maefly2: goat is good to discard the stomper
SonofThoth: Goat pitches a thing for reanimation though
maefly2: plus, it's goat
SonofThoth: Fair enough, apologies for the back seat
thedepthandbreadthofseth: stick it to their ossiems!
midnightcurryjazz: Give me more goldfish. I am in the backseat
matthaus_c: go left
Knot_Greg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Knot_Greg! (Today's storm count: 36)
MegaDosX: Well it's either block it or go to 8
definenull: oh.
djalternative: LRRMTG in specific is generally friendly to strategy talk so long as you don't phrase it in a way that sounds like you're definitely right and the player is wrong
korvys: Would you rather the flutes?
djalternative: you're especially encouraged to give bad advice to the streamer on lrrmtg
MegaDosX: !badadvice
LRRbot: Oil your manual.
GapFiller: !advice
LRRbot: Make amazing things.
MegaDosX: Graham I think you're in trouble
djalternative: we took that wrath, right?
djalternative: right?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: what's our morphling?
enderofman: It's a phone with appeal!
TehAmelie: wait we're fighting a Killbot. how many kills is it they need to overflow, and can we generate that many tokens?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: uggg
thedepthandbreadthofseth: excellent sequencing!
SonofThoth: Yes
djalternative: both
korvys: "how dare you"
djalternative: when will those twins settle?
Mythallian: HELLO HORROR
djalternative: they refuse to settle
thedepthandbreadthofseth: unlock it and pump it?
SquareDotCube: From the makers of Nightmare fuel: Graveyard fuel!
TheWriterAleph: snap snap
Kentosaurus: that's illegal
midnightcurryjazz: leechedd
Decaped: Opponent knew it was time for trains
KingOfDoma: Incidental life drain - it's a heckuva thing
MegaDosX: Maths. *hands*
A_Dub888: You're cool G
Aceviru: ^
NeedlaPudge: Thank you Gibb and G
thedepthandbreadthofseth: ^
Texan_Reverend: It was great to see Gibb hang out for a while.
TehAmelie: thanks for having us
Texan_Reverend: !cardkingdom
LRRbot: Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Thank you G and Gibb
MegaDosX: Thanks for stream!
Cptasparagus: our collective lrrms have been tugged
KWardJenx: Thank you, Graham.
GapFiller: before we go G and since Gibb was here any update on the Professors Funhouse 20th Anniversary Remake?
Texan_Reverend: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
korvys: Programmer me "Hmmm, what if I use 'LRRMTG100'?"
Texan_Reverend: !ytmember
LRRbot: LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR:
Juliamon: GapFiller There was an update on the Discord yesterday (in that: it's still in progress)
ContingentCat: thanks G
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
GapFiller: Juliamon cheers
definenull: Long long gaaaaaaame
GapFiller: thanks for streaming G (and James and Gibb)
Getter404: And now: Trains. And also Circuses. But mostly Trains.
Aceviru: o/
A_Dub888: I assume Gibb's making some unreasonable demands
GapFiller: Trains!?
djalternative: now to watch a couple minutes of checkpoint before trains
baltimore_667083: trains are cool aren't they
tyrsredritehand: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: The Long Game (Choo Choo! We train barons y'all! Game: Ticket to Ride Legacy) at Thu 05:00 PM PDT (2m ago).
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: consciousness and it wishes it weren't a box
A_Dub888: Is Gibb threatening to no show Professor's Funhouse unless you pay him 100K?
Juliamon: We were blaming it on Ernest's estate holding things up
A_Dub888: Dammit Ernest!
margieargie: Yeah, that'll do it
midnightcurryjazz: I wonder if nelly is back
Texan_Reverend: !findbutt
LRRbot: Above you?!
TheNerdWonder subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheNerdWonder! (Today's storm count: 37)
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: Do a violence.
GapFiller: !advice
LRRbot: Run away with that million bucks.
Mazrae: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Pit Trap!
baltimore_667083: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! You and the horse are now bound/friends for life.
Mazrae: Dang it every time
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lairofTrain lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
NotCainNorAbel: lrrSIG lrrCrab lrrSIG
Riandisa: xivCactuar xivCactuar xivCactuar
QuixoticScrivener: Beej or Nelly, taking bets.
Texan_Reverend: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Gem!
TheAinMAP: All aboard!
Fruan: Choo choo!
Amberzenn: Yay trains!
niccus: ah shoot i'm only halfway through the blue flame special
Juliamon: I swear if Beej is trolling in the going-online photo
cle0deen: Didn't realize how bdy I needed some chill BGC
cle0deen: Badly*
RealGamerCow: choo choo train, FROOT FROOT
kusinohki: meows
A_Dub888: Come to think of it, didn't Nelly say something about wanting to try that new Jackbox Game: Split the Room? lrrBEEJ
midnightcurryjazz: fuck yeah trains
DideRobot: LRR: Time for The Long Game! This week it's Episode 5 of Ticket to Ride Legacy: Legends of the West. (has image) |
RuningOnBravado: I miss Dice Friends
Juliamon: Well, good news about that
A_Dub888: @midnightcurryjazz definitely didn't skim past one of those words at first
Juliamon: reminder for everyone to watch the new Youtube Update
RuningOnBravado: @Juliamon Oh really?
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW guyjudgeTrainn lairofTrain
kusinohki: change the pieces to flaming clown spiders to make the opening spooky
baltimore_667083: lrrSPOOP
tyrsredritehand: The Spoop game!
A_Dub888: Dang Nelly, that's a nice Beej costume you got there
SquareDotCube: the ghost was already dead!
definenull: yeah that ghost's not doing so hot
djalternative: all of the ghosts have already died, James
Getter404: The Death Mask of Camguinnius
midnightcurryjazz: Yeah, nice beej impersonation nelly
Kentosaurus: wait is that an actual cast of cam?
TehAmelie: so many rides
definenull: LOL
Driosenth: cleared out a Spirit Halloween (Last December)
RuningOnBravado: @Juliamon Ok. That was a hell of a coincidence.
RuningOnBravado: But I'm happy
62MGcobra: september is a hell of a time when you have kids
Decaped: Beej will once again suffer the hubris of past Beej
thedepthandbreadthofseth: oh, wow
tyrsredritehand: Beware of catching The BEEJ
thedepthandbreadthofseth: 6 down
djalternative: beejdrop.ogg
korvys: "As close to normal TTR" - Yeah, a lot of ghosts and earthquakes in the normal game :D
Juliamon: Instead of the robber, we now must deal with clowns
SquareDotCube: perfectly normal American West
TehAmelie: oh, Florida is free from the eldritch gods?
Decaped: Florida Man has come to entertain you
Thatwasademo: it's CIRCUS TIME
cle0deen: Clowns from Florida?
kusinohki: and what a circus florida is...
dzee_szed: So it looks like the map hasn't seen any reason to go to Nebraska yet. Seems fair.
wedge_x: Florida *is* where the RIngling school is
loufghyslaufey: Also Florida: "aw shi- here we go again" NotLikeThis ImTyping lrrDOTS lrrHERE lrrFINE lrrSPOOP
Juliamon: There aren't planes yet, so we don't know what the flyover states are
TheWriterAleph: prepare the extruder!
midnightcurryjazz: mo-beel
A_Dub888: ^ Like the baby crib toy
cle0deen: Yeah the young men had only been told to go west for like 20 years
A_Dub888: @cle0deen who manifested that destiny?
Getter404: Whose mic is popping?
korvys: Anyone else getting weird noises?
Juliamon: Paul's on it
Decaped: bottom left section is really Alaska and hawaii to throw the trains for a real loop
Juliamon: first you gotta determine whose mic it is
Juliamon: Sounds like a heartbeat
djalternative: sounds like radio interference tbh
Getter404: Did Graham leave his on? That was a pretty quick handoff
Juliamon: prepare for potential mawp
Juliamon: it's still popping
Kramburger: No u
Aceviru: <3
midnightcurryjazz: your face is poppin
gsyhiap: miiliBlush
djalternative: quick someone clip that so we can dub over them
Aceviru: Pop is gone
kusinohki: but pop'nmusic was last month
Juliamon: seems clean
TheAinMAP: SingsMic
A_Dub888: @Juliamon You're clean
Juliamon: the pop'n has been removed
its_north_or_nothing: smelli9SkillIssue
Juliamon: A_Dub888 I am definitely not
QuixoticScrivener: Your train performance will be graded.
Kentosaurus: secret alberta provincial exams
itira: @Juliamon uh oh! stinky!
djalternative: o/
A_Dub888: o/
midnightcurryjazz: o/
ShaneLeeAtk: O/
ghyllnox: LUL
thedepthandbreadthofseth: not me!
itira: tbh that is hurtful :P
RealGamerCow: Dig UP stupid!
gsyhiap: lrrWOW
stevefromdetroit: i went to school for 10 and still didn't end up with o ne
kusinohki: I technically have a degree... for all the good it did me *sigh*
midnightcurryjazz: 4 is fewer than 5
definenull: off by one?
midnightcurryjazz: James is for sure a magic player
Decaped: Reading the Task explains the Task
its_north_or_nothing: is it going to be an issue that I haven’t seen the last 4 parts of this?
PMAvers: Who knows, maybe Nelly can take over the blue company when they come bakc?
Juliamon: Not especially its_north_or_nothing
MaelstronSolenor subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 79 months!
MaelstronSolenor: Everytime I watch I just wish I could play this game.
Getter404: @Decaped "All the information is on the Task."
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaelstronSolenor! (Today's storm count: 38)
Juliamon: It's still TTR
Juliamon: there's just a couple rules tweaks
Thatwasademo: all the new company bonus cards will go into their offices anyway, it's just that the ones you're using right now go on the table until the game ends
Driosenth: did you shuffle?
its_north_or_nothing: well I haven’t seen anything of this game in the past either but I’ll catch on
Decaped: Only two tunnels left
Juliamon: a reminder for those asking "pigs?" that that's an indicator whether they can still play a piggyback line (one per game)
djalternative: they need to purchase a pig to piggyback
its_north_or_nothing: two tickets to paradise?
A_Dub888: What happened to California? Did the Big One finally hit?
Juliamon: yup
kusinohki: basically yeah
Juliamon: that's literally what it said
RonaldMcDownload subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RonaldMcDownload! (Today's storm count: 39)
Getter404: Are we staying zoomed in until someone builds out there?
A_Dub888: Dang, didn't think I'd call it
PMAvers: Still unconvinced this isn't secretly a Deadlands game, so I'm waiting for the maze dragons and undead to show up.
Juliamon: Paul has cool technology to pan left
PMAvers: Well, more undead than just the ghost.
Decaped: !advice
LRRbot: Do it otter style.
Getter404: @Juliamon Tech-heresy!
TehAmelie: did we sacrifice California to win Florida? (what bad deal hue hue)
its_north_or_nothing: I’m afraid on what lrr bot means by otter style
Jillexie: Dolphins to Jaguars
tehfewl: yay Jacksonville!
tehfewl: DUVAL
Decaped: Never trust a carnie.
RealGamerCow: carnies and their favorite food, meth
A_Dub888: Nexporter
Twilight_Spark: Come on down to Miami. We've got hurricanes and wetness.
its_north_or_nothing: the natural diet of the carnie:meth
korvys: Well the other way to think of it is you need a route *into* Florida for the circus, which makes sense since you need *exotic* animals, not just ones from nearby
A_Dub888: @Twilight_Spark Get up, come on get down with the wetness
RonaldMcDownload: mob-isle
Decaped: Baltimoray
Driosenth: moo-ill
Jillexie: Boo-fallow
Aceviru: dull-ass
Getter404: San Toffee
A_Dub888: Chai Kago
tehfewl: nor fuck is how you actually pronounce it
Kipstar: Mount Reel
A_Dub888: Dal ASS
its_north_or_nothing: @korvys you do most of the time have to import before you can export
its_north_or_nothing: BOOD-A-Flow
gsyhiap: Wrong pronounciations only is basically how I think about all American placenames anyway
its_north_or_nothing: that’s how Americans do it too it’s fine
TehAmelie: the clowns are marching
TheAinMAP: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
its_north_or_nothing: there’s a bee?
kusinohki: was expecting james to draw a ticket before dealing with circus
Lord_Hosk: I can't wait for Beej to get into the 100% dominant unbeatable position, Only to have Nelly come back and James be out for the finale and Beej subs for James, so Nelly wins and Beej Loses because he beat up James so much.
TehAmelie: the bee of New Orleans
Getter404: This has taken a turn
Decaped: The semi-train and the ukeboose
TehAmelie: or: the semi-train and the superconductor
adept_nekomancer: The great void known as Missouri is a problem for traffic logistics.
kusinohki: didn't beej host a checkpoint episode by himself once??
0x6772: The midwest gets shafted again.
TehAmelie: it's called the flyover states because there's no solid state matter
0x6772: @TehAmelie That will come to a big surprise to my parents in St. Louis.
kusinohki: I can't even begin to guess what kind of game mechanics will be associated with the remaining regions
TehAmelie: will we have to summon Paul Bunyan to place those landmasses or something?
its_north_or_nothing: guess guess guess
djalternative: we expand at the end of the game
djalternative: vice-prime minister?
Decaped: We have a curse deck, so obviously we'll get a boon deck
djalternative: is that the same as non-prime?
Getter404: His collection got flooded, yeah
Juliamon: Asheville
0x6772: Asheville
Texan_Reverend: Asheville, yeah.
0x6772: (two syllables)
ShaneLeeAtk: LRRxLGR? Yes please
Decaped: on the escalator again!
its_north_or_nothing: does no one else just say ass-ville
0x6772: Racoon? So it's a Plymouth Horizon?
TheAinMAP: RaccAttack
DiscordianTokkan: RaccAttack
KeytarCat: Dick Cheyney is the one who shot his friend while quail hunting, right?
DiscordianTokkan: RaccoonPop
Thatwasademo: No, it's shuffled in
QuixoticScrivener: burn that card!
margieargie: I was thinking "ah, exploring the Kuiper belt"... shows where my priorities are I guess :p
thrythlind: I keep missing the announcements... sigh
gsyhiap: LUL
Jillexie: Beej ruined it all
Thatwasademo: Does that card say to retire it on any particular condition?
LostThePirate: XD
thrythlind: and I'm 47, probably older than them all
DiscordianTokkan: My 40th was a week or two ago; it was nice
Thatwasademo: one moment
Thatwasademo: there's actually a BGG thread about that event
shurtal: would it be possible for this game to end without the entire map revealed? cause if so, having a massive hole where missouri/iowa/wisconsin is would be hilarious
Thatwasademo: So go ahead and retire Train Robbers and draw another event
kusinohki: I doubt it (don't really know) but that would be funny
thrythlind: I liked Ghost Hunt not doing "next episode" but instead doing "last on" recaps
GhostValv: DDD 1 is up :)
DiscordianTokkan: I'm going to watch Dandadand after this, the manga rules
TehAmelie: you can always house rule out Florida
Driosenth: The goal of the game is to remove the Florida tile
Decaped: Dandadan Dandadan Dandadan Dandadan
thefakeinyellow: have a rule zero conversation with your table about florida
DiscordianTokkan: The OP music is a *banger*
TehAmelie: it would be funny if the final connection you make is the same one they did IRL, wherever it was, somewhere in the middle
kusinohki: random thought - spend twelve games building the full board, then after each game you remove a section until you're down to just 1 section again...
Getter404: This really feels like it needs a "this card gains Surge" mechanic like Arkham
TehAmelie: had the president there to put in a golden rail spike that was stolen the same night, i think the story goes
Kramburger: Okay Beej
Kramburger: Nice accent Ian, now try an Aussie one
KaleidoscopeMind: are the aussies awake at this hour? i dont know my time zones
keltaklo: You kidding Beej? Most of the world thinks we ARE Australia
Kramburger: It's 11am here
KaleidoscopeMind: ok so lunch break
korvys: Australians are descended from prisoners? It's worse than that, Beej, some of them are descended from prison guards.
Decaped: Florida's been here for one game and it's already overcrowde
big_blue_man subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months, currently on a 24 month streak!
big_blue_man: trains :)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, big_blue_man! (Today's storm count: 40)
RonaldMcDownload: gotta make the circus decision
Kramburger: Technically, all the criminals are Brittish
Cptasparagus: is your circum appropriately sized?
gsyhiap: LUL
TheAinMAP: North Carolina is north of South Carolina.
0x6772: Bit early in US history for Research Triangle sprawl, but hey.
KeytarCat: Given what I know about how Florida got its big cities, I don't think it should have done that thing
TehAmelie: and that's the story of how Charlotte became Good Charlotte
kusinohki: stupid charlotte and her web of lies
margieargie: 476 CE
margieargie: :p
thrythlind: 40-50
Lord_Hosk: Middle age starts at 75
stevefromdetroit: when your knees start making noises
Dread_Pirate_Westley: The Great Depression? Before that there was just working until you die.
djalternative: yeah. generally 40-ish is middle age
Getter404: You might wanna fix that derailment down in Miami
KeytarCat: Old v Elderly?
