TehAmelie: aloha
TXC2: Hello everybody
freshmaker__: im so ready to fight and also be in the streets
TehAmelie: the virtual streets sound good right now. it's near freezing outside
TehAmelie: summer is definitely over lrrAWW
v_nome: Summer is definitely over lrrAWESOME
TXC2: the duality of man
TehAmelie: meanwhile at the hospital https://i.imgur.com/i8LR57Q.png
coachNelly: we reserve the right to start this stream on time
TXC2: TehAmelie oh no, are people getting pregeganet?
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club (Join Oki Oki Bois for some Street Fighter 6! Game: Street Fighter 6) at Fri 10:00 AM PDT (0s from now).
TehAmelie: possibly even pregante
TXC2: Manae lrrHORN
TehAmelie: expert timing
Manae: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Zaghrog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months, currently on a 114 month streak!
Zaghrog: The stream start time has been altered. Pray it isn't altered further
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zaghrog! (Today's storm count: 1)
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
n_mandrag: tangCheers
cobthegreat: We punching tickets today boys
TXC2: there it goes
DideRobot: LRR: Punchin' time! Jacob and Nelly are flying solo for Oki Oki Fight Club! It's going to be... a time. | Link šŸ‘‡ | https://Twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113250237296210636
TXC2: right as I was about to say
NightValien28: what up big fighting chat
TomokaMT: Heya folks
TehAmelie: i've got a stopped sink. hopefully i'll learn some punches to take care of it
duallain: what up gamers
TXC2: hello NightValien28 and TomokaMT and duallain welcome
lightfut: Hey hey hey it's fighty Friday
TXC2: hello lightfut welcome
saucemaster5000: good morning goblins and ghouls
Zaneysed: The cat is away, it's time to play
therepoman__: howdy
saucemaster5000: holy shit it' the all night partier
tod_vom_himmel: repo you were partying so alte last night
TXC2: Here we GO!
LMAOkai_: seabatClap
lightfut: It's a Jacob!
TXC2: Hello Jacob
tod_vom_himmel: jacob killed adam and stole his show
TomokaMT: Hello Jacob!
warpstonewarlock: Hello Jacob, hello Nelson!
TXC2: you are very quiet Jacob
duallain: I could hear your voice even through the mute, lol
tod_vom_himmel: jacob youre incredibly quiet
TehAmelie: hello!
TXC2: hello Nelson
NewtyNewts: Nope, that mic's off
Zaneysed: lol
HungryTanuki: Hey everyone !
LMAOkai_: use all of the mics!
tod_vom_himmel: better
Zaneysed: !00%
v_nome: Much better
tod_vom_himmel: sounds good
TXC2: Much better
thatguysteve2709: Hello Jacob thank you and Nelson for the show
saucemaster5000: much much better
NewtyNewts: Let's just give some constructive feedback
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
duallain: can you use that grey/silver mic behind you?
TXC2: !ytmember
LRRbot: LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR: https://youtu.be/bmdI0W2l9Zg
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
NevermorePainting subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
NevermorePainting: S T R E E T S
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NevermorePainting! (Today's storm count: 2)
TXC2: duallain no, it's ceremonial Kappa
therepoman__: @saucemaster5000 Lol I was in pain and trying/failing to fall asleep last night
freshmaker__: oh yeah that reminds me. time to press the button
freshmaker__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, freshmaker__! (Today's storm count: 3)
TXC2: freshmaker__ Nice
freshmaker__: very nice
saucemaster5000: @therepoman__ aw that sucks man. It was just funny seeing you under "partying" at like 4 in the morning. Hope you got some sleep.
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
LurkerSpine: those hoodies are amazing
TXC2 is wearing hoodies right now, it's good
tod_vom_himmel: i mean, rashids jsut got sleeves
freshmaker__: one of those wearable tattoo sleeves
therepoman__: @saucemaster5000 It's a pretty funny image for sure lol
LurkerSpine: a sleevie was an idea I had like 20 years ago. Just a pair of sleeves, with optional hoodie
vanman229: Each 20th anniversary LRR Vest comes with 2 complimentary sleeves!
TXC2: just sleves, how Cyberpunk of us
NewtyNewts: Oh, BROTHER! Where ART thou!
LMAOkai_: brothaaaa!!!
Zaneysed: Brother
saucemaster5000: I'm gonna take crouching medium kick away from you
HungryTanuki: Bro' !
TXC2: we're taking away the jab button, Brother Kappa
saucemaster5000: (they downloaded sf4 didn't they?)
LurkerSpine: battle hub to earn those votes
Zaneysed: ^
NewtyNewts: Battle Hub for the extra points
saucemaster5000: yeah battle hub gets you fancy halloween costumes right now
Zaneysed subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zaneysed! (Today's storm count: 4)
freshmaker__: šŸ˜Ž
LMAOkai_: vote for everyone except Q.Bee
thasmiel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thasmiel! (Today's storm count: 5)
saucemaster5000: @LMAOkai_ what did I do to you?
Coloneljesus: hello frends
WhoseGamewasitZ: Hullo
TXC2: hello Coloneljesus and WhoseGamewasitZ welcome
LMAOkai_: @saucemaster5000 you turned me into an egg many of times
saucemaster5000: that is fair
freshmaker__: that was a very exciting read of my name. I appreciated that a lot. It's almost like you're some kind of professional voice user.
TXC2: counterpoint: more unsupervise Jacob
yukiMakingArt: yukima18Mashing yukima18Mashing yukima18Mashing
Alness49: I guess the tomato pun withered on the vine
marcelluswtf: Hello
Frizzlenill: also worth turning on shader compile and restart if you haven't already to prevent hitching
TXC2: Heather HYPE
LurkerSpine: passcode 6969?
Zaneysed: You want private
tod_vom_himmel: no you dont want private
tod_vom_himmel: dont listen to zaney
saucemaster5000: you do not want private
Zaneysed: I lied you dont want private
saucemaster5000: private is invite only
tod_vom_himmel: you have it right we were just making sure you didnt listen to zaney
tod_vom_himmel: ;p
Zaneysed: lol
tod_vom_himmel: oh you got an LRR account now?
tod_vom_himmel: nice
148 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
MungoDude: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
TXC2: LRR account = Story mode time, right? Kappa
GapFiller: JAMES RAID!!! jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPillow jlrrPillow jlrrPillow
SymphonySolstice: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
TXC2: Hello Raiders
LilyOfTheVeil6666: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
NorthstarTex: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Xed_Regulus: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
LordZarano: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
TheAinMAP: jlrrPillow jlrrPillow jlrrPillow
Dalrint: Thank you for calling us pit crew and not Chunkers like adam does....
saucemaster5000: I'm making fresh cinnamon apple muffins, who wants one?
James_LRR: Yers
TXC2: oh yeah, it's cinnamon roll day
James_LRR: That is exactly what I was doing
James_LRR: Good guess
DiscordianTokkan: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Izandai: Hey now, be fair. You also acquired a cat and a turtle.
measureofhope: It's uncanny you got that first guess
rogerivany: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
QuixoticScrivener: did someone say bisexual lightening? does it strike two or more genders?
ProcyonFlynn: #Mood jlrrFacepalm
TXC2: I'm with the kid here, rain sucks
josh___something: Merry Streetsmas
AceGun_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
AceGun_: fight fight
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AceGun_! (Today's storm count: 6)
duallain: the grappler donny brook
TXC2: refined, finessed Judo vs bostrus, ungainly wrestling
duallain: gief is the beat down in the gief v manon matchu?
josh___something: Well, there WAS a tekken day, but it was an adam solo day
MungoDude: that reminds me, I still need to play the new Tekken story
saucemaster5000: a clayfighter 63 1/3 day
HungryTanuki: The Killer Instinct stream was really fun to watch :)
lightfut: Yeah, Adam played Tekken some. Buddy! Uppacut!
josh___something: Zoners :)
subspacenova: Hey chat
TXC2: hello subspacenova welcome
Frizzlenill: the key with defensive play is that they put themselves in the exact position they don't want - close quarters in the corner. Wait for them to do that to themselves, then they'll panic and try something risky to get out, which you can beat predictably
josh___something: Yet one you navigate pretty well, if our matches are anything to go by :p
freshmaker__: "hey nice button" me going to cardkingdom dot com and telling them that lrr sent me.
HungryTanuki: When in doubt, Di them :D
LeonaDX: idk if Nelly can see this, but you should try to uppercut after those crouching light punches
Izandai: When your anti-air is lariat, do you *really* have an anti-air though? Kappa
TXC2: but larriet bad Kappa
Izandai: Good shimmy.
LeonaDX: usually you can link one or two of those into a DP and get a knockdown for oki
Frizzlenill: @LeonaDX is it luke? He can get light uncharged knuckle instead which leads into looping oki (drive rush forward and overhead/low/grab)
LeonaDX: @Frizzlenill yes it is! i did not know that. i was going off of my experience playing Akuma, Terry and Sol so i wasnt sure about Luke
josh___something: how IS the ol Terald Bogard?
Frizzlenill: yaya it's the right instinct, luke just specifically can choose to do looping pressure instead and the input for that is a little easier so IMO it's an even better recommendation
Izandai: Pretty good.
GrapeshotOnline: terry fun :3
LeonaDX: @josh___something terry is SO fun
GrapeshotOnline: specifically buster wolf fun tbh
Izandai: 10-4 good buddy!
RurouniGeo: that Japanese player who has terry as bottom 2 in the game is crazed lol Terry is good and fun
HungryTanuki: Happy Spooktokber to you two !
josh___something: I've seen some really silly terry clips
TXC2: this October, fold time and space
Izandai: mattlrLul
josh___something: The timer scam is real :p
GrapeshotOnline: justin wong moment
TXC2: the shimmies!
Izandai: That was so rude. mattlrLul
v_nome: Nice patience Jacob!
josh___something: LMAO
LeonaDX: the standing heavy in to level 3 from Zaney is very funny
saucemaster5000: hell yeah
Izandai: Refuse to approach for fifteen seconds and then kill them. Amazing.
josh___something: That sequence was evil
GrapeshotOnline: forcing someone to approach you is such a great feeling
duallain: nelly, now that you jump in and punch sometimes, your jump in grab works
josh___something: Not to worry, watching the street fights is also plenty entertaining
duallain: was cool to see that happen over the course of this match
LeonaDX: yeah Deejay rules
HungryTanuki: Dooorya !
josh___something: God bless modern reactions
josh___something: dang, they died for that?!
TXC2: this DeeJay seems faster then normal to me
duallain: its the green coat, makes you faster
GrapeshotOnline: deejay's just kinda like that
josh___something: The coat is made of Driverush
josh___something: it makes it faster :p
TXC2: duallain but red ones make you fastah :p
NewtyNewts: I'm guessing that was you @tod_vom_himmel ?
tod_vom_himmel: ya sorry on the phone rn sorry for the bad games
TomokaMT: brb grabbing some food before joining in
Luna_TheOtter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
Luna_TheOtter: you're doing great Jacob, really nice to watch you fight
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Luna_TheOtter! (Today's storm count: 7)
saucemaster5000: hit confirming is for squares
TehAmelie: that man is dressed like a disco ball
josh___something: Who needs hitconfirms :p
LurkerSpine: let's go Marcellus, kill the Gief menace
HungryTanuki: Nice crossup Jacob !
josh___something: Dang, good clutch!
Zaneysed: ggs nelly
Sogheim: Team Jacob!
HungryTanuki: He sure does :D
Zaneysed: It's his job title
TXC2: LRR monogrammed pins
josh___something: Everyone just gets a "DeeJay" pin, for the culture ;p
duallain: get nelly the 'coach' button
HungryTanuki: D:
saucemaster5000: uh oh
LurkerSpine: CFN dead?
TehAmelie: DJ Dee Jay
LMAOkai_: :(
TXC2: poo butts
marcelluswtf: Dang
duallain: the jps heard you talking trash
duallain: lol :)
TXC2: JP players assume any talk about JP is trash talk Kappa
TehAmelie: kind of hard for Gief to even have anything on JP in terms of smack talk. "if you get over here i'll straighten out your back for you"?
HungryTanuki: Coach "Drive Impact" Nelly :D
NewtyNewts: Dcoach Inelly
HungryTanuki: Adam's ears must be ringing a little right now :p
A_Dub888: Jacob ā€œDrive Impactā€ Burgess
lightfut: Friendship ended with lariat, drive impact new best friend
HungryTanuki: "Doctor, you've got to let me go ! Nelly and Jacob are DI too much !"
duallain: the game does take your button away when you're burnt out
TXC2: JP is the most zoner vs Gief, the most Grappler
A_Dub888: @hungrytanuki but Adam, YOUā€™RE DI
thegreatwyrdling: Zangief it your all Jacob.
HungryTanuki: @A_Dub888 *dramatic noise sound in the background*
thegreatwyrdling: 35 days till desert bus
TXC2: thegreatwyrdling I like how the tone of that changes depending on if you pronounce Zangief correctly or not
HungryTanuki: Nice !
gualdhar: Hey chat, is Adam still out?
saucemaster5000: adam is currently at dentist
TXC2: hello gualdhar indeed no Adam
gualdhar: Ah, well hope he feels better
TomokaMT: Mario is a shoto, Smash bros confirmed it /hj
RurouniGeo: time for dentist: tooth hurty lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
TehAmelie: a piledriver is basiclaly jumping on someone's head
TXC2: TehAmelie making the Earth jump on their head yes
LurkerSpine: Now you know how most people feel fighting Zangief
saucemaster5000: JP is absolutely a bowser boss fight
A_Dub888: Zangief: WAHOO! YA! WOWEE ZOWEE
TehAmelie: mamma mia
TXC2: A_Dub888 why can I hear all of those in Geif voice? :p
saucemaster5000: ironically that's true of grapplers AND zoners -- they want to frustrate you into making a mistake
TXC2: two sides of the coin
TomokaMT: Buff Lariat
LurkerSpine: Lariat doesn't need a buff
LurkerSpine: unless you're talking about fireball properties
saucemaster5000: unfortunately in the rock paper scissors, grappler is rock and zoner is paper
TomokaMT: it's a meme Lariat is p much fine
saucemaster5000: I've played drizzt in sf5.... lariat should not hit behind
HungryTanuki: Almost !
A_Dub888: YOUā€™RE disgustingā€¦ Disgustingly gorgeous!
duallain: that round felt good
HungryTanuki: Let's go Jacob !
duallain: what a gamer
TXC2: lets go!
Chronomagistrate: Huzzah!
A_Dub888: Nelly, YOUā€™RE so good actually
SeiichiSin: Hello! Hope the fights are going well. seiichLove
TXC2: hello SeiichiSin welcome
SeiichiSin: Hello TXC2, good to see you again! seiichLove
saucemaster5000: good amnesia bait
LMAOkai_: Jacob is locked in
josh___something: Grapplers are TERRIFYING
duallain: no one expects the 3rd splash
Chronomagistrate: Woah! Amazing game JAcob!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Glad to catch the fight club live! since Adam is on ā€œteeth issues suckā€ leave still Iā€™m guessing, is it Jacob and Nelly jamming today?
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig sure is
AceGun_: Adam at dentist
josh___something: My heart was pounding at every moment there.
TXC2: still, those 2 games in the middle were great Jacob
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is Josh something from chats JP? Thatā€™s who Adam used to train against JP right?
saucemaster5000: I mean you are also describing gief
AceGun_: I'm not sure most grappler players would say there is any fun in fighting zoners.
Zaneysed: You are playing rock in a paper match
Thandres: that is zoners. it is veeeeery tough, especially when you play a character that has a hard time with them
saucemaster5000: but yeah, zoner v. grappler is just rough
josh___something: @Thefluffiestguineapig You maybe thinking of CanadianBacon who also plays JP, I've played adam, but I've never won a set with Adam
josh___something: Also, Zoner Vs Grappler matchup is notoriously lopsided towards Zoners.
TXC2: sometimes quitting is healthy, sometimes
Makrosian_Tay: I try not to be the one-and-one opponent, but also I just know there's trimes when it's not healthy to go on for another set
saucemaster5000: take every W
josh___something: I wholeheartedly understand that JP Vs Grappler matchup is pain and a half
saucemaster5000: You did it by accident? Nah, you're just the goat
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jacob we of the LRRchats would rather rather watch you have a good time
josh___something: Anti-air DIs are spooky
Thefluffiestguineapig: @josh___something Ah, I maybe, I remember someone who Adam talked about using to learn how to do a JP match
LMAOkai_: you're doing great Jacob. Don't let the brain tell you otherwise
PorpoisesUnknown: Nothing is accidental in fighting games lol no Johns
RurouniGeo: nothing is accidental when you win lol ;)
josh___something: @Thefluffiestguineapig I mean, I've played nelly a bunch, so that could be a match replay thing
freshmaker__: yeah reframing is a good idea.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @lmaokai_ ^^^^^^^ sometimes neurodivergent brains make the gap between I know this and I feel this very wide
saucemaster5000: I don't think anyone in this lobby wants to do anything but have a good time, and respect other people's good time
josh___something: I am here to VIBE
Thefluffiestguineapig: @josh___something Possibly
Thefluffiestguineapig: Then they can leave
TXC2: and the same for chat here
NewtyNewts: Darn Mask, that was such a good match until it broke!
