KeytarCat: boop boop badooba~
KeytarCat: kusinohki meows, I scat, Jacqui shatters minds: We all have our entrance themes!
RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Gem!
RockPusher: Totally Outrageous!
KeytarCat: !findquote gem
ShaneLeeAtk: !quote R1
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
ContingentCat: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (22s from now).
Sethalidos: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (23s ago).
Oghara: !schedule
TheMerricat: Chat, I'm feeling trashpanday for lunch/dinner today. What do I fix? A bowl of seasoned TVP with sloppy joe sauce or a bowl of savory oatmeal.
GapFiller: both
GapFiller: clearly
Too many calories.
MostCallMe__Tim subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
MostCallMe__Tim: Road point for me
Thanks for subscribing, MostCallMe__Tim! (Today's storm count: 16)
KeytarCat: Sloppy joatmeal
GapFiller: yr just said yr inna trashpanday mood
kusinohki: meows
KeytarCat: Mrow!
GapFiller: woof
kusinohki: I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that paul was just playing a character and doesn't actually have 5 PS5s....
44 raiders from GoodDayInternet have joined!
KeytarCat: oh hewwo
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Hello raiders!
CaptainSpam: A picture? BLASPHEMY.
when WAS the last time somebody srsly used the phrase Information Superhighway
Jillexie: Is the Internet finally on computers?
RockPusher: Just a series of toobs
malfnord: 2000 called, it wants it's memes bac
GapFiller: something something series of tubes
When was the last time anyone viewed a PICTURE on the internet? Absurd!
kusinohki: considering how slow I traveled on the highway on my way home yesterday.... possibly more ap than ever
GapFiller: COOKIES!
CaptainSpam: Hot Oreo Summer
Juliamon: oh no, she bought them
CanPlayGames: Did you bring enough for Chat?
UnknownFriday: Enjoy the pop rocks in the cream.
QuixoticScrivener: wait, are those coke flavored oreos?
CanPlayGames: I'll buy a plane ticket!
RatherLargeToad: The drink is weird. tastes like it’s full of Oreo crumbs
RockPusher: I rather think they would be all gone after a couple days flying
GapFiller: high bar
kusinohki: isn't space coke super flat because it's dangerous to have it pressurized in space??
GapFiller: cant remember what was the other funky coke flavour? not the space one the OTHER other one
UnknownFriday: Surprisingly, they have actual Coke syrup listed as an ingredient.
niccus: andes mints have more mint in the brown part
GapFiller: huh
Juliamon: A scientific mistake
RockPusher: For Science!
CaptainSpam: So, today on Snackpoint...
RatherLargeToad: just don’t drink soda with the frosting in your mouth. it activates all the pop rocks
CaptainSpam: F'n Tastic.
kusinohki: escape factory isn't where escape rooms are made?? *disappointed*
Akaiatana: Asset flipping is cool if it's Tony Hawk's Skateboard
CaptainSpam: Like, there's REASONS asset repositories exist...
CaptainSpam: FROM. NOW. ON.
GapFiller: never not a red flag
Akaiatana: Some companies' logo are not in PNG format
RatherLargeToad: at least be translucent
Invitare: *laughs in Metroid fan*
GapFiller: sometimes love is toxic
GapFiller: its still love
LordZarano: Ideally company logos are in svg, pdf, eps, or ai* format. *(adobe illustrator, not the other thing)
TheMerricat: The CEO's mom.
SquareDotCube: You wanna rebuild trust, FNTASTIC? Build a few shitty games and release them at sub-$5 prices on to get that experience you think you have.
Akaiatana: Or they are sock-puppeting
ghyllnox: $3k is friends and family money yeah
How can you shitcan volunteers though?
malfnord: Kinda surprised that they didn't pivot to NFTs or AI, tbh.
SquareDotCube: it's an alright name, but maybe build it up first before you think you can release a retail game under that brand.
richard_ermen: Did anything change about the Chillpoint camera setup? The picture seems more crisp than I'm accustomed to usually.
Akaiatana: "Somewhy, FNTASTIC returned."
LordZarano: @SquareDotCube Yeah, participate in some itch io game jams or something
LordZarano: Surgeon Simulator was originally a game jam game, for example
Robot_Bones: Has not rusted into Iron Oxide mouse
Laurence72: Well, you DO cap yours, who knows how long you would go?
