Aceviru: Time to load up on air fresheners.
accountmadeforants: The only thing I've seen from this game is the title and a screenshot of a 3D binder full of not-Pokémon. Very keen to find out what it's like.
TXC2: Hello everybody
accountmadeforants: Hello hello
TXC2: hello accountmadeforants and Aceviru
accountmadeforants: Also, I'd heard Remnant 2 was a soulslike shooter, and I didn't realize that extended to the way the lore is presented, as well. Within minutes I've been informed of some terrible tragedy that happened in the past and sent to wander a dead landscape, to find the Proper Noun.
accountmadeforants: (Though most of the active storytelling is more of a Destiny affair, where people just sorta talk at you and tell you to do things, assuming that you already know everything.)
Didero: Good evening!
MrVirite: Wish I knew what magic sauce I needed to make Twitch reliably start the stream without a refresh.
Didero: Is the stream supposed to be silent, or did I accidentally mute something?
MrVirite I suspect Twitch would also like to know that
MrVirite: xD
TheMerricat: @Didero Sample size of two, I have no audio as well.
TXC2: seems like no audio here
Didero: @TheMerricat That's double the sample size I had before, thanks
7_hearth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Thanks for subscribing, 7_hearth! (Today's storm count: 2)
accountmadeforants: Yup, no audio. But perhaps the game just doesn't have jaunty BGM to play
Stormgod519 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months, currently on a 17 month streak!
Stormgod519: Holy crap what good timing! Good Morning Wheeler and Chat!
Thanks for subscribing, Stormgod519! (Today's storm count: 3)
Didero: The Balatro streams were relevant too, since the phone version had apparently just released, no?
inetro: ^Yeh I was gonna say Balatro as well
Didero: And regardless, they were fun so 'relevant' doesnt' really matter
LoadingReadyRun: the Balatro hype was way down
a_tapes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months!
Thanks for subscribing, a_tapes! (Today's storm count: 4)
Stormgod519: oh right, i hve heard about this game
thedepthandbreadthofseth: ok, who's ready to crack some packs?
Stormgod519: Balatro was interesting but for me i had trouble following
TheMerricat: @MrVirite So... if I understand correctly, in order for Twitch to get your screen to refresh they actually have to send a 'push' notification to your browser. Which the page receives and 'refreshes' automatically from. The problem is... consider how many people are connected to twitch at any given moment... and how many of those folk need a 'push', and how many of those 'had a window open, but now it's closed'. I don't know that there is a simple way to fix the issue...
@LoadingReadyRun Imagine all the backseating you could've gotten ahd you just streamed it sooner
Stormgod519: is there music playing?
TheMerricat: @TheMerricat It may just be a matter of Twitch has gotten too big for it to ever work reliably, now.
accountmadeforants: @TheMerricat Thing is, the "Live" badge does immediately pop up for me. So whatever they use to trigger that should probably also trigger the stream refresh
Monogoliensis subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Monogoliensis! (Today's storm count: 5)
inetro: Push notifications are unreliable as heck when you factor in all browser compatibility, in all networks, of all speeds
accountmadeforants: Push notifications are just IRC in disguise, anyway
MrVirite: @TheMerricat As far as I'm aware everyone gets the title change pushed ;D Shouldn't make that much of a difference.
Stormgod519: ayyy
TXC2: Here we GO!
Stormgod519: les goooo
Stormgod519: mornin TX
inetro: @accountmadeforants Difference between hiding / showing a badge vs forcing a window refresh tho
TXC2: Hello Stormgod519
Didero: Such a fancy intro
MurphEP: Wait that's my card
Stormgod519: uh oh
Stormgod519: ah
hullo ben
Stormgod519: hi Wheeler
TXC2: wow Wheeler can swear while drinking
Didero: Hi Wheeler
Gekyouryuu: D*bleep*mn Fine Coffee
Snowcookies: hi WHeeler
Stormgod519: Didn't know drinking coffee needed to be censored
Stormgod519: Yes
Didero: Rarely prepared, always excited
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hey Wheeler, I can't wait to hear all your hot takes on tetramon!
PhillKaiba: hey wheeler
accountmadeforants: I'm extremely curious
Gekyouryuu: not bad. finally winding down from birthday stuff on friday. looking forward to this.
is this like when a doctor plays Surgeon Simulator or lawyer plays Phoenix Wright?
TXC2: Gekyouryuu beltated happy birthday
TXC2: !patreon
Gekyouryuu: @TXC2 ty. :3
benv0li0: @Gaz_L I think that would be if he brought in Nelson
TXC2: !store
TXC2: !ytmember
LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR:
Stormgod519: true
Stormgod519: glad i hit my 200 badge in subtember
superdude097: What if we try to hand you MORE that $20?
accountmadeforants: Trading Card Game Card Shop Simulator. Oddly, not actually a redundant acronym.
accountmadeforants: There was a bloop
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: it changes the literal money
thedepthandbreadthofseth: real dollars, or beaver maple mcpoutine dollars?
Snowcookies: omg
Stormgod519: wow
Stormgod519: it has different currencies?
MurphEP: Good setting
Stormgod519: that is sweet
Stormgod519: i know nothing about this
TXC2: !backseat
LRRbot: Please refrain from backseat gaming unless the streamer asks for help or !heychat is active. The streamer wants to play the game the way they want. Feel free to discuss tactics in chat or with the mods.
Desruprot: Canadian Prices its already better than most other games
Didero: v0.44.1? Is this in Early Access?
TXC2: tetra is 4 right?
Gekyouryuu: well, with a name like TCG Card Shop Simulator, it feels safe to assume this is an FPS Roguelike Puzzle Sports game
midnightcurryjazz: Tetramon is a real card game also
accountmadeforants: Starting off with an excellent financial decision
Didero: Wheeler Dealer
BlueMechanic: excellent
MrVirite: ohno
TXC2: so this is stardew vally, but card shop
Gekyouryuu: Egg-citing Games
Freezerassasin: Mellow Jacket
TXC2: yes we've ran polls
bondnamesthejames: Gamest?
inetro: Wheeler's Wheelin' Deals
CAT0NIAN: Obligatory Deez Nuts joke
benv0li0: Games Turner, Perfect, no notes
Desruprot: Lets get down to business, to defeat the Huns
Snowcookies: I like polls
EvilBadman: Is This Your Card? so ibvious
thatguysteve2709: Ttbb
h3rsh3yb4r: Games Turner, Inc.
Luna_TheOtter: Games Turner works on so many levels
Dwachak: Games: Turner
Gekyouryuu: Is This Your Card Shop?
bisaflau: Magic The Gathering is what Serge uses for his shop
Didero: Yu-Gi-Oh: The Gathering
Invitare: that name is not long enough for a Yu Gi Oh reference
MrVirite: I also vote for "Is this your card?"
Diabore: Is This Your Card?
MurphEP: I would shop at Games Turner
Stormgod519: Is This Your Card?
Snowcookies: yes
knightWarrior82: ^
CAT0NIAN: ooooo, that's good
MurphEP: Like
Stormgod519: @Didero A Hideo Kojima game
TXC2: Branding!
Greyah: @Didero And Blood.
Stormgod519: this is like sitting in the character creator for the first half of the game
computercolinx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Thanks for subscribing, computercolinx! (Today's storm count: 6)
Stormgod519: bigggggggg
TXC2: yes, a front, like all retail
Gekyouryuu: we're a front until we open a serialized legacy staple and make enough money to go legit
accountmadeforants: I like that the "Pay Bills" phone app is an ominous bright red
joelsmtg: geez a grand, in this economy?
Stormgod519: you bought 2
Diabore: its 32 per
Snowcookies: legally distinct pokemon
Diabore: so you bought 63
Stormgod519: wow
Diabore: 64*
Stormgod519: hmmm
inetro: Oh so this is just Supermarket Sim reskinned
inetro: Very neat actually
CAT0NIAN: Does anyone know if the Tetramon card game is actually playable?
Stormgod519: we got a stack of boosters
EvilBadman: Mint in slightly trampled box
Stormgod519: Q
MrPipboy3000: @CAT0NIAN Not yet ... its on the roadmap I believe
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: I do like the idea of the obvious front of a shop just having 2 open boxes in the middle of the floor
adept_nekomancer: Hey, you earned 10 XP for... I dunno... moving boxes?
accountmadeforants: Can you turn the box upside down so the packs fall out?
CAT0NIAN: @MrPipboy3000 Amazing! I can't wait
Stormgod519: Put the in the register lol
Stormgod519: right click to take item?
Stormgod519: hold right click
lock3dinabox: it's left mouse click while holding box to put on shelf
lock3dinabox: I think
Megaparsec256: there's some way to stock things out of a box because i've seen people do it
Megaparsec256: but i don't know how sorry
LordZarano: @CAT0NIAN It's one of the dev's previous games, it's a mobile game
Didero: The tooltip briefly showed two 'Take' options
TehAmelie: it is the game that is bad! okay i dunno i just got here
TheMerricat: The prompts say left click to pick up the box,right click the pick up the items. Are you right clicking?
Kalamaximus: I’m addicted to this game lol
MrVirite: Woooo
Didero: If you don't pick up the box, it said left click to pick up the box, or right clickto pick up an item.
CAT0NIAN: @LordZarano oOooo, interesting
MurphEP: First boss down
accountmadeforants: Intuitive
Didero: Oh, or that
Snowcookies: lol
Stormgod519: ooo
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: there is a garbage can outside
Stormgod519: that sound effect
duedz2: theres a trashcan outside
MrPipboy3000: Just throw the boxes in the middle of the steet, its fine
Stormgod519: I think they want you to buy more cards
TehAmelie: we have so much room for activities. i bet people would want to come in just to sit on the floor
Gaz_L: *notes* Prices higher than expenses = good
Yolysses subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Yolysses! (Today's storm count: 7)
Stormgod519: brb
MrVirite: 0/10 Sign does not say Sorry we're open
tehfewl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
tehfewl: Can I get uhh,
adept_nekomancer: Gotta build our own box fort
Thanks for subscribing, tehfewl! (Today's storm count: 8)
Alness49: These are ending up on Ebay, aren't they?
EvilBadman: You can use numpad for credit transactions
adept_nekomancer: Oh no, you've set a price that requires the use of pennies
Sogheim: right click the tray
TXC2: "ID or exact change required"
Gaz_L: nope, that toonie's gone forever
MrPipboy3000: right click on the bills in the draw you want to take back
Diabore: uh oh stinky
JeshuaWithAnE: THIS PISSED ME OFF SO MUCH, it took me like 20 minutes to figure out how to take money back
MrVirite: Why is that man green?
Gaz_L: realism!
TehAmelie: toxic gamer alert
accountmadeforants: These are Euro denominations I guess
ladyjessica: did you make the cash Canadian or is that the default.
Diabore: it auto applies
ghyllnox: @accountmadeforants Ever heard of CAD?
JeshuaWithAnE: 360 no scope sale
TXC2: click on heads time
accountmadeforants: @ghyllnox Oh, Wheeler was surprised they had 50 cent pieces, so I assumed CAD didn't normally have those
raulghoulia: it's your first day and you have so many customers
Sogheim: eventually you have people who get upset when they can't buy singles
Gaz_L: but think how much we could make on those chase mythics?!
TehAmelie: out of product already
MrPipboy3000: I round the price of the packs off so I don't have to deal with coins
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: it's just a bigger box
CosmicDuctTape subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months!
CosmicDuctTape: 49 months?! That's 7 times as many as 7!
Thanks for subscribing, CosmicDuctTape! (Today's storm count: 9)
TehAmelie: so weird to have customers hand over their cards
chimenea1: wat? they cost the same per pack
adept_nekomancer: Whoever is selling these licenses is running the real racket here.
Sibwow: hows the tcg shop simulating
the_brainfist: TCG players be superstitious yo
MurphEP: Imagine their restocking the shelves and you just walk in front of them like "hmmm"
MrVirite: So, as someone whos never gotten into TGC, are these regular buying habits?
Simriel: I thought this game would just evoke trauma
accountmadeforants: I wonder if people will eventually start stealing the delivered boxes
TehAmelie: jeez demand is through the roof
Sibwow: whoa hold on
Sibwow: you cant charge that amount of money
spicyFerret_: Im giving you your change entirely in toonies and you cannot stop me.
Sibwow: if i give you a 20 and you give me 5.12 back thats a problem
TXC2: Sibwow you can, Wheeler just misclicked
TheGoozler: no curbside package thieves?? not realistic
Blackcross187: selling for tooo little apparently
Stormgod519: oh, the game wants you to crack packs lol
Just quadruple the price, then nobody will buy 'em and you'll have some peace of mind
Stormgod519: Lol, capitalism is hard at work in this game
Gekyouryuu: do we need to close the shop for the day to do it?
raulghoulia: when do you price surge?
tehfewl: can't stop, making too much money
Stormgod519: maybe lol
Diabore: you close at 9, and time stops there so you can crack then
Stormgod519: @raulghoulia Serge would cost too much right now
adept_nekomancer: @Gekyouryuu "Shop closed, owner is opening all the packs"
QuixoticScrivener: love me some socialized trash cans
Didero: According to the tutorial, you can open the packs
TheGoozler: singles may be found in the trash
MurphEP: Dude had exact change for their 1 pack
Stormgod519: does this game let you steal from people...