Thefluffiestguineapig: For reference this weeks Letā€™s Nope for the last hour ended up being Ben working on a speedrunning thing and being worried about being boring and chat had a fabulous time
josh___something: It's very good to know the streamer is a human being
marcelluswtf: Restarted my router so hopefully that helps
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ueah, upfront honesty about being a human is hard to achieve
PorpoisesUnknown: I dont think it helps you improve to hide it either. Being frustrated means you want to do better and thats perfectly okay
saucemaster5000: it is a frustrating game, and you can work on dealing with that frustration, but acknowledging that frustration is part of that
josh___something: There is a reason why *literally everyone in any tourney* always roots against JP
Thefluffiestguineapig: One of the things I enjoy as a member of chat is validating when people are frustrated and not make it a "well this is just you needing to get gud"
josh___something: *Tourney twitch chat
TehAmelie: someone's got to be the heel
TXC2: some people like being the Heel
saucemaster5000: I mean, it's like asking why play a low tier -- cause they are the fun one!
NevermorePainting: you want the alphabetical or chronological list?
Thandres: except mine! :P
AceGun_: JP was just top tier in season 1, so we saw him too much.
PorpoisesUnknown: ^
josh___something: ^
saucemaster5000: yeah JP and luke had their time in the sunlight
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, you can play whoever is fun for you as long as you aren't a dick about it
josh___something: Yeah, basically that. Same reason why people will shoot luke on isght
NevermorePainting: I play luke because my brain smooth like raw chicken breast
Zael250 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zael250! (Today's storm count: 8)
NewtyNewts: Feel like Git Gud isn't constructive unless it's accompanied by an actual Gud to Git. Like, "you need to not DI as much" is so much more helpful
josh___something: (Also, old man portal is VERY FUN. I'm glad this character is in this game)
345tom: I know Nelly was talking about looking at some other characters a little, did he go through with it?
saucemaster5000: I play manon because I get to say "fantastique"
TomokaMT: Fighting Games are Hard, yo. It's normal and healthy to be a little frustrated as long as you are being real about it and using it to look for solutions
TehAmelie: did you know, brains are soft like ripe avocado
NewtyNewts: @TehAmelie Are they as green?
saucemaster5000: and I play blanka because I am secretly an evil clown
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TehAmelie Only when the alien sucks the knowledge out
Heefnoff: Your brain: Wrinkles, gross. My brain: Smooth, cute!
TehAmelie: i haven't looked
ShaneLeeAtk: hryWave hryF
josh___something: Can I recommend maybe JP? eeh? (I swear I just really like this character)
NewtyNewts: And I play AKI because lul reptile
NevermorePainting: @saucemaster5000 but also blanka-chan is best skin
TXC2: hello Heefnoff welcome
345tom: Fair, Jacob what made you go back to Zangief from Akuma? do you Still pick him up a bit?
Heefnoff: @TXC2 Hello!
duallain: nj nelly
Frizzlenill: I think the key is acknowledging that your frustration IS real, but ALSO that it's coming from WITHIN yourself. Toxic frustration is when the streamer/etc vents their frustration as being a result of the opponent. I.e. there's a diff between "I find playing against JP so frustrating" vs "this JP player is being so annoying and frustrating?
duallain: brutal
saucemaster5000: I've brought this up before but my therapist is a juri main...
gualdhar: That sounds like a sports psychologist
josh___something: There's a therapist out there who's also heard way too much about plus frames Kappa
TXC2: saucemaster5000 Brutal
TomokaMT: They're like most other forms of sport (or other skillbased hobbies like art or playing an instrument)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @gualdhar Yeah, sports psychologist or someone who works with very neurospicy people
v_nome: I'm not sure if it's the time to say it, but I've tried to be more mindful in engaging with you, Jacob. I've had a lot of fun playing the game with you and think you have also in the past but want to make sure I am not causing Jacob Burgess the actual human person a problem.
345tom: All very valid, its nice to hear
josh___something: @saucemaster5000 Do they have the Feng Shui engine combos though? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”
Heefnoff: @v_nome I disagree
Heefnoff: Be a problem
TomokaMT: LOL
v_nome: lol
v_nome: alright, fair enough
saucemaster5000: @Heefnoff <3
josh___something: Heef, spittin facts
AceGun_: Blanka is the problem.
LeonaDX: work to *be* the issue that someone has
LeonaDX: be a villain
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Heefnoff ^^^^^^^^
Heefnoff: You cannot blame the snake for biting you
josh___something: Blanka is a character in this videogame
Heefnoff: Simply don't get bitten
TXC2: Heefnoff Be the problem you wish to see in the world
Frizzlenill: I also think a lot of frustration comes from having to do too many things at once. Like, it's easier to manage frustration when it's ONE thing that keeps going wrong and you can focus on it, but also frustration often stems from feeling like you 'should' be able to manage something and you don't realize how your attention is impacted by paying attention to other things at the same time
TomokaMT: A strong rival is a powerful motivator
freshmaker__: bite the snake right back
TomokaMT: as long as you are *rivals*
Heefnoff: So like I know it's a funny bit to just go "Oh don't get hit"
josh___something: SIMPLY win the game :p
saucemaster5000: also @Heefnoff I made a joke about manon last night that came off meaner than I intended, hope no hard feelings!
AceGun_: I deal with frustration by simply getting good.
v_nome: I mean I do work very hard to be a problem IN the game. I just have no interest in being one OUTSIDE the game :P
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TomokaMT And both sides have consented to that
NewtyNewts: I like hearing what is happening with the opponents I play. I've learned from Adam how much to ignore the complaining
Heefnoff: But that was legit the most important lesson I've learned in fighting games, particularly Marvel 3
Heefnoff: @saucemaster5000 Oh no not at all! Totally fine
TomokaMT: yeye
Frizzlenill: also chat, managing the streamer's emotion is not your responsibility. Play the way that feels natural to you, and trust that your opponent will be emotionally mature enough to separate their feelings about the game from their feelings about themself or you
saucemaster5000: @AceGun_ ..you bribed capcom to buff aki didn't you?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh yeah "I know what I should be doing" is a HUGE thing to overcome and is so hard
NewtyNewts: @Frizzlenill I feel like part of the viewer experience is not wanting to be 'the guy who I never want to play again'
Thefluffiestguineapig: "Should" is a word my therapist is training me to take out of self talk
SeiichiSin: Git gud is literally the mentality of "advice" or "help" that pushed me away from Dark Souls. It only added to my frustration when playing for the short time I did. But, it is also the reason I haven't got into fighting games more seriously then just random with friends because I had some bad experiences with people who only ever gave the git gud advice.
NevermorePainting: I love how Oki Oki has become the accidental group therapy stream on the channel
josh___something: @saucemaster5000 Look, I had to get the Cr.HP anti air ba- wait, you didn't mean me... uhhhh ( Kappa )
Heefnoff: @SeiichiSin Git gud in itself isn't advice for sure
Heefnoff: Like there are concrete things one can do to improve at any level against any opponent
Thefluffiestguineapig: Git gud is just a way to make people feel bad
Frizzlenill: @NewtyNewts oh TOTALLY but part of that is anxiety that the other person will see you negatively, but any streamer you engage with should be someone who won't direct emotions at their viewers that way
Heefnoff: Git gud is that kind of sink or swim bullshit like
Thefluffiestguineapig: It literally made me stop playing MTG and D&D for YEARS till I got to college
Heefnoff: That dude from Whiplash just says git gud
saucemaster5000: "not quite my tempo"
josh___something: "Git gud" is a very clumsy way of saying "it is a solvable issue with practice"
TomokaMT: @NevermorePainting unironically fighting games are one of the two most positive mental health experiences I've had in my life so it makes sense
Frizzlenill: again it's about the person on camera being able to convey that they are frustrated from within, and that that's part of the process, AS IS managing their own emotions and taking breaks
SeiichiSin: Agreed Heefnoff.
Heefnoff: Ryan puts the work in
josh___something: XD
NewtyNewts: Nelly's doing amazing work with those antiairs
Heefnoff: Jacob also puts the work in
josh___something: God bless you nelly
Heefnoff: I've witnessed both grow
Heefnoff: I am fighting a proxy war against myself via Jacob and Ryan lmao
SeiichiSin: Also I somewhat agree Josh. It really depends on the intent behind it. For some people it is just a way of saying "I can't be bussed to explain."
TXC2: !addquote (Nelson) [now] I kinda want to meet this person just so I can seethe.
LRRbot: New quote #9108: "I kinda want to meet this person just so I can seethe." ā€”Nelson [2024-10-04]
Heefnoff: Like I want you both to become menaces
TomokaMT: Oh yeah heef btw since you're here, thanks for the Marvel 3 vids they've been a big help lol
saucemaster5000: @Heefnoff you're the old man playing chess against themself from pixar
Heefnoff: Lmao exactly
NewtyNewts: Think Jacob was part of the show earlier this year?
SeiichiSin: Jacob, having seen many streams with you in them, I know you work very hard.
HungryTanuki: You learn a lot about yourself when you play fighting game
josh___something: ADHD brain and fighting games is an odd experience
Heefnoff: Fighting games force you to be introspective after a while
saucemaster5000: This game has taught me one thing...
josh___something: The relationship is they kill you
saucemaster5000: DI is the best button
RyanIkeComposer: Jacob busts his ass, and is straight up the only reason I was able to get over the "I can't play fighting games" barrier. He was so encouraging and taught me so much of the basics and mentality. If I weren't friends with him I never would've realized I could be decent at a fighting game
NewtyNewts: Why can't we have a game of DiveKick called DI
Frizzlenill: they teach you where the emotional gaps in your stability are, because with enough battering from all sides, eventually something's gonna find a hole and make it very visible
josh___something: Oh hi Ryan
Heefnoff: @RyanIkeComposer Big dog ihjGgs
RyanIkeComposer: too late, turned on the stream just in time to hear compliments, can't redact
josh___something: LUL
saucemaster5000: d'aww friends saying nice things about each other
RyanIkeComposer: I was baptized but it didn't take
SeiichiSin: Hello Ryan!
NewtyNewts: @RyanIkeComposer LUL
TXC2: you don't ask if someone is single, you ask if they're in an open polycule
NevermorePainting: there are two characters I just can't get my brain around, AKI and Dhalsim
saucemaster5000: during the baptism, the water evaporated and the sun turned red....
freshmaker__: I like just saying "that show" and expecting us to know.
josh___something: "I was baptized but it didn't take" is a very strong line
josh___something: holy moly
Thefluffiestguineapig: There's a reason kvetching as a word has stuck around
Frizzlenill: conversion is also famously difficult for judaism, cuz there's that whole cultural 'push them away three times to prove they want it' thing
saucemaster5000: I mean I eat at mcdonald's so...
LeonaDX: i feel the same way tbh
RyanIkeComposer: my people invented lutefisk, so I feel you on the "our culture is built on inedible foods" thing
Heefnoff: LMAOOOOO
therepoman__: SOmeone clip that pls
Heefnoff: That was fuckin hilarious Nelly
therepoman__: PLEASE
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh that was amazing
josh___something: No I wasn't paying attention D;
gualdhar: I was raised Catholic, I think I finished confirmation by accident, and Catholic converts are weird as fuck to me
LeonaDX: cant believe we prepped another gif
therepoman__: I got it I got it hold up
saucemaster5000: that is fighting games
Frizzlenill: you can record from the replay at least lol
LeonaDX: thank you Repo
Heefnoff: This is street fighter in its most optimal form
josh___something: god bless you repo
LeonaDX: this is fucking FOOSIES
Thefluffiestguineapig: Same brain cell for Oki Oki
duallain: ggs nelly
NewtyNewts: Some great footsies
RyanIkeComposer: keep the codex astartes AWAY from me
josh___something: AHAHAHAHA
duallain: we do share the same braincell
Heefnoff: Jacob you taking a break rn
HungryTanuki: That's so good
RyanIkeComposer: that was an excellent round
TXC2: Gods I hope Jordynne can loop that clip
Heefnoff: I just wanna talk lytUSEGUN
ELD_Winterlight: Send that clip to Adam. This is what they're up to when he's out
Zaneysed: Fight me jacob
duallain: always meet your hero, when they nelly anyway :)
saucemaster5000: LMAOOOO
josh___something: TERRENCE!!!
HungryTanuki: Terry !
NewtyNewts: Terald!
BeccaTingles: Hi everyone ^^
TXC2: Master Terrance already ?
josh___something: "Thanks for taking the clip, footsies"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Terrathon is here
TXC2: hello BeccaTingles welcome
duallain: ohh no I'm in the clip
therepoman__: Honestly the fact that Jacob missed the moment in the clip might make it better
LeonaDX: thank god a real terry is on screen, i need to steal some combos
Frizzlenill: also fighting games confront you with the idea that you, like everyone else, can make mistakes that are definitively incorrect, and that no one is immune to panic or shortsightedness or unquestioned habit. That's a powerful realization on the path to self-growth, like, actually
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I have absolutely seen this exact dude at a gas station when traveling through the midwest
josh___something: Wait... I need to switch Terry to the JPN va.
SeiichiSin: Heef's character is giving me trucker vibes. And I love it.
josh___something: Terry, and ONLY terry
saucemaster5000: the japanese terry voice is incredibly good
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would bet so much money that he got that hat at a gas station
TXC2: Terry is redneck Ken, change my mind Kappa
Frizzlenill: @Thefluffiestguineapig probably also true of his costume 2/mark of the wolves costume
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Frizzlenill True honestly
SeiichiSin: @TXC2 seiichLOL
therepoman__: @saucemaster5000 TIME FOR REAL FIGHT :)
Mr_Horrible: he's a weirdo for sure
josh___something: Terrald is merely "okay" I've heard
LeonaDX: nelly ive been tryna fight you for a minute
LeonaDX: we can throw down any time
josh___something: Don't know how true that is
Mr_Horrible: Honestly I think a Heef nerf is more merited than a Terry nerf
saucemaster5000: yeah I don't think terry's gonna be nerfed much yet
Mr_Horrible: sorry Heef
Heefnoff: Terry is fine
TXC2: Terry wont be nerfed, Capcom got DLCs to sell
NewtyNewts: With nerf guns
freshmaker__: get the northern lion hammer clip
LeonaDX: you wont see any Bisons bc they're all Plat and above
itsr67: tewwy bowgawd
TomokaMT: afaik Terry's normals and specials have a pretty big disparity in their quality
Frizzlenill: separate note, 'finger speed' and 'reactions' are kinda blurrier of a concept than they seem - because a lot of it is like a musical instrument, where you have the muscle memory to be sure your hands will do what you tell them to do and then you can start sight-reading music
saucemaster5000: it was just that massive gap between aki and ed honestly
Mr_Horrible: the weirdest part was Akuma and Bison *very* close together
Mr_Horrible: because of the S1->S2
SeiichiSin: Put heavy weights on Heef's fingers to nerf them. Although it might just train them to make them stronger when they take them off.
TXC2: you'd think they're have a nice 3 month release cadence, but nope
Mr_Horrible: everything else has been more spaced out
ZawaAmaz: Bison is definitely a ranked flotation device
saucemaster5000: oh yeah and akuma bison being barely a month apart was wierd
AceGun_: The schedule for release got kinda screwy in season 1, it should be more consistent now.
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 "Here: 2 purple bastards who deal way too much damage. Go nuts."
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SeiichiSin That is absolutely a temporary solution that rapidly becomes everyone's new problem, basically weighted brass knuckles
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible "sorry marisa"
josh___something: MY LOYAL FANS
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 Marisa to her players: "Where are you going?!"
Frizzlenill: 'thinking fast enough' is actually again a matter of how much brain-space is FREE to be used to think. Practice makes the actual PLAYING take less brainpower, until more and more of your brain is available to use to think about decisions and opponents' tactics @LoadingReadyRun
Mr_Horrible: me when I'm witnessing Gief's full might: kanagoClap
RyanIkeComposer: absolutely a close one
Frizzlenill: oh never seen that one before, VERY stylish corner carry combo wow
Heefnoff: Real, Iā€™ll be playing the role of Adam for today
Mr_Horrible: is this... Gateheefing? FBCatch
TehAmelie: this isn't even Heef's final form (i assume)
Heefnoff: Yeah youā€™re cooking tbh
saucemaster5000: look you are getting rounds
couchboyj: I want a cup of that button's piss
LeonaDX: no, this is fighting games, you only acknowledge your failures and obsess over them until you implode
saucemaster5000: heef has every char in master yeah
BeccaTingles: I'm just so hypnotised by the ponytail...
AceGun_: Heef has every character in master, so he plays them all well enough.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Heefnoff Positive supporting advice check, we just need more "hell yeah brother" and/or saying stuff is dogshit
RyanIkeComposer: the heef experience is spending the entire tine going "god he's gonna do something, when's he gonna do it, I know he has some horrible combo, just do it god" and dying from your own anxiety
Mr_Horrible: I'm fairly certain Heef's in the cadre of "new char? Time to speedrun to masters with them." folks
Frizzlenill: terry stand MK is like, shockingly good on paper
Mr_Horrible: very good at the video game
Thefluffiestguineapig: @RyanIkeComposer LUL That seems about right
Frizzlenill: in practice it's pretty typical but the numbers are just wild
saucemaster5000: I think I watched heef get to master on akuma in one evening
RyanIkeComposer: learned yesterday every single one of Terry's normals is minus on block
RyanIkeComposer: which you would think would help, but it doesn't
Mr_Horrible: nothing feels better than punishing that ODDP
couchboyj: seabatClap
Thefluffiestguineapig: seabatClap seabatClap
josh___something: ARE YOU OKAY?
RyanIkeComposer: level 1 INTO level 1, like
Mr_Horrible: oh my god he can do it twice
RyanIkeComposer: wow, ok
Mr_Horrible: that's so fucking funny
josh___something: I love that combo
LeonaDX: level 1 into level 1 is SO funny
josh___something: Buster wolf <3
RurouniGeo: he can do it three times in some situations lol
TomokaMT: R U O K?
