party the same day and yeah that wasn’t a good plan.
Jigokuro: It sometimes is just woop, varies wildly.
thatguysteve2709: I got all my wisdom teeth removed and went straight to eat after
spawnofhastur: i haven't had mine out yet but i did get my tonsils out recently and it fucking suckeed
Mazrae: I guess I got lucky I got all four taken out and I just needed about an hour nap afterwards then I was fine
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah mine were gonna need to come out eventually so we did it while I was still on my parents' insurance
Wrexadecimal: Ah, they gassed me
The_Color_Twelve: Oh I got gassed out for mine
saucemaster5000: Yuup
ButButTheJesus: nope
bethy_kins24: All mine were impacted and got them out in HS
TheManaLeek: Wisdom teeth without being knocked out?? jeeeeeze
lock3dinabox: I happily was knocked out for it
Makrosian_Tay: It's pretty wild
superdude097: They put me under for mine
Jillexie: Got IV sedation. Did not want to recall anything.
bosqueofpines: My partner was able to keep their wisdom teeth after they were removed.
Datnade012: aww man, poor adam
gualdhar: please don't take out the tops, they need love too
gibbousm: My sister had them use anesthetic gas and was awake for her wisdom teeth surgery and had a horrible experience. So for me, I had them knock me out. My brother's teeth are small and can stay
Sarah_Serinde: I was very knocked out, did not have to remember a moment of it
ThorSokar: I got all 4 taken out at once, almost bled to death, good times
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: I got three taken out when I was 19. couple days of Jello and Vicodin after
Ben, are you saying you need to get top surgery?
lady_olynder: Wisdom teeth are so weird, my friend who is a dentist says they are the weirdest teeth to extract
dragonwarrior000: I got a pair pulled out with light numbing and told to suck it up when I asked for more
The_Color_Twelve: I did hear the sound of one of the snapping out though which haunts me to this day
saucemaster5000: Evolution should be abolished from school so wisdom teeth stop hapening
PMAvers: Gus: "Father are you okay."
pn55: Thankfully I had some teeth out when I had braces as a kid, so my wisdom teeth came through okay.
lady_olynder: They often have the wrong number of roots
Bruceski: I was supposed to have a local, but apparently that zonked me out enough that I found the procedure hilarious and they had to put me all the way under to stop giggling.
BrowneePointz: I still have all four of mine at 32. Although I’m supposed to get my bottoms taken out, and put on braces to fix a crossbite.
ContingentCat: Luxury bones
Gaelan_Maestro: i had all four done when i was 16, while awake, and felt my jaw creek
gualdhar: I think I was 13? and they put me all the way out
ButButTheJesus: Happy Halloween the 1st, btw
Bobtheninjagoldfish: thinking about Adam having teeth out, makes me think of that one episode of Friday Nights with Ben and James Story time
thedevil_risen1: Aww poor Adam
Kramburger: The lower right of my jaw is annoying resistent to dental anestehitic
ThorSokar: yea, hearing your teeth crack in the pliers as they're pulling them out is a trip
saucemaster5000: FFS it's ONE DAY
Driosenth: I wanted chicken wings the moment after I left the surgeon after getting mine pulled
fireiceair1989: I had to have my wisdom teeth surgically removed. they had to break the teeth in my gum and pull it out in parts.
bethy_kins24: they are called Luxury Bones for a reason (Teeth)
patrick_stonecrusher: "Whasssh im my moufff??!" "You had teeth pulled." "Oh. Wassssh im my mouff??!"
pn55: I had the gas for having my teeth out, and I was HIGH AF when I woke up.
Makrosian_Tay: It took SO LONG to take out my wisdom teeth I was able to watch the FULL runtime of Star Wars Phantom Menace, and HALF of Clone Wars
Nigouki: @saucemaster5000 No, it's the whole month. That's why Adam's skeleton is on parade
ShaneLeeAtk: Family homemade pizza party every Halloween
Gaelan_Maestro: Comic con Winnipeg is my tradition
thatguysteve2709: I just watch halloween on Halloween every year since college
spawnofhastur: Only my top wisdom teeth came in and they're a bit impacted but i never had, you know. money. for a long time. i booked a dentist appointment to get them looked at... the day that the pandini lockdowns hit.
