SaxPython: I didn't rewatch the vod, but i tried to remember what I could. I came up with -Hammer -Watermelon -Jail Cell Skeleton
Juliamon: I imagine they'll start over in case things changed?
SaxPython: I hope so. I think it was a hoot.
Critterbot: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Starstruck: Hands of Time) at Sun 04:00 PM PDT (1s ago).
Critterbot: Dinger...
Juliamon: sergeOffByOne
Earthenone: lrrSIG
Juliamon: lrrSIG
Riandisa: xivCactuar xivCactuar xivCactuar
Juliamon: whoooo's ready to blackout on stage??
accountmadeforants: @Juliamon seabatClap
pleonasticTautology: oh dip i remember clips of this game
pleonasticTautology: hi good mβ€” afternoon
accountmadeforants: I'm just really curious how much farther they can go off the rails after where the demo ended
KeytarCat: @Juliamon Always am always do! /j
RTwo28: behold, strem
kusinohki: meows
StageMgrRob subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months, currently on a 82 month streak!
StageMgrRob: hello all
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StageMgrRob! (Today's storm count: 25)
DideRobot: LRR: Out of what seems like nowhere we get a full release! Join us for Starstruck: Hands of Time on Rhythm Cafe! (has image) |
accountmadeforants: πŸ‘€
PharaohBender27: (Looks at toot) Ohhhh, *this* game
accountmadeforants: It's finally truly here
fonkoncle: oooh this game is out!
kusinohki: random thought - programmable office chairs/furniture that remembers people's settings like some car seats do....
fonkoncle: have ian and heather played that ps2 game dog of bay!
TheMerricat raises hand!
PharaohBender27: It was . . . 2021 you played the demo?
accountmadeforants: Yeah, I also had a wishlist and it had been on there long enough that when I got the e-mail from Steam I was real confused what game it even was.
fonkoncle: I played the demo of this years ago! it's nuts when I got the email, i sent out a group chat
KeytarCat: @kusinohki Only $10,000!
kusinohki: @keytarcat can't tell if that's a joke or the thing actually exists for that amount (which seems ridiculous to me)
fonkoncle: "hi it's ubisoft we see you have completed this game, have you tried playing the story mode you have completed?"
KeytarCat: @kusinohki I was looking at an overengineered bed frame that was running 10k, I don't know about the chair
kusinohki: wasn't there more breath of the wild sales than switches at one point?
SquareDotCube: Poor Super Scope 6, only three or four games were made that used it
fonkoncle: @kusinohki yes because 1) cross platform 2) people couldn't get switches
pleonasticTautology: my mom promised me so many consoles growing up, and didn't follow through, so i stopped doing those things lmao
pleonasticTautology: mom owes me like 3 dreamcasts lmao
Red_Dead_Monkey: Push the Button JETSON
kusinohki: "you don't need a nintendo, that's what the atari is for" - my dad
KeytarCat: My family would use fancy tech boxes for $20 gift exchanges. Seemed fine because the joke was pretty immediately obvious when you unwrap a PS3 box
fonkoncle: this supports a guitar controller doesn't it
KeytarCat: Can you get a guitar controller these days?
fonkoncle: @KeytarCat yeah fortnite bought harmonix and did a reprint a few months back
pleonasticTautology: @KeytarCat 1. i think they have one? 2. i think so? there are contemporary ones iirc
KeytarCat: :O
KeytarCat: I just found the $120 PDP one
adept_nekomancer: Rhythm! In! Space!
accountmadeforants: Thirty-exty-ex
nartin9: this a horror game?
TheMerricat: @nartin9 This is a... game. :D
accountmadeforants: Tuesfae
KeytarCat: Not primarily a horror game, but it's got its share of existential terror
LordZarano: Tuesfey
Bruceski: Tuesfay is the sort of day you really want to leave the milk out,
kusinohki: auroura borealis is fake. it's really the reflection off the radial ruler connecting the two poles...
accountmadeforants: Quadrangle
adept_nekomancer: hand rhombus
accountmadeforants: Oh right, the face! Friend computer!
cheshiregleam: That is a globe
accountmadeforants: In the far future of 30XX, NomurAI designs all clothes. Belts are a symbol of affluence.
Invitare: it could be a typo. Earth was actually destroyed by The Mole?
nartin9: this could be a horror game from everything I saw so far
iris_of_ether: Oooooh
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs
nartin9: its 1:20 am here lol. Chat do I walk 6 hours to get pizza from a 24/7 machine
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: Only just seen the notification and this is the best day ever!
kusinohki: steam plant 1-11 fell into the swamp
KeytarCat: It's the second: Steam Plant 1, steam plant 12, steam plant 123, steam plant 1234, etc.
RandomTrivia: I wanted very few things from this - one was the sfx of getting clonked by the postman :D
BrowneePointz: geez between this and zelda my weekend is filled with tilt shift
KeytarCat: er, that was a joke
adept_nekomancer: Is... it dangerous? Why does it need to have warning barricades?