Frizzlenill: @saucemaster5000 tbf 1. MMR and starting rank from placements, 2. transferable skills on a character who is VERY fundamentals-based, and 3. the difficulty of picking up a character shrinks with time, experience and skill/practice. After years, some people can swap into new games pretty instantly
saucemaster5000: I was fighting a terry last night that just KEPT waking up with lvl1 and I kept punishing it. they did not care. they loved that button
josh___something: I may not find terry interesting... but I will pop off for Buster Wolfs
Frizzlenill: btw jacob did you have any interest in 2xko? Either solo or for the tag team mode?
AceGun_: level 3
josh___something: Buster šŸŗ <3
AceGun_: ez pz
josh___something: I mean, Drive Reversal IS universal
ItsThugDimmadome: Yo, just getting here. Is Jacob solo this week?
saucemaster5000: I do love people are saying "terry's dam seems low" because he came out after bison and akuma
josh___something: and *technically* it is an invincible reversal
TXC2: ItsThugDimmadome Nelson is on call with us
Thefluffiestguineapig: Heef has a soul read on people after 30 seconds round 1
AceGun_: @ItsThugDimmadome Nelly is here remotely, Adam is at the Dentist.
RyanIkeComposer: NICE
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ItsThugDimmadome Adam is having big teeth problems
ItsThugDimmadome: @AceGun_ Man, streaming from the dentist is dedication. Kappa
josh___something: #JustTeethThings
RyanIkeComposer: he's plus as hell on that close up round wave, I hate it so much lol
LeonaDX: watch out for normals, specials, air normals, air specials, supers, air supers, throws, jabs, drive parries, drive reversals, drive impacts, and Heef
Frizzlenill: it does almost always have a gap at least
josh___something: NICE!
RyanIkeComposer: !!!!!!!!!
saucemaster5000: let's GOOOOOO
josh___something: LETS GO
HungryTanuki: LET'S GO
Heefnoff: GOT THERE
TXC2: Lets GO!
Heefnoff: Good shit brother
virgil82: lrrHORN lrrHORN
BeccaTingles: Woo!
Xed_Regulus: Go Jacob!
Frizzlenill: and when they use it meaty, it's not treated as a projectile so you can perfect parry it
TehAmelie: gg
Thefluffiestguineapig: HE'S GAMING OUT OF HIS MIND
saucemaster5000: lmaoooo
Mr_Horrible: damn, he's him
AceGun_: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
nymistrya: BIG WIN!
Frizzlenill: CONGRATS also I think my stream is behind lmao
TXC2: 2nd win over Heef
NevermorePainting: What's the dracula flow line? "You must have amnesia, you forgot I'm him"?
Korolan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
Korolan: Gettem Jacob!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Korolan! (Today's storm count: 9)
TomokaMT: I been him
TomokaMT: I will continue to be him
josh___something: so true, nelly
josh___something: We hit enrage
josh___something: o no
Frizzlenill: yeah that's one of the best ways to practice anti airs as well. Manipulate the distance with the opponent, to however far they like to jump from, and just keep waiting for them to jump based on distance rather than anything else
Heefnoff: Every time you win Iā€™m like ā€œOk. Phase 2.ā€
LeonaDX: "we made Drive Impact special-cancellable" -capcom listening to Nelly
AceGun_: I hate a phase 2
saucemaster5000: walking away from heef "wait...." and he starts to fly with the power of rot
aussie_rob_w subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months!
aussie_rob_w: Subiversary!
RyanIkeComposer: imagine having even 1 spare brain cell while playing this game
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aussie_rob_w! (Today's storm count: 10)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because his brain works on turbo time
RyanIkeComposer: Heef is on his sidekick typing with one hand
saucemaster5000: the trick is to play a character that doesn't need brain cells
saucemaster5000: like bison
Heefnoff: Real
josh___something: Heef is a juri main confirmed? Kappa
SeiichiSin: seiichThink
Frizzlenill: yeah there's a gap before the big wave, when youre not burned out
Zaneysed: Ya
Zaneysed: lol
Heefnoff: Ggs boss
saucemaster5000: LMAOOO
josh___something: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: WOOOOOW
Heefnoff: lytJIVE
TehAmelie: he's Terr-erentless
freshmaker__: brutal combo
Frizzlenill: it's frustrating, but there is nothing actually wrong with making the right decision and flubbing the execution. It happens to everybody, and is part of learning.
Frizzlenill: the right decision part, THAT's the win
Heefnoff: Nah second
HungryTanuki: Second yeah
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cammy? Oh I love her
josh___something: Ooh, on the board twice vs heef? Pog
Heefnoff: Iā€™m glad, youā€™ve really improved!
TXC2: Jacob been on an anime protag journey against Heef
Thefluffiestguineapig: You've been making forward progress and busting your butt to get better
Heefnoff: Like legit if Jacob had the time I think he could hit master rank by the end of the year
RyanIkeComposer: agree
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 He is kind of just a shonen protag, isn't he? This is my new head canon
Heefnoff: Itā€™s more about consistency than raw time spent imo
Heefnoff: Like an hour of good practice/play can do wonders
josh___something: oh YEAH, Air grabs
Heefnoff: As opposed to dropping 6 hours in once a week
josh___something: I could've used those
Frizzlenill: yeah I played an hour a day for a week and finally overcame my plat-teau
Frizzlenill: hit diamond for the first time
TomokaMT: GGs marcellus
RyanIkeComposer: I need to try to find longer sessions. I usually play 20 minutes max at a time, and I think it's not enough time to iterate or get in a groove. I get too stressed out and stop for the day lol
Heefnoff: Hell yeah!
TXC2: Heefnoff exactly, more time is good, but boy does it hit diminishing returns fast
Thefluffiestguineapig: Congrats Frizzlenill!
RyanIkeComposer: congrats @Frizzlenill !
TXC2: Frizzlenill heck yeah brother!
Heefnoff: Yep yep you get it! @txc2
Frizzlenill: tysm I am big proud
Heefnoff: I also think HOW the time is invested matters for sure
I_icaros_I: <message deleted>mucho maarrano jugando automatico en modo M eso es para perdedores
Heefnoff: Itā€™s very easy to clock in ranked and expect to improve even though thatā€™s not always the case
Heefnoff: If youā€™re getting walled in ranked itā€™s time to watch some replays/get someone to watch you play imo
Heefnoff: As opposed to just brute forcing it. Hell, take notes if youā€™re playing ranked solo
TXC2: I_icaros_I English only chat, sorry
Frizzlenill: @RyanIkeComposer yeah I THINK so? Like a lot of people recommend 'brushing your teeth' of doing some training mode at the start and end of a session, either basic drills or learning something specific you want to build, and those microsessions are like 2-5min each. Then in the middle, fitting in an hour or so, or more, of trying to implement the things you've practiced makes a big difference
BeccaTingles: @Heefnoff Supported by research into learning any skill, instrument, language etc. Targeted focus on your weak points is the most effective
Frizzlenill: cuz as the session goes on, you start to get that thing down, and can feel yourself spending less and less brainpower to get the same access to it
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, for the brain having evidence of improvement is incredibly important but there's a point where it gets frustrating because you know what you need to do to improve and can't the change to happen in reflexes
RyanIkeComposer: I definitely hit training mode for 5-10 minutes every session, but I think I don't spend enough of my time actually in matches. Like the pie chart on my profile is MOSTLY practice mode, followed by ranked
RyanIkeComposer: @Frizzlenill fr
Heefnoff: Imo you can categorize every time you take damage into two categories: ā€œMistakesā€ and ā€œInevitabilitiesā€
RyanIkeComposer: ooh I like that
Heefnoff: If you can differentiate those, itā€™s easier to see what things you can improve on
Frizzlenill: @RyanIkeComposer well there's always the option of 'matchmaking settings' while in training mode! You can do basic drills in between matches and accept whenever you get a non-wifi player lol
Heefnoff: Exactly, better players throw less buttons tbh
Heefnoff: Cause they only attack when they KNOW theyā€™re in range
josh___something: I believe that is a major part of footsies
Thefluffiestguineapig: Schmovement chapter?
Heefnoff: So shimmies more specifically refers to the situation on someoneā€™s wakeup, but yes
Heefnoff: Moving back and forth to force whiff punishes is important
Heefnoff: Thatā€™s why street fighter players kinda wiggle back and forth like that
Heefnoff: Theyā€™re dancing in and out of range
RyanIkeComposer: @Frizzlenill this is my go to, haha. Although I accept wifi folks, although I don't rematch if it's like, abysmal
josh___something: Nelly, wanna hop on and fite my JP?
RyanIkeComposer: wifi players need love too
Heefnoff: That skill is so important to SF, that EVERY character with good walk speed is AT WORST high tier
Frizzlenill: yeah like, especially in situations where you have to choose one option, even if you get hit that's not usually a 'mistake', just a rock-paper-scissors outcome, the 'mistake' is either careless autopiloting or acting with your habits to the point where the opponent catches on
NewtyNewts: Just vacated one to make room
Mogg01 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mogg01! (Today's storm count: 11)
Frizzlenill: @RyanIkeComposer I generally have very good composure but connection issues enrage me to the point of outright prejudice. I do not accept wifi players anymore
saucemaster5000: I love how obssessed cammy is with insisting your nationality -- "You're FINNISH!"
duallain: cammy is such a 'put you in a blender' character
RyanIkeComposer: fair, especially if it happens a lot. in my personal experience, most wifi matches go just fine, but when I get a stuttery one boy is it hell
duallain: when they are doing their thing, it's a lot of pressure
Frizzlenill: @saucemaster5000 I've wanted a mod for MONTHS that changes the background flash from dark blue to the finnish flag when it pops up on the last hit
Thefluffiestguineapig: @duallain Cammy is a blender like Beej's vitamix where it's the blender that can handle anything
ItsThugDimmadome: C'mon Capcom. Give Gief back his Magic Grab. He needs tools to deal with oki. Kappa
RyanIkeComposer: I am really getting scared of how good Jacob is getting at yanking hooligans out of the air
RyanIkeComposer: I LOVE to hooligan lol, do you see how many times she flips??? It's so cool???
RyanIkeComposer: this bodes ill
duallain: LOYAL FAN HERE
Frizzlenill: she can do some setups with it after a knockdown, it's one of a few options she has for pressure after an opening
ItsThugDimmadome: Gotta respect it.
NewtyNewts: Would love to do a match against you later Jacob, but think Mask's got dibs
Frizzlenill: but in neutral yeah you're not gonna get away with it very far
ShaneLeeAtk gifted a Tier 1 sub to RyanIkeComposer! They have given 41 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RyanIkeComposer! (Today's storm count: 12)
Frizzlenill: it's a once-a-match style move in that context
RyanIkeComposer: omg @ShaneLeeAtk thank you?
saucemaster5000: can of sprite!
Frizzlenill subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
Frizzlenill: forgot I hadnt primed, once again so glad this show exists
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Frizzlenill! (Today's storm count: 13)
RyanIkeComposer: that's so kind, now I can support the channel that primarily features Jacob learning new tactics for destroying me
ShaneLeeAtk: @RyanIkeComposer You are very welcome!
Zaneysed: brother it was 1-5 lol
Zaneysed: ggs jacob
ItsThugDimmadome: I thought Jacob just ripped a standing 720 off a shimmy. Ho-ly.
TXC2: Zaneysed not a shutout, takes the wins were you can
RyanIkeComposer: @ShaneLeeAtk ThankEgg ThankEgg ThankEgg
Frizzlenill: does modern gief have headbutt
ItsThugDimmadome: Gotta rrespect it.
TXC2: this wont kill
Zaneysed: Why am I suddenly lifted up here?
NewtyNewts: Did you know that a petard was actually a medieval-age bomb?
LurkerSpine: there was a time when Mask had issues doing 720s... that feels so very long ago lol
A_Dub888: Excalibur plays SF? lrrBEEJ
TXC2: NewtyNewts yes, I have played age of empires 2 Kappa
Frizzlenill: iirc isn't it still in contention what 'petard' the phrase is referring to?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Zaneysed [Deadpool style pause] Sigh, how did I end up like this
gualdhar: petards were explosives for breeching gates and other static defenses
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Frizzlenill Yup, language is weird sometimes
Heefnoff: Thatā€™s Master rank for ya
Ukon_Cairns: it was like a shaped charge yeh? meant to blow thru a wall but occasionally the wall won and whoever planted it lost?
TXC2: you know that bomb the orcs have in the Two Towers? that's a petard
Heefnoff: Mistakes get punished hard
Frizzlenill: yeah a really scary gief will seemingly guess right 3 times and ask if you want a rematch
duallain: the air grabs are clean tho
TXC2: "PƩtard comes from the Middle French pƩter, to fart"
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's a very good move
TXC2: improvise, adept, overcome
duallain: I've never seen so many missed grabs
ItsThugDimmadome: Whiffing and SPD into Lvl 3 is something I wanna do mid match.
abracadaver23: mask hurts
Frizzlenill: does gief lose headbutt in modern? Does anyone know
A_Dub888: @TXC2 Street Fighter or sex?
TXC2: A_Dub888 yes
ItsThugDimmadome: @A_Dub888 If that last one happens, talk to your doctor.
BeccaTingles: Time for a glass of water!
NewtyNewts: It was a jab, yeah
violetblight: yeah that was a light
LurkerSpine: I believe so
violetblight: lvl2 has like 18 frames of startup
NewtyNewts: The bigger thing is, with him playing the character also, he knows what the mistakes are
Frizzlenill: you just did the same thing to his lv2! That was a great call!
ItsThugDimmadome: @Frizzlenill Gief keeps headbutt. Loses 5MK/HK, 2MK, all the jump punches, 3HK and the stomps.
Frizzlenill: @ItsThugDimmadome tyty
NewtyNewts: glhf Jacob
AceGun_: Here comes a *NEWT* challenger
RyanIkeComposer: N-n-n-n-n-now . . . fight a Newt rival
duallain: let's go!
Zaneysed: Newt always has them cross ups lol
ItsThugDimmadome: Mmmmmmm.....tasty,tasty poison.
Zaneysed: Everyone is always improving
TomokaMT: Think I need to practice an actual punish combo with chun lol
LurkerSpine: I feel like you've played a lot of the folks here on a somewhat regular basis
TomokaMT: cause I kept flubbing mine
Bearudite: nice one nelly good patience
Thefluffiestguineapig: The schmovement discussion earlier Newt is a good example
Zaneysed: Parry button
NewtyNewts: You suggested Parry last time
TomokaMT: Newt's credentials are strong
TomokaMT: parry, yeah
BeccaTingles: What Would Adam Do (WWAD)?
TXC2: BeccaTingles take the DI button away
NewtyNewts: No problem Jacob.
TXC2: Kappa
TXC2: we are 2 hours in
NewtyNewts: No worries Jacob. GGs!
LMAOkai_: i'd like to fight you at some point Jacob if you're up for it. but taking a break is good
Zaneysed: LOL
Heefnoff: Tell your inside voice to shove it
BeccaTingles: You're doing great Jacob! It seems super intense, sounds exhausting to focus for that long.
Heefnoff: heefnoGlocku
TXC2: in-head voice is a rat bastard some times :p
Heefnoff: This is outside voice time now baby youā€™re cookin
Heefnoff: lytJIVE
Zaneysed: Just DI the inner voice]
saucemaster5000: I wish my inside voice wasn't VA'd by peter lorre
LMAOkai_: @saucemaster5000 boomer detected :)
saucemaster5000: damn it lmaokai you're right
TXC2: food: it's good
josh___something: ooh, bear blanka!
ItsThugDimmadome: @TomokaMT Hey, I'm browsing Super Combo right now. 5LP, 2HK or 4HP are the ones for long and short range, respectively. Want me to look anything up while I'm still here?
saucemaster5000: what, the kids aren't hip with "arsenic and old lace?"
BeccaTingles: Can't DI on an empty stomach!
A_Dub888: You're a culinary delight Jacob
josh___something: It's gonna be a culinary experience if nothing else
TXC2: like the nectar of the Gods Kappa
josh___something: @A_Dub888 pls do not eat the jacob
ItsThugDimmadome: Sausage, bacon or ham McMuffin?
josh___something: We need him
saucemaster5000: @ItsThugDimmadome por que no los tres?
ItsThugDimmadome: @saucemaster5000 Because my arteries will protest.
saucemaster5000: pfft, what have they ever done for you?
RyanIkeComposer: I read this week that Blanka matches are like "fighting a bar of soap that's also trying to bite you"
RyanIkeComposer: and I'll never forget it
saucemaster5000: lmao that's greayt
ItsThugDimmadome: LUL
TXC2: RyanIkeComposer so a cat then? :p
saucemaster5000: blanka does slip around
RyanIkeComposer: @TXC2 a cat that's constantly being electrocuted, yeah
saucemaster5000: there is nothing more satisfying than rive rush into river run
SymphonySolstice: Egg McNothin
ItsThugDimmadome: I can't wait till Capdom drops "Best Shoto" Dan Hibiki.
josh___something: I'm so glad I got to catch an OOFC tonight, I've been out/asleep for the last few and I can't ook in chat in VoDs
ItsThugDimmadome: Wow, nice typo, me.
josh___something: Blanka is truly
saucemaster5000: blanka love go ROOOWR
josh___something: idk what you're talking about
duallain: jp command grab
Zaneysed: Throwing people is cheap /s
josh___something: :)
Mr_Horrible: that's why more people should do it
Mr_Horrible: have you *SEEN* the economy?
TXC2: you reckon Adam right now is making Blanka noises and doesn't know why?
ItsThugDimmadome: Yeah, ask Gumiho.
Zaneysed: But it's ok when I do it
saucemaster5000: let's take away gief's command grab
Mr_Horrible: broke: "Throws are cheap" woke: "Throws are affordable and easily slot into a tight household budget"
TXC2: "see, it's fine when I do it, because I the protagonist"
josh___something: #GiveGiefBlankaBall Kappa
ItsThugDimmadome: @josh___something Nah, #GiveGiefTeleport
A_Dub888: Were is Luke finding the sand he's throwing?
RyanIkeComposer: blanka plays pretty disrespectfully despite being the only cast member who has a job
duallain: gief should get the friend like blanka has
NewtyNewts: Blanka-sketball
Zaneysed: Give manon a fireball where she hucks medals
saucemaster5000: give manon JP's projectiles
Mr_Horrible: honestly giving Gief his level 2 but as like a traveling tornado would be a good bit
josh___something: Actually, GiveGiefSonicBoom :)
TXC2: Fastball special of Gief and Blanka
Mr_Horrible: @Zaneysed honestly a way to spend medals would be lit. Good push and pull
Thefluffiestguineapig: Honestly I would love a mode like the 2kko where it's a pair fight but with SF
Mr_Horrible: the air-to-air
Zaneysed: @Mr_Horrible Turn Gief level 2 into Rahsid level 2
Mr_Horrible: he's gaming
josh___something: Wait... I have the best idea, actually. #GiveGiefYsaar >:)
RyanIkeComposer: whining wins count, we take those
Mr_Horrible: @Zaneysed I SUMMON ME! GREAT TUNDRA STORM! kanagoSpin kanagoSpin kanagoSpin
LurkerSpine: jabbing it is easier
ItsThugDimmadome: @josh___something We joke, but I kinda want Gief to get his SFV install back. I liked the commentators.
ItsThugDimmadome: Yes
josh___something: yes
Wrexadecimal: You can tundra storm Terry's DI. :D
Zaneysed: Dragon screw leg whip
ItsThugDimmadome: And it's funny every time.
RurouniGeo: @Wrexadecimal dont tell Jacob that :(
josh___something: It's silly, and not at all practical
Wrexadecimal: @josh___something Too late >_>
Mr_Horrible: it's the epitome of "It'd be really funny if this hit"
TomokaMT: GGs Newt
Zaneysed: Tundra storm is very funny tho
ItsThugDimmadome: The dev team literally only gave him the move because they think Dragon Screws are sweet.
BeccaTingles: If nobody uses it, no one is expecting it?
NewtyNewts: GGs Tomoka!
Wrexadecimal: I've seen one person I know kill with Tundra storm... once?
ItsThugDimmadome: @BeccaTingles Damn right.
josh___something: Tundra storm IS the "moral victory" move
LurkerSpine: Bear really wanted the W
saucemaster5000: tundra storm dhalsim's heavy kick from across the screen
TXC2: ItsThugDimmadome well Dragon screws are sweet to be fair
TomokaMT: It specifically counters *horizontal* kicks which is even more niche lol
duallain: gief having a wrestling inspired move?
josh___something: It's a very theatrical move
A_Dub888: Jacob, you're great
drizztnailo: hows the street fighting been going?
josh___something: grabby
Ferisar: this @a_dub888 guy is onto something
ItsThugDimmadome: Dragon Screw is based on a real move from Catch Wrestling. When I saw it I pointed at teh screen
josh___something: very grabby
saucemaster5000: I have decided today is a shepherd's pie day. Who's with me?
TXC2: hello drizztnailo welcome
Ferisar: not me sauce
ItsThugDimmadome: @saucemaster5000 Best I can do is chicken pot.
Mr_Horrible: drizzt was summoned by talking about goofy gief tech
BeccaTingles: @saucemaster5000 *cries in expat
Mr_Horrible: look sometimes you have a cheat day
saucemaster5000: @Ferisar Well... you can't have any anyways (cries, runs under the slide)
TXC2: Best I can do is the mash potatoes I had 3 hours ago
josh___something: Adam is a very good teacher... but also teacher's out >:D
Bearudite: ggs nelly
Ferisar: this really terrys my bogard
TomokaMT: Eventually I should learn a gameplan that isn't "spam 2MK and buffer specials behind it" lmao
josh___something: Terald Beauregard!
BeccaTingles: It's Truckin' Time
TXC2: Redneck Ken
RyanIkeComposer: get him
RyanIkeComposer: blast his dragon lashin' ass
ItsThugDimmadome: Time for some Turry Slurry.
saucemaster5000: ken wishes he looked this good in a jacket
Mr_Horrible: Ken lost his bomber jacket in the divorce
Mr_Horrible: Terry's now ahead
josh___something: Don't u dare say that about costume 2 terry
Bearudite: ok I have to go back to being a good employee ggs
saucemaster5000: nice sets bear
TXC2: so long Bearudite stay safe
Mr_Horrible: godspeed Bear o7
josh___something: Costume 2 Terry is a smokeshow
Mr_Horrible: it's still kinda wild to me how "all legs" Terry is
saucemaster5000: Honestly I kinda want to play a bit more terry just cause I like this outfit
Mr_Horrible: made me realize we don't have many male characters with that in SF6 yet
SymphonySolstice: notable CLAMP protagonist, Terry
TomokaMT: a lot of SNK characters have really long legs
Mr_Horrible: yeah, looking at the rosters it seems like just a design aesthetic thing, just interesting to see
Ferisar: SNheyyyy šŸ‘€
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible still not quite as rare as fighting game ladies in sf that aren't all kicks
BeccaTingles: I do appreciate how Terry's design is arguably the most 'normal' of all the characters and he's getting dunked on so hard.
niccus: he's just okay
TXC2: design aesthetic, or carry over from sprite limitations ?
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 also true, were basically just looking at Marisa and Lily (I don't know Kim's kit well enough to say)
Ferisar: Kim does a bit of everything doesnā€™t she
josh___something: Whatever that kick is > buster wolf hitconfirm has been in so many twitter clips... and I still find it so cool
saucemaster5000: doesn't do a whole lot of winning
Ferisar: ninja things
saucemaster5000: ZIIING
Mr_Horrible: @BeccaTingles it *is* pretty funny to see the guy who - while still stylized - is the most like someone you might just see walking down the street and everyone doing the "Get a load of this clown over here"
TomokaMT: if you wouldn't mind I'd like to play you sometimes jacob
TomokaMT: sometime*
saucemaster5000: People are like "OMG Terry likes VIDEO GAMES??? What a Gooofballl!!!!"
josh___something: MY LOYAL FANS
RyanIkeComposer: there's no neutral in THE SKY
duallain: grab ftw
TomokaMT: o7
duallain: hype
Ferisar: if I see gief walking down the streets Iā€™m calling the FBI
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 Luke is still F- territory for not liking horror games
Ferisar: this alien needs to be covered up
Mr_Horrible: grow a spine you blackwater coward
saucemaster5000: you have the FBI's number?
Ferisar: I do
Ferisar: donā€™t you?
Mr_Horrible: yeahh it's @FBI
Ferisar: hey @FBI is this real
Mr_Horrible: asking the FBI instead of chat if it's real
saucemaster5000: (punches in phone F....B....I....)
Mr_Horrible: *Josh* is wondering
RyanIkeComposer: solid match, the both of ya
josh___something: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Josh is wondering
TomokaMT: If Marisa has her way, not for long
Thefluffiestguineapig: Don't put us all in that box
Ferisar: heā€™s ready to mingle
TXC2: Geif is married to Mother Russia
RyanIkeComposer: Gief's first love is the written word
duallain: marisa manon is the otp
saucemaster5000: gief is married to the ring
Thefluffiestguineapig: I don't want to compete with Marisa for anything, let alone a romantic interest
Mr_Horrible: @TXC2 so an Oedipus complex?
v_nome: @Thefluffiestguineapig It's a big box. We have plenty of room and the Gief is very warm and caring.
Mr_Horrible: damn, kinda sick with it
TXC2: Mr_Horrible lets say yes, for the drama
Thefluffiestguineapig: @duallain I thought it was possibly a trio with Marisa, Manon and Gief
josh___something: @Thefluffiestguineapig I'd die to marisa, people would pay money for that
Mr_Horrible: "What if I did a spinning piledriver? Y'know, to mix things up?"
saucemaster5000: @Thefluffiestguineapig it kinda is, though marisa marries a guy and a gal in her story who are just some randos
TomokaMT: @duallain Marisa has two hands its ok
BeccaTingles: We're gonna need a horny bonk GIF in this chat.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @v_nome I'm sure he is but the issue for me is Marisa would send me to the next century with the force of her hits
duallain: @Thefluffiestguineapig it's for sure a triangle, I just think there might be a connection or two missing
Ferisar: now you know history @thefluffiestguineapig
v_nome: @Thefluffiestguineapig She is canonically poly. I don't think she'll mind sharing.
marcelluswtf subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, marcelluswtf! (Today's storm count: 14)
Zaneysed: @NewtyNewts im mad\
saucemaster5000: I went to the bathroom yesterday
saucemaster5000: now you know pisstory
Ferisar: sauce
Thefluffiestguineapig: @josh___something Oh people would pay a lot of money to watch Marisa annihilate me
NewtyNewts: @Zaneysed Amazed I rememberd that
TomokaMT: boooo
saucemaster5000: ferisar
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 BOOOOOO
Mr_Horrible: me asking the mods if there's something we can do about saucemaster
TXC2: nah I'mma let em cook
duallain: like send some help?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible When Adam isn't here the fingers on the timeout are much slower
Ferisar: @FBI hey can we get this @saucemaster5000 guy
Mr_Horrible: fair enough, have a nice day
saucemaster5000: FBtouchdown
SymphonySolstice: sir my frames...they are so sick
Thefluffiestguineapig: I have to say one of the funniest moments of timing out was Ben and Adam on LN deciding to timeout Juliamon as a joke and INSTANTLY having maximum regret
Ferisar: wc3 gamer spotted
lightfut: Jacob died doing the habits he loved
Mr_Horrible: this set's honestly been fire
NewtyNewts: ggs Zaney
Mr_Horrible: kanagoChef
Zaneysed: ggs newt
duallain: the big punch gives and the big punch takes
Mr_Horrible: the lure of Big Punch is too great
niccus: i can't believe this guy's out here standing
josh___something: but... beeg punch
SymphonySolstice: but what if: Big Slappy
Thefluffiestguineapig: On the one hand "I know it's a bad idea" on the other beeeeeegest slappy?
Zaneysed: Maokai neutral is so good
NewtyNewts: Now you're suffering the centipede's conundrum... thinking too much about what you're going to do makes you unable to do it
saucemaster5000: LMAOKai just have amazing neutral in general, they are a footsies enthusiast
Mr_Horrible: the yomi is out of this world
Zaneysed: That guile strength coming through
duallain: they named themselves after a tree
josh___something: Lmaokai, pls do some buster wolfs for the culture Kappa
Ferisar: yo
Ferisar: that was kinda nice
Mr_Horrible: now that's a quote
duallain: so being solid in the nooch makes sense
niccus: it's really very late dinner
Thefluffiestguineapig: Makes him regular
v_nome: Nice!
NewtyNewts: YOINK'd
josh___something: Sick LV1!
Mr_Horrible: noice kanagoNoice
Ferisar: I am coming for you!
josh___something: let's go!
TomokaMT: spaced burn knuckle is plus
bo_brinkman: I just RL cheered and clapped for that last KO
RyanIkeComposer: Don't forget the screen shake thing
Zaneysed: My neighbors heard my lets go lol
RyanIkeComposer: If the screen shakes when he burn knuckles, he's safe on it
Mai_Andra: Well, it was so effective the first time...
josh___something: Controller D;
LMAOkai_: yeah al good
LeonaDX: oh shit i left to do my laundry and i got kicked from the room
saucemaster5000: Terry stop throwing your jacket away
LeonaDX: who's still gaming
Mai_Andra: Alternately, it missed the first time, so we had to try again.
saucemaster5000: those are expensive
LeonaDX: hella
TXC2: 3-2
Zaneysed: Geo is looking for a fighter right now in the row
josh___something: 3-2 jacob
Zaneysed: room
LeonaDX: i didnt realize how long it was gonna take to do my laundry today...
Zaneysed: Quick burn is -5 on block, dont let maokai get away with theft lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: This trucker has long reach
josh___something: BusteršŸŗ!
Zaneysed: Ya but it feels good
duallain: the patience and the vision was good
Mr_Horrible: "Does that hit feet?!"
josh___something: The controller was paid off by the LMAOkai mafia confirmed
Thefluffiestguineapig: I do love the cartoon like birds for confusion
TXC2: "it's a knowledge check, and I did NOT do the reading"
cd3066535: Try get juri to platinum
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Can I get away with a high enough charisma check to make it up so much that they don't notice?
cd3066535: 6old 4 stars
josh___something: If we're still tracking the previous set. It is currently 3-4, Terald favored
TXC2: cd3066535 we're not doing ranked today
cd3066535: Why lmao
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig well roll that D20 Kappa
josh___something: 4-4
TomokaMT: 4-4!
TXC2: cd3066535 'cause we're doing lobby matches
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Ok, me as a person autism means I have lower charisma socially but honestly I can fake my way through so many topics without anyone calling me on it, here goes
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAMNIT it's a 10
Thefluffiestguineapig: which I assume is not high enough
josh___something: Sick reads!
NorthstarTex: that was a commanding round
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig so, you do stuff that you THINK is gonna work, but doesn't :p
NewtyNewts: Dang, looks like the connection dropped. Ggs Nelly!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Which is probably the worst outcome
Bearudite: HELL YEAH
NewtyNewts: Well done Jacob!
TomokaMT: Good work Jacob!
Thefluffiestguineapig: YEEEAAAAHHH
josh___something: Let's GO JACOB!
NorthstarTex: excellent game
duallain: incredible
LMAOkai_: thank you for the games jacob
Heefnoff: Nice
Zaneysed: Let's go Jacob
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was very good
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig most embarrassing yes Kappa
TomokaMT: No worries!
TomokaMT: Take all the time ya need lol
TXC2: Heck of a set there Jacob and LMAOkai_
duallain: lmao was playing great, and you really turned it up as well
saucemaster5000: oop we broke his brain he's speaking japanese
TXC2: Chuners! lets go
saucemaster5000: kikouken!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jacob just had to take a moment to destress from turning his skills to 11
Zaneysed: We need more people on Chun, I love watching Chun gameplay
duallain: is it time for the anti kick tech?
GrapeshotOnline: you mean, The Sword(TM)
TXC2: Last orders!
saucemaster5000: I want a sodie pop
GrapeshotOnline: 6mp my beloved <3
saucemaster5000: it reaches so far...
GrapeshotOnline: reaches far, has a disjoint, and a decent special cancel window
GrapeshotOnline: it truly is The Normal
Thefluffiestguineapig: I've been learning anatomy lately and also have hip and knee problems, Chun Li having a holding pose that is a half squat must have taken so much strength training and probably still causes pain if she does long sets
TXC2: Like how Chun Li just tossed Gief over, not even with the hip or shoulder, just over :p
saucemaster5000: also keep in mind chun li is in her 60s
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Any character besides Marisa that yeets Gief I press x to doubt
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig right?
josh___something: The fact that most of the cast is able to yeet a man of Gief's size is truly impressive :p
saucemaster5000: I could flip gief
saucemaster5000: ezpz
saucemaster5000: he's mostly helium
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 With or without a forklift
josh___something: Nelly, that's not what people meant when they call gief a bear Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: @josh___something LUL
Zaneysed: God this stage msusic is so good
saucemaster5000: this is up there as one of the best stages
saucemaster5000: also a fan of ryu's
TomokaMT: GGs
TomokaMT: I don't know how to pressure someone with one button command grabs LOL
BeccaTingles: Thanks for the stream!
TXC2: thanks for streaming Jacob and Nelson
TomokaMT: Good work Jacob <3
josh___something: <3
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
duallain: thank you so much for the oki
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
TXC2: !ytmember
LRRbot: LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR: https://youtu.be/bmdI0W2l9Zg
drizztnailo: thanks for the oki stream!
josh___something: Thanks for the stream!
LMAOkai_: thanks for the stream!
TomokaMT: Thanks for the games everyone!
f_brian_f: @loadingreadyrun imagine calling yourself loading ready run
TXC2: Frogs are gone!
BeccaTingles: Byeeee
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (1:03 from now).
Swickwick subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months, currently on a 4 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Swickwick! (Today's storm count: 15)
Zaneysed: Frogs are gone
josh___something: F...frogs gone?
TXC2: f_brian_f we've been using that name for 20 years, seems to have worked out
duallain: we did manage to get you to say it
TXC2: Early start to that stream BTW chat
josh___something: mysty boosties?!
A_Dub888: @josh___something twosties even
TXC2: josh___something Adam says "frogs are gone" regarding Youtube Viewers
josh___something: Myst2 Boosties :p
thatguysteve2709: Thank you for stream appreciate it
v_nome: Alex I think they said
josh___something: @TXC2 Oh, I was joining the bit, but thanks for the explanations either way <3
Thefluffiestguineapig: That sounds amazing
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
LeonaDX: thanks for the stream yall! thanks for hosting the room also, had a great time coming back to SF6
LordZarano: Speaking of D&D if you haven't bought Kathleen's one shot for Pizzamas yet you have til the 6th
josh___something: wednesday oof club? Woof Club?
shendaras: seabatClap
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, gang
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
AceGun_: bye everyone!
josh___something: <3 <3 <3
TXC2: and now turn off the mic
v_nome: Also make sure you know that you're still audible
josh___something: hot mic still :p
Swickwick: I mean this in the nicest way, this really is Coach Nelly
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
coachNelly: hahah swick you got mwe
LordZarano: !pizzamas
LRRbot: Kathleen has written a D&D one-shot for this year's Pizzamas fundraiser! Pick up a copy here: https://pizzamas.com/products/pizzamas-ttrpg-one-shot
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (56m from now).
LordZarano: Homework for chillpoint: https://youtu.be/UChRBH4d6pA
TXC2: Goodnight everybody