thedevil_risen1: Yeha I've had all of mine out, never fun
saucemaster5000: I watch a bad franchise every october.... Thinking texas chainsaw this year
RayFK: Get back from Vegas, go to a friends house who actually gets trick or treaters, give out candy and watch Halloween but not scary movies
guardianzero666: We get together on Halloween and watch Christmas movies
spawnofhastur: and just never looked into it since
ThorSokar: I like when all the bugs are dead!
lady_olynder: I celebrate my birthday on an early day of Halloween (soon...)
bosqueofpines: Annual rewatch of Over the Garden Wall
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I have a Tradition for Halloween; Celebrating it ON THE 31ST
ButButTheJesus: @ThorSokar same!
MWGNZ: a scarf? in spring??
NimrodXIV: I'm moving this month, so probably no shenanigans for me this year
hatboozeparty: Sending good energies to Adam, teeth pain is the worst
SmithKurosaki: I have the coolest look for the autumn, featuring the LRR Hoodie
RTwo28: Me and my friends are gonna get together and watch the ghost stories dub for Halloween
ContingentCat: Replaying Night in the Woods
30teracyte: when I got my wisdom teeth out they also had to cut into the roof of my mouth to take out an extra tooth that was just hanging out up there
saucemaster5000: cthe dog and cat are butch
tycoonbosh: Oh, is the little cat doing okay?
Nigouki: spider is friend, takes care of worse bugs
Laserbeaks_Fury: I live in Florida. We're happy being able to open a window
ButButTheJesus: nopenopenopenope
ghyllnox: Good thing the bushes were not also covered in dolls
kragmabutch: we have some good chonker garden spiders around this year
Kramburger: My cats specced for roachkilling
pn55: Yucky!
ThorSokar: OH I hate that, random spiderweb to the FACE
Sarah_Serinde: I live in a basement apartment, the spiders are just other residents. It's okay though, they pull their weight by taking care of all the bugs that get in through my crappy windows/screens
Makrosian_Tay: Ben is me
BrowneePointz: i live in the Midwest so usually do a pumpkin patch/corn maze and haunted hayrack ride when my body can handle it. and at least one Rocky Horror watch & sing along with friends @loadingreadyrun
saucemaster5000: rain has come hard
CastleOtranto: I didn't catch that. Can you demonstrate again, Ben?
ContingentCat: @Kramburger lucky the most mine did was notify me of them
patrick_stonecrusher: Learn to carry a spiderweb busting stick
Sarah_Serinde: The house centipedes can get lost though. Get right the heck out
SmithKurosaki: 100% agree Ben
ThorSokar: haha
RTwo28: Had a jumping spider pounce on me a week or two ago
ContingentCat: Spiders are comrades in the fight against other bugs
TomatoKigu: I like spiders and even I heavily dislike getting spiderwebs in my face…can't imagine how bad it is with arachnophobia
CrossXhunteR: you have a cat to deal with bugs now
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
Sarah_Serinde: So smooth
Kramburger: House CENTIPEDES? WTF Sarah
Wrexadecimal: Had two huge fliex buzzing around in my apartment yesterday and found two spiders in here just loafing around and *not doing their jobs*
asddsa28: haha spiders dont stop growing till they die so i understand
RockPusher: Nicole takes care of Ben good #TeamNicole
math_nerdette subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months, currently on a 4 month streak!
math_nerdette: Patreon and SUBS
Thanks for subscribing, math_nerdette! (Today's storm count: 39)
Sarah_Serinde: @Kramburger They're a specific thing and they are THE WORST
saucemaster5000: @Kramburger bro, you are one to talk, wtf...]
Dane_VII: Dentist had to crush my wisdom tooth into 4 pieces to get it out cus of crazy roots
SmithKurosaki: @Kramburger, They look like little aliens and eat a lot of the other bugs you dont want around
Had a huntsman say hi last week when I was visiting my parents. Reminded me why I don't go in the shed.
Sarah_Serinde: Chat don't google house centipedes if you're squeamish about bugs
Kramburger: @saucemaster5000 Okay first of all...