Saunabath: Yep, she's still going. Currently sleeping though
Akaiatana: She has achieved Sub-Optimal
TheMerricat: @richard_ermen IIRC they updated the cameras in the studio in the past few months but I can't remember the details or if it was this studio or not.
Cptasparagus: once your subathon goes over 30 days you start getting resubs so it could go infinite
RatherLargeToad: the timer stopped adding time on the first, but she said she’d keep going for however much time was left. Her chat then bumped it over 200 more hours
richard_ermen: @TheMerricat Fascinating. Good to know, thank you =)
richard_ermen: Is the vTuber-Persona sleeping, or is the actual person sleeping?
Robot_Bones: These are actually virtual avatars of Paul and heather. Beej is still there though
SquareDotCube: Hey, at 800k a month I'd look into building a special compound that lets her move about instead of being medically stuck in a few rooms
GapFiller: yr hope she isnt just sleeping oncamera
Akaiatana: So we've had U-Tubers and V-Tubers, when are we getting W-Tubers?
KaleidoscopeMind: sleep as screensaver
KaleidoscopeMind: would be my guess
richard_ermen: I want Z-Tubers!
richard_ermen: Are A-Tubers like big screen actor people? Is Henry Cavill an A-Tuber?
SquareDotCube @richard_ermen sends richard_ermen a potato cannon
GapFiller: Kathleen giving Nelson an instory shoutout was a nice touch
TheMerricat: @SquareDotCube 800k is her estimated net worth from my understanding.
TheMerricat: Z-Tubers are just budget brand streamers in someone's zombie flick.
SquareDotCube: that's Amazon ownership for you
richard_ermen: @SquareDotCube Does this mean I get to create a famine in ireland?
Laurence72: I think LRR does get a good boost from Desert Bus being front page while its on, which helps get eyes on LRR as a whole
Quality not quantity
MajorFrostbyte: @richard_ermen It is like t-shirt cannon, you are distributing potatoes to the masses.
richard_ermen: Ohh, nice. I can be PotatoMan!
TehAmelie: i'm just receiving word potatoes may be useful to make concrete in space, so there's that too
KaleidoscopeMind: "don't make me use my opera voice"
Invitare: That's why I have 35 Playstations
saiarcot895: alongside Sonic's 30th anniversary!
RatherLargeToad: insert. “I have 30 30th Anniversary PS5s” joke here
SquareDotCube: look, gray goes with everything
ArcOfTheConclave: playstation's sonic's 30th aniversary?
Laurence72: This means that Sonic could have been a PlayStation launch title!
GapFiller: tbf Playstations being hard to come by has always been the running gag
TehAmelie: in an alternate timeline we're playing on Playstation X series built cooperatively by Sony and Nintendo
GapFiller: it was the basis for the original 3 PS3's after all
DandyGeek: 30th anniversary plastic is so expensive, y'all
TheMerricat: I wonder if as part of their anniversary celebration Sony sent a statue of a huge middle finger to Nintendo and a thank you for giving them an opportunity and reason to create the Playstation.
GapFiller: true story for those who may not be aware or are just too young and dont know 3 PS3's happend cz the PS3 was in REAL short supply at launch
CaptainSpam: Paul's character in those sketches is a PROFESSIONAL. He has STANDARDS.
TehAmelie: and the clones don't live long. . .
GapFiller: DandyGeek vintage plastic is just like vintage wine innit
Laurence72: I remember lining up at midnight to pick up my PS2
DandyGeek: @GapFiller yellows and turns to vinegar? >.>
DandyGeek thats character
TheMerricat: Issue anyone who owned the game on X date before a coupon for the game for $10.
Who uses discs anymore?
RatherLargeToad: FF7 did, yes
RatherLargeToad: was free at the time
GapFiller: Laurence72 yr jest but it figures we are rapidly approaching the point in the nostalgia cycle where demand for discs rolls back round again
Laurence72: @GapFiller Oh, I am VERY pro physical media. I proudly display my games and DVDs
but, but Beej, my artificial scarcity
SquareDotCube: don't forget to buy the N64 analog fidget to replace the old one
Coloneljesus: what if I made my own?
TehAmelie: alternatively, we may reach the point where people are fed up with only being granted access to their media as long as the Man allows it and demand discs again
ghyllnox: What, are you going to sell me one?