Strebenherz: Good dafternoon LRR'ers.
BorgarWithAShotgun subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 18 month streak!
BorgarWithAShotgun: hm?
Thanks for subscribing, BorgarWithAShotgun! (Today's storm count: 10)
MrPipboy3000: you can also grab them out of the box
henny_di: Greetings from Germany! Have fun Mr Wheeler =D
taeasakura: maybe you are selling them too cheaply?
Lichenbeard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Lichenbeard! (Today's storm count: 11)
Strebenherz: TETRAMON
Stormgod519: Werboo!
MurphEP: "One second pls"
Laserbeaks_Fury: Imagine finding this shop with a single rack of CCG packs
raulghoulia: you're paying too much attention to your customer's needs
TXC2: hello henny_di welcome
Stormgod519: a common that is worth more than the booster..
TehAmelie: that's like 5 times the cost of the pack
MurphEP: Will we be doing a Tetramon set review?
CosmicDuctTape: oh dear, game time is still moving
Stormgod519: nearly triple the pack
Stormgod519: LOL
Stormgod519: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
superdude097: These not pokemon characters are pretty cute
CosmicDuctTape: that poor customer
Gaz_L: Crack A Pack on Sunday?!
groovemancery: when is there gonna be a North 100 doing a set review of this set?
Gekyouryuu: I thought Crack-A-Pack was on tuesdays on youtube?
taeasakura: game time still moving lol
Lichenbeard: How many?
this is some strange world were foils are worth more money
NeedlaPudge: You're right! I'm off to buy all the Metazoo I can find!
adept_nekomancer: @CosmicDuctTape That guy just stood around for an hour while the shopkeep opened a pack
miralalala: You can't be saying this to me, my employee discount already got me weak on the magic product.
Gaz_L: i appreciate these customers bringing their own bags
TehAmelie: everyone in this town has the same shopping bag
It's only worth it if the shopkeeper charges too little
accountmadeforants: I love that the customer just stood there for a full in-game hour while you were looking at the contents of one pack
MrPipboy3000: Its getting dark, you should turn the lights on
Snowcookies: I love Wheeler ignoring pennies like a true Canadian would
Stormgod519: @TXC2 way too true
accountmadeforants: Damn, why are we selling these packs instead of the cards in them? We're getting scammed
TehAmelie: Pigni sounds like a Fire Nation breed of pig
Gaz_L: can we make up a chaff bin for dime cards?
adept_nekomancer: "Stop buying my cards, I'm trying to open them!"
Stormgod519: i think you could up the price a bit lol
Laserbeaks_Fury: Does this game let you choose your currency
Stormgod519: @Laserbeaks_Fury yes
Stormgod519: it sure does
Invitare: I think your shop needs interior lights...
TXC2: people are thirsty for this TCG
Gekyouryuu: as someone who is, as I write this, working the counter of an LGS, set 1s are always quick to sell
Stormgod519: Jeez
TehAmelie: we'll ruin our eyes reading cards in the dark
MrPipboy3000: @Invitare There's a switch on the wall near the door to turn them on
Stormgod519: WOAH!
NeedlaPudge: oh shit
LordZarano: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
notarealartist: WOAH
MrPipboy3000: Nice pull!!
midnightcurryjazz: wth
joelsmtg: lets goo
EvilBadman: Lights? In a cardshop?
ZeroTepMusic: WTF
taeasakura: STREAMER LUCK
Strebenherz: Well then
MurphEP: We're rich!
Stormgod519: That's better than a lotus
joelsmtg: gambling always works
We're rich!
TXC2: Poggers1
TheMerricat: I feel like this game may be giving an inaccurate impression of the probability of running a game store based on entirely one game.... with one employee, and one shelf
TehAmelie: well we made bank today
Simriel: This reminds me of the time I got a Gideon and an Expedition Fetch in a single pack.
Invitare: but thou must
Stormgod519: wow
CosmicDuctTape: customer, in the dark, with sunglasses
adept_nekomancer: No wonder these people all want a bajillion packs, you open them and print money.
Strebenherz: That one guy that buys everything
It's also almost 9 pm, so running out seems fine
CptMurphey: some of these people need to just buy wholesale
accountmadeforants: At this point we just sell them the boxes.
TehAmelie: come to think, we don't really need to rent a store space for this operation. we could wander the street with packs hidden in our coat
TehAmelie: sure we'll expand soon but
Strebenherz: Did the boxes you ordered ARRIVE INSTANTLY?
itbedefii: @TehAmelie XD
CosmicDuctTape: that's some incredible shipping
Sogheim: you can stock the top shelf, too
h3rsh3yb4r: are these palword cards?
Stormgod519: Mr. Crabs voice?
Gaelan_Maestro: @TehAmelie "hey kid, ya wanna buy some Duskmourn?"
accountmadeforants: Ah, we've hit the Twilight Hour of 9 PM, where time stops
Sibwow: mister krabs over here
BorgarWithAShotgun: I card was worth like 5 boxes as well
BorgarWithAShotgun: 1*
CosmicDuctTape: @h3rsh3yb4r Tetramon, far superior
Stormgod519: the first bit
Stormgod519: LOL
Stormgod519: aight
Stormgod519: that was very very good
raulghoulia: that sounds more like the Kurgan from Highlander
CosmicDuctTape: Spongeboy, me Bob!
Didero: I haven't watched Spongebob in a decade but I assume that was spot on
Simriel: Aren't Kurgan and Mr Crabs the same guy xD
TehAmelie: a window table? fancy
accountmadeforants: Card Shop-accurate chairs
Invitare: people enjoying the merchanise
TXC2: Didero it was rather good yes
TXC2: Simriel yes
Didero: @TXC2 UR rather good. Gottem
Didero damn you
JeshuaWithAnE: Yah, not everyone who comes in will look as stylin’ aw Wheeler, gotta throw them in the back
Diabore: sounds like a lgs
Stormgod519: you did also open a $600 card
chanterelleton: #TCGFinance
Diabore: you need a table for it
Laserbeaks_Fury: You get a case
TheMerricat: Probably need to buy a new table for it.
TehAmelie: maybe they got mad waiting in line for 5 hours
itbedefii: singles case
Stormgod519: there is probably a singles thing for that
Strebenherz: time's still going while you're in your phone if you weren't aware
QuixoticScrivener: up
itbedefii: card table
Juliamon: It's the "Card Table"
adept_nekomancer: It's the thing called "Card Table"
Stormgod519: there's a cheap one at the top
TehAmelie: so rude, can't give a shop a little slack on its opening day
Didero: I assume you can slow the sale speed by just increasing the price of the booster packs?
Diabore: the 400 one
MedicCasts: Auto scent seems like a must
MrPipboy3000: You cannot sell single from the display tables
MurphEP: Pays for itself with the $500 card
MrPipboy3000: singles*
Strebenherz: The pov definitely does that
Juliamon: The display is double-sided
Stormgod519: lol why does it snap to the border where the game wont let you place it?
bisaflau: Have to target the display to move the counter
xVoxtric: I think you can move the checkout desk because FUnko had it in a diff spot last night
My__ subscribed with Prime.
Thanks for subscribing, My__! (Today's storm count: 12)
Juliamon: I think you have to move it after hours
djliftinlive: have you priced those packs correctly? lol
itbedefii: you can move it, just need to be focused on the till
Invitare: you need to invest in a Quantity function for your till
LordZarano: LGIO used the desk to get out of bounds on their stream
accountmadeforants: I love how dejected all the people buying like 50 packs look
TehAmelie: i wonder what you do if people don't hand you enough money. like i have certainly done a bath math shopping
inetro: Cards for an exclamation point on it
inetro: Got*
EvilBadman: The red ! Means you need to price it
itbedefii: dont forget to price them XD
Invitare: oh it's double sided
MrPipboy3000: You can fit multiple cards in your hand from the book
TehAmelie: hehe do we even have a sleeve on that 500 dollar card?
Didero: That's what the ! means, presumably
Antimakker: hey chat hey Ben!
MrPipboy3000: I usually go up 20% and then round it off
ghyllnox: You just put a 10% discount on the card
TXC2: hello Antimakker welcome
Invitare: can you do repacks? Beejlander?
djliftinlive: You just gotta round it off so you dont fuck with cents
Antimakker: What's the name of the shop? I hope it's Jellowyacket?
accountmadeforants: @Antimakker It's "Yes, this is your card"
TehAmelie: interesting idea, round prices would mean giving less chance
TehAmelie: change too
Didero: The boosters are selling really fast, yeah
ghyllnox: Oh okay, by "shmucks" I thought you meant you were intending to charge more
adept_nekomancer: Could always set them to a round number if you want to do less math.
TXC2: buy low, sell high
@accountmadeforants I see, good enough
itbedefii: bought the license
inetro: Bought a license to buy
Stormgod519: @TXC2 working as intended
Gaz_L: you just bought the ability to order 8 boxes
Strebenherz: I just realized, the drawer doesn't do pennies does it
midnightcurryjazz: Is that your best ed impression?
this is what happens when you get rid of the penny
accountmadeforants: Oh, display boxes, that'll save some time
inetro: Oh no, the prices
MrPipboy3000: gotta set the prices for the booster boxes
A_Dub888: Hi friends, how's the shop?
Gaz_L: can we hire a local card obsessed teen to work the counter for us?
MrPipboy3000: @Gaz_L yes ... at card shop 15 I think
xVoxtric: @Antimakker Jellowyacket is good
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
accountmadeforants: Can we change the prices after someone grabbed them? Just change the price of a pack to 100 dollars right after someone grabs 30
MrPipboy3000: Look at Go Recruit on your phone
Heefnoff: Nah doesn't work @accountmadeforants
Invitare: pay? Wage? Just get an intern
EvilBadman: Digitize Serge
@Heefnoff Fair
mogli354: can we have split screan with serge?
Gaz_L: pay them in singles
TehAmelie: pay them in chaff
djliftinlive: in the settings you can increase the speed of which you open packs
Stormgod519: some pretty ones
josh___something: "That's it, I'm opening product" LMAO
Sibwow: wheeler did you know you dont need to open all 5 packs at once
mogli354: how 'bout we make apple pie together on stream one day?
Stormgod519: achievo!
accountmadeforants: I gotta say, the cyborg eye that gives you the market price for cards as you open them has been hella worth it.
Sogheim: your rent isn't that high yet, but it's good you're aware of it
Pazy160: Opening packs is so good in this game that it makes the existence of the LGS feel like a scam to get wholesale pricing.
Stormgod519: how many packs are in the damn box?
Antimakker: I'd be opening them slow as well, no need to rush
Strebenherz: that pack noise is good
xVoxtric: how polite he had exact change ready
zero3juan: "I'm opening all this crap so you don't have to"
CaptainSpam: You're opening packs right in front of waiting customers' faces. You need to stare them dead in the eyes as you do so.
TehAmelie: man i want buying furniture to be this easy
TehAmelie: and fast
Gaz_L: maybe they're the SOs watching their partners play
TXC2: and this cheep
TXC2: or cheeper even
superdude097: It'd be cool if you could set up a 50 cent box or something like that so you could just dump all the junk into it
xVoxtric: you can pull like 8 out a time?
djliftinlive: you can pull out 8 or so at a time
cobthegreat: I had to for the store owner of an lgs finish a storm off turn in order to get the bathroom key once
MrPipboy3000: You can pull like 5 out of the book at once
A_Dub888: Who's delivering our packages?? They keep dropping them in the middle of the sidewalk!
thaigeprime: sup wheeler/chat how goes the capitalism
FurthestChunk: How much do you have to pay to upgrade to the leaky roof
TXC2: hello thaigeprime welcome
thaigeprime: also what did he name the store
Fanklok: Ben would pull a 500 dollar card less than an hour in
MrPipboy3000: @thaigeprime Yes, This is Your Card
TXC2: thaigeprime "Yes, this is your card"
accountmadeforants: I do wonder if we'll be able to play the card game ourselves
Didero: Breaking the law is illegal
thaigeprime: excellent name
h3rsh3yb4r: you can do fraud yeah
josh___something: I don't think aggressively insulting your customers is a good sales tactic
CaptainSpam: That guy is INTENSE.
Pazy160: For Science, lets try to commit fraud.
Simriel: Can you play him?
TristalMTG: waiting to rob the store
A_Dub888: Lock him in the store
Gaz_L: just processing how badly he got stomped
SupaTortoiseBoy: He's sitting with all his friends
TehAmelie: a little fraud, for funsies
adept_nekomancer: He lives here now.
MrPipboy3000: If you move the table he'll leave
Fanklok: @josh___something tell that to everyone that plays these games
CaptainSpam: If you press enter to start the next day, will he still be there?
Diabore: if you q on the table he'll leave
w1gum: just start putting the chairs upside down on the table, maybe they will get the hint
Invitare: you're still open
TristalMTG: turn the lights off
ghyllnox: There is a known issue where customers will get stuck between the table and the wall, he'll leave when you close
Juliamon: I think flipping the sign to say you're closed will prompt him
CosmicDuctTape: would turning the sign to closed kick him out (legit do not know)
mogli354: my fevorite thing about my LGS is when the owner starts yelling at me and jumping on tables
josh___something: @Fanklok Look, just because people are idiots doesn't mean they're not making bad business decisions
thaigeprime: stonks
Didero: Considering that play table costs a few hundred, you didn't do badly at all
raulghoulia: that guy should just be sitting there again when you open
Strebenherz: "any singles in here?" don't call me out like that XD
Didero: is that trashcan single
accountmadeforants: Simply go into debt for your card shop
TehAmelie: the place for both singles and waifus
I'm glad you have twitch chat as your mascot outside
Didero it's in a polycule with a family of racoons
Didero: @TXC2 Sounds romantic
BlueMechanic: whale played
Diabore: and exact change? [pog
Gotta round them prices more if you had giving change
Diabore: theyre bundles
Thecrdbrdsamurai: 8
ipoddodd: 8 I think
TehAmelie: things you don't want the cashier to yell in front of you
TXC2: are they fat packs?
personally the shop owner desperately begging me to buy something always makes me want to purchase
Juliamon: 7 actually iirc
Thecrdbrdsamurai: you can only pick up 8 packs at a time, and if you open it up, it maxes out your carry
Gekyouryuu: this is "legally distinct pokemon" so they're Elite Trainer Boxes
h3rsh3yb4r: 22 dollar fat packs? that's sick
Juliamon: could be 8 though
Diabore: definitely 8, ive opened many packs
bisaflau: 8 pack with 7 cards each
Juliamon: I might be mixing up the card number yeah
DrChillbrain: i've done that
ZeroTepMusic: That's so real
sounds like a Magic player
JeshuaWithAnE: That is how addictions work
Mr_Horrible: a real tcg player
ghyllnox: He *needed* it
josh___something: So... time to buy more booster boxes?
Didero: Maybe the order screen says how many booster packs are in one?
accountmadeforants: Yeah, 2 dollars less than buying 8 packs separately, that seems reasonable
Fanklok: "Damn this shit costs too much, I'll take 12"
FurthestChunk: this is unrealistic, where's the snacks that were clearly bought from a multipack you're not supposed to split up and sell
Sibwow: these cakes are hot
A_Dub888: Where are the customers getting these paper bags? I don't see us giving them out.
Didero: I assume the '(8)' in the product name means the number of boostre packs
FurthestChunk: @A_Dub888 Yes, This Is Your Bag down the street
CosmicDuctTape: @A_Dub888 all the customers are environmentally conscious and bring their own bags
morpheus7078: byob(ag)
superdude097: Gotta say, the distributor is really on top of getting your orders out to you
trebuchetboy: what if we accidentally started cracking packs
MrVirite: @Didero 8 mean 8 boxes
TehAmelie: must be Card Kingdom hoho
xVoxtric: Litter in front of your business?
Didero: @MrVirite Oh, that makes more sense, thanks
Stormgod519: woah
morpheus7078: woah
notarealartist: holy
Strebenherz: rip your shelf
Stormgod519: we got a gambler over here
midnightcurryjazz: good lord
inetro: oh my go
midnightcurryjazz: willy over here
Didero: At what point do you legally have to go "are you sure?"
Strebenherz: does the game penalize you for littering? <.<
MrPipboy3000: $150 AND Exact change? My hero!
A_Dub888: Here comes the money! (Here we go)
ZeroTepMusic: Running an LGS seems so easy
Antimakker: "honney i just bought a few packs nothing major, the kid can still go to university"
accountmadeforants: @superdude097 Yeah, but the delivery person always dumps the boxes on the street without waiting around for us to pick them up
Strebenherz: @Didero When the customer asks for dragon's maze packs
satyropodobny subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
Thanks for subscribing, satyropodobny! (Today's storm count: 13)
Simriel: Yo you can sell accessories like sleeves and shit too
adept_nekomancer: Delivery driver having to make multiple daily runs to the LGS
FurthestChunk: how long until we install a roulette table
midnightcurryjazz: at least everyone here brings their own bag. Very reusable
I don't think anyone actually cares if there's trash all over the floor
Didero: "Change comes from within"
Invitare: 25p seems so much more awkward than 20p
TehAmelie: do we need to bribe the mailman to make the drops inside the store
Invitare: well... cents
reindeering: is this yellowjacket pov
CaptainSpam: Gotta keep the GOOD stuff behind the counter.
TXC2: "hows the meth cooking?"
xVoxtric: @reindeering JellowYacket
FurthestChunk: did he buy eight boosters instead of buying the bundle of eight
FurthestChunk: what a fool
MrVirite: Now, does 8 packs cost more or less than one box?
Is it just me or do some of the characters look suspiciously like LRR people?
xVoxtric: @FurthestChunk whlr is hoarding them
superdude097: Do you have limited coins/bills? Or can you just spam nickles until you have the right change? Might take a while though
despoticus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, despoticus! (Today's storm count: 14)
MrPipboy3000: @MrVirite Marketing
trebuchetboy: @Dezponia boxes more costly than packs
Have you slowed down the pack opening speed yet ?
Snowcookies: cmon foils
FurthestChunk: honestly graham should sue us for gimmick infringement
Stormgod519: so when do we try and get judge status?
Snowcookies: @Quentoxic sadly the default is minimum
xVoxtric: These pack EVs seem pretty good though ngl
Stormgod519: and start running events
MrVirite: @MrPipboy3000 I mean more: what prices had been set xD
Quentoxic: Bummer
Stormgod519: damn
Quentoxic: We need realistic pack opening physics where I drop the pack on the ground 4 times and open it backwards.
Gekyouryuu: that wasn't very cash money of you
Stormgod519: cancel culture really taking hold
joelsmtg: classic woke
satyropodobny: egads, a woman?!
RevolverRossalot: Greetings, you Wurmgles, and welcome to the Crack-a-pack on Is This Your Card
adept_nekomancer: $22.00 for a box, $21.60 for 8 packs. Math checks out.
TXC2: "Cashlash" is a corporate conspiracy
MrVirite: @Quentoxic accidenntly bend a card
CaptainSpam: It's clearly because of senator Edward Woke, who wrote the law.
accountmadeforants: Surely a card shop can say "card only", right? This is Biden's fault.
DrChillbrain: jingling keys dot wav
Quentoxic: Random pringles in the pack
FurthestChunk: 91 cents pack value huh
jwholla: mood lighting in the lgs
Didero: Seems like the boxes sell far faster than the boosterpacks though
h3rsh3yb4r: that's just clauncher
@Didero It might have something to do with the fact that we've deeply discounted the boxes compared to the packs.
theamc2000: I am tired from a crew machine
Stormgod519: lol
FurthestChunk: or a robbery
DrChillbrain: gunshots from off screen
Aceviru: It's our card delivery
ghyllnox: At the front door at 11am on a Sunday
CaptainSpam: The front door? Who has a front door these days? Wait, no, it's a trap!
ZeroTepMusic: They're coming for the $500 foil
Fanklok: Ben if you die can I have your stuff
Stormgod519: Wheeler just gets a card kingdom order...
A_Dub888: It could be a Heather/Matt Hoax
xVoxtric: The post? on a sunday??
TehAmelie: Heather or Hoax, the new guessing game coming this fall
adept_nekomancer: You're not dead, that's a good sign!
Strebenherz: how many batteries is that for?
MurphEP: pog
Stormgod519: ooo
Stormgod519: nice
Stormgod519: love to see it
Hogwarts1911 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Hogwarts1911! (Today's storm count: 15)
FurthestChunk: huh what i'm in- oh junk
satyropodobny: perhaps I should camp Wheelers trascan like an old timey prospector, there be cards these mines
FurthestChunk: nevermind
xVoxtric we killed God and now we get post on Sundays, all "thanks" to Capitalism
Stormgod519: this is literally giving the same stimulus as when I crack packs in real life lol
MrPipboy3000: eventually you can unlock a workbench and sell bulk junk cards
Didero: I assume you can't actually play the game these cards are for?
Juliamon: Didero Not yet but it's on the roadmap
TehAmelie: there's like 1700 cards for this game but we only seem to see like 20 of them
Stormgod519: WOAH
Stormgod519: POG
Strebenherz: DAMN
TimeToFry: Hot damn
xVoxtric: It go with the other $500 card we can't sell!
Stormgod519: big winner over here
josh___something: AND exact change? dang
MrPipboy3000: @TehAmelie different sets have different characters ... we only have the basic set right now
theamc2000: how is you trash bin outside?
TehAmelie: aha
Juliamon: By the way, you can pull more than one card out of your binder at a time
ZeroTepMusic: The indoor trash bin outside is inexplicable
Didero: Can you also just type in the price?
Didero: @Juliamon Oh sweet, thanks
satyropodobny: can we actually influence market price
Sibwow: no
TXC2: treat your self
Aceviru: Ye
xVoxtric: That's why I own half my cards
littleunknownn: Yep
Sibwow: i havent
theamc2000: I have an akroma
MrPipboy3000: yes, you can type in the price
Fanklok: It is Sunday, you deserve a treat
h3rsh3yb4r: no i dont like foils because it's humid where i live and they pringle
Sibwow: i dont do constructed
MrVirite: that price box has got to be in input field
I haven't played paper magic in 10 years
BlueMechanic: I've bought foils or fancy art versions in the past when cheaper versions weren't available and have then been pleasantly surprised when they arrived and look great
Didero: Since you can type in the price in the little payment thing, I would hope you can also type numbers for the price entry
play arena every day though
Gekyouryuu: I rarely need to, as I have decent lucky with packs, as my multi-thousand dollar elesh norn can attest
Statist42: is the feeling better when you buy it in person? i only order cards online
EvilBadman: You have infinite time before and after close
Lichenbeard: costumers not leaving at closing time. just like a real lgs
Juliamon: You gotta flip your sign
Stormgod519: Woah!
Stormgod519: W!!!
TXC2: Profit babay!
CaptainSpam: PORFIT
Snowcookies: profit!
MurphEP: The dream is real
accountmadeforants: There goes my suspension of disbelief
BlueMechanic: a 13 hour shift is pretty wild
Didero: Videogames set unrealistic standards
how does this tetramon game work?
Invitare: now you have to make MORE money than you did before. Welcome to capitalism
Stormgod519: Achievo!!!
what about rent
Jillexie: Ya gotta make money to spend money.
Didero: Card sleeves too, always useful
Stormgod519: oh no!
BlueMechanic: we need a guy with a suitcase
Juliamon: "we haven't had an issue with that" immediately happens
SupaTortoiseBoy: You need a bulk commons box or something
Strebenherz: oh god they were actually stink lining and all
Fanklok: Super Market Simulator doesn't have stinky people
Stormgod519: can you sell the singles online?
Juliamon: I wonder if customers aren't buying because they're sus bc it's so cheap
TehAmelie: what do we do with the febreeze spray? just hose down customers? or leave it at the table with a friendly wink?
theamc2000: where is you two dollar rare binder?
Scarbble: @TehAmelie spray customers, yeah. and sell it
SupaTortoiseBoy: That singles thing can take 10 cards
lightfut: Gotta crack more packs!
satyropodobny: gotta ban green hoodies
falke7688: what's behind that door?
morpheus7078: big money!
Aceviru: LETS GOO
Strebenherz: nice!
MurphEP: We did it!
Scarbble: wooo!
TXC2: Lets go!
TehAmelie: we've only had 65 customers?
Stormgod519: ayyyy
FurthestChunk: we can pay rent!
josh___something: LET'S GO
TXC2: made Rent baby!
satyropodobny: tonight we eating bread with butter!
Simriel: When you gonna stock sleeves?
Juliamon: pff who pays rent
Stormgod519: lol
Didero: Secret liars/
Stormgod519: Secret Layers
BlueMechanic: it will never take off
accountmadeforants: I hope we can buy a Carhammer license and be forced to remodel by James Workshop.
Aceviru: selling like hot cakes
thedepthandbreadthofseth: "the secret lair" also an ok name for a card shop.
Juliamon: I think generally you want to stock new stuff before or after hours
Gaz_L: no price, haha that means free, right? - customers, probably
Juliamon: to avoid customers scamming you
EvilBadman: @juliamon or stock one to get the price tag to set
TehAmelie: my local grocer has found a novel solution for when there's no price tag on something: they don't let you buy it
h3rsh3yb4r: you can say that again, you're selling below market
Fanklok: I've played runescape. I'm unscammable
TXC2: just a little taste
Stormgod519: pog
SnackPak_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SnackPak_! (Today's storm count: 16)
TehAmelie: i like that we're taking advantage of the public trash can to get rid of all our junk for free
andysoo89: You’re on a roll, you gotta open one more pack
Symphoneers: Uh oh, stinky.
Stormgod519: "Cheap rare pack, what a bargain" he said
accountmadeforants: Stinkin' rich
FurthestChunk: does the stinky guy's wallet outweigh having other customers
Gekyouryuu: that day being the final stream
Marvoleath: he saved on deodorant to get packs
morpheus7078: KEKW
inetro: Its an epidemic of stank
Fanklok: Stinky people must employ the Foul Old Ron strategy
Stormgod519: LOL
GDwarble: Just committing some light assault
GhostValv: rekt
accountmadeforants: This is incredible
adept_nekomancer: Just hose 'em down
Kentosaurus: so realistic
Jillexie: what
Invitare: that is incredibly passive aggressive
DrChillbrain: every lgs should do this
midnightcurryjazz: Wish you could do that irl
BigDaddyBland87: Ok this game is amazing
Chat, don't try that in real life.
Aceviru: This is therapy
Lichenbeard: just like the real lgs!
FurthestChunk: god you fucking wish you could do that
TXC2: technically battery there
richard_ermen: Honestly, if someone came up to me in a store and just sprayed me, I'd react like a cat
Alness49: Doing a public service here
Stormgod519: see LGS owners, it's that simple. Just spray them with the deoderant yourself
Snowcookies: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
benv0li0: ngl have had to do this at cons
satyropodobny: just like the simulations
Didero: verisimilitude
FoxBehindTheTree: sell it after xD
EvilBadman: Were it so easy
Juliamon: Gotta put it back in the box
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: gotta flip the box back up
TheMerricat: R
The_Color_Twelve: they agreed to be sprayed when they entered the building. It was in the hidden tos
Diabore: right click on the box you got it from
Simriel: Imagine how much better LGS would be if you could just fabreeze a mofo
LordZarano: Do you think MTG branded deodorant would sell?
Dezponia: This is how I imagine all TCG shops are. The clerk screaming WHALE when a customer buys a lot, then hosing them down with deodorant
Strebenherz: @Simriel this
Juliamon: Fun fact: you can sell them AFTER you use them
CaptainSpam: Man, you should be able to keep a can behind the counter, like where you store the credit-card-o-matic.
TehAmelie: i wonder if you could put up a sign, "stinky customers get The Spray"
Nugaagris: You can sell the cans
FurthestChunk: for a second i though stinky guy came to buy more after you sprayed him
TehAmelie: or would it still be assault
Stormgod519: Is that the dude from breaking bad?
adept_nekomancer: Need a shelf right by the checkout to store the hose 'em down spray
Diabore: i got 2 auto scents to flank the door, best purchase i made
Didero: What exactly are they paying for when they sit at the play table? And why is the amount different every time?
Strebenherz: @Juliamon wait, so you can febreeze someone then sell them the half empty can? XD
Gaz_L: i think that's why you priced them down?
midnightcurryjazz: Fossil is out, no one wants basic
Juliamon: Strebenherz Yup
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: you should have sprayed them down, and then, while making direct eye contact, added that can to their order at checkout
Jethrain: @Strebenherz and they'll pay full price for it, yep
Strebenherz: Amazing
This is why you keep boxes.
FurthestChunk: i think there might be a reason that they might not be selling, and that's because the pack's not worth shit
richard_ermen: I like the realism of customers trying to buy stuff when you're obviously trying to sort product xD
Didero: The most unrealistic thing about this game is how easily the booster packs open
reindeering: anyone figure out of the fake cards are actually playable?
CosmicDuctTape: but I mean, undermarket only means so much when it's still ~$400
itsr67: they will be playable
chorinas: so... are you actually having fun? or is it bringing back bad memories more then funny ones?
itsr67: that's on the roadmap
AleisAlpto: you can set the speed for opening packs from the settings, if you want it faster
TehAmelie: we have cyborg eyes, probably some kind of sharp claw hands too
reindeering: cool cool
TXC2: AleisAlpto we've done that already
Rourke9: maybe they’re worried it’ll go the way of Nadu
chorinas: (asking because I'm kinda interested? and I'll probably wishlist it
MrPipboy3000: You can't sell from the personal shelf
AleisAlpto: @TXC2 oh a'ight
MrPipboy3000: Its only for storage
richard_ermen: The subtle hint of "we have deodorant in this shelf" xD
hd_dabnado: mfw no fronting
inetro: Bought a storage shelf not a purchasing shelf
CaptainSpam: Face the aisles, front the stock.
EvilBadman: You can close the store with the sign and do infinite stuff before ending day
Didero: Closing the binder sounds like somebody loudly sniffing their nose...
xVoxtric: @chorinas for me it's a balance between fun and relaxing. the extra dramatics are for when I have the energy.
adept_nekomancer: @EvilBadman We're in a void where time has no meaning!
Fanklok: Is it too high or too low?
Didero: Maybe mouse acceleration is enabled in Windows? Then the sensitivity varies based on your movespeed, which always throws me off
GhostValv: just one
Just use a Magic playmat as a mousepad
AleisAlpto: one advice: set your cards on market value +10% for some extra profit. you will also do not have to meddle with small change. (and yes they will still buy them)
TheMerricat: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
LordZarano: Such as the playmats you can buy at
LordZarano: !store
Didero: !backseat
LRRbot: Please refrain from backseat gaming unless the streamer asks for help or !heychat is active. The streamer wants to play the game the way they want. Feel free to discuss tactics in chat or with the mods.
TehAmelie: you have infinite time to open and close the shop every day, but you can never leave. you live at work. would you take this deal?
accountmadeforants: I think that's what the striped boundary is for
richard_ermen: In the real world, having people being seen playing and having fun with games is a killer because people want what others have but I wonder if the game simulates that at all
TehAmelie no
AleisAlpto: my opinion though. anyway i have to run to my channel now
BigDaddyBland87: @TehAmelie not just no...HELL No
TehAmelie: i haven't worked retail but i figure many people who have would
TheMerricat: @TehAmelie Do I get to order in? And do I need to use the Febreze myself as a result of never leaving?
Stormgod519: @TehAmelie lord no
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Aceviru: Grab a deo stick. Hydrate. Etc
TXC2: hello sarahsaphire welcome
I mean if I own the store, and it's truly infinite time, I just set up an apartment in the backroom, only open the store when I need to stock back up on cash.
Who needs the outside. The sun is out there, and other people.
TehAmelie: that's where my mind went
CraziestOwl: but you still have to serve customers
TehAmelie: infinite time to write. and i can probably sell my manuscripts directly at the store
TehAmelie: and, you can apparently go just outside the door to get deliveries and sunlight
TXC2: I kinda want Wheeler to see how far outside the store we can go
LordZarano: I already take vitamin D for my never going outside-ness
Bowfroly: @TXC2 not very far only the block
TehAmelie: who's got time to flaneurize when you gotta pay rent right
TXC2: and we're back
MrVirite: new day who dis?
TXC2: Bowfroly oh, ok
MurphEP: It's an investment
Marvoleath: "profit"
Fanklok: We?
the_brainfist: I haven't lost money until I close the shop for good.
inetro: Wonder if theres a way to advertise
Bowfroly: @TXC2 i was kinda sad cuz suppermarrket you can run around a lot this game not so much
Diabore: i have not found snacks
Juliamon: Might be on the roadmap
dzee_szed: No crate of loose d20s either
dmsink: Mine stopped selling snacks after covid happened.
Fanklok: That's the neat part, it doesn't
the_brainfist: Everyone knows that cards are a loss leader for snacks
Didero: $300 for a shop expansion doesn't sound expensive at all
TXC2: no snacks, no comics, no random tatbletop games
Stormgod519: hang on
MurphEP: @Fanklok This is exactly what I was thinking
Bowfroly: theres no theft
adept_nekomancer: Haven't even touched the "pay bills" app, this is fine.
Stormgod519: yeah, did anyone else see that?
Stormgod519: there isnt theft
Stormgod519: ?
thegitrogsquirrel: I just got here are you winning?
What do you mean no snacks? The air fresheners are right there!
MrPipboy3000: @TXC2 They have table top games
TXC2: MrPipboy3000 I guess we're not high enough level yet
Reduce_Sanity: Just got back did wheeler see his 500 dollar card?
Reduce_Sanity: sell* rather
LibraryWitchKei: @Stormgod519 I don't think any other business simulator game has theft either.
TXC2: Reduce_Sanity one of them yes
inetro: @Reduce_Sanity He sold a different 460 card
Stormgod519: @LibraryWitchKei in my defense the closest thing to one of these that ive played is Tiny Death Star
TheMerricat: They can't tell. So not really.
Didero: I've never seen anybody with a green stink cloud though
Reduce_Sanity: Why is Wheelers pack luck insane? I have never had a card over 200 in this
TXC2: some people have broken showers Wheeler...
TehAmelie: maybe it's part of our special powers that we can see stink
richard_ermen: As a convention organizer I can say: Somehow, people don't notice how much they smell. And get really offended, when you try to be clear about "You smell, get out mate"
(me, it's me with the broken shower )
Scarbble: serge's pack luck has been kinda wild
SpleenLord: Some people are horribly depressed and they barely manage to get out the door
just cuz your showers broken dont mean you cant use a sink and put some NO stink on before leaving
Juliamon: They don't care
Jethrain: they can't buy them from that cabinet
@richard_ermen My biggest personal fear, to the point where I keep a tin of mints on me all the time, is that I have acquired bad breath somehow and can't tell.
MurphEP: This is my personal deodorant
richard_ermen: I know the feeling. For me its a rather oily nose that glistens in bad light -_-
adept_nekomancer: But they can see it, as a warning.
Jethrain: but yeah on a regular shelf they wouldn't care how much is left
richard_ermen: How come the card packs are so cheap?
TXC2: our private reserve of deodorizer
Stormgod519: lol
ghyllnox: Would you want to buy your deodorant at the card shop?
grave2057: are all the customers men? lmao
DrChillbrain: gives you a workout
nan_de_mo_nai: i would spend more if my LGS owner was constantly jumping back and forth
Lichenbeard: you're providing a service to the community by spraying people for free
Didero: @TheMerricat At middle school a classmate once (politely) told me my breath smelled, and now I'm always slightly worried about it
Jensling: wait, does this game have bhop?
Stormgod519: imagine walking by an LGS and seeing the cashier bouncing back and forth
Juliamon: grave2057 there are fem customers too
Jet_Almighty: Jump strafing? that's for FPS gamers, not card gamers
Stormgod519: yeah, what's the speedrun strat? is there a skip?
The jumping is making me dizzy, if that affects your decision
NotCainNorAbel: I'm guessing it is some sort of LGS matig dance
sweetmalasada: I think it makes the wear on the floors greater and ups your maintenance fees
ghyllnox: @grave2057 Not all of the customers have masc models but the majority do
h3rsh3yb4r: it's like sign spinning but indoors
Gaelan_Maestro: you should open a pack XD
TehAmelie: bunny hopping accelerates your income!
Alness49: You never walked into a LGS and seen the clerk try to wall-skip before?
Stormgod519: @Alness49 oddly enough, i have
nan_de_mo_nai: what do you do when you're at your LGS for FNM and the clerk is trying to BLJ
richard_ermen: Honestly, if I saw a clerk do a 360 jump screaming "Wanna buy cards?!", I'd have to as I felt compelled just out of fear xD
sarahsaphire: What happens if you overcharge theircard?
reindeering: what happens if you overcharge?
The jumping probably did make them want to leave faster
Stormgod519: Dancing on the table
The_Real_Chicky subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Thanks for subscribing, The_Real_Chicky! (Today's storm count: 17)
ghyllnox: @sarahsaphire Can't
midnightcurryjazz: adam
NeedlaPudge: Coyote Ugly but it's a card shop
thedepthandbreadthofseth: james?
sarahsaphire: Dang
Stormgod519: oh dang
TXC2: FLGS: now with table dancing
sweetmalasada: me asking ulmer his gender
Stormgod519: POG
MurphEP: Yoooo
josh___something: Let's gooooo
Stormgod519: it be 520 today yo
TheMerricat: Chat, for those who know.. and don't tell me if it's spoilers. But do the packs 'age out' like they do in MtG where the company stops selling this set and starts a new one?
richard_ermen: GREAT SCOTT
Jethrain: I don't normally get motion sickness from games, but for this i'll make an exception
inetro: Theyre FLOCKING to the shelves
thedepthandbreadthofseth: that's just me...
Stormgod519: 520 blaze i- oh that's the wrong number
Need to open some more $500 cards
ghyllnox: @Jethrain I don't get motion sickness watching other streamers play this game, so maybe give it a shot if you see it again
RitualGlitchZ: What happens if you overcharge their credit cards?
Jethrain: @ghyllnox same, it's just that bit was messing me up
TXC2: RitualGlitchZ you can't apprantly
Gaz_L: "Press F to say "Have a good one""
morpheus7078: @RitualGlitchZ game doesn't allow u to
richard_ermen: I wonder if the game includes stuff like "Someone found a chase rare in a basic packe, now they're selling like hot cakes"?
TXC2: Call Ahab, we got a Whale!
TehAmelie: we've also heard you can do card fraud
RitualGlitchZ: Lame, they need to add crime (for you and your customers)
TXC2: is the 50 cent coin also 7 sided like in the UK ?
LordZarano: Does CAD not have a 50c?
Juliamon: yeah I assume it's for gameplay purposes but it's weird
TehAmelie: you can at least do assault with deodorant
midnightcurryjazz: Is one of your bills really that shade of purple? Only used to boring murica money
djliftinlive: @LordZarano no
Stormgod519: damn
adept_nekomancer: Maybe it's similar to the U.S. where technically a 50c coin does or at one point did exist, but nobody uses it.
korvys: @TXC2 12
MichaelSnowbird: Just tuned in. I love "Is this your Day Job."
Gekyouryuu: I think if you close the box it tells you how much is still inside it?
richard_ermen: Can you also play the card game or is it buy,sell only?
TXC2: I guess a 50c makes less sense when you have quarters, in the UK we have 20p coins
Juliamon: richard_ermen on the roadmap
MichaelSnowbird: If profits get low you can always sell coke out the back.
richard_ermen: @Juliamon Nice
h3rsh3yb4r: is it weird this just makes me wanna visit my LGS?
BITs19_: WAT
pellekuling_: If you right click instead of left click in your binder, you can pick up to 8 cards at the same time
LordZarano: Yeah UK uses 1-2-5-10-20-50
DrChillbrain: what an incredible game mechanic
ghyllnox: @richard_ermen There is an app that the art is from by the same name, Tetramon
Jethrain: @LordZarano Same for Euro coins
Juliamon: There are pennies
Lazarenth: there are pennies in american
Jethrain: in american dollars there are pennies yes
inetro: Lmao very accurate
accountmadeforants: Damn, the CAD debuff
TXC2: losing money 'cause of National pride
Greyah: That's a pricing issue then. Just price stuff so you won't get pennies.
EvilBadman: You can mitigate by not pricing things at odd numbers
accountmadeforants: I wonder if it being set to CAD also increased the distributor prices for no good reason
MichaelSnowbird: It is making me need to order fvrom Card KIngdom .Com. Thats right, I have neen indoctrinated.
inetro: Time for Rare boxes?
TXC2: !cardkingdom
Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
Gaz_L: every time we have to round to the nearest 5c, "O Canada" starts to play
dzee_szed: I love that you bought this entire table space that can only hold 10 of the rares in your folder
Juliamon: You can type in a price
ghyllnox: @MichaelSnowbird Could almost get a sponsorship this month for ITYC
Juliamon: And you didn't try?
raulghoulia: you didn't say Hey Chat
Juliamon: !listen
LRRbot: Always listen to chat, Never listen to chat.
Easilycrazyhat: That was a mistake
MrVirite: Chat did say!
josh___something: !listen
RitualGlitchZ: Crazy talk
TXC2: oh Wheeler honey
Stormgod519: Achievo!!!
Gaz_L: !chat
LRRbot: Always listen to chat, Never listen to chat.
Didero: Yeah, don't listen to us
richard_ermen: Please remember: Chat always tells the truth. Chat always lies.
MichaelSnowbird: I dont even listen to me.
Greyah: Oh please, you know chat don't know what we're talking about.
MurphEP: lmao
enbyKriss: The round button is also very good, if you want even numbers
djliftinlive: whens rent/electric due?
Marvoleath: $1k? close the business, we are reach
Gaz_L: maybe stock sleeves?
Sibwow: you invested it?
Cptasparagus: you're on track to match Donald Trump's returns on investment!
Marvoleath: rich*
accountmadeforants: !listen
LRRbot: Always listen to chat, Never listen to chat.
ghyllnox: @djliftinlive Spoilers!
Gaz_L: or can we get plushies?
accountmadeforants: I wonder if we can sell sleeves and playmats at bigger markup
Cptasparagus: You won't make real money until you hide all of your boxes in a storage unit down the street, declare bankruptcy, and then get all of your debt cancelled. Thats the real cheat code.
opening at 8am? do you have no self-respect?
h3rsh3yb4r: are the orange ones collector boosters?
RitualGlitchZ: It's so funny that you don't have your own trash can
Marvoleath: my lgs opens at noon, and only if they are in a good mood
inetro: You could move into Sleeves and Card Boxes and Dice
Lichenbeard: should we sell some sleeves so the 500$ cards don't stain with cheetos?
LordZarano: Can we do what most game stores do and replace over 50% of our stock with Funko Pops?
TehAmelie: so unrealistic you can't overfill the shelves and have cards fall on the floor if the customers breathe near them
tehfewl: go cashless
tehfewl: idk if thats a thing
inetro: Big Singles day. Prof mustve put out a new video
chanterelleton: If pennies don’t exist how are they paying amounts of cash ending not in .05 or .00 lmao
Jethrain: was gonna say i like how they are managing to pay in denominations that don't exist
ghyllnox: Notice your XP goes up when you open packs, so you could just level by cracking
TehAmelie: i heard a few years back London made a law against cashless shops
h3rsh3yb4r: what do we do with the bulk?
inetro: @chanterelleton As a CAD person, they ignore anything that isn't .00 or .05. If a coffee is 2.02 and you pay cash, its 2.00
accountmadeforants: @Jethrain You can still pay in smaller denominations through bank transfers. But yeah, normally a shop would set prices to match the .05 denomination
Marvoleath: can you just throw a air freshener in their bags as a "bonus"?
midnightcurryjazz: lolloolo
josh___something: LMAO
Jethrain: @accountmadeforants in cash, i mean
TXC2: CaptainSpam in matters of taste
BriceShatzer: Hahaha
jonnykefka subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 134 months, currently on a 134 month streak!
jonnykefka: Weird seeing wheeler play a game that moves
Thanks for subscribing, jonnykefka! (Today's storm count: 18)
accountmadeforants: @Jethrain Ohhh, right, that is very odd
Maybe a bunch of people with pennies from before they stopped making them
BlueMechanic: I swear some of these people spending 20s on single cards just need change for the bus
TehAmelie: Sweden removed all decimal currency a few years back. we just round everything to the nearest whole krona
TheMerricat: Look, the ATM only gives out $20 bills and up where I am....
Juliamon: It's right-click
TehAmelie: (1 krona is worth about 10 cents)
Jethrain: it rounds up or down to the nearest dollar
Stormgod519: it waits until youre at 3.5 to round up to 4
LordZarano: Buses here have tap to pay
josh___something: nice
SeismicLawns: Tetramon: the Gathering
morgoth_bauglyr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
morgoth_bauglyr: Hey that is MY card!
Thanks for subscribing, morgoth_bauglyr! (Today's storm count: 19)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: omg, he caught mickey...
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahaha
w1gum: Jumping over the counters
tehfewl: hows that any different?
w1gum: spraying deodorant in peoples faces
TXC2: go to the LGS, see the clerk blackflip over the customers to the checkout
TheMerricat: Sell more.
accountmadeforants: Why is the scanner not just connected to the card machine, are we allowed to charge tips?
Sibwow: cracking packs gets xp
Freezerassasin: Sell things, crack packs
morpheus7078: opening packs give xp
Fanklok: I've been friends with that employee
Didero: Seems you get XP for most anything you do, like selling or opening packs
Gotta start selling sleeves
Lazarenth: up by the window
QuixoticScrivener: when do we get to play this card game?
Stormgod519: pfft
accountmadeforants: @QuixoticScrivener Apparently when the devs get around to it
morgoth_bauglyr: nice corner
Stormgod519: put a vending machine in the corner
MichaelSnowbird: Hasnt any of these customers heard of TAP.
inetro: Thats the sleeves corner now
Cptasparagus: thats the stink corner
BriceShatzer: Cool corner bro
accountmadeforants: Lmao, just took a bite out of the shop next door
TehAmelie: apparently the game is a tie-in game
Gaelan_Maestro: good display corner
$300 for less room then my toilet
jonnykefka: in Victoria that's, what, sublettable for like 500/month?
Jethrain: ahh, the secret nook
RatherLargeToad: That’s where we’ll put the oubliette
dzee_szed: You should put a coffee bar there
midnightcurryjazz: @TehAmelie Yes, tetramon is real game
MichaelSnowbird: All shops should have a weed corner.
TXC2: the "the clerk can see us, so we're rob them blind" corner
TXC2: *can't
nan_de_mo_nai: what the fuck is a loonie
Gaelan_Maestro: you have freaking 50c pieces
accountmadeforants: Yeah, when do we need to order rolls of coins?
dzee_szed: One of our local FLGS's moved into a big gaming space with a tiny coffeeshop next door, so they also bought the coffeeshop and put a little nerd themed burger shop in there
jonnykefka: @nan_de_mo_nai Canadian dollar. has a bird on it
LordZarano: @QuixoticScrivener Right now as a mobile game. It's one of the previous games by this dev
TXC2: nan_de_mo_nai Canadian 1 dollar coin
morgoth_bauglyr: just casually order 1000 plushies
$175 plush, pog
TehAmelie: the customers always have enough cash too, so unrealistic
Gaelan_Maestro: @nan_de_mo_nai the two dollar coin is called a twoonie
M0nzaa: made from the finest ferrett wool
nan_de_mo_nai: @Gaelan_Maestro your country is not real
inetro: It goes well with our monopoly money
Gaelan_Maestro: @nan_de_mo_nai we also have healthcare
jonnykefka: As opposed to Euro coins which have different stuff on them depending where they were minted
Didero: Can customers even get to that rack?
nan_de_mo_nai: @Gaelan_Maestro see that's plausible, i do not acknowledge the so-called "twoonie"
Cptasparagus: oh he rushed plushies lol
TehAmelie: i challenge you to Pigni Kai
Stormgod519: lol
nan_de_mo_nai: jump for the rare pack or take the standard pack
accountmadeforants: The parkour is very funny
Gaelan_Maestro: @nan_de_mo_nai it has a polar bear on it!
TXC2: !plan
LRRbot: What are those???
Marvoleath: France?
Stormgod519: this new teaser for the next Skate game is pretty sick
Lazarenth: are you a chicken jumper or a beef jumper?
Invitare: I belieeeve
M0nzaa: that guys ballin
CaptainSpam: Sid Meier's Parkour Civilization
Cptasparagus: wow that dude tried to hide singles between packs to trick you
Cptasparagus: get him
Gaz_L: I have a plan, Arthur!
Stormgod519: @TXC2 !conceptofaplan
Fanklok: How funny would it be to spin this off into the next PiF but don't tell anyone it doesn't have an ending and see how many months it takes for James to notice
communist_cat_girl: Meow
nan_de_mo_nai: my favorite moment is when he finds the book that's written in parkour
Stormgod519: damn
josh___something: (I... I don't know wtf parkour civilization is)
TXC2: ^
TehAmelie: hmm do you get more XP for new cards?
Sibwow: you hit level 8 btw
Lazarenth: @josh___something parkour noob confirmed
Cptasparagus: parkour was funny in like 2008
Stormgod519: yeah
M0nzaa: its not mirrors edge?
Gekyouryuu: I saw it this past thursday. it sure was a thing I watched
Stormgod519: @TehAmelie looks like when you open cards
nan_de_mo_nai: your server is full of terminally online gay zoomers
Lichenbeard: do you get xp for opening packs?
nan_de_mo_nai: you're gonna absorb a ton of stuff
morpheus7078: @Lichenbeard yeah
nan_de_mo_nai: (i'm terminally online gay zooemrs)
Fanklok: Serge can make daily meme posts about it and not know what you're talking about
inetro: This game is too inaccurate. Wheres the piles of unsorted singles by the cash register
BlueMechanic: this is making me want to buy sealed product of some kind
accountmadeforants: Wait, did the big money cards sell?
CaptainSpam: Is there an option for what it rounds to?
josh___something: Clicking on the link and seeing 8 character pages with the tag (Deceased) next to them
Gaz_L: it won't round to .50, only whole dollars
Didero: We need more rounding options instead of just to whole integers
Stormgod519: ayyy
TheMerricat: Chat am I the only one who would definately price everything just below market price because... hey.. I still make a profit?
nan_de_mo_nai: i mean, this game appeals to one of the most unachievable fantasies (being a successful entrepreneur)
Bishster: THIS GAME is crazy addictive i'm lvl 48 already lol
Stormgod519: holy crap...
Gaelan_Maestro: @nan_de_mo_nai sad but true
Didero: @TheMerricat When Wheeler priced the booster packs at market price, they still sold like hotcakes, so why not increase the price a little
enbyKriss: I believe it follows mathematically rounding, so it rounds down if below .5 and up if above .5
MissingMatter: @nan_de_mo_nai It also has the "hiring an employee who can do the math to make change" impossible minigame.
accountmadeforants: @TheMerricat I guess it depends on whether it affects how much people buy. (In real life and in the game)
josh___something: Why is this game nice to watch
cobthegreat: As someone who works retail people only buy plushies after 8pm
47MD: did we pay rent?
benv0li0: @TheMerricat that is what I was thinking to
today i learned what parkour civilization is. lrr, my source of knowledge
You're also lvl 8 now
Cptasparagus: gotta make sure the landlords are taken care of
M0nzaa: got a very cool steel rack, that things appreciating in value
BITs19_: oh, and you charge for stay and play?
Lazarenth: playing tetramander all night smh
accountmadeforants: "What do you mean? The sign says Open, am I right???"
djliftinlive: pay billssss
thegitrogsquirrel: Do you have to spend money to make money?
accountmadeforants: Actually, question, how far can you wander down the street?
QuixoticScrivener: I would like this game to have a "snap to grid" construction feature.
raulghoulia: all LGSs i've been in have had carpeted floors
Juliamon: bills are for chumps
Did anyone else notice the lady Wheeler kicked out stood menacingly staring at him from outside the store after she left?
TXC2: accountmadeforants apparently only down the block a bit
Now you just need more money to be able to stock it
Gekyouryuu: wheeler, I think you'll enjoy this: I'm playing Balatro atm and I have the jokers that make you score every card, makes every card a face card, and turns every face card into a gold card when scored, so my entire deck makes me money
Pazy160: The shop is closed, now the real game can begin.
accountmadeforants: @TXC2 Ah, did he try and I missed it? I guess I was gone for like 10 minutes
47MD: or pay bills
Freezerassasin: The furniture will snap to other pieces QuixoticScrivener
TXC2: accountmadeforants no, this is what someone in chat said when I asked
@TXC2 When has chat *ever* been right
MrVirite: oops
Stormgod519: lol
morgoth_bauglyr: uh oh
thedepthandbreadthofseth: have you started selling the destinkifying spray yet?
Freezerassasin: Any good pulls yet chat?
FurthestChunk: would you shop somewhere the owner is aggressive bhopping at you for
Fanklok: Making money? Capitalist dog
inetro: Lmao yeah you got bills
accountmadeforants it happens about once a month
Juliamon: Freezerassasin a couple $500s
Stormgod519: @Freezerassasin hes opened 2 $500+ cards
morgoth_bauglyr: dont need lights got windows
inetro: Just gotta open more product and get more big ticket singles. ez money
Freezerassasin: Not bad. Just over 2k is my record so far
TehAmelie: i wish you could decorate the store House Flipper style. put some Hideo Kojima memes on the wall or whatnot
47MD: plushies, yes
nan_de_mo_nai: can you sell funko pops
raulghoulia: could use candle for lights. don't gotta pay bills for those
NeedlaPudge: Yes, we are in a simulation
Astramentha: no
adept_nekomancer: I mean, it says "Simulator" right in the name.
BlueMechanic: people do seem to enjoy plushies, yes
Didero: Videogames aren't real, plushies are real
morgoth_bauglyr: only retired people pay exactsies
distractfulilly: Oh God. I just started playing this. I'm so sucked in.
Cptasparagus: just fight the guy who comes to turn the power off
Not a realistic LGS, you can't go into debt
BITs19_: I wonder if the market prices of singles is affected by bannings...
Didero: When the euro was just introduced here, I was still in school, and we all got a little folder with one each of all the small coins, it was neat. I think I still have that somewhere...
Fanklok: Today is gonna be the day they're gonna throw it back to you
TehAmelie: i wonder if we can get a monopoly on Bumps in the Night
Duwani1: Wait you let stinky people in your store? Without spraying them?
Lichenbeard: just open one more 500$ card. easy.
BITs19_: bargain on the rare packs, eh...
TXC2: Didero a friend of ours has a bunch of different euros up on their wall
Freezerassasin: The automatic deodorizer is really usefull later
thedepthandbreadthofseth: the one that looks just like me weirds me out.
accountmadeforants: @Didero Ah, yup, and I also had a folder to put the different denominations of Gulden into, for collectability or some such. Fun times.
@accountmadeforants I think there's even the 1 and 2 cent Euro coins in there, those don't exist anymore. But it's somewhere in my junk closet, and I'm not gonna dig through that
Didero: @accountmadeforants Somehow being able to go "back when we used the guilder..." makes me feel very old
Marvoleath: how much do you charge for the bags?
Fanklok: That pack opening sound is very squishy
Juliamon: it's bring-your-own-bag
Didero: Since they're selling so fast, they're probably priced too low
adept_nekomancer: @Marvoleath I think they just kind of manifest them when they want to buy something.
TehAmelie: everyone brings their own bag, it seems very fashionable
Slacker1977: i saw someone in Serge's chat make the joke this was techincally eligible for "ITYC" LuL
TehAmelie: seeing as it's always that one bag
Stormgod519: DAMN!
Gaz_L: the card flicking noise is very realistic
Stormgod519: Pog!
nan_de_mo_nai: DUSKO!
l0gin4me: $$$$
skuzzo: POG
Lichenbeard: there we go!
Stormgod519: ayyy
Aceviru: Shinies
Juliamon: hey we found rent!
FurthestChunk: oh man do you think we'll be able to pay rent
47MD: that pack was 300?
Didero: Somebody should do a more thorough analysis, but it seems almost all the packs are worth more than their buying price
v0mun: poggies
Gaelan_Maestro: ive worked at a LGS for like 6 months (work placement) and i loved it, sadly it went under, BUT the owners where awesome
@Didero Yeah, they're not exactly rare (You could also order new folders in subsequent years, for each yearly variant. No idea if they still have those.)
Simriel: @didero nah some are trash
Cptasparagus: dang for $28 you could buy a lot of bacon
thedepthandbreadthofseth: nelly?
TehAmelie: but only one Pigni
accountmadeforants: @Didero Good lord yeah, it's occasionally wild to me that there are adults who have never once used a Gulden.
BITs19_: below market price??
Jethrain: could easily have charged 600 for that one
Aceviru: Oh someone picked it up
FurthestChunk: there's no way an individual cigarette is a dollar these days
Aceviru: NICE
Zaraka00: rent paid
Nugaagris: POG
accountmadeforants: That's our bills paid!
BITs19_: understood
TehAmelie: so fast
l0gin4me: probably would have sold at 575
adept_nekomancer: Yay, now we won't get shut down by the electric company!
TXC2: making bank today
Simriel: Now we can afford Ramen
47MD: don’t forget about bills
groovemancery: walter white just sold some blue crystal
skuzzo: The classic blunder of running a gamestore. Sitting on inventory that doesn't move.
Marvoleath: undercut the market, establish monopoly
Gaz_L: ahhh, i understand now, the entire game is econ
BriceShatzer: Cash floooow
h3rsh3yb4r: Dusko fans really only have one personality trait
theamc2000: when can you do 50 rates for 50 bucks?
Fanklok: Dusko THE Mind Sculptor?
TXC2: "this stuff is priced to move and until it does it's an enormous fire hazard"
DrChillbrain: better than all
accountmadeforants: Dusko is the most expensive Postmodernist deck by like a factor of 10.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: wtf is dusko?
adept_nekomancer: @Fanklok Dusko the Wallet Sculptor
Didero: @accountmadeforants Yeah, I'm still not entirely used to the fact that not all adults were alive in the 1990s...
midnightcurryjazz: Dusko, Thief of Crowns?
FurthestChunk: how do you wear a fit like that and still not shower
Pazy160: Spray the stinky people directly in the eyes, establish dominance.
Juliamon: FurthestChunk he lives in that fit
TXC2: thedepthandbreadthofseth one of the cards in this game, don't worry about it
Juliamon: never comes off
jonnykefka: This is like, half recettear half register micro
FurthestChunk: thanks i hate it
Didero: Oh, does it remember the last price you set for one of these singles? Useful
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Didero you take that back right this second!!!
TXC2: he's like Odo, that suit is in fact his skin
Aceviru: The best part of this game
josh___something: Still the best part of this game
Didero: @thedepthandbreadthofseth I can't D:
adept_nekomancer: The stank spray is labelled "Storm". Does that mean it's formulated for storm players?
Lichenbeard: you're just making the community better by giving it away
TehAmelie: get you that fresh "drenched by a rainstorm" smell
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Didero I know. I worked at a bank. I remember opening they're new student accounts SIX YEARS AGO.
accountmadeforants: Apparently the mobile game for Tetramon came out last year (as in, an actual card game you can play, not the card shop simulator). I'd assumed these designs were hyper-specific jokes.
Simriel: So I don't think the YMCA exists in the u.k
Stormgod519: uhhhhhh
CaptainSpam: Runnin' low on the hog.
Stormgod519: quote that?!?
raulghoulia: can we get a clean take of that?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: alternatively, are people under 30 actually adults?
GhostValv: we hoggin'?
Gaelan_Maestro: remember your bills
TXC2: !addquote (Wheeler) [now] I'M OUT OF HOG!
LRRbot: New quote #9110: "I'M OUT OF HOG!" —Wheeler [2024-10-06]
adept_nekomancer: Time for ham!
Didero: @Gaelan_Maestro He just paid those
FurthestChunk: @Gaelan_Maestro the bills we just paid?
Didero: I do like that it shows how many items are already on a shefl
TehAmelie: remember Roadhog? he was a fun time
Cptasparagus: "Show me that hog" wait
josh___something: nice
BertZZ: Someone has released a Pokemon mod for this, which feels risky right.
BITs19_: uhhhhhh Wheeler showing Hog on stream?
BertZZ: As the dev you probs need to shut that down if you can
FurthestChunk: imagine lining up at the counter only for the owner to leapfrog over your head in order to serve you
accountmadeforants: @Didero My brain still automatically translates "born in 2000" as "literal baby".
Simriel: People love Hog
Slacker1977: over here we have a good excuse for that at least
TXC2: Simriel the YMCA is in the UK, I know because that's where I went for playgroup
skuzzo: @LoadingReadyRun Giving you YJ flashbacks?
Cptasparagus: @BertZZ depending on the engine they might not be able to lock down mods
Simriel: @txc2 wait really? I know they have some hostels
Gaz_L: all econ and pack cracking, no silly card game
Gaelan_Maestro: @FurthestChunk i was distracted by my cats doing cute things XD
TristalMTG: but you did work there for a good time
thedepthandbreadthofseth: did you work there for a good time?
dysond: can you do anything with the bulk cards?
coachNelly: this must be what professional power washers feel like when they turned on twitch tv last year
Juliamon: it's a good repetitive practice
h3rsh3yb4r: this is like that one friday nights episode with nelson
TXC2: Simriel granted this was in the 90's, so things may have changed
Gekyouryuu: I *wish* my LGS job would let me crack packs, but I suppose we're playing the shop owner so it makes sense
Cptasparagus: yeah I lasted like 8 weeks selling PCs and I got out fuck sales
Simriel: Sales is soul destroying unless it's shit people WANT
djliftinlive: Herder
Lichenbeard: you're selling stuff that people actually want
Aceviru: ^
TheHaCoFo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months, currently on a 95 month streak!
TheHaCoFo: almost 8 years.
Thanks for subscribing, TheHaCoFo! (Today's storm count: 20)
Gaz_L: maybe try sleeves?
raulghoulia: buying product Earns xp?
MissingMatter: I'm really impressed with our local parcel service. Those guys are FAST.
theamc2000: is the only card game in this Tetramon?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Lichenbeard and that they leave happier for having bought.
MurphEP: $10 to our name
avjamethyst: working at an lgs was a fulfilling line of work, just not very lucrative
TehAmelie: rolling up the shirtsleeves and rolling out the card sleeves?
coachNelly: angel had one of these jobs too?
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Didero: Considering we also paid our bills, the tiny loss is pretty good
josh___something: Hi nelly!
avjamethyst: I did, ran fnm for years
SupaTortoiseBoy: Can't sell sleeves because we want our customers to destroy their cards and buy more
TXC2: hello coachNelly
coachNelly: bet angel’s fnm was rad
josh___something: also, hi Angel!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @avjamethyst I knew you were good people.
TXC2: hello avjamethyst
accountmadeforants: @MissingMatter Maybe the distributor is upstairs and they just throw the boxes down
avjamethyst: I had to shout very loud for the round start/end, it startled people
accountmadeforants: Though that makes the delivery fee a bit egregious
00gogo00: has the stream started yet?
TehAmelie: i just assumed the distributor was Card Kingdom
accountmadeforants: @00gogo00 Yup, it's been going on for 2 hours, just on break for a bit
LordZarano: !updog
The stream has been live for 15:39:10.
00gogo00: thanks
@00gogo00 The card shop's been open for 2 hours.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @accountmadeforants well, their passing it on from the manufacturer.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @LordZarano gdi! I was like "how did they keep the stream up for an extra 15 hours?" I forget the joke
Stormgod519: @coachNelly Hi Nelly!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: 2 hours and/or a week.
Apparently CAD was added to this game 5 days ago. I wonder what Canadians were using to pay for stuff before that
TXC2: and we're back
TehAmelie: rent is per WEEK?
Jillexie: YOu have to pay rent more than once?!?
accountmadeforants: Oh hell yeah, our landlord doesn't trust us for shit
josh___something: Still the best
Kentosaurus: need a bouncer armed with a spray can
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @coachNelly I want your expert grading at the end of week two.
TehAmelie: i was wondering if women could have the stink lines. good inclusivity!
Cptasparagus: think of the starving landlords
accountmadeforants: Either that or we're purposefully using one of those super-short contract places, like WeWork.
00gogo00: the US technically has 5 0cent coins but they're pretty uncommon
theamc2000: does Canada not have half dollars?
dysond: can you put the diodrent you are using under the counter for quick draw
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @TehAmelie yeah. it's depressingly accurate.
Marvoleath: @Cptasparagus that does sound nice
Stormgod519: a little time with me!
jonnykefka: $105.60 and he pays with exact change? Immersion ruined
Stormgod519: i should eat lunch
TXC2: "the average Canadian is baffled by the 50 cent piece used by many other nations"
Didero: @jonnykefka He could've been insecure and prepared his payment beforehand
Stormgod519: I should also take my meds
enbyKriss: I love paying absurd numbers with exact change. It makes my brain happy
Stormgod519: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
distractfulilly: I got tired of making so much change that I rounded everything either up or down to even dollars
accountmadeforants: @jonnykefka It did take him about 10 in-game minutes to get from picking up his products to walking to the register, he had time
00gogo00: I'm just confused what these weird paper and metal bits they're handing over to pay is, haven't seen those in a long time
skuzzo: Karens have to start somewhere.
inetro: Cardboard for dinner, im sure theres nutrients in Draft Chaff
accountmadeforants: Maybe it's Karynne
midnightcurryjazz: my wife's name is Karin D ;
midnightcurryjazz: How dare
Quentoxic: Did you remember to buy those chicken dino nuggets I like?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I know several adult women named Karen.
Stormgod519: why are they giving a 100 for that...?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: and one named Carin.
TehAmelie: TWO pigs? someone's starting a zoo
dysond: do market prices change?
FurthestChunk: so have we actually tried overcharging on a card payment?
TXC2: dysond yes
Stormgod519: @FurthestChunk i was wondering about that
dysond: @TXC2 cool
Fanklok: What the hell is a pencil crayon?
Gaelan_Maestro: this game seems to be really good at teaching you how to quickly give change
dysond: Sort the market
Jethrain: @FurthestChunk the game just straight-up doesn't let you
Aceviru: So when do we make bank deposits
accountmadeforants: Watching this is making me want to play Recettear again
dysond: buy out the online store
Korolan: I think you can buy rate bundles now
thedepthandbreadthofseth: James
47MD: we need to get into sleeves and deck boxes
Didero: @accountmadeforants Reading that makes me want to play Recettear...
Is there a plushie version of this game? I might be getting a bit hooked..
Korolan: You had to be... 8?
Stormgod519: brb chat
Simriel: @enbykriss We sell plushies in this store
Stormgod519: i need to eat something
josh___something: Oh no, it's available. It's joever
Didero: Is buying a 64-pack box just more convenient than a 32-pack, or is it also cheaper?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Stormgod519 glhf
00gogo00: you have to pay for a license to buy sealed products?
coachNelly: @thedepthandbreadthofseth i gotta dip but whatever happens this card store could use more simpsons diaramas
@Simriel True, I could just rush plushies
accountmadeforants: Surely you've opened a Dragon's Maze or Homelands pack before
TehAmelie: bulk is always cheaper, surely
TXC2: so long coachNelly thanks for stopping by
Dementor922: You've opened Homelands though haven't you?
Didero: With plushies and boardgames, you don't even actually have to run a card store
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @coachNelly ty. I feel I've learned so much.
skuzzo: This game is so innocent. Having no glass on the display case and the product out from behind the counter? Crazy.
ArcOfTheConclave: but but but gambling!
Gaelan_Maestro: @Dementor922 or crimson vow
distractfulilly: @skuzzo glass over the display case costs more money
Bye Nelly, good to see you
Reece42: Buying singles is just admitting that you are a coward
accountmadeforants: I do wonder how we get rid of draft chaff. We can't exactly put them on display individually. Then again, I suppose a pile of draft chaff gathering dust is adding to the realism.
00gogo00: can you actually play the invented card game?
TehAmelie: we'll get a bargain bin item eventually, apparently
TXC2: 00gogo00 not in game, but it is real
Didero: Imagine how bad somebody would have to smell in real-life for you to be able to SEE it
accountmadeforants: @00gogo00 They plan on adding that in the future. But there's also already a version of it on mobile
skuzzo: @distractfulilly Fair enough.
Fanklok: Just do what my wife does and buy the sealed box that has the card you want in it
So how long until there is a mof with every Magic expansion and real prices?
Pixelpinnen: mod*
Simriel: You did raise the price on the plushies
TehAmelie: seems like a very doable mod, just needs a lot of legwork
Pixelpinnen That would be pretty epic ngl
TXC2: hey chat is active
Gekyouryuu: probably
accountmadeforants: @Pixelpinnen Ooh, that sounds doable, but will also almost certainly get you a DMCA claim
morgoth_bauglyr: try it?
dysond: what can you do with bulk in the game?
Pazy160: That seems like something to test.
Cptasparagus: they will roll up with a guillotine
l0gin4me: One way to find out4
Lazarenth: @Pixelpinnen pokemon one exists already
djliftinlive: @dysond evntually you can sell as bulk bins
TXC2: do a science and find out
l0gin4me: out*
Blip2004: $500 Bump in the Night
skuzzo: Just pull an Ebay empty box scam.
00gogo00: so you now have a license to buy boxes of packs, but not an actual box?
Pixelpinnen: @Lazarenth Yeah I saw that one.
smertmonkey: yeah, every played card games in the dark?
Diabore: pro tip, you never have to turn the lights on, its all a scam
wish I could do that IRL, energy prices has gone sky high in the UK
enbyKriss: @Lazarenth Ohh, nice
00gogo00: that's some fast delivery
Didero: @00gogo00 You need to first buy a license (which requires a certain shop level), and only then can you buy the actual thing
accountmadeforants: Put out your binder to advertise outdoors
TXC2: smertmonkey forget foil, we need glow in the dark cards
smertmonkey: dude! hell yehh
TehAmelie: apparently this world has no stealing so we could just put the binder on a table on the sidewalk and let people browse
Lazarenth: i wonder if they will add buying cards from customers
Cptasparagus: @TXC2 at least you guys aren't decommissioning all of your nuclear energy so that should help a bit
accountmadeforants: Clearly we need Figurines so we can turn the Weed Corner into a Weeb Corner, way more profitable.
tomnar: to be fair, delivery is pretty fast
Cptasparagus yeah, to be fair we killed coal, and all it cost us was a 30% price hike
Didero: I thought these packs weren't selling that well?
Cptasparagus: @TXC2 worth1
superdude097: So, are people paying you to just sit at the tables? Even if they don't buy anything?
josh___something: to be fair, they have fuckin Tardis tech for the delivery folks
BITs19_: board game cafes in particular
TehAmelie: we're subletting tables to subsidize rent
superdude097: Interesting
That's also them buying a snickers
Dreamlettuce: Does a table come with bathroom access?
Gaelan_Maestro: table rentals at my LGS are 5 bucks for like 2 hours
accountmadeforants: Yeah, it's reasonable enough
enbyKriss: txc2 We switched everything to LEDs at home because yeah, electricity is expensive and very necessary when you have 6 hours of daylight. Thankfully all our heating is water
l0gin4me: Essentially the tables are making what you might normally make off food/drink sales
Duwani1: what is table top not seen that before
theres a board game bar around the corner from me thats the only place in the city with a table fee and they only sell pokemon cards
enbyKriss we have gas heating, that's gonna be a MAJOR problem soon enough
Didero: @Duwani1 I think it means we can also sell boardgames
inetro: Least you can do is buy some product if you use the space
Gaz_L: yeah, the chain i normally go to is kind of a board game cafe as well as store and has a policy of 'buy food/drink items every x hours you're playing'
Gaelan_Maestro: @enbyKriss our heating is gas, but every light has been replaced and we barely use 60 a month for electricity, and im running like 4 3d printers
@TXC2 Oofa doofa, understandable
Dementor922: Which is wild to me cause the LGSs here are free tables for play
TXC2: enbyKriss thanks
CaptainSpam: Not just overnight delivery, it's same-night delivery.
Didero: This does seem like a nice game to play while having a stream or something on a second monitor
distractfulilly: apparently there are mods for this game already
BITs19_: delivery is automatically Now (NOW)
is that house?
accountmadeforants: @enbyKriss LEDs are so efficient compared to incandescent, it's ridiculous. I can turn on every light in and around my house and use less than 200 watts. That's like... three or four incandescents.
@Gaelan_Maestro No, that is store
Jethrain: @distractfulilly there's a pretty extensive range of QOL mods yeah
Cptasparagus: @accountmadeforants thats my GPU on idle
@Gaelan_Maestro That's pro lv efficiency!
@distractfulilly And you can change the cards to pretty much any card game you want it looks like.
BloodnBullets: Can you get a bulk bin in this game?
TXC2: !findquote sandwich
LRRbot: Quote #6373: "I can't think of anything clever to say. Sandwich!" —Jacob [2019-09-09]
accountmadeforants: @Cptasparagus 200 watts on idle? That sounds like your GPU has a problem?
dysond: welp, just bought this game
@Cptasparagus Ngl, my partner's pc do a fair bit of our heating
00gogo00: do customers not sell you singles
Cptasparagus: @accountmadeforants Its really like 50W for a 4060 I was mostly joking
Gaelan_Maestro: @enbyKriss it helps that the house is well insulated and we only had to run the AC for a month this year, even though manitoba got HOT
@00gogo00 Might need a license for that, too
MurphEP: @BloodnBullets I know you can get a repack station and repack your bulk into bundles
josh___something: Our hogs are starting to look lonely
distractfulilly: @Jethrain oh man *opens up the Google machine to go to Nexus*
Gaelan_Maestro: @enbyKriss my 3d printers keep my work area warm when it gets cold out there
accountmadeforants: @Cptasparagus Oh jesus, that's still a lot but apparently common for those cards. Nvidia really does not give a fuck about power use anymore, I guess.
Simriel: You have an unused shelf
Gekyouryuu: all your customers need to get the message and wear vests if you're not licensed for sleeves in here
adept_nekomancer: Those pigs are a license to print money
EikoandMog: I love how every has a different layout for their store.
distractfulilly: I can
enbyKriss: @Gaelan_Maestro We had a good summer, barely hit 30 Celsius, but I'm expecting to hit the opposite again this winter at around -30. Barely anyone has AC here in Sweden, or used to, but heating is super important.
josh___something: Hog salesm'n
accountmadeforants: Ah, you want to be that one store that basically sold nothing but Funko Pops
hayhaiya: Focus on the merch, the true Pokemon way
TehAmelie: a hogmonger
shurtal: upgrade from Yawgfather to HawgFarmer
The_Color_Twelve: ha
accountmadeforants: Become a Tetramon Centre
josh___something: Double hog, hell yeah
smertmonkey: stinks
CaptainSpam: It's for Discworld, clearly.
thegitrogsquirrel: Stink stink
accountmadeforants: Just Terry Pratchett appreciation posts
RTwo28: is there multiple TCGs you can sell in this game?
Chesul: No, it's Porkography.
adept_nekomancer: Selling like hogcakes
Simriel: Is it your hog Wheeler
Gaelan_Maestro: @enbyKriss we get +40c summers and -50c winters
TehAmelie: someone's gonna have a cuddle pile
Didero: THREE plushies? That lady makes too much money
thegitrogsquirrel: Second stink
josh___something: She bought 3 hogs!
smertmonkey: another one he's playing
BlueMechanic: we sold 30-50 feral hogs
smertmonkey: stinks
TehAmelie: or maybe she has three kids
Fanklok: The Hog Father?? Is it already Hog's Watch?
TXC2: TehAmelie 3 dogs
EikoandMog: Can we make that a rule for any game show? Come in with visible stink and you get a spraydown.
Alness49: You can't buy just one hog, they'd be lonely
Gaelan_Maestro: can you imagine seeing a LGS employee running around with a can of AXE screaming "the stinks!"
Gekyouryuu: @Alness49 reminds me of a vtuber I know of who's famous for an ever expanding collection of Blahaj from Ikea
@eikoandmog I wish but imagine how much it would cost for the yugioh players
josh___something: We're getting our money's worth with those aerosol cans
LeonisCo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Thanks for subscribing, LeonisCo! (Today's storm count: 21)
enbyKriss: @accountmadeforants Yeah, my partner had to upgrade her power when she switched to a 4060 card recently, they're demanding
47MD: more plushies
EikoandMog: @Simriel Cost of doing business.
myknorman: ah. the endless cycle. I bought and am playing balatro. wonder what I'll fork over money for next
@Gaelan_Maestro And I thought our swings were intense!
tomnar: maybe people just come for the free showers
Didero: If it knows the correct amount well enough to complain about it, why doesn't it just fill it in itself
TXC2: well there we go chat, you can't over price the card payer
CaptainSpam: "Hey, I was wondering, can we buy some of that spray you-" "NO." "So... um... so all of that is so you-" "STINKS! STINKS! *fssssshhh*"
TehAmelie: maybe if we start selling sprays the stink level of the town will go down?
Korolan: Hot day out.
Didero Union mandated make work cause
BlueMechanic: must be a hot day
Juliamon: Must be the day before the weekly shower
TehAmelie: and paying with a 20?!
HiimDant: one pack to break a 20. have they no shame?
47MD: sleeves?
josh___something: I'm afraid to ask what "hog money" is
BloodnBullets: You can get behind, after they have been sprayed...
TXC2: josh___something money to buy hog plusshies
Simriel: No hogmoney is Scottish new year
Stormgod519: nice
Dementor922: But what about the sleeves?
Simriel get out
TehAmelie: ooh, Pigni's evolved form. gonna be as popular as Raichu i bet
Stormgod519: pfft
MurphEP: Playing unsleeved Tetramon like god intended
tomnar: plushie sleeves?
Stormgod519: @Simriel this is very good
Gaz_L: @MurphEP like Richard Tetramon intended
Jethrain: nah Greenwaft isn't in this expansion
Gaelan_Maestro: @enbyKriss manitoba is where russia used to send their spec ops to train, dunno if they still do. but yeah, very intense, we have nice falls and springs, but boy oh boy do you want layers in the winter
accountmadeforants: The Plushie Sleeves are just bondage suits
Dementor922: Plushie Cases
Kentosaurus: 30-50 Feral Hog plushies
@Gaelan_Maestro Intense
bojuka_pog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
Thanks for subscribing, bojuka_pog! (Today's storm count: 22)
Simriel: We are all about wheelers hog game
TehAmelie: my mom had a hog license. they just handed it to her when she got a driver's license. never touched a motorcycle in her life
accountmadeforants: @Dementor922 Simply freeze the plushies in carbonite
Jundinator: Hello Wheeler
TXC2: hello Jundinator welcome
Jundinator: How is the LRR TCG Emporium going
Juliamon: I really hope "improved UI" is on the roadmap
h3rsh3yb4r: scheduling gets awk in november, eh? what the bus is up with that
Gaelan_Maestro: @enbyKriss the weird thing is you get used to it, it prepares you for other climates
CaptainSpam: Sir, please show some respect for the merchandise and shower.
MurphEP: Come for the hog, stay for the free shower
ding0_dorko: the mental image of wheeler spraying down stinky nerds is really something
EikoandMog: I just put a 10% markup on everything.
47MD: gotta diversify
Jundinator: So thoughts on the card game
TXC2: "it's about the cone plushies"
smertmonkey: wotc needs to up there plushie game
TehAmelie: we're rolling in round pig plushies
TehAmelie: and those cone shaped ones i guess
Strebenherz: PFT.
The_Color_Twelve: Making the world a better place
Aceviru: o7
JadedCynic: For the Greater Good!
EikoandMog: Thank you for your service
CaptainSpam: Do you actually have a back room, or is that door just fake?
47MD: it’s fake
tomnar: 14$ for sitting down to play, damn
TXC2: CaptainSpam real fake door
accountmadeforants: Yeah, if you could smell her outside of your shop all the way from your register, you did the world a great service
Jethrain: @CaptainSpam i think if you buy the second store lot then it opens up into that
CaptainSpam: @47MD @TXC2 Dang.
HiimDant: this another no lights day?
ihlendrax: @captainspam : It’s for the Storage expansion, once you can afford it.
accountmadeforants: @CaptainSpam We can't place stuff in front of the door, so I assume it will eventually do something
@Gaelan_Maestro I can understand that. I strongly prefer -15C weather and snow, because I love layers. I cannot handle heat, above 25C I start doing very poorly
josh___something: I love seeing the pigs sell like hotcakes
Aceviru: YOO
Didero: This lady has a problem
josh___something: Dear lord
MurphEP: Damn.
Lichenbeard: rock and stone!
Jethrain: "thank you ma'am for your weapons grade degenerac-I mean patronage"
enbyKriss: All the plushies!
TehAmelie: someone's starting a coven
wiigamer1995: what kind of sandwich?
Gaelan_Maestro: @enbyKriss i shut down in +30ish weather, my meds dun like it
DapperKoala2: @Jethrain "Weapons-grade degeneracy" is a wonderful phrase, thank you for introducing me to it.
wiigamer1995: does this game mimck the LGS work expiremce well?
adept_nekomancer: Once again we are out of hog
47MD: we need pigs!
accountmadeforants: Oh, Wheeler, there's apparently a PSA on the Steam forums to do a manual save before closing the game, since autosave can fuck up.
Juliamon: we cannot keep the hogs stocked
Didero: Plushies and boardgames sounds fun
Jethrain: deodorant only %
benv0li0: Just bought the game based on this stream am going to attempt an all plushie run
Jundinator: Are people buying singles?
Ah, a "modern Gamestop" run
TehAmelie: you could call it a card trick shop
josh___something: our hog shelves are cold
47MD: singles only?
TehAmelie: the trick is there's no cards
EikoandMog: Just wait until the epic packs. Hooo there's some value in THOSE.
@Gaelan_Maestro Similar here. My friends have started getting used to me going around and dunking my head in streams/fountains to cool down when I visit in summer
Fanklok: Get those hogs cranking
Jundinator: Please do wheeler
smertmonkey: home stream, just hogs
Gaelan_Maestro gifted a Tier 1 sub to enbyKriss! They have given 3 Gift Subs in the channel!
Thanks for subscribing, enbyKriss! (Today's storm count: 23)
Juliamon: another victim joins the ranks
SeismicLawns: how much is this game us?
MurphEP: Perfect
TXC2: the ultimate fantasy: Retail, but fun
Larkonus: I have heard so much praise for this game. I've seen a few shop simulators do well, but somehow this one is doing super well.
Jundinator: !stormcount
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 23 (new subscribers: 2, returning subscribers: 21, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 0, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 0, new followers: 7, YouTube super chats: 0, YouTube super stickers: 0
MurphEP: @TXC2 Retail, but hog
TehAmelie: Pigni is moving like frickin Pikachus
accountmadeforants: @TXC2 Two fantasies, it's paired with "New card shop, but profitable"
bobokiddo: now that you and serge have both played this, when is LRR opening a tcg shop?
TXC2: SeismicLawns $12,99 on steam
Fanklok: Now imagine Shandalar, but you run a small store
jonnykefka: that's dangerous to know
Jundinator: Can LRR just buy out YellowJacket?
josh___something: So far, the plushie license has been worth it... the sleeves however
accountmadeforants: @Fanklok We can be the weird store every village has with the assortment of like 5 singles.
jonnykefka: now that's the realism I'm looking for. Someone buying a $2.37 card to break a $100 bill
Marvoleath: @Fanklok you are the town shopkeep that sells singles and food in the villages?
ShaneLeeAtk: What has been out high money number?
Jethrain: @Fanklok Customers randomly duel you and force you to ante your most expensive single while you're just trying to stock shelves
accountmadeforants: Has any pack been worth less than what we paid the distributor, so far?
TXC2: ShaneLeeAtk a $500 card, $1000 profit in a day
SeismicLawns: these pigs are selling so well
Stormgod519: your what now?
josh___something: you heard the man
Lichenbeard: should you get a third table to get more passive income?
accountmadeforants: Huh, opening packs seems to increase XP? Or was that just a coincidence?
TXC2: accountmadeforants a couple
TXC2: accountmadeforants almost every action in this game increases XP
Juliamon: accountmadeforants Yes, you get xp for cracking packs
Jethrain: it does give XP yes, i think the amount varies based on the value you open as well
accountmadeforants: @TXC2 That still makes buying a box and opening it way profitable. (Though I guess it includes bulk, which we can't realistically sell yet)
Jundinator: Why is there $2 coins in the register
raulghoulia: how much bulk Do you have?
Juliamon: Jundinator Canadian currency settings
accountmadeforants: @Juliamon Glad my eyes weren't mistaken
Jundinator: That and didn't Canada stop minting pennies
Juliamon: correct
TehAmelie: yep, you get more xp for cracking foils, proving that opening the right cards is a skill
streamer luck is gone after that first $500 card
accountmadeforants: Maybe Tetramon crashed after The Tetramon Company started putting out tins with cards people really want.
Juliamon: maxdamnit he got a second one tho
Jundinator: Yet register has pennies in it NOOOO my immersion
raulghoulia: Yes This Is Your Card being an only plushie store is sending me
accountmadeforants: @Jundinator Lowest denomination in the register is 5 cents
Didero: "Hi, can you buy something? I need to check my coins"
accountmadeforants: @accountmadeforants Though apparently if you switch to USD you do get pennies
maxdamnit: @Juliamon oops i missed that one
TehAmelie: ah, someone's buying sleeves too
adept_nekomancer: Gotta sleeve up that plushie
UraharaSci: is this your card? No it’s a plushie
Ilaian: a plushie and 7 packs of clears lmao
josh___something: I think she has a commander deck to sleeve
Jethrain: "how many sleeves do i need to cover this pig"
Juliamon: people coming in 30min before close smh
SupaTortoiseBoy: Probably want another table
Lichenbeard: starting a game 5min before closing....
UWDJohn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months, currently on a 69 month streak!
UWDJohn: nice
Thanks for subscribing, UWDJohn! (Today's storm count: 24)
Didero: This lady starting a whole new game 8 minutes before closing...
Strebenherz: ngl I'm laughing every time I hear wheeler yell out "STINKS!" and chase down another one
distractfulilly: walk up to them and hit q
accountmadeforants: *doesn't shower* *starts playing a game 5 minutes before closing*
Juliamon or these people coming in 10 mins before closing and starting a game
BITs19_: you ever lose so bad you put your hands into your head?
josh___something: Nooooo
Gekyouryuu: end of day, end of stream
Didero: Stream's closed
Aceviru: We're closed?!
Gekyouryuu: excellent timing
TXC2: thanks for streaming Wheeler
Gaelan_Maestro: this has been an enjoyable stream. thank you
TehAmelie: what they said
Stormgod519: GGs Wheeler
Strebenherz: Thank you for streamin' wheeler!
j_crane330: Bye
TXC2: !patreon
TXC2: !store
Riverbirdman: Thanks kindly that was rad
LoadingReadyRun: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: | Alex: | Ben Ulmer: | Cameron: | Cori and Ian: | Heather: | James: | Kathleen: | Matt Wiggins: | Nelson: | Serge: , | Wheeler:
Didero: If you play this on your homestream, would that be on this save or on a new one?
chorinas: yes I bought this game
Didero: sweet
Didero: Thanks for the stream!
accountmadeforants: Sign of a good game, hell yes
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Starstruck: Hands of Time) at Sun 04:00 PM PDT (2:55 from now).
Quentoxic: Buh bye, see you eventually
accountmadeforants: Oh I'm so hyped for Starstruck
TXC2: !events
Gaelan_Maestro Thank you for the sub! Was afk for a moment
accountmadeforants: Back to back Star-blanks
TXC2: I like that 5 to the hour start time
Gaelan_Maestro: @enbyKriss np, i enjoyed talking with you
thatguysteve2709: Thank you for the stream, appreciate it
Gaz_L: secrets!
enbyKriss: @Gaelan_Maestro Same!
JadedCynic: Thanks for having us; it's been great to be here!
jonnykefka: I been here a hot second yeah
TXC2: Nice
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
Juliamon: All my gripes with the game are really tiny ones. Like, we could use a couple more music tracks.
Didero: The game is still in early access, so hopefully that gets expanded
Aceviru: YEA
TXC2: Goodnight Everybody
Didero: G'night TXC2 !
Didero: Goodnight chat
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