0x6772: @Getter404 That just represents I-95 in Miami Dade Country.
Lord_Hosk: If middle age STARTS at 50... that means middle age would go from 50 to 70
korvys: I think you have to only *start* counting life at ~20
stevefromdetroit: pre-first age?
Twilight_Spark: That's a common misconception. We're Eldar Milennials because we've seen the light of the Trees.
kragmabutch: if i start counting life at 20 that's good cause i feel about two years old
Geldaran: I mean, average life expectancy is only 76 in the US...
djalternative: they say the first person to live to 150 has already been born
Geldaran: "They" say a lot of things. There is some promising research, but I'll not hold my breath.
TehAmelie: the thing i most wish i had bought from the second hand shop i used to work is a painting from the 1940s showing a ladder where every decade in a person's life represents a step, peaking at 50, "middle age"
RealGamerCow: Clearly New Zealand has been
Twilight_Spark: That's because of the limestone you asshole! ;)
TehAmelie: in the 40s when you were expected to be dead at 90. . .
stevefromdetroit: yaaaay!
DiscordianTokkan: lol
Cptasparagus: a menagedetroit
kusinohki: !yay
LRRbot: Yaaaaaaaay...
stevefromdetroit: bop it
Getter404: Someone could clear out that last mountain pass for some quick money?
TehAmelie: and the Red Hot Chili Peppers' 500 songs about California will be like a map of Atlantis
kusinohki: so does that mean the display has 3 locos and need cleared??
RealGamerCow: California, with about the same population of Canada and twice the GDP
0x6772: Yeah, I'd double-check that face-up status card, I think it said that white cards act as locomotives in all regards…?
Thatwasademo: would have been real funny if beej drew an event after the second white train
Getter404: Holy cow I'm psychic
Decaped: one tunnel remaining
owangel1: Didn't Cori needed to roll for ghost train?
Twilight_Spark: Threens? You're not threens. Make me a pizza!
kusinohki: I want my piggy-back piggy back piggy back...
Getter404: @owangel1 I think so, yeah
TehAmelie: this little piggy went to DOdge
Thatwasademo: Monopoly was originally Georgist anyway
Decaped: Communism is already a monopoly
kusinohki: communist monopoly to prove communism is bad? or is it more of an indication that any version of monopoly is bad??
Getter404: TikTok, mainly
Raincoast_Bear: Hello there LRR chat. How goes the Railroadery?
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG guyjudgeTrainn
A_Dub888: You're smooth James
Nigouki: oh, no longer spooky Paul
kusinohki: beej should get a circus sticker??
Raincoast_Bear: Beej has an ass train?
margieargie: I hope Louisville's on the map in that blank area, I can't wait to hear what creative pronunciations they come up for it... or if they accidentally(?) pronounce it correctly :p
kusinohki: giant ass-train
Decaped: excellent spite train opportunity
Raincoast_Bear: If I wanted to play this, I really should stop watching....
RealGamerCow: Oh there's a Mexico
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @raincoast_bear well, the elements are randomized. Yours is going to be pretty significantly different.
kusinohki: we still don't have anything referencing the train cards with skulls other than they don't have pick axes don't we??
Raincoast_Bear: Ah - that's an improvement over some of the other legacy type games I have played.
thrythlind: I played Betrayal Legacy after y'all played it and am on game 3 of Pandemic Legacy now
LoadingReadyRun: @kusinohki yup
PMAvers: I mean, it could be worse. James could be an airline, where they just take your money first and then tell you it’s not going to fly today.
LoadingReadyRun: I'm excited for the DEATH TRAINS
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Who isn't!
RealGamerCow: Charlotte is such a garbage city
Sogheim: hey, just got here, what's with the pig icon?
kusinohki: only legacy game I really wanted to play was clank legacy. unfortunately, everyone I know who had a copy already had a full group
dumbo3k: @PMAvers and that the best they can do, is give you a flight either at 3 AM, or next month
Getter404: Nondescript Charlotte
northos: @Sogheim it means they have one opportunity to piggyback on a train route someone else builds
LoadingReadyRun: @kusinohki that one would be interesting
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Charlotte Church?
Sogheim: oh ok
Thatwasademo: It has to match the underlying track, not necessarily what ... yeah, what Paul said
RealGamerCow: Clank Legacy 2 is coming
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Like the stations on ttr Europe?
Getter404: @LoadingReadyRun The Legacy version of Clank is also the Acquisitions Incorporated version of Clank, so do with that what you will
kusinohki: @loadingreadyrun I actually emailed beej about the game as soon as I saw it announced. would love to see it on the long game (although I saw an ad for clank legacy 2)
korvys: Does that white mean ghost train?
Getter404: @korvys white ROUTE, not white cards used as Locomotives
korvys: Ah, wasn't sure of the route color
Sogheim: it's only a ghost train if you can suplex it
LoadingReadyRun: I think we played the non-legacy clank once on AFK. I recall it being neat
Getter404: Was it a white route? Was tabbed out for a moment trying to look up Clank Legacy 2
TehAmelie: ghost trains were found unsustainable due to the phoenix down issue
Cptasparagus: the city of Cin (cinatti)
LoadingReadyRun: @Sogheim I assume Sabin *could* suplex a non-ghost train it just hasn't some up
kusinohki: I don't remember clank being played on afk, but I didn't remember quacks being played either so maybe my memory is just going...
RealGamerCow: Cantaloupe Island then was sample for Cantaloop by Us3
LoadingReadyRun: @kusinohki it was a long time ago
kusinohki: I like the changes they made for Clank in Space
KaleidoscopeMind: checked the wiki and the afk clank was 2019... which is, regrettably, a long time ago
LoadingReadyRun: Is there a song about every city on the Ticket to Ride map?
Juliamon: either about or by a band named for it
Juliamon: probably
korvys: The real cities, or what the players are calling them?
margieargie: Is there one about Lewisburg?
kusinohki: is there a song about essen (on the europe map)?
kusinohki: remember a joke about "if you don't know what to call your band, throw a dart at a map"
spethycakes: @kusinohki I would assume there are many songs about eating
TehAmelie: i'm hoping for one song about all the cities
RealGamerCow: I honestly don't know a song about Quebec City
couchboyj: There are newspaper events that care about pickaxes too
LoadingReadyRun: That would be an interesting project. The best song mentioning every city on the TTR map
RealGamerCow: the essen con is happening this weekend
Raincoast_Bear: Dallas! Get Out of there, Dallas!
kusinohki: I'd cheat and use "get your kick on route 66" - surely it covers multiple cities...
RealGamerCow: Johnny Cash "I've been Everywhere"
LoadingReadyRun: A Map of the US with cities sized based on how many songs there are about that city sounds like an XKCD comic
Raincoast_Bear: Ho Chi Minh City!
roastbeefsandwitch: Oh no, a haunted California route
Raincoast_Bear: Ticket ti Ride: Divorce Edition.
Decaped: What kind of tension?
Thatwasademo: Do keep in mind that low player counts turn off the double routes (but not the triple routes)
Thatwasademo: which makes things a little more cramped
0x6772: Don't doubled-routes not count for player counts of 3 & below in traditional TTR? (So probably this too?)
Decaped: SPITE TRAIn
Lord_Hosk: I blocked LadyHosk once in Ticket to ride... 14 years ago. she has never played with me again.
TehAmelie: now i'm having a haunting thought of all the songs about little towns that no one has heard outside of there
Lord_Hosk: She still talks about it
Thatwasademo: A CUUUUUUURSE
RealGamerCow: What a horrible night for a curse
RealGamerCow: lrrSPOOP
Vilun: did Beej get his 10 points for that last track?
kusinohki: what a horrible curse for a night
TehAmelie: "it's a pretty good night for a curse actually. the weather is mild, i'm playing a fun game with friends, feeling good, got snacks"
margieargie: @TehAmelie Not quite the thing you're talking about, but now you're reminding me of a song about the miniscule rural village I grew up in from a talent show at my high school (based off a more "real" song not about a town)... that takes me back way too long
Twilight_Spark: Tomatoes
Cptasparagus: tossed salad and scrambled eggs
Twilight_Spark: Or was pico in there?
kusinohki: random clank related thing - just remember watching a random streamer play a video game version of clank that looked like a pretty good adaptation of the game. I think it's on steam. might make for a good remote afk night if needed...
Twilight_Spark: Yeah fair
roastbeefsandwitch: Dear lord, what a train Cori. Shame about Dodge City
Twilight_Spark: I've gotten onto a kick making mango salsa for tacos recently. Shockingly easy to do well.
just__fitz: Do we think this board is lining up to have the CPR through Calgary and Vancouver
djalternative: not endgame. no avengers
Getter404: There are always more trains
LoadingReadyRun: @kusinohki 🤔
Decaped: just pile on more horrible stereotypes onto that chracter
Twilight_Spark: I think the Baltmore estate is in Ashenville N Caroleeyna
Jillexie: Can't Sticker Horses Club
TehAmelie: mm, mango salsa and giant shrimp especially well if you are among the lucky 50% who tolerate cilantro, cause cilantro, mint and citrus pepper will transform those shrimp
just__fitz: Taco dot works is not a valid site unfortunately
hackingducks: someone needs to get on that
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Is Pittsburgh a "big city" in this game? Because we'll take it whenever possible.
kusinohki: some of the big cities were chosen by the players
TehAmelie: you can find love on the battlefield if you just pick your battles. (pick Pat Benetar's love-battlefield for instance)
kusinohki: can't see pittsburgh well enough to tell...
LoadingReadyRun: pittsburgh is indeed large
TehAmelie: @just__fitz fortunately, since that was a typo
TheAinMAP: RPGGhosto lairofTrain
thedepthandbreadthofseth: We are strong. I see no reason why it shouldn't be (heartache to heartache we stand).
Getter404: Shaaaaaaaaaaaame
Kramburger: DAMMIT IS THAT WHAT CLUB MED MEANS? I'm an idiot
Thatwasademo: beej still needs to draw a train card in case it's an event
roastbeefsandwitch: yeah, bus service
just__fitz: President Beej, Baron of the Clay District
spethycakes: At least there are two of us
Thatwasademo: yeah it wasn't likely, but that could have been a huge point swing at the last moment so I thought I'd call it out
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Chicago to Montreal, or as it's known "the smoked meat express"
TehAmelie: i wonder if somoene ever thought to use a steam locomotive to smoke meats. might have to invest in some impractical scented woods instead of basic coal to get edible meats but still
spethycakes: off by one
Decaped: 30 point swing will do that, oof
djalternative: James is picking the next piece!
Bruceski: Punch brothers, punch with care. Punch in the presence of the passenger.
Thatwasademo: Yeah, you can still tell what tickets have been punched *ever* but you can't tell that it's a ticket *you* punched
TehAmelie: comic books are born!
djalternative: anyone want to invest in something called Action Comics?
Decaped: I wish Raising Steam was better
Getter404: Well that was an anticlimactic exorcism
Jillexie: Ghost Train has been busted.
korvys: There was that other event that causes curses
Decaped: There may be other ways to get cursed
SquirrelEarl: I aint afraid of no Ghost Train
Thatwasademo: Yeah, they got it right on *that* card even though they didn't on the Dead Man's Gulch cards
korvys: Big Rock
0x6772: Paul, Paul, please: *Nelson* is double-cursed.
TehAmelie: Twixt-Cursed Nelly, they call him
mr_brightside_x: Random question all and it's not table top related
Juliamon: is it at least stream related
mr_brightside_x: Good evening mate, I'm trying to reach out for help on twitch, have you ever heard of a pal European ps1 game, sealed but with a factory error double tear strip? Random sorry
Getter404: Train ASMR
Jillexie: James picks
Decaped: RIP
margieargie: Awww.
Thatwasademo: Aww, no Cascadia?
Anubis169: mr_brightside_x: hmm?
Thatwasademo: You're even from there
kusinohki: here cori. have some salt for your wounds
Decaped: Tornados would be the expected mechanic.....
Thatwasademo: Ian.
MxPlumbean: Ian
gsyhiap: sergeCounting
Bruceski: Are we the baddies?
djalternative: company towns
djalternative: 16 bones what do you get?
Getter404: Omaha is the Eye of Sauron
MacbethSeemsSus: Looks west in Chicago: Hey guys there's stuff over here!
TheAinMAP: Handcars.
RatherLargeToad: ah, Duluth. The dullest of the Uths
Thatwasademo: is Omaha a Reeves Railroads company town?
Tiber727: Poor Upper Peninsula gets no love at all.
roastbeefsandwitch: Company Towns. What a truly terrible idea, but a historic one
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I'm pretty sure by 1883 the great plains were pretty well claimed and colonized... 🫤
definenull: oh no is this turning into catan?
kusinohki: the plains are okay, I guess....
Getter404: So you're saying someone can own Chicago
Juliamon: thedepthandbreadthofseth the Big One also didn't happen then, so who knows in this timeline
hoveringhalibut: @ratherlargetoad Agreed, I grew up near Duluth
roastbeefsandwitch: and Davenport gets on the map! ne of the three biggest towns on the east end of Iowa! Representation!
Getter404: Oh, if someone buys out OKC it's going to be bedlam
kusinohki: instead of Catan, I'm getting Hansa Teutonica vibes ...
roastbeefsandwitch: Hansa is a *very* good game, but good catch @kusinohki
couchboyj: Late in the game, 1 train card is basically free as well
Bruceski: Do company towns start immediately or does this game count as ended before it was opened?
Thatwasademo: and O'Connell already has one
Tiber727: I second Hansa Teutonica.
Thatwasademo: Company towns other than O'Connell's pre-printed one happen next game
gsyhiap: Oh.
Decaped: Mama O'mama
Getter404: O'notes
Bruceski: Thanks, they have some stuff happening "end of this game" (like employees) and some stuff "end of next game" and it's annoying to keep straight.
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
roastbeefsandwitch: @Tiber727 To follow up on the Hansa note, the game is impressively short despite what it looks like. It's so well balanced.
djalternative: what if I refuse to see it?
TheAinMAP: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will begin at Fri 8 Nov 03:00 PM PST (35d, 20:46 from now)
LostThePirate: Update^
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club (Join Oki Oki Bois for some Street Fighter 6! Game: Street Fighter 6) at Fri 10:00 AM PDT (14:45 from now).
v_nome: You can absolutely jump in and play Street Fighter, Beej
djalternative: I can't wait for mystery booster 3D
NotCainNorAbel: Checkpoint was very good, the after talk was particularly interesting
just__fitz: I've been doing Winston Drafts of Mystery Booster 2 with my wife. We've been loving it
just__fitz: Chaos Drafty, lots of Futuresight versions of cards
RealGamerCow: Like Tappy has a card
just__fitz: There are also Alchemy cards in paper
djalternative: maybe you can pull a Graham
Thatwasademo: Playtest cards are less jokey than Acorn cards and more rules-screwy
asddsa28: im waching surge playing this right now
Juliamon: This one is ACTUALLY LEGIT
Thatwasademo: but still a very similar idea to Acorn
asddsa28: so im in
TotallyNotaBeholder: This is a good game
Juliamon: They are making the card game in it playable on the roadmap
midnightcurryjazz: you collect!
KWardJenx: Card game adjacent
niccus: it's planned
0x6772: There cards opened in TCG is a real game, but you can't play it in this game.
Thatwasademo: maybe I should say "more rules-joke, less flavor-joke"
RealGamerCow: There are going to be some good anecdotes I feel
KWardJenx: Serge is loving it right now
pn55: Serge is in fact playing it right now :D
Juliamon: It's very dedicated to its bit
RealGamerCow: staple
Juliamon: The not-Pokemon cards look like actual Pokemon
RealGamerCow: No Straight Roads has SUCH a good soundtrack
Juliamon: Fully live didn't really make a lot of sense in retrospect
RealGamerCow: is there information about Brides and Berzerkers?
Juliamon: All the information about B&B that we have is in the update video
djalternative: ah. filming for the new Panalysts season
RealGamerCow: @Juliamon Thank you, I haven't watched it yet
iris_of_ether: Horpified
definenull: dale? someone tell him!
pn55: Dale! bajoHyper lrrSHINE
Juliamon: Shapes begone
Raincoast_Bear: Kill Team! Huzzah!
Decaped: Dice have been replaced with shapes!
midnightcurryjazz: Youu got gw'ed
Raincoast_Bear: Compendium teams gone. Boo.
TheAinMAP: lrrCrab
KWardJenx: Thanks so much for the stream.
iris_of_ether: lrrCrab
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeBits guyjudgeBits guyjudgeBits
spethycakes: lrrCrab
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.