TheMerricat: Candy Watermelon.
PharaohBender27: Cheer300 Have to go make dinner. See you all in the VOD! lrrSHINE
BusTed: twiddling!
RandomTrivia: Remember "more having fun"? Time to HAVE FUN! FBtouchdown
pleonasticTautology: something in the trash O_O
kusinohki: I hate it when a tail of an elephant blocks my view....
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
BrowneePointz: I mean, Lando WANTED the Falcon's Computer to call him Daddy. That's CANON Ian
accountmadeforants: Oh, right, the cute art!
DaxStrife: Good, say no to AI art.
PMAvers: Discord: lives in the trash where it belongs
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
SerraBruja subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months, currently on a 13 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SerraBruja! (Today's storm count: 26)
adept_nekomancer: The pain box?
RandomTrivia: Let's goooo
RandomTrivia: WAIT FOR IT
SaxPython: Zeta, Hammer the Nails
adept_nekomancer: Oh, this is where that highlight comes from? I remember this now.
accountmadeforants: Hands and/or Time (of)
RandomTrivia: *donk*
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
adept_nekomancer: I mean, it sounds like the future didn't turn out that well... maybe a little trial and error wouldn't hurt.
Jillexie: Win wim
accountmadeforants: Earthbound Rising: Revengeance
wedge_x: animate damacy
wedge_x: no autocorrect
wedge_x: antimari damacy
RandomTrivia: benginBonk
DaxStrife: Thanks, Peter Gabriel! (I assume that was him who brought the hammer for us).
DaxStrife: That or Freddie Mercury.
RandomTrivia: lrrHORN FBtouchdown lrrHORN
pleonasticTautology: great hd remaster of a classic lrr clip
Red_Dead_Monkey: They in fact, were not able to handle it
kusinohki: if gamer = true, then...
Jigokuro: What seemed difficult
RandomTrivia: lrrAWW
adept_nekomancer: "No free birds... birds will be 3 dollars apiece."
SaxPython: you could catch a pokemon in that gras
accountmadeforants: Dawn loves saying "Sharp"
ghost_user_1984 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months, currently on a 68 month streak!
ghost_user_1984: one more to go!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ghost_user_1984! (Today's storm count: 27)
accountmadeforants: Otamatone is the only real instrument
kusinohki: I want that moon to revolve and reveal the mst3k logo....
Jigokuro: Instrument that would be in a standard orchestra, I guess.
DaxStrife: Don't let Wheeler know, he's been the one infecting other streams with that.
kusinohki: what were the 'tiger mom' instruments? only piano or violin??
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RandomTrivia: Seamless cutscene/gameplay transition there
kusinohki: I miss my electric guitar....
RandomTrivia: Looks like there might be more latency than before
adept_nekomancer: for gamers (truth status undetermined)
DaxStrife: "I'm still a gamer!" I shriek as I slowly turn into a Wiimote.
SerraBruja: I definitely picked up Elsie Lovelock's voice for Dawn xD
accountmadeforants: "We're still gamers, we're still gamers! I continue to insist as I slowly shrink and transform into a claymation corn cob"
BrowneePointz: she plays ska
BrowneePointz: 100%
KeytarCat: Wait, is Dawn sorta themed off Yvette Young?
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
KeytarCat: Don't worry, Dawn was doing the tapping
SquareDotCube: Or bumpers to triggers for the larger space.
RandomTrivia: OH YES
RandomTrivia: I remembered where this goes now :D
RandomTrivia: Jail, where an old friend waits for us...
accountmadeforants: Goes to jail with a skeleton in the cell, right
SerraBruja: My 3 month old son does that exact same stomp xD
KeytarCat: Lucy knows a milf when she sees one
Invitare: or you turn your drum kit into a tank...
accountmadeforants: Row, row, fight the power!
RandomTrivia: Hehe, instrumental
accountmadeforants: ouch!
RandomTrivia: Shades of the "BLORF" moment :D Immortalized in art by the computer
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown The thing has been done! FBtouchdown
iarethel0ser: Smash cut to bleached white skeleton.
RandomTrivia: lrrSPOOP
accountmadeforants: :D
GhostValv: :)
iris_of_ether: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
RandomTrivia: D'aww
BusTed: :D
adept_nekomancer: Mr. Bones so happy
RandomTrivia: He's just happy to have a friend in here, I guess
RandomTrivia: I forgot about Lucy having a massive crush on Dawn's mum
BrowneePointz: The guitar pocket
RandomTrivia: Ah, it's a Fleetwood Mac solo
KeytarCat: It's possible to have a good solo with one note, but...
accountmadeforants: Consider: Maybe Lucy is putting on the cool act in front of Dawn
KeytarCat: Vape taped under the mouth piece and at least one in her bra
Dog_of_Myth: BopBop BopBop
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe rtgameDance
Jillexie: KittyHype
Jigokuro: I though we had a highlight moment but he stopped too soon...