Sarah_Serinde: Trust me
CWaltz86: centipedes in the house is the worst. they look unnatural inside the house
BrowneePointz: i have scolopendrphobia so when I see a shittipede I keep them on sight in an adrenaline rush
saucemaster5000: silverfish are the weirdest
SmithKurosaki: @Phailhammer No Thanks
ThorSokar: oh, I do have one to send you, will do
Sarah_Serinde: At least silverfish don't get up to 2+ inches long
BrowneePointz: kill them*
TheAlanHeffley subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheAlanHeffley! (Today's storm count: 40)
gibbousm: Ben Speedy Spooks?
Kramburger: @TheMerricat WHAT NO
asddsa28: what there more then 1
Scy_Anide: I would take any of these over roaches. Thankfully I don't find roaches often and since I have a cat they're typically dead.
Diabore: is that the horror that the hole moves after you putt?
CastleOtranto: When I worked at a golf course, I thought it would be the perfect setting for a horror game.
Sarah_Serinde: @Kramburger Yes this is the correct reaction
CrossXhunteR: if you golf in the game, you golf in real life
Jadaris: cursed to golf?
hieroglyphica: I am afraid of both roaches AND spiders, and I stand by that
Golf is inherently a horror about inequitable resource usage
BrowneePointz: if you’ve watched gravity falls you know you can do mini golf horror
Nigouki: so no different than NIMBYs
TheMerricat: Par Four.
Mazrae: So weeping angel to enderman?
CWaltz86: so the netherman from minecraft
Natimus_Prime: Oh, Ben! I got my parents to play Heroes of Barcadia (with water, not booze) the other day, they had a blast with it. Thanks for introducing it to me.
CWaltz86: enderman yes
Jigokuro: That other golf one is legitimately good, btw.
Mr_Horrible: the fact that "Horror Mini Golf" is a subgenre is honestly kind of wild
flatluigi: aesthetic
ThorSokar: settings?
Dane_VII: "How Fish Is Made" is a GREAT one off game.
Mr_Horrible: like I can think of 3-5 offhand
Makrosian_Tay: Did we ever find out just how many levels are in The Classrooms?
Mr_Horrible: @Dane_VII I was saving Mouthwashing for this month, I'm so hype
saucemaster5000: golfer detected
0x6772: Could this scroll slightly slower?
Earthenone: is this James LARP?
ContingentCat: !listen
LRRbot: Seriously, just never listen to chat.
spo8n: fire
ThorSokar: lets find out!
CWaltz86: also im excited for vtm rivals tomorrow.
neisan2112: Yo Spoop times!
Catcard: oh my god, gone golfing. hope you enjoy it
spo8n: fire is the worst that can happen
BrowneePointz: The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and children like us should be burning in hell
Aceviru: What's the worst that could happen? We put our butt on the wrong place.
Diabore: weve been trying very hard to get "balls deep with matt and james" going
BrowneePointz: Wait, is that not where we were going with this?
saucemaster5000: wiggins golfs as long as the mcu continues to make money
ThorSokar: Pretty sweet looking mini-golf place
Natimus_Prime: The worst that could happen is the sun spontaneously turns into a black hole and we all perish. Never ask that question.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I always wanted to open a mini-golf course called "Puttin' On The Ritz"
Kramburger: IDDGOLF
Its_Wish2025: Ah am late
Dane_VII: @Mr_Horrible My game of the month shall be "Perfect Vermin". Heard great stuff
CWaltz86: whats the jump look like and can you jump in golf mode
Pteraspidomorphi: An expensive price
flatluigi: oh so you can replay holes for a lower stroke count
Laserbeaks_Fury: Let's Effin Goooo...lf
saucemaster5000: my windmill hole rejects balls from people who don't wipe twice
Kramburger: Ah yes, Ball Chess
Jigokuro: Greener Grass Awaits is the other spook golf that's really good.
CrossXhunteR: i love that you can't see at all when in golf mode
Kramburger: WOOOO
Desruprot: so this golfing has some horror to it
saucemaster5000: 3 strokes is still par in my book
ButButTheJesus: AYYY
flatluigi: |:3
BrowneePointz: so like…to make a blue joke…the people who invented golf knew what they were doing when they added the terminology holes and strokes right?
niccus: does 4D golf count as golf horror
Kramburger: Get that Pup in the Cup
Mr_Horrible: @Dane_VII never heard of it, but I'll make a note. The stuff I want to get to this month is Mouthwashing, Hollowbody, and Fallow (older game from the one of the Black Dresses artists)
pn55: Oh hi!
Reset scrolling