KeytarCat: I'd like to not have to store all my media on my computer. I want my computer to be able to play any of it, but I don't want to store all my games on it
GapFiller: TehAmelie piracy is up lately so thatd track
GapFiller: turns out people like owning the media they consume
Wicker_Guide: *horrible screaming Fromsoft gamer noises*
Lysander_salamander: Bloodborne is too new?
Lysander_salamander: Hello everyone, by the way
Wicker_Guide: it was a PS4 launch title
Horizon Zero Dawn was released in 2017. It really feels like that's a bit early for it to have a remaster already but what do I know.
GapFiller: they did remake Demons Souls
Coloneljesus: Hollow Knight remaster when?
GapFiller: on the ten year mark even
LilyOfTheVeil6666: I still yearn for a Legend of Dragoon remake
Wicker_Guide: also, I highly doubt there's a single developer at Fromsoft who was not basically head down on Elden Ring at any time in the past, like, 6 years
Coloneljesus: @Wicker_Guide there are those that were working on AC6
KaleidoscopeMind: 356/2
@Coloneljesus Oh crud right
Wicker_Guide: at least Bluehole got the Demon's souls remake
GapFiller: ABS!
LordZarano: If you want 1080p Wind Waker (or 4K, or even 8K if your system can handle it) there's always Dolphin
Bruceski: I appreciated the "you couldn't even tell the difference" comment because I's spent the whole news section up to that point wondering when you were going to show the new art.
Laurence72: Triangle Strategy (in HD2d) -- worst name for what is a very fun game.
SocraticMethod: Bishonen to the max
Fun fact. Square Enix have trademarked the term HD2D....
Wicker_Guide: see, most of the catalogue of Yoshitaka Amano
KeytarCat: I didn't jive with the 3D models in the Final Fantasy remakes
GapFiller: also art books were and remain big business
Strebenherz: megaman cartrige art is a hell of a thing
SquareDotCube: love that the continued the inaccuracy in 9 and 10 years after the fact
Wicker_Guide: plate mail loincloth
Coloneljesus: to prevent chafing!
Wicker_Guide: It does sometimes lead to a question whether fantasy artists... experience clothes
djalternative: just add dialogue to both characters where they constantly complain about chafing
TheMerricat: For those interested in what the other classes look like -
SquareDotCube: I love the reply Beej had for this, because there's *festivals* in Japan that's represented with a penis
TehAmelie: hmm ring mail has sort of built in pockets, at least if you have some string
Lysander_salamander: which game is this about?
LordZarano: Historically chainmail & plate armour were always worn with an undershirt
Wicker_Guide: Dragon Quest 6 HD 2D Remake
KeytarCat: For the male gaze and the female gays
TehAmelie: objectification can be for everyone!
TheMerricat: Them backpedaling was because Musk was the one who amplified their message, not because they didn't mean it.
Cptasparagus: you should try calling us "weird", it really gets under certain peoples skin apparently
LurkerSpine: Nah, I mean, coming from someone in Japan, I'd just laugh in their face
KeytarCat: He's not *wrong*, but it's not helpful
SquareDotCube: power breeds ridiculousness
KeytarCat: We're all human, so we're all ridiculous. It's kinda just how human do.
Pinwiz11: Life is Beautiful. Life is Stupid. That explains a lot.
TheMerricat: proactively.
KeytarCat: The Kino's Journey line, "The world is not beautiful, therefore it is"
Wicker_Guide: @Pinwiz11 Stupidity is beauty?
Wicker_Guide: no, nevermind, I regret that joke
Pinwiz11: @Wicker_Guide It's a line from the book "Space Opera", it's kind of the central thesis of the book (and there's a lot more after that to clarify)
bytecaster: Shueisha
GapFiller: Berserk eg
TheMerricat: So while you are correct with the Warrior class Paul. There are other classes that got more noticeable changes. The "Gadabout" class the female one wore a bunny suit. Now she's got dark leggings with the suit.
Cptasparagus: what about the manga Panty Shot Nightmare
Cptasparagus: same braincell lol
ContingentCat: Are you sure it's not the name of an actual thing?