RandomTrivia: The dead stare while soloing is amazing
accountmadeforants: Right, and that's this game purchased.
RandomTrivia: Have a break, before we break stuff
isiah_jenner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, isiah_jenner! (Today's storm count: 28)
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
RandomTrivia: 15/10 best game ever made
Lysander_salamander: this has got a Katamari feel to it
RealGamerCow: smash the state!
LordZarano: Smash the state!
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
RandomTrivia: lrrCOW
Lysander_salamander: delightful
accountmadeforants: Wonderful
dzee_szed: the door leaving music sounded like the end of a Kirby level
RandomTrivia: benginCry
accountmadeforants: Thanks Mr. Bones. Goodbye Mr. Bones! See you soon, Mr. Bones!
accountmadeforants: But Hadley said they'd fix everything up!
dzee_szed: good trolling/training
Jillexie: Wow
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
accountmadeforants: Omfg
Lysander_salamander: nice
Lysander_salamander: oh no, Lucy is associating with ne'er do wells
accountmadeforants: Tehe pero
1 raiders from neosred have joined!
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
Lysander_salamander: sure
accountmadeforants: Perfect
accountmadeforants: No comments
Territan: A fun idea for a search: "Guitar cello duet." They exist, too.
Lysander_salamander: dang
LordZarano: Classical guitar is very much a whole thing
SaxPython: Is this a bluegrass showdown? What did I come back to?
QuixoticScrivener: ahh, violin puppet!
accountmadeforants: Get her addicted to Magic the Gathering.
RatherLargeToad: but it’s weird it happened thrice
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
accountmadeforants: Thanks, Edwin
Lysander_salamander: delightful
SnyperWoIf: "hair lasts forever" WHAT?
Lysander_salamander: I love this channel
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs
RealGamerCow: OwO
Lysander_salamander: has the captain always had those belts?
Juliamon: yes
Lysander_salamander: ah
accountmadeforants: It's actually being archived, which makes the trash can somehow more permanent
Lysander_salamander: Or a Rhoald Dahl character
SnyperWoIf: Dude, Katamari has gotten weird
accountmadeforants: *unscrews your house*
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
SnyperWoIf: Nothing can happen if you don't swing the bat
dzee_szed: I mean, they were doing some little busters
pleonasticTautology: πŸ‘€
pleonasticTautology: homestuck mentioned,
Lysander_salamander: aha
RealGamerCow: yeah I could see this being related to Homestuck
SnyperWoIf: :smirk:
Lysander_salamander: wasn't homestuck called that because it was synonyms for "earth bound?"
Lysander_salamander: yay
pleonasticTautology: @Lysander_salamander entirely possible? who knows the inside of hussie's mind. but also like. problem sleuth *also* started with someone being stuck in a place, so it seems like a straightforward name
dzee_szed: I wasn't expecting squibs
loufghyslaufey: weh?
Juliamon: nice
loufghyslaufey: sheesh, game
accountmadeforants: Game good good
accountmadeforants: And I mean GOOD good good
Lysander_salamander: what
accountmadeforants: Oh no, it's Twitter!
Mkcyborg: The Twitter bird has seen better days (Also hey, someone else streaming this game)
Lysander_salamander: hmm
accountmadeforants: @Mkcyborg
jubale1: did the sweet girl knock out her brother here?
Mkcyborg: Where's that gif from?
RealGamerCow: oh right, Rhythm
accountmadeforants: @Mkcyborg From a song called "But the blue bird is already dead" :p
Mkcyborg: Ah okay
jubale1: i could not play rhythmically while that bird is filling the screen like that.
gualdhar: is this game a sequel to something? I can't place it but the art style is familiar
Juliamon: gualdhar The prologue was played on stream in the past
accountmadeforants: @gualdhar There was a demo ("Prologue") that Ian and Heather played a few years ago
Lysander_salamander: do we get to play the sax later?
Lysander_salamander: nice
nevermore913: Poor birb
accountmadeforants: NotLikeThis
jubale1: ms. blackhair is a bad influence
Lysander_salamander: this game is great
SaxPython: <3 <3 <3
Jigokuro: omoLUL
Mollylele: o7
accountmadeforants: The second episode in the Star- series
loufghyslaufey: Sabbac-Quest
Juliamon: Value studies with Alex
Lysander_salamander: yay
loufghyslaufey: "a m o g u s" StinkyCheese lrrDOTS ImTyping
Lysander_salamander: is that another vhs game?
loufghyslaufey: moe sabbac-quest
Lysander_salamander: ok
iris_of_ether: tiltyhPLS
gualdhar: that joke killed me Heather
gualdhar: I'm literally dead
LordZarano: Oh no, Heather leather?
Lysander_salamander: carrying on
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs
iris_of_ether: lunarj1Fangs
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE