baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a mystery
LostThePirate: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Play it Forward (Ben "Outlaw, Scoundrel, Cutie" Ulmer is jamming Star Wars Outlaws on PiF! Game: Star Wars Outlaws) at Mon 10:00 AM PDT (1m from now).
TXC2: Hello Everybody
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Play it Forward (Ben "Outlaw, Scoundrel, Cutie" Ulmer is jamming Star Wars Outlaws on PiF! Game: Star Wars Outlaws) at Mon 10:00 AM PDT (0s ago).
Jillexie: Star Wars: Sabacc
Invitare: new tream who dis
A " Going Online" screen? That's new today.
Stormgod519: currently I wont have audio on, but I'm here!
DarkForge23 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Thanks for subscribing, DarkForge23! (Today's storm count: 35)
Stormgod519: morning chat!
TehAmelie: oh hi
inb4 the going online countdown just keeps going past 0 and the stream never actually goes live
TXC2: TheAinMAP it's what Ben does
TXC2: Hello Stormgod519 and TehAmelie welcome
Stormgod519: Hya friend!
Stormgod519: i did something stupid last night
TXC2: Stormgod519 oh?
ContingentCat: !advice
LRRbot: If a giant pile of green soft-serve asks you to join them in the void, say no.
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: Wow! What a stirring intro!
TheAinMAP: @Stormgod519 Did you turn the stream on?
Stormgod519: I went onto my moxfield and decided to make some catalogs of different lands, and so one of my lists that I worked on was every nonbasic land cycle that cant be fetched
Stormgod519: @TheAinMAP that wouldve been funny
TheDevil_Risen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheDevil_Risen! (Today's storm count: 36)
Orxolon: hello once again i came back!(not that matters,but still...)
Stormgod519: the list is organized, but it took me almost 4 hours to finish
TXC2: hello Orxolon welcome
Orxolon: hi ^^
Stormgod519: i was done at 1:30 in the morning
Didero: Yay, made it back in time. Good evening!
Stormgod519 oof
Stormgod519: aight
Stormgod519: ill listen to the TTC later
TXC2: hello Didero welcome
Meldon87: Hello everyone
Orxolon: i haven't slept in 36 hours
Stormgod519: Let's gooooooo
Orxolon: this is not right XD
Stormgod519: HI
Stormgod519: HI BEN!
SymphonySolstice: I dare you
Orxolon: hellooooo Ben!
baltimore_667083: hi ben!
Stormgod519: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Invitare: return of the tream!
TXC2: Here we GO!
measureofhope: Yeah that'd be crazy woowwwwww
baltimore_667083: i hope to god that bit gets left in
Orxolon: great start for the highlight reel huh?
What a weird and unrealistic idea, how would that even happen
baltimore_667083: morning Ben!
TXC2: Hello Ben
TheAinMAP: Hello.
Meldon87 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Meldon87! (Today's storm count: 37)
Didero: I have this week off work!
TehAmelie: hooray
iris_of_ether: Hahahaha
NightValien28: and we loved it
rynsfelda subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
Thanks for subscribing, rynsfelda! (Today's storm count: 38)
TehAmelie: hello Ben!
tyrsredritehand: Spoopifer stream.
measureofhope: ghost stream!
Gadora: It was a good time!
pn55: Hehehe
TehAmelie: finally monday
Orxolon: yeah!
Stormgod519: hi ben
Invitare: The tream lives on in each of us
TheAinMAP: Moonbase is haunted?
ContingentCat: There are a bunch of us night gremlins that just leave this tab open
Kinda sad I missed this, given I playing Arena at the time
SymphonySolstice: the europeans were happy to have a stream during the day for once
Orxolon: give us LRR!
Didero: Lesson learned: You don't even have to actually do anything to entertain us!
measureofhope: Just hung out creating a new society, the way you do
Orxolon: hahaha
wiigamer1995: who fixed it and what happend?
adept_nekomancer: Five hour secret podcast
Jillexie: Ghosts
Orxolon: tell the truth,what da f**k happened?
I want to know what cleaner service works at 2am
Gadora: We did some channel point bets on Vaseline or Barcode.
Didero: Why is the streaming computer on during the night?
anclag: it was the ghost of coffee pong
TehAmelie: i blame Gibb
ContingentCat: I blame bartleby
Orxolon: naaaahhh,come on,tell the truth
NightValien28: ghost cleaner!!
Stormgod519: Ben, I made another stupid thing on my moxfield, it kept me up for 4 hours
TXC2: it is spooktober after all
TheAinMAP: It is October.
Critterbot: It could also just have been Windows being Windows.
Orxolon: next Let's Nope!: Hunting ghosts in the Moonbase!
measureofhope: I just don't sleep
Jillexie: LRR Zeta Shift
Stormgod519: I found all the nonbasic land cycles that dont have basic types and categorized all of them onto one moxfield list...
Stormgod519: excluding fetches too
Orxolon: @measureofhope i have a problem with that,i have to sleeep
Stormgod519: lol
Stormgod519: utility for later
Stormgod519: also whatever
Stormgod519: i have ADD, I was bored
Stormgod519: ill send it to yall
measureofhope: @Orxolon skill issue bro, I'm fnine
hammith: Issa Ben!
Stormgod519: i didnt add all of them since some cycles are so bad
LostThePirate: @Stormgod519 Sometimes you just need A Project
TXC2: !patreon
TXC2: !store
Stormgod519: @LostThePirate very true
BrowneePointz: heeeey beeeeeen! in spooky boy news, on the 10th anniversary day of Alien Isolation, the Devs just announced a sequel is in the works(also you should totally make Adam play the first one)
hatboozeparty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 4 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, hatboozeparty! (Today's storm count: 39)
real wild when I know the procedure better then streamer
hammith: How's the Fuzzy Children Ben?
Didero: I'm getting increasingly closer to buying Hyperspace Props' Sabacc decks, thanks for linking that during one of these streams, BrowneePointz !
measureofhope: I dunno, was watching his stream and he kept perishing
TehAmelie: i disagree. Alien Isolation is not 10 years old
BrowneePointz: -4wis +4 Con for Mr Savidan
NightValien28: has Gus learned that your pillow is not a toilet?
hatboozeparty: AWWNNNN
baltimore_667083: kitty!
Didero: Turns out I owned Wolf Among Us on Epic, so I've played through it over the last week, thanks for motivating me to play that game, Ben!
Stormgod519: Awwww
baltimore_667083: if i fits, i sits
Stormgod519: Kitty!'
measureofhope: Awwww da bois
hammith: Gus is still super smol. Remy will get better at it when Gus gets bigger
Stormgod519: lol
NightValien28: lol
TXC2: Gus will be a cat running Dog software
adept_nekomancer: Congrats, your cat is now an honorary dog
dumbo3k: Oh, animals can often learn how to be, from other animals
ContingentCat: the roach pose lol my cat does that
jessieimproved: that's a super chill cat
hammith: Oh, that's just a kitten thing.
TehAmelie: did you know cats only grow while they sleep?
ContingentCat: yeah cats are liquid
TehAmelie: more naps = more cat
lamina5432: morning
Stormgod519: oh no...
dumbo3k: yeah, that seems like a dog thing
TXC2: hello lamina5432 welcome
iris_of_ether: *hurk*
measureofhope: If not food why food shaped?
Uzumaki15: Yeah, dogs will do that, it's gross
TehAmelie: cats and dogs living together? it's more likely than you think
ThePerrBearr: you're hiding the sand chocolates from him
TXC2: yeah, dogs will recycle if given half the chance
SupaTortoiseBoy: Our dogs eat the cat poop from the litter :'(
lamina5432: had to get litter covers then moved it to the wall so the dog can’t get into them.
hammith: Wooo! Regicide!
Uzumaki15: Oh right, adding Regicide to our list of death mark crimes
End of the planet? Maybe use slightly fewer explosives
TheAinMAP: Starting the day with a bang.
TehAmelie: down with monarchy!
Volus_dude: game of thrones at space
measureofhope: Back when I lived with my parents, we had: 1) spiders, 2) a peacock to eat the spiders, 3) a dog to eat the bird poop, 4) a cat to supervise.
hammith: Oh man, this planet chilly
TehAmelie: but what did you feed the spiders?
dumbo3k: Oh yeah, there are some absolutely beautiful random sit spots on Toshara. Just random chairs out in the middle of nowhere you can sit on
Orxolon: no Sabacc?
Didero: I mean, the Ashiga princess asked you to blow up the queen, so presumably you're also making some Ashiga happier
TheAinMAP: Their hearts, and bones, and their whole bodies really.
jedi_master_zll: I wanna get this game now, though I might wait until it comes out on Steam.
BrowneePointz: also I found out the Ashiga Clan are Melitto, a Bug Race, and those things on their heads aren’t helmets, those plates ARE their face
TXC2: Orxolon Sabacc has to be earned
azureHaights: Wordul(mer)
Uzumaki15: But what if we get all our money by playing sabacc and use that money to clear our debts
Didero: @jedi_master_zll Even on Steam you'd probably still also have to use Ubisoft's launcher
jedi_master_zll: @Didero Ba humbug
Cinominn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Cinominn! (Today's storm count: 40)
munocard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, munocard! (Today's storm count: 41)
Invitare: they're wearing hats
Invitare: but their "face" is uncovered
BrowneePointz: yep. insectoid species
measureofhope: Yeah they don't eyes.
Uzumaki15: Apparently they have no eyes and see via pheromones
Didero: They don't have eyes or a mouth
TheAinMAP: Fancy exoskeletons.
hammith: Neat!
TXC2: their faces are helmets if you think hair is a hat
BrowneePointz: they see via vibrations and smell. completely blind
prince_infidel: They got tech to help them breathe & speak Basic
Critterbot: Fashion is the real end game, after all.
dumbo3k: @Critterbot You mean the real Endgame isn't Sabaac?
measureofhope: They wear a mouth piece, but the plates are their face
TehAmelie: Star Wears
BrowneePointz: it’s kinda wild seeing such incredibly humanoid insects though, usually Star Wars bugs are a bit more anthro like Talz or Killik or Verpine
Gaz_L: have the patches helped, Ben/chat? I haven't tried the game since it rolled out
adept_nekomancer: @dumbo3k It's playing Sabaac while looking good doing it.
Volus_dude: what every player do: collect a piece of armor for a long time and never use it
ekplayscards: i'm having benception rn. ben on twitch. ben in adobe premiere? Double Benbow all the way.
BrowneePointz: it’s emilia clarke! destroy her!
Gaz_L: is this actually Emilia Clarke or just a soundalike?
dumbo3k: Ank is so precious
BrowneePointz: sound alike
jedi_master_zll: Out of curiosity I looked up what mods are out there already, looks like shaders mostly.
BrowneePointz except it's clearly a cheeper actress they've used
Angnor33: But what about our gamling game?
BrowneePointz: maaaaaan do we have to side with Qi’ra? i don’t wanna do things for Crimson Dawn Q.Q
Gaz_L: shooting is just gambling but with lasers
@BrowneePointz Only to steal their Sabacc chips
hammith: Ben, let's do story so we can do the important stuff: GAMBLING.
adept_nekomancer: Gotta go back and do these sidequests to progress the gambling main story line, got it.
BrowneePointz: ye when the Hutts are your best option? oof
0x6772: Could always just join the empire, shoot the moon.
prince_infidel: Somehow all these crime orgs aren't great
Gaz_L: what about those dastardly Rebels, looking to destablise the legitimate government?!
ah yes, the Fallout 4 problem: all the factions suck
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Spoiler: none of these are good people. Shock.
measureofhope: You gotta do your doots
Cavemanhar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Cavemanhar! (Today's storm count: 42)
northos: I'm sure it's fine
hammith: Bantha bones
TehAmelie: we've found it. the bone zone
northos: !advice
LRRbot: Do the jumpy thing right.
Gaz_L: those are the skulls for the skull throne
adept_nekomancer: Well, where would you keep your bones? You don't have a bone cave?
measureofhope: bantha graveyard
TXC2: holy shit lrrbot
prince_infidel: Bantha graveyard?
TheAinMAP: Clearly just Halloween decorations.
BrowneePointz: look either way a sith started thing will be in control at the end of the
BrowneePointz: this*
Fell out of a climber's pocket
TehAmelie: that was someone's pension fund
measureofhope: weird roll on the loot table
Gaz_L: Emperor Palpatine is just Dark Helmet, going "FOOLED YOU" to everyone who believes his promises
TheAinMAP: Turns out this was the bottom of a wishing well.
wildpeaks: it was the rock's life savings, you monster
Gaz_L: *Uncharted intensifies*
Process of elimination
munocard: hug the wall?
Stormgod519: time for a swim
adept_nekomancer: The giving rock!
Gaz_L: honestly, the Respawn Jedi games feel more Uncharted to me
0x6772: Don't fall this time.
northos: !badadvice
LRRbot: Obey.
munocard: I saw an input prompt after the jump
prince_infidel: There's a prompt Ben
Gaz_L: Kay: "Pfft, no... who would believe something awesome like telepathic powers... heh"
dear game devs, for the love of the Gods, do NOT checkpoint BEFORE a scripted dialogue
this wall needs more yellow paint
munocard: needs more yellow paint indeed
KidAmn: Hi Soupset
Angnor33: What happened to all the yellow arrows?
TheAinMAP: So upset you could drive up a wall?
TehAmelie: the yellow paint makes it climbable
KidAmn: it turns out the yellow paint is there for a reason
A_Dub888: What up fellow gamblers, how we Sabbacin’ ?
munocard: Yeah, people don't give playtesting enough credit. Yellow paint doesn't exist for no reason.
wildpeaks: @TehAmelie just like red paint makes things explody
TehAmelie: exactly!
accountmadeforants: The yellow paint is necessary because the cowards won't let us climb wherever like SotC and BotW. It's a solution to a problem of their own making.
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Turns out there's more to good level design than bland backgrounds & yellow paint.
Bruceski: That's a really strong fan
Stormgod519: if we're gambling today, does that mean we get to do a prediction?
Angnor33: Here's an interesting question to me: Is the yellow paint really necessary, or have you become addicted to it and dependent on it?
BrowneePointz: we need a card playing pianist and composer. Burt Sabaccarach
A_Dub888: @bruceski you’re really strong
Bruceski: As game fidelity increased and environments got more detail, they needed a way to show what detail you should care about.
wildpeaks: why not both
BrowneePointz: dick machines is Tears
Stormgod519: hmmmm
NightValien28: that's tears of the kingdom
Nix: somehow immune to wind
jedi_master_zll: Yeah BoTW, Assassin's Creed, games where you can climb anything.
NightValien28: breath of the wild is flying using broken gravity mechanics
lamina5432: if you give gamers a way to daw you get a dik
Didero: @northos Another way Nix is better than Kay
prince_infidel: Climbing & dick machines, just like real life
Gaz_L: it's a balancing act, tbh. if you want the environment to be obviously navigable without help, then you sacrifice verisimilitude, but then if you add the help, you also lose that so...
accountmadeforants: In BotW people still had to construct mechanical monstrosities out of physics
rXpCH subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
Thanks for subscribing, rXpCH! (Today's storm count: 43)
TheAinMAP: Nix, "Shoot faster."
Stormgod519: weeeeee
Stormgod519: lol
munocard: situational yellow paint
prince_infidel: Good fucking Jump Kay
Thanks, game!
northos: yup, definitely safe
Andromeda7747: Yellow paint cause by woke smh
Didero: Kay is now deaf
TehAmelie: where would videogame characters be without effortless athleticism
NathanLonghair: I can’t always tune in but I’m always loving me a Ben Star War ☺️
Stormgod519: that cant be it
TXC2: hello NathanLonghair welcome
NathanLonghair: thankee 😊
hammith: Reft
Stormgod519: go for the right way
You know which direction Chat is gonna suggest
measureofhope: there was a container
TXC2: (blows door open) "ROOM SERVICE!"
northos: !advice
LRRbot: Accept imitations from hot, rich people.
When in doubt, go left 15 seconds ago
Kentosaurus: Wait is James a Jack reacher fan?
BrowneePointz: oh yea btw I double checked Hyperspace Props Ben, they do have a full Kessel Sabacc set WITH shift tokens up for preorder
Stormgod519: !badadvice
LRRbot: Lubricate your Lego before beginning the process.
Gaz_L: i just re-read (well, listened to) the first Thrawn novel, and it holds up surprisingly well, even if it's not exactly high literature
Didero: Hyperspace Props also has decks for other Sabacc variants
Didero: And some good replica money of different types
Gaz_L it is compared to most of the expanded universe
northos: Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!
Invitare: I believe it's on the fourth of May
0x6772: Hits for Is This Your Card
NathanLonghair: pretty sure it lands early may
northos: I meeean...sounds like an AFK/ITYC crossover?
ph0enix__42: Is this your card special?
Bruceski: May 4th (observed)
TheKingWiggins: Revenge of the 5th!
TreeVor84: Sunday May 4th will be my 5 year wedding anniversary.
BrowneePointz: he might be more into full 4 suit regular sabacc
adept_nekomancer: @northos That probably works better than "RhythmFK"
kumatsu: convince Ian and Heather to do Star Wars Just Dance too
NathanLonghair: @treevor84 🥳
Stelth time!
wildpeaks: must have been the wind
Jillexie: Your selection of shift tokens is hidden information, so you can switch them up between games.
TehAmelie: sneak attack!
A_Dub888: !card sneak attack
LRRbot: Sneak Attack [3R] | Enchantment | {R}: You may put a creature card from your hand onto the battlefield. That creature gains haste. Sacrifice the creature at the beginning of the next end step.
@adept_nekomancer yeah we already have the rhythm cafe crossover with the slice minigame
Jillexie: Though you would then want to buy 4 sets of all shift tokens.
n_mandrag: "Sir - I think there is an intruder... I can'T see shit, but I hear someone mumbling 'STEALTH STEALTH STEALTH!!!' all around me !"
Didero: Stealth: Loud Edition
Stormgod519: the more you say stealth the less likely youll get caught
jedi_master_zll: BAM! stealth BAM! stealth
tyrsredritehand: SUPRESSINGstealth
northos: @Jillexie are there at least 12 different tokens? could do a house rule that the players draft their shift tokens from the shared pool before each game
Jillexie: @northos But then you have information on what tokens people selected.
Jillexie: But yes, it is one way to do it.
northos: @Jillexie true, I also didn't realize that wasn't the case in the normal game
Didero: Luckily, that Hyperspace Props site also has rules for every Sabacc variant, very useful
Jillexie: I think there are 16 unique shift tokens.
Didero: And what stuff you need
Gaz_L: could also just put the chips in a bag and you draw 3 at random at the start of the round
Jillexie: True
BrowneePointz: Slenade Grunchers very good for cleaning shit off fans
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: game constantly making us get rid of the interesting weapons huh
adept_nekomancer: Or go full MtG and have a shift token draft at the start of the round.
A_Dub888: You’re fresh and interesting
BrowneePointz: it helps it from feeling “solved”
TehAmelie: grenades launcher can't climb stairs huh
gamers don;t look up
wildpeaks: gamers don't look up
northos: you'd think Kay would learn how useful it would be to have an extra belt/holster to carry found weapons
Stormgod519: hmmm
Didero: And then drafting in reverse betting order?
Stormgod519: oh thats sketch
Stormgod519: LOL
northos: more spiders than expected!
Orxolon: spiders spiders!
TXC2: Spider burgers!
Stormgod519: this might be the worst for ben
terribleplan: Oh man
Jillexie: Explosive spiders.
prince_infidel: LOL
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Your reaction is exactly why.
Invitare: I can't tell if they're droids
SupaTortoiseBoy: Guess we found out that Ben hates spiders
TehAmelie: pretty funny, if there's 16 tokens and you get three, that's over 3000 possibilities. while the cards themselves only make 36 different hands
Invitare: they look like the spiders bots in Warframe
Gaz_L: space spiders
wildpeaks: one is never safe from spiders
Gaz_L: sp- oh that doesn't work
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: star wars has grievous tho
jedi_master_zll: "She's defenseless." Really?
TXC2: Gaz_L Spaiders ?
Invitare: Grievous isn't a spider, he's a crab
OmnipotentTrevor: @Gaz_L Spaders. Of course
NathanLonghair: I feel like there were spooders in KOTOR too
BrowneePointz: points to Acklay from ep 2, Ice Spiders from Mandalorian, Energy Spiders on Kessel
Volus_dude: what people at star wars universe eat at thanksgiving. do they yeet a gungan on a oven. tbh jar jar with pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce doesn't sound too bad.
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @Invitare huh I thought grievous had 8 extremities
SupaTortoiseBoy: @nathanlonghair I feel like I remember that too
Invitare: I don't think this is the whole species
Stormgod519: hmmmm
Invitare: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn Well... I mean crabs also do. But Grievous actually has 6
UltraVioletVodoo: that looks like the same model of spider that came with the 4legged spider mob from monster hunter
jedi_master_zll: @BrowneePointz Oooh, acklays, those could be mounts in SWTOR.
terribleplan: Not expecting spiders from the insect race?
NathanLonghair: fair Ben
Orxolon: she reminded me of the giyanthi
BrowneePointz: oh yea the Kashyyyk spiders
Invitare: but in a war they would side with the insects!
Gaz_L: spiders and bugs are natural enemies obvs
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @Invitare you know what, I never actually counted how many crabs got either so this has been illuminating
Stormgod519: Elementary school didnt do shit for me
SupaTortoiseBoy: Well, space spiders might be insects
Jillexie: And the Melitto aren't bugs. They have 4 limbs.
adept_nekomancer: If evolution has taught us anything, it's that droid design should eventually converge toward crabs, not spiders.
TehAmelie: ironically, spiders are bugs, they have the mouth parts that can only suck fluid
Stormgod519: are these the pinkertons?
0x6772: No wizards in that universe built around space wizards.
Angnor33: This entire series is mostly about space wizards ben.
Stormgod519: ^
tyrsredritehand: Um Ben. The star wars are full of space wizzzards.
A_Dub888: @browneepointz Sithophants
TXC2: none Jedi, left Sith
Kentosaurus: any% wizardless
NathanLonghair: and grenade wizards
Angnor33: Punch + Blast
Gaz_L: that wizard came from the... planet
BrowneePointz: None Jedi Left, Sith
Stormgod519: lol
jedi_master_zll: @Gaz_L That wizard came from the fourth moon of Endor!
TehAmelie: we have seen shockingly little that relates to any Star Wars movies, aside from stormtroopers
Gaz_L: i mean, Qi'ra is from one of the movies
Stormgod519: welp
Stormgod519: gamers dont look up
Invitare: there's other Solo references too
Jillexie: And you haven't been to Tatooine yet.
BrowneePointz: That Wizard came from the Moon…of Iego!
TheAinMAP: And Nix.
Stormgod519: well then
LordZarano: "That wizard came from... that's no moon"
TehAmelie: guess i should have watched Solo
Gaz_L: "Nah, ND is way cooler than me, girl"
Jillexie: I think Nix is the first member. Kay is the second.
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Ubisoft: "Hey, let's make a game based on the second least liked Star Wars film."
Gaz_L: @TehAmelie ehhh, you didn't miss much
Stormgod519: had a feeling
raulghoulia: She's a Scoundrel
Volus_dude: we haven't seen fromms since droid cartoon, lumpawaroo and mallatobuck were last seen at holiday special.
adept_nekomancer: They had to give Nix's sidekick some character growth.
Stormgod519: I was pretty sure Quira wasn't trustworthy
Kay learning that Regime change is bad
Stormgod519: @adept_nekomancer LOL
Angnor33: We need to befriend that owl-lizard-bird thing...
Kentosaurus: hot take: I actually liked Solo. It was dumb fun.
Angnor33: ^
A_Dub888: gasp
BrowneePointz: solo was fine until it made me mad lol
anclag: Solo was indeed fun
Stormgod519: hmmm
hmm, I wonder if a choice is gonna be made, game seems to be giving hints with this framing
Stormgod519: oh god
TehAmelie: what is it with insect species and having a single point of failure for the whole species
measureofhope: Oh no, does Kay have to ... yep
Break time?
Stormgod519: woof
Angnor33: Keep it?
Spluuga: you've unlocked the character progression, now you will see none of that for the rest of the game?
Volus_dude: long live the empire
wildpeaks: their designs remind me of Remnant
BrowneePointz: Empire bad, but Qira Evil
anclag: option C - run away!
Stormgod519: The Dawn are pretty mad at you
Mathonwy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months, currently on a 76 month streak!
Mathonwy: 76 months! That's almost a whole year!!!
Thanks for subscribing, Mathonwy! (Today's storm count: 44)
Invitare: you need more Dawn rep though
n_mandrag: Should have a "start bidding" option
Didero: "Let's play for it over a game of Sabacc"
Stormgod519: @n_mandrag lol. Make them gamble for it
TheMerricat: Look, when the Empire shows up on your doorstep.... do you have a choice about saying no?
adept_nekomancer: "Whichever one of you can beat me at sabaac can have it"
Stormgod519: welp
@TheMerricat Historical evidence says 'yes', even though it might take two decades
Stormgod519: a road unfortunately not so less traveled...
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: why wont the career criminals have a moral compass smh
Invitare: when you're a crime gang you have options
BrowneePointz: then help the ashiga
Stormgod519: question: what happens to the Ashiga if you choose Dawn? are they done?
Gaz_L: @Didero and cost you a large chunk of your soul and/or body *points to Lucien and Saw*
Invitare: oh this won't end the monarchy
BrowneePointz: eewwwwwww
Didero: Hurting the Empire is important
Invitare: The Queen is dead, long live the Queen
Stormgod519: what a surprise
Angnor33: I am shocked. Shocked I say.
BrowneePointz: the Hutts also work with the empire when it suits them
raulghoulia: that affixes real easy
Invitare: that's how the British Royal family does it too
Didero: ok byyeeee
adept_nekomancer: Sees person wearing that mask regicided, puts on mask anyway
Angnor33: So, do you get reputation bonuses for both now?
Stormgod519: Hmmm, isn't this how the British Monarchy works?
Stormgod519: it
BrowneePointz: and qira gets everything she wants with no downsides
BrowneePointz: KILL THIS WOMAN
Stormgod519: it's true, but yeah, Qi'ra was always sketch
Stormgod519: please shoot her
Gaz_L: i forget, did she take over from Maul or was she working FOR Maul?
Angnor33: Remember: Freedom required oppression of others. If you're not oppressing someone else, how do you know you're free?
BrowneePointz: lol no you weren’t. you went turbo evil fast on your own
BrowneePointz: she took over
northos: she's a wizard too!
Stormgod519: please shoot her
BrowneePointz: Maul is dead by now
Invitare: Maul founded the Dawn to take down the Empire. She doesn't really work for him
Oh no chat, I'm an hour late for the stream. How is the gambling? Also hi all
BrowneePointz: no no no, Maul founded the Dawn to be annoying to Palpatine
Stormgod519: @RocknGrohlNerd not too much gambling yet
TXC2: hello RocknGrohlNerd no gambling yet, all story so far
Stormgod519: just wiped out a bunch of people with Qi'ra
Gaz_L: oh yeah, Maul's in a hole in the Tatooine desert for a good few years at this point
Angnor33: @RocknGrohlNerd We've been doing something called 'story' instead...
Didero: @BrowneePointz And also to just get rich, right?
BrowneePointz: he had no intention of deposing Palpatine cuz he knew he couldn’t
TXC2: we've just done one (1) regicide
Gaz_L: (that's my favourite lightsaber duel in the entire franchise)
Jillexie: Such a good diel
Jillexie: Duel even
Didero: @Gaz_L It is indeed an amazing moment and one of the Rebels highlights
BrowneePointz: Crimson Dawn was founded for Maul to have his own power structure to rule, annoy Sidious, and a way to stay obfuscated and away from him
Didero: And probably also to build a network to track down Kenobi
Stormgod519: lol
Gaelan_Maestro: i hope this stream goes u on youtube, i missed a bunch
Stormgod519: oh did they...
Mathonwy: So, how much different is this from the Old Republic games? Obviously, not playing as a Jeedai.
BrowneePointz: it’s okay tho, none of this matters cuz in 35 years this planet goes explodey
Gaelan_Maestro: yaaay
Stormgod519: is it break time? Imma go get some water rq
Gaz_L: Smugglers' Creed
BrowneePointz: it’s Starsassins Creed
Stormgod519: brb
voslan: That is a Massive amount of glass for a Space Ship's Cockpit....
Jillexie: Ep 9
TXC2: episode 9
Stormgod519: Rise of Skywalker
Critterbot: Or just a Far Cry in space in 3rd person.
BrowneePointz: that was the babu frik planet Ben
Stormgod519: during the beginning chase scene
Jillexie: And yes, they blow it up just because
A_Dub888: using one of their super duper star destroyers
BrowneePointz: the one that gets glassed by the star destroyer Death Star thing
Invitare: that's a good plan tbh
nitrosarcastro: it has sand tho
you don't like sand, got it
Invitare: there's gambling everywhere
prince_infidel: All my homies hate Tatooine
Mathonwy: But, sand. We hate sand...
Jillexie: Akiva has gambling
Stormgod519: sand is coarse, rough, irritating, and gets everywhere
Invitare: in fact Akiva is probably the better pick for Sabacc. For reasons.
n_mandrag: Gambling sounds trendy... its soooo in!
Didero: One of these days we'll get something Star Wars without Jedi AND without over-used planets...
Invitare: Akiva is very pretty too
Uzumaki15: But hear me out, Tatooine. That is all XD
Stormgod519: Nebula Wurm comes out of nowhere to swallow you lol
measureofhope: We've had windy grassland mesa planet, cold bug planet, and we know there's desert planet, so what is Akiva? Forest planet? Water planet?
Mathonwy: Nebula whales.
Jillexie: A lot of contracts are in space
Invitare: @measureofhope yes to both
lamina5432: need good side stories for exploring
measureofhope I assume sewer level
BrowneePointz: @loadingreadyrun Kijimi is the section in Ep 9 with Babu Frik, Poe’s cyborg ex GF, Rey finding out her parentage and then it gets exploded by those Super Duper Final Order Destroyers
Semaph: Best moment to starts watching; speedwarp!
BrowneePointz: it’s okay everyone forgets 9
Uzumaki15: Tatooine in this game has some good quests and some good sabacc
BrowneePointz: I wish I could
Semaph: That looks nice 😊
Gaz_L: i literally forgot about Space Felicity until you mentioned her, @BrowneePointz
Jillexie: Yes
Gaz_L: almost certainly, yeah
Invitare: nah the Empire got rid of all droids
voslan: Yes
Jillexie: He for for the CIS
nitrosarcastro: he was an assassin droid i think
BrowneePointz: ye he made a comment back on Kijimi
Jillexie: *fought
TehAmelie: ND-4: "i've played No Man's Sky"
BrowneePointz: he’s a Commando
TheAinMAP: Commando droid.
Stormgod519: woah, what happened here?
dumbo3k: @nitrosarcastro Commando droid, but tomato tomahto
TheAinMAP: Fine.
Stormgod519: oh, nothing is gonna go wrong with that
Famous last word!
Mathonwy: HK-47?
Semaph: Niiiice!
Gaz_L: god i'd love a new Rogue Squadron game
Stormgod519: CYA!
QuixoticScrivener: aren't the empire pissed off by default?
TXC2: o7
Stormgod519: O7
TehAmelie: better to punch them in the fighters to establish dominance
Semaph: Just this kind of fights makes me want to get this game.
Didero: @Semaph Might want to look into STar Wars Squadrons too then, that's entirely space fights
TehAmelie: i hear TIE Fighter holds up
BrowneePointz: looking it up, after the war the Empire just absorbed the Techno Union and by extension Baktoid Combat Automata. who knows what they’re doing now
anclag: You bring peace to the galaxy because they’re all united in hating you
Gaz_L: Squadrons was a ton of fun, just sad it didn't get much traction and the campaign wasn't as substantial as i wanted
measureofhope: Now we dive right into a cloud...
Stormgod519: lol
Stormgod519: Spoken like a droid
Haven't really watched much about this game. Looks promising So the area you can travel through is quite big, and you can explore planets as well?
TXC2: everyone's broken ND
Invitare: no they said he was from Canto Bight too
Stormgod519: well, back in your, uh, how do you say, uh, past...
Semaph: @didero Thanks, will check it as well 😊
raulghoulia: Gedeek grew up with Kay on Canto Bight
Jillexie: She has not been here before
measureofhope: Robot boyfriend doesn't want you to save him
BrowneePointz: they’re from Cantonica like Kay
Stormgod519: full of scum and villainy?
Mathonwy: Nuat?
Invitare: oh there's a poster of you
StewartRWyatt: Kay is going to be *so* warm here
Semaph: How much can you tweak characters, being used to WoW and D&D?
ShaneLeeAtk: I had Pikes pick a fight with me in college.
prince_infidel: Is this an Imperial planet?
TehAmelie: wow, we should give ourselves up. get rich
voslan: Space OSHA would not approve
kumatsu: still in a dream: Pallette Standerrrrrrr
Volus_dude: not as good as sanjis wanted poster at one piece
anclag: Nix is going to hand you in and get paid
QuixoticScrivener: What was with that Moncalamari wanted poster? Looked like a goofy sketch.
northos: @anclag would be well deserved tbh
measureofhope: Oh god that outfit looks miserably damp
Didero: And very heavy when it gets wet, I assume
raulghoulia: new planet means new Sabacc Ben
Semaph: Wtf, games in games
Stormgod519: love seeing a gamer in the galaxy
Always love them
Didero: yo i heard you like games so we put a game in your game so you can game while you game
TXC2: Semaph game-ception
Semaph: @txc2 Exactly!
Semaph: One of the Final Fantasy titles has it as well, was it XVI?
Stormgod519: pog
Stormgod519: almost
Stormgod519: dang
Semaph: Imagine getting captured while playing the game in the game lol
TXC2: see the world, pay for college
malsareus: maybe you could become a twitch streamer ingame
QuixoticScrivener: Join the Empire, see a world (it will suck).
Gaz_L: so inaccurate, where's the part where she pointedly asks for his surname?
masticina: mmm, that ship needs more turrets
masticina: and turn it into a hedgehog
voslan: The Zaan Consortium will hear of this!
BrowneePointz: the thing is, the decades leading up to the Clone Wars sucked for folks beyond the core worlds due to Palpatine’s machinations. the Empire DID bring “stability” for a lot and a heavy propaganda machine drove recruitment
BrowneePointz: when you pull the bricks out from people and then are the ones who put it back, they will bend over backwards to keep those bricks in place
masticina: poeple talking about the empire like that. Reminds me of Star Wars Kinect Dance Off
Eh, we don't need to restore health, we never get hit
Gaz_L: the little bolero vest is not my jam, don't like it
Bruceski: So they were all called Thief gear, but they weren't all part of the Thief Gear set?
BrowneePointz: yea they did say this is a pyke planet
malsareus: your big hutt buddies
measureofhope: Does selling to the Pykes help rep?
Stormgod519: well
BrowneePointz: I wonder, do the CD deal in slaves too? cuz the Hutts and Pykes do
Stormgod519: another group to build rapport with
Didero: @BrowneePointz All these groups are awful, so presumably
Volus_dude: how does pykes know kay from first glance but keen eyed imperials doesn't?
Kentosaurus: poncho
Invitare: this isn't Fallen Order
raulghoulia: Ben is rebel scum
Stormgod519: hmmm
raulghoulia: salacioius crumb
salicious crumb
Invitare: Salacious Crunb
Gaz_L: Salacious Crumb
Kentosaurus: kowakian monkey lizards
Stormgod519: annoying?
Volus_dude: kowakian monkey lizards, salacious b crumb
Mathonwy: krowakian monkey lizards!
Mal2mad: Salazar Crumby
measureofhope: Are these the one critter you can't pet?
walkeroftales: lascivious morsel
walkeroftales: delectable tidbit
masticina: don't try to pet them though, they bite
Stormgod519: LOL
Stormgod519: way to dodge that question
Gaz_L: so no, you can't spell it
0x6772: Join the Empire!
DarthRagnar815: That didn't answer the question...
nitrosarcastro: seems like a good deal to me
terribleplan: Gotta hear the pitch
n_mandrag: He can spell - his superior can read. Together, they make up almost a functional human !
0x6772: You don't sound convinced, Kay.
Stormgod519: signing bonus...?
TehAmelie: the best decision, or at least the last
malsareus: ah, the general labour line
masticina: well, you have to get people to join up one way
Gaz_L: video sabaac!?
0x6772: Video Sabacc!
mowdownjoe: Gambla? I'm in!
nitrosarcastro: video sabac
Mathonwy: Sabbac?
terribleplan: video ~poker~ sabacc?
Stormgod519: hmmmmm
WiJohn: Man you kill a few hundred dudes and their friends are all pissy about giving you jobs
measureofhope: lol digital sabacc?
Mal2mad: oh nyo, more gambling?
TehAmelie: we all thought that
Gaz_L: ah video 3 card monty
0x6772: Oh, cool, video 3 card monte
TXC2: video monty
Mathonwy: 3-card monty? Lame.
Didero: The game is called 'The Wandering Sylop', according to the title screen
LostThePirate: I'm sooo bad at these lol
Gaz_L: they're going off the rails, 4 cards?!
This PiF is good practice for my Aurebesh reading skills
Gaz_L: "you merely adopted the minigame"
walkeroftales: bottom
Angnor33: Need help?
TXC2: bottom
undecided44: Bottom.
WiJohn: bottom
Angnor33: Bottom
Invitare: that last one got you
AnOddSmith: bottom
terribleplan: bottom
Critterbot: BGottom?
Mathonwy: bottom
measureofhope: that last one fucked me up
n_mandrag: right
Angnor33: !hubris
TXC2: the one time chat was right
nitrosarcastro: seems like you need more time in the miens
It's always the bottom
measureofhope: I was following until the last switch
walkeroftales: Sounds like someone's due for another shift in the Mario Party Mines
StewartRWyatt: Welcome to the highlight reel Ben
TXC2: !listen
LRRbot: Chat? Engaging in mimicry?
TehAmelie: aren't they supposed to let you think you can follow the cards until you bet big?
WiJohn: Send crossing the streams!
Gaz_L: High roller?
Stormgod519: hmmmmm
Mathonwy: Spice?
ninjapufft subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ninjapufft! (Today's storm count: 45)
lamina5432: addiction is dangerous
Gaz_L: why do the imps always go to bars in their uniforms?
Mathonwy: Tuwanga deathsticks?
Mathonwy: How dead is Surat?
Angnor33: I don't think he's actually wishing you good luck.
Mathonwy: Oh, Ok.
Gaz_L: huh, a Sullustan? wasn't expecting that
Didero: I don't like that everybody is just regularly carbon-freezing now. In Episode 5, it's supposed to be a very weird never used way to detain Solo, not something they regularly do
prince_infidel: Carbonite thing became common once word of of Han got out
Invitare: Even Jabba didn't use Han Solo as a table
Invitare: Surat is...something else
Didero: Isn't it just far easier to stunblast people?
Angnor33: NGL, there's people I'd freeze into a table...
A_Dub888: How fast did word of that spread?
Volus_dude: han became really chill dude after ep5
OmnipotentTrevor: I figure showing off Han as a trophy set a trend
draxov: I'm sure artists and crafters could get...creative with carbonite tables
StewartRWyatt: I mean if I heard about someone freezing their enemies in liquid nitrogen I still wouldn't know where to get that kind of volume
TehAmelie: bah, encasing your enemies in carbonite is so last era. lucite is where it's at
0x6772: Gambling?
QuixoticScrivener: Heads on pikes rot after a while, but carbonite is forever.
A_Dub888: @Volus_dude He wasn't doing much at that point
Invitare: ah but that one character was Jalen's pick
Invitare: and he obviously would never pick wrong
Invitare: unlike Kay who is untrustworthy
"we've plateaued on bad. dumb ideas" oh Ben honey
Stormgod519: welp, i need to get going soon.
Stormgod519: sadly
TXC2: so long Stormgod519 stay safe
Stormgod519: i got a couple minutes, but yeah
A_Dub888: Does everyone in the criminal underground ready have access to carboniting things?
Stormgod519: thanks TXC
Stormgod519: now we run
TXC2: sabacc time!
prince_infidel: "You never support me" Poor tech
Gaz_L: just fleece this Ithorian
raulghoulia: @Gaz_L Ithorians are not covered in wool
Stormgod519: time to gamble
prince_infidel: Small table
Volus_dude: careful with wedding rings, a wife might be attached on one
Didero: Is the fourth player two lychees?
Gaz_L: i love the little animations for the dealer droid
GapFiller: mmm durian
A_Dub888: "Let's go find a 1" *draws a 6*
noSmokeFire: the durians are the fourth player
Uzumaki15: Got done dirty in a sabacc game today, used the shift token to swap hands with someone who had a prime sabacc, and they played the shift token that inverts to values, I was so mad
Gaz_L: very satisfying when it distributes cards
TXC2: Uzumaki15 oof
measureofhope: It's so cute that Kay shows Nix her cards just to keep him in the loop
Gaz_L: Nix's sneaky animation is also very cute
ScrapyardGhostTrain: It's not very sneaky, though.
A_Dub888: You're a hot hand
Stormgod519: oh
Stormgod519: LOL
Stormgod519: LETS GOOOO!
A_Dub888: Never punished
Stormgod519: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Gaz_L: called shot
terribleplan: Never punished
mowdownjoe: GDI Ben
Only_Exception: all in
Aceviru: how does he do it
ThePerrBearr: lrrsack
prince_infidel: Better lucky than good
noSmokeFire: heart of the cards
tyrsredritehand: Easy game for babies.
Kentosaurus: That's babe ruth pointing out of the stadium
anclag: it’s not gambling when you can just call the card
Ben Ulmer
all the way
Stormgod519: pog
908 raiders from JimDavisMTG have joined!
TXC2: Hello Raiders
TXC2: welcome to Sabacc
TXC2: Hello JimDavisMTG welcome
JimDavisMTG: this looks awesome
prince_infidel: Hey raiders, welcome to Sabaac Simulator
Bruceski: hey, the 1 came around
endlessjake1: sabaac?
affinityfriendlyartifacts: gotta GAMBA
Kentosaurus: easy game
TehAmelie: we just assassinated a queen, but whatever, there's cards to play
EDGE: easiest damn game ever
Uzumaki15: Actually Ben that might be a reason to go back to Kijimi at some point, the Jet Kordo vault has a shift token that allows to swap hands with an opponent
Gaz_L: 2 sylops is technically double zero, so the best hand
Stormgod519: aight, now it's my time to go. Take care Ben and chat, and feel free to ping me on discord about the land list lol.
Sharkles: sylop sabacc is the best hand
GapFiller: a queen was assassinated and we were present
Anyways, time to bounce. Cya later chat
TXC2: bye Stormgod519
Sharkles: there are two sylops
Didero: You need a pair, and closer to zero is better
dumbo3k: one and a sylop is the same as 2 ones. two sylops, is effectively double 0s
measureofhope: impostor is now 6, for the record
Invitare: Syop + 1 is the same as two ones. Two Sylops is the best hand
MikeProvencher: Jim was doing his last day of non-Worlds prep. Tomorrow starts the march to Worlds in two weeks.
Gaz_L: did anyone play the Duskmourn commander event at the weekend? it was a cute riff on Betrayal
measureofhope: No, impostor is 6
ElektroTal: wait, vegas is in two weeks? i don't even have my deck ready
measureofhope: Aces are still high
TXC2: Hello ElektroTal welcome
SourcePlaysGames subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
SourcePlaysGames: Every single time I tune in to this PIF Ben's gamblin'. And you know what? I'm in.
Thanks for subscribing, SourcePlaysGames! (Today's storm count: 46)
Vegas in 2 weeks, DB in less then 5
ElektroTal: i came back from two weeks in spain and then went and took my family to the monterey bay aquarium and saw whales out in the ocean, so it's been great!
Didero: Do pears even exist in the Star Wars universe?
ElektroTal: also, i put out the episode of casual magic with you and me, and it was much loved
Gaz_L: the 2 sweetest words in Galactic Basic: De-fault!
TXC2: "ohhh, you're my wife now!!!"
ElektroTal: i'm trying to finish this blue white deck but man, it is not my normal vibe so i'm lost
MikeProvencher: Magic is just a series of 100% chances.
A_Dub888: !findquote I want your deck
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
makeshiftreaper: Wait, did spike host LRR playing something not magic? How did I get here?
MWGNZ: everyone loves 5+extra mana each turn
A_Dub888: "I want your deck to do the thing that it does" - Cameron, Neon Dynasty Preprerelease
MikeProvencher: @makeshiftreaper You took Spike Road through Jim Davis BLVD into LRR Circle
beebarino: @makeshiftreaper spike raid into jim davis, raid into lrr
drcthulu: space gambling is a kind of video card game
Didero: Kay's just so bad at this...
Gaz_L: Kay, you're so bad at this
the Raids will continue until morale improves
makeshiftreaper: Oh that makes way more sense. I was just confused because I watch LRR on occasion and didn't know how I got here
10of9: I am currently in the process of brewing an Arabella, Abandoned Doll creepy doll tribal
Desruprot: totally
MikeProvencher: "...that tracks"
ElektroTal: really stretching those charisma checks, lol
nitrosarcastro: checks out
raulghoulia: the absolute worst liar I love it
Aceviru: For F R E E
Didero: Bouncer strong but not too smart
Only_Exception: nat 20 persuasion
tyrsredritehand: That is too much awareness from a high roller.
Jillexie: It's an old code but it checks out.
drcthulu: That's a real I don't get paid enough to not take bribes
measureofhope: Kay's appalling rizz finally starting to pay off
drcthulu: attitude
Gaz_L: that's when you roll no successes but a ton of advantages in EOTE
Andymonium: yoooo
makeshiftreaper: Oh shit!
measureofhope: What??
Gaz_L: it's him!
Desruprot: oh hai
ElektroTal: he's here to take your moneyyyyyyyy
prince_infidel: My love!
tyrsredritehand: Let's go get a colt 45 malt liqour.
Andymonium: you find a good cape, you wear that shit everywhere
Didero: Ugh, can we have ONE Star Wars thing without them cramming in 'Big Names'
measureofhope: He has a closet full of capes
andvuaranaut: minimum wage security gets you minimum security i guess
raulghoulia: I was waiting for Ben to get here. So happy
beebarino: Rando Cardrissian
endlessjake1: man randomly wound up in this channel and now you got me wanting to buy this game and play it
makeshiftreaper: @Didero Like randomly shoving vader into the Jedi game?
0x6772: The Falcon?
anclag: The Falcon?,
Gaz_L: is this Billy Dee?
Didero: @makeshiftreaper For instance, yeah
Andymonium: This is the Endgame
Only_Exception: who knew gambling got you story events
prince_infidel: @Gaz_L It's not
measureofhope: You get mentored by Lando? Oh hell yes!
ElektroTal: that is definitely not billy dee williams
Kentosaurus: @Gaz_L doesn't quite sound like him
Jillexie: No, since he is currently using it with Chewie while it's owner is on ice.
ElektroTal: billy dee has a much richer and warm voice
anclag: This is the entire game now.
tyrsredritehand: If this game doesn't let you quit adventuring and be pro gambler, we riot.
Gaz_L: Lando was advertised as being the first story DLC to be fair
Kentosaurus: Billy Dee has voiced Lando in games before, but I think he's retired now
mowdownjoe: Lando was played by Donald Glover in Solo. Definitely A-list.
Only_Exception: can you change your ship?
A_Dub888: @Kentosaurus Dinger. Well he's more than earned it
Gaz_L: @mowdownjoe just makes me think about Demi Adejuyigbe's fake Gambino song for Solo
0x6772: (This can't be the Falcon, btw: Han's off flying it into Death Stars at this point.0
Didero: Wait, you got into the secret Sabacc basement and you didn't play a game there? Or could you not join the table?
raulghoulia: "Didn't we land here to get a droidsmith?" "can it, we gamblin!"
Andymonium: there's a STORY?!
Only_Exception: i like this hidden loading screens
TehAmelie: for some reason you have to do all these sidequests to unlock sabacc tables
ScrapyardGhostTrain: @0x6772 Isn't Han a wall ornament right now?
A_Dub888: @Didero Lando was all "they's chumps, I've got story for you"
Gaz_L: i think this is between Empire and Jedi, so it might be the Falcon, actually
@A_Dub888 Sure, but we've been playing plenty of chumps already, so why stop now?
0x6772: @A_Dub888 Oh, fair. But still: Falcon's not Lando's to lose.
xantos69: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:41:55.
0x6772: Oh, wait, maybe? Because he flew it while Han was frozen?
Didero: This is a bit after the Battle of Hoth
Jillexie: This is just after the end of Empire
Invitare: it's between 5 and 6
50 Bits for Ben!
GapFiller: per wikip its post Hoth
Gaz_L: Han is frozen, and Luke is minus one hand, I believe
OmnipotentTrevor: Galactic time is now measured in lifetimes of a deathstar
Gaz_L: @OmnipotentTrevor i mean, the calendar apparently reset around the first one blowing up
0x6772: You did enable the new Queen for the Ashigas, so there's that.
GapFiller: OmnipotentTrevor phun phact the old EU gave dates as BBY and ABY
GapFiller: BY as the Battle of Yavin
Gaz_L: I believe Andor stuck with that dating system?
Jillexie: Why would the Ashiga care? The new queen is the one you helped, so it shouldn't hurt
Andymonium: aw man, at this point you're never gonna get the secret date with the Crimson Dawn
TehAmelie: is it a Millennium Falcon token?
anclag: hooty table!
TXC2: ah yes, the cyclops owl
Gaz_L: god, this is so schoolyard
ScrapyardGhostTrain: @GapFiller Disney uses it, too.
Mazrae: Hello Ben how goes the gambling
TXC2: hello Mazrae welcome
A_Dub888: My guess: host is immune to shift tokens
what are house rules but making stuff up?
0x6772: Is this the table where you gained some shift tokens by winning with their house deck or something?
Andymonium: ez game
walkeroftales: you gotta know when to hold em
A_Dub888: He can't keep getting away with this
TXC2: 0x6772 something like that yes
Only_Exception: hacker
Only_Exception: easy game
ThePerrBearr: magical christmas land
xantos69: This game is for babies!
ThePerrBearr: must be nice this time of year
Jillexie: How do you get away with this?
Andymonium: be on the play, draw the best cards, don't punt?
prince_infidel: Batter lucky than good
TXC2: I hope we get a compilation of Ben's god hands in the highlights
schordash: love how Avrar looks like a soccer mom from our world
0x6772: That dude's the Lando we have at home.
Andymonium: oh nO
prince_infidel: So close
northos: are you still immune or was that just for one round of actions?
0x6772: Didn't you play protection, though?
0x6772: ohhhhh
Andymonium: he can't keep getting away with it! (he can and he will)
A_Dub888: Was there a dealing droid like this one in Solo? Because there should have been.
Jillexie: Pure Sylop is the best
LordZarano: Best hand in the game!
Land_Manatee: yup
measureofhope: sylop sabacc
Invitare: unbeatabe
Only_Exception: best hand do it
TXC2: sylop Sabacc right?
Andymonium: two Jokers no waiting
Only_Exception: hurry up and win
Uzumaki15: That's pure sabacc it's unbeatable
measureofhope: you win
Jillexie: Pure Sabacc I mean
dumbo3k: it is effectively double 0
Jillexie: The only way to beat it is to play the shift tokens that flips the order.
xantos69: Did you buy a lotto ticket today by chance?
Aceviru: He can't keep getting away with it
Charlymandias: What is this, poker for babies?
prince_infidel: Hey Ben, how do I become as lucky as you?
Didero: I wonder how truly random the card draw is here...
TehAmelie: some games would make a hand of all wild cards illegal, but. . . we're outlaws i guess
terribleplan: Won in two
Critterbot: Destroyed them, wow.
just killed a player with a high card with our royal flush
Jillexie: So Ben will just keep getting away with it
lamina5432: if you play in Vegas the laugh might give your hand away
Desruprot: did get the best hand in the game
Didero: Now can we use Lando's token in our games?
Jillexie: It would be your inventory
Invitare: it's not a usable token
Didero: boo
Jillexie: Quest Item
Uzumaki15: It's in the vault on Kijimi
Mangledpixel: boop
Only_Exception: do you make good money from the gambling?
TXC2: a plot token, not a game token I guess
TXC2: Hello Mangledpixel welcome
Mangledpixel: how goes the gamblin'?
Only_Exception: he winning alot
Uzumaki15: Not the Syndicate vault, but the Jeff Kordo vault
TXC2: Mangledpixel it goes well, Lando is in the game
LordZarano: I think the writing was assuming players wouldn't have already gone to that table and beaten it before getting the quest
Jillexie: You have to deal with the Jett Krodo vault on Toshara first
Mangledpixel: heck yeah
A_Dub888: Oh Ben, you're always hot
Uzumaki15: You have to find the holodisc on this planet, but you have to find the vault on Toshara first
terribleplan: @LordZarano then the "house rule" would be the forced deck?
0x6772: What is Kay leaning on?
ElektroTal: get a fan, Ben. Heat's no joke
Mangledpixel: she is not leaning on anything
0x6772: @Mangledpixel Jedi after all!
Spluuga: oopsiesoft
TehAmelie: ah, the Jedi force lean
Jillexie: Yup
0x6772: something something force clean
measureofhope: Are they though?
munocard: You mean Han Seoul Oh from Fast and Furious franchise?
Styxseus: Ah, the jedi mime-trick (as opposed to the mind-trick)
dumbo3k: Hando Calrolo
Mangledpixel: well, Lando did steal Han's costume for the last scene in Empire
optimalbook: Hows the game been so far! I sadly haven't been able to catch much of it
MWGNZ: you can get the game on a monthly basis via ubisofts version of gamepass
TXC2: hot take: there has never been a video game made that is worth $100
A_Dub888: But Ben, the odd of a ship surviving an asteroid field are.... gimme a minute, I need to look something up
AnOddSmith: *looks nervously at magic cards*
Therberus: Ok this space dog fight looks sick
not even star citizen?
Guybrush Threepwood said one smart thing in Secret Of Monkey Island: Never pay more than $20 for a videogame
Mangledpixel: TXC2 what about Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing for the PS2?
A_Dub888: They're not chasing you anymore
TXC2: Mangledpixel not even that classic
Mangledpixel: hehe
Didero: So they LET you win
RocknGrohlNerd: Txc2 is not wrong, as per usual
terribleplan: I've heard there are fun and games
0x6772: I hear they've got fun and games there.
Jillexie: I wonder if the game AI threw the game
munocard: Welcome to the jungle, we got gambling games.
hammith: Lando Cal-Rizz-ian
0x6772: @terribleplan lol
TehAmelie: maybe that's why you got the unbeatable hand
prince_infidel: Change othes?
prince_infidel: *clothes?
measureofhope: Bichael!
0x6772: Not enough rocks in this jungle
A_Dub888: Is this the planet when Finn uses the lightsaber?
TXC2: your friend and mine: Bichael
Jillexie: Nix treasure hunt!
0x6772: Nix does love unlocking a vista.
Jillexie: It is not useless because Nix is a very good boy.
TXC2: it's not about the loot, it's about spending time with Nix !
anclag: Nix is leading you to jungle sabaac
measureofhope: Nix is the main character
noSmokeFire: wait, how exactly does Nix tell us people's hands in Sabaac
munocard: loading screen
terribleplan: "He just liked the shape of it"
0x6772: Nix is the main character, so really all that other crap you've been doing is side quests.
Spluuga: as per usual in the open world games.. it's a audio log and a mug most likely..
Didero: Last time we found a postcard at the end
TehAmelie: hmm would Barkangel Bichael be a good name for a dog?
Mazrae: It's not hiding grass just large pollen plants
if only they'd checked this game for bugs
ShaneLeeAtk: Why do they have to be large?
hammith: Actually, it's the medium space ticks you need to watch for
NightValien28: if there isn't a brush nix minigame after this the game has failed
munocard: lmao
hatboozeparty: pog
Juliamon: New Collectible: Old Money
noSmokeFire: Nix, why did you bury 20 bucks on this planet
Mangledpixel: !yay
LRRbot: Yaaaaaaaay...
terribleplan: "He liked the metal"
munocard: you found a three dollar bill
Spluuga: not quite a mug but close enough
Didero: Let Nix enjoy his treasure
Kentosaurus: "worthless but nix likes it"
anclag: You can use it to bond with your grandparents!
Didero: @Kentosaurus So it's not worthless
no Ben thats the OTHER Harrison Ford franchise
Kentosaurus: I stand corrected
Juliamon: !clips
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
0x6772: Bye bye, Bichael!
Jillexie: Going to where you were
optimalbook: He just wants to know you'll put the effort in
measureofhope: Bichael tries
TXC2: Bichael goes to where you were when you called them
NightValien28: wow that was fast
They were standing next to the road, where you were driving
QuixoticScrivener: A-Train said that in episode 1 of the boys
TXC2: they were jaywalking!
TehAmelie: we're still doing better than Far Cry's autodrive
lamina5432: was driving included in what you gave up for the gamble skill
Didero: Should've called Bichael 'Paul' 'cause he saunders
A_Dub888: Bicheal gonna do what Bicheal gonna do
prince_infidel: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Bichael just wants a hug
terribleplan: Not liking the sound of all that blaster fire...
Invitare: Lando is a rebel...
Jillexie: I mean. You know who Lando is working with at this time
Lando working for the rebels
Desruprot: to be fair they were in the way
Didero: Sweet, A-Wings
prince_infidel: A wings!
ShaneLeeAtk: Lore inaccurate. These stormtroopers are hitting things.
Jillexie: A-Wings are the best
TXC2: wow we threw that Grenade real far
terribleplan: Can you get that minigun blaster the one had?
ShaneLeeAtk: Spicy lemons you have there
Mazrae: The real secret is I think that they were aiming past you so they missed their target and hit you instead
these rebels REALLY need to learn about concealment and cover
Ben swears he'll get good at games some day.
noSmokeFire: "captain, the rebels appear to be having an illegal fireworks display in the area"
TXC2: it's fine to miss with a grenade, as long as it makes the enemy reposition
noSmokeFire: "no casualities, but they're violating the local fire code"
Didero: Lando is far too conniving to get into a blaster fight
Desruprot: Lando not here right now
Didero: If you were going to leave anyway, why make a stand here first?
Desruprot: nvm
TXC2: blastin' outlastin'
A_Dub888: @TXC2 You'd think they'd know being a resistance and all
Spluuga: resting sabbac face..
TXC2: A_Dub888 right?
northos: "poker face? I 'ardly know 'er!"
QuixoticScrivener: Can you burn the rebels and side with the empire?
Desruprot: oh even the odds
Jillexie: And you can go back to his table to play
Desruprot: never tell Han the odds
evening the odds would be actively bad for Kay
noSmokeFire: Kay has mastered the art of making hexagons glow different colors
Kentosaurus: Is the trick drawing cards?
Desruprot: ?
dumbo3k: I think she's palming an extra card ?
Jillexie: You can double draw.
optimalbook: obviously you just slowly wave your hand over the cards and makes the screen change color..which clearly...
MWGNZ: learned to slowly wave our hand around
ThePerrBearr: you get the Heart of the Cards!
anclag: you can now draw cards in bullet time
northos: hey Ben, did you know NEW ABILITY UNLOCKED
did you get all that?
Jillexie: And you can double draw on the discard piles too
Desruprot: you have not needed to get two cards
Desruprot: Peppy Hare would be proud
A_Dub888: that's a neat trick to learn
measureofhope: Heh, bonus to shooting first
Jillexie: Go play Lando!
A_Dub888: Is that how they get the shuttle they use in Return of the Jedi?
anclag: rebel paint scheme ?
measureofhope: Can you actually join up with the Empire to get into the base? Is that why they're recruiting on this planet?
Jillexie: You can use the plasma burst in its place
dumbo3k: pretty sure any of the power shots work
Didero: You'd think the rebels brought a workbench
Didero: Are th red barrels explosive?
Jillexie: There is a wall to shoot iirc
TXC2: the green stuff?
Jillexie: If you select the quest it might narrow it down.
walkeroftales: Is it the thing holding up the ceiling?
Didero: If the green is climbable, it might be the rock above it?
A_Dub888: Maybe the wall next to the green stuff?
noSmokeFire: is it giving us the prompt through the wall?
Jillexie: Must be another wall then.
terribleplan: the bricks to the right of the green?
Simply shoot everything to make sure
terribleplan: Bug? In a Ubisoft game?
mowdownjoe: Sometimes, the Zelda-ism of "cracked wall" just reads better than color-coating.
A_Dub888: Grenade?
Orxolon: *voice of a kid*Ben,but the Sabaaaaccc.....
terribleplan: RIP
Invitare: you're from a city world that has no water
Didero: sure why not
QuixoticScrivener: Wasted
Didero: Didn't even reach the water
Orxolon: "We have Sabacc at home" XD
tyrsredritehand: Tree!
Desruprot: I swear that tree jumped in front
It's a poor workman that blames their tools
tyrsredritehand: !addtreecount
prince_infidel: That was not Bikael's fault
ElektroTal: "we need to pick up the pace" "Runs directly into wall"
mowdownjoe: Yes, it's the bike's fault.
TXC2: I've seen Harley's turn better then this
ElektroTal: i've seen stone walls turn better than this
Spluuga: the only red tree you haven't collided to yet..
Desruprot: do planets have speed limits?
Orxolon: fool me 3ce shame on you again for taking advantage of someone that cannot be at your level XD
northos: oh that's cute, they have a system for Kay's scripted dialogue to get interrupted and then resume
Desruprot: Bandits, there are always more
Didero: Kay, you can't just go "all droids are the same"
Didero: Or her thinking abilities...
noSmokeFire: droid racism is real
Kentosaurus: #notalldroids
Didero: Not only is it offensive, it's also so incredibly obviously wrong
TXC2: "but some of my best friends are driods"
prince_infidel: How long is a cycle?
Invitare: a year
hammith: I also like rain... but not a week straight of it.
thanks to climate change we now get a weeks rain in an hour
(also )
Didero: @TXC2 Efficient!
0x6772: But, hear me out now, maybe some storm troopers are playing Sabacc?
LostThePirate: PNW peeps and our love of rain, lol
Mazrae: Well there could be, a back room full of storm troopers gambling
hammith: Sabacc chip "I have a blaster, lose this hand or I shoot you"
Didero: Imagine having been on patrol for 4 hours, and THEN your officer says "Watch for suspicous activity"...
Mangledpixel: and noooooo slacking!
Garfy400: As a Brit I am legally obliged to complain about rain
TXC2: Didero "that's...why I'm here"
noSmokeFire: "probably the wind"
TXC2: Garfy400 exactly
Gaelan_Maestro: man stormtrooper armor SUCKS
A_Dub888: @Gaelan_Maestro I'll say
Didero: Stormtrooper armor is mainly designed to look intimidating, I think, and be cheap to produce
0x6772: Trooper TK-nityboop is asleep on the job again, they've seen it before.
TXC2: cosplayer stormtrooper armour might be better then the "real" thing
Gaelan_Maestro: in cannon its cost effective and makes the troopers THINK they are protected
A_Dub888: @TXC2 I guess they should've taken noes from the 501st
prince_infidel: You're on FIRE today
TXC2: A_Dub888 indeed
Mangledpixel: it's also supposed to represent how the Empire prioritises the appearance of its armor (as a means of terror) over the safety of its troopers
QuixoticScrivener: what is this Scooby Doo, everyone is unconscious after a single punch?
Plenty of room for a Sabacc game
Kentosaurus: Orb is on desk for pondering
0x6772: It's the orb-pondering station.
Kentosaurus: ^
A_Dub888: Look Imperial Officers deal with A LOT of paperwork
TXC2: our Ben is learning
walkeroftales: pretty sus, Kay Vess.
Didero: These vents could easily just be half as high and still function fine, no?
walkeroftales: Ben are you the imposter? You're using the vents...
A_Dub888: Barbariben
QuixoticScrivener: Sad mage noises.
TXC2: the Barbarian rogue is a legit build
MWGNZ: anyone else run bowbarian in d2?
Didero: tree
walkeroftales: you're about to enter a combat testing bit
Spluuga: for training?
Desruprot: Turret go brrrr
QuixoticScrivener: Listen, I just want Enchanters to be effective in DND (without being evil).
prince_infidel: This a training area?
Invitare: you have something for that turret
Invitare: Wrong button!
prince_infidel: As always the answer is Nix solve this
Invitare: Why do we even have that button?
Didero: Why is that an elevator and not just a staircase?
walkeroftales: somebody clip that
MWGNZ: @Didero accessability
Jillexie: Better accessibility of course
Ben please
A_Dub888: But then how's Nix going to cross?
sun was in your eyes
alexsteacy: honses
TXC2: Hello Alex
our parkour skills are as good as our persuasion
Didero: It's just bad at tracking
Mazrae: That could be a good sabacc table
Orxolon: woa deep
calling the clone wars old at this point is like calling the invasion of Iraq old
A_Dub888: inb4 we have to fight those droids later
Gaelan_Maestro: i like the original idea for sabacc, it was similar to poker only with a tarot deck
noSmokeFire: how many times have we had to do the old laundry rescue?
noSmokeFire: "but it's weird that it happened twice"
0x6772: Rule of 3s, though.
Wolfstrike_NL: Why's C3PO in a latex body suit?
0x6772: "So let me just hop on my sled here, and you can clear the way for me…"
Invitare: exactly how I would react tbh
Invitare: I get Gedeek
QuixoticScrivener: Who gives a protocol droid a gun?
TXC2: C3PO is not the only protocol droid
Desruprot: Lovable, but will also shoot you
schordash: i like gedeek a lot! n v n
Didero: "I've unlocked my rear access hatch WINK"
A_Dub888: !card loot key to everything
LRRbot: Loot, the Key to Everything [GUR] | Legendary Creature — Beast Noble [1/2] | Ward {1} / At the beginning of your upkeep, exile the top X cards of your library, where X is the number of card types among other nonland permanents you control. You may play those cards this turn.
Desruprot: I see smoke bombs are just as effective as they were on OG ACs
Desruprot: its the way up at least
Jillexie: You can eventually get an ability such that Nix can detonate grenades that people are carrying.
Jillexie: Turn him into a little murder hobo
Orxolon: hadouken one more time!
Jillexie: It is my favourite Nix ability
A_Dub888: Dang that barrel exploded and only the stormtrooper died. Nix's made of sterner stuff
munocard: Jaylen Spice is my favorite Spice Girl
Jobot180 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Jobot180! (Today's storm count: 47)
And with 10 minutes to spare for any kind of game, of a card variety
Desruprot: ooooooooh
Jillexie: Lando Sabacc?
prince_infidel: Drive overwater?
mowdownjoe: Bichael is going to learn Surf?
Jillexie: Go back to Lando's table
Jillexie: No here
TXC2: mowdownjoe but bichael is clearly a ground type
terribleplan: Downstairs
Jillexie: It was downstairs in a different location.
noSmokeFire: @TXC2 that's never stopped rhydon
TXC2: noSmokeFire yes, but nothing stop rhydon
terribleplan: Yeah, I think it was a fake out on the table
Jillexie: Just south of the quick travel point west of the Hutts.
schordash: it was a purply downstairs where we first met him
terribleplan: It was in the promenade
A_Dub888: Wait a second, something just hit me, that shuttle that had the stormtroopers the rebels were fighting; is that going to be the shuttle they use to get to Endor?
terribleplan: I thought
Didero: @A_Dub888 Shuttles of that type are anything but rare, so not necessarily
Jillexie: Not sure why it is not on the map
maefly2: my thinky thing usual good?
terribleplan: You did the 3 player one in that bar
RocknGrohlNerd: Babytable for babies? easy just cantina-stomp them (similar to pub stomping but in space)
Desruprot: can blame the rebels for bringing us to a different location
Jillexie: Nope
hammith: Oh good, my Card Kingdom order is almost here! 40 cards to fill out a bunch of commanders decks... and one triome to get free shipping.
Didero: That Trandoshian bouncer just... left
Jillexie: Huh
TXC2: poo butts
Jillexie: Maybe it doesn't unlock til later. Sorry
A_Dub888: LANDOOOO *shakes fist*
Jobot180: I think you have to finish the Lando questline for it to open.
Desruprot: Lando *said like Kirk yells Khan*
So we can all mentally reset for Horse Time
Invitare: @Jobot180 I believe you're thinking of the end to the High Roller quest, which would be after also doing Tatooine
Didero: Minor bit of regicide
TXC2: thanks for streaming Ben
TXC2: !patreon
TXC2: !store
thanks for streamgin Ben
hammith: Thanks for the Stream Ben! Pet the pets for us!
lamina5432: gday
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PDT (10m from now).
TXC2: !events
Jobot180: @Invitare You're right, I was thinking High Roller.
Juliamon: Values with Alex
TXC2: Something with Alex it seems
Mazrae: But what will happens when you call the bike and it stops over water
noSmokeFire: dice fronds!
TXC2: 3 part I heard
noSmokeFire: hmm. assingment: rewrite the DK rap to be DM Rapp
QuixoticScrivener: watch both!
Didero: I finished playing Wolf Among Us this weekend. Is good game
GapFiller: guessing thats also why ChillPoint is on Saturday
TXC2: Secret filming
QuixoticScrivener: Ask Dale!
v_nome: Tell Dale!
A_Dub888: !quote dale
LRRbot: Quote #5289: "There's a 1/100 chance that the bag sets to "dogs" for a little while." —Dale [2018-08-27]
GapFiller: !dale
LostThePirate: Oh neat!
baltimore_667083: dale!
TXC2: Dice friends AND Dale? bumper week this one
GapFiller: eyyy Leather Daddying
DoomBringerIL: no edh paper fight club?! @LoadingReadyRun
GapFiller: none stream w/ left beef
Invitare: maybe a tream????
LordZarano: How much is a year's supply?
Invitare: who are you marrying?
GapFiller: same wedding James is going to presumably
Didero: Ok screw it, I'm gonna order this Sabacc deck, even though shipping's expensive
lamina5432: oh same also have a wedding this weekend
A_Dub888: You're cute
GapFiller: hes not homestreeaming Monday due to a wedding
mowdownjoe: Wheeler's been playing TCG Shop Simulator on his home stream. I think he likes it./
DoomBringerIL: what happened to paper fights?
lamina5432: wrong coast presumably
QuixoticScrivener: I need to watch that VOD.
Wolfstrike_NL: Ghosts stream!, Ghosts stream!, Ghosts stream!
Didero: I tried the free TCG Sim 'prologue' (a demo). I can see the appeal, but I don't think it's for me. I do like watching Wheeler enjoy it though
Mazrae: What happened at 2 am that could of caused a ghost stream and how long did it last
thanks for the stream!
Always vaguely stressful whether Ben is gonna get to all the names before they disappear
TXC2: Mazrae we suspect it was the cleaner, and the stream was 4 hours long
thatguysteve2709: Thank you for the stream appreciate it live to gamble another day
KeytarCat: Ope hello!
Didero: Thanks for the stream, Ben!
mowdownjoe: @Mazrae The cleaning crew for the building bumped a button on the stream deck or something and went online.
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
lamina5432: definitely not the puppets that did it
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
Aceviru: o/
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Hellshake Mnanker
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PDT (0s from now).
something something loved aggressively!!!
@jacqui_lantern234 Yes, you are
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
@Didero provably false
jacqui_lantern234: HORSE CLUB
Juliamon: HORSE CLUB
TXC2: tunes!
Didero: @jacqui_lantern234 I request to see this proof, for I do not believe it exists
corianderd: 1 more minute
TXC2: so that happened
Didero: That was good tune
Hi friends!
TXC2: hello RandomTrivia welcome
jacqui_lantern234: its a good song, bront
TheDangerWaffle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months, currently on a 18 month streak!
TheDangerWaffle: honse
Thanks for subscribing, TheDangerWaffle! (Today's storm count: 48)
TXC2: here we GO!
TXC2: Hello Cori and Alex
Aceviru: o/
TXC2: !patreon
TXC2: !store
i thought its when you study how valuable your friends are to you
Didero: You can see the horse is unleaded because it doesn't have a bridle
baltimore_667083: unleaded
TXC2: !ytmember
LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR:
wait horse club is a LIVE SHOW?!?!?!?!
DigitalSeahorse: gasp
baltimore_667083: -gasps audibly-
Didero: You don't need to draw horses if you have a stamp of 'em
DigitalSeahorse: a wax stamp!
TXC2: horse stamp?
RealGamerCow: can't stamp horses club
DigitalSeahorse: neat
TheAinMAP: Can Stamp Horses Club
LostThePirate: Now you don't have to draw a horse!
Drasvin: Can't draw horses, so stamp them.
jacqui_lantern234: i have a wax stamp sealer, i dont need the horse seal
TXC2: time for the ALWAYS informative CDHC slideshow
LordZarano: Good old HSV
RandomTrivia: I went to grab tea, are we HSV-ing it up in here?
spectrum?! i hardly know him!!!
DigitalSeahorse: heheheh
RandomTrivia: Well that is sick
jacqui_lantern234: well THATS awesome
now it's all dark and brooding
TXC2: light on dark, dark on light
loufghyslaufey: What's with them hating each other? In the art piece?
loufghyslaufey: I'd like to know that mongoose's story...
RandomTrivia: You don't need to hide your shame from us, we won't judge
my naughty desktop is having the activate windows logo
ANeMzero: Playdate is 1bit, Gameboy was two whole bits
"naughty desktop" is the reason i dont do screen shares on horse club
jacqui_lantern234: (this was a lie)
DigitalSeahorse: woooo
Juliamon: Ooh I used this wallpaper for awhile
iris_of_ether: Pedantic Iris says Gameboy was beautiful 4 bit... But yeah old timey LCD was 1 bit for sure
@iris_of_ether NERD!!!
iris_of_ether: Ooooh
ANeMzero: @iris_of_ether 4 colors, which was 2 bits (0,1,2,3). 4 bit would get you 16 possible colours.
DigitalSeahorse: you can give them a mustache
DigitalSeahorse: lol
iris_of_ether: @anemzero you are correct. I was parroting incorrect sources haha
DigitalSeahorse: xD
how many of those faces are from JoJo?
iris_of_ether: Instant "um actually" karma, deserved
iris_of_ether: I appreciate that we're following up VOID with Light
RandomTrivia: Amazing
Reset scrolling