GapFiller: it feels that Beej even entertains this idea of that kinda understanding is on a certain lvl problematic
Wicker_Guide: and the US is really an outlier in being very anti-sex even compared to peers and very relaxed about violence compared to peers
CaptainSpam: When I was getting started with drawing comics, one person I used to know had... *unique* issues with sexualization. Same country as me, mind.
ghyllnox: Yeah *we* did that
LurkerSpine: nothing is preventing Japan from changing laws nowadays
GapFiller: LurkerSpine hard disagree
KeytarCat: Nothing but inertia
Wicker_Guide: well Japan is
Wicker_Guide: hard to fight yourself
LurkerSpine: @GapFiller cool, not gonna change my mind on that
Pinwiz11: And how can they go to school all that time when they're also fighting crime in giant robots?
ContingentCat: exam schedule is decided by plot lol
GapFiller: very thin end of a very VERY long wedge but to me Beejs surmise abt understanding another culture better than the people of that culture approaches a kind of colonialist superiority (NOT saying thats where Beej went but thats my feeling there as an Asian person raised in the West)
LurkerSpine: Every single month should have a long weekend
CaptainSpam: @Pinwiz11 Oh, come now. It's not that bad. They delegate some of the crime fighting tasks to the ones who fly around in short skirts.
Lysander_salamander: I wish we had that
TehAmelie: all i know is around the new year they get almost one whole week off and that's the high point of the year
SocraticMethod: Invite-only beta
I will not stand for such frog disrespect!
GapFiller: TehAmelie phunny tangent to that: one of my favourite bands played a gig here in Albion last month
niccus: there's always Jumping Flash...
GapFiller: that band is comprised of a pair of Japanese salarymen
Lysander_salamander: well, now I need to search for fps frog games
TehAmelie: ha
Wolfstrike_NL: Does that mean they are forced to be youtube livestream watchers?
GapFiller: they flew in for the one weeknd played the gigs then flew straight home
UnknownFriday: Can I call my frog Michigan?
MWGNZ: so like a 3d battletoads?
Lysander_salamander: Like, there's that crab shooter, but is there one for frogs?
TheMerricat: See these sort of 'tricks' alway seem to backfire IMO, folk start to get in Heather's mindset or take being punished as a badge of honor. Valve just need to ban them *turns off bah humbug mode*
goombalax: Frog By Moonlight
RubikDarkwill: So Prop Hunt but frogs?
CaptainSpam: I thought they said that this was just a stopgap until they were pretty sure the new anti-cheat was reliable, but I could be mistaken.
niccus: cheat bans usually means VAC ban and that thing sticks to your account forever. it's a prelude to a lot of pain
Juliamon: TheMerricat Unfortunately they still feel like player retention is more important than fairness, if they ban someone that person's no longer a player, but if they *punish* them then maybe that player will learn to not do that thing and become a respectable member of the playerbase (even tho this statistically never happens)
Lysander_salamander: like that game Deeeeer, where you have to find the deer players from the npc deer.
Laserbeaks_Fury: And Callisto Protocol
SocraticMethod: @Juliamon AFAIK frog punishment shoves them off to the cheater-matchmaking
Lysander_salamander: Did they already talk about the Star Citizen crunch announcement?
Juliamon: SocraticMethod That doesn't negate what I said
Juliamon: they want player numbers, they don't care *where* those players are playing
SocraticMethod: Actually, doesn't the frog punishment ban them anyway for the duration of the beta?
KeytarCat: I kinda like the idea of cheater lobbies, but I don't trust it
GapFiller: Lysander_salamander cant remember it DID come up in the episode didnt it
GapFiller: they havent covered it onstream yet
Juliamon: Star Citizen wasn't mentioned in-show yet
Lysander_salamander: ok cool
Wicker_Guide: spin the roullette wheel
SocraticMethod: From the patch notes > When a user is detected as cheating, during the game session the opponents will be given a choice between banning the user immediately and ending the match or turning the cheater into a frog for the rest of the game and then banning them afterwards. The system is set to conservative detection levels as we work on a v2 anti-cheat system that is more extensive. We will turn on the banning of users in a couple of days after the update is out.
GapFiller: good look w/ this one Epic
SocraticMethod: So yeah, it's supposed to ban but I can't get read whether it does it right now
GapFiller: (spoilers theyre def biting off more than they can chew here)
LurkerSpine: Plenty of Android versions ship with something similar to that by default
TheMerricat: The problem is you can't install apps that you got from Epic's app.
Ned_Flandalorian: you could download epic's app but it couldn't install anything
malfnord: If this is meant to make me feel bad for Epic it ain't working.
ghyllnox: You can't install it *if you have the setting on* which is on by default
Julian_Rogue: I thought this was a default feature of android? blocks install from anywhere besides trusted store(s) and you have to like go through 3 screens of "I'm sure" to actually install it. basically to keep users from accidently installing malwar
malfnord: I mean, I don't feel much sympathy for Samsung either but lord I'm waiting for the next edgelord rant from Sweeney.
fine start Tim
mrpxrnhubguy1: How to get out of debt?
TheMerricat: TBF, Samsung doesn't HAVE to set the setting to default off. Epic's argument would also be moot if they had an API to become trusted.
shesnarrating subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Thanks for subscribing, shesnarrating! (Today's storm count: 17)
CaptainSpam: "I'm not SAYING everyone's out to get me, BUT..."
Wicker_Guide: I don't know if you're a witch, so show me everything you own
GapFiller: thought most of the embarrassing revelations from the previous lawsuits were on the Epic side
SquareDotCube: Jeez, Sweeney just doesn't want to play with others
ghyllnox: Well the previous lawsuit was basically "we want a fight" wasn't it?
Laurence72: Epic knows only fight
malfnord: Paranoid? Paranoid sounds right
TheMerricat: This is a "Let them fight" moment. I don't see a downside for the consumer regardless of who wins.
Wolfstrike_NL: Can we send Sweeney in the same rocket as Musk to Mars yet?
Wicker_Guide: I don't doubt this is collusion, even, but this is a stupid way to attack it
richard_ermen: They're definitely saying something.
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Yup @themerricat
LurkerSpine: No, Ryujinx isn't a fork
ghyllnox: "Sue you" seems like the previous story
LurkerSpine: It's a completely separate project
saiarcot895: didn't ask for donations so blatantly
Wicker_Guide: it's the one that wasn't openly advertising "it's totally not piracy"
MWGNZ: had no official docs on how to do an piracy
Juliamon: they kinda definitely leaked the new Zelda though
richard_ermen: I often wonder how legal shutting down emulators is.
GapFiller: neon sign there
malfnord: Ooh, nice mob shakedown energy there
Wicker_Guide: this is all extralegal, because nobody wants to pull the trigger on the timebomb that is emulators and copyright
TheMerricat: @richard_ermen In today's legal landscape. Especially if the suit is brought in a country like Japan? 100% legal, sadly.
Snowwraith: I believe some of the team said "oh no, they turned up at his house with legal threats"
SocraticMethod: @Juliamon Ruyjinx?
Julian_Rogue: wish companies would use carrots more than sticks. a lot of emulator projects are for achival purposes and with a great care to the product.
Snowwraith: It was not much of a deal.
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Emulation in general is a murky gray area
richard_ermen: Considering how bad companies are at preservation, it feels weird.
richard_ermen: @TheMerricat That's kind of sad =(
niccus: well... this past year we've seen how quickly something can die and become unavailable
SocraticMethod: @LilyOfTheVeil6666 No. Emulation is legal. The problem is DMCA interpretation about copyright breaking
LurkerSpine: I'm full on fuck Nintendo at this point, maybe if they weren't so malicious I'd care more
SocraticMethod: On the other hand, the best time to develop emulator when the device is commonly available because it's easier to access to inspect and test it.
TheMerricat: @SocraticMethod Emulation in _general_ is legal as an an undefined entity, _IN_ the US. But there are things like patents and countries other than the US that have different laws.
Ned_Flandalorian: nintendo does a fine job of preserving their old games. The problem is they expect people to buy them each generation.
KeytarCat: @SocraticMethod Breaking encryption is very illegal in the USA, so if you do a legal thing that requires breaking encryption, it's still fruit of an illegal act. it's bullshit, and how printers have a monopoly on ink
Lysander_salamander: That quixotic lawsuit from the Internet Archive has messed things up for archiving
richard_ermen: I'm just happy once the PS4 emulator is finished and I can play my legally bought version of Bloodborne on pc.
RatherLargeToad: There preservation argument would hold more weight if they weren’t also making games available that haven’t been released yet
Firewhiskers: @ned_flandalorian No, they only preserve a fraction of their actual libraries.
MWGNZ: emulators let us play Mother 3 in english
CaptainSpam: He's so disrespectful! That scamp!
bytecaster: Why?
richard_ermen: Good ol' Doctor Disrespect....crawled back, should have stayed in his hole.
GapFiller: for a given definition of triumphant
SquareDotCube: The thing that accelerates Switch emulation is the NVIDIA chip they're using, which is common enough and has an available codebase
richard_ermen: Didn't he literally admit to the allegations against him in his "apology"?
Lysander_salamander: that blockchain game company
GapFiller: richard_ermen ish
TheMerricat: @richard_ermen Then he retracted it and said "uh huh! I didn't!"
SocraticMethod: @KeytarCat The problem is not even breaking encryption, it's presence of any technical measures to prevent copying. Even having non-broken decryption module might be illegal (not tested in court yet)
Lysander_salamander: oh he talks in third-person?
SquareDotCube: two times disowned?
CaptainSpam: Tommy Two-Times. Two-Times. He'll get the papers, get the papers.
MWGNZ: torpedeod his career twice?
Lysander_salamander: I'm so glad I've never watched a video of this guy
Wicker_Guide: stop halping
malfnord: "We're a crypto company bu we have standards, y'all."
bytecaster: Yes!
SquareDotCube: "You can just say 'I miss my wife, I miss her a lot'"
bytecaster: I don't play it at all
richard_ermen: Fort-Face
Lysander_salamander: yay
richard_ermen: Face-Nite
accountmadeforants: My mom regularly calls me, disappointed that I'm not helping her out with DDoSing the Fortnite servers and reducing everyone's time playing Fortnite.
bytecaster: One parent gets elected from all parenthood to decree the time the children are allowed to fort the night
Julian_Rogue: reports? Oh sorry son no dinner tonight your KDA is too low
Cptasparagus: children everywhere start referencing 1984 more
Lysander_salamander: does it give the kid's location?
richard_ermen: Isn't this just a time limiter which the chinese version had for years at this point due to their tendency to play until dead in an internet cafe?
Laserbeaks_Fury: "Johnny needs to work on his snap head shots."
MWGNZ: does it also support minimum play times? "sorry son you got 2 more hours of playtime to get in before bed"
ghyllnox: Your mom lets you have TWO Fortnite guns?
Robot_Bones: Tomato town died for our sins
TheMerricat: The reason Dr. Disrespect calls himself two time is sad. He claims he was the two time, back to back video game champion in some 90's era local championship tournament. It's the almost literal equivalent of that guy who can't let go of the one time made the winning touchdown in high school.
Coloneljesus: can they limit the skins you can use?
richard_ermen: @MWGNZ I think you're confusing that with the forced advertisement watching times
Julian_Rogue: yes but fortnite isn't on stem
ghyllnox: If your kid just dropped, however...
Coloneljesus: kids gonna keep the game going like those old halo servers
MWGNZ: time hits 0 and you become a frog
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is there a "Default" mode where everyone is displayed with default skins
Julian_Rogue: but mom chriton says i'm a default
ghyllnox: 6pm PST is 9pm EST
Decaped: Kraetyyn
Lysander_salamander: Craighton? Craytawn, Creytighn?
Julian_Rogue: just ban kids /j
Robot_Bones: in this game your parents choices matter
Wicker_Guide: @Lysander_salamander Kraton
KaleidoscopeMind: spelled Kreighdynn
Wolfstrike_NL: 25 houres per day, 8 days a week, 465 days per year
CaptainSpam: Twitch Plays Parental Responsibility?
ghyllnox: Twitch Plays Kids' Bedtimes
accountmadeforants: @TheMerricat Y'see, like the concept of Dr. Disrespect as a whole, I'd expect this to be some firmly-tongue-in-cheek thing. Unfortunately reality isn't that kind, and literal seconds of exposure taught me it is not *really* a joke.
richard_ermen: Are these the same adults who call a playstation "Nintendo"?
"make all parents agree"
SquareDotCube: just limit any and all IPs to 2 hours maximum Fortnite playing
TheMerricat: @accountmadeforants Hard Agree.
Going_Medium: Hear me out. This is how seats should work on a plane. Everyone votes, and when the majority want to recline, then they ALL recline.
richard_ermen: The worst part about games like Fortnite is that we'll have a big nostalgia wave in about 20 years for this sorta games and it'll be awful xD
Julian_Rogue: pauls no killed me
Laurence72: Isn't that 2am?
ghyllnox: I think Adult Swim in Fortnite is something different
Decaped: @accountmadeforants I thought the whole thing started as a joke, that he then used to get out serious criticism, so it stopped being one.
Julian_Rogue: You joke beej but there's a e-sport teem of all 60+ year olds
niccus: WoW should have canasta nights
Lysander_salamander: fortnight majong
Lysander_salamander: fortnight cribbage
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fornight bridge
SquareDotCube: and balatro is single player
richard_ermen: Fortnite Rummecub?
Lysander_salamander: aw nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fortnite gin rummy
accountmadeforants: @Decaped Even when people were convinced it was a joke (and I was willing to agree with them, having only heard about the guy through articles and seen him in screenshots), having seen even a few minutes of his actual streams back then... no, it really wasn't a joke, just an excuse.
Laurence72: Fortnite Croquet
TehAmelie: i want to design the age test to allow people into the game. what is skibidi toilet? (if you know the answer you're not allowed) what is VHS?
richard_ermen: When will we have the fliparound and get the Fortnite VHS boardgame??
Julian_Rogue: @TehAmelie a pop culture captcha
SquareDotCube: Aggro Crab's been through some shit, they know what's up with the industry
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fortnite cricket (just adds a different kind of incomprehensibility)
accountmadeforants: Hopefully carcinization works out for them
Coloneljesus: going under had angry crabs?
LordZarano: Oh bus it's Bandcamp Friday! I forgot!
richard_ermen: In the end, its all crabs all the way down.
Juliamon: Bandcamp Friday you say?
Juliamon: !bgc
Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
GapFiller: LordZarano dont worry yr not the only one
Coloneljesus: carzinisation of the game industry
Wolfstrike_NL: James won't let you do checkpoint for more then 2h?
richard_ermen: Are cookies also crabs?
GapFiller: some of us may (or may not) be spending the nxt hr loading up on bc Friday impulse purchases
100 Cookie money
mowdownjoe: I think it was still Aggro Crab Studios back when they made Going Under.
Ian's money paid for those cookies?
Coloneljesus: @richard_ermen hard shell, soft interior. yes.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Coloneljesus I want that to include taking down the corrupt rich, but it seems like it's more and more exploitation
Wolfstrike_NL: Chillpoint*
gualdhar: I hope we at least indirectly paid for the cookies
Julian_Rogue: hi from the future youtube viewer
richard_ermen: @Coloneljesus noice )D
ghyllnox: If we didn't buy the cookies, who did?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SquareDotCube If he earned that money on Monday I'm afraid of what he wrote in icing
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
Texan_Reverend: !store
I note that Heather does not refute the weird.
GapFiller: its the least we can do as yr loyal viewers Beej
As opposed to every other day
Texan_Reverend: !ytmember
LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR:
saiarcot895: twitch secrets
Julian_Rogue: He didn't want it on permanent record >.>
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
niccus: if we donate more can you get worse cookies
100 for Beej and Paul to buy their own cookies
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're drafting Mystery Booster 2!! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 04:30 PM PDT (55m from now).
Thefluffiestguineapig: Beej I wore my MtG Beej version steps of turn shirt and realized how many levels of explanation NO ONE at work got
richard_ermen: Ohhh, Mystery Boster 21
RockPusher: Mysterious!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Misty Boosty!!
saiarcot895 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months, currently on a 42 month streak!
saiarcot895: too bad, here's money for cookies
Thanks for subscribing, saiarcot895! (Today's storm count: 18)
SquareDotCube: I hope someone drafts a Beej
Julian_Rogue: 2100 possible pulls
Lysander_salamander: how fun
KeytarCat: Analogue card cam
Julian_Rogue: sorry 3600
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SquareDotCube Is there a Beej commander? I know someone made a Graham Bear commander but if Beej has one I would be afraid
Texan_Reverend: !schedule
SquareDotCube: Serge has been having a great time with this
DeM0nFiRe: "Is this your card?" "Not yet I haven't bought it from you yet"
RockPusher: Wheeler heading down that rabbit hole
EvilBadman: you *can* crack packs in it
Juliamon: You know the YGO episodes he did where he just cracked packs? This is that.
RatherLargeToad: Is this your card? It’s $3
TheMerricat: Wasn't that what Wheeler did before he went LRR?
RockPusher: Serge has been hooked
DarthRagnar815: It can be your card for "Insert Price Here"!
richard_ermen: Is this a meta joke?
Coloneljesus: cracking product in the Card Mines
accountmadeforants: Wheeler, at the register "Is this your card? Did someone lose their card?"
Juliamon: The employees are realistically awful from what I've seen
GapFiller: mmm delicious flipped assets
accountmadeforants: I'm extremely hyped for this
TheMerricat: OH THIS ONEB!@
GapFiller: its finally out eh
richard_ermen: Heather is excite =)
Thefluffiestguineapig: That sounds like your and Ians exact nonsense
Thefluffiestguineapig: More sabac simulator
GapFiller: speaking of card games
Now that Wiggins is playing this too it's really interesting to compare WIggins and Ulmer's different takes on the game.
Coloneljesus: @Juliamon but can you smell the customers (this is a joke please don't kill me mtg players)
richard_ermen: He's basically gambling everything. It's...highly amusing xD
Juliamon: Coloneljesus you literally need to spray down the stinky ones
accountmadeforants: This is Ben's Krondor
GapFiller: eyyy dump stats
Juliamon: (Serge refuses to buy the auto-sprayer because he likes doing it)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon I wish we had been allowed to do this at the LGS I worked at, only slightly joking
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon [Deep sigh and pinches nose] that tracks
Coloneljesus: @Thefluffiestguineapig power wash simulator cross over incoming?
richard_ermen: I wish I were allowed this at the convention I recently organized =/
TehAmelie: a heatsink for bad rep, excellent idea util it turns out you need everyone to like you at some points
Bruceski: One of the cartels is Crimson Dawn, which used to be run by Darth Maul, so "suck up to the Sith" isn't far off.
Lysander_salamander: Oh, Dice Friends!
RuningOnBravado: DICE FRIENDS!!!!
GapFiller: Dice Friends Hype
richard_ermen: Ohhh, what this??
accountmadeforants: Dices and/or Friends are upon ye!
TheMerricat: @Bruceski DIdn't Han Solo's ex-girlfriend take it over?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Bruceski OH NO, cartel of the most hardcore Mandalorians with Darth Maul's teachings. Yeah that's not going well
Bruceski: @TheMerricat Yup. Qi'ra
TehAmelie: can a berserker also be a bride? that's one of the questions we'll have to find out
richard_ermen: Can you imagine Bridezilla-zerker Rage?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TehAmelie I wouldn't want to be the one who tries to tell them they can't
richard_ermen: The roids are a-ploding!
TheAinMAP: Like how "Road Quest" was YouTube premieres.
accountmadeforants: I wonder if YouTube Premieres still have the EXTREMELY LOUD countdown. Last time I watched one was Road Quest.
bytecaster: Does it say "World Premiere"?
Juliamon: accountmadeforants they sure do
accountmadeforants: @Juliamon Excellent
Juliamon: Youtube doesn't understand volume
Earthenone: i hated that sound
accountmadeforants: Oh, it's extremely bad, but also iconic
Juliamon: it's a *different* loud countdown now
accountmadeforants: Aw, never mind the iconic then
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Hence if you watch their free with ads stuff you cannot use headphones because you absolutely will go deaf
gualdhar: can there be naval combat like the Coloseum?
danielnuver: <message deleted>rate my music please
danielnuver: <message deleted>
bytecaster: Under water stream hype
Wicker_Guide: Horrified is a lot of fun
Cptasparagus: dale!
Thefluffiestguineapig: !dale
richard_ermen: Dale? Oh sweet!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dale is rad
GapFiller subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months, currently on a 53 month streak!
and this is your Uncle Dan saying good night Good Night Little Kids Goooood Niiiiiight! ...we're off? good! that oughta hold the little bastards!
Thanks for subscribing, GapFiller! (Today's storm count: 19)
also todays apparently my bday (yay for getting to the age where remembering the exact date is now as hard to keep track of as the exact amount of years having been on this planet) so in a suitable reversal of the usual heres an oversized emote as a gift
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Texan_Reverend: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TehAmelie: happy birf!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SquareDotCube I think he and Jacob would have to figure out some kind of way to fight that out
Thefluffiestguineapig: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we're drafting Mystery Booster 2!! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 04:30 PM PDT (46m from now).
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok! 46 minutes to get dinner
LoadingReadyRun: !cardview off
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